iyBTJV8zlA0-00000-00000593-00000747 greetings everyone iyBTJV8zlA0-00001-00000747-00001083 this is Matthew Moretz, one of the priest's at saint bartholomew's in New York City and today iyBTJV8zlA0-00002-00001083-00001246 I'd like to give you a closer look iyBTJV8zlA0-00003-00001246-00001891 at our beautiful "Sanctus" window. It's a spectacle of glass and stone and light iyBTJV8zlA0-00004-00001891-00002307 a whopping 24 feet in diameter, made the 1940s iyBTJV8zlA0-00005-00002307-00002632 and it's actually one big gift. given in memory iyBTJV8zlA0-00006-00002632-00002990 of Lily Vanderbilt Field by her mother Emily iyBTJV8zlA0-00007-00002990-00003356 Vanderbilt White. This window is chock-full of angels iyBTJV8zlA0-00008-00003356-00003832 This is a way of talking about a message from god. And the word 'angelos' iyBTJV8zlA0-00009-00003832-00004289 angel actually means messenger and one of the ways that you can portray an iyBTJV8zlA0-00010-00004289-00004348 angel iyBTJV8zlA0-00011-00004348-00004852 in art is as a person with wings. When they're not sending messages iyBTJV8zlA0-00012-00004852-00005295 angels are said to be singing to god in heaven and that's why we call it the Sanctus iyBTJV8zlA0-00013-00005295-00005403 window because iyBTJV8zlA0-00014-00005403-00005745 Sanctus refers to the song that these angels sing. iyBTJV8zlA0-00015-00005745-00006140 we read about the songs in the visions of the prophet Isaiah iyBTJV8zlA0-00016-00006145-00006450 and of Saint John the Divine who wrote the book of Revelation iyBTJV8zlA0-00017-00006450-00006781 there the song that the angels are heard to be singing is iyBTJV8zlA0-00018-00006781-00007128 Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, in Latin. iyBTJV8zlA0-00019-00007128-00007456 In English its holy holy holy iyBTJV8zlA0-00020-00007456-00007863 now the church is also taken on this song at the Angels iyBTJV8zlA0-00021-00007863-00008257 we sing it every time we prepare to take the bread and the wine iyBTJV8zlA0-00022-00008257-00008647 at Holy Communion the great thing about this when does that the iyBTJV8zlA0-00023-00008647-00009082 artist distinguish the angels in all kinds of ways really gives the Angels iyBTJV8zlA0-00024-00009082-00009404 character they've given one typeof angel the cherubim iyBTJV8zlA0-00025-00009404-00009924 blue wings the cherubim in hebrew other one to plow the fields of heaven for God iyBTJV8zlA0-00026-00009924-00010257 but in this window there seem kneeling in prayer iyBTJV8zlA0-00027-00010257-00010640 and offering up incense you can see another greater iyBTJV8zlA0-00028-00010640-00011088 rank angel the Serophene their portrayed with Red Wings iyBTJV8zlA0-00029-00011088-00011576 these in Hebrew or the burning ones and they are seen to be attending to the iyBTJV8zlA0-00030-00011576-00011635 Saints iyBTJV8zlA0-00031-00011635-00012065 and the profits there in heaven the closer you get to the center the peace iyBTJV8zlA0-00032-00012065-00012533 the Angels get more important here you can see the larger Sarah film the larger iyBTJV8zlA0-00033-00012533-00012620 cherubim iyBTJV8zlA0-00034-00012620-00013000 they each have six wings that are covered with allies iyBTJV8zlA0-00035-00013000-00013406 they also share a place with the thrones iyBTJV8zlA0-00036-00013406-00013788 another title angel the thrones or the open EEM iyBTJV8zlA0-00037-00013788-00014288 conveyed guards justice and authority you can recognize them by the thrones iyBTJV8zlA0-00038-00014288-00014409 our chairs that are iyBTJV8zlA0-00039-00014409-00014863 underneath them Paul had a vision of these and next to the thrones you can iyBTJV8zlA0-00040-00014863-00015197 discover the arc angels these are the highest rank iyBTJV8zlA0-00041-00015197-00015661 %uh angels the only ones with names and you can recognize who's who iyBTJV8zlA0-00042-00015661-00016031 by the symbols but they're holding the Archangel Uriel iyBTJV8zlA0-00043-00016031-00016366 beers the symbol love the Sun for his name means iyBTJV8zlA0-00044-00016366-00016726 fire of God the Archangel Raphael iyBTJV8zlA0-00045-00016726-00017090 carries a pilgrim's staff with a pouch full medicine iyBTJV8zlA0-00046-00017090-00017513 his name means medicine to cart Gabriel means iyBTJV8zlA0-00047-00017513-00017884 man of God and He appeared today in your zachariah us iyBTJV8zlA0-00048-00017884-00018355 and most importantly Mary at the Annunciation he told her that she was iyBTJV8zlA0-00049-00018355-00018520 going to bear Jesus iyBTJV8zlA0-00050-00018520-00018848 you can recognize him by his announcing trumpet iyBTJV8zlA0-00051-00018848-00019193 and finally there's the Archangel Michael iyBTJV8zlA0-00052-00019193-00019677 captain up the hosts of heaven this angels name is actually a rhetorical iyBTJV8zlA0-00053-00019677-00019737 question iyBTJV8zlA0-00054-00019737-00020052 which means who is like God his iyBTJV8zlA0-00055-00020052-00020500 staff has a cross on top of it a globe that he holds has a cross on it iyBTJV8zlA0-00056-00020500-00021061 and his robes are died with crosses this is a triple association with the very iyBTJV8zlA0-00057-00021061-00021178 center of the peace iyBTJV8zlA0-00058-00021178-00021508 the very center of heaven itself a son iyBTJV8zlA0-00059-00021508-00021850 eclipsed by the cross iyBTJV8zlA0-00060-00021850-00022176 and the flames reach out and almost touch the Archangels iyBTJV8zlA0-00061-00022176-00022479 this Center feature the Sun cross iyBTJV8zlA0-00062-00022479-00022798 is nothing less than the Barry Hart I've got iyBTJV8zlA0-00063-00022798-00023272 which all the saints and profits and angels are circling in heaven iyBTJV8zlA0-00064-00023272-00023597 with their dance and their prayers and the song iyBTJV8zlA0-00065-00023597-00023982 what is this this is the shining light of God's love iyBTJV8zlA0-00066-00023982-00024351 a love that's not defeated by the cruel torturous iyBTJV8zlA0-00067-00024351-00024712 cross the worst of the earth is somehow iyBTJV8zlA0-00068-00024712-00025048 inscribed in the center of heaven and the darkness iyBTJV8zlA0-00069-00025048-00025362 doesn't overcome it as a final note iyBTJV8zlA0-00070-00025362-00025669 another one of the ways that we can talk about the angels iyBTJV8zlA0-00071-00025669-00026263 the week of Thrones is as wheels and so in the book at the prophet Ezekiel we iyBTJV8zlA0-00072-00026263-00026624 read that in his vision he saw the opening these angels iyBTJV8zlA0-00073-00026624-00027244 as wheels within wheels and I think it's no coincidence that this window was made iyBTJV8zlA0-00074-00027244-00027312 in the shape iyBTJV8zlA0-00075-00027312-00027822 I love a wheel it so we'll window with spokes of stone throughout it iyBTJV8zlA0-00076-00027822-00028124 and so if you think about it this window is iyBTJV8zlA0-00077-00028124-00028445 actually in the shape up a great angel iyBTJV8zlA0-00078-00028445-00028797 one great message from God iyBTJV8zlA0-00079-00028797-00029057 while ok what a vision iDCke84sC7A-00000-00000032-00000132 Hello. iDCke84sC7A-00001-00000132-00000232 Keanan Tan here. iDCke84sC7A-00002-00000232-00000332 I'm the director of this film. iDCke84sC7A-00003-00000332-00000432 (Also the subs guy!) iDCke84sC7A-00004-00000432-00001095 Now you may know me or you may not know me but what I have ready for you is my very own iDCke84sC7A-00005-00001095-00001195 Beyblade review. iDCke84sC7A-00006-00001195-00001295 The Bey in question is B-168 Rage Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00007-00001295-00001792 Now, I might not know how to do reviews but I've definitely tried my best, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00008-00001792-00002067 It's taken me a whole week to prepare this. iDCke84sC7A-00009-00002067-00002383 If you thought anything was wrong, please leave a message down in the comments. iDCke84sC7A-00010-00002383-00002541 Now before we start, I'd like to thank all my associates and all my family members, most iDCke84sC7A-00011-00002541-00002982 especially my father for the camera, iDCke84sC7A-00012-00002982-00003191 my brother for supporting actor and my mum for emotional support. iDCke84sC7A-00013-00003191-00003431 Now that we've gotten out of the way, we can start the review. iDCke84sC7A-00014-00003431-00004072 And we can even do a little intro joke too. iDCke84sC7A-00015-00004072-00005629 (And we can even do a little intro joke too ... And we can even do a little intro joke iDCke84sC7A-00016-00005629-00005729 too ...) iDCke84sC7A-00017-00005729-00005829 Episode 1: Surge! iDCke84sC7A-00018-00005829-00005929 Rage Longinus! iDCke84sC7A-00019-00005929-00006029 Oh my god! iDCke84sC7A-00020-00006029-00006129 Guys, you have to check this out! iDCke84sC7A-00021-00006129-00006229 You have to check this out! iDCke84sC7A-00022-00006229-00007144 So just for your current information, alright, the time now is 10:43 PM. 22nd of January iDCke84sC7A-00023-00007144-00007261 2021. iDCke84sC7A-00024-00007261-00007377 Alright? iDCke84sC7A-00025-00007377-00008333 Now, this is the day we're supposed to film the Rage Longinus video but I actually discovered iDCke84sC7A-00026-00008333-00008433 something. iDCke84sC7A-00027-00008433-00008988 Now, you can come in front of the camera if you want. iDCke84sC7A-00028-00008988-00009201 Say what? iDCke84sC7A-00029-00009201-00009482 Now can you come over here? iDCke84sC7A-00030-00009482-00009582 Come closer to it. iDCke84sC7A-00031-00009582-00009682 Come closer to it. iDCke84sC7A-00032-00009682-00010237 So you see, before this it was actually over here, alright, but it just so happened -- overnight, iDCke84sC7A-00033-00010237-00010763 over the course of one day somehow or some rather -- this thing actually moves spots iDCke84sC7A-00034-00010763-00010863 to over here. iDCke84sC7A-00035-00010863-00011204 I don't know why that happened but let's just keep it there. iDCke84sC7A-00036-00011204-00011376 Let's just keep it there. iDCke84sC7A-00037-00011376-00011801 Maybe if we keep it around for another week, something might happen, who knows? iDCke84sC7A-00038-00011801-00012214 Now it's the 23rd of January, one day after we were supposed to record. iDCke84sC7A-00039-00012214-00012765 It's 11:55 at night and look what happened here. iDCke84sC7A-00040-00012765-00012956 Look what happened here. iDCke84sC7A-00041-00012956-00013181 The box... iDCke84sC7A-00042-00013181-00013331 The box is flipped on its tail. iDCke84sC7A-00043-00013331-00013472 Yeah that's what happened, folks! iDCke84sC7A-00044-00013472-00013765 And it's resting on my notebooks. iDCke84sC7A-00045-00013765-00013905 Just like me! iDCke84sC7A-00046-00013905-00014110 From here to here to here. iDCke84sC7A-00047-00014110-00014231 I don't know where it's gonna go next. iDCke84sC7A-00048-00014231-00014331 What's going on?! iDCke84sC7A-00049-00014331-00014431 No. iDCke84sC7A-00050-00014431-00014791 I've been documenting the movement of my Rage Longinus for the past few days, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00051-00014791-00014993 (Loud whir in the background.) iDCke84sC7A-00052-00014993-00015356 Now, basically, here's the sum up about what's happened. iDCke84sC7A-00053-00015356-00015851 Ever since we filmed that last clip on the 23rd, I basically had to move it out of that iDCke84sC7A-00054-00015851-00016326 position, alright; move it out of that position so that I could access my books for school. iDCke84sC7A-00055-00016326-00016844 And then I put it back here and it was firmly sat here until Thursday. iDCke84sC7A-00056-00016844-00017075 Now, you know what happened now. iDCke84sC7A-00057-00017075-00017305 I can't seem to find it. iDCke84sC7A-00058-00017305-00017692 Can you all help me find it? iDCke84sC7A-00059-00017692-00017859 Why is it next to all the stationery? iDCke84sC7A-00060-00017859-00018055 Why is this here? iDCke84sC7A-00061-00018055-00018170 You know what? iDCke84sC7A-00062-00018170-00018270 You know what we're gonna do? iDCke84sC7A-00063-00018270-00018370 You know what we're gonna do? iDCke84sC7A-00064-00018370-00019290 I'm gonna put this in restraints to make sure that it doesn't move. iDCke84sC7A-00065-00019290-00019762 In the bin, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00066-00019762-00019955 In the bin. iDCke84sC7A-00067-00019955-00020055 Pat pat and it's closed. iDCke84sC7A-00068-00020055-00020155 Just so you know, I've got all my fam next to me. iDCke84sC7A-00069-00020155-00020453 I've got my dad, I've got my brother and I've got myself. iDCke84sC7A-00070-00020453-00020553 And LBSC17. iDCke84sC7A-00071-00020553-00021056 Just so you know we didn't warp time, it's now 9:26 on the 29th of [January], alright? iDCke84sC7A-00072-00021056-00021676 I don't know if you can see that but who knows? iDCke84sC7A-00073-00021676-00022006 So, come over here, come over here. iDCke84sC7A-00074-00022006-00022625 Now, let's hope it hasn't moved since the last time. iDCke84sC7A-00075-00022625-00022873 Still in the cupboard! iDCke84sC7A-00076-00022873-00022997 Okay, good. iDCke84sC7A-00077-00022997-00023097 Good. iDCke84sC7A-00078-00023097-00023497 It stayed -- we need it for the review and we're gonna start right now. iDCke84sC7A-00079-00023497-00023795 We can finally start the review of Rage Longin...uh? iDCke84sC7A-00080-00023795-00023895 (Loud whir in the background.) iDCke84sC7A-00081-00023895-00023995 What?! iDCke84sC7A-00082-00023995-00024095 What happened? iDCke84sC7A-00083-00024095-00024195 Holy crap! iDCke84sC7A-00084-00024195-00024326 Why is this not here? iDCke84sC7A-00085-00024326-00024431 Why is this not here? iDCke84sC7A-00086-00024431-00024633 Now hold on, hold on, hold on. iDCke84sC7A-00087-00024633-00024806 Let me check the other one. iDCke84sC7A-00088-00024806-00024979 Let me check the other one. iDCke84sC7A-00089-00024979-00025079 What the frick? iDCke84sC7A-00090-00025079-00025179 Why is it here? iDCke84sC7A-00091-00025179-00025287 Why is it here? iDCke84sC7A-00092-00025287-00025387 It was in the other cupboard just now. iDCke84sC7A-00093-00025387-00025487 Maybe it must be one person in heaven ... iDCke84sC7A-00094-00025487-00025587 Oh what the crap? iDCke84sC7A-00095-00025587-00025687 Oh what the crap? iDCke84sC7A-00096-00025687-00025787 (Loud whir in the background.) iDCke84sC7A-00097-00025787-00025887 Uhh? iDCke84sC7A-00098-00025887-00025987 Where is it now? iDCke84sC7A-00099-00025987-00026087 Where is it now? iDCke84sC7A-00100-00026087-00026187 It's not here, oh no! iDCke84sC7A-00101-00026187-00026287 I don't know! iDCke84sC7A-00102-00026287-00026387 Oh no, wait! iDCke84sC7A-00103-00026387-00026487 Why is it over there? iDCke84sC7A-00104-00026487-00026587 Why is it over there? iDCke84sC7A-00105-00026587-00026687 Why is it over there? iDCke84sC7A-00106-00026687-00026866 Oh god! iDCke84sC7A-00107-00026866-00027102 Oh god! iDCke84sC7A-00108-00027102-00027202 Oh god! iDCke84sC7A-00109-00027202-00027302 Oh god! iDCke84sC7A-00110-00027302-00027402 Oh god! iDCke84sC7A-00111-00027402-00027502 I'm gonna murder it! iDCke84sC7A-00112-00027502-00027602 I'm gonna murder it with my ... iDCke84sC7A-00113-00027602-00027702 Now, stand back. iDCke84sC7A-00114-00027702-00027802 Stand back. iDCke84sC7A-00115-00027802-00027902 Stand back and stand by, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00116-00027902-00028002 Zoom in on that. iDCke84sC7A-00117-00028002-00028102 Zoom in on that. iDCke84sC7A-00118-00028102-00028202 Whatever you do, zoom in on that. iDCke84sC7A-00119-00028202-00028302 Okay. iDCke84sC7A-00120-00028302-00028402 (A gust of air is heard, a mysterious letter appears from thin air.) iDCke84sC7A-00121-00028402-00028502 Okay. iDCke84sC7A-00122-00028502-00028602 Oh my god! iDCke84sC7A-00123-00028602-00028702 Oh my god! iDCke84sC7A-00124-00028702-00028802 What happened? iDCke84sC7A-00125-00028802-00028902 What happened? iDCke84sC7A-00126-00028902-00029002 What happened? iDCke84sC7A-00127-00029002-00029102 Wait. iDCke84sC7A-00128-00029102-00029202 I don't know. iDCke84sC7A-00129-00029202-00029302 Wait. iDCke84sC7A-00130-00029302-00029402 There's a piece of paper! iDCke84sC7A-00131-00029402-00029502 Can I read it? iDCke84sC7A-00132-00029502-00029602 Why is it in a sawtooth design? iDCke84sC7A-00133-00029602-00029702 In a hanger design? iDCke84sC7A-00134-00029702-00029802 But can I read it? iDCke84sC7A-00135-00029802-00029902 Okay, okay. iDCke84sC7A-00136-00029902-00030002 Zoom in on him. iDCke84sC7A-00137-00030002-00030102 He's gonna read it for us. iDCke84sC7A-00138-00030102-00030202 He's gonna read it for us. iDCke84sC7A-00139-00030202-00030302 (Keanan's brother reads the letter.) iDCke84sC7A-00140-00030302-00030402 "Hahaha! iDCke84sC7A-00141-00030402-00030502 Face me losers! iDCke84sC7A-00142-00030502-00030824 I'm the strongest Beyblade in all the lands. iDCke84sC7A-00143-00030824-00030924 ... iDCke84sC7A-00144-00030924-00031024 Wait what? iDCke84sC7A-00145-00031024-00031124 Oh. iDCke84sC7A-00146-00031124-00031224 ... Challenge me if you dare. iDCke84sC7A-00147-00031224-00031324 Hostages will be taken." iDCke84sC7A-00148-00031324-00031424 Oh, look. iDCke84sC7A-00149-00031424-00031524 And it's signed by Lui. iDCke84sC7A-00150-00031524-00031624 This fella. iDCke84sC7A-00151-00031624-00031786 What the heck, man? iDCke84sC7A-00152-00031786-00031889 How did he? iDCke84sC7A-00153-00031889-00031989 Oh god. iDCke84sC7A-00154-00031989-00032089 Oh god. iDCke84sC7A-00155-00032089-00032283 We're already off to a bad start. iDCke84sC7A-00156-00032283-00032463 We're already off to a bad start. iDCke84sC7A-00157-00032463-00032715 We got challenged by a real Beyblade cartoon guy! iDCke84sC7A-00158-00032715-00032815 Sigh. iDCke84sC7A-00159-00032815-00033102 I've just gotta set this up and I've got to do it. iDCke84sC7A-00160-00033102-00033253 And I'm just gonna continue. iDCke84sC7A-00161-00033253-00033741 I don't know what it meant about the hostages but I'm gonna take the best of the best from iDCke84sC7A-00162-00033741-00034063 my 5G Deckbox over there and I'll see what we can do, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00163-00034063-00034378 We've got to open this thing and we've got to fight it. iDCke84sC7A-00164-00034378-00035180 So, unlike most other reviews, this thing literally came up to me, wrote me a letter iDCke84sC7A-00165-00035180-00035327 and asked me to challenge it. iDCke84sC7A-00166-00035327-00035521 Even got a tooth design. iDCke84sC7A-00167-00035521-00035803 So now, I think I have no choice. iDCke84sC7A-00168-00035803-00036012 This thing is going to kill me if I don't, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00169-00036012-00036137 (Keanan points to various features on the box.) iDCke84sC7A-00170-00036137-00036325 This thing is a Sparking Bey. iDCke84sC7A-00171-00036325-00036474 Name's Rage Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00172-00036474-00036818 It has a Destroy' driver and 3A chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00173-00036818-00036918 Front pic. iDCke84sC7A-00174-00036918-00037263 Character from the show. iDCke84sC7A-00175-00037263-00037846 And on the back, stats sheet, which is blocked because got this imported from Taiwan. iDCke84sC7A-00176-00037846-00038450 The performance and then also ... iDCke84sC7A-00177-00038450-00038565 Oh. iDCke84sC7A-00178-00038565-00038759 That is also blocked out by a sticker. iDCke84sC7A-00179-00038759-00038859 Damnit Funbox! iDCke84sC7A-00180-00038859-00039124 (Funbox is an importer of Beyblades into Taiwan, the sticker had their logo on it.) iDCke84sC7A-00181-00039124-00039224 Sparking ability. iDCke84sC7A-00182-00039224-00039469 Uh, whatever else is here. iDCke84sC7A-00183-00039469-00039787 All the sides. iDCke84sC7A-00184-00039787-00040156 This is a left-spin attack type. iDCke84sC7A-00185-00040156-00040300 (All those icons on the left-hand side indicate these characteristics.) iDCke84sC7A-00186-00040300-00040400 (Left-spin is anticlockwise, right-spin is clockwise) iDCke84sC7A-00187-00040400-00040538 All of you should know by now. iDCke84sC7A-00188-00040538-00040800 And yeah, I've got to open this or else this thing's gonna kill me. iDCke84sC7A-00189-00040800-00040919 Bro, go ahead. iDCke84sC7A-00190-00040919-00041077 (Timelapse with non-claimable music. iDCke84sC7A-00191-00041077-00041368 You can find it in the description!) iDCke84sC7A-00192-00041368-00042056 Just in case I don't forget, here's the box when it's flattened. iDCke84sC7A-00193-00042056-00042400 (Slideshow showcasing the box again.) iDCke84sC7A-00194-00042400-00042613 And here's the QR Code, for Beypoints. iDCke84sC7A-00195-00042613-00042740 (Beypoints are a currency developed for Beyblade Burst. iDCke84sC7A-00196-00042740-00042912 It could be used to claim free gifts and offers online. iDCke84sC7A-00197-00042912-00043012 This feature was only used in Japan and will be discontinued in April 2021.) iDCke84sC7A-00198-00043012-00043112 Wanna start my own YouTube channel. iDCke84sC7A-00199-00043112-00043431 And with that out of the way, let's get into the main parts. iDCke84sC7A-00200-00043431-00043531 Stickers. iDCke84sC7A-00201-00043531-00043821 We're gonna put these on later. iDCke84sC7A-00202-00043821-00044058 Too hard? iDCke84sC7A-00203-00044058-00044559 And then inside, we've also got the instruction booklet. iDCke84sC7A-00204-00044559-00044868 This is B-168 Rage Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00205-00044868-00045599 (Slideshow showing the instructions with details.) iDCke84sC7A-00206-00045599-00045846 Here's the stats sheet. iDCke84sC7A-00207-00045846-00045978 I don't know why I'm saying "stats sheet" a lot of times. iDCke84sC7A-00208-00045978-00046194 And then also, we have the Customize Guide. iDCke84sC7A-00209-00046194-00046671 This is the June edition, with Lui and Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00210-00046671-00047158 You've got three recommended combos and we can't make any of these. iDCke84sC7A-00211-00047158-00047508 We barely have any Sparking stuff. iDCke84sC7A-00212-00047508-00048330 Promo for Lucifer and also for whatever else they had in Japan at the time. iDCke84sC7A-00213-00048330-00048430 Typical stuff. iDCke84sC7A-00214-00048430-00048627 Now it's time for the big boy! iDCke84sC7A-00215-00048627-00049108 Cause I was thinking: reuse, reduce, recycle. iDCke84sC7A-00216-00049108-00049536 Please be the scissors man. iDCke84sC7A-00217-00049536-00050121 Here's Rage, Destroy' and 3A. iDCke84sC7A-00218-00050121-00050422 We're gonna go through one by one, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00219-00050422-00051058 Now I don't have a coloured chassis but this doesn't underestimate the power of the Bey. iDCke84sC7A-00220-00051058-00051158 (Lol wut?) iDCke84sC7A-00221-00051158-00051372 First up is Rage Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00222-00051372-00051688 The ring and the chip. iDCke84sC7A-00223-00051688-00052113 If I can take out the chip, here's the Longinus chip. iDCke84sC7A-00224-00052113-00052445 Got a nice pink here and the core inside is purple and gold. iDCke84sC7A-00225-00052445-00052682 Pretty nice dragon motif. iDCke84sC7A-00226-00052682-00052977 Like with all Sparking chips, you can change it out. iDCke84sC7A-00227-00052977-00053301 And then after that, we have the Rage ring. iDCke84sC7A-00228-00053301-00053905 Now the Rage ring is actually similar to the Zwei base from GT, which we're gonna show iDCke84sC7A-00229-00053905-00054005 off later. iDCke84sC7A-00230-00054005-00054254 It's a left-spinning Sparking base. iDCke84sC7A-00231-00054254-00054682 It's got some blades here and it's also got two dragon heads! iDCke84sC7A-00232-00054682-00054850 Two metal dragon heads! iDCke84sC7A-00233-00054850-00055286 Now this thing looks a bit plain but once we put on stickers, this thing is gonna look iDCke84sC7A-00234-00055286-00055474 really nice! iDCke84sC7A-00235-00055474-00055914 And just so you know, on the spots with the two dragon heads there are rounded screws iDCke84sC7A-00236-00055914-00056065 on the back. iDCke84sC7A-00237-00056065-00056559 This is how they put them on. iDCke84sC7A-00238-00056559-00056991 Then, next up is the 3A chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00239-00056991-00057091 3A chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00240-00057091-00057546 Now this thing, if I can see it, is a left-spin only chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00241-00057546-00057792 It has the letter "L" on it, alright? iDCke84sC7A-00242-00057792-00058042 Now this thing is a double chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00243-00058042-00058526 It looks pretty jagged when you look at this from this way. iDCke84sC7A-00244-00058526-00058827 You might be wondering how it fits in with the whole Rage thing. iDCke84sC7A-00245-00058827-00058991 But here's the thing. iDCke84sC7A-00246-00058991-00060059 If I put the chip back on and I attach Rage onto 3A, you can see that the dragon head iDCke84sC7A-00247-00060059-00060778 on Rage actually extends into this exposed metal blade on the 3A chassis. iDCke84sC7A-00248-00060778-00061475 Now how this is supposed to work is that since this thing is in left-spin, it's gonna spin iDCke84sC7A-00249-00061475-00061575 counterclockwise. iDCke84sC7A-00250-00061575-00061887 And when this thing spins counterclockwise, the opponent will hit this part -- the blade iDCke84sC7A-00251-00061887-00062371 and the head -- and be thrown straight into the air! iDCke84sC7A-00252-00062371-00062471 Bang! iDCke84sC7A-00253-00062471-00062788 As to how that will work, again, we'll have to see. iDCke84sC7A-00254-00062788-00062936 This thing takes hostages. iDCke84sC7A-00255-00062936-00063144 Last up is the Destroy' driver. iDCke84sC7A-00256-00063144-00063499 Dash driver means it's got a strong spring. iDCke84sC7A-00257-00063499-00063772 Destroy, you might have seen this from Nightmare Longinus. iDCke84sC7A-00258-00063772-00063990 Free-spinning base, star-pointed tip. iDCke84sC7A-00259-00063990-00064295 A lot of you know this by now. iDCke84sC7A-00260-00064295-00064445 And now, the moment of truth. iDCke84sC7A-00261-00064445-00064687 Let's put this together and bring the demon to life! iDCke84sC7A-00262-00064687-00064849 Oh my god! iDCke84sC7A-00263-00064849-00065262 (Sound of thunder plays as Keanan snaps the Beyblade together) iDCke84sC7A-00264-00065262-00065362 Wait. iDCke84sC7A-00265-00065362-00065462 Those teeth aren't as strong as I thought. iDCke84sC7A-00266-00065462-00065689 But there it is, there it is. iDCke84sC7A-00267-00065689-00065964 What a majestic boy! iDCke84sC7A-00268-00065964-00066064 Yes! iDCke84sC7A-00269-00066064-00066396 The time has come! iDCke84sC7A-00270-00066396-00066768 But first, let's put on the stickers. iDCke84sC7A-00271-00066768-00067169 Now, we're gonna do the stickers but we're not gonna jumpcut this time. iDCke84sC7A-00272-00067169-00067359 We're gonna timelapse. iDCke84sC7A-00273-00067359-00067910 (Another timelapse with non-claimable music. iDCke84sC7A-00274-00067910-00068241 This one's homemade!) iDCke84sC7A-00275-00068241-00068872 Stickers out of the way, let's show you the parts again. iDCke84sC7A-00276-00068872-00069156 First is Rage, now looking much more lively. iDCke84sC7A-00277-00069156-00069790 You've got lightning details and also some wings on the dragon heads. iDCke84sC7A-00278-00069790-00070215 And just like Zwei, I also managed to screw this up. iDCke84sC7A-00279-00070215-00070594 I actually misplaced the stickers on these wings. iDCke84sC7A-00280-00070594-00070892 On Zwei, the adhesive wore off. iDCke84sC7A-00281-00070892-00071075 On Rage, they just fell off. iDCke84sC7A-00282-00071075-00071198 I can't find it. iDCke84sC7A-00283-00071198-00071298 But, eh. iDCke84sC7A-00284-00071298-00071736 Just gonna have to live with it. iDCke84sC7A-00285-00071736-00072073 3A chassis, no stickers. iDCke84sC7A-00286-00072073-00072248 And Destroy' has a driver sticker. iDCke84sC7A-00287-00072248-00072577 Now a few more notes before we begin. iDCke84sC7A-00288-00072577-00073229 On the 3A chassis, if you see on the back, it only has two teeth. iDCke84sC7A-00289-00073229-00073415 One and two. iDCke84sC7A-00290-00073415-00073740 Kindof like Valkyrie from GT. iDCke84sC7A-00291-00073740-00074470 So when I put this together, you're only gonna hear -- or rather you're only gonna feel -- because iDCke84sC7A-00292-00074470-00074933 of this whole chassis thing, alright, two clicks. iDCke84sC7A-00293-00074933-00075348 First and second, like that. iDCke84sC7A-00294-00075348-00075514 (Lol wut?) iDCke84sC7A-00295-00075514-00076019 And also, this Destroy' is in a nice ice recolour, if you didn't notice yet. iDCke84sC7A-00296-00076019-00076813 Comparing to other versions of the Longinus line: here I have my Lost Longinus, from how iDCke84sC7A-00297-00076813-00076913 ever many years ago this was. iDCke84sC7A-00298-00076913-00077478 Zwei, which we have a review of. iDCke84sC7A-00299-00077478-00077723 (Not so fast! iDCke84sC7A-00300-00077723-00078378 It, and much of our backlog, has not been edited yet. iDCke84sC7A-00301-00078378-00078582 Expect it someday but not soon.) iDCke84sC7A-00302-00078582-00078752 And our latest version, Rage. iDCke84sC7A-00303-00078752-00078854 Rage, Rage, Rage. iDCke84sC7A-00304-00078854-00078954 Baby rage. iDCke84sC7A-00305-00078954-00079642 And just for fun, here's a blue Destroy' that was a special promotion in Japan. iDCke84sC7A-00306-00079642-00079744 See the difference? iDCke84sC7A-00307-00079744-00079860 I hope you can. iDCke84sC7A-00308-00079860-00079960 So, enough nitpicking. iDCke84sC7A-00309-00079960-00080528 What we're gonna do is we're gonna cut to the big boy stadium -- we're gonna cut to iDCke84sC7A-00310-00080528-00081172 the Beystadium -- and we're gonna do some practical tests. iDCke84sC7A-00311-00081172-00081525 Now, this thing takes hostages. iDCke84sC7A-00312-00081525-00081779 And I really hope that my team can win. iEmJ8p7LAxY-00000-00000712-00001016 So there's this really weird game called Friday Night Funkin iEmJ8p7LAxY-00001-00001080-00001888 so if you can search it up like yeah friday night funkin so and yeah let's play it iEmJ8p7LAxY-00002-00002152-00003200 it looks and sounds really cool okay this is a loading screen it might be like really really iEmJ8p7LAxY-00003-00003200-00004088 loud so i am going to open the volume mixer and why is there a steam client web helper iEmJ8p7LAxY-00004-00004312-00004496 i have friday night funkin running iEmJ8p7LAxY-00005-00005304-00005440 it might just be that iEmJ8p7LAxY-00006-00005656-00005856 technical issues are happening here iEmJ8p7LAxY-00007-00006200-00006600 um let's see what happens if i turn it all the way down to zero on iEmJ8p7LAxY-00008-00007008-00007895 alright this is sus wait oh there it is yeah i'm gonna turn it down to 37. iEmJ8p7LAxY-00009-00008080-00008719 you might be able to hear me better now sorry about that iEmJ8p7LAxY-00010-00008719-00009320 ok fine i'll do the tutorial iEmJ8p7LAxY-00011-00009320-00010992 only because it's the easiest thing i've ever played yes i played this game before iEmJ8p7LAxY-00012-00016096-00016384 look at that would you look at that i did it iEmJ8p7LAxY-00013-00016560-00017672 a round of applause for me we're gonna try week one on iEmJ8p7LAxY-00014-00017672-00018000 easy mode since i am too noobish to finish week one iEmJ8p7LAxY-00015-00020208-00021184 uh iEmJ8p7LAxY-00016-00024432-00025384 happy iEmJ8p7LAxY-00017-00026248-00026783 okay here's the hard part we have to do like a beat box battle three two one iEmJ8p7LAxY-00018-00028192-00029583 come on iEmJ8p7LAxY-00019-00030032-00031360 uh guys i can predict the future guys i can predict the future iEmJ8p7LAxY-00020-00031536-00031704 if you can hear me clapping that's good iEmJ8p7LAxY-00021-00037600-00037984 why do i suck at clicking keys iEmJ8p7LAxY-00022-00037984-00039384 also i use wasd because arrow keys iEmJ8p7LAxY-00023-00041152-00042284 are horrible iEmJ8p7LAxY-00024-00043056-00043584 me iEmJ8p7LAxY-00025-00044128-00044224 uh, yeah, yeah iEmJ8p7LAxY-00026-00044608-00045152 i wonder what week six is gonna be like. am i even recording? iEmJ8p7LAxY-00027-00053744-00053816 i did it iEmJ8p7LAxY-00028-00054032-00054072 did it iEmJ8p7LAxY-00029-00054984-00056791 i don't want to do this but i have to iEmJ8p7LAxY-00030-00056791-00057584 i'm missing a bunch of notes iEmJ8p7LAxY-00031-00058472-00058984 uh iEmJ8p7LAxY-00032-00059048-00060352 uh yeah let me just die here i did not know i did not know oh god let's try this again shall we iEmJ8p7LAxY-00033-00061328-00061784 okay iEmJ8p7LAxY-00034-00062679-00064584 you know what screw it i'm just gonna yeah i just died there because yes i can do better i know it iEmJ8p7LAxY-00035-00065504-00065984 pieces iEmJ8p7LAxY-00036-00066584-00067384 she's still doing bad iEmJ8p7LAxY-00037-00068712-00068960 uh oh do i keep dying iEmJ8p7LAxY-00038-00069336-00070184 okay iEmJ8p7LAxY-00039-00071864-00072984 foreign iEmJ8p7LAxY-00040-00074368-00075784 uh i will die continuously so yeah i hate mods iEmJ8p7LAxY-00041-00076352-00077184 i'm going to press these iEmJ8p7LAxY-00042-00078304-00078584 oh iEmJ8p7LAxY-00043-00079200-00079984 me iEmJ8p7LAxY-00044-00081024-00081384 this is the last time that i will try iEmJ8p7LAxY-00045-00082920-00084184 peace iEmJ8p7LAxY-00046-00085096-00085584 oh iEmJ8p7LAxY-00047-00086616-00087528 okay that is it thanks there will be a part iEmJ8p7LAxY-00048-00087808-00089784 two yeah and also yeah i use brave don't ask why okay bye iEmJ8p7LAxY-00049-00091196-00091296 (karlson iEmJ8p7LAxY-00050-00091296-00091533 vibe plays calmly) iF0S2zTw1Yg-00000-00008175-00008584 1 st time iF0S2zTw1Yg-00001-00011056-00011384 this iF0S2zTw1Yg-00002-00020792-00021184 video iF0S2zTw1Yg-00003-00022096-00022584 expriment iF0S2zTw1Yg-00004-00061784-00061791 in iF0S2zTw1Yg-00005-00066096-00066200 youtube channel iHSf4f4AipE-00000-00000704-00001402 Sagittarius Love Reading | March 2019 Focus on Love, Relationship, Soulmate & Twin Flame iHSf4f4AipE-00001-00001554-00002068 I mean the last week it's like a lot of you goes swinger swingers club in the iHSf4f4AipE-00002-00002068-00002875 last week so that's happening for you Lia's okay so and thank you guys for iHSf4f4AipE-00003-00002875-00003360 being here and thank you so much this is just so funny I love my mother cloud iHSf4f4AipE-00004-00003360-00003925 thank you so much alrighty you're gonna be looking at the Sagittarius and you iHSf4f4AipE-00005-00003925-00004323 see what is happening but said she is sad she sent you a Rising Sun and then iHSf4f4AipE-00006-00004323-00004600 we're going to be looking at the oak use this okay iHSf4f4AipE-00007-00004600-00005542 oh my god star diva it's true you know it's your baby girl you know that it's iHSf4f4AipE-00008-00005542-00006613 true baby girl okay um alright um this month your message come out for you iHSf4f4AipE-00009-00006613-00007183 Sagittarius young men on the month is going to be having effect on you guys so iHSf4f4AipE-00010-00007183-00007681 let's see what's coming up in love with you surgit Aryans young men okay iHSf4f4AipE-00011-00007681-00008209 you just spell out some spam you're gonna be the hot one in the month that's iHSf4f4AipE-00012-00008209-00008811 what they're saying okay so sergey's okay many young men and iHSf4f4AipE-00013-00008811-00009502 money okay young men and money now whatever is that man don't tell me I'm iHSf4f4AipE-00014-00009502-00009822 you guys alright I'm going with a clueless iHSf4f4AipE-00015-00009822-00010402 women for money um be careful huh okay so let's see what's coming out so bit iHSf4f4AipE-00016-00010402-00011311 saggy in the first week whoo beautiful clean beautiful Queen so whatever is iHSf4f4AipE-00017-00011311-00012957 coming out the sedge is beautiful clean damn I love the Stooges so some of you iHSf4f4AipE-00018-00012957-00013675 ladies you young leaders people are going to be really really hopefully iHSf4f4AipE-00019-00013675-00014259 poverty over you young ladies you said yes iHSf4f4AipE-00020-00014259-00015291 Sacha's p4r entity oh I like that one that is a tasty little chocolate okay so iHSf4f4AipE-00021-00015291-00015972 okay true gem is here and in the third week traveling is here so some of you iHSf4f4AipE-00022-00015972-00016693 could be traveling to see someone some of you could be receiving a gift where iHSf4f4AipE-00023-00016693-00017304 you're going wait the apartment it could be a short iHSf4f4AipE-00024-00017304-00017610 vacation sure we can this is going to be good iHSf4f4AipE-00025-00017610-00018341 okay so um someone could be offering you iHSf4f4AipE-00026-00018479-00019296 I guess you know travel in some place okay so this is very good and we have iHSf4f4AipE-00027-00019296-00019766 true love coming up for you Sacha's okay iHSf4f4AipE-00028-00019806-00021372 okay all right this is funny this is good okay all right use edges or rocking iHSf4f4AipE-00029-00021372-00022200 the shit all right all right I'll bend it like this where I think but you said iHSf4f4AipE-00030-00022200-00023115 geez you ever damn Jenny like to Jim in the second week and tune up in the last iHSf4f4AipE-00031-00023115-00023507 week with the wheel of fortune iHSf4f4AipE-00032-00023565-00024247 Sam of you will be going away on a little love nest vacation it's all about iHSf4f4AipE-00033-00024247-00025719 sex all weekend it's not going to be old lady um it's not gonna be your man no iHSf4f4AipE-00034-00025719-00026761 somebody else's husband okay all right now don't think that I'm being so Arabic iHSf4f4AipE-00035-00026761-00027314 okay I know my I laughed okay but I know I'm not doing that iHSf4f4AipE-00036-00027314-00028295 neither yeah I don't run the risk no it's just it's funny because whether iHSf4f4AipE-00037-00028295-00028968 this person is we're seeing that Valentine's adjust fires and the whoever iHSf4f4AipE-00038-00028968-00029708 is married or if you ever live with someone else and their ex or their extra iHSf4f4AipE-00039-00029708-00030308 girlfriend or whatever they couldn't do anything with them so they get them a iHSf4f4AipE-00040-00030308-00031000 weekend vacation in the month of March I know how it works iHSf4f4AipE-00041-00031000-00031865 boom so some of you married men could not have gone all with your extra little iHSf4f4AipE-00042-00031865-00032588 wheels that you have or two extra little heels so you're taking that person away iHSf4f4AipE-00043-00032588-00033350 for and now we can okay in the first week beautiful women it's all about the iHSf4f4AipE-00044-00033350-00034308 young female in the first week you young and Sagittarians in the first week it's iHSf4f4AipE-00045-00034308-00035612 gotta be good ladies who and the young men young black men uh-huh so let's look iHSf4f4AipE-00046-00035612-00036188 in the second week to Jim comes up and you're going to be connecting with iHSf4f4AipE-00047-00036188-00036791 someone from a past life and your older men could be connecting with a young iHSf4f4AipE-00048-00036791-00037458 lady in that past life now some of you are going to be connecting with a dark iHSf4f4AipE-00049-00037458-00038144 man and he's very controlling very controlling it could be you also that is iHSf4f4AipE-00050-00038144-00038880 a Sagittarian you're a dark man that is very controlling okay I'm laughing iHSf4f4AipE-00051-00038880-00040050 because look what flipped out Sagi oh my god I just I I just start laughing when iHSf4f4AipE-00052-00040050-00040756 I'm doing this Raven was Saji okay yo month is all about a past iHSf4f4AipE-00053-00040756-00041398 life we love that is coming back but I also a new love that is coming in this iHSf4f4AipE-00054-00041398-00042120 person who separate past life could be coming back as new love this is so iHSf4f4AipE-00055-00042120-00042832 incredible so I love this I really really love this for you guys so iHSf4f4AipE-00056-00042832-00043561 whatever is happening is that whether this past life is this person from your iHSf4f4AipE-00057-00043561-00044191 past life is coming back in now in this timeline as a new love and this is gif iHSf4f4AipE-00058-00044191-00044832 good you could be traveling when you meet this person so you could be iHSf4f4AipE-00059-00044832-00045553 traveling and you met this person on the way you know whether you're changing iHSf4f4AipE-00060-00045553-00046234 planes that are in the airport you know at the rental car company or at the iHSf4f4AipE-00061-00046234-00046588 business meeting that you went to you could have met we are going to be iHSf4f4AipE-00062-00046588-00048310 meeting this universes god damn god damn it whatever it is so late so subtle vo iHSf4f4AipE-00063-00048310-00048870 boy traveling you could be neat so that's true love and it is a soulmate iHSf4f4AipE-00064-00049008-00049921 Jesus alright okay alright truth laughs what's happening on the true level car iHSf4f4AipE-00065-00049921-00050509 Matic situation so I'm sure love is going to come in and it's going to be a iHSf4f4AipE-00066-00050509-00051448 car Matic love and it was destined to be okay oh my mg iHSf4f4AipE-00067-00051448-00051970 listen sad G there's a lot of jealousy a lot of gossip around you a lot of iHSf4f4AipE-00068-00051970-00052552 jealousy but guess what let them gossip let them jealous because they will be iHSf4f4AipE-00069-00052552-00053074 staying gossip and you will be moving on you will be the you will be on your road iHSf4f4AipE-00070-00053074-00053626 success all these people that is gossip you're gonna be coming back it's like iHSf4f4AipE-00071-00053626-00054220 you leave it's like you live you know where you grew up iHSf4f4AipE-00072-00054220-00054780 and you made it and you know you have traveler will and you come back you see iHSf4f4AipE-00073-00054780-00055375 the same losers sit there to gossip people who gossip or a bloody losers iHSf4f4AipE-00074-00055375-00055969 okay I really don't have any time to gossip Sarah I just I don't gossip if iHSf4f4AipE-00075-00055969-00056389 I'm um pitiful my girl Kroll is always talking about things about ourselves or iHSf4f4AipE-00076-00056389-00056722 back what we're not going to talk about someone else I mean we're talking to iHSf4f4AipE-00077-00056722-00057276 someone else I'm like why didn't he call you or you know that sort of a thing but iHSf4f4AipE-00078-00057276-00057766 there's a lot of gossip that goes on and you know I can't understand that because iHSf4f4AipE-00079-00057766-00058141 when people come to me to gossip about someone else I'm like why don't you just iHSf4f4AipE-00080-00058141-00058716 sell them why are you telling me you know no I don't like gossip I don't like iHSf4f4AipE-00081-00058716-00059070 people who gossip I'm sorry iHSf4f4AipE-00082-00059286-00060008 and I can sit $3 on the telephone with my girlfriend but it's all about we iHSf4f4AipE-00083-00060008-00061002 myself in her and we're kind of you know okay ladies and gentlemen we're looking iHSf4f4AipE-00084-00061002-00061566 at the beauty queens and they're going to be meetin their past slides people iHSf4f4AipE-00085-00061566-00062029 from the past life is coming back to me beautifully and these are their soul iHSf4f4AipE-00086-00062029-00062845 mates okay so you beautiful Queen out there you could be um you know making iHSf4f4AipE-00087-00062845-00063352 someone real and you you know definitely um you feel within yourself as this iHSf4f4AipE-00088-00063352-00064345 person is from a past life yes they are your soul mate okay the true Jam some of iHSf4f4AipE-00089-00064345-00065185 you young females are going to be meeting the love of your life okay this iHSf4f4AipE-00090-00065185-00065776 person is a person that you feel can never do anything wrong and this is iHSf4f4AipE-00091-00065776-00066223 going to be this place is going to be coming in as a new love to you okay this iHSf4f4AipE-00092-00066223-00066451 first is definitely going to be coming in iHSf4f4AipE-00093-00066451-00067141 as a new love to you and it was destined for you to me so we have the true Jim iHSf4f4AipE-00094-00067141-00067902 the new knob and destiny that means wherever you meet in this month of March iHSf4f4AipE-00095-00067902-00068433 whether you were married but adjournment already in a relationship this person iHSf4f4AipE-00096-00068433-00069016 was meant you were meant to meet this person okay definitely iHSf4f4AipE-00097-00069016-00069610 so you young leaders are definitely going to be meeting someone from your iHSf4f4AipE-00098-00069610-00070231 past life and you know this is going to be like the love of your life some of iHSf4f4AipE-00099-00070231-00070677 you young ladies are in a relationship with a dark man and he's very iHSf4f4AipE-00100-00070677-00071491 controlling this is someone who you know for a past lifetime and you come back in iHSf4f4AipE-00101-00071491-00071866 this life and he's very controlling okay I don't know how you're going to be iHSf4f4AipE-00102-00071866-00072673 dealing with that some of you again or as you travel you're going to be iHSf4f4AipE-00103-00072673-00073545 connecting with your true love and this person is definitely um they come back iHSf4f4AipE-00104-00073545-00073999 to clear comments with you okay definitely come back to clear commas iHSf4f4AipE-00105-00073999-00074629 with you then that we're seeing that a new knot is coming in for some of you iHSf4f4AipE-00106-00074629-00075207 and this univ is a soulmate and you guys were destined to meet because you iHSf4f4AipE-00107-00075207-00075858 definitely have to care some karma okay you guys were destined to me because you iHSf4f4AipE-00108-00075858-00076326 definitely need to care some commas so we're going to be looking to see who iHSf4f4AipE-00109-00076326-00077044 what when where what is going to be happening okay listen don't worry about iHSf4f4AipE-00110-00077044-00077619 this gossip because gossip there's a lot of people that is going to be gossiping iHSf4f4AipE-00111-00077619-00078049 over you guys in this month but let it go because whoever is gossip is seen iHSf4f4AipE-00112-00078049-00078839 right here and guess what is happening for you I'm serious iHSf4f4AipE-00113-00078839-00080010 people gossip okay let's look let's see see what's up men for you beautiful iHSf4f4AipE-00114-00080010-00080680 Queens the beautiful Queens you know if you love yourself and you think you're a iHSf4f4AipE-00115-00080680-00081178 beautiful Queen this is for you let's see what is happening for you the iHSf4f4AipE-00116-00081178-00082021 beautiful Queens ma'am I told you guys listen to me you iHSf4f4AipE-00117-00082021-00082582 beautiful Queen so put your hot body you're about to get pregnant I swear to iHSf4f4AipE-00118-00082582-00083439 God mm-hmm they're gonna be read me to the richest man damn you got pregnant iHSf4f4AipE-00119-00083439-00084643 uh-huh so be careful so the hot body baby's gonna be there okay so your iHSf4f4AipE-00120-00084643-00085186 beautiful Queens are going to be me to the king of Pentacles a Taurus river or iHSf4f4AipE-00121-00085186-00085966 a Capricorn and yeah damn it okay he has money he can support your child okay iHSf4f4AipE-00122-00085966-00086440 don't worry about it or you guys are going to get yourself pregnant because iHSf4f4AipE-00123-00086440-00086848 you meet this man and you know that this man has a lot of money you're definitely iHSf4f4AipE-00124-00086848-00087631 going to get yourself pregnant oh you're not a little girl hmm iHSf4f4AipE-00125-00087631-00088441 okay now we have this young female girl you need to get as sure you need to iHSf4f4AipE-00126-00088441-00089263 cover those legs up because you're about you're about to meet an older Pisces iHSf4f4AipE-00127-00089263-00089926 cancer or a scorpion man you you little devil because you're right here you you iHSf4f4AipE-00128-00089926-00091300 have the passion oh my god this poor old man seriously ladies and gentlemen take iHSf4f4AipE-00129-00091300-00091870 a look okay this is a Sagittarian that is about to iHSf4f4AipE-00130-00091870-00092679 seduce this is a young little girl that is about to seduce the spicies cancel or iHSf4f4AipE-00131-00092679-00093611 Pisces cancer or scorpion man damn no girl is gonna take you down whoo be iHSf4f4AipE-00132-00093611-00094657 careful this devious little eyes you're about to get pregnant okay so so oh it's iHSf4f4AipE-00133-00094657-00095231 so powerful is so positive and what is so funny about this because maybe you iHSf4f4AipE-00134-00095231-00095681 guys do not understand the whole thing's is that whether y'all are with you so iHSf4f4AipE-00135-00095681-00096254 young vibrant are we so cute and everything and most women when they're iHSf4f4AipE-00136-00096254-00096752 young they want to meet like men five years older than they are and then and iHSf4f4AipE-00137-00096752-00097631 the seductiveness the seductiveness that is coming up in Sagittarius especially iHSf4f4AipE-00138-00097631-00098077 you young ladies are going to be very seductive very seducing and you're iHSf4f4AipE-00139-00098077-00098654 having the Taurus Virgo and Capricorn men and you're gonna be seducing these iHSf4f4AipE-00140-00098654-00099847 people Oh unbelievable on believable oh yeah oh yeah now some of you black men iHSf4f4AipE-00141-00099847-00100927 when you're gonna be looking for your you're leaving your part you're going to iHSf4f4AipE-00142-00100927-00101713 be planning to leave your partner and look for someone new okay iHSf4f4AipE-00143-00101774-00102529 you black men or really deciding to leave your partner look for someone you iHSf4f4AipE-00144-00102592-00103186 mmm so you could be end in a long-term relationship because you have met iHSf4f4AipE-00145-00103186-00103973 someone but it's more as if you are in a relationship and you're deciding to let iHSf4f4AipE-00146-00103973-00104723 this relationship go and go look for a tune up okay you're definitely want to iHSf4f4AipE-00147-00104723-00105117 live Medical and go you don't look for true love iHSf4f4AipE-00148-00105117-00105988 so chill Jim some of you men iHSf4f4AipE-00149-00106449-00106833 you're a little bit devious you meant for five years and older iHSf4f4AipE-00150-00106833-00108611 okay very devious okay you have you're married to the mother for your life that iHSf4f4AipE-00151-00108611-00109593 the Chi gym that oh my god you meant for five years and older you are married to iHSf4f4AipE-00152-00109593-00110210 this person but okay it's your business okay iHSf4f4AipE-00153-00110210-00111192 past life some of you we're going to be connecting with a Taurus verb or a iHSf4f4AipE-00154-00111192-00111807 Capricorn and you're gonna be connected with this business a true business iHSf4f4AipE-00155-00111807-00112332 okay you're going to be connected this this this person is coming up from a iHSf4f4AipE-00156-00112332-00112830 past life and it's a woman it's a Taurus Virgo or capricorn but iHSf4f4AipE-00157-00112830-00113496 you're going to be connected with this person be a business and you could be iHSf4f4AipE-00158-00113496-00114123 good in a business and also good in you're going to be good connected in iHSf4f4AipE-00159-00114123-00114744 business business-wise but also it's gonna be a work and a business situation iHSf4f4AipE-00160-00114744-00115248 because um it could be a secretary or a sick a Taurus or something like that iHSf4f4AipE-00161-00115248-00115685 well whoever the store is over a cup corn person is if someone who have known iHSf4f4AipE-00162-00115685-00116190 in past lifetime and you're this first is coming back in your life or Europe iHSf4f4AipE-00163-00116190-00116714 returning in their lives and you're going to be building a real good iHSf4f4AipE-00164-00116714-00117434 stability this you're gonna be it's really something with a bill okay so iHSf4f4AipE-00165-00117434-00118113 it's gonna be a relationship that is based on business okay it's the space of iHSf4f4AipE-00166-00118113-00118683 incorporation this person is definitely there's someone you have been married to iHSf4f4AipE-00167-00118683-00119183 in the past like them is coming back and you're going to be meeting them through iHSf4f4AipE-00168-00119183-00119724 networking and that's gonna make it's going to be iHSf4f4AipE-00169-00119724-00120764 just wonderful cultural issues okay some of you who are dealing with the black iHSf4f4AipE-00170-00120764-00121535 guy is going to be having some control issues okay whoever this black guy is he iHSf4f4AipE-00171-00121535-00122060 has some control in issues and he's in a soulmate soulmate relationship and it iHSf4f4AipE-00172-00122060-00122885 was there still but because of the control issue that you have all of this iHSf4f4AipE-00173-00122885-00123602 black guy he's going to be leaving you okay so some of you definitely have some iHSf4f4AipE-00174-00123602-00124227 control issues cuz this black guy he doesn't want to be controlled whether he iHSf4f4AipE-00175-00124227-00124896 is he doesn't want to be controlled he wants to be free and he is being iHSf4f4AipE-00176-00124896-00125465 controlled and because he's being controlled he is not capable to be with iHSf4f4AipE-00177-00125465-00125978 a soul mate and he and his soul mate was destined to be together iHSf4f4AipE-00178-00125978-00126533 pianist soul mate was definitely destined to be together but he's been iHSf4f4AipE-00179-00126533-00127101 controlled by his marriage or his relationship and that makes him feel as iHSf4f4AipE-00180-00127101-00127827 if he's carrying a burden and he is he wants you like that he's looking for you iHSf4f4AipE-00181-00127827-00128388 now he wants you love he feels as if he's been so controlling he really iHSf4f4AipE-00182-00128388-00128952 really wants kneeled up in his life because he feels as alpha you know I'm iHSf4f4AipE-00183-00128952-00129665 so controlled by this person and and they were destined to be but he's so iHSf4f4AipE-00184-00129665-00130241 controlled by this person he he can't connect with you the way he needs to iHSf4f4AipE-00185-00130241-00131121 connect okay travel as I said with travel definitely um if you are iHSf4f4AipE-00186-00131121-00131796 traveling you could be traveling some of you are definitely going to be going for iHSf4f4AipE-00187-00131796-00132459 a weekend a long weekend away it was a gift that some of you receive page of iHSf4f4AipE-00188-00132459-00133166 Pentacles and in some of you this long weekend is iHSf4f4AipE-00189-00133166-00133794 going to be giving you a new start as if one of us person is you're going to be iHSf4f4AipE-00190-00133794-00134435 traveling to them or you'll be traveling bold and this long weekend that you're iHSf4f4AipE-00191-00134435-00134984 going on in the third week is it's going to be really giving you this new start iHSf4f4AipE-00192-00134984-00135254 because here you're gonna be traveling to some place iHSf4f4AipE-00193-00135254-00136121 and for some of you is a long weekend vacation that you got and whatever is iHSf4f4AipE-00194-00136121-00136898 trends fine is that by going to this place you might meet someone and decide iHSf4f4AipE-00195-00136898-00137426 okay I'm gonna move to that place so that is also good iHSf4f4AipE-00196-00137426-00137978 some of you via the traveling you could decide that is where I want to live okay iHSf4f4AipE-00197-00137978-00138645 so that's good okay new numbers coming in oh my god are your wishes and dreams iHSf4f4AipE-00198-00138645-00139229 are going to be there okay so some of you are going to be definitely meeting iHSf4f4AipE-00199-00139229-00139832 someone to travel and this is going to be something that you ever wish and iHSf4f4AipE-00200-00139832-00140473 dream for okay and this person is definitely going to be helping you as if iHSf4f4AipE-00201-00140473-00141188 you travel to someplace for business or so I you met someone and the person you iHSf4f4AipE-00202-00141188-00141650 feel so connected with a person and because you feel so connected with Luke iHSf4f4AipE-00203-00141650-00142241 Harrison this answer this is a person that you have always been hoping and iHSf4f4AipE-00204-00142241-00142859 dreaming to meet in your life okay this new love that is coming in you iHSf4f4AipE-00205-00142859-00143387 have been open for just lava you have been wishing and opening and hoping for iHSf4f4AipE-00206-00143387-00144149 this love and this love really is here for you now and this is just so positive iHSf4f4AipE-00207-00144149-00144707 and so good because whoever this new lab is they're good to be helping you to iHSf4f4AipE-00208-00144707-00145235 build stability in your life and this is just going to be positive just really iHSf4f4AipE-00209-00145235-00145840 really really so positive okay let's see what's happening with the twin flame iHSf4f4AipE-00210-00145935-00147132 okay so I can sum someone who's in a control relationship is one to break iHSf4f4AipE-00211-00147132-00147666 free and if you're in a controlling relationship you want to break free iHSf4f4AipE-00212-00147666-00148154 because um you wanna find your twin flame or a soulmate and it's as if iHSf4f4AipE-00213-00148154-00148604 you're in a relationship that is called this is you know this iHSf4f4AipE-00214-00148604-00149313 that's very taking over energy and controlling you and what you're going to iHSf4f4AipE-00215-00149313-00149700 decide to do is to break free from this relationship you're definitely iHSf4f4AipE-00216-00149700-00150075 definitely going to be breaking free from this relationship whatever this iHSf4f4AipE-00217-00150075-00150501 situation is you're definitely going to be breaking free from this relationship iHSf4f4AipE-00218-00150501-00150945 and by breaking free you're going to be finding your soulmate and this is going iHSf4f4AipE-00219-00150945-00151347 to be good because what is transpiring is that whatever that was holding you to iHSf4f4AipE-00220-00151347-00151851 this rate relationship you're your decider you know I've been controlled my iHSf4f4AipE-00221-00151851-00152295 whole time in this relationship and I'm I'm you know I'm letting myself I'm iHSf4f4AipE-00222-00152295-00152712 gonna free myself from this relationship because it's time that I break free and iHSf4f4AipE-00223-00152712-00153497 find my twin favored soulmate and you're going to be doing that destiny destiny iHSf4f4AipE-00224-00153991-00154989 okay some of these Sagittarians could be receiving a message from a Pisces cancer iHSf4f4AipE-00225-00154989-00155663 or a scorpion now whether this person is you're destined to be with this person iHSf4f4AipE-00226-00155663-00156669 okay so you expect unexpectedly you are going to be connecting with a iHSf4f4AipE-00227-00156669-00157359 Pisces cancer or a scorpion and unexpectedly um this could be someone iHSf4f4AipE-00228-00157359-00158061 now that you need to tear some karma way but Institute is someone who's a true iHSf4f4AipE-00229-00158061-00158891 love and is also a soul mate so again because this is a message for someone iHSf4f4AipE-00230-00158891-00159773 out there there is someone that you have met and a person iHSf4f4AipE-00231-00159773-00160754 is a true love it's you you have Karma's declare and they're also there to love iHSf4f4AipE-00232-00160754-00161222 but they're also a soulmate okay there are julep and there's also a soulmate so iHSf4f4AipE-00233-00161222-00161723 they they love you some a good place the love that is coming is not from sex is iHSf4f4AipE-00234-00161723-00162428 not from passion as from a good place is from the place where I have never felt iHSf4f4AipE-00235-00162428-00163071 so good with someone like I felt when I'm with you you know that sort of a iHSf4f4AipE-00236-00163071-00163572 that is really true love it's not it's not that is the sex is the passion iHSf4f4AipE-00237-00163572-00164307 whatever it is it's just that this person make your heart flutter okay this iHSf4f4AipE-00238-00164307-00165089 is this person seriously you know when your witness versus like the whole rule iHSf4f4AipE-00239-00165089-00165848 everything stop and the same love you share for this person is the same love iHSf4f4AipE-00240-00165848-00166485 they share for you okay and definitely you were destined to be together iHSf4f4AipE-00241-00166485-00167153 it is a Pisces cancer or a scorpion okay you're definitely and it's no bullshit iHSf4f4AipE-00242-00167153-00167847 thing but and this place is in the control in relationship and they're iHSf4f4AipE-00243-00167847-00168662 going to get out because they know that whatever contract they love working with iHSf4f4AipE-00244-00168662-00169210 whoever they're in a relationship this control in relationship they know that iHSf4f4AipE-00245-00169210-00170039 they need to get out okay and they know that you are the love of their life they iHSf4f4AipE-00246-00170039-00170405 know that you were destined to be together it's it's not even that they're iHSf4f4AipE-00247-00170405-00171227 acting they know it and it's so powerful for someone out there I don't know who iHSf4f4AipE-00248-00171227-00171921 you are but this is just so beautiful because you don't look this person this iHSf4f4AipE-00249-00171921-00172509 new person that is coming in because you're gonna meet this person okay some iHSf4f4AipE-00250-00172509-00173002 of you could have met this person before and like you iHSf4f4AipE-00251-00173002-00173521 haven't spoken for a while and you think about this person's the person thinks iHSf4f4AipE-00252-00173521-00173995 about you and they're gonna be coming back and that's why your wishes and iHSf4f4AipE-00253-00173995-00174334 dreams are gonna be coming true because they're going to be coming back in your iHSf4f4AipE-00254-00174334-00175066 life because they realize that they have been out there looking around and nobody iHSf4f4AipE-00255-00175066-00175777 fulfills them like you fulfilled them and they're gonna be coming back I love iHSf4f4AipE-00256-00175777-00177235 you I love you read and sergey's iIDK2G4u950-00000-00000000-00000265 >> Joining me today on Visual Studio Toolbox iIDK2G4u950-00001-00000265-00000387 is Tupelo, Mississippi's iIDK2G4u950-00002-00000387-00000561 second-most famous resident. iIDK2G4u950-00003-00000561-00000922 We're going to talk about DevOps and Azure Pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00004-00001409-00001677 Hi, welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. iIDK2G4u950-00005-00001677-00001880 I'm your host Robert Green and joining me today iIDK2G4u950-00006-00001880-00002095 is Mickey Gised. Mickey, how are you? iIDK2G4u950-00007-00002095-00002304 >> Hi Robert, I'm excited. I'm very excited to be here. iIDK2G4u950-00008-00002304-00002457 >> I'm excited too. I've been trying to get Mickey on iIDK2G4u950-00009-00002457-00002638 this show for probably years. iIDK2G4u950-00010-00002638-00002909 Now, that you are Microsoft employee, iIDK2G4u950-00011-00002909-00003136 and you're in town, today is the day. iIDK2G4u950-00012-00003136-00003369 >> I am. I'm a DevOps Architect on iIDK2G4u950-00013-00003369-00003840 the Microsoft DevOps Customer Advisory team and I'm very excited. iIDK2G4u950-00014-00003840-00004180 >> You are from Tupelo, Mississippi. iIDK2G4u950-00015-00004180-00004288 >> I am. Now, Robert, iIDK2G4u950-00016-00004288-00004610 do you know what Tupelo Mississippi is world famous for? iIDK2G4u950-00017-00004610-00004989 We are a small 30,000 person town in Northeast, Mississippi. iIDK2G4u950-00018-00004989-00005264 We get about 30,000 people a year that visit my town, iIDK2G4u950-00019-00005264-00005429 half of which probably come from Europe. iIDK2G4u950-00020-00005429-00005582 >> Yeah, it's the home of one of iIDK2G4u950-00021-00005582-00005864 my favorite blue Sires, Mr. Paul Thorn. iIDK2G4u950-00022-00005864-00006021 >> That is all- that is true but that is iIDK2G4u950-00023-00006021-00006195 not why they are world famous. iIDK2G4u950-00024-00006195-00006609 >> That would be the birthplace of the iconic Mr. Elvis Presley. iIDK2G4u950-00025-00006609-00006677 >> That is correct. iIDK2G4u950-00026-00006677-00006735 >> I didn't know that. iIDK2G4u950-00027-00006735-00006881 >> Elvis was born in a two room, iIDK2G4u950-00028-00006881-00007195 not a two-bedroom but a two room house in Northeast, Mississippi. iIDK2G4u950-00029-00007195-00007456 So they come, they tour his house. They tour his church. iIDK2G4u950-00030-00007456-00007625 They go to the hardware store downtown iIDK2G4u950-00031-00007625-00007801 where he bought his first guitar at age nine, iIDK2G4u950-00032-00007801-00007969 and it's still a hardware store, iIDK2G4u950-00033-00007969-00008095 and then they drive up to Memphis, iIDK2G4u950-00034-00008095-00008281 Tennessee to see Graceland where he got famous. iIDK2G4u950-00035-00008281-00008567 >> Cool. But that's not what we're here to talk about today. iIDK2G4u950-00036-00008567-00008693 >> No, that's not what we're here to talk. iIDK2G4u950-00037-00008693-00008843 >> We're going to do some DevOps stuff. iIDK2G4u950-00038-00008843-00009047 We're here to talk about Azure pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00039-00009047-00009176 >> We are indeed. iIDK2G4u950-00040-00009176-00009378 Do you know what Azure pipelines are, Robert? iIDK2G4u950-00041-00009378-00009485 >> I'm going to. iIDK2G4u950-00042-00009485-00009782 I do but I'm going to pretend I don't for the purpose of the show. iIDK2G4u950-00043-00009782-00009965 So, I do know about DevOps. iIDK2G4u950-00044-00009965-00010220 I know about Continuous Integration, iIDK2G4u950-00045-00010220-00010551 Continuous Deployment, your CICD Pipeline. iIDK2G4u950-00046-00010551-00010836 Are the Azure Pipelines the same as those? iIDK2G4u950-00047-00010836-00010991 >> It fits into that story. iIDK2G4u950-00048-00010991-00011342 Yes. So, we have Azure DevOps which used to be called iIDK2G4u950-00049-00011342-00011528 Visual Studio Team Services which is iIDK2G4u950-00050-00011528-00011879 the co-version of what used to be called Team Foundation Server. iIDK2G4u950-00051-00011879-00012188 So, one of the different- one of the components iIDK2G4u950-00052-00012188-00012483 of Azure DevOps is Azure Pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00053-00012483-00012785 and it's been referred to by a lot of different names. iIDK2G4u950-00054-00012785-00013010 They call it the Build System. It's got build. iIDK2G4u950-00055-00013010-00013106 It's got the build ability to do iIDK2G4u950-00056-00013106-00013338 Build Management, Release Management, iIDK2G4u950-00057-00013338-00013571 all of those things but we encapsulate that iIDK2G4u950-00058-00013571-00013899 into what we call just Azure Pipelines in general. iIDK2G4u950-00059-00013899-00014037 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00060-00014037-00014280 >> What's nice about Azure Pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00061-00014280-00014655 is it works with a multiple or a multitude of different languages. iIDK2G4u950-00062-00014655-00014955 So, we're talking Ruby C-sharp Python. iIDK2G4u950-00063-00014955-00015459 You can use it to deploy both On-prem or into the Cloud, iIDK2G4u950-00064-00015459-00015727 and you can target pass, iIDK2G4u950-00065-00015727-00015913 you can target infrastructure as a service. iIDK2G4u950-00066-00015913-00016199 It's got multiple different options for being able to work, iIDK2G4u950-00067-00016199-00016403 and the goal being to be able to iIDK2G4u950-00068-00016403-00016658 automate do that whole Continuous Integration, iIDK2G4u950-00069-00016658-00017032 Continuous Delivery to honestly build better software. iIDK2G4u950-00070-00017032-00017151 >> Okay. Cool. iIDK2G4u950-00071-00017151-00017386 >> Because, I mean, iIDK2G4u950-00072-00017386-00017723 the whole point of having a Build System is because, iIDK2G4u950-00073-00017723-00018141 if you have multiple developers working on the same code, iIDK2G4u950-00074-00018141-00018374 if you're not doing a daily build, iIDK2G4u950-00075-00018374-00018578 doing a nightly build, running your Smoke Test, iIDK2G4u950-00076-00018578-00018773 running your other- your Integration Tests, iIDK2G4u950-00077-00018773-00019148 then, you can run into a lot of problems farther down the road. iIDK2G4u950-00078-00019148-00019395 You can have a lot of bugs that creep into the system, iIDK2G4u950-00079-00019395-00019566 and once that happens, iIDK2G4u950-00080-00019566-00019763 that's Technical Debt and other things you have to iIDK2G4u950-00081-00019763-00019959 deal with at a later point in time. iIDK2G4u950-00082-00019959-00020207 What's interesting though, is you also need iIDK2G4u950-00083-00020207-00020489 to look at your releases, not just your builds. iIDK2G4u950-00084-00020489-00020771 Look at the Continuous Delivery aspect of it. iIDK2G4u950-00085-00020771-00020973 Because with Continuous Delivery, iIDK2G4u950-00086-00020973-00021294 the point is you want to be able to release in just say your Dev, iIDK2G4u950-00087-00021294-00021651 your QA, and your Prod the same way, iIDK2G4u950-00088-00021651-00021924 the same code every time. iIDK2G4u950-00089-00021924-00021966 >> Right. iIDK2G4u950-00090-00021966-00022209 >> If you're doing it manually, iIDK2G4u950-00091-00022282-00022709 you might miss that quotation mark that you iIDK2G4u950-00092-00022709-00022862 forgot to copy when you were iIDK2G4u950-00093-00022862-00023084 copying over the line of code to push things out. iIDK2G4u950-00094-00023084-00023222 >> Okay. Cool. iIDK2G4u950-00095-00023222-00023513 >> Now, one of the things I like about Azure pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00096-00023513-00023682 is that we have the ability to iIDK2G4u950-00097-00023682-00023927 build out these pipelines in a nice GUI Interface, iIDK2G4u950-00098-00023927-00024056 which I'll show you in a moment, iIDK2G4u950-00099-00024056-00024402 but we also have the ability to do it with code. iIDK2G4u950-00100-00024402-00024548 So we can write what's called a YAML iIDK2G4u950-00101-00024548-00024764 file and actually write some code iIDK2G4u950-00102-00024764-00025028 that stays with the rest iIDK2G4u950-00103-00025028-00025283 of our code to be able to make our Builds. iIDK2G4u950-00104-00025283-00025418 >> Yeah. I definitely want to talk iIDK2G4u950-00105-00025418-00025577 about that when we get to that point. iIDK2G4u950-00106-00025577-00025794 >> Now, the other thing I really want to point out iIDK2G4u950-00107-00025794-00026031 real quick about Pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00108-00026031-00026289 is it doesn't just work with Azure DevOps, iIDK2G4u950-00109-00026289-00026411 it works with Azure Repos, iIDK2G4u950-00110-00026411-00026592 which are the Repos and Azure DevOps. iIDK2G4u950-00111-00026592-00026827 But also, they also works with GitHub, iIDK2G4u950-00112-00026827-00026995 it can work with Bitbucket, iIDK2G4u950-00113-00026995-00027218 it can work with a variety of different systems. iIDK2G4u950-00114-00027218-00027646 So, it's very nice from that standpoint iIDK2G4u950-00115-00027646-00028075 but what's really nice about Azure Pipelines is that, iIDK2G4u950-00116-00028075-00028283 if I have an Open Source Project, iIDK2G4u950-00117-00028283-00028520 and it's a Public Open Source Project, iIDK2G4u950-00118-00028520-00028831 then I can get 10 free Pipelines iIDK2G4u950-00119-00028831-00029114 on the service to be able to do my Builds iIDK2G4u950-00120-00029114-00029367 from my Open Source Project which can iIDK2G4u950-00121-00029367-00029537 really speed up the Build Time iIDK2G4u950-00122-00029537-00029708 for some of these projects that are out there. iIDK2G4u950-00123-00029708-00029886 >> Cool. Let's see how it works. iIDK2G4u950-00124-00029886-00030189 >> Okay. So, where I got started, iIDK2G4u950-00125-00030189-00030332 is that I wanted to create iIDK2G4u950-00126-00030332-00030569 a quick little test project to work with. iIDK2G4u950-00127-00030569-00030914 So, I use the Azure DevOps Demo Generator, iIDK2G4u950-00128-00030914-00031260 which is a publicly available Demo Generator out there, iIDK2G4u950-00129-00031260-00031414 which has like, a lot of iIDK2G4u950-00130-00031414-00031620 different templates that you can work with. iIDK2G4u950-00131-00031620-00031826 They've got ASP.net templates. iIDK2G4u950-00132-00031826-00032190 It's got you know NodeJS. A lot of different projects. iIDK2G4u950-00133-00032190-00032602 >> Some of our famous demos from Keynotes and launches parts. iIDK2G4u950-00134-00032602-00032705 >> Exactly. iIDK2G4u950-00135-00032705-00032747 >> All right. iIDK2G4u950-00136-00032747-00032891 >> So, I work with Parts Unlimited, iIDK2G4u950-00137-00032891-00033014 and honestly this is open for iIDK2G4u950-00138-00033014-00033191 anybody to use and all you have to do is come out iIDK2G4u950-00139-00033191-00033536 here and give it your organization that you want it to deploy to. iIDK2G4u950-00140-00033536-00033668 Your Azure DevOps organization. iIDK2G4u950-00141-00033668-00033851 Give it a name and punch the button iIDK2G4u950-00142-00033851-00034187 and Bob's your uncle. There you go. iIDK2G4u950-00143-00034187-00034406 Now what that created for me out here was iIDK2G4u950-00144-00034406-00034841 a Parts Unlimited Team Project in my Azure DevOps organization. iIDK2G4u950-00145-00034841-00035036 If you've not used Azure DevOps before, iIDK2G4u950-00146-00035036-00035213 which I'm sure you have, iIDK2G4u950-00147-00035213-00035420 but you have the board's area with iIDK2G4u950-00148-00035420-00035637 a Boards Hub which is where you can do with work items. iIDK2G4u950-00149-00035637-00035855 One of the nice things about the Demo Generator, iIDK2G4u950-00150-00035855-00036053 it generates a ton of work items for you. iIDK2G4u950-00151-00036053-00036521 So you can actually see how the Work Item System works. iIDK2G4u950-00152-00036521-00036734 It also generates code for you. iIDK2G4u950-00153-00036734-00036885 So you can see how Repos works. iIDK2G4u950-00154-00036885-00037241 But what we're going to work with is Pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00155-00037241-00037463 So in the Azure Pipelines Hub, iIDK2G4u950-00156-00037463-00037739 I've got my build section for building my code. iIDK2G4u950-00157-00037739-00037872 That's the CI portion. iIDK2G4u950-00158-00037872-00038090 I've got my Releases Section for doing iIDK2G4u950-00159-00038090-00038402 the releases which is my Continuous Delivery Portion. iIDK2G4u950-00160-00038402-00038597 We have a bunch of other features, iIDK2G4u950-00161-00038597-00038990 libraries, and way to group like Servers. iIDK2G4u950-00162-00038990-00039291 You might want to deploy too into groups things like that. iIDK2G4u950-00163-00039291-00039458 But if we just go look at the Builds, iIDK2G4u950-00164-00039458-00039576 I've got one Build here. iIDK2G4u950-00165-00039576-00039766 I just want to show you what this Build looks like. iIDK2G4u950-00166-00039766-00039944 I've got all green. iIDK2G4u950-00167-00039944-00040131 If I go to edit, iIDK2G4u950-00168-00040131-00040725 this is the Build System that we have in Azure Pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00169-00040725-00041130 So, for example, right now I'm deploying to Hosted Build. iIDK2G4u950-00170-00041130-00041370 Meaning that I'm using a bunch of Build Servers that iIDK2G4u950-00171-00041370-00041690 Azure DevOps has up in the Cloud for me to use. iIDK2G4u950-00172-00041690-00041720 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00173-00041720-00041921 >> I can use those Hosted Servers or I can iIDK2G4u950-00174-00041921-00042309 use my own Private Servers. iIDK2G4u950-00175-00042309-00042453 Those are called Private Build Servers. iIDK2G4u950-00176-00042453-00042694 Those could be in the Cloud or On-prem as well. iIDK2G4u950-00177-00042694-00042879 Now, the Hosted Servers are really nice thought because iIDK2G4u950-00178-00042879-00043443 the things you need to do your Builds already installed on them. iIDK2G4u950-00179-00043443-00043787 The Pre-software that you might need to make things work. iIDK2G4u950-00180-00043787-00044065 So, what you do is you select your Pipeline, iIDK2G4u950-00181-00044065-00044297 you specify where you want to get your source from. iIDK2G4u950-00182-00044297-00044567 In this case, I'm using Repos but as you can see, iIDK2G4u950-00183-00044567-00044799 I could be using Team Foundation Version Control or iIDK2G4u950-00184-00044799-00045036 GitHub or any of these options. iIDK2G4u950-00185-00045036-00045096 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00186-00045096-00045623 >> Then you specify the agents that you want to use. iIDK2G4u950-00187-00045623-00045737 These are the different jobs. iIDK2G4u950-00188-00045737-00045917 I could specify multiple jobs. iIDK2G4u950-00189-00045917-00046142 Then you have the specific tasks iIDK2G4u950-00190-00046142-00046337 that you want to do in this Build, iIDK2G4u950-00191-00046337-00046469 and these Builds just doing iIDK2G4u950-00192-00046469-00046661 a new get restore and then it's just iIDK2G4u950-00193-00046661-00046893 doing a Regular Build on the solution, iIDK2G4u950-00194-00046893-00047237 running some tests and then publishing my artifacts out iIDK2G4u950-00195-00047237-00047399 to a drop location where then I iIDK2G4u950-00196-00047399-00047617 could use them as part of the release. iIDK2G4u950-00197-00047617-00047895 >> The demo generator created that build iIDK2G4u950-00198-00047895-00048200 for you if you are creating a build from scratch, iIDK2G4u950-00199-00048200-00048401 that you have to know how to iIDK2G4u950-00200-00048401-00048641 select each of these things in what order they go in? iIDK2G4u950-00201-00048641-00048755 >> You would have to understand iIDK2G4u950-00202-00048755-00049040 the basics of how your Build would work. iIDK2G4u950-00203-00049040-00049422 What you do is just come here and add different tasks. iIDK2G4u950-00204-00049422-00049608 There's different tasks for building, iIDK2G4u950-00205-00049608-00049884 for doing tests, for maybe helping with deployment, iIDK2G4u950-00206-00049884-00050180 and these are a lot of tasks that both Microsoft iIDK2G4u950-00207-00050180-00050342 provides as well as there's a marketplace iIDK2G4u950-00208-00050342-00050546 out there for other tasks as well. iIDK2G4u950-00209-00050546-00050812 So, yes, you do can have to understand iIDK2G4u950-00210-00050812-00051157 how what you're building needs to be built. iIDK2G4u950-00211-00051157-00051432 Then, you can add the things in here that you need. iIDK2G4u950-00212-00051432-00051620 So you can add the different task. iIDK2G4u950-00213-00051620-00051878 You can also have variables in your build process. iIDK2G4u950-00214-00051878-00052304 So, these are different things where you might want to be able to iIDK2G4u950-00215-00052304-00052678 specify certain values that you- iIDK2G4u950-00216-00052678-00053009 then you set the variable in the task itself, iIDK2G4u950-00217-00053009-00053160 and then anytime you need to change it, iIDK2G4u950-00218-00053160-00053313 you can modify the variable here. iIDK2G4u950-00219-00053313-00053358 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00220-00053358-00053586 >> In releases that comes in very handy as well. iIDK2G4u950-00221-00053586-00053835 You can trigger. Determines when you want to trigger. iIDK2G4u950-00222-00053835-00054033 Do you want to do Continuous Integration or not. iIDK2G4u950-00223-00054033-00054297 So, Continuous Integration being every time iIDK2G4u950-00224-00054297-00054680 I check in or maybe every time I do pull request, iIDK2G4u950-00225-00054680-00054847 depending on how you want to set things up. iIDK2G4u950-00226-00054847-00055160 You can run certain tests to verify that everything iIDK2G4u950-00227-00055160-00055495 looks good before it moves on to the next step in your process. iIDK2G4u950-00228-00055495-00055522 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00229-00055522-00055630 >> Or you can even schedule on the iIDK2G4u950-00230-00055630-00055895 nightly builds, whatever you want to do. iIDK2G4u950-00231-00055895-00056204 Then of course, you've got different things where you can set iIDK2G4u950-00232-00056204-00056559 your build number format, iIDK2G4u950-00233-00056559-00056862 how long you want to retain your builds, things like that. iIDK2G4u950-00234-00056862-00056972 I'm not going to kick this off iIDK2G4u950-00235-00056972-00057260 because it could take a few minutes to run, iIDK2G4u950-00236-00057260-00057419 but what I will do is come out here, iIDK2G4u950-00237-00057419-00057684 and if you look at the results from one of these builds, iIDK2G4u950-00238-00057684-00057894 then you can see that for each task, iIDK2G4u950-00239-00057894-00058271 it breaks down what happened, iIDK2G4u950-00240-00058271-00058559 you can actually drill in to each task iIDK2G4u950-00241-00058559-00059034 and see the details of what occurred on that particular task. iIDK2G4u950-00242-00059034-00059234 So if you've got errors in your build, iIDK2G4u950-00243-00059234-00059465 this is where you would come to try to find the errors iIDK2G4u950-00244-00059465-00059767 that were related to why you're build failed. iIDK2G4u950-00245-00059767-00060029 Just got a good summary overview where you iIDK2G4u950-00246-00060029-00060261 can flip through here to see what's happening. iIDK2G4u950-00247-00060261-00060436 It shows you the test information, iIDK2G4u950-00248-00060436-00060541 so when your tests ran, iIDK2G4u950-00249-00060541-00060708 it shows you which ones passed, which ones failed. iIDK2G4u950-00250-00060708-00060843 >> Assuming you had a test. iIDK2G4u950-00251-00060843-00061035 >> Everyone has tests. iIDK2G4u950-00252-00061035-00061094 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00253-00061094-00061317 >> Right? You have to have tests. iIDK2G4u950-00254-00061317-00061492 Then if you're doing code coverage, iIDK2G4u950-00255-00061492-00061731 it has code coverage information as well. iIDK2G4u950-00256-00061731-00061964 So that gets my code built, iIDK2G4u950-00257-00061964-00062259 and then I store my code in a drop location. iIDK2G4u950-00258-00062259-00062423 Since I'm building in Azure DevOps, iIDK2G4u950-00259-00062423-00062726 it stores it in a drop location up in Azure DevOps. iIDK2G4u950-00260-00062726-00062870 If I was building local, iIDK2G4u950-00261-00062870-00063041 I could have maybe a file share iIDK2G4u950-00262-00063041-00063261 somewhere that I might want to put those at. iIDK2G4u950-00263-00063261-00063575 So that handles the CI portion of things, iIDK2G4u950-00264-00063575-00063749 but then we have the CD portion of it. iIDK2G4u950-00265-00063749-00063872 >> You can set it up so that iIDK2G4u950-00266-00063872-00064105 every time you check in, the build occurs, iIDK2G4u950-00267-00064105-00064391 or you can schedule builds, iIDK2G4u950-00268-00064391-00064551 or of course, you could do them manually. iIDK2G4u950-00269-00064551-00064757 But the beautiful things about iIDK2G4u950-00270-00064757-00065103 the DevOps mindset is you have things happen automatically. iIDK2G4u950-00271-00065103-00065285 So you can decide whether you want iIDK2G4u950-00272-00065285-00065467 to turn on Continuous Integration, iIDK2G4u950-00273-00065467-00065658 which is turned off by default, iIDK2G4u950-00274-00065658-00065928 and have every time you check in, a build runs, iIDK2G4u950-00275-00065928-00066152 or you just do a nightly build based iIDK2G4u950-00276-00066152-00066392 on the code that's been checked in. iIDK2G4u950-00277-00066392-00066533 >> Correct. Then also, iIDK2G4u950-00278-00066533-00066899 you can just kick them off manually whenever you need to. iIDK2G4u950-00279-00066899-00067282 The second half of this whole process is releases, iIDK2G4u950-00280-00067282-00067449 we need to release our code. iIDK2G4u950-00281-00067449-00067853 So again, one of the things that iIDK2G4u950-00282-00067853-00068252 the DevOps build generator did for me is iIDK2G4u950-00283-00068252-00068673 create a default release pipeline for me. iIDK2G4u950-00284-00068673-00068885 So what this release pipeline is doing is I'm iIDK2G4u950-00285-00068885-00069173 specifying the build that I want to pull from, iIDK2G4u950-00286-00069173-00069389 and I could turn on Continuous Integration to iIDK2G4u950-00287-00069389-00069656 where as soon as the build passes, iIDK2G4u950-00288-00069656-00069989 it automatically starts releasing if I want to. iIDK2G4u950-00289-00069989-00070175 What I have is different stages, iIDK2G4u950-00290-00070175-00070343 different environments that I can relate to. iIDK2G4u950-00291-00070343-00070503 >> Is that typically done? iIDK2G4u950-00292-00070503-00070728 >> It depends on the organization. iIDK2G4u950-00293-00070728-00070976 >> You would release it to test, I presume. iIDK2G4u950-00294-00070976-00071294 >> We might release it to test and then have tests that are run. iIDK2G4u950-00295-00071294-00071483 >> Just because the build succeeded doesn't mean the app works. iIDK2G4u950-00296-00071483-00071676 >> That is correct. So you want to have iIDK2G4u950-00297-00071676-00071903 gates in place to make sure iIDK2G4u950-00298-00071903-00072089 that you're not just pushing out something iIDK2G4u950-00299-00072089-00072372 all the way to prod just because. iIDK2G4u950-00300-00072372-00072614 So what we've got is different environments. iIDK2G4u950-00301-00072614-00072771 Now, these are logical environments, iIDK2G4u950-00302-00072771-00072981 say, like a dev and a QA. iIDK2G4u950-00303-00072981-00073133 You'll notice I've also got a production iIDK2G4u950-00304-00073133-00073314 but I don't have it actually linked up. iIDK2G4u950-00305-00073314-00073499 This is because in this scenario, iIDK2G4u950-00306-00073499-00073718 I manually pushed to production. iIDK2G4u950-00307-00073718-00074012 So what happens is this build runs, iIDK2G4u950-00308-00074012-00074219 if I had Continuous Integration turned on, iIDK2G4u950-00309-00074219-00074604 it would immediately push out to the dev environment. iIDK2G4u950-00310-00074604-00074837 If we look at the tasks that make up the dev environment, iIDK2G4u950-00311-00074837-00074978 since this is just a website, iIDK2G4u950-00312-00074978-00075368 it just is doing an Azure App Service Deploy, iIDK2G4u950-00313-00075368-00075581 and then it settings some variables iIDK2G4u950-00314-00075581-00075896 specific to the dev environment. iIDK2G4u950-00315-00075896-00076118 So it's setting some specific things related iIDK2G4u950-00316-00076118-00076383 to the dev environment. iIDK2G4u950-00317-00076383-00076580 >> So this is just a web app? iIDK2G4u950-00318-00076580-00076724 >> This is just a web app, yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00319-00076724-00077004 PartsUnlimited is just a website app. iIDK2G4u950-00320-00077044-00077295 By the same token, iIDK2G4u950-00321-00077295-00078101 if we go back to here, wait, iIDK2G4u950-00322-00078101-00078209 let me go back to my releases, iIDK2G4u950-00323-00078209-00078429 see this is the fun part, iIDK2G4u950-00324-00078429-00078881 you can see that I've also got a QA where I've got tasks in iIDK2G4u950-00325-00078881-00079103 my QA as well that would deploy to iIDK2G4u950-00326-00079103-00079373 the QA portion of wherever things are. iIDK2G4u950-00327-00079373-00079671 Now, I've got variables that I set, iIDK2G4u950-00328-00079671-00079952 I set the website name based off iIDK2G4u950-00329-00079952-00080225 of whether I'm in the dev environment, iIDK2G4u950-00330-00080225-00080327 or the QA environment, iIDK2G4u950-00331-00080327-00080465 or the production environment. iIDK2G4u950-00332-00080465-00080702 So I've used these variables and I've set iIDK2G4u950-00333-00080702-00080915 these variables in the different tasks iIDK2G4u950-00334-00080915-00081117 in the pipeline to where then it goes, iIDK2G4u950-00335-00081117-00081296 "Oh, you're deploying to dev". iIDK2G4u950-00336-00081296-00081591 Let's set these variables, let's replace this stuff in iIDK2G4u950-00337-00081591-00081968 app.config or wherever we need to make some changes. iIDK2G4u950-00338-00081968-00082277 What we've actually got here with this pipeline iIDK2G4u950-00339-00082277-00082601 is if we go back to my actual release, iIDK2G4u950-00340-00082601-00082845 right now, we've deployed the dev. iIDK2G4u950-00341-00082845-00083205 It deployed perfectly, but we're waiting on QA. iIDK2G4u950-00342-00083205-00083645 That's because I can actually specify gates. iIDK2G4u950-00343-00083645-00083834 So I can specify iIDK2G4u950-00344-00083834-00084410 post-deployment conditions and pre-deployment conditions. iIDK2G4u950-00345-00084410-00084597 So here in this pre-deployment condition, iIDK2G4u950-00346-00084597-00084785 I've specified that someone has to approve iIDK2G4u950-00347-00084785-00085058 it before it can go to QA. iIDK2G4u950-00348-00085058-00085271 I've got a lot of different options, iIDK2G4u950-00349-00085271-00085702 I can gate off of a web hook into something else, iIDK2G4u950-00350-00085702-00085934 or gate off of tests completing, iIDK2G4u950-00351-00085934-00086281 I have multiple different options for how I want to gate. iIDK2G4u950-00352-00086281-00086521 Then it just becomes a matter of, "Okay, well, iIDK2G4u950-00353-00086521-00086837 if you've gated, well, iIDK2G4u950-00354-00086837-00086981 then let's go look at that release." iIDK2G4u950-00355-00086981-00087164 I would have gotten an e-mail, which I did, iIDK2G4u950-00356-00087164-00087534 and I can just come in here and say that I approve. iIDK2G4u950-00357-00087534-00087938 Toolbox forever. iIDK2G4u950-00358-00088039-00088487 Once I approve that, it will then start deployment into QA. iIDK2G4u950-00359-00088487-00088691 So you have the ability to create iIDK2G4u950-00360-00088691-00089300 these multiple pipelines that iIDK2G4u950-00361-00089300-00089568 can release into multiple different environments. iIDK2G4u950-00362-00089568-00089787 If you enable all of this up, iIDK2G4u950-00363-00089787-00089948 we now have continuous integration. iIDK2G4u950-00364-00089948-00090075 So when we're checking in, iIDK2G4u950-00365-00090075-00090215 we're building our code, iIDK2G4u950-00366-00090215-00090350 and then when we're building our code, iIDK2G4u950-00367-00090350-00090563 we can have it automatically start going down iIDK2G4u950-00368-00090563-00090897 whatever our pipeline processes to do delivery, iIDK2G4u950-00369-00090897-00091307 hopefully, getting code out there faster, iIDK2G4u950-00370-00091307-00091457 but also ensuring quality. iIDK2G4u950-00371-00091457-00091718 That's one thing I think a lot of times people don't realize, iIDK2G4u950-00372-00091718-00091961 is the quality aspect that iIDK2G4u950-00373-00091961-00092147 doing this Continuous Integration iIDK2G4u950-00374-00092147-00092325 and Continuous Delivery can give you. iIDK2G4u950-00375-00092325-00092537 >> It really puts you in a world iIDK2G4u950-00376-00092537-00092843 where you've got a work item, whether it's add a feature, iIDK2G4u950-00377-00092843-00093086 fix a bug, you make the fix, you check the code in, iIDK2G4u950-00378-00093086-00093353 and like, "I'm done", and you walk away. iIDK2G4u950-00379-00093353-00093597 But you're not really done, iIDK2G4u950-00380-00093643-00094175 you're done with your code which you tested locally, iIDK2G4u950-00381-00094175-00094454 and it works locally with your current version of the code. iIDK2G4u950-00382-00094454-00094637 But you check it in, it might've broken iIDK2G4u950-00383-00094637-00094893 somebody else's code or somebody else's code might've broke yours. iIDK2G4u950-00384-00094893-00095207 So the build itself may or not work. iIDK2G4u950-00385-00095207-00095328 If it does work, iIDK2G4u950-00386-00095328-00095519 then all the tests run, iIDK2G4u950-00387-00095519-00095750 then it gets deployed, iIDK2G4u950-00388-00095750-00095924 but all of that's automated for you. iIDK2G4u950-00389-00095924-00096056 So you just code all day long, iIDK2G4u950-00390-00096056-00096281 it's whatever time you leave, you check in, iIDK2G4u950-00391-00096281-00096672 you leave, and then all this work happens automatically. iIDK2G4u950-00392-00096672-00097013 The dev guys or the QA guys come in the next morning, iIDK2G4u950-00393-00097013-00097202 and there may or may not be a new version. iIDK2G4u950-00394-00097202-00097313 If everything went well, iIDK2G4u950-00395-00097313-00097583 that new version's already there and they can proceed to testing. iIDK2G4u950-00396-00097583-00097916 Nobody has to wait around and wait for somebody to do the release. iIDK2G4u950-00397-00097916-00098139 Nobody has to go, "Oh, it's Wednesday? iIDK2G4u950-00398-00098139-00098472 Oh, it's my turn to do the release? Oh, I forgot." iIDK2G4u950-00399-00098472-00098844 It automates a lot of this stuff for you iIDK2G4u950-00400-00098844-00099218 and checks to make sure along the way that things worked. iIDK2G4u950-00401-00099218-00099509 So QA gets in in the morning iIDK2G4u950-00402-00099509-00099785 or you get in in the morning and there's no new version for them, iIDK2G4u950-00403-00099785-00100046 it's because something went wrong in-between you checking in iIDK2G4u950-00404-00100046-00100416 your code and pushing out the new version to them. iIDK2G4u950-00405-00100416-00100856 It's all automated, it's all logged for you, iIDK2G4u950-00406-00100856-00101126 and you may or may not get an e-mail iIDK2G4u950-00407-00101126-00101409 or text message at midnight telling you, iIDK2G4u950-00408-00101409-00101537 depending on whether you want to, iIDK2G4u950-00409-00101537-00101672 but you certainly could, right? iIDK2G4u950-00410-00101672-00101870 >> That is all correct. iIDK2G4u950-00411-00101870-00102042 >> Cool, and it's pretty easy to use. iIDK2G4u950-00412-00102042-00102266 >> It's pretty easy to use. As long iIDK2G4u950-00413-00102266-00102443 as you understand the general process, iIDK2G4u950-00414-00102443-00102747 getting everything set up is pretty easy to do. iIDK2G4u950-00415-00102747-00103103 >> You don't have to be part of a massive team, iIDK2G4u950-00416-00103103-00103301 you don't even have to be part of a multi-developer team. iIDK2G4u950-00417-00103301-00103539 I think even if you're writing just code for yourself, iIDK2G4u950-00418-00103539-00103739 just an app you use yourself, iIDK2G4u950-00419-00103739-00104228 you should run it through the full DevOps processes to get better iIDK2G4u950-00420-00104228-00104733 at building software yourself so that even if it's just for you, iIDK2G4u950-00421-00104733-00104966 it makes you better at delivering software, iIDK2G4u950-00422-00104966-00105242 but now you have the skills that you can bring iIDK2G4u950-00423-00105242-00105661 to work or to the multi-developer applications as well. iIDK2G4u950-00424-00105661-00105867 >> I agree 100 percent. iIDK2G4u950-00425-00105867-00106097 So let me take it one step further. iIDK2G4u950-00426-00106097-00106503 I've shown you the GUI way of building out these pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00427-00106503-00106751 But one of the things that people ask for, iIDK2G4u950-00428-00106751-00106899 especially with build systems, iIDK2G4u950-00429-00106899-00107246 is a way to track the versions of iIDK2G4u950-00430-00107246-00107694 their build pipeline with their actual code. iIDK2G4u950-00431-00107694-00108061 So the way we do that is with what's called a YAML file. iIDK2G4u950-00432-00108061-00108122 >> YAML. iIDK2G4u950-00433-00108122-00108182 >> YAML. iIDK2G4u950-00434-00108182-00108334 >> Which stands for? iIDK2G4u950-00435-00108334-00108496 >> It depends on who you ask. iIDK2G4u950-00436-00108496-00108622 But according to my research, iIDK2G4u950-00437-00108622-00108877 it stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language. iIDK2G4u950-00438-00108877-00109157 >> So it doesn't stand for yet another markup language? iIDK2G4u950-00439-00109157-00109383 >> That's what I've been told. iIDK2G4u950-00440-00109383-00109795 >> If you go to yaml.org, what do they say? iIDK2G4u950-00441-00109795-00109942 >> Let's see, what do they say? iIDK2G4u950-00442-00109942-00110155 Do they have YAML Ain't Markup Language? iIDK2G4u950-00443-00110155-00110439 >> There you go, a myth busted. iIDK2G4u950-00444-00110439-00110723 >> But YAML dot org is a great place to go to get iIDK2G4u950-00445-00110723-00110990 some basic information on YAML in general. iIDK2G4u950-00446-00110990-00111459 YAML, everybody you can define how you want your YAML to work. iIDK2G4u950-00447-00111459-00111656 Everybody can define it differently iIDK2G4u950-00448-00111656-00111929 but essentially what you have is iIDK2G4u950-00449-00111929-00112208 structure that's enforced through iIDK2G4u950-00450-00112208-00112500 indentation with spaces not tabs. iIDK2G4u950-00451-00112500-00112619 >> Right. iIDK2G4u950-00452-00112619-00112793 >> Key value pairs. iIDK2G4u950-00453-00112793-00112964 >> Which is one of the first things you use when we're iIDK2G4u950-00454-00112964-00113161 working with the YAML that that matters. iIDK2G4u950-00455-00113161-00113328 >> Yes, yes it does. iIDK2G4u950-00456-00113328-00113474 >> I found that the right way. iIDK2G4u950-00457-00113474-00113683 >> That's why its very difficult often to iIDK2G4u950-00458-00113683-00113948 just copy and paste YAML code in, iIDK2G4u950-00459-00113948-00114323 because this code you copy it in and it iIDK2G4u950-00460-00114323-00114508 winds up putting tabs in and iIDK2G4u950-00461-00114508-00114723 then it doesn't work and you have no idea why. iIDK2G4u950-00462-00114723-00114886 >> Exactly and it's iIDK2G4u950-00463-00114886-00115289 basically a human-readable data serialization language. iIDK2G4u950-00464-00115289-00115617 It's based off of JSON obviously, as you can tell. iIDK2G4u950-00465-00115642-00116073 If we go and look. iIDK2G4u950-00466-00116203-00116579 I love by the way, our documentation. iIDK2G4u950-00467-00116579-00116931 if you go and look at the documentation for pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00468-00116931-00117044 they actually have a creature. iIDK2G4u950-00469-00117044-00117290 First pipeline documentation section with iIDK2G4u950-00470-00117290-00117556 a lot of different selections for you, iIDK2G4u950-00471-00117556-00117878 so we've provided a bunch of the code you need to get iIDK2G4u950-00472-00117878-00118295 started with creating your first pipelines using YAML. iIDK2G4u950-00473-00118295-00118334 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00474-00118334-00118463 >> So what I did is, iIDK2G4u950-00475-00118463-00119158 I took the pipeline's JavaScript one and I forked it into my it. iIDK2G4u950-00476-00119158-00119463 So it's on GitHub Microsoft Docs pipeline JavaScript iIDK2G4u950-00477-00119463-00119615 and I forked it to be just have iIDK2G4u950-00478-00119615-00119867 my own version of the project and it gives you all this out of iIDK2G4u950-00479-00119867-00120201 the box including a starting Pipelines file, iIDK2G4u950-00480-00120201-00120504 so I'm now working with GitHub as my repo. iIDK2G4u950-00481-00120504-00120776 So I'm able to take this repo and I'm able iIDK2G4u950-00482-00120776-00121175 to clone it down and start working with iIDK2G4u950-00483-00121175-00121459 it and my tool of choice for working with iIDK2G4u950-00484-00121459-00121827 pipelines or YAML files is Visual Studio Code. iIDK2G4u950-00485-00121827-00122011 Love Visual Studio code. iIDK2G4u950-00486-00122011-00122325 One of the nice aspects of Visual Studio Code, iIDK2G4u950-00487-00122325-00122571 if you're working with Azure pipelines, iIDK2G4u950-00488-00122571-00122820 is the Azure Pipelines extension. iIDK2G4u950-00489-00122820-00123326 Now, what we've got here if we look at this very simple pipeline, iIDK2G4u950-00490-00123326-00123507 is we're basically saying, iIDK2G4u950-00491-00123507-00123674 this is the pool, iIDK2G4u950-00492-00123674-00123863 this is the image that we want to use. iIDK2G4u950-00493-00123863-00124070 So this is the Linux image we want to use when we iIDK2G4u950-00494-00124070-00124283 do our build and we're iIDK2G4u950-00495-00124283-00124710 saying use the node tool task and just pitch, iIDK2G4u950-00496-00124710-00125211 just for grins we'll change this to be eight instead of 10, iIDK2G4u950-00497-00125211-00125385 just to make a change. iIDK2G4u950-00498-00125385-00125772 You know what, I really want this to show up with a better name. iIDK2G4u950-00499-00125772-00125999 I figure there's a way to do display name. iIDK2G4u950-00500-00125999-00126183 You notice I've got a space in twice. iIDK2G4u950-00501-00126183-00126638 But then if I do "Control Space" I get iIDK2G4u950-00502-00126638-00126910 "IntelliSense" and I can say well I want to do iIDK2G4u950-00503-00126910-00127263 display name and this is just going to be the node tool. iIDK2G4u950-00504-00127263-00127601 Now this is a task that I'm going to run, iIDK2G4u950-00505-00127601-00127860 one of those tasks remember when I click the plus sign in the GUI. iIDK2G4u950-00506-00127860-00127885 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00507-00127885-00128051 >> This is using one of those tasks. iIDK2G4u950-00508-00128051-00128214 This is actually running a script. iIDK2G4u950-00509-00128214-00128567 So it's going to say just run npm install and then npm test and iIDK2G4u950-00510-00128567-00128957 I'm using some other tasks to publish out and publish the code. iIDK2G4u950-00511-00128957-00129340 >> If you build a pipeline using the Visual Designer, iIDK2G4u950-00512-00129340-00129593 is there a way to convert it over to YAML automatically? iIDK2G4u950-00513-00129593-00129771 >> Yes there is, iIDK2G4u950-00514-00129771-00129947 well not to convert it over automatically. iIDK2G4u950-00515-00129947-00129998 >> To export it. iIDK2G4u950-00516-00129998-00130152 >> But what you can do is, iIDK2G4u950-00517-00130152-00130635 if I go to this build and I go to "Edit". iIDK2G4u950-00518-00130635-00130940 What I can do is, I could try to iIDK2G4u950-00519-00130940-00131240 view the YAML for this entire build. iIDK2G4u950-00520-00131240-00131391 >> Okay, well there you go. iIDK2G4u950-00521-00131391-00131762 >> Sometimes the build may be doing things like putting in, iIDK2G4u950-00522-00131762-00131933 setting certain variables for me. iIDK2G4u950-00523-00131933-00131973 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00524-00131973-00132192 >> Then I have to make sure I add that to my YAML file. iIDK2G4u950-00525-00132192-00132246 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00526-00132246-00132443 >> But one of the ways I've taught myself iIDK2G4u950-00527-00132443-00132650 YAML and to build out some of iIDK2G4u950-00528-00132650-00132896 these pipelines is to select iIDK2G4u950-00529-00132896-00133058 a particular task you want and you iIDK2G4u950-00530-00133058-00133241 can view the YAML just for that task. iIDK2G4u950-00531-00133241-00133322 >> Okay, cool. iIDK2G4u950-00532-00133322-00133592 >> I build it, first in the GUI to understand. iIDK2G4u950-00533-00133592-00133613 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00534-00133613-00133847 >> Then I can transpose the code over. iIDK2G4u950-00535-00133847-00134148 Then of course once we've made these changes iIDK2G4u950-00536-00134148-00134469 in Visual Studio Code, iIDK2G4u950-00537-00134469-00134867 we can just and we save those changes. iIDK2G4u950-00538-00134867-00135627 Then we can just come back over "here" and commit that locally. iIDK2G4u950-00539-00135652-00136391 I could type and iIDK2G4u950-00540-00136391-00136628 then once it finishes doing that we'll just push it on up iIDK2G4u950-00541-00136628-00136937 to or push it back out to GitHub. iIDK2G4u950-00542-00136937-00136985 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00543-00136985-00137478 >> Now what I've done in my repo in GitHub, iIDK2G4u950-00544-00137478-00137810 is I've gone to the marketplace and I've iIDK2G4u950-00545-00137810-00138194 grabbed Azure Pipelines and I've gone through iIDK2G4u950-00546-00138194-00138677 a configuration where I've setup my team iIDK2G4u950-00547-00138677-00139259 project in Azure DevOps to be connected to my GitHub repo. iIDK2G4u950-00548-00139259-00139306 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00549-00139306-00139771 >> So that now since there was a check-in to my GitHub repo, iIDK2G4u950-00550-00139771-00140041 it will have kicked off a build. iIDK2G4u950-00551-00140041-00140329 If we come over here to builds, iIDK2G4u950-00552-00140329-00140583 come on, you can do it. iIDK2G4u950-00553-00140583-00140828 You can see there's my change node to eight. iIDK2G4u950-00554-00140828-00140918 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00555-00140918-00141215 >> It's kicked off my build process. iIDK2G4u950-00556-00141215-00141365 >> How does it know to read iIDK2G4u950-00557-00141365-00141563 that YAML file and how does iIDK2G4u950-00558-00141563-00141782 it that that YAML file contains the information. iIDK2G4u950-00559-00141782-00142044 >> Because I came into iIDK2G4u950-00560-00142044-00142280 my Azure DevOps team project and I iIDK2G4u950-00561-00142280-00142632 created a new pipeline and I pointed it to. iIDK2G4u950-00562-00142632-00142755 >> That YAML. iIDK2G4u950-00563-00142755-00142842 >> That YAML file. iIDK2G4u950-00564-00142842-00142952 >> Got it. iIDK2G4u950-00565-00142952-00143138 >> By pointing it to that YAML file you can see "There". iIDK2G4u950-00566-00143138-00143273 I need no Tool. iIDK2G4u950-00567-00143273-00143555 Now, what's really cool about this. iIDK2G4u950-00568-00143555-00143768 Is that one of the things you have to iIDK2G4u950-00569-00143768-00143958 remember is that you can come in here iIDK2G4u950-00570-00143958-00144311 and it's not what I meant to click but you iIDK2G4u950-00571-00144311-00144659 can come in here and you can modify the triggers. iIDK2G4u950-00572-00144659-00144831 You can use variables. iIDK2G4u950-00573-00144831-00145070 So, you have the ability, just like we had variables iIDK2G4u950-00574-00145070-00145361 over in the build GUI and in the pipelines. iIDK2G4u950-00575-00145361-00145382 >> Yeah. iIDK2G4u950-00576-00145382-00145571 >> I can have different variables that I can access. iIDK2G4u950-00577-00145571-00145716 I can set the trigger. iIDK2G4u950-00578-00145716-00146009 I can point to a different YAML file if I need to, iIDK2G4u950-00579-00146009-00146162 so if I ever needed to say, iIDK2G4u950-00580-00146162-00146342 change the YAML file I was working with, iIDK2G4u950-00581-00146342-00146678 I can a point that to a different area. iIDK2G4u950-00582-00146678-00146888 >> Would you agree that if you're just iIDK2G4u950-00583-00146888-00147047 getting started with these you should use iIDK2G4u950-00584-00147047-00147560 the visual designer and then once you understand what's going on, iIDK2G4u950-00585-00147560-00147671 then you can go over to iIDK2G4u950-00586-00147671-00147881 YAML or you would just start with the YAML? iIDK2G4u950-00587-00147881-00148274 >> The answer is, good consultant answer is it depends. iIDK2G4u950-00588-00148274-00148587 For me it was easier to get started with the GUI. iIDK2G4u950-00589-00148587-00148623 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00590-00148623-00149025 >> For a lot of people that maybe are used to using iIDK2G4u950-00591-00149025-00149309 other build systems like maybe Travis or iIDK2G4u950-00592-00149309-00149570 CircleCi where they use YAML files as well. iIDK2G4u950-00593-00149570-00149726 >> You might have learned they're familiar with iIDK2G4u950-00594-00149726-00149993 YAML files already that's what Helm charts are written in, iIDK2G4u950-00595-00149993-00150116 if I'm not mistaken. iIDK2G4u950-00596-00150116-00150387 They are used in Deploying Containers? iIDK2G4u950-00597-00150387-00150584 >> Put this dust over. Think about it. iIDK2G4u950-00598-00150584-00150744 Now I've got my build, iIDK2G4u950-00599-00150744-00151055 and my build is now or the description of iIDK2G4u950-00600-00151055-00151403 my build is now being version-controlled with my code. iIDK2G4u950-00601-00151403-00151645 It's following me around when I branch. iIDK2G4u950-00602-00151645-00151697 >> Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00603-00151697-00151916 >> I'm able to track the changes to iIDK2G4u950-00604-00151916-00152162 my build in addition to the changes in my code. iIDK2G4u950-00605-00152162-00152408 Now this leads to the question, iIDK2G4u950-00606-00152408-00152664 "Can I do this with my releases?" iIDK2G4u950-00607-00152664-00152888 The answer is not yet. iIDK2G4u950-00608-00152888-00152996 >>.Okay. iIDK2G4u950-00609-00152996-00153173 >> The product team is aware of iIDK2G4u950-00610-00153173-00153390 it and they're actually working on it. iIDK2G4u950-00611-00153390-00153816 If you go to Microsoft slash Azure dash pipelines dot YAML, iIDK2G4u950-00612-00153816-00154298 you can actually see the design docs that we have out there. iIDK2G4u950-00613-00154298-00154412 >> Cool. iIDK2G4u950-00614-00154412-00154647 >> Kind of what the plan is. iIDK2G4u950-00615-00154647-00154935 They're aware that people want that feature. iIDK2G4u950-00616-00154935-00155036 >> Very nice. iIDK2G4u950-00617-00155036-00155559 >> So they're working on it. I'm working closely with iIDK2G4u950-00618-00155559-00155844 some of the open source projects on GitHub to iIDK2G4u950-00619-00155844-00156161 help them with pipelines and it's just a very, iIDK2G4u950-00620-00156161-00156329 very solid robust product. iIDK2G4u950-00621-00156329-00156539 So I really hope people will check it out. iIDK2G4u950-00622-00156539-00156662 >> Very nice. iIDK2G4u950-00623-00156662-00156914 >> So that was a great overview of iIDK2G4u950-00624-00156914-00157335 the pipelines and I think we saw how easy they are to use. iIDK2G4u950-00625-00157335-00157590 We'll put in the show notes. iIDK2G4u950-00626-00157590-00157943 Number of resources, you pointed to the docks iIDK2G4u950-00627-00157943-00158301 and the demo generator and a couple other things. iIDK2G4u950-00628-00158301-00158657 People should just absolutely get started using iIDK2G4u950-00629-00158657-00158795 this stuff and learning how to apply iIDK2G4u950-00630-00158795-00159005 the DevOps practices in their development. iIDK2G4u950-00631-00159005-00159101 >> Absolutely. iIDK2G4u950-00632-00159101-00159413 >> All right. So thanks a lot. iIDK2G4u950-00633-00159413-00159536 Thanks for being on the show. iIDK2G4u950-00634-00159536-00159738 >> Thank you. This was so much fun. iIDK2G4u950-00635-00159738-00160104 >> We will see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00000-00000104-00000520 Hi everyone, welcome to the second video for the quantitative methods course. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00001-00000520-00001040 In this video, we'll be talking about how to work with data in Stata. So how to import data, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00002-00001040-00001680 how to merge data sets, etc. Now one common scenario is that you would have an excel data set, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00003-00001744-00002352 which would have as a data structure columns as the variables. So here for example "gvkey" iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00004-00002352-00002800 being a variable indicating the specific company, year indicating the specific iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00005-00002800-00003376 year from which the observation is, and the rows are in this case specific observations. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00006-00003376-00004015 In this case, for example, the second row here indicates that firm 1004 in 2010 hadall iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00007-00004015-00004592 these different values for these variables. As I mentioned, Stata is able to work with a iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00008-00004592-00005144 lot of different things, including different data sources. And we can use code to import a data set iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00009-00005144-00005712 as you also see here on the right, but you can also just use the user interface to import data. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00010-00005712-00006216 You can do so by selecting file and then going to import, and here you see an overview of all the iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00011-00006216-00006752 different data sets that Stata can just load up by default. So let's select first excel, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00012-00006895-00007344 and then we'll browse to the file. Here being a smaller data set compared to the bigger data iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00013-00007344-00007831 set that we will work with later. And then if you select that, you get a bunch of different options. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00014-00007831-00008360 For example, had we had multiple sheets, you could select which sheet you would want to use here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00015-00008360-00008616 If you want to select the specific cell range, that's possible. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00016-00008680-00009168 Here you see, right now Stata thinks that the first row is a valid observation. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00017-00009168-00009640 We want to have those as the variable names, so we'll select that. And we don't iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00018-00009640-00009984 want to import all the data as a string because there are also numbers in here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00019-00010064-00010560 Then we will just press ok, and you see here on the left the code which corresponds to iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00020-00010560-00010872 that specific import. So what we could do now is iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00021-00010872-00011440 select the code that we just had and put it in our do file, similar to what I did on the right here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00022-00011672-00012128 So this piece of code here on the right that I just selected will do the same as what we just iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00023-00012128-00012496 had. And in this case, I don't need to have the full file path because the excel file iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00024-00012496-00013032 is in the same folder as the master file. So in this case what was just run was the import iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00025-00013032-00013616 command specifically for excel, the file name, and then different options saying we want this sheet, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00026-00013688-00014096 we want the first row to be the variable name, and we want to clear any data that we iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00027-00014096-00014504 might have open already - given that Stata can only have one data set open at a time. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00028-00014663-00015072 We could also load up csv, which would be similar. We would say import, in this case iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00029-00015072-00015616 not excel but delimited. For comma delimited, comma separated. And then this would point to iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00030-00015616-00016080 a specific csv file that you see here. Again, we can have different options there as well. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00031-00016280-00016712 Having loaded up data, as you can see here. You see different variables in the right half here iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00032-00016712-00017256 now. We have the "gvkey" data: data, year, etc., etc. So those are the different variables that iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00033-00017256-00017808 we now have loaded up. I showed you last time in the video, we can open up a data editor. You can iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00034-00017808-00018256 click this button that I'm highlighting here, or you can press CTRL + 8. And in that case, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00035-00018256-00018792 you can see here, that the data set has indeed been uploaded - or loaded - into Stata correctly. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00036-00018848-00019208 We have 67 observations, with different values for different variables. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00037-00019552-00020176 If we want to save this file now, from a csv or excel format to Stata. We can do so by selecting iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00038-00020176-00020720 save or save as. So let's do save as, and let's save it as compustat sample smaller. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00039-00020824-00021224 It's already there, so we want to replace it. And then it would run this piece of code, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00040-00021224-00021632 which is the same as what you see here on the right. So if I want to save it again, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00041-00021632-00022192 I would do save computat smaller with the replace option, given that there's a file already there. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00042-00022192-00022776 And we can run that, and it would override the data set as well. Loading up a Stata file, again iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00043-00022776-00023256 you can do it from the interface, we could do just "open". And then let's load up the bigger file, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00044-00023256-00023784 so that's compustat sample in this case - and it would load up this data set. What you see iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00045-00023784-00024248 in the bottom right here, just now we had 67 observations with a few variables. Right now, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00046-00024248-00024816 you might be able to see there are 415 variables for over 65 000 observations. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00047-00024960-00025432 Opening up data sets from the code would be "use" and then the data set you want to iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00048-00025432-00025888 load up. And option "clear" just to clear out any data that might be open already. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00049-00025976-00026368 As I mentioned, we can open up the data set itself by iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00050-00026368-00026704 using the data editor. So CTRL + 8, or this particular button. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00051-00026760-00027224 And now you can indeed see there's much more information in this data set. I won't iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00052-00027224-00027695 go into the specifics right now, but we can see there are many variables for many observations. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00053-00027944-00028464 You can also have Stata just describe the data for you. We can use the "describe" command for that, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00054-00028464-00029192 the shorthand being "desc". So running this piece of code from the do file provides you an overview iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00055-00029192-00029752 of all the different variables in the data set, as well as their format and their label if any apply. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00056-00029752-00030280 So for example, we can see here the "ch" variable is a number, which they label with "double". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00057-00030400-00030983 And it's 18 long, and it's labeled "cash". So "ch" is the cash variable. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00058-00031039-00031688 "gvkey" for example is also a numeric variable, and it contains the global company key. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00059-00031688-00032064 So this is a unique identifier for every firm in this data set. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00060-00032192-00032656 We can also summarize the data. So that's literally the "summarize" command or "sum" iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00061-00032656-00033136 for short. So running this provides a big overview of different kinds of statistics iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00062-00033136-00033816 for our variables. So going to the very top, you see, for example, the year variable has 65 iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00063-00033816-00034440 000 observations. So every firm in our sample has a year observation. The average year is 2012, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00064-00034544-00035208 the minimum year is 2010 and the maximum year is 2016. You also see some that are entirely empty, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00065-00035208-00035616 these are typically string variables; you cannot calculate averages for strings. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00066-00035616-00036136 But you also see, for example, fewer observations for other variables. So the "src" variable, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00067-00036136-00036744 for example, has about 52 000 observations. And indeed, going to the data editor we can iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00068-00036744-00037240 see that if we just scroll a bit to the right. Sometimes you see these dots. And these dots iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00069-00037240-00037800 in Stata imply missing observations. So these zeros are observations, these iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00070-00037800-00038480 firms have a zero for this particular variable. These dots here are missing. We can also have iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00071-00038480-00039144 more detail, so not just the average, the minimum, the maximum. But more detail, by using the "sum" iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00072-00039144-00039744 command again but then with the option, so comma "detail". And then Stata will output a lot of iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00073-00039744-00040200 information as you see popping by here on the lefthand side for all your different variables. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00074-00040640-00041056 We can also tabulate variables, meaning you can get the unique observations iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00075-00041056-00041408 plus the number of observations for every unique value. So for example, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00076-00041408-00042184 if we do that by year using the "tab" command, we see for example 2010 has about 9186 observations. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00077-00042240-00042736 2016 has a little bit fewer 9010, in total 65 iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00078-00042792-00043240 481. You can see how much percentage of your total data set has this particular value, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00079-00043240-00043768 as well as the cumulative value of that. This is great if you have few unique values, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00080-00043768-00044312 but of course, there are specific other variables that have a lot of possible unique values. So iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00081-00044312-00044768 for example, if we try to tabulate the "cash" variable, it will not be able to do so. Because iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00082-00044768-00045328 there are too many unique values. We can see that by just navigating to the "cash" variable. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00083-00045592-00046208 As you see here in this column, there are almost infinitely many possible values for cash to take. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00084-00046336-00046784 So it might be easier if we want to get a sense for the cash variable to just first describe it, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00085-00046784-00047568 you can see here it's a number. Or perhaps draw a graph showing the distribution of the variable. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00086-00047640-00048008 So for example we could draw a histogram, using the "hist" command iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00087-00048008-00048520 or "histogram" command for the "ch" variable. And if we run that, you get a sense of how this iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00088-00048520-00048960 variable looks. I'm just looking at this particular graph, you see there's a lot of iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00089-00048960-00049600 values with low - a lot of observations with low values. And there are a few very big outliers iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00090-00049600-00050176 because you see almost impossible to see, but there are a few firms that have really large cash iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00091-00050176-00050952 values. Some even above 400 000 here. So this seems to suggest it's really extremely skewed. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00092-00051008-00051560 So let's just summarize specifically the cash, you can indeed see the small value is negative. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00093-00051560-00052000 You can then discuss whether that is valid or not, or whether it should be zero. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00094-00052000-00052576 The first percentile is zero, the median value - being the 50th percentile - is 28.1. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00095-00052576-00053079 So this is probably in one thousands of dollars, rather than just dollars. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00096-00053167-00053736 The 99th percentile was about 11 000, and then there's a lot of - or one percent of the data iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00097-00053736-00054184 is larger than that. With the largest values being these values you see here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00098-00054304-00054728 The average is 713, very large standard deviation, etc. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00099-00054728-00055160 And what you also see is that not all of our observations have a value for cash. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00100-00055216-00055776 So it has about 49 000 observations, compared to the 65 000 that we have in total. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00101-00056040-00056496 We'll be using a few selections for data sets in a bit. So I just want to iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00102-00056496-00057048 briefly run through the "if statements" that Stata can do. Specifically "if statements" iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00103-00057048-00057584 can be used to select, for example, specific observations if they meet specific criteria. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00104-00057655-00058272 Or to run commands for specific subsets. So for example, we can say: I want to see the year - the iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00105-00058272-00058879 unique values - for year. But only for those firms that have exactly an observation of 2010 iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00106-00058879-00059184 for the year variable. So that's this line that I'm running here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00107-00059184-00059736 "Tab year if year == 2010", that means exactly equal to. And then you can see iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00108-00059736-00060250 on the lefthand side here, there's for 2010 - that's the only valid value here - there iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00109-00060250-00061167 are these 9186 firms. And that's 100 percent of this subset. The "! =" means not equal to. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00110-00061167-00061679 So if you run that, you see all the other years and their specific numbers iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00111-00061679-00062079 of observations. And there are different possible combinations you can do there. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00112-00062079-00062624 This straight-line here means "or" in Stata, so we can say tabulate the years for those which iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00113-00062624-00063184 are in the year 2010 or 2011. You can see here on the lefthand side now two years are tabulated. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00114-00063320-00063855 You can do for firms that are both in 2010 and 2011 at the same time. Of course, that's not iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00115-00063855-00064632 possible, so then you get no observations. You can do those for less than 2011, less than or iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00116-00064632-00065224 equal to 2011, larger than 2011, larger than or equal to 2011. So there are also these kinds of iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00117-00065224-00065656 different opportunities, or possibilities, you can do. If you want to look into the specific iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00118-00065656-00066120 opportunities there, you can type "help operators" to see all the different options that Stata has. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00119-00066192-00066600 But specifically what I want to do now, is see how the distribution of cash is iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00120-00066600-00066912 for those firms that have more reasonable numbers than those outliers. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00121-00067032-00067616 So let's make a histogram of cash for those firms with an observation of cash smaller than 15 000. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00122-00067712-00068304 And running this you see it's still very skewed, with many firms not having very large cash values. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00123-00068464-00068784 Even further restraining the range, you still see a very big skew. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00124-00068856-00069256 But you see a little bit more detail here now, compared to this very zoomed out picture iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00125-00069256-00069792 that we had before. And likewise, you can also summarize using specific subsamples. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00126-00069792-00070336 So for example, we can say summarize the cash for all those firms in the year 2010. So running iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00127-00070336-00071088 this here, you see the average in 2010 is 603. And we can do the same for 2016. And there you iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00128-00071088-00071904 see the average is 873. So this gives you a sense of your data and how it looks. The next step that iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00129-00071904-00072464 we might want to do is add data to this specific data set. And commonly that's done by matching. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00130-00072544-00073120 Matching means that you combine two data sets on a specific variable, or maybe on two variables. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00131-00073184-00073440 So in this particular data set, being compustat, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00132-00073528-00074064 there's a "gvkey" variable, which is a unique identifier for every firm. And there's also a iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00133-00074064-00074688 year variable because every firm occurs in the data set once. There are four specific types of iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00134-00074688-00075376 matching that Stata can do. One-to-one matching is when you have a unique observation that is matched iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00135-00075376-00075928 to another unique observation. So to give you an example of that, I prepared a small data set. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00136-00076000-00076464 And looking at that data set, you see for example here there's a unique value iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00137-00076464-00077232 in every row for "gvkey" and "year". So this firm in 1004 in 2010 has a value of 1. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00138-00077432-00077736 It's also possible to do many-to-many or many-to-one matches. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00139-00077736-00078328 In that case, there are many values on one data set, but only one unique value in another. So just iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00140-00078328-00078832 to illustrate that, this could be a many-to-one match. Where in our current data set, we had iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00141-00078832-00079400 multiple years occurring multiple times. But this particular data set has a unique value iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00142-00079400-00080160 for one year, and then a specific value associated with that. One important note though is that the iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00143-00080160-00080672 variable names that you match on have to be the same in both data sets. So if in one data set iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00144-00080672-00081400 there's "gvkey" and in the other, there's "gvkeys", the match wouldn't work. So loading iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00145-00081400-00081856 up again the big data set, we can do these different matches by using the "merge" command. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00146-00082176-00082736 So let's first do the one-to-one merge, that's the "merge" command. And then we have here "1:1", iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00147-00082928-00083640 using as the identifiers both "gvkey" and "year". I want to use the data set "compustat iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00148-00083640-00084160 onetoonematch.dta", the data I just showed. And to track the matches, we're going to generate iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00149-00084160-00084776 a new variable called "merge onetoone". So running this command, you get this output here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00150-00084832-00085504 And you will see at the very bottom, it will have added a new variable, the value variable here. And iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00151-00085504-00086208 you see here that all the matches were successful, so 65 481 firm-year observations were matched. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00152-00086208-00086872 And those take on the value of three on this "merge onetoone" variable. During the iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00153-00086872-00087456 many-to-one merge, you might recall there was a data set that had "year" as the identifier. So iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00154-00087456-00088016 we're going to run "merge manytoone" -because in the data set that we have open right now, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00155-00088016-00088456 there are multiple observations for every year - using the "compustat manytoonematch.dta". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00156-00088712-00089048 And we're going generate a new variable which we call "merge manytoone". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00157-00089120-00089600 So running this one, we see that not all the observations were matched, specifically we iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00158-00089600-00090248 see 9186 observations were not matched. Those obtain the value of "merge manytoone == 1". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00159-00090464-00091080 So tabulating this one, we can see indeed about 85 percent of the data - 86 percent got matched, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00160-00091136-00091776 and about 14 percent did not get matched. Since we matched on year, we can check for iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00161-00091776-00092464 which year there was a problem. So we can do "tab year if _merge_manytoone == 1", and iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00162-00092464-00093096 we see that none of the observations from 2010 got matched. And if we check the other years, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00163-00093096-00093664 when the value of the matching variable is 3, we do see that all the other years got matched. And iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00164-00093664-00094176 indeed if we open up this original data set here, we could have seen that 2010 was not in the data. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00165-00094328-00094656 Finally, there are also different things you can do with your data. For example, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00166-00094656-00095216 you can drop variables, or you can drop specific observations in your data set. So for example, iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00167-00095216-00095808 we might want to drop the "cash" variable. We can do so by selecting, or typing "drop ch". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00168-00095888-00096456 If we go a bit further down below, you still see for now the "ch" data, the variable here. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00169-00096520-00096992 If we then do "drop ch", you will see that it has dropped from the data set. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00170-00097096-00097568 One note of caution, this is not reversible, unless you load up the data set again. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00171-00097568-00098336 So now this variable is really gone. We can also drop observations with specific values. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00172-00098336-00099016 So right now we still have 65 000 observations. If we say "drop if year == 2010", iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00173-00099072-00100024 you will notice here on the bottom right that 9886 firms got deleted, those had the value of 2010. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00174-00100128-00100496 Vice versa, not dropping - but you can also keep specific data. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00175-00100496-00100880 So here if we say "keep year" it's going to only keep the year variable. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00176-00100936-00101448 So once we do this, on the top right here, you can see only the year variable is left in the data. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00177-00101560-00102272 And likewise, we can also again select only specific observations. So "keep if year == 2011". iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00178-00102272-00102768 And if we do so, and if we inspect our data, you see it is now just a dataset containing the year iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00179-00102768-00103320 variable. With only the observations with 2011. So again, be cautious with this because you iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00180-00103320-00103792 will be dropping data. And Stata does not have an undo function. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00181-00103792-00103959 That's all I wanted to show for now. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00182-00103959-00104408 In the next video, we'll be talking about how to work with variables in Stata. iIXIJ9Dp6yY-00183-00104408-00104840 Thanks for watching, and I'll see you soon. iKLg2L8SyjQ-00000-00000000-00000200 portable air conditioner iLHa5nR1pBM-00000-00000174-00001363 What do you think are the biggest, most important threats to today's civilization? iLHa5nR1pBM-00001-00001363-00002689 I think the biggest threat to our civilization is very much tied, in my judgement, to the iLHa5nR1pBM-00002-00002689-00003615 infinity of human desire that hasn't found its proper resting place. iLHa5nR1pBM-00003-00003615-00004518 And so, the restlessness that characterizes us in search for transcendence is transposed iLHa5nR1pBM-00004-00004518-00005540 onto created reality, and we inevitably end up in competitive relationships, investing iLHa5nR1pBM-00005-00005540-00006176 the works of our hands and our own lives with the kind of meaning that they cannot deliver. iLHa5nR1pBM-00006-00006176-00007239 I think, unless we learn that human beings cannot live by bread alone, we really cannot iLHa5nR1pBM-00007-00007239-00008257 sufficiently understand human beings, we really cannot save, so to speak, human beings. iLHa5nR1pBM-00008-00008257-00009236 We are meeting here at a time when, in Cleveland, Ohio, there is the convention of the Republican iLHa5nR1pBM-00009-00009236-00010015 Party, where people are yelling that the political opponent of the Democratic Pary, Hillary Clinton, iLHa5nR1pBM-00010-00010015-00010764 should be locked up. iLHa5nR1pBM-00011-00010764-00011606 What is your take on the political situation here in America, coming from Croatia and knowing iLHa5nR1pBM-00012-00011606-00011981 a little bit about civil wars? iLHa5nR1pBM-00013-00011981-00012434 I'm quite fearful about the situation. iLHa5nR1pBM-00014-00012434-00013156 I recently spoke in Munich at Together for Europe, a gathering of a variety of Christian iLHa5nR1pBM-00015-00013156-00013336 communities. iLHa5nR1pBM-00016-00013336-00014081 I opened my speech on the square in Munich with a comment that the situation in Europe iLHa5nR1pBM-00017-00014081-00014894 today reminds me a bit of the situation just before the civil war in former Yugoslavia, iLHa5nR1pBM-00018-00014894-00015875 where you had this sense of rage that had amassed itself and was highly oppositional, iLHa5nR1pBM-00019-00015875-00016679 claiming its own identities and wanting to move apart, assert itself over against others, iLHa5nR1pBM-00020-00016679-00017395 with very little interest in deliberation about a common future. iLHa5nR1pBM-00021-00017395-00018123 What one finds in many places in Europe today, what one finds certainly at the Republican iLHa5nR1pBM-00022-00018123-00018962 convention right now is a red-hot anger that is highly oppositional, that knows how to iLHa5nR1pBM-00023-00018962-00019684 destroy the opponent, and therefore also knows how to build tall walls, but does not know iLHa5nR1pBM-00024-00019684-00019853 how to build bridges. iLHa5nR1pBM-00025-00019853-00020520 As it turns out, we live in highly pluralistic societies, and without the ability to build iLHa5nR1pBM-00026-00020520-00020937 bridges we are unable to survive. iLHa5nR1pBM-00027-00020937-00021718 I'm afraid that, in the situation where we find ourselves today, this hightening of rhetoric, iLHa5nR1pBM-00028-00021718-00022668 of angry rhetoric, of destroying the enemy, will in fact undermine our ability to live iLHa5nR1pBM-00029-00022668-00022826 together as a nation. iLHa5nR1pBM-00030-00022826-00023654 It is highly polarized; we need to heal the nation rather than build further walls that separate us. iPVGibRorJM-00000-00000409-00000664 Are you planning your vacation in Playa del Carmen? iPVGibRorJM-00001-00000740-00001042 on this channel, I will show you a video weekly iPVGibRorJM-00002-00001042-00001341 with a summary of the reopening that is taking in this city iPVGibRorJM-00003-00001342-00001738 And I will show you everything you can do when you come to this paradise iPVGibRorJM-00004-00001788-00002100 there are many places that you can visit iPVGibRorJM-00005-00002616-00003012 Today, June 15th, we started touring 38th avenue iPVGibRorJM-00006-00003012-00003482 where more and more restaurants are beginning to open their doors to tourism iPVGibRorJM-00007-00004504-00004832 At the end of this street, we reach the beach called "Shangri-La" iPVGibRorJM-00008-00004836-00005042 no access yet iPVGibRorJM-00009-00005042-00005332 it's said that probably on June 22 iPVGibRorJM-00010-00005732-00006118 from here, I show you what the beautiful beach looks like today iPVGibRorJM-00011-00006822-00007194 we continue on the 5th avenue, usually full of tourists iPVGibRorJM-00012-00007194-00007450 every day more businesses are open iPVGibRorJM-00013-00007462-00007726 restaurants are the first to start opening iPVGibRorJM-00014-00007726-00008109 like this one called "Chez Celine", which is one of my favorites iPVGibRorJM-00015-00008400-00008740 now we go down towards the pier of the "Constituyentes" iPVGibRorJM-00016-00008742-00008998 although there is still no public access iPVGibRorJM-00017-00008998-00009294 I have asked permission to show you the beach iPVGibRorJM-00018-00009294-00009592 in this place of the city iPVGibRorJM-00019-00009676-00009974 due to the storm Cristóbal that hit us three weeks ago iPVGibRorJM-00020-00009984-00010252 beach erosion is badly damaged iPVGibRorJM-00021-00010252-00010472 normally, the beach is like this iPVGibRorJM-00022-00010868-00011096 when this happens it recovers little by little iPVGibRorJM-00023-00011128-00011462 I'm sure we will have a lot of beaches to enjoy very soon iPVGibRorJM-00024-00011564-00011886 finally, we go on the bike path on 10th street iPVGibRorJM-00025-00011902-00012228 turn and go down until reach the beach on 8th street iPVGibRorJM-00026-00012236-00012558 here the beach is also was damaged by the storm iPVGibRorJM-00027-00013132-00013604 Remember on June 8, tourist services began to be gradually reactivated iPVGibRorJM-00028-00013632-00014080 so today we are recording in the second week of the reopening of tourism iPVGibRorJM-00029-00014156-00014476 If this video was useful to you, please help me with a like iPVGibRorJM-00030-00014476-00014930 subscribe if you are interested in receiving more information about the reactivation of Playa del Carmen iPVGibRorJM-00031-00015012-00015336 wait next week for the next video…. iQDbZ8fzjYU-00000-00000000-00000554 Dear audience do you know which one is the tree of the year? I didn't iQDbZ8fzjYU-00001-00000602-00000977 But I got well advised by our editoral stuff and know that it' the oak iQDbZ8fzjYU-00002-00000977-00001492 Which plays the main act in todays edition of the 'HeuteLeben' summertour iQDbZ8fzjYU-00003-00001528-00002014 Jan Matejcek is the todays guest in the Cooperage in Sitzenberg-Reidling iQDbZ8fzjYU-00004-00002014-00002216 Dear Jan, I cincerely great you. iQDbZ8fzjYU-00005-00002216-00002926 My geographical knowledge isn't that good but I don't think that Sitzenberg-Reidling belongs to the Wienerwald iQDbZ8fzjYU-00006-00002926-00003582 Yeah, probably you checked that up befor or someone from the editoral stuff told you that too iQDbZ8fzjYU-00007-00003582-00003768 No it's just an instinct iQDbZ8fzjYU-00008-00003768-00004376 Ok then, good instinct but it depends on how tolerant your are with the forestal iQDbZ8fzjYU-00009-00004376-00004746 For sure not, Sitzenberg-Reidling don't belong to the Wienerwald anymore iQDbZ8fzjYU-00010-00004746-00005184 However the wood which get processed here partly hail from the Wienerwald iQDbZ8fzjYU-00011-00005184-00005526 Hello Wolfram and a beautiful day up to you iQDbZ8fzjYU-00012-00005526-00006434 Starting from 2 Liters up to 30.000 Liters, this here capture 6.000 Liters iQDbZ8fzjYU-00013-00006434-00006926 all this get produced here at Cooperage VBS Schön iQDbZ8fzjYU-00014-00006926-00007692 the technique how these barrels are made is almost the same from small to big and that for many century iQDbZ8fzjYU-00015-00008958-00009682 a cooperage isn't the quiet place due to we use lunch to talk iQDbZ8fzjYU-00016-00009688-00010098 here we have a barrel in a state as produced iQDbZ8fzjYU-00017-00010098-00010464 which types of wood get used usually? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00018-00010464-00010888 to 90 per cent we use oak for the production of our barrels iQDbZ8fzjYU-00019-00010888-00011516 furthermore we are able to process acacia, cherry or chestnut if desired iQDbZ8fzjYU-00020-00011516-00011778 here we have some staves iQDbZ8fzjYU-00021-00011778-00012214 how do they get fit for the barrels form iQDbZ8fzjYU-00022-00012222-00013180 first of all the outside have to get shaped round depending on the diameter iQDbZ8fzjYU-00023-00013180-00013938 to bend the staves we have to shape them thinner in the middle iQDbZ8fzjYU-00024-00014213-00014902 on the basis of the specific pattern the stave get beveled iQDbZ8fzjYU-00025-00014944-00015969 thereby the barrel gets his roundness the middle get shaped expanded iQDbZ8fzjYU-00026-00016648-00017132 our staves are ready, so how do we get a barrel of them? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00027-00017182-00017362 obviously you need much strength iQDbZ8fzjYU-00028-00017366-00017692 Yeah as well as fire and water iQDbZ8fzjYU-00029-00017756-00018332 Due to the fire and the water the wood gets elastic and is able to get band iQDbZ8fzjYU-00030-00018378-00018730 what are those rings which get hammered on? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00031-00018730-00019622 Yes, this rings have to hammered down because by bending the diameter changes and so the barrel keeps in his position iQDbZ8fzjYU-00032-00019622-00019868 The bending occur by an cable rope iQDbZ8fzjYU-00033-00019938-00020646 The temperature get controlled by the fire in the middle of the barrel and the continuous humidification iQDbZ8fzjYU-00034-00020646-00021652 Which leads to the arise of steam which is necessary for the elasticity to bend them with the cable rope on the bottom side iQDbZ8fzjYU-00035-00021780-00022208 Next step are the heads and therefore the barrels have to take apart right? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00036-00022218-00022354 Yeah more or less iQDbZ8fzjYU-00037-00022438-00023236 For both heads you have to hammer off the rings to untighten the staves iQDbZ8fzjYU-00038-00023236-00023946 Afterwards we have to go inside the barrel to push the head in the prepared notch iQDbZ8fzjYU-00039-00024514-00024896 For the finish the barrel get dressed to size but that is more or less just a beauty treatment right? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00040-00024926-00026133 Yes, because the wine cellars often served as a show object so our barrels shall offer a beautiful optics through this iQDbZ8fzjYU-00041-00026164-00026704 These barrels are gigantic, with partial 10000 liters, how long you need for such a barrel? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00042-00026814-00027733 the working hours for such a barrel are 100 to 120 hours depending on how the winemaker wants his barrel iQDbZ8fzjYU-00043-00027783-00028206 such a barrel is gigantic what if this doesn't get through the cellar door? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00044-00028233-00028854 that's the big advantage of wooden barrels you can seperate it and reassemble it on the spot iQDbZ8fzjYU-00045-00028854-00029260 You mean you deliver the barrel seperate it on the spot, carry it into the cellar and reassemble it? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00046-00029260-00029362 Exactly iQDbZ8fzjYU-00047-00029362-00030030 When it is too big for the delivery we seperate it at the production and reassemlbe it in the cellar iQDbZ8fzjYU-00048-00030489-00030950 There are just a few coopers in austria left iQDbZ8fzjYU-00049-00031018-00031202 How about the trade by itself? iQDbZ8fzjYU-00050-00031202-00031598 One could say that the wooden barrel is having his renaissance right now iQDbZ8fzjYU-00051-00031660-00033018 Especially in the wine aging but also in the sector of vinegar and spirits iQDbZ8fzjYU-00052-00033200-00033744 Round about 300 of these barrels get produced by the cooperage VBS Schön in a year iQDbZ8fzjYU-00053-00033744-00034266 They are exported worldwide to Italy, France, Californian even to Australia iQDbZ8fzjYU-00054-00034322-00034870 Tomorrow we are away in the Wienerwald again iQDbZ8fzjYU-00055-00034870-00035318 and by this I give it back to you Wolfram iQDbZ8fzjYU-00056-00035332-00035674 Dear Jan thank you for this and we see you again tomorrow iRmXXQPAHzu-00000-00000021-00000696 today we're talking about requirement elicitation techniques how do you actually draw out iRmXXQPAHzu-00001-00000696-00001419 requirements out of people or the processes of documents to make sure you understand the problem iRmXXQPAHzu-00002-00001419-00002073 and that you can meet the client's needs how do you do that that is what we're talking about iRmXXQPAHzu-00003-00002073-00002622 today so it makes no sense to skip this video or the track and wash your hand because it's iRmXXQPAHzu-00004-00002622-00003254 all gonna be good this is the video we looking for so stay right there I will be right back iRmXXQPAHzu-00005-00005693-00006539 so then the reason why they call it requirements education and not requirements gathering I've iRmXXQPAHzu-00006-00006539-00007022 seen people say requirements gathering and you know I know that people just use terms without iRmXXQPAHzu-00007-00007022-00007586 really thinking through it but requirements are not lying around so you go gather them they're iRmXXQPAHzu-00008-00007586-00008084 not just sitting around for to get them and just put them together that's not what's with us right iRmXXQPAHzu-00009-00008084-00008657 so you have to elicit you have to draw out you have to get to the get to the root ah it's not iRmXXQPAHzu-00010-00008657-00009359 very obvious you have to ask and probe until you actually get the responses that itemize and show iRmXXQPAHzu-00011-00009359-00010070 what the actual requirement is right so just one say that it's not requirements gathering iRmXXQPAHzu-00012-00010070-00010664 its requirement elicitation and how do you do this now then many techniques that we can use iRmXXQPAHzu-00013-00010664-00011729 right and those include interviews brainstorming workshops observation you know process modeling iRmXXQPAHzu-00014-00011729-00012332 or business modeling all of these are different techniques that you can use but really it's not iRmXXQPAHzu-00015-00012332-00012899 so much about the technique but more about when to use the technique that when is the best time iRmXXQPAHzu-00016-00012899-00013888 to actually use a technique to find out or to draw out requirements it's a very very um I would say iRmXXQPAHzu-00017-00013888-00014516 a very specific skill that you have to have and this is the route this is the route of being a iRmXXQPAHzu-00018-00014516-00014996 business analyst if you're not able to actually elicit requirements they're not worth your salt iRmXXQPAHzu-00019-00015103-00015850 so it's just truth like this is what makes you the better person to have on the team that just iRmXXQPAHzu-00020-00015850-00016393 anybody right you could always say a developer can go write code if you know what to write the iRmXXQPAHzu-00021-00016393-00016894 problem is what to write how do you know what it is and that's where the dissertation that means iRmXXQPAHzu-00022-00016894-00017524 come into play so I would say before you jump into start you know applying these techniques and say iRmXXQPAHzu-00023-00017524-00018043 okay I'm gonna go start the interview I'm gonna hold a workshop I'm gonna I'm gonna you know do iRmXXQPAHzu-00024-00018043-00018658 all of these things to elicit requirements the first first first first first thing you need iRmXXQPAHzu-00025-00018658-00019387 to do is to understand the world in which the business is living in right understand the world iRmXXQPAHzu-00026-00019387-00020161 that they live in the user-driven that the clients living understand just just your environment for iRmXXQPAHzu-00027-00020161-00021073 example if you work at a bank right and you're into mortgage loans right and they say well we iRmXXQPAHzu-00028-00021073-00021667 need a system that will make mortgage lending easier they always give you these very strong iRmXXQPAHzu-00029-00021667-00022417 expectations they want it to be easier I wanted all of us to make more money we want to get more iRmXXQPAHzu-00030-00022417-00022996 vacations process quicker and things like that before you jump into let me do some interviews and iRmXXQPAHzu-00031-00022996-00023464 find out things and do some workshops and do some observations all that stuff the first thing you iRmXXQPAHzu-00032-00023464-00024268 need to do at the basic analysis understand that work what exactly is it like from the processor's iRmXXQPAHzu-00033-00024268-00025057 perspective to be processing a mortgage loan how do I start my day what's the next thing I iRmXXQPAHzu-00034-00025057-00025717 do these are what we call shots to be done if you understand the jobs to be done then you can find iRmXXQPAHzu-00035-00025717-00026197 out where the pain points are why it's taking so long and then you can do your interviews you can iRmXXQPAHzu-00036-00026197-00027031 ask more intelligent questions that bring the root cause of the problem to the floor you have to have iRmXXQPAHzu-00037-00027031-00027702 to have to try to understand world of each of your stakeholders or your users and people that benefit iRmXXQPAHzu-00038-00027702-00028239 from whatever you're going to be improving so if you're working on a mortgage system to make it iRmXXQPAHzu-00039-00028239-00028727 easier and no process more applications picker and all that stuff firstly I did this I want to iRmXXQPAHzu-00040-00028727-00029505 say : right so you know that the process gotta be involved underwriters involved the person by how iRmXXQPAHzu-00041-00029505-00030012 much is involved in maybe third parties involved so you look at the world of all of these different iRmXXQPAHzu-00042-00030012-00030798 personas we call them and you try to understand what are they trying to do what are their jobs iRmXXQPAHzu-00043-00030798-00031220 on this job are they trying to accomplish so you look at the process a look at all these different iRmXXQPAHzu-00044-00031220-00031827 people you understand their world of anymore that will give you certain background knowledge when iRmXXQPAHzu-00045-00031827-00032268 you're doing the interviews and observation and sometimes that you understand what they're doing iRmXXQPAHzu-00046-00032268-00032724 you understand why they're doing that so part of it is understanding the lingo the jargon iRmXXQPAHzu-00047-00032724-00033360 thing with the child dangerous why they use it what it means to them right there is a challenge iRmXXQPAHzu-00048-00033360-00033870 where you don't always like access to some of these people so for example even access to the iRmXXQPAHzu-00049-00033870-00034404 buyer of the house to understand here's my own sense but you can do some research you can you iRmXXQPAHzu-00050-00034404-00034941 know you know you can see how other buyers have or even people in your family with water house iRmXXQPAHzu-00051-00034941-00035559 you can see how they feel about the whole process things like that so you can step outside of the iRmXXQPAHzu-00052-00035559-00036072 boundaries and the four walls of your office and try to understand the experience of the people iRmXXQPAHzu-00053-00036072-00036627 who turn into whatever your software is all your process is gonna be improvement so that's iRmXXQPAHzu-00054-00036627-00036984 the first thing I would say trying to get to the mindset of these people try to understand the job iRmXXQPAHzu-00055-00036984-00037662 to be done and from that perspective then you can properly apply the techniques ever talked about iRmXXQPAHzu-00056-00037967-00039002 so interviews immigrants is one the best ways to understand exactly what these sneeze or when iRmXXQPAHzu-00057-00039002-00039590 I said to me I'm a subject matter expert or stakeholders are experiencing right so when iRmXXQPAHzu-00058-00039590-00040196 you're doing an interview it's best to be more listening than talking others now you want them iRmXXQPAHzu-00059-00040196-00040724 to tell you things so you're gonna make sure that you manage to interview very well to schedule it iRmXXQPAHzu-00060-00040724-00041195 for the time I think it's gonna take not always enough but you're scheduling to make sure you get iRmXXQPAHzu-00061-00041195-00041726 the right person based on what you're trying to do I wanna get person to rule you let them talk iRmXXQPAHzu-00062-00041726-00042260 of course you have your questions that I'm gonna be probing question so you want to start them off iRmXXQPAHzu-00063-00042260-00042659 with something they already know just easy for them to start talking like tell me more about iRmXXQPAHzu-00064-00042659-00043196 your job 7 what are the things that you're trying to do tell me why it's a pain for you you know so iRmXXQPAHzu-00065-00043196-00043874 you you let them talk and I say talk we can pick up on different things that can help clarify any iRmXXQPAHzu-00066-00043874-00044435 I'm degree she can explain what they're trying to comfort you as a business analyst can walk go iRmXXQPAHzu-00067-00044435-00044864 if you let me learnt a lot from them and you've understood a lot of the things that you're going iRmXXQPAHzu-00068-00044864-00045338 to be attempting to solve one of the first things you can do during the interview process is if you iRmXXQPAHzu-00069-00045338-00045884 can have some kind of visual tool so they can follow you so the make sure that you capture iRmXXQPAHzu-00070-00045884-00046562 what we're talking about so sometimes we just put up a note and as you're talking we kind of capture iRmXXQPAHzu-00071-00046562-00047240 notes so they can see that what they're saying has impact that we have actually captured it and you iRmXXQPAHzu-00072-00047240-00047684 know it won't just be talk talk talk and you use the essence on what they said so as you as your iRmXXQPAHzu-00073-00047684-00048222 interview people is get to show them something but I can see the flow of what you've captured and iRmXXQPAHzu-00074-00048222-00048972 they can correct you if you're making any mistakes in the future again one of the best ways to elicit iRmXXQPAHzu-00075-00048972-00049497 requirements because you can add several questions right it's great also to give you the background iRmXXQPAHzu-00076-00049497-00050421 knowledge so that you understand and it's less I would say to Miami on the interviewee because you iRmXXQPAHzu-00077-00050421-00050811 don't want to be sending them emails back and forth and taking it all the time if you select iRmXXQPAHzu-00078-00050811-00051315 some time with that they can dedicate they can focus on your questions without being distracted iRmXXQPAHzu-00079-00051315-00051687 by everything you know that's going on around them so interview is funny the number one bass iRmXXQPAHzu-00080-00051687-00052430 music requirement but you also have workshops now individual one and one the workshop other iRmXXQPAHzu-00081-00052430-00053129 is a group so sometimes you have such a problem that you don't just want to rely on one person's iRmXXQPAHzu-00082-00053129-00053601 opinion you don't want to go one by one by one by one by one asking different opinion so you iRmXXQPAHzu-00083-00053601-00054174 can group people one you know interests and input into what you're trying to do into a room and just iRmXXQPAHzu-00084-00054174-00054753 have a workshop obviously takes more planning more management skill you can gonna make sure you curb iRmXXQPAHzu-00085-00054753-00055173 all the side conversations that don't relate to what you're trying to accomplish I make sure you iRmXXQPAHzu-00086-00055173-00055779 you know you manage a group of people better make sure you have enough break between so they don't iRmXXQPAHzu-00087-00055779-00056354 get like lackluster and tired and start giving you like short responses they want to get like strong iRmXXQPAHzu-00088-00056354-00056891 responses as possible so that's what you do in the workshop a part of it is that at the beginning iRmXXQPAHzu-00089-00056891-00057276 when you're eliciting requirements you're gonna get a lot of different different varied opinions iRmXXQPAHzu-00090-00057276-00057747 especially if you're doing a workshop where people may not agree it's okay it's okay they iRmXXQPAHzu-00091-00057747-00058275 don't agree it's good to get differing opinions and then when you sit down to your analysis of iRmXXQPAHzu-00092-00058275-00058955 the feedback then you can see and clarify you know with them which you know which direction to iRmXXQPAHzu-00093-00058955-00059451 go so it's okay if people don't agree it doesn't sure that you capture all the different opinions iRmXXQPAHzu-00094-00059451-00060150 and that feeds into your pool of information that would inform what you decide or what you propose iRmXXQPAHzu-00095-00060150-00060714 to be the best solution to the problem another illustration technique is observation and this iRmXXQPAHzu-00096-00060714-00061212 is very simple right using it observe and see how people are doing things and that can lead into iRmXXQPAHzu-00097-00061212-00062001 some requirements as well so for example if you you work at an airline and you saw that people are iRmXXQPAHzu-00098-00062001-00062484 joining the line waiting long time in line getting up to the pool and then they have to lift up their iRmXXQPAHzu-00099-00062484-00062985 bags and put it on the scale and then they have to take it off and change you know what's in there iRmXXQPAHzu-00100-00062985-00063605 because it's too too heavy you could just observe that you don't need to actually go talk to them iRmXXQPAHzu-00101-00063605-00064185 I'm sure you know that they are frustrated because they have to change the way so for a solution iRmXXQPAHzu-00102-00064185-00064770 which many airlines have done is to give you a scale and so you can just come and check out the iRmXXQPAHzu-00103-00064770-00065169 scale without having to join the line first you know so you can know if your bag is overweight iRmXXQPAHzu-00104-00065169-00065685 or not and you can make the adjustments outside of the lines you know hold up the line while you're iRmXXQPAHzu-00105-00065685-00066150 taking things out of the suitcase to match the way to be no restriction so things like that so iRmXXQPAHzu-00106-00066150-00066765 observation is a great way it works in some places it doesn't work all the time but it's always good iRmXXQPAHzu-00107-00066765-00067278 to have this in your back pocket as where I do not observe other ways elicit requirements is iRmXXQPAHzu-00108-00067278-00067926 your business modeling so this is probably in conjunction with interviews and so on you could iRmXXQPAHzu-00109-00067926-00068598 have understood just the world but it's great to kind of put those on pick in picture format say iRmXXQPAHzu-00110-00068598-00069057 okay this process linked to this and then this system is so I'm talking about your flowchart iRmXXQPAHzu-00111-00069057-00069912 diagrams your UML diagrams it's just a way for you to graphically represent what you understand about iRmXXQPAHzu-00112-00069912-00070506 the process and by doing that you may reveal things that you wouldn't have otherwise seen iRmXXQPAHzu-00113-00070506-00071164 so for example if you're at a decision point and it's like if it's true there is process what if iRmXXQPAHzu-00114-00071164-00071725 it's not true like what do we do now so that would receive that hit it's a requirement here that if iRmXXQPAHzu-00115-00071725-00072310 this doesn't work out what do we do in this case so just by modeling it out it forces you to think iRmXXQPAHzu-00116-00072310-00072841 through each of the steps and that can reveal requirements as well the other thing is your iRmXXQPAHzu-00117-00072841-00073525 process walkthrough so this is again something you do in conjunction to interview or a workshop where iRmXXQPAHzu-00118-00073525-00074152 you have this means that subject matter experts in the room and you would have model the process iRmXXQPAHzu-00119-00074152-00074725 already anything okay this is what we've come up with and you want it to do with them and then iRmXXQPAHzu-00120-00074725-00075295 because they have so much knowledge they can say nope that's not where it goes if that's if that iRmXXQPAHzu-00121-00075295-00075862 doesn't happen and this is what we do and they can correct you and so with that approach what iRmXXQPAHzu-00122-00075862-00076294 you get is you show them something it's easier for people to correct something they're looking iRmXXQPAHzu-00123-00076294-00076771 at times you come up with something that said on a black piece of paper you know like if you show iRmXXQPAHzu-00124-00076771-00077383 them an empty white board it might be hard to come up with all of the steps but if you show them what iRmXXQPAHzu-00125-00077383-00077797 you've already come up with it's easier for them to correct it and to tell you where you're going iRmXXQPAHzu-00126-00077797-00078439 wrong and that could inform what you're missing in your requirements the other way to do requirements iRmXXQPAHzu-00127-00078439-00079216 elicitation to be role playing so you may just in a role play the client versus the agent or iRmXXQPAHzu-00128-00079216-00079951 something is to figure out how best to interact with this - so rothman is a very common one but iRmXXQPAHzu-00129-00079951-00080497 it could work for some industries but most of the time in IT software projects and so on there's not iRmXXQPAHzu-00130-00080497-00080863 a lot of more playing because you kind of know the users already but I could definitely see iRmXXQPAHzu-00131-00080863-00081490 this making sense of all the types of processes so prototyping is another one so for the typing is I iRmXXQPAHzu-00132-00081490-00082075 come up with as wireframe is my and I say hey this is what we're planning on doing and then iRmXXQPAHzu-00133-00082075-00082630 the subject matter experts can poke holes and give your opinion if they think that the flow is right iRmXXQPAHzu-00134-00082630-00083230 or the types of information that we're showing is right so prototyping is a way of showing your iRmXXQPAHzu-00135-00083230-00083824 wireframes or your mock-ups and get it feedback from the people who might be involved in a program iRmXXQPAHzu-00136-00083824-00084295 using the system so they'll tell you whether or not you're sure the right information if that's iRmXXQPAHzu-00137-00084295-00084814 what they want to see they can pull caused it to the flow and things like that so this is another iRmXXQPAHzu-00138-00084814-00085354 way that you show something and get feedback as opposed to just getting something from you know iRmXXQPAHzu-00139-00085354-00085945 just fresh from the beginning I always find that sometimes when you make a stab at it first they iRmXXQPAHzu-00140-00085945-00086425 can correct you much better than if they had to come up with the whole thing on their own iRmXXQPAHzu-00141-00086425-00087040 so you can determine which one is best facing the situation but definitely prototyping does iRmXXQPAHzu-00142-00087040-00087538 help you to expose requirements that we may otherwise me and then the other thing which iRmXXQPAHzu-00143-00087538-00088054 is very common is also documentation so you can get requirements just a reading the documentation iRmXXQPAHzu-00144-00088054-00088546 so for example again I like to go right from a banking example so you work at a bank in a big iRmXXQPAHzu-00145-00088546-00089116 market so in the u.s. is a lot of regulations are on mortgages so if you're into mortgages there's iRmXXQPAHzu-00146-00089116-00089704 some car HMDA and that's just a long list of regulations as to what you can I cannot have iRmXXQPAHzu-00147-00089704-00090388 on your application and in all these data points so just by reading that document will give you iRmXXQPAHzu-00148-00090388-00090811 all the requirements that you need so you can use it requirements just from reading the regulations iRmXXQPAHzu-00149-00090811-00091210 that understanding what they need so that's another way that you can visit requirements iRmXXQPAHzu-00150-00091475-00092318 so a crime increase attention is no joke right this is the core of what you do as iRmXXQPAHzu-00151-00092318-00092780 a business analyst because anybody could just write requirements right if it was easy to get iRmXXQPAHzu-00152-00092780-00093341 like the developer could just go write some requirements and go build its own code but iRmXXQPAHzu-00153-00093341-00093938 you are there because you have the skills to know what to build and you know what to build iRmXXQPAHzu-00154-00093938-00094559 based on the education techniques that you use the draw of the real requirements to solve the iRmXXQPAHzu-00155-00094559-00095189 real problem so that you meet the business need now it's not an easy process it's not something iRmXXQPAHzu-00156-00095189-00095711 you're gonna just go gather you know there's no gathering of requirements it's drying it out and iRmXXQPAHzu-00157-00095711-00096305 all of these techniques that I talked about and I result in a lot of data you're gonna get a lot iRmXXQPAHzu-00158-00096305-00096734 of data points of everybody's opinion everybody's thoughts and all the documents and all the stuff iRmXXQPAHzu-00159-00096734-00097289 and then you're gonna have to analyze all of that to say okay if I do this and this and iRmXXQPAHzu-00160-00097289-00097820 this I might meet up meet all of these needs but I may not be able to do this what I do this so iRmXXQPAHzu-00161-00097820-00098474 there's a lot of thinking it goes on and so you want to get all these inputs into your brain so iRmXXQPAHzu-00162-00098474-00099206 you can try to formulate and id8 conceptualize the best solution so you may not have a perfect iRmXXQPAHzu-00163-00099206-00099860 solution but you want to make sure that you are solving for the majority of the needs that was iRmXXQPAHzu-00164-00099860-00100571 expressed during your elicitation exercises so it all boils down to knowing when to use iRmXXQPAHzu-00165-00100571-00101216 what technique and with whom sometimes you're able to easily access the people who have the iRmXXQPAHzu-00166-00101216-00101720 knowledge and then you're not able to and so you have to fall back on another technique because iRmXXQPAHzu-00167-00101720-00102347 you can't do the interview so it's just applying yourself understanding your environment is the iRmXXQPAHzu-00168-00102347-00102896 first thing then you look at what you have readily available to you and it going to use iRmXXQPAHzu-00169-00102896-00103376 that and then if you can't get the thing that you think would be to do what's next into the iRmXXQPAHzu-00170-00103376-00103960 next best thing I get interviewed is probably the best thing you can do if you already understand iRmXXQPAHzu-00171-00103960-00104492 the world that these people live in that you're trying to start the problem for and then you do iRmXXQPAHzu-00172-00104492-00105149 the interviews to try to get the jobs to be done understand a little bit more of what they do and iRmXXQPAHzu-00173-00105149-00105863 how it impacts them workshops are great process clothes are great prototyping is great business iRmXXQPAHzu-00174-00105863-00106370 modeling is great observation is great reading the documents is fit so these are all things that you iRmXXQPAHzu-00175-00106370-00106892 can do to these requirements again I hope this video was useful if you have not yet subscribed iRmXXQPAHzu-00176-00106892-00107683 please subscribe it's very easy and also check out my website karaleise.com and check out my facebook iRmXXQPAHzu-00177-00107683-00108425 facebook.com slash karaleise and I will see you guys next time in the next video thank you so much iSQ8h_mnHjk-00000-00000000-00000806 Translation by Hazuki no Yume iSQ8h_mnHjk-00001-00002360-00003253 We’re dancing on a stage without so much as a name, iSQ8h_mnHjk-00002-00003473-00004380 hurling our criticism at what we deem as a half-hearted rhetoric. iSQ8h_mnHjk-00003-00004470-00005016 Cast under someone’s magic, iSQ8h_mnHjk-00004-00005016-00005466 we can be the most lovely and charming. iSQ8h_mnHjk-00005-00005566-00006450 All right, let’s put on our masks and laugh our way through another day. iSQ8h_mnHjk-00006-00013390-00014290 “I may be removed from the scenario, but I’m still here.” iSQ8h_mnHjk-00007-00014500-00015406 “I may disappear from the program, but I won’t lose my luster.” iSQ8h_mnHjk-00008-00017696-00018240 When everyone is just about to forget, iSQ8h_mnHjk-00009-00018246-00018716 we’ll appear as our natural selves, iSQ8h_mnHjk-00010-00018806-00019666 and the lies we’ve been telling each other iSQ8h_mnHjk-00011-00019800-00020230 will become ourselves. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00000-00000727-00001607 So, depression is not the same thing as being sad or unhappy. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00001-00001607-00001919 Everyone’s life has challenges. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00002-00001919-00002383 There are stresses and challenges we experience on a daily basis; there are losses and transitions iT8KpbHU3Wu-00003-00002383-00002550 that everyone goes through. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00004-00002550-00003018 When we talk about major depression we are talking about a condition where someone’s iT8KpbHU3Wu-00005-00003018-00003834 mood is low, or they feel uninterested in things, for more days than not, over a sustained iT8KpbHU3Wu-00006-00003834-00004116 period of time, usually for at least two weeks. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00007-00004116-00004754 There are other symptoms, people with depression experience difficulty sleeping, difficulty iT8KpbHU3Wu-00008-00004754-00005510 with their appetite, difficulty concentrating, have low energy; in serious situations they iT8KpbHU3Wu-00009-00005510-00005993 will have very negative thoughts about how other people feel about them and about how iT8KpbHU3Wu-00010-00005993-00006096 they feel about the world. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00011-00006096-00006486 And people may have thoughts about not wanting to live anymore. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00012-00006486-00006894 Probably about the most important thing to understand about depression is that a major iT8KpbHU3Wu-00013-00006894-00007264 depression is when it impacts a person’s ability to function; it impacts their ability iT8KpbHU3Wu-00014-00007264-00007571 to work; it impacts their relationships. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00015-00007571-00008184 For people who have mild symptoms or moderate symptoms of depression talk therapy and types iT8KpbHU3Wu-00016-00008184-00008459 of psychotherapy might help on their own. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00017-00008459-00009086 For people who have more serious symptoms of depression, they may also require medication iT8KpbHU3Wu-00018-00009086-00009613 treatment on top of talk therapies, or even medication treatment on their own to get better. iT8KpbHU3Wu-00019-00009613-00009929 But the really important thing to know: help is available. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00000-00000071-00000429 The first step in developing open courses is to create a course map. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00001-00000429-00000858 A course map is the first rough draft of a course; something a writing instructor might iZ-rzRU5yOy-00002-00000858-00001044 call a mind map. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00003-00001044-00001468 The idea behind course mapping is to outline your ideas for what materials the students iZ-rzRU5yOy-00004-00001468-00001823 will interact with, and what they will do to demonstrate that they developed the skills iZ-rzRU5yOy-00005-00001823-00002025 you are planning to teach. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00006-00002025-00002460 In course mapping for open courses, the course map also defines exactly what materials will iZ-rzRU5yOy-00007-00002460-00003007 be used in your course, so that open education experts can easily review the licenses on iZ-rzRU5yOy-00008-00003007-00003248 all of the materials. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00009-00003248-00003696 Course maps can also help you to see where you might need to create or find new and different iZ-rzRU5yOy-00010-00003696-00003796 materials. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00011-00003796-00004196 This video will describe the course mapping process that we use in the Pierce Open Project iZ-rzRU5yOy-00012-00004196-00004401 at Pierce College. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00013-00004401-00004823 The process uses a course mapping tool shared by our colleagues at Lumen Learning. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00014-00004823-00005274 It has been slightly modified, because we add a column for enabling outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00015-00005274-00005614 This blank template shows the information that the course map will collect. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00016-00005614-00006066 The two most left columns are information that is defined by the college. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00017-00006066-00006478 We have college-wide adopted outcomes, which can be found in the Course Manager system. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00018-00006478-00007061 It is a good idea to check your outcomes every quarter, just to be sure they didn�t change. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00019-00007061-00007411 Once your course outcomes are entered, you can begin defining the type of assessment iZ-rzRU5yOy-00020-00007411-00007732 that you will probably use to assess each outcome. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00021-00007732-00008136 You don�t need to fully write the assessment, and in the early stages you might have more iZ-rzRU5yOy-00022-00008136-00008381 than one assessment idea per outcome. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00023-00008381-00008746 In some courses you might assess the same outcomes more than once. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00024-00008746-00009171 You might also use the same assessment to demonstrate multiple outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00025-00009171-00009621 Remember that you cannot assess the students on something that you don�t explicitly teach, iZ-rzRU5yOy-00026-00009621-00010059 unless you can reasonably assume that the student has acquired the skill you asking iZ-rzRU5yOy-00027-00010059-00010588 them to demonstrate in other classes or places in their lives. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00028-00010588-00011100 In the current example the sketch assessment for outcome #1 asks participants to write iZ-rzRU5yOy-00029-00011100-00011200 a rubric. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00030-00011200-00011661 I am assuming knowledge about writing rubrics that my students might not have. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00031-00011661-00012078 For this reason the course map includes a section on enabling outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00032-00012078-00012534 List concepts and ideas that students will need to learn about in order to demonstrate iZ-rzRU5yOy-00033-00012534-00012742 the larger outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00034-00012742-00013122 The next step of course mapping is to find the materials that you would most like students iZ-rzRU5yOy-00035-00013122-00013461 to interact with in order to meet course learning outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00036-00013461-00013791 Please be sure to keep the URL for the materials that you find. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00037-00013791-00014283 Enter the URL into the column marked �OER Provided.� Next to that, be sure to state iZ-rzRU5yOy-00038-00014283-00014613 what section of the resource the student should use. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00039-00014613-00015094 In the example here, you can see that the material used is all one source. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00040-00015094-00015397 That source is a remixed book on the Lumen Platform. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00041-00015397-00015777 If you would like, we can arrange to do a remix like this one. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00042-00015777-00016333 Please contact your open education project manager to talk about the remix process. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00043-00016333-00016835 The final column asks you to define the open license applied to the OER you have selected. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00044-00016835-00017120 Please be specific in the license you type here. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00045-00017120-00017521 When we review your course materials, we will need to ensure that all materials are licensed iZ-rzRU5yOy-00046-00017521-00017790 appropriately for our project. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00047-00017790-00018295 We prefer if you use materials that are Creative Commons Attribution or Creative Commons Attribution iZ-rzRU5yOy-00048-00018295-00018654 Share-Alike licensed. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00049-00018654-00019054 You might need more than one resource to help students meet course learning objectives. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00050-00019054-00019531 It is okay to add rows and indicate the outcome number when you have multiple outcomes. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00051-00019531-00019952 As you see in this example, there is a second resource for the first outcome. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00052-00019952-00020409 Once you have an idea of materials used for your course, and you have a collection of iZ-rzRU5yOy-00053-00020409-00020779 assessment ideas, you can decide on progression. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00054-00020779-00021143 Define the order in which your course will be taught, and assign module numbers for each iZ-rzRU5yOy-00055-00021143-00021270 major outcome. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00056-00021270-00021836 You can cover several outcomes per module or you can have one module per outcome. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00057-00021836-00022344 The final step of course mapping is to review the map to make sure that the amount of work iZ-rzRU5yOy-00058-00022344-00022851 you are expecting from students is appropriate for the amount of credit offered by your course. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00059-00022851-00023233 You might want to change assessments, or cut down on some readings if the course seems iZ-rzRU5yOy-00060-00023233-00023353 out of balance. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00061-00023353-00023769 You can even ask a colleague to review what you have sketched out in your course map, iZ-rzRU5yOy-00062-00023769-00024200 so that you have some sense of if you are on the right track before you begin to collect iZ-rzRU5yOy-00063-00024200-00024493 your course in a more formal collection. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00064-00024493-00024884 For questions about course mapping, please contact the Center for Engagement and Learning, iZ-rzRU5yOy-00065-00024884-00025014 or the Pierce Open Project. iZ-rzRU5yOy-00066-00025014-00025404 We�re happy to help you with your course map and overall course design projects. ic5yxjNtYhu-00000-00002479-00002594 9 namaskaram ic5yxjNtYhu-00001-00002594-00002765 ETV న్యూస్ ముద్దు విట్టన్ మోనోగ్రామ్ చేసిన OPM ic5yxjNtYhu-00002-00002765-00003259 salut అమరావతి లా ప్రొహిబిడా ఖురాన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00003-00003259-00003527 అల్-ఇమ్రాన్ చెస్టన్ యొక్క ER డా జియా నమ్రత ic5yxjNtYhu-00004-00003527-00003719 allomere foo ఆర్థర్ ఒక త్రయం కూచీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00005-00003719-00004165 ఓకారినా దగ్గర బీటా స్టేజ్ ఎన్ హుక్ హై కో 2 ic5yxjNtYhu-00006-00004323-00004594 డిప్పే ICM వద్ద సముద్రం దగ్గర తీసుకోబడింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00007-00004594-00004798 మెక్కాఫ్రీ దలేక్ తరువాత సమిక్ష ప్రారంభమవుతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00008-00004798-00004970 రానా నెడ్ మిలియన్ సిస్కో మోకాలి మా ఆచారం ic5yxjNtYhu-00009-00004970-00005164 మేము సియోనిక్ నీటి ప్యాకెట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00010-00005164-00005448 యువత - జెట్టా ic5yxjNtYhu-00011-00005545-00005848 మేము 93 పూచీన చంద్ర వద్ద అదృశ్యమవుతాము ic5yxjNtYhu-00012-00005848-00006121 బాబు రాజా బీటా కికుచి బీటా వెన్న అని ic5yxjNtYhu-00013-00006121-00006266 నేను ఇప్పుడు చాలా దగ్గరగా ఉంటాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00014-00006266-00006850 ఒక అగాధం తెలంగాణ యొక్క అంగీకారం ic5yxjNtYhu-00015-00006850-00007016 లామర్ ఓ కల్లాహన్ నవల పాలిసిలికాన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00016-00007016-00007256 లులు సూత్ర ప్రయా ఎంజీ కొనిషి లా ic5yxjNtYhu-00017-00007256-00007511 terraza cerca de la la vara కాలీ లా ic5yxjNtYhu-00018-00007511-00007843 మీసా క్రిస్టినా వ్యాసం ఓహ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00019-00008087-00008382 DSM సిప్ ఇంజనీరింగ్ కౌన్సెలింగ్ పై-ఓ-మై ic5yxjNtYhu-00020-00008382-00008595 నేను ఒక పార్టీకి హైకోర్టు ఇనోమాటా ic5yxjNtYhu-00021-00008595-00008832 అధికారిక ఒక మొటిమ విజ్ఞప్తి అవును ఒక మీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00022-00008832-00009417 తెలంగాణ విద్యా సిర్కా కట్ ఛానల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00023-00009417-00009651 మాలెట్టో గాజు ఓప్రా కాన్పూర్ నుండి డబ్బు ic5yxjNtYhu-00024-00009651-00009879 ఆలూ రెసిడెన్సీ లూసియస్ నాదాబ్ పావెలిక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00025-00009879-00010095 తూర్పు అనిత లూ అతను పాడ్ పొందాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00026-00010095-00011355 మాతా ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ సినిమాలో ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00027-00011355-00011517 మేము చేసే వరకు తక్కువ ఉన్న రాజస్థాన్ యమహా ic5yxjNtYhu-00028-00011517-00011667 కొన్ని ప్రభు టోనీ మతం అణచివేత ADA ic5yxjNtYhu-00029-00011667-00011859 కెన్నెల్లా మోర్టిమెర్ టోనీ క్రిస్ మనిషి ఇతాకా ic5yxjNtYhu-00030-00011859-00012012 రికోటా పై ఆర్ మర్టల్ ఒక మధ్యవర్తి ic5yxjNtYhu-00031-00012012-00012213 అణచివేసే వారు ఒక రకమైన చల్లని సోలానా ic5yxjNtYhu-00032-00012213-00012369 మూక్ కూడా ముగ్గురు జగన్ వారు సోలానో ic5yxjNtYhu-00033-00012369-00012591 ఇడియటిక్ శాశ్వతత్వం తరువాత దూరంగా ఉన్నట్లు చూడండి a ic5yxjNtYhu-00034-00012591-00012795 హానికరమైన టర్నర్ డెలాబార్ ఎ సిర్కా దాదా ic5yxjNtYhu-00035-00012795-00012999 parvis a Tamara ప్రజాపతి అవివేకిని కాదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00036-00012999-00013428 శివ సర్ కుండలిని ఒక డీకనెస్ ను కాపాడుతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00037-00013428-00013653 అయోధ్య డికార్లో కూల్ షీ వెస్ట్రన్ నినా ic5yxjNtYhu-00038-00013653-00013841 సైన్ ట్రిమ్ ప్రకృతి కార్యక్రమాన్ని పండించండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00039-00013841-00014013 విన్సీ ఒక ప్రత్యేక మార్గం రెండవ అన్యమత ic5yxjNtYhu-00040-00014013-00014238 ఛేజర్ మరికానా కాంటాలౌప్ పై మూలకం ic5yxjNtYhu-00041-00014238-00014454 సమాన శివన్ యజమాని బేసిపై దాల్చినచెక్క ఉంచండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00042-00014454-00014634 అలంకారిక అసహ్యకరమైన మీరు ట్యూనా ముందు ic5yxjNtYhu-00043-00014634-00014826 ఆమె సమానమైన ఎగవేత అధికారి లౌ జెసి ic5yxjNtYhu-00044-00014826-00015012 బలూ వన్ ది ముండి కూలీ లాటోయా ది ic5yxjNtYhu-00045-00015012-00015138 పార్టీ పార్టీ మిమ్మల్ని వెంటాడదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00046-00015138-00015863 టర్నర్ నినా సిండ్రోమ్ మీరు మాకు చెప్పగలరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00047-00015863-00016077 కేవలం లూసియా డి బెప్పో కమిషనర్ విజయ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00048-00016077-00016269 కృష్ణ, శరతి లూకా అధికారి చుట్టూ తిరుగుతారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00049-00016269-00016398 లు ఇంజనీరింగ్ సానుభూతి ic5yxjNtYhu-00050-00016398-00016557 కవర్ చేయబడిన అల్లాహ్ను సంరక్షించడానికి ic5yxjNtYhu-00051-00016557-00016745 కో-చైర్ కార్నర్ మూన్ ఒంటరిగా ఎసి లు ic5yxjNtYhu-00052-00016745-00016935 కంప్యూటర్ లౌ ఓహ్ బాలా ఎప్పుడు చల్లబరుస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00053-00016935-00017133 టీవీలో లులు లా రియల్ ఓసియోక్‌కు టీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00054-00017133-00017322 ఒక పశువుల పెంపకందారుడు ఒలోకున్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00055-00017322-00017508 డి లా న్యూ హై కో 2 సెమికోలన్ ఎ నర్సరీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00056-00017508-00017688 కీత్ ఎర్ల్ కుర్చీలో క్వాంటాస్ AMA గ్రీనీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00057-00017688-00017883 ప్రతి కుర్చీ అమరావతి కోసం అయానిక్ కోసం శోధించండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00058-00017883-00018072 తక్కువ బుసాన్ దగ్గర ఆడి కార్లిక్ అద్భుతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00059-00018072-00018210 అపార్ట్మెంట్ లివర్ కుక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00060-00018210-00018402 ఫర్నిచర్ కంప్యూటర్ లూథర్ లిన్ కుర్చీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00063-00019423-00019629 సాందర్ పంగా ద్వారా రాజ వేద కికుచి ic5yxjNtYhu-00064-00019629-00019815 పదార్థ విమానాశ్రయ లూస్‌ను నిర్ణయించడానికి కత్తిరించండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00065-00019815-00019851 సర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00066-00019851-00020054 అరటి కోల్చెస్టర్ నురానీ రాజస్థానీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00067-00020315-00020501 వ్యంగ్య కోకా పోలిష్ కింద ఏమి ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00068-00020501-00020661 చేజర్ బోడ్ ఎన్‌కోడర్‌లో పంప్ చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00069-00020661-00020823 కలకత్తా పైకీ కొత్త పోలీసులపై ఒత్తిడి తెచ్చాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00070-00020823-00020990 లుఆన్ గణిత అంగుళాల పదం లాథే సంరక్షణ ic5yxjNtYhu-00071-00020990-00021144 నైతిక కూల్ జీవితా పినియెల్లా క్వానిస్ ఆహ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00072-00021144-00021323 గుటెన్ అయాన్ బ్రెజిల్ వద్ద కొత్త విధానం ic5yxjNtYhu-00073-00021323-00021473 కంటైనర్ మంచి సమానమైన రేగుట ic5yxjNtYhu-00074-00021473-00021623 subpoena angey కరెన్సీ ఆమ్లెట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00075-00021623-00021806 ఫైనాన్షియర్ వారు పరిష్కారం మరియు జెన్నా ఎప్పుడూ ic5yxjNtYhu-00076-00021806-00021990 మీతో ఏదైనా వెలాండియా బొమాని పోలీసులు ic5yxjNtYhu-00077-00021990-00023076 భూమిపై బూట్ కుళ్ళిపోతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00078-00023076-00023250 కోకన్ తీవ్రమైన మరియు అలెప్పో అలెప్పో AP అధికం ic5yxjNtYhu-00079-00023250-00023429 పత్తి ఎరిక్ అరన్సిని సంరక్షణ ic5yxjNtYhu-00080-00023429-00023657 కోకన్ డి ఎ పళని ఎ ఛూజర్ పై మూలకం ic5yxjNtYhu-00081-00023657-00023850 ఇది అరుణగిరి పుప్పొడి - నినా సంకేతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00082-00023850-00024039 హైకోర్టు తక్కువ హౌస్ ఎమోషన్ పిటిషన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00083-00024039-00024257 డాచా లైన్ డి ప్రకాష్ ఏంజెలా కరీం నీడ ic5yxjNtYhu-00084-00024257-00024420 మండేలా స్వర్ణ గ్రాస్ మోనికా టెనెజ్ ఆహ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00085-00024420-00024612 మాషా కాకారి కార్టర్ శ్రీనివాస రావు అతను ic5yxjNtYhu-00086-00024612-00024789 మరొకటి జకాల ఛేజర్‌కు పిటిషన్ వేశారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00087-00024789-00024920 బూ టామీ ది కోర్ట్ లారా పెలోటోనియా ic5yxjNtYhu-00088-00024920-00025160 హనాని కల్ట్ రమల్లా రాజా గురించి ప్రస్తావించారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00089-00025160-00025314 మోకాలి పిటిషన్పై గరుడ హా లేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00090-00025314-00025484 తక్కువ జత మూలలో రాట్రే ప్యాడాక్ ఉనా ic5yxjNtYhu-00091-00025484-00025635 ganancia telev అముధన్ ను పరిశీలిస్తారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00092-00025635-00025823 అహంకార ఆలివర్ COO పిటిషన్ ప్రైవేట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00093-00025823-00026003 ప్రశాంతత రేగన్ డి రాజా ఎక్కడ కేకులా ic5yxjNtYhu-00094-00026003-00026141 మా నొప్పి టోకెన్ ఎరికా రిచ్ కంటే చౌకైనది ic5yxjNtYhu-00095-00026141-00026322 నానో రెండర్ అయిన కోర్టు కేసులో ic5yxjNtYhu-00096-00026322-00026714 మేము చెప్పే సిండిని వొరెల్ అందిస్తాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00097-00026714-00026945 cassiopea D కార్లా టోమోకి మనిషి 3j కిన్నర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00098-00026945-00027132 సమీక్ష చంద్ర హింటన్ ఉనా టార్డే ic5yxjNtYhu-00099-00027132-00027330 పాలీ లూనా కాంపో కార్డియాలజీ కొన్ని పొందండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00100-00027330-00027383 ఒక వందనం ic5yxjNtYhu-00101-00027383-00027588 మంత్ర లూ అనితా డికార్లో యొక్క వృత్తం ic5yxjNtYhu-00102-00027588-00027822 బహుభుజి యజమాని తలిత వుడీ తాదాత్మ్యం ic5yxjNtYhu-00103-00027822-00028013 తెలుగు మనం ఇప్పుడే కప్పా సెం.మీ. ic5yxjNtYhu-00104-00028013-00028220 మా మహిళలకు మా కూరతో పంచుకోండి మరియు a ic5yxjNtYhu-00105-00028220-00028427 సిరామరక లేదా తిలకా జేబు ఒక థోమ్‌ను నివేదిస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00106-00028427-00028563 దేశం బీచ్‌లు సర్ఫ్ రాక్ పేపర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00107-00028563-00028719 ఆలిస్ ఇన్ తో హనుక్కా చర్చి ఇంటర్నెట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00108-00028719-00028893 యువతతో పొగమంచు అలిటో మిల్లిగాన్ క్లబ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00109-00028893-00029039 బొటనవేలు డబ్బు అవును నికోలా ఒత్తిడి ic5yxjNtYhu-00110-00029039-00029195 ఒంటరిగా జగన్ కుర్చీలో ప్రిపేర్ అయ్యాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00111-00029195-00029361 appurtenances Valen am some pie eval ic5yxjNtYhu-00112-00029361-00029541 ocm చెచెన్స్ వద్ద వ్యాసం మరియు ఇరుకైనది ic5yxjNtYhu-00113-00029541-00029783 మార్జిన్ 'mcad fi mookie me three ic5yxjNtYhu-00114-00029783-00029994 mr దగ్గర samiksha. ఫిష్ నానా సిద్ధాంతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00115-00029994-00030152 vente aprama carter Dalek will Jeevitha ic5yxjNtYhu-00116-00030152-00030297 కొత్త ప్రభు ధన్యా ప్రత్యేకమైనవి ic5yxjNtYhu-00117-00030297-00030494 రోజర్ వేదిక్ ఎ పార్కిన్ గురించి కూడా ప్రస్తావించడం a ic5yxjNtYhu-00118-00030494-00030675 లింగం బాబ్ విల్లిస్ ఆహా టెర్రకోట ic5yxjNtYhu-00119-00030675-00030855 మెనాల్‌కు సమీపంలో ఉన్న పెంటగాన్ మెరీనా ic5yxjNtYhu-00120-00030855-00031077 బీటా పై సెం.మీ ఆది కార్లిటోస్ ఒక యంత్రం సి ic5yxjNtYhu-00121-00031077-00031212 kill'uh తిరస్కరించవచ్చు మరియు అతని మూలలో ic5yxjNtYhu-00122-00031212-00031449 మేడమ్ దగ్గర రాజస్థానీ బ్యూటీ బూమ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00123-00031449-00031602 అల్లాహ్ ఖైర్ సమయం ఉమ్ సారాఫినా ic5yxjNtYhu-00124-00031602-00031853 EBIT లోచన్ సెహ్రా ప్రాణాంతకం కాదు సిండి రాజా ic5yxjNtYhu-00125-00031853-00032049 టెర్రీ బూమ్ లాకెట్టా సమీపంలో వానాను మెరుగుపరుస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00126-00032049-00032264 మహలో అక్రమ్ ఎ లుగర్ కయానీ జెగాన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00127-00032264-00032436 రక్షణ లగున భాగస్వామ్యం a ic5yxjNtYhu-00128-00032436-00032471 నాడి ic5yxjNtYhu-00129-00032471-00032649 సావాడీ కరెన్ లోకే అక్కడ కొంత మాగ్రవ్ ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00130-00032649-00032733 శాశ్వతత్వం ic5yxjNtYhu-00131-00032733-00032978 కొర్రా యెని కాలాకా ముండో గర్భిణీ సర్ DNA ic5yxjNtYhu-00132-00032978-00033188 నా స్థానికుడికి దగ్గరగా ఉన్న పటేల్లో ic5yxjNtYhu-00133-00033188-00033487 నా ఆంటీ ఒక రోజు మా ఆచారాన్ని కనెక్ట్ చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00134-00033487-00033746 తెలుగు దేశం జాతి ఆబ్జెక్టరీ చంద్ర బాబు ic5yxjNtYhu-00135-00033746-00033947 VDC పెర్రీ ఎట్నా ముగెన్ టోనీ ఇంటర్పోలేషన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00136-00033947-00034158 కుర్చీ మూలలో గన్నవరం విమనాస్ రన్లో ic5yxjNtYhu-00137-00034158-00034337 పార్టీ రాత్రి లూకా రికోటా లౌ అయానికా ic5yxjNtYhu-00138-00034337-00034562 swagatam pal car అనంత అండర్బెల్లీ లూనా ic5yxjNtYhu-00139-00034562-00034709 తనానా బెజానికా చంద్ర బాబు కుర్చీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00140-00034709-00034946 కానర్ రాజా బీటా కికుచి బీటా టాన్ అకుటాన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00141-00034946-00035103 బాసమ్ సిలికాన్ పాట్రిక్ పొపాయ్ పై దాడి చేశాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00142-00035103-00035300 పార్టీ చేయడం నేను సుడిగాలి చంద్ర బాబు అని పిలుస్తాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00143-00035300-00035412 టర్నర్లో చర్చి ic5yxjNtYhu-00144-00035412-00035603 కారా కాటా పయనీర్ మోడల్ క్షణం నుండి సంభవిస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00145-00035603-00035865 OCAD వద్ద డి కానో సెం.మీ అడిసిల్‌ను సంరక్షించండి a ic5yxjNtYhu-00146-00035865-00036044 EDS ఆధారంగా సంస్కృతి కొంత పసుపు ic5yxjNtYhu-00147-00036044-00036263 మహా-మంత్రం లోకేష్ బెరెట్టా నో జెట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00148-00036263-00036494 వర్గం లేదు g y + ట్యాగ్ రెండు రెండు ic5yxjNtYhu-00149-00036494-00036756 ప్లస్ టూ గన్మెన్ లొకేటర్ ఇంటర్ నారా బోనస్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00150-00036756-00036938 చింత బ్రాహ్మణ వారు ఒక స్క్రూ ప్రభు - ic5yxjNtYhu-00151-00036938-00037100 పోడ్రిక్ మరియు ఒక పేలవమైన విషయం ఇటాలియన్ కుర్చీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00152-00037100-00037302 వర్షం కళను అభివృద్ధి చేస్తుంది నాల్కో ముండో లింగం ic5yxjNtYhu-00153-00037302-00037521 pappu కుమార్ GCM అనుపాత అహోరా డి ic5yxjNtYhu-00154-00037521-00037728 l'année గ్రీన్ ఛానల్ క్లియరెన్స్ భాగం ic5yxjNtYhu-00155-00037728-00037968 విమనాస్ రియల్ అరకావా కేలపా ప్రాక్టీకాకు ic5yxjNtYhu-00156-00037968-00038138 ఓడ కణ పిన్చర్ బొటనవేలు నొక్కండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00157-00038138-00038306 స్పష్టంగా బార్టన్ ఎవరు పూర్తి చేయరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00158-00038306-00038462 ఒక తాలూకా అంగుళాల హిందీ రతితో ఉంచండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00159-00038462-00038627 వరమ్ హైదరాబాద్ బెల్లా టర్నర్ చంద్ర ic5yxjNtYhu-00160-00038627-00038822 దీన్ని పెట్టిన బాబు కు తెలంగాణ పోలీసులు ic5yxjNtYhu-00161-00038822-00039038 కణ పిస్టన్ ఎరిక్ జె దిండు యొక్క శైలి ic5yxjNtYhu-00162-00039038-00039249 YK ట్రాఫిక్ పై మోట్రామ్ జెండర్ పాబిచ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00163-00039249-00039381 టోంటో కోసం సిలికాలో క్లియర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00164-00039381-00039575 ina vahana Cindy ఆమె జెన్నీ మీద వచ్చింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00165-00039575-00039916 అంతర్ధన బాధితుడు ఓహ్ టాండీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00166-00039965-00040227 APSRTC నెఫ్రోపతి 100 బిలియన్ మరియు సీరం ic5yxjNtYhu-00167-00040227-00040431 అప్రాక్సియా నాడే ప్రాడా సన్యాసి వద్ద పోరాడండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00168-00040431-00040680 హోనోలులు లాకెట్టుతో VD పై R&D బిలియన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00169-00040680-00040733 గొలుసు తిరుగుబాటు ic5yxjNtYhu-00170-00040733-00041006 శ్రీ. యాంటా ఐపిఎస్ టాన్నరైట్ నాథన్ లో చూడండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00171-00041006-00041199 సోమవియా శంకరన్ దగ్గర కమిటీ డి ic5yxjNtYhu-00172-00041199-00041406 talita on the pradesh మా టాకోమా 3 ic5yxjNtYhu-00173-00041406-00041591 bok'nor RG మరియు కమిటీకి మరొక ప్రకటన ic5yxjNtYhu-00174-00041591-00041765 కొన్ని స్పష్టంగా మరియు మధ్యంతర నిర్వహణ ic5yxjNtYhu-00175-00041765-00042015 రావణ సైకోమెట్రీ పెనా నీటో చిన్చిన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00176-00042015-00042188 మొదటి 'లిథం ఆర్టీసీ వ్యాసంపై ic5yxjNtYhu-00177-00042188-00042261 పాల్గొనేందుకు ic5yxjNtYhu-00178-00042261-00042456 కొందరు ఎండి సురేంద్ర పవిత్ర నెవాడా అంటున్నారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00179-00042456-00042665 డి నికోలా కమ్ టిపై సహ రచయిత ic5yxjNtYhu-00180-00042665-00042887 ఛాతీపై మాత్రమే తల్లి వైఫు ఆర్టిసి తక్కువ ic5yxjNtYhu-00181-00042887-00043058 ఎలక్ట్రిక్ మొజిల్లా ప్రావిన్స్ అనికా ఎవరో ic5yxjNtYhu-00182-00043058-00043281 NC బేసి జేన్ మరియు icky ప్రభు టామ్ విమానాశ్రయం ic5yxjNtYhu-00183-00043281-00043331 ప్రతి ఆసనం ic5yxjNtYhu-00184-00043331-00043562 nella గురు సబులా క్యాంప్ తకోటా నాటో ic5yxjNtYhu-00185-00043562-00043763 arctica ravenous a commonality అద్భుతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00186-00043763-00043983 ovation carrandi బ్రాసికా డీజిల్ బాస్రా ic5yxjNtYhu-00187-00043983-00044150 కొత్త విద్యుత్ - ఓప్రా టామ్ నేను ic5yxjNtYhu-00188-00044150-00044352 జాసన్ మోర్గాన్ II అతను వచ్చి దయచేసి మారండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00189-00044352-00044537 సుందీ వి.ఎ. అల్లాహ్ వ్యంగ్యంగా తెలుసు ic5yxjNtYhu-00190-00044537-00044706 నిశ్శబ్దంగా చెప్పండి మరియు అమెరికా / గొలుసు ద్వారా ic5yxjNtYhu-00191-00044706-00044871 ఈ కవర్ శతాబ్దం ల్యాండ్ కోరస్ ఒక శక్తి ic5yxjNtYhu-00192-00044871-00045113 ఇది ఆధునిక లోలో ఒక కమిటీ మాత్రమే ic5yxjNtYhu-00193-00045113-00045478 నెవాడా కానో కొంతవరకు పెన్సిల్స్ కూడా D. ic5yxjNtYhu-00194-00045518-00045740 హలో మౌరో అని చెప్పే తెలంగాణ పోలీసులు ic5yxjNtYhu-00195-00045740-00045920 పాడిల్లా నవల గాలా పార్టీ కీ చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00196-00045920-00046059 ఎ డి కార్లోస్ ఎకాలజిస్ట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00197-00046059-00046356 సూత్రం నుండి యాకుబ్ తెలంగాణ ప్రభు ic5yxjNtYhu-00198-00046356-00046596 గంగా కొరిన్ సిండి కాజల్ ఒపెరాటిక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00199-00046596-00046725 వారు ఒక మనిషి రైనా పోస్ట్ లూకా చేయవచ్చు ic5yxjNtYhu-00200-00046725-00046893 కార్లీన్ లెఫెవ్రే లూసియా కరెన్సీ మీద a ic5yxjNtYhu-00201-00046893-00047086 తక్కువ ఆది కార్లోని నా చెవిలో ic5yxjNtYhu-00202-00047086-00047262 వర్షం అదనపు ఒపా అభివృద్ధి ic5yxjNtYhu-00203-00047262-00047478 కాలిబర్ టి చెహా వర్షం ఆడమ్స్ ను అభివృద్ధి చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00204-00047478-00047643 రొట్టె ఆడమ్ కాలిగులా పార్టీని అభివృద్ధి చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00205-00047643-00047833 ఆచరణాత్మకంగా ఒక నిప్పర్ పై సంప్రదింపులు a ic5yxjNtYhu-00206-00047833-00048078 కానిస్టేబుల్ si తో పార్కుకు కాలికో ic5yxjNtYhu-00207-00048078-00048294 shop puta babaca Haruka Lane Abdullah ic5yxjNtYhu-00208-00048294-00048528 పెట్రోలింగ్ మరియు పార్శిల్ మరియు సిండి వారెన్ చిత్రం ic5yxjNtYhu-00209-00048528-00048724 రోసా తక్కువ కటాఫ్ మార్క్ ప్రారంభ గర్భం ic5yxjNtYhu-00210-00048724-00048927 ఒక కాస్టెలోన్ EMP కేన్ అల్లాహ్ కనిపించాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00211-00048927-00049080 కుజో లైన్ మరియు సి-సెక్షన్ మీరు గొన్న ic5yxjNtYhu-00212-00049080-00049284 ఇక్కడ నవల కోసం నర్సు మోరో డాఫా ic5yxjNtYhu-00213-00049284-00049402 యోగా లోకల్‌తో పోలీసులు ic5yxjNtYhu-00214-00049402-00049563 ఒక సంఘటనలో నిలువుగా నౌకను ధ్వంసం చేసింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00215-00049563-00049719 క్రొత్త యార్ముల్కే కొత్త ప్రాడాను సేకరిస్తోంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00216-00049719-00049930 గో జెంటాంగిల్ నామినీ తెలంగాణను నిర్వహిస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00217-00049930-00050288 పోలీసు కొత్త యార్ముల్కే మండేలా ఎఫెండికి చెప్పండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00218-00050288-00050524 హైదరాబాద్ వడా కాకా గీతం అతియా ic5yxjNtYhu-00219-00050524-00050697 కొట్టబడిన అంగస్తంభన స్టాక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00220-00050697-00050874 సమీపంలో టాండీలో కాంగ్రెస్ వర్షం అభివృద్ధి చెందుతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00221-00050874-00051087 ప్రధాన్ బ్యాంక్ ఆర్ అండ్ డి జూలై మూడ్ అధిగమించింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00222-00051087-00051327 HACC నోవోటెల్ హోటల్ ఓహ్ జెర్రీ కోసం తల్లి ic5yxjNtYhu-00223-00051327-00051504 గే మాఫియా ప్రయత్నం గీతం j'tia ic5yxjNtYhu-00224-00051504-00051705 చేదు ఇతరుల కంపెనీ టి ic5yxjNtYhu-00225-00051705-00051936 విమానాశ్రయం లాపుటా యే కేంద్ర బయోస్ a ic5yxjNtYhu-00226-00051937-00052071 వ్యాఖ్యానం నరేంద్ర సింగ్ తోమర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00227-00052071-00052254 అతను ఓప్రా ర్యామ్ ఇంటెల్ లో ఇతరులను చేదు చేస్తాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00228-00052254-00052486 యజమాని పాలో రోస్ట్రాల్ అవీ అవీ ఎ మంత్రం యు ic5yxjNtYhu-00229-00052486-00052683 wanna Tata car aloo paratha తక్కువ-బహుభుజి ic5yxjNtYhu-00230-00052683-00052897 యజమాని ఓహ్ అమెరికా చైనా ఫిలిప్పీన్స్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00231-00052897-00053254 ఆస్ట్రేలియా జపాన్ బంగ్లాదేశ్ పాకిస్తాన్ శ్రీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00232-00053254-00053500 లంక టాటారా దేబే డి సలోన్ ఉచి నరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00233-00053500-00053643 హ్యాండిల్ అమండా విట్టన్ తోడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00234-00053643-00053832 అవకాశం లూనా పునలు ఆస్కార్ బెతేల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00235-00053832-00054013 ఓహ్ అతను సాకుయా టారోట్ కార్డ్ యజమాని అన్నారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00236-00054013-00054204 అలమో అలాన్ మరియు చౌకైన ఆహారం ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00237-00054204-00054361 మరియు elamandha youichi ఇక్కడ ఒక అమ్మాయి ic5yxjNtYhu-00238-00054361-00054507 ఈ ఇతర నెమ్మదిగా బహుభుజాలలో తెరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00239-00054507-00054691 నాన్-జర్మన్ అబిటా గుర్తించదగిన పారా ic5yxjNtYhu-00240-00054691-00054870 TM వందనం చేసినప్పుడు సాధన మార్కెటింగ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00241-00054870-00055072 బాగుంది ఇతర పరిష్కారం సెల్లో నరాల ic5yxjNtYhu-00242-00055072-00055285 ఉత్తర పాటిల్లో ఈ హాలిబట్ వద్ద స్పష్టమైనది ic5yxjNtYhu-00243-00055285-00055510 allenbys tuna జాతి ఎపోచల్ లూప్ మేము ic5yxjNtYhu-00244-00055510-00055713 ఒక అసడోతో పరిమల్ సమానమైన అగోరా ic5yxjNtYhu-00245-00055713-00056088 శాన్ యజమాని దెయ్యం లో దు orrow ఖ చర్చి ic5yxjNtYhu-00246-00056088-00056391 మరియు చి ఆఫ్రికన్ వారు వేదనను అమ్ముతారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00247-00056391-00056655 ఆగ్నేయంలో మీరు మళ్ళీ చెడు చేస్తారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00248-00056655-00056848 వారు ఆఫ్రికన్ లేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00249-00056848-00057097 డీమోనైజేషన్ లోరెడానా ఇన్-యాప్ ఇంటెలిజెంట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00250-00057097-00057357 ఇది జో వినండి నేను ఆర్థర్ స్టేషన్ కోరుకుంటున్నాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00251-00057357-00057637 మరియు ప్రసన్న ఇటాలియన్ ఓడలను తయారు చేశారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00252-00057637-00057816 అనామకత ఇబ్బందికరమైన ఇంకా ic5yxjNtYhu-00253-00057816-00058032 చర్చిల్ తెలుగు జి ic5yxjNtYhu-00254-00058032-00058324 రాచరికం అనేది పరిణతి చెందిన వయోజన గురించి వ్రాయబడింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00255-00058324-00058494 పార్టీ లార్డ్ మరియు మా కస్టమర్ల కోసం ic5yxjNtYhu-00256-00058494-00058776 అమెరికాను వర్తింపజేయండి కాబట్టి గమ్యస్థానాలు ఆందోళనలో ఉన్నాయి ic5yxjNtYhu-00257-00058776-00059179 రివెరా గాడిద మనిషి నా మీద చూర్ణం చేయాలి ic5yxjNtYhu-00258-00059179-00059419 తెలంగాణ కాంగ్రెస్ పిసిసి ఇంజెక్షన్ లేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00259-00059419-00059592 తండ్రి విక్కీ అజ్జా వాజల్ అస్సాంజ్ చక్రం ic5yxjNtYhu-00260-00059592-00059800 మాంగా పేరెంట్ మాత్రమే టిపిసిసి ఎజెక్షన్ తండ్రి ic5yxjNtYhu-00261-00059800-00060007 విక్కీ టామ్ మా తంతుకు ఒక బొటనవేలు కావాలి ic5yxjNtYhu-00262-00060007-00060169 నాథన్ ఓప్రా కల్నల్ అబౌ ఖైదీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00263-00060169-00060373 పిసిసి ఇంజెక్షన్ గవర్నర్‌పై ప్రెస్‌లు ic5yxjNtYhu-00264-00060373-00060466 బొటనవేలు వస్తువు మోకాలి ic5yxjNtYhu-00265-00060466-00060685 మార్తా అన్నా వు హగెన్ చాలా o కుప్ప ic5yxjNtYhu-00266-00060685-00060835 ఎథెల్ బొటనవేలుపై ఉన్న విన్యసా రాయి ic5yxjNtYhu-00267-00060835-00061048 రెటినోల్ మరియు జె సర్ యిన్ నికోలా సభ్యుడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00268-00061048-00061210 నాకు గిలెటిన్ ఒక మిలియన్ మరియు ic5yxjNtYhu-00269-00061210-00061489 capicola Capodimonte - అవును లిపు TPC ic5yxjNtYhu-00270-00061489-00061641 సలోనికా ఒక లోఫర్ త్రో మా సొంతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00271-00061641-00061807 మెమరీ కార్నర్ విన్న ఎథెల్ సొంతం ic5yxjNtYhu-00272-00061807-00062067 మీరు మార్సెల్ చేజ్ టర్నర్ DNA పాటిల్లో TPCC ic5yxjNtYhu-00273-00062067-00062245 వ్యసనం తండ్రి మార్క్ పౌకై డబ్బు ic5yxjNtYhu-00274-00062245-00062461 నరాల AACC ఒంటరి ఎల్క్ మరియు ic5yxjNtYhu-00275-00062461-00062701 కార్లో చెప్పే ప్రతి నగర కారు హ్యాంగర్‌లో ic5yxjNtYhu-00276-00062701-00062872 అహ్మద్ పొపాయ్ కాంగ్రెస్ శాడిస్ట్ అభ్యంతరం వ్యక్తం చేశారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00277-00062872-00063079 కెలాంటన్‌లో వార్షికంగా ఆర్థికంగా ఖండించారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00278-00063079-00063304 వాకిటా నో తిరుగుబాటుకు టిపిసిసి వ్యసనం ic5yxjNtYhu-00279-00063304-00063492 డి పోర్టిల్లో ఓనా నాన్నీ సంఘ సిద్ధంగా ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00280-00063492-00063727 ఎమిలీ ఒక బెల్లం సెగా క్రీ.పూ. ic5yxjNtYhu-00281-00063727-00063904 సేంద్రీయ వ్యసనం యొక్క సోమాటిక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00282-00063904-00064066 అంతటా ఇ వి హనుమాన్ లో లభిస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00283-00064066-00064932 చిత్తవైకల్యం స్టెర్నర్ నో రోజర్ గంగా ఎవరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00284-00064932-00065325 మాలౌలా కొత్త కస్టమర్ బయోడైనమిక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00285-00065325-00065686 ఓకాసాడా మీకు తెలిసిన లోరెనాను పంపాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00286-00065686-00065914 క్షమించండి తల్లి కానీ కుబిలే ఎప్పటికీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00287-00065914-00066160 నాకు మొదటి వాహనాన్ని తేలికగా ఇవ్వండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00288-00066160-00066535 ఒక నెట్‌వర్క్ ఓహ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00289-00066535-00066700 అల్లాహ్ అల్లాహ్ కాబట్టి ఒక సంప్రదాయం యొక్క అభిరుచి ic5yxjNtYhu-00290-00066700-00066865 బంగా నో మీరు పేస్ కు కట్ మనీ పెట్టండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00291-00066865-00067051 టోనీ రాబర్ట్స్ ఆఫ్ పాస్కల్ ఎట్ వేర్ అండ్ అప్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00292-00067051-00067207 ఛాతీ ఎవరైనా నిజం రెట్టింపు కాదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00293-00067207-00067372 మరియు ఒక సిద్ధాంతం DJ ఎల్లెని బానిస ic5yxjNtYhu-00294-00067372-00067531 ఓప్రా ఒంటరిగా ఎలోడీపై పార్టీ ఇథిల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00295-00067531-00067702 స్టోనర్ అతను ఒక మత్స్యకారుడు మంగళవరం ic5yxjNtYhu-00296-00067702-00067996 సఫారి లాకా మాడ్యులారిటీ స్వభావంపై చెప్పారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00297-00067996-00068188 వాస్తవికతలు మోకుమెంటరీ మమతాను కలుషితం చేస్తాయి ic5yxjNtYhu-00298-00068188-00068299 బెనర్జీ ప్రావిన్షియల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00299-00068299-00068485 కమిషన్ కన్నడ కార్లో రాజా ic5yxjNtYhu-00300-00068485-00068734 రెనాల్ట్ ఐపిసి విభాగాన్ని 9 కాదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00301-00068734-00068929 సమీపంలోని షాలిని మమతలో ఉన్న కెండా ic5yxjNtYhu-00302-00068929-00069100 నా ఇంటర్నెట్ లూ మోకుమెంటరీ కారు ఎలా ic5yxjNtYhu-00303-00069100-00069283 ఇవానా ది కెర్రీ వాకర్ టోటల్ పెర్వ్ యే ic5yxjNtYhu-00304-00069283-00069433 అన్నింటినీ ఉంచడానికి విభాగం కిండా అవెన్యూ ic5yxjNtYhu-00305-00069433-00069580 లారస్సా మార్గాన్ని వారు G తో సమన్వయం చేయండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00306-00069580-00069787 కైజు తరువాత వారి ప్రేమికుడు కూప్ డి లా కోసం ic5yxjNtYhu-00307-00069787-00070009 vi avi disturb cut money అవెన్యూ చిట్కా I. ic5yxjNtYhu-00308-00070009-00070153 ప్రతి ఇతర నిజాయితీ మార్గం కరెన్సీని చూడండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00309-00070153-00070315 నేను తిరిగి వచ్చేటప్పుడు చౌకైన ఓర్టోలానీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00310-00070315-00070507 పోలీసులు ఒక నెల శక్తి ఆడిట్లను నిర్వహిస్తారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00311-00070507-00070699 ఇంటర్నెట్ లిటెల్లా రాతి అధ్యక్ష పదవి ic5yxjNtYhu-00312-00070699-00070840 సోనాలి వస్తువు దగ్గర ఉన్నప్పటికీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00313-00070840-00071020 అక్కడ తృణమూల్ కాంగ్రెస్ మంచం అనిత ic5yxjNtYhu-00314-00071020-00071233 టానో డిస్కో నరేన్ డీలక్స్ లీనియర్ వే ic5yxjNtYhu-00315-00071233-00071464 విలువ సిద్ధాంతం చేజర్ బంగ్లా పాజిటివ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00316-00071464-00071545 పవర్ పంచర్ కోరం ic5yxjNtYhu-00317-00071545-00071713 ఒక సబ్వేలో లిండా బారెల్లి రోవియో దిండ్లు ic5yxjNtYhu-00318-00071713-00071944 మరియు నికోలా మూనెన్ ఒక ప్యానెల్ ఓని మమతా ic5yxjNtYhu-00319-00071944-00072172 90 సెకన్ల RNA రాత్రిపూట తెరిచి ఉంటుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00320-00072172-00072397 డబ్బు మోటోలా ప్రతి అల్ మరియు 2 బిలను చింపివేయడం లేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00321-00072397-00072541 జపా పార్టీ నర్సు ic5yxjNtYhu-00322-00072541-00072891 అవి రేపు మోకాలికి సంబంధించినవి ic5yxjNtYhu-00323-00072948-00073212 అలెన్ పేరు వాడ్డెల్ అస్సిరియా కావచ్చు ic5yxjNtYhu-00324-00073212-00073389 బలూ మెదడు అదనపు భారాన్ని అభివృద్ధి చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00325-00073389-00073608 సరిగ్గా టిరానా సందర్శించండి జీవిక కెన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00326-00073608-00073831 చిటికెడు తీవ్రమైన కప్పని మరియు చిరుత పిన్స్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00327-00073831-00074080 రమల్లా నార్మన్ మరియు ఇంపాలా సరిన్‌లను కనెక్ట్ చేయండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00328-00074080-00074208 ప్రాధాన్యత యొక్క సాపేక్ష ప్రశ్న ic5yxjNtYhu-00329-00074208-00074406 మా అరువు అజిత్‌కు అన్నీకా చార్టర్డ్ చేసింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00330-00074406-00074623 రోని ఒక పంచ్ మరియు కడ్లీతో చూడటానికి ic5yxjNtYhu-00331-00074623-00074674 సూదంటి ic5yxjNtYhu-00332-00074674-00074907 సెరెగా వారు అమెరికాలో ఆలూను కొనసాగిస్తున్నారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00333-00074907-00075085 మెక్సికో క్షమించండి లకోటా ఒప్పించింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00334-00075085-00075264 నైట్ బఠానీ ధైర్యం అతను వచ్చి షాప్ మునిగిపోయింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00335-00075264-00075462 మా సోదరి అనిత నుండి కాశిక సెంట్రల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00336-00075462-00075687 అమెరికా ఓగ్ అర్మడిల్లో కుండా మీద ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00337-00075687-00075918 అమెరికానో చార్మర్ ధర నెల్లో రాకెట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00338-00075918-00076176 ఆండ్రీ సాన్నికోవ్ అముధ నీలా లాపిథోస్ ఆహా ic5yxjNtYhu-00339-00076176-00076401 రియో గ్రాండే మరియు మోనికా జెన్నిఫర్ మాత్రమే కాదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00340-00076401-00076593 ఇక్కడ ప్రతి ఛానెల్ ఓహ్-ఓహ్ ఆవర్తన చూడండి a ic5yxjNtYhu-00341-00076593-00076762 కెన్ ఎథాన్ డ్రీం ఎరిన్ వద్ద ఖాళీ వచ్చింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00342-00076762-00077005 అముధ నిలా లెక్షనరీ అలనా దగ్గర ఎకోనో ic5yxjNtYhu-00343-00077005-00077167 - ఇది వారు అదనంగా ఉన్నారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00344-00077167-00077277 పుట్టినరోజు హలో ic5yxjNtYhu-00345-00077277-00077487 అడిసా టెనో నజీర్ ఎథెలియా ఆర్డర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00346-00077487-00077641 నాకు ఫోటో వచ్చిందని ఒప్పించండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00347-00077641-00077814 మధ్య అమెరికాలో ప్రేమ కూడా ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00348-00077814-00078049 కాస్టెల్లనో కార్లా కోకర్ టోనీ శరీర ఫోటో ic5yxjNtYhu-00349-00078049-00078237 థీసిస్ జర్నలిస్ట్ కేథరీన్ అమెరికన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00350-00078237-00078505 ఆస్కార్ అల్బెర్టో మార్టినెజ్ మరియు అందం ic5yxjNtYhu-00351-00078505-00078772 pariour కుమార్ - taka - americano a ic5yxjNtYhu-00352-00078772-00078931 టైగా యొక్క బంధువు విన్నీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00353-00078931-00079174 ట్రంపెటర్ కార్టర్స్ కోరిన్నే చెనీ పారియా ic5yxjNtYhu-00354-00079174-00079387 వనేస్సా వలేరియా ద్వారా - ఖలీసీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00355-00079387-00079663 రియో గ్రాండే నథాలీ ఎడీ అమెరికా లో క్యూ ic5yxjNtYhu-00356-00079663-00079932 బెల్లా లాని మార్టినెజ్ 9 అంగుళాల కనడే ముండో ic5yxjNtYhu-00357-00079932-00080113 టాన్ ఓహ్ పాప్పెట్ ఓకాల సీడ్ రీ సుక్కోట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00358-00080113-00080380 ఆంటీ వరియా కనిపించని చాకా స్థానిక గూడ్రా ic5yxjNtYhu-00359-00080380-00080617 టికి అర్మావియా గంగా కో 2 కో కో ఎన్డి ic5yxjNtYhu-00360-00080617-00080806 మార్టినెజ్ కోటాకు అక్కడ ఈ ఆహా ic5yxjNtYhu-00361-00080806-00080998 మోనికా పోయెర్ డానీ దక్షిణ ఎర్నెస్ట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00362-00080998-00081397 కార్లో ఎమ్ సెట్ చెప్పి కుర్చీలో విల్లార్డ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00363-00081397-00081568 ఇంజనీరింగ్ కౌన్సెలింగ్ పై-ఓ-నా స్వంతం a ic5yxjNtYhu-00364-00081568-00081693 కౌన్సెలింగ్ కారణాన్ని చూడండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00365-00081693-00081819 ఇయానెల్లి లోయ ఒక మడుగు మరియు ఆమె ఓడించింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00366-00081819-00082002 అసమానత లౌ ఆన్‌లైన్ లో స్లాట్ బుకింగ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00367-00082002-00082210 కంటైనర్ రిపగ్నెన్సీ ఒక ట్రోలాప్ డ్రాప్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00368-00082210-00082401 అర్సలాన్ ఒక డ్రాగన్ ఆన్ డి-డే పెర్టినెన్సీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00369-00082401-00082630 జోలియన్ ఆల్గో బుర్కు కాల్ తక్కువ కోర్సు ic5yxjNtYhu-00370-00082630-00082792 భూమితో పూర్తిగా కుర్చీ రాలేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00371-00082792-00083025 పసికందు ఎంపిక లూయిస్విల్లే 128 ఫీల్డ్ అని చెప్పారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00372-00083025-00083163 నా అవమానాలు మరియు తెలంగాణ దగ్గర సిలిండర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00373-00083163-00083311 రాస్తా ప్రావిన్స్ ఎ లా రస్సా మెలానీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00374-00083311-00083493 అంతర్గత కమిటీ చైర్మన్ నియామా ic5yxjNtYhu-00375-00083493-00083652 సంకలనం కాని నేను వారి పేరు మీద బూట్ చేయండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00376-00083652-00083704 Collin ic5yxjNtYhu-00377-00083704-00083889 సాధారణంగా ఫాల్కన్ గోలీజిల్లా ప్రోటోకాల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00378-00083889-00084067 చాలా గ్రామాలను అనుకరించండి కుహ్నియాన్ ఓహ్ హాయ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00379-00084067-00084292 కోచ్ మా టెలిథాన్ మాథేనీ చెనీ ప్రసిత్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00380-00084292-00084450 అన్నీకా కాలేజ్ ల్యూక్ ప్రతిక్ పాజిటివ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00381-00084450-00084637 నాగరికత స్కోవిల్లే ప్రయాణం మూడవ వాటా ic5yxjNtYhu-00382-00084637-00084850 ya f RC కారు వెంబడించలేదు ఇంధనం సరే కార్టర్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00383-00084850-00085054 అధికంగా 20 లకు పోడోలెని కోటాలు ic5yxjNtYhu-00384-00085054-00085233 కోర్టు ఒక్క న్యాయమూర్తి మరియు ఈథర్ రెడీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00385-00085233-00085383 అప్పీల్ అప్పీల్ జైలు మరియు దరిద్రుడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00386-00085383-00085620 నుటెల్లా కార్నాబీ జెస్సికా మెజెంటాకు వెళ్ళండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00387-00085620-00085792 లూథర్‌విల్లే ఓప్రా టెలికో సంబిచ్ అది ic5yxjNtYhu-00388-00085792-00085930 అప్పీల్ వలీనా మాత్రమే ic5yxjNtYhu-00389-00085930-00086113 ఒక రేవ్ పార్టీ మిడుతలు పాస్తా మా అని చెబుతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00390-00086113-00086245 కస్టమ్ నేను మోకాలి బాబీని గెలవాలని అనుకోను ic5yxjNtYhu-00391-00086245-00086488 పాక్షిక R ఆచార్య సంఖ్య ద్వారా త్వరగా కుహరం ic5yxjNtYhu-00392-00086488-00086677 యాదృచ్ఛిక మదురో జల్లూ ఎందుకు నేను తీవ్రంగా ఉన్నాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00393-00086677-00086899 క్షమించండి వ్యక్తి వినేవారు అధిక కోటును కలిగి ఉంటారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00394-00086899-00087049 వారు సోలానో మేము క్లబ్ ఎక్కడ చెప్పాము ic5yxjNtYhu-00395-00087049-00087241 కోనీ కౌన్సెలింగ్ కోర్సు నేను మీ చూడగలను ic5yxjNtYhu-00396-00087241-00087385 ఛానల్ ఓవర్ నెర్వ్ మేడమ్ ఎ పూ ic5yxjNtYhu-00397-00087385-00087568 ఇంజనీరింగ్ కౌన్సెలింగ్ ఒక పరిష్కారాన్ని చల్లబరుస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00398-00087568-00087787 D కాలేజ్ లుయెండిక్ లేదా పరిష్కారం dc2 ఆన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00399-00087787-00087931 బాటిల్ నేను మీకు చెప్పను ic5yxjNtYhu-00400-00087931-00088180 కారణం పెంపుడు సలాడో జె & టి మీరు తటపటాయించారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00401-00088180-00088324 డబ్బు నేను ఇంకా మంచిని తెరవలేదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00402-00088324-00088477 కొరియా పుతిన్ కోసం ప్రత్యేకంగా థీమ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00403-00088477-00088651 అధికారి తెలంగాణ పొందలేరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00404-00088651-00088735 idiomatically కలిగి ic5yxjNtYhu-00405-00088735-00089239 librelucha రిలే దో algal అబూ జలాల్ ఆఘా ic5yxjNtYhu-00406-00089239-00089428 టెర్రా ఆర్గస్ క్లబ్ వ్యక్తి కాలాబార్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00407-00089428-00089575 ప్రాయశ్చిత్తం విలియం వినాలి ic5yxjNtYhu-00408-00089575-00089734 నేను ఒక లాపిస్ రాసేటప్పుడు వేలం ic5yxjNtYhu-00409-00089734-00089965 unhitched allo Montag Adani Telangana ic5yxjNtYhu-00410-00089965-00090136 byung-se ఒక కొంబుచా కార్డు నేను ఉంటే అక్కడ ic5yxjNtYhu-00411-00090136-00090319 వ్యాఖ్యాత బాధితులకు అవును ic5yxjNtYhu-00412-00090319-00090358 నిజానికి ic5yxjNtYhu-00413-00090358-00090559 జూలై నేను అందం కటంగా హస్రెట్‌లో పనిచేశాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00414-00090559-00090751 కుడి ఇలోకోస్ నేను ఉద్దేశపూర్వకంగా కాథీ స్కాట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00415-00090751-00090889 సహజ మరియు మెదడు షాలిని ic5yxjNtYhu-00416-00090889-00091090 మంచి ముగింపు అగువా డి లా రాక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00417-00091090-00091234 శ్రేణి ఉన్నప్పుడు ఆలివ్ నిస్సార మూలలో ఆగుతుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00418-00091234-00091402 సిలికా కానీ నేను బొటనవేలు ఇన్పుట్ చేస్తాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00419-00091402-00091579 సబ్సిడీ మీరు అతనిని మరేదైనా నడిపించండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00420-00091579-00091741 డానాలోని మంచం గుచ్చుకోవడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00421-00091741-00091906 కార్యాచరణ అవును జిమ్ జోకిల్ వేటగాడు ic5yxjNtYhu-00422-00091906-00092107 తిలకా పోనిండో పాయింట్ దగ్గర గ్నోస్టిక్ మార్గం ic5yxjNtYhu-00423-00092107-00092251 ప్రేరేపించే మానసిక స్థితి చలిలో నాలుగింట ఒక వంతు ic5yxjNtYhu-00424-00092251-00092455 చెల్సియా వన్నా నేను నెల్లో బెటర్ సెనా ic5yxjNtYhu-00425-00092455-00092608 బ్రిటిష్ నట్టర్ పూణే కంటే అండర్లే ic5yxjNtYhu-00426-00092608-00092842 అవడా స్వచ్ఛంద యాకుమో మోటెల్ హోటల్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00427-00092842-00093001 చెల్సియా వన్ డానీ ఫ్రాస్ట్ ప్రయత్నం రాక్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00428-00093001-00093124 డానీపై వన్నా సాకెట్ రియాక్ట్ చేయండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00429-00093124-00093289 ప్రభు బొటనవేలు విమర్శ మరియు యయా డకోటా ic5yxjNtYhu-00430-00093289-00093505 జాకీపై కోబెన్‌హావ్న్ కుర్చీ దారుమా-శాన్ మరియు ic5yxjNtYhu-00431-00093505-00093691 జెస్ సేకరించడానికి వస్తారు మరియు నెవాడా క్యాప్ ఆన్ చేస్తారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00432-00093691-00093877 వేరుశెనగ బటర్ కీ మనం ఎప్పుడైనా కైముకి అని చెప్తాము ic5yxjNtYhu-00433-00093877-00094009 ఒక హిందూ కమోడ్ ఉంది మరియు ic5yxjNtYhu-00434-00094009-00094201 గవర్నర్ ఏదైనా అధ్యక్షుడు ఇండి యెంటా సోమవారం ic5yxjNtYhu-00435-00094201-00094387 రేటు ఒంటరిగా స్టాక్ బాయ్ యూరో యెన్ టొమాటెన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00436-00094387-00094561 చిల్లిన్ చార్లీ మరియు పెద్ద రోల్లా మాకు తెలుసు ic5yxjNtYhu-00437-00094561-00094696 అందరూ కైముకి వారి దృష్టిని తీసుకువెళతారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00438-00094696-00094900 swagger hasret Chaplin e high cotton ic5yxjNtYhu-00439-00094900-00095338 థర్మోస్ మరియు నేను అడిసన్ షిండే ఆంధ్రా ic5yxjNtYhu-00440-00095338-00095521 ప్రదేశ్ నెమ్మదిగా మరియు లిరిక్ ఆలివెట్ అనారు ఆన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00441-00095521-00095695 A & E లోని బాటిల్ మీ ద్వారా ఎప్పుడైనా ic5yxjNtYhu-00442-00095695-00095842 డానీతో ఎజెండాను ఆశ్చర్యపరుస్తారు ic5yxjNtYhu-00443-00095842-00096073 అవును పిపి ఎప్పుడైనా AHA రంగులరాట్నం వ్యాఖ్యానం చెప్పండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00444-00096073-00096256 కోరస్ అల్లాహ్ కన్నబాబు భరోసా ic5yxjNtYhu-00445-00096256-00096457 గిరి ఒక బొటనవేలును స్వీకరించడానికి ఎలికోను ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00446-00096457-00096631 ఒకదానిపై ఛాతీపై విట్నాల్ చేత సరైనది ic5yxjNtYhu-00447-00096631-00096697 ఇప్పుడు కన్ను ic5yxjNtYhu-00448-00096697-00096907 రాబ్ బాయ్ ఐడల్ మరొక స్టిల్ ఆప్ట్ పోనీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00449-00096907-00097093 అనాఫ్రానిల్‌తో నేరుగా దీనిపై సంభవిస్తుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00450-00097093-00097252 చాపెల్ మిథనాల్ మరియు ఎవరు ic5yxjNtYhu-00451-00097252-00097438 నియంత్రిక కోబ్ క్రేజీ ఎవోరా పైప్ కటింగ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00452-00097438-00097681 భౌతికత్వం చాలా తక్కువ ఛాలెంజర్ తారా ic5yxjNtYhu-00453-00097681-00097870 అకినా శాశ్వత నాణ్యత లేని జర్మనీ ic5yxjNtYhu-00454-00097870-00098098 ఎల్లెని మోకుమెంటరీ జెగాన్ ఇతరులు ic5yxjNtYhu-00455-00098098-00098332 యొక్క యవిన్ పై టిరానా కన్నబాబు రక్కూన్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00456-00098332-00098545 జిఎల్ నాడ్ తమ ప్రభు కింద శాశ్వతమైనది ic5yxjNtYhu-00457-00098545-00098737 తిలకన్ మోనాల్ గజ్జర్ శూన్యమైనవి ic5yxjNtYhu-00458-00098737-00098881 శాశ్వతమైన దిగువ అభివృద్ధి ic5yxjNtYhu-00459-00098881-00098977 జెసితో పాటు ic5yxjNtYhu-00460-00098977-00099187 ii- యుగం లోతైన పారిసియన్ బాగా పరిచయం ic5yxjNtYhu-00461-00099187-00099251 రంగా ic5yxjNtYhu-00462-00099251-00099434 మరియు ఛాతీ మరియు నేను ఒక తో చేయబోతున్నాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00463-00099434-00099626 ఎలక్ట్రానిక్ క్విన్ డీన్ లీనాకు కత్తిరించబడింది ic5yxjNtYhu-00464-00099626-00099839 ఛాతీ అమన్ అమన్ 3y ఒక దిండు అవును కారా ic5yxjNtYhu-00465-00099839-00100010 పావు రక్కూన్ డి టు స్టామినా లోపల ic5yxjNtYhu-00466-00100010-00100241 పని లేదా నైతికత లేదు తానియా ముద్ర వేయదు ic5yxjNtYhu-00467-00100241-00100397 ఏతాన్ అలెన్ ఓహ్ రైన్డీర్ బెలో మరియు ఎ ic5yxjNtYhu-00468-00100397-00100559 లోగో మరియు సింహం సబ్సిడీని తెరిచినట్లు కనిపిస్తాయి ic5yxjNtYhu-00469-00100559-00101039 పై కింద ఎస్టా మనేరా ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00470-00101039-00101192 తెలుగులో ఒక బూత్ కోసం ఇది స్టెర్నల్ అప్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00471-00101192-00101369 నేను డూడుల్ మరియు ఎరికా కాలనీలను వ్రాసాను ic5yxjNtYhu-00472-00101369-00101522 అక్కడ కొన్ని మైక్రో డిమెన్షియా ఉంటుంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00473-00101522-00101753 ఏంజెలా షిండిగ్ మరియు జామ్ మండలం సాధన ic5yxjNtYhu-00474-00101753-00101948 రుద్ర మోంబాచో రల్లో మేల్కొలపండి a ic5yxjNtYhu-00475-00101948-00102179 వ్యంగ్య చిత్రం ఒక డోరిటో అవేమర్ వద్ద స్పష్టంగా ఉంది ic5yxjNtYhu-00476-00102179-00102374 ఓక్సాకా ఆత్మ బందీలు ఖన్నా పద్మ కట్ ic5yxjNtYhu-00477-00102374-00102556 అంబానీ ప్రతినిధి కొంత రేగుట ఉప ic5yxjNtYhu-00478-00102556-00102631 కుర్చీలో ముంచండి ic5yxjNtYhu-00479-00102631-00102851 మార్గీ మనిషి 3: రవీంద్ర ka ాకా మోనికా ic5yxjNtYhu-00480-00103043-00103199 కృష్ణమూర్తి కటన పై ఇవి icIqCvR5vZE-00000-00000240-00000340 Hi! icIqCvR5vZE-00001-00000340-00000529 I am Silviana,I had improvisation class all the year with this wonderful children,I want icIqCvR5vZE-00002-00000529-00000737 to listen to them,what does it mean for them "to learn".For me,to learn means to mistake icIqCvR5vZE-00003-00000737-00001299 and to play.I would name my class "learn to mistake" because the mistake is a step in icIqCvR5vZE-00004-00001299-00001399 development and not like the way romanian society think that is something bad.My name icIqCvR5vZE-00005-00001399-00001499 is...? icIqCvR5vZE-00006-00001499-00001599 -My name is George and I am 10 years old.I learned from this class with Silviana that icIqCvR5vZE-00007-00001599-00001718 I must be better,wiser,to be more playful and to be more...I don't know how to say. icIqCvR5vZE-00008-00001718-00002226 -Actually you discovered the quailities you had it anyway but maybe you did not know that icIqCvR5vZE-00009-00002226-00002357 they are qualities. icIqCvR5vZE-00010-00002357-00002457 -Yes. icIqCvR5vZE-00011-00002457-00002576 -Thank you very much. icIqCvR5vZE-00012-00002576-00003151 -My name is Stefan and I am 10 years old,from the class with... icIqCvR5vZE-00013-00003151-00003615 -With Silvi,you can call me like that -Silviana I learned a lot of things.To not icIqCvR5vZE-00014-00003615-00004020 get upset because of a game or... icIqCvR5vZE-00015-00004020-00004120 -Awesome. icIqCvR5vZE-00016-00004120-00004220 -Yes,to... icIqCvR5vZE-00017-00004220-00004564 -To be creative,to know how to play at your age,yes yes. icIqCvR5vZE-00018-00004564-00004664 -And that's about all. icIqCvR5vZE-00019-00004664-00004802 -Awesome,thank you a lot. icIqCvR5vZE-00020-00004802-00005764 -My name is Paul,I am 9 years old and and Silvi's classes with activity are made to icIqCvR5vZE-00021-00005764-00006717 make you more creative. icIqCvR5vZE-00022-00006717-00006853 -Awesome. icIqCvR5vZE-00023-00006853-00007537 -I know more beautiful expressions. icIqCvR5vZE-00024-00007537-00008083 -Thank you very much. icIqCvR5vZE-00025-00008083-00008735 -My name is Valeria and I am 10 years old.Beside all that Silvi taught us,to be more creative,to icIqCvR5vZE-00026-00008735-00009875 not be ashamed,we can control us, and beside a lot of games she told us that we can learn icIqCvR5vZE-00027-00009875-00010111 also through playing to... icIqCvR5vZE-00028-00010111-00010384 -Meaning the math can be learned also through games and also any science and to learn is icIqCvR5vZE-00029-00010384-00011421 not only about to memorize,right? icIqCvR5vZE-00030-00011421-00012847 That's what you want to say? icIqCvR5vZE-00031-00012847-00013086 -Yes. icIqCvR5vZE-00032-00013086-00014957 -And to learn means also to play while you learn a course or... icIqCvR5vZE-00033-00014957-00015057 -Yes. icIqCvR5vZE-00034-00015057-00015200 -Thank you a lot. icIqCvR5vZE-00035-00015200-00015697 -My name is Raisa and I am 9 years old.I learned from this class that I must be more brave icIqCvR5vZE-00036-00015697-00016385 and to not get upset anymore at the games. icIqCvR5vZE-00037-00016385-00017252 -Great,when you lose. icIqCvR5vZE-00038-00017252-00018986 -Sometimes you must learn to lose. icIqCvR5vZE-00039-00018986-00019564 -Thank you. icIqCvR5vZE-00040-00019564-00020431 -Did you learn? icIqCvR5vZE-00041-00020431-00020720 What? icIqCvR5vZE-00042-00020720-00022095 Look,you can say what is your name -Isabela. icIqCvR5vZE-00043-00022095-00023298 -Isabela...and did you learned something from me? icIqCvR5vZE-00044-00023298-00023469 -Yes! icIqCvR5vZE-00045-00023469-00023994 To be able to learn... icIqCvR5vZE-00046-00023994-00024094 -To create stories? icIqCvR5vZE-00047-00024094-00024194 -Something like that. icIqCvR5vZE-00048-00024194-00024294 -Thank you. icIqCvR5vZE-00049-00024294-00024394 -And...to be able to... icIqCvR5vZE-00050-00024394-00024494 -To be more brave? icIqCvR5vZE-00051-00024494-00024594 -Yes and to help my mommy. icIqCvR5vZE-00052-00024594-00024694 -Very good,well done.Thank you. icIqCvR5vZE-00053-00024694-00025402 -My name is Daniel and I learned from this class together with Silviana and with my class icIqCvR5vZE-00054-00025402-00026411 colleagues,we learned to play,to not be mature anymore,to have fun.This class was very...how icIqCvR5vZE-00055-00026411-00027108 can I say, for children and very beautiful and fun. icIqCvR5vZE-00056-00027108-00027472 -Actually I tried to teach them to be mature where it need to and to play where it need icIqCvR5vZE-00057-00027472-00028545 to because at their age they have a little bit of a wrong ideea in my opinion about what icIqCvR5vZE-00058-00028545-00030224 does it mean to be mature and the children at this age forget to play and actually thank icIqCvR5vZE-00059-00030224-00030324 you for mentioning that.Thank you. icIqCvR5vZE-00060-00030324-00030424 -My name is Antonio,I am 11 years old and I liked very much at Silviana's class.She icIqCvR5vZE-00061-00030424-00030524 thaught me to be more brave,I learned that the math is not happening only through classes icIqCvR5vZE-00062-00030524-00030624 of.... icIqCvR5vZE-00063-00030624-00030724 -Or through strict informations and you can see it like a game. icIqCvR5vZE-00064-00030724-00030927 -Through a game too. icIqCvR5vZE-00065-00030927-00031055 -Thank you very much. icIqCvR5vZE-00066-00031055-00031356 -She thaught me many things and I thank her for that. icIqCvR5vZE-00067-00031356-00031557 -Thank you very much.I tried to help them all to recognise the emotion and to not be icIqCvR5vZE-00068-00031557-00031657 ashamed about emotions.Is something normal to have emotions on the stage.Come on,I want icIqCvR5vZE-00069-00031657-00032223 us all to ask the people who watch us "What does it mean for you to learn" I will say icIqCvR5vZE-00070-00032223-00032323 1,2,3,ok? icIqCvR5vZE-00071-00032323-00032423 -1,2,3 and... icIqCvR5vZE-00072-00032423-00032523 -What does it mean for you "to learn?" icIqCvR5vZE-00073-00032523-00032523 Bye! id0fQTDIq6M-00000-00000016-00000336 there's one more anti-pattern with id0fQTDIq6M-00001-00000159-00000535 respect to dealing with integer id0fQTDIq6M-00002-00000336-00000775 overflows that I want to talk about and id0fQTDIq6M-00003-00000535-00001008 that is the idea of basically saying oh id0fQTDIq6M-00004-00000775-00001271 well my 16-bit value is too small i'll id0fQTDIq6M-00005-00001008-00001455 just move up to a 32-bit value my 32-bit id0fQTDIq6M-00006-00001271-00001696 value is too small I'll just move up to id0fQTDIq6M-00007-00001455-00001984 a 64-bit value it's basically when you id0fQTDIq6M-00008-00001696-00002096 increase the size to the next highest id0fQTDIq6M-00009-00001984-00002327 size id0fQTDIq6M-00010-00002096-00002448 well you know this is not really fixing id0fQTDIq6M-00011-00002327-00002688 the issue at the end of the day you're id0fQTDIq6M-00012-00002448-00002880 doing ACID math and you're just trying id0fQTDIq6M-00013-00002688-00003064 to essentially hide the issue so you id0fQTDIq6M-00014-00002880-00003296 know if this was our previous issue with id0fQTDIq6M-00015-00003064-00003496 a plus b as unsigned ins and we say oh id0fQTDIq6M-00016-00003296-00003632 well there's an integer overflow so i'm id0fQTDIq6M-00017-00003496-00003896 just going to go ahead and increase it id0fQTDIq6M-00018-00003632-00004112 to unsigned long long oh wait my a 2i id0fQTDIq6M-00019-00003896-00004400 doesn't work anymore I got to use string id0fQTDIq6M-00020-00004112-00004576 2 unsigned long long and okay I'll just id0fQTDIq6M-00021-00004400-00004736 update my you know printout to handle id0fQTDIq6M-00022-00004576-00004920 long longs as well id0fQTDIq6M-00023-00004736-00005192 obviously this is not actually id0fQTDIq6M-00024-00004920-00005416 addressing the issue if the attacker can id0fQTDIq6M-00025-00005192-00005648 still control the input fully so id0fQTDIq6M-00026-00005416-00005976 basically in this scenario the attacker id0fQTDIq6M-00027-00005648-00006192 is going to be able to provide 64-bit id0fQTDIq6M-00028-00005976-00006447 controlled inputs and consequently they id0fQTDIq6M-00029-00006192-00006600 can overflow just as well so I know that id0fQTDIq6M-00030-00006447-00006831 it's tempting to do this and I know that id0fQTDIq6M-00031-00006600-00007095 in some scenarios it will actually be id0fQTDIq6M-00032-00006831-00007256 safe because you might have a truly id0fQTDIq6M-00033-00007095-00007511 strict guarantee that this is only going id0fQTDIq6M-00034-00007256-00007752 to be a 32-bit value I'm thinking of for id0fQTDIq6M-00035-00007511-00007943 instance you know TCP packets or id0fQTDIq6M-00036-00007752-00008095 something like that where you know until id0fQTDIq6M-00037-00007943-00008240 you move up to a completely different id0fQTDIq6M-00038-00008095-00008568 protocol the id0fQTDIq6M-00039-00008240-00008736 fields might be fixed at 32 bits id0fQTDIq6M-00040-00008568-00008911 but you know I really consider this to id0fQTDIq6M-00041-00008736-00009160 be the kind of thing where you're just id0fQTDIq6M-00042-00008911-00009328 hiding the problem and if there is some id0fQTDIq6M-00043-00009160-00009552 situation where in the future the code id0fQTDIq6M-00044-00009328-00009792 could be changed and sizes could be id0fQTDIq6M-00045-00009552-00010088 increased then those bugs will just you id0fQTDIq6M-00046-00009792-00010336 know magically appear again so you know id0fQTDIq6M-00047-00010088-00010528 fix the problem using safe math rather id0fQTDIq6M-00048-00010336-00010752 than trying to hide the problem so if i id0fQTDIq6M-00049-00010528-00010975 were to write some speculative fiction id0fQTDIq6M-00050-00010752-00011224 about this it would be that id0fQTDIq6M-00051-00010975-00011447 this value is always at most 32 bits the id0fQTDIq6M-00052-00011224-00011679 developer said to themselves five years id0fQTDIq6M-00053-00011447-00011879 later the next developer needed 33 bits id0fQTDIq6M-00054-00011679-00012104 and changed the data type to 64-bit id0fQTDIq6M-00055-00011879-00012279 variable the integer overflow bugs that id0fQTDIq6M-00056-00012104-00012560 had laid dormant underground like so id0fQTDIq6M-00057-00012279-00012823 many cicadas spring back to life ready id0fQTDIq6M-00058-00012560-00013159 to terrorize the population id0fQTDIq6M-00059-00012823-00013319 plot twist based on a true story the end id0fQTDIq6M-00060-00013159-00013552 I don't know that depends that's up to id0fQTDIq6M-00061-00013319-00013552 you if57Vh-U4eQ-00000-00000077-00000177 Pearl O’Rourke: Hi. if57Vh-U4eQ-00001-00000177-00000282 I’m Pearl O’Rourke and I am not a geneticist. if57Vh-U4eQ-00002-00000282-00000884 I’m not an IT person, so you can imagine how much help I was to this model. if57Vh-U4eQ-00003-00000884-00001287 But I’m very happy to answer any questions [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00004-00001287-00001950 My task was to assume this model made good sense and I love my group so yes, it does. if57Vh-U4eQ-00005-00001950-00002138 And to look at it through the lens of ELSI. if57Vh-U4eQ-00006-00002138-00002875 I think it’s a good exercise that maybe can be also be used for some of the other if57Vh-U4eQ-00007-00002875-00002975 models. if57Vh-U4eQ-00008-00002975-00003422 So this, in my simplistic way, is the model. if57Vh-U4eQ-00009-00003422-00003861 You got stuff coming from the outside, data collected pursuant to informed consent. if57Vh-U4eQ-00010-00003861-00003961 It’s coded. if57Vh-U4eQ-00011-00003961-00004063 No HIPAA identifiers. if57Vh-U4eQ-00012-00004063-00004516 It goes to the central analysis server in a de-identified form. if57Vh-U4eQ-00013-00004516-00005130 You then have people on the outside who request that the central analysis server do an analysis if57Vh-U4eQ-00014-00005130-00005514 and it spits out the analysis without individual level data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00015-00005514-00005762 So even if that’s wrong, for the rest of my talk, assume it’s right. if57Vh-U4eQ-00016-00005762-00005862 Okay? if57Vh-U4eQ-00017-00005862-00005962 [laughter] if57Vh-U4eQ-00018-00005962-00006125 And I think that’s what all that cloud stuff was talking about. if57Vh-U4eQ-00019-00006125-00006703 So, but I decided is that the more I ask these fools questions, like I don’t understand if57Vh-U4eQ-00020-00006703-00007017 this, I don’t understand that, this seemed very much like dbGaP to me. if57Vh-U4eQ-00021-00007017-00007531 And so I’m using, since we all know dbGaP to some degree, I’m using that as an example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00022-00007531-00007978 I don’t know if this analysis server is dbGaP light or heavy. if57Vh-U4eQ-00023-00007978-00008199 But just comparing some things. if57Vh-U4eQ-00024-00008199-00008679 The informed consent form for source material, yes, yes for both. if57Vh-U4eQ-00025-00008679-00009178 Limitations of use within the system or by recipient investigators will be limited by if57Vh-U4eQ-00026-00009178-00009450 the informed consent form, yes for both. if57Vh-U4eQ-00027-00009450-00009656 Neither one has identifiable data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00028-00009656-00010114 But where a big difference is dbGaP will disclose individual data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00029-00010114-00010524 Not identified but individual whereas this system would not. if57Vh-U4eQ-00030-00010524-00010695 So being in the LCIRB. if57Vh-U4eQ-00031-00010695-00010964 world, that sounds really good. if57Vh-U4eQ-00032-00010964-00011357 There’re other issues which I don’t think are as obvious. if57Vh-U4eQ-00033-00011357-00011532 The quote “local certification.” if57Vh-U4eQ-00034-00011532-00012002 We, that’s, local certification’s required for putting anything in a dbGaP and I’ll if57Vh-U4eQ-00035-00012002-00012149 use that as an example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00036-00012149-00012618 And second, for the central server, I would presume yes is the answer there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00037-00012618-00012928 Would it be the same or not, I’m not sure. if57Vh-U4eQ-00038-00012928-00013028 Review of uses. if57Vh-U4eQ-00039-00013028-00013211 We have all the DACs with the dbGaP. if57Vh-U4eQ-00040-00013211-00013621 It’s not quite clear yet what system would be in place for this. if57Vh-U4eQ-00041-00013621-00014031 Would it just, people would just ask for any analysis or would there be some limitation if57Vh-U4eQ-00042-00014031-00014232 of types of analyses? if57Vh-U4eQ-00043-00014232-00014657 And I put up here, just because I had to put it somewhere, return of research results within if57Vh-U4eQ-00044-00014657-00014971 dbGaP is noted as being very unlikely. if57Vh-U4eQ-00045-00014971-00015637 I think in this system, it was even more unlikely which is, for the ELSI eyes, very good. if57Vh-U4eQ-00046-00015637-00016333 So with that as a background, the vulnerable points from a kind of ethical and oversight if57Vh-U4eQ-00047-00016333-00016510 perspective are four. if57Vh-U4eQ-00048-00016510-00016985 The server itself, collection of data, the analyses and then what you give back to the if57Vh-U4eQ-00049-00016985-00017130 requesting folks. if57Vh-U4eQ-00050-00017130-00017722 The central analysis server, I would submit, is a research repository of de-identified if57Vh-U4eQ-00051-00017722-00017932 data, the same as dbGaP. if57Vh-U4eQ-00052-00017932-00018614 I would also suggest it’s time for NIH to come clean and admit that this is an IRB protocol. if57Vh-U4eQ-00053-00018614-00018910 dbGaP is not IRB approved. if57Vh-U4eQ-00054-00018910-00019419 The local institutions take all the liability and all the heat and I think that’s unfair. if57Vh-U4eQ-00055-00019419-00019886 So time to see the light, go the right way, make this an IRB approved protocol. if57Vh-U4eQ-00056-00019886-00020258 It would be IRB approved in virtually any other institution. if57Vh-U4eQ-00057-00020258-00020960 The IRB protocol would include business rules for all the things that you see up here. if57Vh-U4eQ-00058-00020960-00021081 Okay? if57Vh-U4eQ-00059-00021081-00021823 In terms of ELSI OID issues for primary data source, the data will come from tissue collected if57Vh-U4eQ-00060-00021823-00022375 under an IRB approved protocol, an informed consent form under the auspices of an IRB. if57Vh-U4eQ-00061-00022375-00022951 This is what, for dbGaP, here with a reference here, from an ethical standpoint, informed if57Vh-U4eQ-00062-00022951-00023337 consent process and documents should make it clear that participant’s DNA will undergo if57Vh-U4eQ-00063-00023337-00023798 GWAS and that genotype and phenotype data will be shared for research purposes through if57Vh-U4eQ-00064-00023798-00023966 the repository. if57Vh-U4eQ-00065-00023966-00024506 This translates to this in our informed consent form. if57Vh-U4eQ-00066-00024506-00025031 We put hours into where to put the comma and the semicolons. if57Vh-U4eQ-00067-00025031-00025133 [laughter] if57Vh-U4eQ-00068-00025133-00025551 Reality, most people don’t remember signing it, most people don’t remember they’re if57Vh-U4eQ-00069-00025551-00025850 in research and they certainly don’t understand what’s there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00070-00025850-00026431 So when we’re talking about what the public needs to know, we got a huge wakeup call here. if57Vh-U4eQ-00071-00026431-00026789 But that’s what we require now. if57Vh-U4eQ-00072-00026789-00027318 The other issue for primary data source, I assume there would be some kind of a certification if57Vh-U4eQ-00073-00027318-00027632 that the data going into the server was appropriate. if57Vh-U4eQ-00074-00027632-00028091 And again here, I think dbGaP is a wonderful place to look. if57Vh-U4eQ-00075-00028091-00028752 Institutional certification, you’ll only except GWAS data into the repository after if57Vh-U4eQ-00076-00028752-00029511 receiving appropriate certification by the institutional officials, not by the IRB; that’s if57Vh-U4eQ-00077-00029511-00029611 really important. if57Vh-U4eQ-00078-00029611-00029755 It’s your institution signing off. if57Vh-U4eQ-00079-00029755-00030197 And when you look at what they’re signing off to, it’s so many things I had to put if57Vh-U4eQ-00080-00030197-00030297 it on two slides. if57Vh-U4eQ-00081-00030297-00030725 First, that the data submission is consistent with all applicable laws and regulations as if57Vh-U4eQ-00082-00030725-00030927 well as all institutional policies. if57Vh-U4eQ-00083-00030927-00031481 From our own institution, we have changed this and we are not taking all state laws if57Vh-U4eQ-00084-00031481-00031586 and being responsible for those. if57Vh-U4eQ-00085-00031586-00031886 So we only say only Massachusetts law and federal laws. if57Vh-U4eQ-00086-00031886-00032300 [laughs] I’ll probably go to jail after saying that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00087-00032300-00032686 The -- secondly, the appropriate research uses of the data and the uses that are, yeah, if57Vh-U4eQ-00088-00032686-00032943 specifically excluded by the consent documents are delineated. if57Vh-U4eQ-00089-00032943-00033168 I have no idea what that five is there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00090-00033168-00033313 I must’ve slipped. if57Vh-U4eQ-00091-00033313-00033786 The identities of research participants will not be disclosed. if57Vh-U4eQ-00092-00033786-00034294 Then here’s where the IRB or a privacy board, remember, privacy boards are HIPPAA constructs, if57Vh-U4eQ-00093-00034294-00035003 have reviewed and verified one, that the data submitted, yeah, the submission of data to if57Vh-U4eQ-00094-00035003-00035531 the repository and subsequent sharing are consistent with the informed consent of study if57Vh-U4eQ-00095-00035531-00035865 participants from whom the data was obtained. if57Vh-U4eQ-00096-00035865-00036052 “Consistent with.” if57Vh-U4eQ-00097-00036052-00036230 We as an institution have changed this. if57Vh-U4eQ-00098-00036230-00036471 We say “not inconsistent with.” if57Vh-U4eQ-00099-00036471-00036571 [laughter] if57Vh-U4eQ-00100-00036571-00036940 Well, but to be honest, we think that gives us more wiggle room. if57Vh-U4eQ-00101-00036940-00037256 To say “consistent with,” you have to have a positive statement that sharing is if57Vh-U4eQ-00102-00037256-00037518 okay and broad use or whatever is okay. if57Vh-U4eQ-00103-00037518-00038158 But for these consent forms where, before DNA was discovered, and we have a lot of those, if57Vh-U4eQ-00104-00038158-00038530 you know, as long as it doesn’t say only this one investigator will have, we felt “not if57Vh-U4eQ-00105-00038530-00038630 inconsistent with” allowed more. if57Vh-U4eQ-00106-00038630-00039174 The investigator’s plan for de-identifying data is consistent with the standards in the if57Vh-U4eQ-00107-00039174-00039683 policy, which is the HIPPAA, is considered the risks to individuals, their families and if57Vh-U4eQ-00108-00039683-00039893 groups or populations. if57Vh-U4eQ-00109-00039893-00040418 Community risk associated with the data submitted to the NIH GWAS repository. if57Vh-U4eQ-00110-00040418-00040938 We have also changed this one and we say we will only assume the risk for the submission. if57Vh-U4eQ-00111-00040938-00041394 We will not take any risk for downstream use because we have no control over it. if57Vh-U4eQ-00112-00041394-00041697 Yet this is what you’re asking the local institutions to do. if57Vh-U4eQ-00113-00041697-00042050 And that everything is “consistent with,” that’s the common rule, you know, the federal if57Vh-U4eQ-00114-00042050-00042384 law of the mother ship of IRBs. if57Vh-U4eQ-00115-00042384-00043080 So, I think the server has to look at, how is the data going to get in, what’s the if57Vh-U4eQ-00116-00043080-00043638 informed consent process and what is going to be the institutional requirement? if57Vh-U4eQ-00117-00043638-00044216 The central analysis server, in terms of the analyses, to my read, it’s de-identified if57Vh-U4eQ-00118-00044216-00044531 data hence it is not human subjects research. if57Vh-U4eQ-00119-00044531-00044906 You do not need an IRB action. if57Vh-U4eQ-00120-00044906-00045393 If you’re going to come back and say genetic information is identifiable, the game will if57Vh-U4eQ-00121-00045393-00045493 change. if57Vh-U4eQ-00122-00045493-00045952 I think this is a responsibility that the central server has to have some level of review if57Vh-U4eQ-00123-00045952-00046213 as you’re doing larger and larger data sets. if57Vh-U4eQ-00124-00046213-00046502 Community risk: We do not do very well at community risk. if57Vh-U4eQ-00125-00046502-00047050 But I think this would be one of the business rules that I think both dbGaP, dbGaP does if57Vh-U4eQ-00126-00047050-00047706 it through the DACs, but any other central site would have to do. if57Vh-U4eQ-00127-00047706-00048277 Return of analyses to requesters is a de-identified data therefore it is not a human subject. if57Vh-U4eQ-00128-00048277-00048625 Don’t need an IRB action. if57Vh-U4eQ-00129-00048625-00048903 I did have to put this in again. if57Vh-U4eQ-00130-00048903-00049003 Return of research results. if57Vh-U4eQ-00131-00049003-00049521 This is from the dbGaP, the website with the FAQs. if57Vh-U4eQ-00132-00049521-00049843 And although it says, you know, it’s not likely to happen and you got to be really if57Vh-U4eQ-00133-00049843-00050249 careful that, you know, there’re a lot of concerns about returning research results, if57Vh-U4eQ-00134-00050249-00050581 bottom line, it says it is possible. if57Vh-U4eQ-00135-00050581-00050724 Okay? if57Vh-U4eQ-00136-00050724-00051295 So again, my, what I would highly recommend is, as we go forward, close this door. if57Vh-U4eQ-00137-00051295-00051395 Okay? if57Vh-U4eQ-00138-00051395-00051609 But it, you know, it is there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00139-00051609-00052202 So my very final comments and then I’m very happy to take any technical IT questions about if57Vh-U4eQ-00140-00052202-00052322 the model. if57Vh-U4eQ-00141-00052322-00052828 First of all, I think there are a lot of lessons from dbGaP we can learn not only for this if57Vh-U4eQ-00142-00052828-00053255 model but for other models, both what has worked and what has not worked. if57Vh-U4eQ-00143-00053255-00053773 Secondly, I think this model, if you can get, buy into it, I actually think it’s more if57Vh-U4eQ-00144-00053773-00053904 streamlined than dbGaP. if57Vh-U4eQ-00145-00053904-00054320 I think it’s safer from an ELSI perspective because you’re not giving out individual if57Vh-U4eQ-00146-00054320-00054432 data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00147-00054432-00055058 And for all the reasons that Mark talked about, there’s more control over, you know, you if57Vh-U4eQ-00148-00055058-00055158 could [unintelligible] it for diabetes. if57Vh-U4eQ-00149-00055158-00055258 Here. if57Vh-U4eQ-00150-00055258-00055487 That’s the only thing we’re doing on the analysis side. if57Vh-U4eQ-00151-00055487-00055936 And I think we must constantly reassess this, not only for the advanced notice of proposed if57Vh-U4eQ-00152-00055936-00056395 rulemaking which would change the common rule as Laura had spoken about before, but also if57Vh-U4eQ-00153-00056395-00056614 potential changes for HIPPAA. if57Vh-U4eQ-00154-00056614-00057138 Right now, HIPPAA basically says that genetic information is not identifiable unless it’s if57Vh-U4eQ-00155-00057138-00057377 linked to other identifiers. if57Vh-U4eQ-00156-00057377-00057857 I think it’s a matter of time before the Office of Civil Rights, which oversees HIPPAA, if57Vh-U4eQ-00157-00057857-00058349 starts going into maybe genetic information is identifiable at which point you’re going if57Vh-U4eQ-00158-00058349-00058667 to be talking a whole another set of regulations. if57Vh-U4eQ-00159-00058667-00059148 So that’s my last slide and I will leave it there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00160-00059148-00059490 And I can either say no time for questions because it’s time for Wiley or take some if57Vh-U4eQ-00161-00059490-00059590 questions. if57Vh-U4eQ-00162-00059590-00059746 Take some questions. if57Vh-U4eQ-00163-00059746-00059938 Who looks nice? if57Vh-U4eQ-00164-00059938-00060038 Okay. if57Vh-U4eQ-00165-00060038-00060138 [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00166-00060138-00060394 Aravinda Chakravarti: I’ve never been called that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00167-00060394-00060494 Thank you so much. if57Vh-U4eQ-00168-00060494-00060594 [laughter] if57Vh-U4eQ-00169-00060594-00060694 Pearl O’Rourke: Oh, you’re so welcome. if57Vh-U4eQ-00170-00060694-00060794 [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00171-00060794-00060894 Aravinda Chakravarti: I’m just, I’m just wondering. if57Vh-U4eQ-00172-00060894-00061412 You’re articulating a view where there’s no doubt that these ELSI issues can, you know, if57Vh-U4eQ-00173-00061412-00061751 drive what we do and of course, they do. if57Vh-U4eQ-00174-00061751-00062415 But you, I think you said that this is no access to primary data although there are if57Vh-U4eQ-00175-00062415-00063314 several classes and areas of scientific questions where we will need to access the primary data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00176-00063314-00063897 I don’t -- meaning it may be, and I don’t think this is inconsistent with Mark’s talk, if57Vh-U4eQ-00177-00063897-00064599 that there may be ways in which you go in and reanalyze the primary data in some way. if57Vh-U4eQ-00178-00064599-00064973 For example, recalling and -- So I just want to make sure. if57Vh-U4eQ-00179-00064973-00065232 Pearl O’Rourke: But I guess my understanding is that the primary if57Vh-U4eQ-00180-00065232-00065500 data lives at the local site. if57Vh-U4eQ-00181-00065500-00065710 They send it in de-identified. if57Vh-U4eQ-00182-00065710-00065928 So coded, genotype, phenotype. if57Vh-U4eQ-00183-00065928-00066630 And the server itself just has coded without the link. if57Vh-U4eQ-00184-00066630-00066730 And Mark or David -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00185-00066730-00066888 Aravinda Chakravarti: Yeah, I’m just raising the question that if57Vh-U4eQ-00186-00066888-00067454 this is going to be useful so long as I can go in and, for a certain class of problems, if57Vh-U4eQ-00187-00067454-00067802 reanalyze the primary data according to my choosing. if57Vh-U4eQ-00188-00067802-00067902 That’s all I’m saying -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00189-00067902-00068002 Pearl O’Rourke: Okay. if57Vh-U4eQ-00190-00068002-00068102 Male Speaker: I think that’s the idea -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00191-00068102-00068202 Aravinda Chakravarti: Yeah. if57Vh-U4eQ-00192-00068202-00068328 Make Speaker: -- is that you can do it without having possession if57Vh-U4eQ-00193-00068328-00068428 of the primary data -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00194-00068428-00068528 Aravinda Chakravarti: Precisely. if57Vh-U4eQ-00195-00068528-00068628 Pearl O’Rourke: Okay. if57Vh-U4eQ-00196-00068628-00068728 Aravinda Chakravarti: I just wanted to make that clear. if57Vh-U4eQ-00197-00068728-00068828 Otherwise [unintelligible] -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00198-00068828-00068928 Pearl O’Rourke: I still think you’re nice [unintelligible] if57Vh-U4eQ-00199-00068928-00069028 -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00200-00069028-00069128 Male Speaker: And I think we have to make a distinction if57Vh-U4eQ-00201-00069128-00069356 between the people who are running the server say and the people who are serving up the if57Vh-U4eQ-00202-00069356-00069456 data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00203-00069456-00070113 So, I mean, in many ways, this began out of the very inane situation where you cannot if57Vh-U4eQ-00204-00070113-00070450 query and RSID into dbGaP and get the allele frequency, you know. if57Vh-U4eQ-00205-00070450-00070701 And so how can that be? if57Vh-U4eQ-00206-00070701-00070968 How do we not have a system to do that? if57Vh-U4eQ-00207-00070968-00071388 And I think the point that I would add to the discussion we were having before is that if57Vh-U4eQ-00208-00071388-00071986 there isn’t, I don’t think in this vision, a single monolithic server but rather, how if57Vh-U4eQ-00209-00071986-00072617 do we go about building ways to interface with dbGaP data so that different groups could if57Vh-U4eQ-00210-00072617-00073105 potentially build different servers to allow people to make queries. if57Vh-U4eQ-00211-00073105-00073674 And then you have a proliferation of potential ways of doing this and what we need to agree if57Vh-U4eQ-00212-00073674-00074211 on are a set of standards by which if you meet these standards then this will be okay if57Vh-U4eQ-00213-00074211-00074748 and we agree that this is an activity that doesn’t violate the underlying data use if57Vh-U4eQ-00214-00074748-00074848 agreements. if57Vh-U4eQ-00215-00074848-00074986 Pearl O’Rourke: [unintelligible] clarification, David? if57Vh-U4eQ-00216-00074986-00075329 David Altshuler: Well, let others go who have [unintelligible]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00217-00075329-00075492 Pearl O’Rourke: Yeah. if57Vh-U4eQ-00218-00075492-00075839 Nancy Cox: So I just wanted some clarification on one if57Vh-U4eQ-00219-00075839-00076541 of the points you raised about there wouldn’t be -- ever be data going back to patients. if57Vh-U4eQ-00220-00076541-00077273 And if you go, if you recall, as Mark described, one really attractive aspect of this is the if57Vh-U4eQ-00221-00077273-00078142 ability to make next generation sequence data quality better by being able to go across if57Vh-U4eQ-00222-00078142-00078659 all of the, all existing studies, very large numbers of individuals. if57Vh-U4eQ-00223-00078659-00079676 And this matrix that he talked about of variant by subject would inevitably mean that at some if57Vh-U4eQ-00224-00079676-00080555 point, new information could emerge on the incident alone that the investigators might if57Vh-U4eQ-00225-00080555-00080735 want to take back to people. if57Vh-U4eQ-00226-00080735-00081363 So I don't think -- I think it’s a lot to assume that no information would ever go back if57Vh-U4eQ-00227-00081363-00081500 to patients. if57Vh-U4eQ-00228-00081500-00082003 I don’t, I’m -- forget about the apps and the analyses that people want to put in. if57Vh-U4eQ-00229-00082003-00082726 If part of the rationale for such a thing is the quality of the sequence information if57Vh-U4eQ-00230-00082726-00083538 improving by being able to go across, part of the reason for wanting to improve it is if57Vh-U4eQ-00231-00083538-00083638 to see better what’s there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00232-00083638-00083893 Pearl O’Rourke: I think you’re absolutely right to call if57Vh-U4eQ-00233-00083893-00084659 me on that statement, which felt kind of good coming out that -- my point is I think right if57Vh-U4eQ-00234-00084659-00085199 now, the return of research results in any research and incidental findings versus anticipated if57Vh-U4eQ-00235-00085199-00085424 results is just such a quagmire. if57Vh-U4eQ-00236-00085424-00086023 Add onto that a bank, a de-identified bank. if57Vh-U4eQ-00237-00086023-00086123 In that way, I think -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00238-00086123-00086574 Nancy Cox: But I also think it’s not, it’s -- the if57Vh-U4eQ-00239-00086574-00087261 people who put in a given data set presumably have the right to look at those individual if57Vh-U4eQ-00240-00087261-00088030 -- that matrix, the results from their own data as the quality is improved. if57Vh-U4eQ-00241-00088030-00088151 And, so again, there’re -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00242-00088151-00088408 Pearl O’Rourke: I think that would be a business rule that if57Vh-U4eQ-00243-00088408-00088830 the server would have to look at in terms of for submitting -- the people who primarily if57Vh-U4eQ-00244-00088830-00089191 submitted the data, would they be able to look at it and would returning results be if57Vh-U4eQ-00245-00089191-00089303 a possibility? if57Vh-U4eQ-00246-00089303-00089459 That then has to be in the consent form. if57Vh-U4eQ-00247-00089459-00089643 I mean, it just balloons -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00248-00089643-00089865 Male Speaker: But Nancy, I mean what I would imagine this if57Vh-U4eQ-00249-00089865-00090516 happening is somebody runs some analysis through the server and they have a biological insight. if57Vh-U4eQ-00250-00090516-00090849 And then based on the biological insight, they have permission from their research subjects if57Vh-U4eQ-00251-00090849-00091079 to return results to participants. if57Vh-U4eQ-00252-00091079-00091480 And so it’s not the server that’s returning results but rather the investigator who holds if57Vh-U4eQ-00253-00091480-00091806 it, and that, I mean, that’s sort of saying, I did an experiment in the lab and I found if57Vh-U4eQ-00254-00091806-00092180 something out and now I’m going to, and now I feel morally bound or am bound by my if57Vh-U4eQ-00255-00092180-00092376 business rule to return results to participants. if57Vh-U4eQ-00256-00092376-00092781 And you know, in that sense, it’s not the server that’s returning it but the investigator if57Vh-U4eQ-00257-00092781-00092881 -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00258-00092881-00093021 Pearl O’Rourke: Yeah, I think that primary, I think the submitting, if57Vh-U4eQ-00259-00093021-00093399 the originating investigator -- I, you know, I think we can, there’s room there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00260-00093399-00093499 David? if57Vh-U4eQ-00261-00093499-00093647 David Altshuler: So I’m wondering if you, and maybe others if57Vh-U4eQ-00262-00093647-00094030 want to take it, but you’re as good, you’re better or as good as any. if57Vh-U4eQ-00263-00094030-00094371 What happens, now what happens to not just this idea. if57Vh-U4eQ-00264-00094371-00094811 It’s partially because you’re up there but if it were to be the case that HIPPAA, if57Vh-U4eQ-00265-00094811-00095185 that it’s decided that DNA sequence data is hit by identifier. if57Vh-U4eQ-00266-00095185-00095285 Okay? if57Vh-U4eQ-00267-00095285-00095516 Right now, I’m asking you to project to the future what happens. if57Vh-U4eQ-00268-00095516-00095902 And, let me be more specific, you know. if57Vh-U4eQ-00269-00095902-00096153 There’s a way we have of doing business right now. if57Vh-U4eQ-00270-00096153-00096531 One of the things I worry about a lot now, working in a place, you know, a set of places if57Vh-U4eQ-00271-00096531-00096990 where a lot of this research goes on is tomorrow a letter goes out saying DNA sequence is hit if57Vh-U4eQ-00272-00096990-00097482 by identifier, I actually think our current way of doing business has to shut down and if57Vh-U4eQ-00273-00097482-00097814 we have to stop -- Like, everyone here is worried about, “Oh, we might throw a wrench if57Vh-U4eQ-00274-00097814-00097914 in the works.” if57Vh-U4eQ-00275-00097914-00098569 I’m worried about, what, what happens to us if we don’t come up with some, you know, if57Vh-U4eQ-00276-00098569-00098925 HIPPAA compliant way of dealing with these data if tomorrow, we get a letter saying, if57Vh-U4eQ-00277-00098925-00099380 “There’s a new policy,” not of this group of people but from some higher group, if57Vh-U4eQ-00278-00099380-00099583 saying, “DNA sequence is hit by identifier?” if57Vh-U4eQ-00279-00099583-00099934 Pearl O’Rourke: I think, I’ll just give you one example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00280-00099934-00100375 The permission forms for the common rule is the informed consent for HIPPAA, it’s the if57Vh-U4eQ-00281-00100375-00100657 authorization, and there’s different rules on what they have to have. if57Vh-U4eQ-00282-00100657-00101134 And one of the really stimey [spelled phonetically] elements of the authorization is it has to if57Vh-U4eQ-00283-00101134-00101670 be specific to use and it doesn’t like broad uses. if57Vh-U4eQ-00284-00101670-00101977 Now you could say maybe the use is just dumping it in. if57Vh-U4eQ-00285-00101977-00102469 But then once it’s there, every analyses that is done, I could imagine that the HIPPAA if57Vh-U4eQ-00286-00102469-00103007 police would say, “You got to get specific authorization for every analysis you’re if57Vh-U4eQ-00287-00103007-00103317 doing because we don’t allow broad.” if57Vh-U4eQ-00288-00103317-00103944 Now, I think if HIPPAA were to say, you know, “Whole genome sequences were identifiable,” if57Vh-U4eQ-00289-00103944-00104261 hopefully there would be a discussion regarding what would be the ramifications? if57Vh-U4eQ-00290-00104261-00104620 There’d be some work around or allowing broad consent. if57Vh-U4eQ-00291-00104620-00105033 The other issue is HIPPAA doesn’t -- I mean there’s, anyway -- I think that’s probably if57Vh-U4eQ-00292-00105033-00105146 the biggest example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00293-00105146-00105486 It would really, it’d be completely different. if57Vh-U4eQ-00294-00105486-00105910 Male Speaker: So a question that follows up on this would if57Vh-U4eQ-00295-00105910-00106511 be to what extent would you extend the central analysis server to be a distributed analysis if57Vh-U4eQ-00296-00106511-00106904 server, such that the data never comes to the NIH? if57Vh-U4eQ-00297-00106904-00107316 And that way, the query just gets run at each of the sites. if57Vh-U4eQ-00298-00107316-00107754 Now that doesn’t address the consent issue with respect to specific versus broad, but if57Vh-U4eQ-00299-00107754-00108179 it does address the submission of identifiable information to the NIH. if57Vh-U4eQ-00300-00108179-00108414 Is this something that the NIH would be open to? if57Vh-U4eQ-00301-00108414-00108702 Pearl O’Rourke: I mean, from the ELSI perspective, I would if57Vh-U4eQ-00302-00108702-00108816 say yes. if57Vh-U4eQ-00303-00108816-00109399 Again, if you had the same rules of what each decentralized thing did and once it was in if57Vh-U4eQ-00304-00109399-00109643 that server, they played by the same rules. if57Vh-U4eQ-00305-00109643-00110104 But I think like anything, once you have multiple decentralizations, it’s hard to maintain if57Vh-U4eQ-00306-00110104-00110204 that consistency -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00307-00110204-00110304 David Altshuler: Right. if57Vh-U4eQ-00308-00110304-00110651 We did, for what it’s worth, we have talked about that in our group and if Gonzalo thinks if57Vh-U4eQ-00309-00110651-00111108 it’s complicated to build one such system, imagine building an ecosystem which everyone if57Vh-U4eQ-00310-00111108-00111466 who wants to do analysis somehow is going to run all these jobs and make them all comparable. if57Vh-U4eQ-00311-00111466-00111566 It’s probably impossible -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00312-00111566-00111780 Male Speaker: But caBIG has been doing things like this if57Vh-U4eQ-00313-00111780-00111880 for years. if57Vh-U4eQ-00314-00111880-00112085 David Altshuler: I will not comment on that statement. if57Vh-U4eQ-00315-00112085-00112185 [laughter] if57Vh-U4eQ-00316-00112185-00112285 Male Speaker: I’m not saying that it was perfect. if57Vh-U4eQ-00317-00112285-00112385 But it’s -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00318-00112385-00112485 Pearl O’Rourke: Bang, bang. if57Vh-U4eQ-00319-00112485-00112585 Male Speaker: -- a potential. if57Vh-U4eQ-00320-00112585-00112685 Pearl O’Rourke: [unintelligible] bang, bang, bang. if57Vh-U4eQ-00321-00112685-00112785 Bang. if57Vh-U4eQ-00322-00112785-00113044 Lucila Ohno-Machado: Yeah, I just want to comment. if57Vh-U4eQ-00323-00113044-00113629 Your matrix was very well displayed with dbGaP in the central analysis. if57Vh-U4eQ-00324-00113629-00114089 The one role that I would include is the role of software upload. if57Vh-U4eQ-00325-00114089-00114622 Because that’s what you don’t do in dbGaP but that you do in order to make up for the if57Vh-U4eQ-00326-00114622-00114869 fact that you’re not returning results. if57Vh-U4eQ-00327-00114869-00115450 So I would submit instead of a data access committee, you would have a software upload if57Vh-U4eQ-00328-00115450-00115550 committee. if57Vh-U4eQ-00329-00115550-00115656 Because that’s what -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00330-00115656-00115756 Pearl O’Rourke: A SUCK. if57Vh-U4eQ-00331-00115756-00115856 Bad. if57Vh-U4eQ-00332-00115856-00115956 [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00333-00115956-00116056 Lucila Ohno-Machado: [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00334-00116056-00116633 What you are vetting is the software or the analysis that is returning results. if57Vh-U4eQ-00335-00116633-00117294 And if you don’t watch it carefully, it be a simple algorithm that returns some results if57Vh-U4eQ-00336-00117294-00117875 that do allow you to reproduce the original data and you don’t want that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00337-00117875-00118213 So I think we can think of a better acronym. if57Vh-U4eQ-00338-00118213-00118321 Pearl O’Rourke: [laughs]. if57Vh-U4eQ-00339-00118321-00118708 Lucila Ohno-Machado: But I think that’s -- what it’s the reverse if57Vh-U4eQ-00340-00118708-00118808 of. if57Vh-U4eQ-00341-00118808-00118908 Pearl O’Rourke: I think that’s a good point. if57Vh-U4eQ-00342-00118908-00119008 Sharon? if57Vh-U4eQ-00343-00119008-00119108 Sharon Plon: I guess I had two questions. if57Vh-U4eQ-00344-00119108-00119257 One to just echo what Nancy said. if57Vh-U4eQ-00345-00119257-00120018 I think for many genetics researchers, the idea of a quality control exome where you if57Vh-U4eQ-00346-00120018-00120633 can compare your data analyzed the same way with large data sets would be extremely attractive if57Vh-U4eQ-00347-00120633-00121204 but people aren’t going to expect that they get that data and can share it. if57Vh-U4eQ-00348-00121204-00121658 My other -- so I think that part of the model, I’m still unclear between the two of you if57Vh-U4eQ-00349-00121658-00121891 but, about how you’re thinking of that working. if57Vh-U4eQ-00350-00121891-00122602 The other question I had though is are you going to allow clinical labs to have their if57Vh-U4eQ-00351-00122602-00123096 data analyzed this way for a fee; because that, I can imagine, will be one of the first if57Vh-U4eQ-00352-00123096-00123196 requests. if57Vh-U4eQ-00353-00123196-00123838 There’re a lot of patients now having exomes done as a clinical test. if57Vh-U4eQ-00354-00123838-00124474 And if your exome isn’t analyzed the same as this magic server, there may be conflicts if57Vh-U4eQ-00355-00124474-00124692 in the interpretation. if57Vh-U4eQ-00356-00124692-00124976 And so I could see that being a very early interaction. if57Vh-U4eQ-00357-00124976-00125316 Pearl O’Rourke: I would dump that to the boys. if57Vh-U4eQ-00358-00125316-00125861 But, I mean, I do think though it does bring up a huge issue that right now, I think clinical if57Vh-U4eQ-00359-00125861-00126278 and research sequencing have so overlapped. if57Vh-U4eQ-00360-00126278-00126734 I mean, I think there would have to be some accommodation for that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00361-00126734-00126993 Male Speaker: You, I mean, I would argue that you could if57Vh-U4eQ-00362-00126993-00127503 -- If we allow this to happen, right, and make this a possibility for people to be able if57Vh-U4eQ-00363-00127503-00128207 to create dbGaP, take in dbGaP data, reprocess it and allow queries then you could imagine if57Vh-U4eQ-00364-00128207-00128683 someone building a virtual machine that could then just be sold that gets tacked onto the if57Vh-U4eQ-00365-00128683-00128938 analytical labs with each of the data releases. if57Vh-U4eQ-00366-00128938-00129038 Right? if57Vh-U4eQ-00367-00129038-00129138 There’s a set of standards. if57Vh-U4eQ-00368-00129138-00129559 You do it, you sell it and then it just becomes part of the pipeline for doing the analysis if57Vh-U4eQ-00369-00129559-00129665 that gets tacked on. if57Vh-U4eQ-00370-00129665-00130348 I think right now, I would say the big limitation is there’s no way to repackage dbGaP data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00371-00130348-00130901 If we view this as a way to package pools of dbGaP data that people can query against if57Vh-U4eQ-00372-00130901-00131608 it without getting back individual level genotype results then that is what I think is really if57Vh-U4eQ-00373-00131608-00131869 going to be able to liberate all the data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00374-00131869-00132132 Mark DePristo: You know, I also think it helps a little bit if57Vh-U4eQ-00375-00132132-00132682 with the concern, you know, that you have a lot of clinical labs starting that are trying if57Vh-U4eQ-00376-00132682-00133087 to develop expertise in a pretty complicated data processing challenge. if57Vh-U4eQ-00377-00133087-00133630 And we all hope that they do a good job, that they, that they get the results that are consistent if57Vh-U4eQ-00378-00133630-00133792 with the standards that we set. if57Vh-U4eQ-00379-00133792-00134242 But we’re not really providing them an easy mechanism to reach those standards and this if57Vh-U4eQ-00380-00134242-00134720 would be one mechanism to do that, that I think would be good for all of us, because if57Vh-U4eQ-00381-00134720-00135261 if the first line of experience of people with sequencing is the exposure of their clinical if57Vh-U4eQ-00382-00135261-00135848 sequencing results implemented by people who are not experts in that area then this would if57Vh-U4eQ-00383-00135848-00136115 be sort of a -- it could be very risky for us too. if57Vh-U4eQ-00384-00136115-00136215 Pearl O’Rourke: Debbie and then Richard. if57Vh-U4eQ-00385-00136215-00136315 [unintelligible] if57Vh-U4eQ-00386-00136315-00136415 Pearl O’Rourke: Richard? if57Vh-U4eQ-00387-00136415-00136661 Richard Gibbs: Yeah, I’d just been to listening to all if57Vh-U4eQ-00388-00136661-00137252 the discussion today right from -- right from when you had mentioned that in the U.K., we’re if57Vh-U4eQ-00389-00137252-00137599 starting to look at the medical record rather than at the research result through to this if57Vh-U4eQ-00390-00137599-00137740 very, this discussion just now. if57Vh-U4eQ-00391-00137740-00138349 What I’m seeing is that in talking about the dichotomous clinical versus research situation, if57Vh-U4eQ-00392-00138349-00138894 we’re talking about preserving the research domain and its integrity and worrying about if57Vh-U4eQ-00393-00138894-00138994 bleed over. if57Vh-U4eQ-00394-00138994-00139390 And yet we’ve got to all face the fact that the clinical domain is just going to be enormous. if57Vh-U4eQ-00395-00139390-00139784 It is going to dominate the discussion within a year. if57Vh-U4eQ-00396-00139784-00140299 So I think it’s been underserved in the discussion we’ve had so far and hope that if57Vh-U4eQ-00397-00140299-00140399 we’ll come back to, maybe approach David’s question, not with, what on earth do we do if57Vh-U4eQ-00398-00140399-00141039 if the HIPAA rules change but how can we take more, build the infrastructure to take more if57Vh-U4eQ-00399-00141039-00141623 advantage of the opportunity that even in this nation with its imperfect health care if57Vh-U4eQ-00400-00141623-00141872 system, we’ll be there. if57Vh-U4eQ-00401-00141872-00142307 Pearl O’Rourke: Debbie does have a [unintelligible] -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00402-00142307-00142584 Sharon Plon: So Richard brings up a good point. if57Vh-U4eQ-00403-00142584-00143235 I mean it is very interesting to think about the fact that you could allow clinical samples if57Vh-U4eQ-00404-00143235-00143683 into the system as long as you can keep the data from the system. if57Vh-U4eQ-00405-00143683-00144461 Right now, I think that research is hampered by the fact that many individuals sent for if57Vh-U4eQ-00406-00144461-00145092 clinical sequencing for genetics, for example, go to private concerns. if57Vh-U4eQ-00407-00145092-00145592 Those concerns have the data where researchers don’t. if57Vh-U4eQ-00408-00145592-00146127 And I think that is hamstringing human genetics research in a way. if57Vh-U4eQ-00409-00146127-00146854 And I mean it probably is very useful to think about allowing clinical laboratories that if57Vh-U4eQ-00410-00146854-00147271 charge for things in if the data is left behind. if57Vh-U4eQ-00411-00147271-00147521 David Altshuler: Can I suggest -- I know we’re switching, if57Vh-U4eQ-00412-00147521-00147900 I know [unintelligible], this is, we’ve just taken a turn that I think is a really if57Vh-U4eQ-00413-00147900-00148032 important one. if57Vh-U4eQ-00414-00148032-00148337 Because I think that -- I just wonder if it’s worth, even though we’re running late and if57Vh-U4eQ-00415-00148337-00148633 there’s a Celtics game to watch and all that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00416-00148633-00149229 But how this might enable, empower, relate to, benefit from what Richard says which is if57Vh-U4eQ-00417-00149229-00149598 absolutely right which a year or two, a year from now, two years from now, it’ll be as if57Vh-U4eQ-00418-00149598-00150140 much, ten times as much, a hundred times as much and yet that’s not clearly, like, we if57Vh-U4eQ-00419-00150140-00150591 could see this kind of thing we’re talking about, whatever answer we come to, as profoundly if57Vh-U4eQ-00420-00150591-00151027 enabling in the beginning because it allows the samples as they come in to be interpreted if57Vh-U4eQ-00421-00151027-00151475 in light of the research data and then really, you know, and also provide, could provide if57Vh-U4eQ-00422-00151475-00151808 access to different processing pipelines and things that don’t exist now. if57Vh-U4eQ-00423-00151808-00152092 And then over time, the learning environment becomes the clinical data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00424-00152092-00152412 We haven’t really talked about that and whether we talk about it now or tomorrow, if57Vh-U4eQ-00425-00152412-00152702 I think it is where it heads. if57Vh-U4eQ-00426-00152702-00153075 But we should make sure we really talk about it. if57Vh-U4eQ-00427-00153075-00153362 David Haussler: I agree. if57Vh-U4eQ-00428-00153362-00153914 It’s very important to consider the clinical aspects of this and I think there’s a fundamental if57Vh-U4eQ-00429-00153914-00154155 problem with what was just being discussed. if57Vh-U4eQ-00430-00154155-00154407 They’re two very different things. if57Vh-U4eQ-00431-00154407-00155188 You’re talking about a way of taking the data in this centralized server and spitting if57Vh-U4eQ-00432-00155188-00155740 out summarized statistics that would be safe for anybody to see and not identifiable in if57Vh-U4eQ-00433-00155740-00155840 some sense. if57Vh-U4eQ-00434-00155840-00156385 That’s one kind of computational task that you could, you could learn how to do and package if57Vh-U4eQ-00435-00156385-00156485 up. if57Vh-U4eQ-00436-00156485-00156656 That’s very different from the clinical task. if57Vh-U4eQ-00437-00156656-00157296 I, when I’m, if I have a clinical situation and I want to analyze that person’s genome, if57Vh-U4eQ-00438-00157296-00157505 I, you want to analyze the whole genome. if57Vh-U4eQ-00439-00157505-00157897 There’s no reason to whitewash this into a bunch of summary values that anybody can if57Vh-U4eQ-00440-00157897-00157997 look at. if57Vh-U4eQ-00441-00157997-00158405 There’s no reason to try to mask all of the identifiable things. if57Vh-U4eQ-00442-00158405-00158904 You’ll -- there’s a separate computational process that will use the full power of all if57Vh-U4eQ-00443-00158904-00159471 of the information to maximally benefit the clinical needs of the individual patient. if57Vh-U4eQ-00444-00159471-00160027 The only way we’ll develop that is if we have a set of unrestricted data that people if57Vh-U4eQ-00445-00160027-00160275 can develop those methods on. if57Vh-U4eQ-00446-00160275-00160619 Male Speaker: David, I don’t think there’s anything if57Vh-U4eQ-00447-00160619-00161217 in this setup that would prevent people with permission to access the data in that way if57Vh-U4eQ-00448-00161217-00161317 to do it. if57Vh-U4eQ-00449-00161317-00161529 David Haussler: To develop methods that totally -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00450-00161529-00161629 David Altshuler: No. if57Vh-U4eQ-00451-00161629-00161729 David Haussler: -- that have total access to the data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00452-00161729-00161888 David Altshuler: But the idea that you’re going to interpret if57Vh-U4eQ-00453-00161888-00162237 the genome without any regard to all the other data in the world is probably also wrong. if57Vh-U4eQ-00454-00162237-00162573 Male Speaker: [unintelligible] I think this is the precise if57Vh-U4eQ-00455-00162573-00162727 motivating activity of this -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00456-00162727-00162827 David Haussler: No, no. if57Vh-U4eQ-00457-00162827-00162927 I’m not suggesting that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00458-00162927-00163125 I’m suggesting you wouldn’t interpret the data just based on routines that are designed if57Vh-U4eQ-00459-00163125-00163367 to summarize the data and eliminate -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00460-00163367-00163467 Male Speaker: No. if57Vh-U4eQ-00461-00163467-00163571 No, it is a way to pull in, for example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00462-00163571-00163804 Pull in 1000 genomes. if57Vh-U4eQ-00463-00163804-00164034 Pull in data that’s in dbGaP. if57Vh-U4eQ-00464-00164034-00164494 Pull in, in such a way so that you could process it with your own data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00465-00164494-00164739 And you could have, obviously have access to all your data -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00466-00164739-00164839 [talking simultaneously] if57Vh-U4eQ-00467-00164839-00164985 Male Speaker: -- and any other data that you have permission if57Vh-U4eQ-00468-00164985-00165085 to do. if57Vh-U4eQ-00469-00165085-00165185 David Altshuler: Right. if57Vh-U4eQ-00470-00165185-00165285 Male Speaker: Right. if57Vh-U4eQ-00471-00165285-00165385 So if you run the server, for example. if57Vh-U4eQ-00472-00165385-00165485 You would download the dbGaP data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00473-00165485-00165890 You’d still have access to all the dbGaP data if you had, by dbGaP, access to the raw if57Vh-U4eQ-00474-00165890-00166079 reads, you could continue to do that. if57Vh-U4eQ-00475-00166079-00166500 And then package that in and slurp in any other data that you have permission to. if57Vh-U4eQ-00476-00166500-00166762 David Haussler: So, but then, but then we’ll still have if57Vh-U4eQ-00477-00166762-00167384 people developing systems with the express purpose of eventually producing data that if57Vh-U4eQ-00478-00167384-00167512 anybody can look at. if57Vh-U4eQ-00479-00167512-00167847 There’s a different, there’s a completely different purpose -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00480-00167847-00167961 Mark DePristo: Well, I think it’s just that there are multiple if57Vh-U4eQ-00481-00167961-00168061 levels. if57Vh-U4eQ-00482-00168061-00168161 Yeah -- if57Vh-U4eQ-00483-00168161-00168261 Male Speaker: No. if57Vh-U4eQ-00484-00168261-00168361 But then let’s say you develop a method to do that based on that approach. if57Vh-U4eQ-00485-00168361-00168527 And now somebody else wants to apply it. if57Vh-U4eQ-00486-00168527-00168753 But they don’t want to give you access to the data. if57Vh-U4eQ-00487-00168753-00168853 Right? if57Vh-U4eQ-00488-00168853-00169336 They could still run the method leveraging what’s in the server plus their own data. igGyzfQfFf0-00000-00000034-00000732 Hi i'm Mira, from Flow with Mira today it's an advanced total body mat workout so if you igGyzfQfFf0-00001-00000732-00001289 are at an advanced level and experienced pilates practitioner come and join me it's a fast igGyzfQfFf0-00002-00001289-00001569 pace so you make sure that you are in the right level. igGyzfQfFf0-00003-00001569-00002158 We're going to start the class with standing roll down so let's find our parallel feet igGyzfQfFf0-00004-00002158-00002753 position lifting the spine as tall take an in-breath now as we exhale let's go ahead igGyzfQfFf0-00005-00002753-00003321 and roll the head down and softening at the knees here and continue rolling the spine igGyzfQfFf0-00006-00003321-00003936 down to the floor all the way just warming up a body. igGyzfQfFf0-00007-00003936-00004721 Inhale at the bottom softening up the knees exhale as we lift the abdominal wall we bring igGyzfQfFf0-00008-00004721-00005471 our pelvis to a vertical alignment lower back middle back upper back shoulder open neck igGyzfQfFf0-00009-00005471-00006021 and head let's go two more times in-breath exhale rolling down. igGyzfQfFf0-00010-00006021-00006759 and take it all the way down take a moment here to feel how your body is feeling today igGyzfQfFf0-00011-00006759-00007293 maybe you're feeling a little tight at some part of the spine maybe you're feeling all igGyzfQfFf0-00012-00007293-00008277 good whatever it is acknowledge it and lifting nice and tall one last one in-breath exhale igGyzfQfFf0-00013-00008277-00009190 as we roll down and deflection in the spine as long as you can before you tip the pelvis igGyzfQfFf0-00014-00009190-00010384 forward in-breath exhale lifting up, lifting up, lifting up and standing tall all right igGyzfQfFf0-00015-00010384-00010517 let's take our body down. igGyzfQfFf0-00016-00010517-00011139 We're going to start with a roll-up but we're going to start with the reverse way so legs igGyzfQfFf0-00017-00011139-00012066 are long together arms are forward now find our c curve position here drawing the abdominal igGyzfQfFf0-00018-00012066-00012641 muscle towards the spine neck is still long here guess it's down towards the leg we in-breath, igGyzfQfFf0-00019-00012641-00013946 exhale as we roll our spine down we take our arms overhead inhale chest lift exhale deep igGyzfQfFf0-00020-00013946-00014943 scoop and abdominal into the c-curve in-breath exhale sacrum onto the floor lower spine down igGyzfQfFf0-00021-00014943-00015776 on the floor and then arms overhead making sure that you do not take the ribs into hyperextending igGyzfQfFf0-00022-00015776-00017334 and inhale-exhale lifting lifting lifting in-breath exhale rolling back arms overhead, igGyzfQfFf0-00023-00017334-00018362 inhale lifting chest lift, exhale deep, scoop c curve and here one more time and exhale igGyzfQfFf0-00024-00018362-00018462 we roll down. igGyzfQfFf0-00025-00018462-00019064 And i'd like you to just stay in that chest lift position here turn the palms down squeeze igGyzfQfFf0-00026-00019064-00019454 those legs together guess what lift the legs up hundreds. igGyzfQfFf0-00027-00019454-00020210 Inhale prepare exhale we go in three four five and igGyzfQfFf0-00028-00020210-00022351 four more sets igGyzfQfFf0-00029-00022351-00023190 Really try to get that lower ab scooping into the spine and reaching the legs in the opposite igGyzfQfFf0-00030-00023190-00023299 direction. igGyzfQfFf0-00031-00023299-00023747 Last set here. igGyzfQfFf0-00032-00023747-00024318 Stay drag the knees into a tabletop open your arms up to a T-position and rest your head igGyzfQfFf0-00033-00024318-00024418 down. igGyzfQfFf0-00034-00024418-00024704 I'm just going to shuffle myself down towards the middle of the mat here. igGyzfQfFf0-00035-00024704-00025326 All right let's go to your spine to supine here let's rotate towards me now extending igGyzfQfFf0-00036-00025326-00026088 both legs straight bring it back to the center and we bend over to the other side as we inhale igGyzfQfFf0-00037-00026088-00026366 we extend exhale. igGyzfQfFf0-00038-00026366-00027050 So just a little variation here inhale the twist and we extend exhale igGyzfQfFf0-00039-00027050-00027606 inhale twist we extend igGyzfQfFf0-00040-00027606-00028766 and two more sets igGyzfQfFf0-00041-00028766-00029144 and twists extend igGyzfQfFf0-00042-00029144-00029855 last at each side igGyzfQfFf0-00043-00029855-00030752 last one here exhale we bend hold that lift your head and chest up grab the shin just igGyzfQfFf0-00044-00030752-00031364 above the ankles drop the heels a little bit bend the elbows rock yourself up to rolling igGyzfQfFf0-00045-00031364-00032041 like a ball so just read adjust the position of the arms and the body and we go inhale igGyzfQfFf0-00046-00032041-00033115 rolling exhale balance, inhale rolling exhale inhale. igGyzfQfFf0-00047-00033115-00034300 and do two more here lock the shape last one, stay in balance here. igGyzfQfFf0-00048-00034300-00035022 Now like it too rollback, rollback, roll back so your arms are going to straighten here igGyzfQfFf0-00049-00035022-00035688 so deep scoop, deep flection in the spine and then carefully tip our body to a chest igGyzfQfFf0-00050-00035688-00036369 lift position straighten both legs up towards the ceiling ready for a hamstring pull one, igGyzfQfFf0-00051-00036369-00038024 two, three, let's lower the left leg down hands behind the right calf and we go we switch igGyzfQfFf0-00052-00038024-00038144 last set igGyzfQfFf0-00053-00038144-00039403 Number two igGyzfQfFf0-00054-00039403-00039636 last set igGyzfQfFf0-00055-00039636-00041019 Number three twist twist igGyzfQfFf0-00056-00041019-00041137 last set igGyzfQfFf0-00057-00041137-00041916 legs back up to the ceiling bend the knee lower the chest down and take your arms out igGyzfQfFf0-00058-00041916-00042449 by the side all right let's go and do our rollover here so we extend both legs straight igGyzfQfFf0-00059-00042449-00042856 60 degrees, legs up to 90. igGyzfQfFf0-00060-00042856-00043679 roll over bring the legs over your face dorsiflex the feet separate lower down touch the floor igGyzfQfFf0-00061-00043679-00044250 if you can and then go ahead and roll the spine back, go vertebrae by vertebrae sit igGyzfQfFf0-00062-00044250-00044949 the pelvis down point to feet reach the leg away pull in your abs, bring it up again. igGyzfQfFf0-00063-00044949-00045640 roll over gaze is to the ceiling, dorsiflex separate. igGyzfQfFf0-00064-00045640-00046650 We lower the legs and we roll the spine rolling, rolling set the pelvis down point legs away igGyzfQfFf0-00065-00046650-00047988 together again up roll over and dorsiflex separate lower down and rolling back neck igGyzfQfFf0-00066-00047988-00049000 is long sit the pelvis down hip extension pulling the abs last one here and we rollover igGyzfQfFf0-00067-00049000-00050512 flex separate down and we roll back rollback, rollback point away together bend the knees igGyzfQfFf0-00068-00050512-00051235 lower one foot down second down reestablish your spine position on the floor ready for igGyzfQfFf0-00069-00051235-00051860 our shoulder bridge here so feet are parallel hip-width distance apart last or two pelvic igGyzfQfFf0-00070-00051860-00052582 curls first we breathe out we articulate all the way up to the bridge. igGyzfQfFf0-00071-00052582-00053345 Inhale exhale let's roll down again and release the pelvis back to the floor. igGyzfQfFf0-00072-00053345-00054062 One more time and we're going to stay up exhale for the shoulder bridge and press up stay igGyzfQfFf0-00073-00054062-00054871 left foot down right leg up to the ceiling reach up and we go exhale inhale exhale. igGyzfQfFf0-00074-00054871-00055299 Three, five, eight, igGyzfQfFf0-00075-00055299-00056259 that was seven this is nine last one ten, excellent counting by me. igGyzfQfFf0-00076-00056259-00056741 Point the foot, bend the knee, take the foot down reestablish the pelvis position anchor igGyzfQfFf0-00077-00056741-00057951 the right foot left leg straight up to the ceiling another ten we go two igGyzfQfFf0-00078-00057951-00059249 on six, seven, eight, nine, ten whole point bend the knee take the foot down reestablish igGyzfQfFf0-00079-00059249-00060319 the pelvis position and exhale as we roll the spine back to the floor excellent straighten igGyzfQfFf0-00080-00060319-00061138 the legs down arms overhead roll-up inhale igGyzfQfFf0-00081-00061138-00062041 exhale come up to that c curve and lift the spine up ready for our spine stretch please igGyzfQfFf0-00082-00062041-00062820 so adjust the position of the body your feet are slightly wider than your pelvis back straight igGyzfQfFf0-00083-00062820-00063572 dorsiflexor feet inhale, exhale we roll the spine down and we're going to add extension igGyzfQfFf0-00084-00063572-00064216 here so we're going to reach the arms away bring our spine into that diagonal position. igGyzfQfFf0-00085-00064216-00065682 Exhale deflection take our body down and roll up upright again exhale, roll down, inhale igGyzfQfFf0-00086-00065682-00067058 lifting reaching elongate and exhale deflection and roll up again. igGyzfQfFf0-00087-00067058-00068435 Exhale we roll down inhale we lift, lift lift exhale we roll down and we lift the spine igGyzfQfFf0-00088-00068435-00069971 up tall, one last one here and exhale we roll down inhale lifting up exhale rolling down igGyzfQfFf0-00089-00069971-00070349 and up up right here. igGyzfQfFf0-00090-00070349-00071010 Open your arms up to a T-position we got our sore necks we rotate towards me please move igGyzfQfFf0-00091-00071010-00071739 the arms hinge forward as you come up the back arm will go to the side open the other igGyzfQfFf0-00092-00071739-00072556 arm and return back center we twist, we move the arms we hinge forward, as we come up back igGyzfQfFf0-00093-00072556-00073010 or move to the side open the other arm to a T-position and center. igGyzfQfFf0-00094-00073010-00073668 Let's take a little bit faster, twist, arms we hinge we take the arms at the lift up, igGyzfQfFf0-00095-00073668-00073856 open the arms and center. igGyzfQfFf0-00096-00073856-00074639 We twist arm we hinge take the arms as we lift up, open, center. igGyzfQfFf0-00097-00074639-00075975 Twist arm and hinge and up open center twist arm and hinge, back arm forward, up center. igGyzfQfFf0-00098-00075975-00076988 Last set twist arm and hinge back on to the side open and center and last one and hinge igGyzfQfFf0-00099-00076988-00077669 forward and then out open center and bring the legs together here. igGyzfQfFf0-00100-00077669-00078251 All right we're going to do our scissors and bicycle here so this if this is the first igGyzfQfFf0-00101-00078251-00078858 time you're doing a scissors and bicycle I recommend that you watch me for a second and igGyzfQfFf0-00102-00078858-00079304 then rewind the video and can and then come and join me again. igGyzfQfFf0-00103-00079304-00079721 All right so the most important thing with the scissors bicycle is that we really need igGyzfQfFf0-00104-00079721-00080449 to open our chest so refrain yourself from going into flexion in our upper back, but igGyzfQfFf0-00105-00080449-00081090 you really try to open that thoracic so that when you actually in the big arch position, igGyzfQfFf0-00106-00081090-00081971 that your whole body can open sorry your back your chest can support to open your hips. igGyzfQfFf0-00107-00081971-00082510 Anyways let's go into the C curve we roll back please. igGyzfQfFf0-00108-00082510-00083019 Okay arms down by the side I like it to bring your feet in, again if this is your first igGyzfQfFf0-00109-00083019-00083793 time doing it, watch me and then rewind the videos and come and join me again. igGyzfQfFf0-00110-00083793-00084487 Legs up to table one, legs up to table two we are going to straighten the legs sixty igGyzfQfFf0-00111-00084487-00084862 up, roll over. igGyzfQfFf0-00112-00084862-00085547 Now here bend the knees place the heel of your palm and the small of the back, open igGyzfQfFf0-00113-00085547-00086427 the chest and then place your pelvis on the hands straighten the legs gaze to the ceiling igGyzfQfFf0-00114-00086427-00086616 for the scissors. igGyzfQfFf0-00115-00086616-00087252 Let's do four sets. igGyzfQfFf0-00116-00087252-00088111 Stay in extension, last set igGyzfQfFf0-00117-00088111-00089151 and bicycle we tap the floor if you can and open, tap and out, tap and out, tap and out, igGyzfQfFf0-00118-00089151-00089986 tap and out keep your gaze to the ceiling keep the chest nice and open one more set igGyzfQfFf0-00119-00089986-00090370 and tap and tap. igGyzfQfFf0-00120-00090370-00091101 Now here reverse and top leg goes down stretch, whoa I lost myself, and then there if you igGyzfQfFf0-00121-00091101-00091761 can touch the floor great doesn't seem like I can do it today, but the idea is for you igGyzfQfFf0-00122-00091761-00092681 to reach the leg right down and then right down and then right down one which side right igGyzfQfFf0-00123-00092681-00093522 down, last one bring your leg up bring it over place your arms down and roll the spine igGyzfQfFf0-00124-00093522-00093826 back. igGyzfQfFf0-00125-00093826-00094306 and bend the knees to the tabletop moving on to a jackknife please, we straighten the igGyzfQfFf0-00126-00094306-00095345 legs we bring the legs up roll over we tap, we lift the pelvis reach the leg up to the igGyzfQfFf0-00127-00095345-00096677 sky, we roll back, right down to the floor, three more times please and up over we tap, igGyzfQfFf0-00128-00096677-00098212 inhale lift up, lift up, lift up and down and away two more times, up, roll over we're igGyzfQfFf0-00129-00098212-00098810 tap and lift up. igGyzfQfFf0-00130-00098810-00100419 and roll back and away, last one please, roll over and tap, lift igGyzfQfFf0-00131-00100419-00100744 roll down igGyzfQfFf0-00132-00100744-00101368 bring the legs away, bend the knees in lower one foot, second leg down, straighten the igGyzfQfFf0-00133-00101368-00102361 legs again, on the floor, let's roll up inhale exhale bring yourself over now here cross igGyzfQfFf0-00134-00102361-00102932 the legs, transfer your hands, down bring the legs back, to a quadruped position we igGyzfQfFf0-00135-00102932-00103869 have our leg pull front, now lifting the abdominal muscle, flattening the lower spine, extend igGyzfQfFf0-00136-00103869-00104586 one leg out, recruit the lower abs here second leg up , and the hamstrings and the glutes igGyzfQfFf0-00137-00104586-00105849 point the right foot and we'll lift five, four, three, two, one, we switch other foot, igGyzfQfFf0-00138-00105849-00107175 one, two, three, four, five, up stretch up, lift the pelvis up sending the pelvis away igGyzfQfFf0-00139-00107175-00107910 to the ceiling, lengthening the neck towards the floor and lower the heels just to stretch igGyzfQfFf0-00140-00107910-00108233 the legs for a moment. igGyzfQfFf0-00141-00108233-00109469 In breath, exhale and release the knees down turn around facing me for our sidekick kneeling, igGyzfQfFf0-00142-00109469-00109708 so arms out to the side here. igGyzfQfFf0-00143-00109708-00110541 let's go to your right, we tip the body down, extend the leg, reach the leg long, dorsiflex, igGyzfQfFf0-00144-00110541-00111658 let's go forward. igGyzfQfFf0-00145-00111658-00112469 four more, two more, last one igGyzfQfFf0-00146-00112469-00113437 center, place the foot down, press the hip forward, reach out, lengthen out the spine igGyzfQfFf0-00147-00113437-00114183 here, just for a quick side stretch and then take the arm up, come up, and then side bend igGyzfQfFf0-00148-00114183-00114683 over to the other side, and release. igGyzfQfFf0-00149-00114683-00115300 other side, let's go, arms out to a T-position. igGyzfQfFf0-00150-00115300-00117057 hand extends, let's go, dorsiflex forward. igGyzfQfFf0-00151-00117057-00117887 three more sets and last igGyzfQfFf0-00152-00117887-00118786 back center, foot down, hips forward, reach out igGyzfQfFf0-00153-00118786-00119562 and arm up, come up, lateral stretch igGyzfQfFf0-00154-00119562-00120623 and bring it in, side bend please, so we transfer ourselves down to the floor, okay now activate igGyzfQfFf0-00155-00120623-00121635 the deltoid the lats muscles the obliques, all right let's go, we inhale, reach igGyzfQfFf0-00156-00121635-00122945 side bend, look down and lift come, down and lift, side bend igGyzfQfFf0-00157-00122945-00124352 and up, come down, reach and hips up, ribs up, waist up, up, come down, two more times, igGyzfQfFf0-00158-00124352-00125869 lift and up and last one here reach up, side bend and up, come down. igGyzfQfFf0-00159-00125869-00126736 Well done swing your leg over to the other side, going strong, okay stay with me here, igGyzfQfFf0-00160-00126736-00127454 all right let's go, lift up and side arch igGyzfQfFf0-00161-00127454-00129298 and up and down and lift up and a side arch or side bend and come down and lift and over igGyzfQfFf0-00162-00129298-00130560 and two more times, and lift and over and back and was that our second one, I'm not igGyzfQfFf0-00163-00130560-00131383 sure let's do one more and come back up well done, excellent. igGyzfQfFf0-00164-00131383-00131958 On to our front, we've got our baby swan, and now we've got a swan dive prep and some igGyzfQfFf0-00165-00131958-00133155 rocking, okay so, bring your forearm to the side of your shoulder. igGyzfQfFf0-00166-00133155-00133928 okay legs are long behind you like a cobra tail, all right open the front across the igGyzfQfFf0-00167-00133928-00134689 front of the chest, we exhale as we pick up our abdominal, we inhale as we glide the shoulder igGyzfQfFf0-00168-00134689-00135753 blades down we take our spine to a maximum thoracic extension and exhale and we come igGyzfQfFf0-00169-00135753-00137539 down, inhale engaging the legs as we lift our back, exhale we lower, again inhale we igGyzfQfFf0-00170-00137539-00137679 lift, igGyzfQfFf0-00171-00137679-00138757 exhale come down, we got one more and inhale we lift igGyzfQfFf0-00172-00138757-00139842 exhale and let's move on to our swan dive prep and we inhale, we lift to a maximum thoracic igGyzfQfFf0-00173-00139842-00140555 and then we use the abs and the back to take ourselves to a full swan position, whatever igGyzfQfFf0-00174-00140555-00140728 it is for you today. igGyzfQfFf0-00175-00140728-00141441 now as you descend yourself down start lifting the legs taking your legs into hip extension igGyzfQfFf0-00176-00141441-00142471 and your body comes down and lifting up and kind of like a little see-saw here and we igGyzfQfFf0-00177-00142471-00143430 go down lowering the chest the legs float and in-breath, resist the legs if you can, igGyzfQfFf0-00178-00143430-00144292 you're welcome to have your legs together and bring your legs up and the chest go down igGyzfQfFf0-00179-00144292-00145361 and two more we lift and up, we come down igGyzfQfFf0-00180-00145361-00146572 one more we'll lift and up and we come down and here hold the legs reach your arms up igGyzfQfFf0-00181-00146572-00147559 to the side bend the knees and grab those ankles, all right for our rocking prep, let's igGyzfQfFf0-00182-00147559-00149099 go, inhale hip extension, back extension, knee extension and release, again inhale, igGyzfQfFf0-00183-00149099-00150325 hip extension, back extension, knee extension and come on down three more inhale igGyzfQfFf0-00184-00150325-00150586 lift lift igGyzfQfFf0-00185-00150586-00152561 and two more, inhale lift up and reach igGyzfQfFf0-00186-00152561-00153040 okay next one's the last one ,we're going to take it to a rocking here, so we're going igGyzfQfFf0-00187-00153040-00153790 to hold the shape as we inhale, hamstrings, back knee extension and stay we rock forward, igGyzfQfFf0-00188-00153790-00154901 and back out and forward and back and four, five, six, two more, seven, eight lift and igGyzfQfFf0-00189-00154901-00155867 coming down, release the legs arms by the side of the shoulder, push the flow away and igGyzfQfFf0-00190-00155867-00157091 sit the pelvis back, to your rest position for a moment igGyzfQfFf0-00191-00157091-00157578 inhaling, exhaling, igGyzfQfFf0-00192-00157578-00158144 three more times, igGyzfQfFf0-00193-00158144-00158725 two more, igGyzfQfFf0-00194-00158725-00158903 last one, igGyzfQfFf0-00195-00158903-00160232 and roll the spine up, okay you ready, teaser one, teaser of two teaser three, okay let's igGyzfQfFf0-00196-00160232-00161117 do it, all right bring your legs forward, we can do this, we can do this, let's go, igGyzfQfFf0-00197-00161117-00161601 let's just do three each, you know what let's do four each, change my mind, we can do it, igGyzfQfFf0-00198-00161601-00162638 all right arms forward, now tip back, legs up, whoopsie, straight leg, straight arms, igGyzfQfFf0-00199-00162638-00163596 let's go, down, arms overhead, inhale we lift and up igGyzfQfFf0-00200-00163596-00164788 inhale, we lift, two more, squeeze his legs tight, it will help, you last one igGyzfQfFf0-00201-00164788-00166482 inhale and hold, teaser two, lower two, three, last, teaser three we lower the legs, and igGyzfQfFf0-00202-00166482-00167495 the chest, arms over we lift everything up and again lower the legs, body, arms over, igGyzfQfFf0-00203-00167495-00168844 lift everything up, two more and over and lift everything up, hang on there, one more igGyzfQfFf0-00204-00168844-00170085 and over and everything up, up, up and release, good job, okay let's go to your seal puppy igGyzfQfFf0-00205-00170085-00171051 and we call it a day all right let's have the elbow underneath the knee, hands over igGyzfQfFf0-00206-00171051-00172098 your ankle, other side, okay lock the legs, broaden the shoulder, and look down to the igGyzfQfFf0-00207-00172098-00172900 cavity in front of you there, add the claps, if you know it and you don't have to, if you're igGyzfQfFf0-00208-00172900-00173592 just learning to do yourself puppy, all right let's go, we roll back, clap one, two, three igGyzfQfFf0-00209-00173592-00175100 forward, clap two, three and clap, clap, clap and clap, clap, clap and clap, clap, clap igGyzfQfFf0-00210-00175100-00176564 and clap, clap, clap two more sets and last set and now hold, can we find a little balance igGyzfQfFf0-00211-00176564-00177079 moment here igGyzfQfFf0-00212-00177079-00177532 finding or refining your center igGyzfQfFf0-00213-00177532-00178627 find the sense of calmness, groundness, yet powerful and strong igGyzfQfFf0-00214-00178627-00179373 and lower the feet down, well done, knees together hands on the side push, the bottom igGyzfQfFf0-00215-00179373-00180295 off, knees forward, hands next to your knees, upside down, make sure your feet are in parallel igGyzfQfFf0-00216-00180295-00180395 position igGyzfQfFf0-00217-00180395-00181269 dangle your body down, make sure you do not sway back on the knee joint, for those of igGyzfQfFf0-00218-00181269-00182154 you who are hyper mobile like me, i'm guilty, i have to keep reminding myself, exhale let's igGyzfQfFf0-00219-00182154-00182887 roll up, one vertebra at a time igGyzfQfFf0-00220-00182887-00184379 rise up tall, in breath, exhale roll down and all the way down, one last one here, inhale, igGyzfQfFf0-00221-00184379-00186065 exhale, roll up and up and up and up, find the length in the spine, the grounding, sensation igGyzfQfFf0-00222-00186065-00186879 on your feet, opening or openness across the front of your chest, an easiness in your head igGyzfQfFf0-00223-00186879-00187152 and your neck, one long inhalation with me igGyzfQfFf0-00224-00187152-00188186 exhale and let it go igGyzfQfFf0-00225-00188186-00188639 excellent work today, thank you for joining me and I wish you a lovely day take care ihjInC8Ka5k-00000-00000104-00000584 we are the black and brown economic empowerment project the beep partnered with youth action ihjInC8Ka5k-00001-00000584-00001208 project yap and the inland empire community foundation iecf studies have shown that black and ihjInC8Ka5k-00002-00001208-00001752 brown communities lack affordable housing access to technology healthy foods training facilities ihjInC8Ka5k-00003-00001752-00002280 and job opportunities we are going to bridge the gap between black and brown economics and housing ihjInC8Ka5k-00004-00002280-00002888 to do that we are going to work with universities developers community organizations city officials ihjInC8Ka5k-00005-00002888-00003424 and community members to identify ways to build affordable housing access to technology ihjInC8Ka5k-00006-00003424-00003872 and gainful employment we're going to create a one-stop block that will be the model of ihjInC8Ka5k-00007-00003872-00004336 providing access and resources to the black and brown community through mixed-use living ihjInC8Ka5k-00008-00004336-00004824 learning and legacy the end result will be to build a community where you can live teach ihjInC8Ka5k-00009-00004880-00005536 learn and apply the certifications and trainings in a post covet 19 world we want to buy back our ihjInC8Ka5k-00010-00005536-00006152 block and create a one-stop mix use complex with resources that will promote access and success ihjInC8Ka5k-00011-00006248-00006688 this will be a one-of-a-kind project and a model that can be implemented throughout the country ihjInC8Ka5k-00012-00006759-00007280 with partnerships and assessment with industry non-profits in higher education we are sure we ihjInC8Ka5k-00013-00007280-00007831 can get the job done when it happens we will have a human-centered design that caters to the needs ihjInC8Ka5k-00014-00007831-00008392 of the community that will enhance the quality of life generations to come we are the beat ihjInC8Ka5k-00015-00008392-00009176 partner with yap and iecf bringing community development and ownership to the next level iissgcTF69Q-00000-00000234-00000684 The myth that young people can’t buy a house because they’re lazy, or waste their money, iissgcTF69Q-00001-00000684-00001160 is busted. According to a new report by the Grattan Institute, young Australians are simply iissgcTF69Q-00002-00001160-00001508 not as wealthy as their predecessors were three decades ago. iissgcTF69Q-00003-00001508-00002048 This graph shows that older households (65 years and older), have almost four times as iissgcTF69Q-00004-00002048-00002569 much wealth as younger households (34 years and younger) on average. This is compared iissgcTF69Q-00005-00002569-00003194 to only 2½ times 30 years ago. Relative income and expenditure has also increased. iissgcTF69Q-00006-00003194-00003560 When it comes to government benefits, older households are getting a lot more than they iissgcTF69Q-00007-00003560-00004280 used to increasing from about $17,000 30 years ago, to about $28,000 per year now. (Note: iissgcTF69Q-00008-00004280-00004728 all these figures have been adjusted for inflation). Younger households are unsurprisingly the iissgcTF69Q-00009-00004728-00005191 ones funding all of this. If you could conclude one things from this graph, it would be that iissgcTF69Q-00010-00005191-00005682 the tax and transfer system has become increasingly generous to older Australians, which leaves iissgcTF69Q-00011-00005682-00006171 Millennials and Generation Z to carry the burden threatening the sustainability of the iissgcTF69Q-00012-00006171-00006422 so-called ‘Generational Bargain’. iissgcTF69Q-00013-00006422-00006936 What is the Generational Bargain? It basically is an implicit contract between generations iissgcTF69Q-00014-00006937-00007397 where working-age families pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. This helps iissgcTF69Q-00015-00007397-00007805 support older Australians who are no longer in the workforce. The bargain is sustained iissgcTF69Q-00016-00007805-00008383 by a sense of fairness and generosity between generations, with the goal (for most people) iissgcTF69Q-00017-00008383-00008684 to leave the world a better place for future generations. iissgcTF69Q-00018-00008684-00009258 Just a quick aside for those not hip with all the generational lingo. Gen Z (or Centennials iissgcTF69Q-00019-00009259-00009816 as they are sometimes known) are the youngest generation aged under 24. Millennials are iissgcTF69Q-00020-00009816-00010700 aged between 24 and 38. Generation X are between 39 and 54. Baby boomers are aged 55 to 73. iissgcTF69Q-00021-00010700-00011252 And the oldest generation is referred to as the Traditionalists or the Silent Generation. iissgcTF69Q-00022-00011252-00011690 Looking at this chart, we can see that the wealth gap between young and old is growing. iissgcTF69Q-00023-00011690-00012130 Most of Australia’s increase in wealth has gone to the older generations. The richest iissgcTF69Q-00024-00012130-00012818 age-bracket, 65 to 74-year-olds, now has about $1.3 million in wealth, which is up from about iissgcTF69Q-00025-00012818-00013566 $530,000 in 1994 in real terms. They are significantly richer than they once were. However, if you iissgcTF69Q-00026-00013566-00014008 look at the younger generations, their gains have been modest at best, with the youngest iissgcTF69Q-00027-00014009-00014304 generation having seen almost no improvement. iissgcTF69Q-00028-00014304-00014769 Putting these figures into equivalised terms (that is, taking into account varying household iissgcTF69Q-00029-00014769-00015294 size and composition), the results are equally gloomy. The net wealth of older Australians iissgcTF69Q-00030-00015294-00015566 has grown much more than the younger generations. iissgcTF69Q-00031-00015566-00015974 Most of the wealth growth has occurred in property and superannuation. Booming house iissgcTF69Q-00032-00015974-00016428 prices has favoured long-term property owners, turning many of the older generation into iissgcTF69Q-00033-00016428-00016885 unexpected millionaires. They didn’t work hard to become millionaires. They just bought iissgcTF69Q-00034-00016885-00017376 a cheap house three decades ago and held onto it. Consequently, we have a younger generation iissgcTF69Q-00035-00017376-00017772 that are finding it increasingly difficult to buy a house — not because they’re lazy iissgcTF69Q-00036-00017772-00018184 or wasteful of their money — but because society has been set up that way. They just iissgcTF69Q-00037-00018184-00018294 can’t afford it. iissgcTF69Q-00038-00018294-00018714 This graph shows that young people are unlikely to enjoy the same windfall gains in asset iissgcTF69Q-00039-00018715-00019170 prices. People who own property or have a large super account will see greater wealth iissgcTF69Q-00040-00019170-00019625 increases than those that just work full-time. In other words, it doesn’t matter how hard iissgcTF69Q-00041-00019625-00019980 the younger generation work, they’re constantly behind the eight ball. iissgcTF69Q-00042-00019980-00020440 This chart shows that rich young Australians are faring okay, but other young people are iissgcTF69Q-00043-00020440-00020868 going backwards with the most disadvantaged group being the poorest young Australians iissgcTF69Q-00044-00020868-00021250 who are losing wealth at a mighty rate. Do you notice that the poorest old people are iissgcTF69Q-00045-00021250-00021642 doing very well indeed in terms of gains in household wealth. iissgcTF69Q-00046-00021642-00022054 We can see here that the Baby Boomers won the demographic lottery having a large number iissgcTF69Q-00047-00022054-00022518 of young people supporting them in their retirement years, but the population in Australia is iissgcTF69Q-00048-00022518-00022998 ageing. A typical 40-year-old today contributes much more towards the retirement of others iissgcTF69Q-00049-00022998-00023565 through taxes than did his or her baby-boomer predecessors. Unfortunately, Generation Z iissgcTF69Q-00050-00023565-00023980 has already lost this lottery with only half as many younger people there to support them iissgcTF69Q-00051-00023980-00024448 when they eventually retire. They better hope that helper-robots become a real thing. iissgcTF69Q-00052-00024448-00024916 I could go on and on showing you more graphs to back up my point, but what’s the point? iissgcTF69Q-00053-00024916-00025388 You get the idea, right? Inequality in Australia is rife and unfortunately we’re letting iissgcTF69Q-00054-00025388-00025916 richer older Australians dictate where the wealth should go — into their back pockets. iissgcTF69Q-00055-00025916-00026048 But what can be done about it? iissgcTF69Q-00056-00026048-00026512 Well, the report made a number of recommendations. The ones that would have the biggest impact iissgcTF69Q-00057-00026512-00027106 include: Improving the efficiency of taxation; Improve labour force participation and productivity; iissgcTF69Q-00058-00027106-00027426 and Make strategic investments in infrastructure. iissgcTF69Q-00059-00027426-00027866 Housing affordability is also a big issue, but unfortunately, it’s a difficult political iissgcTF69Q-00060-00027866-00028242 challenge. Rich people don’t want house prices to go down. iissgcTF69Q-00061-00028242-00028710 Age-based tax breaks could also be modified to help the situation, but again, it’s a iissgcTF69Q-00062-00028710-00028838 political challenge. iissgcTF69Q-00063-00028838-00029306 Intergenerational transfers is also on the agenda, but good luck getting that passed iissgcTF69Q-00064-00029306-00029436 in parliament. iissgcTF69Q-00065-00029436-00029888 So what are your thoughts? Is our generational bargain at breaking point? Do we really want iissgcTF69Q-00066-00029888-00030376 young Australians to become poor Australians? I don’t think so, so let’s fix this mess. ij1725qHnho-00000-00000057-00000589 Let’s talk about one more way we can think about types of information: objective and ij1725qHnho-00001-00000589-00000948 subjective. ij1725qHnho-00002-00000948-00001401 Objective information presents all sides of the story in a balanced way. ij1725qHnho-00003-00001401-00001805 It is based on fact and can be proved to be true. ij1725qHnho-00004-00001805-00002443 Subjective information is an analysis of the facts, and is often based on opinion, beliefs, ij1725qHnho-00005-00002443-00002543 or judgment. ij1725qHnho-00006-00002543-00003023 It is influenced by any lens through which we see the world. ij1725qHnho-00007-00003023-00003607 However, you have probably noticed that most information isn’t as neatly compartmentalized ij1725qHnho-00008-00003607-00004103 as Martha Stewart’s kitchen drawers, but falls somewhere in a gray area between the ij1725qHnho-00009-00004103-00004607 two extremes of complete objectivity and complete subjectivity. ij1725qHnho-00010-00004607-00005123 We know that marketing materials and news reporting often presents information inflected ij1725qHnho-00011-00005123-00005366 by a particular point of view. ij1725qHnho-00012-00005366-00005930 Peer-reviewed journal articles are scientifically accurate and yet may reflect a bias inherent ij1725qHnho-00013-00005930-00006085 to a discipline. ij1725qHnho-00014-00006085-00006763 A press release can be factually true yet not as objective as if the same information ij1725qHnho-00015-00006763-00007169 were presented by a neutral third party. ij1725qHnho-00016-00007169-00007722 But just because information isn’t 100% objective – and really what information ij1725qHnho-00017-00007722-00008084 is? - that doesn’t make it invalid. ij1725qHnho-00018-00008084-00008609 You just have to pay close attention to its purpose and intended audience, and the C.R.A.P. ij1725qHnho-00019-00008609-00008874 test helps you do this. ij1725qHnho-00020-00008874-00009527 To complicate matters further, important information is often expressed negatively, by the information ij1725qHnho-00021-00009527-00009802 that’s excluded from the picture. ij1725qHnho-00022-00009802-00010231 For example, we expect a road map to be objective, right? ij1725qHnho-00023-00010231-00010757 Well, when I was traveling in South Africa a few years ago, I saw that outside of every ij1725qHnho-00024-00010757-00011322 town there’s a township that was established when the country was under apartheid rule. ij1725qHnho-00025-00011322-00011793 The townships are basically separate towns with their own names, but only the names of ij1725qHnho-00026-00011793-00012077 the white towns appear on the road maps. ij1725qHnho-00027-00012077-00012672 The legacy of apartheid persists in the supposedly objective road maps by making the townships ij1725qHnho-00028-00012672-00012795 invisible. ij1725qHnho-00029-00012795-00013316 This is an example of the objectivity of an information source being compromised by what ij1725qHnho-00030-00013316-00013577 is not included. ij1725qHnho-00031-00013577-00014060 At the end of the day, evaluating information is about more than just separating fact from ij1725qHnho-00032-00014060-00014160 fiction. ij1725qHnho-00033-00014160-00014633 The most important thing is to use good critical thinking skills to dig deeper into whether ij1725qHnho-00034-00014633-00014991 the information will be appropriate for your academic research. ijua3CDg_RI-00000-00000559-00001147 Ideally, you should practice meditation with your eyes closed because if your eyes are open your ijua3CDg_RI-00001-00001147-00001807 mind will be going outside and the whole purpose basically is to bring your awareness inside. iklq7rbY0hI-00000-00001192-00001492 Item #: SCP-679 iklq7rbY0hI-00001-00001492-00001734 Object Class: Keter iklq7rbY0hI-00002-00001734-00002407 Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-679 should be contained in sealed glass iklq7rbY0hI-00003-00002407-00003073 vials, with the temperature kept at 25 °C. Infected subjects should be kept restrained iklq7rbY0hI-00004-00003073-00003278 in a sterile environment. iklq7rbY0hI-00005-00003278-00003825 All personnel handling samples or subjects should wear class A HAZMAT suits. iklq7rbY0hI-00006-00003825-00004461 Any material or infected subjects removed from containment should be incinerated immediately. iklq7rbY0hI-00007-00004461-00005253 To prevent potential cross contamination at no point should samples of SCP-679 and SCP-1077 iklq7rbY0hI-00008-00005253-00005455 be stored at the same facility. iklq7rbY0hI-00009-00005455-00006345 Description: SCP-679 is a fungal infection of a previously unknown Aspergillus species. iklq7rbY0hI-00010-00006345-00006904 It was discovered among the local homeless population in ███████, Florida. iklq7rbY0hI-00011-00006904-00007400 It is highly infectious through direct contact with the fungus, though other means of transmission iklq7rbY0hI-00012-00007400-00007656 have not been ruled out. iklq7rbY0hI-00013-00007656-00008050 In early stages, subjects complain of entoptic phenomena. iklq7rbY0hI-00014-00008050-00008598 Subjects report seeing tiny bright dots moving rapidly in their field of vision. iklq7rbY0hI-00015-00008598-00009115 This is especially prevalent when sneezing or looking into strong blue light. iklq7rbY0hI-00016-00009115-00009658 After approximately one week from initial exposure, the sclera turns black. iklq7rbY0hI-00017-00009658-00010068 The subject loses vision at this time, becoming entirely blind. iklq7rbY0hI-00018-00010068-00010742 Within a day of this, small ulcerations appear in the corners of the eyes. iklq7rbY0hI-00019-00010742-00011218 This causes the vitreous humor to begin leaking out, having the appearance of thick black iklq7rbY0hI-00020-00011218-00011481 tears. iklq7rbY0hI-00021-00011481-00011742 Mycelia are also pushed through the ulcerations. iklq7rbY0hI-00022-00011742-00012286 Each mycelium resembles a thin white thread coated with slime, reaching as long as twenty-five iklq7rbY0hI-00023-00012286-00012438 centimeters. iklq7rbY0hI-00024-00012438-00013066 As the ulcerations widen and more of the humor leaks out, more mycelia appear. iklq7rbY0hI-00025-00013066-00013644 At this stage, the eye begins to rot entirely, a process sped up by the fungus. iklq7rbY0hI-00026-00013644-00014172 However, it seems to protect the rest of the eye socket and the nerve, preventing infection iklq7rbY0hI-00027-00014172-00014651 by other pathogens in eighty to ninety percent of test subjects. iklq7rbY0hI-00028-00014651-00015137 By the time the eyes have gone entirely, the sockets are filled with the fungus, with a iklq7rbY0hI-00029-00015137-00015527 thick mass of mycelia hanging from the empty sockets. iklq7rbY0hI-00030-00015527-00016074 This process takes approximately two weeks from the time the ulcerations appear. iklq7rbY0hI-00031-00016074-00016590 Once the eyes are completely gone, mycelia invade the sinuses, where they trigger increased iklq7rbY0hI-00032-00016590-00017051 mucus production, which the fungus appears to feed upon. iklq7rbY0hI-00033-00017051-00017570 At this stage, the fungus becomes mobile, the individual threads gaining motility. iklq7rbY0hI-00034-00017570-00018056 They move around the subject's face in seemingly random patterns. iklq7rbY0hI-00035-00018056-00018544 Once the fungus begins moving on its own, subjects report their vision returning. iklq7rbY0hI-00036-00018544-00019071 The fungus appears to have photosensitive cells, as well as a currently poorly-understood iklq7rbY0hI-00037-00019071-00019412 ability to interface with the optic nerve. iklq7rbY0hI-00038-00019412-00019910 Subjects describe normal (and in some cases improved) eyesight, except for a much wider iklq7rbY0hI-00039-00019910-00020093 field of vision. iklq7rbY0hI-00040-00020093-00020643 However, whenever a human with apparently normal eyes enters their field of vision, iklq7rbY0hI-00041-00020643-00021183 subjects experience visual hallucinations (fires, dangerous animals, sudden tilts in iklq7rbY0hI-00042-00021183-00021737 the floor) that seem designed to drive them in the direction of the uninfected. iklq7rbY0hI-00043-00021737-00022276 Once they are in range, the mycelia reach out to touch the uninfected human's eyes. iklq7rbY0hI-00044-00022276-00022651 This appears to be a reproductive strategy for the fungus. iklq7rbY0hI-00045-00022651-00023226 Curing the condition has so far been possible only in the earliest stages of infection. iklq7rbY0hI-00046-00023226-00023737 Once the sclera changes, the only treatment is surgical intervention and cauterization iklq7rbY0hI-00047-00023737-00024051 of all tissue in the socket and sinuses. iklq7rbY0hI-00048-00024051-00024690 Additional test subjects to explore the lifecycle and reproduction of SCP-679 are requested. ikLsZYfSEtE-00000-00000374-00000980 For more than 240 years, our Army has served America with extraordinary Soldiers, Families ikLsZYfSEtE-00001-00000980-00001350 and civilians, who are committed to selfless service. ikLsZYfSEtE-00002-00001350-00001878 Today, we celebrate the competence, character and professionalism of these Soldiers - past ikLsZYfSEtE-00003-00001878-00002409 and present - who make up our nation's premier, all-volunteer Army. ikLsZYfSEtE-00004-00002409-00002985 On this very special day, on behalf of a grateful nation, we'd like to wish all of you a very ikLsZYfSEtE-00005-00002985-00003105 Happy Birthday. inOiKono_ru-00000-00000000-00000400 Sister of the martyr Mina Danial in Mohammed Mahmoud street. inOiKono_ru-00001-00007200-00007500 The blood of the one you shot with bullets. inOiKono_ru-00002-00007500-00007800 The one you shot with bullets at Maspero. inOiKono_ru-00003-00007800-00008100 The blood of Mina Danial. Mina Danial. inOiKono_ru-00004-00009000-00009300 He was saying no to the military. inOiKono_ru-00005-00009300-00010500 ...you try to silence him? But his screams will remain. His voice, the sound of truth, will continue to follow you, until it pierces your ears. Your ears will be pierced by the sound of truth. inOiKono_ru-00006-00010500-00011500 The SCAF stands before the camera, to talk about the crimes at Maspero, and they lie, and they believe themselves, so that people will believe them! The liars! -[Bystander] Just like the pharaoh. inOiKono_ru-00007-00014200-00016100 [Chants] Civilian... national. The Ministry of Interior... are thugs. inOiKono_ru-00008-00016100-00016500 Relax, man, I won't go near it. inOiKono_ru-00009-00016500-00016900 Why should I run?! Why should I run?! inOiKono_ru-00010-00017401-00017701 I won't run. I won't run! inOiKono_ru-00011-00018801-00019101 We will avenge Mina's death, one way or the other. inOiKono_ru-00012-00019101-00019701 One way or the other we will get his rights. And not just Mina. inOiKono_ru-00013-00019701-00020601 The right of the martyrs of 25th January. The right of all those martyred since 25th January to this very moment. inOiKono_ru-00014-00020601-00021201 This street, named after the martyr Mohamed Mahmoud, is from now on changed to the martyr Mina Danial's street. inOiKono_ru-00015-00021201-00021701 And the grandest of Egypt's streets will, God willing, be named after the hero Khaled Said. inOiKono_ru-00016-00021901-00022301 His rights will be taken, one way or the other, and the same for all the martyrs. j005w4lf1_k-00000-00000210-00001272 don't expect things to be easy don't expect things to go your way it's always going to be difficult j005w4lf1_k-00001-00001368-00002250 but that's not a problem the is your attitude how do you face it what do you do when things j005w4lf1_k-00002-00002250-00003120 get really really dark do you give it all up or you keep trying it's all about your attitude j005w4lf1_k-00003-00003618-00003937 foreign [Music] j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00000-00000083-00000372 - All right. Hamstring group. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00001-00000375-00000747 The hamstring group is found in the posterior compartment j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00002-00000750-00000943 of your thigh. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00003-00000945-00001297 And there are a couple of things that make this group a group, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00004-00001299-00001593 a couple of ways that we can think about them or sort j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00005-00001595-00001851 them to help us organize. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00006-00001854-00002276 First of all, almost all of them, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00007-00002279-00003222 75% of them attach to the ischial tuberosity. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00008-00003225-00003439 And the ischial tuberosity, remember is your-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00009-00003441-00003593 the bone you sit on. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00010-00003595-00003797 So when you, like, sit on somebody's lap j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00011-00003800-00004281 and dig your ischial tuberosity into their thigh, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00012-00004283-00004451 into your quadriceps group, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00013-00004454-00004726 that is going to make them very sad and you probably won't be j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00014-00004729-00004968 sitting on their lap for very long. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00015-00004970-00005297 Now, I said almost all of these-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00016-00005299-00005618 this group attaches to the ischial tuberosity j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00017-00005620-00006147 and in fact all except the short head of biceps. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00018-00006150-00006531 So semimembranosus and semitendinosus j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00019-00006533-00006843 both also attach to the ischial tuberosity. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00020-00006845-00007060 So you are probably wondering, dude, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00021-00007062-00007397 what's the scoop with the short head of biceps femoris, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00022-00007399-00007697 and that attaches-- just, it smears on the femur. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00023-00007699-00008264 Smears on femur. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00024-00008266-00008626 And then let me tell you the action of these muscles j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00025-00008629-00008897 and then you can tell me what you can figure out j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00026-00008900-00009105 from the second attachment. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00027-00009108-00009576 The major action for all of these guys, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00028-00009579-00010097 they all flex the leg. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00029-00010100-00010539 They all flex the leg. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00030-00010541-00010822 Which means where do they need to attach? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00031-00010825-00010989 They-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00032-00010991-00011268 no matter what they have to attach to the tibia j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00033-00011270-00011435 or fibula, somewhere on the leg. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00034-00011437-00011672 So let's break it down-- break it down-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00035-00011675-00012197 and figure out where everybody attaches distally. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00036-00012199-00012397 The biceps group, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00037-00012399-00013001 all of them attach to the head of the fibula. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00038-00013004-00013172 All of them. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00039-00013175-00013397 So both of these guys attach to the head of the fibula. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00040-00013399-00013885 Now, think about that. From ischial tuberosity, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00041-00013887-00014318 which is pelvis, or from femur to the head of the fibula, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00042-00014320-00014693 that will definitely enable us to flex the leg. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00043-00014695-00015076 Semimembranosus and semitendinosus, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00044-00015079-00015381 those guys attach to the tibia, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00045-00015383-00015905 and they both attach medially to the tibia. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00046-00015908-00016360 Medial tibia. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00047-00016362-00016918 And, in fact, semimembranosus is slightly more medial j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00048-00016920-00017060 than semitendinosus, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00049-00017062-00017335 but there are other ways that we can tell. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00050-00017337-00017835 If you flex your leg, not your thigh, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00051-00017837-00018047 if you flex your leg, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00052-00018050-00018535 you can feel on the lateral side of your leg j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00053-00018537-00018897 you can feel a tendon and it's only one tendon. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00054-00018899-00019218 It's the shared tendon between-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00055-00019220-00019664 did I say lateral side already? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00056-00019666-00020001 It's the shared tendon with the biceps femoris group. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00057-00020004-00020143 The long head and the short head j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00058-00020145-00020305 both attach to the head of the fibula, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00059-00020308-00020726 and you can feel that tendon on your posterior leg, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00060-00020729-00021239 thigh, when you flex your leg. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00061-00021241-00021697 If you go medial and palpate the same basic location j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00062-00021699-00021968 on the medial side of your thigh, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00063-00021970-00022126 you-- and get your fingers in there, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00064-00022129-00022405 you can actually feel two tendons, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00065-00022408-00022797 and that is semimembranosus and semitendinosus, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00066-00022799-00023201 and they are attaching to the medial side of the tibia, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00067-00023204-00023543 and you can feel both of them. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00068-00023545-00023943 Because most of these guys attach to the tibial tuberosity, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00069-00023945-00024114 what is their other action? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00070-00024116-00024597 You know that since they span the knee joint, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00071-00024599-00024772 they have to do something to the knee. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00072-00024775-00025076 And they actually-- oops. I already did that one. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00073-00025079-00025418 You know since they span the hip joint j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00074-00025420-00025664 they have to do something to the thigh. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00075-00025666-00025814 And you tell me. What are they going to do? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00076-00025816-00026026 They are on the posterior aspect. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00077-00026029-00026297 They are attached it ischial tuberosity. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00078-00026299-00026826 They are going to extend the thigh. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00079-00026829-00027010 Do you think the short head j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00080-00027012-00027497 of bicep femoris is going to extend the thigh? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00081-00027499-00027964 No. Doggies, it doesn't even cross the thigh joint-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00082-00027966-00028297 hip joint. So it can't. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00083-00028299-00028605 But semimembranosus, semitendinosus, j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00084-00028608-00028893 you know they are extending the thigh. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00085-00028895-00029118 You know that thing where you have to lie on your belly j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00086-00029120-00029431 and you do leg curls, thigh curls? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00087-00029433-00029731 That's working your hamstrings group. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00088-00029733-00030176 Let's go take a look at these guys. Look. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00089-00030179-00030822 Who's this attached to the femur to the head of the fibula? j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00090-00030825-00031097 That would be biceps femoris short head. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00091-00031099-00031381 Let's look at biceps femoris long head. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00092-00031383-00031497 Same attachment. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00093-00031499-00031610 Keep your eyes on this attachment. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00094-00031612-00031822 Ready. Go. Look at that. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00095-00031825-00031956 There is the long head. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00096-00031958-00032218 Long head is attaching to ischial tuberosity j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00097-00032220-00032697 just like we noticed. How about semimembranosus. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00098-00032699-00033031 We are attaching semimembranosus to attach to the medial side j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00099-00033033-00033397 over here and also to ischial tuberosity. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00100-00033399-00033543 So see if you can see that happen. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00101-00033545-00033797 Ready. Go. Oh, nice. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00102-00033799-00034239 Now, semimembranosus has this weird-- I'm sorry. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00103-00034241-00034572 It looks like a membrane-y tendon to me. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00104-00034575-00034697 And so it-- j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00105-00034699-00034935 if I'm looking in a posterior thigh j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00106-00034937-00035289 of a human I can find semimembranosus j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00107-00035291-00035593 quite easily because it has this really unique look. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00108-00035595-00036072 Same location, perhaps a little bit more lateral. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00109-00036075-00036226 We are going to see semitendinosus. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00110-00036229-00036468 Are you ready? Get set, go. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00111-00036470-00036697 There it is. Now, look at this. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00112-00036699-00037281 The tendon on semitendinosus is holy, crikies long. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00113-00037283-00037468 And so it actually makes it pretty easy j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00114-00037470-00037897 to recognize it in a body. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00115-00037899-00038047 That's it. j8BVD7Vh3Z0-00116-00038050-00038491 Now, let's do our lateral rotators of which there is one. j9QaNbpqpWU-00000-00001588-00002230 Hello. I'm Brian Ferrill and welcome to PACE I T's session on administrative tools and j9QaNbpqpWU-00001-00002231-00002860 features part III. Today, we're going to be talking about disc management, we will also j9QaNbpqpWU-00002-00002860-00003414 discuss some utilities that are available through the command line, and then we're going j9QaNbpqpWU-00003-00003414-00004136 to talk about some transfer tools. With that, let's go ahead and begin this session. j9QaNbpqpWU-00004-00004136-00004702 We're going to begin by discussing the Disc Management tool. Now the Disc Management tool j9QaNbpqpWU-00005-00004703-00005428 is available in all current versions of Microsoft's operating system. It provides a graphical j9QaNbpqpWU-00006-00005428-00005985 user interface for managing drives on the system. It allows the user to determine the j9QaNbpqpWU-00007-00005985-00006614 drive status, to mount drives, to extend partitions, split partitions, assign drive letters, add j9QaNbpqpWU-00008-00006614-00007243 drives, and add arrays. In other words, it allows you to manage the discs. j9QaNbpqpWU-00009-00007243-00007861 Now, let's talk about drive status. There are several different statuses that could j9QaNbpqpWU-00010-00007861-00008453 be there. If the status is healthy, that's great. That's what you want to see. If the j9QaNbpqpWU-00011-00008453-00009175 status is unreadable? Guess what? That indicates a failure. That's not good. If it's foreign, j9QaNbpqpWU-00012-00009175-00009803 that means that there is a dynamic disc that has been moved from one system to another. j9QaNbpqpWU-00013-00009803-00010339 If the status is online that means you're ready to go. If it's online error, that's j9QaNbpqpWU-00014-00010339-00010920 an indication that the drive is about to fail. I'd recommend doing something about that. j9QaNbpqpWU-00015-00010920-00011425 If the status is offline, that means that the drive is currently not available to the j9QaNbpqpWU-00016-00011425-00012018 system and it could indicate a hardware failure. A status of missing means that the system j9QaNbpqpWU-00017-00012018-00012732 knows about the hard drive but can't find it. The last status, failed, is pretty self explanatory. j9QaNbpqpWU-00018-00012778-00013090 What does mounting a drive mean? For those j9QaNbpqpWU-00019-00013091-00013687 of you who are familiar with Unix or Linux, no point in discussing it. For those of you j9QaNbpqpWU-00020-00013687-00014279 who aren't, it creates a logical pointer to a drive, instead of assigning a drive letter. j9QaNbpqpWU-00021-00014279-00015119 It can be used in place of spanning a volume. Extending partitions, that's reclaiming unallocated j9QaNbpqpWU-00022-00015119-00015719 space on a drive. Splitting partitions, that's just what it sounds like. It's taking one j9QaNbpqpWU-00023-00015719-00016200 partition and making it into more than one partition. j9QaNbpqpWU-00024-00016200-00016760 Microsoft operating systems automatically assign drive letters to new volumes. j9QaNbpqpWU-00025-00016760-00017388 Disc management allows the user to assign a desired drive letter to the volume instead. j9QaNbpqpWU-00026-00017388-00018156 The Disc Management tool makes adding a drive easy for the user through the graphical user interface. j9QaNbpqpWU-00027-00018156-00018759 The Disc Management tool also makes adding an array easy. This is Microsoft's method j9QaNbpqpWU-00028-00018759-00019398 of implementing a software based RAID. Now, let's talk about some utilities that j9QaNbpqpWU-00029-00019398-00020003 are available through the command line. We're not going to be talking about the command j9QaNbpqpWU-00030-00020003-00020561 line per se, but I should throw this statement out there: that you need to know the command j9QaNbpqpWU-00031-00020561-00021214 line and what you can access through it. To get access to the command line, you can use j9QaNbpqpWU-00032-00021214-00021700 command or cmd from a run or search box to get there. j9QaNbpqpWU-00033-00021700-00022414 Here are some of the utilities that are available from the command line. There's msconfig, also j9QaNbpqpWU-00034-00022414-00023234 known as system configuration. It's a configuration utility. Then there's regedit. That's a utility j9QaNbpqpWU-00035-00023234-00023884 that is used to edit the system registry. I do recommend care and caution when utilizing j9QaNbpqpWU-00036-00023884-00024558 regedit, as it's easy to make mistakes. Then there's services.msc. That will bring up the j9QaNbpqpWU-00037-00024558-00025390 services utility. If you enter mmc, that will start up the Microsoft Management Console. j9QaNbpqpWU-00038-00025390-00026054 Typing in mstsc will engage the Microsoft Terminal Services Client. That's for remote j9QaNbpqpWU-00039-00026054-00026886 desktop. Entering notepad brings up, guess what, notepad. It's a great, simple text editor. j9QaNbpqpWU-00040-00026886-00027608 If you want to engage Windows Explorer you can type in explorer from the command prompt. j9QaNbpqpWU-00041-00027608-00028518 Typing in msinfo32 will bring up the System Information utility. Typing in dxdiag will j9QaNbpqpWU-00042-00028519-00029216 bring up the DirectX diagnostic tool. Those are just some of the utilities that are available j9QaNbpqpWU-00043-00029216-00029927 from the command prompt. Let's talk about transfer tools. Why are transfer j9QaNbpqpWU-00044-00029927-00030680 tools necessary? PCs do become obsolete, and sometimes you want to transfer settings and j9QaNbpqpWU-00045-00030680-00031545 files between computers. Microsoft does understand the pain, kind of, that is caused when transitioning j9QaNbpqpWU-00046-00031545-00032211 from an old PC to a new one. And so they came up with some tools to help ease that pain. j9QaNbpqpWU-00047-00032211-00032875 They originally came up with Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. That was in XP. It's a basic j9QaNbpqpWU-00048-00032875-00033680 wizard that is used to transfer user settings and files. Because of user input, Microsoft j9QaNbpqpWU-00049-00033680-00034324 came up with Windows Easy Transfer for Vista and newer operating systems. It's a replacement j9QaNbpqpWU-00050-00034324-00034888 for the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. And it supports several different methods j9QaNbpqpWU-00051-00034888-00035674 of transfer, portable hard drives, USB flash drives, direct connections, and so on and so forth, j9QaNbpqpWU-00052-00035688-00036330 but it is still fairly basic. For the advanced user, there's the User State j9QaNbpqpWU-00053-00036331-00037134 Migration tool. This allows advanced users to use scripts to customize the transfer of j9QaNbpqpWU-00054-00037134-00037896 files and settings between computers. It's currently only available as a command line utility. j9QaNbpqpWU-00055-00037928-00038502 That concludes this session on administrative tools and features part III. j9QaNbpqpWU-00056-00038524-00039018 We covered the disc management tool, we discussed some utilities j9QaNbpqpWU-00057-00039018-00039576 that are available from the command line, and we ended it on transfer tools. j9QaNbpqpWU-00058-00039576-00040194 On behalf of PACE I T, thank you for watching this session and I'm sure we'll do some more soon. jqcVyFyjwUo-00000-00000203-00000595 there are indeed many families of sign languages in the world jqcVyFyjwUo-00001-00000595-00000979 asl or the american sign language is used here in the us jqcVyFyjwUo-00002-00000979-00001387 and canada also in parts of south america and africa jqcVyFyjwUo-00003-00001387-00001779 and it is related to the french sign language family jqcVyFyjwUo-00004-00001779-00002099 more about that in a minute but i do want you to jqcVyFyjwUo-00005-00002099-00002771 to see how there's a lot of diversity in the sign languages used in the world jqcVyFyjwUo-00006-00002779-00003163 and that there were sign languages used by indigenous populations here in north jqcVyFyjwUo-00007-00003163-00003539 america this is an example of the plain sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00008-00003539-00003891 language which was signed here in the western part of the us jqcVyFyjwUo-00009-00003891-00004315 and southern canada and was used by numerous indigenous communities as a jqcVyFyjwUo-00010-00004315-00004811 kind of trade language this example is from 1930 jqcVyFyjwUo-00011-00004811-00005179 and by the way i want to take the opportunity to point out that the video jqcVyFyjwUo-00012-00005179-00005715 says that he is sarcee which is um what we call an exonym it's the name jqcVyFyjwUo-00013-00005715-00006083 that outsiders gave the community at the time the jqcVyFyjwUo-00014-00006083-00006523 community prefers to be called tsuutina this is an endonym the community the name jqcVyFyjwUo-00015-00006523-00006851 that the community gives themselves and it is the name that we should prefer jqcVyFyjwUo-00016-00006851-00007099 the ones that the one that the community prefers to use jqcVyFyjwUo-00017-00007099-00007635 for themselves you can see in this whole video that this is precious evidence jqcVyFyjwUo-00018-00007635-00008075 for how the language was used at the time it is not the only indigenous sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00019-00008075-00008323 language the inuit sign language was used here i jqcVyFyjwUo-00020-00008323-00008499 think we had an example a couple of weeks ago jqcVyFyjwUo-00021-00008499-00008939 and the plateau sign language was used here as well jqcVyFyjwUo-00022-00008979-00009339 the plain sign language is still used to this day jqcVyFyjwUo-00023-00009339-00009931 take a look at a few example words from psl versus asl jqcVyFyjwUo-00024-00010627-00011219 so this language is still in use by many indigenous communities in north america jqcVyFyjwUo-00025-00011259-00011635 regarding asl it is related to the french jqcVyFyjwUo-00026-00011635-00012003 sign language and you can see a part of the family here jqcVyFyjwUo-00027-00012003-00012531 this is because it was um heavily influenced if not created by a jqcVyFyjwUo-00028-00012531-00012891 group by a french teacher who came to north america jqcVyFyjwUo-00029-00012891-00013367 there was a school in france that was founded in the 1960s jqcVyFyjwUo-00030-00013367-00014011 by a person called l'epee and a teacher of that school came to north jqcVyFyjwUo-00031-00014011-00014443 america in the early 1800s and jqcVyFyjwUo-00032-00014443-00014827 that's how asl got started because that's cool started teaching the jqcVyFyjwUo-00033-00014827-00015219 old french sign language to children and that's where asl started jqcVyFyjwUo-00034-00015219-00015867 in the us you can see how asl is related to other languages like jqcVyFyjwUo-00035-00015867-00016283 the modern french sign language belgian flemish dutch and italian sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00036-00016283-00016539 languages as well this means as we saw during the week jqcVyFyjwUo-00037-00016539-00017083 that they're going to have similar words and similar grammatical structures jqcVyFyjwUo-00038-00017195-00017555 it is very difficult to study historical linguistics in sign languages first of jqcVyFyjwUo-00039-00017555-00017931 all because they have no writing so there's only we can only go so far jqcVyFyjwUo-00040-00017931-00018339 into the past we know that we will have always used jqcVyFyjwUo-00041-00018339-00018659 sign languages because we find references to them in jqcVyFyjwUo-00042-00018659-00019083 the works of greek philosophers for example throughout history jqcVyFyjwUo-00043-00019083-00019443 people have noted that sign languages are used jqcVyFyjwUo-00044-00019443-00019875 this is an example of how the manual alphabet for the sign language of spain jqcVyFyjwUo-00045-00019875-00020515 was used in 1620 and this is a drawing from 1880 of the plain jqcVyFyjwUo-00046-00020515-00021035 sign language word for sun so we can use these few precious jqcVyFyjwUo-00047-00021035-00021515 pictures that we have and starting in the 1850s old movies jqcVyFyjwUo-00048-00021515-00022019 to study how sign languages were used in the past jqcVyFyjwUo-00049-00022019-00022371 from that information the very first thing that we can guess is that jqcVyFyjwUo-00050-00022371-00022723 words do change same as in spoken languages jqcVyFyjwUo-00051-00022723-00023059 for example there's drawings for the sign language of spain jqcVyFyjwUo-00052-00023059-00023371 that indicate that the word a accompany was probably jqcVyFyjwUo-00053-00023371-00023851 done like this in 1851 with your fingers extended and with a jqcVyFyjwUo-00054-00023851-00024451 forward motion something like this 150 years later the word has changed jqcVyFyjwUo-00055-00024451-00024699 quite a bit now the fingers are not extended but jqcVyFyjwUo-00056-00024699-00025171 bunched up and the motion is sideways and not jqcVyFyjwUo-00057-00025171-00025867 from back to front so words can change just as like in a spoken language jqcVyFyjwUo-00058-00025891-00026563 what kind of changes do signs go through pretty much the same for example we have jqcVyFyjwUo-00059-00026563-00026939 phonetic assimilation this is the asl sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00060-00026939-00027571 for depend the old form has one hand with the fingers extended jqcVyFyjwUo-00061-00027571-00027963 the non dominant hand and then the dominant hand jqcVyFyjwUo-00062-00027963-00028363 with one finger extended the index finger and then the motion would be jqcVyFyjwUo-00063-00028363-00029051 like this so this is the older form over time the sign evolved to have jqcVyFyjwUo-00064-00029051-00029643 both hands with a pointed gesture like she's doing jqcVyFyjwUo-00065-00029755-00030267 so as you can see we had different forms of the finger and then this hand jqcVyFyjwUo-00066-00030267-00030675 assimilated to the shape of the dominant hand so now jqcVyFyjwUo-00067-00030675-00031035 we have a single form this jqcVyFyjwUo-00068-00031035-00031443 phoneme essentially became more similar to the one the dominant hand this is a jqcVyFyjwUo-00069-00031443-00032083 case of assimilation you can have a feature change over time jqcVyFyjwUo-00070-00032083-00032595 a phonological feature for example the old form of the verb to jqcVyFyjwUo-00071-00032595-00032867 feel in asl was done with this finger like jqcVyFyjwUo-00072-00032867-00033371 this and then like this if you look at it very closely you'll jqcVyFyjwUo-00073-00033371-00033803 notice that the old form is done contralaterally it's done on the other jqcVyFyjwUo-00074-00033803-00034131 side of the torso so if i'm doing it with my jqcVyFyjwUo-00075-00034131-00034659 right hand it needs to be on the left side of the torso in the newer form what jqcVyFyjwUo-00076-00034659-00035003 she is doing if you look at her closely you'll see that jqcVyFyjwUo-00077-00035003-00035323 the gesture is on the same side of the torso as her jqcVyFyjwUo-00078-00035323-00035707 arm the new form is like this jqcVyFyjwUo-00079-00035715-00036275 right arm right side of the torso so this motion doing it on the opposite jqcVyFyjwUo-00080-00036275-00036747 side is called contralateral and this one is called ipsilateral jqcVyFyjwUo-00081-00036747-00037243 so this feature has changed in the production of the sign for to feel jqcVyFyjwUo-00082-00037243-00037627 this is the change of a feature same as changing voicing or changing a place of jqcVyFyjwUo-00083-00037627-00037891 articulation jqcVyFyjwUo-00084-00038059-00038435 we also have phenomena like grammaticalization where a jqcVyFyjwUo-00085-00038435-00039107 content word becomes a morpheme for example we saw how some jqcVyFyjwUo-00086-00039107-00039451 how there were words in latin there were verbs like habeo jqcVyFyjwUo-00087-00039451-00039811 which shortened their form in spanish and then eventually became morphemes jqcVyFyjwUo-00088-00039811-00040083 of the verb we can also see this process in sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00089-00040083-00040435 languages for example on the left we're going to see the jqcVyFyjwUo-00090-00040435-00041035 sentence the class is almost done the verb is which is the final sign is jqcVyFyjwUo-00091-00041035-00041603 going to be like this take a look jqcVyFyjwUo-00092-00041603-00042395 class almost done again class almost done finished so the verb jqcVyFyjwUo-00093-00042395-00042747 to finish is has a sweeping motion downwards and jqcVyFyjwUo-00094-00042747-00043171 then up the second sentence is i wrote the story jqcVyFyjwUo-00095-00043171-00043523 and here finish is an aspectual marker is going jqcVyFyjwUo-00096-00043523-00043859 to be reduced because this is no longer the full verb jqcVyFyjwUo-00097-00043859-00044235 this is now an aspect morpheme that tells you that the verb to write jqcVyFyjwUo-00098-00044235-00044563 is finished, is done that the action is finished jqcVyFyjwUo-00099-00044563-00044947 that is essentially a perfect or completive aspect jqcVyFyjwUo-00100-00044947-00045315 you're also going to notice that because it's a morpheme and not a word it's jqcVyFyjwUo-00101-00045315-00045867 shorter take a look jqcVyFyjwUo-00102-00046027-00046371 the motion for to finish is higher and shorter jqcVyFyjwUo-00103-00046371-00046603 again jqcVyFyjwUo-00104-00046891-00047467 so complete right the the verb to finish essentially became a jqcVyFyjwUo-00105-00047467-00047979 morpheme for the uh perfective aspect jqcVyFyjwUo-00106-00047979-00048339 another example of this is this word in german sign language jqcVyFyjwUo-00107-00048339-00048659 the word reason has your fingers like this and then jqcVyFyjwUo-00108-00048659-00049083 one two three taps on the palm and it's going to be the first sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00109-00049083-00049515 in this sentence i don't understand the reason jqcVyFyjwUo-00110-00049547-00050307 reason i not understand again notice the three taps jqcVyFyjwUo-00111-00050307-00051043 one two three so this is the full word reason however there's a related sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00112-00051043-00051467 which means because which is has a reduced phonological form jqcVyFyjwUo-00113-00051467-00051843 is one two only two taps and quicker taps jqcVyFyjwUo-00114-00051843-00052131 as well this is in i'm sad because my jqcVyFyjwUo-00115-00052131-00052435 grandmother has died jqcVyFyjwUo-00116-00052475-00053139 i sad because my grandmother died take a look again at how the this sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00117-00053139-00053595 is just two taps oh sorry jqcVyFyjwUo-00118-00053971-00054635 one two so the full noun reason has now become jqcVyFyjwUo-00119-00054635-00055203 the uh function word because it's meaning changed over time and also jqcVyFyjwUo-00120-00055203-00055779 its phonological form became simplified in summary there's numerous sign jqcVyFyjwUo-00121-00055779-00056115 language families asl belongs to the french sign language jqcVyFyjwUo-00122-00056115-00056347 family because french teachers brought it jqcVyFyjwUo-00123-00056347-00056651 to north america there there were already jqcVyFyjwUo-00124-00056651-00057003 sign languages in north america including many indigenous sign languages jqcVyFyjwUo-00125-00057003-00057363 and it is obviously very difficult to study historical linguistics in them jqcVyFyjwUo-00126-00057363-00057635 because we need to do so through very few jqcVyFyjwUo-00127-00057635-00057947 precious drawings that survive and through older movies jqcVyFyjwUo-00128-00057947-00058227 and when we study them we see that the changes in the signs jqcVyFyjwUo-00129-00058227-00058603 are very similar to the changes in the worst in spoken languages like jqcVyFyjwUo-00130-00058603-00058927 featural assimilation and the transformation of words into jqcVyFyjwUo-00131-00058927-00059227 morphemes jsnCw-T_zVM-00000-00000401-00000800 Today, we're gonna drink, drink, drink, drink jsnCw-T_zVM-00001-00000800-00001037 and drink jsnCw-T_zVM-00002-00001374-00001607 Sho-chan is making pasta for us jsnCw-T_zVM-00003-00001607-00001906 Hey! Look at this jsnCw-T_zVM-00004-00001906-00002372 Isn't it crazy to drink Strong through a straw? jsnCw-T_zVM-00005-00002471-00002557 How come? jsnCw-T_zVM-00006-00002686-00002850 I'm making it jsnCw-T_zVM-00007-00002850-00003058 Please make delicious one jsnCw-T_zVM-00008-00003058-00003329 I'm drinking over here I got it jsnCw-T_zVM-00009-00003723-00004184 The booze I'm into recently is a highball and tomato juice jsnCw-T_zVM-00010-00004184-00004366 Aren't these cute? jsnCw-T_zVM-00011-00004474-00004779 I found these room shoes at the supermarket jsnCw-T_zVM-00012-00004779-00004906 Micky Mouse jsnCw-T_zVM-00013-00004906-00005190 What about these? These are cute too jsnCw-T_zVM-00014-00005256-00005418 I can't cook well jsnCw-T_zVM-00015-00005418-00005762 It's fine as long as you pour love in it jsnCw-T_zVM-00016-00005762-00005916 LOVE jsnCw-T_zVM-00017-00006339-00006477 Sorry jsnCw-T_zVM-00018-00006477-00006916 This time, I made pasta for us jsnCw-T_zVM-00019-00006916-00007000 Let's eat jsnCw-T_zVM-00020-00007000-00007146 I'm sorry jsnCw-T_zVM-00021-00007146-00007372 Let's eat. Forget about it jsnCw-T_zVM-00022-00007372-00007662 I dropped and broke the camera jsnCw-T_zVM-00023-00007903-00008026 This one is working? jsnCw-T_zVM-00024-00008026-00008094 OK this time... jsnCw-T_zVM-00025-00008259-00008477 I wanna eat Let's eat jsnCw-T_zVM-00026-00008682-00008825 Is it good? jsnCw-T_zVM-00027-00008825-00008908 Really? jsnCw-T_zVM-00028-00008908-00009065 This is delicious jsnCw-T_zVM-00029-00009065-00009267 This is good jsnCw-T_zVM-00030-00009267-00009580 Yeah, this is great jsnCw-T_zVM-00031-00009580-00009728 I know right? jsnCw-T_zVM-00032-00009869-00009925 Good jsnCw-T_zVM-00033-00011954-00012060 Your face is so noisy jsnCw-T_zVM-00034-00012352-00012591 This is good seriously Yeah it is jsnCw-T_zVM-00035-00012591-00012781 What do you wan for Christmas? jsnCw-T_zVM-00036-00012781-00012983 Will you give me a Christmas present? jsnCw-T_zVM-00037-00012983-00013065 If I could jsnCw-T_zVM-00038-00013065-00013265 Let's see... jsnCw-T_zVM-00039-00013265-00013421 I've already decided jsnCw-T_zVM-00040-00013421-00013533 but I won't tell you jsnCw-T_zVM-00041-00013533-00013769 If you won't, you got nothing jsnCw-T_zVM-00042-00013769-00014196 No! I mean I've already decided what to give you jsnCw-T_zVM-00043-00014196-00014339 Then can I tell you? jsnCw-T_zVM-00044-00014339-00014483 Tell me what? jsnCw-T_zVM-00045-00014483-00014648 what I want jsnCw-T_zVM-00046-00014648-00014807 What you want? jsnCw-T_zVM-00047-00014879-00015279 Sure. I'm not sure if I'll give you that though jsnCw-T_zVM-00048-00015575-00015717 I want a kind person jsnCw-T_zVM-00049-00015907-00016167 Don't worry about it. You already have jsnCw-T_zVM-00050-00016167-00016411 No, I don't. You're kind only in videos jsnCw-T_zVM-00051-00016749-00017044 Your face is terrifying jsnCw-T_zVM-00052-00017044-00017393 You looked like a murderer jsnCw-T_zVM-00053-00017473-00017686 really scary jsnCw-T_zVM-00054-00017686-00017951 We can't show it on YouTube jsnCw-T_zVM-00055-00017951-00018087 It's so scary jsnCw-T_zVM-00056-00018087-00018198 That's enough jsnCw-T_zVM-00057-00018198-00018502 Anyway, what do you want? jsnCw-T_zVM-00058-00018502-00018611 A gift card jsnCw-T_zVM-00059-00018742-00018938 Amazon gift card jsnCw-T_zVM-00060-00018938-00019209 Why are you being so practical? jsnCw-T_zVM-00061-00019209-00019420 But why it has to be an Amazon gift card? jsnCw-T_zVM-00062-00019420-00019688 I just want it jsnCw-T_zVM-00063-00019688-00019841 What are you gonna buy with it? jsnCw-T_zVM-00064-00019841-00019999 something I want jsnCw-T_zVM-00065-00020184-00020654 Well, that's a good present since you can choose by yourself jsnCw-T_zVM-00066-00020654-00020790 something you wanna buy jsnCw-T_zVM-00067-00020790-00020940 I want 10000yen card jsnCw-T_zVM-00068-00020940-00021085 10,000 yen? jsnCw-T_zVM-00069-00021085-00021402 Well, I'll leave the price up to you jsnCw-T_zVM-00070-00021402-00021913 Is it decided? I told you I've already decided what to buy for you. jsnCw-T_zVM-00071-00021913-00022022 Have you bought it yet? jsnCw-T_zVM-00072-00022022-00022204 No I haven't jsnCw-T_zVM-00073-00022204-00022336 Then... I've already made up my mind jsnCw-T_zVM-00074-00022336-00022855 I mean, we can buy anything with Amazon gift cards jsnCw-T_zVM-00075-00022855-00022989 That's right jsnCw-T_zVM-00076-00022989-00023110 Then, it's gotta be it jsnCw-T_zVM-00077-00023110-00023264 Why!? jsnCw-T_zVM-00078-00023542-00023862 Don't say why. Don't say that. jsnCw-T_zVM-00079-00023862-00024447 OK then, I'll give you 10,000 yen Amazon gift card, and you'll give it back to me jsnCw-T_zVM-00080-00024447-00024523 Why? jsnCw-T_zVM-00081-00024523-00024692 As a Christmas present jsnCw-T_zVM-00082-00024692-00025045 we can give each other and it'll be win-win. jsnCw-T_zVM-00083-00025045-00025203 That makes sense jsnCw-T_zVM-00084-00025444-00025514 OK jsnCw-T_zVM-00085-00025514-00025564 Yup jsnCw-T_zVM-00086-00025944-00026060 It's not OK jsnCw-T_zVM-00087-00026475-00026876 You're so cute. So adorable jsnCw-T_zVM-00088-00026876-00027020 I'm not! jsnCw-T_zVM-00089-00027020-00027235 What is it? jsnCw-T_zVM-00090-00027235-00027383 I mean jsnCw-T_zVM-00091-00027383-00027780 Tsu-chan came before, right? jsnCw-T_zVM-00092-00027780-00028046 and we got drunk and slept jsnCw-T_zVM-00093-00028046-00028232 That unbelievable picture Yes jsnCw-T_zVM-00094-00028232-00028756 I woke up earlier and noticed he had to get going jsnCw-T_zVM-00095-00028756-00029028 'cause he had work the following day jsnCw-T_zVM-00096-00029028-00029258 When I woke him up, jsnCw-T_zVM-00097-00029258-00029514 maybe he was half asleep jsnCw-T_zVM-00098-00029514-00030100 but he woke up, smiled at me, and touched my face jsnCw-T_zVM-00099-00030100-00030327 I was really surprised jsnCw-T_zVM-00100-00030327-00030583 I would've fallen in love with him if I would not be dating you jsnCw-T_zVM-00101-00030925-00031045 He is so unfair jsnCw-T_zVM-00102-00031045-00031210 He is jsnCw-T_zVM-00103-00031210-00031512 He knows what he is doing jsnCw-T_zVM-00104-00031512-00031733 He did it intentionally jsnCw-T_zVM-00105-00031733-00032096 What's the meaning of that jsnCw-T_zVM-00106-00032096-00032304 I didn't notice at all jsnCw-T_zVM-00107-00032304-00032500 Really? I was quite surprised jsnCw-T_zVM-00108-00032655-00033000 It's become hard to go out again jsnCw-T_zVM-00109-00033000-00033397 We shoot videos mostly in our house jsnCw-T_zVM-00110-00033397-00033576 This room is too small jsnCw-T_zVM-00111-00033576-00033794 That's right. it is jsnCw-T_zVM-00112-00033794-00034009 Should we move? I want to jsnCw-T_zVM-00113-00034009-00034193 Let's move Yeah jsnCw-T_zVM-00114-00034193-00034507 Let's look for a room next year jsnCw-T_zVM-00115-00034507-00034663 Yes, let's jsnCw-T_zVM-00116-00034663-00034798 I can't stand it anymore jsnCw-T_zVM-00117-00034870-00034950 This narrowness jsnCw-T_zVM-00118-00034950-00035402 I think viewers are getting tired of seeing this place too jsnCw-T_zVM-00119-00035612-00036205 I feel like they know our floor plan jsnCw-T_zVM-00120-00036205-00036529 They can already guess it jsnCw-T_zVM-00121-00036529-00037353 I feel like it is a status symbol for YouTubers to move jsnCw-T_zVM-00122-00037353-00037483 Yeah Right? jsnCw-T_zVM-00123-00037483-00037607 I wanna give them a room tour jsnCw-T_zVM-00124-00037607-00037790 Yeah, I know jsnCw-T_zVM-00125-00037790-00038892 I mean, it might be a motivation for work and YouTube to have a nice place and pay higher rent jsnCw-T_zVM-00126-00038892-00039101 Having a larger room jsnCw-T_zVM-00127-00039101-00039330 Yeah I think so too jsnCw-T_zVM-00128-00039330-00039530 We have to look for a room jsnCw-T_zVM-00129-00039530-00039846 We can make a video about it jsnCw-T_zVM-00130-00039846-00040237 "Can a same-sex couple find a place?" jsnCw-T_zVM-00131-00040237-00040330 sounds like a plan jsnCw-T_zVM-00132-00040330-00040525 We can do it jsnCw-T_zVM-00133-00040525-00040643 Stay tuned jsnCw-T_zVM-00134-00040643-00040953 Next year, after New Year's Like in January? jsnCw-T_zVM-00135-00040953-00041132 Not that soon jsnCw-T_zVM-00136-00041297-00041358 During spring season? jsnCw-T_zVM-00137-00041358-00041621 I think we need to settle things down first jsnCw-T_zVM-00138-00041621-00042487 I know right? Due to the pandemic, we can't do anything freely jsnCw-T_zVM-00139-00042487-00042543 OK jsnCw-T_zVM-00140-00042543-00042741 What's taking you so long to finish it? jsnCw-T_zVM-00141-00042741-00042851 I'm not taking long jsnCw-T_zVM-00142-00042851-00042983 This is already empty jsnCw-T_zVM-00143-00042983-00043287 Are you sucking in an empty can? jsnCw-T_zVM-00144-00043287-00043387 Just drink jsnCw-T_zVM-00145-00043387-00043631 I told you this is empty jsnCw-T_zVM-00146-00043631-00043796 Stop it jsnCw-T_zVM-00147-00043796-00044045 This is crazy. Alcohol related harassment jsnCw-T_zVM-00148-00044183-00044393 Alright, in today's video, jsnCw-T_zVM-00149-00044393-00044677 we casually chat while drinking jsnCw-T_zVM-00150-00044677-00045172 well, that was another "drinking video" basically jsnCw-T_zVM-00151-00045172-00045477 We really wanna move jsnCw-T_zVM-00152-00045477-00045625 work hard and earn money for it jsnCw-T_zVM-00153-00045763-00045851 I'll try my best jsnCw-T_zVM-00154-00045851-00046140 We'll do our best to move next year jsnCw-T_zVM-00155-00046140-00046622 We will share it as well jsnCw-T_zVM-00156-00046622-00047127 So please subscribe to this channel and wait for it jsnCw-T_zVM-00157-00047127-00047518 That's all for today's video jsnCw-T_zVM-00158-00047518-00047857 If you enjoyed, please subscribe to this channel and like this video jsnCw-T_zVM-00159-00047857-00048052 Please follow our Instagram, Twitter and TikTok as well jsnCw-T_zVM-00160-00048052-00048301 See you in the next video jsnCw-T_zVM-00161-00048958-00049413 (I woke up only to find he was gone) jztoW4UGEWA-00000-00000258-00000564 Jianjiong Gao: Thanks for this great opportunity for us to jztoW4UGEWA-00001-00000564-00000741 present our work here. jztoW4UGEWA-00002-00000741-00001294 And I'm going to talk about a new feature that we developed in the cBio Cancer Genomics jztoW4UGEWA-00003-00001294-00002135 Portal for visualizing and analyzing clinical and genomic data for individual patients. jztoW4UGEWA-00004-00002135-00002992 cBio Cancer Genomics Portal is a web resource that is open access and for interactive exploration jztoW4UGEWA-00005-00002992-00003259 of high dimension cancer genomics data. jztoW4UGEWA-00006-00003259-00004018 Our goal is to lower the barriers between cancer genomics data and the cancer researchers, jztoW4UGEWA-00007-00004018-00004629 including wet lab biologists, and clinical researchers, and computational biologists. jztoW4UGEWA-00008-00004629-00005482 With this portal, one can very quickly visualize and analyze genomic alterations, in an iterative jztoW4UGEWA-00009-00005482-00005783 and interactive way. jztoW4UGEWA-00010-00005783-00006736 And we hope that with this portal, we can really help that the cancer researchers to jztoW4UGEWA-00011-00006736-00007468 [unintelligible] the complex genomics data to biological insights and the clinical applications jztoW4UGEWA-00012-00007468-00007954 I would like to mention one key abstraction, namely, altered gene. jztoW4UGEWA-00013-00007954-00008686 We can see a gene is altered if it is, mutated or amplified or deleted. jztoW4UGEWA-00014-00008686-00009802 So this simplifying concept, actually, it's very powerful and enables user to derive hypotheses jztoW4UGEWA-00015-00009802-00010385 regarding frequently to alter the gene set of pathways. jztoW4UGEWA-00016-00010385-00010880 And we just released this patient view. jztoW4UGEWA-00017-00010880-00011615 We aggregate -- we integrate diverse datasets and filter them and present them to the user, jztoW4UGEWA-00018-00011615-00012316 and we want to do something more interesting and more intelligent because tumor samples, jztoW4UGEWA-00019-00012316-00012853 they -- often time they have hundreds or even thousands of alterations. jztoW4UGEWA-00020-00012853-00013361 Which of them are relevant to the disease and can we use these relevant events to define jztoW4UGEWA-00021-00013361-00013613 the choice of treatment. jztoW4UGEWA-00022-00013613-00014137 And actually, experts, they are pretty good at intuitively identify them. jztoW4UGEWA-00023-00014137-00014628 Can we automate part of this process and can we even improve it? jztoW4UGEWA-00024-00014628-00015261 So our goal is to derive interactive system to facilitate personalized medicine research jztoW4UGEWA-00025-00015261-00015806 for cancer and ultimately guide a patient treatment. jztoW4UGEWA-00026-00015806-00016666 So in this patient eccentric view, we integrate diverse data including clinical data and genomics jztoW4UGEWA-00027-00016666-00016766 data. jztoW4UGEWA-00028-00016766-00017549 So the clinical data include patient information, disease status and pathology reports, and jztoW4UGEWA-00029-00017549-00018116 we're going to support tumor images and treatment data as well. jztoW4UGEWA-00030-00018116-00018573 And the main part is -- the main part in a patient review is the medical profiles. jztoW4UGEWA-00031-00018573-00019204 Currently, we support mutations and copy number alternations, and gene fusion and expression jztoW4UGEWA-00032-00019204-00019412 will be supported later. jztoW4UGEWA-00033-00019412-00020240 After we get this alterations, the next step we are adding functional and [unintelligible] jztoW4UGEWA-00034-00020240-00021047 annotation to this alterations, including predicted mutation impact by mutation assessor jztoW4UGEWA-00035-00021047-00021788 and cancer gene annotations from Sanger Cancer Gene and COSMIC. jztoW4UGEWA-00036-00021788-00022534 And COSMIC -- and the cohort context information, such as significantly mutated the genes, copy jztoW4UGEWA-00037-00022534-00022744 number altered peaks. jztoW4UGEWA-00038-00022744-00023675 We also bring drug data information and clinical trials from resources such as NCI drugs [unintelligible] jztoW4UGEWA-00039-00023675-00024376 base, and after we are putting this together we present this to cancer researchers and jztoW4UGEWA-00040-00024376-00024748 clinicians in an interactive way. jztoW4UGEWA-00041-00024748-00025735 And we are also building a Wiki system that can be used for the user for annotate tumors. jztoW4UGEWA-00042-00025735-00025841 Enough said. jztoW4UGEWA-00043-00025841-00026972 So this is an example of our release to product of the patient view in the current portal. jztoW4UGEWA-00044-00026972-00028252 In this particular case, this woman is a 69-year-old serous ovarian patient with stage three and jztoW4UGEWA-00045-00028252-00029106 grade three, and we can get more clinical data from here. jztoW4UGEWA-00046-00029106-00029830 And the summary view is basically summarize the mutation event and copy number events, jztoW4UGEWA-00047-00029830-00030700 and I'm going to take a few minutes to explain the detail and hopefully make this not only jztoW4UGEWA-00048-00030700-00031183 colorful, but also meaningful to you. jztoW4UGEWA-00049-00031183-00031990 This graph plots copy numbers events and mutation events across the chromosomes. jztoW4UGEWA-00050-00031990-00032565 The copy number check from the copy number segments. jztoW4UGEWA-00051-00032565-00033183 And from here we can see that actually in this patient the copy number is pretty much jztoW4UGEWA-00052-00033183-00034068 altered and this same characteristic was observed in serous ovarian cancer. jztoW4UGEWA-00053-00034068-00035034 And the mutation check is we plot the histogram of number of mutations across chromosomes. jztoW4UGEWA-00054-00035034-00036050 This is a scatter plot of number of mutations and the fraction of copy number altered genome. jztoW4UGEWA-00055-00036050-00036702 Each dot represents a tumor example in the cohort study and the red one is the patient jztoW4UGEWA-00056-00036702-00037006 we are currently viewing. jztoW4UGEWA-00057-00037006-00037759 In this panel we list the, I mean, the mutation events in this patient. jztoW4UGEWA-00058-00037759-00038499 In this patient there are a total of 35 mutations, and four of them are reported as interesting jztoW4UGEWA-00059-00038499-00039603 by the portal, based on recurrence, COSMIC, or annotated cancer genes. jztoW4UGEWA-00060-00039603-00040662 The first mutation is a TP-53 nonsense mutation; TP53 mutation is almost universal in serous jztoW4UGEWA-00061-00040662-00040839 endometroids. jztoW4UGEWA-00062-00040839-00041497 The second mutation is a phosphatase 2 missense mutation. jztoW4UGEWA-00063-00041497-00041646 It is a recurring mutation. jztoW4UGEWA-00064-00041646-00042284 There are 26 other samples in this study have first mutated first to phase two. jztoW4UGEWA-00065-00042284-00042734 Three of them have the mutation on the same amino acid. jztoW4UGEWA-00066-00042734-00043686 The MutSig was also showing that it is significantly mutated the gene or recurrent mutated gene. jztoW4UGEWA-00067-00043686-00044268 And it has also overlapped with the COSMIC data. jztoW4UGEWA-00068-00044268-00045109 Mutation Assessor predict this mutation to have a high functional impact, and from the jztoW4UGEWA-00069-00045109-00045725 3D structure through the Mutation Assessor, clearly, it is mutation in the highly-conserved jztoW4UGEWA-00070-00045725-00046159 region. jztoW4UGEWA-00071-00046159-00046950 In this panel we list the copy number events, and there are a total of 385 copy number, jztoW4UGEWA-00072-00046950-00047074 copy number all to the genes. jztoW4UGEWA-00073-00047074-00047441 And 17 of them are reported as interesting. jztoW4UGEWA-00074-00047441-00048131 For example, the second [unintelligible] is reported because it's a recurrent gene and jztoW4UGEWA-00075-00048131-00048794 based on gestate, and it is actually a four-code [spelled phonetically] amplification. jztoW4UGEWA-00076-00048794-00049833 For example, this EGFR actually is reported because of -- it's a annotated cancer gene. jztoW4UGEWA-00077-00049833-00050655 And it's rare event, it's not recurred in gestate peaks, but it could be interesting jztoW4UGEWA-00078-00050655-00051124 and EGFR is a frequent -- is a [unintelligible] target. jztoW4UGEWA-00079-00051124-00051617 For example, for the drug [unintelligible] we can get the drug information with clinical jztoW4UGEWA-00080-00051617-00052008 trial information linked. jztoW4UGEWA-00081-00052008-00052607 The second and third tab, we list all of the mutation and copy number alterations. jztoW4UGEWA-00082-00052607-00053334 And the fourth tab, we also linked to the pathology report for this patient, if available. jztoW4UGEWA-00083-00053334-00054082 And from this patient view, we can link back to the cancer study view. jztoW4UGEWA-00084-00054082-00055054 The cancer study view present off the clinical end cancer genomics data in an iterative way. jztoW4UGEWA-00085-00055054-00055605 For example, for the clinical data, we're plot of the histogram and the pie charts, jztoW4UGEWA-00086-00055605-00056238 and they are all interactive and can be cross-futured [spelled phonetically]. jztoW4UGEWA-00087-00056238-00056969 For example, for this histology plot, if we click on the serous pie, then of the serous jztoW4UGEWA-00088-00056969-00058066 cases in this plot will be selected, and immediately we can observe that this patient is an outlier jztoW4UGEWA-00089-00058066-00058894 because it has a very low copy number alteration and has a lot of mutations unlike other serous jztoW4UGEWA-00090-00058894-00059141 cases. jztoW4UGEWA-00091-00059141-00059978 And if we click into this patient and have a look, clearly, this patient almost has no jztoW4UGEWA-00092-00059978-00060887 copy number alteration and has a lot of mutation events, and it has -- such as a KRAS [spelled jztoW4UGEWA-00093-00060887-00061599 phonetically], et cetera which aren't characteristic to serous cases; therefore, makes this case jztoW4UGEWA-00094-00061599-00061876 very suspicious. jztoW4UGEWA-00095-00061876-00062759 And back to the cancer study page, we also list the significantly mutated genes and copy jztoW4UGEWA-00096-00062759-00062964 number peaks. jztoW4UGEWA-00097-00062964-00063608 Next, I will do a little bit demo in the next two minutes. jztoW4UGEWA-00098-00063608-00064003 I hope the Internet is work. jztoW4UGEWA-00099-00064003-00064230 Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00100-00064230-00065236 So this is the front page of the query page, and for the time sake, let's select the endometrial jztoW4UGEWA-00101-00065236-00065680 case for demo and we leave this mutation. jztoW4UGEWA-00102-00065680-00066426 Copy number change as default, and we can select some genes from MutSig list. jztoW4UGEWA-00103-00066426-00067510 For example, this ?-catenin and PRAS [spelled phonetically] and somatin [spelled phonetically]. jztoW4UGEWA-00104-00067510-00068414 This will bring us to a summary page including a so-called ONCO print. jztoW4UGEWA-00105-00068414-00069500 Yeah, from this ONCO print, it is clear that there are a lot of events occurring in these jztoW4UGEWA-00106-00069500-00070408 two genes, represented by this green dot, and let's look at the mutations. jztoW4UGEWA-00107-00070408-00071379 So here in the mutation diagram, all of this, most of this ?-catenin mutations occurs in jztoW4UGEWA-00108-00071379-00071886 the [unintelligible] area, and they have well known functional impact, actually, if we saw jztoW4UGEWA-00109-00071886-00071986 this. jztoW4UGEWA-00110-00071986-00072509 And as a chance, we can have -- it's a very long list and terminal. jztoW4UGEWA-00111-00072509-00073041 And similarly, for the KRAS, most of them -- actually, 35 of them actually occurred jztoW4UGEWA-00112-00073041-00073920 on the G12 position, and if we saw, it's a long list of them, and they have well-known jztoW4UGEWA-00113-00073920-00074111 functional impact. jztoW4UGEWA-00114-00074111-00075049 Getting back to the summary page, there are six amplified specific cases with amplified jztoW4UGEWA-00115-00075049-00075745 KRAS, and if we are interested in whether this amplification is functional or not, we jztoW4UGEWA-00116-00075745-00076058 can have a look at the plot. jztoW4UGEWA-00117-00076058-00076438 Select KRAS. jztoW4UGEWA-00118-00076438-00077691 And this is a plot between gene expression versus GISTIC, and this right-most part, from jztoW4UGEWA-00119-00077691-00078322 this right most part we can clearly see that there's at least one sample with a very high jztoW4UGEWA-00120-00078322-00078854 expression level of KRAS. jztoW4UGEWA-00121-00078854-00079501 And from this ONCO print we can kind of spot a mutual exclusivity pattern. jztoW4UGEWA-00122-00079501-00080273 And let's have a look at the p-value here as a .02, which is significant event. jztoW4UGEWA-00123-00080273-00081060 So the next question is why do we still have this overlap, still have cases that have both jztoW4UGEWA-00124-00081060-00081313 mutated in both genes. jztoW4UGEWA-00125-00081313-00082683 And we can take a look at the maybe the first one. jztoW4UGEWA-00126-00082683-00083235 This patient has a lot of mutations, more than 6,000 mutations. jztoW4UGEWA-00127-00083235-00083802 It could take a while to load it. jztoW4UGEWA-00128-00083802-00085222 And -- but I think that this is exactly the reason why this patient has both mutations jztoW4UGEWA-00129-00085222-00085751 -- has mutations in both gene because of the higher mutation account background. jztoW4UGEWA-00130-00085751-00085851 Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00131-00085851-00086153 I will give up on this one. jztoW4UGEWA-00132-00086153-00086672 And I have a preloaded version here. jztoW4UGEWA-00133-00086672-00087677 So this patient has a functional mutation, KRAS mutation and ?-catenin mutation, not jztoW4UGEWA-00134-00087677-00088007 well known function here. jztoW4UGEWA-00135-00088007-00088492 Okay for the time sake, okay, I will maybe show a little bit on the patient -- on the jztoW4UGEWA-00136-00088492-00088867 cancer study view. jztoW4UGEWA-00137-00088867-00089721 Oh, it just loaded. jztoW4UGEWA-00138-00089721-00090536 And the cancer study view actually plots off the attributes and the scatter plot, and the jztoW4UGEWA-00139-00090536-00090636 patient is remembered. jztoW4UGEWA-00140-00090636-00091030 And if we're clear, then we're clear -- or -- and we can like search [spelled phonetically] jztoW4UGEWA-00141-00091030-00091836 of the living patient with recurrence and et cetera. jztoW4UGEWA-00142-00091836-00092472 With that, I would like to stop here because of time. jztoW4UGEWA-00143-00092472-00093020 And we are going to have a workshop in the Alexandria Room. jztoW4UGEWA-00144-00093020-00093616 And with that I would like to thank my colleagues, especially Nicky Schultz. jztoW4UGEWA-00145-00093616-00094346 He's been managing this project and coming up with a lot of ideas to the patient view. jztoW4UGEWA-00146-00094346-00094977 And it is a joint effort of the whole team, including Ben, Arman, Onur, Gideon, Boris, jztoW4UGEWA-00147-00094977-00095324 Ethan, and Chris. jztoW4UGEWA-00148-00095324-00095965 Doug Levine from MSKCC provided a lot of feedback, and his group brought a lot of feedback to jztoW4UGEWA-00149-00095965-00096189 the portal and to the patient view. jztoW4UGEWA-00150-00096189-00096362 Thank you all. jztoW4UGEWA-00151-00096362-00096510 [applause] jztoW4UGEWA-00152-00096510-00097057 Richard Gibbs: Congratulations on the live demo. jztoW4UGEWA-00153-00097057-00097157 It's impressive. jztoW4UGEWA-00154-00097157-00097257 Jianjiong Gao: Thank you. jztoW4UGEWA-00155-00097257-00097484 Richard Gibbs: So what's the status of your clinical interface, jztoW4UGEWA-00156-00097484-00097776 you know, physicians using this. jztoW4UGEWA-00157-00097776-00098415 You're gliding us all into some position where the less academic clinician can use the tool? jztoW4UGEWA-00158-00098415-00098947 Jianjiong Gao: Yeah, we -- I mean, for now, we -- basically, jztoW4UGEWA-00159-00098947-00099536 it's for researchers, clinical research or, like, cancer research, basic cancer research, jztoW4UGEWA-00160-00099536-00099929 but we're hoping that it really can be used in clinical setting. jztoW4UGEWA-00161-00099929-00100209 Richard Gibbs: Thank you. jztoW4UGEWA-00162-00100209-00100625 Female Speaker: So I have a question. jztoW4UGEWA-00163-00100625-00101135 When you're deriving the individual copy number alterations, do you use the cohort context jztoW4UGEWA-00164-00101135-00101806 total or are you just looking at tumor versus normal for the same patient? jztoW4UGEWA-00165-00101806-00102319 Jianjiong Gao: The -- you mean -- jztoW4UGEWA-00166-00102319-00102632 Female Speaker: The -- so when you're deriving the copy number jztoW4UGEWA-00167-00102632-00103218 alterations for a particular patient, do you just look at that particular patient's tumor jztoW4UGEWA-00168-00103218-00103833 data and normal data, or do you also include the cohort context like GISTIC information? jztoW4UGEWA-00169-00103833-00103989 Jianjiong Gao: Yes. jztoW4UGEWA-00170-00103989-00104143 We use GISTIC information, actually. jztoW4UGEWA-00171-00104143-00104257 Female Speaker: Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00172-00104257-00104372 Jianjiong Gao: Yeah. jztoW4UGEWA-00173-00104372-00104485 Female Speaker: Oh. jztoW4UGEWA-00174-00104485-00104585 Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00175-00104585-00104714 Richard Gibbs: Two more questions. jztoW4UGEWA-00176-00104714-00104866 Female Speaker: Quick question. jztoW4UGEWA-00177-00104866-00104980 [unintelligible], Georgetown University. jztoW4UGEWA-00178-00104980-00105080 Fantastic presentation. jztoW4UGEWA-00179-00105080-00105180 Thank you. jztoW4UGEWA-00180-00105180-00105574 I was wondering how much pre-processing occurs in the back end prior to loading the data jztoW4UGEWA-00181-00105574-00105683 into the cBio portal? jztoW4UGEWA-00182-00105683-00106185 I mean, for all the 7,000 or so samples that you have on your portal, I can imagine, you jztoW4UGEWA-00183-00106185-00106525 know, it takes quite a bit of time for the various data types that you're presenting jztoW4UGEWA-00184-00106525-00106625 here. jztoW4UGEWA-00185-00106625-00107022 So can you shed a little bit of light on what kind of pre-processing that you do before jztoW4UGEWA-00186-00107022-00107197 loading the data into the cBio portal? jztoW4UGEWA-00187-00107197-00107436 Jianjiong Gao: Yes, most of the data for the [unintelligible] jztoW4UGEWA-00188-00107436-00108174 we get it from, like, Fios [spelled phonetically], and we have some pre-processing, for example, jztoW4UGEWA-00189-00108174-00108788 for the expression data, and mutation data we add a lot of annotation to the math file. jztoW4UGEWA-00190-00108788-00109247 And for the copy number data, we also have some pre-processing. jztoW4UGEWA-00191-00109247-00109987 Yes, it's a lot, and we have people in charge of managing those data and the pre-processing, jztoW4UGEWA-00192-00109987-00110413 and we have a whole pre-processing module. jztoW4UGEWA-00193-00110413-00110624 Female Speaker: Quick follow-up. jztoW4UGEWA-00194-00110624-00111130 Do you have a timeline for how long it takes for a particular study, let's say 100 samples jztoW4UGEWA-00195-00111130-00111288 with three different data types? jztoW4UGEWA-00196-00111288-00111433 Jianjiong Gao: Timeline? jztoW4UGEWA-00197-00111433-00111533 You mean... jztoW4UGEWA-00198-00111533-00111639 Female Speaker: Yes, for pre-processing and getting it into jztoW4UGEWA-00199-00111639-00111739 cBio. jztoW4UGEWA-00200-00111739-00111857 How long does it take? jztoW4UGEWA-00201-00111857-00111999 Jianjiong Gao: You mean that -- jztoW4UGEWA-00202-00111999-00112242 Female Speaker: About a 100-sample study into the cBio? jztoW4UGEWA-00203-00112242-00112369 Jianjiong Gao: Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00204-00112369-00112883 It may be like a few -- well, a hundred -- maybe less than one hour. jztoW4UGEWA-00205-00112883-00112983 Female Speaker: Okay. jztoW4UGEWA-00206-00112983-00113083 Thank you. jztoW4UGEWA-00207-00113083-00113183 Male Speaker: Last question. jztoW4UGEWA-00208-00113183-00113283 Female Speaker: Yes. jztoW4UGEWA-00209-00113283-00113809 I just have quick comments maybe also for the community so that when many people think jztoW4UGEWA-00210-00113809-00114384 [unintelligible], many people think about it like a bioinformatic software and tools jztoW4UGEWA-00211-00114384-00114565 as a black box. jztoW4UGEWA-00212-00114565-00115153 And it's appreciated that you talk about the workflow how to use the black box, but I think jztoW4UGEWA-00213-00115153-00115697 that I'd like more insight, more explanation to the [unintelligible], to like what's inside jztoW4UGEWA-00214-00115697-00116090 the black box, what's the computational approach to the limitations. jztoW4UGEWA-00215-00116090-00116190 Why. jztoW4UGEWA-00216-00116190-00116316 What kind of work it can do. jztoW4UGEWA-00217-00116316-00116476 What kind of work it cannot do. jztoW4UGEWA-00218-00116476-00117022 So that the inside of the black box is more insight into the computational approach. jztoW4UGEWA-00219-00117022-00117389 So there will be more [unintelligible] for I hope to say more information like during jztoW4UGEWA-00220-00117389-00117489 workshop, like that. jztoW4UGEWA-00221-00117489-00117589 Jianjiong Gao: Thank you. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00000-00000517-00000688 Do you have a fear of bats? j_HMrbEH9Oo-00001-00000688-00001016 Many of us have these fears, but these fears are unfounded. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00002-00001016-00001453 Movies have made us think that bats are out to get us by sucking our blood, giving us j_HMrbEH9Oo-00003-00001453-00001726 rabies or by flying into our hair. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00004-00001726-00002068 However, these tiny flying mammals should not be considered pests. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00005-00002068-00002381 Scary tales of bat attacks are simply untrue. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00006-00002381-00003013 Vampire bats are not found in the United States and do not prey on humans but on wild and j_HMrbEH9Oo-00007-00003013-00003243 domestic animals instead. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00008-00003243-00003814 Even though bats are not blind they use echolocation to navigate and locate their prey instead j_HMrbEH9Oo-00009-00003814-00003943 of their eyes. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00010-00003943-00004528 Echolocation involves the bat emitting ultrasonic sound pulses that bounce off objects and return j_HMrbEH9Oo-00011-00004528-00004750 as echoes to the bats ears. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00012-00004750-00005239 These echoes are used to capture an insect or avoid running into objects in the environment j_HMrbEH9Oo-00013-00005239-00005369 such as our hair! j_HMrbEH9Oo-00014-00005369-00005796 Did you know a single bat can eat up to 600 mosquitoes in an hour? j_HMrbEH9Oo-00015-00005796-00006258 Nearly all Wyoming bats are insect-eating and can consume up to 50 percent of their j_HMrbEH9Oo-00016-00006258-00006918 body weight in a single night, making them an excellent natural insect control mechanism. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00017-00006918-00007443 And were you aware that some bats are responsible for pollinating plants in desert and tropical j_HMrbEH9Oo-00018-00007443-00007543 regions? j_HMrbEH9Oo-00019-00007543-00008039 So the next time you see a bat take time to appreciate all the benefits they provide. j_HMrbEH9Oo-00020-00008039-00008458 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I’m Brian Sebade, Exploring the Nature of j_HMrbEH9Oo-00021-00008458-00008470 Wyoming. j_ZxQipuf7A-00000-00000192-00000560 Might TLC star Amy Roloff be desperate for cash right now? j_ZxQipuf7A-00001-00000560-00000968 The Little People, Big World star may be looking for ways to make some extra money j_ZxQipuf7A-00002-00000968-00001248 while her family’s show isn’t airing on TV. Read on to get the full update. j_ZxQipuf7A-00003-00001248-00001648 Fans have enjoyed seeing the Roloffs on TV and getting to be a part of their lives. j_ZxQipuf7A-00004-00001648-00002056 The Roloff family has relied on TLC to help them pay their bills for years, j_ZxQipuf7A-00005-00002056-00002480 and it looks like they get paid a good amount of money for appearing on the network. j_ZxQipuf7A-00006-00002480-00002888 However, right now, new episodes of Little People, Big World aren’t airing. j_ZxQipuf7A-00007-00002888-00003368 The show hasn’t been officially renewed nor canceled, so fans will have to see what happens. j_ZxQipuf7A-00008-00003368-00003728 But due to the popularity of the show, it wouldn’t be a surprise if it came back. j_ZxQipuf7A-00009-00003784-00004160 While Amy Roloff waits for the show to return to TLC, might she be shilling her j_ZxQipuf7A-00010-00004160-00004464 products even harder to make some extra cash? Amy Roloff goes heavy on promoting her products. j_ZxQipuf7A-00011-00004464-00004944 In addition to being a part of TLC’s Little People, Big World, Amy has found other ways j_ZxQipuf7A-00012-00004944-00005536 to make money. The mom to four has written books and also runs her own online store. She sells a j_ZxQipuf7A-00013-00005536-00006064 variety of products, from jewelry to kitchenware. Recently, on social media, Amy Roloff has been j_ZxQipuf7A-00014-00006064-00006544 sharing lots of photos of products available on her online store. She shared a post about j_ZxQipuf7A-00015-00006544-00006984 the face masks she has for sale, as well as a post about the mugs in her shop. j_ZxQipuf7A-00016-00006984-00007328 While promoting her products and talking about how much she loves them, j_ZxQipuf7A-00017-00007328-00007823 she made sure to direct fans to the link in her Instagram bio to make a purchase. It’s possible j_ZxQipuf7A-00018-00007823-00008280 that she’s trying to bring in some additional cash while waiting for the LPBW fate to surface. j_ZxQipuf7A-00019-00008352-00008872 LPBW fans are also wondering if Amy Roloff is trying to shill her face masks especially hard j_ZxQipuf7A-00020-00008872-00009400 right now to clear out her stock. After all, mask mandates are being lifted in some places. j_ZxQipuf7A-00021-00009400-00009840 So, maybe she wants to get rid of all of the ones left in her shop before it’s too late. j_ZxQipuf7A-00022-00009840-00010240 Or she may have another reason to share so much about her shop right now. j_ZxQipuf7A-00023-00010240-00010560 So, do you think that Amy Roloff is desperate for cash right now? Or do j_ZxQipuf7A-00024-00010560-00010984 you think she’s simply promoting her products because she wants fans to know about them? j_ZxQipuf7A-00025-00010984-00011344 Let us know in the comments section below. For more news about the Little People, j_ZxQipuf7A-00026-00011344-00013157 Big World family, come back to TV Shows Ace. jAhUgUin1mc-00000-00000010-00000236 THING AND GET INTO CONFERENCE jAhUgUin1mc-00001-00000236-00000243 THING AND GET INTO CONFERENCE jAhUgUin1mc-00002-00000243-00000290 THING AND GET INTO CONFERENCE BLAY. jAhUgUin1mc-00003-00000290-00000296 THING AND GET INTO CONFERENCE BLAY. jAhUgUin1mc-00004-00000296-00000487 THING AND GET INTO CONFERENCE BLAY. >> AJ: SHOULD BE SOME GOOD jAhUgUin1mc-00005-00000487-00000493 BLAY. >> AJ: SHOULD BE SOME GOOD jAhUgUin1mc-00006-00000493-00000637 BLAY. >> AJ: SHOULD BE SOME GOOD MATCHUPS TOMORROW. jAhUgUin1mc-00007-00000637-00000643 >> AJ: SHOULD BE SOME GOOD MATCHUPS TOMORROW. jAhUgUin1mc-00008-00000643-00000693 >> AJ: SHOULD BE SOME GOOD MATCHUPS TOMORROW. >> DENNIS: THANKS. jAhUgUin1mc-00009-00000693-00000700 MATCHUPS TOMORROW. >> DENNIS: THANKS. jAhUgUin1mc-00010-00000700-00000767 MATCHUPS TOMORROW. >> DENNIS: THANKS. THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS jAhUgUin1mc-00011-00000767-00000774 >> DENNIS: THANKS. THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS jAhUgUin1mc-00012-00000774-00000987 >> DENNIS: THANKS. THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS ARE IN jAhUgUin1mc-00013-00000987-00000994 THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS ARE IN jAhUgUin1mc-00014-00000994-00001254 THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER RECITALS. jAhUgUin1mc-00015-00001254-00001261 SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER RECITALS. jAhUgUin1mc-00016-00001261-00001364 SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER RECITALS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE jAhUgUin1mc-00017-00001364-00001371 THE MIDDLE OF WINTER RECITALS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE jAhUgUin1mc-00018-00001371-00001528 THE MIDDLE OF WINTER RECITALS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE INTRODUCES US TO A FEW OF THIS jAhUgUin1mc-00019-00001528-00001534 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE INTRODUCES US TO A FEW OF THIS jAhUgUin1mc-00020-00001534-00001684 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE INTRODUCES US TO A FEW OF THIS YEAR'S TALENTED MUSICIANS FOR jAhUgUin1mc-00021-00001684-00001691 INTRODUCES US TO A FEW OF THIS YEAR'S TALENTED MUSICIANS FOR jAhUgUin1mc-00022-00001691-00001858 INTRODUCES US TO A FEW OF THIS YEAR'S TALENTED MUSICIANS FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. jAhUgUin1mc-00023-00001858-00001865 YEAR'S TALENTED MUSICIANS FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. jAhUgUin1mc-00024-00001865-00002008 YEAR'S TALENTED MUSICIANS FOR THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> AT MONTHS OF PRACTICING, THE jAhUgUin1mc-00025-00002008-00002015 THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> AT MONTHS OF PRACTICING, THE jAhUgUin1mc-00026-00002015-00002142 THIS WEEK'S IN FOCUS. >> AT MONTHS OF PRACTICING, THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS jAhUgUin1mc-00027-00002142-00002148 >> AT MONTHS OF PRACTICING, THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS jAhUgUin1mc-00028-00002148-00002248 >> AT MONTHS OF PRACTICING, THE STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS OF jAhUgUin1mc-00029-00002248-00002255 STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS OF jAhUgUin1mc-00030-00002255-00002415 STUDENTS AT THE HEADWATERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS OF BEMIDJI ARE FINALLY SHOWING OFF jAhUgUin1mc-00031-00002415-00002422 SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS OF BEMIDJI ARE FINALLY SHOWING OFF jAhUgUin1mc-00032-00002422-00002605 SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ARTS OF BEMIDJI ARE FINALLY SHOWING OFF THEIR TALENTS FOR THEIR ANNUAL jAhUgUin1mc-00033-00002605-00002612 BEMIDJI ARE FINALLY SHOWING OFF THEIR TALENTS FOR THEIR ANNUAL jAhUgUin1mc-00034-00002612-00002712 BEMIDJI ARE FINALLY SHOWING OFF THEIR TALENTS FOR THEIR ANNUAL WINTER RECITAL. jAhUgUin1mc-00035-00002712-00002719 THEIR TALENTS FOR THEIR ANNUAL WINTER RECITAL. jAhUgUin1mc-00036-00002719-00003049 THEIR TALENTS FOR THEIR ANNUAL WINTER RECITAL. >> I'M EXCITED BUT NERVOUS. jAhUgUin1mc-00037-00003049-00003056 WINTER RECITAL. >> I'M EXCITED BUT NERVOUS. jAhUgUin1mc-00038-00003056-00003156 WINTER RECITAL. >> I'M EXCITED BUT NERVOUS. >> SHIRELLE: THIS YEAR, THERE jAhUgUin1mc-00039-00003156-00003163 >> I'M EXCITED BUT NERVOUS. >> SHIRELLE: THIS YEAR, THERE jAhUgUin1mc-00040-00003163-00003379 >> I'M EXCITED BUT NERVOUS. >> SHIRELLE: THIS YEAR, THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS jAhUgUin1mc-00041-00003379-00003386 >> SHIRELLE: THIS YEAR, THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS jAhUgUin1mc-00042-00003386-00003450 >> SHIRELLE: THIS YEAR, THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS PERFORMING. jAhUgUin1mc-00043-00003450-00003456 ARE MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS PERFORMING. jAhUgUin1mc-00044-00003456-00003593 ARE MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS PERFORMING. >> WE HAVE STUDENTS RANGING FROM jAhUgUin1mc-00045-00003593-00003600 PERFORMING. >> WE HAVE STUDENTS RANGING FROM jAhUgUin1mc-00046-00003600-00003783 PERFORMING. >> WE HAVE STUDENTS RANGING FROM AGE 4 ALL THE WAY UP TO ABOUT jAhUgUin1mc-00047-00003783-00003790 >> WE HAVE STUDENTS RANGING FROM AGE 4 ALL THE WAY UP TO ABOUT jAhUgUin1mc-00048-00003790-00004047 >> WE HAVE STUDENTS RANGING FROM AGE 4 ALL THE WAY UP TO ABOUT AGE 80, AND THEY COME EVERY jAhUgUin1mc-00049-00004047-00004054 AGE 4 ALL THE WAY UP TO ABOUT AGE 80, AND THEY COME EVERY jAhUgUin1mc-00050-00004054-00004297 AGE 4 ALL THE WAY UP TO ABOUT AGE 80, AND THEY COME EVERY WEEK. jAhUgUin1mc-00051-00004297-00004304 AGE 80, AND THEY COME EVERY WEEK. jAhUgUin1mc-00052-00004304-00004434 AGE 80, AND THEY COME EVERY WEEK. >> SHIRELLE: EACH RECITAL IS jAhUgUin1mc-00053-00004434-00004441 WEEK. >> SHIRELLE: EACH RECITAL IS jAhUgUin1mc-00054-00004441-00004487 WEEK. >> SHIRELLE: EACH RECITAL IS NEVER THE SAME. jAhUgUin1mc-00055-00004487-00004494 >> SHIRELLE: EACH RECITAL IS NEVER THE SAME. jAhUgUin1mc-00056-00004494-00004654 >> SHIRELLE: EACH RECITAL IS NEVER THE SAME. THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM LESSONS jAhUgUin1mc-00057-00004654-00004661 NEVER THE SAME. THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM LESSONS jAhUgUin1mc-00058-00004661-00004961 NEVER THE SAME. THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM LESSONS LIKE PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HORNS jAhUgUin1mc-00059-00004961-00004968 THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM LESSONS LIKE PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HORNS jAhUgUin1mc-00060-00004968-00005078 THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM LESSONS LIKE PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HORNS AND SO MUCH MORE. jAhUgUin1mc-00061-00005078-00005085 LIKE PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HORNS AND SO MUCH MORE. jAhUgUin1mc-00062-00005085-00005311 LIKE PERCUSSION, GUITAR, HORNS AND SO MUCH MORE. >> THERE'S A LOT OF VALUE IN jAhUgUin1mc-00063-00005311-00005318 AND SO MUCH MORE. >> THERE'S A LOT OF VALUE IN jAhUgUin1mc-00064-00005318-00005455 AND SO MUCH MORE. >> THERE'S A LOT OF VALUE IN LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT, BECAUSE jAhUgUin1mc-00065-00005455-00005462 >> THERE'S A LOT OF VALUE IN LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT, BECAUSE jAhUgUin1mc-00066-00005462-00005725 >> THERE'S A LOT OF VALUE IN LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT, BECAUSE IT TEACHES ATTENTION AND FOCUS jAhUgUin1mc-00067-00005725-00005732 LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT, BECAUSE IT TEACHES ATTENTION AND FOCUS jAhUgUin1mc-00068-00005732-00005992 LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT, BECAUSE IT TEACHES ATTENTION AND FOCUS AND THE DILIGENCE TO KEEP GOING, jAhUgUin1mc-00069-00005992-00005999 IT TEACHES ATTENTION AND FOCUS AND THE DILIGENCE TO KEEP GOING, jAhUgUin1mc-00070-00005999-00006226 IT TEACHES ATTENTION AND FOCUS AND THE DILIGENCE TO KEEP GOING, BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALWAYS FUN. jAhUgUin1mc-00071-00006226-00006232 AND THE DILIGENCE TO KEEP GOING, BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALWAYS FUN. jAhUgUin1mc-00072-00006232-00006342 AND THE DILIGENCE TO KEEP GOING, BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALWAYS FUN. >> SHIRELLE: OVER TIME, STUDENTS jAhUgUin1mc-00073-00006342-00006349 BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALWAYS FUN. >> SHIRELLE: OVER TIME, STUDENTS jAhUgUin1mc-00074-00006349-00006463 BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALWAYS FUN. >> SHIRELLE: OVER TIME, STUDENTS CAN REALLY START TO SEE THEIR jAhUgUin1mc-00075-00006463-00006469 >> SHIRELLE: OVER TIME, STUDENTS CAN REALLY START TO SEE THEIR jAhUgUin1mc-00076-00006469-00006626 >> SHIRELLE: OVER TIME, STUDENTS CAN REALLY START TO SEE THEIR SKILLS IMPROVING. jAhUgUin1mc-00077-00006626-00006633 CAN REALLY START TO SEE THEIR SKILLS IMPROVING. jAhUgUin1mc-00078-00006633-00006770 CAN REALLY START TO SEE THEIR SKILLS IMPROVING. >> I LEARNED THAT EVEN IF YOU jAhUgUin1mc-00079-00006770-00006776 SKILLS IMPROVING. >> I LEARNED THAT EVEN IF YOU jAhUgUin1mc-00080-00006776-00006993 SKILLS IMPROVING. >> I LEARNED THAT EVEN IF YOU MESS UP, YOU CAN RESTART, AND jAhUgUin1mc-00081-00006993-00007000 >> I LEARNED THAT EVEN IF YOU MESS UP, YOU CAN RESTART, AND jAhUgUin1mc-00082-00007000-00007133 >> I LEARNED THAT EVEN IF YOU MESS UP, YOU CAN RESTART, AND I'VE LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS jAhUgUin1mc-00083-00007133-00007140 MESS UP, YOU CAN RESTART, AND I'VE LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS jAhUgUin1mc-00084-00007140-00007317 MESS UP, YOU CAN RESTART, AND I'VE LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS ABOUT MY VOICE. jAhUgUin1mc-00085-00007317-00007323 I'VE LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS ABOUT MY VOICE. jAhUgUin1mc-00086-00007323-00007530 I'VE LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS ABOUT MY VOICE. >> I'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO GOOD jAhUgUin1mc-00087-00007530-00007537 ABOUT MY VOICE. >> I'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO GOOD jAhUgUin1mc-00088-00007537-00008031 ABOUT MY VOICE. >> I'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO GOOD AND HOW TO NOT MAKE IT LOOK BAD. jAhUgUin1mc-00089-00008031-00008038 >> I'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO GOOD AND HOW TO NOT MAKE IT LOOK BAD. jAhUgUin1mc-00090-00008038-00008131 >> I'VE LEARNED HOW TO DO GOOD AND HOW TO NOT MAKE IT LOOK BAD. >> SHIRELLE: FOR SOME jAhUgUin1mc-00091-00008131-00008138 AND HOW TO NOT MAKE IT LOOK BAD. >> SHIRELLE: FOR SOME jAhUgUin1mc-00092-00008138-00008314 AND HOW TO NOT MAKE IT LOOK BAD. >> SHIRELLE: FOR SOME PERFORMERS, THE DAY OF THE jAhUgUin1mc-00093-00008314-00008321 >> SHIRELLE: FOR SOME PERFORMERS, THE DAY OF THE jAhUgUin1mc-00094-00008321-00008595 >> SHIRELLE: FOR SOME PERFORMERS, THE DAY OF THE RECITAL IS THE MOST jAhUgUin1mc-00095-00008595-00008601 PERFORMERS, THE DAY OF THE RECITAL IS THE MOST jAhUgUin1mc-00096-00008601-00008738 PERFORMERS, THE DAY OF THE RECITAL IS THE MOST NERVE-RACKING, BUT ONCE THEY GET jAhUgUin1mc-00097-00008738-00008745 RECITAL IS THE MOST NERVE-RACKING, BUT ONCE THEY GET jAhUgUin1mc-00098-00008745-00009055 RECITAL IS THE MOST NERVE-RACKING, BUT ONCE THEY GET UP ON STAGE, IT'S ALL WORTH IT. jAhUgUin1mc-00099-00009055-00009062 NERVE-RACKING, BUT ONCE THEY GET UP ON STAGE, IT'S ALL WORTH IT. jAhUgUin1mc-00100-00009062-00009239 NERVE-RACKING, BUT ONCE THEY GET UP ON STAGE, IT'S ALL WORTH IT. >> LIKE, EVERYONE WATCHING ME jAhUgUin1mc-00101-00009239-00009245 UP ON STAGE, IT'S ALL WORTH IT. >> LIKE, EVERYONE WATCHING ME jAhUgUin1mc-00102-00009245-00009496 UP ON STAGE, IT'S ALL WORTH IT. >> LIKE, EVERYONE WATCHING ME AND CLAPPING. jAhUgUin1mc-00103-00009496-00009502 >> LIKE, EVERYONE WATCHING ME AND CLAPPING. jAhUgUin1mc-00104-00009502-00009622 >> LIKE, EVERYONE WATCHING ME AND CLAPPING. >> SHIRELLE: WE HAVE A LIST OF jAhUgUin1mc-00105-00009622-00009629 AND CLAPPING. >> SHIRELLE: WE HAVE A LIST OF jAhUgUin1mc-00106-00009629-00009769 AND CLAPPING. >> SHIRELLE: WE HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE WEEKEND RECITAL TIMES jAhUgUin1mc-00107-00009769-00009776 >> SHIRELLE: WE HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE WEEKEND RECITAL TIMES jAhUgUin1mc-00108-00009776-00009923 >> SHIRELLE: WE HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE WEEKEND RECITAL TIMES ONLINE WITH THIS STORY. jAhUgUin1mc-00109-00009923-00009929 ALL THE WEEKEND RECITAL TIMES ONLINE WITH THIS STORY. jAhUgUin1mc-00110-00009929-00009979 ALL THE WEEKEND RECITAL TIMES ONLINE WITH THIS STORY. REPORTING IN BEMIDJI WITH THIS jAV2YsDSAwu-00000-00000250-00000552 lucid dreaming sex is one of those things by the way I'll probably jAV2YsDSAwu-00001-00000552-00001017 instantly B&D monetize for that but I don't care so lucid dreaming sex is one jAV2YsDSAwu-00002-00001017-00001280 of those things I made a video before about this explaining how to do it and jAV2YsDSAwu-00003-00001280-00001698 why you know it's fun why it's good there's actually something I'd like to jAV2YsDSAwu-00004-00001698-00002135 warn you about Listerine sex because I feel like a lot of people and I'm sure jAV2YsDSAwu-00005-00002135-00002376 you're one of them have tried to have sex in a lucid dream jAV2YsDSAwu-00006-00002376-00003132 and then realize that it's either woken them up prematurely or it's led to jAV2YsDSAwu-00007-00003132-00003396 something which you didn't want like a lucid nightmare or something like that jAV2YsDSAwu-00008-00003396-00004143 scary a few reasons for that so firstly lucid dreaming sex is obviously exciting jAV2YsDSAwu-00009-00004143-00004946 it's obviously stimulating and can even be considered to be overwhelming in many jAV2YsDSAwu-00010-00004946-00005312 cases especially if you're having fantasy sex with your celebrity crushes jAV2YsDSAwu-00011-00005312-00005871 and things like that I don't know what you guys are into so the warning I would jAV2YsDSAwu-00012-00005871-00006465 give you is this lucid dreaming is a special experience almost a commodity jAV2YsDSAwu-00013-00006465-00006933 not commodity in a sense that it will run out or that people are exploiting it jAV2YsDSAwu-00014-00006933-00007563 for commercial gain but more in the sense of that you have a finite number jAV2YsDSAwu-00015-00007563-00007979 of nights in your life I know this is going to be a bit bit too dark jAV2YsDSAwu-00016-00007979-00008367 probably for whichever time of day you're watching this you have a finite jAV2YsDSAwu-00017-00008367-00008825 amount of nights that you will have a dream in in your lifetime we have a jAV2YsDSAwu-00018-00008825-00009168 limited number of days in a life okay don't worry I'll bring this back around jAV2YsDSAwu-00019-00009168-00009698 to something happy so the question is we know that when you have lucid jAV2YsDSAwu-00020-00009698-00010181 dreaming sex you pretty much wake up fast you know you gonna wake up pretty jAV2YsDSAwu-00021-00010181-00010534 fast the diluted dream is not going to last more than a few seconds or minutes jAV2YsDSAwu-00022-00010534-00010928 and if it does you're just lucky all right most people lucid dreaming sex jAV2YsDSAwu-00023-00010928-00011594 ends the dreaming experience prematurely so the question is is it worth it is it jAV2YsDSAwu-00024-00011594-00012098 worth spending an entire night of Dreams just to have just a screw you're a jAV2YsDSAwu-00025-00012098-00012491 celebrity crush in a way that feels Hollow when you wake up it doesn't feel jAV2YsDSAwu-00026-00012491-00012944 satisfying or satiating so the question is are there better things more jAV2YsDSAwu-00027-00012944-00013472 meaningful things that you could do with that night of lucid dreams and I would jAV2YsDSAwu-00028-00013472-00013952 say yes there are so so and by the way this really depends on which stage jAV2YsDSAwu-00029-00013952-00014219 you're at if you're a beginner of course you can experiment with lucid dreaming jAV2YsDSAwu-00030-00014219-00014600 sex I highly recommend you do but if you've done this for a while if you've jAV2YsDSAwu-00031-00014600-00014936 been around the block as they say and you've you know it's not your first jAV2YsDSAwu-00032-00014936-00015587 rodeo I would suggest to you that there are better that there are better uses of jAV2YsDSAwu-00033-00015587-00016247 your dreams better uses of your lucidity than just banging celebrity crushes who jAV2YsDSAwu-00034-00016247-00016667 you think happens to look good wearing a miniskirt now I'm not saying that's not jAV2YsDSAwu-00035-00016667-00016988 fun I'm just saying there are better things you can do more meaningful jAV2YsDSAwu-00036-00016988-00017345 fulfilling things that will actually have an impact on your personal growth jAV2YsDSAwu-00037-00017345-00017882 and your life and therefore the personal growth and lives of others which in the jAV2YsDSAwu-00038-00017882-00018242 greater in the bigger picture it's probably more important isn't that jAV2YsDSAwu-00039-00018242-00018551 really when you think about it but you know I'm not saying you shouldn't jAV2YsDSAwu-00040-00018551-00018898 experiment with the stuff at the start of course you should but bear in mind jAV2YsDSAwu-00041-00018898-00019204 there's more important things you can do especially when you consider that doing jAV2YsDSAwu-00042-00019204-00019814 you're having lucid dreaming sex will probably end your dream prematurely now jAV2YsDSAwu-00043-00019814-00020243 if you're one of those lucky people who can have lucid sex and not end their jAV2YsDSAwu-00044-00020243-00020561 lucid dream prematurely and actually go on to have them or other experiences in jAV2YsDSAwu-00045-00020561-00020840 the same night then by all means you know go ahead jAV2YsDSAwu-00046-00020840-00021338 but most people cannot do that so that's the only warning I would give you and I jAV2YsDSAwu-00047-00021338-00021842 hope it makes sense I hope this doesn't just come across as as a weird warning jAV2YsDSAwu-00048-00021842-00022184 with no with no backing to it I hope you can understand that there probably are jAV2YsDSAwu-00049-00022184-00022467 more meaningful personal growth related experiences jAV2YsDSAwu-00050-00022467-00022988 that you could have outside of just banging celebrities or fantasy crushers jAV2YsDSAwu-00051-00022988-00023427 however there are a few of you who are gonna say things in the comments like jAV2YsDSAwu-00052-00023427-00023925 okay well what would you suggest I do what is better than having a erotic jAV2YsDSAwu-00053-00023925-00024495 experience with Megan Fox or whoever you happen to like look of well that's jAV2YsDSAwu-00054-00024495-00024773 actually a long topic and a how long come in recording we've been going for jAV2YsDSAwu-00055-00024773-00025134 four minutes so which is probably longer than you'll be going for in a lucid sex jAV2YsDSAwu-00056-00025134-00025530 situation just saying but I'm actually gonna save this for another video I'm jAV2YsDSAwu-00057-00025530-00025995 actually gonna talk about the the best things to do for personal growth in jAV2YsDSAwu-00058-00025995-00026436 another video because I want to go into in depth on that topic I don't feel it jAV2YsDSAwu-00059-00026436-00027054 feel like a four or five minute video is enough to justify that so if you do want jAV2YsDSAwu-00060-00027054-00027463 to see what I would suggest to do instead then subscribe to the channel jAV2YsDSAwu-00061-00027463-00028050 and have a look for if the video is not being posted yet then just just wait jAV2YsDSAwu-00062-00028050-00028647 longer but yeah I'm gonna post the video don't worry I will explain why I would jAV2YsDSAwu-00063-00028647-00029139 suggest to do instead what I would consider a better use of your lucid time jAV2YsDSAwu-00064-00029139-00029597 and why and you know how what it impact will have not only on you and your jAV2YsDSAwu-00065-00029597-00029978 personal growth but by doing that on the world as a whole and our collective jAV2YsDSAwu-00066-00029978-00030395 consciousness which by the way it's pretty important for the evolution of jAV2YsDSAwu-00067-00030395-00030807 our species anyway that's a very in-depth detailed topic I need to go I jAV2YsDSAwu-00068-00030807-00031125 need to spend at least 15 minutes explaining that one and I know you guys jAV2YsDSAwu-00069-00031125-00031506 don't like long videos you have other things to do you have cat videos to jAV2YsDSAwu-00070-00031506-00032019 watch and you know PewDiePie's videos to binge watch and things like that so I'm jAV2YsDSAwu-00071-00032019-00032336 not gonna keep to much for your time on this but if you do want to know jAV2YsDSAwu-00072-00032336-00032760 subscribe check out my other videos and leave a comment I'm pretty sure some of jAV2YsDSAwu-00073-00032760-00033213 you will disagree with me on this but I would suggest that those of you who jAV2YsDSAwu-00074-00033213-00033786 disagree with me on this either haven't experienced more meaningful things in a jAV2YsDSAwu-00075-00033786-00034131 litter dream or just don't really understand what I'm saying here anyway jAV2YsDSAwu-00076-00034131-00034497 leave a comment letting me know see you next time thanks for watching guys this jAV2YsDSAwu-00077-00034497-00034830 video and this channel was supported by my patreon followers please consider jAV2YsDSAwu-00078-00034830-00035172 giving just a dollar a month to support this channel or just click the links in jAV2YsDSAwu-00079-00035172-00035347 the description you'll find links to very jAV2YsDSAwu-00080-00035347-00035731 lucid dream products articles techniques and tutorials if you did enjoy this jAV2YsDSAwu-00081-00035731-00036288 video please click the notification Bell and subscribe and I'll see you next time jAV2YsDSAwu-00082-00036324-00036625 why are you still watching this you should have clicked one of my related jAV2YsDSAwu-00083-00036625-00036922 videos by now right or subscribed or gone on to my website jAV2YsDSAwu-00084-00036922-00037197 and one of that jDAufqt8nrQ-00000-00000669-00001129 Computers understand only two digits, a zero and a one. jDAufqt8nrQ-00001-00001129-00001445 This may seem like a funny choice to you, but consider that it was made for practical jDAufqt8nrQ-00002-00001445-00001619 purposes. jDAufqt8nrQ-00003-00001619-00002094 Early computers had devices called flip-flops, which you can think of like a light switch. jDAufqt8nrQ-00004-00002094-00002476 They could store information as either on or off. jDAufqt8nrQ-00005-00002476-00002889 The one or zero was stored as a voltage, the presence of a certain voltage meant that the jDAufqt8nrQ-00006-00002889-00003354 switch was on, the absence meant it was off. jDAufqt8nrQ-00007-00003354-00003819 The modern day transistor also behaves this way, and its invention allowed for us to greatly jDAufqt8nrQ-00008-00003819-00004282 reduce the size of computers due to the way in which the transistor could be packed densely jDAufqt8nrQ-00009-00004282-00004657 onto a piece of silicon. jDAufqt8nrQ-00010-00004657-00005021 A system using only two digits is called binary. jDAufqt8nrQ-00011-00005021-00005496 With binary, we can represent all of the same numbers that we can in decimal, it just requires jDAufqt8nrQ-00012-00005496-00005608 more digits. jDAufqt8nrQ-00013-00005608-00006055 This chart here shows the first thirty-two binary numbers. jDAufqt8nrQ-00014-00006055-00006412 You might want to see if you notice any patterns in the way the numbers progress before we jDAufqt8nrQ-00015-00006412-00006693 move on. jDAufqt8nrQ-00016-00006693-00007228 To understand binary, or base-2, let's break down decimal, base-10. jDAufqt8nrQ-00017-00007228-00007501 Consider the number one thousand, three hundred and eight. jDAufqt8nrQ-00018-00007501-00007654 This has four decimal digits. jDAufqt8nrQ-00019-00007654-00008223 I will re-write this number so that you can see base-10 in action. jDAufqt8nrQ-00020-00008223-00009025 Notice we can write this as 1 times 1000, 3 times 100, 0 times 10 and 8 times 1. jDAufqt8nrQ-00021-00009025-00009200 The sum of those four numbers equals 1308. jDAufqt8nrQ-00022-00009200-00009998 Now in turn, note that for each multiplication, the second number is a power of ten. jDAufqt8nrQ-00023-00009998-00010929 Let's rewrite this one more time as 1 times 10^3, 3 times 10^2, 0 times 10^1 and 8 times jDAufqt8nrQ-00024-00010929-00011029 10^0. jDAufqt8nrQ-00025-00011029-00011446 The binary system works the same way, but we use powers of two instead of powers of jDAufqt8nrQ-00026-00011446-00011599 ten. jDAufqt8nrQ-00027-00011599-00011960 We're not so used to thinking this way, so it takes more time for us to translate these jDAufqt8nrQ-00028-00011960-00012110 numbers. jDAufqt8nrQ-00029-00012110-00012788 When we write the binary number 1101, we apply the same process as with our decimal number jDAufqt8nrQ-00030-00012788-00013056 1308. jDAufqt8nrQ-00031-00013056-00013391 Here we'll replace the powers of 10 with powers of 2. jDAufqt8nrQ-00032-00013391-00013572 We'll look at this in our next lesson. jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00000-00001448-00001548 [Music] jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00001-00001548-00001648 [Music] jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00002-00001648-00002075 so but how the next question would be how do we store and protect all of this sensitive jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00003-00002075-00002766 data that is collected in various uh repositories and other places so to answer that question jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00004-00002766-00003332 we're going to turn our attention to and welcome on board great henriksen from the norwegian jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00005-00003332-00004048 center for research data will be talking to us about how the ces the data management expert jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00006-00004048-00004786 guide can guide researchers on storing and protecting data that is highly sensitive as jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00007-00004786-00005284 in the case of cancer and chronic diseases so you can you feel free yes here we go um jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00008-00005284-00005550 so the floor is yours then dry thank you very much jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00009-00005550-00006729 hello everybody i will start with a short introduction um to the data management expert jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00010-00006729-00007466 guide it is a guide for researchers with lots of information on how to manage their research jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00011-00007466-00008181 data it is one central place for information on research data management and it is created jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00012-00008181-00009203 by the susta training team from 2017 to 2020 and it it's still being updated um up to today jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00013-00009203-00010384 it is free of use you can find it in the sesta pages um it is mainly for for new researchers jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00014-00010384-00011124 but you can also find lots of information and tips and more links and more documentation jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00015-00011124-00012053 in the guide even if you are experienced researcher the dbag follows the data life cycles that jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00016-00012053-00012719 means that you will find information on all the stages in a research project so you can jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00017-00012719-00013277 see how you can manage your data throughout the data life cycle and when we are talking jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00018-00013277-00014045 about the data life cycle this implies that the data research data lives on it is not jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00019-00014045-00014770 like they get less and less valued the more you use it and you can also see here that jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00020-00014770-00015661 my talk today will be about the store and protect faces of of the data live cycle and jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00021-00015661-00016651 the dmacc so data storage where can you store your data do you store it on your hard drive jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00022-00016651-00017655 and the cloud service research server or your laptop this is questions that the data management jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00023-00017655-00018281 expert guides kind of show you the pros and cons on how to store your data what kind of jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00024-00018281-00018959 requirements do your institution have do your funding have some kind of requirements so jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00025-00018959-00019475 all these are questions that you have to be aware of when you are going to store your jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00026-00019475-00020648 data and how about backups access restrictions software malfunctions and data integrity are jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00027-00020648-00021264 you storing your data for instance in your laptop are you taking some backups do you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00028-00021264-00021848 have some backup routines with your story or data like that do you have access restriction jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00029-00021848-00022567 for for instance if you use a research server do your institutions provide you with a research jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00030-00022567-00023192 server where you could store your data and do you have some kind of restriction on access jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00031-00023192-00023801 can for instance everybody affiliated with the project can they upload data can they jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00032-00023801-00024534 also delete data and how about data integrity do you have some kind of checksums when your jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00033-00024534-00025175 data is stored and when we are talking about storage of data that is the process when you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00034-00025175-00026129 are still working with your data so you are analyzing you are organizing you are doing jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00035-00026129-00026824 things with your data when you store them and that means that you also if you have collaborators jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00036-00026824-00027723 in that project they can also kind of add delete and edit data so you need some kind jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00037-00027723-00028702 of uh routines on how to to um to handle that and also with backups are you certain that jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00038-00028702-00029568 you have backups are they stored for instance a secure place and software malfunctions so jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00039-00029568-00030316 if you have for instance you are using one program software and there is an upgrade how jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00040-00030316-00030944 are you supposed to transport your data from one upgrade to another one and if you use jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00041-00030944-00031913 another software and they have a problem some things happens maybe the data will be destroyed jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00042-00031913-00032500 do you have some checksums do you know that the data you are working on are the same data jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00043-00032500-00033260 you uploaded have anybody in the project been into it and maybe edit some data and we also jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00044-00033260-00033751 know that we changed our data so when you are organizing and when you are analyzing jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00045-00033751-00034440 you may use indexes for instance like the last speaker what hookingboard she had made jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00046-00034440-00035286 indexes so how are you going to keep track on how to to document this which kind of data jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00047-00035286-00035616 do you have jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00048-00035616-00036122 and when we are talking about data protection that's a legal and ethical obligation to your jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00049-00036122-00036987 participants and you must upheld this scientific standards that means that you have to have jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00050-00036987-00037796 for instance a purpose you have to have a scientific aim for your project yeah and you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00051-00037796-00038525 have to be in compliance with the law so that means that you have to have uh for instance jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00052-00038525-00039431 consent if you are collecting personal data have you asked for the consent for the participants jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00053-00039431-00040100 so you cannot collect data or handle data that you are do not have the legal basis to jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00054-00040100-00040755 have and you also have to avoid it of social and personal harm so that means you have to jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00055-00040755-00041727 be aware that are you collecting data that in some way can harm your participants for jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00056-00041727-00042493 instance are you collecting data of sensitive sensitive data and you know that they're living jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00057-00042493-00043244 in society where this data may be dangerous for them so then you have to protect that jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00058-00043244-00044019 data in a special way and you have to protect your participants and there are also the ethical jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00059-00044019-00045144 review process ethical reuse may be done by ethics committees this is uh different in jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00060-00045144-00045843 the different nationalities or different countries so you have to be aware what kind of regulation jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00061-00045843-00046596 is in your country and you have the ethical self-assessment that's um you have to ask jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00062-00046596-00047388 yourself a couple of questions um what are the methods you are going to use what are jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00063-00047388-00048137 the aim of your project and also do you really need to have personal identifiable data for jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00064-00048137-00049221 instance and also can this data that you collect be dangerous for the participants you are jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00065-00049221-00049869 collecting data from rules and guidelines will differ different from country to country jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00066-00049869-00050556 as well as from research funders and different research founders so you have to check you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00067-00050556-00051334 have to be aware of what kind of regulation there is in your country and also in your jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00068-00051334-00052122 research do the funders of your research do they have some rules and guidelines so and jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00069-00052122-00052874 you can find lots of information about this of course in the data management guide when jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00070-00052874-00053641 we are talking about data protection we cannot not talk about the gdpr it's um it came in jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00071-00053641-00054655 in 1918 and it is regarding personal data of eu citizen it the purpose of the gdpr was jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00072-00054655-00055605 to give us more and better control over our own personal data and it was also aiming to jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00073-00055605-00056426 make it easier to share data between countries but of course this can be still a little bit jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00074-00056426-00057014 difficult because you do not only have the gdpr but you also have national law on data jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00075-00057014-00057795 protection for instance in norway we have our national law on top of the gdpr that in jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00076-00057795-00058914 some cases can make data sharing more difficult difficult than it was kind of expected so jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00077-00058914-00059684 and there is two approaches regarding uh data protection and personal data and that is do jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00078-00059684-00060484 you really need to have personal data can you for instance collect anonymous data do jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00079-00060484-00061364 you need to identify one unique person in your data material and if you do you can also jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00080-00061364-00062235 anonymize your data before you for instance store them or archive them so you have to jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00081-00062235-00062990 think ahead do i really need this data and you also have to to prepare what kind of legal jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00082-00062990-00063957 basis do i need to be able to collect and store this data and last jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00083-00063957-00064770 plan ahead in the data management management expert guide you will find lots of questions jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00084-00064770-00065495 and checklists for data management plan a data management plan is a useful tool to plan jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00085-00065495-00066281 ahead to think ahead to ask the questions in all the jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00086-00066281-00067061 points in the data life cycle but especially in storage and protecting because then you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00087-00067061-00067813 can see already in the beginning of your project what kind of storage facility do you need jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00088-00067813-00068707 what kind of protection will your data need so you can plan ahead you can contact the jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00089-00068707-00069195 ite departments you can jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00090-00069195-00069876 give everybody in the project information about how to do this and the data management jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00091-00069876-00070636 experts guide we give you lots of information about how to do this pros and cons for instance jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00092-00070636-00071570 regarding storage medium and also what kind of regulation do you have for protecting data jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00093-00071570-00072519 the different nationalities and the different countries regulation so i will strongly suggest jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00094-00072519-00073318 that haven't you been unseen and checked out the data management expert guide i would definitely jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00095-00073318-00073637 recommend you to do that thank you jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00096-00073637-00074426 thanks a lot great i think that was very interesting to understand also the vast amount of information jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00097-00074426-00074924 that these european data experts have collected over the over the three years that that this jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00098-00074924-00075571 this this work took uh they are uh they are the experts that deal with this on a daily jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00099-00075571-00076043 basis and have collected all the information on the european diversity that you showed jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00100-00076043-00076494 on the ethical review process everything you need to know about the data protection and jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00101-00076494-00076845 the gdpr i think that was really interesting to see thank you for that jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00102-00076845-00076945 [Music] jHtHG-FJ8Ng-00103-00076945-00076946 [Music] you jI8ndaoJDru-00000-00000696-00001350 In this video, we will see how to draw a txy diagram using CHEMSEP package jI8ndaoJDru-00001-00001722-00002232 first open CHEMSEP program and create a new simulation jI8ndaoJDru-00002-00002334-00002844 our goal is to create a txy diagram for ethanol water system jI8ndaoJDru-00003-00003060-00003510 set the title to txy diagram for ethanol water mixture jI8ndaoJDru-00004-00003858-00004356 next we'll need to set the components jI8ndaoJDru-00005-00004506-00005010 the components can be accessed via the components tab in the left hand pane jI8ndaoJDru-00006-00005328-00005868 click on the component tab then enter the desired components in the find box jI8ndaoJDru-00007-00006126-00006792 first type ethanol in the search box ethanol will be highlighted from the components Data Bank jI8ndaoJDru-00008-00006888-00007302 click on ADD button to add the component in the simulation jI8ndaoJDru-00009-00007452-00007890 next search for water and add it to the simulation jI8ndaoJDru-00010-00008310-00009276 now both the components are specified next go to the properties Tab and set the property packages jI8ndaoJDru-00011-00009648-00009996 for this problem we will select ideal properties jI8ndaoJDru-00012-00010236-00010902 therefore set Rault's lawfor K values Antoine's equation for vapor pressure jI8ndaoJDru-00013-00010968-00011172 an ideal enthalpy calculation jI8ndaoJDru-00014-00011262-00012114 as we only need to create a Txy diagram all the input required is complete jI8ndaoJDru-00015-00012396-00012588 click on the analysis menu on the top jI8ndaoJDru-00016-00012852-00013272 and select phase diagram binary from the drop down menu jI8ndaoJDru-00017-00013482-00013734 select Txy from type jI8ndaoJDru-00018-00014178-00014550 we want to calculate the Txy diagram at atmospheric pressure jI8ndaoJDru-00019-00014610-00015294 therefore just keep 101 325 Newtons per meter Square in the pressure dialog jI8ndaoJDru-00020-00015558-00015966 click on the calculate button to generate binary phase diagram jI8ndaoJDru-00021-00016163-00016566 close the data view by clicking done button to reveal the graph jI8ndaoJDru-00022-00016752-00017424 the Txy diagram shows temperature on y axis and mole fraction of ethanol on x-axis jI8ndaoJDru-00023-00017616-00018162 it is well known that the ethanol water mixture forms an azeotrope jI8ndaoJDru-00024-00018258-00018774 the phase diagram that we have obtained does not show an azeotrope jI8ndaoJDru-00025-00018984-00019266 can you find out appropriate property methods to jI8ndaoJDru-00026-00019266-00020076 use so that we can get realistic txy diagram for ethanol and water? jIjc27EiJhA-00000-00000000-00000200 memory skills, improve memory, memorise capacity, 100 times speed memory, how to improve memory jKdipoKIU8M-00000-00000603-00001067 "Today is Sungchan's first day to go out drinking alone with Yuka's dad” jKdipoKIU8M-00001-00001067-00001241 “They are going to a yakitori restaurant recommended by Yuka’s Dad" jKdipoKIU8M-00002-00001241-00001825 “It's not crowded, so it's stress-free” jKdipoKIU8M-00003-00001825-00001895 Please sit here, Sungchan jKdipoKIU8M-00004-00001895-00002012 Y..yes! jKdipoKIU8M-00005-00002292-00002469 What are we going to eat?? jKdipoKIU8M-00006-00002469-00002752 As you recommend father jKdipoKIU8M-00007-00002752-00002969 "Let's start with the chicken stew" jKdipoKIU8M-00008-00002969-00003276 "Sungchan, who can't drink alcohol, ordered lemon sour lol” jKdipoKIU8M-00009-00003276-00003410 Yeah! let’s drink! jKdipoKIU8M-00010-00003410-00003636 Cheers!!! jKdipoKIU8M-00011-00003720-00003967 Sungchan cannot drink much….lol jKdipoKIU8M-00012-00003967-00004227 Are you okay? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00013-00004227-00004708 “it’s first time them to drink outside together today, so I think it's still a little awkward." jKdipoKIU8M-00014-00005181-00005458 (Sunchan... Don't just eat and talk a little bit…lol) jKdipoKIU8M-00015-00005458-00005675 (Gulp down the soup) jKdipoKIU8M-00016-00005939-00006302 “Sungchan looks around to hide the awkwardness lol” jKdipoKIU8M-00017-00006302-00006569 “Alright now I feel awkwards watching these two “LOL jKdipoKIU8M-00018-00006569-00006843 (Yuka’s daddy, Are you thinking about talking something, too?lol ) jKdipoKIU8M-00019-00006843-00007127 I'm glad the car was fixed soon (a word that was finally released) jKdipoKIU8M-00020-00007127-00007323 How much did it cost altogether?(Repair fee) jKdipoKIU8M-00021-00007323-00007500 (I’M SURE he came here just to eat.) jKdipoKIU8M-00022-00007500-00007847 Well... Well... (You won't pay me, will you?)lol jKdipoKIU8M-00023-00007847-00008114 (Silent Again) jKdipoKIU8M-00024-00008114-00008485 (What should I~~~~talk~~~what should I ask~~~~) jKdipoKIU8M-00025-00008485-00008808 Well, there were a lot of things... It's going well LOL jKdipoKIU8M-00026-00008808-00008942 Yeah right…. jKdipoKIU8M-00027-00009102-00009399 I've been in Japan for three months, two and a half months... jKdipoKIU8M-00028-00009399-00009652 What? What? No, it's 4 months (too long man) jKdipoKIU8M-00029-00009652-00009839 No, no... It's been 3 months (stubborn ) jKdipoKIU8M-00030-00009839-00010053 It’s going to be 3months soon jKdipoKIU8M-00031-00010136-00010537 5 years? This time, 3 years!I got 3 years visa this time!(Sungchan's Japanese visa) jKdipoKIU8M-00032-00010537-00010864 Does that mean you can go back and forth within three years? jKdipoKIU8M-00033-00010864-00011097 You can go back and forth freely. jKdipoKIU8M-00034-00011097-00011394 Yes, of course...(Are you coming again...) jKdipoKIU8M-00035-00011394-00011825 “silent mode again lol” jKdipoKIU8M-00036-00011825-00012202 thinking thinking thinking…. jKdipoKIU8M-00037-00012202-00012369 So…. jKdipoKIU8M-00038-00012369-00012672 ( So what?! lol ) jKdipoKIU8M-00039-00012672-00013036 "The owner also served yakitori very quickly” jKdipoKIU8M-00040-00013563-00013810 (You eat A LOT) jKdipoKIU8M-00041-00013810-00014304 “Sungchan is getting nervous??? or….not? “ jKdipoKIU8M-00042-00014334-00014711 Isn't it the first time you've lived with me this long?How was it? jKdipoKIU8M-00043-00014711-00015078 It was fun, also Rohan is getting so jKdipoKIU8M-00044-00015078-00015505 matured compare to the time he came here and now. I am so impressed jKdipoKIU8M-00045-00015505-00015699 (he buys time by coughing) jKdipoKIU8M-00046-00015699-00016062 Well, we’ll be lonely after you guys go... jKdipoKIU8M-00047-00016062-00016169 oh really? jKdipoKIU8M-00048-00016169-00016483 Yeah of course..! because suddenly three of you guys leave jKdipoKIU8M-00049-00016690-00017013 "Yuka’s Dad, who chooses the menu as Sungchan likes." jKdipoKIU8M-00050-00017013-00017410 "In the meantime, he is trying to figure out what to talk about next." jKdipoKIU8M-00051-00017410-00017701 "First of all, have another drink lol” jKdipoKIU8M-00052-00018014-00018268 Oh you are fast frinking that! Are you okay? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00053-00018268-00018368 I'll adjust it today jKdipoKIU8M-00054-00018368-00018631 No you don’t need to LOL jKdipoKIU8M-00055-00019976-00020206 better to eat while it’s warm…! How’s the taste? jKdipoKIU8M-00056-00020206-00020363 Yeah it’s so good jKdipoKIU8M-00057-00020400-00020653 We have to eat Yakitori when we came to Japan jKdipoKIU8M-00058-00020727-00020980 Are you really coming to Kobe this time?(I plan to go to Kobe) jKdipoKIU8M-00059-00020980-00021448 But when you come to Kobe, you know that right??? jKdipoKIU8M-00060-00021531-00021925 it’s my birthday~~~~~~ jKdipoKIU8M-00061-00021925-00022198 but you know…you don’t need to work-hard and buy…. jKdipoKIU8M-00062-00022198-00022575 You know that I don’t like any surprises , RIGHT?? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00063-00022575-00022839 What's my score?Out of 100? jKdipoKIU8M-00064-00022839-00023146 It’s 100 of course jKdipoKIU8M-00065-00023146-00023480 How was it at first…me as a foreigners... jKdipoKIU8M-00066-00023480-00023783 I doesn’t matter!! really I don’t think that way jKdipoKIU8M-00067-00023783-00023913 Oh really? so, nationality didn’t matter to you? jKdipoKIU8M-00068-00023913-00024080 not at all! of course! jKdipoKIU8M-00069-00025115-00025622 “Sungchan enjoys drinking with father and delicious snacks, so he is drinking more than usual." jKdipoKIU8M-00070-00025732-00025899 hey you’re drinking a lot lol, are you alright? jKdipoKIU8M-00071-00025899-00026092 yeah but you know today is very special jKdipoKIU8M-00072-00026092-00026309 Yuka is annoying sometimes LOL jKdipoKIU8M-00073-00026426-00027006 “another drink” jKdipoKIU8M-00074-00027504-00027911 I am worried if you are ok or not LOL jKdipoKIU8M-00075-00027911-00028158 If you fall down here, there's you here, so no worries ,right? jKdipoKIU8M-00076-00028158-00028395 Don't fall down man,pleaase! lol jKdipoKIU8M-00077-00028395-00028538 Can I have this? (cute) jKdipoKIU8M-00078-00028538-00028868 Of course, it's your money hehe jKdipoKIU8M-00079-00028868-00029005 “You basterd” jKdipoKIU8M-00080-00029005-00029406 I worked hard on stocks to come to Japan jKdipoKIU8M-00081-00029406-00029746 I lost the other day. Dad,you too right? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00082-00029776-00029913 How much was it??? jKdipoKIU8M-00083-00029913-00030173 1,200,000yen….. jKdipoKIU8M-00084-00030430-00030637 Hmm~~ it’s good jKdipoKIU8M-00085-00030637-00030770 Yeah so good jKdipoKIU8M-00086-00031377-00031641 you became a drinker or something lol jKdipoKIU8M-00087-00031641-00032058 Oh wait, yeah but when I watched Kdramas, it's not like this, right? jKdipoKIU8M-00088-00032058-00032419 It's straight and small, so it's cool to drink soju quickly like that jKdipoKIU8M-00089-00032419-00032589 (dad…I cannot do that lol) jKdipoKIU8M-00090-00032589-00032812 What's your father's favorite drink? jKdipoKIU8M-00091-00032812-00033173 I really don't like alcohol... I really don't have any favorite alcohol.(lying lol) jKdipoKIU8M-00092-00033213-00033390 I don't like alcohol... lol (Both of them lie as soon as they open their mouths) jKdipoKIU8M-00093-00033390-00033653 You are so funny lol jKdipoKIU8M-00094-00033817-00034120 I've never thought it was delicious lol jKdipoKIU8M-00095-00034144-00034374 Today I feel these drinks are delicious jKdipoKIU8M-00096-00034374-00034667 Hey don’t drink too much man lol it’s ok that you don’t drink anymore jKdipoKIU8M-00097-00035552-00035688 I think you like it jKdipoKIU8M-00098-00035688-00035955 Oooh nice! jKdipoKIU8M-00099-00036025-00036312 It’s like pork soup sells in Busan jKdipoKIU8M-00100-00036312-00036589 What's your favorite food in Korea? jKdipoKIU8M-00101-00036589-00036953 It's galbi! I want to eat ribs with bones. jKdipoKIU8M-00102-00036953-00037360 and …..samgaetang jKdipoKIU8M-00103-00037600-00037864 I think Yuka will definitely like this. jKdipoKIU8M-00104-00038168-00038271 Isn’t it too salty? jKdipoKIU8M-00105-00038271-00038425 oh but it’s good jKdipoKIU8M-00106-00038611-00038918 Hey, it's delicious because I'm drinking with you today. jKdipoKIU8M-00107-00038918-00039132 Hey stop it lol jKdipoKIU8M-00108-00039132-00039499 hmm Should I wait till 25th on this month? jKdipoKIU8M-00109-00039499-00039622 Why? wait for what? jKdipoKIU8M-00110-00039622-00039943 A gift for you jKdipoKIU8M-00111-00039943-00040143 But since it's your birthday next March. jKdipoKIU8M-00112-00040143-00040477 Yeah... That's double the price, isn't it? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00113-00040477-00040647 I have to make money on stocks lol jKdipoKIU8M-00114-00040647-00041000 That's why I'm losing money.Both of us lol jKdipoKIU8M-00115-00041000-00041194 Let’s go Las Vegas for the last time? jKdipoKIU8M-00116-00041194-00041454 Oh, good. I want to go with you jKdipoKIU8M-00117-00041454-00041715 In one game, you know? jKdipoKIU8M-00118-00041715-00041808 Nice~ jKdipoKIU8M-00119-00041808-00042021 Yes, I definitely want to go there again (Las Vegas ) jKdipoKIU8M-00120-00042021-00042218 How many years ago was that? jKdipoKIU8M-00121-00042218-00042315 30 jKdipoKIU8M-00122-00042315-00042712 30 years? Oh wow….but the hotel isn’t there anymore maybe??? jKdipoKIU8M-00123-00042712-00042892 Hey yeah maybe…! (because I am old now) jKdipoKIU8M-00124-00042892-00043346 "Now the atmosphere is quite harmonious."" jKdipoKIU8M-00125-00043346-00043853 "Yuka Dad looked so happy and told me a lot of things." jKdipoKIU8M-00126-00043853-00044174 (hey….but are you ok? lol) jKdipoKIU8M-00127-00044174-00044384 (help me pleaaaase?) jKdipoKIU8M-00128-00044384-00044461 the last cheers! jKdipoKIU8M-00129-00044728-00045181 "So we're almost done with our first drinking party." jKdipoKIU8M-00130-00045181-00045308 SO good!!! jKdipoKIU8M-00131-00045308-00045462 Oh did you take movie???? jKdipoKIU8M-00132-00045462-00045532 no? I didnt? lol jKdipoKIU8M-00133-00045532-00045842 Right? What? If you're filming, I wanted to do little more... jKdipoKIU8M-00134-00045842-00046082 like this~~ hehe it’s too late, huh? jKdipoKIU8M-00135-00046262-00046389 oh….daddy… jKdipoKIU8M-00136-00046389-00046609 "Actually, we joke like this every day and get along well" jKdipoKIU8M-00137-00046709-00046976 "And they stopped by the billiard room before they got home." jKdipoKIU8M-00138-00046976-00047317 "Unlike Korea, Japan has many styles called pocket balls." jKdipoKIU8M-00139-00047454-00047901 "Do you have this in the billiard room?" lol jKdipoKIU8M-00140-00047981-00048288 Yeah... How do I do this? jKdipoKIU8M-00141-00048288-00048571 I really forgot. I'm not confident…. jKdipoKIU8M-00142-00048571-00048958 Why aren't you confident? (Billiards for the first time in 3 years) jKdipoKIU8M-00143-00050133-00050497 Well, that's what it is, isn't it?lol jKdipoKIU8M-00144-00050804-00051057 “Sungchan is going to teach for Yuka ’s Dad." jKdipoKIU8M-00145-00051057-00051361 (IS this new K-drama or something???? lol) jKdipoKIU8M-00146-00051524-00051985 (The picture is weird, isn't it?) jKdipoKIU8M-00147-00052489-00052856 It's been a long time since I played billiards. jKdipoKIU8M-00148-00053433-00053553 OOhh nice jKdipoKIU8M-00149-00053553-00053860 You did great!!!! jKdipoKIU8M-00150-00054471-00054614 oooh noooo jKdipoKIU8M-00151-00054614-00054878 daddyyyy jKdipoKIU8M-00152-00054878-00055168 It was a good game, thank you! jKdipoKIU8M-00153-00055308-00055999 "This was my first date with Yuka’s Dad." jKdipoKIU8M-00154-00056996-00057484 Thank you for watching till the end! jKdipoKIU8M-00155-00057484-00057861 See you on next time~~!! jNQzjJv0Oko-00000-00001104-00001852 Computer vision capabilities have rapidly been advancing and are expected to become an important component to incident and disaster response. jNQzjJv0Oko-00001-00001936-00002416 However, the majority of video analytics are not meeting Public Safety's needs jNQzjJv0Oko-00002-00002436-00002812 due to the lack of appropriate training data and requirements. jNQzjJv0Oko-00003-00002856-00003290 In response, through a partnership with the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, jNQzjJv0Oko-00004-00003321-00004091 We've developed a labeled imagery and video data set to support response and research. As this data set is for Public Safety, jNQzjJv0Oko-00005-00004139-00004526 We started with community outreach to identify their needs and expectations. jNQzjJv0Oko-00006-00004830-00005007 You put me in Puerto Rico jNQzjJv0Oko-00007-00005007-00005621 You put me down in Harvey, you put me in the Florida Keys where all the cell towers are down, and there's nothing, jNQzjJv0Oko-00008-00005671-00006077 ... guess what... there aren't no cell phones and there might not be any SATphones. jNQzjJv0Oko-00009-00006298-00006677 As we saw in Harvey, was an entire-- it's a small city jNQzjJv0Oko-00010-00006754-00006951 of Wharton, Texas, you know jNQzjJv0Oko-00011-00006951-00007352 and that's a really large area to go into blindly and jNQzjJv0Oko-00012-00007395-00007997 And not really know what's going on because the communications are down, but they can't really identify what hazards are there. jNQzjJv0Oko-00013-00008104-00008900 And no other rescuers have been in that area. So, the sooner that we can get some type of intelligence on that that area, jNQzjJv0Oko-00014-00009034-00009411 the better we can plan and prepare our people for the environment itself. jNQzjJv0Oko-00016-00009899-00010299 I think even the short-term vertical takeoff and landing systems, jNQzjJv0Oko-00017-00010300-00010946 They can give you the real-time tactical intelligence of your area of operation before you have to put people in harm's way downrange jNQzjJv0Oko-00019-00011276-00011422 I mean, we, jNQzjJv0Oko-00020-00011422-00011622 oftentimes, you know jNQzjJv0Oko-00021-00011653-00012255 Enter environments that you kind of have somewhat of a description from people, but you can't actually physically see it jNQzjJv0Oko-00022-00012367-00012559 and actually jNQzjJv0Oko-00023-00012560-00013108 transmit to your people what type of additional personal protective equipment they want might want to bring in. jNQzjJv0Oko-00024-00013213-00013769 Because, you know, you didn't realize that there's power lines that are now down, you know, jNQzjJv0Oko-00025-00013772-00014036 maybe 200 yards down the road that you can't see. jNQzjJv0Oko-00026-00014044-00014452 or an overturned tanker truck with some type of placard on it jNQzjJv0Oko-00027-00014456-00014858 that says it's methyl ethyl "death" that you wouldn't have known, jNQzjJv0Oko-00028-00014869-00015328 had you started traversing that particular area that hasn't been reconned yet. jNQzjJv0Oko-00029-00015644-00016230 Based on our outreach and review, this data fit should help develop capabilities that improve incident and threat descriptions, jNQzjJv0Oko-00030-00016280-00016834 improve two-way situational awareness, and minimize implementing new workload or policies. jNQzjJv0Oko-00031-00016846-00016986 For this initial data set, jNQzjJv0Oko-00032-00016987-00017659 we focused on body-worn-camera law enforcement scenarios of a foot pursuit and approach in an incident and an urban search and rescue jNQzjJv0Oko-00033-00017681-00018267 wide area search scenario. These were selected because they are common scenarios nationwide and jNQzjJv0Oko-00034-00018307-00018507 maximize the utility of the dataset. jNQzjJv0Oko-00035-00018835-00019533 For the law enforcement scenarios, officers often spend time completing reports, driving, knocking on doors, or speaking to people. jNQzjJv0Oko-00036-00019562-00020128 These tasks have many features of interest, such as an inside of a vehicle or a group of people, jNQzjJv0Oko-00037-00020142-00020468 which can be captured using representative video. jNQzjJv0Oko-00038-00020576-00020868 Sensitive and private operational law enforcement video, jNQzjJv0Oko-00039-00020874-00021406 which is often difficult to obtain, is not required to capture the technical features of interest jNQzjJv0Oko-00040-00021425-00021729 associated with many daily law enforcement activities. jNQzjJv0Oko-00041-00022382-00023022 Public safety outreach indicated a need for an airborne-based dataset to support search and rescue operations. jNQzjJv0Oko-00042-00023074-00023774 A common future vision is sending a drone ahead of the search team to identify regions that are the most affected and should be prioritized. jNQzjJv0Oko-00043-00023816-00023980 However, we found that both jNQzjJv0Oko-00044-00023994-00024534 commercial services and open-source benchmarks can struggle with this type of imagery. jNQzjJv0Oko-00045-00024560-00025090 For example, a highway surrounded by flooding was classified as a runway or heliport. jNQzjJv0Oko-00046-00025123-00025686 These existing models lack the training data to understand what was depicted in the image. jNQzjJv0Oko-00047-00025760-00026277 In response, we've labeled hundreds of thousands of operational images collected by the Civil Air Patrol. jNQzjJv0Oko-00048-00026336-00026881 These images were previously released into the public domain, but just as raw images without labels. jNQzjJv0Oko-00049-00026948-00027216 Since the Civil Air Patrol is a nationwide asset, jNQzjJv0Oko-00050-00027245-00027786 we've labeled a wide range of relevant public safety features across different environments. jNQzjJv0Oko-00051-00027806-00028438 Most excitingly, the corpus of available images will continue to grow independent of our dataset effort. jNQzjJv0Oko-00052-00028552-00029226 This dataset will be a risk reduction to enable academia and industry to tailor applications for public safety. jNQzjJv0Oko-00053-00029258-00029858 It will also improve existing commercial and open-source capabilities to be more robust jNQzjJv0Oko-00054-00029870-00030154 to incident and disaster imagery. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00000-00000000-00000349 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00001-00000349-00000580 It's 3:00 AM on a Friday morning. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00002-00000580-00000865 The Partners Life dual run, walk, triathlon, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00003-00000865-00001204 and mountain bike event on Motutapu and Rangitoto Islands jQ2vnJMWCUk-00004-00001204-00001348 is only one day away. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00005-00001348-00001540 Hey, good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00006-00001540-00001843 And pest detection dog Sassy and her handler Greg jQ2vnJMWCUk-00007-00001843-00002095 have a big job on their hands. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00008-00002095-00002317 Time to put on your uniform, Sassy. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00009-00002317-00002449 Sassy's got two uniforms. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00010-00002449-00002710 She's got a green one for around town, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00011-00002710-00002957 and she's got a high-vis one for the bush. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00012-00002957-00003277 Around town, on with the green uniform. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00013-00003277-00003514 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00014-00003514-00003864 So whenever we're working, Sassy has to wear a muzzle. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00015-00003864-00004054 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00016-00004054-00004393 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00017-00004685-00004817 Good morning. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00018-00004817-00004918 How's everyone? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00019-00004918-00005141 Fine, thanks. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00020-00005141-00005375 So Rangitoto and Motutapu are pest-free islands, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00021-00005375-00005669 which means we've taken all the non-native pest jQ2vnJMWCUk-00022-00005669-00005831 animals off those islands. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00023-00005831-00006318 There's no mice, rats, stouts, possums, cats. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00024-00006318-00006443 They're all gone. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00025-00006443-00006898 So with 2000 competitors and 600 bicycles, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00026-00006898-00007058 there's a lot of kit to be checked jQ2vnJMWCUk-00027-00007058-00007289 to make sure that none of those invasive species jQ2vnJMWCUk-00028-00007289-00007437 get on those islands. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00029-00007437-00007565 Sassy, come on. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00030-00007565-00007673 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00031-00007673-00007892 This is the first of two trips to the island jQ2vnJMWCUk-00032-00007892-00008066 that Sassy will need to check. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00033-00008066-00008267 The bikes go first, and the competitors jQ2vnJMWCUk-00034-00008267-00008393 will follow the next morning. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00035-00008393-00008584 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00036-00008584-00008824 Come on. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00037-00008824-00009077 So Sassy is a Scottish terrier cross-breed. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00038-00009077-00009398 She's about three years old, and she's a rescue dog. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00039-00009398-00009611 We got her from the pound about 15 months ago. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00040-00009611-00009770 She didn't even know her name, but she jQ2vnJMWCUk-00041-00009770-00010145 had a huge hunting drive, which makes her perfect for this job. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00042-00010145-00010379 It took about six months of training, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00043-00010379-00010557 and finally we got her certified. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00044-00010557-00010781 All conservation dogs and their handlers jQ2vnJMWCUk-00045-00010781-00011045 go through an extensive training and assessment process jQ2vnJMWCUk-00046-00011045-00011195 to become certified. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00047-00011195-00011420 So Sassy is trained on four different rodents. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00048-00011420-00011825 We got mice, the Polynesian rat, the ship rat, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00049-00011825-00011933 and the Norwegian rat. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00050-00011933-00012137 And she'll find any of those-- jQ2vnJMWCUk-00051-00012137-00012402 hopefully, none on this boat. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00052-00012402-00012452 Come on. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00053-00012731-00012968 Sassy confirms the barge and bikes jQ2vnJMWCUk-00054-00012968-00013348 are pest-free, and can now make their way to the island. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00055-00013348-00013682 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00056-00013969-00014272 Race day dawns, and the runners, walkers, triathletes, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00057-00014272-00014410 and mountain bikers are gathering jQ2vnJMWCUk-00058-00014410-00014806 at Fuller's ferry terminal, along with Sassy and Greg. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00059-00014806-00014973 This morning, our job is to make sure jQ2vnJMWCUk-00060-00014973-00015136 that there's no pests that get on board jQ2vnJMWCUk-00061-00015136-00015232 with these competitors. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00062-00015232-00015394 We're going to be checking their gear to make sure jQ2vnJMWCUk-00063-00015394-00015518 that it's all clear. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00064-00015518-00015802 Sassy, here, have a sniff. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00065-00015802-00015901 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00066-00015901-00015991 All clear, mate. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00067-00015991-00016087 That's all good. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00068-00016087-00016278 We're going to get on board, eh? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00069-00016278-00016614 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00070-00017434-00017623 Lots of work has already been done jQ2vnJMWCUk-00071-00017623-00017881 to restore the natural and cultural landscapes jQ2vnJMWCUk-00072-00017881-00018034 of Motutapu. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00073-00018034-00018436 Since the pest eradication in 2010, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00074-00018436-00018793 we've introduced a range of endangered bird species, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00075-00018793-00019405 from kiwi to takahe, to the pateke duck, to saddlebacks, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00076-00019405-00019597 to shore plovers. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00077-00019597-00019987 And also, two birds came of their own volition jQ2vnJMWCUk-00078-00019987-00020260 in bellbirds and kakariki. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00079-00020260-00020434 We welcome the Dual. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00080-00020434-00020854 It's a very necessary part of our yearly income. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00081-00020854-00021181 And it's a very necessary part to raise awareness, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00082-00021181-00021463 and also to keep these species. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00083-00021463-00021781 Greg and Sassy make sure the competitors wash their shoes jQ2vnJMWCUk-00084-00021781-00021943 in a special disinfectant as they jQ2vnJMWCUk-00085-00021943-00022282 arrive on the island to limit the spread of kauri dieback. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00086-00022282-00022504 Then, there's time for a quick patrol of the beach jQ2vnJMWCUk-00087-00022504-00022713 to check for pests. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00088-00022713-00022958 Sassy, come. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00089-00022958-00023105 Come on. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00090-00023105-00023448 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00091-00023612-00023862 Because we've been monitoring these islands for the last two jQ2vnJMWCUk-00092-00023862-00024222 weeks for rats and mice, we're very unlikely to find anything. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00093-00024222-00024456 And to keep things interesting for Sassy, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00094-00024456-00024690 we've put a little toy up for her. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00095-00024690-00024892 This little pouch is full of cotton wool jQ2vnJMWCUk-00096-00024892-00025074 that smells like mice. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00097-00025074-00025307 So she's got to try and find this. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00098-00025307-00025575 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00099-00025575-00025760 So Sassy is a real workaholic. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00100-00025760-00026023 She will not stop hunting. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00101-00026023-00026364 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00102-00026414-00026513 What do you got? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00103-00026513-00026619 What do you got? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00104-00026619-00026703 What is it? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00105-00026703-00026800 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00106-00026800-00026937 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00107-00026937-00027201 [HISSING] You can tell she's found something, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00108-00027201-00027375 cause she's so excited. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00109-00027375-00027489 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00110-00027489-00027606 Good girl, Sassy. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00111-00027606-00027888 So we use play and praise as a reward. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00112-00027888-00028026 She wouldn't want food right now. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00113-00028026-00028191 She only wants this pouch. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00114-00028191-00028452 Voice and tone modulation are really important so she jQ2vnJMWCUk-00115-00028452-00028614 understands she's done right. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00116-00028614-00028701 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00117-00028701-00028833 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00118-00028833-00028901 Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00119-00028901-00029043 Yeah. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00120-00029043-00029370 And with the race about to start, Sassy's job is done, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00121-00029370-00029830 and she and Greg can relax and enjoy being spectators. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00122-00029830-00029880 [HORN BLOWS] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00123-00029880-00030027 It's time out! jQ2vnJMWCUk-00124-00030027-00030320 [CHATTER] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00125-00030320-00030516 Time out! jQ2vnJMWCUk-00126-00030516-00030663 [LAUGHTER] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00127-00030663-00031056 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ2vnJMWCUk-00128-00031056-00031300 Sassy and I love our job. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00129-00031300-00031510 We could be anywhere in New Zealand tomorrow-- jQ2vnJMWCUk-00130-00031510-00031768 anywhere from Rakiura/Stewart Island, up to Northland. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00131-00031768-00032026 It's all about protecting the treasures that people sometimes jQ2vnJMWCUk-00132-00032026-00032107 forget about. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00133-00032107-00032275 I don't think the average Kiwi realizes jQ2vnJMWCUk-00134-00032275-00032464 how precious these native animals are, jQ2vnJMWCUk-00135-00032464-00032689 and how close some of them have been to extinction. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00136-00032689-00032918 To be able to protect these animals that are struggling jQ2vnJMWCUk-00137-00032918-00033085 so hard is amazing. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00138-00033085-00033265 What do you think, Sass? jQ2vnJMWCUk-00139-00033265-00033469 [CHUCKLES] Good girl. jQ2vnJMWCUk-00140-00033469-00033675 [MUSIC PLAYING] jQ74I1patFI-00000-00000505-00001140 Welcome to you all and to some of my colleagues from the Learning Center well jQ74I1patFI-00001-00001140-00001866 you know people often ask me and I often see things in the news that asked jQ74I1patFI-00002-00001866-00002298 questions about what's wrong with American science education and here's a jQ74I1patFI-00003-00002298-00002931 few headlines that say that such as US teams trail their peers around the world jQ74I1patFI-00004-00002931-00003536 why can't us students compete with the rest of the world and so on you may have jQ74I1patFI-00005-00003536-00004137 had questions about science education too but I'd like to get you to turn jQ74I1patFI-00006-00004137-00004742 those questions around tonight and see that will turn them on their heads jQ74I1patFI-00007-00004742-00005198 before I get going any further I really want to thank Lindsay Barone who really jQ74I1patFI-00008-00005198-00005721 helped me put this talk together and did a huge amount of the work if you ask U.S. jQ74I1patFI-00009-00005721-00006294 adults and scientists in the American Association of Science you know how they jQ74I1patFI-00010-00006294-00006770 feel the U.S. ranks in scientific achievements then about half of the jQ74I1patFI-00011-00006770-00007109 public says we're the best in the world in scientific achievements and jQ74I1patFI-00012-00007109-00007675 ninety-two percent of the scientist so they feel pretty good about themselves jQ74I1patFI-00013-00007675-00008250 but Americans feel pretty good about American science too more as I said more jQ74I1patFI-00014-00008250-00008778 than half think were the best in the world and about more than a half also jQ74I1patFI-00015-00008778-00009302 feel that we're the best in medical treatment and among the AAAS jQ74I1patFI-00016-00009302-00009800 scientists sixty-four percent so the point of it is is we feel pretty good as jQ74I1patFI-00017-00009800-00010379 Americans and as people of science about the kind of work we do in science but if jQ74I1patFI-00018-00010379-00011067 you ask that same question about how Americans feel about K through 12 jQ74I1patFI-00019-00011067-00011631 science, technology, engineering and math education so called STEM they don't feel jQ74I1patFI-00020-00011631-00012029 so good only twenty-nine percent of Americans think we're number one in the jQ74I1patFI-00021-00012029-00012549 world in science and technology education and only sixteen percent of jQ74I1patFI-00022-00012549-00012936 the scientist so clearly there's a perception that we're doing something jQ74I1patFI-00023-00012936-00013371 wrong both in the media and among the public and even jQ74I1patFI-00024-00013371-00014160 among scientists well so the question is how do we know know that we're not doing jQ74I1patFI-00025-00014160-00014685 so well in science education what kind of things would we measure to answer jQ74I1patFI-00026-00014685-00015188 that question and who do we talk about when we do these sorts of studies and jQ74I1patFI-00027-00015188-00016169 that's what I want to spend the first part of the talk with you about we're jQ74I1patFI-00028-00016169-00016734 going to at least mention three studies two of them are by the trends in jQ74I1patFI-00029-00016734-00017157 international mathematics and science study and their studies that are done at jQ74I1patFI-00030-00017157-00017595 the fourth and the eighth grade levels you know there's various things and it jQ74I1patFI-00031-00017595-00017940 tells you some of the kinds of questions the number of questions they ask about jQ74I1patFI-00032-00017940-00018417 life science, physical science, earth science about the types of questions jQ74I1patFI-00033-00018417-00019482 they ask students it's it's a test that's meant to see how what students jQ74I1patFI-00034-00019482-00019911 know about science and a little bit about science thinking what you'll jQ74I1patFI-00035-00019911-00020280 notice is that not all the kids in the United States take it but just from jQ74I1patFI-00036-00020280-00020922 these eight or ten states here and then around the world a total of about 4,000 jQ74I1patFI-00037-00020922-00021363 students participate but from these countries around the world it's been jQ74I1patFI-00038-00021363-00021756 done for a while most people think it's a pretty good study but the thing I want jQ74I1patFI-00039-00021756-00022254 you to know is that that whole idea that we're not doing well in science jQ74I1patFI-00040-00022254-00022659 education as far as i can tell comes from this test and for the next test I'm jQ74I1patFI-00041-00022659-00023076 going to show you there's really no other ways that we compare kids in jQ74I1patFI-00042-00023076-00023559 science around the world so that you know this is it and so here's the jQ74I1patFI-00043-00023559-00024132 ranking of all the countries who did the fourth grade tests and the eighth grade jQ74I1patFI-00044-00024132-00024675 tests you can't really read it but what you need to know is that in the fourth jQ74I1patFI-00045-00024675-00025353 grade the United States ranked seven out of 50 countries really not so bad and in jQ74I1patFI-00046-00025353-00025908 the eighth grade we drop a little bit to 10th out of 42 countries so you could jQ74I1patFI-00047-00025908-00026466 say the 25th percentile roughly so that's the way we stack up and these jQ74I1patFI-00048-00026466-00026716 tests have been done for a number of years jQ74I1patFI-00049-00026716-00027055 but that's the way we stack up in the fourth in the eighth grade really not jQ74I1patFI-00050-00027055-00027574 not badly now there's another ho assessment that is done for 15 year old jQ74I1patFI-00051-00027574-00028225 kids which would be high school about middle high school kids it also has jQ74I1patFI-00052-00028225-00028876 about 4,000 kids per country again not all of the US is represented just three jQ74I1patFI-00053-00028876-00029347 states and then all of these countries around the world and in this study the jQ74I1patFI-00054-00029347-00029864 so-called PISA study because the program for international student assessment jQ74I1patFI-00055-00029864-00030319 again it's this list of countries and here's what seems to really bother jQ74I1patFI-00056-00030319-00030943 people a lot which is were 28 out of 65 countries in that ranking so if you take jQ74I1patFI-00057-00030943-00031597 those three tests together at the fourth the eighth and the edit age 15 we go jQ74I1patFI-00058-00031597-00032401 from position number 7 to number 10 to 28 so as far as I can tell jQ74I1patFI-00059-00032401-00032935 those are three data points that people use to say that we're not doing very jQ74I1patFI-00060-00032935-00033427 well in science education I think most people focus on this 15 year old data jQ74I1patFI-00061-00033427-00034222 the data set from 15 year old students well I'd like to us to think of it about jQ74I1patFI-00062-00034222-00034873 these tests tests are never perfect and especially international ones or jQ74I1patFI-00063-00034873-00035254 standardized sorts of tests always have problems so I'd like to just go through jQ74I1patFI-00064-00035254-00035749 them a little bit and deconvolute the store scores a little bit and tell you jQ74I1patFI-00065-00035749-00036232 why first off those scores don't necessarily bother me a lot but then jQ74I1patFI-00066-00036232-00036661 we'll go on and turn them on their heads so again here's a summary of the U.S. jQ74I1patFI-00067-00036661-00037150 positions on the three tests fourth grade, eighth grade and at age 15 and jQ74I1patFI-00068-00037150-00037768 here's two of the top scoring country's Singapore which you can see ranks in the jQ74I1patFI-00069-00037768-00038263 one two or three positioned on all three of these tests and the highest ranking jQ74I1patFI-00070-00038263-00038737 of the European countries with is which is Finland which also scores very highly jQ74I1patFI-00071-00038737-00039034 so we're going to in the next few minutes compared the United States jQ74I1patFI-00072-00039034-00039715 versus these two countries now you can say why might that not be comparing jQ74I1patFI-00073-00039715-00040092 apples to apples in these countries and one thing that jQ74I1patFI-00074-00040092-00040797 might come to mind is the size of these countries so this is Singapore and it's jQ74I1patFI-00075-00040797-00041406 about the size it's a fourth the size of Rhode Island it's about eight miles by jQ74I1patFI-00076-00041406-00042000 twenty miles it's about half the size of Long Island or actually about a fifth jQ74I1patFI-00077-00042000-00042447 the size of Long Island it's pretty small this is Finland I never knew how big it jQ74I1patFI-00078-00042447-00043143 is but it's pretty much the size of Montana so those number of U.S. states jQ74I1patFI-00079-00043143-00043784 are being compared against these rather small countries now let's also look at jQ74I1patFI-00080-00043784-00044343 the gross domestic product per capita in other words basically how much money has jQ74I1patFI-00081-00044343-00044880 made per person in the country I don't know if you knew it but Singapore ranks jQ74I1patFI-00082-00044880-00045539 very high in the world and ranks well ahead of the United States overall jQ74I1patFI-00083-00045539-00046200 Singapore also ranks ahead in the per capita gross domestic product of all of jQ74I1patFI-00084-00046200-00046683 the states in blue that are included in these three three studies that I showed jQ74I1patFI-00085-00046683-00047112 you and you can see that Finland you know ranks down there about the same as jQ74I1patFI-00086-00047112-00047868 Florida or Alabama so there you might see something about Singapore which is jQ74I1patFI-00087-00047868-00048363 they've got a lot of money to spend a lot of different things now if you look jQ74I1patFI-00088-00048363-00048987 at the per-pupil spending Finland as a percentage of the gross domestic product jQ74I1patFI-00089-00048987-00049470 all the work of the country Finland comes out ahead with the highest jQ74I1patFI-00090-00049470-00049929 percentage of spending per pupil the U.S. is in the middle and Singapore is jQ74I1patFI-00091-00049929-00050415 the lowest but remember Singapore's got a very high gross domestic product and jQ74I1patFI-00092-00050415-00051057 if you sort of adjust for it then in fact the spending per pupil in real jQ74I1patFI-00093-00051057-00051558 dollars is actually more than the United States so the point I want to give you jQ74I1patFI-00094-00051558-00052067 here is that these countries spend more per pupil of their gross domestic jQ74I1patFI-00095-00052067-00052766 domestic product on education than the US which might be surprising to you now jQ74I1patFI-00096-00052766-00053151 let's take a look at the makeup of these countries jQ74I1patFI-00097-00053151-00053997 this is the ethnic makeup of Finland all the states involved in the study and jQ74I1patFI-00098-00053997-00054841 where's Singapore their and these denote the blue is the minority ethnic jQ74I1patFI-00099-00054841-00055591 group and then smaller sub populations are here or ethnic minorities and if jQ74I1patFI-00100-00055591-00056152 you look at this what you'll see is that Finland has a really homogeneous society jQ74I1patFI-00101-00056152-00056545 as you'll know if you've ever been anywhere in Scandinavia very low jQ74I1patFI-00102-00056545-00057238 percentage of ethnic minorities Singapore it has about twenty-five jQ74I1patFI-00103-00057238-00057708 percent ethnic minorities which are mainly Indian and Malay and you'll see jQ74I1patFI-00104-00057708-00058264 that the US as a whole has about thirty-seven percent ethnic minorities jQ74I1patFI-00105-00058264-00058683 and then you can look at the different states that are in the Tims and the PISA jQ74I1patFI-00106-00058683-00059413 study so the point I want to make here is that the U.S. population is way more jQ74I1patFI-00107-00059413-00059899 heterogeneous way more diverse than either of the other two populations in jQ74I1patFI-00108-00059899-00060327 the Tim study what difference does that make let's just take a quick look at jQ74I1patFI-00109-00060327-00060994 that in Singapore it's known that the male a population is behind in academic jQ74I1patFI-00110-00060994-00061414 achievement behind the other two population groups which are ethnic jQ74I1patFI-00111-00061414-00062130 Chinese and Indian Finland doesn't have much in the way of ethnic groups but the jQ74I1patFI-00112-00062130-00062545 one that is lagging behind the other of the Roma gypsies and in the United jQ74I1patFI-00113-00062545-00063061 States there's an achievement gap in school and also in science between jQ74I1patFI-00114-00063061-00063691 whites and Asians and black Hispanics and Native Americans and this shows up jQ74I1patFI-00115-00063691-00064155 in in the scores of the PISA study that one that's taken at the age of 15 jQ74I1patFI-00116-00064155-00064582 these are the U.S. numbers for 2012 and what you'll see is that the average jQ74I1patFI-00117-00064582-00065416 score for whites and Asians are above 500 or more and the scores for blacks jQ74I1patFI-00118-00065416-00065968 and Hispanics are in the 400s so the point of it is is that our scores in the jQ74I1patFI-00119-00065968-00066415 United States are skewed by these relatively large numbers of ethnic jQ74I1patFI-00120-00066415-00066749 minorities who we know struggle in science and it's a it's a jQ74I1patFI-00121-00066749-00067193 nationwide problem that many people are trying to work on and so here we can jQ74I1patFI-00122-00067193-00067781 then put that in to perspective it's a tenth of a percent of this known jQ74I1patFI-00123-00067781-00068336 struggling minority in Finland that is affecting their scores there's about jQ74I1patFI-00124-00068336-00068909 thirteen percent of the Malay minority that depresses the scores in Singapore jQ74I1patFI-00125-00068909-00069488 and in the US the two biggest groups are Hispanics and blacks who we know lag jQ74I1patFI-00126-00069488-00070280 behind in science achievement so let's take a look at another thing that the jQ74I1patFI-00127-00070280-00070814 scores say or don't say and that's the context the educational context that jQ74I1patFI-00128-00070814-00071243 these tests take place within its really pretty interesting and what's the jQ74I1patFI-00129-00071243-00072101 philosophy of testing in these countries first off these are the number of school jQ74I1patFI-00130-00072101-00072617 districts in each of the states that participate in the Tims and the PISA jQ74I1patFI-00131-00072617-00073256 studies and you'll see that there's a lot of individual school districts jQ74I1patFI-00132-00073256-00073970 within California and the other states it's well over 2,000 in Finland there's jQ74I1patFI-00133-00073970-00074465 three hundred and seventeen states or actually their education authorities and jQ74I1patFI-00134-00074465-00075005 in Singapore there's one now what that's telling you is in a place like Singapore jQ74I1patFI-00135-00075005-00075632 or or Finland there's less local control and more control by the central jQ74I1patFI-00136-00075632-00076025 government especially in Singapore and you could imagine that eccentric lot jQ74I1patFI-00137-00076025-00076448 centralized education authority would be a lot better at doing things like jQ74I1patFI-00138-00076448-00076931 standardized tests and preparing kids for tests than in a very disparate sort jQ74I1patFI-00139-00076931-00077279 of school systems like we have here in all of the United States that jQ74I1patFI-00140-00077279-00077672 participate in the studies now if you want to take a look at what the jQ74I1patFI-00141-00077672-00078143 Singapore school system looks like and I spent quite a lot of time in Singapore jQ74I1patFI-00142-00078143-00078767 some years ago so I saw this firsthand I don't expect you to memorize this chart jQ74I1patFI-00143-00078767-00079352 but here's the kids in primary school at the end of the sixth grade there's an jQ74I1patFI-00144-00079352-00079825 extremely high stakes test and that's going to set your course jQ74I1patFI-00145-00079825-00080335 for a lot of your life if you're really school smart you're actually put in this jQ74I1patFI-00146-00080335-00080800 group called the Express and what that means is you're slated to go to jQ74I1patFI-00147-00080800-00081307 university from the sixth grade on and you've got a pretty clear path as long jQ74I1patFI-00148-00081307-00081706 as you don't mess up now if you're not one of the Express students you're going jQ74I1patFI-00149-00081706-00082085 to work away through this system first off this sixth grade test is going to jQ74I1patFI-00150-00082085-00082702 determine which of these sub tracks you're put on and my understanding from people jQ74I1patFI-00151-00082702-00083131 I met and talked to in Singapore over a number of years is that once you get on jQ74I1patFI-00152-00083131-00083701 one of these tracks it's pretty difficult to change horses in the middle jQ74I1patFI-00153-00083701-00084163 of the stream so to speak you wind your way through these tracks and then jQ74I1patFI-00154-00084163-00084661 there's another big test here at the end of 10th grade which is then going to jQ74I1patFI-00155-00084661-00085327 determine finally whether you go into some kind of vocational job a sort of a jQ74I1patFI-00156-00085327-00085828 vocational technical education or a four or if you make it back up here with the jQ74I1patFI-00157-00085828-00086413 express people to the full on academic preparation those are extremely high jQ74I1patFI-00158-00086413-00087166 stakes tests and they're there for one reason it's like when in the sorting hat jQ74I1patFI-00159-00087166-00087724 it's going to determine which house you go to live in and it's going to sort out jQ74I1patFI-00160-00087724-00088186 your life pretty much for the rest of your life so these tests are literally jQ74I1patFI-00161-00088186-00088930 for sorting kids onto academic and vocational tracks and I think they're jQ74I1patFI-00162-00088930-00089326 going to come in here here's when the first Tims test takes place I guess jQ74I1patFI-00163-00089326-00089891 they're probably pretty happy there but these other two tests take just after jQ74I1patFI-00164-00089891-00090497 this really difficult test to determine secondary education and just before this jQ74I1patFI-00165-00090497-00091090 test that's going to determine your adult life for good so these kids are jQ74I1patFI-00166-00091090-00091612 very good at taking tests they know the stakes of tests and it's ingrained in jQ74I1patFI-00167-00091612-00092245 their society and and administered by one Ministry of Education and remember jQ74I1patFI-00168-00092246-00092656 Singapore is basically the size and the population of Chicago if the Rhode jQ74I1patFI-00169-00092656-00093008 Island didn't hit you now Finland is really a lot more jQ74I1patFI-00170-00093008-00093782 like us which is they have compulsory education up through high school and jQ74I1patFI-00171-00093782-00094418 then there's a leaving exam a national leaving exam at the end of the 12th jQ74I1patFI-00172-00094418-00094772 grade and then that's going to help determine where your college placement jQ74I1patFI-00173-00094772-00095312 it's pretty much like an SAT but it's administered by the government so I jQ74I1patFI-00174-00095312-00095831 would say they're more on the order of our kind of education system than not jQ74I1patFI-00175-00095831-00096281 like Singapore and what's our education system like well we had this thing jQ74I1patFI-00176-00096281-00096812 called No Child Left Behind which was not refunded by Congress in the last jQ74I1patFI-00177-00096812-00097373 session which was loved by some people but hated by a lot of people educators jQ74I1patFI-00178-00097373-00098123 called it No Child Left untested but the purpose of No Child Left Behind and the jQ74I1patFI-00179-00098123-00098579 thing that has now succeeded it which is every student succeeds which I didn't jQ74I1patFI-00180-00098579-00099446 even know I confess are not for sorting kids like in Singapore they're meant to jQ74I1patFI-00181-00099446-00099890 diagnose the school system and the teachers and to make improvements jQ74I1patFI-00182-00099890-00100271 especially in struggling school districts now yes they do give you some jQ74I1patFI-00183-00100271-00100769 idea of how your kids doing versus other kids but there's no stakes for the kids jQ74I1patFI-00184-00100769-00101192 it doesn't really determine anything in most school districts about what kind of jQ74I1patFI-00185-00101192-00101630 classes you take or where you would be mandatorily placed they're still freedom jQ74I1patFI-00186-00101630-00102005 for the students to move around pretty much in spite of whatever score they jQ74I1patFI-00187-00102005-00102446 might get on the kinds of tests they take and no child left behind our jQ74I1patFI-00188-00102446-00102944 tests also focus mainly on English and Math which is which are thought to be jQ74I1patFI-00189-00102944-00103408 the subjects for general literacy and general helping you move ahead in the jQ74I1patFI-00190-00103408-00103853 school system so what I want to say here is if you compare yourself especially to jQ74I1patFI-00191-00103853-00104426 Singapore these school systems and the purpose of testing in those systems are jQ74I1patFI-00192-00104426-00104900 diametrically opposed one is to sort kids out into academic and vocational jQ74I1patFI-00193-00104900-00105371 screens streams and the other is basically to diagnose the school system jQ74I1patFI-00194-00105371-00105776 and the teachers and to see where they can do better in helping student jQ74I1patFI-00195-00105776-00106033 achievement jQ74I1patFI-00196-00106042-00106578 and of course we have plenty of places in the U.S. that just opted out of all jQ74I1patFI-00197-00106578-00106974 of this because they feel their school districts are doing fine without having jQ74I1patFI-00198-00106974-00107364 the federal government meddle in their local control of the school district jQ74I1patFI-00199-00107364-00107708 that happened quite here quite a lot here on Long Island and also in jQ74I1patFI-00200-00107708-00108408 Connecticut okay well here's my beginning to ask you a bunch of a bunch jQ74I1patFI-00201-00108408-00108966 of other questions okay we've dealt with what's wrong with American science jQ74I1patFI-00202-00108966-00109473 education hopefully you see why I'm have some questions about that but here's the jQ74I1patFI-00203-00109473-00109944 first of the questions that put this totally on its end which is if our jQ74I1patFI-00204-00109944-00110333 school system is so bad why does everybody want to come here for college jQ74I1patFI-00205-00110333-00110769 and if you think I'm kidding here you go these are doctorates in the United jQ74I1patFI-00206-00110769-00111905 States in 1984 1994 2004 and 2014 and the blue here are US citizens and the jQ74I1patFI-00207-00111905-00112449 yellow parts here are people who are here on visas or some kind of permit and jQ74I1patFI-00208-00112449-00112998 this is all Ph.D.s and the second bar is science Ph.D.s so take a look at either jQ74I1patFI-00209-00112998-00113463 one but let's look at science you'll see that 30 years ago about twenty four jQ74I1patFI-00210-00113463-00113933 percent of the science doctorates were to foreigners and now that number is jQ74I1patFI-00211-00113933-00114584 thirty-eight percent for all around Ph.D.s it hasn't gone up quite it's gone up a jQ74I1patFI-00212-00114584-00114951 bit too from sixteen percent to twenty-nine percent but the point of it jQ74I1patFI-00213-00114951-00115470 is people like to come here for University and the people who like to jQ74I1patFI-00214-00115470-00115908 come here the most are actually from some of the countries that do the best jQ74I1patFI-00215-00115908-00116376 on the Tims and the PISA studies those international science assessments jQ74I1patFI-00216-00116376-00117117 so what you'll see overwhelmingly over the last ten years people getting jQ74I1patFI-00217-00117117-00117633 doctorates in the US the foreign citizenship they're overwhelmingly from jQ74I1patFI-00218-00117633-00118176 China and another top country is Taiwan and I'll have you note that in the PISA jQ74I1patFI-00219-00118176-00118857 study the city of Shanghai rated number one so some of those students are some jQ74I1patFI-00220-00118857-00119490 of these students next year so I don't know what that means but it jQ74I1patFI-00221-00119490-00119898 means there's something about the U.S. education system somewhere that people jQ74I1patFI-00222-00119898-00120381 like now maybe they wouldn't come here for high school but in fact there's a jQ74I1patFI-00223-00120381-00120882 big movement among Chinese students to go to school districts in California jQ74I1patFI-00224-00120882-00121749 especially but people like to come here for a college education okay let's shift jQ74I1patFI-00225-00121749-00122328 away from the testing now I've showed you these data that show that the US jQ74I1patFI-00226-00122328-00122909 doesn't do so well in achievement science achievement at the pre-college jQ74I1patFI-00227-00122909-00123357 level and the question is does that really matter does that really say jQ74I1patFI-00228-00123357-00123702 anything about how we're doing in science remember the first slide I jQ74I1patFI-00229-00123702-00124074 showed you is that everybody really feels pretty good about what we're doing jQ74I1patFI-00230-00124074-00124602 in science and medicine but do the scores on these international jQ74I1patFI-00231-00124602-00125093 assessments have anything to do with that and the answer is I don't think so jQ74I1patFI-00232-00125093-00125700 here's Nobel prizes over the last hundred and fifteen years and what jQ74I1patFI-00233-00125700-00126192 you'll see is in medicine chemistry and physics about half of all the Nobel jQ74I1patFI-00234-00126192-00126777 prizes awarded in that period of time went to people who were affiliated with jQ74I1patFI-00235-00126777-00127605 U.S. institutions so half of all the Nobel prizes how about patents these are jQ74I1patFI-00236-00127605-00128025 patents awarded all the blue ones are from the US and all the Bruins are jQ74I1patFI-00237-00128025-00128609 foreign ones and here in 2014 that number is a little less than fifty jQ74I1patFI-00238-00128609-00129195 percent so about half of all the Nobel prizes awarded two people working in jQ74I1patFI-00239-00129195-00129807 U.S. institutions about half of the patents to U.S. nationals how about jQ74I1patFI-00240-00129807-00130224 citations in some of the major scientific journals in the world and jQ74I1patFI-00241-00130224-00130634 those of you from science know that these are very important general science jQ74I1patFI-00242-00130634-00131181 journals here medical journals here and another general science and what you'll jQ74I1patFI-00243-00131181-00131910 see is the U.S. authors who published in these journals range from about thirty jQ74I1patFI-00244-00131910-00132408 percent oh sorry from sixteen percent to forty-eight percent depending on jQ74I1patFI-00245-00132408-00133374 the journal if you look at the citations in other words how many times a paper is jQ74I1patFI-00246-00133374-00133845 cited or mentioned by another person and then you map them on sort of a web so if jQ74I1patFI-00247-00133845-00134334 you imagine a telephone web or web of all the people who are interacting with jQ74I1patFI-00248-00134334-00134712 you on Facebook and some people have a lot of connections and some people don't jQ74I1patFI-00249-00134712-00135230 have any well this is sort of a connection map of citations of jQ74I1patFI-00250-00135230-00135727 scientific articles around the world with the country sized according to a jQ74I1patFI-00251-00135727-00136272 citations at what you'll see is the citations in the U.S. are about equal to jQ74I1patFI-00252-00136272-00137295 all of the citations of Europe and about twice the citations of Asia so it jQ74I1patFI-00253-00137295-00137769 doesn't appear that however we perform on these international assessments at jQ74I1patFI-00254-00137769-00138273 pre-college science education they don't seem to be affecting us much in our jQ74I1patFI-00255-00138273-00138762 performance of science at least by those several ways I showed you so let's now jQ74I1patFI-00256-00138762-00139154 shift to the end of the talk and let's talk about what's right about science jQ74I1patFI-00257-00139154-00139734 education well it's local and it's phenomenological and let me tell you jQ74I1patFI-00258-00139734-00140394 what I mean by that there's 13,000 school authorities in the United States jQ74I1patFI-00259-00140394-00140888 and Long Island is a great example of local control because here on Long jQ74I1patFI-00260-00140888-00141336 Island virtually every school district in Nassau and Suffolk County is about jQ74I1patFI-00261-00141336-00141951 one or maybe two high schools several middle or junior high schools and jQ74I1patFI-00262-00141951-00142494 several elementary schools and you control them now yes the New York State jQ74I1patFI-00263-00142494-00142824 we have a New York State curriculum yes there's certain things that come from No jQ74I1patFI-00264-00142824-00143235 Child Left Behind from the federal government but your local school boards jQ74I1patFI-00265-00143235-00143772 have the authority to set curriculum in each one of those districts and that's jQ74I1patFI-00266-00143772-00144285 the case to some greater or lesser extent and mostly greater in all of jQ74I1patFI-00267-00144285-00144747 these 13,000 school districts in the United States now some people would say jQ74I1patFI-00268-00144747-00145289 that local control and the lack of central authority means that we do jQ74I1patFI-00269-00145289-00145719 things over and over again and quote recreate the wheel jQ74I1patFI-00270-00145719-00146067 but I'm actually of the mind that that's probably one of the things that's jQ74I1patFI-00271-00146067-00146571 special about American education which is every school district has the ability jQ74I1patFI-00272-00146571-00147279 to innovate or not move ahead or not and the best school districts of the United jQ74I1patFI-00273-00147279-00147681 States in fact innovate and move ahead and of course some suffer because they jQ74I1patFI-00274-00147681-00148191 can and some of that of course is monetary so I think this is actually a jQ74I1patFI-00275-00148191-00148695 good thing the local control of school systems and the local control also of jQ74I1patFI-00276-00148695-00149220 course of the university system how about a local example Syosset High jQ74I1patFI-00277-00149220-00150189 School it's a modest-sized school district by most means it's sort of even jQ74I1patFI-00278-00150189-00151083 modest by Long Island size about 2,000 students high number of kids attending jQ74I1patFI-00279-00151083-00151557 college and the thing I want you to realize is that they have about 25 jQ74I1patFI-00280-00151557-00152052 different courses that are offered at Syosset High School that you could take jQ74I1patFI-00281-00152052-00152574 and you're free to take virtually any of them so long as you meet some minimum jQ74I1patFI-00282-00152574-00153171 other requirements of the Regents curriculum and if you actually look at a jQ74I1patFI-00283-00153171-00153624 chart of the things you don't need to look at this very much these are a jQ74I1patFI-00284-00153624-00154215 couple different tracks in that kids can take but what I want you to see here is jQ74I1patFI-00285-00154215-00154707 that as a student progresses from eighth grade through 12th grade their choices jQ74I1patFI-00286-00154707-00155289 in science increase so in other words as a kid goes through science they have jQ74I1patFI-00287-00155289-00155673 some basic things that they have to take and then you know for those kids jQ74I1patFI-00288-00155673-00156060 interested in a science there's an awful lot of things available I can tell you jQ74I1patFI-00289-00156060-00156441 at my high school ward Melville it's probably twice the number of science jQ74I1patFI-00290-00156441-00156918 courses but this is 25 just in a relatively small school school district jQ74I1patFI-00291-00156918-00157629 like Syosset well compare that with the same sort of chart from Singapore and I jQ74I1patFI-00292-00157629-00157992 actually wrote to some of my friends in Singapore and got their charts these are jQ74I1patFI-00293-00157992-00158577 real ones and what's interesting is that at the 7th and 8th grade they have a jQ74I1patFI-00294-00158577-00158958 little bit of choice and that choice actually gives less and less as they go jQ74I1patFI-00295-00158958-00159438 through the school system and if you compare these you see these jQ74I1patFI-00296-00159438-00159860 kids being increasingly channeled with very little choice as they get more and jQ74I1patFI-00297-00159860-00160196 more mature and here in the United States you have kids as they become more jQ74I1patFI-00298-00160196-00160619 mature having more choices I think that actually is telling you something about jQ74I1patFI-00299-00160619-00161135 the philosophy of the school systems now what does this all mean because remember jQ74I1patFI-00300-00161135-00161753 the only way that I ever was able to compare the students that we see here on jQ74I1patFI-00301-00161753-00162142 Long Island and international students were these three tests that I started jQ74I1patFI-00302-00162142-00162620 out talking to you about but I actually had a way to test some kids in a more jQ74I1patFI-00303-00162620-00163052 direct way and we've been doing that now for two years it's not a lot of kids and jQ74I1patFI-00304-00163052-00163705 as you know you know low numbers sometimes can be misleading but we've jQ74I1patFI-00305-00163705-00164246 had students coming to the DNA Learning Center from Beijing 166 high school I jQ74I1patFI-00306-00164246-00164704 should have had some photos in here for you but it's a high school in central jQ74I1patFI-00307-00164704-00165188 Beijing it's in the old part of Beijing it's about a half a mile from the jQ74I1patFI-00308-00165188-00165671 Forbidden City about a half a mile from Tiananmen Square most of the students jQ74I1patFI-00309-00165671-00166169 that go there their parents are public servants doing something in the Chinese jQ74I1patFI-00310-00166169-00166622 national government or in the Beijing city government so it's quite a good jQ74I1patFI-00311-00166622-00167249 school and it was designated as a special school of biology now I wouldn't jQ74I1patFI-00312-00167249-00167678 want to say that it's anywhere near as say Stuyvesant High School in New York jQ74I1patFI-00313-00167678-00168154 City or the Bronx High School of Science or Brooklyn Technical High School in New jQ74I1patFI-00314-00168154-00168642 York I don't think it's in that league but it's trying to be the designated jQ74I1patFI-00315-00168642-00169247 biology high school in Beijing which is a city of you know you tell me 15 jQ74I1patFI-00316-00169247-00169862 million people or so well the students who come here when they come here we jQ74I1patFI-00317-00169862-00170432 give them a general test of literacy items about genetics because that's what jQ74I1patFI-00318-00170432-00170813 we're interested in we didn't make up these questions so in other words these jQ74I1patFI-00319-00170813-00171241 questions are not biased by things that I might think are important or what we jQ74I1patFI-00320-00171241-00171590 have the learning center we took them from a set of validated questions jQ74I1patFI-00321-00171590-00172037 developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the jQ74I1patFI-00322-00172037-00172421 questions that are used by quite a lot of people who might be interested in jQ74I1patFI-00323-00172421-00172793 looking at genetic literacy like I could give the test to you and it'd be a jQ74I1patFI-00324-00172793-00173381 pretty good one the tests are in Chinese so there's not a language issue as far jQ74I1patFI-00325-00173381-00174019 as we know and those kids from Beijing 166 very good urban up-to-date jQ74I1patFI-00326-00174019-00174587 cosmopolitan school when we give them this test their average score on this jQ74I1patFI-00327-00174587-00174950 test is fifty-five percent don't worry about 55 don't think of it like a jQ74I1patFI-00328-00174950-00175352 failing grade but just it's just a percent they get fifty five percent of jQ74I1patFI-00329-00175352-00175901 the questions right and they're high school kids and they're coming to take jQ74I1patFI-00330-00175901-00176570 one of the DNA Learning Center's courses the Long Island kids coming to take that jQ74I1patFI-00331-00176570-00177344 same course score twenty five percentage points higher on those tests and this jQ74I1patFI-00332-00177344-00177800 has held up over several years because I wasn't sure if this effect when I first jQ74I1patFI-00333-00177800-00178142 saw it I actually couldn't believe it but it's held up over a number of years jQ74I1patFI-00334-00178142-00178838 and this is actually pooled data so what does this say to me it says to me that's jQ74I1patFI-00335-00178838-00179465 great all of the standardized test testing that's done in Asia in different jQ74I1patFI-00336-00179465-00179906 parts of the world but at least in our corner of the world which is genetics jQ74I1patFI-00337-00179906-00180533 these kids from very good high school in Beijing are not as well prepared as the jQ74I1patFI-00338-00180533-00181004 kids here on Long Island now the reasons why they're not as well prepared in jQ74I1patFI-00339-00181004-00181412 genetics some of them have to do with the fact that kids here on Long Island jQ74I1patFI-00340-00181412-00181856 could come to the DNA Learning Center before this time but a lot of it has to jQ74I1patFI-00341-00181856-00182255 do with that ability of those kids to progressively choose more and more jQ74I1patFI-00342-00182255-00182858 science courses as they can at syosset and also of having more opportunities of jQ74I1patFI-00343-00182858-00183395 visiting science science oriented museums, science centers and show is jQ74I1patFI-00344-00183395-00183863 about science on TV so it's a whole syndrome of things available to those jQ74I1patFI-00345-00183863-00184367 kids on Long Island that we're comparing that makes their science world really jQ74I1patFI-00346-00184367-00184817 much more rich than for those students in Beijing and it shows up here but it jQ74I1patFI-00347-00184817-00185365 doesn't show up on the Tim's or the PISA studies jQ74I1patFI-00348-00185434-00186173 well the last thing I want to talk about is my idea that am not my idea but the jQ74I1patFI-00349-00186173-00186650 idea that education is phenomenological meaning that the real education occurs jQ74I1patFI-00350-00186650-00187142 at the point and that interaction between a student and the teacher but jQ74I1patFI-00351-00187142-00187826 also phenomenological meaning that in a system of local control the local school jQ74I1patFI-00352-00187826-00188231 board and the local people can say these things are relatively more important to jQ74I1patFI-00353-00188231-00188669 us in shaping the experience of students than these things that you might say to jQ74I1patFI-00354-00188669-00189136 us from Washington D.C. or Beijing jQ74I1patFI-00355-00189154-00189689 phenomenology focuses on an individual's first-hand experiences rather than the jQ74I1patFI-00356-00189689-00190088 abstract experience of others and I've got to tell you all of the standardized jQ74I1patFI-00357-00190088-00191018 tests they deal entirely with abstract experience now about 15 years ago there jQ74I1patFI-00358-00191018-00191345 was an educator by the name of Howard Gardner who came up with the idea of jQ74I1patFI-00359-00191345-00191816 multiple intelligences which basically he said that people have eight different jQ74I1patFI-00360-00191816-00192218 ways of learning some of them are kinesthetic like when you touch things jQ74I1patFI-00361-00192218-00192617 and moves things around some of them are logical some of them are linguistic and jQ74I1patFI-00362-00192617-00193226 there's a whole list of eight different what he called intelligences and his jQ74I1patFI-00363-00193226-00193961 point was this if we all had exactly the same kind of mind and there was only one jQ74I1patFI-00364-00193961-00194402 kind of intelligence then we could teach everybody the same thing in the same way jQ74I1patFI-00365-00194402-00194984 and assess them in the same way and that would be fair but once we realize that jQ74I1patFI-00366-00194984-00195356 people have very different kinds of minds different strengths some people jQ74I1patFI-00367-00195356-00195737 are good at thinking spatially some in thinking language others are very jQ74I1patFI-00368-00195737-00196330 logical other people need to be hands-on and explore actively and try things out jQ74I1patFI-00369-00196330-00196823 then education which treats everybody the same way is actually the most unfair jQ74I1patFI-00370-00196823-00197353 education because it picks out one kind of mind which I call the professor mind jQ74I1patFI-00371-00197353-00197780 somebody who is very linguistic and logical and says if you think like that jQ74I1patFI-00372-00197780-00198256 great if you don't think like that there's no room to train you jQ74I1patFI-00373-00198256-00198773 standardized test only tap the professor mind absolutely jQ74I1patFI-00374-00198773-00199187 in a hundred percent maybe a little bit of the linguistic mind so if you have a jQ74I1patFI-00375-00199187-00199823 country that strives to do very very very very well on standardized tests and jQ74I1patFI-00376-00199823-00200597 Singapore is one you can't possibly do right by all of the rest of the jQ74I1patFI-00377-00200597-00201530 intelligences and however scattered and however repetitive or redundant the jQ74I1patFI-00378-00201530-00202049 school systems are in the United States at least many of them are striving to jQ74I1patFI-00379-00202049-00202442 help kids learn in those other ways that's not to say that in Singapore the jQ74I1patFI-00380-00202442-00202846 you know they don't do that at all but I'm just saying the heavy bent on these jQ74I1patFI-00381-00202846-00203767 high-stakes tests for funneling and tracking kids where they go in education jQ74I1patFI-00382-00203767-00204314 are mainly tapping into one kind of mind and they produce students and I know a jQ74I1patFI-00383-00204314-00204860 lot of Singaporean students very capable students and a very large number of very jQ74I1patFI-00384-00204860-00205411 capable students but the Singaporeans will tell you themselves that that kind jQ74I1patFI-00385-00205411-00206038 of education blunts the highly creative people that are sort of at out of the jQ74I1patFI-00386-00206038-00206716 middle and this is the reports that you also get in science of Singaporean and jQ74I1patFI-00387-00206716-00207217 some Asian students which is and even some European students at that kind of jQ74I1patFI-00388-00207217-00208235 regimented education it is not that good for create for creativity so the final jQ74I1patFI-00389-00208235-00208946 passage I want to explore with you is okay well based upon what people who are jQ74I1patFI-00390-00208946-00209321 interested in science education in the United States what are they thinking jQ74I1patFI-00391-00209321-00209819 about these days let me just tell you a little bit in the last 10 years there's jQ74I1patFI-00392-00209819-00210365 been these five studies they're pretty much like most studies which is to get a jQ74I1patFI-00393-00210365-00210779 big or a small group of people in a room there's supposed to be experts and they jQ74I1patFI-00394-00210779-00211115 thrash around what's important and what's not important and then they come jQ74I1patFI-00395-00211115-00211585 up with some kind of a consensus in these documents these documents all say jQ74I1patFI-00396-00211585-00211880 the same thing, you don't need to read them I'll tell you what jQ74I1patFI-00397-00211880-00212528 they all say which is how do you reform science education these happen to focus jQ74I1patFI-00398-00212528-00212896 on undergraduate education because remember even though everybody wants to jQ74I1patFI-00399-00212896-00213503 come to our undergraduate universities they actually probably do a worse job at jQ74I1patFI-00400-00213503-00214025 science education than the pre-college element which seems to be so bad that's jQ74I1patFI-00401-00214025-00214526 what I'm here to tell you because that professorial sort of learning is even jQ74I1patFI-00402-00214526-00215075 more entrenched in the collegian system than it is in the pre-college system in jQ74I1patFI-00403-00215075-00215540 other words there's more focus on that sort of one type of intelligence in the jQ74I1patFI-00404-00215540-00216041 university in some cases than at you then at the pre-college level so what do jQ74I1patFI-00405-00216041-00216506 all these documents say you should try to get kids to think conceptually at a jQ74I1patFI-00406-00216506-00216971 higher level and to think about how science really works the practice of jQ74I1patFI-00407-00216971-00217427 science rather than memory of memorizing stuff like facts and terms now everybody jQ74I1patFI-00408-00217427-00217886 knows that but but that's key if you have to actually believe that you can't jQ74I1patFI-00409-00217886-00218327 just say that stuff and then give people a lot of standardized tests it's jQ74I1patFI-00410-00218327-00219104 antithetical you need to adopt ways that kids can ask questions inquire and work jQ74I1patFI-00411-00219104-00219509 from themselves outward like I said in that phenomenological way they have to jQ74I1patFI-00412-00219509-00219881 be student-centered and kids especially I have to be able to ask their own jQ74I1patFI-00413-00219881-00220451 questions we find that's extremely important you can't ask the questions jQ74I1patFI-00414-00220451-00220988 for the kids you need to help them work between disciplines and biology is a jQ74I1patFI-00415-00220988-00221378 great example of a science that has a lot of different things going on it it jQ74I1patFI-00416-00221378-00221810 has math, it has computers, it has chemistry, and as a little bit of physics jQ74I1patFI-00417-00221810-00222215 and that has biology has a lot of stuff so that's a good example of jQ74I1patFI-00418-00222215-00222725 interdisciplinary study and you have to work collaboratively the idea that a jQ74I1patFI-00419-00222725-00223187 science scientists goes into some lab by themselves does gray stuff and comes out jQ74I1patFI-00420-00223187-00223754 and then discovers stuff that does happen sometimes but today if you'd read papers jQ74I1patFI-00421-00223754-00224261 in journals there's long long lists of scientists on one paper sometimes some jQ74I1patFI-00422-00224261-00224615 the list is so long that they can't even put it at the front of the article they jQ74I1patFI-00423-00224615-00225031 have to put it like as a footnote so people are working collaboratively jQ74I1patFI-00424-00225031-00225890 especially on things that involve computers and big sets of data and so forth jQ74I1patFI-00425-00225890-00226510 research experience that kids can have let them do these science practices try stuff jQ74I1patFI-00426-00226510-00226927 over again it doesn't work and have to try it again that's reiteration and they jQ74I1patFI-00427-00226927-00227257 have to discuss their results they have to be like scientists they have to be jQ74I1patFI-00428-00227257-00227629 like when scientists come into this room and argue that hey I did these jQ74I1patFI-00429-00227629-00228034 experiments I think they're valid and this is what I think they say and you jQ74I1patFI-00430-00228034-00228397 can say to me I tried some similar ones I don't think you're interpreting the jQ74I1patFI-00431-00228397-00228859 right that them right so let's go back and try them again that's what happens jQ74I1patFI-00432-00228859-00229294 in this room but kids have to learn that as a part of science not to sit there jQ74I1patFI-00433-00229294-00230101 and figure out what answer they give on a standardized test and the sort of holy jQ74I1patFI-00434-00230101-00230659 grail in undergraduate biology education right at this moment is to take these jQ74I1patFI-00435-00230659-00231271 ideas and to develop experiments that you can scale up because traditionally a jQ74I1patFI-00436-00231271-00231856 few kids have been invited into the labs of professors when they were say juniors jQ74I1patFI-00437-00231856-00232405 or seniors I was and you can work on some project and that would be helpful jQ74I1patFI-00438-00232405-00232792 but it tended to be later in your school career like when you were junior and jQ74I1patFI-00439-00232792-00233200 senior and it was only a few kids but now what we're trying to figure out is jQ74I1patFI-00440-00233200-00233560 how can we scale up a research experience experience maybe not as jQ74I1patFI-00441-00233560-00234140 intense and maybe not as mentored exactly by one professor that one-on-one jQ74I1patFI-00442-00234140-00234491 but how can we scale up something that's very close to research that could jQ74I1patFI-00443-00234491-00234883 involve a whole class of kids at the same time and that's called course-based jQ74I1patFI-00444-00234883-00235606 research experiences and it literally is the holy grail every competent striving jQ74I1patFI-00445-00235606-00236095 university in the United States is implementing them and implementing them jQ74I1patFI-00446-00236095-00236569 early because all of the data say you need to get these experiences in for jQ74I1patFI-00447-00236569-00236857 kids when they're freshmen and sophomores if you don't capture them jQ74I1patFI-00448-00236857-00237166 then they walk out jQ74I1patFI-00449-00237278-00237969 so one of those studies there this ugly one here was by the president's councils jQ74I1patFI-00450-00237969-00238428 of advisers in science and technology they call it PCAST and what they said I jQ74I1patFI-00451-00238428-00238955 don't know exactly why they said this but they said we need a million new jQ74I1patFI-00452-00238955-00239475 workers in science technology engineering and math over the next jQ74I1patFI-00453-00239475-00240078 decade and they said if you can increase the number of kids who stay in a science jQ74I1patFI-00454-00240078-00240392 track in other words they come in as freshmen and say hey I want to be a jQ74I1patFI-00455-00240392-00240785 scientist if you can increase by ten percent the number of kids that actually jQ74I1patFI-00456-00240785-00241196 stay and graduate with a degree in science or technology if you could jQ74I1patFI-00457-00241196-00241760 increase that number by ten percent that would give you 750 thousand kids over jQ74I1patFI-00458-00241760-00242129 ten years in other words 75,000 kids per year that's called jQ74I1patFI-00459-00242129-00242565 retention when kids actually stay in the field of study that they said they were jQ74I1patFI-00460-00242565-00242996 going to do and that's about the only thing that you can really measure in jQ74I1patFI-00461-00242996-00243536 undergraduate education so one thing you might get from this talk and I hope you jQ74I1patFI-00462-00243536-00243932 do which is there's relatively few things that you can really measure very jQ74I1patFI-00463-00243932-00244419 well in education that's why we take these really poor and uninformative jQ74I1patFI-00464-00244419-00244827 studies between countries because it's very difficult to measure these things jQ74I1patFI-00465-00244827-00245319 but one thing you can measure is the kid that comes in and says I'm majoring in jQ74I1patFI-00466-00245319-00245636 biology when they're freshmen and you can see when they get out of the jQ74I1patFI-00467-00245636-00246015 University four or five years later they don't count them if the kids that you jQ74I1patFI-00468-00246015-00246441 know take some seven years to get a degree but four or five years are they jQ74I1patFI-00469-00246441-00246794 still a biology major or at least till a science major or they switch over to jQ74I1patFI-00470-00246794-00247494 economics or business it's very easy to measure and here's what I wanted the jQ74I1patFI-00471-00247494-00247926 last part of this one part is the University of Texas at Austin has one of jQ74I1patFI-00472-00247926-00248313 the oldest course based research programs not very old it's only about jQ74I1patFI-00473-00248313-00248925 seven or eight years old 800 students per year they're gearing up to have the jQ74I1patFI-00474-00248925-00249390 possibility that any freshman in all of the University of Texas at Austin could jQ74I1patFI-00475-00249390-00249911 have a research experience with a professor in the first year and what do jQ74I1patFI-00476-00249911-00250523 they find they find that kids who go have that freshman research experience jQ74I1patFI-00477-00250523-00251025 twelve percent greater retention in the sciences than kids who don't have it and jQ74I1patFI-00478-00251025-00251505 they're all matched for economics for socio economics for race they're matched jQ74I1patFI-00479-00251505-00252027 perfectly because this was it was a re-study so what does that say if a jQ74I1patFI-00480-00252027-00252489 kid has a research experience in their freshman or sophomore year you do jQ74I1patFI-00481-00252489-00252933 exactly what this President's Council asked us to do which is get at least ten jQ74I1patFI-00482-00252933-00253365 percent more retention of kids in science and then imagine if you take jQ74I1patFI-00483-00253365-00253908 that research experience back to the high school you might have another ten jQ74I1patFI-00484-00253908-00254336 percent so that could give you twenty percent more kids interested in science jQ74I1patFI-00485-00254336-00255098 just by having research experiences once in once in high school and once when jQ74I1patFI-00486-00255098-00255675 they're in college and I'm happy to say that the New York State legislature is jQ74I1patFI-00487-00255675-00256323 on the ball they mandated that every student who graduates from the CUNY to jQ74I1patFI-00488-00256323-00256644 the University of New York or the SUNY system State University of New York jQ74I1patFI-00489-00256644-00257292 every student has to have an experiential science learning element to jQ74I1patFI-00490-00257292-00257664 their graduation as a requirement and they list some of the things that could jQ74I1patFI-00491-00257664-00258167 be service learning activities, internships and the part that I really jQ74I1patFI-00492-00258167-00259041 like undergraduate projects and the very last thing I want to leave you with is jQ74I1patFI-00493-00259041-00259554 just a couple of examples of things that we do at the DNA Learning Center that's jQ74I1patFI-00494-00259554-00260040 in line with what these consensus studies have said because we've been jQ74I1patFI-00495-00260040-00260550 interested in experiential discovery learning kind of learning where kids ask jQ74I1patFI-00496-00260550-00261051 questions whether they're their own questions or guided by the teacher we're jQ74I1patFI-00497-00261051-00261471 really we've been interested in this for a long time so here's just a couple of jQ74I1patFI-00498-00261471-00262010 the things we've done over the last 20 years I didn't go back any further than jQ74I1patFI-00499-00262010-00262614 that but so in 1995 we did the first experiment anywhere in the world where jQ74I1patFI-00500-00262614-00263139 kids could get some DNA out of some cheek cells it's simple and easy and jQ74I1patFI-00501-00263139-00263568 doesn't hurt and I could look at a bit of their DNA and use that to compare jQ74I1patFI-00502-00263568-00263990 their DNA with people from around world and that's meaning that means jQ74I1patFI-00503-00263990-00264496 diversity how are we diverse genetically and we've been doing that experiment since jQ74I1patFI-00504-00264496-00264926 1995 and it's one that's done you know all around the country and to some jQ74I1patFI-00505-00264926-00265397 extent around the world next we came along and did an experiment in 1997 jQ74I1patFI-00506-00265397-00265877 which was the first experiment anywhere that I'm aware of that allowed students jQ74I1patFI-00507-00265877-00266339 to look at a bit of their own DNA sequence the ATCGs that jQ74I1patFI-00508-00266339-00266759 make up our genetic code and again they look at that bit of sequence it goes jQ74I1patFI-00509-00266759-00267119 into a database and then they can compare their DNA with their friends which jQ74I1patFI-00510-00267119-00267476 is interesting but also compare their DNA with people from around the world jQ74I1patFI-00511-00267476-00268040 including ancient specimens like Ötzi the Iceman who's replica is at the DNA jQ74I1patFI-00512-00268040-00268556 Learning Center or Neanderthals who are our cousins and we mix it up with a long jQ74I1patFI-00513-00268556-00269039 time ago so that's fun and just to give you an idea of what you can do if you do jQ74I1patFI-00514-00269039-00269474 something like this and stick with it and you know are fastidious as we try to jQ74I1patFI-00515-00269474-00269954 be over a hundred thousand students have their DNA in our database and this was jQ74I1patFI-00516-00269954-00270521 long before you could do FamilyTreeDNA or 23andMe or the Genographic project we jQ74I1patFI-00517-00270521-00270866 were doing a similar sort of thing for free here at Cold Spring Harbor jQ74I1patFI-00518-00270866-00271430 Laboratory and 1.6 million people have gone on to that website and analyzed jQ74I1patFI-00519-00271430-00271934 their own DNA or somebody else's DNA then we came along and worked with these jQ74I1patFI-00520-00271934-00272471 little tiny worms called C elegans and this was a set of experiments that are jQ74I1patFI-00521-00272471-00273140 very good for the college level which can let students sort of knock out a jQ74I1patFI-00522-00273140-00273578 gene make it stop working for a while and then try to study what effect that jQ74I1patFI-00523-00273578-00274049 has on the worm and it turns out that this worm, it's a teeny thing but it has most of jQ74I1patFI-00524-00274049-00274463 the same genes as us so you could for example think about a gene that's jQ74I1patFI-00525-00274463-00274898 involved in cancer or one that might be involved in a disease that's in your jQ74I1patFI-00526-00274898-00275444 family say and a student could look that gene up find the similar gene in this jQ74I1patFI-00527-00275444-00275849 worm and knock it out and see what does it do to the worm it may do something jQ74I1patFI-00528-00275849-00276302 it may do nothing so this is the kind of projects that the kids can start with jQ74I1patFI-00529-00276302-00276923 their own question like you know I have chronic fatigue syndrome in my family do jQ74I1patFI-00530-00276923-00277130 we know anything about those genes and jQ74I1patFI-00531-00277130-00277304 if I knock out one of those genes in this jQ74I1patFI-00532-00277304-00277786 worm you know does it look tired well that sounds funny but that's a pretty jQ74I1patFI-00533-00277786-00278492 good question actually this is a super fun experiment that actually was first jQ74I1patFI-00534-00278492-00279304 done here at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the 1930s where they jQ74I1patFI-00535-00279304-00279755 determined whether you can taste some certain bitter things and all of you jQ74I1patFI-00536-00279755-00280073 have probably done this experiment where you take a little piece of paper and you put jQ74I1patFI-00537-00280073-00280486 it in your mouth and some people go oh god it's so bitter and some people say I jQ74I1patFI-00538-00280486-00281048 can't taste it will it's determined by gene that ability to taste that and now jQ74I1patFI-00539-00281048-00281575 we let kids look at that gene determine what their gene looks at like and then jQ74I1patFI-00540-00281575-00281996 predict whether or not they can taste the bitter taste well that's exactly jQ74I1patFI-00541-00281996-00282425 what you do if you have certain kinds of cancers and they take a look at your jQ74I1patFI-00542-00282425-00282938 genes and say they say well judging by the look of your genes this specific jQ74I1patFI-00543-00282938-00283349 treatment would be best for you and this one would be virtually useless that's jQ74I1patFI-00544-00283349-00283751 called precision or personalized medicine in this experiment lets jQ74I1patFI-00545-00283751-00284201 kids understand that another thing that we've done is to go into cyber jQ74I1patFI-00546-00284201-00284717 infrastructure which means the computer stuff the big computers and the jQ74I1patFI-00547-00284717-00285233 trackways and the internet that allow people to analyze things in biology and jQ74I1patFI-00548-00285233-00285755 we've been working on a big hundred million dollar project to do education jQ74I1patFI-00549-00285755-00286139 part of the education for a hundred million dollar project to help jQ74I1patFI-00550-00286139-00286658 scientists and teachers learn computer resources like super fast computers and jQ74I1patFI-00551-00286658-00287294 computers in the clouds and things like that and the last two things that we've jQ74I1patFI-00552-00287294-00287702 done which are super fun is DNA barcoding which we started a few years jQ74I1patFI-00553-00287702-00288104 ago which let kids go out into the environment or out into the grocery jQ74I1patFI-00554-00288104-00288776 stores find something that's alive or once was alive my favorite is bird's jQ74I1patFI-00555-00288776-00289363 nest use the bird's nest soup and you can actually buy that bird nest and say jQ74I1patFI-00556-00289363-00289810 is that really a bird nest is that really made by a bird it's just like jQ74I1patFI-00557-00289810-00290357 some stuff because who would know but you can actually extract the DNA out of jQ74I1patFI-00558-00290357-00290691 that bird nest and show that there's DNA in that jQ74I1patFI-00559-00290691-00291210 bird nest that comes from the proper swift in Asia that makes that nest and jQ74I1patFI-00560-00291210-00291795 build it with its saliva and in making it deposit some of its DNA there but you jQ74I1patFI-00561-00291795-00292284 can also go out into Cold Spring Harbor as we're doing and survey all the small jQ74I1patFI-00562-00292284-00292659 organisms that might be difficult for you to figure out what they are but by jQ74I1patFI-00563-00292659-00293076 the DNA barcode you can tell pretty easily what they are are they the same jQ74I1patFI-00564-00293076-00293598 species that there were there a hundred years ago when Charles Davenport first jQ74I1patFI-00565-00293598-00293952 came here and had people study in the environment well the answers we're jQ74I1patFI-00566-00293952-00294285 finding out that some of those things are gone and some of them have been jQ74I1patFI-00567-00294285-00294756 replaced by other organisms and where did most of those organisms come from jQ74I1patFI-00568-00294756-00295122 they came in under the bottom on the bottoms of boats from Europe and other jQ74I1patFI-00569-00295122-00295698 places and the final thing that we've just started a couple years ago this is jQ74I1patFI-00570-00295698-00296216 a very ambitious project probably really and truly I think the most ambitious jQ74I1patFI-00571-00296216-00296673 large-scale education project you'll find anywhere which is a project jQ74I1patFI-00572-00296673-00297342 that helps faculty at smaller colleges and universities have an organism that jQ74I1patFI-00573-00297342-00297708 they're interested in and then through this project and through the funding jQ74I1patFI-00574-00297708-00298425 that we have we allow them to get a whole set of DNA information on that jQ74I1patFI-00575-00298425-00298968 organism when I say a whole set of DNA information I mean a picture of all of jQ74I1patFI-00576-00298968-00299658 the genes that are working inside of that organism under one condition or jQ74I1patFI-00577-00299658-00300384 another and it's literally billions and billions tens of billions of DNA letters jQ74I1patFI-00578-00300384-00300752 worth of information that then have to be analyzed using high-performance jQ74I1patFI-00579-00300752-00301509 computers of the sort I mentioned to you before so you can see that i'm jQ74I1patFI-00580-00301509-00301992 not down on U.S. science education I actually think we're headed in the right jQ74I1patFI-00581-00301992-00302574 kinds of directions I'm happy that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the jQ74I1patFI-00582-00302574-00302874 DNA Learning Center have been involved in that effort to try to move it along jQ74I1patFI-00583-00302874-00303441 and I thought I'd leave you with just something totally different jQ74I1patFI-00584-00303441-00304128 which is another question which is we've got this great science education jQ74I1patFI-00585-00304128-00304535 system that's getting better all the time we've got this great research jQ74I1patFI-00586-00304535-00305241 system that does half of the Nobel Prizes, half of citations, half of the jQ74I1patFI-00587-00305241-00305763 patents in the world so how do you keep that going and so the question I wanted jQ74I1patFI-00588-00305763-00306053 to put to you is what do you think it takes to become an independent jQ74I1patFI-00589-00306053-00306897 researcher meaning what do you have to do to get there and the answer is 42 jQ74I1patFI-00590-00306897-00307778 years so the average age of someone who's getting their first grant that's jQ74I1patFI-00591-00307778-00308180 called an R01 that's an independent investigator grant it's the sign that jQ74I1patFI-00592-00308180-00308657 you've made it as a researcher the average age of the granting of those is jQ74I1patFI-00593-00308657-00309203 now 42 years old now imagine a career that you might choose where you're going jQ74I1patFI-00594-00309203-00309672 to of course go to university you're of course going to have to do something rather jQ74I1patFI-00595-00309672-00310140 some kind of apprenticeship or graduate school or this or that but imagine going jQ74I1patFI-00596-00310140-00310566 through that until you're 42 years old to say yeah I'm finally in my career and jQ74I1patFI-00597-00310566-00311124 that's the reason why that is so is because despite the fact that we love jQ74I1patFI-00598-00311124-00311561 our science and we love our medicine here in the United States and we're jQ74I1patFI-00599-00311561-00311906 pretty we think we're pretty good at funding it there's still not enough jQ74I1patFI-00600-00311906-00312434 money to go around for the best people to do the best work so you have to sort jQ74I1patFI-00601-00312434-00312900 of get in that queue and wait until you're 42 years of age and as a consequence jQ74I1patFI-00602-00312900-00313361 we're losing many many American researchers and who are we losing it to jQ74I1patFI-00603-00313361-00313827 those foreigners who come in and would love to go to college here so anyway I jQ74I1patFI-00604-00313827-00314214 don't know what all of that means but to me it's an interesting story and I hope jQ74I1patFI-00605-00314214-00314625 you think about some of those questions I also think that when you see questions jQ74I1patFI-00606-00314625-00315209 in the media about science or education that you maybe take some time to look at jQ74I1patFI-00607-00315209-00315672 the answers behind those questions so thank you all for coming and have a jQ74I1patFI-00608-00315672-00315988 great night. jQbSei4-U7M-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone jQbSei4-U7M-00001-00000200-00000452 this is bank nifty 1 minute chart, jQbSei4-U7M-00002-00000452-00002253 market opened time is 9.15am jQbSei4-U7M-00003-00002253-00004237 this chart will generate calls in live market we are going to analyse jQbSei4-U7M-00005-00008551-00010346 you just need to open this chart and you will get calls with colors jQbSei4-U7M-00006-00010346-00012000 this is signal generator it will generate calls in live market jQbSei4-U7M-00007-00012131-00012817 for subscription detail whatsapp - 9488462166 jQbSei4-U7M-00008-00012817-00015612 market reached target after 15 minutes jQbSei4-U7M-00010-00018776-00020352 buy for green color candle sell red color candle jQbSei4-U7M-00012-00024472-00025983 you can trade directly in option or use future jQbSei4-U7M-00013-00025983-00027786 market trend changed after 10.30 am buy call came jQbSei4-U7M-00014-00027786-00029197 green color candle going on jQbSei4-U7M-00015-00029197-00031444 For Subscription Details Whats App - 9488462166 jRnh1nbo0VY-00000-00000264-00000380 How’s it going team?? jRnh1nbo0VY-00001-00000380-00000580 Today we're gonna keep it simple jRnh1nbo0VY-00002-00000590-00001240 I’m going to tell you a short story in textbook English and then transform it into colloquial English jRnh1nbo0VY-00003-00001390-00001580 You’re watching ‘How to Speak American’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00004-00004500-00004672 Ok so let’s take a look at this jRnh1nbo0VY-00005-00004696-00005238 In the first section I use the term ‘Hold their wedding’ instead of ‘to get married’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00006-00005248-00005856 Now actually, both are perfectly fine, but often times when Americans are talking about jRnh1nbo0VY-00007-00005916-00006064 having an event jRnh1nbo0VY-00008-00006064-00006285 they will say they will ‘hold their event’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00009-00006285-00006431 So for instance jRnh1nbo0VY-00010-00007128-00007550 So in the next section, I use the term ‘Old Stomping Grounds’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00011-00007550-00007931 ‘Old Stomping Grounds’ is just another way to say, ‘where you grew up’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00012-00007931-00008084 So for instance jRnh1nbo0VY-00013-00009072-00009628 Ok so in the next section, I use the term ‘Had a tight budget’ instead of jRnh1nbo0VY-00014-00009628-00009820 'did not have much money to spend’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00015-00009820-00010607 Again, both are perfectly fine, but a lot of Americans will use the term ‘Tight’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00016-00010607-00011020 when talking about not having much time or not that much money jRnh1nbo0VY-00017-00012634-00013102 In the last section, I use the term ‘Pull Off’ a beautiful wedding instead of jRnh1nbo0VY-00018-00013102-00013252 'have a beautiful wedding' jRnh1nbo0VY-00019-00013252-00013876 ‘Have’ a beautiful wedding is ok, but ‘Pull Off’ is much more descriptive jRnh1nbo0VY-00020-00013876-00014486 To ‘Pull Off’ means to be able to do something even though you did not expect to be able jRnh1nbo0VY-00021-00014486-00014678 to do it in the first place jRnh1nbo0VY-00022-00014700-00014852 So, for example: jRnh1nbo0VY-00023-00016502-00016758 I personally like this last term ‘Pull Off’ jRnh1nbo0VY-00024-00016758-00017232 I use it all of the time and now that you’ve watched this video you will hear it a lot more jRnh1nbo0VY-00025-00017242-00017736 People talk about ‘Pull Off’ all of the time when they are talking about something jRnh1nbo0VY-00026-00017736-00018246 that is going to be accomplished but they don’t think is possible to be accomplished jRnh1nbo0VY-00027-00018360-00018650 So here’s the colloquial version again real quick jRnh1nbo0VY-00028-00019712-00020021 So here are all of the colloquial terms that I used jRnh1nbo0VY-00029-00020021-00020415 The best way to remember them is to just practice them in new sentences jRnh1nbo0VY-00030-00020416-00020940 If you’d like me to check your new sentences, just send me a message or something jRnh1nbo0VY-00031-00020940-00021448 and ask if this is the right way to use it and then I can tell you if it’s the right way or not jRnh1nbo0VY-00032-00021498-00021887 This is kind of a new video so I hope you like this kind of format jRnh1nbo0VY-00033-00021887-00022318 If you do, let me know and then I can make more sentences and short stories like this jRnh1nbo0VY-00034-00022318-00022418 to help you remember jRnh1nbo0VY-00035-00022418-00022600 Anyway, that’s all for now jRnh1nbo0VY-00036-00022600-00022676 Wait! jRnh1nbo0VY-00037-00022680-00023202 You should check out this other video I made and learn even more colloquial English jTDIhuo691y-00000-00000806-00001136 NARRATOR: The Earth has always experienced climate change. jTDIhuo691y-00001-00001140-00001486 Variations in the planet's tilt and its orbit around the sun jTDIhuo691y-00002-00001490-00001903 produce climate patterns called Milankovitch cycles. jTDIhuo691y-00003-00001906-00002076 In the last few million years, jTDIhuo691y-00004-00002080-00002520 the cycle has alternated between cold periods called Ice Ages jTDIhuo691y-00005-00002523-00002803 and warmer periods called Interglacials. jTDIhuo691y-00006-00002993-00003356 Scientists use a number of techniques to study climate. jTDIhuo691y-00007-00003360-00003670 Pollen grains preserved in lake and bog sediments jTDIhuo691y-00008-00003673-00004006 tell us about flora that thrived in the past. jTDIhuo691y-00009-00004010-00004283 The rings of trees, thicker in warm wet years jTDIhuo691y-00010-00004286-00004666 and thinner during cold dry ones, record the climate. jTDIhuo691y-00011-00004670-00005043 Ice core samples, containing bubbles of ancient air, jTDIhuo691y-00012-00005046-00005453 store data that goes back about one million years. jTDIhuo691y-00013-00005456-00005650 And the chemistry of ocean sediments jTDIhuo691y-00014-00005653-00005890 can provide an estimate of water temperatures jTDIhuo691y-00015-00005893-00006160 going back 65 million years jTDIhuo691y-00016-00006163-00006330 to the time of the dinosaurs. jTDIhuo691y-00017-00006503-00006886 At the peak of the last Ice Age, about 21,000 years ago, jTDIhuo691y-00018-00006890-00007263 an ice sheet covered most of Europe and North America. jTDIhuo691y-00019-00007266-00007520 Our current geologic epoch, the Holocene, jTDIhuo691y-00020-00007523-00007973 is an interglacial period that began 12,000 years ago. jTDIhuo691y-00021-00007976-00008353 When the ice melted, numerous species of plants and animals jTDIhuo691y-00022-00008356-00008523 prospered in the warmer climate. jTDIhuo691y-00023-00008880-00009083 The stable temperatures of the Holocene jTDIhuo691y-00024-00009086-00009366 enabled humans to develop agriculture. jTDIhuo691y-00025-00009370-00009673 Eventually, humans began to impact the environment jTDIhuo691y-00026-00009676-00010056 by clearing timber and depleting soil resources. jTDIhuo691y-00027-00010060-00010310 Still, the atmosphere largely stayed the same jTDIhuo691y-00028-00010313-00010606 throughout the agrarian era. jTDIhuo691y-00029-00010610-00010936 Subtle natural climate changes had been normal jTDIhuo691y-00030-00010940-00011173 but even changes of only a few degrees jTDIhuo691y-00031-00011176-00011556 in average regional temperature can affect the biosphere, jTDIhuo691y-00032-00011560-00011950 opening and closing waterways and influencing migrations. jTDIhuo691y-00033-00012606-00012803 Human impact on the global climate jTDIhuo691y-00034-00012806-00013169 increased sharply after the Industrial Revolution. jTDIhuo691y-00035-00013173-00013560 Average temperatures began to rise in the early 20th century. jTDIhuo691y-00036-00013563-00013880 This was largely caused by carbon dioxide emissions jTDIhuo691y-00037-00013883-00014063 from the burning of fossil fuels jTDIhuo691y-00038-00014066-00014456 such as coal, oil and natural gas. jTDIhuo691y-00039-00014460-00014733 Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. jTDIhuo691y-00040-00014736-00015053 It absorbs invisible heat radiation from the Earth, jTDIhuo691y-00041-00015056-00015286 emitting much of it back down. jTDIhuo691y-00042-00015290-00015486 Consequently, the Earth's surface jTDIhuo691y-00043-00015490-00015719 is heated by both visible sunlight jTDIhuo691y-00044-00015723-00016010 and infrared radiation from the atmosphere jTDIhuo691y-00045-00016013-00016280 in what is called the greenhouse effect. jTDIhuo691y-00046-00016730-00017006 Scientists project that average global temperatures jTDIhuo691y-00047-00017010-00017303 will increase by several degrees this century jTDIhuo691y-00048-00017306-00017603 if nothing is done, perhaps even exceeding jTDIhuo691y-00049-00017606-00017836 the five-degree temperature fluctuations jTDIhuo691y-00050-00017840-00018243 typical between an ice age and an interglacial period. jTDIhuo691y-00051-00018246-00018466 This will cause changes in weather patterns jTDIhuo691y-00052-00018470-00018820 and sea levels will rise as the ice sheets on Greenland jTDIhuo691y-00053-00018823-00019070 and Antarctica melt. jTDIhuo691y-00054-00019073-00019410 Global warming threatens forest and ocean habitats, jTDIhuo691y-00055-00019413-00019710 especially coral reefs, which live in a narrow range jTDIhuo691y-00056-00019713-00019860 of temperature. jTDIhuo691y-00057-00019863-00020033 To fight global warming, jTDIhuo691y-00058-00020036-00020356 we'll need a global commitment to conserve energy, jTDIhuo691y-00059-00020360-00020606 develop sustainable energy sources jTDIhuo691y-00060-00020610-00020876 and preserve our forests. jU4exs2z_HA-00000-00000000-00000312 can yamin and demet the hidden love messages revealed jU4exs2z_HA-00001-00000919-00001488 a channel run by a girl who is passionate about the can yaman series but also demet azdemir jU4exs2z_HA-00002-00001488-00001968 the girl who is called stefania according to the owner of the youtube channel there jU4exs2z_HA-00003-00001968-00002520 are some sort of hidden messages between the two turkish actors kenyaman and demet ozdemir jU4exs2z_HA-00004-00002520-00003016 the messages were highlighted by the girl by making various comparisons on what was posted by jU4exs2z_HA-00005-00003016-00003632 can and demet on social networks the hypotheses of secret or alleged messages between demet jU4exs2z_HA-00006-00003632-00004312 ozdemir and kanyaman seem to be real but are there still direct contacts between demet and can jU4exs2z_HA-00007-00004312-00004736 what if these are only at the level of friendship or is the reality different jU4exs2z_HA-00008-00004872-00005416 according to many fans of can and demet their story has never begun and never will begin jU4exs2z_HA-00009-00005416-00005760 and the love between the two was just a fictional love jU4exs2z_HA-00010-00005760-00006264 but the theories and the assumptions continue as you know disney plus has closed a contract jU4exs2z_HA-00011-00006264-00007680 with all three turkish actors can demet and hand for the production of new love dices you jYyI2agL9au-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello and welcome to the tutorial on Arrays. jYyI2agL9au-00001-00000300-00000700 Arrays allow the user to store more than one piece of data inside a variable jYyI2agL9au-00002-00000800-00001100 For example the variable days would be called as an array jYyI2agL9au-00003-00001200-00001600 Inside a pair of parenthesis we're going to have more than one value jYyI2agL9au-00004-00001700-00002200 So, I'll pick 5 values for this and have every day of the week inside each of these. jYyI2agL9au-00005-00002300-00003800 I'll have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - just 5 days of the week, that saves us jYyI2agL9au-00006-00003900-00004800 Say for example day one is Monday, day two is Tuesday and so on. jYyI2agL9au-00007-00004900-00004960 Hope you get the picture jYyI2agL9au-00008-00005000-00005800 This is a much easier and more efficient way of calling a variable with more than one piece of data inside it jYyI2agL9au-00009-00005900-00006600 Please note these can also be numbers, or whatever data that you decide you require inside them. jYyI2agL9au-00010-00006700-00007100 Now, to echo out our array, I'm going to say echo days jYyI2agL9au-00011-00007200-00007500 Now, you find that this doesn't work. jYyI2agL9au-00012-00007600-00007900 This happens when we open up our page jYyI2agL9au-00013-00008000-00008100 We just get 'Array' echoed out. jYyI2agL9au-00014-00008200-00008300 Now, 'Array' is not anywhere inside here. jYyI2agL9au-00015-00008400-00009100 So, what PHP has done is echoed out the fact that what we have is an array. jYyI2agL9au-00016-00009200-00010000 Now, to call a specific element inside an array, you might want to call it element, in some places they call it id tags or elements of an array. jYyI2agL9au-00017-00010100-00010400 We're going to use square brackets and we'll call the position of the element inside the array. jYyI2agL9au-00018-00010500-00010900 So, you may think this is one, two, three, four, five. jYyI2agL9au-00019-00011000-00011700 However because of the numbering system, the standard numbering system, we are starting with zero, one, two, three and four. jYyI2agL9au-00020-00011800-00012800 So, for example if I wanted to echo out Monday that would be zero, so, you put zero in that and you have Monday echoed out. jYyI2agL9au-00021-00012900-00013700 The same with one would be Tuesday and four, which is the last element of the array, would be Friday. jYyI2agL9au-00022-00013800-00014500 Okay, so, we're going to go ahead and I'm going to show you how to assign values in a different way into an array jYyI2agL9au-00023-00014600-00015100 Now, let me start from the beginning of what I want to say. jYyI2agL9au-00024-00015200-00015800 I'm going to create an array, but I'm going to create its specifically. jYyI2agL9au-00025-00015900-00017200 So, days zero equals Monday, days one equals Tuesday jYyI2agL9au-00026-00017300-00018300 Now, you may think - what's the point of this? I mean, what I'm doing here essentially is creating what I said earlier would be a bit of a hassle. jYyI2agL9au-00027-00018400-00019400 I mean I could say day 1 equals, you know and day 2 equals, and you could do it like that. jYyI2agL9au-00028-00019500-00019800 However, what we're still doing here is putting into an array. jYyI2agL9au-00029-00019900-00020400 So, it may still contain the same structure but we're assigning it in a different way. jYyI2agL9au-00030-00020500-00021200 So you can do it like that.I always prefer to do it like this. jYyI2agL9au-00031-00021300-00022400 I find this much cleaner, much simpler and just to let you know - you can bring this down like this. jYyI2agL9au-00032-00022500-00023300 However if you prefer to view it, I mean if I save this now, refresh, nothing's changed. jYyI2agL9au-00033-00023400-00024000 There are no errors, we still get the same structure, we've just moved it down on lines jYyI2agL9au-00034-00024100-00025000 There's the line terminator at the end of your function and not at the end of every line, so, don't get confused with that. jYyI2agL9au-00035-00025100-00025400 Okay, so, let's now go back to this. jYyI2agL9au-00036-00025500-00026200 So, that's the basic array and how to create values for it in two different ways and how to call values for it. jYyI2agL9au-00037-00026300-00027300 So, for example if I was saying echo Today is days and then I can say zero. jYyI2agL9au-00038-00027400-00028000 Now, you can see already that I've highlighted this in context - I've highlighted that in green jYyI2agL9au-00039-00028100-00028300 Now, if you refresh this, you'll see this is Monday. jYyI2agL9au-00040-00028400-00028700 Now don't get confused, I do recommend you to use contexts. jYyI2agL9au-00041-00028800-00029200 However, this isn't the standard way that contact recognizes the coding. jYyI2agL9au-00042-00029300-00030800 What it would look better is - you'll see that when we write it down here we could say echo 'days' and zero, you can see how that's in red to show an integer, a number. jYyI2agL9au-00043-00030900-00031500 The way it would like you to write is, like that and we can see that's fine jYyI2agL9au-00044-00031600-00032200 But you can incorporate an array into your string in order to echo it out. jYyI2agL9au-00045-00032300-00033500 Anyway, I'm going to go on to associative arrays where we're going to assign id tags in a way where we hold a value for each sort of identity. jYyI2agL9au-00046-00033600-00034500 If you don't follow then this is the way I'm going to create it. jYyI2agL9au-00047-00034600-00036200 I'm going to say ages equals array, now inside, I'm going to say 'Alex' jYyI2agL9au-00048-00036300-00037900 Now, instead of going on and saying Billy and then Kyle which are the three names I'm going to use, I'm going to say nineteen, fourteen and eighteen jYyI2agL9au-00049-00038000-00038300 Basically using equals and a greater than sign. jYyI2agL9au-00050-00038400-00039300 Now, what this has done is instead of our array elements as in this being called by zero, this being called by one, this being called by two. jYyI2agL9au-00051-00039400-00040400 This is now called as 'Alex', this is called as 'Billy' and this is called as 'Kyle' but their values are fourteen, nineteen and eighteen. jYyI2agL9au-00052-00040500-00041400 So, really, it would be the same as writing that. Lets get rid of that and calling this as zero, one and two. jYyI2agL9au-00053-00041500-00042800 And to make it a bit more friendly, and a bit easier to remember, a bit easier to call, we can now say, echo out 'ages', 'Alex', like that. jYyI2agL9au-00054-00042900-00044300 So, this will echo out nineteen, as we refresh and see there - nineteen. The same if you do it with 'Billy' and the same with 'Kyle'. jYyI2agL9au-00055-00044400-00045700 So, when you're half way through a program and instead of saying aah I'll have to go back to the top and count along each row and say "Is this zero, one, two or three I can't remember?" jYyI2agL9au-00056-00045800-00046900 This is much easier to do. Another useful way of doing this is, if I was to say array one is equal to 'Alex' and then two is equal to 'Billy'. jYyI2agL9au-00057-00047000-00047900 We are not starting at zero and then one. We're starting at one and two, so that we find that is easier to remember. jYyI2agL9au-00058-00048000-00048700 Now, we can now say echo, 'ages' one, that comes out as 'Alex'. jYyI2agL9au-00059-00048800-00049600 We're not using zero for that, it's a lot more user friendly for you to program than to say, zero, one, two. jYyI2agL9au-00060-00049700-00050000 Try it out - work around it - see what's easiest for you. jYyI2agL9au-00061-00050100-00050700 But I mean this to me is quite pointless because I'm in the mood of using zero, one, two. jYyI2agL9au-00062-00050800-00051600 But if you want to use it like I have before or like this or assign a string value to any data types then that's the way to do it jYyI2agL9au-00063-00051700-00052300 Okay, that's the basics of arrays, I have another tutorial on multidimensional arrays. jYyI2agL9au-00064-00052400-00052600 Its a separate tutorial. Please watch it. jYyI2agL9au-00065-00052700-00053200 That's all in this tutorial. Thanks for watching. This is Arvind dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial project. Bye. jYJrwiOPhl8-00000-00000061-00000548 B*** like a mother ducking B*** being like a ducking marshmellow going balalalalalallalaLALALLALA jcjsIQpN7HY-00000-00000000-00000200 Let’s eat. jcDmyMfrO7u-00000-00000802-00001002 Freight hopping "Orekhovo-Zuevo — Vladimir" jcDmyMfrO7u-00001-00001694-00001823 "It's fast, fast". jcDmyMfrO7u-00002-00001823-00002076 "No, shit, now!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00003-00002076-00002154 "Move along! jcDmyMfrO7u-00004-00002154-00002222 Move along!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00005-00002222-00002306 "Guys, no!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00006-00002702-00002808 "No, no!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00007-00003140-00003404 "Faster, we must go into the bushes, until the ChME3 hasn't approached". jcDmyMfrO7u-00008-00004120-00004178 3 hours later jcDmyMfrO7u-00009-00004178-00004268 "Let's go, I already want to go now. jcDmyMfrO7u-00010-00004268-00004446 I'm going to get in there, and go sleeping till departure. jcDmyMfrO7u-00011-00004446-00004876 "In short, again: you are waiting here for a maximum of two and watching the situation, you see that..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00012-00004876-00005210 "It turns out the second gondola car before..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00013-00005210-00005374 "Yes, here it is, you just go very quickly..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00014-00005374-00005506 "OK, perfect". jcDmyMfrO7u-00015-00005680-00005800 "Let's go around?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00016-00005800-00006338 "From 6th track the train departing to the north, be careful and attentive, train departing from 6th track to the north". jcDmyMfrO7u-00017-00006338-00006404 "To the north. jcDmyMfrO7u-00018-00006404-00006500 Well it's to Yaroslavl. jcDmyMfrO7u-00019-00007045-00007136 Are you first or me? jcDmyMfrO7u-00020-00007136-00007204 "Bollocks to". jcDmyMfrO7u-00021-00007204-00007306 "Go". jcDmyMfrO7u-00022-00009264-00009374 "Well, are we going with them?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00023-00009374-00009426 "Well, let's go. jcDmyMfrO7u-00024-00009426-00009604 And what's left for us? jcDmyMfrO7u-00025-00011272-00011406 Come on, there's something rolling here. jcDmyMfrO7u-00026-00012518-00012582 Vitya!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00027-00012582-00012632 "Ah?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00028-00012632-00012913 "For now stay between the cars, let this crap go. jcDmyMfrO7u-00029-00013546-00013663 Come on, go! jcDmyMfrO7u-00030-00013663-00013796 I waited for this to pass. jcDmyMfrO7u-00031-00014386-00014519 Scoot over!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00032-00015013-00015190 "Fuck, they won't climb over through that moving train". jcDmyMfrO7u-00033-00015190-00015363 "Of course! jcDmyMfrO7u-00034-00015363-00015438 Lol. jcDmyMfrO7u-00035-00015438-00015680 "Stayed for a while. jcDmyMfrO7u-00036-00015680-00015791 Well, how did they checked all out?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00037-00015791-00015904 "Checked out. jcDmyMfrO7u-00038-00016002-00016108 They are climbing over the tin cans." jcDmyMfrO7u-00039-00016108-00016162 "Climbing over?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00040-00016162-00016284 "Over the tin cans, on the roll. jcDmyMfrO7u-00041-00016284-00016392 I just, yeah... jcDmyMfrO7u-00042-00016392-00016500 "Oh, come on!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00043-00016774-00016906 "Well, plus one. jcDmyMfrO7u-00044-00017600-00017958 If we go to Alex [Alexandrov], will you go down and wait there for Vladimir train?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00045-00017958-00018178 "Well, I don't know, I would actually go down." jcDmyMfrO7u-00046-00018178-00018288 "Not for shit!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00047-00018288-00018420 "We're rolling on the outer track, in short!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00048-00018420-00018764 "It doesn't have any fucking meaning at this time, Vlad." jcDmyMfrO7u-00049-00018764-00018904 "Oh!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00050-00019084-00019162 "Who the fuck is this?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00051-00019162-00019214 "And who is it?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00052-00019214-00019264 "This is Vanya!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00053-00019264-00019314 "This is camp garrison". jcDmyMfrO7u-00054-00019314-00019424 "Vanya!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00055-00019424-00019512 "Is this Vanya?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00056-00019512-00019622 "Vanya!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00057-00019622-00019704 "Was this Vanya?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00058-00020132-00020220 "Fuck, be careful! jcDmyMfrO7u-00059-00020220-00020332 Have you caught the rail tanker?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00060-00020332-00020558 "Yes, and I rolled parallel to you. jcDmyMfrO7u-00061-00020558-00020744 I'm rolling and watching, and you're sticking out of the car! jcDmyMfrO7u-00062-00020744-00020832 I even filmed this!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00063-00020832-00020906 "Yea, we too. jcDmyMfrO7u-00064-00020906-00021196 Arseniy saw you too, when you rode a tanker." jcDmyMfrO7u-00065-00021196-00021410 "Come here and give me five!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00066-00021410-00021602 "They didn't even try or they didn't have time to try?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00067-00021602-00021830 "Opportunity only knocks once". jcDmyMfrO7u-00068-00021830-00022020 "Did anyone reached someone else?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00069-00022020-00022220 "I called him, they didn't leave." jcDmyMfrO7u-00070-00022220-00022308 "Four of them?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00071-00022308-00022372 "I think so. jcDmyMfrO7u-00072-00022372-00022502 I don't know for sure." jcDmyMfrO7u-00073-00022502-00022658 "This is not our buffer light on the left side of the train? jcDmyMfrO7u-00074-00022658-00022746 "I do not understand anything either." jcDmyMfrO7u-00075-00022746-00022874 "Ah, listen up, this is ours! jcDmyMfrO7u-00076-00022874-00023098 Here is the turn, it burns us two yellows, one blinking, then Vladimir." jcDmyMfrO7u-00077-00023098-00023256 "There's a curve for all trains." jcDmyMfrO7u-00078-00023256-00023370 "Then Vladimir! jcDmyMfrO7u-00079-00023370-00023478 Two yellow, one flashing. jcDmyMfrO7u-00080-00023478-00023570 If it was green, then yes." jcDmyMfrO7u-00081-00023570-00023706 "Well, It looks like..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00082-00023706-00023856 "But it's not exactly." jcDmyMfrO7u-00083-00023856-00024026 "Fucking intrigue!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00084-00024026-00024294 "And it stopped blinking." jcDmyMfrO7u-00085-00024294-00024430 "Because it switched into red." jcDmyMfrO7u-00086-00024430-00024554 "Yep..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00087-00024554-00024746 "No, it finished before switching to red..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00088-00024746-00024904 "600 meters left before railway switch. jcDmyMfrO7u-00089-00025000-00025072 And... jcDmyMfrO7u-00090-00025072-00025130 Switch! jcDmyMfrO7u-00091-00025130-00025310 FUCKING VLADIMIR! jcDmyMfrO7u-00092-00025310-00025408 This is fucking Vladimir! jcDmyMfrO7u-00093-00025408-00025924 *Sounds of joy* jcDmyMfrO7u-00094-00025924-00026402 And at this moment, Senya, I understood that we are going to Vladimir. jcDmyMfrO7u-00095-00026402-00026802 *Sounds of joy* jcDmyMfrO7u-00096-00026802-00027292 These two go on the bridge, and this distant track goes where we need to go." jcDmyMfrO7u-00097-00027292-00027545 "We'll finish our trip in Petushki police office, fuck!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00098-00027545-00027645 "Oh, party popper!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00099-00027645-00027792 "Come on!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00100-00027792-00027900 "Shoot in the overhead wiring!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00101-00027900-00028270 *Sounds of joy* jcDmyMfrO7u-00102-00028270-00028408 "The autumn evening freighthop has a fucking success!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00103-00028506-00028842 *Sounds of joy* jcDmyMfrO7u-00104-00028842-00029004 "Let's swing this fucking car!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00105-00029004-00029308 *Sounds of joy* jcDmyMfrO7u-00106-00055440-00055640 "Let's go over there!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00107-00055640-00055805 "Back, yes, I also think so." jcDmyMfrO7u-00108-00057002-00057072 "To not be caught..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00109-00057072-00057205 "What's standing there, look, see? jcDmyMfrO7u-00110-00057205-00057376 The headlights are shining, bitch, over there." jcDmyMfrO7u-00111-00057376-00057544 "This is a road, God-damn!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00112-00057544-00057682 "In short, we need to go to the next station. jcDmyMfrO7u-00113-00057682-00057758 This is the best variant..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00114-00057758-00057914 "Are you all right, it's about 5 or 6 kilometers away." jcDmyMfrO7u-00115-00057914-00058126 "Police will be waiting for us in Vladimir." jcDmyMfrO7u-00116-00058126-00058382 "No-no, let's better insure ourselves." jcDmyMfrO7u-00117-00058382-00058632 "I would suggest to dump somewhere." jcDmyMfrO7u-00118-00058632-00058717 "Yea, let's dump!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00119-00058717-00059098 "Let's go to the residential block, to the residential block!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00120-00059098-00059404 "We'll wait until it's all fucking quiet down and go to the station." jcDmyMfrO7u-00121-00059404-00059476 "And what to wait for? jcDmyMfrO7u-00122-00059476-00059684 We wasted the suburban train back to Moscow, now we will wait until one pm." jcDmyMfrO7u-00123-00059684-00059764 "That's all, yes." jcDmyMfrO7u-00124-00059764-00060002 "I won't go to Vladimir station." jcDmyMfrO7u-00125-00060179-00060390 "And who is it there, look, from the front?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00126-00060390-00060472 "These are ours." jcDmyMfrO7u-00127-00060472-00060538 "Sure?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00128-00060538-00060588 "Yes." jcDmyMfrO7u-00129-00060588-00060638 "Exactly." jcDmyMfrO7u-00130-00060638-00060752 "Let's wait for everyone?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00131-00060752-00060802 "Yep." jcDmyMfrO7u-00132-00060802-00061028 "Ah, they went by suburban train." jcDmyMfrO7u-00133-00061028-00061198 "They are running out of time. jcDmyMfrO7u-00134-00061198-00061354 "The suburban train left Vladimir two minutes ago." jcDmyMfrO7u-00135-00061354-00061494 "And what's passed us by here, train..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00136-00061494-00061566 "Where is the nearest platform?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00137-00061566-00061678 "This was an express. jcDmyMfrO7u-00138-00061678-00061874 Now common will pass us by. jcDmyMfrO7u-00139-00061874-00062016 The nearest platform is Vladimir." jcDmyMfrO7u-00140-00062016-00062114 "Well, let's go to the city then." jcDmyMfrO7u-00141-00062114-00062170 "And from another side?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00142-00062170-00062258 "Yes, let's go." jcDmyMfrO7u-00143-00062258-00062404 "Let's go to the city. jcDmyMfrO7u-00144-00063605-00063805 Nanotechnologies." jcDmyMfrO7u-00145-00064688-00064740 "Hello!" jcDmyMfrO7u-00146-00064740-00064941 "Hello, where are you?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00147-00064941-00065141 "We a bit..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00148-00065141-00065408 We went down a bit ahead." jcDmyMfrO7u-00149-00065408-00065554 "Yes, I understand, but where did you go?" jcDmyMfrO7u-00150-00065554-00065656 You went to the railway station." jcDmyMfrO7u-00151-00065656-00065964 "We all hid from the suburban train, it must pass us now... jcDmyMfrO7u-00152-00065964-00066470 There already everyone knows that we arrived on this train and if they see the crowd, they will immediately understand that it's us, as it were." jcDmyMfrO7u-00153-00066470-00066706 "Ah, well, I understand, all right." jcDmyMfrO7u-00154-00066706-00066922 "You hide, suburban train will pass and we will get on the tracks and..." jcDmyMfrO7u-00155-00066922-00067026 "We... jcDmyMfrO7u-00156-00067026-00067088 ...Fuck... jcDmyMfrO7u-00157-00067088-00067626 We are already entering the city. "You, in short, go where we went down from the train, in our direction." jcDmyMfrO7u-00158-00067626-00067724 "I know there is a stairs." jcDmyMfrO7u-00159-00067724-00068086 "Yes, yes, go along it and turn to the right. jcDmyMfrO7u-00160-00068086-00068228 For you it will be the right side." jcDmyMfrO7u-00161-00068228-00068318 "Yea, I know." jcDmyMfrO7u-00162-00068318-00068586 "And we'll wait for you at the garages then." jcDmyMfrO7u-00163-00068586-00068666 "Okay, wait for us." jcDmyMfrO7u-00164-00068666-00068902 "See you. Waiting. jcDmyMfrO7u-00165-00069240-00069408 Well, that's all, now they will come." jcDmyMfrO7u-00166-00069408-00069596 P.S. If you see this message it means that you're likely watched this video from the beginning to the end. Plz write down in comments all noticed translation mistakes. Thanks! jdoC_6WrwL8-00000-00000090-00000519 It was August 23rd, 2016, when I went in for the first part of my jdoC_6WrwL8-00001-00000519-00001029 autism assessment, an in person interview with myself and the person jdoC_6WrwL8-00002-00001029-00001455 who would be reviewing my childhood history and medical records. jdoC_6WrwL8-00003-00001653-00002142 By the end of August, all of the interviews would be concluded, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00004-00002172-00002934 by early September 2016, at the age of 29, I would be diagnosed Autistic. jdoC_6WrwL8-00005-00003075-00003513 At that point in my life, being almost 30 and having such a bombshell of a jdoC_6WrwL8-00006-00003540-00004185 piece of information dropped upon me, I skimmed a 13 page diagnostic report, jdoC_6WrwL8-00007-00004212-00004812 but was very overwhelmed, and couldn't process the report in front of me. jdoC_6WrwL8-00008-00004848-00005426 In fact, I threw the report into a paper shredder, and destroyed the report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00009-00005511-00006081 However, recently, more than five years later, I'm feeling more ready jdoC_6WrwL8-00010-00006081-00006603 to face the information that was in front of me all of those years ago. jdoC_6WrwL8-00011-00006652-00007123 I reached out to the person who diagnosed me, and asked for a copy of this report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00012-00007261-00007606 I'm going to be sharing some of the highlights from this report, jdoC_6WrwL8-00013-00007606-00007847 as I review it with you now. jdoC_6WrwL8-00014-00007934-00008288 Note: I'm not going to be reading this report word for word, but I will jdoC_6WrwL8-00015-00008288-00008681 share things that I find interesting, and if you would like to go on this jdoC_6WrwL8-00017-00012810-00013094 OKay, a few things about this report before we get started: jdoC_6WrwL8-00018-00013132-00013633 The report was compiled by the psychologist that diagnosed me, based jdoC_6WrwL8-00019-00013633-00014158 on interviewing myself, one of my guardians, and two of my childhood jdoC_6WrwL8-00020-00014158-00014692 friends - one who knew me from the time I was in preschool on, and literally lived jdoC_6WrwL8-00021-00014692-00015151 next door to me, and another childhood friend who knew me from high school, jdoC_6WrwL8-00022-00015157-00015595 and is still currently a friend of mine, and knew me in both the educational jdoC_6WrwL8-00023-00015595-00015790 and an adult workplace setting. jdoC_6WrwL8-00024-00015815-00016238 There were three people that knew me in various contexts of my life, over jdoC_6WrwL8-00025-00016265-00016916 multiple areas of my life, that were able to share how I was growing up, as jdoC_6WrwL8-00026-00016916-00017174 a teenager, as an adult, and as a child. jdoC_6WrwL8-00027-00017216-00017714 Because the autism diagnostic criteria is very much based on childhood jdoC_6WrwL8-00028-00017714-00018191 presentations of autism, and how we are as children, they are looking to verify jdoC_6WrwL8-00029-00018191-00018679 that you've always been Autistic, because Autistic People will always be Autistic. jdoC_6WrwL8-00030-00018712-00018844 We will be born Autistic. jdoC_6WrwL8-00031-00018856-00019257 We will be Autistic our entire lives, and we will still be autistic until the jdoC_6WrwL8-00032-00019257-00019473 day we no longer breathe on this earth. jdoC_6WrwL8-00033-00019531-00019918 That, that is why they had people who knew me throughout my lifetime jdoC_6WrwL8-00034-00019931-00020069 as part of the evaluation. jdoC_6WrwL8-00035-00020096-00020486 I also did fill out questionnaires, which were: jdoC_6WrwL8-00036-00020486-00021053 The Mental Status Exam, the Adult Asperger Assessment, the Social Responsiveness jdoC_6WrwL8-00037-00021053-00021764 Scale, SRS-2, Burns Depression Inventory, and Burns Anxiety Inventory. jdoC_6WrwL8-00038-00021783-00022317 Those are the things that were used to compile this diagnostic report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00039-00022371-00022623 Thing about this diagnostic report is it is long. jdoC_6WrwL8-00040-00022653-00023133 It includes lots of private, detailed, medical and personal jdoC_6WrwL8-00041-00023133-00023601 information about, not just me, but other members of my family. jdoC_6WrwL8-00042-00023637-00023949 Therefore, there are details that I am going to omit. jdoC_6WrwL8-00043-00023969-00024339 It is one reason, I am not going to be reading this word for word, and I'm going jdoC_6WrwL8-00044-00024339-00024747 to be skimming it,and then sharing with you things I think will be relevant, jdoC_6WrwL8-00045-00024756-00024936 and that I feel comfortable sharing. jdoC_6WrwL8-00046-00025023-00025419 Diagnostic papers are full of all kinds of personal information and you jdoC_6WrwL8-00047-00025419-00025900 should never share them with anyone you do not trust, or who you don't jdoC_6WrwL8-00048-00025900-00026127 feel is necessary to share them with. jdoC_6WrwL8-00049-00026237-00026668 The other reason, I will not be reading from this report word for word is this jdoC_6WrwL8-00050-00026668-00027489 was over five years ago, therefore it has the wrong name in the report, and my jdoC_6WrwL8-00051-00027489-00028150 wrong pronouns, and labels me as a woman, because I was not yet out as non-binary, jdoC_6WrwL8-00052-00028150-00028594 and had not gone through that part of my own self discovery journey just yet. jdoC_6WrwL8-00053-00028639-00029095 Therefore I will not be reading the report word for word, because jdoC_6WrwL8-00054-00029102-00029399 it is constantly going to be dead naming and mis-gendering me. jdoC_6WrwL8-00055-00029564-00029958 Just skimming through my report, it starts out with background information, jdoC_6WrwL8-00056-00029958-00030336 family history, just a little blurbs about my childhood and immediate family jdoC_6WrwL8-00057-00030336-00030783 growing up, and the people who were my guardians, talks a little bit about jdoC_6WrwL8-00058-00030783-00031216 family history, and some of the medical conditions that run in the family, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00059-00031216-00031561 some of my medical conditions, that I've been diagnosed with, so a lot of jdoC_6WrwL8-00060-00031561-00031993 personal information about me and family members, at the very start of the report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00061-00032020-00032395 Then it goes on to talk about the different sensory issues, jdoC_6WrwL8-00062-00032395-00032595 I experienced as a child. jdoC_6WrwL8-00063-00032725-00033103 Looking through the section about sensory issues, it talks about jdoC_6WrwL8-00064-00033103-00033481 sensory sensitivities, and that how that ties into some of my jdoC_6WrwL8-00065-00033481-00033675 health conditions I have, even now. jdoC_6WrwL8-00066-00033745-00034416 It talks about some of the motor control issues I had as a kid, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00067-00034416-00034665 actually some of the stims I do. jdoC_6WrwL8-00068-00034717-00035174 There's some masking described in my report, talking about hiding jdoC_6WrwL8-00069-00035174-00035738 and holding my stims back, and just being generally clumsy. jdoC_6WrwL8-00070-00035748-00036183 Having a regimented routine, wakes up at the same time every day. jdoC_6WrwL8-00071-00036183-00036741 Then it talks about the different routine I have, and different things like that. jdoC_6WrwL8-00072-00036762-00037059 I don't know that those are sensory, but they're like in the little sensory bucket. jdoC_6WrwL8-00073-00037250-00037910 After the section on sensory differences, there's a section on my academic history, jdoC_6WrwL8-00074-00037941-00038607 that talks about me being a noncompliant student, in first grade, and how I jdoC_6WrwL8-00075-00038607-00039168 struggled to sit in my chair, and stay in my seat, and was a bit disruptive jdoC_6WrwL8-00076-00039171-00039865 to the classroom, and how my sensory overloads and attempt to soothe myself, jdoC_6WrwL8-00077-00039865-00040137 and take a break, weren't received well. jdoC_6WrwL8-00078-00040142-00040828 Also a little blurbs about being in a special ed in second grade, and the jdoC_6WrwL8-00079-00040828-00041269 trouble I had with math, and not being able to show my work, because the jdoC_6WrwL8-00080-00041269-00041725 way I did my math in my head was not something that could be shown on paper. jdoC_6WrwL8-00081-00041803-00041890 Oh gosh. jdoC_6WrwL8-00082-00041893-00041953 Wow. jdoC_6WrwL8-00083-00042031-00042157 That takes me back a bit. jdoC_6WrwL8-00084-00042235-00042577 The next little section is restricted, repetitive interests. jdoC_6WrwL8-00085-00042582-00043064 It goes through listing some of my interests, and talking about my deep jdoC_6WrwL8-00086-00043067-00043598 love and passion for my interests, and how much my interests really jdoC_6WrwL8-00087-00043598-00043802 completely do, fill my focus. jdoC_6WrwL8-00088-00043812-00043956 That that's all pretty accurate. jdoC_6WrwL8-00089-00043961-00044408 A lot of these interests are things that are still my interests today. jdoC_6WrwL8-00090-00044413-00044713 Some of them come and go, and I'll get hooked for a while, jdoC_6WrwL8-00091-00044734-00044818 and then they come back. jdoC_6WrwL8-00092-00044818-00044986 Well, yeah, that's, that's still true. jdoC_6WrwL8-00093-00044996-00045041 Wow. jdoC_6WrwL8-00094-00045047-00045080 Yeah. jdoC_6WrwL8-00095-00045099-00045364 Also it talks about me learning to read when I was two. jdoC_6WrwL8-00096-00045426-00045683 Reading was one of my first interests when I was two. jdoC_6WrwL8-00097-00045745-00045968 "Loves information and was obsessed with it." jdoC_6WrwL8-00098-00046091-00046109 Yep. jdoC_6WrwL8-00099-00046123-00046419 "Can read about interesting topics for hours without noticing how much jdoC_6WrwL8-00100-00046419-00046878 time has passed", "could lose an entire day reading and memorizing jdoC_6WrwL8-00101-00046878-00047073 facts in the encyclopedias." jdoC_6WrwL8-00102-00047076-00047127 Yes. jdoC_6WrwL8-00103-00047130-00047178 Yes. jdoC_6WrwL8-00104-00047181-00047657 "Loved nature, arts, crafts and music, teaching myself to do things." jdoC_6WrwL8-00105-00047657-00047705 Yes. jdoC_6WrwL8-00106-00047740-00047921 Still all of that is still true. jdoC_6WrwL8-00107-00047927-00048107 It's still, still true to this day. jdoC_6WrwL8-00108-00048354-00048708 The next part of the report is about social interaction. jdoC_6WrwL8-00109-00048794-00049144 This is about halfway through the report, talking about my childhood jdoC_6WrwL8-00110-00049144-00049546 best friend, that lived next door to me growing up, when I was in elementary jdoC_6WrwL8-00111-00049546-00050179 school ... talking about the way I played with my toys and the way I engage jdoC_6WrwL8-00112-00050179-00050431 with other people and other children. jdoC_6WrwL8-00113-00050444-00051514 How I was very literal, as a young person, and how people often thought I jdoC_6WrwL8-00114-00051514-00052264 was being difficult, or being mischievous, or being a smart Alec, because of that. jdoC_6WrwL8-00115-00052328-00052782 "Labeled strong-willed, disrespectful, and independent, that I do things jdoC_6WrwL8-00116-00052782-00053309 my own way, didn't really care what other people would think of me, wasn't jdoC_6WrwL8-00117-00053309-00053906 much of a people pleaser, constantly rubbing people the wrong way." jdoC_6WrwL8-00118-00054077-00054149 Wow. jdoC_6WrwL8-00119-00054242-00055102 "Outgoing, when I was very small, good at talking about topics of my interest." jdoC_6WrwL8-00120-00055140-00055359 I can ramble on about those basically. jdoC_6WrwL8-00121-00055440-00056052 "Not very aware of the dangers of other people, good at monologuing, talking jdoC_6WrwL8-00122-00056052-00056310 at people instead of to people." jdoC_6WrwL8-00123-00056631-00057117 "Learned about social mapping from a movie in seventh grade, developed a school face jdoC_6WrwL8-00124-00057117-00057857 and a workface, spent a lot of energy trying to blend in", and be "appropriate". jdoC_6WrwL8-00125-00057876-00058393 Talks about my romantic relationship, how I use joking and laughing as a jdoC_6WrwL8-00126-00058393-00059170 way to blow off awkward and confusing situations, difficulty remembering faces, jdoC_6WrwL8-00127-00059249-00059453 then it goes on to talk about work. jdoC_6WrwL8-00128-00059474-00059561 Oh boy. jdoC_6WrwL8-00129-00059624-00059714 Oh my goodness. jdoC_6WrwL8-00130-00059756-00060335 So just reading this about work, I mean you can, you can just see... jdoC_6WrwL8-00131-00060353-00060901 "expected to attend networking events, anxiety symptoms have increased jdoC_6WrwL8-00132-00060910-00061487 due to that work expectation, four anxiety attacks in one month. jdoC_6WrwL8-00133-00061787-00062111 Most frequent anxiety attacks that have ever happened." jdoC_6WrwL8-00134-00062279-00062621 Over the past two years, I had "become more introverted" jdoC_6WrwL8-00135-00062621-00062798 and my "confidence plumbited." jdoC_6WrwL8-00136-00062962-00063394 Prior to this job, I had "worked in companies that had no fraternization jdoC_6WrwL8-00137-00063394-00064045 policies, but the new environment, prioritizes socializing with teammates." jdoC_6WrwL8-00138-00064315-00064681 I did well before and other jobs that had rules and structure, jdoC_6WrwL8-00139-00064711-00064899 and less social workplaces. jdoC_6WrwL8-00140-00065077-00065557 I want to jump down to the interview with one of my guardians, "very outgoing, jdoC_6WrwL8-00141-00065557-00066298 creative, happy child, never shy, often wore costumes to school, and teachers jdoC_6WrwL8-00142-00066298-00066933 commented on how inventive" I was, "many play dates with the neighbor jdoC_6WrwL8-00143-00066933-00067155 next door", that I mentioned earlier. jdoC_6WrwL8-00144-00067191-00067443 "Began preschool at age three". jdoC_6WrwL8-00145-00067701-00068187 "In the second grade, the teacher told my guardian that they wondered jdoC_6WrwL8-00146-00068187-00068871 if I might have hyperactivity, and my guardian chose not to research the jdoC_6WrwL8-00147-00068871-00069306 concern, and attributed my hyper activity level to boredom in the classroom. jdoC_6WrwL8-00148-00069384-00069795 I was transferred to a private Christian school for third grade" jdoC_6WrwL8-00149-00069939-00070423 - because that was the solution for my hyperactivity, was at Christian school. jdoC_6WrwL8-00150-00070544-00070551 [/s] jdoC_6WrwL8-00151-00070557-00071090 "The structure and rules at that school were not a good fit" for me, and then jdoC_6WrwL8-00152-00071090-00071543 I returned to public school in fourth grade, at that point, the physician jdoC_6WrwL8-00153-00071594-00072216 advised medication for attention disorder", which didn't happen. jdoC_6WrwL8-00154-00072567-00072978 It says that I "enjoy drawing, painting and reading", and although jdoC_6WrwL8-00155-00072978-00073374 I "enjoyed playing with some of the dolls I had, I didn't engage much jdoC_6WrwL8-00156-00073377-00073656 in imaginative play with toys." jdoC_6WrwL8-00157-00073689-00074079 I was described as being "very independent, and possibly bored by the jdoC_6WrwL8-00158-00074079-00074319 adults that surrounded me growing up." jdoC_6WrwL8-00159-00074397-00075073 My "grandmother had migraine headaches as well", like I did, "but she outgrew jdoC_6WrwL8-00160-00075073-00075519 them in her forties, and used to have three to four migraines a year. jdoC_6WrwL8-00161-00075523-00075910 They were often related to sensitivity to light, fatigue, and stress." jdoC_6WrwL8-00162-00075934-00076297 Same, although I had them a lot more frequently, before I figured jdoC_6WrwL8-00163-00076297-00076546 out what my triggers were, and started avoiding those triggers. jdoC_6WrwL8-00164-00076600-00076990 Ah, it runs in the family, because I also have a maternal aunt, on jdoC_6WrwL8-00165-00076990-00077323 the same side of the family that also has migraine headaches. jdoC_6WrwL8-00166-00077461-00077662 Are your migraine headaches related to sensory issues? jdoC_6WrwL8-00167-00077662-00077827 If you have them, let me know. jdoC_6WrwL8-00168-00077845-00077899 Is it light? jdoC_6WrwL8-00169-00077905-00077962 Is it sound? jdoC_6WrwL8-00170-00077962-00078013 Is it smell? jdoC_6WrwL8-00171-00078013-00078148 What triggers your migraine headaches? jdoC_6WrwL8-00172-00078151-00078391 For me, a lot of it was fluorescent lighting. jdoC_6WrwL8-00173-00078502-00078883 The next section is an interview with one of my childhood best friends, that jdoC_6WrwL8-00174-00078913-00079510 lived next to me in elementary school, that was mentioned earlier in the report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00175-00079522-00079837 It's ironic, this report talks about how we were, and how we jdoC_6WrwL8-00176-00079837-00080043 played together as young people. jdoC_6WrwL8-00177-00080043-00080590 It talks about how we have lost touch at multiple times in our lives, because jdoC_6WrwL8-00178-00080590-00080843 I am bad at maintaining relationships. jdoC_6WrwL8-00179-00080844-00081265 If you are my friend, you likely know this, and I've likely lost jdoC_6WrwL8-00180-00081265-00081439 touch with you at multiple times. jdoC_6WrwL8-00181-00081439-00081733 For years, months, I disappear. jdoC_6WrwL8-00182-00081742-00081967 It's what I do, and I'm sorry. jdoC_6WrwL8-00183-00082002-00082216 If you're watching this, I'm sorry, because you know who you are, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00184-00082216-00082453 I'm not, I'm not going to name you, but I am sorry, because I am jdoC_6WrwL8-00185-00082453-00082675 a terrible friend in that respect. jdoC_6WrwL8-00186-00082719-00083292 It talks about getting into flow arts, and circus arts, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00187-00083310-00083711 hoop, and yoga, and acro yoga. jdoC_6WrwL8-00188-00083739-00084224 "All of the sudden I was physically fit, and extremely focused on this endeavor." jdoC_6WrwL8-00189-00084344-00084540 That's that's, that's pretty accurate. jdoC_6WrwL8-00190-00084589-00085128 It talks about how we were just so close, at different points in our life. jdoC_6WrwL8-00191-00085183-00085965 It talks about getting together to do things: photography, and that I jdoC_6WrwL8-00192-00085965-00086434 would writing, and how to blog of my own, about yoga and those things. jdoC_6WrwL8-00193-00086434-00086821 Cause I was, I was blogging about yoga and writing about Buddhism and yoga. jdoC_6WrwL8-00194-00086824-00087043 Back then, before I found out I was Autistic, and then jdoC_6WrwL8-00195-00087043-00087220 autism became my new obsession. jdoC_6WrwL8-00196-00087272-00087729 It says that I "have evolved into a talented, focused and jdoC_6WrwL8-00197-00087729-00087972 hardworking young person". jdoC_6WrwL8-00198-00087980-00088386 My friend says "that I work harder than anyone she knew" jdoC_6WrwL8-00199-00088392-00088629 and doesn't "know my limits." jdoC_6WrwL8-00200-00088629-00088698 That's accurate. jdoC_6WrwL8-00201-00088698-00088863 I don't know my limits at all. jdoC_6WrwL8-00202-00088866-00089373 I'm "a workaholic" and my friend is "impressed by my passion, jdoC_6WrwL8-00203-00089394-00089616 passion and dedication to my work". jdoC_6WrwL8-00204-00089691-00090156 "My friend thought I liked the moving meditation aspect of flow arts." jdoC_6WrwL8-00205-00090156-00090270 That is absolutely it. jdoC_6WrwL8-00206-00090270-00090624 I was totally obsessed with the moving meditation aspect of flow arts. jdoC_6WrwL8-00207-00090687-00091204 "Sees me as being a little withdrawn and inflexible, but feels I am capable jdoC_6WrwL8-00208-00091204-00091456 of, of having a reciprocal friendship." jdoC_6WrwL8-00209-00091459-00091522 Yay. jdoC_6WrwL8-00210-00091528-00091609 I'm capable. jdoC_6WrwL8-00211-00091609-00091675 It's true. jdoC_6WrwL8-00212-00091732-00092147 "Always felt that they were the dominant one in our friendship, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00213-00092147-00092372 didn't think I had other friends." jdoC_6WrwL8-00214-00092375-00092532 When we were younger, I really didn't. jdoC_6WrwL8-00215-00092545-00092788 You were my only friend, for a lot of years. jdoC_6WrwL8-00216-00092788-00092875 You're right on that. jdoC_6WrwL8-00217-00092933-00093280 " I cancel meetings often because of not feeling well." jdoC_6WrwL8-00218-00093444-00093513 Mmmhmm... jdoC_6WrwL8-00219-00093575-00093639 it's there. jdoC_6WrwL8-00220-00093736-00094128 Now, we've got another interview, from a friend of mine from high school, jdoC_6WrwL8-00221-00094141-00094534 who's still currently a friend of mine, who I don't see enough even now. jdoC_6WrwL8-00222-00094576-00095143 Ironically, in the first paragraph, it talks about that "We were friends and jdoC_6WrwL8-00223-00095143-00095438 lost touch for four to five years." jdoC_6WrwL8-00224-00095503-00095830 If you are my friend, and I haven't talked to you in a few years, please jdoC_6WrwL8-00225-00095830-00096019 don't think it means I love you any less. jdoC_6WrwL8-00226-00096025-00096397 I am a disaster, and this is a pattern, and it is something I do. jdoC_6WrwL8-00227-00096461-00096929 I love that you said, my dear love, if you watch this, "that it was like, we'd jdoC_6WrwL8-00228-00096929-00097318 never been apart" because I agree so much, like the time passed, and then we jdoC_6WrwL8-00229-00097318-00097784 get back together, and for those friends, that are those really special friends, jdoC_6WrwL8-00230-00097784-00097973 it is like we've never been apart. jdoC_6WrwL8-00231-00098022-00098391 It's great to really have those friends, that give that grace and understand that, jdoC_6WrwL8-00232-00098391-00098985 when I disappear, it is not personal, and often has nothing to do with anyone else, jdoC_6WrwL8-00233-00098985-00099210 except for me, retreating into myself. jdoC_6WrwL8-00234-00099309-00099723 Reading this part of the report, I can see very plainly, that my dear jdoC_6WrwL8-00235-00099723-00100164 friend knew me a lot better than I even knew myself, five and a half, jdoC_6WrwL8-00236-00100164-00100314 six years ago, when this happened. jdoC_6WrwL8-00237-00100350-00100677 We were colleagues, and working together at the time, in addition jdoC_6WrwL8-00238-00100677-00100887 to being high school friends. jdoC_6WrwL8-00239-00100892-00101411 That insight of my friends, seeing things in myself, that I didn't jdoC_6WrwL8-00240-00101411-00101543 even realize what's happening. jdoC_6WrwL8-00241-00101561-00102083 My friend describes to me as, "going into overdrive mode and exerting all of my jdoC_6WrwL8-00242-00102083-00102610 energy to be social engaging in my intense interests, being fully focused on one jdoC_6WrwL8-00243-00102610-00103196 hobby after another immersing myself in one hobby and then moving on to new ones." jdoC_6WrwL8-00244-00103248-00103788 Some of the hobbies that were listed were hooping, yoga, Buddhism, and dog training. jdoC_6WrwL8-00245-00103950-00104480 My friend described me as "being open, loving, positive, and pure" and "felt jdoC_6WrwL8-00246-00104486-00105057 like we were emotionally close, but I only had so much of myself to give", which jdoC_6WrwL8-00247-00105057-00105570 I think is so wonderful for my friend to, truly, understand me on that level. jdoC_6WrwL8-00248-00105652-00106165 It says: I "can have back and forth conversations, but speak rapidly, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00249-00106165-00106564 tend to monopolize conversations and focus on things rather than feelings." jdoC_6WrwL8-00250-00106564-00106659 That is accurate. jdoC_6WrwL8-00251-00106740-00107208 I try to force myself to focus more on feelings now, because I understand other jdoC_6WrwL8-00252-00107208-00107436 people focus on feelings more than I do. jdoC_6WrwL8-00253-00107485-00107675 You know, me, you know me so well. jdoC_6WrwL8-00254-00107748-00108153 I "was working remotely, most of the week back then." jdoC_6WrwL8-00255-00108164-00108671 My friend said that I "wasn't exhibiting any visible signs of anxiety", but jdoC_6WrwL8-00256-00108671-00109097 because my friend knows me, "they could see that I was dying inside." jdoC_6WrwL8-00257-00109100-00109298 That is an exact quote from the report. jdoC_6WrwL8-00258-00109370-00109556 That masking is it's invisible. jdoC_6WrwL8-00259-00109556-00109685 My friend could see through it. jdoC_6WrwL8-00260-00109685-00109823 I was dying inside. jdoC_6WrwL8-00261-00109872-00110163 " Could feel I'm very internally anxious though, works hard to jdoC_6WrwL8-00262-00110163-00110292 disguise it on the outside." jdoC_6WrwL8-00263-00110292-00110652 I think I was really good at disguising my, my anxiety. jdoC_6WrwL8-00264-00110849-00111371 So the next section is titled behavioral observations, and the first paragraph jdoC_6WrwL8-00265-00111371-00111886 in the section is based on observations of my childhood videos, that I took jdoC_6WrwL8-00266-00111890-00112214 in with me to the assessment, starting at around nine months of age, all jdoC_6WrwL8-00267-00112214-00112364 the way up through middle school. jdoC_6WrwL8-00268-00112404-00112838 " The first video is taken when I'm around nine months old, at a holiday," jdoC_6WrwL8-00269-00112844-00113352 Christmas, and I am "shown chewing on packages" and one of my guardians is jdoC_6WrwL8-00270-00113354-00113717 "attempting to present me with toys", but I am "completely ignoring my jdoC_6WrwL8-00271-00113717-00114008 guardian attempt to gain my attention". jdoC_6WrwL8-00272-00114066-00114458 Says "no social referencing or joint attention was noticed in the video, jdoC_6WrwL8-00273-00114482-00114733 when I was an infant, or as a toddler". jdoC_6WrwL8-00274-00114790-00115119 Video footage, when I was around one year old, showed me "looking jdoC_6WrwL8-00275-00115119-00115455 at the camera, with interest, but ignoring the people around me". jdoC_6WrwL8-00276-00115455-00115743 I like the cameras, still talking to the camera now. jdoC_6WrwL8-00277-00115801-00116310 "Spoke in a loud, horse voice, at age seven, very active, bouncing jdoC_6WrwL8-00278-00116310-00116484 around in front of the camera. jdoC_6WrwL8-00279-00116518-00116653 Laughing when uncomfortable." jdoC_6WrwL8-00280-00116733-00117225 When picked up by an adult, I "yelled, let me go and waved as a camera". jdoC_6WrwL8-00281-00117274-00117737 Video footage of a play, that I participated in, in middle school was jdoC_6WrwL8-00282-00117737-00118199 also reviewed and I appeared air quotes, "somewhat awkward, and demonstrated jdoC_6WrwL8-00283-00118199-00118460 limited facial expression in the video." jdoC_6WrwL8-00284-00118613-00118901 Jumping down, to keep it moving, because this video is getting a really long: jdoC_6WrwL8-00285-00118924-00119391 Under current test results: the Autism Asperger Assessment, was a total jdoC_6WrwL8-00286-00119391-00120012 score of 41, which indicates probable autism, because of those with ASD 80% jdoC_6WrwL8-00287-00120012-00120267 score, 32 or higher on that measure. jdoC_6WrwL8-00288-00120267-00120791 Then it talks about, having a score of 80 on the social jdoC_6WrwL8-00289-00120791-00121166 responsiveness, SRS-2 test... jdoC_6WrwL8-00290-00121186-00121830 talks about the Burns Tests, the anxiety index 35, for severe anxiety. jdoC_6WrwL8-00291-00121887-00121953 Yeah. jdoC_6WrwL8-00292-00121956-00122196 I had a lot going on, and I didn't even know I had anxiety. jdoC_6WrwL8-00293-00122196-00122379 I was in complete denial that I had anxiety. jdoC_6WrwL8-00294-00122498-00122974 Moving on to the next section, under clinical impressions, it says that jdoC_6WrwL8-00295-00122974-00123442 "historical recall, clinical interviews, video footage, and test data, supports an jdoC_6WrwL8-00296-00123445-00123885 early history, marked by persistent social interaction and communication deficits, jdoC_6WrwL8-00297-00123889-00124351 as well as restricted and repetitive interests, and behaviors, sensory jdoC_6WrwL8-00298-00124351-00124969 sensitivities exacerbated by social demands, having resulted in increasingly jdoC_6WrwL8-00299-00124978-00125200 disruptive physical ailments." jdoC_6WrwL8-00300-00125408-00125774 I'm going to say Lyric, because it is my dead name, on the paper, "meets jdoC_6WrwL8-00301-00125774-00126368 the criteria for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, level 1, F 84.0." jdoC_6WrwL8-00302-00126423-00126786 "Appears to be experiencing sensory, sensitivities, related to social jdoC_6WrwL8-00303-00126786-00127272 anxiety, that goes above and beyond what is typical, and social anxiety has jdoC_6WrwL8-00304-00127272-00127746 increased in intensity over time, and relates to increasing social demands." jdoC_6WrwL8-00305-00127794-00127890 I was imploding. jdoC_6WrwL8-00306-00128001-00128112 I was imploding. jdoC_6WrwL8-00307-00128115-00128409 I was in a mental health crisis, when I was diagnosed Autistic. jdoC_6WrwL8-00308-00128467-00128788 " Experiencing marked fear of social interactions." jdoC_6WrwL8-00309-00129199-00129807 " An additional diagnosis of social anxiety disorder, DSM-V, 300.23, jdoC_6WrwL8-00310-00129807-00130465 or social phobia, ICD 10 F 40.10, is given in reflection to this." jdoC_6WrwL8-00311-00130510-00131004 Overall, Lyric, "is it a resilient, creative and intelligent young" jdoC_6WrwL8-00312-00131009-00131445 person "who has silently faced obstacles over the years. jdoC_6WrwL8-00313-00131469-00131871 In spite of these challenges, they have demonstrated remarkable jdoC_6WrwL8-00314-00131871-00132075 preserver, errands and resilience". jdoC_6WrwL8-00315-00132123-00132186 Resilience... jdoC_6WrwL8-00316-00132186-00132381 if only I could never hear that word again. jdoC_6WrwL8-00317-00132456-00132915 "Interviews of their family and friends indicate that they are well loved, and jdoC_6WrwL8-00318-00132915-00133221 appreciated for their unique qualities." jdoC_6WrwL8-00319-00133353-00133825 Lyric "has a sweetness about them, that generates positive feelings in others. jdoC_6WrwL8-00320-00133867-00134431 May the information, from this evaluation, provide them with the impetus jdoC_6WrwL8-00321-00134443-00134872 they need to succeed in channeling a new direction, towards fulfilling jdoC_6WrwL8-00322-00134914-00135445 and productive life, which increased self understanding and acceptance. jdoC_6WrwL8-00323-00135508-00135923 Then we have recommendations, and some of them are recommendations for jdoC_6WrwL8-00324-00135923-00136298 various medical and genetic tests, because in addition to being Autistic, jdoC_6WrwL8-00325-00136301-00136828 like many Autistic People, I have different co-occurring physical jdoC_6WrwL8-00326-00136828-00137231 and mental health conditions, so some testing was recommended for jdoC_6WrwL8-00327-00137231-00137396 some of those health concerns. jdoC_6WrwL8-00328-00137404-00137824 It was recommended that I do try sharing my diagnosis with my employer, jdoC_6WrwL8-00329-00137824-00138130 which didn't go well, unfortunately. jdoC_6WrwL8-00330-00138169-00138685 Occupational therapy, which I would have loved to access, I'd still would jdoC_6WrwL8-00331-00138685-00139342 love to access, but just not something that's in the cards for me at this point, jdoC_6WrwL8-00332-00139345-00139597 nor was it when I was first diagnosed. jdoC_6WrwL8-00333-00139637-00140099 Psychotherapy, and possibly medications for my anxiety, something jdoC_6WrwL8-00334-00140099-00140330 to get that anxiety under control. jdoC_6WrwL8-00335-00140394-00140817 Recommended, check out The Autism Society for more resources. jdoC_6WrwL8-00336-00140891-00141332 What was really helpful, the most important thing, was bullet point jdoC_6WrwL8-00337-00141332-00141770 number eight, reading books by Autistic People about autism. jdoC_6WrwL8-00338-00141770-00142396 Reading, firsthand perspectives, from Leanne Holiday Willie, and a book jdoC_6WrwL8-00339-00142399-00142864 Women From Another Planet, Our Lives in the Universe of Autism, which jdoC_6WrwL8-00340-00142864-00143392 was an anthology of various Autistic People, sharing their life experiences, jdoC_6WrwL8-00341-00143494-00144166 Wendy Lawson, Jennifer Clark O'Tool, different books that were recommended jdoC_6WrwL8-00342-00144166-00144592 to me, so that I could hear about autism from Autistic perspectives. jdoC_6WrwL8-00343-00144655-00145072 Those are what saved my life, hearing autistic voices, learning jdoC_6WrwL8-00344-00145072-00145441 from Autistic People about autism, having that representation. jdoC_6WrwL8-00345-00145519-00146151 That's what shifted me from getting this, very long, 13 page - 14 page jdoC_6WrwL8-00346-00146154-00146747 - diagnostic report and not collapsing on myself in self pity, when I found out jdoC_6WrwL8-00347-00146747-00147359 that the struggles I had been dealing with, were struggles that were going jdoC_6WrwL8-00348-00147359-00147545 to come and go throughout my life. jdoC_6WrwL8-00349-00147563-00148085 There was no easy fix, but the fix was changing my life around. jdoC_6WrwL8-00350-00148169-00148703 Changing to a life that suits me, and my needs as an Autistic Person, jdoC_6WrwL8-00351-00148706-00149183 respecting myself, and working with my mind instead of against it, like I had jdoC_6WrwL8-00352-00149183-00149456 been doing for many years of my life. jdoC_6WrwL8-00353-00149537-00149696 I'm grateful for all of that. jdoC_6WrwL8-00354-00149706-00150063 It feels, it feels interesting, to go through this report, jdoC_6WrwL8-00355-00150090-00150231 all of these years later. jdoC_6WrwL8-00356-00150264-00150618 I hope you enjoyed going through this report with me. jdoC_6WrwL8-00357-00150696-00150804 Do you have your report? jdoC_6WrwL8-00358-00150804-00150894 How long was it? jdoC_6WrwL8-00359-00150926-00151142 If you, if you, if you are someone who is privileged enough to jdoC_6WrwL8-00360-00151142-00151727 have the paperwork, the autism diagnosis, how long has your report? jdoC_6WrwL8-00361-00151727-00151886 How long has your diagnostic summary? jdoC_6WrwL8-00362-00151952-00152210 14, 20 pages, shorter? jdoC_6WrwL8-00363-00152276-00152438 I'd love to know, drop a comment below. jdoC_6WrwL8-00364-00152496-00152889 Let me know if you found this interesting, helpful, or just, this was just way too jdoC_6WrwL8-00365-00152889-00153360 long, way too boring, and not educational enough, drop it in the comment below. jdoC_6WrwL8-00366-00153365-00153600 If you're still here till the end, hit that thumbs up, so that I know. jdoC_6WrwL8-00367-00153669-00153764 I'll see you all next week. jdoC_6WrwL8-00368-00153824-00153847 Bye jdrS_lcOQ-M-00000-00000069-00000803 [ Music ] jdrS_lcOQ-M-00001-00000803-00001287 >> We've got some turbine engines on-- jdrS_lcOQ-M-00002-00001287-00001357 >> Pull it out. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00003-00001357-00001561 Very slow, very slow! jdrS_lcOQ-M-00004-00001561-00001718 Slow, slow, slow, slow. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00005-00001718-00001931 >> I've always loved aviation. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00006-00001931-00002065 >> My father's an air traffic controller. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00007-00002065-00002258 He's been doing that my whole entire life. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00008-00002258-00002372 >> Make sure you rotate out jdrS_lcOQ-M-00009-00002372-00002539 and let everybody get a chance in there. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00010-00002539-00002912 >> For many students, it starts as a childhood dream. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00011-00002912-00003189 >> This guy is holding short at runway 1-6 right. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00012-00003189-00003289 >> Always in the tower. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00013-00003289-00003420 Always around the airport. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00014-00003420-00003606 Always looking at the airplanes. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00015-00003606-00004020 >> And this is where that dream becomes a dream job. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00016-00004020-00004451 >> And now I have a chance to be in aviation. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00017-00004451-00004871 >> For the past 50 years, the four colleges that make jdrS_lcOQ-M-00018-00004871-00005198 up the Los Rios Community College District have delivered jdrS_lcOQ-M-00019-00005198-00005665 unique programs, educating more than 1.2 million students jdrS_lcOQ-M-00020-00005665-00005879 and boosting our economy. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00021-00005879-00006169 One shining example, aeronautics. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00022-00006169-00006302 It's a program that started jdrS_lcOQ-M-00023-00006302-00006563 at Sacramento City College decades earlier. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00024-00006563-00006833 >> Sacramento City College has been involved with the field jdrS_lcOQ-M-00025-00006833-00007420 of aeronautics in this region and in this state since 1932. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00026-00007420-00007587 >> Since then, generations jdrS_lcOQ-M-00027-00007587-00007927 of students have watched their dreams take flight. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00028-00007927-00008268 >> The Los Rios Community College District has set a great jdrS_lcOQ-M-00029-00008268-00008615 foundation for education in this community. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00030-00008615-00008875 It's going to be amazing what happens in the next 50 years. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00031-00008875-00009159 >> And of course all the aircraft manufacturers began jdrS_lcOQ-M-00032-00009159-00009422 to look at designing air frames now jdrS_lcOQ-M-00033-00009422-00009689 for this new technology, the turbine engine. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00034-00009689-00010066 >> I don't think there's anything that is more important jdrS_lcOQ-M-00035-00010066-00010346 than getting a great education for our young people. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00036-00010346-00010807 Giving them a chance to prove their lives. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00037-00010807-00011007 >> Didn't you used to be an engineer? jdrS_lcOQ-M-00038-00011007-00011141 >> Yeah. Yep. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00039-00011141-00011424 I was an engineer on this and a couple other airplanes. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00040-00011424-00011728 >> Aerospace is a wonderful career. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00041-00011728-00012045 >> For decades, Los Rios has built strong partnerships jdrS_lcOQ-M-00042-00012045-00012408 that have helped both students and the entire region. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00043-00012408-00012572 >> We have a rich history in partnership jdrS_lcOQ-M-00044-00012572-00013039 with the aerospace museum and it's been a great fit. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00045-00013039-00013193 >> We have quite a history. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00046-00013193-00013386 Sacramento City College is soon jdrS_lcOQ-M-00047-00013386-00013723 to be celebrating its 100th anniversary. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00048-00013723-00014063 The aeronautics program is celebrating its 83rd jdrS_lcOQ-M-00049-00014063-00014400 in another year and Los Rios is celebrating 50. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00050-00014400-00014711 Together it's quite an achievement. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00051-00014711-00014994 >> And together is where the greatest achievements can jdrS_lcOQ-M-00052-00014994-00015105 be found. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00053-00015105-00015308 >> November 4-7 niner kilo mike. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00054-00015308-00015605 Sacramento International airport. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00055-00015605-00016069 >> Where else would students have access to a 727? jdrS_lcOQ-M-00056-00016192-00016516 >> That Boeing 727 is known as Gideon, jdrS_lcOQ-M-00057-00016516-00016793 a gift from Federal Express that's on display jdrS_lcOQ-M-00058-00016793-00017000 at the aerospace museum year-round. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00059-00017000-00017293 At the same time, Gideon provides students jdrS_lcOQ-M-00060-00017293-00017697 at Sacramento City College's nearby aeronautics department an jdrS_lcOQ-M-00061-00017697-00017967 invaluable teaching tool. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00062-00017967-00018261 >> We wanted to use it to train students-- jdrS_lcOQ-M-00063-00018261-00018668 flight students as well as mechanic students-- jdrS_lcOQ-M-00064-00018668-00019058 on the systems of the aircraft, but we literally had nowhere jdrS_lcOQ-M-00065-00019058-00019362 to store it and that's where the partnership jdrS_lcOQ-M-00066-00019362-00019642 with the museum was absolutely essential. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00067-00019642-00019903 We couldn't have done it without them. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00068-00019903-00020113 >> And, when it comes down to it, jdrS_lcOQ-M-00069-00020113-00020457 the goal is to provide a path for the next generation jdrS_lcOQ-M-00070-00020457-00020814 of aeronautics experts to soar. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00071-00020814-00020957 >> With this program, when finishing it, jdrS_lcOQ-M-00072-00020957-00021121 I'm going to be proud of myself. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00073-00021121-00021377 I'm already proud of myself that I've came this far jdrS_lcOQ-M-00074-00021377-00021574 and I've done so good. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00075-00021574-00021754 >> OK. All right. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00076-00021754-00022065 >> Thank you to the aerospace museum acknowledging the great jdrS_lcOQ-M-00077-00022065-00022328 partnership we've had with the Sac City program jdrS_lcOQ-M-00078-00022328-00022665 and with the Los Rios Community College District. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00079-00022665-00022832 >> For the past 50 years, jdrS_lcOQ-M-00080-00022832-00023153 the Los Rios Colleges have been the Sacramento region's main jdrS_lcOQ-M-00081-00023153-00023473 runway from dreams to dream jobs. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00082-00023473-00023650 As for the next half century, jdrS_lcOQ-M-00083-00023650-00024003 the district sees clear skies on the horizon. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00084-00024003-00024340 >> I'm one step closer to a career that can last as long jdrS_lcOQ-M-00085-00024340-00024661 as I want it to and I enjoy it. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00086-00024661-00025148 >> We really appreciate being here and celebrating together. jdrS_lcOQ-M-00087-00025148-00025955 [ Music ] je2X-BB5Ack-00000-00000966-00001392 Forest cover a little over a third of the Earth's land surface, and are very je2X-BB5Ack-00001-00001392-00001986 important for generating rainfall, and they are a large store of carbon and biodiversity. je2X-BB5Ack-00002-00002026-00002430 About a billion people live in forests in the tropics, and many more je2X-BB5Ack-00003-00002431-00002727 people rely on them for part of their livelihoods. je2X-BB5Ack-00004-00002746-00003336 So very important natura resource it's also very threatened through deforestation. je2X-BB5Ack-00005-00003482-00003818 Tropical forests store a very large amount of carbon je2X-BB5Ack-00006-00003818-00004328 and they are also actively absorbing carbon that we releas into the atmosphere. je2X-BB5Ack-00007-00004338-00004668 Yet we're rapidly cutting down these forests, which releases more carbon to je2X-BB5Ack-00008-00004669-00005059 the atmosphere, accelerating climate change and also stops those forests je2X-BB5Ack-00009-00005059-00005292 being able to take back in carbon dioxide, je2X-BB5Ack-00010-00005293-00005561 so it's a double whammy you like. je2X-BB5Ack-00011-00005602-00005926 So by cutting down forests we're effectively shooting ourselves in the foot je2X-BB5Ack-00012-00005940-00006306 and accelerating the rate of change. je2X-BB5Ack-00013-00006654-00006990 I lead a research group at the University of Edinburgh that works on je2X-BB5Ack-00014-00006990-00007404 mapping tropical forests, deforestation and degradation. je2X-BB5Ack-00015-00007408-00007864 We do that through field studies: going to tropical forests and see what's changing, je2X-BB5Ack-00016-00007864-00008434 and developing methods to use satellite data to map these changes at a broad scale so je2X-BB5Ack-00017-00008630-00009096 So historically a lot of people have used optical satellite data to understand je2X-BB5Ack-00018-00009096-00009386 deforestation and forest degradation, je2X-BB5Ack-00019-00009392-00009884 but typically these approaches are beset by problems of cloud cover je2X-BB5Ack-00020-00009884-00010332 and also smoke in the dry season when people are burning the forest. je2X-BB5Ack-00021-00010390-00010916 So what we're doing by using radar data allows us to see through both the cloud je2X-BB5Ack-00022-00010917-00011501 and the smoke, and also to let us have a much better reception of forest degredation. je2X-BB5Ack-00023-00011714-00011948 We are also able to extract information about the je2X-BB5Ack-00024-00011949-00012144 structure of the forest itself; je2X-BB5Ack-00025-00012144-00012519 now that allows us to tell things like the amount of biomass in a particular je2X-BB5Ack-00026-00012519-00012838 area of forest, and from that the amount of carbon. je2X-BB5Ack-00027-00012854-00013204 When we know an area of forest has been degraded or cleared, je2X-BB5Ack-00028-00013204-00013556 we can then make estimates about the amount of carbon emissions. je2X-BB5Ack-00029-00013610-00014160 What we've been doing in the Indonesian case in Sumatra is also integrating some extra data. je2X-BB5Ack-00030-00014174-00014687 So from a LIDAR unit on another satellite, and also data from the field, je2X-BB5Ack-00031-00014687-00015113 so from forest measurements. And by integrating all those different data sets we can get je2X-BB5Ack-00032-00015113-00015590 quite a complete picture of the forest, and also change over time. je2X-BB5Ack-00033-00015844-00016274 By being able to more accurately measure deforestation and forest degradation, je2X-BB5Ack-00034-00016293-00016763 we're able to support mechanisms such as REDD, so "Reducing Emissions in je2X-BB5Ack-00035-00016763-00017262 Deforestation and Degradation" which is a global program of activities which je2X-BB5Ack-00036-00017262-00017612 involve direct payments to tropical countries to reduce the amount of je2X-BB5Ack-00037-00017612-00017988 deforestation which occurs in their given jurisdiction. je2X-BB5Ack-00038-00017996-00018407 So if we are able to provide accurate information, then policymakers are better je2X-BB5Ack-00039-00018407-00018839 able to understand what policy mechanisms work to reduce deforestation, je2X-BB5Ack-00040-00018862-00019265 and it also ensures the people who are paying those countries to je2X-BB5Ack-00041-00019265-00019697 reduce deforestation, that the payments are actually having an impact. jeJ_AhPjJEY-00000-00000012-00000888 guys I just figured out a weird glitch and I'm gonna show you what it is jeJ_AhPjJEY-00001-00001098-00002010 so I just learned that if you go and put a bell in, like, a Blog space like this jeJ_AhPjJEY-00002-00002076-00002640 you can't actually hit it, like I'm showing you I'm trying to hit it from all sides jeJ_AhPjJEY-00003-00002694-00003540 it won't get hit like a look no yeah like it's Invincible I can't mine it and jeJ_AhPjJEY-00004-00003540-00004014 then when I try to ding it it just gets mine like look it won't let me mine it jeJ_AhPjJEY-00005-00004280-00005050 [Music] dude that's so weird come here come here [Music] jeJ_AhPjJEY-00006-00006564-00006708 dude what the heck jeJ_AhPjJEY-00007-00006936-00007218 so there is actually I can't believe that glitch I jeJ_AhPjJEY-00008-00007218-00007656 saw that on a different YouTube video I can't believe it works oh my gosh jgO7qMzv2FU-00000-00000012-00000882 [Music] jgO7qMzv2FU-00001-00001007-00001571 In this part, we looked at the format of jgO7qMzv2FU-00002-00001329-00001785 the business letter, punctuation styles jgO7qMzv2FU-00003-00001571-00002097 the letter styles, jgO7qMzv2FU-00004-00001785-00002307 how to get the letter out the PDF, put it jgO7qMzv2FU-00005-00002097-00002664 into an email, and maybe send it in paper jgO7qMzv2FU-00006-00002307-00002955 and maybe even use the mail. jgO7qMzv2FU-00007-00002664-00002955 [Music] jhK6_FIHXw0-00000-00000003-00000513 I've explained in some other videos that 87% of people are working at jobs that jhK6_FIHXw0-00001-00000513-00001011 they do not like and this is a huge source of depression if you fall into jhK6_FIHXw0-00002-00001011-00001488 this 87% make sure that you stay tuned and watch this entire video as we do a jhK6_FIHXw0-00003-00001488-00001928 book review for crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuk what is up everybody this is jhK6_FIHXw0-00004-00001928-00002421 Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the jhK6_FIHXw0-00005-00002421-00002885 solution and I'm sorry I didn't get this video out yesterday yesterday I was out jhK6_FIHXw0-00006-00002885-00003225 at the annual out of the darkness walk that is hosted by the American jhK6_FIHXw0-00007-00003225-00003846 Foundation for Suicide Prevention and it was amazing but I was exhausted we've jhK6_FIHXw0-00008-00003846-00004230 lost four it was like five miles or something like that I was out there with jhK6_FIHXw0-00009-00004230-00004743 my son my girlfriend her cousin my buddy came out and there was like over 1,400 jhK6_FIHXw0-00010-00004743-00005841 people and it was awesome they ended up raising like over $60,000 for suicide jhK6_FIHXw0-00011-00005841-00006228 prevention and awareness so it was great but I was exhausted so I didn't get a jhK6_FIHXw0-00012-00006228-00006722 video out but anyways let's get started if you are somebody who is working at a jhK6_FIHXw0-00013-00006722-00007254 job that you are not happy with you need to read this book and if you know jhK6_FIHXw0-00014-00007254-00007770 somebody who isn't happy with their job please share this video with them or get jhK6_FIHXw0-00015-00007770-00008145 them a copy of this book so first off you all know I'm a fan of disclaimers jhK6_FIHXw0-00016-00008145-00008640 and the big disclaimer here is I am not telling you to quit your job all right I jhK6_FIHXw0-00017-00008640-00009021 am a mental health Channel I have somebody with an anxiety disorder I do jhK6_FIHXw0-00018-00009021-00009407 not want you to go out and cause yourself a panic attack okay but in this jhK6_FIHXw0-00019-00009407-00009753 video we're gonna talk about some lessons from this book about how you jhK6_FIHXw0-00020-00009753-00010118 might not be stuck in the situation that you think you're stuck in for those of jhK6_FIHXw0-00021-00010118-00010542 you who don't know who Gary Vee is he's a purebred entrepreneur who is often jhK6_FIHXw0-00022-00010542-00011050 referred to as a motivational speaker first and foremost I want to say I hate jhK6_FIHXw0-00023-00011050-00011507 motivational speakers and I don't view Gary as such I see him as someone who jhK6_FIHXw0-00024-00011507-00012027 has realistic practical and passionate about seeing people genuinely succeed so jhK6_FIHXw0-00025-00012027-00012479 for any of you who are familiar with Gary Vee and watch his videos or read jhK6_FIHXw0-00026-00012479-00012831 his books or anything like that I want to start off by saying like this is jhK6_FIHXw0-00027-00012831-00013351 book is this book is absolutely nothing that I expected like I remember before jhK6_FIHXw0-00028-00013351-00013763 like picking up a copy of this book and reading it to one of my friends I'm like jhK6_FIHXw0-00029-00013763-00014458 Gary says like the same thing over and over and over again like two things jhK6_FIHXw0-00030-00014458-00014908 first off that's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing like we as people were jhK6_FIHXw0-00031-00014908-00015441 like so resistant to people repeating themselves over and over again but like jhK6_FIHXw0-00032-00015441-00015943 I work at a drug and alcohol rehab where we have to do that and you have to do it jhK6_FIHXw0-00033-00015943-00016531 with everybody because we are very thick head in southern people and unless we jhK6_FIHXw0-00034-00016531-00017026 hear things dozens and dozens and dozens if not hundreds of times it doesn't get jhK6_FIHXw0-00035-00017026-00017611 through this thick skull all right but anyways the first thing that I noticed jhK6_FIHXw0-00036-00017611-00018025 about this book and really loved about this book is Gary is barely in this book jhK6_FIHXw0-00037-00018025-00018648 okay this is a collection of very real inspirational stories about how you jhK6_FIHXw0-00038-00018648-00019159 watching this video or anybody you know can't start working on a path so you're jhK6_FIHXw0-00039-00019159-00019620 no longer working at a job that you hate going to like come on people this is a jhK6_FIHXw0-00040-00019620-00019948 place where we spend most of our lives okay jhK6_FIHXw0-00041-00019948-00020329 so you should not be working somewhere that you absolutely hate so let's jump jhK6_FIHXw0-00042-00020329-00020803 into the first lesson from crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuk lesson number one jhK6_FIHXw0-00043-00020803-00021442 quit wasting time everybody watching this we have one life to live just one jhK6_FIHXw0-00044-00021442-00022003 just one as far as we know of you should not be wasting it doing something that jhK6_FIHXw0-00045-00022003-00022429 you don't like doing and to go even further with that not just something you jhK6_FIHXw0-00046-00022429-00022759 don't like doing but something that is actually making you depressed I don't jhK6_FIHXw0-00047-00022759-00023293 think enough people understand that we live in this amazing time this amazing jhK6_FIHXw0-00048-00023293-00023644 time where you can literally do something that you're passionate about jhK6_FIHXw0-00049-00023644-00024091 or knowledgeable about or even a combination of the two and start jhK6_FIHXw0-00050-00024091-00024507 bringing in some income so you no longer have to stay in a place that you hate jhK6_FIHXw0-00051-00024507-00024937 most people stay at a job they hate because of the money and look I get that jhK6_FIHXw0-00052-00024937-00025573 I'm a father I got bills I need things and I need money I get that but think jhK6_FIHXw0-00053-00025573-00026061 about this what if what instead of coming home and zoning out jhK6_FIHXw0-00054-00026061-00026538 after your terrible day of work you spent one hour or two hours doing jhK6_FIHXw0-00055-00026538-00026976 something that you love or are passionate about what if after a year of jhK6_FIHXw0-00056-00026976-00027408 doing this a year of doing this every month you're bringing in an extra jhK6_FIHXw0-00057-00027408-00027807 thousand dollars so after a year of doing this you're bringing in a thousand jhK6_FIHXw0-00058-00027807-00028218 dollars a month twelve thousand dollars a year so if you're sitting at a job and jhK6_FIHXw0-00059-00028218-00028583 you hate that's paying you sixty thousand dollars a year you can leave jhK6_FIHXw0-00060-00028583-00029001 that job go to a job that you're making fifty thousand dollars a year at and jhK6_FIHXw0-00061-00029001-00029472 you're still coming out a little bit of it ahead but mainly you're coming out jhK6_FIHXw0-00062-00029472-00029864 ahead mentally think about that for a second like one of the reasons why this jhK6_FIHXw0-00063-00029864-00030222 is the very first lesson I wanted to just kind of throw out there for you jhK6_FIHXw0-00064-00030222-00030539 it's because a lot of people not only are they working at jobs they dislike jhK6_FIHXw0-00065-00030539-00030864 but other people are working at jobs where they work their butt off and jhK6_FIHXw0-00066-00030864-00031131 they're not getting paid that much and then they think they have to get a jhK6_FIHXw0-00067-00031131-00031502 second job and usually that second job is something that they like even less jhK6_FIHXw0-00068-00031502-00031875 what if instead of getting that second job you were doing something that you jhK6_FIHXw0-00069-00031875-00032420 actually liked doing lesson number two literally anyone can jhK6_FIHXw0-00070-00032420-00033024 do this anyone right now you might be thinking not me know anyone like jhK6_FIHXw0-00071-00033024-00033396 something that I love about people and why I enjoy just meeting new people and jhK6_FIHXw0-00072-00033396-00033945 having conversations is like everybody has these very unique things about them jhK6_FIHXw0-00073-00033945-00034410 that I absolutely love and the problem is is that a lot of people downplay it jhK6_FIHXw0-00074-00034410-00034887 right but like what you should do is start to acknowledge it celebrate it and jhK6_FIHXw0-00075-00034887-00035457 start documenting it so here are two great examples from the book okay first jhK6_FIHXw0-00076-00035457-00035991 there's Pat Flynn alright Pat Flynn was an architect and he was working at a job jhK6_FIHXw0-00077-00035991-00036414 and his company was going through massive layoffs I believe back in like jhK6_FIHXw0-00078-00036414-00036978 2008 when the economy was a plummeting right and Pat Flynn was able to pass jhK6_FIHXw0-00079-00036978-00037515 this architect test and a lot of people can't pass it so what he ended up doing jhK6_FIHXw0-00080-00037515-00037818 was just kind of gathering all those knows together and he made a website jhK6_FIHXw0-00081-00037818-00038268 helping people pass this test like he was purely just putting this information jhK6_FIHXw0-00082-00038268-00038732 together helping people out for free he started to get a lot of web jhK6_FIHXw0-00083-00038732-00039098 site traffic so eventually he's like you know what I'm gonna take all this jhK6_FIHXw0-00084-00039098-00039500 information I'm gonna organize it a little bit and I'm gonna sell a little jhK6_FIHXw0-00085-00039500-00039971 ebook for 20 bucks okay and what ended up happening he was completely blown jhK6_FIHXw0-00086-00039971-00040502 away that people actually started to buy this book one because they needed it it jhK6_FIHXw0-00087-00040502-00040898 was something of value to a very niche market of Architects who needed to pass jhK6_FIHXw0-00088-00040898-00041405 this test but two he had provided so many people with so much free value that jhK6_FIHXw0-00089-00041405-00041732 some of the people were just buying the book even though they already passed the jhK6_FIHXw0-00090-00041732-00042236 test purely because he offered so much value to them that they wanted to repay jhK6_FIHXw0-00091-00042236-00042713 him in some way now Pat Flynn is doing all sorts of stuff and he is just an jhK6_FIHXw0-00092-00042713-00043088 entrepreneur doing a lot of different things teaching people how to make jhK6_FIHXw0-00093-00043088-00043589 income the next example from this book is me me Goodwin and this story is truly jhK6_FIHXw0-00094-00043589-00044006 inspirational a lot of you watching this might be able to relate to it I know I jhK6_FIHXw0-00095-00044006-00044552 can she is somebody who grew up with a very very rough life all right things jhK6_FIHXw0-00096-00044552-00045029 were always hard for her okay and one thing that she loved doing was making jhK6_FIHXw0-00097-00045029-00045581 clothes so something that she was very good at was just taking fabrics and jhK6_FIHXw0-00098-00045581-00046091 making clothes out of them for very little money and she was making the jhK6_FIHXw0-00099-00046091-00046523 clothes look like the latest fashions so what she started doing was just simply jhK6_FIHXw0-00100-00046523-00046919 documenting it in a blog teaching people how to do the same next thing you know jhK6_FIHXw0-00101-00046919-00047342 people started asking her hey can I buy this from you and she was a little jhK6_FIHXw0-00102-00047342-00047783 reluctant at first but then she started doing it and now she has a whole fashion jhK6_FIHXw0-00103-00047783-00048266 line you can see right here on her Instagram page has almost 300,000 jhK6_FIHXw0-00104-00048266-00048680 followers like she's doing the damn thing all because she started jhK6_FIHXw0-00105-00048680-00049094 documenting doing something that she loves and that she's good at and lesson jhK6_FIHXw0-00106-00049094-00049733 number three it's not easy by any means but it's worth it so like me I'm jhK6_FIHXw0-00107-00049733-00050327 extremely fortunate I'm very fortunate I actually work at a job that I love I get jhK6_FIHXw0-00108-00050327-00050705 to work with people who struggle with their mental health on a daily basis and jhK6_FIHXw0-00109-00050705-00051217 I get to help him with it and I love my job so much that I come home and I work jhK6_FIHXw0-00110-00051217-00051590 my butt off creating these videos for all of you it is 8 jhK6_FIHXw0-00111-00051590-00052042 ton of work but ton of work but because it's something that I'm so passionate jhK6_FIHXw0-00112-00052042-00052526 about helping people with their mental health increasing awareness about mental jhK6_FIHXw0-00113-00052526-00052949 health being an advocate for mental health all these things I love doing it jhK6_FIHXw0-00114-00052949-00053396 so it doesn't even seem like work now if you don't fall into the same category as jhK6_FIHXw0-00115-00053396-00053980 me I want to let you know like Gary Vee is not some snake oil salesman jhK6_FIHXw0-00116-00053980-00054287 so I write before making this video I actually was talking to somebody about jhK6_FIHXw0-00117-00054287-00054872 this theory I have this theory that we spent like about two decades all right jhK6_FIHXw0-00118-00054872-00055346 there was about two decades where we had friends and family members trying to jhK6_FIHXw0-00119-00055346-00055925 like get us into their like weird wacky pyramid scheme or we were played with jhK6_FIHXw0-00120-00055925-00056432 these ads on TV all the time with like get-rich-quick so I think when people jhK6_FIHXw0-00121-00056432-00056939 like hear about these kind of things like following your passion and doing jhK6_FIHXw0-00122-00056939-00057272 something that you like to bring in some extra money like they're like nah man jhK6_FIHXw0-00123-00057272-00057667 this is some kind of trick like this is not what it's about jhK6_FIHXw0-00124-00057667-00058010 like I mentioned at the beginning of this video like something I love about jhK6_FIHXw0-00125-00058010-00058504 Gary Vaynerchuk is that he's logical and realistic like he's not trying to make jhK6_FIHXw0-00126-00058504-00058928 you think you can do something that is completely insane and he's also very jhK6_FIHXw0-00127-00058928-00059341 clear that you can't just throw up an Instagram account start posting your jhK6_FIHXw0-00128-00059341-00059732 favorite Harry Potter quotes and get rich overnight and he's also not saying jhK6_FIHXw0-00129-00059732-00060062 that you can just throw up a YouTube channel take your cell phone out and jhK6_FIHXw0-00130-00060062-00060446 record yourself like teaching your dog a couple new tricks and like make an jhK6_FIHXw0-00131-00060446-00060761 entire living off of it like all the stuff that we're talking about it's jhK6_FIHXw0-00132-00060761-00061250 gonna take work consistency and patience and something I love about Gary Vee is jhK6_FIHXw0-00133-00061250-00061766 that he's very honest like most people who do this aren't gonna be rich they're jhK6_FIHXw0-00134-00061766-00062387 not gonna be famous but hey who cares that's okay like what we're trying to do jhK6_FIHXw0-00135-00062387-00062929 is be a little bit more happy and satisfied with our lives like that's the jhK6_FIHXw0-00136-00062929-00063425 goal like that's the top of the mountain you know what I mean like getting rich jhK6_FIHXw0-00137-00063425-00063805 and making a lot of money should it never be your goal it should never be jhK6_FIHXw0-00138-00063805-00064232 your goal in fact right up here in the info card I will link another video jhK6_FIHXw0-00139-00064232-00064721 about how success does not equal happiness like it's something that we jhK6_FIHXw0-00140-00064721-00065147 need to realize but happiness does lead to success and jhK6_FIHXw0-00141-00065147-00065603 it's been proven time and time and time again I would not be telling you to read jhK6_FIHXw0-00142-00065603-00066095 this book if this wasn't something that I've seen with my own two eyes over and jhK6_FIHXw0-00143-00066095-00066500 over and over again I even know a lot of people who are jhK6_FIHXw0-00144-00066500-00066935 doing exactly what this book is talking about and here are just a few examples jhK6_FIHXw0-00145-00066935-00067445 so some of you have seen me mention my friend Kayla and some other videos her jhK6_FIHXw0-00146-00067445-00067973 channel is pink Oh bunny she's also on Instagram she loves to cook if something jhK6_FIHXw0-00147-00067973-00068477 that she loves to do and over five years of busting her butt and extremely hard jhK6_FIHXw0-00148-00068477-00068924 work she's making a living doing what she loves and then there's Jordan I jhK6_FIHXw0-00149-00068924-00069317 don't personally know Jordan but Jordan is the perfect example jhK6_FIHXw0-00150-00069317-00070061 so what Jordan did was this all she did was on Instagram she documented her jhK6_FIHXw0-00151-00070061-00070574 weight-loss journey of losing a hundred thirty pounds now I don't want to jhK6_FIHXw0-00152-00070574-00070949 minimize it like Jordan is hustling she's very active and doing her thing jhK6_FIHXw0-00153-00070949-00071333 and now she's carried over that that same following over to YouTube as well jhK6_FIHXw0-00154-00071333-00071848 but like think about it like I'm trying to explain the reality of the situation jhK6_FIHXw0-00155-00071848-00072458 Jordan is now making a living because she lost weight and she was probably jhK6_FIHXw0-00156-00072458-00073118 going to do that anyways but because she documented it she is now making a living jhK6_FIHXw0-00157-00073118-00073757 off of something that came natural to most people speaking of Jordan now let's jhK6_FIHXw0-00158-00073757-00074102 talk about my fabulous wonderful girlfriend Tristan jhK6_FIHXw0-00159-00074102-00074591 all right Tristan is an amazing artist and on Christmas I got her an iPad and jhK6_FIHXw0-00160-00074591-00075059 what she started to do was just doing digital art and someone she drew was jhK6_FIHXw0-00161-00075059-00075455 Jordan and if you're wondering where my amazing thumbnail art came from it was jhK6_FIHXw0-00162-00075455-00075878 actually Tristan she drew that picture of Gary Vaynerchuk and because my jhK6_FIHXw0-00163-00075878-00076250 girlfriend has been posting this stuff on Instagram and selling her services jhK6_FIHXw0-00164-00076250-00076715 she has actually had people hit her up and drop pictures for them she's drawn jhK6_FIHXw0-00165-00076715-00077102 pictures of people she's drawn pictures of their animals and while she's not jhK6_FIHXw0-00166-00077102-00077525 making a full-time living off of it she is bringing in some extra money to just jhK6_FIHXw0-00167-00077525-00077976 do some things that she likes doing her buy clothes or makeup she does love her jhK6_FIHXw0-00168-00077976-00078519 make up let me tell ya anyways she's another great example of doing something jhK6_FIHXw0-00169-00078519-00078900 she likes doing and generating some extra income off of it and then there's jhK6_FIHXw0-00170-00078900-00079443 me all right like I said I absolutely love my job and I love what I do but jhK6_FIHXw0-00171-00079443-00079861 like I said I got a kid to feed I got bills to pay and stuff like that so what jhK6_FIHXw0-00172-00079861-00080270 I've been doing for a long time is freelance writing and I absolutely jhK6_FIHXw0-00173-00080270-00080704 despise it it's just I've been doing it for so long it's very monotonous and jhK6_FIHXw0-00174-00080704-00081142 tedious and stuff like that I just don't like doing it anymore so I have to force jhK6_FIHXw0-00175-00081142-00081592 myself to do it to bring in some extra income but because of my hustle and hard jhK6_FIHXw0-00176-00081592-00082038 work I've been working on the rewired soul for less than a year and just last jhK6_FIHXw0-00177-00082038-00082539 week the absolute best online therapy program better help they hit me up and jhK6_FIHXw0-00178-00082539-00083043 said hey you can use our link for better help and so if your viewers want to do jhK6_FIHXw0-00179-00083043-00083410 online therapy we'll give you a little something in return it's called an jhK6_FIHXw0-00180-00083410-00083929 affiliate link so shameless plug real quick but yes if you need to do some jhK6_FIHXw0-00181-00083929-00084243 kind of therapy and you want to do it online because maybe you don't have jhK6_FIHXw0-00182-00084243-00084661 access in your area or you just feel more comfortable doing it online like jhK6_FIHXw0-00183-00084661-00085074 use my better help affiliate link what it does is it helps you out it doesn't jhK6_FIHXw0-00184-00085074-00085437 cost you anything extra and a little bit of that comes back towards supporting jhK6_FIHXw0-00185-00085437-00085792 the channel so I can make more beautiful videos like this but aside from that I jhK6_FIHXw0-00186-00085792-00086277 have two e-books out on Amazon I have a course up on my website like these are jhK6_FIHXw0-00187-00086277-00086712 different things that I've done to generate enough income so I don't got to jhK6_FIHXw0-00188-00086712-00087073 go like get a job at the gas station down the street so all these different jhK6_FIHXw0-00189-00087073-00087501 things they help support me doing something I love which is helping all of jhK6_FIHXw0-00190-00087501-00087967 you so again if you're somebody who is very unhappy with your job like you jhK6_FIHXw0-00191-00087967-00088437 don't have to be I highly recommend that you go pick up this book and I will put jhK6_FIHXw0-00192-00088437-00088833 an affiliate link to this book down in the description below jhK6_FIHXw0-00193-00088833-00089238 like I highly recommend that you check it out or do like Gary Vaynerchuk says jhK6_FIHXw0-00194-00089238-00089631 like go download it download it a torrent of it like do whatever you got jhK6_FIHXw0-00195-00089631-00090091 to do give it to all you all of your friends like Gary is more passionate jhK6_FIHXw0-00196-00090091-00090541 about having people do something that they like doing living a better life jhK6_FIHXw0-00197-00090541-00091066 than he is about making money like just spread the word share this video so jhK6_FIHXw0-00198-00091066-00091336 maybe someone that you know who has been in a soul jhK6_FIHXw0-00199-00091336-00091750 washing job for years might pick up this book and might start taking actions jhK6_FIHXw0-00200-00091750-00092269 towards living a better life but anyways that's all I got for you I hope you pick jhK6_FIHXw0-00201-00092269-00092620 up this book and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you jhK6_FIHXw0-00202-00092620-00092964 are new here I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental health and jhK6_FIHXw0-00203-00092964-00093292 sometimes is suggesting books too yeah alright so click that little round jhK6_FIHXw0-00204-00093292-00093676 subscribe button right there you can also check out another video I did about jhK6_FIHXw0-00205-00093676-00094138 the psychology of Gary Vee click or tap right there alright but again thanks so jhK6_FIHXw0-00206-00094138-00094617 much for watching and I'll see you next time jhV6wuw0pAu-00000-00000011-00000587 Welcome to the Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet jhV6wuw0pAu-00001-00000587-00001101 Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first time here jhV6wuw0pAu-00002-00001101-00001473 and you're interested in learning how to straight razor shave and all things jhV6wuw0pAu-00003-00001473-00001980 straight razor related go ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the jhV6wuw0pAu-00004-00001980-00002397 bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a jhV6wuw0pAu-00005-00002397-00003296 thing in tonights shave I am using my Wade and Butcher Sheffield excellent razor jhV6wuw0pAu-00006-00003296-00004418 it is a wedge horn scales beautiful absolutely beautiful shaver the 1800's jhV6wuw0pAu-00007-00004418-00005439 very nice and for our soap tonight we are using The Art Of Shaving Sandalwood and this jhV6wuw0pAu-00008-00005439-00005996 is new old stock so this is tallow Sandalwood jhV6wuw0pAu-00009-00006311-00007097 now I've had a bit of that in this bowl of blooming so we're gonna pour off that jhV6wuw0pAu-00010-00007097-00007547 bloom water but that one is a pre shape jhV6wuw0pAu-00011-00008803-00010347 there we go yeah for my brush tonight using the Omega 10098 nice so let's jhV6wuw0pAu-00012-00010347-00011194 get that brush loaded up so how you doing hopefully you're having a good weekend jhV6wuw0pAu-00013-00011194-00011782 yeah and you know a little downtime right that's always good jhV6wuw0pAu-00014-00011782-00012466 oh yeah yeah some time with family and friends right mm-hmm jhV6wuw0pAu-00015-00012466-00013318 yeah I really enjoy sharing my Sunday and with you I do yep it is always good jhV6wuw0pAu-00016-00013318-00014581 always and this is another Sandalwood Sunday Shave Of The Day oh yeah yep it jhV6wuw0pAu-00017-00014581-00015597 is good what a great idea yes right and how are you doing are you jhV6wuw0pAu-00018-00015597-00016745 well I hope so is the world treat me good hopefully right and most important of all jhV6wuw0pAu-00019-00016745-00017498 how are your shaves yeah hopefully you're having a good shaves yep I really jhV6wuw0pAu-00020-00017498-00018281 enjoy the comments and you tell me what's going on in your life in the jhV6wuw0pAu-00021-00018281-00018895 shaves and that kind of thing it's just really cool I think building up a jhV6wuw0pAu-00022-00018895-00019934 community like this is so nice alright and who think we're there i do let me just jhV6wuw0pAu-00023-00019934-00020491 put a little more water in there I just want to make sure yeah jhV6wuw0pAu-00024-00022628-00025175 let's get some of that yeah okay yeah we that good stuff good stuff it is mm-hmm jhV6wuw0pAu-00025-00025175-00027902 yep okay and we got another Friday special next week yeah so Street fries jhV6wuw0pAu-00026-00027902-00028749 red Friday specials come out on the first and third Friday of every month so jhV6wuw0pAu-00027-00028749-00029541 tune in for that and they are generally speaking shave related videos sometimes jhV6wuw0pAu-00028-00029541-00030350 fun videos sometimes both right in general for the most part I actually jhV6wuw0pAu-00029-00030350-00031303 don't necessarily shave and most of them I will from time to time know and I jhV6wuw0pAu-00030-00031303-00032031 answer your questions and comments that you put in the comments so my question jhV6wuw0pAu-00031-00032031-00032619 for you is do you have a question comment or suggestion for a straight jhV6wuw0pAu-00032-00032619-00033084 razor edge Friday special put it in the comments for me and we'll get to it yeah jhV6wuw0pAu-00033-00033084-00033603 we will yeah I will make sure you do something with that jhV6wuw0pAu-00034-00033603-00034138 yeah yeah a video made for you jhV6wuw0pAu-00035-00034921-00035844 there we go nice wonderful and this does a really good scent this particular jhV6wuw0pAu-00036-00035844-00036985 sandal wood is more earthy but I like it I I do it's it's again you need every jhV6wuw0pAu-00037-00036985-00037713 one of my sandal woods is unique so this is pass one and that means it's jhV6wuw0pAu-00038-00037713-00038153 primarily with the grain so let's get going jhV6wuw0pAu-00039-00041355-00041564 you jhV6wuw0pAu-00040-00042044-00042457 and make sure to find those speed bumps jhV6wuw0pAu-00041-00043298-00044112 and when you're shaving with a straight razor that 30-degree angle or less is jhV6wuw0pAu-00042-00044112-00044976 the best way to do it so what you can do is take the spine and put it flat on jhV6wuw0pAu-00043-00044976-00045318 your face tilt it up until you got a spine width jhV6wuw0pAu-00044-00045318-00045884 off your face and that's approximately what do you need to be jhV6wuw0pAu-00045-00051041-00051916 there you go nice the good stuff this is new old stock so this is one of those jhV6wuw0pAu-00046-00051916-00052573 towel bass so that you may be able to find on eBay or someplace like that jhV6wuw0pAu-00047-00052573-00053161 that's where I found mine and I really like it jhV6wuw0pAu-00048-00057615-00058148 you know where you yeah jhV6wuw0pAu-00049-00058177-00058965 switch me we're gonna get this other side yeah just like that jhV6wuw0pAu-00050-00062895-00063270 there we go nice jhV6wuw0pAu-00051-00067975-00068258 right jhV6wuw0pAu-00052-00068364-00069415 fantastic so very like I say earthy scent this one you really I think almost jhV6wuw0pAu-00053-00069415-00070005 has more McClay sip than some of the others jhV6wuw0pAu-00054-00071770-00073001 you go pass one complete very nice yeah why good yeah let's get that washed off jhV6wuw0pAu-00055-00073001-00073900 see how we did yep yeah with straight razors and even bees for that matter jhV6wuw0pAu-00056-00073900-00075014 it's all about beard reduction that's why we do a team two and a half three jhV6wuw0pAu-00057-00075014-00075521 pass shave that kind of thing every every time you shave you're going at it jhV6wuw0pAu-00058-00075521-00076160 and a little different angle and you're gonna get a little bit closer yeah and jhV6wuw0pAu-00059-00076160-00076922 even if you go at the same angle if you repeat it a couple of times or so you'll jhV6wuw0pAu-00060-00076922-00077654 still give it closer shave yeah really well so if you find that across the jhV6wuw0pAu-00061-00077654-00078133 grain or against screen is actually giving you a fit just go with degree jhV6wuw0pAu-00062-00078133-00078830 twice and see if that doesn't help because I think it will all right so jhV6wuw0pAu-00063-00078830-00079363 this is pass to jhV6wuw0pAu-00064-00080015-00080988 and I do these shade of the day videos three Wednesday and Sunday so stop in jhV6wuw0pAu-00065-00080988-00082080 stop and check it out I am here for you and I I always enjoy it when you stop by jhV6wuw0pAu-00066-00082080-00082325 as well jhV6wuw0pAu-00067-00083743-00084172 real nice jhV6wuw0pAu-00068-00085436-00086031 all right so this is past it so that means I'm going to go cross the ground jhV6wuw0pAu-00069-00086031-00086553 on my neck here against the rain here and I guess the right here and on the jhV6wuw0pAu-00070-00086553-00087558 chin Studios and I stretch down here I'm lifting my head and tilting it which is jhV6wuw0pAu-00071-00087558-00088250 making that neck all nice and taut and giving me a good shave jhV6wuw0pAu-00072-00091814-00092426 and you're when I'm going against the grain in this area or that's maybe jhV6wuw0pAu-00073-00092426-00093170 across the grain I will have this fine even really on my neck as well because I jhV6wuw0pAu-00074-00093170-00093457 got a good enough angle jhV6wuw0pAu-00075-00095498-00095889 you don't want more than coven angle than that because it'll just be jhV6wuw0pAu-00076-00095889-00096296 irritating you'll just be scraping skin jhV6wuw0pAu-00077-00098430-00099264 so it'll be much more comfortable for you with with that blade flatter then jhV6wuw0pAu-00078-00099264-00099573 you're actually cutting here jhV6wuw0pAu-00079-00103964-00104170 you jhV6wuw0pAu-00080-00104424-00104811 switching up our handle jhV6wuw0pAu-00081-00108583-00108789 you jhV6wuw0pAu-00082-00110411-00110809 nice very nice jhV6wuw0pAu-00083-00111358-00111699 I know speedboats jhV6wuw0pAu-00084-00121995-00122558 yeah and there you know it's just how I'm holding my here my face that's how I jhV6wuw0pAu-00085-00122558-00123191 stretch for the most part that's all you can do right now jhV6wuw0pAu-00086-00125261-00125594 at least for me jhV6wuw0pAu-00087-00125625-00126423 your mileage may vary everybody's face is different than that cool hmm what do jhV6wuw0pAu-00088-00126423-00127811 you think about it it is cool all right pass to complete only nice yeah those jhV6wuw0pAu-00089-00127811-00128939 cheeks right where we need them very good okay so now this is the half pass jhV6wuw0pAu-00090-00129111-00129942 yeah we're gonna do you're just my jaw line in my neck that's all we need them jhV6wuw0pAu-00091-00130317-00130695 soap that keeps giving jhV6wuw0pAu-00092-00131870-00133358 yeah yeah there's that hands-on yeah this is gonna be primarily against the jhV6wuw0pAu-00093-00133358-00133672 grain good jhV6wuw0pAu-00094-00140535-00141057 nice that's good yeah really good jhV6wuw0pAu-00095-00141246-00141722 now when you get a good shave makes all the difference award jhV6wuw0pAu-00096-00146501-00146801 nice jhV6wuw0pAu-00097-00147850-00148057 you jhV6wuw0pAu-00098-00148771-00149332 there we go almost jhV6wuw0pAu-00099-00150555-00151392 there you go no shave in the books yep excellent excellent jhV6wuw0pAu-00100-00151392-00152570 yeah hmm oh yeah nice really nice oh that's a good one jhV6wuw0pAu-00101-00152636-00153423 mm-hmm and we're gonna finish this off with there's why haven't your witch jhV6wuw0pAu-00102-00153423-00154169 hazel for our aftershave yeah excellent jhV6wuw0pAu-00103-00154235-00155105 mm-hmm and a good scent and it's so good for the skin I just put that everywhere jhV6wuw0pAu-00104-00155105-00155613 I think it's good for everything right yeah jhV6wuw0pAu-00105-00155613-00156825 for our Colonia yeah Rasim red so this is the sunday sandalwood shape of the jhV6wuw0pAu-00106-00156825-00157792 day nice oh yeah yeah that is good stuff so I'm gonna get a bit of that jhV6wuw0pAu-00107-00158245-00159330 oh nice oh that's good a lot of fantastic City what a fantastic jhV6wuw0pAu-00108-00159330-00160226 scent that is and we're gonna top this off with Nivea posh a bomb gotta have it jhV6wuw0pAu-00109-00160226-00160548 good stuff jhV6wuw0pAu-00110-00161258-00161673 and again I put this everywhere as well jhV6wuw0pAu-00111-00162594-00163116 all right there you go I really appreciate you guys you can click right jhV6wuw0pAu-00112-00163116-00163951 up here to see the best beginner shave one-pass that you've ever seen click jhV6wuw0pAu-00113-00163951-00164500 over here to see my latest video click down here on a video specially picked jhV6wuw0pAu-00114-00164500-00164932 out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video jhV6wuw0pAu-00115-00164932-00165424 with your friends have a great day and a good day and I will see you next time on jhV6wuw0pAu-00116-00165424-00165813 adventures in wet shaving jkkT19Bv8eQ-00000-00000078-00000244 Swinging the swing with the bird jkkT19Bv8eQ-00001-00000244-00000444 Come on let's go! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00002-00005830-00005996 From this position, jkkT19Bv8eQ-00003-00006021-00006333 Does Ace can back the owner? jkkT19Bv8eQ-00004-00006391-00006772 This place is considered as difficult for him to landing. jkkT19Bv8eQ-00005-00006824-00007130 Because the owner is under the bridge! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00006-00007780-00008150 Okay, welcome back with me Fernando at Kaleng Coklat jkkT19Bv8eQ-00007-00008203-00008724 This time I am at "Kopi Opak" with Ace jkkT19Bv8eQ-00008-00008784-00009156 We got information that this place are stunning and fun jkkT19Bv8eQ-00009-00009175-00009516 So we are going to eat beside the river jkkT19Bv8eQ-00010-00009516-00009646 and there are river bellow jkkT19Bv8eQ-00011-00009646-00009948 and at the same time we will playing with Ace jkkT19Bv8eQ-00012-00009976-00010461 Let's get in and explore this "Kopi Opak" jkkT19Bv8eQ-00013-00010488-00010846 We are about to enjoying the foods and the atmosphere jkkT19Bv8eQ-00014-00011840-00012151 We found a Bar over here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00015-00012263-00012496 The place where we can order the coffee jkkT19Bv8eQ-00016-00012583-00012898 It's so pleasing and the atmosphere feels like in Bali. jkkT19Bv8eQ-00017-00013159-00013271 The place is so cool jkkT19Bv8eQ-00018-00013484-00013630 Okay. Turn the camera over me jkkT19Bv8eQ-00019-00013665-00013876 And the coolest place down there jkkT19Bv8eQ-00020-00013927-00014228 Because it will be beside the river and we can playing with the bird at the same time jkkT19Bv8eQ-00021-00014228-00014365 Let's have a look! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00022-00014967-00015190 Okay, this one is the coolest part jkkT19Bv8eQ-00023-00015244-00015321 "Kopi Opak" jkkT19Bv8eQ-00024-00015344-00015574 And we'll directly see the view down here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00025-00015574-00015719 Ace, please look at the camera! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00026-00015719-00015814 We're already here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00027-00015814-00015992 Look at the view! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00028-00016280-00016466 You can hang out there jkkT19Bv8eQ-00029-00016528-00016827 There are the bridge and we can play with the water jkkT19Bv8eQ-00030-00017009-00017142 we can also swimming at the river jkkT19Bv8eQ-00031-00017199-00017469 and we can enjoying this cool view jkkT19Bv8eQ-00032-00017499-00017725 Let's get to the river! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00033-00018420-00018796 the kids can play with the water and swinging at the swing over there jkkT19Bv8eQ-00034-00018851-00018891 It's fun! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00035-00018991-00019047 Look at this jkkT19Bv8eQ-00036-00019047-00019222 There are the bridge as well... jkkT19Bv8eQ-00037-00019297-00019550 to have fun and let's go there jkkT19Bv8eQ-00038-00020085-00020190 This place is cool isn't it? jkkT19Bv8eQ-00039-00021419-00021820 I admit that this place is considered as very cool place to fly the bird jkkT19Bv8eQ-00040-00021853-00022116 I bet you gonna like this place! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00041-00022188-00022324 Let's try to fly the bird! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00042-00023749-00024034 this place is so cool to fly the Pigeon jkkT19Bv8eQ-00043-00024034-00024256 Look at these! this is so cool jkkT19Bv8eQ-00044-00024821-00024963 And later we will taking lunch jkkT19Bv8eQ-00045-00024963-00025084 reviewing the foods jkkT19Bv8eQ-00046-00025084-00025424 whilst fly the bird carrying Go-Pro jkkT19Bv8eQ-00047-00025424-00025661 Let's fly the Ace one more. Ace, Go! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00048-00025868-00025948 Go! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00049-00026776-00026981 This is so fun and so pleasant. jkkT19Bv8eQ-00050-00026983-00027415 I'll get ready whilst waiting for the food to come jkkT19Bv8eQ-00051-00027580-00027630 Okay jkkT19Bv8eQ-00052-00027681-00028027 Now I am going to fly this baby's bird exactly here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00053-00028027-00028097 SOLO jkkT19Bv8eQ-00054-00028137-00028355 From the middle of the bridge over here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00055-00031209-00031366 It was amazing guys! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00056-00031445-00031623 The dive is very cool! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00057-00033098-00033275 Do you want some chips? jkkT19Bv8eQ-00058-00033750-00033919 Ace prefer the corn jkkT19Bv8eQ-00059-00033998-00034192 The only food he want to eat is corn jkkT19Bv8eQ-00060-00034393-00034499 Okay jkkT19Bv8eQ-00061-00034499-00034758 Now Ace has had Go-Pro on his back jkkT19Bv8eQ-00062-00034776-00034961 and it supposed to be recording now jkkT19Bv8eQ-00063-00034968-00035226 and will be ready to fly from here jkkT19Bv8eQ-00064-00035247-00035430 see, this place is perfect jkkT19Bv8eQ-00065-00035430-00035636 we will fly him now jkkT19Bv8eQ-00066-00037655-00038006 Okay, now we are going to fly him with the baby's bird jkkT19Bv8eQ-00067-00038112-00038389 The fly will be cool and they will fly in circles jkkT19Bv8eQ-00068-00038389-00038526 Let's find it out jkkT19Bv8eQ-00069-00038933-00039094 We are ready to fly them! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00071-00055982-00056790 Finally they can safely landing guys Even though with a bit dive, ha ha ha jkkT19Bv8eQ-00072-00056930-00057187 Okay, we've already flying with Ace jkkT19Bv8eQ-00073-00057187-00057489 Flying around "Kopi Opak" area jkkT19Bv8eQ-00074-00057516-00057697 and everything went well jkkT19Bv8eQ-00075-00057697-00057926 Don't forget to Like and Subscribe jkkT19Bv8eQ-00076-00057926-00058150 And I bet you also enjoying the video, right? jkkT19Bv8eQ-00077-00058164-00058347 Thank you for watching! jkkT19Bv8eQ-00078-00058347-00058493 bye - bye jkunCwFQQVk-00000-00000037-00000259 This Bridge is built on Tehri Dam Reservoir jkunCwFQQVk-00001-00000572-00000768 Beautiful Clouds and its about to rain jkunCwFQQVk-00002-00000803-00000903 Amazing jkunCwFQQVk-00004-00004306-00004592 Today our day will start from here, Guptkashi. jkunCwFQQVk-00005-00004596-00004740 and jkunCwFQQVk-00016-00007448-00007734 Lets see, till where i can reach today jkunCwFQQVk-00026-00010141-00010437 Luggage is all packed, just need to load on motorcycle jkunCwFQQVk-00031-00011509-00011701 All set to go jkunCwFQQVk-00032-00011755-00012014 Luggage is on the bike jkunCwFQQVk-00045-00020811-00021041 Tyres are slipping in mud jkunCwFQQVk-00049-00025800-00025910 stopped at Samoun at Agstamuni jkunCwFQQVk-00050-00026156-00026474 Place for breakfast jkunCwFQQVk-00051-00027670-00027802 Is breakfast available? jkunCwFQQVk-00052-00027841-00027941 Yes. jkunCwFQQVk-00053-00027963-00028067 what can i get? jkunCwFQQVk-00054-00028138-00028252 Paranthe jkunCwFQQVk-00055-00028386-00028686 2 aloo (potato) parantha. jkunCwFQQVk-00057-00030476-00030638 2 big aloo parantha i have eaten jkunCwFQQVk-00058-00030744-00030894 i was very hungry jkunCwFQQVk-00059-00032588-00032710 Date today is, jkunCwFQQVk-00069-00036652-00036884 beautiful valleys of Uttarakhand jkunCwFQQVk-00071-00037498-00037653 its a pleasure riding here jkunCwFQQVk-00072-00037721-00037933 smooth curvy roads jkunCwFQQVk-00073-00038278-00038708 left to right to left, having lot of fun jkunCwFQQVk-00074-00040826-00041156 Stopped few kms before Tehri jkunCwFQQVk-00075-00041218-00041470 going to have lunch here, at this small outlet jkunCwFQQVk-00078-00041982-00042256 I am hungry again jkunCwFQQVk-00080-00042410-00042825 Tehri is almost half the way to Barkot jkunCwFQQVk-00087-00044872-00045098 Bhai shahab, just finished lunch, jkunCwFQQVk-00088-00045098-00045472 Daal, Curry Roti in INR 40 jkunCwFQQVk-00090-00045626-00045732 not bad, jkunCwFQQVk-00091-00045762-00046096 still 140 kms more to go jkunCwFQQVk-00092-00046096-00046201 to Barkot jkunCwFQQVk-00098-00055427-00055641 i was bit confused here jkunCwFQQVk-00099-00055677-00055873 there are 2 ways here jkunCwFQQVk-00100-00055965-00056271 one goes uphill and other downhill jkunCwFQQVk-00101-00056341-00056498 this one jkunCwFQQVk-00102-00056558-00056658 so jkunCwFQQVk-00103-00056882-00057280 i stopped here for a while jkunCwFQQVk-00104-00057293-00057451 checked with passerbys jkunCwFQQVk-00105-00057525-00057674 so they told me to go uphill jkunCwFQQVk-00106-00057711-00057957 now i am going uphill jkunCwFQQVk-00108-00071451-00071790 reached Dharsu Mod, or Dharsu Bent jkunCwFQQVk-00110-00071998-00072263 and Barkot is still 60kms more jkunCwFQQVk-00111-00072312-00072550 and time is 1740 hrs jkunCwFQQVk-00113-00072769-00073054 if roads are good then will reach in 2 hours jkunCwFQQVk-00116-00073548-00073838 60 kms means 3 hours ride jkunCwFQQVk-00117-00073838-00073963 20 kms / hours jkunCwFQQVk-00118-00074026-00074159 so by 9 pm, i should reach jkunCwFQQVk-00119-00074235-00074354 lets see jkunCwFQQVk-00120-00074397-00074665 lets have tea first and then will see jkunCwFQQVk-00122-00075069-00075235 It rained while a ago jkunCwFQQVk-00123-00075288-00075388 and i got all wet jkunCwFQQVk-00125-00075821-00076124 rain started at place were there was nothing to hide in jkunCwFQQVk-00126-00076231-00076331 so fully drenched jkunCwFQQVk-00127-00076364-00076630 and i am feeling cold jkunCwFQQVk-00128-00076774-00077032 and barkot is still some 35 kms away jkunCwFQQVk-00130-00077873-00077976 i am trying my best to reach Barkot jkunCwFQQVk-00133-00079524-00079756 its completely dark jkunCwFQQVk-00136-00080538-00080696 i am feeling very cold jkunCwFQQVk-00137-00080828-00080928 oh god jkunCwFQQVk-00140-00082244-00082344 what is this? jkunCwFQQVk-00141-00083177-00083291 which way to Barkot? jkunCwFQQVk-00142-00083480-00083580 Uphill jkunCwFQQVk-00143-00083604-00083705 How Far? jkunCwFQQVk-00145-00084105-00084205 30 kms jkunCwFQQVk-00146-00084270-00084380 is there a place to stay here? jkunCwFQQVk-00147-00084517-00084624 How Much? jkunCwFQQVk-00148-00086262-00086387 which one here? this one? jkunCwFQQVk-00149-00087511-00087611 where are you? jkunCwFQQVk-00150-00088202-00088307 do you have blankets? jkunCwFQQVk-00151-00088408-00088517 Yes jkunCwFQQVk-00154-00093134-00093606 i have changed my clothes jkunCwFQQVk-00155-00093606-00093700 in woolen clothes jkunCwFQQVk-00156-00093830-00094132 all wet clothes are hanging out jkunCwFQQVk-00157-00094132-00094449 wind is blowing jkunCwFQQVk-00158-00094456-00094614 probably they will dry soon jkunCwFQQVk-00160-00094898-00095109 it was a good journey today. jkunCwFQQVk-00161-00095110-00095284 quite adventurous jkunCwFQQVk-00162-00095406-00095826 tried my best but still had to stop 30 kms before Barkot jkunCwFQQVk-00163-00095826-00095918 If it would have not rained jkunCwFQQVk-00164-00095918-00096228 and i wouldn't have got wet jkunCwFQQVk-00165-00096228-00096328 probably would have reached Barkot jkunCwFQQVk-00166-00096332-00096646 But because i got wet, i was feeling very cold jkunCwFQQVk-00167-00096646-00096769 and jkunCwFQQVk-00168-00096769-00097089 to stop and and change into raincoat and again pack jkunCwFQQVk-00169-00097089-00097415 and again to go jkunCwFQQVk-00170-00097416-00097774 so its better to stop wherever i am jkunCwFQQVk-00172-00097890-00098145 it only for a night, main hault is at Narkanda jkunCwFQQVk-00174-00098446-00098636 So hopefully by tomorrow evening jkunCwFQQVk-00175-00098676-00098978 will try to reach Narkanda jkunCwFQQVk-00176-00099086-00099488 I am having headache because of cold, food will be prepared in the family jkunCwFQQVk-00179-00099882-00100124 Its not that cold, but jkunCwFQQVk-00180-00100124-00100412 because i got wet, and due to wind jkunCwFQQVk-00181-00100423-00100711 in the mountains jkunCwFQQVk-00182-00100711-00100811 weather has changed jkunCwFQQVk-00183-00100854-00101066 and anything could happen jkunCwFQQVk-00184-00101066-00101252 its all jungle around jkunCwFQQVk-00185-00101285-00101521 so i decided to stop jkunCwFQQVk-00186-00101521-00101800 for gad sake if anything happens on the road jkunCwFQQVk-00187-00101800-00102065 or any mishappening with my motorbike jkunCwFQQVk-00188-00102065-00102340 i wont get any help whole night. jkunCwFQQVk-00189-00102340-00102626 and to push in dark jkunCwFQQVk-00190-00102626-00102812 when i am wet, cold, shivering jkunCwFQQVk-00191-00102853-00103110 hahaha, no no no, jkunCwFQQVk-00192-00103124-00103423 so i decided to stop. jkunCwFQQVk-00193-00103424-00103654 and will move further tomorrow morning jkunCwFQQVk-00194-00103654-00103844 via Barkot to Narkanda jkunCwFQQVk-00195-00103874-00104173 its almost 200 km from here to Narkanda jkunCwFQQVk-00196-00104174-00104396 so today jkunCwFQQVk-00197-00104426-00104732 i have gone some 200 or 230 kms jkunCwFQQVk-00199-00104866-00105290 hopefully tomorrow also i will go 200 kms and will reach Narkanda. jlOGiyKUHlQ-00000-00000198-00000780 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00001-00001056-00003768 was As Dead As a door nail this must be distinctly understood jlOGiyKUHlQ-00002-00003768-00004266 or nothing wonderful can calm of this story I am going to relate jlOGiyKUHlQ-00003-00007031-00008088 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00005-00014046-00015408 everybody jlOGiyKUHlQ-00006-00017286-00017994 Mr Marley died seven years ago this very day it wouldn't be too much to ask that you returned jlOGiyKUHlQ-00007-00017994-00018828 to the work on which I pay you handsomely Mr Cratchit the fire's gone cold Mr Scrooge jlOGiyKUHlQ-00008-00019002-00019146 come over here I'm gonna scratch it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00009-00019548-00019626 what is this jlOGiyKUHlQ-00010-00019830-00020826 and this a wasted and this the coat these are garments Mr scratcher garments were jlOGiyKUHlQ-00011-00020826-00021306 invented by the human racist protection against the cold once purchased they may jlOGiyKUHlQ-00012-00021306-00021906 be used indefinitely for the purpose for which they are intended cold Burns jlOGiyKUHlQ-00013-00022182-00022788 cola's momentary and call his costly and we no more cold burnt in this office today jlOGiyKUHlQ-00014-00022788-00023334 is that quite clear scratch it yes sir please get back to work before jlOGiyKUHlQ-00015-00023334-00023682 I am forced to conclude that your services will no longer required jlOGiyKUHlQ-00016-00023904-00025014 thank you Merry Christmas bobcat and the same to you Mr Fred jlOGiyKUHlQ-00017-00025374-00025506 Merry Christmas uncle jlOGiyKUHlQ-00018-00025716-00025848 I said Merry Christmas uncle jlOGiyKUHlQ-00019-00026106-00027210 humbug Christmas surely you don't mean that I do watch Christmas but a time for buying things jlOGiyKUHlQ-00020-00027210-00028068 for which you have no need no money time for finding yourself a year older not an hour richer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00021-00028122-00028889 if I could work my will every idiot took us about it Merry Christmas on his lips she'll jlOGiyKUHlQ-00022-00028889-00029454 be boiled in his own pudding and buried with the stake of Harleys through his heart jlOGiyKUHlQ-00023-00029532-00030066 you keep Christmas in your way and let me keep jlOGiyKUHlQ-00024-00030066-00030462 it in mind keep it but you don't keep it let me leave it alone then jlOGiyKUHlQ-00025-00030738-00031158 much good it may do much good it has done you are a great many things I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00026-00031158-00031452 wish I might have derived good from which I have not profited I dare say jlOGiyKUHlQ-00027-00031536-00032136 Christmas among the rest but I've always thought of Christmas time when it comes right has a good jlOGiyKUHlQ-00028-00032136-00032796 time but kindly forgiving charitable time a time when men and women sing by one consent to jlOGiyKUHlQ-00029-00032796-00033474 open their shut up Hearts freely to their fellow creatures and so uncovered has never put a scrap jlOGiyKUHlQ-00030-00033474-00034356 of gold or silver into my pocket I do believe that it has done me good and I say God bless it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00031-00034884-00035412 sound from you and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your situation jlOGiyKUHlQ-00032-00035754-00036330 a quite powerful speaker sir I want you done in the parliament please don't be angry uncle jlOGiyKUHlQ-00033-00036330-00037266 calm dying with us tomorrow I see myself in hell for it it would be a great choice for me and to my jlOGiyKUHlQ-00034-00037266-00037914 wife is your wife I'm told she brought very little to the marriage a poor girl instead I love her jlOGiyKUHlQ-00035-00038076-00038634 and she loves me love good afternoon jlOGiyKUHlQ-00036-00039114-00039948 I want nothing from you I asked nothing of you why can't we be friends you are wasting my time jlOGiyKUHlQ-00037-00040116-00040584 I'm sorry to find you so resonant foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00038-00041286-00041544 goodbye and a Happy New Year jlOGiyKUHlQ-00039-00041802-00042270 how's that fine family of yours about crashing well sir all very well good you'll give them my jlOGiyKUHlQ-00040-00042270-00042978 best wishes yes I shall thank you for remembering goodbye goodbye sir and a merry Christmas idiot jlOGiyKUHlQ-00041-00042978-00043566 and she's made me late jlOGiyKUHlQ-00042-00043968-00044502 and after the exchange don't lock up a momentary bless jlOGiyKUHlQ-00043-00044784-00046224 Ed you want all day tomorrow nice bro if it's quite convenient sir it's not convenient then jlOGiyKUHlQ-00044-00046224-00046794 it's not fair if I were to hold back half a crown we would pay for it you think yourself jlOGiyKUHlQ-00045-00046794-00047442 you're used I'll be bound but you don't think meal used when I pay a day's wages for no work jlOGiyKUHlQ-00046-00047442-00048192 Christmas comes for once a year sir good excuse for picking a man's pocket every 25th of December jlOGiyKUHlQ-00047-00048318-00048840 mad I suppose you must have it be here all the earlier the next morning magic yes sir jlOGiyKUHlQ-00048-00048840-00049500 shall I said Michelle make sure yes sir and a Merry Christmas to you Mr Scrooge come back jlOGiyKUHlQ-00049-00049644-00051798 Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge come back on this corner boy I'm not baking sir I'm Tim Tim Cratchit jlOGiyKUHlQ-00050-00051798-00052476 I'm waiting for my Father Tim Cratcherton well then you'll have a long wait won't you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00051-00053400-00053814 lady your Christmas Day or Christmas day our jlOGiyKUHlQ-00052-00053814-00054138 savior Christ and his lady on Christmas day in the morning jlOGiyKUHlQ-00054-00058055-00059178 I'm here Andre I said you'd be here didn't I say anything history should be here I knew jlOGiyKUHlQ-00055-00059178-00059784 you'd change your mind right I have changed my mind oh goodness the price has gone up gone out jlOGiyKUHlQ-00056-00059784-00060348 but that's not possible you want my corn Jen when you must meet my quote plus five percent jlOGiyKUHlQ-00057-00060348-00060755 for the delay it's outrageous Scrooge you'll be left with a warehouse stuffed with corn jlOGiyKUHlQ-00058-00060755-00061224 well that's my Affair isn't it we'll repay your pressure bread will be good the poor jlOGiyKUHlQ-00059-00061224-00061758 will shut up buy the corn someplace else good day sir excuse your moment we'll take a corn jlOGiyKUHlQ-00060-00061817-00062291 of the price you quoted yesterday too late if you wait until tomorrow will cost you another five jlOGiyKUHlQ-00061-00062291-00062904 percent damage Scrooge is not fair no but it's business I give you a moment to make up your mind jlOGiyKUHlQ-00062-00063948-00064410 now make sure that the job for the entire amount of this transaction is deposited with my clock jlOGiyKUHlQ-00063-00064464-00064805 I don't ship until I have the cash in hand jlOGiyKUHlQ-00064-00065112-00065826 uh Mr Scrooge I presume indeed you do so you don't know us nor do I wish to my name jlOGiyKUHlQ-00065-00065826-00066384 is Paul and this is Mr Hackett excellent now if you'll allow me to pass let me explains jlOGiyKUHlQ-00066-00066384-00066990 it at this 50th season of the year it seems desirable that those of us with means should jlOGiyKUHlQ-00067-00066990-00067500 make some slight provision for the poor and destitute who suffer greatly at this time jlOGiyKUHlQ-00068-00067560-00068040 provision are you seeking money from me then many thousands are in one of common jlOGiyKUHlQ-00069-00068040-00068466 necessaries hundreds of thousands are in what a common Comforts whether there are prisons jlOGiyKUHlQ-00070-00068466-00069066 Plenty or prisons the workhouses they're still in operation they are I wish I could say they were jlOGiyKUHlQ-00071-00069066-00069876 not treadmill the poor houses still in full Vigor all very busy I was afraid of what you said that jlOGiyKUHlQ-00072-00069876-00070410 something had stopped them in full force a few of us are in DeBary to raise a funds to buy the poor jlOGiyKUHlQ-00073-00070410-00071040 some meat and drink and food and warmth oh God can we put you down for a cell nothing you wish jlOGiyKUHlQ-00074-00071040-00071502 to be anonymous I wish to be left alone since you asked me what I wish gentlemen that is my jlOGiyKUHlQ-00075-00071502-00072186 answer I don't meet Mary myself at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people marry my taxes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00076-00072186-00072672 help to support the public institutions which I have mentioned and they cost enough those who jlOGiyKUHlQ-00077-00072672-00073452 are badly off must go there many can't go there and many would rather die if they would rather jlOGiyKUHlQ-00078-00073452-00074082 die perhaps they had better do so and decrease the Surplus population surely you don't mean that sir jlOGiyKUHlQ-00079-00074082-00074514 with all my heart now if you will go about your business to Edmond and allow me to go back mine jlOGiyKUHlQ-00080-00074922-00075774 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00081-00077178-00077610 father yeah jlOGiyKUHlQ-00082-00077712-00078048 you must be frozen I know right now jlOGiyKUHlQ-00083-00078288-00078816 could we go home by cornhill and what surprise girls playing the snow of course we can jlOGiyKUHlQ-00084-00078876-00079752 Tim I'm to have the whole day off tomorrow we'll be together the whole family for the entire day jlOGiyKUHlQ-00085-00080160-00082074 look they're having such fun father jlOGiyKUHlQ-00086-00082074-00083070 you'll be there one day playing with the other children I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00087-00083070-00083538 I'm quite sure I will I feel like it's stronger every day jlOGiyKUHlQ-00088-00084276-00084648 your mother will be waiting for us yes it's time to go home jlOGiyKUHlQ-00089-00086772-00087360 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00090-00090120-00090222 recording me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00091-00090324-00090654 someone called my name jlOGiyKUHlQ-00092-00093180-00093738 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00093-00096768-00098004 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00094-00104706-00104808 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00095-00108696-00109338 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00096-00112614-00113009 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00097-00116094-00116766 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00098-00119178-00119220 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00099-00122309-00123185 much lion asked me who I was in particular for a ghost jlOGiyKUHlQ-00100-00123282-00124409 who are you then in life I was your partner Jacob Martin can you sit down I can or do it then jlOGiyKUHlQ-00101-00125016-00125088 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00102-00125568-00126804 you don't believe in me I don't what evidence would you have of jlOGiyKUHlQ-00103-00126804-00127566 My reality beyond that of your own senses I don't know why do you doubt your senses jlOGiyKUHlQ-00104-00127758-00128148 because a little thing affects them a slight disorder of the stomach jlOGiyKUHlQ-00105-00128352-00128790 with a bad beef with blood mustard fragment of an underdone potato jlOGiyKUHlQ-00106-00128958-00129318 there's more of gravy than a grave about you whatever you are humbug jlOGiyKUHlQ-00107-00130038-00130709 Dreadful Apparition why do you trouble me man of the world they mine do you believe jlOGiyKUHlQ-00108-00130709-00131568 in me or not do I must why do spirits walk the earth why do you come to me it is required of jlOGiyKUHlQ-00109-00131568-00132288 every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow men and travel jlOGiyKUHlQ-00110-00132288-00133110 far and wide and if that Spirit goes not forth in life it is condemned to do so after death it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00111-00133110-00133956 doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot share but might have had jlOGiyKUHlQ-00112-00134160-00134340 turned to happiness jlOGiyKUHlQ-00113-00134760-00135354 the chained tell me why I wear the chain I forged in life jlOGiyKUHlQ-00114-00135414-00136488 I made it link by link and the yard by yard visit patterns straight to you how would you know the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00115-00136488-00137328 weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself it was as full as heavy and as long as jlOGiyKUHlQ-00116-00137328-00138060 this seven Christmas Eve ago you have labeled on it since it is a ponderous chain foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00117-00139686-00141006 I have none to give my spirit never walked beyond our Counting house in life my spirit jlOGiyKUHlQ-00118-00141006-00141822 never roved beyond the narrow limits of our money changing whole no doubt that you've jlOGiyKUHlQ-00119-00141822-00142650 always were a good man of business business mankind was my business the common welfare jlOGiyKUHlQ-00120-00142650-00143472 was my business charity Mercy forbearance and benevolence for all my business the dealings jlOGiyKUHlQ-00121-00143472-00144084 of my trade I've got a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business jlOGiyKUHlQ-00122-00144396-00145758 is there anything I can do for you for me Nate it is too late but I have come for your sake Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00123-00145758-00146868 have you well you've always read a good friend as part of my Penance I have been sent to warn you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00124-00147000-00147552 have and to offer you a hope and chance of escaping my fate jlOGiyKUHlQ-00125-00147624-00147918 you will be haunted by three spirits jlOGiyKUHlQ-00126-00148026-00148524 is that the chance of hope you mentioned it is jlOGiyKUHlQ-00127-00148626-00149412 within that case I I think I'd rather not expect the first tonight when the bell toes one jlOGiyKUHlQ-00128-00149484-00150114 couldn't they all come at the same time Jacob didn't have it over expect the second jlOGiyKUHlQ-00129-00150114-00151398 on the stroke of two the third more Mercurial shall appear in his own good times thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00130-00151614-00152532 look to me no more look that you may remember what has passed between us jlOGiyKUHlQ-00131-00154908-00155016 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00132-00155256-00155370 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00133-00158934-00159588 something I hit jlOGiyKUHlQ-00134-00162216-00162336 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00135-00164358-00164706 just a dream jlOGiyKUHlQ-00136-00166026-00167238 are you the spirit his coming was foretold to me I am jlOGiyKUHlQ-00137-00167310-00168156 who and what are you I am the Ghost of Christmas pass no your parts jlOGiyKUHlQ-00138-00168360-00168882 perhaps you would do me the favor but placing upon your head that cap that jlOGiyKUHlQ-00139-00168882-00169506 you hold in your hand I bring the light of Truth would you use this cap to put it out jlOGiyKUHlQ-00140-00169656-00170268 make a pardon I had no intention of offending what business brings you here jlOGiyKUHlQ-00141-00170436-00171144 it is for your welfare that I appear I can think of No Greater welfare than jlOGiyKUHlQ-00142-00171144-00171690 a night of uninterrupted sleep be careful Ebenezer Scrooge I speak of your reclamation jlOGiyKUHlQ-00143-00171936-00172272 it's Reclamation then let's get along with it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00144-00172374-00172668 come jlOGiyKUHlQ-00145-00172668-00173778 we shall be invisible and Silent as the grave jlOGiyKUHlQ-00146-00173982-00174732 you will now see a child a use you will see yourself Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00147-00175008-00176058 the air is so clean how different from the city do you know where you are I was jlOGiyKUHlQ-00148-00176058-00176862 bred here I was a boy in this place thanks Daniel costasy Robert Estes hello Daniel jlOGiyKUHlQ-00149-00177360-00177846 the big one there that's David Tyler David look at it it's Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00150-00177942-00178770 I told you Ebenezer they can't hear you how happy they all see that's right they do yes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00151-00178770-00179550 well it's time to move on come along Ebenezer you know the way I could walk it blindfolded jlOGiyKUHlQ-00152-00179724-00180906 your school I remember and it's Christmas Day there's a boy in there neglected the boy is jlOGiyKUHlQ-00153-00180906-00181794 deserted by his friends and his family his mother is dead his father holds him a grudge why does his jlOGiyKUHlQ-00154-00181794-00182742 father hold him a grudge she died in childbirth his birth weeps for the boy if the tears will come jlOGiyKUHlQ-00155-00182844-00183786 he and his friends even understand from his beloved books it was Alibaba dear old honest jlOGiyKUHlQ-00156-00183990-00184704 and The Sultans groom turned upside down to the genie but not a real child to talk to not a living jlOGiyKUHlQ-00157-00184704-00185598 person Robinson Crusoe not real and Friday the parrot with green body and Yellow Tail not red jlOGiyKUHlQ-00158-00185820-00186486 he made do this boy let us see another Christmas Day when you were a youth jlOGiyKUHlQ-00159-00187206-00187524 dear brother jlOGiyKUHlQ-00160-00187920-00188442 come to bring you home dear brother to bring you home home jlOGiyKUHlQ-00161-00188994-00189858 little fan yes home for good and all father's much Kinder than he used to be jlOGiyKUHlQ-00162-00189960-00190362 he spoke to me so gently one day a night that I was not afraid to ask once more jlOGiyKUHlQ-00163-00190362-00190986 if you might come home and he said yes you should and sent me in a couch to bring you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00164-00191850-00192528 you're quite a woman it's the fan and you you are to be a man now jlOGiyKUHlQ-00165-00192750-00192888 never come back here jlOGiyKUHlQ-00166-00193140-00193332 come along we mustn't keep further waiting jlOGiyKUHlQ-00167-00193830-00194700 father never mind then stand still now look at you they haven't been overfeeding you that's certain jlOGiyKUHlQ-00168-00194844-00195714 I've grown I think yes I suppose Doom fan has told you won't be moving back here yes sir jlOGiyKUHlQ-00169-00195714-00196158 it's time you made your way in the world I've arranged an apprenticeship for you you'll move jlOGiyKUHlQ-00170-00196158-00196716 into Mr fezzywigs establishment in three days time three days further I'd hoped we'd have my brother jlOGiyKUHlQ-00171-00196716-00197490 home for longer longer three days is quite long enough for both of us don't you think Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00172-00197754-00198006 quite long enough jlOGiyKUHlQ-00173-00198462-00198906 the garage fan jlOGiyKUHlQ-00174-00199296-00199614 away into the garage mine jlOGiyKUHlQ-00175-00201054-00201336 fan pleaded for more time but my father was very jlOGiyKUHlQ-00176-00201462-00202554 Stern man she died a young woman she had such a generous nature yes too young old enough to Bear jlOGiyKUHlQ-00177-00202554-00203364 a child one son Fred your nephew Fred Hollywood who Bears a strong resemblance to your sister jlOGiyKUHlQ-00178-00203586-00204102 I never noticed you never noticed I'm beginning to think you've gone jlOGiyKUHlQ-00179-00204102-00205566 through life with your eyes closed open them open them wide you know this man it's old jlOGiyKUHlQ-00180-00205566-00206436 would you ask her that Mr pulling to refer that letter to Mr Scrooge okay thank you my jlOGiyKUHlQ-00181-00206436-00207390 dear and you know this place no it was I not apprenticester pay attention everybody take jlOGiyKUHlQ-00182-00207546-00208158 Dickens down no more work tonight boys it is Christmas Eve so close jlOGiyKUHlQ-00183-00208158-00208596 those letters down ebony sudden dick clear away in here everybody we need the room jlOGiyKUHlQ-00184-00208776-00209538 here we go enjoy yourself Master Ebenezer that is an order yes sir I'll try you won't put your jlOGiyKUHlQ-00185-00209538-00209934 heart in it you put enough of yourself into your work and I have nothing but praise for the way jlOGiyKUHlQ-00186-00209934-00210678 you've discharged your duties there's more to life than a box of cloth and musty old ledgers here jlOGiyKUHlQ-00187-00210678-00213071 it's Mrs physique and the three daughters in their suitors I've forgotten how beautiful hello jlOGiyKUHlQ-00188-00213071-00213456 would you like to dance jlOGiyKUHlQ-00189-00214319-00214866 all right jlOGiyKUHlQ-00190-00214980-00217890 all right how long since you danced Ebenezer waste of time dancing you didn't think so then jlOGiyKUHlQ-00191-00217998-00218598 there was a reason and there's been a change in you since you'll come to fezzy wigs he was jlOGiyKUHlQ-00192-00218598-00219114 so gloomy well I think I should warn you miss Bell I am of a serious bent of mind jlOGiyKUHlQ-00193-00219114-00219684 I consider seriousness to be an admirable trait of character but it can be overdone jlOGiyKUHlQ-00194-00219828-00220212 to take heed of your advice ma'am and go through life with a grin on my face jlOGiyKUHlQ-00195-00221934-00223728 what a difference it makes Ebenezer to travel the rough road of life with the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00196-00223728-00224310 right female to help bear the burgundy what a lucky man I am jlOGiyKUHlQ-00197-00224712-00225036 my pleasure misspell jlOGiyKUHlQ-00198-00225971-00226871 laughs jlOGiyKUHlQ-00199-00227202-00228342 old fuzzy week silly man silly what why silly what did he do after all to deserve the Praises jlOGiyKUHlQ-00200-00228342-00229092 of those apprentices spent a few pounds dance like a monkey beamed a great smile jlOGiyKUHlQ-00201-00229092-00229926 well the happiness he lived I gave was quite as great as though it cost a thousand pounds jlOGiyKUHlQ-00202-00230052-00231138 just small things now are you in love Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00203-00231276-00232182 the thought had occurred to me she's too good for you one day when I made my fortune jlOGiyKUHlQ-00204-00232302-00232871 then I'll deserver it was a night never to be forgotten never jlOGiyKUHlQ-00205-00232871-00234048 but you did forget often look another Christmas Eve delayed by the pressure jlOGiyKUHlQ-00206-00234048-00235260 of business do you remember no hello Belle now do you remember jlOGiyKUHlQ-00207-00235362-00236034 sorry I'm late I thought you might not come I know how busy you were well jlOGiyKUHlQ-00208-00236358-00236910 the time of year and the nature of my business importance now that I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00209-00236910-00237510 use my time and opportunities wisely another Idol has displaced me what I'd jlOGiyKUHlQ-00210-00237678-00238536 golden one hopes have merged into a master passion profit the thought of money engrosses you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00211-00238734-00239616 become wiser but I've not changed towards you our contract is an old one it was made when jlOGiyKUHlQ-00212-00239616-00240264 we were young and our prospects Limited how often I've thought of those times jlOGiyKUHlQ-00213-00240456-00240954 if there had been no understanding between us would you seek me out and try to win me now jlOGiyKUHlQ-00214-00241044-00241434 a dollarless girl with nothing but myself to bring to a marriage jlOGiyKUHlQ-00215-00241764-00241854 you have no answer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00216-00242196-00242586 you think I would not then oh Ebenezer what a safe and terrible answer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00217-00242712-00243744 the characteristic of the careful man foreign ER I release you you are a free man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00218-00243900-00244452 I let you go with a full heart may you be happy in the life you have chosen jlOGiyKUHlQ-00219-00244452-00246252 I almost went after almost carries no weight jlOGiyKUHlQ-00220-00246366-00246773 especially in matters of the heart and you did have a heart jlOGiyKUHlQ-00221-00246996-00247884 why didn't you follow her on his death my father left me a small inheritance girl jlOGiyKUHlQ-00222-00247884-00248364 wish to be married insisting that we couldn't get along on very little but I wanted something more jlOGiyKUHlQ-00223-00248364-00249173 for both of us so I lent out that money laid the foundations for financial success which I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00224-00249173-00249852 have achieved I may have congratulations man thank you not to sneer Spirit show me no more jlOGiyKUHlQ-00225-00249852-00250446 conduct me home you have explained what you gained now I will show you what you have lost jlOGiyKUHlQ-00226-00250866-00252150 no yes Bell and those are her children isn't he Lord what a brood jlOGiyKUHlQ-00227-00252210-00253464 hello hello jlOGiyKUHlQ-00228-00253464-00254388 where's my present where's my present you will have to wait until tonight all of you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00229-00254388-00255354 presents on Christmas Eve as usual fancy it might have been mine the same thought jlOGiyKUHlQ-00230-00255354-00255912 occurred to me I saw an old friend of yours in the city this afternoon who was it yes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00231-00256530-00257214 evidence is Scrooge Mr Scrooge it was I passed his office window and it was not shattered he jlOGiyKUHlQ-00232-00257214-00257826 had a single candle lit upon his desk his partner Jacob Marley lies on the point of death I hear jlOGiyKUHlQ-00233-00257880-00258617 and there he sat Ebenezer Scrooge alone quite alone in the world I do believe for Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00234-00258780-00259578 full Wretched Man spare me your pity I have no need of it they can't hear you and as jlOGiyKUHlQ-00235-00259578-00260423 for you I've had enough of your pictures from the past believe me on me no longer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00236-00261582-00261642 time jlOGiyKUHlQ-00237-00263400-00263688 good night man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00238-00264186-00264306 horrible nightmare jlOGiyKUHlQ-00239-00264852-00264918 God jlOGiyKUHlQ-00240-00265170-00265284 let me sleep jlOGiyKUHlQ-00241-00265668-00265932 let me sleep and peace jlOGiyKUHlQ-00242-00266424-00266502 peace jlOGiyKUHlQ-00243-00268152-00268974 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00244-00270060-00270114 two jlOGiyKUHlQ-00245-00270522-00270648 well Jacob Martin jlOGiyKUHlQ-00246-00270858-00271128 where is this Spirit of which you spoke so glibly jlOGiyKUHlQ-00247-00271410-00271686 you did say it's a stroke of two didn't you Jacob jlOGiyKUHlQ-00248-00272256-00272832 mistaken and death as you were in life full partner jlOGiyKUHlQ-00249-00273570-00273670 Ed jlOGiyKUHlQ-00250-00274680-00274722 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00251-00276906-00277674 you've never seen the likes of me before jlOGiyKUHlQ-00252-00277890-00278634 it's quite true I am not You'll Never Walk forth with any of the younger members of my jlOGiyKUHlQ-00253-00278634-00279222 family no not that I remember nor any of my Elder brothers born these later years jlOGiyKUHlQ-00254-00279372-00280056 I'm I'm afraid not no do you have many brothers Spirit um jlOGiyKUHlQ-00255-00280392-00281526 tremendous family to provide for a hold of my robe Ebenezer Scrooge jlOGiyKUHlQ-00256-00282498-00284616 what day is it now don't you know foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00257-00289110-00289866 follow me and I'll show you what good use these Wares can be put to the sudden peculiar power jlOGiyKUHlQ-00258-00289866-00291966 which emanates from your torch oh yes there is do you know this house yeah guys I do jlOGiyKUHlQ-00259-00292122-00292704 the house of Bob Cratchit easy he does very well on 15 Bob a week jlOGiyKUHlQ-00260-00292812-00293670 here we go here I wouldn't want to disturb as with Christmas Past we shall be invisible and unheard jlOGiyKUHlQ-00261-00293832-00294552 I wonder what's keeping your father he's probably stopped to talk to the person father always likes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00262-00294552-00295134 to compliment him on his sermons I do hope the puddings of success this year no one makes for jlOGiyKUHlQ-00263-00295134-00295830 better pudding than you mother Peter so you've done for the rest of the family just testing the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00264-00295830-00296166 cooking mother I'm sure they'll manage very well in the room without your help young man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00265-00296400-00296952 smell the ghost cooking Martha yes it makes my mouth water mine too I can't jlOGiyKUHlQ-00266-00297024-00297576 well you just have to now run along with Martha and help her butter the bread thinly here they are jlOGiyKUHlQ-00267-00297816-00298824 Merry Christmas everyone oh and you're quite like an icicle tin you 'd be doodling father jlOGiyKUHlQ-00268-00298824-00299442 had a long talk with the minister thought this match Tim listen to the pudding hissing jlOGiyKUHlQ-00269-00299442-00299904 on the fire it's like a giant snake inside the copper go along with your brother and jlOGiyKUHlQ-00270-00299904-00300810 sister team I'll begin to whine if you go then how did you behave in church as good as gold jlOGiyKUHlQ-00271-00301326-00301908 look how they support him what did you say nothing soon jlOGiyKUHlQ-00272-00302016-00302646 somehow he gets thought for sitting by himself so much he thinks the strangest things jlOGiyKUHlQ-00273-00302712-00303270 he told me coming home that he hoped that the people in church saw him because he was a [__] jlOGiyKUHlQ-00274-00303270-00304038 and that it might be pleasant for them to remember on Christmas Day who it was that made lame Beggars jlOGiyKUHlQ-00275-00304038-00304854 walk and blind men see it seems to me that Tim is getting stronger every day that his limbs are jlOGiyKUHlQ-00276-00304854-00305586 growing that is in better spirits it seems to me yes Bob I'm sure you're right he's getting jlOGiyKUHlQ-00277-00305586-00306480 stronger well we're all here that's the important thing Belinda help me with the goose yes Mother jlOGiyKUHlQ-00278-00307170-00307920 Peter I have some good news for you I met my charms this morning at church a fine gentleman jlOGiyKUHlQ-00279-00307920-00308514 Fred Hollywell by name he's a nephew of our own Mr Scrooge and he remembered that I have jlOGiyKUHlQ-00280-00308514-00308952 a sudden coming of working age and he told me that he had a position open starting at three jlOGiyKUHlQ-00281-00308952-00309666 Shillings and Sixpence every week three Shillings and Sixpence every week so if you are agreeable jlOGiyKUHlQ-00282-00309666-00310452 you may start work on Monday next now I can begin to help you and mother more important you shall jlOGiyKUHlQ-00283-00310452-00311286 be embarking on a fine career start a boy at three and six months a week hey it's typical jlOGiyKUHlQ-00284-00311286-00311802 of my name no wonder he's never been able to put by a penny perhaps he's put by more than money jlOGiyKUHlQ-00285-00311892-00312762 Fred he's doing this to spite me you know implying the son of my employee at an exorbitant wage jlOGiyKUHlQ-00286-00313824-00314622 thank you so Brown and Chris mother you have done yourself is it all right then hurry father jlOGiyKUHlQ-00287-00314982-00315108 haven't we forgotten something jlOGiyKUHlQ-00288-00315444-00315774 Lord we thank you for the Bounty you have placed before us jlOGiyKUHlQ-00289-00315858-00316434 we thank you for this day of love and joy we thank you for allowing us to be together to jlOGiyKUHlQ-00290-00316434-00317160 share with each other and with you fullness of our hearts on this special day oh man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00291-00317466-00317760 oh man what you say something jlOGiyKUHlQ-00292-00317988-00318414 no no no uh I thought yeah I said nothing jlOGiyKUHlQ-00293-00318660-00318708 oh jlOGiyKUHlQ-00294-00319416-00319500 yes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00295-00320040-00321006 very small goose it's all Bob Cratchit can I forward me all served jlOGiyKUHlQ-00296-00321210-00321660 then let's begin and a merry Christmas to us all Americans jlOGiyKUHlQ-00297-00321876-00321966 God bless us jlOGiyKUHlQ-00298-00322578-00323724 Holy Spirit will he live jlOGiyKUHlQ-00299-00323952-00324630 I see a vacant place at this table I see a crutch without an owner carefully preserved jlOGiyKUHlQ-00300-00324804-00325404 if these Shadows remain unaltered by the future the child will die jlOGiyKUHlQ-00301-00325758-00326388 no say it would be spit if these Shadows remain unaltered by the future none other of my species jlOGiyKUHlQ-00302-00326388-00327258 will find him here but if he is to die then let him die and decrease the selfless population jlOGiyKUHlQ-00303-00327576-00327774 you use my own words against me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00304-00328050-00328542 so perhaps in the future you will hold your tongue until you have discovered jlOGiyKUHlQ-00305-00328542-00329400 what the Surplus population is and where it may well be that in the sight of Heaven you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00306-00329400-00330114 are more breathless and less fit to live than Millions like this poor man's child jlOGiyKUHlQ-00307-00330612-00330690 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00308-00333996-00334242 Triumph idea another trial jlOGiyKUHlQ-00309-00334374-00335298 I Told You So mother it's a success what a relief for Mrs Gadget now their jlOGiyKUHlQ-00310-00335298-00335976 feast is over and not quite just one more ceremonious moment look jlOGiyKUHlQ-00311-00335976-00337734 now I would like to propose a toast to Mr Ebenezer Scrooge the founder of our Feast Mr scruffy jlOGiyKUHlQ-00312-00337896-00338064 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00313-00338508-00339156 ER of our Feast indeed I wish I had him here I'd give him a piece of my mind to Feast upon jlOGiyKUHlQ-00314-00339156-00339618 and hope he had a good appetite for it my dear the children it's Christmas Day jlOGiyKUHlQ-00315-00339720-00340044 could it be Christmas Day when one would drink the health of such a jlOGiyKUHlQ-00316-00340116-00340872 stingy odious mean hard unfilling man as Mr Ebenezer Scrooge I do have some charity jlOGiyKUHlQ-00317-00341490-00341574 oh well jlOGiyKUHlQ-00318-00341718-00342528 I'll drink his health for your sake and the day is sick but not for his jlOGiyKUHlQ-00319-00342780-00343362 long life Mr Ebenezer Scrooge a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year jlOGiyKUHlQ-00320-00343458-00344046 I have no doubt his Christmas will be very merry and he'll be very happy Mr Scrooge jlOGiyKUHlQ-00321-00344142-00344958 Mr Scrooge Mr Scrooge Mr Scrooge Mr Scrooge Mr Scrooge jlOGiyKUHlQ-00322-00345306-00346068 he's made a point Bob Cratchit has without me there would be no Feast no Goose at all jlOGiyKUHlQ-00323-00346140-00346650 my head for business has furnished him employment is that all you've learned by jlOGiyKUHlQ-00324-00346650-00347418 observing this family on Christmas Day well no not all but one must speak up for oneself one's life jlOGiyKUHlQ-00325-00347502-00348984 love and joy come to you and a merry Christmas too and God bless you and jlOGiyKUHlQ-00326-00348984-00350130 thank you a Happy New Year we have some time left take my robe come to you and God jlOGiyKUHlQ-00327-00351240-00351972 where are we now just a street in the street jlOGiyKUHlQ-00328-00352080-00352896 this house we'll go in here I think it might amuse you Diamond no move to be amused jlOGiyKUHlQ-00329-00354054-00355194 dear husband do you find my playing so amusing oh I'm sorry Milo I was thinking of his face jlOGiyKUHlQ-00330-00355194-00356046 yesterday humbug he said humbug he said that Christmas was a humbug he believed it too I'd jlOGiyKUHlQ-00331-00356046-00356514 very much like to meet your uncle sir the railway in which you portray him tickles my heart he's a jlOGiyKUHlQ-00332-00356514-00356982 comical fellas but not so pleasant as he might be his offenses carry their own punishment dear jlOGiyKUHlQ-00333-00356982-00357450 brother-in-law it said he's very rich just for that is very true but his wealth is of no use jlOGiyKUHlQ-00334-00357774-00358584 comfortable with it you mustn't argue with those we visit it's useless and even tactless tactics jlOGiyKUHlQ-00335-00358584-00359064 qualified as far that I can see I have no patience with him well I have and I feel jlOGiyKUHlQ-00336-00359064-00359910 sorry for him sorry for me who suffers from his ill whims himself always here he takes it in his jlOGiyKUHlQ-00337-00359910-00360438 heart to dislike us and to not come and dine with us and he loses a very good dinner indeed jlOGiyKUHlQ-00338-00360498-00360834 the reason I talk about my uncle sir is that my mother jlOGiyKUHlQ-00339-00360906-00361908 God Rest her saintly so it was very fond of him she loved him it's true Finn loved me and I heard jlOGiyKUHlQ-00340-00361998-00362850 dear friend I wish you were alive today friend looks very like her amazing jlOGiyKUHlQ-00341-00362976-00363318 being reminded of that just recently jlOGiyKUHlQ-00342-00363510-00363948 was anything to say that the consequences of his taking a dislike to us and not making money with jlOGiyKUHlQ-00343-00363948-00364740 us is that he loses some pleasant moments which could do him no harm and I mean to give him the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00344-00364740-00365274 same chance every year whether he likes it or not and every year he'll say Christmas jlOGiyKUHlQ-00345-00365274-00366012 to our guests jlOGiyKUHlQ-00346-00366810-00367182 well they seem to be happy well I suppose that free food and drink jlOGiyKUHlQ-00347-00367182-00367650 would be an occasion for pleasure most people happy in each other's company jlOGiyKUHlQ-00348-00367650-00368250 I mean is everyone hush there we shall have a game a word game what should be jlOGiyKUHlQ-00349-00368484-00368832 everyone know the rules to simulates all right everyone now you should each have jlOGiyKUHlQ-00350-00368832-00369204 five seconds to answer I'll ask the question Mr topper you'll keep calm jlOGiyKUHlQ-00351-00369204-00369732 oh well I should do my best you'll each have five seconds to answer if you fail to give jlOGiyKUHlQ-00352-00369732-00370182 an acceptable answer within that time then you will see each stand behind your chair jlOGiyKUHlQ-00353-00370182-00370716 last one to uh who seated a win surprise don't go on so just begin oh I'm sorry jlOGiyKUHlQ-00354-00371184-00371694 um proud ass proud as a peacock jlOGiyKUHlQ-00355-00371694-00373404 dryers this is a bone my wife sorry one two seconds a passage jlOGiyKUHlQ-00356-00373404-00374604 quick at us oh wind one two three jlOGiyKUHlQ-00357-00375024-00376074 that's quite true oh yeah yeah sorry even I forget the regulation sometime after all jlOGiyKUHlQ-00358-00376074-00376728 I I do not come back very often shh I'm trying to listen to the game modest out jlOGiyKUHlQ-00359-00376794-00377436 amazing no well I'm sure it's a well-known simile well I was thinking of modest as a violet jlOGiyKUHlQ-00360-00377502-00377892 right oh however I will accept your answer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00361-00378300-00379002 attend Titans tight as a drum anyone knows that jlOGiyKUHlQ-00362-00379404-00379836 you break my nephews away tight as your uncle Scrooge's purse strings jlOGiyKUHlQ-00363-00380592-00381396 tight as a drum that's what I was thinking good for you boys got a head on his shoulders and jlOGiyKUHlQ-00364-00381396-00381744 as for the laughter at my extent Spirit Diamond client Overlook it if you're the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00365-00381744-00382290 general gate of the evening it is now time to leave this Pleasant scene we have one jlOGiyKUHlQ-00366-00382290-00382962 more visit to make with all my time is done take hold of my robe Sly house a fox mask jlOGiyKUHlQ-00367-00382962-00383784 silent as the night the grave jlOGiyKUHlQ-00368-00384030-00384924 where are we now sure I don't know this place the name would mean nothing to you it's a place jlOGiyKUHlQ-00369-00385026-00385188 like many in this world jlOGiyKUHlQ-00370-00385818-00386310 enough food for the night I lost her at least there's one thing still free in this country jlOGiyKUHlQ-00371-00387084-00387678 hot to be cold soon enough where did you get these father I didn't steal them if that's what you're jlOGiyKUHlQ-00372-00387678-00388086 saying she didn't say you stole them Ben she should have some respect don't berate the girl jlOGiyKUHlQ-00373-00388356-00388968 they fell from a cart into the road your father's not a thief girl not yet jlOGiyKUHlQ-00374-00389256-00389784 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00375-00390282-00391014 men and women in rags children eating scraps there are institutions have you visited any jlOGiyKUHlQ-00376-00391014-00391674 of them these institutions you speak of no I'm taxed for them isn't that enough is he jlOGiyKUHlQ-00377-00392256-00392844 then come back to the fire look at these ions make they're hard hands they've done hard work jlOGiyKUHlQ-00378-00392928-00393492 I want to work I want to have bread for my children it's not right that there's no work jlOGiyKUHlQ-00379-00393576-00394086 together Ben that's the important thing I love you Meg I love the children jlOGiyKUHlQ-00380-00394224-00394920 tomorrow I'll take the children and go to the parish poor house no no I'd rather we all drowned jlOGiyKUHlQ-00381-00394920-00395346 in the river than go to one of those places and be separated Forever Until I get work no jlOGiyKUHlQ-00382-00395460-00396270 then we're family we stay together come come back to the fire come jlOGiyKUHlQ-00383-00397704-00398220 on how do you show me this what has it to do with me are they not of the human race jlOGiyKUHlQ-00384-00398358-00398706 look here beneath my robe jlOGiyKUHlQ-00385-00398874-00399384 look upon these jlOGiyKUHlQ-00386-00400170-00400764 they are your children they are the children of all who walk the earth unseen jlOGiyKUHlQ-00387-00400884-00401958 their names are ignorance and want beware of them but upon their brow is written the word doom jlOGiyKUHlQ-00388-00402048-00402684 they spill the downfall of you and all who deny their existence jlOGiyKUHlQ-00389-00402858-00403698 and a refuge no resource are there no workhouses are there no prisons jlOGiyKUHlQ-00390-00404520-00405978 cover them I do not wish to see them I thought as much they're hidden but they live oh they live jlOGiyKUHlQ-00391-00406512-00407274 time has come for me to leave you Ebenezer Scrooge leave me here oh yes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00392-00407580-00407814 cannot um take me back to my bed jlOGiyKUHlQ-00393-00408066-00408642 it's too late it's cold a place is strange don't leave me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00394-00409446-00410285 the spirit come back I wish to talk jlOGiyKUHlQ-00395-00411300-00411600 I had made a mistake hearing that jlOGiyKUHlQ-00396-00411750-00412242 talk too quickly about Madison to which I gave no great thought very well we will jlOGiyKUHlQ-00397-00412242-00412884 have a give and take come to some meeting of the mind that I I'm a reasonable man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00398-00413904-00414006 don't leave me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00399-00414258-00415260 what have I done jlOGiyKUHlQ-00400-00415560-00415710 to be abandoned like jlOGiyKUHlQ-00401-00416802-00416808 this jlOGiyKUHlQ-00402-00419993-00420378 are you the spirit which Jacob Marley foretold would visit me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00403-00421074-00421368 a presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come am I not jlOGiyKUHlQ-00404-00422184-00422466 showing the Shadows of the things that have not jlOGiyKUHlQ-00405-00422466-00422946 happened but will happen in the time the forest is that sound jlOGiyKUHlQ-00406-00423420-00423558 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00407-00424739-00425100 will you not speak to me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00408-00425538-00425922 the night is raining fast time is precious to me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00409-00426402-00426492 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00410-00429522-00429558 okay jlOGiyKUHlQ-00411-00429780-00430230 no I don't know much about it either way I only know he's dead when did he jlOGiyKUHlQ-00412-00430230-00430680 die last night I believe what happened to his money left you to his company perhaps jlOGiyKUHlQ-00413-00430680-00431388 who else did he have it'll likely be a very small funeral supposing we volunteered and jlOGiyKUHlQ-00414-00431388-00431970 form a party I'll go if lunch is provided but I insist on being fed for the time I'll waste jlOGiyKUHlQ-00415-00432150-00432780 of these men no respect for the Dead I should go I suppose after all we jlOGiyKUHlQ-00416-00432780-00433302 did considerable business together well I must go and find the price of corn goodbye jlOGiyKUHlQ-00417-00433596-00434106 I was our privy to that conversation what purpose could it have for me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00418-00435912-00436043 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00419-00437502-00437766 this is a fearful place I I wish to leave it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00420-00439182-00439410 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00421-00439578-00440526 to the moment furthermore there must be someone in this city who feels jlOGiyKUHlQ-00422-00440526-00440862 some emotion because of this man's death I demand to see that person jlOGiyKUHlQ-00423-00441618-00442434 this is the most foul part of time you must have made a mistake taking a wrong turn he got away jlOGiyKUHlQ-00424-00444750-00445146 in there I have no business to transact in there jlOGiyKUHlQ-00425-00445638-00446382 laughs jlOGiyKUHlQ-00426-00446484-00447162 we'll open it up this is Jill burb I might pay you for goods I haven't seen jlOGiyKUHlQ-00427-00447318-00448014 you'll not ask me how I came by these every person has a right to take care of himself jlOGiyKUHlQ-00428-00448014-00448926 that's my motto and it was the worst for the lot of a few things not a dead man I suppose jlOGiyKUHlQ-00429-00448926-00449639 you indeed I mean if he wanted to keep him after he was dead the wicked old screw why jlOGiyKUHlQ-00430-00449639-00450402 wasn't he more natural in his lifetime if he had been he'd never had someone to look after jlOGiyKUHlQ-00431-00450402-00451428 him when he was struck with death instead of lying there gasping out his last alone I'm cell jlOGiyKUHlQ-00432-00452364-00453384 those are my things she's stolen my things I'll never before a magistrate what do you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00433-00453384-00454428 call these bed curtains you don't need to say you took them down rings are gold why not amazing jlOGiyKUHlQ-00434-00454926-00455418 get wax on his blankets his blankets I hope he didn't have anything catching jlOGiyKUHlQ-00435-00455568-00455880 I was so fond of him as I'd like her about if they did jlOGiyKUHlQ-00436-00456978-00457422 well what's your offer then oh foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00437-00457716-00457866 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00438-00458154-00458316 those are not my things jlOGiyKUHlQ-00439-00458478-00459258 yes they are similar but the person she speaks of that that could not be me a similarity perhaps jlOGiyKUHlQ-00440-00459624-00460458 one pound five and three not a penny more if I was to be boiled for it here art and Joe no mistake jlOGiyKUHlQ-00441-00460596-00461502 I'm always kind to the ladies that's the way I ruined miss you Spirit what jlOGiyKUHlQ-00442-00461502-00462012 perversity is this I asked to see some emotion connection with this man's death jlOGiyKUHlQ-00443-00462012-00462702 you shall we only greed and Everest let me see some tenderness some depth of feeling jlOGiyKUHlQ-00444-00463680-00464418 thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00445-00464718-00465414 must be sudden confusion here your fellow Spirits brought me here earlier jlOGiyKUHlQ-00446-00465678-00465804 very well jlOGiyKUHlQ-00447-00466032-00466680 God devilish hard to have a conversation with suffer the little children to come jlOGiyKUHlQ-00448-00466680-00467316 unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God verily I say unto you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00449-00467316-00468030 whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein jlOGiyKUHlQ-00450-00468246-00468366 this color hurts my eyes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00451-00468947-00469020 it's better now jlOGiyKUHlQ-00452-00469343-00469908 this work makes my eyes red I wouldn't show red eyes to your father when he comes home jlOGiyKUHlQ-00453-00470100-00470897 after the world it must be nearly his time past it rather I think he walks slower jlOGiyKUHlQ-00454-00470897-00471414 than he used to these last few evenings mother and I've seen him walk home with jlOGiyKUHlQ-00455-00471839-00472254 the Tiny Tim on his shoulders very fast indeed and so have I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00456-00472254-00472914 and so have I and so have I he was very light to carry and your father loved him so jlOGiyKUHlQ-00457-00473178-00473243 it was no trouble jlOGiyKUHlQ-00458-00473802-00474072 there is your father now jlOGiyKUHlQ-00459-00474414-00474443 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00460-00474684-00475793 hello my dear ones jlOGiyKUHlQ-00461-00475793-00476910 you're late we were worried about you I'm glad you're home father I am too you've become jlOGiyKUHlQ-00462-00477120-00477816 the reason that I'm late is because I walk by there today today jlOGiyKUHlQ-00463-00477816-00479076 I couldn't keep away it's so quiet and green you should see it on Sunday we should all go on Sunday jlOGiyKUHlQ-00464-00479292-00480174 I promised him that every Sunday walk my little child jlOGiyKUHlQ-00465-00480378-00480858 a little father please don't grieve so jlOGiyKUHlQ-00466-00481026-00481614 no I'm sorry I have all of you a blessing to be thankful for jlOGiyKUHlQ-00467-00481956-00482262 do you know who I saw in the street today jlOGiyKUHlQ-00468-00482376-00482958 Mr Scrooge's nephew Fred and he greeted me in his usual cheerful way jlOGiyKUHlQ-00469-00483072-00483732 and he saw that I was a little sad he asked me what was distressing me and when I told him jlOGiyKUHlQ-00470-00483893-00484668 he said that he was hardly sorry and it's about it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00471-00484812-00485124 Tim is part of all of us jlOGiyKUHlQ-00472-00485285-00486000 for his sake we must go on living so long as we love one another he will always be alive jlOGiyKUHlQ-00473-00486360-00487320 but however and whenever we apart from one another I'm sure that none of us will ever jlOGiyKUHlQ-00474-00487320-00488238 forget poor tiny too and when we recollect how patient he was and how mild although he was but jlOGiyKUHlQ-00475-00488238-00489102 a little little child I'm sure that we will not easily quarrel among ourselves I am a happy man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00476-00489306-00489504 I am a truly happy man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00477-00489935-00490956 I asked for tenderness and depth of feeling and you've shown me that nothing more I need to see jlOGiyKUHlQ-00478-00491328-00491400 take me home jlOGiyKUHlQ-00479-00491484-00492726 what is this I thought we had agreed that you would transport me home foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00480-00493572-00494370 something informs me that the moment of our parting is at hand I know it but I know not how jlOGiyKUHlQ-00481-00494526-00495114 me what man was that we saw a lying dead jlOGiyKUHlQ-00482-00496085-00496878 foreign to that stone answer me this are the things you have shown me the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00483-00496878-00497562 Shadows of the things that will be under the shadows of things that may be only jlOGiyKUHlQ-00484-00499662-00499685 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00485-00501696-00502188 but if those courses be departed from the ends must change jlOGiyKUHlQ-00486-00502428-00502842 tell me that is so by what you show me foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00487-00504366-00505014 I will not be the man I must have been but for this visitation why show me this if I am pastel jlOGiyKUHlQ-00488-00505278-00505710 good spirit your nature intercedes for me and pities jlOGiyKUHlQ-00489-00505842-00506178 say that I may change these things by an altered life jlOGiyKUHlQ-00490-00506454-00506838 I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the air I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00491-00506838-00507180 will live in the past present in the future the spirits of all three shall jlOGiyKUHlQ-00492-00507180-00507792 strive within me I will not shut out the lessons that they teach tell me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00493-00508260-00508500 take away the writing of this stuff jlOGiyKUHlQ-00494-00509585-00509670 man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00495-00510630-00510822 my own room jlOGiyKUHlQ-00496-00510822-00511254 I'm alive jlOGiyKUHlQ-00497-00511638-00512424 thank your spirit I will keep my promise I will live in the past present in the future jlOGiyKUHlQ-00498-00512424-00513143 with spirits of all three will strive Within Me Oh Heaven and Christmas time be praised jlOGiyKUHlQ-00499-00513282-00513750 I say this on my knees Jacob Marley on my knees jlOGiyKUHlQ-00500-00516432-00516714 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00501-00517182-00517278 and daylight jlOGiyKUHlQ-00502-00517530-00517704 but what day jlOGiyKUHlQ-00503-00517860-00518616 hello you that boy Misa yes you're a good fella jlOGiyKUHlQ-00504-00518616-00518982 what day is today today what's Christmas day of course jlOGiyKUHlQ-00505-00519204-00519635 I haven't missed it Spirits did it all in one night jlOGiyKUHlQ-00506-00519635-00520260 what we can do anything they like of course okay hello my fine fella hello do you know the poultry jlOGiyKUHlQ-00507-00520260-00520914 is in the next street but one on the corner I should hope I did intelligent boy remarkable boy jlOGiyKUHlQ-00508-00520914-00521460 do you know if they've sold the prize turkey that was hanging there what what the one as big as me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00509-00522174-00522570 we'll go and buy it yes go and buy it and bring them around so that I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00510-00522570-00522882 may tell them where to deliver it come back with the man I'll give jlOGiyKUHlQ-00511-00522882-00523326 you a shilling come back in less than five minutes I'll give you half a crowd jlOGiyKUHlQ-00512-00523968-00524544 kiss myself so much to do and I was losing the time I was right jlOGiyKUHlQ-00513-00524880-00525054 I'm just happy he is an angel jlOGiyKUHlQ-00514-00525576-00527070 there's a drunken man Merry Christmas to everybody and the Happy New Year to the world foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00515-00528978-00529662 thank you sir now there is an address and the price of the turkey we've taped this jlOGiyKUHlQ-00516-00529662-00530112 fine bird to Bob Cratchit in Camden down these directions are all written down you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00517-00530112-00530574 leave immediately there's very moments yes sir say only when it comes from a jlOGiyKUHlQ-00518-00530574-00531480 friend and it must be there in time for Christmas dinner it will be sir foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00519-00534786-00535230 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00520-00536148-00536478 that is my name I feel it is not pleasant to you allow me jlOGiyKUHlQ-00521-00536478-00536856 to beg your Pardons and please accept my pledge to the poor and needy for um jlOGiyKUHlQ-00522-00537294-00538290 Mr Scrooge are you quite serious if please and not a father unless the jlOGiyKUHlQ-00523-00538290-00538908 great many back payments that included what can I say generosity it doesn't say anything jlOGiyKUHlQ-00524-00539256-00539664 50 times jlOGiyKUHlQ-00525-00540552-00541266 yes Bob Cratchit yes this is for you well there must be some mistake you all butt jlOGiyKUHlQ-00526-00541266-00541806 crackhead yes well there ain't no mistake I didn't order this this year prized turkey jlOGiyKUHlQ-00527-00541806-00542418 was bought and paid for by a gentleman to be delivered to Bob Cratchit in family in time jlOGiyKUHlQ-00528-00542418-00542946 for Christmas dinner one gentleman what's his name Anonymous he wishes to remain anonymous jlOGiyKUHlQ-00529-00543030-00543570 Anonymous you said that's what he said an anonymous gentleman well who could have sent jlOGiyKUHlQ-00530-00543570-00544308 it I have no idea but it's a mistake that's what I thought it's got our name though I say we cook jlOGiyKUHlQ-00531-00544308-00545022 it and eat it and have the best Christmas Feast we've ever had in our lives and I say Mrs Cratchit jlOGiyKUHlQ-00532-00545166-00546090 Splendid idea and God bless us all everyone everyone jlOGiyKUHlQ-00533-00546402-00546720 Merry Christmas jlOGiyKUHlQ-00534-00547116-00548124 oh Fred oh it's much too expensive but do you like it oh I love it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00535-00548388-00548934 it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen well then it belongs upon your wrist jlOGiyKUHlQ-00536-00548934-00549660 my darling Merry Christmas oh Brad I do love you oh and not just for this I know I know jlOGiyKUHlQ-00537-00549888-00549912 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00538-00551136-00551580 your uncle what in the world what are you born open the door man jlOGiyKUHlQ-00539-00551784-00551886 I'm sure I don't know jlOGiyKUHlQ-00540-00552330-00552576 Fred I'm deliveries jlOGiyKUHlQ-00541-00552864-00553380 may I come here yes go ahead um please thank you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00542-00553524-00554460 good afternoon Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas to you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00543-00554658-00555102 oh cleverness this is my wife Janet Janet this is Uncle Ebenezer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00544-00555234-00555978 it's a pleasure more like a surprise wouldn't you say well that too well that's quite true jlOGiyKUHlQ-00545-00556050-00556554 quite honestly it is a surprise and we spoke yesterday you made it quite clear it seemed jlOGiyKUHlQ-00546-00556554-00556980 to me at least that you had no intention of accepting my annual invitation I made jlOGiyKUHlQ-00547-00556980-00557574 other things clear too didn't my friend that Christmas was a humbug waste of time and money jlOGiyKUHlQ-00548-00557670-00558420 false and Commercial Festival devoutly to be ignored yes basically that was it and jlOGiyKUHlQ-00549-00558420-00559122 I've come for three reasons first you beg your pardon for the things I said about Christmas jlOGiyKUHlQ-00550-00559812-00560268 was it I have no idea but I know it now secondly jlOGiyKUHlQ-00551-00560334-00561522 I've come to meet your wife well here she is and a very beautiful woman she is too thank you I jlOGiyKUHlQ-00552-00561642-00562476 I was in love once would you believe that yes but I possess neither the courage nor the optimism jlOGiyKUHlQ-00553-00562746-00563358 the depth of feeling that you two have thirdly if the invitation to dine with you today is still in jlOGiyKUHlQ-00554-00563358-00564354 force I accept of course it's still in full hurray I'm sure that one day you're sure well apparently jlOGiyKUHlQ-00555-00564354-00564930 you were right yes I should like to time with you and your friends you'll be more than welcome jlOGiyKUHlQ-00556-00565122-00565830 you like games don't you yes yes as a matter of fact I do do you want to play jlOGiyKUHlQ-00557-00565830-00566514 uh similes it's one of our favorites we can play today quite possibly I'm jlOGiyKUHlQ-00558-00566514-00567198 very good at it and through the phrase Titans be thrown out the answer is a drum jlOGiyKUHlQ-00559-00567360-00568656 so it is forgive me for saying this but I see the shadow of my sister in your face I loved jlOGiyKUHlQ-00560-00568656-00569502 your mother friend for a time that I forgot just how much I loved him perhaps I chose to forget jlOGiyKUHlQ-00561-00569706-00570222 well now isn't too much trouble I should like to sample some of that punch Fortress jlOGiyKUHlQ-00562-00570222-00570882 of things of course you've made us both very happy Uncle Ebenezer ever yes jlOGiyKUHlQ-00563-00571146-00571338 God forgive me for the time my question jlOGiyKUHlQ-00564-00573408-00574380 you'll see about this jlOGiyKUHlQ-00565-00576072-00576228 foreign jlOGiyKUHlQ-00566-00578550-00578640 yes sir jlOGiyKUHlQ-00567-00579480-00580044 do you know what time it is yes what time is it jlOGiyKUHlQ-00568-00580326-00581046 18 minutes past the hours 18 and a half minutes past the hour what do you mean coming here this jlOGiyKUHlQ-00569-00581046-00581856 time of day I'm sorry sir I am behind my time yes I think you are stepped his ways out if you will jlOGiyKUHlQ-00570-00581856-00582486 please it's only once a year sir it shall not be repeated I was making rather merry yesterday jlOGiyKUHlQ-00571-00582606-00583200 my friend I'm not going to stand for this any longer jlOGiyKUHlQ-00572-00583434-00584208 therefore therefore I am going to double your salary jlOGiyKUHlQ-00573-00584598-00584742 double my salaries jlOGiyKUHlQ-00574-00585474-00586332 a merry Christmas to you and double your salary for a start not a never to assist your family jlOGiyKUHlQ-00575-00586332-00586932 in any way I can and Tim Tim will walk again and we'll stronger and stronger upon my life he will jlOGiyKUHlQ-00576-00586932-00587754 we'll discuss the particulars this afternoon over a Christmas bow what's the matter with you jlOGiyKUHlQ-00577-00588018-00588378 nothing sir well it's just jlOGiyKUHlQ-00578-00588660-00588720 nothing jlOGiyKUHlQ-00579-00589002-00589842 thank you sir oh my good family make up the fire before we freeze to death buy some more coal jlOGiyKUHlQ-00580-00590028-00590292 before you've done another lie Bob Cratchit jlOGiyKUHlQ-00581-00591282-00591918 Ebenezer Scrooge was better than his word he became as good a friend as good a master jlOGiyKUHlQ-00582-00591996-00592770 it's good a man as the old city knew and to Tiny Tim who did not die he was a second father jlOGiyKUHlQ-00583-00592866-00593238 it was set of Ebenezer Scrooge that he knew how to keep Christmas well jlOGiyKUHlQ-00584-00593238-00593694 if any man alive possessed the knowledge may that be truly said jlOGiyKUHlQ-00585-00593694-00594402 of us and all of us and so as Tiny Tim observed God bless us everyone jlOGiyKUHlQ-00586-00594924-00595890 these days jlOGiyKUHlQ-00587-00600936-00601998 in the morning jlOGiyKUHlQ-00588-00603894-00604008 strange boys jlOGiyKUHlQ-00589-00606120-00606144 foreign jlS-8PgMi0A-00000-00000000-00000050 ARIES Psychic Tarot Reading | Weekly Horoscope | June 10-16 jlS-8PgMi0A-00001-00000050-00000764 hi you Aries once he was having for the Aries in the second week I'm seeing jlS-8PgMi0A-00003-00004430-00005226 jealousy lies deception that I saw coming out for you Eris now this because jlS-8PgMi0A-00004-00005226-00005751 the second week of June the week begins from the 10th until the 16th and the jlS-8PgMi0A-00005-00005751-00006225 energy of the week is your energy vibration which is the Emperor or jlS-8PgMi0A-00006-00006225-00006690 authority situations in our authority that sort of an issue heart breaks jlS-8PgMi0A-00007-00006690-00007527 lights and jealousy is here you Aries now as we're looking at this you here is jlS-8PgMi0A-00008-00007527-00008525 men or coming out the lines and jealousy there is there is you ear is men are jlS-8PgMi0A-00009-00008525-00009432 under under investigation you here is men you eros men between the ages of 1 5 jlS-8PgMi0A-00010-00009432-00010143 and older are under investigation there is a lot of lies and deception jlS-8PgMi0A-00011-00010143-00010986 that has to do with work with you eros men some deception lies the energy of jlS-8PgMi0A-00012-00010986-00011574 the star is here there you're trying to find fame to move forward the magician jlS-8PgMi0A-00013-00011574-00012656 is here and they are investigating new Aries men so let's see what's coming up jlS-8PgMi0A-00014-00012805-00013321 you Aries men are the center of this week Aaron spent 45 years and older jlS-8PgMi0A-00015-00013321-00013716 you're the center of this week so there is the eight of swords a lot of jlS-8PgMi0A-00016-00013716-00014404 confusion on the scene confusion that is coming up and this is from a pass issue jlS-8PgMi0A-00017-00014404-00015175 lies and deception so traumatic situation the wheel of karma so a lot of jlS-8PgMi0A-00018-00015175-00015808 your on the wheel of karma there is some confusion that you Ares have done some jlS-8PgMi0A-00019-00015808-00016315 confusion lies and deception is pointing at the Aries and you're deciding to walk jlS-8PgMi0A-00020-00016315-00016863 away you Ares men have created some illusions around a lot of people jlS-8PgMi0A-00021-00016863-00017359 licenses deception working together with people but you are not going to be jlS-8PgMi0A-00022-00017359-00018232 successful okay there is no success that is coming out for you guys okay you're jlS-8PgMi0A-00023-00018232-00019525 open for some money to receive some money now the energy of the six of jlS-8PgMi0A-00024-00019525-00020086 swords that you need to walk away there is a new love that it's coming in for jlS-8PgMi0A-00025-00020086-00020713 some of you guys which is going to be very good but it says if you guys are jlS-8PgMi0A-00026-00020713-00021154 turning your back on this new love for some of you the energy of the magician jlS-8PgMi0A-00027-00021154-00021637 is here and some of you needs to find rest whatever that is to inspire some of jlS-8PgMi0A-00028-00021637-00022288 you need rest from a new love I'm seeing the end of a issue that was going on jlS-8PgMi0A-00029-00022288-00023044 with family heartbreaks at work whatever the issue is the young ladies are having jlS-8PgMi0A-00030-00023044-00023607 art breaks with the king of cups so whether the king of cups is young people jlS-8PgMi0A-00031-00023607-00024270 there are breaks with the king of cups at work so whoever this could be your jlS-8PgMi0A-00032-00024270-00025167 boss that is bringing an end to an issue page of Pentacles is here there was some jlS-8PgMi0A-00033-00025167-00026052 investigation night off once you are there was an investigation who are young jlS-8PgMi0A-00034-00026052-00026772 people it could be that some of you but some of you young people teenage of 18 jlS-8PgMi0A-00035-00026772-00027535 and 45 you have art breaks to deal with a Pisces cancer or scorpion at work lies jlS-8PgMi0A-00036-00027535-00028024 and deception whatever you have done I'm seeing the jlS-8PgMi0A-00037-00028024-00028458 energy of the young people I'm seeing this man some of you could have worked jlS-8PgMi0A-00038-00028458-00029316 together with the span to create an illusion and it's coming up as some of jlS-8PgMi0A-00039-00029316-00029866 you have work with someone to create some illusion some lies your boss is not jlS-8PgMi0A-00040-00029866-00030658 very happy with you okay your boss are not really happy with you because what jlS-8PgMi0A-00041-00030658-00031183 is transpiring if you notice that this is a car Matic situation tends the ends jlS-8PgMi0A-00042-00031183-00031889 of lies and deception some of you have worked together with this older person jlS-8PgMi0A-00043-00031893-00032841 to deceive a situation or someone and some of you young people was paid by an jlS-8PgMi0A-00044-00032841-00033661 older year is some money to do something against someone else and this is all jlS-8PgMi0A-00045-00033661-00034156 coming out because it's a it's end up affecting your work and the king of cups jlS-8PgMi0A-00046-00034156-00035122 is just not very happy with you okay so whoever you are because whatever the jlS-8PgMi0A-00047-00035122-00035821 Wheel of Fortune the eight of swords and the ten of swords is and lies overseas jlS-8PgMi0A-00048-00035821-00036358 lies um oversee some lies that this man has jlS-8PgMi0A-00049-00036358-00037434 created and the lies are coming out okay and you guys have got some nice overseas jlS-8PgMi0A-00050-00037434-00037973 some real deceptive lies overseas and this is coming to an end jlS-8PgMi0A-00051-00037973-00038852 so it could be that you guys can't open it because of money and some of you sell jlS-8PgMi0A-00052-00038852-00039374 out or sell a company information some of you sell out or sell a company jlS-8PgMi0A-00053-00039374-00040148 information and this is coming out you have work with others to deceive you jlS-8PgMi0A-00054-00040148-00040670 have work with a man or a man you IRA's man I work with someone to deceive a jlS-8PgMi0A-00055-00040670-00041324 situation lies and deceptiveness okay there is issue with people for five jlS-8PgMi0A-00056-00041324-00041948 years and older with the family with money so people for five years and older jlS-8PgMi0A-00057-00041948-00042611 there is issues with family and money and it has to do with a friend so some jlS-8PgMi0A-00058-00042611-00043243 of you could have connected with this man that has deceive you as this man has jlS-8PgMi0A-00059-00043243-00044036 stolen some money and it's going to be coming out okay this man could have used jlS-8PgMi0A-00060-00044036-00044591 someone else's information to acquire some money and it is now coming out that jlS-8PgMi0A-00061-00044591-00045287 this man so it could be you here is 45 years and older have tried to deceive jlS-8PgMi0A-00062-00045287-00045814 family member or someone from a past life you have used their information to jlS-8PgMi0A-00063-00045814-00046391 come in and some money ace of cups connecting with people from jlS-8PgMi0A-00064-00046391-00046892 the past some of your turn in a way you're listening to your intuition and jlS-8PgMi0A-00065-00046892-00047399 turning away from this person you ever realized that this person was not coming jlS-8PgMi0A-00066-00047399-00047864 from a good place and you're turning away the magician but the foreign source jlS-8PgMi0A-00067-00047864-00048224 and the tower some of you are going to be receiving an jlS-8PgMi0A-00068-00048224-00049163 invitation and some of you end s come towards situation and with this end I'm jlS-8PgMi0A-00069-00049163-00049552 seen that some of you are going to be receiving jlS-8PgMi0A-00070-00049552-00050342 it's an invitation from someone but the invitation that you're receiving yeah it jlS-8PgMi0A-00071-00050342-00050775 could be that someone you is going to come in your jlS-8PgMi0A-00072-00050775-00051511 and offer you something but it's not looking that good it's really not jlS-8PgMi0A-00073-00051511-00051870 looking that good just there's anything that's coming in with friendship and jlS-8PgMi0A-00074-00051870-00052632 family and money there is clarity the wheel of fortune clarity heartbreaks is jlS-8PgMi0A-00075-00052632-00053224 here for four people with the king of cups and there is a block art breaks or jlS-8PgMi0A-00076-00053224-00053974 here at work with the king of cups and there is a block so some of you has a jlS-8PgMi0A-00077-00053974-00054574 boss that is a Pisces cancer or scorpion heart breaks are coming out there is jlS-8PgMi0A-00078-00054574-00055099 some deception whatever is happening whatever is transpired there is lies jlS-8PgMi0A-00079-00055099-00055797 that people have created and there is some blocks that is coming okay jlS-8PgMi0A-00080-00055797-00056444 some of you are on the investigation some of you your kids could be on the jlS-8PgMi0A-00081-00056444-00057016 investigation okay there is definitely this is a car Matic jlS-8PgMi0A-00082-00057016-00057891 issue that is coming to an end so what a week what a week one week one week you jlS-8PgMi0A-00083-00057891-00058900 Ares and a lot of you a lot of the signs are receiving this um this this jlS-8PgMi0A-00084-00058900-00059416 situation a lot of the signs have been receiving read answers so it says this jlS-8PgMi0A-00085-00059416-00060104 but for you Ares there's endings and new beginnings because the 10 is really jlS-8PgMi0A-00086-00060104-00060630 something which is ending because you have a lot of 10th you have three tens jlS-8PgMi0A-00087-00060630-00061239 you have the Wheel of Fortune where car Matic situation that is coming some of jlS-8PgMi0A-00088-00061239-00061749 you it could be an issue from overseas that is coming to an end jlS-8PgMi0A-00089-00061749-00062438 some of you men have been working against someone but there is no success jlS-8PgMi0A-00090-00062438-00063304 some of you young people are is blocked by your boss so if your boss is a Pisces jlS-8PgMi0A-00091-00063304-00064072 Pisces cancer scorpion your boss do not want to have any contact with use jlS-8PgMi0A-00092-00064072-00064677 down that is the young people is as if you have created an issue for your boss jlS-8PgMi0A-00093-00064677-00065442 the ascendance masters are here three times three and three times ten is air jlS-8PgMi0A-00094-00065442-00065932 and two times nine three times nine is here also jlS-8PgMi0A-00095-00065932-00066631 so definitely and and a cycle is coming for a lot of you earrings I'm seeing jlS-8PgMi0A-00096-00066631-00067225 this into a cycle is coming into a lot of you Ares whatever the issue is jlS-8PgMi0A-00097-00067225-00067804 whatever the situation is I'm seeing some of you are rested but the tower jlS-8PgMi0A-00098-00067804-00068704 energy is coming the end to an invitation it's coming in so the jlS-8PgMi0A-00099-00068704-00069607 magician there was issues that was going on so whatever the situation is for you jlS-8PgMi0A-00100-00069607-00070432 Ares there let's see the invitation but is here with this invitation there is a jlS-8PgMi0A-00101-00070432-00070969 resolution that is going to be coming in so definitely some of you here is jlS-8PgMi0A-00102-00070969-00071509 whatever issue was there was an issue in a company or with a company or with jlS-8PgMi0A-00103-00071509-00071998 organization um this man is found out to be very deceiving and they're very jlS-8PgMi0A-00104-00071998-00072658 deceptive this is coming out this man is on the investigation some of you who jlS-8PgMi0A-00105-00072658-00073135 have kids that isn't a Taurus Virgo or a Capricorn you're going to be finding out jlS-8PgMi0A-00106-00073135-00073834 something about this kid that this kid has done something injustice or there is jlS-8PgMi0A-00107-00073834-00074506 message that this man has stolen some money or this man has used some money jlS-8PgMi0A-00108-00074506-00075306 however and whoever this man is yes the really done some in injustice things and jlS-8PgMi0A-00109-00075306-00075931 it could be someone with a business but this man is overseas because um there jlS-8PgMi0A-00110-00075931-00076579 the energy is from this menace over season he has he's on the investigation jlS-8PgMi0A-00111-00076579-00076869 because they that he has stolen something now some of jlS-8PgMi0A-00112-00076869-00077398 you young people were paid by this man to do something and now it's like your jlS-8PgMi0A-00113-00077398-00077881 boss or your father or someone when you know and are saying stay away from me I jlS-8PgMi0A-00114-00077881-00078519 don't want to be connected to you stay away from me so there is some art breaks jlS-8PgMi0A-00115-00078519-00079087 at work for some of you younger people is coming up because of some lies and jlS-8PgMi0A-00116-00079087-00079663 deception that you have created some illusion your young people and it's jlS-8PgMi0A-00117-00079663-00080295 coming up for the young people that they have created some and it's caused by jlS-8PgMi0A-00118-00080295-00081055 this man because this man as bringing some deceptive situation and you young jlS-8PgMi0A-00119-00081055-00081495 people bought into it okay you thought that this was someone new that it's jlS-8PgMi0A-00120-00081495-00082020 coming in your life that is going to help you you sell out a friend for money jlS-8PgMi0A-00121-00082020-00082600 and this is coming in it's not really a friend it's just someone but you sold jlS-8PgMi0A-00122-00082600-00083191 out someone for money to to help the family or that you are just being a very jlS-8PgMi0A-00123-00083191-00083962 very greedy because some of you young people have connected with this man jlS-8PgMi0A-00124-00083962-00084754 don't know who this man is and sell information to this man and now it's all jlS-8PgMi0A-00125-00084754-00085537 coming out you're hoping to reconnect with your family and friends but this is jlS-8PgMi0A-00126-00085537-00086035 not looking because they realize what this man has done now I have two cards jlS-8PgMi0A-00127-00086035-00086566 and four if you want to go deeper to find out you can always order a private jlS-8PgMi0A-00128-00086566-00087169 reading now we have card one and card - let's see what card one spirit spirit is jlS-8PgMi0A-00129-00087169-00087718 moving in you you are with them and understand and spirit is moving in you jlS-8PgMi0A-00130-00087718-00088498 you are a wisdom and understanding then the second message that we have is break jlS-8PgMi0A-00131-00088498-00089074 free break free move away from situations that are not nurturing you so jlS-8PgMi0A-00132-00089074-00089568 this is a message to break free there's a lot of lies and deception jlS-8PgMi0A-00133-00089568-00090076 there was illusion that was creative some of you have done that some of you jlS-8PgMi0A-00134-00090076-00090562 haven't I'm seeing that some of you are going to be connected with family and jlS-8PgMi0A-00135-00090562-00091099 friends that is going to be helping you out financially and then I'm seeing the jlS-8PgMi0A-00136-00091099-00091452 energy of the magician coming in there's an offer that is going to be coming in jlS-8PgMi0A-00137-00091452-00092107 to resolve an issue then I'm seeing some investigation that is happening to the jlS-8PgMi0A-00138-00092107-00092652 men or women for five years and older they're going to be charged because they jlS-8PgMi0A-00139-00092652-00093252 have a use and access someone information without their tender there jlS-8PgMi0A-00140-00093252-00093814 is the king of cups this is an issue heart breaks there's some block that is jlS-8PgMi0A-00141-00093814-00094339 coming in with this king of cups so this is coming up as some of you young people jlS-8PgMi0A-00142-00094339-00095038 there's a situation where your father is blocking you I want to say please like jlS-8PgMi0A-00143-00095038-00095483 and share these videos namaste until next week jmbys9UMRQQ-00000-00000143-00001167 I did it! jmbys9UMRQQ-00001-00001167-00001290 I did it! jmbys9UMRQQ-00002-00001290-00001492 Remember your size doesn’t determine your strength. k03obhekTf4-00000-00000588-00000932 This is a national memorial, by and for children. k03obhekTf4-00001-00000932-00001324 More than 15.000 children participated from all over the Netherlands, k03obhekTf4-00002-00001324-00001600 through schools, workshops or associations. k03obhekTf4-00003-00001644-00001900 They have thought about what freedom means to them. k03obhekTf4-00004-00001907-00002264 They have portrayed that in dance, art, music or singing. k03obhekTf4-00005-00002952-00003276 Perhaps, this is the first commemoration of the dead for you. k03obhekTf4-00006-00003302-00003514 And all that at a very special location. k03obhekTf4-00007-00003544-00003920 To commemorate does something to you and everyone does it in his own way. k03obhekTf4-00008-00003920-00004204 It's very hard to imagine what actually happened. k03obhekTf4-00009-00004222-00004338 Imagine... k03obhekTf4-00010-00004338-00004574 ...everything is taken away from you. k03obhekTf4-00011-00004594-00004838 You house, your family,... k03obhekTf4-00012-00004866-00005290 ...your school, your friends, your clothing, your hair... k03obhekTf4-00013-00005336-00005442 ...and even your own name. k03obhekTf4-00014-00005468-00005804 One day it is war. And nothing is allowed anymore. k03obhekTf4-00015-00005832-00006264 It starts small: You can't play in the streets anymore. Jews not allowed. k03obhekTf4-00016-00006264-00006576 You can't come to school. Forbidden. k03obhekTf4-00017-00006576-00006952 Of course we can forget about these horrible stories and just go on with our lives. k03obhekTf4-00018-00006976-00007272 But I think it's important to think about it. k03obhekTf4-00019-00007272-00007568 Because even now there is war going on in many places. k03obhekTf4-00020-00007592-00007920 Stories about the past or about the war... k03obhekTf4-00021-00007992-00008280 Today, I will tell you a story like that. k03obhekTf4-00022-00008320-00008496 Going to school was dangerous,. k03obhekTf4-00023-00008536-00009116 Every day from 10 or 12 o'clock in the morning, the planes with the bombs flew by. k03obhekTf4-00024-00009144-00009416 That continued untill the night. k03obhekTf4-00025-00009424-00009944 Music: Imagine you don't have any money k03obhekTf4-00026-00009944-00010384 and you have nothing left to do. k03obhekTf4-00027-00010404-00010536 We didn't have tests. k03obhekTf4-00028-00010560-00011020 Our most difficult question of the day was: 'Are we going to survive?' k03obhekTf4-00029-00011064-00011516 Often, when I came back to school, a few children where missing. k03obhekTf4-00030-00011516-00011832 There chairs would be empty forever. k03obhekTf4-00031-00011890-00012310 Music: And you think I am a dreamer. k03obhekTf4-00032-00012480-00012782 But I sure am not the only one that dreams. k03obhekTf4-00033-00012808-00012997 At 8 o'clock there is a 2 minute silence. k03obhekTf4-00034-00013032-00013319 The radio doesn't broadcast, trains and trams stop. k03obhekTf4-00035-00013332-00013656 And most people don't post anything on Facebook or Instagram. k03obhekTf4-00036-00013672-00014016 The Netherlands becomes silent. You can only hear the birds. k03obhekTf4-00037-00014040-00014408 That silence gives us headspace to remember and to commemorate. k03obhekTf4-00038-00014432-00014640 We create that silence together. k03obhekTf4-00039-00016176-00018368 Music: Dutch national anthem k03obhekTf4-00040-00018444-00019048 Freedom means that there is no war and that everybody can be who he wants to be. k03obhekTf4-00041-00019048-00019248 To say what you want to say. k03obhekTf4-00042-00019252-00019928 That you can do what you want. But no bad deeds. You can express your opinions. k03obhekTf4-00043-00019940-00020312 You can say stuff on social media about yourself. k03obhekTf4-00044-00020312-00020744 That I can go to school and just do my thing. k03obhekTf4-00045-00020744-00021372 If it's just one generation that remembers, than its like, the other generations after that have to commemorate too... k03obhekTf4-00046-00021372-00021832 ...because if the next generation forgets what happenend and how we can prevent that... k03obhekTf4-00047-00021848-00022144 ...then it can happen again. k0sy_aXV5jE-00000-00000000-00000404 Hi students! Welcome to friday! Let me explain what we are going to be doing today. k0sy_aXV5jE-00001-00000404-00000838 First thing: If you haven't completed all the assignments from the week, make sure you do that. k0sy_aXV5jE-00002-00000838-00001236 If you find yourself falling behind, you might need to take some extra time at home. k0sy_aXV5jE-00003-00001236-00001718 This is the last day of the week and technically you should be able to finish all this work. k0sy_aXV5jE-00004-00001718-00002068 But if not, there is a little bit of leniency over the weekend. k0sy_aXV5jE-00005-00002068-00002204 So make sure you get the stuff done. k0sy_aXV5jE-00006-00002204-00002650 If you haven't taken the Tutorial/Survey: Retakes assignment right here k0sy_aXV5jE-00007-00002650-00003142 you're going to want to do so because it explains how the retake procedure works and how to improve your grade. k0sy_aXV5jE-00008-00003152-00003852 I want to let you know that we are going to take the next unit test toward the middle-end in the week you return k0sy_aXV5jE-00009-00003852-00004286 and at that point retakes for the last unit test will no longer be accepted. k0sy_aXV5jE-00010-00004286-00004612 So you'll want to start working on that right now if you need to improve your grade. k0sy_aXV5jE-00011-00004670-00004958 Next is notes about periodic table trends. k0sy_aXV5jE-00012-00004958-00005412 This is going to tie back and help relate what you did for the graphing activity. k0sy_aXV5jE-00013-00005428-00006128 If you struggled with that activity, that's okay because these notes are here to help you with those concepts and truly understand what the trends are. k0sy_aXV5jE-00014-00006128-00006208 So take good notes. k0sy_aXV5jE-00015-00006208-00006570 You'll use those notes in the next practice assignment. k0sy_aXV5jE-00016-00006570-00006768 The next thing is the practice:periodic trends. k0sy_aXV5jE-00017-00006768-00007059 This is a google drive assignment that you're going to be able to interact with. k0sy_aXV5jE-00018-00007059-00007320 You're going to need those notes in order to do this assignment. k0sy_aXV5jE-00019-00007373-00007622 Afterwards is the portfolio review. k0sy_aXV5jE-00020-00007622-00008284 This is going to have you go back to your portfolio and review the 2.1 target, which is what we've been learning this week, k0sy_aXV5jE-00021-00008284-00008432 and review the information. k0sy_aXV5jE-00022-00008438-00008710 This is helping you NOT cram for the test k0sy_aXV5jE-00023-00008710-00009018 and start getting ready for the test when you guys return. k0sy_aXV5jE-00024-00009034-00009506 After that is an activity. It's the elements family reading activity. k0sy_aXV5jE-00025-00009506-00010106 What you're going to do is open up a Google drive assignment that is going to help guide you through a reading. k0sy_aXV5jE-00026-00010106-00010358 And you're going to read through a digital textbook. k0sy_aXV5jE-00027-00010358-00010434 It's really slick! k0sy_aXV5jE-00028-00010480-00010776 You're going to log in to this CK-12 textbook k0sy_aXV5jE-00029-00010800-00011184 And it gives you the ability to add highlights to the text. k0sy_aXV5jE-00030-00011184-00011632 So if I wanted to add highlights, I could add highlights or notes as you see here on the screen. k0sy_aXV5jE-00031-00011700-00011932 Finally, there is a practice quiz. k0sy_aXV5jE-00032-00012062-00012762 It is a timed quiz just to get you prepared for the "anxiety" of the test and help you lower that anxiety that may happen next week. k0sy_aXV5jE-00033-00012762-00013234 The thing is...after you try to take the quiz and if you didn't do so well, k0sy_aXV5jE-00034-00013234-00013496 go and see how well you did on those questions. k0sy_aXV5jE-00035-00013496-00013830 It will show you those questions and let you prepare for them. k0sy_aXV5jE-00036-00013830-00014080 That way, when you take it again, you can absolutely get 100%. k0sy_aXV5jE-00037-00014080-00014218 All right! Good luck! k1V0666QLzI-00000-00000448-00000760 Do you want to create a start- up? k1V0666QLzI-00001-00000788-00001128 Do you need new ideas to improve your company? k1V0666QLzI-00002-00001128-00001486 Do you want to sharpen your idea in order to make it feasible for funding? k1V0666QLzI-00003-00001486-00002118 First you need to know how to come up with and then develop and present an innovative idea k1V0666QLzI-00004-00002128-00002728 This massive open online course (or MOOC) focuses on the very beginning of idea creation k1V0666QLzI-00005-00002740-00003288 Providing you with the required tools to generate, develop, protect... k1V0666QLzI-00006-00003306-00003710 ...and present innovative ideas in order to boost them. k1V0666QLzI-00007-00003710-00004370 Let me introduce you to our MOOC on "how to generate innovative ideas and how to make them work" k1V0666QLzI-00008-00004374-00004882 Over the course of 6 weeks you will learn about idea generation and innovation. k1V0666QLzI-00009-00004882-00005468 Our course is split into 6 modules of approximately 5 hours each. k1V0666QLzI-00010-00005468-00006000 Modules will contain several lessons some activities and a final evaluation... k1V0666QLzI-00011-00006016-00006472 with an opportunity to present an innovative idea at the end k1V0666QLzI-00012-00006472-00006959 Participants will be invited to generate their own innovative idea share and... k1V0666QLzI-00013-00006959-00007373 ...evaluate them in online collaborating teams k1V0666QLzI-00014-00007373-00007722 After finishing this course you will be able to: k1V0666QLzI-00015-00007722-00008118 - understand creativity as a human innate capacity k1V0666QLzI-00016-00008126-00008476 - stimulate the deployment of your creative potential k1V0666QLzI-00017-00008476-00008842 - work with the range of different techniques to generate ideas k1V0666QLzI-00018-00008842-00009288 - apply strategies and techniques for effective problem-solving k1V0666QLzI-00019-00009288-00009606 - realize how you can learn from failure k1V0666QLzI-00020-00009606-00010136 - define approaches and criteria for evaluating and selecting ideas k1V0666QLzI-00021-00010136-00010660 Once you've completed the course you will receive a free certificate of participation k1V0666QLzI-00022-00010670-00011130 The course starts on November 13th 2017. k1V0666QLzI-00023-00011164-00011568 Join now by clicking on a link below k1V0666QLzI-00024-00011680-00012480 [Music: paint the sky your favorite color... your favorite color] k2g6xu9_DzY-00000-00000000-00002268 Subscribe to our channel ⤵ k8p3_KzcbPu-00000-00002461-00002661 Yo if u made it that Far Sub 💓💨 kqndkcAnAwA-00000-00000000-00000200 አቡበከር ታጁ እና ያስሚ ሠርግ - Abubeker Taju and Yasmi Wedding kuN7AOMNWv8-00000-00049440-00050058 Sadhguru: Namaskaram! Namaskaram to everyone. kuN7AOMNWv8-00001-00050422-00053022 Well, if you were a virus, lot of good news, being human beings lots of bad news. kuN7AOMNWv8-00002-00053022-00054582 Hope they're not on the darshan. Well, particularly United States is looking great concern. kuN7AOMNWv8-00003-00054582-00055822 Well, the declared, number of fatalities has crossed 37,000. kuN7AOMNWv8-00004-00055822-00056682 And it's moving into more geographically a bigger spread. kuN7AOMNWv8-00005-00056682-00058786 And unfortunately, a whole lot of people living alone in their homes are being found dead; by themselves. kuN7AOMNWv8-00006-00058786-00059452 I'm unable to understand why they could not call somebody for emergency, kuN7AOMNWv8-00007-00059452-00060212 whatever but hundreds of bodies being found in homes alone. kuN7AOMNWv8-00008-00060212-00061152 So, probably these are people with other medical conditions like cardiac condition kuN7AOMNWv8-00009-00061152-00061828 and they don't go through the regular symptoms but kuN7AOMNWv8-00010-00061828-00062616 due to cardiac failure or something else, of that kind, they must be dying because of this. kuN7AOMNWv8-00011-00062616-00063164 So, concern about this is not over, kuN7AOMNWv8-00012-00063164-00064191 I know a whole lot of people in India are raring to go on the streets on 20th thinking, it will be relaxed. kuN7AOMNWv8-00013-00064191-00064988 I don't think it'll be relaxed on 20th except for a few services and kuN7AOMNWv8-00014-00064988-00065582 certain kind, of economic activity like agriculture and a few other things. kuN7AOMNWv8-00015-00065582-00065956 I don't think the nation can afford to do that. kuN7AOMNWv8-00016-00065956-00066516 But even on 3rd of May, when it is relaxed, we must understand, kuN7AOMNWv8-00017-00066516-00067198 this is out of economic compulsions, not because we've conquered the virus. kuN7AOMNWv8-00018-00067198-00068000 Economic compulsions are forcing us to do certain things, because we don't want the solution to become kuN7AOMNWv8-00019-00068000-00068805 more expensive than the problem and slowly we're moving in that direction. kuN7AOMNWv8-00020-00068805-00069634 Even United States is talking about opening up and going back to work and let's see what happens. kuN7AOMNWv8-00021-00069634-00070764 Well, what happens is not going to be very pleasant. So, I don't think, from... kuN7AOMNWv8-00022-00070764-00071300 I'm hearing things from various world leaders and everything, kuN7AOMNWv8-00023-00071300-00071958 I don't think anybody has a clue; exactly how to handle this. kuN7AOMNWv8-00024-00071958-00072902 We're only trying to slow it down with lockdowns. Nobody has a clue. kuN7AOMNWv8-00025-00072902-00074484 So, this is a war without shooting a bullet. A big lesson for the whole humanity. kuN7AOMNWv8-00027-00077532-00078376 When the World War One happened, in many ways...because it's in the same geographical space, Europe, that's where it started and kuN7AOMNWv8-00028-00078376-00079888 people thought never again we're going to do this mistake again, because it was such a disaster. kuN7AOMNWv8-00029-00079888-00081046 In, 1918, when the war ended, as if that was not enough, the Spanish Flu happened. kuN7AOMNWv8-00030-00081046-00082318 Over fifty million people died across the world, including probably three million in India. kuN7AOMNWv8-00031-00082318-00083168 After that experience in many ways people thought this is it, we're not going to do this again. kuN7AOMNWv8-00032-00083168-00083664 But within the same generation's life, not even the next generation. kuN7AOMNWv8-00033-00083664-00084568 Within the span of that generations life, we went in for a Second World War. kuN7AOMNWv8-00034-00084568-00085012 Which, if you look back and see from World War One, kuN7AOMNWv8-00035-00085012-00085832 what kind of weaponry they were using and World War Two, what kind of upgrade happened, if you look at that; kuN7AOMNWv8-00036-00085832-00086450 obviously, after World War One everybody was preparing for World War Two. kuN7AOMNWv8-00037-00086450-00086990 Because such a huge upgrade I the type of weaponry, that was used. kuN7AOMNWv8-00038-00086990-00087742 So they spend those, like nearly thirty years, kuN7AOMNWv8-00039-00087742-00088470 mainly upgrading weaponry so that they could cause a bigger disaster, which they did. kuN7AOMNWv8-00040-00088470-00089362 After World War Two, well the formation of world bodies to see that wars don't happen, kuN7AOMNWv8-00041-00089362-00090352 but some of the statistics say, this statistic is in 2000, kuN7AOMNWv8-00042-00090352-00090676 it is still true I think, because since 2000 so many wars have happened. kuN7AOMNWv8-00043-00090676-00091810 From 1945, when the World War ended in a two big blots on humanity kuN7AOMNWv8-00044-00091810-00092820 - The two nuclear bombs dropped on people who did not know what the hell it is. kuN7AOMNWv8-00045-00092820-00093552 From there, till 2000 statistics say, not a single day, kuN7AOMNWv8-00046-00093552-00094390 not a single day passed on this planet, without some kind of war, or battle happening. kuN7AOMNWv8-00047-00094390-00095038 That entire sixty-six years... I'm sorry fifty-six years it's been happening. kuN7AOMNWv8-00048-00095038-00095820 Well from 2000 onwards, all of you have witnessed how many nations have been ravaged. kuN7AOMNWv8-00049-00095820-00097632 So, now we are at war because what is happening now, definitely has to be handled and... in war footing. kuN7AOMNWv8-00050-00097632-00098472 But a gentler army of people, doctors and nurses and... fighting. kuN7AOMNWv8-00051-00098472-00099318 But a whole lot of people are determined to see the war takes maximum toll. kuN7AOMNWv8-00052-00099318-00100212 Unfortunately, people are taking out protests, about the lockdown in United States, kuN7AOMNWv8-00053-00100212-00100626 in other countries also small protests have happened. kuN7AOMNWv8-00054-00100626-00101652 In India, certain people wanting to consciously spread it, they're spitting on the vegetables and selling it; infected people. kuN7AOMNWv8-00055-00101652-00102400 It's really unfortunate that this has been the mindset of humanity for some reason or the other. kuN7AOMNWv8-00056-00102400-00103458 That... Well, somewhere we have a fatal attraction towards havoc, we want havoc. kuN7AOMNWv8-00057-00103458-00103809 We think it'll only happen to others. kuN7AOMNWv8-00058-00103809-00104520 But that's not how it happens, when it happens to others, it will happen to us also. kuN7AOMNWv8-00059-00104520-00105402 But the level of prejudice, the level of hatred, the level of resentment that kuN7AOMNWv8-00060-00105402-00106859 you want to cause damage to somebody else's life has unfortunately sank so deep into human heart. kuN7AOMNWv8-00061-00106859-00107678 Based on race, religion, nationality, ideologies, kuN7AOMNWv8-00062-00107678-00108361 these damn things have taken such a big toll in the last few hundred years, unbelievable! kuN7AOMNWv8-00063-00108361-00109068 The amount of suffering that we've heaped upon each of them in the name of race, religion, kuN7AOMNWv8-00064-00109068-00110672 national borders and national interests and of course for ideological stuff is... is truly... kuN7AOMNWv8-00065-00110672-00111596 it's very clear, the moment you get identified with any one of these things strongly, whether it's your race, kuN7AOMNWv8-00066-00111596-00112364 or particularly your religion because here you have divine sanction to do horrible things. kuN7AOMNWv8-00067-00112364-00113072 Nationality also.It's all right, we belong to a nation, because that's a way to manage the world kuN7AOMNWv8-00068-00113072-00113728 because we have no mechanism to manage the whole globe, we have to manage nations that's the only way we can manage people. kuN7AOMNWv8-00069-00113728-00114576 And stupid ideologies that you make up in your head, become more sacred than life itself. kuN7AOMNWv8-00070-00114576-00116109 Well, if humanity has to become in some way, not fully liberated at least reasonably free from this damn things, kuN7AOMNWv8-00071-00116109-00116648 turning inward; an experience beyond physical boundaries, kuN7AOMNWv8-00072-00116648-00117561 which is being described as spiritual process essentially it's this that your identity is not limited to physical boundaries, kuN7AOMNWv8-00073-00117561-00118328 either of body or of community or of race or religion or nationality or ideology. kuN7AOMNWv8-00074-00118328-00119159 This is all spiritual process means, that your boundary is not limited by any physical entity. kuN7AOMNWv8-00075-00119159-00120024 If this doesn't happen large scale, as we become more and more competent, kuN7AOMNWv8-00076-00120024-00121644 as our science makes progress, our disasters will get more dastardly, more complicated, and more sinister. kuN7AOMNWv8-00077-00121644-00123052 So human competence, has become a massive problem, right now, simply because people are identified with little things. kuN7AOMNWv8-00078-00123052-00124535 As a generation of people, if you do not strive to get people beyond their limited identities of these four, five things, I... kuN7AOMNWv8-00079-00124535-00125009 These four, five things if you ask me I know people are going to attack me for this. kuN7AOMNWv8-00080-00125009-00125330 These four, five things which I mentioned, kuN7AOMNWv8-00081-00125330-00126546 race, religion, ideology, these must be put in the category of filthy words in our languages, kuN7AOMNWv8-00082-00126546-00127242 because this is the worst kind of filth, that's happened to humanity. kuN7AOMNWv8-00083-00127242-00128302 The colour of my skin, the nonsense that I believe in, and something that I make up in my head and make it sacred; kuN7AOMNWv8-00084-00128302-00128967 these things have made human beings do things that no human being can be proud of kuN7AOMNWv8-00085-00128967-00130354 but they are proud of it because something more than their intelligence tells them. kuN7AOMNWv8-00086-00130354-00131014 And they're hearing voices from elsewhere. kuN7AOMNWv8-00087-00131014-00132166 So, at a time like this, every sensible human being on this planet, if we don't stand up and act now, kuN7AOMNWv8-00088-00132166-00133334 well, It clearly shows we are not interested in the future, well-being of human race, that's what it means. kuN7AOMNWv8-00089-00133334-00133608 Questioner:This question is from Gayathri. kuN7AOMNWv8-00090-00133608-00134146 "Namaskaram Sadhguru. In my understanding God is the creator of whole existence, kuN7AOMNWv8-00091-00134146-00135018 and he is referred to as swayambhu. When you speak about science of God-making I get confused. kuN7AOMNWv8-00092-00135018-00136346 How can a piece of creation create the Creator?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00093-00136346-00136698 Sadhguru: What do I do? kuN7AOMNWv8-00094-00136698-00137514 In your understanding,God is the source of creation, is it? What is that? kuN7AOMNWv8-00095-00137514-00138042 Questioner:"He's a creator. So how can a piece of creation create the creator?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00096-00138042-00138426 Sadhguru: Oh, we will come to the second part. First your understanding... kuN7AOMNWv8-00097-00138426-00138838 Questioner: "That he is a creator of whole existence." kuN7AOMNWv8-00098-00138838-00139514 Sadhguru: First thing is you do not know what is whole existence, nobody knows. kuN7AOMNWv8-00099-00139514-00140564 When you do not even know the whole existence, how come you know the Creator? kuN7AOMNWv8-00100-00140564-00141365 I'm saying if you can't see the product, kuN7AOMNWv8-00101-00141365-00142062 you have no ability even to see the product in its fullness, you just seeing a minute part of it. kuN7AOMNWv8-00102-00142062-00143026 But now, you know who made it and what's his quality, how he does it, everything you know. kuN7AOMNWv8-00103-00143026-00143758 So there is a serious problem in your understanding. You cannot call this understanding. kuN7AOMNWv8-00104-00143758-00144674 This is simply a certain arrogance in a human being that you don't have the humility to say I do not know. kuN7AOMNWv8-00105-00144674-00145228 So you understand every damn thing in a damn stupid way. kuN7AOMNWv8-00106-00145228-00145682 And if you gather a thousand people around you with the same stupid belief kuN7AOMNWv8-00107-00145682-00146432 you become a powerful force and you have connection with the Creator. kuN7AOMNWv8-00108-00146432-00147402 Because when all the idiots say the same thing, among the idiots it becomes the truth. kuN7AOMNWv8-00109-00147402-00148350 Well, you don't know where this creation begins, where it ends. kuN7AOMNWv8-00110-00148350-00148668 But you know who created it and how. kuN7AOMNWv8-00111-00148668-00149336 And you also know he created himself and his gender is masculine. kuN7AOMNWv8-00112-00149336-00150532 All this you know. But you don't know a damn thing about yourself. kuN7AOMNWv8-00113-00150532-00151204 So this is exactly what I was saying two minutes ago. You are a serious problem. kuN7AOMNWv8-00114-00151204-00151886 You may think you are a pious religious being, but you are a serious problem to humanity. kuN7AOMNWv8-00115-00151886-00152492 You are a serious problem to every life on this planet. You need to understand this. kuN7AOMNWv8-00116-00152492-00152802 Because you make up things. kuN7AOMNWv8-00117-00152802-00153726 And because even your own mind cannot accept it, you stamp with the authority because you hear it from above. kuN7AOMNWv8-00118-00153726-00154282 If you heard the birds I can understand. kuN7AOMNWv8-00119-00154282-00154684 If you don't hear them, they will drop something on your face, kuN7AOMNWv8-00120-00154684-00155178 then at least you will understand there's a bird up there. kuN7AOMNWv8-00121-00155178-00156082 But you're making up all this nonsense because you just don't have fundamental sense of humility or honesty in your life. kuN7AOMNWv8-00122-00156082-00156390 So you're making up all this nonsense. kuN7AOMNWv8-00123-00156390-00157054 The fact of the matter is, you do not know the shape, form, size, whatever of this creation. kuN7AOMNWv8-00124-00157054-00157574 That is the nature of your existence. kuN7AOMNWv8-00125-00157574-00158376 Well, so your understanding, once it goes away, because it's not understanding. kuN7AOMNWv8-00126-00158376-00159022 If you had clearly perceived this is it, you wouldn't be asking me a question. kuN7AOMNWv8-00127-00159022-00159376 Either you must be realized or you must be a fanatic kuN7AOMNWv8-00128-00159376-00160326 –both these people don't ask questions because they know. One knows, another has gathered people. kuN7AOMNWv8-00129-00160326-00161276 So fanatics absolutely believe this is it, because they've gathered people and only they live among themselves. kuN7AOMNWv8-00130-00161276-00161940 If you ask three questions, your heavens will collapse, your scriptures will collapse, everything that you believe will collapse. kuN7AOMNWv8-00131-00161940-00162476 That is why we've always been killing the people who ask questions, kuN7AOMNWv8-00132-00162476-00163368 because this is another way of handling the question – yes,very effective. kuN7AOMNWv8-00133-00163368-00164276 When you do not know the answer for the question, kill the questioner, question is gone. kuN7AOMNWv8-00134-00164276-00165124 So this has been the way of handling questions. Now this is a question. kuN7AOMNWv8-00135-00165124-00165418 I will not make the questioner gone, kuN7AOMNWv8-00136-00165418-00166010 I want to make the question gone because you don't even understand, you don't have a perspective, kuN7AOMNWv8-00137-00166010-00166686 what is creation, what could be its source, you have absolutely no perspective, anywhere. kuN7AOMNWv8-00138-00166686-00167476 All this is coming from the fundamental arrogance that human being is the center of creation. kuN7AOMNWv8-00139-00167476-00167972 No, you're a worm, you're an insect you're not even an ant. kuN7AOMNWv8-00140-00167972-00168402 Mother earth looks at you like you are coronavirus kuN7AOMNWv8-00141-00168402-00169346 because your impact on her is just the same as the impact of virus on us, it's the same thing. kuN7AOMNWv8-00142-00169346-00169845 So do not assume so many things. If you remove these assumptions, kuN7AOMNWv8-00143-00169845-00170944 then you become a continuous state of wonder, everything that you see too fantastic. kuN7AOMNWv8-00144-00170944-00171330 You can't figure out a damn leaf in your entire life I'm telling you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00145-00171330-00171860 If you live for hundred years, if you look at an ant for one-hundred years, kuN7AOMNWv8-00146-00171860-00172248 you will still not figure out how he is made. kuN7AOMNWv8-00147-00172248-00172800 But now you know how the Creator is made – you're saying he is swayambhu. kuN7AOMNWv8-00148-00172800-00173484 Wellswayambhu meant something else, not the way you're thinking, he made himself up. kuN7AOMNWv8-00149-00173484-00173886 You have also made yourself up huh? kuN7AOMNWv8-00150-00173886-00174310 You were born like this, now you became like this, did you make yourself up or no? kuN7AOMNWv8-00151-00174310-00174902 And all these stupid things that you're thinking and believing also you made it up. kuN7AOMNWv8-00152-00174902-00175608 Maybe you have a community that supports you, and you maybe you have a book that supports your community. kuN7AOMNWv8-00153-00175608-00176616 But you believe things which you do not know. Why don't you be human enough to say, "I do not know." kuN7AOMNWv8-00154-00176616-00177560 Then there is a possibility of enhancing your perception, from where you are at least you may move to the next step. kuN7AOMNWv8-00155-00177560-00178084 "Sadhguruwe all came here, we're sitting in this darshan, kuN7AOMNWv8-00156-00178084-00178402 because we thought you will make us understand everything." kuN7AOMNWv8-00157-00178402-00179166 No, I'm just trying to make you understand you will never goddamn understand a damn thing in this universe. kuN7AOMNWv8-00158-00179166-00179526 That's all I'm trying to make you understand. kuN7AOMNWv8-00159-00179526-00180142 You will not. You can experience, this is a privilege. kuN7AOMNWv8-00160-00180142-00180616 That also we don't know why this privilege is given that we can experience things, kuN7AOMNWv8-00161-00180616-00181278 understand, what have you understood? One single thing, have you understood something? kuN7AOMNWv8-00162-00181278-00181960 One atom, have you understood? Over ninety-nine percent of the atom is empty. kuN7AOMNWv8-00163-00181960-00182902 Have you understood that ninety-ninepercent, that 0.0001% something you have understood out of that. kuN7AOMNWv8-00164-00182902-00183396 Well, the first thing you made is a bomb. kuN7AOMNWv8-00165-00183396-00184046 Yes, that is the first thing you made, that is your understanding. kuN7AOMNWv8-00166-00184046-00184818 You took a building block of physical nature and made it into a terrible destructive force. kuN7AOMNWv8-00167-00184818-00185252 This is your understanding. kuN7AOMNWv8-00168-00185252-00185830 So what was the last part of the question? kuN7AOMNWv8-00169-00185830-00186272 Questioner: "How can a piece of creation create the Creator?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00170-00186272-00187688 Sadhguru: Seethis happened. Her son was in the American University. kuN7AOMNWv8-00171-00187688-00188304 American University means anybody's children go to American University, kuN7AOMNWv8-00172-00188304-00189042 the parents will be crossing their fingers and hoping they will come out of this four years kuN7AOMNWv8-00173-00189042-00189564 without becoming addicts, without getting lost, without getting killed. Something. kuN7AOMNWv8-00174-00189564-00190376 I'm not trying to paint a very bad picture of a nation, but unfortunately, this has become the way of youth. kuN7AOMNWv8-00175-00190376-00191094 If you spend four years there and come out without drugs or smoking or alcohol, you're like, kuN7AOMNWv8-00176-00191094-00191716 you must have been a freak in your university. You are the... probably the only freak. kuN7AOMNWv8-00177-00191716-00192616 So you know your child is not a freak. So mother is worried, "What is he doing?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00178-00192616-00193886 So she decided for his birthday, she will send him a very ornamentally wrapped kind of, you know,bound Bible to him. kuN7AOMNWv8-00179-00193886-00194706 Hoping that he will open this book, most probably he has not opened any book since he went there, you don't know. kuN7AOMNWv8-00180-00194706-00195370 But at least she is hoping he may open this book, and something will stick to him. kuN7AOMNWv8-00181-00195370-00196012 So she packed it and took it to the post office, the postmaster asked the lady, kuN7AOMNWv8-00182-00196012-00197366 "Is there anything breakable in this package?" She said, "Only the 10 commandments." kuN7AOMNWv8-00183-00197366-00197938 So she's worried the son may break all of them. kuN7AOMNWv8-00184-00197938-00199054 If he breaks fifty percent, five of them, six of them and comes back with at least four intact she's thinking it's success. kuN7AOMNWv8-00185-00199054-00199688 But worried that he may break all the ten and come and may not come. kuN7AOMNWv8-00186-00199688-00200198 All parents are going through this in the world today, not only in America, everywhere. kuN7AOMNWv8-00187-00200198-00200748 More so there because most trends start there and slowly it's becoming part of the world everywhere, kuN7AOMNWv8-00188-00200748-00201508 including Indian urban areas, it's very much becoming like that. kuN7AOMNWv8-00189-00201508-00202466 "So will I... kuN7AOMNWv8-00190-00202466-00203288 will I know the nature of the existence and the nature of the Creator?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00191-00203288-00203828 You will never understand, but you can experience the nature because kuN7AOMNWv8-00192-00203828-00204694 the nature of creation is such that – as I was saying even with regard to virus kuN7AOMNWv8-00193-00204694-00205238 the nature of creation or the nature of life on this planet is such it's all... life is all enmeshed. kuN7AOMNWv8-00194-00205238-00205876 There is no such thing as you as a separate life. There are millions of bacteria living here within this, kuN7AOMNWv8-00195-00205876-00206360 so many viruses living in this, this one thing is little more troublesome than the other. kuN7AOMNWv8-00196-00206360-00206676 So we manage him. We kind of made deals with that. kuN7AOMNWv8-00197-00206676-00207038 When you eat something, goes into you, when you walk something goes into you, kuN7AOMNWv8-00198-00207038-00207567 if you open your mouth it goes into you, if you don't open your mouth it will go through the nostrils. kuN7AOMNWv8-00199-00207567-00208171 That is why everybody's wrapped up right now. kuN7AOMNWv8-00200-00208171-00208721 So this the nature of life, it's all intermingling. This is the nature of creation also. kuN7AOMNWv8-00201-00208721-00209302 What is creation and what is the source of creation are all enmeshed. kuN7AOMNWv8-00202-00209302-00209610 Otherwise you wouldn't grow up like this. kuN7AOMNWv8-00203-00209610-00210142 You didn't take brick and mortar and plaster yourself into this size and form. kuN7AOMNWv8-00204-00210142-00210816 It happened from within. Obviously, what creates this is functioning from within you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00205-00210816-00211480 Because it's within you –You must understand this very clearly, only because it's within you, kuN7AOMNWv8-00206-00211480-00212173 you have the ability to experience because all human experience happens only within you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00207-00212173-00212652 You think you're able to see this tree you're seeing this tree, it's not true. kuN7AOMNWv8-00208-00212652-00213537 Light is falling on this reflecting, coming, going into.. through your lenses, inverted image in the retina, kuN7AOMNWv8-00209-00213537-00214240 you know that whole story of how ophthalmology works at least on the basic level. kuN7AOMNWv8-00210-00214240-00214592 So you're only seeing it the way it's projected in your mind. kuN7AOMNWv8-00211-00214592-00215227 How the parrot is seeing the tree, you don't know. How an ant is seeing the tree, you do not know. kuN7AOMNWv8-00212-00215227-00215480 How an elephant sees the tree, you do not know. kuN7AOMNWv8-00213-00215480-00216208 We have some vague idea, but you know how you're seeing it, that is the way you're seeing it. kuN7AOMNWv8-00214-00216208-00216606 So, you're only experiencing everything. kuN7AOMNWv8-00215-00216606-00217296 Light and darkness happens only within you, pain and pleasure happens only within you, kuN7AOMNWv8-00216-00217296-00217948 joy and misery happens only within you, agony and ecstasy happens only within you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00217-00217948-00218510 Everything that you think you know is only happening within you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00218-00218510-00219244 Or in other words, you know or you're capable of knowing only what happens within you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00219-00219244-00219519 You're not capable of knowing anything else. kuN7AOMNWv8-00220-00219519-00220600 You're relying on the fundamental instrument of perception which is human mechanism, and you're assuming what you perceive is everything. kuN7AOMNWv8-00221-00220600-00221378 Completely wrong way of looking at life. Complete misunderstanding. It's a keyhole vision of life. kuN7AOMNWv8-00222-00221378-00221784 It's like you're looking out of a keyhole. kuN7AOMNWv8-00223-00221784-00222614 Let's say a cow passed. Slowly the cow walked. You saw the nose. kuN7AOMNWv8-00224-00222614-00223182 These days you're afraid of the nose, I know. So you covered yours. kuN7AOMNWv8-00225-00223182-00223586 Then you saw its snout, then you saw its eyes, then you saw it's horns, then you saw it's neck, kuN7AOMNWv8-00226-00223586-00224534 then you saw the body, like a wall it passed. Then you saw the tail whatever, piece by piece. kuN7AOMNWv8-00227-00224534-00224928 Now at every point you go... keep on making conclusions. kuN7AOMNWv8-00228-00224928-00225619 The conclusion that you made when you saw the snout, obviously changed when you saw the horns. kuN7AOMNWv8-00229-00225619-00225866 It obviously changed with every part. kuN7AOMNWv8-00230-00225866-00226482 Isn't this the way we are exploring what we consider as science. kuN7AOMNWv8-00231-00226482-00227514 Every day, our opinion about the creation is changing, and well opinions about creator is endless. kuN7AOMNWv8-00232-00227514-00228542 So, when we said god making, we are not talking about god, as the God. kuN7AOMNWv8-00233-00228542-00229186 We're talking about creating a Yantra, a tool with which, kuN7AOMNWv8-00234-00229186-00230064 if you can walk better with something, then just your legs is good for you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00235-00230064-00230590 If you can, instead of running, go on a bicycle, it's really wonderful. kuN7AOMNWv8-00236-00230590-00231092 You do one thing.| Now you have to go to the dining. kuN7AOMNWv8-00237-00231092-00231464 We will do this from tomorrow for you, today we are not organized. kuN7AOMNWv8-00238-00231464-00232171 Only if you arrive there, we will break the darshan just two minutes before seven o'clock. kuN7AOMNWv8-00239-00232171-00232769 Seven o'clock if you are there only, you will get food, otherwise you will not get. kuN7AOMNWv8-00240-00232769-00233416 You will all start running. Just maybe seventy eighty yards from here, no? Maybe. kuN7AOMNWv8-00241-00233416-00234284 No, maybe about three hundred yards from here. But you will see, most people will go without food. kuN7AOMNWv8-00242-00234284-00234658 What they will do? By day after tomorrow, they'll all get a bicycle. kuN7AOMNWv8-00243-00234658-00235110 Because we don't allow other vehicles, they'll get a bicycle. kuN7AOMNWv8-00244-00235110-00235660 Then the next day you will see, only people with bicycle will get the food. kuN7AOMNWv8-00245-00235660-00236162 So, because we realized this, we came up with all kinds of machines. kuN7AOMNWv8-00246-00236162-00236606 Those who have instruments to perform better, will perform better. kuN7AOMNWv8-00247-00236606-00237062 Today you say, some countries are technologically advanced, what does it mean? kuN7AOMNWv8-00248-00237062-00237373 They got better machines, so they're doing well. kuN7AOMNWv8-00249-00237373-00238026 So here in this culture, we looked at deities as machines or yantras. kuN7AOMNWv8-00250-00238026-00238819 Out of that, did we succeed? Of course. In a phenomenal way ahead of the rest of the world. kuN7AOMNWv8-00251-00238819-00239398 When people who are still hunting and gathering in most of the world, most parts of the world, kuN7AOMNWv8-00252-00239398-00240726 here we were, in highest level of mathematics, music, various sciences and lived very very, you know, affluent for those days. kuN7AOMNWv8-00253-00240726-00241376 And even just two hundred and fifty years ago, it was the most affluent culture. kuN7AOMNWv8-00254-00241376-00241867 Over thirty three percent of the world's produce came from India. kuN7AOMNWv8-00255-00241867-00242304 You think all this happened without some kind of technology? kuN7AOMNWv8-00256-00242304-00242878 Technology in a different way, because we did not think of building machines. kuN7AOMNWv8-00257-00242878-00243388 We thought of technologies which will enhance this (Referring to oneself) machine. kuN7AOMNWv8-00258-00243388-00243694 As this machine got more and more enhanced, kuN7AOMNWv8-00259-00243694-00244404 the level of performance, intelligence, the intricacies of culture, this evolved, like no other place. kuN7AOMNWv8-00260-00244404-00245117 I'm not speaking this out of my nationalistic pride. I'm not made like that. kuN7AOMNWv8-00261-00245117-00246152 But, as people, as culture, nobody explored the inner mechanics of a human being as this culture did. kuN7AOMNWv8-00262-00246152-00246684 Nobody invested that much time and energy for those dimensions of life. kuN7AOMNWv8-00263-00246684-00247269 Everybody always thought out... external conquest is the only success. kuN7AOMNWv8-00264-00247269-00247734 So it produced great conquerors, Alexanders, Genghis Khans. kuN7AOMNWv8-00265-00247734-00248228 We never produced anybody like that. Here we produce sages and seers. kuN7AOMNWv8-00266-00248228-00248746 This is only culture, I want you to just look back and see, this is the only culture, kuN7AOMNWv8-00267-00248746-00249502 even today our history is marked by our sages and seers and yogis of the time, not by the kings, most of the time. kuN7AOMNWv8-00268-00249502-00249846 Only in the last three hundread, four hundred years we are talking about kings, kuN7AOMNWv8-00269-00249846-00250408 otherwise largely we say this is the time of this sage and that is a time of that yogi, kuN7AOMNWv8-00270-00250408-00251321 simply because we gave the significance to develop this machine into a high performance machine. kuN7AOMNWv8-00271-00251321-00251992 So that this machine functions in a way where it looks super, super human. kuN7AOMNWv8-00272-00251992-00252338 Not physical performance, in terms of perception, kuN7AOMNWv8-00273-00252338-00253064 because we saw that only by enhancing perception, life can be enhanced, simply there is no other way. kuN7AOMNWv8-00274-00253064-00253454 If you want to enhance yourself, you must be able to see something, kuN7AOMNWv8-00275-00253454-00253796 you must be able to hear something, you must be able to know something, kuN7AOMNWv8-00276-00253796-00254058 that normally people are not able to know. In this context, we created deities. kuN7AOMNWv8-00277-00254434-00254946 Well, the word god is a English word. They started using God's word.. kuN7AOMNWv8-00278-00254946-00255400 they call everybody, every yogi, every sage and seer in this country, kuN7AOMNWv8-00279-00255400-00256462 these idiots who have been educated in English education in India, including myself, they call all of us god-men. kuN7AOMNWv8-00280-00256462-00257096 Did anybody ever claim we are god-men, but they're using that word, I have been protesting in many places. kuN7AOMNWv8-00281-00257096-00257917 I said, there are no god-men, anywhere, nobody has claimed, it's you goddamn men who are creating this god-man. kuN7AOMNWv8-00282-00257917-00258738 Nobody ever claimed he's a god-man, because this is all imported ideas you picked up and trying to mess up everything here. kuN7AOMNWv8-00283-00258738-00259438 You need to understand in this culture, anybody who has enhanced this perception is valued immensely kuN7AOMNWv8-00284-00259438-00260030 because we thought, this is the only machine which is of highest significance, kuN7AOMNWv8-00285-00260030-00260644 because this is the most significant machine on the planet, most sophisticated machine on the planet. kuN7AOMNWv8-00286-00260644-00261106 Fine tuning it is more important than simply creating other machines. kuN7AOMNWv8-00287-00261106-00261748 You went on creating other machines, you can. You always talking about moving the mountains. kuN7AOMNWv8-00288-00261748-00262398 What kind of a idiot will move mountains, I'm saying, hello you want the mountain to be moved here? kuN7AOMNWv8-00289-00262398-00263282 It once happened. Shankaran Pillai came to Isha Yoga Center. kuN7AOMNWv8-00290-00263282-00263904 Checked in at the welcome point and said, "I want a room with the best view." kuN7AOMNWv8-00291-00263904-00264466 So, because if you don't know this, don't rush into this now, start fighting for this room. kuN7AOMNWv8-00292-00264466-00265082 The Chitra block, first floor has the best view. kuN7AOMNWv8-00293-00265082-00265428 Now of course, now, Shivapadam has come, it's different, kuN7AOMNWv8-00294-00265428-00266078 but otherwise Chitra block first floor, always had the best view, in this part of the ashram. kuN7AOMNWv8-00295-00266078-00266692 So they put him on the first floor, Chitra block. Next day he came to the welcome point and freaked. kuN7AOMNWv8-00296-00266692-00267166 He said, "I asked for a room with a view. There is no damn view in my room." kuN7AOMNWv8-00297-00267166-00267770 They said, "Sir, we've given you Chitra block first floor, isn't it? That has the best view." kuN7AOMNWv8-00298-00267770-00268342 "Where is the view, thedamn mountain is in the way." kuN7AOMNWv8-00299-00268342-00268896 Right now, you're deceiving yourself, kuN7AOMNWv8-00300-00268896-00269522 because you do not... you have not made any efforts to handle your intelligence properly. kuN7AOMNWv8-00301-00269522-00270002 Your intelligence is the only problem right now, it's turned against you. kuN7AOMNWv8-00302-00270002-00270456 You're deceiving yourself. Now what's deceiving? kuN7AOMNWv8-00303-00270456-00270796 It happens in so many ways, in ways that you cannot imagine. kuN7AOMNWv8-00304-00270796-00271862 It's so happened, a pretty young woman got embroiled in a court room drama kuN7AOMNWv8-00305-00271862-00272294 about husband and wife filing for divorce, she got embroiled. kuN7AOMNWv8-00306-00272294-00273148 So, in that the, the other counsel, who was representing the opposite side, the wife's side, kuN7AOMNWv8-00307-00273148-00274288 he questioned this girl "Is it true you held this man's hand and walked into this hotel? kuN7AOMNWv8-00308-00274288-00274860 And only next day morning you came out. Is it true?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00309-00274860-00275562 She said, "But I was deceived." So the lawyer asked, "How were you deceived?" kuN7AOMNWv8-00310-00275562-00276834 "Well, when we checked in, he told the clerk, that I am his wife. I was deceived.” kuN7AOMNWv8-00311-00276834-00277164 You're not getting. It's okay. kuN7AOMNWv8-00312-00277164-00278250 You don't get such things that means, you're free of deception. Very good. kuN7AOMNWv8-00313-00278250-00279120 Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya kz6hXV25-NA-00000-00000000-00000527 Where would you begin if you were rock bottom with the restraints of a 9 to 5? kz6hXV25-NA-00001-00000527-00001086 that was exactly what I kept asking myself over and over and over and over kz6hXV25-NA-00002-00001086-00001276 again three and a half years ago. kz6hXV25-NA-00003-00001276-00001635 But what I found was that opportunity was never kz6hXV25-NA-00004-00001635-00002199 ever ever going to come while I was still just sitting around waiting. And so kz6hXV25-NA-00005-00002199-00002850 the job that I had at the time you can't be living this mediocre life of putting kz6hXV25-NA-00006-00002850-00003200 in half effort where you are now even if you hate it. Like even if you hate your kz6hXV25-NA-00007-00003200-00003647 job 100% I promise you you'll find a better one and you'll find the one that kz6hXV25-NA-00008-00003647-00004262 was meant for you if you excel in what you hate rather than rather than so many kz6hXV25-NA-00009-00004262-00004803 people that just say, "oh well you know once the greatest opportunity arises, or kz6hXV25-NA-00010-00004803-00005205 once I figure out what I was meant to do..." Opportunities will arise when you're kz6hXV25-NA-00011-00005205-00005410 excelling where you're at. k_0liJXalqE-00000-00000070-00000128 >> Hello again. k_0liJXalqE-00001-00000128-00000644 We've got another absolute value, and this time, we've got a lot of variables we're working with. k_0liJXalqE-00002-00000668-00001368 So, we have 3w, which is being divided by p, which is multiplying the absolute value k_0liJXalqE-00003-00001368-00001978 of 5c minus x. And that whole side is equal to d. Great. k_0liJXalqE-00004-00001978-00002228 Well, want to get the absolute value on its own. k_0liJXalqE-00005-00002259-00002582 Our easy trick is to flip or invert both sides. k_0liJXalqE-00006-00002633-00003454 So p times absolute value 5c minus x, all divided by 3w equals 1 over d. Okay. k_0liJXalqE-00007-00003503-00003862 Well, multiply both sides by 3w, divide both sides by p, k_0liJXalqE-00008-00003876-00004569 and we're going to have absolute value of 5c minus x on the one side, equals 3w over pd k_0liJXalqE-00009-00004569-00004887 or dp, whatever order you want to go. k_0liJXalqE-00010-00004887-00005653 And now, before we can continue any further, we have to be assuming that this side is positive. k_0liJXalqE-00011-00005763-00006028 These values are all positive, then we're good. k_0liJXalqE-00012-00006087-00006358 If the one of them is negative, or if this side became a negative, k_0liJXalqE-00013-00006358-00006494 we'd know that we couldn't solve this. k_0liJXalqE-00014-00006494-00006594 There would be no solutions. k_0liJXalqE-00015-00006621-00007197 So, we're going to go ahead assuming that this side, over all, is positive. k_0liJXalqE-00016-00007204-00007745 So, we've got 5c minus x equals plus or minus this mess right here. k_0liJXalqE-00017-00007777-00008049 3w over pd. k_0liJXalqE-00018-00008084-00008568 Great. As always, split that into two possible solutions, so 5c. k_0liJXalqE-00019-00008568-00009081 Oh, by the way, I think I forgot to mention that we're solving for x. Important to know. k_0liJXalqE-00020-00009096-00009823 We want to solve for x. So, 5c, minus x, equals 3w over pd, and now, k_0liJXalqE-00021-00009845-00011101 we can say x equals 5c minus 3w over pd. k_0liJXalqE-00022-00011121-00011438 And, if we wanted to, we could make this one fraction. k_0liJXalqE-00023-00011588-00012440 So, we can say this is the same as 5cpd minus 3w over pd. k_0liJXalqE-00024-00012440-00012666 If you want to clean it up a bit. k_0liJXalqE-00025-00012723-00012954 But that would be up to us. k_0liJXalqE-00026-00013001-00013233 Or, we could also look at the solution where it's negative. k_0liJXalqE-00027-00013245-00014119 So, we get 5c minus x equals minus 3w over pd, solution's going to be pretty similar. k_0liJXalqE-00028-00014119-00014785 We're going to get x, in this case equals 5c plus 3w over pd, or again, k_0liJXalqE-00029-00014785-00015284 if we want to clean it up, not necessarily clean it up, k_0liJXalqE-00030-00015284-00016053 but to put it all under one fraction, we get 5cpd plus 3w over pd. k_0liJXalqE-00031-00016123-00016314 Again, two possible solutions. k_0liJXalqE-00032-00016355-00016414 Thanks. kCAY9N43Goy-00000-00000480-00000955 Welcome. My name is Roman Trötschel. I'm a professor of Social kCAY9N43Goy-00001-00000955-00001369 and Organizational Psychology at Leuphana University of Lueneburg, kCAY9N43Goy-00002-00001369-00001819 and my special research focus is on the psychology of negotiations. kCAY9N43Goy-00003-00001819-00002220 I'm pleased to announce a new online course at Leuphana Digital School. kCAY9N43Goy-00004-00002220-00002800 This course provides a psychological perspective on the important topic of Commons. kCAY9N43Goy-00005-00002800-00003190 As such it shows how the psychology of negotiations can help kCAY9N43Goy-00006-00003218-00003770 to reach sustainable agreements when people are faced with social conflicts kCAY9N43Goy-00007-00003778-00003926 on shared resources. kCAY9N43Goy-00008-00003926-00004328 Please watch this short film to learn more about this exciting course. kCAY9N43Goy-00009-00004328-00004769 One of the greatest challenges that society is facing today kCAY9N43Goy-00010-00004769-00005160 is the sustainable use of Commons like natural resources kCAY9N43Goy-00011-00005160-00005559 as freshwater, unspoiled land or clean air kCAY9N43Goy-00012-00005559-00005859 the negligent handling of shared resources kCAY9N43Goy-00013-00005859-00006185 has led to many problems such as overfishing kCAY9N43Goy-00014-00006185-00006703 deforestation and air pollution. But not only on a global kCAY9N43Goy-00015-00006703-00007034 but also on a national, regional and local level kCAY9N43Goy-00016-00007034-00007383 people are faced with the challenge to create, maintain kCAY9N43Goy-00017-00007383-00007772 and sustainably use shared resources. And the more kCAY9N43Goy-00018-00007772-00008197 local the context of communing is, the more the more people have an impact. kCAY9N43Goy-00019-00008197-00008518 The shared use of resources held in common kCAY9N43Goy-00020-00008518-00008832 is deeply rooted in human social behavior. kCAY9N43Goy-00021-00008832-00009252 For hundreds of years, people have worked on communal fields kCAY9N43Goy-00022-00009252-00009782 to create public goods together. The sharing of resources continues today kCAY9N43Goy-00023-00009782-00010290 however in today's communities we deal with resources such as jointly used kCAY9N43Goy-00024-00010290-00010360 cars, kCAY9N43Goy-00025-00010360-00010678 communal playgrounds or even the development of an kCAY9N43Goy-00026-00010678-00011050 open online encyclopedia. On a descriptive level kCAY9N43Goy-00027-00011050-00011425 the sharing of Commons can be illustrated - somewhat simplified- kCAY9N43Goy-00028-00011425-00011825 through a cake, which everyone wants to eat. First, however, kCAY9N43Goy-00029-00011825-00012209 everyone must also contribute ingredients to create the cake. kCAY9N43Goy-00030-00012209-00012509 But how do we agree on who contributes what kCAY9N43Goy-00031-00012509-00013033 and how much to the cake? And then how do we distribute the slices of the cake kCAY9N43Goy-00032-00013033-00013298 once the cake has been created? kCAY9N43Goy-00033-00013298-00013693 When people share Commons they often start to negotiate. kCAY9N43Goy-00034-00013693-00014195 On a global level, an illustrative example for negotiations on Commons kCAY9N43Goy-00035-00014195-00014498 can be found in the recurring climate conferences. kCAY9N43Goy-00036-00014498-00014937 However, where we can immediately make a difference, is on the local level kCAY9N43Goy-00037-00014937-00015441 whenever we start to share resources with others. Like Lisa, Susan and kCAY9N43Goy-00038-00015441-00015508 Michael kCAY9N43Goy-00039-00015508-00015887 who want to share a car, which helps them protect the environment kCAY9N43Goy-00040-00015887-00016174 and save money at the same time. kCAY9N43Goy-00041-00016174-00016613 They find it easy to negotiate the distribution of the use of the car. kCAY9N43Goy-00042-00016613-00017024 However they start to argue whenever the negotiation turns on their individual kCAY9N43Goy-00043-00017024-00017178 contributions kCAY9N43Goy-00044-00017178-00017551 such as paying the bill for car maintenance. From a psychological kCAY9N43Goy-00045-00017551-00017673 perspective kCAY9N43Goy-00046-00017673-00018108 there are several processes that affect people's perceptions and behaviors kCAY9N43Goy-00047-00018108-00018598 in negotiations on Commons as you can see in our car sharing example. kCAY9N43Goy-00048-00018598-00019090 For instance, one very fundamental psychological process in negotiations on kCAY9N43Goy-00049-00019090-00019163 Commons kCAY9N43Goy-00050-00019163-00019651 is people's resistance to cooperation whenever they psychologically perceive kCAY9N43Goy-00051-00019651-00019729 losses - kCAY9N43Goy-00052-00019729-00020119 such as the distribution of costs in the car sharing example. kCAY9N43Goy-00053-00020119-00020472 No matter if the negotiation is on car sharing kCAY9N43Goy-00054-00020472-00020862 open source software, shared land or freshwater, kCAY9N43Goy-00055-00020862-00021313 participants in this online course can acquire knowledge about psychological kCAY9N43Goy-00056-00021313-00021429 processes kCAY9N43Goy-00057-00021429-00021886 in dealing with Commons. Based on recent psychological research kCAY9N43Goy-00058-00021886-00022338 a new approach to negotiations was developed at Leuphana University kCAY9N43Goy-00059-00022338-00022649 and is now being applied to the field of Commons. kCAY9N43Goy-00060-00022649-00023001 This approach provides negotiators with strategies kCAY9N43Goy-00061-00023001-00023442 that help them to reach sustainable agreements. This approach is called kCAY9N43Goy-00062-00023442-00023813 resorces-oriented negotiation- or for short, RON. kCAY9N43Goy-00063-00023813-00024240 At the center of this course you will learn the so called kCAY9N43Goy-00064-00024240-00024630 trippel-A technique: analyze, augment kCAY9N43Goy-00065-00024630-00025020 and allocate resources in negotiations on Commons! kCAY9N43Goy-00066-00025020-00025494 On closer consideration you will notice that this online course itself kCAY9N43Goy-00067-00025494-00025947 is all about the contribution and distribution of shared knowledge - kCAY9N43Goy-00068-00025947-00026266 or in other words this online course represents kCAY9N43Goy-00069-00026266-00026656 a specific type of Commons. You will collaborate online kCAY9N43Goy-00070-00026656-00027097 with an international and intercultural team, with whom you will work on six kCAY9N43Goy-00071-00027097-00027338 challenging and enriching assignments kCAY9N43Goy-00072-00027338-00027675 and continuously share and reflect your ideas kCAY9N43Goy-00073-00027675-00028060 with the large course community. You, the participants kCAY9N43Goy-00074-00028060-00028480 will establish the course. The Leuphana Digital School team - kCAY9N43Goy-00075-00028480-00028876 scholars, mentors and tutors- will support your efforts kCAY9N43Goy-00076-00028876-00029299 to ensure the best learning conditions. To sum it up kCAY9N43Goy-00077-00029299-00029662 Would you like to look at the field of Commons from the perspective of kCAY9N43Goy-00078-00029662-00029760 psychology? kCAY9N43Goy-00079-00029760-00030139 Would you like to gain psychological skills to negotiate kCAY9N43Goy-00080-00030139-00030570 sustainable agreements? And do you want to work in diverse kCAY9N43Goy-00081-00030570-00031100 and intercultural teams and to benefit from collaborative learning experiences? kCAY9N43Goy-00082-00031100-00031477 If this sounds interesting to you then sign up kCAY9N43Goy-00083-00031477-00031910 for Leuphana Digital Schools new online course. We look forward to meeting kCAY9N43Goy-00084-00031916-00032039 you online!