p9fLGijcMHy-00000-00000114-00001015 Hello everybody! In this video, I’m going to show you how to check your hard disk if p9fLGijcMHy-00002-00004726-00005176 you how to scan it quickly with free software, and how to find out if there was a hard disk p9fLGijcMHy-00003-00005176-00005709 failure, or there is another issue that prevents your PC from booting up, check the hard disk p9fLGijcMHy-00004-00005709-00005915 for bad sectors and so on. p9fLGijcMHy-00005-00005915-00006411 If you see an error like this when you start your PC, and the system won’t boot, use p9fLGijcMHy-00006-00006411-00007008 the free utility Hiren’s BootCD PE. This is a distribution package for emergency recovery: p9fLGijcMHy-00007-00007008-00007419 in addition to the hard disk checking tool, it also contains a a set of utilities for p9fLGijcMHy-00008-00007419-00008000 recovering data, operating system, antivirus and other interesting stuff. p9fLGijcMHy-00009-00008000-00008562 You can download it from the official website by following the link below this video. p9fLGijcMHy-00010-00008562-00009017 After the download is finished, you will need to create a bootable flash drive with this p9fLGijcMHy-00011-00009017-00009488 utility; in this website, there is a special program to help you with it and a manual on p9fLGijcMHy-00012-00009488-00009845 using it, which is available in English only. p9fLGijcMHy-00013-00009845-00010359 To download a program for creating a boot disk, click on the tab “USB booting” and p9fLGijcMHy-00014-00010359-00010999 download “ISO2USB.exe.” Connect a flash drive to the computer, run p9fLGijcMHy-00015-00010999-00011545 the program, select your USB drive here and specify the path to the image you have downloaded p9fLGijcMHy-00016-00011545-00012394 from the given link, and then click on “Process.” It’s a simple step that takes little time. p9fLGijcMHy-00017-00012394-00012944 In BIOS, you should change the boot priority so that the computer boots from the USB drive. p9fLGijcMHy-00018-00012944-00013499 You can watch one of our videos to see how to do it properly. Find the link in the description. p9fLGijcMHy-00019-00013499-00014059 After booting, you can see the desktop very similar to that in Windows 10. Open the folder p9fLGijcMHy-00020-00014059-00014768 Utilities, Hard Disk Tools, Diagnostic. In this folder, run the utility WD Data Lifeguard p9fLGijcMHy-00021-00014768-00015320 Diagnostics, accept the license agreement and click Next. p9fLGijcMHy-00022-00015320-00015797 To check a drive or see its SMART data, select the device and then choose the icon in the p9fLGijcMHy-00023-00015797-00016576 upper row, or right-click on it. After you click on the line “Run Diagnostics”, p9fLGijcMHy-00024-00016576-00016998 you will see a window with the following menu options: p9fLGijcMHy-00025-00016998-00017762 QUICK TEST - performs SMART drive quick self-test to gather and verify the Data Lifeguard information. p9fLGijcMHy-00026-00017762-00018337 EXTENDED TEST - performs a full disk scan to detect bad sectors. Duration of the test p9fLGijcMHy-00027-00018337-00019016 depends on the drive capacity and can last for several hours. p9fLGijcMHy-00028-00019016-00019540 ERASE - overwrites the disk contents with zeros. There are two modes available: full p9fLGijcMHy-00029-00019540-00020179 erase and quick erase. The file system and all data on this drive will be destroyed. p9fLGijcMHy-00030-00020179-00020663 VIEW TEST RESULT - shows results of the last test. p9fLGijcMHy-00031-00020663-00021137 Before you start any of the tests, it is recommended to back up all important data because it may p9fLGijcMHy-00032-00021137-00021756 get damaged and be lost during the checkup. Choose the test you’d like to run and click p9fLGijcMHy-00033-00021756-00022320 on the “Start” button. When the process is over, you will see the p9fLGijcMHy-00034-00022320-00022864 message if this drive completed the test successfully, and then you should click on the “Close” p9fLGijcMHy-00035-00022864-00022964 button. p9fLGijcMHy-00036-00022964-00023601 The GSmartControl utility analyzes SMART information of the disk, determines its health and can p9fLGijcMHy-00037-00023601-00024037 run various tests. It will automatically inform you about any p9fLGijcMHy-00038-00024037-00024574 disk issues, and will show you detailed reports on the disk, its attributes and statistics. p9fLGijcMHy-00039-00024574-00025139 So you can run tests, view the error log, temperature log and many other things. p9fLGijcMHy-00040-00025139-00026025 HD Tune is another utility for a hard disk or solid-state drive with a number of useful p9fLGijcMHy-00041-00026025-00026402 functions. You can use it to test the disk performance, check it for errors, see its p9fLGijcMHy-00042-00026402-00027152 health values (SMART), erase all data safely and so on. p9fLGijcMHy-00043-00027152-00027683 For example, you can quickly check the hard disk for bad sectors. To do it, select this p9fLGijcMHy-00044-00027683-00028193 tab, check the box next to “Quick Scan” and click “Start.” Then you will see if p9fLGijcMHy-00045-00028193-00028850 this disk has any bad sectors. They will be shown in red. p9fLGijcMHy-00046-00028850-00029283 In the tab “Info” you can find all the information available for this disk. p9fLGijcMHy-00047-00029283-00029702 With these utilities, you will be able to find out if the booting issue is caused by p9fLGijcMHy-00048-00029702-00029868 the malfunctioning hard disk. p9fLGijcMHy-00049-00029868-00030443 When you make certain that your disk is damaged, you can try restoring it. p9fLGijcMHy-00050-00030443-00030950 Use your browser to download a utility to fix the hard disk - for example, Victoria. p9fLGijcMHy-00051-00030950-00031350 There is a special video in our channel about using it. p9fLGijcMHy-00052-00031350-00031783 Alternatively, you can check the disk and repair errors with the command CHKDSK. p9fLGijcMHy-00053-00031783-00032643 If the disk is all right, but the operating system is damaged, there is also a good utility p9fLGijcMHy-00054-00032643-00033284 to restore it - Lazersoft Windows Recovery. With a single click, you can solve booting p9fLGijcMHy-00055-00033284-00034112 issues of a Windows operating system, or use other functions of this tool. p9fLGijcMHy-00056-00034112-00034569 Check the disk for errors with CHKDSK but without having to type any commands - just p9fLGijcMHy-00057-00034569-00035188 push a few buttons. Restore the registry, check the system memory, p9fLGijcMHy-00058-00035188-00035593 and even get to know the license key for your operating system which you will need when p9fLGijcMHy-00059-00035593-00036247 reinstalling the system. This LiveCD features a lot of utilities you p9fLGijcMHy-00060-00036247-00036803 will find useful when encountering various problems with your PC - the only minor disadvantage p9fLGijcMHy-00061-00036803-00037306 is that the whole system and all of its tools support English language only. p9fLGijcMHy-00062-00037306-00037811 That is all for now. Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. Leave comments to p9fLGijcMHy-00063-00037811-00038054 ask questions. Thank you for watching. Good luck. prvr_UFFU_E-00000-00000758-00001399 [Clifford]: I have a wonderful speaker for us this afternoon that I am very, very pleased prvr_UFFU_E-00001-00001399-00001784 to have at CNI, Professor Kate Eichhorn. prvr_UFFU_E-00002-00001784-00002775 Kate is a professor of new media and culture at the New School in New York. prvr_UFFU_E-00003-00002775-00003290 She wrote an amazing book that came out over the summer called The End of Forgetting, which prvr_UFFU_E-00004-00003290-00003880 I hope at least some of you have read, and I suspect that many of you will read if you prvr_UFFU_E-00005-00003880-00004151 haven't read it after hearing her. prvr_UFFU_E-00006-00004151-00004385 I read this book. prvr_UFFU_E-00007-00004385-00005103 I've been fascinated by the whole question of remembering and forgetting and how that prvr_UFFU_E-00008-00005103-00005735 plays out in the digital environment for years and have followed discussions about things prvr_UFFU_E-00009-00005735-00006570 like the right to be forgotten and some of the effects of digitization and digital media prvr_UFFU_E-00010-00006570-00007292 on how we remember and how families remember and things like that. prvr_UFFU_E-00011-00007292-00008036 And so I heard this book was coming out and read it shortly after it came out, and it's prvr_UFFU_E-00012-00008036-00008953 just a wonderfully insightful restructuring and rearrangement of the whole argument and prvr_UFFU_E-00013-00008953-00009689 the whole question, and I certainly came away thinking really differently about some of prvr_UFFU_E-00014-00009689-00009927 the issues here. prvr_UFFU_E-00015-00009927-00010761 I reached out to Kate and she very graciously, after a little persuading, agreed to come prvr_UFFU_E-00016-00010761-00010935 and speak with us. prvr_UFFU_E-00017-00010935-00011503 And as I got to know her work a little better - and I probably should have recognized this prvr_UFFU_E-00018-00011503-00012406 more clearly just in reading her book - she actually has a very deep understanding of prvr_UFFU_E-00019-00012406-00013215 archives and special collections, and other parts of her body of work have been deeply prvr_UFFU_E-00020-00013215-00014015 involved with them from other aspects, so her thinking about this is deeply informed prvr_UFFU_E-00021-00014015-00014647 and perceptive from many different angles and I think she'll bring all of that to us prvr_UFFU_E-00022-00014647-00014747 here today. prvr_UFFU_E-00023-00014747-00015809 So please join me in welcoming Kate, I'm just so pleased to have her here. prvr_UFFU_E-00024-00015809-00016400 [Kate]: Thanks so much for that lovely introduction. prvr_UFFU_E-00025-00016400-00016865 It's always an honor to have these invitations, particularly when they come from colleagues prvr_UFFU_E-00026-00016865-00017440 who are not in your immediate field, but as some of you will know, I have been writing prvr_UFFU_E-00027-00017440-00017987 about archives and libraries and more broadly about questions of media memory for many years. prvr_UFFU_E-00028-00017987-00018515 And I'll say in advance that I've always done this as a humanities scholar, and so I do prvr_UFFU_E-00029-00018515-00019167 recognize that sometimes humanities scholars talk about these questions in an inaccurate, prvr_UFFU_E-00030-00019167-00019718 somewhat metaphorical and even irritating way. prvr_UFFU_E-00031-00019718-00020218 Archivists always tell me that there's nothing more irritating than a humanities scholar prvr_UFFU_E-00032-00020218-00020623 talking about how magical the archive is. prvr_UFFU_E-00033-00020623-00021265 And as my friend Jenna Freedman at Barnard likes to say, these materials don't just appear. prvr_UFFU_E-00034-00021265-00021962 So a call-out to recognize, thank you for making these materials accessible to those prvr_UFFU_E-00035-00021962-00022322 of us who work in humanities fields. prvr_UFFU_E-00036-00022322-00023145 So today I'm going to talk about my most recent book, The End of Forgetting, but since I delivered prvr_UFFU_E-00037-00023145-00023818 that manuscript to Harvard in summer 2017, a lot's happened. prvr_UFFU_E-00038-00023818-00024459 And so I'm also going to use a lot of examples today that point to more recent political prvr_UFFU_E-00039-00024459-00025279 events, and since I even published the book last June, I think that my thinking about prvr_UFFU_E-00040-00025279-00026001 this question has also evolved, and so the conclusion to the talk points to some of the prvr_UFFU_E-00041-00026001-00026287 things I'm thinking about now. prvr_UFFU_E-00042-00026287-00027361 In the 20th century, if one was truly mortified by a photograph from childhood or adolescence, prvr_UFFU_E-00043-00027361-00027853 there was a simple solution - secretly slip the photograph out of its frame or family prvr_UFFU_E-00044-00027853-00028039 photo album and destroy it. prvr_UFFU_E-00045-00028039-00028558 In seconds, a particularly awkward event or stage of one's life could be effectively placed prvr_UFFU_E-00046-00028558-00028743 under erasure. prvr_UFFU_E-00047-00028743-00029343 The photograph's absence might have been noticed, but in an analog era, unless one's relatives prvr_UFFU_E-00048-00029343-00029902 were fastidious enough to keep the negatives - and thank God most of them weren't - once prvr_UFFU_E-00049-00029902-00030327 ripped up or burned, one could be more or less sure that this embarrassing trace of prvr_UFFU_E-00050-00030327-00030514 the past had vanished. prvr_UFFU_E-00051-00030514-00030914 And without the photograph's presence, one could also assume that any lingering memories prvr_UFFU_E-00052-00030914-00031483 of the event or stage of life would soon fade in one's own mind and in the mind of others. prvr_UFFU_E-00053-00031483-00032058 In retrospect, this vulnerability to human affect, to the shame and anger that once allowed prvr_UFFU_E-00054-00032058-00032577 us to destroy photographs with our bare hands, may have been one of the great yet underappreciated prvr_UFFU_E-00055-00032577-00032883 features of analog media. prvr_UFFU_E-00056-00032883-00033353 Over two decades into the age of digital media, the ability to leave one's childhood and adolescent prvr_UFFU_E-00057-00033353-00034022 years behind, along with the likelihood of having others forget one's younger self, are prvr_UFFU_E-00058-00034022-00034259 already deeply imperiled. prvr_UFFU_E-00059-00034259-00034747 The shift isn't entirely negative, but there are compelling reasons to conclude that it prvr_UFFU_E-00060-00034747-00035266 comes at a cost, and it comes at a higher cost to some people than others. prvr_UFFU_E-00061-00035266-00035853 And for this reason, how we respond as scholars, as information professionals, and policymakers prvr_UFFU_E-00062-00035853-00036084 matters a great deal. prvr_UFFU_E-00063-00036084-00036557 So I want to begin with a fairly bold claim that some people might disagree with: forgetting prvr_UFFU_E-00064-00036557-00037052 is no longer necessarily the default, it's already the exception to the rule. prvr_UFFU_E-00065-00037052-00037540 And I'm not talking about everyday forgetting - we still forget names and places, whether prvr_UFFU_E-00066-00037540-00037934 or not we have any milk in the refrigerator, so on and so forth. prvr_UFFU_E-00067-00037934-00038609 What we're losing isn't forgetting on a short-term basis, but more precisely our ability to control prvr_UFFU_E-00068-00038609-00039009 what is remembered and forgotten over time. prvr_UFFU_E-00069-00039009-00039901 And to illustrate, I think it's useful to think about this recent event. prvr_UFFU_E-00070-00039901-00040409 Sometime a couple months ago, the New York Times had an article about MegaFace. prvr_UFFU_E-00071-00040409-00041072 And so back in 2004, long before today's digital natives were uploading photographs of themselves prvr_UFFU_E-00072-00041072-00041616 and their friends to Instagram or Snapchat or other social media platforms, their parents prvr_UFFU_E-00073-00041616-00042191 and grandparents were uploading photographs to sites such as Flickr, and they were taking prvr_UFFU_E-00074-00042191-00042375 those photographs. prvr_UFFU_E-00075-00042375-00042847 And as reported in the Times this fall, none of them could have foreseen that, 14 years prvr_UFFU_E-00076-00042847-00043437 later, those images would reside in a huge facial recognition database called MegaFace. prvr_UFFU_E-00077-00043437-00043997 Containing over 700,000 photographs of individuals, the database has been downloaded by dozens prvr_UFFU_E-00078-00043997-00044540 of companies to train a new generation of face identification algorithms, and it's used prvr_UFFU_E-00079-00044540-00045083 to track protesters, surveil terrorists, and spy on the public at large. prvr_UFFU_E-00080-00045083-00045559 But MegaFace is just one example among many of what I'm talking about. prvr_UFFU_E-00081-00045559-00046280 So in this talk, I want to talk a bit about the history of children and youth and their prvr_UFFU_E-00082-00046280-00046934 engagements with media technologies and what's changed, particularly over the last 20 years. prvr_UFFU_E-00083-00046934-00047491 I want to talk about some of the social and psychological impacts of these changes, and prvr_UFFU_E-00084-00047491-00048094 I want to conclude by talking about the political impacts of these changes. prvr_UFFU_E-00085-00048094-00048416 Since I completed my book - this is not something I write about in the book - but since I've prvr_UFFU_E-00086-00048416-00048915 completed the book, one of the things I've started to think about is that the reason prvr_UFFU_E-00087-00048915-00049510 why the decline of forgetting matters is that it risks calcifying political perspectives, prvr_UFFU_E-00088-00049510-00049996 including extreme political perspectives, at a younger age. prvr_UFFU_E-00089-00049996-00050403 But first I want to go back in time. prvr_UFFU_E-00090-00050403-00051484 So to be fair, we've always been trying to overcome forgetting, and as a media studies prvr_UFFU_E-00091-00051484-00051985 professor I talk about the fact that most media technologies were developed for one prvr_UFFU_E-00092-00051985-00052386 of two reasons - to overcome the barriers of space or time. prvr_UFFU_E-00093-00052386-00052697 And if you're talking about overcoming the barrier of time, you're really talking about prvr_UFFU_E-00094-00052697-00053035 overcoming the limits of human memory. prvr_UFFU_E-00095-00053035-00053822 How do you create machines that can preserve something and have it move across generations? prvr_UFFU_E-00096-00053822-00054369 And as much as we've at times been suspicious of these memory-making machines, we've also prvr_UFFU_E-00097-00054369-00054613 been enamored by them. prvr_UFFU_E-00098-00054613-00055397 In a 1923 issue of Kodakery, which was a trade magazine put out by Kodak, a commentator philosophically prvr_UFFU_E-00099-00055397-00055976 reflected, "Kodak is a partner of memory, a silent partner, yet able to be very eloquent, prvr_UFFU_E-00100-00055976-00056380 full of interesting suggestions without saying a word." prvr_UFFU_E-00101-00056380-00056801 And it's almost as if the commentator was reading Freud. prvr_UFFU_E-00102-00056801-00057478 It reminds me of Freud's essay "Screen Memories," and he talks about the fact that childhood prvr_UFFU_E-00103-00057478-00057991 memories are always molded by powerful forces from a later period. prvr_UFFU_E-00104-00057991-00058804 So what we remember isn't accurate, it's been edited and curated to make it somewhat more prvr_UFFU_E-00105-00058804-00058910 tolerable. prvr_UFFU_E-00106-00058910-00059104 And I think that this passage isn't unique. prvr_UFFU_E-00107-00059104-00059702 There were many media technologies throughout the 20th century that were basically marketed prvr_UFFU_E-00108-00059702-00059941 as memory-making machines. prvr_UFFU_E-00109-00059941-00060597 It's also important to point out, though, that it wasn't just adults that gained access prvr_UFFU_E-00110-00060597-00060991 to media technologies in the 20th century. prvr_UFFU_E-00111-00060991-00061610 Prior to the 20th century, children and youth really were not able to represent and document prvr_UFFU_E-00112-00061610-00062307 their own lives, and with the invention of the Brownie camera, late 19th century into prvr_UFFU_E-00113-00062307-00062570 the early 20th century, this changed. prvr_UFFU_E-00114-00062570-00063064 So people often talk about someone like Steve Jobs as having been one of the first people prvr_UFFU_E-00115-00063064-00063807 to market technologies, not to businesses, but to consumers, and also to create technologies prvr_UFFU_E-00116-00063807-00064051 that were child-friendly. prvr_UFFU_E-00117-00064051-00064650 And I'd argue that Eastman was doing this in the late 19th century, early 20th century. prvr_UFFU_E-00118-00064650-00065073 But there were still limitations to something like the Brownie camera. prvr_UFFU_E-00119-00065073-00065720 They were relatively affordable, at least for middle-class families, but the film was prvr_UFFU_E-00120-00065720-00066378 actually quite expensive, and so if children wanted, or adolescents wanted to document prvr_UFFU_E-00121-00066378-00067043 their own life, they still had to get an adult to actually help them develop that film. prvr_UFFU_E-00122-00067043-00067556 So they could take a limited number of images, and those images were subject to quite a bit prvr_UFFU_E-00123-00067556-00067816 of adult censorship. prvr_UFFU_E-00124-00067816-00068348 This changed a bit with the Polaroid camera. prvr_UFFU_E-00125-00068348-00068823 Some people have argued that Polaroids actually were a precursor to today's digital selfie prvr_UFFU_E-00126-00068823-00069252 culture, because you could literally take that camera - it was very light - you could prvr_UFFU_E-00127-00069252-00069921 take a photograph of yourself and your friends, and almost instantaneously enjoy the image. prvr_UFFU_E-00128-00069921-00070613 And many of us will remember that experience of looking at the image come into view. prvr_UFFU_E-00129-00070613-00071151 So I think it's a compelling argument and media story, and Peter Buse makes this argument prvr_UFFU_E-00130-00071151-00071749 in his recent book on the history of the Polaroid camera, but I'd argue that, if you actually prvr_UFFU_E-00131-00071749-00072425 think about those images, a Polaroid shares more in common with a Renaissance painting prvr_UFFU_E-00132-00072425-00072644 than it does with a digital image. prvr_UFFU_E-00133-00072644-00072878 They're one-of-a-kind documents. prvr_UFFU_E-00134-00072878-00073354 They were basically impossible to reproduce, and so there are similarities in terms of prvr_UFFU_E-00135-00073354-00073807 how people interacted with those images, but they're very, very different than the digital prvr_UFFU_E-00136-00073807-00075062 images that we're now dealing with. prvr_UFFU_E-00137-00075062-00075673 So I want to talk a bit about what I think has changed. prvr_UFFU_E-00138-00075673-00076151 And in this particular audience, most of you actually spend a lot of time thinking about prvr_UFFU_E-00139-00076151-00076251 these changes. prvr_UFFU_E-00140-00076251-00076733 I'd argue that the general public hasn't necessarily thought so much about all the changes that prvr_UFFU_E-00141-00076733-00077201 have happened over the past 20 years and how they've affected children and youth. prvr_UFFU_E-00142-00077201-00077930 And so I want to talk about content, scale, contacts, discoverability, and the value of prvr_UFFU_E-00143-00077930-00078030 imagemaking. prvr_UFFU_E-00144-00078030-00078797 So some of you might remember the Fotomat, they were these weird little blue huts in prvr_UFFU_E-00145-00078797-00079219 the middle of a parking lot, and you would bring your images to them. prvr_UFFU_E-00146-00079219-00079744 And my aunt actually worked at one, so I knew that when she got people's photographs back, prvr_UFFU_E-00147-00079744-00080180 she would look at them, so she knew what all her neighbors were up to. prvr_UFFU_E-00148-00080180-00080831 So as a teenager, I would always tell my friends, "Don't bring your photographs to the Fotomat," prvr_UFFU_E-00149-00080831-00081507 and we would drive to another town to get the photographs developed, depending on what prvr_UFFU_E-00150-00081507-00081752 the content was. prvr_UFFU_E-00151-00081752-00082558 So although teenagers in the '70s and '80s and '90s, they could take photographs of themselves, prvr_UFFU_E-00152-00082558-00083216 unless they had access to a darkroom, those images were still heavily censored and self-censored. prvr_UFFU_E-00153-00083216-00083769 And again with the Polaroid, you might be able to take a picture of something more lascivious, prvr_UFFU_E-00154-00083769-00084178 but it was a one-of-a-kind document, it wasn't widely circulating. prvr_UFFU_E-00155-00084178-00084692 So problems that we now have with teenagers, like sexting, for example, really didn't exist prvr_UFFU_E-00156-00084692-00084945 in an analog era. prvr_UFFU_E-00157-00084945-00085320 So that's one thing that's changed, is the actual content of the photographs being produced prvr_UFFU_E-00158-00085320-00085574 by young people. prvr_UFFU_E-00159-00085574-00086012 There's also no question that the scale has changed. prvr_UFFU_E-00160-00086012-00086595 This is a statistic that is often repeated in articles about digital photography: 80 prvr_UFFU_E-00161-00086595-00087406 billion photographs in 2000; by 2015, 1 trillion, 75% of all those photographs shot on mobile prvr_UFFU_E-00162-00087406-00087512 phones. prvr_UFFU_E-00163-00087512-00088034 Interestingly, I haven't been able to find statistics about what happens after that, prvr_UFFU_E-00164-00088034-00088380 and I think we just stopped counting, honestly. prvr_UFFU_E-00165-00088380-00089472 One estimate is that, from 2015 on Snapchat, 8,796 images are posted every second, and prvr_UFFU_E-00166-00089472-00089749 over 30 million images every hour. prvr_UFFU_E-00167-00089749-00090115 So I think that probably explains why we're no longer keeping count. prvr_UFFU_E-00168-00090115-00090706 So the scale of the images in circulation obviously is just something we can hardly prvr_UFFU_E-00169-00090706-00090979 grapple with. prvr_UFFU_E-00170-00090979-00091293 Another thing that of course has changed is context. prvr_UFFU_E-00171-00091293-00091661 Who knows what this is an image of? prvr_UFFU_E-00172-00091661-00091822 Someone must. prvr_UFFU_E-00173-00091822-00092194 So it's known as the "Star Wars kid." prvr_UFFU_E-00174-00092194-00092542 It was actually recorded in 2002. prvr_UFFU_E-00175-00092542-00093047 The young man in the video, his name is Ghyslain Raza, he was a 14-year-old at the time. prvr_UFFU_E-00176-00093047-00093525 He made this video of himself imitating a Star Wars character. prvr_UFFU_E-00177-00093525-00094014 He left the cassette on a table at his school, some kids found it, and it actually took them prvr_UFFU_E-00178-00094014-00094460 four months to upload it to the internet and circulate it, because this is before Vimeo, prvr_UFFU_E-00179-00094460-00094751 it was before YouTube. prvr_UFFU_E-00180-00094751-00095426 And when it did finally end up on the internet, it went viral. prvr_UFFU_E-00181-00095426-00095972 So it's widely known as the first example of an internet meme to go viral. prvr_UFFU_E-00182-00095972-00096418 It's also probably the first moment when a lot of people realized cyberbullying was going prvr_UFFU_E-00183-00096418-00096729 to be a big problem. prvr_UFFU_E-00184-00096729-00097243 He's now in his 30s, he has recently spoken out about cyberbullying and his experience. prvr_UFFU_E-00185-00097243-00097703 It was really devastating for him, but he's still known as the Star Wars kid. prvr_UFFU_E-00186-00097703-00098182 So that one moment, which was really meant to be something that only he viewed, maybe prvr_UFFU_E-00187-00098182-00098651 a few friends, has come to kind of define his life. prvr_UFFU_E-00188-00098651-00099157 So we can no longer easily, obviously, control the context of images that were meant for prvr_UFFU_E-00189-00099157-00099333 a very limited audience. prvr_UFFU_E-00190-00099333-00100049 Another thing, of course, that's changed is the discoverability. prvr_UFFU_E-00191-00100049-00100511 We've already talked a bit about this, and people have talked a lot about this at the prvr_UFFU_E-00192-00100511-00100611 conference. prvr_UFFU_E-00193-00100611-00100898 Again, you can think about a site like Flickr. prvr_UFFU_E-00194-00100898-00101415 I think that nothing could have seemed more innocuous than taking photographs of your prvr_UFFU_E-00195-00101415-00101909 family on Flickr back in 2004, 2005, or 2006. prvr_UFFU_E-00196-00101909-00102483 It was an extension of a practice people had already been engaged in for decades, writing prvr_UFFU_E-00197-00102483-00102951 a name or a place or a date on the back of a photograph. prvr_UFFU_E-00198-00102951-00103675 No one understood exactly how they were contributing to laying the groundwork for facial recognition prvr_UFFU_E-00199-00103675-00103824 technologies. prvr_UFFU_E-00200-00103824-00104453 I think we can also look at sites like Facebook, I don't think people realized in 2010 or 2011 prvr_UFFU_E-00201-00104453-00104872 when Facebook was pushing everyone to start tagging their photographs that they were also prvr_UFFU_E-00202-00104872-00105498 pouring millions and millions of dollars into developing facial recognition technologies. prvr_UFFU_E-00203-00105498-00105877 And so, obviously, discoverability has shifted. prvr_UFFU_E-00204-00105877-00106419 But in terms of children and youth, the most important thing that's shifted is the value prvr_UFFU_E-00205-00106419-00106557 of these images. prvr_UFFU_E-00206-00106557-00107133 I think that we can say with some certainty that, in the past, no one really cared about prvr_UFFU_E-00207-00107133-00107439 what children or adolescents had to say. prvr_UFFU_E-00208-00107439-00107849 They weren't interested in their videos, they weren't really interested in their images. prvr_UFFU_E-00209-00107849-00108155 We weren't really interested in their opinions. prvr_UFFU_E-00210-00108155-00108600 And I like to say that, back in the '80s, kids hung out at the mall and they were seen prvr_UFFU_E-00211-00108600-00108917 as a social nuisance because they weren't buying anything. prvr_UFFU_E-00212-00108917-00109283 If you're hanging out online, you're generating data. prvr_UFFU_E-00213-00109283-00109688 And so that is the real game-changer. prvr_UFFU_E-00214-00109688-00110510 I also want to, before I go on into the rest of the talk, I want to make it clear that prvr_UFFU_E-00215-00110510-00110842 this isn't a moral panic argument. prvr_UFFU_E-00216-00110842-00111424 I think that, particularly in my field, whenever you critique any new media, people are like, prvr_UFFU_E-00217-00111424-00111814 "You're engaging in a moral panic, you think you need to protect young children." prvr_UFFU_E-00218-00111814-00112469 I think the fact that, for the first time in history, children and youth can document prvr_UFFU_E-00219-00112469-00112970 their own lives and share those images is really exciting. prvr_UFFU_E-00220-00112970-00113660 The fact that young women for the first time can really participate in the public sphere prvr_UFFU_E-00221-00113660-00114100 in a way they've never been able to do that before, I think that's incredibly exciting. prvr_UFFU_E-00222-00114100-00114739 So I certainly don't think that we should limit access in any way, shape, or form. prvr_UFFU_E-00223-00114739-00115474 I do think we need to talk seriously about the fact that children and youth are engaged prvr_UFFU_E-00224-00115474-00116073 in free, uncompensated digital labor on a daily basis, and I also think we need to think prvr_UFFU_E-00225-00116073-00116905 about the social and psychological and political consequences of these shifts. prvr_UFFU_E-00226-00116905-00118167 So having said that, I'm going to skip ahead and talk about - this is something I do talk prvr_UFFU_E-00227-00118167-00118929 about in the book - the decline of the psychosocial moratorium. prvr_UFFU_E-00228-00118929-00119522 In the mid-20th century, a psychoanalyst named Erik Erikson published several books, where prvr_UFFU_E-00229-00119522-00120022 he introduced this concept of the psychosocial moratorium. prvr_UFFU_E-00230-00120022-00120641 And he essentially argued that the adolescent mind, he says, is essentially the "mind of prvr_UFFU_E-00231-00120641-00121148 the moratorium," which I think is kind of funny, "a psychosocial stage between childhood prvr_UFFU_E-00232-00121148-00121733 and adulthood, and between the morality learned by the child, and the ethics to be developed prvr_UFFU_E-00233-00121733-00122028 by the adult." prvr_UFFU_E-00234-00122028-00122785 And he argued that, essentially this psychosocial moratorium, it's not a moratorium on experience, prvr_UFFU_E-00235-00122785-00122940 but a moratorium on consequences. prvr_UFFU_E-00236-00122940-00123596 So he's arguing that, during this stage, you're able to go out and do things, make a few mistakes, prvr_UFFU_E-00237-00123596-00123778 and be forgiven. prvr_UFFU_E-00238-00123778-00124442 Now, I would argue that not everyone has always been able to fully benefit from this psychosocial prvr_UFFU_E-00239-00124442-00124634 moratorium he's talking about. prvr_UFFU_E-00240-00124634-00125208 To say that young visible minority men in America haven't had consequences for things prvr_UFFU_E-00241-00125208-00125629 they've done as youth would just be wrong. prvr_UFFU_E-00242-00125629-00126190 On the other hand, I do think that most cultures across time would agree that young people prvr_UFFU_E-00243-00126190-00126692 should be able to make a few mistakes and not be defined by them permanently. prvr_UFFU_E-00244-00126692-00127230 It's why, in most places in the world, not necessarily in the U.S., we have different prvr_UFFU_E-00245-00127230-00127616 laws for young offenders than we do for adult offenders. prvr_UFFU_E-00246-00127616-00128232 So I think that what's happening with the decline of forgetting is that this psychosocial prvr_UFFU_E-00247-00128232-00128944 moratorium is eroding, that the ability of young people to make mistakes and move on prvr_UFFU_E-00248-00128944-00129780 to reinvent themselves and not have their past selves follow them into the future continues prvr_UFFU_E-00249-00129780-00130349 to go into decline, and that there are broader consequences for that. prvr_UFFU_E-00250-00130349-00131412 And I want to talk about the shifts in relation to some current social and political events. prvr_UFFU_E-00251-00131412-00131734 Many of you will recognize this calendar. prvr_UFFU_E-00252-00131734-00132201 I mean, it's kind of ridiculous that we recognize this calendar, it's Brett Kavanaugh's calendar, prvr_UFFU_E-00253-00132201-00133062 we were all looking at it for a couple weeks in fall 2018. prvr_UFFU_E-00254-00133062-00133849 We were all obsessed with what he was doing on a particular day at a particular party. prvr_UFFU_E-00255-00133849-00134119 And that's a really interesting case to think about. prvr_UFFU_E-00256-00134119-00134689 On the one hand, some forms of evidence - there's the notorious calendar, I think his mom probably prvr_UFFU_E-00257-00134689-00135020 just cooked it up in the basement. prvr_UFFU_E-00258-00135020-00135596 And also the yearbook, with the lewd remarks about a classmate, did come forward. prvr_UFFU_E-00259-00135596-00136469 But at the end of the day, those printed documents or manuscripts had no bearing whatsoever on prvr_UFFU_E-00260-00136469-00136698 the outcome of the hearing. prvr_UFFU_E-00261-00136698-00137567 And I kept asking myself, 'What if it hadn't been 1982 and it had been 2012?" prvr_UFFU_E-00262-00137567-00138194 We would have had social media posts from that party, there certainly would have been prvr_UFFU_E-00263-00138194-00138294 photographs. prvr_UFFU_E-00264-00138294-00138612 They're digital photographs so they wouldn't just represent what happened, they'd carry prvr_UFFU_E-00265-00138612-00139137 metadata that would tell us who was there, when they were taken, the location. prvr_UFFU_E-00266-00139137-00139575 And we would have cell phone tower data that would tell us who was in the vicinity of that prvr_UFFU_E-00267-00139575-00139675 party. prvr_UFFU_E-00268-00139675-00140305 So the whole discussion, as opposed to pivoting around the foggy memories of people now in prvr_UFFU_E-00269-00140305-00140822 their 50s, would have been a discussion about that digital evidence. prvr_UFFU_E-00270-00140822-00141473 To me, there's no question that in another 15 or 20 years, when the people are running prvr_UFFU_E-00271-00141473-00141977 for public office, we're going to spend a lot more time looking at what they were doing prvr_UFFU_E-00272-00141977-00142451 when they were teens, and it will involve that kind of evidence. prvr_UFFU_E-00273-00142451-00142875 I think, in some ways, it's interesting to compare him to Kyle Kashuv. prvr_UFFU_E-00274-00142875-00143513 He was one of the survivors of the shooting in Parkland, Florida. prvr_UFFU_E-00275-00143513-00144310 Unlike his classmates, Kyle did not become an anti-gun lobbyist after that shooting, prvr_UFFU_E-00276-00144310-00144703 he became a sort of NRA poster boy. prvr_UFFU_E-00277-00144703-00145119 And for a while, things were going very well for Kyle, he had the invitation to the White prvr_UFFU_E-00278-00145119-00145795 House, he was also getting other high-profile speaking gigs like this one, and he got something prvr_UFFU_E-00279-00145795-00146477 that every young American wants, which is an acceptance to Harvard University. prvr_UFFU_E-00280-00146477-00146689 Many of you will know what happened next. prvr_UFFU_E-00281-00146689-00147339 After he received his acceptance, his classmates remembered that back before his notoriety, prvr_UFFU_E-00282-00147339-00147805 before the shooting, I think it was in tenth grade, when he was only 15. prvr_UFFU_E-00283-00147805-00148383 He had been working on a homework assignment in a Google Doc, and repeatedly use the N-word prvr_UFFU_E-00284-00148383-00148558 in that Google Doc. prvr_UFFU_E-00285-00148558-00148945 They remembered this; he also remembered, because he actually went back and deleted prvr_UFFU_E-00286-00148945-00149267 those comments, so he knew it was wrong. prvr_UFFU_E-00287-00149267-00149680 But it was very easy for them to recover an earlier version of the Google Doc. prvr_UFFU_E-00288-00149680-00150196 They shared that with the media, and of course Harvard rescinded his offer. prvr_UFFU_E-00289-00150196-00150661 And I think there's many reasons to applaud Harvard for their decision, and it's not the prvr_UFFU_E-00290-00150661-00151153 first time in recent years that they've rescinded offers of students who have been found to prvr_UFFU_E-00291-00151153-00151790 be posting something racist or anti-Semitic or sexist on a social media site. prvr_UFFU_E-00292-00151790-00152584 But I also think it raises some interesting questions about how that digital data that prvr_UFFU_E-00293-00152584-00153186 students produce on a regular basis in schools is going to follow them into the future and prvr_UFFU_E-00294-00153186-00153558 the impacts it will have on their life. prvr_UFFU_E-00295-00153558-00154214 So it might be actually more appropriate to compare Kyle's actions to - of course, this prvr_UFFU_E-00296-00154214-00154362 is the prime minister of Canada. prvr_UFFU_E-00297-00154362-00154750 I just want to say, as a Canadian, I'm not proud of this. prvr_UFFU_E-00298-00154750-00154877 And Governor Northam, right? prvr_UFFU_E-00299-00154877-00155336 There are two elected officials who didn't have to pay any price. prvr_UFFU_E-00300-00155336-00155774 Another question we have to ask ourselves is, where were these images? prvr_UFFU_E-00301-00155774-00156266 They had already both been elected into those positions by the time those images came to prvr_UFFU_E-00302-00156266-00156400 the surface. prvr_UFFU_E-00303-00156400-00156653 In the future, I don't think that that's going to be possible. prvr_UFFU_E-00304-00156653-00157345 And this came up in the opening plenary, what does it mean to digitize high school yearbooks? prvr_UFFU_E-00305-00157345-00157813 On the one hand, that project could be really interesting because these images won't just prvr_UFFU_E-00306-00157813-00158227 be hiding in someone's drawer anymore. prvr_UFFU_E-00307-00158227-00158570 On the other hand, there are other images in those yearbooks that might incriminate prvr_UFFU_E-00308-00158570-00158890 people in ways that we don't want. prvr_UFFU_E-00309-00158890-00159304 So they're just questions, I think, that we need to ask ourselves. prvr_UFFU_E-00310-00159304-00160090 The other thing, on the topic of data in schools, so in Kyle's case he was using a shared Google prvr_UFFU_E-00311-00160090-00160802 Doc, which is part of the Google Classroom suite, and it's a very common application prvr_UFFU_E-00312-00160802-00161113 used in the K-12 system. prvr_UFFU_E-00313-00161113-00161622 But it's not just Google Docs and digitized yearbooks that we're talking about. prvr_UFFU_E-00314-00161622-00162299 We're also, particularly in the United States, where educators are concerned about school prvr_UFFU_E-00315-00162299-00162903 shootings, there are a variety of school security apps that have come on the market over the prvr_UFFU_E-00316-00162903-00163448 last few years, including this one, which is called Bark. prvr_UFFU_E-00317-00163448-00164132 And essentially what happens is, it monitors any kind of digital activity happening in prvr_UFFU_E-00318-00164132-00164274 your school. prvr_UFFU_E-00319-00164274-00164845 So if a student's looking at a questionable YouTube video, a message might be sent to prvr_UFFU_E-00320-00164845-00164967 an administrator. prvr_UFFU_E-00321-00164967-00165302 If a student texts their friend in the middle of the day and they say, "I was going to kill prvr_UFFU_E-00322-00165302-00165787 myself laughing when the teacher tripped over the extension cord," "kill myself" will be prvr_UFFU_E-00323-00165787-00166157 flagged, and somebody will follow up with the student to make sure they don't want to prvr_UFFU_E-00324-00166157-00166576 commit suicide, so they also make these mistakes. prvr_UFFU_E-00325-00166576-00167279 What is disturbing about the school security apps is, although the private companies usually prvr_UFFU_E-00326-00167279-00167840 claim they delete the data after 30 days, they share that data with schools, and most prvr_UFFU_E-00327-00167840-00168234 school boards actually keep that data for years. prvr_UFFU_E-00328-00168234-00168875 We also know that, in some cases, if there's any sense that a student might be at risk prvr_UFFU_E-00329-00168875-00169546 of committing a school shooting, they'll share that data with the local police, and we don't prvr_UFFU_E-00330-00169546-00169824 know how long that data will survive. prvr_UFFU_E-00331-00169824-00170435 So there are a variety of questions about privacy in teens and adolescents. prvr_UFFU_E-00332-00170435-00170835 So there's two issues here: one, I think that teens are being asked to be more accountable prvr_UFFU_E-00333-00170835-00171352 than adults in some cases, and then I think there's a bigger question about where all prvr_UFFU_E-00334-00171352-00171996 of this data from private education companies and school security companies resides, the prvr_UFFU_E-00335-00171996-00172492 duration of its existence, and its potential impact over time. prvr_UFFU_E-00336-00172492-00173236 The worst-case scenario is that some of that data will survive, and theoretically could prvr_UFFU_E-00337-00173236-00173755 be sold to a job recruiter years later, so that you could have information that was collected prvr_UFFU_E-00338-00173755-00174291 about you as a middle schooler that's then being sold in some other context. prvr_UFFU_E-00339-00174291-00174763 I'm not saying that's going to happen, but right now there's really no regulations, and prvr_UFFU_E-00340-00174763-00175267 so these are questions we need to think about. prvr_UFFU_E-00341-00175267-00175784 Another issue I want to talk about is the extent to which young people are becoming, prvr_UFFU_E-00342-00175784-00176047 I think, overly risk averse. prvr_UFFU_E-00343-00176047-00176765 So, we hear a lot about young people, like Naomi H. was in the news about a year ago. prvr_UFFU_E-00344-00176765-00176987 She got an internship at NASA. prvr_UFFU_E-00345-00176987-00177463 She did what one would do, she went and posted online and said, "Everyone shut the F up, prvr_UFFU_E-00346-00177463-00177754 I got accepted for a NASA internship." prvr_UFFU_E-00347-00177754-00178120 I would do the same. prvr_UFFU_E-00348-00178120-00178714 But her friend did what someone would do, she retweeted it using the NASA hashtag. prvr_UFFU_E-00349-00178714-00179326 A former NASA engineer saw it, commented on her vulgar language, and she lost her internship. prvr_UFFU_E-00350-00179326-00180157 And so every week we hear stories about members of Gen Z saying or doing dumb things online. prvr_UFFU_E-00351-00180157-00180453 I want to argue that I think they're the exception to the rule. prvr_UFFU_E-00352-00180453-00181160 I actually think young people are by and large extremely risk averse and kind of obsessed prvr_UFFU_E-00353-00181160-00181928 with their reputation management, and there's some evidence to support this. prvr_UFFU_E-00354-00181928-00182403 So we know college admissions officers over recent years have increasingly been looking prvr_UFFU_E-00355-00182403-00183029 at social media profiles, but interestingly, since 2015, fewer of them are looking at social prvr_UFFU_E-00356-00183029-00183486 media profiles, and if you ask them why, they'll tell you it's because they're not really finding prvr_UFFU_E-00357-00183486-00184187 very much anymore, because young people are becoming increasingly concerned about what prvr_UFFU_E-00358-00184187-00184327 they post online. prvr_UFFU_E-00359-00184327-00184692 And I would say that this has actually been happening for a while. prvr_UFFU_E-00360-00184692-00185344 This is a 2012 Pew Research survey, and they found already then a high percentage of young prvr_UFFU_E-00361-00185344-00186255 people, 59%, had deleted or edited something, 45% had removed their names from photos in prvr_UFFU_E-00362-00186255-00186476 which they were tagged. prvr_UFFU_E-00363-00186476-00187189 And I think they're doing this because they know that how they show up online will profoundly prvr_UFFU_E-00364-00187189-00187366 impact their future. prvr_UFFU_E-00365-00187366-00187896 And in this case I think LinkedIn is a really interesting example. prvr_UFFU_E-00366-00187896-00188533 A few years ago, I did what one does as a responsible parent in a digital era and I prvr_UFFU_E-00367-00188533-00188852 googled my daughter, who was 13 at the time. prvr_UFFU_E-00368-00188852-00189244 And I was bracing myself, I thought, "What's going to show up?" prvr_UFFU_E-00369-00189244-00189591 And the thing that showed up online was her LinkedIn account. prvr_UFFU_E-00370-00189591-00190342 I knew that at the time you had to be 14 to get on LinkedIn, so I did what one - it felt prvr_UFFU_E-00371-00190342-00190789 kind of ridiculous, in the '80s people lied about their age to get into a bar, now kids prvr_UFFU_E-00372-00190789-00190964 are lying to get on LinkedIn. prvr_UFFU_E-00373-00190964-00191624 So I confronted my daughter, who was in middle school still, and I said, "Did you lie about prvr_UFFU_E-00374-00191624-00192078 your age to get on LinkedIn?" and she said, "I did," and I said "Why did you do that?" prvr_UFFU_E-00375-00192078-00192722 and she told me it's because LinkedIn is search engine optimized and that it would rank first, prvr_UFFU_E-00376-00192722-00193045 which I thought was very smart. prvr_UFFU_E-00377-00193045-00193540 But I also had this question, "Is my kid a freak?" and what I found out is, actually, prvr_UFFU_E-00378-00193540-00193997 there are thousands of underage LinkedIn users around the world. prvr_UFFU_E-00379-00193997-00194375 So originally LinkedIn had a threshold of 18. prvr_UFFU_E-00380-00194375-00195047 In 2013, they lowered their age to 14 in the United States, 13 in some jurisdictions in prvr_UFFU_E-00381-00195047-00195211 the world. prvr_UFFU_E-00382-00195211-00195492 And now recently they've raised it back up to 16. prvr_UFFU_E-00383-00195492-00195978 I contacted LinkedIn a few months ago and I tried to get data on how many underage users prvr_UFFU_E-00384-00195978-00196523 they have and they would not share that data with me, and they really wouldn't talk about prvr_UFFU_E-00385-00196523-00196985 it at all, which I thought was curious, but I'm still going to try to write about this. prvr_UFFU_E-00386-00196985-00197454 So I've been interviewing young people and asking them why they have a LinkedIn profile, prvr_UFFU_E-00387-00197454-00197554 how they're using it. prvr_UFFU_E-00388-00197554-00197912 Some of these kids are in middle school or early high school, and they always say the prvr_UFFU_E-00389-00197912-00198510 same thing: they are terrified that if they don't have a professional profile of themselves prvr_UFFU_E-00390-00198510-00198957 wearing corporate clothes, standing in front of an office building with their accomplishments prvr_UFFU_E-00391-00198957-00199504 coming up first on Google, that they won't ever get into college or get a job. prvr_UFFU_E-00392-00199504-00199690 And I think that that's kind of sad. prvr_UFFU_E-00393-00199690-00200144 So I think that what we're talking about here is, as opposed to focusing on young people prvr_UFFU_E-00394-00200144-00200674 doing dumb things online, I think we need to be talking about that kind of extreme risk prvr_UFFU_E-00395-00200674-00200855 aversion. prvr_UFFU_E-00396-00200855-00201265 If you have people who are so afraid that they might say or do something that comes prvr_UFFU_E-00397-00201265-00202014 back to haunt them, will they ever be able to innovate, to try out new identities, experiment prvr_UFFU_E-00398-00202014-00202191 with new ideas? prvr_UFFU_E-00399-00202191-00202473 So I think that that's one risk. prvr_UFFU_E-00400-00202473-00203240 And then I think the real risk is not really a social question but a political question. prvr_UFFU_E-00401-00203240-00204098 So I think it's really easy to look at the gentleman here with their "Don't be a pussy, prvr_UFFU_E-00402-00204098-00204716 vote for Trump" signs and their trucker caps and think, "Well, they're hopeless. prvr_UFFU_E-00403-00204716-00205115 They're probably living in a rural area, they're right-wing. prvr_UFFU_E-00404-00205115-00205291 That's it for them." prvr_UFFU_E-00405-00205291-00205694 But if we imagine that, let's say they're in their late teens, and we think about what prvr_UFFU_E-00406-00205694-00206423 happens to people when they go off to university, we know that when people do an undergraduate prvr_UFFU_E-00407-00206423-00206923 degree, they tend to move to the left. prvr_UFFU_E-00408-00206923-00207353 I don't think that it's because only people who are already more liberal-minded end up prvr_UFFU_E-00409-00207353-00207538 doing university degrees. prvr_UFFU_E-00410-00207538-00208296 I think a lot of people arrive on campuses and their perspective shifts over those four prvr_UFFU_E-00411-00208296-00208459 years. prvr_UFFU_E-00412-00208459-00209144 And so I think - and there's evidence, again, to support this idea. prvr_UFFU_E-00413-00209144-00209819 Right now we know that people who identify as Republicans are losing faith in U.S. universities, prvr_UFFU_E-00414-00209819-00210510 not because they think it's not a good way to get a job, but because they feel that they're prvr_UFFU_E-00415-00210510-00211128 ideological leftist sites. prvr_UFFU_E-00416-00211128-00211602 There's even - I don't know if anybody here is from Iowa, someone is trying to pass a prvr_UFFU_E-00417-00211602-00212285 bill where you will have to ask all university faculty who they vote for. prvr_UFFU_E-00418-00212285-00212475 Yeah. prvr_UFFU_E-00419-00212475-00212918 And if the difference between Republicans and Democrats is more than 10%, there'll be prvr_UFFU_E-00420-00212918-00213375 a hiring freeze, and so obviously this is... prvr_UFFU_E-00421-00213375-00213582 I don't think this is going to happen. prvr_UFFU_E-00422-00213582-00214085 Apparently, the senator actually lied about his higher education credentials and he's prvr_UFFU_E-00423-00214085-00214336 not running again. prvr_UFFU_E-00424-00214336-00214581 So I think he just doesn't like us. prvr_UFFU_E-00425-00214581-00215538 But all this to say that I do think that something happens between the ages of 17 or 18 and 22 prvr_UFFU_E-00426-00215538-00215638 or 23. prvr_UFFU_E-00427-00215638-00215738 People change. prvr_UFFU_E-00428-00215738-00216460 And I don't think everyone leaves university with the same opinions that they had when prvr_UFFU_E-00429-00216460-00216592 they arrived. prvr_UFFU_E-00430-00216592-00217171 But I think that something potentially very troubling is happening right now. prvr_UFFU_E-00431-00217171-00217854 Because people's tweets, images, so on and so forth from their teen years are online, prvr_UFFU_E-00432-00217854-00218517 it is potentially going to be more difficult for people to undergo that transformation. prvr_UFFU_E-00433-00218517-00219333 And I'll just conclude by, unfortunately, bringing up Kyle Kashuv again, because I think prvr_UFFU_E-00434-00219333-00219617 it's an interesting example. prvr_UFFU_E-00435-00219617-00220162 When he lost his offer to Harvard University, he did want any digital native would do - he prvr_UFFU_E-00436-00220162-00220405 went online and he tweeted about it. prvr_UFFU_E-00437-00220405-00220558 And this is what he said. prvr_UFFU_E-00438-00220558-00221003 He said, "Throughout its history, Harvard's faculty have included slave owners, segregationists, prvr_UFFU_E-00439-00221003-00221192 bigots, and anti-Semites. prvr_UFFU_E-00440-00221192-00221751 If Harvard is suggesting that growth isn't possible and that our past defines our future, prvr_UFFU_E-00441-00221751-00222175 then Harvard is an inherently racist institution." prvr_UFFU_E-00442-00222175-00222663 And honestly, I think his argument is a poor excuse for his actions, but it does raise prvr_UFFU_E-00443-00222663-00222811 a question. prvr_UFFU_E-00444-00222811-00223031 Should the past define one's future? prvr_UFFU_E-00445-00223031-00223496 If there's no hope that one can change over time, what are the broader implications, not prvr_UFFU_E-00446-00223496-00223967 only for individuals, but also for society? prvr_UFFU_E-00447-00223967-00224527 What we're really risking here is a society where geeky kids will remain geeky, where prvr_UFFU_E-00448-00224527-00225148 dumb jocks will remain dumb, and worse yet, bigots will remain bigots, because the idea prvr_UFFU_E-00449-00225148-00225757 that you can change will no longer exist. prvr_UFFU_E-00450-00225757-00226204 So identities and political perspectives will be calcified, not necessarily because people prvr_UFFU_E-00451-00226204-00226740 are resistant or unable to change, but rather because the past will define who one is in prvr_UFFU_E-00452-00226740-00226987 the present and the future. prvr_UFFU_E-00453-00226987-00227550 And I think in a world where partisan politics and extremism continue to gain ground, this prvr_UFFU_E-00454-00227550-00228029 may ultimately be the real consequence of coming of age in the era when childhood and prvr_UFFU_E-00455-00228029-00228381 adolescence replay on an endless digital loop. prvr_UFFU_E-00456-00228381-00228887 So I just want to leave you with some questions, which I'm sure you've already thought about prvr_UFFU_E-00457-00228887-00229105 before. prvr_UFFU_E-00458-00229105-00229592 And namely, as information professionals, how should we preserve and render images and prvr_UFFU_E-00459-00229592-00230261 other artifacts produced by and about young people discoverable? prvr_UFFU_E-00460-00230261-00230902 And what are the ethical and political stakes in these decisions that we'll be making over prvr_UFFU_E-00461-00230902-00231021 the coming years? prvr_UFFU_E-00462-00231021-00232011 Thank you so much again for the opportunity to be here. prvr_UFFU_E-00463-00232011-00232791 Thanks. prvr_UFFU_E-00464-00232791-00233211 So I don't know if there's any questions. prvr_UFFU_E-00465-00233211-00234015 Don't feel obliged, I know it's the end of the conference. prvr_UFFU_E-00466-00234015-00234925 [Audience member]: Thanks so much for leaving us with such interesting commentary and so prvr_UFFU_E-00467-00234925-00235117 much to think about. prvr_UFFU_E-00468-00235117-00236185 I'm wondering if you think there might be a point in time when everyone shares the same prvr_UFFU_E-00469-00236185-00237121 very exposed youth, and that might shift at all the perceptions of what is acceptable, prvr_UFFU_E-00470-00237121-00237405 what's unacceptable, that whole notion. prvr_UFFU_E-00471-00237405-00238191 I wonder if you think there'll be a point in time where that youth exposure might be prvr_UFFU_E-00472-00238191-00238634 viewed differently because everyone shares the same history, if that makes sense. prvr_UFFU_E-00473-00238634-00238979 [Kate]: Yeah, no, and this is a question I've thought a lot about because people always prvr_UFFU_E-00474-00238979-00239401 ask it, will we end up just having a new normal? prvr_UFFU_E-00475-00239401-00240282 And I think that my fear is that this new normal will be very unequally rolled out, prvr_UFFU_E-00476-00240282-00240869 and I'll use an example here around sexual assault. prvr_UFFU_E-00477-00240869-00241855 So young women who are assaulted, often those assaults are now recorded and repeated online, prvr_UFFU_E-00478-00241855-00242414 so theoretically having this visual evidence that someone was assaulted should actually prvr_UFFU_E-00479-00242414-00242991 lead to more charges, it should actually be a really liberatory moment for young women. prvr_UFFU_E-00480-00242991-00243804 Instead, what's happening is, those images, in one case there was a really drawn-out case prvr_UFFU_E-00481-00243804-00244313 that I talk about in my book that took place in Canada, actually, in 2011, 2012. prvr_UFFU_E-00482-00244313-00245003 And in that case, the actual images of this 15-year-old girl being raped at a party, the prvr_UFFU_E-00483-00245003-00245646 judge originally said, "Well, she was smiling, and so therefore she obviously consented." prvr_UFFU_E-00484-00245646-00246221 And so sometimes those images are used against young women. prvr_UFFU_E-00485-00246221-00246771 So when I think about this new normal, what I think is that people who are already marginalized prvr_UFFU_E-00486-00246771-00247130 will probably have the most at stake. prvr_UFFU_E-00487-00247130-00247706 You could talk about this in terms of hiring, too, people who already face discrimination prvr_UFFU_E-00488-00247706-00247944 in the job market. prvr_UFFU_E-00489-00247944-00248413 Will recruiters be more likely to go back and dig and find images that are incriminating? prvr_UFFU_E-00490-00248413-00248731 It's like, if you want to find it, it's there. prvr_UFFU_E-00491-00248731-00249805 Will people like Northam or Prime Minister Trudeau necessarily in the future face more prvr_UFFU_E-00492-00249805-00250042 interrogation because of those images? prvr_UFFU_E-00493-00250042-00250150 Maybe not. prvr_UFFU_E-00494-00250150-00250376 So I'm not so optimistic. prvr_UFFU_E-00495-00250376-00250719 I think that the kind of existing power relations will be replicated. prvr_UFFU_E-00496-00250719-00251153 That's a really cynical answer but, yeah. prvr_UFFU_E-00497-00251153-00251648 [Audience member]: I'm Michael Seadle from the University of Berlin. prvr_UFFU_E-00498-00251648-00252340 In Germany, there is a legal right to be forgotten, and court has recently confirmed that. prvr_UFFU_E-00499-00252340-00252712 To the best of my knowledge, that law doesn't apply in the United States. prvr_UFFU_E-00500-00252712-00253298 Is a legal right to be forgotten sufficient? prvr_UFFU_E-00501-00253298-00254053 Or is the gap between what law says and what is technically possible too great? prvr_UFFU_E-00502-00254053-00254841 [Kate]: Yeah, I think that a legal right to be forgotten is a step in the right direction, prvr_UFFU_E-00503-00254841-00255400 but that it is very unlikely to happen in the United States. prvr_UFFU_E-00504-00255400-00256219 For most people in Germany, the idea of accumulating vast amounts of knowledge permanently is viewed prvr_UFFU_E-00505-00256219-00256939 in a very different light than it is in the United States, so the historical and cultural prvr_UFFU_E-00506-00256939-00257821 contexts of different countries makes the right to be forgotten something that, yeah, prvr_UFFU_E-00507-00257821-00258442 I just don't see it happening here, because whenever it comes up, it's seen as an affront prvr_UFFU_E-00508-00258442-00258883 on people's right to access information. prvr_UFFU_E-00509-00258883-00259008 But I think it's a step in the right direction. prvr_UFFU_E-00510-00259008-00259846 It might not be enough, but it is moving toward something that is a possible partial solution. prvr_UFFU_E-00511-00259846-00260042 Yeah. prvr_UFFU_E-00512-00260042-00261081 If there's no more questions or queries, I will wrap things up and we'll move on with prvr_UFFU_E-00513-00261081-00261181 the end of the conference. prvr_UFFU_E-00514-00261181-00262229 Thank you so much again, I really was honored to be here. prvr_UFFU_E-00515-00262229-00263044 [Clifford]: So there's an awful lot to ponder there, and there's a lot of things to think prvr_UFFU_E-00516-00263044-00263482 about in a surprising number of contexts. prvr_UFFU_E-00517-00263482-00264393 I have to say that one of the things that Kate's work really helped illuminate for me prvr_UFFU_E-00518-00264393-00265645 was how much baggage is following around younger people now in a way that certainly 20 or 30 prvr_UFFU_E-00519-00265645-00265961 years ago, even, was unheard of. prvr_UFFU_E-00520-00265961-00266564 And that's a really important phenomenon and I think a really important thing to understand prvr_UFFU_E-00521-00266564-00267304 as we try and understand students and then as it moves out into society, so I'm really prvr_UFFU_E-00522-00267304-00267706 grateful for you sharing that perspective with us. prvr_UFFU_E-00523-00267706-00268652 I think it gives us a lot to think about, too, about archiving, about family histories, prvr_UFFU_E-00524-00268652-00269123 and about public policy. prvr_UFFU_E-00525-00269123-00269913 Your example with the schools is really fascinating and troubling, and that's the kind of thing prvr_UFFU_E-00526-00269913-00270620 that really is potentially… you could do something about that with the public policy prvr_UFFU_E-00527-00270620-00271379 lever, in a way that social media broadly is much, much more difficult to do anything prvr_UFFU_E-00528-00271379-00271557 with. prvr_UFFU_E-00529-00271557-00272361 Anyway, I hope that you've come away from this with a lot to think about, and I would prvr_UFFU_E-00530-00272361-00273220 just say, Kate's book is very rich and explores a lot of other perspectives on this, as well, prvr_UFFU_E-00531-00273220-00273612 so don't feel like you know the whole story completely here. prvr_UFFU_E-00532-00273612-00274497 With that, all that's left for me to do is to thank you for joining us, to wish you safe prvr_UFFU_E-00533-00274497-00275430 journeys, happy holidays, and I hope to see many of you in San Diego for our spring meeting. prvr_UFFU_E-00534-00275430-00275498 Thanks for coming. psikWdF3f6A-00000-00000000-00000050 मेंयर की पोती ने कर दिया कमाल psikWdF3f6A-00001-00000050-00000100 शहीदों के लिए खून से किए हस्ताक्षर pz84s-sGILc-00000-00000700-00000900 Aaaaahhhh! pz84s-sGILc-00001-00000900-00001200 Is there rats inside? pz84s-sGILc-00002-00001600-00001800 There's a camera... pz84s-sGILc-00003-00002000-00002293 There was a rat! pz84s-sGILc-00004-00002293-00002473 Okay. I'm okay. Okay. pz84s-sGILc-00005-00002600-00002800 Okay, let's back up. We bought 40 acres pz84s-sGILc-00006-00002800-00003160 from 8,000 miles away without looking at it. pz84s-sGILc-00007-00003160-00003550 We had no idea that there was a small a-frame cabin on the property. pz84s-sGILc-00008-00003550-00003756 Okay, so... pz84s-sGILc-00009-00003756-00004000 we actually think... pz84s-sGILc-00010-00004072-00004482 (sorry, that was a climb) pz84s-sGILc-00011-00004724-00005071 ...that this cabin is ours. Too. pz84s-sGILc-00012-00005744-00005899 Holy cow. pz84s-sGILc-00013-00008596-00008810 A little a-frame. pz84s-sGILc-00014-00009260-00009513 What do you think? pz84s-sGILc-00015-00009513-00009672 Go for it. pz84s-sGILc-00016-00009970-00010289 Kick up by the door knob. By the handle. Sorry. pz84s-sGILc-00017-00011186-00011405 Full of animal stuff, isn't it? pz84s-sGILc-00018-00011405-00011889 So, the cabin is there. Look at that view. pz84s-sGILc-00019-00011889-00012399 We're thinking we might rebuild -- there's a little bit of a road that comes up pz84s-sGILc-00020-00012399-00012672 from the road. And rebuild that. pz84s-sGILc-00021-00012672-00013003 And then we can park the bus like kinda right there. pz84s-sGILc-00022-00013003-00013260 Build a deck off the front. pz84s-sGILc-00023-00013260-00013598 And then use the, uh, old cabin as a shed. pz84s-sGILc-00024-00014396-00014819 We are getting ready to do some work. pz84s-sGILc-00025-00014819-00015217 We already took off some of the "for sale" signs pz84s-sGILc-00026-00015217-00015486 and we're getting some tools out. pz84s-sGILc-00027-00015529-00015729 Raven's got her bottle. pz84s-sGILc-00028-00016026-00016332 and we're getting ready. pz84s-sGILc-00029-00018230-00018564 Oh, my god. pz84s-sGILc-00030-00018564-00018940 Is this all the seat cushions? pz84s-sGILc-00031-00020171-00020416 Here's the thing. pz84s-sGILc-00032-00021114-00021463 There's a hole in the floor. pz84s-sGILc-00033-00024060-00024229 Okay! pz84s-sGILc-00034-00024229-00024579 I'm starting the chainsaw guys. Okay. Alright. pz84s-sGILc-00035-00034177-00034373 Aaaahhhh! pz84s-sGILc-00036-00034373-00034662 Is there rats inside? pz84s-sGILc-00037-00035061-00035329 There's a camera. pz84s-sGILc-00038-00035528-00035775 There was a rat. pz84s-sGILc-00039-00042695-00043093 Look at all these cans. Out of the burn barrel. pz84s-sGILc-00040-00043515-00043641 Ryan! pz84s-sGILc-00041-00043666-00043791 What is it? pz84s-sGILc-00042-00043928-00044060 He's huge. pz84s-sGILc-00043-00044068-00044167 There's more. pz84s-sGILc-00044-00044964-00045160 Run away, dangit! pz84s-sGILc-00045-00045160-00045466 Do you have something you can prop that up with? No. Myself. pz84s-sGILc-00046-00046166-00046659 Oh, no! Oh, it's got babies! Oh, no! pz84s-sGILc-00047-00046888-00047000 Oh, no. pz84s-sGILc-00048-00047169-00047630 What do I do? Kill it. Just kidding. (Jacob's a vegetarian) pz84s-sGILc-00049-00048152-00048664 And about now is when we decided - maybe getting that cleared out in a rush wasn't the best idea. pz84s-sGILc-00050-00048664-00049000 We needed to take some time and think about our next steps. pz84s-sGILc-00051-00050697-00050934 We decided to try and get the bus up to that spot. pz84s-sGILc-00052-00053333-00053590 Too soft. pz84s-sGILc-00053-00053665-00053953 I'm not sure about this. pz84s-sGILc-00054-00056453-00056756 I think that the wheel is sinking. pz84s-sGILc-00055-00060887-00061117 Ah! Ah. pz84s-sGILc-00056-00061172-00061550 [Raven crying] Ahhh! All done! Done! pz84s-sGILc-00057-00062949-00063443 Quitters! We quit trying to get the bus up there. But we went back to clean up the area. pz84s-sGILc-00058-00063679-00063939 Fluffy. pz84s-sGILc-00059-00065101-00065488 Next: We build a small bridge to try and park in a different spot. pz84s-sGILc-00060-00066031-00066403 No! This way! This way! Bit more! pzkAfKuPzAU-00000-00000026-00000293 Hi, I am Philip from the HANA Academy. pzkAfKuPzAU-00001-00000293-00000730 In this series of videos, we are looking at the XS advanced model. pzkAfKuPzAU-00002-00000730-00001246 In this video, we are going to get started using XS advanced when you are with HANA 2.0 pzkAfKuPzAU-00003-00001246-00001396 SPS 0. pzkAfKuPzAU-00004-00001416-00001857 Now there is some initial configuration you will need to do once XS advanced has been pzkAfKuPzAU-00005-00001859-00002147 installed and that’s what we are going to look at in this video. pzkAfKuPzAU-00006-00002147-00002501 Then you will be able to get going using Web IDE for HANA, for example, pzkAfKuPzAU-00007-00002501-00002724 the web-based developer tooling. pzkAfKuPzAU-00008-00002724-00003288 Let’s assume that HANA has been installed and XS was installed with all components, pzkAfKuPzAU-00009-00003288-00003790 that’s one of the options in installation, an admin user will have been created, typically pzkAfKuPzAU-00010-00003790-00004250 XSA_ADMIN, that is the default name, with the password, that’s something you are going pzkAfKuPzAU-00011-00004250-00004678 to want to know to do this configuration, and also you will know the fully qualified pzkAfKuPzAU-00012-00004678-00005327 domain name, or the URL effectively, we are going to use to connect to XS. pzkAfKuPzAU-00013-00005327-00005761 Now I am going to assume that it has been installed using a port-based routing and that pzkAfKuPzAU-00014-00005761-00006177 otherwise, pretty much the defaults for XS installation have been taken place, so it pzkAfKuPzAU-00015-00006177-00006359 is kind of a vanilla system. pzkAfKuPzAU-00016-00006359-00006853 So, the first thing we are going to need to do is to connect to the XS controller and pzkAfKuPzAU-00017-00006853-00007009 we can do that through a URL. pzkAfKuPzAU-00018-00007009-00007293 Now, by default, HTTPS is used. pzkAfKuPzAU-00019-00007293-00007652 So, I am going to do HTTPS. pzkAfKuPzAU-00020-00007652-00008143 So, let’s do that, colon, forward slash, forward slash pzkAfKuPzAU-00021-00008143-00008638 then I am going to paste in, basically, the URL, the machine where XS has been installed pzkAfKuPzAU-00022-00008638-00008928 and it does need to be the fully qualified domain name. pzkAfKuPzAU-00023-00008928-00009421 Then I am going to put in colon for a port, and then 3, and then the instance number, pzkAfKuPzAU-00024-00009421-00009845 that typically is going to be 00, but it could be anything between 00 and 99, so your HANA pzkAfKuPzAU-00025-00009845-00010549 instance number, and then 30, and then forward slash, v2, forward slash, info. pzkAfKuPzAU-00026-00010549-00010850 Now this should allow us to connect to the controller. pzkAfKuPzAU-00027-00010850-00011407 Now, you may well get a message in your browser saying that this connection is not private. pzkAfKuPzAU-00028-00011407-00012020 That’s because it is an HTTP site and by default the installation will use a self-signed pzkAfKuPzAU-00029-00012020-00012131 certificate. pzkAfKuPzAU-00030-00012131-00012488 So your browser naturally wants you to be weary. pzkAfKuPzAU-00031-00012488-00012710 There are two way around this. pzkAfKuPzAU-00032-00012710-00013305 One is that the administrative person that set up and installs HANA, well if it is not pzkAfKuPzAU-00033-00013305-00013933 yourself, will actually go and create a correct certificate and configure XS with that certificate, pzkAfKuPzAU-00034-00013933-00014508 or, for us, for this example, you can just bypass the issue by going to ‘advanced’ pzkAfKuPzAU-00035-00014508-00015056 when I am using Chrome, and then going ‘Proceed to the site’ and it will warn you that is pzkAfKuPzAU-00036-00015056-00015528 unsafe but we know in our case that actually it is a system we are comfortable with. pzkAfKuPzAU-00037-00015528-00016051 Now, what we will see normally behind here is some JSON, and in the JSON, we can see pzkAfKuPzAU-00038-00016051-00016462 we got the XS Controller and all sorts of good information about it, and what we are pzkAfKuPzAU-00039-00016462-00017190 looking here is the service URLs item, and we can see we got “xsa-admin” and this pzkAfKuPzAU-00040-00017190-00017749 is where we get the URL of the Administrator and effectively because it is using port-based pzkAfKuPzAU-00041-00017749-00018192 routing, it is the same URL we were using, the difference is just the port number is different. pzkAfKuPzAU-00042-00018192-00018544 In my case, it is 51019. pzkAfKuPzAU-00043-00018544-00018978 So, I am going to copy that and then paste that in, as I want to be able to connect to pzkAfKuPzAU-00044-00018979-00019167 the Administrator. pzkAfKuPzAU-00045-00019226-00019668 So, I am going to log in and this is where I need to use that XSA_ADMIN, or whatever pzkAfKuPzAU-00046-00019668-00020243 the admin user was when XS was installed, with the password that was specified at that point. pzkAfKuPzAU-00047-00020280-00020528 So we can see that the Administrator comes up. pzkAfKuPzAU-00048-00020529-00020738 We see we have got an Application Monitor. pzkAfKuPzAU-00049-00020738-00020955 We are going to need this shortly. pzkAfKuPzAU-00050-00020955-00021298 We can see what we will see here are all the different apps that are up and running. pzkAfKuPzAU-00051-00021298-00021956 For us to go back we will see that we got organisations and spaces and also built roles. pzkAfKuPzAU-00052-00021956-00022557 So, we go into the Application Role Builder and we need to go to the ‘Configure Role pzkAfKuPzAU-00053-00022557-00023083 Collections’, here at the bottom, and I see that we have a number of role collections pzkAfKuPzAU-00054-00023083-00023366 but we don’t have anything for Web IDE for HANA. pzkAfKuPzAU-00055-00023366-00023784 So, what we need to do is add one: one for developer, one for administrator. pzkAfKuPzAU-00056-00023784-00024241 So, go to the bottom, hit the + sign I am going to add a new role collection, for pzkAfKuPzAU-00057-00024241-00024565 example, WEBIDE_DEVELOPER. pzkAfKuPzAU-00058-00024794-00025060 OK, with a description. pzkAfKuPzAU-00059-00025240-00025738 Hit create, and I am going to need to specify the roles that belong in there and for that pzkAfKuPzAU-00060-00025738-00026315 one I am going to go to the Roles tab and then hit + to add and I am going to look for pzkAfKuPzAU-00061-00026315-00026786 the template actually that started WebIDE and that’s the name and then the template, pzkAfKuPzAU-00062-00026786-00027197 you will see it has got WEBIDE_DEVELOPER already defined, application role. pzkAfKuPzAU-00063-00027197-00027474 So select everything basically ‘WebIDE developer’. pzkAfKuPzAU-00064-00027572-00027858 So that’s now done, I can save it pzkAfKuPzAU-00065-00027858-00028241 and I am also going to add one for the WebIDE Administrator. pzkAfKuPzAU-00066-00028241-00029261 So WEBIDE_ADMINISTRATOR, of course you can call it whatever you want, pzkAfKuPzAU-00067-00029280-00029602 and I am going to add the appropriate roles for that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00068-00029602-00030050 So in the Roles tab, I am going to add, and here, again, it is ‘webide’ pzkAfKuPzAU-00069-00030050-00030456 we need to select it as the application name and in the template, there are two available, pzkAfKuPzAU-00070-00030456-00030897 and we choose the ‘WebIDE_Administrator’ and then the application role that belongs pzkAfKuPzAU-00071-00030897-00031162 with it as well, and save. pzkAfKuPzAU-00072-00031276-00031816 So, we have basically now setup a couple of roles that we can then use to assign to different pzkAfKuPzAU-00073-00031816-00032250 users in the system to give them either developer or admin rights on WebIDE for HANA. pzkAfKuPzAU-00074-00032250-00032427 So, let’s go back to the Home. pzkAfKuPzAU-00075-00032427-00033128 We can go to our User Management page and we can look at actually our own user XSA_ADMIN pzkAfKuPzAU-00076-00033128-00033400 and we can see the role collections that it has got. pzkAfKuPzAU-00077-00033400-00033652 So, we are missing WebIDE Administrator here. pzkAfKuPzAU-00078-00033652-00033809 We are going to want to do some administration. pzkAfKuPzAU-00079-00033809-00034308 So, what we can do is choose the ‘Add’ button and we can add role collections and pzkAfKuPzAU-00080-00034308-00034527 I am going to choose specifically WEBIDE_ADMINISTRATOR. pzkAfKuPzAU-00081-00034527-00035077 Hit OK, so that’s now done and we need to save that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00082-00035077-00035666 Now, whilst I am here, perhaps I want to make a developer user as well that can do development pzkAfKuPzAU-00083-00035666-00035766 with XSA. pzkAfKuPzAU-00084-00035766-00036260 So, I am going to add a new user and to do that I can use New. pzkAfKuPzAU-00085-00036260-00036696 Now, you don’t need to go into HANA studio or use SQL to create the users, there is something pzkAfKuPzAU-00086-00036696-00037180 great with SPS 0 of HANA 2, you can just create them directly here. pzkAfKuPzAU-00087-00037180-00037280 So, a new user. pzkAfKuPzAU-00088-00037280-00038171 So, maybe I call it XSA_DEV, but of course you can call it whatever you want, XSA, Developer, pzkAfKuPzAU-00089-00038171-00038955 xsadev@myorg.com, etc., etc., and give it a password. pzkAfKuPzAU-00090-00038955-00039525 Bear in mind that this initial password will by default need to be changed on the first pzkAfKuPzAU-00091-00039525-00039625 login. pzkAfKuPzAU-00092-00039625-00040034 So, we have created our XSA developer user. pzkAfKuPzAU-00093-00040034-00040203 Now let’s go and administrate it. pzkAfKuPzAU-00094-00040203-00040713 We need to set a role and specifically as well as this default user public role we want pzkAfKuPzAU-00095-00040713-00041274 to make sure that this user is allowed to do WebIDE development but not administration. pzkAfKuPzAU-00096-00041274-00041406 So we add that one. pzkAfKuPzAU-00097-00041406-00041853 But what we should also do is make sure he gets access to use the XS Controller. pzkAfKuPzAU-00098-00041853-00042419 So as a user, we also should select the XS_CONTROLLER_USER role. pzkAfKuPzAU-00099-00042446-00042630 So, we see those two have been added. pzkAfKuPzAU-00100-00042631-00042877 We need to go and save that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00101-00042877-00043297 OK, so we have now created our users. pzkAfKuPzAU-00102-00043297-00043763 We need to find somewhere that our XSA developer can actually do his development. pzkAfKuPzAU-00103-00043763-00044238 So for that, we can go to the Organisation and Space Management area. pzkAfKuPzAU-00104-00044238-00044804 Now, when HANA was installed and XS was installed, a default org will have been setup, in my pzkAfKuPzAU-00105-00044804-00045072 case the org was called ‘saphanaacademy’ . pzkAfKuPzAU-00106-00045072-00045200 You can have multiple orgs. pzkAfKuPzAU-00107-00045200-00045683 So you can create more orgs here, in fact, as you want but we can see that the orgname pzkAfKuPzAU-00108-00045683-00046080 I have got is ‘saphanaacademy’ and within that we have a couple of spaces: one called pzkAfKuPzAU-00109-00046080-00046518 SAP, which is where the SAP-provided apps including things like the WebIDE for HANA pzkAfKuPzAU-00110-00046518-00046974 and the Administrator that we are using right now belong, and there is one that was created pzkAfKuPzAU-00111-00046974-00047481 by default called PROD, maybe for productive use, but I want a space where we can do development. pzkAfKuPzAU-00112-00047481-00047815 You can create any number of spaces that you want within an organisation. pzkAfKuPzAU-00113-00047815-00048327 So, I am going to create a new space and I’ll call it DEV, but of course, you can call it pzkAfKuPzAU-00114-00048327-00049013 whatever you like, and within that new space I need to define who can use it and what roles pzkAfKuPzAU-00115-00049013-00049113 they have. pzkAfKuPzAU-00116-00049113-00049664 So, I’ll click on DEV and go to the Users area and I am going to add a couple of users. pzkAfKuPzAU-00117-00049664-00050008 In fact, we have got two in our system: XSA admin and developer. pzkAfKuPzAU-00118-00050008-00050502 So, I am going to add them both, and then in terms of the roles I am going to give them, pzkAfKuPzAU-00119-00050502-00050975 well for XSA Admin I am going to give him Manager, Auditor and Developer rights. pzkAfKuPzAU-00120-00050975-00051369 For the Developer user, just going to have Developer rights. pzkAfKuPzAU-00121-00051369-00051596 So I need to save that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00122-00051690-00052129 So now we have got a XSA developer user that is able to use this new developer space that pzkAfKuPzAU-00123-00052130-00052230 we have created. pzkAfKuPzAU-00124-00052230-00052540 Now all of this is possible using the command line but actually I think you will find it pzkAfKuPzAU-00125-00052540-00053184 is much easier with HANA 2 to do it through this XS Advanced Administrator application. pzkAfKuPzAU-00126-00053204-00053340 So, that’s now done. pzkAfKuPzAU-00127-00053344-00053664 We have created our users, we have created our space. pzkAfKuPzAU-00128-00053665-00054235 However, before we actually can go building things, within that space using Web IDE for HANA pzkAfKuPzAU-00129-00054235-00054891 we need to do one further bit of configuration and that is basically to enable the space pzkAfKuPzAU-00130-00054891-00055474 for development and to do that we need to use a special UI called the Space Provisioning UI pzkAfKuPzAU-00131-00055474-00055662 or the Space Enablement tool. pzkAfKuPzAU-00132-00055662-00056039 Now it is not on the menu here, what you need to do is go into the Application Monitor and pzkAfKuPzAU-00133-00056039-00056737 look for an application called di-space-enablement or space provisioning ui. pzkAfKuPzAU-00134-00056737-00057240 So let’s have a look down and there we got di-space-enablement-ui. pzkAfKuPzAU-00135-00057240-00057716 This is the app that you need to use and as the XS administrator we can use it as we just pzkAfKuPzAU-00136-00057716-00058154 have set ourselves up as an administrator for the development space. pzkAfKuPzAU-00137-00058154-00058617 So, you can go directly to it, just go the URL, it will tell you the URL, in this case pzkAfKuPzAU-00138-00058617-00059158 it is port 51027, but just click on it and it will open it up in a new tab. pzkAfKuPzAU-00139-00059158-00059632 So, we can see we now got the Space Enablement UI pzkAfKuPzAU-00140-00059632-00060046 The Development space exists, because we created it, but it is not enabled. pzkAfKuPzAU-00141-00060046-00060529 So, what we need to do is enable it by clicking the Enable button and then you need to wait pzkAfKuPzAU-00142-00060529-00060770 a few minutes for that enablement to take place. pzkAfKuPzAU-00143-00060770-00061195 But this is a very important step that you will need to do before you can meaningfully pzkAfKuPzAU-00144-00061195-00061451 work using WebIDE for HANA. pzkAfKuPzAU-00145-00061451-00061801 So, we can see that the status is now changed to enabled. pzkAfKuPzAU-00146-00061801-00062054 We got some nice messages further down. pzkAfKuPzAU-00147-00062054-00062237 So, the work has been done. pzkAfKuPzAU-00148-00062237-00062669 Basically, an application has been deployed into the developer space, which is the application pzkAfKuPzAU-00149-00062669-00063240 that is used by WebIDE for HANA when you actually want to build your own applications in that pzkAfKuPzAU-00150-00063240-00063340 space. pzkAfKuPzAU-00151-00063340-00063754 So, basically, everything is very neatly sandboxed between the different spaces and organisations pzkAfKuPzAU-00152-00063754-00063979 on your XS advanced system. pzkAfKuPzAU-00153-00063979-00064194 So, now we are good with that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00154-00064194-00064421 We can close that window. pzkAfKuPzAU-00155-00064421-00064865 What we now need to do is find WebIDE for HANA and for that you will need to look again pzkAfKuPzAU-00156-00064865-00065257 in the Application Monitor and here we can see that it is webide, that’s the name of pzkAfKuPzAU-00157-00065257-00065751 the app, and there is a URL, again if you want you can click on it, and it will open pzkAfKuPzAU-00158-00065751-00065851 it up. pzkAfKuPzAU-00159-00065851-00066343 Now in our case, it says Forbidden because we haven’t actually authorised the XS administrator pzkAfKuPzAU-00160-00066343-00066698 user to be a developer fully within this. pzkAfKuPzAU-00161-00066698-00066933 So you can see it is forbidden but you can see we have got the URL. pzkAfKuPzAU-00162-00066933-00067129 In fact, it is port 57305. pzkAfKuPzAU-00163-00067129-00067450 So, I am going to maybe bookmark that URL. pzkAfKuPzAU-00164-00067450-00067660 So, let’s go and bookmark it. pzkAfKuPzAU-00165-00067660-00067831 So, we got it for next time. pzkAfKuPzAU-00166-00067831-00068694 We can call it WebIDE4HANA and then the easy way, we could open a new incognito tab pzkAfKuPzAU-00167-00068694-00069253 or I could just close all of this, which will effectively log me out and come back into Chrome pzkAfKuPzAU-00168-00069253-00070041 and hit this and this time I am going to log in as my developer user, XSA_DEV, with the pzkAfKuPzAU-00169-00070041-00070213 password we specified. pzkAfKuPzAU-00170-00070236-00070578 Now the first time, as I mentioned, you are going to need to change it. pzkAfKuPzAU-00171-00070640-00070828 So, let’s do that. pzkAfKuPzAU-00172-00070936-00071106 So this is WebIDE for HANA. pzkAfKuPzAU-00173-00071107-00071330 You can see you get some tips and tricks the first time. pzkAfKuPzAU-00174-00071330-00071775 You can turn that off if you want or you can look at it or you can close. pzkAfKuPzAU-00175-00071775-00071875 So, I have just closed it. pzkAfKuPzAU-00176-00071875-00072305 Now if you wanted absolutely verify that the configuration has been done because quite pzkAfKuPzAU-00177-00072305-00072863 often it can be omitted to do the space enablement, for example, on your space. pzkAfKuPzAU-00178-00072863-00073191 What you can do is actually just build a very quick test application. pzkAfKuPzAU-00179-00073191-00073761 So, if I right-mouse button on my workspace, I can choose New, then Project from Template pzkAfKuPzAU-00180-00073761-00074175 and I am going to choose a Multi-Target Application Project. pzkAfKuPzAU-00181-00074175-00074327 Let’s give it a name. pzkAfKuPzAU-00182-00074327-00074579 Let’s call it test, for example. pzkAfKuPzAU-00183-00074579-00074709 OK. pzkAfKuPzAU-00184-00074709-00075248 Now, you should see at the bottom it is asking for a space and here you should be able to pzkAfKuPzAU-00185-00075248-00075509 select that space that you setup and configured. pzkAfKuPzAU-00186-00075509-00075668 So, DEV in our case. pzkAfKuPzAU-00187-00075668-00075906 So the space is set up. pzkAfKuPzAU-00188-00075906-00076092 Hit Next and hit Finish. pzkAfKuPzAU-00189-00076092-00076734 So, we are working within that space and then within test we want to maybe built a micro pzkAfKuPzAU-00190-00076734-00076834 app. pzkAfKuPzAU-00191-00076834-00077088 So we can start with something just like a simple Node.js Module. pzkAfKuPzAU-00192-00077088-00077270 It is a good one to test with. pzkAfKuPzAU-00193-00077270-00077943 We can call this one test.js, for example and we can enable XSJS support. pzkAfKuPzAU-00194-00077943-00078297 That is a detail for now, it is just a test app. pzkAfKuPzAU-00195-00078297-00078397 Hit Finish. pzkAfKuPzAU-00196-00078397-00078812 The important part having built that, we need to built it. pzkAfKuPzAU-00197-00078812-00079160 This is where we are able to see if the built actually works. pzkAfKuPzAU-00198-00079160-00079593 So, we can see that it actually worked: completed successfully. pzkAfKuPzAU-00199-00079593-00080090 So, we should be able to go ahead and actually start working with this. pzkAfKuPzAU-00200-00080090-00080337 So, we can actually choose the Run option. pzkAfKuPzAU-00201-00080337-00080636 So, for that let’s go to Run. pzkAfKuPzAU-00202-00080636-00081232 Run as: Node.js Application So, we can see the application is now running. pzkAfKuPzAU-00203-00081232-00081556 That’s in the console and if you want to open it we can just click on this, this is pzkAfKuPzAU-00204-00081556-00082169 the URL that was assigned, 51009 and it opens up our app, index.js, and we can see Hello pzkAfKuPzAU-00205-00082169-00082269 World. pzkAfKuPzAU-00206-00082269-00082695 So, we have been able to come in into WebIDE for HANA and actually built an application. pzkAfKuPzAU-00207-00082695-00082872 So our configuration is complete. pzkAfKuPzAU-00208-00082872-00083394 We have a got a user, XSA_DEV, that is able to go ahead and built applications in the pzkAfKuPzAU-00209-00083394-00083667 DEV space that we also just configured. pzkAfKuPzAU-00210-00083667-00083806 Thanks for watching. pzkAfKuPzAU-00211-00083806-00084174 You will find more videos and playlists on our YouTube channel. pzkAfKuPzAU-00212-00084174-00084566 Also, consider following us on Twitter or connect with us on LinkedIn. pAggYg-706M-00000-00002592-00002859 Welcome back, I missed you. pAggYg-706M-00001-00002859-00003557 Next, another hilarious conversation ensues between SP and the other squire, who insists, pAggYg-706M-00002-00003557-00004155 as per the customs of Andalucía that “we, too, must fight and smash each other to pieces.” pAggYg-706M-00003-00004155-00004719 SP claims he is one of those “pacifist squires” and that he does not want to see his head pAggYg-706M-00004-00004719-00004952 “split and divided in two” (cf. pAggYg-706M-00005-00004952-00005052 DQ 1.9). pAggYg-706M-00006-00005052-00005513 Moreover, he is unarmed: “And there’s more: it’s impossible for me to duel because pAggYg-706M-00007-00005513-00005901 I have no sword, for I’ve never worn one in all my life.” pAggYg-706M-00008-00005901-00006584 Recall, however, that SP did appear to have a sword in DQ 1.8. pAggYg-706M-00009-00006584-00007090 The other squire offers to fight with sacks, but SP rejects the idea: “let’s drink pAggYg-706M-00010-00007090-00007190 and live.” pAggYg-706M-00011-00007190-00007564 The other squire insists again: “Even so... we should fight for at least half an hour.” pAggYg-706M-00012-00007564-00008239 SP says this violates his personal code: “I’m not so ungrateful and discourteous as to have pAggYg-706M-00013-00008239-00008744 even the slightest quarrel with a man with whom I’ve shared food and drink.” pAggYg-706M-00014-00008744-00009357 Remember this: SP will eat and drink with another neighbor in the future. pAggYg-706M-00015-00009357-00009913 The other squire offers to offend him: “I’ll give your grace three or four slaps to the pAggYg-706M-00016-00009913-00010227 face, which will knock you down, and that will awaken your anger.” pAggYg-706M-00017-00010227-00010817 SP now gets angry: “I’m not a man who let’s anyone mess with his face.” pAggYg-706M-00018-00010817-00011496 Remember this, too: SP will become anxious about people touching his face in future episodes. pAggYg-706M-00019-00011496-00012185 Finally, SP’s moral pacifism wins the day: “the best thing would be to let everybody’s pAggYg-706M-00020-00012185-00012673 anger sleep, for nobody knows another man’s soul.” pAggYg-706M-00021-00012673-00013181 As the knightly duel approaches, Cervantes offers us another parody of the classical pAggYg-706M-00022-00013181-00013904 dawn, tinged with oriental mysticism as multicolored birds sing diverse songs: “now thousands pAggYg-706M-00023-00013904-00014375 of differently colored birds began to warble in the trees; in their diverse and joyous pAggYg-706M-00024-00014375-00014978 songs they seemed to welcome and greet the fresh dawn, who, already, through the doors pAggYg-706M-00025-00014978-00015472 and balconies of the Orient, was revealing the beauty of her face.” pAggYg-706M-00026-00015472-00016062 The sky drips “an infinite number of liquid pearls,” and the plants “budded and rained pAggYg-706M-00027-00016062-00016408 down copious white seed pearls.” pAggYg-706M-00028-00016408-00017260 We saw aljófar, a homonym for dewdrops or tiny pearls, in The Captive’s Tale of part one. pAggYg-706M-00029-00019450-00019980 But the exotic dawn is rudely interrupted by a carnivalesque passage. pAggYg-706M-00030-00019980-00020613 Now that he can see, something about the other squire’s nose provokes SP’s fear: “But pAggYg-706M-00031-00020613-00021115 scarcely had dawn’s clarity made it possible to see and distinguish one thing from another, pAggYg-706M-00032-00021115-00021764 when the first one that caught Sancho Panza’s eye was the Squire of the Wood’s nose, which pAggYg-706M-00033-00021764-00022393 was so huge that it almost cast a shadow over the rest of his body.” pAggYg-706M-00034-00022393-00023113 The nose’s size –“as big as an eggplant”– carries ethnic connotations, and SP’s convulsions pAggYg-706M-00035-00023113-00023619 are described via another Arabic term: “like a child with epilepsy” or alferecía. pAggYg-706M-00036-00023619-00024418 Similarly, the knightly duel that follows parodies an epic encounter between a Spaniard pAggYg-706M-00037-00024418-00024540 and an Arab. pAggYg-706M-00038-00024540-00025045 The Knight of the Woods is now revealed as the Knight of the Mirrors, his armor covered pAggYg-706M-00039-00025046-00025408 by “many tiny moons in the form of dazzling mirrors.” pAggYg-706M-00040-00027600-00028158 DQ asks to see his face, but the other knight says there will be time for that when the pAggYg-706M-00041-00028158-00028258 battle ends. pAggYg-706M-00042-00028258-00028916 DQ rises to the occasion: “if God, my lady, and my arm avail me, I shall see your face, pAggYg-706M-00043-00028916-00029439 and you shall see that I am not that vanquished Don Quijote you think I am.” pAggYg-706M-00044-00029439-00029989 Note the personal crisis here: DQ struggles against the negation of his self. pAggYg-706M-00045-00030016-00030488 That´s all for now, please tune in and watch our next video. pDaCuESIOGA-00000-00000071-00000374 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER ANDREW JOHNSON. pDaCuESIOGA-00001-00000374-00000804 NAVY AND CIVILIAN ENGINEERS ARE PREPARING FOR AN UPCOMING MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE pDaCuESIOGA-00002-00000804-00000963 LAUNCH, JANUARY 20TH. pDaCuESIOGA-00003-00000963-00001388 THE LAUNCH FROM CAPE CANAVERAL WILL DEPLOY THE NAVY'S THIRD MOBILE USER OBJECTIVE SYSTEM, pDaCuESIOGA-00004-00001388-00001596 OR MUOS, SATELLITE INTO SPACE. pDaCuESIOGA-00005-00001596-00002103 MUOS THREE IS A NEXT-GENERATION, NARROW BAND, TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM THAT WILL WORK pDaCuESIOGA-00006-00002103-00002348 LIKE A SMART PHONE NETWORK, BUT FROM SPACE. pDaCuESIOGA-00007-00002348-00002799 IT WILL VASTLY IMPROVE GROUND COMMUNICATIONS FOR U.S. FORCES ON THE MOVE AND ONCE FULLY pDaCuESIOGA-00008-00002799-00003182 OPERATIONAL, WILL PROVIDE 16 TIMES THE CAPACITY OF CURRENT SYSTEMS. pDaCuESIOGA-00009-00003182-00003660 MUOS WILL PROVIDE WARFIGHTERS GLOBAL COVERAGE TO TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE HIGH-QUALITY, VOICE pDaCuESIOGA-00010-00003660-00003969 AND MISSION DATA BEFORE THE END OF 2015. pDaCuESIOGA-00011-00003969-00004437 LOCKHEED MARTIN IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONTRACT TO DELIVER FIVE MUOS SATELLITES AND THE ASSOCIATED pDaCuESIOGA-00012-00004437-00004627 GROUND SYSTEM TO THE U.S. NAVY. pE1DnRs41EM-00000-00000224-00000919 this question comes from uh keeley and actually is directly about the issue of moats uh he notes that pE1DnRs41EM-00001-00000919-00001528 uh Elon Musk this week on his tesla earnings call said the following quote i think moats pE1DnRs41EM-00002-00001528-00002144 are lame they are like nice in a sort of quaint vestigial way and if your only defense against pE1DnRs41EM-00003-00002144-00002752 invading armies is a moat you will not last long what matters is the pace of innovation that is the pE1DnRs41EM-00004-00002752-00003520 fundamental determinant of competitiveness unquote so Warren it seems the world has changed business pE1DnRs41EM-00005-00003520-00004384 is getting more competitive pace of innovation technology is impacting everything. Is Elon right? pE1DnRs41EM-00006-00004536-00005000 Elon says a conventional mode is quaint and that's true of a bottle of water pE1DnRs41EM-00007-00005080-00005440 and he says that the best moat would be to have a big competitive position pE1DnRs41EM-00008-00005440-00005880 and that is also right all right it's ridiculous pE1DnRs41EM-00009-00006408-00007184 Warren does not intend to build an actual moat pE1DnRs41EM-00010-00007448-00007608 even though they're quaint yeah pE1DnRs41EM-00011-00007959-00008760 there's certainly a great mem a great number of businesses this has always been true but it pE1DnRs41EM-00012-00008760-00009552 does seem like it the pace has accelerated and so on in recent years there's been more pE1DnRs41EM-00013-00009648-00010472 moats that have been become susceptible to invasion uh that seemed to be the case pE1DnRs41EM-00014-00010472-00011040 earlier but there's always been the attempt to do it and there here and there there are probably pE1DnRs41EM-00015-00011280-00011936 places where the mode is as strong as ever but certainly you could work it certainly should be pE1DnRs41EM-00016-00011936-00012448 working at improving your own mode and defending your own mode all the time and then uh Elon may pE1DnRs41EM-00017-00012448-00013168 turn things upside down and in some areas uh i don't think he'd want to take us on in candy but pE1DnRs41EM-00018-00013480-00013728 and we've got some other businesses that when he's always either pE1DnRs41EM-00019-00013904-00014552 you can uh you can look at something like um granitables out there in the other room and and uh pE1DnRs41EM-00020-00014624-00015152 it won't be technology that takes takes away the business and and incredibles and pE1DnRs41EM-00021-00015216-00015719 maybe something else that catches the young kids fantasy or something but uh there are pE1DnRs41EM-00022-00015872-00016664 some pretty good moats around being the low-cost producer for example is a terribly important moat pE1DnRs41EM-00023-00016664-00017736 and something like GEICO has really not brought down the cost that much and that i think i think pE1DnRs41EM-00024-00017736-00018608 our position as there are a couple of companies that have costs as low as ours but among big pE1DnRs41EM-00025-00018680-00019784 big companies we are a low-cost producer and that is not bad when you're selling an essential item pE1DnRs41EM-00026-00020360-00020368 you pGxYKJYqYZc-00000-00000000-00000050 http://www.davidjmooremba.com pGxYKJYqYZc-00001-00000050-00000531 And we are back with keeping it real real estate with [Kathy] Wilcox and my next guest pGxYKJYqYZc-00002-00000531-00000595 It is David J Moore MBA here pGxYKJYqYZc-00003-00000595-00000846 Is a David [Moore] excuse me David pGxYKJYqYZc-00004-00000901-00001355 [I] have to write [Davis]. You're right David [moore]. [okay]? I have dates. We're here. Where did that come from pGxYKJYqYZc-00005-00001413-00001790 I have no I do apologize. This is David Moore. [I'm] so glad I read it off the sheet pGxYKJYqYZc-00006-00001791-00002012 You're so welcome to the show you pGxYKJYqYZc-00007-00002068-00002372 And tell us what you do. I'm I [I] apologize pGxYKJYqYZc-00008-00002373-00002636 I got my information light yeah, I thought you were a realtor pGxYKJYqYZc-00009-00002636-00003163 But that's not the case because we open this up to all then using real estate. You're actually lender pick fruit pGxYKJYqYZc-00010-00003192-00003777 Yes, tell us about that and what you do with this other organization. I'll let you all right so explain that right well pGxYKJYqYZc-00011-00003777-00004036 [I've] been been real estate now for about 12 years altogether pGxYKJYqYZc-00012-00004152-00004514 I've been doing mortgage lending basically the majority of the time pGxYKJYqYZc-00013-00004653-00004997 Actually his story starts long time ago about 12 years ago pGxYKJYqYZc-00014-00005059-00005498 When I first got involved in real estate. I was get my master's degree here in Fresno pGxYKJYqYZc-00015-00005587-00006018 a couple of my buddies and the instructor said hey, you know that look at these numbers for pGxYKJYqYZc-00016-00006082-00006479 real estate projections soon for the next five by [Ten] Years here in Central Valley pGxYKJYqYZc-00017-00006561-00006729 This was right around pGxYKJYqYZc-00018-00006729-00006929 2007 so pGxYKJYqYZc-00019-00007095-00007264 We're about halfway pGxYKJYqYZc-00020-00007264-00007890 [three-course] [way] to her master's degree. We all kind of form together, and we bought a real estate franchise started real estate company in pGxYKJYqYZc-00021-00007956-00008156 Visalia we grew to about pGxYKJYqYZc-00022-00008224-00008835 45 different agents we have working for us and then you guys know happen, 2007-2008 pGxYKJYqYZc-00023-00009025-00009530 Global popped yes, [I'm] [Tom] real estate. So we went shortly from pGxYKJYqYZc-00024-00009646-00009838 back then we went from pGxYKJYqYZc-00025-00009838-00010451 I mean having three offices down to two down to one down to none. I mean within pGxYKJYqYZc-00026-00010528-00010875 3-4 months because we were just start that that that yeah pGxYKJYqYZc-00027-00010875-00011306 [I] was doing the landing for everybody [wow] that for all of our agents for everybody like that pGxYKJYqYZc-00028-00011349-00011967 It was a big time back, then it was crazy. [I] [mean] because we I remember one month. I in one week pGxYKJYqYZc-00029-00011967-00012533 I had [10] different funding that we're going to happen that means you you make it past underwriting you make it past year [yet] pGxYKJYqYZc-00030-00012534-00013022 The you're at the table were people [re-signed] and the bank's going to [fund] the money pGxYKJYqYZc-00031-00013050-00013688 And all 10 of those banks said we're not doing any funding anymore, and they're all 10 different banks pGxYKJYqYZc-00032-00013716-00014411 So I went from you know having 30 different 30 40 different lenders work with down to 20 down to [10] pGxYKJYqYZc-00033-00014448-00014684 just like within a few months and pGxYKJYqYZc-00034-00014740-00014948 during that time [was] it was pretty crazy, so pGxYKJYqYZc-00035-00015072-00015272 You know, but I still kinda did pGxYKJYqYZc-00036-00015286-00015779 [made] on the side to get a part-time job and [I] started teaching at San Joaquin Valley College pGxYKJYqYZc-00037-00015826-00016154 Instructor there and stuff and did depending on the side still pGxYKJYqYZc-00038-00016154-00016700 But you know it was tough right after that time [that] it was like. She was a bad time for it was ridiculous pGxYKJYqYZc-00039-00016701-00016964 you [can] even [I'm] just trying to find a lender just even pGxYKJYqYZc-00040-00017014-00017501 Accept somebody with they would touch with all [that] have 800 credits it work pGxYKJYqYZc-00041-00017515-00018007 You know walk on water yeah, Jesus Christ, so you know and superstar pGxYKJYqYZc-00042-00018082-00018293 yeah, I was it was pretty crazy back then and pGxYKJYqYZc-00043-00018367-00019035 So you know again? I didn't start working full-time job after that because we lost [I] put everything into [I] mean I sold my house pGxYKJYqYZc-00044-00019098-00019784 You know to start this company heartbreaking and you know I night my wife wasn't working at the time side wife and three kids pGxYKJYqYZc-00045-00019851-00020561 You know I was supported by myself and you know and that's gone gone. Just like that poof [didn't] like 3-4 months you know and pGxYKJYqYZc-00046-00020629-00021153 So as a means rough time you know, but you know [I] still [stay] in a part-time work full time pGxYKJYqYZc-00047-00021153-00021698 But now I jump back into the fire as they say you know I start working for Wells [Fargo] about about five six years ago pGxYKJYqYZc-00048-00021804-00022559 Doing mortgage lending for them at Visalia and just got reconnected back with everybody that actually kind of made it through that yeah [survived] pGxYKJYqYZc-00049-00022600-00023186 The paddle everything everything still had their their hair [it] was wasn't in a hospital somewhere pGxYKJYqYZc-00050-00023187-00023598 He could definitely medicated on [the] [eighteenth] wife pGxYKJYqYZc-00051-00023660-00024127 and you know I diving [I] ended want to divorce during that time to you know so [I] just pGxYKJYqYZc-00052-00024183-00024410 don't feel the rough time you know so pGxYKJYqYZc-00053-00024483-00024678 I'm gonna. Do you have a tissue? pGxYKJYqYZc-00054-00024678-00024801 issues know pGxYKJYqYZc-00055-00024801-00025264 [like] that it. [I've] made plenty of mistakes myself. So you know it's a [know] [what] it was pGxYKJYqYZc-00056-00025265-00025661 It was a horrible time it was a bad time [works] for a lot of people let's fast forward about pGxYKJYqYZc-00057-00025683-00025960 [bladder] [track] for better times now when I jump back into real estate pGxYKJYqYZc-00058-00026036-00026172 It's been fantastic pGxYKJYqYZc-00059-00026172-00026486 right you know [new] [the] interest rates have been pGxYKJYqYZc-00060-00026529-00027190 Super Super low the lowest I've ever seen it in my for this career for this long. It's sustainable pGxYKJYqYZc-00061-00027219-00027511 Low interest rates have been driving. I've had pGxYKJYqYZc-00062-00027576-00028345 No lack of customers that have been wanting to either refinance or purchase a house I focus more on purchase than refinance pGxYKJYqYZc-00063-00028404-00028780 [because] [that's] that's more sustainable than 35 because interest rates go up pGxYKJYqYZc-00064-00028869-00029261 You're not gonna. Have people want to refine, but you're still going to have people wanting to buy you know sorry pGxYKJYqYZc-00065-00029261-00029515 I'm so you always got to focus on the purchase market you know so pGxYKJYqYZc-00066-00029610-00030037 But just that steady stream of people just great time to buy right now pGxYKJYqYZc-00067-00030038-00030479 I [I] tell everybody this is a buyers market [it] [some] your great time to buy right now pGxYKJYqYZc-00068-00030479-00031018 Okay, fantastic, and I don't just say that cuz I'm in the business [it's] [I] mean after you know go through divorce pGxYKJYqYZc-00069-00031019-00031408 You lose a business you go through some stuff there. You know [I] had to buy a house pGxYKJYqYZc-00070-00031408-00031939 You know first first time I've super appreciative that I was able to do that even and everything you know pGxYKJYqYZc-00071-00031956-00032627 Firsthand [about] [it's] my divorce, and it's a fantastic time so I'm not just saying it. I'm doing it too. That's nice still pGxYKJYqYZc-00072-00032627-00032863 [it's] great huh? Yeah, [I] always like [see] what I do but pGxYKJYqYZc-00073-00033012-00033362 [the] now [dave] [you] are involved with another organization pGxYKJYqYZc-00074-00033420-00034096 Script, and I want [to] definitely move into that because that sounds like something that is going to be of interest you owe a lot pGxYKJYqYZc-00075-00034097-00034648 [of] people yeah, well we'll see what were roping. [ok] it's gonna end up doing that. You know pGxYKJYqYZc-00076-00034743-00035434 Yeah, we formed a corporation called ypn incorporated [and] [waikiki] [Yeah] what the M stands for Young professionals network? pGxYKJYqYZc-00077-00035501-00036296 Ok, [it's] [basically] it back in the day is it is an offshoot of the realtor magazine ok so they kind of started? pGxYKJYqYZc-00078-00036296-00036438 this thing pGxYKJYqYZc-00079-00036438-00036779 Younger realtors Kinda picked up on it and said hey, you know we're going to start pGxYKJYqYZc-00080-00036835-00037512 you don't have our own little you know our own ypn are young professionals network that we're going to do which is underneath the pGxYKJYqYZc-00081-00037628-00038401 kind of the I guess the wing of the local association of realtors [ok] so there's subchapter of the local association of realtors [ok] pGxYKJYqYZc-00082-00038435-00038940 That's the way you know it kind of started out, and there's still around it's it's a Vibrant community pGxYKJYqYZc-00083-00039023-00039336 Real estate agents. [they're] just not the most outgoing in the world pGxYKJYqYZc-00084-00039337-00039592 You know so you know you don't hear about it a whole lot pGxYKJYqYZc-00085-00039592-00040137 You know but in reality they have chapters set up in [an] almost every single major pGxYKJYqYZc-00086-00040163-00040414 Actually every single Major City in the entire United States pGxYKJYqYZc-00087-00040448-00041080 And then almost every single city that has at least 50,000 people and more so [it] nationwide pGxYKJYqYZc-00088-00041111-00041580 Is a huge huge market that's already set up, and they're already there pGxYKJYqYZc-00089-00041602-00042144 They're already networking with each other and [one] thing is the not all connected pGxYKJYqYZc-00090-00042145-00042543 You know so they're all independent you know of each other they all pGxYKJYqYZc-00091-00042671-00042871 And-And-and because they're an offshoot of the pGxYKJYqYZc-00092-00042929-00043552 Association of realtors they have to do you know they can't do anything outside of what the association's allow them to do pGxYKJYqYZc-00093-00043552-00043664 so there's no rules and pGxYKJYqYZc-00094-00043664-00044115 Regulations rules and regulations around it yeah that they have to do or are not have to do stuff like that pGxYKJYqYZc-00095-00044116-00044316 you know so [ok] so pGxYKJYqYZc-00096-00044330-00045046 Being you know being who I am so you have a young professionals network. Is there a corresponding old professional network? pGxYKJYqYZc-00097-00045122-00045711 [pretentious] [for] everybody else you know [what] my opinion when I think of young professionals network pGxYKJYqYZc-00098-00045791-00046335 We had people of every age in there if it doesn't matter young professionals network is for people who? pGxYKJYqYZc-00099-00046511-00046679 enjoy doing real estate pGxYKJYqYZc-00100-00046679-00047136 Want to learn and want to help other people in the business learn and grow in their professional pGxYKJYqYZc-00101-00047137-00047523 That's great, and I don't care [what] [I] mean, it doesn't matter. What age you are you so there's no agent pGxYKJYqYZc-00102-00047524-00047776 no, actually, it's just that's just the name of [my] [Pa] [and] pGxYKJYqYZc-00103-00047858-00048222 that's important to get out because it kinda it sounds like a a pGxYKJYqYZc-00104-00048308-00049035 Fraternity Yeah, so sorority or something [something] like that all are welcome. Yep, everybody's welcoming me, but I've had so many people pGxYKJYqYZc-00105-00049106-00049700 you know you reach out to me on social media that we have over a hundred and pGxYKJYqYZc-00106-00049830-00050110 [suggested] hundred Thirty-nine thousand members wow pGxYKJYqYZc-00107-00050199-00050779 Just and we just started because you know it's already a market. That's set up there. You know it's it's it's pGxYKJYqYZc-00108-00050847-00051371 you know it's kind of the middle Millennial market you know each you know 1838 ish, but pGxYKJYqYZc-00109-00051435-00051739 Most millennials are not even in real estate. You know there there there pGxYKJYqYZc-00110-00051803-00052183 You know they don't know much about it or you know they [want] [to] buy a home or anything like that pGxYKJYqYZc-00111-00052184-00052699 So this is kind of one of those things were you know helping educate things I've talked to pGxYKJYqYZc-00112-00052857-00053522 Well actually I was approached by representatives from San Francisco in La because it wasn't a real because [I] don't have to follow needs pGxYKJYqYZc-00113-00053637-00054010 the realtors winx in a sense, you know I understand [I] man pGxYKJYqYZc-00114-00054063-00054316 Totally independent independent yeah totally different shit pGxYKJYqYZc-00115-00054316-00054647 You know so but you know I work with them every day and so [I] understand the business pGxYKJYqYZc-00116-00054647-00055018 You know I said [tell] people all the time and I get the finance for home pGxYKJYqYZc-00117-00055104-00055324 You know and so I understand the business [and] now pGxYKJYqYZc-00118-00055413-00055960 And you the thing of it is is if if we could connect all the different? pGxYKJYqYZc-00119-00056034-00056208 cities and pGxYKJYqYZc-00120-00056208-00056866 Places that have ypn it can be probably one of the biggest sounds incredibly now is no pGxYKJYqYZc-00121-00056916-00057631 Organizations that that we have here in the united states right now strength in numbers for sure the millennial generation in terms of numbers pGxYKJYqYZc-00122-00057692-00057807 is pGxYKJYqYZc-00123-00057807-00058115 one-Third larger than the baby more general should know so pGxYKJYqYZc-00124-00058179-00058372 and for the next pGxYKJYqYZc-00125-00058372-00058620 Time on the tail end of the millennials pGxYKJYqYZc-00126-00058620-00058847 You know I'm just [have] 14 kids pGxYKJYqYZc-00127-00058848-00059321 So I'm your kids do it so I you know I have no idea. How that depresses me go pGxYKJYqYZc-00128-00059395-00059804 Tell me [I'd] like to yeah, I tried to talk to my daughter and she just closed the door. She's like pGxYKJYqYZc-00129-00059804-00060132 I just snapped at me down exactly I'm like [textfree] like pGxYKJYqYZc-00130-00060195-00060773 We [be] talking about [do] that to be my daughter is 31. We text each other [Friday] [responding] rooms? pGxYKJYqYZc-00131-00060774-00061437 Yeah, you don't have to push [it] so [weird], but you know why it's it's it's that's the way it is and the millennial generation pGxYKJYqYZc-00132-00061513-00061823 [we're] half of us you know, and I'm on the tail end of it pGxYKJYqYZc-00133-00061824-00062307 I'm 36 years old you know and I think that like the age ranges from you know pGxYKJYqYZc-00134-00062370-00062557 1837 [something] Yeah, you know yeah pGxYKJYqYZc-00135-00062557-00063197 It people have all different numbers for it, but you know it's it's one of those things were my kids generation pGxYKJYqYZc-00136-00063198-00063744 They have been online since they were born day you were born into it, and we see we pGxYKJYqYZc-00137-00063799-00064142 We [have] our lives [you] know you can talk to somebody pGxYKJYqYZc-00138-00064210-00064713 You can call them and then by the time you got it got to where you're going you can call them again? pGxYKJYqYZc-00139-00064713-00065301 But there's no in-between talking or anything like that. You know so but the younger. That's all they know pGxYKJYqYZc-00140-00065362-00065502 All they know pGxYKJYqYZc-00141-00065502-00065906 Somebody who still use paper ok so I [oh] did you? pGxYKJYqYZc-00142-00065980-00066557 Haha, oh [ok]. [I'm] [done] [because] our generation. We're kinda weird [cuz] [were] split that the Millennials are split pGxYKJYqYZc-00143-00066557-00067163 We have you half of our lives. We we didn't have you know any type of you have pages are no [cell] [phones] pGxYKJYqYZc-00144-00067164-00067464 [it's] [everything] mama coming out. We [were] like all excited. You know, so pGxYKJYqYZc-00145-00067600-00067946 You [don't] then in the second half our life. We got this technology, right? pGxYKJYqYZc-00146-00067947-00068345 And we're all excited and we wanted to use it and more and more and more now all of us pGxYKJYqYZc-00147-00068356-00068747 [where] as much online as you could possibly be the millennial generation is one of the most? pGxYKJYqYZc-00148-00068808-00068974 socially connected pGxYKJYqYZc-00149-00068974-00069112 generations that pGxYKJYqYZc-00150-00069112-00069578 Has ever been I wanted the most I would believe that I would believe that and my generation pGxYKJYqYZc-00151-00069622-00070236 We have to we we really don't have a choice right? I hate technology, but I I love [the] cell phone no pGxYKJYqYZc-00152-00070236-00070593 I mean, I love my iphone that's great right, but you know the rest of it pGxYKJYqYZc-00153-00070666-00070923 Unfortunately we have to we have to wrap up on that pGxYKJYqYZc-00154-00070949-00071329 Uh [I] [retweeted] [by] [type] [Iii], can [I] talk to you like [30]? pGxYKJYqYZc-00155-00071330-00071414 [I] would love feedback pGxYKJYqYZc-00156-00071414-00071644 [and] I don't think you got a fair on pGxYKJYqYZc-00157-00071652-00072172 By [randall] young what you do is come back and [job] [just] more [you] have a website you can put a brooklyn pGxYKJYqYZc-00158-00072173-00072836 Uh yeah, there's one. Yp, and.com. [ok] ok just notice why doesn't calm. Yeah, [it's] one white bn.com pGxYKJYqYZc-00159-00072836-00073036 We're getting ypN pGxYKJYqYZc-00160-00073125-00073463 dot-com it's just the person that owns it [once] [a] whole lot of money for it, so pGxYKJYqYZc-00161-00073575-00074126 That's the problem, but we do have [wi-Fi] [and] [not] us [okay] [that] we have that we're developing right now, too pGxYKJYqYZc-00162-00074126-00074566 And you know that's another thing we offers is websites for real estate agents to school pGxYKJYqYZc-00163-00074567-00075172 So we have a lot of things going on. We got you know what about 500 different domains now pGxYKJYqYZc-00164-00075239-00075709 We offer websites we offer [were] transforming into a social networking pGxYKJYqYZc-00165-00075756-00076222 Website so that realtors could go on there and actually talk to each other and get help pGxYKJYqYZc-00166-00076230-00076538 And and not like you know a lot of these companies out there that you see pGxYKJYqYZc-00167-00076548-00076883 you go online and all you can do is submit an email and you might get pGxYKJYqYZc-00168-00076938-00077353 Everything that's not it. If that you know because it's all automated [all] right? pGxYKJYqYZc-00169-00077354-00077720 You know what now a site where people could go on you know young pGxYKJYqYZc-00170-00077787-00078332 Realtor a young mortgage Lender somebody can go on there, and actually type in some it's you know and say hey pGxYKJYqYZc-00171-00078332-00078805 You know I need help with this or you know, what would you do about this and actually get the help that they need? pGxYKJYqYZc-00172-00078891-00079414 You know that's the reason why you know why I'm so passionate about it. You know stuff is because pGxYKJYqYZc-00173-00079485-00079955 you know not a lot [is] not a lot of help out there anyone you know and pGxYKJYqYZc-00174-00079998-00080273 You know I don't want my kids growing up in a world where you know pGxYKJYqYZc-00175-00080333-00081121 They don't have a way to find some help that they need you know for growing in their profession growing in their career pGxYKJYqYZc-00176-00081255-00081363 And-and pGxYKJYqYZc-00177-00081363-00081598 Funny place that they can kind of call home pGxYKJYqYZc-00178-00081655-00081745 you know [and] pGxYKJYqYZc-00179-00081745-00082257 You know and real estate's a great feel to be and it's one of the most long sustaining feels to be and that's where commander pGxYKJYqYZc-00180-00082258-00083022 [may] [again] it can and it creates an [unemployment], especially in the central valley right? I mean you know where we need it and pGxYKJYqYZc-00181-00083117-00083317 so anyways pGxYKJYqYZc-00182-00083317-00083524 Well, [I] know we could go on and on pGxYKJYqYZc-00183-00083524-00084013 [I] would please come back because I can tell there's tons more that we can talk about and help pGxYKJYqYZc-00184-00084013-00084561 Thank you so much everyone for coming [you]. Thank you very much family and thanks for joining us this week and will cease. Thank you pHZWoHKsTpE-00000-00000297-00000670 En Kaiser Permanente sabemos lo importante que es pHZWoHKsTpE-00001-00000670-00001017 que la cita con su médico sea lo más segura posible. pHZWoHKsTpE-00002-00001057-00001294 Queremos comunicarle algunos de los cambios pHZWoHKsTpE-00003-00001294-00001484 que encontrará cuando nos visite pHZWoHKsTpE-00004-00001484-00001675 y las medidas que hemos tomado pHZWoHKsTpE-00005-00001675-00002032 para mantenerlo a usted y a nuestro personal seguros. pHZWoHKsTpE-00006-00002082-00002375 Cuando llegue, antes de ingresar al edificio, pHZWoHKsTpE-00007-00002375-00002485 le dará la bienvenida pHZWoHKsTpE-00008-00002485-00002662 un miembro de nuestro personal pHZWoHKsTpE-00009-00002662-00002919 que le hará preguntas acerca de su salud en general. pHZWoHKsTpE-00010-00002963-00003276 También deberá entrar usando su propia mascarilla pHZWoHKsTpE-00011-00003276-00003400 o cubierta facial. pHZWoHKsTpE-00012-00003420-00003693 Si no la trae, le proporcionaremos una. pHZWoHKsTpE-00013-00003693-00003933 En la mayoría de nuestras instalaciones pHZWoHKsTpE-00014-00003933-00004117 se le tomará la temperatura. pHZWoHKsTpE-00015-00004117-00004321 También habrá estaciones disponibles pHZWoHKsTpE-00016-00004321-00004614 con desinfectante de manos por todo el edificio. pHZWoHKsTpE-00017-00004614-00004838 También examinamos a nuestro personal pHZWoHKsTpE-00018-00004838-00004954 todos los días pHZWoHKsTpE-00019-00004954-00005155 para mantener nuestras instalaciones pHZWoHKsTpE-00020-00005155-00005335 lo más seguras posible. pHZWoHKsTpE-00021-00005335-00005495 Una vez que haya ingresado, pHZWoHKsTpE-00022-00005495-00005769 encontrará en muchas de nuestras instalaciones pHZWoHKsTpE-00023-00005769-00006069 varias opciones electrónicas para registrarse. pHZWoHKsTpE-00024-00006069-00006399 O si no, se puede registrar con una recepcionista. pHZWoHKsTpE-00025-00006399-00006720 Hemos instalado barreras de acrílico en la recepción pHZWoHKsTpE-00026-00006720-00007010 para evitar contacto físico al registrarse. pHZWoHKsTpE-00027-00007010-00007193 En nuestras salas de espera pHZWoHKsTpE-00028-00007193-00007384 hemos redistribuido los muebles pHZWoHKsTpE-00029-00007384-00007624 para facilitar el distanciamiento social. pHZWoHKsTpE-00030-00007654-00007857 En muchas de nuestras regiones pHZWoHKsTpE-00031-00007857-00008121 estamos limitando el número de visitantes pHZWoHKsTpE-00032-00008121-00008355 y espaciando el tiempo entre las citas pHZWoHKsTpE-00033-00008355-00008545 para evitar acumulación de gente pHZWoHKsTpE-00034-00008545-00008662 en nuestras oficinas pHZWoHKsTpE-00035-00008662-00008888 y así asegurar que se pueda mantener pHZWoHKsTpE-00036-00008888-00009232 un distanciamiento físico seguro entre las personas. pHZWoHKsTpE-00037-00009232-00009526 Hemos aumentado la frecuencia de la limpieza pHZWoHKsTpE-00038-00009526-00009723 y nuestras superficies y equipos pHZWoHKsTpE-00039-00009723-00009906 son desinfectados periódicamente pHZWoHKsTpE-00040-00009936-00010106 durante el transcurso del día. pHZWoHKsTpE-00041-00010136-00010547 Nuestros médicos, enfermeras y personal de cuidado pHZWoHKsTpE-00042-00010547-00010750 están trabajando arduamente pHZWoHKsTpE-00043-00010770-00010954 para asegurarse de que usted obtenga pHZWoHKsTpE-00044-00010954-00011097 la mejor atención pHZWoHKsTpE-00045-00011097-00011314 de la manera más segura posible pHZWoHKsTpE-00046-00011314-00011671 y que su visita sea rápida, fácil y conveniente. pHZWoHKsTpE-00047-00011711-00011938 Si necesita ir a nuestra farmacia pHZWoHKsTpE-00048-00011938-00012205 notará letreros y señalización en el piso pHZWoHKsTpE-00049-00012228-00012445 para asegurar que la espera en la fila pHZWoHKsTpE-00050-00012445-00012656 se haga a una distancia segura. pHZWoHKsTpE-00051-00012656-00012799 Las barreras de acrílico pHZWoHKsTpE-00052-00012799-00013013 brindan un nivel más de seguridad. pHZWoHKsTpE-00053-00013036-00013259 En muchas de nuestras instalaciones pHZWoHKsTpE-00054-00013259-00013583 también se ofrecen servicios de farmacia por ventanilla pHZWoHKsTpE-00055-00013583-00013713 o de entrega al auto pHZWoHKsTpE-00056-00013713-00013927 para los pacientes de alto riesgo. pHZWoHKsTpE-00057-00013927-00014117 Recuerde que con nuestro servicio pHZWoHKsTpE-00058-00014117-00014334 de pedidos de farmacia por correo pHZWoHKsTpE-00059-00014334-00014714 recibirá su receta en su casa en sólo un par de días. pHZWoHKsTpE-00060-00014748-00014881 Para aquellos que prefieren pHZWoHKsTpE-00061-00014881-00015108 la conveniencia de una visita remota pHZWoHKsTpE-00062-00015138-00015368 tenemos muchas opciones disponibles. pHZWoHKsTpE-00063-00015412-00015612 Citas por video, por teléfono pHZWoHKsTpE-00064-00015662-00015912 visitas virtuales o por correo electrónico. pHZWoHKsTpE-00065-00015976-00016212 Todas formas de obtener la atención médica pHZWoHKsTpE-00066-00016212-00016436 que necesite dondequiera que esté. pHZWoHKsTpE-00067-00016459-00016966 Asegúrese de visitar kp.org/getcare pHZWoHKsTpE-00068-00016966-00017210 para más información de cómo obtener pHZWoHKsTpE-00069-00017210-00017364 cuidado médico remoto. pHZWoHKsTpE-00070-00017397-00017751 En Kaiser Permanente su seguridad y su salud pHZWoHKsTpE-00071-00017751-00017901 son nuestra prioridad. pHZWoHKsTpE-00072-00017901-00018144 Aunque las cosas sean un poco diferentes, pHZWoHKsTpE-00073-00018144-00018315 la próxima vez que nos visite pHZWoHKsTpE-00074-00018348-00018615 puede confiar que tendrá la misma experiencia pHZWoHKsTpE-00075-00018615-00018962 de atención de alta calidad que espera de nosotros. pHZWoHKsTpE-00076-00018985-00019182 Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener pHZWoHKsTpE-00077-00019182-00019486 nuestros espacios seguros para todos. pJlfl3LKXy8-00000-00000436-00000599 I just thought what a great idea because a lot of pJlfl3LKXy8-00001-00000599-00000788 us haven't had a chance to affirm our citizenship pJlfl3LKXy8-00002-00000788-00000909 that way. pJlfl3LKXy8-00003-00000909-00001188 And so we were really excited to have the opportunity pJlfl3LKXy8-00004-00001188-00001390 to say those really important words about pJlfl3LKXy8-00005-00001390-00001493 Australia. pJlfl3LKXy8-00006-00001493-00001722 To have those special feelings and make pJlfl3LKXy8-00007-00001722-00001873 it something that was really memorable. pJlfl3LKXy8-00008-00001873-00002166 And whose laws I uphold and obey. pJlfl3LKXy8-00009-00002166-00002606 All - And whose laws I uphold and obey. pJlfl3LKXy8-00010-00002606-00002819 Fantastic. Well done. Round of applause. pJlfl3LKXy8-00011-00002819-00003030 (APPLAUSE) pJlfl3LKXy8-00012-00003030-00003190 When I was saying the affirmation it made pJlfl3LKXy8-00013-00003190-00003534 me feel really proud about being Australian. pJlfl3LKXy8-00014-00003534-00003884 It made me feel, and remember how lucky we are pJlfl3LKXy8-00015-00003884-00004095 to live in Australia, coz other countries don't pJlfl3LKXy8-00016-00004095-00004256 have what we have. pJlfl3LKXy8-00017-00004256-00004448 Organising the affirmation ceremony was pJlfl3LKXy8-00018-00004448-00004537 really easy. pJlfl3LKXy8-00019-00004537-00004729 We had the cards, the children read off them. pJlfl3LKXy8-00020-00004729-00004962 We made it our own by having our choir pJlfl3LKXy8-00021-00004962-00005059 sing. pJlfl3LKXy8-00022-00005059-00005926 (SINGING) I am, you are, we are Australian. pJlfl3LKXy8-00023-00005926-00006298 I think the children really enjoyed it, the ones pJlfl3LKXy8-00024-00006298-00006459 who hadn't had the chance to have a pJlfl3LKXy8-00025-00006459-00006640 citizenship ceremony for themselves. pJlfl3LKXy8-00026-00006640-00006861 That made that something they could pJlfl3LKXy8-00027-00006861-00007103 remember. To be able to say the affirmation, pJlfl3LKXy8-00028-00007103-00007394 to take home the card and to remember that, I pJlfl3LKXy8-00029-00007394-00007573 think they'll really remember that as something pJlfl3LKXy8-00030-00007573-00007760 special that happened today. pLLf7jbQGLu-00000-00000012-00000276 JEREMY: Hello, Johno. Hello, Tanishq. pLLf7jbQGLu-00001-00000276-00000690 Are you guys ready for Lesson 21? JOHNO: Ready… pLLf7jbQGLu-00002-00000690-00000942 TANISHQ: Yep, I'm excited. JEREMY: I don't know what I would pLLf7jbQGLu-00003-00000942-00001104 have said if you had said no. So good. pLLf7jbQGLu-00004-00001290-00001673 I'm actually particularly excited because I had a little bit of a big preview of something pLLf7jbQGLu-00005-00001673-00002472 that Johno has been working on, which I think is a super cool demo of what's possible with pLLf7jbQGLu-00006-00002472-00002898 very little code with miniai. So let me turn it over to Johno. pLLf7jbQGLu-00007-00002898-00003126 JOHNO: Great. Thanks Jeremy. pLLf7jbQGLu-00008-00003240-00003720 Yeah, so as you'll see when it's back to Jeremy to talk through some of the experiments and pLLf7jbQGLu-00009-00003720-00004242 things we've been doing, we've been using the Fashion-MNISTdataset at a really small pLLf7jbQGLu-00010-00004242-00004704 scale and really rapidly try out these different ideas and see some maybe nuances or things pLLf7jbQGLu-00011-00004704-00005046 that we'd like to explore further. And so as we were doing that, I started pLLf7jbQGLu-00012-00005046-00005556 to think that maybe it was about time to explore just ramping up the level, like seeing if we can pLLf7jbQGLu-00013-00005556-00005910 go to the next, like slightly larger datasets, slightly harder difficulty, pLLf7jbQGLu-00014-00005994-00006498 just to double check that these ideas still hold for longer training runs and yeah, pLLf7jbQGLu-00015-00006498-00006773 different, more difficult data. JEREMY: That's a really good idea pLLf7jbQGLu-00016-00006773-00007236 because I feel like pretty confident that the learnings from Fashion-MNIST pLLf7jbQGLu-00017-00007236-00007788 are going to move across like most of the time these things seem to, but sometimes pLLf7jbQGLu-00018-00007788-00008208 they don't and it can be very hard to predict. So this seems like a very, a very wise choice. pLLf7jbQGLu-00019-00008208-00008700 JOHNO: Yeah. And so, we'll keep wrapping up, but as pLLf7jbQGLu-00020-00008700-00009312 a next step, one above Fashion-MNIST, I thought I'd look at this data called CIFAR-10. pLLf7jbQGLu-00021-00009312-00009858 And so CIFAR-10 dataset is a very popular dataset originally for things like image classification, pLLf7jbQGLu-00022-00009858-00010230 but also now for all of this genera– any paper on generative modeling. pLLf7jbQGLu-00023-00010230-00010692 And it's kind of like the smallest dataset that you'll see in these papers. pLLf7jbQGLu-00024-00010758-00010980 And so, yeah, if you look at the classification results, pLLf7jbQGLu-00025-00010980-00011532 for example, pretty much every classification paper since they started tracking has reported pLLf7jbQGLu-00026-00011532-00012000 results on CIFAR-10 as well as their larger datasets and likewise with image generation, pLLf7jbQGLu-00027-00012108-00012342 very, very popular. All of the recent pLLf7jbQGLu-00028-00012342-00012804 diffusion papers will usually report CIFAR-10 at the end maybe ImageNet pLLf7jbQGLu-00029-00012804-00013032 and then whatever large, massive dataset they're training on. pLLf7jbQGLu-00030-00013086-00013704 JEREMY: So we were, we were somewhat notable in 2018 for managing to train. pLLf7jbQGLu-00031-00013704-00014178 So for CIFAR-10, 94% classification is kind of the benchmark. pLLf7jbQGLu-00032-00014178-00014676 So there was a competition a few years ago where we managed to get to that point at a pLLf7jbQGLu-00033-00014676-00015480 cost of like 26 cents worth of AWS time, I think, which won a big global competition. pLLf7jbQGLu-00034-00015480-00016230 So I actually hate CIFAR-10, but we had some real fun with it a few years ago. pLLf7jbQGLu-00035-00016230-00016542 JOHNO: Yeah. And it's good. pLLf7jbQGLu-00036-00016542-00016902 It's a nice dataset for quickly testing things out, but we'll talk about why we also like, pLLf7jbQGLu-00037-00016902-00017424 us as a group, don't like it at all. And we'll pretty soon move on to something better. pLLf7jbQGLu-00038-00017520-00017970 So one of the things you'll notice in this notebook, I'm basically using all of the same pLLf7jbQGLu-00039-00017970-00018186 code that Jeremy's going to be looking at and explaining. pLLf7jbQGLu-00040-00018186-00018588 So I won't go into too much, but the datasets also on HuggingFace. pLLf7jbQGLu-00041-00018588-00018870 So we can load it just like we did the Fashion-MNIST. pLLf7jbQGLu-00042-00018990-00019284 The images are three channels rather than single channel. pLLf7jbQGLu-00043-00019284-00020100 So the shape of the data is slightly different to what we've been working with. pLLf7jbQGLu-00044-00020250-00020550 That's weird. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00045-00020550-00020934 So we have, instead of a single channel image, we have a three channel red, green and blue pLLf7jbQGLu-00046-00020934-00021150 image. And this is what a batch of data looks like. pLLf7jbQGLu-00047-00021150-00021648 JEREMY: And you've got 32 images in your batch. So that's Batch by Channel by Height by pLLf7jbQGLu-00048-00021648-00021714 Width, right? JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00049-00021714-00021930 Yeah. Batch by Channel by Height and Width. pLLf7jbQGLu-00050-00021930-00022206 JEREMY: That was a little confused by the 32 by 32. pLLf7jbQGLu-00051-00022206-00022602 JOHNO: Oh yeah. JEREMY: I got it now. JOHNO: Batch size can be arbitrary. pLLf7jbQGLu-00052-00022602-00023088 So if you plot these, one of the things, if you look at this, okay, I can see these are pLLf7jbQGLu-00053-00023088-00023346 different classes. Like I know this is an airplane, a frog, pLLf7jbQGLu-00054-00023346-00023808 an airplane, but it's actually a puzzle with an airplane on the cover, a bird, a horse, a car. pLLf7jbQGLu-00055-00023868-00024174 That one, you squint, you can tell it's a bear, but only if you really pLLf7jbQGLu-00056-00024174-00024258 know what you're looking for. pLLf7jbQGLu-00057-00024354-00024714 And so when we started to talk about generating these images, this is actually quite frustrating. pLLf7jbQGLu-00058-00024714-00025188 Like this, if I generated this, I'd say this might be the model doing a really bad job. pLLf7jbQGLu-00059-00025284-00025482 And, but it's actually that this is a boat, this is a dog. pLLf7jbQGLu-00060-00025482-00025920 It's just that this is what the data looks like. JEREMY: And so I've actually got something pLLf7jbQGLu-00061-00025920-00026183 that can help you out. I'll show later today, pLLf7jbQGLu-00062-00026183-00026550 which is something like this. It's really actually hard to see pLLf7jbQGLu-00063-00026550-00027077 whether it's good because the images are bad. It can be helpful to have a metric to pLLf7jbQGLu-00064-00027077-00027498 generate that can see how good samples are. So I'll be showing a metric for that later today. pLLf7jbQGLu-00065-00027498-00027798 JOHNO: Yeah. And that'll be great. pLLf7jbQGLu-00066-00027798-00028182 And I hope to have like automated, but anyway, I just wanted to flag like for visually inspecting pLLf7jbQGLu-00067-00028182-00028362 these it's not great. And so we don't really pLLf7jbQGLu-00068-00028362-00028794 like CIFAR-10 because it's hard to tell. And but still a good, a good one to test with. pLLf7jbQGLu-00069-00028920-00029345 So the noisify and everything I'm following what Jeremy is going to be showing exactly pLLf7jbQGLu-00070-00029345-00029772 the code works without any changes because we're adding random noise in the same shape pLLf7jbQGLu-00071-00029772-00029916 as our data. So even though pLLf7jbQGLu-00072-00029916-00030245 our data now has three channels, the noisify function still works fine. pLLf7jbQGLu-00073-00030348-00030732 If we try and visualize the noisified images because we're adding noise in the Red, Green, pLLf7jbQGLu-00074-00030732-00030954 Blue channels. And some of that's, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00075-00030954-00031116 kind of extreme values. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00076-00031116-00031380 It looks slightly different. Looks all crazy RGB. pLLf7jbQGLu-00077-00031452-00031902 But you can see, for example, this frog doesn't have as much noise and it's vaguely visible. pLLf7jbQGLu-00078-00031902-00032327 But it is, it's a, it's a many impossible tasks to look at this and tell what image pLLf7jbQGLu-00079-00032327-00032688 is hiding under all of that noise. JEREMY: So I think this is really neat that pLLf7jbQGLu-00080-00032688-00033288 you could use the same noisify. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00081-00033288-00033930 And it's still, it still works. It's not just that shape thing, but I guess pLLf7jbQGLu-00082-00033930-00034482 just thanks to kind of PyTorch's broadcasting kind of stuff, this often happens. pLLf7jbQGLu-00083-00034482-00034770 You can kind of change the dimensions of things and it just keeps working. pLLf7jbQGLu-00084-00034770-00035004 JOHNO: Exactly. And we've been paying pLLf7jbQGLu-00085-00035004-00035322 attention to those broadcasting rules and the right dimensions and so on. pLLf7jbQGLu-00086-00035484-00035772 Cool. So I'm going to use the same sort of approach pLLf7jbQGLu-00087-00035772-00036282 to loading the UNet, except that now obviously I need to specify three input channels and three pLLf7jbQGLu-00088-00036282-00036498 output channels because we're working with three channel images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00089-00036624-00037164 But I did want to explore for this demo, like, okay, how could I maybe justify wanting to pLLf7jbQGLu-00090-00037164-00037398 do this kind of experiment tracking thing that I'll talk about? pLLf7jbQGLu-00091-00037506-00037704 And so I'm bumping up the size of the model substantially. pLLf7jbQGLu-00092-00037704-00038076 I've gone from, this is the default settings that we were using for Fashion-MNIST, but pLLf7jbQGLu-00093-00038076-00038598 the diffuser's default UNet has what many, 20 times as many parameters, pLLf7jbQGLu-00094-00038598-00038892 274 million versus 15 million. pLLf7jbQGLu-00095-00039018-00039306 So we're going to try a larger model. We're going to try some longer training. pLLf7jbQGLu-00096-00039402-00040014 And so I could just do the same training that we've always done just in the notebook, set pLLf7jbQGLu-00097-00040014-00040740 up a Learner with ProgressCB to kind of plot the loss, track some metrics. pLLf7jbQGLu-00098-00040740-00041280 But yeah, I don't know about you, but once it's beyond a few minutes training, I quickly pLLf7jbQGLu-00099-00041280-00041652 get a patient and I have to wait for it to finish before we can sample. pLLf7jbQGLu-00100-00041652-00042084 So I'm doing the DDPM sample, but I have to, I actually interrupted the training to say, pLLf7jbQGLu-00101-00042084-00042510 I just want to get a look at what it looks like initially and to plot some samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00102-00042510-00042966 And again, the sampling function works without any modification, but I'm passing in my size pLLf7jbQGLu-00103-00042966-00043248 to be a three channel image. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00104-00043248-00043812 And so this is like, we could do it like this, but at some point I would like to a) keep pLLf7jbQGLu-00105-00043812-00044412 track of what experiments I've tried and b) be able to see things as it's going over time, pLLf7jbQGLu-00106-00044412-00044724 including like, I would love to see what the samples look like if you generate it after pLLf7jbQGLu-00107-00044724-00045318 the first epoch, after the second epoch. And so that's where my like little callback pLLf7jbQGLu-00108-00045318-00045534 that I've been playing with comes in. JEREMY: So just before you do that, pLLf7jbQGLu-00109-00045534-00045888 I'll just mention, like, I mean, there are simple ways you could pLLf7jbQGLu-00110-00045888-00046236 do that, right? Like, you know, one popular way a lot of pLLf7jbQGLu-00111-00046236-00046908 people do is that they'll save some sample images as files every epoch or two, or we could like pLLf7jbQGLu-00112-00046908-00047556 the same way that we have a updating plot as we train with fastprogress, we could have pLLf7jbQGLu-00113-00047556-00048348 an updating set of sample images. So there's a few ways we could, pLLf7jbQGLu-00114-00048462-00048978 we could solve that. That wouldn't handle the tracking that pLLf7jbQGLu-00115-00048978-00049344 you mentioned of like looking over time at how different changes have improved things or pLLf7jbQGLu-00116-00049344-00049758 made them worse, whatever that would, I guess would require you kind of like saving multiple pLLf7jbQGLu-00117-00049758-00050142 versions of a notebook or keeping some kind of research journal or something. pLLf7jbQGLu-00118-00050244-00050526 That'd be a bit fiddly. JOHNO: It is. pLLf7jbQGLu-00119-00050526-00050826 And all of that's doable, but I also find like I'm a little bit lazy sometimes. pLLf7jbQGLu-00120-00050826-00051498 Maybe I don't write down what I'm trying or yeah, I've saved untitled number 37 notebook. pLLf7jbQGLu-00121-00051498-00051966 So yeah, the idea that I wanted to show here is just that there are lots of other solutions pLLf7jbQGLu-00122-00051966-00052386 for this kind of experiment tracking and logging. And one that I really like is pLLf7jbQGLu-00123-00052386-00052800 called Weights and Biases (W&B). So I'll explain what's going on in the code here, pLLf7jbQGLu-00124-00052800-00053220 but I'm running a training with this additional Weights and Biases callback. pLLf7jbQGLu-00125-00053220-00053591 And what it's doing is it's allowing me to log whatever I'd like. pLLf7jbQGLu-00126-00053694-00054078 And so I can log samples at different. JEREMY: Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00127-00054078-00054420 So just switching to a website here called wandb.ai. pLLf7jbQGLu-00128-00054420-00054816 So that's where your callback is sending information to. pLLf7jbQGLu-00129-00054816-00055055 JOHNO: Yeah. So Weights and Biases pLLf7jbQGLu-00130-00055055-00055505 accounts are free for personal and academic use. And it's very, very like, I don't think I know pLLf7jbQGLu-00131-00055505-00055800 anyone who writes Weights and Biases, but it's a very nice service. pLLf7jbQGLu-00132-00055800-00056250 You sign in and you log in on your computer or you get a little authentication token. pLLf7jbQGLu-00133-00056346-00056694 And then you're able to log these experiments and you can log into different projects. pLLf7jbQGLu-00134-00056910-00057299 What it gives you is for each experiment, anything that you call Weights and Biases pLLf7jbQGLu-00135-00057299-00057846 dot log at any step in the training, that's getting logged and sent to their server and pLLf7jbQGLu-00136-00057846-00058128 stored somewhere where you can later like access it and display it. pLLf7jbQGLu-00137-00058128-00058667 They have these plots that you can, you know, visualize easily and you can also share them pLLf7jbQGLu-00138-00058667-00059117 very easily and like these reports that integrate this data sort of interactively. pLLf7jbQGLu-00139-00059304-00059705 And why that's nice is that later, like you can go and look at, so this is another project pLLf7jbQGLu-00140-00059705-00060216 that I'm logging to. You can log multiple runs with different settings. pLLf7jbQGLu-00141-00060216-00060804 And for each of those, you have all of these things that you've tracked, like your training pLLf7jbQGLu-00142-00060804-00061212 loss and validation, but you can also track your learning rate to keep doing a learning pLLf7jbQGLu-00143-00061212-00061554 rate schedule. And you can save your model as an pLLf7jbQGLu-00144-00061554-00062010 artifact and it'll get saved on their server. So you can see exactly what run produced, pLLf7jbQGLu-00145-00062010-00062262 what model. It logs the code. pLLf7jbQGLu-00146-00062262-00062628 If you set that to, you can save, you know, save code equals true. pLLf7jbQGLu-00147-00062628-00063005 And then it creates a copy of your whole Python environment, what libraries were installed, pLLf7jbQGLu-00148-00063005-00063455 what code you ran. So for being able to come back later and say, pLLf7jbQGLu-00149-00063455-00063936 oh, these images here, these look really good. I can go back and see, oh, pLLf7jbQGLu-00150-00063936-00064391 that was this experiment here. I can check what settings I used. pLLf7jbQGLu-00151-00064655-00065136 In the initialization, you can log whatever configuration details you'd like and any comments. pLLf7jbQGLu-00152-00065298-00065988 And yeah, there's other frameworks for this. JEREMY: Yeah, in some ways it's kind of, initially pLLf7jbQGLu-00153-00065988-00066570 when I first saw Weights and Biases, it felt a bit weird to me actually, like sending your pLLf7jbQGLu-00154-00066570-00067020 information off to an external website because, I mean, before Weights and Biases existed, pLLf7jbQGLu-00155-00067020-00067488 the most popular way to do this was something called TensorBoard, which Google provides, pLLf7jbQGLu-00156-00067488-00068142 which is actually a lot like this, but it's a little server that runs on your computer. pLLf7jbQGLu-00157-00068250-00068664 And so like when you log things, it just puts it into this little database on your computer, pLLf7jbQGLu-00158-00068790-00069558 which is totally fine. But I guess actually there are some benefits to pLLf7jbQGLu-00159-00069654-00070062 having somebody else run this service, you know, instead of running your own little pLLf7jbQGLu-00160-00070062-00070626 TensorBoard or whatever server, you know, one is that you can have multiple pLLf7jbQGLu-00161-00070626-00071160 people working on a project collaborating. So I've done that before where we will each be pLLf7jbQGLu-00162-00071160-00071556 sending like different sets of hyper parameters and then they'll end up in the same place. pLLf7jbQGLu-00163-00071640-00072258 Or if you want to be really antisocial, you know, you can interrupt your romantic dinner pLLf7jbQGLu-00164-00072258-00072528 and look at your phone to see how your training's going. pLLf7jbQGLu-00165-00072666-00073206 So like, yeah, I'm not going to say it's like always the best approach to doing things, pLLf7jbQGLu-00166-00073206-00073572 but I think there's definitely benefits to using this kind of service. pLLf7jbQGLu-00167-00073572-00074010 And it looks like you're showing us that you can also create reports for sharing this, pLLf7jbQGLu-00168-00074010-00074328 which is also pretty nifty. JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00169-00074328-00074862 Yeah. I mean, like for working with other pLLf7jbQGLu-00170-00074862-00075528 people or like you want to show somebody the final results and being able to, yeah, like pull pLLf7jbQGLu-00171-00075528-00076368 together the results from some different runs or just say, oh, look, by the way, here's a pLLf7jbQGLu-00172-00076368-00076872 set of examples from my two most recent and things tracked at different steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-00173-00076872-00077322 What do you think of this? And yeah, being able to have this like pLLf7jbQGLu-00174-00077322-00077712 place where everyone can go and they can inspect the different loss curves for any run. pLLf7jbQGLu-00175-00077712-00078066 They can say, oh, you know, what were the, what was the batch size for this? pLLf7jbQGLu-00176-00078066-00078438 Let me go look at the info there. Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00177-00078438-00078690 I didn't log it, but I logged how many epochs and the learning rate. pLLf7jbQGLu-00178-00078690-00079338 So yeah, I find it quite nice, especially in a team or if you're doing lots and lots pLLf7jbQGLu-00179-00079338-00079710 of experiments to be able to like have this permanent record that somebody else deals pLLf7jbQGLu-00180-00079710-00080232 with and may host the storage and the tracking. Yeah, it's quite nice. pLLf7jbQGLu-00181-00080322-00080502 JEREMY: Wait, and this is all the code you had to write?. pLLf7jbQGLu-00182-00080502-00080820 That's amazing. JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00183-00080820-00081234 So this is using the callback system. The way Weights and Biases works is that pLLf7jbQGLu-00184-00081234-00081798 you start a… you start an experiment with this wandb.init, and you can specify any like pLLf7jbQGLu-00185-00081798-00081978 configurational settings that you use there. pLLf7jbQGLu-00186-00081978-00082536 And then anything you need to log is wandb.log and you pass in whatever the pLLf7jbQGLu-00187-00082536-00082860 name of your body is. So again, logging the loss and then the value pLLf7jbQGLu-00188-00082998-00083328 and once you've done, wandb.finish and that syncs everything up and sends it pLLf7jbQGLu-00189-00083328-00083418 to the server. JEREMY: Oh, pLLf7jbQGLu-00190-00083418-00083904 this is wild the way you've inherited from MetricsCB and you replaced that _log pLLf7jbQGLu-00191-00083904-00084318 that we previously were used to allow fastprogress to do the logging and you've pLLf7jbQGLu-00192-00084318-00084642 replaced it to allow Weights and Biases to the logging. pLLf7jbQGLu-00193-00084642-00084918 So yeah, it's really sweet. JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00194-00084918-00085152 Yeah. So this is using the callback system. pLLf7jbQGLu-00195-00085254-00085680 I wanted to do the things that MetricCV normally does, which is tracking different metrics pLLf7jbQGLu-00196-00085680-00085902 that you pass in. So this will still do that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00197-00085902-00086400 And I just offload to the super, like the original MetricsCV method for things like pLLf7jbQGLu-00198-00086400-00086706 the after_batch. But in addition to that, pLLf7jbQGLu-00199-00086706-00087240 I'd also like to log the Weights and Biases. And so before I fit, I initialize the experiments. pLLf7jbQGLu-00200-00087342-00087738 Every batch I'm going to load the loss. After every epoch pLLf7jbQGLu-00201-00087834-00088314 the default metrics callback is going to accumulate the metrics and so on. pLLf7jbQGLu-00202-00088314-00088848 And then it's going to call this _log function. So I chose to modify that to say, I'm going to pLLf7jbQGLu-00203-00088848-00089004 log my training loss. It's training. pLLf7jbQGLu-00204-00089004-00089394 I'm going to log my validation loss if I'm doing validation and I'd like it to log some pLLf7jbQGLu-00205-00089394-00089814 samples and Weights and Biases is quite flexible in terms of what you can log. pLLf7jbQGLu-00206-00089814-00090174 You can create images or videos or audio or whatever. pLLf7jbQGLu-00207-00090174-00090936 But it also takes a matplotlib figure. And so I'm generating samples and plotting pLLf7jbQGLu-00208-00090936-00091386 them with show_image and spitting back that matplotlib figure, which I can then log. pLLf7jbQGLu-00209-00091386-00091812 And that becomes these pretty pictures that you can see over time. pLLf7jbQGLu-00210-00091812-00092340 Like every time that log function runs, which is after every epoch, you can go in and see pLLf7jbQGLu-00211-00092340-00092586 what the images look like. JEREMY: So where do you think you can pLLf7jbQGLu-00212-00092586-00093144 make your code even simpler in the future? If we had show_images, maybe it could have pLLf7jbQGLu-00213-00093144-00093720 like a optional return fig parameter that returns the figure and then we could replace those pLLf7jbQGLu-00214-00093720-00094050 four lines of code with one, I suspect. JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00215-00094050-00094218 Yeah. And I mean this, pLLf7jbQGLu-00216-00094218-00094530 I just sort of threw this together. It's quite early still. pLLf7jbQGLu-00217-00094530-00095058 You could also, what I've done in the past is usually just create a PIL image where you pLLf7jbQGLu-00218-00095058-00095532 can, you know, make a grid or overlay text or whatever else you'd like. pLLf7jbQGLu-00219-00095532-00096108 And then just log that as wandb.image. Otherwise like apart from that, I'm just pLLf7jbQGLu-00220-00096108-00096612 passing in this callback as an extra callback to, um, my set of callbacks for the learner, pLLf7jbQGLu-00221-00096612-00097044 instead of a metric callback. And so when I call .fit, pLLf7jbQGLu-00222-00097044-00097464 I still get my little progress bar. I still get this printed out version because pLLf7jbQGLu-00223-00097464-00097896 my log function still also prints those metrics just for debugging. pLLf7jbQGLu-00224-00098010-00098442 But instead of having to like watch the progress in the notebook, I can set this running disconnect pLLf7jbQGLu-00225-00098442-00098796 from the server, go have dinner and then I can check on my phone or whatever. pLLf7jbQGLu-00226-00098796-00099150 What did the circles look like? And okay, cool. pLLf7jbQGLu-00227-00099150-00099696 It's starting to look like less than random nonsense, but still not necessarily recognizable. pLLf7jbQGLu-00228-00099696-00100050 Maybe we need to train for longer. That can be the next experiment. pLLf7jbQGLu-00229-00100158-00100422 What I should probably do next is think of some extra metrics, pLLf7jbQGLu-00230-00100422-00100554 but Jeremy's going to talk about that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00231-00100554-00101028 So for now, that's pretty much all I had to show is just to say, yeah, it's worth as you pLLf7jbQGLu-00232-00101028-00101502 move to these longer, you know, 10 minutes, one hour, 10 hours, these experiments, it's pLLf7jbQGLu-00233-00101502-00101874 worth setting up a bit of infrastructure for yourself so that you know what were the settings pLLf7jbQGLu-00234-00101874-00102096 I used. And maybe you're saving the pLLf7jbQGLu-00235-00102096-00102552 model so you have the artifact as a result. And yeah, I like this Weight and Biases pLLf7jbQGLu-00236-00102552-00102906 approach, but there's lots of others. The main thing is that you're doing something pLLf7jbQGLu-00237-00102906-00103374 to track these experiments beyond just, you know, creating plenty of different versions pLLf7jbQGLu-00238-00103374-00103530 of your notebook. JEREMY: I love it. pLLf7jbQGLu-00239-00103530-00103961 TANISHQ: One thing I was going to note that I don't know if many people know, but like Weights pLLf7jbQGLu-00240-00103961-00104490 and Biases can also save the exact code that you use to run that for that run. pLLf7jbQGLu-00241-00104490-00104885 So like if you make any changes to your code and then you, you know, then you don't know pLLf7jbQGLu-00242-00104885-00105114 which version of your code you use for this particular experiment. pLLf7jbQGLu-00243-00105114-00105420 So then you can figure out exactly what code you use. pLLf7jbQGLu-00244-00105420-00105822 So it's all completely reproducible. And so I love, you know, Weights and pLLf7jbQGLu-00245-00105822-00105959 Biases, all these different features it has. pLLf7jbQGLu-00246-00105959-00106361 And I use Weights and Biases all the time for my own research, like almost daily. pLLf7jbQGLu-00247-00106361-00106764 Like I had to put a run just last night and check on it today morning. pLLf7jbQGLu-00248-00106764-00107261 So it's like, I use it all the time for my own research and yeah, like I use it especially pLLf7jbQGLu-00249-00107261-00107622 to just know like, oh, this run had this particular config. pLLf7jbQGLu-00250-00107622-00107892 And then like, yeah, the models go straight into Weights and Biases. pLLf7jbQGLu-00251-00107892-00108354 And then if I want to run a model on the test set, I literally actually take it off of Weights pLLf7jbQGLu-00252-00108354-00108642 and Biases, like download it from Weights and Biases and run it on the test set. pLLf7jbQGLu-00253-00108642-00108942 So I use it all the time. And also just having the ability pLLf7jbQGLu-00254-00108942-00109242 to have everything reproducible and know exactly what you were pLLf7jbQGLu-00255-00109242-00109661 doing is very convenient instead of having to like manually track it in some sort of pLLf7jbQGLu-00256-00109661-00110070 like, I guess a big Excel sheet or some sort of journal or something like that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00257-00110124-00110454 Sometimes this is, you know, this is a lot more convenient, I feel so. pLLf7jbQGLu-00258-00110454-00110832 Yeah. JEREMY: Last we get into too much chilling from pLLf7jbQGLu-00259-00110832-00111624 Weights and Biases. I'm going to put a slightly alternative point of view, which is, I don't use pLLf7jbQGLu-00260-00111624-00111924 it or any experiment tracking framework myself. pLLf7jbQGLu-00261-00112074-00112650 Which is not to say maybe I could get some benefits by doing so, but I fairly intentionally pLLf7jbQGLu-00262-00112650-00113261 don't because I don't want to make it easy for myself to try a thousand different hyper pLLf7jbQGLu-00263-00113261-00113424 parameters or do kind of like pLLf7jbQGLu-00264-00113609-00114420 all-directed, you know, sampling of things. I like to be very like directed, you know. pLLf7jbQGLu-00265-00114570-00115182 And so that's kind of the workflow I'm looking for is one that allows that to happen, pLLf7jbQGLu-00266-00115182-00115428 right?, constantly go back and refactoring and thinking, pLLf7jbQGLu-00267-00115428-00116058 what did I learn and how do I change things from here and never kind of doing like 17 learning pLLf7jbQGLu-00268-00116058-00116604 rates and 6 architectures and whatever. Now obviously that's not something pLLf7jbQGLu-00269-00116604-00117072 that Johno is doing at the moment. And it’ll be so easy for him to get on, pLLf7jbQGLu-00270-00117168-00117324 if you wanted to. JOHNO: I can now make pLLf7jbQGLu-00271-00117324-00117726 a script that just does a hundred runs with different models and different tasks pLLf7jbQGLu-00272-00117726-00118061 and then I can look at my Weight and Biases and say filter by the best loss. pLLf7jbQGLu-00273-00118061-00118211 JEREMY: Yeah. JOHNO: Which is very tempting. pLLf7jbQGLu-00274-00118211-00118704 JEREMY: I would say to people like, yeah, definitely be aware that these tools exist. pLLf7jbQGLu-00275-00118704-00119244 And I definitely agree that as we do this, which is early 2023, Weights and Biases is pLLf7jbQGLu-00276-00119340-00119783 by far the best one I've seen. It has by far the best integration with fastai. pLLf7jbQGLu-00277-00119783-00120354 And as of today, if Johno's pushed yet, it has by far the best integration with miniai. pLLf7jbQGLu-00278-00120642-00121056 I think also fastai is the best library for using with Weights and Biases. pLLf7jbQGLu-00279-00121056-00121644 It works in both ways. So yeah, know it's there. pLLf7jbQGLu-00280-00121644-00122748 Consider using it, but also consider not going crazy on experiments because, you know, I pLLf7jbQGLu-00281-00122748-00123504 think experiments have their place clearly, but also carefully thought out hypotheses, pLLf7jbQGLu-00282-00123504-00124074 testing them, changing your code is overall the approach that I think is best. pLLf7jbQGLu-00283-00124356-00124638 Well, thank you, Johno. I think that's awesome. pLLf7jbQGLu-00284-00124992-00125490 I got some fun stuff to share as well, or at least I think it's fun. pLLf7jbQGLu-00285-00125646-00126342 And what I wanted to share is like, well… first of all, I should say we had said, pLLf7jbQGLu-00286-00126438-00126804 we all had said that we were going to look at UNets this week. pLLf7jbQGLu-00287-00126864-00127535 We are not going to look at UNets this week, but we have good reason, which is that we pLLf7jbQGLu-00288-00127535-00127914 had said, we're going to go from foundations to Stable Diffusion. pLLf7jbQGLu-00289-00127914-00128285 Well, that was also a lie because we're actually going beyond Stable Diffusion. pLLf7jbQGLu-00290-00128435-00128856 And so we're actually going to start showing today some new research directions. pLLf7jbQGLu-00291-00128856-00129240 I'm going to describe the process that I'm using at the moment to pLLf7jbQGLu-00292-00129240-00129383 investigate some new research directions. pLLf7jbQGLu-00293-00129383-00129852 And we're also going to be looking at some other people's research directions that have pLLf7jbQGLu-00294-00129852-00130302 gone beyond Stable Diffusion over the past few months. pLLf7jbQGLu-00295-00130440-00131436 So we will get to UNets, but we haven't quite finished, you know, as it turns out, the training pLLf7jbQGLu-00296-00131436-00131646 and sampling yet. Now pLLf7jbQGLu-00297-00131934-00132756 one challenge that I was having as I started experimenting with new things was started pLLf7jbQGLu-00298-00132756-00133584 getting to the point where actually the generated images looked pretty good and it felt like pLLf7jbQGLu-00299-00133746-00134382 you know, almost like being a parent, you know, each time a new set of images would pLLf7jbQGLu-00300-00134382-00134640 come out, I would want to convince myself that these were the most beautiful. pLLf7jbQGLu-00301-00134832-00135390 And so I, yeah, I, I, I, I, and like when they're crap, it's obvious they're crap, you pLLf7jbQGLu-00302-00135390-00135642 know, but when they're starting to look pretty good, it's very easy to convince yourself pLLf7jbQGLu-00303-00135642-00135990 you're improving. So I wanted to, you know, have a pLLf7jbQGLu-00304-00135990-00136866 metric which could tell me how good they were. Now unfortunately there is no such metric. pLLf7jbQGLu-00305-00136866-00137508 There's no metric that actually says, do these images, would these images look to a human pLLf7jbQGLu-00306-00137508-00137988 being like pictures of clothes? Because only talking to a person can do that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00307-00137988-00138426 But there are some metrics which give you an approximation of that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00308-00138426-00139320 And as it turns out, these metrics are not actually, they're not actually a replacement pLLf7jbQGLu-00309-00139320-00140034 for human beings looking at things. But they're a useful addition. pLLf7jbQGLu-00310-00140106-00140568 So I mean, I certainly found them useful. So I'm going to show you the two most common, pLLf7jbQGLu-00311-00140568-00140838 well there's really the one most common metric, which is called FID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00312-00140838-00141252 And I'm going to show another one called KID or KID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00313-00141516-00142476 So let me describe and show how they work. And I'm going to demonstrate them using pLLf7jbQGLu-00314-00142584-00143190 the model we trained in the last lesson, which was in DDPM2. pLLf7jbQGLu-00315-00143190-00143604 And you might remember we trained one with mixed precision pLLf7jbQGLu-00316-00143736-00144144 and we saved it as fashion_ddpm_mp for mixed precision. pLLf7jbQGLu-00317-00144366-00144966 Okay, so this is all the usual imports and stuff. This is all the usual stuff. pLLf7jbQGLu-00318-00145176-00145674 But there's a slight difference this time, which is that we're going to try to get the pLLf7jbQGLu-00319-00145674-00146262 FID for a model we've already trained. So basically to get the model we've already pLLf7jbQGLu-00320-00146262-00147078 trained to get its FID, we can just torch.load it and then dot cuda() to pop it on the GPU. pLLf7jbQGLu-00321-00147078-00147468 So I'm going to call that the smodel, which is the model for samples, the samples model. pLLf7jbQGLu-00322-00147468-00147834 And this is just a copied and pasted DDPM from the last time. pLLf7jbQGLu-00323-00147834-00148182 So that's for sampling. So we're going to do sampling from that model. pLLf7jbQGLu-00324-00148398-00148932 And so once we've sampled from the model, we're then going to try and calculate this pLLf7jbQGLu-00325-00148932-00149676 score called the FID. Now what the FID is going to do is it's pLLf7jbQGLu-00326-00149676-00150036 not going to say how good are these images. It's going to say pLLf7jbQGLu-00327-00150138-00150984 how similar are they to real images. And so the way we're going to do that is pLLf7jbQGLu-00328-00150984-00151758 we're going to actually look specifically at for the images that we generated in these samples, pLLf7jbQGLu-00329-00151860-00152394 we're going to look at some statistics of some of the activations. pLLf7jbQGLu-00330-00152472-00153336 So what we're going to do, we've generated these samples and we're going to create a pLLf7jbQGLu-00331-00153336-00153876 new Dataloaders, which contains no training batches. pLLf7jbQGLu-00332-00153876-00154278 And it contains one validation batch, which contains the samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00333-00154278-00154614 It doesn't actually matter what the dependent variable is. pLLf7jbQGLu-00334-00154614-00154914 So I just put in the same dependent variable that we already had. pLLf7jbQGLu-00335-00154914-00155916 And then what we're going to do is we're going to use that to extract some features from pLLf7jbQGLu-00336-00155916-00156114 a model. Now, what do we mean by that? pLLf7jbQGLu-00337-00156114-00156936 So if you remember back to notebook 14, we created this thing called summary and summary pLLf7jbQGLu-00338-00156936-00157764 shows us at different blocks of our model, there are various different output shapes. pLLf7jbQGLu-00339-00157764-00158250 In this case, it's a batch size of 1024. And so after the first block, pLLf7jbQGLu-00340-00158250-00158784 we had 16 channels, 28 by 28. And then we had 32 channels, 14 by 14 pLLf7jbQGLu-00341-00158784-00159882 and so forth until at the, just before the final linear layer, we had, we had the 1024 batches and pLLf7jbQGLu-00342-00159882-00160206 we had 512 channels with no height and width. pLLf7jbQGLu-00343-00160260-00161190 Now the idea of FID and KID is that the distribution of these 512 channels pLLf7jbQGLu-00344-00161262-00161850 for a real image has a particular kind of like signature, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00345-00161850-00162162 It looks a particular way. And so what we're going to pLLf7jbQGLu-00346-00162162-00162840 do is we're going to take our samples. We're going to run it through a model that's pLLf7jbQGLu-00347-00162840-00163614 learned to predict, you know, fashion classes, and we're going to grab this layer, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00348-00163614-00164028 And then we're going to average it across a batch, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00349-00164028-00164376 To get 512 numbers. And that's going to pLLf7jbQGLu-00350-00164376-00165084 represent the mean of each of those channels. So those channels might represent, for example, pLLf7jbQGLu-00351-00165084-00166002 you know, does it have a pointed collar? Does it have, you know, smooth fabric? pLLf7jbQGLu-00352-00166002-00166404 Does it have sharp heels and so forth? Right. pLLf7jbQGLu-00353-00166404-00167112 And you could recognize that something is probably not a normal fashion image if it pLLf7jbQGLu-00354-00167112-00167640 says, oh yes, it's got sharp heels and flowing fabric. pLLf7jbQGLu-00355-00167694-00167988 It's like, oh, that doesn't sound like anything we recognize. pLLf7jbQGLu-00356-00167988-00168654 So there are certain kind of like sets of means of these activations that don't make pLLf7jbQGLu-00357-00168654-00168742 sense. So that's... pLLf7jbQGLu-00358-00168742-00169596 JOHNO: This is a metric for, it's not a metric for an individual image necessarily, but it's pLLf7jbQGLu-00359-00169596-00170010 across a whole lot of images. So if I generate a bunch of fashion images pLLf7jbQGLu-00360-00170010-00170262 and I want to say, does this look like a bunch of fashion images? pLLf7jbQGLu-00361-00170262-00170820 If I look at the mean, like maybe X percent have this feature and X percent have that pLLf7jbQGLu-00362-00170820-00171000 feature. So if I'm looking at those means, as pLLf7jbQGLu-00363-00171000-00171390 like comparing the distribution, within all these images I generated, do roughly the same pLLf7jbQGLu-00364-00171390-00171972 amount have sharp collars as those in the… JEREMY: Yeah, that's a very good point too. pLLf7jbQGLu-00365-00171972-00172146 JOHNO: Well, the features generated are similar. JEREMY: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00366-00172146-00172404 And it's actually going to get even more sophisticated than that, pLLf7jbQGLu-00367-00172404-00172710 but let's just start at that level, which is this features dot mean. pLLf7jbQGLu-00368-00172710-00173508 So the basic idea here is that we're going to take our samples and we're going to pass pLLf7jbQGLu-00369-00173508-00174144 them through a pre-trained model that has learned to predict what type of fashion something pLLf7jbQGLu-00370-00174144-00174546 is. And of course we train some of those in this pLLf7jbQGLu-00371-00174786-00175152 notebook. And specifically we trained a nice 20 epoch pLLf7jbQGLu-00372-00175152-00175806 one in the data augmentation section, which had a 94.3% accuracy. pLLf7jbQGLu-00373-00175806-00176622 And so if we pass our samples through this model, we would expect to get some useful pLLf7jbQGLu-00374-00176622-00177114 features. One thing that I found made this a bit complicated pLLf7jbQGLu-00375-00177114-00177846 though, is that this model was trained using data that had gone through this transformation pLLf7jbQGLu-00376-00177846-00178122 of subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. pLLf7jbQGLu-00377-00178206-00179544 And that's not what we're creating in our samples. And so generally speaking, samples in most of pLLf7jbQGLu-00378-00179544-00179940 these kinds of diffusion models tend to be between negative one and one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00379-00180006-00180804 So I actually added a new section to the very bottom of this notebook, which simply replaces pLLf7jbQGLu-00380-00180804-00181392 the transform with something that goes from negative one to one, and just creates those pLLf7jbQGLu-00381-00181392-00181926 Dataloaders and then trains something that can classify fashion. pLLf7jbQGLu-00382-00181926-00182574 And I saved this as not data_aug, but data_aug2. So this is just exactly the same as before, pLLf7jbQGLu-00383-00182574-00183192 but it's a fashion classifier where the inputs are expected to between minus one and one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00384-00183294-00184158 Having said that, it turns out that our samples are not between minus one and one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00385-00184326-00184704 But actually, if you go back and you look at DDPM2, pLLf7jbQGLu-00386-00185022-00185496 we just use TF.to_tensor, and that actually makes images that are pLLf7jbQGLu-00387-00185496-00185916 between zero and one. So actually that's a bug. pLLf7jbQGLu-00388-00185916-00186606 Okay, so our images have a bug, which is they go between zero and one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00389-00186606-00186930 So we'll look at fixing that in a moment. But for now, we're just trying to get the pLLf7jbQGLu-00390-00186930-00187212 FID of our existing model. So let's do that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00391-00187332-00188148 So what we need to do is we need to take the output of our model, and we need to multiply pLLf7jbQGLu-00392-00188148-00188448 by two, so that'll be between zero and two, and subtract one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00393-00188448-00188982 So that'll change our samples to be between minus one and one, and we can now pass them pLLf7jbQGLu-00394-00188982-00189342 through our pre-trained fashion classifier. pLLf7jbQGLu-00395-00189420-00190086 Okay, so now how do we get that the output of that pooling layer, because that's actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00396-00190086-00190530 what we want to remind you. We want the output of pLLf7jbQGLu-00397-00190974-00191070 this layer. pLLf7jbQGLu-00398-00191364-00192042 So just to kind of flex our PyTorch muscles, I'm going to show a couple of ways to do it. pLLf7jbQGLu-00399-00192174-00192594 So we're going to load the model I just trained, the data_aug2 model. pLLf7jbQGLu-00400-00192648-00192996 And what we could do is, of course, we could use a hook. pLLf7jbQGLu-00401-00193110-00193536 And we have a hook's callback. So we could just create a function, pLLf7jbQGLu-00402-00193596-00194100 which just appends the output. So very straightforward. pLLf7jbQGLu-00403-00194100-00194268 Okay, because that's what we want. pLLf7jbQGLu-00404-00194268-00194670 We want the output. And specifically, it's, pLLf7jbQGLu-00405-00194814-00195360 so we've got these are all sequentials. So we can just go through and go, oh, one, two, pLLf7jbQGLu-00406-00195360-00195522 three, four, five, the layer that we want. pLLf7jbQGLu-00407-00195606-00196014 Okay, and so that's the module that we want to hook. pLLf7jbQGLu-00408-00196014-00196416 So once we've hooked that, we can pass that as a callback. pLLf7jbQGLu-00409-00196500-00197022 And we can then, it's a bit weird calling fit, I suppose, because we're saying train pLLf7jbQGLu-00410-00197022-00197544 equals false, but we're just basically capturing. This is just to put make one_batch go through pLLf7jbQGLu-00411-00197598-00198198 and grab the outputs. So this means now in our hook, there's never pLLf7jbQGLu-00412-00198198-00198510 going to be thing called outp, because we put it there. pLLf7jbQGLu-00413-00198594-00198954 And we can grab, for example, a few of those to have a look. pLLf7jbQGLu-00414-00198954-00199380 And yep, here, we've got a 64 by 512 set of features. pLLf7jbQGLu-00415-00199494-00200058 Okay, so that's one way we can do it. Another way we could do it is that actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00416-00200058-00200754 sequential models are what's called in Python collections, they have certain, pLLf7jbQGLu-00417-00200856-00201438 a certain API that they're expected to support. And out of something a collection can do like a pLLf7jbQGLu-00418-00201438-00202368 list is you can call del to delete something. So we can delete this layer and pLLf7jbQGLu-00419-00202446-00203070 this layer and be left with just these layers. And once we do that, that means we can just call pLLf7jbQGLu-00420-00203070-00203394 capture_preds, because now they don't have the last two layers. pLLf7jbQGLu-00421-00203394-00203994 So we can just delete layers eight and seven, call capture_preds. pLLf7jbQGLu-00422-00203994-00204312 And one nice thing about this is it's going to give us the entire pLLf7jbQGLu-00423-00204546-00204684 10,000 images in the test set. pLLf7jbQGLu-00424-00204828-00205212 So that's what I ended up deciding to do. There's lots of other ways I played around pLLf7jbQGLu-00425-00205212-00205638 with which worked, but I decided to these two as being two good, pretty good techniques. pLLf7jbQGLu-00426-00205752-00206478 Okay, so now we've got what do 1,000 real images look like at the end of the pooling layer. pLLf7jbQGLu-00427-00206478-00207294 So now we need to do the same for our sample. So we'll load up our fashion_ddpm_mp, pLLf7jbQGLu-00428-00207371-00207954 we’ll call sample. Let's just grab 256 images for now, make them pLLf7jbQGLu-00429-00207954-00208271 go between minus one and one, make sure they look okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00430-00208367-00208944 And as I described before, created Dataloaders where the validation set just has one batch, pLLf7jbQGLu-00431-00208944-00210576 which contains our samples and call capture_preds. Okay, so that's going to give us our features. pLLf7jbQGLu-00432-00210576-00211476 And the reason why is because we're passing the sample to model and model is the classifier. pLLf7jbQGLu-00433-00211571-00211812 Okay, which we've deleted the last two layers from. pLLf7jbQGLu-00434-00211902-00212610 So that's going to give us our 256 by 512. So now we can get the means. pLLf7jbQGLu-00435-00212730-00213744 Now that's not really enough to tell us whether something is looks like real images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00436-00214002-00214734 So maybe I should draw here. So we started out with our pLLf7jbQGLu-00437-00215178-00217266 batch of 256 and our channels of 512. And we squished them by taking their mean. pLLf7jbQGLu-00438-00217530-00218442 It's now just 256 vector. So this is the wrong way around. pLLf7jbQGLu-00439-00218760-00219936 We squished it this way, 512, because this is the main for each channel. pLLf7jbQGLu-00440-00220188-00220512 And we did exactly the same thing for the much bigger, pLLf7jbQGLu-00441-00220734-00221028 full set of real images. So this is our samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00442-00221226-00221321 And this is our real. pLLf7jbQGLu-00443-00221538-00222528 But when we squish it, that's 10,000 by 512, we get again 512. pLLf7jbQGLu-00444-00222906-00223523 So we could now compare these two. But you know, you could absolutely have some pLLf7jbQGLu-00445-00223523-00224202 samples that don't look anything like images, but have similar averages for each channel. pLLf7jbQGLu-00446-00224267-00224886 So we do a second thing, which is we create a covariance matrix. pLLf7jbQGLu-00447-00224988-00225348 Now if you've forgotten what this is, you should go back to our previous lesson where pLLf7jbQGLu-00448-00225348-00225654 we looked at it. But just to remind you, a covariance matrix pLLf7jbQGLu-00449-00225792-00226452 says, in this case, we do it across the channels, it's going to be 512 by 512. pLLf7jbQGLu-00450-00226571-00227376 So it's going to take each of these columns. And it says, in each cell, so here's cell 1, 1. pLLf7jbQGLu-00451-00227694-00228276 Basically it says, what's the difference between… it basically saying what's the difference pLLf7jbQGLu-00452-00228276-00229194 between each row, each element here, and the mean of the whole column, multiplied by the pLLf7jbQGLu-00453-00229194-00229608 exactly the same thing for a different column. Now on the diagonal, it's the same column twice. pLLf7jbQGLu-00454-00229608-00230034 So that means that these in the diagonal is just the variance. pLLf7jbQGLu-00455-00230292-00230892 But more interestingly, the ones in the off diagonal, like here, is actually saying, what's pLLf7jbQGLu-00456-00230892-00231294 the relationship between column one and column two. pLLf7jbQGLu-00457-00231366-00231869 So if column one and column two are uncorrelated, then this would be zero. pLLf7jbQGLu-00458-00232002-00232650 If they were identical, then it would be the same as the variance in here. pLLf7jbQGLu-00459-00232721-00233046 So it's how correlated are they. And why is this interesting? pLLf7jbQGLu-00460-00233046-00233573 Well, if we do the same, exactly the same thing for the reals, that's going to give pLLf7jbQGLu-00461-00233573-00234144 us another 512 by 512. And it's going to say things like, so let's pLLf7jbQGLu-00462-00234144-00234600 say this first column was kind of like, you know, does it have pointy heels? pLLf7jbQGLu-00463-00234840-00235344 And sorry, heels, can't spell. And the second one might be, pLLf7jbQGLu-00464-00235344-00235734 does it have flowing fabric? Right. pLLf7jbQGLu-00465-00235734-00236352 And this is where we say, okay, if, you know, generally speaking, you would expect these pLLf7jbQGLu-00466-00236352-00236694 to be negatively correlated. Right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00467-00236694-00237342 So over here in the reals, this is probably going to have a negative, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00468-00237342-00237828 Whereas if over here it was like zero or even worse if it's positive, it'd be like, oh, pLLf7jbQGLu-00469-00237828-00238200 those are probably not real, right? Because it's very unlikely you're going pLLf7jbQGLu-00470-00238200-00238734 to have images that have both where pointy heels are positively associated with a flowing fabric. pLLf7jbQGLu-00471-00238812-00239814 So we're basically looking for two data sets where their covariance matrices are kind of pLLf7jbQGLu-00472-00239814-00240360 the same and their means are also kind of the same. pLLf7jbQGLu-00473-00240612-00241248 All right. So there are ways of pLLf7jbQGLu-00474-00241410-00242178 comparing these, you know, basically comparing two sets of data pLLf7jbQGLu-00475-00242178-00242562 to say, are they, you know, from the same distribution? pLLf7jbQGLu-00476-00242616-00243006 And you can broadly think of it as being like, oh, do they have pretty similar covariance pLLf7jbQGLu-00477-00243006-00243246 matrices? Do they have pretty similar mean vectors? pLLf7jbQGLu-00478-00243438-00244104 And so this is basically what the Fréchet Inception Distance does. pLLf7jbQGLu-00479-00244104-00244734 Does that make sense so far, guys? JOHNO: Yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-00480-00244734-00245364 It's only striking me now how strong the similarity as to when we're talking about pLLf7jbQGLu-00481-00245364-00245640 like the style loss and those kinds of things. pLLf7jbQGLu-00482-00245640-00246071 How do we measure the types of features that occur together without worrying about like pLLf7jbQGLu-00483-00246071-00246564 which items in the data set? JEREMY: The Gram-Schmidt matrices or whatever. pLLf7jbQGLu-00484-00246564-00246684 JOHNO: Exactly. JEREMY: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00485-00246684-00246936 JOHNO: Yeah. JEREMY: Now pLLf7jbQGLu-00486-00247194-00247812 the particular way of comparing, so, okay, so I've got the means and I've got the covariances pLLf7jbQGLu-00487-00247812-00248364 for my samples. And I've actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00488-00248364-00248819 just created this little _calc_stats, right? So I always, I'm showing you how I build things, pLLf7jbQGLu-00489-00248819-00249150 not just things that are built, right? So I always create things step by pLLf7jbQGLu-00490-00249150-00249636 step and check their shapes, right? And then I paste them into our, merge the cells, pLLf7jbQGLu-00491-00249636-00249900 copy the cells and merge them into functions. pLLf7jbQGLu-00492-00249900-00250338 So here's something that gets the means and the covariance matrix. pLLf7jbQGLu-00493-00250584-00251358 So then I basically do, I call that both for my sample features and for my features of pLLf7jbQGLu-00494-00251358-00251628 the actual data set or the test set and the data set. pLLf7jbQGLu-00495-00251910-00252384 Now what I now do with that, if they have those features, I can calculate this thing pLLf7jbQGLu-00496-00252384-00252684 called the Fréchet Inception Distance, which is here. pLLf7jbQGLu-00497-00252744-00253823 And basically what happens is we multiply together the two covariance matrices and that's pLLf7jbQGLu-00498-00253823-00254382 now going to make them like bigger, right? So we now need to basically scale that down again. pLLf7jbQGLu-00499-00254382-00255269 Now, if we were working with, you know, non matrices, you know, if you kind of like multiply pLLf7jbQGLu-00500-00255269-00255882 two things together, then to kind of bring it back down to the original scale, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00501-00255882-00256062 you could kind of like take the square root, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00502-00256062-00256482 So particularly if it was by itself, you took the square root, you get back to the original. pLLf7jbQGLu-00503-00256482-00257028 And so we need to do exactly the same thing to renormalize these matrices. pLLf7jbQGLu-00504-00257028-00258023 The problem is that we've got matrices and we need to take the matrix square root. pLLf7jbQGLu-00505-00258023-00258510 Now the matrix square root, you might not have come across this before, but it exists. pLLf7jbQGLu-00506-00258510-00259517 And it's the thing where the matrix square root of the matrix A times itself is A. Now pLLf7jbQGLu-00507-00259517-00259740 I'm going to slightly cheat because pLLf7jbQGLu-00508-00259926-00260412 we've used the float square root before and we did not re-implement it from scratch pLLf7jbQGLu-00509-00260471-00260904 because it's in the Python standard library. And also it wouldn't be particularly interesting, pLLf7jbQGLu-00510-00260904-00261546 but basically the way you can calculate the float square root from scratch is by using, pLLf7jbQGLu-00511-00261606-00261996 there's lots of ways, but you know, the classic way that you might've done it in high school is pLLf7jbQGLu-00512-00261996-00262494 to use Newton's method, which is where you basically can solve, if you're pLLf7jbQGLu-00513-00262494-00263652 trying to calculate, you know, A equals the root X, then you're basically saying A squared equals pLLf7jbQGLu-00514-00263652-00264162 X, which means you're saying A squared minus X equals zero. pLLf7jbQGLu-00515-00264162-00264738 And that's an equation that you can solve and you can solve it by basically taking the pLLf7jbQGLu-00516-00264738-00265038 derivative and taking a step along the derivative a bunch of times. pLLf7jbQGLu-00517-00265368-00265686 You can basically do the same thing to calculate the matrix square root. pLLf7jbQGLu-00518-00265746-00266532 And so here it is, right? It's the Newton method, pLLf7jbQGLu-00519-00266532-00266778 but because it's the matrices, it's slightly more complicated. pLLf7jbQGLu-00520-00266778-00267228 So it's the Newton-Schurz method and I'm not going to go through it, but it's basically pLLf7jbQGLu-00521-00267228-00267960 the same deal you go through up to a hundred iterations and you basically do something pLLf7jbQGLu-00522-00267960-00268782 like traveling along that kind of derivative. And then you say, okay, well, the result times pLLf7jbQGLu-00523-00268782-00269478 itself ought to equal the original matrix. So let's subtract the matrix times itself from pLLf7jbQGLu-00524-00269478-00269964 the original matrix and see whether the absolute value is small and if it is, pLLf7jbQGLu-00525-00269964-00270126 we've calculated it. Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00526-00270126-00270426 So that's basically how we do a matrix square root. pLLf7jbQGLu-00527-00270426-00270882 So we do that. And so now that we have, strictly speaking, pLLf7jbQGLu-00528-00270882-00271158 implemented from scratch, we're allowed to use the one that already exists. pLLf7jbQGLu-00529-00271290-00271818 PyTorch doesn't have one, sadly, so we have to use the one from SciPy, scipy.linalg pLLf7jbQGLu-00530-00272100-00272964 So this is basically going to give us a measure of similarity between the two covariance matrices pLLf7jbQGLu-00531-00273024-00273540 and then we, here's the measure of similarity between the two pLLf7jbQGLu-00532-00273648-00273942 main matrices, which is just the sum of squared errors. pLLf7jbQGLu-00533-00273996-00274530 And then basically for reasons that aren't interesting, but it's just normalizing, we pLLf7jbQGLu-00534-00274530-00274848 subtract what's called the trace, which is the sum of the diagonal elements. pLLf7jbQGLu-00535-00274848-00275328 And we subtract two times the trace of the, this thing. pLLf7jbQGLu-00536-00275328-00275964 And that's called the Fréchet Inception Distance. Also a bit hand-wavy on the math because I pLLf7jbQGLu-00537-00275964-00276498 don't think it's particularly relevant to anything, but it gives you a number which pLLf7jbQGLu-00538-00276498-00277536 represents how similar is, you know, this for the samples to this for some real data. pLLf7jbQGLu-00539-00277632-00278244 Now it's weird it's called Fréchet Inception Distance when we've done nothing to do with pLLf7jbQGLu-00540-00278244-00278724 inception. The reason why is that people do not normally use pLLf7jbQGLu-00541-00278820-00279408 the fastai Part 2 custom Fashion- MNIST data_aug2 dot pickle. pLLf7jbQGLu-00542-00279408-00279924 They normally use a more famous model. They normally use the inception model, pLLf7jbQGLu-00543-00279924-00280470 which was an ImageNet winning model from Google Brain from a few years ago. pLLf7jbQGLu-00544-00280536-00281118 There's no reason whatsoever that inception is a good model to use for this. pLLf7jbQGLu-00545-00281118-00281496 It just happens to be the one which the original paper used. pLLf7jbQGLu-00546-00281496-00282138 And as a result, everybody now uses that not because they are sheep, but because you want pLLf7jbQGLu-00547-00282138-00282354 to be able to compare your results with other people's results. pLLf7jbQGLu-00548-00282504-00282996 Perhaps we actually don't, we actually want to compare our results from our other results. pLLf7jbQGLu-00549-00282996-00283854 And we're going to get a much more accurate metric if we use a model that's good specifically pLLf7jbQGLu-00550-00283854-00284322 at recognizing fashion. So that's why we're using this. pLLf7jbQGLu-00551-00284322-00285024 So very, very few people bother to use this. Most people just pip install Python FID or pLLf7jbQGLu-00552-00285024-00285432 whatever it's called and use inception, but it's actually better to use. pLLf7jbQGLu-00553-00285432-00285840 Unless you're comparing to papers, it's better to use a model that you've trained on your pLLf7jbQGLu-00554-00285840-00286446 data and you know is good at that. So I guess this is not a FID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00555-00286446-00286932 It's a, well maybe FID now stands for Fashion-MNIST. pLLf7jbQGLu-00556-00286932-00287274 I don't know what it stands for. I should have done something. pLLf7jbQGLu-00557-00287436-00288192 TANISHQ: I wanted to bring up two other caveats of FID, especially in papers. pLLf7jbQGLu-00558-00288246-00288756 The other thing is that FID is dependent on the number of samples that you use. pLLf7jbQGLu-00559-00288756-00289566 So as the number of samples they use for measuring FID, it's more accurate if you use more samples pLLf7jbQGLu-00560-00289566-00289914 and it's less accurate if you use less samples. JEREMY: What I think is less accurate is actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00561-00289914-00290178 biased. So if you use less samples, pLLf7jbQGLu-00562-00290178-00290496 it's too high specifically. TANISHQ: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00563-00290496-00291048 So in papers, you'll see them report how many samples they used. pLLf7jbQGLu-00564-00291126-00291528 And so even then comparing to other papers and comparing between different models and pLLf7jbQGLu-00565-00291528-00291858 different things, you want to make sure that you're comparing with the same amount of samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00566-00291858-00292278 Otherwise it might just be high because they just use less number of samples or something pLLf7jbQGLu-00567-00292278-00292506 like this. So you want to make sure that's comparable. pLLf7jbQGLu-00568-00292506-00293088 And then the other thing that is, because I guess it's a kind of a side effect of using pLLf7jbQGLu-00569-00293088-00293796 the Inception network in these papers is the fact that all of these are at a size 299 by pLLf7jbQGLu-00570-00293796-00294246 299, which is like the size that the Inception model was trained. pLLf7jbQGLu-00571-00294246-00294780 So actually when you're applying this Inception network for measuring this distance, you're pLLf7jbQGLu-00572-00294780-00295428 going to be resizing your images to 299 by 299, which in different cases that may not pLLf7jbQGLu-00573-00295428-00295626 make much sense. So like in our case, pLLf7jbQGLu-00574-00295626-00296160 we're working with 32 by 32 or 28 by 28 images. These are very small images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00575-00296160-00296820 And if you resize it to 299 or in other cases, this is now kind of an issue with some of pLLf7jbQGLu-00576-00296820-00297492 these latest models, you have these large 512 by 512 or 1024 by 1024 images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00577-00297492-00298188 And then you're kind of shrinking these images to 299 by 299 and you're losing a lot of that pLLf7jbQGLu-00578-00298188-00298464 detail and quality in those images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00579-00298464-00298872 So actually it's kind of become a problem with some of these latest papers when you pLLf7jbQGLu-00580-00298872-00299106 look at the FID scores and how they're comparing them. pLLf7jbQGLu-00581-00299106-00299502 And then visually when you see them, you can kind of notice, oh yeah, these are much better pLLf7jbQGLu-00582-00299502-00299958 images, but the FID score doesn't capture that as well because you're actually using pLLf7jbQGLu-00583-00299958-00300354 these much smaller images. So there are a bunch of different caveats. pLLf7jbQGLu-00584-00300354-00300876 And so FID, it's very good for like, yeah, it's nice and simple and automated for this pLLf7jbQGLu-00585-00300876-00301290 sort of comparison, but you have to be aware of all these different caveats of this metric pLLf7jbQGLu-00586-00301290-00301728 as well. JEREMY: So excellent segue because we're going pLLf7jbQGLu-00587-00301728-00302550 to look at exactly those two things right now. And in fact, there is a metric that compares the pLLf7jbQGLu-00588-00302550-00302832 two distributions in a way that is not biased. pLLf7jbQGLu-00589-00302832-00303414 So it's not necessarily higher or lower if you use more or less samples and it's called pLLf7jbQGLu-00590-00303414-00303780 the KID or KID, which is the Kernel Inception Distance. pLLf7jbQGLu-00591-00303780-00304482 It's actually significantly simpler to calculate than the Fréchet Inception Distance. pLLf7jbQGLu-00592-00304482-00305304 And basically what you do is you create a bunch of groups, a bunch of partitions, and pLLf7jbQGLu-00593-00305304-00305898 you go through each of those partitions and you grab a few of your Xs at a time and a pLLf7jbQGLu-00594-00305898-00306534 few of your Ys at a time. And then you calculate something called the MMD, pLLf7jbQGLu-00595-00306768-00307290 which is here, which is basically the… again, the details don't really matter. pLLf7jbQGLu-00596-00307290-00308118 We basically do a matrix product and we actually take the cube of it. pLLf7jbQGLu-00597-00308118-00308784 This is this K is for kernel, and we basically do that for the first sample by its compared pLLf7jbQGLu-00598-00308784-00309132 to itself, the second compared to itself and the first compared to the second. pLLf7jbQGLu-00599-00309306-00310134 And we then normalize them in various ways and add the two with themselves together and pLLf7jbQGLu-00600-00310134-00310944 subtract the, with the other one. And this one actually does not use the stats. pLLf7jbQGLu-00601-00310944-00311502 It doesn't use the means and covariance metrics. It uses the features directly. pLLf7jbQGLu-00602-00311766-00312534 And the actual final result is basically the mean of this calculated across different little pLLf7jbQGLu-00603-00312534-00312918 batches. Yeah, again, the math doesn't really pLLf7jbQGLu-00604-00312918-00313608 matter as to, you know, exactly why all these are exactly what they are, but it's going to give you pLLf7jbQGLu-00605-00313608-00313926 again, a measure of the similarity of these two distributions. pLLf7jbQGLu-00606-00314136-00314670 At first I was confused as to why more people weren't using this because people don't tend pLLf7jbQGLu-00607-00314670-00314970 to use this and it doesn't have this nasty bias problem. pLLf7jbQGLu-00608-00314970-00315408 And now that I've been using it for a while, I know why, which is that it has a very high pLLf7jbQGLu-00609-00315408-00315906 variance, which means when I call it multiple times with just like samples with different pLLf7jbQGLu-00610-00315906-00316302 random seeds, I get very different values. pLLf7jbQGLu-00611-00316302-00316626 And so I actually haven't found this useful at all. pLLf7jbQGLu-00612-00316860-00317490 So we left in the situation, which is, yeah, we don't actually have a good unbiased metric. pLLf7jbQGLu-00613-00317490-00317940 And I think that's the truth of where we are, the best practices. pLLf7jbQGLu-00614-00318090-00318618 And even if we did, all I would tell you is like how similar distributions are to each pLLf7jbQGLu-00615-00318618-00318690 other. It doesn't actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00616-00318690-00319266 tell you whether they look any good really. So that's why in pretty much all good papers, pLLf7jbQGLu-00617-00319266-00319746 they have a section on human testing. But I've definitely found this useful pLLf7jbQGLu-00618-00319806-00320472 for me for like comparing fashion images, which particularly like humans are good at looking at pLLf7jbQGLu-00619-00320472-00320874 like faces that are reasonably high resolution and be like, Oh, that eye looks kind of weird, pLLf7jbQGLu-00620-00320874-00321282 but we're not looking good at looking at 28 by 28 fashion images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00621-00321282-00321630 So it's particularly helpful for stuff that our brains aren't good at. pLLf7jbQGLu-00622-00321756-00322164 So I basically wrapped this up into a class, which I called ImageEval for evaluating images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00623-00322266-00322818 And so what you're going to do is you're going to pass in a pre-trained model for a classifier pLLf7jbQGLu-00624-00322902-00323658 and your Dataloaders, which is the thing that we're going to use to, to basically calculate pLLf7jbQGLu-00625-00323658-00324078 the real images. So that's going to be, pLLf7jbQGLu-00626-00324264-00324708 you know, the Dataloaders that were in this learn. So the real images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00627-00324948-00325380 And so what it's going to do in this class that again, I, this is just copying and pasting pLLf7jbQGLu-00628-00325380-00325572 the previous lines of code and putting them into a class. pLLf7jbQGLu-00629-00325572-00325878 This is going to be then something that we call capture_preds on pLLf7jbQGLu-00630-00325932-00326244 to get our features for the real images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00631-00326316-00326628 And then we can also calculate the stats for the real images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00632-00326736-00327498 And so then we can call fid by calling _calc_fid, which is the thing we already had passing pLLf7jbQGLu-00633-00327498-00328296 in the stats for the real images and calculated stats for the features from our samples, where pLLf7jbQGLu-00634-00328296-00328704 the features, the thing that we've seen before, we pass in our samples, pLLf7jbQGLu-00635-00328782-00328974 any random Y value is fine. pLLf7jbQGLu-00636-00328974-00329298 So I just have a single tensor there and call capture_preds. pLLf7jbQGLu-00637-00329298-00330258 So we can now create an ImageEval mod object passing in our classifier, passing in our pLLf7jbQGLu-00638-00330258-00330588 Dataloaders with the real data, any other callbacks you want. pLLf7jbQGLu-00639-00330666-00331518 And if we call fid, it takes about a quarter of a second and 33.9 is the FID for our samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00640-00331644-00332172 So something that I think, okay, then KID, KID’s going to be a very different scale. pLLf7jbQGLu-00641-00332172-00332538 It's only 0.05. So KIDs are generally much smaller than FIDs. pLLf7jbQGLu-00642-00332706-00333246 So mainly going to be looking at FIDs. And so here's what happens if we call FID pLLf7jbQGLu-00643-00333306-00334008 on sample 0 and then sample 50 and then sample 100 and so forth all the way up to 900. pLLf7jbQGLu-00644-00334062-00334734 And then we also do samples, 975, 990, 999. And so you can see over time, pLLf7jbQGLu-00645-00334734-00335070 our samples’ FID’s improved. So that's a good little test. pLLf7jbQGLu-00646-00335070-00335682 There's something curious about the fact that they stopped improving about here. pLLf7jbQGLu-00647-00335682-00336090 So that's interesting. I have not seen anybody plot this graph before. pLLf7jbQGLu-00648-00336090-00336462 I don't know if Johno or Tanishq, if you guys have, I feel like it's something people should pLLf7jbQGLu-00649-00336462-00337308 be looking at because it's really telling you: is your sampling making consistent improvements. pLLf7jbQGLu-00650-00337308-00337794 JOHNO: And to clarify, this is like the predicted denoised sample at the different stages during pLLf7jbQGLu-00651-00337794-00337932 sampling, right? JEREMY: Yes, exactly. pLLf7jbQGLu-00652-00337932-00338424 JOHNO: If I was to stop something now and just go straight to the predicted X error, what would pLLf7jbQGLu-00653-00338424-00338586 the FID be? JEREMY: So pLLf7jbQGLu-00654-00338586-00339156 I just want to check or check our samples. Yeah, we preset, we add the x0_hat at each time. pLLf7jbQGLu-00655-00339156-00339330 Yep. Yep. pLLf7jbQGLu-00656-00339330-00339648 Exactly. Same for KID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00657-00339648-00339918 And I was hoping that they would look the same and they do. pLLf7jbQGLu-00658-00339918-00340248 So that's encouraging that KID and FID are basically measuring the same thing. pLLf7jbQGLu-00659-00340326-00340698 And then something else that I haven't seen people do, but I think it's very good idea pLLf7jbQGLu-00660-00340698-00340968 is to take the FID of an actual batch of data. pLLf7jbQGLu-00661-00341046-00341352 Okay. And so that's tells us how good we could get. pLLf7jbQGLu-00662-00341514-00342300 Now that's a bit unfair because I think the different sizes, our data is 512, our sample pLLf7jbQGLu-00663-00342300-00342720 was 256, but anyway, it's a pretty huge difference. pLLf7jbQGLu-00664-00342894-00343278 And then, yeah, the second thing that Tanishq talked about, which I thought I'd actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00665-00343278-00343638 show is what does it take to use, you know, to get a real FID? pLLf7jbQGLu-00666-00343794-00344202 There's the Inception network. So I didn't particularly feel like pLLf7jbQGLu-00667-00344202-00344454 re-elementing the Inception network. So I guess I'm cheating here. pLLf7jbQGLu-00668-00344454-00344952 I'm just going to grab it from pytorch_fid. But there's absolutely no reason pLLf7jbQGLu-00669-00344952-00345282 to study the Inception networks. It's totally obsolete at this point. pLLf7jbQGLu-00670-00345450-00346200 And as Tanishq mentioned, it wants 299 by 299 images, which actually you can just call pLLf7jbQGLu-00671-00346200-00346614 resize input to have that done for you. It also expects three channel images. pLLf7jbQGLu-00672-00346800-00347586 So what I did is I created a wrapper for an Inceptionv3 model that when you call forward, pLLf7jbQGLu-00673-00347670-00348708 it takes your batch and replicates the channel three times. pLLf7jbQGLu-00674-00348810-00349320 So that's basically creating a three channel version of a black and white image just by pLLf7jbQGLu-00675-00349320-00349866 replicating it three times. So with that wrapping, and again, this pLLf7jbQGLu-00676-00349866-00350436 is good, like flexing of your PyTorch muscles, you know, try to make sure you can replicate this, pLLf7jbQGLu-00677-00350628-00351348 that you can, yeah, get an Inception model working on your Fashion-MNIST samples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00678-00351576-00352122 And yeah, then from there we can just pass that to our image eval instead. pLLf7jbQGLu-00679-00352122-00352782 And so on our samples, that gives us 63.8 and on a real batch of data, it gets 27.9. pLLf7jbQGLu-00680-00352782-00353496 And like, I find this like a good sign that this is much less effective than our real pLLf7jbQGLu-00681-00353496-00354228 Fashion-MNIST classifier, because like that's only a difference of a ratio of three or so. pLLf7jbQGLu-00682-00354414-00355062 The fact that our FID for real data using a real classifier was 6.6, I think that's pLLf7jbQGLu-00683-00355062-00355782 pretty encouraging, you know. Yeah, so that is that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00684-00355782-00356322 And we now have a FID, more specifically, we now have an ImageEval class. pLLf7jbQGLu-00685-00356568-00357042 Did you guys have any questions or comments about that before we keep going? pLLf7jbQGLu-00686-00357042-00357570 TANISHQ: No, let's do it. JOHNO: I think again that pLLf7jbQGLu-00687-00357570-00358002 pretty much every other FID you see reported is going to be, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00688-00358002-00358620 set up for CIFAR-10 tiny 32 by 32 pixels resized up to 299 and fed through Inception that was pLLf7jbQGLu-00689-00358620-00359118 aimed on imaging, not CIFAR-10. So yeah, it's bearing in mind that once again, pLLf7jbQGLu-00690-00359118-00359688 this is a slightly weird metric and even things like the types of image, like the imagery sizing pLLf7jbQGLu-00691-00359688-00359916 algorithms and PyTorch and TensorFlow might be slightly different. pLLf7jbQGLu-00692-00359916-00360498 Or you know, if you saved your images as JPEGs and then reloaded them, your FID might be pLLf7jbQGLu-00693-00360498-00360744 twice as bad. JEREMY: Yeah, it makes a big difference. pLLf7jbQGLu-00694-00360744-00361290 JOHNO: Yeah, exactly. So just to reiterate, what this will like, pLLf7jbQGLu-00695-00361290-00361560 the takeaway from all of this that I get is that it's really useful. pLLf7jbQGLu-00696-00361560-00362070 Everything's the same, like using the same backbone model, using the same approach, the pLLf7jbQGLu-00697-00362070-00362430 same number of samples, then you can compare it apples to apples. pLLf7jbQGLu-00698-00362580-00363090 But yeah, for one set of experiments, a FID of 30 might be good because of the way everything's pLLf7jbQGLu-00699-00363090-00363534 set up and for another, that might be terrible. So trying to compare to a paper or whatever is pLLf7jbQGLu-00700-00363624-00363814 best. JEREMY: So I'm going to say... pLLf7jbQGLu-00701-00363814-00364266 TANISHQ: I guess maybe the approach is that like, if you're doing your own experiments, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00702-00364266-00364602 these sorts of metrics are good, but then if you're going to compare to other models, pLLf7jbQGLu-00703-00364602-00365064 it's best to rely on human studies if you're comparing to other models and that, yeah, pLLf7jbQGLu-00704-00365064-00365712 I think that's kind of the sort of approach or mindset that we should be having when it pLLf7jbQGLu-00705-00365712-00365958 comes to this. JEREMY: Yeah, or both, you know. pLLf7jbQGLu-00706-00366048-00366372 But yeah, so we're going to see this is going to be very useful for us. pLLf7jbQGLu-00707-00366450-00366948 And we're just going to be using the same, pretty much all the time, we're going to use pLLf7jbQGLu-00708-00366948-00367470 the same number of samples and we're going to use the same Fashion-MNIST specific classifier. pLLf7jbQGLu-00709-00367584-00368190 So the first thing I wanted to do was fix our bug and to remind you, the bug was that pLLf7jbQGLu-00710-00368190-00369174 we had, we were feeding into our UNet in DDPMv2 and the original DDPM images that were from pLLf7jbQGLu-00711-00369174-00369570 zero to one. And yeah, that's wrong. pLLf7jbQGLu-00712-00369570-00369840 Nobody does that. Everybody feeds in images pLLf7jbQGLu-00713-00369840-00370248 that are from minus one to one. So that's very easy to fix. pLLf7jbQGLu-00714-00370380-00370758 You just… JOHNO: Jeremy, just to ask, like, why, why is that a bug? pLLf7jbQGLu-00715-00370758-00371112 JEREMY: Why it's a bug?. I mean, it's like, everybody knows pLLf7jbQGLu-00716-00371112-00371496 it's a bug because that's what everybody does. Like I've never seen anybody do anything pLLf7jbQGLu-00717-00371496-00371958 else and it's very easy to fix. So I fixed it by adding this to pLLf7jbQGLu-00718-00371958-00372588 DDPMv2 and I reran it and it didn't work. It made it worse. pLLf7jbQGLu-00719-00372846-00373770 And this was the start of, you know, a few horrible days of pain because like when you, pLLf7jbQGLu-00720-00373896-00374430 you know, fix a bug and it makes things worse, that generally suggests there's some other pLLf7jbQGLu-00721-00374430-00374787 bug somewhere else that somehow has offset your first bug. pLLf7jbQGLu-00722-00374787-00375288 And so I had to go, you know, I basically went back through every other notebook at pLLf7jbQGLu-00723-00375288-00376056 every cell and I did find at least one bug elsewhere, which is that we hadn't been shuffling pLLf7jbQGLu-00724-00376056-00376488 our training sets the whole time. So I fixed that, but it's got pLLf7jbQGLu-00725-00376488-00376758 absolutely nothing to do with this. And I ended up going through everything pLLf7jbQGLu-00726-00376758-00377250 from scratch three times, rerunning everything three times, checking every intermediate output pLLf7jbQGLu-00727-00377250-00377394 three times. So days of, pLLf7jbQGLu-00728-00377508-00377862 you know, depressing and annoying work and made no progress at all. pLLf7jbQGLu-00729-00378054-00378894 At which point I then asked Johno's question to myself more carefully and provided a less pLLf7jbQGLu-00730-00378894-00379626 flippant response to myself, which was, well, I don't know why everybody does this, actually. pLLf7jbQGLu-00731-00379836-00380202 So I asked Tanishq and Johno and I was like, and Pedro and I was like, have you guys seen pLLf7jbQGLu-00732-00380256-00381348 any math papers, whatever it's based on this particular input range? pLLf7jbQGLu-00733-00381426-00382008 And yeah, you guys are both like, no, I haven't. It's just, it's just what everybody does. pLLf7jbQGLu-00734-00382242-00382800 So at that point it raised the possibility that like, okay, maybe, maybe pLLf7jbQGLu-00735-00382914-00383166 what everybody does is not the right thing to do. pLLf7jbQGLu-00736-00383166-00383604 And is there any reason to believe it is the right thing to do? pLLf7jbQGLu-00737-00383718-00384246 And given that it seemed like fixing the bug made it worse, maybe not. pLLf7jbQGLu-00738-00384246-00384840 And then, but then it's like, well, okay, we, we are pretty confident from everything pLLf7jbQGLu-00739-00384840-00385290 we've learned and discussed that having centered data is better than uncentered data. pLLf7jbQGLu-00740-00385290-00385698 So having data that go from zero to one clearly seems weird. pLLf7jbQGLu-00741-00385698-00386100 So maybe the issue is not that we've changed the center, but that we've scaled it down. pLLf7jbQGLu-00742-00386100-00386388 So rather than having a range of two, it's got a range of one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00743-00386442-00387342 So at that point, you know, I, I did something very simple, which was, I pLLf7jbQGLu-00744-00387546-00387786 did this, I subtracted 0.5. pLLf7jbQGLu-00745-00387786-00388326 So now rather than going from naught to one, it goes from minus 0.5 to 0.5. pLLf7jbQGLu-00746-00388326-00388914 And so the theory here then was, okay, if our hypothesis is correct, which is that the pLLf7jbQGLu-00747-00388914-00389580 negative one to one range has no foundational reason for being, and we've accidentally hit pLLf7jbQGLu-00748-00389580-00390024 on something, which is that a range of one is better than a range of two, and this should pLLf7jbQGLu-00749-00390024-00390372 be better still, because this is a range of one and it's centered properly. pLLf7jbQGLu-00750-00390372-00390582 And so this is DDPM_v3 pLLf7jbQGLu-00751-00390708-00391332 and I ran that and yes, it appeared to be better. And this is great because now I've got FID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00752-00391386-00391986 I was able to run FID on DDPM_v2 and on DDPM_v3 and it was dramatically, dramatically, pLLf7jbQGLu-00753-00391986-00392064 dramatically better. pLLf7jbQGLu-00754-00392352-00392826 And in fact, I was running a lot, a lot of other experiments at the time, which we'll pLLf7jbQGLu-00755-00392826-00393114 talk about soon. And like all of my experiments are pLLf7jbQGLu-00756-00393114-00393864 totally falling apart when I fixed the bug. And once I did this, all the things that I pLLf7jbQGLu-00757-00393864-00394098 thought, thought weren't working, suddenly started working. pLLf7jbQGLu-00758-00394284-00394578 So you know, this is often the case, I guess, is that pLLf7jbQGLu-00759-00394704-00395424 bugs can highlight, you know, accidental discoveries and the trick is always to be, pLLf7jbQGLu-00760-00395592-00395994 you know, careful enough to recognize when that's happened. pLLf7jbQGLu-00761-00395994-00396324 You know, this is, some people might remember the story, this is how the pLLf7jbQGLu-00762-00396324-00396462 noble gases were discovered. pLLf7jbQGLu-00763-00396594-00397152 A chemistry experiment went wrong and left behind some strange bubbles at the bottom pLLf7jbQGLu-00764-00397152-00397380 of the test tube. And most people pLLf7jbQGLu-00765-00397380-00397944 would just be like, huh, oops, bubbles. But people who are careful enough actually went, pLLf7jbQGLu-00766-00397944-00398208 no, there shouldn't be bubbles there. Let's test them carefully. pLLf7jbQGLu-00767-00398208-00398520 It's like, they don't react. Again, most people would be like, oh, pLLf7jbQGLu-00768-00398610-00398790 that didn't work. The reaction failed. pLLf7jbQGLu-00769-00398790-00399246 But you know, if you're really careful, you'll be like, oh, maybe the fact that they don't pLLf7jbQGLu-00770-00399246-00399843 react is the interesting thing. So yes, being careful is a fair feature. pLLf7jbQGLu-00771-00399843-00400284 JOHNO: When you say things like it didn't work or it was worse, when you first showed us this pLLf7jbQGLu-00772-00400284-00400698 thing, I kind of said, oh, the images looked fine. The FID was slightly worse. pLLf7jbQGLu-00773-00400812-00401058 But it was okay. And if you trained it longer, pLLf7jbQGLu-00774-00401058-00401256 it eventually got better. Mostly. pLLf7jbQGLu-00775-00401256-00401724 There were some things that sampling occasionally went wrong, one image in a hundred or something pLLf7jbQGLu-00776-00401724-00401880 like that. But it was like, pLLf7jbQGLu-00777-00401940-00402252 this isn't like everything completely fell apart. No, it's just the truth. pLLf7jbQGLu-00778-00402252-00402966 The performance was slightly worse than expected. If you were doing the run and gun, try a bunch of pLLf7jbQGLu-00779-00402966-00403344 things, it was like, oh, well, I just doubled my training time and set a few runs going pLLf7jbQGLu-00780-00403344-00403626 and looked at the Weights and Biases stats later and oh, that seems like it's better now. pLLf7jbQGLu-00781-00403626-00403980 We just needed to train for longer. And we have infinite GPUs and lots of money. pLLf7jbQGLu-00782-00403980-00404688 You wouldn't notice this. So yeah, it wasn't like, you know, yeah, pLLf7jbQGLu-00783-00404688-00405018 the fact that you picked up on it showed that you had this like deep intuition for where pLLf7jbQGLu-00784-00405018-00405432 it should be at this stage in training versus where it was, what the samples should look like. pLLf7jbQGLu-00785-00405432-00405810 So there were any other fit as well to say like, okay, I would have expected a FID of pLLf7jbQGLu-00786-00405810-00406194 nine and I'm getting 14. What's up, what's up here. pLLf7jbQGLu-00787-00406194-00406596 And that was enough to start asking these questions and we all jumped on all the other pLLf7jbQGLu-00788-00406596-00406842 to think, you know, where this came from. JEREMY: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00789-00406842-00407280 I mean, definitely, I drive people crazy that I work with. pLLf7jbQGLu-00790-00407280-00407784 I don't know why you guys aren't crazy yet, but with this kind of like, no, I need to pLLf7jbQGLu-00791-00407784-00408234 know exactly why, you know, this is not exactly what we expected. pLLf7jbQGLu-00792-00408312-00408864 But yeah, this is why to, to find the, you know, when something's mysterious and weird, pLLf7jbQGLu-00793-00408864-00409194 it means that there's something you didn't understand and that's an opportunity to learn pLLf7jbQGLu-00794-00409194-00409506 something new. So that's what we did. pLLf7jbQGLu-00795-00409914-00410328 And… so that was quite exciting because yeah, going minus 0.5 to 0.5 made the FID pLLf7jbQGLu-00796-00410328-00410430 better still. pLLf7jbQGLu-00797-00410610-00411089 And I was definitely in, yeah, I moved from this frame of mind or from like, pLLf7jbQGLu-00798-00411197-00411347 you had a whole total depression. pLLf7jbQGLu-00799-00411347-00411702 I was so mad. I still remember when I spoke to Johno, pLLf7jbQGLu-00800-00411702-00412164 I was just so upset and, you know, and that I was suddenly like, Oh my gosh, pLLf7jbQGLu-00801-00412164-00412650 we're actually onto something. So, started experimenting more and you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00802-00412704-00413189 a bit more confidence at this point, I guess. And one thing I started looking at was our, pLLf7jbQGLu-00803-00413268-00413724 our schedule, you know, I, you know, we'd always been copying and pasting this pLLf7jbQGLu-00804-00413802-00414162 standard, again, set of stuff. And I started questioning everything. pLLf7jbQGLu-00805-00414216-00414534 Why is this a standard? Like, why are these numbers here? pLLf7jbQGLu-00806-00414534-00415038 You know, and I don't see any particular reason why those numbers were there. pLLf7jbQGLu-00807-00415139-00415464 And I thought, well, we should maybe experiment with them. pLLf7jbQGLu-00808-00415464-00416046 So to make it easier, I created a little function that would return a schedule. pLLf7jbQGLu-00809-00416046-00416580 Now you could create a new class for a schedule, but something that's really cool is there's pLLf7jbQGLu-00810-00416580-00417078 a thing in Python called SimpleNamespace, which is a lot like a struct in C basically pLLf7jbQGLu-00811-00417078-00417666 lets you wrap up a little bunch of keys and values as it lifts as if it's an object. pLLf7jbQGLu-00812-00417732-00418278 So okay, this little SimpleNamespace, which contains our alphas, our alpha bars and our pLLf7jbQGLu-00813-00418278-00419118 sigmas for our normal betamax equals 0.02, linspace, this is what we always do. pLLf7jbQGLu-00814-00419243-00419892 And then yeah, there's another paper which mentions an alternative approach, which is pLLf7jbQGLu-00815-00419892-00420888 cosine and… cosine schedule, which is where you basically set alpha bar equal to t as pLLf7jbQGLu-00816-00420888-00421530 a fraction of big T times pi over two, cosine of that squared. pLLf7jbQGLu-00817-00421530-00422226 And if you make that your alpha bar, you can then basically reverse back out to calculate pLLf7jbQGLu-00818-00422226-00422628 what alpha must have been. And so we can create a pLLf7jbQGLu-00819-00422628-00423426 schedule for this cosine schedule as well. And yeah, this cosine schedule is, I think, pLLf7jbQGLu-00820-00423426-00423989 pretty recognized as being better than this linear schedule. pLLf7jbQGLu-00821-00424134-00424620 And so I thought, okay, it'll be interesting to look at how they compare. pLLf7jbQGLu-00822-00424620-00425178 And in fact, really all that matters is the alpha bar. pLLf7jbQGLu-00823-00425178-00425897 The alpha bar is, you know, the total amount of noise that you're adding. pLLf7jbQGLu-00824-00425897-00426756 So in DDPM, when we do noisify, you know, it's alpha bar that we're actually using. pLLf7jbQGLu-00825-00426756-00427230 JOHNO: The amount of the image and one minus alpha bar, it's the amount of noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-00826-00427230-00427446 JEREMY: Exactly. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-00827-00427500-00428238 So I just printed those out, plotted those for the normal linear schedule and this cosine pLLf7jbQGLu-00828-00428238-00428430 schedule. And you can really see the linear schedule. pLLf7jbQGLu-00829-00428526-00428885 It really sucks badly. It's got a lot of pLLf7jbQGLu-00830-00428885-00429942 time steps where it's basically about zero. And you know, that's something we can't really pLLf7jbQGLu-00831-00429942-00430739 do anything with, you know, whereas the cosine schedule is really nice and smooth and there's not pLLf7jbQGLu-00832-00430739-00430968 many steps which are nearly zero or nearly one. pLLf7jbQGLu-00833-00431178-00431520 So I thought, so I was kind of inclined to try using the cosine schedule, but then I pLLf7jbQGLu-00834-00431520-00432102 thought, well, it'd be easy enough to get rid of this big flat bit by just decreasing pLLf7jbQGLu-00835-00432102-00432270 betamax. That'd be another thing we can do. pLLf7jbQGLu-00836-00432270-00432738 So I tried, oh, sorry, first of all, I should mention that the other thing that's really pLLf7jbQGLu-00837-00432738-00433074 important is the slope of these curves, because that's how much pLLf7jbQGLu-00838-00433074-00433374 things are stepping during the sampling process. pLLf7jbQGLu-00839-00433374-00433985 And so here's the slope of the lin and the cosine, and you can see the cosine slope. pLLf7jbQGLu-00840-00433985-00434466 Really nice, right? You have this nice smooth curve, pLLf7jbQGLu-00841-00434466-00435102 whereas the linear is just a disaster. So yeah, if I change betamax to 0.01, pLLf7jbQGLu-00842-00435264-00435743 that actually gets you nearly the same curve as the cosine. pLLf7jbQGLu-00843-00435984-00436320 So I thought that was very interesting. It kind of made me think like, why on earth pLLf7jbQGLu-00844-00436397-00437088 does everybody always use 0.02 as the default? And so we actually talked to Robin, who was one pLLf7jbQGLu-00845-00437088-00437520 of the two lead authors on the Stable Diffusion paper, and in fact we talked pLLf7jbQGLu-00846-00437520-00438000 about all of these things, and he said, oh yeah, we noticed not exactly this, but we experimented pLLf7jbQGLu-00847-00438000-00438438 with everything, and we noticed that when we decreased betamax, we got better results. pLLf7jbQGLu-00848-00438438-00438852 And so actually Stable Diffusion uses betamax of 0.012. pLLf7jbQGLu-00849-00438984-00439254 I think that might be a little bit higher than they should have picked, but it's certainly pLLf7jbQGLu-00850-00439254-00439650 a lot better than the normal default. So it's interesting talking to Robin to see pLLf7jbQGLu-00851-00439650-00440406 all of these kinds of experiments and things that we tried out, they had been there pLLf7jbQGLu-00852-00440406-00441030 as well and noticed the same things. JOHNO: The inputs range as well, they have this pLLf7jbQGLu-00853-00441030-00441480 magical factor of 0.18, 0.02, whatever, they scale the latency by. pLLf7jbQGLu-00854-00441480-00441804 And if you ask why, they're like, oh yeah, we wanted the latest to be roughly uniform pLLf7jbQGLu-00855-00441804-00442002 range, whatever. But that's also like, that's pLLf7jbQGLu-00856-00442085-00442512 reducing the range of your inputs to reasonable. JEREMY: I think exactly, pLLf7jbQGLu-00857-00442512-00442932 we independently discovered and they independently discovered this idea. pLLf7jbQGLu-00858-00442932-00443412 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. pLLf7jbQGLu-00859-00443412-00444042 So we'll be talking more about like what's actually going on with that maybe next lesson. pLLf7jbQGLu-00860-00444282-00444522 Anyway, so here's the curves as well, they're also pretty close. pLLf7jbQGLu-00861-00444522-00444984 So at this point I was kind of thinking, well, I'd like to like change as little as possible, pLLf7jbQGLu-00862-00444984-00445368 so I'm going to keep using a linear schedule, but I'm just going to change betamax to 0.01. pLLf7jbQGLu-00863-00445500-00445889 For my next, you know, version of DDPM. So that's what I've got here, pLLf7jbQGLu-00864-00445889-00446285 linear schedule betamax 0.01. And so that I wouldn't really have to pLLf7jbQGLu-00865-00446285-00446676 change any of my code, I'd end up just put those in the same variable names that I've always used. pLLf7jbQGLu-00866-00446772-00447060 So then noisify is exactly the same as it always has been. pLLf7jbQGLu-00867-00447143-00447402 So now I just repeat everything that I've done before. pLLf7jbQGLu-00868-00447497-00448362 So now would I show a batch of data, I can already see that there's, you know, more actually pLLf7jbQGLu-00869-00448362-00448632 recognizable images, which I think is very encouraging. pLLf7jbQGLu-00870-00448632-00449124 Previously they, like almost all of them had been pure noise, which is not a good sign. pLLf7jbQGLu-00871-00449184-00449597 So okay, so now I just train it exactly the same as DDPM_v2. pLLf7jbQGLu-00872-00449970-00450576 And so I save this as Fashion DDPM_v3. Oh, and then the other things I've done here is, pLLf7jbQGLu-00873-00450738-00450912 you know, this turned out to work pretty well. pLLf7jbQGLu-00874-00451026-00451439 I actually decided, let's keep going even further. So I actually doubled all of my channels pLLf7jbQGLu-00875-00451524-00451830 from before. And I also increased the number of epochs pLLf7jbQGLu-00876-00451830-00452232 by three, because things are going so well, I was like, how well could they go? pLLf7jbQGLu-00877-00452232-00452622 So we've got a bigger model trained for longer, so it takes a few minutes. pLLf7jbQGLu-00878-00452952-00453408 That's what the 25 here is the number of epochs. So samples exactly the same as it always has been. pLLf7jbQGLu-00879-00453516-00454296 So create 512 samples. And here they are, and they definitely look to me, pLLf7jbQGLu-00880-00454392-00454950 you know, great, like that. I'm not sure I could recognize whether pLLf7jbQGLu-00881-00454950-00455604 these are real samples or generated samples. But luckily, we know we can test them. pLLf7jbQGLu-00882-00455670-00456396 So we can load up our data_aug_2, delete the last two layers, pass that to ImageVal, pLLf7jbQGLu-00883-00456462-00456792 and get a FID for our samples. And it's 8. pLLf7jbQGLu-00884-00456882-00457380 And then I chose 512 for a reason, because that's our batch size. pLLf7jbQGLu-00885-00457380-00458106 So then I can compare that like with like for the FID for the actual data at 6.6. pLLf7jbQGLu-00886-00458106-00458706 So this is like hugely exciting to me, we've got down to a FID that is nearly as good as pLLf7jbQGLu-00887-00458784-00459180 real images. So I feel like this is, pLLf7jbQGLu-00888-00459342-00459900 you know, in terms of image quality for small, unconditional pLLf7jbQGLu-00889-00459996-00460434 sampling, I feel like we're done, you know, pretty much. pLLf7jbQGLu-00890-00460656-00461039 And so at this point, I was like, okay, well, can we make it faster, you know, at the same pLLf7jbQGLu-00891-00461039-00461328 quality. And I just wanted to experiment pLLf7jbQGLu-00892-00461328-00461988 with a few things, like really obvious ideas. And in particular, I thought, we're calling this pLLf7jbQGLu-00893-00462204-00463146 1,000 times, which means we're calling this 1,000 times, just running the model. pLLf7jbQGLu-00894-00463235-00463668 And that's slow. And most of the time, you just move a tiny bit. pLLf7jbQGLu-00895-00463668-00464112 So the model is pretty much the same. It's, you know, the noise being pLLf7jbQGLu-00896-00464112-00464610 predicted is pretty much the same. So I just did something really obvious, which pLLf7jbQGLu-00897-00464610-00465335 is I decided, let's only call the model every third time, you know, and maybe also just pLLf7jbQGLu-00898-00465335-00465654 the last 50 to help it fine tune. I don't know if that's necessary, pLLf7jbQGLu-00899-00465792-00466266 other than that it's exactly the same. So now this is basically three times faster. pLLf7jbQGLu-00900-00466385-00467172 And yeah, samples look basically the same. So the FID is 9.78 versus 8.1. pLLf7jbQGLu-00901-00467172-00467447 And this is like within the normal variance of FID. pLLf7jbQGLu-00902-00467447-00467976 So I don't know, like you'd have to run this a few times or use bigger samples, but this pLLf7jbQGLu-00903-00467976-00468432 is basically saying like, yeah, you probably don't need to call the model a thousand times. pLLf7jbQGLu-00904-00468588-00468972 I did something else slightly weird, which is I basically said like, oh, let's create pLLf7jbQGLu-00905-00468972-00469535 a different like schedule for how often we call the model, which is I created this thing pLLf7jbQGLu-00906-00469535-00469692 called sample_at. So I basically said pLLf7jbQGLu-00907-00469746-00470250 when you're for the first few time steps, just do it every 10 and then pLLf7jbQGLu-00908-00470250-00470597 for the next 2, every 9 and then the next 3, every 8, so forth. pLLf7jbQGLu-00909-00470597-00470952 And just for the last 100, do it every 1. So that makes it even faster. pLLf7jbQGLu-00910-00471258-00471534 Samples look good. This is, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00911-00471534-00471822 it's definitely worse though now, you know, but it's still not bad. pLLf7jbQGLu-00912-00471900-00472374 So yeah, I kind of felt like, all right, this is encouraging. pLLf7jbQGLu-00913-00472374-00472985 And this, this stuff before we fixed the minus one to one thing was, they looked really bad, pLLf7jbQGLu-00914-00472985-00473412 you know, um, that's why I was thinking that my code is full of bugs. pLLf7jbQGLu-00915-00473520-00473664 So at this point I'm thinking, okay, okay, okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00916-00473664-00474060 We can create extremely high quality samples using DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-00917-00474114-00474654 What's the like, you know, best paper out there for doing it faster. pLLf7jbQGLu-00918-00474654-00475134 And the most popular paper for doing it faster is DDIM. pLLf7jbQGLu-00919-00475224-00475752 So I thought we might switch to this next. So we're now at the point where we're not pLLf7jbQGLu-00920-00475752-00476514 actually going to retrain our model at all. If you noticed with these different sampling pLLf7jbQGLu-00921-00476514-00476934 approaches, I didn't retrain the model at all, but just say, okay, we've got a model. pLLf7jbQGLu-00922-00477000-00477402 The model knows how to best to make the noise in an image. pLLf7jbQGLu-00923-00477402-00478446 How do we use that to call it multiple times to denoise using iterative refinement as Johno pLLf7jbQGLu-00924-00478446-00479160 calls it. And so DDIM is a, another way of doing that. pLLf7jbQGLu-00925-00479238-00480276 So what we're going to do, I'm going to show you how I built my own DDIM from scratch and pLLf7jbQGLu-00926-00480347-00480924 I kind of cheated, which is, there's already an existing one in diffusers. pLLf7jbQGLu-00927-00480924-00481578 So I decided I will use that first, make sure everything works and then pLLf7jbQGLu-00928-00481578-00481800 I'll try and re-implement it from scratch myself. pLLf7jbQGLu-00929-00481896-00482316 So that's kind of like when there's an existing thing that works, you know, that's what I pLLf7jbQGLu-00930-00482316-00482628 like to do. And it's been really good to have my own pLLf7jbQGLu-00931-00482628-00483132 DDIM from scratch because now I can modify it, you know, and I've made it much more pLLf7jbQGLu-00932-00483204-00484254 concise code than the diffusers version. So, now, we had created this class called a UNet, pLLf7jbQGLu-00933-00484542-00485189 which asked the tuple of Xs through as individual parameters pLLf7jbQGLu-00934-00485189-00485778 and returned to the dot sample. But not surprisingly, given that this comes pLLf7jbQGLu-00935-00485778-00486293 from diffusers and we want to use the diffusers schedulers, the diffusers pLLf7jbQGLu-00936-00486450-00487068 schedulers assume this has not happened. It wants the X, you know, as a tuple and it pLLf7jbQGLu-00937-00487068-00487343 expects to find the thing called dot sample. So here's something crazy. pLLf7jbQGLu-00938-00487439-00488418 When we save this thing, this pickle, it doesn't really know anything about the code, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00939-00488418-00489174 It just knows that it's from a class called UNet. So we can actually lie. pLLf7jbQGLu-00940-00489234-00489797 We can say, oh yeah, that class called UNet it's actually the same as a UNet2DModel with no pLLf7jbQGLu-00941-00489797-00490272 other changes and Python doesn't know or care, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00942-00490272-00490734 So this, we can now load up this model and it's going to use this UNet. pLLf7jbQGLu-00943-00490818-00491028 Okay. So this is where it's useful to understand pLLf7jbQGLu-00944-00491028-00491616 how Python works behind the scenes, right? It's a very simple programming language. pLLf7jbQGLu-00945-00491742-00492258 So we've now got a model which we've trained, but it's not, it's just going to, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00946-00492258-00492450 use the dot sample. And that means we can pLLf7jbQGLu-00947-00492450-00493043 use it directly with the diffusers schedulers. So we'll start by actually repeating what we pLLf7jbQGLu-00948-00493043-00493266 already know how to do, which is use a DDPM scheduler. pLLf7jbQGLu-00949-00493266-00493902 So we have to tell it what beta we used to train. And so we can grab some random data. pLLf7jbQGLu-00950-00494016-00494484 And so we could say, okay, we're going to start at time step 999. pLLf7jbQGLu-00951-00494562-00495030 So let's create a batch of data and then predict the noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-00952-00495216-00495816 And then this is the way that diffusers thing works is you call scheduler.step and that's pLLf7jbQGLu-00953-00495816-00496902 the thing which does those lines. That's the thing that calculates x_t given noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-00954-00497022-00497370 So that's what scheduler.step does. That's why you pass in pLLf7jbQGLu-00955-00497370-00498114 x_t and the time step and the noise. And that's going to give you a new set. pLLf7jbQGLu-00956-00498114-00498588 And so I ran that as usual first cell by cell to make sure I understood how it all worked. pLLf7jbQGLu-00957-00498588-00498996 I then copied those cells and merged them together and chucked them in a loop. pLLf7jbQGLu-00958-00499116-00499596 So this is now going to go through all the time steps, use a progress bar to see how pLLf7jbQGLu-00959-00499596-00500460 we're going, get the noise, call step and append. So this is just DDPM, but using diffusers and pLLf7jbQGLu-00960-00500460-00501168 not surprisingly it gives us, you know, basically the same results as, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-00961-00501168-00501593 nice results, very nice results that we got from our own DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-00962-00501593-00502170 And so we can now use the same code we've used before to create our image evaluator. pLLf7jbQGLu-00963-00502230-00502956 And I decided, yeah, we're now going to go right up to 2,048 images at a time. pLLf7jbQGLu-00964-00503010-00503382 So it's now, this is the size I found it's big enough that it's reasonably stable. pLLf7jbQGLu-00965-00503447-00504246 And so we're now down to 3.7 for our FID, where else the data itself has a FID of 1.9. pLLf7jbQGLu-00966-00504246-00505152 So again, showing that our DDPM is basically very nearly unrecognizably different from pLLf7jbQGLu-00967-00505152-00505452 real data using its distribution of those activations. pLLf7jbQGLu-00968-00505596-00506112 So then we can switch to DDIM by the same DDIM scheduler. pLLf7jbQGLu-00969-00506112-00506526 And so with DDIM, you can say, I don't want to do all thousand steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-00970-00506526-00507612 I just want to do 333 steps to every third. So that's basically a bit like, a bit like pLLf7jbQGLu-00971-00507726-00508260 this sample skip of doing every third, but DDIM as we'll see, does it in a smarter way. pLLf7jbQGLu-00972-00508458-00509160 And so here's exactly the same code basically as before, but I put it into a little function. pLLf7jbQGLu-00973-00509160-00509250 Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-00974-00509250-00509735 So I can basically pass in my model, the size, the scheduler. pLLf7jbQGLu-00975-00509808-00510270 And then there's a parameter called eta, which is basically how much noise to add. pLLf7jbQGLu-00976-00510462-00510978 So just add all the noise. And so this is now going to pLLf7jbQGLu-00977-00510978-00511535 take three times, this three times faster. And yeah, the FID's basically the same. pLLf7jbQGLu-00978-00511535-00511806 That's encouraging. So I went down to 200 steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-00979-00511860-00512610 It's basically the same. 100 steps. And at this point, okay, the FID's getting worse. pLLf7jbQGLu-00980-00512946-00513647 And then 50 steps. We're still. 25 steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-00981-00513647-00513882 We're still... It's interesting, like when you get down pLLf7jbQGLu-00982-00513882-00514332 to 25 steps, like, well, what does it look like? And you can see that they're kind of like, pLLf7jbQGLu-00983-00514332-00514746 they're too smooth. You know, they don't have interesting, pLLf7jbQGLu-00984-00514889-00515688 you know, fabric swells so much or buckles or mongos or patterns as much, you know, as the, pLLf7jbQGLu-00985-00515796-00516089 these ones, they've got a lot more texture to them. pLLf7jbQGLu-00986-00516143-00516774 So that's kind of what tends to happen. So you can still like get something out pretty pLLf7jbQGLu-00987-00516774-00517068 fast, but that's, that's kind of how they suffer. pLLf7jbQGLu-00988-00517152-00517385 So okay. So how does DDIM work? pLLf7jbQGLu-00989-00517452-00517896 Well DDIM, it's nice. It's actually, in my opinion, pLLf7jbQGLu-00990-00517896-00518628 it makes things a lot easier than DDPM. So there's basically an equation from pLLf7jbQGLu-00991-00518628-00519756 the paper, which Tanishq will explain shortly. But basically what you do is I've actually grabbed pLLf7jbQGLu-00992-00519756-00520535 the sample function from here and I split it out into two bits. pLLf7jbQGLu-00993-00520643-00521285 One bit is the bit that says, what are the time steps, creates that random starting point, pLLf7jbQGLu-00994-00521376-00522270 loops through, finds what my current a bar is, gets the noise, and then, basically does pLLf7jbQGLu-00995-00522270-00522606 the same as sched.step. It calls some function, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-00996-00522606-00523074 And then that's been pulled out. So this allows me to now create my own pLLf7jbQGLu-00997-00523314-00523926 different steps. So I created a DDIM step and basically all pLLf7jbQGLu-00998-00523926-00524658 I did was I took this equation and I turned it into code. pLLf7jbQGLu-00999-00524658-00524892 Actually this, this one is the second equation from the paper. pLLf7jbQGLu-01000-00525072-00525498 Now it's a bit confusing, which is that the notation here is different. pLLf7jbQGLu-01001-00525498-00525894 DDPM, what it calls alpha bar, this paper calls alpha. pLLf7jbQGLu-01002-00526086-00526572 So you've got to look out for that. So basically you'll see, I basically go, pLLf7jbQGLu-01003-00526572-00527202 I've got here x_t, x_t minus, okay. One minus alpha bar is we've pLLf7jbQGLu-01004-00527202-00527736 created a call that beta bar. So beta bar dot square root times noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01005-00527736-00528126 This here is the, this is the neural net. So this here is the noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01006-00528330-00528402 Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-01007-00528726-00529746 And here I've got my next x_t is, oh, sorry. Yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-01008-00529746-00530430 Here's my a bar t one square root times this, and you can see here, it says predicted X pLLf7jbQGLu-01009-00530430-00530688 naught. Here's my predicted X naught plus pLLf7jbQGLu-01010-00530850-00531342 beta bar t one minus sigma squared square root. pLLf7jbQGLu-01011-00531498-00531792 Again, here's noise. It's the same thing as here. pLLf7jbQGLu-01012-00532050-00532230 Okay. And then pLLf7jbQGLu-01013-00532230-00532650 plus a bit of random noise, which we only do if you're not at the last step. pLLf7jbQGLu-01014-00532752-00533118 So yeah, so I can call that. So I just did it for, pLLf7jbQGLu-01015-00533382-00533772 so I'd rather than saying a hundred steps, I said, skip every skip 10 pLLf7jbQGLu-01016-00533772-00533928 steps. So do 10 steps at a time. pLLf7jbQGLu-01017-00533928-00534444 So it's basically going to be a hundred steps. And so you can see here actually is just happened pLLf7jbQGLu-01018-00534444-00534762 to do a bit better for my a hundred steps. It's not bad at all. pLLf7jbQGLu-01019-00535242-00535992 So yeah, I mean, this has been getting to this point, it's been a bit of a lifesaver pLLf7jbQGLu-01020-00535992-00536592 to be honest, because you know, I can now run a two, you know, two, that batch of pLLf7jbQGLu-01021-00536592-00536886 2,048 samples. I can sample them in under a minute pLLf7jbQGLu-01022-00537090-00537480 which doesn't feel painful. And so I'm now at a point pLLf7jbQGLu-01023-00537480-00537930 where I can actually get a pretty good measure of how I'm doing pLLf7jbQGLu-01024-00538062-00538692 in a pretty reasonable amount of time. And I can, you know, easily compare it. pLLf7jbQGLu-01025-00538812-00539250 And I got to admit, you know, the difference between a FID of 5 and 8 and 11, I pLLf7jbQGLu-01026-00539250-00539838 can't necessarily tell the difference. So for fashion, I think FID is better than my eyes pLLf7jbQGLu-01027-00539838-00540240 for this, as long as I use a consistent sample size. pLLf7jbQGLu-01028-00540348-00541218 So yeah, Tanishq, did you want to talk a bit about, you know, the ideas of why we do this pLLf7jbQGLu-01029-00541218-00541722 or where it comes from or what the notation means? JOHNO: Can I say a little bit before we do that, pLLf7jbQGLu-01030-00541722-00542256 which is just that what you have there, Jeremy, which is like a screenshot from the paper and then pLLf7jbQGLu-01031-00542256-00542556 the code that is closest as possible tries to follow that. pLLf7jbQGLu-01032-00542556-00543168 Like the difference that makes for people is huge. Like I've got a little research team that pLLf7jbQGLu-01033-00543168-00543606 I'm doing some contract work with. And the fact that like it's called pLLf7jbQGLu-01034-00543606-00543966 alpha in the DDIM paper and alpha bar elsewhere. And then in the code that they were copying and pLLf7jbQGLu-01035-00543966-00544206 pasting from, it was called A and B for alpha and beta. pLLf7jbQGLu-01036-00544368-00544812 And it's like you can get things kind of working by copying and pasting into things. pLLf7jbQGLu-01037-00544812-00545202 And it's all just sort of kind of works, but just spending that time to literally take pLLf7jbQGLu-01038-00545202-00545748 two screenshots from equation 14 and 16 from the paper and put them in there and rewrite pLLf7jbQGLu-01039-00545748-00546066 the code so that it, you know, with some comments and things to say like, this is what this pLLf7jbQGLu-01040-00546066-00546630 is, this is that part from the equation. It's like, you know, the, the look of pain on pLLf7jbQGLu-01041-00546630-00546828 their face when I said, Oh, by the way, did you notice that like, pLLf7jbQGLu-01042-00546828-00547182 it's called alpha there and alpha bar there? They're like, yes, how could they do that? pLLf7jbQGLu-01043-00547182-00547542 You know, it's just like, you could just tell how many hours have been spent, you know, pLLf7jbQGLu-01044-00547542-00547896 like grinding and saying what's wrong here. JEREMY: And doing notebooks. pLLf7jbQGLu-01045-00547896-00548304 Yeah, and building this stuff in notebooks is such a good idea. pLLf7jbQGLu-01046-00548304-00548766 Like we're doing with miniai because the, you know, the next engineer to come along pLLf7jbQGLu-01047-00548766-00549612 and work on that and see the equation right there and you can add rows and stuff. pLLf7jbQGLu-01048-00549612-00550188 So I think, you know, nbdev works particularly well for this, this kind of development. pLLf7jbQGLu-01049-00550320-00550509 Yeah. Thanks, Johno. pLLf7jbQGLu-01050-00550509-00551184 TANISHQ: Yeah, before, I talk about this, I just wanted to briefly, in the context pLLf7jbQGLu-01051-00551184-00551844 of all of these differing notations, I recently created this meme, which I thought was, was pLLf7jbQGLu-01052-00551844-00552384 relevant in terms of like each paper basically has a different diffusion model notation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01053-00552384-00552798 So it's just like this, but they all try to come up with their own universal notation pLLf7jbQGLu-01054-00552798-00553206 and it's just, just keeps proliferating. JEREMY: Let's just agree we pLLf7jbQGLu-01055-00553206-00553608 should all use APL. TANISHQ: Yes, exactly. pLLf7jbQGLu-01056-00553608-00553908 We need to implement diffusion models in APLs somehow. pLLf7jbQGLu-01057-00554112-00554862 So yeah, the paper that we're, that, you know, Jeremy had implemented was this Denoising pLLf7jbQGLu-01058-00554862-00555498 Diffusion Implicit Model paper. And if you look at the paper again, you could pLLf7jbQGLu-01059-00555498-00556014 see like the notation could be again, a little bit intimidating, but when we walk through it, pLLf7jbQGLu-01060-00556014-00556776 we'll see, it's not too bad actually. So I'll just bring up, I guess, some of pLLf7jbQGLu-01061-00556776-00557376 the important equations and also comparing and contrasting you know, DDPM and the notation pLLf7jbQGLu-01062-00557376-00557832 of DDPM and the equations with DDIM. JEREMY: Not only is it not too bad, pLLf7jbQGLu-01063-00557832-00558318 I actually discovered it's making life a lot, the DDIM notation pLLf7jbQGLu-01064-00558318-00558774 and equations are a lot easier to work with than DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01065-00558774-00559164 So I found my life is better since I discovered DDIM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01066-00559164-00559704 TANISHQ: Yes, yes, I think a lot of people prefer to use DDIM as well. pLLf7jbQGLu-01067-00559824-00561426 So yeah, basically in both DDIM and DDPM, we have this same sort of equation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01068-00561426-00562200 This equation is exactly the same. This is telling us the predicted denoised image. pLLf7jbQGLu-01069-00562200-00562842 So we predict our, but basically we predict the, you can see my pointer, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-01070-00562902-00563298 Just want to confirm. JEREMY: By the way, the little double-headed pLLf7jbQGLu-01071-00563298-00563634 arrow in the top right, does that, if you click that till you get more room pLLf7jbQGLu-01072-00563760-00564210 for us to see what's going on. The double-headed arrow just above the, yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-01073-00564210-00564396 TANISHQ: Yeah, sorry. Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-01074-00564396-00565110 That’s much better. So we have our predicted noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01075-00565110-00565758 So our model is predicting the noise in the image. It is also passed in the time step, pLLf7jbQGLu-01076-00565758-00566142 but this is just emitted. It basically kind of is given in the XT, pLLf7jbQGLu-01077-00566142-00566700 but our model also takes in the time step. And so it's predicting the noise in this pLLf7jbQGLu-01078-00566700-00567192 XT, our noisy image. And we are trying to remove the noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01079-00567192-00567684 That's what this whole term here is, remove the noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01080-00567684-00568188 So because our noise that we're predicting is unit variance noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01081-00568188-00568710 So we have to scale the variance of our noise appropriately to remove it from our noisy pLLf7jbQGLu-01082-00568710-00568986 image. So we have to scale the noise pLLf7jbQGLu-01083-00569070-00569700 and subtract it out of the original image. And that's how we would get our pLLf7jbQGLu-01084-00569922-00570264 predicted denoised image. JEREMY: And I think we have pLLf7jbQGLu-01085-00570264-00571140 derived this one before by looking at the equation for XT in the noisify function pLLf7jbQGLu-01086-00571140-00571794 and rearranging it to solve for X nought. And that's what you get. pLLf7jbQGLu-01087-00571794-00572124 TANISHQ: Yes, that's basically what this is. Yes, that's basically what this is. pLLf7jbQGLu-01088-00572190-00572634 So basically the idea is, okay, instead of, yeah, noisifying it where we're starting out pLLf7jbQGLu-01089-00572634-00573198 with X0 and some noise and get an XT, we're doing the opposite where we have some noise pLLf7jbQGLu-01090-00573198-00573486 and we have XT. So how can we get X0? pLLf7jbQGLu-01091-00573486-00573864 So that's what this equation is. So that's the predicted X0 pLLf7jbQGLu-01092-00573864-00574434 or our predicted clean image. And this equation is the same for both DDPM pLLf7jbQGLu-01093-00574434-00575034 and DDIM, but these distributions are what's different between DDPM and DDIM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01094-00575034-00575838 So we have these distribution, which tells us, okay, so if we have XT, which is our current pLLf7jbQGLu-01095-00575838-00576552 noisy image; and X0, which is our clean image, can we find out what some sort of intermediate pLLf7jbQGLu-01096-00576552-00576948 noisy image is in that process? And that's XT minus one. pLLf7jbQGLu-01097-00576948-00577614 So we have a distribution for that. And so that tells us how to get such an image. pLLf7jbQGLu-01098-00577614-00578250 And so this is in the DDPM paper, they did to divide some distribution and explain the pLLf7jbQGLu-01099-00578250-00578640 math behind it. But yeah, basically they have some equation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01100-00578640-00579372 So you have, again, a Gaussian distribution with some sort of mean and variance, but it's pLLf7jbQGLu-01101-00579372-00579774 again some form of you have this sort of interpolation between pLLf7jbQGLu-01102-00579876-00580524 your original clean image and your noisy image, and that gives you your pLLf7jbQGLu-01103-00580644-00581052 intermediate slightly less noisy image. So that's what this is giving. pLLf7jbQGLu-01104-00581160-00581586 Given a clean image and a noisy image, you're slightly less noisy image. pLLf7jbQGLu-01105-00581586-00582750 And so the sampling procedure that we do with DDPM basically is predict the X0 and then pLLf7jbQGLu-01106-00582750-00583272 plug it into this distribution to give you your slightly less noisy image. pLLf7jbQGLu-01107-00583272-00584250 So maybe it's worth drawing that out. So if we had, let's say, some sort of, I don't pLLf7jbQGLu-01108-00584250-00584568 know, I'm just making some sort of, I don't know, maybe a lot of some sort of better, pLLf7jbQGLu-01109-00584568-00585024 yeah, some sort of. So then in this case, pLLf7jbQGLu-01110-00585024-00585480 I'm showing a one dimensional example. Let's say you have some sort of a point. pLLf7jbQGLu-01111-00585480-00585828 So it's kind of a one dimensional example that's still in the sort of 2D space. pLLf7jbQGLu-01112-00585828-00586440 But let's say you have some, any point on this represents an actual image that you want pLLf7jbQGLu-01113-00586440-00586698 to sample from, right? So this is where your pLLf7jbQGLu-01114-00586698-00587214 distribution of actual images would lie. And you want to estimate this. pLLf7jbQGLu-01115-00587214-00587766 So this sort of algorithm that we've been seeing here says that, okay, if we take some pLLf7jbQGLu-01116-00587820-00588282 random point, this is some random point that we choose when we start out. pLLf7jbQGLu-01117-00588282-00588966 And what we did is we learned this function, the score function to take us to this manifold, pLLf7jbQGLu-01118-00588966-00589212 but it's only going to be accurate in some space. pLLf7jbQGLu-01119-00589212-00589620 So it's going to be accurate. It would be accurate in some area. pLLf7jbQGLu-01120-00589734-00590154 So we get an estimate of the score function and it tells us the direction to move in. pLLf7jbQGLu-01121-00590154-00590766 And it's going to give us the direction to predict our denoised image, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-01122-00590766-00591876 So basically, let's say your score function is actually in reality some curve, okay? pLLf7jbQGLu-01123-00591876-00592302 So it's in reality some curve that points to your, oops, it points here. pLLf7jbQGLu-01124-00592302-00592665 So that's your score function. And you know the value here. pLLf7jbQGLu-01125-00592665-00592818 JEREMY: Just to clarify, the score function basically pLLf7jbQGLu-01126-00592818-00593082 means your gradient, yeah? TANISHQ: Yes, yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-01127-00593082-00593568 It's a gradient. So we're again doing some form of, in this case, pLLf7jbQGLu-01128-00593568-00594024 I guess you would say gradient ascent, because you're not really minimizing pLLf7jbQGLu-01129-00594024-00594552 the score, you're maximizing it. You want, so you're maximizing the likelihood pLLf7jbQGLu-01130-00594552-00594894 of that data point being an actual data point. You want to go towards it. pLLf7jbQGLu-01131-00594894-00595242 So you're doing the sort of gradient ascent process. pLLf7jbQGLu-01132-00595242-00596274 So you're following the gradient to get to that. So when we estimate epsilon, theta, and predict pLLf7jbQGLu-01133-00596274-00596562 our noise, what we're doing is we're getting the score value here. pLLf7jbQGLu-01134-00596562-00597156 And then so we can follow that and we follow it to some point. pLLf7jbQGLu-01135-00597306-00598014 And being kind of exaggerating here, but this point will now represent our X0 hat. pLLf7jbQGLu-01136-00598266-00598860 So yeah, our X0 hat. And in reality, maybe that's not pLLf7jbQGLu-01137-00598860-00599340 going to be some point that is an actual point. It wouldn't be next to the distribution. pLLf7jbQGLu-01138-00599340-00600114 So it's not going to be a very good estimate of a clean image at the beginning, but we pLLf7jbQGLu-01139-00600114-00600474 only had that estimate at the beginning at this point, and we have to follow it all the pLLf7jbQGLu-01140-00600474-00600870 way to some place. So this is where we follow it to. pLLf7jbQGLu-01141-00600966-00601458 And then we want to find some sort of X t minus one. pLLf7jbQGLu-01142-00601524-00601962 So that's what our next point is. And so that's what our second pLLf7jbQGLu-01143-00601962-00602454 distribution tells us. And it basically takes pLLf7jbQGLu-01144-00602454-00603228 us all the way back to maybe some point here. And now we can re-estimate the score function or pLLf7jbQGLu-01145-00603228-00603558 our gradient over there, do this prediction of noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01146-00603690-00604380 And it may be more accurate of a score function. And maybe we go somewhere here, and then we pLLf7jbQGLu-01147-00604380-00604680 re-estimate and get another point, and then we follow it. pLLf7jbQGLu-01148-00604680-00605244 And so that's kind of this iterative process where we're trying to follow the score function pLLf7jbQGLu-01149-00605244-00605658 to your own point. And in order to do so, we first have to estimate pLLf7jbQGLu-01150-00605658-00606798 our X0 hat, and then basically add back some noise and to get a little bit, get a new estimate pLLf7jbQGLu-01151-00606798-00607104 and keep following and add back a little bit more noise and keep estimating. pLLf7jbQGLu-01152-00607104-00607500 So that's what we're doing here in these two steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-01153-00607500-00607800 We have our X0 hat, and then we have this distribution. pLLf7jbQGLu-01154-00607908-00608520 And that's how we do it with regular DDPM. And I think that's maybe where the sort of pLLf7jbQGLu-01155-00608682-00608958 breaking it up in two steps is a little bit clearer. pLLf7jbQGLu-01156-00608958-00609492 And I don't think the DDPM paper really clarifies that or really talks about it too much. pLLf7jbQGLu-01157-00609558-00610134 But the DDIM paper also really hammers that point home, I think, and especially in their pLLf7jbQGLu-01158-00610134-00610734 update equation. So that's the DDPM, but then with DDIM... pLLf7jbQGLu-01159-00610818-00611238 Okay, go ahead. JOHNO: DDPM, just the one thing is that you pLLf7jbQGLu-01160-00611238-00611736 look at your prediction, use that to make a step, but you also add back some additional noise pLLf7jbQGLu-01161-00611736-00611940 that's always fixed. TANISHQ: Right. pLLf7jbQGLu-01162-00611940-00612318 JOHNO: DDPM there's no parameter to control how much extra noise you add back at each step. pLLf7jbQGLu-01163-00612444-00612948 TANISHQ: Right, exactly. So when you're... pLLf7jbQGLu-01164-00612948-00613212 Let's see here. So yeah, basically you won't pLLf7jbQGLu-01165-00613212-00613404 be exactly at this point. You could be... pLLf7jbQGLu-01166-00613404-00613938 You're in that general vicinity. Adding that noise also helps with... pLLf7jbQGLu-01167-00614088-00614772 You don't want to fall into specific modes where it's like, oh, this is the most likely pLLf7jbQGLu-01168-00614772-00615000 data point. You want to add some noise where pLLf7jbQGLu-01169-00615000-00615654 you can explore other data points as well. So yeah, the noise also can help. pLLf7jbQGLu-01170-00615708-00615948 That's something you really can't control with DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01171-00615948-00616422 And that's something that DDIM explores a little bit further, is in terms of the noise pLLf7jbQGLu-01172-00616422-00616842 and even trying to get rid of the noise altogether in DDIM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01173-00616842-00617502 So with the DDIM paper, the main difference is literally this one equation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01174-00617502-00618306 That's all really it is in terms of changing this distribution where you predict the less pLLf7jbQGLu-01175-00618306-00618756 noisy equation. The less noisy... pLLf7jbQGLu-01176-00618756-00618930 Sorry, the less noisy image. pLLf7jbQGLu-01177-00619050-00619914 And basically, as you can see, you have this additional parameter now, which is sigma. pLLf7jbQGLu-01178-00620016-00620580 And the sigma controls how much noise, like we were just mentioning, is going to be part pLLf7jbQGLu-01179-00620580-00620862 of this process. And you can actually, for example, pLLf7jbQGLu-01180-00620862-00621246 if you want, you could set sigma to zero. And then you can see here, now you have pLLf7jbQGLu-01181-00621246-00621576 a variance that would be zero. And so this becomes a completely pLLf7jbQGLu-01182-00621576-00621834 deterministic process. So if you want, this could pLLf7jbQGLu-01183-00621834-00622374 be completely deterministic. So that's one aspect of it. pLLf7jbQGLu-01184-00622536-00623496 And then, yeah, so the other aspect... So one of the reasons it's called DDIM is just pLLf7jbQGLu-01185-00623496-00623754 not DDPM because it's not probabilistic anymore. pLLf7jbQGLu-01186-00623904-00624276 It can be made deterministic. So the name was changed for that reason. pLLf7jbQGLu-01187-00624276-00624888 But the other thing is you would think that you've changed the model altogether with a pLLf7jbQGLu-01188-00624888-00625326 new distribution altogether. And so you think, oh, wouldn't you pLLf7jbQGLu-01189-00625326-00625860 have to trade a different model for this purpose? But it turns out the math works out where the same pLLf7jbQGLu-01190-00625860-00626280 model objective would work well with this distribution as well. pLLf7jbQGLu-01191-00626370-00626832 In fact, I think that's what they were studying out from the very beginning is what kind of pLLf7jbQGLu-01192-00626832-00627564 other models can we get with the same objective? And so this is what they're able to do is you pLLf7jbQGLu-01193-00627564-00628134 can have this new parameter that you can introduce, in this case, kind of controlling pLLf7jbQGLu-01194-00628134-00629112 the stochasticity of the model. And you can still use the same pLLf7jbQGLu-01195-00629112-00629766 exact trained model that you had. So what this means is that this actually is pLLf7jbQGLu-01196-00629766-00630180 just a new sampling algorithm and not anything new with the training itself. pLLf7jbQGLu-01197-00630180-00630696 And this is just, yeah, just like we talked about, a new way of sampling the model. pLLf7jbQGLu-01198-00630786-00631518 And then, so yeah, this is how, given now this equation, then you can rewrite your X t pLLf7jbQGLu-01199-00631518-00631836 minus one term. And again, we're doing the same sort of pLLf7jbQGLu-01200-00631836-00632820 thing where we split it up into predicting the X0 and then adding back to go back to your Xt. pLLf7jbQGLu-01201-00632820-00633588 And also if you need to add a little bit of noise back in, like Jonathan was saying, you pLLf7jbQGLu-01202-00633588-00634110 can do so, you have this extra term here and the sigma controls that term. pLLf7jbQGLu-01203-00634110-00634776 And again, like we said, you have to be, again, looking at the DIM equation versus the DDPM pLLf7jbQGLu-01204-00634776-00635124 equation. You have to be careful of the alphas here are pLLf7jbQGLu-01205-00635124-00635604 referring to alpha bars in the DDPM equation. So that's the other caveat. pLLf7jbQGLu-01206-00635604-00636528 So yeah, and you have this sigma t set to this particular value will give you back DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01207-00636528-00637812 So sometimes instead they will write basically Jeremy mentioned this sort of, I guess, eta, pLLf7jbQGLu-01208-00637812-00638700 which is equal to basically, yeah, so it's just basically eta is, sigma is equal to eta pLLf7jbQGLu-01209-00638700-00639204 times this coefficient. So sorry, let me just go back. pLLf7jbQGLu-01210-00639204-00640062 And so basically, yeah, in reality you take, I'm not wearing white. pLLf7jbQGLu-01211-00640242-00640614 You have the eta here. So it's like, yeah, this is where eta would go. pLLf7jbQGLu-01212-00640614-00641112 So if it's one, it becomes regular DDPM benefits zero, of course that's a determinative case. pLLf7jbQGLu-01213-00641112-00641796 So this is the eta that all these APIs and in the code that we have, also the code that pLLf7jbQGLu-01214-00641796-00642498 Jeremy was showing, they have eta equals to one, which they say is corresponding to regular pLLf7jbQGLu-01215-00642498-00642570 DDPM. pLLf7jbQGLu-01216-00642636-00642972 This is actually where the eta would go in the equation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01217-00643140-00643578 So finally the not- JOHNO: It's like, you could pass in sigma, right? pLLf7jbQGLu-01218-00643578-00643896 Like if you weren't trying to match it in previous papers, you could just, oh, well, pLLf7jbQGLu-01219-00643896-00644100 we have this parameter sigma that controls the amount of noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01220-00644100-00644610 So that's just taken sigma scale as an argument. And for convenience, they said, let's create pLLf7jbQGLu-01221-00644610-00645180 this new thing, eta, where zero means sigma is equal to zero, which if you look at the pLLf7jbQGLu-01222-00645180-00645720 equation that works, one means we match the DDPM, the amount of noise pLLf7jbQGLu-01223-00645720-00646128 that's in the familiar DDPM. And so then that gives you a nice slice. pLLf7jbQGLu-01224-00646128-00646386 You could say eta equals two or eta equals 0.7 or whatever. pLLf7jbQGLu-01225-00646470-00647022 But it's got a meaningful unit of one equals the same as this previous reference were. pLLf7jbQGLu-01226-00647022-00647676 JEREMY: Well, it's also convenient because it's sigma t, which is to say different time steps, pLLf7jbQGLu-01227-00647802-00648036 unless you choose eta equals zero, in which case pLLf7jbQGLu-01228-00648036-00648462 it doesn't matter, different time steps probably want different amounts of noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01229-00648462-00649080 And so here's a reasonable way of scaling that noise. pLLf7jbQGLu-01230-00649296-00649830 TANISHQ: Then the last thing of importance, which is of course, one of the reasons that we were pLLf7jbQGLu-01231-00649830-00650388 exploring this in the first place, is to be able to do this rapid sampling. pLLf7jbQGLu-01232-00650616-00651534 The basic idea here is that you can define a similar distribution where again, the math pLLf7jbQGLu-01233-00651534-00652236 works out similarly, where now you have, let's say you have some subset of diffusion steps. pLLf7jbQGLu-01234-00652236-00652578 So in this case, it uses tau variable. So for example, pLLf7jbQGLu-01235-00652824-00653316 let's say subset of diffusion steps. So if it's like 10 diffusion steps, then tau pLLf7jbQGLu-01236-00653316-00653706 one would just be zero, then tau two would be 10. pLLf7jbQGLu-01237-00653706-00654042 You just keep going all the way up to say 1,000, but you've only got the... pLLf7jbQGLu-01238-00654042-00654426 Sorry, tau two would be 100, and then you go all the way up to 1,000. pLLf7jbQGLu-01239-00654426-00654960 And so you'd get 10 diffusion steps. So that's what they're referring to pLLf7jbQGLu-01240-00654960-00655836 when they have this tau variable here. And so you can do these sorts of similar pLLf7jbQGLu-01241-00655836-00656454 equation and similar derivation to show that this distribution pLLf7jbQGLu-01242-00656454-00656970 here again, meets the objective that you use for training. pLLf7jbQGLu-01243-00656970-00657666 And you can now use this for a faster sampling, where basically all you have to do is you pLLf7jbQGLu-01244-00657666-00658200 have to just select the appropriate alpha bar. And sorry, this one I've written out. pLLf7jbQGLu-01245-00658254-00658650 So this one, actually the alpha bar is the regular alpha bar that we've talked about. pLLf7jbQGLu-01246-00658650-00659358 But basically, sorry, it's a little bit confusing switching between different notations, but pLLf7jbQGLu-01247-00659358-00659796 basically you have this distribution and then you just have to select the appropriate alpha pLLf7jbQGLu-01248-00659796-00660696 bars and it follows the same in terms of you have appropriate sampling process. pLLf7jbQGLu-01249-00660696-00661914 So yeah, and I guess it makes it a lot simpler in terms of doing this accelerated sampling. pLLf7jbQGLu-01250-00662052-00662694 Yeah, I guess with any other note, maybe other comments that maybe you guys had or was this... pLLf7jbQGLu-01251-00662694-00663252 JEREMY: Well, the key for me is that in this equation, pLLf7jbQGLu-01252-00663396-00664200 we just have one, we only need one parameter, which is the alpha bar or alpha depending which pLLf7jbQGLu-01253-00664200-00664470 notation is and everything else you calculated from that. pLLf7jbQGLu-01254-00664638-00664932 And so we don't have the pLLf7jbQGLu-01255-00664998-00665790 what DDPM calls the alpha or beta anymore. And that's more convenient for doing this kind of pLLf7jbQGLu-01256-00665862-00666342 smaller number of steps because we can just jump straight pLLf7jbQGLu-01257-00666462-00667080 from time step to alpha bar. And we can also then, it's particularly convenient pLLf7jbQGLu-01258-00667080-00667746 with the cosine schedule because you can calculate the inverse of the cosine schedule function, pLLf7jbQGLu-01259-00667746-00667980 which means you can also go from an alpha bar to a T. pLLf7jbQGLu-01260-00667980-00668676 So it's really easy to say like, Oh, what would alpha bar be 10 time steps previously pLLf7jbQGLu-01261-00668676-00668802 to this one? You know, pLLf7jbQGLu-01262-00668802-00669246 it's just, you could just call a function. We don't need, yeah, we don't need anything else. pLLf7jbQGLu-01263-00669246-00669990 And so actually the original cosine schedule paper has to fuss around with various like pLLf7jbQGLu-01264-00670278-00670860 kind of epsilon style small numbers that they add to things to avoid getting weird numerical pLLf7jbQGLu-01265-00670860-00671184 problems. And so, yeah, when we only deal with alpha bar, pLLf7jbQGLu-01266-00671244-00671892 all that stuff also goes away. So yeah, so looking, if you're looking pLLf7jbQGLu-01267-00671892-00672762 at the DDIM code, you know, it's simpler code with less parameters than our DDPM code. pLLf7jbQGLu-01268-00672852-00673278 And of course it's dramatically faster and it's also more flexible because we've got pLLf7jbQGLu-01269-00673278-00673614 this eta thing we can play with. TANISHQ: Yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-01270-00673704-00673938 Yeah. And that's the other thing is like this pLLf7jbQGLu-01271-00673938-00674250 idea of like, yeah, controlling stochasticity. I think that's something pLLf7jbQGLu-01272-00674250-00674676 that's interesting to explore. And we've been exploring that a bit now pLLf7jbQGLu-01273-00674676-00675144 and I think we'll continue to explore that in terms of deterministic versus stochasticity. pLLf7jbQGLu-01274-00675144-00675480 So yeah. JEREMY: So it's worth talking about just the pLLf7jbQGLu-01275-00675480-00675954 sigma in the middle equation you've got there. So you've got the sigma t, eta t, adding the pLLf7jbQGLu-01276-00675954-00676458 random noise and intuitively it makes sense that if you're adding random noise there, pLLf7jbQGLu-01277-00676458-00676974 you would need to have less. You want to move less back towards pLLf7jbQGLu-01278-00676974-00677466 Xt, which is your noisy image. So that's why, and you know, you've got the pLLf7jbQGLu-01279-00677466-00678084 one minus alpha t minus one minus sigma squared, and then you're taking the square root of that. pLLf7jbQGLu-01280-00678084-00678432 So basically that's just sigma, the square root of the squared. pLLf7jbQGLu-01281-00678432-00679170 So you're subtracting sigma t from the direction pointing to Xt and adding it to the random pLLf7jbQGLu-01282-00679170-00679926 noise or vice versa. So everything's there for a reason, pLLf7jbQGLu-01283-00679980-00680436 you know. TANISHQ: Yes. JEREMY: And the predicted X zero, pLLf7jbQGLu-01284-00680436-00681042 that entire equation we've derived previously. TANISHQ: And it remains the same in pretty pLLf7jbQGLu-01285-00681042-00681540 much any diffusion model methodology. JEREMY: Well, as long as you're using, pLLf7jbQGLu-01286-00681540-00681780 we'll be talking about actually some places where it's going pLLf7jbQGLu-01287-00681780-00682056 to change probably next week. TANISHQ: Well, yeah, I guess… JEREMY: That's pLLf7jbQGLu-01288-00682056-00682205 another thing where you're predicting noise. Yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-01289-00682205-00682344 TANISHQ: Yes. Yes. pLLf7jbQGLu-01290-00682344-00682686 If you're predicting the noise, yes, there'll be. JEREMY: Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-01291-00682686-00682944 TANISHQ: Yeah. JEREMY: So, pLLf7jbQGLu-01292-00683016-00683802 so I think, you know, we will, we'll probably, yeah, let's wrap it up here so that we leave pLLf7jbQGLu-01293-00683802-00684294 ourselves plenty of time to cover the kind of new research directions next lesson more pLLf7jbQGLu-01294-00684294-00684504 in more detail. I just wanted to mention like in terms pLLf7jbQGLu-01295-00684504-00685128 of where we're at, just like we hit a kind of like, okay, we can really predict pLLf7jbQGLu-01296-00685182-00685812 classes for Fashion-MNIST a few weeks ago where I think we're there now and like we can do Stable pLLf7jbQGLu-01297-00685812-00686580 Diffusion, sampling and UNets, except for the UNet architecture for unconditional generation. pLLf7jbQGLu-01298-00686580-00687396 Now we basically can do Fashion-MNIST almost. So it's unrecognizably different to the real pLLf7jbQGLu-01299-00687396-00688062 samples and DDIM is the scheduler that the original Stable Diffusion paper used. pLLf7jbQGLu-01300-00688284-00689322 So yeah, you know, we're actually about to go beyond Stable Diffusion for our sampling pLLf7jbQGLu-01301-00689322-00689706 and UNet trading now. So I think we've, yeah, definitely meeting our pLLf7jbQGLu-01302-00689988-00690804 stretch goals so far and all from scratch with Weights and Biases, experiment logging. pLLf7jbQGLu-01303-00691128-00691710 And, you know, if you wanted to have fun, there's no reason you couldn't like have a pLLf7jbQGLu-01304-00691710-00692076 little callback that instead logs things into a SQLite database. pLLf7jbQGLu-01305-00692076-00692688 And then you could write a little front end to show your experiments, you know, that'd pLLf7jbQGLu-01306-00692688-00692844 be fun as well. JOHNO: Yeah. pLLf7jbQGLu-01307-00692844-00693198 I mean, you could do also send you a text message when the loss gets good enough. pLLf7jbQGLu-01308-00693372-00693654 Yeah. JEREMY: All right. pLLf7jbQGLu-01309-00693654-00693828 Well, thanks guys. That was really fun. pLLf7jbQGLu-01310-00693828-00694146 JOHNO: Thanks everybody. JEREMY: All right. pLLf7jbQGLu-01311-00694218-00694326 Bye. Okay. pLLf7jbQGLu-01312-00694326-00694541 TANISHQ: Talk to you later then. Bye bye. pPWugrZIOXY-00000-00000023-00000153 Hello everybody! pPWugrZIOXY-00001-00000153-00000656 From this video, you’ll learn how to extend disk C if the Extend Volume button is inactive, pPWugrZIOXY-00002-00000656-00000967 and how to increase your disk size without losing data. pPWugrZIOXY-00003-00000967-00001438 Most of the time, it will concern local disk C as it is usually the system partition that pPWugrZIOXY-00004-00001438-00001582 runs out of free space first. pPWugrZIOXY-00005-00001582-00002235 Why the Extend Volume button is inactive pPWugrZIOXY-00006-00002235-00002671 Many users face this problem: the “Extend Volume” button appears to be greyed out pPWugrZIOXY-00007-00002671-00002997 when they try to increase the size of a partition. pPWugrZIOXY-00008-00002997-00003539 The most common reason is that the unallocated space is situated on another physical disk, pPWugrZIOXY-00009-00003539-00003832 and this is when extension operations are not possible. pPWugrZIOXY-00010-00003832-00004309 The unallocated disk space and the disk you want to extend should be located on the same pPWugrZIOXY-00011-00004309-00004688 physical disk so that they may interact with each other. pPWugrZIOXY-00012-00004688-00005169 What is more, the unallocated disk space should be located to the right of the partition that pPWugrZIOXY-00013-00005169-00005269 you would like to extend. pPWugrZIOXY-00014-00005269-00005369 How to extend disk C pPWugrZIOXY-00015-00005369-00005860 Well, the first method of extending Disk C is without using third-party software tools pPWugrZIOXY-00016-00005860-00006192 – that is, with integrated Windows features only. pPWugrZIOXY-00017-00006192-00006684 The built-in Disk Management tool has rather limited functionality in comparison with other pPWugrZIOXY-00018-00006684-00007150 utilities, but it will suffice if all you need is to change the volume size. pPWugrZIOXY-00019-00007150-00007589 The biggest disadvantage of this method is that you’ll have to remove all the information pPWugrZIOXY-00020-00007589-00007689 from disk D. pPWugrZIOXY-00021-00007689-00008128 The only way you can increase the size of a partition with Windows tools is by making pPWugrZIOXY-00022-00008128-00008327 use of unallocated disk space. pPWugrZIOXY-00023-00008327-00008506 So, let’s start. pPWugrZIOXY-00024-00008506-00009162 Right-click on the Start menu and choose “Disk Management” from the list. pPWugrZIOXY-00025-00009162-00009367 We can see the partition structure. pPWugrZIOXY-00026-00009367-00009558 There are two volumes: C and D. pPWugrZIOXY-00027-00009558-00009921 If you want to extend disk C, you’ll have to delete disk D completely. pPWugrZIOXY-00028-00009921-00010109 Yes, I mean delete, not shrink. pPWugrZIOXY-00029-00010109-00010528 If you choose shrinking, the free space that appears will be located to the right of the pPWugrZIOXY-00030-00010528-00010946 shrunk partition, and so it will not be adjacent to partition C. pPWugrZIOXY-00031-00010946-00011389 This little but important fact prevents us from extending volume C at the expense of pPWugrZIOXY-00032-00011389-00011644 volume D by way of shrinking. pPWugrZIOXY-00033-00011644-00011990 Right-click on it and choose “Delete Volume” from the menu. pPWugrZIOXY-00034-00011990-00012272 Click OK. pPWugrZIOXY-00035-00012272-00012674 When the partition is deleted, you can see that the unallocated space appeared to the pPWugrZIOXY-00036-00012674-00013070 right of the partition which you would like to extend, and it is situated on the same pPWugrZIOXY-00037-00013070-00013443 physical disk. pPWugrZIOXY-00039-00016539-00016842 Command Prompt pPWugrZIOXY-00040-00016842-00017240 You can also remove partitions with the help of the Command Prompt, using the Diskpart pPWugrZIOXY-00041-00017240-00017340 utility. pPWugrZIOXY-00042-00017340-00017701 The most important thing is to be careful and make sure that you don’t confuse partition pPWugrZIOXY-00043-00017701-00018021 numbers - otherwise, important data can be lost! pPWugrZIOXY-00044-00018021-00018121 Here’s what you do: 1. pPWugrZIOXY-00045-00018121-00018784 Launch the Command prompt as Administrator. pPWugrZIOXY-00046-00018784-00019334 2. pPWugrZIOXY-00047-00019334-00019562 Type the command “Diskpart” and press Enter. pPWugrZIOXY-00048-00019562-00019662 3. pPWugrZIOXY-00049-00019662-00020126 After that, type the command “List Disk.” pPWugrZIOXY-00050-00020126-00020448 Now you can see the list of all disks available on this computer. pPWugrZIOXY-00051-00020448-00020842 It is important to remember that the numbers start from zero, instead of one. pPWugrZIOXY-00052-00020842-00021117 So your first disk is marked as disk 0. pPWugrZIOXY-00053-00021117-00021217 4. pPWugrZIOXY-00054-00021217-00021557 Now type the command “Select disk” and add the number of the disk you want to remove. pPWugrZIOXY-00055-00021557-00021906 Be careful and select the proper disk number. pPWugrZIOXY-00056-00021906-00022061 5. pPWugrZIOXY-00057-00022061-00022737 Follow it by typing “List partition” command. pPWugrZIOXY-00058-00022737-00023467 Now you see all the partitions available on this computer. pPWugrZIOXY-00059-00023467-00024254 To understand which partition you need, open Disk Management. pPWugrZIOXY-00060-00024254-00024681 You can check the disk by looking at its volume - and it appears that we should find disk pPWugrZIOXY-00061-00024681-00024915 D which has this particular size. pPWugrZIOXY-00062-00024915-00025015 6. pPWugrZIOXY-00063-00025015-00025434 Let’s get back to Diskpart: now we can see that the partition we need has this particular pPWugrZIOXY-00064-00025434-00025694 number and this particular size. pPWugrZIOXY-00065-00025694-00025794 7. pPWugrZIOXY-00066-00025794-00026368 Run the command “Select partition.” pPWugrZIOXY-00067-00026368-00026631 8. pPWugrZIOXY-00068-00026631-00027227 After you selected the partition, type the following command - “Delete partition” pPWugrZIOXY-00069-00027227-00027397 9. pPWugrZIOXY-00070-00027397-00027627 Now that partition is gone. pPWugrZIOXY-00071-00027627-00028320 Have a look in the Disk Management window, and you'll see there is some new unallocated pPWugrZIOXY-00072-00028320-00028420 space there. pPWugrZIOXY-00073-00028420-00028520 Extend Volume Wizard pPWugrZIOXY-00074-00028520-00029212 Then right-click on disk C and choose “Extend Volume.” pPWugrZIOXY-00075-00029212-00029402 The Extend Volume Wizard opens. pPWugrZIOXY-00076-00029402-00029529 Click “Next.” pPWugrZIOXY-00077-00029529-00029939 Here, we add some disk space from that unallocated space. pPWugrZIOXY-00078-00029939-00030272 For example, let us add about 7 Gb. pPWugrZIOXY-00079-00030272-00030675 Click “Next” and “Finish.” pPWugrZIOXY-00080-00030675-00030985 As you can see, now disk C has increased in size. pPWugrZIOXY-00081-00030985-00031112 How to create a new disk in an unallocated disk space pPWugrZIOXY-00082-00031112-00031500 To create disk D again, right-click on the remaining unallocated space and select “New pPWugrZIOXY-00083-00031500-00032073 Simple Volume.” pPWugrZIOXY-00084-00032073-00032254 Assign the drive letter - D. pPWugrZIOXY-00085-00032254-00032462 Click “Next.” pPWugrZIOXY-00086-00032462-00033181 Format it in NTFS. pPWugrZIOXY-00087-00033181-00033881 Click “Finish.” pPWugrZIOXY-00088-00033881-00034308 As a result, disk C has increased, and disk D has become smaller. pPWugrZIOXY-00089-00034308-00034508 How to extend Disk C, but with Disk D data preserved pPWugrZIOXY-00090-00034508-00034632 And here’s the second method. pPWugrZIOXY-00091-00034632-00035103 It is good for situations when you have important data on disk D but you need to use some of pPWugrZIOXY-00092-00035103-00035340 its free space to extend disk C. pPWugrZIOXY-00093-00035340-00035776 Unfortunately, integrated Windows tools cannot help you, so you will need some additional pPWugrZIOXY-00094-00035776-00035877 software. pPWugrZIOXY-00095-00035877-00036291 For illustration, I’ll be using AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard. pPWugrZIOXY-00096-00036291-00036578 Go to the program’s official website and download it. pPWugrZIOXY-00097-00036578-00036831 As you might guess, I have already done it in advance. pPWugrZIOXY-00098-00036831-00037212 There shouldn’t be any problems for you to download it as well before you actually pPWugrZIOXY-00099-00037212-00037436 begin the extension process. pPWugrZIOXY-00100-00037436-00037783 Open the program. pPWugrZIOXY-00101-00037783-00038512 Here, we can also see two partitions, but unlike Windows Disk Management, this software pPWugrZIOXY-00102-00038512-00039080 lets us increase the size of disk C at the expense of disk D without losing data stored pPWugrZIOXY-00103-00039080-00039180 on disk D. pPWugrZIOXY-00104-00039180-00039280 Here’s what you do: pPWugrZIOXY-00105-00039280-00039817 Right-click on disk D and choose to resize partition. pPWugrZIOXY-00106-00039817-00040444 Specify the required number of gigabytes that you would like to add to disk C later. pPWugrZIOXY-00107-00040444-00040663 Click ОК. pPWugrZIOXY-00108-00040663-00041182 Now, some unallocated space appears. pPWugrZIOXY-00109-00041182-00041745 Right-click on it and select “Merge Partitions.” pPWugrZIOXY-00110-00041745-00042071 In the window that opens, select the disk partition to merge to. pPWugrZIOXY-00111-00042071-00042560 In our case, that is Disk C. pPWugrZIOXY-00112-00042560-00043016 Click OK / Apply. pPWugrZIOXY-00113-00043016-00043525 In the window that opens, click “Go” and then OK. pPWugrZIOXY-00114-00043525-00044797 This process takes some time, and then the computer will restart. pPWugrZIOXY-00115-00044797-00045617 Now everything is ready, and the operations were successful. pPWugrZIOXY-00116-00045617-00046104 When you check it, you’ll see that disk C has become bigger, while disk D is now smaller, pPWugrZIOXY-00117-00046104-00046961 and you haven’t lost any data there. pPWugrZIOXY-00118-00046961-00047509 But even if some information was removed accidentally while you were extending a volume, resizing pPWugrZIOXY-00119-00047509-00047896 partitions, creating new partitions or formatting them, you can still have it back with the pPWugrZIOXY-00120-00047896-00048102 help of Hetman Partition Recovery. pPWugrZIOXY-00121-00048102-00048553 There is a special video tutorial covering every step of the recovery process in smallest pPWugrZIOXY-00122-00048553-00048790 details, so you’re welcome to check the link below. pPWugrZIOXY-00123-00048790-00048974 That is all for now. pPWugrZIOXY-00124-00048974-00050225 Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. pPWugrZIOXY-00125-00050225-00051397 Leave comments to ask questions. pPWugrZIOXY-00126-00051397-00052573 Thank you for watching. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00000-00000002-00000312 - Hey besties. Welcome back to another vlog. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00001-00000312-00000531 It is currently Thursday. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00002-00000531-00000654 I lied. It's Friday. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00003-00000654-00000816 And ooh, baby. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00004-00000816-00001316 I just left a fitting room try on video situation pQrL8WF5Ya0-00005-00001341-00001668 and it was bleak, let me tell you, but we survived. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00006-00001668-00001821 This person is going to hit my car. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00007-00001821-00001938 I have the right of way. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00008-00001938-00002124 I also have to pay for my parking. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00009-00002124-00002344 Actually, I think it might be free. Hold on. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00010-00002454-00002537 Oh, hello. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00011-00002631-00002763 Thank you so much. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00012-00002763-00003039 Embarrassing... when you try to scan the parking ticket, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00013-00003039-00003123 the lady's just standing there like, hello? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00014-00003123-00003225 She's like right there. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00015-00003225-00003510 Anyway, these are some one way streets and I'm confused. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00016-00003510-00003717 So let's regroup in a moment. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00017-00003717-00003965 Hello, welcome back! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00018-00003965-00004197 So, what? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00019-00004197-00004305 - Back from where? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00020-00004305-00004527 - I was at the parking garage earlier. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00021-00004527-00004688 - I forgot you were vlog, I didn't. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00022-00004688-00004868 - Yeah! - I wasn't a part of that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00023-00004868-00004980 - No, you weren't. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00024-00004980-00005340 I'm currently going very slow on the freeway pQrL8WF5Ya0-00025-00005340-00005652 but we're going to Disneyland this afternoon. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00026-00005652-00005735 We're so excited. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00027-00005735-00005925 We're going to meet up with Drew's cousin pQrL8WF5Ya0-00028-00005925-00006108 and her husband who we-- pQrL8WF5Ya0-00029-00006108-00006204 - Excuse me, sir? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00030-00006204-00006468 - That's not how that works. - That's the shoulder. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00031-00006468-00006573 - This is a Wendy's. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00032-00006573-00006879 - Oh, he's running into a tree bush. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00033-00006879-00006979 Oh. - Oh. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00034-00006979-00007200 - [Both] Oh no. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00035-00007200-00007353 - Either their car is breaking down or someone's-- pQrL8WF5Ya0-00036-00007353-00007503 - Someone's gonna barf. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00037-00007662-00007745 I don't wanna look. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00038-00007745-00007934 - He went way back there, so I didn't see anything. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00039-00007934-00008120 Sorry, nothing to report. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00040-00008120-00008204 - Darn. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00041-00008204-00008487 But anyways, Drew's cousin, his family basically, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00042-00008487-00008646 is who we always go to Disneyland with, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00043-00008646-00008775 but it's a smaller group today. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00044-00008775-00009068 We're actually low key crashing their anniversary. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00045-00009068-00009327 - They invited us. - Yeah, they did invite us. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00046-00009327-00009531 And so we're gonna just spend the evening there. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00047-00009531-00009717 It's about 2:30. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00048-00009717-00009870 We're gonna get there around three. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00049-00009870-00010011 We're gonna have a fun little Disney day pQrL8WF5Ya0-00050-00010011-00010320 and then not entirely sure what we're getting up to pQrL8WF5Ya0-00051-00010320-00010509 for the rest of the weekend, but we'll figure it out. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00052-00010509-00010884 So Disney day slash night commence. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00053-00010884-00011034 - You need a sauvy-b. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00054-00011034-00011202 - I need a sauvy-b! (laughs) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00055-00011202-00011382 And stat. - Yeah. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00056-00011382-00011529 - To Disney we go. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00057-00011529-00011670 - Wee! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00058-00011670-00011943 (upbeat music) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00059-00011943-00012443 - [Carrie] Matching again. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00060-00012663-00012774 - We made it! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00061-00012774-00013013 - I'm wearing the shirt that I wore to bed pQrL8WF5Ya0-00062-00013013-00013158 two nights already this week, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00063-00013158-00013550 but I'm about to sweat profusely so who cares. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00064-00015295-00015795 ♪ The earth is still turning ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00065-00015823-00016291 ♪ Even if you're standing still ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00066-00016291-00016791 ♪ And when you're not yearning ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00067-00016836-00017336 ♪ You decide just what to feel ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00068-00017648-00018098 ♪ These days I'm living in the city ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00069-00018098-00018598 ♪ Instead of on the run ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00070-00018654-00019106 ♪ I bet you're lying in the shadows ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00071-00019106-00019380 ♪ Hiding from the sun ♪ pQrL8WF5Ya0-00072-00019380-00019560 - Good morning. It's a couple of days later. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00073-00019560-00019686 Oh, hi Moo. How are you? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00074-00019686-00019830 I almost stepped on you. Come here. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00075-00019830-00019998 It's a couple days later, it's Sunday now. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00076-00019998-00020271 And yesterday we took the day to just absolutely chill. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00077-00020271-00020529 I took like three naps. It was glorious. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00078-00020529-00020652 We went to the Grove in the morning pQrL8WF5Ya0-00079-00020652-00020856 and got a couple of copies of keys made, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00080-00020856-00021012 Drew bought some books, things like that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00081-00021012-00021219 But now we're getting ready, it's Sunday morning pQrL8WF5Ya0-00082-00021219-00021423 and we're gonna head to the farmer's market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00083-00021423-00021735 We're gonna walk to one of many farmer's markets pQrL8WF5Ya0-00084-00021735-00021840 that I love. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00085-00021840-00022224 I love that there are so many in LA, you could go anywhere. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00086-00022224-00022437 So we're gonna walk and get some random things. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00087-00022437-00022650 I was gonna say I showed you last week, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00088-00022650-00022824 but that was for a main channel video. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00089-00022824-00023079 I don't think that video's out yet, but it will be soon. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00090-00023079-00023307 And yeah, we're just gonna see what we can get. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00091-00023307-00023406 We're really gonna try, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00092-00023406-00023640 we've been Postmating a lot since we've been here, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00093-00023640-00023757 which there's nothing wrong with that, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00094-00023757-00023943 but we're just gonna try to eat pQrL8WF5Ya0-00095-00023943-00024120 more vegetables and stuff this week. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00096-00024120-00024228 So we're gonna do that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00097-00024228-00024489 Here's my "threw it together in two seconds pQrL8WF5Ya0-00098-00024489-00024702 outfit of the day" for the farmer's market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00099-00024702-00024942 It's kind of chilly this morning. I love it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00100-00024942-00025197 Don't mind Moo, he just lives on this rug pQrL8WF5Ya0-00101-00025197-00025479 in this sunny spot, but this flannel is thrifted. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00102-00025479-00025562 I love it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00103-00025562-00025863 This workout set is from Girlfriend Collective. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00104-00025863-00026061 This is their classic Paloma bra. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00105-00026061-00026304 I need every single color of this. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00106-00026304-00026541 I already have multiples of the ones that I have. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00107-00026541-00026829 And then I think I got these leggings in like 2020, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00108-00026829-00026994 so I don't think they have this color anymore. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00109-00026994-00027183 This hat is from Amazon pQrL8WF5Ya0-00110-00027183-00027522 and I'm gonna throw on maybe some workout shoes, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00111-00027522-00027732 Vans, Converse? I'm not sure. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00112-00027732-00028026 Maybe my slides and we're gonna walk to the farmer's market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00113-00028026-00028362 Ooh, maybe I'll wear my Birkenstocks. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00114-00028362-00028569 Maybe not. Converse it is. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00115-00028569-00028908 I feel like I've been doing so much since I got here. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00116-00028908-00029085 We've just had so many plans pQrL8WF5Ya0-00117-00029085-00029223 and we've been out and about doing stuff. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00118-00029223-00029414 And I definitely think I've filmed a lot of stuff, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00119-00029414-00029616 but I also don't think I've filmed a lot of stuff. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00120-00029616-00029933 So I feel kind of behind since I got here, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00121-00029933-00030213 I just feel like I need a week to catch up. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00122-00030213-00030354 Kind of weird, I think it's just moving pQrL8WF5Ya0-00123-00030354-00030570 and getting settled into a new spot. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00124-00030570-00030804 The good thing is too, is that tomorrow, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00125-00030804-00030978 wait, is today the fourth or tomorrow? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00126-00030978-00031182 - Tomorrow. - Tomorrow is the fourth. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00127-00031182-00031464 And so far, the fireworks haven't been too bad here pQrL8WF5Ya0-00128-00031464-00031725 where we live, where we lived in LA a few years ago pQrL8WF5Ya0-00129-00031725-00032114 it was like 12 hours nonstop of fireworks. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00130-00032114-00032517 So hopefully for Layla's sake, our poor little scared baby, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00131-00032517-00032892 they won't be too, too bad this weekend. But we'll see. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00132-00032892-00033213 We did recently, well, my mom probably a year ago pQrL8WF5Ya0-00133-00033213-00033528 bought her a Thundershirt, I think it's called. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00134-00033528-00033633 And it does help a little bit pQrL8WF5Ya0-00135-00033633-00033864 and we have CBD and melatonin for her and stuff. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00136-00033864-00034206 So we're pulling out all the stops this weekend, poor thing. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00137-00034206-00034401 But I've just gotta be honest, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00138-00034401-00034734 the last few years we haven't celebrated 4th of July. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00139-00034734-00034902 It's like, what are you celebrating? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00140-00034902-00035163 And I haven't really had a chance to touch on that yet. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00141-00035163-00035355 But I mean-- I feel like I'm far away. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00142-00035355-00035715 It's been a rough time here in the US pQrL8WF5Ya0-00143-00035715-00035991 and with the recent overturning of Roe V. Wade, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00144-00035991-00036324 and I mean, just years and years of stuff. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00145-00036324-00036681 Also just like, I've heard so many things pQrL8WF5Ya0-00146-00036681-00037116 and gotten so many messages from marginalized people, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00147-00037116-00037368 Indigenous people, Black people, et cetera, who are like, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00148-00037368-00037731 "what have you been celebrating this whole time?" pQrL8WF5Ya0-00149-00037731-00037878 You know? So, yeah. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00150-00037878-00038130 I just wanted to send some love to anyone pQrL8WF5Ya0-00151-00038130-00038259 who's also been struggling pQrL8WF5Ya0-00152-00038259-00038499 because I don't really show those moments. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00153-00038499-00038796 I'm not instantly thinking of pulling out a vlog camera pQrL8WF5Ya0-00154-00038796-00039006 when I'm having an emotional moment pQrL8WF5Ya0-00155-00039006-00039159 over the state of this country pQrL8WF5Ya0-00156-00039159-00039453 or when I wanna scream into a pillow or whatever, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00157-00039453-00039765 but just know that I'm here with you. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00158-00039765-00039960 I guess I haven't had a chance to slow down pQrL8WF5Ya0-00159-00039960-00040230 and talk about it, but it's fucked up. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00160-00040230-00040398 I can't think of anything else to say about it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00161-00040398-00040560 It's just terrible. It's a hell fire, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00162-00040560-00040797 this fucking floating rock that we live on, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00163-00040797-00041049 and the people that are hell bent on destroying it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00164-00041049-00041132 So, okay. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00165-00041132-00041307 Anyways. With that said, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00166-00041307-00041550 oh, featuring my mess in the background pQrL8WF5Ya0-00167-00041550-00041640 that I still haven't put away. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00168-00041640-00041784 Let's go to the farmer's market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00169-00041784-00042171 Last week we really messed up by not bringing a cooler bag pQrL8WF5Ya0-00170-00042171-00042348 'cause we had a lot of frozen stuff and we walked, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00171-00042348-00042508 so we're ready to go. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00172-00042508-00042750 (jazz music) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00173-00043602-00043878 The best part about walking through neighborhoods in LA pQrL8WF5Ya0-00174-00043878-00044037 is creeping on all of the houses. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00175-00044037-00044325 And we just walked past this massive property. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00176-00044325-00044595 And it had almost what looked like a play yard or something. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00177-00044595-00044790 And I go, "is that a school?" pQrL8WF5Ya0-00178-00044790-00045072 And we kept walking and I go, "oh no, it's a house." pQrL8WF5Ya0-00179-00045072-00045155 It's normal. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00180-00045155-00045465 It looked like the size of a school, but it was a house. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00181-00045621-00045750 Drew thinks it was a mausoleum. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00182-00045750-00045969 - [Drew] There was a stone like-- pQrL8WF5Ya0-00183-00045969-00046110 - But it was a house. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00184-00046110-00046423 - [Drew] There was people entombed in that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00185-00046423-00046665 (jazz music) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00186-00047415-00047616 - We're back from the farmer's market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00187-00047616-00047871 This cabinet will not stay open. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00188-00047871-00047997 Okay, let's try the other side. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00189-00047997-00048135 Oh, okay. We're good. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00190-00048135-00048249 Thought I would show a little bit pQrL8WF5Ya0-00191-00048249-00048513 of a farmer's market haul, 'cause why not? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00192-00048513-00048756 First of all, we got some king salmon pQrL8WF5Ya0-00193-00048756-00049026 cause we're gonna do some salmon bowls for dinner. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00194-00049026-00049242 And it looks real nice. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00195-00049242-00049500 It was a very expensive piece of salmon, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00196-00049500-00049710 so it better be good and it is wild. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00197-00049710-00049866 I'm gonna put that in the fridge right now. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00198-00049866-00050040 We got some hummus. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00199-00050040-00050244 This is cilantro and jalapeno hummus. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00200-00050244-00050409 I'm not a big fan of cilantro, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00201-00050409-00050604 but I can do it in this hummus sometimes. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00202-00050604-00050922 And then this is an avocado garlic dip. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00203-00050922-00051150 It has avocado, fresh garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00204-00051150-00051285 salt and spices. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00205-00051285-00051459 So got both of those. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00206-00051459-00051929 Then for produce, we got, oh, well first, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00207-00051929-00052089 we got some kettle corn. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00208-00052089-00052407 They had like a whole stand where they had kettle corn, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00209-00052407-00052659 caramel corn, or a mix of both. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00210-00052659-00052785 This was the small bag. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00211-00052785-00053117 So that will be consumed in no time at all. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00212-00053117-00053460 We got some asparagus, some broccoli. What else? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00213-00053460-00053721 We got these, they came in little cartons, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00214-00053721-00053937 but they had to put 'em in a bag. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00215-00053937-00054240 So it's like a zucchini, yellow squash mix pQrL8WF5Ya0-00216-00054240-00054411 and then some brussel sprouts. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00217-00054411-00054540 And I wanted the little cartons, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00218-00054540-00054876 but they put 'em in there so they wouldn't spill in our bag. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00219-00054876-00055154 Harry's Berries are the best strawberries pQrL8WF5Ya0-00220-00055154-00055266 I've ever had in my entire life. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00221-00055266-00055362 We got them last week. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00222-00055362-00055560 We've had them before from coming to visit pQrL8WF5Ya0-00223-00055560-00055719 and going to farmer's markets and stuff. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00224-00055719-00056049 It's so freaking good. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00225-00056049-00056247 I'm so excited. I love them. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00226-00056247-00056516 I eat them just like candy. They're so good. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00227-00056516-00056757 They're by far the sweetest strawberries I've ever had. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00228-00056757-00056922 They're like the TikTok strawberries pQrL8WF5Ya0-00229-00056922-00057204 that we tried one time in a vlog, but way better. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00230-00057204-00057341 I got some fresh squeezed OJ. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00231-00057341-00057467 I just got a little one pQrL8WF5Ya0-00232-00057467-00057588 'cause I've never had this one before. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00233-00057588-00057714 I don't remember what the farm was called, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00234-00057714-00057894 but I wanted to test out. [Drew] Does it have pulp? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00235-00057894-00058050 Yeah. For sure. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00236-00058050-00058221 Drew doesn't like pulp. I don't mind it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00237-00058221-00058488 And then at this little fruit stand I got some pluots, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00238-00058488-00058752 which is like a plum apricot mix. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00239-00058752-00059027 Got some apricots and a plum. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00240-00059027-00059220 And that's our oh, and flowers. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00241-00059220-00059312 - [Drew] Cute! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00242-00059312-00059409 - They're so cute. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00243-00059409-00059772 We got a little wild flower bouquet with some sunflowers. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00244-00059772-00059907 So beautiful. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00245-00059907-00060249 We're gonna switch out our marigolds from last week. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00246-00060249-00060513 And that's it. That's our farmer's market haul. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00247-00060513-00060861 So now what I think we're gonna do is walk the dog. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00248-00060861-00061014 Maybe make some breakfast, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00249-00061229-00061488 and potentially go to the Melrose Trading Post pQrL8WF5Ya0-00250-00061488-00061754 because we're still on the hunt for decor, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00251-00061754-00062046 like art and stuff for the walls. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00252-00062046-00062334 Although I have gotten a few comments of people saying pQrL8WF5Ya0-00253-00062334-00062760 that if you use 12 Command Velcro strips pQrL8WF5Ya0-00254-00062760-00063066 on a piece of art, it will stay on your wall. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00255-00063066-00063348 Like if you just do the shit out of it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00256-00063348-00063453 - [Drew] Do the shit. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00257-00063546-00063748 - If you just strip the shit out of it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00258-00063748-00064016 - [Drew] Can you hand me the kitchen shears, please? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00259-00064016-00064173 Do the shit, babe. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00260-00064173-00064290 - You gotta do the shit. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00261-00064290-00064509 So TBD on that. What am I handing you? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00262-00064509-00064679 - Kitchen shears. - Oh, okay. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00263-00064679-00064807 Gotta go, bye. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00264-00064807-00065049 (jazz music) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00265-00066656-00066828 All right, we're home from the Melrose Trading Post. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00266-00066828-00066990 Here is a haul of everything we got. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00267-00066990-00067152 We got some art prints. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00268-00067152-00067482 This one is by Andie Gechtman, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00269-00067482-00067644 I think is how you say it, Gechtman. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00270-00067644-00067917 And this is the info for that shop. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00271-00067917-00068220 And we got this cool kind of funky print. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00272-00068220-00068553 And then this one was just a vintage, secondhand one. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00273-00068553-00068721 That was $10. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00274-00068721-00068898 And then we found this one that has mushrooms. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00275-00068898-00069015 Layla, come here! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00276-00069015-00069219 And then we had to get this one. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00277-00069219-00069510 It's Tina from "Bob's Burgers". So cute. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00278-00069510-00069852 So we're gonna add some color onto this wall pQrL8WF5Ya0-00279-00069852-00069981 'cause this is where we're at right now pQrL8WF5Ya0-00280-00069981-00070149 and it's not that cute, so. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00281-00070149-00070332 We definitely need to make some improvement. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00282-00070332-00070623 And then this one we can probably just stick, right? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00283-00070623-00070756 Like here? Down? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00284-00070856-00070974 - [Drew] Yeah, right there. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00285-00070974-00071070 - [Carrie] You sure? Why not. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00286-00071070-00071311 Should we move this to this wall? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00287-00071311-00071764 - Something bigger, maybe bigger art or something. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00288-00071764-00071847 Hmm. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00289-00071847-00072006 - Hmm. - Mhmm, art. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00290-00072099-00072363 - I really love the emotion in this one. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00291-00072552-00072712 Would it look better up or down? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00292-00073437-00073647 I mean, sure. That'll do for now. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00293-00073647-00073764 It's definitely not perfect, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00294-00073764-00073974 but I think we're getting somewhere. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00295-00073974-00074148 It's actually not too bad. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00296-00074148-00074415 So quick little gallery wall tour. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00297-00074415-00074652 This we got from Sunbeam Vintage. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00298-00074652-00075120 This we got from a random store at the Pike Place Market, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00299-00075120-00075282 I think is what it's called in Seattle, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00300-00075282-00075384 like the public market. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00301-00075384-00075645 This we got at a store where we used to live in LA. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00302-00075645-00075858 It's a store called Necromance. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00303-00075858-00076086 It's like a block away from where we used to live. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00304-00076086-00076350 I think both of these bugs are from there as well. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00305-00076350-00076500 That frame is thrifted. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00306-00076500-00076710 That we got today and that we got today. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00307-00076710-00076968 So we have an entirely either second hand pQrL8WF5Ya0-00308-00076968-00077241 or small business gallery wall. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00309-00077241-00077324 How cute! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00310-00077324-00077496 We're still not a hundred percent sure pQrL8WF5Ya0-00311-00077496-00077579 what to do on this wall, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00312-00077579-00077832 'cause we don't want anything to be too, too busy, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00313-00077832-00077988 but it's also a walkway. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00314-00077988-00078204 So we can't really have a big mirror pQrL8WF5Ya0-00315-00078204-00078303 or anything right there. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00316-00078303-00078567 There's no real place to conceal pQrL8WF5Ya0-00317-00078567-00078792 if we wanted like a lamp or anything. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00318-00078792-00079094 So I don't exactly know what we're gonna do with this wall, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00319-00079094-00079215 but I'm pretty happy with that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00320-00079215-00079404 That's pretty cute. It's a good step. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00321-00079404-00079560 Ignore how weird my hat looks. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00322-00079560-00079746 But we're in the kitchen now making breakfast pQrL8WF5Ya0-00323-00079746-00079972 or it's brunch, 'cause it's literally almost 2:00 PM. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00324-00079972-00080073 - [Drew] It's lunch. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00325-00080073-00080199 - It's yeah, it's brunch lunch. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00326-00080199-00080433 But we got a couple shirts at the trading post pQrL8WF5Ya0-00327-00080433-00080516 I forgot to show. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00328-00080516-00080966 So the first one I got is a Disneyland shirt and it's Pooh! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00329-00080966-00081273 And it's yellow tie dye and it says oh, hunny. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00330-00081273-00081435 - [Drew] Hunny! pQrL8WF5Ya0-00331-00081435-00081648 - That is so cute. I love that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00332-00081648-00082055 And then Drew found a "Sailor Moon" shirt. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00333-00082055-00082388 (Drew singing Sailor Moon) pQrL8WF5Ya0-00334-00083208-00083346 That was free of charge. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00335-00083346-00083694 And it's got this cute acid wash moment. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00336-00083694-00083943 So those were the other things we got pQrL8WF5Ya0-00337-00083943-00084210 and we're gonna make some open faced pQrL8WF5Ya0-00338-00084210-00084516 avocado toast sandwiches, I guess, for breakfast. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00339-00084516-00084810 So it's gonna be avocado, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00340-00084810-00085089 maybe a little bit of thin sliced tomato. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00341-00085089-00085530 We've got some eggs, maybe some greens, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00342-00085530-00085770 some chili onion crunch. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00343-00085770-00085853 It's gonna be good. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00344-00085853-00086160 I also think I'm gonna do a separate piece of toast pQrL8WF5Ya0-00345-00086160-00086367 like a sweet toast and a savory toast. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00346-00086367-00086655 And the sweet one, I'm gonna use this maple almond butter pQrL8WF5Ya0-00347-00086655-00086847 that we got at the farmer's market last weekend. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00348-00086847-00087069 It's so good. It's like candy. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00349-00087069-00087387 It's by Avila and Sons Farms, LLC. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00350-00087387-00087527 I'm gonna mash some avocado. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00351-00087759-00087969 For the avocado, I'm just gonna keep it simple pQrL8WF5Ya0-00352-00087969-00088236 and do salt, pepper, maybe a little garlic powder. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00353-00088236-00088566 But I usually do Everything But the Bagel seasoning. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00354-00088566-00088863 I'll do some salt, some pep. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00355-00088863-00089094 If it ain't broke, don't fix it, am I right? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00356-00089346-00089634 Another thing I was influenced by, I forgot to mention, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00357-00089634-00089868 I think it was Kristina Zias on Instagram pQrL8WF5Ya0-00358-00089868-00090219 and she recommended this Happy Egg brand of eggs. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00359-00090219-00090459 We were using the Vital Farms ones and they're really good. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00360-00090459-00090852 But she had said that these were the orangest yolk pQrL8WF5Ya0-00361-00090852-00090951 she had ever had. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00362-00090951-00091155 And girl. She was right. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00363-00091155-00091278 They're so orange. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00364-00091278-00091470 So if you see these, they're really expensive, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00365-00091470-00091698 they're like 6, $7, something like that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00366-00091698-00092079 But I just have to have orange egg yolks. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00367-00092079-00092301 I don't know if it's a placebo thing, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00368-00092301-00092457 but to me it just feels like they taste pQrL8WF5Ya0-00369-00092457-00092601 so much better and fresher. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00370-00092601-00092874 Drew made us some bacon, that's ready to go. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00371-00092874-00093141 My eggs are scrambled. He does fried eggs. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00372-00093141-00093378 Our toast is almost ready. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00373-00093378-00093816 Toast number one, we have a layer of avocado. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00374-00093816-00094011 I like a thin layer. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00375-00094011-00094152 Don't hate on me, okay? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00376-00094260-00094587 We're gonna do some Everything But the Bagel seasoning. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00377-00094587-00094683 Why not? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00378-00094683-00094781 Then... pQrL8WF5Ya0-00379-00094932-00095139 I don't usually like tomato, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00380-00095139-00095442 but today it just sounded kind of good, which is weird. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00381-00095442-00095793 Then I'm gonna do some bacon. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00382-00095793-00096036 I don't really know what I'm doing. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00383-00096036-00096168 I'm just kind of going for it. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00384-00096168-00096309 Chili Onion Crunch from Trader Joe's. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00385-00096309-00096462 We're trying to finish this before we try the other one pQrL8WF5Ya0-00386-00096462-00096825 that we got in the last vlog, but it is so good on eggs. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00387-00096825-00097116 Do some of that and then do like a couple greens. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00388-00097116-00097245 We normally would do just arugula. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00389-00097245-00097449 We were gonna get it as the farmer's market pQrL8WF5Ya0-00390-00097449-00097668 and the one that we saw wasn't that great pQrL8WF5Ya0-00391-00097668-00097806 and the bag was huge. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00392-00097963-00098078 It was way too big. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00393-00098078-00098168 Just do like-- pQrL8WF5Ya0-00394-00098168-00098329 - [Drew] It was a half a pound of arugula. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00395-00098329-00098427 - A little bit of that. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00396-00098427-00098769 And then on my sweet one, doing almond butter, pQrL8WF5Ya0-00397-00098769-00098901 maple almond butter and banana. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00398-00098901-00099273 Bananas have started smelling and tasting pQrL8WF5Ya0-00399-00099273-00099552 a little funky to me lately. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00400-00099789-00100028 Not bad, but slightly off. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00401-00100028-00100248 This is so much food. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00402-00100248-00100504 Getting a little ahead of ourselves here. That's okay. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00403-00100504-00100761 Okay, how good does that look? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00404-00100761-00100896 What an iconic brunch, right? pQrL8WF5Ya0-00405-00100896-00100991 I'm gonna try this. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00406-00101304-00101481 Mm. Very tasty but messy. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00407-00101481-00101636 So gotta go, bye. pQrL8WF5Ya0-00408-00101636-00101894 (upbeat music) pQJpn39mpwM-00000-00000200-00000700 Downloaded from YTS.MX pQJpn39mpwM-00001-00000800-00001300 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX pQJpn39mpwM-00002-00013036-00013390 Down, everybody! They're coming back! pQJpn39mpwM-00003-00014441-00014641 Front end, take the front end. pQJpn39mpwM-00004-00014647-00014848 I hurt bad, Chuck. I might die. pQJpn39mpwM-00005-00014854-00015248 You're hurt, but you'll be all right. You're not dying. pQJpn39mpwM-00006-00016870-00017123 Where's the nearest hospital? pQJpn39mpwM-00007-00017130-00017324 - Several cities, sir. - How far is that? pQJpn39mpwM-00008-00017330-00017464 50 kilometers, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00009-00017470-00017724 Suppose you get down there and get some help up here. pQJpn39mpwM-00010-00017731-00017931 Aye-aye, sir. Do you know the way, Mac? pQJpn39mpwM-00011-00017938-00018038 I'll go with you, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00012-00018041-00018171 Let's shove off. pQJpn39mpwM-00013-00018825-00018989 Any Japs around here? pQJpn39mpwM-00014-00018995-00019179 Only those up there, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00015-00022562-00022902 This was the Philippines in the spring of 1942, pQJpn39mpwM-00016-00022909-00023313 and this was the last of motor torpedo squadron 3, pQJpn39mpwM-00017-00023320-00023616 which had taken general MacArthur and his staff through Japanese lines pQJpn39mpwM-00018-00023623-00023970 in their historic escape from corregidor one month earlier. pQJpn39mpwM-00019-00024447-00024644 For the next three days we hid out pQJpn39mpwM-00020-00024651-00024931 in a lonely, deserted lighthouse, pQJpn39mpwM-00021-00024938-00025161 licking our wounds, as it were, pQJpn39mpwM-00022-00025168-00025462 knowing neither what to do nor where to go. pQJpn39mpwM-00023-00026069-00026333 Have you got anything on that yet? pQJpn39mpwM-00024-00026339-00026503 I'm doing my best, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00025-00026509-00026840 Not that I suppose it matters much one way or the other, pQJpn39mpwM-00026-00026846-00027100 I'd like to know what's going on in this war. pQJpn39mpwM-00027-00027107-00027344 All right, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00028-00027350-00027674 I'll give it a try. pQJpn39mpwM-00029-00028785-00028915 Sorry, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00030-00029245-00029539 What do you know? pQJpn39mpwM-00031-00029546-00029929 It's my favorite dance tune, too! pQJpn39mpwM-00032-00030243-00030563 Ah, I told you. pQJpn39mpwM-00033-00030744-00030951 We interrupt this program pQJpn39mpwM-00034-00030957-00031161 to bring you a special broadcast. pQJpn39mpwM-00035-00031167-00031358 This is the voice of freedom pQJpn39mpwM-00036-00031364-00031645 from United States headquarters at corregidor. pQJpn39mpwM-00037-00031651-00031858 Bataan has fallen. pQJpn39mpwM-00038-00031865-00032055 With heads bloody but unbowed, pQJpn39mpwM-00039-00032062-00032235 the Philippine- American troops pQJpn39mpwM-00040-00032242-00032502 on this war-ravaged and blood-stained peninsula pQJpn39mpwM-00041-00032509-00032819 have yielded to the superior numbers of the enemy. pQJpn39mpwM-00042-00032826-00032969 Blockaded by sea, pQJpn39mpwM-00043-00032976-00033163 cut off from all sources of help pQJpn39mpwM-00044-00033169-00033350 in the Philippines and in America, pQJpn39mpwM-00045-00033356-00033506 these fighters have borne pQJpn39mpwM-00046-00033513-00033737 all that human endurance could bear. pQJpn39mpwM-00047-00033743-00033970 But the decision had to come. pQJpn39mpwM-00048-00033977-00034347 Men fighting under the banner of an unshakable faith pQJpn39mpwM-00049-00034354-00034567 are made of something more than flesh, pQJpn39mpwM-00050-00034574-00034874 but they are not made of impervious steel. pQJpn39mpwM-00051-00034881-00035158 The flesh must yield at last. pQJpn39mpwM-00052-00035165-00035538 Endurance melts away, so Bataan has fallen. pQJpn39mpwM-00053-00035545-00035915 But the spirit that made it stand a beacon to all pQJpn39mpwM-00054-00035922-00036273 the Liberty-loving peoples of the world cannot fail. pQJpn39mpwM-00055-00036683-00037023 Well, that's it. pQJpn39mpwM-00056-00037030-00037233 You fellows still have those passes pQJpn39mpwM-00057-00037240-00037487 general MacArthur gave us? pQJpn39mpwM-00058-00037494-00037687 Yes. pQJpn39mpwM-00059-00037694-00037834 Aye-aye, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00060-00037841-00038058 Okay. From now on, you're on your own. pQJpn39mpwM-00061-00038064-00038328 If you can get to Del Monte airfield on Mindanao, pQJpn39mpwM-00062-00038335-00038621 they oughta be good for a priority one lift to Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00063-00038628-00038928 Mindanao... But that's 200 miles! pQJpn39mpwM-00064-00038935-00039139 Our only chance is to split up. pQJpn39mpwM-00065-00039145-00039289 Travel alone or in pairs. pQJpn39mpwM-00066-00039296-00039476 Otherwise, we'll be too conspicuous. pQJpn39mpwM-00067-00039482-00039676 Chuck, how about you leading off. pQJpn39mpwM-00068-00039683-00039843 The rest of us will follow pQJpn39mpwM-00069-00039849-00040040 at half-hour intervals. pQJpn39mpwM-00070-00040327-00040477 Aye-aye, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00071-00040483-00040583 Jim. pQJpn39mpwM-00072-00040587-00040717 Hope to see you again, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00073-00040724-00040937 - Mike. - Take it easy, Joe. pQJpn39mpwM-00074-00040944-00041097 - Fred. - Good luck. pQJpn39mpwM-00075-00041104-00041251 - Skipper. - Good luck. pQJpn39mpwM-00076-00041591-00041865 Mr. Palmer! pQJpn39mpwM-00077-00041871-00042092 I think I'll go along too, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00078-00042098-00042202 All right. pQJpn39mpwM-00079-00042208-00042385 - Good-bye, skipper. - Good-bye, Mitchell. pQJpn39mpwM-00080-00042392-00042622 - So long, Mike. - Watch that arm, Joe. pQJpn39mpwM-00081-00042629-00042802 All right, Jim. pQJpn39mpwM-00082-00042993-00043213 All right if I come along with you, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-00083-00043219-00043350 Why not. pQJpn39mpwM-00084-00043677-00043923 There was a lot of walking for us after that. pQJpn39mpwM-00085-00043930-00044060 Along country roads, pQJpn39mpwM-00086-00044067-00044454 through jungles in Equatorial heat, pQJpn39mpwM-00087-00044461-00044668 sometimes waist-deep in water, pQJpn39mpwM-00088-00044674-00045038 and all about us people, always people, pQJpn39mpwM-00089-00045045-00045315 moving, seeking to escape. pQJpn39mpwM-00090-00045322-00045512 Later people spoke of the jap flood, pQJpn39mpwM-00091-00045518-00045979 but there was no flood of Japs, not then. pQJpn39mpwM-00092-00045986-00046179 We were the flood. pQJpn39mpwM-00093-00046186-00046389 The Japs were just the rocks in the walls pQJpn39mpwM-00094-00046396-00046706 sticking up around which we, the flood, flowed. pQJpn39mpwM-00095-00046713-00047050 For two weeks and two days we were on the move, pQJpn39mpwM-00096-00047057-00047217 pausing briefly now and then pQJpn39mpwM-00097-00047223-00047547 to bathe our aching feet and rest our weary bodies, pQJpn39mpwM-00098-00047554-00047881 always with people refugeeing from their homes. pQJpn39mpwM-00099-00048171-00048385 Until at last we came toward a town pQJpn39mpwM-00100-00048391-00048708 where all the driftwood of the flood seemed to have jammed up. pQJpn39mpwM-00101-00048715-00049029 It was the town of tacloban, on the north-eastern shore pQJpn39mpwM-00102-00049035-00049219 of the island of Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-00103-00049225-00049436 I told you not to jam up the place! pQJpn39mpwM-00104-00049442-00049673 Now move on! Move on out of here. pQJpn39mpwM-00105-00049679-00050136 Keep back. Man, there's no gasoline. pQJpn39mpwM-00106-00050143-00050263 I told you to move on quick. pQJpn39mpwM-00107-00050270-00050463 You're jamming up the place. pQJpn39mpwM-00108-00050470-00050914 Keep moving. Any place is better than this. pQJpn39mpwM-00109-00050920-00051137 I told you, you cannot go inside. pQJpn39mpwM-00110-00051144-00051488 Hello, sergeant, who's in command here? pQJpn39mpwM-00111-00051494-00051765 Oh. pQJpn39mpwM-00112-00051771-00052008 Colonel Benson, sir. He's inside. pQJpn39mpwM-00113-00052015-00052148 Very well, thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00114-00052155-00052283 I'm gonna try to see the colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00115-00052289-00052529 You circulate and see what the score is. pQJpn39mpwM-00116-00052535-00052649 Right. pQJpn39mpwM-00117-00052655-00052802 We must see the American colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00118-00052809-00052942 It's most important. pQJpn39mpwM-00119-00052949-00053139 The colonel can't see anybody right now. pQJpn39mpwM-00120-00053146-00053280 It's for my cousin. She's very ill. pQJpn39mpwM-00121-00053283-00053463 She's at home, if she doesn't go pQJpn39mpwM-00122-00053470-00053643 to the hospital at once, she may die. pQJpn39mpwM-00123-00053650-00053853 I'm sorry, you'll have to wait your turn. pQJpn39mpwM-00124-00053860-00054160 Look, this paper, if the colonel will only sign this paper. pQJpn39mpwM-00125-00054167-00054381 Listen, lady, orders are orders. pQJpn39mpwM-00126-00054387-00054741 You people, stand back. Stand back over there! pQJpn39mpwM-00127-00054748-00054968 You don't understand. My cousin is going to have a baby! pQJpn39mpwM-00128-00054975-00055171 She's very sick! There's no doctor anywhere! pQJpn39mpwM-00129-00055178-00055432 She must go to the hospital. Its a caesarean baby. pQJpn39mpwM-00130-00055438-00055752 Yes, lady, I understand fully, but it's impossible, pQJpn39mpwM-00131-00055759-00055979 we can't solve everybody's problems. pQJpn39mpwM-00132-00056212-00056476 I have to see the colonel. He must sign this paper! pQJpn39mpwM-00133-00056483-00056760 Take it easy, miss, I've got my orders. pQJpn39mpwM-00134-00056766-00057023 You'll have to wait your turn. pQJpn39mpwM-00135-00057030-00057163 What do you want? pQJpn39mpwM-00136-00057170-00057427 Oh, ensign Palmer, captain, torpedo squadron 3. pQJpn39mpwM-00137-00057434-00057677 Squadron 3, eh? When did you blow in? pQJpn39mpwM-00138-00057684-00057821 Just now, from sebu. pQJpn39mpwM-00139-00057827-00058041 I'd like to see the colonel for a moment. pQJpn39mpwM-00140-00058048-00058315 It's a military matter. pQJpn39mpwM-00141-00058321-00058645 MacArthur or no, the colonel will probably pQJpn39mpwM-00142-00058651-00059042 chew my tail off for this, but okay, go on up. pQJpn39mpwM-00143-00059049-00059242 - Thank you. - Hey, how about me? pQJpn39mpwM-00144-00059249-00059366 All right, stand back here, pQJpn39mpwM-00145-00059372-00059482 stand back! Don't push. pQJpn39mpwM-00146-00059489-00059642 He can't take care of all of you. pQJpn39mpwM-00147-00059649-00059966 Take it easy. pQJpn39mpwM-00148-00060533-00060684 Colonel Benson? pQJpn39mpwM-00149-00060690-00060847 Yeah? pQJpn39mpwM-00150-00060854-00061144 Ensign Palmer, sir, torpedo squadron 3. pQJpn39mpwM-00151-00061151-00061344 Where did you come from? pQJpn39mpwM-00152-00061351-00061538 I just walked in from sebu, colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00153-00061544-00061735 On your hands and knees? pQJpn39mpwM-00154-00061741-00061845 Practically. pQJpn39mpwM-00155-00061851-00062045 Well, what's your beef? pQJpn39mpwM-00156-00062052-00062565 Seaman Mitchell and I'd like to get to Del Monte airport on Mindanao, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00157-00062572-00062762 What for? pQJpn39mpwM-00158-00062769-00062996 The Japs took that strip 10 days ago. pQJpn39mpwM-00159-00063003-00063179 Save you boys a long trip. pQJpn39mpwM-00160-00063186-00063413 You can stay right here and surrender. pQJpn39mpwM-00161-00063420-00063543 Surrender? pQJpn39mpwM-00162-00063550-00063873 I just received orders to surrender all our forces pQJpn39mpwM-00163-00063880-00064057 on this island at 20:00 tonight. pQJpn39mpwM-00164-00064064-00064321 Does that include us? pQJpn39mpwM-00165-00064327-00064487 It does, if you're here. pQJpn39mpwM-00166-00064494-00064741 In the meantime we're having a little party here tonight. pQJpn39mpwM-00167-00064748-00065088 Why don't you boys stick around and help us drink a little barbed wire. pQJpn39mpwM-00168-00065095-00065475 Well, it sounds fascinating, colonel, but I personally pQJpn39mpwM-00169-00065482-00065648 have had enough of barbed wire. pQJpn39mpwM-00170-00065655-00065952 Have you got a better idea? pQJpn39mpwM-00171-00065959-00066119 Well, I thought if I could get a boat pQJpn39mpwM-00172-00066126-00066343 I'd have another shot at Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00173-00066349-00066499 What kind? pQJpn39mpwM-00174-00066506-00066616 Motor. pQJpn39mpwM-00175-00066623-00066740 There aren't any. pQJpn39mpwM-00176-00066746-00066863 Well, maybe a sailboat. pQJpn39mpwM-00177-00066870-00067190 A sailboat? To Australia? pQJpn39mpwM-00178-00067197-00067464 Do you know how far it is to Australia? pQJpn39mpwM-00179-00067470-00067691 1,200 miles, I'd say. pQJpn39mpwM-00180-00067697-00067907 It's closer to 1,300. pQJpn39mpwM-00181-00067914-00068251 Besides, boats cost money. How much have you got? pQJpn39mpwM-00182-00068258-00068575 $40 in American and about 10 pesos. pQJpn39mpwM-00183-00068742-00069062 Palmer, I used to think the Navy had some brains, pQJpn39mpwM-00184-00069069-00069332 but I'm certainly beginning to doubt it. pQJpn39mpwM-00185-00069339-00069576 However... pQJpn39mpwM-00186-00069786-00070086 In the interest of inter-service Harmony, pQJpn39mpwM-00187-00070093-00070547 maybe we can stand a little touch. pQJpn39mpwM-00188-00070553-00070870 Say, uh, 2,000 pesos. pQJpn39mpwM-00189-00070877-00071091 Colonel, that's very generous. pQJpn39mpwM-00190-00071097-00071288 Don't mention it. pQJpn39mpwM-00191-00071294-00071448 It's only money. pQJpn39mpwM-00192-00071581-00071801 Of course, if the Japs find out about this, pQJpn39mpwM-00193-00071808-00072162 they'll probably sue me, but good luck to you, Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00194-00072168-00072339 - Anchors away. - Thank you, colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00195-00072345-00072719 By the way, go down to the end of the corridor and see lieutenant Gibbs. pQJpn39mpwM-00196-00072726-00072996 Tell him I said to give you an issue slip for some new clothes. pQJpn39mpwM-00197-00073003-00073276 We can't have the Navy running around looking like that. pQJpn39mpwM-00198-00073283-00073463 The admiral might not like it! pQJpn39mpwM-00199-00073470-00073573 Yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00200-00073580-00073747 Uh, colonel, I know you're swamped, pQJpn39mpwM-00201-00073753-00073984 but I happened to overhear something outside pQJpn39mpwM-00202-00073990-00074157 that I think is rather urgent. pQJpn39mpwM-00203-00074164-00074344 Everything is urgent. pQJpn39mpwM-00204-00074351-00074684 - Well, sir, this is about a... - A girl? pQJpn39mpwM-00205-00074691-00074944 Well, yes, or rather her cousin. pQJpn39mpwM-00206-00074951-00075148 She's going to have a baby, its a caesarean. pQJpn39mpwM-00207-00075155-00075492 Well, that's all we need right now, a caesarean. pQJpn39mpwM-00208-00075498-00075685 But if you could see her for just a minute, pQJpn39mpwM-00209-00075692-00075859 she only wants you to sign a paper. pQJpn39mpwM-00210-00075865-00075986 Good looking, eh? pQJpn39mpwM-00211-00075992-00076189 Well, all right, Palmer, send her up. pQJpn39mpwM-00212-00076196-00076523 A pretty face may help take my mind off tonight. pQJpn39mpwM-00213-00076529-00076720 Thank you, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00214-00077067-00077260 Good luck, colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00215-00077267-00077424 Good luck, Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00216-00077430-00077684 Captain! pQJpn39mpwM-00217-00078044-00078211 He will? pQJpn39mpwM-00218-00078448-00078568 Oh, lady! pQJpn39mpwM-00219-00078575-00078688 Oh, lady? pQJpn39mpwM-00220-00078695-00078989 You can go up now. pQJpn39mpwM-00221-00079089-00079396 Hey, Chuck. Chuck! Over here! pQJpn39mpwM-00222-00079402-00079542 Thank you, captain. pQJpn39mpwM-00223-00079549-00079829 First door to the right, top of the stairs. pQJpn39mpwM-00224-00079836-00080130 These guys are from the ground crew at Del Monte airfield. pQJpn39mpwM-00225-00080136-00080323 They just flew in. Tell him what's up, bud. pQJpn39mpwM-00226-00080330-00080684 No, you don't need to. I just got it from the colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00227-00080690-00080880 Any of you fellows want to go to Australia? pQJpn39mpwM-00228-00080887-00081074 - Australia? - Yeah, sure. - You said it. pQJpn39mpwM-00229-00081081-00081254 All right, we're leaving tonight, pQJpn39mpwM-00230-00081261-00081368 if anybody wants to ship on. pQJpn39mpwM-00231-00081371-00081568 - Leaving how? - By sail boat. pQJpn39mpwM-00232-00081574-00081771 Sail boat? Say, are you nuts? pQJpn39mpwM-00233-00081778-00081992 What do we know about sail boats? We're in the air corps! pQJpn39mpwM-00234-00081995-00082125 We're army guys. pQJpn39mpwM-00235-00082132-00082359 All right, I've got 2,000 pesos pQJpn39mpwM-00236-00082365-00082492 to buy a boat and stock it. pQJpn39mpwM-00237-00082499-00082759 Otherwise, it's a jap concentration camp. pQJpn39mpwM-00238-00082766-00082869 What do you say, Jim? pQJpn39mpwM-00239-00082876-00083049 Yeah, but a sailboat... pQJpn39mpwM-00240-00083056-00083264 You want to get back to that gas station in pocatello, don't you? pQJpn39mpwM-00241-00083266-00083476 - Sure, but... - Well, then, this is your chance. pQJpn39mpwM-00242-00083483-00083673 Come on, you fellas, make up your minds. pQJpn39mpwM-00243-00083680-00083833 Well, what have we got to lose? pQJpn39mpwM-00244-00083840-00084154 I'd rather drown than starve to death in a jap bow pen. pQJpn39mpwM-00245-00084160-00084274 - Okay, let's go. - Suits me. pQJpn39mpwM-00246-00084280-00084404 I'm in. pQJpn39mpwM-00247-00084411-00084748 All right, here's 1,000 pesos. pQJpn39mpwM-00248-00084754-00084868 It's for supplies. pQJpn39mpwM-00249-00084874-00085045 I'll give you a list of what we need. pQJpn39mpwM-00250-00085051-00085165 Make every nickel count. pQJpn39mpwM-00251-00085171-00085328 I'll take care of the boat. pQJpn39mpwM-00252-00085335-00085565 We'll meet on the dock at 18:00 sharp. pQJpn39mpwM-00253-00085572-00085805 All right, move out. pQJpn39mpwM-00254-00086566-00086870 Coconuts, bananas, mangoes, pQJpn39mpwM-00255-00086876-00087243 dried fish, kerosene, milk. pQJpn39mpwM-00256-00087250-00087574 Milk? Hey, wait a minute, what's this? pQJpn39mpwM-00257-00087580-00087987 375 pesos for 25 pint cans of milk? pQJpn39mpwM-00258-00087994-00088171 You said get milk, we got it. pQJpn39mpwM-00259-00088178-00088451 Yes, but that's about $10 a can. pQJpn39mpwM-00260-00088458-00088765 There's a war on. pQJpn39mpwM-00261-00088772-00088968 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-00262-00088975-00089199 Look what I've found. pQJpn39mpwM-00263-00089205-00089339 Ain't he cute? pQJpn39mpwM-00264-00089346-00089666 Yes, and plump, too. He'll roast good. pQJpn39mpwM-00265-00089672-00089773 What? pQJpn39mpwM-00266-00089779-00089896 You mean you'd eat Wilmer? pQJpn39mpwM-00267-00089903-00090163 To the last oink. Stow him aboard. pQJpn39mpwM-00268-00090170-00090397 And lash him down up forward. pQJpn39mpwM-00269-00090403-00090784 You fellows better get a move on with the rest of this gear here. pQJpn39mpwM-00270-00090790-00091167 Mr. Palmer. Mr. Palmer! pQJpn39mpwM-00271-00091174-00091454 I want to thank you for what you did for us this morning. pQJpn39mpwM-00272-00091461-00091611 Oh, it was nothing. pQJpn39mpwM-00273-00091618-00091858 My cousin would have died if it hadn't been for you. pQJpn39mpwM-00274-00091865-00092022 Now she has a son. pQJpn39mpwM-00275-00092028-00092192 A boy! Oh, that's great. pQJpn39mpwM-00276-00092198-00092402 - Give her my congratulations. - Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00277-00093119-00093446 Are you really going to Australia on a barco? pQJpn39mpwM-00278-00093453-00093610 That's the intention. pQJpn39mpwM-00279-00093616-00093783 It's the wrong time of the year. pQJpn39mpwM-00280-00093790-00093990 The southwest monsoons are blowing. pQJpn39mpwM-00281-00093997-00094197 Well, it's either that or the Japs. pQJpn39mpwM-00282-00094204-00094447 Have you sailed a barco before? pQJpn39mpwM-00283-00094454-00094684 No. Have you? pQJpn39mpwM-00284-00094691-00094864 Many times. pQJpn39mpwM-00285-00094871-00095131 Well, why don't you come with us? Can you cook? pQJpn39mpwM-00286-00095138-00095552 Yes, I can cook. But someone has to stay here and fight. pQJpn39mpwM-00287-00095558-00095755 With what? Pop guns? pQJpn39mpwM-00288-00095762-00095969 Besides, what could a good-looking girl like -- pQJpn39mpwM-00289-00095975-00096176 there are many places one can hide in the hills. pQJpn39mpwM-00290-00096182-00096326 Hide? Who wants to hide? pQJpn39mpwM-00291-00096333-00096563 My country is sinking, and everyone's running away. pQJpn39mpwM-00292-00096569-00096936 Look, lady, it costs the United States government pQJpn39mpwM-00293-00096943-00097203 $2,650 to make a sailor out of me. pQJpn39mpwM-00294-00097210-00097550 Now, perhaps in Australia I can find the type of fighting I was trained for. pQJpn39mpwM-00295-00097557-00097777 I think it's wrong. The war is here. pQJpn39mpwM-00296-00097784-00098051 If you really want to fight, here is where you can help us most. pQJpn39mpwM-00297-00098058-00098271 You know, for someone who's not a Filipino, pQJpn39mpwM-00298-00098278-00098525 you're certainly getting yourself all worked up. pQJpn39mpwM-00299-00098531-00098788 I'm French, but this is my home. pQJpn39mpwM-00300-00098795-00099042 These are my people. I shan't run away. pQJpn39mpwM-00301-00099049-00099232 I'll stay here and fight as long as I can. pQJpn39mpwM-00302-00099239-00099419 All right, that's your privilege. pQJpn39mpwM-00303-00099689-00099883 I'm sorry if I've offended you. pQJpn39mpwM-00304-00099889-00100096 I had no right to speak you as I did. pQJpn39mpwM-00305-00100103-00100373 All right. pQJpn39mpwM-00306-00100380-00100537 Good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-00307-00100543-00100680 Good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-00308-00100687-00100840 Hey, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-00309-00100847-00101071 It's about 18:00. How about shoving off? pQJpn39mpwM-00310-00101077-00101318 All right. Good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-00311-00101324-00101651 As they say in the Philippines, god run with you. pQJpn39mpwM-00312-00101658-00101851 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00313-00101858-00102072 You're sure you won't come with us? pQJpn39mpwM-00314-00102078-00102238 No. pQJpn39mpwM-00315-00102245-00102362 Good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-00316-00102369-00102719 Hey, fellas, give us a hand with these planks. pQJpn39mpwM-00317-00104691-00104921 Hoist the sheet. pQJpn39mpwM-00318-00105241-00105402 What's he mean, the sheet? pQJpn39mpwM-00319-00105408-00105548 I never heard of a sheet. pQJpn39mpwM-00320-00105752-00106242 Get the lead out, hoist the sail, the sail! pQJpn39mpwM-00321-00106249-00106736 Okay, you land lubbers, I'll show you how. pQJpn39mpwM-00322-00106743-00106943 Here, ozzy, take a line. pQJpn39mpwM-00323-00106950-00107057 Pull it. pQJpn39mpwM-00324-00107063-00107314 Now, watch it there. Don't let it foul up. pQJpn39mpwM-00325-00108221-00108415 Man the outriggers. pQJpn39mpwM-00326-00108421-00108795 Come on, these things sticking out of the water. pQJpn39mpwM-00327-00109402-00109753 If you ask me, there goes the only smart guy in this boat. pQJpn39mpwM-00328-00111758-00112449 Get over, get over. Turn it, will you, turn it! pQJpn39mpwM-00329-00112455-00112662 Turn it! pQJpn39mpwM-00330-00115352-00115638 Well, the young lady was right. pQJpn39mpwM-00331-00115645-00115992 We lasted about 72 hours. pQJpn39mpwM-00332-00116239-00116656 I've seen some pretty good storms in Kansas, but, brother, we've had it. pQJpn39mpwM-00333-00116663-00117023 It's called a chubasco. They come up all of a sudden. pQJpn39mpwM-00334-00117030-00117327 Oh, they do! pQJpn39mpwM-00335-00117333-00117490 Well, at least we're all here. pQJpn39mpwM-00336-00117497-00117717 - Yes, sir. - Aye aye, skipper. pQJpn39mpwM-00337-00118211-00118435 What gives now? pQJpn39mpwM-00338-00118441-00118631 It looks as if we'll have to swim for it. pQJpn39mpwM-00339-00118638-00118745 How far out are we? pQJpn39mpwM-00340-00118752-00119035 About eight miles, I judge. pQJpn39mpwM-00341-00119042-00119255 Eight miles? That's farther than I can walk! pQJpn39mpwM-00342-00119262-00119459 I'm not going to ask any of you fellas pQJpn39mpwM-00343-00119466-00119676 to try it if you don't want to. pQJpn39mpwM-00344-00119682-00120059 Chances are a jap boat will come along and rescue you. pQJpn39mpwM-00345-00120066-00120200 Let's get going. pQJpn39mpwM-00346-00120206-00120333 Good, room for me. pQJpn39mpwM-00347-00120340-00120527 Not me, I can't swim a lick. pQJpn39mpwM-00348-00120533-00120837 - Me neither. - Not me, brother, not eight mile. pQJpn39mpwM-00349-00120844-00121164 Okay. If any of us make it, we'll send a boat out for you. pQJpn39mpwM-00350-00121171-00121411 The Navy tells us that once you start, pQJpn39mpwM-00351-00121418-00121558 don't stop to rest. pQJpn39mpwM-00352-00121564-00121798 Otherwise your muscles will bunch up on you. pQJpn39mpwM-00353-00122345-00122499 Come on in, you guys, the water's fine. pQJpn39mpwM-00354-00122505-00122652 Take it easy. pQJpn39mpwM-00355-00122659-00122886 Any man who wastes his breath talking or shouting pQJpn39mpwM-00356-00122892-00123196 gives himself just that much less chance to live. pQJpn39mpwM-00357-00123203-00123383 Yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00358-00124344-00124487 Take it easy. pQJpn39mpwM-00359-00125889-00126393 What time do you reckon it is? pQJpn39mpwM-00360-00126399-00126603 About noon. pQJpn39mpwM-00361-00128535-00128711 Oh, Jim! pQJpn39mpwM-00362-00128718-00128932 Yeah? pQJpn39mpwM-00363-00128938-00129089 I can touch bottom. pQJpn39mpwM-00364-00129095-00129209 Yeah? pQJpn39mpwM-00365-00129215-00129472 Yeah! Yeah. pQJpn39mpwM-00366-00129479-00129749 Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-00367-00129756-00129906 I can't take a step. pQJpn39mpwM-00368-00129913-00130113 You've got to. pQJpn39mpwM-00369-00130120-00130347 I can't move my legs. pQJpn39mpwM-00370-00130353-00130620 Well, try. That tide will be coming in pQJpn39mpwM-00371-00130627-00130914 in a few minutes and then we'll have to walk further than ever. pQJpn39mpwM-00372-00130920-00131157 I can't. If I start, pQJpn39mpwM-00373-00131164-00131348 I'll just fall down and drown. pQJpn39mpwM-00374-00131354-00131694 Well, then swim. pQJpn39mpwM-00375-00131968-00132242 I can't swim either. pQJpn39mpwM-00376-00132248-00132449 I can't budge my muscles. pQJpn39mpwM-00377-00132455-00132669 I can't move at all. pQJpn39mpwM-00378-00132675-00133026 Well, try. You can do it. You've got to. pQJpn39mpwM-00379-00133032-00133259 It's no use, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-00380-00133266-00133443 It's no use, I'm done. pQJpn39mpwM-00381-00133450-00133787 Here. I'll help you. pQJpn39mpwM-00382-00134140-00134474 That's funny. I can't move, either. pQJpn39mpwM-00383-00134481-00134994 B-but we just can't stand here and drown. pQJpn39mpwM-00384-00135218-00135498 Hey, look! pQJpn39mpwM-00385-00135505-00135869 Look! A boat! pQJpn39mpwM-00386-00136032-00136399 Over here! pQJpn39mpwM-00387-00136406-00136606 Oi! Oi! pQJpn39mpwM-00388-00136613-00136900 Here! pQJpn39mpwM-00389-00137854-00138108 - Filipinos! - Help him first. pQJpn39mpwM-00390-00140900-00141074 Where are we? pQJpn39mpwM-00391-00141081-00141284 This is a fishing village on Leyte, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00392-00141291-00141651 Leyte? That's where we started from. pQJpn39mpwM-00393-00141658-00141875 Better not to talk, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00394-00142672-00142869 You got all ten of us? pQJpn39mpwM-00395-00142876-00143056 Nine are here, only, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00396-00143063-00143293 Our men are still searching. pQJpn39mpwM-00397-00143603-00143733 Who are you? pQJpn39mpwM-00398-00143740-00143867 I'm Miguel, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00399-00143873-00144134 I teach in the school. pQJpn39mpwM-00400-00144140-00144234 The Japs... pQJpn39mpwM-00401-00144240-00144361 Don't worry, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00402-00144367-00144597 The Japs are far away, eight kilometers. pQJpn39mpwM-00403-00144604-00144741 They were here. pQJpn39mpwM-00404-00144748-00144871 They searched our houses. pQJpn39mpwM-00405-00144878-00145068 Then they made a speech and went away. pQJpn39mpwM-00406-00145075-00145415 But... surely your people know pQJpn39mpwM-00407-00145422-00145738 that the Japs will kill you if you hide Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-00408-00145745-00145972 My people know. pQJpn39mpwM-00409-00146262-00146593 He was far out in the water when I found him. pQJpn39mpwM-00410-00146599-00146673 In this room. pQJpn39mpwM-00411-00146679-00146813 You have a doctor in the village? pQJpn39mpwM-00412-00146820-00147093 The doctor is very far away, sir, three days. pQJpn39mpwM-00413-00147634-00147811 Lie down, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00414-00147817-00148068 Please, lie down. pQJpn39mpwM-00415-00148158-00148321 He was one of our men. pQJpn39mpwM-00416-00148328-00148748 I didn't know him very long, but he was a good man. pQJpn39mpwM-00417-00148755-00149092 He didn't ask to come out here. pQJpn39mpwM-00418-00149099-00149389 Maybe he didn't die fighting bullets, pQJpn39mpwM-00419-00149396-00149649 but at least he died trying to keep himself pQJpn39mpwM-00420-00149656-00149869 in the war, rather than surrender. pQJpn39mpwM-00421-00150070-00150266 That's all I know about him, pQJpn39mpwM-00422-00150273-00150687 but maybe it'll be a comfort to all those who love him. pQJpn39mpwM-00423-00151091-00151301 Okay, Miguel, you can take over now. pQJpn39mpwM-00424-00151921-00152535 Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. pQJpn39mpwM-00425-00152542-00152685 Thy kingdom come, pQJpn39mpwM-00426-00152692-00152959 thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. pQJpn39mpwM-00427-00152966-00153343 Give us this day our daily bread pQJpn39mpwM-00428-00153349-00153483 and forgive us our trespasses, pQJpn39mpwM-00429-00153490-00153843 as we forgive those who trespass against us. pQJpn39mpwM-00430-00153850-00154010 And lead us not into temptation. pQJpn39mpwM-00431-00154017-00154314 And deliver us from evil. pQJpn39mpwM-00432-00154751-00154978 Go! The Japanese! pQJpn39mpwM-00433-00154984-00155165 Quick! pQJpn39mpwM-00434-00155742-00155912 Wait! Wait! pQJpn39mpwM-00435-00155919-00156212 The Japanese may construe this as a rebellion. pQJpn39mpwM-00436-00156219-00156499 I'll take the body over to them and explain it. pQJpn39mpwM-00437-00156876-00157280 The American is buried, and you will not tell. pQJpn39mpwM-00438-00157627-00157777 Come. pQJpn39mpwM-00439-00160770-00160964 Welcome. pQJpn39mpwM-00440-00160970-00161174 Welcome to our village. pQJpn39mpwM-00441-00161181-00161368 The Americans, they are here? pQJpn39mpwM-00442-00161374-00161601 - They have gone, sir. - Where? pQJpn39mpwM-00443-00161608-00161891 Back there, sir, to the mountains, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00444-00161898-00162138 We have come to rescue you from them. pQJpn39mpwM-00445-00162145-00162352 Sir, you flatter us. pQJpn39mpwM-00446-00162358-00162555 You're too good to us only, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00447-00162562-00162886 - Banzai! - Banzai! Banzai! pQJpn39mpwM-00448-00162892-00163326 Now, will you help us find the Americans? pQJpn39mpwM-00449-00163333-00163756 Sir, you cannot find them. They've vanished into thin air. pQJpn39mpwM-00450-00163763-00164140 There's no finding them. pQJpn39mpwM-00451-00164147-00164531 You and the children will die if you hide the Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-00452-00164537-00164764 Sir, we do not hide them. pQJpn39mpwM-00453-00164771-00165024 They came with guns; We have no guns. pQJpn39mpwM-00454-00165031-00165175 They stayed with guns. pQJpn39mpwM-00455-00165181-00165385 We had no guns to make them go. pQJpn39mpwM-00456-00165392-00165618 Now you come with guns and they have run away. pQJpn39mpwM-00457-00165625-00165702 Where did they go? pQJpn39mpwM-00458-00165708-00166025 Who knows where the American goes? pQJpn39mpwM-00459-00166032-00166186 You. pQJpn39mpwM-00460-00166192-00166556 Does he speak the truth? pQJpn39mpwM-00461-00166563-00166736 It is as he says. pQJpn39mpwM-00462-00166743-00167080 The Americans were here, but stayed only one hour, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00463-00167087-00167507 Any Filipino who protect an American will be shot. pQJpn39mpwM-00464-00167514-00167874 The Philippines are now part of the Japanese empire. pQJpn39mpwM-00465-00167881-00168375 - Banzai! - Banzai! Banzai! pQJpn39mpwM-00466-00171674-00171898 Where are you going, Juan? pQJpn39mpwM-00467-00173967-00174164 I was not going anywhere. pQJpn39mpwM-00468-00174170-00174424 I just came down to look at my boat. pQJpn39mpwM-00469-00174431-00174751 You were going to tell the Japanese about the Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-00470-00174757-00175014 I swear... I swear, I wasn't! pQJpn39mpwM-00471-00175021-00175405 You know I wouldn't lie. I swear it. pQJpn39mpwM-00472-00175412-00175809 Sit down, please. We've brought you something. pQJpn39mpwM-00473-00176759-00177187 It is a chicken. pQJpn39mpwM-00474-00177287-00177494 Eat it. pQJpn39mpwM-00475-00177500-00177724 Eat all of it. pQJpn39mpwM-00476-00177730-00177954 All? pQJpn39mpwM-00477-00177961-00178098 All. pQJpn39mpwM-00478-00180076-00180216 Eat it. pQJpn39mpwM-00479-00180967-00181217 I can't. pQJpn39mpwM-00480-00181631-00182075 You're a fifth columnist and a bad man. pQJpn39mpwM-00481-00182081-00182215 We're going to kill you. pQJpn39mpwM-00482-00182222-00182572 No! It's not true! You can't kill me. pQJpn39mpwM-00483-00182579-00182936 No. No! No, don't shoot! pQJpn39mpwM-00484-00182942-00183236 I won't tell the Japanese, I swear it. pQJpn39mpwM-00485-00184821-00185115 All through the summer and fall of 1942, pQJpn39mpwM-00486-00185121-00185288 we were constantly on the lam, pQJpn39mpwM-00487-00185295-00185672 never knowing from one hour to the next where we'd end up. pQJpn39mpwM-00488-00185678-00185939 More and more Japs had come into the Philippines, pQJpn39mpwM-00489-00185945-00186172 and their patrols were never idle. pQJpn39mpwM-00490-00186179-00186446 "Bamboo Americans" the Filipinos called us, pQJpn39mpwM-00491-00186453-00186709 as we began to look more and more pQJpn39mpwM-00492-00186716-00187013 like a bunch of scarecrows and cut-throats. pQJpn39mpwM-00493-00187020-00187240 As yet, the idea of fighting back, pQJpn39mpwM-00494-00187247-00187604 of killing Japs, frankly, had not even occurred to us. pQJpn39mpwM-00495-00187610-00187867 We were too busy just keeping alive. pQJpn39mpwM-00496-00187874-00188191 But there was mounting restlessness among us. pQJpn39mpwM-00497-00188198-00188538 We were beginning to become unraveled and at loose ends. pQJpn39mpwM-00498-00188545-00188788 I figure, if there hasn't been any slip-up, pQJpn39mpwM-00499-00188795-00189109 the government owes me close to $800 in back pay. pQJpn39mpwM-00500-00189115-00189506 $796.46, to be exact. pQJpn39mpwM-00501-00189512-00189749 You should live to spend it! pQJpn39mpwM-00502-00189756-00189876 I aim to. pQJpn39mpwM-00503-00189883-00190220 I haven't been peddling gas back home all these years pQJpn39mpwM-00504-00190226-00190440 to let that jerk cousin of mine take over. pQJpn39mpwM-00505-00190447-00190770 I got a lot picked out right on the best corner in pocatello. pQJpn39mpwM-00506-00190777-00190977 Yakkety yukkety-yuk! pQJpn39mpwM-00507-00190984-00191297 We'll be ducking around these woods for the rest of our lives. pQJpn39mpwM-00508-00191304-00191424 Ain't that right, Palmer? pQJpn39mpwM-00509-00191431-00191831 Not me. I'm a city boy myself. pQJpn39mpwM-00510-00191838-00192128 This country life's beginning to get me down. pQJpn39mpwM-00511-00192135-00192295 I'm for heading north again. pQJpn39mpwM-00512-00192302-00192539 Back to where we started from? pQJpn39mpwM-00513-00192545-00192876 It's possible. A little closer around the ears, man. pQJpn39mpwM-00514-00192882-00193109 Hey, I never thought of this. pQJpn39mpwM-00515-00193116-00193326 Suppose the government figures I'm dead pQJpn39mpwM-00516-00193333-00193600 and gives all that back pay to that jerk cousin of mine? pQJpn39mpwM-00517-00193606-00193903 They can't do it. I'll sue 'em! pQJpn39mpwM-00518-00193910-00194164 I will! I'll sue 'em! pQJpn39mpwM-00519-00195285-00195542 Jap patrol! Jap patrol! pQJpn39mpwM-00520-00199459-00199659 Aah! pQJpn39mpwM-00521-00200467-00200650 Aah! pQJpn39mpwM-00522-00201764-00201971 Look for Mitch. pQJpn39mpwM-00523-00202122-00202362 Haskey, Osborne, keep me covered. pQJpn39mpwM-00524-00203760-00204047 That was the first moment of real satisfaction we had had pQJpn39mpwM-00525-00204053-00204227 in seven and a half months. pQJpn39mpwM-00526-00204234-00204547 We'd killed our first Japs. pQJpn39mpwM-00527-00205215-00205432 Sometimes you probably thought that the people pQJpn39mpwM-00528-00205438-00205612 back in America had forgotten you. pQJpn39mpwM-00529-00205618-00205732 But you're wrong. pQJpn39mpwM-00530-00205738-00205979 MacArthur will be back one of these days, pQJpn39mpwM-00531-00205985-00206322 and he'll drive the Japs clear out of these islands, pQJpn39mpwM-00532-00206329-00206569 right back where they belong! pQJpn39mpwM-00533-00206860-00206976 What's all this? pQJpn39mpwM-00534-00206983-00207320 Meanwhile, we Americans who are already here, pQJpn39mpwM-00535-00207327-00207647 we've decided that it's up to us pQJpn39mpwM-00536-00207654-00208007 to do whatever we can until MacArthur does get back. pQJpn39mpwM-00537-00208014-00208431 Of course, there aren't many of us pQJpn39mpwM-00538-00208438-00208711 and we haven't got much to give. pQJpn39mpwM-00539-00208718-00209055 No guns. No bullets. pQJpn39mpwM-00540-00209062-00209219 No medicine. pQJpn39mpwM-00541-00209225-00209452 Not even a place to sleep. pQJpn39mpwM-00542-00209459-00209813 Nothing but faith in what we're fighting for, pQJpn39mpwM-00543-00209819-00209983 the freedom of the Philippines! pQJpn39mpwM-00544-00210457-00210840 I'm going to ask my boys to pass among you, pQJpn39mpwM-00545-00210847-00211367 and if you love your country as much as we do, pQJpn39mpwM-00546-00211374-00211614 if you want your children pQJpn39mpwM-00547-00211621-00211821 and their children to be free, pQJpn39mpwM-00548-00211828-00212028 now's your chance to prove it. pQJpn39mpwM-00549-00212035-00212305 Give us the money to buy the things we need, pQJpn39mpwM-00550-00212312-00212565 and we'll do the rest. pQJpn39mpwM-00551-00213756-00213873 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00552-00214157-00214330 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00553-00214337-00214617 Do you have any money to give to free the Philippines? pQJpn39mpwM-00554-00214624-00214948 Nothing at all? No money? pQJpn39mpwM-00555-00215248-00215442 Hey, these guys got something. pQJpn39mpwM-00556-00215448-00215775 Yeah, it looks like the real stuff. pQJpn39mpwM-00557-00215782-00215965 Maybe. pQJpn39mpwM-00558-00215972-00216336 Let's go have a talk with them. pQJpn39mpwM-00559-00217093-00217317 Hey, soldier. pQJpn39mpwM-00560-00217323-00217423 Hiya. pQJpn39mpwM-00561-00217430-00217877 Palmer is my name. I'm Navy. pQJpn39mpwM-00562-00217884-00218201 We figured that if you're getting a real war started, pQJpn39mpwM-00563-00218208-00218368 we'd like to join in with you. pQJpn39mpwM-00564-00218374-00218805 Sorry, we're not taking any enlistments right now. pQJpn39mpwM-00565-00218811-00219042 Maybe later on if things work out, pQJpn39mpwM-00566-00219048-00219272 why, we'll find a spot for you. pQJpn39mpwM-00567-00219279-00219456 See you, boys. pQJpn39mpwM-00568-00219662-00219766 Hey, Mac! pQJpn39mpwM-00569-00220056-00220330 What a swell bunch of patriots. Look at this junk. pQJpn39mpwM-00570-00220336-00220697 Shut up. Let's get out of here. pQJpn39mpwM-00571-00221821-00222258 ¡Viva los Filipinos! pQJpn39mpwM-00572-00222492-00222685 Phonies. pQJpn39mpwM-00573-00222692-00222886 Phonies? pQJpn39mpwM-00574-00222892-00223239 Somebody always tries to make a buck out of every war. pQJpn39mpwM-00575-00223246-00223546 Well, of all the dirty, low-down rackets! pQJpn39mpwM-00576-00223553-00223957 No wonder they don't want no one muscling in. pQJpn39mpwM-00577-00223963-00224147 Now, listen. pQJpn39mpwM-00578-00224154-00224504 We're getting nowhere. Look at us. pQJpn39mpwM-00579-00224511-00224697 Now, speaking for myself, pQJpn39mpwM-00580-00224704-00224964 I've run just as far as my legs are going to carry me. pQJpn39mpwM-00581-00224971-00225258 Now, I still have about 200 pesos left. pQJpn39mpwM-00582-00225265-00225456 What do you say that we try to find another boat, pQJpn39mpwM-00583-00225458-00225602 take a crack again at Australia? pQJpn39mpwM-00584-00225608-00225942 - Nothing doing. - Count me out, brother. - Me too. pQJpn39mpwM-00585-00225949-00226169 Okay. You can do as you please, pQJpn39mpwM-00586-00226176-00226446 but if I find a barco, I'm getting out of here. pQJpn39mpwM-00587-00226453-00226699 One moment, please. pQJpn39mpwM-00588-00226876-00227247 You spoke just now of a boat in which to go to Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00589-00227253-00227670 Perhaps I can be of assistance. pQJpn39mpwM-00590-00228034-00228158 Oh, I see. pQJpn39mpwM-00591-00228164-00228378 You, uh, you have a boat you want to sell. pQJpn39mpwM-00592-00228805-00229239 It is not wise to speak here in the square, señor. pQJpn39mpwM-00593-00229245-00229566 No one knows who may be a fifth columnist. pQJpn39mpwM-00594-00229572-00229883 If you'll come to my home in an hour... pQJpn39mpwM-00595-00230046-00230423 Here is my address. We will talk. pQJpn39mpwM-00596-00230430-00230750 Good day, gentleman. pQJpn39mpwM-00597-00232272-00232509 Hey, how do we know this Joe is not pQJpn39mpwM-00598-00232515-00232722 a fifth columnist himself? pQJpn39mpwM-00599-00232729-00232879 We don't. pQJpn39mpwM-00600-00233006-00233329 Hello. Señor Martinez? pQJpn39mpwM-00601-00233336-00233653 Please, gentlemen. You're expected. pQJpn39mpwM-00602-00237557-00237787 Gentlemen, will you please wait here? pQJpn39mpwM-00603-00237794-00237901 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00604-00238508-00238681 Hey, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-00605-00238938-00239249 Get a load of this. pQJpn39mpwM-00606-00239255-00239482 - Isn't that her? - Yes, it is. pQJpn39mpwM-00607-00239739-00239976 - You! - I had no idea. pQJpn39mpwM-00608-00239983-00240236 I often wondered -- well, it's nice to see pQJpn39mpwM-00609-00240243-00240430 you again, Mr. Palmer, both of you. pQJpn39mpwM-00610-00240436-00240587 I can't get over it. pQJpn39mpwM-00611-00240593-00240768 I was just trying to figure out how to get in touch with you. pQJpn39mpwM-00612-00240770-00240957 We just got back into town, and -- pQJpn39mpwM-00613-00240964-00241161 we were expecting someone, a naval officer. pQJpn39mpwM-00614-00241167-00241374 I admit, I hardly look like a naval officer. pQJpn39mpwM-00615-00241381-00241674 - Won't you come in? - Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00616-00241958-00242282 Auntie, look, it's Mr. Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00617-00242288-00242512 - Mr. Palmer! - Good afternoon, señora. pQJpn39mpwM-00618-00242519-00242642 It's nice to see you again. pQJpn39mpwM-00619-00242649-00242762 May I present Jim Mitchell. pQJpn39mpwM-00620-00242769-00242882 - Señor. - Hello. pQJpn39mpwM-00621-00242889-00243062 And this is my cousin, señora Romero. pQJpn39mpwM-00622-00243069-00243276 - Mr. Palmer, Mr. Mitchell. - How do you do? pQJpn39mpwM-00623-00243283-00243626 Very well, señor. And my son too, thanks to you. pQJpn39mpwM-00624-00243633-00244003 If my husband were here, he would wish to thank you too. pQJpn39mpwM-00625-00244010-00244240 But he was in Bataan... pQJpn39mpwM-00626-00244247-00244414 It's nice to know you at last. pQJpn39mpwM-00627-00244420-00244577 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00628-00244584-00244881 We have often thought of you, but you left for Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00629-00244888-00245074 I'm afraid we didn't get very far. pQJpn39mpwM-00630-00245081-00245291 The monsoons hit us the third day out. pQJpn39mpwM-00631-00245298-00245655 But the lord has been gracious. You are alive and well. pQJpn39mpwM-00632-00245662-00245989 As alive as one can be hiding in the hills. pQJpn39mpwM-00633-00246092-00246356 Ah, señores, you found my place. pQJpn39mpwM-00634-00246362-00246536 I didn't have an opportunity pQJpn39mpwM-00635-00246542-00246693 to introduce myself in the square. pQJpn39mpwM-00636-00246699-00246819 I'm Juan Martinez. pQJpn39mpwM-00637-00246826-00247023 I'm Chuck Palmer, and this is Jim Mitchell. pQJpn39mpwM-00638-00247030-00247170 Hello, señor. pQJpn39mpwM-00639-00247177-00247464 Juan, Mr. Palmer is the American officer who helped us pQJpn39mpwM-00640-00247470-00247724 when Maria had to go to the hospital. pQJpn39mpwM-00641-00247730-00247974 Oh! Well, uh... pQJpn39mpwM-00642-00247981-00248374 Then, you already know my wife and family. pQJpn39mpwM-00643-00248381-00248608 I've long wished to thank you, Mr. Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00644-00248615-00248785 We are deeply in your debt. pQJpn39mpwM-00645-00248791-00248942 Oh, it's... pQJpn39mpwM-00646-00248948-00249212 My wife has told me many times about you, pQJpn39mpwM-00647-00249219-00249369 how kind you were. pQJpn39mpwM-00648-00249375-00249686 Well, to tell you the truth, señor Martinez, pQJpn39mpwM-00649-00249692-00250089 I didn't know that your wife was, well, your wife. pQJpn39mpwM-00650-00250096-00250436 To me she was just a beautiful lady in distress. pQJpn39mpwM-00651-00250443-00250640 You spoke about a boat? pQJpn39mpwM-00652-00250647-00250857 Oh, yes. The boat. pQJpn39mpwM-00653-00250864-00251057 I've made arrangements for you to meet pQJpn39mpwM-00654-00251064-00251261 the one man that can advise you. pQJpn39mpwM-00655-00251267-00251461 He is some distance away. Shall we go? pQJpn39mpwM-00656-00251467-00251708 Whenever you're ready. But is this... pQJpn39mpwM-00657-00251714-00252061 Oh, that's all right. We'll take care of that. pQJpn39mpwM-00658-00252068-00252318 Well, it's nice to have seen you again, señora. pQJpn39mpwM-00659-00252325-00252632 - This way, please. - Good luck again to both of you. pQJpn39mpwM-00660-00252639-00252772 So long. Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-00661-00253480-00253836 Colonel dimalanta, these are the Americans pQJpn39mpwM-00662-00253843-00254077 about whom I spoke, ensign Palmer pQJpn39mpwM-00663-00254083-00254481 and señor Mitchell of the American Navy. pQJpn39mpwM-00664-00254487-00254764 Why do you wish to go to Australia? pQJpn39mpwM-00665-00254771-00254971 So that we can rejoin our outfit, pQJpn39mpwM-00666-00254978-00255188 or what's left of it, and get back into the war. pQJpn39mpwM-00667-00255194-00255528 You realize that our waters are patrolled by the Japanese, pQJpn39mpwM-00668-00255535-00255855 that what you suggest is extremely dangerous? pQJpn39mpwM-00669-00255862-00256055 I know we'd be taking a chance, colonel, pQJpn39mpwM-00670-00256062-00256239 but I don't see much difference in that pQJpn39mpwM-00671-00256246-00256376 and being chased all over lately. pQJpn39mpwM-00672-00256382-00256569 I shall be very glad to advise you pQJpn39mpwM-00673-00256576-00256809 where to get a boat, gentlemen, pQJpn39mpwM-00674-00256816-00257043 if, in exchange, pQJpn39mpwM-00675-00257050-00257347 you will do me and the cause of Filipino freedom pQJpn39mpwM-00676-00257353-00257564 - a great service. - You name it, colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00677-00257570-00257784 I have received word pQJpn39mpwM-00678-00257790-00258087 that a certain colonel Phillips of the United States army pQJpn39mpwM-00679-00258094-00258314 has organized guerrillas in Mindanao pQJpn39mpwM-00680-00258321-00258578 and has been in contact with general MacArthur, pQJpn39mpwM-00681-00258585-00258828 and he's attempting to unify pQJpn39mpwM-00682-00258835-00259108 all guerrilla activities in the Philippines. pQJpn39mpwM-00683-00259115-00259432 So far, I've been unable to communicate with colonel Phillips pQJpn39mpwM-00684-00259439-00259629 to let him know that we here on Leyte pQJpn39mpwM-00685-00259636-00259849 are prepared to join in the undertaking. pQJpn39mpwM-00686-00259856-00260019 It's an extremely difficult journey. pQJpn39mpwM-00687-00260026-00260446 First, one must go by water across the Gulf of Leyte pQJpn39mpwM-00688-00260453-00260677 and overland through the diuata mountains pQJpn39mpwM-00689-00260683-00260947 and into the jungles where colonel Phillips pQJpn39mpwM-00690-00260954-00261171 is believed to have set up headquarters. pQJpn39mpwM-00691-00261177-00261387 I have sent three of my men to contact him, pQJpn39mpwM-00692-00261394-00261571 and all have failed. pQJpn39mpwM-00693-00261578-00261771 If you, an American officer, pQJpn39mpwM-00694-00261778-00262068 and your friend will undertake this mission, pQJpn39mpwM-00695-00262075-00262232 I'm sure colonel Phillips pQJpn39mpwM-00696-00262238-00262572 will find a way to send you all to Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00697-00262579-00262852 You drive a hard bargain, colonel. pQJpn39mpwM-00698-00262859-00263049 I have no choice. pQJpn39mpwM-00699-00263056-00263246 I must contact colonel Phillips. pQJpn39mpwM-00700-00263253-00263536 What do you say, Jim? pQJpn39mpwM-00701-00263543-00263867 At least it's no worse than going by barco. pQJpn39mpwM-00702-00263873-00264130 We will supply you with guns and ammunition, pQJpn39mpwM-00703-00264137-00264440 and we will do everything we can to help you. pQJpn39mpwM-00704-00264864-00265144 Okay, colonel. When do we start? pQJpn39mpwM-00705-00265151-00265472 With luck, tonight. pQJpn39mpwM-00706-00280069-00280220 Spurred on by a crazy hope pQJpn39mpwM-00707-00280226-00280433 of eventual escape to Australia, pQJpn39mpwM-00708-00280440-00280663 we set out in the stolen motorboat pQJpn39mpwM-00709-00280670-00280810 across the Gulf of Leyte, pQJpn39mpwM-00710-00280817-00281010 down through the strait of surigao pQJpn39mpwM-00711-00281017-00281214 traveling by night only pQJpn39mpwM-00712-00281221-00281518 and out of the lanes of Japanese shipping. pQJpn39mpwM-00713-00281654-00281801 By day, we slept pQJpn39mpwM-00714-00281808-00282018 in carefully camouflaged hideouts, pQJpn39mpwM-00715-00282025-00282218 taking turns at keeping watch, pQJpn39mpwM-00716-00282225-00282602 stealing a can of gasoline here and a can there, pQJpn39mpwM-00717-00282609-00282802 provisioned by friendly Filipinos pQJpn39mpwM-00718-00282809-00282966 who were always glad to lend a hand, pQJpn39mpwM-00719-00282972-00283389 moving steadily southward, always with the hot breath pQJpn39mpwM-00720-00283396-00283596 of the Japs on the backs of our necks, pQJpn39mpwM-00721-00283603-00283890 until finally, our voyaging done, pQJpn39mpwM-00722-00283897-00284230 we moved by nightmare routes the heart of Mindanao, pQJpn39mpwM-00723-00284237-00284511 into a world we had never known existed, pQJpn39mpwM-00724-00284517-00284754 three conquering heroes stumbling along pQJpn39mpwM-00725-00284761-00284998 footsore and weary, pQJpn39mpwM-00726-00285004-00285211 gnawed at by insects, pQJpn39mpwM-00727-00285218-00285498 dirty and torn and disheveled, pQJpn39mpwM-00728-00285505-00285728 the blind leading the blind. pQJpn39mpwM-00729-00285915-00286122 If and when I ever get out of this place, pQJpn39mpwM-00730-00286129-00286389 I'm going to hang one on so that ten years later pQJpn39mpwM-00731-00286396-00286619 I'll get tight just thinking about it. pQJpn39mpwM-00732-00286753-00286923 Shh! pQJpn39mpwM-00733-00287403-00287710 ¿Cómo está, tío? pQJpn39mpwM-00734-00287917-00288114 - What's he saying? - That he's a farmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00735-00288121-00288304 Ask him if there are any Japanese around here. pQJpn39mpwM-00736-00288785-00288916 He says no, no people here at all. pQJpn39mpwM-00737-00288918-00289118 Tell him we're Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-00738-00289125-00289369 - Americanos. Americanos. - ¿americanos? pQJpn39mpwM-00739-00289375-00289782 Ask him if he's ever heard of an American colonel named Phillips on Mindanao. pQJpn39mpwM-00740-00290159-00290533 Colonel Phillips? Colonel Phillips? Colonel Phillips? pQJpn39mpwM-00741-00290540-00290833 Hey, cut that out! pQJpn39mpwM-00742-00291057-00291377 - Americanos... - Colonel Phillips! pQJpn39mpwM-00743-00291384-00291578 Hey, what do these guys do? pQJpn39mpwM-00744-00291584-00291721 They shoot, sir, they shoot. pQJpn39mpwM-00745-00291728-00292038 I heard you the first time. pQJpn39mpwM-00746-00292992-00293206 Hey, Mac, these must be a couple of those pQJpn39mpwM-00747-00293213-00293413 American guerrillas we heard about. pQJpn39mpwM-00748-00293419-00293613 I told you we took the wrong turn. pQJpn39mpwM-00749-00293620-00293893 This ain't the Philippines ; It's Africa. pQJpn39mpwM-00750-00293900-00294153 Tarzan himself. pQJpn39mpwM-00751-00295178-00295328 Wait here. pQJpn39mpwM-00752-00295682-00295815 Excuse me, Buddy, pQJpn39mpwM-00753-00295822-00296012 but if my memory serves me right, pQJpn39mpwM-00754-00296019-00296282 that thing in your mouth is a stateside butt. pQJpn39mpwM-00755-00296289-00296523 Look, they can talk too. pQJpn39mpwM-00756-00296529-00296643 Thanks. pQJpn39mpwM-00757-00296893-00297043 Thanks. pQJpn39mpwM-00758-00297440-00297830 "I shall return. Douglas MacArthur." pQJpn39mpwM-00759-00298348-00298635 That's a new brand, ain't it? pQJpn39mpwM-00760-00298641-00298775 Got a match? pQJpn39mpwM-00761-00298938-00299085 Where you from, sailor? pQJpn39mpwM-00762-00299092-00299335 Macon, Georgia. You want to make something out of it? pQJpn39mpwM-00763-00299342-00299519 No, no, he means how did you get here? pQJpn39mpwM-00764-00299526-00299739 We swam in. That answer your question? pQJpn39mpwM-00765-00299746-00299872 Okay, sailor. pQJpn39mpwM-00766-00299993-00300173 You may come in, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00767-00300510-00300750 Say, who's he? pQJpn39mpwM-00768-00300757-00300850 Him? pQJpn39mpwM-00769-00300857-00301074 Oh, just a Navy officer, that's all. pQJpn39mpwM-00770-00301274-00301461 He's up there. pQJpn39mpwM-00771-00301998-00302278 Colonel Phillips? pQJpn39mpwM-00772-00302285-00302462 Come in. pQJpn39mpwM-00773-00302729-00302976 Ensign Palmer, sir, torpedo squadron 3. pQJpn39mpwM-00774-00303162-00303423 Where the devil did you come from? pQJpn39mpwM-00775-00303429-00303676 Colonel dimalanta, sir. He's organizing pQJpn39mpwM-00776-00303683-00303903 the guerrilla movement on Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-00777-00305128-00305465 How is the old boy? pQJpn39mpwM-00778-00305471-00305572 Just fine. pQJpn39mpwM-00779-00305578-00305725 What does he want? Sit down. pQJpn39mpwM-00780-00305732-00305922 Would you like a drink of water? pQJpn39mpwM-00781-00305929-00306142 - Thank you, colonel. - Well, what's he want? pQJpn39mpwM-00782-00306149-00306336 To tell you, colonel, that if you'll supply pQJpn39mpwM-00783-00306342-00306513 the arms and ammunition, pQJpn39mpwM-00784-00306519-00306753 he'll take care of the Japs on Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-00785-00306956-00307253 Now, listen, Palmer. You tell colonel dimalanta pQJpn39mpwM-00786-00307260-00307517 from me that we don't care if he never kills the Japs. pQJpn39mpwM-00787-00307524-00307840 What general MacArthur wants is a spy service, pQJpn39mpwM-00788-00307847-00308124 a civil government, intelligence, pQJpn39mpwM-00789-00308131-00308344 a people's army ready to act when we're ready pQJpn39mpwM-00790-00308351-00308551 and not before. You get that? pQJpn39mpwM-00791-00308558-00308768 - Yes, sir. - All right, then. pQJpn39mpwM-00792-00308775-00309128 Go on back up there and tell colonel dimalanta I said to get going. pQJpn39mpwM-00793-00309135-00309349 Later on, we'll want to establish a string pQJpn39mpwM-00794-00309355-00309546 of radio stations up and down the coast pQJpn39mpwM-00795-00309552-00309736 so that every time a jap sneezes pQJpn39mpwM-00796-00309742-00309946 general MacArthur will know about it, pQJpn39mpwM-00797-00309953-00310353 but first, get organized, understand? pQJpn39mpwM-00798-00310360-00310623 Yes, sir. But I hadn't planned on returning to Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-00799-00310630-00310787 The only reason I came here was that pQJpn39mpwM-00800-00310793-00311037 colonel dimalanta said you'd help me get to Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00801-00311044-00311287 We don't want men in Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00802-00311294-00311444 We want them here. pQJpn39mpwM-00803-00311451-00311684 You want to help win the war, don't you? pQJpn39mpwM-00804-00311691-00311818 Yes, of course. pQJpn39mpwM-00805-00311824-00311985 Fine. What do you know about radios? pQJpn39mpwM-00806-00311991-00312118 Nothing. pQJpn39mpwM-00807-00312125-00312285 Never mind. pQJpn39mpwM-00808-00312952-00313223 Here's a radio manual. Study it. pQJpn39mpwM-00809-00313229-00313356 I've got a couple of boys here pQJpn39mpwM-00810-00313363-00313553 who can teach you the fundamentals. pQJpn39mpwM-00811-00313560-00313736 Later on, you'll be in charge pQJpn39mpwM-00812-00313743-00314000 of radio operations on Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-00813-00314007-00314147 Who, me? pQJpn39mpwM-00814-00314153-00314410 Yes, you. That'll save bringing pQJpn39mpwM-00815-00314417-00314534 in an extra man all the way pQJpn39mpwM-00816-00314541-00314747 from Australia by submarine. pQJpn39mpwM-00817-00314754-00315061 You'd be surprised at the plans we've got pQJpn39mpwM-00818-00315068-00315375 for a few bright, steady young men like you, Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-00819-00315585-00315822 Yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00820-00315828-00316209 Thus it came about that the provincial government of free Leyte, pQJpn39mpwM-00821-00316215-00316553 as authorized by president Quezon and general MacArthur, pQJpn39mpwM-00822-00316559-00316889 was established under the very noses of the enemy. pQJpn39mpwM-00823-00317066-00317273 We were starting from scratch, pQJpn39mpwM-00824-00317280-00317540 but the people of Leyte were quick to respond, pQJpn39mpwM-00825-00317547-00317764 offering what they had freely and generously -- pQJpn39mpwM-00826-00317770-00317971 parts of broken-down automobiles, pQJpn39mpwM-00827-00317977-00318228 lubricating oils, firearms, pQJpn39mpwM-00828-00318234-00318368 wrapping paper, gunnysacks, pQJpn39mpwM-00829-00318374-00318541 bolts and nuts by the hundreds, pQJpn39mpwM-00830-00318548-00318765 curtain rods, scraps of metal, pQJpn39mpwM-00831-00318771-00319052 anything and everything that could conceivably pQJpn39mpwM-00832-00319058-00319339 be of use to an army and a government in the making. pQJpn39mpwM-00833-00319345-00319606 Great indeed was our joy when occasionally pQJpn39mpwM-00834-00319612-00319953 an old storage battery turned up on the junk heap. pQJpn39mpwM-00835-00319959-00320143 Never were there enough of these, pQJpn39mpwM-00836-00320149-00320356 and when we did find one, pQJpn39mpwM-00837-00320363-00320583 we treated it as if it were precious metal, pQJpn39mpwM-00838-00320590-00320863 as indeed it was, hovering over it, testing it, pQJpn39mpwM-00839-00320870-00321147 and then congratulating ourselves on our good fortune, pQJpn39mpwM-00840-00321154-00321344 when and if it responded and came alive. pQJpn39mpwM-00841-00321848-00322075 As in every army and in every government, pQJpn39mpwM-00842-00322081-00322225 we needed money. pQJpn39mpwM-00843-00322232-00322365 To get it, we had to print it. pQJpn39mpwM-00844-00322372-00322619 A jeweler who did engraving on the side pQJpn39mpwM-00845-00322625-00322792 made the wood blocks for us, pQJpn39mpwM-00846-00322799-00323146 using colonel Phillips's Mindanao money as a model. pQJpn39mpwM-00847-00323152-00323356 Because the need was great, pQJpn39mpwM-00848-00323363-00323636 we resorted to an assembly line. pQJpn39mpwM-00849-00323643-00323927 Here, one man would cut the paper to size, pQJpn39mpwM-00850-00323933-00324113 another would place it in a frame, pQJpn39mpwM-00851-00324120-00324437 stamp it into a pad of ink made of glycerin and lampblack, pQJpn39mpwM-00852-00324444-00324661 then press it onto the paper. pQJpn39mpwM-00853-00324667-00324951 Some of our money was printed on wrapping paper, pQJpn39mpwM-00854-00324958-00325221 some on grade-three notebook paper pQJpn39mpwM-00855-00325228-00325471 with lines and all, but it looked like money, pQJpn39mpwM-00856-00325478-00325832 it felt like money, and it served the greatest use of all -- pQJpn39mpwM-00857-00325838-00325995 it passed for money. pQJpn39mpwM-00858-00326002-00326292 Later on, we even published our own newspaper, pQJpn39mpwM-00859-00326299-00326629 getting our scant bits of news from a few hidden radios pQJpn39mpwM-00860-00326636-00327063 and reading the paper aloud in 500 villages each week. pQJpn39mpwM-00861-00327070-00327440 Until now, communications, such as they were, pQJpn39mpwM-00862-00327447-00327637 had depended on runners. pQJpn39mpwM-00863-00327644-00327887 Now we used barbed wire from the fences, pQJpn39mpwM-00864-00327894-00328171 stretched it, rolled it, and hung it from tree to tree pQJpn39mpwM-00865-00328177-00328441 using old soda-pop bottles as insulators, pQJpn39mpwM-00866-00328448-00328655 until within six weeks, we had strung pQJpn39mpwM-00867-00328661-00329065 150 kilometers of telegraph wires. pQJpn39mpwM-00868-00329365-00329659 Needing gasoline, we operated nine stills pQJpn39mpwM-00869-00329666-00329869 to make alcohol out of pond juice pQJpn39mpwM-00870-00329876-00330173 and got six miles to the gallon. pQJpn39mpwM-00871-00330179-00330463 But running automobiles was not its only use. pQJpn39mpwM-00872-00330470-00330713 "Drinking gasoline," we called it, pQJpn39mpwM-00873-00330720-00330947 because it could be, and sometimes was pQJpn39mpwM-00874-00330954-00331154 used for purposes other than those pQJpn39mpwM-00875-00331160-00331451 for which it was intended. pQJpn39mpwM-00876-00331598-00331945 Our first guns were made of two pieces of water pipe, pQJpn39mpwM-00877-00331951-00332135 one fitting over the other, pQJpn39mpwM-00878-00332141-00332328 our bullets of old curtain rods. pQJpn39mpwM-00879-00332335-00332659 Our powder came mostly from old Japanese sea mines, pQJpn39mpwM-00880-00332665-00333029 sulfur, saltpeter, and antimony. pQJpn39mpwM-00881-00333036-00333553 And when they were finished, we fired them. So. pQJpn39mpwM-00882-00333796-00334057 We even made a Cannon of a three-inch pipe pQJpn39mpwM-00883-00334063-00334317 with a tapered marlinespike for a firing pin pQJpn39mpwM-00884-00334324-00334664 and a lanyard 30 yards long for protection -- pQJpn39mpwM-00885-00334671-00334927 an added thought, which, as it turned out, pQJpn39mpwM-00886-00334934-00335151 proved of immense value. pQJpn39mpwM-00887-00335822-00336102 And, finally, we organized an army pQJpn39mpwM-00888-00336109-00336319 and trained men guerrilla warfare -- pQJpn39mpwM-00889-00336326-00336509 practiced the art of spear-throwing pQJpn39mpwM-00890-00336516-00336686 in case guns and bullets ran out, pQJpn39mpwM-00891-00336693-00337000 learned to hack our way through bamboo jungles pQJpn39mpwM-00892-00337006-00337156 in carrying out night patrols, pQJpn39mpwM-00893-00337163-00337433 to make maps and to read them, pQJpn39mpwM-00894-00337440-00337784 to administer first aid... pQJpn39mpwM-00895-00338234-00338361 To cut and sew, pQJpn39mpwM-00896-00338368-00338605 to sharpen bamboo stakes as booby traps pQJpn39mpwM-00897-00338611-00338781 along the roads leading into towns pQJpn39mpwM-00898-00338788-00339002 so the Japanese patrols, when fired upon, pQJpn39mpwM-00899-00339008-00339325 would throw themselves on the stakes and thus be impaled. pQJpn39mpwM-00900-00339332-00339702 In short, we built an army, restored a government pQJpn39mpwM-00901-00339709-00340053 and, over and above everything else, sought to imbue the people pQJpn39mpwM-00902-00340059-00340370 with an unconquerable faith in an inevitable victory. pQJpn39mpwM-00903-00340633-00340833 It was not all war, however, pQJpn39mpwM-00904-00340840-00341014 nor even preparations for war. pQJpn39mpwM-00905-00341020-00341294 The Filipinos love parties as much as anybody. pQJpn39mpwM-00906-00341301-00341487 There were always native bands pQJpn39mpwM-00907-00341494-00341654 refugeeing from the big towns, pQJpn39mpwM-00908-00341661-00341818 ready to donate their time and talents pQJpn39mpwM-00909-00341824-00342058 to raising money for the poor soldiers. pQJpn39mpwM-00910-00348187-00348454 That's a happy way to break an ankle. pQJpn39mpwM-00911-00350773-00351080 Hey, Chuck. Come here. pQJpn39mpwM-00912-00351087-00351311 You see that babe in the purple dress? pQJpn39mpwM-00913-00351317-00351411 Yeah. pQJpn39mpwM-00914-00351417-00351691 Would you say that's a tasty dish, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-00915-00351698-00351911 Oh, very tasty dish, sailor. pQJpn39mpwM-00916-00352538-00352839 Excuse me, could I have this dance? pQJpn39mpwM-00917-00352845-00353002 Sí. pQJpn39mpwM-00918-00355702-00355925 Señora Martinez. pQJpn39mpwM-00919-00355932-00356155 Mr. Palmer! pQJpn39mpwM-00920-00356446-00356703 So, we meet again. pQJpn39mpwM-00921-00356709-00356826 Yes. pQJpn39mpwM-00922-00356833-00357070 Yes, we do. pQJpn39mpwM-00923-00357076-00357206 Would you like something to eat? pQJpn39mpwM-00924-00357213-00357393 - No, thank you. - It's very good. pQJpn39mpwM-00925-00357400-00357574 - I'm on the committee. - I'm sure it is. pQJpn39mpwM-00926-00357580-00357904 Don't you dance? pQJpn39mpwM-00927-00357910-00358127 When I am asked. pQJpn39mpwM-00928-00358268-00358431 You're asked. pQJpn39mpwM-00929-00361257-00361581 Is your, um, husband here, or is that a leading question? pQJpn39mpwM-00930-00361588-00361824 He promised to come in later. pQJpn39mpwM-00931-00363650-00363900 Do you have to sit over there, too? pQJpn39mpwM-00932-00363906-00364233 No, marriage gives one many privileges. pQJpn39mpwM-00933-00364951-00365111 If you don't mind my saying so, pQJpn39mpwM-00934-00365118-00365315 that's a very attractive dress. pQJpn39mpwM-00935-00365321-00365515 Thank you. My husband bought it for me pQJpn39mpwM-00936-00365521-00365782 when I first came here five years ago. pQJpn39mpwM-00937-00365788-00365958 Well, you wear it like a native. pQJpn39mpwM-00938-00365965-00366195 You've been here only five years? pQJpn39mpwM-00939-00366202-00366562 Yet my husband says I'm more of a Filipino than he is. pQJpn39mpwM-00940-00366569-00366906 Oh, yes, I seem to remember your views on that subject very well. pQJpn39mpwM-00941-00366913-00367096 That day on the dock, for instance, pQJpn39mpwM-00942-00367103-00367270 when we set out for Australia. pQJpn39mpwM-00943-00367277-00367387 I was rude? pQJpn39mpwM-00944-00367393-00367584 No, let's say firm. pQJpn39mpwM-00945-00367590-00367790 I guess you thought I was pretty bull-headed. pQJpn39mpwM-00946-00367797-00368027 - Bull-headed? - Stubborn. pQJpn39mpwM-00947-00368034-00368147 Are you? pQJpn39mpwM-00948-00368154-00368318 Well, so I've been told. pQJpn39mpwM-00949-00368324-00368631 Yet you're still here in the islands. pQJpn39mpwM-00950-00368638-00368915 That just goes to show you what bullheadedness will get you. pQJpn39mpwM-00951-00368921-00369115 Or maybe it was your arguments. pQJpn39mpwM-00952-00369122-00369302 My husband tells me you've been pQJpn39mpwM-00953-00369309-00369545 very helpful to colonel dimalanta. pQJpn39mpwM-00954-00369756-00370156 Señor Martinez is very active in the guerrilla movement, isn't he? pQJpn39mpwM-00955-00370163-00370440 Yes. It couldn't be otherwise. pQJpn39mpwM-00956-00370446-00370580 And you? pQJpn39mpwM-00957-00370587-00370853 I do what I can. pQJpn39mpwM-00958-00370860-00371124 This great desire you had to leave the Philippines, pQJpn39mpwM-00959-00371130-00371397 to go home -- you have a wife there? pQJpn39mpwM-00960-00371404-00371608 No. No, I'm not married. pQJpn39mpwM-00961-00371614-00371944 A girl? Or is that too leading question? pQJpn39mpwM-00962-00371951-00372322 No, I'm not engaged, either, if that's what you mean. pQJpn39mpwM-00963-00372328-00372498 I know so very little about you, pQJpn39mpwM-00964-00372505-00372695 and yet you know everything about me. pQJpn39mpwM-00965-00372702-00372852 Well, hardly everything. pQJpn39mpwM-00966-00372859-00373419 My husband, my family, my background. pQJpn39mpwM-00967-00373426-00373716 And you? pQJpn39mpwM-00968-00373723-00374083 Oh, there's -- there's very little to tell. pQJpn39mpwM-00969-00374090-00374243 I kicked around a lot. pQJpn39mpwM-00970-00374250-00374547 My father and mother were separated when I was a kid. pQJpn39mpwM-00971-00374554-00374677 My mother taught school. pQJpn39mpwM-00972-00374684-00375081 It seemed to me that we were forever moving. pQJpn39mpwM-00973-00375088-00375345 I was always the new boy on the block. pQJpn39mpwM-00974-00375351-00375678 That meant that you had to take what came along, pQJpn39mpwM-00975-00375685-00375818 whether you liked it or not. pQJpn39mpwM-00976-00375825-00376019 Well, I never could learn to like it. pQJpn39mpwM-00977-00376025-00376336 Maybe that's why I could never hold a job for very long pQJpn39mpwM-00978-00376342-00376482 or settle down. pQJpn39mpwM-00979-00376489-00376723 I was the restless type. pQJpn39mpwM-00980-00376729-00376869 And now? pQJpn39mpwM-00981-00376876-00377016 Now? pQJpn39mpwM-00982-00377023-00377290 Now I'd settle for a roof over my head pQJpn39mpwM-00983-00377297-00377584 and a nice easy chair on the front porch. pQJpn39mpwM-00984-00377814-00378004 Shall we finish our dance? pQJpn39mpwM-00985-00378011-00378281 I'd rather stay right out here. pQJpn39mpwM-00986-00378288-00378611 I think we should dance. pQJpn39mpwM-00987-00379812-00379999 - Major. Hello, my dear. - Good evening. pQJpn39mpwM-00988-00380006-00380189 Major! I thought you were an ensign. pQJpn39mpwM-00989-00380196-00380393 Well, ensign in the Navy, major in the army. pQJpn39mpwM-00990-00380400-00380587 It's the same rank. How are you, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-00991-00380593-00380718 It's a pleasure to see you again. pQJpn39mpwM-00992-00380720-00380868 I've just come from colonel dimalanta. pQJpn39mpwM-00993-00380873-00381200 He informed me that you were here having your morale lifted. pQJpn39mpwM-00994-00381207-00381487 He asked me to say that the football has arrived pQJpn39mpwM-00995-00381494-00381721 and that the game is on as scheduled. pQJpn39mpwM-00996-00381728-00382001 Oh, that's great news. Thank you, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-00997-00382008-00382191 Well, it seems I'm always saying good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-00998-00382198-00382319 And I'm always wishing you good luck. pQJpn39mpwM-00999-00382322-00382498 Good night, señor. Good night. pQJpn39mpwM-01000-00382505-00382715 - Good night. - Good night, major. pQJpn39mpwM-01001-00382722-00383072 He's a very attractive young man. pQJpn39mpwM-01002-00383079-00383282 Yes, very. pQJpn39mpwM-01003-00383289-00383610 Colonel dimalanta thinks very highly of him. pQJpn39mpwM-01004-00388461-00388708 Sort of gives you a lump in the throat, don't it, pQJpn39mpwM-01005-00388715-00388992 to know that uncle Sam hasn't forgotten us after all? pQJpn39mpwM-01006-00388998-00389192 It'll give you a lump on the big toe, too, pQJpn39mpwM-01007-00389198-00389379 if you drop one of these. pQJpn39mpwM-01008-00389385-00389525 - Señor Palmer. - Oh, yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01009-00389532-00389726 I've just come from the submarine. pQJpn39mpwM-01010-00389732-00389962 Your orders from colonel Phillips pQJpn39mpwM-01011-00389969-00390296 are to organize a radio network from Leyte to report on Japanese shipping. pQJpn39mpwM-01012-00390303-00390466 How many radio sets did they send? pQJpn39mpwM-01013-00390473-00390597 - Four. - Good. pQJpn39mpwM-01014-00390603-00390757 But unfortunately the crates were lost pQJpn39mpwM-01015-00390763-00390943 overboard with some of our other equipment. pQJpn39mpwM-01016-00390950-00391104 Lost overboard? pQJpn39mpwM-01017-00391110-00391301 You'll have to use whatever equipment you can find pQJpn39mpwM-01018-00391304-00391461 until the next shipment comes in. pQJpn39mpwM-01019-00391467-00391781 But I don't know anything about setting up a radio station. pQJpn39mpwM-01020-00391788-00391958 I wouldn't know where to begin. pQJpn39mpwM-01021-00391964-00392318 There must be some radio operators, some engineers who can help you. pQJpn39mpwM-01022-00392325-00392652 Talk to señor Martinez, I'm sure he'll help. pQJpn39mpwM-01023-00392659-00392992 General MacArthur has a one-track mind when it comes to intelligence. pQJpn39mpwM-01024-00392999-00393209 He wants information on Japanese shipping. pQJpn39mpwM-01025-00393216-00393469 It's up to you to get it to him. pQJpn39mpwM-01026-00393476-00393630 Yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01027-00394387-00394604 I saw señor Martinez, pQJpn39mpwM-01028-00394611-00394884 and he did give us help. Great help. pQJpn39mpwM-01029-00394891-00395128 In spite of this, however, it took us a good month pQJpn39mpwM-01030-00395134-00395328 to round up the equipment necessary pQJpn39mpwM-01031-00395335-00395558 to put a single station on the air. pQJpn39mpwM-01032-00395565-00395865 From a rice mill, we commandeered an engine. pQJpn39mpwM-01033-00395872-00396219 From the last surviving movie theater, a generator. pQJpn39mpwM-01034-00396225-00396416 Our batteries and electrical equipment pQJpn39mpwM-01035-00396422-00396613 we borrowed from automobiles. pQJpn39mpwM-01036-00396619-00396893 The gasoline we made ourselves. pQJpn39mpwM-01037-00396899-00397216 The result wasn't especially pretty to look at, pQJpn39mpwM-01038-00397223-00397570 but it was a radio transmitter. It worked. pQJpn39mpwM-01039-00397577-00397820 And so, at last, by the grace of god, pQJpn39mpwM-01040-00397827-00398127 Leyte was ready, except for code and call signs, pQJpn39mpwM-01041-00398134-00398358 to go on the air. pQJpn39mpwM-01042-00399252-00399512 Keep working, we've got to get somebody. pQJpn39mpwM-01043-00399762-00400116 What do we tell them if we get anybody? pQJpn39mpwM-01044-00400123-00400453 Tell them I'm not dead. Get it? Not dead. pQJpn39mpwM-01045-00400460-00400750 Be sure they don't send my paychecks to that jerk cousin of mine. pQJpn39mpwM-01046-00400757-00401027 Yeah, tell them what a pleasure it is to be up here pQJpn39mpwM-01047-00401034-00401237 and how much fun we're having. pQJpn39mpwM-01048-00402211-00402355 They answer, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01049-00402362-00402545 - Who? Who is it? - Who's it from? pQJpn39mpwM-01050-00402552-00402825 - San Francisco! - San Francisco? pQJpn39mpwM-01051-00402832-00403122 Lieutenant! I have an unidentified station. pQJpn39mpwM-01052-00403129-00403453 Yeah, where from? pQJpn39mpwM-01053-00403823-00404053 They say Leyte in the Philippines. pQJpn39mpwM-01054-00404060-00404390 Leyte! pQJpn39mpwM-01055-00404397-00404741 They want us to take a message but say they haven't got a code. pQJpn39mpwM-01056-00404747-00404947 Tell them to identify themselves by name. pQJpn39mpwM-01057-00404954-00405131 We'll check with headquarters pQJpn39mpwM-01058-00405138-00405318 just in case it's some jap outfit pQJpn39mpwM-01059-00405325-00405551 that picked up some dog tags. pQJpn39mpwM-01060-00406042-00406289 The man claims to be ensign Charles Palmer, pQJpn39mpwM-01061-00406295-00406462 United States naval reserve. pQJpn39mpwM-01062-00406469-00406589 Maybe. pQJpn39mpwM-01063-00407343-00407650 They say they want to get the date of your father's birth pQJpn39mpwM-01064-00407657-00408081 and the color of your mother's eyes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01065-00408087-00408251 They want what? pQJpn39mpwM-01066-00408257-00408451 The-- the date of your father's birth-- pQJpn39mpwM-01067-00408458-00408811 yeah, wait a minute. Let's see, he's 52. pQJpn39mpwM-01068-00408818-00409118 Fifty-two. 1890... pQJpn39mpwM-01069-00409125-00409475 Eighteen... No, stop! 1891. pQJpn39mpwM-01070-00409482-00409672 November 13th, 1891. pQJpn39mpwM-01071-00409679-00409809 Grey-brown. pQJpn39mpwM-01072-00409816-00410086 What do you know? San Francisco! pQJpn39mpwM-01073-00410093-00410223 Say, we're almost home. pQJpn39mpwM-01074-00410229-00410383 Maybe next time we can get pocatello. pQJpn39mpwM-01075-00410389-00410516 Maybe we can... pQJpn39mpwM-01076-00410523-00410737 - Wait a minute! - What are they saying? pQJpn39mpwM-01077-00410743-00411351 They say see you at 16:00 for traffic. That's all. pQJpn39mpwM-01078-00411357-00411671 - We'll be here! - Were in business! pQJpn39mpwM-01079-00413146-00413439 Give it another try. We're ready to turn over. pQJpn39mpwM-01080-00413796-00414110 Man, oh, man, oh, man. pQJpn39mpwM-01081-00414117-00414327 Hey, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-01082-00414334-00414580 I'm soaking, I'm soaking, I'm soaking. pQJpn39mpwM-01083-00414587-00414824 Well, when you've finished soaking those gunboats, pQJpn39mpwM-01084-00414831-00414974 we'd appreciate a hand. pQJpn39mpwM-01085-00415628-00415828 Sir, the Japanese are coming! pQJpn39mpwM-01086-00415835-00416008 How much time have we got? pQJpn39mpwM-01087-00416015-00416182 None. They're coming right now. pQJpn39mpwM-01088-00416189-00416362 Grab everything you can. pQJpn39mpwM-01089-00416602-00416843 Lieutenant! pQJpn39mpwM-01090-00418775-00418965 My boots! pQJpn39mpwM-01091-00436456-00436716 Where is the American radio? pQJpn39mpwM-01092-00436722-00436923 I do not know, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01093-00436929-00437126 Where have the Americans gone? pQJpn39mpwM-01094-00437133-00437333 Who knows where the Americans go, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-01095-00437340-00437500 They vanish into the sky, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01096-00445568-00445812 This is the house of Juan Martinez? pQJpn39mpwM-01097-00445818-00445922 Yes. pQJpn39mpwM-01098-00445928-00446172 You are his wife? pQJpn39mpwM-01099-00446179-00446319 I am. pQJpn39mpwM-01100-00446325-00446526 Where is your husband? pQJpn39mpwM-01101-00446532-00446716 In his bedroom, asleep. pQJpn39mpwM-01102-00446722-00446966 He doesn't feel well. pQJpn39mpwM-01103-00446973-00447136 Shall I call him? pQJpn39mpwM-01104-00447143-00447343 No, that won't be necessary. pQJpn39mpwM-01105-00447563-00447754 You follow me. pQJpn39mpwM-01106-00448231-00448681 So, you're acquainted with an American officer by the name of Palmer? pQJpn39mpwM-01107-00448688-00448951 I've known many Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-01108-00448958-00449455 You attended a dance in tacloban six weeks ago. pQJpn39mpwM-01109-00449462-00449796 It's possible. I often go to dances in tacloban. pQJpn39mpwM-01110-00449802-00450059 This dance was to raise money for the guerrillas. pQJpn39mpwM-01111-00450066-00450259 - For the red cross. - Never mind. pQJpn39mpwM-01112-00450266-00450506 But you danced with this man, Palmer. pQJpn39mpwM-01113-00450513-00450927 Don't bother to deny it. It is written here. pQJpn39mpwM-01114-00451234-00451384 What is it you wish? pQJpn39mpwM-01115-00451768-00452208 This man Palmer, where is he? pQJpn39mpwM-01116-00452215-00452365 I don't know. pQJpn39mpwM-01117-00452372-00452578 Where is his radio station? pQJpn39mpwM-01118-00452585-00452825 I don't know anything about a radio station. pQJpn39mpwM-01119-00452832-00453359 Do you know that there's a 10,000 peso reward for him? pQJpn39mpwM-01120-00453366-00453566 I know nothing about it. pQJpn39mpwM-01121-00453573-00453753 But you know this man Palmer? pQJpn39mpwM-01122-00453760-00453963 - Yes. - You like Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-01123-00453970-00454547 You like white faces that look like boiled pork. pQJpn39mpwM-01124-00456075-00456402 You're Juan Martinez? pQJpn39mpwM-01125-00456409-00456566 Yes. pQJpn39mpwM-01126-00456572-00456803 You're a guerrilla? pQJpn39mpwM-01127-00456809-00456966 I am a planter. pQJpn39mpwM-01128-00456973-00457293 You've been friendly with the Americans. pQJpn39mpwM-01129-00457300-00457647 You've opened your house to the guerrillas. pQJpn39mpwM-01130-00457653-00458027 You've provided them with money, pQJpn39mpwM-01131-00458034-00458478 food, and radio equipment. pQJpn39mpwM-01132-00458741-00459212 I have a full record of everything that you have given. pQJpn39mpwM-01133-00459218-00459512 Do you care to hear? pQJpn39mpwM-01134-00459519-00459699 It's not necessary. pQJpn39mpwM-01135-00459706-00459956 Do you deny that you're a guerilla? pQJpn39mpwM-01136-00459962-00460376 I told you. I'm a planter. pQJpn39mpwM-01137-00460383-00460880 Where is this American guerrilla named Palmer? pQJpn39mpwM-01138-00461027-00461187 You know, pQJpn39mpwM-01139-00461194-00461708 the man who comes here to see you. pQJpn39mpwM-01140-00462028-00462291 I don't know. pQJpn39mpwM-01141-00462298-00462739 Where is his radio station? pQJpn39mpwM-01142-00462745-00463025 I don't know. pQJpn39mpwM-01143-00463032-00463372 You will tell me! pQJpn39mpwM-01144-00464113-00464297 Juan! pQJpn39mpwM-01145-00464871-00465251 Look! That is the way we treat guerrillas. pQJpn39mpwM-01146-00465258-00465558 Now tell me, where is the American? pQJpn39mpwM-01147-00465565-00465775 Where is he? pQJpn39mpwM-01148-00465782-00466122 Tell me or I'll kill him! pQJpn39mpwM-01149-00469495-00469786 After that, it was really touch and go. pQJpn39mpwM-01150-00469792-00469972 We'd become a tick in the Japs' hide. pQJpn39mpwM-01151-00469979-00470133 We'd stung them, pQJpn39mpwM-01152-00470139-00470486 and they were quick to hit back, but hard. pQJpn39mpwM-01153-00471437-00471688 In ever-increasing forces they moved into Leyte, pQJpn39mpwM-01154-00471694-00472098 beating, murdering, determined at all costs to wipe us out. pQJpn39mpwM-01155-00472105-00472445 Occasionally, I caught a brief glimpse of Jeanne pQJpn39mpwM-01156-00472452-00472705 and her aunt in some remote village, pQJpn39mpwM-01157-00472712-00472962 for now she too had become a fugitive pQJpn39mpwM-01158-00472969-00473146 with a price on her head. pQJpn39mpwM-01159-00473152-00473369 But our meetings were never for long, pQJpn39mpwM-01160-00473376-00473506 for always there was danger. pQJpn39mpwM-01161-00473513-00473739 Even a rumor of our presence in a village pQJpn39mpwM-01162-00473746-00474097 was enough to bring death and destruction in reprisal. pQJpn39mpwM-01163-00478167-00478377 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01164-00478384-00478604 Jeanne. pQJpn39mpwM-01165-00479048-00479182 Jeanne! pQJpn39mpwM-01166-00479188-00479402 I came to spend Christmas Eve with you. pQJpn39mpwM-01167-00479409-00479672 - Christmas? - Had you forgotten? pQJpn39mpwM-01168-00479679-00479889 Forgotten? No. I had no idea. pQJpn39mpwM-01169-00479896-00480122 It's been so long since I've seen a calendar. pQJpn39mpwM-01170-00480129-00480293 May I come in? pQJpn39mpwM-01171-00480299-00480693 Can you come in? You just try and get away! pQJpn39mpwM-01172-00480700-00480993 Oh, here, I'll take this for you. pQJpn39mpwM-01173-00481000-00481187 How did you know where I was? pQJpn39mpwM-01174-00481194-00481360 There are ways of knowing. pQJpn39mpwM-01175-00481367-00481597 Look, I brought you a tree. pQJpn39mpwM-01176-00481604-00481908 I couldn't find a pine. pQJpn39mpwM-01177-00481914-00482488 But no one should have Christmas without a tree. pQJpn39mpwM-01178-00483396-00483576 Thank you. pQJpn39mpwM-01179-00483583-00483793 Thank you for coming. pQJpn39mpwM-01180-00483800-00484133 I wanted to. pQJpn39mpwM-01181-00484757-00485084 It's not much like other Christmases, is it? pQJpn39mpwM-01182-00485091-00485328 Better. pQJpn39mpwM-01183-00485464-00485692 Much better. pQJpn39mpwM-01184-00485698-00485895 For me, too. pQJpn39mpwM-01185-00485902-00486195 It will always be the best. pQJpn39mpwM-01186-00486472-00486682 I remember one Christmas pQJpn39mpwM-01187-00486689-00487266 when I was 12, I got a goat. pQJpn39mpwM-01188-00487273-00487687 I always thought that was the most wonderful Christmas in the world. pQJpn39mpwM-01189-00487693-00487880 Until now. pQJpn39mpwM-01190-00487887-00488194 I remember when I was 12, too. pQJpn39mpwM-01191-00488201-00488451 We'd left our shoes in front of the fireplace... pQJpn39mpwM-01192-00488458-00488601 Your shoes? pQJpn39mpwM-01193-00488608-00488891 Uh-huh. In France we don't hang up our was stockings, pQJpn39mpwM-01194-00488898-00489212 just put our shoes in front of the fire. pQJpn39mpwM-01195-00489218-00489522 And then we went to midnight mass. pQJpn39mpwM-01196-00489529-00489826 And after that the reveillon. pQJpn39mpwM-01197-00489832-00489986 What's that? pQJpn39mpwM-01198-00489992-00490373 Something very special when you're 12. pQJpn39mpwM-01199-00490379-00490643 A kind of after-midnight supper. pQJpn39mpwM-01200-00490650-00490893 Oysters and white wine. pQJpn39mpwM-01201-00490900-00491287 I remember when my father said I might come to my first reveillon, pQJpn39mpwM-01202-00491294-00491601 I felt very grown-up. pQJpn39mpwM-01203-00491607-00491898 And then, in the morning, pQJpn39mpwM-01204-00491904-00492221 after pere Noel -- your Santa Claus -- had come, pQJpn39mpwM-01205-00492228-00492739 we sat on the floor around the fire and sang. pQJpn39mpwM-01206-00492979-00493579 * il est Ne Le divin enfant * pQJpn39mpwM-01207-00493586-00493860 * jouez hautbois * pQJpn39mpwM-01208-00493866-00494207 * resonnez musettes * pQJpn39mpwM-01209-00494213-00494874 * il est Ne Le divin enfant * pQJpn39mpwM-01210-00494881-00495591 * chantons tous son avenement * pQJpn39mpwM-01211-00496953-00497607 * depuis plus de quatre Mille ans * pQJpn39mpwM-01212-00497613-00498413 * nous attendions cet heureux temps * pQJpn39mpwM-01213-00501013-00501307 Chuck! Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01214-00501724-00501911 You wait here. pQJpn39mpwM-01215-00502001-00502171 Jim? pQJpn39mpwM-01216-00502178-00502442 It's Miguel. The Japs got him going into the village. pQJpn39mpwM-01217-00502448-00502622 - Bad? - They've bayoneted him. pQJpn39mpwM-01218-00502628-00503012 Somehow he managed to crawl all the way back with his stomach split open. pQJpn39mpwM-01219-00503019-00503159 Bring him inside. pQJpn39mpwM-01220-00503166-00503476 Okay. Watch him! Take him off the stretcher. pQJpn39mpwM-01221-00503766-00504076 Put him on the cot. pQJpn39mpwM-01222-00504487-00504627 Easy. pQJpn39mpwM-01223-00505381-00505591 What are we going to do? pQJpn39mpwM-01224-00505598-00506078 What can we do? There isn't a doctor within 50 miles. pQJpn39mpwM-01225-00506265-00506672 Then you'll have to do it yourself. pQJpn39mpwM-01226-00506679-00506909 Me? Are you crazy? pQJpn39mpwM-01227-00506916-00507083 Someone has to do it. pQJpn39mpwM-01228-00507089-00507350 But I'm not a doctor. I don't know about this sort of thing. pQJpn39mpwM-01229-00507356-00507567 He can't live with his intestines hanging out. pQJpn39mpwM-01230-00507573-00507754 We can't just let him lie here and die. pQJpn39mpwM-01231-00507760-00508064 Some people would rather die in peace than be mauled around. pQJpn39mpwM-01232-00508070-00508281 No one prefers to die. pQJpn39mpwM-01233-00509742-00509916 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01234-00510269-00510530 I will help. pQJpn39mpwM-01235-00511103-00511247 Okay. pQJpn39mpwM-01236-00511254-00511561 If he's willing, I'll do what I can. pQJpn39mpwM-01237-00511567-00511854 How can he not be willing? pQJpn39mpwM-01238-00511861-00512181 Ask him. pQJpn39mpwM-01239-00512899-00513092 Miguel. pQJpn39mpwM-01240-00513099-00513319 Miguel. pQJpn39mpwM-01241-00514694-00514914 He wishes you good luck. pQJpn39mpwM-01242-00515114-00515421 See if there's any hot water in the kitchen. pQJpn39mpwM-01243-00515621-00515985 Get some sulfur thiazole. Pulverize it. pQJpn39mpwM-01244-00517133-00517360 Are those stones good and hot? pQJpn39mpwM-01245-00517366-00517497 Yes. pQJpn39mpwM-01246-00517503-00517697 I'll probably need them later to... pQJpn39mpwM-01247-00517703-00517917 And a blanket to keep him warm. pQJpn39mpwM-01248-00518314-00518508 Now... pQJpn39mpwM-01249-00518514-00518925 Open that bottle of antiseptic. pQJpn39mpwM-01250-00519402-00519712 Pour it over my hands. pQJpn39mpwM-01251-00519719-00519999 Get all the soap. pQJpn39mpwM-01252-00520006-00520193 That's fine. pQJpn39mpwM-01253-00520369-00520643 Bring that soap and thiazole. pQJpn39mpwM-01254-00521090-00521427 Open this, Jim. pQJpn39mpwM-01255-00521731-00521898 Only one morphine left. pQJpn39mpwM-01256-00521904-00522231 Give it to him when he can't stand the pain any longer. pQJpn39mpwM-01257-00522595-00522969 Jeanne, bring this and the cotton in the bowl. pQJpn39mpwM-01258-00523282-00523496 Take off his shirt. pQJpn39mpwM-01259-00527280-00527487 He's dead. pQJpn39mpwM-01260-00528518-00528714 What did you expect? pQJpn39mpwM-01261-00528721-00529075 I told you I didn't know anything about this sort of thing. pQJpn39mpwM-01262-00531370-00531627 "I shall return. MacArthur." pQJpn39mpwM-01263-00531634-00531908 Next week, east Lynne. pQJpn39mpwM-01264-00531914-00532061 But he will. I know he will. pQJpn39mpwM-01265-00532068-00532255 When? When we're all smoked pQJpn39mpwM-01266-00532261-00532395 and cured and hung out to dry? pQJpn39mpwM-01267-00532401-00532648 I don't know when, but he will come, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-01268-00532655-00532812 The Japs can't go on for ever. pQJpn39mpwM-01269-00532819-00532955 Neither can we. pQJpn39mpwM-01270-00532962-00533266 Chuck, I know how you feel. pQJpn39mpwM-01271-00533272-00533496 I know how much Miguel meant to you. pQJpn39mpwM-01272-00533503-00533763 But you can't give up now, you can't lose hope. pQJpn39mpwM-01273-00533770-00533916 - Hope? - You have to go on. pQJpn39mpwM-01274-00533923-00534113 Miguel had hope, and look at him now pQJpn39mpwM-01275-00534120-00534340 lying in there with his stomach open. pQJpn39mpwM-01276-00534564-00534987 But if we lose hope, we lose everything. pQJpn39mpwM-01277-00536088-00536362 Though dreary weeks and months still lay ahead, pQJpn39mpwM-01278-00536369-00536549 that Christmas somehow marked pQJpn39mpwM-01279-00536556-00536739 the beginning of a change on Leyte. pQJpn39mpwM-01280-00536746-00537016 For one thing, our subs were coming in regularly now, pQJpn39mpwM-01281-00537023-00537336 bringing with them guns and all manner of supplies. pQJpn39mpwM-01282-00537343-00537520 For another, our guerrilla armies pQJpn39mpwM-01283-00537527-00537754 were going on the offensive everywhere. pQJpn39mpwM-01284-00537760-00537974 Big things, we knew, were in the wind, pQJpn39mpwM-01285-00537980-00538257 but as to when MacArthur would return, pQJpn39mpwM-01286-00538264-00538618 well, that was a big a question as it had ever been. pQJpn39mpwM-01287-00539849-00540066 Take a look at this, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01288-00540072-00540199 Oh, no! They can't mean it! pQJpn39mpwM-01289-00540206-00540463 Maybe they are only trying to scare us. pQJpn39mpwM-01290-00540470-00540680 If so, they're sure doing a good job! pQJpn39mpwM-01291-00540686-00541047 Hey, Chuck! Chuck! Get a load of this! pQJpn39mpwM-01292-00542805-00542995 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01293-00543272-00543506 Chuck, what happened? pQJpn39mpwM-01294-00543746-00543896 Oh, Chuck. pQJpn39mpwM-01295-00543903-00544100 I had to see you. pQJpn39mpwM-01296-00544106-00544263 I came to say good-bye. pQJpn39mpwM-01297-00544270-00544423 You're not leaving? pQJpn39mpwM-01298-00544430-00544550 - Yes. - Where? pQJpn39mpwM-01299-00544557-00544727 Tandag point. Colonel dimalanta pQJpn39mpwM-01300-00544734-00544901 received orders from general MacArthur pQJpn39mpwM-01301-00544907-00545107 that we're to set up an observation post pQJpn39mpwM-01302-00545114-00545378 where we can watch Japs in the channel and plot the minefield. pQJpn39mpwM-01303-00545384-00545628 It's suicide. That's behind jap lines! pQJpn39mpwM-01304-00545635-00545932 What am I going to do, say, "I'm sorry, I've got a date?" pQJpn39mpwM-01305-00545938-00546132 I love you! pQJpn39mpwM-01306-00546138-00546349 Oh, Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01307-00546355-00546562 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01308-00547840-00548094 It's a down payment on next Christmas. pQJpn39mpwM-01309-00549245-00549465 Stand by. pQJpn39mpwM-01310-00549472-00549662 Two large wolves on the 20-yard line pQJpn39mpwM-01311-00549669-00549866 going down center field. pQJpn39mpwM-01312-00550466-00550650 Bearing 091. pQJpn39mpwM-01313-00550656-00550797 Distance 1,600 yards. pQJpn39mpwM-01314-00550803-00550940 Bearing 091. pQJpn39mpwM-01315-00550947-00551210 Distance 1,600 yards. pQJpn39mpwM-01316-00551217-00551334 Time? pQJpn39mpwM-01317-00551340-00551651 10:21. Time, 10:21. pQJpn39mpwM-01318-00552632-00553122 Estimated course, 350. Estimated speed, 25 knots. pQJpn39mpwM-01319-00553129-00553573 Estimated course 350. Estimated speed, 25 knots. pQJpn39mpwM-01320-00554036-00554363 Gee, they're really trim. pQJpn39mpwM-01321-00554514-00554717 Stand by. pQJpn39mpwM-01322-00554817-00555061 Distance 1,400 yards. pQJpn39mpwM-01323-00555067-00555234 Bearing 076. pQJpn39mpwM-01324-00555241-00555631 Distance 1,400 yards. Bearing 076. pQJpn39mpwM-01325-00555638-00555758 Time? pQJpn39mpwM-01326-00555765-00556028 10:23. Time, 10:23. pQJpn39mpwM-01327-00557403-00557630 Okay, this is it. Route it out. pQJpn39mpwM-01328-00557637-00557824 Hey, what is this man's name? pQJpn39mpwM-01329-00557830-00557957 Palmer, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01330-00557964-00558207 Tell Palmer well done and beat it out there. pQJpn39mpwM-01331-00558214-00558357 Yes, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01332-00558468-00558748 They say well done, sir. And beat it out. pQJpn39mpwM-01333-00558754-00559025 They say well done, sir, and beat it out. pQJpn39mpwM-01334-00559031-00559332 Carry that line back and secure the other equipment. pQJpn39mpwM-01335-00559338-00559465 I'll take care of the phone. pQJpn39mpwM-01336-00559472-00559622 Aye-aye, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01337-00562542-00562732 - Hey! - Come on! pQJpn39mpwM-01338-00562738-00563119 Jim, we've got our radio. Let's get out of here! pQJpn39mpwM-01339-00563125-00563282 - Okay. - Come on! pQJpn39mpwM-01340-00565615-00565792 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01341-00565798-00566015 ¡Tía! pQJpn39mpwM-01342-00566215-00566476 Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01343-00566919-00567036 Oh, Chuck! pQJpn39mpwM-01344-00567043-00567153 Any Japs in the village? pQJpn39mpwM-01345-00567159-00567306 - No, they've gone. - When? pQJpn39mpwM-01346-00567313-00567513 Yesterday. They left in two trucks. pQJpn39mpwM-01347-00567520-00567807 Come with me, all of you. We have chicken and bread! pQJpn39mpwM-01348-00567814-00568084 Just like pocatello! Come on! pQJpn39mpwM-01349-00569105-00569312 Would you like some more chocolate, too? pQJpn39mpwM-01350-00569318-00569542 There you are. pQJpn39mpwM-01351-00570850-00571077 Japanese! Japanese! pQJpn39mpwM-01352-00571360-00571701 Japanese! Japanese! Japanese! pQJpn39mpwM-01353-00571707-00571884 Where are they? Where are they? pQJpn39mpwM-01354-00571891-00572008 They're coming! pQJpn39mpwM-01355-00572014-00572154 You can hide at my house. pQJpn39mpwM-01356-00572161-00572265 It's too late. pQJpn39mpwM-01357-00572271-00572532 The church! Come on! pQJpn39mpwM-01358-00589702-00590059 Cover the windows! Lock the door! pQJpn39mpwM-01359-00590520-00590733 I'm sorry we got you into this, father. pQJpn39mpwM-01360-00590740-00590927 Justice is with you, my child. pQJpn39mpwM-01361-00590933-00591207 Get the women into the sacristy. pQJpn39mpwM-01362-00591214-00591534 Quickly. Jeanne, see that they stay there. pQJpn39mpwM-01363-00591541-00591707 Sir, if I could have a gun... pQJpn39mpwM-01364-00591714-00591821 You stay out of this. pQJpn39mpwM-01365-00591828-00591994 I stay... Until then. pQJpn39mpwM-01366-00592001-00592241 Very well, take this. Here. pQJpn39mpwM-01367-00592248-00592528 - Thank you, sir. - Wait a minute. pQJpn39mpwM-01368-00592535-00592829 Here, take those and cover that window back there. pQJpn39mpwM-01369-00608301-00608461 What is it? pQJpn39mpwM-01370-00608467-00608671 It's guns. pQJpn39mpwM-01371-00608678-00608878 Big guns! pQJpn39mpwM-01372-00608885-00609018 They're a long way off. pQJpn39mpwM-01373-00609025-00609302 - Ours? - I don't know. pQJpn39mpwM-01374-00609308-00609539 MacArthur's? pQJpn39mpwM-01375-00609545-00609772 He said he'd return, didn't he? pQJpn39mpwM-01376-00609779-00610022 Planes! pQJpn39mpwM-01377-00610029-00610269 Get your head down, you fool. pQJpn39mpwM-01378-00613322-00613469 American planes, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-01379-00613476-00613823 Sure. You don't think the Japs have that many, do you? pQJpn39mpwM-01380-00613830-00614000 Will they drop bombs, sir? pQJpn39mpwM-01381-00614006-00614363 Don't worry, when Americans drop bombs, they hit Japs, not us. pQJpn39mpwM-01382-00614370-00614760 I hope. Chuck, what do we do now-- pQJpn39mpwM-01383-00614767-00615001 stay here, or go and reinforce MacArthur? pQJpn39mpwM-01384-00615007-00615318 Listen, sailor, for three years we've waited for him. pQJpn39mpwM-01385-00615324-00615474 Let him come to us. pQJpn39mpwM-01386-00619225-00619355 Morning, father. pQJpn39mpwM-01387-00619362-00619532 Good morning, my son. pQJpn39mpwM-01388-00619539-00619732 Why don't you raise your own flag, too? pQJpn39mpwM-01389-00619739-00619856 General MacArthur is coming. pQJpn39mpwM-01390-00619862-00620036 It's a welcome to him only. pQJpn39mpwM-01391-00620042-00620239 I'm sure he'd like to see the Filipino flag. pQJpn39mpwM-01392-00620246-00620443 You think so? Go to the vestry pQJpn39mpwM-01393-00620449-00620700 - and bring out our flag. - Yes, father. pQJpn39mpwM-01394-00620706-00621103 Sir, I have been saving these for three years for the liberation. pQJpn39mpwM-01395-00621110-00621244 They're for you, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01396-00621250-00621371 Oh, thank you, no, I couldn't -- pQJpn39mpwM-01397-00621374-00621644 you're very kind. We should like to very much. pQJpn39mpwM-01398-00621651-00621844 Forgive me, sir, they're warm, sir. pQJpn39mpwM-01399-00621851-00622048 We've had no ice for a long time. pQJpn39mpwM-01400-00622054-00622241 Great. I wouldn't care if they were boiling! pQJpn39mpwM-01401-00622248-00622411 Can you beat it? pQJpn39mpwM-01402-00622418-00622839 For three years, I'd have sold my soul for one of these. pQJpn39mpwM-01403-00622845-00623075 And now, just when general MacArthur pQJpn39mpwM-01404-00623082-00623279 brings the whole United States here... pSXrDfdjyME-00000-00000039-00000858 This video is a short, simulated counseling session demonstrating the pSXrDfdjyME-00001-00000858-00001380 basic communication skills of empathic responses, and the use of silence. pSXrDfdjyME-00002-00002436-00003564 So Joe, we've been talking about school and the conviction, and I'm wondering if we can talk a bit pSXrDfdjyME-00003-00003564-00004236 about what's been going on at home? Yeah, sure. How have things been going with your mom? I mean, pSXrDfdjyME-00004-00004236-00004854 not great. Uhm, she's been really, really, pissed with me ever since sound the conviction , so, pSXrDfdjyME-00005-00004854-00005733 yeah, I don't know . It's been a while and nothing has changed so I don't know. Yeah, she was pretty pSXrDfdjyME-00006-00005733-00006207 upset about the stealing when it happened and you're worried that it's going to impact your pSXrDfdjyME-00007-00006207-00006963 your future relationship? Yeah, I mean I've never, ever seen her yelled the way she did. It was, pSXrDfdjyME-00008-00006963-00007878 it was shocking. She hates my friends, but ,you know, other than her, that's all I have, pSXrDfdjyME-00009-00007878-00008424 so what am I supposed to do? How does it feel when your mom gets angry like that? I mean, pSXrDfdjyME-00010-00008424-00009174 I don't like it, but, I don't really think it's justified. I think she has to be around more for pSXrDfdjyME-00011-00009174-00009654 her to really get a say in my life. So, you're feeling annoyed that she's getting so mad when pSXrDfdjyME-00012-00009654-00010890 she isn't even around to see. Yeah, I mean, she's she's got this new relationship with Tom. So on, pSXrDfdjyME-00013-00010890-00011406 like, weekends, she's in White Rock at his place, two, three nights a week she's you pSXrDfdjyME-00014-00011406-00012039 know she's out. So it is what it is, you know. I come home, empty house, so how could she mad pSXrDfdjyME-00015-00012039-00012651 at me for what I get up to there's no one at home. It sounds like you feel somewhat pSXrDfdjyME-00016-00012651-00013524 neglected by your mom. I mean yeah, I guess. You know, we used to....we were never the closest, pSXrDfdjyME-00017-00013524-00014112 but I thought we had a pretty good relationship. Uhm, you know we'd talk, we'd have meals together. pSXrDfdjyME-00018-00014112-00014799 It wouldn't be.... Yeah, I'd come home, we'd talk. I guess, now that just doesn't happen. I'm often pSXrDfdjyME-00019-00014799-00015594 home alone, don't see anybody. She's, you know, all she cares about is him. It feels more alone pSXrDfdjyME-00020-00015594-00016485 now and you're worried that you're not a priority for your mom anymore. Yeah, I uhm, I guess so. pSXrDfdjyME-00021-00016587-00017526 I'm not I'm not a perfect person, but parents are supposed to stick by their kids, good and bad, pSXrDfdjyME-00022-00017526-00019143 so, yeah. Must feel pretty vulnerable to not know how she's feeling. Yeah, I mean, pSXrDfdjyME-00023-00019143-00019761 I just, uhm, I wish she cared about what's going on in my life. Are you scared that pSXrDfdjyME-00024-00019761-00020547 you no longer mattered to her as much as you used to? Yeah, I mean, she's, pSXrDfdjyME-00025-00020547-00021330 she has every right to you know, be happy in a relationship. But it just feels like she's, pSXrDfdjyME-00026-00021330-00022134 she's not prioritizing me at all and it hurts. Uhm, it hurts. She's all I have. pSXrDfdjyME-00027-00022134-00022995 You care about your mom, and you want her to be happy, and you want her to have a life, pSXrDfdjyME-00028-00022995-00023679 but at the same time you hope that you could be a part of that life. Yeah, and I mean, pSXrDfdjyME-00029-00023679-00024564 like my dad's not in the picture. So she really is all I have. She's the only family I have. Right, pSXrDfdjyME-00030-00024564-00025254 so you're feeling protective over that real significant relationship. Yeah, she's my mom. pSXrDfdjyME-00031-00025254-00026037 I know I'm supposed to, you know, I'm supposed to as I grow up, be independent but it doesn't mean pSXrDfdjyME-00032-00026037-00026649 you don't need your mom anymore, it doesn't mean you don't need someone still there for you. Yeah. pSXrDfdjyME-00033-00026649-00027639 How about your relationship with your dad? I mean, what relationship? I have so little to do in his pSXrDfdjyME-00034-00027639-00028539 life that it's like I don't even matter to him. So you feel pretty disconnected from him? Yeah, pSXrDfdjyME-00035-00028539-00029495 I mean, uhm, seems more like a person I see occasionally instead of a father. He's got pSXrDfdjyME-00036-00029495-00030239 his new family now so , it is what it is. Do you feel resentful towards your dad for having this pSXrDfdjyME-00037-00030239-00031106 new family? No, I mean he was young when they when they divorced, I was only four. So you pSXrDfdjyME-00038-00031106-00031739 know I can't blame him for for finding a new relationship, and having new family. But just pSXrDfdjyME-00039-00031739-00032302 because you have new kids doesn't mean you just give up on the one you already have. I just no pSXrDfdjyME-00040-00032302-00033377 I don't think that he should have just written me off. I can hear some sadness about about your dad pSXrDfdjyME-00041-00033377-00033995 not being able to prioritize all of his children. Yeah, it does make me sad sometimes ,you know. I pSXrDfdjyME-00042-00033995-00034706 basically don't have a father, and if it hasn't happened by now, pSXrDfdjyME-00043-00034706-00035150 it basically never will, so you know I just have to accept that. It's just the way it's gonna be. pSXrDfdjyME-00044-00035150-00035843 So, part of you has resigned to that acceptance of a superficial relationship between the two of you. pUx_ul6lVi0-00000-00000003-00000423 Thanks for being here Gerdi. Shall we aim for about half an hour? Do you have pUx_ul6lVi0-00001-00000423-00001095 any time restrictions? No I don't. Very good. All right. If we run over ... If pUx_ul6lVi0-00002-00001095-00001482 it's going amazingly - of course it will - we will run over but if not let's try pUx_ul6lVi0-00003-00001482-00002102 and stick to a thirty minute. Yeah! Right okay. So I will just introduce Gerdi and pUx_ul6lVi0-00004-00002102-00002742 let you know how I know her. Thanks for coming today. We wanted to chat about our pUx_ul6lVi0-00005-00002742-00003261 Cornwall trip didn't we? Yeah. But I'm sure we'll go off piste and we'll talk pUx_ul6lVi0-00006-00003261-00003584 about the things of why we're going to be doing, what we're doing on the trip pUx_ul6lVi0-00007-00003584-00004509 which comes into both our businesses. So I met Gerdi at Sashka's June retreat the pUx_ul6lVi0-00008-00004509-00004941 year before last. The one in the Austrian mountains. She and I were just like pUx_ul6lVi0-00009-00004941-00005268 the kids at the back of the classroom. Weren't we? From the moment I met you we pUx_ul6lVi0-00010-00005268-00006023 just bantered and giggled. It was the first time ever that I had been send to the back of the pUx_ul6lVi0-00011-00006023-00006726 classroom by away. It was fun and we've stayed in touch. We set up a little pUx_ul6lVi0-00012-00006726-00007247 WhatsApp group and we ended up being the last two on it. As pUx_ul6lVi0-00013-00007247-00007793 soon as I heard about Dare Greatly Coaching and what you did ... Gerdi takes pUx_ul6lVi0-00014-00007793-00008131 people into the mountains which I'm going to let her speak about in a minute. pUx_ul6lVi0-00015-00008131-00008672 When I heard about that I just had this vision - not sure they ever told you this - pUx_ul6lVi0-00016-00008672-00009279 I just had a vision of me and a group ... I think it's mostly males., I always seem to pUx_ul6lVi0-00017-00009279-00009725 get groups in the future as males. And I saw us doing our stuff up on the pUx_ul6lVi0-00018-00009725-00010179 mountains but it's taken a while. I think that's what I wanted to say today. pUx_ul6lVi0-00019-00010179-00010664 It's taken a while for us to you know get to know one another. or us pUx_ul6lVi0-00020-00010664-00011156 to build our brands and for them to start to talk to each other and pUx_ul6lVi0-00021-00011156-00011910 integrate and ... So I'll let you carry on. Gerdi, tell us about your company. pUx_ul6lVi0-00022-00011910-00012418 Why you take people into the mountains and whatever else comes in the moment. pUx_ul6lVi0-00023-00012418-00012969 Well, it's Dare Greatly Coaching and sometimes I say Dare Greatly Coaching pUx_ul6lVi0-00024-00012969-00013328 and Guiding. pUx_ul6lVi0-00025-00013354-00014121 ... because I started out as a mountain hiking guide and I became a mountain hiking pUx_ul6lVi0-00026-00014121-00015079 guide when I found myself in Austria on vacation and felt totally at home in the pUx_ul6lVi0-00027-00015079-00015654 mountains. Not so much Austria but in the mountains. So I decided to move there and pUx_ul6lVi0-00028-00015654-00016072 found very quickly that I was not just taking people into mountains with me but pUx_ul6lVi0-00029-00016072-00016542 also coaching them. Which is when I decided to study to become a coach, pUx_ul6lVi0-00030-00016542-00017128 Realising that I had always coached people anyways. So what I do now is, I pUx_ul6lVi0-00031-00017128-00017904 bring people who are creatives visionaries, rule-breakers, free spirits pUx_ul6lVi0-00032-00017904-00018501 free thinkers or just people who are stuck somehow, who have a vision for their life pUx_ul6lVi0-00033-00018501-00019006 but find that they're on a completely different path, probably living somebody pUx_ul6lVi0-00034-00019006-00019509 else's vision instead of their own. I bring them into the mountains with me pUx_ul6lVi0-00035-00019509-00019951 because there's a couple of things that happen there. First of all you have to pUx_ul6lVi0-00036-00019951-00020281 slow down. You cannot go at what I call city pace pUx_ul6lVi0-00037-00020281-00020994 in the mountains. When you do, you just won't be able to get to the top. pUx_ul6lVi0-00038-00020994-00021498 You won't last very long because the mountains will win. And the second thing pUx_ul6lVi0-00039-00021498-00021894 that happens is that you literally get a different perspective on life and on how pUx_ul6lVi0-00040-00021894-00022326 you're living life. So you have to slow down and you get a different perspective pUx_ul6lVi0-00041-00022326-00022962 which is a great combination for you to figure out, "Okay but what is it that I am pUx_ul6lVi0-00042-00022962-00023494 doing and what is it that I want to change in order for me to be able to pUx_ul6lVi0-00043-00023494-00024054 start living my own vision or to start moving towards my own vision?" I love pUx_ul6lVi0-00044-00024054-00024534 being in mountains. I love sharing my passion for the mountains and for nature pUx_ul6lVi0-00045-00024534-00024968 with the people that I'm bringing into them. So that's what I do pUx_ul6lVi0-00046-00024968-00025506 and you're right and I think we both needed time to figure out pUx_ul6lVi0-00047-00025506-00026295 what it is that we do exactly and to be able to articulate it. I've always known pUx_ul6lVi0-00048-00026295-00026612 what I do but I wasn't able to put the right words to it. pUx_ul6lVi0-00049-00026612-00027227 That's only been happening in the last year, year and a half I think. Can take pUx_ul6lVi0-00050-00027227-00027827 a while, can't it? Yeah definitely. Yeah. I love how you said the mountains pUx_ul6lVi0-00051-00027827-00028391 will win if you don't set your pace and work with them. I call them the pUx_ul6lVi0-00052-00028391-00028925 horses of nature, your mountains, don't I? They are and it's also ... what I also pUx_ul6lVi0-00053-00028925-00029561 find is ... you very quickly realise how small you are in compared to pUx_ul6lVi0-00054-00029561-00030145 to the mountains and also how many problems are completely pUx_ul6lVi0-00055-00030145-00030527 insignificant. You know the mountains have been here long before we came along pUx_ul6lVi0-00056-00030527-00031177 and they'll be here long after we're gone. So you know yes we have problems pUx_ul6lVi0-00057-00031177-00032110 and most of them are not as big as we think they are. Can you tell us about pUx_ul6lVi0-00058-00032110-00032555 either something personal to you or a client that you've taken up where pUx_ul6lVi0-00059-00032555-00032999 they've arrived with something or like you say a problem and then they come to pUx_ul6lVi0-00060-00032999-00033359 the end of the trek and they've realized like you say ... It's the mountains putting it pUx_ul6lVi0-00061-00033359-00033911 all into perspective. Is there a story that comes to mind? I had a client a pUx_ul6lVi0-00062-00033911-00034550 couple of years ago - and she is maybe the most dramatic example of what happened. pUx_ul6lVi0-00063-00034550-00035156 She was not an experienced mountain hiker and it happened to be the case that we pUx_ul6lVi0-00064-00035156-00035872 could go hiking - the two of us - for five days in a row. And she had in the pUx_ul6lVi0-00065-00035872-00036502 beginning trouble with finding a pace that suited her and she had also pUx_ul6lVi0-00066-00036502-00037078 picked up a rock at some point that she said represented something that she pUx_ul6lVi0-00067-00037078-00037481 wanted to get rid off. So she dragged this rock up the mountain which is a pUx_ul6lVi0-00068-00037481-00038191 great metaphor for the problems we tend to drag along with us or values that pUx_ul6lVi0-00069-00038191-00038759 aren't ours or roles that we play that aren't ours, which literally makes your pUx_ul6lVi0-00070-00038759-00039443 backpack heavier than is necessarily has to be. And at some point we came up to a big pUx_ul6lVi0-00071-00039443-00039995 lake where we went through the ceremony where she ... You pUx_ul6lVi0-00072-00039995-00040469 you can say this much better I always forget how that Hawaiian ceremony is pUx_ul6lVi0-00073-00040469-00041584 called. Hoʻoponopono. Thank you, that one! - So we went through that ceremony of pUx_ul6lVi0-00074-00041584-00042310 thanking that particular role or value and saying I forgive you and pUx_ul6lVi0-00075-00042310-00042725 acknowledging the part that you played in it yourself, but also what it brought pUx_ul6lVi0-00076-00042725-00043190 to you and then she literally chucked that rock which represented a whole lot pUx_ul6lVi0-00077-00043190-00043850 for her into the lake. In a beautiful spot but she left it there. And where she'd pUx_ul6lVi0-00078-00043850-00044291 always followed other people, by the end of the week I could put her in front pUx_ul6lVi0-00079-00044291-00044753 of me and let her lead the trail. Which is when she eventually came down the pUx_ul6lVi0-00080-00044753-00045350 mountain and if you see her now, look the way she lives her life now, it's so pUx_ul6lVi0-00081-00045350-00046046 different from how she lived. She lived in this very constricted almost like a pUx_ul6lVi0-00082-00046046-00046571 straitjacket space and now she has completely turned her life around. She's pUx_ul6lVi0-00083-00046571-00046997 working in a job that she literally loves. She's writing about what she does pUx_ul6lVi0-00084-00046997-00047864 and the joy just you know it jumps off the pages. It's wonderful. What pUx_ul6lVi0-00085-00047864-00048674 an amazing story and that was in five days? That's quite pUx_ul6lVi0-00086-00048674-00049094 a story. I love the rock. You told me that before. The [...] of taking it with pUx_ul6lVi0-00087-00049094-00049646 you. And we've talked about bringing that to Cornwall. That metaphor of what pUx_ul6lVi0-00088-00049646-00050183 are you bringing. How long are you gonna carry it for and I love that pUx_ul6lVi0-00089-00050183-00050600 example. And she's completely changed her life around then you say? Yeah. She had pUx_ul6lVi0-00090-00050600-00051215 done work before. It's not like she came to Austria just with a big problem and not pUx_ul6lVi0-00091-00051215-00051857 knowing how to handle that. So she had been working on it but Austria was a turning point for her. pUx_ul6lVi0-00092-00051857-00052502 those five days. I know there's probably people thinking like I do when pUx_ul6lVi0-00093-00052502-00052994 I first met you ... "I want to work with Gerdi but I'm not fit enough." Now I pUx_ul6lVi0-00094-00052994-00053366 know you've been ... You went into the mountains yesterday didn't you? For 12 pUx_ul6lVi0-00095-00053366-00054350 hours was it? Which was ... That's not normal, not even for me. You know sometimes you have pUx_ul6lVi0-00096-00054350-00054739 mountains around here where I'm like .. "I've been looking at you for the better pUx_ul6lVi0-00097-00054739-00055300 part of 10 years I have to get to the top someday". And yesterday I had the pUx_ul6lVi0-00098-00055300-00055744 crazy idea without really looking at the map that I was going to do that and it pUx_ul6lVi0-00099-00055744-00056486 turned out to be an 11 hour hike. Don't do that! And you're still standing today pUx_ul6lVi0-00100-00056486-00057601 Parts of my body have regained their strength. So tell us ... well pUx_ul6lVi0-00101-00057601-00057950 tell me, because I haven't trekked with you ... Let me just put this out there ... And pUx_ul6lVi0-00102-00057950-00058286 Cornwall is I'm sure there are a few hills but they are not the mountains of pUx_ul6lVi0-00103-00058286-00058732 Austria. So could you tell anyone who's interested in what you're saying ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00104-00058732-00059155 Tell about your business which is the mountains and taking people into the pUx_ul6lVi0-00105-00059155-00059774 mountains? How would somebody who isn't that that fit or pUx_ul6lVi0-00106-00059774-00060404 how would you help them and coach them guide them? Everybody can walk. So pUx_ul6lVi0-00107-00060404-00060880 let's start there. Or at least all my clients can walk. That's sort of pUx_ul6lVi0-00108-00060880-00061618 prerequisite to come with me. But you don't have to be extremely fit. pUx_ul6lVi0-00109-00061618-00062038 You don't have to be able to walk for 11 hours and to be quite honest I'm not pUx_ul6lVi0-00110-00062038-00062591 really able to walk for 11 hours. You should have seen me yesterday but pUx_ul6lVi0-00111-00062591-00063352 anyway. So if you're capable of something like 4 hours of walking that is usually pUx_ul6lVi0-00112-00063352-00063887 enough, because you have to remember you walk. It's easy for me to pUx_ul6lVi0-00113-00063887-00064306 come down into your pace. I'm trained. I walk in the mountains at least once a pUx_ul6lVi0-00114-00064306-00065131 week, so I'm a trained hiker. And it's easy for somebody who is faster than you pUx_ul6lVi0-00115-00065131-00065632 are for example to come down to your pace, then it is for you to try and match pUx_ul6lVi0-00116-00065632-00066193 my pace. If you've ever done any running and you've done too much of that you pUx_ul6lVi0-00117-00066193-00066587 you know how your legs start hurting especially pUx_ul6lVi0-00118-00066587-00066986 your shins. You don't want that to happen. So the trick is to find pUx_ul6lVi0-00119-00066986-00067493 your own pace. To find a pace that you're comfortable at and that you can pUx_ul6lVi0-00120-00067493-00068021 maintain for a long time. How do you know that you're doing this, is when pUx_ul6lVi0-00121-00068021-00068618 you are still capable of having a conversation or singing while you're pUx_ul6lVi0-00122-00068618-00069200 walking. And what I found ... when I wasn't living in Austria. I was still pUx_ul6lVi0-00123-00069200-00069695 living in the Netherlands. I walked on average about two hours a day. I had a pUx_ul6lVi0-00124-00069695-00070148 dog so I had to take him out. And I took him out for an hour in the morning and an pUx_ul6lVi0-00125-00070148-00070559 hour in the afternoon and that was it. That was all the training I did and then pUx_ul6lVi0-00126-00070559-00071084 I learned to find my pace in the mountains. Which is basically: you pUx_ul6lVi0-00127-00071084-00071459 breathe in on one step and you breathe out on the next. And then you can walk pUx_ul6lVi0-00128-00071459-00072056 for a long time. And in Cornwall we're doing on average about five hours maybe pUx_ul6lVi0-00129-00072056-00072583 six. But a leisurely fashion, you know? pUx_ul6lVi0-00130-00072583-00073217 Relatively leisurely fashion. That's good to know. That's good because Philippa has pUx_ul6lVi0-00131-00073217-00073874 just joined and I know she was asking that question. It is sort of important pUx_ul6lVi0-00132-00073874-00074300 but it's also mental fitness which is perhaps even more important. Which helped pUx_ul6lVi0-00133-00074300-00074735 me keep moving yesterday because I could have said somewhere halfway down pUx_ul6lVi0-00134-00074735-00075878 the mountain ... "Okay I'm done now. I'll call Search and Rescue". But you're capable of much more than you pUx_ul6lVi0-00135-00075878-00076433 think. And like I said when you keep going at your pace and don't look too pUx_ul6lVi0-00136-00076433-00076985 much at somebody else, what they are doing you can go for a long time. Which pUx_ul6lVi0-00137-00076985-00077399 is also a great metaphor for life, because we tend to look a lot at what pUx_ul6lVi0-00138-00077399-00078083 other people are doing and judging ourselves to find, to fall short. That is ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00139-00078083-00078608 That is perfect as you're saying because when I interviewed Sashka she was saying pUx_ul6lVi0-00140-00078608-00078953 the same thing. We were talking about brands businesses and life in general. pUx_ul6lVi0-00141-00078953-00079436 How we ... You're on your track. You may be focusing but then suddenly you'll get pUx_ul6lVi0-00142-00079436-00079829 sideswiped and then you'll get distracted and you keep losing your path. pUx_ul6lVi0-00143-00079829-00080405 So do you find that experience when you physically walk the path, walk pUx_ul6lVi0-00144-00080405-00080891 the trail that, ... Do you believe that really helps you to embody your values pUx_ul6lVi0-00145-00080891-00081356 and your practices and your core beliefs? To set you up when you get home? Yeah, pUx_ul6lVi0-00146-00081356-00082087 definitely! Definitely. It's even as ... Even as simple as not comparing myself pUx_ul6lVi0-00147-00082087-00082592 constantly to other people. Even yesterday. There were people on the pUx_ul6lVi0-00148-00082592-00083156 mountain with me that I ran into every now and again. And two of them, I'm going pUx_ul6lVi0-00149-00083156-00083488 to say they were older than me and they were also faster and I then very pUx_ul6lVi0-00150-00083488-00084043 consciously have to then say "Okay but that's their pace. They've probably pUx_ul6lVi0-00151-00084043-00084538 been doing this all their lives, which is why they're faster than I am". Or pUx_ul6lVi0-00152-00084538-00084976 maybe they run by at marathons, I don't know. But I have to let them go. I pUx_ul6lVi0-00153-00084976-00085673 have to stop the competitive part of me to compare myself and then think "I'm pUx_ul6lVi0-00154-00085673-00086231 falling short so now I have to speed up because I have to be able to keep up with these people." When I do I pUx_ul6lVi0-00155-00086231-00086873 know I'm not going to be able to climb the mountain. So I have to go pUx_ul6lVi0-00156-00086873-00087404 back inside, think what is this that is important to me. What are my values? How pUx_ul6lVi0-00157-00087404-00088131 do I stop myself from judging myself all the time and keep walking my pace, my pUx_ul6lVi0-00158-00088131-00089038 trek at my pace? That's such a good answer. It really does tie into life pUx_ul6lVi0-00159-00089038-00089411 doesn't it? It's like the mountains really train you. As I keep going back. pUx_ul6lVi0-00160-00089411-00089818 They seem to mirror like the horses and I didn't realise that when I first pUx_ul6lVi0-00161-00089818-00090188 met you. But it's everything you say is exactly what I've learned from the pUx_ul6lVi0-00162-00090188-00090814 horses and even more so today. When I was in Canada. You pUx_ul6lVi0-00163-00090814-00091258 know it's quite grueling. We were healing with the horses for hours and then in pUx_ul6lVi0-00164-00091258-00091685 the afternoon we tread the land. Because there's about 320 acres of it and we pUx_ul6lVi0-00165-00091685-00092107 didn't do any treks like yours but we were already exhausted and we were still pUx_ul6lVi0-00166-00092107-00092468 going to trek the land. And a lot of them were hills because the views were pUx_ul6lVi0-00167-00092468-00093116 incredible. And at one point Liz who owns the herd there ... The herd would all be pUx_ul6lVi0-00168-00093116-00093486 out wild. Sometimes we'd meet them sometimes we wouldn't. And she'd say pUx_ul6lVi0-00169-00093486-00093882 how the horses walk up the hills is exactly what you say. That they paced pUx_ul6lVi0-00170-00093882-00094365 themselves. It's just ... They have four feet obviously but they will stop pUx_ul6lVi0-00171-00094365-00094776 and graze, look at the view. But they all move together and really when you think ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00172-00094776-00095175 They don't often gallop across, you know? They will plod. pUx_ul6lVi0-00173-00095175-00095772 They will pace. They will graze and then they may run. Exactly. You pUx_ul6lVi0-00174-00095772-00096537 may have a short burst of energy, but if you're going to ... Like the horses, you know? ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00175-00096537-00096930 Try and cross all those acres of land which is going uphill, downhill, uphill. pUx_ul6lVi0-00176-00096930-00097419 You're not going to be able to do that at a gallop. You have to find a pace that pUx_ul6lVi0-00177-00097419-00097803 you can maintain and I'm sure the horses know that instinctively. And it's pUx_ul6lVi0-00178-00097803-00098442 something that we have forgotten but when you get into it. it's really pUx_ul6lVi0-00179-00098442-00098850 comfortable. It sounds really weird but it's really comfortable. Especially when pUx_ul6lVi0-00180-00098850-00099378 the trail is a bit ... It's going up and down and there's a ... It's not flat. It's pUx_ul6lVi0-00181-00099378-00099888 not nicely prepared. So you you're using many more muscles than you would when pUx_ul6lVi0-00182-00099888-00100440 you're walking on the street. But it's really relaxing and and it's a good idea pUx_ul6lVi0-00183-00100440-00100911 like the horses to every now and again stop and look around you and not move pUx_ul6lVi0-00184-00100911-00101391 when you do that because that's when you may do a faceplant. I told you about pUx_ul6lVi0-00185-00101391-00102255 two of those [...] The moment I forget about pUx_ul6lVi0-00186-00102255-00103475 stopping and looking I literally do a faceplant. I last year I took a nose dive into a bush. pUx_ul6lVi0-00187-00103475-00103857 Like you say if you're not looking at your surroundings on the mountains, it pUx_ul6lVi0-00188-00103857-00104340 can be that dangerous. You can slip. You can fall, so you you have to be pUx_ul6lVi0-00189-00104340-00104763 present and you don't want to miss your surroundings either. I think ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00190-00104763-00105093 We are all about, both of us, about the doing in the being, pUx_ul6lVi0-00191-00105093-00105560 which we'll talk about in a minute, but you know in Canada again I love that Liz pUx_ul6lVi0-00192-00105560-00106058 used to stop us and it was new land for me .So she was pointing at little flowers pUx_ul6lVi0-00193-00106058-00106500 and little wildflowers. And when you're in that competitive mode you're just ... You pUx_ul6lVi0-00194-00106500-00106845 know, your head down. You're looking at what everyone else is doing and again that pUx_ul6lVi0-00195-00106845-00107307 goes back to how we get put off our path and we believe we're not doing the right pUx_ul6lVi0-00196-00107307-00107759 thing because we think everyone else has got it right. But they're not us. And our pUx_ul6lVi0-00197-00107759-00108253 view and our perspective can only happen in the now and sometimes we have to stop. pUx_ul6lVi0-00198-00108253-00108755 Exactly, yes. From a hiker's point of view pUx_ul6lVi0-00199-00108755-00109367 and someone who walks a lot, for anybody that's on or that's pUx_ul6lVi0-00200-00109367-00109883 watching this afterwards, I like to challenge you to start noticing the pUx_ul6lVi0-00201-00109883-00110192 little things like the flowers in the cracks of the pavement and stuff like pUx_ul6lVi0-00202-00110192-00110576 that. When you start looking for that you'll see how much more nature there is, pUx_ul6lVi0-00203-00110576-00111051 even in a city environment than you think there is. And I'm not talking about pUx_ul6lVi0-00204-00111051-00111696 the parks. It's amazing to me every time I see it, how tiny little pUx_ul6lVi0-00205-00111696-00112023 flowers can still come up through the cracks of the pavement. Or here in the pUx_ul6lVi0-00206-00112023-00112610 mountains when you're high up and you don't really see any ground that a pUx_ul6lVi0-00207-00112610-00113145 seed can ,take hold in ... How it's still ... How you can still find the tiniest flowers pUx_ul6lVi0-00208-00113145-00113627 in cracks or rocks where you're like "How did this get here in the first pUx_ul6lVi0-00209-00113627-00114251 place and then took hold?" Nature is so resilient and so delicate, isn't it? pUx_ul6lVi0-00210-00114251-00114905 But so incredible. Yeah and the delicate flowers that you see up in the mountains in spaces that are pUx_ul6lVi0-00211-00114905-00115688 so inhospitable and you're wondering why are they there? And the elements how they survived? pUx_ul6lVi0-00212-00115688-00116339 There's a beautiful quote isn't there? It's a monk a Buddhist monk pUx_ul6lVi0-00213-00116339-00116847 that I have the book of and he says "a flower doesn't stop being beautiful if pUx_ul6lVi0-00214-00116847-00117188 you don't look at it." And it's so true isn't it? They survive and they're pUx_ul6lVi0-00215-00117188-00117542 beautiful and you may never get to that crack of that mountain and never see it. pUx_ul6lVi0-00216-00117542-00118085 And again that goes for life. We miss ... we only see what we see. We can see a lot pUx_ul6lVi0-00217-00118085-00118797 more if we stop sometimes. 20 Passed. We could talk all day pUx_ul6lVi0-00218-00118797-00119382 can't we? So I want to bring us back to ground because our trek in Cornwall. pUx_ul6lVi0-00219-00119382-00119772 We wanted to talk about it and we thought rather than ... We're still going to pUx_ul6lVi0-00220-00119772-00120228 put posts up, but to me this is more personal. I want to know ... I want to hear pUx_ul6lVi0-00221-00120228-00120540 somebody doing something. Then it's like, "Oh. Do I want to do what they're gonna be pUx_ul6lVi0-00222-00120540-00120930 doing on their trip?" And we got together the other week and chatted pUx_ul6lVi0-00223-00120930-00121320 about it and got very excited. And I said I want to go on that trip. pUx_ul6lVi0-00224-00121320-00121779 So we're booking it. We're basically going for us and I'm so glad pUx_ul6lVi0-00225-00121779-00122271 you did decide to come to the UK and start on the ground so I can build up to pUx_ul6lVi0-00226-00122271-00122832 the magnificent mountains. You are starting in London as well. You've got a pUx_ul6lVi0-00227-00122832-00123201 one-day in London, if somebody wants to have a taste up before Cornwall, pUx_ul6lVi0-00228-00123201-00123828 before the mountains. Could you just talk about Richmond Park, please? On the pUx_ul6lVi0-00229-00123828-00124578 September 7th, I am doing a 1-day workshop called 'Re-Ignite Your Vision'. pUx_ul6lVi0-00230-00124578-00125094 Since I can't bring the ... or can't bring everybody to the Austrian Alps, I pUx_ul6lVi0-00231-00125094-00125592 decided to bring the Austrian Alps to London. And looked for a place that has pUx_ul6lVi0-00232-00125592-00126035 as much nature as possible while still being in a city. And then I found pUx_ul6lVi0-00233-00126035-00126484 Richmond Park which turns out to be a nature preserve in the middle of London. pUx_ul6lVi0-00234-00126484-00127182 So what we're going to do is ... What I'm going to do is take people on the morning pUx_ul6lVi0-00235-00127182-00127610 just through a couple of phases focused on ... What are your values? pUx_ul6lVi0-00236-00127610-00128301 What are your roles? Are they all yours? Or are you living somebody else's values pUx_ul6lVi0-00237-00128301-00128778 and somebody else's roles? Are you fulfilling those? And in the afternoon pUx_ul6lVi0-00238-00128778-00129249 we're going to go into Richmond Park (and I've ordered nice weather. You know ... It's pUx_ul6lVi0-00239-00129249-00130047 England so I put an order in) But we're going to do ... Basically what I'm planning pUx_ul6lVi0-00240-00130047-00130524 to do is the rock exercise, so that you can literally take one of the values or pUx_ul6lVi0-00241-00130524-00131060 one of the roles that you want to say goodbye to into the park with you and find a pUx_ul6lVi0-00242-00131060-00131478 beautiful spot to leave it there. And some other stuff we're going to be doing pUx_ul6lVi0-00243-00131478-00132039 too, which has to do with breathing and reconnecting with nature and pacing but pUx_ul6lVi0-00244-00132039-00132653 that's the main ... Those are the main things that we're going to be doing. [...] pUx_ul6lVi0-00245-00132653-00133491 And Cornwall is just a deepening of that. And you pUx_ul6lVi0-00246-00133491-00133852 bring in you're part of it as well. Because as you pUx_ul6lVi0-00247-00133852-00134218 said we're both about BEing but we're coming at it from a very different pUx_ul6lVi0-00248-00134218-00134785 direction. Where I'm BEing in the moving and you made me aware of that because I pUx_ul6lVi0-00249-00134785-00135310 wasn't aware of that I was BEing while I was moving so much. And you come at pUx_ul6lVi0-00250-00135310-00136027 it from with the wisdom of the HERD and from the energy side. I'm just pUx_ul6lVi0-00251-00136027-00136347 watching the comments going up and everyone's saying it's sounding fascinating. And I pUx_ul6lVi0-00252-00136347-00136882 want to say here Gerdi, yeah, it is. And I do love how our two worlds come together pUx_ul6lVi0-00253-00136882-00137284 I think that's the beauty of the collaboration which I want to do with pUx_ul6lVi0-00254-00137284-00137779 many as I know you do. Because again they are that ... I think it's good for somebody pUx_ul6lVi0-00255-00137779-00138544 to be on a trip or in a workshop where there are two influences sometimes. pUx_ul6lVi0-00256-00138544-00138853 Because what you might miss with one you'll hear from another. So it's pUx_ul6lVi0-00257-00138853-00139309 great that they get a taster in Richmond Park and they get to trial that for the pUx_ul6lVi0-00258-00139309-00140011 day. Then they can expand literary expand on the cliffs and it's ... I'll pUx_ul6lVi0-00259-00140011-00140449 always take the 5D view, taking people into the 5D way which is ... We had a little pUx_ul6lVi0-00260-00140449-00140872 experiment recently didn't we? That we started chatting about DOing and BEeing pUx_ul6lVi0-00261-00140872-00141388 and I couldn't believe that you said you didn't think you were BEing that much. I pUx_ul6lVi0-00262-00141388-00141748 thought this woman spends hours in the mountains and the way you speak about pUx_ul6lVi0-00263-00141748-00142111 nature, even that the little flowers you know growing up in the cracks in the pUx_ul6lVi0-00264-00142111-00142483 mountains. I thought she's definitely BEing a lot more I think than she thinks. pUx_ul6lVi0-00265-00142483-00143011 You did the experiment didn't you and ... Just tell them a little bit about pUx_ul6lVi0-00266-00143011-00143374 that experience in a moment because I just wanted to let everybody know that pUx_ul6lVi0-00267-00143374-00143992 that's what I'm not teaching but making people aware that they are more 5D than pUx_ul6lVi0-00268-00143992-00144493 they realise. Like how much of the 5D you are already practising and what we aim pUx_ul6lVi0-00269-00144493-00144976 to do is help people just be aware of still where the 3D is clinging on but pUx_ul6lVi0-00270-00144976-00145363 moving more into the 5. So tell us just about your DOing and BEing experiment pUx_ul6lVi0-00271-00145363-00146005 then we'll chat about Cornwall. Well, I said I wasn't very pUx_ul6lVi0-00272-00146005-00146518 good at BEing because for some reason - and I think that's what's out there pUx_ul6lVi0-00273-00146518-00147142 quite a lot - I had gotten the idea that in order to be you have to do pUx_ul6lVi0-00274-00147142-00147580 nothing. You sorta have to sit, breathe and do nothing and you have to quiet pUx_ul6lVi0-00275-00147580-00148045 your mind and that's the only way you can BE. So that's where I was coming from. pUx_ul6lVi0-00276-00148045-00148711 And then we did this experiment where you ... Where I said okay I'll go and be aware or pUx_ul6lVi0-00277-00148711-00149230 BE while I'm showering, BE while I'm cooking and most of all BE while I'm going onto pUx_ul6lVi0-00278-00149230-00149782 the mountain. And that's when I found I'm doing this a hell of a lot more than pUx_ul6lVi0-00279-00149782-00150207 I thought I was. Because when I move up the mountains, especially when I'm moving up pUx_ul6lVi0-00280-00150207-00150832 I'm very aware of how I'm breathing. I'm very aware of my immediate surroundings pUx_ul6lVi0-00281-00150832-00151543 and as I said back then I don't think I ever apologized to as many ants as I did pUx_ul6lVi0-00282-00151543-00151993 on that trek up the mountain. Because I take great care and not to step on any pUx_ul6lVi0-00283-00151993-00152440 animals however small they are. With ants it's not always possible because there's pUx_ul6lVi0-00284-00152440-00152938 so many of them but ... and I always notice those little pUx_ul6lVi0-00285-00152938-00153352 things. I notice the caterpillars crossing across the track. I notice what pUx_ul6lVi0-00286-00153352-00153889 ants are doing. How two of them are wrestling with some large bug that's at pUx_ul6lVi0-00287-00153889-00154237 least ten times their size. And I've always done that. pUx_ul6lVi0-00288-00154237-00155020 I smell the smells and everything. So it took me or it took you sending me on pUx_ul6lVi0-00289-00155020-00155605 this quest almost, to figure out that's what I'm doing and I've been doing it pUx_ul6lVi0-00290-00155605-00156379 for more than 10 years. So that made me very aware and that's also pUx_ul6lVi0-00291-00156379-00157024 what I've been doing with my clients also for I don't know how many years. pUx_ul6lVi0-00292-00157024-00157414 Because like you said earlier I like pointing out all the little flowers pUx_ul6lVi0-00293-00157414-00158191 and birds and bees and whatever else. And sometimes pUx_ul6lVi0-00294-00158191-00158566 we need that if we're not used to Being. If someone can teach us to do pUx_ul6lVi0-00295-00158566-00158926 something we haven't done before. I love that that you'll be able to BE pUx_ul6lVi0-00296-00158926-00159352 within what you're doing, but also then guide others and just, just drop things pUx_ul6lVi0-00297-00159352-00159940 in and show others the path. We found that quite a pUx_ul6lVi0-00298-00159940-00160321 fascinating experience. I think that actually led to us talking about pUx_ul6lVi0-00299-00160321-00160767 Cornwall or you coming over and I said how amazing to take a group. We just pUx_ul6lVi0-00300-00160767-00161182 throw just a couple of bits that we both do in that we found so useful for the pUx_ul6lVi0-00301-00161182-00161715 DOing in the BEing and just give people a taste of both our lives. So can pUx_ul6lVi0-00302-00161715-00162310 you just take us through the three days? Just take us through roughly what we'd pUx_ul6lVi0-00303-00162310-00162721 be doing and then I'll drop a few bits in of what I'm doing. And we're up to pUx_ul6lVi0-00304-00162721-00163258 half an hour. So we'll take another five or so minutes and then we'll finish. There's pUx_ul6lVi0-00305-00163258-00163894 people joining by the way. We've seen all of you. We haven't pUx_ul6lVi0-00306-00163894-00164532 necessarily mentioned you by name but we're very grateful you're here. So Cornwall. pUx_ul6lVi0-00307-00164532-00165097 We have said people can arrive on the 17th so that on the 18th everybody is pUx_ul6lVi0-00308-00165097-00165772 there and we're ready to start in the morning. And we'll be walking for about pUx_ul6lVi0-00309-00165772-00166297 five and a half hours, like I said at a leisurely pace. We're not running. We pUx_ul6lVi0-00310-00166297-00166648 have all day to cover those five and a half hours, and then we can pUx_ul6lVi0-00311-00166648-00167208 even cut a little bit out if we manage to take the ferry across the bay there. pUx_ul6lVi0-00312-00167208-00167836 What we'll be doing mostly is settling in. It's leaving city pace, what pUx_ul6lVi0-00313-00167836-00168255 I call city pace, behind. It's leaving all the noise and the busyness of the city pUx_ul6lVi0-00314-00168255-00168954 and of regular life behind, settling in. Finding your pace. Breathing is very pUx_ul6lVi0-00315-00168954-00169714 important when you're finding your pace and starting to notice the little things. pUx_ul6lVi0-00316-00169714-00170335 That's the main thing we'll be doing on a day one. And we may be dipping a pUx_ul6lVi0-00317-00170335-00170892 little bit into things like values and boundaries, maybe a little bit pUx_ul6lVi0-00318-00170892-00171586 more but those two things - the values of the boundaries - are what we'll pUx_ul6lVi0-00319-00171586-00172215 be focusing on on day two mainly. And I come at it from my point, from my pUx_ul6lVi0-00320-00172215-00172759 side and you come at it from your side. So when you're breathing and pUx_ul6lVi0-00321-00172759-00173296 you're expending energy because you're hiking up and down, you also have to to pUx_ul6lVi0-00322-00173296-00173729 manage your energy and that's no doubt where you can help pUx_ul6lVi0-00323-00173729-00174251 and come back in. On day two - like I said - it's again about five and pUx_ul6lVi0-00324-00174251-00174851 hours, six hours. And again a leisurely pace because like I said we've ordered pUx_ul6lVi0-00325-00174851-00175598 nice weather and we're focusing on what are your values and how do you use your pUx_ul6lVi0-00326-00175598-00176105 values to set boundaries. And depending of where everybody is in their pUx_ul6lVi0-00327-00176105-00176789 particular journey we can then expand or not on what we teach them. And day three pUx_ul6lVi0-00328-00176789-00177367 is, I think we said mostly about about energy. pUx_ul6lVi0-00329-00177367-00178028 Where was your energy at the start of those three days, which we have a fun way pUx_ul6lVi0-00330-00178028-00178490 of measuring, and then what's your energy like by the end of three days. And I have pUx_ul6lVi0-00331-00178490-00178913 another nice example. Last week I was hiking with a friend of mine who was not pUx_ul6lVi0-00332-00178913-00179474 an experienced hiker. And you did your pendulum class the day before went pUx_ul6lVi0-00333-00179474-00180029 out. And she was like, okay give me a pendulum. I want try this. So she pUx_ul6lVi0-00334-00180029-00180494 stood there and she couldn't get this thing to move and she you know if she pUx_ul6lVi0-00335-00180494-00181118 wanted to. She wanted to but she couldn't. So on day two of our hike I did pUx_ul6lVi0-00336-00181118-00181553 with her what you taught me to do when I was learning how to use my pUx_ul6lVi0-00337-00181553-00182087 pendulum. I said okay hold it above this plant and try again because it didn't pUx_ul6lVi0-00338-00182087-00182579 work down in the valley. And all of a sudden this, this pendulum started moving pUx_ul6lVi0-00339-00182579-00183053 which from what I've learned from you just means that energy started moving pUx_ul6lVi0-00340-00183053-00183545 through her body again or it wasn't moving on the day before we said that .So pUx_ul6lVi0-00341-00183545-00183887 the whole thing about hiking in the mountains or hiking in nature and pUx_ul6lVi0-00342-00183887-00184595 reconnecting with nature is also about getting energy flowing again and into pUx_ul6lVi0-00343-00184595-00185018 your body. So it was a wonderful experience and that's ... Something similar pUx_ul6lVi0-00344-00185018-00185639 is what's we're going to be doing on day three. And then everybody's pUx_ul6lVi0-00345-00185639-00186083 going to be shuttled back to the hotel where we stayed on day one or on the pUx_ul6lVi0-00346-00186083-00186479 17th. And people can decide whether or not they want to stay longer or whether pUx_ul6lVi0-00347-00186479-00187082 they're going to drive home. They may want to camp down pUx_ul6lVi0-00348-00187082-00187639 for a bit longer once they discover how amazing the BEing feels pUx_ul6lVi0-00349-00187639-00188138 like. Especially on the South West Path pUx_ul6lVi0-00350-00188138-00189521 we're going along, aren't we? [...] pUx_ul6lVi0-00351-00189521-00189938 The next step towards the mountains. And the energy flowing and the pendulum ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00352-00189938-00190298 That's why we brought that in actually, because that was an impromptu class that pUx_ul6lVi0-00353-00190298-00190724 a couple of people had said about. But I did this - again I keep talking about Canada pUx_ul6lVi0-00354-00190724-00191099 today - but we were there and we actually used pendulums there to measure energy pUx_ul6lVi0-00355-00191099-00191672 between ... What Liz got us doing with the horses is when we close our energy off pUx_ul6lVi0-00356-00191672-00192071 when you talk about flowing energy and that's exactly ... We are very good at pUx_ul6lVi0-00357-00192071-00192592 closing our energy off and staying [...] but we use pendulums then, which we may pUx_ul6lVi0-00358-00192592-00193169 do on the cliffs, to show another if you hold a pendulum you can actually show pUx_ul6lVi0-00359-00193169-00193625 another where their energy field can expand to. And I had this vision of us pUx_ul6lVi0-00360-00193625-00194099 doing that on the cliff. So when you get people out, like you say away from city pUx_ul6lVi0-00361-00194099-00194616 pace, they finding their own pace, they're taking up their own space as I call it, pUx_ul6lVi0-00362-00194616-00195225 it's almost like you really do just let yourself expand and energetically, pUx_ul6lVi0-00363-00195225-00195802 physically, mentally, emotionally, everything. So how great to really let pUx_ul6lVi0-00364-00195802-00196235 people see their energy in flow and to have that move around as a group. pUx_ul6lVi0-00365-00196235-00196627 Calibrate as we've seen in RE-connect to the HERD. That's what pUx_ul6lVi0-00366-00196627-00197084 I'll be bringing. Just so that we actually are aware aren't we by these pUx_ul6lVi0-00367-00197084-00197570 simple exercises, as you say the values and BEing, of what is actually moving. pUx_ul6lVi0-00368-00197570-00198004 What's changing? What are you letting go of? And when they put pUx_ul6lVi0-00369-00198004-00198466 down what they've arrived with and what pace they find at the end? Exactly. pUx_ul6lVi0-00370-00198466-00199042 And also realizing that is not a bad thing to have had these pUx_ul6lVi0-00371-00199042-00199315 things that you're letting go off. Because they brought you where you are today. pUx_ul6lVi0-00372-00199315-00199792 They helped you for a long time. Absolutely and we're going to bring pUx_ul6lVi0-00373-00199792-00200287 that all in aren't we? So it's literally a full pUx_ul6lVi0-00374-00200287-00200674 beginning to end understanding and releasing but it's it to me pUx_ul6lVi0-00375-00200674-00201146 it's almost like the way nature when you move with nature. It's almost a beautiful pUx_ul6lVi0-00376-00201146-00201529 transition, isn't it? It's like a rite of passage as you ... It's like a little pUx_ul6lVi0-00377-00201529-00201979 pilgrimage. A mini mini three-day pilgrimage which I believe we can bring pUx_ul6lVi0-00378-00201979-00202610 to every cycle of our lives. So yeah, ... it's just a very natural area as well I pUx_ul6lVi0-00379-00202610-00202997 think Cornwall. I feel there's a lot of history there and you've got the elements. pUx_ul6lVi0-00380-00202997-00203515 So it feels like a real beautiful three days to immerse ourselves and play. Very pUx_ul6lVi0-00381-00203515-00204103 gentle exercises, isn't it very gentle. Finding your pace. exactly and it's not like pUx_ul6lVi0-00382-00204103-00204674 we're going to ... We're walking and we're enjoying where we are. And we're pUx_ul6lVi0-00383-00204674-00205144 interspersing that with exercises. It's not like we're doing exercises all the pUx_ul6lVi0-00384-00205144-00205700 time and a walking is a byproduct. It's almost the other way around. It's their pUx_ul6lVi0-00385-00205700-00206167 journey. It's gonna be their journey and we're both there if somebody pUx_ul6lVi0-00386-00206167-00206519 wants to ramble something out, but we're we're going to work intuitively pUx_ul6lVi0-00387-00206519-00206932 with who we have. We've got a rough structure which would be fun. If it pUx_ul6lVi0-00388-00206932-00207610 doesn't work into where the group is, we'll bring out Mary Poppins' bags with pUx_ul6lVi0-00389-00207610-00208094 us of tricks, but like you say especially the first day it's literally just pUx_ul6lVi0-00390-00208094-00208604 walking just being and that introverted, not introverted space but really just you pUx_ul6lVi0-00391-00208604-00209126 take your own being with you. You were just you, walking step after step pUx_ul6lVi0-00392-00209126-00209689 step with nothing to distract you. I did I put it on my website yesterday - we've pUx_ul6lVi0-00393-00209689-00210038 got the links up there if anyone's interested, but as I was writing is that pUx_ul6lVi0-00394-00210038-00210346 thing of: once you've booked that's it! You don't need to think because you and pUx_ul6lVi0-00395-00210346-00210661 I have sorted it. It's all organised. We've got people organising it haven't we. pUx_ul6lVi0-00396-00210661-00211163 And we just go. Work with you. We work with us. We work with the elements pUx_ul6lVi0-00397-00211163-00211904 And I've hiked around there and it's gorgeous country side. It's gorgeous. I pUx_ul6lVi0-00398-00211904-00212386 don't know it that well so I'm really excited to go. I'm using this as pUx_ul6lVi0-00399-00212386-00212801 a time for me and I know you are for you. So we're just really inviting anyone to pUx_ul6lVi0-00400-00212801-00213154 come with us. So we're getting lovely comments. I'm pUx_ul6lVi0-00401-00213154-00213421 Everyone saying it's pUx_ul6lVi0-00402-00213421-00213857 sounding great. And hello to everybody and yeah if anyone has got any comments pUx_ul6lVi0-00403-00213857-00214331 guys pop them in now because we're just going to finish up. And Gerdi anything pUx_ul6lVi0-00404-00214331-00215312 else just naturally springs to mind that you want to say? Oh look at you efficient. pUx_ul6lVi0-00405-00215312-00216021 Yeah, former project manager here we go. pUx_ul6lVi0-00406-00216021-00216751 No we've covered everything. So like you said your there's a link on your website. pUx_ul6lVi0-00407-00217366-00217865 Where people can read just a little bit more about what we just talked about and they can book when they pUx_ul6lVi0-00408-00217865-00218171 want to. I'll put it up on my website as well. pUx_ul6lVi0-00409-00218171-00218698 My website is daregreatlycoaching.com and if it's all right with you I'll put pUx_ul6lVi0-00410-00218698-00219128 the link on my own page and on my pUx_ul6lVi0-00411-00219128-00219842 personal page as well. So if people, they can find me there. I've got your website pUx_ul6lVi0-00412-00219842-00220277 at the bottom. Is your one day your Richmond Park on your website? Is it all pUx_ul6lVi0-00413-00220277-00220940 on there did you say? The London workshop is daregreatlycoaching.com/londonworkshop/ pUx_ul6lVi0-00414-00220940-00221717 Lovely, okay. Wonderful! Alright! Gerdi thanks for coming, I'm pUx_ul6lVi0-00415-00221717-00222026 looking forward to Cornwall. If anyone's interested please message either one of pUx_ul6lVi0-00416-00222026-00222809 us and you and we look forward to seeing anyone who wants to come. And if pUx_ul6lVi0-00417-00222809-00223235 you've got any questions for anything or Gerdi hiking, mountains anything and pUx_ul6lVi0-00418-00223235-00223964 then please let us know. But thanks for joining. [...] If you want to join pUx_ul6lVi0-00419-00223964-00224333 this and you don't. .. You're not quite sure about whether or not you're fit enough ... pUx_ul6lVi0-00420-00224333-00224885 If you just start walking every day. Start easily like you would if you were pUx_ul6lVi0-00421-00224885-00225326 running. Start half an hour in the morning, half an hour at pUx_ul6lVi0-00422-00225326-00225815 night which is good thing to do anyways. And then slowly build it up and maybe on pUx_ul6lVi0-00423-00225815-00226331 the weekends go for a little bit longer. You've got two pUx_ul6lVi0-00424-00226331-00226996 months before we go so ... Easy. It's good advice for that. I'm gonna pUx_ul6lVi0-00425-00226996-00227501 start doing that now and like I said we'll find our pace. I feel a lot more pUx_ul6lVi0-00426-00227501-00227957 calm about it all and and there's a little story to leave you with. There was - pUx_ul6lVi0-00427-00227957-00228292 It popped into my head earlier - It was two women, this is a true story. pUx_ul6lVi0-00428-00228292-00228748 They were both turning 70 and one started putting her affairs in order and pUx_ul6lVi0-00429-00228748-00229166 slowing her life down and one decided she was going to start climbing pUx_ul6lVi0-00430-00229166-00229505 mountains. And she was a real woman, I can't remember her name. I haven't pUx_ul6lVi0-00431-00229505-00229948 researched it again. She went on, I believe into her late 80s, and she pUx_ul6lVi0-00432-00229948-00230450 apparently broke many records. So she started at 70 climbing mountains and pUx_ul6lVi0-00433-00230450-00230915 never stopped. And I think she was quite a common sight up most of the common pUx_ul6lVi0-00434-00230915-00231380 mountains but she kept going to a late 80s and that's [...] pUx_ul6lVi0-00435-00231380-00232204 Let's start today! pUx_ul6lVi0-00436-00232273-00232661 We will see you in Cornwall. Bye everyone thanks for joining Gerdi. pUx_ul6lVi0-00437-00232661-00232927 Take care! pZyXvAZTauu-00000-00000956-00001156 AMBASSADOR JOHN HEFFERN: Good morning, everyone. pZyXvAZTauu-00001-00001156-00001314 Good afternoon to our friends in Europe. pZyXvAZTauu-00002-00001314-00001407 This is John Heffern. pZyXvAZTauu-00003-00001407-00001721 I'm the Principal Deputy here at the State Department's Bureau pZyXvAZTauu-00004-00001721-00001979 of European and Eurasian Affairs. pZyXvAZTauu-00005-00001979-00002237 Today's event is a live web chat. pZyXvAZTauu-00006-00002237-00002638 So please send in your questions using the hashtag pZyXvAZTauu-00007-00002638-00002820 diasporavoices. pZyXvAZTauu-00008-00002820-00003009 Also you can follow the conversation pZyXvAZTauu-00009-00003009-00003376 on Twitter using the chat box next to the video player pZyXvAZTauu-00010-00003376-00003575 in the Tweet button below. pZyXvAZTauu-00011-00003575-00003681 Thanks for joining us. pZyXvAZTauu-00012-00003681-00003824 It's a joint event today. pZyXvAZTauu-00013-00003824-00004177 The Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships, the Department's pZyXvAZTauu-00014-00004177-00004439 Bureau of International Information Programs, pZyXvAZTauu-00015-00004439-00004661 and of course European and Eurasian Affairs. pZyXvAZTauu-00016-00004661-00004870 Welcome to my ambassador friends, pZyXvAZTauu-00017-00004870-00005092 Geoff Pyatt, who's with me in the studio, pZyXvAZTauu-00018-00005092-00005342 Ambassador Masha Yovanovitch in Kyiv, pZyXvAZTauu-00019-00005342-00005646 and Rick Mills in Yerevan, Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00020-00005646-00005875 First I want to mention that this event is pZyXvAZTauu-00021-00005875-00006207 sponsored by the Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships. pZyXvAZTauu-00022-00006207-00006475 And obviously, they do partnerships for a living pZyXvAZTauu-00023-00006475-00006752 and so the conversation today and the questions pZyXvAZTauu-00024-00006752-00006940 that we're going to focus on are questions pZyXvAZTauu-00025-00006940-00007218 about partnerships, about cooperation, pZyXvAZTauu-00026-00007218-00007450 and joint projects. pZyXvAZTauu-00027-00007450-00007695 First you always need to start with your mission statement. pZyXvAZTauu-00028-00007695-00007955 Our mission statement in the Bureau of European Affairs pZyXvAZTauu-00029-00007955-00008347 is to promote a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace. pZyXvAZTauu-00030-00008347-00008554 And part of this effort is to encourage pZyXvAZTauu-00031-00008554-00008840 our partners, especially those in the east and south, pZyXvAZTauu-00032-00008840-00009265 to continue to look to the West and partnerships of all kinds pZyXvAZTauu-00033-00009265-00009493 are key to that effort. pZyXvAZTauu-00034-00009493-00009712 What we've discovered over the years pZyXvAZTauu-00035-00009712-00010131 is that our diaspora communities are our natural assets linking pZyXvAZTauu-00036-00010131-00010451 the United States to countries all over Europe. pZyXvAZTauu-00037-00010451-00010769 So today's goal-- we want to start a conversation pZyXvAZTauu-00038-00010769-00011017 and discuss creative ways that the State pZyXvAZTauu-00039-00011017-00011265 Department and our embassies overseas pZyXvAZTauu-00040-00011265-00011464 can work with diaspora communities pZyXvAZTauu-00041-00011464-00011879 to deepen bilateral relations, help our partners succeed, pZyXvAZTauu-00042-00011879-00012100 and keep them looking West. pZyXvAZTauu-00043-00012100-00012357 We have many tools to do that-- obviously, funding is one pZyXvAZTauu-00044-00012357-00012629 but others are connections and linkages. pZyXvAZTauu-00045-00012629-00012840 Embassies have convening power. pZyXvAZTauu-00046-00012840-00013003 We also can do joint media events. pZyXvAZTauu-00047-00013003-00013199 There are a number of things we can do together pZyXvAZTauu-00048-00013199-00013430 to develop these partnerships. pZyXvAZTauu-00049-00013430-00013728 You'll be seeing a lot more on state diaspora partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00050-00013728-00013966 in the days and weeks ahead. pZyXvAZTauu-00051-00013966-00014151 In the last 10 years, the State Department pZyXvAZTauu-00052-00014151-00014466 has focused a lot of attention on diaspora outreach. pZyXvAZTauu-00053-00014466-00014749 Specifically, we've focused on events. pZyXvAZTauu-00054-00014749-00014981 We've had several global diaspora summits pZyXvAZTauu-00055-00014981-00015211 and global diaspora weeks. pZyXvAZTauu-00056-00015211-00015574 But Secretary Kerry wants to refocus this initiative. pZyXvAZTauu-00057-00015574-00016057 He wants to build public-private partnerships with diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00058-00016057-00016384 communities in the US from all over the world-- not pZyXvAZTauu-00059-00016384-00016615 just Europe, from all over the world. pZyXvAZTauu-00060-00016615-00017033 And this means cooperation on specific projects. pZyXvAZTauu-00061-00017033-00017252 The Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00062-00017252-00017729 is working closely with USAID on IDEA, the International pZyXvAZTauu-00063-00017729-00018010 Diaspora Engagement Alliance, looking pZyXvAZTauu-00064-00018010-00018270 for ideas from the diaspora communities pZyXvAZTauu-00065-00018270-00018650 on specific partnership opportunities. pZyXvAZTauu-00066-00018650-00019007 And any sector is eligible for this-- education, exchange pZyXvAZTauu-00067-00019007-00019274 programs very important, health and environment, pZyXvAZTauu-00068-00019274-00019499 and of course entrepreneurship. pZyXvAZTauu-00069-00019499-00019833 So this event today will give the European diaspora groups pZyXvAZTauu-00070-00019833-00020011 a bit of a head start. pZyXvAZTauu-00071-00020011-00020251 So work with us, help us spread the word, pZyXvAZTauu-00072-00020251-00020692 and keep your eye out for an October 12 event it's very pZyXvAZTauu-00073-00020692-00020931 important to this initiative. pZyXvAZTauu-00074-00020931-00021225 So first I'm going to ask Ambassador Yovanovitch in Kyiv pZyXvAZTauu-00075-00021225-00021537 to say a word or two, then Ambassador Mills, and then pZyXvAZTauu-00076-00021537-00021615 Ambassador Pyatt. pZyXvAZTauu-00077-00021615-00021800 So Ambassador Yovanovitch, good afternoon. pZyXvAZTauu-00078-00021800-00021904 How are you doing, Masha? pZyXvAZTauu-00079-00021904-00022087 AMBASSADOR GEOFFREY PYATT: Doing just great. pZyXvAZTauu-00080-00022087-00022209 Hello from Kyiv. pZyXvAZTauu-00081-00022209-00022293 [SPEAKING UKRAINIAN] pZyXvAZTauu-00082-00022537-00022737 It's a real pleasure to be here with all of you pZyXvAZTauu-00083-00022737-00022945 at this outreach event today to have a chance pZyXvAZTauu-00084-00022945-00023289 to speak with the Ukrainian diaspora and other diasporas pZyXvAZTauu-00085-00023289-00023670 and to explore ways that we can expand our partnerships. pZyXvAZTauu-00086-00023670-00023917 In my very short time as ambassador pZyXvAZTauu-00087-00023917-00024145 here, I've really been struck anew pZyXvAZTauu-00088-00024145-00024432 by the strength of the relationship between Ukraine pZyXvAZTauu-00089-00024432-00024788 and the United States, between Ukrainian Americans pZyXvAZTauu-00090-00024788-00025008 and Ukrainians here. pZyXvAZTauu-00091-00025008-00025258 The relationship obviously is important not just pZyXvAZTauu-00092-00025258-00025625 for political, security, and economic reasons, as important pZyXvAZTauu-00093-00025625-00025982 as those areas are, but also because of the human element-- pZyXvAZTauu-00094-00025982-00026298 because how we connect in really profound ways pZyXvAZTauu-00095-00026298-00026677 through shared values and shared hopes for the future. pZyXvAZTauu-00096-00026677-00027085 The Ukrainian diaspora has been a dynamic and very enthusiastic pZyXvAZTauu-00097-00027085-00027348 bridge, I think, between our two countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00098-00027348-00027592 And I'm convinced, I think as many of us are, pZyXvAZTauu-00099-00027592-00028054 that the diaspora can continue to play a key role in deepening pZyXvAZTauu-00100-00028054-00028492 our connections even further and bring Americans, Ukrainians, pZyXvAZTauu-00101-00028492-00028867 Ukrainian Americans closer together for the benefit of all pZyXvAZTauu-00102-00028867-00029008 of us. pZyXvAZTauu-00103-00029008-00029193 There's already a lot of work being pZyXvAZTauu-00104-00029193-00029597 done by the many vibrant diaspora groups in the United pZyXvAZTauu-00105-00029597-00030027 States and they're making a real impact on people's lives pZyXvAZTauu-00106-00030027-00030229 here through supporting health care, pZyXvAZTauu-00107-00030229-00030476 providing supplies to hospitals, sister city pZyXvAZTauu-00108-00030476-00030862 programs, cultural programming, producing media contant-- pZyXvAZTauu-00109-00030862-00031032 I mean the list goes on and on. pZyXvAZTauu-00110-00031032-00031430 And I'm just really touching the surface now. pZyXvAZTauu-00111-00031430-00031755 The US also supports some of the Ukrainian-American diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00112-00031755-00031936 asked for efforts. pZyXvAZTauu-00113-00031936-00032286 For example, USAID has supported election observation pZyXvAZTauu-00114-00032286-00032607 in the Ukraine by the US Ukraine Foundation, as well pZyXvAZTauu-00115-00032607-00032944 as the Ukrainian Congress Committee pZyXvAZTauu-00116-00032944-00033439 and that helps democracy to take deeper root in the Ukraine. pZyXvAZTauu-00117-00033439-00033769 On the cultural side, there have been many exchanges pZyXvAZTauu-00118-00033769-00034188 with Ukrainian Americans coming here on Fulbrights and Ukraine pZyXvAZTauu-00119-00034188-00034704 Americans hosting Ukrainians who come to the United States pZyXvAZTauu-00120-00034704-00034988 through the Open World exchange. pZyXvAZTauu-00121-00034988-00035164 So these are exciting programs. pZyXvAZTauu-00122-00035164-00035517 I'm convinced we could do a lot more working together. pZyXvAZTauu-00123-00035517-00036003 And, for example, could we design programming pZyXvAZTauu-00124-00036003-00036381 to support Ukrainian entrepreneurs or could pZyXvAZTauu-00125-00036381-00036707 we share US-based podcasts or publications pZyXvAZTauu-00126-00036707-00036893 with independent Ukrainian-based media pZyXvAZTauu-00127-00036893-00037195 to push back against Russian propaganda here? pZyXvAZTauu-00128-00037195-00037642 There's a lot more things that we could be doing together. pZyXvAZTauu-00129-00037642-00037792 The most important thing, of course, pZyXvAZTauu-00130-00037792-00038047 is to bring our peoples together. pZyXvAZTauu-00131-00038047-00038227 Some I'm looking forward to this discussion pZyXvAZTauu-00132-00038227-00038513 and hearing your ideas of how we create greater partnerships. pZyXvAZTauu-00133-00038513-00038633 So thanks a lot. pZyXvAZTauu-00134-00038633-00038858 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Thank you, Ambassador Yovanovitch. pZyXvAZTauu-00135-00038858-00039173 Over to Rick Mills in Yerevan. pZyXvAZTauu-00136-00039173-00039286 AMBASSADOR RICK MILLS: Hey. pZyXvAZTauu-00137-00039286-00039356 Thank you. pZyXvAZTauu-00138-00039356-00039562 Good to see you, John, and my colleagues pZyXvAZTauu-00139-00039562-00039732 in Kyiv and Washington. pZyXvAZTauu-00140-00039732-00040015 And thank you for putting together this opportunity pZyXvAZTauu-00141-00040015-00040232 to talk about how we can strengthen pZyXvAZTauu-00142-00040232-00040661 diasporan-embassy relations in particular. pZyXvAZTauu-00143-00040661-00041107 I think Armenia and its diaspora in the US and around the globe pZyXvAZTauu-00144-00041107-00041330 have a very special relationship, pZyXvAZTauu-00145-00041330-00041615 and I think it's in part because of that relationship pZyXvAZTauu-00146-00041615-00041924 that Armenia and Armenian civil society pZyXvAZTauu-00147-00041924-00042351 is among the most vibrant of the former Soviet Union countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00148-00042351-00042845 And I certainly want to increase diaspora involvement. pZyXvAZTauu-00149-00042845-00043393 The embassy has been active with the diaspora for many years pZyXvAZTauu-00150-00043393-00043616 and it's a two-way thing. pZyXvAZTauu-00151-00043616-00044006 A two-way exchange is what I'd like to emphasize. pZyXvAZTauu-00152-00044006-00044284 We learn at the embassy from the diaspora. pZyXvAZTauu-00153-00044284-00044601 I was in the United States in March meeting pZyXvAZTauu-00154-00044601-00044978 with diasporan communities in Detroit, New York, Los Angeles pZyXvAZTauu-00155-00044978-00045196 talking about our programs, talking pZyXvAZTauu-00156-00045196-00045511 about how the diaspora could perhaps leverage with us, pZyXvAZTauu-00157-00045511-00045913 we could build on our strengths and skills in various areas, pZyXvAZTauu-00158-00045913-00046082 but also hearing from the diaspora, pZyXvAZTauu-00159-00046082-00046304 hearing about the areas they thought pZyXvAZTauu-00160-00046304-00046479 the US government should be focused on, pZyXvAZTauu-00161-00046479-00046663 the embassy should be working on. pZyXvAZTauu-00162-00046663-00047033 And that's a very valuable two-way exchange and that's pZyXvAZTauu-00163-00047033-00047265 something that I think the embassy is very committed to pZyXvAZTauu-00164-00047265-00047404 and I'm very committed to. pZyXvAZTauu-00165-00047404-00047735 And I'm interested ways how we can build those bridges, how pZyXvAZTauu-00166-00047735-00048230 the diaspora and the embassy can share ideas about areas that we pZyXvAZTauu-00167-00048230-00048798 should focus on, especially in a time of scarce resources, where pZyXvAZTauu-00168-00048798-00049173 every penny we have that we want to use to build Armenia's pZyXvAZTauu-00169-00049173-00049659 economy and civil society needs to be carefully and targeted. pZyXvAZTauu-00170-00049659-00050081 And I find great input from the community when I listen to them pZyXvAZTauu-00171-00050081-00050290 and what their ideas are. pZyXvAZTauu-00172-00050290-00050525 I would also just want to point out pZyXvAZTauu-00173-00050525-00050874 that having the diaspora involved in volunteerism here pZyXvAZTauu-00174-00050874-00051152 in Armenia has been a great way to deliver pZyXvAZTauu-00175-00051152-00051633 the message about American values, about volunteerism here pZyXvAZTauu-00176-00051633-00051732 in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00177-00051732-00052140 I meet young Armenians who come over here-- often in programs pZyXvAZTauu-00178-00052140-00052403 like Expat Armenia, Birthright Armenia-- pZyXvAZTauu-00179-00052403-00052514 that are spending time. pZyXvAZTauu-00180-00052514-00052771 And it's not just financial contributions, pZyXvAZTauu-00181-00052771-00053100 it's bringing your skills and your resources to Armenia pZyXvAZTauu-00182-00053100-00053379 and sharing those that make such an impact. pZyXvAZTauu-00183-00053379-00053714 So I, too, like my colleague in Kyiv, Masha, pZyXvAZTauu-00184-00053714-00053966 am looking forward to hearing some ideas about how we can pZyXvAZTauu-00185-00053966-00054108 strengthen that relationship. pZyXvAZTauu-00186-00054108-00054191 Thanks. pZyXvAZTauu-00187-00054191-00054291 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Thanks, Rick Mills. pZyXvAZTauu-00188-00054291-00054462 And Geoff Pyatt, [INAUDIBLE] clean-up. pZyXvAZTauu-00189-00054462-00054683 You served in India, Ukraine, many places, pZyXvAZTauu-00190-00054683-00054771 you're off to Greece. pZyXvAZTauu-00191-00054771-00054966 Any thoughts before we turn to the questions? pZyXvAZTauu-00192-00054966-00055009 AMBASSADOR RICK MILLS: Yeah. pZyXvAZTauu-00193-00055009-00055088 Well, thanks, John. pZyXvAZTauu-00194-00055088-00055334 Thanks for putting this all together. pZyXvAZTauu-00195-00055334-00055414 A couple of things. pZyXvAZTauu-00196-00055414-00055616 I mean Masha did it for reffing job, I think, pZyXvAZTauu-00197-00055616-00055854 of sketching how important the diaspora has pZyXvAZTauu-00198-00055854-00056202 been to our Ukraine engagement over the past couple of years. pZyXvAZTauu-00199-00056202-00056498 Like Rick, I did a trip to Chicago early this year, pZyXvAZTauu-00200-00056498-00056707 engaging the Ukrainian diaspora there, pZyXvAZTauu-00201-00056707-00057099 and was really impressed by the sense of engagement and energy. pZyXvAZTauu-00202-00057099-00057345 It very much inspired my preparations for Greece. pZyXvAZTauu-00203-00057345-00057679 I actually had a meeting yesterday with a Greek diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00204-00057679-00057811 group here in Washington. pZyXvAZTauu-00205-00057811-00058224 I prioritize diaspora engagement as I get ready for Athens. pZyXvAZTauu-00206-00058224-00058507 Very encouraged to hear what's already happening, pZyXvAZTauu-00207-00058507-00058824 the fruitful ground that we have to build on pZyXvAZTauu-00208-00058824-00059066 in terms of these kind of public-private partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00209-00059066-00059304 that this initiative is meant to accelerate, pZyXvAZTauu-00210-00059304-00059515 groups like the Hellenic Initiative pZyXvAZTauu-00211-00059515-00059852 that are already doing very dynamic work. pZyXvAZTauu-00212-00059852-00060048 Another piece of this that I would particularly pZyXvAZTauu-00213-00060048-00060263 highlight that I think important is pZyXvAZTauu-00214-00060263-00060721 how we use these partnerships to engage with the next generation pZyXvAZTauu-00215-00060721-00060832 of leaders. pZyXvAZTauu-00216-00060832-00061326 Diaspora is dynamic, it involves youth and younger people. pZyXvAZTauu-00217-00061326-00061655 One of the examples in Ukraine that I'm very proud of pZyXvAZTauu-00218-00061655-00061974 is the partnership that we have with the Ukrainian American pZyXvAZTauu-00219-00061974-00062349 diaspora around the Ukrainian Catholic University, one pZyXvAZTauu-00220-00062349-00062567 of the most inspiring institutions pZyXvAZTauu-00221-00062567-00062730 in the whole country. pZyXvAZTauu-00222-00062730-00063008 Very strong diaspora connection, but also a strong embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00223-00063008-00063107 connection there. pZyXvAZTauu-00224-00063107-00063328 And as I head towards Athens, I'm pZyXvAZTauu-00225-00063328-00063677 interested to explore other ways that we can leverage pZyXvAZTauu-00226-00063677-00063960 these kind of educational partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00227-00063960-00064266 to build our people-to-people relationship, pZyXvAZTauu-00228-00064266-00064647 but also to empower this younger generation of leaders that's pZyXvAZTauu-00229-00064647-00064828 emerging across Europe today. pZyXvAZTauu-00230-00064828-00065003 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Well, thank you, Jeff. pZyXvAZTauu-00231-00065003-00065220 We've received a number of questions in advance, pZyXvAZTauu-00232-00065220-00065383 and please keep sending your questions. pZyXvAZTauu-00233-00065383-00065673 We're got another half hour or so to be online live. pZyXvAZTauu-00234-00065673-00065880 And let's get the first question out. pZyXvAZTauu-00235-00065880-00066118 One of the questions we thought was useful that all of us pZyXvAZTauu-00236-00066118-00066383 could perhaps address is how has working pZyXvAZTauu-00237-00066383-00066663 with the diaspora specifically impacted pZyXvAZTauu-00238-00066663-00066979 your work as an ambassador in your host country? pZyXvAZTauu-00239-00066979-00067145 Is there a specific instance that pZyXvAZTauu-00240-00067145-00067611 stands out to you as you think critically on how pZyXvAZTauu-00241-00067611-00067750 to work with the diaspora? pZyXvAZTauu-00242-00067750-00067980 I don't know, maybe Rick, do you want to start on that? pZyXvAZTauu-00243-00067980-00068301 Any specific ideas that you want to start with? pZyXvAZTauu-00244-00068301-00068397 AMBASSADOR MILLS: Sure. pZyXvAZTauu-00245-00068397-00068636 Thanks, John. pZyXvAZTauu-00246-00068636-00069103 Again, I would highlight what the diasporas alerted to us. pZyXvAZTauu-00247-00069103-00069552 We're, for instance, looking at the agricultural sector pZyXvAZTauu-00248-00069552-00069859 here and the importance that it has pZyXvAZTauu-00249-00069859-00070059 in the Armenian economy, the importance pZyXvAZTauu-00250-00070059-00070441 it has in ending that the depopulation of rural Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00251-00070441-00070612 We're looking at ways to strengthen it. pZyXvAZTauu-00252-00070612-00070883 And when I was in Fresno in March, pZyXvAZTauu-00253-00070883-00071317 the community there had some very positive ideas pZyXvAZTauu-00254-00071317-00071562 about what we could do to strengthen pZyXvAZTauu-00255-00071562-00071890 the agricultural sector here, about steps pZyXvAZTauu-00256-00071890-00072235 that they could take to provide some training, pZyXvAZTauu-00257-00072235-00072630 some market-based analysis for agricultural products pZyXvAZTauu-00258-00072630-00072876 here that they were willing to share and to work pZyXvAZTauu-00259-00072876-00073292 with the agricultural training college pZyXvAZTauu-00260-00073292-00073685 that the US government, through USAID, has helped support here. pZyXvAZTauu-00261-00073685-00074101 And I came back, met with USAID, met with officials pZyXvAZTauu-00262-00074101-00074260 in the Ministry of Agriculture, and we pZyXvAZTauu-00263-00074260-00074503 implemented some of these specific programs that pZyXvAZTauu-00264-00074503-00074903 were suggested by the diaspora out in California that pZyXvAZTauu-00265-00074903-00075087 were actively engaged in agricultural issues pZyXvAZTauu-00266-00075087-00075342 and knew what they were talking about. pZyXvAZTauu-00267-00075342-00075513 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Masha, how about you? pZyXvAZTauu-00268-00075513-00075666 A couple of more specific ideas? pZyXvAZTauu-00269-00075666-00075884 I know you mentioned several, but a couple more? pZyXvAZTauu-00270-00075884-00076064 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: Well, actually, I'd pZyXvAZTauu-00271-00076064-00076392 like to echo what Jeff said about sort pZyXvAZTauu-00272-00076392-00076546 of the next generation. pZyXvAZTauu-00273-00076546-00076854 I think that the programming that we do pZyXvAZTauu-00274-00076854-00077248 and the programming that many of the diaspora groups do, pZyXvAZTauu-00275-00077248-00077503 which I've seen both here in Ukraine and also pZyXvAZTauu-00276-00077503-00077815 in my time in Armenia, working with youth pZyXvAZTauu-00277-00077815-00078006 is really, really important. pZyXvAZTauu-00278-00078006-00078225 It's something we put a premium on when we consider pZyXvAZTauu-00279-00078225-00078483 our own programming because we want pZyXvAZTauu-00280-00078483-00079044 to share with young people what the US is really like. pZyXvAZTauu-00281-00079044-00079474 They're never going to accept everything that we do, pZyXvAZTauu-00282-00079474-00079687 they're never going to agree with everything pZyXvAZTauu-00283-00079687-00079932 that the US is about. pZyXvAZTauu-00284-00079932-00080159 But I think having that understanding, pZyXvAZTauu-00285-00080159-00080454 that ground level of understanding when you spend pZyXvAZTauu-00286-00080454-00080679 a year in the United States on exchange or even two pZyXvAZTauu-00287-00080679-00080890 weeks in the United States on an exchange pZyXvAZTauu-00288-00080890-00081447 is really kind of very-- it creates a huge impression, pZyXvAZTauu-00289-00081447-00081638 it's hugely impactful, and it's really pZyXvAZTauu-00290-00081638-00081875 important for mutual understanding between our two pZyXvAZTauu-00291-00081875-00082037 countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00292-00082037-00082565 As we know, sometimes the kind of lasting impact of this kind pZyXvAZTauu-00293-00082565-00082955 of programming takes years. pZyXvAZTauu-00294-00082955-00083391 And so it's great to have diaspora partners who pZyXvAZTauu-00295-00083391-00083875 are willing to host folks from Ukraine pZyXvAZTauu-00296-00083875-00084248 or other countries in the United States pZyXvAZTauu-00297-00084248-00084733 and to also help us identify who are the right people that we pZyXvAZTauu-00298-00084733-00084896 should be sending to the United States? pZyXvAZTauu-00299-00084896-00085408 Who are the potential leaders of these countries pZyXvAZTauu-00300-00085408-00085699 that we could have the most kind of robust conversation pZyXvAZTauu-00301-00085699-00086029 with about things like values, priorities, objectives, pZyXvAZTauu-00302-00086029-00086181 and so forth. pZyXvAZTauu-00303-00086181-00086323 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Masha, thanks. pZyXvAZTauu-00304-00086323-00086405 Ambassador Pyatt? pZyXvAZTauu-00305-00086405-00086535 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Thanks, John. pZyXvAZTauu-00306-00086535-00086923 I guess-- I mean there are so many dramatic experiences that pZyXvAZTauu-00307-00086923-00087149 stick out for me from three years in Kyiv. pZyXvAZTauu-00308-00087149-00087314 But I think what's striking to me pZyXvAZTauu-00309-00087314-00087620 is how there's a diaspora story woven around almost every one pZyXvAZTauu-00310-00087620-00087714 of those. pZyXvAZTauu-00311-00087714-00088113 Early in Russia's aggression against the Ukraine, pZyXvAZTauu-00312-00088113-00088614 you remember there was this weaponized information that we pZyXvAZTauu-00313-00088614-00088953 saw, this line that came out of Moscow about fascists pZyXvAZTauu-00314-00088953-00089307 and discrimination against Russian speakers. pZyXvAZTauu-00315-00089307-00089533 The diaspora was extremely useful pZyXvAZTauu-00316-00089533-00089712 here in the United States in helping pZyXvAZTauu-00317-00089712-00090028 to educate audiences on the Hill, in Congress pZyXvAZTauu-00318-00090028-00090387 and elsewhere about the facts and knocked down pZyXvAZTauu-00319-00090387-00090646 some of this false information that the Kremlin was pZyXvAZTauu-00320-00090646-00090871 trying to project out. pZyXvAZTauu-00321-00090871-00091239 Likewise, Masha alluded to some of the support pZyXvAZTauu-00322-00091239-00091701 that the diaspora provided in the early months of the war pZyXvAZTauu-00323-00091701-00092041 for things like first aid kits, medical support-- vitally pZyXvAZTauu-00324-00092041-00092394 important while we began to spin up the US government pZyXvAZTauu-00325-00092394-00092850 machinery to provide security sector assistance to Ukraine. pZyXvAZTauu-00326-00092850-00093155 One of the nice things about the diaspora and the private sector pZyXvAZTauu-00327-00093155-00093461 is sometimes it can be more nimble than the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00328-00093461-00093816 And I think one of the novel aspects of the GPI partnership pZyXvAZTauu-00329-00093816-00094100 is how it leverages, as you said, pZyXvAZTauu-00330-00094100-00094360 the convoking power, the platform that the US pZyXvAZTauu-00331-00094360-00094829 government has with the dynamism, the flexibility, pZyXvAZTauu-00332-00094829-00095119 the let's get stuff done mentality pZyXvAZTauu-00333-00095119-00095573 that our diaspora private sector Americans bring to engagement pZyXvAZTauu-00334-00095573-00095720 with their countries of origin. pZyXvAZTauu-00335-00095720-00095755 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Yeah. pZyXvAZTauu-00336-00095755-00095871 Let me offer a thought on this, too. pZyXvAZTauu-00337-00095871-00096129 We've got a good question from Eric [INAUDIBLE] we'll do next. pZyXvAZTauu-00338-00096129-00096327 But let me just touch on one thought. pZyXvAZTauu-00339-00096327-00096628 You mentioned, you and Masha both, exchange programs. pZyXvAZTauu-00340-00096628-00096910 And I was DCM in Jakarta many years ago pZyXvAZTauu-00341-00096910-00097248 and my ambassador said he had three priorities in Indonesia-- pZyXvAZTauu-00342-00097248-00097475 exchanges, exchanges, and exchanges. pZyXvAZTauu-00343-00097475-00097643 And I agree with that. pZyXvAZTauu-00344-00097643-00097849 And I've in Washington a couple of years now, pZyXvAZTauu-00345-00097849-00098162 but I did see a great cable from Ambassador Mills' pZyXvAZTauu-00346-00098162-00098557 team about a specific diaspora effort pZyXvAZTauu-00347-00098557-00099013 to double the number of Fulbright grants pZyXvAZTauu-00348-00099013-00099148 that we have for Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00349-00099148-00099433 As the budgets get cut, we need to do pZyXvAZTauu-00350-00099433-00099579 these public-private partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00351-00099579-00099842 to double our impact, to double our presence, pZyXvAZTauu-00352-00099842-00100011 and double our funding. pZyXvAZTauu-00353-00100011-00100215 And so what his team was able to do pZyXvAZTauu-00354-00100215-00100464 was to identify a diaspora group-- I don't know pZyXvAZTauu-00355-00100464-00100652 the details, he can share the details maybe-- pZyXvAZTauu-00356-00100652-00101269 but a diaspora group that wanted to encourage Armenian relations pZyXvAZTauu-00357-00101269-00101531 with the United States, people-to-people ties, pZyXvAZTauu-00358-00101531-00101711 and actually have set up a joint commission pZyXvAZTauu-00359-00101711-00101875 to do Fulbright programs, to double pZyXvAZTauu-00360-00101875-00102250 the number of Fulbright programs we now have in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00361-00102250-00102450 I think it's exactly the kind of thing-- pZyXvAZTauu-00362-00102450-00102736 a targeted, specific project-- that I pZyXvAZTauu-00363-00102736-00103043 think the Secretary's Global Partnership pZyXvAZTauu-00364-00103043-00103215 Office would like to promote. pZyXvAZTauu-00365-00103215-00103349 let's turn to the next question. pZyXvAZTauu-00366-00103349-00103673 Eric [INAUDIBLE] has a question about a broader question. pZyXvAZTauu-00367-00103673-00103996 Diaspora engagement can transform a nation. pZyXvAZTauu-00368-00103996-00104464 What diaspora policies have you encouraged as ambassadors, pZyXvAZTauu-00369-00104464-00104592 perhaps on local reform? pZyXvAZTauu-00370-00104592-00104781 All of us have been involved in local reform. pZyXvAZTauu-00371-00104781-00105015 What diaspora policies, projects have you pZyXvAZTauu-00372-00105015-00105208 encouraged as ambassadors? pZyXvAZTauu-00373-00105208-00105361 Maybe Jeff, let's start with you. pZyXvAZTauu-00374-00105361-00105514 We'll go in reverse order this time. pZyXvAZTauu-00375-00105514-00105642 Any thoughts on this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00376-00105642-00105929 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Well, again, the example of UCU in Lviv pZyXvAZTauu-00377-00105929-00106353 is a great one of an institution that the diaspora has engaged pZyXvAZTauu-00378-00106353-00106720 with which has become a platform for helping pZyXvAZTauu-00379-00106720-00107022 to shape a new generation of leaders in Ukraine. pZyXvAZTauu-00380-00107022-00107310 So that's one that I think has lessons pZyXvAZTauu-00381-00107310-00107498 that can be built on it. pZyXvAZTauu-00382-00107498-00107939 I've also, during my time in Masha's job, pZyXvAZTauu-00383-00107939-00108293 encouraged the diaspora to look at this terrific story pZyXvAZTauu-00384-00108293-00108500 of the Donetsk National University pZyXvAZTauu-00385-00108500-00108846 in exile, which operates in Vinnytsia. pZyXvAZTauu-00386-00108846-00109025 There was a terrific Atlantic Council pZyXvAZTauu-00387-00109025-00109438 blog not long ago about how that university managed pZyXvAZTauu-00388-00109438-00109794 to preserve itself, even after the aggression made their home pZyXvAZTauu-00389-00109794-00110080 campus in Donetsk unusable. pZyXvAZTauu-00390-00110080-00110375 And I think it's an example of where, as I said, pZyXvAZTauu-00391-00110375-00110808 the diaspora's comparative advantage is speed of response pZyXvAZTauu-00392-00110808-00111138 and the ability to mobilize resources which pZyXvAZTauu-00393-00111138-00111381 can complement what the United States is pZyXvAZTauu-00394-00111381-00111522 doing in official channels. pZyXvAZTauu-00395-00111522-00111693 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Masha, how about you? pZyXvAZTauu-00396-00111693-00112017 Any internal reforms necessary in Ukraine? pZyXvAZTauu-00397-00112318-00112532 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: No doubt. pZyXvAZTauu-00398-00112532-00112725 Just building on what Jeff just said, pZyXvAZTauu-00399-00112725-00113089 I think one of the things that we've seen here and certainly pZyXvAZTauu-00400-00113089-00113549 in other countries is how diaspora groups can also pZyXvAZTauu-00401-00113549-00113893 help with things like election observations pZyXvAZTauu-00402-00113893-00114331 to make sure that all of the rules and procedures are being. pZyXvAZTauu-00403-00114331-00114848 Because the diaspora has a real advantage in many ways-- pZyXvAZTauu-00404-00114848-00115110 whether it's linguistic, whether it's cultural-- kind of really pZyXvAZTauu-00405-00115110-00115353 understanding what's going on. pZyXvAZTauu-00406-00115353-00115708 Other people can be in the room and maybe not get pZyXvAZTauu-00407-00115708-00116308 all of the subtext of particular actions. pZyXvAZTauu-00408-00116308-00116673 So I think that's certainly one area that pZyXvAZTauu-00409-00116673-00117161 has been very important here in the Ukraine over the years, pZyXvAZTauu-00410-00117161-00117300 really helpful. pZyXvAZTauu-00411-00117300-00117629 And I also think that the diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00412-00117629-00118297 has a special voice here because sometimes when pZyXvAZTauu-00413-00118297-00118700 there are reforms, they can be, as we all know, very difficult, pZyXvAZTauu-00414-00118700-00118974 just as there are in own country, in the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00415-00118974-00119319 And so when you have people who understand pZyXvAZTauu-00416-00119319-00119645 the culture so well and really feel it pZyXvAZTauu-00417-00119645-00119954 both from the head and the heart, pZyXvAZTauu-00418-00119954-00120282 I think they can be really good translators of why some pZyXvAZTauu-00419-00120282-00120481 of these things are necessary. pZyXvAZTauu-00420-00120481-00121066 So working with diaspora on these kinds of projects I think pZyXvAZTauu-00421-00121066-00121155 is very useful. pZyXvAZTauu-00422-00121155-00121264 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Great. pZyXvAZTauu-00423-00121264-00121496 Rick Mills, lots of questions coming in. pZyXvAZTauu-00424-00121496-00121648 Any quick comment on this one or we pZyXvAZTauu-00425-00121648-00121773 can move to the next question? pZyXvAZTauu-00426-00121773-00121931 A lot of questions coming in. pZyXvAZTauu-00427-00121931-00122073 Rick, anything to add on this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00428-00122073-00122277 AMBASSADOR MILLS: I would just say, John, there's pZyXvAZTauu-00429-00122277-00122458 not an area in Armenia, as you know, pZyXvAZTauu-00430-00122458-00122736 that the diaspora hasn't affected, to be quite honest. pZyXvAZTauu-00431-00122736-00123001 From the health care to education, pZyXvAZTauu-00432-00123001-00123238 to even the IT sector-- which is a real success pZyXvAZTauu-00433-00123238-00123498 story for the Armenians, all of those changes, pZyXvAZTauu-00434-00123498-00123884 all of the sectors impacted by the diaspora working by itself pZyXvAZTauu-00435-00123884-00124183 or sometimes in tandem with the embassy so pZyXvAZTauu-00436-00124183-00124363 that we could leverage what we were doing. pZyXvAZTauu-00437-00124363-00124530 It's across the board, which I think pZyXvAZTauu-00438-00124530-00124786 is why it's really been so impactful here. pZyXvAZTauu-00439-00124786-00125104 The diaspora has made an impact everywhere in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00440-00125104-00125229 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00441-00125229-00125308 Good. pZyXvAZTauu-00442-00125308-00125538 [INAUDIBLE] has a question for us. pZyXvAZTauu-00443-00125538-00125864 He'd like some advice from us, from our experience, pZyXvAZTauu-00444-00125864-00126254 about how we can work with diaspora communities pZyXvAZTauu-00445-00126254-00126630 to diversify their mission portfolios beyond one or two pZyXvAZTauu-00446-00126630-00126728 issues. pZyXvAZTauu-00447-00126728-00126867 A question on that one, too. pZyXvAZTauu-00448-00126867-00126922 I don't know. pZyXvAZTauu-00449-00126922-00127222 I would offer a thought on that, that when pZyXvAZTauu-00450-00127222-00127498 I've worked with diaspora groups what I've always encouraged pZyXvAZTauu-00451-00127498-00127810 them to do is to work with the host government, not just pZyXvAZTauu-00452-00127810-00128214 Washington, on changes, to use their influence in host pZyXvAZTauu-00453-00128214-00128476 governments, their countries of origin, pZyXvAZTauu-00454-00128476-00128661 to try to promote internal reforms pZyXvAZTauu-00455-00128661-00128816 and to do things in the host country. pZyXvAZTauu-00456-00128816-00129026 It shouldn't be just Washington making changes. pZyXvAZTauu-00457-00129026-00129233 Obviously, we have policy discussions pZyXvAZTauu-00458-00129233-00129402 with diaspora groups, as well. pZyXvAZTauu-00459-00129402-00129589 But the idea would be for them to also pZyXvAZTauu-00460-00129589-00130055 work with the host governments of their countries of origin pZyXvAZTauu-00461-00130055-00130233 to promote change in the countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00462-00130233-00130578 That's one area that I've suggested to them in the past. pZyXvAZTauu-00463-00130578-00130880 Geoff, thoughts on them being broader than one or two issues? pZyXvAZTauu-00464-00130880-00131072 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Just two quick points, John. pZyXvAZTauu-00465-00131072-00131315 One, I mean I've seen across my career pZyXvAZTauu-00466-00131315-00131707 the importance of getting out of capitals a lot of change pZyXvAZTauu-00467-00131707-00132031 happens at the level of local governments, pZyXvAZTauu-00468-00132031-00132140 regional governments. pZyXvAZTauu-00469-00132140-00132372 And I think that's an area where diasporas pZyXvAZTauu-00470-00132372-00132628 can do more in most countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00471-00132628-00132819 And then the other point I would make, pZyXvAZTauu-00472-00132819-00133108 this whole question of the new economy, pZyXvAZTauu-00473-00133108-00133331 transformational technology. pZyXvAZTauu-00474-00133331-00133574 When I look back on my own diplomatic career, pZyXvAZTauu-00475-00133574-00133784 the single most important change that's happened pZyXvAZTauu-00476-00133784-00134000 is global connectivity. pZyXvAZTauu-00477-00134000-00134568 And I think looking at areas, whether IT incubators pZyXvAZTauu-00478-00134568-00135033 technology hubs, how to leverage the transformational impact pZyXvAZTauu-00479-00135033-00135282 of technology, which is so important here in the United pZyXvAZTauu-00480-00135282-00135444 States and so important to driving pZyXvAZTauu-00481-00135444-00135669 economic change in the United States, pZyXvAZTauu-00482-00135669-00135969 into other economies, all of whom pZyXvAZTauu-00483-00135969-00136294 are interested not necessarily in replicating Silicon Valley pZyXvAZTauu-00484-00136294-00136580 but figuring out how to use these empowering technologies pZyXvAZTauu-00485-00136580-00136713 to drive economic growth. pZyXvAZTauu-00486-00136713-00136954 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: I think that's a really important one, pZyXvAZTauu-00487-00136954-00137092 the idea of private investment. pZyXvAZTauu-00488-00137092-00137526 Maybe Rick or Masha could touch on the private investment part pZyXvAZTauu-00489-00137526-00137890 and the IT communities in both countries are very important. pZyXvAZTauu-00490-00137890-00138151 What can we do to encourage the diaspora communities to be pZyXvAZTauu-00491-00138151-00138399 more involved in private investment pZyXvAZTauu-00492-00138399-00138649 in some of the countries where we work? pZyXvAZTauu-00493-00138649-00139200 Any thoughts on that, Ambassador Mills, on the private side? pZyXvAZTauu-00494-00139200-00139492 AMBASSADOR MILLS: We've got some new institutions, pZyXvAZTauu-00495-00139492-00139756 some new mechanisms that have just been set up here, pZyXvAZTauu-00496-00139756-00140038 including TIFA, the Trade Investment Framework pZyXvAZTauu-00497-00140038-00140360 Agreement, which has created a TIFA Council, which is now pZyXvAZTauu-00498-00140360-00140791 I think a real opportunity for the diaspora business community pZyXvAZTauu-00499-00140791-00141096 to give the US government and the embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00500-00141096-00141364 ideas about what's blocking investment, what makes it pZyXvAZTauu-00501-00141364-00141834 hard for diasporan investors to trade with Armenia, pZyXvAZTauu-00502-00141834-00142172 and what makes it hard for Armenians to trade with the US. pZyXvAZTauu-00503-00142172-00142445 And that's a venue we're encouraging the diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00504-00142445-00142695 to use so that they can share thoughts with us because it's pZyXvAZTauu-00505-00142695-00143058 a very high level dialogue at the highest levels of the two pZyXvAZTauu-00506-00143058-00143258 governments, where both sides are committed pZyXvAZTauu-00507-00143258-00143478 to addressing the obstacles to increasing trade pZyXvAZTauu-00508-00143478-00143657 and investment. pZyXvAZTauu-00509-00143657-00143937 The diaspora's also been helpful to the embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00510-00143937-00144222 in echoing and bringing some credibility pZyXvAZTauu-00511-00144222-00144494 when we raise the issue here of corruption, which pZyXvAZTauu-00512-00144494-00144644 is still a problem in Armenia, which pZyXvAZTauu-00513-00144644-00144848 the government acknowledges. pZyXvAZTauu-00514-00144848-00145083 And we raise the issue whenever we can. pZyXvAZTauu-00515-00145083-00145283 But when the diasporan and businesspeople pZyXvAZTauu-00516-00145283-00145708 in the diaspora who want to work here-- and as Masha says, pZyXvAZTauu-00517-00145708-00145975 their head and their heart wants to bring them to Armenia-- when pZyXvAZTauu-00518-00145975-00146275 they talk about the corruption issues they've faced, pZyXvAZTauu-00519-00146275-00146547 it has real power here and real resonance and the government pZyXvAZTauu-00520-00146547-00146637 listens. pZyXvAZTauu-00521-00146637-00146905 And that's, I think, one way that the diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00522-00146905-00147238 has played a really important role here on that issue. pZyXvAZTauu-00523-00147238-00147467 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Masha, a quick thought on this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00524-00147467-00147587 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: Yeah. pZyXvAZTauu-00525-00147587-00147773 I would just echo everything that Rick just pZyXvAZTauu-00526-00147773-00148045 said about the business environment, the investment pZyXvAZTauu-00527-00148045-00148125 environment. pZyXvAZTauu-00528-00148125-00148335 The diaspora can be a very strong voice pZyXvAZTauu-00529-00148335-00148835 here in terms of explaining why it is so important to get pZyXvAZTauu-00530-00148835-00149329 this right, not only for their investment opportunities pZyXvAZTauu-00531-00149329-00149479 but for the future of-- whether it's pZyXvAZTauu-00532-00149479-00149713 Armenia or Ukraine or another country-- pZyXvAZTauu-00533-00149713-00150269 this is really important for the prosperity of these countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00534-00150269-00150530 I wanted to go back just for one moment pZyXvAZTauu-00535-00150530-00150786 to your previous question and just pZyXvAZTauu-00536-00150786-00151035 note that another really important way pZyXvAZTauu-00537-00151035-00151439 I think that diaspora groups or the diasporas pZyXvAZTauu-00538-00151439-00152079 can expand their outreach is working with civil society. pZyXvAZTauu-00539-00152079-00152335 And obviously important to work with all the groups pZyXvAZTauu-00540-00152335-00152566 that we've mentioned previously, but I think also pZyXvAZTauu-00541-00152566-00152867 just the ordinary folks who are out there, pZyXvAZTauu-00542-00152867-00153237 whether they're activists or people in the countries. pZyXvAZTauu-00543-00153237-00153638 Many of them know of the sorts of things, certainly the gaps. pZyXvAZTauu-00544-00153638-00153881 They may not have solutions, but I pZyXvAZTauu-00545-00153881-00154176 think that maybe some of the diaspora groups perhaps working pZyXvAZTauu-00546-00154176-00154359 with us, perhaps working with others, pZyXvAZTauu-00547-00154359-00154792 have some of those solutions and they can really partner pZyXvAZTauu-00548-00154792-00154926 with locals in the country. pZyXvAZTauu-00549-00154926-00155097 I think that's really important, as well. pZyXvAZTauu-00550-00155097-00155120 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Good. pZyXvAZTauu-00551-00155120-00155206 Thanks, Masha. pZyXvAZTauu-00552-00155206-00155441 Another question now from Deborah Trent. pZyXvAZTauu-00553-00155441-00155868 She's asking of some of the ways that the diaspora can engage pZyXvAZTauu-00554-00155868-00156142 with the US government on behalf of their home countries pZyXvAZTauu-00555-00156142-00156500 and people through influencing policy or partnership pZyXvAZTauu-00556-00156500-00156667 or projects and programs. pZyXvAZTauu-00557-00156667-00156898 How can diaspora groups be more effective pZyXvAZTauu-00558-00156898-00157193 working with embassies and working with the US government? pZyXvAZTauu-00559-00157193-00157385 Geoff, let's start with you again on this one. pZyXvAZTauu-00560-00157385-00157558 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Well, again, in terms pZyXvAZTauu-00561-00157558-00157915 of Embassy Athens I know that ambassador Pearce has pZyXvAZTauu-00562-00157915-00158223 done a lot of engagement with diaspora communities. pZyXvAZTauu-00563-00158223-00158578 In my case, again, technology helps pZyXvAZTauu-00564-00158578-00158839 in this area-- Twitter, email. pZyXvAZTauu-00565-00158839-00159375 Let us know how we can help to complement what these diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00566-00159375-00159871 groups are doing and likewise, where we can focus pZyXvAZTauu-00567-00159871-00160291 our efforts in order to deliver progress in terms of building pZyXvAZTauu-00568-00160291-00160628 the bilateral relationship and also accelerating pZyXvAZTauu-00569-00160628-00160803 economic and political progress. pZyXvAZTauu-00570-00160803-00160962 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: One thought that I pZyXvAZTauu-00571-00160962-00161116 would have from my experience on this pZyXvAZTauu-00572-00161116-00161316 is that even where we don't have funding-- pZyXvAZTauu-00573-00161316-00161512 and often the US government and embassies don't pZyXvAZTauu-00574-00161512-00161738 have a lot of funding anymore for these projects-- pZyXvAZTauu-00575-00161738-00161881 we can do stuff to help them. pZyXvAZTauu-00576-00161881-00162148 We can host an event at our ambassador's residence pZyXvAZTauu-00577-00162148-00162405 or the ambassador can come to one of their events. pZyXvAZTauu-00578-00162405-00162597 And certainly in a place like Armenia, pZyXvAZTauu-00579-00162597-00162772 just the US Ambassador showing up pZyXvAZTauu-00580-00162772-00163176 will increase the press coverage of one of their events pZyXvAZTauu-00581-00163176-00163479 if it's a useful event, whether we funded it or not. pZyXvAZTauu-00582-00163479-00163717 I think we can host events and we can show up pZyXvAZTauu-00583-00163717-00163945 at events that give a give a boost to some pZyXvAZTauu-00584-00163945-00164081 of our private partners. pZyXvAZTauu-00585-00164081-00164259 Masha, any thoughts, specific ways pZyXvAZTauu-00586-00164259-00164435 that they can work better with us pZyXvAZTauu-00587-00164435-00164642 and we can work better with them? pZyXvAZTauu-00588-00164642-00164809 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: I think you just pZyXvAZTauu-00589-00164809-00165013 provided a couple of really good examples. pZyXvAZTauu-00590-00165013-00165540 And just to also echo what Geoff said, reach out to us. pZyXvAZTauu-00591-00165540-00165758 Let us know what's on your mind, let pZyXvAZTauu-00592-00165758-00166067 us know what you think we could be doing better pZyXvAZTauu-00593-00166067-00166234 and how we could be partnering with you. pZyXvAZTauu-00594-00166234-00166539 Let us know where you see the needs are. pZyXvAZTauu-00595-00166539-00166914 I think certainly our office here is open pZyXvAZTauu-00596-00166914-00167097 and I think there's been a long history here pZyXvAZTauu-00597-00167097-00167520 in the Ukraine of American ambassadors engaging pZyXvAZTauu-00598-00167520-00167899 with the diaspora and certainly Geoff Pyatt pZyXvAZTauu-00599-00167899-00168096 has been very active in that regard. pZyXvAZTauu-00600-00168096-00168639 And I think that we want to continue that relationship. pZyXvAZTauu-00601-00168639-00168794 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Ambassador Mills, pZyXvAZTauu-00602-00168794-00168894 any thoughts on this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00603-00168894-00169110 We can turn to the next one, but how about this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00604-00169110-00169320 Specific ideas on working together? pZyXvAZTauu-00605-00169320-00169566 AMBASSADOR MILLS: I would just echo what my colleagues just pZyXvAZTauu-00606-00169566-00169812 said-- communicate, communicate, communicate. pZyXvAZTauu-00607-00169812-00169976 We want to hear from the diaspora. pZyXvAZTauu-00608-00169976-00170244 There are a lot of tools to use that, from emails pZyXvAZTauu-00609-00170244-00170412 to blogs to letters. pZyXvAZTauu-00610-00170412-00170745 You mentioned this Fulbright Program pZyXvAZTauu-00611-00170745-00171144 that we've created with a very generous and committed member pZyXvAZTauu-00612-00171144-00171321 of the American diaspora. pZyXvAZTauu-00613-00171321-00171679 She was a woman who just reached out to the embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00614-00171679-00171995 and said she was interested in developing science pZyXvAZTauu-00615-00171995-00172359 and education abilities and skills pZyXvAZTauu-00616-00172359-00172722 within the Armenian communities here. pZyXvAZTauu-00617-00172722-00172995 She wanted something that would have a real lasting impact. pZyXvAZTauu-00618-00172995-00173208 We began talking to her about the Fulbright Program pZyXvAZTauu-00619-00173208-00173425 as one way to do that and out of that discussion pZyXvAZTauu-00620-00173425-00173859 came her commitment to fund the Hovnanian Fulbright Scholarship pZyXvAZTauu-00621-00173859-00174034 Progarm, which will be giving scholarships pZyXvAZTauu-00622-00174034-00174264 to Armenian students in the STEM area-- pZyXvAZTauu-00623-00174264-00174457 science, technology, environment. pZyXvAZTauu-00624-00174457-00174700 And that was just an example of someone reaching out pZyXvAZTauu-00625-00174700-00175107 and us working together to come up with an idea. pZyXvAZTauu-00626-00175107-00175414 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: We got a question that came in earlier pZyXvAZTauu-00627-00175414-00175814 today about diaspora communities working at the local level pZyXvAZTauu-00628-00175814-00176209 to enrich the work of their own communities. pZyXvAZTauu-00629-00176209-00176392 I assume that means in the United States, pZyXvAZTauu-00630-00176392-00176634 rather than overseas. pZyXvAZTauu-00631-00176634-00177080 Questions about what diasporas can do in the United States pZyXvAZTauu-00632-00177080-00177374 to improve their work and to make themselves more effective. pZyXvAZTauu-00633-00177374-00177556 I don't know if we have experience on that. pZyXvAZTauu-00634-00177556-00177818 Have you seen them working in the United States, too, Geoff? pZyXvAZTauu-00635-00177818-00177848 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Yeah. pZyXvAZTauu-00636-00177848-00178048 Well, again, John, I mentioned already pZyXvAZTauu-00637-00178048-00178227 the example of engagement with Congress, pZyXvAZTauu-00638-00178227-00178420 which is critically important to resource pZyXvAZTauu-00639-00178420-00178913 what we all do to build the constituency for America's pZyXvAZTauu-00640-00178913-00179141 active engagement abroad. pZyXvAZTauu-00641-00179141-00179372 I said yesterday in my engagement pZyXvAZTauu-00642-00179372-00179686 with the Greek diaspora that we all pZyXvAZTauu-00643-00179686-00180011 need to stay very focused in terms of our agenda, pZyXvAZTauu-00644-00180011-00180276 in terms of our priorities, thinking about what pZyXvAZTauu-00645-00180276-00180750 are the key issues that need to be advanced in order pZyXvAZTauu-00646-00180750-00181136 to both build the foundation for a solid bilateral relationship pZyXvAZTauu-00647-00181136-00181340 and then accelerate economic progress. pZyXvAZTauu-00648-00181340-00181540 And I think that's one of the areas-- pZyXvAZTauu-00649-00181540-00181782 as Rick said, communicate, communicate, communicate, pZyXvAZTauu-00650-00181782-00182090 we need to understand what our agendas are pZyXvAZTauu-00651-00182090-00182263 and what we're trying to get done. pZyXvAZTauu-00652-00182263-00182318 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: One thought I pZyXvAZTauu-00653-00182318-00182584 had-- Ambassador Mills mentioned Birthright and Birthright is pZyXvAZTauu-00654-00182584-00182939 active in a number of countries, obviously Israel and Armenia pZyXvAZTauu-00655-00182939-00183003 are only two. pZyXvAZTauu-00656-00183003-00183447 But really important I think the youth outreach to connect pZyXvAZTauu-00657-00183447-00183795 the young Americans with the culture and language pZyXvAZTauu-00658-00183795-00184013 and sometimes religions of their home countries pZyXvAZTauu-00659-00184013-00184206 would be another thing that I think certainly pZyXvAZTauu-00660-00184206-00184377 is effective in the Armenian perspective pZyXvAZTauu-00661-00184377-00184571 and I'm sure Israel, as well. pZyXvAZTauu-00662-00184571-00184761 Rick, any thoughts about diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00663-00184761-00184911 from your meetings with them here, pZyXvAZTauu-00664-00184911-00185107 stuff that they're doing here that's effective, pZyXvAZTauu-00665-00185107-00185207 could be more effective? pZyXvAZTauu-00666-00185548-00185828 AMBASSADOR MILLS: Well, I would say what impressed me in March, pZyXvAZTauu-00667-00185828-00186100 of course, again, was the range of activities pZyXvAZTauu-00668-00186100-00186254 that the diaspora has. pZyXvAZTauu-00669-00186254-00186663 But what's been important is that the diaspora-- the groups pZyXvAZTauu-00670-00186663-00186801 that are most effective, I think, pZyXvAZTauu-00671-00186801-00187106 are the ones that do communicate with us at the embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00672-00187106-00187446 so that we can provide them some contacts, pZyXvAZTauu-00673-00187446-00187678 we can talk about how what they're pZyXvAZTauu-00674-00187678-00187872 doing may relate to something we're pZyXvAZTauu-00675-00187872-00188155 doing so we can leverage off each other. pZyXvAZTauu-00676-00188155-00188403 For instance, we've started a new program here in Armenia, pZyXvAZTauu-00677-00188403-00188879 it's a real flagship for us, the My Armenian Smithsonian pZyXvAZTauu-00678-00188879-00188931 Project. pZyXvAZTauu-00679-00188931-00189119 For the first time the Smithsonian pZyXvAZTauu-00680-00189119-00189322 has opened an office in a foreign country. pZyXvAZTauu-00681-00189322-00189608 It's going to be working to develop the tourism sector here pZyXvAZTauu-00682-00189608-00189710 in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00683-00189710-00190011 We have some funding to move this project forward pZyXvAZTauu-00684-00190011-00190145 in a significant way. pZyXvAZTauu-00685-00190145-00190441 It's the kind of thing where the diaspora could pZyXvAZTauu-00686-00190441-00190797 work with us in tandem to support some of the steps pZyXvAZTauu-00687-00190797-00191272 we're taking to develop tourism infrastructure in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00688-00191272-00191597 And there was a lot of interest when I was in the States pZyXvAZTauu-00689-00191597-00191839 in how they could work with us in tandem pZyXvAZTauu-00690-00191839-00192034 on this particular project. pZyXvAZTauu-00691-00192034-00192405 And I find that the diaspora in the United States, pZyXvAZTauu-00692-00192405-00192647 they want the input of the embassy pZyXvAZTauu-00693-00192647-00192948 and when we work together, we do get a bigger pZyXvAZTauu-00694-00192948-00193088 bang for both our bucks. pZyXvAZTauu-00695-00193088-00193234 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: I wonder, Rick, pZyXvAZTauu-00696-00193234-00193458 if we could get the Smithsonian to change its name pZyXvAZTauu-00697-00193458-00193730 and start calling itself the "Smithsonion" Institution pZyXvAZTauu-00698-00193730-00194055 to demonstrate its diaspora connections. pZyXvAZTauu-00699-00194055-00194457 Masha, any thoughts from your perch? pZyXvAZTauu-00700-00194457-00194570 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: No. pZyXvAZTauu-00701-00194570-00194705 I love that idea, tough. pZyXvAZTauu-00702-00194705-00194993 I think that's a great idea. pZyXvAZTauu-00703-00194993-00195560 I think, again, working with the diaspora groups, pZyXvAZTauu-00704-00195560-00195914 having them-- Rick said it, communicate, communicate, pZyXvAZTauu-00705-00195914-00196190 communicate with us I think is the way to go. pZyXvAZTauu-00706-00196190-00196319 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00707-00196319-00196528 A couple of more questions coming in. pZyXvAZTauu-00708-00196528-00196769 Norren Bowden and [INAUDIBLE] want pZyXvAZTauu-00709-00196769-00197040 us to talk a bit, touch about exchanges. pZyXvAZTauu-00710-00197040-00197257 Let's talk more about exchanges. pZyXvAZTauu-00711-00197257-00197441 How can we leverage our relationship pZyXvAZTauu-00712-00197441-00197874 with diaspora communities to expand our exchange programs? pZyXvAZTauu-00713-00197874-00198132 We've talked a lot about the one in Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00714-00198132-00198299 Masha, what about you? pZyXvAZTauu-00715-00198299-00198455 What kind of exchange programs do you pZyXvAZTauu-00716-00198455-00198850 think the diaspora can help you and your team work on? pZyXvAZTauu-00717-00198850-00199071 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: Well, the diaspora is already pZyXvAZTauu-00718-00199071-00199329 working with us on Open World. pZyXvAZTauu-00719-00199329-00199759 And this is a program where Armenians-- Ukrainians, well, pZyXvAZTauu-00720-00199759-00200047 Armenians, too, many people from this part of the world-- pZyXvAZTauu-00721-00200047-00200266 come to the United States for several weeks pZyXvAZTauu-00722-00200266-00200638 and go to a number of cities. pZyXvAZTauu-00723-00200638-00200913 And what is unique about the Open World Exchange pZyXvAZTauu-00724-00200913-00201302 is that they have home stays. pZyXvAZTauu-00725-00201302-00201636 And so you actually still have people in the City of Little pZyXvAZTauu-00726-00201636-00201979 Rock, Arkansas or wherever. pZyXvAZTauu-00727-00201979-00202225 You're not staying in a hotel that is the same as the hotel pZyXvAZTauu-00728-00202225-00202371 anywhere else in the world, you're pZyXvAZTauu-00729-00202371-00202634 actually living with a family seeing how Americans live. pZyXvAZTauu-00730-00202634-00202936 And I think that many Ukrainian Americans have stepped up pZyXvAZTauu-00731-00202936-00203616 to host Ukrainians who are coming to the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00732-00203616-00203970 And it gives, I think, an added dimension pZyXvAZTauu-00733-00203970-00204429 for the richness and the diversity in the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00734-00204429-00204651 And I think that Ukrainian Americans pZyXvAZTauu-00735-00204651-00204977 can be a really good guide to Ukrainians pZyXvAZTauu-00736-00204977-00205173 as they discover the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00737-00205173-00205315 So that's one area. pZyXvAZTauu-00738-00205315-00205592 Another area is obviously Fulbrights. pZyXvAZTauu-00739-00205592-00206182 We have a number of Fulbrights-- Ukrainians going to the United pZyXvAZTauu-00740-00206182-00206346 States and vice versa. pZyXvAZTauu-00741-00206346-00206835 And again, that expands understanding of not only pZyXvAZTauu-00742-00206835-00207360 the academic issue that people are following, pZyXvAZTauu-00743-00207360-00207853 but also a sort of mutual understanding. pZyXvAZTauu-00744-00207853-00208471 I think that that kind of human contact is one of the areas-- pZyXvAZTauu-00745-00208471-00208696 whether you're talking about diplomacy, whether you're pZyXvAZTauu-00746-00208696-00209058 talking business, whatever it is-- it's pZyXvAZTauu-00747-00209058-00209219 so important to get that right. pZyXvAZTauu-00748-00209219-00209485 And I think that diasporas have a unique advantage pZyXvAZTauu-00749-00209485-00209605 in helping us get that right. pZyXvAZTauu-00750-00209605-00209859 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: And to bring change one person at a time. pZyXvAZTauu-00751-00209859-00210098 It takes a long time, but it's the most effective way. pZyXvAZTauu-00752-00210098-00210239 Rick, a thought on this one? pZyXvAZTauu-00753-00210239-00210608 Other areas of exchanges that your team is working on? pZyXvAZTauu-00754-00210608-00210783 AMBASSADOR MILLS: Well I would emphasize pZyXvAZTauu-00755-00210783-00210923 as important as the exchanges are pZyXvAZTauu-00756-00210923-00211257 to get Armenians to the States, equally valuable getting pZyXvAZTauu-00757-00211257-00211496 members of the diaspora to come to their home countries, pZyXvAZTauu-00758-00211496-00211671 in my case our Armenia. pZyXvAZTauu-00759-00211671-00211839 That's incredibly impactful. pZyXvAZTauu-00760-00211839-00212042 And when I meet with young diasporans-- pZyXvAZTauu-00761-00212042-00212288 or even older diasporans, retired diaporans-- that pZyXvAZTauu-00762-00212288-00212612 are giving up their skills here on a range of programs pZyXvAZTauu-00763-00212612-00212883 from Teach for Armenia to the Fulbright Program pZyXvAZTauu-00764-00212883-00213253 to the Armenian Volunteer Corps, they have an enormous impact pZyXvAZTauu-00765-00213253-00213546 here in terms of bringing American values, of being pZyXvAZTauu-00766-00213546-00213827 able to talk in a real resonant way with Armenians pZyXvAZTauu-00767-00213827-00214221 because they share a cultural background and often pZyXvAZTauu-00768-00214221-00214310 a language. pZyXvAZTauu-00769-00214310-00214750 It's amazing what having members of the diaspora in country pZyXvAZTauu-00770-00214750-00214879 can achieve. pZyXvAZTauu-00771-00214879-00215158 And I'm always looking for ways to encourage members pZyXvAZTauu-00772-00215158-00215400 of the diaspora to come to Armenia, even if it's just pZyXvAZTauu-00773-00215400-00215513 for a few weeks. pZyXvAZTauu-00774-00215513-00215821 I also think it allows them to take back pZyXvAZTauu-00775-00215821-00216017 to America real insights into what's pZyXvAZTauu-00776-00216017-00216267 happening here in Armenia and what the issues are. pZyXvAZTauu-00777-00216267-00216484 So I would just encourage and remind pZyXvAZTauu-00778-00216484-00216673 people it's a two-way street. pZyXvAZTauu-00779-00216673-00216798 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00780-00216798-00216948 Well, let's do the next question I'm pZyXvAZTauu-00781-00216948-00217159 going to ask Ambassador Geoff Pyatt to do it pZyXvAZTauu-00782-00217159-00217351 and he can answer both questions if he'd like. pZyXvAZTauu-00783-00217351-00217730 Martin Russell has asked how we can avoid duplication pZyXvAZTauu-00784-00217730-00218053 of efforts between US and European players when pZyXvAZTauu-00785-00218053-00218231 we engage the diaspora. pZyXvAZTauu-00786-00218231-00218391 Are there ways that we can better pZyXvAZTauu-00787-00218391-00218715 synthesize our efforts with our European colleagues pZyXvAZTauu-00788-00218715-00219005 and share best practices and knowledge? pZyXvAZTauu-00789-00219005-00219271 Any thought about working with the European diaspora groups pZyXvAZTauu-00790-00219271-00219642 or comments on engagement on exchanges? pZyXvAZTauu-00791-00219642-00219767 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Thanks John. pZyXvAZTauu-00792-00219767-00220115 First of all on exchanges, I'm incredibly excited about what's pZyXvAZTauu-00793-00220115-00220487 happening at Embassy Athens right now in terms of some pZyXvAZTauu-00794-00220487-00220600 of their exchange programs. pZyXvAZTauu-00795-00220600-00220811 I was delighted to see what Ambassador Pearce did pZyXvAZTauu-00796-00220811-00221292 with bringing a group of young Greek entrepreneurs pZyXvAZTauu-00797-00221292-00221591 to the South by Southwest Technology Conference. pZyXvAZTauu-00798-00221591-00221791 That's the kind of thing that I want to continue pZyXvAZTauu-00799-00221791-00221946 prioritizing and developing. pZyXvAZTauu-00800-00221946-00222132 One of the things that Masha benefits from pZyXvAZTauu-00801-00222132-00222434 is one of the largest FLEX programs in the world. pZyXvAZTauu-00802-00222434-00222775 I'm a huge fan of what FLEX represents. pZyXvAZTauu-00803-00222775-00223087 I saw it both in Central Asia when I was PDAS pZyXvAZTauu-00804-00223087-00223340 and also in Kyiv, how life-changing it pZyXvAZTauu-00805-00223340-00223528 can be for these young people who pZyXvAZTauu-00806-00223528-00223903 spend a year of high school in the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00807-00223903-00224048 Resources are key here. pZyXvAZTauu-00808-00224048-00224211 It's one of the reasons I'll be meeting pZyXvAZTauu-00809-00224211-00224408 next week with the Hellenic Caucus pZyXvAZTauu-00810-00224408-00224683 in Congress to talk about how we continue pZyXvAZTauu-00811-00224683-00224894 to resource what we're doing with our bilateral pZyXvAZTauu-00812-00224894-00224965 relationship. pZyXvAZTauu-00813-00224965-00225326 I was very encouraged when Masha and I had our confirmation pZyXvAZTauu-00814-00225326-00225739 hearing, the strong messages I heard from Senator Menendez, pZyXvAZTauu-00815-00225739-00226052 from Senator Durbin, from Chairman Corker in terms pZyXvAZTauu-00816-00226052-00226490 of what our embassies are doing on this score across Europe. pZyXvAZTauu-00817-00226490-00226766 And then just quickly on the European Union question, pZyXvAZTauu-00818-00226766-00227077 I mean obviously the key to the effectiveness of American pZyXvAZTauu-00819-00227077-00227376 diplomacy across Europe today, building the Europe whole, pZyXvAZTauu-00820-00227376-00227558 free, and at peace that you talked about pZyXvAZTauu-00821-00227558-00227888 is our partnership with Brussels and our European counterparts. pZyXvAZTauu-00822-00227888-00228200 That was a defining theme of my three years in Kyiv pZyXvAZTauu-00823-00228200-00228535 and I certainly expect it to be the case in Athens, as well. pZyXvAZTauu-00824-00228535-00228681 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Rick and Masha, pZyXvAZTauu-00825-00228681-00229023 any thoughts on working better with the European embassies pZyXvAZTauu-00826-00229023-00229187 that are partners on this? pZyXvAZTauu-00827-00229663-00229851 AMBASSADOR MILLS: I would just in some ways I pZyXvAZTauu-00828-00229851-00230255 think that this is up to the embassies in some way. pZyXvAZTauu-00829-00230255-00230471 We need to do the coordination work here pZyXvAZTauu-00830-00230471-00230776 with our EU colleagues and our other colleagues pZyXvAZTauu-00831-00230776-00231039 in the international community who contribute and donate, pZyXvAZTauu-00832-00231039-00231312 from the UN to the Council of Europe. pZyXvAZTauu-00833-00231312-00231505 And that is an effort we make here pZyXvAZTauu-00834-00231505-00231760 to know what the diaspora communities in Europe pZyXvAZTauu-00835-00231760-00231810 are doing. pZyXvAZTauu-00836-00231810-00232188 The EU mission here actually shares a lot of information, pZyXvAZTauu-00837-00232188-00232416 and that's very valuable to us. pZyXvAZTauu-00838-00232416-00232584 And I do think, though, that that's pZyXvAZTauu-00839-00232584-00232912 an effort that the embassy-- at least my personal belief-- we pZyXvAZTauu-00840-00232912-00233155 need to make that a priority so that we pZyXvAZTauu-00841-00233155-00233438 don't have the duplication that the questioner mentions. pZyXvAZTauu-00842-00233438-00233563 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00843-00233563-00233613 Good. pZyXvAZTauu-00844-00233613-00233772 Masha, a quick one on this? pZyXvAZTauu-00845-00233772-00233917 We're getting near the end of time. pZyXvAZTauu-00846-00233917-00234109 We've got a couple of questions we want to do. pZyXvAZTauu-00847-00234109-00234429 A quick one on this, working with the Europeans better? pZyXvAZTauu-00848-00234429-00234574 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: Just wanted pZyXvAZTauu-00849-00234574-00234884 to change it slightly and say in our case here in the Ukraine pZyXvAZTauu-00850-00234884-00235202 that one of the key partnerships is with Canada. pZyXvAZTauu-00851-00235202-00235414 Because of course, in Canada there pZyXvAZTauu-00852-00235414-00235605 is a very large Ukrainian diaspora, pZyXvAZTauu-00853-00235605-00235772 just as there is in the United States. pZyXvAZTauu-00854-00235772-00235946 So one of the things that we're looking at pZyXvAZTauu-00855-00235946-00236277 is how can we leverage that, how can we work better? pZyXvAZTauu-00856-00236277-00236688 And USAID has recently funded a study pZyXvAZTauu-00857-00236688-00237232 on the Ukrainian diaspora in both countries, what pZyXvAZTauu-00858-00237232-00237407 is of most interest to them. pZyXvAZTauu-00859-00237407-00237888 And so stay tuned for further information on that pZyXvAZTauu-00860-00237888-00238185 as we gather the data and try to roll it out. pZyXvAZTauu-00861-00238185-00238486 And thanks to everybody who participated in that study. pZyXvAZTauu-00862-00238486-00238611 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00863-00238611-00238669 Good. pZyXvAZTauu-00864-00238669-00238756 Getting near the end. pZyXvAZTauu-00865-00238756-00239059 We'll try to do two more questions before we move on pZyXvAZTauu-00866-00239059-00239348 and our other bureaus will be coming in and doing this pZyXvAZTauu-00867-00239348-00239523 in the next couple of weeks. pZyXvAZTauu-00868-00239523-00239769 Is there a history of multiple diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00869-00239769-00240116 groups from different communities working together pZyXvAZTauu-00870-00240116-00240217 to accomplish a goal? pZyXvAZTauu-00871-00240217-00240444 I know there's some competition among diaspora groups, pZyXvAZTauu-00872-00240444-00240821 but when have we seen them work together in an effective way? pZyXvAZTauu-00873-00240821-00241017 Rick mentioned Smithsonian as one example. pZyXvAZTauu-00874-00241017-00241092 Are there others? pZyXvAZTauu-00875-00241092-00241269 Maybe let's start with Rick. pZyXvAZTauu-00876-00241269-00241490 Any thoughts about diaspora groups in Armenia pZyXvAZTauu-00877-00241490-00241845 working together for some common goal? pZyXvAZTauu-00878-00241845-00241966 AMBASSADOR MILLS: Absolutely. pZyXvAZTauu-00879-00241966-00242396 We had a good example here where the AGBU, the Armenian General pZyXvAZTauu-00880-00242396-00242606 Benevolent Union, which is one of the largest pZyXvAZTauu-00881-00242606-00242790 worldwide Armenian groups-- as you know, pZyXvAZTauu-00882-00242790-00243295 John-- worked with several other smaller groups-- pZyXvAZTauu-00883-00243295-00243487 including some we've mentioned like Birthright pZyXvAZTauu-00884-00243487-00243786 Armenia, the Armenian Tree Project, and others-- pZyXvAZTauu-00885-00243786-00244206 to create an impact hub in AGBU's new headquarters here pZyXvAZTauu-00886-00244206-00244305 in Yerevan. pZyXvAZTauu-00887-00244305-00244567 And the impact hub, which is on the top floor of AGBU's pZyXvAZTauu-00888-00244567-00245065 new building has really become an incubator, an accelerator, pZyXvAZTauu-00889-00245065-00245264 a place where ideas are exchanged, pZyXvAZTauu-00890-00245264-00245503 and a lot of terrific transformative work pZyXvAZTauu-00891-00245503-00245630 is happening. pZyXvAZTauu-00892-00245630-00245870 So I have seen groups working together. pZyXvAZTauu-00893-00245870-00246133 I've also had the experience in Northern Ireland, if I can just pZyXvAZTauu-00894-00246133-00246434 say, where I was hosted in Dublin during the peace pZyXvAZTauu-00895-00246434-00246878 process, of different diasporan communities working together pZyXvAZTauu-00896-00246878-00247025 to achieve common goal. pZyXvAZTauu-00897-00247025-00247344 In that case, it was the two communities in the North, pZyXvAZTauu-00898-00247344-00247587 as well as Irish in the south, where pZyXvAZTauu-00899-00247587-00247828 they had a common interest in economic development. pZyXvAZTauu-00900-00247828-00248255 They would come together and work on cross-border trade pZyXvAZTauu-00901-00248255-00248514 and economic trade issues specifically, pZyXvAZTauu-00902-00248514-00248907 even though the communities were sometimes at loggerheads pZyXvAZTauu-00903-00248907-00249030 on political issues. pZyXvAZTauu-00904-00249030-00249324 And they were quite effective when they came together. pZyXvAZTauu-00905-00249324-00249462 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Thanks, Rick. pZyXvAZTauu-00906-00249462-00249616 I'm going to bet Masha has something pZyXvAZTauu-00907-00249616-00249867 to add on this, as well. pZyXvAZTauu-00908-00249867-00250042 AMBASSADOR YOVANOVITCH: Well, I would just pZyXvAZTauu-00909-00250042-00250330 say very generally I think that it's always better pZyXvAZTauu-00910-00250330-00250502 to work together. pZyXvAZTauu-00911-00250502-00250757 Certainly, when I had my introductory meetings pZyXvAZTauu-00912-00250757-00251216 with some of the diaspora communities, pZyXvAZTauu-00913-00251216-00251407 it was one meeting. pZyXvAZTauu-00914-00251407-00251867 And when you hear from a group of people pZyXvAZTauu-00915-00251867-00252217 together, even if they represent different groups, when pZyXvAZTauu-00916-00252217-00252425 you hear the same things, it's very reinforcing. pZyXvAZTauu-00917-00252425-00252773 And I think that's true in the home country, pZyXvAZTauu-00918-00252773-00252936 I think it's true in the United States, pZyXvAZTauu-00919-00252936-00253127 whether it's working with the State Department pZyXvAZTauu-00920-00253127-00253285 or with Congress. pZyXvAZTauu-00921-00253285-00253394 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Great. pZyXvAZTauu-00922-00253394-00253458 Thanks. pZyXvAZTauu-00923-00253458-00253633 We've got time for one last question pZyXvAZTauu-00924-00253633-00253750 and it really is a key one. pZyXvAZTauu-00925-00253750-00253945 We've touched on it, but let's do a little more pZyXvAZTauu-00926-00253945-00254280 on private investment, entrepreneurship, start-ups, pZyXvAZTauu-00927-00254280-00254689 incubators, accelerators as catalysts for partnerships pZyXvAZTauu-00928-00254689-00254955 in working with diaspora communities. pZyXvAZTauu-00929-00254955-00255266 Where have we seen this work and how can we all do this better? pZyXvAZTauu-00930-00255266-00255451 Geoff, let's start with you on this. pZyXvAZTauu-00931-00255451-00255601 AMBASSADOR PYATT: Thanks, John. pZyXvAZTauu-00932-00255601-00255851 I think one of the great things about the technology sector, pZyXvAZTauu-00933-00255851-00256121 of course, is that America's technology pZyXvAZTauu-00934-00256121-00256528 success is a reflection of our openness as a country. pZyXvAZTauu-00935-00256528-00256755 When you look at the number of Silicon Valley jobs pZyXvAZTauu-00936-00256755-00257134 that are created by members of the diaspora, pZyXvAZTauu-00937-00257134-00257586 whether they're from India or from Ukraine or from someplace pZyXvAZTauu-00938-00257586-00258052 else, and I think there's a natural synergy there. pZyXvAZTauu-00939-00258052-00258369 A lot of these diaspora representatives pZyXvAZTauu-00940-00258369-00258703 in our technology industry came to the United States pZyXvAZTauu-00941-00258703-00259062 in order to take advantage of the favorable investment pZyXvAZTauu-00942-00259062-00259659 environment, an environment that empowers creativity, rewards pZyXvAZTauu-00943-00259659-00259848 experimentation. pZyXvAZTauu-00944-00259848-00260119 It's exactly those attitudes that we pZyXvAZTauu-00945-00260119-00260563 want to try to inspire and encourage in Europe today pZyXvAZTauu-00946-00260563-00260954 as we seek to build a climate for greater economic prosperity pZyXvAZTauu-00947-00260954-00261092 and economic freedom. pZyXvAZTauu-00948-00261092-00261425 So I think there's a lot that can happen in this area. pZyXvAZTauu-00949-00261425-00261619 Rick talked about the impact hubs. pZyXvAZTauu-00950-00261619-00261886 I love the impact hub in Odessa. pZyXvAZTauu-00951-00261886-00262009 It's a great example. pZyXvAZTauu-00952-00262009-00262315 You go there and you see these young people pZyXvAZTauu-00953-00262315-00262686 with a maker shop who are experimenting. pZyXvAZTauu-00954-00262686-00263004 And again, I'm very excited to get to Athens pZyXvAZTauu-00955-00263004-00263345 and explore some of the good work pZyXvAZTauu-00956-00263345-00263528 that Ambassador Pearce and the team pZyXvAZTauu-00957-00263528-00263829 have already done in this area and then pZyXvAZTauu-00958-00263829-00263966 try to take it to the next level. pZyXvAZTauu-00959-00263966-00264091 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: Fantastic. pZyXvAZTauu-00960-00264091-00264197 Rick Mills, how much you? pZyXvAZTauu-00961-00264197-00264661 Anything to add on the impact hubs and the accelerators pZyXvAZTauu-00962-00264661-00264797 and incubators? pZyXvAZTauu-00963-00264797-00265133 We are about out of time, but real quickly, Rick. pZyXvAZTauu-00964-00265133-00265325 AMBASSADOR MILLS: We've seen real success here pZyXvAZTauu-00965-00265325-00265671 when the diaspora comes and brings expertise pZyXvAZTauu-00966-00265671-00266088 that they have, especially in key sectors of the economy, pZyXvAZTauu-00967-00266088-00266278 and they're willing to share that. pZyXvAZTauu-00968-00266278-00266503 Whether they're an accelerator or whether they're just pZyXvAZTauu-00969-00266503-00266904 positioned in a ministry or they're positioned at a school, pZyXvAZTauu-00970-00266904-00267035 it works terrific. pZyXvAZTauu-00971-00267035-00267160 AMBASSADOR HEFFERN: All right. pZyXvAZTauu-00972-00267160-00267165 Good. pZyXvAZTauu-00973-00267165-00267247 I'm sorry, Masha. pZyXvAZTauu-00974-00267247-00267442 We'll just have to leave you for the next time. pZyXvAZTauu-00975-00267442-00267605 You can answer this one, I know there's pZyXvAZTauu-00976-00267605-00267748 a lot of this going on in Kyiv. pZyXvAZTauu-00977-00267748-00267982 So thanks to you, thanks to everybody. pZyXvAZTauu-00978-00267982-00268341 This is the first in a series of diaspora outreach events, pZyXvAZTauu-00979-00268341-00268736 so please keep your eye out for the IdEA web page. pZyXvAZTauu-00980-00268736-00268947 You should see it on the link below. pZyXvAZTauu-00981-00268947-00269083 Sign up and receive updates. pZyXvAZTauu-00982-00269083-00269263 There's going to be a lot of future events. pZyXvAZTauu-00983-00269263-00269502 And a key date to mark on your calendars pZyXvAZTauu-00984-00269502-00269821 is the October 12 Diaspora Fair, where pZyXvAZTauu-00985-00269821-00270078 the focus will be on networking and highlighting pZyXvAZTauu-00986-00270078-00270434 the work of the diaspora in tackling the United Nations pZyXvAZTauu-00987-00270434-00270638 Sustainable Development goals. pZyXvAZTauu-00988-00270638-00271043 So let's keep the discussion going, hashtag diasporavoices. pZyXvAZTauu-00989-00271043-00271188 And thank you all very much. pZyXvAZTauu-00990-00271188-00271563 Very impressed and encouraged by the involvement of the diaspora pZyXvAZTauu-00991-00271563-00271834 community with us today. pZyXvAZTauu-00992-00271834-00272242 So thanks to colleagues, thanks very much to everybody online. pZyXvAZTauu-00993-00272242-00272528 Goodbye and let's keep in touch. paauVsaucVy-00000-00000702-00000782 Exellent!! paauVsaucVy-00001-00002162-00002306 Hey guys!! I am Shogo. paauVsaucVy-00002-00002346-00002396 Hello. paauVsaucVy-00003-00002428-00002478 Hello. paauVsaucVy-00004-00002482-00002852 Today, we are doing special interview to Ms Yumiko Ishii, paauVsaucVy-00005-00002852-00003190 who dances Indian traditional dance called as "Katak" paauVsaucVy-00006-00003326-00003438 It's a pleasure. paauVsaucVy-00007-00003504-00003626 Thank you for taking time. paauVsaucVy-00008-00003697-00003990 First of all, may I know what Katak? paauVsaucVy-00009-00003996-00004198 Katak is paauVsaucVy-00010-00004198-00004682 generally developed from north India, paauVsaucVy-00011-00004682-00004880 Jaipur, Banaras and Lucknow. paauVsaucVy-00012-00004880-00005084 And Katak is the one of the only Indian dances, paauVsaucVy-00013-00005084-00005490 that has been developed affected by both Hindu and Muslim paauVsaucVy-00014-00005516-00005584 I see. paauVsaucVy-00015-00005584-00005974 How long have you been doing it? paauVsaucVy-00016-00005974-00006082 Yes, paauVsaucVy-00017-00006084-00006252 I have been doing for 15 years. paauVsaucVy-00018-00006274-00006378 Wow, amazing!! paauVsaucVy-00019-00006422-00006776 Let's then, we shall see Katak. paauVsaucVy-00020-00006895-00008023 This dance is based on "Krishna" which is one of the god of Hindu. paauVsaucVy-00021-00008028-00008802 he was cute In childhood, and in adolescence, he made many ladies attracted like a playboy. paauVsaucVy-00022-00008848-00009580 However, he was finally worshiped by people as a god who can save from pain . paauVsaucVy-00023-00009652-00010170 You can see soft expression such as Krishna’s character. paauVsaucVy-00024-00013804-00014246 In total, this dance is keeping slow and soft atmosphere paauVsaucVy-00025-00014268-00014736 but as it gets closer to the climax, it gets gradually heated like spinning a lot. paauVsaucVy-00026-00019544-00019738 I saw dance just before, and paauVsaucVy-00027-00019738-00019984 I feel it got very heated, isn't it? paauVsaucVy-00028-00019984-00020168 You are right.. paauVsaucVy-00029-00020168-00020430 How much minutes do you dance per one time? paauVsaucVy-00030-00020430-00020830 Around 5 minutes. paauVsaucVy-00031-00020836-00021204 You are wearing bells on the leg? paauVsaucVy-00032-00021204-00021362 Yes, but I have already removed. paauVsaucVy-00033-00021362-00021708 I weared 100 bells on each legs. paauVsaucVy-00034-00021708-00022012 101 bells, and then I danced. paauVsaucVy-00035-00022030-00022286 Katak is the origin of flamenco paauVsaucVy-00036-00022294-00022370 Wow!! paauVsaucVy-00037-00023194-00023990 It must be difficult to dance wearing many bells on the legs. paauVsaucVy-00038-00024060-00024540 You ring bells by taking steps. paauVsaucVy-00039-00024574-00024646 Yes. paauVsaucVy-00040-00024906-00025306 What will you want to do? paauVsaucVy-00041-00025334-00025434 Well,, paauVsaucVy-00042-00025448-00025756 If I have opportunity, paauVsaucVy-00043-00025802-00026174 I wanna dance for everyone again. paauVsaucVy-00044-00026174-00026416 We appreciate her taking time although she is tired. paauVsaucVy-00045-00026416-00026924 If you come to India, please watch her Katak dance. pb-mftibiUc-00000-00000031-00000447 - The Choice Program Improvement Act speaks for itself. pb-mftibiUc-00001-00000544-00000722 This bill will extend and improve pb-mftibiUc-00002-00000722-00000976 the Veterans Choice Program so that more veterans pb-mftibiUc-00003-00000976-00001252 can see the doctor of their choice. pb-mftibiUc-00004-00001252-00001337 You got it? pb-mftibiUc-00005-00001337-00001562 The doctor of their choice. pb-mftibiUc-00006-00001610-00001805 And don't have to wait and travel pb-mftibiUc-00007-00001805-00002030 long distances for VA care. pb-mftibiUc-00008-00002154-00002450 Some people have to travel five hours, eight hours, pb-mftibiUc-00009-00002450-00002650 and they'll have to do it on a weekly basis pb-mftibiUc-00010-00002650-00002808 and even worse than that. pb-mftibiUc-00011-00002808-00003058 It's not gonna happen anymore. pctTUZxiQa0-00000-00000040-00000368 hi everyone welcome to my channel my name is veronica pctTUZxiQa0-00001-00000368-00000840 so in today's video that i'll be sharing i'm gonna be decluttering my daughter's clothes pctTUZxiQa0-00002-00000896-00001648 we have just received or we've been very blessed to have received a full bag of clothes from pctTUZxiQa0-00003-00001648-00002400 my friend who's got twins and my sister gives her clothes and then from there she hands it pctTUZxiQa0-00004-00002400-00002984 over to me and then in turn i hand it over to my niece as well as a friend's daughter pctTUZxiQa0-00005-00003080-00003864 so these clothes do go very long way so i'm going to be decluttering because the closet is a huge pctTUZxiQa0-00006-00003864-00004608 mess it is very difficult to for us to go through to see what is what fits what doesn't fit what pctTUZxiQa0-00007-00004608-00005168 goes with what and things like that and absolutely it really does need a declutter and i feel with pctTUZxiQa0-00008-00005232-00005792 least amounts of clothes it actually actually goes a long way she doesn't need that many pctTUZxiQa0-00009-00005792-00007184 clothes she's also going to school now so she's doing uniform so it's even less clothes needed pctTUZxiQa0-00010-00007656-00008328 so the first thing i do is put everything on the bed all over her clothes all of her folder clothes pctTUZxiQa0-00011-00008328-00009128 all of her hanging up clothes everything then i thought bottoms with bottoms tops with tops pctTUZxiQa0-00012-00009128-00009616 i don't have much space to do any more than that so as i've got more space i will be pctTUZxiQa0-00013-00009712-00010480 separating the long sleeve with short sleeves and the skirts with long pants and things like that pctTUZxiQa0-00014-00010480-00010880 but for now just sorting the tops with the tops and the bottoms with the pctTUZxiQa0-00015-00010880-00011384 buttons pctTUZxiQa0-00016-00015632-00016472 so at this point i have decided on number five far for every type of clothing so would be five pctTUZxiQa0-00017-00016472-00017248 long pants five shorts five skirts short sleeves long sleeves the jackets i would go for a few less pctTUZxiQa0-00018-00017248-00017880 she doesn't need five jackets um but she would probably need one that is more for the rain and pctTUZxiQa0-00019-00017880-00018520 one that is more for the cold and so i would look into that in terms of ballet and things like that pctTUZxiQa0-00020-00018520-00019072 i would look for what is she using currently and i probably would keep the whole thing pctTUZxiQa0-00021-00019144-00019800 this particular one the shorts or dungarees she absolutely loves and i had to think about this one pctTUZxiQa0-00022-00019800-00020288 because she wears it all the time however they've got holes on and i don't think it's pctTUZxiQa0-00023-00020288-00021184 appropriate for her so that wins and to be totally honest she hasn't even missed it pctTUZxiQa0-00024-00028656-00029583 do pctTUZxiQa0-00025-00038752-00039176 so now i started packing everything onto coating as it's so much more visually appealing when pctTUZxiQa0-00026-00039176-00039744 everything is on the coats hanger when you open the cupboard better than having everything stacked pctTUZxiQa0-00027-00039744-00040328 i know a lot of people prefer everything to be folded neatly and things like that i just prefer pctTUZxiQa0-00028-00040328-00040864 hangers there are a few things that i do fold just out of necessity and because these clothes pctTUZxiQa0-00029-00040864-00041584 are so small to have it on coatings it's just not quite nice enough visually nice enough let me know pctTUZxiQa0-00030-00041584-00042072 in the comments below if you like everything on coattails or if you prefer to fold everything pctTUZxiQa0-00031-00042128-00042768 and if you do fold everything do you do do it in a certain way or you just put everything into a pctTUZxiQa0-00032-00042768-00043584 drawer what is what is better for you what do you prefer let me know in the comments below pctTUZxiQa0-00033-00049008-00049624 and that is done so that is some folded and the rest is hanging up and those are giving away pctTUZxiQa0-00034-00049688-00050320 piles and i am going to divide everything into two separate bags one for each child that i have pctTUZxiQa0-00035-00050320-00050864 in mind and i am sure that these clothing will get them through another season before they start pctTUZxiQa0-00036-00050928-00051984 growing these clothes as well pctTUZxiQa0-00037-00057096-00057520 thank you so much for watching for more videos like this subscribe to my channel pctTUZxiQa0-00038-00057520-00057912 and if you enjoyed viewing this please give it a nice thumbs up pctTUZxiQa0-00039-00057912-00058424 it does help my channel a lot enjoy your weekend bye piEMvMI1j6o-00000-00000089-00000537 With the upcoming release of Gretel and Hansel, I thought it seemed an appropriate time to piEMvMI1j6o-00001-00000537-00001115 discuss the fairy tale it's based on from the the brothers Grimm, Hansel and Gretel. piEMvMI1j6o-00002-00001115-00001556 It might seem odd that I'd discuss something that's often understood to be aimed at kids, piEMvMI1j6o-00003-00001556-00002056 but the reality is that many of the tales from brothers Grimm have mature themes that piEMvMI1j6o-00004-00002056-00002415 are actually extremely interesting when you delve into them. piEMvMI1j6o-00005-00002415-00002889 So if you're wondering what we can take away from Hansel and Gretel about responsibility, piEMvMI1j6o-00006-00002889-00003323 maturity and greed, then you will find this video of interest as I discuss some of the piEMvMI1j6o-00007-00003323-00003564 psychology and philosophy of the story. piEMvMI1j6o-00008-00003564-00004180 As far as the film, Gretel and Hansel goes, it's yet to be released and I don't know what piEMvMI1j6o-00009-00004180-00004630 to expect from it, other than it's clearly not aimed for a young audience and will be piEMvMI1j6o-00010-00004630-00004989 delving into some of the dark themes of the original tale. piEMvMI1j6o-00011-00004989-00005489 And for anyone interested, seeing as it's been a source of confusion and a popular meme, piEMvMI1j6o-00012-00005489-00005856 the film switched the names of the characters around because Gretel is going to be the main piEMvMI1j6o-00013-00005856-00006114 focus of the story. piEMvMI1j6o-00014-00006114-00006527 If you don't know the story of Hansel and Gretel I would recommend reading it, as it piEMvMI1j6o-00015-00006527-00006761 can be quite fascinating. piEMvMI1j6o-00016-00006761-00007220 To give a quick summary, a woodcutter and his wife are struggling in poverty and so piEMvMI1j6o-00017-00007220-00007768 the wife, stepmother to two children, suggests they abandon the children in a forest to fend piEMvMI1j6o-00018-00007768-00007900 for themselves. piEMvMI1j6o-00019-00007900-00008502 Here, the children come across a home made of food, where they begin to eat as they starve. piEMvMI1j6o-00020-00008502-00009086 Inside a witch sees them and feeds them incessantly, with the intent to fatten up Hansel so that piEMvMI1j6o-00021-00009086-00009279 she can eat him. piEMvMI1j6o-00022-00009279-00009749 Gretel catches on to her ploy and tricks her, eventually leading to the witches death in piEMvMI1j6o-00023-00009749-00010086 an oven she intended to cook Hansel in. piEMvMI1j6o-00024-00010086-00010521 The chidlren find great wealth in the witches home, which they eventually take home to their piEMvMI1j6o-00025-00010521-00011025 father to save the family, with their stepmother having passed away. piEMvMI1j6o-00026-00011025-00011588 For some, myself included so will go with this presumption in my later points, the stepmother piEMvMI1j6o-00027-00011588-00011791 and witch are one in the same. piEMvMI1j6o-00028-00011791-00012222 This isn't actually clear in the story, but given the witch is killed and the evil stepmother piEMvMI1j6o-00029-00012222-00012570 mysteriously dies, it would make sense. piEMvMI1j6o-00030-00012570-00013021 So, what can we take away from Hansel and Gretel? piEMvMI1j6o-00031-00013021-00013245 The Importance Of Food piEMvMI1j6o-00032-00013245-00013690 It's undeniable that food plays an important role in the story of Hansel and Gretel and piEMvMI1j6o-00033-00013690-00014062 it's symbolic meaning is rather critical to the events that unfold. piEMvMI1j6o-00034-00014062-00014580 It's the reason why Hansel and Gretel are initially abandoned by their parents and the piEMvMI1j6o-00035-00014580-00014856 reason for greed throughout the course of the story. piEMvMI1j6o-00036-00014856-00015509 However, equally so food, often specifically bread, represents the material sustenance piEMvMI1j6o-00037-00015509-00016131 needed to survive in life, which can bring both life, but also death, if we let it depending piEMvMI1j6o-00038-00016131-00016336 on the motivations of the individual. piEMvMI1j6o-00039-00016336-00016980 When scarce, it can cause us to do acts of evil, which is thematically constant in Hansel piEMvMI1j6o-00040-00016980-00017487 and Gretel, as parents abandon children when they lack bread, the children act in accordance piEMvMI1j6o-00041-00017487-00018044 with greed on seeing the house, rather than treading carefully and the witch is the embodiment piEMvMI1j6o-00042-00018044-00018633 of evil, or a monster, that comes when you allow greed to consume you. piEMvMI1j6o-00043-00018633-00019153 Fundamentally, it serves as a warning that when lacking, people are capable of doing piEMvMI1j6o-00044-00019153-00019799 things horrendous things, seeing them devolve as humans, on the path to becoming a monster. piEMvMI1j6o-00045-00019799-00020245 This is what happened with the children's father, the children themselves and of course piEMvMI1j6o-00046-00020245-00020392 the wicked witch. piEMvMI1j6o-00047-00020392-00020820 Now, beyond this it's hard to ignore the religious allegories of Hansel and Gretel. piEMvMI1j6o-00048-00020820-00021390 In the Christian faith, bread is eaten as the body of Christ, so in the story bread piEMvMI1j6o-00049-00021390-00022084 also represents God, with the characters acting in sin as they lack God in their lives. piEMvMI1j6o-00050-00022084-00022322 Feeling Abandoned piEMvMI1j6o-00051-00022322-00022753 The story of Hansel and Gretel has a great theme of maturity for the children, and this piEMvMI1j6o-00052-00022753-00023050 stems from being abandoned by their parents. piEMvMI1j6o-00053-00023050-00023537 Now, it's worth mentioning that the stepmother actually tried to abandon the children twice piEMvMI1j6o-00054-00023537-00024034 in the story, failing on the first attempt as Hansel was able to collect some white stones, piEMvMI1j6o-00055-00024034-00024456 or pebbles, to trace a route back home. piEMvMI1j6o-00056-00024456-00024894 White is often a colour that's associated with innocence and purity in mythology or piEMvMI1j6o-00057-00024894-00025468 any works, but where it's particularly interesting is white stones can be symbolic of a child's piEMvMI1j6o-00058-00025468-00025820 unwillingness to change in psychology. piEMvMI1j6o-00059-00025820-00026326 So not only are the children represented as pure and innocent at the start, but when the piEMvMI1j6o-00060-00026326-00026779 children return home with the use of white stones, this can equally be construed as their piEMvMI1j6o-00061-00026779-00027101 unwillingness to move away from childhood. piEMvMI1j6o-00062-00027101-00027585 This is fairly common in life, many fear abandonment from their loved ones and this is particularly piEMvMI1j6o-00063-00027585-00028163 common amongst children, who can have nightmares where they lose their parents. piEMvMI1j6o-00064-00028163-00028641 However, what's equally important here is that as part of the growth, an individual piEMvMI1j6o-00065-00028641-00029160 must be willing to depart the nest so to speak, to experience the world and confront that piEMvMI1j6o-00066-00029160-00029708 which they fear in order to mature, just as seen with Hansel and Gretel. piEMvMI1j6o-00067-00029708-00030173 In the case of the story, this is shown as a spiritual journey for the children, as they piEMvMI1j6o-00068-00030173-00030601 leave the safety of their home with their father, who at this point has been seduced piEMvMI1j6o-00069-00030601-00031139 by the devil, or the evil stepmother, and they encounter and confront the devil in the piEMvMI1j6o-00070-00031139-00031397 forest in the form of the witch. piEMvMI1j6o-00071-00031397-00031530 The Spirit Of Birds piEMvMI1j6o-00072-00031530-00032145 Birds are regularly seen in the story of Hansel and Gretel, representing many things including piEMvMI1j6o-00073-00032145-00032388 direction and freedom. piEMvMI1j6o-00074-00032388-00032875 In the first instance, they are the reason Hansel and Gretel can't return home after piEMvMI1j6o-00075-00032875-00033375 abandonment, as Hansel uses breadcrumbs to try and lay a path home, only to find birds piEMvMI1j6o-00076-00033375-00033619 have eaten the crumbs. piEMvMI1j6o-00077-00033619-00034094 While with the witch, Hansel uses the bone of a bird to survive from being eaten and piEMvMI1j6o-00078-00034094-00034612 eventually it's a bird that helps the children return home to their father. piEMvMI1j6o-00079-00034612-00035043 This can be viewed in a number of ways, such as birds represent the need of support of piEMvMI1j6o-00080-00035043-00035302 others in life to help us in our journey. piEMvMI1j6o-00081-00035302-00035887 However, I think the most important representation is that the birds identify as the spirit in piEMvMI1j6o-00082-00035887-00036390 life, whether it be the spirit of God, or the human spirit. piEMvMI1j6o-00083-00036390-00036959 It's this spirit that first prevented Hansel and Gretel returning home while still immature, piEMvMI1j6o-00084-00036959-00037419 while it acted as a guide to help them return home once they had completed their journey. piEMvMI1j6o-00085-00037419-00037857 This can also be seen as the spirit of God, as it protected them when they confronted piEMvMI1j6o-00086-00037857-00038227 the devil, in the form of the witch. piEMvMI1j6o-00087-00038227-00038409 Forgiveness piEMvMI1j6o-00088-00038409-00038847 On their way home, Hansel and Gretel are faced with a body of water that they must cross piEMvMI1j6o-00089-00038847-00039099 before they complete their journey. piEMvMI1j6o-00090-00039099-00039488 They've confronted the devil in the form of the witch, and the water represents what they piEMvMI1j6o-00091-00039488-00039747 must do to complete their journey. piEMvMI1j6o-00092-00039747-00040203 Now, the water can be identified in a couple of ways. piEMvMI1j6o-00093-00040203-00040743 In Greek mythology, Hades is known to have five rivers, one of which is the Styx which piEMvMI1j6o-00094-00040743-00040948 represents hate. piEMvMI1j6o-00095-00040948-00041462 In this case, as the children cross the water, it can be understood as a way of overcoming piEMvMI1j6o-00096-00041462-00042020 their hate, or anger, for their father who agreed to abandom them, thus representing piEMvMI1j6o-00097-00042020-00042640 forgiveness, something we all have to do in our lives at some point or another. piEMvMI1j6o-00098-00042640-00043156 Another understanding of the water is a form of baptism, as having dealt with missing God, piEMvMI1j6o-00099-00043156-00043695 or bread, in their lives early on, and then almost succumbing to the devil, the witch piEMvMI1j6o-00100-00043695-00044128 in the story, the children complete their journey to embracing God through a form of piEMvMI1j6o-00101-00044128-00044515 baptism, with holy water. piEMvMI1j6o-00102-00044515-00044919 It's only after this act of traversing through water that Hansel and Gretel complete their piEMvMI1j6o-00103-00044919-00045484 journey in the story, returning home to their forgiven father, who is no longer being influenced piEMvMI1j6o-00104-00045484-00045653 by the devil. piEMvMI1j6o-00105-00045653-00046139 Maturity, Forgiveness and Responsibility piEMvMI1j6o-00106-00046139-00046556 So with all of the previous points, we come to understand that the story of Hansel and piEMvMI1j6o-00107-00046556-00047110 Gretel is a spiritual journey the children embark on from being innocent, but naive, piEMvMI1j6o-00108-00047110-00047541 to coming to confront the devil and embracing God. piEMvMI1j6o-00109-00047541-00047997 Religious allegories aside, this can be understood as meaning they have to confront corrupting piEMvMI1j6o-00110-00047997-00048573 forces in the world in order to mature and take on responsibility in their lives, something piEMvMI1j6o-00111-00048573-00048815 we all have to do at times. piEMvMI1j6o-00112-00048815-00049415 However, it's in their maturity and embracement of responsibility that not only do they strengthen piEMvMI1j6o-00113-00049415-00050009 as individuals, but they're actually capable of caring for others, namely their father, piEMvMI1j6o-00114-00050009-00050306 with the wealth they find in the witches hut. piEMvMI1j6o-00115-00050306-00050746 It's also through developing their resolve and maturing that they find the power to forgive piEMvMI1j6o-00116-00050746-00051220 their father who abandoned them, a sign of how they've matured and understood the meaning piEMvMI1j6o-00117-00051220-00051482 and importance of their journey. piEMvMI1j6o-00118-00051482-00052017 So with everything said, Hansel and Gretel, and hopefully Gretel and Hansel, is a deep, piEMvMI1j6o-00119-00052017-00052529 but interesting metaphor for our lives on becoming responsible, mature and forgiving piEMvMI1j6o-00120-00052529-00053134 people who strive to the betterment of mankind. piEMvMI1j6o-00121-00053134-00053402 There's still much more symbolised in Hansel and Gretel. piEMvMI1j6o-00122-00053402-00053719 Can you think of any not discussed? piEMvMI1j6o-00123-00053719-00054267 For example how Hansel and Gretel represent the masculine and feminine sides of ourselves. piEMvMI1j6o-00124-00054267-00054434 Let me know in the comments. piEMvMI1j6o-00125-00054434-00054838 Please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your terms. piEMvMI1j6o-00126-00054838-00055315 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. piEMvMI1j6o-00127-00055315-00055404 Thanks for watching. pjPLe4Pcoso-00000-00000000-00000969 SCP-1151 A Handy Marker object class safe pjPLe4Pcoso-00001-00001203-00001501 Item #: SCP-1151 pjPLe4Pcoso-00002-00001501-00001691 Object Class: Safe pjPLe4Pcoso-00003-00001691-00002397 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1151 is currently contained in Storage Unit ██, located pjPLe4Pcoso-00004-00002397-00003136 in Site ██. SCP-1151 is to be kept in a 10cm x 10cm sealed container and kept under pjPLe4Pcoso-00005-00003136-00003454 guard by one (1) security officer at all times. pjPLe4Pcoso-00006-00003454-00004124 Any personnel handling SCP-1151 in any way must wear protective gloves while doing so. pjPLe4Pcoso-00007-00004124-00004762 Only one (1) specimen of SCP-1151-1 may be kept in containment at any time. pjPLe4Pcoso-00008-00004762-00005542 Subjects in the final stages of SCP-1151 compromisation are to be fed via IV tube as dictated in Nutritional pjPLe4Pcoso-00009-00005542-00005728 Chart 1151-1. pjPLe4Pcoso-00010-00005728-00006487 If any personnel become compromised by SCP-1151 outside of authorised testing, the affected pjPLe4Pcoso-00011-00006487-00006828 hand is to be immediately washed and decontaminated. pjPLe4Pcoso-00012-00006828-00007401 Any testing involving SCP-1151 must be authorised by at least two (2) members of Level Three pjPLe4Pcoso-00013-00007401-00007548 personnel. pjPLe4Pcoso-00014-00007548-00008150 Description: SCP-1151 is a black marker pen of the █████ brand. pjPLe4Pcoso-00015-00008150-00008759 SCP-1151's anomalous properties first become apparent when it is used to draw the image pjPLe4Pcoso-00016-00008759-00009236 of a 'smiley face' onto the palm of a human subject, who will hereafter be referred to pjPLe4Pcoso-00017-00009236-00009625 simply as SCP-1151-1. pjPLe4Pcoso-00018-00009625-00010249 The initial effects of SCP-1151 take roughly a week to initially manifest, and this time pjPLe4Pcoso-00019-00010249-00010986 period has been known to vary depending on the age and the physical condition of SCP-1151-1. pjPLe4Pcoso-00020-00010986-00011474 During this period before initial manifestation, washing off or otherwise removing the 'smiley pjPLe4Pcoso-00021-00011474-00011914 face' will negate SCP-1151's effects. pjPLe4Pcoso-00022-00011914-00012443 Subjects experiencing the effects of SCP-1151 will noticeably raise their affected hand pjPLe4Pcoso-00023-00012443-00012575 during their daily routines. pjPLe4Pcoso-00024-00012575-00013218 Initially, they will only do this when conversing with others, but as SCP-1151 compromisation pjPLe4Pcoso-00025-00013218-00013728 progresses, they will raise their affected hand higher than the rest of their body constantly. pjPLe4Pcoso-00026-00013728-00014220 Later symptoms of these initial stages include unfocused pupils, loose hanging of the head pjPLe4Pcoso-00027-00014220-00014519 and slight slurring of speech. pjPLe4Pcoso-00028-00014519-00014990 The initial period of compromisation only lasts at most three (3) days; after this point pjPLe4Pcoso-00029-00014990-00015587 SCP-1151's further mental effects will become apparent. pjPLe4Pcoso-00030-00015587-00016031 SCP-1151-1 will begin to believe that the face drawn on their palm is their actual face pjPLe4Pcoso-00031-00016031-00016304 and will behave as such. pjPLe4Pcoso-00032-00016304-00016909 Interestingly, tests have indicated that SCP-1151-1 does have a limited awareness of what the pjPLe4Pcoso-00033-00016909-00017244 face drawn on their palm is looking at. pjPLe4Pcoso-00034-00017244-00017676 After a period ranging from two (2) to six (6) days has passed, the final stage of SCP-1151 pjPLe4Pcoso-00035-00017676-00018006 compromisation will begin. pjPLe4Pcoso-00036-00018006-00018645 SCP-1151-1 will begin to believe that their head is a dangerous growth on their body, pjPLe4Pcoso-00037-00018645-00019070 commonly referring to it as a 'tumor' or a 'cancer', and will attempt to remove it using pjPLe4Pcoso-00038-00019070-00019260 whatever tools are available to them. pjPLe4Pcoso-00039-00019260-00019748 If they cannot find a method of efficiently decapitating themselves, they will attempt pjPLe4Pcoso-00040-00019748-00020248 to use cruder methods such as repeatedly slamming their head upon walls or floors. pjPLe4Pcoso-00041-00020248-00020758 Seventy-five (75) percent of affected individuals have been known to survive their self-decapitation, pjPLe4Pcoso-00042-00020758-00021154 despite the resultant lack of a brain and the mental and physical functions associated pjPLe4Pcoso-00043-00021154-00021329 with it. pjPLe4Pcoso-00044-00021329-00022026 After self-decapitation, a surviving SCP-1151-1 will wander aimlessly, showing a general awareness pjPLe4Pcoso-00045-00022026-00022368 of their surroundings by moving around obstructions. pjPLe4Pcoso-00046-00022368-00022915 Surviving instances of SCP-1151-1 do not appear to be concerned regarding the massive amount pjPLe4Pcoso-00047-00022915-00023393 of blood loss relating to their self-decapitation, and will survive for a time period ranging pjPLe4Pcoso-00048-00023393-00023518 from one (1) to six (6) hours. pkmpbUKD42Y-00000-00000592-00001592 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00001-00001816-00002984 yo what's up pkmpbUKD42Y-00002-00004800-00005832 bingo N pkmpbUKD42Y-00003-00005832-00007184 okay pkmpbUKD42Y-00004-00009640-00011384 yo what's up foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00005-00012336-00012784 me pkmpbUKD42Y-00006-00013760-00014184 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00007-00018152-00018384 all right pkmpbUKD42Y-00008-00018968-00019784 goodness pkmpbUKD42Y-00009-00019912-00021184 oh pkmpbUKD42Y-00010-00024552-00025384 so pkmpbUKD42Y-00011-00028064-00028183 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00012-00029336-00029583 yo what's up again pkmpbUKD42Y-00013-00032224-00032383 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00014-00034216-00035184 um pkmpbUKD42Y-00015-00037232-00037984 so pkmpbUKD42Y-00016-00038872-00039384 please pkmpbUKD42Y-00017-00043424-00043584 hey pkmpbUKD42Y-00018-00046000-00046384 um pkmpbUKD42Y-00019-00046544-00047784 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00020-00048344-00049184 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00021-00050032-00050584 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00022-00051144-00051984 come on pkmpbUKD42Y-00023-00053944-00056184 so so pkmpbUKD42Y-00024-00056528-00058984 so oh pkmpbUKD42Y-00025-00059824-00060384 bruh pkmpbUKD42Y-00026-00061720-00061784 run run run pkmpbUKD42Y-00027-00065176-00065984 um pkmpbUKD42Y-00028-00066720-00067384 god pkmpbUKD42Y-00029-00068088-00068784 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00030-00070888-00071584 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00031-00071832-00072984 foreign pkmpbUKD42Y-00032-00074240-00074384 okay pkmpbUKD42Y-00033-00076104-00077184 that on wireless pkmpbUKD42Y-00034-00077376-00078584 yo what's up pkmpbUKD42Y-00035-00079312-00079984 so pkmpbUKD42Y-00036-00080360-00081384 so pkmpbUKD42Y-00037-00082624-00082784 oh pkmpbUKD42Y-00038-00086232-00086984 so pkmpbUKD42Y-00039-00089704-00090088 know thank you all bye pktOAFjPJ70-00000-00118686-00119172 Wow! How many hours do I have? pktOAFjPJ70-00001-00119219-00119489 Oh, yeah, definitely you are correct, pktOAFjPJ70-00002-00119489-00119938 I was the first of mankind to make sushi in space. pktOAFjPJ70-00003-00119938-00120285 The sushi is interesting because you have the raw fish pktOAFjPJ70-00004-00120303-00120728 and also the rice, and also have to have a right combination pktOAFjPJ70-00005-00120765-00121194 because just adding raw fish and rice doesn't make a good sushi. pktOAFjPJ70-00006-00121249-00121486 Have to be a right softness. pktOAFjPJ70-00007-00121493-00122033 And also the right amount of salt and the soy sauce onto the raw fish side. pktOAFjPJ70-00008-00122036-00122310 So we have a lot of trial and error, pktOAFjPJ70-00009-00122342-00122732 how to make a good sushi and believe me, the JAXA, pktOAFjPJ70-00010-00122732-00123134 the space agency helped me a lot to come up with the sushi plan. pktOAFjPJ70-00011-00123134-00123476 So we bring a lot of you know the raw fish, freeze dried pktOAFjPJ70-00012-00123558-00123917 raw fish, plus good quality of rice. pktOAFjPJ70-00013-00123917-00124140 And we have a great sushi party. pktOAFjPJ70-00014-00124140-00124389 Guarantee you, we have a great sushi party. pktOAFjPJ70-00015-00125011-00125193 Hi, my name is Soichi Noguchi. pktOAFjPJ70-00016-00125193-00125398 I'm a Japanese astronaut. pktOAFjPJ70-00017-00125398-00125737 My job is to fly in space and safely come home. pktOAFjPJ70-00018-00125808-00126210 International Space Station, as you can see here, this is the small model, but pktOAFjPJ70-00019-00126234-00126568 it's a wonderful facility 400 kilometers pktOAFjPJ70-00020-00126568-00126900 above Earth, and we're working 24/7. pktOAFjPJ70-00021-00126901-00127260 Right now, there are seven astronauts living over there, pktOAFjPJ70-00022-00127267-00127519 do a lot of good science. pktOAFjPJ70-00023-00127740-00128136 We believe our multicultural aspect also pktOAFjPJ70-00024-00128151-00128658 diversity plays a huge role on the International Space Station. pktOAFjPJ70-00025-00128670-00129050 Because of this diversity and inclusion, gives pktOAFjPJ70-00026-00129087-00129497 the strengths and resilience to the teams, pktOAFjPJ70-00027-00129541-00129918 and this is what we have been doing over the last 20 years. pktOAFjPJ70-00028-00129918-00130303 The International Space Station is the great showcase pktOAFjPJ70-00029-00130303-00130536 of the international friendship. pktOAFjPJ70-00030-00130620-00130755 Communication is very important. pktOAFjPJ70-00031-00130755-00131166 We have American, Russian and Japanese living there, so pktOAFjPJ70-00032-00131184-00131616 make sure everybody is in sync and understand each other pktOAFjPJ70-00033-00131656-00132220 in order to make sure we survive and bring up good science. pktOAFjPJ70-00034-00132220-00132675 And of course, it's for the ice-breaking, it's nice to have some humor pktOAFjPJ70-00035-00132712-00133082 associated with that, to make our days a little bit easier. pktOAFjPJ70-00036-00133141-00133446 And finally, Soichi Noguchi bringing up the rear. pktOAFjPJ70-00037-00133476-00133953 Ready to increase the space station science and and get to work. pktOAFjPJ70-00038-00134214-00134599 Let us know what your favorite part of this video was in the comment section. pktOAFjPJ70-00039-00134634-00134908 And if you enjoyed it, be sure to give it a liking to share. pktOAFjPJ70-00040-00134938-00135270 Also, you can follow STEM in 30, on Facebook and Twitter. pktOAFjPJ70-00041-00135300-00135692 And be sure to subscribe to the National Air and Space Museum and YouTube channel. pkwrMGcQnSk-00000-00000085-00000285 www.AmwagTours.com pkwrMGcQnSk-00001-00000285-00000485 www.AmwagTours.com plckmoMXMAy-00000-00000016-00000480 Welcome back to Cinemation Movie Recaps. Today I show you the Movie plckmoMXMAy-00001-00000480-00001160 „White Girl“ from 2016. Beware of Spoilers. Leah and her friend Katie move into their new plckmoMXMAy-00002-00001160-00001744 apartment in Queens. They notice a group of Latinos nearby who whistle and catcall them. plckmoMXMAy-00003-00001744-00002336 Leah looks disturbed by this behavior. Leah is a free-spirited partygoer and has enrolled in plckmoMXMAy-00004-00002336-00003000 New York College who uses drugs recreationally. Leah leads a very basic life. She is not popular plckmoMXMAy-00005-00003000-00003440 in college and drifts in and out without drawing much attention to herself, plckmoMXMAy-00006-00003440-00003968 mostly looking distracted. Leah and some of her drug buddies have a party complete with drugs plckmoMXMAy-00007-00003968-00004552 and booze. The group talks about their place being more dangerous compared to the dorm rooms plckmoMXMAy-00008-00004552-00005040 that college students usually apply for. Leah walks up to the apartments' window plckmoMXMAy-00009-00005040-00005592 and looks below. She witnesses a drug trade between the Latinos and another man. plckmoMXMAy-00010-00005592-00006120 As she is watching, one of her friends declares that they are officially out of weed. plckmoMXMAy-00011-00006120-00006600 Leah offers to buy some for the group, they ask her where she will source it from. plckmoMXMAy-00012-00006600-00007168 Leah lets them in on the drug trade that just came down right outside their building by the Latinos. plckmoMXMAy-00013-00007168-00007600 With their blessing, she walks out in the cold night to do the dirty work. plckmoMXMAy-00014-00007600-00008136 Across the street from their apartment, the Latinos are smoking cigarettes. She confidently plckmoMXMAy-00015-00008136-00008688 walks up to them and states her business. She does not look too happy when one of the Latinos called plckmoMXMAy-00016-00008688-00009320 Blue denies having drugs for sale. He advises her against doing drugs. Leah walks away. plckmoMXMAy-00017-00009320-00009888 Leah is working on her computer when her boss interrupts her. He asks her what she is doing, plckmoMXMAy-00018-00009888-00010480 why she is not working harder, and finally asks her to follow him. He takes her to his office plckmoMXMAy-00019-00010480-00011024 and asks her to review a painting. She barely says anything when he snorts some drugs, plckmoMXMAy-00020-00011024-00011752 she accepts his invitation to join. A few moments later, they get hot; he asks Leah for a blowjob. plckmoMXMAy-00021-00011752-00012336 His secretary knocks in the middle of the action. They quickly wind up as she walks in. She looks plckmoMXMAy-00022-00012336-00013000 at Leah with amusement while she updates the boss. Leah and her boss cover up the event and move on. plckmoMXMAy-00023-00013000-00013576 Leah takes the subway back to her apartment. She stops at a store to buy a pack of beer. plckmoMXMAy-00024-00013576-00014168 There Leah runs into Blue again, who formally introduces himself. She asks him if Blue is his plckmoMXMAy-00025-00014168-00014808 real name. He tells her that his friends call him Blue because he is always sad. After meeting her, plckmoMXMAy-00026-00014808-00015440 he says he is not so ‘blue’ anymore. Leah takes him back to her apartment. She opens up two plckmoMXMAy-00027-00015440-00016080 bottles of beer; one for her and one for Blue. Even after numerous objections from her roommate, plckmoMXMAy-00028-00016080-00016688 she lets Blue stay over. A few moments later, his friends climb up into the apartment. It is an plckmoMXMAy-00029-00016688-00017400 invasion of privacy, but Leah does not mind. She looks jolly. Later, they are all hooked on smoking plckmoMXMAy-00030-00017400-00018072 and talking mainly about drugs. Leah tries to buy drugs from them again. Blue becomes agitated so plckmoMXMAy-00031-00018072-00018600 he leaves the apartment. Leah follows after him, and he tells her that he does not get along with plckmoMXMAy-00032-00018600-00019224 people who do drugs, even if he is a dealer. Blue tells Leah that this roof was their spot. plckmoMXMAy-00033-00019224-00019760 He means it was where he and his group used to deal. They could not deal on the streets because plckmoMXMAy-00034-00019760-00020304 of a woman who would always come around sniffing. He calls her a bitch but quickly adds that he plckmoMXMAy-00035-00020304-00020928 doesn't use this word except for this woman. Leah moves closer to him and they share a kiss. They plckmoMXMAy-00036-00020928-00021584 fall into a frenzy and make out on the rooftop. Leah is working the morning after. Her boss walks plckmoMXMAy-00037-00021584-00022136 up to her again. He leans in pretending to help her work. He gives her a few instructions plckmoMXMAy-00038-00022136-00022744 and at the end, suggesting they will meet that night. Leah excuses herself and explains that plckmoMXMAy-00039-00022744-00023280 she is unpacking and would not have the time to meet him. He picks up a card from her desk plckmoMXMAy-00040-00023280-00023824 and starts reading it; Leah's mother sent her the card. Leah snatches it back from him. plckmoMXMAy-00041-00023824-00024360 Leah walks back to her apartment and finds Blue sitting on the stairs outside. He asks plckmoMXMAy-00042-00024360-00024960 her whether or not she is committed to anyone. Leah inquires why he would ask such a question, plckmoMXMAy-00043-00024960-00025448 he says that he just assumed a girl like Leah would probably be dating someone. plckmoMXMAy-00044-00025448-00025944 Leah does not understand why he would assume such a thing. He looks at her while sipping his plckmoMXMAy-00045-00025944-00026568 beer. Blue confesses that he really likes Leah and they both smile brightly. He says that he plckmoMXMAy-00046-00026568-00027168 will take really good care of her. She smiles and lets him know that she can take care of herself. plckmoMXMAy-00047-00027168-00027776 He insists he ought to look after her. He also introduces her to his Tata later in the evening. plckmoMXMAy-00048-00027776-00028432 Blue takes Leah to her room. She picks up a small packet of cocaine and asks him how much it is. plckmoMXMAy-00049-00028432-00029072 He replies with 20, she asserts that it could be a 60 bag. She asks him to join her at a party in the plckmoMXMAy-00050-00029072-00029720 city. He declines, saying that he does not deal in the city. Leah smiles playfully and emphasizes plckmoMXMAy-00051-00029720-00030360 that it will be fun. Leah, Blue, and the rest of the friends go to the club in the city at Leah’s plckmoMXMAy-00052-00030360-00030983 behest. They make a great profit on the drugs and thoroughly enjoy the party. The party carries on plckmoMXMAy-00053-00030983-00031583 throughout the night; they mess around, have sex, and do drugs. They return in the morning, plckmoMXMAy-00054-00031583-00032095 completely wasted. Leah's friend pukes outside the school where she is a teacher. plckmoMXMAy-00055-00032095-00032672 Blue gets into a fight with his Latino brothers. He throws them out of the cab and drives away, plckmoMXMAy-00056-00032672-00033208 saying he cannot take their negativity. He and Leah make love in the back seat of the car. plckmoMXMAy-00057-00033208-00033776 He makes a pit stop at a shady place in one of the worse areas of town. He disappears plckmoMXMAy-00058-00033776-00034328 below the staircase. Leah waits a couple more minutes before she gets out of the cab as well. plckmoMXMAy-00059-00034328-00034968 She goes and sits on the stairs. A middle-aged man comes around smoking a cigarette. He looks at her, plckmoMXMAy-00060-00034968-00035608 trying to figure out her complexity. Leah asks him if she could get a smoke, to which he agrees. He plckmoMXMAy-00061-00035608-00036200 offers her another cigarette and lights it for her. He advises her to be safe and leaves. At plckmoMXMAy-00062-00036200-00036864 this point, Blue hurriedly comes for Leah and asks her to follow him down. She is a little confused plckmoMXMAy-00063-00036864-00037560 but agrees to go. Inside, Blue is begging his drug supplier to give him some time and he will get him plckmoMXMAy-00064-00037560-00038176 the money. It appears that Blue is behind on his payments and the drug supplier, a big hefty man, plckmoMXMAy-00065-00038176-00038744 is enraged. He has cocaine spread on the table and signals Leah to come sit in his lap. plckmoMXMAy-00066-00038744-00039464 Leah complies. He looks at her expectantly; she understands and snorts a line up her nose. Blue plckmoMXMAy-00067-00039464-00039792 and his dealer strike another deal and Blue leaves with Leah. plckmoMXMAy-00068-00039848-00040408 Blue takes Leah to a restaurant. He tells her that the guy they just met is very dangerous; plckmoMXMAy-00069-00040408-00040984 he took out his cousin's eye with a fork. Leah is just relieved that they got the cocaine. plckmoMXMAy-00070-00040984-00041496 Blue admits that if he keeps dealing to Leahs' city friends, he will soon have enough money to plckmoMXMAy-00071-00041496-00042136 pay his dealer. He asks her if she likes Italian food as a man knocks on the restaurant window. plckmoMXMAy-00072-00042136-00042744 Leah smiles and says who doesn't like Italian? He tells her that he will take her out tonight. He plckmoMXMAy-00073-00042744-00043328 sets his cocaine on the seat as he gets up. He tells Leah that he will be back shortly. plckmoMXMAy-00074-00043328-00043920 She just thinks about what she wants to eat. He leaves. Leah gets up, drink in hand, plckmoMXMAy-00075-00043920-00044520 and explores the restaurant. She watches as Blue exchanges drugs with the man at the window. plckmoMXMAy-00076-00044520-00045168 As she sips her coke, she hears a loud thud and Blue swearing. She faces peers out the window, plckmoMXMAy-00077-00045168-00045768 completely taken aback as she witnesses the arrest of her lover Blue. The police find a small packet plckmoMXMAy-00078-00045768-00046360 of cocaine in his pants, enough to arrest him. She watches as they put handcuffs on him, throw plckmoMXMAy-00079-00046360-00047120 him in the car and drive off. Leah looks afraid. Leah spirals out of control. She wants Blue back. plckmoMXMAy-00080-00047120-00047744 She regularly takes cocaine. Leah visits Blue in prison looking beautiful. Blue is brought to the plckmoMXMAy-00081-00047744-00048352 visiting room with other inmates. They both look at each other and smile. Blue starts saying that plckmoMXMAy-00082-00048352-00048896 his Latino friend Kilo was right; he shouldn't have dealt in the city. He looks frustrated as plckmoMXMAy-00083-00048896-00049568 he recalls his punishment; 20 years in prison for 10 ounces of cocaine. Leah looks confused. plckmoMXMAy-00084-00049568-00049960 She tells him that there is no way he got locked up for 10 ounces, plckmoMXMAy-00085-00049960-00050568 as she picked up the package. The police never got it. Blue cannot believe his ears. He yells plckmoMXMAy-00086-00050568-00051208 with joy. As he settles down again, he instructs Leah to return that package to his dealer Lloyd, plckmoMXMAy-00087-00051208-00051664 as he might be wondering where Blue ended up. He looks tense as he speaks, plckmoMXMAy-00088-00051664-00052224 maybe because he is afraid of what Lloyd might do to him if he felt like he was threatened by Blues' plckmoMXMAy-00089-00052224-00052864 arrest. Blue is hopeful that he might get out of jail, but he cannot do that by giving up his plckmoMXMAy-00090-00052864-00053504 dealers. Leah reassures him that she will help him figure it out; she always figures it out. plckmoMXMAy-00091-00053504-00053960 Leah meets with a lawyer and explains the situation to him. He looks at her, plckmoMXMAy-00092-00053960-00054528 judging her and her choices. She is adamant that Blue is a kind person, and deserves a plckmoMXMAy-00093-00054528-00055088 second chance. He was only dealing to help her ailing grandmother get good healthcare. The plckmoMXMAy-00094-00055088-00055679 lawyer agrees to help her disapprovingly and puts some of the ideas he had on the table. plckmoMXMAy-00095-00055679-00056296 Now, it was up to Leah to arrange a whopping sum of 25000 Dollars to pay for the lawyers' fees. plckmoMXMAy-00096-00056352-00056832 Leah sells some cocaine to her boss, and her friends and she make small packets of plckmoMXMAy-00097-00056832-00057455 the drug to sell in a bar later. As they deal inside the pub, the bouncer notices Leah waving plckmoMXMAy-00098-00057455-00058088 money to the Latino friends of Blue. He throws them outside the bar after punching Kilo. Leah plckmoMXMAy-00099-00058088-00058560 and the others get into a fight; Leah stays and deals while they all leave. plckmoMXMAy-00100-00058560-00059191 She leaves alone. When she reaches her apartment, the dealer Lloyd is at her door. He abuses her plckmoMXMAy-00101-00059191-00059664 and harasses her for money. She tells him that she doesn't even know Blue that well, plckmoMXMAy-00102-00059664-00060096 but he will get his money. Lloyd pinches her nipples and leaves. plckmoMXMAy-00103-00060096-00060696 Later, she contacts her boss again and hooks up with him. In the morning that follows, she tells plckmoMXMAy-00104-00060696-00061200 him about her financial struggles and the fact that the dealer Lloyd knows where she lives. plckmoMXMAy-00105-00061200-00061832 She skips the part about the abuse she faced. She starts sobbing and gets up to leave. He calls her plckmoMXMAy-00106-00061832-00062488 back and offers his help. They party in a high-end nightclub and collect loads of money. Leah gets plckmoMXMAy-00107-00062488-00063184 very high and shouts and yells. She takes off her top and exposes her breasts to people. She dances plckmoMXMAy-00108-00063184-00063752 like a madwoman. It looks as though she is having the time of her life. She passes out while trying plckmoMXMAy-00109-00063752-00064360 to sexually please her boss. Leah wakes up in the morning to realize that she is still in the club. plckmoMXMAy-00110-00064360-00064952 She goes back to her boss's apartment, where her boss and another one of his employees congratulate plckmoMXMAy-00111-00064952-00065584 Leah on her achievement. Leah looks concerned. She has lost the money she made. She asks them if plckmoMXMAy-00112-00065584-00066144 they have seen it, and they look dumbfounded. Leah is convinced that the money was in her hands plckmoMXMAy-00113-00066144-00066440 before she passed out. She does not know what to do. plckmoMXMAy-00114-00066504-00067064 Back at the lawyers' office, she tries hard to keep a straight face but fails as she starts plckmoMXMAy-00115-00067064-00067696 crying. She tries leaving the office in dismay, but he tells her to wait as all is not lost yet. plckmoMXMAy-00116-00067696-00068280 She comes back. He treats her to dinner and fills her up with alcohol. He goes back with Leah to plckmoMXMAy-00117-00068280-00069024 her apartment. Leah is almost unconscious due to how drunk she is and is not aware of herself. The plckmoMXMAy-00118-00069024-00069560 lawyer takes full advantage of her and rapes her as he pleases. Later, her roommate hears plckmoMXMAy-00119-00069560-00070224 her sobbing in the toilet. She is concerned and opens the toilet door to see Leah at her worst. plckmoMXMAy-00120-00070224-00070840 She is puking all over the toilet seat and crying uncontrollably. For the next few days, plckmoMXMAy-00121-00070840-00071368 she looks like she is depressed. She stays in bed and does nothing productive. plckmoMXMAy-00122-00071368-00071952 One day she wakes up to find Blue sitting right next to her. She is shocked and overjoyed. plckmoMXMAy-00123-00071952-00072496 They go out together and take a walk down the streets. Blue asks Leah to marry him. plckmoMXMAy-00124-00072496-00072936 Leah thinks that he is joking. She has not yet told him about the rape, plckmoMXMAy-00125-00072936-00073440 or the package and Lloyds' visit to her apartment. As they stroll down the streets, plckmoMXMAy-00126-00073440-00073952 Lloyd appears out of nowhere and starts hitting Blue. Blue falls on the pavement. plckmoMXMAy-00127-00073952-00074632 Leah screams and tries to defend him but it is of no use. She is no match for Lloyd and he quickly plckmoMXMAy-00128-00074632-00075296 restrains her. Blue swings a glass bottle at Lloyd and keeps on hitting him until he is dead. plckmoMXMAy-00129-00075296-00075928 He asks Leah if she gave back the package, but she is too horrified and scared to speak. Blue plckmoMXMAy-00130-00075928-00077184 is arrested again, this time for murder and leaves Leah behind with anger and mistrust. pmU3XhCGtPu-00000-00000080-00000624 This is Chapter 7: Book 2 and I'm BullpenPlayz... and today we're gonna be trying to escape... pmU3XhCGtPu-00001-00000712-00001216 Port: the new Piggy map and I hope it's good because if it's not we're gonna pmU3XhCGtPu-00002-00001216-00001696 report this to Minitoon, and he's gonna be pretty mad that we don't like his game. pmU3XhCGtPu-00003-00001768-00002272 Uh I think I'm the only one in the game so yeah. Gotta make this a lot harder. Oh no I'm not. I sawanother player. pmU3XhCGtPu-00004-00002272-00002688 somebody walk in the door over there yes so I'm open please and first things first make sure to pmU3XhCGtPu-00005-00002688-00003240 absolutely smack the like button so that you break your mom's computer. So let's do that immediately pmU3XhCGtPu-00006-00003520-00004688 oh uh where's everything okay and make sure to subscribe and make that button turn gray pmU3XhCGtPu-00007-00004896-00006216 um uh yeah so please just smack the like button as hard as you can okay yes so playing a piggy pmU3XhCGtPu-00008-00006216-00007192 map today good map plank where does it even go i think it's back up here right yeah i think pmU3XhCGtPu-00009-00007192-00007823 it's back up here was wait up here i want to say that might not have been a plank whatever but um pmU3XhCGtPu-00010-00008280-00008608 okay so we're in here got grappling hook plank up here pmU3XhCGtPu-00011-00009064-00010160 magnifying glass so what's up here nothing still except for some ammo and that's all so yes i don't pmU3XhCGtPu-00012-00010160-00010784 know where everything is particularly in this map oh my god dude here the piggy's nicer we're just pmU3XhCGtPu-00013-00010784-00011648 really bad at the game right now because i don't know it was really scary oh that is scary as uh pmU3XhCGtPu-00014-00011760-00012472 and biden was elected no that was freaky hell cow yeah that was not my favorite day of the week pmU3XhCGtPu-00015-00012472-00013144 thursdays okay we're stuck back there so we can't do it um no where is everything like pmU3XhCGtPu-00016-00013232-00013416 you got to walk around and put the batteries in juice pmU3XhCGtPu-00017-00013872-00014632 batteries step up there and then there is this one and the top pmU3XhCGtPu-00018-00014632-00015584 opens you know the battery you keep me doing oh my god oh i'm not got the battery no dude pmU3XhCGtPu-00019-00016304-00016880 i think he's being nice be a nice pig okay pig's being nice we're not gonna turn him into bacon pmU3XhCGtPu-00020-00016936-00017264 um yeah not yet anyway we might we might later pmU3XhCGtPu-00021-00017544-00017640 the timing is pig pmU3XhCGtPu-00022-00017880-00018520 i don't think so about whatever um they use the shovel and when we see that other one pmU3XhCGtPu-00023-00018688-00019176 was it was it up here somewhere guns up there pmU3XhCGtPu-00024-00019504-00020336 nothing in here no what's up here nothing nothing so like i'm not really used to this pmU3XhCGtPu-00025-00020336-00020912 map so i don't know what these things are but like since i don't want that piggy my way because he's pmU3XhCGtPu-00026-00020912-00021448 probably gonna betray us and kill us so we're just gonna look at the ammo wherever it might be pmU3XhCGtPu-00027-00021560-00022160 it's up here right now it's right here ammo gun come on pmU3XhCGtPu-00028-00022440-00023112 we're gonna shoot a little face oh oh geez right now that pig pmU3XhCGtPu-00029-00023376-00024008 there we go good good job pig is down i'm gonna skip the map pmU3XhCGtPu-00030-00024216-00024664 i mean it's i don't think this is the hardest map to do but okay yes yes you guys at the pmU3XhCGtPu-00031-00024664-00025264 top of it pretty good the net name good job for that guy so we're gonna get up here boom pmU3XhCGtPu-00032-00025360-00025776 and you know what's okay what else is up here pmU3XhCGtPu-00033-00026408-00027048 grappling hook boom so what do you escape no question pmU3XhCGtPu-00034-00027176-00027752 um down here i think but i don't know because not that good pmU3XhCGtPu-00035-00028039-00028224 so it's me all to me and one guy pmU3XhCGtPu-00036-00028360-00029136 so just up here anyway geez okay so i have a robot since the direction and half depending pmU3XhCGtPu-00037-00029136-00029983 on what i'm going in my house so um and also skip every single map except chapter six so i pmU3XhCGtPu-00038-00029983-00030544 don't know where that came up where'd he go did he already escape is there a door open anywhere pmU3XhCGtPu-00039-00030880-00031039 i i think he already escaped pmU3XhCGtPu-00040-00031527-00032200 it's a nice pig things are nice whatever what a nice pig okay so i actually think pmU3XhCGtPu-00041-00032200-00032848 we escaped i don't think that was the guy so i think we are done with the game but pmU3XhCGtPu-00042-00033024-00033264 if it lagged and it's not actually the door pmU3XhCGtPu-00043-00033656-00034600 oh my god where's the top you don't need anything else is that it then pmU3XhCGtPu-00044-00034976-00035672 i don't think we escaped yeah i don't i don't think we did come on oh dude i have pmU3XhCGtPu-00045-00035672-00036808 a bad phone we're not going to skip this round no no no no garbage garbage garbage pmU3XhCGtPu-00046-00037024-00038344 oh my god where is everything just move this real quick where is everything pmU3XhCGtPu-00047-00038608-00038680 oh my god pmU3XhCGtPu-00048-00039064-00040784 well i hate everybody around or is everything yo dude it's not funny i cry pmU3XhCGtPu-00049-00041232-00042184 i think i missed something yeah i think the guy has already escaped yeah since the game's over pmU3XhCGtPu-00050-00042560-00042610 where do we pmU3XhCGtPu-00051-00042944-00043632 oh oh my god i'm an absolute idiot it's down here we got it pmU3XhCGtPu-00052-00043752-00044392 we got it boys oh yeah we got it completed portable hello is anyone there pmU3XhCGtPu-00053-00044712-00044984 who goes there pmU3XhCGtPu-00054-00045896-00046016 are you the ones who at the lighthouse pmU3XhCGtPu-00055-00046336-00046552 we need your help dude we need your help pmU3XhCGtPu-00056-00046760-00047240 blame me you board my ship and ask me for help this isn't a charity dude you dumb or something pmU3XhCGtPu-00057-00047240-00047744 you're like dora i don't have time to waste we need to get across the not seeing invest pmU3XhCGtPu-00058-00048112-00048552 think me across the sea on the middle you've lost your minds you like pmU3XhCGtPu-00059-00048552-00048896 dora we aren't going anywhere i used to would feel we had left a duck here pmU3XhCGtPu-00060-00049184-00049912 don't you have any spare fuel door you don't want something hi but it is not possible to get to it pmU3XhCGtPu-00061-00050248-00050792 why is that ever since david jones cursed the world my heart is waiting pmU3XhCGtPu-00062-00050792-00051216 the anchor and left to see then we found out one of our ladies had baby sickness pmU3XhCGtPu-00063-00051552-00052104 one by one they fell i had no choice but to sell them seal them in the lower levels of pmU3XhCGtPu-00064-00052104-00052472 the ship to this day the ship remains sealed alongside our fuel reserves pmU3XhCGtPu-00065-00052736-00053176 all right let me go let me go down in fuel get the fuel for you then then you'll take pmU3XhCGtPu-00066-00053176-00053872 us across the sea blemi you're not series the crew will tear you apart you cannot go alone pmU3XhCGtPu-00067-00054216-00054784 you really think i fairly infected if they saw what i could do to them they'd fear me pmU3XhCGtPu-00068-00054928-00055376 i i thought the same thing for myself but do you want to know what they did to me pmU3XhCGtPu-00069-00055760-00056167 you lost your hand to them i'm a smart guy pmU3XhCGtPu-00070-00056167-00056608 good snow i lost this to a swimming pool accident no i lost my crew to them pmU3XhCGtPu-00071-00056896-00057032 i'll go with you there hello pmU3XhCGtPu-00072-00057288-00057776 it's best if you don't i mean i may even end up mistaking your fatherly infected pmU3XhCGtPu-00073-00057967-00058455 if we if we want to find out the character we need to work together hello or the one only one pmU3XhCGtPu-00074-00058455-00059360 who knows where it is we need to equalize just stay close just take care of clear of my kicks pmU3XhCGtPu-00075-00059448-00060384 good luck you scallywags i'll unseal the ship try not to feed the fish down there pmU3XhCGtPu-00076-00060544-00061064 thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed everything cutscene was great i swear good map pmU3XhCGtPu-00077-00061064-00061688 sure math easy map for everybody else not for me but um thank you guys for watching uh so make sure pmU3XhCGtPu-00078-00061688-00062079 to hit the subscribe button and like button and i'll see you guys next time so pound it noggin pmU3XhCGtPu-00079-00062312-00062632 oh and piggy's good and um pmU3XhCGtPu-00080-00062848-00063064 see you guys next time bye pmbEzxsgcBY-00000-00005068-00005416 Hey Well I guess it’s time to start another episode of IELTS FACE-OFF. pmbEzxsgcBY-00001-00005416-00005878 Was just admiring this tumbler because we don’t use plastic bottle here on set. pmbEzxsgcBY-00002-00005878-00006272 One of my favorite parts about every episode is the beginning. pmbEzxsgcBY-00003-00006272-00006778 Because that’s when I get to know who our guess is via clues or what type of person. pmbEzxsgcBY-00004-00006778-00006976 So I think this is the first clue. pmbEzxsgcBY-00005-00006976-00007184 I thought this was Robin Williams. pmbEzxsgcBY-00006-00007184-00007670 But I don’t think so, I think this is probably Phil Collins, a singer, song writer, producer. pmbEzxsgcBY-00007-00007770-00007884 This is the woods. pmbEzxsgcBY-00008-00007884-00008100 So what’s our singer doing in the woods? pmbEzxsgcBY-00009-00008100-00008592 OK Mariah Carey, who looks a bit like Celine Dion, and Westlife. pmbEzxsgcBY-00010-00009140-00009354 Take a look at me now... pmbEzxsgcBY-00011-00009354-00009536 That’s “Against All Odds”. pmbEzxsgcBY-00012-00009536-00009790 And that’s a song with all of those singers that I just saw. pmbEzxsgcBY-00013-00009790-00010234 So I think today’s guess is somebody who has managed to overcome difficulties. pmbEzxsgcBY-00014-00010234-00010506 And to create something for him or herself. pmbEzxsgcBY-00015-00010632-00010982 Okay I quite right here, so let's see who that person is. pmbEzxsgcBY-00016-00010982-00011052 Right there. pmbEzxsgcBY-00017-00011240-00011488 Hello, my full name in Vietnamese is Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung. pmbEzxsgcBY-00018-00011488-00012122 I was born and grew up in Xuan Hong commune, an underprivileged area in Nghi Xuan district, Ha Tinh province. pmbEzxsgcBY-00019-00012122-00012506 When I was a little child, I dreamed of becoming a teacher of English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00020-00012506-00012993 I made a lot of effort and took advantage of every single chance to realize my dreams. pmbEzxsgcBY-00021-00012993-00014247 After years of blood, sweat and tears, in 2010 I finally earned a college degree and started working as an official teacher of English in a high school in a remote area in Ha Tinh province. pmbEzxsgcBY-00022-00014247-00014735 And currently I’m working as a teacher of English at Ha Tinh high school for the gifted. pmbEzxsgcBY-00023-00015215-00015413 OK now that we know who the person is. pmbEzxsgcBY-00024-00015413-00015784 Let’s go find out in the studio as always. pmbEzxsgcBY-00025-00015784-00016066 Going into the dark, into the dark. pmbEzxsgcBY-00026-00016066-00016340 You’re here, yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00027-00016340-00016468 Nice to see you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00028-00016468-00016602 So nice to see you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00029-00016608-00017060 Let’s move back here, you know we don’t have to stand in front. pmbEzxsgcBY-00030-00017060-00017417 Since you’re here already, are you ready to face off? pmbEzxsgcBY-00031-00017417-00017673 Yeah, thank you for hosting me today. pmbEzxsgcBY-00032-00017673-00017948 OK IELTS FACE-OFF, we’re gonna start right now. pmbEzxsgcBY-00033-00018468-00018937 Today we have a super special guess because her name is Thuy Dung, but I’m not gonna call her Thuy Dung. pmbEzxsgcBY-00034-00018937-00019457 I’m gonna call her Miss Dung because she is the teacher of so many talented Vietnamese students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00035-00019457-00019522 Thank you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00036-00019522-00019966 One of the things that is really amazing about you and why you fit the theme today so well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00037-00019966-00020411 Is about to rise above adversity. pmbEzxsgcBY-00038-00020411-00021062 You were born in a very small town in Ha Tinh and you managed to get out of Ha Tinh to go study. pmbEzxsgcBY-00039-00021062-00021357 Why are you so interested in English in the first place? pmbEzxsgcBY-00040-00021357-00022111 It’s a very long story but I must say that the first person who introduced me to English is my dad. pmbEzxsgcBY-00041-00022111-00022762 When I was 11 years old my dad brought home an English self study book. pmbEzxsgcBY-00042-00022762-00023122 And I don’t know why but I was fascinated by the book. pmbEzxsgcBY-00043-00023122-00023686 And I read out loud word by word even though I did not understand anything at all in the book. pmbEzxsgcBY-00044-00023686-00023966 And my dad either, he didn’t know any English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00045-00023973-00024640 And then the journey just went on and I completely fell in love with English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00046-00024640-00024731 That’s the story. pmbEzxsgcBY-00047-00024731-00025366 Did you ever feel in the past that you were short-changed and you were marginalized because you came from a small town? pmbEzxsgcBY-00048-00025468-00026680 To be honest, you know like inadequate or unfavorable learning conditions may hinder or I mean prevent students from developing their communication skills, pmbEzxsgcBY-00049-00026680-00026852 Especially speaking and listening. pmbEzxsgcBY-00050-00026852-00026951 I’m not an exception. pmbEzxsgcBY-00051-00026951-00027173 I had to admit that I suffered a lot. pmbEzxsgcBY-00052-00027173-00027777 But to say it, I can’t say that I suffered during a self patinas..No. pmbEzxsgcBY-00053-00027777-00028432 Back to the time and so far, I still keep in mind that we can’t decide where we were born. pmbEzxsgcBY-00054-00028432-00028610 But we can decide who we are. pmbEzxsgcBY-00055-00029145-00029462 So such a feeling doesn’t exist inside myself. pmbEzxsgcBY-00056-00029462-00029930 I just go for it and I strive myself for it and I can make it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00057-00029930-00030214 Did you ever know you wanted to be a teacher? pmbEzxsgcBY-00058-00030214-00030406 I think I have a connection with kids. pmbEzxsgcBY-00059-00030480-00031002 I don’t know why but whenever I come inside the classroom, I feel completely happy. pmbEzxsgcBY-00060-00031008-00031924 I believe that whenever the door of the classroom is closed, I just leave all the negative feelings outside the classroom. pmbEzxsgcBY-00061-00031924-00032736 I just want to bring the happiness, the motivation, inspiration, all kinds of energy to the classroom. pmbEzxsgcBY-00062-00032736-00033250 To trigger the passion, trigger the energy inside my students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00063-00033250-00033500 In the classroom, I’m happy all the time like this. pmbEzxsgcBY-00064-00033500-00033784 That’s fantastic, I want you to be my teacher. pmbEzxsgcBY-00065-00033784-00034626 Are you able to show your students your blue nails, the blue color in the classroom, the blue and the white chalk maybe. pmbEzxsgcBY-00066-00034870-00035320 Normally in the classroom, I should be the model of my students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00067-00035320-00035778 I know things like this is one way to show who I am. pmbEzxsgcBY-00068-00035778-00036456 It’s not so colorful but I think it’s just acceptable in the context of school. pmbEzxsgcBY-00069-00036746-00036972 I think sometimes I’m kind of a weird person. pmbEzxsgcBY-00070-00036972-00037344 And these nails, I made it by myself, I change the color often. pmbEzxsgcBY-00071-00037344-00037882 Maybe it’s just like paint in a random color and just ask your students “What color is this?”, “Name these colors in English” pmbEzxsgcBY-00072-00037882-00037960 Yes I use it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00073-00037960-00038338 I teach kids so I ask “Hey what color is this?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00074-00038338-00038422 They say: “it’s white” pmbEzxsgcBY-00075-00038422-00038808 “Yes. Can you see any color here?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00076-00038808-00039038 And they tell this color, that color. pmbEzxsgcBY-00077-00039038-00039550 I think the next notch will be like “What fabric is this?”, “What material is this?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00078-00039550-00039848 I resort to everything in the classroom. pmbEzxsgcBY-00079-00039848-00040070 That’s fantastic, that’s so beautiful. pmbEzxsgcBY-00080-00040070-00040406 Now you are also one of those people that had a lot of scholarships. pmbEzxsgcBY-00081-00040406-00040674 You can be called the scholarship hunter pmbEzxsgcBY-00082-00040674-00041538 You got the scholarship from New Zealand, Australian government, and also the U.S. government, the Fulbright scholarship which you eventually took. pmbEzxsgcBY-00083-00041538-00041798 So why fight for so many scholarships? pmbEzxsgcBY-00084-00041798-00042218 I would say that I’d like to go outside of my comfort zone. pmbEzxsgcBY-00085-00042240-00042478 I’d like to see the world outside. pmbEzxsgcBY-00086-00042478-00043312 And again, I’d like to bring what I learnt outside to the classroom to talk, to share with my students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00087-00043312-00043844 Because besides academic knowledge, they deserve to know more about the world outside. pmbEzxsgcBY-00088-00043844-00044434 And my class is vivid, I just want to paint my class with different colors. pmbEzxsgcBY-00089-00044434-00045372 I apply for many scholarships and I have to admit that I failed several times before winning Fulbright. pmbEzxsgcBY-00090-00045372-00045758 My story could be motivating to my students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00091-00045758-00046062 They will know that I can do it and they can do it better. pmbEzxsgcBY-00092-00046062-00046652 That’s also the reason I want to go not for myself but for people around me, for my students, for young generations. pmbEzxsgcBY-00093-00046768-00047172 So you want to go for everyone, for your students pmbEzxsgcBY-00094-00047172-00047392 Why did you choose the Fulbright? pmbEzxsgcBY-00095-00047392-00048130 Maybe you look at this class, it looks awesome, it looks beautiful but it fits you, it may not fit me. pmbEzxsgcBY-00096-00048130-00048958 So there are many scholarships outside, however I just choose the right one pmbEzxsgcBY-00097-00048958-00049496 When I read about the criteria of Fulbright, I know that this’s for me. pmbEzxsgcBY-00098-00049496-00050070 So that’s the reason I put my name for it and I got it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00099-00050070-00050556 So what advice do you have for people seeking to get scholarships from Vietnam. pmbEzxsgcBY-00100-00050556-00050850 I should have 3 advices for them. pmbEzxsgcBY-00101-00050850-00051329 First of all you have to know which one is fit to you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00102-00051329-00051770 It means as I told you before, choose the right one. pmbEzxsgcBY-00103-00051770-00052452 Please spend some time reading the guidance of the scholarship to know that whether or not you belong to it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00104-00052452-00053217 So if you have a sense of belonging to the scholarship, I mean maybe you will get it, so you put your name on it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00105-00053217-00054522 And the second, scholarship means someone offer you the chance to go outside to gain knowledge, to broaden your world, and to broaden your horizons. pmbEzxsgcBY-00106-00054522-00055204 So when you come back, you are expected to return, you know, you absorb, and you are expected to produce. pmbEzxsgcBY-00107-00055204-00055648 So just prepare yourself for what you’re gonna produce. pmbEzxsgcBY-00108-00055648-00055914 For example me when I applied for scholarships. pmbEzxsgcBY-00109-00055914-00056344 They asked me: “What could you do for the community if you come back?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00110-00056344-00057112 And the picture, the future I draw out is very clear for them to imagine what I can do. pmbEzxsgcBY-00111-00057112-00058194 It’s also the 2nd advice: be specific with the goals, with the purposes, with what you can do after coming back from scholarship. pmbEzxsgcBY-00112-00058194-00058555 The last one should be persistent. pmbEzxsgcBY-00113-00058555-00059064 You fail one time, two times, and three times. pmbEzxsgcBY-00114-00059064-00059576 But again, just question yourself why you fail and be persistent with that. pmbEzxsgcBY-00115-00059576-00059812 Don’t quit it immediately. pmbEzxsgcBY-00116-00059812-00060362 Maybe you failed 3 times, but the 4th time you may get it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00117-00060362-00060710 So one of the thing that I’m always curious. pmbEzxsgcBY-00118-00060710-00060824 Why did you decide to comeback. pmbEzxsgcBY-00119-00060824-00061286 And especially comeback to a school in Ha Tinh and not a school in one of the bigger city? pmbEzxsgcBY-00120-00061286-00061816 I decided to go back because I really feel sense of happiness. pmbEzxsgcBY-00121-00061816-00062198 And I find myself back home. pmbEzxsgcBY-00122-00062198-00063038 To me, happiness and also belonging are the things to decide where I will stay. pmbEzxsgcBY-00123-00063038-00063390 I go home, I feel that I belong to the place. pmbEzxsgcBY-00124-00063390-00063662 I can do something for the people around me. pmbEzxsgcBY-00125-00063662-00064076 I also want to go back to trigger the passion in my students, that’s it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00126-00064076-00064302 I think that’s something we have in common. pmbEzxsgcBY-00127-00064302-00064700 And I’m super glad because I also decided to comeback to Vietnam as well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00128-00064700-00064750 Oh yeah? pmbEzxsgcBY-00129-00064750-00064996 Of course my story is a little bit long. pmbEzxsgcBY-00130-00064996-00065572 But I do think there’s a lot of things to be done here in Vietnam and also lots of possibilities. pmbEzxsgcBY-00131-00065572-00065952 Because we’re so familiar and similar in some ways to another. pmbEzxsgcBY-00132-00065952-00066264 I think we should challenge ourselves to a game. pmbEzxsgcBY-00133-00066264-00066364 Sure. pmbEzxsgcBY-00134-00066364-00066488 Shall we do that? pmbEzxsgcBY-00135-00066488-00066540 Yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00136-00066540-00066722 Alright, let’s do it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00137-00066722-00066990 Coming right up next is the IELTS Challenge. pmbEzxsgcBY-00138-00066990-00067170 Don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back pmbEzxsgcBY-00139-00067750-00068186 In this week IELTS Challenge, we're gonna be doing five-second-rule challenge. pmbEzxsgcBY-00140-00068186-00068288 Shall we start? pmbEzxsgcBY-00141-00068288-00068626 The five second rule is basically each one of us has five seconds. pmbEzxsgcBY-00142-00068626-00069050 To come up with as many vocabularies and words as we can. pmbEzxsgcBY-00143-00069050-00069160 on a certain topic. pmbEzxsgcBY-00144-00069160-00069294 Okay, I will try. pmbEzxsgcBY-00145-00069294-00069520 Alright, so are you ready? pmbEzxsgcBY-00146-00069520-00069684 I'm ready, sure. pmbEzxsgcBY-00147-00069684-00069822 Get set, go! pmbEzxsgcBY-00148-00069822-00069996 Name the foods by red color. pmbEzxsgcBY-00149-00069996-00070192 Chilly, cherry, apple. pmbEzxsgcBY-00150-00070230-00070770 Tomato, strawberry, raspberry. pmbEzxsgcBY-00151-00070970-00071148 Name the Vietnamese snacks. pmbEzxsgcBY-00152-00071596-00071736 Okay spring roll. pmbEzxsgcBY-00153-00071736-00072148 I'm gonna answer in Vietnamese, because it's Vietnamese. pmbEzxsgcBY-00154-00072148-00072262 Banh trang, che. pmbEzxsgcBY-00155-00072262-00072400 Name your favorite songs. pmbEzxsgcBY-00156-00072400-00072846 Oppsie, Mong uoc ky niem xua. pmbEzxsgcBY-00157-00072960-00073508 Happy birthday, Merry Chrismast, Santa clause's comming to town, Jingle bells. pmbEzxsgcBY-00158-00073508-00073630 Name the pets. pmbEzxsgcBY-00159-00073688-00073820 Okay, Tiger! pmbEzxsgcBY-00160-00073972-00074140 I don't know Tiger is a pet. pmbEzxsgcBY-00161-00074252-00074604 Dog, cat, hamster, cockroaches, mice, lizard, snake. pmbEzxsgcBY-00162-00074738-00074848 Name the poultry. pmbEzxsgcBY-00163-00074848-00075268 Okay, so chicken, duck and goose. pmbEzxsgcBY-00164-00075676-00075908 Name the foods with sections. pmbEzxsgcBY-00165-00075978-00076232 Pomelo, orange. pmbEzxsgcBY-00166-00076560-00076750 Bonbons. pmbEzxsgcBY-00167-00076898-00077058 Name the white flowers. pmbEzxsgcBY-00168-00077110-00077196 Grace... pmbEzxsgcBY-00169-00077502-00077542 Time's up! pmbEzxsgcBY-00170-00077644-00078132 Jasmines, lilies, lotuses. pmbEzxsgcBY-00171-00078170-00078344 Alright, so who won? pmbEzxsgcBY-00172-00078344-00078566 The winner is Phoebe! pmbEzxsgcBY-00173-00078566-00078706 Oh, congratulation! pmbEzxsgcBY-00174-00078766-00078954 Thank you, thank you! pmbEzxsgcBY-00175-00078994-00079142 Thanks a lot for comming by. pmbEzxsgcBY-00176-00079142-00079470 It's been such a pleasure to have you here. pmbEzxsgcBY-00177-00079470-00079896 And I definitely want to speak to you more about pmbEzxsgcBY-00178-00079896-00080060 The teaching journey. pmbEzxsgcBY-00179-00080060-00080324 In a couple of years, that we definitely coming back. pmbEzxsgcBY-00180-00080324-00080856 And goodluck, and guys, you guys are so happy, so lucky to have this person as your teacher. pmbEzxsgcBY-00181-00080856-00081164 No, I think that I'm so lucky to be their teacher. pmbEzxsgcBY-00182-00081164-00081320 And thank you for hosting me today. pmbEzxsgcBY-00183-00081328-00081520 We’re going on to the next section guys. pmbEzxsgcBY-00184-00081520-00082088 Where you’ll be able to see different people perform different abilities and different types of Ielts tests. pmbEzxsgcBY-00185-00082088-00082290 Stay turn, don’t go away. pmbEzxsgcBY-00186-00087456-00087920 IELTS FACE – OFF Expert section, we will definitely have our guest. pmbEzxsgcBY-00187-00087920-00088092 And today our guest is Richard. pmbEzxsgcBY-00188-00088092-00088192 Welcome back Richard. pmbEzxsgcBY-00189-00088192-00088312 Hi Phoebe, thanks! pmbEzxsgcBY-00190-00088312-00088408 Of course. pmbEzxsgcBY-00191-00088408-00088764 Today topic is on going against the odds. pmbEzxsgcBY-00192-00088764-00089110 We actually have a team who’s going to go to the different parts of Vietnam. pmbEzxsgcBY-00193-00089110-00089390 To actually see how people speak English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00194-00089390-00089616 To see whether they win at the English game. pmbEzxsgcBY-00195-00089616-00090034 Or they might be a little bit of improvement with regards to the English game. pmbEzxsgcBY-00196-00090034-00090144 Shall we take a look? pmbEzxsgcBY-00197-00090144-00090236 Yeah, let’s do it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00198-00090236-00090476 Alright, IELTS On the go, take it away. pmbEzxsgcBY-00199-00090888-00091260 Hello everyone, can you guess where I am from this spectacular surrounding? pmbEzxsgcBY-00200-00091260-00091716 Actually I’m here at Lang Son Ethnic Boarding high school. pmbEzxsgcBY-00201-00091716-00092090 And this beautiful campus, we have some beautiful greenery in the back. pmbEzxsgcBY-00202-00092090-00092390 And we’re joined by some equally beautiful people here. pmbEzxsgcBY-00203-00092390-00092546 So let’s get to know them a little bit. pmbEzxsgcBY-00204-00092546-00092692 I’m Nong The Duyet. pmbEzxsgcBY-00205-00092692-00092918 I’m in grade 10. pmbEzxsgcBY-00206-00092918-00093220 I’m Trang, I’m in grade 10. pmbEzxsgcBY-00207-00093220-00093348 Nice to meet you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00208-00093348-00093474 Very nice to meet you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00209-00093474-00093616 You didn’t say nice to meet me? pmbEzxsgcBY-00210-00093616-00093688 Oh, sorry. pmbEzxsgcBY-00211-00093688-00094064 You guys are Ethnic Boarding school students. pmbEzxsgcBY-00212-00094064-00094410 So you guys gotta have a certain kind of ethnicity. pmbEzxsgcBY-00213-00094410-00094664 I’m Kinh, and you’re? pmbEzxsgcBY-00214-00094664-00094756 I’m Nung. pmbEzxsgcBY-00215-00094756-00094876 You’re Nung and…? pmbEzxsgcBY-00216-00094876-00094966 I’m Nung. pmbEzxsgcBY-00217-00094966-00095156 So you both Nung people? pmbEzxsgcBY-00218-00095156-00095200 Yeah. pmbEzxsgcBY-00219-00095200-00095514 You basically know 3 languages at the same time. pmbEzxsgcBY-00220-00095514-00095870 Nung, Vietnamese and English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00221-00095870-00096150 And you manage all 3 languages so well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00222-00096150-00096332 Ok, teach me something in Nung. pmbEzxsgcBY-00223-00096332-00096912 Well, if you want to ask someone “Where do you go?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00224-00096912-00097112 You can ask “pây lằng?” pmbEzxsgcBY-00225-00097112-00097150 “pây lằng”? pmbEzxsgcBY-00226-00097150-00097200 Yeah pmbEzxsgcBY-00227-00097200-00097314 Is my accent good? pmbEzxsgcBY-00228-00097314-00097382 Pretty good. Is my accent good? pmbEzxsgcBY-00229-00097382-00097442 Pretty good. pmbEzxsgcBY-00230-00097442-00097592 Oh, thank you. “Pây lằng” pmbEzxsgcBY-00231-00097592-00097762 I’m practically Nung now. pmbEzxsgcBY-00232-00097762-00097960 Anyway, teach me something else. pmbEzxsgcBY-00233-00097960-00098486 If you want to say “I am at home”. pmbEzxsgcBY-00234-00098486-00098810 You say that “Ngỏ dủ hờn”. pmbEzxsgcBY-00235-00098810-00098948 “Ngỏ dủ hờn”? pmbEzxsgcBY-00236-00098948-00099084 “Hờn” is like house? pmbEzxsgcBY-00237-00099084-00099116 Yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00238-00099116-00099472 Oh man, I’m getting the hang of this thing. pmbEzxsgcBY-00239-00099472-00099638 Anyway, fantastic. pmbEzxsgcBY-00240-00099638-00099708 Thank you guys! pmbEzxsgcBY-00241-00099708-00099988 So you guys both have excellent English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00242-00099988-00100656 And I know that living in a boarding school, you guys don’t really have access to extra classes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00243-00100656-00101134 So most of the things you learned from English is at school. pmbEzxsgcBY-00244-00101134-00101186 Yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00245-00101186-00101378 Our teacher is very good. pmbEzxsgcBY-00246-00101378-00101756 She has good pronunciation because she had studied abroad. pmbEzxsgcBY-00247-00101756-00102062 That explains why you guys have such excellent pronunciation. pmbEzxsgcBY-00248-00102062-00102402 But are there any other ways that you can improve your English? pmbEzxsgcBY-00249-00102402-00102682 You said you went to a special class. pmbEzxsgcBY-00250-00102682-00103048 Yeah. It is provided by the America Embassy. pmbEzxsgcBY-00251-00103048-00103650 The teacher teachs me how to pronunciation exactly. pmbEzxsgcBY-00252-00103650-00104054 And in this class, we also can learn about American culture. pmbEzxsgcBY-00253-00104054-00104304 So, pronunciation and culture? pmbEzxsgcBY-00254-00104304-00104350 Yeah. pmbEzxsgcBY-00255-00104350-00104485 That’s the best combination. pmbEzxsgcBY-00256-00104485-00105008 You can’t really get behind the language unless you understand a little bit about the culture. pmbEzxsgcBY-00257-00105008-00105852 Talking about the culture, I know a lot of English learners and our viewers learn through American culture by movies. pmbEzxsgcBY-00258-00105852-00106122 So do you guys watch American movies? Is that all? pmbEzxsgcBY-00259-00106178-00106256 Yes, I watch. pmbEzxsgcBY-00260-00106256-00106485 How much time that you spend watching movies? pmbEzxsgcBY-00261-00106485-00106922 About 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. pmbEzxsgcBY-00262-00106922-00107132 That’s not a lot of time. pmbEzxsgcBY-00263-00107132-00107254 Why is that? pmbEzxsgcBY-00264-00107254-00107640 Is this because your boarding school has a very strict curfew? pmbEzxsgcBY-00265-00107672-00107732 Yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00266-00107732-00107950 Ok, so tell me about your curfew? pmbEzxsgcBY-00267-00107950-00108409 We have to get up at 5:30. pmbEzxsgcBY-00268-00108409-00108680 5:30, seriously? pmbEzxsgcBY-00269-00108680-00109230 We have to do exercise every morning except when it rains. pmbEzxsgcBY-00270-00109230-00109361 It keeps you fit. pmbEzxsgcBY-00271-00109361-00109406 Yeah. pmbEzxsgcBY-00272-00109444-00110148 You get up, you work out a little bit and then you go to class, you finish at 12, right? pmbEzxsgcBY-00273-00110148-00110268 Yeah at 12 pm. pmbEzxsgcBY-00274-00110308-00110438 Do you get a break? pmbEzxsgcBY-00275-00110438-00110940 We have lunch, and we get a break and then we go to school again in the afternoon. pmbEzxsgcBY-00276-00110940-00111192 What time do you finish studying? pmbEzxsgcBY-00277-00111192-00111374 Half past eleven. pmbEzxsgcBY-00278-00111374-00111488 11:30 pm? pmbEzxsgcBY-00279-00111494-00111533 Yeah. pmbEzxsgcBY-00280-00111558-00111708 And you wake up at 5:30 AM? pmbEzxsgcBY-00281-00111816-00112500 Dude, that's intense! I don't know about you guys but my schedule is a little bit less rigorous. pmbEzxsgcBY-00282-00112500-00113142 Anyway, so you don't have a lot of time watching movies either but you make the best of it right? pmbEzxsgcBY-00283-00113142-00113720 You try to listen to what the characters say and copy the pronunciation which is fantastic. pmbEzxsgcBY-00284-00113720-00114554 You guys are in grade 10 and soon you are going to be a senior in high school. pmbEzxsgcBY-00285-00114554-00114833 And you're going to face the choice higher education. pmbEzxsgcBY-00286-00114846-00115108 You can go abroad,you can study in Vietnam. pmbEzxsgcBY-00287-00115108-00115296 What do you plan do with your life? pmbEzxsgcBY-00288-00115296-00115888 After I leave high school, I will go to study abroad pmbEzxsgcBY-00289-00115888-00116064 What are you going to study? pmbEzxsgcBY-00290-00116064-00116366 I will study Medicine. pmbEzxsgcBY-00291-00116366-00116548 Medicine. So you want to become a doctor. pmbEzxsgcBY-00292-00116548-00116598 Yeah. pmbEzxsgcBY-00293-00116598-00116876 Will you come back after you've earned your degree? pmbEzxsgcBY-00294-00116876-00116998 I will come back. pmbEzxsgcBY-00295-00116998-00117130 And marry this guy? pmbEzxsgcBY-00296-00117130-00117254 No no. pmbEzxsgcBY-00297-00117254-00117416 So you’re just friends. pmbEzxsgcBY-00298-00117416-00117616 I’m getting the wrong vibe here. pmbEzxsgcBY-00299-00117616-00117735 Sorry about that. pmbEzxsgcBY-00300-00117735-00118322 Obviously when you study in college whether in Vietnam or in another country, you gotta take the IELTS. pmbEzxsgcBY-00301-00118356-00118758 It's now the norm to take the IELTS. pmbEzxsgcBY-00302-00118758-00119185 and the IELTS test four skills: Listening, Reading Writing and Speaking. pmbEzxsgcBY-00303-00119185-00119846 Usually with IELTS On The Go, we’re going to give the guests an opportunity to practice their Speaking skills. pmbEzxsgcBY-00304-00119846-00120466 But I cannot give you guys both a chance to go into the simulation test room that can only be one person. pmbEzxsgcBY-00305-00120485-00120680 How you gonna decide among yourselves? pmbEzxsgcBY-00306-00120790-00120854 Me. pmbEzxsgcBY-00307-00120942-00121096 You're just gonna take it? pmbEzxsgcBY-00308-00121096-00121464 You're so generous, Trang is so generous. pmbEzxsgcBY-00309-00121464-00121754 Okay Duyet, Are you ready to take this chance? pmbEzxsgcBY-00310-00121754-00121833 Yes, I’m ready. pmbEzxsgcBY-00311-00121833-00121908 Fighting! pmbEzxsgcBY-00312-00122082-00122292 Best of luck. This is your first time right? pmbEzxsgcBY-00313-00122308-00122354 Yes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00314-00122354-00122666 Don't worry it's not as intimidating as it sounds. pmbEzxsgcBY-00315-00122666-00122888 The exam room just right this way. pmbEzxsgcBY-00316-00122888-00123008 Let's go ahead young man. pmbEzxsgcBY-00317-00123311-00123833 Well Nong The Duyet, we're definitely gonna be able to see him perform on the IELTS. pmbEzxsgcBY-00318-00123833-00124056 Richard are you ready to Face Off? pmbEzxsgcBY-00319-00124056-00124209 Yes. Let's do it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00320-00129794-00129920 Hello my name is Richard. pmbEzxsgcBY-00321-00129920-00130061 Can you tell me your name please? pmbEzxsgcBY-00322-00130061-00130228 My name is Nong The Duyet. pmbEzxsgcBY-00323-00130228-00130528 Thank you now let's move into part 1. pmbEzxsgcBY-00324-00130528-00130758 What place do you most like to visit? pmbEzxsgcBY-00325-00130758-00131172 The place I most like to visit is Halong Bay. pmbEzxsgcBY-00326-00131172-00131426 Because it is not far from my home. pmbEzxsgcBY-00327-00131426-00131656 And I love the sea. pmbEzxsgcBY-00328-00131656-00132010 Caves and beaches they are also very beautiful. pmbEzxsgcBY-00329-00132010-00132182 Let's move into Part 2. pmbEzxsgcBY-00330-00132182-00132884 I'd like you to describe a competition, for example a talent show that you would like to take part in. pmbEzxsgcBY-00331-00132884-00133416 Before you speak you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish. pmbEzxsgcBY-00332-00134264-00134736 I have attended many different kinds of competition. pmbEzxsgcBY-00333-00134736-00135126 And have won some prize as well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00334-00135126-00135756 And today I will talking about an English Speaking contest. pmbEzxsgcBY-00335-00135756-00136420 In this competition my team and I have to take part in four activities. pmbEzxsgcBY-00336-00136502-00137042 Greeting, Speech, Describe picture and Exchange. pmbEzxsgcBY-00337-00137042-00137534 We have prepared a lot so we won the first prize. pmbEzxsgcBY-00338-00137534-00137832 My team and I were really excited. pmbEzxsgcBY-00339-00137832-00138732 By taking part in this competition, student can improve their speaking and listening skills as well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00340-00138732-00139578 In my opinion, this competition is a chance for student to exchange experience. pmbEzxsgcBY-00341-00139578-00139836 learning English with each other. pmbEzxsgcBY-00342-00139836-00141078 I hope there will be more competition like this to give more chances for student to learning and speaking English. pmbEzxsgcBY-00343-00141078-00141338 Thank you very much let's move on to Part 3. pmbEzxsgcBY-00344-00141338-00141798 Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities? pmbEzxsgcBY-00345-00141798-00143222 I think they want their students to communicate with each other and have more creativity and inspiration in their study. pmbEzxsgcBY-00346-00143222-00143338 Thank you very much. pmbEzxsgcBY-00347-00143338-00143408 Thank you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00348-00143780-00143920 There's our guy. pmbEzxsgcBY-00349-00143920-00143976 Hi. pmbEzxsgcBY-00350-00143976-00144062 How was it? pmbEzxsgcBY-00351-00144062-00144238 It’s a bit difficult for me. pmbEzxsgcBY-00352-00144238-00144686 A bit difficult because you’re kinda unfamiliar with the format? pmbEzxsgcBY-00353-00144686-00145080 We're going to see what the examiner has to say about your performance. pmbEzxsgcBY-00354-00145080-00145382 Richard what do you think of Duyet’s performance? pmbEzxsgcBY-00355-00145382-00145648 It was certainly an interesting performance. pmbEzxsgcBY-00356-00145648-00146024 One thing that was noticeable about his performance was his pronunciation. pmbEzxsgcBY-00357-00146086-00146780 so his pronunciation was in many ways characteristic of an English user rather of slightly less proficiency, let’s say. pmbEzxsgcBY-00358-00146780-00147082 And some slippery terminal consonant sounds. pmbEzxsgcBY-00359-00147082-00147282 VisitS, that's why I visitS every summer. pmbEzxsgcBY-00360-00147282-00148126 but conversely the other thing about his performance was that the content was kind of almost perfect. pmbEzxsgcBY-00361-00148126-00148272 It was a little strange actually. pmbEzxsgcBY-00362-00148272-00148542 Thanks you guys for very lovely time here today. pmbEzxsgcBY-00363-00148551-00149355 I've learned a lot about what students in the boarding school do and how you guys managed to study English so well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00364-00149355-00149624 and to reciprocate I have some gifts here for you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00365-00149637-00149931 And this is a bag from the British Council. pmbEzxsgcBY-00366-00149942-00150160 There you go, each one of you get one. pmbEzxsgcBY-00367-00150224-00150311 So nice! pmbEzxsgcBY-00368-00150322-00150522 I envy you, it’s a nice bag. pmbEzxsgcBY-00369-00150542-00150808 Anyway, we have some gifts from VTV7 as well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00370-00150824-00150953 Thank you guys a lot. pmbEzxsgcBY-00371-00150988-00151104 Alright, here you go. pmbEzxsgcBY-00372-00151104-00151172 Thank you! pmbEzxsgcBY-00373-00151172-00151252 Fantastic. pmbEzxsgcBY-00374-00151252-00151888 All right viewers, we're going to be back with some more tips tips tips and tips so don't go anywhere. pmbEzxsgcBY-00375-00151888-00151948 Keep it locked. pmbEzxsgcBY-00376-00156042-00156382 This week on IELTS FACE-OFF tips tips tips and tips section. pmbEzxsgcBY-00377-00156382-00156662 We're gonna be talking about some Listening skills. pmbEzxsgcBY-00378-00156662-00157078 And today we're talking about making use of the transcripts. pmbEzxsgcBY-00379-00157126-00157314 Richard, do you have any advice for that? pmbEzxsgcBY-00380-00157314-00158010 Under normal circumstances, I think the transcript is probably one of the last things that you should look at. pmbEzxsgcBY-00381-00158010-00158272 In a regular speaking activity. pmbEzxsgcBY-00382-00158272-00158880 But it can be one of the first if you're intending to use a listening text to develop pronunciation. pmbEzxsgcBY-00383-00158880-00159308 There are a lot of other tasks that you can do with listening. pmbEzxsgcBY-00384-00159308-00159888 And with their transcripts I think it could be pretty useful to take a look at a listening text. pmbEzxsgcBY-00385-00159888-00160646 And before listening, write down your own questions about what questions you think the text may answer. pmbEzxsgcBY-00386-00160646-00160868 To give you more reason for listening. pmbEzxsgcBY-00387-00160868-00161164 It can also be very useful to get a study buddy. pmbEzxsgcBY-00388-00161164-00161926 And then give that partner some questions about the listening text so that you have a more in-depth comprehension of it. pmbEzxsgcBY-00389-00161926-00162332 And of course don't limit yourself only to IELTS listening scripts. pmbEzxsgcBY-00390-00162332-00162712 It's important to listen to things that are of interest to you. pmbEzxsgcBY-00391-00162712-00162922 And that you enjoy from time to time as well. pmbEzxsgcBY-00392-00163008-00163110 It's great advice. pmbEzxsgcBY-00393-00163110-00163746 Every episode on IELTS FACE - OFF, we always want our guests to share with our audience their favorite idiom. pmbEzxsgcBY-00394-00163746-00163880 What’s your favorite idiom? pmbEzxsgcBY-00395-00163880-00163994 Idiom? pmbEzxsgcBY-00396-00163994-00165012 I mean I'll be honest with you I have a different view on idioms that I think that a lot of IELTS preparation teachers might have. pmbEzxsgcBY-00397-00165012-00165944 I think idioms come up in IELTS exams and that they could be very difficult to manage sometimes. pmbEzxsgcBY-00398-00165944-00166264 If they go slightly wrong they can sound a little strange. pmbEzxsgcBY-00399-00166294-00167044 It's not unusual to sit in exams and people will say if it's raining of course it's raining cats and dogs. pmbEzxsgcBY-00400-00167044-00167742 And it when asked to speak about an episode from their past they will say well when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. pmbEzxsgcBY-00401-00167742-00168277 Some idioms can get a little cliché. pmbEzxsgcBY-00402-00168277-00168702 I find it would be difficult for me to identify one that I like. pmbEzxsgcBY-00403-00168702-00168851 Thanks Richard. pmbEzxsgcBY-00404-00168851-00169222 And of course guys every week we will bring you the book suggestion. pmbEzxsgcBY-00405-00169222-00169664 Book of the week and here is our book of the week suggestion this week. pmbEzxsgcBY-00406-00169664-00169757 Take a look. pmbEzxsgcBY-00407-00173011-00173695 This episode is really meaningful to me because I really think Dung has been able to achieve many things in the education sphere. pmbEzxsgcBY-00408-00173695-00173915 I think we can definitely be good friends. pmbEzxsgcBY-00409-00173915-00174291 She's an example of somebody who's really been able to rise above her means. pmbEzxsgcBY-00410-00174291-00174500 Adversities happened to all of us. pmbEzxsgcBY-00411-00174500-00175157 But I think we can all rise above it and we should be able to overcome our fears and obstacles. pmbEzxsgcBY-00412-00175157-00175537 So until next time we'll see you again. Ciao ciao ciao. pnLUA3HwNQo-00000-00000017-00000165 Good Morning Bosses. pnLUA3HwNQo-00001-00000165-00000477 Today we will talk it all about dolphins’ good news! pnLUA3HwNQo-00002-00000477-00001048 Miami Dolphins discloses favorites Candidate for offensive coordinator position after Friday’s pnLUA3HwNQo-00003-00001048-00001148 Interview. pnLUA3HwNQo-00004-00001148-00001602 Dolphins find out their Senior Bowl quarterbacks While a trio of Dolphins assistants will coach pnLUA3HwNQo-00005-00001602-00001839 at the East West Shrine Game. pnLUA3HwNQo-00006-00001839-00002322 The possibility of 2021 Dolphins Free Agents: Trade or stay. pnLUA3HwNQo-00007-00002322-00002726 But Before we start this train, Be sure to subscribe to the channel and ring the bell pnLUA3HwNQo-00008-00002726-00002981 so you don't miss any trains, bosses! pnLUA3HwNQo-00009-00002981-00003107 Let’s Go. pnLUA3HwNQo-00010-00003107-00003552 Dolphins Interviewed Candidate for offensive coordinator position on Friday, and They will pnLUA3HwNQo-00011-00003552-00003769 announce it on This Monday. pnLUA3HwNQo-00012-00003769-00004257 While speaking to ESPN’s Cameron Wolfe, Dolphins head coach Brian Flores revealed pnLUA3HwNQo-00013-00004257-00004696 what he is looking for in the Dolphins’ next offensive coordinator, mentioning specifically pnLUA3HwNQo-00014-00004696-00005157 that he wants the new offensive coordinator and starting quarterback Tua Tagovailoa to pnLUA3HwNQo-00015-00005157-00005312 build a solid relationship. pnLUA3HwNQo-00016-00005312-00005542 “I want them to build together. pnLUA3HwNQo-00017-00005542-00006028 Learn who he is as a person first and what he does well as a player,” said Flores. pnLUA3HwNQo-00018-00006028-00006476 “But I don’t want a coach who can only coach the QB — we’ve got to coach the pnLUA3HwNQo-00019-00006476-00006859 whole offense, the line, backs, tight ends, receivers. pnLUA3HwNQo-00020-00006859-00007290 “We need someone who is aligned with my vision with the team. pnLUA3HwNQo-00021-00007290-00007715 Someone who is going to accentuate the strengths of the players we have on the team.” pnLUA3HwNQo-00022-00007715-00008179 The Dolphins initially had six different candidates on their list, but Tony Elliott of Clemson pnLUA3HwNQo-00023-00008179-00008607 University reportedly informed the Dolphins that he is planning to stay at Clemson for pnLUA3HwNQo-00024-00008607-00008711 now. pnLUA3HwNQo-00025-00008711-00009159 Miami has already interviewed running backs coach Eric Studesville, quarterbacks coach pnLUA3HwNQo-00026-00009159-00009794 George Godsey, Los Angeles Chargers quarterbacks coach Pep Hamilton, San Francisco 49ers run pnLUA3HwNQo-00027-00009794-00010254 game coordinator Mike McDaniel and Pittsburgh Steelers quarterbacks coach Matt Canada. pnLUA3HwNQo-00028-00010254-00010832 According to Leaked news: Studesville, McDaniel and Canada are the favorites for the job. pnLUA3HwNQo-00029-00010832-00011306 the source also said the Dolphins OC will be Announce on this Monday. pnLUA3HwNQo-00030-00011306-00011761 Last season, the Dolphins, who had a 10-6 record and narrowly missed out on a playoff pnLUA3HwNQo-00031-00011761-00012228 spot, ranked 22nd in total offense and 15th in points per game. pnLUA3HwNQo-00032-00012228-00012704 Dolphins find out their Senior Bowl quarterbacks While a trio of Dolphins assistants will coach pnLUA3HwNQo-00033-00012704-00012942 at the East West Shrine Game. pnLUA3HwNQo-00034-00012942-00013376 Miami Dolphins were fortunate to be named a senior bowl coaching staff, now they know pnLUA3HwNQo-00035-00013376-00013630 what quarterbacks they’ll work with. pnLUA3HwNQo-00036-00013630-00014154 On Monday, Senior Bowl director Jim Nagy announced what quarterbacks the Miami Dolphins coaching pnLUA3HwNQo-00037-00014154-00014370 staff will have on their roster. pnLUA3HwNQo-00038-00014370-00014931 Nagy also announced that rosters will be released by position daily up to January 23rd, and pnLUA3HwNQo-00039-00014931-00015454 with that in mind, we will be breaking these positions down weekly until that day comes. pnLUA3HwNQo-00040-00015454-00015926 Aside from this being a major advantage with the uncertainty of a combine or even pro days, pnLUA3HwNQo-00041-00015926-00016366 the Dolphins will have a leg up on other staffs when it comes to scouting the players attending pnLUA3HwNQo-00042-00016366-00016648 the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Alabama. pnLUA3HwNQo-00043-00016648-00017044 The first group the Dolphins can start planning for are the quarterbacks, and the team will pnLUA3HwNQo-00044-00017044-00017473 get to scout three players who will more than likely be interesting late round players who pnLUA3HwNQo-00045-00017473-00017818 could back up Tua Tagovailoa in the near future. pnLUA3HwNQo-00046-00017818-00018301 With many already coming for Tagovailoa in his rookie season, from players to fans, the pnLUA3HwNQo-00047-00018301-00018635 team could be looking for their own version of Kirk Cousins. pnLUA3HwNQo-00048-00018635-00019038 Cousins was selected to be Robert Griffin III’s backup, but would soon become the pnLUA3HwNQo-00049-00019038-00019454 starter following an injury to RG3 and would make bank. pnLUA3HwNQo-00050-00019454-00019868 With that in mind, the three quarterbacks the Dolphins will coach are: Notre Dame’s pnLUA3HwNQo-00051-00019868-00020343 Ian Book, Texas’ Sam Ehlinger, and Arkansas’ Feleipe Franks. pnLUA3HwNQo-00052-00020343-00020745 Each of these quarterbacks had somewhat productive college careers and should be interesting pnLUA3HwNQo-00053-00020745-00020948 to watch down the line. pnLUA3HwNQo-00054-00020948-00021158 Notre Dame QB Ian Book. pnLUA3HwNQo-00055-00021158-00021368 Book is an interesting prospect. pnLUA3HwNQo-00056-00021368-00021851 The graduate senior from Notre Dame led the team to a College football playoffs appearance, pnLUA3HwNQo-00057-00021851-00022243 only to lose to the eventual national champions in Alabama. pnLUA3HwNQo-00058-00022243-00022865 In 2020, he had a productive season throwing for 2,830 passing yards with 15 touchdowns pnLUA3HwNQo-00059-00022865-00023370 and only 3 interceptions in 12 games ending the year with a 10-2 record. pnLUA3HwNQo-00060-00023370-00023779 The Fighting Irish are usually a run heavy football team and that did not change this pnLUA3HwNQo-00061-00023779-00023879 season. pnLUA3HwNQo-00062-00023879-00024660 However, Book had 6 games over 250 passing yards including a 310 yard passing game against pnLUA3HwNQo-00063-00024660-00025009 Clemson to hand the Tigers their first loss of the season. pnLUA3HwNQo-00064-00025009-00025490 Yes, that game went into overtime and yes Trevor Lawrence did not play, but Book still pnLUA3HwNQo-00065-00025490-00025818 faced that Clemson team and was able to help his team win. pnLUA3HwNQo-00066-00025818-00026216 I can’t however say the same thing about their second matchup. pnLUA3HwNQo-00067-00026216-00026730 Book isn’t a player that really wows me, he does his job and his team wins games. pnLUA3HwNQo-00068-00026730-00027212 The team is armed with elite offensive lineman and above average offensive talent. pnLUA3HwNQo-00069-00027212-00027574 And their defense sends a good amount of players to the pros. pnLUA3HwNQo-00070-00027574-00027989 Book looks like he will be a career backup in the pros, but in the right system he could pnLUA3HwNQo-00071-00027989-00028349 come in and win you games if your quarterback goes down. pnLUA3HwNQo-00072-00028349-00028787 In terms of the Dolphins, I don’t think Book is the right choice for their backup. pnLUA3HwNQo-00073-00028787-00029311 However, he does seem like a high IQ football player and, depending on the next offensive pnLUA3HwNQo-00074-00029311-00029752 coordinator, his conservative play style could flourish in an injury situation. pnLUA3HwNQo-00075-00029752-00030181 Sam Ehlinger might be the most intriguing quarterback at the Senior Bowl for the Miami pnLUA3HwNQo-00076-00030181-00030328 Dolphins. pnLUA3HwNQo-00077-00030328-00030714 Ehlinger is that quarterback that everyone pinned as a first round pick prior to the pnLUA3HwNQo-00078-00030714-00031159 season based on last season and expected growth, but never should that growth and will either pnLUA3HwNQo-00079-00031159-00031527 be a late day 2 pick or an early day 3 pick. pnLUA3HwNQo-00080-00031527-00031929 One of the main reasons is that a few years of sitting could do Ehlinger wonders, similar pnLUA3HwNQo-00081-00031929-00032174 to Kirk Cousins in Washington. pnLUA3HwNQo-00082-00032174-00032325 Ehlinger does things right. pnLUA3HwNQo-00083-00032325-00032771 He puts his body on the line, he has a good arm, he can make plays when you need them, pnLUA3HwNQo-00084-00032771-00033112 and above all he seems to love winning more than anything. pnLUA3HwNQo-00085-00033112-00033568 During his time at Texas, he helped show signs of life at moments, but never enough that pnLUA3HwNQo-00086-00033568-00033855 could have absolutely wowed scouts or fans. pnLUA3HwNQo-00087-00033855-00034328 However, his will to win and his effort is something that should stand out to Brian Flores pnLUA3HwNQo-00088-00034328-00034498 and the Dolphins. pnLUA3HwNQo-00089-00034498-00034838 Ehlinger would most likely be a backup to start his career. pnLUA3HwNQo-00090-00034838-00035186 This pick could be solid barring any unfortunate situation. pnLUA3HwNQo-00091-00035186-00035587 The need at quarterback isn’t as great as many think it to be, no the Dolphins should pnLUA3HwNQo-00092-00035587-00036150 not draft a quarterback with the third overall pick, but the team should find a backup for pnLUA3HwNQo-00093-00036150-00036574 Tagovailoa and And in case Fitzpatrick goes out (sorry Fitzpatrick). pnLUA3HwNQo-00094-00036574-00037061 Feleipe Franks has a strong arm, but that might not be enough for Miami Dolphins fans pnLUA3HwNQo-00095-00037061-00037375 to keep an eye on him Franks transferred from Florida after his pnLUA3HwNQo-00096-00037375-00037938 junior season after losing his job to Kyle Trask, who is also in this draft class. pnLUA3HwNQo-00097-00037938-00038431 In Franks sophomore season, his only as the Gators full time quarterback, he had a good pnLUA3HwNQo-00098-00038431-00038803 season, but it’s clear that Trask might be a tad more talented. pnLUA3HwNQo-00099-00038803-00039247 Fast forward to Franks senior year and there are a lot of question marks. pnLUA3HwNQo-00100-00039247-00039537 This season the Razorbacks quarterback was okay. pnLUA3HwNQo-00101-00039537-00040175 He threw for 2107 yards and 17 touchdowns, but the team lost 6 of 9 games including an pnLUA3HwNQo-00102-00040175-00040519 embarrassing 49 point loss to Alabama. pnLUA3HwNQo-00103-00040519-00041024 Franks threw for only 90 yards and was sacked 7 times ending the days with 13 rushes for pnLUA3HwNQo-00104-00041024-00041246 -25 yards. pnLUA3HwNQo-00105-00041246-00041593 Now does the blame go to Franks or to the Arkansas team? pnLUA3HwNQo-00106-00041593-00042041 Truth is I haven’t watched enough Arkansas games to decide that, but the defense allowed pnLUA3HwNQo-00107-00042041-00042262 42 points per loss. pnLUA3HwNQo-00108-00042262-00042688 Do we also think Trask is just THAT much better than Franks, seeing as the team took such pnLUA3HwNQo-00109-00042688-00042927 a huge jump with Trask at the helm? pnLUA3HwNQo-00110-00042927-00043406 I also am unsure about that, in my mind this year Florida team had it’s best offensive pnLUA3HwNQo-00111-00043406-00043718 skill group that it has had in a long while. pnLUA3HwNQo-00112-00043718-00044133 Trask did play great, but I am also not totally sold on him. pnLUA3HwNQo-00113-00044133-00044511 Franks does have a cannon for an arm, but for some players this does more harm than pnLUA3HwNQo-00114-00044511-00044946 good and seeing how the Dolphins offense was built last year, it will change this year, pnLUA3HwNQo-00115-00044946-00045215 a cannon for an arm doesn’t fit. pnLUA3HwNQo-00116-00045215-00045628 Similar to Book, I don’t see Franks being the right choice at backup, especially since pnLUA3HwNQo-00117-00045628-00045909 he left Florida without much of a fight. pnLUA3HwNQo-00118-00045909-00046243 The Dolphins are looking for hard workers who will push each other and I’m pnLUA3HwNQo-00119-00046243-00046641 sure Franks will have that mindset, but he will have a lot to prove to Flores and Co. pnLUA3HwNQo-00120-00046641-00046741 at the Senior Bowl. pnLUA3HwNQo-00121-00046741-00047159 The possibility of 2021 Dolphins Free Agents: Trade or stay. pnLUA3HwNQo-00122-00047159-00047625 The 2021 offseason has begun for the Miami Dolphins, though it doesn't figure to feature pnLUA3HwNQo-00123-00047625-00047834 quite as much roster shuffling. pnLUA3HwNQo-00124-00047834-00048306 The reason is simple: The Dolphins now have a roster that is much closer to being able pnLUA3HwNQo-00125-00048306-00048625 to contend than they did at this time last year. pnLUA3HwNQo-00126-00048625-00049084 Among the first orders of business for Miami will be doing some self-scouting to evaluate pnLUA3HwNQo-00127-00049084-00049524 its own players, particularly those set to become free agents once the new league year pnLUA3HwNQo-00128-00049524-00049756 starts March 17. pnLUA3HwNQo-00129-00049756-00050218 The Dolphins currently have 13 players set to become unrestricted free agents and one pnLUA3HwNQo-00130-00050218-00050636 set to become a restricted free agent, though they're allowed to re-sign any of them before pnLUA3HwNQo-00131-00050636-00050869 that March 17 date. pnLUA3HwNQo-00132-00050869-00051300 Here's a look at those 14 players, with a quick evaluation on their standing on the pnLUA3HwNQo-00133-00051300-00051807 team and the chances they'll be back in 2021 (players listed in order of 2020 salary): pnLUA3HwNQo-00134-00051807-00052447 QB Ryan Fitzpatrick — 39 years old, 2020 salary $5.5 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00135-00052447-00052970 Fitzpatrick has been really good in his two seasons with the Dolphins, regardless of those pnLUA3HwNQo-00136-00052970-00053453 who keep insisting on pointing to his career arc and refuse to let go of some of his past pnLUA3HwNQo-00137-00053453-00053554 struggles. pnLUA3HwNQo-00138-00053554-00054150 As proof, Fitzpatrick finished the 2020 season with a 95.6 passer rating, the second-highest pnLUA3HwNQo-00139-00054150-00054317 of his career. pnLUA3HwNQo-00140-00054317-00054766 Even though he turned 38 in September, Fitzpatrick still can produce, though the odds of him pnLUA3HwNQo-00141-00054766-00055082 staying in Miami don't appear very good. pnLUA3HwNQo-00142-00055082-00055501 For one, he's said time and time again what keeps him going is competing and it's tough pnLUA3HwNQo-00143-00055501-00055975 to see him being happy returning as the clear backup to Tua Tagovailoa instead of trying pnLUA3HwNQo-00144-00055975-00056347 to find a team where he could compete for a starting job. pnLUA3HwNQo-00145-00056347-00056767 Having him on the roster also might not make sense for the Dolphins given that he replaced pnLUA3HwNQo-00146-00056767-00057213 Tua Tagovailoa twice this season and the coaches aren't going to want Tua looking over his pnLUA3HwNQo-00147-00057213-00057337 shoulder. pnLUA3HwNQo-00148-00057337-00057949 RB Matt Breida — 26 years old, 2020 salary $3.3 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00149-00057949-00058411 When the Dolphins traded a fifth-round pick to get Breida from the 49ers, the expectation pnLUA3HwNQo-00150-00058411-00058827 was that he could provide speed and big-play ability to the offense. pnLUA3HwNQo-00151-00058827-00059363 It didn't play out that way, with Breida finding himself relegated to a background role. pnLUA3HwNQo-00152-00059363-00059762 Maybe the strangest thing of all with Breida was him not getting one snap on offense the pnLUA3HwNQo-00153-00059762-00060329 last two games after rushing for 86 yards against New England in Week 15. pnLUA3HwNQo-00154-00060329-00060760 Given that situation, it's difficult to envision Breida being back in 2021. pnLUA3HwNQo-00155-00060760-00061376 LB Kamu Grugier-Hill — 27 years old, $3 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00156-00061376-00061852 Grugier-Hill played 15 games with one start after coming over from the Eagles last March pnLUA3HwNQo-00157-00061852-00062175 and pretty much provided what was expected of him. pnLUA3HwNQo-00158-00062175-00062679 He's more of a special teams player with the ability to chip in on defense when needed. pnLUA3HwNQo-00159-00062679-00063112 It's easy to see him coming back if the financial terms make sense. pnLUA3HwNQo-00160-00063112-00063666 C Ted Karras — 28 years old, 2020 salary, $3 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00161-00063666-00064194 Like Grugier-Hill, Karras signed a one-year contract as a free agent last March. pnLUA3HwNQo-00162-00064194-00064804 As the center on a very young offensive line, Karras provided experience and leadership. pnLUA3HwNQo-00163-00064804-00065289 While his performance was solid, the Dolphins ranked 25th in the NFL in yards per carry pnLUA3HwNQo-00164-00065289-00065613 up the middle and it's possible the Dolphins will be looking for an upgrade . pnLUA3HwNQo-00165-00065613-00066220 P Matt Haack — 27 years old, 2020 salary, $2.1 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00166-00066220-00066767 Haack rejoined the Dolphins as a restricted free last year, but is contract is up again. pnLUA3HwNQo-00167-00066767-00067218 Haack's gross average was in line with his career numbers (his four years have been between pnLUA3HwNQo-00168-00067218-00067776 44.5 and 45.0 yards), but the consistency wasn't always there and the Dolphins also pnLUA3HwNQo-00169-00067776-00068036 gave up two punt returns for touchdowns. pnLUA3HwNQo-00170-00068036-00068682 LB Vince Biegel — 28 years old, 2020 salary $2.1 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00171-00068682-00069176 Biegel never got the chance to build on his promising 2019 season because he tore an Achilles pnLUA3HwNQo-00172-00069176-00069335 in August. pnLUA3HwNQo-00173-00069335-00069835 Like Haack, he had rejoined the Dolphins as a restricted free agent last spring. pnLUA3HwNQo-00174-00069835-00070256 Look for him to return and try to pick up where he left off before his injury. pnLUA3HwNQo-00175-00070256-00070883 LB Elandon Roberts — 27 years old, 2020 salary, $2 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00176-00070883-00071356 Yet another free agent who joined the Dolphins last March on a one-year deal, Roberts delivered pnLUA3HwNQo-00177-00071356-00071991 some big plays in run defense, particularly in short-yardage situations. pnLUA3HwNQo-00178-00071991-00072438 His free agent situation will be complicated by the significant knee injury he sustained pnLUA3HwNQo-00179-00072438-00072750 in the next-to-last game at Las Vegas. pnLUA3HwNQo-00180-00072750-00073199 S Kavon Frazier — 28 years old, $1 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00181-00073199-00073627 Another free agent who came on a one-year deal, Frazier ended up being named a special pnLUA3HwNQo-00182-00073627-00073810 teams captain. pnLUA3HwNQo-00183-00073810-00074219 Somebody will have to answer for the two punt returns allowed, so maybe there's no guarantee pnLUA3HwNQo-00184-00074219-00074380 he'll return. pnLUA3HwNQo-00185-00074380-00074837 RB DeAndre Washington — 28 years old, $1 million. pnLUA3HwNQo-00186-00074837-00075352 Washington got 28 carries in three games after joining the Dolphins via trade and averaged pnLUA3HwNQo-00187-00075352-00075670 only 3.1 yards per attempt. pnLUA3HwNQo-00188-00075670-00076048 Maybe the Dolphins will want to see what the former fifth-round pick can provide being pnLUA3HwNQo-00189-00076048-00076467 with the team from the start, but there's certainly no guarantee he'll be back. pnLUA3HwNQo-00190-00076467-00077294 WR Mack Hollins — 28 years old, $759K. Hollins has made his name on special teams pnLUA3HwNQo-00191-00077294-00077730 and he was very good in that aspect for the Dolphins in 2020, which might be enough to pnLUA3HwNQo-00192-00077730-00078193 earn a return despite some inconsistency catching the ball as a wide receiver. pnLUA3HwNQo-00193-00078193-00078995 WR Isaiah Ford — 25 years old, $825K. Ford has had quite the journey with the Dolphins pnLUA3HwNQo-00194-00078995-00079514 since being a seventh-round pick in 2017, bouncing on and off the practice squad, going pnLUA3HwNQo-00195-00079514-00079978 to and coming back from New England last year before ending on the active roster and having pnLUA3HwNQo-00196-00079978-00080279 a forgettable season finale at Buffalo. pnLUA3HwNQo-00197-00080279-00080664 Ford is a guy coaches like because of his preparation and work ethic, which would make pnLUA3HwNQo-00198-00080664-00081063 it unsurprising if he returned — though he'll have to fight for a roster spot like pnLUA3HwNQo-00199-00081063-00081192 always. pnLUA3HwNQo-00200-00081192-00081993 T Julien Davenport — 26 years old, $747K. One of the returns from the Laremy Tunsil pnLUA3HwNQo-00201-00081993-00082458 trade, Davenport barely played in 2020 outside of short-yardage situations and one would pnLUA3HwNQo-00202-00082458-00082892 think he'd want to explore options where he could get himself some playing time. pnLUA3HwNQo-00203-00082892-00083466 DT Davon Godchaux — 27 years old, $650K. pnLUA3HwNQo-00204-00083466-00084006 This perhaps is the most intriguing situation involving a Dolphins unrestricted free agent. pnLUA3HwNQo-00205-00084006-00084468 Godchaux had the misfortune of sustaining a pectoral injury four games into his contract pnLUA3HwNQo-00206-00084468-00084899 year, which obviously didn't give him the chance to raise his market value. pnLUA3HwNQo-00207-00084899-00085152 The Dolphins likely would welcome him back. pnLUA3HwNQo-00208-00085152-00085856 T Adam Pankey — 27 years old, $410K. Pankey is the one player scheduled to become pnLUA3HwNQo-00209-00085856-00086357 a restricted free agent and considering he played 28 snaps the entire season, the best pnLUA3HwNQo-00210-00086357-00086477 guess here is the Dolphins will not be tendering a qualifying offer. q0m9GvtKRT4-00000-00000185-00000321 Q : Yeh NeendKya Hai ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00001-00000476-00000535 Neend ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00002-00000805-00000960 Babumoshai ! q0m9GvtKRT4-00003-00000960-00001226 Yeh Neend Ek Bistar Hai ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00004-00001226-00001393 ... Jiski Narmaahat ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00005-00001401-00001743 ... Humey Sapno Ki Sair Karaati Hai ! q0m9GvtKRT4-00006-00001818-00002126 Q : Ek Shaayar Neend Ko Kaise Bayaan Karega ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00007-00002143-00002318 Neend .... ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00008-00002451-00002676 Yeh Neend Nahi Aasaan ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00009-00002683-00002901 ... Bass Itna Samajh Lijiye ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00010-00002910-00003210 ... Ke Sapno Ki Dariyaa Hai Aur ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00011-00003211-00003351 ... Jhapki Leke Jana Hai ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00012-00003535-00003743 Q : Agar Neend Na Aaye Toh ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00013-00003760-00003860 Neend Na Aaye .... q0m9GvtKRT4-00014-00003860-00004151 ... Yeh Neend Humko De De Gabbar ... q0m9GvtKRT4-00015-00004151-00004326 ... De De !!! q0m9GvtKRT4-00016-00004360-00004560 Q: Agar Achchhi Neend Jab Aati Hai Toh ? q0m9GvtKRT4-00017-00004851-00005801 ♪ Neend Aa Raha Hai Mujhko Yaar !!! ♪ q0m9GvtKRT4-00018-00005835-00005948 PLEASE LIKE | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE q0nhta2xw5A-00000-00002161-00002898 hello to you, now we have come to something called the EliasTrail q0nhta2xw5A-00001-00002915-00003115 so we shall hike q0nhta2xw5A-00002-00003296-00004275 we have dogs with us, I have the boy's dog with me and Danne has his dogs with him, we have dogs with us, I have the boy's dog with me and Danne has her dogs with her q0nhta2xw5A-00003-00004312-00004465 so lets go q0nhta2xw5A-00004-00005329-00005648 - Lisa go now q0nhta2xw5A-00005-00006214-00006517 like that, now we're at the cave q0nhta2xw5A-00006-00006648-00007118 the Elias cave,so we'll see if we get to it - Hello Asta q0nhta2xw5A-00007-00007434-00007719 you can not enter or what? - well, you get in there q0nhta2xw5A-00008-00007727-00007941 - do you have the flashlight with you q0nhta2xw5A-00009-00008032-00008211 - Quiet now we're coming soon q0nhta2xw5A-00010-00008256-00008500 - are the cave up here? q0nhta2xw5A-00011-00008550-00008750 - yes q0nhta2xw5A-00012-00008957-00009157 - no I dare not go on that q0nhta2xw5A-00013-00009175-00009488 - Benjamin, why didn't you leave the water bottle down here? q0nhta2xw5A-00014-00009758-00010040 - Lisa be quiet! q0nhta2xw5A-00015-00010084-00010592 - here it the cave, i think q0nhta2xw5A-00016-00010726-00010995 - then it should be a ladder q0nhta2xw5A-00017-00011209-00011630 - you would go in somewhere, isn't there q0nhta2xw5A-00018-00011796-00011969 - what does the sign say? q0nhta2xw5A-00019-00012000-00012200 - Elias cave q0nhta2xw5A-00020-00012607-00012807 - Give up now! q0nhta2xw5A-00021-00013458-00013535 - mom q0nhta2xw5A-00022-00013542-00013687 - Yes! q0nhta2xw5A-00023-00013875-00014231 - I don´t hear anything because Lisa barks so much q0nhta2xw5A-00024-00014463-00014578 - what? q0nhta2xw5A-00025-00014584-00014714 - you cant go here! q0nhta2xw5A-00026-00014714-00014914 - but I will not go down q0nhta2xw5A-00027-00015141-00015341 - have you come up already? q0nhta2xw5A-00028-00015532-00015972 they have been into the cave, but there was apparently ice in there, then I will not go down q0nhta2xw5A-00029-00016047-00016311 - but go down - No! q0nhta2xw5A-00030-00020548-00020785 - light in with the flashlight q0nhta2xw5A-00031-00022000-00022156 - where are you Benjamin q0nhta2xw5A-00032-00022170-00022481 - how murderous of him to go down - I will not dare q0nhta2xw5A-00033-00022657-00022990 - Benjamin, don't go further down now! q0nhta2xw5A-00034-00023165-00023365 old forest q0nhta2xw5A-00035-00023693-00024029 now we are on our way down from the mountain - Finally q0nhta2xw5A-00036-00024049-00024249 finally says Benjamin q0nhta2xw5A-00037-00024286-00024687 we will go down and bathe the dog q0nhta2xw5A-00038-00024701-00025072 because she's muddier than I don't know what q0nhta2xw5A-00039-00025442-00026099 now we're going to an old country house or something q0nhta2xw5A-00040-00028072-00028326 - you are probably not allowed to go in q0nhta2xw5A-00041-00028326-00028454 - look at the hat q0nhta2xw5A-00042-00028708-00028981 here they probably worked in the past q0nhta2xw5A-00043-00029200-00029466 - do you see the water wheel q0nhta2xw5A-00044-00033294-00033494 here it was crowded q0nhta2xw5A-00045-00037715-00037915 - Hello! q0nhta2xw5A-00046-00038388-00038554 - watch the camera q0nhta2xw5A-00047-00038563-00038734 - there is mom! q0nhta2xw5A-00048-00038856-00038972 hey hey q0nhta2xw5A-00049-00039114-00039314 - now you will see when I go down q0nhta2xw5A-00050-00039365-00039696 - mom, take the camera so they can see when i´m goes down q0nhta2xw5A-00051-00039865-00040031 - now they close the dust hatches q0nhta2xw5A-00052-00040043-00040243 - wait what! q0nhta2xw5A-00053-00040635-00040835 - they close the dust hatches q0nhta2xw5A-00054-00043940-00044360 lots of old tools that they used here in the past q0nhta2xw5A-00055-00044448-00044725 there is a thresher q0nhta2xw5A-00056-00045040-00045240 and old carriages q0nhta2xw5A-00057-00045468-00045889 hello to you, now we in the car on the way home q0nhta2xw5A-00058-00045980-00046311 Benjamin is only on toilet visits q0nhta2xw5A-00059-00046681-00046974 we've been out for almost six hours q0nhta2xw5A-00060-00046987-00047423 the time is soon 18:00 q0nhta2xw5A-00061-00047640-00048137 so now we'll just drive home, unpack the car and take night q0nhta2xw5A-00062-00048180-00049035 I also want to take the opportunity to tell you that you can now sponsor the nature life channel q0nhta2xw5A-00063-00049082-00049618 because there is a PayPal account linked to the channel q0nhta2xw5A-00064-00049634-00050227 so if you want to be involved and sponsor some petrol money and stuff, you are welcome to do so q0nhta2xw5A-00065-00050241-00051145 and then you have the link at the top, I think otherwise you have it under About the channel a link to PayPal q0nhta2xw5A-00066-00051173-00051530 I also put the address here q0nhta2xw5A-00067-00051586-00051948 so that was probably all we had for this time, or how Benjamin q0nhta2xw5A-00068-00052000-00052200 we are quite satisfied with the day q0nhta2xw5A-00069-00052215-00052415 so now we go home q0nhta2xw5A-00070-00052463-00052853 so we say see you in the next episode q0nhta2xw5A-00071-00052905-00053380 so have it best so long and see you soon again q283Ru12rRM-00000-00000016-00000576 I don’t speak Danish, but Jyske Bank, Denmark’s third largest bank, is offering its customers q283Ru12rRM-00001-00000576-00000746 “negativ rente”. q283Ru12rRM-00002-00000746-00000942 What does “negativ rente” mean? q283Ru12rRM-00003-00000942-00001106 Negative interest rates. q283Ru12rRM-00004-00001106-00001466 Yes, Jyske are offering mortgages that have negative interest. q283Ru12rRM-00005-00001466-00001716 They’ll pay you to take out a mortgage. q283Ru12rRM-00006-00001716-00001870 Well, not exactly. q283Ru12rRM-00007-00001870-00002234 Diving deeper on their website, we’re met with this page. q283Ru12rRM-00008-00002234-00002576 To make it easier for all of us, I’ve translated the headings into English. q283Ru12rRM-00009-00002576-00002842 (Sorry, some of them got lost in translation). q283Ru12rRM-00010-00002842-00003479 But what we can see, is that a fixed-rate 10-year mortgage has an interest rate of -0.5%. q283Ru12rRM-00011-00003479-00003597 What does that mean? q283Ru12rRM-00012-00003599-00004026 It means that you still have to make monthly repayments, but the interest rate reduces q283Ru12rRM-00013-00004026-00004226 the principal you owe to the bank. q283Ru12rRM-00014-00004226-00004536 You end up paying back less than what you borrowed. q283Ru12rRM-00015-00004536-00004918 What effect do these low interest rates have on the housing market in Denmark? q283Ru12rRM-00016-00004918-00005171 As expected, they’re causing a housing bubble. q283Ru12rRM-00017-00005171-00005684 “Danish house prices reach highest ever level, beating 11-year record”; “Cost, q283Ru12rRM-00018-00005684-00006096 not availability, is source of housing difficulties in Danish cities”. q283Ru12rRM-00019-00006096-00006500 If we look at historical interest rates in Denmark, we can see that over the last decade, q283Ru12rRM-00020-00006500-00006668 rates have plummeted. q283Ru12rRM-00021-00006668-00007186 It’s currently at a record low of -0.75%. q283Ru12rRM-00022-00007186-00007514 So how can Jyske Bank offer negative interest rate mortgages? q283Ru12rRM-00023-00007514-00007618 It’s pretty simple. q283Ru12rRM-00024-00007618-00008048 They’re also borrowing money at negative interest rates from institutional investors. q283Ru12rRM-00025-00008048-00008540 Plus, they also have the normal mortgage fees and charges that go along with every mortgage. q283Ru12rRM-00026-00008540-00008906 One thing that you can guarantee is that the bank is still making a profit. q283Ru12rRM-00027-00008906-00009272 This trend of negative interest rates is spreading throughout Europe. q283Ru12rRM-00028-00009272-00009754 Just last month, the European Central Bank slashed its deposit rate to a record low of q283Ru12rRM-00029-00009754-00009964 -0.5%. q283Ru12rRM-00030-00009964-00010348 American President Donald Trump sent out the mandatory tweet, q283Ru12rRM-00031-00010348-00010792 “European Central Bank, acting quickly, Cuts Rates 10 Basis Points. q283Ru12rRM-00032-00010792-00011346 They are trying, and succeeding, in depreciating the Euro against the VERY strong Dollar, hurting q283Ru12rRM-00033-00011346-00011466 U.S. exports.... q283Ru12rRM-00034-00011466-00011738 And the Fed sits, and sits, and sits. q283Ru12rRM-00035-00011738-00012122 They get paid to borrow money, while we are paying interest!”. q283Ru12rRM-00036-00012122-00012490 It seems that even the President would like to see negative interest rates hit American q283Ru12rRM-00037-00012490-00012582 shores. q283Ru12rRM-00038-00012582-00012730 So what about the land of Oz? q283Ru12rRM-00039-00012730-00013088 Are we going to see negative interest rates in Australia anytime soon? q283Ru12rRM-00040-00013088-00013330 Recent news articles aren’t very optimistic. q283Ru12rRM-00041-00013330-00013790 “'To zero and beyond': What if zero interest rates don't work?”; “When interest rates q283Ru12rRM-00042-00013790-00014169 approach zero, the RBA must rethink monetary policy”. q283Ru12rRM-00043-00014169-00014312 What are the RBA to do? q283Ru12rRM-00044-00014312-00014482 They’re almost out of bullets. q283Ru12rRM-00045-00014482-00015041 Most experts agree that the RBA will probably cut interest rates to 0.5% by the end of this q283Ru12rRM-00046-00015041-00015530 year, and maybe even to 0.25% by early 2020. q283Ru12rRM-00047-00015530-00015654 But will it help? q283Ru12rRM-00048-00015654-00016113 Former Reserve Bank governor Ian Macfarlane says that interest rate cuts have already q283Ru12rRM-00049-00016113-00016322 “done everything they can do”. q283Ru12rRM-00050-00016322-00016784 He said that “Too much faith is being placed in the expectation that monetary policy can q283Ru12rRM-00051-00016784-00016970 do things that it cannot do. q283Ru12rRM-00052-00016970-00017384 Once interest rates are negligible, further cuts would seem to have very little power q283Ru12rRM-00053-00017384-00017560 to do anything useful”. q283Ru12rRM-00054-00017560-00017972 Of course, all of these nose-diving interest rates are terrible for savers. q283Ru12rRM-00055-00017972-00018380 Where are prudent people supposed to put their hard-earned money when interest rates are q283Ru12rRM-00056-00018380-00018486 heading south? q283Ru12rRM-00057-00018486-00018808 It’s almost as if the powers that be don’t want us to save. q283Ru12rRM-00058-00018808-00019286 They want us to spend every last cent of our incomes, and on top of that, to get into massive q283Ru12rRM-00059-00019286-00019360 debt. q283Ru12rRM-00060-00019360-00019710 We’re supposed to be living in the best time of all of human history, but we’ve q283Ru12rRM-00061-00019710-00020068 let ourselves become slaves to mortgages and money. q283Ru12rRM-00062-00020068-00020420 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison doesn’t seem to be too worried. q283Ru12rRM-00063-00020420-00020826 He seems to think that Australia’s economy is coasting along just fine. q283Ru12rRM-00064-00020826-00021244 The other night, he addressed a group of party faithful in Tasmania saying, q283Ru12rRM-00065-00021244-00021600 “I’m pleased to say though, that when you compare where Australia is to the other q283Ru12rRM-00066-00021600-00022182 advanced economies of the world, we are punching well well well above our weight, and it’s q283Ru12rRM-00067-00022182-00022276 not by accident. q283Ru12rRM-00068-00022276-00022818 It’s not luck, it’s a result of good stewardship, planning, management and getting the right q283Ru12rRM-00069-00022818-00022972 settings in place.” q283Ru12rRM-00070-00022972-00023288 Can anybody say, “Toot your own horn”? q283Ru12rRM-00071-00023288-00023399 Anyway, that’s it for me. q283Ru12rRM-00072-00023399-00023615 I don’t have anything else to say about interest rates. q283Ru12rRM-00073-00023616-00024032 It’s just one big global scheme designed to keep the regular person like you and me q283Ru12rRM-00074-00024032-00024232 stuck in a life of servitude. q283Ru12rRM-00075-00024232-00024614 Let me know in the comments below what your plans are in a world of increasingly negative q283Ru12rRM-00076-00024614-00024726 interest rates. q3BxMeg2LtM-00000-00000031-00000235 - [Narrator] In November, Johnson & Johnson, q3BxMeg2LtM-00001-00000235-00000432 and General Electric both announced q3BxMeg2LtM-00002-00000432-00000590 that they are splitting up. q3BxMeg2LtM-00003-00000590-00000742 Johnson & Johnson will break q3BxMeg2LtM-00004-00000742-00000956 into two separate public companies, q3BxMeg2LtM-00005-00000956-00001190 one focused on consumer health products q3BxMeg2LtM-00006-00001190-00001376 and the other on pharmaceuticals. q3BxMeg2LtM-00007-00001376-00001632 And GE will split into three companies, q3BxMeg2LtM-00008-00001632-00001977 centered on healthcare, power and aviation. q3BxMeg2LtM-00009-00001977-00002189 The splintering of these two heavyweights q3BxMeg2LtM-00010-00002189-00002348 is just the latest in a number q3BxMeg2LtM-00011-00002348-00002527 of big corporate breakups, q3BxMeg2LtM-00012-00002527-00002821 even as tech companies continue to consolidate. q3BxMeg2LtM-00013-00002821-00002970 - A lot of people are saying q3BxMeg2LtM-00014-00002970-00003285 that this may be the end or the death q3BxMeg2LtM-00015-00003285-00003565 of the corporate conglomerate as we've know it. q3BxMeg2LtM-00016-00003565-00003754 - [Narrator] Here's what led to the latest wave q3BxMeg2LtM-00017-00003754-00003946 of breakups, and what they could mean q3BxMeg2LtM-00018-00003946-00004094 for legions of shareholders q3BxMeg2LtM-00019-00004094-00004329 with a stake in these industry titans. q3BxMeg2LtM-00020-00004492-00004790 The breakup of conglomerates isn't a new phenomenon. q3BxMeg2LtM-00021-00004790-00005101 - The rationale for industrial conglomerates q3BxMeg2LtM-00022-00005101-00005347 in the first place was efficiency. q3BxMeg2LtM-00023-00005347-00005572 - [Narrator] Jason Zweig has been covering investing q3BxMeg2LtM-00024-00005572-00005765 and financial history for The Wall Street Journal q3BxMeg2LtM-00025-00005765-00005923 for over a decade. q3BxMeg2LtM-00026-00005923-00006134 He says the conglomerate model tended q3BxMeg2LtM-00027-00006134-00006484 to work for a while until the market got overheated. q3BxMeg2LtM-00028-00006484-00006589 - It stopped working q3BxMeg2LtM-00029-00006589-00006972 and people learned that these businesses rise q3BxMeg2LtM-00030-00006972-00007148 and fall together. q3BxMeg2LtM-00031-00007148-00007425 One of the things that happened in the 1980s q3BxMeg2LtM-00032-00007425-00007790 is that we had the rise of the leveraged buyout movement, q3BxMeg2LtM-00033-00007790-00008089 which today we would call private equity. q3BxMeg2LtM-00034-00008089-00008333 And so large funds were able q3BxMeg2LtM-00035-00008333-00008703 to get access to relatively cheap money, q3BxMeg2LtM-00036-00008703-00008988 which they could use to buy undervalued assets. q3BxMeg2LtM-00037-00008988-00009437 So a lot of conglomerates chose that particular time q3BxMeg2LtM-00038-00009437-00009535 to split up. q3BxMeg2LtM-00039-00009535-00009666 - [Narrator] Conglomerates continued q3BxMeg2LtM-00040-00009666-00010014 to decline in popularity in the 1990s and 2000s. q3BxMeg2LtM-00041-00010014-00010291 And then in 2008, this happened. q3BxMeg2LtM-00042-00010291-00010533 - [Reporter] The Dow tumbled more than 500 points q3BxMeg2LtM-00043-00010533-00010870 after two pillars of the street tumbled over the weekend. q3BxMeg2LtM-00044-00010870-00011054 - [Narrator] The 2008 financial crisis q3BxMeg2LtM-00045-00011054-00011201 marked a new shift for some q3BxMeg2LtM-00046-00011201-00011429 of the remaining industrial conglomerates. q3BxMeg2LtM-00047-00011429-00011722 Investors led a push to break up bigger companies q3BxMeg2LtM-00048-00011722-00011883 when the individual units seemed q3BxMeg2LtM-00049-00011883-00012138 to be underperforming independent rivals. q3BxMeg2LtM-00050-00012138-00012304 For example, Siemens, q3BxMeg2LtM-00051-00012304-00012558 the German multinational technology giant saw q3BxMeg2LtM-00052-00012558-00012840 its stock plunge more than 60%. q3BxMeg2LtM-00053-00012840-00013013 Under pressure from investors, q3BxMeg2LtM-00054-00013013-00013283 it shed its healthcare and energy businesses, q3BxMeg2LtM-00055-00013283-00013609 shifting from a conglomerate into a company focused q3BxMeg2LtM-00056-00013609-00013857 on higher margin software and technology. q3BxMeg2LtM-00057-00013857-00014027 This strategy worked. q3BxMeg2LtM-00058-00014027-00014280 Since then, Siemens' market capitalization q3BxMeg2LtM-00059-00014280-00014509 has surpassed its rival GE. q3BxMeg2LtM-00060-00014509-00014928 For years, GE, one of America's oldest industrial giants q3BxMeg2LtM-00061-00014928-00015057 had been struggling. q3BxMeg2LtM-00062-00015057-00015434 - The company was engaging in some aggressive accounting q3BxMeg2LtM-00063-00015434-00015602 in the late '90s q3BxMeg2LtM-00064-00015602-00015954 and into the beginning of the 2000s q3BxMeg2LtM-00065-00015954-00016202 that led to problems down the road. q3BxMeg2LtM-00066-00016293-00016520 GE Capital, its financial arm, q3BxMeg2LtM-00067-00016520-00017020 was taking risks that really did not pan out q3BxMeg2LtM-00068-00017022-00017203 during the financial crisis. q3BxMeg2LtM-00069-00017203-00017314 - [Narrator] And like Siemens, q3BxMeg2LtM-00070-00017314-00017631 GE faced pressure, both internally and externally q3BxMeg2LtM-00071-00017631-00017904 to split after parts of its business continued q3BxMeg2LtM-00072-00017904-00018023 to perform poorly. q3BxMeg2LtM-00073-00018023-00018358 - Certainly management was under enormous pressure q3BxMeg2LtM-00074-00018358-00018577 internally to do something. q3BxMeg2LtM-00075-00018577-00018897 Meanwhile, they were under enormous pressure q3BxMeg2LtM-00076-00018897-00019263 from activists, institutional investors. q3BxMeg2LtM-00077-00019263-00019409 - [Narrator] In the early 2000s, q3BxMeg2LtM-00078-00019409-00019716 GE began selling off portions of its business, q3BxMeg2LtM-00079-00019716-00019893 from insurance and appliances q3BxMeg2LtM-00080-00019893-00020040 to NBC Universal. q3BxMeg2LtM-00081-00020040-00020366 - General Electric is selling NBC Universal q3BxMeg2LtM-00082-00020366-00020618 to the cable TV giant Comcast. q3BxMeg2LtM-00083-00020618-00020911 - [Narrator] And its majority stake in oil and gas. q3BxMeg2LtM-00084-00020911-00021124 And on November 9th, 2021, q3BxMeg2LtM-00085-00021124-00021294 the company announced it would break up q3BxMeg2LtM-00086-00021294-00021451 its last three parts, q3BxMeg2LtM-00087-00021451-00021747 marking the end of an era for the industrial titan. q3BxMeg2LtM-00088-00021747-00022000 This was just days before Johnson & Johnson, q3BxMeg2LtM-00089-00022000-00022259 the world's largest health products company by sales q3BxMeg2LtM-00090-00022259-00022489 announced plans to break up as well q3BxMeg2LtM-00091-00022489-00022662 but it had different reasons. q3BxMeg2LtM-00092-00022662-00022950 Johnson & Johnson's CEO said the company decided q3BxMeg2LtM-00093-00022950-00023107 to split because the businesses, q3BxMeg2LtM-00094-00023107-00023372 customers and markets have diverged so much q3BxMeg2LtM-00095-00023372-00023474 in recent years, q3BxMeg2LtM-00096-00023474-00023718 a pattern that accelerated during the pandemic. q3BxMeg2LtM-00097-00023718-00023935 - I think they just reached the point q3BxMeg2LtM-00098-00023935-00024330 where like GE, they felt they could be more efficient q3BxMeg2LtM-00099-00024330-00024830 and each unit could get the full attention it deserved q3BxMeg2LtM-00100-00024935-00025101 if they split apart. q3BxMeg2LtM-00101-00025101-00025335 - [Narrator] Zweig says that when conglomerates split, q3BxMeg2LtM-00102-00025335-00025566 it's often due to external pressure. q3BxMeg2LtM-00103-00025566-00025758 - When things start to go wrong, q3BxMeg2LtM-00104-00025758-00026154 what people say is you could realize the value q3BxMeg2LtM-00105-00026154-00026522 that's locked up in these parts of the company. q3BxMeg2LtM-00106-00026522-00026756 So people will go from viewing it q3BxMeg2LtM-00107-00026756-00026962 as a unified whole q3BxMeg2LtM-00108-00026962-00027183 to viewing it as a set q3BxMeg2LtM-00109-00027183-00027393 of pieces that would do better q3BxMeg2LtM-00110-00027393-00027683 when they were broken off from the whole. q3BxMeg2LtM-00111-00027683-00027992 And that applies to institutional investors, q3BxMeg2LtM-00112-00027992-00028227 individual investors, competitors. q3BxMeg2LtM-00113-00028227-00028442 - [Narrator] An executive at Johnson & Johnson said q3BxMeg2LtM-00114-00028442-00028701 it will be in a better position standing alone q3BxMeg2LtM-00115-00028701-00028959 to make decisions and allocate resources. q3BxMeg2LtM-00116-00029070-00029447 So what do big corporate breakups mean for shareholders? q3BxMeg2LtM-00117-00029447-00029660 - Over the long run, q3BxMeg2LtM-00118-00029660-00030027 split ups do tend to create value q3BxMeg2LtM-00119-00030027-00030470 for investors in the surviving companies. q3BxMeg2LtM-00120-00030470-00030638 Now, whether it'll be true q3BxMeg2LtM-00121-00030638-00031050 in these particular cases is very difficult to say. q3BxMeg2LtM-00122-00031050-00031181 - [Narrator] For Johnson & Johnson, q3BxMeg2LtM-00123-00031181-00031383 investors can expect the second company q3BxMeg2LtM-00124-00031383-00031498 will have a new name q3BxMeg2LtM-00125-00031498-00031856 and the legacy business will continue to go by J&J. q3BxMeg2LtM-00126-00031856-00032111 For GE, current shareholders are likely q3BxMeg2LtM-00127-00032111-00032308 to receive shares of the new energy q3BxMeg2LtM-00128-00032308-00032495 and healthcare companies as dividends q3BxMeg2LtM-00129-00032495-00032623 when they spin off. q3BxMeg2LtM-00130-00032623-00032826 While the original company that remains q3BxMeg2LtM-00131-00032826-00033008 will focus on aviation. q3BxMeg2LtM-00132-00033008-00033145 - This may be the end q3BxMeg2LtM-00133-00033145-00033406 or it might just be the end of the beginning q3BxMeg2LtM-00134-00033406-00033823 but it's likely that we will see more q3BxMeg2LtM-00135-00033823-00033947 of these breakups. q3BxMeg2LtM-00136-00033947-00034123 - [Narrator] For many non-tech companies, q3BxMeg2LtM-00137-00034123-00034293 the future is looking smaller q3BxMeg2LtM-00138-00034293-00034425 and more specialized q3BxMeg2LtM-00139-00034425-00034783 but what it means for investors is yet to be seen. q3BxMeg2LtM-00140-00034783-00035049 (playful music) q57mF6U1fh0-00000-00000042-00000302 Hello guys, and welcome to my jungle. q57mF6U1fh0-00001-00000302-00000504 It's getting more and more like a jungle every time you see it I think. q57mF6U1fh0-00002-00000509-00000670 These are all Nepenthes q57mF6U1fh0-00003-00000732-00001148 I shall go over them in another video, but today we're gonna talk about Triops. q57mF6U1fh0-00004-00001192-00001360 Okay? Cause I have a little Triop kit here, q57mF6U1fh0-00005-00001416-00001564 and we're gonna open it together. q57mF6U1fh0-00006-00001696-00002284 And we're gonna see exactly how it is you breed these little things. q57mF6U1fh0-00007-00002326-00002684 Well not breed them, how you take care of them basically. q57mF6U1fh0-00008-00002684-00003078 I've never had Triops ever in my life before but they're a pretty fascinating little animal. q57mF6U1fh0-00009-00003078-00003252 Let's see if I can get a decent picture here. q57mF6U1fh0-00010-00003347-00003800 This is Nick Baker's growing amazing pond monsters with Triop. q57mF6U1fh0-00011-00003876-00004200 Explore the amazing worlds of Triop with naturalist Nick Baker q57mF6U1fh0-00012-00004214-00004438 I have nothing to do with these people by the way at all. q57mF6U1fh0-00013-00004564-00004844 Let's have a little look and get this open. q57mF6U1fh0-00014-00004950-00005000 *clears throat* q57mF6U1fh0-00015-00005110-00005342 Never been opened, I don't know what's in the box. q57mF6U1fh0-00016-00005484-00005638 I'm pretty hyped to see these little guys, q57mF6U1fh0-00017-00005646-00006204 because I've always ALWAYS wanted to try them and I just never have had them, ever. q57mF6U1fh0-00018-00006296-00006690 So let me know in the comment section below if you guys have ever had Triops yourselves. q57mF6U1fh0-00019-00006818-00006984 Let's see, what is in this kit? q57mF6U1fh0-00020-00007072-00007208 Looks like an instruction manual, q57mF6U1fh0-00021-00007306-00007420 a tiny wee tank, q57mF6U1fh0-00022-00007612-00007756 pretty small... q57mF6U1fh0-00023-00007852-00008368 We shall see as well guys, as well if I feel like these animals need a bigger tank as well q57mF6U1fh0-00024-00008368-00008830 I will, I will provide them one because I'll probably be able to get some kind of food storage container q57mF6U1fh0-00025-00008830-00009024 that is much much bigger than this for them. q57mF6U1fh0-00026-00009070-00009280 We might even put a filter in it as well. q57mF6U1fh0-00027-00009358-00009422 Alright? q57mF6U1fh0-00028-00009460-00009596 So let's have a look. q57mF6U1fh0-00029-00009678-00009830 Pretty nicely packed. q57mF6U1fh0-00030-00009948-00010610 The kit is pretty basic. As far as I can see it's a container so far. q57mF6U1fh0-00031-00010734-00010862 Let's see what's in this little bag. q57mF6U1fh0-00032-00011088-00011590 Now I know that these little things, little Triops, come from eggs like brine shrimp. q57mF6U1fh0-00033-00011706-00011942 So they're gonna be pretty fascinating for me. q57mF6U1fh0-00034-00012008-00012172 There's nothing else in here, empty. q57mF6U1fh0-00035-00012172-00012222 *silly noise* q57mF6U1fh0-00036-00012346-00012498 Let's open this thing. q57mF6U1fh0-00037-00012550-00012947 I see a bag of sand and a little spoon. q57mF6U1fh0-00038-00013213-00013412 Pipette, I was actually needing one of these anyways, so... q57mF6U1fh0-00039-00013504-00013632 that's actually awesome. q57mF6U1fh0-00040-00013774-00013918 We have, what is this? q57mF6U1fh0-00041-00014238-00014619 What is this? Is this... I take it this is the, there's eggs in here somewhere. q57mF6U1fh0-00042-00014619-00015008 Would've, it would've been nice if I could find the eggs to show you one. q57mF6U1fh0-00043-00015241-00015697 Probably not gonna happen, because I don't know even what they look like. q57mF6U1fh0-00044-00015732-00015804 Let's see, q57mF6U1fh0-00045-00015891-00016091 So we have a little bag of sand. q57mF6U1fh0-00046-00016234-00016510 Triop food not for human consumption. Wash hands after use. q57mF6U1fh0-00047-00016558-00016766 Okay, there's no more instructions with this. q57mF6U1fh0-00048-00016814-00017004 So there you go, that's what's in our Triop kit. q57mF6U1fh0-00049-00017084-00017402 We have sand, the little tub of food, and a spoon. q57mF6U1fh0-00050-00017402-00017806 I don't know what the spoon is for, maybe that's to put into your thing. q57mF6U1fh0-00051-00017806-00018050 Let's have a little look at the instructions before we start. q57mF6U1fh0-00052-00018202-00018252 *ahem* q57mF6U1fh0-00053-00018536-00018752 Not for children over 7 years... q57mF6U1fh0-00054-00018788-00019118 *laughing* Not for children over, not for children over 7 years of age? q57mF6U1fh0-00055-00019118-00019308 What the? The wording is totally weird in this. q57mF6U1fh0-00056-00019336-00019554 Warning: For children over 7 years of age only. q57mF6U1fh0-00057-00019562-00019664 Yes, I said it wrong. q57mF6U1fh0-00058-00019766-00020402 Contains: tank, lid (which we have), Triop eggs, Triop food, pipette, sand. q57mF6U1fh0-00059-00020504-00020868 You'll also need a bottle of spring water and a supply of clean rain water. q57mF6U1fh0-00060-00020874-00021382 I think we can use RO water and uh, do this ourselves. q57mF6U1fh0-00061-00021414-00021948 Spring water, what d'you guys reckon, spring water? TDS wise. Bout 200? q57mF6U1fh0-00062-00022040-00022090 300? q57mF6U1fh0-00063-00022144-00022594 Triops I would imagine, come from a place where the salinity is quite high. So we'll go for 300. q57mF6U1fh0-00064-00022786-00023078 Let's see, the kit is a hands on guide for a budding naturalists, q57mF6U1fh0-00065-00023078-00023580 and contains the equipment needed to observe and study the fascinating life of Triops. q57mF6U1fh0-00066-00023632-00023958 The kit is designed to be fun and informative to kids of all ages as well. q57mF6U1fh0-00067-00024076-00024206 That's me taken care of. q57mF6U1fh0-00068-00024260-00024554 The best time of year is to use this kit in the summer months between May and September... q57mF6U1fh0-00069-00024558-00024640 (so that's okay for us) q57mF6U1fh0-00070-00024640-00024996 ...as the Triops will only hatch when the water temperature is above 21 degrees Celcius. q57mF6U1fh0-00071-00025070-00025340 So it's that temperature in here already, so we don't have to worry about that. q57mF6U1fh0-00072-00025612-00025868 Uh, need at least 12 hours of daylight, we have that in here. q57mF6U1fh0-00073-00026045-00026095 *blahdeblah* q57mF6U1fh0-00074-00026145-00026570 Uh, you can use a desk lamp it says here, with a 40watt lightbulb. q57mF6U1fh0-00075-00026716-00027142 The Triops are guaranteed to hatch, so if you have any problems see the details at the back of the booklet. q57mF6U1fh0-00076-00027244-00027792 Finally I hope you have some fun with this kit and discover some fascinating insights into the truly amazing life of the Triops. q57mF6U1fh0-00077-00028052-00028142 Which we will. q57mF6U1fh0-00078-00028166-00028504 Alright let's see. Getting Started, there's an introduction here telling you all about Triops. q57mF6U1fh0-00079-00028533-00028710 Dunno if you guys want me to read this or not. q57mF6U1fh0-00080-00028806-00029060 When you add the water to the little packet of dirt that is included in this kit q57mF6U1fh0-00081-00029060-00029476 you'll be launched into the bizarre life of the ancient little animal that has been doing the same thing q57mF6U1fh0-00082-00029498-00029788 rather successfully, for 300 million years. q57mF6U1fh0-00083-00029892-00030292 Triops produced... pronounced not produced, try-ops. q57mF6U1fh0-00084-00030444-00030708 Let's see, getting started, we need to put our water in. q57mF6U1fh0-00085-00030989-00031410 All you need to do in order to get the most out of your Triops is recreate the conditions in the temporary pool. q57mF6U1fh0-00086-00031462-00031648 Temporary, you'll note it says there. q57mF6U1fh0-00087-00031772-00032008 So first you need a source of some water, enough to fill the tank. q57mF6U1fh0-00088-00032044-00032498 In a Triop tank rain water is best but bottled still spring water is also good. q57mF6U1fh0-00089-00032508-00033198 So, bottled still spring water is actually different from rain water. So we'll see what else it says. q57mF6U1fh0-00090-00033346-00033748 If using bottled water read the small print and try and avoid using any purified water. q57mF6U1fh0-00091-00033822-00034246 Also avoid water that has chlorine added to it that includes some tap water. q57mF6U1fh0-00092-00034252-00034334 Rinse out your tank. q57mF6U1fh0-00093-00034524-00034574 Okay, q57mF6U1fh0-00094-00034628-00035018 Rinse out the tank, don't use soap it says, then wipe it dry. q57mF6U1fh0-00095-00035068-00035442 Add a, add rain or bottled water to the tank until about 3/4 full. q57mF6U1fh0-00096-00035690-00036108 Ensure the water... I take it there's salt in here then, they're telling me to use just rain water. q57mF6U1fh0-00097-00036108-00036714 Ensure the water in the tank room is temperature of 21 degrees Celcius before adding eggs, okay. q57mF6U1fh0-00098-00036714-00036884 I know for sure mines is already. q57mF6U1fh0-00099-00037030-00037122 *blahdeblahdeblah* q57mF6U1fh0-00100-00037124-00037174 Let's see. q57mF6U1fh0-00101-00037256-00037582 I know you don't want me to get things wrong here but... q57mF6U1fh0-00102-00037834-00038328 The water, when the water is at temperature sprinkle half the bag of detritus into the water. q57mF6U1fh0-00103-00038356-00038704 Half the bag of detritus? I take it that is this stuff then. q57mF6U1fh0-00104-00038704-00038940 This is what they're calling detritus , is it? q57mF6U1fh0-00105-00038982-00039314 Cause it looks like detritus, it looks like kinda like compost. q57mF6U1fh0-00106-00039550-00039726 Something else, what else does it say on here? q57mF6U1fh0-00107-00039726-00039862 Can't read that for this light. q57mF6U1fh0-00108-00040330-00040644 From, used in man-made ponds, or something. q57mF6U1fh0-00109-00040946-00041154 It actually says Triop eggs on it so we know what they are. q57mF6U1fh0-00110-00041260-00041332 Let's see. q57mF6U1fh0-00111-00041516-00041692 I'm interested in this part to do with the water guys, q57mF6U1fh0-00112-00041698-00042276 because spring water is not the same as rain water, I know that for sure. q57mF6U1fh0-00113-00042276-00042672 If you get spring water... or is that mineral water? Maybe I'm getting them mixed up. q57mF6U1fh0-00114-00043038-00043696 But they are telling me to add just RO water basically. q57mF6U1fh0-00115-00044138-00044188 Hmm... q57mF6U1fh0-00116-00044298-00044774 What I think we'll do guys, right, is because the instructions are not super clear q57mF6U1fh0-00117-00045058-00045596 Um, I think what we'll do is we'll fill this with RO water, put this sand in and then we'll measure the TDS okay? q57mF6U1fh0-00118-00045596-00046152 Just to make sure, because this is gonna have to have, I reckon it's gonna have to have salt in it, at least. q57mF6U1fh0-00119-00046294-00046416 Okay, so let's do that. q57mF6U1fh0-00120-00046718-00046838 Gonna go over here. q57mF6U1fh0-00121-00046948-00047092 This is aged RO water, q57mF6U1fh0-00122-00047264-00047386 been in here a couple days. q57mF6U1fh0-00123-00047490-00047832 [in a (fake) strained voice] UGHH it's too heavy guys, I can't hold it! q57mF6U1fh0-00124-00047958-00048672 I think this is gonna go here as well so let's just set it up on the freezer and then come back to it I think. q57mF6U1fh0-00125-00049380-00049542 Let me take you off this stand actually. q57mF6U1fh0-00126-00049562-00049886 I think you would like to see the actual little aquarium. q57mF6U1fh0-00127-00050494-00050676 Okay, this might be a better position for you, q57mF6U1fh0-00128-00050686-00050994 down here by this little aquarium. q57mF6U1fh0-00129-00051022-00051208 What will we do? Let's just put the sand in. q57mF6U1fh0-00130-00051854-00052208 I'll keep you guys updated on this as well. I think it will be really really interesting to see. q57mF6U1fh0-00131-00052510-00052614 Put the sand in. q57mF6U1fh0-00132-00052950-00053436 I think what I'll also do guys is I'll set up a separate tank for this. q57mF6U1fh0-00133-00053954-00054154 This says to use rain water... q57mF6U1fh0-00134-00054578-00054628 There ya go. q57mF6U1fh0-00135-00055146-00055754 Rain water. I suppose it is, it might be correct actually because you imagine these things are dry in the sand, q57mF6U1fh0-00136-00056034-00056562 dry in the sand all the time and then the rain will come and it will be rain water, so that makes sense. q57mF6U1fh0-00137-00056562-00056960 Let's put half the bag of this, these eggs in. q57mF6U1fh0-00138-00057141-00057226 Let's just do it over... q57mF6U1fh0-00139-00057990-00058236 Well I think, I think I can actually see the eggs. q57mF6U1fh0-00140-00058455-00058584 You might be able to see them. q57mF6U1fh0-00141-00058602-00058736 It says we'll not be able to see them but I q57mF6U1fh0-00142-00058738-00059326 I, I could swear guys I could see what looks like eggs scattering to the ground. q57mF6U1fh0-00143-00059336-00059767 If any of you guys ever bred Zebra Danios, that is the size. q57mF6U1fh0-00144-00059767-00059879 It says now to stir. q57mF6U1fh0-00145-00060424-00061088 It says to stir this a little bit, just to give the detritus a little bit of a chance to sink. q57mF6U1fh0-00146-00061138-00061422 And also it says to use the pipette to squirt down the sides q57mF6U1fh0-00147-00061505-00062046 make sure that the detritus and the eggs are in the water. q57mF6U1fh0-00148-00062074-00062446 Now I'll have to read this again, why, why is it I'm only to use half? q57mF6U1fh0-00149-00063032-00063400 Why are we only to use half of the detritus, the egg mix? q57mF6U1fh0-00150-00063452-00063646 Wonder if it's in case it doesn't hatch or something. q57mF6U1fh0-00151-00063884-00064194 Let's see, let's have a little look at the instructions together. q57mF6U1fh0-00152-00064420-00064572 Hopefully I won't switch the camera off. q57mF6U1fh0-00153-00064629-00064679 Right. q57mF6U1fh0-00154-00065170-00065580 When the water in the.. is up to temperature, sprinkle half the bag of detritus into the water. q57mF6U1fh0-00155-00065592-00066118 This contains the Triop eggs, give the detritus a brisk stir with the pipette to mix it through thoroughly, q57mF6U1fh0-00156-00066160-00066590 and use the pipette to wash down the sides with clean water to ensure no eggs are stuck to the side of the tank, q57mF6U1fh0-00157-00066590-00066846 the eggs are so small you will not be able to see them. q57mF6U1fh0-00158-00066988-00067418 Your Triops should start to hatch within 24 hours but they may take upwards of 7 days. q57mF6U1fh0-00159-00067434-00067530 So be patient. q57mF6U1fh0-00160-00067822-00068108 Uh... but don't panic we have a solution, see back of the book, q57mF6U1fh0-00161-00068138-00068476 Also there's early stages that will be so small they will be difficult to see. q57mF6U1fh0-00162-00068486-00069064 So what is the other half of the? ... this bag for? q57mF6U1fh0-00163-00069078-00069466 I don't get why I'm only to use half... q57mF6U1fh0-00164-00069662-00069804 Hmm, that's a little bit interesting. q57mF6U1fh0-00165-00069804-00070172 So we have the Triop eggs in here now anyway. q57mF6U1fh0-00166-00070196-00070614 I'll move them to their new home, over here by the side of this tank. q57mF6U1fh0-00167-00070646-00070804 And we shall see how it goes guys, okay? q57mF6U1fh0-00168-00070804-00070970 So, I hope you've enjoyed today's video, q57mF6U1fh0-00169-00071062-00071370 and I'll keep you updated on this, every week. q57mF6U1fh0-00170-00071384-00071712 As soon as I see something moving I'll make a new video about it so you guys can see it as well, q57mF6U1fh0-00171-00071712-00072086 because I think these guys will be rather fascinating, okay? q57mF6U1fh0-00172-00072100-00072182 Catch you in the next one. q57mF6U1fh0-00173-00072188-00072468 Happy Shrimp Keeping Guys! q5GMmr3Ur3I-00000-00000268-00000442 Corroid q5GMmr3Ur3I-00001-00000532-00000710 Arcade Math q6goDxts-_o-00000-00001325-00001915 It is 4:30, and we are starting our webinar, q6goDxts-_o-00001-00001916-00002134 so welcome everyone. q6goDxts-_o-00002-00002134-00002570 And we are very excited to have you all here today. q6goDxts-_o-00003-00002570-00003250 This is Ekaterina Stoops, E learning Faculty Development Coordinator. q6goDxts-_o-00004-00003250-00003559 And the topic for our webinar today is, q6goDxts-_o-00005-00003560-00004274 "Group teamwork, proven practice in helping with group team assignments online". q6goDxts-_o-00006-00004274-00005376 And the presenter Linh Luan, will showcase her strategies for facilitating effective teamwork online. q6goDxts-_o-00007-00005376-00005932 And this webinar will be interactive, as all our webinars are. q6goDxts-_o-00008-00005932-00006376 So I will just take a few minutes to go over the house rules. q6goDxts-_o-00009-00006376-00006976 So during this webinar, you will have opportunities to actually experience group work, q6goDxts-_o-00010-00006976-00007288 and of course discuss and share your ideas. q6goDxts-_o-00011-00007288-00007534 To participate in these discussions, q6goDxts-_o-00012-00007534-00007979 you can use chat to type your questions and comments there. q6goDxts-_o-00013-00007980-00008746 but we actually would like to encourage all of you to use microphones and speak if possible. q6goDxts-_o-00014-00008746-00009276 But then when you're not speaking please keep your mics muted, q6goDxts-_o-00015-00009278-00009580 so that we're not getting any background noise. q6goDxts-_o-00016-00009580-00009964 And if you have any technical issues during the webinar, q6goDxts-_o-00017-00009964-00010456 you can use chat to let us know about the issue you are experiencing. q6goDxts-_o-00018-00010462-00010790 And if you lose connectivity, q6goDxts-_o-00019-00010790-00011172 you can always email us at BBS support at CityU.edu. q6goDxts-_o-00020-00011172-00011420 We are monitoring our emails, q6goDxts-_o-00021-00011424-00011762 we have several facilitators in the room today, q6goDxts-_o-00022-00011762-00012072 and we'll help you get back in Collaborate. q6goDxts-_o-00023-00012072-00012720 And now, I would like to introduce our presenter Linh Luong . q6goDxts-_o-00024-00012720-00013380 Linh is the Program Director for both the Bachelors of Science in Project Management, q6goDxts-_o-00025-00013380-00013972 and the Masters of Science in Project Management at City University of Seattle. q6goDxts-_o-00026-00013972-00014702 Her background and career go back 15 plus years in IT project Management, q6goDxts-_o-00027-00014702-00015076 with a specialization in software development, q6goDxts-_o-00028-00015076-00015430 and seven plus years in higher education. q6goDxts-_o-00029-00015430-00015886 Linh has her master's in Information Systems. q6goDxts-_o-00030-00015886-00016576 Linh is PMP certified and she is also a certified scrum master. q6goDxts-_o-00031-00016576-00017184 Her goal is to make sure that students are fully prepared to meet the marketplace demands, q6goDxts-_o-00032-00017184-00017768 with professional skills that will lead them to career success. q6goDxts-_o-00033-00017780-00018140 And now I will turn it to Linh. q6goDxts-_o-00034-00018212-00018308 Thank You Ekaterina. q6goDxts-_o-00035-00018314-00018476 Hi everybody q6goDxts-_o-00036-00018476-00018900 I'm gonna actually turn off my camera so it's not too distracting to me q6goDxts-_o-00037-00018924-00019283 I tend to go a little bit fast, so if you need me to slow down, q6goDxts-_o-00038-00019284-00019626 please text into the chat room that you need me to slow down. q6goDxts-_o-00039-00019626-00020252 And one of the facilitators will let me know, and I'll go ahead and slow down. q6goDxts-_o-00040-00020252-00020710 So with the courses that I manage and I teach, q6goDxts-_o-00041-00020716-00020902 which are all project management courses. q6goDxts-_o-00042-00020902-00021350 They lend themselves to the ability to practice our craft, as part of the classroom. q6goDxts-_o-00043-00021374-00021946 One of the most important skills for the students is learning how to work in teams. q6goDxts-_o-00044-00021946-00022594 This presents the best of my presentation on proven practices that I've experienced, q6goDxts-_o-00045-00022594-00023364 and used throughout each one of my courses with all the students. q6goDxts-_o-00046-00023364-00023686 So each one of my courses does have teamwork in them, q6goDxts-_o-00047-00023686-00023998 and so we've learned from quarter after quarter how to improve upon that experience, q6goDxts-_o-00048-00023998-00024590 for each of the students in our in our instructors as well q6goDxts-_o-00049-00024636-00024710 So our outcomes today is giving you examples of proven practices q6goDxts-_o-00050-00024710-00024938 that help facilitate group and team work assignments. q6goDxts-_o-00051-00024938-00025814 Understanding tools in blackboard that work with team building q6goDxts-_o-00052-00025814-00026016 and participating in an open discussion that works with other instructors. q6goDxts-_o-00053-00026016-00026352 what are the lessons learned that you've experienced in the past? q6goDxts-_o-00054-00026352-00027149 So I want to hear those, and I perhaps I can bring those lessons into my classroom as well. q6goDxts-_o-00055-00027174-00027552 So you'll see two kind of sides of the coin here. q6goDxts-_o-00056-00027552-00027914 As we know, theory and practice is hard to teach. q6goDxts-_o-00057-00027914-00028462 The perception in the workplace is that, a good work working team can accomplish anything. q6goDxts-_o-00058-00028462-00029070 Perception working in teams in an online classroom is difficult and hard to manage q6goDxts-_o-00059-00029082-00029466 and not worth the trouble sometimes, as perceived by the students. q6goDxts-_o-00060-00029466-00029848 There's always one student that completes most of the work. q6goDxts-_o-00061-00029848-00030142 And there's always one that has no idea what's going on q6goDxts-_o-00062-00030142-00030922 and one who always disappears. That's frustrating the experience for both the student and the instructor, q6goDxts-_o-00063-00030922-00031520 However, I will say, while a student does experience a good when a student does experience a good team as part of the classroom, q6goDxts-_o-00064-00031520-00032572 it becomes rewarding and satisfying for for them as well as as you as an instructors that q6goDxts-_o-00065-00032572-00032989 they were able to overcome all these challenges in fact I'll even go as far q6goDxts-_o-00066-00032989-00033448 as to say that bad teamwork exist in workplace today and learning how to q6goDxts-_o-00067-00033448-00033958 overcome those challenges as part of the classroom helps build skills in q6goDxts-_o-00068-00033958-00034308 character for the students q6goDxts-_o-00069-00034541-00035036 so we're going to have our first group activity which is we're going to split q6goDxts-_o-00070-00035036-00035660 off into teams as part of our discussion and we're going to form as we form our q6goDxts-_o-00071-00035660-00036065 teams we're going to talk about what feedback have your students given you q6goDxts-_o-00072-00036065-00036569 about group work or what hesitation do you have in developing group work as q6goDxts-_o-00073-00036569-00037031 part of your class so Whitney our facilitator will go ahead and split you q6goDxts-_o-00074-00037031-00037303 guys into teams q6goDxts-_o-00075-00038024-00038736 well it was fun very good so um I want to hear I wasn't q6goDxts-_o-00076-00038736-00039072 able to hear some of your discussions but I want to hear some of the things q6goDxts-_o-00077-00039072-00039684 that you guys discussed as part of your initial forming of your group and you q6goDxts-_o-00078-00039684-00040344 can either speak out loud or you can type into the text chat bubble and then q6goDxts-_o-00079-00040344-00040647 one of the facilitators will repeat it okay q6goDxts-_o-00080-00040647-00041466 so anybody want to start I'll just pick on somebody Jeff yes I shared I shared a q6goDxts-_o-00081-00041466-00041910 little bit about the use that I've had up to this point primarily with just q6goDxts-_o-00082-00041910-00042321 one-on-one with students and sharing my screen and looking at their papers and q6goDxts-_o-00083-00042321-00042738 the and the marks that I've done and kind of coached them along so it should q6goDxts-_o-00084-00042738-00043266 spend primarily one-on-one there but with beyond the English courses because q6goDxts-_o-00085-00043266-00043682 I've been teaching some communication courses and critical thinking courses q6goDxts-_o-00086-00043682-00044262 that's something that I want to expand with as far as the let's take a look q6goDxts-_o-00087-00044262-00045003 here yeah I think that's it for an apple so your your your chance has been more q6goDxts-_o-00088-00045003-00045738 of a one-on-one with students there's many times again right so it's more more q6goDxts-_o-00089-00045738-00046251 when we do collaborate it's in class I'll have students peer review each q6goDxts-_o-00090-00046251-00046815 other's paper and then have you know other other times where I would do that q6goDxts-_o-00091-00046815-00047238 one-on-one when I'm at home with them and set up a specific time that they q6goDxts-_o-00092-00047238-00047766 they stick to so the challenge has been if there's three or four or five people q6goDxts-_o-00093-00047766-00048326 that I want to meet and collaborate have a session with because of their jobs q6goDxts-_o-00094-00048326-00049041 just one example with Boeing's there if their swing shift so they're they're q6goDxts-_o-00095-00049041-00049653 going getting off work at 2:30 Pacific time and it's gonna be challenging maybe q6goDxts-_o-00096-00049653-00050088 for those on the East Coast or online and classes in another country to kind q6goDxts-_o-00097-00050088-00050646 of fit that in so that's one reason why probably not pursued it as much but but q6goDxts-_o-00098-00050646-00051140 I certainly would like to kind of get good ideas today on how I could take q6goDxts-_o-00099-00051140-00051636 give myself to the next level of using in the collaborate well thanks for your q6goDxts-_o-00100-00051636-00052611 feedback Jeff and talking about your experience how about you Mike yeah as I q6goDxts-_o-00101-00052611-00053255 mentioned in in the room the breakout room I had lots of experience working q6goDxts-_o-00102-00053255-00053898 face to face with students in in groups of various time various types for q6goDxts-_o-00103-00053898-00054360 various purposes I've been a career educator for about 35 years and and q6goDxts-_o-00104-00054360-00054679 consequently I've done a lot of face-to-face q6goDxts-_o-00105-00054679-00055288 group work and in answering the questions why students hate teamwork q6goDxts-_o-00106-00055288-00055823 typically the students that I work with these days don't really eat eat and work q6goDxts-_o-00107-00055823-00056405 until on rare occasion they find somebody's not focus some member of the q6goDxts-_o-00108-00056405-00056825 group's not holding up their end of the bargain and then that becomes an issue q6goDxts-_o-00109-00056825-00057254 sometimes we hear about the issue and sometimes we don't q6goDxts-_o-00110-00057254-00057741 but generally teamwork is an expectation for the kinds of students I work with in q6goDxts-_o-00111-00057741-00058391 the educational leadership program especially those who are interns in in q6goDxts-_o-00112-00058391-00059120 schools preparing to be education administrators so one of the reasons q6goDxts-_o-00113-00059120-00059735 that I'm in this webinar is hoping hoping to refresh my memory of q6goDxts-_o-00114-00059735-00060244 Blackboard Collaborate skills it takes to work with students in small groups q6goDxts-_o-00115-00060244-00061001 online in collaborate ultra as I'm going to be working with groups of interns in q6goDxts-_o-00116-00061001-00061832 a couple of weeks to help them work in pairs probably to go through mock q6goDxts-_o-00117-00061832-00062441 interview experiences with each other good good I hope that we can help you do q6goDxts-_o-00118-00062441-00062951 that as well well just take one more feedback from another participant grab q6goDxts-_o-00119-00062951-00063549 what about you have you had team work as part of your classroom or have you had q6goDxts-_o-00120-00063549-00064006 any feedback about team work from your student q6goDxts-_o-00121-00064013-00064814 okay maybe not grow maybe they fee alright or Christina q6goDxts-_o-00122-00064814-00065467 Christina sorry yes I gave my feedback to the small groups so and actually I q6goDxts-_o-00123-00065467-00065870 released my hand because I had a question basically my feedback is that q6goDxts-_o-00124-00065870-00066422 as an instructor I had not the teamwork as a student yes and as a student the q6goDxts-_o-00125-00066422-00066923 main problem was blackboard collaboration several times disappear q6goDxts-_o-00126-00066923-00067361 disconnect etc to the point that one of the groups one of the teams that I was q6goDxts-_o-00127-00067361-00067862 participating we decided to use Google hangout so that's my question q6goDxts-_o-00128-00067862-00068459 moving forward if I decide to establish do team work online with my future q6goDxts-_o-00129-00068459-00068921 students do I need to do it to use only blackboard collaborate can I use Google q6goDxts-_o-00130-00068921-00069289 hangout more people know in their more familiar and it seemed there is less q6goDxts-_o-00131-00069289-00070085 technical problems that was my question okay definitely technology is a q6goDxts-_o-00132-00070085-00070700 challenge as doing that being a part of a team or group work and overcoming some q6goDxts-_o-00133-00070700-00071102 of that challenge is overcoming you know how to deal with technology in q6goDxts-_o-00134-00071102-00071435 the past collaborate has not been so friendly q6goDxts-_o-00135-00071435-00072086 I think collaborate has gone has become so much more friendlier and easier to q6goDxts-_o-00136-00072086-00072689 use these days that has ever been I personally really like collaborate these q6goDxts-_o-00137-00072689-00073172 days as opposed to when it was back then however if your students find those as q6goDxts-_o-00138-00073172-00073703 challenges as part of their routine then I would say go to a place that's q6goDxts-_o-00139-00073703-00074231 comfortable for your students to work as a team so some students might want to go q6goDxts-_o-00140-00074231-00074600 to Google hangout and work together some students use what's up q6goDxts-_o-00141-00074600-00075236 app to talk to each other and kind of start assigning tasks to each other or q6goDxts-_o-00142-00075236-00075689 just communicating with one another the point is in making sure that the team q6goDxts-_o-00143-00075689-00076193 communicates with each other the other point that Mike brought out is making q6goDxts-_o-00144-00076193-00076823 sure that the team is small enough so sorry about that okay so it's making q6goDxts-_o-00145-00076823-00077279 sure that the team is small enough so each member has a voice so they can have q6goDxts-_o-00146-00077279-00077552 a say in what they do as part of the team q6goDxts-_o-00147-00077552-00077967 okay that some of the feedback I've gotten in the past about teamwork has q6goDxts-_o-00148-00077967-00078522 always been from students it puts a lot of work on us as the student instead of q6goDxts-_o-00149-00078522-00079100 the instructor traditionally telling us what to do or in a lecture format the q6goDxts-_o-00150-00079100-00079562 other is it's over the same material that I didn't quite understand so now I q6goDxts-_o-00151-00079562-00079905 kind of have to actually work to learn it on my own and I'd rather the q6goDxts-_o-00152-00079905-00080418 instructor tell me what to do right and then as Jeff was saying I think it was q6goDxts-_o-00153-00080418-00080852 no it was Mike who is saying that you know teammates don't often pull their q6goDxts-_o-00154-00080852-00081293 way as part of it at the team so that really frustrates their team members as q6goDxts-_o-00155-00081293-00081747 well as the instructors there either don't communicate with one another they q6goDxts-_o-00156-00081747-00082242 don't hold each other accountable and the other frustration is knowing where q6goDxts-_o-00157-00082242-00082877 to start when you become a team knowing where to start as a student as part of q6goDxts-_o-00158-00082877-00083306 the team work but I think teamwork is very important research shows that q6goDxts-_o-00159-00083306-00083726 students are more engaged when they're actively learning tasks over traditional q6goDxts-_o-00160-00083726-00084239 lecture methods and there's light bulbs that go off in students head once they q6goDxts-_o-00161-00084239-00084648 kind of get the concept and kind of learn things on their own so I think q6goDxts-_o-00162-00084648-00085104 teamwork is important skill to learn properly structured group where it can q6goDxts-_o-00163-00085104-00085512 reinforce skills that are relevant to both group and individual works which q6goDxts-_o-00164-00085512-00086093 includes breaking down complex tasks whether its plan and managing their time q6goDxts-_o-00165-00086093-00086525 or as well as the project time tell making sure that roles and q6goDxts-_o-00166-00086525-00086937 responsibilities are delegated in order to plan your time sharing diverse q6goDxts-_o-00167-00086937-00087350 perspective because everybody has an understanding of what the assignment in q6goDxts-_o-00168-00087350-00087827 it what the assignment is and in through discussion and explanation you can all q6goDxts-_o-00169-00087827-00088386 refine what your expectations in perspective is pulling your subject q6goDxts-_o-00170-00088386-00088739 matter expert it's and skills together where you where you can challenge one q6goDxts-_o-00171-00088739-00089183 another on assumptions and bringing those questions to the instructor as q6goDxts-_o-00172-00089183-00089717 well as the team but as well as holding one another accountable and holding q6goDxts-_o-00173-00089717-00090152 yourself accountable I think again like I was saying earlier the most important q6goDxts-_o-00174-00090152-00090675 skill is making sure that you build your communication skills and developing new q6goDxts-_o-00175-00090675-00090944 approaches to resolve differences as part of a q6goDxts-_o-00176-00090944-00091409 team instead of just doing everything on your own but also I think it's important q6goDxts-_o-00177-00091409-00091826 for students to kind of learn what their voices in their perspective in q6goDxts-_o-00178-00091826-00092225 relationship to their peers because once you're in out in the real world you're q6goDxts-_o-00179-00092225-00092756 going to have to do all these things so don't forget if if you can design a q6goDxts-_o-00180-00092756-00093329 course you if you can design a course supervise it and assess in a way that q6goDxts-_o-00181-00093329-00093827 promotes meaningful teamwork and deep collaboration it is rewarding for both q6goDxts-_o-00182-00093827-00094838 the students and the instructors so this is a SWOT analysis this is one of the q6goDxts-_o-00183-00094838-00095270 first things I ask students to do in the first week instead of their student q6goDxts-_o-00184-00095270-00095723 introductory assignment I ask them to develop a personal SWOT analysis this q6goDxts-_o-00185-00095723-00096119 provides the students with their strengths and weaknesses where they can q6goDxts-_o-00186-00096119-00096746 self reflect on the things to help them get through their class right as well as q6goDxts-_o-00187-00096746-00097235 their parents can see what their SWOT analysis is of themselves and decide do q6goDxts-_o-00188-00097235-00097628 they want to be a team member with this particular person and it allows the q6goDxts-_o-00189-00097628-00098222 instructor to kind do arrange teams in terms of of member strengths and q6goDxts-_o-00190-00098222-00098861 weaknesses I found this this technique really useful because it allows the q6goDxts-_o-00191-00098861-00099281 students to have a say in to what type of team members they went as well as q6goDxts-_o-00192-00099281-00099863 getting to know their their peers as well another thing that I do at the q6goDxts-_o-00193-00099863-00100472 beginning of the class is I develop a project timeline and I develop it in a q6goDxts-_o-00194-00100472-00100928 way that aligns to the course schedule so I provide the information where q6goDxts-_o-00195-00100928-00101546 students can see what's due what they need to do and what is accomplishable q6goDxts-_o-00196-00101546-00102056 each week in different formats so when they see one thing it still matches the q6goDxts-_o-00197-00102056-00102840 other does that make sense do we have any questions so far I have q6goDxts-_o-00198-00102840-00103530 question yes Jeff one of the things that came to mind related to substituting so q6goDxts-_o-00199-00103530-00104217 to speak for the SI a you know when when some of these collaborative types of q6goDxts-_o-00200-00104217-00104919 assignments or you know tasks are included do you then not have a written q6goDxts-_o-00201-00104919-00105378 discussion board question for that week so so that they're not saying well this q6goDxts-_o-00202-00105378-00105852 is just added on to what I've already been assigned and you know four points q6goDxts-_o-00203-00105852-00106191 so sweet well I actually do this in conjunction q6goDxts-_o-00204-00106191-00106566 with their weekly discussion board question because they're so used to q6goDxts-_o-00205-00106566-00107232 their si a doing their SWOT analysis is pretty much the same thing okay yeah in q6goDxts-_o-00206-00107232-00107930 place of their si a great any other questions q6goDxts-_o-00207-00107930-00108747 yeah Lee and I have a quick question so how many group projects per quarter do q6goDxts-_o-00208-00108747-00109524 you have or is just one project that you are doing throughout the quarter there's q6goDxts-_o-00209-00109524-00109992 out there's a group project in every class for every quarter for every q6goDxts-_o-00210-00109992-00110696 quarter so it's one project per quarter in every class okay so and so you are q6goDxts-_o-00211-00110696-00111375 introducing this you kind of build in a community from the beginning and that q6goDxts-_o-00212-00111375-00112034 will lead to more effective group work collaboration that's that's what I see q6goDxts-_o-00213-00112034-00112755 from your SWAT activity so it's just helping them build those relationship q6goDxts-_o-00214-00112755-00113258 right correct we build their relationship at the very beginning the q6goDxts-_o-00215-00113258-00113781 assignment is usually not due until the end of the quarter so along those ten q6goDxts-_o-00216-00113781-00114114 weeks they start building their relationship and start forming their q6goDxts-_o-00217-00114114-00114615 teams and start meeting those those challenges as a group would meet in q6goDxts-_o-00218-00114615-00115061 order to fulfill the deliverables requested of the assignment I really q6goDxts-_o-00219-00115061-00115623 love this strategy I think that sometimes when we just introduce a group q6goDxts-_o-00220-00115623-00116205 work without haven't spent well devoting time to help students q6goDxts-_o-00221-00116205-00116786 this relationship that's where them the group work fails in my opinion it listen q6goDxts-_o-00222-00116786-00117324 my variance yeah definitely you're right you know sometimes the instructors we q6goDxts-_o-00223-00117324-00117690 have assignments and we put it out there and we kind of expect the students to q6goDxts-_o-00224-00117690-00118176 just do it on their own but that not that doesn't always happen q6goDxts-_o-00225-00118176-00118590 with students right there see they get so busy with their time they have so q6goDxts-_o-00226-00118590-00118961 many other things to do that they just forget so if you can build it into q6goDxts-_o-00227-00118961-00119358 checkmarks for them throughout the quarter it helps them kind of think q6goDxts-_o-00228-00119358-00119836 about where they are or in where they are in the progress of the quarter to q6goDxts-_o-00229-00119836-00120308 making sure that they complete their assignments on time q6goDxts-_o-00230-00120356-00121458 okay so along with the SWOT analysis and and in the project timelines in the q6goDxts-_o-00231-00121458-00122043 schedule I also provide each group with a group contract wiki that's provided q6goDxts-_o-00232-00122043-00122708 for it the teams as I develop each develop each class intuit groups they q6goDxts-_o-00233-00122708-00123228 each get a contract where they can provide their name their information q6goDxts-_o-00234-00123228-00123702 their strengths in the areas of development all in one place so every q6goDxts-_o-00235-00123702-00124136 team member can see who's white and what the information is along with that q6goDxts-_o-00236-00124136-00124709 information is their availability at time which best to contact them but as q6goDxts-_o-00237-00124709-00125142 part of that group you want to be able to discuss well how often are we going q6goDxts-_o-00238-00125142-00125609 to meet what's the day and times we're gonna meet how are we gonna meet what q6goDxts-_o-00239-00125609-00125970 are the ground rules for the team maybe the ground rules is making sure that q6goDxts-_o-00240-00125970-00126576 everybody shows that by at least three out of the four meetings right or and q6goDxts-_o-00241-00126576-00126972 what are your expectations for each other as team members so once you have q6goDxts-_o-00242-00126972-00127527 that contract written every member of the team has a set expectation that what q6goDxts-_o-00243-00127527-00128352 they know of their peers along with contract we want to make sure that we q6goDxts-_o-00244-00128352-00128799 assign roles the most important role in project management is the project q6goDxts-_o-00245-00128799-00129345 manager and you can either be the group project manager is the same as a group q6goDxts-_o-00246-00129345-00129771 leader but once you assign who who the leader of the group is then you can q6goDxts-_o-00247-00129771-00130221 start assigning people accountable for deliverables of the project you only q6goDxts-_o-00248-00130221-00130602 want to have one person that's accountable for each of the deliverable q6goDxts-_o-00249-00130602-00131070 everybody can help as part of the team but you want to make sure one person is q6goDxts-_o-00250-00131070-00131499 accountable so each time that you have a status meeting with that team or a check q6goDxts-_o-00251-00131499-00131988 with that team you want to see if if they there they're moving along in their q6goDxts-_o-00252-00131988-00132525 progress of what their expectations are of what they're going to deliver makes q6goDxts-_o-00253-00132525-00133752 sense yes okay I have a quick comment I think the idea having having a team q6goDxts-_o-00254-00133752-00134378 leader is a brilliant one and just like somebody who can organize the whole q6goDxts-_o-00255-00134378-00135138 group and that's his or her responsibility I I really like it thank q6goDxts-_o-00256-00135138-00135984 you so as we all set expectations early and we've set clear deadlines and q6goDxts-_o-00257-00135984-00136490 deliverables in approval processes we want to make sure that along the project q6goDxts-_o-00258-00136490-00136914 there are checkpoints and in project management we call those status reports q6goDxts-_o-00259-00136914-00137429 satis reports could be one-on-one with your instructor in the groups telling q6goDxts-_o-00260-00137429-00137844 you are there any issues with the team how far are you progressed how far are q6goDxts-_o-00261-00137844-00138254 you behind what can I do as an instructor to help you move along to q6goDxts-_o-00262-00138254-00138627 make sure that you complete your assignment right so these little q6goDxts-_o-00263-00138627-00139149 checkpoints along the way during the quarter really keeps the students on toe q6goDxts-_o-00264-00139149-00139520 and make sure that students are progressing along and then you get q6goDxts-_o-00265-00139520-00140049 issues that are raised early so you can address them so there's no surprises q6goDxts-_o-00266-00140049-00140639 either by the team or by you the other thing you want to do as an instructor is q6goDxts-_o-00267-00140639-00141135 making sure that students are held accountable one method is providing two q6goDxts-_o-00268-00141135-00141508 grades to counter the grade worries from other students q6goDxts-_o-00269-00141508-00142036 if a student does very poorly on one of their tests the other team members don't q6goDxts-_o-00270-00142036-00142686 want to be affected however if you can split the grades maybe 60% is a team q6goDxts-_o-00271-00142686-00143185 grade and 40% is individual grade on the assignment that can kind of alleviate q6goDxts-_o-00272-00143185-00143613 some of the worries from the student the other thing that I build into that q6goDxts-_o-00273-00143613-00144121 practice of the great is the team peer evaluation this gives students the q6goDxts-_o-00274-00144121-00144630 opportunity to kind of provide feedback with each other on what they're doing q6goDxts-_o-00275-00144630-00145173 well how they can improve better and just telling each other you know hey you q6goDxts-_o-00276-00145173-00145542 did a really great job I really appreciated how you helped me meet my q6goDxts-_o-00277-00145542-00146308 goals and complete the assignments Christina yeah you owe us more a comment q6goDxts-_o-00278-00146308-00146700 about team peer evaluation I think it's a great idea but my experience in the q6goDxts-_o-00279-00146700-00147102 past as it student is that the four versed in the different teams four or q6goDxts-_o-00280-00147102-00147622 five people would always say that yeah you did a great job so nobody would q6goDxts-_o-00281-00147622-00148120 actually be frank about what they thought about the other person because q6goDxts-_o-00282-00148120-00148428 that was going to be read by the instructor so I think that team peer q6goDxts-_o-00283-00148428-00148878 evaluation there's a little bit of attendance of leadership red inflation q6goDxts-_o-00284-00148878-00149400 so that's my comment yeah team your evaluation can be a little bit tricky I q6goDxts-_o-00285-00149400-00149889 kind of frame it in the way that team peer evaluation is just an evaluation of q6goDxts-_o-00286-00149889-00150448 your peers where only you and the instructor get this only the student is q6goDxts-_o-00287-00150448-00150999 struck to get to see the peer feedback any feedback that's constructive gets q6goDxts-_o-00288-00150999-00151498 passed along to the other students any constructive feedback gets also passed q6goDxts-_o-00289-00151498-00152067 along but in a friendly way I find that you know I have to frame the q6goDxts-_o-00290-00152067-00152623 conversation because sometimes a lot of students tend to say yay they did great q6goDxts-_o-00291-00152623-00152979 five five five out of five right and that's all they put but you have to q6goDxts-_o-00292-00152979-00153547 frame the conversation in the way where this is an evaluation as you would do q6goDxts-_o-00293-00153547-00154014 for other employees as they do in the workplace where there's a 360 evaluation q6goDxts-_o-00294-00154014-00154510 right it gives you an opportunity to be constructive and how you communicate q6goDxts-_o-00295-00154510-00154969 with other other people and helps you kind of develop your q6goDxts-_o-00296-00154969-00155590 communication skills on how to develop that constructive criticism for your q6goDxts-_o-00297-00155590-00156109 peers in an effective manner so I kind of frame it that way it's not always q6goDxts-_o-00298-00156109-00156499 successful all the time but sometimes you do get constructive feedback from q6goDxts-_o-00299-00156499-00156901 students that I pass along and then the students you know can take it or leave q6goDxts-_o-00300-00156901-00157305 it as they see fit but at least they know that there are things that they can q6goDxts-_o-00301-00157305-00158437 work on okay good question observation too so some blackboard q6goDxts-_o-00302-00158437-00159211 collaboration tools is being able to put your students into groups and you can do q6goDxts-_o-00303-00159211-00159637 that through Quick Links collaborate and then groups and then assigning the q6goDxts-_o-00304-00159637-00160213 students into groups whether they're team alpha a team beta or a RIT or even q6goDxts-_o-00305-00160213-00160729 blackboard can randomly assign them into groups as part of the groups they each q6goDxts-_o-00306-00160729-00161221 have a file exchange where they can exchange documents they have a group q6goDxts-_o-00307-00161221-00161623 blog where they can tell each other about the status of the project q6goDxts-_o-00308-00161623-00162144 discussion boards which is often used like chat for the groups journals and q6goDxts-_o-00309-00162144-00162736 group tasks where they can sign each other tasks and send group emails to to q6goDxts-_o-00310-00162736-00163801 each other as a whole so I use the blog's as status reports I use wiki's as q6goDxts-_o-00311-00163801-00164458 the team charter wiki's and I use collaborate ultra as expectation q6goDxts-_o-00312-00164458-00164926 meetings where I set expectations as with the class as a whole on what the q6goDxts-_o-00313-00164926-00165352 assignment is from the beginning as well as in the middle of the quarter I also q6goDxts-_o-00314-00165352-00165769 have a meeting with all the class again to make sure those expectations are set q6goDxts-_o-00315-00165769-00166216 in because once you hear it once it might not always sink in to you as a q6goDxts-_o-00316-00166216-00166546 students until you start doing some of the work so you want to have that q6goDxts-_o-00317-00166546-00167107 expectation meeting a couple of times again I do one on one with me and the q6goDxts-_o-00318-00167107-00167638 student as well as one on one with the group I can do I also do class q6goDxts-_o-00319-00167638-00168112 presentation through collaborate ultra I find it very effective so q6goDxts-_o-00320-00168112-00168684 we talked about some things that are helpful for student groups as in segment q6goDxts-_o-00321-00168684-00169249 segmenting the experience to kind of simplify the task as a whole requiring q6goDxts-_o-00322-00169249-00169729 to produce milestones or deliverables creating a group charter to understand q6goDxts-_o-00323-00169729-00170212 what you're trying to deliver as a group and the expectation of a team providing q6goDxts-_o-00324-00170212-00170671 a student's peer evaluation so there's constructive feedback not only from the q6goDxts-_o-00325-00170671-00171259 instructor but also as as from your peers assigning a project manager so q6goDxts-_o-00326-00171259-00171712 somebody can pull all the information together and if you want you know q6goDxts-_o-00327-00171712-00172195 sometimes students like to rotate those team assignments of who the project q6goDxts-_o-00328-00172195-00172501 manager is because they want to experience what it's like to lead a q6goDxts-_o-00329-00172501-00172945 project so we're gonna do our second group activity and break off into groups q6goDxts-_o-00330-00172945-00173521 again so this time the scope of your discussion is discuss how students can q6goDxts-_o-00331-00173521-00173980 effectively use their first group meeting so you would probably want to q6goDxts-_o-00332-00173980-00174475 assign the project manager and who the scribe or reporter kit would be and q6goDxts-_o-00333-00174475-00174859 their scribe and reporting could be the same person if you choose and you want q6goDxts-_o-00334-00174859-00175108 to discuss in your groups develop a list of techniques q6goDxts-_o-00335-00175108-00175534 students can use with their first group meeting as to as well as the list of q6goDxts-_o-00336-00175534-00175984 discussion questions that help students to kick-off the meeting when they start q6goDxts-_o-00337-00175984-00176430 meeting each other for the first time you'll have seven minutes to discuss and q6goDxts-_o-00338-00176430-00177330 then we'll do a five-minute report out I'm going to put you in two groups q6goDxts-_o-00339-00177330-00178069 Mike has signed off I'm just making sure each group has two people so one there q6goDxts-_o-00340-00178069-00178420 will be a ma at least one moderator in each of your groups and they will put up q6goDxts-_o-00341-00178420-00178909 this slide that you see now so that you can see it in the groups and know what q6goDxts-_o-00342-00178909-00179353 you're going to do and then I will send out a little chat when you have about q6goDxts-_o-00343-00179353-00179800 two minutes left of your seven minutes of discussion so I'm going to go ahead q6goDxts-_o-00344-00179800-00180336 and put you in discussion or into groups now q6goDxts-_o-00345-00180515-00181341 welcome back everybody can you hear me we're back great welcome back everybody q6goDxts-_o-00346-00181341-00181836 I know we had to cut the discussion short a little bit because we're running q6goDxts-_o-00347-00181836-00182502 a little bit long on time but I want to see what type of technique that you can q6goDxts-_o-00348-00182502-00183246 describe just give us one technique per each group that students can use during q6goDxts-_o-00349-00183246-00183773 their first group formation grok you want to go first q6goDxts-_o-00350-00183773-00184634 SWOT analysis SWOT analysis okay good did you discuss the SWOT analysis q6goDxts-_o-00351-00184763-00186300 clarifying the goals and deadlines good good what about the next team just yeah q6goDxts-_o-00352-00186300-00186861 we had we discussed a little bit more on my side how I would adapt this to 100 q6goDxts-_o-00353-00186861-00187209 200 level courses that's primarily what I'm teaching so it's a little bit q6goDxts-_o-00354-00187209-00187812 challenging but one of the things that came out was just to be able to have for q6goDxts-_o-00355-00187812-00188403 example in a in a in a peer review setting instead of just exchanging word q6goDxts-_o-00356-00188403-00189024 Docs via email that to have them to ask of course to say that this is an q6goDxts-_o-00357-00189024-00189417 opportunity and collaborate where you all can speak to one another and discuss q6goDxts-_o-00358-00189417-00189789 some of these things whereas in many cases they're not as comfortable or q6goDxts-_o-00359-00189789-00190230 confident about critiquing each other's work at that at that level so just kind q6goDxts-_o-00360-00190230-00190677 of bringing that up early and getting them more comfortable because many times q6goDxts-_o-00361-00190677-00191211 just the mention of peer review itself can be somewhat intimidating right q6goDxts-_o-00362-00191211-00191712 that's always that first big step is making sure that this students can q6goDxts-_o-00363-00191712-00192129 actually talk to one another and communicate with one another and in my q6goDxts-_o-00364-00192129-00192519 book if you're able to get students to do that with one another and practice q6goDxts-_o-00365-00192519-00193143 their communication skills that's a big win win okay great thank you everybody q6goDxts-_o-00366-00193143-00193670 for your participation in the group activity now you did the first group q6goDxts-_o-00367-00193670-00194192 activity and we did the second act group activity what were the lessons learned q6goDxts-_o-00368-00194192-00194651 that you experienced from the first group activity versus the second what q6goDxts-_o-00369-00194651-00195251 made things easier in group activity one what would have made things easier in q6goDxts-_o-00370-00195251-00195620 group activity one and what are some tips that you have mentioned in your q6goDxts-_o-00371-00195620-00196505 discussion today that you would use in your classroom in the future grah grah q6goDxts-_o-00372-00196505-00196910 says he would love access to the group recording that's great because you can q6goDxts-_o-00373-00196910-00197291 definitely record anything on collaborate and once you have that q6goDxts-_o-00374-00197291-00197885 recording you can keep playing it for your students from each course to course q6goDxts-_o-00375-00197885-00198683 or even demonstrate how a good project with a group communication would work q6goDxts-_o-00376-00198683-00199519 anybody else Christina maybe not Christian what about you Stacy q6goDxts-_o-00377-00199735-00200252 yeah so my mic was off so yeah so time management we didn't have enough time to q6goDxts-_o-00378-00200252-00200696 discuss or let's say even starts a very short time ok you guys are going to have q6goDxts-_o-00379-00200696-00201263 one minute to answer so at least we we didn't think about that I did as much I q6goDxts-_o-00380-00201263-00201890 guess right we didn't get too much into time management but there you know like q6goDxts-_o-00381-00201890-00202256 I presented in my presentation today there are things that you can help q6goDxts-_o-00382-00202256-00202802 students do to manage their time whether it's providing a plan out for them q6goDxts-_o-00383-00202802-00203306 through the 10-week course providing milestones for them to accomplish along q6goDxts-_o-00384-00203306-00203828 the course and things like that that will help them kind of keep up with q6goDxts-_o-00385-00203828-00204184 their activities for their group assignments q6goDxts-_o-00386-00204184-00204892 Stacy anything you can can you would like to contribute as part of the chat I q6goDxts-_o-00387-00204892-00205640 know it's a little bit hard to to write all that stuff down and that's okay if q6goDxts-_o-00388-00205640-00206132 you can't because there's a lot of good information today they I hope that you q6goDxts-_o-00389-00206132-00206507 guys can take back to some of your classrooms and that we're able to q6goDxts-_o-00390-00206507-00206833 provide for you but understand that blackboard is a great q6goDxts-_o-00391-00206833-00207616 tool for you to use as part of your group work assignments so Jeff says the q6goDxts-_o-00392-00207616-00208132 activity one was a good broader bro brainstorming exercise and activity two q6goDxts-_o-00393-00208132-00208663 was more focused and challenging and he liked both and grove says I would love q6goDxts-_o-00394-00208663-00209191 to use the tips we discussed so the SWOT the role assignment clear project plan q6goDxts-_o-00395-00209191-00209763 scheduled deliverables they're great for project management q6goDxts-_o-00396-00210311-00211177 I have a quick question not just the interject before you all close and it's q6goDxts-_o-00397-00211177-00211763 it's just related to these I've been off from teaching at CityU for about a year q6goDxts-_o-00398-00211763-00212294 so I'm kind of catching up in various ways but I have taught you know q6goDxts-_o-00399-00212294-00212687 regularly since 2007 and I'm wondering are you going to be offering these q6goDxts-_o-00400-00212687-00213278 webinars every quarter or every every few weeks months and will they cover a q6goDxts-_o-00401-00213278-00214532 wider range not just more of the upper level graduate level courses yes so I q6goDxts-_o-00402-00214532-00215119 will answer this question and so as the faculty development q6goDxts-_o-00403-00215119-00216113 coordinator I so I not manage i coordinate right I was like what's what q6goDxts-_o-00404-00216113-00216544 is the word so I coordinate faculty development and we came up with this q6goDxts-_o-00405-00216544-00217550 idea to offer webinar series this fall and we started in September and every q6goDxts-_o-00406-00217550-00218258 quarter we every month we actually offer one webinar so it's three webinars per q6goDxts-_o-00407-00218258-00218888 quarter so last quarter we had three different webinars different topics this q6goDxts-_o-00408-00218888-00219346 quarter three different topics and we'll just continue with this tradition q6goDxts-_o-00409-00219346-00219983 because it's been very successful we have lots of participants lots of q6goDxts-_o-00410-00219983-00220850 questions great discussions and the topics vary so as Whitney I think was q6goDxts-_o-00411-00220850-00221534 Whitney I mentioned in chat we record all our webinars and if you missed a q6goDxts-_o-00412-00221534-00222155 webinar you can always watch the recording we post the recordings on our q6goDxts-_o-00413-00222155-00222803 faculty development blog so that's where you can find ya and Whitney share in the q6goDxts-_o-00414-00222803-00223448 link in chat so and next course Oh actually we have one more webinar q6goDxts-_o-00415-00223448-00223972 scheduled for this kourin and it is in march and the topic q6goDxts-_o-00416-00223972-00224471 will be creating reusable course content so the presenter for this webinar is q6goDxts-_o-00417-00224471-00224966 aron Thornbury and she will be sharing her strategies q6goDxts-_o-00418-00224966-00225883 for using reusable content using and we will be talking about blackboards q6goDxts-_o-00419-00225883-00226544 content system to organize and reuse content so if you're interested in this q6goDxts-_o-00420-00226544-00227110 webinar please register and the email with the registration link to all q6goDxts-_o-00421-00227110-00227707 webinars was sent out several weeks ago and you can always find the links to the q6goDxts-_o-00422-00227707-00228271 registration for each webinar on our faculty development blog as well so and q6goDxts-_o-00423-00228271-00228815 then in spring quarter we'll have more webinars that will cover different q6goDxts-_o-00424-00228815-00229321 topics and I'm currently working on the schedule so I will send out an email at q6goDxts-_o-00425-00229321-00230005 the end of this quarter to advertise the spring water webinars so and so I also q6goDxts-_o-00426-00230005-00230808 wanted to mention that we will have our CityU faculty development conference q6goDxts-_o-00427-00230808-00231863 March 28th from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. so it will be in the evening and the theme for q6goDxts-_o-00428-00231863-00232354 the conference is techniques for terrific teaching and we have many q6goDxts-_o-00429-00232354-00232897 interesting presentations and some of them not all of them but some of them q6goDxts-_o-00430-00232897-00233554 will be live-streamed so if you can't participate if you can't attend the q6goDxts-_o-00431-00233554-00234391 conference in person you will have an opportunity to join the conference q6goDxts-_o-00432-00234391-00235114 virtually so again not all sessions will be live-streamed but many will be and q6goDxts-_o-00433-00235114-00235865 their email with the registration was send out today so please register for q6goDxts-_o-00434-00235865-00236527 the conference and I also have one more announcement so after each webinar we q6goDxts-_o-00435-00236527-00236966 sent out an evaluation form to everyone who participate q6goDxts-_o-00436-00236966-00237644 paid it and I will send out an email to you tomorrow and the evolution forum is q6goDxts-_o-00437-00237644-00238308 very short it is anonymous and it takes just a couple of minutes and what is q6goDxts-_o-00438-00238308-00238948 great about this evaluation form is that that you don't it's not just evaluating q6goDxts-_o-00439-00238948-00239642 the webinar and you know sharing your comments but also suggesting the topics q6goDxts-_o-00440-00239642-00240328 for new webinars so there is a question there that says something what topics q6goDxts-_o-00441-00240328-00240811 would you like to see in the future and that's actually where you can suggest q6goDxts-_o-00442-00240811-00241277 the topic that you want to see in the future and we can we will be looking for q6goDxts-_o-00443-00241277-00242063 the presenters who can talk about this topic so that's a great way to to see q6goDxts-_o-00444-00242063-00242644 new topics and also get involved and if you want to do a webinar on the topic of q6goDxts-_o-00445-00242644-00243248 your choice something that you're passionate about let me know if you can q6goDxts-_o-00446-00243248-00243890 email me Whitney can you are right my email in chat so you can email me q6goDxts-_o-00447-00243890-00244442 directly with the topic or maybe several topics that you would like to present on q6goDxts-_o-00448-00244442-00245023 and we will be will continue with this webinars next year as well q6goDxts-_o-00449-00245023-00245602 so I hope that's I answered the question Greg I hope I I hope I answered your q6goDxts-_o-00450-00245602-00245983 question and you can always email me directly if you have any questions about q6goDxts-_o-00451-00245983-00246677 webinars and the conference so any links in this and that you want to know about q6goDxts-_o-00452-00246677-00247301 faculty development and the projects that we're planning and yeah thank you q6goDxts-_o-00453-00247301-00247913 all of you for participating forum questions comments it was a great q6goDxts-_o-00454-00247913-00248332 webinar I am very impressed lean with your approach with your programs q6goDxts-_o-00455-00248332-00249046 approach to you know developing courses and then teaching courses I think that q6goDxts-_o-00456-00249046-00249628 the fact that you are actually modeling what you're teaching in your program is q6goDxts-_o-00457-00249628-00250016 really effective it's not that the students just read about project q6goDxts-_o-00458-00250016-00250338 management right all kinds of books in literature q6goDxts-_o-00459-00250338-00251033 but they also get to experience group work it's it's I think it's really cool q6goDxts-_o-00460-00251033-00251294 thank you q6goDxts-_o-00461-00251323-00252392 and that is all for today so yeah thank you and have a great rest of the day q6goDxts-_o-00462-00252392-00253188 hey you too bye bye bye q8MKfyC-r_k-00000-00000036-00000156 Hey what’s up guys! q8MKfyC-r_k-00001-00000156-00000413 Today we’ll talking about the Holy Spirit. q8MKfyC-r_k-00002-00000413-00000688 Why is the Holy Spirit important in the life of a believer? q8MKfyC-r_k-00003-00000688-00000788 Stay tuned! q8MKfyC-r_k-00004-00001673-00002226 What’s up guys, I’m Nick Acosta and I want to invite you to grow with me as I grow q8MKfyC-r_k-00005-00002227-00002327 With God.. q8MKfyC-r_k-00006-00002327-00002439 So let’s grow! q8MKfyC-r_k-00007-00002439-00002883 The first reason why the Holy Spirit is important is: q8MKfyC-r_k-00008-00002883-00003450 He is a teacher Jesus said in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00009-00003450-00003788 will be with us to teach us all things q8MKfyC-r_k-00010-00004518-00005558 1 John 2:27 teaches that the anointing that God gave us teaches us all things. q8MKfyC-r_k-00011-00005558-00005885 That anointing is the Holy Spirit our teacher. q8MKfyC-r_k-00012-00005885-00006422 When we read God’s word we can be confident in our growth by trusting that the Holy Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00013-00006422-00006681 will help us understand what we’re reading. q8MKfyC-r_k-00014-00007904-00008330 He is a comforter John 14:26 says that the Holy Spirit is the q8MKfyC-r_k-00015-00008332-00008716 comforter for believers that the Father sends to us. q8MKfyC-r_k-00016-00009248-00009734 There’s nothing that brings comfort to us in times of need like God’s peace, love, q8MKfyC-r_k-00017-00009734-00010098 wisdom and promises being reminded to us. q8MKfyC-r_k-00018-00010110-00010404 The Holy Spirit comforts us in these ways. q8MKfyC-r_k-00019-00010670-00011308 He is one who convicts & corrects John 16:8 states that the Holy Spirit convicts q8MKfyC-r_k-00020-00011309-00011765 of sin, righteousness and judgment. q8MKfyC-r_k-00021-00011766-00012470 John 16:13 states that the Holy Spirit will lead us is into all truth. q8MKfyC-r_k-00022-00012824-00013506 Whenever we make mistakes, assume and get the wrong idea about God’s word, the Holy q8MKfyC-r_k-00023-00013506-00014428 Spirit is always ready to correct us by guiding us into what’s true and righteous. q8MKfyC-r_k-00024-00014428-00015053 He brings God’s word to remembrance John 14:26 states that the Holy Spirit brings q8MKfyC-r_k-00025-00015053-00015557 the words and teachings of Jesus Christ to the remembrance of His followers. q8MKfyC-r_k-00026-00015557-00016343 There have been times where I am in conversation with someone and before I start speaking I q8MKfyC-r_k-00027-00016343-00016704 ask the Lord to help me in responding to them. q8MKfyC-r_k-00028-00016704-00017239 Instead of hearing exact words to say, instead He brings a scripture to remembrance like q8MKfyC-r_k-00029-00017239-00017779 “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”, and by that scripture I then q8MKfyC-r_k-00030-00017779-00018360 remember how to respond to that person, in mercy, right? q8MKfyC-r_k-00031-00018572-00019362 He will speak through us In Matthew 10:20 Jesus promised His disciples q8MKfyC-r_k-00032-00019363-00020295 that the Sprit of God who they would receive would speak through them in times of need. q8MKfyC-r_k-00033-00020295-00020959 He stated that they didn’t need to worry about what words to use when questioned, but q8MKfyC-r_k-00034-00020959-00021459 that the Holy Spirit would speak through them. q8MKfyC-r_k-00035-00021459-00021906 He helps us pray Romans 8:26 declares that the Spirit Himself q8MKfyC-r_k-00036-00021906-00022472 helps us to pray and verse 27 says that He helps us to pray things that are according q8MKfyC-r_k-00037-00022472-00022648 to God’s will. q8MKfyC-r_k-00038-00023090-00023662 We need Him to help us in prayer because we don’t know exactly what to pray for, so q8MKfyC-r_k-00039-00023662-00024131 we need to be led by God even in our prayers. q8MKfyC-r_k-00040-00024384-00024709 He poured the love of God in our hearts q8MKfyC-r_k-00041-00024709-00025409 Romans 5:5 states that the love of God came in our hearts because the Holy Spirit put q8MKfyC-r_k-00042-00025409-00025723 it there for us. q8MKfyC-r_k-00043-00025723-00026586 If you want to follow Jesus, you will need to obey His 2 commandments which are to love q8MKfyC-r_k-00044-00026586-00026926 God with your everything and love people. q8MKfyC-r_k-00045-00027133-00027410 We can’t love people without God’s love. q8MKfyC-r_k-00046-00027410-00027936 So we need the Holy Spirit to love and fulfill Christ’s commands. q8MKfyC-r_k-00047-00028245-00028412 The fruit of the Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00048-00028412-00029020 Speaking of God’s love, the fruit of the Spirit is exactly that; fruit OF the Spirit. q8MKfyC-r_k-00049-00029244-00029604 We need the Holy Spirit to bear good fruit, His fruit. q8MKfyC-r_k-00050-00029939-00030658 Galatians 5:22-23 describes what these fruit are, take a look at those verses to get a q8MKfyC-r_k-00051-00030658-00030938 better understanding on what fruit the Holy Spirit enables us to bear. q8MKfyC-r_k-00052-00031974-00032214 The gifts of the Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00053-00032214-00032722 In 1 Corinthians 12 diversities of gifts are described as manifestations of the Holy Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00054-00032722-00033149 that are given to believers. q8MKfyC-r_k-00055-00033149-00033624 We need the the Holy Spirit to walk in the manifestations that are listed here, such q8MKfyC-r_k-00056-00033624-00033940 as prophecy or the working of miracles. q8MKfyC-r_k-00057-00033940-00034527 We cannot produce these supernatural acts by our own natural abilities. q8MKfyC-r_k-00058-00035034-00035471 You can read about all these manifestations of the Spirit of God in 1 Corinthians chapter q8MKfyC-r_k-00059-00035471-00035761 12 and also chapter 14. q8MKfyC-r_k-00060-00035761-00036412 So there you have it, those are 9 biblical strong reasons why we need the Holy Spirit q8MKfyC-r_k-00061-00036412-00036512 as Christians. q8MKfyC-r_k-00062-00036512-00036872 I hope this video brought some clarity to you and I’ll see you next time! q8MKfyC-r_k-00063-00036872-00037296 If you want to support this channel, please do so by liking and sharing this video. q8MKfyC-r_k-00064-00037296-00037647 If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to the channel q8MKfyC-r_k-00065-00037647-00037827 And grow with me! q8MKfyC-r_k-00066-00037827-00037865 Take care! q8VoUpYLuPI-00000-00000000-00000200 But what are they? What are the pyramids? Who built them there? q8XEajrJm1k-00000-00000000-00001401 FULL 1-MIN VIDEO IN DESCRIPTION qs4El7_0Ce8-00000-00000060-00000750 so, we've added our first moderator for this month. it happened because by mistake, I clicked qs4El7_0Ce8-00001-00000750-00001398 on, add this user as a moderator, which made it our first for this month. I was adding the qs4El7_0Ce8-00002-00001398-00002058 user, and if I had not done that, it would still have been a zero. it said, that wasn't the case. qs4El7_0Ce8-00003-00002178-00002640 if you were added as a moderator, you happen to remove some comments from pelvis. qspwMkyXd1I-00000-00001170-00002000 stare into the darkness, colder than the arctic want it? i can take it qspwMkyXd1I-00001-00002000-00002651 told you i can make this so i run off in the night, tryna catch up qspwMkyXd1I-00002-00002651-00003207 to your side i dont wanna waste no more time , i just wanna qspwMkyXd1I-00003-00003207-00003537 make up your mind so qspwMkyXd1I-00004-00003537-00004151 this aint what i want, say youll never leave i dont wanna wait, you just wanna bleed qspwMkyXd1I-00005-00004151-00004696 i dont wanna stay, you just wanna leave i know what i want, say youll never leave qspwMkyXd1I-00006-00004696-00005563 stare into the darkness, colder than the arctic want it? i can take it qspwMkyXd1I-00007-00005563-00005849 told you i can make this so i qspwMkyXd1I-00008-00005849-00006158 have we been here before? qspwMkyXd1I-00009-00006158-00006873 deja vu be hittin as you walk out the doorway trying not to ignore all the poison words qspwMkyXd1I-00010-00006873-00007042 that just came out of your mouth babe qspwMkyXd1I-00011-00007175-00007718 all these words that you said, they were left on read qspwMkyXd1I-00012-00007718-00008218 come and take whats left if you want it that way qspwMkyXd1I-00013-00008218-00008523 imma take what i need f*ck it never give it back qspwMkyXd1I-00014-00008523-00009073 imma take this all for me imma take what i need f*ck it you know how qspwMkyXd1I-00015-00009073-00009375 to act imma take this all for free qspwMkyXd1I-00016-00009375-00010253 stare into the darkness, colder than the arctic want it? i can take it qspwMkyXd1I-00017-00010253-00010857 told you i can make this so i run off in the night, tryna catch up qspwMkyXd1I-00018-00010857-00011416 to your side i dont wanna waste no more time , i just wanna qspwMkyXd1I-00019-00011416-00011711 make up your mind so qspwMkyXd1I-00020-00011711-00012340 this aint what i want, say youll never leave i dont wanna wait, you just wanna bleed qspwMkyXd1I-00021-00012340-00012895 i dont wanna stay, you just wanna leave i know what i want, say youll never leave qspwMkyXd1I-00022-00012895-00013757 stare into the darkness, colder than the arctic want it? i can take it qspwMkyXd1I-00023-00013757-00014141 told you i can make this so i qtQfO6roQ4I-00000-00000224-00000680 Hi. In this video I will provide you with an overview of the action plan that you'll qtQfO6roQ4I-00001-00000680-00001312 be working on over the next several months. The action plan is the capstone project for qtQfO6roQ4I-00002-00001312-00001872 the Certificate in OER Librarianship course. There are seven required elements for your action plan. qtQfO6roQ4I-00003-00002136-00002680 Part one is the Executive Summary. While this is first in your action plan you will actually write qtQfO6roQ4I-00004-00002680-00003320 this last. The Executive Summary is a concise overview of your action plan intended to grab your qtQfO6roQ4I-00005-00003320-00003968 reader's attention highlighting the key points and describing your recommendations all in about qtQfO6roQ4I-00006-00003968-00004720 750 words or less. If you have any local data to highlight, include that data here. Your Executive qtQfO6roQ4I-00007-00004720-00005280 Summary might be the only part of your action plan that a busy administrator reads, so it should be qtQfO6roQ4I-00008-00005280-00005840 persuasive and include the critical information they need to decide a course of action. qtQfO6roQ4I-00009-00006160-00006831 Part two of the plan are your SMART Goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, qtQfO6roQ4I-00010-00006888-00007464 relevant, and time-based. You might find it useful to have short-term and long-term goals. qtQfO6roQ4I-00011-00007623-00008056 Writing smart goals for each major part of your plan will ensure that you're qtQfO6roQ4I-00012-00008056-00008584 thinking strategically and realistically about how to implement your action plan. qtQfO6roQ4I-00013-00008640-00009104 As an example, in the activities for modules one and three, any training or qtQfO6roQ4I-00014-00009104-00009984 resources that you identified as lacking at your institution might be included as SMART goals. qtQfO6roQ4I-00015-00010120-00010648 Part three is your program timeline. The timeline provides a concrete roadmap qtQfO6roQ4I-00016-00010648-00011128 for your administrator. Once you've written your SMART goals you can start to map out qtQfO6roQ4I-00017-00011128-00011704 a programmatic timeline. A three-year timeline is recommended, but not required. qtQfO6roQ4I-00018-00011824-00012288 If your library has a five-year strategic plan, you might want to align your timeline with that. qtQfO6roQ4I-00019-00012384-00012847 Mapping out a timeline provides you with a guide for what you need to do and in which order. qtQfO6roQ4I-00020-00013240-00013552 Part four will describe your budget and resources. qtQfO6roQ4I-00021-00013688-00014100 What is your current funding model and what resources do you have? qtQfO6roQ4I-00022-00014184-00014608 What kind of funding is needed to advance your initiative and to make it sustainable? qtQfO6roQ4I-00023-00014768-00015336 If you have no budget or are looking for a new funding model, this part of your action plan can qtQfO6roQ4I-00024-00015336-00016063 be used to propose a budget or plan. This is where you include your must-have items for your program. qtQfO6roQ4I-00025-00016424-00017088 Part five relates to outreach and communication. A central component of this will be the different qtQfO6roQ4I-00026-00017088-00017592 OER pitch statements for key audiences which you've already worked on in the canvas course. qtQfO6roQ4I-00027-00017696-00018200 We recommend a template approach that will contain the same basic points for each audience, qtQfO6roQ4I-00028-00018200-00018680 but then highlights OER benefits that would speak to that particular stakeholder. qtQfO6roQ4I-00029-00019208-00019880 Part six is the evaluation and assessment plan plan for your program. What would a successful qtQfO6roQ4I-00030-00019880-00020416 OER program look like? How would you calculate the impact of your initiative and what specific qtQfO6roQ4I-00031-00020416-00021056 metrics can you use? How will you collect that information? Do you plan to use surveys? qtQfO6roQ4I-00032-00021128-00021320 This section will describe your approach. qtQfO6roQ4I-00033-00021792-00022120 In part seven you will identify your program qtQfO6roQ4I-00034-00022120-00022624 strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis. qtQfO6roQ4I-00035-00022816-00023344 Since you completed this in module five, you can cross this off your list of things to do. qtQfO6roQ4I-00036-00023744-00024184 These seven parts, while required elements, can be arranged in a different order qtQfO6roQ4I-00037-00024184-00024640 to meet your institution's needs. The action plan is customizable qtQfO6roQ4I-00038-00024640-00025008 for your institution and its unique circumstances. qtQfO6roQ4I-00039-00025320-00025888 You can also include optional elements in your plan. These could include a training program plan, qtQfO6roQ4I-00040-00026168-00026856 survey questions for faculty and students, a faculty champion cultivation plan, qtQfO6roQ4I-00041-00027064-00027736 ideas for incentives or rewards, or marketing materials like handouts and brochures. qtQfO6roQ4I-00042-00028056-00028312 The readings, discussions, and activities you have qtQfO6roQ4I-00043-00028312-00028688 been doing so far have set the stage for building out your action plan. qtQfO6roQ4I-00044-00028832-00029327 In module one the discussion was around your institution and its unique aspects, challenges, qtQfO6roQ4I-00045-00029327-00029864 and opportunities. The activity related to the kinds of training and resources that are needed. qtQfO6roQ4I-00046-00030160-00030632 In module two the discussion related to OER pitches to your three stakeholder groups: qtQfO6roQ4I-00047-00030688-00031248 faculty, students, and administration. The activity aligned OER benefits with qtQfO6roQ4I-00048-00031248-00031648 your institutional strategic plan, mission, or values. qtQfO6roQ4I-00049-00031952-00032416 In module three, the discussion revolved around OER searching qtQfO6roQ4I-00050-00032416-00032824 and thinking about what kinds of resources you might want to feature for your faculty. qtQfO6roQ4I-00051-00032904-00033784 The activity related to resources and services, what you have and what needs to be developed. qtQfO6roQ4I-00052-00033936-00034408 Module four, the discussion was around successful strategies used at other qtQfO6roQ4I-00053-00034408-00035208 institutions and the activity was revising an OER pitch for one of your key audiences. qtQfO6roQ4I-00054-00035208-00035648 And finally, in module five you met with leadership and you did your SWOT analysis. qtQfO6roQ4I-00055-00036040-00036496 Over the next several months we'll help you further develop your action plan, qtQfO6roQ4I-00056-00036496-00036928 scaffolding with resources and information from asynchronous monthly videos, qtQfO6roQ4I-00057-00037008-00037384 optional asynchronous zoom sessions, and monthly cohort meetings. qtQfO6roQ4I-00058-00037584-00038112 Moving forward there are videos coming up monthly through September that will guide you step-by-step qtQfO6roQ4I-00059-00038112-00038744 in building the action plan. See the Canvas course for video links and links to a pre-formatted qtQfO6roQ4I-00060-00038744-00039480 action plan template. Previous Certificate in OER Librarianship participants have kindly qtQfO6roQ4I-00061-00039480-00040088 shared their action plans. Links to three complete plans are available in the action plan template. qtQfO6roQ4I-00062-00040088-00040832 Specific examples for each action plan element are featured within the non-editable template. qtQfO6roQ4I-00063-00040832-00041296 The rubric your instructor will use to assess your action plan is included in the template qtQfO6roQ4I-00064-00041296-00041560 as well as in the Canvas course under action plan. qtQfO6roQ4I-00065-00041776-00042080 This is the plan for what to expect over the next several months. qtQfO6roQ4I-00066-00042144-00042720 We'll be learning through the monthly asynchronous videos about action plan elements two through six. qtQfO6roQ4I-00067-00042864-00043304 There will be optional monthly synchronous sessions on a variety of special topics. qtQfO6roQ4I-00068-00043424-00043800 These synchronous sessions will be recorded in case you can't attend them live. qtQfO6roQ4I-00069-00044224-00044984 The monthly cohort sessions will be based on the required asynchronous videos. qtQfO6roQ4I-00070-00045096-00045640 You'll use the template to build out your action plan. As a renewable assignment you are invited qtQfO6roQ4I-00071-00045640-00046240 to share all, or parts, of your action plan with the CC BY license. This sharing is recommended, qtQfO6roQ4I-00072-00046240-00046712 but not required. There's an editable action plan that will be shared publicly. qtQfO6roQ4I-00073-00046792-00047264 If there is proprietary information that you want to keep private, you can remove those elements qtQfO6roQ4I-00074-00047264-00047848 before contributing to this to this template. More information about this is in your syllabus. qtQfO6roQ4I-00075-00048024-00048416 Finally you will upload your final action plan to Canvas. qtQfO6roQ4I-00076-00048840-00049184 Before you submit your plan there will be feedback opportunities. qtQfO6roQ4I-00077-00049256-00049584 If you want feedback from your cohort, please qtQfO6roQ4I-00078-00049584-00050248 upload a copy to Canvas by the deadline in your syllabus. This peer feedback is optional. qtQfO6roQ4I-00079-00050568-00051032 Submit the final version of your action plan to Canvas by the stated deadline. qtQfO6roQ4I-00080-00051136-00051984 Allow two to three weeks for your instructor to provide feedback on your action plan. qtQfO6roQ4I-00081-00052055-00052624 Finally don't forget to send a copy of your action plan to your dean, director, or supervisor. qtQfO6roQ4I-00082-00052704-00053384 Then schedule a meeting with them while your plan is fresh in your mind. qtQfO6roQ4I-00083-00053560-00054200 This concludes the action plan overview video. If you have any questions, ask your instructor. qtQfO6roQ4I-00084-00054279-00054688 You can also post questions to the All Cohorts discussion in Canvas. qtQfO6roQ4I-00085-00054776-00055576 Thanks for listening and good luck with your action plan. qtUXSN45pmI-00001-00004208-00004384 foreign qtUXSN45pmI-00002-00008448-00008584 foreign qtUXSN45pmI-00003-00012664-00012784 foreign qtUXSN45pmI-00004-00018496-00018560 bye friends quKx3GolWfU-00000-00000048-00000272 -Shorty had them apple bottom jeans quKx3GolWfU-00001-00000354-00000490 Boots with the jeans quKx3GolWfU-00002-00000536-00000842 Got the whole club lookin' at jeans quKx3GolWfU-00003-00000842-00000977 She hit the-- JESSICA quKx3GolWfU-00004-00001086-00001218 Did you jeans quKx3GolWfU-00005-00001218-00001388 WITH YOUR GODDAMN TEACHER‽ quKx3GolWfU-00006-00001398-00001458 -what? quKx3GolWfU-00007-00001462-00001604 -Did you jeans quKx3GolWfU-00008-00001604-00001686 WITH YOUR TEACHER‽ quKx3GolWfU-00009-00001686-00001736 -Mister Wilson?? quKx3GolWfU-00010-00001754-00001826 -Wister Wilson! quKx3GolWfU-00011-00001826-00001914 -NO, I DIDN'T! quKx3GolWfU-00012-00001920-00002023 -YES, YOU jeans! quKx3GolWfU-00013-00002072-00002182 -NO, I DIDN'T MOM! quKx3GolWfU-00014-00002182-00002232 MOM-- quKx3GolWfU-00015-00002312-00002451 -[Laughing] You're a little quKx3GolWfU-00016-00002452-00002504 jeans! quKx3GolWfU-00017-00002530-00002618 -MOM, NO I DIDN'T! quKx3GolWfU-00018-00002618-00002812 [Unintelligible yelling] quKx3GolWfU-00019-00002812-00002888 J e a n s ~ quKx3GolWfU-00020-00002888-00002942 ugh quKx3GolWfU-00021-00002942-00003020 MOM!! quKx3GolWfU-00022-00003040-00003122 -I'M TELLING YOU: quKx3GolWfU-00023-00003122-00003240 -I WAS FAILING quKx3GolWfU-00024-00003240-00003322 j e a n s! quKx3GolWfU-00025-00003322-00003429 -You're out of the house. quKx3GolWfU-00026-00003444-00003494 -What?? quKx3GolWfU-00027-00003494-00003549 -YOU'RE OUT OF THE quKx3GolWfU-00028-00003550-00003600 jeans~!! quKx3GolWfU-00029-00003876-00003954 -PACK ALL YOUR-- quKx3GolWfU-00030-00003954-00004058 -[Scream] quKx3GolWfU-00031-00004058-00004180 -[Yelling over scream] PACK ALL YOUR quKx3GolWfU-00032-00004180-00004234 j e a n s ! quKx3GolWfU-00033-00004346-00004426 YOU'RE OUT. quKx3GolWfU-00034-00004506-00004556 OUT! quKx3GolWfU-00035-00005336-00005408 -work the pole, quKx3GolWfU-00036-00005408-00005508 I got a big bank roll. quKx3GolWfU-00037-00005508-00005626 Imma say that i prefer no quKx3GolWfU-00038-00005626-00005730 jeans. quKx3GolWfU-00039-00005744-00005882 I'm in- I love women quKx3GolWfU-00040-00005882-00005948 j e a n s. quKx3GolWfU-00041-00005956-00006060 She threw it back at me, quKx3GolWfU-00042-00006062-00006112 I gave her quKx3GolWfU-00043-00006120-00006520 je-- qzgpqbGAQXc-00000-00000000-00000629 Hi gyus its me Utsav today I am going to open a Legendary and Epic Chest qzgpqbGAQXc-00001-00000629-00001254 and show you my deck which I almost always used qzgpqbGAQXc-00002-00002687-00002987 First I am opening free chest qzgpqbGAQXc-00003-00004442-00004882 then crown chest Now I am going to open Legendary Chest qzgpqbGAQXc-00004-00005590-00008167 Ohhh Lumberjack Now again epic chest Golem, Witch and Rage qzgpqbGAQXc-00005-00008167-00008981 Now I am going to show you may deck which I get almost victory qzgpqbGAQXc-00006-00009047-00009347 I will fast my video qzgpqbGAQXc-00007-00017303-00017954 hey guys hope you liked my video and comment in my video, like and subscribe Thank You qE2HjHnAM8M-00000-00000000-00000300 Jelling in the days of Harald Bluetooth – the mystery of the palisade qE2HjHnAM8M-00001-00000322-00000802 The history of Jelling in the Viking era. We thought we knew the whole story. qE2HjHnAM8M-00002-00000802-00001250 The story of Gorm the Old, who erected a rune stone in memory of his Queen Thyra. qE2HjHnAM8M-00003-00001334-00001600 He was given a heathen burial in the North Mound, qE2HjHnAM8M-00004-00001600-00002000 but his body was subsequently transferred to a Christian grave beneath a timber church by his son qE2HjHnAM8M-00005-00002002-00002400 the great King Harald. He who converted the Danes to Christianity, qE2HjHnAM8M-00006-00002400-00002634 and built the South Mound and the largest stone ship in Scandinavia qE2HjHnAM8M-00007-00002652-00003000 as well as erecting the large rune stone between the two mounds. qE2HjHnAM8M-00008-00003000-00003900 Jelling is a magnificent burial monument, located just west of the east coast of Jutland and close to the ancient Hærvejen road. qE2HjHnAM8M-00009-00004132-00004718 But excavations in Jelling during the past ten years have given rise to new answers and even more questions. qE2HjHnAM8M-00010-00004718-00005338 What actually happened in Jelling during a very short period of about 30 years in the 10th century? qE2HjHnAM8M-00011-00005418-00005748 Well, part of the answer to this question begins in 2006, qE2HjHnAM8M-00012-00005760-00006220 when archaeologists from Vejle Museum found the remains of a series of postholes close to the South Mound. qE2HjHnAM8M-00013-00006220-00006568 This inspired the launch of the ambitious Jelling Project, qE2HjHnAM8M-00014-00006568-00007088 involving the National Museum of Denmark, Vejle Museum and Aarhus University as central participants. qE2HjHnAM8M-00015-00007420-00007884 Anne Pedersen is a senior researcher at the National Museum of Denmark and the leader of the Jelling Project. qE2HjHnAM8M-00016-00007884-00008264 She quickly realised that the discovery of these postholes might change the history of Jelling. qE2HjHnAM8M-00017-00008264-00008964 The first question is whether this is the royal estate for which we have been searching so long. qE2HjHnAM8M-00018-00008964-00010040 In about 1185 AD Svend Aggesen wrote that King Harald Bluetooth’s parents were buried close to the king’s estate in Jelling. qE2HjHnAM8M-00019-00010056-00010560 Could this be the royal estate, or is it something else entirely? qE2HjHnAM8M-00020-00011046-00011318 Well, the traces of postholes turned out to be something completely different. qE2HjHnAM8M-00021-00011392-00011788 They are actually part of an enormous palisade dating back to the end of the 10th century, qE2HjHnAM8M-00022-00011788-00012086 enclosing an area the size of 12 football pitches. qE2HjHnAM8M-00023-00012166-00012336 The outline is now marked by white posts. qE2HjHnAM8M-00024-00012460-00012784 But we’re getting ahead of ourselves and the archaeological jigsaw puzzle that lay waiting under the turf in Jelling. qE2HjHnAM8M-00025-00012896-00013412 In 2010 researchers found traces of three virtually identical buildings close to the North Mound. qE2HjHnAM8M-00026-00013468-00013863 It was soon obvious that these buildings could be dated back to the end of the 10th century, qE2HjHnAM8M-00027-00013919-00014218 making them the same age as the mounds and rune stones. qE2HjHnAM8M-00028-00014280-00014402 But what were they used for? qE2HjHnAM8M-00029-00014410-00014560 That’s a really good question. qE2HjHnAM8M-00030-00014591-00015144 We can see the shape of the buildings, we can see the size of the rooms, qE2HjHnAM8M-00031-00015169-00015644 but there are very few clues about what went on inside. qE2HjHnAM8M-00032-00015932-00016410 No traces of workshops or fireplaces have been found in these buildings, and hardly any artefacts. qE2HjHnAM8M-00033-00016474-00017180 So perhaps the buildings had something to do with the palisade and the activities that went on inside it. qE2HjHnAM8M-00034-00017222-00017932 Or perhaps they were used for a specific event, rather than for housing or agricultural purposes. qE2HjHnAM8M-00035-00018150-00018302 The whole thing is very mysterious. qE2HjHnAM8M-00036-00018376-00018770 What kind of place was Jelling during the second half of the 10th century? qE2HjHnAM8M-00037-00018836-00019346 And were the houses, palisade, rune stones and mounds all in existence at the same time? qE2HjHnAM8M-00038-00019734-00019970 The answer to this question was found in 2012, qE2HjHnAM8M-00039-00020014-00020486 when archaeologists emptied a small forge pond and made a sensational discovery. qE2HjHnAM8M-00040-00020524-00020756 We found the very first remnants of timber. qE2HjHnAM8M-00041-00020856-00021122 We had already found traces of the palisade postholes, qE2HjHnAM8M-00042-00021170-00021422 but that’s not the same thing as holding the actual timber in your hand. qE2HjHnAM8M-00043-00021484-00021968 What we discovered in 2012 was the top part of the oak posts. qE2HjHnAM8M-00044-00022008-00022472 Soon afterwards the archaeologists found more posts and even some of the large planks from the palisade. qE2HjHnAM8M-00045-00022594-00023330 Carbon 14 dating and subsequent dendrochronological analysis of the solid oak timber showed that it definitely dated back to the Viking Age. qE2HjHnAM8M-00046-00023390-00023904 In fact it could be dated precisely: between 958 and 985 AD. qE2HjHnAM8M-00047-00023966-00024540 This meant that the history of Jelling at the end of the 10th century had to be rewritten. qE2HjHnAM8M-00048-00024592-00025306 We now know that apart from the monuments, mounds and rune stones, qE2HjHnAM8M-00049-00025364-00025730 there was actually an entire monumental site here as well. qE2HjHnAM8M-00050-00025770-00025888 A fenced area. qE2HjHnAM8M-00051-00025888-00026560 A defined space which was probably used for some specific purpose. qE2HjHnAM8M-00052-00026594-00027068 The palisade is so solid that it must have surprised people. qE2HjHnAM8M-00053-00027112-00027389 It must have made them feel small. qE2HjHnAM8M-00054-00027450-00027814 It must have been really impressive, qE2HjHnAM8M-00055-00027870-00028774 creating a truly effective dividing line between people on the outside and people on the inside, qE2HjHnAM8M-00056-00028783-00029058 the insiders, the people involved in whatever was going on. qE2HjHnAM8M-00057-00029083-00029550 Which begs the question: what exactly did go on inside the palisade? qE2HjHnAM8M-00058-00029642-00029736 We’re still wondering about this. qE2HjHnAM8M-00059-00029768-00030106 What was the space inside the palisade used for? qE2HjHnAM8M-00060-00030212-00031098 Was it reserved for special events inside what amounted to a huge forum? qE2HjHnAM8M-00061-00031116-00031633 Perhaps it was a meeting place for people from all over the kingdom, qE2HjHnAM8M-00062-00031633-00032295 coming to Jelling to hear the news that the Danes had converted to Christianity, qE2HjHnAM8M-00063-00032295-00032816 that King Harald had conquered the whole of Denmark. qE2HjHnAM8M-00064-00032848-00033226 Perhaps people came here to discuss important issues, qE2HjHnAM8M-00065-00033226-00033556 to even out their differences or pay homage to the king. qE2HjHnAM8M-00066-00033576-00034006 The huge space was definitely associated with the power of the king. qE2HjHnAM8M-00067-00034792-00035278 The revised history of Jelling back in the days of Harald Bluetooth is now being told in an audiovisual, qE2HjHnAM8M-00068-00035278-00035672 interactive exhibition in the Kongernes Jelling museum. qE2HjHnAM8M-00069-00035740-00036122 "Vikings from faraway countries: Welcome to the Jelling of the Viking kings! qE2HjHnAM8M-00070-00036194-00036606 I hope you had a good journey. qE2HjHnAM8M-00071-00036684-00037402 This is where you can meet the great Viking kings, Gorm the Old and Harald Bluetooth. qE2HjHnAM8M-00072-00037490-00038058 Welcome to Denmark – welcome to Jelling, its memorial and kingdom.” qE2HjHnAM8M-00073-00038544-00038674 A walk towards the top of the North Mound qE2HjHnAM8M-00074-00038674-00039124 gives you a splendid view of the 12.5-hectare site qE2HjHnAM8M-00075-00039124-00039530 enclosed by the palisade during the second half of the 10th century. qE2HjHnAM8M-00076-00039594-00040082 When you reach the top above the empty burial chamber which was discovered in 1820, qE2HjHnAM8M-00077-00040122-00040454 you will be standing exactly in the middle of the area enclosed by the palisade. qE2HjHnAM8M-00078-00040504-00040876 There is a clear view of the whole area from here. qE2HjHnAM8M-00079-00040966-00041420 It’s a huge rhombus measuring about 350 metres each way. qE2HjHnAM8M-00080-00041476-00041762 With very clearly defined corners, qE2HjHnAM8M-00081-00041786-00041984 and we’re standing right at the centre. qE2HjHnAM8M-00082-00042054-00042710 The diagonals between the corners intersect in the middle at right angles, qE2HjHnAM8M-00083-00042748-00043334 and the whole area was measured carefully using the best engineering skills available at the time. qE2HjHnAM8M-00084-00043380-00043740 The engineer responsible was undoubtedly Harald Bluetooth. qE2HjHnAM8M-00085-00043790-00044230 It’s hard to imagine that the king was not responsible, qE2HjHnAM8M-00086-00044230-00044578 and all the great structures erected by the king qE2HjHnAM8M-00087-00044604-00045270 (the ringed fortresses, the great bridge 10 km south of Jelling and the Jelling complex itself) are tangible, qE2HjHnAM8M-00088-00045302-00045786 physical demonstrations of his power in Denmark. qE2HjHnAM8M-00089-00045840-00046348 He succeeded in erecting a number of distinctive architectural monuments across the entire country. qE2HjHnAM8M-00090-00046408-00046682 I think this was important back in those days. qE2HjHnAM8M-00091-00046688-00047674 Kings wanted to achieve great things and present themselves as the equals of other great rulers. qE2HjHnAM8M-00092-00047692-00048352 It was important to provide visible proof of the presence of royal power and what it was capable of achieving. qE2HjHnAM8M-00093-00048900-00049252 This magnificent complex of buildings had a very short lifetime. qE2HjHnAM8M-00094-00049302-00049442 Scholars are certain about this, at least. qE2HjHnAM8M-00095-00049474-00049814 It survived here at the heart of Harald Bluetooth’s kingdom for just 30 years – qE2HjHnAM8M-00096-00049838-00049970 but then something happened. qE2HjHnAM8M-00097-00050542-00050730 What happened was that it disappeared. qE2HjHnAM8M-00098-00050754-00050934 It wasn’t needed any more. qE2HjHnAM8M-00099-00050964-00051667 A building was constructed just here to the north across the line of the palisade, qE2HjHnAM8M-00100-00051728-00052110 so the palisade must have gone by then. qE2HjHnAM8M-00101-00052166-00052838 It must have disappeared slowly like other buildings erected by Harald Bluetooth which also had a short lifetime. qE2HjHnAM8M-00102-00052914-00053360 The discovery of charcoal in postholes and buildings indicates that the palisade burned down, qE2HjHnAM8M-00103-00053404-00053644 but we still don’t know why this happened. qE2HjHnAM8M-00104-00053694-00054166 We can’t decide whether it burned down as the result of a hostile act, qE2HjHnAM8M-00105-00054190-00054778 or whether it was burned down to remove the final traces of a structure that wasn’t needed any more. qE2HjHnAM8M-00106-00054796-00055190 But why would anyone build such a huge structure and then burn it down 30 years later? qE2HjHnAM8M-00107-00055250-00055714 I think the site was used for a certain period of time, qE2HjHnAM8M-00108-00055755-00056978 but the next generation decided that they didn’t need to demonstrate their power and influence in the same way. qE2HjHnAM8M-00109-00057029-00057288 This rendered the palisade obsolete. qE2HjHnAM8M-00110-00057532-00057732 So it disappeared. qE2HjHnAM8M-00111-00057788-00057932 And yet perhaps it didn’t after all. qE2HjHnAM8M-00112-00057944-00058132 Thanks to a lot of hard work by archaeologists, qE2HjHnAM8M-00113-00058146-00058962 we now know more about the complex royal jigsaw puzzle that was laid in royal Jelling back in the 10th century. qE2HjHnAM8M-00114-00059579-00059705 This film was produced in collaboration between: qE2HjHnAM8M-00115-00059705-00059926 danmarkshistorien.dk, The National Museum of Denmark, Kongernes Jelling, The Jelling Project and Archaeological IT, Aarhus University qE2HjHnAM8M-00116-00059926-00060022 With support from The Aarhus University Research Foundation qE2HjHnAM8M-00117-00060105-00060160 Thanks to: qE2HjHnAM8M-00118-00060160-00060246 Peter Jensen, Archaeological IT, Aarhus University qE2HjHnAM8M-00119-00060246-00060354 Jørn Kjær Nielsen, Movision Film&TV qE2HjHnAM8M-00120-00060354-00060422 Anne Pedersen, National Museum of Denmark qE2HjHnAM8M-00121-00060424-00060498 Michael Lerche, University of Copenhagen qE2HjHnAM8M-00122-00060498-00060552 Morten Teilmann-Jørgensen, Kongernes Jelling Museum qE2HjHnAM8M-00123-00060608-00060684 Original idea, production and editing: Hans Plauborg, Aarhus University qE2HjHnAM8M-00124-00060684-00060776 Photos: Frank Nielsen, Aarhus University qE2HjHnAM8M-00125-00060776-00060860 Sound: Frederik Sybrandt Hansen, Aarhus University qF4vYu6B1lQ-00000-00000056-00000252 Bats changed my life. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00001-00000252-00000492 I thought I was coming here for one summer qF4vYu6B1lQ-00002-00000492-00000747 to study them, and I never ever left. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00003-00000747-00000952 20 years later, I'm still here. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00004-00001008-00001162 A lot of New Zealanders don't even qF4vYu6B1lQ-00005-00001162-00001393 realise that we have native bats. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00006-00001393-00001648 They are such an endangered species, qF4vYu6B1lQ-00007-00001648-00001967 they are really hard to find and hard to monitor. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00008-00001967-00002299 It's a bit like being on a treasure hunt. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00009-00002299-00002578 I love the bats because they're absolute characters. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00010-00002578-00002758 They're like little pit bulls with wings. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00011-00002758-00002906 They've got attitude. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00012-00002906-00003094 In this job, there's moments of absolute joy, qF4vYu6B1lQ-00013-00003094-00003215 but then there's the moments of qF4vYu6B1lQ-00014-00003215-00003432 absolute despair as well. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00015-00003486-00003790 We came across a roost tree that a cat qF4vYu6B1lQ-00016-00003790-00004042 had killed 100 bats in the space of a week. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00017-00004042-00004207 That hits really hard. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00018-00004207-00004381 You feel like you've let them down. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00019-00004381-00004651 But it does motivate you to try to protect qF4vYu6B1lQ-00020-00004651-00004800 them a whole lot more. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00021-00004876-00005096 I feel super privileged to be working qF4vYu6B1lQ-00022-00005096-00005220 with short-tailed bats. qF4vYu6B1lQ-00023-00005246-00005455 I really want to be able to look back on my career qF4vYu6B1lQ-00024-00005455-00005664 and know that I made a difference. qGSPKuwiugQ-00000-00000832-00001839 somebody's done exercising good job honey proud of you well good morning hi how was your workout qGSPKuwiugQ-00001-00001839-00002520 hard but good good good good morning good morning good morning my alarm went off at 4 44. qGSPKuwiugQ-00002-00002784-00003352 15 more minutes and then 15 minutes turn into okay another 15 minutes qGSPKuwiugQ-00003-00003479-00003952 so i got up at 5 15. that's still not bad later than what i would do you got done earlier than qGSPKuwiugQ-00004-00003952-00004616 you thought huh well i super set a lot of this exercise like three of the exercises like i said qGSPKuwiugQ-00005-00004616-00005264 i'm a bit like shaking yeah but i'm good is ellie up not yet no is there something i can get started qGSPKuwiugQ-00006-00005264-00006024 for you um maybe one of maybe my egg whites okay and my chicken sausage or turkey sausage okay qGSPKuwiugQ-00007-00006024-00006648 i'll get started and then maybe i'll have oatmeal instead of pancakes today okay hello dear friends qGSPKuwiugQ-00008-00006648-00007352 hey guys welcome back to the majestic family channel my name is jory and this is my lovely wife qGSPKuwiugQ-00009-00007616-00007984 make sure you subscribe to the channel and comment down below so we can stay in touch qGSPKuwiugQ-00010-00007984-00008328 don't forget to like share turn on your notification bells so you know qGSPKuwiugQ-00011-00008328-00009096 when a new video comes out thank you all right today we are surprising our children qGSPKuwiugQ-00012-00009168-00009728 the baby's first time at the zoo they have no idea that jory and i have this planned so there qGSPKuwiugQ-00013-00009728-00010240 we had them go sit on the porch jori told him that we had errands to run today yes i told him we're qGSPKuwiugQ-00014-00010240-00010856 running errands so there are outside on the porch waiting for us because everyone's getting ready ah qGSPKuwiugQ-00015-00010856-00011464 they went inside the car come back up here that didn't work out too well so they had to come back qGSPKuwiugQ-00016-00012056-00012552 ellie what's happening right now oh i know yeah we're going to the store to qGSPKuwiugQ-00017-00012552-00013096 the store yeah to get what i don't know he said running errands okay ellie where are we going qGSPKuwiugQ-00018-00013263-00014063 come here tell our dear friends where we're going what if what that's oh it's bible study time today qGSPKuwiugQ-00019-00014063-00014736 we're gonna skip bible study this morning we might do it in the evening get it guys we go to miss qGSPKuwiugQ-00020-00014896-00015224 we're going we're going to run errands hmm qGSPKuwiugQ-00021-00015280-00016984 okay so we are going to take you guys to the the farm the dutch farm yeah qGSPKuwiugQ-00022-00018280-00018384 oh qGSPKuwiugQ-00023-00019792-00020184 ellie's excited to see the goat hi ellie qGSPKuwiugQ-00024-00020848-00020920 does he like it qGSPKuwiugQ-00025-00021656-00022000 so this is the trolley that we will be qGSPKuwiugQ-00026-00022128-00022584 riding on all right the lag is ready for you here you ready to go ellie qGSPKuwiugQ-00027-00025168-00025856 you guys excited yeah you can i think i don't know maybe until we get closer qGSPKuwiugQ-00028-00026152-00026783 at least qGSPKuwiugQ-00029-00027832-00028064 you guys excited yeah are those llamas qGSPKuwiugQ-00030-00029264-00030208 good job kiddo you gave it to him yeah good job you want to try to give some more okay go ahead qGSPKuwiugQ-00031-00030704-00030983 it's an elf qGSPKuwiugQ-00032-00032304-00032383 it's missing one qGSPKuwiugQ-00033-00032944-00033784 oh wow qGSPKuwiugQ-00034-00035776-00036552 ellie really wants to pet that one qGSPKuwiugQ-00035-00039184-00039584 but it looks strong doesn't it that's a mule a draft horse mule qGSPKuwiugQ-00036-00039704-00040784 could carry a lot of weight oh my word look at this look ellie a zebra i guessed it look at that qGSPKuwiugQ-00037-00042104-00043584 even either qGSPKuwiugQ-00038-00044792-00044920 yeah one qGSPKuwiugQ-00039-00045712-00046384 do you want to feed him oh god don't look at me it's daddy qGSPKuwiugQ-00040-00047352-00047784 ah qGSPKuwiugQ-00041-00048872-00049184 what would you do if that thing was running at you in an open field qGSPKuwiugQ-00042-00049592-00050040 i'll try to get on and grab the horns and ride i think i'd be myself and then run qGSPKuwiugQ-00043-00050120-00050920 what is this one wow that's a bison or a buffalo oh that's a ramp qGSPKuwiugQ-00044-00051288-00052328 a ram in the bush insane we're going to get more food because we're running out of food qGSPKuwiugQ-00045-00053184-00053384 there's a video qGSPKuwiugQ-00046-00054344-00054784 give him a little space qGSPKuwiugQ-00047-00056040-00056664 there you go oh say thanks dad all right we're getting ready to go see some monkeys because qGSPKuwiugQ-00048-00056664-00057624 ellie really wanted to see monkeys you want to go see the monkeys okay okay let's go cool qGSPKuwiugQ-00049-00057728-00058984 you having fun ellie you like it oh wow macaws what do they say they say real three qGSPKuwiugQ-00050-00060216-00060384 she's so excited qGSPKuwiugQ-00051-00061512-00062167 are you happy villa yeah i like bunny fishing i know no no you can't go qGSPKuwiugQ-00052-00062167-00062991 no no emily's ready to go over ellie do you want to put some food in there for him yes here dump qGSPKuwiugQ-00053-00062991-00063736 put it in the pipe and he can eat it good morning hello oh my word qGSPKuwiugQ-00054-00064288-00064584 what do you think ellie you like to be with the birdies qGSPKuwiugQ-00055-00064767-00065352 okay i don't know if they'll come down they might what are you doing ellie was he peeing qGSPKuwiugQ-00056-00065776-00065984 too nervous monkeys there's more monkeys qGSPKuwiugQ-00057-00066368-00067080 i said hello let me out bye wow hello hello why are you so grumpy qGSPKuwiugQ-00058-00067240-00067984 do you want to stay in there do you want to get out hello hello hello what's your name qGSPKuwiugQ-00059-00068248-00068896 what's your name can you say let me out let me out let me out let me out qGSPKuwiugQ-00060-00069136-00069464 say pretty bird whistle whistle qGSPKuwiugQ-00061-00069848-00070184 dad listen listen qGSPKuwiugQ-00062-00071472-00072984 say pretty birds pretty birds qGSPKuwiugQ-00063-00074296-00074512 that was fun good job he almost got you though he did qGSPKuwiugQ-00064-00074672-00075176 all right let's go i'm tired i think we're i think we're about ready to head home qGSPKuwiugQ-00065-00076672-00076920 the fact that it's staying there is pretty neat yeah qGSPKuwiugQ-00066-00076976-00077416 let's see let's go home dad has to go back to work all right qGSPKuwiugQ-00067-00077752-00078368 oh we just got back and we are tired i don't know how honey i don't know how you're going qGSPKuwiugQ-00068-00078368-00078832 to do it going to work but it was a lot of fun and exciting yeah thinking about it the whole day yeah qGSPKuwiugQ-00069-00078928-00079456 so we're just going to have some lunch everyone's like having a little sub because eliana the baby's qGSPKuwiugQ-00070-00079456-00080064 first time at the zoo did you like going to the zoo yeah what was your favorite qGSPKuwiugQ-00071-00080152-00080888 it wasn't tigers and marcus it was the tigers the monkeys there were no tigers but there were zebras qGSPKuwiugQ-00072-00080888-00081464 and monkeys yeah did you see the little baby duckies and the little baby bunnies i always qGSPKuwiugQ-00073-00081464-00081952 forget donkeys you almost fell down into the duckies that's right that's true yes qGSPKuwiugQ-00074-00082048-00082776 she almost fell in honey what was your favorite uh i think i liked the what to see cattle from qGSPKuwiugQ-00075-00082776-00083264 africa they have these like horns are like this big around like three feet long on each side qGSPKuwiugQ-00076-00083320-00083848 so like a six foot wingspan it was crazy yeah they were kind of scary because when they would come up qGSPKuwiugQ-00077-00083848-00084336 to you like don't poke me in the eye now yeah they come right up to the well you'll see yeah you saw qGSPKuwiugQ-00078-00084336-00084960 yeah and then you bella was your favorite um like papa said i like the watusi um i like qGSPKuwiugQ-00079-00084960-00085656 the monkeys because they're so intelligent um the birds were fun oh i liked everything qGSPKuwiugQ-00080-00085656-00086512 yeah everything was fun draven i think it had to be the dwarf pony the monkey and the parrot the qGSPKuwiugQ-00081-00086512-00087144 little ponies were so cute yeah they were durable yeah i didn't have a favorite i just qGSPKuwiugQ-00082-00087144-00087808 told the kids i enjoyed um seeing them happy and like playing with the animals because i'm such a qGSPKuwiugQ-00083-00087808-00088384 chicken when it comes to those little things and like you see the camel came and scared qGSPKuwiugQ-00084-00088872-00089736 it attacked me i felt attacked okay um ostrich like i was holding the camera my phone trying to qGSPKuwiugQ-00085-00089736-00090496 film me it like came up yeah and i was like i was attacked twice okay so yeah that was my favorite qGSPKuwiugQ-00086-00090496-00092584 watching my children have fun they get the their love of animals from him not me keep looking qGSPKuwiugQ-00087-00093080-00093130 you qL_yNDrAAmo-00000-00001015-00001611 Majority of Democrats Do Not Think Hillary Should Run for President in 2020. qL_yNDrAAmo-00001-00001611-00002150 Now that President-elect Donald Trump has secured his victory in the Electoral College, qL_yNDrAAmo-00002-00002150-00002631 Democrats are starting to try to figure out whom they should nominate in 2020 to run against qL_yNDrAAmo-00003-00002631-00002740 him. qL_yNDrAAmo-00004-00002740-00003252 The only problem is that the Democrat Party is pretty much leaderless at the moment. qL_yNDrAAmo-00005-00003252-00003827 President Barack Obama is on his way out, Vice President Joe Biden will be 78 four years qL_yNDrAAmo-00006-00003827-00004327 from now and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is finished, at least according to qL_yNDrAAmo-00007-00004327-00004661 a new poll, The Daily Caller reported. qL_yNDrAAmo-00008-00004661-00005229 The Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll found that among independents and Democrats an astonishing qL_yNDrAAmo-00009-00005229-00005750 62 percent of those surveyed said that Clinton shouldn�t run again in 2020. qL_yNDrAAmo-00010-00005750-00006322 A measly 23 percent said that they would be excited to see Clinton go up against a President qL_yNDrAAmo-00011-00006322-00006620 Trump for a rematch in 2020. qL_yNDrAAmo-00012-00006620-00007123 Politico reported that the poll also found that 44 percent would be excited to see former qL_yNDrAAmo-00013-00007123-00007717 Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders run again, and 43 percent would be excited to see Biden give qL_yNDrAAmo-00014-00007717-00007929 the presidency another shot. qL_yNDrAAmo-00015-00007929-00008437 However, the most interesting result of the poll showed that Democrats were craving new qL_yNDrAAmo-00016-00008437-00008550 leadership. qL_yNDrAAmo-00017-00008550-00009186 Among those surveyed, 66 percent said they wanted �someone new� to run in 2020, USA qL_yNDrAAmo-00018-00009186-00009384 TODAY reported. qL_yNDrAAmo-00019-00009384-00009900 There are a few up-and-coming Democrats, such as New Jersey Sen. Corey Booker, who could qL_yNDrAAmo-00020-00009900-00010499 end up giving the presidency a stab in 2020, but there was no clear contender. qL_yNDrAAmo-00021-00010499-00010970 The Democrats are stumbling about blindly right now, with no idea what their party should qL_yNDrAAmo-00022-00010970-00011275 represent and no idea who will lead them. qL_yNDrAAmo-00023-00011275-00011692 And the longer they keep bickering with each other and refusing to realize why they lost qL_yNDrAAmo-00024-00011692-00012212 the 2016 presidential race, the worse shape their party will be in. qL_yNDrAAmo-00025-00012212-00012670 While we are perfectly happy to watch the Democrats collapse in on themselves for a qL_yNDrAAmo-00026-00012670-00013011 change, we should also keep a vigilant eye on them. qL_yNDrAAmo-00027-00013011-00013650 After the 2008 and 2012 elections the Republican Party devolved into similar bickering, but qL_yNDrAAmo-00028-00013650-00014140 it also gave rise to Trump while the Democrats were too busy assuming that the Republicans qL_yNDrAAmo-00029-00014140-00014422 were finished to notice what was happening. qL_yNDrAAmo-00030-00014422-00014707 We don�t want to make the same mistake. qL_yNDrAAmo-00031-00014707-00015145 Share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know who you think the Democrats will put qL_yNDrAAmo-00032-00015145-00015421 forward in 2020. qL_yNDrAAmo-00033-00015421-00015601 What did you think of this poll? qL_yNDrAAmo-00034-00015601-00016783 Scroll down to comment below! qOIyAwhgtcQ-00000-00000184-00002166 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. qOIyAwhgtcQ-00001-00002170-00003156 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do Meehh, meehh, meehhhh... qOIyAwhgtcQ-00002-00003162-00003760 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. Reeeeeeeeeeeeee~ qOIyAwhgtcQ-00003-00003760-00004166 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! qOIyAwhgtcQ-00004-00004170-00005768 do-do do-do do-do, do-do do-do do-do. do-do-do-do do-do-do-do, do-do do-do do-do. qOIyAwhgtcQ-00005-00005772-00007766 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. qOIyAwhgtcQ-00006-00007766-00008780 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do Meehh, meehh, meehhhh... qOIyAwhgtcQ-00007-00008786-00009396 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. Reeeeeeeeeeeeee~ qOIyAwhgtcQ-00008-00009408-00009768 Do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! qOIyAwhgtcQ-00009-00009768-00011376 do-do do-do do-do, do-do do-do do-do. do-do-do-do do-do-do-do, do-do do-do do-do. qSU7lwwJZXo-00000-00000003-00000330 There are no stupid questions, especially when it comes to wearing your clothes qSU7lwwJZXo-00001-00000330-00000687 properly. What's up, guys? I'm Brian Sacawa, you're watching He Spoke Style, and today qSU7lwwJZXo-00002-00000687-00000990 we are talking about how to button a suit jacket. qSU7lwwJZXo-00003-00000990-00001504 [MUSIC] qSU7lwwJZXo-00004-00001506-00001918 So buttoning a suit jacket properly seems like a pretty simple thing to do. qSU7lwwJZXo-00005-00001918-00002211 But sometimes the simplest things are often the ones that are the most qSU7lwwJZXo-00006-00002211-00002605 overlooked. And I've seen enough guys do this wrong that I thought making this qSU7lwwJZXo-00007-00002605-00002929 video was important. So what we're going to do is talk about the three most qSU7lwwJZXo-00008-00002929-00003279 common types of suit jackets you will find and the right way to button them. qSU7lwwJZXo-00009-00003279-00003670 First up, we have a simple two-button jacket. Now, you've got a 50-50 chance of qSU7lwwJZXo-00010-00003670-00003979 getting it right if you're just guessing. The correct way to button a two-button qSU7lwwJZXo-00011-00003979-00004435 suit jacket or blazer is to button only the top button. Never just the bottom. And qSU7lwwJZXo-00012-00004435-00004839 never the bottom and the top together. Next, we've got the two and a half button qSU7lwwJZXo-00013-00004839-00005191 jacket, also called a three-roll-two. Now, this is kind of a more classy and qSU7lwwJZXo-00014-00005191-00005521 elegant take on a three-button jacket with a third button hole rolled softly qSU7lwwJZXo-00015-00005521-00005940 into the lapel. This style of jacket you are just going to button the middle qSU7lwwJZXo-00016-00005940-00006307 button. However, if it's cold outside and you want a little extra coverage, it is qSU7lwwJZXo-00017-00006307-00006745 acceptable to button the top button as well. Though in most situations you will qSU7lwwJZXo-00018-00006745-00007165 just roll with the middle button done. Again, never the bottom button. And a good qSU7lwwJZXo-00019-00007165-00007744 way to remember for this style jacket is sometimes, always, and never. Finally, we qSU7lwwJZXo-00020-00007744-00008212 have a double-breasted jacket. Mine is a six by two, or a six show two, referring to qSU7lwwJZXo-00021-00008212-00008533 the number of buttons. Before we talk about the outer buttons that you see, we qSU7lwwJZXo-00022-00008533-00008959 have to talk about the inner button, also known as the anchor button. So this is a qSU7lwwJZXo-00023-00008959-00009265 button that is hidden but is an important one to fasten. It will help qSU7lwwJZXo-00024-00009265-00009646 keep the jacket laying on your body the way it was meant to. Now, for the outer qSU7lwwJZXo-00025-00009646-00010000 buttons, two of them can be fastened and you want to button the top of those two. qSU7lwwJZXo-00026-00010000-00010405 It's not wrong to do the bottom one as well but, for me, I like the look of just qSU7lwwJZXo-00027-00010405-00010759 having the top one done. There you go! A very simple primer on how to button a qSU7lwwJZXo-00028-00010759-00011107 suit jacket properly. If this video helped you out in any way, please leave a qSU7lwwJZXo-00029-00011107-00011434 comment and let me know. Also, give it a thumbs up. Be sure to subscribe to the qSU7lwwJZXo-00030-00011434-00011927 channel. And until next time, thanks for watching and stay tailored. qUaiDgsE7fg-00000-00000475-00001818 GANG?! qVhcPlLSjyu-00000-00000712-00001074 This is our fourth GLF, the fourth GLF we’ve participated in. qVhcPlLSjyu-00001-00001074-00001211 We started in Warsaw. qVhcPlLSjyu-00002-00001211-00001780 We started with smaller programs and then we started doing really big. qVhcPlLSjyu-00003-00001780-00002243 And this program – well this is a smaller GLF. qVhcPlLSjyu-00004-00002243-00002661 And this time we've had three weeks. qVhcPlLSjyu-00005-00002661-00002838 So this is what is interesting. qVhcPlLSjyu-00006-00002838-00003490 We have a large alumni base and we mobilized our 150 alumni from previous years. qVhcPlLSjyu-00007-00003490-00003820 And we co-designed all the sessions together. qVhcPlLSjyu-00008-00003820-00004196 We try to have really inclusive processes. qVhcPlLSjyu-00009-00004196-00004519 So we did this on Facebook. qVhcPlLSjyu-00010-00004519-00004705 First we started asking, what do we want? qVhcPlLSjyu-00011-00004705-00005384 Do we want just to brainstorm, or what is the bojective that we’re looking for? qVhcPlLSjyu-00012-00005384-00005819 And we came up with promoting innovation and real solutions. qVhcPlLSjyu-00013-00005819-00006155 That’s something that we’re going to do now. qVhcPlLSjyu-00014-00006155-00006706 The problem that we wanted to tackle, again, we asked everybody and we got a lot of different qVhcPlLSjyu-00015-00006706-00006806 ideas. qVhcPlLSjyu-00016-00006806-00007086 We got intergenerational inequality. qVhcPlLSjyu-00017-00007086-00007362 We had engaging youth NGO models. qVhcPlLSjyu-00018-00007362-00007637 We had rural migration of youth. qVhcPlLSjyu-00019-00007637-00007923 And the great disconnection to processes that happen. qVhcPlLSjyu-00020-00007923-00008604 So that’s why in the end a lot of different suggestions were made. qVhcPlLSjyu-00021-00008604-00009076 And we voted for the most popular one, qwhich was was disconnection to interconnection. qVhcPlLSjyu-00022-00009076-00009590 So that’s a bit of a mix of the recommendations that were made. qVhcPlLSjyu-00023-00009590-00010288 The role of youth in shifting perceptions and presenting solutions to rural-urban migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00024-00010288-00011171 With this, we also needed to know who we were going to address this to, so that we’d need qVhcPlLSjyu-00025-00011171-00011477 to know how to do it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00026-00011477-00011682 That was David’s idea. qVhcPlLSjyu-00027-00011682-00012280 And out targets are international government agencies, they are policy makers, they are qVhcPlLSjyu-00028-00012280-00012380 researchers. qVhcPlLSjyu-00029-00012380-00012947 They are everybody who might work with rural to urban migration that we could work with qVhcPlLSjyu-00030-00012947-00013265 them to address this issue. qVhcPlLSjyu-00031-00013265-00014306 So the way we are going to structure this is first we’re going to have these speakers qVhcPlLSjyu-00032-00014306-00014944 that are going to present their case studies with migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00033-00014944-00015251 And then we’re going to have a discussion. qVhcPlLSjyu-00034-00015251-00015948 We’re going to split into groups and after David will also explain a little bit. qVhcPlLSjyu-00035-00015948-00016251 By the way, I’d like to present David. qVhcPlLSjyu-00036-00016251-00016583 He’s been a big, big brain of this session. qVhcPlLSjyu-00037-00016583-00017120 He’s helped us a lot just designing this and also he’s a great facilitator. qVhcPlLSjyu-00038-00017120-00017447 But you’ll see that in a while. qVhcPlLSjyu-00039-00017447-00018051 So we’re going to break up into different break out groups and we’re going to discuss qVhcPlLSjyu-00040-00018051-00018720 the issues that you’ll see from the videos and presentations that will be coming up shortly. qVhcPlLSjyu-00041-00018720-00018932 And then just wrap up. qVhcPlLSjyu-00042-00018932-00019615 And here we’ll have – well David will explain this later, but the facilitators who qVhcPlLSjyu-00043-00019615-00020095 have been part of the facilitation workshop that happened yesterday. qVhcPlLSjyu-00044-00020095-00020728 First up, we will be looking at experiences from people who have migrated from rural to qVhcPlLSjyu-00045-00020728-00020828 urban areas. qVhcPlLSjyu-00046-00020828-00021281 And also people who have migrated back to rural areas, and why. qVhcPlLSjyu-00047-00021281-00022010 And we’re going to see what these challenges are and how to overcome the challenges that qVhcPlLSjyu-00048-00022010-00022196 may cause these. qVhcPlLSjyu-00049-00022196-00022568 Or our link to the subject. qVhcPlLSjyu-00050-00022568-00023351 And the solution to this design challenge will be through dialogue and participation, qVhcPlLSjyu-00051-00023351-00023670 conversation between a diverse group of actors. qVhcPlLSjyu-00052-00023670-00024295 So as you can see there’s a lot of young people but there’s also people who have qVhcPlLSjyu-00053-00024295-00024824 experience with this and can maybe help with their own points of view and making this more qVhcPlLSjyu-00054-00024824-00025009 of an integral process. qVhcPlLSjyu-00055-00025009-00026114 So I would like to invite our first speaker, who is Daniela Rivas. qVhcPlLSjyu-00056-00026230-00026310 Hi, everybody. qVhcPlLSjyu-00057-00026310-00026710 Thank you very much for joining us. qVhcPlLSjyu-00058-00026710-00026980 I’m Daniela and I’m from Peru. qVhcPlLSjyu-00059-00026980-00027639 Currently I’m the country representative for the Young Professionals for Agricultural qVhcPlLSjyu-00060-00027639-00027780 Development, YPARD. qVhcPlLSjyu-00061-00027780-00028589 I’m also an alumni from 2014 and 2015 youth in landscape initiatives. qVhcPlLSjyu-00062-00028589-00028889 So it’s really like being home. qVhcPlLSjyu-00063-00028889-00029260 It feels like being here. qVhcPlLSjyu-00064-00029260-00030039 I’m so glad to introduce you a couple of histories about coming from rural Peru, from qVhcPlLSjyu-00065-00030039-00030189 two totally different landscapes. qVhcPlLSjyu-00066-00030189-00030720 The first one from Amazonia and the other from the Andes, our highlands. qVhcPlLSjyu-00067-00030720-00031720 These are not histories of my country, but they come from extraordinary people who migrate qVhcPlLSjyu-00068-00031720-00032130 from rural areas to achieve a better education in Lima, which is the capital city of my country. qVhcPlLSjyu-00069-00032130-00032890 Therefore I think this audience in particular is going to feel connected with what they qVhcPlLSjyu-00070-00032890-00032950 have to say. qVhcPlLSjyu-00071-00032950-00033480 At the final, we will present some comments from rural elders. qVhcPlLSjyu-00072-00033480-00033900 I hope you can enjoy it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00073-00077310-00077840 So we can see some of the challenges that were presented here, right? qVhcPlLSjyu-00074-00077840-00078140 Why do people migrate? qVhcPlLSjyu-00075-00078140-00078320 What pushes them out of places? qVhcPlLSjyu-00076-00078320-00078980 And how can we address these challenges to make people stay? qVhcPlLSjyu-00077-00078980-00079190 Because not all of them want to leave. qVhcPlLSjyu-00078-00079190-00079900 What is making us lose the connection to our roots and nature, and why are we not finding qVhcPlLSjyu-00079-00079900-00080340 these opportunities appealing any more? qVhcPlLSjyu-00080-00080340-00081010 That’s maybe the big question that we’re trying to address with this. qVhcPlLSjyu-00081-00081010-00081700 Our next speaker is also a youth in landscapes alumni. qVhcPlLSjyu-00082-00081700-00082610 Please correct me if I’m pronouncing your last name wrong. qVhcPlLSjyu-00083-00082610-00083370 It’s Arman Golrokhian. Arman from Iran from Iran so it rhymes. qVhcPlLSjyu-00084-00083370-00083800 Please share your experiences with us. qVhcPlLSjyu-00085-00084510-00084620 How is everyone feeling? qVhcPlLSjyu-00086-00084620-00084800 It’s been a long day. qVhcPlLSjyu-00087-00084800-00085120 There’s so many good conversations this morning. qVhcPlLSjyu-00088-00085120-00085440 This is one of my favorite conferences. qVhcPlLSjyu-00089-00085440-00086040 I’m so happy to be invited and so excited to speak to you as a youth alumni or a youth qVhcPlLSjyu-00090-00086040-00086260 retired. qVhcPlLSjyu-00091-00086260-00086520 I feel so old. qVhcPlLSjyu-00092-00086520-00086910 Thanks for coming to this session. qVhcPlLSjyu-00093-00086910-00087450 Before I get into the details of my own story, I would like to tell you a little bit more qVhcPlLSjyu-00094-00087450-00087700 about the reason of the decision. qVhcPlLSjyu-00095-00087700-00088020 Because migration doesn’t necessarily stop climate change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00096-00088020-00089000 But the reason we’re focusing on migration is because that allows people who are experiencing qVhcPlLSjyu-00097-00089000-00089340 a lot of pain and suffering to get away from the impact of climate change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00098-00089340-00089880 And that is something we need to focus on in the coming years, to have an open mind qVhcPlLSjyu-00099-00089880-00090680 and open arms to have people who are escaping from their homes because of climate change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00100-00090680-00090960 We need to be more open minded and accept them very warmly. qVhcPlLSjyu-00101-00090960-00091780 So with the raise of hands, I would like to see how many of you have migrated in your qVhcPlLSjyu-00102-00091780-00091980 life, for different reasons. qVhcPlLSjyu-00103-00091980-00092620 For education, for going to college, university, or for job opportunities if you’ve got a qVhcPlLSjyu-00104-00092620-00093120 job in a different city or country, or for someone you’ve met, your family or your qVhcPlLSjyu-00105-00093120-00093290 love or something. qVhcPlLSjyu-00106-00093290-00093440 How many of you have migrated? qVhcPlLSjyu-00107-00093440-00093690 Awesome. qVhcPlLSjyu-00108-00093690-00093840 That’s great. qVhcPlLSjyu-00109-00093840-00094080 It seems there’s a lot of experience around the table. qVhcPlLSjyu-00110-00094080-00094380 I look forward to a rich conversation. qVhcPlLSjyu-00111-00094380-00094960 So I have 10 minutes to share the story of my life as someone who has migrated twice qVhcPlLSjyu-00112-00094960-00095360 – once domestically and once internationally. qVhcPlLSjyu-00113-00095360-00095720 I’m from Iran and I came from Iran to the US. qVhcPlLSjyu-00114-00095720-00096350 And I will discuss how my personality has been impacted by migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00115-00096350-00096850 And I will talk about a couple of snapshots in my life. qVhcPlLSjyu-00116-00096850-00097120 I will discuss about those. qVhcPlLSjyu-00117-00097120-00097690 So if I summarize my story in one sentence, it’s open borders, open minds. qVhcPlLSjyu-00118-00097690-00098250 As I said, we need to open the borders and also we need to open our minds. qVhcPlLSjyu-00119-00098250-00099150 And this is something I truly believe, that in the highly globalized world of today, where qVhcPlLSjyu-00120-00099150-00099810 products, information ideas, cross the borders so easily, there’s no way that we can stop qVhcPlLSjyu-00121-00099810-00100170 people from moving around. qVhcPlLSjyu-00122-00100170-00100570 So let’s get to my story. qVhcPlLSjyu-00123-00100570-00101420 I’m from Iran, and I spent 18 years of my life in Shiraz, which is one of the most beautiful qVhcPlLSjyu-00124-00101420-00101570 cities in Iran. qVhcPlLSjyu-00125-00101570-00102070 When I got to the age for going to college, I moved to Tehran, the capital of Iran, with qVhcPlLSjyu-00126-00102070-00102360 almost 10 million population. qVhcPlLSjyu-00127-00102360-00102530 It’s a very big city. qVhcPlLSjyu-00128-00102530-00102720 And it was a big transformation. qVhcPlLSjyu-00129-00102720-00103200 I started studying mechanical engineering and I focused on energy systems. qVhcPlLSjyu-00130-00103200-00104059 Soon I realized that I’m interested in the non-technical components of energy, such as qVhcPlLSjyu-00131-00104059-00104630 policy, economics, social and environmental issues of energy systems. qVhcPlLSjyu-00132-00104630-00105370 And for graduate degrees I was looking for opportunities to focus on these interdisciplinary qVhcPlLSjyu-00133-00105370-00105670 topics. qVhcPlLSjyu-00134-00106309-00106709 They are very well established in Iran and ignored in many other countries in the world. qVhcPlLSjyu-00135-00106709-00107170 So there are very few universities all around the world that focus on these cross-disciplinary qVhcPlLSjyu-00136-00107170-00107380 topics. qVhcPlLSjyu-00137-00107380-00107850 I was lucky enough to be accepted at the University of Michigan. qVhcPlLSjyu-00138-00107850-00108130 So I had to move again from Iran to Michigan. qVhcPlLSjyu-00139-00108130-00108720 And this opportunity, I’m so grateful for that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00140-00108720-00109390 I’ve been given so many resources and opportunities, and I’ve been taking advantage of all of qVhcPlLSjyu-00141-00109390-00109559 those. qVhcPlLSjyu-00142-00109559-00110040 And now, looking back at my life, I can say I wouldn’t be the person who I am if I wouldn’t qVhcPlLSjyu-00143-00110040-00110370 migrate, and if I wouldn’t have migrated twice. qVhcPlLSjyu-00144-00110370-00111009 So the reason that I’m here, I truly believe that’s because of these opportunities that qVhcPlLSjyu-00145-00111009-00111240 have been given. qVhcPlLSjyu-00146-00111240-00111790 So, to discuss the impact of migration on my personality, I would like to flash back qVhcPlLSjyu-00147-00111790-00112170 three years back, three years from now. qVhcPlLSjyu-00148-00112170-00112840 Imagine August 2013, when I got off the plane in Detroit with two suitcases and a backpack qVhcPlLSjyu-00149-00112840-00113220 on my shoulder. qVhcPlLSjyu-00150-00113409-00113950 Very sad because I’ve gone away from all the things that I loved, from my family, friends, qVhcPlLSjyu-00151-00113950-00114270 all of the childhood memories and all the attachments that I had in Iran. qVhcPlLSjyu-00152-00114270-00114570 And I’ve come somewhere that I had no idea about. qVhcPlLSjyu-00153-00114570-00115030 That I had no friends, no attachments to Michigan. qVhcPlLSjyu-00154-00115030-00115359 I had no idea even where I’m going to sleep at the night. qVhcPlLSjyu-00155-00115359-00115520 I was very scared. qVhcPlLSjyu-00156-00115520-00115850 I’d just gone into the US without even knowing where I’m going to stay for the night. qVhcPlLSjyu-00157-00115850-00116470 To be honest, I was raised in Iran under the assumption that Iran and the US are enemies. qVhcPlLSjyu-00158-00116470-00117070 So I expected that to impact my life on a daily basis. qVhcPlLSjyu-00159-00117070-00117900 I was expecting some animosity and getting bullied on a daily basis in the US. qVhcPlLSjyu-00160-00117900-00118359 But that was totally wrong. qVhcPlLSjyu-00161-00118359-00118680 That turns out to be completely wrong. qVhcPlLSjyu-00162-00118680-00118980 I had a really good experience in the US. qVhcPlLSjyu-00163-00118980-00119559 I’ve made so many friends that I like as much as I like my Iranian friends, and they qVhcPlLSjyu-00164-00119559-00119759 like me a lot too. qVhcPlLSjyu-00165-00119759-00119870 I hope so. qVhcPlLSjyu-00166-00120040-00120400 For the purpose of this conversation, you can assume that’s true. qVhcPlLSjyu-00167-00120400-00120880 I know that I expect after this conversation my Twitter and Facebook is going to explode qVhcPlLSjyu-00168-00120880-00121300 with conversations like, we don’t like you! qVhcPlLSjyu-00169-00121300-00121609 But I take that as a joke. qVhcPlLSjyu-00170-00121609-00122130 So that was the experience that I had in the past three years in the US. qVhcPlLSjyu-00171-00122130-00122559 That changed my mindset and the way that I look at the world. qVhcPlLSjyu-00172-00122559-00122950 And then we flash forward to now. qVhcPlLSjyu-00173-00122950-00123690 I believe that the majority of Iranians and Americans can get along very well if they’re qVhcPlLSjyu-00174-00123690-00123990 given an opportunity to interact and to get to know each other. qVhcPlLSjyu-00175-00123990-00124790 As it should be clear by now, I’m a big fan of migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00176-00124790-00125250 Migration in the context of climate change is sometimes being seen as a problem. qVhcPlLSjyu-00177-00125250-00125820 People migrating from rural areas to cities and putting a lot of pressure on the cities’ qVhcPlLSjyu-00178-00125820-00126230 infrastructure – energy, transportation, water, housing systems. qVhcPlLSjyu-00179-00126230-00126820 But to look at the bright side, there’s a big opportunity for raising awareness and qVhcPlLSjyu-00180-00126820-00127230 educating people who migrate to cities for those better lives and for opportunities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00181-00127230-00127559 And then they can go back and serve their communities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00182-00127559-00127940 So I’m totally a big fan of migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00183-00127940-00128420 It is very wrong. qVhcPlLSjyu-00184-00128420-00128590 You can’t force people to stay in a region if they don’t want to. qVhcPlLSjyu-00185-00128590-00129290 By doing that, we are making cities and countries like prisons. qVhcPlLSjyu-00186-00129290-00129950 You know, forcing people to stay somewhere that they don’t want to, and they get basically qVhcPlLSjyu-00187-00129950-00130500 tortured by natural disasters and losing their jobs and not having food and not having opportunities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00188-00130500-00131020 So opening up borders is an essential thing in today’s world. qVhcPlLSjyu-00189-00131720-00132540 Personally, migration is more of a long term commitment, but travelling is another opportunity qVhcPlLSjyu-00190-00132540-00132760 for opening people’s minds. qVhcPlLSjyu-00191-00132760-00133240 And I’ve made a personal commitments, like the INDCs. qVhcPlLSjyu-00192-00133240-00133540 You know, the countries have nationally determined contributions. qVhcPlLSjyu-00193-00133540-00134090 My personal INDC is 30 by ‘30 – to travel to 30 countries by the age of 30. qVhcPlLSjyu-00194-00134090-00134580 Morocco is 18 countries, so I have 12 more in the next two years. qVhcPlLSjyu-00195-00134690-00135000 That’s very ambitious, especially when you’re holding an Iranian passport. qVhcPlLSjyu-00196-00135000-00135820 So even my presence here today was jeapordized by my Iranian passport – which I’m very qVhcPlLSjyu-00197-00135820-00135970 proud of, don’t get me wrong. qVhcPlLSjyu-00198-00135970-00136450 But I would like you to think, when did you finalize your plans to meet here? qVhcPlLSjyu-00199-00136450-00136610 Like three months ago? qVhcPlLSjyu-00200-00136750-00136950 Two months ago? qVhcPlLSjyu-00201-00136950-00137010 Two weeks ago? qVhcPlLSjyu-00202-00137010-00137170 Just keep that in your mind. qVhcPlLSjyu-00203-00137170-00137470 My flight was on Saturday at 2:50pm. qVhcPlLSjyu-00204-00137470-00138120 And I picked up my passport at the post office at 11:45, like three hours before my flight. qVhcPlLSjyu-00205-00138120-00138460 And I just got the car, got to the airport. qVhcPlLSjyu-00206-00138460-00139020 It felt like the Titanic movie, being the last person jumping on the airplane to be qVhcPlLSjyu-00207-00139020-00139210 here. qVhcPlLSjyu-00208-00139210-00139360 And I’m so grateful for being here. qVhcPlLSjyu-00209-00139360-00139540 Thanks for having me. qVhcPlLSjyu-00210-00139540-00140310 So there are, when you look back in your personal life, a lot of good moments and bad moments. qVhcPlLSjyu-00211-00140310-00140930 Migration has allowed me to have a lot of good moments, a lot of good memories, a lot qVhcPlLSjyu-00212-00140930-00141120 of opportunities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00213-00141120-00141570 But there are really sad moments that are tied to my migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00214-00141570-00142090 And from that you can see why I’m so committed to this idea. qVhcPlLSjyu-00215-00142090-00142370 I have only one sibling – one sister. qVhcPlLSjyu-00216-00142370-00142700 She got married last year and I was unable to be there. qVhcPlLSjyu-00217-00142700-00143320 You can see that was the saddest moment of my life, and it was all about because of this qVhcPlLSjyu-00218-00143320-00143660 ridiculous visa and passport constraint. qVhcPlLSjyu-00219-00143660-00144390 So, to wrap up and conclude, let’s talk about the future and be more optimistic. qVhcPlLSjyu-00220-00144390-00144600 We are the youth. qVhcPlLSjyu-00221-00144600-00144990 In the past couple of weeks after an election and all those things, I’ve seen a lot of qVhcPlLSjyu-00222-00144990-00145220 youth being very very disappointed and pessimistic. qVhcPlLSjyu-00223-00145220-00145790 But the asset that we have is our energy and our hope, so let’s look at our future. qVhcPlLSjyu-00224-00145790-00146360 I get this question all the time – do you want to go back to Iran or do you want to qVhcPlLSjyu-00225-00146360-00146510 stay? qVhcPlLSjyu-00226-00146510-00146760 And I don’t have a clear cut answer for that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00227-00146760-00147030 I haven’t made my mind up. qVhcPlLSjyu-00228-00147030-00147410 I really want to go back and serve my community, and help people plan and adapt to climate qVhcPlLSjyu-00229-00147410-00147540 change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00230-00147540-00147910 Because climate change is the most pressing issue of our time. qVhcPlLSjyu-00231-00147910-00148490 And, as far as I know, Iran needs a lot of assistance in that context. qVhcPlLSjyu-00232-00148490-00148970 But, on the other hand, the issue for me is having the impact, being able to do something qVhcPlLSjyu-00233-00148970-00149240 to have the highest impact on the goal. qVhcPlLSjyu-00234-00149240-00149760 And I won’t have that much resources and opportunities if I go back. qVhcPlLSjyu-00235-00149760-00150230 So this is the dilemma that I have to deal with, and I’m sure most of our generation qVhcPlLSjyu-00236-00150230-00150460 are thinking about it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00237-00150460-00150670 We are more of the global citizens. qVhcPlLSjyu-00238-00150670-00151130 If you look at it in this context, we are less dependent and less tied to a piece of qVhcPlLSjyu-00239-00151130-00151440 land than our parents or our grandparents. qVhcPlLSjyu-00240-00151440-00151980 As you showed with the raised hands, it’s the majority of us in this room who have been qVhcPlLSjyu-00241-00151980-00152660 travelling all around and migrated because of different opportunities or forces in our qVhcPlLSjyu-00242-00152660-00152820 lives. qVhcPlLSjyu-00243-00153120-00153830 And when you look from the climate perspective, if you look 70,000 feet above the ground, qVhcPlLSjyu-00244-00153830-00154330 it doesn’t really matter where the carbon is coming from – whether from Iran or the qVhcPlLSjyu-00245-00154330-00154420 US. qVhcPlLSjyu-00246-00154420-00154940 So anywhere that you can have the highest impact is going to serve the climate change qVhcPlLSjyu-00247-00154940-00155120 issue the same way. qVhcPlLSjyu-00248-00155470-00156220 And this mentality that I was talking about is not peculiar to me. qVhcPlLSjyu-00249-00156220-00156570 It’s the generation that I’m representing. qVhcPlLSjyu-00250-00156570-00156940 We all look at the world in a different way than our parents. qVhcPlLSjyu-00251-00156940-00157780 We are all more a global citizen, and we all feel we want to protect the earth. qVhcPlLSjyu-00252-00157780-00158180 So I want to leave you with one message. qVhcPlLSjyu-00253-00158180-00158760 That is the summary of basically my life, and that’s my life wisdom for you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00254-00158760-00159010 It’s open borders and open minds. qVhcPlLSjyu-00255-00159010-00159640 This is something that in the climate negotiation needs to be focused more. qVhcPlLSjyu-00256-00159640-00160460 As I said, the current refugee problem in the world is just a couple of hundred thousand qVhcPlLSjyu-00257-00160460-00160640 people moving. qVhcPlLSjyu-00258-00160640-00161080 Because of climate change, we should expect millions of climate refugees, and our societies qVhcPlLSjyu-00259-00161080-00161260 are not ready for that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00260-00161260-00161450 You can see that everyone wants to build a wall. qVhcPlLSjyu-00261-00161450-00162270 On November 9th, a couple of days ago, on the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin qVhcPlLSjyu-00262-00162270-00162710 Wall, American people voted for someone who wants to build a wall. qVhcPlLSjyu-00263-00162710-00163520 And we can see how our societies are against migration and are not ready to openly accept qVhcPlLSjyu-00264-00163520-00163840 people who are losing their homes, losing their jobs. qVhcPlLSjyu-00265-00163840-00164450 And hopefully they are able to leave, they are able to leave their country, and they qVhcPlLSjyu-00266-00164450-00164760 are not going to stay and die in their country. qVhcPlLSjyu-00267-00164760-00164860 Thank you so much. qVhcPlLSjyu-00268-00164860-00165230 I look forward to a great conversation at the end of this panel. qVhcPlLSjyu-00269-00166160-00166730 So yes, definitely, how do we open these borders? qVhcPlLSjyu-00270-00166730-00166980 How do we open minds, right? qVhcPlLSjyu-00271-00166980-00167150 And sometimes it’s easy to forget. qVhcPlLSjyu-00272-00167150-00167520 That’s also why it’s this lack of connection that we’re talking about. qVhcPlLSjyu-00273-00167520-00167880 Sometimes we forget that people who migrate are not just migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00274-00167880-00168110 They’re people. qVhcPlLSjyu-00275-00168110-00168340 So how to open our minds about this? qVhcPlLSjyu-00276-00168340-00169290 Our third speaker is unfortunately not here, but he sends us a video. qVhcPlLSjyu-00277-00169290-00169720 I’ll be showing you Dilip Ratha's video. qVhcPlLSjyu-00278-00169720-00170360 He heads KNOMAD, which is a World Bank initiative that organizes data and knowledge on migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00279-00169720-00172230 I'm Dilip RathaI will share some thoughts on migration and how it can be a great vehicle for sharing qVhcPlLSjyu-00280-00172230-00173090 prosperity, in particular between richer communities, richer places, and poor places and poorer qVhcPlLSjyu-00281-00173090-00173390 communities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00282-00173390-00173720 Before I do that, I wanted to share a few words about myself. qVhcPlLSjyu-00283-00173720-00174140 I grew up in a remote village in India. qVhcPlLSjyu-00284-00174140-00174540 I studied in a village school until high school. qVhcPlLSjyu-00285-00174540-00175570 And there was no running water, there was no electricity, and I had to go for college qVhcPlLSjyu-00286-00175570-00175840 to another city. qVhcPlLSjyu-00287-00175840-00176800 And when I did my master’s in Delhi the train ride was 36 hours long. qVhcPlLSjyu-00288-00176800-00177340 So it was a far journey for me in many ways. qVhcPlLSjyu-00289-00177340-00178790 And while studying in the university I actually had to work, giving tuition to high school qVhcPlLSjyu-00290-00178790-00179430 students to support my stay while doing a master’s. qVhcPlLSjyu-00291-00179430-00179870 I came to the US as a student 26 years ago. qVhcPlLSjyu-00292-00179870-00180280 That’s about half of my life that I have been here. qVhcPlLSjyu-00293-00181110-00181520 I met my wife here in Washington D.C. and we have two sons. qVhcPlLSjyu-00294-00181520-00182480 But my son was six or seven and I asked him once what he was, and he said half-Indian, qVhcPlLSjyu-00295-00182480-00182770 half-Venezuelan, and full-American. qVhcPlLSjyu-00296-00182770-00183930 Like most of the migrants, I have been sending remittances to my family and my home in India. qVhcPlLSjyu-00297-00183930-00184540 And also my wife was sending remittances to Venezuela, where she’s from. qVhcPlLSjyu-00298-00184540-00185230 We both remain deeply interested in helping both of our communities back home. qVhcPlLSjyu-00299-00185230-00186190 With that, I wanted to also mention that this story of migration is not unique with me. qVhcPlLSjyu-00300-00186270-00186570 It’s a story of humanity. qVhcPlLSjyu-00301-00186570-00186970 There are 250 million international migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00302-00186970-00187380 There are 750 million internal migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00303-00187380-00187780 That’s one billion people that are migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00304-00187780-00188180 That’s one out of seven people on the planet as migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00305-00188180-00189140 These international migrants send home about $440 billion in remittances to developing qVhcPlLSjyu-00306-00189140-00189330 countries. qVhcPlLSjyu-00307-00189330-00189640 $440 billion per year. qVhcPlLSjyu-00308-00189640-00190200 It’s actually more than three times the size of total development aid. qVhcPlLSjyu-00309-00190200-00191000 So you can imagine the importance of migration to the communities back home. qVhcPlLSjyu-00310-00191000-00191390 The internal migrants also send money home. qVhcPlLSjyu-00311-00191390-00192270 A large part of their incomes that they earn they send back home, and this is a way of qVhcPlLSjyu-00312-00192270-00192600 sharing prosperity between richer places and poorer places. qVhcPlLSjyu-00313-00192600-00193070 We don’t have a number of internal remittances. qVhcPlLSjyu-00314-00193490-00194380 With one out of seven people on the planet are migrants, it’s no wonder the Sustainable qVhcPlLSjyu-00315-00194380-00194960 Development Goals actually included two migration goals. Actually more than two. qVhcPlLSjyu-00316-00195340-00196190 One is to reduce remittance costs to less than three per cent by 2030. qVhcPlLSjyu-00317-00196630-00196800 That is one goal. qVhcPlLSjyu-00318-00196800-00197240 The second goal is to reduce recruitment costs for low skilled migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00319-00197240-00197760 So these are two goals that are part of the Sustainable Development Goals. qVhcPlLSjyu-00320-00197760-00198420 On the first goal, on reducing remittance costs, it is worth pointing out that it costs qVhcPlLSjyu-00321-00198420-00198820 around 8 per cent globally to send money home. qVhcPlLSjyu-00322-00198820-00199710 So if you’re sending let’s say $100 from New York to India, then on the other side qVhcPlLSjyu-00323-00199710-00200390 most likely the person will receive about $95, $96, or $92. qVhcPlLSjyu-00324-00200390-00201480 If you’re sending $100 from New York to Nairobi, then on the other side the person qVhcPlLSjyu-00325-00201480-00201760 will receive only $90. qVhcPlLSjyu-00326-00201760-00202310 Sending money to sub-Saharan Africa is actually the most expensive. qVhcPlLSjyu-00327-00202310-00202550 It’s more than 10 per cent. qVhcPlLSjyu-00328-00203080-00203820 In terms of international migration in Africa, it’s mostly intra-African migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00329-00203820-00203990 People migrate from one country to another. qVhcPlLSjyu-00330-00203990-00204680 Two thirds of international migration in Africa is actually intra-African migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00331-00204680-00205660 There, sending money from one African country to another African country can cost more than qVhcPlLSjyu-00332-00205660-00205910 20 per cent. qVhcPlLSjyu-00333-00205910-00206190 What can we do to reduce remittance costs? qVhcPlLSjyu-00334-00206190-00206460 Three ways. qVhcPlLSjyu-00335-00206460-00207010 One is to introduce better technology – in particular, internet based technology or mobile qVhcPlLSjyu-00336-00207010-00207280 phone based technology. qVhcPlLSjyu-00337-00207280-00207860 Mobile phone based technology actually is very promising. qVhcPlLSjyu-00338-00207860-00208110 That’s one way. qVhcPlLSjyu-00339-00208110-00208940 The second way is to break down any exclusive partnership that exists between any national qVhcPlLSjyu-00340-00208940-00209290 post office system of a country and a money transfer company. qVhcPlLSjyu-00341-00209390-00210119 That kind of exclusive partnership excludes other money transfer companies, reduces competition, qVhcPlLSjyu-00342-00210119-00210680 and enables the money transfer company to charge a very high fee. qVhcPlLSjyu-00343-00210680-00211319 That’s the second way of reducing remittance costs, to do away with exclusive partnerships qVhcPlLSjyu-00344-00211319-00211730 between national post offices and money transfer companies. qVhcPlLSjyu-00345-00211730-00212319 The third way of reducing remittance costs would be to recognize that small money transfer qVhcPlLSjyu-00346-00212319-00212580 is not money laundering. qVhcPlLSjyu-00347-00212580-00213190 That there’s no need to go after all small money transfers from the view that they could qVhcPlLSjyu-00348-00213190-00213690 be money laundering or they’re all financing terrorism. qVhcPlLSjyu-00349-00213690-00214030 That is just rubbish. qVhcPlLSjyu-00350-00214030-00214830 We need to do more work to persuade regulators and commercial banks out there that small qVhcPlLSjyu-00351-00214830-00215219 remittances are not money laundering. qVhcPlLSjyu-00352-00215219-00215950 The second goal of reducing recruitment costs for low skilled migrants, it is not properly qVhcPlLSjyu-00353-00215950-00216719 recognized by everybody, but it is the dark underbelly of every city in the world. qVhcPlLSjyu-00354-00216719-00217910 I just had news again from my part of India that there’s modern day slavery in the sense qVhcPlLSjyu-00355-00217910-00218700 that the recruiters sends the poor to big construction companies in the cities for big qVhcPlLSjyu-00356-00218700-00218960 construction going on in a growing economy. qVhcPlLSjyu-00357-00218960-00219710 They give loans to poor people in rural areas with the promise that they will take them qVhcPlLSjyu-00358-00219710-00220230 afterwards to the cities, where they will work and pay back the money. qVhcPlLSjyu-00359-00220230-00220819 And often they underpay them, they exploit them, and it is truly modern day slavery. qVhcPlLSjyu-00360-00220819-00221690 There was one incident near my village they were promised a job in the south of India. qVhcPlLSjyu-00361-00221690-00222240 Instead, they were taken to the north of India. qVhcPlLSjyu-00362-00222240-00223230 Then villagers managed to escape, two were caught, and the recruiters actually chopped qVhcPlLSjyu-00363-00223230-00223460 off the hands of the people. qVhcPlLSjyu-00364-00223460-00224119 They asked the question, you’re not worth it to anybody else so would you let us cut qVhcPlLSjyu-00365-00224119-00224440 your leg or let us cut your hand? qVhcPlLSjyu-00366-00224440-00224900 And the two people were actually uncle and nephew. qVhcPlLSjyu-00367-00224900-00225500 The uncle said, if we have our legs, we can at least walk to safety. qVhcPlLSjyu-00368-00225500-00225700 Let us chop off our hands. qVhcPlLSjyu-00369-00225700-00226190 There are pictures on the internet you can see with the hands chopped off these two people. qVhcPlLSjyu-00370-00226190-00227380 This modern day slavery with the abuse of migrant workers is quite obvious in the case qVhcPlLSjyu-00371-00227380-00228010 of, let’s say, low skilled construction workers, domestic workers, and agricultural qVhcPlLSjyu-00372-00228010-00228300 workers. qVhcPlLSjyu-00373-00228300-00229010 An example in the case of Bangladesh, a migrant looking for a job in the construction sector qVhcPlLSjyu-00374-00229010-00229610 in Dubai often pays $4000 to $5000 in recruitment costs. qVhcPlLSjyu-00375-00229610-00229830 These are all legal. qVhcPlLSjyu-00376-00229830-00230110 They pay this fee to a recruiter who finds them a job. qVhcPlLSjyu-00377-00230110-00230600 The job in Dubai pays about $1800 in a year. qVhcPlLSjyu-00378-00230600-00231330 If a person has paid $4000 and he’s going to earn about $1800 a year, then it will take qVhcPlLSjyu-00379-00231330-00231840 about two years or more just to pay the fees to the recruiter. qVhcPlLSjyu-00380-00231840-00232069 All of this is legal. qVhcPlLSjyu-00381-00232069-00232650 You can imagine the hardship that these people face, the vulnerability that these people qVhcPlLSjyu-00382-00232650-00232900 face. qVhcPlLSjyu-00383-00232900-00233030 This should be low hanging fruit. qVhcPlLSjyu-00384-00233030-00233569 We should be able to declare all such costs as illegal and there should be some other qVhcPlLSjyu-00385-00233569-00233900 ways to go after that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00386-00233900-00234100 We have to get to monitor the recruitment agencies. qVhcPlLSjyu-00387-00234100-00234769 We have get the laws to start with, and if the laws are there, then they have to monitor qVhcPlLSjyu-00388-00234769-00235180 the laws more effectively and enforce the law. qVhcPlLSjyu-00389-00235180-00235680 The second is to teach the migrants about their rights. qVhcPlLSjyu-00390-00235680-00236390 Third is to make sure that contracts are properly honored, and that there are proper contracts qVhcPlLSjyu-00391-00236390-00236600 to start with. qVhcPlLSjyu-00392-00236600-00237350 And the fourth is when the two countries on both sides – the sending country and the qVhcPlLSjyu-00393-00237350-00237730 receiving country – are sure it’s working for both. qVhcPlLSjyu-00394-00237730-00238430 This is not specific to any particular country. qVhcPlLSjyu-00395-00238430-00238850 This is really the dark underbelly of every modern city in the world. qVhcPlLSjyu-00396-00238850-00240030 With that, I want to again say that over 90 per cent of migration is for economic purposes. qVhcPlLSjyu-00397-00240030-00240669 In other words, it’s for a person who is looking for a job and an employer who is willing qVhcPlLSjyu-00398-00240669-00240969 to offer the job. qVhcPlLSjyu-00399-00240969-00241600 In that sense, migration is mostly beneficial to the migrant and also to the employer. qVhcPlLSjyu-00400-00241600-00242360 Migration is an integral part of development. qVhcPlLSjyu-00401-00242360-00243090 Economic growth involves some places, some sectors that are growing faster. qVhcPlLSjyu-00402-00243090-00243490 It involves some places, some sectors that are lagging behind. qVhcPlLSjyu-00403-00243490-00244040 And there is that need for people to move from lagging places, lagging sectors to leading qVhcPlLSjyu-00404-00244040-00244340 sectors and leading places. qVhcPlLSjyu-00405-00244340-00244669 Migration and development are inseperable. qVhcPlLSjyu-00406-00244669-00244919 We should recognize that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00407-00244919-00245550 And I would say that we should also recognize that development efforts should focus on people, qVhcPlLSjyu-00408-00245550-00245910 not on places. qVhcPlLSjyu-00409-00245910-00246140 Thank you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00410-00247440-00247569 So many interesting points. qVhcPlLSjyu-00411-00247569-00247980 I don’t know if you agree with me, but I think that was quite insightful. qVhcPlLSjyu-00412-00247980-00248840 Definitely development and migration go hand in hand and they cannot be separated. qVhcPlLSjyu-00413-00248840-00249819 It’s also interesting how all of these different issues – with remittances, how 90 per cent qVhcPlLSjyu-00414-00249819-00250330 of migration reasons are economic reasons. qVhcPlLSjyu-00415-00250330-00250650 What is being offered in one place that is not being offered at the other one? qVhcPlLSjyu-00416-00250650-00250910 How can we address this? qVhcPlLSjyu-00417-00250910-00251930 With this, I leave you to David, who will be facilitating this next portion of our session. qVhcPlLSjyu-00418-00252150-00252440 Thank you, Taya. We’ve got 30 minutes now. qVhcPlLSjyu-00419-00252580-00252869 So what we’re going to try and do in the next 30 minutes, you all are sat in round qVhcPlLSjyu-00420-00252869-00252960 tables. qVhcPlLSjyu-00421-00252960-00253330 This is unique for this room during today. qVhcPlLSjyu-00422-00253330-00253900 So what we’re going to try and do is a speed design session. qVhcPlLSjyu-00423-00253900-00254369 We’re going to try get as far along a design process as we can. qVhcPlLSjyu-00424-00254369-00254590 How is that going to run? qVhcPlLSjyu-00425-00254590-00255210 First, we’re going to, at your tables, talk through what were some of the common features qVhcPlLSjyu-00426-00255210-00255910 as challenges from all of the three different sets of stories we heard. qVhcPlLSjyu-00427-00255910-00256340 So we’ve heard three different stories from three different perspectives. qVhcPlLSjyu-00428-00256340-00256730 Common challenges are the first stage of the design process. qVhcPlLSjyu-00429-00256730-00257519 Once you’ve identified the challenge, could you tell me what success looks like in solving qVhcPlLSjyu-00430-00257519-00257690 that challenge? qVhcPlLSjyu-00431-00257690-00258069 So let’s jump straight from a challenge to what does success look like? qVhcPlLSjyu-00432-00258069-00258390 What does it look like once this challenge has gone away? qVhcPlLSjyu-00433-00258390-00258880 And then the third stage of that design process – and this should be a speed design process qVhcPlLSjyu-00434-00258880-00259310 because we’ve got 30 minutes – is okay, so we know what success looks like. qVhcPlLSjyu-00435-00259310-00259560 What’s our solution to getting there? qVhcPlLSjyu-00436-00259560-00260369 So what I’m going to ask you is it’s five o’clock, it’s a long day, but we need qVhcPlLSjyu-00437-00260369-00260530 30 minutes of energy. qVhcPlLSjyu-00438-00260740-00261010 That’s all we need, is 30 minutes of energy around your tables. qVhcPlLSjyu-00439-00261010-00261540 Each of your tables will be facilitated by one of our amazing youth facilitators. qVhcPlLSjyu-00440-00261540-00262150 So each of your tables is going to be facilitated, and I want to, as quickly as possible, run qVhcPlLSjyu-00441-00262150-00262560 from challenge to success to solution. qVhcPlLSjyu-00442-00262560-00263250 Once we’re done with that process we will report back and we’ll see what the next qVhcPlLSjyu-00443-00263250-00263490 steps are beyond this room. qVhcPlLSjyu-00444-00263490-00263930 Over to you, youth facilitators. qVhcPlLSjyu-00445-00264100-00264420 30 minutes – problem, success, solution. qVhcPlLSjyu-00446-00264620-00264770 All right everyone, we have a buzz in the room. qVhcPlLSjyu-00447-00264770-00264910 That’s what we’re looking for. qVhcPlLSjyu-00448-00264910-00265350 Very good. 0:44:13.5,0:44:13.4 Thank you all. qVhcPlLSjyu-00449-00265340-00265680 I mean, that was an incredibly difficult task. qVhcPlLSjyu-00450-00265680-00266530 In 30 minutes, such a broad subject, and to go through a speed design process. qVhcPlLSjyu-00451-00266530-00267340 What we’re going to do now is ask for our youth facilitators at each table – they qVhcPlLSjyu-00452-00267340-00268180 have one minute per table to provide everyone else at the room with a super quick overview qVhcPlLSjyu-00453-00268180-00268720 of the discussion that was had, some of your key takeaways, and some of the solutions that qVhcPlLSjyu-00454-00268720-00268820 came out of it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00455-00270230-00270460 This group really did a very good job. qVhcPlLSjyu-00456-00270460-00270720 It was really a team. qVhcPlLSjyu-00457-00270720-00271230 Everybody was discussing, and Andrea was putting up all the ideas already. qVhcPlLSjyu-00458-00271230-00271930 The challenges they identified were divided in many groups, but with some specifications qVhcPlLSjyu-00459-00271930-00272100 inside them. qVhcPlLSjyu-00460-00272100-00272500 The first one was going back and staying connected. qVhcPlLSjyu-00461-00272500-00273250 The need and desire for education, we discussed about the need to promote development in places. qVhcPlLSjyu-00462-00273250-00273930 This is a main problem because people leave the rural areas because they lack for the qVhcPlLSjyu-00463-00273930-00274260 opportunities that they want to have because there is not development in the school, et qVhcPlLSjyu-00464-00274260-00274430 cetera. qVhcPlLSjyu-00465-00274430-00274930 The next one is living in a new culture is a challenge for people that is moving because qVhcPlLSjyu-00466-00274930-00275230 of cultural acceptance, because changing behavior. qVhcPlLSjyu-00467-00275230-00275770 Because they are in a new environment and it changed all the things they’re used to, qVhcPlLSjyu-00468-00275770-00276000 so it provokes change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00469-00276000-00276300 The next one is self-identity. qVhcPlLSjyu-00470-00276300-00277350 As Mohammed said, he was seen as a foreigner and that also alters your behavior. qVhcPlLSjyu-00471-00277350-00277960 The next one is social readiness. qVhcPlLSjyu-00472-00277960-00278640 There was talk about the process that is going to continue happening, and how can you prepare qVhcPlLSjyu-00473-00278640-00279110 the society to be used to this, and do it in a good way? qVhcPlLSjyu-00474-00279110-00279720 The next one is land ownership. qVhcPlLSjyu-00475-00279720-00280160 Yeah, that’s a very big challenge, because when you’re migrating from one place to qVhcPlLSjyu-00476-00280160-00280480 another you don’t feel attached to the land. qVhcPlLSjyu-00477-00280480-00281000 So if you don’t feel attached to the land, how can you really want to do good things qVhcPlLSjyu-00478-00281000-00281170 for this new place? qVhcPlLSjyu-00479-00281170-00281300 Because you don’t feel attached to it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00480-00281300-00281430 Your land is far away. qVhcPlLSjyu-00481-00281430-00281810 You want probably to make changes for your own land that is far away. qVhcPlLSjyu-00482-00281810-00281980 You’re living away. qVhcPlLSjyu-00483-00281980-00282170 So that’s a big challenge. qVhcPlLSjyu-00484-00282170-00282480 The next one is social, community conflict. qVhcPlLSjyu-00485-00282480-00282880 We were discussing a little bit that migration that is happening because of civil war or qVhcPlLSjyu-00486-00282880-00283150 civil conflicts also is an important thing. qVhcPlLSjyu-00487-00283150-00283500 Not mainly related to climate change, but it is important to consider. qVhcPlLSjyu-00488-00283500-00284140 And climate change and natural disasters, there are things related to natural resources qVhcPlLSjyu-00489-00284140-00284460 that we’re going to face more in the future. qVhcPlLSjyu-00490-00284460-00284850 It is going to be one of the biggest challenges in the future. qVhcPlLSjyu-00491-00284850-00285130 So why don’t we jump to some of the solutions? qVhcPlLSjyu-00492-00285220-00285860 That’s a good thing because we were trying to think about the second question. qVhcPlLSjyu-00493-00285860-00286060 We were already talking about solutions. qVhcPlLSjyu-00494-00286060-00286840 So the solutions first come from the policy part where it can be about changing the tax qVhcPlLSjyu-00495-00286840-00287160 incentives that the government gives, the loans. qVhcPlLSjyu-00496-00287160-00287680 We were discussing about migrant finance because in rural areas you don’t have many financial qVhcPlLSjyu-00497-00287680-00288230 tools to ensure you can start a good business or investment. qVhcPlLSjyu-00498-00288230-00288450 So that has to change. qVhcPlLSjyu-00499-00288450-00289420 Which also is related to subsidies – perverse subsidies that can sometimes be against the qVhcPlLSjyu-00500-00289420-00289590 development of rural areas. qVhcPlLSjyu-00501-00289590-00289990 And we discussed a little bit about large scale and small scale agriculture. qVhcPlLSjyu-00502-00289990-00290230 That’s that. qVhcPlLSjyu-00503-00290230-00290880 Another one is about sensitize people about the importance of staying on land and not qVhcPlLSjyu-00504-00290880-00291010 migrating. qVhcPlLSjyu-00505-00291010-00291560 Without convincing them, because we say that the freedom of choosing to move or not must qVhcPlLSjyu-00506-00291560-00291750 be maintained. qVhcPlLSjyu-00507-00291750-00292280 The next one is capacity building in rural areas, so people can start having their own qVhcPlLSjyu-00508-00292280-00292740 skills to really change the place where they are living, without the need to leave. qVhcPlLSjyu-00509-00292740-00293100 Make the place they want where they are. qVhcPlLSjyu-00510-00293100-00293810 So capacity building and creating value in the place, which again is promoting development qVhcPlLSjyu-00511-00293810-00294290 in the place which has to do a lot with creating value in the place. qVhcPlLSjyu-00512-00294290-00294610 Promoting the local investments in a place. qVhcPlLSjyu-00513-00294610-00295310 Another solution we took is sustainable tourism. qVhcPlLSjyu-00514-00295310-00295680 That is already happening and it has to be promoted more. qVhcPlLSjyu-00515-00295680-00295930 Thank you very much. qVhcPlLSjyu-00516-00296860-00297230 Super quickly, if you could just kind of give us highlights, same kind of structure. qVhcPlLSjyu-00517-00297230-00297590 Highlights and some of the challenges and then highlights and some of the solutions. qVhcPlLSjyu-00518-00297920-00298060 I’m going to be very quick. qVhcPlLSjyu-00519-00298060-00298280 We talked about the challenges. qVhcPlLSjyu-00520-00298280-00298620 They mainly arise from the causes and consequences of migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00521-00298620-00299340 We talked about how there’s these problems of feeling always connected with home, but qVhcPlLSjyu-00522-00299340-00299790 there’s also transportation, technology and infrastructure flaws that come in the qVhcPlLSjyu-00523-00299790-00299970 way. qVhcPlLSjyu-00524-00299970-00300540 Talking about the causes, there is dissatisfaction feeling. qVhcPlLSjyu-00525-00300540-00300880 Being unhappy with the current state where you’re living. qVhcPlLSjyu-00526-00300880-00301410 There’s also a problem of communicating desires. qVhcPlLSjyu-00527-00301410-00301980 You might be wanting to migrate, but you’re not able to communicate those desires because qVhcPlLSjyu-00528-00301980-00302310 the people in your environment might be constraining you to do so. qVhcPlLSjyu-00529-00302310-00302860 We’re always in search of something different. qVhcPlLSjyu-00530-00302860-00304090 There are also language barriers, intergenerational concerns, identity loss, racism, professional qVhcPlLSjyu-00531-00304090-00304270 challenges as well. qVhcPlLSjyu-00532-00304270-00304810 Coming from one place to another, there are many professionals that do that and can be qVhcPlLSjyu-00533-00304810-00305100 really changed because of perception. qVhcPlLSjyu-00534-00305100-00305420 Then we talked about success and what the ideal qVhcPlLSjyu-00535-00305420-00305730 world would look like for migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00536-00305730-00305940 And we really came up with a qVhcPlLSjyu-00537-00305940-00306290 very synthesized way to qVhcPlLSjyu-00538-00306290-00306320 look at it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00539-00306320-00306420 If qVhcPlLSjyu-00540-00306420-00306840 you migrate from point A to point B, the really ideal way to look at qVhcPlLSjyu-00541-00306840-00307450 it would be that the benefits would be the same for migrating vice versa, from point qVhcPlLSjyu-00542-00307450-00308180 B to point A. To really obtain the same benefits from both places, being different or not. qVhcPlLSjyu-00543-00308180-00308930 And for that we saw that the best way to achieve it would be by integrating migrants with citizens, qVhcPlLSjyu-00544-00308930-00309330 and sharing and exchanging experiences. qVhcPlLSjyu-00545-00309330-00310014 Knowledge transfer as well, whether it’s good or bad, we should always express these qVhcPlLSjyu-00546-00310014-00310132 experiences. qVhcPlLSjyu-00547-00310132-00310871 Create resource systems to get from point B, which would be the worst place, to point qVhcPlLSjyu-00548-00310871-00311144 A. Isolate migration from politics. qVhcPlLSjyu-00549-00311144-00311994 It shouldn’t be a topic that politicians would be able or feel like they can talk about. qVhcPlLSjyu-00550-00311994-00312386 And just like stop protecting an ideal society. qVhcPlLSjyu-00551-00312386-00313347 Each country has its set of values, and everybody is entitled to have them. qVhcPlLSjyu-00552-00313347-00313585 That's brilliant. I love your ideal. qVhcPlLSjyu-00553-00313585-00314529 A to B equals B to A. There’s something wonderfully mathematical about it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00554-00314529-00314841 Tom, over to you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00555-00314841-00314996 Hey everyone. qVhcPlLSjyu-00556-00314996-00315697 In our roundtable, we divided our poster into two. qVhcPlLSjyu-00557-00315697-00316368 We have the challenges that people face due to migration, and then the solutions that qVhcPlLSjyu-00558-00316368-00316811 we’ve put forward to try and tackle or mitigate the challenges that are coming. qVhcPlLSjyu-00559-00316811-00317505 Mainly we divided into two categories – the problem that’s come up already, social integration, qVhcPlLSjyu-00560-00317505-00318073 that migrants face in the new land, trying to integrate with a new society, with new qVhcPlLSjyu-00561-00318073-00318173 culture and new ideals. qVhcPlLSjyu-00562-00318173-00318620 And how do we make sure they properly integrate and they’re properly able to continue their qVhcPlLSjyu-00563-00318620-00319145 livelihood without discrimination or social hostility? qVhcPlLSjyu-00564-00319145-00319375 And then the climatic adaptation. qVhcPlLSjyu-00565-00319375-00320195 We had a few points around the table where, for example, some migrants come from rural qVhcPlLSjyu-00566-00320195-00320701 areas perhaps and then are faced with much less pollution or much less other environmental qVhcPlLSjyu-00567-00320701-00321163 issues that are in their area, and they move to another area where pollution is much stronger qVhcPlLSjyu-00568-00321163-00321329 and much more prevalent. qVhcPlLSjyu-00569-00321329-00321915 Now this can take an effect on their health and then the process of migrant integration qVhcPlLSjyu-00570-00321915-00322089 can be inhibited. qVhcPlLSjyu-00571-00322089-00322317 What solutions do we put forward? qVhcPlLSjyu-00572-00322317-00322779 First of all, government policy has to be much stronger and much more relevant when qVhcPlLSjyu-00573-00322779-00322939 it comes to climatic migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00574-00322939-00323250 This was a point raised at the round table. qVhcPlLSjyu-00575-00323250-00323956 Governments at this current stage usually have a general policy for migrants, and don’t qVhcPlLSjyu-00576-00323956-00324512 currently delve into the differences and the nuances of this issue, such as the economic qVhcPlLSjyu-00577-00324512-00325096 migrants and the climatic migrants, and those migrants fleeing conflict or other sorts of qVhcPlLSjyu-00578-00325096-00325196 hostilities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00579-00325196-00325750 So government policy has to be much stronger to affirm and uphold the proper integration qVhcPlLSjyu-00580-00325750-00325944 of migrants. qVhcPlLSjyu-00581-00325944-00326747 Secondly, we discussed that one of the most effective ways is what we’re doing right qVhcPlLSjyu-00582-00326747-00326958 now – what GLF is doing. qVhcPlLSjyu-00583-00326958-00327825 That on the ground, person-to-person interaction that gives you the ability to talk one-to-one qVhcPlLSjyu-00584-00327825-00327925 and create this dialogue. qVhcPlLSjyu-00585-00327925-00328504 And once you bring people, migrants and the local community who fear for the unknown or qVhcPlLSjyu-00586-00328504-00329109 fear for not knowing what the other expects or where he comes from, they can talk and qVhcPlLSjyu-00587-00329109-00329525 reach out and set aside their differences and discuss the consequences of really what’s qVhcPlLSjyu-00588-00329525-00329625 happening to the migrant. qVhcPlLSjyu-00589-00329625-00329953 And how also local communities are reacting to that migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00590-00329953-00330297 So we have one solution specifically through social media. qVhcPlLSjyu-00591-00330297-00330829 Social media has a very big role to play in bringing people together and getting a big qVhcPlLSjyu-00592-00330829-00330929 message out. qVhcPlLSjyu-00593-00330929-00331185 Just ask the social media here at GLF. qVhcPlLSjyu-00594-00331185-00331962 Then we have better integration, more cohesive integration, of the kind of awareness of local qVhcPlLSjyu-00595-00331962-00332166 communities, in their curriculum. qVhcPlLSjyu-00596-00332166-00332848 Kids from a very young age need to be able to understand the consequences and the obstacles qVhcPlLSjyu-00597-00332848-00333229 that migrants face on a day to day basis. qVhcPlLSjyu-00598-00333229-00333758 Especially those that they face on a day to day basis as a result of their exodus. qVhcPlLSjyu-00599-00333758-00334232 Finally, we have the power of current networks. qVhcPlLSjyu-00600-00334232-00334716 This was mostly a point made about the bureaucracy that exists. qVhcPlLSjyu-00601-00334716-00335196 Instead of adding more and more organizations and more and more grassroots initiatives, qVhcPlLSjyu-00602-00335196-00335745 that instead we kind of focus and empower the already existing ones to reach out even qVhcPlLSjyu-00603-00335745-00335845 further. qVhcPlLSjyu-00604-00335845-00336411 And then finally – and this was a point that we took ideas from everyone here and qVhcPlLSjyu-00605-00336411-00336511 made one big point. qVhcPlLSjyu-00606-00336511-00337005 It’s that the public needs to be stronger in placing pressure on their governments and qVhcPlLSjyu-00607-00337005-00337542 in their respective institutions so that they can invest more and give more to building qVhcPlLSjyu-00608-00337542-00337662 and improving the infrastructure. qVhcPlLSjyu-00609-00337662-00338060 And then another very strong point is supervision. qVhcPlLSjyu-00610-00338060-00338363 Who here is overseeing all these changes? qVhcPlLSjyu-00611-00338363-00338927 Who here is monitoring and managing the proper integration of these migrants in their new qVhcPlLSjyu-00612-00338927-00339027 community? qVhcPlLSjyu-00613-00339027-00339563 And finally, who is overseeing the transparency and accountability of all this big, big process? qVhcPlLSjyu-00614-00339563-00340303 Those were a few of the ideas of the challenges we put forward, and some of the solutions. qVhcPlLSjyu-00615-00340303-00340533 Thank you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00616-00340533-00341624 We’re going to get you all out of here in time for the closing plenary, which starts qVhcPlLSjyu-00617-00341624-00341753 in five minutes. qVhcPlLSjyu-00618-00341753-00341969 Super quickly, if you can. qVhcPlLSjyu-00619-00341969-00342680 In our group, we talked about six main challenges, but we focused more on education as one of qVhcPlLSjyu-00620-00342680-00343137 the main challenges that leads people to think about migration. qVhcPlLSjyu-00621-00343137-00343873 And that’s due to lack of funding, and also people are looking for desired jobs. qVhcPlLSjyu-00622-00343873-00345314 And then we defined success which is a balance between sustainability and opportunities, qVhcPlLSjyu-00623-00345314-00346301 and also success for us means to provide people standards in terms of living in both rural qVhcPlLSjyu-00624-00346301-00346468 and urban areas. qVhcPlLSjyu-00625-00346468-00347182 Then we said that success just depends on your personal priorities. qVhcPlLSjyu-00626-00347182-00347954 Which means think about redefining what success means to a person. qVhcPlLSjyu-00627-00347954-00348953 And we’ve got solutions to the main challenge, which is education, and we thought that we qVhcPlLSjyu-00628-00348953-00349749 need to define values within education to do with success. qVhcPlLSjyu-00629-00349749-00350932 And we also need to create more often spaces for kids to be able to learn well. qVhcPlLSjyu-00630-00350932-00351032 So we need tor re-systematize education. qVhcPlLSjyu-00631-00351032-00351132 Thank you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00632-00351132-00351232 Taya, over to you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00633-00351232-00351332 Thank you. qVhcPlLSjyu-00634-00351332-00351621 Thank you everybody. qVhcPlLSjyu-00635-00351621-00352227 That was a really interesting discussion. qVhcPlLSjyu-00636-00352227-00352978 It’s too bad that it was only 30 minutes long, because I think we can all agree that qVhcPlLSjyu-00637-00352978-00353571 we could talk about these issues more, especially if we want to get down to the deep roots. qVhcPlLSjyu-00638-00353571-00354123 So we need to have these discussions not only amongst us, but with other people who are qVhcPlLSjyu-00639-00354123-00354494 actually going to help us create a real impact. qVhcPlLSjyu-00640-00354494-00355312 And I think we’re a little short on time right now, but I’d say let’s look for qVhcPlLSjyu-00641-00355312-00355412 that impact. qVhcPlLSjyu-00642-00355412-00355806 Let’s look for trying to make these things that we’re talking about happen. qVhcPlLSjyu-00643-00355806-00356297 This year, while we’ve put this together, it’s been rather short notice. qVhcPlLSjyu-00644-00356297-00356775 But we’re still going to include what we’ve all talked about in a blog. qVhcPlLSjyu-00645-00356775-00357481 We’re going to push that and we’d like you to help us with that if you’re into qVhcPlLSjyu-00646-00357481-00357581 it. qVhcPlLSjyu-00647-00357581-00358480 So just thank you all for coming here, and thank you for your participation.