AvUXd5BMRy0-00000-00000130-00000705 MAY 28TH MARKS 35 YEARS SINCE THE FIRST WOMEN GRADUATED FROM THE U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY. AvUXd5BMRy0-00001-00000705-00001243 THE MOVEMENT TO ACCEPT WOMEN INTO MILITARY ACADEMIES BEGAN IN 1975, WHEN PRESIDENT GERALD AvUXd5BMRy0-00002-00001243-00001739 FORD SIGNED A BILL STATING THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMIES WOULD BEGIN ACCEPTING WOMEN AvUXd5BMRy0-00003-00001739-00001887 IN THE FALL OF 1976. AvUXd5BMRy0-00004-00001948-00002381 THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY DETERMINED HOW MANY FEMALE MIDSHIPMEN WOULD BE ACCEPTED, BASED AvUXd5BMRy0-00005-00002381-00002646 ON THE NEEDS OF THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS AT THAT TIME. AvUXd5BMRy0-00006-00002646-00003254 WHEN THE ACADEMY'S CLASS OF 1980 WAS INDUCTED IN 1976, IT INCLUDED 81 FEMALE MIDSHIPMEN. AvUXd5BMRy0-00007-00003254-00003744 TODAY, WOMEN COMPRISE NEARLY 20 PERCENT OF ENTERING PLEBES, OR FRESHMEN, AT THE ACADEMY AvUXd5BMRy0-00008-00003744-00004141 AND THEY PURSUE THE SAME ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AS THEIR MALE CLASSMATES. AvUXd5BMRy0-00009-00004198-00004568 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY, VISIT THEIR WEBSITE. AwC3J8lYwhy-00000-00000021-00001120 DOJ Announces They Aren’t Calling Illegals ‘Undocumenteds’ Anymore AwC3J8lYwhy-00001-00001120-00001585 Once again President Trump is undoing the lunacy of the Obama Administration. AwC3J8lYwhy-00002-00001585-00001997 During the dark days of extreme liberalism of the Barack Hussein Obama administration AwC3J8lYwhy-00003-00001997-00002406 the powers that be decided that it wasn’t good to call a duck by its name. AwC3J8lYwhy-00004-00002406-00002747 So because of this they unilaterally decided that government officials weren’t going AwC3J8lYwhy-00005-00002747-00003221 to be allowed to refer to illegal aliens as such, instead, the proper term to them as AwC3J8lYwhy-00006-00003221-00003557 “undocumented immigrant” which makes it sound like these people were immigrants who AwC3J8lYwhy-00007-00003557-00003710 just needed paper. AwC3J8lYwhy-00008-00003710-00004110 Not lawbreakers who didn’t respect our nation’s sovereignty or their fellow man so they decided AwC3J8lYwhy-00009-00004110-00004388 to cut to the front of the immigration line. AwC3J8lYwhy-00010-00004388-00004598 Here is more on this via The Daily Wire: AwC3J8lYwhy-00011-00004598-00005071 “The Department of Justice has ordered the reversal of an unofficial Obama Administration-era AwC3J8lYwhy-00012-00005071-00005476 policy referring to illegal immigrants as “undocumented migrants,” according to AwC3J8lYwhy-00013-00005476-00005745 a new report in The Washington Times. AwC3J8lYwhy-00014-00005745-00006207 The report likely doesn’t represent any significant change in how the DOJ treats border AwC3J8lYwhy-00015-00006207-00006613 jumpers, but it does signal that Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ DOJ will be less AwC3J8lYwhy-00016-00006613-00007037 accommodating to lawbreakers — and less likely to view illegal immigration as merely AwC3J8lYwhy-00017-00007037-00007344 a social problem rather than a crime wave. AwC3J8lYwhy-00018-00007344-00007784 According to the Times, the DOJ told attorneys last week that they must refer to illegal AwC3J8lYwhy-00019-00007784-00008204 immigrants as “illegal aliens,” the term used in the U.S. Code. AwC3J8lYwhy-00020-00008204-00008568 Attorneys cannot replace “illegal” with “undocumented” so as to avoid stigmatizing AwC3J8lYwhy-00021-00008568-00009070 border jumpers, a practice that has become popular in the pro-immigration movement. AwC3J8lYwhy-00022-00009070-00009486 The note, which went out to all of Sessions’ deputies, “was designed to clear up some AwC3J8lYwhy-00023-00009486-00010042 confusion and to [help officials] be consistent in the way we draft our releases.” AwC3J8lYwhy-00024-00010042-00010467 The U.S. Code is one of the last remaining reference works that stipulates the use of AwC3J8lYwhy-00025-00010467-00010590 “illegal immigrants.” AwC3J8lYwhy-00026-00010590-00011053 Since the debate on immigration began, most stylebooks and guides suggest using “undocumented” AwC3J8lYwhy-00027-00011053-00011543 as a way for journalists to subtly inject a political narrative into news stories.” AwC3J8lYwhy-00028-00011543-00011957 Now all this might seem trivial and of no consequence, but as Chicks On The Right have AwC3J8lYwhy-00029-00011957-00012154 reported, it’s actually not. AwC3J8lYwhy-00030-00012154-00012471 You see, this is how the left wins the argument. AwC3J8lYwhy-00031-00012471-00012678 They seem to change the language. AwC3J8lYwhy-00032-00012678-00012951 Just like they have done with the LGBT agenda. AwC3J8lYwhy-00033-00012951-00013288 They sometimes rename things and make things seem different. AwC3J8lYwhy-00034-00013288-00013715 As an example just look at the left, they have gone from communist to socialist, to AwC3J8lYwhy-00035-00013715-00014127 liberal, to progressive and now they have no problem going back to socialist since for AwC3J8lYwhy-00036-00014127-00014571 some sick reason a 75-year-old retrograde from the cold war like Bernie Sanders all AwC3J8lYwhy-00037-00014571-00014777 of a sudden made it cool again. AwC3J8lYwhy-00038-00014777-00015193 With President Trump and his administration, this madness is over and we are finally able AwC3J8lYwhy-00039-00015193-00015400 to reclaim the correct terms. AwC3J8lYwhy-00040-00015400-00015791 An illegal alien is just that and they don’t deserve the respect of being called an “immigrant” AwC3J8lYwhy-00041-00015791-00015911 of any kind. AwC3J8lYwhy-00042-00015911-00016269 We are the most generous nation in the world when it comes to immigration and taking in AwC3J8lYwhy-00043-00016269-00016660 refugees there is no need to have to keep people in our nation who disrespected us by AwC3J8lYwhy-00044-00016660-00016890 breaking the law to come here. AwC3J8lYwhy-00045-00016890-00017310 Here is more information as to why the Obama Administration had changed the language via AwC3J8lYwhy-00046-00017310-00017410 AP: AwC3J8lYwhy-00047-00017410-00017868 “A number of people felt that 「illegal immigrant」 was the best choice at the time. AwC3J8lYwhy-00048-00017868-00018265 They also believed the always-evolving English language might soon yield a different choice AwC3J8lYwhy-00049-00018265-00018464 and we should stay in the conversation. AwC3J8lYwhy-00050-00018464-00018892 Also, we had in other areas been ridding the Stylebook of labels. AwC3J8lYwhy-00051-00018892-00019332 The new section on mental health issues argues for using credibly sourced diagnoses instead AwC3J8lYwhy-00052-00019332-00019440 of labels. AwC3J8lYwhy-00053-00019440-00019997 Saying someone was 「diagnosed with schizophrenia」 instead of schizophrenic, for example. AwC3J8lYwhy-00054-00019997-00020466 And that discussion about labeling people, instead of behavior, led us back to 「illegal AwC3J8lYwhy-00055-00020466-00020604 immigrant」 again. AwC3J8lYwhy-00056-00020604-00021020 We concluded that to be consistent, we needed to change our guidance. AwC3J8lYwhy-00057-00021020-00021150 So we have. AwC3J8lYwhy-00058-00021150-00021522 Is this the best way to describe someone in a country without permission? AwC3J8lYwhy-00059-00021522-00021712 We believe that it is for now. AwC3J8lYwhy-00060-00021712-00022052 We also believe more evolution is likely down the road. AwC3J8lYwhy-00061-00022052-00022299 Will the new guidance make it harder for writers? AwC3J8lYwhy-00062-00022299-00022497 Perhaps just a bit at first. AwC3J8lYwhy-00063-00022497-00022805 But while labels may be more facile, they are not accurate. AwC3J8lYwhy-00064-00022805-00023334 I suspect now we will hear from some language lovers who will find other labels in the AP AwC3J8lYwhy-00065-00023334-00023434 Stylebook. AwC3J8lYwhy-00066-00023434-00023565 We welcome that engagement. AwC3J8lYwhy-00067-00023565-00024106 Get in touch at stylebook@ap.org or, if you are an AP Stylebook Online subscriber, through AwC3J8lYwhy-00068-00024106-00024342 the 「Ask the Editor」 page. AwC3J8lYwhy-00069-00024342-00024793 Change is a part of AP Style because the English language is constantly evolving, enriched AwC3J8lYwhy-00070-00024793-00025077 by new words, phrases and uses. AwC3J8lYwhy-00071-00025077-00025439 Our goal always is to use the most precise and accurate words so that the meaning is AwC3J8lYwhy-00072-00025439-00025673 clear to any reader anywhere. AwC3J8lYwhy-00073-00025673-00026160 The updated entry is being added immediately to the AP Stylebook Online and Manual de Estilo AwC3J8lYwhy-00074-00026160-00026520 Online de la AP, the new Spanish-language Stylebook. AwC3J8lYwhy-00075-00026520-00026925 It also will appear in the new print edition and Stylebook Mobile, coming out later in AwC3J8lYwhy-00076-00026925-00027031 the spring. AwC3J8lYwhy-00077-00027031-00027194 It reads as follows: AwC3J8lYwhy-00078-00027194-00027572 illegal immigration Entering or residing in a country in violation of civil or criminal AwC3J8lYwhy-00079-00027572-00027672 law. AwC3J8lYwhy-00080-00027672-00028138 Except in direct quotes essential to the story, use illegal only to refer to an action, not AwC3J8lYwhy-00081-00028138-00028549 a person: illegal immigration, but not illegal immigrant. AwC3J8lYwhy-00082-00028549-00028944 Acceptable variations include living in or entering a country illegally or without legal AwC3J8lYwhy-00083-00028944-00029091 permission. AwC3J8lYwhy-00084-00029091-00029564 Except in direct quotations, do not use the terms illegal alien, an illegal, illegals AwC3J8lYwhy-00085-00029564-00029736 or undocumented. AwC3J8lYwhy-00086-00029736-00030184 Do not describe people as violating immigration laws without attribution. AwC3J8lYwhy-00087-00030184-00030606 Specify wherever possible how someone entered the country illegally and from where. AwC3J8lYwhy-00088-00030606-00030736 Crossed the border? AwC3J8lYwhy-00089-00030736-00030861 Overstayed a visa? AwC3J8lYwhy-00090-00030861-00031059 What nationality? AwC3J8lYwhy-00091-00031059-00031388 People who were brought into the country as children should not be described as having AwC3J8lYwhy-00092-00031388-00031550 immigrated illegally. AwC3J8lYwhy-00093-00031550-00031932 For people granted a temporary right to remain in the U.S. under the Deferred Action for AwC3J8lYwhy-00094-00031932-00032425 Childhood Arrivals program, use temporary resident status, with details on the program AwC3J8lYwhy-00095-00032425-00032588 lower in the story.” AwC3J8lYwhy-00096-00032588-00033708 What a difference an election can make! A-MG2l7dil8-00000-00000048-00000776 so guys, i just noticed that our views are going up to normal. that's where i A-MG2l7dil8-00001-00000776-00001592 was before. we're getting approximately 40 or so views per hour, so we would get one. A-MG2l7dil8-00002-00001912-00002392 and this is okay, because there are two videos getting 10 views per hour, A-MG2l7dil8-00003-00002456-00002896 and all the other ones are getting less than this, but for about. A-MG2l7dil8-00004-00003472-00003968 so yeah, since those two videos are very fast, this can quickly slow down. ABIEdjDSoCE-00000-00001607-00001984 Hi there! It's Diane the nursing geek. Welcome back ABIEdjDSoCE-00001-00001984-00002319 to my channel. Welcome to my new corner of the room ABIEdjDSoCE-00002-00002319-00002751 where I've decided I will be shooting things that are more BookTubey than ABIEdjDSoCE-00003-00002751-00003048 AuthorTubey - although this is kind of a little of both. ABIEdjDSoCE-00004-00003048-00003511 Because what i am here to talk about today is ABIEdjDSoCE-00005-00003511-00004047 The Healer's Love by Kierra L. Rose, ABIEdjDSoCE-00006-00004047-00004584 which was just released this week, and which i do not yet have a physical ABIEdjDSoCE-00007-00004584-00004992 copy of. So there will be a a graphic ABIEdjDSoCE-00008-00004992-00005344 here of some sort instead of the actual physical book, which i would prefer to be ABIEdjDSoCE-00009-00005344-00005752 showing you. But i ordered from my local bookstore ABIEdjDSoCE-00010-00005752-00006096 and, in these times, they are taking a little ABIEdjDSoCE-00011-00006096-00006360 longer than usual, soit's not here yet. ABIEdjDSoCE-00012-00006360-00006695 How am I giving you a book review then ABIEdjDSoCE-00013-00006695-00007288 if i don't have my physical copy yet? ABIEdjDSoCE-00014-00007288-00007888 I signed up to be an ARC reader, and I'm very glad that I did. ABIEdjDSoCE-00015-00007888-00008552 What lured me into this particular book - which is a little out of my norm because ABIEdjDSoCE-00016-00008552-00009128 it is straight romance ... well pure romance, as in ABIEdjDSoCE-00017-00009128-00009575 it's not, um, sci-fi romance or fantasy romance or ABIEdjDSoCE-00018-00009575-00009911 something like that ... but also straight romance - ABIEdjDSoCE-00019-00009911-00010575 what really sucked me in was the fact that the protagonist Iyanda is ABIEdjDSoCE-00020-00010575-00010952 a healer, a traditional healer. And as a nurse, ABIEdjDSoCE-00021-00010952-00011632 i am always intrigued by narratives that involve healing and health and ABIEdjDSoCE-00022-00011632-00012200 particularly traditional healing, since that's something we see so little ABIEdjDSoCE-00023-00012200-00012679 talk about in theWwest other than to be dismissive, ABIEdjDSoCE-00024-00012679-00012984 which is its own whole other video. ABIEdjDSoCE-00025-00013016-00013976 Iyanda is, um, a traditional healer and she also does not speak. ABIEdjDSoCE-00026-00013976-00014600 Vocally. Excuse me, she does not speak vocally. ABIEdjDSoCE-00027-00014600-00014880 She does speak Yoruban Sign Language. ABIEdjDSoCE-00028-00014936-00015551 One of the things i really enjoyed very thoroughly about this book ABIEdjDSoCE-00029-00015551-00015959 was the way that the author used ABIEdjDSoCE-00030-00016031-00016448 the dynamic of who in Iyanda's life ABIEdjDSoCE-00031-00016512-00016936 had chosen to learn ABIEdjDSoCE-00032-00016936-00017392 sign to be able to communicate with her without her having to write everything ABIEdjDSoCE-00033-00017392-00018015 (which takes so much longer) and who had not made that choice, um, ABIEdjDSoCE-00034-00018015-00018840 it's it's really well done. And her ABIEdjDSoCE-00035-00018887-00019831 love interest, Emiliano, is a college student. ABIEdjDSoCE-00036-00019831-00020295 And i'll stop there. This is, by the way, just about take ABIEdjDSoCE-00037-00020295-00020615 five on this, because i keep babbling effusively, ABIEdjDSoCE-00038-00020615-00021072 and when i go to edit i realize i have babbled spoilers! ABIEdjDSoCE-00039-00021072-00021551 So i'm going to try to not do that this time. ABIEdjDSoCE-00040-00021872-00022536 It's just ... it's really a great story. There's a lot of ABIEdjDSoCE-00041-00022536-00023208 socio-political intrigue in the b plot that drives ABIEdjDSoCE-00042-00023208-00023879 - or complicates I should say - the a plot of the romance. ABIEdjDSoCE-00043-00023879-00024231 It's really just very well done. If you are looking ABIEdjDSoCE-00044-00024231-00024800 for an occasionally steamy - tastefully steamy - uh, summer read, ABIEdjDSoCE-00045-00024800-00025248 I highly recommend it. Why did i say this was also kind of an ABIEdjDSoCE-00046-00025248-00025872 AuthorTubey video? Um, well, primarily because Kierra is here ABIEdjDSoCE-00047-00025872-00026200 on AuthorTube as well, and I will link her channel ABIEdjDSoCE-00048-00026200-00026952 below ... and various other relevant links such as ABIEdjDSoCE-00049-00026952-00027632 she has sort of a link site that shows where it's available in ebook form, ABIEdjDSoCE-00050-00027672-00028272 I'll include the bookstore.org link, if you want to order from your local ABIEdjDSoCE-00051-00028272-00028991 bookshop, and overdrive in case you want to ABIEdjDSoCE-00052-00028991-00029527 request from your local library, which is something I'm just finally figuring ABIEdjDSoCE-00053-00029527-00030103 out how to do is use overdrive to do that, but it is ABIEdjDSoCE-00054-00030103-00030391 not that difficult. ABIEdjDSoCE-00055-00030416-00031160 Anyway, coming back to Iyanda and Emiliano, it's it's a really sweet story. ABIEdjDSoCE-00056-00031160-00031808 Their ... the intrigue, um, gives you some definite edge of the seat moments ABIEdjDSoCE-00057-00031808-00032191 and, as it is a romance you do get your ABIEdjDSoCE-00058-00032191-00032872 happily ever after. But along the way, both Iyanda and Emiliano have to ABIEdjDSoCE-00059-00032872-00033600 really reflectively challenge their thoughts about ABIEdjDSoCE-00060-00033600-00033991 what tradition means to them, what their culture ABIEdjDSoCE-00061-00033991-00034936 and their social milieu means to them, what family means to them, ABIEdjDSoCE-00062-00034936-00035552 and, of course, it's a romance: what love means to them. ABIEdjDSoCE-00063-00035600-00035984 And I'm going to stop there before I start babbling effusively and spill more ABIEdjDSoCE-00064-00035984-00036528 spoilers again and have to shoot this all again, ABIEdjDSoCE-00065-00036536-00037024 um, because this is now going up several days later than intended because ABIEdjDSoCE-00066-00037024-00037360 that's what I keep doing. ABIEdjDSoCE-00067-00037519-00038184 So that's it for now. Until next time, I hope you have a wonderful day. ABIEdjDSoCE-00068-00038190-00038300 Bye! ABOUs2h1GGM-00000-00001301-00001518 Hello I'm Luna ABOUs2h1GGM-00001-00001518-00001893 Time to meet with nails Rendezvous, Nail! ABOUs2h1GGM-00002-00002086-00002920 Today, I'm going to show you art with Pixie and Magnet Gel! ABOUs2h1GGM-00003-00002987-00003676 Even in the summer, pink art is an attractive art that you can't give up ABOUs2h1GGM-00004-00003875-00004507 You know that Base is essential for a long time, right? ABOUs2h1GGM-00005-00004507-00005201 I'm going to apply it carefully so that it will not come off! ABOUs2h1GGM-00006-00005580-00006433 I'm going to put Glitter on the place where Pixie will go on ABOUs2h1GGM-00007-00006565-00007559 It's so pretty if Glitters look dense through transparent Pixie~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00008-00007559-00008193 It's so pretty even if you just add Glitter ABOUs2h1GGM-00009-00008404-00008842 I'm going to apply a shiny pink gel ABOUs2h1GGM-00010-00008842-00009286 Actually, this gel has a secret ABOUs2h1GGM-00011-00009286-00009766 You may have already seen the bottle and know a lot ABOUs2h1GGM-00012-00009766-00010510 These days it is a 'very famous and hot' Magnetic Gel!! ABOUs2h1GGM-00013-00010599-00011072 Today, I'm not going to make a shape on your nails but give it a little 3D! ABOUs2h1GGM-00014-00011189-00011770 The subtle radiance that moves according to the light bursts out~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00015-00011770-00012331 You can see why Magnetic Gel are popular!! ABOUs2h1GGM-00016-00012560-00013082 I'm just going to show you the magnet just in case you don't know the effect of the magnet! ABOUs2h1GGM-00017-00013082-00013402 Ta-da~!! ABOUs2h1GGM-00018-00013402-00013947 This is pretty and that is pretty~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00019-00014388-00015062 On Magnet Gel, I'm going to make a butterfly with SWAROVSKICRYSTALS Heart Shape Parts ABOUs2h1GGM-00020-00015202-00015729 Butterflies are also in fashion this year and I think they're cute~! ABOUs2h1GGM-00021-00016041-00016762 I'm going to overlay the wings of the butterfly carefully~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00022-00017134-00017529 Butterfly in your hands! Doesn't it seem like it was sitting? ABOUs2h1GGM-00023-00017724-00018150 I'm going to apply Soft Pink Gel on the rest of the nails ABOUs2h1GGM-00024-00018150-00018588 What do you want to do here~? ABOUs2h1GGM-00025-00019236-00019724 I'm going to chain around the border where I'm going to put Pixie ABOUs2h1GGM-00026-00019724-00020310 I have a boundary with Pixie and I'm going to keep you from running away ABOUs2h1GGM-00027-00020499-00021121 If you cut it and put it on, you can put it up neatly ABOUs2h1GGM-00028-00021174-00021708 The long-awaited Pixie Time! ABOUs2h1GGM-00029-00021708-00022444 Let's go! ABOUs2h1GGM-00030-00022892-00023556 I think Pixie falling naturally is so pretty ㅠㅠ ABOUs2h1GGM-00031-00023556-00024311 You have to clean up Pixies outside to make them look pretty ABOUs2h1GGM-00032-00024558-00024906 I put SWAROVSKICRYSTALS a little parts to improve the beauty ABOUs2h1GGM-00033-00024906-00025259 They are SWAROVSKICRYSTALS a little parts but they feel a bit more shiny!? ABOUs2h1GGM-00034-00025596-00025945 I think these small details make your hands look prettier ABOUs2h1GGM-00035-00025945-00026413 Happy~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00036-00026637-00026958 I'm going to decorate the soft pink I showed you before! ABOUs2h1GGM-00037-00026958-00027588 It didn't look bored and did not overdo it so I liked it~ ABOUs2h1GGM-00038-00028139-00028658 After overlaying carefully ABOUs2h1GGM-00039-00028658-00029308 If you apply Top, it is a perfect finish! ABOUs2h1GGM-00040-00029566-00030589 I'm going to apply Top carefully to last for a long time without peeling off ABOUs2h1GGM-00041-00030877-00031436 If you apply oil to care ABOUs2h1GGM-00042-00031976-00032382 Complete!! AEaHzYCVENQ-00000-00000136-00001600 Shoreline east train 1610 to new London ct on 11/11/2021 crossing AFKGiYdWuxc-00000-00000000-00000168 Stick around until the end of today’s video and AFKGiYdWuxc-00001-00000168-00000413 I’ll be announcing the winner of last week's True Crime Stories mug giveaway. AFKGiYdWuxc-00002-00000413-00001440 Rachel Barber was 15-years-old in 1999 when she went missing after a dance recital. She AFKGiYdWuxc-00003-00001440-00001902 was last seen alongside her babysitter that afternoon, but investigators found no trace AFKGiYdWuxc-00004-00001902-00002484 of her after this. But detectives did find a disturbing diary entry written just days AFKGiYdWuxc-00005-00002484-00002994 before she vanished, in which her babysitter confessed to what really happened that day. AFKGiYdWuxc-00006-00003818-00003918 [intro] AFKGiYdWuxc-00007-00003918-00004188 Rachel Barber was born on September 12th, AFKGiYdWuxc-00008-00004188-00004818 1983. She was the oldest of her three sisters and had parents who were deeply involved in her life, AFKGiYdWuxc-00009-00004818-00005262 doing their best to provide her with everything she could have ever wanted. Her mother, AFKGiYdWuxc-00010-00005262-00005646 Elizabeth, and her father, Michael, had been together for many years and AFKGiYdWuxc-00011-00005646-00006132 Rachel’s home life was the very definition of healthy and typical for a girl her age. AFKGiYdWuxc-00012-00006192-00006870 Sometime around 1992 or 1993, Rachel and her family moved to Mont Albert, hoping for better AFKGiYdWuxc-00013-00006870-00007368 opportunities. It was around this time that the family met a young girl named Caroline Reed AFKGiYdWuxc-00014-00007368-00007931 Robertson. Caroline quickly became a friend of the family, with Rachel’s parents often hiring her AFKGiYdWuxc-00015-00007931-00008520 to help babysit the children. Caroline would grow up alongside Rachel and her siblings, but she was AFKGiYdWuxc-00016-00008520-00009000 around 4 years older and certainly more mature than the young Barber girls were at the time. AFKGiYdWuxc-00017-00009066-00009738 Rachel was just 15-years-old by 1999. She’d spent much of her childhood training to become a dancer, AFKGiYdWuxc-00018-00009738-00010158 and she was incredibly talented. Not only was she a great dancer, AFKGiYdWuxc-00019-00010158-00010638 but she aspired to be a model as well. Her goal in life was to eventually enter acting AFKGiYdWuxc-00020-00010638-00011148 classes and work her way into musicals across the globe, particularly musicals in the U.S., AFKGiYdWuxc-00021-00011148-00011526 as most of her favorite venues and performances were taking place in Chicago. AFKGiYdWuxc-00022-00011610-00012222 Rachel had become a full-time student at the Dance Factory in Melbourne, Australia. She was known for AFKGiYdWuxc-00023-00012222-00012702 her beauty, as well as her popularity in school and her athleticism. She was in great shape and AFKGiYdWuxc-00024-00012702-00013194 was often in the top of her class, becoming a world-class dancer at a strikingly young age. AFKGiYdWuxc-00025-00013194-00013686 While Rachel may have been quite popular in school, she was actually quite a shy AFKGiYdWuxc-00026-00013686-00014130 young girl. She didn’t take too well with strangers and would often seem withdrawn AFKGiYdWuxc-00027-00014130-00014544 around people she didn’t know very well, but she was always nice and respectable. AFKGiYdWuxc-00028-00014544-00014940 Even though she was quite shy, Rachel had been dating her boyfriend, Manni, AFKGiYdWuxc-00029-00014940-00015384 for several months and it seems that the two were closer than ever. Despite her timid nature, AFKGiYdWuxc-00030-00015384-00015894 she had no problems opening up to Manni, who seemed to make it easy for Rachel to be herself. AFKGiYdWuxc-00031-00015894-00016428 Caroline Reed Robertson AFKGiYdWuxc-00032-00016428-00016980 Caroline Robertson, the babysitter I mentioned a moment ago, was right there alongside the Barber AFKGiYdWuxc-00033-00016980-00017526 family for about 7 years or so. She’d watched Rachel turn from a shy young girl into a vibrant AFKGiYdWuxc-00034-00017526-00017964 young woman that was bound for success in her dance career. Caroline adored Rachel, AFKGiYdWuxc-00035-00017964-00018402 but she also had other feelings toward Rachel that were... less than loving. AFKGiYdWuxc-00036-00018402-00018978 Caroline was a very jealous teenager. She had trouble dealing with other people’s success, AFKGiYdWuxc-00037-00018978-00019434 especially considering that, in all honesty, she didn’t have much going for her at the time. AFKGiYdWuxc-00038-00019488-00019854 She was a perfectly good looking girl, but she didn’t have the magnetic energy AFKGiYdWuxc-00039-00019854-00020346 and charisma that Rachel had, and this bothered Caroline deeply. As she watched AFKGiYdWuxc-00040-00020346-00020802 over the girls for most of their childhood, it seems that this resentment toward Rachel AFKGiYdWuxc-00041-00020802-00021246 grew. What had begun as a simple feeling of jealousy - something all of us struggle AFKGiYdWuxc-00042-00021246-00021732 with from time to time - grew to something far more dangerous and far more sinister. AFKGiYdWuxc-00043-00021732-00022314 Caroline wanted to live Rachel’s life. And if she couldn’t live it, neither could Rachel. AFKGiYdWuxc-00044-00022314-00022686 Plotting the Crime AFKGiYdWuxc-00045-00022686-00023418 Caroline’s troubles with self-worth and jealousy would reach new heights as her teenage years drew AFKGiYdWuxc-00046-00023418-00023904 on. By the time she was in her mid-teens, she’d begun to feel terrible about herself, AFKGiYdWuxc-00047-00023904-00024390 and not just in the typical way that most teens will at some point or another. It seems that, AFKGiYdWuxc-00048-00024390-00024906 by all means, she’d begun to develop a genuine hatred toward herself. She AFKGiYdWuxc-00049-00024906-00025200 didn’t like the way she looked, she didn’t feel smart enough, AFKGiYdWuxc-00050-00025200-00025716 and she certainly didn’t feel worthy of being loved. According to those around her, AFKGiYdWuxc-00051-00025716-00026310 she’d always put herself down, referring to herself as a loser, as unwanted, fat, dirty, AFKGiYdWuxc-00052-00026310-00026927 or even dumb. In fact, she created a self-portrait around the age of 14 that had several of these AFKGiYdWuxc-00053-00026927-00027366 words written on it, with ‘misfit’ being written in bold letters at the very top. AFKGiYdWuxc-00054-00027366-00027954 Caroline was reaching an all time low, and it was happening quickly. But as she got a little AFKGiYdWuxc-00055-00027954-00028439 bit older, some of this hate turned away from herself and was beginning to surround her father, AFKGiYdWuxc-00056-00028439-00028908 this being after her father walked out on the family, leaving Caroline and the rest of her AFKGiYdWuxc-00057-00028908-00029430 loved ones to fend for themselves while her dad started a new, better life elsewhere. Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00058-00029430-00029904 would take her anger and write it down in letters to her estranged father. I don’t know if she ever AFKGiYdWuxc-00059-00029904-00030354 mailed these letters or if they were purely therapeutic, but the letters grew very vicious, AFKGiYdWuxc-00060-00030354-00030906 with her one time blaming her father for her feelings of alienation. She wrote, “I feel AFKGiYdWuxc-00061-00030906-00031445 like a troubled, tortured, lost soul that’s been thrown into an alien environment full of angels.” AFKGiYdWuxc-00062-00031445-00031895 These terrible feelings of self-hatred that Caroline held on to would eventually AFKGiYdWuxc-00063-00031895-00032483 lead to her plotting a crime of disastrous proportions. Her anger and rage would soon AFKGiYdWuxc-00064-00032483-00033036 be taken out on someone who didn’t really have anything to do with her situation - Rachel Barber. AFKGiYdWuxc-00065-00033242-00033558 The Disappearance of Rachel Barber AFKGiYdWuxc-00066-00033558-00034128 It was March 1st, 1999. Rachel’s father drove her to a tram stop that morning AFKGiYdWuxc-00067-00034128-00034560 around 9:30am so that she could attend her dance classes at the Dance Factory AFKGiYdWuxc-00068-00034560-00034872 in Melbourne, as she did nearly every day. She left home wearing her favorite gold necklace, AFKGiYdWuxc-00069-00034872-00035436 having only $13 in her wallet. She told her boyfriend, Manni, that, after classes, she was AFKGiYdWuxc-00070-00035436-00035976 going to head out for a secret job offer that she wasn’t allowed to talk about. The sheer fact that AFKGiYdWuxc-00071-00035976-00036432 she’d even mentioned the job to Manni was against the rules, but she felt like he needed to know. AFKGiYdWuxc-00072-00036432-00036924 This secret job was supposed to pay her incredibly well, but this was the AFKGiYdWuxc-00073-00036924-00037362 only information she was willing to share with anyone. She left the Dance Factory that afternoon, AFKGiYdWuxc-00074-00037362-00037962 headed off for this secret location. Her parents had no idea that she had any other plans after AFKGiYdWuxc-00075-00037962-00038406 classes that day, outside of hanging out with her friends as she normally did. AFKGiYdWuxc-00076-00038406-00038814 The last reported sighting of Rachel came just after she left the Dance Factory, AFKGiYdWuxc-00077-00038814-00039252 when she was spotted walking around a tram station with a woman. As hours passed by AFKGiYdWuxc-00078-00039252-00039672 and Rachel had not returned to the tram station to meet her father that evening, AFKGiYdWuxc-00079-00039672-00040212 her parents grew very worried. Rachel had never missed curfew before, and she was reported missing AFKGiYdWuxc-00080-00040212-00040728 right away. Manni quickly opened up to Rachel’s parents and the police and admitted that she’d AFKGiYdWuxc-00081-00040728-00041178 told him about the secret job offer, but he didn’t know anything else about this job, AFKGiYdWuxc-00082-00041178-00041508 so this information wasn’t very helpful with the investigation. AFKGiYdWuxc-00083-00041574-00042114 By all means, Rachel had simply vanished off the face of the earth, and no further updates would be AFKGiYdWuxc-00084-00042114-00042708 released until 13 days later when some shocking news would leave the Barber Family in shambles. AFKGiYdWuxc-00085-00042708-00043236 The Arrest of Caroline Reed Robertson AFKGiYdWuxc-00086-00043236-00043746 It was March 14th when police approached the Barber family with news they could have never AFKGiYdWuxc-00087-00043746-00044244 expected. Keep in mind, at this point, the Barber’s had no idea that police were AFKGiYdWuxc-00088-00044244-00044790 investigating the case as a potential homicide, so you can imagine their surprise when officers AFKGiYdWuxc-00089-00044790-00045222 knocked on the door of the Barber Family home and revealed that they had arrested a suspect AFKGiYdWuxc-00090-00045222-00045744 in connection with Rachel’s disappearance. When police revealed that the suspect was none other AFKGiYdWuxc-00091-00045744-00046302 than Caroline Robertson, their jaws hit the floor. Caroline had been a close family friend AFKGiYdWuxc-00092-00046302-00046776 for the better part of a decade, so how could she have been involved in Rachel’s disappearance? AFKGiYdWuxc-00093-00046776-00047382 Unfortunately, the follow up statements from detectives only made things far worse. Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00094-00047382-00047952 had been arrested because police had found remains buried in a shallow grave near Kilmore, and they AFKGiYdWuxc-00095-00047952-00048432 had evidence connecting Caroline to the scene of the crime. Investigators would soon learn that AFKGiYdWuxc-00096-00048432-00048960 Rachel had been ambushed with a telephone cord, then buried under less than 12 inches of dirt. AFKGiYdWuxc-00097-00049032-00049500 One of the most unexpected twists in this case came after police brought Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00098-00049500-00049938 to the station for questioning. It didn’t take them long to get Caroline to open up, AFKGiYdWuxc-00099-00049938-00050508 and she admitted to everything... well, almost everything. Within a few short hours, Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00100-00050508-00051084 admitted that she had, in fact, taken the life of Rachel Barber. But she claimed it was an accident. AFKGiYdWuxc-00101-00051084-00051660 Caroline says that she met up with Rachel that day shortly after her classes had ended. I’ll admit, AFKGiYdWuxc-00102-00051660-00052176 I don’t fully understand the specifics of what Caroline was explaining here, but the best I AFKGiYdWuxc-00103-00052176-00052590 can make out is that she explained to police that she’d convinced Rachel to come over to her AFKGiYdWuxc-00104-00052590-00053154 apartment for some sort of psychological exercise, but it’s not clear why Rachel thought this was a AFKGiYdWuxc-00105-00053154-00053748 job offer or why she thought she’d be receiving any payment for this. The rumor is that Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00106-00053748-00054341 had invited Rachel over and promised her $500 to take part in a highly confidential survey of AFKGiYdWuxc-00107-00054341-00054858 some sort, but this was only mentioned in one source, so I can’t verify that this is true. AFKGiYdWuxc-00108-00054858-00055379 But either way, Caroline explained that the two rode the tram together, then got out at AFKGiYdWuxc-00109-00055379-00055896 her apartment after promising Rachel that she’d have pizza and drinks ready for them. Sure enough, AFKGiYdWuxc-00110-00055896-00056316 when Rachel entered the apartment, pizza and drinks were ready for them - but Rachel was AFKGiYdWuxc-00111-00056316-00056850 blissfully unaware that Caroline had spiked the pizza with high doses of antihistamines, AFKGiYdWuxc-00112-00056850-00057252 causing Rachel to become more and more delirious the more she ate. AFKGiYdWuxc-00113-00057252-00057564 After Caroline was satisfied with Rachel’s impairment, AFKGiYdWuxc-00114-00057564-00058098 she began her attack. She told Rachel that she was ready to begin the psychological survey, AFKGiYdWuxc-00115-00058098-00058632 asking Rachel to close her eyes and think of happy and pleasant thoughts. As soon AFKGiYdWuxc-00116-00058632-00059154 as Rachel was lost in a dream state, Caroline ambushed her from behind with a telephone cord. AFKGiYdWuxc-00117-00059154-00059550 Caroline then stuffed Rachel inside of a wardrobe, keeping her there for AFKGiYdWuxc-00118-00059550-00059898 several days while she worked out the next steps in completing the crime. AFKGiYdWuxc-00119-00059952-00060534 She would eventually wrap Rachel in two rugs, and enlisted the help of an innocent taxi driver to AFKGiYdWuxc-00120-00060534-00061110 help her move that she called “a heavy statue” to her father’s property. Obviously, what the taxi AFKGiYdWuxc-00121-00061110-00061620 driver helped her haul away was no statue. But once the two arrived at Caroline’s father’s house, AFKGiYdWuxc-00122-00061620-00062220 Caroline took the so-called statue out to the back of the property and, after the taxi driver left, AFKGiYdWuxc-00123-00062220-00062808 she buried the remains in the family’s pet cemetery, next to Caroline’s former dog, Lucy. AFKGiYdWuxc-00124-00062808-00063294 Catching the Killer AFKGiYdWuxc-00125-00063294-00063779 In the days after Rachel Barber had gone missing, Caroline became very withdrawn AFKGiYdWuxc-00126-00063779-00064248 from her normal activities. She went to work the day after the crime, March 2nd, AFKGiYdWuxc-00127-00064248-00064638 but one of her coworkers ended up driving her home after Caroline AFKGiYdWuxc-00128-00064638-00065040 reportedly looked very ill and wasn’t able to function well enough to get her job done. AFKGiYdWuxc-00129-00065112-00065526 Caroline would call out of work for the next few days as well, claiming she was sick. AFKGiYdWuxc-00130-00065580-00066144 During this time, investigators were hot on the trail of Caroline, tracing Rachel’s last moments AFKGiYdWuxc-00131-00066144-00066594 and getting witness testimonies from everyone who’d been seen at the tram station that day. AFKGiYdWuxc-00132-00066594-00067116 As they dug into phone records, they soon noticed that Rachel had spoken with Caroline on the day AFKGiYdWuxc-00133-00067116-00067620 of her disappearance - in fact, she’d spoken with her within hours of her last known whereabouts, AFKGiYdWuxc-00134-00067620-00068226 meaning Caroline may have been the last person to see Rachel alive. Witnesses from the tram AFKGiYdWuxc-00135-00068226-00068778 station also reported that they had seen Rachel walking alongside a “plain-looking” young woman. AFKGiYdWuxc-00136-00068778-00069198 Detectives went to Caroline’s apartment on March 12th, but they weren’t getting any AFKGiYdWuxc-00137-00069198-00069642 response at the door, even though they knew that Caroline was inside. They eventually AFKGiYdWuxc-00138-00069642-00070056 made their way into Caroline’s apartment and found her unconscious on her bedroom AFKGiYdWuxc-00139-00070056-00070518 floor. They soon learned she’d suffered an epileptic seizure, which had likely AFKGiYdWuxc-00140-00070518-00070938 been caused by the severe stress she’d been under while trying to hide Rachel’s body. AFKGiYdWuxc-00141-00070938-00071424 While inside the apartment, they searched through Caroline’s belongings and soon came AFKGiYdWuxc-00142-00071424-00071910 across her diary. Now, if you’ve been watching True Crime Stories for the last few weeks, AFKGiYdWuxc-00143-00071910-00072306 you’ll know that this is the third case I’ve covered in less than a month where AFKGiYdWuxc-00144-00072306-00072738 the criminal was found because either they, or the victim, kept a detailed AFKGiYdWuxc-00145-00072738-00073254 diary of events leading up to the crime. I don’t know how so many of these cases ended AFKGiYdWuxc-00146-00073254-00073698 up leading to the exact same situation, but that was exactly what happened here as well. AFKGiYdWuxc-00147-00073698-00074214 When investigators took a closer look at Caroline’s diary, they realized that she’d AFKGiYdWuxc-00148-00074214-00074724 been deeply obsessed with Rachel, and certainly not in a playful way or with any sort of innocent AFKGiYdWuxc-00149-00074724-00075342 infatuation. Caroline had kept detailed records of Rachel’s recent life, and had even written down AFKGiYdWuxc-00150-00075342-00075942 several possible ways that she planned on taking Rachel’s life. She scribbled several options down, AFKGiYdWuxc-00151-00075942-00076350 with one of the options claiming that she planned on incapacitating Rachel, AFKGiYdWuxc-00152-00076350-00077004 then placing her into an army bag and dumping her out in the woods somewhere. These clues were a bit AFKGiYdWuxc-00153-00077004-00077472 too suspicious for investigators, and they soon began investigating Caroline’s recent movements, AFKGiYdWuxc-00154-00077472-00077970 tracking down her connection with her father’s property and the aforementioned taxi driver. AFKGiYdWuxc-00155-00077970-00078462 Detectives were able to prove that Caroline had been spending days, maybe even weeks, AFKGiYdWuxc-00156-00078462-00079092 plotting to take Rachel’s life and, in essence, become Rachel. This was only amplified when AFKGiYdWuxc-00157-00079092-00079590 detectives later found an application for a copy of Rachel’s birth certificate in Caroline’s AFKGiYdWuxc-00158-00079590-00080058 apartment - this is likely why she tricked Rachel into thinking she was offering her a job, AFKGiYdWuxc-00159-00080058-00080400 as it would’ve been the easiest way to get personal information about Rachel, AFKGiYdWuxc-00160-00080400-00080910 including her social security number, ID cards and everything else she needed. Well, everything AFKGiYdWuxc-00161-00080910-00081432 except for her birth certificate, obviously. Alongside this application was documentation for AFKGiYdWuxc-00162-00081432-00081966 a bank loan for $10,000, as well as detailed plans on what Caroline had planned to do. AFKGiYdWuxc-00163-00081966-00082422 Her plans for the day claimed that she needed to clean up her father’s farm, including the area AFKGiYdWuxc-00164-00082422-00082956 where she’d placed Rachel in the pet cemetery. She also planned to secure the bank loan on the AFKGiYdWuxc-00165-00082956-00083526 following Tuesday, as well as rent a moving van, dye her hair to match Rachel’s, then thoroughly AFKGiYdWuxc-00166-00083526-00084036 clean her house and carpet. She then planned to disappear and begin life under Rachel’s name. AFKGiYdWuxc-00167-00084036-00084684 By October of 2000, Caroline was still in police custody. In a truly surprising twist, Caroline had AFKGiYdWuxc-00168-00084684-00085200 opened up to investigators and admitted to taking Rachel’s life, even pleading guilty during her AFKGiYdWuxc-00169-00085200-00085872 trial. She was ultimately given 15 years behind bars. During her court sessions, she explained how AFKGiYdWuxc-00170-00085872-00086364 much she hated herself and wanted to be someone else - so much so that she was willing to go to AFKGiYdWuxc-00171-00086364-00086934 great lengths to achieve this. She was diagnosed with a personality disorder just before the trial, AFKGiYdWuxc-00172-00086934-00087378 with a judge claiming she was a danger for anyone who she became fixated with. AFKGiYdWuxc-00173-00087438-00087978 But what’s really interesting about her time in prison is that she never once showed any kind AFKGiYdWuxc-00174-00087978-00088464 of remorse for her actions. In fact, while she was in prison, she progressively made AFKGiYdWuxc-00175-00088464-00088920 herself look more and more like Rachel. She began styling her hair differently, AFKGiYdWuxc-00176-00088920-00089418 she appears to have lost weight, and did her best to become the spitting image of Rachel - at least AFKGiYdWuxc-00177-00089418-00089970 as much as she realistically could. Rachel’s own mother even spoke out about the uncanny AFKGiYdWuxc-00178-00089970-00090468 resemblance after Caroline was released from prison in 2015 after fulfilling her sentence. AFKGiYdWuxc-00179-00090468-00091056 Caroline is now a mostly free woman. She still lives under the surveillance of the court system, AFKGiYdWuxc-00180-00091056-00091590 but she’s now allowed to continue on with her life… or rather, Rachel’s life. While she never AFKGiYdWuxc-00181-00091590-00092034 successfully claimed Rachel’s identity, she’s done her best in the years since the crime to continue AFKGiYdWuxc-00182-00092034-00092586 living in the shadow of Rachel, and her fixation doesn’t seem to have faded over the last 23 years. AFKGiYdWuxc-00183-00092586-00093144 Honestly, I don’t understand how someone like this is allowed to live in the free world after there AFKGiYdWuxc-00184-00093144-00093588 was such a massive amount of evidence proving that she’d been plotting this crime for years, AFKGiYdWuxc-00185-00093588-00094110 but I guess the laws in Australia only allow the court system to do so much to someone so young. AFKGiYdWuxc-00186-00094110-00094644 Thankfully, after all this, Rachel’s memory is still very much alive in the minds of AFKGiYdWuxc-00187-00094644-00095240 those who knew her. But unfortunately, one of those minds belongs to Caroline Robertson. AFKGiYdWuxc-00188-00095240-00095340 [outro] AFKGiYdWuxc-00189-00095340-00095652 Before we close out today’s video, it’s time to announce the winner of AFKGiYdWuxc-00190-00095652-00096114 last week's True Crime Stories mug giveaway. The winner was chosen completely at random, AFKGiYdWuxc-00191-00096114-00096612 and the winner is Misty Waters. So Misty, all you need to go to claim your mug is AFKGiYdWuxc-00192-00096612-00097200 email me at tynottsyt@gmail.com with your address, using the same email as AFKGiYdWuxc-00193-00097200-00097506 what you use here on YouTube, and I’ll get your mug shipped out right away. AFKGiYdWuxc-00194-00097566-00097740 For everyone else who entered and didn’t win, AFKGiYdWuxc-00195-00097740-00098082 be sure to continue tuning in each week because I’ll likely be doing AFKGiYdWuxc-00196-00098082-00098580 more giveaways like this in the near future - maybe even next week, so stick around. AFKGiYdWuxc-00197-00098580-00098958 But with that, thank you guys for tuning into another episode of True AFKGiYdWuxc-00198-00098958-00099366 Crime Stories. If you’re liking the channel and want to see more videos like this one, AFKGiYdWuxc-00199-00099366-00099786 be sure to hit the like button and leave a comment below. Comments are the best AFKGiYdWuxc-00200-00099786-00100158 way to help support a small channel like this and they’re incredibly appreciated. AFKGiYdWuxc-00201-00100158-00100410 If you’d like to help out the channel financially, AFKGiYdWuxc-00202-00100410-00100806 you can hit the blue JOIN button below or even support me over on Patreon. AFKGiYdWuxc-00203-00100806-00101256 But with that, I thank you guys again for watching and I’ll catch you in the next video. AFPGM54_XXc-00000-00000000-00000392 Please subscribe to my channel for coding with c and matlab AFPGM54_XXc-00001-00000392-00000952 any further queries write me @ ricky1988shirsendu@gmail.com or call @ 9859509537 AJ0chgjy8ro-00001-00000050-00000285 Huawei Honor 7X AJKFxNhr2Zo-00000-00000000-00000104 GABY DE JONGH: All right. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00001-00000104-00000200 Thank you, Anna Marie. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00002-00000200-00000403 I'm going to share my screen here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00003-00000403-00000604 So just a moment while I get set up. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00004-00001967-00002075 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00005-00002075-00002141 Great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00006-00002141-00002552 So I just want to confirm that you can see my slide there, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00007-00002552-00002740 and it says video accessibility. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00008-00002740-00002906 Does everybody see that? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00009-00003396-00003465 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00010-00003465-00003582 Great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00011-00003582-00003847 Well, thanks for coming today, everybody. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00012-00003847-00004161 My name is Gaby de Jongh, and I am a member AJKFxNhr2Zo-00013-00004161-00004458 of the IT accessibility team. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00014-00004458-00005011 And today we are going to be presenting video accessibility AJKFxNhr2Zo-00015-00005011-00005061 to you. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00016-00005061-00005295 And along with me is Terrill Thompson, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00017-00005295-00005607 who's the manager of the IT accessibility team. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00018-00005607-00005856 So we will be presenting on topics AJKFxNhr2Zo-00019-00005856-00006103 related to video accessibility. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00020-00006103-00006324 So let's go ahead and get started. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00021-00006769-00006886 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00022-00006886-00007301 Who is impacted by inaccessible video? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00023-00007301-00007652 So when we think about accessible video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00024-00007652-00007848 we should be thinking about who will be AJKFxNhr2Zo-00025-00007848-00008300 impacted by inaccessible video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00026-00008300-00008437 So let's see. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00027-00008437-00008713 So in certain situations, there may AJKFxNhr2Zo-00028-00008713-00009133 be users who are unable to hear the audio. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00029-00009133-00009412 Maybe they're deaf or hard of hearing, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00030-00009412-00009643 or maybe they're in a noisy situation, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00031-00009643-00010057 and they're just not able to hear the audio in there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00032-00010057-00010253 That might be impacted. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00033-00010253-00010672 So the solution for that is to provide captions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00034-00010672-00011113 And I'll be giving you some information AJKFxNhr2Zo-00035-00011113-00011401 on enabling captions in different video platforms AJKFxNhr2Zo-00036-00011401-00011695 that are available to the UW, and then AJKFxNhr2Zo-00037-00011695-00012352 also how to edit captions once your video has been concluded. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00038-00012352-00012700 Another thing to ask yourself is-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00039-00012700-00013096 users who are unable to see the videos, which AJKFxNhr2Zo-00040-00013096-00013369 may include users who are blind or have AJKFxNhr2Zo-00041-00013369-00013582 visual impairments, or maybe somebody AJKFxNhr2Zo-00042-00013582-00013938 just is listening to the video instead AJKFxNhr2Zo-00043-00013938-00014105 of actually watching it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00044-00014105-00014578 So the solution for these barriers AJKFxNhr2Zo-00045-00014578-00014911 would be audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00046-00014911-00015301 And Terrill is going to talk more about audio description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00047-00015301-00015835 and offer some solutions later on in the presentation AJKFxNhr2Zo-00048-00015835-00016057 regarding that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00049-00016057-00016294 And then there may be users who are AJKFxNhr2Zo-00050-00016294-00016858 unable to both hear and see the audio and video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00051-00016858-00017003 and that may be impacted. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00052-00017003-00017329 So the solution for this group would AJKFxNhr2Zo-00053-00017329-00017617 be to provide a transcript. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00054-00017617-00017953 And transcripts are useful because it AJKFxNhr2Zo-00055-00017953-00018280 allows folks to jump within the video AJKFxNhr2Zo-00056-00018280-00018601 to a certain place using keywords, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00057-00018601-00018856 and they may also be consumed by individuals AJKFxNhr2Zo-00058-00018856-00019249 who are using a screen reader or a braille device. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00059-00019249-00019474 And there are other examples of individuals AJKFxNhr2Zo-00060-00019474-00019720 who may be impacted by inaccessible video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00061-00019720-00020041 and those include folks who may not use a mouse. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00062-00020041-00020320 They use a keyboard only to navigate. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00063-00020320-00020614 Maybe they're not able to hold a mouse in their hand AJKFxNhr2Zo-00064-00020614-00020842 or have some weakness in their hands, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00065-00020842-00021112 so they're only able to use a keyboard. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00066-00021112-00021424 Or that may include folks who are using a screen AJKFxNhr2Zo-00067-00021424-00021754 reader to access information, and they're not AJKFxNhr2Zo-00068-00021754-00022162 able to use a screen reader to access the video controls AJKFxNhr2Zo-00069-00022162-00022366 of the video player. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00070-00022366-00022720 Or folks who are using speech input, such as Dragon Naturally AJKFxNhr2Zo-00071-00022720-00022771 Speaking. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00072-00022771-00023074 So they use speech input to navigate around their computer. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00073-00023074-00023710 They talk to their computer in order to perform certain duties AJKFxNhr2Zo-00074-00023710-00024166 or to dictate text into the computer. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00075-00024166-00024490 Or you may have folks who are dependent upon high contrast AJKFxNhr2Zo-00076-00024490-00024754 or some custom color schemes. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00077-00024754-00025075 And the solution to that would be to provide an accessible AJKFxNhr2Zo-00078-00025075-00025216 media player. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00079-00025216-00025699 And Terrill, again, is going to talk about an accessible media AJKFxNhr2Zo-00080-00025699-00026295 player that offers playback in multiple languages. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00081-00026295-00026470 It also offers audio description, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00082-00026470-00026699 ASL interpretation. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00083-00026699-00026971 And this accessible media player was developed at UW, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00084-00026971-00027188 and Terrill is going to cover more about that later. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00085-00027468-00027845 And just for clarification, I wanted to include information AJKFxNhr2Zo-00086-00027845-00028102 about the different accessibility offices AJKFxNhr2Zo-00087-00028102-00028489 at the University and what kind of responsibility they have AJKFxNhr2Zo-00088-00028489-00028751 when it comes to accessibility-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00089-00028751-00028983 accessibility of videos. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00090-00028983-00029411 So if you have a student who has requested an accommodation, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00091-00029411-00029687 Disability Resources for Students, or DRS, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00092-00029687-00029837 will provide the funding and support AJKFxNhr2Zo-00093-00029837-00030116 for captioning and audio description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00094-00030116-00030329 for course materials for that student. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00095-00030329-00030797 And Disability Services Office provides similar services AJKFxNhr2Zo-00096-00030797-00031327 for faculty, staff, and also visitors to the University. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00097-00031327-00031883 Now, DSO also coordinates ASL interpretation and CART AJKFxNhr2Zo-00098-00031883-00032276 captioning for in-person and virtual events. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00099-00032276-00032624 So any requests for those kinds of services AJKFxNhr2Zo-00100-00032624-00033011 will need to go directly through DSO. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00101-00033011-00033380 And then Accessible Technology Services, or ATS, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00102-00033380-00033611 we provide internal grant funding AJKFxNhr2Zo-00103-00033611-00033899 for captioning high-impact videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00104-00033899-00034079 in a more proactive manner. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00105-00034079-00034496 And we also provide training and support for UW departments AJKFxNhr2Zo-00106-00034496-00034773 with regards to accessible IT. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00107-00034773-00035012 And I'll talk a little bit more about the grant-funded AJKFxNhr2Zo-00108-00035012-00035643 captioning service more in depth later on in this presentation AJKFxNhr2Zo-00109-00035643-00036045 OK so first, I'm going to cover captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00110-00036045-00036410 And I'm going to cover captioning in Zoom, Panopto, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00111-00036410-00036477 and YouTube. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00112-00036477-00036813 Those are the three main video services that we use here AJKFxNhr2Zo-00113-00036813-00037221 at the U. And I'm going to talk about how to enable AJKFxNhr2Zo-00114-00037221-00037467 automatic speech recognition. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00115-00037467-00037866 But it's important to note that automatic speech recognition AJKFxNhr2Zo-00116-00037866-00038226 captions, or ASR, they may not be accurate enough AJKFxNhr2Zo-00117-00038226-00038727 to serve as an accommodation for people who depend on captions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00118-00038727-00039105 And even though the accuracy is pretty good, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00119-00039105-00039474 ASR captions lack the ability to convey context of what's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00120-00039474-00039607 happening in the meeting. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00121-00039607-00039903 And sometimes it mislabeled speakers. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00122-00039903-00040248 And then technical, medical, sometimes legal, and other AJKFxNhr2Zo-00123-00040248-00040816 specialized terms are often not transcribed accurately. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00124-00040816-00041190 Now, with that said, Zoom's ASR uses AJKFxNhr2Zo-00125-00041190-00041529 Otter.ai as their speech-to-text translator, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00126-00041529-00041686 and it's pretty darn good. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00127-00041686-00042051 So in some situations, I've gotten some feedback AJKFxNhr2Zo-00128-00042051-00042528 that individuals actually prefer ASR over human captioners. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00129-00042528-00042954 So our recommendation is, if you have an accommodation request AJKFxNhr2Zo-00130-00042954-00043170 to caption an event or a meeting, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00131-00043170-00043485 it may be appropriate to reach out to the individuals who AJKFxNhr2Zo-00132-00043485-00043749 have requested captions as an accommodation, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00133-00043749-00044190 and ask if automatic captioning within the Zoom platform AJKFxNhr2Zo-00134-00044190-00044364 is acceptable to them. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00135-00044364-00044580 And if they say yes, then you can follow the steps AJKFxNhr2Zo-00136-00044580-00044796 for enabling the automatic captions, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00137-00044796-00044992 and then you should be fine. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00138-00044992-00045381 But if not, if they do want to have a CART captioner, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00139-00045381-00045639 then you should make arrangements through DSO AJKFxNhr2Zo-00140-00045639-00045916 to hire a human captioner. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00141-00045916-00045966 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00142-00045966-00046203 So let's get started. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00143-00046203-00046692 I'm going to first talk about enabling captions in Zoom. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00144-00046692-00047142 So by default, UW Zoom accounts have the ability AJKFxNhr2Zo-00145-00047142-00047436 to turn on automatically generated captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00146-00047436-00047616 for your meeting or webinar. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00147-00047616-00047841 And you can check these settings or make changes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00148-00047841-00048066 when you're logged into your Zoom account AJKFxNhr2Zo-00149-00048066-00048252 through a web browser. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00150-00048252-00048708 So to turn on live captions in a Zoom meeting, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00151-00048708-00048954 you can look at the Zoom toolbar, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00152-00048954-00049368 and The Live Transcript button will be visible to you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00153-00049368-00049548 as the meeting host. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00154-00049548-00049965 Now, if you click on that icon, then this little pop-up window AJKFxNhr2Zo-00155-00049965-00050326 appears, as shown on this slide. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00156-00050326-00050757 The slide is a screenshot of my Zoom instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00157-00050757-00051144 And I've clicked on the little CC live transcript button AJKFxNhr2Zo-00158-00051144-00051283 there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00159-00051283-00051702 And then once you click that, then you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00160-00051702-00052011 can select the Enable button under Live Transcription, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00161-00052011-00052500 and also check the checkbox next to Allow participants AJKFxNhr2Zo-00162-00052500-00052908 to request live transcriptions, if you want to include that, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00163-00052908-00053079 as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00164-00053079-00053328 So incidentally, these are the exact same steps AJKFxNhr2Zo-00165-00053328-00053670 that you would take if somebody has requested an accommodation AJKFxNhr2Zo-00166-00053670-00054129 and you need to assign access for a human captioner. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00167-00054129-00054375 If you have a third party human captioner, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00168-00054375-00054525 it's usually somebody you may have AJKFxNhr2Zo-00169-00054525-00054954 requested through DRS or DSO to help caption the session. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00170-00054954-00055278 You'll select the button there that says Copy API AJKFxNhr2Zo-00171-00055278-00055899 Token, and that copies the token to the host or your clipboard, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00172-00055899-00056206 and then you can paste it into the third party closed AJKFxNhr2Zo-00173-00056206-00056352 captioning tool, and then that will AJKFxNhr2Zo-00174-00056352-00056717 allow for the CART captioning to appear within your Zoom AJKFxNhr2Zo-00175-00056717-00056867 instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00176-00056867-00057099 Now, we have captions enabled for this webinar, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00177-00057099-00057579 and you're welcome to turn them on by clicking on the CC icon AJKFxNhr2Zo-00178-00057579-00057735 in the Zoom toolbar. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00179-00057735-00058149 And you can also view the transcript at the same time. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00180-00058149-00058419 And the transcript pops out on the right hand side AJKFxNhr2Zo-00181-00058419-00058596 and also helps identify who's speaking. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00182-00058876-00058937 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00183-00058937-00059539 So I'm going to switch to my web browser for the next few items AJKFxNhr2Zo-00184-00059539-00059989 and provide a demonstration of editing captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00185-00059989-00060286 in your Zoom cloud recording. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00186-00060286-00060673 So once you're meeting or webinar has ended, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00187-00060673-00060901 it's going to take some time to save AJKFxNhr2Zo-00188-00060901-00061080 the recording to the cloud. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00189-00061080-00061316 And when that process is complete, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00190-00061316-00061738 you're going to receive an email from Zoom with a link AJKFxNhr2Zo-00191-00061738-00061912 to that recording. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00192-00061912-00062176 Now, you can access that recording AJKFxNhr2Zo-00193-00062176-00062395 just by clicking on the link within the email, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00194-00062395-00062655 and that will prompt you to log into your Zoom account AJKFxNhr2Zo-00195-00062655-00062991 in a web browser, and that will take you directly AJKFxNhr2Zo-00196-00062991-00063685 to the cloud recording of that instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00197-00063685-00064222 Or you can access it by going to the Recordings tab AJKFxNhr2Zo-00198-00064222-00064385 within your Zoom instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00199-00064385-00064961 And so that's what I have up here on my screen. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00200-00064961-00065296 So a couple of different things I want to point out here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00201-00065296-00065503 This link here down at the bottom AJKFxNhr2Zo-00202-00065503-00065897 where it says Audio transcript, this is a live link. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00203-00065897-00066400 And so I mentioned that it takes a long time for video AJKFxNhr2Zo-00204-00066400-00066595 to save to the cloud. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00205-00066595-00066907 It takes even longer for the transcripts AJKFxNhr2Zo-00206-00066907-00067028 to save to the cloud. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00207-00067028-00067324 So if you get your first email from Zoom AJKFxNhr2Zo-00208-00067324-00067506 saying that your recording is complete, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00209-00067506-00067756 that's probably just going to be the video recording and not AJKFxNhr2Zo-00210-00067756-00068035 the transcript, so you need to wait a little bit longer AJKFxNhr2Zo-00211-00068035-00068383 until you get a second email from Zoom AJKFxNhr2Zo-00212-00068383-00068657 that states that the audio transcript is complete. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00213-00068657-00069010 If you click too early, then this link here AJKFxNhr2Zo-00214-00069010-00069205 will not be live, and you won't actually AJKFxNhr2Zo-00215-00069205-00069697 have any captions to edit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00216-00069697-00070036 But once that's complete, then you can go ahead and click AJKFxNhr2Zo-00217-00070036-00070216 on this, click on your recording-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00218-00070216-00070465 and I'm going to open it up in a new tab here-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00219-00070465-00070830 and it automatically starts playing, which AJKFxNhr2Zo-00220-00070830-00071040 is always distracting to me. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00221-00071040-00071625 But this is the caption editor within the Zoom instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00222-00071625-00071979 And you'll notice that the video takes the prominent position AJKFxNhr2Zo-00223-00071979-00072174 here in the center of the window, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00224-00072174-00072649 and then the transcript appears on the right hand side. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00225-00072649-00073021 So usually, what I do is I can click on this little CC button AJKFxNhr2Zo-00226-00073021-00073071 here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00227-00073071-00073254 It says show subtitles, and then you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00228-00073254-00073617 can see the captions actually appearing here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00229-00073617-00074289 Now, I already started to work on this particular video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00230-00074289-00074916 And it's pretty easy to edit the text of the transcript AJKFxNhr2Zo-00231-00074916-00075300 just by hovering your mouse over the word balloons. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00232-00075300-00075546 And you'll notice when I do that, this little pencil AJKFxNhr2Zo-00233-00075546-00075639 icon appears. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00234-00075639-00076020 And when I hover my mouse over that, it says Edit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00235-00076020-00076245 I'm going to make this a little bigger so you guys can AJKFxNhr2Zo-00236-00076245-00076296 see that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00237-00076296-00076346 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00238-00076346-00076604 Great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00239-00076604-00076938 So when I click on that, then that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00240-00076938-00077180 allows me to make an edit within this word balloon. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00241-00077180-00077376 So I'm going to go ahead and make changes here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00242-00077928-00077978 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00243-00077978-00078195 So I made changes to my transcript, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00244-00078195-00078333 and I have two different options. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00245-00078333-00078500 I can either select the checkbox, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00246-00078500-00079040 and that will save my changes, or I can click the X, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00247-00079040-00079259 and that will reject the changes and it will go back AJKFxNhr2Zo-00248-00079259-00079418 to the original text. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00249-00079418-00079601 But when I click on this checkbox here, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00250-00079601-00080000 I want you guys to pay attention to something that will happen. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00251-00080000-00080254 Up in the upper middle of the screen here, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00252-00080254-00080438 there'll be some kind of a notification that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00253-00080438-00080660 says that the transcript has been updated. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00254-00080660-00080814 So I'm going to go ahead and click on AJKFxNhr2Zo-00255-00080814-00080967 that so you can see that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00256-00080967-00081057 So I saved that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00257-00081057-00081483 And then you can see here our transcript has been updated. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00258-00081483-00082077 So when you play this back, when you play the edited transcript AJKFxNhr2Zo-00259-00082077-00082461 back in your instance of Zoom, those updates AJKFxNhr2Zo-00260-00082461-00082869 might not appear instantaneously. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00261-00082869-00083403 But if you share the cloud link of the recording, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00262-00083403-00083874 that will have the updated captions with any changes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00263-00083874-00084192 that you have made to the caption. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00264-00084192-00084328 And it does take a little while. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00265-00084328-00084609 It may take a day or two for your instance AJKFxNhr2Zo-00266-00084609-00084873 to update so the captions on your instance AJKFxNhr2Zo-00267-00084873-00085281 will match the transcript that you have edited. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00268-00085281-00085489 It takes a little while for that to happen. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00269-00085489-00085698 But it won't happen in real time in your instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00270-00085698-00086022 But the Zoom recording will reflect those changes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00271-00086022-00086357 once you have made them. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00272-00086357-00086765 So that's pretty much it for Zoom. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00273-00086765-00086940 So I'm going to switch platforms, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00274-00086940-00087245 and then I'm going to talk a little bit about Panopto. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00275-00087245-00087452 This is another video recording option AJKFxNhr2Zo-00276-00087452-00087770 that we have at the University of Washington. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00277-00087770-00088275 And in order to enable automatic captioning within your Panopto AJKFxNhr2Zo-00278-00088275-00088538 videos, you can do up pretty easily. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00279-00088538-00088850 You'll notice that if I hover my mouse over the video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00280-00088850-00089117 I get these little buttons set up here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00281-00089117-00089482 I can select the Settings button. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00282-00089482-00089833 And this is something in a different kind of a preview. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00283-00089833-00090203 And I have another left-hand navigation menu here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00284-00090203-00090868 If I select Captions, then I have this Request Captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00285-00090868-00090928 option. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00286-00090928-00091124 It's a dropdown option. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00287-00091124-00091321 And if I select the dropdown, you'll AJKFxNhr2Zo-00288-00091321-00091759 see the very first option there is Automatic Machine Captions, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00289-00091759-00091936 and that's what you will be selecting. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00290-00091936-00092197 Now, I have a bunch of different options down here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00291-00092197-00092623 I do a lot of sending videos to be captioned AJKFxNhr2Zo-00292-00092623-00093292 by other third party caption services, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00293-00093292-00094012 and so you won't see this huge list of different services AJKFxNhr2Zo-00294-00094012-00094177 or different-- essentially, these AJKFxNhr2Zo-00295-00094177-00094531 are budget numbers that will pay for the captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00296-00094531-00094768 And that's done by human captioners. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00297-00094768-00095429 So they actually go in, and the humans will caption the videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00298-00095429-00095479 for you. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00299-00095479-00095731 But that's a for-fee process. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00300-00095731-00095971 But the automatic machine captions will be free, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00301-00095971-00096178 and you can select that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00302-00096178-00096514 And then again, it takes a little while for those captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00303-00096514-00096928 to appear in your Panopto instance. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00304-00096928-00097330 But when they do, you can go back to your video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00305-00097330-00097657 and then you can make any necessary changes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00306-00097657-00098065 within the caption editor in Panopto. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00307-00098065-00098353 So I'm going to go ahead and open up this video instance AJKFxNhr2Zo-00308-00098353-00098704 here, which also automatically starts playing, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00309-00098704-00098954 which is very distracting. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00310-00098954-00099452 So here we have the Panopto caption editor. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00311-00099452-00099640 Actually, it's a video editor, or it can also AJKFxNhr2Zo-00312-00099640-00099797 work on captions, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00313-00099797-00100036 So I've got the main video, which is AJKFxNhr2Zo-00314-00100036-00100276 the center of my screen here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00315-00100276-00100570 And then I have my slides down at the bottom. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00316-00100570-00100723 On this left-hand navigation, I'm AJKFxNhr2Zo-00317-00100723-00100933 going to go ahead and set captions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00318-00100933-00101473 And when I do that, then you can actually see the transcript AJKFxNhr2Zo-00319-00101473-00101632 with time stamp. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00320-00101632-00101942 And I'm not really able to make any changes yet. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00321-00101942-00102217 So in order to make changes, I need AJKFxNhr2Zo-00322-00102217-00102604 to select this Edit tool, this little pencil tool up AJKFxNhr2Zo-00323-00102604-00102958 in the upper-right-hand corner. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00324-00102958-00103515 And when I select that, and my view is going to change here, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00325-00103515-00103801 I'm going to select Captions again, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00326-00103801-00104005 and this time, I can go ahead and click AJKFxNhr2Zo-00327-00104005-00104382 into these little word bubbles and make my changes. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00328-00104909-00104959 OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00329-00104959-00105089 Great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00330-00105089-00105602 So once you have made all your changes to your caption file, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00331-00105602-00105854 then you can click Apply, and then that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00332-00105854-00106199 will save all the changes to the cloud, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00333-00106199-00106526 and then your caption file will be updated. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00334-00106526-00106730 An interesting thing that I noticed, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00335-00106730-00107093 if you do not hit the Apply button AJKFxNhr2Zo-00336-00107093-00107480 but you have made changes to your transcript AJKFxNhr2Zo-00337-00107480-00108002 and you exit out of the Panopto caption editor, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00338-00108002-00108281 it will still save whatever changes you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00339-00108281-00108602 have made in your transcript as a draft, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00340-00108602-00108803 but it doesn't publish it to the cloud AJKFxNhr2Zo-00341-00108803-00109026 yet, which is kind of nice. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00342-00109026-00109436 So if you have a long video and you need to come back to it, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00343-00109436-00109829 but you don't want to apply the changes to the entire caption AJKFxNhr2Zo-00344-00109829-00110198 file, you can make the changes exit out of your browser, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00345-00110198-00110453 come back, your changes will still be there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00346-00110453-00110792 Once everything is done, you can go ahead and hit Apply. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00347-00110792-00111194 Then that will make the changes to your cloud recording AJKFxNhr2Zo-00348-00111194-00111371 of your caption file. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00349-00111371-00111661 And then everything will be revealed from there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00350-00112108-00112786 So let's go ahead and move on to YouTube. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00351-00113067-00113829 So in YouTube, when you upload your videos to YouTube Studio, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00352-00113829-00114171 captions are automatically generated using ASR. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00353-00114171-00114357 You don't have to do anything. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00354-00114357-00114771 That just automatically happens once you upload your videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00355-00114771-00115029 to the YouTube platform. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00356-00115029-00115508 Now, just like in Zoom, it takes a while for the video itself AJKFxNhr2Zo-00357-00115508-00115863 to upload, and then it takes another while AJKFxNhr2Zo-00358-00115863-00116033 for the captions-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00359-00116033-00116494 the automatic captions-- to be uploaded, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00360-00116494-00116694 So I'm going to go ahead and take a look here AJKFxNhr2Zo-00361-00116694-00117330 at a video file that I have in my instance here. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00362-00117330-00117615 And when you first upload your video AJKFxNhr2Zo-00363-00117615-00117918 and you're wanting to add captions, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00364-00117918-00118085 you'll notice this live link here AJKFxNhr2Zo-00365-00118085-00118341 that says Duplicate and Edit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00366-00118341-00118516 And when you first upload your file, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00367-00118516-00118785 this will actually say Add-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00368-00118785-00119159 A-D-D. And if you click on that, then that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00369-00119159-00119585 will give you the option to either upload a transcript that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00370-00119585-00120354 has already been created, or you can start typing the captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00371-00120354-00120555 for that video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00372-00120555-00120911 So it hasn't actually uploaded the automatic captions yet. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00373-00120911-00121085 It will just give you the opportunity AJKFxNhr2Zo-00374-00121085-00121467 to include them on your own or start manually typing them. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00375-00121467-00121796 But this was uploaded on September 29 of 2021, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00376-00121796-00121905 so it's been here a while. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00377-00121905-00122377 So my automatic captions should already be there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00378-00122377-00122769 So I'm going to go ahead and select this Duplicate and Edit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00379-00122769-00123253 And this is the caption editor within YouTube Studio. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00380-00123253-00123522 You notice that video shows-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00381-00123522-00123724 appears here on the right-hand side, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00382-00123724-00123948 and then we have the captions-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00383-00123948-00124270 transcript, rather, that appears on the left-hand side. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00384-00124270-00124665 Now, I want to select this link here that says Edit Timings. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00385-00124665-00124902 And when I select that, and you can AJKFxNhr2Zo-00386-00124902-00125289 see that the transcript turns into more word AJKFxNhr2Zo-00387-00125289-00125751 bubbles with timestamps of when these words will AJKFxNhr2Zo-00388-00125751-00126147 appear on the video player. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00389-00126147-00126325 Something else that you may notice-- let's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00390-00126325-00126624 see if I can make this bigger. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00391-00126624-00126779 Oops. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00392-00126779-00126949 Now that's not so great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00393-00126949-00127091 Something else that you may notice AJKFxNhr2Zo-00394-00127091-00127544 is that there are word blocks that appear in the timeline. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00395-00127544-00128102 And right below the wood blocks is a waveform of the audio, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00396-00128102-00128418 of the text that is being spoken. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00397-00128418-00128753 So if you need to make any adjustments to the timestamps AJKFxNhr2Zo-00398-00128753-00128983 of when the captions appear on screen, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00399-00128983-00129146 you can really easily do that just AJKFxNhr2Zo-00400-00129146-00129602 by sliding these text blocks around. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00401-00129602-00129961 And then it's super easy also to make any changes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00402-00129961-00130713 to the text in the caption editor for YouTube. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00403-00130713-00130858 You also have the option, if you're AJKFxNhr2Zo-00404-00130858-00131201 working on longer videos, to save drafts. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00405-00131201-00131591 And then once you have completed editing your entire transcript, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00406-00131591-00131834 then you want to select the Publish button, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00407-00131834-00132272 and then that will send your live captions-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00408-00132272-00132512 sorry, send your updated captions-- to the cloud AJKFxNhr2Zo-00409-00132512-00132680 version of your YouTube video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00410-00133193-00133853 So that's pretty much it for the caption editors. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00411-00133853-00134108 But sometimes, automated captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00412-00134108-00134327 just aren't that great. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00413-00134327-00134510 Maybe a lot of technical terms were AJKFxNhr2Zo-00414-00134510-00134726 used during a presentation, and they AJKFxNhr2Zo-00415-00134726-00134930 weren't transcribed accurately. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00416-00134930-00135278 Or maybe they were several speakers in a webinar meeting, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00417-00135278-00135521 and automatic captions aren't identifying who's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00418-00135521-00135689 speaking at the right time. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00419-00135689-00135932 There could be other factors, maybe a noisy environment, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00420-00135932-00136092 all kinds of factors. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00421-00136092-00136289 So I wanted to include this slide AJKFxNhr2Zo-00422-00136289-00136790 as a friendly reminder about the UW-IT Captioning Service. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00423-00136790-00137099 Accessible Technology Services manages this project AJKFxNhr2Zo-00424-00137099-00137504 and will caption UW video presentations AJKFxNhr2Zo-00425-00137504-00137687 without any charge. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00426-00137687-00137999 But there is an application, and applications AJKFxNhr2Zo-00427-00137999-00138344 are reviewed by ATS staff. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00428-00138344-00138801 And the videos that we caption do have a criteria. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00429-00138801-00139166 So they need to be highly visible, forward-facing, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00430-00139166-00139688 high-impact, usually multiple-use, and maybe AJKFxNhr2Zo-00431-00139688-00139884 strategic videos, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00432-00139884-00140114 So we have quite a bit of funding, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00433-00140114-00140441 especially for captioning Panopto videos for this, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00434-00140441-00140774 so I highly encourage folks to apply for this service. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00435-00140774-00141173 And I've included a link for the service here on this slide, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00436-00141173-00141410 as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00437-00141410-00141909 For other videos, maybe outside of Panopto, Zoom, or YouTube, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00438-00141909-00142055 although those could be considered, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00439-00142055-00142340 as well, you might want to consider using the state AJKFxNhr2Zo-00440-00142340-00142604 contract with 3Play Media. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00441-00142604-00142820 If you don't want to use automatic captions, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00442-00142820-00143222 and you don't have the time to edit those captions yourself, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00443-00143222-00143447 you can pay 3Play Media, and it's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00444-00143447-00143894 $1.95 a minute for our contract with 3Play Media. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00445-00144492-00145320 So this slide is just a screenshot from a third party AJKFxNhr2Zo-00446-00145320-00145587 captioning service, and it lists a bunch AJKFxNhr2Zo-00447-00145587-00145831 of different file types. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00448-00145831-00146046 These are all standard file types AJKFxNhr2Zo-00449-00146046-00146436 used by popular media players. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00450-00146436-00146820 But of course, there are a bunch of different ones. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00451-00146820-00147510 Facebook SRT, SMI, SRT, seems to be a very popular file name, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00452-00147510-00147693 or file type, rather. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00453-00147693-00148011 But the purpose of this slide is for you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00454-00148011-00148194 to know that it's important to know AJKFxNhr2Zo-00455-00148194-00148722 what file format your video player supports because that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00456-00148722-00149207 really determines the file type that you're going to choose. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00457-00149207-00149485 And then this slide just shows the formats. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00458-00149485-00149587 And in this case-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00459-00149587-00149818 file format of a caption file-- in this case, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00460-00149818-00150010 this is a WEBVTT file-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00461-00150010-00150145 captioned file. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00462-00150145-00150532 And it's just simple text with time stamps and colons AJKFxNhr2Zo-00463-00150532-00150616 and whatnot. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00464-00150616-00151024 And these caption files can easily be edited in something AJKFxNhr2Zo-00465-00151024-00151210 such as Notepad++. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00466-00151210-00151684 You don't really need a caption editor to edit these files, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00467-00151684-00152068 but it sure does make things a lot simpler. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00468-00152068-00152464 So something to keep in mind, if you're using a text AJKFxNhr2Zo-00469-00152464-00152689 editor to edit your caption files, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00470-00152689-00153185 it's really easy to make mistake, which could throw off AJKFxNhr2Zo-00471-00153185-00153419 your timing and your captions for the rest of the video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00472-00153419-00153637 So just something to be aware of. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00473-00153899-00154247 And then which videos are the highest priority AJKFxNhr2Zo-00474-00154247-00154748 when it comes to deciding which videos should you capture? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00475-00154748-00155018 Well, certainly videos that are required AJKFxNhr2Zo-00476-00155018-00155321 viewing for individuals who need an accommodation AJKFxNhr2Zo-00477-00155321-00155579 would be a high priority for captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00478-00155579-00155909 But also, videos that are likely to be required AJKFxNhr2Zo-00479-00155909-00156347 viewing for individuals who need an accommodation should also AJKFxNhr2Zo-00480-00156347-00156782 be considered, so thinking what there needs may be. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00481-00156782-00156974 Other videos to consider-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00482-00156974-00157172 include ones that are popular, viewed AJKFxNhr2Zo-00483-00157172-00157409 a lot, videos that are relatively AJKFxNhr2Zo-00484-00157409-00157847 new, and captioning could be part of your workflow, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00485-00157847-00158271 and videos that provide critical content. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00486-00158271-00158660 So how do you prioritize your videos for captioning? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00487-00158660-00158891 Well, I'm going to actually hand it over to Terrill AJKFxNhr2Zo-00488-00158891-00159329 at this point, and he is going to talk to you more about that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00489-00159836-00159973 TERRILL THOMPSON: Thanks, Gaby. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00490-00159973-00160335 And before we do switch speakers here, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00491-00160335-00160585 I just wonder if anybody has any questions about captioning, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00492-00160585-00160960 because I'm going to talk a little bit about a tool AJKFxNhr2Zo-00493-00160960-00161188 that we have to help prioritize captioning efforts, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00494-00161188-00161408 but mostly I'm going to shift gears and start talking AJKFxNhr2Zo-00495-00161408-00161537 about audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00496-00161537-00161704 So now would be the time if you have AJKFxNhr2Zo-00497-00161704-00162050 any caption-related questions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00498-00162050-00162278 There was one in chat, by the way, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00499-00162278-00162740 questioning whether automated captioning is enabled-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00500-00162740-00163017 within Zoom, if it is enabled by a host, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00501-00163017-00163409 whether all participants see captions right away, or do AJKFxNhr2Zo-00502-00163409-00163628 they need to click the CC button. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00503-00163628-00164057 And I tend to always be host or co-host in meetings AJKFxNhr2Zo-00504-00164057-00164411 where captions are provided, and so I don't AJKFxNhr2Zo-00505-00164411-00164615 know if I have the answer to. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00506-00164615-00164807 That but there is some discussion AJKFxNhr2Zo-00507-00164807-00165053 in the chat about that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00508-00165053-00165488 I think that the user has to click the CC button to see, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00509-00165488-00165686 and that there is a notice that gets sent out AJKFxNhr2Zo-00510-00165686-00166013 to everybody saying live transcript captions are AJKFxNhr2Zo-00511-00166013-00166079 available. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00512-00166390-00166612 And it sounds like Andrea is confirming AJKFxNhr2Zo-00513-00166612-00166811 that that is the case. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00514-00167108-00167336 Any other questions about captions before we AJKFxNhr2Zo-00515-00167336-00167552 move on to other stuff? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00516-00167874-00168330 And feel free to either raise your hand or type in chat, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00517-00168330-00168477 or we're a pretty small group, so AJKFxNhr2Zo-00518-00168477-00168810 feel free to just unmute and talk if you prefer that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00519-00169288-00169748 If not, then I will go ahead and share my screen. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00520-00170070-00170406 Actually, I have a slide that shows this tool. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00521-00170406-00170835 YouTube Caption Auditor, YTCA is a tool that we developed. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00522-00170835-00171012 It's free, it's open source. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00523-00171012-00171481 And this is the report, or set of reports, that it generates. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00524-00171481-00171759 And so we actually have a site hosted AJKFxNhr2Zo-00525-00171759-00172371 on our department's server that you all have access to. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00526-00172371-00172599 If you are a YouTube channel owner, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00527-00172599-00172870 and you want to participate in this, just AJKFxNhr2Zo-00528-00172870-00173388 to use this tool to see how YouTube channels at the UW AJKFxNhr2Zo-00529-00173388-00173682 are performing in terms of their captioning efforts, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00530-00173682-00174033 but primarily to use this tool to prioritize AJKFxNhr2Zo-00531-00174033-00174252 your own captioning efforts, then this AJKFxNhr2Zo-00532-00174252-00174390 is a really great tool for that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00533-00174390-00174750 It's protected by UW net ID, and so basically you just AJKFxNhr2Zo-00534-00174750-00175104 have to ask me and I can give you access to it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00535-00175104-00175581 But I encourage anybody who has some ownership responsibilities AJKFxNhr2Zo-00536-00175581-00176058 for your YouTube channel to use this tool AJKFxNhr2Zo-00537-00176058-00176427 and take advantage of this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00538-00176427-00176752 As it says here, we have 88 YouTube channels. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00539-00176752-00176868 These are known channels. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00540-00176868-00177147 I suspect there are many more out there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00541-00177147-00177354 And some of these seem to be dormant. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00542-00177354-00177669 They haven't been updated in a while. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00543-00177669-00178032 But one thing we can do is we can sort this table. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00544-00178032-00178323 It shows us all of those channels, how many videos they AJKFxNhr2Zo-00545-00178323-00178686 have, when their latest video was uploaded, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00546-00178686-00178904 how many of the videos are captioned, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00547-00178904-00179241 and what percentage that is, as well as a few other things, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00548-00179241-00179359 which are customizable. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00549-00179359-00179773 You can select what fields are shown in this table. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00550-00179773-00180147 But I particularly am interested in how AJKFxNhr2Zo-00551-00180147-00180360 are folks doing on their captioning efforts. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00552-00180360-00180547 And this is color-coded. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00553-00180547-00180930 And so you can see the rows that are red AJKFxNhr2Zo-00554-00180930-00181254 are 0 captions, so those are channels that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00555-00181254-00181447 need to get their act together. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00556-00181447-00181728 They haven't started their captioning yet, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00557-00181728-00182031 whereas green rows indicate a channel that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00558-00182031-00182269 has captioned 50% or more. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00559-00182269-00182580 And so if we focus on the positive AJKFxNhr2Zo-00560-00182580-00182913 and sort this in descending order, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00561-00182913-00183219 then we see that there are quite a few green rows. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00562-00183219-00183564 These are channels, again, that have captioning 50% or more. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00563-00183564-00184191 Several are over 80%, three are over 90%, and one is 100%. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00564-00184191-00184686 UW's School of Public Health has done a great job. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00565-00184686-00185049 With 176 videos, they've captioned all of those. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00566-00185049-00185436 And we can click on any channel to see what's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00567-00185436-00185592 been happening with that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00568-00185592-00186030 And we actually see over time how this has progressed. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00569-00186030-00186513 They actually had attained 100% in 2019 AJKFxNhr2Zo-00570-00186513-00186705 and maintained that in 2020. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00571-00186705-00186873 But then they uploaded a few videos that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00572-00186873-00187047 were not initially captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00573-00187047-00187356 But then recently they caught up and have captured those videos, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00574-00187356-00187549 as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00575-00187549-00187866 This is also an accessible chart. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00576-00187866-00188403 So you can check out what accessible data visualizations AJKFxNhr2Zo-00577-00188403-00188460 look like. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00578-00188460-00188661 It has a Sonify Graph button, so you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00579-00188661-00189021 can listen to this graph, which is pretty cool. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00580-00189021-00189268 This is using Highcharts. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00581-00189268-00189588 So that's off topic, but this is a really cool app AJKFxNhr2Zo-00582-00189588-00189960 for taking a look at accessible data visualization. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00583-00189960-00190491 Further down on the page, you see a list of all 176 videos. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00584-00190491-00190871 And this, too, can be sorted however you like it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00585-00190871-00191076 So it's not going to be very helpful in this case AJKFxNhr2Zo-00586-00191076-00191241 because everything is captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00587-00191241-00191754 But if we go back and we look for a slightly less perfect AJKFxNhr2Zo-00588-00191754-00192246 example, like, I'm going to pick on the iSchool, for example. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00589-00192246-00192786 They're at 48%, so just shy of 50%. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00590-00192786-00193170 We can kind of see that they've never attained 100%. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00591-00193170-00193410 They got a little bit closer in 2021, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00592-00193410-00193848 but then they got a little bit farther apart. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00593-00193848-00194337 But the way that this is really helpful for prioritization AJKFxNhr2Zo-00594-00194337-00194475 is you can sort. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00595-00194475-00194730 I think probably the most logical way to sort AJKFxNhr2Zo-00596-00194730-00195027 would be to sort by views, and then you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00597-00195027-00195723 get the most popular videos on your channel AJKFxNhr2Zo-00598-00195723-00195934 emerging to the top. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00599-00195934-00196207 And as we see here, what initially looked pretty bad-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00600-00196207-00196412 they had a lot of nos for caption-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00601-00196412-00196587 they actually have done a pretty good job. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00602-00196587-00196944 If we look at the highest priority being AJKFxNhr2Zo-00603-00196944-00197346 those videos that are viewed most frequently, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00604-00197346-00197907 then they have captioned most of their high-traffic videos. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00605-00197907-00198447 The number one exception, with 24,000 views, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00606-00198447-00198759 is the Bachelor of Science in Informatics Program AJKFxNhr2Zo-00607-00198759-00198984 Overview, which sounds like a pretty important video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00608-00198984-00199464 And so this tool then allows that to surface, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00609-00199464-00199949 and they can say, oh, that really needs to be captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00610-00199949-00200129 That's a high priority video that AJKFxNhr2Zo-00611-00200129-00200255 slipped through the cracks. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00612-00200255-00200777 You can also sort by date, so you get the most recent videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00613-00200777-00200921 emerging to the top. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00614-00200921-00201179 And in that case, the most recent video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00615-00201179-00201359 although it hasn't been viewed a whole lot, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00616-00201359-00201623 it is their most recent video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00617-00201623-00201894 It's only a four-minute video, but it has not been captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00618-00201894-00202238 And so this tool, just by seeing all the videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00619-00202238-00202493 in a context, where YouTube doesn't really present them AJKFxNhr2Zo-00620-00202493-00202673 anywhere in a way that's this easy AJKFxNhr2Zo-00621-00202673-00203048 to just look through, and see what's captioned, what's not, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00622-00203048-00203658 sort it a few different ways, and then take it from there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00623-00203658-00204155 So this also can be a really useful tool for prioritizing AJKFxNhr2Zo-00624-00204155-00204317 your audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00625-00204317-00204827 And so that's what I want to turn my attention to now. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00626-00204827-00204965 And I'm actually going to reshare AJKFxNhr2Zo-00627-00204965-00205267 because I forgot to check that little Share Sound button. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00628-00205910-00206271 And I've got some sound to share. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00629-00206271-00206456 So what is audio description? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00630-00206456-00206627 Gaby talked a little bit about this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00631-00206627-00206969 But essentially, if you think about captions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00632-00206969-00207401 being a solution for people that are unable to hear the video's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00633-00207401-00207707 audio, audio description is a solution AJKFxNhr2Zo-00634-00207707-00208096 for people who are unable to see the video's video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00635-00208096-00208635 So they may be able to listen to the audio, and in some cases, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00636-00208635-00209034 they get most or even all of the content when they do that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00637-00209034-00209696 But if there's any content that is communicated by video alone, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00638-00209696-00209927 and listening to the video is not AJKFxNhr2Zo-00639-00209927-00210179 sufficient to get that information, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00640-00210179-00210605 then that's a barrier, and that needs to be remedied somehow. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00641-00210605-00211073 So audio description provides a solution to that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00642-00211073-00211342 And this is a solution post-production. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00643-00211342-00211532 So you've already created a video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00644-00211532-00211838 You didn't add in that narration that would have made AJKFxNhr2Zo-00645-00211838-00211948 that accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00646-00211948-00212366 Or if it's a lecture, the lecturer AJKFxNhr2Zo-00647-00212366-00212633 did not describe things that were happening visually, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00648-00212633-00212840 maybe didn't verbalize the content that's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00649-00212840-00213137 being shown on slides, or gave a demonstration AJKFxNhr2Zo-00650-00213137-00213338 and didn't describe what they were doing. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00651-00213338-00213525 Those are all best practices. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00652-00213525-00213957 But if in the end, you have a video and that didn't happen, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00653-00213957-00214196 and so there's content that's inaccessible, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00654-00214196-00214467 then it needs to be added in after the fact. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00655-00214467-00214682 And so audio description is a way to do that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00656-00214682-00214910 It is known by other names. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00657-00214910-00215291 Sometimes descriptive video or just description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00658-00215291-00215582 by itself and various other terms AJKFxNhr2Zo-00659-00215582-00215702 are used to describe this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00660-00215702-00215960 But audio description seems to be the most AJKFxNhr2Zo-00661-00215960-00216305 common that has emerged. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00662-00216305-00216494 There's also a term you should know about, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00663-00216494-00216752 extended audio description, which AJKFxNhr2Zo-00664-00216752-00217136 is when audio description doesn't fit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00665-00217136-00217505 If you've got audio content constantly, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00666-00217505-00217805 somebody's always talking or there's always dialogue, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00667-00217805-00218167 and if you're going to narrate something or describe something AJKFxNhr2Zo-00668-00218167-00218339 that's happening visually, there's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00669-00218339-00218639 no place to squeeze in that narration, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00670-00218639-00219173 then extended audio description means that the video pauses AJKFxNhr2Zo-00671-00219173-00219437 at that moment while a description happens, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00672-00219437-00219840 and then it resumes playback after the description is over. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00673-00219840-00220085 So that's kind of a common technique AJKFxNhr2Zo-00674-00220085-00220246 within audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00675-00220246-00220696 Extended audio description sometimes is necessary. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00676-00220696-00221200 So about audio description, we want to talk about how AJKFxNhr2Zo-00677-00221200-00221488 to prioritize, which is basically similar AJKFxNhr2Zo-00678-00221488-00221831 to prioritizing your captioning efforts, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00679-00221831-00222223 but with some differences, and how to describe-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00680-00222223-00222492 we're going to talk about three different approaches-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00681-00222492-00222896 and avoiding the need for audio description altogether. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00682-00222896-00223264 So first of all, prioritization. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00683-00223264-00223617 The same strategies for captioning AJKFxNhr2Zo-00684-00223617-00223869 and for audio description apply. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00685-00223869-00224185 So look at your audience demographics. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00686-00224185-00224533 Who are you expecting to use this? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00687-00224533-00224827 Is this a video where you expect there AJKFxNhr2Zo-00688-00224827-00225319 to be people in the audience who are without sight? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00689-00225319-00225610 Then audio description is going to be a priority. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00690-00225610-00225715 Without hearing? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00691-00225715-00226060 Then captioning is going to be a priority. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00692-00226060-00226156 So that sort of thing. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00693-00226156-00226486 But also, then, look at traffic, look at publication date, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00694-00226486-00226819 where, ideally, everything we produce now today AJKFxNhr2Zo-00695-00226819-00227116 should be accessible out of the box. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00696-00227116-00227383 And we can gradually-- the prioritization AJKFxNhr2Zo-00697-00227383-00227671 comes in when we're looking at our legacy stuff AJKFxNhr2Zo-00698-00227671-00227965 and wanting to go back and making all of that accessible, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00699-00227965-00228425 and then we have to prioritize and gradually do that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00700-00228425-00228826 And if it is on YouTube, then use this YTCA. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00701-00228826-00229400 And again, just reach out to me if you'd like access to that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00702-00229400-00229667 The other thing that is unique about audio description, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00703-00229667-00229904 as opposed to captioning, generally, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00704-00229904-00230519 is that all videos don't need description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00705-00230519-00230773 It really depends on the nature of the content. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00706-00230773-00231113 And if you watch the video with your eyes closed, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00707-00231113-00231510 the question is, can you access everything? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00708-00231510-00231827 Do you get all of the important ideas? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00709-00231827-00232163 Or is there information that you miss? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00710-00232163-00232621 It's a high priority if nothing makes sense with audio alone. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00711-00232621-00232931 It's a medium priority if the video is generally AJKFxNhr2Zo-00712-00232931-00233189 understandable, but there are some critical details AJKFxNhr2Zo-00713-00233189-00233312 that are lost. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00714-00233312-00233639 And it's a low priority if some information is lost, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00715-00233639-00233819 but it really isn't critical information. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00716-00233819-00234346 Somebody gets the general idea of this video AJKFxNhr2Zo-00717-00234346-00234588 just by listening to it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00718-00234588-00235037 So I wanted to share a few videos just AJKFxNhr2Zo-00719-00235037-00235256 to give you a sense of this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00720-00235256-00235542 And think about those priorities, high, medium, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00721-00235542-00236283 and low, and ask, what priority is this? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00722-00236283-00236668 So we'll start with the UW video, "Together We Will." AJKFxNhr2Zo-00723-00236951-00237298 [MUSIC PLAYING] AJKFxNhr2Zo-00724-00237881-00238061 And I think you're probably already getting AJKFxNhr2Zo-00725-00238061-00238246 the idea with this one. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00726-00238246-00238466 I encourage you to actually close your eyes AJKFxNhr2Zo-00727-00238466-00238798 as you're watching this video and just see AJKFxNhr2Zo-00728-00238798-00238910 what you come away with. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00729-00238910-00239232 [MUSIC PLAYING] AJKFxNhr2Zo-00730-00240714-00240942 So a pretty powerful video, right? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00731-00240942-00241142 I mean, the music itself is powerful. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00732-00241142-00241440 But if you can't read that on-screen text, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00733-00241440-00241823 then you're going to come away with probably a very different AJKFxNhr2Zo-00734-00241823-00242071 impression of what this video is all about AJKFxNhr2Zo-00735-00242071-00242391 than if you can read that on-screen text AJKFxNhr2Zo-00736-00242391-00242586 or see the visuals. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00737-00242586-00242694 Here's another example. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00738-00242694-00243203 This is the "#Best of UW" 2016 video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00739-00243203-00243378 There are actually been audio descriptions AJKFxNhr2Zo-00740-00243378-00243698 added on more recent years, too, but this is an example AJKFxNhr2Zo-00741-00243698-00243867 I've been using since 2016. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00742-00243867-00244182 And I like it as an example, so I'm to continue using it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00743-00244182-00244499 But it's kind of similar to the last one let's watch AJKFxNhr2Zo-00744-00244499-00244554 a little bit. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00745-00244554-00244904 [MUSIC PLAYING] AJKFxNhr2Zo-00746-00247004-00247351 So obviously, both of these are high priority, right? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00747-00247351-00247621 You don't get any content at all. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00748-00247621-00247921 You get a nice musical score, but you have-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00749-00247921-00248131 yeah, this-- both of these videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-00750-00248131-00248485 really move me and make me proud to be a husky. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00751-00248485-00248683 But there's no reason for somebody AJKFxNhr2Zo-00752-00248683-00248998 to be proud to be a husky watching this video AJKFxNhr2Zo-00753-00248998-00249317 if they can't see the content. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00754-00249317-00249580 So this is actually one. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00755-00249580-00250017 It's a good example of how to deliver audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00756-00250017-00250283 This is on the president's blog back in 2016. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00757-00250283-00250623 This is that end-of-year video that I think every year gets AJKFxNhr2Zo-00758-00250623-00251014 produced, highlighting all the great things that we AJKFxNhr2Zo-00759-00251014-00251204 accomplished in the past year. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00760-00251204-00251815 And in this case, right next to the embedded YouTube player AJKFxNhr2Zo-00761-00251815-00252088 in the president's blog, it says video is also AJKFxNhr2Zo-00762-00252088-00252287 available with audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00763-00252287-00252607 And so you can then click the audio description link, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00764-00252607-00252881 and that pulls up the described version on YouTube. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00765-00252881-00253171 So let's see what this is like with audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00766-00253171-00253234 [MUSIC PLAYING] AJKFxNhr2Zo-00767-00253234-00253603 NARRATOR: Words appear-- #BestofUW 2016. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00768-00253603-00253923 The Nobel medal next to David J. Thouless. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00769-00253923-00254161 2016 Nobel Prize in physics. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00770-00254161-00254488 With President Obama, Mary-Claire King, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00771-00254488-00254641 National Medal of Science. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00772-00254641-00255004 UW and Microsoft break record for DNA data storage. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00773-00255004-00255136 A collage of photos. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00774-00255136-00255467 Inaugural Husky 100. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00775-00255467-00255708 TERRILL THOMPSON: So obviously, that's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00776-00255708-00255885 a much more accessible video now. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00777-00255885-00256164 And anyone can be proud to be a husky, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00778-00256164-00256678 whether they can see what's going on visually or not. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00779-00256678-00257019 So let's move on to another example AJKFxNhr2Zo-00780-00257019-00257355 as we're thinking through priorities. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00781-00257355-00257706 This is a video that we produced called "IT Accessibility-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00782-00257706-00257991 What Campus Leaders Have to Say." AJKFxNhr2Zo-00783-00257991-00258294 Let's check out a little bit of this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00784-00258294-00258494 MICHAEL K. YOUNG: We are committed to the notion AJKFxNhr2Zo-00785-00258494-00258705 that everyone should have an opportunity AJKFxNhr2Zo-00786-00258705-00258886 to participate in higher education, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00787-00258886-00259140 whether it be from the learning perspective or the research AJKFxNhr2Zo-00788-00259140-00259569 perspective or an opportunity to work here at this institution. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00789-00259569-00259785 We benefit from that because we get AJKFxNhr2Zo-00790-00259785-00260148 to enjoy the talents and the skills of those people AJKFxNhr2Zo-00791-00260148-00260406 who come in, and also their perspective, which, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00792-00260406-00260669 in many cases, will be different from the perspective of others AJKFxNhr2Zo-00793-00260669-00260763 on campus. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00794-00260763-00260976 So accessibility becomes a very important value AJKFxNhr2Zo-00795-00260976-00261051 of the University. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00796-00261051-00261371 [MUSIC PLAYING] AJKFxNhr2Zo-00797-00261986-00262149 TERRILL THOMPSON: So what do you think? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00798-00262149-00262614 Is that a high priority, medium priority, low priority? AJKFxNhr2Zo-00799-00262614-00262924 And in the interest of time, I won't ask you to answer that, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00800-00262924-00263292 but think about that in your own mind. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00801-00263292-00263868 I would classify that as a medium priority AJKFxNhr2Zo-00802-00263868-00264078 because it really is just talking heads. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00803-00264078-00264435 Everything that's said is-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00804-00264435-00264786 you get that audibly. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00805-00264786-00265335 But the key missing piece here is not what is said, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00806-00265335-00265527 but who's saying it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00807-00265527-00265650 That was Michael K. Young. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00808-00265650-00265863 Obviously, this is an old video, so not AJKFxNhr2Zo-00809-00265863-00266079 the president of University of Washington anymore. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00810-00266079-00266451 But this video features a bunch of University presidents AJKFxNhr2Zo-00811-00266451-00266787 and CIOs and other IT leaders all talking AJKFxNhr2Zo-00812-00266787-00267117 about the importance of accessibility, and none of them AJKFxNhr2Zo-00813-00267117-00267513 are introduced within the audio track. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00814-00267513-00267771 They don't introduce themselves, and there's no narration AJKFxNhr2Zo-00815-00267771-00267922 that says who they are. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00816-00267922-00268311 And so it could just be anybody off the street talking. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00817-00268311-00268587 And obviously, you want to know who they are AJKFxNhr2Zo-00818-00268587-00268935 and what their affiliation is so that they have credibility. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00819-00268935-00269223 So this needs to be described, then, in order AJKFxNhr2Zo-00820-00269223-00269448 to have to be accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00821-00269448-00269826 But it's a lesser priority than the previous examples AJKFxNhr2Zo-00822-00269826-00270213 we looked at, which were entirely inaccessible AJKFxNhr2Zo-00823-00270213-00270471 without description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00824-00270471-00270814 Here's another example, another video that we produced. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00825-00270814-00270969 Let's check out a little bit of this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00826-00271365-00271574 SHERYL BURGSTAHLER: My name is Sheryl Burgstahler, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00827-00271574-00271811 and I direct Accessible Technology Services AJKFxNhr2Zo-00828-00271811-00271982 at the University of Washington. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00829-00271982-00272237 And through our Access Technology Center AJKFxNhr2Zo-00830-00272237-00272519 and other services, we're making sure AJKFxNhr2Zo-00831-00272519-00272939 that the IT that we develop, procure, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00832-00272939-00273236 and use at the University of Washington AJKFxNhr2Zo-00833-00273236-00273657 is accessible to all of our faculty, students, staff, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00834-00273657-00273833 and visitors. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00835-00273833-00273988 TERRILL THOMPSON: So I'll stop there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00836-00273988-00274396 We could go on, but every person who speaks in this video-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00837-00274396-00274816 again, it's talking heads, documentary-style video-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00838-00274816-00275203 everybody introduces themselves and states their affiliation. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00839-00275203-00275542 So access is built in. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00840-00275542-00275887 In this case, it's a low priority or actually AJKFxNhr2Zo-00841-00275887-00276154 a zero priority need for audio description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00842-00276154-00276421 because everything is communicated AJKFxNhr2Zo-00843-00276421-00276590 through the audio track. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00844-00276590-00276922 So this is really the best case scenario AJKFxNhr2Zo-00845-00276922-00277552 for up-front, preproduction designing and scripting AJKFxNhr2Zo-00846-00277552-00277657 the video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00847-00277657-00277924 Think about integrating that in so you don't have to do AJKFxNhr2Zo-00848-00277924-00278164 audio description afterwards. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00849-00278164-00278563 But if in the end you do have to do audio description, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00850-00278563-00278795 then there are various ways to do that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00851-00278795-00278998 And so I want to talk about three of those. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00852-00278998-00279334 One is to hire a traditional audio description service AJKFxNhr2Zo-00853-00279334-00279490 provider. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00854-00279490-00279760 That's what happened in the "#BestofUW" AJKFxNhr2Zo-00855-00279760-00279943 video that we looked at. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00856-00279943-00280261 That was sent out to an audio description house. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00857-00280261-00280486 And we'll talk a little bit more about what that means AJKFxNhr2Zo-00858-00280486-00280747 and what services they provide. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00859-00280747-00280996 Second, you could hire a captioning vendor. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00860-00280996-00281155 So it's actually the same as hiring AJKFxNhr2Zo-00861-00281155-00281611 a traditional audio description service provider, but it is-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00862-00281611-00281758 companies that have traditionally AJKFxNhr2Zo-00863-00281758-00282181 been in the captioning space, like 3Play Media and Automatic AJKFxNhr2Zo-00864-00282181-00282502 Sync, they are now doing audio description in addition AJKFxNhr2Zo-00865-00282502-00282652 to captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00866-00282652-00282889 They do it a little bit differently, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00867-00282889-00283225 but that can be an option, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00868-00283225-00283465 Or the third option is to do it yourself AJKFxNhr2Zo-00869-00283465-00283813 using a timed text file. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00870-00283813-00284145 So the first approach, hire a traditional description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00871-00284145-00284508 provider, we actually, a few years ago, so this AJKFxNhr2Zo-00872-00284508-00284712 is a little bit dated, but we started AJKFxNhr2Zo-00873-00284712-00285138 with a directory of audio description service providers AJKFxNhr2Zo-00874-00285138-00285426 that is published by the American Council of the Blind. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00875-00285426-00285840 And they have about 100 service providers listed, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00876-00285840-00286479 and many of those are focused on live production description, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00877-00286479-00286836 theater events and that sort of thing. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00878-00286836-00287151 And others, at least at the time that we did this, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00879-00287151-00287517 were very local in the services that they provided, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00880-00287517-00287883 and they didn't work a whole lot on a more national or global AJKFxNhr2Zo-00881-00287883-00288162 scope, and didn't work a lot with-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00882-00288162-00288444 or at all with-- post-production video, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00883-00288444-00288823 making video accessible with audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00884-00288823-00289386 So we narrowed the scope down to about a dozen AJKFxNhr2Zo-00885-00289386-00289683 or maybe a couple dozen providers. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00886-00289683-00290004 And then we sent surveys out to all of them AJKFxNhr2Zo-00887-00290004-00290313 to get a sense for how much do they charge, what AJKFxNhr2Zo-00888-00290313-00290628 is their turnaround time, and various other things, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00889-00290628-00290796 and tried to get a sense of who would AJKFxNhr2Zo-00890-00290796-00291006 be a good fit for us in higher education, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00891-00291006-00291553 knowing the videos we have and what our needs are like. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00892-00291553-00291789 And from all that, we narrowed the list down AJKFxNhr2Zo-00893-00291789-00292035 to seven providers. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00894-00292035-00292203 And actually, as of today, that's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00895-00292203-00292779 six, because one of those bought out the other, I just learned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00896-00292779-00293157 3Play Media has now acquired Captionmax, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00897-00293157-00293338 so Captionmax is no longer on the table. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00898-00293619-00293940 But anyway, on our Making Video Accessible page, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00899-00293940-00294149 there's a list of providers. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00900-00294149-00294387 So it's a short list. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00901-00294387-00294681 What happens when you send to a traditional audio description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00902-00294681-00295203 provider is they will script the audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00903-00295203-00295614 They then do the narration with professional voiceover talent. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00904-00295614-00295794 They professionally mix it in. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00905-00295794-00296070 So they lower the volumes as they're speaking, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00906-00296070-00296388 they raise the volumes afterward, and so forth, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00907-00296388-00296856 and do that seamlessly so it all sounds good. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00908-00296856-00297198 And then the typical deliverable from them AJKFxNhr2Zo-00909-00297198-00297435 is an audio-described version of the video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00910-00297435-00297705 So then you've got one version with description, one version AJKFxNhr2Zo-00911-00297705-00298019 without, and you cross-reference the two, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00912-00298019-00298215 which is what happened on the president's blog. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00913-00298215-00298533 There's that link to the audio-described version. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00914-00298533-00299136 The typical price range for that service is $10 to $15 a minute. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00915-00299136-00299460 That does depend on complexity. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00916-00299460-00299817 And extended description, where the video has to be paused, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00917-00299817-00300177 does cost a little bit more, generally. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00918-00300177-00300894 So here again is just a screenshot of that "#BestofUW AJKFxNhr2Zo-00919-00300894-00301257 2016" video with the link to the audio-described version. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00920-00301257-00301557 So that's how that would be delivered AJKFxNhr2Zo-00921-00301557-00301771 if you did it that way. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00922-00301771-00302004 The second approach is to hire a captioning vendor. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00923-00302004-00302196 Again, 3Play Media does this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00924-00302196-00302358 Automatic Sync does this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00925-00302358-00302877 We have the state contract with 3Play Media for captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00926-00302877-00303294 And so basically, for them, it's an add-on service. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00927-00303294-00303567 So you get a video captioned, and then AJKFxNhr2Zo-00928-00303567-00303864 you additionally check the box that says, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00929-00303864-00304203 I also want audio description with this. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00930-00304203-00304716 It's $7.50 per minute as their standard and $11 a minute AJKFxNhr2Zo-00931-00304716-00304779 for extended. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00932-00304779-00305043 So a little bit cheaper for the description AJKFxNhr2Zo-00933-00305043-00305358 itself, although you have to get it captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00934-00305358-00305532 That's a requirement. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00935-00305532-00305700 Even if you've already got it captioned, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00936-00305700-00305937 you still have to get it captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00937-00305937-00306450 So the lower cost is a little bit nebulous AJKFxNhr2Zo-00938-00306450-00306887 because you do have that upfront cost for captioning, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00939-00306887-00307117 The reason that they have that requirement, by the way, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00940-00307117-00307392 is that they're using a semi-automated process AJKFxNhr2Zo-00941-00307392-00307794 for figuring out where the description will fit, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00942-00307794-00307992 and they use the data that they produce AJKFxNhr2Zo-00943-00307992-00308273 in the captioning process in order to inform that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00944-00308532-00308832 I've lobbied to get the two services separated, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00945-00308832-00308982 but they explained to me that that's AJKFxNhr2Zo-00946-00308982-00309393 why they currently are connected, and necessarily AJKFxNhr2Zo-00947-00309393-00309546 connected. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00948-00309546-00309729 The output-- this is a unique thing, too-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00949-00309729-00310044 is that the output uses synthesized speech. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00950-00310044-00310359 So it's not human voiceover talent, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00951-00310359-00310725 it is a speech synthesizer. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00952-00310725-00311472 And while for a dramatic production, consumers prefer-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00953-00311472-00311850 research shows they prefer a human narrator, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00954-00311850-00312114 but that preference goes away when we're AJKFxNhr2Zo-00955-00312114-00312279 talking about academic content. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00956-00312279-00312651 They just want description of any sort AJKFxNhr2Zo-00957-00312651-00313116 in order to access their academic content. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00958-00313116-00313592 A typical deliverable, again, is an audio-described version AJKFxNhr2Zo-00959-00313592-00313647 of the video. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00960-00313647-00313962 So you get two versions, one with description, one without. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00961-00313962-00314217 But there are lots of other choices, too. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00962-00314217-00314475 About a dozen different choices in ways that you AJKFxNhr2Zo-00963-00314475-00314855 can get this description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00964-00314855-00315275 Here's an example of the 3Play Media dashboard where we've AJKFxNhr2Zo-00965-00315275-00315671 uploaded a file to be captioned, and then these AJKFxNhr2Zo-00966-00315671-00315921 are optional services that we can add. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00967-00315921-00316206 So we check the box that says Audio Description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00968-00316206-00316481 And then we choose, is it a standard description, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00969-00316481-00316643 is it an extended description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00970-00316643-00317063 Maybe we don't know, and so we pick the Choose for Me box AJKFxNhr2Zo-00971-00317063-00317491 and let them decide, in which case, we have to have-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00972-00317491-00317906 it's a flexible spending plan then. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00973-00317906-00318254 It may cost us $7.50 per minute or it may cost us $11, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00974-00318254-00318428 depending on what they choose. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00975-00318428-00318611 And then we've also got higher prices AJKFxNhr2Zo-00976-00318611-00318998 for expedited or rushed jobs. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00977-00318998-00319271 And lots of options, actually, from 3Play AJKFxNhr2Zo-00978-00319271-00319392 on audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00979-00319392-00319649 So you can choose different speakers' voices AJKFxNhr2Zo-00980-00319649-00319868 since this is all synthesized. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00981-00319868-00320303 You can choose the English speaking rate-- slow, medium, AJKFxNhr2Zo-00982-00320303-00320399 or fast. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00983-00320399-00320592 And in making those choices, there AJKFxNhr2Zo-00984-00320592-00320792 are samples that you can listen to to figure out AJKFxNhr2Zo-00985-00320792-00321141 what the best fit is. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00986-00321141-00321294 And lots of choices for output. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00987-00321580-00321931 The third option is to use a WebVTT file. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00988-00321931-00322243 This is what Gaby described for captioning. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00989-00322243-00322621 It's actually the exact same kind of file. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00990-00322621-00322987 And instead of captioning text, that file AJKFxNhr2Zo-00991-00322987-00323179 would include description text. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00992-00323179-00323539 So basically, you've got a start time and an end time AJKFxNhr2Zo-00993-00323539-00323722 with some specific syntax. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00994-00323722-00323998 You have to write it out in a precise way. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00995-00323998-00324451 And then the content in between that start time and end time AJKFxNhr2Zo-00996-00324451-00324863 is the text that you want to be verbalized at that moment. AJKFxNhr2Zo-00997-00324863-00325183 And so if we take our IT accessibility campus leaders AJKFxNhr2Zo-00998-00325183-00325360 video-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-00999-00325360-00325528 I've actually updated this, so it's AJKFxNhr2Zo-01000-00325528-00325870 got Ana Mari Cauce listed as the president instead of Michael AJKFxNhr2Zo-01001-00325870-00325961 Young-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-01002-00325961-00326470 but it's the name of the person, their affiliation, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01003-00326470-00326828 for each time the description needs to happen. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01004-00326828-00327074 So this is the kind of thing that's really easy to do. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01005-00327074-00327416 You can do it in any text editor. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01006-00327416-00327731 Open up Notepad, type in your description text, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01007-00327731-00328204 make sure that you've got the WebVTT syntax right, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01008-00328204-00328438 and grab the start time and end time just AJKFxNhr2Zo-01009-00328438-00328588 from your media player. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01010-00328588-00328816 Really easy to do this on your own. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01011-00328816-00329072 Doesn't cost a thing other than a little bit of time. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01012-00329072-00329218 One minute, two minutes, and you've AJKFxNhr2Zo-01013-00329218-00329386 got your audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01014-00329386-00330004 And it's super easy. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01015-00330004-00330373 This is actually built into the HTML5 specification. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01016-00330373-00330697 And so with this tag, the track tag, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01017-00330697-00331247 with kind = descriptions pointing to the VTT file, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01018-00331247-00331780 this is how HTML5, this is how descriptions are expected AJKFxNhr2Zo-01019-00331780-00332182 to be delivered, or HTML has built in a way AJKFxNhr2Zo-01020-00332182-00332422 to deliver descriptions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01021-00332422-00332620 You only need one video then. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01022-00332620-00333025 And extended audio description can be automatic. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01023-00333025-00333275 It can be built in to the playback AJKFxNhr2Zo-01024-00333275-00333709 so that it just automatically pauses AJKFxNhr2Zo-01025-00333709-00333979 rather than having to create an entirely separate video that AJKFxNhr2Zo-01026-00333979-00334165 does that pausing. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01027-00334165-00334535 So the problem is, it's not supported at all. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01028-00334535-00334868 None of the browsers' built-in media players support it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01029-00334868-00335158 So the only place you have support for this AJKFxNhr2Zo-01030-00335158-00335572 is in Able Player, which is a media player that we developed. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01031-00335572-00335953 It is free and it's open source and it's out there. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01032-00335953-00336085 There's a WordPress plug-in. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01033-00336085-00336379 There's a Drupal module, although both of those AJKFxNhr2Zo-01034-00336379-00336611 are in early stages of development. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01035-00336611-00336943 So it's kind of a work in progress. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01036-00336943-00337531 But it does make it possible to deliver description AJKFxNhr2Zo-01037-00337531-00337909 using this method and to write your own description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01038-00337909-00338233 The one caveat, though, is that if it's AJKFxNhr2Zo-01039-00338233-00338785 more than a low or maybe a medium priority description AJKFxNhr2Zo-01040-00338785-00339217 job, where you really need to describe things AJKFxNhr2Zo-01041-00339217-00339652 more eloquently, like in those first two examples we saw, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01042-00339652-00339814 that's something that probably should AJKFxNhr2Zo-01043-00339814-00340061 be sent out to the experts because audio description is AJKFxNhr2Zo-01044-00340061-00340117 an art. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01045-00340117-00340411 People spend a lot of years learning to do this, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01046-00340411-00340882 learning what words to say to describe something. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01047-00340882-00341209 And that's not something that the people who AJKFxNhr2Zo-01048-00341209-00341365 have not been sufficiently trained AJKFxNhr2Zo-01049-00341365-00341584 should be really dabbling with. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01050-00341584-00342148 So it's more for, I've just got this one piece of content that AJKFxNhr2Zo-01051-00342148-00342337 is visual. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01052-00342337-00342622 There's no audio alternative. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01053-00342622-00342790 I need to describe just that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01054-00342790-00343177 You can do it really quickly with this approach. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01055-00343177-00343360 I should also point out, I actually-- this AJKFxNhr2Zo-01056-00343360-00343717 is not in my slides, but Gaby, doing the Panopto demo, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01057-00343717-00344200 reminded me that this is now possible in Panopto, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01058-00344200-00344497 that in the same place where you could click on Captions, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01059-00344497-00344752 you can also click on Audio Descriptions. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01060-00344752-00345031 And at any point in the video where there's AJKFxNhr2Zo-01061-00345031-00345253 something that needs to be described, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01062-00345253-00345499 you can type in a description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01063-00345499-00345871 And then the user can turn it on the player AJKFxNhr2Zo-01064-00345871-00346003 with the audio description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01065-00346003-00346192 There's an Enable Audio Descriptions AJKFxNhr2Zo-01066-00346192-00346528 and an Enable Captions button. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01067-00346528-00346867 Let me just-- at the risk of embarrassing myself AJKFxNhr2Zo-01068-00346867-00347168 with this homemade video where I was just experimenting, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01069-00347168-00347314 I'm going to play just a little bit AJKFxNhr2Zo-01070-00347314-00347584 to show you what this is like. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01071-00347584-00347803 SPEAKER 1: Terrill presenting from his home office AJKFxNhr2Zo-01072-00347803-00348157 with a backdrop of Chinese art. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01073-00348157-00348307 TERRILL THOMPSON: And then we've got AJKFxNhr2Zo-01074-00348307-00348670 a lot of just kind of messing around until about three-- AJKFxNhr2Zo-01075-00348670-00348841 about 33 seconds. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01076-00348841-00349054 SPEAKER 1: Terrill moves his head around in circles AJKFxNhr2Zo-01077-00349054-00349256 while the camera tries to maintain focus. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01078-00349508-00349617 SPEAKER 2: It's 4 o'clock. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01079-00349617-00349848 TERRILL THOMPSON: So that's what that is all about. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01080-00350144-00350453 And we are right at 4 o'clock. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01081-00350453-00350684 And my last slide here is just a bunch AJKFxNhr2Zo-01082-00350684-00351257 of links to various things about both captioning and audio AJKFxNhr2Zo-01083-00351257-00351329 description. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01084-00351329-00351581 And these slides are going to be available afterwards AJKFxNhr2Zo-01085-00351581-00351984 on the webinars archive page. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01086-00351984-00352295 So I'll leave it at that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01087-00352295-00352571 And I know we want to end on time, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01088-00352571-00352959 but just want to see if there are any questions before we AJKFxNhr2Zo-01089-00352959-00353009 adjourn. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01090-00353274-00353718 GABY DE JONGH: There was one question in the chat AJKFxNhr2Zo-01091-00353718-00354051 and it's from Morgan, and it says, is there a requirement AJKFxNhr2Zo-01092-00354051-00354462 like ADA compliance to caption all videos AJKFxNhr2Zo-01093-00354462-00354660 or provide other accommodations? AJKFxNhr2Zo-01094-00354660-00355014 Are there different standards for internal videos? AJKFxNhr2Zo-01095-00355014-00355452 And then they actually found the link and posted it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01096-00355452-00355641 It's from 3Play Media. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01097-00355641-00356119 And then they also posted a quote saying, public entities, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01098-00356119-00356382 including state and local governments, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01099-00356382-00356703 in both internal and external video communication. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01100-00356703-00356883 But I'm wondering if you have anything else AJKFxNhr2Zo-01101-00356883-00357185 you might want to add to that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01102-00357185-00357850 Yeah, just that, I mean, we are required by State Policy 188 AJKFxNhr2Zo-01103-00357850-00358138 and by our own internal policy that echoes AJKFxNhr2Zo-01104-00358138-00358657 that to comply with the W3C's Web Content Accessibility AJKFxNhr2Zo-01105-00358657-00359134 Guidelines 2.1, level 2A, and that does AJKFxNhr2Zo-01106-00359134-00359452 include a requirement that videos be captioned AJKFxNhr2Zo-01107-00359452-00359542 and audio described. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01108-00359542-00359836 Audio description is actually built into that, as well. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01109-00359836-00360436 And so anything that's public should be a priority AJKFxNhr2Zo-01110-00360436-00360625 for being made accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01111-00360625-00361031 And that's something we really need to be focusing on. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01112-00361031-00361285 We're not doing very much audio description at all. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01113-00361285-00361474 And captioning, although we're seeing AJKFxNhr2Zo-01114-00361474-00361774 a lot more of that, that's fallen pretty short, too. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01115-00361774-00361996 For accommodations, if you got things AJKFxNhr2Zo-01116-00361996-00362311 that are behind passwords, course materials and so forth, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01117-00362311-00362767 that students need to access, then disability resources AJKFxNhr2Zo-01118-00362767-00362983 for students will step in, and they will make AJKFxNhr2Zo-01119-00362983-00363229 those materials accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01120-00363229-00363469 But it's more the public things that we really AJKFxNhr2Zo-01121-00363469-00363781 need to be paying attention to and prioritizing. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01122-00364077-00364252 Things that get a lot of traffic or things AJKFxNhr2Zo-01123-00364252-00364516 that are new and might get a lot of traffic, those all AJKFxNhr2Zo-01124-00364516-00364663 need to be made accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01125-00364663-00364939 And Harvard is a really high profile case. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01126-00364939-00365404 Harvard and MIT were both sued by the National Association AJKFxNhr2Zo-01127-00365404-00366112 of the Deaf because they had so much really good content AJKFxNhr2Zo-01128-00366112-00366449 that was publicly available and was not accessible. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01129-00366449-00366673 And so they've really had to do a lot of work AJKFxNhr2Zo-01130-00366673-00367124 to catch up on that. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01131-00367124-00367351 SUSHIL OSWAL: Hi, Terrill, could you also AJKFxNhr2Zo-01132-00367351-00367885 put the link for the accessible visualization in the chat? AJKFxNhr2Zo-01133-00367885-00368119 TERRILL THOMPSON: Yeah. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01134-00368119-00368425 It's behind UW NetID, but that was AJKFxNhr2Zo-01135-00368425-00368710 part of the YTCA application. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01136-00368710-00368920 But I actually am working on making AJKFxNhr2Zo-01137-00368920-00369265 a public version of that so everybody can access it. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01138-00369265-00369533 But I'll share that with you, Sushil. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01139-00369533-00369613 SUSHIL OSWAL: Yeah. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01140-00369613-00369663 Yeah. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01141-00369663-00369871 And also, if you'll let I'll send you AJKFxNhr2Zo-01142-00369871-00370180 a message if you'll let me know when it's permanent I want AJKFxNhr2Zo-01143-00370180-00370573 to use it in a paper I'm working on a paper on Miro AJKFxNhr2Zo-01144-00370573-00370863 so this could be a good example from our own school AJKFxNhr2Zo-01145-00370863-00370951 TERRILL THOMPSON: OK. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01146-00370951-00371018 Excellent. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01147-00371018-00371068 Yeah. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01148-00371068-00371221 Well, let's stay in touch. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01149-00371221-00371593 TIM KNIGHT: If I can comment that the YTCA tool is extremely AJKFxNhr2Zo-01150-00371593-00372077 helpful in figuring out what you the high priority videos are. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01151-00372077-00372280 And for us in the School of Public Health, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01152-00372280-00372724 we had something like 45 COVID webinars, one hour. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01153-00372724-00372884 It's a lot of volume. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01154-00372884-00373120 And we were down two staff members, AJKFxNhr2Zo-01155-00373120-00373324 so it was really a challenge to get back. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01156-00373324-00373643 But we essentially built it into our workflow. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01157-00373643-00374173 So now we should have 100% of our videos captioned. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01158-00374173-00374473 There's a little bit of lag in when those things are posted. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01159-00374473-00374674 But thank you so much for that tool. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01160-00374674-00374794 It's super helpful. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01161-00374794-00374890 TERRILL THOMPSON: Yeah. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01162-00374890-00375058 And thank you, and congratulations AJKFxNhr2Zo-01163-00375058-00375187 on attaining 100%. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01164-00375187-00375587 That's quite a milestone, with so many videos, in particular. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01165-00375959-00376367 All right. well, thanks, everybody, for coming today. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01166-00376367-00376643 Really, really great to have you all. AJKFxNhr2Zo-01167-00376643-00377114 And stay tuned for more accessible tech webinars AJKFxNhr2Zo-01168-00377114-00377291 this time every month. ALyziQBYFXI-00000-00000225-00000528 Do you like "hoppy" beer? ALyziQBYFXI-00001-00000758-00001094 Researchers found a way to give beer that "hoppy" taste ALyziQBYFXI-00002-00001216-00001510 without using real hops. ALyziQBYFXI-00003-00001802-00002248 They use genetically modified yeast in fermentation, to give beer the taste of hops. ALyziQBYFXI-00004-00002404-00002662 Why not use real hops? ALyziQBYFXI-00005-00002866-00003210 Growing hops uses energy, fertilizer, and lots of water. ALyziQBYFXI-00006-00003365-00003892 50 pints of water are needed to grow enough hops for 1 pint of beer. ALyziQBYFXI-00007-00004136-00004740 Taste-testers at Lagunitas Brewing Company thought the modified beer was more hoppy than a control beer. ARIExK7uK38-00000-00000010-00000060 WILL RUN TOMORROW FROM 9:00 IN ARIExK7uK38-00001-00000060-00000066 WILL RUN TOMORROW FROM 9:00 IN ARIExK7uK38-00002-00000066-00000150 WILL RUN TOMORROW FROM 9:00 IN THE MORNING UNTIL 2:00 IN THE ARIExK7uK38-00003-00000150-00000156 WILL RUN TOMORROW FROM 9:00 IN THE MORNING UNTIL 2:00 IN THE ARIExK7uK38-00004-00000156-00000260 WILL RUN TOMORROW FROM 9:00 IN THE MORNING UNTIL 2:00 IN THE AFTERNOON. ARIExK7uK38-00005-00000260-00000266 THE MORNING UNTIL 2:00 IN THE AFTERNOON. 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ARIExK7uK38-00039-00003199-00003206 >> IT HAS GROWN THROUGHOUT THE YEARS. ARIExK7uK38-00040-00003206-00003576 >> IT HAS GROWN THROUGHOUT THE YEARS. WE ARE HOPING THAT AS THE NEED ARIExK7uK38-00041-00003576-00003583 YEARS. WE ARE HOPING THAT AS THE NEED ARIExK7uK38-00042-00003583-00003717 YEARS. WE ARE HOPING THAT AS THE NEED GROWS, THE DONATIONS WILL ARIExK7uK38-00043-00003717-00003723 WE ARE HOPING THAT AS THE NEED GROWS, THE DONATIONS WILL ARIExK7uK38-00044-00003723-00003930 WE ARE HOPING THAT AS THE NEED GROWS, THE DONATIONS WILL CONTINUE AND WE CAN FILL THE ARIExK7uK38-00045-00003930-00003937 GROWS, THE DONATIONS WILL CONTINUE AND WE CAN FILL THE ARIExK7uK38-00046-00003937-00004013 GROWS, THE DONATIONS WILL CONTINUE AND WE CAN FILL THE NEED. ARIExK7uK38-00047-00004013-00004020 CONTINUE AND WE CAN FILL THE NEED. ARIExK7uK38-00048-00004020-00004094 CONTINUE AND WE CAN FILL THE NEED. >>Dennis: DONATIONS CAN BE MADE ARIExK7uK38-00049-00004094-00004100 NEED. >>Dennis: DONATIONS CAN BE MADE ARIExK7uK38-00050-00004100-00004264 NEED. >>Dennis: DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT MENARDS, L & M FLEET SUPPLY, ARIExK7uK38-00051-00004264-00004270 >>Dennis: DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT MENARDS, L & M FLEET SUPPLY, ARIExK7uK38-00052-00004270-00004434 >>Dennis: DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT MENARDS, L & M FLEET SUPPLY, WALGREENS AND ANY OF BEMIDJI'S ARIExK7uK38-00053-00004434-00004441 AT MENARDS, L & M FLEET SUPPLY, WALGREENS AND ANY OF BEMIDJI'S ARIExK7uK38-00054-00004441-00004527 AT MENARDS, L & M FLEET SUPPLY, WALGREENS AND ANY OF BEMIDJI'S FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOCATIONS ARSBMnD0VlI-00000-00000014-00000521 The fortification of Helm's Deep, refuge of the Riders of Rohan. ARSBMnD0VlI-00001-00002043-00002521 Hello, Tolkien Talkers! How's it going? Before we talk about the Hornburg, ARSBMnD0VlI-00002-00002548-00002789 leave your thumbs up; ARSBMnD0VlI-00003-00002815-00003152 if you're new to the channel, subscribe by clicking on the red button ARSBMnD0VlI-00004-00003180-00003495 and then press the bell icon to activate notifications, ARSBMnD0VlI-00005-00003513-00003772 so you'll know whenever a new video comes out. ARSBMnD0VlI-00006-00003772-00004259 By doing that, you help TT to become more relevant here on YouTube. ARSBMnD0VlI-00007-00004277-00004839 In the original material, Hornburg is an ancient fortress of the Men of Gondor. ARSBMnD0VlI-00008-00004839-00005274 Oh, did you think it was built by the Riders of Rohan? ARSBMnD0VlI-00009-00005274-00005619 Actually, this fort is older than the Rohirrim's arrival. ARSBMnD0VlI-00010-00005642-00005951 And when I say old, I mean the Second Age. ARSBMnD0VlI-00011-00005963-00006429 At the time of Helm, the fortress existed for almost 3 thousand years. ARSBMnD0VlI-00012-00006624-00007070 The name "Hornburg" is a reference to Helm Hammerhand's war-horn. ARSBMnD0VlI-00013-00007097-00007407 When the Rohirrim took over the ancient fortress, ARSBMnD0VlI-00014-00007427-00007776 they gave it a name in their own language: “Súthburg”, ARSBMnD0VlI-00015-00007776-00008075 which should mean something like “Southern Fortress”. ARSBMnD0VlI-00016-00008286-00008591 They named it so because it was the fortress that guarded ARSBMnD0VlI-00017-00008591-00008822 the Gap of Rohan and the Fords of Isen, ARSBMnD0VlI-00018-00008897-00009155 the other being Isengard in the North. ARSBMnD0VlI-00019-00009310-00009694 Hornburg was considered the most powerful place in Rohan, ARSBMnD0VlI-00020-00009704-00009987 even more than Edoras and Dunharrow. ARSBMnD0VlI-00021-00010076-00010469 The fortress was built on the western portion of Calenardhon, ARSBMnD0VlI-00022-00010469-00010773 on the stone that connected to the Deeping Wall. ARSBMnD0VlI-00023-00010816-00011221 This was a hard rock wall about 20 feet tall ARSBMnD0VlI-00024-00011248-00011676 and so wide that 4 men could walk abreast on top of it. ARSBMnD0VlI-00025-00011780-00012032 The parapet of the Wall could be used as shelter, ARSBMnD0VlI-00026-00012032-00012334 for only a tall man could look over it. ARSBMnD0VlI-00027-00012353-00012542 So, in this image on the screen, ARSBMnD0VlI-00028-00012542-00012970 imagine that this parapet that Théoden puts his hand was much higher. ARSBMnD0VlI-00029-00012994-00013458 There were some slits on the stone, from which it was possible to shoot arrows. ARSBMnD0VlI-00030-00013533-00014232 The Deeping Wall was below the Hornburg, it was connected to the fortress by stairs. ARSBMnD0VlI-00031-00014319-00014642 The stones of the Wall were placed so with such skill ARSBMnD0VlI-00032-00014669-00015010 that it was not possible to find a foothold in their joints, ARSBMnD0VlI-00033-00015029-00015391 and at the top, they protruded like a cliff eroded by the sea. ARSBMnD0VlI-00034-00015538-00015990 The fortress guarded a deep valley nestled in the northeast of the White Mountains, ARSBMnD0VlI-00035-00015990-00016186 below Thrihyrne. ARSBMnD0VlI-00036-00016216-00016751 We talked about this mountain in TT #437, about the White Mountains. ARSBMnD0VlI-00037-00016841-00017164 The gorge located in the hills, in the mountains, ARSBMnD0VlI-00038-00017164-00017374 was called Helm's Deep, ARSBMnD0VlI-00039-00017374-00017743 for there the ancient King Helm Hammerhand had sought shelter. ARSBMnD0VlI-00040-00017911-00018244 In front of the Abyss, stood the Helm's Gate, ARSBMnD0VlI-00041-00018257-00018679 where there was a rock buttress protruding from the northern cliff. ARSBMnD0VlI-00042-00018809-00019182 Right behind Helm's Deep, entering the White Mountains, ARSBMnD0VlI-00043-00019182-00019783 was Aglarond, the Glittering Caves, which we talked about in TT #112. ARSBMnD0VlI-00044-00019911-00020239 On the ridge, high walls made of ancient stone rose, ARSBMnD0VlI-00045-00020239-00020547 and inside it there was a lofty tower. ARSBMnD0VlI-00046-00020599-00020896 It was said that in the distant days of the glory of Gondor, ARSBMnD0VlI-00047-00020906-00021304 the sea-kings had built that fortress there with the hands of giants. ARSBMnD0VlI-00048-00021468-00021880 Beyond being related to the horn of Helm Hammerhand, the fort had that name ARSBMnD0VlI-00049-00021880-00022332 after a war-horn that was played in the tower echoed in the abyss behind it, ARSBMnD0VlI-00050-00022332-00022769 as if ancient armies were going to war from the caves. ARSBMnD0VlI-00051-00022974-00023461 Under the wall, the Deeping-stream flowed through a large aqueduct. ARSBMnD0VlI-00052-00023461-00023852 The Stream turned around the foot of Hornrock ARSBMnD0VlI-00053-00023867-00024255 and then flowed down a groove through the middle of a green ridge, ARSBMnD0VlI-00054-00024255-00024630 smoothly coming down from Helm's Gate to Helm's Dike. ARSBMnD0VlI-00055-00024659-00025158 From there, the Stream fell into the Deeping-coomb and out into the Westfold Vale. ARSBMnD0VlI-00056-00025296-00025663 Tolkien draw a sketch of Hornburg and Helm's Deep, ARSBMnD0VlI-00057-00025676-00025973 so anyone who wants to see all the details he put in, ARSBMnD0VlI-00058-00025973-00026188 just pause the video and take a look. ARSBMnD0VlI-00059-00026286-00026693 When Calenardhon became Rohan, and consequently its inhabitants ARSBMnD0VlI-00060-00026693-00027086 became the Rohirrim, the Hornburg passed to them. ARSBMnD0VlI-00061-00027200-00027671 The Lord of Westfold lived in the fortress, next to Helm's Gate. ARSBMnD0VlI-00062-00027688-00028105 At the time of the War of the Ring, who occupied this position was Erkenbrand. ARSBMnD0VlI-00063-00028298-00028654 During the occupation of the Dunlendings and the usurpation of Wulf, ARSBMnD0VlI-00064-00028654-00029023 Helm Hammerhand sought shelter in the fort during the Long Winter, ARSBMnD0VlI-00065-00029053-00029583 as we saw in TTs #555 and #341, of Helm. ARSBMnD0VlI-00066-00029760-00030142 About Théoden's journey to the fortress and the Battle of Helm's Deep, ARSBMnD0VlI-00067-00030142-00030379 there will be its own video here in the future. ARSBMnD0VlI-00068-00030807-00031279 So that's it, folks! Today we wrap up another important fortress of Middle-earth. ARSBMnD0VlI-00069-00031279-00031669 Indeed, another that shows the grandness of númenórean ARSBMnD0VlI-00070-00031669-00031880 and men of Gondor architecture. ARSBMnD0VlI-00071-00031880-00032109 I hope you have enjoyed this video, ARSBMnD0VlI-00072-00032109-00032372 if you haven't already, leave your thumbs up. ARSBMnD0VlI-00073-00032372-00032799 Also, remember to subscribe and activate the notifications, so you don't miss a thing. ARSBMnD0VlI-00074-00032807-00033127 Give us your thumbs up on our fanpage on Facebook, follow our Twitter and Instagram, ARSBMnD0VlI-00075-00033127-00033293 and check out our website. ARSBMnD0VlI-00076-00033293-00033605 Also, check out my other channel, Guardião Católico [The Catholic Guardian], ARSBMnD0VlI-00077-00033605-00033863 which is about Tolkien and the Catholic Church. ARSBMnD0VlI-00078-00033863-00034277 Help TT grow by sharing our videos and showing them to friends. ARSBMnD0VlI-00079-00034277-00034565 It's always a pleasure to talk to you about Tolkien! ARSBMnD0VlI-00080-00034565-00034960 See you next video, take care! ARSBMnD0VlI-00081-00034960-00035718 Subs by: Rhuan Contardi Reis ASKZO4ITbvI-00000-00000237-00000590 Allright Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Good morning everyone ASKZO4ITbvI-00001-00000590-00002385 first of all thank you for friends who have clicked on this video really appreciate it ASKZO4ITbvI-00002-00002385-00003077 Okay so today I want sunmori today to coincide with Sunday huh ASKZO4ITbvI-00003-00003077-00005010 with my mbci big motorbike friends Club Indonesia Batam but because today I was too early so ASKZO4ITbvI-00004-00005010-00007527 I took my friends first for a walk around the city of Batam ASKZO4ITbvI-00005-00007527-00009357 yes, Sunday morning, yes, Batam City looks clean on the street, maybe because it was ASKZO4ITbvI-00006-00009357-00009975 raining last night ASKZO4ITbvI-00007-00009975-00010181 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00008-00010181-00010388 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00010-00020225-00021334 it from the back, as if a third person took this video, using an invisible stick mounted ASKZO4ITbvI-00011-00021334-00021520 on the rear. ASKZO4ITbvI-00012-00021520-00023331 For friends who like to make motovlogs, I might recommend the Insta 360 camera for friends, ASKZO4ITbvI-00014-00027937-00030760 yes this looks from the side the results are very good I am satisfied with the results ASKZO4ITbvI-00015-00030760-00031502 from the insta 360 camera [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00017-00036969-00038123 bakery, we will get ready to go to Sembulang Barlang ASKZO4ITbvI-00018-00038123-00038747 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00019-00038747-00039371 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00021-00044986-00045609 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00022-00045609-00046234 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00023-00046234-00046858 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00024-00046858-00047481 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00025-00047481-00048106 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00026-00048106-00048730 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00027-00048730-00049353 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00028-00049353-00049978 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00029-00049978-00050602 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00031-00053729-00053901 loud ASKZO4ITbvI-00032-00053901-00054075 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00033-00054075-00054248 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00034-00054248-00054420 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00035-00054420-00054594 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00036-00054594-00054767 [Music] ASKZO4ITbvI-00037-00054767-00054941 [Laugh] ASKZO4ITbvI-00038-00054941-00056866 Yes, it looks like [Music] the Ferrari group is coming home, we are coming, they are coming ASKZO4ITbvI-00041-00064866-00065013 using the 250cc. ASKZO4ITbvI-00042-00065013-00065901 long here we are treated to a meal with chairman ari who happens to have a birthday today Thank ASKZO4ITbvI-00043-00065901-00067639 you very much chairman ari I hope that longevity is always healthy and the sustenance is blessed ASKZO4ITbvI-00044-00067639-00068280 we have lunch and rest while enjoying the view of the beach in sembulang ASKZO4ITbvI-00045-00068280-00070373 Once again, thank you friends for watching this video to the end. ASKZO4ITbvI-00046-00070373-00070552 Thank you very much ASKZO4ITbvI-00047-00070552-00071220 appreciation for friends who subscribe to my channel so that it continues to grow and ASKZO4ITbvI-00048-00071220-00071880 get even better as I said earlier maybe one day if allowed by the owner I really want ASKZO4ITbvI-00049-00071880-00072969 to review Harley Davidson for friends who are MBCI, thank you MBCI friends assalamualaikum ASKZO4ITbvI-00050-00072969-00073221 warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] ATDz_tXs860-00000-00000008-00000544 then the ribs would be hacked from the spine one by one with an axe i think i speak for everybody ATDz_tXs860-00001-00000544-00001120 when i say what the [ __ ] the vikings were some of the most savage warriors in human history but ATDz_tXs860-00002-00001120-00001528 how savage were they really today we're gonna find out if it's actually true or if it's all just a ATDz_tXs860-00003-00001528-00002352 bunch of myth all right let's go number 10. magic mushrooms the vikings were starting with drugs ATDz_tXs860-00004-00002352-00002952 in europe between the drugs century and the mid 11th century one huge advantage the vikings had ATDz_tXs860-00005-00002952-00003392 over the people they invaded hey hang on hang on hang on before we get into the big advantage that ATDz_tXs860-00006-00003392-00003784 they have how did they film the fight yeah dude like how is this on camera i'm pretty sure they ATDz_tXs860-00007-00003784-00004224 didn't have camera anyway let's just but when they went into battle they would enter into a ATDz_tXs860-00008-00004224-00004792 trance-like state called berserker in this state they would indiscriminately butcher anyone who got ATDz_tXs860-00009-00004792-00005224 in their way i just can't believe vikings wore sweatpants from h m that's actually impressive ATDz_tXs860-00010-00005224-00005624 one theory published as to how the vikings entered these berserker states is that they ate ATDz_tXs860-00011-00005624-00006208 psilocybin mushrooms those go on the salads magic mushrooms first reported in the american journal ATDz_tXs860-00012-00006208-00006672 of psychiatry the theory is that the mushrooms which grew in the area where the vikings lived ATDz_tXs860-00013-00006672-00007231 caused them to have hallucinations increased their adrenaline levels causing the berserker state ATDz_tXs860-00014-00007231-00007720 so you're telling me the vikings did [ __ ] drugs before they went into a battle so my boy ATDz_tXs860-00015-00007720-00008208 ragnar and eric were chilling on their boat just like yo pass the weed sorry bro we're out of weed ATDz_tXs860-00016-00008208-00008672 but i got this fungus that i found over on the ground at the last stop well hell yeah brother how ATDz_tXs860-00017-00008672-00009200 else are we going to kill all those children let's check the number nine viking soup since victory ATDz_tXs860-00018-00009200-00009640 and violent skirmishes were part of viking life viking women became pretty knowledgeable about ATDz_tXs860-00019-00009640-00010136 battle wounds okay wait a minute i'm afraid to ask but what does battle wounds have to do with soup ATDz_tXs860-00020-00010136-00010416 i have a feeling they're going to put their [ __ ] mushrooms in it aren't they specifically ATDz_tXs860-00021-00010416-00010936 viking women had a way to gauge how bad a stab or slash wound was it would feed the injured ATDz_tXs860-00022-00010936-00011448 warrior a broth that had onions leeks and herbs after eating it the woman would smell the wound ATDz_tXs860-00023-00011448-00011840 if they smelled the broth they knew the wound was too deep and there was no way to fix it ATDz_tXs860-00024-00011976-00012352 bro what the [ __ ] did i just hear so you're telling me my man's standing there holding this ATDz_tXs860-00025-00012352-00012896 [ __ ] kidney into his torso and they pass him a soup and he goes and then the nurse just gets in ATDz_tXs860-00026-00012896-00013584 there and starts oh yeah that smells like onions you're it's smart but it's gross with death coming ATDz_tXs860-00027-00013584-00014024 soon the women would do nothing to help the dying warrior they would focus their time and use their ATDz_tXs860-00028-00014024-00014600 remedies only on warriors that's called min maxing number eight swords swords i love how ATDz_tXs860-00029-00014600-00015096 my man said that he just goes swords like [ __ ] yeah bro i love swords let's talk about swords of ATDz_tXs860-00030-00015096-00015591 different weapons like long axes and spears true even their shields were used as offensive weapons ATDz_tXs860-00031-00015591-00016072 however their most sized weapons were their long swords what is these stabbings their swords things ATDz_tXs860-00032-00016072-00016584 like widowmaker and corpse bramble and the swords would be passed down from generation to generation ATDz_tXs860-00033-00016640-00017104 as viking boys grew up their fathers would talk about all the men who died by the sword imagine ATDz_tXs860-00034-00017104-00017464 little bjorn hanging out in the living room when his dad comes home from war and he's like oh ATDz_tXs860-00035-00017464-00017848 daddy can i play with your shortness i guess son actually i was thinking it's about time that you ATDz_tXs860-00036-00017848-00018272 had yourself one of these and he's playing with in the backyard and he's like daddy i got a question ATDz_tXs860-00037-00018272-00018776 why does this thing smell like it's covered in onions this helped pass along their family history ATDz_tXs860-00038-00018776-00019216 and instill the idea of nobody could write it down but the swords were double-edged and ATDz_tXs860-00039-00019216-00019768 sharp enough to cut through a human skull or cut off a limb with one slice the men carried their ATDz_tXs860-00040-00019768-00020248 swords at all times usually on their back and slept beside them nowhere expected to be able ATDz_tXs860-00041-00020248-00020688 to defend their homes their families and help defend their leaders and their leaders property ATDz_tXs860-00042-00020688-00021200 so the swords were sharp enough to cut through a skull or cut off an entire limb with a single blow ATDz_tXs860-00043-00021200-00021632 and [ __ ] eric was just sleeping with it in his bed probably with his wife right next to him i ATDz_tXs860-00044-00021632-00022072 was asleep well honey and remember if you take the blanket one more time i'll cut your [ __ ] arm off ATDz_tXs860-00045-00022072-00022720 number seven home gang the viking justice system is rather different than the laws of today notably ATDz_tXs860-00046-00022720-00023160 insulting someone of a higher class was off limits but killing someone wasn't always illegal ATDz_tXs860-00047-00023160-00023672 for example if someone was murdered then their family could kill the murderer of course this led ATDz_tXs860-00048-00023672-00024312 to long lasting back and forth blood feud dude i love how simple that is he's like yeah that dude's ATDz_tXs860-00049-00024312-00024728 more rich than you so you can't kill him but if he kills your father then [ __ ] him you can kill him ATDz_tXs860-00050-00024728-00025128 back and forth and your family can exchange a feud for pretty much the rest of time who gives a sh ATDz_tXs860-00051-00025128-00025616 another way of settling disputes was home gangs no way holmgang wasn't a band of ruffians who were ATDz_tXs860-00052-00025616-00026088 big fans of the actor ian holm they were fights sometimes to the death it was essentially a duel ATDz_tXs860-00053-00026088-00026552 with one person challenging another he felt had wronged him it was to be held within the week ATDz_tXs860-00054-00026552-00026944 of the challenge and someone could volunteer to fight in place of the person who was challenged ATDz_tXs860-00055-00027008-00027416 how the hell is that fair that's [ __ ] opie as hell imagine you're beefing with your next door ATDz_tXs860-00056-00027416-00027816 neighbor because he keeps pissing on your crops so you challenge him to a duel and he just goes out ATDz_tXs860-00057-00027816-00028200 there and hires somebody who's [ __ ] six seven and bench presses four hundred and you show up to ATDz_tXs860-00058-00028200-00028872 the duel a week later like oh hey i forgot i left my home i gotta go i got if the person who was ATDz_tXs860-00059-00028872-00029312 challenged didn't show up for the duel they were automatically deemed guilty if the charge was bad ATDz_tXs860-00060-00029312-00030000 enough then anyone from any social class would legally be able to kill that what no way no way ATDz_tXs860-00061-00030000-00030383 dude imagine you just had like food poisoning or something that day you just couldn't show ATDz_tXs860-00062-00030383-00030839 up and everybody in town's just like oh [ __ ] eric's guilty guys let's go get him this meant ATDz_tXs860-00063-00030839-00031280 that if the leader of the clan didn't show up for a duel a slave could kill him without any legal ATDz_tXs860-00064-00031280-00031895 repercussions nice number six games the vikings love this dude's the best part of the video he ATDz_tXs860-00065-00031895-00032504 just goes games i love games cheers the vikings loved violence so it shouldn't be a surprise that ATDz_tXs860-00066-00032504-00033168 their games make ufc look like the ballet viking games death and serious injuries were common ATDz_tXs860-00067-00033168-00033552 the rule was that how was that game playing whenever they wanted so if they got killed ATDz_tXs860-00068-00033552-00034064 it was their own fault if you die you're a poo one game they played was a swimming competition ATDz_tXs860-00069-00034064-00034504 and we mean that turned very loosely the point of the game was for the men to hold an opponent ATDz_tXs860-00070-00034504-00035008 underwater for as long as he could if the man couldn't reach the surface well he drowned what ATDz_tXs860-00071-00035008-00035456 the [ __ ] how is that a game that's literally just [ __ ] murdering somebody by drowning them ATDz_tXs860-00072-00035456-00035848 hey timmy you want to come over and swim in the lake i appreciate the invite eric but last week ATDz_tXs860-00073-00035848-00036208 you invited my brother over to play games in your pond and you [ __ ] drowned him if the ATDz_tXs860-00074-00036208-00036680 games themselves weren't dangerous enough fights and brawls could erupt at any time in one account ATDz_tXs860-00075-00036680-00037192 a six-year-old boy drove an axe into the head of another boy because he was roughed up by the boy ATDz_tXs860-00076-00037480-00037904 and these days kids get called fat on twitter and have to see a therapist for a year but back then ATDz_tXs860-00077-00037904-00038336 if you step on bjorn's shoes he's gonna invite you to play a game called axe in the [ __ ] skull and ATDz_tXs860-00078-00038336-00038968 he's only six number five infanticide since the vikings lived in the nordic area of europe where ATDz_tXs860-00079-00038968-00039440 conditions can be incredibly harsh and violence was a part of their everyday life clearly wanted ATDz_tXs860-00080-00039440-00039952 their children to be strong in viking culture everyone including children were expected to ATDz_tXs860-00081-00039952-00040432 work if an infant was born with a deformity or something else was wrong they were often placed ATDz_tXs860-00082-00040432-00041080 outside and died from exposure bro he said they get put outside like they're a pair of wet work ATDz_tXs860-00083-00041080-00041496 boots yeah hey honey it turns out that our son bjorn just has a really [ __ ] up eye i'm just ATDz_tXs860-00084-00041496-00041824 gonna put him outside is that cool oh yeah no we'll just leave him out there until he just ATDz_tXs860-00085-00041824-00042432 disappears it's fine that's some savage ass right there number four sexual slavery it is believed ATDz_tXs860-00086-00042432-00043080 that the viking age started in 793 a.d when raiders probably from norway attacked the lindis ATDz_tXs860-00087-00043080-00043536 farm monastery off the coast of northeastern england i'm just going to pause here and say ATDz_tXs860-00088-00043536-00044032 i'm a bit uncomfortable with this topic so let's just proceed with caution the vikings continued to ATDz_tXs860-00089-00044032-00044544 raid villages and monasteries along the european coast until 1066. they did however researchers ATDz_tXs860-00090-00044544-00045136 were never really sure why the vikings began their raids one theory is that vikings mushrooms wanted ATDz_tXs860-00091-00045136-00045624 women because of an upset in the male-to-female ratio thanks to gender selective infanticide ATDz_tXs860-00092-00045624-00046040 okay so the viking boats were just big sausage parties pretty much nothing has changed if you ATDz_tXs860-00093-00046040-00046424 ever been to a frat party it's just a bunch of dudes getting violent thrown around the football ATDz_tXs860-00094-00046424-00046848 and sometimes shrooms are even involved then as well it turns out men have pretty much never ATDz_tXs860-00095-00046848-00047312 changed that's great this has led some researchers to believe that the main reason viking men started ATDz_tXs860-00096-00047312-00047832 invading different areas in europe wasn't pillage instead they were focusing on kidnapping women to ATDz_tXs860-00097-00047832-00048408 be their wives number three eric the red was too violent for the vikings the vikings how ATDz_tXs860-00098-00048408-00048904 was that dedicated warriors that were known for their brutality and somehow eric torvaldson was ATDz_tXs860-00099-00048904-00049464 too violent for them better known as eric the red he was born in norway sometime around 950. ATDz_tXs860-00100-00049464-00049944 when eric was a child his father was exiled over a murder and his family was sent to iceland why ATDz_tXs860-00101-00049944-00050400 was he exiled for murder everything we've learned up until now pretty much implies that they find ATDz_tXs860-00102-00050400-00050912 murder relatively chill so what's the big deal this would become a theme for eric eric gained ATDz_tXs860-00103-00050912-00051344 his famous nickname because of his red hair and the fact that he was a volatile and violent man ATDz_tXs860-00104-00051344-00051776 around 980 eric's servants triggered a landslide to destroying a neighbor's house ATDz_tXs860-00105-00051864-00052352 how did you trigger a landslide on purpose those must be some chunky boys a kinsmen of the man ATDz_tXs860-00106-00052352-00052896 aeof the fowl killed the servants in retaliation infuriated eric killed ayoff and an enforcer of ATDz_tXs860-00107-00052896-00053448 his clan was banished eric and his family what the i thought the previous rule was that if you kill ATDz_tXs860-00108-00053448-00053832 someone they can kill something back on you and then if you won you could kill them back i don't ATDz_tXs860-00109-00053832-00054279 know i lost track it doesn't make sense they set up a farm on the island of oxney a new neighbor ATDz_tXs860-00110-00054279-00054704 called referen the dueler who was building his home asked eric if he could borrow some wooden ATDz_tXs860-00111-00054704-00055136 beams eric agreed but when he went to get them back the neighbor refused to return them a brawl ATDz_tXs860-00112-00055136-00055560 ensued and two of the neighbor's sons and a few of his friends were killed okay was once again ATDz_tXs860-00113-00055560-00056072 banished eric and his family he's uh not too great at integrating into society okay also he's killed ATDz_tXs860-00114-00056072-00056432 two of his neighbors at this point so he's got a pretty terrible track record kind of sounds like ATDz_tXs860-00115-00056432-00056800 he's from the sketchy part of queens you know eric and his family settled in greenland becoming the ATDz_tXs860-00116-00056800-00057272 first people to do so after his banishment ended he returned to iceland and encouraged people to ATDz_tXs860-00117-00057272-00057720 move to greenland two colonies were established and eric lived out the rest of his days there ATDz_tXs860-00118-00057720-00058144 wait isn't greenland the one that's actually covered in ice and also how was he considered ATDz_tXs860-00119-00058144-00058576 too violent if he only killed 2p if it's not a big deal you're vikings you guys kill people for ATDz_tXs860-00120-00058576-00059024 fun i thought right they're all games it's fun and games number two child sacrifices ATDz_tXs860-00121-00059232-00059560 and here i was thinking how could it possibly get more [ __ ] up there were rumors that ATDz_tXs860-00122-00059560-00060072 vikings committed human sacrifices however the monks responsible for those writings never saw ATDz_tXs860-00123-00060072-00060552 the actual ceremony the writings have often been dismissed as propaganda okay on the other hand ATDz_tXs860-00124-00060552-00061000 there are writings from the vikings that say that humans are the ultimate sacrifice and ATDz_tXs860-00125-00061000-00061600 odin supposedly demanded it there was no concrete evidence that vikings performed human sacrifices ATDz_tXs860-00126-00061600-00062064 until 2011. oh wait what he really had me in the first half of that sentence there he's like well ATDz_tXs860-00127-00062064-00062560 there was no evidence of them ever sacrificing people until 2011 when it's actually true this ATDz_tXs860-00128-00062560-00063032 finding also helps substantiate an earlier theory regarding the discovery of children's bones ATDz_tXs860-00129-00063032-00063512 found in a well it's believed that children were sacrificed in extreme cases when the vikings were ATDz_tXs860-00130-00063512-00063991 hoping to reconnect with the gods hey god can you hear me yes why don't we talk anymore because you ATDz_tXs860-00131-00063991-00064608 haven't killed your son number one blood eagle the viking supposedly had a rather gruesome form of ATDz_tXs860-00132-00064608-00065128 execution called the blood eagle this is a formal warning if you are under the age of 18 i highly ATDz_tXs860-00133-00065128-00065624 recommend not continuing the video and it appears that it was reserved for royalty the victim was ATDz_tXs860-00134-00065624-00066104 tied face down then the real funding again the shape of an eagle with outstretched wings would ATDz_tXs860-00135-00066104-00066576 be carved into the man's back ribs would be hacked from the spine one by one with an axe ATDz_tXs860-00136-00066664-00067136 i think i speak for everybody when i say what the [ __ ] once that was done the bones and ATDz_tXs860-00137-00067136-00067632 skin were pulled back to make the victim's back look like wings supposedly this was done while ATDz_tXs860-00138-00067632-00068080 the victim was still alive which was important for the next stage when salt was rubbed into the ATDz_tXs860-00139-00068080-00068464 wounds in the back to end it all the lungs were pulled out through the back witnesses ATDz_tXs860-00140-00068464-00068920 could watch the lungs exhale their last breath making it look like the wings were fluttering ATDz_tXs860-00141-00069088-00069560 what the [ __ ] what's the actual how did it get worse than child sacrifice ATDz_tXs860-00142-00069560-00070056 how did it get a thousand times worse than child sacrifice so they would take an axe to the back ATDz_tXs860-00143-00070056-00070536 of your rib cage and then pull your ribs out of your back so that way it looked ATDz_tXs860-00144-00070536-00071168 like wings that were fluttering as you inhaled and exhaled still alive again what the literal ATDz_tXs860-00145-00071168-00071592 [ __ ] the vikings depicted the execution in their artwork and according to their writings ATDz_tXs860-00146-00071648-00072168 so artistic however modern-day researchers are unsure if the blood eagle was actually performed ATDz_tXs860-00147-00072168-00072648 or if it was just a metaphor for what the executed went through oh thank god i'm just gonna ATDz_tXs860-00148-00072648-00073008 pretend like it's not real anyway guys if you enjoyed this video if you found it entertaining ATDz_tXs860-00149-00073008-00073392 funny informative whatever the case is make sure you drop a thumbs up on it it really helps out the ATDz_tXs860-00150-00073392-00073736 channel a ton of course the link to the original video will be in the description below as well ATDz_tXs860-00151-00073736-00074152 as the pinned comment make sure you go over there and subscribe to that channel like the video top ATDz_tXs860-00152-00074152-00074480 tens is a great channel and you won't regret it if you guys want to start your own viking ATDz_tXs860-00153-00074480-00074824 civilization make sure you guys click the link in the description below to download rise of kingdoms ATDz_tXs860-00154-00074824-00075216 with a program called blue stacks it's my favorite way to play the game and honestly it's the best ATDz_tXs860-00155-00075216-00075584 war strategy game i've ever played on mobile so click the link below give it a try and hey you ATDz_tXs860-00156-00075584-00075936 can always uninstall it later as always my social media links are in the description below so make ATDz_tXs860-00157-00075936-00076288 sure you follow me over there on instagram twitter facebook discord all that stuff it's always down ATDz_tXs860-00158-00076288-00076688 below comment down below if you were surprised by how actually horrifying these facts were and ATDz_tXs860-00159-00076688-00076968 with that being said guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to ATDz_tXs860-00160-00076968-00077584 you guys again soon peace you know the drill don't tell me you forgot your cold one how are you gonna ATDz_tXs860-00161-00077584-00078296 crack a cold one with the boys oh okay i'm glad you paused it and went and got a drink cheers AfnwUYk5YJ0-00000-00000066-00000284 subscribe now AfnwUYk5YJ0-00001-00000498-00000656 panache star video AfnwUYk5YJ0-00002-00000712-00000812 dancesport AfnwUYk5YJ0-00003-00001032-00001339 top ballroom dancers AfnwUYk5YJ0-00004-00001339-00001595 subscribe now AfnwUYk5YJ0-00005-00001595-00001835 dancesport news AkKpEm-UGg0-00000-00002018-00002728 Good day, I'm Brian Ferrill, and welcome to PACE-IT's session on configuring switches part II. AkKpEm-UGg0-00001-00002728-00003192 Today, we're going to discuss installation considerations and then we're going to move AkKpEm-UGg0-00002-00003193-00003790 on to configuring the switch port. There's a fair amount of ground to cover, so let's AkKpEm-UGg0-00003-00003790-00004150 go ahead and dive into today's session. AkKpEm-UGg0-00004-00004150-00004604 Of course I'm going to begin with installation considerations. AkKpEm-UGg0-00005-00004604-00005273 The first installation consideration is whether or not you need a managed or unmanaged switch. AkKpEm-UGg0-00006-00005273-00005903 The business or enterprise network is more complex than the small home office network. AkKpEm-UGg0-00007-00005903-00006497 A SOHO network may be able to get by with using one or more unmanaged switches and still AkKpEm-UGg0-00008-00006497-00007178 operate adequately. But, once beyond the level of a SOHO, more thought and planning is required, AkKpEm-UGg0-00009-00007178-00007964 as unmanaged switches are no longer up to the job. You are going to need managed switches. AkKpEm-UGg0-00010-00007964-00008461 There are multiple issues to consider when installing a managed switch and it is wise AkKpEm-UGg0-00011-00008461-00009170 to plan for those in advance to save both time and frustration in setting up a network. AkKpEm-UGg0-00012-00009170-00009773 One of the first things to consider is if there will be VLANs, virtual local area networks. AkKpEm-UGg0-00013-00009773-00010353 While switches may break up collision domains, they do not break up broadcast domains. AkKpEm-UGg0-00014-00010354-00011060 VLANs will. A virtual local area network takes a single network environment and creates smaller AkKpEm-UGg0-00015-00011061-00011619 network segments by subnetting the network address range, effectively breaking up the AkKpEm-UGg0-00016-00011619-00012212 broadcast domains of that network. VLANs are used in a switched network environment for AkKpEm-UGg0-00017-00012212-00012778 a variety of reasons, to break up broadcast domains into smaller segments just like I AkKpEm-UGg0-00018-00012778-00013412 just said. Another reason to use VLANs is they increase security by limiting access AkKpEm-UGg0-00019-00013412-00014162 to network resources. The administrator configures the VLANs and then assigns users, nodes, or AkKpEm-UGg0-00020-00014162-00014866 ports to a specific virtual local area network. All managed switches do come with a native AkKpEm-UGg0-00021-00014866-00015616 VLAN, which is determined by the manufacturer. This native VLAN is used to help manage the switch. AkKpEm-UGg0-00022-00015647-00016450 VLAN traffic is allowed to cross switch ports as long as the VLAN information matches. VLAN2 AkKpEm-UGg0-00023-00016451-00017335 can send traffic to VLAN2 but VLAN2 cannot send traffic to VLAN3. VLAN traffic is allowed AkKpEm-UGg0-00024-00017335-00017947 to cross switch ports as long as the VLAN information matches. It does this through AkKpEm-UGg0-00025-00017947-00018780 the use of trunk ports. That means that VLAN2 can send traffic across a trunk port to VLAN2, AkKpEm-UGg0-00026-00018780-00019637 but it cannot send traffic from VLAN2 across a trunk port to VLAN3. VTP, or virtual trunk AkKpEm-UGg0-00027-00019637-00020400 port protocol, is a Cisco proprietary method of creating a virtual trunk port, which allows AkKpEm-UGg0-00028-00020400-00021040 VLAN traffic to pass between switches and to automatically manage the VLAN environment. AkKpEm-UGg0-00029-00021040-00021542 In order for different VLANs to communicate with each other, a router or some other AkKpEm-UGg0-00030-00021542-00021950 Layer 3 device must be installed on the network. AkKpEm-UGg0-00031-00021950-00022562 The next consideration is how is the switch going to be managed. Switches may be managed AkKpEm-UGg0-00032-00022562-00023209 out-of-band. That means that no network connection is required. This is achieved through the AkKpEm-UGg0-00033-00023209-00023847 use of the console port on the switch. The console port is a specific port on managed AkKpEm-UGg0-00034-00023847-00024511 switches used to connect to and configure or manage a switch. A rollover cable may be AkKpEm-UGg0-00035-00024511-00025137 required to make the connection to the console port. Security should also be set on console AkKpEm-UGg0-00036-00025137-00025806 ports to prevent unauthorized access through that console port. Your other option for switch AkKpEm-UGg0-00037-00025806-00026481 management may be to use in-band management. With in-band management, a network connection AkKpEm-UGg0-00038-00026481-00027116 is used to manage the switch. One of the most common methods of allowed in-band management AkKpEm-UGg0-00039-00027116-00027838 is through the use of virtual terminals, or VTY connections. The most common VTY connections AkKpEm-UGg0-00040-00027838-00028747 are Telnet or Secure Shell sessions, SSH sessions. Security should also be set if Telnet is allowed AkKpEm-UGg0-00041-00028747-00029455 on VTY-type connections. By default, SSH is a secured connection. AkKpEm-UGg0-00042-00029455-00029827 If you determine that you're going to use in-band management, the next thing that you AkKpEm-UGg0-00043-00029827-00030436 need to do is to establish a default gateway address. That default gateway address must AkKpEm-UGg0-00044-00030436-00031108 be placed on an interface that belongs to the native VLAN or the default virtual local AkKpEm-UGg0-00045-00031108-00031720 area network. The default gateway on a switch is different than the default gateway on a router. AkKpEm-UGg0-00046-00031720-00032474 On a switch, it is only used to manage the switch and not to pass other network traffic. AkKpEm-UGg0-00047-00032474-00032949 As part of the setup and management of the switch, an administrator should configure AkKpEm-UGg0-00048-00032949-00033500 which users and passwords are allowed to connect to the switch and what their level of access AkKpEm-UGg0-00049-00033500-00034094 to the configuration is going to be. In-band and out-of-band management security settings AkKpEm-UGg0-00050-00034094-00034706 may be different. Some users may be allowed in-band management access while others are AkKpEm-UGg0-00051-00034706-00035368 not, and vice versa. If authentication, authorization, and accounting protocols are used in the network, AkKpEm-UGg0-00052-00035368-00035822 the switch must be configured to use them as well. AkKpEm-UGg0-00053-00035822-00036424 With that done, let's move on to configuring the switch port. I'm not going to actually AkKpEm-UGg0-00054-00036424-00036853 show you the commands for how to configure the switch port, but I'm going to give you AkKpEm-UGg0-00055-00036853-00037430 the information that you need to consider when configuring the switch port. First up AkKpEm-UGg0-00056-00037430-00038034 is speed and duplexing. Most modern switch ports can auto-negotiate both the speed of AkKpEm-UGg0-00057-00038034-00038659 the link and the duplexing mode used, but in some cases an administrator may be required AkKpEm-UGg0-00058-00038659-00039247 to manually set both the speed and the duplex in order for a connection to occur. AkKpEm-UGg0-00059-00039293-00039905 Speed and duplexing errors are the most common cause for a link not being established between a AkKpEm-UGg0-00060-00039905-00040235 switch and a router or between switches. AkKpEm-UGg0-00061-00040235-00040865 Next up is VLAN assignment. All switch ports will belong to a VLAN, and that VLAN will AkKpEm-UGg0-00062-00040865-00041399 either be an administrator configured one or it will be the native virtual local area AkKpEm-UGg0-00063-00041399-00041980 network. As a side note, the native VLAN can be administratively changed, which should AkKpEm-UGg0-00064-00041980-00042356 be done to increase the security level on the switch. AkKpEm-UGg0-00065-00042356-00042905 Then there's trunking. Trunk ports are switch ports that are designed to carry VLAN traffic AkKpEm-UGg0-00066-00042905-00043856 between switches. The standard protocol used is 802.1Q. 802.1Q strips off the VLAN tag; AkKpEm-UGg0-00067-00043856-00044509 actually, it changes that tag to match the native VLAN, which allows the traffic to cross AkKpEm-UGg0-00068-00044509-00045311 over the port. Once on the other side, then the 802.1Q port on the other side reinserts AkKpEm-UGg0-00069-00045311-00045880 the original VLAN tag. That is trunking in a nutshell. AkKpEm-UGg0-00070-00045880-00046605 You might want to consider port bonding using LACP. That's link aggregation control protocol. AkKpEm-UGg0-00071-00046605-00047180 It is a protocol that is used to create a single logical channel from redundant connections AkKpEm-UGg0-00072-00047180-00047920 between switches. It bonds those ports together. This will increase the bandwidth between the switches. AkKpEm-UGg0-00073-00047920-00048641 Now we're going to talk about PoE. Not Edgar Allan Poe but Power over Ethernet. Some switches AkKpEm-UGg0-00074-00048641-00049339 come equipped with Power over Ethernet ports, or PoE ports. These ports can use one of two AkKpEm-UGg0-00075-00049339-00049977 methods to provide current over the network cable as well as carrying data, allowing these AkKpEm-UGg0-00076-00049977-00050591 ports to power small network devices, while at the same time communicating with them. AkKpEm-UGg0-00077-00050591-00051207 The port itself may provide the current or the port may allow the use of a power injector AkKpEm-UGg0-00078-00051207-00051865 to provide the power instead of the port itself. There are multiple PoE standards in place. AkKpEm-UGg0-00079-00051865-00052811 The two most common are actually the PoE standard, the 802.3AF, which can provide up to 15.4 watts AkKpEm-UGg0-00080-00052812-00053748 of current, or the PoE plus, which is 802.3AT, which can provide up to 30 watts of current. AkKpEm-UGg0-00081-00053814-00054455 Port mirroring may also be enabled on a switch port. This allows the configured port to receive AkKpEm-UGg0-00082-00054456-00055192 all network traffic going to and from a specific port. By using port mirroring, an administrator AkKpEm-UGg0-00083-00055192-00055906 can examine and analyze the traffic going into and coming from a specific host or port. AkKpEm-UGg0-00084-00055906-00056541 Port mirroring is most often used in conjunction with a packet analyzer, also known as a packet AkKpEm-UGg0-00085-00056541-00057186 sniffer or a network sniffer. Administrators often use port mirroring to examine the flow AkKpEm-UGg0-00086-00057186-00057875 of traffic to determine what method of network optimization to use, or for when they're determining AkKpEm-UGg0-00087-00057875-00058463 which security measures to put in place. Port mirroring can create a significant amount AkKpEm-UGg0-00088-00058463-00059092 of network overhead, so it should be used sparingly on an active network. You may want AkKpEm-UGg0-00089-00059092-00059495 to shut it down once your research has concluded. AkKpEm-UGg0-00090-00059495-00060234 That concludes this session on configuring switches part II. I talked about installation considerations AkKpEm-UGg0-00091-00060234-00060586 and then I talked about configuring the switch port itself. AkKpEm-UGg0-00092-00060586-00061128 On behalf of PACE-IT, thank you for watching the session, and I look forward to doing another one. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00000-00000054-00000284 [Hammering] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00001-00000386-00000891 [Music] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00002-00000891-00001059 - Hi I'm Trump Al1Tr_3wx3A-00003-00001059-00001619 Did you take your dementia pills today, Joe? - Donald, Idon't think he's even in the call. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00004-00001619-00002226 - Wait, who's notin the call? - You ya forking dumbass how's about you take your dementia pills and join us!? ):< Al1Tr_3wx3A-00005-00002226-00002651 - How about you start the game, dumbass? - Hey! Fork you! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00006-00002651-00003301 Today we're gonna be playing Unicycle Legend, a game that requires a ton of precision-- andyou already forked up! I hate you, Joe! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00007-00003301-00003600 - Hey! It'snot my fault that you didn't teach me how to play!! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00008-00003600-00003866 - Yo shut up I'm abboda to kill dis shizz, you ready, you ready? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00009-00003866-00004074 [gamer.mp3] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00010-00004074-00004124 [BONG] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00011-00004124-00004380 - Bro this is the easiest shizz in the world just watch. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00012-00004602-00005134 - Joe if you aren't like Obama... - Of course I'm notgonna be like him, dumbass! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00013-00005134-00005309 - LMAO, duh. [Whiplash] - Yo, who invited Johnny Test? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00014-00005309-00005631 [Whiplash] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00015-00005631-00006168 - Would you shut up? I'm sweating mynuts off! - Yo, fix your forking audio, Donald! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00016-00006168-00006523 - The life of Michelle Obama: avoidingspikes on a flat surface Al1Tr_3wx3A-00017-00006523-00006766 - DONALD! HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT THE FORK UP!?! - u mad? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00018-00007259-00007464 - Yay... - Let's a go again! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00019-00007464-00007998 [gaming.mp3] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00020-00007998-00008286 - Johnny Test, you have the controller. Get it first time Al1Tr_3wx3A-00021-00008286-00008484 [Whiplash] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00022-00008484-00009015 - Jesus Christ, Donald! What did you expect? - Bro, Idon't know I just thought it'd be funny. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00023-00009015-00009272 - It is but, quit wahsting our time - Wahsting? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00024-00009272-00009606 - Sure, ask Voxbox that. - Jesus fork Joe! How's about you Al1Tr_3wx3A-00025-00009606-00010194 join our conversation? Quit forking up yougot damn- - Shut up Donald! You orange fortalk. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00026-00010194-00010595 Ha, not gonna lie, that was hilarious! - Hey! Shutup I'll show you what's hilarious Al1Tr_3wx3A-00027-00010595-00010800 [gamer.mp3] - Shirt. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00028-00010800-00011344 [BONG] [lmao.mp3] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00029-00011344-00011505 -Fork you guys. [User disconnected from the channel] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00030-00011505-00011859 - Wait, did Donald justleave? - Yeah I think so. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00031-00011859-00012394 - Trump just sent me a message saying fork you and gay. - He's just mad because he's bad Al1Tr_3wx3A-00032-00012394-00012620 - Damn, it is late. - Bro, it's literally 7:00PM Al1Tr_3wx3A-00033-00012620-00013391 - Isleep for 15 hours a day. How long do you sleep? - Jesus Christ, you're a forkingobese cat, I swear to God... Are you asleep? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00034-00013392-00013638 [snoring.mp3] [deafen.mp3] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00035-00013638-00014004 - Well on that note, check out this video from last year about SCP-001, AKA The Al1Tr_3wx3A-00036-00014004-00014224 Gate Guardian. Okay I'm out. Al1Tr_3wx3A-00037-00014224-00014570 [Explosion] [Clap x2] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00038-00014570-00015137 - Is that piece of shizz Obama gone? [snoring.mp3] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00039-00015137-00015354 - Oh, go game end yourself! Al1Tr_3wx3A-00040-00015354-00015655 - Wait... what? What's happening? Where am I? Al1Tr_3wx3A-00041-00015655-00015705 - ARE YOU FU- Al1Tr_3wx3A-00042-00015705-00016128 [Hammering] Al1Tr_3wx3A-00043-00016128-00016328 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AlZVMmYJFzI-00000-00006383-00006750 FIREWORKS SHOOTING TO THE SKY, AlZVMmYJFzI-00001-00006750-00007233 EXPLODING, BURSTING, COLORFUL, AlZVMmYJFzI-00002-00007233-00007413 HIGH IN THE SKY. AlZVMmYJFzI-00003-00007413-00007650 BOOM, BOOM, THEY GO OFF! AlZVMmYJFzI-00004-00007650-00007970 EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE. AlZVMmYJFzI-00005-00007970-00008516 SPARKS MAKING THEIR WAY DOWN TO THE EARTH. AlZVMmYJFzI-00006-00008516-00008766 AND THE PEOPLE WATCHING... AlZVMmYJFzI-00007-00008983-00009350 AND SEEING THE FIREWORKS FADE AlZVMmYJFzI-00008-00009350-00009570 AND END AlZVMmYJFzI-00009-00009570-00010033 TO THE LEFT AND TO THE RIGHT. AlZVMmYJFzI-00010-00010033-00010366 THE SHOW HAS CONCLUDED. AlZVMmYJFzI-00011-00010616-00010876 THE DARKNESS HAS RETURNED. AlZVMmYJFzI-00012-00015440-00015960 I SEE A BUTTERFLY IN THE DISTANCE, AlZVMmYJFzI-00013-00015960-00016333 FLYING, FLAPPING ITS WINGS UP AND DOWN, AlZVMmYJFzI-00014-00016333-00016723 FLAPPING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. AlZVMmYJFzI-00015-00016723-00017040 AND THEN IT CALMS DOWN AlZVMmYJFzI-00016-00017040-00017423 AND SETS ITSELF WITH THE WINGS AlZVMmYJFzI-00017-00017423-00017906 SLOWLY COMING TO AN END WITH THE FLAPPING. AlZVMmYJFzI-00018-00017906-00018296 AND THE GONG OF THE BELL RINGING, AlZVMmYJFzI-00019-00018296-00018880 THE BUTTERFLY AWAKENING AND FLYING ONCE AGAIN, AlZVMmYJFzI-00020-00018880-00019106 FLAPPING ITS WINGS. AlZVMmYJFzI-00021-00023063-00023413 AND THE PITCHER WARMS UP, AlZVMmYJFzI-00022-00023413-00023680 LOOKS FOR THE CALL HE WANTS, AlZVMmYJFzI-00023-00023680-00024053 GETS THE CALL FROM THE CATCHER. AlZVMmYJFzI-00024-00024053-00024496 AND THE SUN BEHIND THE PITCHER AlZVMmYJFzI-00025-00024496-00024823 BEAMING ITS RAYS ON THE FIELD. AlZVMmYJFzI-00026-00024823-00025170 AND THE PITCHER WINDS UP AlZVMmYJFzI-00027-00025170-00025430 AND LETS THE BALL RIP. AlZVMmYJFzI-00028-00025660-00026023 THE BALL'S HIT HIGH IN THE SKY AlZVMmYJFzI-00029-00026023-00026446 AS THE PITCHER FOLLOWS THE TRAJECTORY OF THE BALL. AlZVMmYJFzI-00030-00032426-00032743 THE EARTH... AlZVMmYJFzI-00031-00032743-00033193 A FORCE EVER TURNING. AlZVMmYJFzI-00032-00033193-00033576 AND WE SEE THE FLOWERS, AlZVMmYJFzI-00033-00033576-00034060 WHOSE SWEET AROMA SPRINGS FORTH. AlZVMmYJFzI-00034-00034060-00034593 AND THE BLOOMS FROM THE FLOWERS GROW, AlZVMmYJFzI-00035-00034593-00035276 BUT EVENTUALLY THEY LOSE THEIR LIFE. AlZVMmYJFzI-00036-00035276-00035776 AND THEY FALL BACK TO THE EARTH... AlZVMmYJFzI-00037-00035776-00036210 WHETHER IT'S THE FLOWER OR MYSELF. AlZVMmYJFzI-00038-00039633-00039826 ENTITLED... AlZVMmYJFzI-00039-00042256-00042763 RIDING ALONG ON A HORSE AND CARRIAGE, AlZVMmYJFzI-00040-00042763-00043276 I STOP THE HORSES AND LOOK OUT. AlZVMmYJFzI-00041-00090503-00090696 CALLED... AlZVMmYJFzI-00042-00140916-00141176 ENTITLED... AmgfjRRsVMM-00000-00002656-00003208 ok. let's see here AmgfjRRsVMM-00001-00006784-00006831 hi? AmgfjRRsVMM-00002-00006856-00007231 I was doing nothing AmgfjRRsVMM-00003-00007295-00008224 Who am I? I'm Clara. Of course that I remember Chiara AmgfjRRsVMM-00004-00008240-00008968 I'm her twin sister.. well.. She is my twin sister AmgfjRRsVMM-00005-00008992-00009280 I was born earlier AmgfjRRsVMM-00006-00010560-00010720 fine AmgfjRRsVMM-00007-00010792-00011320 if you really want to know AmgfjRRsVMM-00008-00011704-00012408 I'm doing a little joke to my sister AmgfjRRsVMM-00009-00013176-00013968 she's always so messy, so I decided to give her a little gift AmgfjRRsVMM-00010-00014072-00015463 so when she will arrived all in hurry to film a video.. she will find this AmgfjRRsVMM-00011-00018560-00019056 you may have seen me in a couple of videos AmgfjRRsVMM-00012-00019692-00020004 she obliged me AmgfjRRsVMM-00013-00021984-00022236 last one AmgfjRRsVMM-00014-00028768-00029280 I was born half an hour before her AmgfjRRsVMM-00015-00030076-00030280 at 5 a.m. AmgfjRRsVMM-00016-00031056-00031960 she thinks that she has the command, but at the end of the day she does what I tell her to do AmgfjRRsVMM-00017-00036260-00036564 it annoys me that I won't be able to see her face AmgfjRRsVMM-00018-00037880-00038292 ok, my mission here is done AmgfjRRsVMM-00019-00038292-00039064 thank you for the (not requested) company AmgfjRRsVMM-00020-00039384-00039988 if you remain here, tell me how she reacted ok? AmgfjRRsVMM-00021-00040048-00040208 by AmgfjRRsVMM-00022-00040560-00040712 what the.. AmgfjRRsVMM-00023-00042308-00043220 no harm done, I wanted to do a videos like this in the future AmgfjRRsVMM-00024-00044460-00044644 hi guys AmgfjRRsVMM-00025-00044856-00045260 thank you for joining me today AmgfjRRsVMM-00026-00045764-00046232 like you see, my sister has done to me a little surprise AmgfjRRsVMM-00027-00046296-00046856 she decided to sew (?!!) my mic AmgfjRRsVMM-00028-00047212-00048740 so I decided to do a negative thoughts plucking.. sort of AmgfjRRsVMM-00029-00049628-00049748 what do you think? AmgfjRRsVMM-00030-00050408-00050840 I have an idea for the reason she has done this AmgfjRRsVMM-00031-00050840-00051616 she always says that I'm messy, the reality is that she is perfectionist AmgfjRRsVMM-00032-00051776-00052508 I have my tweezers here AmgfjRRsVMM-00033-00052552-00052844 and my scissors AmgfjRRsVMM-00034-00053740-00054008 we can begin AmgfjRRsVMM-00035-00054328-00055491 today I want to help you remove all your negative thoughts AmgfjRRsVMM-00036-00055855-00057020 let's start from.. this red AmgfjRRsVMM-00037-00060652-00061932 in the meantime try to clean your head AmgfjRRsVMM-00038-00065580-00065812 and another AmgfjRRsVMM-00039-00066016-00066324 and now a big one AmgfjRRsVMM-00040-00066924-00067188 how is doing? AmgfjRRsVMM-00041-00069264-00069584 it needs to be cut AmgfjRRsVMM-00042-00069760-00070404 do you ever have this complicated thoughts? AmgfjRRsVMM-00043-00070624-00070964 full of knots AmgfjRRsVMM-00044-00071828-00072708 i'm here to help you AmgfjRRsVMM-00045-00072708-00073100 melt your worries AmgfjRRsVMM-00046-00079316-00079688 now what can I take.. AmgfjRRsVMM-00047-00080892-00081060 there it is AmgfjRRsVMM-00048-00083044-00083340 this string is really long AmgfjRRsVMM-00049-00084768-00085012 it's really twisted AmgfjRRsVMM-00050-00086920-00087248 how do you feel? AmgfjRRsVMM-00051-00087308-00087604 better? AmgfjRRsVMM-00052-00091992-00092080 what's next? AmgfjRRsVMM-00053-00111516-00111820 i let you see what is remaining AmgfjRRsVMM-00054-00114216-00114411 now the last one AmgfjRRsVMM-00055-00116000-00116352 here we are AmgfjRRsVMM-00056-00117240-00117824 now I will check but I'm sure we finished AmgfjRRsVMM-00057-00118796-00119804 i'll make sure there's nothing AmgfjRRsVMM-00058-00120340-00121020 it's time to.. AmgfjRRsVMM-00059-00121024-00122259 turn down the lights AmgfjRRsVMM-00060-00122596-00124464 and to wish you a good night <3 B0DbPVHI07o-00000-00000097-00000558 Hey there Bruins! Today your friends at the UCLA Library are here to help you B0DbPVHI07o-00001-00000558-00001163 get started researching for your paper. Today's goals: determining a variety of B0DbPVHI07o-00002-00001163-00001571 issues related to your topic and creating a concept map displaying the B0DbPVHI07o-00003-00001571-00002336 relationship between those issues. To start your concept map draw a circle in B0DbPVHI07o-00004-00002336-00002813 the middle of your paper and write the main topic of your research paper. B0DbPVHI07o-00005-00003130-00003573 To keep your brainstorming organized divide your paper into four quadrants. B0DbPVHI07o-00006-00003573-00003985 These quadrants will hold ideas related to: B0DbPVHI07o-00007-00003985-00004298 social issues B0DbPVHI07o-00008-00004526-00004852 economic issues B0DbPVHI07o-00009-00005002-00005295 political issues B0DbPVHI07o-00010-00005544-00006151 and scientific and technological issues associated with your topic. B0DbPVHI07o-00011-00006151-00006572 now that your concept map is set up, start writing general questions related B0DbPVHI07o-00012-00006572-00007031 to each section. Draw circles branching off from the main topic and write your B0DbPVHI07o-00013-00007031-00007311 questions within them B0DbPVHI07o-00015-00009190-00009628 For now don't worry about writing very specific questions. These questions are B0DbPVHI07o-00016-00009628-00009953 meant to guide your research and can be broad, we will work to narrow them down B0DbPVHI07o-00017-00009953-00010192 later. B0DbPVHI07o-00018-00010935-00011334 Now that your preliminary questions are written, you have a chance to write more B0DbPVHI07o-00019-00011334-00011724 specific topics you are interested in researching. B0DbPVHI07o-00020-00011724-00012193 For example, you can expand on social issues by thinking about specific things B0DbPVHI07o-00021-00012193-00012549 people would have strong opinions on. B0DbPVHI07o-00023-00013630-00013936 Don't worry if you can't think of specifics for some of your questions. B0DbPVHI07o-00024-00013936-00014377 Areas of your concept maps that look more sparse, such as a technological and B0DbPVHI07o-00025-00014377-00014752 political quadrants for the one in this example, will tell you which topics you B0DbPVHI07o-00026-00014752-00015325 should do more research for. Also, topics that overlap in your concept map may direct B0DbPVHI07o-00027-00015325-00015688 you to an interesting idea and relationship you may want to analyze and B0DbPVHI07o-00028-00015688-00016147 include in your final paper. Now that you know how to start an organized B0DbPVHI07o-00029-00016147-00016501 brainstorm of your topic, use your research topic and create a concept map B0DbPVHI07o-00030-00016501-00017077 of your own. Looking for help with the next steps? Feel free to stop by at one B0DbPVHI07o-00031-00017077-00018447 of our many locations and set up a consultation. B2Hazk3aIig-00000-00000014-00000258 Dohyon loves acting. B2Hazk3aIig-00001-00001354-00001454 Hangyeol is sexy or cute? B2Hazk3aIig-00002-00001628-00001728 Hangyeol isn't that cute? B2Hazk3aIig-00003-00001778-00002021 Hangyeol is so cute B2Hazk3aIig-00004-00002112-00002315 Hangyeol is so sexy B2Hazk3aIig-00005-00002490-00002825 There's something I've been wanting to say before. B2Hazk3aIig-00006-00002882-00003143 Hangyeol is so cute. B2Hazk3aIig-00007-00003228-00003364 But...Why... B2Hazk3aIig-00008-00003415-00003632 Why are you against what I'm saying? B2Hazk3aIig-00009-00004884-00005142 Do you have a problem with me? B2Hazk3aIig-00010-00005471-00005571 Hangyeol is so cute!!!! B2Hazk3aIig-00011-00005730-00005830 I don't wanna talk to Dohyon B2Hazk3aIig-00012-00005950-00006050 I don't wanna talk to Dohyon B2Hazk3aIig-00013-00006356-00006456 Minhee's birthday B2Hazk3aIig-00014-00006573-00006734 I won’s be there to sing happy birthday B2Hazk3aIig-00015-00006744-00007073 Please say that there’s a present and lure him to this closet B2Hazk3aIig-00016-00007209-00007259 He’s coming! B2Hazk3aIig-00017-00007276-00007376 Who wants to eat ice cream? B2Hazk3aIig-00018-00007388-00007712 The one I ordered awhile ago, is it there? B2Hazk3aIig-00019-00009822-00010062 You’re getting better at this. -of course. B2Hazk3aIig-00020-00010380-00010448 What should we do with YOHAN? -We ran out of things B2Hazk3aIig-00021-00010448-00010592 What should we do with YOHAN? -We ran out of things B2Hazk3aIig-00022-00010592-00010824 YOHAN gets surprised easily B2Hazk3aIig-00023-00010910-00011184 Hey, Do you want to dress up as ghosts? B2Hazk3aIig-00024-00011184-00011342 -Good -Het we can go in here. B2Hazk3aIig-00025-00011342-00011718 I think I’ll be scared to be in there -I agree B2Hazk3aIig-00026-00011836-00012226 Let’s not sleep and spook him while he’s asleep. B2Hazk3aIig-00027-00012236-00012364 Good. B2Hazk3aIig-00028-00012364-00012514 But you will have a hard time, huh? B2Hazk3aIig-00029-00012594-00012726 Surpise him while he Sleeps?? B2Hazk3aIig-00030-00012742-00012884 We only have to wait until YOHAN falls asleep. B2Hazk3aIig-00031-00012896-00012996 They’re asking us to do a hidden camera for a fake fight. B2Hazk3aIig-00032-00013250-00013362 That sounds fun. B2Hazk3aIig-00033-00013756-00013856 That sounds fun. B2Hazk3aIig-00034-00014112-00014278 He really like that. B2Hazk3aIig-00035-00014288-00014634 -I’m confident I’ll be good at this. -But I don’t think we can do it well. B2Hazk3aIig-00036-00014652-00014752 No, we can do it. B2Hazk3aIig-00037-00014752-00015097 But if we fight, YOHAN could kick us B2Hazk3aIig-00038-00015300-00015446 But he won’t believe that we are fighting. B2Hazk3aIig-00039-00015454-00015832 -Because we never fought among us. -YOHAN will not believe it. B2Hazk3aIig-00040-00015832-00016238 -But… (He want it) -And we know the we don’t fight with each other too. B2Hazk3aIig-00041-00016256-00016532 There’s no one who would fight. -Yes, it should be believable. B2Hazk3aIig-00042-00016532-00016582 ... B2Hazk3aIig-00043-00016596-00016696 It’s not believable. B2Hazk3aIig-00044-00016930-00017118 What about the mood being depressed. B2Hazk3aIig-00045-00017228-00017497 I think he’ll go “Hey, hey, hey" -when we are about to fight B2Hazk3aIig-00046-00017498-00017616 “Hey, hey, hey don’t do that.” B2Hazk3aIig-00047-00018012-00018134 YOHAN's birthday B2Hazk3aIig-00048-00019244-00019332 YOHAN, hurry up and come! B2Hazk3aIig-00049-00019456-00019786 Happy birthdayto you~~~ B4GtkPBelEQ-00000-00000568-00001737 This person wears a mask and a beard??? B4SZPt1PWZY-00000-00000176-00000367 consecration B4SZPt1PWZY-00001-00000367-00000525 is B4SZPt1PWZY-00002-00000525-00000626 a process B4SZPt1PWZY-00003-00000626-00000938 a life process B4SZPt1PWZY-00004-00000938-00001055 it's like this B4SZPt1PWZY-00005-00001055-00001229 if you B4SZPt1PWZY-00006-00001229-00001370 transform B4SZPt1PWZY-00007-00001370-00001607 mud into food we call this agriculture B4SZPt1PWZY-00008-00001607-00001878 if you make food into flesh and bone B4SZPt1PWZY-00009-00001878-00002256 we call this digestion integration B4SZPt1PWZY-00010-00002256-00002368 if you make B4SZPt1PWZY-00011-00002368-00002608 flesh into mud B4SZPt1PWZY-00012-00002608-00002871 we call this cremation or if you can B4SZPt1PWZY-00013-00002871-00003123 make this flesh or even a stone B4SZPt1PWZY-00014-00003123-00003458 or even an empty space B4SZPt1PWZY-00015-00003458-00003698 into a divine possibility that is called B4SZPt1PWZY-00016-00003698-00003798 consecration B4SZPt1PWZY-00017-00003798-00003898 [Music] B4SZPt1PWZY-00018-00003898-00004485 modern science is telling you everything B4SZPt1PWZY-00019-00004485-00004935 is same energy manifesting itself in a B4SZPt1PWZY-00020-00004935-00005035 million different ways B4SZPt1PWZY-00021-00005035-00005288 if that is so B4SZPt1PWZY-00022-00005288-00005484 what you call as the divine what you B4SZPt1PWZY-00023-00005484-00005740 call as the stone what you call as a man B4SZPt1PWZY-00024-00005740-00005881 what you call as a woman what you call B4SZPt1PWZY-00025-00005881-00006098 as a beast what you call as a demon it's B4SZPt1PWZY-00026-00006098-00006282 all the same energy functioning in B4SZPt1PWZY-00027-00006282-00006451 different ways B4SZPt1PWZY-00028-00006451-00006622 so it is just a question of technology B4SZPt1PWZY-00029-00006622-00006806 that if you have the necessary B4SZPt1PWZY-00030-00006806-00007023 technology B4SZPt1PWZY-00031-00007023-00007268 the simple space around you you can make B4SZPt1PWZY-00032-00007268-00007418 it into a divine B4SZPt1PWZY-00033-00007418-00007518 exuberance B4SZPt1PWZY-00034-00007518-00007618 [Music] B4SZPt1PWZY-00035-00007618-00007820 you can just take a piece of rock and B4SZPt1PWZY-00036-00007820-00008625 make it into your god or goddess B4SZPt1PWZY-00037-00008625-00008980 [Music] B4SZPt1PWZY-00038-00008980-00009595 so this is the B4SZPt1PWZY-00039-00009595-00009696 phenomena of consecration B4SZPt1PWZY-00040-00009696-00010074 which B4SZPt1PWZY-00041-00010074-00010397 particularly in this culture B4SZPt1PWZY-00042-00010397-00010560 enormous amount of B4SZPt1PWZY-00043-00010560-00011024 knowledge about this dimension of life B4SZPt1PWZY-00044-00011024-00011193 was perpetuated B4SZPt1PWZY-00045-00011193-00011377 and this was held as the most important B4SZPt1PWZY-00046-00011377-00011477 thing B4SZPt1PWZY-00047-00011477-00011585 because B4SZPt1PWZY-00048-00011585-00011831 it doesn't matter what you're eating how B4SZPt1PWZY-00049-00011831-00012090 you are how long you live B4SZPt1PWZY-00050-00012090-00012367 that at some point a need will come B4SZPt1PWZY-00051-00012367-00012634 that you want to get B4SZPt1PWZY-00052-00012634-00012757 in touch with the source of creation B4SZPt1PWZY-00053-00012757-00013141 and if that possibility is not created B4SZPt1PWZY-00054-00013141-00013394 across the planet if that possibility is B4SZPt1PWZY-00055-00013394-00013581 not available to every human being who B4SZPt1PWZY-00056-00013581-00013681 seeks B4SZPt1PWZY-00057-00013681-00013926 [Music] B4SZPt1PWZY-00058-00013926-00014026 then B4SZPt1PWZY-00059-00014026-00014278 that society has failed B4SZPt1PWZY-00060-00014278-00014541 to provide true well-being B4SZPt1PWZY-00061-00014541-00014831 for a human being B4SZPt1PWZY-00062-00014831-00015056 because what kind of dwelling you live B4SZPt1PWZY-00063-00015056-00015309 in is not important B4SZPt1PWZY-00064-00015309-00015454 whether your house is ten thousand B4SZPt1PWZY-00065-00015454-00015851 square feet or just 1000 square feet B4SZPt1PWZY-00066-00015851-00016019 is not going to make an ultimate B4SZPt1PWZY-00067-00016019-00016209 difference in your life but you are B4SZPt1PWZY-00068-00016209-00016445 around a consecrated space B4SZPt1PWZY-00069-00016445-00016626 that is going to make a phenomenal B4SZPt1PWZY-00070-00016626-00016851 difference in your life B4SZPt1PWZY-00071-00016851-00017093 so we want to open up this possibility B4SZPt1PWZY-00072-00017093-00017290 because B4SZPt1PWZY-00073-00017290-00017437 it's my dream someday B4SZPt1PWZY-00074-00017437-00017649 the world B4SZPt1PWZY-00075-00017649-00017749 should B4SZPt1PWZY-00076-00017749-00018045 the humanity should live in consecrated B4SZPt1PWZY-00077-00018045-00018145 spaces B4SZPt1PWZY-00078-00018145-00018362 your home should be consecrated your B4SZPt1PWZY-00079-00018362-00018573 street should be crunch consecrated your B4SZPt1PWZY-00080-00018573-00018698 office should be consecrated B4SZPt1PWZY-00081-00018698-00019023 wherever you spend time B4SZPt1PWZY-00082-00019023-00019254 those spaces must be consecrated there B4SZPt1PWZY-00083-00019254-00019573 is a certain beauty B4SZPt1PWZY-00084-00019573-00019786 your evolution need not stick to B4SZPt1PWZY-00085-00019786-00019985 darwinian B4SZPt1PWZY-00086-00019985-00020141 scale B4SZPt1PWZY-00087-00020141-00020440 you can simply leap frog and go B4SZPt1PWZY-00088-00020440-00020587 if you live in a consecrated B4SZPt1PWZY-00089-00020587-00020687 [Music] B4SZPt1PWZY-00090-00020687-00021445 space the 9th of october this year B4SZPt1PWZY-00091-00021445-00021633 we have already announced the naga B4SZPt1PWZY-00092-00021633-00021876 consecration in the bangalore center the B4SZPt1PWZY-00093-00021876-00022093 first thing that is being consecrated is B4SZPt1PWZY-00094-00022093-00022368 naga you might have seen the image B4SZPt1PWZY-00095-00022368-00022687 of naga in the yoga center the one of B4SZPt1PWZY-00096-00022687-00022934 the yoga center has not been consecrated B4SZPt1PWZY-00097-00022934-00023154 because B4SZPt1PWZY-00098-00023154-00023277 it's placed B4SZPt1PWZY-00099-00023277-00023704 geometrically in such a position B4SZPt1PWZY-00100-00023704-00023804 that B4SZPt1PWZY-00101-00023804-00023904 the three B4SZPt1PWZY-00102-00023904-00024068 solidified mercury B4SZPt1PWZY-00103-00024068-00024282 lingas right behind it and also the B4SZPt1PWZY-00104-00024282-00024596 dhyanalinga it is aligned with all this B4SZPt1PWZY-00105-00024596-00024791 so it will grow by itself B4SZPt1PWZY-00106-00024791-00025098 but the bangalore naga has a core where B4SZPt1PWZY-00107-00025098-00025365 it is done with solidified mercury it's B4SZPt1PWZY-00108-00025365-00025647 a full-fledged consecration naga is very B4SZPt1PWZY-00109-00025647-00025881 important for one who wants to know B4SZPt1PWZY-00110-00025881-00026019 perception B4SZPt1PWZY-00111-00026019-00026322 today if you are able to see B4SZPt1PWZY-00112-00026322-00026554 even your physical eyes i'm saying B4SZPt1PWZY-00113-00026554-00026733 if you're able to see B4SZPt1PWZY-00114-00026733-00027002 fifty percent better if you're able to B4SZPt1PWZY-00115-00027002-00027262 hear fifty percent better smell taste B4SZPt1PWZY-00116-00027262-00027498 and touch sensations fifty percent B4SZPt1PWZY-00117-00027498-00027727 better would your life be greatly B4SZPt1PWZY-00118-00027727-00027913 enhanced B4SZPt1PWZY-00119-00027913-00028129 even if it's physical B4SZPt1PWZY-00120-00028129-00028448 yes so if you are able to see B4SZPt1PWZY-00121-00028448-00028558 and feel B4SZPt1PWZY-00122-00028558-00028800 things which are beyond physicality that B4SZPt1PWZY-00123-00028800-00029085 is when life gets super enhanced B4SZPt1PWZY-00124-00029085-00029270 it's not by listening to talks by B4SZPt1PWZY-00125-00029270-00029489 accumulating information no B4SZPt1PWZY-00126-00029489-00029676 information is a burden over a period of B4SZPt1PWZY-00127-00029676-00029804 time B4SZPt1PWZY-00128-00029804-00029975 perception B4SZPt1PWZY-00129-00029975-00030251 so this is why the first thing we are B4SZPt1PWZY-00130-00030251-00030351 creating is naga B4SZPt1PWZY-00131-00030351-00030613 [Music] B80Aax_VWRM-00000-00000104-00000656 What do steak fat, olive oil, and plasma membranes all have in common. Answer: B80Aax_VWRM-00001-00000656-00001048 they're made almost entirely out of lipids. Lipids are one of four B80Aax_VWRM-00002-00001048-00001552 classes of biological macromolecule that are essential for all living things. Today B80Aax_VWRM-00003-00001552-00001872 we're going to talk about lipids. We're going to talk about what they look like, B80Aax_VWRM-00004-00001872-00002984 how they're made, and the things that they do for biological systems, so stay tuned! B80Aax_VWRM-00005-00004408-00004968 Hi and thanks for tuning in. Today we're talking about lipids. Now lipids are one of four major B80Aax_VWRM-00006-00004968-00005480 classes of biological macromolecule. Hopefully you remember from a previous video of mine, we B80Aax_VWRM-00007-00005480-00006008 talked about the four major classes of biological macromolecules: lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic B80Aax_VWRM-00008-00006008-00006448 acids, and proteins. If you haven't had a chance to check out that video yet, please use this link. B80Aax_VWRM-00009-00006592-00007104 Now lipids like all other biological macromolecules are created through a process B80Aax_VWRM-00010-00007104-00007776 known as dehydration synthesis, also known as a condensation reaction. This process is mediated B80Aax_VWRM-00011-00007776-00008520 by a group of specialized proteins called enzymes that allow the the components of a lipid or any B80Aax_VWRM-00012-00008520-00009120 other biological macromolecule to combine to form the macromolecule while releasing water. B80Aax_VWRM-00013-00009264-00009688 Conversely, if we're going to break down a lipid, just like every other biological macromolecule, B80Aax_VWRM-00014-00009688-00009984 we're going to use a group of enzymes that are going to perform a reaction B80Aax_VWRM-00015-00009984-00010512 called a hydrolysis reaction. In a sense, we're going to re-add that water back in, B80Aax_VWRM-00016-00010512-00011088 breaking the larger biological macromolecule into smaller components. Now for many of these B80Aax_VWRM-00017-00011088-00011776 biological macromolecules (i.e anything other than lipids), those component molecules are known as B80Aax_VWRM-00018-00011776-00012568 monomers. But lipids are unique. Lipids are not considered polymers. They don't consist chiefly of B80Aax_VWRM-00019-00012648-00013224 repeating subunits known as monomers. There is no monomer for a lipid. With the other three classes, B80Aax_VWRM-00020-00013224-00013688 carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins, we will be talking about their monomeric subunits, B80Aax_VWRM-00021-00013688-00014119 but not in the case of lipids. Now while they are unique in the sense they do not B80Aax_VWRM-00022-00014119-00014608 have these monomeric subunits that also means that lipids have an incredibly diverse B80Aax_VWRM-00023-00014760-00015247 set of shapes and sizes and functions because they're not based on those repeating subunits, B80Aax_VWRM-00024-00015384-00015816 and today we're going to talk about all the things that lipids do for us, what they look like, B80Aax_VWRM-00025-00015816-00016304 and how they function. So the first major role that lipids play in biological systems is a B80Aax_VWRM-00026-00016304-00016920 structural role. If we look at the plasma membrane of bacteria or eukaryotic cells, what you'll see B80Aax_VWRM-00027-00016920-00017488 is a lipid bilayer that consists almost entirely of a type of lipid known as a phospholipid. B80Aax_VWRM-00028-00017488-00018032 Phospholipids are incredibly fascinating molecules they are what are known as being an amphipathic B80Aax_VWRM-00029-00018032-00018424 molecule. That means that they have part of the molecule which is hydrophobic B80Aax_VWRM-00030-00018424-00018800 and another part of the molecule which is hydrophilic, and that dictates the way B80Aax_VWRM-00031-00018800-00019408 phospholipids behave in biological systems. Now remember all biological systems exist in what B80Aax_VWRM-00032-00019408-00019968 we call an aqueous environment. In other words, the solvent that which all biological activities B80Aax_VWRM-00033-00019968-00020616 occur in is water-based. What that means is when phospholipids are made, part of the molecule, B80Aax_VWRM-00034-00020616-00021168 this long, greasy, fatty acid tail really doesn't like water, it's hydrophobic and wants to do B80Aax_VWRM-00035-00021168-00021672 whatever it can to get away from it. On the other hand, this phosphate group, which has a charge B80Aax_VWRM-00036-00021672-00022264 associated with it, is polar, it is hydrophilic, it likes to be in water. Now if you imagine a B80Aax_VWRM-00037-00022264-00022704 plasma membrane as a barrier that separates two aqueous environments, what's going to B80Aax_VWRM-00038-00022704-00023184 happen when these phospholipids are made is those hydrophobic tails are going to cluster together, B80Aax_VWRM-00039-00023184-00023720 they're going to try to basically dissolve one another and exclude themselves from water. But on B80Aax_VWRM-00040-00023720-00024256 both sides of that what you're going to have is an aqueous environment. Now when these phospholipids B80Aax_VWRM-00041-00024256-00024752 get together, depending on how they do so, they can lead into something called a micelle or a B80Aax_VWRM-00042-00024816-00025384 phospholipid bilayer. If they form a ball where all the greasy hydrophobic tails cluster in the B80Aax_VWRM-00043-00025384-00025968 middle and the charged phosphate groups on the outside are facing outward, that ball is called B80Aax_VWRM-00044-00025968-00026568 a micelle. But in most biological systems what ends up happening is these phospholipids stack in B80Aax_VWRM-00045-00026568-00027152 a way where the where they form a bilayer where the charged phosphate groups, the hydrophilic B80Aax_VWRM-00046-00027152-00027672 portions, face outward into the extracellular space or into the aqueous cytoplasm with the B80Aax_VWRM-00047-00027672-00028439 greasy hydrophobic fatty acid tails interacting in the middle. What's really awesome about this is B80Aax_VWRM-00048-00028439-00029183 this particular phospholipid bilayer provides a a strong barrier to prevent things from going inside B80Aax_VWRM-00049-00029183-00029848 and out of the cell. It's what we call selectively permeable. Only very small hydrophobic things, B80Aax_VWRM-00050-00029848-00030536 things like oxygen and carbon dioxide, are able to pass freely across biological membranes. Almost B80Aax_VWRM-00051-00030536-00031136 everything else is excluded and requires some sort of dedicated process to bring it inside or outside B80Aax_VWRM-00052-00031136-00031656 of the cell. That's a process known as transport and we'll talk about that in another video. B80Aax_VWRM-00053-00031752-00032064 Let's look at another lipid that we often find in biological membranes, B80Aax_VWRM-00054-00032064-00032600 particularly in those of animals. It's called cholesterol. Note how structurally different B80Aax_VWRM-00055-00032600-00033256 cholesterol is from phospholipids. This is not an amphipathic molecule. In fact cholesterol is B80Aax_VWRM-00056-00033256-00033888 almost exclusively hydrophobic. It does not really like water at all. Now the role of cholesterol in B80Aax_VWRM-00057-00033888-00034536 biological membranes is kind of simple, it helps to sort of reinforce the structure of the plasma B80Aax_VWRM-00058-00034536-00035056 membrane. At really cold temperatures cholesterol helps keep the membrane from freezing and being B80Aax_VWRM-00059-00035056-00035520 too rigid and allows things to continue to move throughout that plasma membrane. B80Aax_VWRM-00060-00035704-00036216 In warmer environments it actually stabilizes the phospholipid bilayer and prevents it from falling B80Aax_VWRM-00061-00036216-00036744 apart and essentially melting away. So cholesterol is an important molecule for all animal cells. B80Aax_VWRM-00062-00036840-00037528 However also remember that it is hydrophobic, so what happens when cholesterol is produced, B80Aax_VWRM-00063-00037528-00037976 it needs to circulate throughout the body. Well it needs to be carried. It needs to be carried by a B80Aax_VWRM-00064-00037976-00038600 specific type of protein and there are three major classes of protein, which help carry B80Aax_VWRM-00065-00038600-00039224 cholesterol around the body. In humans those are known as HDL or high density lipoproteins, B80Aax_VWRM-00066-00039224-00040136 LDL or low density lipoproteins, and VLDL, very low density lipoproteins. But quite often HDL B80Aax_VWRM-00067-00040136-00040776 and LDL are referred to as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, respectively. But to be clear, B80Aax_VWRM-00068-00040776-00041216 HDL and LDL are not cholesterol at all. Rather they are the things that move cholesterol B80Aax_VWRM-00069-00041216-00041832 throughout the bloodstream. Why is HDL referred to as good cholesterol? Well it's simple, HDL is B80Aax_VWRM-00070-00041832-00042592 called good cholesterol because when HDL levels are high, HDL has the job of bringing cholesterol B80Aax_VWRM-00071-00042592-00043032 from the body tissues to the liver where it gets removed from the body. So in a sense it keeps B80Aax_VWRM-00072-00043032-00043848 cholesterol levels low. LDLs and VLDLs do the opposite, they bring cholesterol to the tissues, B80Aax_VWRM-00073-00043912-00044432 and the problem is if your LDLs and VLDLs are too high, that indicates there's too much cholesterol B80Aax_VWRM-00074-00044432-00044984 making it into your tissues. Why is that a problem? Well remember cholesterol is hydrophobic B80Aax_VWRM-00075-00045064-00045512 and if you overwhelm that transport system and there's too much cholesterol even attached to low B80Aax_VWRM-00076-00045512-00046040 density and very low density lipoproteins in the bloodstream, eventually some of that cholesterol B80Aax_VWRM-00077-00046040-00046512 is going to fall out of solution and then it begins to cake into your arteries. It cakes B80Aax_VWRM-00078-00046512-00047120 into the blood vessels and you build up what are called cholesterol plaques. This slowly squeezes B80Aax_VWRM-00079-00047120-00047600 the diameter of your blood vessels until they can become almost completely occluded and this is what B80Aax_VWRM-00080-00047600-00048176 causes several types of cardiovascular injury. So for example, heart attacks or strokes are the B80Aax_VWRM-00081-00048176-00048800 result quite often of this increased cholesterol. One of the earliest signs and symptoms of that B80Aax_VWRM-00082-00048800-00049224 high blood pressure think about it you've got to get the same amount of blood volume B80Aax_VWRM-00083-00049224-00049624 through a smaller passage, what's going to happen? You're going to end up with a higher B80Aax_VWRM-00084-00049624-00050192 blood pressure. Another important role for lipids in living systems is communication. B80Aax_VWRM-00085-00050192-00050720 In multicellular animals, multicellular organisms in general, there is a need B80Aax_VWRM-00086-00050720-00051224 for the body as a whole to coordinate the activity of often trillions of different cells. B80Aax_VWRM-00087-00051296-00051855 For example in humans, we have a system called an endocrine system and an endocrine system consists B80Aax_VWRM-00088-00051855-00052432 of a series of glands that secrete hormones that help to tell the body when it's for example, B80Aax_VWRM-00089-00052432-00053120 time to grow or decide when it's time to consume energy or break down energy and when it's time B80Aax_VWRM-00090-00053120-00053896 to store energy. A subset of these hormones are known as steroid hormones and steroid hormones B80Aax_VWRM-00091-00053896-00054528 are almost exclusively lipid-based. A couple great examples of this are testosterone and estradiol. B80Aax_VWRM-00092-00054640-00055416 These act to respectively masculinize and feminize the body during development. These are, B80Aax_VWRM-00093-00055416-00055936 and you can see these structures, look very very similar to cholesterol, why they're all considered B80Aax_VWRM-00094-00055936-00056616 to be steroids. Note the multi-ring structure, which is hydrophobic in nature, and as you'd B80Aax_VWRM-00095-00056616-00057096 expect these particular hormones must also be carried throughout the body but are fairly readily B80Aax_VWRM-00096-00057096-00057688 absorbed by cells and attached to receptors that dictate the way those particular cells behave. B80Aax_VWRM-00097-00057816-00058504 Another great example of a steroid hormone is cortisol. Cortisol is a particularly interesting B80Aax_VWRM-00098-00058504-00059208 hormone it typically gets released under stressful conditions. So under stressful conditions cortisol B80Aax_VWRM-00099-00059208-00059848 gets released and one thing cortisol does is it helps to reduce the inflammatory response B80Aax_VWRM-00100-00059848-00060360 of your body. Now you might be wondering why we want to reduce inflammatory responses because B80Aax_VWRM-00101-00060360-00060912 inflammatory responses are an important aspect of your immune system. Well the answer is simple, B80Aax_VWRM-00102-00060912-00061391 we don't want too much inflammation, it can damage tissues and cause chronic problems within the B80Aax_VWRM-00103-00061391-00062088 body. So when cortisol levels are high, that tends to break down or back down the immune response. B80Aax_VWRM-00104-00062088-00062648 This is why cortisol is actually used quite often pharmaceutically. You know it better B80Aax_VWRM-00105-00062648-00063112 as hydrocortisone. You might use this if you have mosquito bites to prevent itching B80Aax_VWRM-00106-00063112-00063648 or if you've gotten poison ivy to make the rash to be less worse or reduce the itching. B80Aax_VWRM-00107-00063800-00064367 But there's a downside to this because cortisol has lots of effects on the body and if you're B80Aax_VWRM-00108-00064367-00064760 under chronically stressed conditions this means that your immune system may not be working as B80Aax_VWRM-00109-00064760-00065255 strong as it ought to because there's too much cortisol. In the end, this could actually make you B80Aax_VWRM-00110-00065255-00065816 much more susceptible to infections, which might explain why when people are chronically stressed B80Aax_VWRM-00111-00065816-00066504 they tend to get sick a little bit more often. It also impacts the way our body responds dietarily. B80Aax_VWRM-00112-00066504-00067256 So for example increases in cortisol levels also tend to trigger increases in glucose levels, B80Aax_VWRM-00113-00067256-00067752 which could provide a link between why people who are chronically stressed - why chronic B80Aax_VWRM-00114-00067752-00068296 stress can lead to things like obesity and a higher propensity for developing diabetes. B80Aax_VWRM-00115-00068448-00069120 Lipids are also a tremendous source of energy and the main reason why is lipids often contain lots B80Aax_VWRM-00116-00069120-00069640 of different chemical bonds in a relatively simple molecule. Why is that important? Well B80Aax_VWRM-00117-00069832-00070296 chemical bonds represent a type of energy known as chemical energy, which is a form of B80Aax_VWRM-00118-00070296-00070912 potential energy and when those bonds are broken enzymatically, the energy that is released from B80Aax_VWRM-00119-00070912-00071376 breaking those bonds can be harnessed by enzymes to do things like cellular work. B80Aax_VWRM-00120-00071464-00071920 So why are lipids such a good source of energy? Well because they contain so many bonds in such B80Aax_VWRM-00121-00071920-00072472 a small package, they're calorically dense, which makes them very useful. In fact they're a great B80Aax_VWRM-00122-00072472-00073248 way for biological systems to store energy because for a very little small package they can pack a B80Aax_VWRM-00123-00073248-00073760 lot of energy to be stored for a later date. This is actually very, very common for warm-blooded B80Aax_VWRM-00124-00073760-00074304 organisms such as birds and mammals. In fact, birds and mammals store a tremendous portion of B80Aax_VWRM-00125-00074304-00074880 their energy in what's known as adipose tissue or fatty fat tissue. These are basically cells B80Aax_VWRM-00126-00074880-00075424 that consist of nothing but fat deposits that can be mobilized later when the animal needs B80Aax_VWRM-00127-00075424-00076040 energy. There's also an added benefit in those endothermic animals, those warm-blooded animals. B80Aax_VWRM-00128-00076144-00076728 Fat also provides a great source of insulation. Remember warm-blooded animals always want to keep B80Aax_VWRM-00129-00076728-00077200 their body temperature in a very narrow range. For example, if you're a human that's 98.6 B80Aax_VWRM-00130-00077200-00077856 degrees Fahrenheit on average. By storing energy in the form of fat you provide an B80Aax_VWRM-00131-00077856-00078272 added layer of insulation to help keep the body at a relatively stable temperature. B80Aax_VWRM-00132-00078336-00078800 Combined, this explains why it's often difficult to get rid of fat. You may have heard that you B80Aax_VWRM-00133-00078800-00079336 have to work out for 20 to 30 minutes before your body's willing to break down fat at all. And the B80Aax_VWRM-00134-00079336-00079888 answer is yes, the reason for that is because your body would rather use other forms of energy, B80Aax_VWRM-00135-00079888-00080424 things like carbohydrate stores, for example first because they don't have the added benefit B80Aax_VWRM-00136-00080496-00081160 of being very economic as well as providing both padding and in thermal insulation. So you do have B80Aax_VWRM-00137-00081160-00081592 to work out a little bit harder before your body's willing to start dipping into its fat reserves B80Aax_VWRM-00138-00081656-00082192 when it does so it can quite simply mobilize those fat reserves, use enzymes to perform hydrolysis B80Aax_VWRM-00139-00082192-00082720 reactions to break down those fatty acids, and then use the energy from those chemical bonds to B80Aax_VWRM-00140-00082720-00083368 produce things like ATP and perform other types of cellular work. So today was all about lipids. B80Aax_VWRM-00141-00083368-00083776 Today we talked about how lipids are made. They're made through the same types of reactions that all B80Aax_VWRM-00142-00083776-00084312 biological macromolecules are made, dehydration synthesis. They're also broken down the same way B80Aax_VWRM-00143-00084312-00084896 through hydrolysis. They also perform lots of different functions in the cell. They B80Aax_VWRM-00144-00084896-00085472 are signaling molecules, things like hormones for example. They are structural by providing B80Aax_VWRM-00145-00085472-00085952 the basic molecules that make biological membranes whether it's a plasma membrane or B80Aax_VWRM-00146-00085952-00086400 an organelle or membrane like that found in the mitochondria or the chloroplasts. But they also B80Aax_VWRM-00147-00086400-00086872 provide a source of energy for many different living organisms because they contain so many B80Aax_VWRM-00148-00086960-00087480 numbers such a large number of chemical bonds in a very small package. Big thing to remember, B80Aax_VWRM-00149-00087480-00087944 lipids unlike the other three biological molecules we'll be talking about are not B80Aax_VWRM-00150-00087944-00088416 polymers. They do not consist of a repeating subunits known as a monomer. So keep that in B80Aax_VWRM-00151-00088416-00089784 mind. That's all for now and thanks for tuning in and I look forward to seeing you guys soon! B9wuDRGHKzU-00000-00000011-00000551 A frequently returning question is whether a network player sounds better using a network B9wuDRGHKzU-00001-00000551-00000756 cable or wifi. B9wuDRGHKzU-00002-00000756-00001469 An easy question so let’s see if there is an easy answer. B9wuDRGHKzU-00003-00001469-00002404 Let’s start by summing up some advantages and disadvantages of Wifi. B9wuDRGHKzU-00004-00002404-00003030 Of course Wifi is more convenient than installing network cabling to the position of your stereo. B9wuDRGHKzU-00005-00003030-00003586 But cable as a medium is private to you and your family while Wifi as a medium is available B9wuDRGHKzU-00006-00003586-00003686 to anyone. B9wuDRGHKzU-00007-00003686-00004233 That doesn’t mean they can access your network but it does mean they can use a part of the B9wuDRGHKzU-00008-00004233-00004413 available bandwidth. B9wuDRGHKzU-00009-00004413-00004909 And if more people start using the same bandwidth, there is going to be a shortage. B9wuDRGHKzU-00010-00004909-00005225 That’s when problems occur for streaming. B9wuDRGHKzU-00011-00005225-00005617 Although loading a big spreadsheet will take somewhat longer, the spreadsheet will arrive B9wuDRGHKzU-00012-00005617-00005766 without errors. B9wuDRGHKzU-00013-00005766-00006229 But with music you need those samples coming in at a very regular interval. B9wuDRGHKzU-00014-00006229-00006919 If that fails, the sound quality might deteriorate due to buffers working overtime and when these B9wuDRGHKzU-00015-00006919-00007192 fail, drop-outs will occur. B9wuDRGHKzU-00016-00007192-00007738 Since your neighbours might not use Wifi constantly, the available bandwidth and thus the reliability B9wuDRGHKzU-00017-00007738-00008419 of the Wifi connection will vary. B9wuDRGHKzU-00018-00008419-00008797 Luckily developments in Wifi offer opportunities. B9wuDRGHKzU-00019-00008797-00009671 Nowadays two radio frequency bands are available for Wifi: 2.4 and 5 HGz. 2.4 GHz is used traditionally B9wuDRGHKzU-00020-00009671-00009900 for it has a fairly good reach. B9wuDRGHKzU-00021-00009900-00010432 5 GHz has less reach and doesn’t travel through walls that well. B9wuDRGHKzU-00022-00010432-00010990 At first sight that might look as a disadvantage but it is just what we need. B9wuDRGHKzU-00023-00010990-00011536 For it means that it will work fine within your room while Wifi signals from the neighbours B9wuDRGHKzU-00024-00011536-00011700 will be weaker. B9wuDRGHKzU-00025-00011700-00012209 So if your router is at ground floor, you will probably have good reception there using B9wuDRGHKzU-00026-00012209-00012434 the 5GHz band. B9wuDRGHKzU-00027-00012434-00012992 Most routers also offer 2.4 GHz simultaneously and if that covers the rest of your house, B9wuDRGHKzU-00028-00012992-00013128 that’s fine. B9wuDRGHKzU-00029-00013128-00013693 But if not, using mesh Wifi, it is quite easy to have good and reliable Wifi throughout B9wuDRGHKzU-00030-00013693-00013844 the house. B9wuDRGHKzU-00031-00013844-00014241 With mesh Wifi you have two or more access points that talk to each other. B9wuDRGHKzU-00032-00014241-00014909 I have placed TP-Link M5 mesh wifi stations in the stairwell on all three floors so they B9wuDRGHKzU-00033-00014909-00015456 can communicate with each other without getting blocked by the concrete floors. B9wuDRGHKzU-00034-00015456-00016069 The interior walls are gypsum blocks that do not block Wifi signals that much. B9wuDRGHKzU-00035-00016069-00016417 This setup gives me 85% signal quality throughout the house. B9wuDRGHKzU-00036-00016417-00017049 I do have a ‘wired’ connection to the third floor as well since there are my NAS’ses B9wuDRGHKzU-00037-00017049-00017512 and the Roon Rock server that need to serve several clients symultaniously. B9wuDRGHKzU-00038-00017512-00018472 But for client use, like mobile devices, streamers and the like, Wifi is sufficient. B9wuDRGHKzU-00039-00018472-00018976 Another potential problem with Wifi signals is interference from the radio signal used B9wuDRGHKzU-00040-00018976-00019172 by Wifi. B9wuDRGHKzU-00041-00019172-00019683 Having a Wifi access point at a few meters away from your stereo is one thing, having B9wuDRGHKzU-00042-00019683-00020226 a streamer as part of your stereo, communicating with your Wifi access point and thus radiating B9wuDRGHKzU-00043-00020226-00020542 radio waves is something else. B9wuDRGHKzU-00044-00020542-00021028 Fortunately current audio equipment - and most other equipment by the way - is built B9wuDRGHKzU-00045-00021028-00021424 so it has become insensitive to radio waves. B9wuDRGHKzU-00046-00021424-00022040 I believe it’s even part of the CE certification needed to sell equipment in the European Union B9wuDRGHKzU-00047-00022040-00022381 and I’m sure equal laws will be in place in other markets. B9wuDRGHKzU-00048-00022381-00023014 That doesn’t mean there is no equipment around that is sensitive to radio waves from B9wuDRGHKzU-00049-00023014-00023315 Wifi - or cell phones by the way. B9wuDRGHKzU-00050-00023315-00023799 Older equipment, especially highly tweaked audio gear, sometimes is. B9wuDRGHKzU-00051-00023799-00024694 And, of course, poorly designed equipment will always be around. B9wuDRGHKzU-00052-00024694-00025198 Over the last year audiophile switches have proven that UTP networks cause potential sound B9wuDRGHKzU-00053-00025198-00025328 quality problems. B9wuDRGHKzU-00054-00025328-00025926 I am not going to repeat the problems here in depth but in short the problem lies in B9wuDRGHKzU-00055-00025926-00026282 pollution of the ground plane of the DAC. B9wuDRGHKzU-00056-00026282-00026749 Current point of view is that phase noise in the digital signal and leakage current B9wuDRGHKzU-00057-00026749-00027133 from power supplies are the culprits. B9wuDRGHKzU-00058-00027133-00027774 Just providing a galvanic separation isn’t sufficient if your goal is high sound quality. B9wuDRGHKzU-00059-00027774-00028214 Network specialists that claim that networks will be lossless are only right as long as B9wuDRGHKzU-00060-00028214-00028456 the signal is in the digital domain. B9wuDRGHKzU-00061-00028456-00029020 But when digital to analog conversion has to be done, these pollutions will cause jitter. B9wuDRGHKzU-00062-00029020-00029402 Even the smallest amount of jitter can be audible depending on the spectral content B9wuDRGHKzU-00063-00029402-00029599 of the jitter. B9wuDRGHKzU-00064-00029599-00030105 Especially if the jitter contains low frequency components, say below 20 Hz. B9wuDRGHKzU-00065-00030105-00030639 The bad news is that for instance transformers won’t stop this. B9wuDRGHKzU-00066-00030639-00031020 Reclocking the signal won’t completely solve it either. B9wuDRGHKzU-00067-00031020-00031614 On the other hand, using UTP cable, sufficient bandwidth is always guaranteed, provided your B9wuDRGHKzU-00068-00031614-00032271 home mates don’t use it all. B9wuDRGHKzU-00069-00032271-00032809 Since glass fibre doesn’t conduct electricity, there is no chance leakage from a power supplies B9wuDRGHKzU-00070-00032809-00033171 earlier in the chain pollutes the ground plane of the DAC. B9wuDRGHKzU-00071-00033171-00033611 But here again phase noise is simply passed on. B9wuDRGHKzU-00072-00033611-00034183 Furthermore the network signal has to be converted to optical and back, which again might introduce B9wuDRGHKzU-00073-00034183-00034383 additional phase noise. B9wuDRGHKzU-00074-00034383-00034952 The SFP fibre transceiver, needed to convert the optical signal back to unshielded twisted B9wuDRGHKzU-00075-00034952-00035940 pair network cable again, might add phase noise while its power supply might leak. B9wuDRGHKzU-00076-00035940-00036366 At this point you might think that streaming never is going to sound good. B9wuDRGHKzU-00077-00036366-00037047 I can assure you that only a limited number of cd-players will sound equally good as my B9wuDRGHKzU-00078-00037047-00037593 digital front-end in setup 1, especially for about the same money. B9wuDRGHKzU-00079-00037593-00038211 And there is no point in working hard on the front-end if the amp and speakers are lo-fi. B9wuDRGHKzU-00080-00038211-00038993 A € 1000 switch for a € 600 stereo is giving very low return on investment if any. B9wuDRGHKzU-00081-00038993-00039569 For a 20k costing stereo it does give a high return, provided it is properly selected and B9wuDRGHKzU-00082-00039569-00039671 set up. B9wuDRGHKzU-00083-00039671-00040315 It’s always important to follow the signal patch and start investing closest to the source. B9wuDRGHKzU-00084-00040315-00040813 If signal quality is lost up front, you’ll never get it back. B9wuDRGHKzU-00085-00040813-00041349 Make sure you use quality power supplies for any piece of gear that is connected directly B9wuDRGHKzU-00086-00041349-00041630 or indirectly to your stereo. B9wuDRGHKzU-00087-00041630-00042113 What power supply is the best, depends on the gear you use but if you want or need a B9wuDRGHKzU-00088-00042113-00042655 switch mode power supply, find one of medical grade quality. B9wuDRGHKzU-00089-00042655-00043149 Quality switch mode power supplies might be a better choice for digital gear that demands B9wuDRGHKzU-00090-00043149-00043346 higher instant currents. B9wuDRGHKzU-00091-00043346-00043815 They are capable of delivering current instantly. B9wuDRGHKzU-00092-00043815-00044350 Linear power supplies are generally a better choice for less current hungry equipment and B9wuDRGHKzU-00093-00044350-00045016 equipment that also contain analog electronics, like DAC’s and streamers with integrated B9wuDRGHKzU-00094-00045016-00045181 DAC’s. B9wuDRGHKzU-00095-00045181-00045703 Be careful with shielded twisted pair network cables since the shielding is a means of transport B9wuDRGHKzU-00096-00045703-00046013 for voltage leakage. B9wuDRGHKzU-00097-00046013-00046644 Let’s kick in an open door: quality pays. B9wuDRGHKzU-00098-00046644-00047153 If you don’t care too much about audio quality, this video is hardly interesting for you - I B9wuDRGHKzU-00099-00047153-00047505 know, I could have said that earlier. B9wuDRGHKzU-00100-00047505-00048117 If sound quality does have priority, there are two ways to go: have an expert dealer B9wuDRGHKzU-00101-00048117-00048328 help you or do it yourself. B9wuDRGHKzU-00102-00048328-00048883 If you do it yourself, work systematically, again working from the source towards the B9wuDRGHKzU-00103-00048883-00048983 loudspeakers. B9wuDRGHKzU-00104-00048983-00049538 Try to avoid stacked solutions, like a reclocker and a transformer in-line in a signal path, B9wuDRGHKzU-00105-00049538-00049958 unless you are certain it does lead to improvement. B9wuDRGHKzU-00106-00049958-00050377 This not only goes for ethernet connections but for all digital connections. B9wuDRGHKzU-00107-00050377-00051034 It is, by the way, cheaper in the end to start with quality equipment than to try to ‘upgrade’ B9wuDRGHKzU-00108-00051034-00051402 cheap equipment with problem solvers. B9wuDRGHKzU-00109-00051402-00052215 It was my intention to end this video with my listening experiences but Covid-19 interfered B9wuDRGHKzU-00110-00052215-00052315 with that. B9wuDRGHKzU-00111-00052315-00052700 I will pick that up later when we have that behind us. B9wuDRGHKzU-00112-00052700-00053204 And talking of Covid-19: please be very, very careful. B9wuDRGHKzU-00113-00053204-00053732 Stay at home if you can, it’s worse enough that there are those that need to be working B9wuDRGHKzU-00114-00053732-00054051 to keep you safe and nourished. B9wuDRGHKzU-00115-00054051-00054575 Keep at distance when shopping in both your interest and that of the supermarket staff B9wuDRGHKzU-00116-00054575-00054884 for it’s a very aggressive virus. B9wuDRGHKzU-00117-00054884-00055437 The famous late Dutch soccer player Johan Kruyff once said that every disadvantage has B9wuDRGHKzU-00118-00055437-00055633 its advantage. B9wuDRGHKzU-00119-00055633-00056157 If you stay at home, there is more time to enjoy the music. B9wuDRGHKzU-00120-00056157-00056238 Please be careful. B9TzjwEszLg-00000-00000012-00000174 foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00001-00003240-00003354 huh B9TzjwEszLg-00002-00003354-00003756 Korea B9TzjwEszLg-00003-00003756-00005070 oh yeah Philippines B9TzjwEszLg-00004-00006756-00008712 there is B9TzjwEszLg-00005-00009180-00010152 hello where you from Korea oh nice hahaha B9TzjwEszLg-00006-00010254-00010884 can you teach me something about Korean languages ah okay okay I B9TzjwEszLg-00007-00010884-00011586 want to learn Korean with you oh I I want to learn English ah no no English B9TzjwEszLg-00008-00011586-00012420 just a little bit actually English okay yes okay I want to see you your webcam B9TzjwEszLg-00009-00012420-00013397 good night good night B9TzjwEszLg-00010-00013566-00013788 Korean languages B9TzjwEszLg-00011-00014213-00014622 right I want to see you but okay B9TzjwEszLg-00012-00014826-00014838 um B9TzjwEszLg-00013-00015528-00016692 sorry sorry sorry speak B9TzjwEszLg-00014-00016788-00017112 ah o B9TzjwEszLg-00015-00017520-00017620 um B9TzjwEszLg-00016-00018144-00018930 what's that uh how how do you how did you do today B9TzjwEszLg-00017-00019224-00019926 what how about I want to see you in English I want to see you B9TzjwEszLg-00018-00020064-00020868 so see you uh Korean Korean language uh um B9TzjwEszLg-00019-00022038-00023676 yes I mean miss you uh no uh thank you yeah yeah yeah right right hunger when you type counter okay B9TzjwEszLg-00020-00023676-00025074 I miss you oh same same same word yeah right right right B9TzjwEszLg-00021-00025488-00025632 next B9TzjwEszLg-00022-00026718-00027192 why Huggle B9TzjwEszLg-00023-00027383-00027606 I can't do it I can't read B9TzjwEszLg-00024-00028512-00028612 um B9TzjwEszLg-00025-00029352-00030066 if you want to say I want to see you in Korean um B9TzjwEszLg-00026-00030318-00030444 all Coral B9TzjwEszLg-00027-00030774-00030833 right B9TzjwEszLg-00028-00031092-00031439 you can type okay B9TzjwEszLg-00029-00031656-00032136 cool in Korea B9TzjwEszLg-00030-00032658-00032868 oh you're too B9TzjwEszLg-00031-00033708-00033780 old B9TzjwEszLg-00032-00034170-00034488 foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00033-00037386-00037530 foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00034-00040020-00040296 okay B9TzjwEszLg-00035-00040716-00040914 enough foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00036-00043920-00044058 chicken B9TzjwEszLg-00037-00044598-00044658 you know B9TzjwEszLg-00038-00045330-00045438 good job B9TzjwEszLg-00039-00045678-00046788 oh really where no I didn't uh hey John ah nice [__] B9TzjwEszLg-00040-00046788-00047772 oh really I have I have shots oh B9TzjwEszLg-00041-00047850-00047988 can I see right B9TzjwEszLg-00042-00048204-00048264 okay B9TzjwEszLg-00043-00049392-00049734 oh oh no B9TzjwEszLg-00044-00050184-00050988 ah yeah yeah yeah right right ah good job foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00045-00053717-00053952 uh yep foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00046-00054858-00055200 maybe maybe 10 minutes 10 minutes B9TzjwEszLg-00047-00056784-00057222 oh B9TzjwEszLg-00048-00057300-00057708 oh you love Korea yes I love Korea B9TzjwEszLg-00049-00058050-00058398 oh of course B9TzjwEszLg-00050-00058950-00059010 of course B9TzjwEszLg-00051-00059286-00059352 of course B9TzjwEszLg-00052-00059694-00060017 clearly you have to go home then B9TzjwEszLg-00053-00060612-00061074 oh perfect B9TzjwEszLg-00054-00061194-00061294 um B9TzjwEszLg-00055-00063684-00064379 oh really nice candy oh really really hi I'm of course B9TzjwEszLg-00056-00065652-00065868 oh no B9TzjwEszLg-00057-00065868-00067740 you you are uh you have to go downtown Seoul Tower foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00058-00070530-00071568 ah okay I'll teach you okay okay nice okay oh good you you will teach me about history of Korea B9TzjwEszLg-00059-00071628-00071682 okay okay B9TzjwEszLg-00060-00072270-00072370 um B9TzjwEszLg-00061-00072606-00072966 um you will teach me okay okay um B9TzjwEszLg-00062-00073410-00073662 okay okay B9TzjwEszLg-00063-00073986-00075084 um uh Korea is very weak country was then many many countries B9TzjwEszLg-00064-00075312-00076710 um eat Korea want to eat Korea yeah yeah then then our then Korea's presidents B9TzjwEszLg-00065-00076914-00077598 want to prevent that and five five yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00066-00078030-00078312 Independence Day Independence Day B9TzjwEszLg-00067-00078468-00078996 wait I will uh okay okay B9TzjwEszLg-00068-00080328-00080724 foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00069-00083358-00083898 right ah Indonesia wait wait Indonesia B9TzjwEszLg-00070-00083898-00084774 how about Korean oh B9TzjwEszLg-00071-00084984-00085440 Korea's Independence Day is B9TzjwEszLg-00072-00085440-00085878 cheap oil B9TzjwEszLg-00073-00085932-00087072 good job very good nice nice B9TzjwEszLg-00074-00087912-00088728 pardon City a city what's your specific uh in Korea B9TzjwEszLg-00075-00089136-00089742 yeah I born in Beijing uh B9TzjwEszLg-00076-00089844-00090012 uh B9TzjwEszLg-00077-00090228-00090312 okay okay B9TzjwEszLg-00078-00091608-00091866 oh really what y'all B9TzjwEszLg-00079-00092646-00092934 plastic plastic Satchel uh B9TzjwEszLg-00080-00093186-00093690 yeah oh no well hello B9TzjwEszLg-00081-00095292-00095298 yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00082-00095298-00095724 right right I know B9TzjwEszLg-00083-00095964-00096402 in English is of money B9TzjwEszLg-00084-00096822-00096954 I like money B9TzjwEszLg-00085-00097200-00097986 yeah yeah it's okay no problem okay okay okay so B9TzjwEszLg-00086-00098088-00098274 uh it is B9TzjwEszLg-00087-00098976-00099540 yeah right right Luzon is famous for taiji strawberry B9TzjwEszLg-00088-00099756-00100092 foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00089-00102972-00103356 oh that was so so hit B9TzjwEszLg-00090-00104094-00104472 oh that was so hot B9TzjwEszLg-00091-00105348-00105498 huh okay B9TzjwEszLg-00092-00105822-00107478 ah weather is yeah right right foreign yeah yeah I can I can oh B9TzjwEszLg-00093-00108108-00108228 melt melts B9TzjwEszLg-00094-00108666-00109128 oh cold but snow is melts B9TzjwEszLg-00095-00109409-00111126 thank you hey you cry yeah I'm sad right the snow no melt milk snowman okay okay B9TzjwEszLg-00096-00111126-00111611 snowman snowman B9TzjwEszLg-00097-00112320-00113033 oh really oh where where three three B9TzjwEszLg-00098-00113790-00113916 I'll draw you B9TzjwEszLg-00099-00114156-00114390 here right B9TzjwEszLg-00100-00115140-00116135 for you oh it's cool ah oh yeah it's cool yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00101-00116364-00116904 look they were a lot they work Lots good job B9TzjwEszLg-00102-00117924-00118044 oh thank you B9TzjwEszLg-00103-00119040-00119316 Christine Christine what what B9TzjwEszLg-00104-00119418-00120642 oh B9TzjwEszLg-00105-00120642-00121140 my my Korean name is B9TzjwEszLg-00106-00122478-00123078 oh nice foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00107-00126192-00127661 uh um no uh past ah where where uh because um Japan is was strong then B9TzjwEszLg-00108-00127788-00128592 Japan was strong but our country is weakness is B9TzjwEszLg-00109-00128592-00129792 yeah right right oh you're so smart foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00110-00133098-00133920 right right there they they are knowing that money B9TzjwEszLg-00111-00134058-00134334 all right we are uh B9TzjwEszLg-00112-00134334-00135048 Soldier uh yeah yeah yeah right yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00113-00135270-00136080 oh really good B9TzjwEszLg-00114-00136302-00136638 right by e good day welcome now B9TzjwEszLg-00115-00137298-00137398 um B9TzjwEszLg-00116-00137772-00138444 right right it's so small but yeah you've seen Manon B9TzjwEszLg-00117-00138768-00139218 they're sad sad people China B9TzjwEszLg-00118-00139470-00139686 oh no B9TzjwEszLg-00119-00139992-00140100 oh yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00120-00141288-00141462 no I'm not pretty B9TzjwEszLg-00121-00141822-00141906 no B9TzjwEszLg-00122-00142110-00143070 okay nice to meet you foreign B9TzjwEszLg-00123-00146370-00146448 no B9TzjwEszLg-00124-00146628-00146862 I'm not pretty B9TzjwEszLg-00125-00147420-00147520 much B9TzjwEszLg-00126-00147420-00147924 oh oh yeah yeah B9TzjwEszLg-00127-00148218-00148530 you're so funny B9TzjwEszLg-00128-00148746-00148848 you're so funny B9TzjwEszLg-00129-00149508-00149688 oh I'm sorry sorry B9TzjwEszLg-00130-00149988-00150132 okay okay bye-bye Bsor5FiGYAM-00000-00000071-00000396 We of course think that it's better to be creative because Bsor5FiGYAM-00001-00000396-00000777 it can allow us to adopt new approaches, let us find new solutions Bsor5FiGYAM-00002-00000777-00000891 to a problem, Bsor5FiGYAM-00003-00000891-00001205 define new products or new processes Bsor5FiGYAM-00004-00001205-00001709 when it comes to working in a company and propose a new Bsor5FiGYAM-00005-00001710-00002204 product or finding relations netween things that already exist, between Bsor5FiGYAM-00006-00002205-00002578 different concepts --something typical in research-- in different fields, Bsor5FiGYAM-00007-00002579-00002762 like I was telling you Bsor5FiGYAM-00008-00002763-00002963 in the case of Bryan May, Bsor5FiGYAM-00009-00002964-00003071 to give birth to something Bsor5FiGYAM-00010-00003072-00003461 maybe new, novel Bsor5FiGYAM-00011-00003461-00003644 state of the art. Bsor5FiGYAM-00012-00003645-00003832 From the concept of creativity Bsor5FiGYAM-00013-00003833-00004050 we arrive to the concept of innovation. Bsor5FiGYAM-00014-00004051-00004358 The concept of innovation is an interesting one Bsor5FiGYAM-00015-00004359-00004463 but it has already Bsor5FiGYAM-00016-00004463-00004796 the meaning of selling something Bsor5FiGYAM-00017-00004797-00005011 a sense of Bsor5FiGYAM-00018-00005012-00005448 putting something in the market, that innovation that I've generated Bsor5FiGYAM-00019-00005448-00005559 through creativity... Bsor5FiGYAM-00020-00005560-00005811 That is to say, we could define it as I put here Bsor5FiGYAM-00021-00005812-00006001 in the slide; Bsor5FiGYAM-00022-00006001-00006180 as the put into practice of ideas. Bsor5FiGYAM-00023-00006181-00006320 Why do I put Bsor5FiGYAM-00024-00006320-00006892 those bills next to innovation? Bsor5FiGYAM-00025-00006893-00007262 Well because sometimes we consider that everything that has to do with economics Bsor5FiGYAM-00026-00007263-00007700 or with money is pejorative, it's true that Bsor5FiGYAM-00027-00007700-00007811 innovation has a meaning of Bsor5FiGYAM-00028-00007812-00007951 profitability. Bsor5FiGYAM-00029-00007952-00008094 When I'm creative Bsor5FiGYAM-00030-00008095-00008236 When I'm creative Bsor5FiGYAM-00031-00008236-00008618 in the context of a company, for example, and I define a new product, Bsor5FiGYAM-00032-00008619-00008975 what I'm going to want to do is to get profits. And so we call that innovation; Bsor5FiGYAM-00033-00008975-00009187 Innovation has an specific meaning of profitability and surely you can think of many examples. Bsor5FiGYAM-00034-00009188-00009712 Innovation has an specific meaning of profitability and surely you can think of many examples. Bsor5FiGYAM-00035-00009713-00009902 Innovation has an specific meaning of profitability and surely you can think of many examples. Bsor5FiGYAM-00036-00009903-00010266 A fashionable example right now are the Tablets Bsor5FiGYAM-00037-00010267-00010496 that started probably as an innovation Bsor5FiGYAM-00038-00010497-00010811 based on the laptop, which was an innovation Bsor5FiGYAM-00039-00010811-00011132 on the more standard concept of the desktop computer, Bsor5FiGYAM-00040-00011133-00011469 which is in turn, an innovation on the old computers that Bsor5FiGYAM-00041-00011470-00011593 filled a whole room Bsor5FiGYAM-00042-00011594-00011857 and so forth. This is an example Bsor5FiGYAM-00043-00011857-00012029 of innovation. Bsor5FiGYAM-00044-00012030-00012218 And what's the entepreneurial spirit? Bsor5FiGYAM-00045-00012219-00012396 The entrepreneurial spirit Bsor5FiGYAM-00046-00012397-00012669 it's associated to a capacity Bsor5FiGYAM-00047-00012670-00012800 to risk Bsor5FiGYAM-00048-00012904-00013180 to take a chance. Bsor5FiGYAM-00049-00013181-00013300 A certain attitude towards, probably in this case, Bsor5FiGYAM-00050-00013300-00013478 A certain attitude towards, probably in this case, Bsor5FiGYAM-00051-00013478-00013844 towards the professional or business field, but also towards life. Bsor5FiGYAM-00052-00013844-00014245 Why do I put this picture here of a doggy? Bsor5FiGYAM-00053-00014245-00014551 Well because the dog is Bsor5FiGYAM-00054-00014551-00014954 going forward, taking a risk, Bsor5FiGYAM-00055-00014954-00015154 excited, so to speak. Bsor5FiGYAM-00056-00015154-00015521 And it really is a good definition of the entrepreneurial spirit. Bsor5FiGYAM-00057-00015521-00015780 This one, for example, I put here is a good example Bsor5FiGYAM-00058-00015780-00016027 of the attitude to dectect new business opportunities Bsor5FiGYAM-00059-00016027-00016346 and put them in practice, taking risks, Bsor5FiGYAM-00060-00016347-00016662 taking initiatives to start projects, to build a company, Bsor5FiGYAM-00061-00016662-00016852 because after all the entrepreneur, Bsor5FiGYAM-00062-00016852-00017059 what we call entrepreneur, Bsor5FiGYAM-00063-00017059-00017254 is a person Bsor5FiGYAM-00064-00017254-00017353 that ahs been creative, Bsor5FiGYAM-00065-00017354-00017664 has gone through a phase of creativity Bsor5FiGYAM-00066-00017664-00017776 has given Bsor5FiGYAM-00067-00017776-00018068 or has found a certain innovation and decided Bsor5FiGYAM-00068-00018068-00018373 to risk it and put it on the market, normally creating his own company Bsor5FiGYAM-00069-00018373-00018771 probably with other entrepreneurs. Bsor5FiGYAM-00070-00018771-00019078 That's why I put that picture. Bsor5FiGYAM-00071-00019079-00019337 I like this definition a lot too because it encompasses Bsor5FiGYAM-00072-00019338-00019418 creativity, Bsor5FiGYAM-00073-00019418-00019721 innovation, or what I was telling you about, Bsor5FiGYAM-00074-00019721-00019833 how an entrepreneur Bsor5FiGYAM-00075-00019833-00020041 creates a company. Bsor5FiGYAM-00076-00020041-00020171 You may have Bsor5FiGYAM-00077-00020171-00020496 a different definition Bsor5FiGYAM-00078-00020497-00020715 for that entrepreneurial spirit, Bsor5FiGYAM-00079-00020715-00021015 depending on the examples of entrepreneur you may think about, Bsor5FiGYAM-00080-00021016-00021294 surely you can all think of one. Bsor5FiGYAM-00081-00021294-00021707 I've put here a very well-known example. Bsor5FiGYAM-00082-00021707-00022094 Maybe, if we did a poll with all of you Bsor5FiGYAM-00083-00022094-00022448 probably the biggest percentage of votes would be in that sense Bsor5FiGYAM-00084-00022449-00022748 because he's been in the news Bsor5FiGYAM-00085-00022748-00023038 up until recently Bsor5FiGYAM-00086-00023039-00023211 and has been a great example Bsor5FiGYAM-00087-00023212-00023571 of entrepreneurship even though, obviouslly, like all Bsor5FiGYAM-00088-00023572-00023672 public characters Bsor5FiGYAM-00089-00023673-00023988 he had a good deal of controversy around him; Bsor5FiGYAM-00090-00023988-00024203 not everybody agrees with Bsor5FiGYAM-00091-00024203-00024543 the kind of entrepreneur Steve Jobs was. Bsor5FiGYAM-00092-00024543-00024846 Just an observation, for all of you that haven't seen Bsor5FiGYAM-00093-00024846-00025226 the famous speech... Bsor5FiGYAM-00094-00025226-00025493 Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford. Bsor5FiGYAM-00095-00025493-00025960 I suggest you watch it, you have it on YouTube. Bsor5FiGYAM-00096-00025960-00026152 I suggest you watch it, you have it on YouTube. Bsor5FiGYAM-00097-00026152-00026447 It really is very interesting. Bsor5FiGYAM-00098-00026559-00026895 He talks about different aspects that have a lot to do with what we've talked about here Bsor5FiGYAM-00099-00026895-00027091 about the entrepreneurial spirit and so forth. Bsor5FiGYAM-00100-00027091-00027280 But I wanted to pose you an example Bsor5FiGYAM-00101-00027281-00027498 that was a little bit different, Bsor5FiGYAM-00102-00027499-00027729 to differentiate myself from the typical example of entrepreneur. Bsor5FiGYAM-00103-00027730-00028072 An example I discovered, Bsor5FiGYAM-00104-00028072-00028156 at some talks Bsor5FiGYAM-00105-00028156-00028545 here in Santander, was one of some entrepreneurs that really caught my attention. Bsor5FiGYAM-00106-00028545-00028660 And it's because Bsor5FiGYAM-00107-00028661-00028747 its connected Bsor5FiGYAM-00108-00028748-00029089 to a film that probably an overwhelming majority of you have seen Bsor5FiGYAM-00109-00029133-00029516 and in case not, you'll probably have read the "Lord of the Rings" books. Bsor5FiGYAM-00110-00029516-00029961 I've put here a picture of Gollum and some lava because if you remember, Bsor5FiGYAM-00111-00029962-00030172 in the final scenes of the third movie Bsor5FiGYAM-00112-00030172-00030681 when Gollum gets the ring from Frodo and falls into that lava that flows below... Bsor5FiGYAM-00113-00030681-00030836 when Gollum gets the ring from Frodo and falls into that lava that flows below... Bsor5FiGYAM-00114-00030837-00031023 When Gollum falls, Bsor5FiGYAM-00115-00031024-00031315 as you can imagine, Bsor5FiGYAM-00116-00031316-00031681 obviously that's done with digital effects, that lava, that fluid. Bsor5FiGYAM-00117-00031681-00031860 If we think about Bsor5FiGYAM-00118-00031861-00032152 who's done those effects, we'll probably think that Bsor5FiGYAM-00119-00032152-00032720 an American company with loads of resources may have created those effects. Bsor5FiGYAM-00120-00032720-00032964 Well, I discovered here in Santander in a presentation Bsor5FiGYAM-00121-00032965-00033233 meeting an entrepreneur, Bsor5FiGYAM-00122-00033233-00033447 that it wasn't like that. Bsor5FiGYAM-00123-00033447-00033856 It was a company of a modest size, Bsor5FiGYAM-00124-00033856-00034031 Spanish, Bsor5FiGYAM-00125-00034031-00034416 the one that had generated those digital effects and much more Bsor5FiGYAM-00126-00034416-00034651 for other films Bsor5FiGYAM-00127-00034652-00035100 as you can see in their website or through these links I've put here Bsor5FiGYAM-00128-00035100-00035454 They've really been part of a lot of projects. And it's a very good example of creativity, Bsor5FiGYAM-00129-00035455-00035637 of innovation, of entrepreneurial spirit, Bsor5FiGYAM-00130-00035637-00036132 and also of what I told you about merging different aspects or interests. Bsor5FiGYAM-00131-00036133-00036248 and also of what I told you about merging different aspects or interests. Bsor5FiGYAM-00132-00036249-00036640 These people, this company "Next Limit Technologies" Bsor5FiGYAM-00133-00036640-00036861 was founded by two entrepreneurs Bsor5FiGYAM-00134-00036861-00037065 that studied if I remember correctly Bsor5FiGYAM-00135-00037065-00037286 something like Bsor5FiGYAM-00136-00037286-00037609 Naval Architecture or something like that. Bsor5FiGYAM-00137-00037609-00037824 They knew fluids Bsor5FiGYAM-00138-00037824-00038074 but they also had a personal interest: Bsor5FiGYAM-00139-00038074-00038193 but they also had a personal interest: Bsor5FiGYAM-00140-00038193-00038638 they loved computers. They knew how to code. Bsor5FiGYAM-00141-00038638-00039008 They mixed those two things and developed a fluid modeling software Bsor5FiGYAM-00142-00039008-00039365 that allowed them tostart their own company, hire more people, and not only that, Bsor5FiGYAM-00143-00039366-00039688 they even won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement. Bsor5FiGYAM-00144-00039688-00040062 One of the founders of the company Bsor5FiGYAM-00145-00040062-00040164 talked about it in his presentation Bsor5FiGYAM-00146-00040165-00040448 Jessica Alba gave it to them and they were thrilled. Bsor5FiGYAM-00147-00040449-00040843 Apparently, these Technical Oscars are awarded Bsor5FiGYAM-00148-00040844-00040997 in a different ceremony apart from the official, Bsor5FiGYAM-00149-00040997-00041488 the one broadcasted on television. You can see the Bsor5FiGYAM-00150-00041488-00041713 moment of the awarding on YouTube. Bsor5FiGYAM-00151-00041713-00041856 Well I thought this to be Bsor5FiGYAM-00152-00041856-00042257 an interesting example regarding entrepreneurial spirit and what I want you to do now Bsor5FiGYAM-00153-00042258-00042515 in an evaluable assignment Bsor5FiGYAM-00154-00042515-00042632 in an evaluable assignment Bsor5FiGYAM-00155-00042781-00043140 is for you to propose an example of entrepreneur. Bsor5FiGYAM-00156-00043140-00043219 In the assignement you'll find Bsor5FiGYAM-00157-00043219-00043487 inside the first module of this course, Bsor5FiGYAM-00158-00043487-00043820 what I want you to do is to propose an entrepreneur and Bsor5FiGYAM-00159-00043820-00044158 of course, for you to argue why you think Bsor5FiGYAM-00160-00044159-00044302 it's a good example Bsor5FiGYAM-00161-00044303-00044631 on entrepreneurship, a good example of entrepreneur. Bsor5FiGYAM-00162-00044631-00044759 Will, with this Bsor5FiGYAM-00163-00044760-00045058 we finish the first part of the Module 1, Bsor5FiGYAM-00164-00045059-00045505 which introduces us to creativity. Bsor5FiGYAM-00165-00045505-00045685 I'll see you on the next part, Bsor5FiGYAM-00166-00045686-00045781 thanks for your attention. BxX-qSUd6fo-00000-00000002-00000530 hey guys wasup Legendary Angel here and today with a new video and yes guys BxX-qSUd6fo-00001-00000530-00001274 a new video um yeah and I just want to say why why do people watch BxX-qSUd6fo-00002-00001275-00001863 telenovelas like do you want to see the same thing every time like literally first BxX-qSUd6fo-00003-00001863-00002397 okay like literally is fighting fighting fighting and arguments and everything BxX-qSUd6fo-00004-00002397-00002946 okay so let me tell you like let's say okay so the first part of a telenovela BxX-qSUd6fo-00005-00002946-00003642 is like the the the man and the woman fall in love like like this BxX-qSUd6fo-00006-00003642-00004504 uh maria, uh Juan BxX-qSUd6fo-00007-00004520-00005750 really, Juan y Maria, Juan y Maria fall in love...okay and then the EVIL BxX-qSUd6fo-00008-00005750-00006626 ex-girlfriend comes in i guess, man, Juan why do you have a evil ex-girlfriend man, why BxX-qSUd6fo-00009-00006942-00007142 uh is Juan BxX-qSUd6fo-00010-00007452-00007788 Martha...What are you doing here BxX-qSUd6fo-00011-00007788-00008424 You don't care, and you, why are here, and who is that dirty girl that's there uh uh BxX-qSUd6fo-00012-00008500-00008952 I'm here for nothing, I just wanted to see what was happening here BxX-qSUd6fo-00013-00008952-00009322 and she's maria, she is no dirty girl BxX-qSUd6fo-00014-00009322-00009782 ah, I don't care now BxX-qSUd6fo-00015-00009858-00010562 you see, uh...Juan and Maria and...Martha BxX-qSUd6fo-00016-00010612-00011020 what, why, whats going on man BxX-qSUd6fo-00017-00011046-00011754 and then, and then Maria and Martha are fighting is the same story...And then they fight they both fight BxX-qSUd6fo-00018-00012172-00012692 Maria...Uh Martha, What are you doing here? BxX-qSUd6fo-00019-00012776-00012997 I'm here for my mans BxX-qSUd6fo-00020-00012997-00014576 no he's my mans, whats wrong with you, he's my mans ... I'm not going to give him to you, he likes this thing right here and this BxX-qSUd6fo-00021-00014719-00017039 no I hope you guys take amigo no and not save after succumbs he go ah no no like BxX-qSUd6fo-00022-00017039-00017676 the best fighting in 2017 but now now now is gonna be WWE they're gonna be BxX-qSUd6fo-00023-00017676-00018168 smashed downs and all that stuff okay I'm telling that's how it's panic people BxX-qSUd6fo-00024-00018168-00018897 fight but I'm serious why do people watch this also then Jose Maria get BxX-qSUd6fo-00025-00018897-00019782 married I don't understand why you watch this okay and I don't understand why you BxX-qSUd6fo-00026-00019782-00020342 watching this video - okay no I just want to say one word BxX-qSUd6fo-00027-00020342-00022637 but still I'm gonna say something the novela here that's going too far okay BxX-qSUd6fo-00028-00022637-00023244 okay guys you've came to the end of the video guys um and yes I just want to say BxX-qSUd6fo-00029-00023244-00023634 thank you for watching leave a like if you liked the video arm subscribe if BxX-qSUd6fo-00030-00023634-00024143 you're new okay it's a stupid video okay I mean okay BxX-qSUd6fo-00031-00024143-00025045 but guys thank you and please subscribe and leave a like and yeah bye bye ByAGpT8oLv8-00000-00000310-00000527 Hello everyone~! ByAGpT8oLv8-00001-00000527-00000764 It’s been a while! How have you all been? ByAGpT8oLv8-00002-00000764-00001191 Following my last video, I was preparing for a self down-perm video ByAGpT8oLv8-00003-00001191-00001498 I had to grow out my hair so it took a while ByAGpT8oLv8-00004-00001498-00002008 It’s been about 3 weeks and I’ve grown out the hair that I need to ByAGpT8oLv8-00005-00002008-00002328 I’ll be showing you all how to do a down perm by yourself ByAGpT8oLv8-00006-00002328-00002495 How to apply it ByAGpT8oLv8-00007-00002495-00002722 How much time you will need ByAGpT8oLv8-00008-00002722-00003043 I will share everything on down perms in this video ByAGpT8oLv8-00009-00003043-00003243 Since your time is important! ByAGpT8oLv8-00010-00003243-00003429 Let’s get right into it ByAGpT8oLv8-00011-00003473-00003673 I’m sorry for this super close up face shot ByAGpT8oLv8-00012-00003673-00004050 I just want to show you how much the hair inside has grown ByAGpT8oLv8-00013-00004094-00004194 Here! ByAGpT8oLv8-00014-00004347-00004941 Compared to others, my hair doesn’t stick out that much ByAGpT8oLv8-00015-00004958-00005498 But as a guy, I also feel annoyed with the hair that does stick out ByAGpT8oLv8-00016-00005498-00005792 I really hate my hair that sticks out like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00017-00005792-00006082 I will be showing you how to take care of this ByAGpT8oLv8-00018-00006082-00006369 I’ll be showing you from the start to the end ByAGpT8oLv8-00019-00006369-00006976 We’ll first get rid of the excess hair near the ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00020-00006996-00007217 You see the ear shape here? ByAGpT8oLv8-00021-00007247-00007507 We will be using a clipper/trimmer ByAGpT8oLv8-00022-00007507-00007811 Products like these are available everywhere ByAGpT8oLv8-00023-00007811-00008438 The prices can range from about $10 to $90 ByAGpT8oLv8-00024-00008455-00008888 You can get the average ones around $20-$30, which aren’t professional products ByAGpT8oLv8-00025-00008922-00009496 Using the end of the trimmer, we’ll just touch the hair that surrounds the ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00026-00009496-00009672 By placing it on the side and rolling it ByAGpT8oLv8-00027-00009672-00009763 Owww ByAGpT8oLv8-00028-00009763-00010256 Use the end of the clipper from the start of the sideburns to the end of the ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00029-00010283-00010607 Then use it against the hairs behind the end of the ear up to the top ByAGpT8oLv8-00030-00010607-00010857 This could be difficult for first timers ByAGpT8oLv8-00031-00010857-00011321 Cut in halves! (Front and back half) ByAGpT8oLv8-00032-00011321-00011781 Now that we’ve cleaned up the ears, we’ll be doing a down perm ByAGpT8oLv8-00033-00011781-00012098 Before we apply the down perm product ByAGpT8oLv8-00034-00012098-00012352 I’ll be showing you how to apply the product with a brush ByAGpT8oLv8-00035-00012352-00012762 And with repeated practice, as you get used to it ByAGpT8oLv8-00036-00012762-00013233 Continue practicing the repetitive method then I’ll show you how I apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00037-00013266-00013476 This is the required set-up for the self-down perm ByAGpT8oLv8-00038-00013476-00013820 Hair pin, about a dollar to $3 ByAGpT8oLv8-00039-00013820-00013993 Thin hair comb, less than a $1 ByAGpT8oLv8-00040-00013993-00014204 Brush ~$1 ByAGpT8oLv8-00041-00014204-00014524 Down perm product about $10-$20 ByAGpT8oLv8-00042-00014524-00014654 You’ll use it for a long time though ByAGpT8oLv8-00043-00014654-00014951 Perm paper, just regular ones ByAGpT8oLv8-00044-00014951-00015271 It has about 100-200 sheets, which is about 50 cents ByAGpT8oLv8-00045-00015271-00015408 You really just need one ByAGpT8oLv8-00046-00015408-00015692 We’ll be practicing with the hair inside ByAGpT8oLv8-00047-00015692-00015859 Don’t apply the product right away ByAGpT8oLv8-00048-00015859-00016366 Practice this method that I’m about to show you before you apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00049-00016366-00016820 The reason for this is because if you apply the product incorrectly, this can affect your roots ByAGpT8oLv8-00050-00016820-00017070 As your hair grows, they may clash against each other ByAGpT8oLv8-00051-00017070-00017584 And as it grows out, the hair on top may tangle with the hair below it ByAGpT8oLv8-00052-00017584-00017761 Which will ruin the balance in the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00053-00017761-00018118 Now with the hair pin, bring up your hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00054-00018118-00018388 Attach the hair pin for the hair on top ByAGpT8oLv8-00055-00018388-00019092 Most men don’t know where to apply from where to where in terms of length and width ByAGpT8oLv8-00056-00019092-00019345 The comb is on the left and the brush is on the right ByAGpT8oLv8-00057-00019345-00020246 Most men will make the mistake of touching the product with the brush and applying it against the hair like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00058-00020246-00020704 You have to tackle the deep part of the roots to flatten your hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00059-00020704-00020950 That’s not to say that this is wrong per se ByAGpT8oLv8-00060-00020950-00021151 But instead of this ByAGpT8oLv8-00061-00021151-00021484 Using the brush upwards against your hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00062-00021484-00021948 It’s important to make sure the product is well applied into the roots ByAGpT8oLv8-00063-00021991-00022235 Then where should we apply until for the back? ByAGpT8oLv8-00064-00022235-00022869 I would like to recommend applying the product from the front to the back with less tension as you go ByAGpT8oLv8-00065-00022869-00023546 Which means that the there will be a gradation of the tension from the front as you travel towards the back ByAGpT8oLv8-00066-00023570-00023873 It’s hard to show this on a video when we talk about strength ByAGpT8oLv8-00067-00023873-00024007 I’ll try to explain it like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00068-00024007-00024320 At the front, use your brush like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00069-00024537-00024738 But the further you travel back ByAGpT8oLv8-00070-00024894-00025575 By applying it like this- I think that’s the best I can do to explain the tension in a video ByAGpT8oLv8-00071-00025575-00025899 So let’s say we have the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00072-00025899-00026062 How much product should we apply? ByAGpT8oLv8-00073-00026062-00026586 It’s best to use about 1/3 or even up to 1/2 of the brush with product ByAGpT8oLv8-00074-00026586-00026933 If you apply too much, the balance can be broken again ByAGpT8oLv8-00075-00026933-00027083 So how should we do this? ByAGpT8oLv8-00076-00027110-00027223 Like this? ByAGpT8oLv8-00077-00027260-00027404 This can work ByAGpT8oLv8-00078-00027404-00027917 Apply the product to about 1/3 or 1/2 of the brush ByAGpT8oLv8-00079-00027917-00028211 Brush it against the hair at the front with confidence ByAGpT8oLv8-00080-00028258-00028608 Only up to the top of your ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00081-00028608-00028962 With the opposite side of the brush ByAGpT8oLv8-00082-00028962-00029416 Brush against the face line and the earline ByAGpT8oLv8-00083-00029472-00029809 Moving in an upward motion against your sideburns ByAGpT8oLv8-00084-00029809-00030223 Fold your ears and apply it against the top of your earline as well ByAGpT8oLv8-00085-00030223-00030397 Apply all of it ByAGpT8oLv8-00086-00030397-00030964 Since the hair needs to absorb all the product, lift in an upward motion ByAGpT8oLv8-00087-00030964-00031124 I’ll be applying it in this manner ByAGpT8oLv8-00088-00031151-00031454 Since the first stage is over, the second stage must be important right? ByAGpT8oLv8-00089-00031454-00031721 The first stage is when the product has been applied ByAGpT8oLv8-00090-00031721-00031988 Using the tail of the brush ByAGpT8oLv8-00091-00031988-00032122 We’ll be dividing the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00092-00032122-00032652 It doesn’t matter which direction you start to divide the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00093-00032652-00032782 The reason for this is ByAGpT8oLv8-00094-00032782-00033186 I mentioned this in the beginning but all of the hair needs to absorb the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00095-00033186-00033386 In order for it to be pressed downwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00096-00033386-00033593 Divide your hair as you apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00097-00033593-00033803 Then apply the perm paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00098-00033803-00034314 Then where to start? If your sideburns are as low as mine right below the ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00099-00034314-00034644 Then divide it once and flip it over ByAGpT8oLv8-00100-00034644-00034938 Apply the product and take a perm paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00101-00034938-00035061 Apply the paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00102-00035061-00035462 Then divide it again, apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00103-00035462-00035729 Brush it again and apply the paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00104-00035729-00036142 Travel up, apply the product and the paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00105-00036142-00036896 At this point, I’m quite sure you would have understood the process by now ByAGpT8oLv8-00106-00036896-00037173 Now let’s apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00107-00037220-00037537 About this much of the product, nearly half! ByAGpT8oLv8-00108-00037537-00037737 What did I say before? ByAGpT8oLv8-00109-00038014-00038521 Apply just until the top of the ear ByAGpT8oLv8-00110-00038578-00039169 Slowly apply against the hair direction ByAGpT8oLv8-00111-00039169-00039559 Do the same thing that you’ve done during the practice session ByAGpT8oLv8-00112-00039582-00040033 What did I say after folding your ear? Brush out the hair on top ByAGpT8oLv8-00113-00040170-00040500 In both a downward and upward motion ByAGpT8oLv8-00114-00040500-00040700 Just like this, bring it upwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00115-00040700-00040997 We’re done with the first simulation ByAGpT8oLv8-00116-00040997-00041287 What’s the second simulation? We divide the sideburn ByAGpT8oLv8-00117-00041287-00041564 Hold it and brush downwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00118-00041721-00041835 After that, then what? ByAGpT8oLv8-00119-00041835-00042465 Take out a paper, and place it on top of the hair that you’ve prepared ByAGpT8oLv8-00120-00042465-00043043 And for me, I don’t need to press down on it so much since we all have different type of hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00121-00043043-00043503 I’ll divide the hair about 2cm above ByAGpT8oLv8-00122-00043503-00043807 Brush downwards, then apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00123-00043807-00044607 While you comb down, the paper can move so do this slightly ByAGpT8oLv8-00124-00044774-00045028 You have to apply it against the roots, not so much the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00125-00045101-00045782 Then apply another paper on top ByAGpT8oLv8-00126-00045782-00045955 “Oh, will you not do this part?” ByAGpT8oLv8-00127-00045955-00046249 We’ll just be applying product against this area here ByAGpT8oLv8-00128-00046249-00046790 If we apply paper here, it won’t be able to connect the side against the back of the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00129-00046790-00047287 Traveling up another 2cm, divide the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00130-00047287-00048091 Comb it, then apply another piece of paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00131-00048548-00048848 Like this, we’ll apply another paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00132-00048872-00049269 “Oh bro, I don’t think I can go through that much paper… it’s too tedious” ByAGpT8oLv8-00133-00049269-00049449 “Isn’t there another way?” ByAGpT8oLv8-00134-00049449-00049906 Alright, since my hair is for experimental use, I’ll do another method on the other side ByAGpT8oLv8-00135-00049906-00050123 I’ll do this with one paper on the other side ByAGpT8oLv8-00136-00050243-00050447 Product ByAGpT8oLv8-00137-00050503-00051331 Apply about 1/3 to 1/2 of product on the brush as you brush up and down against the hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00138-00051331-00051608 Like this, you’re pretty at 50% completion ByAGpT8oLv8-00139-00051608-00051801 Now without perm paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00140-00051801-00052178 Divide it, comb down and brush ByAGpT8oLv8-00141-00052178-00052589 Then 2cm above that, comb it again ByAGpT8oLv8-00142-00052589-00052879 Apply product on the roots ByAGpT8oLv8-00143-00052879-00053493 Travel another 2cm up, brush it down and apply the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00144-00053493-00053803 Like this we’re done without the perm paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00145-00053803-00054624 And as we all know, just apply the perm paper on top of the hair that’s done like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00146-00054624-00054868 It doesn’t matter whether it’s vertical or horizontal ByAGpT8oLv8-00147-00054868-00055095 Now we’re done with both sides ByAGpT8oLv8-00148-00055095-00055331 We’ve just applied the perm paper on the outer layer for this side ByAGpT8oLv8-00149-00055331-00055718 Over here, we applied the paper against each layer within the roots ByAGpT8oLv8-00150-00055718-00055925 The main difference is ByAGpT8oLv8-00151-00055925-00056336 This side will be pressed down more than the other ByAGpT8oLv8-00152-00056336-00056693 If you have a similar hair type as me, then you can do the same method as my left ByAGpT8oLv8-00153-00056693-00056976 One last thing to caution you about ByAGpT8oLv8-00154-00056976-00057524 The hair that connects to the back of the hair, only use the brush and not the paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00155-00057524-00058037 That way, as the gradation goes backwards, there will be less tension ByAGpT8oLv8-00156-00058037-00058264 Which will create a natural balance ByAGpT8oLv8-00157-00058264-00058448 I’ll stop with the explanation up to this point ByAGpT8oLv8-00158-00058448-00058898 I’ll be timing myself for about 15 minutes starting now ByAGpT8oLv8-00159-00058898-00059275 I usually recommend about 15-20minutes ByAGpT8oLv8-00160-00059275-00059616 Like this, it’s been 15 minutes ByAGpT8oLv8-00161-00059616-00060046 We need to rinse our hair now but before we do that ByAGpT8oLv8-00162-00060046-00060376 We have to get rid of the product before we do that ByAGpT8oLv8-00163-00060376-00060770 Why do we do that? Because when we rinse our hair with product in our hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00164-00060770-00060964 This can untangle the roots that we tried to press on ByAGpT8oLv8-00165-00060964-00061237 It can start to take on different directions ByAGpT8oLv8-00166-00061237-00061591 Once you rinse it, it will look extremely damaged ByAGpT8oLv8-00167-00061591-00061881 We will safely remove the product before doing so ByAGpT8oLv8-00168-00061881-00062141 And this will reduce the amount of damage ByAGpT8oLv8-00169-00062172-00062519 Using a comb, brush downwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00170-00062519-00062712 The paper will naturally come off ByAGpT8oLv8-00171-00062712-00062942 It’s fine to remove the product on top of the paper if you want ByAGpT8oLv8-00172-00062942-00063403 Using the ends of the comb, press against the hair as you bring it down ByAGpT8oLv8-00173-00063440-00063803 You see how the product has come off against the ends? ByAGpT8oLv8-00174-00063803-00063953 Continue this process ByAGpT8oLv8-00175-00063997-00064694 Then comb it down again to ensure it’s pressed downwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00176-00064694-00065088 This is how it should look once you’ve removed the product ByAGpT8oLv8-00177-00065088-00065835 Do the same for the opposite direction as you remove the product with the end and comb down the roots ByAGpT8oLv8-00178-00065835-00066119 This is the most important part ByAGpT8oLv8-00179-00066119-00066382 Don’t skip it because it’s tiring ByAGpT8oLv8-00180-00066382-00066549 Please make sure to follow it ByAGpT8oLv8-00181-00066549-00067023 Then when you look at it from the front, the hair looks like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00182-00067023-00067193 Don’t look at my hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00183-00067193-00067310 It’s a little embarrassing ByAGpT8oLv8-00184-00067310-00067504 Now after this, what shall we do? ByAGpT8oLv8-00185-00067504-00067704 We will go rinse our hair! ByAGpT8oLv8-00186-00067717-00068221 You can just rinse it since there’s no product inside ByAGpT8oLv8-00187-00068221-00068381 But do be aware ByAGpT8oLv8-00188-00068381-00068715 If you rinse your hair like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00189-00068715-00069079 The cuticles in your hair can be ruined so it may cause damage ByAGpT8oLv8-00190-00069079-00069652 I recommend you to rinse from left to right in a downward motion ByAGpT8oLv8-00191-00069652-00069799 I’ll come back with my hair rinsed out ByAGpT8oLv8-00192-00069833-00070049 I’ve rinsed my hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00193-00070049-00070300 I just looked at the mirror and I haven’t even combed it ByAGpT8oLv8-00194-00070300-00070787 Once you come out of the rinse, the first thing you should do is comb downwards ByAGpT8oLv8-00195-00070787-00070987 We’ve also combed it down now ByAGpT8oLv8-00196-00070987-00071261 Once you comb it down, it should look like this ByAGpT8oLv8-00197-00071261-00071591 When drying your hair, dry it in a downward motion from the top ByAGpT8oLv8-00198-00072212-00072525 Like this, dry your hair and we’ll now take a look at the inside hair ByAGpT8oLv8-00199-00072525-00072959 Now on this side, we’ve divided it and pressed against the hair with perm paper ByAGpT8oLv8-00200-00072959-00073193 Whereas this side we just applied the paper as a finale ByAGpT8oLv8-00201-00073193-00073536 I’ll comb my hair first and then see the inside ByAGpT8oLv8-00202-00073967-00074114 Let’s also check the other side ByAGpT8oLv8-00203-00074137-00074437 Lifting up the top hair, take a look ByAGpT8oLv8-00204-00074607-00075301 I think it’s been pressed well, but just not as well as the other side where we applied the paper for each level ByAGpT8oLv8-00205-00075301-00075745 You can see how this side here looks a little more bloated than the other side ByAGpT8oLv8-00206-00075745-00076209 I’m actually glad I did it this way to show you the difference ByAGpT8oLv8-00207-00076209-00077177 Because of this difference, I tend to always divide, level and apply perm paper for all my customers who do down perms ByAGpT8oLv8-00208-00077177-00077737 I need to clean up my sideburns but I’ll skip this part ByAGpT8oLv8-00209-00077767-00078475 We’ve skipped this part for the video but he did clean his sideburns ByAGpT8oLv8-00210-00078515-00079058 Like this, I’ve shown you the process and the results of doing a self-down perm ByAGpT8oLv8-00211-00079058-00079526 How was it? It could have felt quite long compared to other videos ByAGpT8oLv8-00212-00079526-00079929 But I tried to put in as much information as possible ByAGpT8oLv8-00213-00079929-00080216 I’ve compiled as much info as I could ByAGpT8oLv8-00214-00080216-00080643 If you’re curious about something or if I missed anything, please let me know in the comments! ByAGpT8oLv8-00215-00080643-00081164 I will do my best to consolidate your feedback to have it incorporated in my next video ByAGpT8oLv8-00216-00081164-00081581 I have so many more videos on hair correction to share with you all ByAGpT8oLv8-00217-00081581-00082439 The next video will be a collaboration for a self-down perm and correcting perm for bangs ByAGpT8oLv8-00218-00082439-00082769 I will come back with more informative content in my next video! ByAGpT8oLv8-00219-00082769-00082876 Bye~! ByAGpT8oLv8-00220-00082926-00083393 I’ve just woken up so my face looks a little bloated ByAGpT8oLv8-00221-00083393-00083923 I’ve hit the record button to show you how my hair looks the next day ByAGpT8oLv8-00222-00083923-00084250 This is the right side ByAGpT8oLv8-00223-00084250-00084534 This is the left side BBbev9iraN4-00000-00001846-00002160 The first night routine BBbev9iraN4-00003-00002646-00002992 Enter the soundproof room BBbev9iraN4-00004-00003030-00003494 I'm unexpectedly nervous before the show. BBbev9iraN4-00005-00003502-00003732 It is setting BBbev9iraN4-00007-00004288-00004702 I don't like playing the piano suddenly, so I touch the cell phone BBbev9iraN4-00009-00005194-00005502 Play with mobile BBbev9iraN4-00011-00005794-00005960 practice start BBbev9iraN4-00013-00006980-00007220 Play with mobile BBbev9iraN4-00015-00007568-00007942 Mobile when mobile is up BBbev9iraN4-00016-00008222-00008498 Practice while score BBbev9iraN4-00022-00010072-00010458 Practice while checking the sound at slow tempo BBbev9iraN4-00026-00011074-00011406 I immediately handle BBbev9iraN4-00029-00012044-00012654 Relax your mind and body BBbev9iraN4-00046-00017856-00018104 Hand stretch BBbev9iraN4-00064-00023392-00023720 I spend quietly before the production BBbev9iraN4-00068-00025084-00025460 The unpleasant time to visit suddenly BBbev9iraN4-00075-00027048-00027376 Eat your favorite sweets and feel better BBbev9iraN4-00077-00027652-00027758 I'm addicted to the Cheezer BBbev9iraN4-00083-00029270-00029520 Narcissus before production BBbev9iraN4-00084-00029568-00029845 In this way keep the spirit BBbev9iraN4-00092-00032189-00032452 More carefully than usual BBbev9iraN4-00102-00035296-00035530 I want to polish it cleanly before the presentation BBbev9iraN4-00112-00038234-00038470 The end of the first time BBbev9iraN4-00115-00039250-00039448 Second start BBbev9iraN4-00122-00041584-00041858 And the third time BBbev9iraN4-00124-00042152-00042562 If you brush your teeth too much, you may not BBbev9iraN4-00131-00044314-00044514 Great satisfaction BBbev9iraN4-00132-00045042-00045294 Demon's shampoo BBbev9iraN4-00139-00047996-00048186 Shampoo second time BBbev9iraN4-00143-00049228-00049464 I would like to do something refreshing BBbev9iraN4-00155-00053422-00053736 Apply lotion BBbev9iraN4-00156-00053920-00054136 I borrow the higher one of my mother BBbev9iraN4-00159-00055146-00055354 I also borrow beauty essence BBbev9iraN4-00160-00055586-00055900 I can not help because it is special BBbev9iraN4-00165-00057234-00057550 I will remove the contact BBbev9iraN4-00171-00059258-00059555 sleeping BBbev9iraN4-00175-00060400-00060720 Please do not worry about everyone before the show BFq0SOoJFNu-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video BFq0SOoJFNu-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view BFq0SOoJFNu-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. BFq0SOoJFNu-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much BFN7xS_gbiI-00000-00000739-00001126 Good afternoon School Board Members and Ladies and Gentleman in the audience. BFN7xS_gbiI-00001-00001126-00001702 I am Thomas R Eagle Staff; a Mnicojou Lakota and Member of the Cheyenne River Indian Tribes. BFN7xS_gbiI-00002-00001702-00002544 I was given my Lala's or Grandfather's enrollment name of Wanbli Wapaha as my Lakota name. BFN7xS_gbiI-00003-00002544-00003332 I am a retired Federal Civil Servant and a U.S. Navy Veteran with a Vietnam Service Medal. BFN7xS_gbiI-00004-00003332-00003854 I am the oldest of six children born to Esau and Marguerite (Annis) Eaglestaff. BFN7xS_gbiI-00005-00003854-00004455 I wish to take this opportunity to extend our family's sincere appreciation to the Seattle BFN7xS_gbiI-00006-00004455-00005071 School Board and community members for extending this honor to Robert "Bob" Eagle Staff. My BFN7xS_gbiI-00007-00005071-00005630 brother Bob was a true educator. He did not view his position as his job but rather as BFN7xS_gbiI-00008-00005630-00006362 his dream, his passion, and a journey. A journey to inspire young minds and to lead other educators BFN7xS_gbiI-00009-00006362-00006865 to educate those young minds. Bob had completed the requirements for his Doctorate Degree BFN7xS_gbiI-00010-00006865-00007529 to further validate his goal of being the best educator he could be and formally validate BFN7xS_gbiI-00011-00007529-00008068 his leadership goals. Robert "Bob" Eagle Staff is the third oldest BFN7xS_gbiI-00012-00008068-00008786 child of six children. My siblings are my next oldest Sister Donna, then Bob, Darrell, BFN7xS_gbiI-00013-00008786-00009456 Bill, and our baby sister Suzanne. Donna, Bill, and Suzanne work in the education field BFN7xS_gbiI-00014-00009456-00009850 and Darrell is a Realty Specialist for the Federal Government. BFN7xS_gbiI-00015-00009850-00010381 Our father, who is deceased, was a World War II Navy Veteran and survived a German U-boat BFN7xS_gbiI-00016-00010381-00010893 attack and sinking of his ship in the North Atlantic. Our Dad's Uncle is buried in a Mass BFN7xS_gbiI-00017-00010893-00011503 Grave at Wounded Knee and Dad was considered a decedent of a survivor of the Wounded Knee Massacre. BFN7xS_gbiI-00018-00011503-00011748 Our mother is a retired Elementary teacher of 35 years BFN7xS_gbiI-00019-00011750-00012392 and resides in the Cheyenne River Indian Agency Community at Eagle Butte, SD BFN7xS_gbiI-00020-00012392-00012944 Our parents emphasized the importance of education and putting forth our best effort in every BFN7xS_gbiI-00021-00012944-00013559 endeavor. As such, we realize what a great honor you, the Seattle School Board, have BFN7xS_gbiI-00022-00013559-00014122 bestowed upon Bob and our family by voting to recognize Bob's efforts with the Indian BFN7xS_gbiI-00023-00014122-00014895 Heritage School and Seattle School System by naming this new school in his honor. BFN7xS_gbiI-00024-00014895-00015829 We as Bob's family still find it difficult to fathom the fact that a young man born in BFN7xS_gbiI-00025-00015829-00016459 a two-room community hospital on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation could earn this prestigious honor. BFN7xS_gbiI-00026-00016459-00017059 He did not have to work at gaining the respect of the community he served, BFN7xS_gbiI-00027-00017059-00017690 it was his belief and the values of the Lakota culture that carried him through this endeavor. BFN7xS_gbiI-00028-00017690-00018165 His desire to extend the education opportunities of the Seattle School System with an alternative BFN7xS_gbiI-00029-00018165-00018687 education program to enhance the graduation rate of the Native American students and/or BFN7xS_gbiI-00030-00018687-00019286 other displaced students was his passion. His dedication and the work ethics gained BFN7xS_gbiI-00031-00019286-00019959 from his personal academic and athletic accomplishments made his efforts to establish the Indian Heritage BFN7xS_gbiI-00032-00019959-00020556 School his journey. As Bob was able to successfully convince a BFN7xS_gbiI-00033-00020556-00021097 much larger Seattle School System and could lead a team of educators toward believing BFN7xS_gbiI-00034-00021097-00021592 they could enhance the graduation rate of the Native American Community; our friends BFN7xS_gbiI-00035-00021592-00022148 and relatives here South and North Dakota still wonder what he could have accomplished BFN7xS_gbiI-00036-00022148-00022962 in a smaller Reservation school system. As for me, I cannot express how proud I am BFN7xS_gbiI-00037-00022962-00023509 of my brother; a young man whose life began in the small Cheyenne River Reservation community BFN7xS_gbiI-00038-00023509-00024192 of Red Scaffold, SD and a high school graduate from a Bureau of Indian Affairs high school. BFN7xS_gbiI-00039-00024192-00024657 I can also imagine this former Fort Yates, North Dakota resident and graduate of the BFN7xS_gbiI-00040-00024657-00025295 Standing Rock Community High School - Class of 1971, smiling ear to ear, knowing that BFN7xS_gbiI-00041-00025295-00026147 I had to publicly state my pride and love for him. Doksa Ake... until we meet each other again! BFN7xS_gbiI-00042-00026147-00026623 Speaking for my Mother, Bob's siblings, relatives, BFN7xS_gbiI-00043-00026623-00027225 friends, and his fellow Standing Rock High School graduates (all 35 of them) I extend BFN7xS_gbiI-00044-00027225-00028011 a "Wopila Tunka," a big, heartfelt Thank you. Thank you so very much for honoring Bob and BFN7xS_gbiI-00045-00028011-00028398 his family, relatives, and friends in this manner. BFN7xS_gbiI-00046-00028398-00028975 In return, we (family and friends) plan to honor the Community that worked so diligently BFN7xS_gbiI-00047-00028975-00029477 to make this honor a reality. We will plan for a "give-away" in Bob's honor prior to BFN7xS_gbiI-00048-00029477-00030057 the opening of the school. We would also like to present star quilts to the new school with BFN7xS_gbiI-00049-00030057-00030691 the school's colors and/or mascot theme. A special thank you to Mr. Thomas Redmond, BFN7xS_gbiI-00050-00030691-00031195 Ms. Judy Simon, and Ms. Michelle Mansfield for making this presentation possible. BFN7xS_gbiI-00051-00031195-00031892 Again, Wopila, Wopila Tunka to the Seattle School Board and the local community members BFN7xS_gbiI-00052-00031892-00032437 for making this possible. You shall be in our prayers and I shall offer prayer ties BFN7xS_gbiI-00053-00032437-00033038 for you all at the Sundance Bob was returning to South Dakota to attend all those years ago. BFN7xS_gbiI-00054-00033038-00033436 With our sincere appreciation. Thank you. BH-aI5ziUcA-00000-00000000-00000225 Our River, Our Neighborhood Nánguō Elementary School, Changhua County BH-aI5ziUcA-00001-00000225-00000505 FEEL The river next to our school, Nánguō Kēng River, is highly polluted with garbage. BH-aI5ziUcA-00002-00000509-00000819 "Students from Nánguō Elementary school are professionals." BH-aI5ziUcA-00003-00000823-00001028 "They researched on the pollution of Nánguō Kēng River." BH-aI5ziUcA-00004-00001034-00001266 "They would like to share their results" BH-aI5ziUcA-00005-00001269-00001520 (Principal of Zhānghuà High School) BH-aI5ziUcA-00006-00001524-00001678 ♪There is a river in front of Nánguō ♪ BH-aI5ziUcA-00007-00001682-00001867 ♪There are fish in the brook♪ BH-aI5ziUcA-00008-00001872-00002057 ♪Playing with the green wave♪ BH-aI5ziUcA-00009-00002068-00002505 Nánguō Kēng River is next to our school, and there is a lot of garbage floating in it. BH-aI5ziUcA-00010-00002505-00002782 What's worse, there are white bubbles on it. BH-aI5ziUcA-00011-00002786-00003034 I feel sad because it was beautiful before. BH-aI5ziUcA-00012-00003034-00003406 Although the situation might be frustrating, BH-aI5ziUcA-00013-00003406-00003736 it inspired us our desire to make Nánguō Kēng River clean again. BH-aI5ziUcA-00014-00003740-00003941 IMAGINE: Bring back the clean Nánguō Kēng River. BH-aI5ziUcA-00015-00003949-00004135 We started to come up with solutions BH-aI5ziUcA-00016-00004138-00004338 when facing the problem BH-aI5ziUcA-00017-00004340-00004583 and execute them ourselves. BH-aI5ziUcA-00018-00004595-00004827 The result of water acidity test is near 0 ppm, BH-aI5ziUcA-00019-00004831-00005027 so it shows that the water is polluted, BH-aI5ziUcA-00020-00005031-00005231 and would become dark and smell bad. BH-aI5ziUcA-00021-00005234-00005560 What can we do when we see someone polluting the river? BH-aI5ziUcA-00022-00005592-00005725 You could take photos, BH-aI5ziUcA-00023-00005734-00005922 but it is hard to identify who they are. BH-aI5ziUcA-00024-00005927-00006198 Usually it should include license plates. BH-aI5ziUcA-00025-00006198-00006536 How could we reduce the garbage on river? BH-aI5ziUcA-00026-00006542-00006816 Put public trash cans. BH-aI5ziUcA-00027-00006826-00007211 Put a sign to prevent from people littering. BH-aI5ziUcA-00028-00007212-00007574 You can remove the garbage away from river, and when people see you in action, BH-aI5ziUcA-00029-00007583-00007934 they would be inspired by your enthusiasm, and be influenced by you. BH-aI5ziUcA-00030-00008026-00008176 DO Walk the talk. Go! Go! Go! BH-aI5ziUcA-00031-00008189-00008541 We put up posters at the shops nearby, BH-aI5ziUcA-00032-00008550-00008818 applied for public signs at the city office, BH-aI5ziUcA-00033-00008830-00009043 and asked the water resource center some questions. BH-aI5ziUcA-00034-00009109-00009538 Could we put up this poster in your store? BH-aI5ziUcA-00035-00009610-00009753 The sign could be seen here and there BH-aI5ziUcA-00036-00009761-00009899 Let's put it here. BH-aI5ziUcA-00037-00009907-00010164 What a wonderful spot! BH-aI5ziUcA-00038-00010174-00010367 Is this sign clear enough from your side? BH-aI5ziUcA-00039-00010580-00010956 Is Nánguō Kēng River included in our sewer system? BH-aI5ziUcA-00040-00010971-00011093 (Director of Zhānghuà Water Resource Center) BH-aI5ziUcA-00041-00011093-00011263 It is a good question. BH-aI5ziUcA-00042-00011263-00011431 (Chief of Section of Zhānghuà Water Resource Center) BH-aI5ziUcA-00043-00011445-00011823 It would take 5-6 years to include Nánguō Kēng River in our plan. BH-aI5ziUcA-00044-00011865-00012189 We will make sure only rainwater could be drained, BH-aI5ziUcA-00045-00012189-00012496 and then ban domestic waste water from going into Nánguō Kēng River. BH-aI5ziUcA-00046-00012539-00012751 (Simulation of interactions with public sectors) BH-aI5ziUcA-00047-00012782-00013056 There is .... in the drain! [inaudible]. BH-aI5ziUcA-00048-00013088-00013168 What's next question? BH-aI5ziUcA-00049-00013203-00013374 Why don't you take action to clean it! BH-aI5ziUcA-00050-00013375-00013584 Shouldn't you report this issue to related offices? BH-aI5ziUcA-00051-00013604-00013830 To promote Nánguō Kēng River, BH-aI5ziUcA-00052-00013841-00014052 so that they would also protect it, BH-aI5ziUcA-00053-00014057-00014242 we became local guides. BH-aI5ziUcA-00054-00014253-00014456 We held cross schools activities cleaning the river. BH-aI5ziUcA-00055-00014461-00014715 We should make a difference by ourselves. BH-aI5ziUcA-00056-00014720-00015039 People would know someone is taking care of it. BH-aI5ziUcA-00057-00015077-00015309 I hope they would keep doing things BH-aI5ziUcA-00058-00015322-00015552 which would make the world better. BH-aI5ziUcA-00059-00015577-00015774 Their actions would influence others, BH-aI5ziUcA-00060-00015781-00015957 and more people would take action together. BH-aI5ziUcA-00061-00015963-00016252 What is a County Mayor's main job? BH-aI5ziUcA-00062-00016259-00016454 What actions do you want him to take? BH-aI5ziUcA-00063-00016454-00016729 To encouraging people's awareness about Nánguō Kēng River! BH-aI5ziUcA-00064-00016836-00017075 I can't believe we got County Mayor's response. BH-aI5ziUcA-00065-00017088-00017321 He would join our cleaning activity on March 19th. BH-aI5ziUcA-00066-00017336-00017989 It shows that our power is unimaginable! BH-aI5ziUcA-00067-00018113-00018330 SHARE: Propose our solution to the public sector, and we received supports and feedback. BH-aI5ziUcA-00068-00018330-00018509 We took a series of actions, BH-aI5ziUcA-00069-00018514-00018909 raised awareness and had support from more people. BH-aI5ziUcA-00070-00018933-00019122 So we presented a proposal to Water Resource Center. BH-aI5ziUcA-00071-00019123-00019265 They accepted it. BH-aI5ziUcA-00072-00019267-00019486 We learned that how powerful sharing is. BH-aI5ziUcA-00073-00019503-00019955 First, allot budget to this project. BH-aI5ziUcA-00074-00019955-00020375 Pair up neighborhoods as guardians to keep the river clean. BH-aI5ziUcA-00075-00020397-00020519 (Chief of Section of Zhānghuà Water Resource Center) BH-aI5ziUcA-00076-00020530-00020707 That's wonderful. BH-aI5ziUcA-00077-00020716-00020951 Your scope of vision is the same level as the County Mayor. BH-aI5ziUcA-00078-00020952-00021292 He has asked me to do the same thing 3-4 weeks before. BH-aI5ziUcA-00079-00021313-00021483 Keeping the river clean is my duty. BH-aI5ziUcA-00080-00021497-00021667 I did not do it well. BH-aI5ziUcA-00081-00021670-00021789 Thank you for informing me about it, BH-aI5ziUcA-00082-00021797-00021929 and provided me with lots of ideas. BH-aI5ziUcA-00083-00021953-00022067 (Principal of Nánguō Elementary School) BH-aI5ziUcA-00084-00022070-00022233 The world is changing. BH-aI5ziUcA-00085-00022239-00022458 With the effort from our children, BH-aI5ziUcA-00086-00022460-00022807 the future would be better. BH-aI5ziUcA-00087-00022847-00023014 CHANGE: Make Nánguō Kēng River clean again! BH-aI5ziUcA-00088-00023019-00023419 Let's make Nánguō Kēng River clean again! BJs2HND6wf8-00000-00000000-00000648 You don't budget for a month and this is what happens. First it was our food BJs2HND6wf8-00001-00000648-00001317 budget that went south. Then we started to buy things and that's when it got out BJs2HND6wf8-00002-00001317-00001905 of control. This is the story of what happens when you normally budget and you BJs2HND6wf8-00003-00001905-00002243 don't budget for an entire month, BJs2HND6wf8-00004-00002255-00002959 Hi I'm Wendy Valencia. My husband and I have been budgeting for about ten years, BJs2HND6wf8-00005-00002959-00003854 every month. Without fail and this month we didn't and I want to talk to you BJs2HND6wf8-00006-00003854-00004542 about what exactly happened when we budgeted before and how it was different BJs2HND6wf8-00007-00004542-00005076 this month and why we actually didn't budget this month and of course I want BJs2HND6wf8-00008-00005076-00005541 to talk abo ut what we learned from it. We've been budgeting for 10 years. BJs2HND6wf8-00009-00005541-00006119 A solid 10 years easily. We decided to pay off our debt about two and a half years ago BJs2HND6wf8-00010-00006119-00006843 and by reconciling our budget we were able to do that. Previously we knew what BJs2HND6wf8-00011-00006843-00007302 we were supposed to be spending on but whether we spent on it or not we didn't BJs2HND6wf8-00012-00007302-00007659 really know because we didn't really track what we spent and that's actually BJs2HND6wf8-00013-00007659-00008240 kind of what happened this month I actually did a whole video on the BJs2HND6wf8-00014-00008240-00008838 importance of reconciling and I'll link that opinion this guy but it changed us BJs2HND6wf8-00015-00008838-00009435 so this month what happened is at the beginning of the month we kind of went BJs2HND6wf8-00016-00009435-00009795 overboard on our food we were redecorating our daughter's room and BJs2HND6wf8-00017-00009795-00010300 every free second was going to painting and putting furniture together and and BJs2HND6wf8-00018-00010300-00010635 rearranging and organizing and everything and it was about a two-week BJs2HND6wf8-00019-00010635-00011368 process and so we ended up ordering a lot of takeout and a lot of delivery and BJs2HND6wf8-00020-00011368-00012003 not cooking we ordered plated which I love by the way I will definitely BJs2HND6wf8-00021-00012003-00012507 definitely love that and if you aren't a food prep or this is actually an BJs2HND6wf8-00022-00012507-00013019 excellent way to meal prep without the effort but not sponsored by the way we BJs2HND6wf8-00023-00013019-00013569 ended up spending a significantly larger portion on our BJs2HND6wf8-00024-00013569-00014144 food budget than we had previously normally we spend about four to five BJs2HND6wf8-00025-00014144-00014644 hundred dollars on food and this month we spend nine hundred over 1900 then BJs2HND6wf8-00026-00014644-00015062 shortly after that right around the second week of the month we were doing BJs2HND6wf8-00027-00015062-00015782 some changes to our budget and we were going from a traditional budgeting BJs2HND6wf8-00028-00015782-00016262 category system to a percent based system so I didn't have my budget in BJs2HND6wf8-00029-00016262-00016814 place and so I wasn't tracking like I normally do so we use every dollar to do BJs2HND6wf8-00030-00016814-00017360 our budget and I normally track everything in every dollar every day so BJs2HND6wf8-00031-00017360-00017843 as I comes to our checking account I drag and drop it into whatever category BJs2HND6wf8-00032-00017843-00018200 it goes into but because I was messing with every dollar and I was trying to go BJs2HND6wf8-00033-00018200-00018824 to a percentage based system in every dollar I just wasn't really reconciling BJs2HND6wf8-00034-00018824-00019424 every day in fact I went for like a good maybe two weeks without reconciling so I BJs2HND6wf8-00035-00019424-00019948 really had no clue what was coming in and going out of our budget BJs2HND6wf8-00036-00019948-00020633 then I volunteered a couple months ago to be the Girl Scout camping coordinator BJs2HND6wf8-00037-00020633-00021119 for my daughter's troop and so I was gonna have to go to an overnight BJs2HND6wf8-00038-00021119-00021523 training which by the time this video comes out I will have already been on BJs2HND6wf8-00039-00021523-00022351 that but I didn't really realize how much stuff I was going to need for the BJs2HND6wf8-00040-00022351-00022769 head and I hadn't initially put it in the budget and yes I know I could have BJs2HND6wf8-00041-00022769-00022973 borrowed it this is one of the lessons I learned BJs2HND6wf8-00042-00022973-00023744 had I been budgeting every day I am 99.9% sure I would have reached out to BJs2HND6wf8-00043-00023744-00024151 friends and borrowed the stuff but because I wasn't budgeting and I wasn't BJs2HND6wf8-00044-00024151-00024629 really paying attention to how much we were spending I didn't and so I just BJs2HND6wf8-00045-00024629-00025160 bought the things that I needed which meant a backpack a sleeping bag a mat to BJs2HND6wf8-00046-00025160-00025685 sleep on a mess kit and then of course I was like well I'm gonna be sleeping BJs2HND6wf8-00047-00025685-00026029 outside and I don't really have any outdoor appropriate pajamas so I need to BJs2HND6wf8-00048-00026029-00026488 get some you know like a nice hoodie pajama set yeah BJs2HND6wf8-00049-00026488-00027083 do you see the eye roll going on here cuz and truth I didn't need these things BJs2HND6wf8-00050-00027083-00027581 I could have slept in leggings and a hoodie sweatshirt I have one eye I could BJs2HND6wf8-00051-00027581-00028049 have come up with solutions and had I been budgeting every day I would have BJs2HND6wf8-00052-00028049-00028447 come up with solutions but because I wasn't tracking it wasn't really paying BJs2HND6wf8-00053-00028447-00028862 attention to how much we were spending so I was just like okay okay okay okay BJs2HND6wf8-00054-00028862-00029293 and I just ordered the things off Amazon it of course cuz you know I love me some BJs2HND6wf8-00055-00029293-00029918 Amazon now I will tell you when I was purchasing these things I was trying to BJs2HND6wf8-00056-00029918-00030550 make the most fiscally responsible choices like I didn't buy the best most BJs2HND6wf8-00057-00030550-00030977 expensive sleeping bag I bought a sleeping bag that was a no-name brand BJs2HND6wf8-00058-00030977-00031669 that was highly rated and had been reviewed as like the best cheap sleeping BJs2HND6wf8-00059-00031669-00032111 bags so you know I was doing that kind of stuff but I ended up spending a lot BJs2HND6wf8-00060-00032111-00032596 more money than I really needed to and then I decided you know I don't really BJs2HND6wf8-00061-00032596-00032996 have any hiking pants like you know I need a pair of hiking pants so I ordered BJs2HND6wf8-00062-00032996-00033512 three now I will tell you I did return them I kept one pair and returned the BJs2HND6wf8-00063-00033512-00034131 rest but did I need hiking pants no I could have worn jeans I have jeans yeah BJs2HND6wf8-00064-00034131-00034718 it let's be reasonable here had I been budgeting this would not have been that BJs2HND6wf8-00065-00034718-00035336 bad and then mauricio my husband saw what I was doing and he had ordered a BJs2HND6wf8-00066-00035336-00036037 video game it got out of control very quickly and I wasn't actually going to BJs2HND6wf8-00067-00036037-00036671 tell you about it because one I was embarrassed and two I didn't want the BJs2HND6wf8-00068-00036671-00037252 backlash but I decided to go ahead and do this because I know I'm not the only BJs2HND6wf8-00069-00037252-00037869 one out there that once you stop budgeting you get out of control I am BJs2HND6wf8-00070-00037869-00038506 definitely a proponent of forming the habit of budgeting because it is with BJs2HND6wf8-00071-00038506-00039050 that habit that you will have success but I will tell you we did have a ton of BJs2HND6wf8-00072-00039050-00039770 other expenses that were not expected this month we did have almost $1000 in BJs2HND6wf8-00073-00039770-00040250 expenses and we haven't gotten reimbursed by our medical insurance for BJs2HND6wf8-00074-00040250-00041021 a lot of them so we ended up going way in the hole and then my external hard BJs2HND6wf8-00075-00041021-00041420 drive got full and I had to buy a new external hard drive which is one hundred BJs2HND6wf8-00076-00041420-00041996 and five bucks and it just it it seemed to spiral out of control but you know a BJs2HND6wf8-00077-00041996-00042353 hundred dollars here and fifty dollars there and twenty dollars here and BJs2HND6wf8-00078-00042353-00042899 seventy-five dollars there you don't really think about the total and that's BJs2HND6wf8-00079-00042899-00043502 what I'm trying to tell you if you budget and and budget daily or every BJs2HND6wf8-00080-00043502-00044054 other day you notice these little things you notice that this is adding up you BJs2HND6wf8-00081-00044054-00044591 notice how expensive everything is getting all of the sudden and how much BJs2HND6wf8-00082-00044591-00045064 you're over but if you don't do it until the end of the month you end up being BJs2HND6wf8-00083-00045064-00045710 eighteen hundred dollars over budget yep not even kidding BJs2HND6wf8-00084-00045710-00046286 eighteen hundred dollars now Mauricio and I are one full month ahead so we do BJs2HND6wf8-00085-00046286-00046883 have one entire month of income sitting in our savings account by the end of the BJs2HND6wf8-00086-00046883-00047525 month so are we impacted like do we have to go into debt to pay off this $1,800 BJs2HND6wf8-00087-00047525-00048017 no we have money sitting right there but you know where that $1,800 is coming BJs2HND6wf8-00088-00048017-00048449 from it's either coming from our sinking funds or our debt payoff for this month BJs2HND6wf8-00089-00048449-00048797 and that's a lot of money that we could have been putting towards debt and I BJs2HND6wf8-00090-00048797-00049793 almost want to take it from debt as a punishment to remind us that when you BJs2HND6wf8-00091-00049793-00050408 make mistakes like this it slows down your overall financial goals so I'll see BJs2HND6wf8-00092-00050408-00050951 you in the next one see ya BJs2HND6wf8-00093-00050951-00051157 you BJxRCPRIRyU-00000-00000748-00001206 [ Standing there, killing time Can't commit to anything but a crime ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00001-00001212-00001736 [ Peter's on vacation, an open invitation ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00002-00001804-00002254 [ Animals, evidence Pearly gates look more like a picket fence ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00003-00002264-00002772 [ Once you get inside 'em Got friends but can't invite them ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00004-00002794-00003704 [ Hills burn in California My turn to ignore ya Don't say I didn't warn ya ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00005-00003815-00004784 [ All the good girls go to hell 'Cause even God herself has enemies ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00006-00004794-00005474 [ And once the water starts to rise And heaven's out of sight ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00007-00005512-00006006 [ She'll want the devil on her team ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00008-00006302-00006714 [ My Lucifer is lonely ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00009-00006986-00007434 [ Look at you needing me You know I'm not your friend without some greenery ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00010-00007444-00007948 [ Walk in wearing fetters Peter should know better ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00011-00008018-00008468 [ Your cover up is caving in Man is such a fool Why are we saving him? ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00012-00008482-00008992 [ Poisoning themselves now Begging for our help, wow! ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00013-00009032-00009896 [ Hills burn in California My turn to ignore ya Don't say I didn't warn ya ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00014-00010032-00011010 [ All the good girls go to hell 'Cause even God herself has enemies ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00015-00011028-00011692 [ And once the water starts to rise And heaven's out of sight ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00016-00011760-00012256 [ She'll want the devil on her team ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00017-00012536-00012896 [ My Lucifer is lonely ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00018-00012928-00013358 [ There's nothing left to save now ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00019-00013563-00013936 [ My god is gonna owe me ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00020-00013952-00014386 [ There's nothing left to save now ] BJxRCPRIRyU-00021-00014669-00015176 [ My Lucifer is lonely ] BKhCUduzPEA-00000-00000024-00000512 It's easy to cross the line of deception quickly. When someone makes a promise, then breaks it with BKhCUduzPEA-00001-00000512-00001088 a smile, that's what we call a "clue". One of the greatest dangers is people who seem to care, BKhCUduzPEA-00002-00001088-00001607 while their constant recommendation is to waste time; mealtime is an all time favorite. BKhCUduzPEA-00003-00001607-00002152 Jesus taught his disciples by working together in daily life and chores. Of course they ate BKhCUduzPEA-00004-00002152-00002768 together, but how much time do church-goers work together versus eat together? They say they work BKhCUduzPEA-00005-00002768-00003596 for some Great Commission; how's that going? Is it daily chores or wasted chatter as a clue? BKhCUduzPEA-00006-00003596-00004216 And, that is The Point. I'm Jesse Steele, jessesteele.com. BM4xPYLJsmo-00000-00001561-00001796 hello and welcome back to naturelife BM4xPYLJsmo-00001-00001855-00002304 now I'm on my way out to cook lunch BM4xPYLJsmo-00002-00002337-00002651 I take a break from my studies BM4xPYLJsmo-00003-00002718-00003372 it will be a workout for me today too, because I was going to go with snowshoes today BM4xPYLJsmo-00004-00003424-00003624 so stay tuned BM4xPYLJsmo-00005-00006766-00007286 now I'm out, so now I'm just waiting for Danne to come BM4xPYLJsmo-00006-00007388-00007588 and BM4xPYLJsmo-00007-00007761-00008080 there are a few people out today BM4xPYLJsmo-00008-00008116-00008837 so this is what it looks like from where we start, there is a snowmobile trail over there towards the river BM4xPYLJsmo-00009-00008856-00009317 so it's just getting everything out and getting ready and starting hiking BM4xPYLJsmo-00010-00011052-00011439 you took the dragging kick, I thought you would take the car BM4xPYLJsmo-00011-00012974-00013674 then we will try to get down to the river via a snowmobile trail BM4xPYLJsmo-00012-00013722-00014246 Danne left before me with the dogs BM4xPYLJsmo-00013-00014638-00014826 so I have the bit to walk BM4xPYLJsmo-00014-00014859-00015277 here I have my snowshoes, did not intend to put them on yet BM4xPYLJsmo-00015-00015389-00016108 but I will try to go in the snowmobile track BM4xPYLJsmo-00016-00016210-00016410 as far as possible BM4xPYLJsmo-00017-00017244-00018251 I can say this, the snowmobile track goes all the way so I did not need the snowshoes today, but this was also a proper training session BM4xPYLJsmo-00018-00018372-00018804 it blows hard and blows snow from the trees BM4xPYLJsmo-00019-00021889-00022172 have not got them right on the feet BM4xPYLJsmo-00020-00022375-00022575 I think I have the wrong shoes BM4xPYLJsmo-00021-00022834-00023034 it's too soft snow BM4xPYLJsmo-00022-00023090-00023290 something goes wrong BM4xPYLJsmo-00023-00023867-00024067 but now! BM4xPYLJsmo-00024-00024261-00024603 but I go down with my feet, they go forward in the snow BM4xPYLJsmo-00025-00024840-00025104 yes yes, then I have tried at least BM4xPYLJsmo-00026-00028763-00029257 oh what a crackling glow, I do not want it cracking on my down jacket BM4xPYLJsmo-00027-00029745-00029945 it has begun BM4xPYLJsmo-00028-00030561-00030906 it has started to steam a little about the water BM4xPYLJsmo-00029-00032358-00033301 it would need to get a real melt and then freeze on again, because it is so loose snow BM4xPYLJsmo-00030-00034459-00034901 thought I would eat some vegetable soup when I forgot my sausage BM4xPYLJsmo-00031-00035071-00035454 it is very clumsy of me to forget the sausage BM4xPYLJsmo-00032-00042711-00042993 now the sausages have split BM4xPYLJsmo-00033-00043664-00044163 I put the sausage breads a little closer to the side BM4xPYLJsmo-00034-00044535-00045129 how nice to get out, and also when it's only 28.4 F BM4xPYLJsmo-00035-00045397-00045584 - it feels much colder BM4xPYLJsmo-00036-00045597-00045827 Yes, but it's because it's windy BM4xPYLJsmo-00037-00047887-00048087 - Do you want to go? BM4xPYLJsmo-00038-00048208-00048450 - Shall we go BM4xPYLJsmo-00039-00050452-00051470 then it's just starting to go home then, and everything is with, yes nothing we have forgotten outside either BM4xPYLJsmo-00040-00051579-00051779 there it goes away BM4xPYLJsmo-00041-00052113-00052336 well now they stopped BM4xPYLJsmo-00042-00052765-00052965 Hello BM4xPYLJsmo-00043-00053018-00053578 now we have packed up and are on our way BM4xPYLJsmo-00044-00053857-00054057 excuse me BM4xPYLJsmo-00045-00054231-00054618 this with snowshoes did not go so well BM4xPYLJsmo-00046-00054739-00055278 it is far too loose snow so you go straight down BM4xPYLJsmo-00047-00055500-00055841 so you have to take it if it thaw a bit and freeze again BM4xPYLJsmo-00048-00055873-00056112 then I can take and try them then instead BM4xPYLJsmo-00049-00056137-00056662 but now it's just going home and sitting down and studying again BM4xPYLJsmo-00050-00057015-00057234 and possibly take a warm shower BM4xPYLJsmo-00051-00057261-00057634 for it has begun to blow quite properly BM4xPYLJsmo-00052-00058041-00058467 like that, now we have parted for Danne has taken the dogs BM4xPYLJsmo-00053-00058516-00059020 I don´t know if you see it but he comes through the forest BM4xPYLJsmo-00054-00059155-00059511 I don´t know if it is visible, but he has gone home with the dogs BM4xPYLJsmo-00055-00059618-00059818 and I will also go home BM4xPYLJsmo-00056-00059834-00060207 and it didn't go so well to film today BM4xPYLJsmo-00057-00060267-00060709 there was a lot with the dogs and stuff, but yes yes BM4xPYLJsmo-00058-00060768-00061688 and as I said, it did not go so well to go with snowshoes either BM4xPYLJsmo-00059-00061741-00062016 so if it would start to thaw BM4xPYLJsmo-00060-00062126-00062899 and then freeze again, then you may have the opportunity to try walking with the snowshoes BM4xPYLJsmo-00061-00063000-00063575 but now it's hopeless, there is so much snow BM4xPYLJsmo-00062-00063696-00064251 but I have been out for a while, been able to forget my studies for a while BM4xPYLJsmo-00063-00064313-00065236 and I got two sausages from Danne, because I forgot mine at home in the fridge BM4xPYLJsmo-00064-00065310-00065969 so I will now go home, unpack my backpack and sit down and study again BM4xPYLJsmo-00065-00066000-00066655 so thank you for watching and see you soon again, goodbye BpuQMShal8I-00000-00001427-00002783 ah here we go guys , i've just finished recording guys , i got a lot of notification from all of you and also from jyp entertainment guys. BpuQMShal8I-00001-00002821-00003693 i just cant wait guys, so this is the right time for me to react guys BpuQMShal8I-00002-00003693-00004519 this is the latest day 6 song guys "you make me" 2021 BpuQMShal8I-00003-00004519-00005568 im really curious guys , but first let's do the intro guys . BpuQMShal8I-00004-00007546-00009857 okay guys , i'm really excited guys, this is more than 450 thousand like and view . let's just react guys, what's new in their music BpuQMShal8I-00005-00010569-00011442 ah the chord are cool guys they use palm mute guys BpuQMShal8I-00006-00011641-00012584 i like how they choose the vocal chop sequence ,the ambience are cool guys BpuQMShal8I-00007-00012720-00013439 there's a bird on the background, there's talk box, also vocoder BpuQMShal8I-00008-00013518-00014096 the music are more modern guys BpuQMShal8I-00009-00014580-00015070 okay let's see the chord progression guys BpuQMShal8I-00010-00015834-00016140 nice chord guys BpuQMShal8I-00011-00016267-00017540 i heard a palm mute , sung jin do the palm mute , and j do the rythm, they use a few notation BpuQMShal8I-00012-00018024-00018896 okay for the bass , i think they use bass synth nit analog BpuQMShal8I-00013-00019396-00021389 nice , honestly speaking their vocal are more mature, the recording technique are nice and also crystal clear , and their music are more mature, they really know how to fill in their part BpuQMShal8I-00014-00021602-00022250 the bass are real bass guys BpuQMShal8I-00015-00022385-00023823 nice ,when j start to sing, the hi hat electronic it's not analog, i really love how the hi hat combined with j's vocal , awesome notation guys BpuQMShal8I-00016-00023844-00024634 whoah this is insane , the harmony are sweet guys BpuQMShal8I-00017-00024637-00025262 they are more mature , woah nice BpuQMShal8I-00018-00025291-00026588 ah , wonpil started to experiment on the vocal that inserted to the keyboard and he made a notation guys , you can hear it in this part guys BpuQMShal8I-00019-00027016-00027606 ah im shivering guys BpuQMShal8I-00020-00027712-00028235 insane nice notation guys BpuQMShal8I-00021-00028436-00028636 whaa ... BpuQMShal8I-00022-00028891-00030000 okay this is really modern guys i love the transition guys , its a little dirty guys like a trap music guys BpuQMShal8I-00023-00030185-00030385 whoaa, BpuQMShal8I-00024-00030558-00031608 okay i love the drum technique guys m theres a drum filled in before reff the drum was crushed by a limiter and compressor guys BpuQMShal8I-00025-00031608-00032869 i think they accidently make it a little bit crushed , and they by passed the limiter and compressr and also combined with electric drum BpuQMShal8I-00026-00032901-00033667 they triggered and crushed in this part , nice BpuQMShal8I-00027-00033667-00034516 they combined, i still hear analog and it triggered by electric drum , BpuQMShal8I-00028-00034533-00035370 the chord are nice , this chord are insane guys nice production guys in this part guys BpuQMShal8I-00029-00035634-00036294 nice, i love the chord guys BpuQMShal8I-00030-00036306-00036506 woah,, BpuQMShal8I-00031-00036720-00038065 this is insane , wonpil got the synth sound , he got a vintage sound guys , although its a modern music but there's a vintage sound guys BpuQMShal8I-00032-00038065-00038545 the sequencer are looping guys BpuQMShal8I-00033-00038925-00040198 the harmony , i think thet take for 3 times for the middle , left and right . also added a delay , pre delay for the left and right so it sounds a bit long and wide guys BpuQMShal8I-00034-00040330-00041616 he got a nice chord guys, the chord are really nice, after this part guys , its really cool BpuQMShal8I-00035-00042155-00042355 whoah, the sound are nice guys BpuQMShal8I-00036-00042932-00043533 i think he use double pedal guys BpuQMShal8I-00037-00043991-00044191 whoah nice BpuQMShal8I-00038-00044301-00046648 this is cool guys there's a chop guys, wonpil i have noticed in his keyboard tunes guys , nice , that's just cool guys , sorry if i often paused the video, nice BpuQMShal8I-00039-00047941-00048341 they change the scene , its the beach guys BpuQMShal8I-00040-00049012-00049684 it must be wonpil guys , its really clear guys BpuQMShal8I-00041-00050273-00050721 day 6 are insane guys BpuQMShal8I-00042-00050944-00052016 the reverbs are cool, its really deep but the vocal are still dominating guys but the reverbs are blended with send rhtym technique guys BpuQMShal8I-00043-00052857-00053057 nice BpuQMShal8I-00044-00053536-00054680 the chord are really mature guys it's insane , they really have evolved a lot guys BpuQMShal8I-00045-00054717-00055377 they add distortion at the back end guys BpuQMShal8I-00046-00055721-00055921 the chord are really nice BpuQMShal8I-00047-00055997-00057082 this is really cool guys, insane i have to applause guys i like the transition trash and goes to the reff guys BpuQMShal8I-00048-00057291-00057892 this is insane , the fill in are cool BpuQMShal8I-00050-00058524-00059231 the harmony are nice , this is awesome BpuQMShal8I-00051-00059569-00060335 okay this is, in this part they are similar to queen BpuQMShal8I-00052-00060513-00060949 nice concept guys BpuQMShal8I-00053-00060974-00061704 his vocal are insane guys BpuQMShal8I-00054-00061757-00062417 there's a hoarse voice guys BpuQMShal8I-00055-00062687-00063760 the chord are random guys the progression constantly changing guys BpuQMShal8I-00056-00063842-00064479 the backing vocal are nice guys BpuQMShal8I-00057-00064932-00066559 in this day 6 album, they use lot's of delay guys in instrument and vocal guys . especially the vocal guys, the blend are a little bit high guys BpuQMShal8I-00058-00066725-00068518 ah the path is nice, wonpil are insane guys he's glowing guys, his sound are nice, the path are a little bit shimmer guys , there's a high frequency BpuQMShal8I-00059-00068918-00069295 ah theres more guys BpuQMShal8I-00060-00069295-00070746 the vocal are distorted, transposed, crashed in this part guys, pay attention guys .ah nice this is insane BpuQMShal8I-00061-00070936-00071301 the reff are awesome guys BpuQMShal8I-00062-00071620-00071820 this is the first time i heard day 6 and i instantly connected BpuQMShal8I-00063-00072285-00072591 woah this is insane guys BpuQMShal8I-00064-00072623-00073378 ah this part are cool guys, do woon use double pedal guys , BpuQMShal8I-00065-00074481-00075755 actually they can use 1 pedal and use double stroke but its a little bit difficult so they use double pedal instead BpuQMShal8I-00066-00075755-00076816 and they triggered with electronic drum since the beginning till the end that's awesome guys BpuQMShal8I-00067-00076952-00077341 ah this is insane guys, the best come back guys BpuQMShal8I-00068-00078454-00078920 this is insane guys, i'm serious theres a lot of technique BpuQMShal8I-00069-00078946-00080019 the chord progression i really love it guys they can choose the right chord and the music dynamic, also mixing technique BpuQMShal8I-00070-00080019-00080750 its awesome guys theres a vocal chop keyboard and notation , wonpil really shines through BpuQMShal8I-00071-00080750-00081587 the guitar are minimalist but i heard theres palm mute in verse and J also but wonpil instrument are insane guys BpuQMShal8I-00072-00081606-00082467 and also do woon i love his part , it crushed drum with limiter and compressor the filled in are simple but insane, BpuQMShal8I-00073-00082467-00083375 especially the one that sound like queen guys the concept are exclusive guys BpuQMShal8I-00074-00083404-00084371 i also confused this is the first time i'm really excited i wanna listen their full album i don't how many song inside this album BpuQMShal8I-00075-00084371-00085550 there's no explanation in the description , there's no explanation how many songs inside BpuQMShal8I-00076-00085651-00086135 i'm really curious about the rest of the songs, the music are more mature and exclusive guys BpuQMShal8I-00077-00086149-00086796 okay guys don't forget to like share and comment guys bye BS2b7LYa0XQ-00000-00000436-00001053 Product costs are the total of direct materials, direct labor and indirect manufacturing overhead. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00001-00001053-00001633 Recall that direct costs, like direct materials and direct labor, are traced to the finished product BS2b7LYa0XQ-00002-00001633-00002166 whereas indirect costs, like manufacturing overhead, are allocated to the finished product. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00003-00002166-00002866 There are three common ways to allocate manufacturing overhead to products. The most common is the plant-wide rate. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00004-00002866-00003319 This is what we earlier described as the predetermined overhead rate. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00005-00003320-00003606 Another method is departmental rates. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00006-00003606-00003986 Finally, the most refined method is activity-based costing. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00007-00003986-00004379 This video will focus on the departmental rate method. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00008-00004380-00005016 Direct materials is a concept most understand because they end up in the product or product packaging. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00009-00005016-00005769 Direct labor is also fairly understandable because it is the labor cost to directly assemble or manufacture the products. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00010-00005770-00006106 Manufacturing overhead is slightly more complicated. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00011-00006106-00006746 In short, it is all the costs in a manufacturing plant that aren’t either direct materials or direct labor. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00012-00006746-00007606 Examples include depreciation, utilities, maintenance, supplies, insurance, and indirect labor like supervision, setup, cleanup, and testing. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00013-00007606-00008543 Many companies choose to refine, or improve, their method of overhead allocation to try to achieve more accurate product costs. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00014-00008543-00009466 This is because plant-wide rate method does not do a good job of matching the costs of overhead resources with the products. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00015-00009466-00010279 Additionally, more simple allocation systems result in “overcosting” & “undercosting” their products. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00016-00010280-00010773 This is commonly referred to as cost distortion. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00017-00010773-00011413 So rather than have one pool of overhead to allocate with a plant-wide rate, BS2b7LYa0XQ-00018-00011413-00011959 we can refine the process by breaking out overhead by departments. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00019-00011960-00012440 Departments can be actual departments or product lines, BS2b7LYa0XQ-00020-00012440-00012773 or products, like I’ve shown here. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00021-00012773-00013486 Once overhead has been divided into departments, the process is similar to the predetermined overhead rate. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00022-00013486-00014329 We estimate the overhead by department and divided that by the department’s allocation bases. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00023-00014330-00015076 So let’s look at an example of a dairy plant. A dairy plant estimates its overhead by department and assumes the following: BS2b7LYa0XQ-00024-00015076-00015719 Half Gallons: $1,000,000 Gallons: $1,500,000 BS2b7LYa0XQ-00025-00015719-00016403 It allocates overhead with departmental rates using direct labor hours as the allocation bases BS2b7LYa0XQ-00026-00016403-00017086 for half gallons and machine hours for the more automated gallon production. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00027-00017086-00017803 Notice that a more refined system can use different allocation bases for different departments. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00028-00017803-00018003 So let’s assume the following: BS2b7LYa0XQ-00029-00018003-00019096 The half gallons are estimated to have 80,000 direct labor hours and the gallons are estimated to have 150,000 BS2b7LYa0XQ-00030-00019096-00019326 machine hours. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00031-00019326-00020169 We can see that half dollars will be allocated $12.50 of overhead per direct labor hour. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00032-00020170-00020540 For each direct labor hours used to manufacture milk, BS2b7LYa0XQ-00033-00020540-00020906 $12.50 of overhead will be allocated. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00034-00020906-00022076 If the plant can produce 1,000 ½ gallons per hour, then each ½ gallon will be allocated $.0125 of overhead. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00035-00022076-00022726 The gallons will be allocated $10 of overhead per machine hour. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00036-00022726-00023373 For each machine hour used to manufacture milk, $10 of overhead will be allocated. BS2b7LYa0XQ-00037-00023373-00024259 If the plant can produce 2,500 gallons per hour, then each gallon will be allocated BS2b7LYa0XQ-00038-00024260-00024870 $.004 of overhead. BSkWBKhxz_E-00000-00000000-00000500 I'm going to show you in this lesson how to make type on a custom path BSkWBKhxz_E-00001-00000500-00000950 and how to fill that type with an image. BSkWBKhxz_E-00002-00000950-00001250 We're going to do a very basic path BSkWBKhxz_E-00003-00001250-00001550 we'll get more complex in other lessons. BSkWBKhxz_E-00004-00001550-00001850 First let me give the attributions BSkWBKhxz_E-00005-00001850-00002150 This image is done by Ian Kirk from the UK BSkWBKhxz_E-00006-00002450-00002750 and if I turn this image off BSkWBKhxz_E-00007-00002750-00003050 and you see this one BSkWBKhxz_E-00008-00003050-00003550 This is Alan Fitzsimmons, from ESO LABS, and this picture was taken in Chile. BSkWBKhxz_E-00009-00003550-00003850 So we're going to be using these images BSkWBKhxz_E-00010-00003850-00004150 We're going to be using the Chile image as the background. BSkWBKhxz_E-00011-00004150-00004450 The clouds are going to be the fill BSkWBKhxz_E-00012-00004450-00004750 for our type layer BSkWBKhxz_E-00013-00004750-00005050 The first thing I want to show you is BSkWBKhxz_E-00014-00005050-00005350 I want to ge the character panel up BSkWBKhxz_E-00015-00005350-00005650 Because they are going to use it BSkWBKhxz_E-00016-00005650-00006150 It doesn't matter what color the type this because were going to fill it with the cloud image BSkWBKhxz_E-00017-00006150-00006450 but one thing I want you to understand is BSkWBKhxz_E-00018-00006450-00006750 paragraph matters BSkWBKhxz_E-00019-00006750-00007050 You don't want it centered when you first type the type BSkWBKhxz_E-00020-00007050-00007350 you can center it afterwards BSkWBKhxz_E-00021-00007350-00007650 but for some reason if it's centered BSkWBKhxz_E-00022-00007650-00007950 It doesn't spread out left and right like you'd expect it to, BSkWBKhxz_E-00023-00007950-00008250 you lose some of your type. BSkWBKhxz_E-00024-00008250-00008550 If you type it left justified then center it BSkWBKhxz_E-00025-00008550-00008850 it'll be fine in fact BSkWBKhxz_E-00026-00008850-00009150 let me show you, I'm going to go over here and get the pen tool BSkWBKhxz_E-00027-00009150-00009450 click, curve I'm going to make a pretty simple one BSkWBKhxz_E-00028-00009450-00009750 curve curve BSkWBKhxz_E-00029-00009750-00010050 and curve BSkWBKhxz_E-00030-00010050-00010350 and then I'm going to get the type tool BSkWBKhxz_E-00031-00010350-00010650 see it's in that square box BSkWBKhxz_E-00032-00010650-00011050 When you see the little curve by the I-beam BSkWBKhxz_E-00033-00011050-00011350 Click and BSkWBKhxz_E-00034-00011350-00011950 Let's type something like don't BSkWBKhxz_E-00035-00012250-00012550 And you see I have it on centered BSkWBKhxz_E-00036-00012550-00012850 right there right there is the problem. BSkWBKhxz_E-00037-00012850-00013150 we can't see and I've typed some other letters BSkWBKhxz_E-00038-00013150-00013450 You can't see a darn thing BSkWBKhxz_E-00039-00013450-00013750 And get rid of this layer I'm sorry cancel BSkWBKhxz_E-00040-00013750-00014050 this type layer BSkWBKhxz_E-00041-00014050-00014350 let's move into BSkWBKhxz_E-00042-00014350-00014650 into here BSkWBKhxz_E-00043-00014650-00014950 it shows what I've already typed BSkWBKhxz_E-00044-00014950-00015250 of course I mispelled BSkWBKhxz_E-00045-00015250-00015550 But let's dump this layer, see there is a work path. BSkWBKhxz_E-00046-00015550-00015850 I'm going to also delete the work path. BSkWBKhxz_E-00047-00015850-00016150 I can just hit the delete key BSkWBKhxz_E-00048-00016150-00016450 to get rid of the path BSkWBKhxz_E-00049-00016450-00016750 and move back to left justified BSkWBKhxz_E-00050-00016750-00017050 I'm going to get the pen and I'm going to start the path click BSkWBKhxz_E-00051-00017050-00017650 click drag, click drag, click drag, click drag, so, and click and drag BSkWBKhxz_E-00052-00017950-00018250 You can make a linear path too I'm just not at the moment. BSkWBKhxz_E-00053-00018250-00018550 So there see my cursor BSkWBKhxz_E-00054-00018550-00018850 Now I see the little curve BSkWBKhxz_E-00055-00018850-00019450 Let's go don't "oops" BSkWBKhxz_E-00056-00019450-00020050 don't make Zeus angry BSkWBKhxz_E-00057-00020650-00020950 Going to check mark BSkWBKhxz_E-00058-00020950-00021250 great, now I can make BSkWBKhxz_E-00059-00021250-00021550 now I can hit the center justified BSkWBKhxz_E-00060-00021550-00021850 and the type will move BSkWBKhxz_E-00061-00021850-00022150 left justified or right justified BSkWBKhxz_E-00062-00022150-00022450 but for some reason if you start out center justified BSkWBKhxz_E-00063-00022450-00022750 it's just going to make you crazy. BSkWBKhxz_E-00064-00022750-00023050 so make sure you start out left justified BSkWBKhxz_E-00065-00023050-00023350 and once you type your type you can move it around on your custom path BSkWBKhxz_E-00066-00023350-00023650 I think the type could be BSkWBKhxz_E-00067-00023650-00023950 heavier BSkWBKhxz_E-00068-00023950-00024250 I'm not sure if bold Baskerville is going to be heavy enough. BSkWBKhxz_E-00069-00024250-00024550 That's okay let's leave it at that. BSkWBKhxz_E-00070-00024550-00024850 Let's make it all caps BSkWBKhxz_E-00071-00024850-00025150 We have a big enough path and we've got it all caps BSkWBKhxz_E-00072-00025150-00025450 I'm going to go back to paragraph and center it. BSkWBKhxz_E-00073-00025450-00025750 and I'm going to go to my move tool BSkWBKhxz_E-00074-00025750-00026050 and move it over here. BSkWBKhxz_E-00075-00026050-00026350 Now I want to fill this BSkWBKhxz_E-00076-00026350-00026650 oh I want to fix the kerning BSkWBKhxz_E-00077-00026650-00026950 I have to go back to the type tool to fix the kerning BSkWBKhxz_E-00078-00026950-00027250 There's lots of things you can change when you're not in the type tool but BSkWBKhxz_E-00079-00027250-00027550 kerning isn't one of them BSkWBKhxz_E-00080-00027550-00027850 So I'm going to hit the "T" key to get the type tool BSkWBKhxz_E-00081-00027850-00028150 and click between the N and the G BSkWBKhxz_E-00082-00028150-00028450 hold the option key, alt key on the PC BSkWBKhxz_E-00083-00028450-00028750 I'm going to use my left arrow key on the keyboard BSkWBKhxz_E-00084-00028750-00029050 And the G and the N slighty closer together BSkWBKhxz_E-00085-00029050-00029350 the rest of it looks fine, BSkWBKhxz_E-00086-00029350-00029650 I'm going to check mark it BSkWBKhxz_E-00087-00029650-00029950 and the next thing I want to do BSkWBKhxz_E-00088-00029950-00030250 I'm going to take the clouds BSkWBKhxz_E-00089-00030250-00030550 and they have to be above what you are going to fill BSkWBKhxz_E-00090-00030550-00030850 I'm going to fill "don't make zeus angry" BSkWBKhxz_E-00091-00030850-00031150 so I'm moving the clouds above BSkWBKhxz_E-00092-00031150-00031450 I'm going to my fly out menu BSkWBKhxz_E-00093-00031450-00031750 create clipping mask BSkWBKhxz_E-00094-00031750-00032050 I've got the clouds inside BSkWBKhxz_E-00095-00032050-00032350 of the letters, I can move the clouds around BSkWBKhxz_E-00096-00032350-00032650 I can even go command T BSkWBKhxz_E-00097-00032650-00032950 as long as I'm on the clouds layer which I am BSkWBKhxz_E-00098-00032950-00033350 There's my bounding box, I'm going to hold the shift and the option BSkWBKhxz_E-00099-00033350-00033650 So that I re-size it BSkWBKhxz_E-00100-00033650-00033950 and don't change the BSkWBKhxz_E-00101-00033950-00034250 and don't distort the clouds BSkWBKhxz_E-00102-00034250-00034550 and it resizes from the center BSkWBKhxz_E-00103-00034550-00034850 so maybe I'll get some more stuff going on. BSkWBKhxz_E-00104-00034850-00035150 and then if I want to add something like BSkWBKhxz_E-00105-00035150-00035550 a drop shadow or a bevel I have to do it on the type layer BSkWBKhxz_E-00106-00035550-00035850 So I'm going to double click in the empty spot BSkWBKhxz_E-00107-00035850-00036150 I'm going to add a bevel BSkWBKhxz_E-00108-00036150-00036450 I'm going to make the bevel a 3 BSkWBKhxz_E-00109-00036450-00036750 I'm going to make it a chisel hard BSkWBKhxz_E-00110-00036750-00037050 so it's a very slight bevel, I'm going to add a drop shadow BSkWBKhxz_E-00111-00037250-00037550 One of the nice things about drop shadows, it's one of the only ones BSkWBKhxz_E-00112-00037550-00037850 if you move into the picture plane you get the move tool BSkWBKhxz_E-00113-00037850-00038150 You can actually move the drop shadow around. BSkWBKhxz_E-00114-00038150-00038450 I'm going to turn off use global light BSkWBKhxz_E-00115-00038450-00038750 and BSkWBKhxz_E-00116-00038750-00039050 because I just want the drop shadow to be fun BSkWBKhxz_E-00117-00039050-00039350 so there's our drop shadow, so see I can move it around. BSkWBKhxz_E-00118-00039350-00039650 DON'T MAKE ZEUS ANGRY BSkWBKhxz_E-00119-00039650-00039950 and then I'm going to add BSkWBKhxz_E-00120-00039950-00040250 just because we haven't worked with blend modes that much BSkWBKhxz_E-00121-00040250-00040550 here's our picture of Chile BSkWBKhxz_E-00122-00040550-00041150 And I'm going to add a new layer and I'm going to hold the command key BSkWBKhxz_E-00123-00041150-00041450 the control key on the PC BSkWBKhxz_E-00124-00041450-00041750 so that it goes underneath. BSkWBKhxz_E-00125-00041750-00042350 I'm going to pick this, I'm going to the eyedropper tool with the "I" key keyboard shortcut BSkWBKhxz_E-00126-00042350-00042650 and notice the ring BSkWBKhxz_E-00127-00042650-00042950 See as I go around it's showing me my new color BSkWBKhxz_E-00128-00042950-00043250 that's the color ring BSkWBKhxz_E-00129-00043250-00043550 I want a nice blue BSkWBKhxz_E-00130-00043550-00043850 let's see BSkWBKhxz_E-00131-00043850-00044250 there we go, I'm going to fill it with the keyboard shortcut BSkWBKhxz_E-00132-00044250-00044550 And I never remember which is foreground and which is background BSkWBKhxz_E-00133-00044550-00044850 I'm going to try command delete BSkWBKhxz_E-00134-00044850-00045150 nope that's the background BSkWBKhxz_E-00135-00045150-00045450 option delete which would be alt delete for you PC users BSkWBKhxz_E-00136-00045450-00045750 See over here I've got blue BSkWBKhxz_E-00137-00045750-00046050 the blend modes work on the layer behind it BSkWBKhxz_E-00138-00046050-00046350 I'm going to just experiment BSkWBKhxz_E-00139-00046350-00046700 I'm going to screen whow that's kinda cool BSkWBKhxz_E-00140-00046700-00047100 I'm going to go to hard light BSkWBKhxz_E-00141-00047100-00047400 Wow, I think I like that BSkWBKhxz_E-00142-00047400-00047700 I'm going to try a couple more, "hue" BSkWBKhxz_E-00143-00047700-00048000 nooooo - it doesn't work for me. BSkWBKhxz_E-00144-00048000-00048300 "overlay" BSkWBKhxz_E-00145-00048300-00048600 not bad, overlay is kinda nice BSkWBKhxz_E-00146-00048600-00048900 I think, was it "hard light" that looked pretty good? BSkWBKhxz_E-00147-00048900-00049200 Hard light - I think I'm going to stick with "hard light" BSkWBKhxz_E-00148-00049200-00049500 The other thing I'm going to do BSkWBKhxz_E-00149-00049500-00049800 don't forget I shrunk the clouds BSkWBKhxz_E-00150-00049800-00050100 and i wasn't using a "smart object" BSkWBKhxz_E-00151-00050100-00050400 now make sure, when you see BSkWBKhxz_E-00152-00050400-00050700 a little arrow like this pointing downwards BSkWBKhxz_E-00153-00050700-00051000 It's saying "I'm clipped to the layer below me". BSkWBKhxz_E-00154-00051000-00051400 That's exactly what that language is right there. BSkWBKhxz_E-00155-00051400-00051700 I do want the type to be bigger BSkWBKhxz_E-00156-00051700-00052000 I'm going to go back to the character panel BSkWBKhxz_E-00157-00052000-00052300 and I'm going to change it to 72. BSkWBKhxz_E-00158-00052300-00052600 I don't have enough sky BSkWBKhxz_E-00159-00052600-00053400 I don't think it will get too degraded if I make the sky just a little bit bigger BSkWBKhxz_E-00160-00053400-00053700 So I'm going to and I'm not going to worry about aspect ratio BSkWBKhxz_E-00161-00053700-00054000 here and I'm going to make the sky a little bit bigger. BSkWBKhxz_E-00162-00054300-00054900 And I'm going to try just for fun, since I've got effects going on BSkWBKhxz_E-00163-00054900-00055200 I'm going to go to the "Outer Glow" BSkWBKhxz_E-00164-00055200-00055700 The outer glow is defauting at white BSkWBKhxz_E-00165-00055700-00056000 I'm going to increase the size of the outer glow BSkWBKhxz_E-00166-00056000-00056500 and I think I would like to have a light blue. BSkWBKhxz_E-00167-00056500-00056800 I'm going to go with that. BSkWBKhxz_E-00168-00056800-00057300 Let's see if we don't have it if it makes a difference, yes it does. BSkWBKhxz_E-00169-00057300-00057600 It's on screen BSkWBKhxz_E-00170-00057600-00057900 you can change it to normal. BSkWBKhxz_E-00171-00057900-00058200 So it's automatically on the screen blend mode. BSkWBKhxz_E-00172-00058200-00058500 for glow BSkWBKhxz_E-00173-00058500-00058800 And there is our glow BSkWBKhxz_E-00174-00058800-00059100 Let's see how it looks with both a glow and a drop shadow BSkWBKhxz_E-00175-00059100-00059400 hmmm, not so much, I think I'll go with the glow. BSkWBKhxz_E-00176-00059400-00059700 So there you have it BSkWBKhxz_E-00177-00059700-00060100 type on a path, clipping mask, and we did a little bit more with blend modes. BSkWBKhxz_E-00178-00060100-00060400 I'm going to click okay here. BSkWBKhxz_E-00179-00060400-00060800 I'll see you in the next lesson. BYaK1YpIEso-00000-00000162-00001272 I have here two ropes right I'm going to mix them all chaotically and now in here there are two BYaK1YpIEso-00001-00001446-00002520 five pointed Stars I have to be very careful I'm not doing I'm just undoing okay and if I BYaK1YpIEso-00002-00002520-00005124 do it right I will reveal them ! I'm failing too much... but here it is one all right oh I miss BYaK1YpIEso-00003-00005124-00005989 one !!! but this one is here oh so beautiful you see it don't you well okay I found one !!! BadqeEMtLsQ-00000-00000816-00001304 hello guys welcome to the free python programming course in this course we're going to learn python BadqeEMtLsQ-00001-00001304-00001816 from scratch in case you've never used python before this course is intended for beginners and BadqeEMtLsQ-00002-00001816-00002368 i created this course due to the ongoing strike that's happening for university students so i BadqeEMtLsQ-00003-00002368-00002880 decided to do a free course where students can learn how to write and build computer programs BadqeEMtLsQ-00004-00002880-00003232 for free using one of the world's most powerful and easy to learn BadqeEMtLsQ-00005-00003232-00003568 programming language which is python so please follow along BadqeEMtLsQ-00006-00003568-00004384 if you have any questions follow me and let's learn how to make and build python applications BadqeEMtLsQ-00007-00004568-00004576 you BdmD-mql2VY-00000-00000362-00000819 In March of 2020, for the first time, nurses werefearful. BdmD-mql2VY-00001-00000819-00001440 For themselves, their families, their patients and the commUNITY at large. BdmD-mql2VY-00002-00001475-00001857 Nurseswere in need of a psychologically safe space, BdmD-mql2VY-00003-00001857-00002129 outside of their affiliated workplace, BdmD-mql2VY-00004-00002129-00002485 to expressemotion, free of judgment. BdmD-mql2VY-00005-00002485-00002791 It was then, one by one, webegan, BdmD-mql2VY-00006-00002815-00003054 Debriefing the Front Lines. BdmD-mql2VY-00007-00003084-00003866 We are witnessinga unique and complex occupational trauma that is affecting the collective nursing profession. BdmD-mql2VY-00008-00003881-00004390 TheCOVID-19 pandemic inadvertently brought to public light, BdmD-mql2VY-00009-00004390-00005053 the struggles, ethical dilemmas and ongoing challenge of providing dignified, BdmD-mql2VY-00010-00005070-00005464 quality patient care within our health care systems. BdmD-mql2VY-00011-00005473-00005844 96% ofnurses report experiencing BdmD-mql2VY-00012-00005844-00006266 at least one symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. BdmD-mql2VY-00013-00006318-00006979 21% of nurses have metthe criteria for clinical diagnosis of PTSD. BdmD-mql2VY-00014-00007011-00007541 This trauma is having an immediate and profoundeffect. BdmD-mql2VY-00015-00007604-00008289 Debriefing the Front Lines is a nurse and veteran founded 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. BdmD-mql2VY-00016-00008299-00008665 Our mission is to deliver psychological first aid, BdmD-mql2VY-00017-00008665-00009327 sustained emotional wellness and continuing education to nurses of all specialties. BdmD-mql2VY-00018-00009375-00009760 We unite nurses and alleviate suffering through BdmD-mql2VY-00019-00009760-00010153 the sharing of personal stories and experiences. BdmD-mql2VY-00020-00010153-00011008 We provide nurses opportunityfor creative self-expression, as an integral part of healing cumulative care taking trauma. BdmD-mql2VY-00021-00028344-00028848 Debriefing the Front Lines influences and activates the power of commUNITY. BdmD-mql2VY-00022-00028912-00029664 We fuel efforts that address the need for psychological first aid and emotional wellness for nurses. BdmD-mql2VY-00023-00029698-00030188 We help nurses find their voice and empower them to speak their needs. BdmD-mql2VY-00024-00030236-00031295 Together, we are redefining the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the modern day nurse working in a global pandemic BdmD-mql2VY-00025-00031313-00031570 and humanitariancrisis. BdmD-mql2VY-00026-00031570-00031975 Upholding the belief, that our commitment to service BdmD-mql2VY-00027-00031975-00032280 must always include ourself. BdmD-mql2VY-00028-00032312-00032966 Yourgenerosity funds psychological first aid for nurses across the United States. BdmD-mql2VY-00029-00034000-00036009 Visit: DebriefingtheFrontLinesInc.org to help heal the healers of our commUNITY. BfjvEtcPdco-00000-00000994-00002278 She's The Project co-host and a proud mother to two children. And the latter was clearly evident, in Carrie Bickmore's post on Thursday. BfjvEtcPdco-00001-00002428-00003650 A close-up snap had followers gushing over her son Oliver's attempt at rocky road, with one in particular commenting: 'Oh gosh!' BfjvEtcPdco-00002-00003800-00005125 Carrie shared a tray filled with slabs of the chocolate, marshmallow and fruit mix, making reference to her son Oliver, 10, who appeared to be the creator. BfjvEtcPdco-00003-00005275-00006912 The Channel Ten presenter captioned the post: 'Xmas baking Thanks Ollie.' Followers of Carrie were quick to heap praise, with one in particular commenting: 'Oh gosh making me hungry!' BfjvEtcPdco-00004-00007062-00008706 While another followed suit with: 'Jealous! Love rocky road,' alongside a love heart emoji. This is not the first time Carrie has shared snippets of family life to her account. BfjvEtcPdco-00005-00008856-00010078 Numerous snaps sees her brood taking part in outdoor activities, enjoying a splash in the pool and showing off their arts and crafts skills. BfjvEtcPdco-00006-00010228-00011382 Carrie welcomed son Oliver with her late ex-husband Greg Lange, who tragically passed away in December 2010 from brain cancer. BfjvEtcPdco-00007-00011532-00012684 The media personality later met current beau Chris Walker, who was working as a producer at the time on Channel Ten's The Project. BfjvEtcPdco-00008-00012834-00013663 The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Evie Walker in March 2015. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00000-00000185-00000677 LITTLE People, Big World star Matt Roloff praised his son Jacob and wife Isabel on “rocking BfR_oxPZ_-U-00001-00000677-00001011 parenthood” since welcoming their first child a few weeks ago. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00002-00001011-00001448 Isabel gave birth to their son, Mateo, on December 4 and has been honest about her early BfR_oxPZ_-U-00003-00001448-00001607 days of motherhood. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00004-00001607-00001995 In her latest update, the new mother shared that her son has completely changed her outlook BfR_oxPZ_-U-00005-00001995-00002095 on life. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00006-00002095-00002556 She shared a beautiful photo of herself hanging out on the beach, sitting and smiling in front BfR_oxPZ_-U-00007-00002556-00002726 of a raging bonfire. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00008-00002726-00003150 In the caption, Isabel shared with fans: “I have started to measure my days by degree BfR_oxPZ_-U-00009-00003150-00003250 of presence. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00010-00003250-00003475 “Having a kid changes everything in that regard. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00011-00003475-00003828 “You know the saying, ‘You don’t know you’re in the good old days until you’ve BfR_oxPZ_-U-00012-00003828-00003928 left them.’ BfR_oxPZ_-U-00013-00003928-00004105 Well I KNOW I’m in the good old days. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00014-00004105-00004205 Right now.” BfR_oxPZ_-U-00015-00004205-00004544 She continued: “Yes, the big world feels chaotic and crazy and unpredictable. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00016-00004544-00004888 But my little world is flourishing and blooming with new life and wonder. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00017-00004888-00005143 “And I plan to soak up every moment I can. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00018-00005143-00005526 “I used to be so hard on myself if I didn’t get enough done in a day. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00019-00005526-00005915 But now I know my days don’t need to be productive to feel good at the end of them. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00020-00005915-00006119 “Did I do my best as a mom? BfR_oxPZ_-U-00021-00006119-00006282 If yes, it was a good day. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00022-00006282-00006808 “Reminding myself that right now, Mateo needs a present parent, not a productive one.” BfR_oxPZ_-U-00023-00006808-00007243 Roloff family patriarch Matt sent love and support to his daughter-in-law in the comments. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00024-00007243-00007767 He let her know just how proud he is of both her and Jacob, noting how good of a job they BfR_oxPZ_-U-00025-00007767-00007956 are doing of raising baby Mateo. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00026-00007956-00008313 “You are both definitely very present parents,” Matt wrote. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00027-00008313-00008712 “I have totally witnessed that in the past 5 weeks that I’ve seen you both with Little BfR_oxPZ_-U-00028-00008712-00008896 Mateo almost every other day.” BfR_oxPZ_-U-00029-00008896-00009201 The LPBW star continued: “Keep up the amazing great work Izzy (and Jacob). BfR_oxPZ_-U-00030-00009201-00009402 You guys are rockin parenthood!” BfR_oxPZ_-U-00031-00009402-00009795 He added that they’re “natural parents” and “making grandpa proud.” BfR_oxPZ_-U-00032-00009795-00010174 The mother of one has been candid about her early days of motherhood and admitted her BfR_oxPZ_-U-00033-00010174-00010442 postpartum experience has been tough. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00034-00010442-00010895 Earlier this month, Isabel took to her Instagram Story to open up to fans in a couple of personal BfR_oxPZ_-U-00035-00010895-00010995 posts. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00036-00010995-00011404 She wrote: "... I have had some postpartum anxiety of course, but I think that's really BfR_oxPZ_-U-00037-00011404-00011611 normal as a first time mom." BfR_oxPZ_-U-00038-00011611-00012125 The LPBW alum then urged those suffering in "any capacity" to have "safety measures in BfR_oxPZ_-U-00039-00012125-00012627 place and be prepared for any variation of experience during the postpartum period." BfR_oxPZ_-U-00040-00012627-00013075 In the following Story, the TLC star wrote: "I am speaking mostly emotionally and mentally BfR_oxPZ_-U-00041-00013075-00013459 here, but did I mention being grateful for the abilities to go on walks? BfR_oxPZ_-U-00042-00013459-00013847 "With that said, physically I see a long road to recovery ahead of me. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00043-00013847-00014201 I'm only five weeks [postpartum] but I'm in a lot of pain still..." BfR_oxPZ_-U-00044-00014201-00014651 She concluded: "We're still deeply healing over here, but still so much gratitude for BfR_oxPZ_-U-00045-00014651-00014782 the whole journey." BfR_oxPZ_-U-00046-00014782-00015265 Recently, Isabel shared a video of her rarely seen newborn son as the star walked on the BfR_oxPZ_-U-00047-00015265-00015425 family’s famous farm. BfR_oxPZ_-U-00048-00015425-00015869 Despite welcoming Mateo in December, Jacob and his wife have not yet shown Mateo's face BfR_oxPZ_-U-00049-00015869-00016379 yet to fans. BhWCzGRZDMM-00000-00000000-00001723 *silence* Bi5zHg3mqSA-00000-00000003-00000438 Okay so now we're gonna look at the cranial nerves . So you have 12 Bi5zHg3mqSA-00001-00000438-00000986 cranial nerves, so for this video I've got both sides displayed of the brain so Bi5zHg3mqSA-00002-00000986-00001563 on the right side is gonna be the same as the left side here on your individual Bi5zHg3mqSA-00003-00001563-00001989 exam you'll notice that some of these are already labeled for you one, two... well Bi5zHg3mqSA-00004-00001989-00002388 in your exam you'll have this side which doesn't have those labels so you'll be Bi5zHg3mqSA-00005-00002388-00002649 responsible for knowing the names of these as well. Bi5zHg3mqSA-00006-00002649-00003167 Okay so starting with the first so this is our olfactory nerve ending in the Bi5zHg3mqSA-00007-00003167-00004134 olfactory bulb, we have our optic nerve here and our optic nerve crosses here at Bi5zHg3mqSA-00008-00004134-00004896 the optic chiasma, okay so if we look down inside we can see number three the Bi5zHg3mqSA-00009-00004896-00005616 oculomotor. Okay moving over to number four we have the Bi5zHg3mqSA-00010-00005616-00006327 trochlear, 4 their, 4 their. Okay the trigeminal is this larger nerve off to Bi5zHg3mqSA-00011-00006327-00007242 the side here, okay so we just went through one two three four five. Okay so Bi5zHg3mqSA-00012-00007242-00007881 in direct order. Now for the sixth one we jump up top, on top of the pons here so Bi5zHg3mqSA-00013-00007881-00008478 this is our abducens, so six. Then we go back down to seven and eight. Okay so Bi5zHg3mqSA-00014-00008478-00009107 seven is our facial, 8 is our vestibulocochlear. Now we're on the medulla Bi5zHg3mqSA-00015-00009107-00010250 oblongata. Okay so we have nine right here the glossopharyngeal, the vagus, 10, Bi5zHg3mqSA-00016-00010250-00011114 the accessory (11) and the hypoglossal number 12 sits on top of the medulla oblongata. BlM4t9YVTxU-00000-00000032-00000463 Hi there, my name is Paula Ann Mitchell. I had the privilege of working on the film that you are BlM4t9YVTxU-00001-00000463-00000984 about to see “The Making of Stitched Together.” And although I could not be there in person tonight, BlM4t9YVTxU-00002-00000984-00001448 I just wanted to share a few thoughts about what I learned right here. So back in the wintertime, BlM4t9YVTxU-00003-00001448-00001904 Dr. Sarah Litvin reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to be a part of this project. BlM4t9YVTxU-00004-00001904-00002408 And of course, being a longtime journalist who loves telling a good story, I couldn’t say no. BlM4t9YVTxU-00005-00002408-00002984 During the course of shooting this documentary, as I interviewed students and their teachers, and BlM4t9YVTxU-00006-00002984-00003576 Dr. Litvin of course, I learned a great deal about the women who worked in the local garment industry. BlM4t9YVTxU-00007-00003576-00004096 In particular, the women who worked at the F. Jacobson & Sons Shirt Factory on Cornell BlM4t9YVTxU-00008-00004096-00004648 Street, because that really was the focus of the project. Not only did I learn a lot BlM4t9YVTxU-00009-00004648-00005192 about the women as individuals, but I also was learning a new method of storytelling. BlM4t9YVTxU-00010-00005296-00006016 In broadcast journalism, the reporter has a lot of control over the narrative and carrying it forward BlM4t9YVTxU-00011-00006016-00006552 with voiceovers. But no so when you’re making a documentary. In fact, you have to sort of cede that BlM4t9YVTxU-00012-00006552-00007128 to the on camera participants. And we did that. And I’m glad that I did, because they did their BlM4t9YVTxU-00013-00007128-00007680 homework, they did the research, and it showed. The research and the learning was rich, it was deep. BlM4t9YVTxU-00014-00007736-00008344 And so I think we all learned something from this project. I’m now in Public Relations full time, so BlM4t9YVTxU-00015-00008408-00008920 I was able to learn a new skill for my toolbox and hopefully I’ll be able to use it in the future. BlM4t9YVTxU-00016-00008920-00009568 This was my first documentary, so it felt very special to me. And I certainly want to thank Dr. Litvin BlM4t9YVTxU-00017-00009568-00010003 for asking me to be a part of this project. I certainly hope there will be more like it. BlM4t9YVTxU-00018-00010003-00010608 And won’t you consider giving to the Reher Center so that more documentaries and more learning projects BlM4t9YVTxU-00019-00010608-00011144 like this can happen in the future. Again thank you so very much, I feel honored, I feel blessed BlM4t9YVTxU-00020-00011144-00011384 that you asked me to be a part of this project. Enjoy the film. BnvvbMaXf0c-00000-00000000-00000200 រៀនអក្សរ និងភាសាជាតិខ្មែរ នៅកម្ពុជាក្រោម CoWceqZ8tGy-00000-00000003-00000203 ♪ Every academic subject CoWceqZ8tGy-00001-00000203-00000608 begins by defining itself, and for good reason. CoWceqZ8tGy-00002-00000608-00000807 A definition is an explanation CoWceqZ8tGy-00003-00000807-00001109 of the meaning of a word or a phrase, CoWceqZ8tGy-00004-00001109-00001409 and if we don't define our words adequately, CoWceqZ8tGy-00005-00001409-00001707 we won't really know what we're talking about. CoWceqZ8tGy-00006-00001707-00002102 So it's good to define things at the beginning. CoWceqZ8tGy-00007-00002102-00002706 Logic may be defined as the systematic study of reasoning. CoWceqZ8tGy-00008-00002706-00003007 But what is reasoning? CoWceqZ8tGy-00009-00003007-00003402 You reason when you conclude something CoWceqZ8tGy-00010-00003402-00003609 on the basis of something else-- CoWceqZ8tGy-00011-00003609-00003908 in other words, when you draw a conclusion CoWceqZ8tGy-00012-00003908-00004200 on the basis of some evidence. CoWceqZ8tGy-00013-00004200-00004404 For example, I hear the cat meowing, CoWceqZ8tGy-00014-00004404-00004704 and I conclude he's probably hungry. CoWceqZ8tGy-00015-00004704-00005006 I see dark clouds rolling in, CoWceqZ8tGy-00016-00005006-00005308 and I conclude it's probably going to rain. CoWceqZ8tGy-00017-00005308-00005803 Mark, can I use you as a prop on this? CoWceqZ8tGy-00018-00005803-00006107 So...here is my colleague Mark Storey. CoWceqZ8tGy-00019-00006107-00006505 And let's imagine that Joe Blow is running for president. CoWceqZ8tGy-00020-00006505-00006704 And I see Mark here, CoWceqZ8tGy-00021-00006704-00006904 and imagine that he's got buttons-- CoWceqZ8tGy-00022-00006904-00007206 Joe Blow for President buttons all over him. CoWceqZ8tGy-00023-00007206-00007601 And I see that, and I conclude CoWceqZ8tGy-00024-00007601-00007908 that Mark's probably supporting Joe Blow for President. CoWceqZ8tGy-00025-00007908-00008302 I mean, that would be an example of reasoning. CoWceqZ8tGy-00026-00008302-00008700 And so, logic is the systematic study of reasoning. CoWceqZ8tGy-00027-00008700-00008901 Now, I wanna take a moment CoWceqZ8tGy-00028-00008901-00009209 and ex...and put in here something. CoWceqZ8tGy-00029-00009209-00009809 We're at the Edmonds waterfront in Edmonds, Washington. CoWceqZ8tGy-00030-00009809-00010009 And you may have noticed CoWceqZ8tGy-00031-00010009-00010403 that there's some kind of a marine theme going on CoWceqZ8tGy-00032-00010403-00010701 in these early lectures. CoWceqZ8tGy-00033-00010701-00011201 Marine theme... which is appropriate, CoWceqZ8tGy-00034-00011201-00011608 because as you know from, uh...the course materials, CoWceqZ8tGy-00035-00011608-00012104 the founder of logic is the Greek philosopher Aristotle, CoWceqZ8tGy-00036-00012104-00012502 who lived from 384 BC to 322 BC. CoWceqZ8tGy-00037-00012502-00013101 And...Aristotle is not only, uh...the founder of logic, CoWceqZ8tGy-00038-00013101-00013406 he's also the founder of marine biology. CoWceqZ8tGy-00039-00013406-00013703 The first...Aristotle was the first person CoWceqZ8tGy-00040-00013703-00014403 to systematically study sea life on a scientific basis, CoWceqZ8tGy-00041-00014403-00014703 and so, he's considered the founder of marine biology. CoWceqZ8tGy-00042-00014703-00015003 And so, this marine theme is a little bit appropriate CoWceqZ8tGy-00043-00015003-00015203 to the founder of our discipline. CoWceqZ8tGy-00044-00015203-00015406 Well, thanks, Mark, for being my prop. CoWceqZ8tGy-00045-00015406-00015506 Okay? CoWceqZ8tGy-00046-00015506-00015905 So we've defined logic as the systematic study of reasoning, CoWceqZ8tGy-00047-00015905-00016300 and reasoning is what you do when you conclude something CoWceqZ8tGy-00048-00016300-00016503 on the basis of something else. CoWceqZ8tGy-00049-00016503-00016801 In an active reasoning, the mind moves. CoWceqZ8tGy-00050-00016801-00016909 It moves from evidence CoWceqZ8tGy-00051-00016909-00017309 to a conclusion based on that evidence. CoWceqZ8tGy-00052-00017309-00017702 Well, that's the subject matter of logic, CoWceqZ8tGy-00053-00017702-00017909 but thoughts in your mind CoWceqZ8tGy-00054-00017909-00018306 aren't tangible enough to be what we study CoWceqZ8tGy-00055-00018306-00018608 in an academic subject such as logic. CoWceqZ8tGy-00056-00018608-00019005 If we're gonna study reasoning, we need to study something CoWceqZ8tGy-00057-00019005-00019400 that we can get our hands on, something that's tangible, CoWceqZ8tGy-00058-00019400-00019704 something that we can all look at and analyze together. CoWceqZ8tGy-00059-00019906-00020303 When reasoning is put into words, CoWceqZ8tGy-00060-00020303-00020605 the result is called an "argument." CoWceqZ8tGy-00061-00020605-00020904 So an argument in logic CoWceqZ8tGy-00062-00020904-00021209 is reasoning that's been put into words. CoWceqZ8tGy-00063-00021209-00021407 In academic subjects, generally, CoWceqZ8tGy-00064-00021407-00021705 the word "argument" means reasoning put into words. CoWceqZ8tGy-00065-00021705-00022002 Now, you may have used the word "argument" CoWceqZ8tGy-00066-00022002-00022401 in other contexts to refer to people yelling at each other, CoWceqZ8tGy-00067-00022401-00022709 screaming at each other, having verbal or angry disputes. CoWceqZ8tGy-00068-00022709-00023001 But in academic context, generally-- CoWceqZ8tGy-00069-00023001-00023207 and in logic especially-- the word "argument" CoWceqZ8tGy-00070-00023207-00023509 just means reasoning that's been put into words. CoWceqZ8tGy-00071-00023509-00023805 Now, once reasoning's been put into words, CoWceqZ8tGy-00072-00023805-00024308 we have something tangible enough to be an object of study. CoWceqZ8tGy-00073-00024308-00024604 And so, sometimes you'll see logic defined CoWceqZ8tGy-00074-00024604-00025001 as the study of argument or the study of argumentation. CoWceqZ8tGy-00075-00025001-00025301 It's with the concept of an argument CoWceqZ8tGy-00076-00025301-00025502 that logic really begins, CoWceqZ8tGy-00077-00025502-00025705 because when reasoning's been put into words, CoWceqZ8tGy-00078-00025705-00025909 and we have an argument in front of us, CoWceqZ8tGy-00079-00025909-00026302 we have something tangible enough to get our hands on CoWceqZ8tGy-00080-00026302-00026600 ♪ and to be an object of study. CoWceqZ8tGy-00081-00026600-00026903 So...what is an argument? CoWceqZ8tGy-00082-00026903-00027306 I've defined it as reasoning put into words. CoWceqZ8tGy-00083-00027306-00027604 But we can define it in more detail, CoWceqZ8tGy-00084-00027604-00027804 if we think about it. CoWceqZ8tGy-00085-00027804-00028101 An argument will have two parts. CoWceqZ8tGy-00086-00028101-00028307 It will have a conclusion that's being drawn, CoWceqZ8tGy-00087-00028307-00028601 and it will have evidence CoWceqZ8tGy-00088-00028601-00028901 that's offered in support of the conclusion. C5VlZCdsQbY-00000-00000026-00000126 Roll the tape! C5VlZCdsQbY-00001-00000126-00000622 Do you dream of becoming a filmmaker, documentary director or scriptwriter? C5VlZCdsQbY-00002-00000622-00000887 If your answer is yes then this video is for you. C5VlZCdsQbY-00003-00000887-00001382 I bet you didn't know that Ontario, Canada offers world-renowned film programs at top C5VlZCdsQbY-00004-00001382-00001650 universities and colleges in the best cities. C5VlZCdsQbY-00005-00001650-00002023 Here's our list of five popular film schools in Canada. C5VlZCdsQbY-00006-00002023-00002549 School number one: Toronto Film School Study downtown in the city we all know and C5VlZCdsQbY-00007-00002549-00002827 love, Toronto, or as most know it, the six. C5VlZCdsQbY-00008-00002827-00003360 The Toronto Film School offers students hands-on experience in filming, editing, performing, C5VlZCdsQbY-00009-00003360-00003854 writing and designing, as well as access to industry professionals and faculty. C5VlZCdsQbY-00010-00003854-00004410 School number two: George Brown College Also located in downtown Toronto, this school C5VlZCdsQbY-00011-00004410-00004817 is best known for real-world experiences they offer their students. C5VlZCdsQbY-00012-00004817-00005312 This translates into valuable experiences to use for your future career in film. C5VlZCdsQbY-00013-00005312-00005819 Many graduates leave with work opportunities already lined up like famous Katherine Barrell C5VlZCdsQbY-00014-00005819-00006321 and Choi Yeo-jin—making this institution a top choice for future filmmakers. C5VlZCdsQbY-00015-00006321-00006733 School number three: Sheridan College This institution is highly known as one of C5VlZCdsQbY-00016-00006733-00007119 the best schools in Canada for animation films like The Incredibles. C5VlZCdsQbY-00017-00007119-00007511 Not to mention Sheridan College graduates have gone on to achieve incredible things C5VlZCdsQbY-00018-00007511-00007975 including winning Oscars and Emmys, as well as working at Walt Disney Studios. C5VlZCdsQbY-00019-00007975-00008181 This can be you too! C5VlZCdsQbY-00020-00008181-00008629 School number four: Fanshawe College This institution is one of the only colleges C5VlZCdsQbY-00021-00008629-00009006 to offer degree programs in film, digital media and television. C5VlZCdsQbY-00022-00009006-00009490 Did you know that Fanshawe College teaches students from more than 85 countries around C5VlZCdsQbY-00023-00009490-00009631 the world each year? C5VlZCdsQbY-00024-00009631-00010018 Professors are known for their real-world stories and personal experiences to equip C5VlZCdsQbY-00025-00010018-00010367 students with unique skills for a dynamic industry. C5VlZCdsQbY-00026-00010367-00010953 School number five: University of Windsor U of W is known for students who love scriptwriting, C5VlZCdsQbY-00027-00010953-00011246 fiction documentary and experimental filmmaking. C5VlZCdsQbY-00028-00011246-00011757 Not to mention the BFA film production program is a shared program offered by the department C5VlZCdsQbY-00029-00011757-00012319 of communication, media and film and the school of creative arts, which is recognized around C5VlZCdsQbY-00030-00012319-00012419 the world. C5VlZCdsQbY-00031-00012419-00012926 Our ApplyBoard platform has a huge selection of amazing programs from schools in Canada, C5VlZCdsQbY-00032-00012926-00013309 the US, Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland. C5VlZCdsQbY-00033-00013309-00013784 So to apply to your dream film school or any institution for that matter, visit www.applyboard.com/students C5VlZCdsQbY-00034-00013784-00014262 or visit the links below. C5VlZCdsQbY-00035-00014262-00014565 Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe for weekly videos. C66wK41FVlA-00000-00000320-00000640 The collection department includes two divisions. C66wK41FVlA-00001-00000640-00000872 One division is for settlement cases C66wK41FVlA-00002-00000872-00001176 and the other one for litigation. C66wK41FVlA-00003-00001176-00001416 For settlement cases, we have two teams. C66wK41FVlA-00004-00001416-00001680 The first team is in charge of support activities, C66wK41FVlA-00005-00001680-00001839 including reporting, C66wK41FVlA-00006-00001839-00002168 follow-up and assistance to field staff. C66wK41FVlA-00007-00002168-00002396 The second team manages C66wK41FVlA-00008-00002396-00002560 collection officers. C66wK41FVlA-00009-00002560-00002784 The second division is in charge of litigation. C66wK41FVlA-00010-00002784-00003092 It monitors any collaboration with lawyers, C66wK41FVlA-00011-00003092-00003340 as well as legal proceedings. C66wK41FVlA-00012-00003340-00003708 And of course, there is another team specialized in litigation C66wK41FVlA-00013-00003708-00003964 which monitors the cases given to lawyers. C66wK41FVlA-00014-00003964-00004240 We have an average of 11 staff here at headquarters C66wK41FVlA-00015-00004240-00004484 in addition to 32 collection officers in the field. C66wK41FVlA-00016-00004484-00004692 We have two types of litigation cases. C66wK41FVlA-00017-00004692-00004960 So in the collection department, C66wK41FVlA-00018-00004960-00005160 the litigation cases are C66wK41FVlA-00019-00005160-00005452 managed both by lawyers C66wK41FVlA-00020-00005452-00005808 and directly by our officers. C66wK41FVlA-00021-00005808-00006064 They have a written authorization to represent the institution C66wK41FVlA-00022-00006064-00006459 in competent local courts for small amounts. C66wK41FVlA-00023-00006459-00006712 The use of litigation C66wK41FVlA-00024-00006712-00006928 is limited to situations where C66wK41FVlA-00025-00006928-00007220 every possible settlement has been tried. C66wK41FVlA-00026-00007220-00007528 Generally speaking, in such cases the clients C66wK41FVlA-00027-00007528-00007752 deliberately reject any attempt C66wK41FVlA-00028-00007752-00007944 to normalize their situation. C66wK41FVlA-00029-00007944-00008352 Almost 90% of collections are done by settlement C66wK41FVlA-00030-00008352-00008608 without requiring litigation. C66wK41FVlA-00031-00008608-00008752 Collection officers C66wK41FVlA-00032-00008752-00009028 are in charge of written-off loans. C66wK41FVlA-00033-00009028-00009156 On the contrary, loan officers C66wK41FVlA-00034-00009156-00009536 are in charge of delinquent loans, if delinquency is recent. C66wK41FVlA-00035-00009536-00009796 We have created a collection officers' unit, C66wK41FVlA-00036-00009796-00010024 which is a first step to relieve loan officers C66wK41FVlA-00037-00010024-00010284 from loans that can not be collected easily, C66wK41FVlA-00038-00010284-00010596 and this unit aims at cooperating with loan officers. C66wK41FVlA-00039-00010596-00010868 Our objective is also to send the following message to borrowers: C66wK41FVlA-00040-00010868-00011096 we do not give up delinquent loans. C66wK41FVlA-00041-00011096-00011464 Of course, the unit has to be available C66wK41FVlA-00042-00011464-00012012 for a constant, repeat and frequent delinquency management. C66wK41FVlA-00043-00012012-00012288 The staff can operate in a 30 to 40 km range. C66wK41FVlA-00044-00012288-00012472 They can even operate in several points of sales. C66wK41FVlA-00045-00012472-00012648 The compensation of collection officers C66wK41FVlA-00046-00012648-00012928 depends, let us say, C66wK41FVlA-00047-00012928-00013036 on three variables. C66wK41FVlA-00048-00013036-00013360 First of all, there is of course a basic fixed wage. C66wK41FVlA-00049-00013360-00013712 Secondly, the staff also receive part of the amount collected C66wK41FVlA-00050-00013712-00014124 as well as a third component, linked to the challenges that we organize. C66wK41FVlA-00051-00014124-00014428 We thus organize frequent challenges. C66wK41FVlA-00052-00014428-00014736 Every year, we have two to three challenges C66wK41FVlA-00053-00014736-00014888 organized for collection officers. C66wK41FVlA-00054-00014888-00015152 If they are excellent at it, if they reach C66wK41FVlA-00055-00015152-00015347 the targets set initially, C66wK41FVlA-00056-00015347-00015576 they can receive a premium. C66wK41FVlA-00057-00015576-00015700 Our loan officers C66wK41FVlA-00058-00015700-00015891 as well as collection officers C66wK41FVlA-00059-00015891-00016284 receive a solid training on collection techniques. C66wK41FVlA-00060-00016284-00016464 In fact, even for collection agents, C66wK41FVlA-00061-00016464-00016872 80% of the collection process is done by settlement, C66wK41FVlA-00062-00016872-00017032 with no litigation. C66wK41FVlA-00063-00017032-00017312 The relationship between officers and clients C66wK41FVlA-00064-00017312-00017652 is based on mutual respect. C66wK41FVlA-00065-00017652-00017812 It is an institutional relationship C66wK41FVlA-00066-00017812-00017956 governed by specific rules. C66wK41FVlA-00067-00017956-00018140 It is written clearly in black and white C66wK41FVlA-00068-00018140-00018492 that officers should always be polite and should listen to debtors. C66wK41FVlA-00069-00018492-00018648 When we discuss with prospect clients, C66wK41FVlA-00070-00018648-00018828 we try to identify their needs. C66wK41FVlA-00071-00018828-00018996 In the same way, with debtors, C66wK41FVlA-00072-00018996-00019088 we try C66wK41FVlA-00073-00019088-00019312 to identify C66wK41FVlA-00074-00019312-00019476 what their new situation is. C66wK41FVlA-00075-00019476-00019728 As collection was more and more difficult C66wK41FVlA-00076-00019728-00020028 disrespectful practices happened in the whole industry. C66wK41FVlA-00077-00020028-00020520 At that point we realized that we needed to have specific guidelines C66wK41FVlA-00078-00020520-00020748 for collection practices C66wK41FVlA-00079-00020748-00021172 and for the code of conduct, so as to formalize every best practice. C66wK41FVlA-00080-00021172-00021392 The objective being that any staff could refer to C66wK41FVlA-00081-00021392-00021556 a general framework. C66wK41FVlA-00082-00021556-00021812 We did elaborate a code of conduct C66wK41FVlA-00083-00021812-00021900 taking into account C66wK41FVlA-00084-00021900-00022044 every process C66wK41FVlA-00085-00022044-00022312 which is now being validated. C66wK41FVlA-00086-00022312-00023080 It now enables us to answer this specific demand in a correct and formal way. CrPxL10OYdM-00000-00001198-00001437 Hello everyone! This is Jaymee for you. CrPxL10OYdM-00001-00001459-00001820 Today I brought a lot of VT cosmetic BT21 season 2 CrPxL10OYdM-00002-00001830-00002310 which is famous as BTS cosmetic. CrPxL10OYdM-00003-00002358-00002774 Now with these products, I will try a fruity retro pop makeup CrPxL10OYdM-00004-00002775-00003030 that would look like the mixture of all the fruits. CrPxL10OYdM-00005-00003075-00003343 If you are ready, then I will start the makeup. CrPxL10OYdM-00006-00003375-00003726 I will use the primer stick that was released last season. CrPxL10OYdM-00007-00003767-00004015 This product applies very smoothly. CrPxL10OYdM-00008-00004061-00004300 Apply it on the pores of your nose and bumpy areas near your nose CrPxL10OYdM-00009-00004314-00004545 by rolling it smoothly with your hands. CrPxL10OYdM-00010-00004584-00004968 These days, my pores are getting bigger so I need to apply this. CrPxL10OYdM-00011-00004989-00005360 I will use number 22 medium beige for the stick concealer. CrPxL10OYdM-00012-00005416-00005633 I will apply it on the dark circles and CrPxL10OYdM-00013-00005667-00006002 under the most and the middle of the chin to cover up. CrPxL10OYdM-00014-00006070-00006425 Because of the texture of the product, it applies very thin and has good adherence, CrPxL10OYdM-00015-00006450-00006774 it would seem difficult to cover very small area perfectly but CrPxL10OYdM-00016-00006789-00007100 it seemed good to cover large areas like this. CrPxL10OYdM-00017-00007245-00007609 I used number 22 foundation that goes well with my tone. CrPxL10OYdM-00018-00007647-00007896 Stick foundation is really comfortable. CrPxL10OYdM-00019-00007920-00008202 Just simply apply it and then tap it to spread out CrPxL10OYdM-00020-00008202-00008360 so it's really convenient. CrPxL10OYdM-00021-00008422-00008780 For some stick foundation it gets harden right after you apply it but CrPxL10OYdM-00022-00008808-00009122 for this, it gets applied very smoothly by melting on the temperature of your skin. CrPxL10OYdM-00023-00009155-00009524 However since it lacks a little in covering I had to apply it by layering it. CrPxL10OYdM-00024-00009563-00009858 However, it made my skin look clean and glowy. CrPxL10OYdM-00025-00009976-00010298 Now, among the stick concealer, I will use contour product. CrPxL10OYdM-00026-00010383-00010676 Since it is a yellow brown color for natural shadow, CrPxL10OYdM-00027-00010684-00010935 not unless you have a really white skin CrPxL10OYdM-00028-00010953-00011120 it would be okay for almost everyone. CrPxL10OYdM-00029-00011182-00011480 I will apply it on the outer part of my face for contouring and CrPxL10OYdM-00030-00011529-00011811 apply it on the bridge of my more for nose shading. CrPxL10OYdM-00031-00011879-00012270 It was really easy for shading because the stick concealer is so thin. CrPxL10OYdM-00032-00012302-00012644 Really. For nose shading, thin ones are easy to use. CrPxL10OYdM-00033-00012740-00013145 Now I will use liquid shadow, which are the ones that I like the most among the products. CrPxL10OYdM-00034-00013169-00013373 Aren't the packaging really cute? CrPxL10OYdM-00035-00013394-00013599 Color number 1 urban beige. CrPxL10OYdM-00036-00013637-00013768 number two Indi pink CrPxL10OYdM-00037-00013807-00013929 Number 3 Most brown. CrPxL10OYdM-00038-00013929-00014090 Number 4 girl heart attack brown. CrPxL10OYdM-00039-00014101-00014238 It's composed like this. CrPxL10OYdM-00040-00014284-00014519 I will use number 3 most brown. CrPxL10OYdM-00041-00014599-00014828 Just apply it to the eyes as a stick and CrPxL10OYdM-00042-00014834-00015017 spread it roughly CrPxL10OYdM-00043-00015054-00015404 It doesn't get stick together and adheres very well as soon as I apply it CrPxL10OYdM-00044-00015404-00015589 It's the product that I like a lot. CrPxL10OYdM-00045-00015665-00015891 I don't use liquid shadow a lot but CrPxL10OYdM-00046-00015912-00016190 For this it doesn't get stuck to the double eyelid and is very good. CrPxL10OYdM-00047-00016507-00016817 For the under I will use the brush it to apply it thickly. CrPxL10OYdM-00048-00016855-00017039 Then next among the multi eye shadow CrPxL10OYdM-00049-00017040-00017250 I used number 2 cozy brown. CrPxL10OYdM-00050-00017262-00017509 First using the middle color, use the brush CrPxL10OYdM-00051-00017527-00017718 and apply it overall on your eyes. CrPxL10OYdM-00052-00017719-00017819 Then apply a pearl on the top. CrPxL10OYdM-00053-00017898-00018161 I like the texture of this soft CrPxL10OYdM-00054-00018161-00018342 and shaky that gets applied very well but CrPxL10OYdM-00055-00018367-00018700 personally, I think I like liquid shadow more than this product. CrPxL10OYdM-00056-00018779-00019128 Anyways I will also apply this pearl overall on the under as well. CrPxL10OYdM-00057-00019331-00019534 This time, I will use a point color. CrPxL10OYdM-00058-00019534-00019836 I will give shadow as a round shape on the line of the double eyelid. CrPxL10OYdM-00059-00019889-00020132 If you doit like this, your eyes doesn't really look longer but CrPxL10OYdM-00060-00020132-00020440 it gets bigger in a way that it looks cute and round. CrPxL10OYdM-00061-00020499-00020790 I'm past the age where I should look cute but anyways. CrPxL10OYdM-00062-00020910-00021269 This time, shaking the middle color and the point color CrPxL10OYdM-00063-00021302-00021521 I will draw it on the front part of the eye and CrPxL10OYdM-00064-00021549-00021846 I applied it following the overall line of the under eyelash. CrPxL10OYdM-00065-00021911-00022147 If you do it like this then it looks like this. CrPxL10OYdM-00066-00022310-00022603 For today's eyelash, I brought part eyelash. CrPxL10OYdM-00067-00022660-00023035 For a feeling of round eye, I will apply 8mm on the end of the eye and CrPxL10OYdM-00068-00023095-00023330 on the middle of the eye, I applied 10mm. CrPxL10OYdM-00069-00023387-00023756 Then apply 8mm again on the front part of the eye. CrPxL10OYdM-00070-00023810-00024034 Before applying color of the eyelash CrPxL10OYdM-00071-00024035-00024257 I will use clear mascara primer. CrPxL10OYdM-00072-00024310-00024580 First, I will fix the eyelash using this and CrPxL10OYdM-00073-00024590-00024765 make it moist. CrPxL10OYdM-00074-00024810-00025095 Today, I will make a coral CrPxL10OYdM-00075-00025119-00025439 I brought two color paint of Makeup Forever. CrPxL10OYdM-00076-00025484-00025710 One is really pushia pink color and CrPxL10OYdM-00077-00025742-00025985 one is really majestic orange color. CrPxL10OYdM-00078-00026007-00026135 Mixing these two CrPxL10OYdM-00079-00026135-00026410 you get a really vivid red color color. CrPxL10OYdM-00080-00026476-00026662 Applying it on the screw brush, CrPxL10OYdM-00081-00026676-00026901 I will put it on the eyelash. CrPxL10OYdM-00082-00026952-00027233 The reason why I do this, is just to stand out. CrPxL10OYdM-00083-00027266-00027526 Isn't today's makeup retro pop makeup? CrPxL10OYdM-00084-00027531-00027678 understand me, everyone. CrPxL10OYdM-00085-00027728-00027914 If you finish it, then it looks like this. CrPxL10OYdM-00086-00028004-00028389 On the under eyelash I will use this normal mascara. CrPxL10OYdM-00087-00028458-00028889 For the under eyelash, I will apply this black mascara. CrPxL10OYdM-00088-00029027-00029220 If you do it like this, then the makeup is done. CrPxL10OYdM-00089-00029343-00029659 Anyways, let's quickly make the eyebrow that I don't have. CrPxL10OYdM-00090-00029716-00029913 I used light brown color. CrPxL10OYdM-00091-00029932-00029992 With a thin tip CrPxL10OYdM-00092-00030003-00030271 since it was a brow, it was easy to just draw. CrPxL10OYdM-00093-00030333-00030743 Not being too exquisitely with the shape of the eyebrow, I will just draw it roughly CrPxL10OYdM-00094-00030808-00031086 Then, using the mascara primer that I used before CrPxL10OYdM-00095-00031086-00031283 I organized the hair of the eyebrow. CrPxL10OYdM-00096-00031293-00031378 rub rub rub. CrPxL10OYdM-00097-00031497-00031633 Now it's the time for blusher. CrPxL10OYdM-00098-00031664-00031823 This is a cushion blusher. CrPxL10OYdM-00099-00031847-00032033 It's a blusher that is very moist. CrPxL10OYdM-00100-00032076-00032324 I will use number 2 papaya color. CrPxL10OYdM-00101-00032362-00032663 Put it on the cheek overall and raise it up to your cheekbone CrPxL10OYdM-00102-00032687-00032995 and I will make it look so that the whole part of the cheek is dyed in orange color. CrPxL10OYdM-00103-00033027-00033213 I will over use it a little bit excessively. CrPxL10OYdM-00104-00033242-00033496 I think I can use the color more thickly. CrPxL10OYdM-00105-00033525-00033689 I will put it on excessively. CrPxL10OYdM-00106-00033853-00034126 If you have dyed the cheek overall like this then CrPxL10OYdM-00107-00034183-00034482 this time I will use lip palette. CrPxL10OYdM-00108-00034567-00034971 This color, this color, and this color. I will use my finger to mix them and CrPxL10OYdM-00109-00035009-00035302 very small area, apply it on the middle of your cheek CrPxL10OYdM-00110-00035317-00035473 and make it look like a two tone blusher. CrPxL10OYdM-00111-00035599-00035807 I should have applied it more thickly. CrPxL10OYdM-00112-00035820-00036015 Looking at it right now, it looks a little lacking. CrPxL10OYdM-00113-00036128-00036349 To clean up the oily skin CrPxL10OYdM-00114-00036349-00036533 I will use Art in Pore Pact. CrPxL10OYdM-00115-00036586-00036869 I applied it a lot to test it but CrPxL10OYdM-00116-00036895-00037103 there was no skin tightening. CrPxL10OYdM-00117-00037141-00037336 You all know that that's really important, right? CrPxL10OYdM-00118-00037358-00037616 I guess the powder particles are really light and minute CrPxL10OYdM-00119-00037650-00037803 I think it's a good pact. CrPxL10OYdM-00120-00037907-00038063 My skin got cleaned up, right? CrPxL10OYdM-00121-00038175-00038495 Now, it's time to apply lip tint that I like. CrPxL10OYdM-00122-00038528-00038830 I thought about which one of the four to apply on but CrPxL10OYdM-00123-00038848-00039043 I will use number 2 persimmon orange. CrPxL10OYdM-00124-00039241-00039515 I applied in the middle of the lip and smacked my lips together. CrPxL10OYdM-00125-00039566-00039901 It gets applied softly so I don't need to use lip brush. CrPxL10OYdM-00126-00039978-00040174 It gets applied very softly. CrPxL10OYdM-00127-00040211-00040433 I got spotlight on my face, right? CrPxL10OYdM-00128-00040518-00040703 The last is the highlightor. CrPxL10OYdM-00129-00040753-00041041 Among the highlight palette, I will use this color CrPxL10OYdM-00130-00041075-00041343 on the end of the nose and bridge of the nose and slightly on the forehead. CrPxL10OYdM-00131-00041374-00041593 and I applied it anywhere on several places. CrPxL10OYdM-00132-00041647-00041884 If you do it like this then today's makeup is done. CrPxL10OYdM-00133-00041908-00042156 Today I had so much fun doing this makeup. CrPxL10OYdM-00134-00042193-00042483 Anyways with BTS CrPxL10OYdM-00135-00042493-00042843 no no with BT21, I will end it. CrPxL10OYdM-00136-00042917-00043169 Then bye~ Cvo3QBuYciM-00000-00000010-00000136 GOING FAST, AND THOSE GUYS ARE Cvo3QBuYciM-00001-00000136-00000143 GOING FAST, AND THOSE GUYS ARE Cvo3QBuYciM-00002-00000143-00000270 GOING FAST, AND THOSE GUYS ARE GOING TO HELP US DO THAT. Cvo3QBuYciM-00003-00000270-00000276 GOING FAST, AND THOSE GUYS ARE GOING TO HELP US DO THAT. Cvo3QBuYciM-00004-00000276-00000403 GOING FAST, AND THOSE GUYS ARE GOING TO HELP US DO THAT. >> LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE Cvo3QBuYciM-00005-00000403-00000410 GOING TO HELP US DO THAT. >> LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE Cvo3QBuYciM-00006-00000410-00000563 GOING TO HELP US DO THAT. >> LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM DIDN'T LOSE Cvo3QBuYciM-00007-00000563-00000570 >> LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM DIDN'T LOSE Cvo3QBuYciM-00008-00000570-00000717 >> LAST YEAR, THE BEMIDJI STATE WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM DIDN'T LOSE A GAME IN THE REGULAR SEASON AND Cvo3QBuYciM-00009-00000717-00000724 WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM DIDN'T LOSE A GAME IN THE REGULAR SEASON AND Cvo3QBuYciM-00010-00000724-00000824 WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM DIDN'T LOSE A GAME IN THE REGULAR SEASON AND THIS YEAR THE EXPECTATIONS ARE Cvo3QBuYciM-00011-00000824-00000830 A GAME IN THE REGULAR SEASON AND THIS YEAR THE EXPECTATIONS ARE Cvo3QBuYciM-00012-00000830-00000974 A GAME IN THE REGULAR SEASON AND THIS YEAR THE EXPECTATIONS ARE JUST AS HIGH. Cvo3QBuYciM-00013-00000974-00000980 THIS YEAR THE EXPECTATIONS ARE JUST AS HIGH. Cvo3QBuYciM-00014-00000980-00001151 THIS YEAR THE EXPECTATIONS ARE JUST AS HIGH. THE PRESEASON COACHES POLL WAS Cvo3QBuYciM-00015-00001151-00001157 JUST AS HIGH. THE PRESEASON COACHES POLL WAS Cvo3QBuYciM-00016-00001157-00001291 JUST AS HIGH. THE PRESEASON COACHES POLL WAS RELEASED TODAY AND THE BEAVERS Cvo3QBuYciM-00017-00001291-00001297 THE PRESEASON COACHES POLL WAS RELEASED TODAY AND THE BEAVERS Cvo3QBuYciM-00018-00001297-00001481 THE PRESEASON COACHES POLL WAS RELEASED TODAY AND THE BEAVERS EARNED THE NO. 2 SPOT AND TWO Cvo3QBuYciM-00019-00001481-00001488 RELEASED TODAY AND THE BEAVERS EARNED THE NO. 2 SPOT AND TWO Cvo3QBuYciM-00020-00001488-00001641 RELEASED TODAY AND THE BEAVERS EARNED THE NO. 2 SPOT AND TWO FIRST PLACE VOTES. Cvo3QBuYciM-00021-00001641-00001648 EARNED THE NO. 2 SPOT AND TWO FIRST PLACE VOTES. Cvo3QBuYciM-00022-00001648-00001798 EARNED THE NO. 2 SPOT AND TWO FIRST PLACE VOTES. MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO EARNED Cvo3QBuYciM-00023-00001798-00001805 FIRST PLACE VOTES. MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO EARNED Cvo3QBuYciM-00024-00001805-00002031 FIRST PLACE VOTES. MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO EARNED THE TOP SPOT WITH 12 FIRST PLACE Cvo3QBuYciM-00025-00002031-00002038 MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO EARNED THE TOP SPOT WITH 12 FIRST PLACE Cvo3QBuYciM-00026-00002038-00002088 MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO EARNED THE TOP SPOT WITH 12 FIRST PLACE VOTES. Cvo3QBuYciM-00027-00002088-00002095 THE TOP SPOT WITH 12 FIRST PLACE VOTES. Cvo3QBuYciM-00028-00002095-00002215 THE TOP SPOT WITH 12 FIRST PLACE VOTES. SENIOR RACHEL NORTON OF THE Cvo3QBuYciM-00029-00002215-00002222 VOTES. SENIOR RACHEL NORTON OF THE Cvo3QBuYciM-00030-00002222-00002579 VOTES. SENIOR RACHEL NORTON OF THE BEAVERS WAS NAMED NSIC PRESEASON Cvo3QBuYciM-00031-00002579-00002585 SENIOR RACHEL NORTON OF THE BEAVERS WAS NAMED NSIC PRESEASON Cvo3QBuYciM-00032-00002585-00002726 SENIOR RACHEL NORTON OF THE BEAVERS WAS NAMED NSIC PRESEASON OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Cvo3QBuYciM-00033-00002726-00002732 BEAVERS WAS NAMED NSIC PRESEASON OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Cvo3QBuYciM-00034-00002732-00002852 BEAVERS WAS NAMED NSIC PRESEASON OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR AFTER LEADING THE CONFERENCE IN Cvo3QBuYciM-00035-00002852-00002859 OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR AFTER LEADING THE CONFERENCE IN Cvo3QBuYciM-00036-00002859-00002966 OFFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR AFTER LEADING THE CONFERENCE IN GOALS, ASSISTS AND POINTS LAST Cvo3QBuYciM-00037-00002966-00002972 AFTER LEADING THE CONFERENCE IN GOALS, ASSISTS AND POINTS LAST Cvo3QBuYciM-00038-00002972-00003026 AFTER LEADING THE CONFERENCE IN GOALS, ASSISTS AND POINTS LAST SEASON. Cvo3QBuYciM-00039-00003026-00003033 GOALS, ASSISTS AND POINTS LAST SEASON. Cvo3QBuYciM-00040-00003033-00003173 GOALS, ASSISTS AND POINTS LAST SEASON. THE TEAM BEGINS THEIR SEASON Cvo3QBuYciM-00041-00003173-00003179 SEASON. THE TEAM BEGINS THEIR SEASON Cvo3QBuYciM-00042-00003179-00003346 SEASON. THE TEAM BEGINS THEIR SEASON WITH THREE EXHIBITION GAMES Cvo3QBuYciM-00043-00003346-00003353 THE TEAM BEGINS THEIR SEASON WITH THREE EXHIBITION GAMES Cvo3QBuYciM-00044-00003353-00003406 THE TEAM BEGINS THEIR SEASON WITH THREE EXHIBITION GAMES BEFORE KICKING OFF THEIR REGULAR CveuAScRSFg-00000-00002484-00003723 Go To The Google PlayStore Type in Translate CveuAScRSFg-00001-00004071-00004754 Google Translate install CveuAScRSFg-00002-00004931-00005231 Install CveuAScRSFg-00003-00006047-00006644 Best One I found CveuAScRSFg-00004-00006644-00007084 #1 For Translating Google Translate CveuAScRSFg-00005-00008436-00008926 Information Translate between 103 Languages CveuAScRSFg-00006-00008926-00009652 languages and by typing tap to translate copy text in any app and your CveuAScRSFg-00007-00009652-00010555 DOWNLOAD TRANSLATION FILE FIRST WITH INTERNET THEN USE OFFLINE TRANSLATION TRANSLATE 59 LANGUAGES WITH NO INTERNET CveuAScRSFg-00008-00010555-00011326 INSTANT CAMERA TRANSLATION your camera 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downloading offline CveuAScRSFg-00021-00018682-00019270 translation data accounts and credentials for signing in and syncing CveuAScRSFg-00022-00019270-00019971 across the devices so here you can see CveuAScRSFg-00023-00020022-00021240 this information so once you install it you open it up welcome back go to CveuAScRSFg-00024-00021240-00021972 Settings Enable Tap To Translate CveuAScRSFg-00025-00022134-00022884 this will allow it to draw over other apps so so that this this icon pops up CveuAScRSFg-00026-00022884-00023565 over other apps that you may have running so you can use it alongside CveuAScRSFg-00027-00023565-00023870 other apps CveuAScRSFg-00028-00024161-00024773 The preferred language my primary language is English the language you translate CveuAScRSFg-00029-00024773-00025409 most often and you can choose any language in here that you are CveuAScRSFg-00030-00025409-00026102 translating most often I'm just going to choose Hindi because that is what most CveuAScRSFg-00031-00028152-00028701 Cameras Choose Auto on my cell phone yours may be different I'm just using CveuAScRSFg-00032-00028701-00029264 Region CveuAScRSFg-00033-00029902-00030234 English Canada CveuAScRSFg-00034-00030345-00031456 speed normal slow or slower just normal speech output speak output automatically CveuAScRSFg-00035-00031456-00032748 speed speak translated text block offensive words okay so that's set CveuAScRSFg-00036-00034230-00035121 Translate between 103 languages by Typing (Text) CveuAScRSFg-00037-00036320-00036370 okay so this is English have a good day is the CveuAScRSFg-00038-00036370-00036664 Spanish CveuAScRSFg-00039-00036664-00037277 Arabic CveuAScRSFg-00040-00037814-00038104 Danish CveuAScRSFg-00041-00038955-00039837 Detect The Language Choose the Language CveuAScRSFg-00042-00039837-00040439 you want to Translate from and you have a 103 Choices Quite A Lot CveuAScRSFg-00043-00040523-00041325 Choose the Language to Translate To Languages to Change To 103 Choices CveuAScRSFg-00044-00041325-00041621 103 Choices CveuAScRSFg-00045-00042428-00043720 Tap To Translate The Text (Push Down with Finger or Stylus Pen) Click Copy CveuAScRSFg-00046-00043720-00044428 Translation will pop-up click copy CveuAScRSFg-00047-00044761-00045171 Google Translation Icon pops up CveuAScRSFg-00048-00045668-00046820 so I would like to translate it ,detect the language the language detected is CveuAScRSFg-00049-00046820-00047551 Filipino and here is the translation CveuAScRSFg-00050-00048229-00048495 Tap Copy CveuAScRSFg-00051-00048780-00049532 Copy Text Translation Complete CveuAScRSFg-00052-00050257-00050892 Language Translated CveuAScRSFg-00053-00051248-00052620 Offline Translation Download 59 Languages to use when you have No Data CveuAScRSFg-00054-00052620-00053259 Use When you have No Data Free CveuAScRSFg-00055-00053259-00054522 information and having it on your cell phone or your tablet so here I'm going CveuAScRSFg-00056-00054522-00055154 to download the Hindi it says translate this language even when you're offline CveuAScRSFg-00057-00055154-00056016 Download Offline Translation File CveuAScRSFg-00058-00058514-00059492 Download as Many Language Translation Files Free CveuAScRSFg-00059-00059492-00060226 languages as possible you see here it is right there (Example of Downloaded File) CveuAScRSFg-00060-00061038-00061937 Do Not Need to Be Online to Use Language Translation that you have downloaded to your device. CveuAScRSFg-00061-00062588-00063269 New Camera Translation AUTOMATIC LANGUAGE DETECTION CveuAScRSFg-00062-00063269-00063923 BETTER TEXT QUALITY the texts and the images are sent to CveuAScRSFg-00063-00063923-00064529 Google for translation when you're connected and when you use import or CveuAScRSFg-00064-00064529-00065111 scan the images are sent to Google for text recognition let Google retain CveuAScRSFg-00065-00065111-00066028 images for use in product development sure continue okay CveuAScRSFg-00066-00067272-00067858 try out the new camera mode automatic language detection and better quality CveuAScRSFg-00067-00067858-00068449 more languages with a new look okay so this has now been changed from English CveuAScRSFg-00068-00068449-00069460 to Danish Detect Language Change Language to Hindi( As Example) CveuAScRSFg-00069-00069974-00070475 This is using the Camera on Your Cell or Tablet CveuAScRSFg-00070-00072542-00073045 Aim Your Camera At The Text CveuAScRSFg-00071-00073859-00074191 You Can Scan Images CveuAScRSFg-00072-00074519-00074845 After Scan Take Your Finger and Highlight CveuAScRSFg-00073-00074919-00075713 What You Want Translated CveuAScRSFg-00074-00076154-00077275 Change The Language (example) CveuAScRSFg-00075-00078863-00079163 Indonesian CveuAScRSFg-00076-00079708-00080217 now it's being changed to Indonesian CveuAScRSFg-00077-00080352-00081201 okay now we're in the Google Translate App I'm using my Camera on my Cell Phone CveuAScRSFg-00078-00081273-00082005 Setting For the Camera CveuAScRSFg-00079-00082385-00083288 now we're going to change this to Hindi again so there this is in the Hindi for CveuAScRSFg-00080-00083288-00083527 The Setup (example) CveuAScRSFg-00081-00084238-00084534 Arabic (example) CveuAScRSFg-00082-00084758-00085535 okay so this is one way to use your camera to do translating the second way CveuAScRSFg-00083-00085535-00086839 is a Scan and let's just go into this information here it's in CveuAScRSFg-00084-00087152-00088289 Detect The Language Click On Scan CveuAScRSFg-00085-00088289-00089369 Take Your Finger Highlight Text to e Translated CveuAScRSFg-00086-00089369-00090079 Automatically Translated For You (Arabic) Example CveuAScRSFg-00087-00091315-00091647 this is Hindi (Example) CveuAScRSFg-00088-00091919-00092764 and this is Indonesian (Example)so that is the second way CveuAScRSFg-00089-00092937-00093975 here is an example of the google translate from English (Examples) CveuAScRSFg-00090-00098266-00098571 (Examples) CveuAScRSFg-00091-00102024-00103044 Example of How you can use Voice CveuAScRSFg-00092-00103044-00104111 you today hello hello how are you today (example) CveuAScRSFg-00093-00104425-00105187 Heard the Hello and Changed it To Spanish CveuAScRSFg-00094-00105187-00105852 Change it to Arabic (Example) CveuAScRSFg-00095-00106403-00107261 Watch how it Translating into another Language Instantly. CveuAScRSFg-00096-00107872-00108866 It will Automatically Type in the Translated Language (Amazing) CveuAScRSFg-00097-00108866-00109726 what you are Speaking in the Language that You are Translating it to CveuAScRSFg-00098-00110594-00111423 the next way is if you want to have a Conversation between 2 People who speak different Languages CveuAScRSFg-00099-00111615-00112795 you set up your Conversation for the Language that you want to Translate from CveuAScRSFg-00100-00112795-00114273 here is English or Detect the Language but here's English and - let's just say CveuAScRSFg-00101-00114306-00114964 Bengali okay so we're going to go into the CveuAScRSFg-00102-00114964-00115272 Conversation Voice Example CveuAScRSFg-00103-00115609-00116095 Watch How it Translating What You are Speaking CveuAScRSFg-00104-00116741-00117084 Watch How it Translating What You are Speaking CveuAScRSFg-00105-00117381-00117899 so there you see you're having a conversation with somebody who is CveuAScRSFg-00106-00117899-00118863 speaking in another language and it is you are now able to communicate you are CveuAScRSFg-00107-00118863-00119619 now able to communicate with the person and they are able to understand what you CveuAScRSFg-00108-00119619-00119849 are saying (Watch The Screen) CveuAScRSFg-00109-00120965-00122053 so that was in Bengali Language) let's change that to Arabic (Language) Listen to Voice CveuAScRSFg-00110-00122404-00122959 until an accordion I let the wasallam are shall see we're young teen wolf a CveuAScRSFg-00111-00122959-00123273 moment the hula-hoop CveuAScRSFg-00112-00123461-00124647 so that is the other way to use the voice you can also use handwriting CveuAScRSFg-00113-00124794-00125740 phrasebook phrasebook this is where you will find all of the phrases that you CveuAScRSFg-00114-00125740-00126295 save with the star hello and welcome and I have a low and CveuAScRSFg-00115-00126295-00127393 welcome in Arabic as well as in Hindi I liked your video this is in Hindi and CveuAScRSFg-00116-00127393-00128056 you start to recognize the different styles of the way the languages are CveuAScRSFg-00117-00128056-00130090 written this is mostly saved in Arabic and Hindi and it's very easy to save how CveuAScRSFg-00118-00130090-00130661 are you today if I type in how are you CveuAScRSFg-00119-00130758-00131058 today CveuAScRSFg-00120-00131396-00132380 and I am translating that to somebody who I'm speaking to say in Hindi so then CveuAScRSFg-00121-00132380-00133700 there it says how are you today and I would just copy this and take it and put CveuAScRSFg-00122-00133700-00134747 it where I wanted it to go also I would save it so that it will now appear in my CveuAScRSFg-00123-00134747-00134980 Phrasebook CveuAScRSFg-00124-00135031-00135850 so this is very handy to have and will help you out a lot CveuAScRSFg-00125-00136003-00137102 here is my chat right here it's for Serious YouTubers CveuAScRSFg-00126-00137102-00138140 and as you can see it's in different languages languages that I don't CveuAScRSFg-00127-00138140-00138602 understand and if I'm going to somebody's channel to see what it's CveuAScRSFg-00128-00138602-00139724 about then if I don't understand the language then how can I subscribe to the CveuAScRSFg-00129-00139724-00140783 You Can Communicate with Someone Who Speaks a Different Language CveuAScRSFg-00130-00141611-00142543 Handwriting CveuAScRSFg-00131-00142694-00143564 Google Translate helps to be the Bridge that we need in order to be able to CveuAScRSFg-00132-00143564-00144587 understand other languages coming up next is the tutorial on using your CveuAScRSFg-00133-00144587-00145183 computer or laptop with Google Translate CveuAScRSFg-00134-00229864-00230346 hello how are you today ( Example) CveuAScRSFg-00135-00230998-00231339 Today is a good day (Example) CveuAScRSFg-00136-00231618-00232154 so there you see you're having a conversation with somebody who is CveuAScRSFg-00137-00232154-00233118 speaking in another language and it is you are now able to communicate you are CveuAScRSFg-00138-00233118-00233871 now able to communicate with the person and they are able to understand what you CveuAScRSFg-00139-00233871-00234104 are saying (Example) CveuAScRSFg-00140-00235220-00236308 so that was in Bengali let's change that to Arabic (Example) CveuAScRSFg-00141-00237426-00237632 Repetition is good sometimes. How to Translate CveuAScRSFg-00142-00258216-00259284 Examples Cwf906vDJrI-00000-00000000-00000444 Nadia hussain smoking, drinking and dancing at new year party Cxi4jeOasI8-00000-00000000-00000312 Hi whats up ! thanks for pick on this video Cxi4jeOasI8-00001-00000312-00000606 and in summary Cxi4jeOasI8-00002-00000606-00000878 We going to install a hard drive disk Cxi4jeOasI8-00003-00000878-00001195 Toshiba and it's a SATA HDD Cxi4jeOasI8-00004-00001237-00001551 We going to do it by a easy way Cxi4jeOasI8-00005-00001574-00001674 with details Cxi4jeOasI8-00006-00001732-00001886 but , in a pleasant way Cxi4jeOasI8-00007-00001918-00002134 I hope you stay from begin to end Cxi4jeOasI8-00008-00002166-00002460 watching the video and you'll learn Cxi4jeOasI8-00009-00002460-00002642 how install a Hard Drive Disk in a computer? Cxi4jeOasI8-00010-00002900-00003182 I invite you to stay watching the video Cxi4jeOasI8-00011-00003406-00003651 As a first step Cxi4jeOasI8-00012-00003651-00003943 Here we have my Republic of gamer computer Cxi4jeOasI8-00013-00003943-00004200 It's a ROG 502 Cxi4jeOasI8-00014-00004235-00004415 what we have to do is ... Cxi4jeOasI8-00015-00004458-00004714 in a first step is: Analize and search Cxi4jeOasI8-00016-00004714-00005032 Where we have screws Cxi4jeOasI8-00017-00005032-00005299 Where we have screws Cxi4jeOasI8-00018-00005493-00005741 Its always is in borders Cxi4jeOasI8-00019-00005741-00006076 sometimes you have to take off the orange buttons Cxi4jeOasI8-00021-00006386-00006687 Second step is: Take off the case CxalhF4-7W8-00000-00000008-00000463 traveling as a musician is never straightforward. no matter if you're driving, CxalhF4-7W8-00001-00000463-00001088 taking a plane a train a boat or a bus or any other form of transport, there are always things CxalhF4-7W8-00002-00001088-00001544 that you'll need to be conscious of. i'm going to be speaking in this video as somebody who has a CxalhF4-7W8-00003-00001544-00002039 lot of experience traveling with a guitar on his back. so, here are five things that you should CxalhF4-7W8-00004-00002039-00002544 know about traveling as a musician. number one is: travelling with an instrument on an airplane. CxalhF4-7W8-00005-00002544-00003008 getting the guitar on board an airplane isn't as straightforward as you might think! there's CxalhF4-7W8-00006-00003008-00003528 a huge amount of discussion about this among guitar players and instrumentalists in general CxalhF4-7W8-00007-00003528-00004072 as to whether or not you'll be able to get your instrument on board. in my experience CxalhF4-7W8-00008-00004072-00004600 most of the American airline companies seem to be okay about it for the most part. so, CxalhF4-7W8-00009-00004600-00005304 i'm talking about American Airlines, Delta, United, um, Southwest... i think those are all CxalhF4-7W8-00010-00005304-00005856 the airlines that i've travelled on in the U.S. There's a law in the USA which states that you CxalhF4-7W8-00011-00005856-00006328 are allowed to bring your instrument on board in most cases and i think the specifics of it CxalhF4-7W8-00012-00006328-00006759 kind of boils down to: as long as you're not taking up room on somebody else, CxalhF4-7W8-00013-00006759-00007264 you're able to bring your guitar on board as long as there's a space for verse in the cabin, it can CxalhF4-7W8-00014-00007264-00007880 be brought on without any extra charge. Um... then elsewhere i've had good experiences with CxalhF4-7W8-00015-00007936-00008680 Aer Lingus (the irish carrier), KLM in the netherlands, SAS, Lufthansa in Germany as well. CxalhF4-7W8-00016-00008808-00009416 There are some airlines though that i've had bad experiences with across the board um Aeroflot in CxalhF4-7W8-00017-00009416-00009968 russia being one of them, british airways tend not to be great with instruments, ryanair are terrible CxalhF4-7W8-00018-00009968-00010472 for instruments as well unless you buy an extra seat, easyjet same kind of thing as well, and i've CxalhF4-7W8-00019-00010472-00011000 heard a lot of horror stories from people about air canada - i don't have that experience myself CxalhF4-7W8-00020-00011000-00011480 but i've definitely heard that air canada is want to be avoided with an instrument. It really comes CxalhF4-7W8-00021-00011480-00012008 down to checking the small print with all of these airlines before you travel with your instrument if CxalhF4-7W8-00022-00012008-00012552 it's possible. in my experience, talking to the staff who actually handle your boarding CxalhF4-7W8-00023-00012552-00013088 card and your passport just before you board the plane, uh, talking to them kind of helps CxalhF4-7W8-00024-00013224-00013728 to ensure that the process goes smoothly to get the instrument on board. i'll often go up to CxalhF4-7W8-00025-00013840-00014368 one of the airline staff who are going to be doing all that that, kind of, second part of checking CxalhF4-7W8-00026-00014368-00014919 in - just as you get onto the plane - and i'll often ask them what kind of plane we're going to CxalhF4-7W8-00027-00014919-00015632 be boarding and the reason being that sometimes the plane's cabins, as in the overhead cabins, CxalhF4-7W8-00028-00015632-00016216 can be too small for your instrument to fit into. so for example any of the planes that i get onto CxalhF4-7W8-00029-00016216-00016768 that have three seats in every row i know that there'll be plenty of room in the overhead cabin CxalhF4-7W8-00030-00016768-00017400 for my guitar, but sometimes the smaller planes you get onto that only have two seats per row they CxalhF4-7W8-00031-00017400-00018064 can sometimes be a little bit more constricted as far as the amount of space in the in the overhead CxalhF4-7W8-00032-00018064-00018640 bin, so it's not always a guarantee that you know when you get your guitar on board that the guitar CxalhF4-7W8-00033-00018640-00019096 will actually fit into the overhead cabin. i am talking about the guitar a lot here, but CxalhF4-7W8-00034-00019096-00019552 this really goes for any instrument of a similar size - the smaller the instrument that you have, CxalhF4-7W8-00035-00019552-00019984 if you have something like a mandolin or a violin or generally something that will fit CxalhF4-7W8-00036-00019984-00020504 into a smaller case, the less issues you'll have, but something bigger like a guitar or maybe even CxalhF4-7W8-00037-00020504-00021224 a cello or something like that you may face more difficulties than normal so my preference on board CxalhF4-7W8-00038-00021224-00021816 the plane is always for the guitar to be close to me in the overhead locker as much as possible. now CxalhF4-7W8-00039-00021816-00022240 sometimes that isn't possible. sometimes it's the luck of the draw that by the time you board CxalhF4-7W8-00040-00022240-00022768 the plane if you don't have priority boarding sometimes you'll find that you'll get to where CxalhF4-7W8-00041-00022848-00023392 your seat is on the airplane and there won't be enough space maybe there will be bags in there CxalhF4-7W8-00042-00023392-00023856 already, you look for other bins that you'll be able to put your guitar or your instrument into CxalhF4-7W8-00043-00023856-00024336 and sometimes it may just not work out. some airlines are okay about you know if you have a CxalhF4-7W8-00044-00024336-00024744 seat beside you that they'll give you an extra strap for the instrument so you can strap it CxalhF4-7W8-00045-00024744-00025384 in and keep it beside you. some of them demand uh it to be in an overhead locker and sometimes they CxalhF4-7W8-00046-00025384-00026048 can make provisions for that. if that doesn't work what i'll often look to do is i'll look to put it CxalhF4-7W8-00047-00026048-00026600 into the cabin at the front of the plane if the plane is big enough like the trans-continental CxalhF4-7W8-00048-00026600-00027120 planes, you know so the likes of the ones that i would be taking from ireland to the usa and back, CxalhF4-7W8-00049-00027120-00027632 they're really really big planes and they've got lockers up the front - i'm not quite sure what CxalhF4-7W8-00050-00027632-00028352 they're used for, it seems to me like they're kind of used for staff baggage and clothes and coats CxalhF4-7W8-00051-00028352-00028992 and stuff like that, but it fits a guitar for the most part so if i have no luck with the overhead CxalhF4-7W8-00052-00029072-00029600 cabin i'll often ask if i can put the guitar up in that locker up the front, and i've even heard CxalhF4-7W8-00053-00029600-00030248 once or twice of people putting their guitar in along with the pilot, now i've never heard of CxalhF4-7W8-00054-00030248-00030695 that myself but i have heard... i haven't done it myself, i should have said, but i have heard of it CxalhF4-7W8-00055-00030695-00031448 happening as well. so that would be my preference for where the guitar would go on the plane - it CxalhF4-7W8-00056-00031448-00032064 would be beside me in the overhead, it'd be in a locker up the front (or at the back) of the plane, CxalhF4-7W8-00057-00032136-00032680 but then of course we get into not being able to store the guitar on board. there are certain cases CxalhF4-7W8-00058-00032680-00033176 where you'll get onto the plane with the guitar, there'll be no room for it, and then they tell you CxalhF4-7W8-00059-00033176-00033680 oh sorry you've got to take the guitar off now and we need to put it underneath the plane. as CxalhF4-7W8-00060-00033680-00034496 much as possible i try to fight this because your guitar is not only expensive, but also depending CxalhF4-7W8-00061-00034496-00035056 on whether or not it's insured - and it should be - that can be a huge financial hit if it gets CxalhF4-7W8-00062-00035056-00035576 broken or damaged and more importantly if you're on the way to a gig - as i often am, on the same CxalhF4-7W8-00063-00035576-00036032 day - you can't be without your instrument for your show or for your performance or recording CxalhF4-7W8-00064-00036032-00036848 or whatever it might be so i'll fight them as much as i can do, in order to keep the guitar on board. CxalhF4-7W8-00065-00036848-00037336 sometimes though, there's no way around this. you have to make the gig, you have to make it to CxalhF4-7W8-00066-00037336-00037744 whatever you're doing in a different country or a different city, and so you have to let the guitar CxalhF4-7W8-00067-00037744-00038376 go underneath. now in general i'm a bit happier about that in the USA because what you'll notice CxalhF4-7W8-00068-00038376-00039064 in the USA is that on the the jet bridge itself, the thing you walk down to board the plane, CxalhF4-7W8-00069-00039160-00039704 they take your hand luggage away from you there, they handle it, they bring it down CxalhF4-7W8-00070-00039704-00040272 to the next person, and that person loads it onto the plane. they're usually careful enough CxalhF4-7W8-00071-00040272-00040664 for the most part from what i've seen about instruments and things that seem delicate, CxalhF4-7W8-00072-00040832-00041264 and then on the other side they take it out there and they give it back to the person on the far CxalhF4-7W8-00073-00041264-00041696 side once you the plane has landed and you get it back as you walk into the terminal, CxalhF4-7W8-00074-00041696-00042256 which is okay for the most part. In europe, it's a little bit different. Anytime that's happened CxalhF4-7W8-00075-00042256-00042664 to me in europe i've been really worried because it goes through the baggage system, and when it CxalhF4-7W8-00076-00042664-00043288 goes to the baggage system it can hit off other bags, people can be really mindless and careless CxalhF4-7W8-00077-00043384-00044088 about throwing instruments the same way they throw bags, so it's it's no real surprise sometimes that CxalhF4-7W8-00078-00044088-00044496 if things go through the baggage system that they come out broken on the other side, so i try to CxalhF4-7W8-00079-00044496-00044976 avoid that as much as possible. Another question that comes up an awful lot about traveling on an CxalhF4-7W8-00080-00044976-00045672 airplane with a guitar is whether or not to use a hard case or a soft case and in my experience i've CxalhF4-7W8-00081-00045672-00046328 always traveled with a good what you would call "soft case". The case that i use is called a Mono CxalhF4-7W8-00082-00046328-00046968 Vertigo bag - it's very well padded but it's still technically what you call a soft case because it CxalhF4-7W8-00083-00046968-00047736 can bend over - that's how most airlines seem to decide whether or not a guitar is okay to come on CxalhF4-7W8-00084-00047736-00048216 board or not: by the bag being able to bend... i don't really understand it, but there you go! CxalhF4-7W8-00085-00048312-00048960 so, i use a soft case and i bring it with me on my back. i have seen a lot of people boarding CxalhF4-7W8-00086-00048960-00049464 airplanes with hard cases as well so that sometimes is allowable but again it depends CxalhF4-7W8-00087-00049464-00050040 completely on the airline and i found in my own experience it actually depends a lot on the staff CxalhF4-7W8-00088-00050040-00050568 as well. some staff have it in their head that guitars are totally not allowed on board and some CxalhF4-7W8-00089-00050568-00051200 staff are really easy about it and they have no issue with it and this is within the same airline! CxalhF4-7W8-00090-00051360-00051967 this goes across countries, across continents, across airlines, it's just the luck of the CxalhF4-7W8-00091-00051967-00052520 draw - sometimes it's whoever you get. but, if there's ever an issue i'll always make sure to CxalhF4-7W8-00092-00052520-00053088 to put up a fight before unfortunately sometimes having to watch the guitar go underneath the CxalhF4-7W8-00093-00053088-00053544 plane, but in most cases that doesn't happen and the guitar usually comes on board with me. CxalhF4-7W8-00094-00053544-00054128 while we're still on the subject of traveling by airplane, i would advise anyone who's on any CxalhF4-7W8-00095-00054128-00054696 kind of a flight, especially musicians i suppose, but really anybody to make sure to get up to move CxalhF4-7W8-00096-00054696-00055248 around while you're on an airplane get up and move around and you know keep the blood flowing in your CxalhF4-7W8-00097-00055248-00055776 body because i know that sometimes if i've been on a transatlantic flight at seven or eight hours CxalhF4-7W8-00098-00055776-00056279 and i wake up and i haven't been moving around you know if i've been fast asleep or if i've been you CxalhF4-7W8-00099-00056279-00056816 know on my phone or writing or whatever it might be um or watching a film i'll get up and i feel CxalhF4-7W8-00100-00056816-00057320 really stiff and you know my body feels a bit you know doesn't feel active and ready to go so CxalhF4-7W8-00101-00057320-00057879 i'll often do my my finger exercises and stretch my arms out walk up and down the plane CxalhF4-7W8-00102-00057944-00058432 and i found that particularly useful in cases where i have to get off an airplane and go to CxalhF4-7W8-00103-00058432-00059024 a venue and do a gig um or go straight to like a radio show or a tv thing or whatever CxalhF4-7W8-00104-00059079-00059560 sometimes you don't get as much time as you might like to warm up and practice so on the plane CxalhF4-7W8-00105-00059560-00060096 part of what i end up doing is doing all of my finger stretching exercises making sure the blood CxalhF4-7W8-00106-00060096-00060552 is flowing around my hands so that if i have to take out the guitar and play straight away i'm CxalhF4-7W8-00107-00060552-00061088 giving myself a head start so that's an important thing to keep in mind um when you're on any CxalhF4-7W8-00108-00061088-00061640 of those kind of long journeys and that doesn't really only go for planes it also goes for trains CxalhF4-7W8-00109-00061640-00062191 buses to some extent um any kind of transport where you have the freedom to be able to kind of CxalhF4-7W8-00110-00062191-00062704 stretch your arms there stretch your body out and most importantly do those hand exercises number CxalhF4-7W8-00111-00062704-00063184 two is choosing what to put in your guitar case and then what to put into your luggage now this CxalhF4-7W8-00112-00063184-00063904 always depends on where i'm traveling to and what the rules of the airline or the train company are CxalhF4-7W8-00113-00063991-00064479 but in general in the guitar bag i'll put in all the things i need to bring with me CxalhF4-7W8-00114-00064479-00065000 in case my bag doesn't show up and in my luggage case or my main bag that will be CxalhF4-7W8-00115-00065000-00065616 everything else so in my guitar bag on my back i'll have the guitar itself with the strap CxalhF4-7W8-00116-00065712-00066416 i'll have a guitar lead i'll have a di box with me my guitar capo and strings and a string winder CxalhF4-7W8-00117-00066416-00067048 i might also bring a shirt or t-shirt i'll have my phone charger i'll have adapters CxalhF4-7W8-00118-00067224-00067800 you know anything that i will need in case the bag doesn't show up all of the essential things and CxalhF4-7W8-00119-00067800-00068312 this you know not even mentioning here things like you know my passport and my essentials and stuff CxalhF4-7W8-00120-00068312-00068856 stuff will be going through later in the video um but i bring all of those with me um because CxalhF4-7W8-00121-00068920-00069360 it'll happen your bag won't show up and you still need to do the gig you still need to do what you CxalhF4-7W8-00122-00069360-00069904 need to do so i have all of the essential things on my back and on my person so that if my luggage CxalhF4-7W8-00123-00069904-00070448 for whatever reason doesn't show up after a flight or it gets stolen or whatever it might be that i CxalhF4-7W8-00124-00070448-00071192 can still go and do the gig that i need to do and then deal with um you know getting the bag back CxalhF4-7W8-00125-00071192-00071776 at some point in the future hopefully it's an important thing to to tell any of the um CxalhF4-7W8-00126-00071776-00072360 security checkpoints that you meet um you know such as airport security or in certain countries CxalhF4-7W8-00127-00072360-00073024 going into train station and bus stations you have to go through like a airport style security it's CxalhF4-7W8-00128-00073024-00073448 important to tell them that if you're bringing a guitar or if you have your pedalboard with you as CxalhF4-7W8-00129-00073448-00073952 hand luggage or something like that to tell them that it's equipment and that it's not anything CxalhF4-7W8-00130-00073952-00074416 malicious because you put that stuff through and it comes up on a scanner and you know all the CxalhF4-7W8-00131-00074416-00075000 sirens start going off because they see cables and switches and wires and all kinds of stuff so you CxalhF4-7W8-00132-00075000-00075424 start getting a lot of funny looks very quickly so it's important to tell them look this is equipment CxalhF4-7W8-00133-00075424-00075824 if you need me to open it up i'll happily open up the bag show you everything i have in here CxalhF4-7W8-00134-00076008-00076568 because as i said they can look really suspicious and most of the time when i have had my pedalboard CxalhF4-7W8-00135-00076568-00077096 with me um traveling through airport security it always gets pulled out it always needs to be CxalhF4-7W8-00136-00077096-00077512 searched you know they always ask me if there's anything dangerous or explosive in there or CxalhF4-7W8-00137-00077512-00078104 anything like that um and usually that happens with the guitar case as well in most cases going CxalhF4-7W8-00138-00078104-00078704 through airport security and they'll make me empty out every pocket of the guitar case so if i've got CxalhF4-7W8-00139-00078704-00079200 you know my essentials in the top pocket and the bottom pocket and maybe the back pocket as well CxalhF4-7W8-00140-00079200-00079648 everything comes out of the case the guitar comes out of the case even the sound hole cover CxalhF4-7W8-00141-00079648-00080208 comes out of the guitar and they take swabs from everywhere test it and it always comes back fine CxalhF4-7W8-00142-00080288-00080680 but it is a little bit of a pain unpacking all of that stuff and then having to pack it CxalhF4-7W8-00143-00080680-00081264 back in in particular if you're rushing to get a flight so prepare for that then usually in my CxalhF4-7W8-00144-00081264-00081928 luggage case my big case and i've got my pedal board i've got my clothes for wearing on stage CxalhF4-7W8-00145-00081928-00082632 and my clothes for traveling or days off i've got my merchandise cds and t-shirts and my toiletries CxalhF4-7W8-00146-00082632-00083344 as well most airlines have a limit of about 23 kilograms which is about 50 pounds um CxalhF4-7W8-00147-00083344-00083936 in most territories but sometimes that can be less when i was traveling back from russia a couple of CxalhF4-7W8-00148-00083936-00084480 years ago the limit was 20 kilograms um and then other airlines i've been on have been up to like CxalhF4-7W8-00149-00084480-00085256 25 kilos or even 30 kilos um so the pedal board is what usually takes up an awful lot of that in CxalhF4-7W8-00150-00085256-00085936 my luggage and when i can, and in particular after doing a transatlantic flight, what i'll often do CxalhF4-7W8-00151-00085936-00086448 is i'll take my pedalboard out of my luggage case and i can bring that on most American airlines CxalhF4-7W8-00152-00086512-00087112 as part of my hand luggage my guitar and my pedalboard which means i can get more stuff CxalhF4-7W8-00153-00087112-00087856 into my my luggage case um so that's that's kind of what i just i'd aim to do with my big luggage CxalhF4-7W8-00154-00087856-00088272 case the only thing i've never traveled with that i don't have any experience with CxalhF4-7W8-00155-00088272-00089048 um but i i usually make plans to to get around it is i've never traveled with my amplifier because CxalhF4-7W8-00156-00089104-00089984 Udo amps always sort me out with a Da Capo amp wherever i'm going so if i'm going to the states CxalhF4-7W8-00157-00089984-00090432 i'll organize to have to pick up an amp somewhere i'll bring that amp with me on the tour and then CxalhF4-7W8-00158-00090432-00090984 i'll leave it back where i got it and go back to ireland same thing if i'm going to germany CxalhF4-7W8-00159-00090984-00091520 or or wherever it is anywhere in europe or even over in russia the same thing um i'll CxalhF4-7W8-00160-00091520-00091944 organize to pick up an amp rather than bringing it with me because that's a lot of extra weight CxalhF4-7W8-00161-00092032-00092496 um and that makes the traveling process an awful lot easier not having to deal with that. CxalhF4-7W8-00162-00092496-00092904 If you want to see more videos like this one, make sure to subscribe to The Fretboard Atlas CxalhF4-7W8-00163-00092904-00093456 over on truefire.com - i've got over 500 videos of material there covering everything CxalhF4-7W8-00164-00093456-00093984 from playing the guitar, to music theory, to videos like this one "traveling as a musician", CxalhF4-7W8-00165-00093984-00094480 original tunes, a lot of traditional irish music, and pretty much every topic that i can think CxalhF4-7W8-00166-00094480-00094888 of and that i'm able to teach - that's what's going on over on the fretboard atlas! the third CxalhF4-7W8-00167-00094888-00095448 thing is going through airports bus stations train stations that kind of thing train and bus stations CxalhF4-7W8-00168-00095448-00095960 are for the most part very straightforward show up have your ticket get on the train or bus and CxalhF4-7W8-00169-00095960-00096624 go where you need to go um always book a seat in advance wherever you can and expect delays CxalhF4-7W8-00170-00096624-00097080 no matter what kind of transport you're taking even if you're driving yourself expect delays CxalhF4-7W8-00171-00097080-00097536 expect traffic expect things not to show up when they should and not to arrive when they should CxalhF4-7W8-00172-00097592-00098208 and so you have to mitigate for all of that and i'm a big believer in leaving early and getting CxalhF4-7W8-00173-00098208-00098856 somewhere early to avoid all of that hassle um airline connections are a different story um CxalhF4-7W8-00174-00098912-00099416 you know going through an airport you know even when you expect it not to be busy can sometimes be CxalhF4-7W8-00175-00099416-00099888 exceptionally busy sometimes things break down sometimes computer systems aren't working CxalhF4-7W8-00176-00099944-00100664 so more often than not you find yourself delayed and going through an airport and in particular CxalhF4-7W8-00177-00100664-00101216 getting connections connecting flights for me i find that they need to be a minimum of about 90 CxalhF4-7W8-00178-00101216-00101904 minutes long to make sure nothing goes wrong because you can arrive but your bag may not CxalhF4-7W8-00179-00101904-00102511 necessarily arrive and get to where it needs to be at the same time as you do and i i learned that CxalhF4-7W8-00180-00102511-00103183 recently um traveling to poland i had a connection in amsterdam after leaving dublin and i had a very CxalhF4-7W8-00181-00103183-00103656 tight turn around it was it was something like 45 minutes which is not something i'd usually do but CxalhF4-7W8-00182-00103656-00104128 it was the only flight option available because everything is so restricted now after the pandemic CxalhF4-7W8-00183-00104216-00104744 and uh yeah unfortunately my bag didn't arrive so i arrived in warsaw with just my CxalhF4-7W8-00184-00104744-00105352 guitar and my essentials on my back so it's it's always something to keep in mind and I CxalhF4-7W8-00185-00105352-00105720 sort of had a feeling that that might happen as well because the turnaround was so quick CxalhF4-7W8-00186-00105792-00106440 but uh 90 minutes is an hour and a half is usually what i would leave uh as you know an ample amount CxalhF4-7W8-00187-00106440-00106959 of time in order to connect to make sure that your bag arrives on the other side you make it through CxalhF4-7W8-00188-00106959-00107456 the airport in about 20 minutes 30 minutes no problem but the bag takes a little bit longer CxalhF4-7W8-00189-00107576-00108088 the other issue as well is that if you're traveling in europe - most of europe is in the CxalhF4-7W8-00190-00108088-00108576 Schengen area, some of it isn't, so it depends on the country that you're traveling to sometimes you CxalhF4-7W8-00191-00108576-00109311 go through passport control um you know when you land in europe sometimes then as you're traveling CxalhF4-7W8-00192-00109311-00109808 through an airport you have to go through passport control again, so for example if you were flying CxalhF4-7W8-00193-00109808-00110368 from say canada into somewhere like france and then you were traveling to ireland or a better CxalhF4-7W8-00194-00110368-00110952 example is going into um Schiphol Airport in amsterdam, that airport is divided into a schengen CxalhF4-7W8-00195-00110952-00111528 side and a non-schengen side so sometimes you have to go through passport control again in order to CxalhF4-7W8-00196-00111528-00111935 go to a different country, and that's something i have to factor in when i'm looking at these CxalhF4-7W8-00197-00111935-00112440 connection times in europe to know that sometimes i'll need a bit of extra time because the queue CxalhF4-7W8-00198-00112440-00113144 for the internal passport control is going to be so long. Same thing if you're taking a flight that CxalhF4-7W8-00199-00113144-00113632 connects through the united states, sometimes you can get an airport that has pre-clearance, like in CxalhF4-7W8-00200-00113632-00114111 dublin airport you can do all the U.S. customs before you travel, but in most cases if you're CxalhF4-7W8-00201-00114111-00114735 taking a connecting flight via the USA you need to go through customs there before you actually get CxalhF4-7W8-00202-00114735-00115383 your connecting flight in most cases, so again those are all things that I factor in when i'm CxalhF4-7W8-00203-00115383-00115816 actually looking at the flights that i'm going to book because it isn't as simple as just booking a CxalhF4-7W8-00204-00115816-00116344 flight and saying "great, i'm going to make it" - sometimes you actually won't make it and you know CxalhF4-7W8-00205-00116344-00116800 when it comes to stuff like passport control the airlines don't really have any say over any of CxalhF4-7W8-00206-00116800-00117408 that stuff they look at it as your problem if you don't make the flight. So yeah, wherever possible CxalhF4-7W8-00207-00117408-00118088 i like to get into the city i'm going to or the town i'm going to as early as possible in order CxalhF4-7W8-00208-00118088-00118576 to mitigate for all of those delays so number four is the essentials so these are things like CxalhF4-7W8-00209-00118576-00119192 you know a water bottle a power bank adapters for different countries all these things that CxalhF4-7W8-00210-00119192-00120016 you need on a sort of a day-to-day basis a lot of my shows and contacts that i have i'm talking to CxalhF4-7W8-00211-00120016-00120592 them on the day sometimes if i'm on an airplane or a train or whatever i mightn't actually get to CxalhF4-7W8-00212-00120592-00121128 charge my phone and i need it of course for talking to the contacts um you know talking CxalhF4-7W8-00213-00121128-00121648 to the agent or talking to whoever's booking the gig or the venue promoter or whatever it might be CxalhF4-7W8-00214-00121752-00122152 you need all these things on your person as you're traveling so i always make sure to have CxalhF4-7W8-00215-00122152-00122696 a power bank and make sure it's charged up um as i said adapters for each country that i'm visiting CxalhF4-7W8-00216-00122752-00123264 um at the moment the covered pass is a big thing it may or may not continue to be a big CxalhF4-7W8-00217-00123264-00123759 thing but i've got that on my phone in case i need to scan it anywhere i bring wireless CxalhF4-7W8-00218-00123759-00124232 headphones with me everywhere which is a really really good idea because sometimes you can be CxalhF4-7W8-00219-00124232-00124720 in really noisy environments and all you want to do is sleep or take it easy or whatever so CxalhF4-7W8-00220-00124720-00125352 i really recommend the noise cancelling wireless headphones they make life a lot easier um at times CxalhF4-7W8-00221-00125504-00125992 other things i bring with me are things like a pen and paper i'll always have those in the front CxalhF4-7W8-00222-00125992-00126664 of my guitar bag and that can be for like set lists or taking notes or writing down ideas or CxalhF4-7W8-00223-00126664-00126968 songwriting on the move or whatever it might be um CxalhF4-7W8-00224-00127024-00127711 the obvious things are things like my passport any i forms of id like my you know my driver's license CxalhF4-7W8-00225-00127776-00128311 um bank cards and um actually an important thing about bank cards is making sure to let your CxalhF4-7W8-00226-00128311-00128935 bank know that you're going to be abroad because otherwise you know they might see your activity as CxalhF4-7W8-00227-00128935-00129359 suspicious and block your card that's happened to me a couple of times when i've forgotten to do it CxalhF4-7W8-00228-00129432-00130224 um and then another important thing as well is your boarding card if you're going to board on a CxalhF4-7W8-00229-00130224-00130848 train or on an airplane or something like that as much as possible try to have the digital version CxalhF4-7W8-00230-00130848-00131288 of the boarding card and the physical version of the boarding card as well because sometimes CxalhF4-7W8-00231-00131344-00131840 you know your phone can die or your ipad or your tablet or whatever can die sometimes you lose CxalhF4-7W8-00232-00131840-00132304 your physical boarding pass and you can't find it and these can be really troublesome issues CxalhF4-7W8-00233-00132360-00132968 um you know depending on who you meet and what what part of the process you're in um CxalhF4-7W8-00234-00132968-00133408 so it can be handy to have those as a backup if you can get your digital boarding pass on your CxalhF4-7W8-00235-00133408-00133800 phone as well as a physical copy at least you have a backup then for getting on and CxalhF4-7W8-00236-00133800-00134248 off whatever form of transport you're going to be on medicine is an important one too i CxalhF4-7W8-00237-00134248-00134896 suffer with "hay fever" or more correctly it's called "allergic rhinitis" so things like pollen CxalhF4-7W8-00238-00134896-00135448 and dust and stuff like that that can affect me an awful lot so i've got tablets that i bring CxalhF4-7W8-00239-00135448-00136216 with me to combat that in case it ever flares up and things you know like paracetamol or stuff to CxalhF4-7W8-00240-00136216-00136904 kind of combat headaches or pains and they can be important as well and ibuprofen and then something CxalhF4-7W8-00241-00136904-00137408 i've learned going country to country is that sometimes whatever's in the food or whatever's in CxalhF4-7W8-00242-00137408-00137896 the water in particular in different countries can have a huge effect on your digestive system and CxalhF4-7W8-00243-00137896-00138344 how food moves through your body - sometimes it makes it move through very quickly, and sometimes CxalhF4-7W8-00244-00138344-00138872 it makes it move through very slowly as well, so i always make sure to have medicine with me that CxalhF4-7W8-00245-00138872-00139432 can help me combat that in case i need to you know do three or four shows in a row - i can't CxalhF4-7W8-00246-00139592-00140024 afford to be sitting in the hotel room feeling sorry for myself, i need to be on the move, so CxalhF4-7W8-00247-00140024-00140696 i bring this medicine with me just to make life as easy as possible, even if it's not easy - to try CxalhF4-7W8-00248-00140696-00141144 to make it a little bit easier and then the last thing that's important is your health insurance CxalhF4-7W8-00249-00141144-00141960 details. For us europeans we've got an E111 Card which gives us health care rights all over Europe, CxalhF4-7W8-00250-00142016-00142520 and then i've also got my own personal and private health insurance as well here which covers me CxalhF4-7W8-00251-00142520-00143024 worldwide in case anything goes wrong, so i've always got that in my wallet - and i hope it never CxalhF4-7W8-00252-00143024-00143736 happens, but - if some emergency professional is taking out my wallet trying to find out who i am CxalhF4-7W8-00253-00143736-00144256 and that they can find my health insurance details very quickly and that they can find my info about CxalhF4-7W8-00254-00144256-00144792 who to contact in an emergency, next of kin and my partner's name and all that kind of stuff, CxalhF4-7W8-00255-00144904-00145368 so that's all important info to have on your person as well! so the fifth and final CxalhF4-7W8-00256-00145368-00145960 thing that i want to talk about is security and this goes for whether you're a musician or not CxalhF4-7W8-00257-00145960-00146416 sometimes you get onto public transport like you know if you have a four hour train journey CxalhF4-7W8-00258-00146416-00146872 somewhere and you just want to sleep you want to take it easy and recuperate and rest sleeping on CxalhF4-7W8-00259-00146872-00147472 public transport can feel really strange when your stuff isn't secure and i think as a result CxalhF4-7W8-00260-00147472-00148016 that's why i'm a really bad sleeper on things like trains and planes and stuff like that i CxalhF4-7W8-00261-00148072-00148664 i have real problems getting asleep and i think there it's something to do with not wanting my CxalhF4-7W8-00262-00148664-00149216 things to be robbed or taken whereas i found that when i'm traveling with my fiancée you CxalhF4-7W8-00263-00149216-00149648 know i have no problem when she's beside me i'll fall asleep straight away so i think it's a very CxalhF4-7W8-00264-00149648-00150232 kind of deep rooted security thing more than anything else um but the things you can do to CxalhF4-7W8-00265-00150232-00150832 mitigate that bringing a chain and a lock to tie your stuff onto the railings on a train or a bus CxalhF4-7W8-00266-00150928-00151416 can be really really useful just to ensure that your stuff doesn't get taken especially when CxalhF4-7W8-00267-00151416-00151800 you're sitting away from it sometimes the seat that you have if it's assigned to you CxalhF4-7W8-00268-00151888-00152528 sometimes the seat you have doesn't get keep your gear in your line of vision which is something i CxalhF4-7W8-00269-00152528-00153240 try to avoid as much as possible so um you know always try and sit somewhere on public transport CxalhF4-7W8-00270-00153240-00153784 where you can keep an eye on your belongings especially as people are getting on and off CxalhF4-7W8-00271-00153840-00154240 you know if you're at a train stop or a bus stop or whatever you want to make sure that you're CxalhF4-7W8-00272-00154240-00154704 kind of taking a look that nobody's taking your stuff and if it's chained in if it's locked in CxalhF4-7W8-00273-00154704-00155168 and you're the only one who can actually pick it up that can help an awful lot and just feeling a CxalhF4-7W8-00274-00155168-00155816 bit more secure about that kind of common sense would tell you not to leave your gear in any CxalhF4-7W8-00275-00155816-00156368 uh one place or to leave it unattended or to leave it with somebody that you don't know particularly CxalhF4-7W8-00276-00156368-00156816 well you always want to bring it with you so if i'm going in and out to the bathroom in a train CxalhF4-7W8-00277-00156816-00157240 station or an airport or anything like that i bring everything that i have with me because CxalhF4-7W8-00278-00157240-00158056 i don't usually travel with anybody else and in particular i suppose with buses in that most of CxalhF4-7W8-00279-00158056-00158552 the time their storage is underneath where you sit so you can't really see it at all CxalhF4-7W8-00280-00158704-00159176 i try to avoid that as much as possible i'll always try to bring my guitar on board and my CxalhF4-7W8-00281-00159176-00159632 luggage on board as well if i can now it's been a while since i've taken a bus as i've CxalhF4-7W8-00282-00159632-00160088 been touring but it happens every now and again where you have to take a bus wherever you're going CxalhF4-7W8-00283-00160160-00160664 um so i would actually get the guitar and sit on my knee if i have to you know in its in CxalhF4-7W8-00284-00160664-00161248 its case and it's not a particularly comfortable journey but you've got your guitar 100% definitely CxalhF4-7W8-00285-00161248-00161672 on the other side you know you're coming out with your guitar whereas if it's underneath the bus CxalhF4-7W8-00286-00161768-00162400 you know you might not be sure but the same thing with um trains you've got these depends CxalhF4-7W8-00287-00162400-00162792 on the train sometimes you've got overhead storage sometimes you've got these racks CxalhF4-7W8-00288-00162792-00163384 at either end of the carriage and that's where the chain and the lock comes in particularly handy CxalhF4-7W8-00289-00163384-00163816 if you don't have that you really do have to keep an eye on it to make sure nobody takes your bag CxalhF4-7W8-00290-00163816-00164256 accidentally or that nobody's looking at your guitar thinking i'm going to take that guitar with CxalhF4-7W8-00291-00164256-00164864 me today so it's an important thing to always keep an eye on all of your equipment it's it can be a CxalhF4-7W8-00292-00164864-00165368 real pain but it's something that just comes with the territory an important thing i've learned as CxalhF4-7W8-00293-00165368-00165992 well is that you want to make sure that your bag has an easily identifiable feature so that in case CxalhF4-7W8-00294-00165992-00166768 it gets lost um or misplaced that if somebody is looking for it that they can identify it quickly CxalhF4-7W8-00295-00166768-00167240 so for example my touring bag has a lot of stickers on it from different festivals that CxalhF4-7W8-00296-00167240-00167768 i've been at and i would know seeing it from a mile away that's my bag but somebody on an CxalhF4-7W8-00297-00167768-00168328 airport who's looking through a lost and found is looking at a hundred bags they're not going to see CxalhF4-7W8-00298-00168328-00169016 my wood song sticker or my my name written on the side of it what they will see is the pink ribbon CxalhF4-7W8-00299-00169016-00169624 that i have tied around the handle at the top and that has saved me two or three times when my bag CxalhF4-7W8-00300-00169624-00170240 has gone missing in different countries that i can say very easily it's a large grey bag and it's got CxalhF4-7W8-00301-00170240-00170768 a pink ribbon tied on the top handle and once they find that then they can see that my name CxalhF4-7W8-00302-00170768-00171200 is written down the side of it and that there are all these stickers all over the bag and you know CxalhF4-7W8-00303-00171200-00171768 um you know different things like that about the bag but what identifies it straight away is that CxalhF4-7W8-00304-00171768-00172400 little pink ribbon tied around um the top and you know from there you know i've got my name CxalhF4-7W8-00305-00172400-00172840 written on the bag and my phone number and my email address and stuff like that so that if it CxalhF4-7W8-00306-00172840-00173360 does get lost it's easily identifiable um but what what actually does it in the first place CxalhF4-7W8-00307-00173360-00173800 is the little pink ribbon. so i hope this video gives you some insight and help into CxalhF4-7W8-00308-00173800-00174320 what it's like to travel as a musician if you have any recommendations about traveling alone CxalhF4-7W8-00309-00174320-00174840 as a musician i'd love to hear them make sure to leave them in the comments and let all of us know CxalhF4-7W8-00310-00174840-00175320 what they are because the more tips we can get and the easier we can make traveling as a musician CxalhF4-7W8-00311-00175320-00175872 the more peace of mind we'll have overall so thanks for watching see you next time! Cz5OIx4NA04-00000-00000003-00000507 Hello, this video will show you how to submit form using the TourTrax mobile app. Cz5OIx4NA04-00001-00000507-00000999 Worx has two different forms use for different purposes. Cz5OIx4NA04-00002-00000999-00001299 Instant forms and asset based forms. Cz5OIx4NA04-00003-00001299-00001578 Let's take a look at instant forms first. Cz5OIx4NA04-00004-00001578-00002082 An instant form can be used at any time without reading a tag Cz5OIx4NA04-00005-00002082-00002523 or answering a job request provided it's enabled in the configuration options. Cz5OIx4NA04-00006-00002523-00002901 Pressing the menu button on your device or touching the Cz5OIx4NA04-00007-00002901-00003159 TourTrax logo will bring up the TourTrax Menu. Cz5OIx4NA04-00008-00003159-00003564 From this area there is an option called instant forms. Cz5OIx4NA04-00009-00003564-00004040 Selecting this option will show you all the forms you have available to choose from. Cz5OIx4NA04-00010-00004040-00004554 Pressing the sync forms button will update the list with the latest changes and revisions. Cz5OIx4NA04-00011-00004736-00004988 Once you've found the desired form to fill out, Cz5OIx4NA04-00012-00004988-00005258 press it and it will be downloaded to your phone. Cz5OIx4NA04-00013-00005258-00005549 You will be prompted to confirm the selecting. Cz5OIx4NA04-00014-00005930-00006263 Once the form has been downloaded you can start filling it out. Cz5OIx4NA04-00015-00006263-00006686 On the main screen of the TourTrax mobile app Cz5OIx4NA04-00016-00006686-00007079 you'll notice a red notification icon next to the forms button. Cz5OIx4NA04-00017-00007079-00007502 This icon indicates the number of forms still waiting to be completed. Cz5OIx4NA04-00018-00007502-00008063 The open the form you've just created press the forms button then make your selection. Cz5OIx4NA04-00019-00008503-00008821 Some forms have multiple pages to fill out. Cz5OIx4NA04-00020-00008821-00009280 The text at the top of the screen shows the number of the page you are working on. Cz5OIx4NA04-00021-00009280-00009835 The arrows at the bottom of the screen allow you to quickly navigate back and forth between pages. Cz5OIx4NA04-00022-00010120-00010603 Let's take a quick look at what all the elements look like in a TourTrax form. Cz5OIx4NA04-00023-00010730-00010832 Check box Cz5OIx4NA04-00024-00010832-00011009 Date picker Cz5OIx4NA04-00025-00011009-00011207 Dropdown list Cz5OIx4NA04-00026-00011207-00011408 Email on submit Cz5OIx4NA04-00027-00011408-00011654 GPS Stamp Cz5OIx4NA04-00028-00011654-00011804 Information Cz5OIx4NA04-00029-00011804-00011942 Picture Cz5OIx4NA04-00030-00011942-00012155 Radio Button Cz5OIx4NA04-00031-00012155-00012311 Signature Capture Cz5OIx4NA04-00032-00012527-00012626 Table Grid Cz5OIx4NA04-00033-00012626-00012872 Text Box Cz5OIx4NA04-00034-00012872-00013016 Time Stamp Cz5OIx4NA04-00035-00013016-00013222 and Yes / No. Cz5OIx4NA04-00036-00013875-00014213 Once you've filled out all necessary elements Cz5OIx4NA04-00037-00014213-00014616 press submit and the results will be uploaded online into TourTrax works. Cz5OIx4NA04-00038-00014616-00015015 Once it's been uploaded it is removed from the phone Cz5OIx4NA04-00039-00015015-00015347 so always make sure to double check your work before sending. Cz5OIx4NA04-00040-00015593-00015878 Now that we've discussed instant forms and form Cz5OIx4NA04-00041-00015878-00016216 submission in detail let's talk about the asset based forms. Cz5OIx4NA04-00042-00016216-00016604 Asset forms are automatically received on the TouRtrax App Cz5OIx4NA04-00043-00016604-00016880 when an NFC tag is read or a job is scheduled. Cz5OIx4NA04-00044-00016880-00017273 For exapmle let's read an asset tag. Cz5OIx4NA04-00045-00017273-00017795 Notice the message that appears on the screen indicating that I have multiple forms assigned. Cz5OIx4NA04-00046-00017795-00018164 These forms are automatically downloaded to the phone for completion. Cz5OIx4NA04-00047-00018164-00018530 In this case 2 forms were automatically downloaded. Cz5OIx4NA04-00048-00018530-00018809 As indicated by the number next to the forms box. Cz5OIx4NA04-00049-00018809-00019235 Pressing this box will bring up the forms area Cz5OIx4NA04-00050-00019235-00019481 allowing you to choose one of the forms to work with. Cz5OIx4NA04-00051-00019481-00019811 Form items that have stars indicate that they are mandatory. Cz5OIx4NA04-00052-00019811-00020219 As a minimum requirement you will need to make sure that all of these starred Cz5OIx4NA04-00053-00020219-00020459 fields are filled out in order to submit the form Cz5OIx4NA04-00054-00020459-00020921 When the form list has been successfully submitted it is removed from the phone Cz5OIx4NA04-00055-00020921-00021191 and the forms list is updated to show you the Cz5OIx4NA04-00056-00021191-00021437 remainder of the forms you are required to complete. Cz5OIx4NA04-00057-00021437-00021644 Let's compete the second form. Cz5OIx4NA04-00058-00022014-00022467 We have now completed all work assigned to us while being at the asset tags location. Cz5OIx4NA04-00059-00022467-00022707 Now let's look at jobs. Cz5OIx4NA04-00060-00022707-00023304 A job is a scheduled task that has been assigned to you to visit an asset and complete forms. Cz5OIx4NA04-00061-00023304-00023709 Jobs can be assigned to specific users, assets and dates. Cz5OIx4NA04-00062-00023709-00024036 When a job has been scheduled to start it will Cz5OIx4NA04-00063-00024036-00024399 automatically be sent to the users it's given to for their completion. Cz5OIx4NA04-00064-00024399-00024936 When a job has been received it is downloaded to the phone and placed in the jobs area. Cz5OIx4NA04-00065-00024936-00025440 The number of jobs to be completed is indicated by the item next to the jobs button. Cz5OIx4NA04-00066-00025440-00026019 Pressing this button will bring up the jobs area allowing you to select a specific task to work on. Cz5OIx4NA04-00067-00026463-00026898 Pressing the job displays critical information for the task including Cz5OIx4NA04-00068-00026898-00027093 the assignment due date and details. Cz5OIx4NA04-00069-00027093-00027660 If work is being done directly for a customer details are also provided including names, Cz5OIx4NA04-00070-00027660-00027849 addresses and contact information. Cz5OIx4NA04-00071-00027849-00028289 Additional details about the specific asset are also included Cz5OIx4NA04-00072-00028289-00028602 Allowing you to quickly locate it and start working near it. Cz5OIx4NA04-00073-00028602-00028956 If for any reason you can't do the job before the time it's due, Cz5OIx4NA04-00074-00028956-00029175 you can press the reject button. Cz5OIx4NA04-00075-00029175-00029499 This will both alert management staff and allow Cz5OIx4NA04-00076-00029499-00029754 them to assign the task to someone else as required. Cz5OIx4NA04-00077-00029754-00030261 An additional button "Proceed" is available when a tag is not assigned to the asset. Cz5OIx4NA04-00078-00030261-00030564 This allows you to accept a job without scanning Cz5OIx4NA04-00079-00030564-00030885 anything in cases where proof of presence is not required. Cz5OIx4NA04-00080-00031129-00031468 Let's go ahead and scan the asset associated with this job. Cz5OIx4NA04-00081-00031468-00031858 When the tag has been scanned the job is removed from the list and Cz5OIx4NA04-00082-00031858-00032133 the forms associated with it are downloaded to the phone. Cz5OIx4NA04-00083-00032133-00032401 You can then proceed to perform the work required. Cz5OIx4NA04-00084-00033201-00033843 This concludes our video tutorial on how to use forms in TourTrax worx. Cz5OIx4NA04-00085-00033843-00034098 For more information please contact us. CzOj1-n4V6u-00000-00000041-00000297 I love breathing fresh, clean air! CzOj1-n4V6u-00001-00000343-00000762 Clean air helps to keep our bodies and environment healthy. CzOj1-n4V6u-00002-00000826-00001046 But when many families drive to school CzOj1-n4V6u-00003-00001079-00001432 cars let out air pollutants into the air we breathe CzOj1-n4V6u-00004-00001502-00001882 If we breathe in too many air pollutants, it can harm our bodies and environment CzOj1-n4V6u-00005-00001927-00002369 But walking, wheeling, busing, or being dropped off 5 minutes away from school CzOj1-n4V6u-00006-00002392-00002744 and walking the rest of the way are all healthier choices CzOj1-n4V6u-00007-00002744-00002977 for your body and for our environment. CzOj1-n4V6u-00008-00003027-00003475 When we use active travel, we are using our own bodies to make us move. CzOj1-n4V6u-00009-00003499-00003934 Active travel can reduce the pollutants that are let out into the air, CzOj1-n4V6u-00010-00003934-00004078 making the air cleaner for everyone. CzOj1-n4V6u-00011-00004099-00004359 So, are you ready to go on an active travel adventure with me? CzOj1-n4V6u-00012-00004373-00004493 Let’s go meet my friends! CzOj1-n4V6u-00013-00004599-00004672 This is Tom. CzOj1-n4V6u-00014-00004686-00004875 Tom helps to make our air cleaner by CzOj1-n4V6u-00015-00004878-00005250 walking with his friends to school or school bus stop CzOj1-n4V6u-00016-00005299-00005366 This is Sally. CzOj1-n4V6u-00017-00005390-00005660 Sally lives too far away from school to walk. CzOj1-n4V6u-00018-00005710-00006114 But she wants to help make our air cleaner, so she wheels to the bus stop! CzOj1-n4V6u-00019-00006220-00006304 This is Jane. CzOj1-n4V6u-00020-00006347-00006568 Jane’s family drives to school. CzOj1-n4V6u-00021-00006583-00007119 She helps to make our air cleaner by driving to a park that is 5 minutes away from her school CzOj1-n4V6u-00022-00007126-00007265 and walking the rest of the way! CzOj1-n4V6u-00023-00007418-00007769 Tom, Sally, and Jane love to walk or wheel to school or the bus stop! CzOj1-n4V6u-00024-00007787-00008338 When they walk or wheel to school or the bus stop they like to play iSpy with their friends CzOj1-n4V6u-00025-00008443-00008636 Do you want to play with us? CzOj1-n4V6u-00026-00008666-00009105 Watch for the objects in the awesome artwork made by kindergarteners from CzOj1-n4V6u-00027-00009105-00009610 Wilberforce P.S. and Grade 3s from Princess Elizabeth P.S. CzOj1-n4V6u-00028-00009710-00009863 I spy a blue sky CzOj1-n4V6u-00029-00010118-00010244 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00030-00010729-00010883 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00031-00011115-00011294 Great job! CzOj1-n4V6u-00032-00011320-00011489 I spy a tree CzOj1-n4V6u-00033-00011690-00011925 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00034-00012310-00012552 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00035-00012718-00012896 Great job! CzOj1-n4V6u-00036-00012914-00013107 I spy purple flowers CzOj1-n4V6u-00037-00013309-00013508 Do you see them? CzOj1-n4V6u-00038-00013894-00014080 Where are they? CzOj1-n4V6u-00039-00014301-00014599 Awesome work, you found the flowers! CzOj1-n4V6u-00040-00014616-00014891 I spy a yellow bird. CzOj1-n4V6u-00041-00014999-00015274 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00042-00015628-00015826 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00043-00016042-00016261 Good job, you found the bird! CzOj1-n4V6u-00044-00016351-00016516 I spy a yellow sun CzOj1-n4V6u-00045-00016732-00016962 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00046-00017338-00017536 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00047-00017758-00017998 Amazing, you found it! CzOj1-n4V6u-00048-00018140-00018343 I spy a school bus CzOj1-n4V6u-00049-00018525-00018707 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00050-00019127-00019317 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00051-00019530-00019776 Awesome job, you found the school bus! CzOj1-n4V6u-00052-00019896-00020195 I spy a Stop for Pedestrian Sign CzOj1-n4V6u-00053-00020329-00020504 Do you see it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00054-00020930-00021179 Where is it? CzOj1-n4V6u-00055-00021314-00021712 Awesome job, you found the Pedestrian Crossover sign! CzOj1-n4V6u-00056-00021721-00022278 Thank you so much for helping my friends Tom, Sally, and Jane on their active travel adventure CzOj1-n4V6u-00057-00022304-00022763 When we walk or wheel to school, we are using our own bodies to make us move CzOj1-n4V6u-00058-00022763-00023040 Active travel can make us healthier by CzOj1-n4V6u-00059-00023042-00023373 making our hearts strong, our muscles grow, and our air clean! CzOj1-n4V6u-00060-00023431-00023903 The more kids that walk or wheel to school the safer and more fun it is for everyone CzOj1-n4V6u-00061-00023987-00024219 Go Green Travel Clean! CzOj1-n4V6u-00062-00024225-00024665 Click share to spread the word or visit activesaferoutes.ca CzOj1-n4V6u-00063-00024668-00025068 for more information and how to get involved CzOj1-n4V6u-00064-00025300-00025600 Subtitles by the Amara.org community C_DuDY7nMi4-00000-00000003-00000789 yo what's up - Azerox born writer C_DuDY7nMi4-00001-00000368-00001454 I just wanted to document a little bit C_DuDY7nMi4-00002-00000789-00001835 of my time in this quarantine just to C_DuDY7nMi4-00003-00001454-00002503 document my life and what I'm doing C_DuDY7nMi4-00004-00001835-00002763 in this current time so far I think this C_DuDY7nMi4-00005-00002503-00003347 around three weeks and I've been outside C_DuDY7nMi4-00006-00002763-00003679 about four times to the supermarket I go C_DuDY7nMi4-00007-00003347-00003864 literally across the road to the in-laws C_DuDY7nMi4-00008-00003679-00004037 for lunch C_DuDY7nMi4-00009-00003864-00004544 apart from that I'm just stuck in the C_DuDY7nMi4-00010-00004037-00004880 house all the time it's terrible man I C_DuDY7nMi4-00011-00004544-00005148 mean I think all the time that C_DuDY7nMi4-00012-00004880-00005546 you want to be creative but not being C_DuDY7nMi4-00013-00005148-00005919 able to be creative because the time you C_DuDY7nMi4-00014-00005546-00006230 have to spend locked inside doors right C_DuDY7nMi4-00015-00005919-00006609 now where I live there is a situation C_DuDY7nMi4-00016-00006230-00007184 where one person from every household C_DuDY7nMi4-00017-00006609-00007559 can go out every two days to buy food so C_DuDY7nMi4-00018-00007184-00007856 literally stuck and not being able to go C_DuDY7nMi4-00019-00007559-00008025 out which believe me I think is a good C_DuDY7nMi4-00020-00007856-00008370 thing at least the virus can't spread C_DuDY7nMi4-00021-00008025-00008736 however it does make you a prisoner in C_DuDY7nMi4-00022-00008370-00009047 your own home and that is it's not nice C_DuDY7nMi4-00023-00008736-00009254 at all believe me I have been passing C_DuDY7nMi4-00024-00009047-00009515 time I've been doing some videos some C_DuDY7nMi4-00025-00009254-00009771 editing I've been creating I have C_DuDY7nMi4-00026-00009515-00010007 started painting a laptop wait a minute C_DuDY7nMi4-00027-00009771-00010007 I'll show you C_DuDY7nMi4-00028-00010077-00010981 it`s coming long take a little while as you can C_DuDY7nMi4-00029-00010588-00011341 see there's a drip and the drip goes C_DuDY7nMi4-00030-00010981-00011587 through my name into a transparent spray C_DuDY7nMi4-00031-00011341-00012145 can and this is just basically me saying C_DuDY7nMi4-00032-00011587-00012475 what life I have goes into my art I've C_DuDY7nMi4-00033-00012145-00012879 been painting some lens caps I've done C_DuDY7nMi4-00034-00012475-00013186 like two or three of these just to C_DuDY7nMi4-00035-00012879-00013540 decorate my cameras and stuff and give C_DuDY7nMi4-00036-00013186-00013591 me something to do also painted a denim C_DuDY7nMi4-00037-00013540-00014983 jacket C_DuDY7nMi4-00038-00013591-00015420 wait a moment when I can actually go C_DuDY7nMi4-00039-00014983-00015570 outside and purchase things I'll get C_DuDY7nMi4-00040-00015420-00015694 some topcote just to make that clear C_DuDY7nMi4-00041-00015570-00016122 and protected C_DuDY7nMi4-00042-00015694-00016420 I hate me stuck in the house you know C_DuDY7nMi4-00043-00016122-00016693 I've got boxes of paint stored C_DuDY7nMi4-00044-00016420-00016966 I've got bags of paint in my bike ready C_DuDY7nMi4-00045-00016693-00017563 to go on pane just can't get out you C_DuDY7nMi4-00046-00016966-00017884 know sad but true for me the situation C_DuDY7nMi4-00047-00017563-00018208 is a little different because at the C_DuDY7nMi4-00048-00017884-00018544 beginning of December although this, this C_DuDY7nMi4-00049-00018208-00018826 virus was starting I was actually in C_DuDY7nMi4-00050-00018544-00019309 Shanghai because I had to renew my C_DuDY7nMi4-00051-00018826-00019590 passport so I had to go to the British C_DuDY7nMi4-00052-00019309-00019894 passport and visa office in Shanghai and C_DuDY7nMi4-00053-00019590-00020182 of course it was the Chinese New Year C_DuDY7nMi4-00054-00019894-00020491 the spring festival so it was going to C_DuDY7nMi4-00055-00020182-00020676 be delayed anyway the day before the C_DuDY7nMi4-00056-00020491-00021172 Spring Festival is when places start C_DuDY7nMi4-00057-00020676-00021385 getting locked down and you know the C_DuDY7nMi4-00058-00021172-00021682 embassy was closed for one week anyway C_DuDY7nMi4-00059-00021385-00021910 so I couldn't get my passport the C_DuDY7nMi4-00060-00021682-00022073 Chinese government actually have C_DuDY7nMi4-00061-00021910-00022698 sent there's lots of like information C_DuDY7nMi4-00062-00022073-00022912 about the virus about safety and every C_DuDY7nMi4-00063-00022698-00023154 day I have to inform my workplace that C_DuDY7nMi4-00064-00022912-00023154 I'm safe C_DuDY7nMi4-00065-00023172-00023598 yeah I would say the contact I`ve had from C_DuDY7nMi4-00066-00023442-00024009 the Chinese government has actually been C_DuDY7nMi4-00067-00023598-00024312 quite good because when I wrote to the C_DuDY7nMi4-00068-00024009-00024627 embass, because I found out that my C_DuDY7nMi4-00069-00024312-00025164 passport had arrived back in China on C_DuDY7nMi4-00070-00024627-00025467 the 23rd of January so he actually took C_DuDY7nMi4-00071-00025164-00025794 less than two weeks for my passport too C_DuDY7nMi4-00072-00025467-00026097 to get back well just over two weeks to C_DuDY7nMi4-00073-00025794-00026526 get back to Shanghai but here the C_DuDY7nMi4-00074-00026097-00026708 British visa office were on holiday so I C_DuDY7nMi4-00075-00026526-00026913 emailed them many many times they C_DuDY7nMi4-00076-00026708-00027081 emergency teams and they just saying C_DuDY7nMi4-00077-00026913-00027456 we're closed can I help you wear clothes C_DuDY7nMi4-00078-00027081-00027792 can't help you now my visa expired C_DuDY7nMi4-00079-00027456-00028230 yesterday and I have been told by the C_DuDY7nMi4-00080-00027792-00028470 Chinese passport and visa office not to C_DuDY7nMi4-00081-00028230-00028656 worry because I can't travel to Shanghai C_DuDY7nMi4-00082-00028470-00029157 to collect my passport I'll not get C_DuDY7nMi4-00083-00028656-00029402 fined for over stay so I have to say that C_DuDY7nMi4-00084-00029157-00029564 from the Chinese side they've actually C_DuDY7nMi4-00085-00029402-00029952 been better than the British side C_DuDY7nMi4-00086-00029564-00030399 because Britain has not sent me an email C_DuDY7nMi4-00087-00029952-00030750 no call nothing asking if I`m ok they C_DuDY7nMi4-00088-00030399-00030977 advise everybody on TV to go home go C_DuDY7nMi4-00089-00030750-00031295 back to Britain and yet I wrote and told C_DuDY7nMi4-00090-00030977-00031548 them you have my passport and I just get C_DuDY7nMi4-00091-00031295-00031788 an automated email so the British C_DuDY7nMi4-00092-00031548-00032198 government actually act like they're C_DuDY7nMi4-00093-00031788-00032598 doing something but not at all because C_DuDY7nMi4-00094-00032198-00032955 they did not respond because they didn't C_DuDY7nMi4-00095-00032598-00033138 contact me I'm now a visa overstayer and C_DuDY7nMi4-00096-00032955-00033540 again in China they've said it's ok no C_DuDY7nMi4-00097-00033138-00033735 problem but Britain acting all nice and C_DuDY7nMi4-00098-00033540-00034277 you know wonderful we care about our C_DuDY7nMi4-00099-00033735-00034689 citizens no offense but it's bullshit C_DuDY7nMi4-00100-00034277-00034989 yeah trips out to the supermarket have C_DuDY7nMi4-00101-00034689-00035349 been crazy it started at first with all C_DuDY7nMi4-00102-00034989-00035661 the dried noodles or instant noodles all C_DuDY7nMi4-00103-00035349-00035889 sold out then the bread and then C_DuDY7nMi4-00104-00035661-00036306 vegetables I mean there's literally not C_DuDY7nMi4-00105-00035889-00036474 even one potato very strange because C_DuDY7nMi4-00106-00036306-00036526 generally Chinese people don't eat C_DuDY7nMi4-00107-00036474-00036781 carrot C_DuDY7nMi4-00108-00036526-00036931 like we do in the West you can find some C_DuDY7nMi4-00109-00036781-00037735 carrots but that's about the only C_DuDY7nMi4-00110-00036931-00038326 vegetable you can get it`s the time that's C_DuDY7nMi4-00111-00037735-00038581 the problem it's the time you would C_DuDY7nMi4-00112-00038326-00039043 think having so much time you would get C_DuDY7nMi4-00113-00038581-00039376 creative but the lack of motivation just C_DuDY7nMi4-00114-00039043-00039739 eats that time and you get up in the C_DuDY7nMi4-00115-00039376-00039988 morning you do what you do you go to C_DuDY7nMi4-00116-00039739-00040290 sleep and I found I'm sleeping two or C_DuDY7nMi4-00117-00039988-00040519 three hours later because my mind's not C_DuDY7nMi4-00118-00040290-00040819 stimulated so I'm sleeping less and I'm C_DuDY7nMi4-00119-00040519-00041182 thinking more I mean it must be terrible C_DuDY7nMi4-00120-00040819-00041305 for the people of Wuhan who have I mean C_DuDY7nMi4-00121-00041182-00041698 they've been on lockdown before C_DuDY7nMi4-00122-00041305-00042016 everybody else and that really is the C_DuDY7nMi4-00123-00041698-00042529 epicenter where I am a couple of C_DuDY7nMi4-00124-00042016-00042721 provinces is over is it is quite safe C_DuDY7nMi4-00125-00042529-00042892 because it's a small city there's only C_DuDY7nMi4-00126-00042721-00043519 four million people here which is C_DuDY7nMi4-00127-00042892-00043909 nothing in China but still it's C_DuDY7nMi4-00128-00043519-00044134 monotonous it's crazy I mean I do like C_DuDY7nMi4-00129-00043909-00044458 the quiet believe me I'm not a people C_DuDY7nMi4-00130-00044134-00044860 person anyway so to have more quiet C_DuDY7nMi4-00131-00044458-00045171 is is wonderful I mean occasionally you C_DuDY7nMi4-00132-00044860-00045490 get some old popo an old grandma 0:07:31.710,0:07:39.280 outside you know doing some exercise C_DuDY7nMi4-00133-00045490-00046108 without a mask - believe that you know C_DuDY7nMi4-00134-00045928-00046276 but again this is a small city and C_DuDY7nMi4-00135-00046108-00046861 there's been very few infections here C_DuDY7nMi4-00136-00046276-00047113 thank God it's strange because we hear C_DuDY7nMi4-00137-00046861-00047370 lots of rumors and you can see things C_DuDY7nMi4-00138-00047113-00047716 online or whatever C_DuDY7nMi4-00139-00047370-00047971 well speculating on that whether true or C_DuDY7nMi4-00140-00047716-00048222 false or whatever it means nothing to us C_DuDY7nMi4-00141-00047971-00048463 now you know there's nothing we could do C_DuDY7nMi4-00142-00048222-00048865 people can go online and complain and C_DuDY7nMi4-00143-00048463-00049045 I've heard rumors about that too what C_DuDY7nMi4-00144-00048865-00049324 matters is is that we've got to occupy C_DuDY7nMi4-00145-00049045-00049761 our time we have to try just to get C_DuDY7nMi4-00146-00049324-00050652 along with it however shit C_DuDY7nMi4-00147-00049761-00050913 that is. My son he's 12 and it must be C_DuDY7nMi4-00148-00050652-00051090 so bad for him you know kids are very C_DuDY7nMi4-00149-00050913-00051341 active he doesn't matter where the kids C_DuDY7nMi4-00150-00051090-00051612 from kids are active kids always want to C_DuDY7nMi4-00151-00051341-00051822 do something but for him he's just C_DuDY7nMi4-00152-00051612-00052107 stealing my iPod pro now, playing games C_DuDY7nMi4-00153-00051822-00052365 or doing his homework because schools C_DuDY7nMi4-00154-00052107-00052716 now has started to give the students C_DuDY7nMi4-00155-00052365-00052896 homework which is good C_DuDY7nMi4-00156-00052716-00053127 occupies them and it keeps him in the C_DuDY7nMi4-00157-00052896-00053492 habit of learning I mean my boys a good C_DuDY7nMi4-00158-00053127-00054023 boy anyway and his mom don't like him C_DuDY7nMi4-00159-00053492-00054023 playing games of course - a tiger mummy C_DuDY7nMi4-00160-00054083-00054984 but yeah you know I had a chat with brim C_DuDY7nMi4-00161-00054626-00055671 from the Tats crew and I've being talking C_DuDY7nMi4-00162-00054984-00055875 with many friends jinx making C_DuDY7nMi4-00163-00055671-00056024 plans for later in the year you know we C_DuDY7nMi4-00164-00055875-00056322 have to try and look past this time C_DuDY7nMi4-00165-00056024-00056589 because this time it's just not fun I C_DuDY7nMi4-00166-00056322-00056954 want to get a wall I want to paint I C_DuDY7nMi4-00167-00056589-00057135 mean anybody who knows me I live for C_DuDY7nMi4-00168-00056954-00057416 painting that that's what I do that's C_DuDY7nMi4-00169-00057135-00057627 who I am a born writer you know but C_DuDY7nMi4-00170-00057416-00057864 anyway I just wanted to drop this and C_DuDY7nMi4-00171-00057627-00058259 let you all know what I'm doing first C_DuDY7nMi4-00172-00057864-00058563 time I'm on camera you know so my man ID C_DuDY7nMi4-00173-00058259-00058995 ain't Jersey he wants me to make some C_DuDY7nMi4-00174-00058563-00059232 tutorials to help him out learning out C_DuDY7nMi4-00175-00058995-00059514 of paint and I'll do that and I want to C_DuDY7nMi4-00176-00059232-00059838 do more and be more active this year C_DuDY7nMi4-00177-00059514-00060162 more you know I want people to C_DuDY7nMi4-00178-00059838-00060627 understand me what I do many people C_DuDY7nMi4-00179-00060162-00060987 think I look rough and I'm an introvert C_DuDY7nMi4-00180-00060627-00061416 so I don't openly communicate with C_DuDY7nMi4-00181-00060987-00061608 people but I think I think in this day C_DuDY7nMi4-00182-00061416-00061866 and age you have to communicate people C_DuDY7nMi4-00183-00061608-00062228 have to understand you and that's what C_DuDY7nMi4-00184-00061866-00062526 I'm going to try to short out so anyway C_DuDY7nMi4-00185-00062228-00062790 this is a thing right if you're watching C_DuDY7nMi4-00186-00062526-00063063 this and you want me to sketch your name C_DuDY7nMi4-00187-00062790-00063375 I can make a video C_DuDY7nMi4-00188-00063063-00063626 sketch your name leave a message right C_DuDY7nMi4-00189-00063375-00063699 and I'll do your name just give me C_DuDY7nMi4-00190-00063626-00064214 something to do C_DuDY7nMi4-00191-00063699-00064516 please please anyway that's what's C_DuDY7nMi4-00192-00064214-00064850 happening but for me right now so I'll C_DuDY7nMi4-00193-00064516-00064913 yeah you'll see me soon I wont see C_DuDY7nMi4-00194-00064850-00065300 you soon C_DuDY7nMi4-00195-00064913-00065600 you know what I`m saying just remember stay up C_DuDY7nMi4-00196-00065300-00065600 peace CAOJ667uVXu-00000-00000040-00000480 I said… If we don’t start rolling soon, I’m going to light myself on fire. CAOJ667uVXu-00001-00001248-00001680 Buddhism: Historically, one of the most peaceful and introspective religions in the world. CAOJ667uVXu-00002-00001700-00001945 The Dalai Lama is constantly trying to make peace between nations. CAOJ667uVXu-00003-00001975-00002240 Yo, D.L. If you see the Buddha on the street… Kill’im. CAOJ667uVXu-00004-00002300-00002600 But it’s also the religion that most directly confronts the problems of suffering. CAOJ667uVXu-00005-00002635-00002900 Life is suffering. There’s just no way around it. CAOJ667uVXu-00006-00002925-00003193 And, for the most part… That’s my fault. CAOJ667uVXu-00007-00003206-00003360 I have some tough questions for you. CAOJ667uVXu-00008-00003390-00003725 What is the sharpest sword? Damascus steel. (Those Persians were pretty clever.) CAOJ667uVXu-00009-00003745-00004000 What is the deadliest poison? Ricin. (I did some research.) CAOJ667uVXu-00010-00004040-00004390 What is the fiercest fire? Chemical fire! (Everybody knows that!) CAOJ667uVXu-00011-00004435-00004665 What is the darkest night? I don’t know. But…! CAOJ667uVXu-00012-00004665-00005005 The best part is, the Buddha has already provided us answers to these questions. CAOJ667uVXu-00013-00005015-00005485 He sat for 49 days under a tree, thinking about that stuff. CAOJ667uVXu-00014-00005560-00005645 Evil. CAOJ667uVXu-00015-00005655-00005775 Genius. CAOJ667uVXu-00016-00006100-00006480 The Buddha says that anger is like holding onto a hot coal… CAOJ667uVXu-00017-00006480-00006755 …with the intent of throwing it at someone: You’re going to get burned. CAOJ667uVXu-00018-00006775-00007080 But I like to think of evil as a Kevlar® glove… CAOJ667uVXu-00019-00007100-00007327 You can just start picking up those coals and whipping them at everybody! CAOJ667uVXu-00020-00007344-00007667 I like to post false signage on the road to enlightenment. CAOJ667uVXu-00021-00007675-00008015 Sometimes I’m asked, “Yang, why do bad things happen to good people?” CAOJ667uVXu-00022-00008025-00008150 I just lie. CAOJ667uVXu-00023-00008175-00008425 If they’re truly good, they’ll see through me. CAOJ667uVXu-00024-00008450-00008605 In which case, I steal their wallets. CAOJ667uVXu-00025-00008615-00009015 I’m an ascetic; I don’t have a lot of money. So I really rely on what people give me. CAOJ667uVXu-00026-00009015-00009175 But! There are two kinds of giving. CAOJ667uVXu-00027-00009175-00009535 There’s passive giving, where you wait for someone to hand something to you… CAOJ667uVXu-00028-00009535-00009926 …and there’s active giving, where you hand something from someone to you. CAOJ667uVXu-00029-00009936-00010397 I’m more evil than Sir Kills-a-Lot. All he does is kill! That’s not even that creative. CAOJ667uVXu-00030-00010397-00010717 And with all that positive karma from being murdered, his victims will just come back as… CAOJ667uVXu-00031-00010717-00011047 …butterflies, or trust-fund babies, or Vanna White, or something. CAOJ667uVXu-00032-00011057-00011444 Uh, I glare at a lot of people. I stare at their pants as if something is wrong. CAOJ667uVXu-00033-00011444-00011581 Hey! That cuts deep. CAOJ667uVXu-00034-00011628-00011771 Slice a man’s soul clean in half. CAOJ667uVXu-00035-00011781-00012058 I don’t immediately kill a mosquito if it lands on my arm. CAOJ667uVXu-00036-00012058-00012392 I mean, the first time, I yell at it. To let it know that it should not be there. CAOJ667uVXu-00037-00012412-00012750 Second time, I yell at it louder. And I bring up my hand, as if I’m going to smack it. CAOJ667uVXu-00038-00012750-00012825 But I don’t! CAOJ667uVXu-00039-00012840-00013100 Third time, I just kill every bug in sight. CAOJ667uVXu-00040-00013193-00013300 I think that’s fair. CAOJ667uVXu-00041-00013713-00013825 I can honestly say… CAOJ667uVXu-00042-00013850-00013960 I’ve killed a man. CAOJ667uVXu-00043-00013975-00014211 I like to convert people away from vegetarianism. CAOJ667uVXu-00044-00014225-00014580 Studies have shown that’ll decrease your lifespan by five years. On average. CAOJ667uVXu-00045-00014610-00014868 So for every twenty people, that’s one whole dead guy. CAOJ667uVXu-00046-00014878-00015288 The Evil League of Evil needs a spiritual center. Someone who’s thinking about Samudaya. CAOJ667uVXu-00047-00015310-00015565 And by the way. Props to Bad Horse for breaking the cycle. CAOJ667uVXu-00048-00015565-00015759 I mean, who says Man’s the most evil animal? CAOJ667uVXu-00049-00015769-00016100 Why would I want to become Arahant? I’m not concerned with Nirvāṇa. CAOJ667uVXu-00050-00016100-00016225 Saṃsāra’s where it’s at. CAOJ667uVXu-00051-00016285-00016635 The cycle is like a merry-go-round: It’s only fun if you ride. CAOJ667uVXu-00052-00016680-00016790 Or sabotage it. CAOJ667uVXu-00053-00016850-00016923 Or both. CAOJ667uVXu-00054-00017053-00017295 We done? Yeah, we’re done. CAOJ667uVXu-00055-00017325-00017625 Uh, I could go for a Fresca. Do we have any Fresca? CAOJ667uVXu-00056-00017700-00018000 Let’s remember to give ourselves all this guy’s Fresca before we leave. CAOJ667uVXu-00057-00018050-00018231 And don’t forget the camera. CFnJXH0VF_u-00000-00000013-00000667 Welcome to ‘A Bill a Minute’ from GovTrack, your short breakdown of interesting bills in Congress. I’m Jesse Rifkin. CFnJXH0VF_u-00001-00000667-00001414 Nobody in any state, or of any political party, thinks dead people should actually be able to “vote.” CFnJXH0VF_u-00002-00001414-00002549 However, states and counties across the country have varying rules regarding how frequently the voter rolls are checked against the list of deceased people. CFnJXH0VF_u-00003-00002549-00003536 While election administration is largely run by states and municipalities, not the federal government, the feds do have a major tool in their arsenal: money. CFnJXH0VF_u-00004-00003536-00004514 A bill in Congress called the You Must Be Alive to Vote Act would ban federal transportation or education funds from being disbursed to a county, CFnJXH0VF_u-00005-00004514-00005485 unless they compare their voter registration list against Social Security Administration death records at least annually (at least once per year). CFnJXH0VF_u-00006-00005485-00005852 An exception would be made for law enforcement grants, which would still be allowed. CFnJXH0VF_u-00007-00005852-00006299 It was introduced in the House by Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin. CFnJXH0VF_u-00008-00006299-00007410 Supporters argue the bill is necessary to prevent voter fraud, without which the trust in our entire system of elected government would fall. CFnJXH0VF_u-00009-00007410-00008888 Opponents say the bill is a solution in search of a problem. Between 2000 and 2014, out of more than one billion votes cast, there were only 31 documented instances of voter impersonation. CFnJXH0VF_u-00010-00008888-00010333 Now, I’m strongly opposed to voter impersonation, unless that voter is Robert de Niro: {does impression} “You votin’ for me? You votin’ for me?” CHon2TavEGy-00000-00000003-00000567 Welcome back to the course! To continue with our third and final module, we're CHon2TavEGy-00001-00000567-00000936 going to look at a free resource online to assist you with identifying cardiac CHon2TavEGy-00002-00000936-00001437 anatomy when using intercardiac ultrasound, otherwise known as ICE. To CHon2TavEGy-00003-00001437-00002205 begin, open Chrome or any other browser of your choice and type in "jnj CHon2TavEGy-00004-00002205-00002913 institute.com. This is the J and J Institute website from Johnson & Johnson. CHon2TavEGy-00005-00002913-00003327 The goal here is to support the professional growth of those who care CHon2TavEGy-00006-00003327-00003821 for others. This website, along with 24 centers around the world, provides CHon2TavEGy-00007-00003821-00004200 ongoing learning opportunities that result in improved patient outcomes. CHon2TavEGy-00008-00004200-00004655 Let's see what's available for cath lab and EP lab staff interested in learning CHon2TavEGy-00009-00004655-00005396 more about cardiac ultrasound. Go to the top and click on online learning. As you CHon2TavEGy-00010-00005396-00005826 can see, there's a wide variety of disciplines represented here. From this CHon2TavEGy-00011-00005826-00006440 page, find cardiology and electrophysiology and select. I'm going CHon2TavEGy-00012-00006440-00007125 to scroll up a bit here, and over on the right you'll see intracardiac echo. So CHon2TavEGy-00013-00007125-00007784 we'll click on that, and on this page you'll find several videos covering use CHon2TavEGy-00014-00007784-00008390 of ICE during different procedures such as atrial septal defect patent/ foramen CHon2TavEGy-00015-00008390-00008915 ovale closure, atrial flutter and ventricular tachycardia, and atrial fib CHon2TavEGy-00016-00008915-00009329 cases. These do a great job of showing and explaining different ICE views CHon2TavEGy-00017-00009329-00009800 during live procedures and are definitely worth the time to watch. While CHon2TavEGy-00018-00009800-00010488 we're here, let's click on this video and take a look at ICE use during an atrial CHon2TavEGy-00019-00010488-00011147 flutter ablation. There are always one or two disclaimer slides and then the video CHon2TavEGy-00020-00011147-00011763 will start. We'll see a 3D map of the right atrium, and then we'll see the CHon2TavEGy-00021-00011763-00012263 ultrasound imaging pop up on the right side of the screen. CHon2TavEGy-00022-00012608-00012919 Pace from CS to me. Pull up. Yep, that's good. CHon2TavEGy-00023-00013504-00013646 Not that fast, there you go. CHon2TavEGy-00024-00014478-00015034 For the purposes of cavotricuspid isthmus flutter ablation in the presence CHon2TavEGy-00025-00015034-00015459 of IntraCardiac Echo, I find this to be very beneficial to identify the actual CHon2TavEGy-00026-00015459-00015888 anatomy and structure length in the cavotricuspid isthmus. So you see here CHon2TavEGy-00027-00015888-00016506 I've taken a lateral point and my trans-isthmus time from CS prox to me CHon2TavEGy-00028-00016506-00017848 is quite short. So now, with the point on my map (go ahead and take a point Andrew). He is in sinus CHon2TavEGy-00029-00017848-00018412 rhythm and has a history of atrial flutter. We'll pace from CS prox, you can CHon2TavEGy-00030-00018412-00019028 actually see my ablation catheter there, right on the actual valve side of the cavotricuspid isthmus. CHon2TavEGy-00031-00019728-00019778 Right there. CHon2TavEGy-00033-00019952-00020058 You can see an annular signal. CHon2TavEGy-00034-00020092-00020718 I'm going to pause this right now and just point out here's the tricuspid valve he CHon2TavEGy-00035-00020718-00021192 was talking about. This is the inferior vena cava emptying into the body of the CHon2TavEGy-00036-00021192-00021695 right atrium, and this shiny curved structure is actually the ablation CHon2TavEGy-00037-00021695-00022335 catheter that we also see right here. As the video progresses it will show the CHon2TavEGy-00038-00022335-00022785 path of ablation from the tricuspid valve to the IVC. And I do recommend CHon2TavEGy-00039-00022785-00023115 that you come back and watch this in its entirety. There's a lot of good CHon2TavEGy-00040-00023115-00023511 information presented, including identifying ventricular structures later CHon2TavEGy-00041-00023511-00024210 on using ICE. The more you see and study cardiac ultrasound images the better CHon2TavEGy-00042-00024210-00024563 you'll be at knowing what you're looking at! CIMPK3niLDo-00000-00000341-00000957 Stuck in the game Stuck with no change CIMPK3niLDo-00001-00000957-00001512 Stuck in the page Stuck with no money my pockets are empty CIMPK3niLDo-00002-00001512-00002100 Im feeling so hungry i fill up my tummy but buddy my body is full(let's eat) CIMPK3niLDo-00003-00002100-00002501 Dirty and muddy no money no jewels Sunk in the pool praisin a fool CIMPK3niLDo-00004-00002501-00002951 Actin so cool or actin a fool we yellin we made it we done with the school CIMPK3niLDo-00005-00002951-00003311 Were livin so hectic oh lord i just need you to send us a message CIMPK3niLDo-00006-00003311-00003650 Wake us up quick we losin connection(low signal) and missin affection (no signal) CIMPK3niLDo-00007-00003650-00003984 But wheres the redemption attemptin and its temptin to take CIMPK3niLDo-00008-00003984-00004398 Ascendin they fall and they break Make no mistake i give ua piece of my cake, CIMPK3niLDo-00009-00004398-00004985 yeah a piece of my cake Nigga relax sit by the sofa CIMPK3niLDo-00010-00004985-00005423 Face the facts talk to a mirror Find calm in chaos CIMPK3niLDo-00011-00005423-00005926 See things clearer Thinker lecturer and preacher CIMPK3niLDo-00012-00005926-00006795 Tossed to wolves return leader God in my corner fuck your reapers CIMPK3niLDo-00013-00006795-00006993 Nigga relax sit by the sofa face the facts talk to a mirror CIMPK3niLDo-00014-00006993-00007747 Find calm in chaos see things clearer Thinker lecturer and a preacher CIMPK3niLDo-00015-00007747-00008123 Tossed to wolves return leader god in my corner fuck your reapers CIMPK3niLDo-00016-00008123-00008489 Scars are deep they are rashes. CIMPK3niLDo-00017-00008489-00008732 Contagious disease fuck depression. CIMPK3niLDo-00018-00008732-00009004 For wars with anxiety nigga am Russian. CIMPK3niLDo-00019-00009004-00009219 A black Lebanese Vladimir Putin. CIMPK3niLDo-00020-00009219-00009592 Fuck the money same goes to the fame CIMPK3niLDo-00021-00009592-00010238 my raps are sick every punchline aids Might change the goal keep the message CIMPK3niLDo-00022-00010238-00010679 Nigga things went as expected You may think they are chess moves CIMPK3niLDo-00023-00010679-00010846 They are blessings Chill by myself CIMPK3niLDo-00024-00010846-00011174 don't need no one next to me The starting the ending CIMPK3niLDo-00025-00011174-00011368 The journey lays between. CIMPK3niLDo-00026-00011368-00011886 Used to be a nigger now my skin is codeine Perfectly mixed yall know what I mean CIMPK3niLDo-00027-00011886-00012004 Nigga relax sit by sofa Face the facts talk to a mirror. CIMPK3niLDo-00028-00012004-00012104 Find calm in chaos See things clearer CIMPK3niLDo-00029-00012104-00012204 Thinker lecturer and preacher Tossed to wolves return leader CIMPK3niLDo-00030-00012204-00012399 God in my corner fuck your reapers. CIMPK3niLDo-00031-00012399-00014263 Nigga relax sit by sofa Face the facts to a mirror CIMPK3niLDo-00032-00014263-00014543 Dolo solo ridin Always been ma moto CIMPK3niLDo-00033-00014543-00014812 Not a model to follow the doze is hard to swallow CIMPK3niLDo-00034-00014812-00015112 You only die once Fuck who quoted yolo CIMPK3niLDo-00035-00015112-00015615 And fuck whoever taught you forget about tomorrows Problems conflicts CIMPK3niLDo-00036-00015615-00015800 And issues Don't bother thinking CIMPK3niLDo-00037-00015800-00016626 What they say cause they are not you I know am next I know am blessed ha ha ha CIMPK3niLDo-00038-00016626-00016748 hatcho Allergic to your bullshit CIMPK3niLDo-00039-00016748-00017018 Detergent mind wind you losin Don't follow my lead CIMPK3niLDo-00040-00017018-00017402 Luda acting foolish If you ride with them keep them clueless CIMPK3niLDo-00041-00017402-00017711 If you felt like Heading out check you crew list CIMPK3niLDo-00042-00017711-00018258 Nigga paint your circle a dot can do it See you living your best life they come to CIMPK3niLDo-00043-00018258-00018425 ruin it View life from a birds eye CIMPK3niLDo-00044-00018425-00018884 They try to shoot it The Onez that tested nodding to my music CIMPK3niLDo-00045-00018884-00019314 But hey relax sit by sofa Chill by yourself CIMPK3niLDo-00046-00019314-00019785 You're your doctor My lyrics goes in ear blocked by the other CIMPK3niLDo-00047-00019785-00020186 I put that on my grandmother Raised a real moutherfucker CIMPK3niLDo-00048-00020186-00020347 Nigga relax sit by sofa Face the facts talk to a mirror CIMPK3niLDo-00049-00020347-00020451 Find calm in chaos See things clearer CIMPK3niLDo-00050-00020451-00020583 Thinker lecturer and preacher Tossed to wolves return leader CIMPK3niLDo-00051-00020583-00020683 God in my corner fuck your reapers CIMPK3niLDo-00052-00020683-00022293 Nigga relax sit by sofa Face the facts talk to a mirror CIMPK3niLDo-00053-00022293-00022826 Find calm in chaos See things clearer CIMPK3niLDo-00054-00022826-00023603 Thinker lecturer and preacher Tossed to wolves return leader CIMPK3niLDo-00055-00023603-00023800 God in my corner fuck your reapers CJryjs9jV_U-00000-00000000-00000200 BEST ANIMATION VIDEOS CJZiUPUgkcU-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata! CJZiUPUgkcU-00001-00000200-00000525 Today I'm going to draw with pen & ink CJZiUPUgkcU-00002-00000525-00000754 because I feel like! CJZiUPUgkcU-00003-00000754-00001149 I bought thicker papers yesterday, so I'm using it! CJZiUPUgkcU-00004-00001149-00001561 After ink drawing, I'll add some colors as well! CJZiUPUgkcU-00005-00001823-00002163 I feel like draw like outsider art today, CJZiUPUgkcU-00006-00002163-00002484 but outsider art is not style of art. CJZiUPUgkcU-00007-00002484-00002736 I'm not even an outsider artist, CJZiUPUgkcU-00008-00002736-00003065 and I can't draw like someone else's style neither! CJZiUPUgkcU-00009-00003065-00003348 I'll talk about it after finish drawing! CJZiUPUgkcU-00010-00003348-00003715 I use masking tape because I'll paint it later. CJZiUPUgkcU-00011-00016924-00017249 I was talking about outsider art earlier. CJZiUPUgkcU-00012-00017249-00017812 Outsider art is artwork of people with no art educations. CJZiUPUgkcU-00013-00017812-00018508 In Japan, works of people with intellectual or mental disabilities are often called outsider art. CJZiUPUgkcU-00014-00018508-00018862 Neither ways, I can't be an outsider artist. CJZiUPUgkcU-00015-00018862-00019111 It's just my impression, but CJZiUPUgkcU-00016-00019111-00019654 I really like the way outsider artists express their own worlds! CJZiUPUgkcU-00017-00019654-00020153 That way, I believe I can be related to outsider artists! CJZiUPUgkcU-00018-00023931-00024130 Ink drawing is finished! CJZiUPUgkcU-00019-00024130-00024295 I could add some more, CJZiUPUgkcU-00020-00024295-00024625 but I stop half way because I'm coloring it. CJZiUPUgkcU-00021-00032248-00032546 I said I wasn't an outsider artist. CJZiUPUgkcU-00022-00032546-00032942 I still don't know which art genre I fit in. CJZiUPUgkcU-00023-00032942-00033193 I have several in my mind, CJZiUPUgkcU-00024-00033193-00033442 but maybe maybe not! CJZiUPUgkcU-00025-00033442-00033791 I don't care for genres for making art, CJZiUPUgkcU-00026-00033791-00034309 but I think it's pretty important for finding markets for me. CJZiUPUgkcU-00027-00034309-00034483 When I lived in the US, CJZiUPUgkcU-00028-00034483-00034856 my artist friend gave me this magazine. CJZiUPUgkcU-00029-00034856-00035070 It's issued April, 2003. CJZiUPUgkcU-00030-00035070-00035461 that was my first time hearing the word of outsider art! CJZiUPUgkcU-00031-00035461-00035645 When I see this book, CJZiUPUgkcU-00032-00035645-00035853 I thought this is the one! CJZiUPUgkcU-00033-00035853-00036442 At time, I looked for galleries, but I was denied by many places. CJZiUPUgkcU-00034-00036442-00036918 Unfortunately, I can't be an outsider artist. CJZiUPUgkcU-00035-00036918-00037308 Outsiders are not suppose to belong to something. CJZiUPUgkcU-00036-00037308-00037498 It doesn't make sense... CJZiUPUgkcU-00037-00037498-00037597 Well ..., CJZiUPUgkcU-00038-00037597-00037794 Let's paint some more! CJZiUPUgkcU-00039-00043931-00044135 Here is my finish piece. CJZiUPUgkcU-00040-00044135-00044476 It's called "Friend's Head". CJZiUPUgkcU-00041-00044476-00044845 I said I wanna draw like outsider art, CJZiUPUgkcU-00042-00044845-00045342 but there is no such thing "drawing like outsider art"! CJZiUPUgkcU-00043-00045342-00045737 I just wanted to draw a hat like this CJZiUPUgkcU-00044-00045737-00046163 and just wanted to talk about outsider art! CJZiUPUgkcU-00045-00046163-00046313 Why a hat!? CJZiUPUgkcU-00046-00046313-00046507 On this magazine, CJZiUPUgkcU-00047-00046507-00046716 there is a hat man! CJZiUPUgkcU-00048-00046716-00047087 Maybe I remembered it without thinking. CJZiUPUgkcU-00049-00047087-00047378 It's nothing about outsider art! CJZiUPUgkcU-00050-00047378-00047803 There was another reason talked about outsider art. CJZiUPUgkcU-00051-00047803-00048170 July 2, 2021 to July 31, 2021, CJZiUPUgkcU-00052-00048170-00048615 I'll have a 2 men show called "OUTSIDER"! CJZiUPUgkcU-00053-00048615-00049078 Location is at a coffee shop Umenoki Jujyo in Kita-ku Tokyo. CJZiUPUgkcU-00054-00049078-00049456 It's been a while I have show at place like that. CJZiUPUgkcU-00055-00049456-00049887 The other artist name is "hippocampusmikichi". CJZiUPUgkcU-00056-00049887-00050120 She is a true outsider artist! CJZiUPUgkcU-00057-00050120-00050515 Her works are very interesting and match with mine CJZiUPUgkcU-00058-00050515-00050688 so we decide to do it! CJZiUPUgkcU-00059-00050688-00051176 This advertisment piece is collaboration work with her. CJZiUPUgkcU-00060-00051176-00051382 The show is at coffee shop, CJZiUPUgkcU-00061-00051382-00051714 so you can have coffee or something to eat, CJZiUPUgkcU-00062-00051714-00051907 and check our art pieces! CJZiUPUgkcU-00063-00051907-00052516 I'm planning to be there once a week at certain time. CJZiUPUgkcU-00064-00052516-00053189 I will post the schedule on my website and social medias in June. CJZiUPUgkcU-00065-00053189-00053474 Please check if you are interested. CJZiUPUgkcU-00066-00053474-00053964 If you would make it, I'd like to talk to you! CJZiUPUgkcU-00067-00053964-00054307 Well, I hope you enjoyed! CJZiUPUgkcU-00068-00054307-00054632 Thank you for watching! CJZiUPUgkcU-00069-00054632-00055102 If you like this video, please consider subscribing. CJZiUPUgkcU-00070-00055102-00055471 See you next time! Bye bye!! CKdPiJSSLJI-00000-00000108-00000450 Let's play a sound on an AirTag using the Find My App! CKdPiJSSLJI-00001-00000450-00001176 [AirTag localization sound] CKdPiJSSLJI-00002-00001176-00001488 So what do you think is happening here? Probably it's the Find My CKdPiJSSLJI-00003-00001488-00001854 app sending a Bluetooth packet. But it might be a bit more complicated. CKdPiJSSLJI-00004-00001950-00002508 Of course, because it's Bluetooth, we can use the PacketLogger and try to figure out how the packet CKdPiJSSLJI-00005-00002508-00003102 looks like. So I'm just playing a sound again. And now I see so many things I have to select CKdPiJSSLJI-00006-00003102-00003708 an active handle. And I'm currently only connected to my AirTag, which means on this active handle I CKdPiJSSLJI-00007-00003708-00004248 will only see the Bluetooth packets I'm interested in. And when I play a sound, I can see three CKdPiJSSLJI-00008-00004248-00004734 different packets. And what we don't know yet, but figure out later, is the first one is setting CKdPiJSSLJI-00009-00004734-00005370 a mutex, the next one is actually playing a sound sequence, and the last one is releasing the mutex. CKdPiJSSLJI-00010-00005478-00005862 The Bluetooth daemon is receiving all Bluetooth packets. But then is forwarding CKdPiJSSLJI-00011-00005862-00006276 them internally within the system using so-called cross-process communication or CKdPiJSSLJI-00012-00006276-00006768 XPC. So the Bluetooth Daemon receives the packet but it's not processing it. CKdPiJSSLJI-00013-00006768-00007218 Tt probably forwards it directly to the Find My app or something else in between. CKdPiJSSLJI-00014-00007308-00007698 A tool that we can use to figure out how this communication takes place CKdPiJSSLJI-00015-00007698-00008310 is xcpspy. And with xpcspy I can now attach to the Bluetooth daemon CKdPiJSSLJI-00016-00008364-00009030 and play a sound again. And what you can now see here, there's again a lot of data, CKdPiJSSLJI-00017-00009030-00009744 but I can search for some of the bytes that I saw in the PacketLogger here. A sequence starting with CKdPiJSSLJI-00018-00009744-00010566 28 hex, and when I search for this, then I can also see that there is an event. And this XPC CKdPiJSSLJI-00019-00010566-00011436 event is coming from a process with the id 413. And when looking for this and looking through CKdPiJSSLJI-00020-00011436-00012162 the processes, I can see that 413 belongs to the location daemon and not the Find My app directly. CKdPiJSSLJI-00021-00012270-00012708 I'm really confused because the Bluetooth demon sent something to the location daemon. CKdPiJSSLJI-00022-00012708-00013134 But I would expect it to send something to the Find My app! And now the next CKdPiJSSLJI-00023-00013134-00013590 thing that I do is just the opposite direction. So I think I just use the CKdPiJSSLJI-00024-00013590-00014106 Find My app. I play a sound on the AirTag. I attach with xpcspy and see what happens CKdPiJSSLJI-00025-00014172-00014946 and then. What I actually see is that there is some XPC message going to the searchparty daemon. CKdPiJSSLJI-00026-00014946-00015840 And the searchparty daemon has the process ID 1068. So there is yet another daemon in between. CKdPiJSSLJI-00027-00016008-00016482 And now what? I mean we have even more daemons. We have now the location demon and the searchparty CKdPiJSSLJI-00028-00016482-00017082 demon in between. So let me just attach to the searchparty daemon. And when I do this, CKdPiJSSLJI-00029-00017082-00017742 I can see that the searchparty daemon is just getting the message from the Find My app. And CKdPiJSSLJI-00030-00017742-00018468 then the next thing it does it sends something to the process 413, which is the location daemon. And CKdPiJSSLJI-00031-00018468-00019176 when we read through this very long XPC message being sent, we see that there is a message CKdPiJSSLJI-00032-00019176-00019722 that is something about a DurianManagement something something. We have a play Sound, CKdPiJSSLJI-00033-00019722-00020400 so this probably has to do something with the button I just pressed in the Find My app. CKdPiJSSLJI-00034-00020472-00020964 The AirTag commands are implemented inside the location daemon. And the code name for CKdPiJSSLJI-00035-00020964-00021432 the AirTag is "Durian", so we have to use frida-trace with the code name "Durian" CKdPiJSSLJI-00036-00021432-00022002 to see everything that is related to AirTags and happening inside of the location daemon. CKdPiJSSLJI-00037-00022074-00022530 And with this, when we play a sound, we can see that there is a task and the command CKdPiJSSLJI-00038-00022530-00023202 created that is also called play Sound. So we now really know this is all inside of a CKdPiJSSLJI-00039-00023202-00023562 location daemon. And even better all the [Objective-C] symbols are still CKdPiJSSLJI-00040-00023562-00024084 inside a location daemon and tell us how the commands are called and what they do. CKdPiJSSLJI-00041-00024084-00024606 With a bit more reverse engineering of the location demon we can now figure out all the CKdPiJSSLJI-00042-00024606-00025218 commands that are supported by an AirTag. And even better we can also execute all of those commands! CKdPiJSSLJI-00043-00025218-00025698 So I built a script for this that allows you to just access all of the commands and also print CKdPiJSSLJI-00044-00025698-00026370 them while they are executed - all based on the remaining symbols inside the location daemon. CKdPiJSSLJI-00045-00026436-00027000 And with this we can now first of all play a sound. So if we play a sound, we see now that CKdPiJSSLJI-00046-00027000-00027738 there's a mutex being set, the sound is played, and then the mutex is released. We can now also CKdPiJSSLJI-00047-00027738-00028338 play some custom sounds on here. So I say play a sound sequence. And each sequence consists CKdPiJSSLJI-00048-00028338-00028788 of four bytes, with the first one defining the sound index of the sound going to be played, CKdPiJSSLJI-00049-00028788-00029376 and then three more parameter bytes. So I can now play any sound sequence I want! CKdPiJSSLJI-00050-00029448-00029958 Cross-process communication or XPC is something that you see very often in Apple's CKdPiJSSLJI-00051-00029958-00030486 implementations. So you have multiple demons with different functionalities, probably implemented by CKdPiJSSLJI-00052-00030486-00031188 different teams. And all of this can be observed with xpcspy. You can also look into all the bytes CKdPiJSSLJI-00053-00031188-00031770 exchange there and the objects. So it helps you understanding a lot how something works. CKdPiJSSLJI-00054-00031770-00032424 And especially for protocol reverse engineering it's good to not just see the bytes but also to CKdPiJSSLJI-00055-00032424-00033090 see the implementation of a protocol to make sense of everything without just long intense staring. CKdPiJSSLJI-00056-00033216-00033582 I hope you liked the video and if you want to see CKdPiJSSLJI-00057-00033582-00033912 more of this you can subscribe or also follow me on Mastodon! CL3NOYKuy7y-00000-00000084-00000983 My personality, and just the way I'm wired, this challenge was so perfect for me, because CL3NOYKuy7y-00001-00000984-00001292 I did it publicly. CL3NOYKuy7y-00002-00001292-00001816 And when you do something publicly, when you put goals out publicly, when you have daily CL3NOYKuy7y-00003-00001816-00002494 things that you say you're going to do publicly, like in my mind that there was no failure. CL3NOYKuy7y-00004-00002494-00002858 Like, failure was not even close to being an option. CL3NOYKuy7y-00005-00002954-00003264 There was never a chance I was not going to get that second workout in at one o'clock CL3NOYKuy7y-00006-00003264-00003622 in the morning, two o'clock in the morning. CL3NOYKuy7y-00007-00003622-00003734 Because it was public. CL3NOYKuy7y-00008-00004152-00004580 I started building my personal brand on Facebook, and I used it as an accountability tool. CL3NOYKuy7y-00009-00004581-00005014 So I would jump on Facebook Live as I was headed down to the territory that was selling CL3NOYKuy7y-00010-00005014-00005418 and at the time, which is in Georgia traveling from South Carolina, and I would throw out CL3NOYKuy7y-00011-00005418-00005520 my goal for the week. CL3NOYKuy7y-00012-00005520-00005937 I'd say, "Hey, I'm going to sell this many life insurance policies this week." CL3NOYKuy7y-00013-00005937-00006324 And then each day I would keep people up to date. CL3NOYKuy7y-00014-00006324-00006927 "Hey, my goal was to sell 40 policies and after day one of four, I sold 10 today, so CL3NOYKuy7y-00015-00006927-00007068 I'm right on track." CL3NOYKuy7y-00016-00007068-00007557 Social media, for me has always been an accountability tool. CL3NOYKuy7y-00017-00007557-00007800 It's been an empowerment tool for other people. CL3NOYKuy7y-00018-00007800-00008103 But for me, selfishly, it has been an accountability tool. CL3NOYKuy7y-00019-00008103-00008731 And I have only, only gotten better, the more I've documented because it creates this level CL3NOYKuy7y-00020-00008731-00009013 of accountability that's unmatched. CL3NOYKuy7y-00021-00009013-00009334 And so 75 Hard in and of itself is an accountability tool. CL3NOYKuy7y-00022-00009334-00009902 But by documenting the process of going through 75 Hard, it'll take it to a whole other level. CL3NOYKuy7y-00023-00009902-00010195 And I truly believe it's the only way that I'll be able to make it work. CL3NOYKuy7y-00024-00010195-00010802 But what I realized when the challenge was over, is I don't know if I yet have it ingrained CL3NOYKuy7y-00025-00010802-00011259 in me for me to be able to do that for myself. CL3NOYKuy7y-00026-00011259-00011956 Now, part of me would say that's not necessarily a weakness. CL3NOYKuy7y-00027-00011956-00012468 It's more of a awareness that you need to keep those structures in place in order to CL3NOYKuy7y-00028-00012468-00012764 keep doing the things you need to do. CL3NOYKuy7y-00029-00012764-00013281 And I agree with that to a degree. CL3NOYKuy7y-00030-00013281-00014378 But I do think that I have more growing and maturing and learning and evolving to do. CL3NOYKuy7y-00031-00014378-00014940 Because I've often said on on this vlog or on an episode of the podcast that we can't CL3NOYKuy7y-00032-00014940-00015812 hold ourselves accountable to reach the highest level of success and performance and execution, CL3NOYKuy7y-00033-00015812-00016293 in order to get yourself to the highest level of performance. CL3NOYKuy7y-00034-00016293-00016843 To get as close as possible to whatever that potential is that you think that you have. CL3NOYKuy7y-00035-00016843-00017137 I don't think that you can hold yourself accountable. CL3NOYKuy7y-00036-00017137-00017687 I think you have to have people and processes in place in order to do that. CL3NOYKuy7y-00037-00017687-00017990 And so you can hold yourself accountable, the better. CL3NOYKuy7y-00038-00017990-00018320 But you can, I don't think you can hold yourself accountable to be the best. CL3NOYKuy7y-00039-00018320-00018801 That we can hold ourselves very well, at being mediocre. CL3NOYKuy7y-00040-00018801-00019334 We can even hold ourselves accountable to be good, above average, but to reach that, CL3NOYKuy7y-00041-00019334-00020181 like top 1% like we have to have people and processes in place to get us there. CL3NOYKuy7y-00042-00020181-00021145 But I think there's a balance of the mental toughness along with the structure, to where CL3NOYKuy7y-00043-00021145-00021521 when the structure goes away the mental toughness takes over. CL3NOYKuy7y-00044-00021521-00022293 When the public accountability goes away, the personal mindset takes over. CLiTDDqXVe8-00000-00000434-00000634 Pump it up Kitty... CLiTDDqXVe8-00001-00000853-00001053 Pump it up Kitty Cat CLiTDDqXVe8-00002-00001077-00001171 Where you at? CLiTDDqXVe8-00003-00001198-00001273 There you go CLiTDDqXVe8-00004-00001273-00001500 Put two paws on the floor CLiTDDqXVe8-00005-00001500-00001734 Two in the air and then just... CLiTDDqXVe8-00006-00001735-00002165 Go Kitty, Go Kitty, Go Kitty Go and just CLiTDDqXVe8-00007-00002165-00002542 Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Roll CLiTDDqXVe8-00008-00003037-00003211 Pump it up Kitty CLiTDDqXVe8-00009-00003445-00003673 Hey Dj play that funky beat CLiTDDqXVe8-00010-00003673-00003893 All the Kittehs move ya feet cause the CLiTDDqXVe8-00011-00003893-00004123 Musics Bumpin, Partys Pumpin CLiTDDqXVe8-00012-00004123-00004319 Feel that groove and you gotta do somethin! CLiTDDqXVe8-00013-00004335-00004763 Go Kitty, Go Kitty, Go Kitty Go and just CLiTDDqXVe8-00014-00004763-00005140 Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Roll CLiTDDqXVe8-00015-00006944-00007361 Go Kitty, Go Kitty, Go Kitty Go and just CLiTDDqXVe8-00016-00007361-00007734 Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Ride Kitty, Roll CLiTDDqXVe8-00017-00007806-00008610 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow CQAJozurV6I-00000-00000000-00000389 Welcome to our video on how to interpret your text matches to paraphrasing. CQAJozurV6I-00001-00000389-00000764 In this video we look at which kinds of text matches are acceptable, which CQAJozurV6I-00002-00000764-00001190 kinds are not, and how to revise your work when it comes to paraphrasing. CQAJozurV6I-00003-00001190-00001602 Interpreting text matches is an important step to help you check if your paraphrasing CQAJozurV6I-00004-00001602-00001857 is sufficient. To see your text matches CQAJozurV6I-00005-00001857-00002283 click on the originality button in the top left of the document. In the document CQAJozurV6I-00006-00002283-00002519 you can see three different text matches. CQAJozurV6I-00007-00002519-00002760 Let's look at the first one which is highlighted in pink. CQAJozurV6I-00008-00002760-00003261 This match is a problem and is an example of plagiarism because it does not CQAJozurV6I-00009-00003261-00003654 have a citation. When you click on the number which shows us a view of CQAJozurV6I-00010-00003654-00003804 the original text, CQAJozurV6I-00011-00003804-00004137 it is also a very close match to the original source. CQAJozurV6I-00012-00004137-00004400 It seems as though the author has simply changed a few of the words and is CQAJozurV6I-00013-00004400-00004680 presenting Craig's idea as their own. CQAJozurV6I-00014-00004700-00005100 So how could you fix this match to make it a better paraphrase? CQAJozurV6I-00015-00005100-00005418 When looking at your Turnitin originality report CQAJozurV6I-00016-00005418-00005841 it's best if you also have a copy of your draft work open - so that you can CQAJozurV6I-00017-00005841-00006093 make the changes as you go. CQAJozurV6I-00018-00006093-00006393 The first step is to put in a citation. CQAJozurV6I-00019-00006462-00006762 Then work on the wording of the paraphrase. CQAJozurV6I-00020-00006843-00007050 Aim to show your understanding CQAJozurV6I-00021-00007050-00007440 and avoid using the same words as the original text. CQAJozurV6I-00022-00007440-00007640 In this revised example we have CQAJozurV6I-00023-00007745-00007962 changed the wording of the sentence CQAJozurV6I-00024-00007962-00008140 The idea remains the same, CQAJozurV6I-00025-00008140-00008655 that Rawls' and and Plato's ideas don't work together. CQAJozurV6I-00026-00008750-00009075 However, by changing the wording we have made our CQAJozurV6I-00027-00009075-00009318 understanding of Craig's idea clearer. CQAJozurV6I-00028-00009318-00009738 We have also used fewer words, which can help fit into CQAJozurV6I-00029-00009738-00009950 the word limit. CQAJozurV6I-00030-00009950-00010150 After we have checked the remaining Turnitin text matches CQAJozurV6I-00031-00010236-00010629 we will put this revised work through Turnitin again, to see if the paraphrase CQAJozurV6I-00032-00010629-00010806 no longer has a text match. CQAJozurV6I-00033-00010806-00011157 Let's look at the other two text matches in the report. CQAJozurV6I-00034-00011289-00011733 First we check for citations. The sentences that contain CQAJozurV6I-00035-00011733-00012045 the red and the purple matches contain citations, so this is good. CQAJozurV6I-00036-00012045-00012552 However, the text matches show that the paraphrasing is not good CQAJozurV6I-00037-00012552-00013019 because too many non technical words are the same as in the original text. CQAJozurV6I-00038-00013019-00013458 So, like we did with revising the first paraphrase, we have to change these CQAJozurV6I-00039-00013458-00013844 paraphrases to show how we understand the ideas. CQAJozurV6I-00040-00013844-00014119 Once we have made those changes, we can put our revised version through Turnitin CQAJozurV6I-00041-00014119-00014300 and check the new originality report. CQAJozurV6I-00042-00014460-00015020 In this report, there are now no matches to the paraphrasing. CQAJozurV6I-00043-00015020-00015450 The only text matches are now to the references at the end of the CQAJozurV6I-00044-00015450-00015633 document, which is good. CQAJozurV6I-00045-00015633-00016068 So you can use Turnitin to check your paraphrasing. CQAJozurV6I-00046-00016068-00016434 It is useful to edit your draft document as you look through text matches CQAJozurV6I-00047-00016434-00016829 to make sure that you have paraphrased enough and that you have CQAJozurV6I-00048-00016829-00017132 given a correct citation for each paraphrase. CQAJozurV6I-00049-00017132-00017507 For more information on how to paraphrase check out the rest of the CQAJozurV6I-00050-00017507-00017865 Academic Skills and Learning Centre's Turnitin practice Wattle site. CSdcJr3mRdI-00000-00000008-00000664 hello everyone my name is jerry br and welcome back to resident evil 8. so we just escaped from CSdcJr3mRdI-00001-00000664-00001448 like these death tunnel mines in the last episode uh not too sure where we're gonna head out after CSdcJr3mRdI-00002-00001448-00002007 this the only thing i can think of is there's a lever here which i tried to pull last time CSdcJr3mRdI-00003-00002240-00003376 and got kidnapped but yeah so we met i guess all the big baddies of the game kinda um i CSdcJr3mRdI-00004-00003376-00004384 guess this whatever religious cult is here has like five leaders with mother miranda at the top CSdcJr3mRdI-00005-00004880-00005336 now i'm curious if they all share the castle CSdcJr3mRdI-00006-00005552-00005784 or CSdcJr3mRdI-00007-00005888-00006288 parts of the castle or something or if they have different areas CSdcJr3mRdI-00008-00006592-00007216 because i didn't i thought it was going to be lady demetrius CSdcJr3mRdI-00009-00007304-00007920 and her daughters as the i've been waiting for you mr winters how do you know my name CSdcJr3mRdI-00010-00007984-00008624 anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you a hero searching for his daughter CSdcJr3mRdI-00011-00008752-00009376 though i must say that castle arouses suspicion yeah and so do you CSdcJr3mRdI-00012-00009592-00010304 i am but a humble merchant oh forgive my manners call me the duke CSdcJr3mRdI-00013-00010304-00011040 now to business weapons ammunition healing salves anything you desire i can provide CSdcJr3mRdI-00014-00011264-00011760 seeking something in particular now here's something i haven't seen before CSdcJr3mRdI-00015-00011864-00012016 the duke's person um CSdcJr3mRdI-00016-00012248-00012336 could probably sell it CSdcJr3mRdI-00017-00012624-00013056 okay so these are things i could sell CSdcJr3mRdI-00018-00013696-00014496 i don't know 13 grand to do this without the shotgun dang oh let's see CSdcJr3mRdI-00019-00014816-00015584 water how much money do i have okay 1260. so i can't afford any of these easy there CSdcJr3mRdI-00020-00015728-00016247 log packs each one can only be used once hang the name of shotgun shop CSdcJr3mRdI-00021-00016760-00016984 it's free CSdcJr3mRdI-00022-00019360-00019784 okay 1260 yeah it's still free CSdcJr3mRdI-00023-00020088-00020216 an interesting selection CSdcJr3mRdI-00024-00020944-00021560 i saw you eyeing that one that's funny could i have gotten more lockpicks CSdcJr3mRdI-00025-00022360-00023376 testing it out pay me no mind okay what how much do these sell for and not that much CSdcJr3mRdI-00026-00023608-00024392 so this is all an investment could increase my fire rate but i'm not too big on CSdcJr3mRdI-00027-00024648-00025040 actually if all of these the only one i'd really be interested in is power CSdcJr3mRdI-00028-00025304-00026032 because none of these really play into how much damage i can do CSdcJr3mRdI-00029-00026568-00027152 let's see securing goods is more important than anything oh extra baggage CSdcJr3mRdI-00030-00027639-00028208 oh recipes CSdcJr3mRdI-00031-00028208-00029239 this gun 110 0.4 2.6 and 9. it's probably better than two points CSdcJr3mRdI-00032-00029495-00030295 it does more power and that's what matters oh excellent choice CSdcJr3mRdI-00033-00030568-00030983 good day then CSdcJr3mRdI-00034-00031200-00031280 wait um CSdcJr3mRdI-00035-00031560-00032383 uh how do i yeah shortcut this to up CSdcJr3mRdI-00036-00032464-00033784 all right is there like a oh yeah CSdcJr3mRdI-00037-00034024-00035184 why not CSdcJr3mRdI-00038-00035864-00036584 all right i guess that's a little better CSdcJr3mRdI-00039-00037576-00037984 all right CSdcJr3mRdI-00040-00038040-00038368 you have a horse neat can i kill your horse CSdcJr3mRdI-00041-00038440-00039008 no i won't do that i know resident evil how they feel about attacking merchants CSdcJr3mRdI-00042-00039336-00039656 even if it's weird that he's set up here anyone who's helping is helping CSdcJr3mRdI-00043-00040504-00041376 castle dimitrisk yeah so i thought the only villains were really ladies damn it trey sue and CSdcJr3mRdI-00044-00041608-00042184 her daughters but CSdcJr3mRdI-00045-00042344-00042880 redneck delivery of one male three females mother miranda meeting with mistress CSdcJr3mRdI-00046-00043016-00043584 demetrius very first the duke business discussions interesting CSdcJr3mRdI-00047-00044672-00045448 i wonder if people actually looked like their pictures and things like this because CSdcJr3mRdI-00048-00045624-00046384 you know three dollars bella cassandra and daniella bca CSdcJr3mRdI-00049-00047112-00047784 like that money right beside work boots rips an elevator CSdcJr3mRdI-00050-00048488-00049184 there's still something else in here but it could easily be re needing that elevator to work CSdcJr3mRdI-00051-00050224-00050568 i just have to keep an eye out for any valuable crystals CSdcJr3mRdI-00052-00050568-00051984 because if i want to upgrade my guns and stuff we're gonna need those CSdcJr3mRdI-00053-00052504-00052567 i break it CSdcJr3mRdI-00054-00052991-00053384 no all right this door is locked CSdcJr3mRdI-00055-00054432-00055032 if i ever had a vase like that i would honestly probably keep like some money or something in it CSdcJr3mRdI-00056-00055167-00055655 just in the event that it broke you know because i think that'd be hilarious CSdcJr3mRdI-00057-00055888-00056184 it could feel like link CSdcJr3mRdI-00058-00057055-00057736 i just remembered how little i would enter this town if i was ethan CSdcJr3mRdI-00059-00058488-00059152 looks like there's a hole for something spherical and a bunch of blood crystals all right CSdcJr3mRdI-00060-00059152-00060032 norsh norsh tens labyrinth craftsman of the late 19th century norshton was branded a heretic in CSdcJr3mRdI-00061-00060032-00060528 his homeland he wandered the lands until he settled in a remote village nordstrom then CSdcJr3mRdI-00062-00060528-00061048 created four labyrinths the castle the house on a hill the water wheel and the iron tower CSdcJr3mRdI-00063-00061048-00061536 upon their completion he put a gun to his temple and took his own life each labyrinth is unique CSdcJr3mRdI-00064-00061536-00061991 and requires its own specially crafted metal ball to operate each one contains CSdcJr3mRdI-00065-00061991-00062584 crystallized human remains which are said to be his four beloved wives libras are their graves CSdcJr3mRdI-00066-00062848-00063184 okay CSdcJr3mRdI-00067-00063272-00063791 i'm assuming this is a model of you know the castle we're in but i don't oh the waterways CSdcJr3mRdI-00068-00063984-00064064 i forget that CSdcJr3mRdI-00069-00064328-00064632 waterways like that move to push water CSdcJr3mRdI-00070-00065167-00065200 all right CSdcJr3mRdI-00071-00065880-00066608 all right so on this floor we have like a little safe room CSdcJr3mRdI-00072-00066792-00067384 nope all right uh probably that guy we just learned about norsten CSdcJr3mRdI-00073-00067584-00067728 mask the angels blinded CSdcJr3mRdI-00074-00067944-00068808 i was reading that CSdcJr3mRdI-00075-00068808-00069088 oh they're all like locusts or something CSdcJr3mRdI-00076-00070008-00070240 oh my god ethan your leg CSdcJr3mRdI-00077-00070680-00071584 that's the leg jack took off jeez we're moving CSdcJr3mRdI-00078-00072384-00072800 that other guy didn't drag me that quick mother i bring you fresh prey CSdcJr3mRdI-00079-00072800-00072984 you are so kind to me daughters CSdcJr3mRdI-00080-00073376-00073976 now oh let's take a look at him wow well ethan winters CSdcJr3mRdI-00081-00074072-00075176 you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you let's see how special you are yes mother yes CSdcJr3mRdI-00082-00076136-00076328 do i have does ethan have weird blood CSdcJr3mRdI-00083-00076616-00077120 has any t-virus starting to go a little stale then let's devour his man flesh CSdcJr3mRdI-00084-00077120-00077720 quickly mother i am the one who captured him now now daughters first i must inform mother miranda CSdcJr3mRdI-00085-00077816-00078584 but later well there will be enough for everyone you know CSdcJr3mRdI-00086-00078792-00078912 if you keep me alive CSdcJr3mRdI-00087-00079352-00079536 i can keep you know producing blood CSdcJr3mRdI-00088-00080888-00081384 what are you doing CSdcJr3mRdI-00089-00082112-00082784 was that mine what's that a bug effect just phase through the door CSdcJr3mRdI-00090-00083000-00084184 that's not how bugs work all right so we are hanging CSdcJr3mRdI-00091-00084296-00084384 and hanging CSdcJr3mRdI-00092-00084680-00084816 ethan no it's CSdcJr3mRdI-00093-00085136-00085584 no there's no way CSdcJr3mRdI-00094-00085784-00085928 what are you doing ethan CSdcJr3mRdI-00095-00086448-00087072 your crazy [ __ ] CSdcJr3mRdI-00096-00087072-00088384 and oh convenience CSdcJr3mRdI-00097-00088472-00089208 ethan you're carter isn't on the candle oh my god ethan ethan that CSdcJr3mRdI-00098-00089464-00089784 ethan how dumb are you CSdcJr3mRdI-00099-00089888-00090040 like i don't know CSdcJr3mRdI-00100-00090560-00090792 sure let's take her glass CSdcJr3mRdI-00101-00091128-00091456 i'm sure that won't come back to haunt us in any way CSdcJr3mRdI-00102-00091600-00092584 all right that's all for their stuff let's follow them what if they were just sitting in here CSdcJr3mRdI-00103-00092648-00093448 uh lockpick i guess why not it's probably dumb to use it on the very first thing i come across CSdcJr3mRdI-00104-00093448-00093984 that i don't know what i'm getting but CSdcJr3mRdI-00105-00094840-00095384 all right does that like go out into something because i'm assuming okay that's a lot CSdcJr3mRdI-00106-00095568-00096144 and what is this maidens of the harvest okay CSdcJr3mRdI-00107-00096496-00097008 this is real fruit real fruit interesting CSdcJr3mRdI-00108-00097248-00097584 oh shoot batteries are charged CSdcJr3mRdI-00109-00097808-00098544 captures 16 minutes all right batteries are charged let's get back into this um CSdcJr3mRdI-00110-00098544-00098808 i guess i can go in and then over CSdcJr3mRdI-00111-00099208-00099584 hi rats CSdcJr3mRdI-00112-00100592-00101112 i wonder if lady dimitry sku can um CSdcJr3mRdI-00113-00101552-00102384 can turn into bugs or whatever because then she might be a little powerful CSdcJr3mRdI-00114-00103680-00103783 haha CSdcJr3mRdI-00115-00104104-00105183 i hope you don't like come out here and find out that it's broken all right cool CSdcJr3mRdI-00116-00105896-00106135 my controller started vibrating and i don't know CSdcJr3mRdI-00117-00106359-00106583 what to do about that CSdcJr3mRdI-00118-00107480-00107983 just unlock this just for you know emergencies CSdcJr3mRdI-00119-00108176-00108383 in case i'm running for my life CSdcJr3mRdI-00120-00108696-00108959 all right everything yep that's this hallway taken care of CSdcJr3mRdI-00121-00109216-00109335 where have they taken growth CSdcJr3mRdI-00122-00109624-00109880 all right so we got marks on these things CSdcJr3mRdI-00123-00110128-00110216 there's some kind of CSdcJr3mRdI-00124-00110688-00111424 i'm guessing i have to find oh wait no i need heads yeah that's probably it CSdcJr3mRdI-00125-00111911-00112600 i like yeah all right so i got a blood red gemstone in the shape of an evil eye CSdcJr3mRdI-00126-00112600-00112983 what's an evil eye look like hey buddy we meet again CSdcJr3mRdI-00127-00113088-00114048 duke why are you here to sell stuff there's coin to be made and have you found your daughter no CSdcJr3mRdI-00128-00114240-00114880 if she is truly here the lady of the castle would have kept little rose in her private chambers CSdcJr3mRdI-00129-00114880-00115656 would she not tell me to ask the very same why don't you take a look maybe you'll get lucky CSdcJr3mRdI-00130-00115752-00116311 and speaking of looking here to make a purchase are you gonna be the like a final villain feel CSdcJr3mRdI-00131-00116544-00117816 because that kind of makes sense CSdcJr3mRdI-00132-00117816-00118424 securing goods is more important than anything anything great increases rate of fire CSdcJr3mRdI-00133-00118752-00119200 great CSdcJr3mRdI-00134-00119200-00119824 i know i need some i don't know i'll play it by ear we will meet again soon CSdcJr3mRdI-00135-00120128-00120672 does that ring eye fit in here yeah i didn't i didn't think so but CSdcJr3mRdI-00136-00121135-00121176 all right CSdcJr3mRdI-00137-00121672-00122280 i know like i like nice new neat things but CSdcJr3mRdI-00138-00122576-00122656 those were urns CSdcJr3mRdI-00139-00122944-00123704 probably and they could just be dusty i know i like nice new things but um this cast is nice CSdcJr3mRdI-00140-00123776-00124104 as any castle probably is honestly CSdcJr3mRdI-00141-00125288-00126183 okay so that's back near where i came in can't go through this fireplace CSdcJr3mRdI-00142-00126600-00126935 books crotchless guards CSdcJr3mRdI-00143-00127552-00127983 that doesn't currently lead to a secret underground network of things CSdcJr3mRdI-00144-00128600-00128983 am i supposed to CSdcJr3mRdI-00145-00129216-00129392 am i supposed to find something with this CSdcJr3mRdI-00146-00129911-00130624 huh they have red lipstick and they apply way too much of it CSdcJr3mRdI-00147-00130848-00131784 all right this door is also locked so that means we have to go up CSdcJr3mRdI-00148-00133304-00133344 i guess CSdcJr3mRdI-00149-00133560-00133992 it might actually make sense if they were like locus locus kind of like eat CSdcJr3mRdI-00150-00134056-00134616 people and anything don't they isn't that what farmers have to be worried about CSdcJr3mRdI-00151-00134832-00135456 uh the wine making techniques of castle demetres can be traced as far back as the 15th century long CSdcJr3mRdI-00152-00135456-00136312 before the current occupants of the castle alcina okay so she is a then there's bella cassandra and CSdcJr3mRdI-00153-00136312-00136880 the fourth's daughter whose name starts with d uses this legendary yet peculiar technique to CSdcJr3mRdI-00154-00136880-00137760 enrich the wine's flavor intensity and bestow it with a thick bouquet her best vintage is sangua CSdcJr3mRdI-00155-00137760-00138288 virginis meaning maiden's blood is kept in a special ornate bottle decorate with CSdcJr3mRdI-00156-00138288-00139008 intricate silver flowers yep it's blood this place ships out blood for people CSdcJr3mRdI-00157-00139304-00139632 and people love it virgin's blood CSdcJr3mRdI-00158-00140096-00141088 all right decisions uh red no picture no picture seems good choice CSdcJr3mRdI-00159-00141448-00142112 all right so these vampires are like 600 years old CSdcJr3mRdI-00160-00142624-00143040 i'm gonna get like full up on yeah wow i have a lot of handgun ammo CSdcJr3mRdI-00161-00143672-00144424 yeah oh there you go you got two eyes now CSdcJr3mRdI-00162-00145288-00145784 do we go backwards CSdcJr3mRdI-00163-00146424-00147208 i haven't cut open a man in a while let me string you up slice your jugular and just watch CSdcJr3mRdI-00164-00147208-00148584 taking a live dead witch would you prefer um i can't hold back any longer CSdcJr3mRdI-00165-00149112-00149984 okay i hope i shouldn't have taken that slower and looked for it saying oh well we are here now CSdcJr3mRdI-00166-00150256-00150880 it was my first day working at the castle today i was most shocked to see the other staff were CSdcJr3mRdI-00167-00150880-00151440 all women the mistress and her daughters were very adamant that they wouldn't bite it's very peculiar CSdcJr3mRdI-00168-00151552-00151872 it's been two weeks since i started working at the castle and i'm a little afraid CSdcJr3mRdI-00169-00152056-00152672 there's a [ __ ] man another maid adela made a mistake and miss daniella slashed her face with a CSdcJr3mRdI-00170-00152672-00153392 knife and at night i can hear wailing as if ghost roamed the halls i want to go home i don't know CSdcJr3mRdI-00171-00153392-00153784 what to do the young ladies were complaining it was too hot and stuffy during dinner so i opened CSdcJr3mRdI-00172-00153784-00154352 the window just to crack shut it shut it now they all shrieked at me in unison i fear i may be taken CSdcJr3mRdI-00173-00154352-00154800 down into the cellar never to be seen of again i don't know what to do i don't know what to do CSdcJr3mRdI-00174-00155088-00155384 well it does appear that this note was in the cellar CSdcJr3mRdI-00175-00155504-00155856 yeah this bottle these wines don't look as nice as those other ones CSdcJr3mRdI-00176-00156136-00156240 how far do we fall down CSdcJr3mRdI-00177-00156744-00157640 because it felt like a couple stories a couple floors catch up to her CSdcJr3mRdI-00178-00157912-00158384 hey lady CSdcJr3mRdI-00179-00158792-00158968 huh i thought that would have been openable CSdcJr3mRdI-00180-00159304-00159384 geez i am CSdcJr3mRdI-00181-00159624-00160112 88 shots holy [ __ ] CSdcJr3mRdI-00182-00160112-00160504 give me something to shoot don't please don't give me anything to shoot CSdcJr3mRdI-00183-00160768-00161184 i like this you know just a little explore around and castle CSdcJr3mRdI-00184-00161704-00162584 and find money CSdcJr3mRdI-00185-00163160-00164328 hmm oh trust in life CSdcJr3mRdI-00186-00164560-00165384 oh CSdcJr3mRdI-00187-00165664-00166336 i was like trust in light look at that yeah what am i going to do not just it's dark CSdcJr3mRdI-00188-00166592-00166784 ethan you have a headlamp CSdcJr3mRdI-00189-00167008-00167096 no keep it on CSdcJr3mRdI-00190-00167496-00168184 hmm can't see any benefit to walking oh that's a toilet CSdcJr3mRdI-00191-00168888-00169112 i don't know i i don't know CSdcJr3mRdI-00192-00169328-00169584 the bucket tells me it was for you to drip in but CSdcJr3mRdI-00193-00169816-00170056 oh help me brother CSdcJr3mRdI-00194-00170640-00171328 i don't think that's anything for me to help with brother CSdcJr3mRdI-00195-00172128-00172464 imagine if they just walked up behind me and just closed one of these CSdcJr3mRdI-00196-00173216-00173808 i'd like to see a game where if you ran if you walked into any cell CSdcJr3mRdI-00197-00173808-00174232 you know if i only walked into one of these that's the cell i got locked into CSdcJr3mRdI-00198-00175008-00175184 didn't look human CSdcJr3mRdI-00199-00175600-00175784 i've candidates irina CSdcJr3mRdI-00200-00176000-00177048 lewis louise ingrid rejects dandor greta nadine camila bianca molina astrid lyudmila CSdcJr3mRdI-00201-00177048-00178056 rosalinda lina stefano gabriella yeah i apologize because i know i'm saying name's wrong CSdcJr3mRdI-00202-00178440-00179384 they're not names some are not are names i've never heard before CSdcJr3mRdI-00203-00179648-00180312 and when you're just reading them irena robust appetite mahala robust appetite CSdcJr3mRdI-00204-00180392-00180832 louise robust appetite ingrid unstable overly alert at times CSdcJr3mRdI-00205-00181960-00183584 okay that's fine i didn't even see it so CSdcJr3mRdI-00206-00183776-00185008 what's this scrap CSdcJr3mRdI-00207-00185008-00185488 that was fancy scrub another one rust this one metal CSdcJr3mRdI-00208-00185776-00186384 metal is best scrap i don't know that CSdcJr3mRdI-00209-00186520-00186680 there's something up ahead CSdcJr3mRdI-00210-00187400-00187784 someone else is fighting them oh CSdcJr3mRdI-00211-00188160-00189216 can you guys open doors you can CSdcJr3mRdI-00212-00189216-00189336 so find me i CSdcJr3mRdI-00213-00189976-00190584 please wrap around oh sweet CSdcJr3mRdI-00214-00191616-00191752 there's nothing behind me correct CSdcJr3mRdI-00215-00192928-00193384 oh my god CSdcJr3mRdI-00216-00193504-00193928 stop it bad you that that CSdcJr3mRdI-00217-00194600-00194824 there's just two of you guys did i actually kill one CSdcJr3mRdI-00218-00195088-00195112 cool CSdcJr3mRdI-00219-00195336-00196184 i wish i could lock this and just like CSdcJr3mRdI-00220-00196352-00197584 now CSdcJr3mRdI-00221-00197640-00198984 i guess the best way to know that they're down is if they drop money CSdcJr3mRdI-00222-00199320-00199496 no i should probably stay over this side CSdcJr3mRdI-00223-00200256-00200384 did it die CSdcJr3mRdI-00224-00200584-00201784 cool all right so i did use like 30 shots so 10 shots an enemy that's probably too many CSdcJr3mRdI-00225-00203616-00203936 i don't understand how this works that will be pushed enemies away CSdcJr3mRdI-00226-00204040-00204584 i forgot there's a like a quick turn button CSdcJr3mRdI-00227-00204704-00204967 i guess this might be the good time to figure it out CSdcJr3mRdI-00228-00205344-00205408 oh my god CSdcJr3mRdI-00229-00205936-00206271 oh crystal skull don't ask why i'm up your butt CSdcJr3mRdI-00230-00206552-00206760 mostly because i don't think i have an answer to CSdcJr3mRdI-00231-00207360-00208784 a it bomb oh cool there's still more goodies i okay you can't go under there CSdcJr3mRdI-00232-00210256-00210576 i know that was a fair trap but it's not oh jeez CSdcJr3mRdI-00233-00210856-00210888 three CSdcJr3mRdI-00234-00211384-00212984 well we got in this i know 11 shots it's just all right everyone together now CSdcJr3mRdI-00235-00214112-00214384 ingrid's necklace CSdcJr3mRdI-00236-00217016-00217464 that bites the face all better now i don't understand the push mechanic CSdcJr3mRdI-00237-00218200-00218696 and that's something i feel like i will need to know why are you guys carrying these around CSdcJr3mRdI-00238-00219344-00219984 others i guess more treasures to find is not a bad CSdcJr3mRdI-00239-00220416-00221384 i do like CSdcJr3mRdI-00240-00222248-00222784 i hate these holes because i don't know if that's just so they can infinitely spawn what CSdcJr3mRdI-00241-00224023-00224184 i am not in a good spot CSdcJr3mRdI-00242-00224871-00225584 haha CSdcJr3mRdI-00243-00225823-00226984 no that one makes sense CSdcJr3mRdI-00244-00229008-00229032 oh CSdcJr3mRdI-00245-00229319-00229784 okay cool i've found all the treasures CSdcJr3mRdI-00246-00230152-00230200 all right CSdcJr3mRdI-00247-00230440-00231184 and we're out of the basement our dungeons i don't know we went upstairs CSdcJr3mRdI-00248-00231544-00231960 all right family photo album was our family photo will still not open that door CSdcJr3mRdI-00249-00232319-00232632 i can't believe cassandra caused all this mess CSdcJr3mRdI-00250-00232896-00233552 you can walk yep yep um okay uh not that way healthy man's blood CSdcJr3mRdI-00251-00233792-00233984 i can't wait CSdcJr3mRdI-00252-00234223-00234312 oh it's a bad idea CSdcJr3mRdI-00253-00235200-00235384 my jugular CSdcJr3mRdI-00254-00235856-00236192 like drought like because CSdcJr3mRdI-00255-00236688-00236719 you're CSdcJr3mRdI-00256-00237912-00238184 your bullets cannot harm CSdcJr3mRdI-00257-00239336-00239584 i bet they can harm you now CSdcJr3mRdI-00258-00239792-00240984 just um i feel no pain CSdcJr3mRdI-00259-00242000-00242384 ah CSdcJr3mRdI-00260-00243064-00243784 i'll slice your throat and stuff it with worms CSdcJr3mRdI-00261-00243856-00243992 that's not an open fireplace CSdcJr3mRdI-00262-00244456-00245184 any chance i can like jump out here nope i'm sick of fighting you CSdcJr3mRdI-00263-00245360-00245688 computer oh jeez why would you go to sleep now CSdcJr3mRdI-00264-00245688-00246808 all right damn it i tried to shoot as soon as i unpaused i won't forgive you you bastard behave CSdcJr3mRdI-00265-00247071-00247416 excuse me i i think we need to be in CSdcJr3mRdI-00266-00247416-00249384 there where are you at oh i don't believe it CSdcJr3mRdI-00267-00249480-00249760 wait oh i was gonna do that CSdcJr3mRdI-00268-00249984-00250176 huh that looks valuable CSdcJr3mRdI-00269-00250512-00250816 huh that was anticlimactic kind of CSdcJr3mRdI-00270-00251184-00251344 in the sense that i expected CSdcJr3mRdI-00271-00251640-00252184 each of the daughters to be like a chapter boss or whatever CSdcJr3mRdI-00272-00252344-00252632 another one was sent to the seller she had only spilled some soup everyone CSdcJr3mRdI-00273-00252632-00252944 knows what happens when you're sent to the seller you've never seen it again CSdcJr3mRdI-00274-00252944-00253384 drain your blood your soul cursed to under the halls i went looking for her when i found her CSdcJr3mRdI-00275-00253384-00253832 she was just skin and bones and gnawing on a rat carcass i suspect it'll be my turn next CSdcJr3mRdI-00276-00254119-00254432 do people apply for this or were you guys like abducted for this CSdcJr3mRdI-00277-00254904-00255071 oh yeah we should probably reload CSdcJr3mRdI-00278-00255408-00255448 okay CSdcJr3mRdI-00279-00255760-00256384 all right so i killed one daughter so there's two daughters left and and then five other people so CSdcJr3mRdI-00280-00256632-00256680 recoil CSdcJr3mRdI-00281-00257200-00257232 um CSdcJr3mRdI-00282-00257640-00259184 equip equipped CSdcJr3mRdI-00283-00259328-00259623 increased oh increased firepower yeah you're CSdcJr3mRdI-00284-00259784-00260656 um shortcutted back to the top making this gun obsolete right huh CSdcJr3mRdI-00285-00260952-00261152 i wonder when that's gonna be CSdcJr3mRdI-00286-00261416-00262023 wait 38. did i use that many bullets i can't figure out wow CSdcJr3mRdI-00287-00262328-00262352 um CSdcJr3mRdI-00288-00262960-00263384 just on the ground CSdcJr3mRdI-00289-00264248-00264784 send to temp items CSdcJr3mRdI-00290-00265832-00266304 those their items cannot be discarded oh that's a discard CSdcJr3mRdI-00291-00266712-00266968 what i don't i was gonna say that's dumb but CSdcJr3mRdI-00292-00267336-00267584 i guess CSdcJr3mRdI-00293-00267872-00269000 this one CSdcJr3mRdI-00294-00269000-00269704 what an angel statue all right are we almost near like a save point because CSdcJr3mRdI-00295-00269960-00270384 this is the dining room CSdcJr3mRdI-00296-00271496-00271784 we're just you know preempting this CSdcJr3mRdI-00297-00272144-00272736 right because these are yeah it's not like werewolves are going to burst through because i'm CSdcJr3mRdI-00298-00272736-00273672 breaking the glass that they could much easily or break more easily i think that's english CSdcJr3mRdI-00299-00274440-00275016 all right i'm just gonna go see the duke CSdcJr3mRdI-00300-00275256-00275984 don't mind me CSdcJr3mRdI-00301-00276040-00276504 i've expanded my services please come take a look all right let's see what CSdcJr3mRdI-00302-00276504-00277384 you got seeking something in particular not really but um supplies nothing free because CSdcJr3mRdI-00303-00277520-00278080 um how much yeah 140 i don't know that's not that much CSdcJr3mRdI-00304-00278152-00278784 like you know everything helps but it's awesome CSdcJr3mRdI-00305-00278936-00279304 so 4 36 so i got like CSdcJr3mRdI-00306-00279576-00280224 dimitri's daughter's crystallized remains valuable oh man i got a lot of CSdcJr3mRdI-00307-00280368-00281088 treasure i don't know i'll think i want to know for that in the next episode or between CSdcJr3mRdI-00308-00281088-00281504 now and the next episode so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you're enjoying um CSdcJr3mRdI-00309-00281560-00282296 resident evil 8 i don't have anything for this right now hope you're enjoying resident evil 8 CSdcJr3mRdI-00310-00282296-00282664 thank you guys so much for watching be sure to like comment subscribe as CSdcJr3mRdI-00311-00282664-00285312 always bye you CTp5185wwsM-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, CTp5185wwsM-00001-00000105-00000404 we will begin working with function notation. CTp5185wwsM-00002-00000404-00000700 Function notation is simply that notation: CTp5185wwsM-00003-00000700-00001104 f of x is equal to some expression. CTp5185wwsM-00004-00001104-00001403 Remember, this does not mean f times x, CTp5185wwsM-00005-00001403-00001701 but simply the name of a function, f; CTp5185wwsM-00006-00001701-00002007 and what is plugged into the function, x. CTp5185wwsM-00007-00002204-00002601 This variable, x, or whatever is in the parentheses CTp5185wwsM-00008-00002601-00003201 or inside the function is what will go in the expression. CTp5185wwsM-00009-00003704-00003905 Let's take a look at some examples CTp5185wwsM-00010-00003905-00004200 where we plug that number in parentheses CTp5185wwsM-00011-00004200-00004500 into the expression for the variable. CTp5185wwsM-00012-00004800-00005204 In this problem, we're asked to find f of 3. CTp5185wwsM-00013-00005204-00005309 In other words, CTp5185wwsM-00014-00005309-00005805 we're asked to plug the number 3 into the function f. CTp5185wwsM-00015-00005805-00006107 As we do, we'll replace each of the x's CTp5185wwsM-00016-00006107-00006409 with the number we're asked to use. CTp5185wwsM-00017-00006409-00006604 As we do, CTp5185wwsM-00018-00006604-00007009 we will always put our substitutions in parentheses. CTp5185wwsM-00019-00007009-00007304 Notice the negative is not in parentheses. CTp5185wwsM-00020-00007304-00007900 Only the x changed into a 3 goes in parentheses--squared-- CTp5185wwsM-00021-00007900-00008308 plus 2 times x, which now is a 3; minus 5. CTp5185wwsM-00022-00008505-00008707 After plugging 3 into the function CTp5185wwsM-00023-00008707-00008905 for each of the variables, CTp5185wwsM-00024-00008905-00009306 we can now evaluate using the order of operations. CTp5185wwsM-00025-00009306-00009907 Exponents first--noticing the exponent is only on the 3. CTp5185wwsM-00026-00009907-00010408 This gives us -9, plus 2, times 3, minus 5. CTp5185wwsM-00027-00010609-00011109 Next, we multiply to get -9, plus 6, minus 5; CTp5185wwsM-00028-00011109-00011601 and finally start to add and subtract from left to right CTp5185wwsM-00029-00011601-00012107 to get -3 minus 5, which is equal to -8. CTp5185wwsM-00030-00012307-00012706 This tells us that when we plug 3 into this function, CTp5185wwsM-00031-00012706-00013003 the expression is equal to -8. CTp5185wwsM-00032-00013206-00013409 Let's take a look at another example CTp5185wwsM-00033-00013409-00013707 where we're asked to plug a number into a function CTp5185wwsM-00034-00013707-00014002 and simplify the resulting equation. CTp5185wwsM-00035-00014302-00014406 In this problem, CTp5185wwsM-00036-00014406-00015002 we're asked to plug 20 into g, as we find g of 20. CTp5185wwsM-00037-00015002-00015306 If g of x is equal to the square root, CTp5185wwsM-00038-00015306-00015807 we need to replace the x in that function with the 20. CTp5185wwsM-00039-00015807-00016204 This gives us the square root of 2x, CTp5185wwsM-00040-00016204-00016604 which now gets replaced with 20 plus 5. CTp5185wwsM-00041-00016803-00017007 Simplifying, we'll multiply first, CTp5185wwsM-00042-00017007-00017307 giving us the square root of 40; plus 5; CTp5185wwsM-00043-00017307-00017700 and then we will add the 40 and 5 together CTp5185wwsM-00044-00017700-00018006 to get the square root of 45. CTp5185wwsM-00045-00018006-00018207 We can simplify this square root CTp5185wwsM-00046-00018207-00018507 by finding the prime factorization of 45, CTp5185wwsM-00047-00018507-00018806 which is divisible by 3, fifteen times; CTp5185wwsM-00048-00018806-00019106 3, five times; and 5, once. CTp5185wwsM-00049-00019301-00019901 The prime factorization of 45 is 3 squared times 5. CTp5185wwsM-00050-00019901-00020008 Sure enough, we can simplify CTp5185wwsM-00051-00020008-00020305 by pulling a 3 out of the radical CTp5185wwsM-00052-00020305-00020504 to get our final answer: CTp5185wwsM-00053-00020504-00020903 3 times the square root of 5. CTp5185wwsM-00054-00020903-00021303 This tells us that when 20 is plugged into the function, CTp5185wwsM-00055-00021303-00021707 the result will be 3 root 5. CTp5185wwsM-00056-00021707-00022007 Function notation is simply a fancy way of saying CTp5185wwsM-00057-00022007-00022204 replace the variable CTp5185wwsM-00058-00022204-00022601 with whatever is in the parentheses. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00000-00000214-00000470 Dan Roden: I changed the title to Engineering Healthcare CZ8iqfj8cE0-00001-00000470-00000884 Systems because I -- I'll tell you a story about the way we're doing it, but the way CZ8iqfj8cE0-00002-00000884-00001415 we're doing it is influencing the way other people are doing it, in part because of NHGRI's CZ8iqfj8cE0-00003-00001415-00001520 support. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00004-00001520-00002153 I will have to start by thanking the organizers for inviting me to be the mouthpiece for this CZ8iqfj8cE0-00005-00002153-00002519 electronic medical records kind of effort. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00006-00002519-00003000 So this is the map that you've seen before, and if you haven't, I don't know what rock CZ8iqfj8cE0-00007-00003000-00003160 you've been hiding under. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00008-00003160-00003260 [laughter] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00009-00003260-00003709 We are -- I'm going to talk about this space right here, genomic predictors of disease CZ8iqfj8cE0-00010-00003709-00004032 susceptibility and drug response, and then I'm going to talk a little bit about engaging CZ8iqfj8cE0-00011-00004032-00004459 the electronic medical record for discovery purposes, not for patient care purposes. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00012-00004459-00005002 And then I'll talk a little bit about engaging the electronic record for delivering genomic CZ8iqfj8cE0-00013-00005002-00005102 medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00014-00005102-00005284 So there are many definitions of genomic medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00015-00005284-00005778 I'm part of a working group at NHGRI that spent an inordinate amount of time working CZ8iqfj8cE0-00016-00005778-00005924 on these words. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00017-00005924-00006288 And these are the words, for better or worse, and when I argue with Eric about changing CZ8iqfj8cE0-00018-00006288-00006622 those words, I get told, "The words are done. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00019-00006622-00006722 Let's work on something else." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00020-00006722-00006822 [laughter] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00021-00006822-00007156 So -- and I think that this is a very reasonable definition. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00022-00007156-00007443 I don't want to say that it's not. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00023-00007443-00007867 I will say that genomic medicine is part of a greater vision of what I think -- what people CZ8iqfj8cE0-00024-00007867-00008140 are calling precision medicine or personalized medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00025-00008140-00008550 I like personalized medicine better than precision, but that's a debate we can have later. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00026-00008550-00008999 I think -- because precision may overpromise, and personalized means you're taking care CZ8iqfj8cE0-00027-00008999-00009108 of a single patient. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00028-00009108-00009327 I'll come back to that theme later. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00029-00009327-00009794 Any clinician who wants to give a talk has to quote or at least acknowledge William Osler. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00030-00009794-00010153 I'm a Canadian, and William Osler was a Canadian, so I have to acknowledge him twice. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00031-00010153-00010549 And so, he'll say that "The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats CZ8iqfj8cE0-00032-00010549-00010679 the patient who has the disease." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00033-00010679-00011101 So it is an important part of what we do, and it has been an important part of medicine CZ8iqfj8cE0-00034-00011101-00011213 all the way along. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00035-00011213-00011614 The addition of genomic information just makes it that much more complicated, but that much CZ8iqfj8cE0-00036-00011614-00011799 more personalized. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00037-00011799-00012291 So here is the -- here's one view of the vision published in the New Yorker in 2000, when CZ8iqfj8cE0-00038-00012291-00013130 that famous press conference happened, and this woman is handing her sequence to a pharmacist, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00039-00013130-00013504 not to a physician, but to a pharmacist, so it emphasizes sort of that this is going to CZ8iqfj8cE0-00040-00013504-00013604 be team sport. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00041-00013604-00013935 She also has it written down on a piece of paper, so almost certainly that's not the CZ8iqfj8cE0-00042-00013935-00014035 way it's going to work. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00043-00014035-00014368 And he's pretty confused, and that is certainly the way it's going to work. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00044-00014368-00014468 [laughter] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00045-00014468-00014802 I was of two minds whether to show this other part. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00046-00014802-00015306 When Francis Collins was appointed director of NIH, he was asked about a lot of things, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00047-00015306-00015846 but he was asked about pharmacogenomics, and this is what he had to say in one paragraph, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00048-00015846-00016006 because pharmacogenomics is the easy stuff. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00049-00016006-00016553 You can read it, but I'll just say that -- there must be a pointer here somewhere -- I'll say CZ8iqfj8cE0-00050-00016553-00016879 that if everyone's DNA sequence is already in their record, it's simply a click of the CZ8iqfj8cE0-00051-00016879-00017053 mouse to find out all the information you need. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00052-00017053-00017323 It's going to be a lower barrier, and then wonderful things will happen, and it will CZ8iqfj8cE0-00053-00017323-00017516 improve outcomes and reverse adverse events. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00054-00017516-00018026 And obviously, those of us who play in this space really buy into idea, but I will say CZ8iqfj8cE0-00055-00018026-00018490 this, and I've said it before, I'll say it again, that I disagree with that particular CZ8iqfj8cE0-00056-00018490-00018999 word because it's anything but simple, as those of us who are trying to do it have discovered. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00057-00018999-00019593 So I think the way that this is going to happen is that some institutions, and then more and CZ8iqfj8cE0-00058-00019593-00019809 more institutions, will buy into this idea. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00059-00019809-00019956 And how are they going to implement? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00060-00019956-00020251 I think you have to implement by having excellence in basic science. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00061-00020251-00020421 I'm going to come back to that over and over again. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00062-00020421-00020575 This is not unidirectional. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00063-00020575-00021006 The translation and the implementation feed discover science. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00064-00021006-00021331 There's a commitment to information technology which cannot be overemphasized. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00065-00021331-00021707 We're very fortunate at my place to have a department of biomedical informatics that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00066-00021707-00022048 has 75 faculty members, which is pretty big. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00067-00022048-00022455 And then you put your health care system to work for discovery, and I'll talk a little CZ8iqfj8cE0-00068-00022455-00022578 bit about that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00069-00022578-00022959 And then once you've discovered something that you think is actionable, then you can CZ8iqfj8cE0-00070-00022959-00023231 start to put it to work for patient care. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00071-00023231-00023732 And the point is that this is an iterative process, and so it goes back and forth. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00072-00023732-00024106 So what we've done for discovery, in a nutshell, is we've created a bio bank. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00073-00024106-00024879 I could talk about the bio bank forever, but as of yesterday, there were samples for 163,941 CZ8iqfj8cE0-00074-00024879-00025134 patients in the bio bank. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00075-00025134-00025549 Those are DNA samples, and it's a pretty large number, and they're coupled to electronic CZ8iqfj8cE0-00076-00025549-00025668 medical records. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00077-00025668-00026088 What can you -- why do you need it so big, and what can you do with it so big? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00078-00026088-00026394 I probably don't have to emphasize that to this audience, but I thought I would just CZ8iqfj8cE0-00079-00026394-00026822 walk you through a question that I was asked by one of our new faculty members. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00080-00026822-00027106 He said, "Do you have any patients who have vitamin D levels? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00081-00027106-00027461 Do you have any patients who have vitamin D levels and GWAS data as well?" CZ8iqfj8cE0-00082-00027461-00027862 So one of the rules of the game is once you do a GWAS on any one of these samples, it CZ8iqfj8cE0-00083-00027862-00028012 comes back to the resource. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00084-00028012-00028452 So I went to a new resource that I'm proud to show off, and I would love to do it in CZ8iqfj8cE0-00085-00028452-00029020 real time, where we just go to a website, and this is what the web-based interface looks CZ8iqfj8cE0-00086-00029020-00029120 like. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00087-00029120-00029612 I type in vitamin D, and I drag and drop, and it asks me what kind of vitamin D level CZ8iqfj8cE0-00088-00029612-00029712 do you want? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00089-00029712-00030113 And I say any lab value, and it turns out that in our electronic medical record, there CZ8iqfj8cE0-00090-00030113-00030406 are 13,847 people who have vitamin D levels. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00091-00030406-00030808 And there is a reason that this number and this number don't agree with each other. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00092-00030808-00031012 It's not just that we add it up differently. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00093-00031012-00031391 There's a great reason, somebody can ask me that afterwards. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00094-00031391-00031812 Those of them in the bio bank, that's a subset of the entire electronic record, is 5,497. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00095-00031812-00032159 Then I can ask how many people have had GWAS genotyping? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00096-00032159-00032565 Right now it's more like 20,000, but there are only 10,000 in this particular interface CZ8iqfj8cE0-00097-00032565-00032934 right now, and the intersection is 1,000 people. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00098-00032934-00033097 So that's a big set. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00099-00033097-00033609 And you can get the GWAS data on these people with vitamin D levels for free, essentially. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00100-00033609-00034168 So it's an enabling resource for discovery, but the point is you start with 163,000 to CZ8iqfj8cE0-00101-00034168-00034331 get to this set of 1,000. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00102-00034331-00034709 So if you start with 10,000, you're going to get down to a set of 20 or something like CZ8iqfj8cE0-00103-00034709-00034910 that, some relatively useless number. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00104-00034910-00035090 So I think you have to have big numbers. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00105-00035090-00035453 And what we're doing in BioVU is we're looking for genomic variants that are associated with CZ8iqfj8cE0-00106-00035453-00035621 all the things that you might think of. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00107-00035621-00036040 And then we're doing an inverse experiment called PheWAS, which I'll tell you more about CZ8iqfj8cE0-00108-00036040-00036140 in a second. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00109-00036140-00036496 So rather than dwelling on the triumphs of BioVU itself, I'll just say that we're part CZ8iqfj8cE0-00110-00036496-00036863 of the electronic medical records and genomics network that NHGRI funds. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00111-00036863-00037158 These are the nodes in the current iteration of the network. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00112-00037158-00037634 There are nine nodes, 10 centers, and there's a reason, again, that those -- that math doesn't CZ8iqfj8cE0-00113-00037634-00037887 add up perfectly. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00114-00037887-00038298 And what we do is we define phenotypes within the electronic medical record, and then identify CZ8iqfj8cE0-00115-00038298-00038843 cases and controls for -- to identify genomic variants that drive those phenotypes. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00116-00038843-00039294 One of the things that we have learned over the last five or six years of doing eMERGE-I CZ8iqfj8cE0-00117-00039294-00039794 and eMERGE-II, is that writing the phenotypes and validating the phenotypes to find cases CZ8iqfj8cE0-00118-00039794-00040002 and controls is pretty challenging. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00119-00040002-00040224 We've gotten pretty good at it, I think. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00120-00040224-00040449 We're certainly very good at finding diseases. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00121-00040449-00040844 We're not so good -- when I say "we," I don't mean me, I mean the informatics guys who work CZ8iqfj8cE0-00122-00040844-00041441 on this, I'm just a mouthpiece -- but we've gotten pretty good at that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00123-00041441-00041881 The next challenge is finding people who have a disease, followed by drug exposure, followed CZ8iqfj8cE0-00124-00041881-00042287 by drug response phenotype, and that's a little more challenging, and we're working on that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00125-00042287-00042499 part, as well. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00126-00042499-00042913 All the phenotypes are publicly posted into something called PheKB, or pharmaco -- the CZ8iqfj8cE0-00127-00042913-00043366 phenome knowledge base, and this is what a webshot looks like; basically, all the phenotypes CZ8iqfj8cE0-00128-00043366-00043680 are listed there, who's done then, how validated they are. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00129-00043680-00044035 And what's interesting is what kind of elements go into them, what kind of codes, what kind CZ8iqfj8cE0-00130-00044035-00044269 of natural language processing, medications. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00131-00044269-00044853 There are all kinds of different ways that you can have of identifying and validating CZ8iqfj8cE0-00132-00044853-00044972 a phenotype. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00133-00044972-00045318 And we go through a lot of hand curation to make sure the phenotypes work right. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00134-00045318-00045741 So those are there for anybody who wants to play in the electronic medical records space. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00135-00045741-00046241 I am an electrophysiologist, cardiac electrophysiologist when I'm not doing this for a living. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00136-00046241-00046716 So, I thought I would show you one eMERGE project that came out of an electrophysiology CZ8iqfj8cE0-00137-00046716-00046816 idea. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00138-00046816-00047344 And that is we were looking -- interested in variability in the QRS complex in the electrocardiogram. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00139-00047344-00047698 That's this little ditzel here that tells you how fast conduction is in the heart. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00140-00047698-00047959 There's reasons that we think we should look at that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00141-00047959-00048377 So the first thing we did was we developed algorithms to find patients who had a normal CZ8iqfj8cE0-00142-00048377-00048774 electrocardiogram, no heart disease, normal electrolytes, no confounding drugs, really, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00143-00048774-00049238 really normal people, and deployed it in the entire electronic record, not just the subset CZ8iqfj8cE0-00144-00049238-00049493 with DNA, and found 30,000 people. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00145-00049493-00049988 Andrea Ramirez, who is in this audience and who's now working on this campus, directed CZ8iqfj8cE0-00146-00049988-00050512 that effort at our place. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00147-00050512-00050788 And this is what the distribution of the QRS complexes look like. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00148-00050788-00051140 So these are entirely normal individuals, and we're interested in why people are up CZ8iqfj8cE0-00149-00051140-00051336 at this end versus down at this end. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00150-00051336-00052058 So we did our genome-wide association study supported by eMERGE-I, and got no signal. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00151-00052058-00052513 Then deployed that algorithm across the eMERGE network, got lots more cases, lots more control CZ8iqfj8cE0-00152-00052513-00052977 -- lots more cases because this is only a case-only study, and this is what the Manhattan CZ8iqfj8cE0-00153-00052977-00053559 plot looks like, and this is a signal in actually a pretty good candidate gene, anyway. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00154-00053559-00054050 So this is the cardiac sodium channel locus that -- this is the cardiac sodium channel; CZ8iqfj8cE0-00155-00054050-00054344 this a different sodium channel that people have gotten interested in because of this CZ8iqfj8cE0-00156-00054344-00054577 kind of work. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00157-00054577-00054724 And that controls conduction in the heart. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00158-00054724-00054895 So it's all very well and good. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00159-00054895-00055340 So we did -- we then did another experiment to sort of validate this result and what we CZ8iqfj8cE0-00160-00055340-00055634 did was something called a -- we've called a PHEnome-wide association. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00161-00055634-00056236 So GWAS, you take a phenotype, and you say yes or no, if it's a discrete thing to type. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00162-00056236-00056752 And you'll look across 500,000, or a million, or 14 million SNPs, and do a test of association CZ8iqfj8cE0-00163-00056752-00056922 at each locus. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00164-00056922-00057352 What we did is we said, "Let's take 13,000 people who have been genotyped at this particular CZ8iqfj8cE0-00165-00057352-00057738 SNP, and say wild-type or variants -- sorry, reference or variant" -- I'm not supposed CZ8iqfj8cE0-00166-00057738-00058198 say wild-type -- reference or variant, and do a test of association with every single CZ8iqfj8cE0-00167-00058198-00058413 diagnosis that we have in the electronic medical record. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00168-00058413-00058833 There are about 1,000, and we recognize this overlaps across those different phenotypes, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00169-00058833-00059138 but we have ways of making this more and more sophisticated. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00170-00059138-00059757 And this is what the Manhattan plot looks like for this particular SNP that happened CZ8iqfj8cE0-00171-00059757-00060011 to be the top one on the Manhattan plot that I just showed you. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00172-00060011-00060504 And what's interesting is, these two dots here are arrhythmias, arrhythmia diagnoses. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00173-00060504-00060941 So you sort of say, well, he's an arrhythmia guy, and he started with an arrhythmia question, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00174-00060941-00061063 so that's not a big deal. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00175-00061063-00061591 So, at the very least, we rescue the signal that we started with, but remember, we started CZ8iqfj8cE0-00176-00061591-00061842 with people who had normal electrocardiograms. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00177-00061842-00062155 We didn't start with people who had arrhythmias. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00178-00062155-00062514 They get arrhythmias later because we have the electronic record that follows them for CZ8iqfj8cE0-00179-00062514-00062660 years and years and years. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00180-00062660-00063144 So what this says is that when you start out at one end of that distribution, you're more CZ8iqfj8cE0-00181-00063144-00063485 likely to get an arrhythmia, and here's a genomic predictor of that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00182-00063485-00063997 And then we were asked by the reviewers to look at it over time, and there is a gene CZ8iqfj8cE0-00183-00063997-00064320 dose effect over time with a development of atrial fibrillation. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00184-00064320-00064605 And this is in a gene called SCN10A. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00185-00064605-00065247 SCN10A is -- was originally cloned from dorsal root ganglion, and so the way it affects heart CZ8iqfj8cE0-00186-00065247-00065540 conduction has been pretty controversial. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00187-00065540-00066083 One of the other hats that I wear is we study those kinds of problems in my mouse and fish CZ8iqfj8cE0-00188-00066083-00066183 lab. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00189-00066183-00066711 And so we actually looked at what happens to wild-type myocytes. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00190-00066711-00067115 These are action potentials for most myocytes at baseline, and then when you put in a tiny, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00191-00067115-00067557 tiny, tiny concentration of a sodium channel opening toxin called ATX, and that's what CZ8iqfj8cE0-00192-00067557-00067670 happens in wild-type mice. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00193-00067670-00068199 We have generated sodium -- SCN10A knock-out mice, and we actually don't see that arrhythmia CZ8iqfj8cE0-00194-00068199-00068489 genic effect, and, in fact, that's reproduced. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00195-00068489-00068833 So I throw this in just to make sure that people know that I still think about this CZ8iqfj8cE0-00196-00068833-00069283 kind of stuff every so often, and also to make the point that there is this loop that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00197-00069283-00069456 has to be closed. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00198-00069456-00069870 Everybody has said, we have -- now have 3,000 more signals, or 3,000 more loci to look at CZ8iqfj8cE0-00199-00069870-00070270 then we did 10 years ago, and we better start to look at them because maybe this is a drug CZ8iqfj8cE0-00200-00070270-00070516 target, for example. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00201-00070516-00071145 So we've deployed the PheWAS algorithm across the entire GWAS catalog supported by NHGRI, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00202-00071145-00071556 so that's about 1,300 different tests of association. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00203-00071556-00071879 Some of them are with phenotypes that are not well-captured in the electronic record, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00204-00071879-00072529 like do you -- does your urine smell after you eat asparagus? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00205-00072529-00072635 Are you bald? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00206-00072635-00073006 Those are things that the electronic record doesn't capture very well, so we don't pay CZ8iqfj8cE0-00207-00073006-00073226 attention to those in our validation studies. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00208-00073226-00073566 So here's an example of a highly-pleiotropic SNP. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00209-00073566-00074180 This is a SNP in IRF4 that determines skin color, but when you do the PheWAS, you get CZ8iqfj8cE0-00210-00074180-00074968 tremendously significant signals for various kinds of skin cancer as well as actinic keratosis. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00211-00074968-00075486 And it turns out that the SNPs that are highly validated and highly replicated in the GWAS CZ8iqfj8cE0-00212-00075486-00076043 catalog, replicate this way as well, and we have about 70 new associations using this CZ8iqfj8cE0-00213-00076043-00076339 approach to discover pleiotropy. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00214-00076339-00076519 This is what eMERGE-II looks like. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00215-00076519-00077013 The number -- don't take the numbers excessively seriously because, for example, this one says CZ8iqfj8cE0-00216-00077013-00077113 27,000. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00217-00077113-00077594 It's probably like I said, more like 20,000, but we count ImmunoChIP and MetaboChIP in CZ8iqfj8cE0-00218-00077594-00077694 this as well. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00219-00077694-00077964 So there's 300,000 -- 330,000 or so people. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00220-00077964-00078612 In eMERGE-II, there are about 75,000 with dense genotypic data that we're actually putting CZ8iqfj8cE0-00221-00078612-00078868 together in a very large set. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00222-00078868-00079230 So this highlights, for me, the paradox of personalized medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00223-00079230-00079708 As a clinician, I've one patient in front of me in the office, but what I need to do CZ8iqfj8cE0-00224-00079708-00080048 is be able to treat them differently from the average, and in order to do that, I have CZ8iqfj8cE0-00225-00080048-00080702 to have a very large dataset to convince me that that different treatment is, in fact, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00226-00080702-00080826 justified. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00227-00080826-00081015 So that's the discovery piece. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00228-00081015-00081140 Then the implementation piece. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00229-00081140-00081572 So we've been hearing all day about pharmacogenetics. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00230-00081572-00081682 That's the easy stuff. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00231-00081682-00081929 And that's probably the first thing that's going to be implemented. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00232-00081929-00082675 I've been doing pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics my entire career, and we're part of the Pharmacogenomics CZ8iqfj8cE0-00233-00082675-00083000 Research Network, another effort funded by NIH. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00234-00083000-00083663 Eric already alluded to the fact that there are now many, many drugs that have labels CZ8iqfj8cE0-00235-00083663-00083861 that include pharmacogenetic information. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00236-00083861-00084007 This is only for germ-line. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00237-00084007-00084666 The other half of the drugs that have labels are for the tumor germ-line -- or the tumor CZ8iqfj8cE0-00238-00084666-00084766 genome. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00239-00084766-00085209 So, everybody says it's easy, and I like to show this. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00240-00085209-00085721 It's -- it is low hanging fruit, but it's not so simple. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00241-00085721-00085821 [laughter] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00242-00085821-00085921 I'll just say that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00243-00085921-00086599 So we were tasked by our leadership to come up with a way of starting to deliver pharmacogenomic CZ8iqfj8cE0-00244-00086599-00087268 information in a preemptive way into the electronic medical record in the fourth quarter of 2009. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00245-00087268-00087562 We were given a year to plan. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00246-00087562-00087843 And so this is what the planning looks like, and I'm not going to walk you through any CZ8iqfj8cE0-00247-00087843-00087943 of this. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00248-00087943-00088288 If anything, you should just read down these things to understand that there are multiple CZ8iqfj8cE0-00249-00088288-00088957 communities that you have to engage and excite in order to execute a project like this. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00250-00088957-00089323 This is what we call our PREDICT Project, and this is what PREDICT stands for. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00251-00089323-00089897 So, the notion is, in brief, find patients who are at high risk for getting a drug with CZ8iqfj8cE0-00252-00089897-00090466 one of those actionable pharmacogenetic stories, one of those 58 drugs. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00253-00090466-00090950 And then you genotype them, not on the drug you think they're going to get, but on a bunch CZ8iqfj8cE0-00254-00090950-00091585 of different -- on a multiplex platform that assays many different pharmacogenomic variants. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00255-00091585-00091877 And then you do what I call the easy stuff. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00256-00091877-00092321 You store the genomics, track the outcomes, provide informatics support to clinicians CZ8iqfj8cE0-00257-00092321-00092691 who are prescribing the drug at the appropriate time. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00258-00092691-00092829 So who is at high risk? CZ8iqfj8cE0-00259-00092829-00093240 Well, one group of people who are at high risk are people who populate our internal CZ8iqfj8cE0-00260-00093240-00093403 medicine clinics. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00261-00093403-00093899 We did a study on about 50,000 people in the electronic medical record asking the question, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00262-00093899-00094276 over the course of five years, how many of them are exposed to one or more of those drugs CZ8iqfj8cE0-00263-00094276-00094376 that have FDA labels. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00264-00094376-00094543 The answer was a bit of a surprise. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00265-00094543-00095036 There's 65 percent of them that get at least one drug from that list over the course of CZ8iqfj8cE0-00266-00095036-00096063 five years, and 15 percent that get -- sorry, 15 percent get four or more drugs. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00267-00096063-00096472 So that's one group of high risk people, and we are actually including them in the PREDICT CZ8iqfj8cE0-00268-00096472-00096572 Project. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00269-00096572-00096835 The other high-risk group of people are people we can look at, and say, within the next week CZ8iqfj8cE0-00270-00096835-00097226 or two, you're going to get Drug X, and one of the -- the best example of that is that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00271-00097226-00097737 people going to the cath lab at Vanderbilt, we do about 4,000 catheterizations a year; CZ8iqfj8cE0-00272-00097737-00098080 about 1,800 of those patients end up on clopidogrel. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00273-00098080-00098520 And as we were planning this project, the FDA did us a favor, relabeled clopidogrel CZ8iqfj8cE0-00274-00098520-00099092 to include this statement, "Consider alternative treatment or treatment strategies in patients CZ8iqfj8cE0-00275-00099092-00099410 identified as CYP2C19 poor metabolizers." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00276-00099410-00100092 CYP2C19 is the enzyme that bioactivates the pro drug clopidogrel into its biologically CZ8iqfj8cE0-00277-00100092-00100394 active metabolites. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00278-00100394-00101083 And I have to say here that it was Grant Wilkinson, a faculty colleague of mine, who, in the mid-1980s, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00279-00101083-00101245 discovered the fact that CYP2C19 was polymorphic. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00280-00101245-00101731 He was not studying clopidogrel, and I remember me and many other people gave him an incredibly CZ8iqfj8cE0-00281-00101731-00102222 hard time because he was studying this incredibly obscure drug and probably a pointless line CZ8iqfj8cE0-00282-00102222-00102322 of inquiry. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00283-00102322-00102794 And, in fact, it turned it he was right, that it was an important thing to study because CZ8iqfj8cE0-00284-00102794-00103189 now it's the centerpiece of much of what goes on in pharmacogenomic implementation. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00285-00103189-00103893 The other thing we did was we took our BioVU specimens, found a group of people who had CZ8iqfj8cE0-00286-00103893-00104455 gotten the stent after an acute coronary event, looked at 30-day outcomes, and found 200 people CZ8iqfj8cE0-00287-00104455-00105168 with complications and 400 or 500 controls, and replicated the known signal for CYP2C19 CZ8iqfj8cE0-00288-00105168-00105527 and its variant in terms of imposing risk. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00289-00105527-00106395 So over the course of the last two and a half years, we've now studied about 12,521 patients CZ8iqfj8cE0-00290-00106395-00106495 in PREDICT. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00291-00106495-00107218 Bruce Korf, on the video that you just saw, described a program where you might genotype CZ8iqfj8cE0-00292-00107218-00107499 people, and then deploy the information when it became apparent. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00293-00107499-00107745 And this is -- that's exactly what we're doing here. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00294-00107745-00108499 There are 334 homozygotes for CYP2C19*2, and 2,369 heterozygotes. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00295-00108499-00108826 And what's interesting is that most people don't have a common variant. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00296-00108826-00109161 We don't actually know how many people have a rare variant. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00297-00109161-00109351 We know that they don't have a common variant. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00298-00109351-00109733 And just to show you that -- give you a sense of the fact that this is actually, although CZ8iqfj8cE0-00299-00109733-00110022 it's complicated, it's even more complicated than you think. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00300-00110022-00110641 It's not just *2 that are the hypo metabolizers, there's *3 and *4 and you could be *3/*4. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00301-00110641-00110967 There's also a *17 that nobody knows what to do with. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00302-00110967-00111385 And so the heterozygotes and homozygotes you saw on the pie chart are actually multiple CZ8iqfj8cE0-00303-00111385-00111933 genotypes, and how to translate from a genotype to a diplotype to a predicted phenotype is CZ8iqfj8cE0-00304-00111933-00112195 one of the challenges in area. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00305-00112195-00112647 When a patient who has this information in their electronic medical record has an electronic CZ8iqfj8cE0-00306-00112647-00113141 prescription written for clopidogrel, and are a poor metabolizer, this is the point-of-care CZ8iqfj8cE0-00307-00113141-00113622 decision support that pops up that suggests two alternative drugs, and we track how many CZ8iqfj8cE0-00308-00113622-00114144 times physicians look at this, how many times they change their minds, and we're just learning CZ8iqfj8cE0-00309-00114144-00114454 about responses to this kind of program. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00310-00114454-00114967 And I thought I should show this picture because, again, it's about personalizing medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00311-00114967-00115409 This is one of our interventional cardiologists, and when we started the program in September CZ8iqfj8cE0-00312-00115409-00115949 2010, we were really eager to find the first *2/*2 patient, and this is she. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00313-00115949-00116451 So she is being taken care of by him, and he knows a little bit more about her now. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00314-00116451-00116577 And that's personalizing medicine. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00315-00116577-00116988 But he's taken care of her for a long time so he knows a lot about her and her attitudes CZ8iqfj8cE0-00316-00116988-00117416 and her other diseases and her other medications, so that's what's important. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00317-00117416-00117851 And there's another quote from William Osler, which, in the interest of time, I think I'll CZ8iqfj8cE0-00318-00117851-00118120 let you read, and now you've read it or not. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00319-00118120-00118220 [laughter] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00320-00118220-00119023 So we've now deployed five drug-gene pairs, clopidogrel, simvastatin, Warfarin, thiopurines, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00321-00119023-00119422 and Tacrolimus, and those are displayed on the electronic medical record. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00322-00119422-00119680 This is a screenshot of what our electronic medical record looks like. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00323-00119680-00120117 I blacked out all the identifiers, except for this one here because I want to make sure CZ8iqfj8cE0-00324-00120117-00120413 people know that I still see patients. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00325-00120413-00120852 And so these are the genetic variants that belong to this particular patient. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00326-00120852-00121188 These are a partial list of his medications that actually go down here. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00327-00121188-00121665 And what's interesting to me is that he's been on Warfarin for a long time, so we actually CZ8iqfj8cE0-00328-00121665-00122464 didn't use the Warfarin information to tailor his dose, but he is a poor -- he has a loss-of-function CZ8iqfj8cE0-00329-00122464-00122941 allele in CYP2C9, and he does take a remarkably low dose of Warfarin, only 3 milligrams a CZ8iqfj8cE0-00330-00122941-00123322 day, so that's probably the explanation, and had we known that at the beginning, we would CZ8iqfj8cE0-00331-00123322-00123549 have started him on 3 milligrams a day. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00332-00123549-00124204 We also have to say, use this kind of technology to display variants in tumors in an effort CZ8iqfj8cE0-00333-00124204-00124621 very, very, similar to, but probably smaller than the one you just heard from Dr. Garraway CZ8iqfj8cE0-00334-00124621-00124926 in our personalized cancer initiative. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00335-00124926-00125204 So -- and that was a BRAF mutation. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00336-00125204-00125580 The other thing, after you've deployed five drug-gene pairs, you can start to ask the CZ8iqfj8cE0-00337-00125580-00126222 question, how many people have variants in one or more of these pathways. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00338-00126222-00126758 And what's interesting is that the number that don't have anything is now getting smaller. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00339-00126758-00127272 And, of course, every time we deploy a new drug-gene pair, the number has to get smaller. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00340-00127272-00127630 And one way to think, I mean, it's obvious, and it's almost trivial to sort of highlight CZ8iqfj8cE0-00341-00127630-00128082 it, except to point out that as -- if you're going to do multiplex testing, what you find CZ8iqfj8cE0-00342-00128082-00128435 out is that everybody in this audience is abnormal for something. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00343-00128435-00128860 And we all, if you live in genome-land, like we all do, we all recognize that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00344-00128860-00129135 But these are real data that speak to that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00345-00129135-00129625 And so when I speak to lay audiences, when I speak to non-genomics audiences, it comes CZ8iqfj8cE0-00346-00129625-00129984 as a surprise to them sometimes that we're all abnormal for something, you just don't CZ8iqfj8cE0-00347-00129984-00130084 know what it is. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00348-00130084-00130505 So this multiplexed approach, I think, is really the only way to go, and I think that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00349-00130505-00131078 many people in this room have thought that problem through and understand that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00350-00131078-00131477 We also engage patients, so we have a website called My Health at Vanderbilt where you can CZ8iqfj8cE0-00351-00131477-00131700 go and look at pieces of your record. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00352-00131700-00131926 You can make appointments with your doctor. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00353-00131926-00132285 When you look at pieces of your record, you can look at genes that affect My Medicines, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00354-00132285-00132755 and then you can see your report for the drugs that we've targeted. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00355-00132755-00133222 Those are all sort of works in progress, and you can see we're sort of still figuring out CZ8iqfj8cE0-00356-00133222-00133402 exactly how to deliver that information. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00357-00133402-00134171 We steal from -- sorry, we adapt 23AndMe information to think about this because they do a reasonable CZ8iqfj8cE0-00358-00134171-00134414 job of explaining this. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00359-00134414-00134831 And we think that that's something that's going to very, very important to engage patients CZ8iqfj8cE0-00360-00134831-00135020 in all this. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00361-00135020-00135424 So we have Predict at Vanderbilt, and I'm part of the PGRN. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00362-00135424-00135987 We're also part of the eMERGE network, and so I was having a conversation with Teri Manolio, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00363-00135987-00136697 who directs the genomic medicine initiatives at NHGRI, and she said, "Well, why don't we CZ8iqfj8cE0-00364-00136697-00137193 take the PGRN's next-generation sequencing platform for all those important pharmacogenes CZ8iqfj8cE0-00365-00137193-00137702 that you guys are working on and stick them in eMERGE in a PREDICT kind of algorithm." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00366-00137702-00138221 So that's sort of -- that was an idea born, you know, at the end of a long day, and we CZ8iqfj8cE0-00367-00138221-00138388 actually are doing that right now. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00368-00138388-00138821 And that project is underway, so it takes advantage of the expertise and capabilities CZ8iqfj8cE0-00369-00138821-00139293 of two separate networks that I think ought to be closer aligned than they are, and I'm CZ8iqfj8cE0-00370-00139293-00139427 working on that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00371-00139427-00140036 So I want to just summarize by highlighting in words what the lessons are. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00372-00140036-00140326 So, first of all, I think that we have not finished discovering. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00373-00140326-00140784 So those of us who focus on implementation are working on trying to deliver some of that CZ8iqfj8cE0-00374-00140784-00140884 to patients. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00375-00140884-00141145 But that doesn't mean that we know everything we need to know. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00376-00141145-00141492 We need to know a lot more, and you've heard that all day today. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00377-00141492-00141861 The low-hanging fruit of pharmacogenomics is much more complicated than we think, but CZ8iqfj8cE0-00378-00141861-00142357 I think learning the lessons that we're learning along the way in this space will make us smarter CZ8iqfj8cE0-00379-00142357-00142925 in terms of delivering genomic information in the course of health care more generally. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00380-00142925-00143346 Some of the problems I've highlighted, this business of rare variants is going to be a CZ8iqfj8cE0-00381-00143346-00143638 real problem in pharmacogenomics and everywhere else. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00382-00143638-00143978 And then there's the problem of ancestries, which we're only beginning to think about CZ8iqfj8cE0-00383-00143978-00144079 now. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00384-00144079-00144179 This is Team Science. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00385-00144179-00144617 It's interdisciplinary, and you have to engage lots and lots of people, not just get their CZ8iqfj8cE0-00386-00144617-00144930 grudging approval, but get their enthusiastic engagement. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00387-00144930-00145566 There are huge educational needs in every constituency that you can think about. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00388-00145566-00145977 The evidence changes, even in pharmacogenomics where you sort of say, well, CYP2C19 does CZ8iqfj8cE0-00389-00145977-00146467 this, and then a year later you think, well, maybe it does this in some other context. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00390-00146467-00146848 So you really have to be attuned to the fact that the advice you deliver today may not CZ8iqfj8cE0-00391-00146848-00147049 apply perfectly tomorrow. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00392-00147049-00147661 It goes without saying, but I have to say it, that an Illumina run might be 99 percent CZ8iqfj8cE0-00393-00147661-00147761 accurate. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00394-00147761-00148251 I have no idea what that number really is, but that's not good enough for a clinician CZ8iqfj8cE0-00395-00148251-00148523 because it has to be 100 percent accurate. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00396-00148523-00149035 And the reason is, I'll just say it, for those of you who are clinicians, you'll understand CZ8iqfj8cE0-00397-00149035-00149135 me. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00398-00149135-00149562 I walk out of the wards, and the nurse or the resident says to me, "This patient has CZ8iqfj8cE0-00399-00149562-00149662 renal failure. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00400-00149662-00149797 Their creatine is eight today." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00401-00149797-00150022 And I say, "Well, what does their electrocardiogram look like, how do they feel?" CZ8iqfj8cE0-00402-00150022-00150258 And they feel fine, and their electrocardiogram is normal. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00403-00150258-00150463 I say, "Well, that's a lab mistake." CZ8iqfj8cE0-00404-00150463-00150803 Any clinician would tell you that it must be a lab mistake. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00405-00150803-00151241 But if somebody says, "This person is a poor metabolizer," I have no context for that. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00406-00151241-00151605 So, I have to be sure that the data I get is correct. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00407-00151605-00151930 I think this is only going to happen in an electronic medical record environment. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00408-00151930-00152247 We're thinking about ways in which to deliver this kind of thing to people who have less CZ8iqfj8cE0-00409-00152247-00152637 advanced electronic medical record systems than we do, but I think that's going to happen. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00410-00152637-00152925 The only way this really happens is with institutional will. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00411-00152925-00153153 So I'll just close by talking about the teams. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00412-00153153-00153291 I've acknowledged these teams up here. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00413-00153291-00153421 These are the individuals at Vanderbilt. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00414-00153421-00153957 I can't walk my way through all of them, but there are geneticists, informaticists, ethicists, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00415-00153957-00154442 lab people, fellows, translational scientists, and these three guys down here, who are the CZ8iqfj8cE0-00416-00154442-00154542 institutional leadership. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00417-00154542-00155203 So thank you very much, again, for the opportunity to participate. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00418-00155203-00155432 [applause] CZ8iqfj8cE0-00419-00155432-00156295 Mark Guyer: So our next speaker, before he sits down, CZ8iqfj8cE0-00420-00156295-00156672 is David Botstein from Princeton. CZ8iqfj8cE0-00421-00156672-00157183 And David is going to tell us about the Fruits of the Genome Sequences for Society. CcFLiqfIphk-00000-00000000-00000597 Our industry is filled with talented opticians that have tweedle-dee theories CcFLiqfIphk-00001-00000597-00000866 on how they've always done things. CcFLiqfIphk-00002-00004401-00005007 First off Nancy darling, I'm sorry, it never feels good to have an employee who is seemingly making CcFLiqfIphk-00003-00005007-00005457 the rules or who's making such devastating business decisions really. CcFLiqfIphk-00004-00005457-00005868 In SPEXY we preach: treat an employee like they make a difference and they will. CcFLiqfIphk-00005-00005868-00006468 We do it even here, right? But there is a hierarchy and ranking in ANY business CcFLiqfIphk-00006-00006468-00006993 structure, not just in optical and it's that way for a reason...to make sure that CcFLiqfIphk-00007-00006993-00007413 the foundational values of that business are upheld and delivered to the CcFLiqfIphk-00008-00007413-00007859 consumer. So it is your responsibility to handle it. I'm sorry this is happening to CcFLiqfIphk-00009-00007859-00008274 you but it's your responsibility to handle it. So first off, your optician CcFLiqfIphk-00010-00008274-00008838 might not even know that she's causing such a disruption. And that behavior CcFLiqfIphk-00011-00008838-00009315 is really disheartening to you or to the office as a whole. Our industry is CcFLiqfIphk-00012-00009315-00009939 filled with talented opticians that have tweedle-dee theories on how they've CcFLiqfIphk-00013-00009939-00010236 always done things. They haven't even really thought about it. Like if CcFLiqfIphk-00014-00010236-00010518 they stopped and actually think about what it is that they're doing they might go, CcFLiqfIphk-00015-00010518-00010989 "Oh my gosh!" Right? She might not have had the coaching in the past on effectively CcFLiqfIphk-00016-00010989-00011397 converting walkouts so then she just assumes, "Well they're not worth my time CcFLiqfIphk-00017-00011397-00012000 I'm done." So either way a conversation is a must. Now I don't go CcFLiqfIphk-00018-00012000-00012453 into any conversation without a plan. So here's how I would handle it. This is CcFLiqfIphk-00019-00012453-00012807 again how we coach our members. I would have an informal meeting with her and CcFLiqfIphk-00020-00012807-00013413 set her down and inquire. Tell her that her stance on walking Rxs is CcFLiqfIphk-00021-00013413-00013988 very unique. And that you respect her experience, so you're wanting to know how CcFLiqfIphk-00022-00013988-00014403 she came to that conclusion of dealing with patients. Hear her out. Listen CcFLiqfIphk-00023-00014403-00014826 you might learn something. Then I want you to look at the situation CcFLiqfIphk-00024-00014826-00015323 that is affecting your office. And take ownership. Because honestly you've CcFLiqfIphk-00025-00015323-00015966 allowed for this to happen. Right? And ... the real problem is that you are CcFLiqfIphk-00026-00015966-00016263 having walk-outs right? If you didn't have walk-outs then what this wouldn't be CcFLiqfIphk-00027-00016263-00016814 an issue. So take some ownership of the issue and give a plan. CcFLiqfIphk-00028-00016974-00017231 You could say, "Well here we've always had CcFLiqfIphk-00029-00017231-00017651 a lot of walkouts for a very long time now. And you've done such a good job with CcFLiqfIphk-00030-00017651-00018066 selling in our optical and it's honestly helped your colleagues to CcFLiqfIphk-00031-00018066-00018395 follow in your ways. Which has been fantastic! But because ... CcFLiqfIphk-00032-00018395-00018666 walk-outs is something that our office has always struggled with, CcFLiqfIphk-00033-00018666-00019191 I was planning on having a meeting to cover strategic ways that we could CcFLiqfIphk-00034-00019191-00019515 handle walk-outs. But I wanted to make sure that I CcFLiqfIphk-00035-00019515-00019923 wasn't off base or are really stepping on your toes because you had such a hard CcFLiqfIphk-00036-00019923-00020316 line about it. I was more hoping that you could be kind of a front-runner in CcFLiqfIphk-00037-00020316-00020847 trying to ... help our people with some of the new strategies that CcFLiqfIphk-00038-00020847-00021106 we'll be discussing." CcFLiqfIphk-00039-00021122-00021392 Handling a situation up front and with finesse is CcFLiqfIphk-00040-00021392-00021812 something that we teach all the time in our SPEXY University to all the CcFLiqfIphk-00041-00021813-00022320 members in great depth. Hopefully this helps really in guiding the overall CcFLiqfIphk-00042-00022320-00022803 feel in handling your new optician. But let me say, the very worst thing that CcFLiqfIphk-00043-00022803-00023346 you can do is nothing at all, and let it continue. For pete's sake don't do that! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00000-00000634-00001083 Melt butter, eggs, bread, yogurt Cdx9EMIDT6M-00001-00001435-00001741 Headquarters: Cut into bite-sized pieces. Cdx9EMIDT6M-00002-00002258-00002451 OBVER: My son's appetite is fading! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00003-00002584-00002808 HQ: It requires a little faster material work. Cdx9EMIDT6M-00004-00003640-00003941 Headquarters: Electric replacement! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00005-00004625-00004815 OBVER: My son has his eye on snacks. Cdx9EMIDT6M-00006-00004921-00005132 Headquarters: Make sure you stop! Show me YouTube! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00007-00005201-00005400 Observer: Playing that channel! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00008-00005400-00005507 Sugar Cdx9EMIDT6M-00009-00006872-00007087 HQ: It has to permeate every inch of the bread. Cdx9EMIDT6M-00010-00007706-00007931 Mr. Observer: Hurry up! 30 seconds before YouTube ends! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00011-00008786-00009000 Engineer: Oven 170℃ Warm-up complete! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00012-00009050-00009274 Headquarters: Heat up for 15 minutes! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00013-00009943-00010131 Powder Team: Sugar flakes are complete! Cdx9EMIDT6M-00014-00010307-00010524 LIQUID TEAM: Final honey drop begins! Cdy696ITAzu-00000-00000462-00000662 Hey you! Cdy696ITAzu-00001-00000720-00001560 Already looking forward to something? Cdy696ITAzu-00002-00001673-00002242 On the 28th of September it is finally time again! Cdy696ITAzu-00003-00002350-00002708 What? Where? Cdy696ITAzu-00004-00002796-00003064 It's time again for the Real Flight Event in München! Cdy696ITAzu-00005-00004092-00005292 * Singing German of liverwurst advertisement. * CfeACIdW6V4-00000-00000047-00000309 Hey again from Costa Rica. CfeACIdW6V4-00001-00000312-00000817 Today's question is what are some hidden gems while doing my trip to Costa Rica? CfeACIdW6V4-00002-00000886-00000940 Let me see. CfeACIdW6V4-00003-00000943-00001515 I will tell you three places that for me are quite amazing. CfeACIdW6V4-00004-00001856-00002318 And one is Rio Celeste. CfeACIdW6V4-00005-00002325-00002867 It's on the North part of the country right about an hour and a half away CfeACIdW6V4-00006-00002933-00003496 between the Arenal Volcano and can audio volcano and this place is absolutely CfeACIdW6V4-00007-00003496-00003927 magical because it's a river that is. CfeACIdW6V4-00008-00003964-00004537 Light blue and once because of some natural effects that happen actually you CfeACIdW6V4-00009-00004537-00005216 can see it how the water comes by the river and because of natural effective CfeACIdW6V4-00010-00005216-00005820 just converts itself into very light blue amazing experience and just being there in CfeACIdW6V4-00011-00005820-00006297 immersed in nature is something that I really really love another hidden treasure CfeACIdW6V4-00012-00006297-00006456 for me here in Costa CfeACIdW6V4-00013-00006456-00007208 Rica is ..... Either if you like it as an adventure and do whitewater rafting it is CfeACIdW6V4-00014-00007208-00007661 definitely one of the best rivers that we have in Costa Rica to explore. CfeACIdW6V4-00015-00007694-00008170 It has amazing can on this once that you're ending your river raft and just CfeACIdW6V4-00016-00008170-00008775 finishing their your trip us after a whole week after a whole day doing strong and CfeACIdW6V4-00017-00008775-00009315 Adventures rafting and just relaxing there in the middle of the Jungle the river but CfeACIdW6V4-00018-00009315-00009535 if you don't want to go river rafting. CfeACIdW6V4-00019-00009570-00010135 There's also the alternative crossing a small bridge to actually get into some of CfeACIdW6V4-00020-00010135-00010223 the hotels. CfeACIdW6V4-00021-00010251-00010491 There are there aren't plenty in that area. CfeACIdW6V4-00022-00010494-00011200 There are small lodges in the middle of the Jungle where you can stay and explore CfeACIdW6V4-00023-00011206-00011891 fantastic rainforest with a lot of animals and very very privileged place to be CfeACIdW6V4-00024-00011894-00012090 because there's almost no one there. CfeACIdW6V4-00025-00012093-00012339 So it's one of my hidden. CfeACIdW6V4-00026-00012377-00012671 Treasures and one of my favorite places to visit as well. CfeACIdW6V4-00027-00012744-00013281 And another gem for me is corcovado National Park and this is in the South CfeACIdW6V4-00028-00013281-00013532 part of our Pacific. CfeACIdW6V4-00029-00013562-00013881 Side of Costa Rica it is our biggest National Park. CfeACIdW6V4-00030-00013892-00013987 I would love that. CfeACIdW6V4-00031-00013990-00014500 You can actually come here explore the area and let us know in our Channel your CfeACIdW6V4-00032-00014500-00014549 thoughts. CfeACIdW6V4-00033-00014557-00015037 Those are the three places that for me are true gems of our country Costa Rica. CfeACIdW6V4-00034-00015043-00015309 So click subscribe to get more information. CfeACIdW6V4-00035-00015347-00015943 About Costa Rican Central America and say yes, please answer more questions CfeACIdW6V4-00036-00015947-00016093 Christine about Costa Rica. CfeACIdW6V4-00037-00016106-00016546 And if you have any specific questions that you would like us to answer please CfeACIdW6V4-00038-00016546-00016961 write it down in the comments and we will definitely make a video for you. CfeACIdW6V4-00039-00017009-00017071 But oh, yeah. CgydiOiymKk-00000-00000000-00000400 Biographie Juan Gris suivit des études de dessin industriel à la Escuela de Artes y Manufacturas à Madrid CgydiOiymKk-00001-00000400-00000800 entre 1902 et 1904, période pendant laquelle il contribua par des dessins à des journaux locaux. En 1904 et 1905, il étudia la peinture CgydiOiymKk-00002-00000800-00001200 avec l'artiste académique José Maria Carbonero. En 1906 il s'installa à Paris où il devint l'ami CgydiOiymKk-00003-00001200-00001600 d'Henri Matisse, Georges Braque et Fernand Léger, et en 1915 il fut peint par son ami Amedeo Modigliani. Il y retrouva et se lia CgydiOiymKk-00004-00001600-00002000 d'amitié avec son compatriote Pablo Picasso. Son portrait de Picasso de 1912 est l'une des premières peintures cubistes réalisées par un CgydiOiymKk-00005-00002000-00002400 autre peintre que Pablo Picasso ou Georges Braque. Bien qu'il soumît des illustrations humoristiques CgydiOiymKk-00006-00002400-00002800 à des journaux comme L'assiette au beurre, Le Charivari, et Le Cri de Paris, Gris commença à peindre sérieusement en 1910. Dès 1912, il CgydiOiymKk-00007-00002800-00003200 avait développé un style cubiste personnel. Sa plus grande période se situe entre 1914 et 1918. Au début, il était sous l'influence du CgydiOiymKk-00008-00003200-00003600 cubisme analytique, mais après 1915 il commença sa conversion au cubisme synthétique duquel il devint un interprète CgydiOiymKk-00009-00003600-00004000 persistant. En 1922, le peintre peignit les premiers décors et costumes pour Sergei Diaghilev. CgydiOiymKk-00010-00004000-00004400 Gris articula la plupart de ses théories esthétiques entre 1924 et 1925. Il délivra sa lecture définitive, Des possibilités de la CgydiOiymKk-00011-00004400-00004800 peinture, à la Sorbonne en 1924. Des expositions majeures eurent lieu à la Galerie Simon à Paris et à la Galerie Flechtheim à Berlin CgydiOiymKk-00012-00004800-00005200 en 1923, et à la Galerie Flechtheim à Düsseldorf en 1925. Juan Gris mourut à Boulogne-Billancourt le 11 CgydiOiymKk-00013-00005200-00005600 mai 1927 à l'âge de 40 ans, laissant ainsi sa femme Josette et son fils Georges. Bien qu'il regardât Picasso comme son CgydiOiymKk-00014-00005600-00006000 éducateur, Gertrude Stein reconnaît que Gris « était la seule personne que Picasso aurait volontairement éliminé de la carte ». CgydiOiymKk-00015-00006000-00006400 Salvador Dalí dit de lui : « Juan Gris est le plus grand des peintres cubistes, plus important que Picasso parce que plus vrai. Picasso était CgydiOiymKk-00016-00006400-00006800 constamment tourmenté par le désir de comprendre la manière de Gris dont les tableaux étaient techniquement toujours CgydiOiymKk-00017-00006800-00007200 aboutis, d'une homogénéité parfaite, alors qu'il ne parvenait jamais à remplir ses surfaces de façon satisfaisante, couvrant avec difficulté la CgydiOiymKk-00018-00007200-00007600 toile d'une matière aigre. Il interrogeait sans cesse : « Qu'est-ce que tu mets là ? — De la térébenthine. » Il essayait le mélange, échouait, CgydiOiymKk-00019-00007600-00008000 abandonnait aussitôt, passant à autre chose, divin impatient2 ». Œuvres CgydiOiymKk-00020-00008000-00008400 « Le Livre », 1911, huile sur toile, 55 x 46 cm « Le Lavabo », 1912, bouts de miroirs collés CgydiOiymKk-00021-00008400-00008800 « La Guitare », 1913, huile et papier collé sur toile, 73 x 60 cm. « Paysage et maisons à Céret », 1913, huile CgydiOiymKk-00022-00008800-00009200 sur toile, 100 x 65 cm « Le Paquet de Café », 1914 « Verre et journal », 1915, huile sur toile, 41 x CgydiOiymKk-00023-00009200-00009600 27,3 cm « Arlequin assis à la guitare », 1919, huile sur toile, 116 x 89 cm3 CgydiOiymKk-00024-00009600-00010000 « Guitare face à la mer », 1924, acrylique sur toile, 50 x 60 CgLrykx1d80-00000-00000008-00000400 when they are speaking that they have their microphone on and when they have finished CgLrykx1d80-00001-00000400-00001312 that they have it off and apologies for absence we have councillor callum we have councillor maisie CgLrykx1d80-00002-00001312-00001968 we have councillor david and we also have the cabinet lead on this pat that will not CgLrykx1d80-00003-00001968-00002504 be in attendance as well i'm not aware of any urgent business if anyone else is CgLrykx1d80-00004-00002824-00003568 pardon she doesn't give okay and now they i'm also notified that lardo will not be here as CgLrykx1d80-00005-00003568-00004104 well councillor lardo um does anyone have any um declarations of interest that they'll like CgLrykx1d80-00006-00004104-00004824 to declare okay it looks like we don't um is everyone happy to agree the minutes from the CgLrykx1d80-00007-00004824-00005768 last meeting okay thank you um we also can now go on to the cost of living update report which will CgLrykx1d80-00008-00005768-00007184 be by anthony oleda and also we have corey as well nice to meet you and thank you for coming CgLrykx1d80-00009-00007712-00008360 good evening everyone first of all i want to say welcome back um um and this is my first meeting CgLrykx1d80-00010-00008464-00008856 of in the public forum since we've been back so i want to welcome everyone back first of all CgLrykx1d80-00011-00008856-00009496 and so it's very timely um to have this update um here considering the situation CgLrykx1d80-00012-00009496-00009904 um that people are going through uh with um the economic crisis predicted CgLrykx1d80-00013-00009984-00010816 recession um and the level of inflation that we are seeing um currently um in our society CgLrykx1d80-00014-00010872-00011360 um so first i just kind of want to touch on the report that is beyond you that gives you CgLrykx1d80-00015-00011360-00012040 a more detailed update and i'll take it as read however just by way of um background CgLrykx1d80-00016-00012040-00012504 it will be good to update you on the work we've been doing as a task force so we've continuously CgLrykx1d80-00017-00012504-00013184 held our updated meetings as a task force making sure that um we are pushing out the narrative and CgLrykx1d80-00018-00013184-00013752 communicating with residents about the support that is available one being council tax support CgLrykx1d80-00019-00013752-00014400 discretionary support um our utilizing our household support fund for free school meals CgLrykx1d80-00020-00014400-00015008 and our emergency support as well as well as those of support that is available through um cat and CgLrykx1d80-00021-00015008-00015656 celsi um as well as that we've been utilizing our roaming hubs which were established in april um CgLrykx1d80-00022-00015656-00016144 sorry our advice hubs which were established in april and using our roaming hubs to be in the CgLrykx1d80-00023-00016144-00016784 community um giving advice to people in addition to that you would have seen public engagement CgLrykx1d80-00024-00016784-00017400 has been happening in specific locations using our deep engagement teams we've been engaging CgLrykx1d80-00025-00017400-00017880 um with members of our community i've been attending many of these and residents have CgLrykx1d80-00026-00017880-00018544 come out to voice the concerns and difficulties that they're facing within their communities as CgLrykx1d80-00027-00018544-00019144 well as this as part of our um cost of living response one thing that we've been working with CgLrykx1d80-00028-00019144-00019848 the team is um focusing on how we move things on move things forward so we're working on a CgLrykx1d80-00029-00019848-00020440 summit that scrutiny is going to be leading uh to be part of working with all of our partners to CgLrykx1d80-00030-00020440-00020984 ensure that we're making the right decisions and and flesh now is there further um things that we CgLrykx1d80-00031-00020984-00021640 can be doing collectively as partners and also can we enhance the policies that we see moving forward CgLrykx1d80-00032-00021792-00022224 in the report you'll see very much detailed uh the success of the fact that CgLrykx1d80-00033-00022224-00023120 we have managed to get out support for the free school meals which is fantastic as well as the CgLrykx1d80-00034-00023120-00024024 fact that i want to acknowledge in the report under section 4.6 about the allocation for CgLrykx1d80-00035-00024136-00024904 pensioners uh which is uh now also out as well which is also a benefit um and happy to take any CgLrykx1d80-00036-00024904-00025536 questions or expand on uh further things um as well as that one last point that i would like to CgLrykx1d80-00037-00025536-00026032 make is about the next round of the household support fund as she would have seen publicly CgLrykx1d80-00038-00026032-00026960 uh there is definitely a call to action um by several uh people um through our lobbying efforts CgLrykx1d80-00039-00026960-00027560 uh to see the household support fund um brought forward again as well as with less restrictions CgLrykx1d80-00040-00027560-00028144 the first round placed it um uh the the the previous rail places restrictions in place and CgLrykx1d80-00041-00028144-00028808 now we're still awaiting uh allocations of what we will see for the next round of the household CgLrykx1d80-00042-00028808-00029383 support fund from government the draft guidance wasn't out at the time of the writing of this CgLrykx1d80-00043-00029383-00029856 report but i believe it is now out and we're beginning to look over that to understand how CgLrykx1d80-00044-00029856-00030360 we'll be able to use that household support fund to further support our local residents thank you CgLrykx1d80-00045-00030776-00031720 okay so pat um thank you anthony for that report um can i just ask you how many CgLrykx1d80-00046-00031783-00032480 i mean where i'm coming from um parties interest parties do we think all together are being CgLrykx1d80-00047-00032480-00033016 involved in these different um groups and meetings and summit CgLrykx1d80-00048-00033016-00033376 and everything i think you know where i'm coming from i mean can we justify CgLrykx1d80-00049-00033496-00034296 uh the the amount of effort and the various panels and meetings and groups that are working on this CgLrykx1d80-00050-00034736-00035288 can i get some clarification on the question um are you asking how many meetings we've had CgLrykx1d80-00051-00035288-00035920 not meetings but how many different different parties um and if i'm talking about CgLrykx1d80-00052-00035920-00037056 um people involved manpower works time how many different groups how many different people what CgLrykx1d80-00053-00037056-00038240 does it take to get to the final result how many different panels various meetings times you okay CgLrykx1d80-00054-00038464-00039032 um so you would have seen that one of the things we're doing is we have our task force which is a CgLrykx1d80-00055-00039032-00039536 list of myself cabinet members and some officers focused on discussion about our response to the CgLrykx1d80-00056-00039536-00040032 cost of living which i think is an essential meeting because we we need to be on the pulse CgLrykx1d80-00057-00040032-00040408 of making sure we understand what's happening in our communities as well as how we support people CgLrykx1d80-00058-00040408-00040968 in addition to that you would have seen um uh the the advice hubs and the roman hubs which we CgLrykx1d80-00059-00040968-00041640 budgeted for in april uh which is uh very very key um because that's funded um and we would have seen CgLrykx1d80-00060-00041640-00042288 a cross uh cross support from support from our welfare benefits team as well as citizens advice CgLrykx1d80-00061-00042288-00042928 bureau being there um and and other and other services like um housing greenwich housing rights CgLrykx1d80-00062-00042928-00043600 as well as well as our deep engagement teams we have been using them because they are they are CgLrykx1d80-00063-00043600-00043992 key we use them during covid and obviously we're in the midst of a crisis so we've been CgLrykx1d80-00064-00043992-00044528 using them to make sure we can communicate and facilitate dialogue um to make sure that we're CgLrykx1d80-00065-00044528-00044984 speaking to residents about what we're doing in addition to that we've been using our existing CgLrykx1d80-00066-00045048-00045544 comms feature um our comms arms to make sure we're getting the message out using greenwich info CgLrykx1d80-00067-00045544-00046152 um as well as um using our livewell free line which is available and has always been available CgLrykx1d80-00068-00046240-00046672 and so we're using existing structures to be able to get the message out CgLrykx1d80-00069-00046728-00047424 um and i think lastly uh just the the the the final power point um CgLrykx1d80-00070-00047424-00047808 this is all about sequencing as well so one of the good things that you've seen is that you know on CgLrykx1d80-00071-00047808-00048384 the back of them housing panels we've been able to piggyback on the back of that to make sure we can CgLrykx1d80-00072-00048384-00048896 we're using existing activities that are already in the community a good example would be uh one CgLrykx1d80-00073-00048896-00049320 of the thames meat events that recently came up by virtue of a community event and we made CgLrykx1d80-00074-00049320-00049808 sure we were present but the more important thing is the fact that we have volunteers who CgLrykx1d80-00075-00049808-00050224 are helping as well so we have our housing champions number one as well as councillors CgLrykx1d80-00076-00050224-00050672 who've been dedicating their time to be out in their community speaking to their residents CgLrykx1d80-00077-00050672-00051160 supporting community events going door knocking handing out leaflets to get the message out CgLrykx1d80-00078-00051391-00051455 yeah that's fine CgLrykx1d80-00079-00051696-00052384 i have to say that the advice hubs that's where they are brilliant um because i went along to one CgLrykx1d80-00080-00052384-00052896 at the elton center i'm not so sure but that this is probably not for this discussion CgLrykx1d80-00081-00052952-00053440 um about the housing panels because i was in you know i sort of went along to the housing CgLrykx1d80-00082-00053440-00054088 panels when they were held in in the various in the evening uh in various areas and then i went CgLrykx1d80-00083-00054088-00054655 along to the new format during the daytime but i don't think that they seem to be any better i CgLrykx1d80-00084-00054655-00055279 don't honestly think that they were working and i think that you know sort of we need to do some CgLrykx1d80-00085-00055279-00055991 exploration there but um yeah but anyway yes i did the advice as far as i'm concerned CgLrykx1d80-00086-00055991-00056536 the advice hubs are one of the good things that have come out of this but thank you anyway CgLrykx1d80-00087-00056696-00057160 i can probably just add regarding the housing panels i think um i think for a lot of these CgLrykx1d80-00088-00057160-00057655 event as anthony said a lot of these engagement events we've joined along existing events that CgLrykx1d80-00089-00057655-00058272 have been planned so um i think i was at the elton housing panel i think there's been varying CgLrykx1d80-00090-00058272-00058791 attendance i think what the housing team tried to do is to kind of contrast evening events CgLrykx1d80-00091-00058864-00059288 but there have been other housing panels that have had higher attendance so i was at the cold harbor CgLrykx1d80-00092-00059288-00059791 panel this week and there was um a much bigger attendance than there was at the autumn so it's CgLrykx1d80-00093-00059791-00060240 variable and you know for some it's going to work in the day time and there'll be other residents CgLrykx1d80-00094-00060240-00060616 where the evening's going to be better so it's it's difficult to say which one's better or worse CgLrykx1d80-00095-00060616-00061784 because it's going to depend on the needs you know there's there's not going to be one answer to that CgLrykx1d80-00096-00062191-00062536 thank you and i think one one one just further point to add on to that from CgLrykx1d80-00097-00062536-00063079 through my reflections is is about how community groups establish community groups areas where CgLrykx1d80-00098-00063079-00063688 there's established community groups we see better engagement um and i think this process is helping CgLrykx1d80-00099-00063688-00064255 uh further establish more community groups and having that resource readily available in the CgLrykx1d80-00100-00064255-00064904 community begins to do and begins to do that and i'll give you for an example um we went to um CgLrykx1d80-00101-00064904-00065464 it's the eltham page ward uh you know delivered councillors there uh fantastically went out and CgLrykx1d80-00102-00065464-00066024 delivered about a circa a thousand leaflets uh we had one a few a few handfuls of people CgLrykx1d80-00103-00066024-00066440 turn up to meetings but from the feedback that we got from resident statues we've never had this CgLrykx1d80-00104-00066440-00067064 before and through and through and through that um uh through that they've been able to um do more CgLrykx1d80-00105-00067064-00067472 and we're liaising with um the community groups out there so you've got the established community CgLrykx1d80-00106-00067472-00067960 group that is there but they're bringing more people around and from doing that event the key CgLrykx1d80-00107-00067960-00068392 feedback that they gave us was actually thank you for coming thank you for coming and speaking to CgLrykx1d80-00108-00068392-00068984 us and giving us your feedback they helped fill out um our greenwich greenwich support survey CgLrykx1d80-00109-00068984-00069456 which was really great and i think that's a testimony of of the work of when we see CgLrykx1d80-00110-00069456-00070184 um councillors uh working in tandem with officers being out in the community thank you CgLrykx1d80-00111-00070344-00070872 okay yeah it's just that i didn't know about i will engage i will go out and CgLrykx1d80-00112-00070872-00071176 hand some leaflets out willingly but i didn't know anything about it CgLrykx1d80-00113-00071480-00071736 anthony we're gonna have to close it there um CgLrykx1d80-00114-00072056-00072848 okay uh we an email was sent out to members uh number one uh your colleagues have also been to CgLrykx1d80-00115-00072848-00073328 existing events and they weren't invited to events but that you're talking about these leaflets CgLrykx1d80-00116-00073328-00073752 that are going on that was the initiative of councillors saying i want to go out and do stuff CgLrykx1d80-00117-00073816-00074248 um it's you as a counselor anyone can take that such an initiative and go home sorry CgLrykx1d80-00118-00074360-00074848 as a counselor anyone can take that initiative and go out and do that now i've seen colleagues CgLrykx1d80-00119-00074848-00075344 across the board um doing that and if you want us to enable you to help you do that more than CgLrykx1d80-00120-00075344-00075912 willing because we want to see people out myself and yourself both went to a food bank together and CgLrykx1d80-00121-00075912-00076448 that is you being out that was us being out and i want we anything we can do to further facilitate CgLrykx1d80-00122-00076448-00077184 that we'll be delighted to help and support where possible thank you very much for that anthony CgLrykx1d80-00123-00077400-00077888 thank you for this report um it's obviously a really important area of work that we're CgLrykx1d80-00124-00077888-00078936 doing and we're seeing from the media that um we're expecting this to be a catastrophe um CgLrykx1d80-00125-00078936-00079560 to quote martin lewis and i noticed from the schedule that we're only reviewing the cost of CgLrykx1d80-00126-00079560-00080328 living in these meetings on every third meeting is it possible for us to amend that to get CgLrykx1d80-00127-00080328-00080944 an update every every scrutiny panel because i think it's the most important thing we've CgLrykx1d80-00128-00080944-00081416 got on our agenda at the moment um sorry anthony before you come in so that thank CgLrykx1d80-00129-00081416-00081856 you very much for your point we usually have pat here and that's the reason why i've and CgLrykx1d80-00130-00081856-00082392 unfortunately today she can't attend but she will be coming to all of our meetings and will be given CgLrykx1d80-00131-00082392-00082776 an update pertaining to the cost of living i know obviously anthony anthony's the lead on CgLrykx1d80-00132-00082776-00083248 it but um pat will be covering some of those areas as well just to keep us abreast of what's going on CgLrykx1d80-00133-00083520-00084144 um so one of the other things that so you can come back on i've got three questions to ask you can CgLrykx1d80-00134-00084144-00084656 come back on them all together um so so that was one another one was that we've been trying to get CgLrykx1d80-00135-00084656-00085392 a roaming hub into kid brook um i suspect that the people from key brook who are most hard up CgLrykx1d80-00136-00085392-00086032 would struggle to get to the ones that are existing we've we've had meetings about it CgLrykx1d80-00137-00086032-00086592 with john farhi trying to identify places um but are you monitoring uh CgLrykx1d80-00138-00086664-00087264 who who the residents are that are coming to the hubs to see if there are awards that CgLrykx1d80-00139-00087264-00087936 aren't properly being supported because if we saw that lots of kid book people were turning CgLrykx1d80-00140-00087936-00088528 up in elton woolwich then we wouldn't be so worried but if we don't know then we we could CgLrykx1d80-00141-00088528-00089136 assume that they're not being supported at all and we've got a third of our ward are already CgLrykx1d80-00142-00089136-00089920 classed as in poverty and it's only going to get worse next month so that's one and lastly CgLrykx1d80-00143-00090104-00090696 the support for councillors i've just picked up my pack i haven't had a chance to read it yet CgLrykx1d80-00144-00090784-00091312 but i did request an electronic copy and i think that given this is going to be CgLrykx1d80-00145-00091312-00092008 quite a growing and fast-moving issue i really think if we had some electronic space that CgLrykx1d80-00146-00092008-00092720 councillors could refer to no matter where they are and be able to see the latest information CgLrykx1d80-00147-00092776-00093152 that would that would really help though i'd ask you to consider that CgLrykx1d80-00148-00093272-00093784 if there any plans so anthony and then i'll do um my general CgLrykx1d80-00149-00093952-00094568 thank you so um just on the first point by way of updates on cost of living i guess um it cuts CgLrykx1d80-00150-00094568-00095056 across obviously from council tax finance and all that and it's a question of uh whether um CgLrykx1d80-00151-00095056-00095648 the panel has capacity uh to take an update with existing uh reports i'll leave that for the panel CgLrykx1d80-00152-00095648-00096248 to have that discussion um but if there is an ask from the committee maybe we could do CgLrykx1d80-00153-00096248-00096848 a wider briefing session that would by virtue give an update of where we are and our response CgLrykx1d80-00154-00096848-00097296 maybe that's something that we could do and happy to pick that up from there CgLrykx1d80-00155-00097296-00097920 uh secondly i'll let coring come in on kybrook um on in terms of the electronic copy there is CgLrykx1d80-00156-00097920-00098560 an electronic copy pack the same one that you um um have there's an electronic copy version CgLrykx1d80-00157-00098560-00099160 um i i sent this round however i think the the point that you make about uh almost uh CgLrykx1d80-00158-00099256-00099616 a one-stop shop of that you can just download i think is a really good point actually CgLrykx1d80-00159-00099616-00100080 and it's what we did with a trading session so we could facilitate that and add that in there so CgLrykx1d80-00160-00100080-00100568 anything comes in there you guys could potentially print things yourself or go out and use that to CgLrykx1d80-00161-00100568-00101128 facilitate discussion so i'll note that feedback and make sure that's implemented i'll hand over CgLrykx1d80-00162-00101128-00101640 to corrin now on the kiprok points and advice hubs and how this associated deprivation okay CgLrykx1d80-00163-00101728-00102344 so i have some good news in that we in our roaming hubs we are coming to kid brook we have secured CgLrykx1d80-00164-00102344-00102935 the stalkway children's centre as a location and so we will be coming on the 20th of september CgLrykx1d80-00165-00102935-00103744 and we'll be coming every month uh coming back every month uh to that location uh so there'll CgLrykx1d80-00166-00103744-00104464 be uh the welfare rights service and it's i want to say the cab and or greenwich housing rights CgLrykx1d80-00167-00104464-00105096 um so but there'll be several advisors there but in terms of all of the hubs that we have we CgLrykx1d80-00168-00105096-00105783 do monitor kind of the outcomes and kind of who's coming and where they're from so in the in the CgLrykx1d80-00169-00105783-00106359 next month we are looking to do kind of our kind of first initial review from them starting in uh CgLrykx1d80-00170-00106359-00107056 in april to have that understanding over you know the volume we've so far had over 500 residents CgLrykx1d80-00171-00107056-00107711 coming to the advice hub so far um yeah so we'll put we're going to do that initial evaluation in CgLrykx1d80-00172-00107711-00108296 terms of what we're seeing so far on that and then i've just added in terms of i know i think your CgLrykx1d80-00173-00108296-00108816 question on the electronic was probably wider but in terms of the advice hub information we've just CgLrykx1d80-00174-00108816-00109432 set up a sharepoint page for counsellors so that we can put on the information and for example the CgLrykx1d80-00175-00109432-00110000 the leaflets and and where where and when we are and so you've got access to that CgLrykx1d80-00176-00110056-00110488 um but we'll add the new leaflet i've got the old leaflet here but i'm we're getting a new CgLrykx1d80-00177-00110488-00110840 one with all the locations on so when we've got that ready we'll circulate that as well CgLrykx1d80-00178-00111040-00111520 i'm just just on that good news laughing that's really welcome good news and a good example of CgLrykx1d80-00179-00111520-00111968 you know that tandem relationship that i talked about in terms of working i think we would love CgLrykx1d80-00180-00111968-00112456 to go out door knocking and doing all that thing in anticipation of the actual um days CgLrykx1d80-00181-00112456-00112816 so if counselors want to be enabled to do that we're happy to support you in that thank you CgLrykx1d80-00182-00113000-00113600 just to note as well um we do have another update that is in general so it is scheduled for january CgLrykx1d80-00183-00113600-00113928 and so that gives us enough time obviously when we've gone out and we have done stuff CgLrykx1d80-00184-00113928-00114424 to provide an update so your point is obviously quite valid um a day and we will obviously work CgLrykx1d80-00185-00114424-00114896 with anti-need to provide you know more updates on their interim but it's just to let you know that CgLrykx1d80-00186-00114896-00115783 we are having one in january as well um majello you were next um two questions uh anthony um CgLrykx1d80-00187-00115872-00116672 on the in the update uh cost of living update would you be able to say how much of the CgLrykx1d80-00188-00116776-00118080 household support grant of 2.378 million has been spent and secondly second question CgLrykx1d80-00189-00118080-00118680 is um with this cost of living summit which i i missed when it was actually going to be CgLrykx1d80-00190-00118768-00119335 um is this going to be a public event and if so will it be widely advertised CgLrykx1d80-00191-00120135-00120816 okay so in terms of the household support grant so this current so the current allocation to tranche2 CgLrykx1d80-00192-00120816-00121368 goes from april september so in terms of what that funding's been used for CgLrykx1d80-00193-00121520-00121983 the the biggest chunk has been used for the free school meals during the may half term in the CgLrykx1d80-00194-00121983-00122440 summer holiday i should have brought a calculator with me so i've got the numbers but bear reminded CgLrykx1d80-00195-00122440-00123256 my maths uh so well i'll say that the the may half term payment was 15 pounds and the summer CgLrykx1d80-00196-00123256-00123968 payment was 60 pounds and we've paid to about 14 500 children in that agreement remit and we're CgLrykx1d80-00197-00123968-00124776 about about currently about uh i'd say about 93 of those payments have been collected so we monitor CgLrykx1d80-00198-00124776-00125288 that and we will send a chaser for those payments that for the parents that haven't been collected CgLrykx1d80-00199-00125288-00125720 we will send a reminder in the next month or so to ensure and that we should get some more on that CgLrykx1d80-00200-00125888-00126504 targeted payments we recently issued targeted payments to care leavers uh they went out last CgLrykx1d80-00201-00126504-00127096 week so that just in the process have been collected the payments for pensioners have CgLrykx1d80-00202-00127096-00127720 been issued this week so that's around 900 000 pounds has been issued and that mechanism they've CgLrykx1d80-00203-00127720-00128216 been sent a letter in the post and which has got a barcode in the letter and they can go to any post CgLrykx1d80-00204-00128216-00128735 office and collect the financial amount that's been a bit different to the other payments which CgLrykx1d80-00205-00128735-00129128 has been sent by a text message or an email that they can collect from our post office CgLrykx1d80-00206-00129128-00129832 but for pensioners we felt it was more appropriate to send it by a via a letter so so so because um CgLrykx1d80-00207-00129920-00130432 about two-thirds of it's been being collected so far well actually the actual redeemed amount is CgLrykx1d80-00208-00130432-00131040 one million one one million one hundred and forty four thousand but that's because a massive chunk CgLrykx1d80-00209-00131040-00131640 of the pensioner payments have gone out this week so that additional nine hundred thousand is going CgLrykx1d80-00210-00131640-00132120 out now and in addition to that we've got the expenditure through our emergency support scheme CgLrykx1d80-00211-00132192-00132648 over the summer as well and our expenditure through the emergency support scheme is between CgLrykx1d80-00212-00132816-00133368 is unprecedented levels so we're looking at an average of 80 000 pounds a month CgLrykx1d80-00213-00133368-00133944 that we're that we're awarding compared to a a year ago our average is around 40 CgLrykx1d80-00214-00133944-00134408 000 a month so that's an indication of the change so that some of the household support CgLrykx1d80-00215-00134408-00134808 grant has been used for that expenditure but it's not exclusively the household support grant CgLrykx1d80-00216-00135128-00135656 um it it seems to me and and you know you might inform me why this is that a lot of CgLrykx1d80-00217-00135656-00136296 the expenditure seems to have been going out very recently so and given that this is april CgLrykx1d80-00218-00136296-00136928 to september can you explain to me why that is so well i'd say that the uh free school meal ones not CgLrykx1d80-00219-00136928-00137912 so much that was earlier on and in it it's partly um so for the care lever and the nil recourse CgLrykx1d80-00220-00137912-00138480 they were made issue they were issued payments kind of february march and the previous tranche so CgLrykx1d80-00221-00138656-00139200 yeah so it's around six months since that one i'd say the free school meal ones has been around CgLrykx1d80-00222-00139200-00139648 school holidays so quite so that's been very prompt and regular at that point CgLrykx1d80-00223-00139648-00140296 with the pensioner ones because we have um it's we this has been the first time we've issued the CgLrykx1d80-00224-00140296-00140792 payments via a letter and they go via the post office so it's just taking a bit more time to CgLrykx1d80-00225-00140792-00141376 set that up to have that ready but bear in mind that's the payments in addition to the 150 pound CgLrykx1d80-00226-00141448-00142064 council tax payments uh the council tax um energy rebate payments that have been issued over the CgLrykx1d80-00227-00142064-00142528 summer as well so there has been various other payments issued around the same time CgLrykx1d80-00228-00142528-00143176 and in a way it i'd probably suggest for some of those residents having that this payment now just CgLrykx1d80-00229-00143176-00143712 as energy costs are starting to go up it's just as valuable whether it was issued three months ago CgLrykx1d80-00230-00143712-00144424 when they also got the other 150 pound or whether it's it's now it i think it's just as important CgLrykx1d80-00231-00144424-00144960 i think it's just as valued at whatever time it is issued it's the second supplementary CgLrykx1d80-00232-00144960-00145784 are you confident everything's going to be spent yeah by september the 30th yeah CgLrykx1d80-00233-00147088-00147688 yeah it's just those that kind of it does take a lot of these schemes are manual in terms of just CgLrykx1d80-00234-00147688-00148576 putting the data together and also say as well so um we do not we got told um at the end of march CgLrykx1d80-00235-00148576-00149024 that it has been extended for april so we don't get a huge amount of notice to turn around to set CgLrykx1d80-00236-00149024-00149496 it up again and these schemes are manual outside of our normal so for example the free school CgLrykx1d80-00237-00149496-00150104 meals one we coordinate getting the data from 90 schools and to turn that around to get the data CgLrykx1d80-00238-00150176-00150832 so it it has got that time implication and its resources outside of our business as usual that we CgLrykx1d80-00239-00150832-00151408 do so that's just another factor that just impacts the time scales putting it all into place so CgLrykx1d80-00240-00151480-00152016 it actually takes quite a lot of work to give out money i've learned over the last couple of years CgLrykx1d80-00241-00152016-00152464 um but yeah so i think we're we're getting there and we'll definitely wish you all CgLrykx1d80-00242-00152464-00152784 all of the money i don't i don't have any concerns over that CgLrykx1d80-00243-00153640-00154272 um on summit so i believe um the chair of ons is leading on that response CgLrykx1d80-00244-00154328-00154832 um and um one thing they'll be doing is getting our partners into a room um and CgLrykx1d80-00245-00154832-00155592 discussing solutions um i don't i don't believe it is um open to the public um i think it's about um CgLrykx1d80-00246-00155816-00156136 using who we have in the borough uh who's on CgLrykx1d80-00247-00156136-00156664 who are giving support um and uh getting them all in the room to discuss themes around food CgLrykx1d80-00248-00156720-00157592 energy um and um and uh and um and economy and housing and other things um so i believe CgLrykx1d80-00249-00157592-00158384 that's been led by the scrutiny process uh of which the chair of ons is um facilitating CgLrykx1d80-00250-00159152-00159784 so does that mean that as members of the housing panel can we go along to that as well CgLrykx1d80-00251-00160344-00160944 that is members of this scrutiny committee i believe so i think you'll need to confirm with CgLrykx1d80-00252-00160944-00161592 either nazir or your scrutiny facilitators but i do believe so i think it includes the chairs CgLrykx1d80-00253-00161672-00162584 with an invite to panel members um but i would ask you guys to confirm uh with your ons chair CgLrykx1d80-00254-00162936-00163240 does anyone else have any questions okay CgLrykx1d80-00255-00163240-00163984 we're going to move on to the fire safety verbal update um so jamie CgLrykx1d80-00256-00164104-00164696 sorry can i just ask a question at this point please is that all right what is your question CgLrykx1d80-00257-00164856-00165488 i'm just wondering why is this why we've got a verbal update and not CgLrykx1d80-00258-00165544-00166584 that this is the massively important subject um fire safety you know for obvious reasons but i it CgLrykx1d80-00259-00166584-00167088 really it should we should have a written report and i was just wondering why we haven't got that CgLrykx1d80-00260-00167088-00167656 and why it's a verbal one so there will be a report to follow it is down to timing as to why CgLrykx1d80-00261-00167656-00168080 so they have constraints as to why they haven't been able to give us a written report as of yet CgLrykx1d80-00262-00168080-00168624 so they're giving us a variable report for now but there will be a written report that CgLrykx1d80-00263-00168624-00169312 will follow in due course in the next meeting so it was just so that we're kept to breast now CgLrykx1d80-00264-00169312-00169832 he can give us a verbal update we can see whatever you know gaps identify it right now CgLrykx1d80-00265-00169832-00170400 and then later on he'll give us a written report at the next meeting that's scheduled okay CgLrykx1d80-00266-00170504-00171112 that no that's absolutely fine it's okay um jamie would you like to proceed and thank you for coming CgLrykx1d80-00267-00171112-00171776 thank you chair and and picking that up um picking up councillor greenwell's um question um there CgLrykx1d80-00268-00171776-00172320 will definitely be a written report next time um i think it's been a combination of annual leave CgLrykx1d80-00269-00172320-00172928 commitments and this being particularly early in the september cycle meant that um we didn't tell CgLrykx1d80-00270-00172928-00173488 the resources on hand to pull together the pool fixture there the full picture for this meeting CgLrykx1d80-00271-00173488-00173984 so my apologies for that counselor greenwell it is really important issue as as i'm sure all the CgLrykx1d80-00272-00173984-00174688 committee appreciate and um i'm afraid it's just me today and and sort of circulated um CgLrykx1d80-00273-00174760-00175368 a a short note um to help the committee navigate some of the some of the headlines CgLrykx1d80-00274-00175368-00175960 of of the situation i'm going to report on but then hopefully people's questions and feedback CgLrykx1d80-00275-00176016-00176560 and um lines of inquiry from this discussion can then inform the report that we'll bring to the CgLrykx1d80-00276-00176560-00177280 november october meeting so um so that's that's by way of apology so just to sort of go through CgLrykx1d80-00277-00177280-00178056 the headlines chair if i may and sort of i suppose summarizing the position the the national position CgLrykx1d80-00278-00178056-00178880 for supporting work around um fire safety and what i really mean by far safe in this context is cross CgLrykx1d80-00279-00178880-00179520 tenure all ten years alleviation of buildings where there have been identified fire hazards CgLrykx1d80-00280-00179576-00180232 and the most prominent of those obviously which we know from the grenfell tragedy are what's called CgLrykx1d80-00281-00180232-00181200 aluminium composite materials or acm um cladding but then sub further to that as as um work has CgLrykx1d80-00282-00181200-00182184 been um progressed and um run by by um by the by the sort of ministry mhclgs was then and now duloc CgLrykx1d80-00283-00182304-00182920 they have turned attention onto other issues of dangerous cladding materials CgLrykx1d80-00284-00182920-00183864 what's particularly called um high hpl high let me just get my acronym right to high um CgLrykx1d80-00285-00183968-00184672 high composite laminate high high laminate materials high composite laminate materials CgLrykx1d80-00286-00184672-00185120 which is materials where things have been compressed um to to CgLrykx1d80-00287-00185328-00186008 be then inserted onto it onto a cladding environment or or or other CgLrykx1d80-00288-00186224-00186952 other fire risks in those blocks and so um the funding regimes that have nationally been put in CgLrykx1d80-00289-00186952-00187784 place um and there are five five five remediation schemes that the government has um are one part of CgLrykx1d80-00290-00187784-00188288 i suppose they're plank their other components of the plank are are the developer pledge CgLrykx1d80-00291-00188360-00189104 where they have asked developers to commit to um funding the alleviation of the works CgLrykx1d80-00292-00189160-00189872 um and i think it's fair to say there's been mixed success with that and um i suppose professionally CgLrykx1d80-00293-00189872-00190328 it feels that that there will be something some developers will do that some some maybe be CgLrykx1d80-00294-00190328-00191152 less assiduous around that um and then there is also a framework that was maybe intended to CgLrykx1d80-00295-00191400-00192088 give clarity to homeowners and leaseholders around the production of certificates to CgLrykx1d80-00296-00192088-00192672 sign off buildings the ewcs one certificates unfortunately as mortgage lenders have required CgLrykx1d80-00297-00192672-00193248 those perhaps for all properties that's actually proved quite a bottleneck in terms of producing CgLrykx1d80-00298-00193248-00193848 these certificates so the whole situation has been has been fought and and quite complex um CgLrykx1d80-00299-00193904-00194720 so there have been a number of um greenwich applications to those five remediation funds CgLrykx1d80-00300-00194720-00195272 and there has been significant progress um in those different categories of buildings CgLrykx1d80-00301-00195272-00195704 and i'll sort of give us headline summary of those of that progress and then that's something CgLrykx1d80-00302-00195704-00196200 that that members of the panel may want to ask questions about or and we can give more detail CgLrykx1d80-00303-00196200-00196600 next time so i suppose the most high profile ones the ones that we've been working CgLrykx1d80-00304-00196600-00197392 around and with for three years now are the um acm clad buildings over 18 meters and there were 24 CgLrykx1d80-00305-00197392-00198000 of those that were identified in that category 20 23 of them have removed that cladding work CgLrykx1d80-00306-00198000-00198448 so if that was the highest risk item you know i think we can report significant progress CgLrykx1d80-00307-00198536-00199048 over over the last over the last three years the last remaining building has started remedial CgLrykx1d80-00308-00199048-00199664 action and um and we've been told the end date for those works is um is december of this year CgLrykx1d80-00309-00199664-00200552 so another three three months to go four months to go um in terms of those buildings that have acm CgLrykx1d80-00310-00200552-00201184 under 18 meters we've only identified one in that category and that's being reviewed by the guidance CgLrykx1d80-00311-00201184-00201888 but they haven't started remediation work yet um it's worth noting that um that the what's called CgLrykx1d80-00312-00201888-00202704 the mid-rise scheme where there's uh money for cladding um alleviation between 11 to 18 meters CgLrykx1d80-00313-00202760-00203400 um has not opened as a schizo funding rate scheme yet so it's been proposed but not yet opened and CgLrykx1d80-00314-00203400-00203984 one suspects that this particular development will be bidding against that but we wait and see CgLrykx1d80-00315-00204056-00205016 um then we go on to um let me go on to non-acm under 18 meters um and CgLrykx1d80-00316-00205128-00205736 there we have sorry no sorry non-acm over 18 meters and there we have a significant tranche CgLrykx1d80-00317-00205736-00206280 of properties that's hpl insulation timber other inflammable materials that aren't classified as CgLrykx1d80-00318-00206280-00207367 non-combustible and um as of of the um sort of 212 private sector buildings in the borough 57 CgLrykx1d80-00319-00207367-00208104 of them fall into this category so that's about 25 i'm so significant and those 57 are concentrated CgLrykx1d80-00320-00208104-00208840 into 20 developments so there's 20 if you like developers of those 20 um one of them doesn't CgLrykx1d80-00321-00208840-00209464 seem to need remedial work based on the eswi two of them have completed remediation and that's good CgLrykx1d80-00322-00209464-00209936 four of them are undergoing remediation um eight of them are waiting on the building CgLrykx1d80-00323-00209936-00210671 safety fund to release funds um three of them um are have been advised but you look that they CgLrykx1d80-00324-00210671-00211104 don't qualify for the fund and they're asking for them to be alleviated under the developers pledge CgLrykx1d80-00325-00211184-00211919 and that's particularly where i think we need to be um focused in terms of tracking the honoring CgLrykx1d80-00326-00211919-00212680 of that pledge um and then there's two that we are still chasing information so a mixed bag but CgLrykx1d80-00327-00212680-00213176 some progress i think and i suppose if we go back two years you probably see a tell a similar story CgLrykx1d80-00328-00213176-00213856 for the acm cloud buildings so um i suppose the local authority role in this is as a monitor CgLrykx1d80-00329-00213928-00214767 as a sort of holding the local data on it we have some powers under the housing act of request CgLrykx1d80-00330-00214767-00215519 information well request and require information from um from from developers um and going further CgLrykx1d80-00331-00215519-00216464 down the housing act we have further powers to to to require them to to take actions um those powers CgLrykx1d80-00332-00216464-00217256 um are quite onerous because that housing act was devised well before anyone appreciated you know CgLrykx1d80-00333-00217256-00218056 the whole scale of the issue that had emerged in if you you know in in in cladding and combustible CgLrykx1d80-00334-00218056-00218560 material it's been put onto buildings during um you know the whole period from the naughties CgLrykx1d80-00335-00218560-00219088 through to right through to the grenfell tragedy so um you know i think when the legislation was CgLrykx1d80-00336-00219088-00219752 framed it was very much thinking about you know low-rise hmos and getting a landlord to put in CgLrykx1d80-00337-00219752-00220328 a fire alarm or put in a foot in a fire door it wasn't envisaged that this was multi-million work CgLrykx1d80-00338-00220328-00220840 to remove cladding from high-scale buildings but nevertheless that's the legislation we work under CgLrykx1d80-00339-00220896-00221592 the fire brigade have a range of other powers that dovetailing with ours and and to have and have CgLrykx1d80-00340-00221592-00222088 lead responsibility around some aspects of this so we work very closely with fire brigade and i would CgLrykx1d80-00341-00222088-00222632 i would um characterize our relationship the fire began as good and strong and that's both with the CgLrykx1d80-00342-00222632-00223344 local borough commander for borough fire commander but also uh you know the central team that's um CgLrykx1d80-00343-00223344-00224128 that works across the london fire brigade so that's high level whistle stop tall but more CgLrykx1d80-00344-00224128-00224712 than happy to answer questions and also receive um sort of if there's detailed lines of inquiry CgLrykx1d80-00345-00224712-00225200 that people would like us to then drill down into the written report happy to um to take those away CgLrykx1d80-00346-00225423-00225800 you speak about remediation and especially pertaining like to cladding CgLrykx1d80-00347-00225800-00226112 what exactly does that look like um just in layman terms CgLrykx1d80-00348-00226400-00226792 remediation involves removing the cladding so the building is safe CgLrykx1d80-00349-00226864-00227464 and on occasion and this depends on the design requirement of the building it may require putting CgLrykx1d80-00350-00227464-00228223 back up non-combustible cladding materials the to ensure the building is insulated and watertight CgLrykx1d80-00351-00228223-00228600 because sometimes the cladding fulfilled the function even though it was CgLrykx1d80-00352-00228600-00229344 obviously um um combustible okay thank you for that but i have a supplementary as well um so CgLrykx1d80-00353-00229344-00229752 you spoke about removing the cladding and you did say you had one that was kind of high risk CgLrykx1d80-00354-00229752-00230367 high priority and it will be done in december so it's the first kind of update you were giving us CgLrykx1d80-00355-00230423-00231056 what have you done to mitigate that risk of any sort of hazardous events happening so i do get CgLrykx1d80-00356-00231056-00231456 we're going through mediation but anything can transpire in that short space of time CgLrykx1d80-00357-00231671-00232184 thank you chair so um the fire brigade rather than us require CgLrykx1d80-00358-00232408-00232864 interim steps to be taken place for any building where they have a concern CgLrykx1d80-00359-00232864-00233271 that they're not meeting if you like the regulations that they are the enforcing agency for CgLrykx1d80-00360-00233336-00233688 um and sometimes that involves what are called waking watches CgLrykx1d80-00361-00233776-00234584 um which basically is a 24 7 presence on on in the block um recent guidance has CgLrykx1d80-00362-00234664-00235456 slightly reduced the the occasions and locations where waking watches are required there's an CgLrykx1d80-00363-00235456-00235880 immediate reaction post grenfell to put in waking watch i think there's a recognition it works well CgLrykx1d80-00364-00235880-00236319 in some situations because it's really required for for where there's a need for simultaneous CgLrykx1d80-00365-00236319-00236816 evacuation but other situations it may be less needed and one of those situations is obviously CgLrykx1d80-00366-00236816-00237567 when there is a a um a simultaneous evacuation alarm that's been installed by the developer to CgLrykx1d80-00367-00237567-00238071 alert every resident um should a fire break out in any of the flats that the whole block needs CgLrykx1d80-00368-00238071-00238752 to be evacuated so that would be another interim measure that the fire brigade sometimes ask for CgLrykx1d80-00369-00238864-00239544 and they are responsible for for asking for that and then um you know ensuring that it's in place CgLrykx1d80-00370-00239544-00239912 but we work very closely with them so if we have intelligence that something's wrong then CgLrykx1d80-00371-00239912-00240536 obviously we we tell them and vice versa does anyone have any questions oh does CgLrykx1d80-00372-00240800-00241576 thank you for joining me um i've got three questions for you um the other dangerous cladding CgLrykx1d80-00373-00241664-00242656 that you talked about i was struggling to follow the numbers well you talked about 57 buildings and CgLrykx1d80-00374-00242656-00243223 20 developers and when you were saying that one was okay and two was completed i wasn't quite sure CgLrykx1d80-00375-00243223-00243856 if this was buildings or developers and i wasn't sure when i added up all the numbers i had it CgLrykx1d80-00376-00243856-00244488 didn't add up to the number you gave us so i don't know if they were all covered so i mean i i don't CgLrykx1d80-00377-00244592-00245128 expect you to give us all that now but if you're going to be sending a report would we get that CgLrykx1d80-00378-00245128-00245928 before the next meeting i mean fairly soon so that we can look over it um more clearly um CgLrykx1d80-00379-00246088-00246960 then i i wanted to know really if there are any developers who are not cooperating are CgLrykx1d80-00380-00246960-00247680 we identifying them and bringing up when they're coming to us with new planning permissions because CgLrykx1d80-00381-00247744-00248480 we ought to be exerting pressure on them and making it clear that we won't want to do business CgLrykx1d80-00382-00248480-00249064 with or will look unfavorably on developers who are not meeting this responsibility CgLrykx1d80-00383-00249192-00249919 and the last thing was that um something that you didn't mention um you talked about the framework CgLrykx1d80-00384-00249919-00250688 ews certificates and i believe that one of the problems that's been happening is that the in CgLrykx1d80-00385-00250688-00251464 the ew ews certificates are throwing up issues that are nothing to do with cladding but our fire CgLrykx1d80-00386-00251464-00252167 risks that are then making it hard for the tenants so it may all for all kinds of reasons they're not CgLrykx1d80-00387-00252167-00253584 meeting the fire safety standards what help is there for people who come under that situation CgLrykx1d80-00388-00253760-00254344 thank you chad so um 57 buildings 20 developments and the numbers i were quoting were developments CgLrykx1d80-00389-00254423-00254864 um and they do add up um i may have skimmed through them but we will definitely be able CgLrykx1d80-00390-00254864-00255344 to share that in ted table format and you can see that i've just double checked so yes can we CgLrykx1d80-00391-00255344-00256304 assure you we have a complete picture um in terms of um those um developers that aren't working CgLrykx1d80-00392-00257080-00257767 um it is tricky sometimes those developers don't exist anymore sometimes i'm not saying this CgLrykx1d80-00393-00257767-00258128 replies during the greenwich examples i'm just talking more generally in the issue sometimes CgLrykx1d80-00394-00258128-00258744 they are shell companies of uh that have been shut down a subsidiary company of a name that you might CgLrykx1d80-00395-00258744-00259264 recognize but it turns out that they now have no legal relationship with that developer sometime CgLrykx1d80-00396-00259264-00260240 which is um a challenge sometimes they can be registered offshore overseas and be hard to reach CgLrykx1d80-00397-00260312-00260976 so i think when you get to the tail you identify some of these difficult ones so CgLrykx1d80-00398-00261048-00261688 um that is why there's very close monitoring by central government of this and i think you know CgLrykx1d80-00399-00261760-00262152 there has been a very joined approach between central government asking local CgLrykx1d80-00400-00262152-00262472 government to support it and asking and obviously working very closely with the CgLrykx1d80-00401-00262472-00263104 fire with the with the fire authorities so so it feels as if there's less and less places CgLrykx1d80-00402-00263104-00263904 to hide um i think as an authority we have to be very careful about you know bantering around CgLrykx1d80-00403-00263904-00264560 phrases like corporation or non-cooperation as you know we are obliged legally to consider CgLrykx1d80-00404-00264560-00265224 every planning application on its merits regardless of who the applicant is um this isn't CgLrykx1d80-00405-00265224-00265920 you know framework for sort of wide discussions on planning um but were we to go out and say that you CgLrykx1d80-00406-00265920-00266480 know we're not cooperating or indeed people were to be refused because of completely events outside CgLrykx1d80-00407-00266480-00267048 the realm of that application um we would open ourselves up to significant possibility of appeal CgLrykx1d80-00408-00267048-00267288 and that wouldn't suit anyone because it would happen anyway so CgLrykx1d80-00409-00267352-00268008 i think how we exert that soft power and that soft leverage is absolutely legitimate and we do CgLrykx1d80-00410-00268008-00268712 have the ability to exert some degree of influence and and um it's not directly through refusal but CgLrykx1d80-00411-00268712-00268984 perhaps through the kind of conversations that we're having in the pre-application CgLrykx1d80-00412-00269072-00269728 journey et cetera et cetera so um you know i'm i'm i don't represent the planning service but CgLrykx1d80-00413-00269728-00270296 there are we do have levers but it's not um black and white and we would never i don't think come CgLrykx1d80-00414-00270296-00270824 out and say we are embargoing any one developer because we'd always end up i think in a difficult CgLrykx1d80-00415-00270824-00271976 position legally um so um i think we have though contacted and engaged with those developers CgLrykx1d80-00416-00272168-00272808 that have not yet completed their remediation um your last question was um about ew CgLrykx1d80-00417-00272864-00273568 si um statements and um you're right they can relate to you know their statement of CgLrykx1d80-00418-00273568-00274064 of the fitness of the building so for example if the cladding's fine but the fire stopping CgLrykx1d80-00419-00274064-00274480 wasn't put in because the developer was cutting corners or the subcontractor of the subcontractor CgLrykx1d80-00420-00274480-00275168 of the developer was cutting corners as was found on the grenfell tower sadly or um CgLrykx1d80-00421-00275264-00276136 or there are issues with the fire the the smoke management systems or you know the host of host CgLrykx1d80-00422-00276136-00276896 of issues that are required to keep buildings fire safe um and and you know and and and considering CgLrykx1d80-00423-00276896-00277464 the building as a whole as an aside that's what that's the principle of the building safety CgLrykx1d80-00424-00277464-00277904 of the building safety act that's why it's a really important and positive departure to CgLrykx1d80-00425-00277904-00278576 the previous regime that was in place so um in terms of the help that can be offered um CgLrykx1d80-00426-00278576-00279360 as a local authority not much it's really hard um we can put pressure on the developers like CgLrykx1d80-00427-00279360-00279848 we would to do remediation works but there's not the national monies in place for that yet CgLrykx1d80-00428-00279912-00280760 um we can um we can um you know and central government is trying to use the developer pledge CgLrykx1d80-00429-00280760-00281376 to do some of those uh alleviations and central government is also talking to the mortgage lenders CgLrykx1d80-00430-00281376-00282112 to take a view on the degree of risk of the of the ew si certificates um which were intended CgLrykx1d80-00431-00282112-00282616 to give transparency and reduce the pressures but of course have just opened a further can of worms CgLrykx1d80-00432-00282728-00283360 but it remains a really big concern in the industry and you know many leaseholders CgLrykx1d80-00433-00283360-00283896 are in a very difficult position and are locked into buildings that they're not able to sell so CgLrykx1d80-00434-00283896-00284584 you know lots of campaigns about this lots of lots of um lots of activity CgLrykx1d80-00435-00284584-00285176 um of which you know i'm i'm not an expert but um i'm not aware of the magic bullet there CgLrykx1d80-00436-00285176-00285784 that's something we can go away and and look at and see what the what the national debate is at CgLrykx1d80-00437-00286552-00286952 when you talk about opening a can of worms uh whilst you're sitting there CgLrykx1d80-00438-00286952-00287712 and we're talking about fire and we're talking about safety um the council have CgLrykx1d80-00439-00287920-00288744 been accused of failing to tackle high-risk safety um within the housing stock and the CgLrykx1d80-00440-00288744-00289448 regulator has issued a notice for the council to improve now that's across the board with um CgLrykx1d80-00441-00289584-00290640 electricity with issues with water issues with asbestos and apparently it has been CgLrykx1d80-00442-00290784-00291608 stated that all high risk actions are to be completed by december CgLrykx1d80-00443-00291720-00292320 now that's a long time away and and it's very very concerning that this has happened CgLrykx1d80-00444-00292448-00293136 um i just wondered if we could have and this seems a suitable point to bring it in chair CgLrykx1d80-00445-00293136-00294232 if we could have at the next meeting in october an update of where we are with actually um addressing CgLrykx1d80-00446-00294232-00295096 these um issues this backlog of safety issues within our council premises thank you CgLrykx1d80-00447-00295392-00295920 thank you chair for you um so just just for absolute clarity um CgLrykx1d80-00448-00296120-00297072 counselor um there are no cladding issues on any council blocks and there are no cancer blocks with CgLrykx1d80-00449-00297072-00297648 any risk well then anything other than assessed is very very low risk because we did an assessment of CgLrykx1d80-00450-00297648-00298136 those blocks we do have cladding but there are no fire risks associated with cladding CgLrykx1d80-00451-00298136-00298512 on council blocks that's an important point to clarify because that's been the main subject CgLrykx1d80-00452-00298512-00299136 what we've been talking about um the the regulatory notice that i think you're referring to CgLrykx1d80-00453-00299136-00299896 that was issued yesterday refers to and this was reported to cabinet in july so it's not new news CgLrykx1d80-00454-00299896-00300504 but what was reported to cabinet in july referred to the standard fire risk assessments and the CgLrykx1d80-00455-00300504-00301072 actions arising for those virus assessments that we do every landlord does in fact you know every CgLrykx1d80-00456-00301072-00301736 building um every building manager does uh you know on on on a regular basis and for high-risk CgLrykx1d80-00457-00301736-00302312 buildings we do the manually and that reports to the actions that are outstanding now those actions CgLrykx1d80-00458-00302312-00303016 can vary from need to replace the door and we're waiting for the door manufacturer to get back to CgLrykx1d80-00459-00303016-00303792 us to need to rewire the block when we've got the block in our capital program through to CgLrykx1d80-00460-00303976-00304448 residents ha you know there's there's there's a dump at the top of the stairlift at the CgLrykx1d80-00461-00304448-00305000 stairs and we need to clear that because that's inhibiting people's access and that was found CgLrykx1d80-00462-00305000-00305480 on the day of the inspection so they can they can be things that are resolvable very quickly CgLrykx1d80-00463-00305480-00306096 or they can be things that need to be resolved over time but um but the reason why um CgLrykx1d80-00464-00306176-00306816 um the council took the view to suffer um on that issue was because as a cumulative impact CgLrykx1d80-00465-00306816-00307168 it was felt that you know we weren't weren't meeting the home standards so CgLrykx1d80-00466-00307224-00307992 so that was reported in the annual report that came in july to cabinet and um scrutiny CgLrykx1d80-00467-00307992-00308528 has a role in the assurance framework that was agreed by cabinet in december which is when we CgLrykx1d80-00468-00308680-00309448 as an authority seek assurance that that our buildings are um being made safe and there's work CgLrykx1d80-00469-00309448-00310232 to if there are deficiencies that there's work to to to make them safe um so i'd be entirely in this CgLrykx1d80-00470-00310232-00311096 panel's um you know what's what i'm looking for um steer um as to when you would like to receive CgLrykx1d80-00471-00311096-00311584 those reports i think it's scheduled within the year of the committee cycle it's scheduled twice CgLrykx1d80-00472-00311704-00312296 um so if it was the committee's will the panels will that you wanted to receive that next time CgLrykx1d80-00473-00312296-00312560 um then i'm you know i'm sure we could do that CgLrykx1d80-00474-00313008-00313376 sorry yes can we can we do that um please just share with me one CgLrykx1d80-00475-00313376-00313784 moment i just need to hear from anthony and then um also miguela has a question CgLrykx1d80-00476-00313944-00314640 so um just as um jamie mentioned about the fact that the annual report comes to the panel CgLrykx1d80-00477-00314640-00315360 um i think we should i would almost say um wait for that process um i don't know what date it's CgLrykx1d80-00478-00315360-00315896 coming next um but also you would have seen the drop in sessions that and the cabinet member has CgLrykx1d80-00479-00315896-00316504 been putting on um which anyone can attend and ask any question and also get an update so it's CgLrykx1d80-00480-00316504-00317160 not there's not one avenue almost to kind of do that and i think the annual report is it's good CgLrykx1d80-00481-00317160-00317696 because i think you need to look at it in that way um and that's kind of what what i would um CgLrykx1d80-00482-00317840-00318464 advise and but obviously it's for you you guys as a committee to make that decision but please CgLrykx1d80-00483-00318464-00319056 utilize the cabinet member update sessions uh that counselor pat slattery has been putting on um CgLrykx1d80-00484-00319056-00319656 because she also looks at that looks as it there as well as that we have the housing delivery board CgLrykx1d80-00485-00319656-00320400 in which um uh or the three four cabinet members from finance regen housing and myself CgLrykx1d80-00486-00320400-00320912 sit on um and and also look at compliance and where we are and so we are making sure CgLrykx1d80-00487-00320912-00321416 we are focused on on on the development that's there i think if you look at the numbers you CgLrykx1d80-00488-00321416-00322056 also see the progression that the council has made in the area thank you wait can i CgLrykx1d80-00489-00322336-00322968 well it's just well like it's just sort of just to say but i i feel very strongly that i mean don't CgLrykx1d80-00490-00322968-00323528 get me wrong yes you're addressing it and yeah yes you yourselves we as a council admit admitted CgLrykx1d80-00491-00323608-00324368 the fault there but it's just i feel that it's such a big a massive health and safety um CgLrykx1d80-00492-00324368-00324920 issue that as a scrutiny panel i really would be i would like CgLrykx1d80-00493-00324920-00325336 to see this come back to scrutiny in october to see how we're getting on CgLrykx1d80-00494-00325552-00326104 how things are progressing are we sort of on you know are we up to date are CgLrykx1d80-00495-00326104-00326504 we going to be finished by december december's quite a few months away CgLrykx1d80-00496-00326808-00327376 i'll say the get the gift is in is in is it is your gift uh what you what you ask we will do CgLrykx1d80-00497-00327536-00327944 does anyone oppose for us to have in an update i'm happy for us to do so CgLrykx1d80-00498-00328032-00328512 it's not really on the schedule we're going to have a written report but we don't have that CgLrykx1d80-00499-00328512-00329176 so does a debt what is your thought process on it are you happy for us to do that yeah i must admit CgLrykx1d80-00500-00329176-00330120 i'm a fan of more frequent shorter uh updates so um rather than waiting six months and and CgLrykx1d80-00501-00330120-00330872 getting a big update i'd rather have shorter intervals and and majello your fourth post CgLrykx1d80-00502-00331024-00331608 well i'd be interested in an update in november mainly because then we would know by december CgLrykx1d80-00503-00331608-00332216 if it's actually going to be happen or not however um i'm happy to have one in october CgLrykx1d80-00504-00332216-00332832 because if we can get a definite timetable in october that convinces us that these matters CgLrykx1d80-00505-00332832-00333384 will be rectified entirely by december then that would do fine so i'll i'll go with the majority CgLrykx1d80-00506-00333520-00334016 so jamie if you're happy to provide the short update for us okay thank you yeah that's fine CgLrykx1d80-00507-00334368-00334944 sorry um i'm i'm interested principally in the situation with council estates CgLrykx1d80-00508-00335048-00335344 and if i understood correctly from your earlier briefing CgLrykx1d80-00509-00335528-00336232 a month or so ago before the summer there were many issues about fire doors um CgLrykx1d80-00510-00336392-00337056 rubbish in corridors etc etc etc which was part of this self-reporting is that am i correct on that CgLrykx1d80-00511-00337200-00337856 um and am i also correct in in the statement that these some of these CgLrykx1d80-00512-00337856-00338544 um deficiencies had been going on for years had been present for years in some of the estates CgLrykx1d80-00513-00338672-00339400 if i am correct in that um then my question is more to the leader um how on earth did we get CgLrykx1d80-00514-00339400-00340152 there how on earth did we allow for some years for this to occur or or has it not occurred in CgLrykx1d80-00515-00340152-00340928 that time scale jamie thank you chair so if in the detail of the cabinet report in july and you will CgLrykx1d80-00516-00340928-00341568 recall that um the the what we identified was that we've had a long-term deficiency around domestic CgLrykx1d80-00517-00341568-00342280 electrical testing so we have we and then we can go into the reasons why that happened and and and CgLrykx1d80-00518-00342368-00343224 that was one of the six areas of which there were three that we felt were not um in compliance so um CgLrykx1d80-00519-00343304-00343872 fire risk assessment actions and communal asbestos testing which were the other two areas if you CgLrykx1d80-00520-00343872-00344584 remember counsellor those two areas were recent have been relatively recent so i don't want to CgLrykx1d80-00521-00344736-00345176 blur because it is very important to give absolute clarity for you know concerned CgLrykx1d80-00522-00345176-00345712 parties and residents and everyone else around this so is one of the components CgLrykx1d80-00523-00345712-00346136 where the report identified that there had been deficiencies for so for some years CgLrykx1d80-00524-00346368-00347328 in terms of that program we did have a a planned program but it was not it hasn't run as fast or as CgLrykx1d80-00525-00347328-00347968 much to schedule um and prior to that there had been a significant hiatus for a number of years CgLrykx1d80-00526-00347968-00348640 you have to go back as i understand it from the records you know some years to when we last had a CgLrykx1d80-00527-00348640-00349096 planned program of doing electrical testing works we obviously always do them when there's what's CgLrykx1d80-00528-00349096-00349472 called a void property an empty property that we're bringing up standards so there was still CgLrykx1d80-00529-00349472-00349952 some electrical testing work being done but not enough to ensure that every property had CgLrykx1d80-00530-00349952-00350640 um an electrical internal test um once every five years and that's where we now have the action plan CgLrykx1d80-00531-00350640-00351112 to ensure that we're in a in a strong position to be able to report that every domestic property CgLrykx1d80-00532-00351112-00351792 has had that internal electrical test within within five years yeah i was specifically CgLrykx1d80-00533-00351792-00352472 talking about council estates i was i was specifically referring to council estates CgLrykx1d80-00534-00352720-00353400 so my question is there was as you said there was a big hiatus well why CgLrykx1d80-00535-00353768-00354496 my understanding of the hiatus it would be from around 2010 to 20 i 2018 CgLrykx1d80-00536-00354576-00354992 um those aren't precise numbers i would say it was in the beginning of the decade CgLrykx1d80-00537-00354992-00355264 i wasn't in the employment of the council um CgLrykx1d80-00538-00355544-00355848 a number of you know a number of officers um CgLrykx1d80-00539-00355952-00356512 you know are have moved in fact one of the problems you remember from the report is the churn CgLrykx1d80-00540-00356512-00356872 in the head of service level and that's now been corrected we now have a permanent head of service CgLrykx1d80-00541-00356928-00357856 um so i i i can't i don't i can't give you a an absolute um categorical answer and a CgLrykx1d80-00542-00357856-00358256 full forensic investigation as to why committed decisions were taken in 2012 CgLrykx1d80-00543-00358392-00358880 i you know my focus and i think officers folks has been to alleviate and and make good situation CgLrykx1d80-00544-00358880-00359560 that we're in now and i i i suppose i i wonder about the value of of of of doing that sort of CgLrykx1d80-00545-00359560-00360080 complete navigating exercise you know absolutely we've learned from this and i would report that CgLrykx1d80-00546-00360080-00360608 we have made significant learning around the use of data around the need for permanent staff and CgLrykx1d80-00547-00360608-00360944 around the need for an assurance framework where things are reported transparently CgLrykx1d80-00548-00361072-00361576 now that's excellent um it's just that these are the questions being asked outside this room CgLrykx1d80-00549-00361656-00362184 uh these are the political questions people are asking what has greenwich council been doing in CgLrykx1d80-00550-00362184-00362816 that time and so i'm trying to ascertain and not from yourself i think this is a a question for CgLrykx1d80-00551-00362816-00363712 the leader is to say you know how can we put this into perspective can we say this is a matter of CgLrykx1d80-00552-00363712-00364200 budget cuts can we say that we didn't have the right systems is it a combination of all those CgLrykx1d80-00553-00364200-00364824 things i think i think it's uh it's difficult to pin down um you know again CgLrykx1d80-00554-00364824-00365536 um kind of what jamie has articulated it's uh long before our our times number one um and CgLrykx1d80-00555-00365536-00366240 there's a whole range of cross-cutting issues there um in in terms of services demand CgLrykx1d80-00556-00366320-00367192 and uh um and what needs to the safety checks um so i think it's it's cross-cutting um and maybe CgLrykx1d80-00557-00367192-00367824 it's a question we can look at however i think um in terms of moving forward i think uh now one CgLrykx1d80-00558-00367824-00368296 of the one of the opportunities that we had to work on was the insurance framework and making CgLrykx1d80-00559-00368296-00368792 sure that you know a compliance report comes to this security new panel a compliance report comes CgLrykx1d80-00560-00368792-00369272 the cabinet and a compliance report comes to the cabinet member now the cabinet member compliance CgLrykx1d80-00561-00369272-00370112 report happens at least twice in a month um since coming in so it's given process to make sure that CgLrykx1d80-00562-00370112-00370704 we're finally analyzing where we are within me and our big objectives when it comes to the big six CgLrykx1d80-00563-00371152-00371208 can i just CgLrykx1d80-00564-00371472-00372032 i don't really understand i i don't think it's don't get me wrong i'm not trying to criticize CgLrykx1d80-00565-00372032-00372832 or anything but i don't think the answer is well to say well i wasn't i wasn't employed or CgLrykx1d80-00566-00372896-00373392 by the authority because if we were honest if one of our residents CgLrykx1d80-00567-00373456-00374312 asked us that question and we said well you know apparently the director was not they how CgLrykx1d80-00568-00374312-00374912 how would they feel because they are the ones that have gone through all these inconveniences CgLrykx1d80-00569-00375008-00375784 and health and safety issues less you know the always lessons should be learned and i'm sure CgLrykx1d80-00570-00375784-00376216 you will agree that there should have been some inquiry when everything's happened and CgLrykx1d80-00571-00376216-00376816 something has failed why did it fail what can we learn from it um you know sort of CgLrykx1d80-00572-00377056-00377688 yeah sorry so add to that you know you spoke about compliance reports would that touch on past CgLrykx1d80-00573-00377688-00378352 learnings so would that go into what's transpired in the past or is it just recently like what would CgLrykx1d80-00574-00378352-00378896 it be in scope i think what i'd like to report to this committee in terms of our action plan going CgLrykx1d80-00575-00378896-00379544 forward so um because that's frankly the thing that's the officers are focused on it's easy for CgLrykx1d80-00576-00379544-00380120 them to produce they're on the front foot with it there's lots we can talk about we can invite um if CgLrykx1d80-00577-00380120-00380744 if you know the the development head of service as well as the assistant director and very uh CgLrykx1d80-00578-00380800-00381192 able to have that dpl conversation i don't distract them into analysis of CgLrykx1d80-00579-00381192-00381744 of where we were in you know in in in past years but to go back to the free lessons learned CgLrykx1d80-00580-00381816-00382320 cancer can scream well i suppose just don't need to miss that the three things that are in place CgLrykx1d80-00581-00382320-00382960 now that weren't in place then i go back to are there's an assurance framework and we report CgLrykx1d80-00582-00382960-00383568 transparently there is nowhere to hide that's number one and that was formally agreed by the CgLrykx1d80-00583-00383568-00384040 cabinet and it's been now the first annual report has been received for the cabinet as well and CgLrykx1d80-00584-00384040-00384504 that assurance framework if you go back to that december document and i'd recommend it you will CgLrykx1d80-00585-00384504-00385184 see the levels of me of member assurance including this committee and you'll see the the officer CgLrykx1d80-00586-00385304-00385896 assurance as well um second and that assurance framework is something that the regulator the CgLrykx1d80-00587-00385896-00386664 regulator social housing um looks at and asks and increasingly is engaging around now now that um CgLrykx1d80-00588-00386664-00387000 the the you know it's going to be a change the regulatory regime for social housing CgLrykx1d80-00589-00387000-00387672 um long overdue and with a positive change and that positive change emphasizes the importance CgLrykx1d80-00590-00387672-00388264 of self-regulation self-awareness and um and i thought and effectively the governance of CgLrykx1d80-00591-00388264-00388664 the organization meaning members ultimately for local authorities the governance of the CgLrykx1d80-00592-00388664-00389312 organization knowing and reassuring itself that it's seeing the full picture so if you read the CgLrykx1d80-00593-00389312-00389768 insurance framework that went in december it talks about internal audit it talks about an external CgLrykx1d80-00594-00389768-00390240 perspective as well for third party it talks about the different tiers of officer meetings and the CgLrykx1d80-00595-00390240-00390632 reporting framework within that it talks about the role of scrutiny it talks about the role of the CgLrykx1d80-00596-00390632-00391096 cabinet member it talks about the role of what's housing housing delivery board which is chaired by CgLrykx1d80-00597-00391096-00391792 the leader it talks about cabinet's role so it it it is quite detailed in terms of the checks CgLrykx1d80-00598-00391792-00392176 and balances that need to be in place so that's the first learning point the second learning CgLrykx1d80-00599-00392176-00392688 point i think is around permanent staff and the importance of permanent staff and corporate memory CgLrykx1d80-00600-00392856-00393448 we now have a permanent head of service we're now investing where we have agreed a new structure CgLrykx1d80-00601-00393448-00393984 where we have permanent um area sort of section heads if you like for each of the large six areas CgLrykx1d80-00602-00393984-00394704 of of of um you know main areas compliance those six areas that is um a structure that's CgLrykx1d80-00603-00394704-00395264 robust it costs more in fact we've had to invest money out of the hra into it and that was put CgLrykx1d80-00604-00395264-00395752 into our budget this year we're doing that so that we can build up that permanent capacity CgLrykx1d80-00605-00395816-00396224 and the third learning point i would emphasize is the need for investment in robust systems CgLrykx1d80-00606-00396312-00396816 and data and data that's captured in the right systems and systems that talk to another CgLrykx1d80-00607-00396816-00397536 and um i think our investment in housing ict has been um you know an area of under investment or CgLrykx1d80-00608-00397536-00398040 under usage for a while but in the action plan you can read in the annual report with the cabinet in CgLrykx1d80-00609-00398040-00398520 july councillor you will see the action plan for the investment in in in better systems as well CgLrykx1d80-00610-00398520-00399056 but they're not the magic they're not the magic bullet they're not the golden ticket but combined CgLrykx1d80-00611-00399056-00399664 with permanent staff and an assurance framework i think you then build up some assurance that CgLrykx1d80-00612-00399768-00400336 these things hopefully cannot be repeated never say never but you're absolutely in CgLrykx1d80-00613-00400336-00400832 a much stronger position to be able to manage those risks um so there's significant learning CgLrykx1d80-00614-00400832-00401280 and i you know obviously have spent a lot of time personally wanting to put in place that framework CgLrykx1d80-00615-00401584-00401720 anthony would you like to come in or CgLrykx1d80-00616-00401976-00402232 i don't think there's much to add i also don't think there's an excuse CgLrykx1d80-00617-00402296-00402680 um being giving but i think it's right you know if you if you want to go back and look CgLrykx1d80-00618-00402680-00403216 at that learning we have to interview people who were working here in 2010 um i think the focus CgLrykx1d80-00619-00403216-00403760 is for us um is is that assurance framework whilst also recognizing that there's a lot of CgLrykx1d80-00620-00403760-00404320 learning that is happening in in the registered provider sector in the social housing sector CgLrykx1d80-00621-00404320-00404840 um and that is it's jumping on that best practice and making sure that we're CgLrykx1d80-00622-00404840-00405384 implementing it and make sure our housing stock is safe and decent for our residents thank you CgLrykx1d80-00623-00405544-00406104 johnson would you like to come in thank you chair uh i just have two things one is a clarification CgLrykx1d80-00624-00406104-00406752 and the second is a question um earlier you did mention that um so some of the challenges that you CgLrykx1d80-00625-00406752-00407712 have with um identifying the developers and you gave a generic um a general overview my question CgLrykx1d80-00626-00407712-00408248 is or the clarification is have you been able to identify all the developers that are actually CgLrykx1d80-00627-00408312-00408944 responsible for our stock and that's the first i just want to get the clarity because so we CgLrykx1d80-00628-00408944-00409552 have a clear picture of what's actually happening now to the question they i think CgLrykx1d80-00629-00409616-00410247 somehow um some buildings have actually been identified as having connectivity but CgLrykx1d80-00630-00410247-00410800 particularly with the top floors where there is a connectivity between where you can go through the CgLrykx1d80-00631-00410800-00411416 um the ceiling and you can connect one flat to the other and it goes all the way to the end CgLrykx1d80-00632-00411568-00412216 is this part of the fire safety assessment or not because if it's not CgLrykx1d80-00633-00412216-00412784 if there's a fire in one flood as an example it can actually very quickly you know CgLrykx1d80-00634-00412847-00413447 have a ripple effect on the rest of the building and becomes more difficult number one to identify CgLrykx1d80-00635-00413447-00414192 by the fire service and number two to make it even easier to actually attend to thank you CgLrykx1d80-00636-00414384-00414847 would you like to come in yes chad first thing to say about the developers we do we have identified CgLrykx1d80-00637-00414847-00415360 all all our developers some of them are proving harder to reach and staying regular dialogue with CgLrykx1d80-00638-00415360-00416039 than others so we know who they all are but um but some of them are chasing but we can give them more CgLrykx1d80-00639-00416039-00416600 written update on the detail of those exceptions um next time we won't be naming people in in the CgLrykx1d80-00640-00416600-00417072 public domain but but we will certainly be able to update on that in in in the report next time CgLrykx1d80-00641-00417128-00418143 um in terms of um what are basically loft spaces without fire breaks and that's the key issue there CgLrykx1d80-00642-00418143-00418760 are blocks where there's been access to the lofts from the top flats so not from the criminal space CgLrykx1d80-00643-00418760-00419480 but from the top flats the previous regime the theories previous inspections covered common parts CgLrykx1d80-00644-00419560-00420184 and so um if the access hatch was from the um from the from the private dwelling CgLrykx1d80-00645-00420256-00420896 it was not routinely part of the inspection um in fact the the rules tended to be that those CgLrykx1d80-00646-00420896-00421352 those should be sealed because obviously there was a security issue as well if you think about CgLrykx1d80-00647-00421352-00421864 it if they were able to get up into a common loft space and then into someone else's property but CgLrykx1d80-00648-00421864-00422488 um sometimes those rules weren't followed um in actual fact with the building safety act the rules CgLrykx1d80-00649-00422488-00423135 have changed there's a far more extensive view of where the regulatory order applies for the and the CgLrykx1d80-00650-00423135-00423639 regulatory order is what frames the fire risk assessments that we do so going forward they're CgLrykx1d80-00651-00423639-00424232 absolutely in scope that's i suppose how the situation arose and we are i am aware of at least CgLrykx1d80-00652-00424304-00425024 two two estates where and sets of blocks where this is a particular issue and we are working CgLrykx1d80-00653-00425024-00425784 up remediation plans as to what we can do to um to to to um to address the you know that risk CgLrykx1d80-00654-00426184-00426664 well i think we'll will be very useful if we can actually have that um added into the CgLrykx1d80-00655-00426664-00427272 report that we will be getting so at least we have an idea of what's actually been done is that okay CgLrykx1d80-00656-00427592-00427896 i'll include perhaps in the second report rather than the first CgLrykx1d80-00657-00427896-00428232 just because they're actually not the heart in a way that CgLrykx1d80-00658-00428232-00428712 i could go into the temporary they're not the highest risks we have um but and they don't CgLrykx1d80-00659-00428712-00429168 relate to the private dwelling they relate to our fras but i'll see what we can do yeah CgLrykx1d80-00660-00429488-00429656 does anyone have any more questions CgLrykx1d80-00661-00429928-00430096 um are we allowed to take CgLrykx1d80-00662-00430647-00431424 okay CgLrykx1d80-00663-00431424-00431904 retrofit review joe i was just going to stay in case you had any questions about that or CgLrykx1d80-00664-00431904-00432656 indeed i had any reflections is that your terms of reference after you before you agreed them okay um CgLrykx1d80-00665-00432656-00433288 so we've already discussed the terms of reference it's just i wanted to put it out to the panel CgLrykx1d80-00666-00433288-00434000 is there anyone that would like to lead on this actual report so majella or adet or patricia would CgLrykx1d80-00667-00434152-00434376 not at all i know that callum's put himself forward CgLrykx1d80-00668-00435016-00435464 i would like to give everyone the opportunity if they wanted to lead as well you're okay for them CgLrykx1d80-00669-00435464-00436232 okay i've got a couple of questions though about the um about a couple of aspects to do with um CgLrykx1d80-00670-00436392-00437135 solar panels and also wind power wind turbines and i just wanted to see if this is possible to CgLrykx1d80-00671-00437320-00437696 take into account in in any way we're reviewing the data CgLrykx1d80-00672-00437912-00438639 the you've got reference to heat pumps and pv panels solar panels CgLrykx1d80-00673-00438735-00439456 uh however the there are new developments in miniature wind turbines CgLrykx1d80-00674-00439656-00440424 which can be as uh small as a foot high or just a foot and a half high which are being developed CgLrykx1d80-00675-00440424-00441335 and i would like to see whether uh officers might be able to um consult on this to see CgLrykx1d80-00676-00441335-00442096 whether that could be um added to the the solar panels issue force for housing estates CgLrykx1d80-00677-00442224-00442792 because there's a lot of housing estates with a lot of roofs certainly in my ward and i'm sure in CgLrykx1d80-00678-00442792-00443472 many other wards there's a lot of roof space and this is a uh this is this can also be a revenue CgLrykx1d80-00679-00443600-00444335 raising issue for the council people do not see this as a revenue raising it's not just a cost CgLrykx1d80-00680-00444335-00445088 but it can be a revenue raising issue so i would like um to have a big emphasis if we can on any CgLrykx1d80-00681-00445088-00446135 sort of discussion on solar at in the light of the current uh energy crisis which is going to CgLrykx1d80-00682-00446135-00446864 only continue for maybe at least one or two years uh if we can have a big emphasis on uh CgLrykx1d80-00683-00446864-00447784 solar panels and if we can investigate if there is a viability to miniature um wind turbines because CgLrykx1d80-00684-00447784-00448232 we certainly in my ward i don't know about any the other wards we've got a lot of wind CgLrykx1d80-00685-00448335-00449032 we're near the river and we have a lot of capacity for that and in fact um in my world CgLrykx1d80-00686-00449032-00449743 i've got a group of phd students and an academic who's specialist on this looking at our ward and CgLrykx1d80-00687-00449743-00450280 saying exactly this so that would be something be an innovation it doesn't seem to be on the list CgLrykx1d80-00688-00450376-00450832 but i'd be very keen to look into this i think greenwich council should be CgLrykx1d80-00689-00450888-00451560 at the forefront of these new technologies if we can because they can be not just a cost but CgLrykx1d80-00690-00451560-00452335 they can be revenue raising thank you jamie happy to come in ask me to get a second ago CgLrykx1d80-00691-00452647-00453096 i am not a technical expert so that's my caveat to all of this and that's if you like CgLrykx1d80-00692-00453096-00453576 you know the power and the strength of you as a scrutiny panel you can call in technical experts CgLrykx1d80-00693-00453664-00453943 as i understand it and it's been relayed to me CgLrykx1d80-00694-00454112-00454824 for most social housing stock you get the most carbon savings initially from insulation and CgLrykx1d80-00695-00454824-00455320 what's called a fabric first approach so people talk about fabric first approach on the basis that CgLrykx1d80-00696-00455392-00455912 getting other sources of energy such as whether it's solar or wind or whatever it is CgLrykx1d80-00697-00455984-00456672 um you know you know with technology relatively and highly engineered technology CgLrykx1d80-00698-00456728-00457480 will and you know to be challenged but what i understand of the acknowledged wisdom on this is CgLrykx1d80-00699-00457480-00458288 is that um is that it's always more expensive for per pound per carbon ton of carbon saved um so it CgLrykx1d80-00700-00458288-00458896 wasn't expensive to to deal with these high-end high-engineered alternative energy sources CgLrykx1d80-00701-00458952-00459264 because you heat the building but it's still then all the heat leaks out and you're heating the CgLrykx1d80-00702-00459320-00459784 you know heating the outside so the emphasis has always been in fact it's written into CgLrykx1d80-00703-00459847-00460416 um all the duolog gardens when you bid for you know potential carb reduction schemes is to take CgLrykx1d80-00704-00460416-00461104 a fabric first approach so absolutely i think what you've described counselor is is absolutely under CgLrykx1d80-00705-00461104-00461584 under the sort of second term of reference which is to review possible interventions CgLrykx1d80-00706-00461584-00462112 to reduce the council cousin footprint and the most cost effective interventions and i suppose CgLrykx1d80-00707-00462112-00462535 you know council officers are not technical experts on this we don't actually have a CgLrykx1d80-00708-00462535-00462896 technical expert currently on our employment we're trying we're trying to recruit someone CgLrykx1d80-00709-00462896-00463480 but we don't have them yet um but then there will be a third party there'll be academics there'll be CgLrykx1d80-00710-00463480-00464216 um professional organizations um that you can source as a committee to come and present CgLrykx1d80-00711-00464216-00464888 and in i'm absolutely you know i'm open to every every possibility but i think we just CgLrykx1d80-00712-00464888-00465816 need obviously a common assessment not uh to follow the latest um um proposition but CgLrykx1d80-00713-00465816-00466472 that's cutting there's this cutting edge until we're happy that it fits in with the overall CgLrykx1d80-00714-00466472-00466943 framework of what's that if you like what we can what's the biggest bang we can get for our buck um CgLrykx1d80-00715-00467152-00467624 yeah just before you do madrid i was gonna also just um recommend that obviously callum will be CgLrykx1d80-00716-00467624-00468024 the lead but obviously that's a great idea it's a great initiative i was wondering if you're CgLrykx1d80-00717-00468024-00469304 happy to support him in that process yeah okay my point is that we're entering a new world now of uh CgLrykx1d80-00718-00469416-00470320 of climate and also we have this very tight funding for councils so my point is uh and CgLrykx1d80-00719-00470320-00470839 this is a political point so this is more a point for the leader who is here is that we CgLrykx1d80-00720-00470839-00471664 need to change our thinking about costs we need to understand that we can actually create revenue CgLrykx1d80-00721-00471760-00472368 from some of these technologies we need to think differently and not just see everything as a cost CgLrykx1d80-00722-00472439-00473135 because if you if you if you make your own solar power that can be sold back to the grid you can CgLrykx1d80-00723-00473135-00473872 make revenue from it and therefore we we need to look we've got a lot of council estates in this in CgLrykx1d80-00724-00473872-00474624 this borough we need to look at things differently and consider that we may be able to make revenue CgLrykx1d80-00725-00474624-00475256 from this rather than just cost and savings of electric electrical costs for for tenants CgLrykx1d80-00726-00475328-00476184 so is that anthony coming in first and then join me or is it the other way around CgLrykx1d80-00727-00476800-00477496 um so i think the good thing is that you're you're you're leading that review um so you answer these CgLrykx1d80-00728-00477496-00478160 questions and help establish that um i think we want to do everything we can to make sure our CgLrykx1d80-00729-00478160-00478752 homes are the most sustainable within the backdrop of making sure we do that within pilot schemes CgLrykx1d80-00730-00478839-00479424 and things that work obviously when it comes to council housing it's it's self-financing CgLrykx1d80-00731-00479424-00479952 and we're using council tenants rents um so the whether we can make money or not CgLrykx1d80-00732-00479952-00480512 i don't know obviously to kind of check if that would be permitted within the hra rules because CgLrykx1d80-00733-00480512-00481024 of the nature of the of the work that we do within there um but i think the committee's CgLrykx1d80-00734-00481024-00481624 best place to to lead this review and see what can be done within hra i think there is an additional CgLrykx1d80-00735-00481712-00482304 point that you make about generating revenue from like the community schemes of in private housing CgLrykx1d80-00736-00482304-00482760 and all that kind of stuff and there is a great work that's being done in there that i guess we're CgLrykx1d80-00737-00482760-00483312 looking at at the moment that is probably more towards the private sector um housing schemes just CgLrykx1d80-00738-00483312-00483872 currently ongoing i think with council schemes um it's a it's a different it's a different ball game CgLrykx1d80-00739-00483943-00484439 number one number two you want to make sure you can implement something that is scalable CgLrykx1d80-00740-00484439-00485072 um to um to council housing whilst also making sure we can keep costs down uh for existing CgLrykx1d80-00741-00485072-00485504 residents and that's the big challenge of going green on council housing estates but i'm i look CgLrykx1d80-00742-00485504-00486216 forward um to the outcomes of your review and see what you come up with thank you thank you anthony CgLrykx1d80-00743-00486216-00486728 and jamie do you have anything to add nothing to add does anyone else have anything to add CgLrykx1d80-00744-00486728-00487335 okay we'll move on to the next um item so the final item we have is commission on future reports CgLrykx1d80-00745-00487335-00487808 and so that if you have any questions pertaining to greenwich housing strategy CgLrykx1d80-00746-00487808-00488808 housing revenue account expenditure and obviously we've already discussed the fire safety report CgLrykx1d80-00747-00488808-00489439 is there any questions at all from the panel it looks like there's not CgLrykx1d80-00748-00489439-00490184 so i'm happy to close this meeting um thank you everyone for coming today have a good evening CgLrykx1d80-00749-00497400-00497408 you Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00000-00000408-00000880 The Drug Education Network is this amazing organisation. It's been around for over 30 Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00001-00000880-00001354 years in Tasmania. We deal with prevention regarding Alcohol Tobacco and Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00002-00001354-00001698 other drugs. So we neither condemn nor condone drug Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00003-00001698-00002194 use. We understand and accept that drug use exists within our society the Drug Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00004-00002194-00002626 Education Network in our educational program defines drugs as legal and Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00005-00002626-00003067 illicit drugs. So our legal drugs are the alcohol, tobacco and the Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00006-00003067-00003465 pharmaceuticals so our medicines, our day to day medicines. The illicit drugs Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00007-00003465-00004011 include cannabis, party drugs. We often think of illicit drugs as being the most Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00008-00004011-00004471 harmful but in fact the evidence is very very clear that alcohol is one of the Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00009-00004471-00005005 most harmful drugs to our community today. The Drug Education Network's focus Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00010-00005005-00005462 is on health promotion prevention and early intervention which we call PPEI Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00011-00005462-00006030 we have a particular focus on understanding prevention as being across Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00012-00006030-00006517 the continuum across the lifespan of someone's journey so that would see Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00013-00006517-00006974 prevention as in primary prevention and secondary prevention and in tertiary prevention. Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00014-00006974-00007578 All the way throughout that journey we're encouraging people to have open dialogue Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00015-00007578-00008160 with their friends and their families to promote seeking help when they need to Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00016-00008160-00008559 seek help and when it's right for them to seek help. The best way to support Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00017-00008559-00008956 somebody who's using drugs or someone that you're concerned about because of Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00018-00008956-00009411 their drug use is to neither condemn or condone. Don't be judgemental. Try to Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00019-00009411-00009834 understand, try to learn something about why they Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00020-00009834-00010213 might be using the drugs or the drugs that they are using and firstly try to Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00021-00010213-00010720 talk to them about it without being judgemental, without being cross, without Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00022-00010720-00011232 being scared just ask why they're using the drugs or what effect they Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00023-00011232-00011646 get from their drugs. If you find that too difficult or don't want to do that Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00024-00011646-00012070 then the Drug Education Network can help you. We have many resources which will Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00025-00012070-00012477 encourage that kind of open dialogue and we have many resources whereby you can Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00026-00012477-00012713 learn little bit more about the effects of the Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00027-00012713-00013097 drugs on the person using them and we can also support you to be connected to Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00028-00013097-00013462 the services in your community that will assist you and your loved one to have Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00029-00013462-00014012 the support that you need. The Drug Education Network acknowledges that Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00030-00014012-00014506 people do use drugs and it acknowledges that people suffer massive Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00031-00014506-00014975 discrimination and prejudice because they use drugs particularly when they Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00032-00014975-00015368 start to use drugs to a harmful level, particularly when they then wish to seek Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00033-00015368-00015947 help. So it's important that people understand that it is part of life that Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00034-00015947-00016448 drug use occurs not that everybody has to use drugs not that everybody will use Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00035-00016448-00016964 drugs but most of us will know somebody or be touched by the lives of people who Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00036-00016964-00017597 do use drugs to harmful levels. We aim to empower people to make the best Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00037-00017597-00018053 decisions for their own health to meet them where they are to increase the Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00038-00018053-00018572 dialogue around drug use in Tasmania and work towards a healthier community and a Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00039-00018572-00018889 safer community for all. Ch9Nbo3xC0g-00040-00018926-00019131 you ChJMXgTuI0U-00000-00000624-00000786 Dinosaurs ChJMXgTuI0U-00001-00000848-00001048 Rulers of a time long gone ChJMXgTuI0U-00002-00001088-00001313 Only a trace of their existence remains ChJMXgTuI0U-00003-00001408-00001755 Once the undisputed kings, now an enigma ChJMXgTuI0U-00004-00001823-00002066 A question without an answer ChJMXgTuI0U-00005-00002590-00002728 Dragons ChJMXgTuI0U-00006-00002808-00002974 Born out of the mind ChJMXgTuI0U-00007-00003006-00003386 Frightened and amazed the souls of millions beyond reality ChJMXgTuI0U-00008-00003497-00003796 Explaining what couldn't be explained ChJMXgTuI0U-00009-00003858-00004178 An answer to the wrong question ChJMXgTuI0U-00010-00004472-00004740 So similar, yet distant ChJMXgTuI0U-00011-00004788-00005152 These two kinds were never meant to meet each other ChJMXgTuI0U-00012-00005264-00005388 And yet D1v6auatJL0-00000-00000019-00000627 I worked with Dr. Pat Franks on the International Directory of National Archives. It's a publication D1v6auatJL0-00001-00000627-00001259 of what different national archives have available in their collections. D1v6auatJL0-00002-00001259-00002004 It's a great resource for researchers to know what the archives hours are, how to get in D1v6auatJL0-00003-00002004-00002800 contact with them, and some key features of their collections. D1v6auatJL0-00004-00002900-00004000 For example, when I was trying to find out more information about my family doing a little background, I reached out to the Czech Republic National Archive utilizing the directory. D1v6auatJL0-00005-00004119-00004758 My role within the project was I was one of two project managers or project coordinators. D1v6auatJL0-00006-00004758-00005362 So I helped Dr. Franks coordinate all of the student and volunteer staff that were D1v6auatJL0-00007-00005362-00005797 during research on the different archives. D1v6auatJL0-00008-00005797-00006062 I also contributed a little research myself. D1v6auatJL0-00009-00006062-00006433 I researched the Martial Islands National Archives. D1v6auatJL0-00010-00006433-00006498 It was a lot of fun. D2O2IGW8aFU-00000-00000042-00000218 I've seen this place grow D2O2IGW8aFU-00001-00000218-00000336 and develop. D2O2IGW8aFU-00002-00000336-00000635 I've seen the place move from one location to the other D2O2IGW8aFU-00003-00000635-00000836 and how new constructions were built. D2O2IGW8aFU-00004-00000836-00001276 And how just basically it changed from AP to IB and things like that. D2O2IGW8aFU-00005-00001302-00001398 Like learning D2O2IGW8aFU-00006-00001532-00001796 the school also evolved in the process. D2O2IGW8aFU-00007-00001899-00002155 The school has evolved tremendously D2O2IGW8aFU-00008-00002230-00002404 from the first year I was here D2O2IGW8aFU-00009-00002766-00002990 And we are really moving forward. D2O2IGW8aFU-00010-00002990-00003396 The school is more and more geared towards student-centered. D2O2IGW8aFU-00011-00003396-00003586 Lately we've seen new people come in D2O2IGW8aFU-00012-00003586-00003978 who have a lot of experience and who seem to fit in really well D2O2IGW8aFU-00013-00004002-00004330 in the picture we have of the future of the school. D2O2IGW8aFU-00014-00004330-00004670 We brought the IB Diploma Programme three years ago D2O2IGW8aFU-00015-00004670-00004980 and that really encourages integration of subjects D2O2IGW8aFU-00016-00005018-00005410 and the teachers that have come in have taken that to heart. D2O2IGW8aFU-00017-00005410-00005727 With the IB we really believe in global citizens D2O2IGW8aFU-00018-00005746-00005994 so our mission statement is "Go BIG." D2O2IGW8aFU-00019-00006059-00006229 And the B is for "Balanced Individuals." D2O2IGW8aFU-00020-00006229-00006370 The I is for "Independent Thinkers." D2O2IGW8aFU-00021-00006382-00006614 and the G is for "Global Citizens." D2O2IGW8aFU-00022-00006618-00006754 Once we wrote our mission, D2O2IGW8aFU-00023-00006764-00007506 we realized that the IB did a better job of helping us to reach our mission than the AP did. D2O2IGW8aFU-00024-00007514-00008070 We're finishing our second year of Diploma students in the IB D2O2IGW8aFU-00025-00008070-00008334 and so we're working within the program D2O2IGW8aFU-00026-00008354-00008650 and still discovering more about it as we go. D2O2IGW8aFU-00027-00008650-00008735 It's certainly a challenge. D2O2IGW8aFU-00028-00008799-00009421 I think our students feel like they are working hard and being challenged in many classes at once. D2O2IGW8aFU-00029-00009421-00009638 The faculty is extraordinarily hardworking D2O2IGW8aFU-00030-00009638-00009791 They work very very hard. D2O2IGW8aFU-00031-00009846-00010238 They are constantly trying new things for their students. D2O2IGW8aFU-00032-00010288-00010652 We just implemented the one-to-one laptop environment this year. D2O2IGW8aFU-00033-00010652-00010760 That was a big initiative. D2O2IGW8aFU-00034-00010802-00011162 And the teachers took it in stride and just embraced it D2O2IGW8aFU-00035-00011162-00011742 and they ran with it and I'm really really impressed with how much they've been willing to do on their own. D2O2IGW8aFU-00036-00011758-00012308 The beauty of it is that we're living in a really important time of revolutionary time right now for KAS D2O2IGW8aFU-00037-00012375-00012799 because we are implementing a one-to-one environment which means D2O2IGW8aFU-00038-00012878-00013094 every student uses one computer D2O2IGW8aFU-00039-00013163-00013460 and it takes place at a few different levels. D2O2IGW8aFU-00040-00013474-00013654 At the elementary level, it means D2O2IGW8aFU-00041-00013663-00014274 we have iPads and laptops that the students can use to enhance their learning. D2O2IGW8aFU-00042-00014306-00014506 We're an Apple middle school. D2O2IGW8aFU-00043-00014506-00014718 Every single student has an Apple computer. D2O2IGW8aFU-00044-00014762-00015162 And at the high school we are a "Bring Your Own Laptop" school D2O2IGW8aFU-00045-00015168-00015486 which means the students can bring their own devices. D2O2IGW8aFU-00046-00015502-00015834 With technology, the most important part is to remain flexible D2O2IGW8aFU-00047-00015866-00016241 and I feel that KAS is in a very good position at the moment D2O2IGW8aFU-00048-00016290-00016509 because we do have that flexibility. D2O2IGW8aFU-00049-00016545-00016817 As we move forward into the new building, D2O2IGW8aFU-00050-00016838-00017334 we'll be able to integrate not only all the resources that we have already, D2O2IGW8aFU-00051-00017376-00017731 but we'll be able to bring more interactions with technology. D2O2IGW8aFU-00052-00017754-00018074 Everyone here is very excited about the new KAS. D2O2IGW8aFU-00053-00018172-00018396 I feel very proud of this project D2O2IGW8aFU-00054-00018498-00019208 because my role is to help to develop the concepts of this new campus. D2O2IGW8aFU-00055-00019266-00019514 The vision is right here in front of us D2O2IGW8aFU-00056-00019554-00019730 We're having great plans. D2O2IGW8aFU-00057-00019734-00020081 The building is looking very exciting and that's a very exciting new development in the school. D2O2IGW8aFU-00058-00020115-00020222 We're 25 years old now. D2O2IGW8aFU-00059-00020308-00020926 And actually being able to create a school that actually breeds that vision. D2O2IGW8aFU-00060-00020937-00021339 We're looking very much into developing the school further into the arts D2O2IGW8aFU-00061-00021339-00021499 making the school of the arts D2O2IGW8aFU-00062-00021499-00022046 and I think that is a very very exciting development for Taiwan and for the students in the south of Taiwan. D2O2IGW8aFU-00063-00022404-00022940 My friend and I were asked by Dr. Farrell to be the student representatives on the D2O2IGW8aFU-00064-00023224-00023730 board to help determine the new design for our school. D2O2IGW8aFU-00065-00023844-00024276 The concept of this design which I personally really like is that D2O2IGW8aFU-00066-00024434-00024988 the core is centered around an exhibition, a cafeteria, and a library. D2O2IGW8aFU-00067-00025154-00025506 Oh I really feel honored to be on this project because D2O2IGW8aFU-00068-00025592-00025824 I sort of can give back KAS something D2O2IGW8aFU-00069-00025920-00026195 since I've been here for 13 years and I feel very proud to D2O2IGW8aFU-00070-00026280-00026528 choose the new design for our school. D2O2IGW8aFU-00071-00026529-00026713 It's like a dream come true. D2O2IGW8aFU-00072-00026713-00026950 Finally, we've been talking about having a new campus for years D2O2IGW8aFU-00073-00026950-00027508 but we've never were, in our wildest imaginations, dreamed that it would be as significant as it's going to be. D2O2IGW8aFU-00074-00027508-00027906 But at the end of the day we're going to have a beautiful new campus with facilities we've never thought that we'd have. D2O2IGW8aFU-00075-00027918-00028126 We never thought we'd have a swimming pool but it's in the plans. D2O2IGW8aFU-00076-00028184-00028499 We never thought we'd have a 400-seat theater but here it comes. D2O2IGW8aFU-00077-00028499-00028792 I think it should be a world-class school and that's all we've been lacking. D2O2IGW8aFU-00078-00028792-00028916 We have world-class students. D2O2IGW8aFU-00079-00028916-00029123 And we have world-class teachers. D2O2IGW8aFU-00080-00029123-00029311 And now we're going to have a world-class facility. D4MlIthpJd8-00000-00000639-00001834 You all not only had to write up and rationalize the decision to do this and to show me, the D4MlIthpJd8-00001-00001834-00002845 arbiter for this class its value -- which is not a hard task, I was hoping that you D4MlIthpJd8-00002-00002845-00003664 would do this, I'm glad that you are taking it and running with it -- that you've also D4MlIthpJd8-00003-00003664-00004547 had to translate this and sell it to other audiences and participants yourselves and D4MlIthpJd8-00004-00004547-00004879 I think that's fascinating. D4MlIthpJd8-00005-00004879-00005564 Again, when it's out of your hands what happens to it? D4MlIthpJd8-00006-00005564-00006793 So, you all have had to articulate to a different disciplinary crowd, to different constituents D4MlIthpJd8-00007-00006793-00008106 in the project, what it is and why its worth adopting as D4MlIthpJd8-00008-00008106-00008512 a platform. D4MlIthpJd8-00009-00008512-00009320 I think what's interesting in terms of its development is that it has developed its own D4MlIthpJd8-00010-00009320-00010334 rationale for different audiences beyond the context of building it for class. D4MlIthpJd8-00011-00010334-00010434 It's no longer academic. D4MlIthpJd8-00012-00010434-00011982 In other words, proof of concept, it is operative and is being read and used by other people. D4MlIthpJd8-00013-00011982-00012637 I don't really know how and I was interested in your writeup and was interested in talking D4MlIthpJd8-00014-00012637-00013519 to you to hear how does this translate to this sort of field conversations in rhetoric D4MlIthpJd8-00015-00013519-00013733 and composition. D4MlIthpJd8-00016-00013733-00014178 Because those weren't the conversations that we were having, those aren't the conversations D4MlIthpJd8-00017-00014178-00014420 that I'm used to at all. D4MlIthpJd8-00018-00014420-00015240 And it is I think a wonderful project to really position itself at the intersection of digital D4MlIthpJd8-00019-00015240-00016132 humanities and rhetoric and composition which is increasingly I think being called for more D4MlIthpJd8-00020-00016132-00016302 recognition, more scrutiny. D4MlIthpJd8-00021-00016302-00017126 What are we really mean when we say Digital Humanities is the token question. D4MlIthpJd8-00022-00017126-00017966 But, I think what it also does is help us think about, is this reinvigorating field D4MlIthpJd8-00023-00017966-00018631 conversations that already exist, is it facilitating conversations across and between fields, is D4MlIthpJd8-00024-00018631-00019026 it restructuring expertise among multiple fields. D4MlIthpJd8-00025-00019026-00020091 There have been complaints, even in our class -- you heard a student who had experience D4MlIthpJd8-00026-00020091-00020712 in library school saying "this is old news. D4MlIthpJd8-00027-00020712-00020820 why is this new to anybody? D4MlIthpJd8-00028-00020820-00021081 Why are we still talking about this?" D4MlIthpJd8-00029-00021081-00022743 I think projects like this also help with resolving the disciplinary memory of different D4MlIthpJd8-00030-00022743-00023845 fields, programs that might be brought into focus by a project or resolved -- if not resolved D4MlIthpJd8-00031-00023845-00024808 at least conversations raised by the digital -- particularly, I think, useful for Rhetoric D4MlIthpJd8-00032-00024808-00025613 and Composition to better stake its own claim, it's own role within the Digital Humanities D4MlIthpJd8-00033-00025613-00025725 community. D4MlIthpJd8-00034-00025725-00027213 I was just refreshing my memory, I saw after D4MlIthpJd8-00036-00030302-00030783 on her own blog asking: why is this new? D4MlIthpJd8-00037-00030783-00031672 why are we celebrating this development when it overlooks 50 years of multimodal studies D4MlIthpJd8-00038-00031672-00031816 in Rhetoric and Composition. D4MlIthpJd8-00039-00031816-00033103 And it was stunning to me not only the energy of that complaint, but the sensational claim D4MlIthpJd8-00040-00033103-00034383 in some ways that there is in fact an incredible disciplinary memory that has been forgotten D4MlIthpJd8-00041-00034383-00034991 or misrecognized in whatever constitutes itself as the digital humanities. D4MlIthpJd8-00042-00034991-00036265 A project like this can also play a very valuable institutional role in exposing those different D4MlIthpJd8-00043-00036265-00036625 background and disciplinary approaches and where they come into contact. D8vuDsQpMPQ-00000-00000283-00000554 I'm on the fourth floor of the Meriam Library in front of D8vuDsQpMPQ-00001-00000554-00000662 the book stacks, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00002-00000662-00000777 and I want to D8vuDsQpMPQ-00003-00000777-00001071 introduce you to the module of Algebra I. D8vuDsQpMPQ-00004-00001071-00001158 In this module D8vuDsQpMPQ-00005-00001158-00001333 there are four objectives: D8vuDsQpMPQ-00006-00001333-00001563 Simplify algebraic expressions, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00007-00001563-00001782 and solve linear equations, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00008-00001782-00002150 apply equation solving to real world problems, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00009-00002150-00002575 perform arithmetic operations as they apply to polynomials, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00010-00002575-00002701 and analyze linear equations D8vuDsQpMPQ-00011-00002701-00002944 of two variables. D8vuDsQpMPQ-00012-00002944-00003139 As you work through this module, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00013-00003139-00003354 what you're going to want to do is read the D8vuDsQpMPQ-00014-00003354-00003496 vocabulary, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00015-00003496-00003799 take the practice quiz, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00016-00003799-00004026 watch the step by step videos and D8vuDsQpMPQ-00017-00004026-00004217 the concept videos, D8vuDsQpMPQ-00018-00004217-00004353 and retake the quiz D8vuDsQpMPQ-00019-00004353-00004568 if necessary. D8vuDsQpMPQ-00020-00004568-00004740 If you feel that you did well enough on the D8vuDsQpMPQ-00021-00004740-00004967 quiz to advance to the next module D8vuDsQpMPQ-00022-00004967-00005117 please do so. D8vuDsQpMPQ-00023-00005117-00005489 Keep in mind that this quiz is not scored, you will not D8vuDsQpMPQ-00024-00005489-00005615 be scored until you take the D8vuDsQpMPQ-00025-00005615-00005773 final exam at the end of the course. Thank you. DqEQKTgKgJ8-00000-00000000-00000200 Prediction of output DqMHqC2XCJg-00000-00000000-00000856 So, Peter, after a remarkable price surge, bitcoin is falling back below the $11,000 right now. DqMHqC2XCJg-00001-00000856-00001320 So, was it too early to call it the next bull run? DqMHqC2XCJg-00002-00001320-00001623 Oh no, I don't think so. DqMHqC2XCJg-00003-00001623-00002248 Just because we're correcting, you know, Bitcoin has a record of correcting. DqMHqC2XCJg-00004-00002248-00002597 If you look back through the price history of Bitcoin I think there has been four or DqMHqC2XCJg-00005-00002597-00003110 five times when bitcoin's had an 80% correction from high. DqMHqC2XCJg-00006-00003110-00003558 We've barely come off 20% here. DqMHqC2XCJg-00007-00003558-00003932 So yeah, we're still in a bull market. DqMHqC2XCJg-00008-00003932-00004070 We just got ahead of ourselves. DqMHqC2XCJg-00009-00004070-00004751 Now everybody's freaking out that the markets somehow topped out, and perhaps it has topped DqMHqC2XCJg-00010-00004751-00004980 out for the time being. DqMHqC2XCJg-00011-00004980-00005784 But I still see bitcoin as very possibly in another parabolic bull market just because DqMHqC2XCJg-00012-00005784-00006168 we've had a one or two-day correction, that really doesn't mean anything. DqMHqC2XCJg-00013-00006168-00006840 You can go back in the Bitcoin's history and find out all kinds of 30% to 50% corrections DqMHqC2XCJg-00014-00006840-00006977 within a bull trend. DqMHqC2XCJg-00015-00006977-00007288 So I think this thing will work itself out. DqMHqC2XCJg-00016-00007288-00007970 We could correct back to perhaps $9,000, $9,000 is a level that I've kind of had in mind as DqMHqC2XCJg-00017-00007970-00008370 a level of where I want to be a buyer or somewhere over $9,000. DqMHqC2XCJg-00018-00008370-00009056 So I think between $8,700 and $9,500 would be a reasonable correction that we could see DqMHqC2XCJg-00019-00009056-00009431 and that would, I believe, be a buying opportunity. DqMHqC2XCJg-00020-00009431-00010191 Okay, so you also said a few days ago that bitcoin is experiencing its fifth parabolic DqMHqC2XCJg-00021-00010192-00010790 phase since 2010, and that's what makes bitcoin a market like no other. DqMHqC2XCJg-00022-00010790-00011084 What did you mean exactly by that? DqMHqC2XCJg-00023-00011084-00011972 Well, I mean, you can go back into the history of tradable markets where we have various DqMHqC2XCJg-00024-00011972-00012452 assets that can be traded whether they be equities or commodities or interest rates DqMHqC2XCJg-00025-00012452-00013791 or cryptos, we've had Bitcoin from the 2010 low advance into the 2017 high by more than DqMHqC2XCJg-00026-00013791-00014069 $8,000 fold. DqMHqC2XCJg-00027-00014069-00014257 There is no other market like that. DqMHqC2XCJg-00028-00014258-00014826 There is no other market where you can see parabolic advances, a series of parabolic DqMHqC2XCJg-00029-00014826-00015000 advances on a log chart. DqMHqC2XCJg-00030-00015001-00016001 It's hard to find a stock such as Apple or Netflix or Amazon that's had a parabolic advance DqMHqC2XCJg-00031-00016001-00016103 on the log chart. DqMHqC2XCJg-00032-00016103-00016784 You can find parabolic advances on arithmetic charts, you cannot find them on log charts, DqMHqC2XCJg-00033-00016784-00017487 but on Bitcoin we've had a series of parabolic phases on a log scale that have taken place, DqMHqC2XCJg-00034-00017487-00018145 and we've seen since the 2010 low Bitcoin advance more than $8,000 fold. DqMHqC2XCJg-00035-00018145-00018299 There is no other market like that. DqMHqC2XCJg-00036-00018299-00018584 You can't find another market like that in modern times. DqMHqC2XCJg-00037-00018584-00019164 As matter of fact, I tried to find a market that was similar that had that kind of a similar advance. DqMHqC2XCJg-00038-00019164-00019649 The only market I could find was German interest rates during the 1920s. DqMHqC2XCJg-00039-00019649-00020345 And so bitcoins were really quite an unprecedented market, one can maybe point to the altcoins, DqMHqC2XCJg-00040-00020345-00020795 but hey the altcoins wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Bitcoin, that's the reality. DqMHqC2XCJg-00041-00020795-00021111 Bitcoin is crypto and crypto is bitcoin. DqMHqC2XCJg-00042-00021111-00021813 And coming to altcoins, I saw that you recently claimed on your Twitter handle, that people DqMHqC2XCJg-00043-00021813-00022568 that are expecting altcoins to follow the bitcoin in the next bull run might be delusional. DqMHqC2XCJg-00044-00022568-00022804 Why do you think so? DqMHqC2XCJg-00045-00022804-00023318 Well, I think there's still a lot of scam out there. DqMHqC2XCJg-00046-00023318-00023960 Perhaps there are some altcoins that have traction, but bitcoin is the gold standard. DqMHqC2XCJg-00047-00023960-00024598 Most of these altcoins, look, they're out there because some fast buck artist wanted DqMHqC2XCJg-00048-00024598-00024879 to make some money in the crypto space. DqMHqC2XCJg-00049-00024879-00025262 They don't have really any meaningful purpose to exist. DqMHqC2XCJg-00050-00025262-00025779 There are a few of them that are niche coins, but they're niche coins. DqMHqC2XCJg-00051-00025779-00026318 Mainly these altcoins serve the purpose of market speculation and raising money for people DqMHqC2XCJg-00052-00026318-00026518 who did the ICOs. DqMHqC2XCJg-00053-00026518-00027070 I fully anticipate that 99% percent of the altcoins will end up being worthless. DqMHqC2XCJg-00054-00027070-00027542 But, of course, everybody who has their 10 altcoins claim that their altcoins will not DqMHqC2XCJg-00055-00027542-00027808 be one of the 99%. DqMHqC2XCJg-00056-00027808-00028375 But the reality is 99% or more covers an awful lot of altcoins. DqMHqC2XCJg-00057-00028375-00029055 If you had to give a piece of advice to younger crypto traders in this moment of particular DqMHqC2XCJg-00058-00029055-00029848 uncertainty I would say, due to high volatility, what would that advice be? DqMHqC2XCJg-00059-00029848-00030656 If you're buying more than you can handle, if the market corrects 50% - you're buying too much. DqMHqC2XCJg-00060-00030656-00031255 But if you really believe in the long term narrative of Bitcoin, which I think the millennial DqMHqC2XCJg-00061-00031255-00031705 generation buy in large believes in the long term narrative of Bitcoin. DqMHqC2XCJg-00062-00031705-00032431 And so the proper position is to own some, but to own some that you'd be willing to ride DqMHqC2XCJg-00063-00032431-00033109 to zero, and if you can't ride what you own to zero then you own too much. DqMHqC2XCJg-00064-00033109-00033775 And so, own something and then take advantage of significant price breaks like we've had DqMHqC2XCJg-00065-00033776-00034016 to add to that ownership position. DqMHqC2XCJg-00066-00034016-00034491 Don't be buying on these huge $20,000 up days. DqMHqC2XCJg-00067-00034491-00035008 That's the wrong time to be forcing yourself into buying a position. DqMHqC2XCJg-00068-00035008-00035507 Buy it when it's the right time to buy it and then don't buy it otherwise, don't get DqMHqC2XCJg-00069-00035507-00035800 caught up into the emotion of all of advances. DqMHqC2XCJg-00070-00035800-00036280 No, buy it when it's smart to buy it, when it was smart to buy it was back when Bitcoin DqMHqC2XCJg-00071-00036280-00036722 was at least under $4,500 dollars, if not under $4,000. DqMHqC2XCJg-00072-00036722-00037440 Buying Bitcoin at $13,000 and trying to make a wise decision at $13,000 to me just doesn't make sense. DudSEA6jZD4-00000-00000042-00000142 Hi Love Nikki Fans! DudSEA6jZD4-00002-00008188-00008371 Bye bye Fans! DuwFZXq7_jy-00000-00000602-00000919 Strategic Partnership projects may last up to three years DuwFZXq7_jy-00001-00000919-00001342 and require very clear agreements, procedures and tools for their management. DuwFZXq7_jy-00002-00001342-00001700 Hence, strategic partnership requires strategic management! DuwFZXq7_jy-00003-00001722-00002332 Management is usually coordinated by the applicant organisation acting as the main project coordinator. DuwFZXq7_jy-00004-00002362-00002930 The management of Strategic Partnership projects is implemented at both local and international level. DuwFZXq7_jy-00005-00002964-00003465 Internationally, project management involves the coordination of international activities, DuwFZXq7_jy-00006-00003465-00003874 ensuring that intellectual outputs are implemented within the time frame DuwFZXq7_jy-00007-00003886-00004152 and making the necessary adjustments, if needed. DuwFZXq7_jy-00008-00004372-00004858 The main manager of the project should provide direction and leadership to project partners, DuwFZXq7_jy-00009-00004860-00005090 develop and maintain the project vision, DuwFZXq7_jy-00010-00005092-00005476 develop overall policies and ensure their smooth implementation DuwFZXq7_jy-00011-00005502-00005830 and monitor and evaluate work against objectives. DuwFZXq7_jy-00012-00005850-00006254 Managers coordinate contracting and reporting processes, DuwFZXq7_jy-00013-00006254-00006922 including the collection of project outcomes, content reports, financial documents, lists of participants DuwFZXq7_jy-00014-00006922-00007295 and any other evidence needed for interim and final reports. DuwFZXq7_jy-00015-00007334-00007922 The manager of a strategic partnership must ensure appropriate communication and decision-making. DuwFZXq7_jy-00016-00007936-00008588 Each partner organization locally needs to handle a number of processes to achieve the expected results: DuwFZXq7_jy-00017-00008602-00009294 define and distribute tasks for the staff; deal with external service providers; ensure timely reporting; DuwFZXq7_jy-00018-00009294-00009708 monitor the implementation progress and report any inconsistencies, DuwFZXq7_jy-00019-00009708-00010212 as well as work in close liaison with local partners and target groups of the project. DuwFZXq7_jy-00020-00010404-00011088 Complex projects like Strategic Partnership have many processes and tasks with people involved from different countries DuwFZXq7_jy-00021-00011088-00011348 and mainly working remotely from each other. DuwFZXq7_jy-00022-00011368-00012068 Therefore managers of strategic partnerships often make use of the existing online project management tools. DuwFZXq7_jy-00023-00012084-00012830 These tools help manage data in the cloud, without fearing of losing important documents stored locally on someone's computer. DuwFZXq7_jy-00024-00012852-00013354 They usually have task management functions, including reminders, commenting, DuwFZXq7_jy-00025-00013386-00013728 adding collaborators and even time-tracking and reporting. DuwFZXq7_jy-00026-00013756-00014108 Such tools are invaluable support for project managers, DuwFZXq7_jy-00027-00014108-00014558 allowing them to automate functions and monitor the project progress in real time. DuwFZXq7_jy-00028-00014566-00015260 You should look for tools like Mindmeister, Trello, Asana, Teamwork, Basecamp, among many other. DuwFZXq7_jy-00029-00015304-00015676 These tools can save a lot of valuable time for project managers, DuwFZXq7_jy-00030-00015676-00016024 and their costs can be covered from the management budget. DuwFZXq7_jy-00031-00016134-00016244 Communication DuwFZXq7_jy-00032-00016297-00016586 The success of Strategic Partnership projects DuwFZXq7_jy-00033-00016586-00016956 heavily relies on the effectiveness of communication among partners DuwFZXq7_jy-00034-00016962-00017236 and with other stakeholders of the project. DuwFZXq7_jy-00035-00017236-00017496 What, how and when to communicate? DuwFZXq7_jy-00036-00017546-00017740 What is important to tell a partner DuwFZXq7_jy-00037-00017740-00017912 and what should be left implicit? DuwFZXq7_jy-00038-00017962-00018282 What is the level of commitment to a communication process? DuwFZXq7_jy-00039-00018330-00018610 Why do partnerships that seem to start so well, DuwFZXq7_jy-00040-00018620-00018804 carried out by the best of friends, DuwFZXq7_jy-00041-00018812-00019140 sometimes get stuck because of the lack of communication? DuwFZXq7_jy-00042-00019144-00019516 To what extent is it possible to attempt to understand another culture? DuwFZXq7_jy-00043-00019562-00019894 It is essential for partners to agree on synchronous DuwFZXq7_jy-00044-00019894-00020126 and asynchronous communication tools DuwFZXq7_jy-00045-00020138-00020432 and the frequency of online and in-person meetings. DuwFZXq7_jy-00046-00020466-00020808 Partners may also have their specific habits or cultural traits DuwFZXq7_jy-00047-00020808-00021240 in the way they communicate or the way they make decisions in their organizations. DuwFZXq7_jy-00048-00021464-00021716 With an abundance of communication tools, DuwFZXq7_jy-00049-00021716-00021950 the consortium may face a situation DuwFZXq7_jy-00050-00021950-00022332 where project staff from partner organizations use different tools. DuwFZXq7_jy-00051-00022346-00022730 It is important that all partners agree on the tools to be used. DuwFZXq7_jy-00052-00022758-00023054 Even if some tools may seem new and unusual, DuwFZXq7_jy-00053-00023054-00023286 partners should make an effort to learn new DuwFZXq7_jy-00054-00023286-00023588 and often more efficient ways to manage communication. DuwFZXq7_jy-00055-00023618-00024278 A two-year project may have an exchange of 20,000 or more messages among people involved in its implementation. DuwFZXq7_jy-00056-00024288-00024480 That's a lot to handle! DuwFZXq7_jy-00057-00024480-00024748 Project partners must consider how to do it: DuwFZXq7_jy-00058-00024748-00024982 - Should everyone receive all messages? DuwFZXq7_jy-00059-00024982-00025182 - Should there be targeted messages? DuwFZXq7_jy-00060-00025208-00025720 - How should people get notified about communication concerning a specific task or activity? DuwFZXq7_jy-00061-00025814-00026094 Both aspects of management and communication DuwFZXq7_jy-00062-00026094-00026336 must be described in the project proposal. DuwFZXq7_jy-00063-00026352-00026495 When the project starts, DuwFZXq7_jy-00064-00026495-00027076 the first partner meeting can be a good moment to get a better understanding of communication peculiarities DuwFZXq7_jy-00065-00027077-00027406 of each partner and review communication agreements, DuwFZXq7_jy-00066-00027414-00027660 which are defined in the project proposal. DvIiVqLdq9M-00000-00000766-00001321 With the emergence in the understanding of exercise as medicine, the jobs are massively DvIiVqLdq9M-00001-00001321-00001620 increasing for exercise physiologists. DvIiVqLdq9M-00002-00001620-00002150 What I do it for is to see people return back to being happy and healthy and that's DvIiVqLdq9M-00003-00002150-00002717 what makes it such a rewarding profession to move into. DvIiVqLdq9M-00004-00002717-00003076 Exercise physiology is an allied health profession and the easiest way to think about it is our DvIiVqLdq9M-00005-00003076-00003453 main tool or our therapeutic technique is exercise. DvIiVqLdq9M-00006-00003453-00003879 So we use exercise to improve the wellness, function and health of individuals. DvIiVqLdq9M-00007-00003879-00004423 The potential for work and the growth in the industry is really related to the fact that DvIiVqLdq9M-00008-00004423-00004676 just about everyone needs some assistance to improve their health. DvIiVqLdq9M-00009-00004676-00005228 I'm a senior accredited exercise physiologist here at the UWA Exercise and Performance Centre. DvIiVqLdq9M-00010-00005228-00005673 My main role is to supervise fourth-year masters of clinical exercise physiology students. DvIiVqLdq9M-00011-00005673-00006139 One of the things I love about my role is to see the development in the students so DvIiVqLdq9M-00012-00006139-00006698 what makes me proud and happy is to see when they arrive on week one their development DvIiVqLdq9M-00013-00006698-00007131 through the weeks and then when they leave once they finish to see the improvement they've DvIiVqLdq9M-00014-00007131-00007844 made in their skills that is probably one of the best highlights to me. DvIiVqLdq9M-00015-00007844-00008347 The prac unit has been so enjoyable, this is my fourth prac now at UWA Exercise and DvIiVqLdq9M-00016-00008347-00008928 Performance Centre and the clients have just been so amazing and I'm learning so much everyday. DvIiVqLdq9M-00017-00008928-00009377 Working hands-on I think is where we learn most of our skills and putting into practice DvIiVqLdq9M-00018-00009377-00009788 from what we've learnt in the textbook out into the real world. DvIiVqLdq9M-00019-00009788-00010164 So in Australia, there's been a huge growth in this industry and it's continuing to grow DvIiVqLdq9M-00020-00010164-00010410 and we're seeing similar trends worldwide. DvIiVqLdq9M-00021-00010410-00010992 There's a huge increase in the roles for those tertiary trained exercise professionals. DvIiVqLdq9M-00022-00010992-00011453 If you do love helping people, love working with people, people that have gone through DvIiVqLdq9M-00023-00011453-00011881 tough times whether they be rehabilitating from an illness or an injury then certainly DvIiVqLdq9M-00024-00011881-00012186 a degree in exercise physiology would be for you. DvIiVqLdq9M-00025-00012186-00012624 You get to not fix someone but give them the tools that they can actually improve their DvIiVqLdq9M-00026-00012624-00012969 health and function and wellbeing and it's really rewarding. DvIiVqLdq9M-00027-00012969-00013469 If someone's thinking about studying the master's degree I'd say go for it, it's absolutely DvIiVqLdq9M-00028-00013469-00013569 phenomenal. DvIiVqLdq9M-00029-00013569-00014086 You learn so much, you build great relationships with clients and people who work in the field, DvIiVqLdq9M-00030-00014086-00014678 it's really hands-on if you're looking to take a rehabilitation pathway this is the DvIiVqLdq9M-00031-00014678-00014752 course for you. Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00000-00000372-00000721 It can be a little nerve wracking selling a designer bag odds are that if you bought Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00001-00000721-00001128 it and you invested in it and you have some emotional attachment to it you don't want Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00002-00001128-00001544 to loose money you don't want to loose time and you definitely don't want to be scammed Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00003-00001544-00002023 by anyone so if you're curious about the top resale platforms out there then stay tuned Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00004-00002023-00002482 I'm going to be sharing a straightforward guide on the pros and cons of the most popular Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00005-00002482-00002902 ones the resale market is booming right now so there are definitely options every website Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00006-00002902-00003394 that I mention I'm going to leave linked down below but before we get into it if you like Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00007-00003394-00003785 shopping preloved then please click the subscribe button because I come out with new videos Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00008-00003785-00004284 on this topic every week and if you find this kind of information valuable please give it Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00009-00004284-00005044 a thumbs up it's a brand new channel and I would appreciate it so much our of any of Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00010-00005044-00005576 the companies I've researched the one with the highest ratio of positive to negative Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00011-00005576-00006058 reviews was Anne's Fabulous Finds people say that she provides very good customer service Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00012-00006058-00006532 and she's also a very honest business person on the downside people have also said when Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00013-00006532-00006961 they send their items to her to list on the website it can take a little bit longer than Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00014-00006961-00007336 they would like on top of that she's selective with the bags she's going to accept Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00015-00007336-00008002 so if you have a bag over $1000 it can be a great company to check out another place Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00016-00008002-00008502 that you can check out is The RealReal one of the great things about The RealReal is Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00017-00008502-00008994 that they have a huge customer base and they sell a lot of different items they say that Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00018-00008994-00009456 most sales occur within 30 days they also make things relatively easy for you you send Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00019-00009456-00009956 in your item they take the pictures themselves they list them on the website for sale but Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00020-00009956-00010465 on the downside the payout won't necessarily be the highest also they do a lot of sales Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00021-00010465-00010947 and people have been caught off guard when the item sells for a sale price as opposed Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00022-00010947-00011645 to a price they thought the item would sell for Tradesy is similar to The RealReal in Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00023-00011645-00011984 the sense that their commission rates are alike and they also have a very big audience Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00024-00011984-00012543 one of the big differences is that with Tradesy you don't send in your item to be sold you Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00025-00012543-00012997 keep it yourself you take your own pictures upload them to the platform when a customer Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00026-00012997-00013453 buys your bag through the website that's when you ship in your item so if you want to hold Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00027-00013453-00013763 onto your item before it sells this could be a good option for you on the downside I've Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00028-00013763-00014266 hear that it can take Tradesy a little bit more time to pay you after the sale is made Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00029-00014266-00014965 compared with other resale platforms if you like to take a more active part in the selling Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00030-00014965-00015409 process then you might want to try Vestiaire Collective with Vestiaire Collective you take Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00031-00015409-00015913 your own pictures you upload them to the website you also set your own price you write your Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00032-00015913-00016356 own descriptions of the item, etc. but in exchange for that work when the item sells Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00033-00016356-00016840 you're going to take a larger percentage of the money that's made in other words Vestiaire Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00034-00016840-00017269 Collective is going to take a smaller cut than other places like Tradesy and The RealReal Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00035-00017269-00017681 but if you don't want to do that work there's also Vestiaire Collective's concierge service Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00036-00017681-00018116 so you'll send your item to Vestiaire Collective they'll take the pictures for you they'll Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00037-00018116-00018555 write the descriptions etc. one of the things I really love about Vestiaire Collective is Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00038-00018555-00018960 that they cater to a world wide audience so you don't have to be in the United States Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00039-00018960-00019643 to consign with them you can be in many many different countries if you really want to Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00040-00019643-00020145 be active on the platform then Poshmark could be the one for you it's kind of like a social Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00041-00020145-00020690 network you can interact with people on the platform and if they have questions you can Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00042-00020690-00021176 answer them etc. etc. you can do this with Vestiaire Collective too but I find that with Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00043-00021176-00021610 Poshmark there's more of an even more active social community so if you're looking to build Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00044-00021610-00021970 good relationships with the people who are buying from you Poshmark could be the way Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00045-00021970-00022465 to go also the percentage that they take on sales is relatively low on the downside there Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00046-00022465-00022906 was a scandal that doesn't reflect so well on their customer service I'm going to leave Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00047-00022906-00023412 a link down below but overall they've got a huge audience base and a lot of people selling Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00048-00023412-00024062 on the platform so that really does add to their credibility if you want things to be Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00049-00024062-00024400 really really easy then you might want to go with Fashionphile Fashionphile will just Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00050-00024400-00024802 buy your bag from you outright so you don't have to go through the process of trying to Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00051-00024802-00025215 sell it yourself they've been in business for many many years and people really love Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00052-00025215-00025689 them there are a lot of positive reviews but on the downside some people have said they've Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00053-00025689-00026145 received good quotes at times and then bad quotes at times when selling their bags to Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00054-00026145-00026520 Fashionphile directly the other main complaint that I've come across is that some people's Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00055-00026520-00026918 bags don't get purchased from Fashionphile and they aren't provided with a clear enough Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00056-00026918-00027529 reason as to why that is if you want to make sure that you get as much money as possible Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00057-00027529-00028026 for your bag then you should also send in your item for a quote from Yoogi's Closet Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00058-00028026-00028499 Yoogi's Closet has been around for a very long time as well also very well reviewed Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00059-00028499-00029037 so send your bag to Fashionphile then send it to Yoogi's Closet and see which one gives Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00060-00029037-00029997 you the best quote for your item a new comer in the market relatively is Rebag Rebag really Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00061-00029997-00030552 values transparency and efficiency so you can send in your item for a quote you're guaranteed Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00062-00030552-00030999 to sell your bag for that price and you'll get paid quickly and easily and they've come Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00063-00030999-00031382 out with some really cool technology they have something called Clair Clair will tell Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00064-00031382-00031788 you how much your bag is worth so that you can be prepared before you end up selling Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00065-00031788-00032352 it but keep in mind like Fashionphile like Yoogi's Closet etc. you're not going to end Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00066-00032352-00032815 up with as big of a payout just because it's risky for the company to buy your bag outright Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00067-00032815-00033215 as opposed to taking a commission once the sale is made if you have any questions that Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00068-00033215-00033628 I didn't go over please feel free to leave a comment below and if you have experience Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00069-00033628-00034090 selling with any of these resale platforms it can help me it can help other viewers so Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00070-00034090-00034450 it would be very appreciated thank you so much for watching and give this video a thumbs Dzjw9dn6Q-o-00071-00034450-00034999 up if you liked it and please subscribe and ring the bell I'll see you next week DzSEPRo-Skk-00000-00000014-00000429 Developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, Elden Ring is DzSEPRo-Skk-00001-00000429-00000875 an action role-playing game that promises to deliver an epic adventure set in a vast DzSEPRo-Skk-00002-00000875-00001197 open world filled with danger and discovery. DzSEPRo-Skk-00003-00001197-00001545 Players will be able to customize their character's appearance and abilities according to their DzSEPRo-Skk-00004-00001545-00001975 play style, creating a unique experience for each individual player. DzSEPRo-Skk-00005-00001975-00002470 Combat in Elden Ring is fast-paced and challenging, requiring players to use a variety of weapons DzSEPRo-Skk-00006-00002470-00002752 and magic spells to defeat enemies. DzSEPRo-Skk-00007-00002752-00003119 One of the key features of Elden Ring is its epic boss battles that will test players' DzSEPRo-Skk-00008-00003119-00003321 skills and determination. DzSEPRo-Skk-00009-00003321-00003719 The game's challenging enemies and bosses require players to strategize and plan their DzSEPRo-Skk-00010-00003719-00004055 attacks carefully in order to emerge victorious. DzSEPRo-Skk-00011-00004055-00004491 Elden Ring features a rich and immersive story and lore that offers plenty of opportunities DzSEPRo-Skk-00012-00004491-00004730 for exploration and discovery. DzSEPRo-Skk-00013-00004730-00005173 The game's open world allows players to explore at their own pace, uncovering hidden secrets DzSEPRo-Skk-00014-00005173-00005407 and discovering new areas. DzSEPRo-Skk-00015-00005407-00005714 The game was written by acclaimed fantasy author George R.R. DzSEPRo-Skk-00016-00005714-00006094 Martin, known for his work on the A Song of Ice and Fire series. DzSEPRo-Skk-00017-00006094-00006508 This has raised expectations for a deep and immersive storyline. DzSEPRo-Skk-00018-00006508-00006986 Elden Ring offers both single-player and multiplayer modes, allowing players to team up with friends DzSEPRo-Skk-00019-00006986-00007320 or strangers to take on challenging quests and dungeons. DzSEPRo-Skk-00020-00007320-00007879 The game's day-night cycle and dynamic weather system affect gameplay and add to the immersion. DzSEPRo-Skk-00021-00007879-00008315 Players can specialize in different areas such as melee combat, magic, or stealth through DzSEPRo-Skk-00022-00008315-00008532 a customizable skill tree. DzSEPRo-Skk-00023-00008532-00009118 The game offers multiple endings, secret areas, and hidden items that increase replayability. DzSEPRo-Skk-00024-00009118-00009590 The game's visual design is stunning, featuring detailed environments and characters. DzSEPRo-Skk-00025-00009590-00010020 The atmospheric soundtrack helps to immerse players in the world of Elden Ring. DzSEPRo-Skk-00026-00010020-00010540 Overall, Elden Ring is a must-play for fans of the action RPG genre, offering a unique DzSEPRo-Skk-00027-00010540-00010853 and immersive world filled with adventure and danger. DzSEPRo-Skk-00028-00010853-00011293 With its promising features and high expectations, Elden Ring is sure to be a game that players DzSEPRo-Skk-00029-00011293-00011461 will be talking about for years to come. DBKVGt7J4Y4-00000-00000012-00000348 Finally, Hogwarts Legacy DBKVGt7J4Y4-00001-00000401-00000732 Menu reader that reads text, buttons, and other elements aloud DBKVGt7J4Y4-00002-00000846-00001008 But isn't that what I am for? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00003-00001086-00001236 I got a good PC DBKVGt7J4Y4-00004-00001236-00001746 Play stereo audio as mono, yes because I'm deaf DBKVGt7J4Y4-00005-00001805-00002232 It's actually recognizing the PlayStation controller, I've never had that before DBKVGt7J4Y4-00006-00002502-00002778 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at DBKVGt7J4Y4-00007-00002778-00003114 Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry's as a fifth year student DBKVGt7J4Y4-00008-00003347-00003468 Fifth year student? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00009-00003468-00003647 What have I been doing all these years? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00010-00003726-00004188 The ministry has graciously agreed to allow Professor Eleazar Fig DBKVGt7J4Y4-00011-00004188-00004542 Aleazar? Alas DBKVGt7J4Y4-00012-00004770-00004908 Let's start the game DBKVGt7J4Y4-00013-00005166-00005328 Oh he's, he's beautiful DBKVGt7J4Y4-00014-00005442-00006018 She looks a bit like the guy from Star Wars What was his name again? Poe? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00015-00006186-00006384 Pink? Oh yes DBKVGt7J4Y4-00016-00006384-00006642 Which one do I ever choose?! DBKVGt7J4Y4-00017-00007109-00007440 Before we start the journey, let's let's feed our little kitty DBKVGt7J4Y4-00018-00007440-00008040 I just don't understand why she already, why she gets to join in fifth year? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00019-00009108-00009306 Yeah just just catch up four years DBKVGt7J4Y4-00020-00009642-00009876 Oh, there's something in the sky DBKVGt7J4Y4-00021-00010590-00010980 Is that the last thing you write to someone when you die? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00022-00011058-00011184 Oh yeah it's glowing DBKVGt7J4Y4-00023-00011916-00012000 OH DBKVGt7J4Y4-00024-00012216-00012360 Well that's a dragon! DBKVGt7J4Y4-00025-00012804-00012941 Oh, where are we? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00026-00013397-00014040 Say that DBKVGt7J4Y4-00027-00014040-00014112 Oh he died? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00028-00015132-00015384 Jesus this man is powerful DBKVGt7J4Y4-00029-00015558-00016296 He's gaslighting me DBKVGt7J4Y4-00030-00016578-00016680 12 apparently? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00031-00017772-00017874 Hundreds of years?! DBKVGt7J4Y4-00032-00018036-00018270 Why do I feel like this is gonna go wrong? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00033-00018372-00019236 Okay this looks like a tomb DBKVGt7J4Y4-00034-00019356-00019440 WHAT DBKVGt7J4Y4-00035-00019614-00019770 Do I actually have to... DBKVGt7J4Y4-00036-00020160-00020286 Wait how does this...? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00037-00020364-00020742 I actually have to do that in order to cast spells? Because DBKVGt7J4Y4-00038-00020742-00020934 I'm not going to be able to remember this stuff DBKVGt7J4Y4-00039-00021366-00021452 Revelio DBKVGt7J4Y4-00040-00021452-00021876 Uh oh, don't attack me, don't attack me dude DBKVGt7J4Y4-00041-00022392-00022806 Oh no he's using a lot of spells that I don't know how to use DBKVGt7J4Y4-00042-00022806-00023010 Aah I'm nervous DBKVGt7J4Y4-00043-00023010-00023160 OH I got hurt DBKVGt7J4Y4-00044-00023796-00023910 Protegoing my way out of here DBKVGt7J4Y4-00045-00024414-00024606 I'm not ready for responsibilities DBKVGt7J4Y4-00046-00024606-00024768 Yeah he's gonna die DBKVGt7J4Y4-00047-00026045-00026124 No way DBKVGt7J4Y4-00048-00026280-00026442 Tell me that one's on our side DBKVGt7J4Y4-00049-00026532-00026598 Oh no DBKVGt7J4Y4-00050-00026598-00026933 Yeah he's going for Fig as well, oh no DBKVGt7J4Y4-00051-00028445-00028560 Oh I love this DBKVGt7J4Y4-00052-00028716-00029226 I love how the cutscene just morphed into a cinematic DBKVGt7J4Y4-00053-00029382-00029489 That's so nice DBKVGt7J4Y4-00054-00029802-00029916 Hmm DBKVGt7J4Y4-00055-00030083-00030198 Goosebumps DBKVGt7J4Y4-00056-00030930-00031014 Yes. DBKVGt7J4Y4-00057-00031302-00031392 I'm not ready DBKVGt7J4Y4-00058-00032058-00032244 That Headmaster looks evil DBKVGt7J4Y4-00059-00033702-00033780 No DBKVGt7J4Y4-00060-00033780-00034212 NO! I was looking forward to playing Quidditch, what is this?! DBKVGt7J4Y4-00061-00034368-00034512 Garreth Weasley? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00062-00035010-00035154 Oh I like him already DBKVGt7J4Y4-00063-00035424-00035484 Ahhw DBKVGt7J4Y4-00064-00035484-00035706 Someone's walking on the chimney? DBKVGt7J4Y4-00065-00035706-00035802 Jesus girl DBKVGt7J4Y4-00066-00036030-00036072 Girl DBKVGt7J4Y4-00067-00036216-00036294 Nelly... DBKVGt7J4Y4-00068-00036558-00036714 Crazy crazy girl DBKVGt7J4Y4-00069-00037554-00038010 I mean, fair to me but not to the other students who've worked for years to get there DL3d6dqGECA-00000-00000985-00001526 In tonight's menu, we have pork jowl meat that is Thai... DL3d6dqGECA-00001-00001526-00001657 Thai-sian... DL3d6dqGECA-00002-00001766-00002230 Thai-inspired. I do always use the same Youtube video. DL3d6dqGECA-00003-00002232-00002616 There were various videos that I sampled, but I never tried anything else, DL3d6dqGECA-00004-00002616-00002946 because this one is directly done in the oven. DL3d6dqGECA-00005-00002946-00003510 I don't really want to pan fry things, cuz I always burn myself accidentally. DL3d6dqGECA-00006-00003510-00003854 If you guys are Cantonese, i definitely recommend her channel because it's the DL3d6dqGECA-00007-00003854-00004254 most amazing pork jowl meat. It's super easy, definitely recommend it! DL3d6dqGECA-00008-00004254-00004490 First things first! DL3d6dqGECA-00009-00004490-00005030 I have two packs of pork jowl meat, lemongrass, garlic DL3d6dqGECA-00010-00005030-00005553 shallots, lime, brown sugar, fish sauce, dark soy sauce. DL3d6dqGECA-00011-00005554-00005832 hehe I'm so excited about this DL3d6dqGECA-00012-00005832-00006198 you have no idea. This is my childhood favorite. I used to beg my mom DL3d6dqGECA-00013-00006198-00006576 to make it for me and it used to take her forever I don't know why. Must be DL3d6dqGECA-00014-00006576-00006809 because she hasn't seen this YouTube video DL3d6dqGECA-00015-00006809-00007020 Oh my gosh my face is so round DL3d6dqGECA-00016-00007020-00007404 that's the thing about self isolation. Nobody looks at you, nobody sees you DL3d6dqGECA-00017-00007404-00007706 you don't even see yourself, and just keep eating and eating and eating. DL3d6dqGECA-00018-00007706-00008354 I definitely need to go on a diet and go work out after I eat this. DL3d6dqGECA-00019-00008516-00008634 I gotta cut DL3d6dqGECA-00020-00008634-00008924 off the top part DL3d6dqGECA-00021-00009334-00009492 Okay DL3d6dqGECA-00022-00009492-00010282 I like to slice them really fine because I like there to be more flavor DL3d6dqGECA-00023-00010282-00010534 Put everything into the bowl DL3d6dqGECA-00024-00010540-00010938 This is how I like to prepare garlic. It's just easier to peel that way DL3d6dqGECA-00025-00011498-00011790 Now we have to squeeze the lemon juice out. DL3d6dqGECA-00026-00011792-00012472 This is a trick that the lady taught me. You're supposed to roll on it and then it's DL3d6dqGECA-00027-00012472-00012794 easier to squeeze out this way. DL3d6dqGECA-00028-00012982-00013250 We're done with the basics DL3d6dqGECA-00029-00013250-00013580 So now we have to prep the pork DL3d6dqGECA-00030-00013580-00013988 I usually like to wash it with water and then just kind of pat it DL3d6dqGECA-00031-00013988-00014210 dry with paper towels. DL3d6dqGECA-00032-00014404-00014591 The next part is kind of the confusing part. DL3d6dqGECA-00033-00014591-00015141 I never really understood it, but she says to just use a few drops of soy sauce, the DL3d6dqGECA-00034-00015143-00015536 dark soy sauce and just covered lightly on top of the meat, so that there is DL3d6dqGECA-00035-00015536-00015912 color, but I never am able to just put a few drops. DL3d6dqGECA-00036-00016263-00016646 Haha. That's not a few drops... DL3d6dqGECA-00037-00016680-00017322 You're supposed to coat it evenly, so I don't know what she's talking about. DL3d6dqGECA-00038-00017323-00017846 Absorb absorb! Okay it's lightly covered. DL3d6dqGECA-00039-00017846-00018232 My next one! let's see if I have better luck this time! DL3d6dqGECA-00040-00019123-00019940 This is kind of a few drops. Okay, massage... You gotta treat this with care DL3d6dqGECA-00041-00019940-00020560 because it's going in your belly! DL3d6dqGECA-00042-00020617-00021136 I tried to see how much sugar is required. It says one and one fourth, but she DL3d6dqGECA-00043-00021136-00021829 only has one slice, but I have so many slices. I'm just to put 2 teaspoons DL3d6dqGECA-00044-00021829-00022418 instead of 1 & 1/4. DL3d6dqGECA-00045-00022894-00023631 The recipe literally calls for 1 and 1/2 spoonful, like a drinking soup kind of DL3d6dqGECA-00046-00023632-00024322 spoonful so I'm just gonna use this because a cup looks too big. DL3d6dqGECA-00047-00024322-00024800 I wonder what fish sauces does it smell like fish it smells pretty good. DL3d6dqGECA-00049-00024892-00025656 I'm just gonna put some saran wrap over it and it's just gonna sit here for an hour. DL3d6dqGECA-00050-00025656-00026330 The lady says to marinate it for 8 hours, but my highness says that it's too salty DL3d6dqGECA-00051-00026330-00027130 that way. I think they both are great. We're gonna put it in the fridge. DL3d6dqGECA-00052-00027130-00027730 if you're wondering what this is, it comes from here. DL3d6dqGECA-00053-00027730-00028027 Now I'm gonna do dishes while I wait. DL3d6dqGECA-00054-00028027-00028502 I do them manually without the dishwasher cuz my mama taught me when I DL3d6dqGECA-00055-00028502-00028945 was a kid that the virtues of being a lady involves washing everything by hand DL3d6dqGECA-00056-00028945-00029524 and not with help, so I always took that to heart and I always wash by hand. DL3d6dqGECA-00057-00029524-00030026 Except for once a month when I get to use the dishwasher DL3d6dqGECA-00058-00030344-00030814 I was just taught that way, but my mom now also uses the dishwasher DL3d6dqGECA-00059-00030814-00031206 so she's not the lady that she used to be. DL3d6dqGECA-00060-00031206-00031792 she's gonna kill me when she sees this DL3d6dqGECA-00061-00032514-00032662 All Done! DL3d6dqGECA-00062-00032662-00033193 We're gonna take a walk today because the mailman gave me a note. DL3d6dqGECA-00063-00033193-00033859 I'm gonna deliver this to my neighbor who sent an SOS message on Facebook DL3d6dqGECA-00064-00033859-00034147 saying that she does not have any disinfectants DL3d6dqGECA-00065-00034147-00034642 I think that we need to share in these times. DL3d6dqGECA-00066-00034642-00034886 Why is it so freaking cold?! DL3d6dqGECA-00067-00034886-00035098 I'm gonna run back and get my jacket. DL3d6dqGECA-00068-00035098-00035618 K, bringing this over. I think this is the cutest I've been since the shutdown. DL3d6dqGECA-00069-00036498-00036878 Gonna ring her doorbell. DL3d6dqGECA-00070-00037158-00037884 Practicing social distancing so just gonna ring the doorbell and move away. DL3d6dqGECA-00071-00038274-00038484 Hmm, wonder if she's not home DL3d6dqGECA-00072-00038484-00038990 she should be right? Where could she be? I don't want to just leave that because that's DL3d6dqGECA-00073-00038990-00039346 kind of precious in these times. DL3d6dqGECA-00074-00039346-00040094 Neighbor: Where did you get it? Me: home! DL3d6dqGECA-00075-00040118-00040386 Six feet apart only! DL3d6dqGECA-00076-00040754-00041026 I see why he thinks it's full! DL3d6dqGECA-00077-00041026-00041542 Struggles! Struggling struggling struggling DL3d6dqGECA-00078-00041636-00042604 I'm back! So now we have to preheat the oven. Hey Google, what is 210 Celsius in Fahrenheit? DL3d6dqGECA-00079-00042604-00043032 210 degrees Celsius is equal to 410 degrees Fahrenheit. DL3d6dqGECA-00080-00043342-00044440 Now I am going to get this out of the fridge so it warms up a little bit. DL3d6dqGECA-00081-00044440-00044634 So excited! DL3d6dqGECA-00082-00044634-00045456 Before the economy crashed I did invest in this thing, especially for my pork jowl. DL3d6dqGECA-00083-00045456-00046064 I can't believe I did that, but I can't say I regret it. DL3d6dqGECA-00084-00046162-00046828 It is only 16 dollars, but I bought it for the purpose of just making pork jowl. DL3d6dqGECA-00086-00047446-00047906 I like to line the base. This is up to you. I just like to do it because I don't DL3d6dqGECA-00087-00047906-00048292 want the sauce to drip all over and have to clean it later. DL3d6dqGECA-00088-00048516-00048828 There's a little bit of gap in between, DL3d6dqGECA-00089-00048828-00049312 so that the pork gets really crispy and curled up. DL3d6dqGECA-00090-00049312-00049730 I'm sure you can do it without I just want it to be perfect DL3d6dqGECA-00091-00049730-00050240 can you tell that this is my favorite color? DL3d6dqGECA-00092-00051267-00051761 So another really important step is to put some water underneath, because you DL3d6dqGECA-00093-00051761-00052672 don't want the pork to dry out, so it's gonna go to the very bottom. DL3d6dqGECA-00094-00052741-00052914 It's so hot! DL3d6dqGECA-00095-00052914-00054250 Gasp! That scared me! It's the water. It's going to the very top rack. I'm just going to put it in the middle rack. DL3d6dqGECA-00096-00054250-00054784 I think my oven is hot enough. DL3d6dqGECA-00097-00054784-00055000 It's gonna go in for 20 minutes so hey Google, hey Google? DL3d6dqGECA-00098-00055000-00056244 Set an alarm for 20 minutes. Hey Google? Set an alarm for 20 minutes DL3d6dqGECA-00099-00056245-00056548 8:05 p.m. DL3d6dqGECA-00100-00057379-00057912 Hey google, stop. ~Google talking ~ DL3d6dqGECA-00101-00058538-00058714 Looks so great!! DL3d6dqGECA-00102-00059388-00060054 What we're gonna have to do, is to flip them over. DL3d6dqGECA-00103-00060054-00060920 Because this is the fatty part I'm going to put it on the very top shelf of the oven DL3d6dqGECA-00104-00061710-00062602 Hey Google, set the timer for 15 minutes. DL3d6dqGECA-00105-00063533-00064904 Fifteen minutes has passed. It smells amazing. It's so hot!! DL3d6dqGECA-00106-00064911-00065635 Look at this beautiful piece of art! Now I've gotta let it cool down for a little DL3d6dqGECA-00107-00065635-00066132 bit and then I'm going to slice it. There's a way to slice it properly like DL3d6dqGECA-00108-00066132-00066550 the restaurant does it. So I'm going to show you guys how to do that. DL3d6dqGECA-00109-00066550-00066890 it's been cooling for a while, it's time to cut it up. DL3d6dqGECA-00110-00067028-00067278 This is what you have to do. Ooh, so DL3d6dqGECA-00111-00067279-00068064 much fat! I thought it was gonna melt, but it's kind of melted, not really so let's DL3d6dqGECA-00112-00068064-00068414 skim off this fat first. DL3d6dqGECA-00113-00068868-00069122 Now that I got most of that off this is what you have to do. DL3d6dqGECA-00114-00069272-00069552 Slice this way DL3d6dqGECA-00115-00071414-00071756 What do you think? How does it look? DL3d6dqGECA-00116-00071888-00072022 I decided to bring some DL3d6dqGECA-00117-00072022-00072422 over to my neighbor's house but in a little container DL3d6dqGECA-00118-00072450-00072658 Just going over to my DL3d6dqGECA-00119-00072658-00073087 neighbor's right now to give him some pork jowl and a couple of masks. DL3d6dqGECA-00120-00073087-00073558 I finally got the masks, it took a while and they're a dollar a piece. DL3d6dqGECA-00121-00073558-00074193 For both, I'm not giving him much, because they're really too good to share. DL3d6dqGECA-00122-00074193-00074446 Practicing social distance DL3d6dqGECA-00123-00074760-00075020 Is he sleeping? DL3d6dqGECA-00124-00075270-00075534 He thought I was some crazy psychopath, DL3d6dqGECA-00125-00075534-00075846 that's why it had opened the door. DL3d6dqGECA-00126-00076122-00077034 We're social distancing as well. Anyway I dropped off some pork cheek and a couple of masks for you. DL3d6dqGECA-00127-00077430-00077800 Time for me to try my own dish out with some rice. DL3d6dqGECA-00128-00077800-00078530 I paired it with a bit of sauce and this sauce I got from ranch 99 I'm not quite sure what it is, DL3d6dqGECA-00129-00078530-00078994 it's spicy, it has garlic in there. It's delicious! DL3d6dqGECA-00130-00079160-00079424 Mm Mm Good!! DL3d6dqGECA-00131-00079424-00079680 It doesn't look like a lot of food, but I keep snacking during the day. DL3d6dqGECA-00132-00079680-00079900 so just gonna eat this. DL3d6dqGECA-00133-00080488-00080900 I'm so happy DL3d6dqGECA-00134-00082212-00082552 It tastes so good DL3d6dqGECA-00135-00082652-00083501 Look at the marbling, it's completely just fat! In fact, this is probably what my DL3d6dqGECA-00136-00083501-00083906 cheeks are like. they're so chubby! DL3d6dqGECA-00137-00083906-00084532 alright, I need to start working. See you guys! DL3d6dqGECA-00138-00084706-00085283 That night, I also cut my bangs but it was a struggle so I'm not gonna show it DL3d6dqGECA-00139-00085283-00085576 till the next time DMxrPCN2_pu-00000-00000026-00000198 >> Announcer: - Here's another thrive tip from DMxrPCN2_pu-00001-00000198-00000466 Kaiser Permanente and Fox 12. DMxrPCN2_pu-00002-00000466-00000747 >> Stephanie Kralevich, Fox 12: - Are you prepared if an earthquake or natural disaster DMxrPCN2_pu-00003-00000747-00000894 should strike Portland? DMxrPCN2_pu-00004-00000894-00001108 Do you know where to go, what to do, and what to put DMxrPCN2_pu-00005-00001108-00001243 in your first aid kit? DMxrPCN2_pu-00006-00001243-00001512 Preparation will help keep you and your family safe. DMxrPCN2_pu-00007-00001512-00001772 >> Dr. Whitney Holmer, MD, Emergency Medicine, Kaiser Permanente: - In the immediate aftermath of an earthquake or, DMxrPCN2_pu-00008-00001772-00002130 really any natural disaster, you may be called upon to DMxrPCN2_pu-00009-00002130-00002401 treat injuries of loved ones or neighbors in your DMxrPCN2_pu-00010-00002401-00002514 vicinity. DMxrPCN2_pu-00011-00002514-00002752 The best way to prepare for that would be to take a first DMxrPCN2_pu-00012-00002752-00003003 aid course from the American Red Cross, DMxrPCN2_pu-00013-00003003-00003218 which will teach you how to address some of those DMxrPCN2_pu-00014-00003218-00003367 injuries that we most commonly see. DMxrPCN2_pu-00015-00003367-00003676 After a disaster you're going to want to be prepared DMxrPCN2_pu-00016-00003676-00003760 for seven days. DMxrPCN2_pu-00017-00003760-00003952 So you're going to want seven days of your medications, DMxrPCN2_pu-00018-00003952-00004314 seven days of food and water for every member of your family DMxrPCN2_pu-00019-00004314-00004405 or group. DMxrPCN2_pu-00020-00004405-00004657 And you'll also want to have a basic first aid kit, DMxrPCN2_pu-00021-00004657-00004746 as well. DMxrPCN2_pu-00022-00004746-00004949 >> Stephanie Kralevich, Fox 12: - For a complete list of emergency preparedness DMxrPCN2_pu-00023-00004949-00005316 resources, visit KPTV.com/thrive. DMxrPCN2_pu-00024-00005468-00005730 >> Announcer: - This has been another thrive tip DMxrPCN2_pu-00025-00005730-00005997 sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and Fox 12. DMUazAi4Zp4-00000-00000296-00000635 PROFESSOR: All right, we're in the second gravity lecture now. DMUazAi4Zp4-00001-00000635-00001085 And we're going to actually start just by-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00002-00001085-00001441 with the very last slide of the first gravity lecture. DMUazAi4Zp4-00003-00001441-00002210 And that shows you the Bouguer correction manipulated-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00004-00002210-00002591 with the equation manipulated to tell you DMUazAi4Zp4-00005-00002591-00002855 how much elevation accuracy you need. DMUazAi4Zp4-00006-00002855-00003083 And we're going to use this equation again DMUazAi4Zp4-00007-00003083-00003215 but in a totally different way. DMUazAi4Zp4-00008-00003578-00003971 The last lecture is all about how to measure and calculate DMUazAi4Zp4-00009-00003971-00004150 the Bouguer anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00010-00004150-00004740 And this lecture now is how to interpret the Bouguer anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00011-00004740-00005357 So up here, we have a cross-section. DMUazAi4Zp4-00012-00005357-00006224 And you can see it's got a half slab of-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00013-00006224-00006576 semi-infinite slab that has an anomalous density. DMUazAi4Zp4-00014-00006576-00007670 One million grams, 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter DMUazAi4Zp4-00015-00007670-00008671 is actually the same number as one gram per cubic centimeter, DMUazAi4Zp4-00016-00008671-00009277 so a familiar density difference, I think. DMUazAi4Zp4-00017-00009277-00009550 So that's now called delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00018-00009550-00009792 It's a density anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00019-00009792-00010257 And what would be the gravity, what DMUazAi4Zp4-00020-00010257-00010459 would be the gravity anomaly, the Bouguer DMUazAi4Zp4-00021-00010459-00010593 anomaly we would see over that? DMUazAi4Zp4-00022-00010593-00011453 Well, there would be higher gravity over the slab DMUazAi4Zp4-00023-00011453-00012135 than there is not over the slab because it's a density excess. DMUazAi4Zp4-00024-00012135-00012399 Now it turns out that no matter how deep DMUazAi4Zp4-00025-00012399-00012711 we put that slab, when we're away DMUazAi4Zp4-00026-00012711-00012938 from the edge of the slab-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00027-00012938-00013350 and you can see that the anomaly tails off and transitions DMUazAi4Zp4-00028-00013350-00013769 to the lack of anomaly on the right-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00029-00013769-00014166 when we're away from the slab, when DMUazAi4Zp4-00030-00014166-00014747 we're away from the edge of the slab, well over the slab, DMUazAi4Zp4-00031-00014747-00015225 we could put that slab at any depth between the center DMUazAi4Zp4-00032-00015225-00015561 of the Earth and the surface. DMUazAi4Zp4-00033-00015561-00015788 And we would get-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00034-00015788-00016044 we would have the same value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00035-00016044-00016563 So it's an interesting thing that, in some ways, DMUazAi4Zp4-00036-00016563-00017193 like magnetics, we can only detect lateral density DMUazAi4Zp4-00037-00017193-00017511 variations or lateral discontinuities. DMUazAi4Zp4-00038-00017511-00017760 Now that doesn't really make, in my mind, DMUazAi4Zp4-00039-00017760-00017908 gravity a differential method. DMUazAi4Zp4-00040-00017908-00018262 It's still an integrative method. DMUazAi4Zp4-00041-00018262-00018777 And of course, this total Bouguer anomaly over here DMUazAi4Zp4-00042-00018777-00019088 is being affected by our density. DMUazAi4Zp4-00043-00019088-00019461 But if you ask the detection question, where can we actually DMUazAi4Zp4-00044-00019461-00019776 see that this slab is present? DMUazAi4Zp4-00045-00019776-00020193 Well, we need it to have an edge. DMUazAi4Zp4-00046-00020193-00020607 And it's that lateral variation in density DMUazAi4Zp4-00047-00020607-00020940 at the edge of the slab that will actually show us DMUazAi4Zp4-00048-00020940-00021159 what looks to us like an anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00049-00021159-00021393 OK, the whole curve is technically DMUazAi4Zp4-00050-00021393-00021615 the Bouguer anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00051-00021615-00022008 But we look for zigs and zags, in the curve, DMUazAi4Zp4-00052-00022008-00022205 peaks and valleys in the curve. DMUazAi4Zp4-00053-00022205-00022503 And we call those anomalies even though, unfortunately, DMUazAi4Zp4-00054-00022503-00022939 the whole curve is called an anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00055-00022939-00023221 And the thing about gravity anomalies, DMUazAi4Zp4-00056-00023221-00023821 and it's also partly true of any potential field anomaly, DMUazAi4Zp4-00057-00023821-00024487 and it's partly true of any integrative method anomaly, DMUazAi4Zp4-00058-00024487-00025027 you can have different shapes at different depths DMUazAi4Zp4-00059-00025027-00025372 and they produce precisely the same anomalies. DMUazAi4Zp4-00060-00025372-00025855 So this delta g curve, this Bouguer anomaly curve up here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00061-00025855-00026311 which has a certain shape, is produced precisely, DMUazAi4Zp4-00062-00026311-00026629 not approximately, but precisely, DMUazAi4Zp4-00063-00026629-00027094 by having a sphere at three kilometers DMUazAi4Zp4-00064-00027094-00027550 or this [? lensate ?] body at two kilometers DMUazAi4Zp4-00065-00027550-00028144 depth, or maybe by this very drawn out layer, DMUazAi4Zp4-00066-00028144-00028744 stretched out layer, thin layer, slightly thicker at the middle, DMUazAi4Zp4-00067-00028744-00029008 at 1.2 kilometers. DMUazAi4Zp4-00068-00029008-00029512 And because of that, because each of these anomalies DMUazAi4Zp4-00069-00029512-00029820 produces precisely the same curve, DMUazAi4Zp4-00070-00029820-00030118 there is no hope of distinguishing DMUazAi4Zp4-00071-00030118-00030313 what these different-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00072-00030313-00030574 between these different possibilities. DMUazAi4Zp4-00073-00030574-00030777 And so you have to accept that. DMUazAi4Zp4-00074-00030777-00030964 You have to accept it in Remy. DMUazAi4Zp4-00075-00030964-00031219 You have to accept it in electrical inversion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00076-00031219-00031430 You have to accept it in magnetics. DMUazAi4Zp4-00077-00031430-00031920 And here's where we first learn exactly how we DMUazAi4Zp4-00078-00031920-00032338 have to accept it in gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00079-00032338-00032964 Any of these methods suffer from what's called, DMUazAi4Zp4-00080-00032964-00033276 in electrical and in service waves, DMUazAi4Zp4-00081-00033276-00033489 this equivalence problem-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00082-00033489-00034059 different anomalies distributed in different ways that give you DMUazAi4Zp4-00083-00034059-00034248 precisely the same data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00084-00034533-00034962 And we're going to have to learn how to grapple with that. DMUazAi4Zp4-00085-00034962-00035445 I mean, naturally, although the gravity data won't tell us DMUazAi4Zp4-00086-00035445-00035988 anything about whether it's one of these particular anomalies DMUazAi4Zp4-00087-00035988-00036279 or actually any shape in between, DMUazAi4Zp4-00088-00036279-00036586 at a depth and shape that's in between the ones shown here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00089-00036586-00036845 well, it can also produce the same anomalies. DMUazAi4Zp4-00090-00036845-00037119 So there's an infinity of different cross sections, DMUazAi4Zp4-00091-00037119-00037626 an infinity of different models, an infinity of different source DMUazAi4Zp4-00092-00037626-00037987 geometries that produce the same gravity data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00093-00037987-00038367 And this is one of the reasons why DMUazAi4Zp4-00094-00038367-00038700 these different models produce the same gravity data DMUazAi4Zp4-00095-00038700-00039048 but they will not produce, in fact-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00096-00039048-00039371 it takes different anomaly, different shapes, DMUazAi4Zp4-00097-00039371-00039639 a different type of variation in the shape, DMUazAi4Zp4-00098-00039639-00039895 to produce the same in magnetic anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00099-00039895-00040134 So you combine gravity with magnetics DMUazAi4Zp4-00100-00040134-00040593 with surface waves with electrical work, DMUazAi4Zp4-00101-00040593-00040881 and then you can tell because they all DMUazAi4Zp4-00102-00040881-00041286 have different to different ways that the anomalies have to be, DMUazAi4Zp4-00103-00041286-00041493 that the features, the geology, have DMUazAi4Zp4-00104-00041493-00041838 to be similar to produce the same anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00105-00041838-00042063 And so when you actually combine different data sets-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00106-00042063-00042246 I mean, that's really one of the main things DMUazAi4Zp4-00107-00042246-00042441 I try to pass on to you in this class-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00108-00042441-00043041 that's how you get around this source geometry ambiguity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00109-00043041-00043380 Here's another example of source ambiguity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00110-00043380-00043872 We have a density excess slab on the left. DMUazAi4Zp4-00111-00043872-00044132 So it raises gravity on the left. DMUazAi4Zp4-00112-00044132-00044457 And we don't have it raised on the right. DMUazAi4Zp4-00113-00044457-00044754 Well, you get the same thing if you have DMUazAi4Zp4-00114-00044754-00045192 a density, a lacking density. DMUazAi4Zp4-00115-00045192-00045472 So here is a delta. DMUazAi4Zp4-00116-00045472-00045678 That's not a delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00117-00045678-00046036 Sorry, this should be at delta rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00118-00046036-00046656 These are density variations, delta rhos DMUazAi4Zp4-00119-00046656-00047079 on the top, positive 1 gram per cc, and on the bottom, DMUazAi4Zp4-00120-00047079-00047313 minus 1 gram per cc. DMUazAi4Zp4-00121-00047313-00047658 So this is a density deficit here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00122-00047658-00048102 And you can see, it will produce precisely DMUazAi4Zp4-00123-00048102-00048558 the same anomaly, same curvature of the transition DMUazAi4Zp4-00124-00048558-00048717 and everything-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00125-00048717-00048999 can't tell. DMUazAi4Zp4-00126-00048999-00049362 So here's a more complicated example. DMUazAi4Zp4-00127-00049362-00049632 And we're going to go to through the details of this DMUazAi4Zp4-00128-00049632-00049923 and figure out what exactly is what. DMUazAi4Zp4-00129-00049923-00049992 All right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00130-00049992-00050520 These two models, notice they have different density DMUazAi4Zp4-00131-00050520-00050991 distributions, different depths to various interfaces, DMUazAi4Zp4-00132-00050991-00051392 like the basement interface, or the bottom of the sandstone, DMUazAi4Zp4-00133-00051392-00051489 right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00134-00051489-00051936 These two models produce exactly, precisely-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00135-00052260-00052592 the two curves produced by these two models DMUazAi4Zp4-00136-00052592-00052903 will overlay each other precisely. DMUazAi4Zp4-00137-00052903-00053109 There's no difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00138-00053109-00053484 Using gravity alone, you cannot distinguish these two models. DMUazAi4Zp4-00139-00053484-00053754 Maybe using refraction, you could DMUazAi4Zp4-00140-00053754-00053875 distinguish these two models. DMUazAi4Zp4-00141-00054234-00054564 So there's ways of getting around that if you go away DMUazAi4Zp4-00142-00054564-00055245 from one, just one technique. DMUazAi4Zp4-00143-00055245-00055689 Another way of stating this ambiguity is that any one DMUazAi4Zp4-00144-00055689-00056091 technique, particularly a potential of field technique, DMUazAi4Zp4-00145-00056091-00056451 doesn't and cannot ever give you a unique model. DMUazAi4Zp4-00146-00056451-00056736 You've got to bring in some other constraint. DMUazAi4Zp4-00147-00056736-00057126 Of course, you could, if you had boreholes here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00148-00057126-00057303 you could-- and you knew that there DMUazAi4Zp4-00149-00057303-00057754 was or was not limestone in this section, then you could tell. DMUazAi4Zp4-00150-00057754-00057804 Right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00151-00057804-00057900 Of course. DMUazAi4Zp4-00152-00057900-00058292 You need some constraint from something other than gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00153-00058292-00058886 And that is the problem with gravity surveying. DMUazAi4Zp4-00154-00059294-00060229 Here's an explanation of why a continuous sheet gives you DMUazAi4Zp4-00155-00060229-00060569 the same gravity no matter what its depth. DMUazAi4Zp4-00156-00060569-00060998 So imagine that each of these little blocks along the sheet DMUazAi4Zp4-00157-00060998-00061703 is pulling on these two measurements points, P1 and P2. DMUazAi4Zp4-00158-00061703-00062099 And if you raise your lower this, DMUazAi4Zp4-00159-00062099-00062870 it's not going to change the proportion that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00160-00062870-00063119 pulling on P1 versus P2. DMUazAi4Zp4-00161-00063119-00063479 You'd still get a flat line. DMUazAi4Zp4-00162-00063479-00063965 And if you do the integration, you can see that it does not, DMUazAi4Zp4-00163-00063965-00064175 the final result does not depend-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00164-00064175-00064602 even at one point, P1, that value DMUazAi4Zp4-00165-00064602-00064999 of the acceleration of gravity due to this sheet DMUazAi4Zp4-00166-00064999-00065204 does not change because, of course, DMUazAi4Zp4-00167-00065204-00065701 you've got to integrate over every single one on the sheet. DMUazAi4Zp4-00168-00065701-00066000 It's not going to change depending on the depth d. DMUazAi4Zp4-00169-00066258-00066858 But here is a real key to getting DMUazAi4Zp4-00170-00066858-00067116 an approximate interpretation. DMUazAi4Zp4-00171-00067116-00067758 And then you can try to match it against DMUazAi4Zp4-00172-00067758-00068145 your geological intuition or other information you have. DMUazAi4Zp4-00173-00068145-00068451 And gravity is really great at doing this. DMUazAi4Zp4-00174-00068451-00068812 You see an anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00175-00068812-00069061 You've got a delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00176-00069061-00069346 And it's got a certain shape. DMUazAi4Zp4-00177-00069346-00069511 You could say it's got a certain width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00178-00069511-00069829 Your anomaly in the Bouguer anomaly curve DMUazAi4Zp4-00179-00069829-00069946 has a certain width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00180-00070524-00070875 And that width is going to depend DMUazAi4Zp4-00181-00070875-00071214 on the depth of the anomalous body. DMUazAi4Zp4-00182-00071214-00071472 So down here, we've got cross sections below DMUazAi4Zp4-00183-00071472-00071895 and gravity profiles on top. DMUazAi4Zp4-00184-00071895-00073060 And the deeper the anomalous body is buried, DMUazAi4Zp4-00185-00073060-00073708 the broader and lower frequency, longer wavelength this anomaly DMUazAi4Zp4-00186-00073708-00073858 will be. DMUazAi4Zp4-00187-00073858-00074176 So this dotted one is the deepest one. DMUazAi4Zp4-00188-00074176-00074476 And that's this very broad low anomaly here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00189-00074476-00075154 And the solid lined one is the shallowest one. DMUazAi4Zp4-00190-00075154-00075694 And it's got the sharpest anomaly curve. DMUazAi4Zp4-00191-00075694-00076297 Now this figure also, this slide compares two other things. DMUazAi4Zp4-00192-00076297-00076667 We're looking in cross-section here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00193-00076667-00077032 And on the left, we're going-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00194-00077032-00077245 our cross section goes right through the center DMUazAi4Zp4-00195-00077245-00077836 of a spherical anomaly, a bubble, a sphere, DMUazAi4Zp4-00196-00077836-00078067 in three dimensions. DMUazAi4Zp4-00197-00078067-00078331 Now what have we got on the right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00198-00078331-00078884 Our cross-section is through, essentially, DMUazAi4Zp4-00199-00078884-00079315 an object, as what we call, that has cylindrical symmetry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00200-00080046-00080256 So this, instead of being a sphere, DMUazAi4Zp4-00201-00080256-00080505 this circle here represents the cross-section DMUazAi4Zp4-00202-00080505-00080987 through a cylinder that goes infinitely out of your screen DMUazAi4Zp4-00203-00080987-00081244 and infinitely back into your screen. DMUazAi4Zp4-00204-00081244-00081600 So if you hold a pencil up to the screen DMUazAi4Zp4-00205-00081600-00082097 and put the tip of it right in the center of the circle, DMUazAi4Zp4-00206-00082097-00082534 then that's what that anomaly looks like. DMUazAi4Zp4-00207-00082534-00082846 This is the same idea, we're in the middle of the basin DMUazAi4Zp4-00208-00082846-00083332 and range and we have all these north-south trending valleys, DMUazAi4Zp4-00209-00083332-00083830 and basically the dip of all the faults and all the rocks, all DMUazAi4Zp4-00210-00083830-00084335 the basin edges, they all strike pure north. DMUazAi4Zp4-00211-00084335-00084988 And so as long as we move our cross-section north or south, DMUazAi4Zp4-00212-00084988-00085192 it doesn't change-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00213-00085192-00085403 cylindrical symmetry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00214-00085403-00085474 All right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00215-00085474-00085787 So we can actually use cylindrical symmetry DMUazAi4Zp4-00216-00085787-00086068 as kind of a shortcut. DMUazAi4Zp4-00217-00086068-00086617 If we can say, all right, our situation is not 3D, DMUazAi4Zp4-00218-00086617-00086806 but it's really 2D. DMUazAi4Zp4-00219-00086806-00087128 And we can represent it by this 2D cross-section. DMUazAi4Zp4-00220-00087128-00087469 And no matter where, how far north we DMUazAi4Zp4-00221-00087469-00087966 cut this cross-section, then we're DMUazAi4Zp4-00222-00087966-00088214 going to get the same data, and we have the same. DMUazAi4Zp4-00223-00088214-00088608 The anomalous body is in the same spot. DMUazAi4Zp4-00224-00088608-00089085 Cylindrical symmetry, that means that we can describe DMUazAi4Zp4-00225-00089085-00089304 the geometry with one profile. DMUazAi4Zp4-00226-00089304-00089529 We don't have to get 3D data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00227-00089529-00090093 On the other hand, so now let's notice what's different. DMUazAi4Zp4-00228-00090093-00091006 If we assume cylindrical symmetry, DMUazAi4Zp4-00229-00091006-00091508 and we put a body with a certain radius down there, DMUazAi4Zp4-00230-00091508-00091739 there's a lot more. DMUazAi4Zp4-00231-00091739-00092038 You're sticking that pencil in and out of the screen, right? DMUazAi4Zp4-00232-00092038-00092416 There's a lot more mass there than there is in the sphere. DMUazAi4Zp4-00233-00092416-00092803 The sphere is just right on the cross-section. DMUazAi4Zp4-00234-00092803-00093194 It's not really-- it's not sticking out of the board. DMUazAi4Zp4-00235-00093194-00093514 There's a lot less mass. DMUazAi4Zp4-00236-00093514-00093841 Now it's close to the profile we're taking so we still DMUazAi4Zp4-00237-00093841-00094555 see a strong anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00238-00094555-00095131 But the cylinder gives a larger anomaly than the sphere. DMUazAi4Zp4-00239-00095131-00095365 So even though the furthest parts of that pencil DMUazAi4Zp4-00240-00095365-00095599 are a long way away, and of course, it goes as 1 DMUazAi4Zp4-00241-00095599-00096097 over the radius squared to the measurement point, DMUazAi4Zp4-00242-00096097-00096824 still there's enough more mass that you get a higher peak. DMUazAi4Zp4-00243-00096824-00096914 But notice this. DMUazAi4Zp4-00244-00096914-00097466 Once you start burying that it smooths out faster DMUazAi4Zp4-00245-00097466-00097736 than burying the sphere does. DMUazAi4Zp4-00246-00097736-00098444 So the sphere gives you an anomaly DMUazAi4Zp4-00247-00098444-00098945 that stays sharper to deeper the deeper you push it down. DMUazAi4Zp4-00248-00098945-00099371 So this slide is worth studying to see all the differences DMUazAi4Zp4-00249-00099371-00099764 between a 3D object like a sphere and a 2D DMUazAi4Zp4-00250-00099764-00100277 object like this the cylinder that has cylindrical-- what DMUazAi4Zp4-00251-00100277-00100398 we call cylindrical symmetry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00252-00100674-00101043 The thing about wavelength again though, DMUazAi4Zp4-00253-00101043-00101655 we can tell how deep some things are if they have lateral ends, DMUazAi4Zp4-00254-00101655-00101928 if they end at some x. DMUazAi4Zp4-00255-00102192-00102729 So here's a half sheet, a semi-infinite slab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00256-00102729-00103784 And it has a 0.1 gram per cc increased density. DMUazAi4Zp4-00257-00103784-00103921 So it's a dense sheet. DMUazAi4Zp4-00258-00103921-00104407 So when you're on top of the sheet, you get a higher value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00259-00104407-00104733 And if it's close to the surface, like it is here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00260-00104733-00104892 it's shallow. DMUazAi4Zp4-00261-00104892-00105223 Then the anomaly is very sharp and it climbs up DMUazAi4Zp4-00262-00105223-00105532 to that eventual value quite quickly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00263-00105532-00105970 You push it down in depth, the wavelength is greater. DMUazAi4Zp4-00264-00105970-00106144 It's smoother. DMUazAi4Zp4-00265-00106144-00106432 And it takes you a while-- it's not even shown on the graph-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00266-00106432-00106659 when, eventually, this line, this anomaly, DMUazAi4Zp4-00267-00106659-00106966 will climb up to the same value as the shallow one. DMUazAi4Zp4-00268-00106966-00107423 But it's going to take it-- you're going to go out further. DMUazAi4Zp4-00269-00107423-00107782 Within the graph here, the shallow one DMUazAi4Zp4-00270-00107782-00108196 is basically finding its minimum and maximum. DMUazAi4Zp4-00271-00108196-00108556 But the deeper one is maybe twice as-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00272-00108556-00108700 you have to go two or three times DMUazAi4Zp4-00273-00108700-00109203 as far away to get to that same maximum and minimum. DMUazAi4Zp4-00274-00109545-00109869 So this slide is also very nice because it gives you DMUazAi4Zp4-00275-00109869-00110356 some really handy ways of very quickly estimating DMUazAi4Zp4-00276-00110356-00110721 the depth of the anomalous body. DMUazAi4Zp4-00277-00110721-00111995 So and again, there's a contrast between the 3D body, DMUazAi4Zp4-00278-00111995-00112547 the sphere, and the cylindrically symmetrical body DMUazAi4Zp4-00279-00112547-00113927 that we're doing a dip profile of, that is at the same depth DMUazAi4Zp4-00280-00113927-00114353 and has the same radius and the same density contrast. DMUazAi4Zp4-00281-00114353-00115073 So here's what you can do. DMUazAi4Zp4-00282-00115073-00115541 You notice you have an anomaly, and it goes from a low-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00283-00115541-00115817 you see the anomaly because you can distinguish low values DMUazAi4Zp4-00284-00115817-00115909 around it-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00285-00115909-00116414 to its peak Bouguer anomaly value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00286-00116414-00116683 So now you go to where the anomaly has DMUazAi4Zp4-00287-00116683-00117508 a value that is at half of the total anomaly, DMUazAi4Zp4-00288-00117508-00117632 the anomaly difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00289-00117632-00117908 We climb up this anomaly, and we go a certain number DMUazAi4Zp4-00290-00117908-00118019 of milligals to climb up. DMUazAi4Zp4-00291-00118019-00118427 We go to half of that, of that peak value, DMUazAi4Zp4-00292-00118427-00118679 of that peak difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00293-00118679-00118952 And at half of that value, we were a certain distance DMUazAi4Zp4-00294-00118952-00119099 from the center of the anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00295-00119099-00119396 We call it the half-width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00296-00119396-00120314 That's half the width of the anomaly at half of its value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00297-00120314-00120835 And so for this half width then, which is easy to measure-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00298-00120835-00121115 we can do this kind of measurement DMUazAi4Zp4-00299-00121115-00121331 pretty much in the field. DMUazAi4Zp4-00300-00121331-00121929 As soon as we calculate at least our rough Bouguer anomaly DMUazAi4Zp4-00301-00121929-00122324 value by bringing in accurate elevations, DMUazAi4Zp4-00302-00122324-00122694 as soon a we calculate that, we can get the half-width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00303-00122694-00123096 And the depth to the center of the anomalous body DMUazAi4Zp4-00304-00123096-00123308 is 1.3 half-widths. DMUazAi4Zp4-00305-00123308-00123900 It's just a little bit deeper, 30% deeper than the half-width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00306-00123900-00124050 Now that's for the sphere. DMUazAi4Zp4-00307-00124050-00124593 Here for the cylindrical symmetry, for the cylinder, DMUazAi4Zp4-00308-00124593-00124851 the depth to the center of the cylinder DMUazAi4Zp4-00309-00124851-00125258 is equal exactly to the half-width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00310-00125258-00125553 Now these are back-of-the-envelope guessing DMUazAi4Zp4-00311-00125553-00126114 methods, so they're not meant to be exact. DMUazAi4Zp4-00312-00126114-00126366 But sure, you can definitely tell DMUazAi4Zp4-00313-00126366-00126831 by the width of the anomaly whether your anomalous body DMUazAi4Zp4-00314-00126831-00127125 is 1 kilometer deep or 10 kilometers deep DMUazAi4Zp4-00315-00127125-00127344 because the half-width is going to be closer to 1 DMUazAi4Zp4-00316-00127344-00127567 kilometer or 10 kilometers. DMUazAi4Zp4-00317-00127567-00127827 And that's easy to tell. DMUazAi4Zp4-00318-00127827-00128238 Here's a really sharp anomaly caused by a steeply dipping DMUazAi4Zp4-00319-00128238-00128403 sheet. DMUazAi4Zp4-00320-00128403-00128946 And in the case of that, the half-width DMUazAi4Zp4-00321-00128946-00129291 is actually, in this case, larger than the depth DMUazAi4Zp4-00322-00129291-00129552 to the top of the sheet. DMUazAi4Zp4-00323-00129813-00130149 The depth is 70% of the half-width. DMUazAi4Zp4-00324-00130149-00130572 And so that's the half-width rule of thumb. DMUazAi4Zp4-00325-00130572-00131163 And here's a more general way of looking at it, DMUazAi4Zp4-00326-00131163-00131529 with a simple equation added there. DMUazAi4Zp4-00327-00131529-00131727 We have an irregular body and we want DMUazAi4Zp4-00328-00131727-00131982 to get the depth to the top of it. DMUazAi4Zp4-00329-00131982-00132840 So we find the maximum slope, the dg, dx maximum. DMUazAi4Zp4-00330-00132840-00133021 There's probably a maximum there. DMUazAi4Zp4-00331-00133021-00133188 Maybe that's equal to the maximum there. DMUazAi4Zp4-00332-00133188-00133389 Anyway, we get the value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00333-00133389-00133830 We have a total delta g that represents the anomaly up DMUazAi4Zp4-00334-00133830-00133953 to the peak. DMUazAi4Zp4-00335-00133953-00134268 And then we find that maximum. DMUazAi4Zp4-00336-00134268-00135668 So we take delta g, and we divide by the maximum slope. DMUazAi4Zp4-00337-00135668-00136056 And then that gives you-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00338-00136056-00136391 you multiply it them by 86%. DMUazAi4Zp4-00339-00136391-00137048 And that gives you a constraint on the maximum depth DMUazAi4Zp4-00340-00137048-00137318 to the top surface. DMUazAi4Zp4-00341-00137318-00137588 How deep is the top of this anomalous body? DMUazAi4Zp4-00342-00137588-00137996 Well, it's going to be less than or equal to 86% DMUazAi4Zp4-00343-00137996-00138209 of the peak height of the anomaly divided DMUazAi4Zp4-00344-00138209-00138423 by the maximum slope of the anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00345-00138761-00139331 And you can use, from the Berger textbook, DMUazAi4Zp4-00346-00139331-00139973 which we'll use for electrical modeling, DMUazAi4Zp4-00347-00139973-00140153 and you can use for magnetic modeling. DMUazAi4Zp4-00348-00140455-00140792 And it also has a gravity modeling program. DMUazAi4Zp4-00349-00140792-00140978 And maybe if you took 333, you've DMUazAi4Zp4-00350-00140978-00141209 done some gravity modeling already. DMUazAi4Zp4-00351-00141209-00141464 So you can discover all these things DMUazAi4Zp4-00352-00141464-00141773 in the process of running these modeling codes. DMUazAi4Zp4-00353-00141773-00142151 But also, these, the half-width, the maximum slope method, DMUazAi4Zp4-00354-00142151-00142655 gives you a really handy way of quickly making DMUazAi4Zp4-00355-00142655-00143000 a broad guess, but a useful guess, DMUazAi4Zp4-00356-00143000-00143251 at the depth of the anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00357-00143816-00144051 So a lot of what we're doing is trying DMUazAi4Zp4-00358-00144051-00144316 to isolate those anomalies. DMUazAi4Zp4-00359-00144316-00144805 And usually we kind of have one anomaly buried in another. DMUazAi4Zp4-00360-00144805-00145176 And so this cross-section down on the right here DMUazAi4Zp4-00361-00145176-00145365 gives an example of that. DMUazAi4Zp4-00362-00145365-00145611 There's an anomaly that's due to the basement DMUazAi4Zp4-00363-00145611-00145896 slope in this cross-section. DMUazAi4Zp4-00364-00145896-00146283 So that's basically a decrease in gravity towards the left, DMUazAi4Zp4-00365-00146283-00146445 a decrease in this delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00366-00146445-00146598 That's in milligals. DMUazAi4Zp4-00367-00146598-00147004 That's a Bouguer anomaly value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00368-00147004-00147471 There's also this granite intrusion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00369-00147471-00147942 And that granite intrusion is maybe DMUazAi4Zp4-00370-00147942-00148119 less dense than the basement. DMUazAi4Zp4-00371-00148119-00148455 And so that causes a-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00372-00148455-00148692 the basement slope causes a very broad anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00373-00148692-00149202 The granite intrusion causes a medium broad anomaly, DMUazAi4Zp4-00374-00149202-00149391 this swing down here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00375-00149391-00149769 And then maybe we have a very dense basaltic dike. DMUazAi4Zp4-00376-00149769-00150147 And that basaltic dike then, especially DMUazAi4Zp4-00377-00150147-00150342 since it comes right near the surface, DMUazAi4Zp4-00378-00150342-00150505 produces a much sharper anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00379-00150505-00150705 So you add all these together, and you get DMUazAi4Zp4-00380-00150705-00150972 your total observed gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00381-00150972-00151410 The slope for the dipping strata, the downswing DMUazAi4Zp4-00382-00151410-00151703 for the granite, and the sharp peak for the dike, DMUazAi4Zp4-00383-00151703-00152130 add all this together, you get your total observed gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00384-00152130-00152487 Likewise, when you're looking at and trying DMUazAi4Zp4-00385-00152487-00152814 to identify anomalies, you can kind of separate them out DMUazAi4Zp4-00386-00152814-00153003 in the same way. DMUazAi4Zp4-00387-00153003-00153378 So first we observed there's an overall westward tilt DMUazAi4Zp4-00388-00153378-00153588 to the total observed gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00389-00153588-00153858 And so we could we could fit that with a line DMUazAi4Zp4-00390-00153858-00154389 and take out the regional trend. DMUazAi4Zp4-00391-00154389-00154643 And our residual is going to include DMUazAi4Zp4-00392-00154643-00154788 the dike and the granite. DMUazAi4Zp4-00393-00154788-00155133 And we might notice there's a kind of a broad low, DMUazAi4Zp4-00394-00155133-00155418 and we could model that in and take that out. DMUazAi4Zp4-00395-00155418-00156090 And what we would have well left is DMUazAi4Zp4-00396-00156090-00156361 what's due to the shallow part of the dike. DMUazAi4Zp4-00397-00156361-00156591 And you can see that we can distinguish these anomalies DMUazAi4Zp4-00398-00156591-00157344 because the dike is very sharp, very high frequency, very DMUazAi4Zp4-00399-00157344-00157488 short wavelength. DMUazAi4Zp4-00400-00157488-00157845 The granite is medium frequency, a medium wavelength. DMUazAi4Zp4-00401-00157845-00158139 And the dipping strata produces an anomaly DMUazAi4Zp4-00402-00158139-00158697 that's very broad and very long wavelength. DMUazAi4Zp4-00403-00159328-00159665 We can go through this process of decomposing the anomalies. DMUazAi4Zp4-00404-00159665-00160027 And then with some other guidance, DMUazAi4Zp4-00405-00160027-00160384 a structural hypothesis, other data, DMUazAi4Zp4-00406-00160384-00160693 say, refraction data, we can invert DMUazAi4Zp4-00407-00160693-00160870 the anomaly for the structure. DMUazAi4Zp4-00408-00160870-00161143 We've got to make some kind of assumption, DMUazAi4Zp4-00409-00161143-00161485 and then we can do an inversion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00410-00161485-00161926 Now I would like to push that the first inversion you DMUazAi4Zp4-00411-00161926-00162462 should always do is the Bouguer slab inversion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00412-00162462-00162664 And this is very, very simple. DMUazAi4Zp4-00413-00162664-00162823 We start with the elevation correction DMUazAi4Zp4-00414-00162823-00163495 equation, which gives us the effect of the Bouguer slab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00415-00163495-00163810 And this is, basically this row here DMUazAi4Zp4-00416-00163810-00164018 is the density above the density of air. DMUazAi4Zp4-00417-00164018-00164650 We have 0.3083 milligal per meter DMUazAi4Zp4-00418-00164650-00164935 that is the free air correction. DMUazAi4Zp4-00419-00164935-00165143 And then this Bouguer slab is really DMUazAi4Zp4-00420-00165143-00165331 accounting for the difference between the air DMUazAi4Zp4-00421-00165331-00165592 and the rock that's actually underneath our measurement DMUazAi4Zp4-00422-00165592-00166225 point, in between our measurement point and the data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00423-00166225-00166448 And that rock has a density of rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00424-00166448-00166675 But what we have to realize is that that density DMUazAi4Zp4-00425-00166675-00167206 rho that I'm pointing out here, that density rho is really DMUazAi4Zp4-00426-00167206-00167356 the difference in density. DMUazAi4Zp4-00427-00167356-00167578 It's really a delta rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00428-00167578-00167896 And when we used it in the elevation correction equation, DMUazAi4Zp4-00429-00167896-00168282 we used it in the sense that it's DMUazAi4Zp4-00430-00168282-00168684 the difference in density between air, which we're DMUazAi4Zp4-00431-00168684-00168864 accounting for with the free air correction DMUazAi4Zp4-00432-00168864-00169281 here, between air and the rock. DMUazAi4Zp4-00433-00169281-00169420 It's a density difference, but it DMUazAi4Zp4-00434-00169420-00169637 happens to be-- since it's the difference from zero, DMUazAi4Zp4-00435-00169637-00169990 it happens to be the total density of the rock DMUazAi4Zp4-00436-00169990-00170329 And that gives us a delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00437-00170329-00170826 So now let's assume that instead of-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00438-00170826-00171012 we're going to have a Bouguer slab DMUazAi4Zp4-00439-00171012-00171449 that instead of being above our datum is down below our datum. DMUazAi4Zp4-00440-00171449-00171798 It's what we're trying to find. DMUazAi4Zp4-00441-00171798-00172062 So we have a Bouguer anomaly, delta g. DMUazAi4Zp4-00442-00172062-00172638 And it's due only to an infinite slab, no edge, DMUazAi4Zp4-00443-00172638-00172908 of thickness delta h. DMUazAi4Zp4-00444-00172908-00173217 So we observe an edge. DMUazAi4Zp4-00445-00173217-00173604 We observe a difference at our anomaly, delta g, DMUazAi4Zp4-00446-00173604-00173805 so obviously it has an edge. DMUazAi4Zp4-00447-00173805-00174189 But we can first get a very, very simple inversion DMUazAi4Zp4-00448-00174189-00174693 just by saying, all right, we've got a density-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00449-00174693-00174987 we've got we got it we got a gravity difference here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00450-00174987-00175617 And let's just see what it would give us with an infinite slab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00451-00175617-00175845 And of course, the infinite slab is not DMUazAi4Zp4-00452-00175845-00176124 going to be a model of that edge, DMUazAi4Zp4-00453-00176124-00176838 but it's going to start us on the way of explaining how much DMUazAi4Zp4-00454-00176838-00177171 anomalous density do we need. DMUazAi4Zp4-00455-00177171-00177295 So we have an infinite slab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00456-00177295-00177666 It has a thickness, delta h, and a density difference, DMUazAi4Zp4-00457-00177666-00177801 delta rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00458-00177801-00178141 And that delta rho can be negative. DMUazAi4Zp4-00459-00178141-00178410 In what we're doing, we're going to be considering DMUazAi4Zp4-00460-00178410-00179019 what is the bedrock topography at the bottom of the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00461-00179019-00179598 And the basin is essentially, it's lighter than the bedrock. DMUazAi4Zp4-00462-00179598-00179943 So often we can say, all right, the basin DMUazAi4Zp4-00463-00179943-00180372 might have a density of 2.2 grams per cc DMUazAi4Zp4-00464-00180372-00180777 and the bedrock has a density of 2.7 grams per cc. DMUazAi4Zp4-00465-00180777-00181266 So we would say the basin sediments have a density DMUazAi4Zp4-00466-00181266-00181989 difference of minus 0.5 grams per cc, a density difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00467-00181989-00182459 And in fact, the basin being lighter, DMUazAi4Zp4-00468-00182459-00182793 what we're going to try to do is figure out, in both the gravity DMUazAi4Zp4-00469-00182793-00183117 lab and in our field work, is figure out DMUazAi4Zp4-00470-00183117-00183660 how thick is that basin below our gravity anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00471-00183660-00184155 Now, you have a light basin with a negative density difference, DMUazAi4Zp4-00472-00184155-00184275 delta rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00473-00184275-00184503 So you should get a negative delta DMUazAi4Zp4-00474-00184503-00185016 G. So here's the Bouguer part, the Bouguer slab DMUazAi4Zp4-00475-00185016-00185241 part pulled out. DMUazAi4Zp4-00476-00185241-00185574 It says delta g is equal to delta h. DMUazAi4Zp4-00477-00185574-00185802 That's our thickness. DMUazAi4Zp4-00478-00185802-00186189 So delta g is our gravity anomaly, and it's in milligals. DMUazAi4Zp4-00479-00186189-00186480 Delta h is in meters. DMUazAi4Zp4-00480-00186480-00186744 And that's the thickness of our Bouguer slab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00481-00186744-00187279 And it's 0.04192 times delta rho. DMUazAi4Zp4-00482-00187279-00187456 Now that's in grams per cc. DMUazAi4Zp4-00483-00187456-00187569 And that could be negative. DMUazAi4Zp4-00484-00187569-00187962 That is our density difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00485-00187962-00188385 And then we solve this equation for delta h. DMUazAi4Zp4-00486-00188385-00189505 So let's say I've got a basin, like the Reno basin DMUazAi4Zp4-00487-00189505-00190009 here, that we'll do our gravity lab on. DMUazAi4Zp4-00488-00190009-00190609 We've got a place out at West McCarran and Mayberry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00489-00190609-00190832 The delta g there is minus. DMUazAi4Zp4-00490-00190832-00191581 It's a gravity hole, so the delta g is minus 25 milligal. DMUazAi4Zp4-00491-00191581-00192091 And then we divide it by 0.004192 DMUazAi4Zp4-00492-00192091-00192646 and also divide by the density difference, which for a basin DMUazAi4Zp4-00493-00192646-00192943 might be minus 0.3. DMUazAi4Zp4-00494-00192943-00193882 So we have a negative gravity anomaly, minus 25 milligal. DMUazAi4Zp4-00495-00193882-00194044 We have a negative density difference, DMUazAi4Zp4-00496-00194044-00194590 which might be delta rho equals minus 0.5. DMUazAi4Zp4-00497-00194590-00194725 The negatives cancel. DMUazAi4Zp4-00498-00194725-00194980 And we get a positive thickness. DMUazAi4Zp4-00499-00194980-00195349 Turns out you do this simple Bouguer slab calculation DMUazAi4Zp4-00500-00195349-00196536 for the West Reno basin, and you get about 1 kilometer depth. DMUazAi4Zp4-00501-00196536-00196833 And I think that's with, on average, DMUazAi4Zp4-00502-00196833-00197795 of minus 0.3 grams per cc density difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00503-00197795-00198032 So that's how that works. DMUazAi4Zp4-00504-00198032-00198302 We first ask, how deep is our basin? DMUazAi4Zp4-00505-00198302-00199085 So we take our maximum gravity difference out in the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00506-00199085-00199523 And we put it through this simple Bouguer slab equation. DMUazAi4Zp4-00507-00199523-00199817 We've got to assume some sort of density difference, which DMUazAi4Zp4-00508-00199817-00200066 we might be able to guess. DMUazAi4Zp4-00509-00200066-00201465 And then we get a first estimate of the thickness of the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00510-00201465-00201979 Now, in our gravity lab, we're going DMUazAi4Zp4-00511-00201979-00202918 to explore a further basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00512-00202918-00203500 I mean, further and more accurate inversion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00513-00203500-00204100 So this is a figure you'll see again DMUazAi4Zp4-00514-00204100-00204298 when we do the gravity lab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00515-00204298-00204819 And basically the data is on top, DMUazAi4Zp4-00516-00204819-00205344 and the model, the depth to the bottom of the basin, DMUazAi4Zp4-00517-00205344-00205569 is on the bottom. DMUazAi4Zp4-00518-00205569-00206087 And the depth of the bedrock is down here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00519-00206087-00206313 And this is the data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00520-00206313-00206662 So we have a Bouguer anomaly value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00521-00206662-00206871 And it gets to negative 25 when we're DMUazAi4Zp4-00522-00206871-00207090 in the center of the basin, which DMUazAi4Zp4-00523-00207090-00207257 is right about at Mayberry and McCarran. DMUazAi4Zp4-00524-00207602-00207973 And if you go through the Bouguer slab equation, DMUazAi4Zp4-00525-00207973-00208598 you get this curve here, which is a-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00526-00208598-00208915 you can see, it's kind of a minimum approximation. DMUazAi4Zp4-00527-00208915-00209140 Where the base it's not too deep, DMUazAi4Zp4-00528-00209140-00209365 it's actually pretty close to the final result, DMUazAi4Zp4-00529-00209365-00209756 which is the solid blue curve. DMUazAi4Zp4-00530-00209756-00210032 But where the basin is deep, and particularly where DMUazAi4Zp4-00531-00210032-00210196 there are these-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00532-00210196-00210485 you can see there's these gravity gradients here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00533-00210485-00210842 where the gravity decreases rather rapidly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00534-00210842-00211369 And the inversion is going to put in some real deepenings DMUazAi4Zp4-00535-00211369-00211458 of the basin there. DMUazAi4Zp4-00536-00211458-00211608 Maybe these are the bounding faults. DMUazAi4Zp4-00537-00212019-00212337 And this is somewhat vertically exaggerated, DMUazAi4Zp4-00538-00212337-00212919 probably a factor of two or three vertically exaggerated, DMUazAi4Zp4-00539-00212919-00213363 so not hugely vertically exaggerated, but some. DMUazAi4Zp4-00540-00213363-00213896 So the Bouguer slab basically gave us a minimum deflection, DMUazAi4Zp4-00541-00213896-00214101 a minimum thickness of the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00542-00214101-00214371 And then we found that to fit the gravity DMUazAi4Zp4-00543-00214371-00215663 gradients, the Bouguer slab, or the inversion-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00544-00215663-00215966 and we'll find out more about this inversion DMUazAi4Zp4-00545-00215966-00216119 when we do the gravity lab. DMUazAi4Zp4-00546-00216119-00216598 But the inversion has to put in much greater depths. DMUazAi4Zp4-00547-00216598-00216704 Now how is that? DMUazAi4Zp4-00548-00216704-00217151 Well, up on top, this Bouguer slab, DMUazAi4Zp4-00549-00217151-00217536 once you put it through the actual 2D or 3D calculation, DMUazAi4Zp4-00550-00217536-00217850 you can see it's only generating part of the gravity anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00551-00217850-00218252 It's generating this dotted line here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00552-00218252-00218492 And so to get the rest of the-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00553-00218492-00219005 that's only going down to like 12, a maximum anomaly of 12 DMUazAi4Zp4-00554-00219005-00219152 milligals. DMUazAi4Zp4-00555-00219152-00219431 So to get all the way to 25 milligals, DMUazAi4Zp4-00556-00219431-00219692 it's got to make the basin deeper DMUazAi4Zp4-00557-00219692-00220253 to provide more gravity anomaly, a smaller Bouguer DMUazAi4Zp4-00558-00220253-00220619 anomaly value and more contrast with the areas DMUazAi4Zp4-00559-00220619-00220788 outside of the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00560-00220788-00220982 You know, over here on the right-hand side, DMUazAi4Zp4-00561-00220982-00221198 the thickness is zero, and so we're DMUazAi4Zp4-00562-00221198-00221710 outside the basin, at least at the edge of the basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00563-00221710-00222144 So the Bouguer slab equation doesn't provide enough anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00564-00222144-00222498 Over here, actually near the edge of the basin, DMUazAi4Zp4-00565-00222498-00222917 where the slope is very shallow, it really is-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00566-00222917-00223173 you don't get much better than that. DMUazAi4Zp4-00567-00223173-00223380 But then we get to near these gravity gradients, DMUazAi4Zp4-00568-00223380-00223523 and they're just too steep. DMUazAi4Zp4-00569-00223523-00223803 And it's got to put a more of a density DMUazAi4Zp4-00570-00223803-00224271 hole there to match the actual gravity measurements. DMUazAi4Zp4-00571-00224271-00224546 Now this Bouguer slab equation is-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00572-00224546-00224634 I'm sorry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00573-00224634-00224826 Whether it's Bouguer slab equation or actually DMUazAi4Zp4-00574-00224826-00225196 the 2D Talwani inversion-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00575-00225196-00225531 the Talwani inversion is assuming cylindrical symmetry. DMUazAi4Zp4-00576-00225531-00225801 And I happen to know that-- and on the gravity map DMUazAi4Zp4-00577-00225801-00226359 of West Reno, you can see that the anomaly doesn't extend DMUazAi4Zp4-00578-00226359-00226485 infinitely north and south. DMUazAi4Zp4-00579-00226485-00226894 It's pretty much restricted to the west Reno neighborhood. DMUazAi4Zp4-00580-00226894-00227346 So in fact, if we did a 3D Talwani inversion, DMUazAi4Zp4-00581-00227346-00228342 it wouldn't-- even this 2D anomaly would not match the-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00582-00228592-00229089 or this 2D cylindrically symmetric, infinitely DMUazAi4Zp4-00583-00229089-00229423 north and south extending basin is not DMUazAi4Zp4-00584-00229423-00229536 going to match the gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00585-00229536-00229680 It's not going be quite enough. DMUazAi4Zp4-00586-00229680-00229941 It's going to have to put at an even deeper basin here DMUazAi4Zp4-00587-00229941-00230219 to match the gravity data. DMUazAi4Zp4-00588-00230219-00230613 And that is a difference-- certainly you DMUazAi4Zp4-00589-00230613-00231117 go from the 1D approximation, the 1D inversion. DMUazAi4Zp4-00590-00231117-00231450 That's the Bouguer slab equation, just very simple. DMUazAi4Zp4-00591-00231450-00231666 It's at the bottom of this slide right. DMUazAi4Zp4-00592-00231666-00231998 That gives you a minimum depth. DMUazAi4Zp4-00593-00231998-00232266 You go to a 2D calculation, you get more depth. DMUazAi4Zp4-00594-00232266-00232362 You get a deeper basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00595-00232755-00233250 Yeah, you get a deeper basis or more density difference. DMUazAi4Zp4-00596-00233250-00233463 And then if you go from 2D to 3D, DMUazAi4Zp4-00597-00233463-00233634 which I'm not showing you here, you'll DMUazAi4Zp4-00598-00233634-00233805 get an even deeper basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00599-00233805-00234201 So the 3D basin would be even further down here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00600-00234201-00234432 And that's kind of how it progresses. DMUazAi4Zp4-00601-00234432-00235017 1D Bouguer slab, that's the minimum thickness, DMUazAi4Zp4-00602-00235017-00235287 minimum basin thickness. DMUazAi4Zp4-00603-00235287-00235998 2D Talwani inversion, you'll get a deeper basin. DMUazAi4Zp4-00604-00235998-00236294 And you go to a 3D inversion, and you'll DMUazAi4Zp4-00605-00236294-00236667 get an even deeper base because there's just DMUazAi4Zp4-00606-00236667-00237234 a lot of mass in that 2D basin that's extending infinitely DMUazAi4Zp4-00607-00237234-00237371 north and south. DMUazAi4Zp4-00608-00237371-00237627 And that's not there in the true 3D situation. DMUazAi4Zp4-00609-00237627-00238086 So to model that same anomaly, you've DMUazAi4Zp4-00610-00238086-00238915 got to have an even deeper basin at the center anyway. DMUazAi4Zp4-00611-00238915-00239371 Here's some other guidelines you can use in-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00612-00239371-00239571 just observe from the data, and use DMUazAi4Zp4-00613-00239571-00239709 those to guide your modeling. DMUazAi4Zp4-00614-00240025-00240682 If you take, let's say, this normally faulted sheet, DMUazAi4Zp4-00615-00240682-00241558 and basically you have the deeper slab, DMUazAi4Zp4-00616-00241558-00241933 you get far enough to the left out towards positive DMUazAi4Zp4-00617-00241933-00242273 infinity or negative infinity here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00618-00242273-00242803 you get away from the edge, and it all goes to the same value. DMUazAi4Zp4-00619-00242803-00243100 So if you just have sheet B, it's DMUazAi4Zp4-00620-00243100-00243400 going to be raised over here on the left. DMUazAi4Zp4-00621-00243400-00243638 And if you just have sheet A on the right, DMUazAi4Zp4-00622-00243638-00243759 it's going to be raised. DMUazAi4Zp4-00623-00243759-00244051 The gravity is going to be raised over here on the right. DMUazAi4Zp4-00624-00244051-00244258 But it's all about the shape of the edge. DMUazAi4Zp4-00625-00244258-00244525 And that's how you can tell that there's faulting. DMUazAi4Zp4-00626-00244525-00245164 That's how you can tell which side is down, because look, DMUazAi4Zp4-00627-00245164-00245479 sheet B is deeper. DMUazAi4Zp4-00628-00245479-00245851 So here's the anomaly to sheet B, which is kind of-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00629-00246437-00246759 the anomaly due to sheet B is kind of long wavelength DMUazAi4Zp4-00630-00246759-00246873 because it's deeper. DMUazAi4Zp4-00631-00246873-00247121 The anomaly due to sheet A is sharper DMUazAi4Zp4-00632-00247121-00247407 because it's not so deep. DMUazAi4Zp4-00633-00247407-00247678 And you add them both together, which DMUazAi4Zp4-00634-00247678-00247861 is exactly what you need to do with gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00635-00247861-00248194 You just add it together arithmetically, DMUazAi4Zp4-00636-00248194-00248805 and you notice that you get kind of this off-center anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00637-00248805-00249013 And so that's how you can tell which side is up, DMUazAi4Zp4-00638-00249013-00249114 which side is shallower. DMUazAi4Zp4-00639-00249392-00249544 And you can even-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00640-00249544-00249917 you might be able to make some conclusions about the depth-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00641-00249917-00250248 I'm sorry, about the dip of the fault. DMUazAi4Zp4-00642-00250248-00250435 Now this requires lots of other control. DMUazAi4Zp4-00643-00250435-00250823 You've got to make sure that you know DMUazAi4Zp4-00644-00250823-00251136 that this faulted sheet this is what's DMUazAi4Zp4-00645-00251136-00251523 producing the gravity anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00646-00251523-00251919 But with some other constraints, constraining information, DMUazAi4Zp4-00647-00251919-00252240 you really can see the difference in the gravity DMUazAi4Zp4-00648-00252240-00252417 anomaly and interpret it. DMUazAi4Zp4-00649-00252417-00252659 So if it's a-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00650-00252659-00253008 the case below, it's a normally faulted sheet. DMUazAi4Zp4-00651-00253008-00253200 We always have the right side up here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00652-00253200-00253515 But if it's normally faulted sheet and the dip of the fault DMUazAi4Zp4-00653-00253515-00254211 is 60 degrees, then there's a gap and there's more of a hole. DMUazAi4Zp4-00654-00254211-00254592 There's a sheet gap as the normal fault opens up. DMUazAi4Zp4-00655-00254592-00255094 And there's less density there overall. DMUazAi4Zp4-00656-00255094-00255446 So you see mostly a negative anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00657-00255446-00255731 That's the gray points here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00658-00255731-00256481 And if you go to a thrust faulted sheet, DMUazAi4Zp4-00659-00256481-00256808 then there is an overlap here. DMUazAi4Zp4-00660-00256808-00257027 And there's more density, so it's going to be more-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00661-00257027-00257315 it's going to be an off-center positive anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00662-00257315-00257590 And then if it's a 90-degree fault, DMUazAi4Zp4-00663-00257590-00258266 then you get the centered and symmetrical anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00664-00258266-00259058 So the asymmetry, the off-centeredness, that DMUazAi4Zp4-00665-00259058-00259277 can tell you, if you've got enough control, DMUazAi4Zp4-00666-00259277-00259633 that can tell you what the dip is. DMUazAi4Zp4-00667-00259633-00260023 And you can use tools just like a spreadsheet here DMUazAi4Zp4-00668-00260023-00260692 that's setup that will give you the fault dip. DMUazAi4Zp4-00669-00260692-00260969 OK, let's talk a little bit about, right at the end here, DMUazAi4Zp4-00670-00260969-00261578 about field effort for gravity work. DMUazAi4Zp4-00671-00261578-00261737 Once you guys get good at it, you DMUazAi4Zp4-00672-00261737-00262067 will probably be able to take your three readings in two DMUazAi4Zp4-00673-00262067-00262178 to six minutes. DMUazAi4Zp4-00674-00262178-00262430 As long as you're careful to level DMUazAi4Zp4-00675-00262430-00262940 and your gravity meter hasn't been jostled, DMUazAi4Zp4-00676-00262940-00263285 and you don't have to turn the dial a whole bunch because you DMUazAi4Zp4-00677-00263285-00263596 just went up or down a whole bunch in elevation, DMUazAi4Zp4-00678-00263596-00263957 as you're proceeding along a line, DMUazAi4Zp4-00679-00263957-00264131 it's not going to take you-- eventually, DMUazAi4Zp4-00680-00264131-00264395 once you're trained, once you have some experience-- it's DMUazAi4Zp4-00681-00264395-00264587 going to take a two to six minutes to get those three DMUazAi4Zp4-00682-00264587-00264774 readings that I want at each gravity station. DMUazAi4Zp4-00683-00265034-00265901 And actually, when you're using post-process GPS, DMUazAi4Zp4-00684-00265901-00266249 where you're doing dual-frequency phase DMUazAi4Zp4-00685-00266249-00266984 observations, for that accurate velocity differential GPS-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00686-00266984-00267347 I'm sorry, accurate elevation-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00687-00267347-00267608 one foot accurate elevation, six minutes DMUazAi4Zp4-00688-00267608-00268520 is about what you need to get enough GPS data collected. DMUazAi4Zp4-00689-00268520-00268958 Now, we have the privilege of using the government's DMUazAi4Zp4-00690-00268958-00269189 real-time RTK unit. DMUazAi4Zp4-00691-00269189-00269744 And that's going to cut, for similar accuracy, that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00692-00269744-00270395 going to vastly cut the time it's going to take us to take DMUazAi4Zp4-00693-00270395-00270509 an accurate GPS reading. DMUazAi4Zp4-00694-00270509-00270801 So reading the gravimeter is going DMUazAi4Zp4-00695-00270801-00271452 to be our essential time sink. DMUazAi4Zp4-00696-00271452-00272132 If you're using a theodolite, that may have a similar-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00697-00272132-00272435 hopefully just two minutes, but if you're DMUazAi4Zp4-00698-00272435-00272633 more than a kilometer away from the theodolite DMUazAi4Zp4-00699-00272633-00272924 with the reflector and stadia rod, DMUazAi4Zp4-00700-00272924-00273449 it might take six minutes to get that constraint. DMUazAi4Zp4-00701-00273449-00274024 So each gravity reading isn't taking that long. DMUazAi4Zp4-00702-00274024-00274439 You might be able to get 10 per hour. DMUazAi4Zp4-00703-00274439-00274673 And so, really, the travel time between stations, that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00704-00274673-00274892 the controlling factor. DMUazAi4Zp4-00705-00274892-00275564 and if I have you out walking on the east side or to the south, DMUazAi4Zp4-00706-00275564-00275909 away from roads, where we can't-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00707-00275909-00276137 maybe we won't be allowed to drive, DMUazAi4Zp4-00708-00276137-00276410 so really, that walking time between stations, DMUazAi4Zp4-00709-00276410-00276635 that's going to be the controlling factor. DMUazAi4Zp4-00710-00276635-00276956 It's going to take a minute or two for you to get DMUazAi4Zp4-00711-00276956-00277241 the 100 between stations. DMUazAi4Zp4-00712-00277241-00277441 And if the stations are farther apart than that, DMUazAi4Zp4-00713-00277441-00277733 it's going to take you longer. DMUazAi4Zp4-00714-00277733-00278350 And then you might need one day office time DMUazAi4Zp4-00715-00278350-00278795 for reducing and checking and cross-checking the two or three DMUazAi4Zp4-00716-00278795-00279197 days worth of gravity field work. DMUazAi4Zp4-00717-00279197-00279655 So that's how you can bid it out. DMUazAi4Zp4-00718-00279655-00280180 Now I'm requiring the gravity group DMUazAi4Zp4-00719-00280180-00280408 to take a look at the existing data that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00720-00280408-00280546 in the [? place's ?] database. DMUazAi4Zp4-00721-00280546-00281071 We don't want to repeat too many of the existing gravity data DMUazAi4Zp4-00722-00281071-00281473 points that are around Schurz. DMUazAi4Zp4-00723-00281473-00281830 And then, as we had to do with our Mt. DMUazAi4Zp4-00724-00281830-00282163 Hood project, we had to actually integrate our new data together DMUazAi4Zp4-00725-00282163-00282268 with the older data sets. DMUazAi4Zp4-00726-00282268-00282852 And I'm hoping that you'll be able to do that in the Schurz DMUazAi4Zp4-00727-00282852-00282985 area as well. DMUazAi4Zp4-00728-00282985-00283360 We will set our new results into the background DMUazAi4Zp4-00729-00283360-00283819 of what are no doubt the more scattered, more sparse, DMUazAi4Zp4-00730-00283819-00284074 older results. DMUazAi4Zp4-00731-00284074-00284356 And then we're going to have to do some sort of interpretation DMUazAi4Zp4-00732-00284356-00284497 or modeling. DMUazAi4Zp4-00733-00284497-00284665 We might just use-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00734-00284665-00285001 we might make some conclusions just from observing where DMUazAi4Zp4-00735-00285001-00285583 the gravity gradients are and check those gradients DMUazAi4Zp4-00736-00285583-00286189 to see where those-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00737-00286536-00286779 and check those gradients maybe with a half DMUazAi4Zp4-00738-00286779-00287163 a simple half-width observation just to see how deep. DMUazAi4Zp4-00739-00287163-00287490 Are we looking deep enough for this to be the basin floor? DMUazAi4Zp4-00740-00287490-00287856 That's going to be our question in Schurz. DMUazAi4Zp4-00741-00287856-00288756 And this guidance from Gary here is very valuable-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00742-00288756-00289202 simple interpretations, not putting in 50 bodies DMUazAi4Zp4-00743-00289202-00289503 and trying to balance everything out, DMUazAi4Zp4-00744-00289503-00289842 not trying to fit every little zig and zag DMUazAi4Zp4-00745-00289842-00290097 precisely of the gravity curve. DMUazAi4Zp4-00746-00290097-00290460 Simple interpretations are best. DMUazAi4Zp4-00747-00290460-00290874 And if they link in data from outcrop, DMUazAi4Zp4-00748-00290874-00291159 and they link in real information from drill holes DMUazAi4Zp4-00749-00291159-00291444 or maybe from other geophysical techniques, DMUazAi4Zp4-00750-00291444-00291771 then they're most likely to be valid. DMUazAi4Zp4-00751-00291771-00292299 So Occam's razor is the rule the day. DMUazAi4Zp4-00752-00292299-00292461 We want simple interpretations. DMUazAi4Zp4-00753-00292461-00292728 The simplest one that explains 90% DMUazAi4Zp4-00754-00292728-00292962 of the gravity anomaly, that's the one DMUazAi4Zp4-00755-00292962-00293273 I'm going to be happiest with. DMUazAi4Zp4-00756-00293273-00293564 And we'll see what happens when you-- in the gravity lab, DMUazAi4Zp4-00757-00293564-00293936 we'll see what happens when you try to invert gravity data too DMUazAi4Zp4-00758-00293936-00294025 accurately. DMUazAi4Zp4-00759-00294302-00294716 So the overall cost, depending on the distance DMUazAi4Zp4-00760-00294716-00294998 between stations and all that and how hard DMUazAi4Zp4-00761-00294998-00295208 they are to access-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00762-00295208-00295475 do you have to climb up mountain side, DMUazAi4Zp4-00763-00295475-00295988 or can you just drive to it in 10 seconds? DMUazAi4Zp4-00764-00295988-00296315 So $20 to $200 per station, the accessibility DMUazAi4Zp4-00765-00296315-00296538 makes a huge difference there. DMUazAi4Zp4-00766-00296538-00297299 So if you have a field vehicle and a gravimeter DMUazAi4Zp4-00767-00297299-00297785 and an accurate GPS, especially with this RTK, DMUazAi4Zp4-00768-00297785-00298622 you might be able to charge $900 to $1,500 per field day. DMUazAi4Zp4-00769-00298622-00298866 That's the cost for a trained person DMUazAi4Zp4-00770-00298866-00299201 to take these kinds of measurements. DMUazAi4Zp4-00771-00299201-00299765 And if you're lucky, you can get, for that $900 to $1,500, DMUazAi4Zp4-00772-00299765-00299978 depending on accessibility again, DMUazAi4Zp4-00773-00299978-00300173 you'll get 10 to 60 stations per day. DMUazAi4Zp4-00774-00300611-00300914 We used to try to use differential L1/L2 DMUazAi4Zp4-00775-00300914-00301508 carrier-phase GPS, relying on local base stations. DMUazAi4Zp4-00776-00301508-00301700 Like around here in southern Washoe County, DMUazAi4Zp4-00777-00301700-00301916 there's a lot of county maintained stations. DMUazAi4Zp4-00778-00302192-00302558 And we can easily get that one foot elevation DMUazAi4Zp4-00779-00302558-00303479 control, that 30 centimeter elevation control, with that. DMUazAi4Zp4-00780-00303479-00304043 But it's going to be so much easier with the RTK system DMUazAi4Zp4-00781-00304043-00304463 that Dan Munger is bringing to us. DMUazAi4Zp4-00782-00304463-00304874 I expect most of our effort is going DMUazAi4Zp4-00783-00304874-00305147 to go into doing the gravity measurements DMUazAi4Zp4-00784-00305147-00305355 and to walking across areas where DMUazAi4Zp4-00785-00305355-00305534 we're not allowed to drive. DMUazAi4Zp4-00786-00305534-00306065 And the GPS is going to be a fairly simple affair DMUazAi4Zp4-00787-00306065-00306685 since we have the benefit of using such great equipment. DMUazAi4Zp4-00788-00306685-00306892 Here's an example. DMUazAi4Zp4-00789-00306892-00307297 This is an attempt, essentially, at a riffability study DMUazAi4Zp4-00790-00307297-00307585 and a void study using gravity. DMUazAi4Zp4-00791-00307585-00307948 So notice that the biggest void, which DMUazAi4Zp4-00792-00307948-00308101 is down here in this section-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00793-00308101-00308875 so a void is filled perhaps with water or perhaps with air. DMUazAi4Zp4-00794-00308875-00309145 And Medford Caves, Florida, that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00795-00309145-00309730 probably an air-filled void. DMUazAi4Zp4-00796-00309730-00309940 And that's producing the-- the two voids together DMUazAi4Zp4-00797-00309940-00310159 are producing the largest gravity anomaly. DMUazAi4Zp4-00798-00310159-00310382 But you can't see the scale in the video for sure. DMUazAi4Zp4-00799-00310382-00310603 But if you look at the notes, you'll DMUazAi4Zp4-00800-00310603-00311350 see that the gravity anomaly here is only 35 microgal. DMUazAi4Zp4-00801-00311350-00311902 So that's 0.03 milligal, which is really at the-- DMUazAi4Zp4-00802-00311902-00312374 this is at the absolute limit of the resolution, DMUazAi4Zp4-00803-00312374-00312727 as we have proved with classes. DMUazAi4Zp4-00804-00312727-00313171 That's at the absolute limit of resolution of our gravimeter. DMUazAi4Zp4-00805-00313171-00313264 We have a chance. DMUazAi4Zp4-00806-00313264-00313666 With very careful elevation control, DMUazAi4Zp4-00807-00313666-00313822 survey into the nearest centimeter, DMUazAi4Zp4-00808-00313822-00313976 we might be able to do it. DMUazAi4Zp4-00809-00313976-00314254 And without having to mess around with terrain corrections DMUazAi4Zp4-00810-00314254-00314632 too much, we might be able to achieve this. DMUazAi4Zp4-00811-00314632-00314791 And that's what the voids do. DMUazAi4Zp4-00812-00314791-00315196 Now notice that these anomalies are mimicked pretty severely, DMUazAi4Zp4-00813-00315196-00315508 especially over here at the right-hand side, which I DMUazAi4Zp4-00814-00315508-00315767 hope you can see in the video. DMUazAi4Zp4-00815-00315767-00316141 They're mimicked by the clay that's DMUazAi4Zp4-00816-00316141-00316672 filling the karst depressions, like the one that poor fellow, DMUazAi4Zp4-00817-00316672-00317023 also in Florida, fell into, got sucked into, DMUazAi4Zp4-00818-00317023-00317182 that open up in his bedroom. DMUazAi4Zp4-00819-00317182-00317713 So karst is filled with less dense material. DMUazAi4Zp4-00820-00317713-00318319 And that's producing these same kinds of anomalies. DMUazAi4Zp4-00821-00318319-00318643 So they could tell that this anomaly here DMUazAi4Zp4-00822-00318643-00319282 was not from sand and clay, but from a cave DMUazAi4Zp4-00823-00319282-00319637 because they know where the cave is. DMUazAi4Zp4-00824-00319637-00320036 But how could you distinguish them in the field? DMUazAi4Zp4-00825-00320036-00320366 There's not necessarily much difference.