WsobPHL8eSM-00000-00000353-00000780 What happened was I was walking through the woods with my two little kids and WsobPHL8eSM-00001-00000824-00001534 My four-Year-old daughter noticed somebody had thrown a plastic tub of cat litter into a Creek. She looked at me and said, WsobPHL8eSM-00002-00001534-00002298 "Dad, That doesn't go there." I know this sounds like a cliche, but that was the eye-opening moment, and when she said that WsobPHL8eSM-00003-00002399-00002800 all of a sudden I saw nothing but trash and litter everywhere WsobPHL8eSM-00004-00002930-00003378 I am from Lagos, Nigeria and I lived in US for a very long time WsobPHL8eSM-00005-00003434-00003729 I went to school (there) and worked for a while and WsobPHL8eSM-00006-00003790-00004479 During my time in the US. I used to go and visit Nigeria very often and I just saw the situation that WsobPHL8eSM-00007-00004613-00005136 Basically, there is a lot of waste around communities, and you know I just thought you know today. I'm sure that something that WsobPHL8eSM-00008-00005207-00005707 Could be done about this. I took a class at MIT where we learned about WsobPHL8eSM-00009-00005774-00006501 How waste impacts people at the base of the pyramid and along with the some other colleagues, we came up with the idea of Wecyclers. WsobPHL8eSM-00010-00006532-00007092 Actually way back in the 70s after a friend who was an early environmentalist WsobPHL8eSM-00011-00007163-00007581 Tragically died on a high mountain in the Himalayas I wanted to do something for public health WsobPHL8eSM-00012-00007648-00007908 learned about flame retardants and kids pajamas WsobPHL8eSM-00013-00008053-00008499 learned that they were toxic got into the children and in those days we just WsobPHL8eSM-00014-00008575-00008961 Researched showing this, wrote a paper in science and three months later WsobPHL8eSM-00015-00008961-00009468 They were removed and so flame retardant has been my entree plastic pollution WsobPHL8eSM-00016-00009574-00010161 Somewhere, I don't know two, two and a half years ago as I was sitting in this mess of small things somewhat WsobPHL8eSM-00017-00010161-00010361 you know if I can solve WsobPHL8eSM-00018-00010396-00010938 This for paper clips like a if I can solve this - How do we aggregate them, how do we organize them, WsobPHL8eSM-00019-00010963-00011106 How do we make them marketable WsobPHL8eSM-00020-00011179-00011610 How do we redistribute them, how do we do that in a way that is financially viable right is profitable, WsobPHL8eSM-00021-00011610-00011810 if I can solve it for those I can WsobPHL8eSM-00022-00011811-00012011 Solve it for anything WsN2fewdxfy-00000-00000158-00000258 Hi everybody. WsN2fewdxfy-00001-00000258-00001038 So, the hospital asked us to make a just-in-time video for basic management of a ventilator, WsN2fewdxfy-00002-00001038-00001573 and so I'm going to make a quick video here concentrating on the basic modes that are WsN2fewdxfy-00003-00001573-00001673 necessary. WsN2fewdxfy-00004-00001673-00001928 This video's not intended to go into advanced modes of ventilation. WsN2fewdxfy-00005-00001928-00002391 But, supposing that when you do have a surge in the ICU and many of the non-intensivists WsN2fewdxfy-00006-00002391-00002804 are asked to help manage patients, here's kind of an overview. WsN2fewdxfy-00007-00002804-00003339 So firstly, we're going to confine this conversation to volume control modes of ventilation. WsN2fewdxfy-00008-00003339-00003748 We are not going to talk about pressure support, nor are we going to talk about pressure control. WsN2fewdxfy-00009-00003748-00004051 We're just going to talk about straight up volume control. WsN2fewdxfy-00010-00004051-00004439 Within volume control, there are a couple of things that you have to dial in. WsN2fewdxfy-00011-00004439-00004576 The first one is the mode. WsN2fewdxfy-00012-00004576-00004977 I think for our conversation today, we're going to talk about what we refer to at George WsN2fewdxfy-00013-00004977-00005753 Washington as PRVC, which is really the same things as Assist Control with variable gas flow. WsN2fewdxfy-00014-00005753-00006240 In other words, how fast the person is able to inhale varies in a PRVC mode. WsN2fewdxfy-00015-00006240-00006597 Otherwise, it's the same thing as Assist Control, and I'm going to talk about that. WsN2fewdxfy-00016-00006597-00006993 We're not going to talk about SIMV mode, nor are we going to talk about pressure support mode. WsN2fewdxfy-00017-00006993-00007403 The next knob that you're going to have to tinker with is the respiratory rate. WsN2fewdxfy-00018-00007403-00007629 The one after that is the tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00019-00007629-00008125 The one after that is the FiO2, and lastly the PEEP. WsN2fewdxfy-00020-00008125-00008589 Those are the main variables that you have to dial in to the ventilator. WsN2fewdxfy-00021-00008589-00009231 Remember that respiratory rate * tidal volume = the minute ventilation. WsN2fewdxfy-00022-00009231-00009781 This minute ventilation is inversely proportional to the pCO2. WsN2fewdxfy-00023-00009781-00010324 In other words, as the minute ventilation goes up, the pCO2 goes down. WsN2fewdxfy-00024-00010324-00010899 Remember that the pCO2 is related to the pH. WsN2fewdxfy-00025-00010899-00011334 As the pCO2 starts to go up, the pH will start to go down. WsN2fewdxfy-00026-00011334-00012127 So, an increase in pCO2 results in a decrease in the pH or a respiratory acidosis. WsN2fewdxfy-00027-00012127-00012532 This is an important relationship to understand, and that's why this is the only number ultimately WsN2fewdxfy-00028-00012532-00012661 you care about. WsN2fewdxfy-00029-00012661-00013165 If a guy has acidotic, you want to raise the minute ventilation and blow off the acid. WsN2fewdxfy-00030-00013165-00013616 How you raise it, respiratory rate versus tidal volume, we'll talk about in a second. WsN2fewdxfy-00031-00013616-00014116 These two variables, FiO2 and PEEP, are the ones that mainly affect oxygenation. WsN2fewdxfy-00032-00014116-00014416 So this will affect your PaO2. WsN2fewdxfy-00033-00014416-00014881 Going up on the PEEP to a large degree, and obviously the amount of oxygen you provide, WsN2fewdxfy-00034-00014881-00015022 improves the O2 sat. WsN2fewdxfy-00035-00015022-00015151 Long story short. WsN2fewdxfy-00036-00015151-00015356 So let's go through each of these things in turn, okay. WsN2fewdxfy-00037-00015356-00015712 Let's start by talking about PRVC for a second. WsN2fewdxfy-00038-00015712-00016590 The way PRVC works is, here's time, here's the tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00039-00016590-00017091 We are on a volume control mode of ventilation, which means we control how much volume, how WsN2fewdxfy-00040-00017091-00017329 much air the patient gets. WsN2fewdxfy-00041-00017329-00017836 Let's just say that we decide to dial in a tidal volume of 500 mL, okay. WsN2fewdxfy-00042-00017836-00018181 We've dialed in a respiratory rate of 10. WsN2fewdxfy-00043-00018181-00018520 That means one breath every 6 seconds, 6 * 10 is a minute. WsN2fewdxfy-00044-00018520-00018868 So here's the patient, he's breathing. WsN2fewdxfy-00045-00018868-00019384 Each cycle will be 6 seconds long, and he's breathing 500 CCs each time, because that's WsN2fewdxfy-00046-00019384-00019528 what we said. WsN2fewdxfy-00047-00019528-00020145 In a PRVC mode or an Assist Control mode, if the person decides to breathe right there, WsN2fewdxfy-00048-00020145-00020481 he or she will get a fully supported breath. WsN2fewdxfy-00049-00020481-00020909 So yes, you dialed in a respiratory rate of 10; the patient decided he wants to breathe WsN2fewdxfy-00050-00020909-00021501 14 times per minute -- those additional 4 breaths will receive 500 mL of air with very WsN2fewdxfy-00051-00021501-00021601 little effort. WsN2fewdxfy-00052-00021601-00021917 All the person has to do is contract their diaphragm a little bit. WsN2fewdxfy-00053-00021917-00022409 The machine will sense a negative change in the airway pressure and in doing so it will WsN2fewdxfy-00054-00022409-00023006 go ahead and deliver 500 mL of air almost like a piston being pushed into the mouth. WsN2fewdxfy-00055-00023006-00023230 No effort required for the patient. WsN2fewdxfy-00056-00023230-00023873 Now, if the person is not paralyzed, how fast the air goes in differs a little bit on how WsN2fewdxfy-00057-00023873-00023973 they like it. WsN2fewdxfy-00058-00023973-00024517 So the machine uses a computer algorithm to detect resistance to the flow and kind of WsN2fewdxfy-00059-00024517-00024930 figures out, do you like your air really fast, really slow, kind of a combination in the WsN2fewdxfy-00060-00024930-00025376 middle, and that generates better patient comfort. PRVC. WsN2fewdxfy-00061-00025376-00025816 If you take somebody on PRVC and you give them rocuronium, you have functionally converted WsN2fewdxfy-00062-00025816-00026312 that back to Assist Control, because the person no longer has any effort related to the air; WsN2fewdxfy-00063-00026312-00026412 they're paralyzed. WsN2fewdxfy-00064-00026412-00026813 So the machine will just come up with a number, something like 60 to 80 liters per minute, WsN2fewdxfy-00065-00026813-00027027 and just give it. WsN2fewdxfy-00066-00027027-00027497 But regardless, at the end of the day, your patient is guaranteed X amount of air that WsN2fewdxfy-00067-00027497-00027854 you've chosen for however many times per minute that you've chosen. WsN2fewdxfy-00068-00027854-00027954 Okay? WsN2fewdxfy-00069-00027954-00028462 So it's a very safe way to go to make sure the person remains aerated. WsN2fewdxfy-00070-00028462-00028983 In terms of the minute ventilation -- let's talk about the tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00071-00028983-00029494 For somebody who does not have ARDS, like a regular individual, generally speaking you WsN2fewdxfy-00072-00029494-00030208 want to dial in about 8-10 mL of air per kilogram *ideal* body weight. WsN2fewdxfy-00073-00030208-00030416 Not actual body weight. WsN2fewdxfy-00074-00030416-00030762 To be honest with you, what I kind of do is eyeball the person, kind of figure out roughly WsN2fewdxfy-00075-00030762-00031225 what their body weight should be, multiply by 10 because that's easy, and then just subtract WsN2fewdxfy-00076-00031225-00031325 a little bit. WsN2fewdxfy-00077-00031325-00031927 So if you get some person who's kind of, you know, 90 kg, 85 kg, times 10 would be 850 WsN2fewdxfy-00078-00031927-00032322 -- okay, that's probably a little bit too much, I dial it back to 600 or 550. WsN2fewdxfy-00079-00032322-00032431 I kind of start from there. WsN2fewdxfy-00080-00032431-00032625 So you don't have to get too anal about the math. WsN2fewdxfy-00081-00032625-00032899 Somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 CCs per kilo. WsN2fewdxfy-00082-00032899-00033325 If the person does have ARDS, however, you need to dial that back, and it would be more WsN2fewdxfy-00083-00033325-00033712 on the order of 5-6 CCs per kilo of air. WsN2fewdxfy-00084-00033712-00033999 Again, ideal body weight. Okay? WsN2fewdxfy-00085-00033999-00034615 Now, you'll recall, as the amount of tidal volume drops, minute ventilation drops, because WsN2fewdxfy-00086-00034615-00034956 minute ventilation is respiratory rate times tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00087-00034956-00035208 So as the tidal volume drops, minute ventilation drops. WsN2fewdxfy-00088-00035208-00035700 As minute ventilation drops, pCO2 goes up, and pH goes down. WsN2fewdxfy-00089-00035700-00036250 So you might have to offset this decrease in tidal volume with an increase in the respiratory WsN2fewdxfy-00090-00036250-00036465 rate to try to maintain the same pH. WsN2fewdxfy-00091-00036465-00037036 Otherwise, you'll get a progressively severe respiratory acidosis. WsN2fewdxfy-00092-00037036-00037230 So let's talk about how you're going to figure that out. WsN2fewdxfy-00093-00037230-00037708 You've decided that your patient, based on their ideal body weight and their underlying WsN2fewdxfy-00094-00037708-00038249 lung function, ARDS or not, you've decided you're going to give your patient let's say WsN2fewdxfy-00095-00038249-00038561 500 CCs of air, tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00096-00038561-00038746 Each breath will be 500 CCs. WsN2fewdxfy-00097-00038746-00039006 What should the respiratory rate be? WsN2fewdxfy-00098-00039006-00039127 Kind of depends on where they are. WsN2fewdxfy-00099-00039127-00039718 Remember when you and I are bored, watching TV doing a whole lot of nothing, by and large, WsN2fewdxfy-00100-00039718-00040148 all comers, all sizes, we take about a 500 CC tidal volume. WsN2fewdxfy-00101-00040148-00040250 Roughly. WsN2fewdxfy-00102-00040250-00040752 As well, a normal resting respiratory rate, when you're bored, by and large, is about WsN2fewdxfy-00103-00040752-00040912 10 breaths per minute. WsN2fewdxfy-00104-00040912-00041012 Roughly. WsN2fewdxfy-00105-00041012-00041609 So that means normal resting minute ventilation is 5 liters a minute -- 500 CCs * 10 is 5000. WsN2fewdxfy-00106-00041609-00042075 So, if the person was otherwise normal, you'd dial in a minute ventilation of 5, and he'd WsN2fewdxfy-00107-00042075-00042175 be okay. WsN2fewdxfy-00108-00042175-00042309 But this guy, by definition, is not normal. WsN2fewdxfy-00109-00042309-00042530 In fact, he's critically ill on a ventilator. WsN2fewdxfy-00110-00042530-00042924 That means he's generating acid one way or the other, and so no matter what, he or she WsN2fewdxfy-00111-00042924-00043193 is going to require a higher minute ventilation than that. WsN2fewdxfy-00112-00043193-00043575 How much higher kind of just depends on where they are in their pH. WsN2fewdxfy-00113-00043575-00044027 So if you want to start by giving this person let's say a minute ventilation of 8 liters WsN2fewdxfy-00114-00044027-00044558 per minute, you'd just simply take 8000 divided by 500, and you figure out the respiratory rate. WsN2fewdxfy-00115-00044558-00044913 Because I'm really bad at math, let's go with 10 liters per minute, in which case I'd be WsN2fewdxfy-00116-00044913-00045456 dialing in a respiratory rate of 20, because 20 * 500 is 10,000, right? WsN2fewdxfy-00117-00045456-00045675 So that's how you're going to figure out the respiratory rate. WsN2fewdxfy-00118-00045676-00045926 It's, what is my target minute ventilation. WsN2fewdxfy-00119-00045926-00046856 A normal minute ventilation is 5 liters per minute. WsN2fewdxfy-00120-00046856-00047013 That is normal. WsN2fewdxfy-00121-00047013-00047497 So then you can decide how much above normal you want to be based on the pH and the pCO2 WsN2fewdxfy-00122-00047497-00047684 and dial in the respiratory rate. WsN2fewdxfy-00123-00047684-00048333 Now, this is where you need to kind of go to the ventilator and look at two graphs in particular. WsN2fewdxfy-00124-00048333-00048452 There's a graph that looks like this. WsN2fewdxfy-00125-00048452-00048771 It's on all the ventilators. Okay? This is a flow curve. WsN2fewdxfy-00126-00048772-00049442 This is the amount of air that's moving back and forth in mL per minute. WsN2fewdxfy-00127-00049442-00050028 And this is kind of what it looks like. WsN2fewdxfy-00128-00050028-00050255 That's what it looks like. WsN2fewdxfy-00129-00050255-00050393 This is how you and I breathe. WsN2fewdxfy-00130-00050393-00051044 By convention, on this graph, any time the line is above the X axis, the patient is inhaling; WsN2fewdxfy-00131-00051044-00051447 any time the line is below the X axis, the patient is exhaling. WsN2fewdxfy-00132-00051447-00051639 By convention. WsN2fewdxfy-00133-00051639-00052091 The slope is just the rate at which they are inhaling and exhaling. WsN2fewdxfy-00134-00052091-00052191 So think about it for a second. WsN2fewdxfy-00135-00052191-00052370 [alarm begins sounding] Just breathe with me for a second, normally. WsN2fewdxfy-00136-00052370-00052861 You go ... [breathes in]... and there's a pause, and you go ... [breathes out] ... and WsN2fewdxfy-00137-00052861-00053054 there's a pause. WsN2fewdxfy-00138-00053054-00053334 [breathes in] ... pause ... [breathes out] ... pause. WsN2fewdxfy-00139-00053334-00053434 Which means that.... WsN2fewdxfy-00140-00053434-00053773 [to person off-screen] You can get it. You want to get the thing? WyLbxjRazS8-00000-00000233-00000471 Each of you represents, uniquely, WyLbxjRazS8-00001-00000508-00000917 the class of 2021, but also each one of you WyLbxjRazS8-00002-00000917-00001355 has a unique background, a perspective in a range of experiences. WyLbxjRazS8-00003-00001409-00001889 Each of you in common began your time at the University of Alabama with a dream. WyLbxjRazS8-00004-00001976-00002419 You also worked hard to make sure that you were able to achieve that dream. WyLbxjRazS8-00005-00002489-00002836 You are here at this moment because of your determination, WyLbxjRazS8-00006-00002927-00003199 your resiliency, your willingness WyLbxjRazS8-00007-00003199-00003499 to learn, to adapt, and to grow. WyLbxjRazS8-00008-00003565-00003828 The University of Alabama is a school of champions, WyLbxjRazS8-00009-00003899-00004362 and it continues to thrive and set records because of students like you. WyLbxjRazS8-00010-00004437-00004692 I challenge you to decide today WyLbxjRazS8-00011-00004692-00005184 to press on using the same standards that brought you here this morning, WyLbxjRazS8-00012-00005234-00005588 and it will take you far enough to transform the world. WyLbxjRazS8-00013-00005651-00006051 I felt like I was given the opportunity and the tools to still succeed. WyLbxjRazS8-00014-00006089-00006318 After, you know, all the nervousness and everything. WyLbxjRazS8-00015-00006318-00006594 So I'm just excited to be here, to be honest with you. WyLbxjRazS8-00016-00006639-00006848 Only thing I have to say is bittersweet. WyLbxjRazS8-00017-00006848-00006977 Like, we've been waiting- I've been waiting for this moment WyLbxjRazS8-00018-00006977-00007298 all my life, so just to finally be here, it's amazing. WyLbxjRazS8-00019-00007298-00007436 Feels a little weird, WyLbxjRazS8-00020-00007436-00007507 not going to lie WyLbxjRazS8-00021-00007507-00007707 just because I feel like I got here yesterday, but WyLbxjRazS8-00022-00007761-00008008 I'm just really grateful just because I love it here so much WyLbxjRazS8-00023-00008008-00008304 so I'm just grateful it's here. I am super excited. WyLbxjRazS8-00024-00008304-00008608 I'm a first generation college student and the first one in my family WyLbxjRazS8-00025-00008608-00008746 to receive a master's degree. WyLbxjRazS8-00026-00008746-00008825 When you're kind of WyLbxjRazS8-00027-00008825-00009104 in the world alone, it's like you've got to learn more about yourself. WyLbxjRazS8-00028-00009146-00009359 But at the university you have so many people around you WyLbxjRazS8-00029-00009359-00009638 that's like minded and have the same aims and goals WyLbxjRazS8-00030-00009667-00009876 that it's just like, you know, it's kind of easy. WyLbxjRazS8-00031-00009939-00010201 There are so many different words, but if anything, I could just say it's WyLbxjRazS8-00032-00010201-00010702 the best opportunity that I've ever had, and it's really where family is made. WyLbxjRazS8-00033-00010702-00011006 I know they say legends, but I feel like I'm walking with legends every day. WyLbxjRazS8-00034-00011006-00011073 It'll be weird WyLbxjRazS8-00035-00011073-00011457 to tell people that we actually like, graduated after a huge pandemic, so. WyLbxjRazS8-00036-00011457-00011632 Speak volumes to what we're capable of. WzDrOEvk1kI-00000-00001330-00001469 I see her rolling up WzDrOEvk1kI-00001-00001469-00001644 Uber Black, Cadillac (yea) WzDrOEvk1kI-00002-00001644-00002002 High heel boots and a sexy body full of tats WzDrOEvk1kI-00003-00002002-00002248 Baby's bad, oh baby's hella bad (that's right) WzDrOEvk1kI-00004-00002248-00002434 After her there ain't no coming back WzDrOEvk1kI-00005-00002434-00002602 Wanna take a run at that (okay) WzDrOEvk1kI-00006-00002602-00002714 I think she's feeling me WzDrOEvk1kI-00007-00002714-00002918 Turn it up a few degrees (yea) WzDrOEvk1kI-00008-00002918-00003224 My imagination of her body gets the best of me (oh, yea) WzDrOEvk1kI-00009-00003224-00003392 Oh God, she's such a tease WzDrOEvk1kI-00010-00003392-00003565 Bitten lips, bruised knees (okay) WzDrOEvk1kI-00011-00003565-00003789 I'm addicted to her need, her touchin' me (let's go) WzDrOEvk1kI-00012-00003789-00003999 'Cause she got a bad little waist WzDrOEvk1kI-00013-00003999-00004149 And we tearing down this place WzDrOEvk1kI-00014-00004149-00004305 Off the liquor that we chase WzDrOEvk1kI-00015-00004305-00004452 Casamigos to the face WzDrOEvk1kI-00016-00004452-00004612 Baby, I don't need no space WzDrOEvk1kI-00017-00004612-00004792 Come in closer for a taste WzDrOEvk1kI-00018-00004792-00004939 And I'll show you how I make WzDrOEvk1kI-00019-00004939-00005095 Everything just fade away WzDrOEvk1kI-00020-00005095-00005305 'Cause she's like sex, drugs, cocaine WzDrOEvk1kI-00021-00005305-00005465 Body so insane WzDrOEvk1kI-00022-00005465-00005778 Jealous of the clothing that she wears up on that tight frame WzDrOEvk1kI-00023-00005778-00005938 All game, no shame WzDrOEvk1kI-00024-00005938-00006102 Baby came here to play WzDrOEvk1kI-00025-00006102-00006425 I feel like an addict 'cause she's sex, drugs, cocaine WzDrOEvk1kI-00026-00008968-00009288 She's got a fine little body and her mind's kinda naughty WzDrOEvk1kI-00027-00009288-00009618 They say that once you taste it, you cannot replace it WzDrOEvk1kI-00028-00009618-00009904 She could get you high, all the dopamine inside WzDrOEvk1kI-00029-00009904-00010285 Triggers fast once she's naked, her body's a creation WzDrOEvk1kI-00030-00010285-00010609 They say the devil made her for his entertainment WzDrOEvk1kI-00031-00010609-00010921 But even he couldn't learn how to contain it WzDrOEvk1kI-00032-00010921-00011227 Her high heels make a damn good statement WzDrOEvk1kI-00033-00011227-00011537 There is no replacement, a body by Satan WzDrOEvk1kI-00034-00011537-00011657 'Cause she got a bad little waist WzDrOEvk1kI-00035-00011657-00011824 And we tearing down this place WzDrOEvk1kI-00036-00011824-00011975 Off the liquor that we chase WzDrOEvk1kI-00037-00011975-00012134 Casamigos to the face WzDrOEvk1kI-00038-00012134-00012307 Baby, I don't need no space WzDrOEvk1kI-00039-00012307-00012467 Come in closer for a taste WzDrOEvk1kI-00040-00012467-00012630 And I'll show you how I make WzDrOEvk1kI-00041-00012630-00012770 Everything just fade away WzDrOEvk1kI-00042-00012770-00012977 'Cause she's like sex, drugs, cocaine WzDrOEvk1kI-00043-00012977-00013144 Body so insane WzDrOEvk1kI-00044-00013144-00013447 Jealous of the clothing that she wears up on that tight frame WzDrOEvk1kI-00045-00013447-00013620 All game, no shame WzDrOEvk1kI-00046-00013620-00013787 Baby came here to play WzDrOEvk1kI-00047-00013787-00014100 I feel like an addict 'cause she's sex, drugs, cocaine WBjvvAfHryA-00000-00073736-00075736 At this point, subject Beep-0 completely overlooks the Topaz match at the bottom left corner again for the session's remainder. Quoting subject, "If I did have arms, a facepalm, I'd give to myself. THAT is a term Beep-0 DOES know of." WHtlV4R7AKA-00000-00000496-00000603 Hi Jen WHtlV4R7AKA-00001-00000603-00000653 Hi Roy WHtlV4R7AKA-00002-00000653-00001252 I nearly missed my stop on thetrain this morning, I was too engrossed watching sunrise on TV WHtlV4R7AKA-00003-00001252-00001631 How do you watch TV on your phone it's too small a screen? WHtlV4R7AKA-00004-00001639-00001900 I don't I watch it on my laptop WHtlV4R7AKA-00005-00001900-00002080 I think the guy next to me was enjoying ittoo WHtlV4R7AKA-00006-00002080-00002360 Watch anything good on TV last night? WHtlV4R7AKA-00007-00002360-00002735 No, I was watching Scomo on the news talking about COVID19 WHtlV4R7AKA-00008-00002735-00002820 The News? WHtlV4R7AKA-00009-00002820-00003279 No one watches The News on TV anymore WHtlV4R7AKA-00010-00003279-00003689 No? Well I do. How do people stay informed then? WHtlV4R7AKA-00011-00003689-00004026 Usually read or watch the news on their phone whilst watching TV WHtlV4R7AKA-00012-00004026-00004300 That sounds strange WHtlV4R7AKA-00013-00004304-00004500 You're soold-school Roy WHtlV4R7AKA-00014-00004500-00004924 Me? Old-school? At least I still don't watch Sunrise WHtlV4R7AKA-00015-00004924-00005100 Sunrise isn't THAT old WHtlV4R7AKA-00016-00005100-00005400 Yes it is, it's probably older than digital TV WHtlV4R7AKA-00017-00005780-00006360 Between the 70s and 90s television viewing options grew with the development of cable and satellite technology WHtlV4R7AKA-00018-00006360-00006700 During this time the digitization oftelevision transmission began WHtlV4R7AKA-00019-00006700-00007104 But the switch from analog to digital was not fully completed untilthe late 00's WHtlV4R7AKA-00020-00007104-00007700 Digitization of television gave better quality viewing and allowed the viewerto pause rewind and record live television WHtlV4R7AKA-00021-00007700-00008337 New technologies, such as video on demand, freed TVfrom the constraints of a broadcast schedule WHtlV4R7AKA-00022-00008337-00008800 As digital television progressed, so did theuse of the internet to distribute programming WHtlV4R7AKA-00023-00008800-00009500 Some believed this would spellthe end of television, but instead it opened up new paths for the creationand distribution of TV WHtlV4R7AKA-00024-00009520-00009688 Hi Roy WHtlV4R7AKA-00025-00009688-00009760 Hi Jen WHtlV4R7AKA-00026-00009760-00009872 You look tired WHtlV4R7AKA-00027-00009872-00010400 I was up all night binge watchingThe Tiger King on Netflix, have you seen it yet? WHtlV4R7AKA-00028-00010584-00010786 No, I got rid of Netflix WHtlV4R7AKA-00029-00010786-00010936 Why? WHtlV4R7AKA-00030-00010936-00011272 Too many streamingservices WHtlV4R7AKA-00031-00011272-00011671 I spent too long scrolling through all the services trying to find something to watch WHtlV4R7AKA-00032-00011671-00011953 I think I'm stuck in one of those echo chambers WHtlV4R7AKA-00033-00011953-00012580 You know, the ones when they show youshows like the ones you've already watched WHtlV4R7AKA-00034-00012580-00012757 Oh - you mean the algorithms WHtlV4R7AKA-00035-00012757-00013017 Yes, I want to findsomething else WHtlV4R7AKA-00036-00013017-00013460 Give me back the old-fashioned tv guide any day WHtlV4R7AKA-00037-00013460-00013656 Haha, gosh, it's been a whilesince I bought one of those WHtlV4R7AKA-00038-00013656-00014200 Back in the old days, you had to wait a week in between eachtv show WHtlV4R7AKA-00039-00014200-00014500 Ugh, and had to sit through the adverts WHtlV4R7AKA-00040-00014540-00015119 Using the world wide web to distribute television enables us to watch anything,anywhere, at any time WHtlV4R7AKA-00041-00015119-00015600 It has moved TV away fromthe standard TV set, to any computer or device with a screen WHtlV4R7AKA-00042-00015600-00015941 With increasing control over how wewatch television.. WHtlV4R7AKA-00043-00015941-00016500 ..our behaviour shows a preference for streaming services due to ease of accessand ability to avoid adverts WHtlV4R7AKA-00044-00016500-00016896 Streaming services collect data to suggest things we may enjoy.. WHtlV4R7AKA-00045-00016896-00017600 ..some view this as exploitation for commercial gain, others as a service to enhance the TV experience WHtlV4R7AKA-00046-00017600-00017984 What do YOU think is next for TV? WI6Oe6En1g0-00000-00000000-00000465 hello welcome to health and fitness please leave your comment after watching WI6Oe6En1g0-00001-00000465-00000917 this video and also subscribe our channel you need to eat this if you have WI6Oe6En1g0-00002-00000917-00001449 hair loss brittle nails or you are not sleeping well if you answer yes to the WI6Oe6En1g0-00003-00001449-00001977 questions below chances are there is a disruption of your adrenal glands share WI6Oe6En1g0-00004-00001977-00002435 your thoughts in the comment section below do you have trouble sleeping do WI6Oe6En1g0-00005-00002435-00002859 you have brittle nails are you experiencing hair loss adrenal glands WI6Oe6En1g0-00006-00002859-00003357 they are the endocrine glands that are found at the top of each of our kidneys WI6Oe6En1g0-00007-00003357-00003801 according to the experts their function is to produce many hormones including WI6Oe6En1g0-00008-00003801-00004335 adrenaline and steroids and these hormones are extremely important for our WI6Oe6En1g0-00009-00004335-00004848 organism because they help regulate the metabolism the immune system our blood WI6Oe6En1g0-00010-00004848-00005255 pressure and help the body deal with stress you should be very careful WI6Oe6En1g0-00011-00005255-00005742 because any dysfunction in our adrenal glands can cause a lot of health WI6Oe6En1g0-00012-00005742-00006237 problems this simple but extremely effective home remedy can help your WI6Oe6En1g0-00013-00006237-00006811 adrenal glands operate at their best ingredients Brazilian walnuts honey raw WI6Oe6En1g0-00014-00006811-00007434 organic is best dried parsley leaves raisins ground ginger directions you WI6Oe6En1g0-00015-00007434-00007977 need to grind the walnuts and parsley leaves together then add the raisins WI6Oe6En1g0-00016-00007977-00008447 some honey and a pinch of ginger eat 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the WI6Oe6En1g0-00017-00008447-00008847 morning on an empty stomach you should take this remedy two or three WI6Oe6En1g0-00018-00008847-00009243 times per week to restore balance to your body and you will begin to notice WI6Oe6En1g0-00019-00009243-00009681 that you are sleeping much better at night and your hair and nails will be WI6Oe6En1g0-00020-00009681-00010146 much stronger and healthier we really hope you find this video helpful and WI6Oe6En1g0-00021-00010146-00010524 don't forget to share it with your friends and family thank you and have a WI6Oe6En1g0-00022-00010524-00010907 good one thank you for watching for more subscribe to our channel and share WI6Oe6En1g0-00023-00010907-00011282 videos with all your friends WIHVR8EEfCI-00000-00001744-00001966 Greetings everyone WIHVR8EEfCI-00001-00001966-00002492 Welcome to a new episode of “The Nerds' Time” with me your host, Fatimah Aljawi WIHVR8EEfCI-00002-00002492-00002720 If this is the first time watching me, WIHVR8EEfCI-00003-00002728-00003050 don’t forget to hit that red button to subscribe to the channel! WIHVR8EEfCI-00004-00003066-00003367 get notified by the weekly episodes by clicking the bell WIHVR8EEfCI-00005-00003368-00003797 this episode is the second part for the previous one WIHVR8EEfCI-00006-00003822-00004110 so if you did not see part 1, go and check it out WIHVR8EEfCI-00007-00004112-00004652 since we will be continuing the practical steps of getting a job WIHVR8EEfCI-00008-00004698-00005078 Disclaimer, this episode for nerds only WIHVR8EEfCI-00009-00005280-00005534 the first step after knowing your profession preferences is WIHVR8EEfCI-00010-00005534-00005712 building your professional portfolio WIHVR8EEfCI-00011-00005712-00006050 meaning that you document all your experience in the field WIHVR8EEfCI-00012-00006096-00006462 that is is the form presented when you apply for a job WIHVR8EEfCI-00013-00006538-00006923 which includes CV, personal statement, cover letter, resume WIHVR8EEfCI-00014-00006945-00007300 creating accounts like LinkedIn, Handshake , etc WIHVR8EEfCI-00015-00007340-00007816 I'm just saying that I am not planning to explain whatever I just mentioned WIHVR8EEfCI-00016-00007892-00007992 " Why U being RUDE? " WIHVR8EEfCI-00017-00008102-00008680 the reason is, there are professionals who can provide you such a service WIHVR8EEfCI-00018-00008714-00009000 and other services, FOR FREE WIHVR8EEfCI-00019-00009024-00009400 They are located in you school under " Career Center " WIHVR8EEfCI-00020-00009428-00009896 Career Center is a center in every school, WIHVR8EEfCI-00021-00009924-00010335 they employee a professional called Career Adviser WIHVR8EEfCI-00022-00010336-00010850 who can help you with anything related to your future career WIHVR8EEfCI-00023-00010884-00011772 like Cover Letter, CV, Resume' s writing, editing, proofreading, and reviewing WIHVR8EEfCI-00024-00011816-00012102 they also provide job interview practice WIHVR8EEfCI-00025-00012570-00013054 they also help u creating Networking accounts like LinkedIn and Handshake WIHVR8EEfCI-00026-00013074-00013397 they also help u improve practical skills that you gonna need like WIHVR8EEfCI-00027-00013397-00013666 communication, public speaking and negotiation . WIHVR8EEfCI-00029-00013988-00014472 They also would help you in the steps I have mentioned to you the previous epidose WIHVR8EEfCI-00030-00014512-00015008 All what you have to do is setting an appointment either by phone or online WIHVR8EEfCI-00031-00015041-00015352 and you are good to go WIHVR8EEfCI-00032-00015352-00015497 they will help you with whatever you need WIHVR8EEfCI-00033-00015497-00015710 and remember, IT's for FREE WIHVR8EEfCI-00034-00015722-00016006 since it is included in the fees you already paid WIHVR8EEfCI-00035-00016006-00016338 personally, I will provide you with a link down in the description box WIHVR8EEfCI-00036-00016357-00016647 that it may help you in the previous steps WIHVR8EEfCI-00037-00016648-00016926 I highly recommend reading it WIHVR8EEfCI-00038-00016926-00017122 at this point, if you are planning to go home, WIHVR8EEfCI-00039-00017122-00017342 you got the green light to go WIHVR8EEfCI-00040-00017342-00017994 as long as you got every document you need to apply for a job WIHVR8EEfCI-00041-00017994-00018126 if you were Saudis, WIHVR8EEfCI-00042-00018126-00018880 I recommend you to attend the Career Day arranged annually by SACM WIHVR8EEfCI-00043-00018880-00019170 as a first shot looking for a job WIHVR8EEfCI-00044-00019200-00020024 if you were one of those who are looking for a professional experience before heading home WIHVR8EEfCI-00045-00020056-00020456 then, we can talk about Optional Practical Training and Internship opportunities WIHVR8EEfCI-00046-00020456-00021000 we might get them through attending Career Days that are arranged by schools WIHVR8EEfCI-00047-00021000-00021264 that are usually held many times a year WIHVR8EEfCI-00048-00021296-00021564 I recommend you to attend more than once of them WIHVR8EEfCI-00049-00021600-00022094 or you might get a chance through the professional relationship you've had WIHVR8EEfCI-00050-00022094-00022314 starting from your school professors, as I mentioned in a previous episode WIHVR8EEfCI-00051-00022534-00023076 you also can ask the Major Adviser or even the Career Adviser WIHVR8EEfCI-00052-00023130-00023702 furthermore, the ones you have volunteered or worked with previously WIHVR8EEfCI-00053-00023710-00024006 till this moment, I am at the end of this episode WIHVR8EEfCI-00054-00024006-00024326 I hope you got to understand the meaning of the series title WIHVR8EEfCI-00055-00024358-00024954 and that you are one of those nerds who take an advantage of the available opportunities WIHVR8EEfCI-00056-00024954-00025292 around the school to start looking for a job WIHVR8EEfCI-00057-00025338-00025692 if you got any additional tips and trick, comment down below WIHVR8EEfCI-00058-00025716-00026239 Don’t forget to share this episode with anyone who’s about to graduate. WIHVR8EEfCI-00059-00026308-00026522 if you liked the episode, do not forget to give it a thumb up WIHVR8EEfCI-00060-00026522-00026926 do not forget to hit the sub and the bell to get notiifed WIHVR8EEfCI-00061-00026960-00027098 see u next episode, peace WIPkjxhXulg-00000-00000345-00000935 Hello, everyone, and welcome to part two of our textbook in Gender and Philosophy. WIPkjxhXulg-00001-00000935-00001200 The section of this chapter is called What Is Sexism? WIPkjxhXulg-00002-00001200-00002301 And we're going to take a look at the writings from Kate Millard and cut in Leslie Jones, Marilyn Frye, Sandra Bartky and Iris Marion Young. WIPkjxhXulg-00003-00002301-00003171 So starting off with Kate Millett, who was an American feminist activist, writer, filmmaker, teacher and human rights advocate. WIPkjxhXulg-00004-00003171-00004089 This particular reading is from her book Sexual Politics, which actually helped to fuel the second wave of feminism in the United States. WIPkjxhXulg-00005-00004089-00004896 Chapter two of this textbook demonstrates that sex is a status category with political implications. WIPkjxhXulg-00006-00004896-00005583 Right. So we will later address the issue of whether or not sex is tied specifically to biology. WIPkjxhXulg-00007-00005583-00006131 But the idea is that regardless of whether or not sex is a buy, it is tied to biological functions. WIPkjxhXulg-00008-00006131-00007176 It's the category itself functions to grant social status with significant political implications that she will go into great detail to discuss. WIPkjxhXulg-00009-00007176-00007684 So by politics, here she is talking about the power structure, relationships, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00010-00007684-00008418 In general, not just government politics, but general power structures between groups where typically. WIPkjxhXulg-00011-00008418-00009519 Right. One group controls another. And of course, the political system or power structure that we are existing in is one of patriarchy where again, WIPkjxhXulg-00012-00009519-00010229 as a generalization, men typically, but primarily white, able bodied, hetero normative men. WIPkjxhXulg-00013-00010229-00010707 Right. Control women and women have not only no recourse. WIPkjxhXulg-00014-00010707-00011061 Right. Which she will talk about and we'll discuss examples of, WIPkjxhXulg-00015-00011061-00011943 but also great incentives to not fight against that patriarchal structure and to help maintain the status quo. WIPkjxhXulg-00016-00011943-00012584 So I have a little activity here for you if you'd like to practice sort of diving into these readings on your own. WIPkjxhXulg-00017-00012584-00013091 Right. So here there are eight different areas of sexism which Milot is going to go through. WIPkjxhXulg-00018-00013091-00013919 So if you'd like, you can follow these steps to practice before checking your own answers against the summaries that I've provided. WIPkjxhXulg-00019-00013919-00014450 So let's start off with the ideological component or dimension of sexism. WIPkjxhXulg-00020-00014450-00015113 Right. This has to do with the use of that power structure, not just in general life, WIPkjxhXulg-00021-00015113-00015921 but also again in government structures to uphold either through the consent of their people or violence. WIPkjxhXulg-00022-00015921-00016119 The power which they currently hold. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00023-00016119-00016971 So the idea is that they have an existing power and they will either use popular opinion or physical violence, typically both. WIPkjxhXulg-00024-00016971-00017619 Right. Especially in the fourth. And the component of patriarchy. But they will use those forces to maintain their power. WIPkjxhXulg-00025-00017619-00018297 So milit looks at the way that consent. Right. In this case is obtained through the socialization of both sexes. WIPkjxhXulg-00026-00018297-00019167 Right. So, again, talking about the binary here with regard to three primary elements, temperament, roles and status. WIPkjxhXulg-00027-00019167-00019833 So what do we mean by temperament? Well, the idea here is that human beings have been socialized right. WIPkjxhXulg-00028-00019833-00020628 To align themselves characteristically with one of the two binaries in the traditional sex categories. WIPkjxhXulg-00029-00020628-00021456 Right. Either they were they're socialized. Right. Raised and put pressure on to conform to masculinity, WIPkjxhXulg-00030-00021456-00022023 or they are raised and pressured to conform to what we might traditionally understand as femininity. WIPkjxhXulg-00031-00022023-00022500 But the important point here is that traditional notions of masculinity and femininity, WIPkjxhXulg-00032-00022500-00023106 which we'll be exploring more in detail later throughout the quarter, both function to support male dominance. WIPkjxhXulg-00033-00023106-00024006 Right. So it's not that traditional feminine nudity is opposite from masculinity in the sense that it strives for its own power over men. WIPkjxhXulg-00034-00024006-00024030 Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00035-00024030-00024957 It's seen as opposite purely in its characteristics, which when, as we saw with Simone de Beauvoir, when we associate masculinity with the norm. WIPkjxhXulg-00036-00024957-00025863 Right. What is typical, what is positive, what happens with its opposing force of femininity is that it is maintained as weakness. WIPkjxhXulg-00037-00025863-00026289 Right. Lesser than inferior to. WIPkjxhXulg-00038-00026289-00026550 And so when we are stereotyped in our temperament, WIPkjxhXulg-00039-00026550-00027363 in our in our behaviors and our conceptions of ourself and our characteristics to one of these two binaries of sex, WIPkjxhXulg-00040-00027363-00028277 the idea then is that we will those characteristics should correspond to, quote unquote, traditional sex or gender roles. WIPkjxhXulg-00041-00028277-00028941 Right. So the idea is that if you are feminine, you would fit most neatly into a feminine role in society, WIPkjxhXulg-00042-00028941-00029418 which I'm sure we all know has historically and still today. WIPkjxhXulg-00043-00029418-00029952 Right. There are groups that are advocating for the notion that women's only place is in the home. WIPkjxhXulg-00044-00029952-00030630 Right. Not as individual selves, but as mothers and spouses. WIPkjxhXulg-00045-00030630-00030827 Right, and so the ideas that we've constructed, WIPkjxhXulg-00046-00030827-00031470 not just legal roles that men and women have been placed in throughout history, which she'll talk about, WIPkjxhXulg-00047-00031470-00032477 but that these are actually very elaborate codes of conduct which we can ascribe to each sex in terms of how they should speak, WIPkjxhXulg-00048-00032477-00033381 how they should dress, how they should move about in a certain space, how they should have a certain attitude towards certain things. WIPkjxhXulg-00049-00033381-00033948 Right. All of these things fit into this notion of role. It's not just perhaps your occupation, WIPkjxhXulg-00050-00033948-00034791 but really every way in which you behave or act in the world and then prescribe to these roles is, of course, status. WIPkjxhXulg-00051-00034791-00035466 Right. So we're talking about social status as well as socioeconomic status, which she'll get into as well. WIPkjxhXulg-00052-00035466-00036168 But the idea here is that when we have an unequal power structure and then we place people within those roles, WIPkjxhXulg-00053-00036168-00036603 well, then of course, we're going to have unequal statuses that are going to be granted to each of them. WIPkjxhXulg-00054-00036603-00037425 So in a patriarchal system, right, females, those who are identified as being feminine, are going to be given that lower status. WIPkjxhXulg-00055-00037425-00037890 Again, in general, the biological component. WIPkjxhXulg-00056-00037890-00039078 Right, is the idea that historically we perceive men or those who are born into male bodies as having necessarily heavier, WIPkjxhXulg-00057-00039078-00039447 larger musculoskeletal structure. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00058-00039447-00039795 Which actually is, of course, if, you know, not always the case. WIPkjxhXulg-00059-00039795-00040380 Right. So men and women, intersex individuals, we all have very different body types. WIPkjxhXulg-00060-00040380-00040911 Right. There is not one sort of body type that happens to capture what it is to be a man more so than women. WIPkjxhXulg-00061-00040911-00041304 Right. But we still sort of ascribe to these general stereotypes. WIPkjxhXulg-00062-00041304-00042006 And one of the points that Milot is going to make in the section is that she's going to talk about how this WIPkjxhXulg-00063-00042006-00042831 notion of physical strength is totally irrelevant to the political power relationships that we find ourselves in. WIPkjxhXulg-00064-00042831-00043344 Now, this is probably different than most of us have understood patriarchy in the past. WIPkjxhXulg-00065-00043344-00044096 Right. We might think that, well, men have found themselves at the top of this power structure because they have these, WIPkjxhXulg-00066-00044096-00044592 you know, supposedly stronger physical or sexual characteristics. WIPkjxhXulg-00067-00044592-00045237 Right. And here she's saying that that male supremacy actually doesn't even depend on their physical strength, WIPkjxhXulg-00068-00045237-00045849 but is actually going to depend more upon our psychological value systems. WIPkjxhXulg-00069-00045849-00046578 Right. So the ideas that we are grown up with, not as much as the actual biological fact of the matter. WIPkjxhXulg-00070-00046578-00046920 Right. And so she'll give us some examples of this down the line. WIPkjxhXulg-00071-00046920-00047718 So gender here is going to have a psychological or cultural right rather than biological connotation. WIPkjxhXulg-00072-00047718-00048573 Right. It's perhaps why someone could have a very perhaps strong physique as a man. WIPkjxhXulg-00073-00048573-00049035 But if they were to act in a way that might be considered traditionally feminine, WIPkjxhXulg-00074-00049035-00050121 we would then make presumptions about their identity that had more to do with their feminine aspects than their physical strength. WIPkjxhXulg-00075-00050121-00050454 Right. And so the same could be said of women. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00076-00050454-00050646 If you were looking at a woman, WIPkjxhXulg-00077-00050646-00051714 someone who is born into a female body that is perhaps embodying traditional notions of petite size or a demure way of carrying themselves. WIPkjxhXulg-00078-00051714-00052922 But if that individual is perhaps very outspoken and very intelligent and forceful in vocalizing their own opinions. WIPkjxhXulg-00079-00052922-00053466 Right. I can think of AOC as someone who might fit this sort of characteristic, then they are immediately. WIPkjxhXulg-00080-00053466-00054129 Right. Denied this sort of praise that traditional femininity has received in a patriarchal structure. WIPkjxhXulg-00081-00054129-00054522 Right. They begin to be criticized. Right. Cut down more. WIPkjxhXulg-00082-00054522-00055203 So again, because of those psychological right or characteristic temperament aspects. WIPkjxhXulg-00083-00055203-00055415 More so than just their physique. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00084-00055415-00056216 So we can think of examples on both sides of this milit that concludes this section by noting that because of our so-called social circumstances. WIPkjxhXulg-00085-00056216-00056804 Right. Because men and women, males and females have been socialized in these different ways. WIPkjxhXulg-00086-00056804-00057242 We actually have two entirely different cultures. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00087-00057242-00057921 And that their life experiences are thus completely different. Now, of course, this is an earlier form of feminism. WIPkjxhXulg-00088-00057921-00058649 Right. So it's not going to be as inclusive. But we can add onto this idea that perhaps, again, not all men. WIPkjxhXulg-00089-00058649-00059172 Right. Have the same culture. Right. So if we're looking at it from a position of race similarly. WIPkjxhXulg-00090-00059172-00059694 Right. Not all women are going to be having the same experiences, again, going outside the binary. WIPkjxhXulg-00091-00059694-00060674 We can look at how intersex trans. Other members of the LGBT community might also have different, quote unquote, cultural experiences. WIPkjxhXulg-00092-00060674-00061059 Right. Because of their unique experiences in the world. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00093-00061059-00061501 But the idea is that this comes from very early conditioning. WIPkjxhXulg-00094-00061501-00062171 Right. It starts not just from our parents and peers, but it can begin, as I mentioned in a previous lecture, WIPkjxhXulg-00095-00062171-00062854 even from the perspective of the doctors who are assigning biological sex. WIPkjxhXulg-00096-00062854-00063404 All right. So the third category or dimension of sexism here is the sociological element. WIPkjxhXulg-00097-00063404-00063947 Right. Where patriarchy is chief institution, as she says, is the family. WIPkjxhXulg-00098-00063947-00064472 And so we can see this as tied to different notions of feminism again. WIPkjxhXulg-00099-00064472-00064910 In my earlier power point between radical Marxist and liberal feminism. WIPkjxhXulg-00100-00064910-00065795 Right. So the idea here is that the primary mechanism of enforcing the patriarchy is first and foremost the family. WIPkjxhXulg-00101-00065795-00066362 Right. And then the idea is that that then bleeds out into society and then Lladro to the state. WIPkjxhXulg-00102-00066362-00066785 Right. And the idea here is that the fate of one of these things, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00103-00066785-00067322 Society or state or family, will depend heavily on the functioning of the other two. WIPkjxhXulg-00104-00067322-00068138 Right. So the idea is that people make arguments that we need to maintain a traditional notion of family, because if we don't, WIPkjxhXulg-00105-00068138-00068615 that will somehow cause not just a disintegration within that family unit, WIPkjxhXulg-00106-00068615-00069104 but then as a result, disintegration in society and the state and vice versa. WIPkjxhXulg-00107-00069104-00069563 Right. Societies and states are seen as helping to protect those family units. WIPkjxhXulg-00108-00069563-00070289 And so if those societies or states were to fall apart or to become chaotic, so to then with the family. WIPkjxhXulg-00109-00070289-00071264 Right. So these are all seen as very interconnected. And it's why we see such a heavy reflection of what we have known as the nuclear family. WIPkjxhXulg-00110-00071264-00071969 Right. One one man, one woman married to each other, hetero normative, at least one child. WIPkjxhXulg-00111-00071969-00072509 Right. So that sort of nuclear family is not only something that doesn't exist in most cases. WIPkjxhXulg-00112-00072509-00072875 Right. Even if you happen to have heterosexual parents. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00113-00072875-00073430 We know that in many cases, those parents are not for a number of different reasons. WIPkjxhXulg-00114-00073430-00073784 Capable of maintaining the same household. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00115-00073784-00074255 Maintaining that marriage, even maintaining that relationship with their child for whatever reason. WIPkjxhXulg-00116-00074255-00074827 Right. So you could have been raised by someone else. Right. Another family member, perhaps you were adopted. WIPkjxhXulg-00117-00074827-00075125 Right. There are all these different scenarios that we can imagine. WIPkjxhXulg-00118-00075125-00075956 But we still see this sort of presumption in society and state that that is what a family is and what a family should look like. WIPkjxhXulg-00119-00075956-00076409 Right. And so these states, whether they're religious or secular, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00120-00076409-00077336 Non-religious, tend to presume not only that those families are the norm, but thus then that the father is the head of that household. WIPkjxhXulg-00121-00077336-00078320 Right. And so this idea is then supported by societies and states specifically, not just with legal parameters, but also with financial incentives. WIPkjxhXulg-00122-00078320-00078827 Right. So this goes back to the origins of the gender gap. WIPkjxhXulg-00123-00078827-00079241 Right. Why men have historically made more women more money than women. WIPkjxhXulg-00124-00079241-00080174 The presumption was that while the husband needs to support his family for some reason, that same presumption to not get extended to women. WIPkjxhXulg-00125-00080174-00080735 Right. And so the status of women within the marriage, in every patriarchy has always been grim. WIPkjxhXulg-00126-00080735-00081215 Right. Not only have they not had the same, if any, legal protections. WIPkjxhXulg-00127-00081215-00081680 They have not been granted the right to control their own property or finances. WIPkjxhXulg-00128-00081680-00082238 That would empower them to leave a situation if it were harmful to them or their children. WIPkjxhXulg-00129-00082238-00082850 Right. And so the idea here is that the chief contribution of the family is the socialization of the young. WIPkjxhXulg-00130-00082850-00083180 Within the confines of the patriarchal family. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00131-00083180-00083618 So the idea is that this process is seen as perpetuating itself. WIPkjxhXulg-00132-00083618-00083909 Right. We raise individuals within that system. WIPkjxhXulg-00133-00083909-00084491 Under that norm, even if it's not, in fact, their own reality and thus put pressure on them as they got older. WIPkjxhXulg-00134-00084491-00085124 And also incentives for them to repeat that supposedly idea like family structure. WIPkjxhXulg-00135-00085124-00085627 Right. We're seeing a lot of this come up now as more and more young people are deciding, WIPkjxhXulg-00136-00085627-00086186 you know, for a number of reasons not to have children or to not get married. WIPkjxhXulg-00137-00086186-00086366 We're seeing a lot of pushback on this. WIPkjxhXulg-00138-00086366-00087422 We're seeing us states and governments try to give financial incentives for people to have kids despite the fact where the issues of overpopulation. WIPkjxhXulg-00139-00087422-00088361 Right. And so we have, again, this idea that there is some sort of vested interest that will continue in the perpetuation of that status quo. WIPkjxhXulg-00140-00088361-00089168 And again, what that status quo has historically been is that men have owned the property and women generally don't own much at all. WIPkjxhXulg-00141-00089168-00089870 Patriarchy also decrees that the status of both the mother and the child are seen as being dependent upon the male. WIPkjxhXulg-00142-00089870-00090454 Right. When again. Even though we have probably seen and experienced many counterexamples to that, WIPkjxhXulg-00143-00090454-00091693 the patriarchal society in which we've been socialized has so engendered that idea into our minds that we still sort of assume it as the norm. WIPkjxhXulg-00144-00091693-00092224 This leads into the fourth category of sexism in its relations class. WIPkjxhXulg-00145-00092224-00093142 Here we're talking about socio economic status, as well as just the ways in which we might hold someone up in a steam, WIPkjxhXulg-00146-00093142-00093725 whether it be in relation to an authority figure or not. So we can talk about it from the financial position. WIPkjxhXulg-00147-00093725-00094543 Right. As well as an epistemic position. So the idea here is that her conception of sexism as it relates to class is WIPkjxhXulg-00148-00094543-00095161 deeply connected to our traditional notions in the west of love and romance. WIPkjxhXulg-00149-00095161-00095670 Now, she does note that these have been different in the West, as they have been traditionally in the east. WIPkjxhXulg-00150-00095670-00096583 Right. So the idea here is that if, you know, individuals love each other right, then they will form this nuclear family. WIPkjxhXulg-00151-00096583-00097438 But she wants to point out that if men truly loved women right in the ways in which romance has given us many different perspectives of love, WIPkjxhXulg-00152-00097438-00098278 whichever sense of love that might be, even as a protector. Right, that they would not allow the two tier caste system, as it were, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00153-00098278-00098632 Where men are predominantly given more status and power than women. WIPkjxhXulg-00154-00098632-00099019 They would not allow that system to continue. Moreover, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00155-00099019-00099775 She says, the emphasis on or obsession with romance in the West serves to conceal the patriarchal nature of those various societies. WIPkjxhXulg-00156-00099775-00100231 And what she means here is that our very conceptions of romance and the way they are WIPkjxhXulg-00157-00100231-00101089 portrayed tends to put the problematic aspects of patriarchy is in a more positive light. WIPkjxhXulg-00158-00101089-00101671 So I think the most obvious examples of this would come from, you know, the the issues with them. WIPkjxhXulg-00159-00101671-00102325 Many Disney's princess stories. Right. So, I mean, if we take the most basic example. WIPkjxhXulg-00160-00102325-00102558 Right. Of Sleeping Beauty. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00161-00102558-00103864 Or Snow White, the idea is that it is romantic for a stranger to come and kiss or make physical or sexual contact with an unconscious woman. WIPkjxhXulg-00162-00103864-00104272 Right. And that somehow leads to love and romance. WIPkjxhXulg-00163-00104272-00104586 Right. That's just to name one, if not a couple of examples. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00164-00104586-00105241 But we see many instances of this or where, you know, a woman declines interest in a man. WIPkjxhXulg-00165-00105241-00105856 Yet he continues to persist, perhaps even engaging in stalker like behavior. WIPkjxhXulg-00166-00105856-00106483 Right. If not instances of sexual harassment. And that, too, is then over time. WIPkjxhXulg-00167-00106483-00107002 Right. We're told that that will actually bloom into romance and genuine love. WIPkjxhXulg-00168-00107002-00107341 Right. So she says that romance, in a sense, is a double edged sword. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00169-00107341-00108423 Because, again, not only does it presume that there is a shared love or compassion between the two partners, but that romance depends upon. WIPkjxhXulg-00170-00108423-00108772 Right. Women fitting a particular role in what she thinks of. WIPkjxhXulg-00171-00108772-00109138 In this case as a caricature of what a virtuous woman is. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00172-00109138-00110113 So a good woman. Right. One who fits traditional notions of masculinity is seen as worthy of romance as opposed to a quote unquote, bad woman. WIPkjxhXulg-00173-00110113-00110671 Right. Who would be acting in a way that was contrary to traditional notions of femininity. WIPkjxhXulg-00174-00110671-00111120 So someone who was not acting weak. Someone who is not acting demure. WIPkjxhXulg-00175-00111120-00111478 Right. Someone who is not being especially emotional. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00176-00111478-00111976 Or reliant upon a man. Those would be non traditionally feminine characteristics. WIPkjxhXulg-00177-00111976-00112444 And thus we think that it's her fault. Right. If no one loves her. WIPkjxhXulg-00178-00112444-00112789 Right. Or that she might not be deserving of that love. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00179-00112789-00113380 Because of those very characteristics. Right. So in this way, she says impossible virtues. WIPkjxhXulg-00180-00113380-00114052 Right. Things that we aren't even able to fully embody in the real world are often attributed to women. WIPkjxhXulg-00181-00114052-00114643 Right. Again, creating a sort of false norm that we're all supposed to live up to. WIPkjxhXulg-00182-00114643-00115386 Right. So continuing this idea. Right. Is that this notion of romantic love has served as a means of emotional manipulation. WIPkjxhXulg-00183-00115386-00115969 Right. So the idea here is that women who are conditioned to be quote unquote good is it is only if they WIPkjxhXulg-00184-00115969-00116508 are if they love their partner and that they are ideologically pardoned for sexual activity. WIPkjxhXulg-00185-00116508-00116890 Right. So here we have a connection between romantic conceptions of love. WIPkjxhXulg-00186-00116890-00117622 What it means to be a good woman. And what is seen as permissible sexual actions engaged upon by men and women. WIPkjxhXulg-00187-00117622-00117991 Right. So this goes to a very clear double standard that we have. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00188-00117991-00118597 So if unmarried men and women engage in sexual acts together, even if consensually. WIPkjxhXulg-00189-00118597-00119358 Right. We often are very familiar with the fact that the woman will be most likely labeled a [INAUDIBLE] or a [INAUDIBLE] or any number of, WIPkjxhXulg-00190-00119358-00119954 you know, quote unquote, bad things. Well, the man, if not completely ignored in. WIPkjxhXulg-00191-00119954-00120368 Participation in that activity. It might actually be celebrated. WIPkjxhXulg-00192-00120368-00121157 Right. As someone who, you know, is this La Faria who is capable of, you know, gaining the attraction of many women. WIPkjxhXulg-00193-00121157-00121625 Right. So completely opposite reactions for the same types of activity. WIPkjxhXulg-00194-00121625-00122659 Right. So, indeed, some women may only have been able, she says, to let go sexually or lose their inhibitions in what we term a positive. WIPkjxhXulg-00195-00122659-00123221 Right. Traditional romantic situation. Right. So the idea is that there's pressure on women. WIPkjxhXulg-00196-00123221-00124157 Right. To confine themselves or to conceal their, quote, unquote, virtue in this way and to reserve it for only the right circumstances. WIPkjxhXulg-00197-00124157-00125171 Now, interestingly enough. Right. Social dimensions and developments have altered this sort of stereotype, even though we still see that sort of, WIPkjxhXulg-00198-00125171-00125536 you know, double standard applied to men's and women's sexual activity. WIPkjxhXulg-00199-00125536-00126563 There's a flip side to this now where because of the sort of, you know, greater social acceptance of maybe casual sex. WIPkjxhXulg-00200-00126563-00127118 Right. Especially as we see the proliferation of dating apps and things like this. WIPkjxhXulg-00201-00127118-00127691 We see that now. You know, we if we assume everyone is having sex outside of marriage, WIPkjxhXulg-00202-00127691-00128588 then there seems to be this side of men's entitlement to sexual activity from women, regardless of whether they're in love or not. WIPkjxhXulg-00203-00128588-00129350 Right. So, you know, on the one hand, the idea is that, you know, a woman should save themselves for someone that they're truly in love with. WIPkjxhXulg-00204-00129350-00129998 But then that other expectation is that, you know, if a man bothers to, you know, be a gentleman or take them out to dinner. WIPkjxhXulg-00205-00129998-00130550 Right. That that somehow makes them entitled to sexual pleasure. WIPkjxhXulg-00206-00130550-00131114 Right. That the woman is supposed to give them. Right. So, again, we see these double edged standards. WIPkjxhXulg-00207-00131114-00131630 We also see even though the sexual practices have changed in our society, WIPkjxhXulg-00208-00131630-00132560 that there is still this sort of different sort of expectation on what women are and aren't supposed to do, given men's expectations. WIPkjxhXulg-00209-00132560-00133496 And it's really interesting, you know, as we see this in terms of what women actually find themselves in a position to say no to. WIPkjxhXulg-00210-00133496-00134243 Right. So another component of this is the idea that women have been so socialized to feel responsible for the WIPkjxhXulg-00211-00134243-00134999 emotional and psychological well-being of others that they're made to feel bad if they want to say no. WIPkjxhXulg-00212-00134999-00135611 Right. So sometimes they might consent not because they want to have sexual acts with that person, WIPkjxhXulg-00213-00135611-00136268 but because they feel obligated to or they are they're afraid of the ramifications of saying no. WIPkjxhXulg-00214-00136268-00137027 Right. And I know that probably every woman can think of at least one experience where they've engaged in some sort of intimate action, WIPkjxhXulg-00215-00137027-00137576 where they maybe change their mind at some point through or never wanted to to begin with. WIPkjxhXulg-00216-00137576-00138156 But they sort of outweighed their own autonomy with the fear. WIPkjxhXulg-00217-00138156-00138550 Right. Of what others would think of them. WIPkjxhXulg-00218-00138550-00139469 And so this leads into the economic and educational aspects of sexism, where she talks about the patriarchal government working very efficiently. WIPkjxhXulg-00219-00139469-00139907 Right. Due to the economic hold it wields over its female subjects. WIPkjxhXulg-00220-00139907-00140543 Right. So this is an, you know, another component of how this power structure maintains that status quo. WIPkjxhXulg-00221-00140543-00141485 So in traditional patriarchy is until very recently in most countries, women were quite literally considered non persons. WIPkjxhXulg-00222-00141485-00142226 Right. Meaning that they did not have any legal standing and they could neither own property nor earn a living. WIPkjxhXulg-00223-00142226-00143349 Right. So, again, this only changed very recently. If you want to look at it in the West, it wasn't until the 1970s that her 80s. WIPkjxhXulg-00224-00143349-00143870 It might have been even later in the 80s when a woman could open a credit card without having a male cosigner. WIPkjxhXulg-00225-00143870-00144239 When a woman could get a loan without having a male cosigner. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00226-00144239-00144756 So the idea is that these things are not as far back in our history as we would like to believe. WIPkjxhXulg-00227-00144756-00145343 Right. And that's not to say that women didn't work right. The idea was that women have always worked. WIPkjxhXulg-00228-00145343-00145961 Right. Either in slavery or in the domestic sphere doing the most strenuous and routine tasks. WIPkjxhXulg-00229-00145961-00146825 But that that labor has never, ever been economically rewarded or to bring it up to the forefront has not been equally rewarded. WIPkjxhXulg-00230-00146825-00147182 Economically speaking, there are other relations to this. WIPkjxhXulg-00231-00147182-00147488 Right, as of course, we might think that, well, WIPkjxhXulg-00232-00147488-00148262 maybe women haven't had equal pay or the same type of job opportunities because they haven't had the accompanying educational experience. WIPkjxhXulg-00233-00148262-00148766 Right. Or expertize. And so we can look about how these two things are connected. WIPkjxhXulg-00234-00148766-00149828 Women, of course, have experienced great forced distance from areas of what we might consider the hard sciences or what Millett calls high technology. WIPkjxhXulg-00235-00149828-00150243 So large scale. Building construction, the development computers, right? WIPkjxhXulg-00236-00150243-00150579 NASA missions and things like this. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00237-00150579-00151155 So that distance between women, women's work and those fields is great. WIPkjxhXulg-00238-00151155-00151566 Right. In that those fields have been controlled right. WIPkjxhXulg-00239-00151566-00151956 By the very people who already have political power. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00240-00151956-00152307 And then even when women have participated in those fields. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00241-00152307-00152823 So we can perhaps you've seen some of the recent films on this subject. WIPkjxhXulg-00242-00152823-00153279 Right. But even when they have participated in these, they never get any credit for their work. WIPkjxhXulg-00243-00153279-00153660 Right. They're looked over historically and not even acknowledged. WIPkjxhXulg-00244-00153660-00154110 So a perfect example of this is in hidden figures, right? WIPkjxhXulg-00245-00154110-00154758 Where we have actually the first computers were not machinery. WIPkjxhXulg-00246-00154758-00155328 Right. In that in the sense that we think of computers today. I mean, there were mechanical components, right? WIPkjxhXulg-00247-00155328-00155487 There was hardware. WIPkjxhXulg-00248-00155487-00156504 But the actual software, right where we think of most of the programing going into the very first computer software was actually female. WIPkjxhXulg-00249-00156504-00157404 Right. So these were women whose job it was to manipulate the data and to engage in feeding the hardware. WIPkjxhXulg-00250-00157404-00157887 And, you know, coordinating everything and analyzing the outputs. WIPkjxhXulg-00251-00157887-00158379 Right. So the first computers were actually female. But again, we associate. WIPkjxhXulg-00252-00158379-00159180 Right. Computer programing, computer technology, primarily with the male dominance of other technology fields. WIPkjxhXulg-00253-00159180-00160047 Right. And so other, you know, perhaps reasons for why these sorts of male dominated disciplines persist. WIPkjxhXulg-00254-00160047-00160602 Is that even though we do have more women entering into these fields, it could be argued that, WIPkjxhXulg-00255-00160602-00161290 again, as we're socialized as women, we're not as encouraged to pursue those types of disciplines. WIPkjxhXulg-00256-00161290-00161958 Right. We might be encouraged to concentrate on what are considered the more inferior spheres of culture, right. WIPkjxhXulg-00257-00161958-00162252 Through things like studying the humanities. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00258-00162252-00163068 So this is the idea that, you know, we see more women who are encouraged to go into maybe the social sciences. WIPkjxhXulg-00259-00163068-00163467 Right. Liberal arts, humanities, more so than men. WIPkjxhXulg-00260-00163467-00164415 But even though we might see more women in those fields, achievement still tends to be reserved largely for the males in that area. WIPkjxhXulg-00261-00164415-00165039 Right. So, again, right. We might see many women in the positions of teachers. WIPkjxhXulg-00262-00165039-00165402 Right. But those who are lauded as the experts. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00263-00165402-00165771 The sort of they often use the, quote, founding fathers. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00264-00165771-00166869 Of those disciplines. Right. Those are still reserved for men. The next part of this is the use of force in maintaining and asserting sexism. WIPkjxhXulg-00265-00166869-00167523 Right. So patriarchy is have institutionalized force against women through their legal systems. WIPkjxhXulg-00266-00167523-00168231 For example, there have been strict patriarchal implementations which prohibit against illegitimacy. WIPkjxhXulg-00267-00168231-00168741 So right in this case, the illegitimate procreation of an offspring. WIPkjxhXulg-00268-00168741-00169539 Right. Meaning that that has occurred outside of the institution of marriage or the notion of sexual autonomy at all. WIPkjxhXulg-00269-00169539-00170379 Right. A woman being able to make her own decisions about the sexual acts that she engages in and the punishment for this, WIPkjxhXulg-00270-00170379-00171051 not for everyone involved, but usually solely for the women, has been death. WIPkjxhXulg-00271-00171051-00171924 Right. So a contemporary example of this still being the case is in Saudi Arabia, where if a case of adultery has been found out. WIPkjxhXulg-00272-00171924-00172797 Right. So if someone has engaged in sexual acts with someone while one or more of those parties were married to someone else, WIPkjxhXulg-00273-00172797-00173205 then only the woman is stoned to death. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00274-00173205-00173484 Men are not stoned to death for these activities. WIPkjxhXulg-00275-00173484-00174135 I think the only account of men being stoned to death is if they are found to have engaged in homosexual behavior. WIPkjxhXulg-00276-00174135-00174832 But men are not punished in these cases unless they are seen as having fever. WIPkjxhXulg-00277-00174832-00175272 Right. Or stolen property, meaning the woman from another man. WIPkjxhXulg-00278-00175272-00175644 Right. So the man would only be punished if the woman were married to someone else. WIPkjxhXulg-00279-00175644-00176706 But the woman is punished in all cases, no matter what other aspects of death as being a use of force in patriarchal systems. WIPkjxhXulg-00280-00176706-00177231 It has to do with the deprivation of allowing women control over their bodies. WIPkjxhXulg-00281-00177231-00178509 Right. So when we say make safe abortions illegal, what we are doing is essentially condemning those women who seek to have an abortion. WIPkjxhXulg-00282-00178509-00179079 Right. A higher likelihood of their own fatality. WIPkjxhXulg-00283-00179079-00179769 Right. And so the idea here is that when you make something illegal, that is not necessarily going to stop those actions from happening. WIPkjxhXulg-00284-00179769-00180504 Right. So these are the same. It's used in favor of legalizing, you know, drugs and things like this. WIPkjxhXulg-00285-00180504-00181239 Prostitution is that, again, these things are going to continue to happen. So why not legalize them so that we can regulate them and make them safe? WIPkjxhXulg-00286-00181239-00181536 Right. But the idea is, when you simply make it illegal, WIPkjxhXulg-00287-00181536-00182316 all you're doing is ensuring that women who are in need of having an abortion will have to seek that assistance either by their own means. WIPkjxhXulg-00288-00182316-00183084 Right. Or through some, you know, black market or unsafe sort of experience. WIPkjxhXulg-00289-00183084-00183666 Right. Which will, of course, increase the likelihood that that will happen. It will happen. WIPkjxhXulg-00290-00183666-00184476 Unhealthy and unsafe way for both parties. So the reaction to the violence against women in the patriarchy is, of course, often ambivalent. WIPkjxhXulg-00291-00184476-00185232 Right. So people don't seem to be nearly as concerned about what happens to women as they are WIPkjxhXulg-00292-00185232-00185742 in these cases about how it affects the larger system or in the case of abortion, WIPkjxhXulg-00293-00185742-00186702 how it affects the offspring. Right. So women's status is considered secondary to the other supposedly interested parties. WIPkjxhXulg-00294-00186702-00187167 Right. And this could also be discussed in relation to pornography. WIPkjxhXulg-00295-00187167-00187620 Right. In that it, too, has utilized elements of force. WIPkjxhXulg-00296-00187620-00187899 Right. Especially in its history where, you know, WIPkjxhXulg-00297-00187899-00188880 women were sort of roped into these industries or misled or perhaps manipulated to enter into these industries, WIPkjxhXulg-00298-00188880-00189306 which are not necessarily targeting a female demographic. WIPkjxhXulg-00299-00189306-00190151 Right. They're made for men. Right. To be consumed by men. WIPkjxhXulg-00300-00190151-00190904 So what are the historical relationships, right, between myths and religions and sexism? WIPkjxhXulg-00301-00190904-00191285 Right. So what she's talking about here is how anthropology, WIPkjxhXulg-00302-00191285-00192485 as well as religious and literal literary myth have sort of reinforced or at least made explicit these sort of patriarchal convictions about women. WIPkjxhXulg-00303-00192485-00193142 Right. So the idea is that the women, the image of women as we know it, is an image created by men and fashion to suit their needs. WIPkjxhXulg-00304-00193142-00193889 This has to do with the fact that just historically speaking, we don't have as many narratives from female authors. WIPkjxhXulg-00305-00193889-00194777 Right. So the idea is that our understanding of history has come almost solely from the perspective of very privileged men. WIPkjxhXulg-00306-00194777-00195137 Right. And so what she claims then is that these needs. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00307-00195137-00195803 The need to portray women in this way springs from a fear of the otherness of women. WIPkjxhXulg-00308-00195803-00196496 Right. So the idea here is that othering again, as we tie it back to what Simone de Beauvoir was talking about, WIPkjxhXulg-00309-00196496-00196898 is the idea of portraying women as outside of the norm. WIPkjxhXulg-00310-00196898-00197774 Right. Second class citizens right outside of the norm, not those whom are worthy or deserving of our consideration. WIPkjxhXulg-00311-00197774-00198626 Right. Our empathy, our protection and things like that. And she says that other women in this way is necessary because then that otherness WIPkjxhXulg-00312-00198626-00199169 can be used as a rationale for men to justify the inferior status of women. WIPkjxhXulg-00313-00199169-00199970 Again, this might remind us of some of the issues brought up in week one, specifically by Mary Wollstonecraft. WIPkjxhXulg-00314-00199970-00200735 Right. So the idea that, you know, we we put women in a position where they're uneducated and then we criticize them for not being as smart as men. WIPkjxhXulg-00315-00200735-00201458 Right. We're creating this sort of vicious cycle. We can also that otherness has also been used to explain the oppression. WIPkjxhXulg-00316-00201458-00202193 Right. That those women have received in their lives. Many men often claiming that women want to be in that position. WIPkjxhXulg-00317-00202193-00202649 Right. That it's actually better for them to be oppressed in those ways. WIPkjxhXulg-00318-00202649-00203459 So what she claims is that a constant in every patriarchy is the feeling that women, particularly their sexual functions, are impure. WIPkjxhXulg-00319-00203459-00204398 Right. So this othering is often, she says, to presumptions about the female body and the fact that the elements of the female body, WIPkjxhXulg-00320-00204398-00204734 which supposedly separate females from males. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00321-00204734-00205235 Having to do primarily with menstruation are considered unclean. WIPkjxhXulg-00322-00205235-00205364 Impure. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00323-00205364-00206453 And this has other sorts of religious connotations in the sense that because a women's misadministration is tied to the ability to give birth. WIPkjxhXulg-00324-00206453-00207269 Right. And in most cases, then that that is actually tied to a great spiritual power which men are then afraid of. WIPkjxhXulg-00325-00207269-00207898 Right. And so patriarchal myth and religions tend to blame women for all the things that go wrong in the world, WIPkjxhXulg-00326-00207898-00208375 rather than placing the blame at the feet of the men who are, of course, in control. WIPkjxhXulg-00327-00208375-00209153 And so should things go wrong. Right. You might think that they should be the ones taking responsibility for it. WIPkjxhXulg-00328-00209153-00209553 OK. And then the last component of this, I believe. WIPkjxhXulg-00329-00209553-00210329 Yes. The last component here is the psychological element of sexism, where women are conditioned to despise both themselves and each other. WIPkjxhXulg-00330-00210329-00211082 And I think this is probably the element of sexism that we might be aware of most often in our everyday lives. WIPkjxhXulg-00331-00211082-00211406 Right. So I'm thinking back to high school and just being young. WIPkjxhXulg-00332-00211406-00212750 But even in adulthood. Right. You'll often see that when there is any sort of competition, either among women or between women for the sake of men, WIPkjxhXulg-00333-00212750-00213356 that women end up placing a lot more hostility towards one another and even themselves, WIPkjxhXulg-00334-00213356-00213863 then they are likely to produce against any men that they happen to be competing with. WIPkjxhXulg-00335-00213863-00214819 So the idea here is that just like any minority group, right, in terms of status, women not only experience group self-hatred. WIPkjxhXulg-00336-00214819-00215630 Right. A lot of women will claim to hate other women, but also a sort of hatred and rejection of themselves. WIPkjxhXulg-00337-00215630-00216140 Right. So she describes this as a contempt for both herself and her fellows. WIPkjxhXulg-00338-00216140-00217073 The result of that continual, however subtle, reiteration of her inferiority, which she eventually accepts as fact. WIPkjxhXulg-00339-00217073-00217800 And this has been well-documented, as was pointed out with. WIPkjxhXulg-00340-00217800-00218933 Oh, forgive me. As was pointed out with Hooks at the beginning of the of the week of week one, where there is this notion of imposter syndrome. WIPkjxhXulg-00341-00218933-00219967 Right. Or stereotype threat where we are aware of stereotypes about certain groups in which we participate, but that we have. WIPkjxhXulg-00342-00219967-00220498 Found, even if they aren't true, because we have accepted it as a stereotype. WIPkjxhXulg-00343-00220498-00220876 We will actually act in correlation with it. WIPkjxhXulg-00344-00220876-00221563 So the best example I can think of is this of this is studies that they have done with. WIPkjxhXulg-00345-00221563-00222373 I think it was fifth graders. Right. So this is typically around the time when boys and girls start to become exceptionally aware of the WIPkjxhXulg-00346-00222373-00223098 stereotypes about gender and specifically the stereotype that boys are better at math than girls are. WIPkjxhXulg-00347-00223098-00223769 So in these studies, the two groups of young boys and girls are given a math test. WIPkjxhXulg-00348-00223769-00224734 Right. Not discussing the stereotypes at all. And the results found that the girls are likely to perform higher right on those math tests. WIPkjxhXulg-00349-00224734-00225184 Then they give the same sort of test to that group, perhaps with different variables. WIPkjxhXulg-00350-00225184-00226015 But they give the same test to that group again after they've discussed the stereotype that boys are better at math than girls. WIPkjxhXulg-00351-00226015-00226585 And what happens then is that the boys end up scoring higher than the girls. WIPkjxhXulg-00352-00226585-00227119 So how are these results explained? Well, it's not that all of a sudden the boys got better at math. WIPkjxhXulg-00353-00227119-00227605 What actually is the case is that the girls who had previously performed better WIPkjxhXulg-00354-00227605-00228100 have so internalized and believed the stereotype that they are bad at math. WIPkjxhXulg-00355-00228100-00228826 That they actually hinder their own performance and perform worse as a result of their lack of confidence in themselves. WIPkjxhXulg-00356-00228826-00229219 Right. Similar studies have been done on physical strength. Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00357-00229219-00229729 Perhaps you watched some of the media on, you know, hashtag like a girl. WIPkjxhXulg-00358-00229729-00229756 Right. WIPkjxhXulg-00359-00229756-00230680 So you ask young kids to do something like a girl and they just run or throw or do whatever, you know, putting as much effort into it as they can. WIPkjxhXulg-00360-00230680-00231112 But when you ask older people to, you know, run like a girl or throw like a girl, WIPkjxhXulg-00361-00231112-00231864 they are like overly performative in, you know, acting weak, acting sort of silly, not having any strength. WIPkjxhXulg-00362-00231864-00232492 Right. So the idea is that the adults are actually subconsciously holding themselves back WIPkjxhXulg-00363-00232492-00233428 in their physical performance based on the stereotype that they've accepted. So most women, she says, have found the situation too hard to bear, WIPkjxhXulg-00364-00233428-00234250 in which case most women are then become in denial about the importance right of their own equality. WIPkjxhXulg-00365-00234250-00235237 And so maintain that self-hatred, that self rejection or hatred of the group as part of a mechanism of self-preservation. WIPkjxhXulg-00366-00235237-00236155 Right. So the idea is that women will entertain, please gratify, satisfy and flatter men with their sexuality. WIPkjxhXulg-00367-00236155-00236953 Right. Even though those very activities often are rooted in an a belief that they are less WIPkjxhXulg-00368-00236953-00237604 worthy than the men that they are supposedly serving in the higher levels of status. WIPkjxhXulg-00369-00237604-00238060 Right. Than are typically given or permitted by those in control. WIPkjxhXulg-00370-00238060-00238804 Right. So usually for their own entertainment. So the idea is that if a woman who feels, you know, any sort of low self-esteem, WIPkjxhXulg-00371-00238804-00239731 if she engages in sexual acts, which please men in high power, the sexual acts will not make her feel better. WIPkjxhXulg-00372-00239731-00240352 But the men's rewarding of her behavior, right. Will make it feel like it was worthwhile. WIPkjxhXulg-00373-00240352-00241387 And the idea is that if a woman were to deny men those same sexual acts right, then their own low levels of self-confidence would only be reinforced. WIPkjxhXulg-00374-00241387-00241864 Right. So it would be even harder for them to say no. Right. And to deny them this. WIPkjxhXulg-00375-00241864-00242400 So the idea is that they are not as rewarded for physical strength, courage or serious intelligence. WIPkjxhXulg-00376-00242400-00243217 Right. Quite the contrary. We find that women who go against these ideas of traditional femininity, again, WIPkjxhXulg-00377-00243217-00243636 if the women happen to be strong, happen to be courageous and happen to be intelligence, WIPkjxhXulg-00378-00243636-00244555 they are not only again ignored, right or not praised, they are usually quite heavily punished or reprimanded socially for those behaviors. WLigHqhZKBY-00000-00000000-00000128 asalam alykum wr wb WLigHqhZKBY-00001-00000128-00000528 hello guys welcome to the channel i hope you're having yourself a wonderful day in today's video WLigHqhZKBY-00002-00000528-00001128 we'll be reacting to a scary moto 2 crash um so stay tuned we're going to get started with that WLigHqhZKBY-00003-00001128-00001504 video in just a couple of minutes for those of you who are new and who happen to come across WLigHqhZKBY-00004-00001504-00001839 this channel in this video for the first time i'd like to take a moment and welcome you guys WLigHqhZKBY-00005-00001839-00002312 to the channel i upload videos every day so if you guys like the content as well as the channel want WLigHqhZKBY-00006-00002312-00002712 to be part of this journey then please consider subscribing to the channel and turn notification WLigHqhZKBY-00007-00002712-00002984 so you're notified when a new video is uploaded stay tuned guys we'll be right back WLigHqhZKBY-00008-00003872-00004144 welcome back guys we're gonna get started with the video momentarily and at the end WLigHqhZKBY-00009-00004144-00004416 of the video i'll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please WLigHqhZKBY-00010-00004416-00004816 make sure you stay until the end and with that said let's get started with our video WLigHqhZKBY-00011-00005176-00005584 for the world championship leader and that's a dangerous dangerous place to be crashing WLigHqhZKBY-00012-00005584-00006064 please get out of the circuit look at all these riders oh goodness me goodness me it's exactly WLigHqhZKBY-00013-00006064-00006664 what you don't want to see oh he knows he knew he's going to be absolutely gutted crest for them WLigHqhZKBY-00014-00006664-00007048 couldn't see who it was he made contact with bashed in his bike this is going to be a red flag WLigHqhZKBY-00015-00007048-00007744 the red flag is out that is a completely destroyed motorcycle we saw that very very close here one WLigHqhZKBY-00016-00007744-00008200 year ago with remy garner and alex marquez didn't we ride the high size lose the rear WLigHqhZKBY-00017-00008200-00008808 coming out of the first corner that can happen it was bastion in that los toria the red flag is out WLigHqhZKBY-00018-00009048-00009440 that was horrific and that is the problem with that corner as you come out and you high WLigHqhZKBY-00019-00009440-00009760 side the bike in the middle of the circuit because people can't see it because of this WLigHqhZKBY-00020-00009760-00010120 they're coming over the crest bastion knew exactly what was coming as soon as he got WLigHqhZKBY-00021-00010120-00010448 to his feet and knew he wasn't going to be hit himself he was just like looking going WLigHqhZKBY-00022-00010448-00011120 please please no nobody made contact with the bike there is the red flag then simon yeah guys i think WLigHqhZKBY-00023-00011120-00011600 uh you can see over there chris the problem is if you're slip streaming someone else you then WLigHqhZKBY-00024-00011600-00012024 you just don't see they dive out of the way and then there's a bike on the floor in front of you WLigHqhZKBY-00025-00012024-00012544 edgartons was one of the riders that was caught up in that instant now the number 57 machine that's WLigHqhZKBY-00026-00012544-00013040 one of the haunted major riders as well so there's more than one rider that has been caught up in WLigHqhZKBY-00027-00013040-00013719 that incident involving a neo-bastionini horrific accident that one really really bad i'm wondering WLigHqhZKBY-00028-00013719-00014344 i think hafiz siren was involved in that as well i'm not sure if it was his bike i'm not sure if it WLigHqhZKBY-00029-00014344-00015008 was him that hit bastianini's stricken bike but no surprise to see the red flag and now bastianini's WLigHqhZKBY-00030-00015008-00015463 perfectly fine despite that yeah he's going to be decided he's going to be absolutely mortified WLigHqhZKBY-00031-00015519-00015976 the last thing that he wanted to do was cause a multi-rider pilot like that it's so easy to do WLigHqhZKBY-00032-00015976-00016512 when you're trying to squeeze that power on to get the drive out of that corner you know bastianini WLigHqhZKBY-00033-00016512-00016864 was struggling for pace at that stage of race as well he'd been passed by betseki and could WLigHqhZKBY-00034-00016864-00017240 see him getting away he was under pressure from connect as well just perhaps a little WLigHqhZKBY-00035-00017240-00018384 bit too eager happy sirens bike and andy is daha's machine just the impact was scary WLigHqhZKBY-00036-00019016-00019496 and i bastionini bikes high side i mean point one he does well to avoid not to get WLigHqhZKBY-00037-00019496-00020032 taken out then unfortunately a rider is going to clatter into an air bastion in his bike WLigHqhZKBY-00038-00020032-00020400 and with like like simon said your vision's blocked look how close remy gardner is he WLigHqhZKBY-00039-00020520-00020792 he's not going to be able to see much of that and then the riders WLigHqhZKBY-00040-00020792-00021184 behind can pick their way through roberts did so bow the far he did WLigHqhZKBY-00041-00021456-00021944 all riders conscious that's the best outcome you could possibly have because that WLigHqhZKBY-00042-00021944-00022304 look you can see that that young man there just cannot believe what he's witnessing WLigHqhZKBY-00043-00022384-00022928 he's just seeing riders crash into his fallen motorcycles there's nothing bastion he can do WLigHqhZKBY-00044-00023304-00023824 oh i was following that was a pretty bad accident the poor guy slipped i think he was trying to take WLigHqhZKBY-00045-00023824-00024632 the turn pretty sharp and skid themselves on the road and the other bikers that were coming most of WLigHqhZKBY-00046-00024632-00025032 them kind of got away the ones that could actually see but then there was like a little bit of a WLigHqhZKBY-00047-00025032-00025504 blind spot for some of them because they're so close to each other so the front ones keep going WLigHqhZKBY-00048-00025504-00025912 around them but the ones that were behind them they didn't have enough of a reaction time and WLigHqhZKBY-00049-00025912-00026495 one of the guys hit it and the impact was so hard i think the front of his bike like the wheel part WLigHqhZKBY-00050-00026495-00026904 of the wheel like with that thing with the piece that holds it like it just broke off so the bike WLigHqhZKBY-00051-00026904-00027392 turned into two pieces uh but i think hamdulillah they're at least good that they weren't injured WLigHqhZKBY-00052-00027392-00028039 and good thing was that nobody ran into him with their bikes um so it is pretty scary it's just WLigHqhZKBY-00053-00028039-00028608 amazing alhamdulillah that you know it wasn't so bad it it was pretty bad but it could have WLigHqhZKBY-00054-00028608-00029400 always been worse so really really uh scary guys uh i'm not that everybody's good if you guys um WLigHqhZKBY-00055-00029480-00029960 liked watching it and then seeing this crazy crash don't forget to like comment share and subscribe WLigHqhZKBY-00056-00029960-00030312 and if you want me to check out another video please put in the comment section below as always WLigHqhZKBY-00057-00030312-00030632 thank you very much guys for all your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful WLigHqhZKBY-00058-00030632-00032383 day take care of yourself and your family and inshAllah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam WLUv41S0Ebk-00000-00000032-00000544 in 30 seconds i'm going to just playing this video. this is the reason why i hit myself 15 times every WLUv41S0Ebk-00001-00000544-00000976 single time i redirected the youtube studio app. this is because i will not be able to click WLUv41S0Ebk-00002-00000976-00001416 publish whenever i am about to upload a video there, and plus i will not be able to click on WLUv41S0Ebk-00003-00001416-00001807 done if i'm changing something in my settings, and in this case, i was on road to remove a WLUv41S0Ebk-00004-00001807-00002224 moderator. i had to describe the changes because i couldn't press done, as it was hidden from the WLUv41S0Ebk-00005-00002224-00002928 screen, and it was not long enough to show. plus, the screen is smaller on that case, and by the WLUv41S0Ebk-00006-00002928-00003560 way, i think mr balin is gonna make a video right now, and i'm about to make a comment suggestion, WLUv41S0Ebk-00007-00003615-00004272 and if i find it, i will automatically feature it from my video, but that's it. WO3IYQHM9cc-00000-00000156-00000308 Hi everyone! WO3IYQHM9cc-00001-00000314-00001062 Welcome to Satisfactory Asmr Life! WO3IYQHM9cc-00002-00001128-00003090 I'm Vanessa and today I will be eating Pirouline cream filled wafers with chocolate hazelnut WO3IYQHM9cc-00003-00003090-00003376 flavored cream. WO3IYQHM9cc-00004-00003690-00004556 These look delicious, but first: WO3IYQHM9cc-00005-00004618-00004818 (Tapping Sounds) WO3IYQHM9cc-00006-00007656-00007856 Let's get to eating! WO3IYQHM9cc-00007-00008784-00009008 You did not see that. WO3IYQHM9cc-00008-00009016-00009208 Censored! WO3IYQHM9cc-00009-00009552-00009744 It was supposed to be the other side. WO3IYQHM9cc-00010-00010012-00010480 (Can't open the darn box) WO3IYQHM9cc-00011-00011160-00012024 They come in this silver package. WO3IYQHM9cc-00012-00012304-00012504 (wrapper sounds) WO3IYQHM9cc-00013-00015713-00016408 It reminds me of a candy cane because it has a swirl pattern or...A UNICORN HORN! WO3IYQHM9cc-00014-00016570-00016648 WHOOP WHOOP! WO3IYQHM9cc-00015-00016672-00016764 Let's go! WO3IYQHM9cc-00016-00018216-00018320 Whoa. WO3IYQHM9cc-00017-00018698-00018874 These are good! WO3IYQHM9cc-00018-00020742-00020792 Oh my god. WO3IYQHM9cc-00019-00020992-00021108 These are incredible! WO3IYQHM9cc-00020-00021178-00021398 (Shoves cookie into mouth violently) WO3IYQHM9cc-00021-00024838-00025202 The taste reminds me of a Kit Kat but, like, inside WO3IYQHM9cc-00022-00025202-00025772 out cause the wafers on the outside and the chocolate's on the inside. WO3IYQHM9cc-00023-00026336-00026560 It's actual cream inside. WO3IYQHM9cc-00024-00035280-00035712 Just one more, before I eat them all. WO3IYQHM9cc-00025-00035920-00036176 (tear goes down cheek) WO3IYQHM9cc-00026-00042140-00042260 Those were amazing. WO3IYQHM9cc-00027-00042658-00042770 Thank you guys for watching! WO3IYQHM9cc-00028-00042808-00042856 I hope you enjoyed! WO3IYQHM9cc-00029-00043040-00043996 If you've had pirouline wafers before, tell me in WO3IYQHM9cc-00030-00044002-00044166 the comments below. WO3IYQHM9cc-00031-00044266-00044444 If you like this video, hit the thumbs up. WO3IYQHM9cc-00032-00044516-00044610 If you're new, subscribe! WO3IYQHM9cc-00033-00044644-00044988 And hit that notification bell to stay updated! WO3IYQHM9cc-00034-00045010-00045102 Bye! WPcuS3yogQ4-00000-00000233-00000350 Take a deep breath. WPcuS3yogQ4-00001-00000537-00001234 Gather all your attention together if you will, and then… [exhale] WPcuS3yogQ4-00002-00001697-00002185 Imagine for a moment that you have no memory of your present life. WPcuS3yogQ4-00003-00002527-00003118 To the point where all that’s left is an instinct of yourself, an instinctual knowing WPcuS3yogQ4-00004-00003118-00003429 of your own existence, your own being. WPcuS3yogQ4-00005-00003429-00003538 Without data. WPcuS3yogQ4-00006-00003538-00003640 Without knowledge. WPcuS3yogQ4-00007-00003640-00003874 Without condition or expectation. WPcuS3yogQ4-00008-00004120-00004187 Just. WPcuS3yogQ4-00009-00004200-00004264 Pure. WPcuS3yogQ4-00010-00004276-00004361 You. WPcuS3yogQ4-00011-00004774-00005228 And for now, just let it be sort of like an empty freedom. WPcuS3yogQ4-00012-00005318-00005580 Where you do not need to know anything about anything. WPcuS3yogQ4-00013-00005632-00006038 A place where there is no need to perform anything. WPcuS3yogQ4-00014-00006200-00006579 Where you don’t need to get anywhere or accomplish anything. WPcuS3yogQ4-00015-00006755-00007278 And where you feel a total absence of any need to prove your worth to anybody. WPcuS3yogQ4-00016-00007356-00007622 None of that exists in your true self. WPcuS3yogQ4-00017-00007808-00008539 Now imagine that this pure space is filled up with an intuitive remembrance of you as WPcuS3yogQ4-00018-00008539-00008948 a soul, before you chose to come to this planet. WPcuS3yogQ4-00019-00009459-00009983 Filled with a frequency of a universal Love that does not belong to any particular human WPcuS3yogQ4-00020-00009983-00010083 being. WPcuS3yogQ4-00021-00010083-00010281 It’s not from person to person. WPcuS3yogQ4-00022-00010281-00010573 Rather, it just is. WPcuS3yogQ4-00023-00010624-00010829 The fabric of existence. WPcuS3yogQ4-00024-00010873-00011349 If anything, you could say it’s the Love of the Creator for all of itself. WPcuS3yogQ4-00025-00011428-00011729 The Love by Source for Source. WPcuS3yogQ4-00026-00011802-00012639 All the time you do spend on meditation will help you get closer to the natural state, WPcuS3yogQ4-00027-00012639-00013103 the liberated state, the free state, the state of pure consciousness. WQdDT-pyRHo-00000-00000016-00000584 i love you so much truly oh you can know that i love you WQdDT-pyRHo-00001-00000603-00000703 Armyyyy WQdDT-pyRHo-00002-00000944-00001680 i am the moon and is my earth the army WQdDT-pyRHo-00003-00001976-00002648 everything my everything you see me yeah i see you mommy WQdDT-pyRHo-00004-00002880-00003104 you are the brightest stars in my WQdDT-pyRHo-00005-00003104-00003203 universe WQdDT-pyRHo-00006-00003203-00003403 you purple you WQdDT-pyRHo-00007-00003603-00003703 I purple you WQdDT-pyRHo-00008-00003703-00003903 we all purple you WQdDT-pyRHo-00009-00004003-00004203 I love you WQdDT-pyRHo-00010-00004203-00004303 Bye Bye WQf9widcRc4-00000-00000066-00000150 here we go! WQf9widcRc4-00001-00000220-00000602 hey it's booty quake here from roller derby athletics and I am WQf9widcRc4-00002-00000602-00000898 doing the RYU one more rep for mental health. WQf9widcRc4-00003-00000898-00001526 And I challenge Kariac Arrest and Octopus Prime, two online fitness buddies of mine, WQf9widcRc4-00004-00001526-00001827 to do this with me. I challenge you to try it too! WQf9widcRc4-00005-00001827-00001935 So here's the deal: WQf9widcRc4-00006-00001935-00002364 RYU is trying to raise 1 million reps to help make mental health care more WQf9widcRc4-00007-00002364-00002721 accessible in our communities. You can learn more about it at the links that WQf9widcRc4-00008-00002721-00003275 i'm gonna post with this video. They're just asking you to do a rep of anything. WQf9widcRc4-00009-00003275-00003564 They're recommending kettlebell swings but if you don't have a kettlebell, WQf9widcRc4-00010-00003564-00003818 you can do what i'm doing and just use a dumbbell. WQf9widcRc4-00011-00003818-00004154 You can do any kind of rep you want to raise a million reps. WQf9widcRc4-00012-00004172-00004376 Here's the deal. There's a few pointers that are WQf9widcRc4-00013-00004377-00004787 important with this exercise. Number 1, you're not trying to *lift* the weight. WQf9widcRc4-00014-00004787-00005319 Actually, it's the forceful drive of your hips forward, that hip extension, which is WQf9widcRc4-00015-00005319-00005634 what causes the weight to swing forward. You should actually think about trying WQf9widcRc4-00016-00005634-00006100 to throw the weight away from you instead of lifting it up, so it's not an arm exercise. WQf9widcRc4-00017-00006100-00006431 The other important thing is that hinge: when you drop the WQf9widcRc4-00018-00006431-00006994 weight back between your legs you're not bending over at the waist, you're hinging at your hips. WQf9widcRc4-00019-00007022-00007476 I managed 75 reps before my forearms started to give out WQf9widcRc4-00020-00007495-00007895 I challenge you to do just as many reps as you can, even 5, even 10! WQf9widcRc4-00021-00007934-00008246 Alright, that's 75! WQanlAPLs94-00000-00000000-00000552 [music] Hi everyone. It's Elizabeth in the library WQanlAPLs94-00001-00000552-00001068 and this is a specific request that I got from a faculty member and I think from her students when WQanlAPLs94-00002-00001068-00001686 they are looking for Los Angeles Times articles so I'm going to show you how to find Los Angeles WQanlAPLs94-00003-00001686-00002256 Times articles in one of our library databases and then how to search for those articles. WQanlAPLs94-00004-00002346-00002904 So first thing is we'll start on the Coastline Library website,, WQanlAPLs94-00005-00003132-00003972 from here we'll click on the ebooks and databases page, we'll scroll down to the Newspapers and WQanlAPLs94-00006-00003972-00004644 News section and here we'll click on Newspaper News Core / US Newsstream. And if you haven't WQanlAPLs94-00007-00004644-00005136 already logged into the library you might have to log in using your canvas credentials. And WQanlAPLs94-00008-00005136-00005676 once you're there we'll have this search page and so what we're going to do today is what's WQanlAPLs94-00009-00005676-00006492 called a "publication search". So I'll click on Publications and my Publications page will come WQanlAPLs94-00010-00006492-00007109 up. Now just one little note here is that when we talk about the Los Angeles Times a lot of times we WQanlAPLs94-00011-00007109-00007698 think of it as the LA Times so if you do a search for LA Times it's not going to bring up the Los WQanlAPLs94-00012-00007698-00008430 Angeles Times you actually need to type in Los Angeles Times to bring up Los Angeles Times but WQanlAPLs94-00013-00008430-00008958 another trick is that if you're not sure what the beginning of it will be is to just type in WQanlAPLs94-00014-00008958-00009648 Times and then to search through the Publications we have there. So in this case since I've already WQanlAPLs94-00015-00009648-00010278 told you that trick I'm going to type in Los Angeles Times and then it's in the title for WQanlAPLs94-00016-00010278-00010896 our search and then I click search. And here it's showing me that we have four Publications for the WQanlAPLs94-00017-00010896-00011496 Los Angeles Times and here on the left side of the screen it's showing me that we have a source type. WQanlAPLs94-00018-00011496-00012120 So two of those are newspapers and two of them are blogs podcasts and websites. So depending on what WQanlAPLs94-00019-00012120-00012630 your instructor will allow you can either just click on the source type which is the newspapers WQanlAPLs94-00020-00012630-00013434 or you can do both things. So then I'm going to click on the newspapers here it shows me now I WQanlAPLs94-00021-00013434-00013950 have two Publications and I'd like us to look at some of the information about the publication. So WQanlAPLs94-00022-00013950-00014706 the first publication it says full text coverage and it says here from December 4th 1996 to the WQanlAPLs94-00023-00014706-00015456 present and then in the second section you can actually see we have coverage from 1985 to 1996. WQanlAPLs94-00024-00015456-00015906 So if you're looking for more recent things you would click on the first option which is what I'm WQanlAPLs94-00025-00015906-00016560 going to do here. So now what's happened is I have clicked on the publication option it shows that WQanlAPLs94-00026-00016560-00017166 I'm in the Los Angeles Times and then my search bar says "search within this publication" and WQanlAPLs94-00027-00017166-00017856 now I'm able to search within the publication. If you wanted to see the latest content you can see WQanlAPLs94-00028-00017856-00018522 here that the issue content is available below so it says "search within this issue". So this would WQanlAPLs94-00029-00018522-00019134 allow me to search within just today's issue of the Los Angeles Times. But I'm not very sure what WQanlAPLs94-00030-00019134-00019698 you're looking for here so I just want to show you how you can search for information for a very WQanlAPLs94-00031-00019698-00020292 specific publication in one of our resources. The publication search is something that's available WQanlAPLs94-00032-00020292-00020892 in a lot of our databases so if you're looking for a specific publication this is one way to WQanlAPLs94-00033-00020892-00021342 search for them. So I hope this answered your question and if I can help with anything else WQanlAPLs94-00034-00021342-00022368 or any of the other Librarians can help please let us know. And have a great day. Okay bye! [Music] WRAC8Pld-0o-00000-00000156-00000448 Here are the nominees for the Better World Award. WRAC8Pld-0o-00001-00001000-00001232 WRAC8Pld-0o-00002-00001316-00001852 Paint Eco combines 10 years of experience in the extraction of different vegetable oils. WRAC8Pld-0o-00003-00001864-00002444 The Latvian based company creates ecological, environment friendly wood treatment materials WRAC8Pld-0o-00004-00002456-00003076 and is the only market-leading manufacturer of natural boiled linseed oil, stains, paints, WRAC8Pld-0o-00005-00003088-00003396 floor oil and waxes in the Baltic States. WRAC8Pld-0o-00006-00003640-00003888 WRAC8Pld-0o-00007-00003940-00004208 The EU-GUGLE project aims to demonstrate WRAC8Pld-0o-00008-00004220-00004592 the feasibility of nearly-zero energy building renovation models WRAC8Pld-0o-00009-00004604-00004940 in view of triggering large-scale, Europe-wide replication WRAC8Pld-0o-00010-00004952-00005312 in smart cities and communities by 2020. WRAC8Pld-0o-00011-00005504-00005832 WRAC8Pld-0o-00012-00005896-00006388 The non-profit organisation founded in 2014, has as its mission to make WRAC8Pld-0o-00013-00006400-00006895 people and businesses in the member states more aware of their dependence on each other. WRAC8Pld-0o-00014-00006908-00007400 The Foundation has created a platform where individuals and businesses can get in touch WRAC8Pld-0o-00015-00007412-00008008 with each other, exchange thoughts concerning the problems they face and set up joint projects. WRAC8Pld-0o-00016-00008104-00008292 - And the winner is... WRAC8Pld-0o-00017-00008312-00008556 Paint Eco! WRAC8Pld-0o-00018-00009200-00009500 - Thank you very much, it's really nice to be here. WRAC8Pld-0o-00019-00009512-00010152 Thanks a lot to these .eu Awards, I think it's a great and amazing idea. WRAC8Pld-0o-00020-00010180-00010844 I also thank the jury, the experts who have evaluated our idea. WRAC8Pld-0o-00021-00010856-00011464 I also thank our company, the whole team at Paint Eco in Latvia WRAC8Pld-0o-00022-00011476-00011912 for inspiring and continuing to work on green ideas. WRAC8Pld-0o-00023-00012000-00012704 I would say that if you care about your health, environment and also think about sustainability, WRAC8Pld-0o-00024-00012716-00013212 please come and visit us and use Paint Eco. Thank you a lot. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00000-00000152-00000664 Welcome back. We're continuing section 1.3. We've already talked about simple WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00001-00000664-00001240 random sampling in the previous video and now we're going to look at other acceptable WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00002-00001240-00001816 sampling methods. Sometimes we just can't use simple random sampling, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00003-00001816-00002136 so sometimes people use methods other than simple random sampling WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00004-00002208-00002656 to choose their samples. So again choosing samples is collecting data, how are we collecting WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00005-00002656-00003472 information? So sometimes simple random sampling is just too challenging or too hard to obtain. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00006-00004047-00004504 Sometimes the researcher isn't willing to leave certain representations up to chance. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00007-00004848-00005224 So sometimes we might want to make sure there's so many teachers in our sample or so many WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00008-00005280-00005792 people age 20 to 30, things like that. We might have characteristics that are important to us. So WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00009-00005792-00006216 let's look at a couple different sampling methods that are also considered good. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00010-00006216-00006784 The first one we're going to call Systematic Random Sampling. So this is still random, it's WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00011-00006784-00007328 just a little bit different than fully random like pulling a number out of a hat. This is a method of WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00012-00007328-00007848 choosing your sample so that the sampled items are equally spaced throughout the population. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00013-00008416-00008760 So an advantage would be that items near each other, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00014-00008760-00009232 or like students sitting next to each other, things like that, are often near each other. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00015-00009400-00009984 So like items are often near each other and so this can help avoid a biased sample. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00016-00010064-00010496 So some examples to think about this is like choosing every fifth person in line. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00017-00010600-00011088 So 1,2,3,4,5 right 1,2,3,4,5 and we choose the fifth person, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00018-00011088-00011720 that's equally spaced. If it were items on like an assembly line, like in a factory, just pick WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00019-00011720-00012200 something every 10 minutes. That's equally spaced as well. So those are different ways of doing WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00020-00012200-00012784 equally spaced. It's still random, it's just not as random as pulling a number out of a hat. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00021-00012928-00013344 I have a couple more good methods. The next one is called Cluster Sampling. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00022-00013504-00014184 This is a method that chooses several items that are somehow already naturally grouped together. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00023-00014544-00014736 They're in clusters. Clusters are groups. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00024-00014888-00015376 So let's talk about the process and then we'll do the advantage and disadvantage. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00025-00015376-00015663 So we find these subgroups, which would be called our cluster. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00026-00015663-00016191 So these are like groups within our sample and they kind of already naturally exist WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00027-00016368-00016768 and then this is an okay method because once we pick these clusters, we're going to WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00028-00016768-00017184 randomly pick those clusters. So that's what makes this still an okay method. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00029-00017376-00017992 Every good method will have some sort of element of random and then we'll just combine our clusters WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00030-00017992-00018520 to make a sample. So someone might do this because it saves time and money. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00031-00018864-00020112 It's also convenient so clusters could be like fruit, that's WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00032-00020176-00020528 like grapes they're already clustered together. Or a class of students, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00033-00020528-00020976 as a class you're already clustered together rather than choosing individual students. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00034-00021032-00021584 The problem is is clusters often have like members and so that might increase our chance of a biased WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00035-00021584-00022424 sample. Students in the same class might be a little similar. But again random will help take WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00036-00022424-00022784 care of that because we are going to choose more than one cluster. We won't choose a single class, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00037-00022784-00023224 we'll choose like five classes or ten classes so that helps with the bias. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00038-00023512-00023984 So look at an example after you get this definition down. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00039-00024800-00025312 So a wine maker wants to study grapes (so this goes in grapes come in clusters WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00040-00025312-00025768 naturally) in one of his vineyards to test sugar content, so that would be like a variable, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00041-00025920-00026520 just to remind us of some old vocab words. That's our response variable from the previous WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00042-00026520-00026944 section. We're gonna have grapes and then measure their sugar content, so that's like our output. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00043-00027032-00027639 And he would like the sample to have 1000 grapes and has decided that 1000 random grapes is just WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00044-00027639-00028248 too time consuming. We go around the farm and collecting individual grapes is just going to take WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00045-00028248-00028808 us forever. So instead we're going to use cluster sampling. We know there's 40 grapes in each bunch, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00046-00028808-00029583 so we're going to make those our clusters. So our clusters would be a bunch of grapes. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00047-00029952-00030376 We might not know the word bunch but grapes look like this they come in little bunches. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00048-00030704-00030983 That's our bunch of grapes. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00049-00031216-00031464 And so we're not going to get 1000 clusters because we only WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00050-00031464-00031880 want 1000 grapes. So how many clusters do we need? We need 1000 total grapes WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00051-00032280-00032784 and there's 40 in each cluster, so we'll just divide by 40 and we should get 25. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00052-00033600-00034192 So instead of collecting 1000 grapes, we're going to collect 25 clusters and as long as we do that WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00053-00034192-00034648 randomly, it's fine. So how should he decide which clusters to pick? He's not going to pick WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00054-00034648-00035216 the first 25 he sees, he's going to randomly pick them. And the element of random makes this okay. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00055-00035672-00035936 And that's cluster sampling. So it can save us time. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00056-00036008-00036352 Imagine collecting 25 versus 1000? It's definitely faster. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00057-00036560-00036728 And I have one final good method. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00058-00036944-00037184 And that is called Stratified Sampling. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00059-00037408-00038000 So this is a procedure that chooses items from different subpopulations. So this is a population WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00060-00038000-00038656 within your population. So it might be like a smaller group of people. Could be age, career, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00061-00038848-00039504 gender, things like that. And so we want to make sure that they come up in the same proportion WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00062-00039744-00040376 of the sample as they do in the population. And proportions are just percents. So if 20% of my WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00063-00040376-00040944 population is teachers, then I want 20% of my sample to be teachers. And we'll see that in WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00064-00040944-00041416 the example below. But first, the process we're going to do is- Identify those sub-populations, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00065-00041528-00041760 that's going to vary depending on what our interests are, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00066-00041896-00042392 and then from each sub-population, we'll find a sample size proportional WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00067-00042680-00043256 to the size of their subpopulation. So again 20% teachers in the population and the sample WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00068-00043416-00043952 and this is allowed as long as we randomly choose within those sub-populations. It's almost like we WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00069-00043952-00044456 have many samples within the sample and then we'll go ahead and combine them to make the sample. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00070-00044720-00045080 And the advantage is if you have an important characteristic you WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00071-00045080-00045256 can make sure it's properly represented. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00072-00045640-00045824 And another thing that's really nice about this WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00073-00045824-00046120 is sometimes you might study the little groups within the sample. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00074-00046176-00046616 So this can be really good sampling method if you want to examine individual groups as well. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00075-00046832-00047096 So let's see how this works. I think there's two examples. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00076-00047648-00048320 We have 57.8% of students at Chabot are female and 42.2% are male and we're going to have a WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00077-00048320-00048920 sample of size 450 and gender is an important characteristic for us. So we want gender to be WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00078-00048920-00049368 properly represented. So how many male and female students do we need in the sample? WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00079-00049432-00049848 So I'm not going to just randomly select 450 and like cut it in half, I'm going to make it WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00080-00049848-00050664 proportional. So proportional here means we're going to take 57.8% of 450 should be female. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00081-00051296-00051664 And in case we don't remember, the way we calculate this is we move the decimal WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00082-00051664-00052432 two to the left so 0.578, we multiply for "of" 450 and we can just calculate that. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00083-00053048-00053679 And we get 260.1, we can't really have a decimal of a person so I'm going to round that to 260 WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00084-00053767-00054544 females. So we would randomly sample 260 females at Chabot rather than randomly WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00085-00054544-00055040 sampling 450 students overall. So let's check how male works. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00086-00055040-00055864 So same idea 42.2% of 450 will be male and go ahead and calculate that percent WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00087-00056152-00056408 on your own. So move the decimal two to the left WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00088-00056824-00057584 and calculate. So I'll pause so you guys can try that without me. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00089-00058272-00058984 So did you get 189.9? Which I rounded up to 190. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00090-00059040-00059400 So then again, we would randomly sample 190 males and then we would WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00091-00059400-00059848 combine these to make a new sample of 450 students and we should double check that WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00092-00059928-00060384 those numbers add up to 450. So you can check that on your calculator. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00093-00060479-00060879 And that's what stratified is. So stratified is really nice when you want to study individual WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00094-00060879-00061320 groups. So maybe we want to compare male and female students or something after the fact. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00095-00061455-00062096 It's not always gender, we might be interested in age. So my final example will be looking at age. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00096-00062440-00062808 And then I have one combined example but this is my last one of stratified. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00097-00062808-00063216 So this is also stratified ,you'll see that word and we're interested in age here. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00098-00063216-00063664 So we have 3,332 students are 19 or younger. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00099-00063960-00065064 We have 4,393 are 20 to 24. 1,859 25 to 29. 2,269 in their 30s. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00100-00065304-00065432 And then our final group WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00101-00065704-00066288 is 3,222 are 40 and over. And so we want to have a sample of size WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00102-00066464-00067136 250, stratified based on age. So we wanna make sure age is proportional. This one's WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00103-00067136-00067528 a little trickier because percents aren't given. So we have to calculate percents. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00104-00067528-00068416 So we're going to take 3,332 and we're going to divide by the total. So I found the total WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00105-00068416-00069240 by adding up all the groups so 3,332 plus 4,393 plus .... and this will tell me the total students WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00106-00069240-00070328 I should know... 1,859 + 2,269 + and 3,2222 and quickly on the calculator I got 15,075 WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00107-00070584-00070768 and that's the total in my fraction. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00108-00071472-00071832 So then for each age group, we're going to divide to find the percent. So we'll do WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00109-00071904-00072200 the number of 19 or younger out of the total. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00110-00072440-00073184 So essentially we're doing 19 or younger divided by total. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00111-00073488-00073680 We get a decimal, we go 2 to the right, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00112-00073680-00074152 so we're doing the opposite now because we have a decimal and we get 22.10% WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00113-00074216-00074728 So we need 22.10% of our sample to be 19 or younger so I'm gonna do that same WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00114-00074728-00075784 calculation. I'm going to do 0.2210 times 250 and I get about 55 students 19 or younger. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00115-00076152-00076456 I do the same thing for 20 to 24, I'll do this one fast WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00116-00076536-00077120 since it's in the notes already. We do the number of them divided by the total, we get around 29% WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00117-00077336-00077712 Times it by 250 and we get 73 who are 20 to 24. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00118-00078080-00078296 And now we'll just repeat that for the remaining groups. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00119-00078560-00078968 So let's do 25 to 29. See if you can try that one without me. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00120-00079144-00079632 I'll pause the video for... I'll wait for like 30 seconds on the video so it's not WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00121-00079632-00081384 too long. We will go ahead and do the division to find the percent and then times it by 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00122-00081720-00082016 All right. Hit pause if you want more time. I don't want to make the video too long, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00123-00082088-00082400 so pause if you want to keep trying and then hit play when you're ready. And WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00124-00082520-00083016 we're going to do 1,859 over 15,075 WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00125-00083656-00084224 and we get about 0.1233 I'm going to stick with four decimal places WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00126-00084224-00084760 and we'll go over this more later but four decimal places is nice. This is like 12.33% WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00127-00084952-00085584 but we really only need the 0.1233 for the math. Times it by 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00128-00085664-00086344 And we get about 30.8 so I'll probably round that up to 31. 31 - 25 to 29. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00129-00086928-00087448 Cool so if you want to keep trying pause and do the last two. So we'll do 30s. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00130-00087784-00088648 There's 2,269 of them. 2,269 out of the total. I highly recommend pausing WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00131-00088648-00088992 videos and trying examples on your own because that's how you're going to learn. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00132-00089288-00089624 I got 0.1505 which is about 15.05%. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00133-00089864-00090256 One two that's how I'm doing that. But we'll just times that by 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00134-00090992-00091184 Because the sample size is 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00135-00091384-00092584 And I get about, a little over 37, 37.6 so I'll round that up to 38 in their 30s. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00136-00093168-00093496 And our final one. We probably could subtract to find the last one but WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00137-00093496-00094488 we should check the math as well. So 40s plus we have 3,222 out of 15,075. Quick division. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00138-00095392-00095960 0.2137, about 21%, a little more. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00139-00096120-00096784 But we'll just do 0.2137 times 250 because we're doing 21.37% of 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00140-00097096-00097720 And we get slightly over 53, 53.4, so 53 students over 40. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00141-00098048-00098336 And the last thing I would do is I would just add those numbers up, make sure they WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00142-00098336-00099584 add up to 250 still. So 55 plus 73 plus 31 plus 38 and plus 53. Cool we still got 250. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00143-00099688-00100240 So we have a random sample of 250 but we have instead randomly sampled within each age group. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00144-00100520-00100744 All right and this video is a little on the long side but there's only WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00145-00100744-00101128 one example left so let's just jump into this and we'll be done with section 1.3. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00146-00101368-00101712 So our final example is just what kind of sampling methods are they using? WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00147-00101712-00102112 You'll see in the question I said they're using two sampling methods. So as we read through this, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00148-00102112-00102456 start thinking about those. I'll maybe highlight things that stand out to me. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00149-00102576-00102928 So every few years Chabot conducts a student satisfaction survey. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00150-00103032-00103416 Simple random sampling is just not practical because there's many busy students WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00151-00103472-00103944 and it's really hard to get students to volunteer to come in and spend 30 minutes filling out WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00152-00103944-00104392 a survey. Most of you wouldn't do that so instead they decide to choose whole classes WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00153-00104632-00104944 of students and ask the instructors to administer these to classes WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00154-00105016-00105216 so classes sound like clusters to me. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00155-00105448-00105776 So that's a sampling method right? We're using classes as clusters WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00156-00105952-00106280 and then to attempt to ensure we have a good mixture of students, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00157-00106280-00106583 oops I forgot the x, mixture, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00158-00106920-00107608 from classes of various subjects. We equally space them throughout the classes of schedules. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00159-00107664-00108296 The classes of classes. So equally spaced we may or may not remember but that was the systematic WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00160-00108456-00108911 whenever it's equally spaced. So that could be equally spaced in terms of time, WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00161-00108911-00109528 like every four hours. It could also be equally spaced just in the catalog like classes so that we WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00162-00109528-00110144 get all the subjects. But it's equally spaced. So the two methods here are cluster sampling WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00163-00110320-00110824 and systematic random sampling so sometimes we use more than one method. WTLc1Ku2Ekc-00164-00111376-00111816 All right thanks for listening email any questions. WVOiiZGWQnI-00000-00000193-00000322 >From the campus studios WVOiiZGWQnI-00001-00000322-00000471 of Saarland university, WVOiiZGWQnI-00002-00000471-00000620 this is RoPeCast, WVOiiZGWQnI-00003-00000620-00000752 the light-hearted podcast WVOiiZGWQnI-00004-00000752-00000946 for learners of English, WVOiiZGWQnI-00005-00000946-00001061 with Roger Charlton WVOiiZGWQnI-00006-00001061-00001236 and Peter Tischer. WVOiiZGWQnI-00007-00001301-00001411 Hello everyone! WVOiiZGWQnI-00008-00001411-00001520 My name is Peter, WVOiiZGWQnI-00009-00001520-00001776 and you are listening to RoPeCast, WVOiiZGWQnI-00010-00001776-00002114 the podcast on interesting, funny, strange WVOiiZGWQnI-00011-00002114-00002479 and surprising aspects of the English language. WVOiiZGWQnI-00012-00002569-00002792 Well, and this means we have quite WVOiiZGWQnI-00013-00002792-00003002 a lot of topics in store for you. WVOiiZGWQnI-00014-00003074-00003270 And when I say we WVOiiZGWQnI-00015-00003270-00003464 that is not myself alone WVOiiZGWQnI-00016-00003464-00003806 That is a friend of mine and a colleague of mine WVOiiZGWQnI-00017-00003845-00003995 Roger Charlton. Hi Roger! WVOiiZGWQnI-00018-00003995-00004171 Hi Peter! WVOiiZGWQnI-00019-00004171-00004428 Well, and, Roger, actually, WVOiiZGWQnI-00020-00004428-00004643 you're the one who's got the topic list WVOiiZGWQnI-00021-00004643-00004783 sitting on his lap, WVOiiZGWQnI-00022-00004783-00005071 so you might as well tell our listeners, WVOiiZGWQnI-00023-00005071-00005331 what we have in store for them, WVOiiZGWQnI-00024-00005331-00005496 in the next few weeks. WVOiiZGWQnI-00025-00005496-00005780 Right! Yeah, for example, does it matter WVOiiZGWQnI-00026-00005780-00005981 if I make a grammatical mistake WVOiiZGWQnI-00027-00005981-00006189 when I'm using English or is it ... WVOiiZGWQnI-00028-00006189-00006349 ... ehem, I ... I sure hope it doesn't! WVOiiZGWQnI-00029-00006349-00006541 No. Maybe it's more important WVOiiZGWQnI-00030-00006541-00006668 to get the words right, WVOiiZGWQnI-00031-00006668-00006791 the vocabulary right. WVOiiZGWQnI-00032-00006791-00006923 Which is a problem for me, too, WVOiiZGWQnI-00033-00006923-00006995 from time to time, WVOiiZGWQnI-00034-00006995-00007326 since I'm not a native speaker of English. WVOiiZGWQnI-00035-00007326-00007539 So, guys out there, and girls, WVOiiZGWQnI-00036-00007539-00007640 bear with me, WVOiiZGWQnI-00037-00007640-00007908 I'm in the same boat with you! WVOiiZGWQnI-00038-00007908-00008125 And then, perhaps, we'll take a look at WVOiiZGWQnI-00039-00008125-00008444 sport and sports, for example, WVOiiZGWQnI-00040-00008444-00008728 how do you understand the word football? WVOiiZGWQnI-00041-00008728-00009021 OK, well, I understand it as being a game WVOiiZGWQnI-00042-00009021-00009273 that is really rough, for tough guys WVOiiZGWQnI-00043-00009273-00009425 - like me - WVOiiZGWQnI-00044-00009425-00009534 I mean, unfortunately WVOiiZGWQnI-00045-00009534-00009739 you cannot see me in the studio, WVOiiZGWQnI-00046-00009739-00010042 but I have really broad shoulders. WVOiiZGWQnI-00047-00010042-00010227 And for me it would be soccer. WVOiiZGWQnI-00048-00010227-00010528 Aha, ok, ok. You are more the elegant WVOiiZGWQnI-00049-00010528-00010628 ... person. WVOiiZGWQnI-00050-00010628-00010763 - Thank you! WVOiiZGWQnI-00051-00010763-00011016 And then, some practical hints about ... WVOiiZGWQnI-00052-00011016-00011142 Well, is it a good idea WVOiiZGWQnI-00053-00011142-00011308 to go to an English speaking country WVOiiZGWQnI-00054-00011308-00011452 to get more practice? WVOiiZGWQnI-00055-00011452-00011674 If so - which country? WVOiiZGWQnI-00056-00011674-00011914 How do I organise myself? WVOiiZGWQnI-00057-00011914-00012045 How do I pay for it? WVOiiZGWQnI-00058-00012045-00012152 Are there scholarships? WVOiiZGWQnI-00059-00012152-00012359 Yeah, where do I get the money? - Exactly! WVOiiZGWQnI-00060-00012359-00012607 Scholarships, training abroad ... WVOiiZGWQnI-00061-00012607-00012833 One thing that is interesting for me, WVOiiZGWQnI-00062-00012833-00013005 once I am there, WVOiiZGWQnI-00063-00013005-00013144 how do you make the most of it? WVOiiZGWQnI-00064-00013144-00013226 I mean, you're there WVOiiZGWQnI-00065-00013226-00013376 in the English speaking world, WVOiiZGWQnI-00066-00013376-00013504 and you're saying: WVOiiZGWQnI-00067-00013504-00013787 How do I improve my English here? WVOiiZGWQnI-00068-00013787-00013913 Yeah! - I mean, they know it, WVOiiZGWQnI-00069-00013913-00014061 but how do I get better? WVOiiZGWQnI-00070-00014061-00014128 That's right, WVOiiZGWQnI-00071-00014128-00014286 so there'll ne plenty of tips! WVOiiZGWQnI-00072-00014286-00014387 Ahah. WVOiiZGWQnI-00073-00014387-00014743 Plenty of topics and plenty of things WVOiiZGWQnI-00074-00014743-00015046 that we will try to explain to you WVOiiZGWQnI-00075-00015046-00015297 that may be confusing to WVOiiZGWQnI-00076-00015297-00015591 non-native speakers of English, WVOiiZGWQnI-00077-00015591-00015825 especially to Germans. WVOiiZGWQnI-00078-00015888-00016182 And, since we're talking about confusing things, WVOiiZGWQnI-00079-00016182-00016573 a few ... one thing that may be confusing to everybody WVOiiZGWQnI-00080-00016573-00016773 who's listening to us right now, WVOiiZGWQnI-00081-00016773-00017125 is actually the title of our podcast- Yes. WVOiiZGWQnI-00082-00017125-00017309 - which is "RoPeCast". WVOiiZGWQnI-00083-00017309-00017715 And, well, there's more than one reason for this title. WVOiiZGWQnI-00084-00017715-00017994 The first and most straight forward reason WVOiiZGWQnI-00085-00017994-00018242 is actually our names. WVOiiZGWQnI-00086-00018242-00018537 Yeah, my name is Roger, which gives us "Ro". WVOiiZGWQnI-00087-00018537-00018895 And my name is Peter,which gives you "Pe". WVOiiZGWQnI-00088-00018895-00019226 And, of course we are doing a podCAST, WVOiiZGWQnI-00089-00019226-00019725 and together this gives us "Ro-Pe-Cast" - RoPeCast. WVOiiZGWQnI-00090-00019725-00020009 - Yes! - But that's not the only reason, actually: WVOiiZGWQnI-00091-00020009-00020240 No, we're also thinking, a rope is kind of WVOiiZGWQnI-00092-00020240-00020476 a ... something you could grab hold of, WVOiiZGWQnI-00093-00020476-00020800 something to give you security if you're sinking, WVOiiZGWQnI-00094-00020800-00021178 drowning - Drowning in that sea of words WVOiiZGWQnI-00095-00021178-00021369 - Yes! - that is the English language. WVOiiZGWQnI-00096-00021369-00021497 Right! - Right! WVOiiZGWQnI-00097-00021497-00021836 So, folks, we're actually trying to throw you guys, WVOiiZGWQnI-00098-00021836-00021998 and you girls of course, WVOiiZGWQnI-00099-00021998-00022211 a lifeline to survive WVOiiZGWQnI-00100-00022211-00022477 when you're speaking English. WVOiiZGWQnI-00101-00022477-00022668 I hope you can understand us, WVOiiZGWQnI-00102-00022668-00023044 'cause this is a podcast for advanced learners. WVOiiZGWQnI-00103-00023044-00023262 But we're trying to speak slowly here, WVOiiZGWQnI-00104-00023262-00023621 and we're trying to get you a little bit further WVOiiZGWQnI-00105-00023621-00023974 in your English learning process. WVOiiZGWQnI-00106-00023974-00024091 And next time, WVOiiZGWQnI-00107-00024091-00024328 we will have something really interesting for you, WVOiiZGWQnI-00108-00024328-00024602 which are words that are called 'false friends', WVOiiZGWQnI-00109-00024602-00024860 and we're gonna tell you, for example, WVOiiZGWQnI-00110-00024860-00025060 why it may come in handy WVOiiZGWQnI-00111-00025060-00025275 to have a Beemer with you WVOiiZGWQnI-00112-00025275-00025556 if you're travelling across the USA. WVOiiZGWQnI-00113-00025556-00025807 - That's right!- Not surprising to you, Roger, WVOiiZGWQnI-00114-00025807-00026091 but maybe to a few of you. - I think so! WVOiiZGWQnI-00115-00026091-00026408 So, stay tuned or tune in again, WVOiiZGWQnI-00116-00026408-00026583 download that podcast, WVOiiZGWQnI-00117-00026583-00026737 keep it on your iTunes WVOiiZGWQnI-00118-00026737-00027186 when we're gonna talk about Beemers and stuff, next time. WVOiiZGWQnI-00119-00027186-00027493 So, here's us, Roger and Peter, WVOiiZGWQnI-00120-00027493-00027657 signing off for this week. WVOiiZGWQnI-00121-00027657-00027917 Bye-bye for now. - Bye! WVOiiZGWQnI-00122-00027977-00028172 You've been listening to RoPeCast, WVOiiZGWQnI-00123-00028172-00028458 brought to you by Saarland University, WVOiiZGWQnI-00124-00028458-00028816 featuring Roger Charltonand Peter Tischer, WVOiiZGWQnI-00125-00028816-00029049 Tune in for the next edifying episode, WVOiiZGWQnI-00126-00029049-00029239 on your podcast dial! WVOiiZGWQnI-00127-00029323-00029492 You know what, Roger? WVOiiZGWQnI-00128-00029492-00029772 There's still a lot of things I don't get. WVOiiZGWQnI-00129-00029772-00030077 - And you never will! WVOiiZGWQnI-00130-00030100-00030400 Subtitles by the community WWavAw3HGZc-00000-00000006-00000479 We made it to GeoWoodstock. We didn't get lost. And we got into the parking. WWavAw3HGZc-00001-00000480-00000858 -Yeah. So we're ready to go indoors and check things out. WWavAw3HGZc-00002-00000858-00001200 Let's go see what all the excitement is about. -Yeah. WWavAw3HGZc-00003-00002320-00002944 Look smiley face. -She logged the event, GeoWoodstock. Now, we're gonna go get us WWavAw3HGZc-00004-00002944-00003286 some travel bugs. -Oh yeah. We're gonna trade them. WWavAw3HGZc-00005-00003286-00003592 Do you like to trade travel bugs? Do you like to pick them up? Do you have any? WWavAw3HGZc-00006-00003592-00004058 Well, this is your chance. If you go to a GeoWoodstock you can get all kinds. WWavAw3HGZc-00007-00004058-00004322 But you got a trade. So we're trading four for four. WWavAw3HGZc-00008-00004330-00004608 Let's go see what we can get. WWavAw3HGZc-00009-00004608-00004708 [vroom] WWavAw3HGZc-00010-00005064-00005412 [vroom] WWavAw3HGZc-00011-00007928-00008258 We're with They're gonna tell you all about it. WWavAw3HGZc-00012-00008258-00008550 -You got to come down. -Yes, we're located just Southeast of Houston. WWavAw3HGZc-00013-00008550-00009052 We have 31 caches on our Geotour GT7A. -Awesome. -Yes. WWavAw3HGZc-00014-00009070-00009646 -We have an Adventure Lab with 9 locations on it. And we have prizes to give away for both of those locations. WWavAw3HGZc-00015-00009646-00009850 -Awesome, come out and see it. WWavAw3HGZc-00016-00011658-00012260 Hey look, you might recognize from our Cruising the Caribbean, right here. -Yeah. WWavAw3HGZc-00017-00012262-00012594 We're promoting cruises at GeoWoodstock here. They're a lot of fun. WWavAw3HGZc-00018-00012594-00013008 We got a lot of people interested. -The next Cruise is? -The next Cruise is in the Mediterranean in October. WWavAw3HGZc-00019-00013008-00013254 -And then? -And then, I don't know. What do we got then? WWavAw3HGZc-00020-00013254-00013788 The Caribbean, and then we got Alaska next summer. -Oww! -Yeah. That's a good one. Keep an eye out for that one. WWavAw3HGZc-00021-00013788-00014236 And then ah. Panama Canal after that. -Panama Canal, I'm looking at that one. WWavAw3HGZc-00022-00014236-00014750 [Gary] [Reviewer's Talk] -All the podcasters get along and try to do stuff together. WWavAw3HGZc-00023-00014750-00015312 But also the fact that all the Vloggers and well we kind of get, we're sort of adopted. WWavAw3HGZc-00024-00015326-00015859 The podcasters are adopted to the Network so we're actually part of the Vlogger Network, and it means WWavAw3HGZc-00025-00015860-00016410 a lot to us that we're able to kind of be able to, to partner with them. WWavAw3HGZc-00026-00016410-00016716 And when we can we'll have Vloggers on our show. WWavAw3HGZc-00027-00016716-00017168 -Here's Jesse from? Geocache what? -Ah uhm. Geocache Talk. WWavAw3HGZc-00028-00017168-00017670 -And it's on when? -8:00 p.m. on Central Time. -Central time. WWavAw3HGZc-00029-00017670-00018158 -Which is right here. But except for tomorrow. -Yeah -3p.m. Live from the Maze. -3pm Special Live. WWavAw3HGZc-00030-00018158-00018600 Make sure you get online line and watch it or you can listen to it. WWavAw3HGZc-00031-00018600-00018822 I don't know how to listen to it. But I watch these guys online, WWavAw3HGZc-00032-00018832-00019048 and I get in the chat room and do my stuff. WWavAw3HGZc-00033-00019090-00019430 -Chat rooms a lot of fun; we have a bunch of people in the chat room every week. WWavAw3HGZc-00034-00019444-00019740 Tune in and check it out. -If you're not on there yet get on Geocache Talk. WWavAw3HGZc-00035-00019740-00019940 Everybody's waiting to win one of these WWavAw3HGZc-00036-00019942-00020320 awesomely stocked ammo cans! Look at all the stuff in there! WWavAw3HGZc-00037-00020320-00020658 It can hardly close the thing. And they're all waiting here. WWavAw3HGZc-00038-00020666-00021018 They're all waiting here to win some cool stuff. WWavAw3HGZc-00039-00021018-00021494 And they're hoping they're one of the people that gets one of these six ammo cans. WWavAw3HGZc-00040-00022524-00023060 Local dad right behind. We're with srmkona. -Srmkona. -Srmkona WWavAw3HGZc-00041-00023068-00023418 A very special girl we've met here at GeoWoodstock. WWavAw3HGZc-00042-00023418-00023950 She has a special coin that she wanted us to discover; so we've got the code off of it. WWavAw3HGZc-00043-00023950-00024966 And it had a really neat story. And she was so, so nice that we've given her one of our new trackable tags. WWavAw3HGZc-00044-00024976-00025639 Only three people have them so far and she's lucky. From California give it up. Awesome! WWavAw3HGZc-00045-00025639-00025954 Thank you very much for being such a good geocacher. -Thank you! WWavAw3HGZc-00046-00025954-00026614 -And good luck learning all about caching. Get out there and complete a Fizzy. -Yes, -Okay. -Gotta do that! WWavAw3HGZc-00047-00027038-00027433 Take us down to GeoWoodstock on Memorial Day weekend. WWavAw3HGZc-00048-00027433-00028164 Sometimes you go on July 4th. And every once in a while we move it to August 22nd. WWavAw3HGZc-00049-00028166-00028694 The Saturday after the big party in Seattle. We want to invite you to join us WWavAw3HGZc-00050-00028694-00029122 in Southwest British Columbia! [cheers] WWavAw3HGZc-00051-00029265-00029653 GeoWoodstock is goin' to Canada y'all! [more cheers] WWavAw3HGZc-00052-00029891-00030171 -It's incredible news you saw it on stage. WWavAw3HGZc-00053-00030177-00030719 Landsharkz, and LANmonkeys their putting on. -And GeoTravellers. -And GeoTravellers. WWavAw3HGZc-00054-00030719-00031469 Their putting on GeoWoodstock in Canada next year. -Whoo! -And it's your chance to Cache Canada! Wow! WWavAw3HGZc-00055-00031469-00031785 -So tell us, how did you keep this all secret? WWavAw3HGZc-00056-00031840-00032148 -You did very well. -It was very difficult! It was very difficult. WWavAw3HGZc-00057-00032154-00032310 -And your excited? WWavAw3HGZc-00058-00032330-00032610 -Oh yes! -Very excited. -And you know what your getting into? WWavAw3HGZc-00059-00032610-00032822 -No! -No! -A little bit. WWavAw3HGZc-00060-00032822-00033126 -A lot of work -We're getting into a lot of work. That's for sure. WWavAw3HGZc-00061-00033126-00033316 -This is so awesome congratulations guys. WWavAw3HGZc-00062-00033318-00033710 -Thank you. -We're looking forward to going. And you get out there to GeoWoodstock. WWavAw3HGZc-00063-00033713-00034534 First time outside the U.S. in Canada, British Columbia. Wohoo! [whispers] And then we're all gonna say, Cache Canada. WWavAw3HGZc-00064-00034534-00034734 Cache Canada! WWavAw3HGZc-00065-00035264-00036248 [Country music] WWavAw3HGZc-00066-00036618-00037132 Holy doodle! Is it ever busy here in Fort Worth. -And we're here at Midnight Madness WWavAw3HGZc-00067-00037136-00037438 checking the games and the music out. It's amazing! WWavAw3HGZc-00068-00037438-00037874 -Yeah, the GeoWoodstock just never ends it goes on and on. If you've never been to a WWavAw3HGZc-00069-00037874-00038384 GeoWoodstock come and check one out. And next year as we've seen it's going to be WWavAw3HGZc-00070-00038384-00038786 in Canada! -Yeah, we're going to BC. -On the other on the other side of the country for us. WWavAw3HGZc-00071-00038786-00038994 But we'll be there! Will you? WWavAw3HGZc-00072-00040032-00040354 Hey, you got a minute? Yaa! WWavAw3HGZc-00073-00040366-00040692 It's Gary and Gary. -Ah twins! WXW_W4ToWUA-00000-00000021-00000567 yo was good you two bishop boy jail Giri axe man and we back with another banger man so WXW_W4ToWUA-00001-00000567-00000953 check this out man make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe take a big part of the WXW_W4ToWUA-00002-00000953-00001509 jail G squad but today we finna be reacting to pop smoke his best and funny moments breath WXW_W4ToWUA-00003-00001509-00001962 like rested peace that man is pop smoke man it's a lot of Suns that he made that I rock WXW_W4ToWUA-00004-00001962-00002511 away listen to I did I fought with him bro you feel me and I'm saying he died too soon man so WXW_W4ToWUA-00005-00002511-00002916 we finna just react to the funny moments bro and the good moments that he had in his life WXW_W4ToWUA-00006-00002916-00003236 you know I'm saying with the interviews and stuff like that but other than that man let's WXW_W4ToWUA-00007-00003236-00005535 get into the video man he was born in 1999 Dyna do we know girls I was a year older hood but it WXW_W4ToWUA-00008-00005535-00006060 has some Street [ __ ] that just mean I'm wait I'm with whatever I'm with everything like I'm WXW_W4ToWUA-00009-00006060-00006731 with it all but you want to do I'm a [ __ ] or so real it I dare you I don't know sometimes WXW_W4ToWUA-00010-00006731-00007634 you just want to just bug out just good Wow yeah yeah sometimes you just gotta just scream let it WXW_W4ToWUA-00011-00007634-00008799 go you just gotta everybody that couch is cute with that I made Travis when I met him you know WXW_W4ToWUA-00012-00008799-00009345 I was cool I was trying to keep it cool right mm-hmm and he just got him you start rapping WXW_W4ToWUA-00013-00009345-00010557 I'm like yo this [ __ ] is different mm-hmm I was struck mm-hmm so the audio cut out right WXW_W4ToWUA-00014-00010557-00011043 here but you know I'm saying it's all good man if y'all seen this or not he had to pick what WXW_W4ToWUA-00015-00011043-00011619 was his favorite if he had a pig between them two or them three you want to make the decision WXW_W4ToWUA-00016-00012027-00013293 yeah yeah I spiked up I got what song nice so what do you do with them they just stay in a WXW_W4ToWUA-00017-00013293-00013938 chamber citizen brain unload very good I think I'll make his fine okay excuse WXW_W4ToWUA-00018-00013938-00014487 me I didn't mean no disrespect like you heard somebody say that you sound like the ghost of WXW_W4ToWUA-00019-00014487-00016041 hip-hop ass like some sort of ghost I vibe you hear that a lot control people so that WXW_W4ToWUA-00020-00016041-00016995 you could be a principal or something you got that voice that just made people listen WXW_W4ToWUA-00021-00017301-00018201 what was your story of how you made the song I made that in my crib 30 minutes no we from WXW_W4ToWUA-00022-00018201-00018657 Panama so it's like a time they used to give me like sandals and [ __ ] like that what is WXW_W4ToWUA-00023-00018657-00019200 he sorta I was on some Street [ __ ] he like nah switch the stock here let me get that boy WXW_W4ToWUA-00024-00019200-00020613 some sneakers sing on the throw like I will be situated I ain't gonna stop until I got eight WXW_W4ToWUA-00025-00020613-00021243 hundred twenty three million oh that's the number yeah just eight hundred twenty three WXW_W4ToWUA-00026-00021243-00021852 million I need rest and peace the legend may I don't sound older than [ __ ] I just sound WXW_W4ToWUA-00027-00021852-00022221 better than [ __ ] and when you sell better than [ __ ] [ __ ] don't want you to be hurt WXW_W4ToWUA-00028-00022221-00022734 I'm saying I should have dark medicine it's definitely music that if I were involved in WXW_W4ToWUA-00029-00022734-00023568 any sort of illegal activities I might listen to that as a soundtrack group that's wound up WXW_W4ToWUA-00030-00023568-00024744 what do you tell you guys law knows that you gotta say whoa whoa whoa whoa they make it bigger yeah WXW_W4ToWUA-00031-00024991-00025450 daddy starting over dick okay WXW_W4ToWUA-00032-00025901-00026273 uh-huh yeah and I won't hold a weight here forces you got WXW_W4ToWUA-00033-00026273-00026519 it all right gotcha bro every last one no problem WXW_W4ToWUA-00034-00026963-00027683 why go to these streets you got kicked out of school yeah what did you do to get kicked out WXW_W4ToWUA-00035-00027683-00028526 did you do anything no this was a shake the rule in the classroom that's will be happening I just WXW_W4ToWUA-00036-00028526-00029093 be walking in the room just be like shaking like [ __ ] are being like this night I don't touch WXW_W4ToWUA-00037-00029093-00029602 nobody know nothing because like you say then they kick you out the school I don't think it's WXW_W4ToWUA-00038-00029602-00030242 a good placement for you what is that what is bad no I think it's my aura my name was WXW_W4ToWUA-00039-00030242-00030902 actually papa let me stop it I'm kind of million so my grandma call me Papa like I'm saying since WXW_W4ToWUA-00040-00030902-00031408 a kid but my name on the street when I was a kid was smoke oh go up that was my i G so the WXW_W4ToWUA-00041-00031408-00031907 homeboys didn't want to call me Papa so they called me pop and he just mixed the pop with WXW_W4ToWUA-00042-00031907-00032543 the smoke like it's organic I'm saying like this is regular like just make you want to yeah okay WXW_W4ToWUA-00043-00032543-00034211 so okay hey hey baby don't you hello hello know your time wait first time I would assault I had WXW_W4ToWUA-00044-00034211-00034802 to be like eight years old in church some gospel [ __ ] my fing that [ __ ] for everybody the whole WXW_W4ToWUA-00045-00034802-00035633 congregation have you been to a game when you that happened not yet oh that has to happen I WXW_W4ToWUA-00046-00035633-00036074 got a pull-up dog just want to go to the right game I trying to see my boys lose right right WXW_W4ToWUA-00047-00036074-00037913 I'll go crazy on that court I still get the ball though the ball is so good come on Lois WXW_W4ToWUA-00048-00037913-00038873 Oh feel to be like the one that the the one who made it through there's a million people WXW_W4ToWUA-00049-00038873-00039242 in Brooklyn trying to make it as a rapper you actually did it six months never looked so good WXW_W4ToWUA-00050-00039242-00040112 in this game I won't do another - [ __ ] I only nine again nothing I'm like that regular I drink WXW_W4ToWUA-00051-00040112-00040640 into one each time to party that's when I drink when I turned up all the honey and my system be WXW_W4ToWUA-00052-00040640-00041732 lit just when it's time to party and celebrate I only nine knows why not rest in peace the legend WXW_W4ToWUA-00053-00041732-00042554 man for real man that won't hurt that won't hurt man one like for pop smoke man yeah for real man WXW_W4ToWUA-00054-00042554-00043388 you know sometimes ain't okay sometimes I'll be thinking about [ __ ] like that WXW_W4ToWUA-00055-00043388-00043883 Burleigh how he lost a lot of people you feel me like you know I'm saying especially I am WXW_W4ToWUA-00056-00043883-00044426 and [ __ ] man like man is dude was when you're older than me you feel me like that WXW_W4ToWUA-00057-00044426-00044930 should be taking a toll on a [ __ ] you feel me but like I said one life for pop smoke man WXW_W4ToWUA-00058-00044930-00045290 and I'm gonna be back with some more bankers man make sure you leave a like and comment WXW_W4ToWUA-00059-00045290-00045659 and subscribe if you ain't subscribe to the channel so you could be a part of the GOG WXW_W4ToWUA-00060-00045659-00046064 squad man and that's it and that's all let me see y'all in the next banger man we out WYQ9aWzA11E-00000-00000008-00000585 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RAY MABUS WAS ON HAND TO DISCUSS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WAR OF 1812 WYQ9aWzA11E-00001-00000585-00000754 IN BOSTON JULY 4TH. WYQ9aWzA11E-00002-00000754-00001323 "AND SOME OF THE THINGS THAT CAME OUT OF THE WAY OF 1812, THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER, THE WYQ9aWzA11E-00003-00001323-00002067 NAVY WATCH WORD 'DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP', ALL THOSE THINGS, THE INNOVATION AND THE BOLDNESS WYQ9aWzA11E-00004-00002067-00002751 THAT THE UNITED STATES NAVY AND THE MARINE CORPS SHOWED DURING THAT WAR IS CONTINUED WYQ9aWzA11E-00005-00002751-00003301 AND PROVIDES A LOT OF THE FOUNDATION OF WHAT THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS DO TODAY." WYQ9aWzA11E-00006-00003301-00003779 TO SEE THE FULL INTERVIEW INCLUDING THE JULY 4TH BROADCAST VISIT NAVY.MIL. WYQ9aWzA11E-00007-00003779-00004056 FROM WASHINGTON, I'M PETTY OFFICER AMARA TIMBERLAKE. Wa1RDFeUNXg-00000-00000000-00000260 Savor Miltenberg Germany WbMzggO-lRc-00000-00000031-00000318 Hello, Mouni Ajam, one more time. WbMzggO-lRc-00001-00000318-00000587 In this video, I'm gonna revisit WbMzggO-lRc-00002-00000604-00000842 topics we touched on in the past WbMzggO-lRc-00003-00000842-00001143 but maybe make it more focus on the concept WbMzggO-lRc-00004-00001143-00001315 of project management office. WbMzggO-lRc-00005-00001481-00001634 Many WbMzggO-lRc-00006-00001666-00002003 organizations or some organizations WbMzggO-lRc-00008-00002077-00002371 usually when they established PMO's, WbMzggO-lRc-00009-00002371-00002658 you might hear terms related to what been published on the WbMzggO-lRc-00010-00002658-00002879 last PMBOK Guide edition 5, WbMzggO-lRc-00011-00002911-00003221 is that they classify PMO's as WbMzggO-lRc-00012-00003240-00003505 supporting PMO, or controlling WbMzggO-lRc-00013-00003505-00003741 PMO, or directing PMO. WbMzggO-lRc-00014-00003788-00003977 I'm not gonna, you know explain WbMzggO-lRc-00015-00003977-00004264 these different types, you can read the PMBOK Guide WbMzggO-lRc-00016-00004264-00004513 and find what they mean by these WbMzggO-lRc-00017-00004513-00004625 these different definition. WbMzggO-lRc-00018-00004667-00004967 Where i have problem with WbMzggO-lRc-00019-00004967-00005308 sometimes constricting this things, WbMzggO-lRc-00020-00005313-00005634 is that PMO today are highly dynamics WbMzggO-lRc-00021-00005634-00005948 and they highly flexible WbMzggO-lRc-00022-00005948-00006058 and I WbMzggO-lRc-00023-00006123-00006425 cannot see one model or three models WbMzggO-lRc-00024-00006425-00006724 that apply across organizations. WbMzggO-lRc-00025-00006724-00006991 There is a huge difference in different types of PMO that could be established WbMzggO-lRc-00026-00006991-00007156 in organizations. Yes, we WbMzggO-lRc-00027-00007156-00007444 can categorize them as well as we can have shared WbMzggO-lRc-00028-00007444-00007757 categories but every PMO must be unique WbMzggO-lRc-00029-00007757-00008058 to the organization, so it is like WbMzggO-lRc-00030-00008058-00008395 we talked about in another video about the adaptive framework or adaptive WbMzggO-lRc-00031-00008395-00008681 project management. PMO as well WbMzggO-lRc-00032-00008681-00008962 have to dynamic and have to be adaptive WbMzggO-lRc-00033-00008999-00009122 based on WbMzggO-lRc-00034-00009161-00009481 similar things we discussed before, type of project, WbMzggO-lRc-00035-00009481-00009706 classes of project within the organization, WbMzggO-lRc-00036-00009706-00010007 organizational culture, organizational WbMzggO-lRc-00037-00010007-00010129 preferences, WbMzggO-lRc-00038-00010216-00010545 and the many other factors. WbMzggO-lRc-00039-00010545-00010865 So, in a way whenever we are dealing with project management WbMzggO-lRc-00040-00010865-00011147 office as a topic, we've got to WbMzggO-lRc-00041-00011147-00011409 understand many factors before WbMzggO-lRc-00042-00011409-00011711 we can implement a PMO. WbMzggO-lRc-00043-00011711-00011962 Now, when I say WbMzggO-lRc-00044-00011964-00012242 we need to consider many factors, maybe WbMzggO-lRc-00045-00012242-00012556 there is a no need for a PMO, so maybe that will be one of the solutions, WbMzggO-lRc-00046-00012573-00012825 but based on a assessment of the WbMzggO-lRc-00047-00012825-00013118 organization, cultures, readiness WbMzggO-lRc-00048-00013118-00013383 and many many other factors, we WbMzggO-lRc-00049-00013383-00013666 can considers the best type of PMO WbMzggO-lRc-00050-00013666-00013862 that could be, or the most suitable WbMzggO-lRc-00051-00013862-00014117 type of PMO that could be established in an organization. WbMzggO-lRc-00052-00014176-00014480 Now, research and statistics shows WbMzggO-lRc-00053-00014480-00014813 to us that usually many PMO's do not last long. WbMzggO-lRc-00054-00014845-00015150 Now this an interesting question, why? WbMzggO-lRc-00055-00015170-00015452 Well, obviously if the PMO is not set up WbMzggO-lRc-00056-00015452-00015719 properly or it is not set up WbMzggO-lRc-00057-00015806-00015982 to deal with the pains WbMzggO-lRc-00058-00015982-00016211 that the organization is facing when they WbMzggO-lRc-00059-00016211-00016439 decided to implement the PMO, PMO's fail. WbMzggO-lRc-00060-00016501-00016778 One major reason, if we WbMzggO-lRc-00061-00016778-00017009 talk about failure, if I can talk about only one reason, WbMzggO-lRc-00062-00017093-00017397 is that, in what you've seen and based WbMzggO-lRc-00063-00017397-00017686 on our observations and research as well WbMzggO-lRc-00064-00017686-00017986 by others, if we can categorize WbMzggO-lRc-00065-00017986-00018285 or summarize all the different causes, WbMzggO-lRc-00066-00018285-00018609 it means, do you think in our view is that many WbMzggO-lRc-00067-00018609-00018886 PMO's are being established WbMzggO-lRc-00068-00018886-00019228 more in the support or maybe WbMzggO-lRc-00069-00019394-00019642 reporting roles rather than WbMzggO-lRc-00070-00019642-00019839 building the project management system WbMzggO-lRc-00071-00019839-00020129 and methodology within the organization. WbMzggO-lRc-00072-00020223-00020517 If we build the PMO, if an organization WbMzggO-lRc-00073-00020517-00020826 build a PMO, they just collect reports WbMzggO-lRc-00074-00020838-00021092 even a standardized reporting format WbMzggO-lRc-00075-00021110-00021433 is basically, over their training right now is that WbMzggO-lRc-00076-00021449-00021741 yeah, before maybe we have some pain points, we don't know where they were. WbMzggO-lRc-00077-00021741-00022048 Now, we have pain points, the PMO is helping us know where they are. WbMzggO-lRc-00078-00022079-00022229 However, we're not WbMzggO-lRc-00079-00022278-00022441 eliminating those pain points. WbMzggO-lRc-00080-00022482-00022768 How they eliminate those points, these pain points? WbMzggO-lRc-00081-00022812-00023122 Organization must move away from the concept WbMzggO-lRc-00082-00023122-00023291 of project management office WbMzggO-lRc-00083-00023351-00023671 and focus on the concept of project management function. WbMzggO-lRc-00084-00023679-00023835 If you do projects, WbMzggO-lRc-00085-00023866-00024087 if you do projects, WbMzggO-lRc-00086-00024087-00024417 if a large percentage of capital being investment through projects, WbMzggO-lRc-00087-00024438-00024775 what you really must consider is project management function WbMzggO-lRc-00088-00024794-00025137 through a project management division or project management department. WbMzggO-lRc-00089-00025178-00025462 Psychologically speaking, that's one key difference. WbMzggO-lRc-00090-00025528-00025846 In addition to this, you must build WbMzggO-lRc-00091-00025846-00026122 the organizational project management system, WbMzggO-lRc-00092-00026122-00026421 including governance, policies, processes, WbMzggO-lRc-00093-00026421-00026681 procedures, methodology for [managering] WbMzggO-lRc-00094-00026681-00026971 managing different types of WbMzggO-lRc-00095-00026971-00027205 projects and different types of WbMzggO-lRc-00096-00027205-00027539 project base on different classifications of project. WbMzggO-lRc-00097-00027539-00027703 If you do not do this, WbMzggO-lRc-00098-00027738-00028031 then you have the illusion of WbMzggO-lRc-00099-00028034-00028384 building proper project management and maybe WbMzggO-lRc-00100-00028399-00028703 you are hoping that one day you will see WbMzggO-lRc-00101-00028703-00028993 improvement. But again, maybe it is just WbMzggO-lRc-00102-00028993-00029100 an illusion. WbMzggO-lRc-00103-00029185-00029484 Reality says, build the system. WbMzggO-lRc-00104-00029523-00029764 PMO is not WbMzggO-lRc-00105-00029814-00030072 OPM. PMO WbMzggO-lRc-00106-00030072-00030329 is not the organization project management system. WbMzggO-lRc-00107-00030329-00030562 Yes, the PMO can build the OPM WbMzggO-lRc-00108-00030609-00030909 system. Yes the PMO can manage WbMzggO-lRc-00109-00030909-00031185 and build methodologies. Yeah, WbMzggO-lRc-00110-00031185-00031418 the question there, are they empowered too? WbMzggO-lRc-00111-00031635-00031855 We leave it as a point to ponder. WbMzggO-lRc-00112-00031969-00032069 Thank you! WdbZuMSbeNM-00000-00001477-00001692 Hello and wellcome back to naturliv WdbZuMSbeNM-00001-00001703-00001903 today is it WdbZuMSbeNM-00002-00002038-00002857 Wednesday 28 October and im out with my youngers son´s dog WdbZuMSbeNM-00003-00002991-00003320 who is going to run with my friend Danne´s dogs WdbZuMSbeNM-00004-00004095-00004186 so today WdbZuMSbeNM-00005-00004293-00004511 this girl will be tired WdbZuMSbeNM-00006-00005100-00005226 - Stay WdbZuMSbeNM-00007-00005283-00005360 Hey WdbZuMSbeNM-00008-00005707-00005976 - Don´t jump, don´t jump WdbZuMSbeNM-00009-00007098-00007298 - Hey Nanoq WdbZuMSbeNM-00010-00008814-00009014 - Liza, come WdbZuMSbeNM-00011-00010904-00011033 - Run, run WdbZuMSbeNM-00012-00013076-00013328 going to washing dog later WdbZuMSbeNM-00013-00013649-00013849 Full of needles WdbZuMSbeNM-00014-00016939-00017178 The dogs are mischievous wild WdbZuMSbeNM-00015-00017329-00017529 I try to stay away WdbZuMSbeNM-00016-00017631-00017885 before being overturned WdbZuMSbeNM-00017-00018102-00018323 and I get to be out in the woods also WdbZuMSbeNM-00018-00018385-00018491 look how nice it is WdbZuMSbeNM-00019-00018500-00018688 Some fog too WdbZuMSbeNM-00020-00018995-00019180 and it's four degrees WdbZuMSbeNM-00021-00019342-00019548 now comes a dog in full speed WdbZuMSbeNM-00022-00020905-00021105 we keep walking WdbZuMSbeNM-00023-00027055-00027382 we have now been and examined the fortress WdbZuMSbeNM-00024-00027532-00027835 in the forrest and now on our way down WdbZuMSbeNM-00025-00028211-00028487 and get the dogs in the cars WdbZuMSbeNM-00026-00028583-00028663 so WdbZuMSbeNM-00027-00028845-00029259 I thank you for this time, not a long aposide, but still WdbZuMSbeNM-00028-00029276-00029421 some adventure WdbZuMSbeNM-00029-00029458-00029659 Have the best as long as you say goodbye WfC3GdqBMQI-00000-00000000-00000500 [Intro] WfJOD0EftHM-00000-00000537-00000783 All right, so we have our piece here. WfJOD0EftHM-00001-00000791-00001162 First thing we're going to do is fold it over. WfJOD0EftHM-00002-00001170-00001587 Okay, so you're folding it over right sides together. WfJOD0EftHM-00003-00001720-00002095 Now, when you're sewing, a couple of things: WfJOD0EftHM-00004-00002104-00002654 before you even start, you want to wash and dry your fabric WfJOD0EftHM-00005-00002662-00002820 two to three times. WfJOD0EftHM-00006-00002829-00003095 You want to get all of the amount of shrinkage WfJOD0EftHM-00007-00003104-00003279 that might happen out of it. WfJOD0EftHM-00008-00003287-00003508 So, wash and dry your fabric at least two times, WfJOD0EftHM-00009-00003516-00003766 preferably three times. WfJOD0EftHM-00010-00003775-00004266 Now, when you're sewing, you should also be sewing with WfJOD0EftHM-00011-00004275-00004716 a stitch length of about 10 to 12 stitches per inch. WfJOD0EftHM-00012-00004725-00004950 We want to keep these nice and strong again because WfJOD0EftHM-00013-00004958-00005129 they're going to be laundered a lot, WfJOD0EftHM-00014-00005137-00005533 so we want to make sure they hold up in the wear and tear WfJOD0EftHM-00015-00005541-00005704 and the laundering. WfJOD0EftHM-00016-00005712-00006050 So you want to have about 10 to 12 stitches per inch. WfJOD0EftHM-00017-00006058-00006225 When you turn your sewing machine on, WfJOD0EftHM-00018-00006233-00006587 it generally defaults to a 2.0 or 2.5 stitch; WfJOD0EftHM-00019-00006595-00006908 that should work just fine but you want to check that too. WfJOD0EftHM-00020-00006916-00007120 Don't have big, basting stitches in there. WfJOD0EftHM-00021-00007129-00007295 We want these to hold together. WfJOD0EftHM-00022-00007391-00007558 All right, so, WfJOD0EftHM-00023-00007566-00007816 first a stitching line you're going to do WfJOD0EftHM-00024-00007825-00008287 quarter of an inch after you have folded the piece in half. WfJOD0EftHM-00025-00008295-00008504 Now we have correct sides together. WfJOD0EftHM-00026-00008512-00008658 That's the correct side of the fabric, WfJOD0EftHM-00027-00008666-00008816 wrong side of the fabric. WfJOD0EftHM-00028-00008825-00009045 Correct sides of the fabric together, we're going to sew it WfJOD0EftHM-00029-00009054-00009212 a quarter of an inch. WfJOD0EftHM-00030-00009220-00009625 So before you begin, check and make sure that you have that WfJOD0EftHM-00031-00009633-00009845 quarter of an inch seam allowance WfJOD0EftHM-00032-00009854-00010012 marked on your sewing machine, WfJOD0EftHM-00033-00010020-00010262 if you're not familiar with your sewing machine. WfJOD0EftHM-00034-00010270-00010462 All right, so I've already done that. WfJOD0EftHM-00035-00010762-00011062 And I'm going to sew this quarter of an inch seam. WfJOD0EftHM-00036-00011070-00011350 Now, you want to keep this nice and strong, WfJOD0EftHM-00037-00011358-00011558 so you want to back tack, WfJOD0EftHM-00038-00011566-00011750 go back and forth about three stitches WfJOD0EftHM-00039-00011758-00012120 at the beginning and end of each seam, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00040-00012129-00012445 And we're just sewing across here. WfJOD0EftHM-00041-00012454-00013554 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00042-00013562-00013937 Alright, so there's a quarter of an inch seam. WfJOD0EftHM-00043-00013945-00014079 Now we want to press this. WfJOD0EftHM-00044-00014087-00014495 So we're going to press this seam, just press it to one side WfJOD0EftHM-00045-00014504-00014812 and then we're going to turn this out. WfJOD0EftHM-00046-00014975-00015350 All right, so we're turning to the correct side. WfJOD0EftHM-00047-00015358-00015458 All right. WfJOD0EftHM-00048-00015466-00015575 Then here's our seam. WfJOD0EftHM-00049-00015583-00015791 Make sure that seam is at the bottom. WfJOD0EftHM-00050-00015800-00016150 And I would give it another quick press just to... WfJOD0EftHM-00051-00016395-00016558 ...make sure that seam stays at the bottom WfJOD0EftHM-00052-00016566-00016883 and we're gonna just flatten this out. WfJOD0EftHM-00053-00016891-00017033 All right. WfJOD0EftHM-00054-00017041-00017154 So we have this. WfJOD0EftHM-00055-00017162-00017312 Now, the next thing I'm going to do is WfJOD0EftHM-00056-00017320-00017587 sew a quarter of an inch down each side. WfJOD0EftHM-00057-00017595-00018008 I want this to act as one unit when I'm pleating it. WfJOD0EftHM-00058-00018016-00018366 So if I don't secure those two edges together, WfJOD0EftHM-00059-00018375-00018754 they might act a little independent of one another. WfJOD0EftHM-00060-00018762-00019083 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00061-00019091-00019475 So, again, just a quarter of an inch right down the side, WfJOD0EftHM-00062-00019483-00019629 okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00063-00019637-00019875 Quarter of an inch down the other side. WfJOD0EftHM-00064-00019883-00020058 Now this is acting as one unit. WfJOD0EftHM-00065-00020066-00020762 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00066-00020770-00020995 All right. WfJOD0EftHM-00067-00021004-00021279 Next thing, we're going to start pleating. WfJOD0EftHM-00068-00021287-00021525 Now on your pattern, you have some notches, WfJOD0EftHM-00069-00021533-00021825 which are kind of a way to communicate WfJOD0EftHM-00070-00021833-00022287 to know where to bring the pleat lines down to. WfJOD0EftHM-00071-00022295-00022633 So let's take a look at our piece: WfJOD0EftHM-00072-00022641-00023141 we want the fold line up here and I'm going to mark-- WfJOD0EftHM-00073-00023150-00023387 this is our small size mask, WfJOD0EftHM-00074-00023395-00023654 so I'm going to make a little pencil mark at WfJOD0EftHM-00075-00023662-00023820 one and a half, WfJOD0EftHM-00076-00024150-00024537 again at one and a half inches each side. WfJOD0EftHM-00077-00024545-00024654 Okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00078-00024662-00024891 So these are notches, just a way to communicate to yourself WfJOD0EftHM-00079-00024900-00025162 where you need to fold to. WfJOD0EftHM-00080-00025170-00025420 Here and here. WfJOD0EftHM-00081-00025429-00026020 That was at one inch and then one and a half inches again. WfJOD0EftHM-00082-00026145-00026370 So again, these notches, one and a half, WfJOD0EftHM-00083-00026379-00026637 one and a half, one inch, WfJOD0EftHM-00084-00026645-00026808 and then one and a half. WfJOD0EftHM-00085-00026816-00026929 Okay, a little bit different. WfJOD0EftHM-00086-00026937-00027070 This is written in the instructions, WfJOD0EftHM-00087-00027079-00027216 so certainly download those. WfJOD0EftHM-00088-00027225-00027483 You'll have some prompts in there as well. WfJOD0EftHM-00089-00027604-00027979 Okay, so I have this marked and sometimes it is helpful WfJOD0EftHM-00090-00027987-00028212 just to clip the fabric. WfJOD0EftHM-00091-00028220-00028433 In fact, when you downloaded the pattern, WfJOD0EftHM-00092-00028441-00028612 you might have clipped your notches, WfJOD0EftHM-00093-00028620-00028883 which is absolutely fine, that works great. WfJOD0EftHM-00094-00028891-00029175 Okay, so these little clips right here, WfJOD0EftHM-00095-00029183-00029591 they just alert you to where you need to bring WfJOD0EftHM-00096-00029600-00029958 the fabric down to or it alerts you to your next step. WfJOD0EftHM-00097-00029966-00030095 Okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00098-00030104-00030300 So our next step, again, this is the fold. WfJOD0EftHM-00099-00030308-00030462 This is the seam. WfJOD0EftHM-00100-00030470-00030658 We're going to bring this down. WfJOD0EftHM-00101-00030666-00031087 See how I'm pulling it taught here at the top notch? WfJOD0EftHM-00102-00031095-00031379 So the top-notch is brought to... WfJOD0EftHM-00103-00031387-00031629 The first notch is brought to the second notch WfJOD0EftHM-00104-00031637-00032316 and then I am going to pin and pin, WfJOD0EftHM-00105-00032325-00032579 okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00106-00032587-00033095 Then I'm going to pull that third notch taught, WfJOD0EftHM-00107-00033104-00033404 bring it down to the fourth notch like this. WfJOD0EftHM-00108-00033412-00033658 See, we're creating pleats here. WfJOD0EftHM-00109-00033666-00033820 Okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00110-00033829-00034070 Now, we're going to put a pin in here WfJOD0EftHM-00111-00034079-00034358 and a pin right here. WfJOD0EftHM-00112-00034366-00034608 I'm going to go back to the sewing machine WfJOD0EftHM-00113-00034616-00034875 and I'm going to sew these down just here and here. WfJOD0EftHM-00114-00034883-00035041 I just want to hold those pleats down, WfJOD0EftHM-00115-00035050-00035266 so when I'm sewing or working on another step, WfJOD0EftHM-00116-00035275-00035504 I don't need to be mindful of those and keeping those WfJOD0EftHM-00117-00035512-00035741 together and closed. WfJOD0EftHM-00118-00035750-00036079 So back over here, quarter of an inch, WfJOD0EftHM-00119-00036308-00036758 and we're going to sew this. WfJOD0EftHM-00120-00036987-00037300 And be mindful of that quarter of an inch, okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00121-00037308-00037637 We don't want to make this too small. WfJOD0EftHM-00122-00037645-00037854 You don't need to back tack on this. WfJOD0EftHM-00123-00037862-00038120 We're just sewing this down to flatten it. WfJOD0EftHM-00124-00038129-00038341 Now one thing. WfJOD0EftHM-00125-00038350-00038695 When you are working, WfJOD0EftHM-00126-00038704-00038937 pull those pins out of the way when you're sewing. WfJOD0EftHM-00127-00038945-00039108 Don't sew over pins. WfJOD0EftHM-00128-00039116-00039245 When you sew over pins, WfJOD0EftHM-00129-00039254-00039516 occasionally your sewing machine needle will hit those pins WfJOD0EftHM-00130-00039525-00039695 and break the needle, WfJOD0EftHM-00131-00039704-00040070 either the needle or the pins, and the it can kind of fly up. WfJOD0EftHM-00132-00040079-00040333 All right, other side, WfJOD0EftHM-00133-00040516-00040716 just holding those pleats down, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00134-00040945-00041070 All right, so we're looking at this right now. WfJOD0EftHM-00135-00041079-00041375 Okay. Pull those pins out. WfJOD0EftHM-00136-00041383-00041529 We did not sew over those. WfJOD0EftHM-00137-00041537-00041687 We got those out of the way. WfJOD0EftHM-00138-00041695-00041875 So starting to look like a mask. WfJOD0EftHM-00139-00041883-00042241 All right, now our next step is to put in WfJOD0EftHM-00140-00042250-00042516 two additional pleats. WfJOD0EftHM-00141-00042525-00042808 So we have this, it's nice and flat right now WfJOD0EftHM-00142-00042816-00043337 but you want to look at this-- find the area here, WfJOD0EftHM-00143-00043345-00043550 there's my seam right there WfJOD0EftHM-00144-00043558-00043779 and the area that's about one and three quarters, WfJOD0EftHM-00145-00043787-00044045 and really it almost just depends on WfJOD0EftHM-00146-00044054-00044275 which way you flipped your mask, WfJOD0EftHM-00147-00044283-00044620 but you want to look at this and find that-- WfJOD0EftHM-00148-00044629-00044904 kind of the longer section. WfJOD0EftHM-00149-00044912-00045108 It's longer from here to here than it is from here to here WfJOD0EftHM-00150-00045116-00045395 and your pleats are up, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00151-00045404-00045712 So, find that longer area and we want to mark WfJOD0EftHM-00152-00045720-00046241 seven eighths of an inch above here, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00153-00046250-00046566 So we're going to mark in our seam, seven eighths of an inch WfJOD0EftHM-00154-00046575-00046791 and that is right here. WfJOD0EftHM-00155-00046800-00047004 And then on this side, WfJOD0EftHM-00156-00047012-00047345 seven eighths of an inch here is right here. WfJOD0EftHM-00157-00047354-00047641 This is for our additional pleat WfJOD0EftHM-00158-00047650-00047912 and make sure that they're level. WfJOD0EftHM-00159-00047920-00048012 So put your ruler down WfJOD0EftHM-00160-00048020-00048291 and make sure that those notches are level. WfJOD0EftHM-00161-00048300-00048604 And again, it doesn't matter if your seam is above or below, WfJOD0EftHM-00162-00048612-00048808 you just kind of want to look for that area where WfJOD0EftHM-00163-00048816-00049075 it's a little bit wider, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00164-00049083-00049400 And then we're going to take this, drag this up. WfJOD0EftHM-00165-00049408-00049800 So that's where this pleat is, this first pleat here, WfJOD0EftHM-00166-00049808-00050170 I'm just dragging this all the way up to here, okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00167-00050179-00050562 And I'm putting in an additional pleat right here. WfJOD0EftHM-00168-00050570-00050750 Going to drag this up to here. WfJOD0EftHM-00169-00050758-00051208 You could clip that notch too if you want, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00170-00051520-00051750 All right, so we're looking at this. WfJOD0EftHM-00171-00051758-00051933 Now what this does is WfJOD0EftHM-00172-00051941-00052220 it allows for some cupping over the face, over the nose, WfJOD0EftHM-00173-00052229-00052529 and it also ends up kind of hugging the sides of the face WfJOD0EftHM-00174-00052537-00052683 a little bit better. WfJOD0EftHM-00175-00052691-00052845 All right, so you're looking at this. WfJOD0EftHM-00176-00052854-00053020 And again, it doesn't really matter WfJOD0EftHM-00177-00053029-00053162 whether you're on this side or this side, WfJOD0EftHM-00178-00053170-00053450 but you want to just choose your correct side, okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00179-00053458-00053729 And then this is going to be seven eighths of an inch above. WfJOD0EftHM-00180-00053737-00053950 All right. Now we have this, WfJOD0EftHM-00181-00053958-00054250 I'm now going to secure these down on each side. WfJOD0EftHM-00182-00054258-00054491 So let's do that again. WfJOD0EftHM-00183-00054500-00054687 I'm sewing at a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00184-00055145-00055408 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00185-00055416-00055725 And I don't need to back tack on this because I am going to have WfJOD0EftHM-00186-00055733-00056045 a final stitch, which sews the side panels on WfJOD0EftHM-00187-00056054-00056204 and that's really going to be the one, the stitch WfJOD0EftHM-00188-00056212-00056379 that holds everything together. WfJOD0EftHM-00189-00056387-00056520 So right now, I just want kind of WfJOD0EftHM-00190-00056529-00056979 a temporary hold of this pleat so it doesn't move around on me. WfJOD0EftHM-00191-00056987-00057170 All right. WfJOD0EftHM-00192-00057179-00057462 Okay, so we're looking at this so far. WfJOD0EftHM-00193-00057470-00057700 Now the next step, you want to trim your edge here WfJOD0EftHM-00194-00057708-00057954 just about a sixteenth or an eighth of an inch. WfJOD0EftHM-00195-00057962-00058379 You want to just get that nice and straight. WfJOD0EftHM-00196-00058387-00058575 So you're looking at maybe an eighth of an inch WfJOD0EftHM-00197-00058583-00058825 from the stitch line or three sixteenths. WfJOD0EftHM-00198-00058833-00059058 So we're really just cleaning up all of these threads WfJOD0EftHM-00199-00059066-00059379 and making this nice and straight for our next step. WfJOD0EftHM-00200-00059387-00059637 Okay, just right here. WfJOD0EftHM-00201-00059750-00060104 So I have these two straps and we're going to fold it in half WfJOD0EftHM-00202-00060112-00060508 and just clip the edge right here, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00203-00060516-00060716 We want to notch this. WfJOD0EftHM-00204-00060925-00061250 All right, now we're going to fold this in half, WfJOD0EftHM-00205-00061258-00061633 our mask in half like this, just to kind of find the edge, WfJOD0EftHM-00206-00061641-00061891 which is really right at that pleat right there. WfJOD0EftHM-00207-00061900-00062275 So what we're gonna do, correct sides together, WfJOD0EftHM-00208-00062283-00062775 we're going to sew this strip on right here, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00209-00062783-00063033 So let me grab my pins. WfJOD0EftHM-00210-00063041-00063504 We're going to sew this at one quarter of an inch. WfJOD0EftHM-00211-00064150-00064429 All right, so pin this, WfJOD0EftHM-00212-00064437-00064720 we're just going to sew this right here, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00213-00064883-00065054 And you can do kind of a production line WfJOD0EftHM-00214-00065062-00065354 where you do each side, the same step on each side, WfJOD0EftHM-00215-00065362-00065687 or you can do one and then the other, whatever you choose. WfJOD0EftHM-00216-00065695-00066029 All right, so we're going to get this nice and secure. WfJOD0EftHM-00217-00066037-00066266 We're going to sew this at a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00218-00066275-00066495 Don't sew over your pins. WfJOD0EftHM-00219-00066504-00066850 And we get to the end. WfJOD0EftHM-00220-00066858-00067258 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00221-00067266-00067454 Okay, all right. WfJOD0EftHM-00222-00067462-00067645 Now I'm going to press this. WfJOD0EftHM-00223-00067654-00067979 So let's move this out of the way and... WfJOD0EftHM-00224-00068241-00068625 ...we are going to press-- here's the backside of our mask. WfJOD0EftHM-00225-00068633-00068883 We're going to press here. WfJOD0EftHM-00226-00068891-00069016 Let's start over here. WfJOD0EftHM-00227-00069025-00069262 We're going to press this edge in a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00228-00069270-00069512 We're going to press this edge in a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00229-00069520-00069808 and then we're going to press the end in a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00230-00069816-00069954 So let me do that. WfJOD0EftHM-00231-00070141-00070400 Okay, so I just finished my pressing. WfJOD0EftHM-00232-00070408-00070620 So you could see I pressed this edge in a quarter, WfJOD0EftHM-00233-00070629-00070950 this edge in a quarter, and the end at a quarter. WfJOD0EftHM-00234-00070958-00071250 Press your long edges first and then the end last. WfJOD0EftHM-00235-00071258-00071529 Also, we're pressing up-- WfJOD0EftHM-00236-00071537-00071733 the seam allowances from the mask WfJOD0EftHM-00237-00071741-00072033 up into the strap right here, okay, WfJOD0EftHM-00238-00072041-00072166 and this is going to fold over. WfJOD0EftHM-00239-00072175-00072408 See how neat that is, like this? WfJOD0EftHM-00240-00072416-00072833 Now, remember to find the front of your mask. WfJOD0EftHM-00241-00072841-00073195 We should have a pin in there to show the front of the mask, WfJOD0EftHM-00242-00073204-00073420 okay, just like that. WfJOD0EftHM-00243-00073429-00073616 Just so you can keep an eye on that, so you know WfJOD0EftHM-00244-00073625-00073825 where to do your stitching. WfJOD0EftHM-00245-00073833-00073958 You always get a better-looking stitch WfJOD0EftHM-00246-00073966-00074237 coming down from the needle than up from the bobbin. WfJOD0EftHM-00247-00074245-00074450 Okay, so we have this. WfJOD0EftHM-00248-00074458-00074712 Let's put a couple of pins in here. WfJOD0EftHM-00249-00074720-00075054 If your fabric is fairly stiff, you don't necessarily need to WfJOD0EftHM-00250-00075062-00075508 pin the these before you sew the long part of the strap WfJOD0EftHM-00251-00075516-00075820 but I would pin this area here because WfJOD0EftHM-00252-00075829-00076020 you really want it secure WfJOD0EftHM-00253-00076029-00076237 and you want to be able to sew on the correct line. WfJOD0EftHM-00254-00076245-00076466 You don't want that moving around, okay? WfJOD0EftHM-00255-00076475-00076708 So, at the very least, just pin this area WfJOD0EftHM-00256-00076716-00077229 but you could probably get away without pinning the strap. WfJOD0EftHM-00257-00077237-00077500 Okay, so let's put this in. WfJOD0EftHM-00258-00077508-00077808 Again, we're going to sew at a quarter of an inch WfJOD0EftHM-00259-00077816-00078083 and you're just enclosing this. WfJOD0EftHM-00260-00078091-00078225 Back tack. WfJOD0EftHM-00261-00078233-00079787 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00262-00079795-00080066 Be nice and careful on the mask section. WfJOD0EftHM-00263-00080075-00080316 Be sure to pull out your pins as you go. WfJOD0EftHM-00264-00080325-00080525 [LOUD SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00265-00080533-00080675 You're going over a lot of layers there WfJOD0EftHM-00266-00080683-00080837 where those pleats are. WfJOD0EftHM-00267-00080845-00081137 It may be a little bumpy or loud. WfJOD0EftHM-00268-00081145-00081375 And continue on. WfJOD0EftHM-00269-00081383-00081858 [SEWING MACHINE NOISES] WfJOD0EftHM-00270-00081866-00082045 Okay, and then, here we go. WfJOD0EftHM-00271-00082054-00082425 You're going to repeat this process on the other side, okay. WfJOD0EftHM-00272-00082433-00082575 Exact same thing. WfJOD0EftHM-00273-00082583-00082754 You don't need to watch me do that again. WfJOD0EftHM-00274-00082762-00082937 It's going to come out looking like this. WfJOD0EftHM-00275-00082945-00083212 And then these straps wrap around the head WfJOD0EftHM-00276-00083220-00083441 and they tie in the back of the head WfJOD0EftHM-00277-00083450-00083662 to keep it nice and secure. Wgeh0qOh6C4-00000-00000056-00000587 Hello, my name's Suzanne Fitzpatrick, I'm director of the Institute for Social Policy, Housing Wgeh0qOh6C4-00001-00000587-00000953 and Equalities Research at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. I've been asked Wgeh0qOh6C4-00002-00000953-00001442 to do this short video about the implications of COVID and economic Wgeh0qOh6C4-00003-00001442-00001941 lockdown on homeless people and on homelessness policy from a UK Wgeh0qOh6C4-00004-00001941-00002367 perspective. I plan to talk mainly about England because myself and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00005-00002367-00002739 colleagues are currently in the field just now doing key informant interviews with Wgeh0qOh6C4-00006-00002739-00003230 high-level stakeholders across England about the implications of COVID under Wgeh0qOh6C4-00007-00003230-00003704 lockdown for the people that they work with. We're interviewing people from Wgeh0qOh6C4-00008-00003704-00004157 central government, from local government and from charities and so I want to draw Wgeh0qOh6C4-00009-00004157-00004473 out some of the key themes that are emerging from those interviews and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00010-00004473-00004893 from some of the other work that we're doing as part of the Homelessness Wgeh0qOh6C4-00011-00004893-00005511 Monitor England report that we do for Crisis every year. There's really Wgeh0qOh6C4-00012-00005511-00006005 three areas that I want to draw out. First of all, what seems to have gone well in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00013-00006005-00006609 terms of the emergency response with respect to homelessness. Secondly, what Wgeh0qOh6C4-00014-00006609-00007014 are the key challenges that are faced right now and as we move towards the Wgeh0qOh6C4-00015-00007014-00007670 exit strategy? And third, what might we hope for by way of longer-term shifts in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00016-00007670-00008349 housing and homelessness policy as a result of the COVID experience? So, what has gone well? Well, I think Wgeh0qOh6C4-00017-00008349-00008822 first of all the clarity and directness of that communication that came out from Wgeh0qOh6C4-00018-00008822-00009179 central government from HMCLG at the end of March Wgeh0qOh6C4-00019-00009179-00009789 via Louise Casey telling local authorities, instructing local authorities, that really Wgeh0qOh6C4-00020-00009789-00010367 anyone who was sleeping rough and anyone who was in congregate-style shelter Wgeh0qOh6C4-00021-00010367-00010865 accommodation was to be moved to a safe place, to self-contained accommodation by Wgeh0qOh6C4-00022-00010865-00011511 that weekend. That was an instruction that was that was welcome, very much in its Wgeh0qOh6C4-00023-00011511-00011915 clarity and its directness. Local government was looking for that lead Wgeh0qOh6C4-00024-00011915-00012528 from central government and appreciated very much getting it, and it seems that Wgeh0qOh6C4-00025-00012528-00012941 there really has been a remarkable effort across the country by local authorities Wgeh0qOh6C4-00026-00012941-00013272 to get everyone in, or at least to make sure everyone has Wgeh0qOh6C4-00027-00013272-00013791 a decent offer of self-contained accommodation. Some local authorities Wgeh0qOh6C4-00028-00013791-00014448 have found it easier than others. Some have got greater access to hotel Wgeh0qOh6C4-00029-00014448-00014745 accommodation and other forms of self contained accommodation. Others Wgeh0qOh6C4-00030-00014745-00015483 struggled more for that. Those that have got better developed multi-sectoral Wgeh0qOh6C4-00031-00015483-00016023 partnerships and relationships, particularly with health colleagues, found it easier than others. Wgeh0qOh6C4-00032-00016023-00016320 Some have got more capacity than others, particularly some of the smaller Wgeh0qOh6C4-00033-00016320-00016879 authorities seem to have really struggled. So, you know, the Wgeh0qOh6C4-00034-00016879-00017370 overarching message there is central government put out a message and local Wgeh0qOh6C4-00035-00017370-00018109 government in general actually reacted incredibly swiftly and effectively to Wgeh0qOh6C4-00036-00018109-00018567 that so that's a real positive. I think another positive that has to be Wgeh0qOh6C4-00037-00018567-00019114 foregrounded is that it does seem that the rate of infection amongst people in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00038-00019114-00019734 hostels and other homeless populations has been kept really quite low. So we can't be Wgeh0qOh6C4-00039-00019734-00020085 certain exactly what the percentage is but people are talking around three percent Wgeh0qOh6C4-00040-00020085-00020698 which is very different from the situation in the United States for example. So it Wgeh0qOh6C4-00041-00020698-00021198 does seem that that triaging system has been really pretty effective including Wgeh0qOh6C4-00042-00021198-00021816 in some of the areas of real concentration like London. More generally people Wgeh0qOh6C4-00043-00021816-00022312 have said that another positive is the closeness of the relationship that has Wgeh0qOh6C4-00044-00022312-00022806 been there has been built or enhanced with public health colleagues and with Wgeh0qOh6C4-00045-00022806-00023523 local NHS colleagues at least in some areas so that's been a really big positive that has Wgeh0qOh6C4-00046-00023523-00024178 come out of the crisis so far. Clearly what's been hugely welcomed are the Wgeh0qOh6C4-00047-00024178-00024745 changes in benefits, and from the homelessness perspective particularly, the increase in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00048-00024745-00025219 the local housing allowance rate to cover the bottom 30th percentile of eligible Wgeh0qOh6C4-00049-00025219-00025894 rents has been hugely important. So there's, you know, a range of things there Wgeh0qOh6C4-00050-00025894-00026484 that people are reporting, where changes brought about by central Wgeh0qOh6C4-00051-00026484-00026955 government policy and local government response to those policies, Wgeh0qOh6C4-00052-00026955-00027681 that have really made the difference in the midst of the crisis. Another area Wgeh0qOh6C4-00053-00027681-00028377 which people were very keen to emphasise as being positive, was the no evictions, Wgeh0qOh6C4-00054-00028377-00028744 the halt in evictions policy, that again came out very quickly and seems Wgeh0qOh6C4-00055-00028744-00029251 to have been particularly impactful with respect to family homelessness which we're Wgeh0qOh6C4-00056-00029251-00029707 hearing has been kept to a pretty low level. It really seems to have been suppressed Wgeh0qOh6C4-00057-00029707-00030193 during the crisis which, of course, has been hugely helpful. So clearly there have been a Wgeh0qOh6C4-00058-00030193-00030733 lot of challenges in implementing help for homeless people in this Wgeh0qOh6C4-00059-00030733-00031435 emergency situation. Those challenges have varied between different places but what Wgeh0qOh6C4-00060-00031435-00031876 we were hearing, really across the board, and from key stakeholders in different Wgeh0qOh6C4-00061-00031876-00032380 parts of the country is concern now about what they view as being mixed Wgeh0qOh6C4-00062-00032380-00032815 messages coming out of central government, coming out of HCMLG. It's no longer Wgeh0qOh6C4-00063-00032815-00033319 clear that there's going to be full cost recovery for local authorities who are Wgeh0qOh6C4-00064-00033319-00033900 accommodating a lot of people who they wouldn't normally have a duty to accommodate. Wgeh0qOh6C4-00065-00033900-00034516 That's a particular concern around the no recourse to public funds group and the EA Wgeh0qOh6C4-00066-00034516-00035071 migrants who don't have access to the Housing Benefit system and it's just Wgeh0qOh6C4-00067-00035071-00035650 really not clear how their accommodation costs are going to be met Wgeh0qOh6C4-00068-00035650-00036277 going forward, and I would say that local authorities and others really seem very Wgeh0qOh6C4-00069-00036277-00036747 anxious, almost panicked about what's going to happen to that group. More Wgeh0qOh6C4-00070-00036747-00037546 generally there's clearly widespread concern about what's going to happen in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00071-00037546-00038164 the step-down phase. The idea of turfing hundreds or thousands of people, vulnerable Wgeh0qOh6C4-00072-00038164-00038551 people out on to the streets is clearly a scenario that nobody Wgeh0qOh6C4-00073-00038551-00038866 wants to contemplate but it really hasn't clear at the moment how that step-down Wgeh0qOh6C4-00074-00038866-00039309 accommodation is going to be paid for, far less the care and support Wgeh0qOh6C4-00075-00039309-00039994 revenue costs for vulnerable people with more complex needs who form Wgeh0qOh6C4-00076-00039994-00040493 quite a substantial part of that population. One of the things Wgeh0qOh6C4-00077-00040493-00040897 I've been quite surprised about in doing this work over the last couple of weeks is Wgeh0qOh6C4-00078-00040897-00041234 is the extent to which shared forms of accommodation are still being used Wgeh0qOh6C4-00079-00041234-00041711 even during the crisis so while shared dormitory-type accommodation shelters Wgeh0qOh6C4-00080-00041711-00042259 have been closed there still appear to be a lot of hostels and shared accommodation that's being used where Wgeh0qOh6C4-00081-00042259-00042812 people are sharing kitchens and bathrooms and so on. So that clearly is Wgeh0qOh6C4-00082-00042812-00043263 raising issues around social distancing and protecting people's Wgeh0qOh6C4-00083-00043263-00043900 health. Looking forward and more towards the exit Wgeh0qOh6C4-00084-00043900-00044578 strategy phase of things, there's a lot of anxiety around a potential spike in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00085-00044578-00045296 family homelessness, with, particularly once the ban on evictions comes to Wgeh0qOh6C4-00086-00045296-00045830 end if that's not extended further. And looking at the prospect of there being a Wgeh0qOh6C4-00087-00045830-00046477 major economic recession, depression, with all the implications that that will have Wgeh0qOh6C4-00088-00046477-00047090 for increased levels of their debt, rent arrears, unemployment and so on. Wgeh0qOh6C4-00089-00047090-00047671 One specific issue that's coming through is the extent to which resources, local Wgeh0qOh6C4-00090-00047671-00048083 authority homelessness services resources have been pulled away from the more Wgeh0qOh6C4-00091-00048083-00048648 preventative type interventions that they've been engaged in under the Homelessness Reduction Act Wgeh0qOh6C4-00092-00048648-00049003 towards, obviously, the crisis response during COVID Wgeh0qOh6C4-00093-00049003-00049412 and that may well have implications as well for this potential spike in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00094-00049412-00049894 family homelessness. Finally, what kind of longer-term shifts in housing and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00095-00049894-00050324 homelessness policy might we want to see as a result of the experience of the Wgeh0qOh6C4-00096-00050324-00050918 COVID crisis. Well, here's a whole range of these but three that I would pick out for Wgeh0qOh6C4-00097-00050918-00051640 just now are these. First of all I would really hope that this experience of this Wgeh0qOh6C4-00098-00051640-00052408 crisis and the public health style intervention that we've seen would help Wgeh0qOh6C4-00099-00052408-00052891 propel us away from the use of congregate forms of Wgeh0qOh6C4-00100-00052891-00053414 provision, particularly larger scale, lightly supported Wgeh0qOh6C4-00101-00053414-00053986 forms of accommodation for homeless was people which we've long known are very Wgeh0qOh6C4-00102-00053986-00054629 unpopular with homeless people, are places where they don't feel safe and now with Wgeh0qOh6C4-00103-00054629-00055271 the COVID crisis we can see the variance of the acute health implications of Wgeh0qOh6C4-00104-00055271-00055796 placing large numbers of vulnerable people in these congregate settings. I really hope that Wgeh0qOh6C4-00105-00055796-00056354 this is the prompt that we need to shift decisively in the direction of a Wgeh0qOh6C4-00106-00056354-00056975 housing-first model of accommodation as default for homeless people with complex Wgeh0qOh6C4-00107-00056975-00057504 needs they can live in ordinary housing in ordinary communities and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00108-00057504-00057973 self-contained settings with the support that they need. So that would be my first Wgeh0qOh6C4-00109-00057973-00058441 hope for the future. My second, which is closely related, is Wgeh0qOh6C4-00110-00058441-00059165 that we can start to re-conceptualize the support needs that Wgeh0qOh6C4-00111-00059165-00059552 particularly vulnerable rough sleepers and other vulnerable homeless people have is Wgeh0qOh6C4-00112-00059552-00059900 really social care needs, health and social care needs. These are not Wgeh0qOh6C4-00113-00059900-00060395 predominantly housing or homelessness issues. They are effectively social care issues and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00114-00060395-00060977 and I hope that that closer relationship between health and homelessness we've seen Wgeh0qOh6C4-00115-00060977-00061685 during the crisis can be maintained and that people who are vulnerable, who on the streets or Wgeh0qOh6C4-00116-00061685-00062150 in shelters and hostels and so on, can be properly assessed for their health and Wgeh0qOh6C4-00117-00062150-00062960 social care needs going forward. The third thing I would hope to see is a recognition of Wgeh0qOh6C4-00118-00062960-00063454 the importance of central government really taking grip of issues like, a Wgeh0qOh6C4-00119-00063454-00064160 social issue like homelessness and taking full responsibility for tackling it, not just Wgeh0qOh6C4-00120-00064160-00064591 in the context of public health emergency like COVID work but in the Wgeh0qOh6C4-00121-00064591-00065205 long term. In England over the last ten years we've seen a shift towards Wgeh0qOh6C4-00122-00065205-00065834 a localist policy which, to my mind at least, saw central Wgeh0qOh6C4-00123-00065834-00066197 governmental really abdicate its responsibility for some of the most Wgeh0qOh6C4-00124-00066197-00066710 vulnerable and some of the poorest citizens in the country. Wgeh0qOh6C4-00125-00066710-00067198 I would hope that the importance and the effectiveness of central government Wgeh0qOh6C4-00126-00067198-00067643 really taking the lead during the COVID crisis is something that we could see Wgeh0qOh6C4-00127-00067643-00068234 embedded longer term so that we don't go back to the failed localist Wgeh0qOh6C4-00128-00068234-00068846 approach that's seen in homelessness rise so significantly across England in Wgeh0qOh6C4-00129-00068846-00069398 recent years. I look forward to seeing everybody for further discussion Wgeh0qOh6C4-00130-00069398-00069754 on Thursday. Bye. Wjf72NGJ7ig-00000-00000002-00000417 Hi you're watching Candid with Candice and we are creating the next generation Wjf72NGJ7ig-00001-00000417-00000944 of voters through video. Today's topic is absentee voting. Wjf72NGJ7ig-00002-00000944-00001467 What's absentee voting? An absentee ballot basically says "I won't be able to Wjf72NGJ7ig-00003-00001467-00002052 vote in person on Election Day so I am requesting a mail-in ballot to cast my vote." Wjf72NGJ7ig-00004-00002052-00002535 You may vote by absentee ballot in Texas if you're over 65, if you're Wjf72NGJ7ig-00005-00002535-00002914 disabled, or if you are serving jail time that is not a felony Wjf72NGJ7ig-00006-00002914-00003017 or if you plan be away from your polling location Wjf72NGJ7ig-00007-00003017-00003567 on Election Day or early voting. Wjf72NGJ7ig-00008-00003567-00003957 You may request a ballot by mail in the County Elections Office and it has to be Wjf72NGJ7ig-00009-00003957-00004470 received by 5:00 p.m. on Election Day. The voter registration deadline is Wjf72NGJ7ig-00010-00004470-00004740 always 30 days before Election Day. Wjf72NGJ7ig-00011-00004740-00004932 For more information on this topic go to Wjf72NGJ7ig-00012-00004932-00005480 and look up your state and find the rules around absentee ballots for Wjf72NGJ7ig-00013-00005480-00005530 your state. Wjf72NGJ7ig-00014-00005530-00006078 This is Candid with Candice please Share, Like this video and help to Wjf72NGJ7ig-00015-00006078-00006419 get out the vote. Thank You! WjkAqXHAYWU-00000-00000100-00000700 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Increment and Decrement Operators in C and C++. WjkAqXHAYWU-00001-00000800-00000900 In this tutorial, we will learn about: WjkAqXHAYWU-00002-00001000-00001100 Increment and decrement operators WjkAqXHAYWU-00003-00001200-00001700 ++ eg. a++ which is postfix increment operator. WjkAqXHAYWU-00004-00001800-00002100 ++a which is prefix increment operator. WjkAqXHAYWU-00005-00002200-00002600 - - . a- - is a postfix decrement operator. WjkAqXHAYWU-00006-00002700-00003000 - -a is a prefix decrement operator. WjkAqXHAYWU-00007-00003100-00003400 We will also learn about Type casting. WjkAqXHAYWU-00008-00003500-00003900 To record this tutorial, I am using: Ubuntu 11.10 as the operating system WjkAqXHAYWU-00009-00004000-00004700 gcc and g++ Compiler version 4.6.1 in Ubuntu. WjkAqXHAYWU-00010-00004800-00005300 The ++ operator increases the existing value of the operand by one. WjkAqXHAYWU-00011-00005400-00005900 a++ and ++a are equivalent to a = a + 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00012-00006000-00006500 The -- operator decreases the existing value of the operand by one. WjkAqXHAYWU-00013-00006600-00007200 a-- and --a are equivalent to a = a - 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00014-00007300-00007800 I will now demonstrate the use of increment and decrement operators with the help of a C program. WjkAqXHAYWU-00015-00007900-00008400 I have already made the program, so I'll explain the code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00016-00008500-00008900 Here, we have the code for increment and decrement operators in C. WjkAqXHAYWU-00017-00009000-00009400 Here, I have taken an integer variable a that holds the value 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00018-00009500-00009800 This way we will be able to observe the changes in the value of a. WjkAqXHAYWU-00019-00009900-00010600 It will thus give us a better idea about the working of the operators. WjkAqXHAYWU-00020-00010700-00011000 Let's see how the postfix increment operator works. WjkAqXHAYWU-00021-00011100-00011400 The output of this printf statement is 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00022-00011500-00011600 The value wont change. WjkAqXHAYWU-00023-00011700-00012300 This is because the postfix operation occurs after the operand is evaluated. WjkAqXHAYWU-00024-00012400-00012900 If an operation is performed on a++, it is performed on the current value of a. WjkAqXHAYWU-00025-00013000-00013600 After that the value of a is incremented. WjkAqXHAYWU-00026-00013700-00014600 Now if we see the value of a here, it has been incremented by 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00027-00014700-00015400 We again initialize a to 1 so as to reflect on the changes. WjkAqXHAYWU-00028-00015500-00015700 We now come to the prefix increment operators WjkAqXHAYWU-00029-00015800-00016100 This printf statement prints 2 on the screen. WjkAqXHAYWU-00030-00016200-00016800 This is because a prefix operation occurs before the operand is evaluated. WjkAqXHAYWU-00031-00016900-00017700 So the value of a is first incremented by 1 and then it is printed. WjkAqXHAYWU-00032-00017800-00018200 We again print a's value to see that there are no further changes. WjkAqXHAYWU-00033-00018300-00018600 Now lets check by executing this code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00034-00018700-00019800 I will comment out the following lines. Type /*, */ WjkAqXHAYWU-00035-00019900-00020100 Click on Save. WjkAqXHAYWU-00036-00020200-00020800 I have saved my file as incrdecr.c. WjkAqXHAYWU-00037-00020900-00021400 Open the terminal window by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously. WjkAqXHAYWU-00038-00021500-00023000 To compile, type the following on the terminal gcc space incrdecr dot c space minus o space incr. Press enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00039-00023100-00023800 To execute the code, type ./incr. Press enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00040-00023900-00024000 The output is displayed on the screen, WjkAqXHAYWU-00041-00024100-00024500 This is the output when you print a++ WjkAqXHAYWU-00042-00024600-00024800 This is the output when you print ++a. WjkAqXHAYWU-00043-00024900-00025200 We can see that the result is as discussed before. WjkAqXHAYWU-00044-00025300-00025500 Now Coming back to the rest of the program. WjkAqXHAYWU-00045-00025600-00026000 I will now explain the postfix and prefix decrement operators. WjkAqXHAYWU-00046-00026100-00026800 Remove the multiline comments from here and here . WjkAqXHAYWU-00047-00026900-00027400 We now again assign the value of 1 to a. WjkAqXHAYWU-00048-00027500-00027900 This printf statement outputs the value of 1 as explained previously. WjkAqXHAYWU-00049-00028000-00028600 A's value will be decremented after a-- is evaluated as its a postfix expression. WjkAqXHAYWU-00050-00028700-00029000 The next statement prints a's value as o. WjkAqXHAYWU-00051-00029100-00029300 A's value has now being decremeted by 1. WjkAqXHAYWU-00052-00029400-00029700 We now have the prefix decrement operator. WjkAqXHAYWU-00053-00029800-00029900 Output of this printf statement would be 0. WjkAqXHAYWU-00054-00030000-00030400 As it is a prefix operation. WjkAqXHAYWU-00055-00030500-00030800 The prefix operation occurs before the operand is evaluated. WjkAqXHAYWU-00056-00030900-00031000 This printf statements output is 0. WjkAqXHAYWU-00057-00031100-00031400 No further changes have being made to a's value. WjkAqXHAYWU-00058-00031500-00032000 Type return 0; And close the ending curly bracket WjkAqXHAYWU-00059-00032100-00032300 Click on Save. WjkAqXHAYWU-00060-00032400-00032600 Switch back to the terminal. WjkAqXHAYWU-00061-00032700-00034100 To compile type the following on the terminal; gcc space incrdecr dot c space minus o space incr. Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00062-00034200-00035100 To execute type, ./incr.Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00063-00035200-00035500 This is the output when you print a-- WjkAqXHAYWU-00064-00035600-00035800 This is the output when you print --a WjkAqXHAYWU-00065-00035900-00036400 So, now we see how the increment and decrement operator works. WjkAqXHAYWU-00066-00036500-00036600 If we want to write the same program in C++. WjkAqXHAYWU-00067-00036700-00036900 I can make a few changes to the above C code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00068-00037000-00037200 Let me go back to the editor. WjkAqXHAYWU-00069-00037300-00037500 Here is the C++ file with the necessary code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00070-00037600-00037900 Notice that the header is different from the C file header. WjkAqXHAYWU-00071-00038000-00038300 We have the using namespace statement also. WjkAqXHAYWU-00072-00038400-00038700 Also, note that the output statement in C++ is cout. WjkAqXHAYWU-00073-00038800-00039200 So, apart from these differences, the two codes are very similar. WjkAqXHAYWU-00074-00039300-00039900 Save the file. The file is saved with an extension .cpp WjkAqXHAYWU-00075-00040000-00040100 Let's compile the code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00076-00040200-00041900 Open the terminal and type g++ space incrdecr dot cpp space minus o space incr. Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00077-00042000-00042600 To execute Type ./ incr.Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00078-00042700-00042900 The output is displayed on the screen: WjkAqXHAYWU-00079-00043000-00043400 So, we see the output is identical to the C program. WjkAqXHAYWU-00080-00043500-00043600 We now have the concept of typecasting. WjkAqXHAYWU-00081-00043700-00044100 It is implemented the same way in both C and C++. WjkAqXHAYWU-00082-00044200-00044600 Typecasting is a used to make a variable of one type, act like another type. WjkAqXHAYWU-00083-00044700-00045200 Typecasting is done by enclosing the data type you want within parenthesis. WjkAqXHAYWU-00084-00045300-00045700 This cast is put in front of the variable you want to cast. WjkAqXHAYWU-00085-00045800-00046100 This typecast is valid for one single operation only. WjkAqXHAYWU-00086-00046200-00046600 Now a will behave as a float variable for a single operation. WjkAqXHAYWU-00087-00046700-00046900 Here is an example that I have already created. WjkAqXHAYWU-00088-00047000-00047300 I shall now explain the code. WjkAqXHAYWU-00089-00047400-00047900 We first declare variables a and b as integer and c as float. WjkAqXHAYWU-00090-00048000-00048500 a is assigned the value of 5. b is assigned the value of 2. WjkAqXHAYWU-00091-00048600-00048900 We will perform operations on a and b. WjkAqXHAYWU-00092-00049000-00049300 We divide a by b. The result of division is stored in c. WjkAqXHAYWU-00093-00049400-00049900 We have used %.2f to denote a precision of 2 decimal places. WjkAqXHAYWU-00094-00050000-00050400 The result displayed will be 2.00 against the expected result of 2.50. WjkAqXHAYWU-00095-00050500-00051000 The fractional part has been truncated as both the operands a and b are integers. WjkAqXHAYWU-00096-00051100-00051400 To perform real division one of the operands will have to be typecast to float. WjkAqXHAYWU-00097-00051500-00052000 Here we are typecasting a to float. c now holds the value of real division. WjkAqXHAYWU-00098-00052100-00052600 Now the result of real division is displayed. The answer is 2.50 as expected. WjkAqXHAYWU-00099-00052700-00053000 Type return 0; and close the ending curly bracket. WjkAqXHAYWU-00100-00053100-00053400 Click on Save. Save the file with .c extension. WjkAqXHAYWU-00101-00053500-00053800 I have saved my file as typecast.c. WjkAqXHAYWU-00102-00053900-00054000 Open the terminal. WjkAqXHAYWU-00103-00054100-00055600 To compile, type gcc space typecast dot c space minus o space type.Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00104-00055700-00056400 To execute, type ./type.Press Enter. WjkAqXHAYWU-00105-00056500-00056600 The output is displayed on the screen. WjkAqXHAYWU-00106-00056700-00057100 Looking at the two values we see the effects of typecasting. WjkAqXHAYWU-00107-00057200-00057300 We will summarize the tutorial now. WjkAqXHAYWU-00108-00057400-00057500 In this tutorial we learnt, WjkAqXHAYWU-00109-00057600-00057900 How to use the increment and decrement operators. WjkAqXHAYWU-00110-00058000-00058300 We learn't about the forms, Postfix and Prefix WjkAqXHAYWU-00111-00058400-00058600 Also we learnt about typecasting and how it is used. WjkAqXHAYWU-00112-00058700-00058800 As an assignment: WjkAqXHAYWU-00113-00058900-00059500 Write a program to solve the following expression, a divided by b plus c divided by d WjkAqXHAYWU-00114-00059600-00060000 The values of a, b, c and d are taken as input from the user. WjkAqXHAYWU-00115-00060100-00060400 Use typecasting to perform real division. WjkAqXHAYWU-00116-00060500-00060700 Watch the video available at the following link WjkAqXHAYWU-00117-00060800-00060900 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project WjkAqXHAYWU-00118-00061000-00061400 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it WjkAqXHAYWU-00119-00061500-00061600 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team WjkAqXHAYWU-00120-00061700-00061900 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials WjkAqXHAYWU-00121-00062000-00062300 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test WjkAqXHAYWU-00122-00062400-00063200 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org WjkAqXHAYWU-00123-00063300-00063600 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project WjkAqXHAYWU-00124-00063700-00064300 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India WjkAqXHAYWU-00125-00064400-00065400 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro WjkAqXHAYWU-00126-00065500-00066000 This is Ritwik Joshi from IIT Bombay. Thank you for joining. WjxXG-PAnSQ-00000-00259050-00259250 Oops! I meant to say, 'Savoy Truffle!' 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O,q!sg Z~TvM rxNA 3[Q@O Y=E[ endstream WnIPVoDLBuQ-00021-00012357-00013215 PDFContext) endobj 20 0 obj (Notes) endobj 21 0 obj (D:20190727002200Z00'00') endobj WnIPVoDLBuQ-00022-00013215-00014930 22 0 obj endobj 23 0 obj endobj 1 0 obj << /Title 18 0 R /Producer 19 0 R /Creator 20 0 R /CreationDate WnIPVoDLBuQ-00023-00014930-00016431 21 0 R /ModDate 21 0 R /Keywords 22 0 R /AAPL:Keywords 23 0 R >> endobj xref 0 24 0000000000 65535 WnIPVoDLBuQ-00024-00016431-00017504 f 0000009158 00000 n 0000001175 00000 n 0000004148 00000 n 0000000022 00000 n 0000001155 00000 WnIPVoDLBuQ-00025-00017504-00018576 n 0000001279 00000 n 0000004112 00000 n 0000000000 00000 n 0000004281 00000 n 0000001376 00000 WnIPVoDLBuQ-00026-00018576-00019648 n 0000004091 00000 n 0000004231 00000 n 0000005153 00000 n 0000004603 00000 n 0000005133 00000 WnIPVoDLBuQ-00027-00019648-00020720 n 0000005393 00000 n 0000008952 00000 n 0000008973 00000 n 0000009000 00000 n 0000009053 00000 WnIPVoDLBuQ-00028-00020720-00022007 n 0000009077 00000 n 0000009119 00000 n 0000009138 00000 n trailer << /Size 24 /Root 12 0 R /Info WnIPVoDLBuQ-00029-00022007-00022508 1 0 R /ID [ <75211d25e00d12af2b4280843ac4511d> <75211d25e00d12af2b4280843ac4511d> ] >> startxref WnIPVoDLBuQ-00030-00022508-00022650 9302 %%EOF WnWuD08Uc_Q-00000-00000684-00000953 My role as Speaker, WnWuD08Uc_Q-00001-00000953-00001491 as is true of my work in the Chamber more widely when chairing debates, is not to take WnWuD08Uc_Q-00002-00001491-00001996 sides. Not to be on one side or the other. Not, in other words, to be a player. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00003-00001996-00002063 It is to serve as WnWuD08Uc_Q-00004-00002063-00002550 as the referee of the match. Everybody wants to get the attention of the Speaker, WnWuD08Uc_Q-00005-00002550-00002932 whoever's in the Chair, whether it's the Deputy, whether it's the Speaker themselves. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00006-00002932-00003388 People, to get noticed, stand up. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00007-00003388-00003557 It's very much WnWuD08Uc_Q-00008-00003557-00003807 for the Chair to choose who to call. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00009-00003807-00004069 Members will stand up each time someone sits down. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00010-00004069-00004239 I'm looking around to see WnWuD08Uc_Q-00011-00004239-00004370 who's standing up WnWuD08Uc_Q-00012-00004370-00004666 and I then have to decide who to call. How do I decide? WnWuD08Uc_Q-00013-00004666-00005037 Well I go back and forth from one side to the other so there's a mix between WnWuD08Uc_Q-00014-00005037-00005188 Government and Opposition. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00015-00005188-00005552 I'm looking to call Members of Parliament from different intakes, not just from people WnWuD08Uc_Q-00016-00005552-00005770 who came in forty years ago, but WnWuD08Uc_Q-00017-00005770-00005989 from people who came in two years ago. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00018-00005989-00006276 I'm looking to get a geographical spread WnWuD08Uc_Q-00019-00006276-00006525 and to some extent I'm looking WnWuD08Uc_Q-00020-00006525-00006698 to call people expressing a range of different views. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00021-00006698-00007083 The Speaker and the people in the Chair WnWuD08Uc_Q-00022-00007083-00007314 are referred to as Mr Speaker or WnWuD08Uc_Q-00023-00007314-00007595 Madam Deputy Speaker/Mr Deputy Speaker. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00024-00007595-00007945 There's very little use of individual surnames. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00025-00007945-00008292 That's because only the Speaker will call a Member by name. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00026-00008292-00008769 Other Members will refer to people on their benches as my Honorable Friend WnWuD08Uc_Q-00027-00008769-00009071 or the Honorable Member for a constituency. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00028-00009071-00009221 [MP referring to his Honorable Friend] WnWuD08Uc_Q-00029-00009221-00009354 [MP referring to his Honorable Friend] WnWuD08Uc_Q-00030-00009354-00009489 [MP referring to his Honorable Friend] WnWuD08Uc_Q-00031-00009489-00009878 The Members opposite are normally the Honorable Lady or Gentlemen WnWuD08Uc_Q-00032-00009878-00010325 or again by constituency. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00033-00010325-00010758 Votes in Parliament are often referred to as divisions. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00034-00010758-00011230 At the end of a debate, typically the Speaker will say: WnWuD08Uc_Q-00035-00011230-00011811 "The question is as on the Order Paper. As many as there are of the opinion say aye?" WnWuD08Uc_Q-00036-00011811-00012036 People will yell "Aye." WnWuD08Uc_Q-00037-00012036-00012277 "Of the contrary no?" WnWuD08Uc_Q-00038-00012277-00012554 And very often Members will yell "No." WnWuD08Uc_Q-00039-00012554-00012994 At that point the Speaker in the Chair says: "Division. Clear the lobbies." WnWuD08Uc_Q-00040-00012994-00013280 Voting is really exciting and WnWuD08Uc_Q-00041-00013280-00013592 first of all we have the division bell ringing. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00042-00013592-00014071 We have that all around the parliamentary estate so wherever you are in Parliament WnWuD08Uc_Q-00043-00014071-00014598 you hear the division bell going. You have eight minutes until the doors are shut. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00044-00014598-00014934 The doorkeepers who keep the doors open, WnWuD08Uc_Q-00045-00014934-00015309 after the eight minutes have finished, shout "lock the doors" and WnWuD08Uc_Q-00046-00015309-00015685 if you haven't made it you've missed the vote. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00047-00015685-00016045 We divide and you are either in support of whatever the issue happens to be so you go WnWuD08Uc_Q-00048-00016045-00016491 to the aye lobby or you're against it so you go into the no lobby and that's how we WnWuD08Uc_Q-00049-00016491-00016958 divide. We physically divide by the way, i.e. we walk through the division WnWuD08Uc_Q-00050-00016958-00017430 lobbies and have our names noted off a big list of paper of WnWuD08Uc_Q-00051-00017430-00017614 all the MPs. WnWuD08Uc_Q-00052-00017614-00017969 At first when I came to Parliament I thought that this is a cumbersome WnWuD08Uc_Q-00053-00017969-00018376 and clunky way of doing things but actually now after being here for two years I WnWuD08Uc_Q-00054-00018376-00018611 find it an incredibly useful way WnWuD08Uc_Q-00055-00018611-00018977 for being able to get hold of a minister because if I have a particular issue WnWuD08Uc_Q-00056-00018977-00019235 that I would like to raise with that minister, WnWuD08Uc_Q-00057-00019235-00019723 that my constituents are concerned about, as a backbencher it's one of the useful, WnWuD08Uc_Q-00058-00019723-00019809 less formal tools. Xo32YcHP4QI-00000-00000101-00000301 Tell me the Duck Story Xo32YcHP4QI-00001-00000301-00000537 (Bum bum bum, ba-dum ba-dum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00002-00000537-00000800 A duck walked up to a lemonade stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00003-00000800-00001079 And he said to the man, running the stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00004-00001079-00001414 🦆 "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"" Xo32YcHP4QI-00005-00001414-00001571 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00006-00001571-00001621 The Man said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00007-00001621-00001789 "No we just sell lemonade" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00008-00001789-00001852 "But it's cold" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00009-00001852-00001902 "And it's fresh" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00010-00001902-00002034 "And it's all home-made" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00011-00002034-00002160 "Can I get you a Glass?" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00012-00002160-00002210 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00013-00002210-00002284 The Duck said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00014-00002284-00002383 🦆 "I'll pass" Xo32YcHP4QI-00015-00002383-00002462 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00016-00002462-00002619 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00017-00002619-00002718 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00018-00002718-00002868 'Til the very next day... Xo32YcHP4QI-00019-00002868-00003062 (Bum bum bum bum ba-bada-dum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00020-00003062-00003303 When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00021-00003303-00003580 And he said to the man running the stand, Xo32YcHP4QI-00022-00003580-00003910 🦆 "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00023-00003910-00004087 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00024-00004087-00004137 The man said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00025-00004137-00004350 "No, like I said yesterday" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00026-00004350-00004568 "We just sell lemonade, okay?" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00027-00004568-00004690 "Why not give it a try?" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00028-00004690-00004757 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00029-00004757-00004836 The duck said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00030-00004836-00004928 🦆 "Goodbye" Xo32YcHP4QI-00031-00004928-00005021 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00032-00005021-00005170 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00033-00005170-00005264 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00034-00005264-00005412 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00035-00005412-00005538 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00036-00005538-00005673 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00037-00005673-00005794 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00038-00005794-00005929 'Til the very next day... Xo32YcHP4QI-00039-00005929-00006093 (Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00040-00006093-00006368 When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00041-00006368-00006618 And he said to the man running the stand, Xo32YcHP4QI-00042-00006618-00006987 🦆 "Hey! (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00043-00006987-00007141 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00044-00007141-00007215 The man said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00045-00007215-00007389 Look, this is getting old 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00046-00007389-00007655 I mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00047-00007655-00007712 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00048-00007712-00007822 Why not give it a go?" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00049-00007822-00007908 The duck said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00050-00007908-00008047 🦆 "How 'bout, no." Xo32YcHP4QI-00051-00008047-00008097 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00052-00008097-00008226 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00053-00008226-00008362 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00054-00008362-00008488 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00055-00008488-00008619 (Waddle waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00056-00008619-00008749 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00057-00008749-00008876 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00058-00008876-00008993 'Til the very next day... Xo32YcHP4QI-00059-00008993-00009251 (Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00060-00009251-00009437 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00061-00009437-00009700 When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00062-00009700-00009976 And he said to the man running the stand, Xo32YcHP4QI-00063-00009976-00010313 🦆 "Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00064-00010313-00010497 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00065-00010497-00010548 The man said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00066-00010548-00010622 "That's it!" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00067-00010622-00010748 "If you don't stay away, duck" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00068-00010748-00011038 "I'll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day, stuck" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00069-00011038-00011175 "So don't get to close!" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00070-00011175-00011272 The duck said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00071-00011272-00011361 🦆 "Adios." Xo32YcHP4QI-00072-00011361-00011442 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00073-00011442-00011575 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00074-00011575-00011718 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00075-00011718-00011833 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00076-00011833-00011962 (Waddle waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00077-00011962-00012088 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00078-00012088-00012204 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00079-00012204-00012344 'Til the very next day... Xo32YcHP4QI-00080-00012344-00012546 (Bum bum bum bum ba-ba-dum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00081-00012546-00012832 When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand Xo32YcHP4QI-00082-00012832-00013098 And he said to the man that was running the stand, Xo32YcHP4QI-00083-00013098-00013439 🦆 "Hey! (Bum bum bum) got any glue?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00084-00013439-00013544 "What?" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00085-00013544-00013687 🦆 "Got any glue?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00086-00013687-00013823 "No, why would I– oh!" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00087-00013823-00014049 🦆 And one more question for you; Xo32YcHP4QI-00088-00014049-00014290 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00089-00014290-00014420 🦆 "Got any grapes?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00090-00014420-00014705 (Bum bum bum, bum bum bum) Xo32YcHP4QI-00091-00014705-00014880 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00092-00014880-00014998 And the man just stopped Xo32YcHP4QI-00093-00014998-00015126 Then he started to smile Xo32YcHP4QI-00094-00015126-00015252 He started to laugh Xo32YcHP4QI-00095-00015252-00015370 He laughed for a while Xo32YcHP4QI-00096-00015370-00015439 He said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00097-00015439-00015647 "Come on duck, let's walk to the store" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00098-00015647-00015790 "I'll buy you some grapes" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00099-00015790-00016000 "So you won't have to ask anymore" 👦🏼 Xo32YcHP4QI-00100-00016000-00016122 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00101-00016122-00016247 So they walked to the store Xo32YcHP4QI-00102-00016247-00016388 And the man bought some grapes Xo32YcHP4QI-00103-00016388-00016602 He gave one to the duck and the duck said, Xo32YcHP4QI-00104-00016602-00016770 🦆 "Hmmm... No thanks" Xo32YcHP4QI-00105-00016770-00016912 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00106-00016912-00017103 🦆 "But you know what sounds good?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00107-00017103-00017178 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00108-00017178-00017366 🦆 "It would make my day" Xo32YcHP4QI-00109-00017366-00017441 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00110-00017441-00017597 🦆 "Do you think this store..." Xo32YcHP4QI-00111-00017597-00017711 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00112-00017711-00017862 🦆 "Do you think this store..." Xo32YcHP4QI-00113-00017862-00017947 👁👄👁 Xo32YcHP4QI-00114-00017947-00018382 🦆 "Do you think this store has any lemonade?" Xo32YcHP4QI-00115-00018382-00018538 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00116-00018538-00018628 (Waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00117-00018628-00018759 Then he waddled away Xo32YcHP4QI-00118-00018759-00018906 (Waddle waddle waddle) Xo32YcHP4QI-00119-00018906-00019175 Then he waddled away X236w1saiq8-00000-00000198-00000888 Michigan this November 8th you have the right to choose and your choice will decide X236w1saiq8-00001-00000888-00001422 whether we wake up in a better Michigan or a Michigan that has been radically transformed X236w1saiq8-00002-00001512-00002460 homie understand what's going on with you you're just not yourself lately mom X236w1saiq8-00003-00002688-00003558 two weeks ago I had an abortion what how how is that possible you're only 14 your X236w1saiq8-00004-00003558-00004061 doctor didn't even tell me my teacher said they wouldn't have to anymore since property passed X236w1saiq8-00005-00004536-00004626 I didn't know X236w1saiq8-00006-00005274-00005670 I just don't understand why my son wants to sterilize himself and there's nothing I can X236w1saiq8-00007-00005670-00006390 do about it what do you mean there's nothing you can do only 10 and you're his mother X236w1saiq8-00008-00006612-00007104 prop 3 passed and gave every individual the right to effectuate decisions about sterilization X236w1saiq8-00009-00007242-00007650 his teacher told him that if he wants to transition he can do this X236w1saiq8-00010-00007788-00008292 there's nothing I can do if he decides to go through with it it's his choice X236w1saiq8-00011-00008580-00008664 I didn't know X236w1saiq8-00012-00008904-00009498 thanks very much for coming in look in all the tests everything's going fine baby is very very X236w1saiq8-00013-00009498-00010074 healthy but I need to ask you before we go any further are you sure this child is not going to X236w1saiq8-00014-00010074-00010740 cause you any mental health issues fear anxiety stress I mean it's my fourth kid so probably X236w1saiq8-00015-00010740-00011430 well if you feel that way we can't terminate this pregnancy for you how is that possible X236w1saiq8-00016-00011496-00011982 well now the proposition 3 has passed you know you have the right to terminate this pregnancy X236w1saiq8-00017-00011982-00012786 up to the time of a birth really if it would be advisable for the protection of your mental health X236w1saiq8-00018-00013002-00013080 I didn't know X236w1saiq8-00019-00013632-00014244 you are the County prosecutor my 15 year old granddaughter is dead and you tell me X236w1saiq8-00020-00014244-00014634 you can't do anything to the person who killed her I understand your frustration X236w1saiq8-00021-00014730-00015438 but since Proposition 3 passed the state shall not penalize prosecute or otherwise X236w1saiq8-00022-00015438-00015978 take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual X236w1saiq8-00023-00015978-00016494 and exercising their right to reproductive Freedom with their voluntary consent X236w1saiq8-00024-00017184-00017382 there's just nothing I can do X236w1saiq8-00025-00017682-00017898 I didn't know foreign X236w1saiq8-00026-00018864-00019662 hey babe how was your day what's wrong X236w1saiq8-00027-00020022-00020826 I am I had to perform an abortion today X236w1saiq8-00028-00020982-00021738 all right what how is that even possible you work for a Catholic Hospital X236w1saiq8-00029-00022008-00023298 and prop 3 passed and gave the mother the right to make and um effectuate all abortion and X236w1saiq8-00030-00023358-00024108 postpartum care decisions and and she chose us and we had to comply X236w1saiq8-00031-00024318-00024792 I had to comply it was her right X236w1saiq8-00032-00026358-00026495 I didn't know X236w1saiq8-00033-00026808-00027420 Michigan proposition 3 is dangerous for parental rights religious Liberties our X236w1saiq8-00034-00027420-00028242 children The Unborn the newly born the preyed upon and the abused it's permanent and goes X236w1saiq8-00035-00028242-00028938 Way Beyond Roe proposition 3 is dangerous for our state for our culture and for our X236w1saiq8-00036-00028938-00029712 society this November 8th vote no to protect human life in all its forms vote no to protect X236w1saiq8-00037-00029712-00030383 the vulnerable vote no to protect parental rights religious Liberties and medical and X236w1saiq8-00038-00030383-00030948 prosecutorial rights choose to give your child a Michigan and a future they deserve X236w1saiq8-00039-00031056-00031998 on November 9th don't wake up saying I didn't know choose to vote no on Prop 3 because now you know X3a3NPqGYDE-00000-00000802-00002292 [Sadhguru] This week we have seen the end of an era, in the form of Nelson Mandela's death. X3a3NPqGYDE-00001-00002600-00003205 The significance of his life is not just political X3a3NPqGYDE-00002-00003359-00003836 of course, politically it's of great significance to that nation, X3a3NPqGYDE-00003-00003978-00004867 but as a man, we have seen very few men like that in the last century. X3a3NPqGYDE-00004-00005133-00006456 And as many of you who do not know the history of this nation's freedom struggle, X3a3NPqGYDE-00005-00006727-00007267 even India's freedom struggle was incubated in South Africa. X3a3NPqGYDE-00006-00007419-00008550 It is a certain affront to Mahatma Gandhi's dignity, which the apartheid regime delivered, X3a3NPqGYDE-00007-00008550-00009008 which ignited India's spiritual (freedom) movement in a big way. X3a3NPqGYDE-00008-00009139-00009991 It's unfortunate that injustice, subjugation X3a3NPqGYDE-00009-00010561-00011288 and many levels of cruelty generates wonderful men. X3a3NPqGYDE-00010-00011673-00012337 We have to find a way - which is (what is) our effort X3a3NPqGYDE-00011-00012337-00013405 to generate such men when there is no strife, when there is no subjugation, when there is no injustice. X3a3NPqGYDE-00012-00013696-00014107 We should incubate such men in joy, in celebration -- X3a3NPqGYDE-00013-00014225-00014564 but largely, societies have failed to do that. X3a3NPqGYDE-00014-00014910-00015530 Because it's pain that becomes the most profound experience of most human life. X3a3NPqGYDE-00015-00015612-00016075 Not joy, not love, not ecstasy, it's the pain. X3a3NPqGYDE-00016-00016299-00016709 It is the profound of the.. profoundness of that experience X3a3NPqGYDE-00017-00016847-00017862 which spawns men of rare qualities of incredible strength and balance. X3a3NPqGYDE-00018-00018058-00018880 Having gone through unspeakable levels of cruelty and injustice, X3a3NPqGYDE-00019-00019125-00019563 in spite of that, not becoming bitter and hateful X3a3NPqGYDE-00020-00019653-00020047 this is the hallmark of Mandela X3a3NPqGYDE-00021-00020150-00020840 that he still lived laughing, joyful, not resentful. X3a3NPqGYDE-00022-00021307-00021623 That takes a certain quality for a man to do that. X3a3NPqGYDE-00023-00021765-00022274 Small things that you.. that happen to people -- they remember forever X3a3NPqGYDE-00024-00022274-00022623 and they are resentful for their whole life for little things. X3a3NPqGYDE-00025-00022836-00023748 Not imparted by some cruel regime, small things that parents did to children, they remember [laughs] X3a3NPqGYDE-00026-00023948-00024245 and are resentful to the end of their life. X3a3NPqGYDE-00027-00024401-00024933 The end of his life must be a reminder for every one of us X3a3NPqGYDE-00028-00025166-00025544 that you shouldn't stand in a line of resentful people. X3a3NPqGYDE-00029-00025869-00026319 You should stand alone in true freedom. X3a3NPqGYDE-00030-00026319-00026980 Freedom doesn't come because of political processes or economic processes. X3a3NPqGYDE-00031-00027145-00028431 Freedom comes when nobody can incite an unnecessary quality in you, no matter what they do. X3a3NPqGYDE-00032-00029288-00029627 His eventful life has come to an end. X3a3NPqGYDE-00033-00029921-00030522 its for us to see that many more men like that are spawned on the planet X3a3NPqGYDE-00034-00030625-00031105 not necessarily in the kind of situations that he was molded. X3a3NPqGYDE-00035-00031479-00032413 A spiritual process means just that -- that the outside situations need not drive you; X3a3NPqGYDE-00036-00032413-00032796 outside situations do not mold you. X3a3NPqGYDE-00037-00032796-00033479 You don't have to be whipped by the world to be at your best X3a3NPqGYDE-00038-00033479-00033856 you're willing to whip yourself to be at your best. X3a3NPqGYDE-00039-00034170-00035017 When it's self-driven, we call it spiritual, when it is driven by somebody, it becomes slavery. X5tolmXvf0y-00000-00000567-00001291 Olivia Attwood has denied that she was 'size 12' when she headed into the Love Island villa last summer. X5tolmXvf0y-00001-00001408-00002165 Chris Hughes's girlfriend has lamented inaccurate reports about her shrinking frame and hit out at stories about her figure. X5tolmXvf0y-00002-00002282-00003421 The blonde beauty took to to share a lengthy statement and clarify her comments, after she was quoted as saying that she was three sizes bigger when she found fame on the ITV2 show. X5tolmXvf0y-00003-00003538-00004214 She said: 'I have never been a size 12 nor have I claimed that I was on my time in love island. X5tolmXvf0y-00004-00004331-00005208 'That being said there is nothing wrong with being a size 12 but clearly I was not, and I do not want my younger followers to be mislead X5tolmXvf0y-00005-00005325-00006740 'I take most stories with a pinch of salt but I have been very misquoted in certain magazine this week and am really disappointed, it's totally irresponsible to print that I have claimed I dripped from a size 12 to a size 6 which is not the case X5tolmXvf0y-00006-00006856-00007773 'I have lost some weight in recent weeks due to stress and other factors, but my natural frame has always been very similar to what it is now. X5tolmXvf0y-00007-00007890-00008582 'We already have a battle to fight with girls and their body image and this kind of false reporting does not help X5tolmXvf0y-00008-00008699-00009845 Liv X' Responding to comments about her shrinking frame, Olivia reportedly told Reveal magazine previously: 'It's something I've heard a lot in recent weeks and I am so bored now. X5tolmXvf0y-00009-00009962-00010474 'I went into the villa a size 12 and I have dropped to a size six X5tolmXvf0y-00010-00010591-00011876 That is my physique.' Amber's fans rushed to comfort her after she shared her statement, with one writing: 'Well said Liv, it's so unfair that the media can publish such manipulated and false information X5tolmXvf0y-00011-00011993-00012774 Lots of love.' Another said: 'Pretty sure that anyone with any sense can see that you weren't a 12 in Love Island.' X9gVwKIqb64-00000-00000917-00000985 - Morning, everybody. X9gVwKIqb64-00001-00000985-00001079 Thanks for coming along. X9gVwKIqb64-00002-00001079-00001163 The more people the better X9gVwKIqb64-00003-00001163-00001249 to warm up the room. X9gVwKIqb64-00004-00001249-00001381 It's nice and cold. X9gVwKIqb64-00005-00001527-00001675 Yeah, thanks for the intro, Claire. X9gVwKIqb64-00006-00001675-00001965 I'll talk a little bit about the work that I do X9gVwKIqb64-00007-00001965-00002164 with the different organizations. X9gVwKIqb64-00008-00002211-00002478 So W3C is the group that defines the standards X9gVwKIqb64-00009-00002478-00002659 essentially for the web. X9gVwKIqb64-00010-00002669-00002792 The Khronos Group really represents X9gVwKIqb64-00011-00002792-00002934 a lot of the silicon manufacturers. X9gVwKIqb64-00012-00002934-00003223 So it focuses more at the chip layer X9gVwKIqb64-00013-00003223-00003499 of integration there and then ISO is working on X9gVwKIqb64-00014-00003499-00003739 a reference model for augmented reality, X9gVwKIqb64-00015-00003739-00003909 so people can have a reference model X9gVwKIqb64-00016-00003909-00004048 to develop against. X9gVwKIqb64-00017-00004107-00004375 So we spend a lot of time working on X9gVwKIqb64-00018-00004375-00004549 how open standards and open data formats X9gVwKIqb64-00019-00004549-00004715 can work with augmented reality. X9gVwKIqb64-00020-00004715-00005021 What's been holding us back is a lot around X9gVwKIqb64-00021-00005021-00005211 that and I'll talk about that as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00022-00005211-00005383 A lot of our work is focused on X9gVwKIqb64-00023-00005383-00005617 taking these leading edge technologies X9gVwKIqb64-00024-00005617-00005775 and applying them and working out X9gVwKIqb64-00025-00005775-00005885 what the real opportunities X9gVwKIqb64-00026-00005885-00006044 and the real limitations are. X9gVwKIqb64-00027-00006127-00006295 So I'll talk through what we've done X9gVwKIqb64-00028-00006295-00006559 is applied the dream dare do to our story X9gVwKIqb64-00029-00006559-00006728 so I'll walk you through that. X9gVwKIqb64-00030-00006781-00006929 So we started with a dream. X9gVwKIqb64-00031-00006929-00007147 We really wanted to build our own reality, X9gVwKIqb64-00032-00007147-00007419 so we love AR and I'll talk a little bit X9gVwKIqb64-00033-00007419-00007619 about the definitions of that in a moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00034-00007742-00007914 And we really wanted to be able to X9gVwKIqb64-00035-00007914-00008024 explore that for ourselves. X9gVwKIqb64-00036-00008024-00008156 There's a whole lot of interesting things, X9gVwKIqb64-00037-00008156-00008348 not just at the tech layer, X9gVwKIqb64-00038-00008348-00008630 but in the way that it affects the way that we think X9gVwKIqb64-00039-00008630-00008890 and the way that we perceive space around us X9gVwKIqb64-00040-00008890-00009095 and the way that we communicate with others. X9gVwKIqb64-00041-00009126-00009376 So we really wanted to focus on that as a research area X9gVwKIqb64-00042-00009376-00009540 because we find it really interesting X9gVwKIqb64-00043-00009625-00009823 and so we dared to build our own platform. X9gVwKIqb64-00044-00009823-00010061 So the first thing we did is in 2009 X9gVwKIqb64-00045-00010061-00010339 we launched buildAR which was the first X9gVwKIqb64-00046-00010339-00010541 self-service web platform X9gVwKIqb64-00047-00010541-00010721 and the idea was to make it possible for anyone X9gVwKIqb64-00048-00010721-00010873 to create augmented reality. X9gVwKIqb64-00049-00010873-00011279 Up until then it had really required a lot of dev skills. X9gVwKIqb64-00050-00011279-00011757 Primarily around C++ or Java to compile an application, X9gVwKIqb64-00051-00011757-00011926 build it and make it work. X9gVwKIqb64-00052-00011953-00012103 So we made it possible so you could just go to X9gVwKIqb64-00053-00012103-00012341 a web browser, click around through a map interface, X9gVwKIqb64-00054-00012341-00012486 those sorts of things and start adding X9gVwKIqb64-00055-00012486-00012747 augmented reality content. X9gVwKIqb64-00056-00012896-00013260 And what I'll really focus on through the rest X9gVwKIqb64-00057-00013260-00013468 of the presentation is the Do! aspect. X9gVwKIqb64-00058-00013468-00013690 The execution that we went through. X9gVwKIqb64-00059-00013690-00013824 What we've learned from this X9gVwKIqb64-00060-00013824-00014204 and how all of the different technology components X9gVwKIqb64-00061-00014204-00014579 fit together and where the landscape is up to at the moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00062-00014680-00014892 So I really want to share our story of how X9gVwKIqb64-00063-00014892-00015052 we've put these things together X9gVwKIqb64-00064-00015052-00015288 and why we believe right now X9gVwKIqb64-00065-00015288-00015605 it's just on the verge of mass adoption. X9gVwKIqb64-00066-00015800-00015979 So what is augmented reality? X9gVwKIqb64-00067-00016158-00016454 Since, you know, the early sci-fi movies X9gVwKIqb64-00068-00016454-00016664 there's been a lot of representations of X9gVwKIqb64-00069-00016664-00016864 information overlaid onto reality X9gVwKIqb64-00070-00016864-00017076 and so one of the first ones that people really pointed to X9gVwKIqb64-00071-00017076-00017230 was called Terminator Vision. X9gVwKIqb64-00072-00017230-00017429 So Arnie would be looking around a scene X9gVwKIqb64-00073-00017429-00017713 and he'd recognize something, some options would show up X9gVwKIqb64-00074-00017713-00018006 and some information would be overlaid onto his view. X9gVwKIqb64-00075-00018157-00018479 In 1990, Tom Caudell was working at Boeing X9gVwKIqb64-00076-00018479-00018723 and so he was dealing with that same sort of thing. X9gVwKIqb64-00077-00018723-00019023 They were definitely exploring how pilots could X9gVwKIqb64-00078-00019023-00019287 benefit from information in the cockpit X9gVwKIqb64-00079-00019287-00019422 because of the information overload, X9gVwKIqb64-00080-00019422-00019568 but the real problem that they were facing X9gVwKIqb64-00081-00019568-00019804 was the engineers servicing the planes. X9gVwKIqb64-00082-00019804-00020134 The service manuals are sort of a stack of books X9gVwKIqb64-00083-00020134-00020392 about that high and so there's an overwhelming amount X9gVwKIqb64-00084-00020392-00020670 of information, but it's really important that X9gVwKIqb64-00085-00020670-00020951 these planes are serviced correctly, obviously. X9gVwKIqb64-00086-00020986-00021212 So they were working on different ways of presenting X9gVwKIqb64-00087-00021212-00021704 this information in a institute... in a real context X9gVwKIqb64-00088-00021704-00021828 of where you're working. X9gVwKIqb64-00089-00021828-00022066 So Tom coined the term augmented reality X9gVwKIqb64-00090-00022066-00022233 and it really stuck after that. X9gVwKIqb64-00091-00022356-00022590 There was a lot of different media representations X9gVwKIqb64-00092-00022590-00022798 and one that people really commonly point to X9gVwKIqb64-00093-00022798-00022978 is the Minority Report. X9gVwKIqb64-00094-00022978-00023199 Maybe it's Tom Cruise, I'm not sure. X9gVwKIqb64-00095-00023280-00023602 So this was really showing a gesture based interface, X9gVwKIqb64-00096-00023602-00023921 a really immersive, rich media experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00097-00023944-00024081 So this is something that really captured X9gVwKIqb64-00098-00024081-00024262 people's imaginations as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00099-00024421-00024689 But now you're all really familiar with this sort of thing. X9gVwKIqb64-00100-00024689-00024907 We use these tools all the time. X9gVwKIqb64-00101-00024907-00025155 I'm sure most of you have tried some sort of AR X9gVwKIqb64-00102-00025155-00025290 application on your phone. X9gVwKIqb64-00103-00025290-00025656 Or certainly location based information as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00104-00025656-00025850 So it's really common to see applications X9gVwKIqb64-00105-00025850-00026018 that lay out information around you X9gVwKIqb64-00106-00026018-00026140 onto your view of the world X9gVwKIqb64-00107-00026140-00026344 and it's just pulling in location based info. X9gVwKIqb64-00108-00026344-00026634 I'm sure you guys are really familiar with that. X9gVwKIqb64-00109-00026634-00026937 It's also possible to buy off-the-shelf cars now X9gVwKIqb64-00110-00026937-00027138 with built in navigation systems. X9gVwKIqb64-00111-00027138-00027446 So they display things that optimize your driving X9gVwKIqb64-00112-00027446-00027722 and there's been some really interesting research, X9gVwKIqb64-00113-00027722-00027996 I think it was Toyota? X9gVwKIqb64-00114-00027996-00028364 Yeah, anyway, so there's a lot of research around X9gVwKIqb64-00115-00028364-00028772 how this sort of information can change the type X9gVwKIqb64-00116-00028772-00028910 of driver you are. X9gVwKIqb64-00117-00028910-00029276 So they've found that by presenting cues for navigation X9gVwKIqb64-00118-00029276-00029626 and cues for risk, they can make X9gVwKIqb64-00119-00029626-00029814 more timid drivers more assertive X9gVwKIqb64-00120-00029814-00030114 and more aggressive drivers more calm. X9gVwKIqb64-00121-00030114-00030336 So by having consistent information X9gVwKIqb64-00122-00030336-00030562 it really seems to tone people down X9gVwKIqb64-00123-00030562-00030736 to a more middle ground. X9gVwKIqb64-00124-00030736-00031060 So these sorts of systems are available now. X9gVwKIqb64-00125-00031060-00031429 Of course you can use different applications X9gVwKIqb64-00126-00031429-00031732 to visualize things like putting furniture in your home X9gVwKIqb64-00127-00031732-00031963 so you can see how it would look. X9gVwKIqb64-00128-00031963-00032198 Ikea's a great example of that. X9gVwKIqb64-00129-00032198-00032450 And there's a really wide range of applications now X9gVwKIqb64-00130-00032450-00032907 that let you visualize products and specifically furniture X9gVwKIqb64-00131-00032907-00033261 and the home wares in your home. X9gVwKIqb64-00132-00033400-00033682 It also lets us explore impossible things. X9gVwKIqb64-00133-00033682-00033884 So there's a whole range of things X9gVwKIqb64-00134-00033884-00034112 that are either too dangerous X9gVwKIqb64-00135-00034112-00034302 or just not practical so, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00136-00034302-00034554 playing with a brain is obviously one example. X9gVwKIqb64-00137-00034554-00034796 So AR really lets us explore things X9gVwKIqb64-00138-00034796-00035134 that are impossible or just not safe to do. X9gVwKIqb64-00139-00035379-00035757 These science fiction interfaces really are X9gVwKIqb64-00140-00035757-00035895 starting to become fact, X9gVwKIqb64-00141-00035895-00036145 so it's at the point where we can really now X9gVwKIqb64-00142-00036145-00036422 start weaving these into real experiences. X9gVwKIqb64-00143-00036422-00036572 The things that we've seen in the movies X9gVwKIqb64-00144-00036572-00036819 really are starting to be possible now X9gVwKIqb64-00145-00036819-00037038 and one of the things that I really want you to X9gVwKIqb64-00146-00037038-00037326 take away from this is we can now start to open up X9gVwKIqb64-00147-00037326-00037682 our imagination and really dream about the things X9gVwKIqb64-00148-00037682-00037818 that we want to do. X9gVwKIqb64-00149-00037818-00038086 Up until now there's been a lot of technical limitations X9gVwKIqb64-00150-00038086-00038238 and we're still going through some of those, X9gVwKIqb64-00151-00038238-00038466 but by the time you build projects X9gVwKIqb64-00152-00038466-00038815 the technology has changed and it's moving so quickly now. X9gVwKIqb64-00153-00038815-00039081 So I was at Augmented World Expo, X9gVwKIqb64-00154-00039081-00039288 that was the conference in Santa Clara, X9gVwKIqb64-00155-00039288-00039506 I've been going there every year for X9gVwKIqb64-00156-00039506-00039758 five years I think it is now, X9gVwKIqb64-00157-00039758-00040012 and every year it's been getting bigger and bigger. X9gVwKIqb64-00158-00040012-00040232 This year there was about 3000 attendees. X9gVwKIqb64-00159-00040232-00040509 There was about 200 people that attended by robot. X9gVwKIqb64-00160-00040509-00040888 So there's a robot you could login from your laptop X9gVwKIqb64-00161-00040888-00041056 and then steer it, drive it around, X9gVwKIqb64-00162-00041056-00041216 and interact with people from that. X9gVwKIqb64-00163-00041216-00041486 It's kind of disconcerting to be sitting in an X9gVwKIqb64-00164-00041486-00041751 environment like that with a whole row of faces behind you X9gVwKIqb64-00165-00041751-00041914 and you could turn around and actually wave X9gVwKIqb64-00166-00041914-00042083 and talk to the people on the screen. X9gVwKIqb64-00167-00042083-00042266 So it was quite an experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00168-00042450-00042732 But it's really... X9gVwKIqb64-00169-00042732-00042859 The market's really changed. X9gVwKIqb64-00170-00042859-00043037 There's now 3000 people, X9gVwKIqb64-00171-00043037-00043307 but there was a lot of big companies attending. X9gVwKIqb64-00172-00043307-00043759 Boeing, SAP, Citrix, Disney, Johnson & Johnson, X9gVwKIqb64-00173-00043759-00043934 just a wide range of people, and they're X9gVwKIqb64-00174-00043934-00044229 really applying this in their business context now. X9gVwKIqb64-00175-00044229-00044607 It's no longer this sort of hype-ware that it was before, X9gVwKIqb64-00176-00044607-00044755 and it's not just being used to advertising X9gVwKIqb64-00177-00044755-00044905 and marketing anymore. X9gVwKIqb64-00178-00044905-00045118 The challenge with that was people wouldn't return X9gVwKIqb64-00179-00045118-00045233 to those experiences. X9gVwKIqb64-00180-00045233-00045436 They were like empty calories. X9gVwKIqb64-00181-00045436-00045593 You'd go, "Ooh, that's cool." X9gVwKIqb64-00182-00045593-00045746 Most people would actually watch the YouTube video X9gVwKIqb64-00183-00045746-00045911 rather than trying the experience, X9gVwKIqb64-00184-00045911-00046055 and then they wouldn't come back again, X9gVwKIqb64-00185-00046055-00046230 but now we're seeing people applying this X9gVwKIqb64-00186-00046230-00046501 with real utility and real usefulness. X9gVwKIqb64-00187-00046659-00046973 A lot of people ask, "Wasn't AR just a fad as well?" X9gVwKIqb64-00188-00046973-00047231 So there's a perception that, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00189-00047231-00047549 these technologies go through like fads and waves. X9gVwKIqb64-00190-00047549-00047823 Paul Seffer has a great point about how X9gVwKIqb64-00191-00047823-00048126 technology evolves so looking at this line X9gVwKIqb64-00192-00048126-00048313 up through the middle, X9gVwKIqb64-00193-00048313-00048472 this is really, the straight diagonal line, X9gVwKIqb64-00194-00048472-00048667 that's really our expectational perception X9gVwKIqb64-00195-00048667-00048876 of what technology should be. X9gVwKIqb64-00196-00048876-00049060 So for each new technology X9gVwKIqb64-00197-00049060-00049287 we'll have a fairly linear expectation X9gVwKIqb64-00198-00049287-00049539 and we just expect it to just increase X9gVwKIqb64-00199-00049539-00049762 and keep getting better, and we find X9gVwKIqb64-00200-00049762-00049998 that in the early phase, this blue line X9gVwKIqb64-00201-00049998-00050250 is the reality of what's actually delivered. X9gVwKIqb64-00202-00050250-00050526 So you'll see in this phase there's quite a big gap X9gVwKIqb64-00203-00050526-00050795 between what we expect and what's actually delivered, X9gVwKIqb64-00204-00050795-00051046 and it starts off really, really slowly. X9gVwKIqb64-00205-00051046-00051407 But it gets to a certain point where it passes that. X9gVwKIqb64-00206-00051407-00051738 All of our expectations are trekking along about the same, X9gVwKIqb64-00207-00051738-00051990 but the acceleration and the technology has increased X9gVwKIqb64-00208-00051990-00052416 so much that it starts overachieving what we expected X9gVwKIqb64-00209-00052416-00052829 and our belief is that AR is about here right now. X9gVwKIqb64-00210-00052829-00052962 It's a really important point X9gVwKIqb64-00211-00052962-00053433 and everything is in a state of change at the moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00212-00053433-00053685 So it's really important to not think of these technologies X9gVwKIqb64-00213-00053685-00053869 as fads that wave through. X9gVwKIqb64-00214-00053869-00054069 That's more around our perception of them. X9gVwKIqb64-00215-00054069-00054315 And I think if we're implementing strategies for these X9gVwKIqb64-00216-00054315-00054489 sorts of things, it's great to keep this in mind X9gVwKIqb64-00217-00054489-00054779 for all the different technologies that we deal with. X9gVwKIqb64-00218-00054937-00055310 But one thing is that AR is only a small slice X9gVwKIqb64-00219-00055310-00055478 of the whole picture. X9gVwKIqb64-00220-00055640-00055871 So what we're really talking about X9gVwKIqb64-00221-00055871-00056097 is two broad areas of computing: X9gVwKIqb64-00222-00056097-00056375 Evasive Computing and Mixed Reality. X9gVwKIqb64-00223-00056375-00056668 I'll focus on Mixed Reality for today. X9gVwKIqb64-00224-00056668-00057083 So this is a continuum presented by Paul Milgrim in 1994 X9gVwKIqb64-00225-00057083-00057459 and what it does is it shows the range of different X9gVwKIqb64-00226-00057620-00057964 relationships between the real world over on, X9gVwKIqb64-00227-00057964-00058150 I think your left side over here, X9gVwKIqb64-00228-00058150-00058425 and the virtual world over this side. X9gVwKIqb64-00229-00058425-00058742 Now, inside the social sciences there's a whole lot of X9gVwKIqb64-00230-00058742-00058979 debate about if there really is a fragmentation between X9gVwKIqb64-00231-00058979-00059340 those two, but in reality, you know, you can have... X9gVwKIqb64-00232-00059340-00059484 Let's take the examples here. X9gVwKIqb64-00233-00059484-00059728 So there's a real person's head over this side X9gVwKIqb64-00234-00059728-00060022 and a completely virtual head over this side, X9gVwKIqb64-00235-00060022-00060218 and then you have shades of grey in the middle. X9gVwKIqb64-00236-00060218-00060395 So augmented reality is really here X9gVwKIqb64-00237-00060395-00060600 where you're taking a real object X9gVwKIqb64-00238-00060600-00060879 and overlaying digital information onto it. X9gVwKIqb64-00239-00060879-00061120 There's another thing called augmented virtuality, X9gVwKIqb64-00240-00061120-00061402 which is taking a virtual object X9gVwKIqb64-00241-00061402-00061647 and then maybe presenting video of the person's X9gVwKIqb64-00242-00061647-00061859 face onto that object. X9gVwKIqb64-00243-00061981-00062232 If you put video into Second Life X9gVwKIqb64-00244-00062232-00062334 or those sorts of things, X9gVwKIqb64-00245-00062334-00062534 that's really what this slice is, X9gVwKIqb64-00246-00062534-00062662 but most people focus on this area X9gVwKIqb64-00247-00062662-00062790 where they're seeing the real world X9gVwKIqb64-00248-00062790-00063127 and then overlaying digital information onto it. X9gVwKIqb64-00249-00063312-00063526 So what is virtual reality? X9gVwKIqb64-00250-00063526-00063790 Virtual reality was a term coined X9gVwKIqb64-00251-00063790-00064100 by a French poet in 1938, X9gVwKIqb64-00252-00064100-00064506 and in 1962 Morton Heilig X9gVwKIqb64-00253-00064506-00064732 created the Sensorama. X9gVwKIqb64-00254-00064732-00065076 If anyone's got $1.5 million it's for sale now, X9gVwKIqb64-00255-00065076-00065438 but basically it was a Coney Island sideshow sort of ride. X9gVwKIqb64-00256-00065438-00065576 So this is it here. X9gVwKIqb64-00257-00065576-00065728 You sat in it like this X9gVwKIqb64-00258-00065728-00066040 and you stuck your head in it and it had a screen. X9gVwKIqb64-00259-00066040-00066258 He was a filmmaker effectively, X9gVwKIqb64-00260-00066258-00066546 and it lets you drive through Manhattan on a motorbike, X9gVwKIqb64-00261-00066546-00066894 but what it did, not my head, but it blew wind in your hair X9gVwKIqb64-00262-00066894-00067379 and it also used smells, aromas, all sorts of things, X9gVwKIqb64-00263-00067379-00067564 sounds, vibrations. X9gVwKIqb64-00264-00067564-00067898 So it was really sort of the first virtual experience, X9gVwKIqb64-00265-00067898-00068161 but 1962, that was a long time ago. X9gVwKIqb64-00266-00068316-00068710 In 1968, Ivan Sutherland developed X9gVwKIqb64-00267-00068710-00069003 this head mounted display. X9gVwKIqb64-00268-00069003-00069290 So this was a binocular vision system. X9gVwKIqb64-00269-00069290-00069498 Each of these two eyes were receiving X9gVwKIqb64-00270-00069498-00069759 independent images rendered by a computer. X9gVwKIqb64-00271-00069759-00069935 The graphics back then were quite primitive, X9gVwKIqb64-00272-00069935-00070167 but it was quite compelling and he called it X9gVwKIqb64-00273-00070167-00070364 Sword of Damocles because all of this equipment X9gVwKIqb64-00274-00070364-00070587 was hanging over your head obviously. X9gVwKIqb64-00275-00070587-00070934 And you can see how massive and how primitive this was, X9gVwKIqb64-00276-00070934-00071255 but 1968, you know, that's quite a long time ago. X9gVwKIqb64-00277-00071504-00071979 In the '70s, '80s and '90s, Tom Furnace completed X9gVwKIqb64-00278-00071979-00072359 some amazing work that really extended VR even further. X9gVwKIqb64-00279-00072359-00072664 He did a lot of work for The Department of Defense. X9gVwKIqb64-00280-00072664-00072970 He was focused on cockpits and the information overload X9gVwKIqb64-00281-00072970-00073297 there and how you make an integrated scene. X9gVwKIqb64-00282-00073297-00073688 The problem that they were dealing with was... X9gVwKIqb64-00283-00073688-00073972 I'm not much into weapons and war and that sort of thing, X9gVwKIqb64-00284-00073972-00074216 but they were focused on planes being X9gVwKIqb64-00285-00074216-00074478 a delivery system for weapons, X9gVwKIqb64-00286-00074478-00074730 and at that time the way that they would steer the weapons X9gVwKIqb64-00287-00074730-00074872 would be by steering the plane. X9gVwKIqb64-00288-00074872-00075076 So you point the plane at a thing and that would be X9gVwKIqb64-00289-00075076-00075234 where your weapons would go, X9gVwKIqb64-00290-00075234-00075542 but they had much more compelling targeting systems. X9gVwKIqb64-00291-00075542-00075646 They just couldn't... X9gVwKIqb64-00292-00075646-00075904 The pilots couldn't drive that because it was X9gVwKIqb64-00293-00075904-00076162 something like, I think, 83 different computers X9gVwKIqb64-00294-00076162-00076377 or some ridiculous amount. X9gVwKIqb64-00295-00076377-00076670 So what they developed was this big Darth Vader X9gVwKIqb64-00296-00076670-00076869 sort of helmet X9gVwKIqb64-00297-00076869-00077072 and it created this sort of environment where X9gVwKIqb64-00298-00077072-00077272 they had a VR view of the world X9gVwKIqb64-00299-00077272-00077772 and it pulled out all of the key landscape elements, X9gVwKIqb64-00300-00077780-00078116 the features, and the person, the pilot, X9gVwKIqb64-00301-00078116-00078369 could just point and tap at different areas X9gVwKIqb64-00302-00078369-00078572 and then you could interact with it like a scene X9gVwKIqb64-00303-00078572-00078812 so it wasn't really where you were steering the aircraft. X9gVwKIqb64-00304-00078812-00079134 It was much more of a, you know, a God's eye view X9gVwKIqb64-00305-00079134-00079374 interact with it, and that really had X9gVwKIqb64-00306-00079374-00079794 amazing impact on the performance of the pilots X9gVwKIqb64-00307-00079794-00080157 and their ability to cope with the stress of that. X9gVwKIqb64-00308-00080323-00080503 Tom's done some amazing work X9gVwKIqb64-00309-00080503-00080702 and he went on to found the Hit Lab, X9gVwKIqb64-00310-00080702-00080948 which is a global network of research labs, X9gVwKIqb64-00311-00080948-00081273 so I definitely encourage you to check out his work as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00312-00081372-00081688 And then in the '90s, so yeah, things got a little hairy. X9gVwKIqb64-00313-00081688-00082188 Jaron Lanier became the poster child of VR in the 90s. X9gVwKIqb64-00314-00082246-00082592 He's a musician and a programmer, and he really focused X9gVwKIqb64-00315-00082592-00082870 on using VR for creating music. X9gVwKIqb64-00316-00082870-00083130 And he created some great experiences. X9gVwKIqb64-00317-00083130-00083390 It really built up a lot of the hype, and I think X9gVwKIqb64-00318-00083390-00083534 he suffered from that. X9gVwKIqb64-00319-00083534-00083838 At one point, Nintendo made this power glove, X9gVwKIqb64-00320-00083838-00084026 which is what he's wearing here. X9gVwKIqb64-00321-00084026-00084339 So it's an interactive gesture tracking device in the '90s X9gVwKIqb64-00322-00084339-00084548 for playing video games. X9gVwKIqb64-00323-00084548-00084787 It was actually shipping and, you know, you could buy it X9gVwKIqb64-00324-00084787-00084958 at Toys R Us. X9gVwKIqb64-00325-00084958-00085191 It didn't go anywhere. X9gVwKIqb64-00326-00085310-00085656 So I think what Jaron really suffered from X9gVwKIqb64-00327-00085656-00085940 was in the '90s, there was a whole wave of media, X9gVwKIqb64-00328-00085940-00086119 things like the Lawn Mower Man. X9gVwKIqb64-00329-00086119-00086427 It really hyped up VR and showed, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00330-00086427-00086783 this spectacular view, often quite dystopian view X9gVwKIqb64-00331-00086783-00087088 of what was going to happen in this environment. X9gVwKIqb64-00332-00087088-00087570 But when that bubble burst, it really led VR into, X9gVwKIqb64-00333-00087570-00087716 you know, basically into the desert. X9gVwKIqb64-00334-00087716-00087993 There was a long dry period where VR was uncool. X9gVwKIqb64-00335-00087993-00088283 It wasn't something that anyone focused on. X9gVwKIqb64-00336-00088331-00088743 Silicon Graphics and those sorts of companies died down. X9gVwKIqb64-00337-00088743-00089064 It really wasn't something that people were focused on. X9gVwKIqb64-00338-00089085-00089443 But since that time, in the last couple of years, X9gVwKIqb64-00339-00089443-00089581 there's been some amazing developments X9gVwKIqb64-00340-00089581-00089705 that have happened. X9gVwKIqb64-00341-00089705-00089880 So if you look at the Kickstarter project X9gVwKIqb64-00342-00089880-00090380 that Oculus launched, they basically wanted to rebirth X9gVwKIqb64-00343-00090414-00090543 the industry. X9gVwKIqb64-00344-00090543-00090718 And the thing that's come out of that X9gVwKIqb64-00345-00090718-00090881 is the Oculus Facebook buyout. X9gVwKIqb64-00346-00090881-00091203 So I'm sure you're all familiar with this. X9gVwKIqb64-00347-00091203-00091405 If you haven't, so Mark Zuckerberg paid X9gVwKIqb64-00348-00091405-00091632 two billion dollars to buy Oculus. X9gVwKIqb64-00349-00091632-00092001 This has had an amazing kickstarter effect on the industry. X9gVwKIqb64-00350-00092001-00092366 So when I was in the valley couple of weeks ago, it's just X9gVwKIqb64-00351-00092366-00092613 an amazing bubble again. X9gVwKIqb64-00352-00092613-00092785 Everybody's focused on VR. X9gVwKIqb64-00353-00092785-00093083 Again, I think VR is just a slice of the mixed reality X9gVwKIqb64-00354-00093083-00093355 continuum, but there is so much activity going on, X9gVwKIqb64-00355-00093355-00093603 it's literally crazy. X9gVwKIqb64-00356-00093685-00094073 As you can see, it's really possible to draw a clear line X9gVwKIqb64-00357-00094073-00094291 between AR and VR. X9gVwKIqb64-00358-00094291-00094518 But who really cares? X9gVwKIqb64-00359-00094518-00094679 Most users don't care. X9gVwKIqb64-00360-00094679-00094903 They just go, "I want some magical stuff." X9gVwKIqb64-00361-00094903-00095118 In fact, a lot of technologies, they will misname. X9gVwKIqb64-00362-00095118-00095290 They just want digital magic. X9gVwKIqb64-00363-00095290-00095490 They want a cool experience, and they want things X9gVwKIqb64-00364-00095490-00095848 to be useful and have an impact on them. X9gVwKIqb64-00365-00095848-00096220 So let me talk through why there's a fuzzy line X9gVwKIqb64-00366-00096220-00096488 between the two, and how this is really changing X9gVwKIqb64-00367-00096488-00096768 in the marketplace at the moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00368-00096824-00097161 So in 1833, Charles Wheatstone created this device, X9gVwKIqb64-00369-00097161-00097354 which is called the stereoscope. X9gVwKIqb64-00370-00097354-00097659 Basically there's two separate images that are created X9gVwKIqb64-00371-00097659-00097972 by two cameras not very far apart, just like the 3D filming X9gVwKIqb64-00372-00097972-00098130 we do nowadays. X9gVwKIqb64-00373-00098130-00098352 And those lenses, you need to hold it up to your eyes. X9gVwKIqb64-00374-00098352-00098556 It was basically an early View-Master. X9gVwKIqb64-00375-00098556-00098876 And from that, people could see a 3D perception X9gVwKIqb64-00376-00098876-00099146 of a scene, and back then, that was a pretty X9gVwKIqb64-00377-00099146-00099278 compelling experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00378-00099278-00099453 That was multimedia. X9gVwKIqb64-00379-00099453-00099732 So what we've done nowadays is we've done X9gVwKIqb64-00380-00099732-00099896 exactly the same thing. X9gVwKIqb64-00381-00099896-00100282 But instead of using the two stereo photos, X9gVwKIqb64-00382-00100282-00100540 we just put a phone there, and it works really well. X9gVwKIqb64-00383-00100540-00100972 So you can render two slightly different views X9gVwKIqb64-00384-00100972-00101324 of a scene on your phone, and using these sorts X9gVwKIqb64-00385-00101324-00101664 of devices, you can get a full VR experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00386-00101664-00101783 But of course it doesn't have to be X9gVwKIqb64-00387-00101783-00102002 in the stereoscope format. X9gVwKIqb64-00388-00102002-00102290 There's a really common format now X9gVwKIqb64-00389-00102290-00102467 which is called cardboard. X9gVwKIqb64-00390-00102467-00102586 Basically, if you... X9gVwKIqb64-00391-00102586-00102796 Yeah, cryptically called. X9gVwKIqb64-00392-00102796-00102920 I can explain why. X9gVwKIqb64-00393-00102920-00103222 (chuckles) But basically Google have kind of X9gVwKIqb64-00394-00103222-00103566 popularized this, but it really can work with X9gVwKIqb64-00395-00103566-00103964 any application that can render these stereo views X9gVwKIqb64-00396-00103964-00104132 on the screen. X9gVwKIqb64-00397-00104132-00104409 Inside here, you have two small lenses. X9gVwKIqb64-00398-00104409-00104551 They're really cheap lenses. X9gVwKIqb64-00399-00104551-00104896 We can buy them for something like 15 or 20 cents each. X9gVwKIqb64-00400-00104896-00105226 So you can make this sort of thing for, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00401-00105226-00105458 under a couple of dollars. X9gVwKIqb64-00402-00105458-00105813 But this whole space is exploding. X9gVwKIqb64-00403-00105944-00106203 There are literally one of these new, X9gVwKIqb64-00404-00106203-00106449 we call them mobile as a mask, because basically X9gVwKIqb64-00405-00106449-00106689 you're strapping a mobile phone to your face. X9gVwKIqb64-00406-00106689-00106957 So one of these mobile as a mask carriers X9gVwKIqb64-00407-00106957-00107314 or devices is announced at least once a week. X9gVwKIqb64-00408-00107314-00107723 And so there's all sorts going from the, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00409-00107723-00108097 low-cost cardboard ones, right through to the high-end. X9gVwKIqb64-00410-00108097-00108296 This is a gear VR. X9gVwKIqb64-00411-00108296-00108539 So a couple of dollars for these. X9gVwKIqb64-00412-00108539-00108830 I think 300 dollars for these. X9gVwKIqb64-00413-00108830-00109193 Basically you strap a device X9gVwKIqb64-00414-00109193-00109643 in the front, and it just works like that. X9gVwKIqb64-00415-00109692-00109939 There's some really cool ones in between. X9gVwKIqb64-00416-00109939-00110345 These are called Go 4D which is from a Korean company. X9gVwKIqb64-00417-00110345-00110511 It's 20 dollars. X9gVwKIqb64-00418-00110586-00111059 And basically, they just clip onto X9gVwKIqb64-00419-00111059-00111339 a screen like that and then you look into it. X9gVwKIqb64-00420-00111339-00111555 And it looks kind of primitive, but when you put it on, X9gVwKIqb64-00421-00111555-00111769 it's surprisingly compelling. X9gVwKIqb64-00422-00111769-00112042 We can bring up some examples later. X9gVwKIqb64-00423-00112313-00112624 So really, now you can just slip between your mobile X9gVwKIqb64-00424-00112624-00112876 and wearable device, you know, as comfortable X9gVwKIqb64-00425-00112876-00113027 as slippers. X9gVwKIqb64-00426-00113027-00113185 It's fairly easy. X9gVwKIqb64-00427-00113185-00113376 This isn't the sort of experience that people are going X9gVwKIqb64-00428-00113376-00113625 to spend hours and hours and hours in. X9gVwKIqb64-00429-00113625-00114018 The higher end VR displays, people will probably X9gVwKIqb64-00430-00114018-00114260 spend a lot of time gaming, but in these sorts X9gVwKIqb64-00431-00114260-00114470 of experiences, they're the sort of thing people will X9gVwKIqb64-00432-00114470-00114813 use at schools, use in, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00433-00114813-00114916 small companies. X9gVwKIqb64-00434-00114916-00115112 People will carry around small devices like X9gVwKIqb64-00435-00115112-00115379 the Go 4D, pull them out for, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00436-00115379-00115517 for one or two-minute experience, X9gVwKIqb64-00437-00115517-00115724 and then they'll go away. X9gVwKIqb64-00438-00115724-00115962 But the key thing is you can also just use X9gVwKIqb64-00439-00115962-00116250 the exact same experience in the phone. X9gVwKIqb64-00440-00116250-00116432 You don't necessarily have to go into the VR. X9gVwKIqb64-00441-00116432-00116560 So you can switch between. X9gVwKIqb64-00442-00116560-00116762 Some people don't have stereopsis, so they can't see X9gVwKIqb64-00443-00116762-00116926 clearly through both eyes. X9gVwKIqb64-00444-00116926-00117155 I have eye dominance, so I definitely have challenges X9gVwKIqb64-00445-00117155-00117338 with that sometimes. X9gVwKIqb64-00446-00117338-00117758 Yeah, this technology is spreading really, really quickly. X9gVwKIqb64-00447-00117758-00118040 And it's probably the thing that's going to transform X9gVwKIqb64-00448-00118040-00118323 this space the most because it's such a democratic X9gVwKIqb64-00449-00118323-00118569 or a democratizing technology. X9gVwKIqb64-00450-00118569-00119069 So I believe of the cardboard devices and the apps, X9gVwKIqb64-00451-00119084-00119382 Google have already shipped out 500 million of those. X9gVwKIqb64-00452-00119382-00119781 So it's a real base. X9gVwKIqb64-00453-00119930-00120055 So what are Wearables? X9gVwKIqb64-00454-00120055-00120254 This leads us on to a nice segue. X9gVwKIqb64-00455-00120254-00120532 Wearables, people have been wearing computers X9gVwKIqb64-00456-00120532-00120939 for a long time, so initially I think this X9gVwKIqb64-00457-00120939-00121209 is the international unit of measure called a Boy Band. X9gVwKIqb64-00458-00121209-00121401 (audience laughter) X9gVwKIqb64-00459-00121401-00121613 So there's a Boy Band worth of the people wearing them. X9gVwKIqb64-00460-00121613-00122039 This is Thad, Steve Mann and those guys back at MIT in '95. X9gVwKIqb64-00461-00122039-00122308 I think it took real balls to walk around looking like that X9gVwKIqb64-00462-00122308-00122482 in 1995. X9gVwKIqb64-00463-00122482-00122734 And certainly Steve has had... X9gVwKIqb64-00464-00122734-00122908 Steve loves a good policy debate. X9gVwKIqb64-00465-00122908-00123024 He loves a language debate. X9gVwKIqb64-00466-00123024-00123255 He'll like to twist words around. X9gVwKIqb64-00467-00123255-00123485 But then he also loves a policy debate. X9gVwKIqb64-00468-00123485-00123919 He got kicked out of McDonald's in France X9gVwKIqb64-00469-00123919-00124151 because the security guard said, X9gVwKIqb64-00470-00124151-00124331 "You're not allowed to film in the premises." X9gVwKIqb64-00471-00124331-00124481 And he got into an argument about how they were X9gVwKIqb64-00472-00124481-00124704 filming him with their CCTV cameras. X9gVwKIqb64-00473-00124704-00124945 And they tried to take it off him, and he had a letter X9gVwKIqb64-00474-00124945-00125175 from his doctor saying it was physically attached. X9gVwKIqb64-00475-00125175-00125309 You're not meant to remove it. X9gVwKIqb64-00476-00125309-00125605 And, yeah, Steve loves a good media blowup. X9gVwKIqb64-00477-00125745-00126045 But since then, you know, wearable technology X9gVwKIqb64-00478-00126045-00126158 has come a long way. X9gVwKIqb64-00479-00126158-00126466 There's probably a lot of people in this group already X9gVwKIqb64-00480-00126466-00126667 wearing wearable computers. X9gVwKIqb64-00481-00126667-00126885 But we don't think of them so much like that. X9gVwKIqb64-00482-00126885-00127102 This is, you know, the Fitbit, an activity tracker. X9gVwKIqb64-00483-00127102-00127359 These are really common now. X9gVwKIqb64-00484-00127359-00127649 The reason that we believe that wearables and X9gVwKIqb64-00485-00127649-00128110 mixed reality work so well is often these devices... X9gVwKIqb64-00486-00128110-00128313 Well, there's two categories, really. X9gVwKIqb64-00487-00128313-00128516 There's a wearable display, something that X9gVwKIqb64-00488-00128516-00128764 you'd put in front of your eye or near your eye X9gVwKIqb64-00489-00128764-00129190 and help you see the world in a different way. X9gVwKIqb64-00490-00129190-00129422 And then there's also devices that have minimal X9gVwKIqb64-00491-00129422-00129730 or no interface, and are just wrapped to your body X9gVwKIqb64-00492-00129730-00129858 in some way. X9gVwKIqb64-00493-00129858-00130122 And AR gives you the ability to project information X9gVwKIqb64-00494-00130122-00130308 that's coming from these devices X9gVwKIqb64-00495-00130308-00130470 and then create virtual displays. X9gVwKIqb64-00496-00130470-00130722 So you can have a much larger interaction. X9gVwKIqb64-00497-00130722-00130979 And that works with the whole Internet of Things as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00498-00130979-00131176 There's a whole lot of objects probably in the room X9gVwKIqb64-00499-00131176-00131452 that you could reach out and grab information from, X9gVwKIqb64-00500-00131452-00131686 present information over, but they may have no X9gVwKIqb64-00501-00131686-00131837 physical display. X9gVwKIqb64-00502-00131837-00132102 So it's really like we can peel the user interface X9gVwKIqb64-00503-00132102-00132486 off of these hard objects now, and put them in the network. X9gVwKIqb64-00504-00132486-00132888 The first examples of that were really Wi-Fi access points, X9gVwKIqb64-00505-00132888-00133232 something that had, you know, maybe one or two buttons, X9gVwKIqb64-00506-00133232-00133612 and then most of the configuration was done by the web. X9gVwKIqb64-00507-00133612-00133862 This is something that's really spreading X9gVwKIqb64-00508-00133862-00134174 with the visualization of interfaces through AR X9gVwKIqb64-00509-00134174-00134491 and then interface-less objects like wearables, X9gVwKIqb64-00510-00134491-00134764 nearables, and Internet of Things. X9gVwKIqb64-00511-00134881-00135052 So I'll just walk through a little bit of the history X9gVwKIqb64-00512-00135052-00135157 of wearable tech. X9gVwKIqb64-00513-00135157-00135417 This is a great overview provided by Mashable. X9gVwKIqb64-00514-00135417-00135669 And let's just walk through this. X9gVwKIqb64-00515-00135669-00136054 So the history of wearable technology goes back X9gVwKIqb64-00516-00136054-00136431 a lot further, so I think there are some examples of X9gVwKIqb64-00517-00136431-00136821 in the early Chinese dynasties, people wearing X9gVwKIqb64-00518-00136821-00137001 abacus based rings. X9gVwKIqb64-00519-00137001-00137344 But what this focuses on is digital technology. X9gVwKIqb64-00520-00137344-00137844 So starting in 1961, and Edward Throp created this, X9gVwKIqb64-00521-00137878-00138094 basically a gambling device. X9gVwKIqb64-00522-00138094-00138301 So it was a way for him to cheat at Roulette. X9gVwKIqb64-00523-00138301-00138541 And he did this, he co-developed it with Claude Shannon X9gVwKIqb64-00524-00138541-00138733 who's the father of information theory, X9gVwKIqb64-00525-00138733-00138907 if there are any geeks in the audience. X9gVwKIqb64-00526-00139069-00139328 And, you know, this gave him an amazing edge, X9gVwKIqb64-00527-00139328-00139504 a 44% edge in the game. X9gVwKIqb64-00528-00139504-00139622 That's really amazing. X9gVwKIqb64-00529-00139622-00139858 In 1961, again, we're talking about those times X9gVwKIqb64-00530-00139858-00140208 of sort of the Sensorama and the Sword of Damocles X9gVwKIqb64-00531-00140208-00140469 head-mounted display. X9gVwKIqb64-00532-00140560-00140950 In 1972, Keith Taft created another wearable device. X9gVwKIqb64-00533-00140950-00141233 And again, this was focused on gambling as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00534-00141233-00141499 So he wanted to take advantage in blackjack. X9gVwKIqb64-00535-00141604-00142252 So this is the thing about rapid prototyping He lost a lot of money, so that one didn't go so far. X9gVwKIqb64-00536-00142346-00142757 In 1975, we moved on to the Pulsar calculator. X9gVwKIqb64-00537-00142757-00143202 This was a big, large device and, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00538-00143202-00143682 even then, they focused on celebrity for marketing. X9gVwKIqb64-00539-00143682-00143841 It showed how important that is. X9gVwKIqb64-00540-00143841-00144260 So allegedly, Gerald Ford expressed interest X9gVwKIqb64-00541-00144260-00144392 in getting one. X9gVwKIqb64-00542-00144392-00144696 But back then, $3,900 for a calculator basically X9gVwKIqb64-00543-00144696-00144772 on your wrist. X9gVwKIqb64-00544-00144772-00144981 That's a ridiculous price. X9gVwKIqb64-00545-00145109-00145418 In 1981, that's when Steve Mann started wearing X9gVwKIqb64-00546-00145418-00145665 these sort of devices. X9gVwKIqb64-00547-00145665-00146130 So he was wearing what's effectively an Apple II X9gVwKIqb64-00548-00146130-00146285 strapped to his back. X9gVwKIqb64-00549-00146285-00146482 And he had a lot of TV equipment as well. X9gVwKIqb64-00550-00146482-00146714 So he really focused on broadcasting and rebroadcasting X9gVwKIqb64-00551-00146714-00146969 TV signals. X9gVwKIqb64-00552-00147036-00147303 So he was definitely one of the earlier pioneers. X9gVwKIqb64-00553-00147340-00147526 And then '84 was the Terminator vision X9gVwKIqb64-00554-00147526-00147778 that we saw the scenery of earlier. X9gVwKIqb64-00555-00147778-00148010 And so, yeah, predicting the dawn of Google Glass, X9gVwKIqb64-00556-00148010-00148275 but we'll talk a little bit about that in a while. X9gVwKIqb64-00557-00148472-00148720 So 1987, the first of the digital hearing aids X9gVwKIqb64-00558-00148720-00148958 were released. X9gVwKIqb64-00559-00148958-00149274 And that would have been a really... X9gVwKIqb64-00560-00149274-00149622 In fact, my nephew wears one, and it was a really X9gVwKIqb64-00561-00149622-00149880 life-changing event for him to have them installed. X9gVwKIqb64-00562-00149880-00150156 So, you know, this is an amazing wearable technology X9gVwKIqb64-00563-00150156-00150350 that's had a huge impact. X9gVwKIqb64-00564-00150350-00150655 And really, that wasn't that long ago. X9gVwKIqb64-00565-00150802-00151084 And then Steve Mann continued evolving his wearable X9gVwKIqb64-00566-00151084-00151325 devices and fashion sense. X9gVwKIqb64-00567-00151325-00151649 So lifelogging was the... X9gVwKIqb64-00568-00151649-00151895 Steve explored a lot of different terms for these X9gVwKIqb64-00569-00151895-00152034 sorts of things. X9gVwKIqb64-00570-00152034-00152226 Lifelogging was one of them. X9gVwKIqb64-00571-00152226-00152560 It's kind of grown into what was an area called X9gVwKIqb64-00572-00152560-00152731 the quantified self. X9gVwKIqb64-00573-00152731-00152890 Some people still follow that sometimes. X9gVwKIqb64-00574-00152890-00153113 It's really around, you know, just creating data X9gVwKIqb64-00575-00153113-00153284 about everything in your life: how you sleep, X9gVwKIqb64-00576-00153284-00153567 how you walk, how you talk, everything. X9gVwKIqb64-00577-00153697-00154004 And in 2000, who's got a Bluetooth headset? X9gVwKIqb64-00578-00154148-00154505 There's a lot of utility and you see specific context. X9gVwKIqb64-00579-00154505-00154662 I still wear mine running. X9gVwKIqb64-00580-00154662-00154952 You see a lot of those curious and those sorts of people wearing them. X9gVwKIqb64-00581-00154952-00155346 But, you know, there's a real balance between X9gVwKIqb64-00582-00155346-00155620 social acceptability and these technologies. X9gVwKIqb64-00583-00155620-00155841 And we'll talk a little bit about that in a moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00584-00155918-00156406 In 2002, POMA or POMA Wearable PC X9gVwKIqb64-00585-00156406-00156762 was launched, and the description of it X9gVwKIqb64-00586-00156762-00156907 is pretty apt, I think. X9gVwKIqb64-00587-00156907-00157310 So the computers retailed for $1,500 and all X9gVwKIqb64-00588-00157310-00157534 the sexiness of a cassette player strapped X9gVwKIqb64-00589-00157534-00157703 to a headlamp. X9gVwKIqb64-00590-00157750-00157997 And I think that's a lot of what we've been struggling with, X9gVwKIqb64-00591-00157997-00158343 is the aesthetics and the form factor. X9gVwKIqb64-00592-00158343-00158551 We're still quite a way off from that thing X9gVwKIqb64-00593-00158551-00158801 in mainstream technology yet. X9gVwKIqb64-00594-00158937-00159280 In 2003, C-Series, the first digital pacemaker. X9gVwKIqb64-00595-00159280-00159640 Again, now, there's a whole category. X9gVwKIqb64-00596-00159640-00159850 Wearables are the broad area. X9gVwKIqb64-00597-00159850-00160259 Things that are more close to you rather than on you, X9gVwKIqb64-00598-00160259-00160474 people are calling Nearables now. X9gVwKIqb64-00599-00160474-00160657 And then things like this, these are really embedded X9gVwKIqb64-00600-00160657-00160823 systems so, you know, I think this is going X9gVwKIqb64-00601-00160823-00161111 a step further beyond Wearables. X9gVwKIqb64-00602-00161269-00161652 In 2006, Nike and iPod teamed up. X9gVwKIqb64-00603-00161652-00162152 And that was the first real mass adoption of, X9gVwKIqb64-00604-00162248-00162428 you know, pedometer, activity tracking X9gVwKIqb64-00605-00162428-00162661 sort of technologies. X9gVwKIqb64-00606-00162721-00162871 From there, it moved into the Fitbit. X9gVwKIqb64-00607-00162871-00163117 And so Fitbit is now depending on, your X9gVwKIqb64-00608-00163117-00163462 measurement, effectively 60% of the Wearables market. X9gVwKIqb64-00609-00163462-00163687 They've shipped a lot of devices. X9gVwKIqb64-00610-00163687-00163922 And I think the thing is they're not pitching it X9gVwKIqb64-00611-00163922-00164182 as a wearable computer. They're just trying to deliver some X9gVwKIqb64-00612-00164182-00164415 functionality, something that's useful that everybody X9gVwKIqb64-00613-00164415-00164597 can relate to. X9gVwKIqb64-00614-00164782-00165148 And then 2009, again, another horrible, expensive X9gVwKIqb64-00615-00165148-00165453 wearable computer. X9gVwKIqb64-00616-00165588-00165885 And the Pebble evolved, so the whole watch space X9gVwKIqb64-00617-00165885-00166181 is really developing even further now. X9gVwKIqb64-00618-00166181-00166449 Samsung have released some interesting things. X9gVwKIqb64-00619-00166449-00166734 I think watches is the real, X9gVwKIqb64-00620-00166939-00167120 it's a really interesting category. X9gVwKIqb64-00621-00167120-00167530 And really we need a mesh of devices to interact with. X9gVwKIqb64-00622-00167530-00167784 The problem with things like Glass, X9gVwKIqb64-00623-00167784-00168249 so Glass is really a point of view, outward facing camera. X9gVwKIqb64-00624-00168249-00168473 So if you try to do video conferencing with somebody, X9gVwKIqb64-00625-00168473-00168561 it's impossible. X9gVwKIqb64-00626-00168561-00168678 They're only going to see your view. X9gVwKIqb64-00627-00168678-00168864 If you're doing a service call or something like that, X9gVwKIqb64-00628-00168864-00169024 it's great for them to be able to see what you're seeing. X9gVwKIqb64-00629-00169024-00169301 If you're doing a social call, they want to see your face. X9gVwKIqb64-00630-00169301-00169467 So you really need something else. X9gVwKIqb64-00631-00169467-00169657 You may have a phone, but it's also easy to have X9gVwKIqb64-00632-00169657-00169865 a camera on a watch. X9gVwKIqb64-00633-00169865-00170054 The form factor is getting pretty small now, X9gVwKIqb64-00634-00170054-00170299 so being able to just do that is much easier X9gVwKIqb64-00635-00170299-00170676 than standing in front of a mirror or something like that. X9gVwKIqb64-00636-00170784-00170926 So Google Glass. X9gVwKIqb64-00637-00171102-00171583 I spent about four or five months wearing Glass a lot. X9gVwKIqb64-00638-00171583-00171921 We had three pairs and we spent a lot of time X9gVwKIqb64-00639-00171921-00172067 doing research on it. X9gVwKIqb64-00640-00172067-00172261 It's a great technology. X9gVwKIqb64-00641-00172261-00172685 And it really does have a big impact. X9gVwKIqb64-00642-00172685-00173063 But actually, I shall dive more into that in a moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00643-00173063-00173437 So yeah, 2014 was termed the year of the wearable. X9gVwKIqb64-00644-00173437-00173735 But I think we've learned a lot about some X9gVwKIqb64-00645-00173735-00174118 of the challenges and shortcomings since then. X9gVwKIqb64-00646-00174135-00174289 If you really want to get a good overview X9gVwKIqb64-00647-00174289-00174655 of the wearable space, check out X9gVwKIqb64-00648-00174655-00174895 They're a Canadian company and they run a database X9gVwKIqb64-00649-00174895-00175085 of all of these devices. X9gVwKIqb64-00650-00175085-00175504 They break it down so they'll tell you based on... X9gVwKIqb64-00651-00175504-00175715 There's 11 categories on the body, X9gVwKIqb64-00652-00175715-00175999 how many devices are for each of those parts X9gVwKIqb64-00653-00175999-00176122 of your body. X9gVwKIqb64-00654-00176122-00176276 And they talk about the types of senses X9gVwKIqb64-00655-00176276-00176544 and devices and then their price. X9gVwKIqb64-00656-00176544-00176685 And so it's a really good overview, and it's been X9gVwKIqb64-00657-00176685-00176970 running for about eight years so it's a really good X9gVwKIqb64-00658-00176970-00177137 quality database. X9gVwKIqb64-00659-00177399-00177538 So let's look at some of the things that have been X9gVwKIqb64-00660-00177538-00177977 holding AR and wearables and VR back. X9gVwKIqb64-00661-00178158-00178498 So one of the things that we've really learned since X9gVwKIqb64-00662-00178623-00178994 sort of mid last year is some of the challenges X9gVwKIqb64-00663-00178994-00179170 that face Google. X9gVwKIqb64-00664-00179170-00179507 So there's a large backlash around privacy. X9gVwKIqb64-00665-00179507-00179794 The fact that you have a camera on your face X9gVwKIqb64-00666-00179794-00180194 is so conspicuous it really has an interruptive effect X9gVwKIqb64-00667-00180194-00180424 on your social interactions. X9gVwKIqb64-00668-00180424-00180716 So, you know, I've worn Glass in all sorts of context X9gVwKIqb64-00669-00180716-00180996 from, you know, filling up a car, going, getting something X9gVwKIqb64-00670-00180996-00181214 at the shops, into meetings, conferences, X9gVwKIqb64-00671-00181214-00181372 those sorts of things. X9gVwKIqb64-00672-00181372-00181677 It really gets in the way of your conversation. X9gVwKIqb64-00673-00181677-00182028 And it's more about people's perception X9gVwKIqb64-00674-00182028-00182330 of the camera than almost anything else. X9gVwKIqb64-00675-00182330-00182592 There is a certain amount, something blocking your eye. X9gVwKIqb64-00676-00182592-00182746 It's a really impersonal thing to put something X9gVwKIqb64-00677-00182746-00182997 between your eye and the person you're talking to. X9gVwKIqb64-00678-00182997-00183426 But, if anything, I believe it's mostly about the camera. X9gVwKIqb64-00679-00183576-00183823 People, you know, there is very little difference X9gVwKIqb64-00680-00183823-00184019 between the camera on here and me being able X9gVwKIqb64-00681-00184019-00184250 to take video of people and strapping one X9gVwKIqb64-00682-00184250-00184338 to my face. X9gVwKIqb64-00683-00184338-00184670 But it is so conspicuous and it has such an impact X9gVwKIqb64-00684-00184670-00184986 on your social interactions that I think that's something X9gVwKIqb64-00685-00184986-00185135 that I've really struggled with. X9gVwKIqb64-00686-00185135-00185451 And so, the perception now is that, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00687-00185451-00185628 you're some sort of spy bot. X9gVwKIqb64-00688-00185628-00185904 There are a whole lot of places that have already, X9gVwKIqb64-00689-00185904-00186101 you know, the term "Glasshole" sprung up. X9gVwKIqb64-00690-00186101-00186356 And there are places banning Glassholes. X9gVwKIqb64-00691-00186356-00186712 So even when they weren't shipping, you know. X9gVwKIqb64-00692-00186866-00187174 The other thing is the value exchange. X9gVwKIqb64-00693-00187174-00187409 I love this photo. X9gVwKIqb64-00694-00187626-00187776 One of the most important things with technology X9gVwKIqb64-00695-00187776-00187958 is there has to be a great value exchange. X9gVwKIqb64-00696-00187958-00188227 Every user who uses a technology has to invest X9gVwKIqb64-00697-00188227-00188358 a certain amount of themselves, X9gVwKIqb64-00698-00188358-00188642 a certain amount of activity, and they have to get back X9gVwKIqb64-00699-00188642-00188833 equal or better value. X9gVwKIqb64-00700-00188833-00189168 Glass is a great tool but it's not really X9gVwKIqb64-00701-00189168-00189597 providing that value exchange for consumers. X9gVwKIqb64-00702-00189600-00189752 I think there's a good change that Glass X9gVwKIqb64-00703-00189752-00189946 is going to relaunch very, very soon. X9gVwKIqb64-00704-00189946-00190212 And I think there's a chance that they'll refocus X9gVwKIqb64-00705-00190212-00190390 on the enterprise market. X9gVwKIqb64-00706-00190390-00190513 There's a lot of companies. X9gVwKIqb64-00707-00190513-00190892 So the conference that I just came back from, X9gVwKIqb64-00708-00190892-00191131 there was a whole segment on X9gVwKIqb64-00709-00191230-00191521 head-mounted displays, wearable glasses basically. X9gVwKIqb64-00710-00191521-00191924 And there was eight vendors excluding Google X9gVwKIqb64-00711-00191924-00192143 that were covering their latest developments. X9gVwKIqb64-00712-00192143-00192362 There are some companies like Vuzix and Optinvent X9gVwKIqb64-00713-00192362-00192538 that have been doing this for a long time now. X9gVwKIqb64-00714-00192538-00192796 Vuzix and SAP are shipping a lot of devices X9gVwKIqb64-00715-00192796-00193226 into logistics and infrastructure sort of context. X9gVwKIqb64-00716-00193226-00193502 So, you know, there is some real benefit there, X9gVwKIqb64-00717-00193502-00193712 and if it improves your job, improves safety, X9gVwKIqb64-00718-00193712-00193968 there's a real business benefit. X9gVwKIqb64-00719-00193968-00194150 But I think it's going to be a little while before we see X9gVwKIqb64-00720-00194150-00194403 this from a consumer perspective. X9gVwKIqb64-00721-00194420-00194678 People like Optinvent are trying a different form factor. X9gVwKIqb64-00722-00194678-00194914 They're going with headphones that you can then X9gVwKIqb64-00723-00194914-00195182 bring down to a head-mounted display. X9gVwKIqb64-00724-00195182-00195430 But again, I still think it's just too invasive. X9gVwKIqb64-00725-00195575-00195733 There is an amazing X9gVwKIqb64-00726-00196058-00196316 system that Google have released. X9gVwKIqb64-00727-00196316-00196816 It is a contact lens but is nothing like Google Glass. X9gVwKIqb64-00728-00196852-00197080 All it is is effectively a single pixel, not much more X9gVwKIqb64-00729-00197080-00197236 than a single pixel. X9gVwKIqb64-00730-00197236-00197580 And it measures the glucose levels from X9gVwKIqb64-00731-00197580-00197862 your blood through the moisture in your eye. X9gVwKIqb64-00732-00197862-00198078 And from that, so if you have diabetes, X9gVwKIqb64-00733-00198078-00198294 you can have almost a visual indicator X9gVwKIqb64-00734-00198294-00198450 and, you know, you can track your blood X9gVwKIqb64-00735-00198450-00198664 or your sugar levels. X9gVwKIqb64-00736-00198664-00198870 So like that sort of thing, to me, that makes perfect X9gVwKIqb64-00737-00198870-00199036 sense as a great value exchange. X9gVwKIqb64-00738-00199036-00199194 It's minimally invasive. X9gVwKIqb64-00739-00199194-00199531 That seems like a really good fit for technology. X9gVwKIqb64-00740-00199538-00199850 But again, I think wearable glasses are going through X9gVwKIqb64-00741-00199850-00200182 that some sort of S curve that Paul Seffer was talking X9gVwKIqb64-00742-00200182-00200285 about before. X9gVwKIqb64-00743-00200285-00200396 VR has gone through that. X9gVwKIqb64-00744-00200396-00200537 AR has gone through that. X9gVwKIqb64-00745-00200537-00200904 This is deep in the middle of the bottom hump. X9gVwKIqb64-00746-00200904-00201126 You know, people's expectations just aren't being met. X9gVwKIqb64-00747-00201126-00201254 But I think pretty soon we're going to shoot out X9gVwKIqb64-00748-00201254-00201431 the other side. X9gVwKIqb64-00749-00201624-00201702 And then the other problem. X9gVwKIqb64-00750-00201702-00202052 So with native applications, AR is primarily shipped X9gVwKIqb64-00751-00202052-00202220 as native applications. X9gVwKIqb64-00752-00202220-00202434 And I'll talk more in detail about that in a moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00753-00202434-00202736 But the biggest challenge with that is getting there. X9gVwKIqb64-00754-00202736-00202886 So we call it, "From no to go." X9gVwKIqb64-00755-00202886-00203342 So from somebody just broadly knowing X9gVwKIqb64-00756-00203342-00203554 that there's something that I can interact with X9gVwKIqb64-00757-00203554-00203836 in the world to actually interacting with it X9gVwKIqb64-00758-00203836-00204150 on my device, if you look at some of the... X9gVwKIqb64-00759-00204150-00204366 Not to pick on them, but one of the mainstream X9gVwKIqb64-00760-00204366-00204694 AR browsers called Layar, they have a pretty good X9gVwKIqb64-00761-00204694-00204854 user experience, I think. X9gVwKIqb64-00762-00204854-00205188 But to go from being told by somebody X9gVwKIqb64-00763-00205188-00205556 in some print material or a sign or something like that, X9gVwKIqb64-00764-00205556-00205988 to go to the app to download it, X9gVwKIqb64-00765-00205988-00206174 start interacting with it, X9gVwKIqb64-00766-00206174-00206328 search, find the content you want, X9gVwKIqb64-00767-00206328-00206517 go through the first user experience, X9gVwKIqb64-00768-00206517-00206726 it's 17 steps. X9gVwKIqb64-00769-00206726-00206870 That's a massive distance. X9gVwKIqb64-00770-00206870-00207122 We measure the distance X9gVwKIqb64-00771-00207122-00207289 between you and an interface in a number X9gVwKIqb64-00772-00207289-00207566 of different ways, based on the network speed, X9gVwKIqb64-00773-00207566-00207748 the number of actions taken, X9gVwKIqb64-00774-00207748-00208058 the number of steps to access your device. X9gVwKIqb64-00775-00208058-00208258 And so we really measure this as like a geometry. X9gVwKIqb64-00776-00208258-00208526 It's how far away do you feel from an application X9gVwKIqb64-00777-00208526-00208680 or an experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00778-00208680-00208874 And at the moment, that gap is just too long. X9gVwKIqb64-00779-00208874-00209124 So in each of these steps, there's a falloff rate. X9gVwKIqb64-00780-00209124-00209354 17 steps, you know, you're getting to like 90% X9gVwKIqb64-00781-00209354-00209556 falloff rate. X9gVwKIqb64-00782-00209556-00209787 So this is a really big challenge. X9gVwKIqb64-00783-00209914-00210056 And another big question is: How any people X9gVwKIqb64-00784-00210056-00210234 are really using AR? X9gVwKIqb64-00785-00210234-00210717 So there's an industry-stated goal X9gVwKIqb64-00786-00210717-00210925 from Marionberg. X9gVwKIqb64-00787-00210925-00211101 He's kind of driving this. X9gVwKIqb64-00788-00211101-00211398 You know, the goal is to have one billion regular users X9gVwKIqb64-00789-00211398-00211558 as soon as possible. X9gVwKIqb64-00790-00211558-00211807 They've sort of stated the goal is 2020. X9gVwKIqb64-00791-00211807-00212261 But if you look at where the mainstream AR browsers are. X9gVwKIqb64-00792-00212261-00212441 Bless you. X9gVwKIqb64-00793-00212441-00212773 These are the three mainstream ones. X9gVwKIqb64-00794-00212773-00213233 Junaio is run by a German company called Metaio. X9gVwKIqb64-00795-00213233-00213396 They were recently bought by Apple. X9gVwKIqb64-00796-00213396-00213716 So this one's kind of gone away. X9gVwKIqb64-00797-00213716-00214003 Wikitude, which were really the first into the marketplace. X9gVwKIqb64-00798-00214074-00214327 They have quite a good momentum. X9gVwKIqb64-00799-00214327-00214585 But the ones that really have won through OEM deals, X9gVwKIqb64-00800-00214585-00214720 they've done deals with Samsung. X9gVwKIqb64-00801-00214720-00214874 There's a whole bunch of Samsung devices X9gVwKIqb64-00802-00214874-00215102 that ship with Layar installed on it already. X9gVwKIqb64-00803-00215102-00215263 So they've got up to 10 million. X9gVwKIqb64-00804-00215263-00215550 So if you look at the total of that, half million. X9gVwKIqb64-00805-00215550-00215797 That's a long way short of the one billion users X9gVwKIqb64-00806-00215797-00215982 that we're aiming for. X9gVwKIqb64-00807-00215982-00216383 So there's got to be a better way to access that. X9gVwKIqb64-00808-00216453-00216640 Our view is that you can surf the web. X9gVwKIqb64-00809-00216640-00217039 So we started in 2009 by making content creation X9gVwKIqb64-00810-00217039-00217227 available through the web. X9gVwKIqb64-00811-00217227-00217441 But what we've been really working on since then X9gVwKIqb64-00812-00217441-00217731 is how do we use open standards and web standards X9gVwKIqb64-00813-00217731-00218104 to make the experience itself run inside the web browser. X9gVwKIqb64-00814-00218253-00218496 And if you add these new technologies, these new X9gVwKIqb64-00815-00218496-00218723 standards, and I'll talk through those in a moment, X9gVwKIqb64-00816-00218723-00219055 you really do turn the web, the traditional web X9gVwKIqb64-00817-00219055-00219359 which, you know, now is Web 2.0, X9gVwKIqb64-00818-00219359-00219852 into a rocket that is just a whole difference experience. X9gVwKIqb64-00819-00219951-00220178 And if we look at the size of the market, it's much, X9gVwKIqb64-00820-00220178-00220306 much bigger. X9gVwKIqb64-00821-00220306-00220654 So this is the slice of browsers that support X9gVwKIqb64-00822-00220654-00220826 the new technologies that we need X9gVwKIqb64-00823-00220826-00220990 to deliver AR. X9gVwKIqb64-00824-00220990-00221260 So if you look, this is already 14 times bigger X9gVwKIqb64-00825-00221260-00221714 than these other installable apps. X9gVwKIqb64-00826-00221714-00222060 And the thing is, these browsers are already installed X9gVwKIqb64-00827-00222060-00222143 on the devices. X9gVwKIqb64-00828-00222143-00222370 So these numbers don't represent the whole market. X9gVwKIqb64-00829-00222370-00222646 This is just the Android slice because they're public data. X9gVwKIqb64-00830-00222646-00223048 So if the iOS, you know, depending on the audience X9gVwKIqb64-00831-00223048-00223386 you're talking to, Australia's quite a high iOS specific X9gVwKIqb64-00832-00223386-00223679 audience but there's normally roughly a good balance X9gVwKIqb64-00833-00223679-00223802 between the two. X9gVwKIqb64-00834-00223802-00223892 But these are public numbers. X9gVwKIqb64-00835-00223892-00224134 You can check them on the Android Play Store. X9gVwKIqb64-00836-00224134-00224429 But the important thing is I put that slide together X9gVwKIqb64-00837-00224429-00224662 about a year ago. X9gVwKIqb64-00838-00224662-00224952 Right now, it's grown to 600 million. X9gVwKIqb64-00839-00224952-00225434 So the default browser on Android runs these standards. X9gVwKIqb64-00840-00225434-00225714 But if you look at the other browsers in that period, X9gVwKIqb64-00841-00225714-00225850 they have flat-lined. X9gVwKIqb64-00842-00225850-00226034 They haven't evolved or grown their market X9gVwKIqb64-00843-00226034-00226162 space at all. X9gVwKIqb64-00844-00226162-00226586 So we really see and have always seen these installed X9gVwKIqb64-00845-00226586-00226962 browsers as a transitional silo. X9gVwKIqb64-00846-00226962-00227222 They really do create separate silos. X9gVwKIqb64-00847-00227222-00227412 You can't create content for one of then run it X9gVwKIqb64-00848-00227412-00227507 on the other. X9gVwKIqb64-00849-00227507-00227722 There are real inter-operability problems. X9gVwKIqb64-00850-00227722-00227924 And from our perspective, it's kind of the equivalent X9gVwKIqb64-00851-00227924-00228298 to where AOL or Apple eWorld were before the web came along. X9gVwKIqb64-00852-00228298-00228580 It was, you know, a great experimentation. X9gVwKIqb64-00853-00228580-00228778 It was a great way of getting people involved. X9gVwKIqb64-00854-00228778-00229094 But it wasn't where the main game was going to be. X9gVwKIqb64-00855-00229094-00229586 So 600 million, that's a really, a big addressable audience. X9gVwKIqb64-00856-00229586-00229777 And that's available right now. X9gVwKIqb64-00857-00229926-00230110 So what does the Augmented Web look like? X9gVwKIqb64-00858-00230110-00230363 So that's the term that we use, so we're basically X9gVwKIqb64-00859-00230363-00230614 taking the web, adding all the standards we need X9gVwKIqb64-00860-00230614-00230897 to add AR, and we call that the Augmented Web, X9gVwKIqb64-00861-00230897-00231214 or these are Augmented Web experiences. X9gVwKIqb64-00862-00231214-00231603 So this is the major benefit of the web. X9gVwKIqb64-00863-00231603-00231935 This is what Tim Berners-Lee's major innovation was, X9gVwKIqb64-00864-00231935-00232096 was href - the link. X9gVwKIqb64-00865-00232096-00232339 You could send a link to somebody and they just open it. X9gVwKIqb64-00866-00232339-00232593 It's a universal way of sharing content. X9gVwKIqb64-00867-00232593-00232762 And that's the biggest advantage the web has X9gVwKIqb64-00868-00232762-00232998 over native applications. X9gVwKIqb64-00869-00233028-00233202 The Augmented Web is exactly the same, X9gVwKIqb64-00870-00233202-00233384 but it's just what happens when you click on it X9gVwKIqb64-00871-00233384-00233617 can be much, much more compelling. X9gVwKIqb64-00872-00233764-00234005 So if we look at which browsers support these X9gVwKIqb64-00873-00234005-00234184 Augmented Web experiences, X9gVwKIqb64-00874-00234184-00234360 it's pretty mainstream already. X9gVwKIqb64-00875-00234360-00234558 So Chrome is driving the market. X9gVwKIqb64-00876-00234558-00234793 They obviously have the largest install base. X9gVwKIqb64-00877-00234793-00235031 Firefox has a large install base. X9gVwKIqb64-00878-00235031-00235219 And Opera is effectively built on the same platform X9gVwKIqb64-00879-00235219-00235391 as Chrome. X9gVwKIqb64-00880-00235391-00235650 So if you look at these, these provide the bulk X9gVwKIqb64-00881-00235650-00235814 of the market, depending on the audience X9gVwKIqb64-00882-00235814-00235900 you're talking. X9gVwKIqb64-00883-00235900-00236156 If you're talking about consumers, Chrome by far X9gVwKIqb64-00884-00236156-00236337 is the largest audience. X9gVwKIqb64-00885-00236337-00236517 If you're talking about enterprise market, banking, X9gVwKIqb64-00886-00236517-00236722 those sorts of things, you know, IE is definitely X9gVwKIqb64-00887-00236722-00236877 the main for those. X9gVwKIqb64-00888-00236877-00237347 So if we talk about those other platforms, iOS, Safari, X9gVwKIqb64-00889-00237347-00237829 you can run a lot of these technologies. X9gVwKIqb64-00890-00237829-00238080 Actually, let me talk through what the standards are. X9gVwKIqb64-00891-00238225-00238660 There's about 10 or 11 different web-based standards X9gVwKIqb64-00892-00238660-00238818 that we require. X9gVwKIqb64-00893-00238818-00239186 The first is, obviously, you need JavaScript so you can run X9gVwKIqb64-00894-00239186-00239485 interactive script-driven content. X9gVwKIqb64-00895-00239485-00239985 The second is that you need some sort of 3D representations. X9gVwKIqb64-00896-00240011-00240486 So the mainstream web standard for 3D graphics now X9gVwKIqb64-00897-00240486-00240617 is called WebGL. X9gVwKIqb64-00898-00240617-00240850 So it just allows you to deliver great 3D content X9gVwKIqb64-00899-00240850-00241343 as compelling as any of the native applications. X9gVwKIqb64-00900-00241390-00241614 And then on top of that, we need to be able to sense X9gVwKIqb64-00901-00241614-00241803 how the devices are moving. X9gVwKIqb64-00902-00242206-00242460 So we need things like GPS X9gVwKIqb64-00903-00242460-00242648 so we can work out roughly your location, X9gVwKIqb64-00904-00242648-00242848 and we need a gyroscope and an accelerometer X9gVwKIqb64-00905-00242848-00243199 so we can work out how the device is moving through space. X9gVwKIqb64-00906-00243234-00243426 And then on top of that, we need to access X9gVwKIqb64-00907-00243426-00243748 the camera and the microphone. X9gVwKIqb64-00908-00243748-00243984 And so this is one of the things that's really changed. X9gVwKIqb64-00909-00243984-00244303 One of the new technologies is called WebRTC. X9gVwKIqb64-00910-00244303-00244570 It stands for Web Real-Time Communication. X9gVwKIqb64-00911-00244570-00244958 Effectively, it was designed as a video conferencing X9gVwKIqb64-00912-00244958-00245078 sort of replacement. X9gVwKIqb64-00913-00245078-00245396 So they're targeting that sort of Skype, FaceTime market. X9gVwKIqb64-00914-00245396-00245725 And Skype and X9gVwKIqb64-00915-00246229-00246450 Hangouts, I was thinking of the Google one, Hangouts, yeah. X9gVwKIqb64-00916-00246450-00246628 So most of those platforms are integrating X9gVwKIqb64-00917-00246628-00246914 so they can talk WebRTC and interact with that. X9gVwKIqb64-00918-00246914-00247336 Now, if you look at Firefox, you'll see in the top corner, X9gVwKIqb64-00919-00247336-00247483 there's a little smiley face. X9gVwKIqb64-00920-00247483-00247765 If you click on that, that's a video conferencing platform. X9gVwKIqb64-00921-00247765-00247966 You can just send someone a link and your browser X9gVwKIqb64-00922-00247966-00248208 just starts video conferencing with them straight away. X9gVwKIqb64-00923-00248208-00248706 These things have really opened up the technology X9gVwKIqb64-00924-00248706-00249002 massively, and with these video streams, X9gVwKIqb64-00925-00249002-00249287 it's really different from how the web treated media before. X9gVwKIqb64-00926-00249287-00249616 Before, you could place a video on a page X9gVwKIqb64-00927-00249616-00249890 and then you could go play or stop. X9gVwKIqb64-00928-00249890-00250059 This is completely different. X9gVwKIqb64-00929-00250059-00250294 Now, with these streams, and it's both the microphone X9gVwKIqb64-00930-00250294-00250549 and the camera, we can reach into them, X9gVwKIqb64-00931-00250549-00250916 access each individual frame, and work each pixel, X9gVwKIqb64-00932-00250916-00251130 and process them in real time. X9gVwKIqb64-00933-00251130-00251226 It's amazing. X9gVwKIqb64-00934-00251226-00251594 We can actually really, in JavaScript, in the browser, X9gVwKIqb64-00935-00251594-00251816 create real computer vision. X9gVwKIqb64-00936-00251816-00252057 And this is one of the big strategic changes. X9gVwKIqb64-00937-00252057-00252444 So traditionally, we've been more around managing X9gVwKIqb64-00938-00252444-00252599 boxes and networks. X9gVwKIqb64-00939-00252599-00252851 And then from there, people have focused onto X9gVwKIqb64-00940-00252851-00253004 building APIs. X9gVwKIqb64-00941-00253004-00253134 You know, I think that's a great thing. X9gVwKIqb64-00942-00253134-00253361 We've done a lot of that for our enterprise customers. X9gVwKIqb64-00943-00253361-00253565 But the real strategic challenge that's happening now X9gVwKIqb64-00944-00253565-00253717 is the management of streams. X9gVwKIqb64-00945-00253717-00254038 So how companies create tools that sit on top X9gVwKIqb64-00946-00254038-00254246 of streams, extract value and meaning. X9gVwKIqb64-00947-00254246-00254398 I think that's sort of the next business challenge X9gVwKIqb64-00948-00254398-00254609 that people will really be focused on. X9gVwKIqb64-00949-00254609-00254781 So that's WebRTC. X9gVwKIqb64-00950-00254781-00255082 That gives us the camera and the microphone access. X9gVwKIqb64-00951-00255091-00255423 These will put together, give us all the tools we need. X9gVwKIqb64-00952-00255423-00255904 So iOS and Safari in general doesn't support that yet. X9gVwKIqb64-00953-00255904-00256050 It supports the WebGL. X9gVwKIqb64-00954-00256050-00256317 It supports the gyro and the compass, but it doesn't X9gVwKIqb64-00955-00256317-00256529 support the camera access yet. X9gVwKIqb64-00956-00256529-00256729 So that's one of the big slices that is yet for them X9gVwKIqb64-00957-00256729-00256986 to roll out to the market. X9gVwKIqb64-00958-00257005-00257146 And if we look at the Microsoft space, X9gVwKIqb64-00959-00257146-00257395 so Microsoft has got a good support for WebGL X9gVwKIqb64-00960-00257395-00257600 and the different senses now. X9gVwKIqb64-00961-00257928-00258129 They understand the significance of the camera X9gVwKIqb64-00962-00258129-00258316 and microphone access we're about to see, X9gVwKIqb64-00963-00258316-00258576 and there's a bit of a battle playing out around that X9gVwKIqb64-00964-00258576-00258643 at the moment. X9gVwKIqb64-00965-00258643-00258879 But they are definitely engaged in supporting that, X9gVwKIqb64-00966-00258879-00259133 but probably the next version. X9gVwKIqb64-00967-00259335-00259730 So what I'd like to do is jump to a couple of videos X9gVwKIqb64-00968-00259730-00260026 that just show the types of interactions X9gVwKIqb64-00969-00260026-00260234 that you can see in a web browser. X9gVwKIqb64-00970-00260234-00260544 And the key with these things is they are just, X9gVwKIqb64-00971-00260544-00260735 you know, things you can tap on a link and start X9gVwKIqb64-00972-00260735-00260956 experiencing it. X9gVwKIqb64-00973-00260995-00261071 So let me show this first one. X9gVwKIqb64-00974-00261071-00261208 Whoops. X9gVwKIqb64-00975-00262127-00262334 So this is literally just a camera view in the background X9gVwKIqb64-00976-00262334-00262603 and using the gyro and the compass, X9gVwKIqb64-00977-00262603-00262764 so it's worked out where I am. X9gVwKIqb64-00978-00262764-00263102 And as I look around, I can see no more GL AI content X9gVwKIqb64-00979-00263102-00263220 around me. X9gVwKIqb64-00980-00263220-00263403 But one of the challenges with that is it's always been X9gVwKIqb64-00981-00263403-00263630 at the centerpoint looking out. X9gVwKIqb64-00982-00263630-00263910 But now there are a new approach. X9gVwKIqb64-00983-00263910-00264159 You can actually zoom into models and walk around them. X9gVwKIqb64-00984-00264159-00264379 So it can be much more interactive, X9gVwKIqb64-00985-00264379-00264559 and you can create these sorts of scenes. X9gVwKIqb64-00986-00264559-00264763 So these are just some rough examples, you know, X9gVwKIqb64-00987-00264763-00265100 education games, marketing, those types of things. X9gVwKIqb64-00988-00265147-00265315 It can create all sorts of inter-activities. X9gVwKIqb64-00989-00265315-00265604 So this one's, basically, when you tap on the guy, X9gVwKIqb64-00990-00265604-00265810 he shoots a ball at you, and we can shoot back X9gVwKIqb64-00991-00265810-00265890 the other direction. X9gVwKIqb64-00992-00265890-00266124 I'll show you some examples around that later. X9gVwKIqb64-00993-00266124-00266410 And, you know, the models, it's got the ability X9gVwKIqb64-00994-00266410-00266694 to pinch and zoom, so you can zoom right into it, X9gVwKIqb64-00995-00266694-00266964 and the car, so you can, you'll see, we get right in X9gVwKIqb64-00996-00266964-00267160 and almost sit in the passenger seat and look around, X9gVwKIqb64-00997-00267160-00267370 and then you can go back out. X9gVwKIqb64-00998-00267429-00267766 So this is just one of the modes that can be supported, X9gVwKIqb64-00999-00267766-00268063 but, you know, this looks like a native application. X9gVwKIqb64-01000-00268063-00268389 This is a sort of experience people will expect from AR. X9gVwKIqb64-01001-00269338-00269769 And so, yeah, the focus really is on how the web itself X9gVwKIqb64-01002-00269769-00270197 can now be blended with the physical world. X9gVwKIqb64-01003-00270309-00270633 So what I'll do next is show a different video. X9gVwKIqb64-01004-00270633-00271046 This is a demo that we're about to release. X9gVwKIqb64-01005-00271046-00271225 This hasn't been released yet. X9gVwKIqb64-01006-00271413-00271765 And this really pushes the network and the devices X9gVwKIqb64-01007-00271765-00271941 to their extreme. X9gVwKIqb64-01008-00272109-00272554 So what this is is effectively kind of like a Minecraft X9gVwKIqb64-01009-00272554-00272735 sort of experience. X9gVwKIqb64-01010-00272735-00273030 So you have an island in the middle here, X9gVwKIqb64-01011-00273030-00273166 and these are the blocks. X9gVwKIqb64-01012-00273166-00273304 On your device, as you point around, X9gVwKIqb64-01013-00273304-00273745 you have like that green block here is the cursor block. X9gVwKIqb64-01014-00273745-00273914 So as you move it around on the island, X9gVwKIqb64-01015-00273914-00274132 wherever it is, if you tap on the screen, it will add X9gVwKIqb64-01016-00274132-00274444 a block there, or you can go on delete mode and delete one. X9gVwKIqb64-01017-00274444-00274821 So you can see, this was Alex using the device X9gVwKIqb64-01018-00274821-00274999 and just moving around. X9gVwKIqb64-01019-00274999-00275259 And you can walk around the island physically and, X9gVwKIqb64-01020-00275259-00275594 you know, build sorts of, these sorts of directions. X9gVwKIqb64-01021-00275594-00275981 But one of the really key points is that you can then X9gVwKIqb64-01022-00275981-00276319 invite a friend in and they can interact with this X9gVwKIqb64-01023-00276319-00276441 in the same way. X9gVwKIqb64-01024-00276441-00276612 Sorry about the face. X9gVwKIqb64-01025-00276813-00277079 And you can shoot them, of course. X9gVwKIqb64-01026-00277110-00277321 So, really, we're just showing the different types X9gVwKIqb64-01027-00277321-00277489 of interactions and throwing this open X9gVwKIqb64-01028-00277489-00277763 for people to play with it while we prepare X9gVwKIqb64-01029-00277763-00277963 the next release of our platform. X9gVwKIqb64-01030-00277963-00278352 But this is great for all sorts of context, X9gVwKIqb64-01031-00278352-00278710 so educational context, people sharing models, X9gVwKIqb64-01032-00278710-00278975 talking about ideas, just being able to share X9gVwKIqb64-01033-00278975-00279194 someone a model of, you know, something X9gVwKIqb64-01034-00279194-00279388 you're going to put into place or a situation. X9gVwKIqb64-01035-00279388-00279570 They can tap on a link, walk around it. X9gVwKIqb64-01036-00279570-00279723 If you want to talk about it, you can bring them in X9gVwKIqb64-01037-00279723-00279833 and chat. X9gVwKIqb64-01038-00279833-00280141 And then all sorts of interactivity as well. X9gVwKIqb64-01039-00280141-00280376 So this gives you a good overview of the sorts X9gVwKIqb64-01040-00280376-00280487 of experiences, you know. X9gVwKIqb64-01041-00280487-00280716 Depending on your context, some people may think X9gVwKIqb64-01042-00280716-00280949 this is VR, some people may think it's AR. X9gVwKIqb64-01043-00280949-00281150 We can switch on the camera view in the background X9gVwKIqb64-01044-00281150-00281317 so you can see the world as well. X9gVwKIqb64-01045-00281317-00281488 But again, users don't really care. X9gVwKIqb64-01046-00281488-00281704 It's about the value proposition. X9gVwKIqb64-01047-00281704-00281801 Is it useful? X9gVwKIqb64-01048-00281801-00281986 Are they actually going to use it? X9gVwKIqb64-01049-00282154-00282577 So that's my overview of AR X9gVwKIqb64-01050-00282577-00282928 via wearables and how we believe this is going to gain X9gVwKIqb64-01051-00282928-00283167 really wide distribution. XqFgIz73fVu-00000-00000056-00000173 Mrs.. Benson, XqFgIz73fVu-00001-00000186-00000380 not only is she Carly and Spencer's neighbor, XqFgIz73fVu-00002-00000393-00000570 she's also Freddie's mom. XqFgIz73fVu-00003-00000583-00000790 [screaming] XqFgIz73fVu-00004-00000827-00001114 She can be a little overprotective at times, XqFgIz73fVu-00005-00001127-00001271 but when she isn't caring for Freddie XqFgIz73fVu-00006-00001284-00001498 or heading up the apartment building watch patrol, XqFgIz73fVu-00007-00001511-00001891 Mrs. Benson has been known to have a relationship or two. XqFgIz73fVu-00008-00001905-00002208 Here's the full story of Mrs. Benson's relationships. XqFgIz73fVu-00009-00002222-00002392 Please, call me Marissa. XqFgIz73fVu-00010-00002405-00002512 Marissa. XqFgIz73fVu-00011-00002525-00002662 That's a pretty name. XqFgIz73fVu-00012-00002675-00002789 Oh, thank you. XqFgIz73fVu-00013-00002829-00002926 It's French. XqFgIz73fVu-00014-00002939-00003099 It means honeysuckle. XqFgIz73fVu-00015-00003113-00003273 Oh, I like honeysuckle. XqFgIz73fVu-00016-00003286-00003386 Oh... XqFgIz73fVu-00017-00003399-00003613 First, there was Mr. Benson. XqFgIz73fVu-00018-00003643-00003817 While we don't know what exactly happened XqFgIz73fVu-00019-00003830-00004150 between the two, it did give Mrs. Benson Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00020-00004164-00004280 Freddie! XqFgIz73fVu-00021-00004377-00004804 Next, a fellow everybody knows and loves to mess with, Lewbert. XqFgIz73fVu-00022-00004818-00005004 Now it's time to mess with Lewbert. XqFgIz73fVu-00023-00005018-00005145 He's gonna be so freaked out! XqFgIz73fVu-00024-00005158-00005315 And you get to see it happen live! XqFgIz73fVu-00025-00005328-00005425 Ready, Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00026-00005438-00005665 Going live to the Lewbert cam. XqFgIz73fVu-00027-00005765-00005965 There he is, downstairs in the lobby. XqFgIz73fVu-00028-00005979-00006242 The meanest, nastiest doorman in Seattle XqFgIz73fVu-00029-00006256-00006453 cleaning his fingernails with a fork. XqFgIz73fVu-00030-00006466-00006566 Poor fork. XqFgIz73fVu-00031-00006579-00006706 When Lewbert gets hurt, XqFgIz73fVu-00032-00006720-00006863 Mrs. Benson offers to take care of him. XqFgIz73fVu-00033-00006876-00007143 Why don't you kids run along? I'll look after Lewbert. XqFgIz73fVu-00034-00007157-00007337 - Oh, are you sure? 'Cause we-- - Bye! XqFgIz73fVu-00035-00007714-00007894 Don't you think we should stay and help? XqFgIz73fVu-00036-00007907-00008101 Marissa, I was wondering... XqFgIz73fVu-00037-00008148-00008345 Would you mind shaving my back? XqFgIz73fVu-00038-00008358-00008698 Oh, I would be delighted to shave your back. XqFgIz73fVu-00039-00008712-00008992 And the two get closer and closer, XqFgIz73fVu-00040-00009005-00009122 and they begin to date. XqFgIz73fVu-00041-00009135-00009422 I was kind of hoping we could maybe... XqFgIz73fVu-00042-00009512-00009656 get right to dessert? XqFgIz73fVu-00043-00009729-00009949 But, I didn't make any dessert. XqFgIz73fVu-00044-00009993-00010110 I don't know, XqFgIz73fVu-00045-00010123-00010427 I'm looking at something pretty sweet. XqFgIz73fVu-00046-00010440-00010677 [chuckling] XqFgIz73fVu-00047-00010690-00010834 Oh, Lewb... XqFgIz73fVu-00048-00010847-00011040 But that doesn't last long, because they break up XqFgIz73fVu-00049-00011054-00011321 when Lewbert doesn't show much concern for Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00050-00011334-00011458 [screaming] XqFgIz73fVu-00051-00011471-00011631 Oh, my baby! Are you alright? XqFgIz73fVu-00052-00011644-00011771 - No! - Oh! XqFgIz73fVu-00053-00011785-00012085 Hey! Don't get any blood on my floor! XqFgIz73fVu-00054-00012098-00012369 My son is hurt, what's wrong with you? XqFgIz73fVu-00055-00012382-00012685 For one thing, I got a wart that needs cream on it. XqFgIz73fVu-00056-00012756-00012936 Freddie may have a concussion! XqFgIz73fVu-00057-00012949-00013173 Oh, come on! We don't have time for this. XqFgIz73fVu-00058-00013186-00013430 Our dinner reservations are in 20 minutes! XqFgIz73fVu-00059-00013496-00013703 Well, you'll just have to go without me. XqFgIz73fVu-00060-00013716-00013980 [screams] XqFgIz73fVu-00061-00013993-00014307 Sorry, Lewbert, but Freddie will always come first XqFgIz73fVu-00062-00014320-00014454 in the life of Marissa Benson. XqFgIz73fVu-00063-00014467-00014631 Help me get into the elevator XqFgIz73fVu-00064-00014644-00014788 and up to the apartment so I can take care of him. XqFgIz73fVu-00065-00014801-00014911 OK, we got him. XqFgIz73fVu-00066-00014924-00015085 [Lewbert] What about me?! XqFgIz73fVu-00067-00015165-00015545 I am sorry, Lewbert, but you are a mean, nasty man. XqFgIz73fVu-00068-00015582-00015809 I cured your body, but I can't cure XqFgIz73fVu-00069-00015822-00016009 your hideous personality. XqFgIz73fVu-00070-00016022-00016212 Except in an alternate reality, XqFgIz73fVu-00071-00016226-00016673 because there she dates and gets engaged to Spencer. XqFgIz73fVu-00072-00016686-00017076 That's right, Mrs. Benson and Spencer Shay get engaged. XqFgIz73fVu-00073-00017090-00017280 Spencer and I are getting married. XqFgIz73fVu-00074-00017293-00017427 Ah! XqFgIz73fVu-00075-00017537-00017700 - Wow! - Isn't it grand? XqFgIz73fVu-00076-00017714-00017854 So grand. XqFgIz73fVu-00077-00017867-00018178 And while that is totally normal in an alternate reality, XqFgIz73fVu-00078-00018221-00018411 it's still super weird to see. XqFgIz73fVu-00079-00018455-00018645 But back in this reality, XqFgIz73fVu-00080-00018658-00018778 Mrs. Benson takes some time XqFgIz73fVu-00081-00018792-00019038 to herself and to Freddie to be the best XqFgIz73fVu-00082-00019052-00019376 and most overprotective mother she can be. XqFgIz73fVu-00083-00019442-00019596 What's so important? XqFgIz73fVu-00084-00019609-00019873 Maybe you'd like to explain the contents of this baggie. XqFgIz73fVu-00085-00019916-00020013 What is that? XqFgIz73fVu-00086-00020026-00020160 Oh, you don't recognize XqFgIz73fVu-00087-00020173-00020417 this asparagus that I put on your dinner plate? XqFgIz73fVu-00088-00020477-00020647 Mom, can... Don't shoot this! XqFgIz73fVu-00089-00020660-00020844 But then T-Bo moves in. XqFgIz73fVu-00090-00020857-00021154 Hi, can I borrow a cup of sugar? XqFgIz73fVu-00091-00021311-00021441 Neighbor? XqFgIz73fVu-00092-00021518-00021634 Your mom rented him the room? XqFgIz73fVu-00093-00021648-00021791 For a whole year. XqFgIz73fVu-00094-00021805-00021915 Just signed the lease! XqFgIz73fVu-00095-00022028-00022392 While Mrs. Benson and T-Bo may not have actually dated, XqFgIz73fVu-00096-00022405-00022692 we can kind of see some chemistry between the two. XqFgIz73fVu-00097-00022706-00022859 Would it be OK if I vacuumed? XqFgIz73fVu-00098-00022872-00023196 [sighs] Terence, you always know the right thing to say. XqFgIz73fVu-00099-00023209-00023329 [chuckling] XqFgIz73fVu-00100-00023343-00023446 And he does get along with Freddie, XqFgIz73fVu-00101-00023460-00023593 which is a huge plus. XqFgIz73fVu-00102-00023636-00023973 But T-Bo and Mrs. Benson never really came to be a couple. XqFgIz73fVu-00103-00023987-00024077 You lied to me! XqFgIz73fVu-00104-00024090-00024224 So much! XqFgIz73fVu-00105-00024310-00024400 Why? XqFgIz73fVu-00106-00024414-00024554 So you'd rent me the room. XqFgIz73fVu-00107-00024594-00024798 Now, this is the real me. XqFgIz73fVu-00108-00024838-00025021 You can either accept me as I am... XqFgIz73fVu-00109-00025064-00025198 or just tell me to get out. XqFgIz73fVu-00110-00025211-00025341 Get out! XqFgIz73fVu-00111-00025421-00025568 But that's all right, XqFgIz73fVu-00112-00025582-00025758 because the only relationship Mrs. Benson really wants? XqFgIz73fVu-00113-00025772-00025955 One with her son, Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00114-00026002-00026166 - Hey, Mrs. Benson. - I'm here to get Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00115-00026179-00026356 Oh, he crashed on our couch. XqFgIz73fVu-00116-00026376-00026606 Uh, maybe ought to just let him sleep. XqFgIz73fVu-00117-00026643-00026833 - But it's been three weeks! - Three weeks? XqFgIz73fVu-00118-00026846-00026996 Ever since Freddie was born, XqFgIz73fVu-00119-00027010-00027230 I dewaxed his hears on every third Friday, XqFgIz73fVu-00120-00027243-00027357 which was yesterday. XqFgIz73fVu-00121-00027370-00027554 But he refused to let me. XqFgIz73fVu-00122-00027740-00028034 Well, you know teenagers... XqFgIz73fVu-00123-00028047-00028164 and their ears... XqFgIz73fVu-00124-00028178-00028361 While she may be a little overbearing, XqFgIz73fVu-00125-00028374-00028555 OK, maybe a lot over bearing, XqFgIz73fVu-00126-00028568-00028775 it all comes from a place of love XqFgIz73fVu-00127-00028788-00028912 and that's what truly counts. XqFgIz73fVu-00128-00028925-00029048 Nice work, Mom. XqFgIz73fVu-00129-00029062-00029208 And there you have it. XqFgIz73fVu-00130-00029222-00029362 From a work-having doorman XqFgIz73fVu-00131-00029375-00029566 to an alternate reality engagement, XqFgIz73fVu-00132-00029579-00029883 Mrs. Benson has had a few relationships in her time, XqFgIz73fVu-00133-00029896-00030139 and while these relationships may not have stuck, XqFgIz73fVu-00134-00030153-00030380 there's only one relationship that matters, XqFgIz73fVu-00135-00030410-00030640 and that is the one with her son, Freddie. XqFgIz73fVu-00136-00030677-00030824 Because nothing can truly beat XqFgIz73fVu-00137-00030837-00031057 the relationship of a mother and her son, XqFgIz73fVu-00138-00031070-00031294 no matter how overprotective she can be. XqFgIz73fVu-00139-00031307-00031621 I have been waiting outside for nine and a half minutes. XqFgIz73fVu-00140-00031634-00031781 - So? - So, XqFgIz73fVu-00141-00031801-00032048 when you were ready to be born, did I keep you waiting? XqFgIz73fVu-00142-00032062-00032345 Yes, you were pregnant with me for 11 months. XqFgIz73fVu-00143-00032358-00032572 I wanted to make sure you were done! XqXtCVgHsCY-00000-00000094-00002718 Music Playing Xr88VhUqeak-00000-00000006-00000372 Hi guys welcome to today's video, my name's Ben Taylor and I'm coming to you Xr88VhUqeak-00001-00000372-00000708 right now, as you can see from my car. Today's video is all about photography Xr88VhUqeak-00002-00000708-00001284 tips for beginners to make money online. Now the great thing for you to really Xr88VhUqeak-00003-00001284-00001734 grasp onto in this video, is that there has never been a better time to make Xr88VhUqeak-00004-00001734-00002276 money as a photographer, in fact whoever tells you otherwise just isn't looking Xr88VhUqeak-00005-00002276-00002649 hard enough. I mean there is loads of different opportunities and I'm gonna share Xr88VhUqeak-00006-00002649-00003092 some of those with you in today's video, so make sure you watch to the end to get Xr88VhUqeak-00007-00003092-00003305 the most out of it. I'm also going to throw in a curve ball Xr88VhUqeak-00008-00003305-00003678 and this is a way that a lot of photographers have been latching onto Xr88VhUqeak-00009-00003678-00004059 lately, a really fun way of making money and I think it's going to be the next Xr88VhUqeak-00010-00004059-00004382 big thing. So I'm gonna share that with you in this video as well so make sure Xr88VhUqeak-00011-00004382-00004716 you keep a lookout for that. Before we jump into the fun stuff make sure you Xr88VhUqeak-00012-00004716-00005082 hit the subscribe button and more importantly hit the notification bell, Xr88VhUqeak-00013-00005082-00005412 because if you don't hit that, then you're just not gonna get notified of Xr88VhUqeak-00014-00005412-00006105 any of the notifications. Okay let's jump in, Tip Number One is to tell everyone Xr88VhUqeak-00015-00006105-00006581 and I mean everyone, so share it with your family and friends and just about Xr88VhUqeak-00016-00006581-00006990 everyone that you know, tell them that you're now doing photography, otherwise Xr88VhUqeak-00017-00006990-00007386 people aren't going to know and if people don't know then people are not Xr88VhUqeak-00018-00007386-00007884 going to choose you for photography. Let me give you an extra tip on this, one Xr88VhUqeak-00019-00007884-00008315 of the best things you can do is join facebook groups for your local area, so Xr88VhUqeak-00020-00008315-00008652 let's say you live in Rochdale I don't know why I chose Rochdale, but let's say Xr88VhUqeak-00021-00008652-00009104 you live in Rochdale, there will be a group for Rochdale on Facebook that you Xr88VhUqeak-00022-00009104-00009572 can join. People sell things people talk about what's going on in Rochdale and Xr88VhUqeak-00023-00009572-00009993 people want photographers. So for instance there may be someone on there that wants Xr88VhUqeak-00024-00009993-00010436 a wedding photographer, and then you can just reply to this, and engage with that person. Xr88VhUqeak-00025-00010436-00010959 Tell them honestly your experience level, because honesty is gonna pay in this, Xr88VhUqeak-00026-00010959-00011325 otherwise It Is just gonna come back and bite you. So be honest of your skill Xr88VhUqeak-00027-00011325-00011685 level and then you might even get the job and be able to work out a price with Xr88VhUqeak-00028-00011685-00012129 them. This is a great way to start, because this can spread word of mouth Xr88VhUqeak-00029-00012129-00012521 which is one of the best forms of advertising, because one it's free and Xr88VhUqeak-00030-00012521-00012998 two it just spreads like wildfire. I've really walked through the wrong area to Xr88VhUqeak-00031-00012998-00013465 be shooting this video, I'm walking through Thorn's. Tip Number Two is stock Xr88VhUqeak-00032-00013465-00013998 photography, this is a great way to make money as a beginner photographer. What's Xr88VhUqeak-00033-00013998-00014304 really great about it is that you don't just have to be a beginner photographer Xr88VhUqeak-00034-00014304-00014719 you can be a professional photographer and make money doing this, while Xr88VhUqeak-00035-00014719-00015120 you're learning taking photos, you can sell the photos and make money as well. Xr88VhUqeak-00036-00015120-00015565 You want to join up to a few stock photography websites, some of the ones Xr88VhUqeak-00037-00015565-00016122 that I use are Dreamstime, Adobe stock and Shutterstock, they're three of the Xr88VhUqeak-00038-00016122-00016528 main sites which I would tell you to join, but you can join as many as you Xr88VhUqeak-00039-00016528-00016959 want, you don't have to stop at three you can join ten or fifteen and this means Xr88VhUqeak-00040-00016959-00017404 that you can start taking pictures and then selling them on these sites. Here is Xr88VhUqeak-00041-00017404-00017859 a bit of a pro tip, what I'd do is I'd look for current trends, if you decide Xr88VhUqeak-00042-00017859-00018319 that you wanna do stock photography look for current trends, celebrations things Xr88VhUqeak-00043-00018319-00018831 like Christmas and Halloween and then take photos based around this trend, if Xr88VhUqeak-00044-00018831-00019345 you add these about two or three weeks before the actual celebration, then Xr88VhUqeak-00045-00019345-00019798 you're very likely to sell both those, now of course there is a lot more that Xr88VhUqeak-00046-00019798-00020176 goes into stock photography, so I might even make a video on this, but its Xr88VhUqeak-00047-00020176-00020515 definitely something you should check out, if you're interested in making money Xr88VhUqeak-00048-00020515-00021004 as a beginner. Tip Number Three is prints. Now you've probably heard of Xr88VhUqeak-00049-00021004-00021397 photographers making money through prints right? well there's a special way Xr88VhUqeak-00050-00021397-00021859 to do this which saves you time and it saves you money. Definitely two things I know Xr88VhUqeak-00051-00021859-00022248 the beginners are interested in hearing about. This is where you set up a Xr88VhUqeak-00052-00022248-00022731 website, now if that sounds complicated don't worry it's really easy, if you use Xr88VhUqeak-00053-00022731-00023232 a web provider like Shopify. They have an academy and it teaches you all the Xr88VhUqeak-00054-00023232-00023623 things that you need to know. You don't need to know any code, you can just drag Xr88VhUqeak-00055-00023623-00024084 and drop your things into the website, and it creates it for you, it's Xr88VhUqeak-00056-00024084-00024568 simple I promise you, then you can use an external app like the one that I use Xr88VhUqeak-00057-00024568-00025176 called Printify, This is a company which will print and deliver your prints Xr88VhUqeak-00058-00025176-00025537 for you, you don't have to buy an expensive printer and you don't have to Xr88VhUqeak-00059-00025537-00026050 buy expensive inks, this does everything for you and it's a great way of selling Xr88VhUqeak-00060-00026050-00026345 prints to start with. Now if you're thinking well I don't have anyone that Xr88VhUqeak-00061-00026345-00026711 knows about my prints, then this is down to you guys you need to get on social media Xr88VhUqeak-00062-00026711-00027179 and start engaging with people and get them interested in the service that you Xr88VhUqeak-00063-00027179-00028402 have to provide. Tip Four, take the initiative. Now we live at the moment in Xr88VhUqeak-00064-00028402-00028802 a convenient society, everything is convenient that's why we have mobile Xr88VhUqeak-00065-00028802-00029198 phones, we have computers and we have everything to make our life as easy as Xr88VhUqeak-00066-00029198-00029708 possible. Sometimes this stops us from taking the initiative, I'm gonna Xr88VhUqeak-00067-00029708-00030119 tell you a story of a local photographer to me and what he did. He printed out a Xr88VhUqeak-00068-00030119-00030644 thousand business cards, this cost around about 15 to 20 pound I believe. He Xr88VhUqeak-00069-00030644-00031175 then went and took the initiative by walking into local firms, he left his Xr88VhUqeak-00070-00031175-00031643 business card, told them what he did and then he waited for them to get back in Xr88VhUqeak-00071-00031643-00032225 contact with him. All the money he spent was 15 or 20 pound and then he Xr88VhUqeak-00072-00032225-00032657 spent his time walking around for a day. He got five paying clients which means Xr88VhUqeak-00073-00032657-00032942 that they were going to be returning paying clients as long as he did a good Xr88VhUqeak-00074-00032942-00033536 job. So this is a great way to make money and the best thing about it is no other Xr88VhUqeak-00075-00033536-00033884 photographers are really doing it, they're trying to make money online or Xr88VhUqeak-00076-00033884-00034124 they're trying to make money in a convenient way. Xr88VhUqeak-00077-00034124-00034532 So take the initiative this is a really good way to make money as a beginner Xr88VhUqeak-00078-00034532-00034991 with photography. Tip Number Five is photography contests, this is the Xr88VhUqeak-00079-00034991-00035435 curveball. There is a website called Shuttout which you can join, and when you Xr88VhUqeak-00080-00035435-00035888 join you can go in a contest against each other photographer and then battle out to see which Xr88VhUqeak-00081-00035888-00036383 photographer produces the best photos. People vote and then it gets decided and Xr88VhUqeak-00082-00036383-00036884 the winner wins a money pot, this can range anywhere from ten dollars all the Xr88VhUqeak-00083-00036884-00037304 way up to three hundred dollars. So there can potentially be a nice amount of Xr88VhUqeak-00084-00037304-00037730 money for you to win. It costs around about two dollars to join the contest, so Xr88VhUqeak-00085-00037730-00038081 it's around about the cost of a bag of crisps. If you want to get your first Xr88VhUqeak-00086-00038081-00038489 contest for free and have a free sign up then I've put a link in the Xr88VhUqeak-00087-00038489-00038897 description, which Shuttout have provided me with so that you can jump onto there Xr88VhUqeak-00088-00038897-00039332 platform, jump into your first contest and see what it's all about. Okay guys I Xr88VhUqeak-00089-00039332-00039691 hope you've enjoyed these five photography tips to help you Xr88VhUqeak-00090-00039691-00040118 make money online. I promise you, if you implement some of these tips that I've Xr88VhUqeak-00091-00040118-00040540 provided in today's video you will make money you've just got to take the action Xr88VhUqeak-00092-00040540-00040840 and then follow through with it thanks for joining me on today's video Xr88VhUqeak-00093-00040840-00041446 guys and whatever you do have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next video. XseK1hIjzsY-00000-00000000-00000722 [AUDIENCE] With the Bretton Woods system being broken and traditionally infecting markets... XseK1hIjzsY-00001-00000722-00001646 in developing regions [through] the World Bank, and the IMF deploying capital in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.. XseK1hIjzsY-00002-00001646-00002166 How does Bitcoin expand and take advantage of these developing markets? XseK1hIjzsY-00003-00002166-00002686 How does it become a [useful] currency amongst a greater portion of the population, XseK1hIjzsY-00004-00002686-00003220 without macro-economic and geopolitical policy dictating its expansion? XseK1hIjzsY-00005-00003220-00003810 [ANDREAS] That is a great question. The simple answer is: through the people in this room. XseK1hIjzsY-00006-00003810-00004122 The people who can code. XseK1hIjzsY-00007-00004122-00005216 Some of Bitcoin's user interfaces, security implementations, and documentation suck. XseK1hIjzsY-00008-00005216-00006200 No one can use [bitcoin] yet unless they spend hours and hours trying to understand it. XseK1hIjzsY-00009-00006200-00007438 In 1989 or early 1990, I sent my very first email. I connected over a modem to a remote account... XseK1hIjzsY-00010-00007438-00008366 where I logged in to a UNIX shell, then proceeded to download, compile, and execute a mail program. XseK1hIjzsY-00011-00008366-00009144 I used that program to compose an email message. I got the email address a person on another continent. XseK1hIjzsY-00012-00009144-00010212 I sent them an email and it was amazing. Thirty-six hours later, they received my message. [Laughter] XseK1hIjzsY-00013-00010212-00010594 It only took about two hours of work. XseK1hIjzsY-00014-00010594-00011868 I had basic UNIX command-line and C programming skills. XseK1hIjzsY-00015-00011868-00013012 Exactly twenty years later, my mother picked up the new iPad I sent, [swiped] her finger, and sent me an email. XseK1hIjzsY-00016-00013012-00013294 [There is a] transition [period between the two]. XseK1hIjzsY-00017-00013294-00013952 Today, [using] Bitcoin is like being thrown into the bowels of UNIX and nothing makes sense. XseK1hIjzsY-00018-00013952-00014716 The words don't mean what they actually do, none of the interfaces are polished or usable. XseK1hIjzsY-00019-00014716-00015138 You try to do something and it does the exact opposite of what you expected. XseK1hIjzsY-00020-00015138-00015718 It is almost impossible for [most] individuals to secure their bitcoin. XseK1hIjzsY-00021-00015718-00016574 It is bloody difficult, but we are seeing change. We are seeing new devices and user interfaces. XseK1hIjzsY-00022-00016574-00017504 When I first joined Bitcoin, there was one wallet. We didn't even call it Core then, we called it "Bitcoin." XseK1hIjzsY-00023-00017504-00018264 When we get to the points where my mother can use bitcoin, we will begin to win. That should be your goal. XseK1hIjzsY-00024-00018264-00018860 If you are a developer, user interface designer, or a documentation person, in the meantime... XseK1hIjzsY-00025-00018860-00019852 we can help the people whose need is high enough that they will take a tremendous leap of faith through... XseK1hIjzsY-00026-00019852-00020684 the very difficult user experience leap to [acquire] bitcoin, where for them it is a matter of life and death. XseK1hIjzsY-00027-00020684-00021144 [Where the traditional financial system] affects their ability to generate wealth for their children. XseK1hIjzsY-00028-00021144-00021770 [Often], that is every single taxi driver you meet. Ask them, "How do you send money home?" XseK1hIjzsY-00029-00021770-00022250 "How much does it cost you?" Then you teach them about Bitcoin. XseK1hIjzsY-00030-00022250-00023132 Every immigrant you meet, teach them about Bitcoin. Help them set up a wallet; give them some bitcoin. XseK1hIjzsY-00031-00023132-00023984 Once enough people learn about [Bitcoin], [especially] in places where [it takes a lot] of effort to use money, XseK1hIjzsY-00032-00023984-00024780 in Venezuela, Argentina, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, increasingly Greece and Cyprus, where people are... XseK1hIjzsY-00033-00024780-00025212 under currency controls and hyperinflation... XseK1hIjzsY-00034-00025212-00026320 To wire money to their family, it costs [the average] immigrant worker about 15-25% of their income. XseK1hIjzsY-00035-00026320-00026894 Think about the power of sending your family 20% percent more money every week, XseK1hIjzsY-00036-00026894-00027304 just by finding this crazy-sounding technology that no one has ever heard of. XseK1hIjzsY-00037-00027304-00027454 Help those people. XseK1hIjzsY-00038-00027454-00028360 Everyone in this room is an ambassador for Bitcoin by confounding the messages from the media. XseK1hIjzsY-00039-00028360-00029500 The media says that Bitcoin is only used by terrorists, pedophiles, drug dealers, and pornographers. XseK1hIjzsY-00040-00029500-00030630 By a show of hands, how many of you in this room are not one of those things? [Laughter] XseK1hIjzsY-00041-00030630-00031704 When the media sells that message, but the average person goes out and meets someone using bitcoin... XseK1hIjzsY-00042-00031704-00033120 [as a] dentist, interior designer, architect, or taxi driver, they will [think], 'Hang on a second.' XseK1hIjzsY-00043-00033120-00034220 'I thought y'all were terrorists?' You break the opinion. They will also ask, "Didn't Bitcoin die three months ago?" XseK1hIjzsY-00044-00034220-00035004 "Wasn't the CEO arrested in Japan?" [Laughter] "I thought I read something about that." XseK1hIjzsY-00045-00035004-00035478 So, confound expectations. Be an ambassador. Teach people how to use it. XseK1hIjzsY-00046-00035478-00035938 Give them a small amount of bitcoin. Don't explain, help them experience it. XseK1hIjzsY-00047-00035938-00036138 And we will move forward. Xzq8XLMpPhk-00000-00000000-00000200 safeshow Xzu8IPNmaUE-00000-00000216-00000444 Hello , I am Natasha Xzu8IPNmaUE-00001-00000668-00001816 and I would like to share an experience with you with the Angelic energy when I was very young Xzu8IPNmaUE-00002-00001886-00002954 I was in bed with my mother that night and I remember staring at the window as if I was expecting something or someone Xzu8IPNmaUE-00003-00003056-00003990 after a while I saw a lot of colors of energy streaming through the window through that window that I kept looking at Xzu8IPNmaUE-00004-00004074-00004898 the colors of the rainbow seemed: green, blue, orange, yellow, pink and purple Xzu8IPNmaUE-00005-00004962-00005992 and the energy colors flowed to the bed, towards me and lingered in the room Xzu8IPNmaUE-00006-00006102-00007214 I had the feeling that I was visited by light forces, I can still remember that, an experience that I have never - never forgotten Xzu8IPNmaUE-00007-00007350-00008382 I later found out, through much research into what Angels are, that Angels are often seen as colors that appear Xzu8IPNmaUE-00008-00008472-00009032 that night as a young child I clearly received a visit from Angels Xzu8IPNmaUE-00009-00009180-00010458 I wanted to share this with all of you, because I thought it was a wonderful experience that I experienced at the time Xzu8IPNmaUE-00010-00010514-00010972 it's an experience I've never forgotten Xzu8IPNmaUE-00011-00011154-00012000 And yes, I wanted to share this, I wish you all all the best and see you next time XC5j3h63hmg-00000-00000066-00000318 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. XC5j3h63hmg-00001-00000318-00001112 1. Alif. Laam. Meem. XC5j3h63hmg-00002-00001112-00001556 2. These are Verses Of the Wise Book,— XC5j3h63hmg-00003-00001556-00002108 3. A Guide and a Mercy To the Doers of Good,— XC5j3h63hmg-00004-00002108-00003060 4. Those who establish regular Prayer, And give regular Charity, And have (in their hearts) The assurance of the Hereafter. XC5j3h63hmg-00005-00003060-00004302 5. These are on (true) guidance From their Lord ; and these Are the ones who will prosper. XC5j3h63hmg-00006-00004302-00005636 6. But there are, among men, Those who purchase idle tales, Without knowledge (or meaning), To mislead (men) from the Path Of God and throw ridicule (On the Path) ; XC5j3h63hmg-00007-00005636-00006406 for such There will be a humiliating Penalty. XC5j3h63hmg-00008-00006406-00007958 7. When Our Signs are rehearsed To such a one, he turns Away in arrogance, as if He heard them not, as if There were deafness in both His ears: announce to him A grievous Penalty. XC5j3h63hmg-00009-00007958-00008786 8. For those who believe And work righteous deeds, There will be Gardens Of Bliss,— XC5j3h63hmg-00010-00008786-00009726 9. To dwell therein. The promise Of God is true : and He Is Exalted in power, Wise. XC5j3h63hmg-00011-00009726-00010756 10. He created the heavens Without any pillars that ye Can see ; He set On the earth mountains Standing firm, lest it Should shake with you ; XC5j3h63hmg-00012-00010756-00013118 And He scattered through it Beasts of all kinds. We send down rain From the sky, and produce On the earth every kind Of noble creature, in pairs. XC5j3h63hmg-00013-00013118-00014550 11. Such is the Creation of God ; Now show Me what is there That others besides Him Have created : nay, but The Transgressors are In manifest error. XC5j3h63hmg-00014-00014550-00015260 12. We bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman : “ Show (thy) gratitude to God. XC5j3h63hmg-00015-00015260-00016576 Any who is (so) grateful Does so to the profit Of his own soul : but if Any is ungrateful, verily God is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. XC5j3h63hmg-00016-00016576-00018012 13. Behold, Luqman said To his son by way of Instruction : “ O my son ! Join not in worship (Others) with God : for False worship is indeed The highest wrong-doing.” XC5j3h63hmg-00017-00018012-00019286 14. And We have enjoined on man (To be good) to his parents : In travail upon travail Did his mother bear him, And in years twain Was his weaning : XC5j3h63hmg-00018-00019286-00019912 (hear The command), “ Show gratitude To Me and to thy parents : To Me is (thy final) Goal. XC5j3h63hmg-00019-00019912-00021518 15. “ But if they strive To make the join In worship with Me Things of which thou hast No knowledge, obey them not ; Yet bear them company In this life with justice (And consideration), XC5j3h63hmg-00020-00021518-00022968 and follow The way of those who Turn to Me (in love) : In the End the return Of you all is to Me, And I will tell you The truth (and meaning) Of all that ye did.” XC5j3h63hmg-00021-00022968-00024956 16. “ O my son ! ” (said Luqman), “ If there be (but) the weight Of a mustard-seed and It were (hidden) in a rock, Or (anywhere) in the heavens or On earth, God will bring it Forth : XC5j3h63hmg-00022-00024956-00025580 for God understands The finest mysteries, (and) Is well-acquainted (with them). XC5j3h63hmg-00023-00025580-00026977 17. “ O my son ! establish Regular prayer enjoin what is Just, and forbid what is wrong : And bear with patient constancy Whate’er betide thee ; XC5j3h63hmg-00024-00026977-00027468 for this Is firmness (of purpose) In (the conduct of) affairs. XC5j3h63hmg-00025-00027468-00028988 18. “ And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, Nor walk in insolence Through the earth ; For God loveth not Any arrogant boaster. XC5j3h63hmg-00026-00028988-00030256 19. “ And be moderate In thy pace, and lower Thy voice ; for the harshest Of sounds without doubt Is the braying of the donkey.” XC5j3h63hmg-00027-00030256-00031642 20. Do ye not see That God has subjected To your (use) all things In the heavens and on earth, And has made His bounties Flow to you in exceeding Measure, (both) seen and unseen ? XC5j3h63hmg-00028-00031642-00032958 Yet there are among men Those who dispute about God, Without knowledge and without Guidance and without a Book To enlighten them ! XC5j3h63hmg-00029-00032958-00034212 21. When they are told to follow The (Revelation) that God Has sent down, they say : “ Nay, we shall follow The ways that we found Our fathers (following).” XC5j3h63hmg-00030-00034212-00034952 What ! even if it is Satan beckoning them To the Penalty Of the (Blazing) Fire ! XC5j3h63hmg-00031-00034952-00035912 22. Whoever submits His whole self to God, And is a doer of good, Has grasped indeed The most trustworthy hand-hold : XC5j3h63hmg-00032-00035912-00036324 And with God rests the End And Decision of (all) affairs. XC5j3h63hmg-00033-00036324-00037466 23. But if any reject Faith, Let not his rejection Grieve thee : to Us Is their Return and We Shall tell them the truth Of their deeds : XC5j3h63hmg-00034-00037466-00038208 for God Knows well all that is In (men’s) hearts. XC5j3h63hmg-00035-00038208-00039150 24. We grant them their pleasure For a little while : In the end shall We Drive them to A chastisement unrelenting. XC5j3h63hmg-00036-00039150-00040880 25. If thou ask them, Who it is that created The heavens and the earth. They will certainly say, “ God ”. Say : “ Praise be to God ! ” But most of them Understand not. XC5j3h63hmg-00037-00040880-00041836 26. To God belong all things In heaven and earth : verily God is He (that is) Free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. XC5j3h63hmg-00038-00041836-00042986 27. And if all the trees On earth were pens And the Ocean (were ink), With seven Oceans behind it To add to its (supply), XC5j3h63hmg-00039-00042986-00044010 Yet would not the Words Of God be exhausted (In the writing) : for God Is Exalted in power, Full of Wisdom. XC5j3h63hmg-00040-00044010-00045420 28. And your creation Or your resurrection Is in no wise but As an individual soul : For God is He Who Hears and sees (all things). XC5j3h63hmg-00041-00045420-00046718 29. Seest thou not that God merges Night into Day And He merges Day into Night ; That He has subjected the sun And the moon (to His Law), XC5j3h63hmg-00042-00046718-00047998 Each running its course For a term appointed ; and That God is well acquainted With all that ye do ? XC5j3h63hmg-00043-00047998-00049676 30. That is because God is The (only) Reality, and because Whatever else they invoke Besides Him is Falsehood ; And because God,—He is The Most High, Most Great. XC5j3h63hmg-00044-00049676-00050580 31. Seest thou not that The ships sail through The Ocean by the grace Of God ?—that He may Show you of His Signs ? XC5j3h63hmg-00045-00050580-00051564 Verily in this are Signs For all who constantly persevere And give thanks. XC5j3h63hmg-00046-00051564-00052526 32. When a wave covers them Like the canopy (of clouds), They call to God, Offering Him sincere devotion. XC5j3h63hmg-00047-00052526-00053241 But when He has delivered them Safely to land, there are Among them those that halt Between (right and wrong). XC5j3h63hmg-00048-00053241-00054136 But none reject Our Signs Except only a perfidious Ungrateful (wretch) ! XC5j3h63hmg-00049-00054136-00055724 33. O mankind ! do your duty To your Lord, and fear (the coming of) a Day When no father can avail Aught for his son, nor A son avail aught For his father. XC5j3h63hmg-00050-00055724-00057434 Verily, the promise of God Is true : let not then This present life deceive you, Nor let the Chief Deceiver Deceive you about God. XC5j3h63hmg-00051-00057434-00058917 34. Verily the knowledge Of the Hour is With God (alone). It is He Who sends down Rain, and He Who knows What is in the wombs. XC5j3h63hmg-00052-00058917-00060234 Nor does anyone know What it is that he will Earn on the morrow : Nor does anyone know In what land he is To die. XC5j3h63hmg-00053-00060234-00060926 Verily with God Is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things). XD1sKZRLJ48-00000-00000000-00000210 KNEE MARROW SOUP RECIPE XD1sKZRLJ48-00001-00000222-00000404 The soup is fresh and delicious XD1sKZRLJ48-00002-00000412-00000592 The marrow is great XD1sKZRLJ48-00003-00000604-00000800 This video has 2 subtitles: Indonesia and English XD1sKZRLJ48-00004-00000814-00000996 For complete recipes can be seen in the description XD1sKZRLJ48-00005-00000996-00001196 Street food XDf5IUBSCxE-00000-00000024-00001092 BREAKING Right After Court SHUT DOWN Travel Ban, Trump Stuck Back with This BRUTAL THREAT! XDf5IUBSCxE-00001-00001092-00001346 By Danny Gold. XDf5IUBSCxE-00002-00001346-00002205 Just an hour ago the 9th Appeals Court of San Francisco ruled to uphold the suspension XDf5IUBSCxE-00003-00002205-00002846 of Donald Trump�s travel ban of 7 terror plagued countries. XDf5IUBSCxE-00004-00002846-00004273 You can bet the President was NOT happy to hear this. That�s why he immediately shot XDf5IUBSCxE-00005-00004273-00004733 back with a Tweet and Facebook post that has the liberals scared like little babies� XDf5IUBSCxE-00006-00004733-00004833 Trump Tweeted: XDf5IUBSCxE-00007-00004833-00006417 SEE YOU IN COURT! THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! XDf5IUBSCxE-00008-00006417-00007047 He is right. This is not just some stupid game Donald Trump is playing. ISIS is a very XDf5IUBSCxE-00009-00007047-00008004 serious threat to Western democracy as a whole and they are using the refugee programs from XDf5IUBSCxE-00010-00008004-00009259 these countries to sneak in and establish terror XDf5IUBSCxE-00011-00009259-00009359 colonies across Europe! XDf5IUBSCxE-00012-00009359-00010135 He doubled down on his threat when he told reporters in the West Wing, XDf5IUBSCxE-00013-00010135-00010545 �It�s a very very serious situation so we look forward to seeing them in court.� XDf5IUBSCxE-00014-00010545-00011271 They have no idea the can of worms they just opened. Donald Trump LOVES lawsuits. He is XDf5IUBSCxE-00015-00011271-00012034 the king of them. Now that they are threatening his country and right to lead, there is gonna XDf5IUBSCxE-00016-00012034-00012140 be Hell to pay. XDf5IUBSCxE-00017-00012140-00013550 So let�s make some Trump Train magic happen for Donald and share this with every single XDf5IUBSCxE-00018-00013550-00014083 Trump supporter you know online! XDwxF2ABE-u-00000-00000160-00000288 You are what you Believe XGwuqVmH_CU-00000-00000032-00000500 Welcome to this tutorial on how to use the "Credit Card Calculator" tool. So XGwuqVmH_CU-00001-00000500-00001154 I've just Googled credit card calculator and it's, a pretty easy simple XGwuqVmH_CU-00002-00001232-00001802 tool to use to calculate interest on any credit card or loan you may have. XGwuqVmH_CU-00003-00001868-00002966 So our first tool here is our "Payback a Certain Amount". So say you have $200 in debt XGwuqVmH_CU-00004-00002966-00003494 on your credit card. The interest rates for most of the beginner credit cards we looked at were XGwuqVmH_CU-00005-00003494-00003544 closer to 25%. It's pretty high, so even more reason to always pay off your credit card. XGwuqVmH_CU-00006-00003544-00004568 And a minimum payment of $35 is pretty standard. Say you only pay off the minimum every month, XGwuqVmH_CU-00007-00004568-00005582 it's going to take you 7 months to pay off that balance and your interest is $15 15. Not too bad, XGwuqVmH_CU-00008-00005582-00006338 it is a long time to pay that off. Now here we have this blue line is your principle. That's just XGwuqVmH_CU-00009-00006338-00007034 how much the loan was, how much money was lent to you and that you paid back. And then this black XGwuqVmH_CU-00010-00007034-00007682 line here is how much interest you paid. So in this case, 7% of the total you paid was interest. XGwuqVmH_CU-00011-00007892-00008120 The other portion of this tool XGwuqVmH_CU-00012-00008174-00009134 is a "Payback Within a Certain Timeframe". So say you have a larger amount of debt: $2,000. And you XGwuqVmH_CU-00013-00009224-00009842 have an - again, high interest rate of 25%. And say you take a full 3 years to XGwuqVmH_CU-00014-00009932-00010694 pay it back. You can calculate it - now you're looking at having to pay you have to pay at least XGwuqVmH_CU-00015-00010862-00011636 $79.52. So almost $80 per month to pay that back, and your interest is going to add up to XGwuqVmH_CU-00016-00011720-00012458 $862.71 over that time. That's a lot of money that could be spent better elsewhere. XGwuqVmH_CU-00017-00012626-00013220 So again, 30%t of all that you pay is going to be interest - that's a lot of money! XGwuqVmH_CU-00018-00013220-00013718 So I hope this has helped you to navigate this tool, and this can help you complete XGwuqVmH_CU-00019-00013718-00014426 your Credit Card Interest Worksheet assignment in Module 1 of Grow Your Money. Thanks for watching! XIyf5u5K8d0-00000-00000003-00000500 so the singer ariana grande just opened up about her PTSD by posting on instagram XIyf5u5K8d0-00001-00000500-00000966 brain scans that she actually had showing her PTSD to increase some XIyf5u5K8d0-00002-00000966-00001376 awareness and the internet got a lot of things wrong and that's what we're gonna XIyf5u5K8d0-00003-00001376-00002589 talk about in this video what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired XIyf5u5K8d0-00004-00002589-00002993 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new XIyf5u5K8d0-00005-00002993-00003414 to my channel what I like to do is pull different topics from pop culture to try XIyf5u5K8d0-00006-00003414-00003732 see what lessons that we can learn so if you're into that kind of stuff make sure XIyf5u5K8d0-00007-00003732-00004170 you subscribe and bring that notifications out and by the way I had a XIyf5u5K8d0-00008-00004170-00004637 great day thanks for asking my beautiful girlfriend Tristan and I and my son as XIyf5u5K8d0-00009-00004637-00005244 well we went up to one of the amazingly beautiful hiking trails here in Las XIyf5u5K8d0-00010-00005244-00005639 Vegas here's some pictures so make sure you follow me on Instagram I do cool fun XIyf5u5K8d0-00011-00005639-00005985 stuff and get to know me you can get to know me a little bit better alright but XIyf5u5K8d0-00012-00005985-00006387 yeah let's jump into this ariana grande she posted some pictures she got some XIyf5u5K8d0-00013-00006387-00006813 brain scans done we're gonna talk about that as well as mental health and brain XIyf5u5K8d0-00014-00006813-00007184 scans and all that kind of stuff first off big fat disclaimer in case you XIyf5u5K8d0-00015-00007184-00007673 don't know me I am NOT a psychologist I am not a neurologist I am somebody who XIyf5u5K8d0-00016-00007673-00008031 is just very passionate about mental health so I do a lot of my own personal XIyf5u5K8d0-00017-00008031-00008421 research which I suggest everybody does because part of this video topic is a XIyf5u5K8d0-00018-00008421-00008775 lot of people don't understand what they're looking at in these pictures and XIyf5u5K8d0-00019-00008775-00009218 the conversation around mental health as well as PTSD as a whole so yeah for XIyf5u5K8d0-00020-00009218-00009575 those of you who don't know about what happened to ariana grande she was in XIyf5u5K8d0-00021-00009575-00010302 Manchester doing a show I believe it was in 2017 and it was the victim of a XIyf5u5K8d0-00022-00010302-00010793 terrorist attack and I believe over 20 people were killed and a hundred people XIyf5u5K8d0-00023-00010793-00011397 were injured and it was just terrible terrible terrible event right and yeah XIyf5u5K8d0-00024-00011397-00012039 so anybody who goes through something like this is subject to PTSD post XIyf5u5K8d0-00025-00012039-00012336 traumatic stress disorder alright typically really think of PTSD XIyf5u5K8d0-00026-00012336-00012789 you think of War veterans on this can also be victims of assault or just like XIyf5u5K8d0-00027-00012789-00013171 traumatic asphere like yes like this is something that so XIyf5u5K8d0-00028-00013171-00013716 so so many people go through so Ariana Grande has struggled with PTSD since XIyf5u5K8d0-00029-00013716-00014221 that event happened and like she is a super super brave woman for what she's XIyf5u5K8d0-00030-00014221-00014641 doing and I'll dive more into that in a second but anyways just the other day I XIyf5u5K8d0-00031-00014641-00015190 saw stuff blowing up on Twitter I saw an article from BuzzFeed about this and she XIyf5u5K8d0-00032-00015190-00015922 posted brain scans on on social media showcasing her PTSD so the first thing XIyf5u5K8d0-00033-00015922-00016201 that we'll talk about like brain scans when it comes to mental health and XIyf5u5K8d0-00034-00016201-00016645 mental illness super-duper-duper important all right one of the issues is XIyf5u5K8d0-00035-00016645-00017029 is that a lot of insurances are not gonna pay for you to get a brain scan to XIyf5u5K8d0-00036-00017029-00017434 see exactly what's going on that's why they have you know licensed therapist XIyf5u5K8d0-00037-00017434-00017764 licensed psychologists doctors things like that who work out of something XIyf5u5K8d0-00038-00017764-00018142 called the diagnostic Statistical Manual to diagnose different mental illnesses XIyf5u5K8d0-00039-00018142-00018490 but it would be amazing like I'm a big neuroscience nerd it'd be amazing if XIyf5u5K8d0-00040-00018490-00018853 more people could get brain scans see what's going on so my guess would be XIyf5u5K8d0-00041-00018853-00019312 that since ariana grande is very well-off financially she was able to pay XIyf5u5K8d0-00042-00019312-00019801 for these brain scans and I I'm so glad I'm so glad that she brought this to the XIyf5u5K8d0-00043-00019801-00020419 forefront because so many people don't understand mental illness and they think XIyf5u5K8d0-00044-00020419-00020833 like oh just you know get over it that was in the past just just leave it in XIyf5u5K8d0-00045-00020833-00021327 the past do that like what Ariana Grande is showing is the biological changes XIyf5u5K8d0-00046-00021327-00021847 that happened to the brain after a traumatic experience like your brain XIyf5u5K8d0-00047-00021847-00022351 literally changes like PTSD what it does is you have a couple parts of your XIyf5u5K8d0-00048-00022351-00022747 limbic system which is the most powerful primitive part of your brain right so XIyf5u5K8d0-00049-00022747-00023038 you have the amygdala which is responsible for fight flight or freeze XIyf5u5K8d0-00050-00023038-00023425 then you also have the hippocampus which stores your memories so when something XIyf5u5K8d0-00051-00023425-00023884 traumatic happens like what happened with Ariana Grande or the many other XIyf5u5K8d0-00052-00023884-00024322 victims who were there at that Manchester concert what happens is is XIyf5u5K8d0-00053-00024322-00024784 that event the sights the sounds the smells everything that happened logs XIyf5u5K8d0-00054-00024784-00025225 into the hippocampus so that's when you hear people talk about getting triggered XIyf5u5K8d0-00055-00025225-00025720 because what it's doing is is the brain is experiencing that again and then XIyf5u5K8d0-00056-00025720-00025941 saying like whoa whoa whoa you might have to face XIyf5u5K8d0-00057-00025941-00026418 for your life right now right so there were quite a few tweets of people saying XIyf5u5K8d0-00058-00026418-00026730 like oh my god and they're freaking out and worried about ariana grande and XIyf5u5K8d0-00059-00026730-00026991 saying that she needs to take a break she needs to take time off she needs to XIyf5u5K8d0-00060-00026991-00027579 do this right and here's the thing first off first off me you not anybody like XIyf5u5K8d0-00061-00027579-00027930 except for like a licensed professional working with that person should really XIyf5u5K8d0-00062-00027930-00028329 tell somebody what they should be doing everybody's different right so if XIyf5u5K8d0-00063-00028329-00028776 there's somebody struggling with trauma like I you know I empathize with you if XIyf5u5K8d0-00064-00028776-00029049 people are trying to tell you how to move through your trauma if they're not XIyf5u5K8d0-00065-00029049-00029402 a licensed professional how like even if it's me like I might give suggestions XIyf5u5K8d0-00066-00029402-00029838 but I always welcome in you go see a licensed professional right so a lot of XIyf5u5K8d0-00067-00029838-00030177 people are saying take a break take this that dr. Tao but anyways XIyf5u5K8d0-00068-00030177-00030516 Ariana Grande like I mentioned is a very very brave woman XIyf5u5K8d0-00069-00030516-00030939 so what Ariana Grande is doing is something that is called exposure XIyf5u5K8d0-00070-00030939-00031260 therapy for herself whether she's working with a therapist or a XIyf5u5K8d0-00071-00031260-00031692 psychologist or not I don't know but exposure therapy is a specific type of XIyf5u5K8d0-00072-00031692-00032286 therapy that exposes you to your trauma right usually it's in like incremental XIyf5u5K8d0-00073-00032286-00032736 stages right but what it's doing is it's trying to calm down that part of your XIyf5u5K8d0-00074-00032736-00033204 brain that log the trauma and it's basically rewiring your brain to say yo XIyf5u5K8d0-00075-00033204-00033594 yo yo it's not that bad you shouldn't be afraid of this XIyf5u5K8d0-00076-00033594-00034134 so by ariana grande continuing to work continuing to do shows continuing to do XIyf5u5K8d0-00077-00034134-00034770 music what is doing is it's calming her brain down to say listen you don't have XIyf5u5K8d0-00078-00034770-00035286 to live in fear that's why it's so so so brave of her to keep moving forward and XIyf5u5K8d0-00079-00035286-00035805 keep exposing herself to these things right because I would assume that XIyf5u5K8d0-00080-00035805-00036177 everything inside of her is telling her don't do that right so when people are XIyf5u5K8d0-00081-00036177-00036603 saying take a break and this and this right so this may actually be part of XIyf5u5K8d0-00082-00036603-00036966 her healing process and how about some of you who have been through traumatic XIyf5u5K8d0-00083-00036966-00037362 experiences or even if you struggle with some type of things i-80 triggers let me XIyf5u5K8d0-00084-00037362-00037947 know down in the comments below like for example I used to have a gigantic fear XIyf5u5K8d0-00085-00037947-00038304 of like public speaking of speaking in front of large audiences and for those XIyf5u5K8d0-00086-00038304-00038559 of you who don't know me i was working in a drug and alcohol treatment center XIyf5u5K8d0-00087-00038559-00038972 for a little over three years and what helped me get over my fear of public XIyf5u5K8d0-00088-00038972-00039345 speaking and all the anxiety came with it was doing it over and over XIyf5u5K8d0-00089-00039345-00039813 and over again and the skills I developed there help me with my YouTube XIyf5u5K8d0-00090-00039813-00040299 channel where I do more public speaking to all of you beautiful people online so XIyf5u5K8d0-00091-00040299-00040830 that is one of the ways that like a form of exposure therapy could help now the XIyf5u5K8d0-00092-00040830-00041253 other thing that I want to talk about which is such a huge issue when it comes XIyf5u5K8d0-00093-00041253-00041649 to the mental health conversation is when people are worried or concerned XIyf5u5K8d0-00094-00041649-00042117 about a celebrity and then jackholes on Twitter or saying stuff like this XIyf5u5K8d0-00095-00042117-00042495 they're saying stuff like this like oh y'all worry about celebrity but you're XIyf5u5K8d0-00096-00042495-00042828 not worried about the people right next to you oh why don't you out helping War XIyf5u5K8d0-00097-00042828-00043143 veterans why don't you helping out doing this better than that like to me this is XIyf5u5K8d0-00098-00043143-00043626 just such a massive massive virtue signal okay those of you who don't know XIyf5u5K8d0-00099-00043626-00044052 what what virtue signaling it is it's it's saying hey hey look I'm a good XIyf5u5K8d0-00100-00044052-00044295 person you should do this and some might argue that the other thing being XIyf5u5K8d0-00101-00044295-00044625 concerned about a celebrity they don't know is Richard signaling anyways what XIyf5u5K8d0-00102-00044625-00044979 are the issues that I just have with the internet and social media as a whole is XIyf5u5K8d0-00103-00044979-00045354 the anonymity and everybody can act like they are just such a perfect person XIyf5u5K8d0-00104-00045354-00045885 right so when I see stuff like that when I see people tweeting out like oh oh you XIyf5u5K8d0-00105-00045885-00046173 don't care about the people in your life you don't care about this right like XIyf5u5K8d0-00106-00046173-00046737 they're taking this moral high ground of saying like oh oh look at me I help the XIyf5u5K8d0-00107-00046737-00047277 people in my life and like chances are those people aren't doing jack squat XIyf5u5K8d0-00108-00047277-00047766 they just like stirring the pot on social media like I'll keep going back XIyf5u5K8d0-00109-00047766-00048279 to the video I did about Kevin Hart the other day where like being negative is XIyf5u5K8d0-00110-00048279-00048756 cool right being negative is cool like some people are just there online and XIyf5u5K8d0-00111-00048756-00049254 their entire life revolves around just stirring the pot starting conflict like XIyf5u5K8d0-00112-00049254-00049644 if you monitor certain people online or even if you go through their history or XIyf5u5K8d0-00113-00049644-00049926 tweets everything they say is negative so XIyf5u5K8d0-00114-00049926-00050220 anyways my message to you if you're one of the people doing that like oh why XIyf5u5K8d0-00115-00050220-00050688 don't you care about right like like just stop just stop like what is that XIyf5u5K8d0-00116-00050688-00051174 adding to the conversation like trust me I get it I get it and I advocate for XIyf5u5K8d0-00117-00051174-00051537 everybody to get involved in their own communities or even just start off with XIyf5u5K8d0-00118-00051537-00051951 your close friends close family members but the thing is the thing about this is XIyf5u5K8d0-00119-00051951-00052366 is the reason why I made this video is it is amazing it is XIyf5u5K8d0-00120-00052366-00052888 amazing for somebody like ariana grande with millions and millions and millions XIyf5u5K8d0-00121-00052888-00053308 of followers and fans all over the world it is amazing for her to post on social XIyf5u5K8d0-00122-00053308-00054019 media and open up about her PTSD to get the conversation going like think about XIyf5u5K8d0-00123-00054019-00054460 it this way how many people do you think saw those pictures that ariana grande XIyf5u5K8d0-00124-00054460-00055041 posted and people were like oh my god PTSD actually changes your brain and XIyf5u5K8d0-00125-00055041-00055609 think about how that develops empathy for for the people that they know in XIyf5u5K8d0-00126-00055609-00055933 their lives like maybe somebody understands their brother or their XIyf5u5K8d0-00127-00055933-00056326 sister or their mom or their dad or their son or their daughter a little bit XIyf5u5K8d0-00128-00056326-00056848 more just because ariana grande posted those pictures so like I am like I've XIyf5u5K8d0-00129-00056848-00057204 mentioned I am very passionate about mental health so anybody who is out XIyf5u5K8d0-00130-00057204-00057682 there trying to further the conversation and increase awareness kudos to you XIyf5u5K8d0-00131-00057682-00058195 so Ariana Grande you go girl all right and all the other haters out there thank XIyf5u5K8d0-00132-00058195-00058753 you next I couldn't help myself all right but anyways anyways let me XIyf5u5K8d0-00133-00058753-00059055 know your thoughts on this subject down below and if you like this video please XIyf5u5K8d0-00134-00059055-00059335 give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that XIyf5u5K8d0-00135-00059335-00059722 notification bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to XIyf5u5K8d0-00136-00059722-00060025 everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you're all amazing and if you'd XIyf5u5K8d0-00137-00060025-00060330 like to become a patron get access to our monthly Q&A it's one of the perks XIyf5u5K8d0-00138-00060330-00060736 and benefits click the top right there alright thank you so so much for XIyf5u5K8d0-00139-00060736-00061077 watching I'll see you next time XKVUDqKx_9o-00000-00001302-00001550 Holy sh... it says "Live"! Hi Mom!!! XKVUDqKx_9o-00001-00002554-00003092 "Stories: the Path of Destinies" is the game we'll be talking about today XKVUDqKx_9o-00002-00003092-00003604 in Anacrogames and I say "WE" because it's not me the one who'll do the talking... XKVUDqKx_9o-00003-00003604-00004194 about this game we received to review but instead XKVUDqKx_9o-00004-00004194-00005176 we'll invite... "Senpai" Kaneda Sajfar who I expect to have done his homework XKVUDqKx_9o-00005-00005176-00005958 since he is the one who played the game, so we'll patch right through with K-Man... with Kaneda! XKVUDqKx_9o-00006-00006008-00006254 Juan Pablo Sajfar... are you around??? XKVUDqKx_9o-00007-00006306-00006550 Hello Hello, how you doin'?? XKVUDqKx_9o-00008-00006620-00007370 Welcome to this first episode of Anacrogames with this new format of chat... hangout... live video... XKVUDqKx_9o-00009-00007370-00007504 ...don't know how to call it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00010-00007554-00007722 It's not going live! XKVUDqKx_9o-00011-00007800-00008040 No yeah... we are... alive somehow. XKVUDqKx_9o-00012-00008168-00009120 Well... we are actually recording this before because we are pretty noobs with this of live recording... XKVUDqKx_9o-00013-00009192-00009746 And that's that. This is the moment to practice and maybe sometime in the near future... XKVUDqKx_9o-00014-00009746-00010372 we'll be able to have real live transmissions. I think this depends maybe on our followers... XKVUDqKx_9o-00015-00010372-00011098 if they are willing to interact with comments and wants to have Pendo and Juan Pablo make this sort of... XKVUDqKx_9o-00016-00011098-00011456 live streaming with people around. XKVUDqKx_9o-00017-00011526-00011692 I'll be cool. XKVUDqKx_9o-00018-00011782-00012062 Do you like public appearances Kaneda? XKVUDqKx_9o-00019-00012194-00012466 Ummmm... Yeah. Let's say yes. XKVUDqKx_9o-00020-00012514-00012772 For as long as I don't have to dance naked, it's all well. XKVUDqKx_9o-00021-00012772-00013038 We'll see if we come to that. XKVUDqKx_9o-00022-00013038-00013244 You never know what could happen... XKVUDqKx_9o-00023-00013244-00013516 Maybe it becomes an extra income. XKVUDqKx_9o-00024-00013532-00014026 Yeah... ratings would go... actually I don't know. When they take a look at my fat belly jelly dancing... XKVUDqKx_9o-00025-00014026-00014276 people will run for their lives. XKVUDqKx_9o-00026-00014276-00014676 Well you know that stupid things in youtube always work for the best. We are doing it all wrong. XKVUDqKx_9o-00027-00014676-00015072 We are too serious and well, time for a change. XKVUDqKx_9o-00028-00015126-00015228 Yup. XKVUDqKx_9o-00029-00015256-00015688 But well. Talking about serious, let's get serious since Kaneda has been playing... I mean... XKVUDqKx_9o-00030-00015688-00016204 You did play the game "Stories The Path of Destinies" right? XKVUDqKx_9o-00031-00016204-00016542 I'd like you to tell me before we move on to the video review XKVUDqKx_9o-00032-00016542-00017024 since Kaneda has created a very well crafted video review like the ones we use to do... XKVUDqKx_9o-00033-00017024-00017956 here at Anacrogames, but before playing that video, K-Man I'd like for you to tell us a bit about what... XKVUDqKx_9o-00034-00017956-00018614 let's say... don't know... what you've felt while playing this game. What you liked, what you hated... XKVUDqKx_9o-00035-00018614-00019070 and why did you decided to record this video review and tell us about it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00036-00019070-00019288 Go ahead. You talk now. XKVUDqKx_9o-00037-00019328-00020092 Well... ummmm... Stories actually caught my attention since the first trailer I saw... XKVUDqKx_9o-00038-00020092-00020788 I always crawl around Youtube channels featuring the latest video games news and stuff... XKVUDqKx_9o-00039-00020788-00021488 and I think this came out... I don't know... not really sure, but I think it came out during the last year's E3. XKVUDqKx_9o-00040-00021488-00022506 But well, the trailer showed something pretty cool... it looked like you said offline, like a Bastion looking game... XKVUDqKx_9o-00041-00022506-00023084 which I didn't play but I'm planning on doing so soon. XKVUDqKx_9o-00042-00023084-00024060 And I felt quite intereseting the theme of choosing. It looked like a fairy tale in which you had to choose different stories... XKVUDqKx_9o-00043-00024060-00024314 and see where you go from that. XKVUDqKx_9o-00044-00024314-00024798 Once I played I saw that it was pretty much more than just choosing paths... XKVUDqKx_9o-00045-00024798-00025300 and that's why I talked about in detail in the video review. XKVUDqKx_9o-00046-00025336-00025926 Let me interrupt you right there for a second, because I always forget about thanking. XKVUDqKx_9o-00047-00025926-00026189 I'm not very good at thanking people... XKVUDqKx_9o-00048-00026189-00026627 I was forgetting that I'd like to say Thanks to the guys on Evolve Platforms. XKVUDqKx_9o-00049-00026627-00027174 They always grant and send us games keys for us to play and review them. XKVUDqKx_9o-00050-00027174-00027730 So I'd like to send a big hug to Tom Ohle from Evolve. So... thank you for all this. XKVUDqKx_9o-00051-00027748-00028602 Maybe he will not understand any of this when we release this video... unless Kaneda adds captions to it. :) XKVUDqKx_9o-00052-00028630-00029154 We will add captions for sure for everyone to understand it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00053-00029154-00029258 That's it! XKVUDqKx_9o-00054-00029292-00029532 Now, continue please. XKVUDqKx_9o-00055-00029650-00029798 Ok. XKVUDqKx_9o-00056-00029832-00030736 I was saying that this game is some sort of "Opera Prima" made in some sort of an "indie" studio... XKVUDqKx_9o-00057-00030736-00031372 since they received money from... I don't know... several other companies. XKVUDqKx_9o-00058-00031444-00031626 Spearhead? XKVUDqKx_9o-00059-00031630-00031832 "Cabeza" (head) "Spear" (lanza) XKVUDqKx_9o-00060-00031854-00032227 Spearhead Studios, exactly. XKVUDqKx_9o-00061-00032408-00032784 And well... apparently... XKVUDqKx_9o-00062-00032784-00033462 I hope sales numbers were ok for them to keep making games since, technically speaking... XKVUDqKx_9o-00063-00033462-00034160 the game is very good. It looks very professional. The polished art... actually the Art as a whole... XKVUDqKx_9o-00064-00034160-00034742 stands out as one of the most appealing aspects of the game. It looks pretty cool... XKVUDqKx_9o-00065-00034742-00035290 it's like a mixture of semi-realistic cartoon... don't know... it's plain good. XKVUDqKx_9o-00066-00035290-00036382 And besides that I always liked furries, so, animals turned to people always got my attention since Bucky O'Hare. XKVUDqKx_9o-00067-00036390-00036920 So, that's that. If you want, hit play on the review. XKVUDqKx_9o-00068-00036998-00037474 Yes, first I'd like to say that I haven't played the game yet. XKVUDqKx_9o-00069-00037474-00038214 But what's calling my particular attention, above the nice graphics and other things you see... XKVUDqKx_9o-00070-00038214-00038994 it's the narrative of it. Of how the game tells itself and most of all, the use of voice overs. XKVUDqKx_9o-00071-00039026-00040480 We named Bastion already and I think I also told you about offline that I related this narrative to David Wreden's game, XKVUDqKx_9o-00072-00040480-00041066 "Stanley Parable" and even when the games are not related at all, the use of voice overs XKVUDqKx_9o-00073-00041066-00041558 and how the game is told is something I personally like. XKVUDqKx_9o-00074-00041558-00041916 It feeds my urges to play it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00075-00041916-00042198 Indeed, the game has an outstanding narrative work. XKVUDqKx_9o-00076-00042198-00042964 In fact, the narrator takes on the task of voicing all and every character in the game and he does it very well. XKVUDqKx_9o-00077-00042964-00043316 In the review I name the guy. Right now, I really don't remember the name. XKVUDqKx_9o-00078-00043316-00043716 But I do know he has a pretty bulked protfolio. XKVUDqKx_9o-00079-00043804-00044542 Perfect. I'll let the recorded Kaneda, who seems to be more focused, talk about that. XKVUDqKx_9o-00080-00044626-00045356 Alrighty then... let's move on to the video preview. Don't forget please that you can add comments... XKVUDqKx_9o-00081-00045356-00045854 which is very important to us for you to comment these videos if you think we are doing ok... XKVUDqKx_9o-00082-00045892-00046576 and if not, what should we do better and maybe we'll listen to you... or maybe not. XKVUDqKx_9o-00083-00046576-00047484 But well, you could also tell us what you think about this new format... what you think about Kaneda Sajfar... XKVUDqKx_9o-00084-00047500-00048192 Whatever you want. So, right now we hit play to "Stories the Path of Destinies". XKVUDqKx_9o-00085-00048446-00048998 If I tell you that "Choose your own Adventure" books returned as a video game and its called "Stories a Path of Destinies"... XKVUDqKx_9o-00086-00048998-00049224 would you believe me? XKVUDqKx_9o-00087-00049262-00049414 Well, you should! XKVUDqKx_9o-00088-00049414-00049852 This game is that and a lot more... so far as I've seen. XKVUDqKx_9o-00089-00049852-00050480 Playing as Reinardo, an elusive pirate fox who gets trapped in between a war forged by a toad emperor XKVUDqKx_9o-00090-00050480-00051192 who apparently lost his mind, we'll navigate throughout the pages of a magical book with the power of XKVUDqKx_9o-00091-00051192-00051634 teaching us "thruths" when we reach the end of each storyline we choose while we play. XKVUDqKx_9o-00092-00051634-00052190 and start over again so we use that knowledge so we can reach that so called "happy ending". XKVUDqKx_9o-00093-00052190-00052970 At least that's what the omnipresent Narrator tries to explain us the first time we reach the Stories Chart. XKVUDqKx_9o-00094-00054541-00055004 In this chart we'll be able to review each decision we took, analyze their consequences... XKVUDqKx_9o-00095-00055004-00055296 and learn the truths of the events we created. XKVUDqKx_9o-00096-00055322-00055828 Basically, each 4 playable episodes in which Reinardo wins experience, forging swords... XKVUDqKx_9o-00097-00055828-00056305 and mounting magic gems to pieces of his armour, we'll end up finding a clean cut ending... XKVUDqKx_9o-00098-00056305-00056779 which can be bad... or very bad... or that allegedly "happy ending" that the narrator promises us. XKVUDqKx_9o-00099-00056802-00057428 We choose the direction of the main story at the end of each episode and with that affecting how they... XKVUDqKx_9o-00100-00057428-00057640 intertwine and the results they have. XKVUDqKx_9o-00101-00057640-00058166 The good thing is that each time we reach one of those gruesome endings where Reinardo dies... XKVUDqKx_9o-00102-00058166-00058900 in the most unforgiving of ways, when we restart the story Reinardo keeps the obtained knowledge XKVUDqKx_9o-00103-00058900-00059546 during the previous episodes and by learning from the truths we can choose a better path each time... XKVUDqKx_9o-00104-00059546-00059960 so Reinardo can transit the story more "eloquently". XKVUDqKx_9o-00105-00059960-00060590 For example: whe the first run we decided to forge a mythological weapon with one chance in 128 XKVUDqKx_9o-00106-00060590-00061012 of destroying the whole universe, we learnt the thruth that such weapon is unstable... XKVUDqKx_9o-00107-00061012-00061291 since the first time we use it we actually destroyed the Universe. XKVUDqKx_9o-00108-00061291-00061838 So, the next round we can choose to steal only one piece of the weapon to avoid... XKVUDqKx_9o-00109-00061838-00062248 the bad guys to forge it, but eventually something will go wrong and Reinardo will once again die XKVUDqKx_9o-00110-00062254-00062508 like a rat... I mean... like a Fox. XKVUDqKx_9o-00111-00063190-00063626 The game offers 24 possible stories combining the book's chapters. XKVUDqKx_9o-00112-00063629-00064141 We'll have to figure out which one of those 24 are the happy ending... or endings... if any. XKVUDqKx_9o-00113-00064170-00064796 Playably speaking, we could say that stories is a simplified hack and slash or action RPG. XKVUDqKx_9o-00114-00064798-00065416 Where with easy mechanics and pretty fluid we'll open our ways amongst hordes of enemies XKVUDqKx_9o-00115-00065416-00065892 which with every new chapter run in Reinardo's history will become more and more numerous. XKVUDqKx_9o-00116-00065892-00066378 At the same time, new enemies will be added which will try to complicate things on each run... XKVUDqKx_9o-00117-00066378-00066454 BUT... XKVUDqKx_9o-00118-00066454-00066606 so we begin with the "buts"... XKVUDqKx_9o-00119-00066606-00067062 it feels like it's not enough to enhance the challenge actually. XKVUDqKx_9o-00120-00067062-00067616 More sooner than later and after adapting to all the tools we are given to fight enemies, XKVUDqKx_9o-00121-00067616-00068272 combat becomes a formality and in all... and furthermore when you already know the levels XKVUDqKx_9o-00122-00068272-00068788 since we transit them more than thrice, it becomes into an annoying formality. XKVUDqKx_9o-00123-00068788-00069280 If we add to that fact that Reinardo upgrades his swords making them exponentialy more poweful each time XKVUDqKx_9o-00124-00069280-00069812 and adding them special abilities like healing ourselves or lighting up enemies on fire... XKVUDqKx_9o-00125-00069812-00070316 or freeze them, and we also add the gems which grants us other extra abilities... that formality XKVUDqKx_9o-00126-00070316-00070530 ends up being annoying and even empty and boring. XKVUDqKx_9o-00127-00070530-00071066 It seems like the balancing between challenge and character development was not taken under consideration... XKVUDqKx_9o-00128-00071066-00071490 and they trusted too much on the levels replayability adding some new areas to explore XKVUDqKx_9o-00129-00071490-00071810 only accessible by having the proper tools or skills. XKVUDqKx_9o-00130-00071810-00071970 BUT... second "but". XKVUDqKx_9o-00131-00071970-00072746 since those areas are not mandatory, you can very well skip them and focus in just killing everything XKVUDqKx_9o-00132-00072746-00073144 as fast as possible, finish all episodes and reach all possible endings, and... The End. XKVUDqKx_9o-00133-00073176-00073258 Literally. XKVUDqKx_9o-00134-00073276-00073664 With just a few hours playing it, Stories runs out of novelty. XKVUDqKx_9o-00135-00073664-00074254 and tries to keep alive with only the fact of seeing how the rest of the chapters and endings intertwine. XKVUDqKx_9o-00136-00074254-00074772 Even when this is the actual point of the whole game, the tedious task of doing everything over and over again XKVUDqKx_9o-00137-00074772-00075306 with slight changes and an overpowerful combat system, don't get me wrong here... XKVUDqKx_9o-00138-00075306-00075970 the combat system is flawless, but it turns the game too easy and the whole gameplay becomes a nuisance. XKVUDqKx_9o-00139-00075992-00076534 It's a shame... but that's how it feels. I mean... I once found telling to myself: XKVUDqKx_9o-00140-00076534-00076906 "Hey! I wanna see what happens! Stand aside game, and tell me the whole story once and for all!" XKVUDqKx_9o-00141-00076906-00077178 and I think that's not the idea of any game. XKVUDqKx_9o-00142-00077178-00077596 It's a real shame actually... because this game looks astonoshing XKVUDqKx_9o-00143-00077596-00078212 Aesthetically and ambientaly speaking, it is a mix between a minimalistic realism and a fantasy cartoon XKVUDqKx_9o-00144-00078212-00078978 very appealing to the eye. Sound and Music also does a great job fitting each ambience and situation. XKVUDqKx_9o-00145-00078978-00079670 And without any doubt we must cheer the amazing job done by the Narrator, who sometimes shoots XKVUDqKx_9o-00146-00079670-00080402 not so funny jokes, reminding me this game... how was it? Stanley's Parable... he's been given the task XKVUDqKx_9o-00147-00080402-00081054 of performing each single one of the game characters just as a father is telling his son a bedtime story XKVUDqKx_9o-00148-00081054-00081572 or even better, it reminded me when we played Dungeons and Dragons and we took the role of acting XKVUDqKx_9o-00149-00081572-00081968 the voices of ALL the entities in the world and our own characters and stuff. XKVUDqKx_9o-00150-00081968-00082414 It's not a surprise though the Narrator is that good since it's Jim Casey, who has a humongous XKVUDqKx_9o-00151-00082414-00083002 and rich portfolio borrowing his voice to a huge amount of video games. XKVUDqKx_9o-00152-00083002-00083442 So, very good casting on the Narrator, who has given the game a lot of added value. XKVUDqKx_9o-00153-00085004-00085654 And well. Closing up, I believe we can conclude that Stories, in general terms, it's a good game. XKVUDqKx_9o-00154-00085654-00086288 With an excellent mechanic, combat again, is outstanding and the concept brings back beautiful memories. XKVUDqKx_9o-00155-00086288-00086740 At least to me... a person who lived reading the "choose your own adventure" books XKVUDqKx_9o-00156-00086740-00087344 and Fighting Fantasy books, I don't know if anyone else read/played a book called "City of Thieves" XKVUDqKx_9o-00157-00087344-00087634 It was the only one lurking around argentinean libraries. XKVUDqKx_9o-00158-00087634-00088170 But once again, I feel the game boicots itself not offering a more interesting challenge... XKVUDqKx_9o-00159-00088170-00088686 trusting too much in the concept of choosing paths and casting aside the playable factor a bit. XKVUDqKx_9o-00160-00088686-00089316 It's a very good game to finish nonetheless, but I sense it one of those that you finish and forget. XKVUDqKx_9o-00161-00089316-00089692 Which it didn't happen whatsoever with those "choose your own adventure" or "fighting fantasy" books. XKVUDqKx_9o-00162-00089692-00090244 Play it. You be the jugdes. Of course, do not take my word for granted. XKVUDqKx_9o-00163-00090244-00090544 Because I know... that I know nothing. XKVUDqKx_9o-00164-00090574-00090702 Good bye! XKVUDqKx_9o-00165-00091816-00092000 Hello? You still there? XKVUDqKx_9o-00166-00092024-00092260 Seems so... but Pendo? Pendo! XKVUDqKx_9o-00167-00092334-00092534 You got bored and left? XKVUDqKx_9o-00168-00092534-00092962 Sorry Sorry... I was... I had my bladder full... but nevermind that. XKVUDqKx_9o-00169-00092962-00093296 Thruth to be told, a very good job Mr Kaneda. XKVUDqKx_9o-00170-00093296-00093548 I promise I'll see the video someday... XKVUDqKx_9o-00171-00093548-00093798 No, seriously. Thank You K-Man. XKVUDqKx_9o-00172-00093798-00094182 Don't look the video, go play the play! All of you go play the game! XKVUDqKx_9o-00173-00094182-00094234 Totally. XKVUDqKx_9o-00174-00094244-00095122 That's... seriously, that's super important. People must play more or at least must play to comment... XKVUDqKx_9o-00175-00095122-00095570 and that's why I haven't said anything about this game because I haven't played it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00176-00095598-00096170 And the one who played it very well was Kaneda, who did, sincerely, a great work. I personally liked XKVUDqKx_9o-00177-00096170-00096488 the review, obviously already see it, it was a joke all that of not seeing it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00178-00096488-00097224 But, well... I say again, if you'd like to leave us your comments and impressions if you played the game, XKVUDqKx_9o-00179-00097224-00097952 tell us what you think about it, and also what other games you'd like us to review on this or any other way. XKVUDqKx_9o-00180-00097952-00098572 K-Man, a thousand thanks for this, I hope I'll have you again soon around here. XKVUDqKx_9o-00181-00098572-00098752 In this format at least. XKVUDqKx_9o-00182-00098752-00099098 And we'll see with which game... which game, I don't know... XKVUDqKx_9o-00183-00099098-00099570 Which game are you playing right now, or which game you'd like to review next. XKVUDqKx_9o-00184-00099772-00100006 The incoming review is Brigador. XKVUDqKx_9o-00185-00100006-00100760 So I will get my hands on that. I'm working on... I mean... I'm playing it.. I mean... Working on it. XKVUDqKx_9o-00186-00100910-00101348 Brigador, Ok. Well then, we'll see each other with that game. XKVUDqKx_9o-00187-00101382-00101952 Thanks everyone on the other side, Kaneda I bid you farewell. See you soon! XKVUDqKx_9o-00188-00101952-00102468 And I also bid farewell to all the good people watching this "live" event. XKVUDqKx_9o-00189-00102468-00102618 Thank you! XKVUDqKx_9o-00190-00102618-00102742 See ya!!! XMmOI5CUxV0-00000-00000000-00000264 Welcome to the Admin Team sprint #9 demo XMmOI5CUxV0-00001-00000664-00000856 In this sprint, we have done: XMmOI5CUxV0-00002-00001244-00001628 Domains creation has been introduced in the last sprint. XMmOI5CUxV0-00003-00001628-00002052 In this sprint we have made a lot improvement on errors handling XMmOI5CUxV0-00004-00002570-00003026 Creating domain with existing names is restricted on creation form XMmOI5CUxV0-00005-00005918-00006262 when domains are not created properly on James side XMmOI5CUxV0-00006-00006478-00006688 Here we assume that James server is not available XMmOI5CUxV0-00007-00007904-00008128 Let's start a working james server XMmOI5CUxV0-00008-00009276-00009640 Most errors is fixed right after. XMmOI5CUxV0-00009-00009672-00010216 However, our newly created domain didn't have its domain created on James side yet XMmOI5CUxV0-00010-00010256-00010352 This issue can be fixed easily XMmOI5CUxV0-00011-00010632-00010828 You now can also edit domains info XMmOI5CUxV0-00012-00010924-00011244 Right now, it's restricted to only company name XMmOI5CUxV0-00013-00013868-00014100 Next feature: keyboard shortcuts XMmOI5CUxV0-00014-00014236-00014696 You can press '?' to show the helper sheet XMmOI5CUxV0-00015-00014852-00015291 We provide basic shortcuts for the platform XMmOI5CUxV0-00016-00015728-00015980 and some module-based shortcuts: Unified Inbox XMmOI5CUxV0-00017-00031844-00032172 Next feature: Features flipping configuration XMmOI5CUxV0-00018-00032280-00032864 This configuration page allows you to turn on/off display for some features XMmOI5CUxV0-00019-00033112-00033392 A feature can be entered from different module XMmOI5CUxV0-00020-00037220-00037516 Finally, our main objective for this sprint XMmOI5CUxV0-00021-00037516-00037904 Reindex and reconfigure Elasticsearch index XMmOI5CUxV0-00022-00038224-00038600 Until now, only users collection needs this procedures XMmOI5CUxV0-00023-00038924-00039456 A common issue where users index on elasticsearch has invalid configuration XMmOI5CUxV0-00024-00040024-00040536 So with this new function, you can apply a valid configuration to users index XMmOI5CUxV0-00025-00044564-00045064 And you can also submit a request to reindex all users XMmOI5CUxV0-00026-00046924-00047532 That will be the end of the demonstration. Thank you! XMtoi1I1tng-00000-00000111-00000771 I'm cleaning a musical cuckoo clock, and these are all the parts of the musical movement. XMtoi1I1tng-00001-00000771-00001248 You've got the barrel here, with the pins on it that play the melody. XMtoi1I1tng-00002-00001248-00001980 You've got the comb here, that the pins on the barrel pluck to make the sound. XMtoi1I1tng-00003-00001980-00002108 And then there are odds and ends... XMtoi1I1tng-00004-00002108-00002608 I really like the little man that here, that pops out while the music plays. XMtoi1I1tng-00005-00002608-00003315 But the interesting part to me was that I expected this comb to be just a regular musical XMtoi1I1tng-00006-00003315-00004022 scale, but I found out that the comb and the barrel are matched - usually. XMtoi1I1tng-00007-00004022-00004530 And the comb doesn't play a scale at all. XMtoi1I1tng-00008-00004530-00004681 Here's what this one does. XMtoi1I1tng-00009-00004681-00006906 I'm just going to walk through the individual tines here; I'm going to pluck each of them. XMtoi1I1tng-00010-00006906-00007031 Isn't that strange? XMWWTXfxYay-00000-00001528-00001655 I am Karl Stattegger. XMWWTXfxYay-00001-00001655-00002407 I’m a geologist working on sediments with a strong focus on coastal geology and here XMWWTXfxYay-00002-00002407-00002746 especially, river mouth systems and deltas. XMWWTXfxYay-00003-00002746-00003298 Deltas are named after the Greek upper case letter, Delta, for the first time attributed XMWWTXfxYay-00004-00003298-00003844 to the delta plain of the River Nile by the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus, XMWWTXfxYay-00005-00003844-00004144 2500 years ago. XMWWTXfxYay-00006-00004144-00004824 Deltas are subaerial and subaqueous accumulations of river derived sediments. XMWWTXfxYay-00007-00004824-00005426 Deltas often form low lying morphological protrusions of the shore towards the sea and XMWWTXfxYay-00008-00005426-00006067 extend offshore for considerable distances underwater as you can see in this structural XMWWTXfxYay-00009-00006067-00006230 sketch. XMWWTXfxYay-00010-00006230-00006784 Or in the extreme morphological protrusion of the Mississippi delta, into the Gulf of XMWWTXfxYay-00011-00006784-00006884 Mexico. XMWWTXfxYay-00012-00006884-00007495 Rivers form deltas at their mouth all over the world and bring high quantities of sediment XMWWTXfxYay-00013-00007495-00007655 to the world ocean. XMWWTXfxYay-00014-00007655-00008375 Low lying delta plains are highly vulnerable to a wide range of natural and manmade hazards. XMWWTXfxYay-00015-00008375-00008881 As you can see for instance in the partially flooded Chao Phraya delta near Bangkok in XMWWTXfxYay-00016-00008881-00009522 Thailand, the delta plain is suffering permanently from sea level rise inundating the lower parts XMWWTXfxYay-00017-00009522-00010172 and periodically from river floods due to heavy rainfall, as in October, 2011. XMWWTXfxYay-00018-00010172-00010343 First message. XMWWTXfxYay-00019-00010343-00010935 Deltas are important coastal environments and naturally stable landforms. XMWWTXfxYay-00020-00010935-00011754 Deltas form unique coastal land and seascapes providing space for rich and biodiverse ecosystems. XMWWTXfxYay-00021-00011754-00012406 As illustrated in these pictures from the pristine Parnaiba Delta in northern Brazil, XMWWTXfxYay-00022-00012406-00013238 which offers large mangrove forests, beaches, wetlands and coastal dune fields. XMWWTXfxYay-00023-00013238-00013910 Under natural conditions many deltas are growing since their initiation around 8,000 years XMWWTXfxYay-00024-00013910-00014010 ago. XMWWTXfxYay-00025-00014010-00014676 For example the Mekong Delta in Southeast Asia did not exist 8,000 years ago, but was XMWWTXfxYay-00026-00014676-00015181 a shallow marine embayment with the mouth of the Mekong River near Phnom Penh. XMWWTXfxYay-00027-00015181-00015979 Now the Mekong Delta has grown over a downstream distance of 250 kilometers and forms a subaerial XMWWTXfxYay-00028-00015979-00016598 delta plain of approximately 50,000 square kilometers in Vietnam and Cambodia. XMWWTXfxYay-00029-00016598-00017306 Deltas are stable and growing sediment bodies as long as the fluvial input exceeds reworking XMWWTXfxYay-00030-00017306-00017596 by waves, tides and sea level rise. XMWWTXfxYay-00031-00017596-00018162 Up and out building of the delta plain are in balance with subsidence induced by the XMWWTXfxYay-00032-00018162-00018308 sediment load. XMWWTXfxYay-00033-00018308-00018739 The delta grows seaward and enlarges the subaerial delta plain. XMWWTXfxYay-00034-00018739-00019340 Shape and outline of our deltas on land and at sea are highly variable. XMWWTXfxYay-00035-00019340-00020020 This variability results from the interplay between riverine wave and tidal forcing. XMWWTXfxYay-00036-00020020-00020534 The Mekong Delta for example is strongly influenced by waves and tides. XMWWTXfxYay-00037-00020534-00020681 Second message. XMWWTXfxYay-00038-00020681-00021258 Deltas are intensely used and modified by human activities. XMWWTXfxYay-00039-00021258-00022066 Many deltas support intense agriculture and fisheries and are food baskets for many nations. XMWWTXfxYay-00040-00022066-00022690 Industry and transport are also very important, leading to the development of major urban XMWWTXfxYay-00041-00022690-00022920 centers, ports and harbors. XMWWTXfxYay-00042-00022920-00023279 Deltas are the home of 600 million people. XMWWTXfxYay-00043-00023279-00023741 I will explain this again with the example of the Mekong Delta in Southeast Asia. XMWWTXfxYay-00044-00023741-00024182 You see the branching of the Mekong River into several distributaries. XMWWTXfxYay-00045-00024182-00024832 The right delta plain travels by a mesh of manmade channels, is covered mainly by rice XMWWTXfxYay-00046-00024832-00025004 paddies and shrimp farms. XMWWTXfxYay-00047-00025004-00025493 At the eastern margin of the delta we find the fast-growing mega city of Ho Chi Minh XMWWTXfxYay-00048-00025493-00026081 City with actually around ten million people living in the urban area. XMWWTXfxYay-00049-00026081-00026650 The densely populated delta itself is inhabited by 20 million people. XMWWTXfxYay-00050-00026650-00027077 Agricultural development is based mainly on rice. XMWWTXfxYay-00051-00027077-00027736 Rice paddies require much irrigation and the notable use of plant protection products. XMWWTXfxYay-00052-00027736-00028306 Frequently, groundwater reserves are used and contaminated by pesticides. XMWWTXfxYay-00053-00028306-00028825 Shrimp farming increases substantially the income of the rural coastal population. XMWWTXfxYay-00054-00028825-00029472 The widespread excavation of shrimp ponds replaces natural marshland or mangrove forests. XMWWTXfxYay-00055-00029472-00030075 The ponds are left contaminated after a few years of shrimp production without restoration XMWWTXfxYay-00056-00030075-00030180 of nature. XMWWTXfxYay-00057-00030180-00030770 A third important human activity is sand mining in deltaic river channels near growing cities XMWWTXfxYay-00058-00030770-00031022 like Ho Chi Minh City mentioned above. XMWWTXfxYay-00059-00031022-00031613 Sand extraction from the riverbed is a common practice as sand is the most widely used raw XMWWTXfxYay-00060-00031613-00031918 material for construction projects. XMWWTXfxYay-00061-00031918-00032527 Third message, deltaic coasts are highly vulnerable by human impacts. XMWWTXfxYay-00062-00032527-00033055 Deltas suffer on the longer term from climate driven sea level rise, but on the short term, XMWWTXfxYay-00063-00033055-00033250 much more from human activities. XMWWTXfxYay-00064-00033250-00033778 Groundwater, oil and gas extraction triggers subsidence of the delta plain. XMWWTXfxYay-00065-00033778-00034433 Withdrawal of water compacts the sediments, compaction is enhanced by the load of construction XMWWTXfxYay-00066-00034433-00034681 works in urbanized areas. XMWWTXfxYay-00067-00034681-00035308 The Mekong Delta plain subsides locally up to four centimeters per year at groundwater XMWWTXfxYay-00068-00035308-00036016 exploitation in addition to the climate driven sea level rise of a few millimeters per year. XMWWTXfxYay-00069-00036016-00036771 If pumping continues at present rates, almost one meter of land subsidence is expected by XMWWTXfxYay-00070-00036771-00036995 the year 2050. XMWWTXfxYay-00071-00036995-00037580 A second big risk is the shut off of river sediment fluxes to the delta plain by upstream XMWWTXfxYay-00072-00037580-00037916 river damming and sediment retention in the reservoirs. XMWWTXfxYay-00073-00037916-00038497 The sediment trapped upstream is missing at the coast to compensate climate and subsidence XMWWTXfxYay-00074-00038497-00038696 control to sea level rise. XMWWTXfxYay-00075-00038696-00039386 If all planned river dams will be constructed in the Mekong drainage basin, almost no sediment XMWWTXfxYay-00076-00039386-00039600 will reach the delta in the future. XMWWTXfxYay-00077-00039600-00040224 A third threat is the widespread sand mining in river distributaries along with deepening XMWWTXfxYay-00078-00040224-00040824 of the river channels, over-deepening and failure of the river banks. XMWWTXfxYay-00079-00040824-00041318 Increased tidal forcing transports salt water far upstream by the flood current. XMWWTXfxYay-00080-00041318-00041905 All three components contribute to relative sea level rise in deltas which can reach several XMWWTXfxYay-00081-00041905-00042084 centimeters per year. XMWWTXfxYay-00082-00042084-00042641 In addition, extensive use of groundwater and rising sea level will increase the intrusion XMWWTXfxYay-00083-00042641-00043152 of salt water into the delta plain with negative effects on the rice production. XMWWTXfxYay-00084-00043152-00043706 Direct consequences are intensive coastal erosion and coastal inundation. XMWWTXfxYay-00085-00043706-00044344 Observable already now, the loss of coastal lowlands and in addition, salt water intrusion XMWWTXfxYay-00086-00044344-00044580 further inland in the near future. XMWWTXfxYay-00087-00044580-00045087 The elevation map shows the inundated areas in the Mekong Delta by combined sea level XMWWTXfxYay-00088-00045087-00045343 rise and land subsidence. XMWWTXfxYay-00089-00045343-00045881 In blue you can see the situation after one meter sea level rise. XMWWTXfxYay-00090-00045881-00046234 This scenario is expected around the year 2050. XMWWTXfxYay-00091-00046234-00046487 Take home message. XMWWTXfxYay-00092-00046487-00046965 Fluvial sediment accumulations at the coast form our deltas since several thousands of XMWWTXfxYay-00093-00046965-00047065 years. XMWWTXfxYay-00094-00047065-00047684 At present, coastal hazards and to a larger extent human intervention imbalance our deltas XMWWTXfxYay-00095-00047684-00048017 by triggering and increasing coastal subsidence. XMWWTXfxYay-00096-00048017-00048578 Sufficient sediment supply from the hinterland and limitations in the exploitation of natural XMWWTXfxYay-00097-00048578-00049236 resources in the delta are mandatory requirements for a sustainable future. XMWWTXfxYay-00098-00049236-00049955 Preservation and maintenance of river deltas and the upstream drainage basin now can avoid XMWWTXfxYay-00099-00049955-00050414 coastal restoration later to prevent the collapse of the dike coast. XO2ui_o2tmA-00000-00000009-00000147 - Good morning, everybody. XO2ui_o2tmA-00001-00000147-00000321 Welcome back to another vlog. XO2ui_o2tmA-00002-00000321-00000743 Today is Wednesday, it is 8:30 or something like that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00003-00000743-00001035 Had a little bit of a lie in this morning. XO2ui_o2tmA-00004-00001035-00001227 Not a lion, a lie in. XO2ui_o2tmA-00005-00001227-00001494 I don't know. I've been watching too many British shows. XO2ui_o2tmA-00006-00001494-00001691 I feel like I look so tired today. XO2ui_o2tmA-00007-00001691-00001812 I mean, I definitely am. XO2ui_o2tmA-00008-00001812-00002234 I also have this massive pimple that has been so painful. XO2ui_o2tmA-00009-00002371-00002663 She has not been kind to me, but we're working through it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00010-00002663-00002824 I just made my coffee. XO2ui_o2tmA-00011-00002824-00002907 I was down there and I was like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00012-00002907-00003086 "I should have brought my camera to film it XO2ui_o2tmA-00013-00003086-00003213 because it's just so satisfying." XO2ui_o2tmA-00014-00003213-00003296 You want a sip? XO2ui_o2tmA-00015-00003405-00003511 That's good. XO2ui_o2tmA-00016-00003511-00003715 I also made myself some chia pudding XO2ui_o2tmA-00017-00003715-00003849 that I had made yesterday. XO2ui_o2tmA-00018-00003849-00004202 It's chocolate chia pudding and then I sliced bananas XO2ui_o2tmA-00019-00004202-00004308 and strawberries on top. XO2ui_o2tmA-00020-00004308-00004529 Again, things that I could have vlogged, but didn't. XO2ui_o2tmA-00021-00004529-00004678 Anyways, good morning. XO2ui_o2tmA-00022-00004678-00004916 Today is, you wanna guess? XO2ui_o2tmA-00023-00004916-00005243 It's a filming day, I know, crazy. XO2ui_o2tmA-00024-00005243-00005329 And I'm super excited XO2ui_o2tmA-00025-00005329-00005653 because I am filming the very last little bits XO2ui_o2tmA-00026-00005653-00005873 for my room makeover today, which means XO2ui_o2tmA-00027-00005873-00005999 that it's gonna be done soon, XO2ui_o2tmA-00028-00005999-00006163 which means you'll be able to see it soon XO2ui_o2tmA-00029-00006163-00006287 and I'm very excited. XO2ui_o2tmA-00030-00006287-00006419 And yeah, it's gonna be a great day. XO2ui_o2tmA-00031-00006419-00006556 What else do we have planned? XO2ui_o2tmA-00032-00006556-00006706 We were gonna go to my mom's tonight, XO2ui_o2tmA-00033-00006706-00006931 but we're actually gonna go tomorrow instead. XO2ui_o2tmA-00034-00006931-00007138 Funny because of the last vlog that I posted, XO2ui_o2tmA-00035-00007138-00007358 we were at my mom's, that was already like a week ago. XO2ui_o2tmA-00036-00007358-00007662 Love this lighting situation, love that for me. XO2ui_o2tmA-00037-00007662-00007945 I'm attempting to do a little bit XO2ui_o2tmA-00038-00007945-00008127 of touch ups here on my hair. XO2ui_o2tmA-00039-00008127-00008300 What else is going on in my life? XO2ui_o2tmA-00040-00008300-00008478 (hums) Nothing. XO2ui_o2tmA-00041-00008478-00008628 I'm not gonna lie to you guys. XO2ui_o2tmA-00042-00008628-00009065 It's weird, going into this pandemic, obviously, XO2ui_o2tmA-00043-00009065-00009231 no one could've planned XO2ui_o2tmA-00044-00009231-00009456 for just how long this was gonna last. XO2ui_o2tmA-00045-00009456-00009729 This whole entire time I've never really run out XO2ui_o2tmA-00046-00009729-00009929 of things to talk about or vlog about. XO2ui_o2tmA-00047-00009929-00010226 I mean, it's felt redundant, at times for sure, XO2ui_o2tmA-00048-00010226-00010613 but I've never, up until the last few weeks, XO2ui_o2tmA-00049-00010613-00010915 felt this level of pandemic fatigue XO2ui_o2tmA-00050-00010915-00011066 I think is what they're calling it XO2ui_o2tmA-00051-00011066-00011457 where basically (stammers) you're over it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00052-00011457-00011732 And I just feel a little crazy sometimes XO2ui_o2tmA-00053-00011732-00012151 because I see so many people that I follow XO2ui_o2tmA-00054-00012151-00012496 going places like Disney World and going on trips XO2ui_o2tmA-00055-00012496-00012818 and acting as if the world is normal. XO2ui_o2tmA-00056-00012818-00012987 And I know we've talked about this a lot. XO2ui_o2tmA-00057-00012987-00013216 It just makes you feel a little crazy. XO2ui_o2tmA-00058-00013216-00013449 And I mean, there are people that I know XO2ui_o2tmA-00059-00013449-00013677 who have parents that are in the hospital XO2ui_o2tmA-00060-00013677-00014007 with COVID currently, there are people that I follow online XO2ui_o2tmA-00061-00014007-00014280 that are currently in the hospital with COVID. XO2ui_o2tmA-00062-00014280-00014613 It's still just so, so, so, so very real at the moment. XO2ui_o2tmA-00063-00014613-00014940 And yeah, I don't know, I'm just, it's been maddening XO2ui_o2tmA-00064-00014940-00015071 this entire time, obviously, XO2ui_o2tmA-00065-00015071-00015234 seeing people not take it seriously. XO2ui_o2tmA-00066-00015234-00015497 But you know, right now, it's still very real. XO2ui_o2tmA-00067-00015497-00015641 I actually was just watching my friend, XO2ui_o2tmA-00068-00015641-00015796 Sierra's, video this morning. XO2ui_o2tmA-00069-00015796-00015944 I talk about Sierra all the time XO2ui_o2tmA-00070-00015944-00016027 because I just love her, love her vlogs. XO2ui_o2tmA-00071-00016027-00016216 And I was watching her most recent vlog XO2ui_o2tmA-00072-00016216-00016581 where she was sort of discussing her new boundaries XO2ui_o2tmA-00073-00016581-00016842 and level of comfortability when it comes XO2ui_o2tmA-00074-00016842-00017009 to being fully vaccinated. XO2ui_o2tmA-00075-00017009-00017215 'Cause she's fully vaccinated now, which is so exciting, XO2ui_o2tmA-00076-00017215-00017441 and she's basically gonna go out in public XO2ui_o2tmA-00077-00017441-00017663 and wear a mask and see her family, et cetera, XO2ui_o2tmA-00078-00017663-00017840 and I'm gonna do the same XO2ui_o2tmA-00079-00017840-00018040 once I'm fully vaccinated and I've waited XO2ui_o2tmA-00080-00018040-00018201 the two week period, obviously. XO2ui_o2tmA-00081-00018201-00018363 Gonna start maybe going to the store, XO2ui_o2tmA-00082-00018363-00018617 double masking from time to time, you know, XO2ui_o2tmA-00083-00018617-00018897 things that I'm gonna do here and there, but it's scary. XO2ui_o2tmA-00084-00018897-00019157 And I think I talked about this recently, XO2ui_o2tmA-00085-00019157-00019482 the idea of rejoining the world XO2ui_o2tmA-00086-00019482-00019820 after essentially spending an entire year at home is scary. XO2ui_o2tmA-00087-00019820-00019961 It scares me a little bit. XO2ui_o2tmA-00088-00019961-00020200 I'd be really curious to know where you live XO2ui_o2tmA-00089-00020200-00020383 and where you're sort of at. XO2ui_o2tmA-00090-00020383-00020640 What your vaccine rollout plan looks like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00091-00020640-00020904 once you're fully vaccinated or if you're fully vaccinated, XO2ui_o2tmA-00092-00020904-00021104 how is that looking for you? XO2ui_o2tmA-00093-00021104-00021499 Are you seeing one other household, unmasked, indoors? XO2ui_o2tmA-00094-00021499-00021595 Are you seeing your family, XO2ui_o2tmA-00095-00021595-00021746 are you seeing your friends, et cetera? XO2ui_o2tmA-00096-00021746-00022046 Everything I do will remain safe, obviously, XO2ui_o2tmA-00097-00022046-00022164 but yeah, just some thoughts. XO2ui_o2tmA-00098-00022164-00022381 Some thoughts I was having this morning. XO2ui_o2tmA-00099-00022381-00022621 Wow, my hair's turning out kinda good. XO2ui_o2tmA-00100-00022621-00022790 Oh yeah, that's where I was going. XO2ui_o2tmA-00101-00022790-00022873 Oh my gosh. XO2ui_o2tmA-00102-00022873-00023145 Whenever my vlog topics are all over the place, XO2ui_o2tmA-00103-00023145-00023229 it's just my brain. XO2ui_o2tmA-00104-00023229-00023621 It feels really uninspiring to vlog at the moment XO2ui_o2tmA-00105-00023621-00023937 because I'm so sick of being at home. XO2ui_o2tmA-00106-00023937-00024234 I'm so sick of these walls. (laughs) XO2ui_o2tmA-00107-00024234-00024435 I'm sick of all these rooms, XO2ui_o2tmA-00108-00024435-00024567 which just makes it difficult XO2ui_o2tmA-00109-00024567-00024884 when I'm trying to document my life XO2ui_o2tmA-00110-00024884-00025230 and I wanna be entertaining and show you what I'm up to. XO2ui_o2tmA-00111-00025230-00025524 But I'm up to nothing, nothing new. XO2ui_o2tmA-00112-00025524-00025724 You don't have to be a YouTuber to relate to that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00113-00025724-00025937 This is just every aspect of life right now, XO2ui_o2tmA-00114-00025937-00026210 as I mentioned, you know, it's this fatigue thing XO2ui_o2tmA-00115-00026210-00026293 that we're going through. XO2ui_o2tmA-00116-00026293-00026491 So I'm just pressing through most days XO2ui_o2tmA-00117-00026491-00026741 and just trying to get through them the best I can. XO2ui_o2tmA-00118-00026741-00026929 But it's just funny because I'm like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00119-00026929-00027161 "What could I possibly vlog at this point?" XO2ui_o2tmA-00120-00027161-00027370 Shown you every inch of my house. XO2ui_o2tmA-00121-00027370-00027561 Have I shown you where my toilet room is? XO2ui_o2tmA-00122-00027561-00027670 Okay, I can show you that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00123-00027670-00027951 I think that's the one part of my house I haven't shown. XO2ui_o2tmA-00124-00028041-00028269 That's where toilet is. XO2ui_o2tmA-00125-00028269-00028452 I don't, I feel like I'm losing it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00126-00028452-00028626 (stammers) What was that? XO2ui_o2tmA-00127-00028626-00029104 Another thing is that last weekend, over the past weekend, XO2ui_o2tmA-00128-00029104-00029299 Drew actually ended up getting really sick. XO2ui_o2tmA-00129-00029299-00029470 We don't know what happened. XO2ui_o2tmA-00130-00029470-00029885 He thinks it's something he ate, but he was, XO2ui_o2tmA-00131-00030027-00030161 it was coming out of both ends. XO2ui_o2tmA-00132-00030161-00030510 I've talked about this in the past, on my main channel. XO2ui_o2tmA-00133-00030510-00030668 I don't know if I've ever really talked XO2ui_o2tmA-00134-00030668-00030839 about it on this channel. XO2ui_o2tmA-00135-00030839-00030970 Honestly, I can't remember, XO2ui_o2tmA-00136-00030970-00031295 but I have what's called emetophobia XO2ui_o2tmA-00137-00031295-00031577 and that is the phobia of vomiting. XO2ui_o2tmA-00138-00031577-00031695 It's different for everyone. XO2ui_o2tmA-00139-00031695-00031975 I don't get super bothered if other people, XO2ui_o2tmA-00140-00031975-00032077 and trigger warning, by the way, XO2ui_o2tmA-00141-00032077-00032348 if you have emetophobia, I am gonna be discussing it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00142-00032348-00032574 So if that's a sensitive topic for you, XO2ui_o2tmA-00143-00032574-00032784 definitely recommend checking something else out. XO2ui_o2tmA-00144-00032784-00033186 But I am not too sensitive to it XO2ui_o2tmA-00145-00033186-00033456 when it comes to, I don't wanna watch a video of it XO2ui_o2tmA-00146-00033456-00033822 or one of those viral videos of people barfing. XO2ui_o2tmA-00147-00033822-00033964 Oh, that is the worst. XO2ui_o2tmA-00148-00033964-00034115 It doesn't bother me if I know XO2ui_o2tmA-00149-00034115-00034249 it's not something I can catch. XO2ui_o2tmA-00150-00034249-00034428 So like, if someone's pregnant, XO2ui_o2tmA-00151-00034428-00034633 if someone has food poisoning, whatever. XO2ui_o2tmA-00152-00034633-00034952 But if it's a stomach bug and I think I can catch it, XO2ui_o2tmA-00153-00034952-00035271 my world comes crashing down. XO2ui_o2tmA-00154-00035271-00035433 It's something I've been dealing with my whole life. XO2ui_o2tmA-00155-00035433-00035716 He's better now and I didn't catch anything XO2ui_o2tmA-00156-00035716-00035973 so I don't know if he ended up actually having a bug XO2ui_o2tmA-00157-00035973-00036473 or what, but it's just been three, four days of OCD hell, XO2ui_o2tmA-00158-00036548-00036653 to be honest with you. XO2ui_o2tmA-00159-00036653-00036911 Just so, so, so, so scary for me. XO2ui_o2tmA-00160-00036911-00037127 It's my worst case scenario. XO2ui_o2tmA-00161-00037127-00037389 I try to present it as if, say, you have arachnophobia, XO2ui_o2tmA-00162-00037389-00037519 like you're terrified of spiders, XO2ui_o2tmA-00163-00037519-00037885 and you have to think about the potential XO2ui_o2tmA-00164-00037885-00038150 of spiders crawling all over your body XO2ui_o2tmA-00165-00038150-00038279 for two days straight. XO2ui_o2tmA-00166-00038279-00038617 That's my level of fear when it comes XO2ui_o2tmA-00167-00038617-00038814 to getting a stomach virus. XO2ui_o2tmA-00168-00038814-00039101 I don't know, I've just had this like intense fear XO2ui_o2tmA-00169-00039101-00039436 and it drives everyone in my life insane XO2ui_o2tmA-00170-00039436-00039700 because it's just this irrational. XO2ui_o2tmA-00171-00039700-00039916 That's what phobias are, usually. XO2ui_o2tmA-00172-00039916-00040127 It's this kind of irrational fear XO2ui_o2tmA-00173-00040127-00040335 and you can't rationalize it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00174-00040335-00040600 It makes you feel like you're losing your mind, XO2ui_o2tmA-00175-00040600-00040763 it makes you feel like you're a bother. XO2ui_o2tmA-00176-00040763-00040905 You know, it's not a good time. XO2ui_o2tmA-00177-00040905-00041145 It's been a rough couple of days. XO2ui_o2tmA-00178-00041145-00041340 So anyways, I'm just rambling. XO2ui_o2tmA-00179-00041340-00041469 I literally just had a moment where I was like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00180-00041469-00041648 "I'm gonna delete this entire clip XO2ui_o2tmA-00181-00041648-00041955 and like start over because what is the point?" XO2ui_o2tmA-00182-00041955-00042160 But this is just the journey I'm on. XO2ui_o2tmA-00183-00042160-00042422 I'm just sharing with you the stuff XO2ui_o2tmA-00184-00042422-00042661 that I wanna talk about and opening up about my life XO2ui_o2tmA-00185-00042661-00042978 and this is what is currently happening in my life. XO2ui_o2tmA-00186-00042978-00043098 Since we're in the bathroom XO2ui_o2tmA-00187-00043098-00043314 and we're just chatting about random stuff, XO2ui_o2tmA-00188-00043314-00043448 there's another thing that I sort of XO2ui_o2tmA-00189-00043448-00043773 have been talking about with Drew and friends. XO2ui_o2tmA-00190-00043773-00044071 I've been really bad, this is totally random, XO2ui_o2tmA-00191-00044071-00044510 but I've been really, really, really bad at advocating XO2ui_o2tmA-00192-00044510-00044791 for myself in different aspects of my life. XO2ui_o2tmA-00193-00044791-00045040 Kind of being assertive and being like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00194-00045040-00045329 "No, I don't like that or no, I don't want that," XO2ui_o2tmA-00195-00045329-00045530 or whatever and that just comes along XO2ui_o2tmA-00196-00045530-00045770 with being a woman I think. XO2ui_o2tmA-00197-00045770-00046057 Lately, this week, I've been practicing a lot XO2ui_o2tmA-00198-00046057-00046428 of advocating for what I need instead of being like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00199-00046428-00046661 "Okay, sure," and kind of skirting XO2ui_o2tmA-00200-00046661-00046754 around what I'm actually trying to say. XO2ui_o2tmA-00201-00046754-00047044 I don't know, I'm trying to be more direct XO2ui_o2tmA-00202-00047044-00047492 and not be afraid of coming across as a bitch XO2ui_o2tmA-00203-00047492-00047969 or whatever term society coins to describe assertive women. XO2ui_o2tmA-00204-00047969-00048159 And it's actually felt really liberating. XO2ui_o2tmA-00205-00048159-00048277 I would highly suggest it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00206-00048277-00048556 I mean, I don't know, maybe you are light years ahead of me XO2ui_o2tmA-00207-00048556-00048823 but things like, for example, I had a meeting XO2ui_o2tmA-00208-00048823-00049011 that I really kind of wanted to take XO2ui_o2tmA-00209-00049011-00049226 and the person had told me XO2ui_o2tmA-00210-00049226-00049442 that their next availability was June XO2ui_o2tmA-00211-00049442-00049772 and I really kind of wanted that meeting to be sooner XO2ui_o2tmA-00212-00049772-00050063 and that person is getting money from me XO2ui_o2tmA-00213-00050063-00050215 for their service type of thing XO2ui_o2tmA-00214-00050215-00050435 and so I reached out and was just like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00215-00050435-00050620 "Hey I'm actually gonna need to move this up. XO2ui_o2tmA-00216-00050620-00050742 I need this to be earlier." XO2ui_o2tmA-00217-00050742-00050831 And they were just like, "Okay." XO2ui_o2tmA-00218-00050831-00051131 I don't know, I had another meeting that was coming up XO2ui_o2tmA-00219-00051131-00051516 and there's an issue that needs to be resolved XO2ui_o2tmA-00220-00051516-00051770 with technical stuff on the YouTube side. XO2ui_o2tmA-00221-00051770-00051953 I sort of mentioned it in a previous vlog. XO2ui_o2tmA-00222-00051953-00052253 That needs to be resolved before I can move forward XO2ui_o2tmA-00223-00052253-00052419 and talk about other things XO2ui_o2tmA-00224-00052419-00052835 and the person was kind of not pushing to continue XO2ui_o2tmA-00225-00052835-00053032 with the meetings before the thing was resolved, XO2ui_o2tmA-00226-00053032-00053250 but was sort of hinting at it XO2ui_o2tmA-00227-00053250-00053528 and I finally yesterday sent an email and I was just like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00228-00053528-00053740 "Hey, this actually needs to be taken care of XO2ui_o2tmA-00229-00053740-00053930 before we can move forward, da-da-da-da-da." XO2ui_o2tmA-00230-00053930-00054060 And they were just like, "Okay!" XO2ui_o2tmA-00231-00054060-00054197 You know there are just things like that XO2ui_o2tmA-00232-00054197-00054369 that I'm like, "Oh my gosh!" XO2ui_o2tmA-00233-00054369-00054582 It's made such a difference for me to be like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00234-00054582-00054774 "Hey, this is what I need from you," XO2ui_o2tmA-00235-00054774-00055125 or "This is just what is gonna work for me at the moment," XO2ui_o2tmA-00236-00055125-00055344 and then that obviously leaves the other person to be like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00237-00055344-00055492 "Well, that doesn't work for me," or, XO2ui_o2tmA-00238-00055492-00055633 "Yes, that works for me," you know? XO2ui_o2tmA-00239-00055633-00055876 And it's just been really helpful. XO2ui_o2tmA-00240-00055876-00056015 I think I'm just always afraid XO2ui_o2tmA-00241-00056015-00056297 of being too assertive or whatever XO2ui_o2tmA-00242-00056297-00056482 and it's kind of been everything. XO2ui_o2tmA-00243-00056482-00056653 Another thing that's gone along with that, XO2ui_o2tmA-00244-00056653-00056826 kinda what I was talking about XO2ui_o2tmA-00245-00056826-00057157 is asserting boundaries in my personal life XO2ui_o2tmA-00246-00057157-00057296 but also my work life. XO2ui_o2tmA-00247-00057296-00057758 I think that moving forward, I'm going to sort of XO2ui_o2tmA-00248-00057758-00058004 be in the comments less at the current moment XO2ui_o2tmA-00249-00058004-00058193 just because the sort of nitpicky, XO2ui_o2tmA-00250-00058193-00058491 unsolicited opinions thing can really get to me XO2ui_o2tmA-00251-00058491-00058675 and I've talked about that a lot. XO2ui_o2tmA-00252-00058675-00059175 I don't have to deal with abuse just because I'm a YouTuber. XO2ui_o2tmA-00253-00059224-00059551 That's not, I didn't sign up for that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00254-00059551-00059730 You can obviously offer your opinion, XO2ui_o2tmA-00255-00059730-00059945 but I don't have to take it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00256-00059945-00060254 You can say whatever you want, but you might get blocked. XO2ui_o2tmA-00257-00060254-00060667 I've been really kind of trying to reinforce boundaries XO2ui_o2tmA-00258-00060667-00060937 AKA, I'm not in my DMs a ton. XO2ui_o2tmA-00259-00060937-00061104 That's just something that's not good XO2ui_o2tmA-00260-00061104-00061508 for my mental energy, my mental head space, if you will. XO2ui_o2tmA-00261-00061508-00061666 I'm not going to argue XO2ui_o2tmA-00262-00061666-00061905 with people who are committed to misunderstanding me, XO2ui_o2tmA-00263-00061905-00062183 I'm not going to over-explain myself, XO2ui_o2tmA-00264-00062183-00062339 I'm not going to feel like I need XO2ui_o2tmA-00265-00062339-00062620 to make 10 million disclaimers about everything. XO2ui_o2tmA-00266-00062620-00062897 And this applies to everyone, not just YouTubers. XO2ui_o2tmA-00267-00062897-00063148 This is anyone in any career, XO2ui_o2tmA-00268-00063148-00063304 or even if you don't have a career, XO2ui_o2tmA-00269-00063304-00063517 even if you're struggling with relationships XO2ui_o2tmA-00270-00063517-00063820 with your family or people in your life, anyone, XO2ui_o2tmA-00271-00063820-00064107 it doesn't matter, your own relationship, anything. XO2ui_o2tmA-00272-00064107-00064384 You are allowed to enforce boundaries XO2ui_o2tmA-00273-00064384-00064677 and change those boundaries whenever you want. XO2ui_o2tmA-00274-00064677-00064966 You can just simply be like, "These are my boundaries XO2ui_o2tmA-00275-00064966-00065174 and you are either going to respect them XO2ui_o2tmA-00276-00065174-00065326 or you're not gonna be in my life." XO2ui_o2tmA-00277-00065326-00065691 So for me, offering really kind of controlling, XO2ui_o2tmA-00278-00065691-00066122 unsolicited opinions about my life is not welcome. XO2ui_o2tmA-00279-00066122-00066330 You can offer your opinion, that's totally fine, XO2ui_o2tmA-00280-00066330-00066597 but it's gonna probably get deleted. XO2ui_o2tmA-00281-00066597-00066928 I am totally open to being held accountable, XO2ui_o2tmA-00282-00066928-00067296 I'm open to being kind of criticized when it comes XO2ui_o2tmA-00283-00067296-00067502 to things that I'm doing that are problematic. XO2ui_o2tmA-00284-00067502-00067673 Anything like that, absolutely, XO2ui_o2tmA-00285-00067673-00067968 absolutely am I willing to hear that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00286-00067968-00068271 But when it comes to where you think I should live, XO2ui_o2tmA-00287-00068271-00068503 what you think about my relationship or my friendships XO2ui_o2tmA-00288-00068503-00068757 or my family or whatever, that's not welcome here. XO2ui_o2tmA-00289-00068757-00068929 If you're chatting with your girlfriends XO2ui_o2tmA-00290-00068929-00069079 and they start talking shit XO2ui_o2tmA-00291-00069079-00069188 about someone else being like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00292-00069188-00069358 "Yeah, I don't talk badly about other women XO2ui_o2tmA-00293-00069358-00069441 when they're not here." XO2ui_o2tmA-00294-00069441-00069681 Or whatever, making these little changes XO2ui_o2tmA-00295-00069681-00069933 and kind of standing up for yourself and your boundaries XO2ui_o2tmA-00296-00069933-00070215 is just so good for your mental wellbeing XO2ui_o2tmA-00297-00070215-00070404 and that's what I've started doing XO2ui_o2tmA-00298-00070404-00070660 and it's made all of the difference in the world. XO2ui_o2tmA-00299-00070660-00070761 It's just incredible. XO2ui_o2tmA-00300-00070761-00071261 And you are allowed to demand respect in your life. XO2ui_o2tmA-00301-00071273-00071591 You are absolutely within your right XO2ui_o2tmA-00302-00071591-00071786 to demand respect from people. XO2ui_o2tmA-00303-00071786-00071891 And if you're not getting that, XO2ui_o2tmA-00304-00071891-00072194 then they don't get access to you, it's that simple. XO2ui_o2tmA-00305-00072194-00072397 And enforcing boundaries is easier said than done. XO2ui_o2tmA-00306-00072397-00072632 Sometimes people may not react very well to your boundaries. XO2ui_o2tmA-00307-00072632-00072808 I've said in the past, I don't want to talk XO2ui_o2tmA-00308-00072808-00073043 about Drew's personal life or what he's doing XO2ui_o2tmA-00309-00073043-00073250 and what he's up to and where exactly he works XO2ui_o2tmA-00310-00073250-00073493 and everything and I get a lot of pushback from that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00311-00073493-00073696 People being like, "Well, you invited us into his life," XO2ui_o2tmA-00312-00073696-00073906 and it's like, "No, I'm showing you the aspects XO2ui_o2tmA-00313-00073906-00074010 that I'm comfortable with." XO2ui_o2tmA-00314-00074010-00074200 And that's what I'm going to stick by. XO2ui_o2tmA-00315-00074200-00074405 You know, there are people who aren't gonna like XO2ui_o2tmA-00316-00074405-00074534 the boundaries that you set, XO2ui_o2tmA-00317-00074534-00074703 they're gonna feel entitled to you, XO2ui_o2tmA-00318-00074703-00074926 they're going to feel entitled to your time XO2ui_o2tmA-00319-00074926-00075043 or energy or whatever. XO2ui_o2tmA-00320-00075043-00075228 And the only person you are responsible for, XO2ui_o2tmA-00321-00075228-00075581 the only person's emotions, reactions, interpretations, XO2ui_o2tmA-00322-00075581-00075863 whatever that you are responsible for are your own. XO2ui_o2tmA-00323-00075863-00076025 If someone's mad at you for setting a boundary, XO2ui_o2tmA-00324-00076025-00076185 that's not your problem. XO2ui_o2tmA-00325-00076185-00076305 That's their problem to work through, XO2ui_o2tmA-00326-00076305-00076439 that has nothing to do with you, you know? XO2ui_o2tmA-00327-00076439-00076663 So I'm just really trying to work on that. XO2ui_o2tmA-00328-00076663-00076863 Yeah, I'm kind of just trying to take some XO2ui_o2tmA-00329-00076863-00077076 of my power back, to be honest with you. XO2ui_o2tmA-00330-00077076-00077200 If we're getting really honest, XO2ui_o2tmA-00331-00077200-00077375 like if we're going to get really, really vulnerable here, XO2ui_o2tmA-00332-00077375-00077553 I don't like to open up about this a lot, XO2ui_o2tmA-00333-00077553-00078017 but the constant flow of opinions and things XO2ui_o2tmA-00334-00078017-00078315 that are coming at me, that sort of criticism, XO2ui_o2tmA-00335-00078315-00078546 nitpicky, people who don't like me, whatever, XO2ui_o2tmA-00336-00078546-00078845 it has in a way messed with me mentally. XO2ui_o2tmA-00337-00078845-00079036 It's kind of changed, it's starting XO2ui_o2tmA-00338-00079036-00079258 to change my own perception of myself, XO2ui_o2tmA-00339-00079258-00079434 it's made me feel like, "Oh, they're right, XO2ui_o2tmA-00340-00079434-00079547 I need to do this differently, XO2ui_o2tmA-00341-00079547-00079662 I need to do this differently." XO2ui_o2tmA-00342-00079662-00079860 And if I did do those things differently, XO2ui_o2tmA-00343-00079860-00080090 than there would just be a new list in its place. XO2ui_o2tmA-00344-00080090-00080347 So anyway, all that to say, I'm in my thirties, XO2ui_o2tmA-00345-00080347-00080512 I'm still trying to figure it out, XO2ui_o2tmA-00346-00080512-00080908 but I really love that I feel like I'm sort of XO2ui_o2tmA-00347-00080908-00081031 stepping into myself again XO2ui_o2tmA-00348-00081031-00081255 and I feel like I maybe over the last year or two, XO2ui_o2tmA-00349-00081255-00081559 I kind of let others' opinions of me control me. XO2ui_o2tmA-00350-00081559-00081772 And that doesn't have to be, again, YouTube. XO2ui_o2tmA-00351-00081772-00081981 It can be people, your coworkers, XO2ui_o2tmA-00352-00081981-00082123 your family members, whoever. XO2ui_o2tmA-00353-00082123-00082499 You are in charge of your life and your story, XO2ui_o2tmA-00354-00082499-00082750 so don't let anyone control that for you. XO2ui_o2tmA-00355-00082750-00082903 You're in the driver's seat. XO2ui_o2tmA-00356-00082903-00083199 I did not know this was going to be such a intense pep talk, XO2ui_o2tmA-00357-00083199-00083329 but whatever, I'm here for it. XO2ui_o2tmA-00358-00083329-00083430 This is just where I'm at, XO2ui_o2tmA-00359-00083430-00083566 these are just raw, honest thoughts. XO2ui_o2tmA-00360-00083566-00083768 And I felt like maybe if I moved forward and talked XO2ui_o2tmA-00361-00083768-00083992 about some of the boundaries that I have in place, XO2ui_o2tmA-00362-00083992-00084138 you don't have to like me XO2ui_o2tmA-00363-00084138-00084329 and if you don't, that's totally fine, don't watch. XO2ui_o2tmA-00364-00084329-00084471 But just moving forward, you know, XO2ui_o2tmA-00365-00084471-00084824 I'm just gonna demand more respect. XO2ui_o2tmA-00366-00084824-00085214 And I just also have to say that like 90% of you XO2ui_o2tmA-00367-00085214-00085544 are so incredibly wonderful. XO2ui_o2tmA-00368-00085544-00085824 I cannot even begin to express how wonderful XO2ui_o2tmA-00369-00085824-00086000 of human beings you are. XO2ui_o2tmA-00370-00086000-00086254 It's wonderful and I just, I thank you so, so much. XO2ui_o2tmA-00371-00086254-00086529 So, okay, I was actually planning on filming XO2ui_o2tmA-00372-00086529-00086690 an actual vlog today, XO2ui_o2tmA-00373-00086690-00087014 but since I've already been talking for 30 minutes, XO2ui_o2tmA-00374-00087014-00087213 I think I'm just gonna go ahead and let this XO2ui_o2tmA-00375-00087213-00087343 be its own thing. XO2ui_o2tmA-00376-00087343-00087592 Because it's just, I'm just sitting here, XO2ui_o2tmA-00377-00087698-00087889 spittin' truth, you know? XO2ui_o2tmA-00378-00087889-00088093 I think it just needs to stand on its own. XO2ui_o2tmA-00379-00088093-00088281 So yeah, my current boundaries are XO2ui_o2tmA-00380-00088281-00088437 I'm not really checking DMs that often, XO2ui_o2tmA-00381-00088437-00088650 so if you DM me, I'm most likely not gonna see it XO2ui_o2tmA-00382-00088650-00088814 just for my own head space. XO2ui_o2tmA-00383-00088814-00089029 Don't really have the bandwidth for that at the moment. XO2ui_o2tmA-00384-00089029-00089195 That could very well change. XO2ui_o2tmA-00385-00089195-00089567 I am definitely open to your opinions, XO2ui_o2tmA-00386-00089567-00089961 everything in between, but if it's a sort of rude, XO2ui_o2tmA-00387-00089961-00090312 snarky, you're just trying to hurt my feelings, XO2ui_o2tmA-00388-00090312-00090449 that's not welcome. XO2ui_o2tmA-00389-00090449-00090542 You're gonna be blocked, you know? XO2ui_o2tmA-00390-00090542-00090834 So anyway, me in my pajamas, signing off here XO2ui_o2tmA-00391-00090834-00091057 just saying thank you for being here, XO2ui_o2tmA-00392-00091057-00091199 thank you for your love and support, XO2ui_o2tmA-00393-00091199-00091455 thank you for listening to my stream of consciousness XO2ui_o2tmA-00394-00091455-00091609 get ready with me. XO2ui_o2tmA-00395-00091609-00091907 It's kind of funny how that I really was planning XO2ui_o2tmA-00396-00091907-00091991 on just filming a two minute clip being like, XO2ui_o2tmA-00397-00091991-00092323 "Hey, good morning, this is what I'm up to, XO2ui_o2tmA-00398-00092323-00092508 these are the things that are fresh on my mind." XO2ui_o2tmA-00399-00092508-00092708 And then we just covered so many topics. XO2ui_o2tmA-00400-00092708-00092927 So, hey, it was a chat. XO2ui_o2tmA-00401-00092927-00093025 I was gonna say a girl chat, XO2ui_o2tmA-00402-00093025-00093243 but this isn't, this channel is not just for girls. XO2ui_o2tmA-00403-00093243-00093422 We're for the girls, gays, and A's. XO2ui_o2tmA-00404-00093422-00093647 That's this space of the internet. XO2ui_o2tmA-00405-00093647-00093825 I love you all so very much, XO2ui_o2tmA-00406-00093825-00093934 thank you for being here, XO2ui_o2tmA-00407-00093934-00094079 and I will see you in the next vlog, bye! XO2ui_o2tmA-00408-00094079-00094371 (laid-back music) XRUbr7PKlSQ-00000-00000000-00000434 How to stay awake? Stay tune to find out how. XRUbr7PKlSQ-00001-00000448-00001123 Hey everyone Antione James here and real quick I am going to answer some of you guys XRUbr7PKlSQ-00002-00001123-00001505 questions. Now these questions are basically the same question they are just XRUbr7PKlSQ-00003-00001505-00002230 worded differently. So what are those questions? Well those questions are: How to stay XRUbr7PKlSQ-00004-00002230-00002855 awake? How to stay awake all night? How to stay awake in class? XRUbr7PKlSQ-00005-00002855-00003392 How to stay awake while driving? How to stay awake at work? How to stay awake XRUbr7PKlSQ-00006-00003392-00003921 to study? You know all the same questions just worded a little bit differently XRUbr7PKlSQ-00007-00003921-00004503 Now first and foremost what this product is not this product is not like those XRUbr7PKlSQ-00008-00004503-00005007 energy drinks are energy pills were you take an hour later there's a XRUbr7PKlSQ-00009-00005007-00005482 tremendous crash and you have headaches and you are more sluggish and tired and you XRUbr7PKlSQ-00010-00005482-00005763 were first starting your day. XRUbr7PKlSQ-00011-00005763-00006448 Now what this product does is it actually keeps you alert and focus. It's is like when you go to XRUbr7PKlSQ-00012-00006448-00007011 sleep and you wake up and you feel so refreshed cause you just XRUbr7PKlSQ-00013-00007011-00008064 had an awesome night of sleep. You wake up feeling refresh and ready to start your day. This product is all natural and preservative XRUbr7PKlSQ-00014-00008064-00009252 free. That is plus, this product also does something that no other product like it does. XRUbr7PKlSQ-00015-00009252-00010138 This supplement is designed to help you achieve optimal health as well as slow premature XRUbr7PKlSQ-00016-00010138-00010503 aging. Did you hear me? XRUbr7PKlSQ-00017-00010503-00011084 It helps slow premature aging. Now that is just phenomenon because I don't know XRUbr7PKlSQ-00018-00011084-00011780 any products in this category does that. So what this product is called, it's called AM XRUbr7PKlSQ-00019-00011780-00012244 Essentials is made by a company called Jeunesse which I happen to be a XRUbr7PKlSQ-00020-00012244-00012697 distributor for. So I am a product of the product, it comes with a 30 day money back XRUbr7PKlSQ-00021-00012697-00013941 guarantee. It actually comes in a set, it's called AM/PM Essentials, I'm not going to get into the PM but you can figure out what it does. XRUbr7PKlSQ-00022-00013941-00014606 So what I want you to do is, I want you to get all the information. I want you to learn the science behind this and see XRUbr7PKlSQ-00023-00014606-00015415 why this product is at the top of its class. That's why up in the right-hand corner of your screen your going to see a XRUbr7PKlSQ-00024-00015415-00016513 little circle information bar - a little white circle information bar and it's going to say something like... Click Here To Learn More - Just click on it and it's XRUbr7PKlSQ-00025-00016513-00017325 going to take you to a page where you can learn all about this product before you make a decision if you want to buy or not. And it comes with a 30 day XRUbr7PKlSQ-00026-00017325-00017892 money back guarantee. Again my telephone number is in the description XRUbr7PKlSQ-00027-00017892-00018442 so please feel free to text or call me with any specific questions that you may XRUbr7PKlSQ-00028-00018442-00019106 have and I will be more then happy to answer them. With that said, this is Antione James XRUbr7PKlSQ-00029-00019106-00019325 and you have a blessed day XUWyAVmrD38-00001-00012799-00014894 thx for watching Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00000-00000070-00000492 Create or Open Dashboard Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00001-00000520-00000796 Click Preview to Show Dashboard Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00002-00000822-00001830 By Default, Dashboard Items Have Full Screen and Save Buttons Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00003-00001842-00002128 You Can Disable These Buttons Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00004-00002150-00002366 Select Item and Click Interaction Button Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00005-00002390-00002792 Set or Remove Flag of Show Full Screen Button Parameter to Enable or Disable Full Screen Button Xb_8g2Ud6xo-00006-00002822-00004110 Set or Remove Flag of Show Save Parameter to Enable or Disable Save Button Xc_vBj2xiOy-00000-00000000-00000531 In this video, I'm going to introduce you to the UBC research guides. I'll show you Xc_vBj2xiOy-00001-00000531-00000933 where to go to find the UBC guides for any subject, but we'll go into the Xc_vBj2xiOy-00002-00000933-00001550 Education Research Guide in more depth. Created by subject librarians, research Xc_vBj2xiOy-00003-00001550-00001961 guides are collections of resources related to a specific topic or Xc_vBj2xiOy-00004-00001961-00002318 discipline, and they are valuable resources when you need to start Xc_vBj2xiOy-00005-00002318-00002841 research within a certain field. You can access all of the UBC research guides Xc_vBj2xiOy-00006-00002841-00003345 from the UBC library home page. If you click the drop down arrow beside "Get Xc_vBj2xiOy-00007-00003345-00003932 Research Help," you'll see research guides under "Finding Resources." When you open Xc_vBj2xiOy-00008-00003932-00004410 that page, you'll find all of the guides organized by subject. You may want to Xc_vBj2xiOy-00009-00004410-00004778 take some time to look at the different subject guides available and take note Xc_vBj2xiOy-00010-00004778-00005196 of any guides that, while not specific to Education, may be related to your Xc_vBj2xiOy-00011-00005196-00005639 research in some way. For instance, if you're interested in educational Xc_vBj2xiOy-00012-00005639-00006185 psychology, you may want to look at the Psychology research guide. Similarly, if Xc_vBj2xiOy-00013-00006185-00006593 your research is related to First Nations education, you may want to look Xc_vBj2xiOy-00014-00006593-00006986 at the First Nations Studies guides created by librarians at Xwi7xwa Xc_vBj2xiOy-00015-00006986-00007550 Library. For now, I'm going to scroll down to the Education guides, where you'll Xc_vBj2xiOy-00016-00007550-00008004 find a number of guides created by our education librarians. Depending on your Xc_vBj2xiOy-00017-00008004-00008421 research focus, you may want to explore one of the more specific Education Xc_vBj2xiOy-00018-00008421-00008843 guides, but I'm going to show you the Education Research Guide, which is the Xc_vBj2xiOy-00019-00008843-00009215 best place to get started with research into any topic within the field of Xc_vBj2xiOy-00020-00009215-00009979 Education. This guide provides quick, easy access to a number of valuable resources Xc_vBj2xiOy-00021-00009979-00010602 related to Education, including links to key Education databases, sources for Xc_vBj2xiOy-00022-00010602-00011154 theses and dissertations, and shortcuts to resources like RefWorks and the APA Xc_vBj2xiOy-00023-00011154-00011696 Style Guide. If you're a distance student, you'll also find information to help get Xc_vBj2xiOy-00024-00011696-00012254 you started with distance services here. If you've been following along in your Xc_vBj2xiOy-00025-00012254-00012689 own browser, make sure you bookmark this page to use as a starting point when Xc_vBj2xiOy-00026-00012689-00013143 you're not sure where to begin with Education research. Then take a few Xc_vBj2xiOy-00027-00013143-00013526 minutes to explore some of the pages and make note of the Education Xc_vBj2xiOy-00028-00013526-00014066 Librarians, who you can reach out to for more research help. Please let us know if Xc_vBj2xiOy-00029-00014066-00014593 you have any other questions about research guides. Thanks for watching! XdYuOZVjHQo-00000-00001480-00002550 ओके वह फौंडेशन कोर्स में आज हम देखेंगे कुंग फू स्टैंसेस XdYuOZVjHQo-00001-00002550-00003275 ओके पहले हम देखेंगे मां बूस्टैंड फर्स्ट मामू स्टैंड्स में ऐसी खड़े हो जाओ XdYuOZVjHQo-00002-00003275-00003746 ऐसे खड़े हो जाओ यहां से इस तरफ आ जाना XdYuOZVjHQo-00003-00003746-00005121 बाबू स्टैंड ऐसे खड़े हो जाओ बाबू स्टैंड XdYuOZVjHQo-00004-00005121-00005712 बाबू स्टैंड्स में जो वेरिएशंस होती है यह कहां के थोड़ा सा आप ऊपर XdYuOZVjHQo-00005-00005712-00006476 यह था नंबर वन वे ऋषि XdYuOZVjHQo-00006-00006476-00007203 इसमें दूसरा वेरिएशन है विप सिटी को एकदम डीप होना चाहिए XdYuOZVjHQo-00007-00007203-00007878 कमान यू आर सो स्वीट तुम भी से मुंह बंद करो XdYuOZVjHQo-00008-00007878-00008493 यह दोनों एकदम सीधा छाता सीधा फेस सीधा XdYuOZVjHQo-00009-00008493-00009327 तुम अब्बू स्टंट्स में सीधा होना चाहिए होना चाहिए सीधा होना चाहिए XdYuOZVjHQo-00010-00009327-00009611 on a tear let's do the Hana - you could see it I XdYuOZVjHQo-00011-00009611-00010150 wanna tell you it's not even the best per service this is terrible night oh XdYuOZVjHQo-00012-00010150-00010711 shut up I mean novel stands jqk I mean um XdYuOZVjHQo-00013-00010711-00011524 gumboots turns a finger okay come on no booth algún Bupa no no burger Oh Babu XdYuOZVjHQo-00014-00011524-00012939 yes hello the exams to permit a girl oh yes some statement a movement to XdYuOZVjHQo-00015-00012939-00014400 religion to pay up or it's not deeply stands it will go much deeper religion XdYuOZVjHQo-00016-00014400-00014859 come on don't say XdYuOZVjHQo-00017-00014988-00015655 movement first okay to not encourage a your normal stance a normal air power is XdYuOZVjHQo-00018-00015655-00016300 made deeply there people there okay normal or deeply for octavo so I'll not XdYuOZVjHQo-00019-00016300-00017044 name a club is known as a abus fitness I normally all deep bonuses yeah our XdYuOZVjHQo-00020-00017044-00017806 digital Depot data hell so struggle once a year here walking push turns so this XdYuOZVjHQo-00021-00017806-00018412 may I carry catch sense but Kelly give up they can have a cat stance cash tells XdYuOZVjHQo-00022-00018412-00019170 me normal the key questions normal I mean the key catch sense normal man yeah XdYuOZVjHQo-00023-00019170-00019848 don't make either of macro either give a polo instead of core to be circa yes XdYuOZVjHQo-00024-00019848-00020728 facing we are open to camera okay they argue normal hell thus possible to XdYuOZVjHQo-00025-00020728-00021391 Elizabeth The Arbors Genovia cache entry for normal aware for the live deep yes XdYuOZVjHQo-00026-00021391-00022195 in are gonna wear our is me for deep Joe big jihad escape L cupola article from XdYuOZVjHQo-00027-00022195-00022714 ahi turkey bridge oh great job bring a bridge a bridge a picture below die XdYuOZVjHQo-00028-00022714-00023431 Peterborough pretty good night - Virgil pizza burger okay XdYuOZVjHQo-00029-00023431-00024276 this means it's a good map in deep with all cetera so the car I say what I XdYuOZVjHQo-00030-00024276-00024895 hysterical deep the turn I okay right get up XdYuOZVjHQo-00031-00024895-00025816 I mean I'm digging it good news tents bubu bubu stems Marvel Madonna play XdYuOZVjHQo-00032-00025816-00026272 named Abu baraa Nabu Nabu yes no boob and I came up with XdYuOZVjHQo-00033-00026272-00027005 a boo-boo boo-boo yes here normal okay mr. Reyes normal XdYuOZVjHQo-00034-00027005-00027616 no no boo-boo okay the other deep magenta buster possible intervals here XdYuOZVjHQo-00035-00027616-00028216 where our para que la karma perfe localized stuff I see it's rough la XdYuOZVjHQo-00036-00028216-00028708 canal they were poopoo Casablanca is a big my body position XdYuOZVjHQo-00037-00028708-00029399 I said ignite totem our body position mafia mr. Easter holiday I don't XdYuOZVjHQo-00038-00029399-00030102 actually I mean I smell Depot via a deep module I mean we smell through the DPO XdYuOZVjHQo-00039-00030102-00030934 happy joe aiello their deep very deep stands over a locker locker yes mr. XdYuOZVjHQo-00040-00030934-00031822 Kohana a deeper boo boo up a mr. crow mr. crow ha so you got me okay XdYuOZVjHQo-00041-00031822-00032428 haladki bigger surprise back you turn back you show me the bear camera back XdYuOZVjHQo-00042-00032428-00033368 through political read buddha yes a bigger the world here whoa nah boom a XdYuOZVjHQo-00043-00033368-00034269 back room our local atrocities viscera okay our the school XdYuOZVjHQo-00044-00034291-00034939 Carol those stands with all normal relations normal to poopoo in an arm a XdYuOZVjHQo-00045-00034939-00035404 poopoo yeah normal booboo are you deep people you're deeply boys a bit you like XdYuOZVjHQo-00046-00035404-00035925 this okay come on get up our backs tanzanite that XdYuOZVjHQo-00047-00035925-00036748 stance that stance mclubbe whom a vehicle yahuwah Babu Babu make a back XdYuOZVjHQo-00048-00036748-00037336 stance banana so one leg I kept on come on our PTO elect Megazord a nice little XdYuOZVjHQo-00049-00037336-00037825 rosy okay so can i okay come on clay take them whether or not a XdYuOZVjHQo-00050-00037825-00038587 yet so why do I wanna tell you come on deep yes everyone Nabu I will this mayor XdYuOZVjHQo-00051-00038587-00039211 click portal oh it's not a copy I measure okay is cool you guys I hate it XdYuOZVjHQo-00052-00039211-00040042 I keep return I'm movin on movin on I'm even out any proton I hear you Denis XdYuOZVjHQo-00053-00040042-00040579 Putin I can be be tour okay and I kept over can I get deeper tonight XdYuOZVjHQo-00054-00040579-00041269 PK Sammy Jo can kill sky angle but they also can though yes so yeah people wanna XdYuOZVjHQo-00055-00041269-00041734 tell you oh you've been donating it back will break like you Pantani say yes XdYuOZVjHQo-00056-00041734-00042370 so tomorrow stands Palatka I said Brittany I thought aha yes see this XdYuOZVjHQo-00057-00042370-00042651 thermometer here XdYuOZVjHQo-00058-00042810-00043605 okay I said okay some of them go back stands I see honestly this man very XdYuOZVjHQo-00059-00043605-00044255 sensible ahead I'll be change guru guru Roberto XdYuOZVjHQo-00060-00044346-00044993 ha so that's not true NASA told us bin Khalifa little bit cooler yes yes miss XdYuOZVjHQo-00061-00044993-00045758 ok ok party with Ursula Van Gogh feedback oh yes XdYuOZVjHQo-00062-00045758-00046658 ha ha yes this was gonna say here back you a little gift now that you do this XdYuOZVjHQo-00063-00046658-00047687 this okay back stance come on up okay we're sorry again they get a bubble XdYuOZVjHQo-00064-00047687-00048480 boom boom capstans boo boo our back stance projects turns XdYuOZVjHQo-00065-00048480-00049158 dick took a head I'll be taking a hum change tense tense tense okay the other XdYuOZVjHQo-00066-00049158-00049841 clinicians cream shamsky Zakaria die go without posing just to stands me up XdYuOZVjHQo-00067-00049841-00050518 collegiate career day come on Christians hand foot back XdYuOZVjHQo-00068-00050518-00051118 no poster style no poster yes handstands and pair I can I say I wanna say unity XdYuOZVjHQo-00069-00051118-00051652 deep wound a tear drop drop drop drop I said another year newcomer say I sell XdYuOZVjHQo-00070-00051652-00052276 furniture yet to struggle portal piranha disco hotel crema stands a bit bulky XdYuOZVjHQo-00071-00052276-00052961 Korea you got me I see there is a little crater Pilate Fallujah to beat the XdYuOZVjHQo-00072-00052961-00053747 bottom shell moment okay so instead of another year back the whole etc mr. XdYuOZVjHQo-00073-00053747-00054263 obvious me again I'm tortured by velocity struggle poster BM closet a XdYuOZVjHQo-00074-00054263-00054880 journey cervical posture velocity could be collecting for your image tends to XdYuOZVjHQo-00075-00054880-00055489 instance Queenie I feel the unity our unity okay the hundred here our change XdYuOZVjHQo-00076-00055489-00056064 clear let's change okay XdYuOZVjHQo-00077-00056208-00056883 huh did you notice I can you not oh okay yeah it's what I posted it okay don't XdYuOZVjHQo-00078-00056883-00057337 don't relax I mean the whole impersonal man cool XdYuOZVjHQo-00079-00057337-00057927 both Maynard K by the cars up ahead this car time limitation is it now hosokawa XdYuOZVjHQo-00080-00057927-00058538 time to extend kuroh curtido happy I'm doing it cross tense XdYuOZVjHQo-00081-00058538-00059362 okay cuz cost and smell happy they kill Tom Kirk a bit north I said okay you got XdYuOZVjHQo-00082-00059362-00059737 me facing is el carro you can't miss the park you throw either XdYuOZVjHQo-00083-00059737-00060402 the camera off your face oh my god man okay whatever well follow a little cloth XdYuOZVjHQo-00084-00060402-00061162 a bit full backhand and turn gurgi there's a camera the photo there too XdYuOZVjHQo-00085-00061162-00061569 much better much stands for us a deeply know deeply this with those stands like XdYuOZVjHQo-00086-00061569-00062544 a now medium all over time we sit down yes yeah deep okay okay so those turns XdYuOZVjHQo-00087-00062544-00063107 over come on up get up I meet uncle Chris Thibodeaux medium XdYuOZVjHQo-00088-00063107-00063638 this will may damage turns with yet always met deep with you they hold deep XdYuOZVjHQo-00089-00063638-00064557 ok sturdy put here come on get up okay one yo-yo from Tunisia from Canada Raja XdYuOZVjHQo-00090-00064557-00065173 whole area zebu Constance so it's me okay I will XdYuOZVjHQo-00091-00065173-00066063 I'm taking our existence you can say tamasa body good tone Turkish toughness XdYuOZVjHQo-00092-00066063-00066689 no creo que the answer dongle care is to encourage this recurring is to stood XdYuOZVjHQo-00093-00066689-00067072 long stance to study to study stands come on XdYuOZVjHQo-00094-00067072-00067374 hello Joe XdYuOZVjHQo-00095-00067511-00068150 - still stands for American customs and courtesies Erica magari player I could XdYuOZVjHQo-00096-00068150-00068648 for Allah Muhammad Ali our be now been DK can I get them straight when I tell XdYuOZVjHQo-00097-00068648-00068993 you pick them straight on it I hear yelling I demonstrate when I tell you XdYuOZVjHQo-00098-00068993-00069677 how order therefore I say hotel - Stu this hotel foot position I can construct XdYuOZVjHQo-00099-00069677-00070127 an idea so this make a up Carrick a balanced car XdYuOZVjHQo-00100-00070127-00070646 wanna hear how is my other can either be a balanced Krieger or not engage okay XdYuOZVjHQo-00101-00070646-00071162 here pokey okay it's my bottle apply mother is cisterns XdYuOZVjHQo-00102-00071162-00071870 Carter hot the hope is this strength cardio good dancer in favor time okay to XdYuOZVjHQo-00103-00071870-00073225 study okay come on get up change change it circle this stuff turn XdYuOZVjHQo-00104-00073226-00073892 yes Percy don't know yeah when what I had just like is a sauna until I saw a XdYuOZVjHQo-00105-00073892-00074455 sauna yellow nice little angle burner okay come on get up XdYuOZVjHQo-00106-00074455-00075020 this way I can all be deep but nice okay have you some calculus all did you see XdYuOZVjHQo-00107-00075020-00075644 that Kalki Kalki with a triangle man I wished a technicality with it huh it XdYuOZVjHQo-00108-00075644-00076325 might be put through here ha mr. Daaga then it's over man with a big man either XdYuOZVjHQo-00109-00076325-00076907 I sell I sell tomorrow stands a sauna okay I second i/o tap XdYuOZVjHQo-00110-00076907-00077872 upward yes okay right next to stance there he goes stands eagle stands XdYuOZVjHQo-00111-00077872-00078407 sitting in Eagle City one leg eagle sitting carry heavy Eagle man come on XdYuOZVjHQo-00112-00078407-00079571 ready to stand so that Rick Perry Cooper's alkane career then through this XdYuOZVjHQo-00113-00079571-00080354 mic a hot cup position I suffer now yes he thought I wanted a XdYuOZVjHQo-00114-00080354-00080867 listen the whole oh it's Mississippi on a great night here is the biggest answer XdYuOZVjHQo-00115-00080867-00081616 oh ho they are you listening everyone up gentle a changeling XdYuOZVjHQo-00116-00081616-00081916 yeah XdYuOZVjHQo-00117-00082040-00082540 very good fangirl yoga system dentro XdYuOZVjHQo-00118-00082646-00082902 hello XdYuOZVjHQo-00119-00083021-00083973 mr. Aiona he get up okay asking here is lessons iam with a little XdYuOZVjHQo-00120-00083973-00084524 time or fiscal billing course XdYuOZVjHQo-00121-00085102-00085618 wander snip close man I mean I'm Lola again cross the section dick together so XdYuOZVjHQo-00122-00085618-00086180 I mean I cam they can get second section second chicken I mean okay come on these XdYuOZVjHQo-00123-00086180-00086585 tents disco ball the finished ends so come on XdYuOZVjHQo-00124-00086585-00087418 see sit down you can see that when I tell you take place it on a horipad is XdYuOZVjHQo-00125-00087418-00087962 product my budget click my Parmalee so apparently I say recovery hum just XdYuOZVjHQo-00126-00087962-00088393 rebuilding it so back city if back and up but X but X XdYuOZVjHQo-00127-00088393-00088882 quiet regarding a victim's I mean may it stir it stir it will tip prohibiting it XdYuOZVjHQo-00128-00088882-00089518 so yeah Gandhi's yoga very strong okay I'm building it it's cookies turns XdYuOZVjHQo-00129-00089518-00089804 getting to the hole yeah okay either atcha XdYuOZVjHQo-00130-00089804-00090319 even me I'll try get this copper opportunity is comparable exam Escobar XdYuOZVjHQo-00131-00090319-00090739 over Alitalia you hear a lot akira toriyama XdYuOZVjHQo-00132-00090739-00091456 correction cardia terrestre Virgil is cookies tanzanite all it's making back XdYuOZVjHQo-00133-00091456-00091961 drop back tell Kirk a bit nuts or add one so tell the whole obvious metal rod XdYuOZVjHQo-00134-00091961-00092406 once adhere to or PG the toe better break job better XdYuOZVjHQo-00135-00092406-00093224 Tony I can escape poverty go Google user wanna tell Easter Easter XdYuOZVjHQo-00136-00093224-00093826 rabbit night or / Cooper bad night Thank You Cooper birth to his parakeet them XdYuOZVjHQo-00137-00093826-00094255 Sedova Strava repair Cooper over Tony XdYuOZVjHQo-00138-00094255-00094997 Azam in Manila Gaeta Zaman Manila Giga Simoncelli Rhaegar or PA mr. Raghava XdYuOZVjHQo-00139-00094997-00095782 is Mira que tal Aboriginal happy to no pity the leg to us a tourism in don't XdYuOZVjHQo-00140-00095782-00096266 kneel down girl I mean a great kneel down okay so yeah I XdYuOZVjHQo-00141-00096266-00096710 can kneel down understand circuit here Joe Smith in relation to the one two XdYuOZVjHQo-00142-00096710-00097508 three change the like come on Easter of column a Academy Pizza Goro Tomita go XdYuOZVjHQo-00143-00097508-00097812 intense color too much tension screech aha XdYuOZVjHQo-00144-00097812-00098539 mr. ah mr. Roberto very up the hope yep skip a little man last night last XdYuOZVjHQo-00145-00098539-00098843 night let my clothes clothes laughs nervous XdYuOZVjHQo-00146-00098843-00099575 hysterical my so I'll be there for my okay this man you know Joe BLT karta you XdYuOZVjHQo-00147-00099575-00099931 school yeah good job you collection of that your collection aapki near here oh XdYuOZVjHQo-00148-00099931-00100388 yeah but I stick them sit on Isaiah body come sit all night a year instead of car XdYuOZVjHQo-00149-00100388-00101036 okay I mean the whole second variation go back bitches up huh this will mean a XdYuOZVjHQo-00150-00101036-00101591 lot a night Mary Cooper Burton ahead City yes it yeah midnight but X I hear XdYuOZVjHQo-00151-00101591-00102269 mother products Perico parameter you or this man I mean ill don't go though then XdYuOZVjHQo-00152-00102269-00102578 don't go ha flattened food it's me a flood XdYuOZVjHQo-00153-00102578-00103439 infertility flattened food ice Alana to here nice up 9 a lobby looks imagine e i XdYuOZVjHQo-00154-00103439-00104090 me up somebody a whole get the whole Easter about Leopoldo rental is XdYuOZVjHQo-00155-00104090-00104542 thoroughbred neither is tell about night so uh prepare yell angle either XdYuOZVjHQo-00156-00104542-00105330 Penelope's lalr Cuban jaga our tomorrow yell angle Oh Joe Joe Joe Joe pooja XeiPX-IcPYU-00000-00000000-00000447 Chainsaws are equipped with a safety feature known as the chain break. XeiPX-IcPYU-00001-00000447-00000674 The chain break should always be engaged XeiPX-IcPYU-00002-00000674-00001140 when taking more than two steps when working with a chainsaw. XeiPX-IcPYU-00003-00001160-00001500 It's always a good idea to always keep two hands on the saw. XeiPX-IcPYU-00004-00001510-00001896 So to properly engage the chain break we have a couple techniques that XeiPX-IcPYU-00005-00001896-00002351 you can use. The first is called the wrist roll where you simply roll your XeiPX-IcPYU-00006-00002352-00002688 wrist forward and engage the chain break. XeiPX-IcPYU-00007-00002704-00002912 Now when you're disengaging the chain break XeiPX-IcPYU-00008-00002920-00003479 you do not want to remove a hand and pull it back. Instead, wrap the thumb XeiPX-IcPYU-00009-00003515-00004029 around the top handle, extend four fingers forward and pull the chain break back. XeiPX-IcPYU-00010-00004038-00004554 You have both hands still on the saw. Another technique to engage the XeiPX-IcPYU-00011-00004554-00005084 chain break is known as the leg roll: you simply keep your wrists in this position XeiPX-IcPYU-00012-00005086-00005400 and roll the saw back XfnUd2GIowy-00000-00000042-00000474 Why aren't we seeing greater adoption of cryptocurrency technology? XfnUd2GIowy-00001-00000474-00000710 People bandy about different reasons why. XfnUd2GIowy-00002-00000710-00001470 You hear everything from image problems like Mt. Gox and associations with Silk Road, to simple ignorance, XfnUd2GIowy-00003-00001470-00002068 as in, if people just understood how wonderful this technology is surely they would use it. XfnUd2GIowy-00004-00002068-00002434 But none of these reasons are likely to be the true culprit. XfnUd2GIowy-00005-00002434-00002951 There are actually two reasons why we're not seeing widespread use of cryptocurrencies. XfnUd2GIowy-00006-00002951-00003401 The first is all crypto currencies face the chicken and egg problem. XfnUd2GIowy-00007-00003402-00003836 Merchants don't want to accept a form of payment that very few customers use XfnUd2GIowy-00008-00003836-00004292 and customers don't want to use a payment system that hardly anybody takes. XfnUd2GIowy-00009-00004292-00004786 On the surface this seems like a really hard problem to solve and it is, XfnUd2GIowy-00010-00004786-00005430 but it has been solved before, and it's been solved in the financial services industry many times. XfnUd2GIowy-00011-00005430-00005820 So what are the adoption factors in the financial services industry? XfnUd2GIowy-00012-00005820-00006066 And how do we stack up against them? XfnUd2GIowy-00013-00006066-00006459 The proven solution to the chicken and egg problem is the following: XfnUd2GIowy-00014-00006459-00007044 you need payments that are faster, easier, and more secure than the alternatives, XfnUd2GIowy-00015-00007044-00007626 and you need to provide switching incentives -- usually doing so within a confined ecosystem. XfnUd2GIowy-00016-00007626-00007922 Look at some examples of this, starting with credit cards. XfnUd2GIowy-00017-00007922-00008664 Credit cards were faster, easier, and more secure than paying with a check or dealing with cash handling costs. XfnUd2GIowy-00018-00008664-00009132 Credit cards incentivized switching by providing customers with grace periods XfnUd2GIowy-00019-00009132-00009486 and those addicting miles that we all have and use. XfnUd2GIowy-00020-00009486-00010004 PayPal solved the chicken and egg problem online by providing a faster, easier XfnUd2GIowy-00021-00010004-00010464 and more secure way to pay within the defined ecosystem of e-pay. XfnUd2GIowy-00022-00010464-00010818 It was better than sending checks through the mail, and at the time, XfnUd2GIowy-00023-00010818-00011189 typing in your credit card information online was scary. XfnUd2GIowy-00024-00011189-00011697 PayPal also provided switching incentives -- twenty dollars just to sign-up -- XfnUd2GIowy-00025-00011698-00012020 along with free person-to-person transfers. XfnUd2GIowy-00026-00012020-00012310 They delivered real value to the customer. XfnUd2GIowy-00027-00012310-00012828 So, how does cryptocurrency stack up against these adoption factors? XfnUd2GIowy-00028-00012828-00013456 Well Bitcoin and virtually every other cryptocurrency uses long cryptographic addresses XfnUd2GIowy-00029-00013456-00013678 and takes 10 minutes to confirm. XfnUd2GIowy-00030-00013678-00014138 There's no recourse if you make a purchase and the merchant doesn't deliver. XfnUd2GIowy-00031-00014138-00014536 And it's one of the only payment systems in the world where the consumer XfnUd2GIowy-00032-00014536-00015060 -- who hates paying fees to spend their money -- is the one responsible for the fees. XfnUd2GIowy-00033-00015060-00015358 On all three dimensions we're falling short. XfnUd2GIowy-00034-00015358-00015756 So it's no wonder that consumers have not adopted cryptocurrency. XfnUd2GIowy-00035-00015756-00016050 These are the rules and we're breaking them. XfnUd2GIowy-00036-00016051-00016322 The second issue is usability. XfnUd2GIowy-00037-00016322-00016705 If you look at the early internet this is the first browser. XfnUd2GIowy-00038-00016705-00017134 It's dominated by text and hyperlinks, maybe a couple of pictures. XfnUd2GIowy-00039-00017134-00017730 Compare that with the internet of today -- rich, interactive, customized for you. XfnUd2GIowy-00040-00017730-00018110 We would never go back to that picture on the left after experiencing this. XfnUd2GIowy-00041-00018110-00018532 Almost every cryptocurrency wallet looks something like this. XfnUd2GIowy-00042-00018532-00019028 It's not a rich experience, it doesn't deliver information relevant to the customer, XfnUd2GIowy-00043-00019028-00019390 you have to wait for the blockchain to sync before you can use it, XfnUd2GIowy-00044-00019390-00019932 and unless you want to use a centralized service and hand your Bitcoins off to somebody else, XfnUd2GIowy-00045-00019932-00020278 this is your experience and it's a pretty bad one. XfnUd2GIowy-00046-00020278-00020866 We're eight years in, so the question is, "What will this look like in the future?" XfnUd2GIowy-00047-00020866-00021094 teehan+lax s is a design firms. XfnUd2GIowy-00048-00021094-00021572 Back in 2006, they recognize that the internet was starting to change. XfnUd2GIowy-00049-00021572-00022244 See between 2002 and 2006 functional design began to enter into the marketplace. XfnUd2GIowy-00050-00022244-00022838 teehan+lax had a hypothesis that if they invested in companies that focused on the user experience, XfnUd2GIowy-00051-00022838-00023154 those companies would outperform the rest. XfnUd2GIowy-00052-00023154-00023618 So they picked 10 companies that they thought delivered great user experiences, XfnUd2GIowy-00053-00023618-00023904 and not all of them were even online companies. XfnUd2GIowy-00054-00023904-00024612 There was an apparel company, an airline, an insurance company, and a brick and mortar retailer. XfnUd2GIowy-00055-00024612-00025368 This doesn't sound like a great investment thesis on the surface knowing what happened since, but here's what did happen XfnUd2GIowy-00056-00025369-00025961 -- oh and by the way, this was a time when there were no iPhones, there are no Google Maps, no Google Docs, XfnUd2GIowy-00057-00025961-00026317 and the number one social networking site was mySpace. XfnUd2GIowy-00058-00026317-00026736 There was no way teehan+lax could have known what was going to happen. XfnUd2GIowy-00059-00026736-00027504 And here's what did: over the next ten years their chosen companies saw a five hundred percent return. XfnUd2GIowy-00060-00027504-00027789 Five times what the market delivered. XfnUd2GIowy-00061-00027789-00028414 User experience matters. And cryptocurrency is not delivering it as an industry. XfnUd2GIowy-00062-00028414-00028904 So what is Dash doing differently? How are we addressing this problem? XfnUd2GIowy-00063-00028904-00029310 We're creating a cryptocurrency that has instant transactions XfnUd2GIowy-00064-00029310-00029936 -- that will send your shipping information through the network at the press of your thumbprint , on your phones thumbprint-reader XfnUd2GIowy-00065-00029936-00030262 authorizing payment in a fast and easy manner. XfnUd2GIowy-00066-00030262-00030648 We're adding security by introducing vault accounts. XfnUd2GIowy-00067-00030648-00031298 We already have balance and transaction privacy, and we're introducing purchase protection. XfnUd2GIowy-00068-00031298-00031762 These address the need to be faster easier and more secure. XfnUd2GIowy-00069-00031762-00032030 And we have not forgotten about switching incentives. XfnUd2GIowy-00070-00032030-00032650 We're developing loyalty programs, interest-bearing accounts, and free payments person-to-person. XfnUd2GIowy-00071-00032650-00033338 And we're doing it all in a way that will deliver a design and experience that is consistent with other services. XfnUd2GIowy-00072-00033338-00033776 PayPal does a wonderful job of this and their subsidiary Venmo XfnUd2GIowy-00073-00033776-00034178 -- if you're a millennial chances are you have it in your pocket -- XfnUd2GIowy-00074-00034178-00034558 these are the types of experiences that we want to create. XfnUd2GIowy-00075-00034558-00035198 In order to do this, cryptocurrency requires a rearchitecture, and a massive one at that, XfnUd2GIowy-00076-00035198-00035468 so we've been working on it for a couple of years already. XfnUd2GIowy-00077-00035468-00035808 In our first phase we delivered high-value features. XfnUd2GIowy-00078-00035808-00036178 That is, instant transactions and privacy features. XfnUd2GIowy-00079-00036178-00036866 In order to do this we developed a new layer to our network called masternodes that deliver these services to our users. XfnUd2GIowy-00080-00036866-00037332 We then introduced governance and a funding model that allows us to be sustainable. XfnUd2GIowy-00081-00037332-00038080 We're non-ICO so our funding is continuous. Paid for directly by transaction fees and our block reward. XfnUd2GIowy-00082-00038080-00038678 In the second stage we're introducing a number of firsts. On February fifth specifically. XfnUd2GIowy-00083-00038678-00039366 These are the technical foundational elements required to deliver the type of user experience that we've defined. XfnUd2GIowy-00084-00039366-00040002 We're introducing DashDrive -- the first decentralized object-oriented relational database. XfnUd2GIowy-00085-00040002-00040448 This will allow our network to serve up content very, very quickly. XfnUd2GIowy-00086-00040448-00040912 We're introducing WatchDog -- the first proof-of-service implementation. XfnUd2GIowy-00087-00040912-00041680 And we're introducing Sentinel, which is a programmable, object-oriented governance system that will allow us to scale, XfnUd2GIowy-00088-00041680-00042246 creating new ways of resolving questions on the network with continued self-funding. XfnUd2GIowy-00089-00042252-00042800 And now we're about to enter phase three, which we've been working on for quite some time. XfnUd2GIowy-00090-00042800-00043112 What you see here are all end-user features. XfnUd2GIowy-00091-00043112-00043438 You'll be able to login with a username and password. XfnUd2GIowy-00092-00043438-00044134 You'll have full remote access from any device, leaving behind the static wallet on a single device problem. XfnUd2GIowy-00093-00044134-00044670 Instead, you'll have an account that can be accessed from your tablet phone or desktop. XfnUd2GIowy-00094-00044670-00045176 We're introducing a merchant marketplace to help bring consumers and merchants together. XfnUd2GIowy-00095-00045176-00045612 When they can easily find each other they can easily engage in commerce. XfnUd2GIowy-00096-00045612-00045968 We're introducing the first decentralized API, XfnUd2GIowy-00097-00045968-00046652 meaning merchants will be able to integrate with our network by simply copying and pasting a snippet of code into their checkout screen. XfnUd2GIowy-00098-00046652-00047492 And we're working to offer security enhancements, ways to protect the consumer from both theft and unfulfilled purchases. XfnUd2GIowy-00099-00047492-00047796 Dash Evolution will look familiar to you. XfnUd2GIowy-00100-00047796-00048396 You're going to be able to create contact list of your friends, favorite the stories you've interacted with, XfnUd2GIowy-00101-00048396-00048868 and sign-up for subscription type payments that automatically debit your account. XfnUd2GIowy-00102-00048868-00049600 Your information will be viewable in a clean format. This user experience will of course be consistent for desktop. XfnUd2GIowy-00103-00049600-00049944 It's all the information you want and none that you don't. XfnUd2GIowy-00104-00049944-00050624 How is Dash doing this? As mentioned before, we have the first decentralized government system. XfnUd2GIowy-00105-00050624-00051204 We spent a lot of time creating it because we recognize that in virtually all other cryptocurrencies XfnUd2GIowy-00106-00051204-00051555 a hundred percent of the block reward goes toward miners. XfnUd2GIowy-00107-00051555-00051940 Why is that when mining is only one need of a network? XfnUd2GIowy-00108-00051940-00052370 Don't we need developers? Don't we need marketing? Don't we need support? XfnUd2GIowy-00109-00052370-00052786 What about a call center where customers can call in and get some help? XfnUd2GIowy-00110-00052788-00053220 So we allocate only forty-five percent of our block reward to miners. XfnUd2GIowy-00111-00053220-00053912 We allocate another 45% toward infrastructure, that is, the nodes that provide full copies of the blockchain, XfnUd2GIowy-00112-00053912-00054232 which gives us a high-speed and robust network. XfnUd2GIowy-00113-00054232-00054688 And the final ten percent is set aside for what we call our treasury. XfnUd2GIowy-00114-00054688-00055324 The treasury funds anything else the network needs, including the slides used in this video. XfnUd2GIowy-00115-00055324-00055928 At this time our annual treasury funds total over 1.2 million dollars. XfnUd2GIowy-00116-00055928-00056444 To put that in perspective, that's about three times what the Bitcoin foundation pulls in. XfnUd2GIowy-00117-00056444-00057028 This means we develop code faster, and as the value of a Dash grows XfnUd2GIowy-00118-00057028-00057664 we can then afford to make more investments to , you guessed it, make a Dash even more valuable. XfnUd2GIowy-00119-00057664-00058400 If we were to ever reach Bitcoins market cap our annual funding would be a $170 million per year. XfnUd2GIowy-00120-00058400-00058740 That's money that could be put toward a Super Bowl ad. XfnUd2GIowy-00121-00058740-00059332 We're allocating treasury funds through a decentralized governance model anyone who starts a masternode XfnUd2GIowy-00122-00059332-00059604 -- the only prerequisite being putting up a thousand Dash -- XfnUd2GIowy-00123-00059604-00059864 can vote on these allocations. XfnUd2GIowy-00124-00059864-00060584 Masternodes are people who are stake in the outcome of our network so they're the ones who decide how funds get spent. XfnUd2GIowy-00125-00060584-00061072 This makes us the first decentralized autonomous organization or DAO. XfnUd2GIowy-00126-00061072-00061532 You probably didn't know that because we don't have problems that make the news. XfnUd2GIowy-00127-00061532-00062100 The Dash DAO has been functioning since 2015 and the growth has been astounding. XfnUd2GIowy-00128-00062100-00062636 These are the integrations and partnerships that we signed up in 2016 alone. XfnUd2GIowy-00129-00062652-00063316 It's worth mentioning that says we're the number one altcoin used to buy things on Amazon. XfnUd2GIowy-00130-00063316-00063648 That speaks to the usefulness of what we're creating. XfnUd2GIowy-00131-00063648-00064055 in terms of our market cap, Dash has grown at a phenomenal pace. XfnUd2GIowy-00132-00064055-00064884 We've outgrown Bitcoin by at least double its growth rate, as well as the entire altcoin space every year we've existed. XfnUd2GIowy-00133-00064884-00065536 And we're on pace to do it again this year. Our key performance indicators are off the chart. XfnUd2GIowy-00134-00065536-00066096 Our daily trading volume is up 1700% year-on-year in the last quarter. XfnUd2GIowy-00135-00066096-00066540 And this quarter it's up another four times from the previous quarter. XfnUd2GIowy-00136-00066540-00066768 We're beginning to receive a lot of attention. XfnUd2GIowy-00137-00066768-00067508 In fact, if you look back over the past 24 months there are only four coins that have consistently remained in the top 10. XfnUd2GIowy-00138-00067509-00067977 There have been a lot of hypes -- a lot of coins that show up and then go away -- XfnUd2GIowy-00139-00067977-00068773 the ones that haven't left however, are, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin and Dash. That's it. XfnUd2GIowy-00140-00068773-00069593 You see a lot of other coins come and go but we're consistently delivering innovation and are consistently being rewarded for it. XfnUd2GIowy-00141-00069594-00069794 A common question we get is, XfnUd2GIowy-00142-00069794-00070348 "Well, Dash sounds great, but aren't the network effects of market leaders insurmountable?" XfnUd2GIowy-00143-00070348-00070679 Our response is, "Absolutely not." XfnUd2GIowy-00144-00070680-00071283 Even if you at markets where network effects are extremely strong, history would suggest otherwise. XfnUd2GIowy-00145-00071283-00071691 For example, look at Betamax vs VHS. XfnUd2GIowy-00146-00071692-00072564 Betamax was first-to-market by two years. They had better picture quality, better sound, and better image stability. XfnUd2GIowy-00147-00072564-00073044 But VHS came along with the one feature that people actually cared about XfnUd2GIowy-00148-00073044-00073364 --they delivered a 2-4 hour recording time. XfnUd2GIowy-00149-00073364-00074036 Now you could actually record the baseball game or not have to switch the cassette out while watching a long movie. XfnUd2GIowy-00150-00074036-00074736 In the financial services space Diners Club was first-to-market by eight years over Visa. XfnUd2GIowy-00151-00074736-00075536 Bank of America launched the Bank of America card, which was the precursor to Visa in Fresno, California -- a concentrated market -- XfnUd2GIowy-00152-00075536-00075856 and they focused on a general-purpose card, XfnUd2GIowy-00153-00075856-00076352 whereas Diners Club had been focusing on exclusive diners in major US cities. XfnUd2GIowy-00154-00076352-00076740 So Visa executed in a different way saying, XfnUd2GIowy-00155-00076740-00077324 people don't like carrying around all of these different store cards, we're going to create a general-purpose card XfnUd2GIowy-00156-00077324-00077584 and find a way to reach penetration. XfnUd2GIowy-00157-00077584-00078092 So history suggests that there are ways to overcome network effects. XfnUd2GIowy-00158-00078092-00078744 The cryptocurrency market i's likely to end up being more like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. XfnUd2GIowy-00159-00078744-00079376 We're going to see multiple blockchains come to dominate the space with different use cases and different priorities XfnUd2GIowy-00160-00079376-00079652 in terms of what their optimizing for their customers. XfnUd2GIowy-00161-00079652-00080040 Even so, what are "network effects" anyway? XfnUd2GIowy-00162-00080040-00080512 Network effects are nothing more than positive feedback loops. XfnUd2GIowy-00163-00080512-00080932 The more merchants you get, the more customers you get. And vice versa. XfnUd2GIowy-00164-00080932-00081372 We've designed our entire system to have a lot of network effects. XfnUd2GIowy-00165-00081372-00081832 Take special note of our budget system -- that is, our treasury. XfnUd2GIowy-00166-00081832-00082340 The treasury's network effect manifests itself in the investments we make. XfnUd2GIowy-00167-00082364-00083176 The investments build our ecosystem out. And as the ecosystem gets built out, Dash becomes more useful to our users. XfnUd2GIowy-00168-00083176-00083816 We then attract more capital and as we attract more capital you guessed it, our treasury gets bigger. XfnUd2GIowy-00169-00083816-00084484 This effect bleeds out into our performance and delivery, as well as our focus on the customer. XfnUd2GIowy-00170-00084484-00084948 Our treasury funds and the ability to allocate them via decentralized governance XfnUd2GIowy-00171-00084948-00085252 is one of the most powerful things Dash has going for it. XfnUd2GIowy-00172-00085252-00085436 So what's next? XfnUd2GIowy-00173-00085436-00086204 We're moving into the Arizona State University SkySong Innovation Center on February 1st, and are very excited about it. XfnUd2GIowy-00174-00086204-00086512 On February 5th we're rolling out Sentinel, XfnUd2GIowy-00175-00086514-00087022 which has the foundational elements mentioned earlier that are needed to execute our long-term vision. XfnUd2GIowy-00176-00087022-00087854 We're integrating with Wall of Coins which will allow users to purchase Dash with cash at 120,000 locations in the US XfnUd2GIowy-00177-00087854-00088114 as well as an 11 other countries. XfnUd2GIowy-00178-00088114-00088622 We're hosting our fourth quarter and end-of-year conference call on February 16th. XfnUd2GIowy-00179-00088622-00089046 We're the only cryptocurrency to hold a quarterly conference call for our investors. XfnUd2GIowy-00180-00089046-00089524 We're very transparent about our funds, how they're being used, what our plans are, XfnUd2GIowy-00181-00089524-00089864 and you're invited to listen in on the call to learn more. XfnUd2GIowy-00182-00089864-00090116 And finally Dash Evolution. XfnUd2GIowy-00183-00090116-00090440 We'll have an alpha release out in the middle of this year XfnUd2GIowy-00184-00090440-00090872 and we're aiming to complete it for public release by the end of the year. XfnUd2GIowy-00185-00090873-00091337 Learn more about us at and thanks for watching. XfnUd2GIowy-00186-00092488-00093336 [Music] XfxVCSai9ny-00000-00000208-00000649 Other groups innovated by setting the Sherlock Holmes characters inside another universe XfxVCSai9ny-00001-00000649-00001016 they were fans of or were more familiar with. XfxVCSai9ny-00002-00001016-00001558 One example of this was the story Nowhere to Hyde which imagined Sherlock and John in XfxVCSai9ny-00003-00001558-00002235 the 1960s as characters in the cartoon series Scooby Doo, a cartoon about a group of young XfxVCSai9ny-00004-00002235-00002796 people, The Mystery Gang, and their dog, Scooby Doo, who solve crimes. XfxVCSai9ny-00005-00002796-00003254 This mixing of universes allowed students who were less interested in Sherlock Holmes XfxVCSai9ny-00006-00003254-00003529 to find a way to engage with the project. XfxVCSai9ny-00007-00003529-00004006 As one student wrote, “My interest in Doyle and the Sherlock Holmes world is still at XfxVCSai9ny-00008-00004006-00004172 an intermediate level. XfxVCSai9ny-00009-00004172-00004657 On the other hand, my knowledge of the Scooby Doo universe is far greater, and I could enter XfxVCSai9ny-00010-00004657-00005044 that verse much easier than the universe of Sherlock Holmes. XfxVCSai9ny-00011-00005044-00005482 As a child, I loved the characters of the Mystery Gang and therefore, I really enjoyed XfxVCSai9ny-00012-00005482-00005620 this task.” XfxVCSai9ny-00013-00006008-00006458 Once again, the writing of fanfiction led to vocabulary development. XfxVCSai9ny-00014-00006458-00006962 In particular, many students commented on the challenge to their vocabulary or variety XfxVCSai9ny-00015-00006962-00007114 of English. XfxVCSai9ny-00016-00007114-00007617 As one student explained, “First off, I am highly Americanized in my English use, XfxVCSai9ny-00017-00007617-00007717 and I blame Hollywood. XfxVCSai9ny-00018-00007717-00008058 It’s been a welcomed challenge to write in British. XfxVCSai9ny-00019-00008058-00008397 My biggest inspiration has once again been the BBC show. XfxVCSai9ny-00020-00008397-00009017 I truly enjoyed using the word ‘foggiest’ in a text, and it is now a part of my vocabulary. XfxVCSai9ny-00021-00009017-00009164 My American is being invaded. XfxVCSai9ny-00022-00009164-00009324 ‘The British are coming!’” XfxVCSai9ny-00023-00009673-00010234 On a final note, this fanfiction project also helped some students develop a deeper awareness XfxVCSai9ny-00024-00010234-00010712 of literary techniques, which they were able to identify in Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes XfxVCSai9ny-00025-00010712-00011015 mysteries to apply to their own stories. XfxVCSai9ny-00026-00011015-00011527 Here is one student’s reflection which highlights the close relationship between language and XfxVCSai9ny-00027-00011527-00012151 storytelling that she became aware of: “Doyle writes also quite linear with Watson’s first-person XfxVCSai9ny-00028-00012151-00012742 narrative, which contributes to maintaining the suspense, since Watson, as a limited narrator, XfxVCSai9ny-00029-00012742-00013231 is many times as clueless as the reader is, which I tried to keep in mind at all times. XfxVCSai9ny-00030-00013231-00013672 I also tried to give my writing a variable rhythm, slowing it down with descriptions XfxVCSai9ny-00031-00013672-00014066 sometimes, and speeding it up with action verbs at other times.“ XfxVCSai9ny-00032-00014170-00014738 These specific examples show how fanfiction can be integrated into classroom teaching XfxVCSai9ny-00033-00014738-00015313 for the purpose of language development and literary learning by requiring a close connection XfxVCSai9ny-00034-00015313-00015560 between reading and writing. XfxVCSai9ny-00035-00015803-00016260 I hope this lecture gave you some ideas for how technology is used today for teaching XfxVCSai9ny-00036-00016260-00016360 reading. XfxVCSai9ny-00037-00016360-00016801 We’ll have a chance to work on those a bit more with activities for this week’s lesson. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00000-00000103-00000233 I know in our little get togethers XfHI2RbP9PQ-00001-00000246-00000380 you like to swoop in and steal my thunder. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00002-00000393-00000607 But you can forget it because the one design XfHI2RbP9PQ-00003-00000620-00000837 we'll be presenting is mine. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00004-00000850-00000954 [clapping] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00005-00001197-00001294 I like it. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00006-00001307-00001418 Thank you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00007-00001431-00001561 But what if it had a colorful belt? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00008-00001574-00001758 That's a great idea. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00009-00001848-00002145 I found this really cool fabric at the factory last week. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00010-00002192-00002315 Oh. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00011-00002388-00002602 Fine, we'll add the stupid belt. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00012-00002632-00002742 - Yay. - Yay. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00013-00002756-00002869 Pss. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00014-00002902-00003079 Is it me or does everyone look way older than last year? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00015-00003092-00003253 I know, right? And did they pass some sort of law XfHI2RbP9PQ-00016-00003266-00003456 that every guy has to comb the hair forward? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00017-00003486-00003727 There's a whole lot of Zac Effron going on. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00018-00003917-00004063 - True, Lulu. - Hey, Ryan. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00019-00004080-00004300 Nice get up. Did your mom lay it out for you? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00020-00004317-00004561 [laughing] Yes. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00021-00004574-00004697 [laughing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00022-00004714-00004838 You look nice. It's a change XfHI2RbP9PQ-00023-00004851-00004978 from your usual pick something out XfHI2RbP9PQ-00024-00004991-00005111 of the hamper outfit. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00025-00005135-00005341 I don't have a hamper. Who am I the mayor? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00026-00005425-00005632 Tell me again. They gave you all that fabric XfHI2RbP9PQ-00027-00005645-00005879 as a prize for using their bathroom? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00028-00005892-00006009 That [unintelligible]. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00029-00006022-00006132 The guy in front of me won a boat. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00030-00006272-00006382 So what's next? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00031-00006439-00006583 Let's see, since you jumped ahead XfHI2RbP9PQ-00032-00006596-00006863 and covered highway driving and parallel parking, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00033-00006876-00007230 we can move on to point seven, a safe U-turn. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00034-00007300-00007427 [phone chiming] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00035-00007527-00007697 - Uh-oh. - What is it? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00036-00007714-00007984 Mr. Other Madigan switched his flight to an earlier one XfHI2RbP9PQ-00037-00007997-00008124 and is due to arrive any minute. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00038-00008138-00008271 Oh, no, if I'm not there, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00039-00008284-00008475 he definitely isn't going to like me. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00040-00008515-00008625 He already isn't gonna like you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00041-00008638-00008802 - Ryan. - What? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00042-00008815-00008972 I'm just keeping it real. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00043-00009179-00009529 Hold on, everyone. One safe U-turn coming up. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00044-00009692-00009936 [honking] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00045-00010070-00010180 How was that? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00046-00010236-00010360 [beeping] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00047-00010633-00010820 Welcome to company retreat, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00048-00010850-00011104 where challenges become possibilities, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00049-00011117-00011471 and possibilities become opportunities. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00050-00011541-00011725 I'm already confused. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00051-00011785-00012088 And we dare to ask ourselves the question: XfHI2RbP9PQ-00052-00012178-00012432 Whom do you trust? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00053-00012585-00012896 Is that it? It was building up to be a bigger surprise. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00054-00012942-00013233 [screaming] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00055-00013430-00013570 Now do I have your attention? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00056-00013650-00013850 I'm so glad my dad wasn't here. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00057-00013863-00014017 One time we threw him a surprise birthday party. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00058-00014030-00014330 He got so freaked out, he pushed my Uncle Reggie in the nose. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00059-00014344-00014637 We were all "Surprise", and he was like boom. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00060-00014691-00014941 I'm need you to think about you and me for a moment, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00061-00014971-00015085 only you and me. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00062-00015345-00015475 Are you thinking about you and me? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00063-00015602-00015725 Yes. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00064-00015822-00015992 And is there something you want to do? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00065-00016166-00016426 Something totally spontaneous. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00066-00016676-00016783 Maybe there is. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00067-00016876-00017006 Now would be a good time to do XfHI2RbP9PQ-00068-00017020-00017160 whatever it is you're thinking of. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00069-00017434-00017570 Move away from that. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00070-00017584-00017814 Relax, it's just a prop. The thing's not even real. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00071-00017827-00017927 [chuckles] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00072-00017941-00018128 Guys. Guys! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00073-00019729-00019839 That was some kiss. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00074-00019899-00020180 Yeah. Pretty sure my legs broken. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00075-00020377-00020503 Why are you smiling like that? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00076-00020573-00020730 The legend of the clock tower. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00077-00020760-00020980 If two lovers kiss when the clock strikes one, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00078-00021024-00021157 they'll be together forever. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00079-00021438-00021541 Don't need some legend to tell me XfHI2RbP9PQ-00080-00021554-00021691 that we'll be together forever. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00081-00021918-00022048 I don't either. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00082-00022298-00022412 What did you hear? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00083-00022425-00022532 Max is getting new office furniture. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00084-00022545-00022662 Well, it's about time. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00085-00022675-00022812 I've seen nicer chairs on a subway. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00086-00022826-00022962 [laughing, snorting] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00087-00022976-00023233 I'm just kidding. I've never been on a subway. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00088-00023356-00023500 [clearing throat] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00089-00023513-00023680 So what kind of furniture is he replacing it with? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00090-00023693-00023790 All animal prints. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00091-00023803-00024027 Fake zebra, fake bobcat, hedgehog. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00092-00024040-00024130 Fake hedgehog? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00093-00024144-00024350 No, he hates hedgehogs. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00094-00024437-00024531 Ooh. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00095-00024544-00024681 First time at Phineque? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00096-00024704-00024821 How'd you guess? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00097-00024834-00025018 I call that the Phineque flinch. Look. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00098-00025048-00025175 [gasping] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00099-00025331-00025465 Yeah, I'll give you a moment. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00100-00025702-00026005 Hey, everyone, it's me, True, your boss. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00101-00026052-00026176 I'm sort of calling a staff meeting XfHI2RbP9PQ-00102-00026189-00026356 in the conference room. Okay? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00103-00026699-00026876 Don't just walk around like you can hear me! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00104-00026890-00027197 I said get your butts to the conference room now! No! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00105-00027637-00027764 Thank you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00106-00027977-00028128 Everybody listen and listen good. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00107-00028141-00028308 We have a situation. Hunter and Gill rejected XfHI2RbP9PQ-00108-00028321-00028485 our last design, so we need to get a new one XfHI2RbP9PQ-00109-00028498-00028745 to them immediately. Here's how it's going down. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00110-00028758-00028882 - Ryan... - Present. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00111-00028895-00029055 you and Oscar need to whip up a new design. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00112-00029068-00029362 You've already got great colors. Now make it for people. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00113-00029432-00029596 Technically, superheroes are people. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00114-00029612-00029773 They just have amazing powers. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00115-00029916-00030036 Amanda, we need that copier XfHI2RbP9PQ-00116-00030049-00030170 in working order and ready to run copies XfHI2RbP9PQ-00117-00030183-00030363 for the new design in a half an hour. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00118-00030376-00030470 Got it. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00119-00030483-00030627 Lulu, I need you to arrange for a courier XfHI2RbP9PQ-00120-00030640-00030787 to be waiting in the lobby in an hour. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00121-00030800-00030987 Courier in the lobby in an hour. Got it. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00122-00031000-00031154 What am I forgetting? What am I forgetting? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00123-00031167-00031384 Nothing. Relax, True. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00124-00031414-00031845 You're right. I need to relax. This is me relaxing. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00125-00032072-00032232 Why are you all just sitting there? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00126-00032245-00032375 Move, move, move! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00127-00032472-00032632 Disease had weakened the army. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00128-00032645-00033066 So, Frederick the Great, ruler of Prussia from 1740 to 1746, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00129-00033089-00033229 had buttons sewn into the sleeves XfHI2RbP9PQ-00130-00033243-00033359 of his soldiers uniforms XfHI2RbP9PQ-00131-00033373-00033530 so they wouldn't rub their noses on them. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00132-00033576-00033770 This was not just a turning point in the war, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00133-00033807-00033950 It was the start of a fashion trend XfHI2RbP9PQ-00134-00033963-00034240 that continues to this very day. Thank you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00135-00034254-00034451 Now, I didn't know any of that. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00136-00034514-00034654 Of course you didn't. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00137-00034724-00034814 [bell ringing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00138-00034828-00034954 Class dismissed. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00139-00035118-00035305 Neil, that jacket was very distracting XfHI2RbP9PQ-00140-00035318-00035452 during True's report. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00141-00035515-00035672 This is mine now. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00142-00035685-00035869 Hey, True, if you need me, I'll be in Kelsey's locker. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00143-00036052-00036209 True, hang back a moment, will you? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00144-00036256-00036396 Was my report okay? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00145-00036419-00036613 True, you've always been enthusiastic in your reports, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00146-00036626-00036906 but generally you ramble on till I ask you to wrap it up. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00147-00036926-00037076 I know, it's a little insulting, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00148-00037090-00037330 especially start tapping your watch and fake yawning. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00149-00037347-00037577 Oh, I assure you, that's not fake yawning. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00150-00037684-00037954 But, I couldn't help notice how organized you've become. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00151-00037967-00038174 Your report was concise and informative. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00152-00038214-00038324 I'm very impressed. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00153-00038374-00038551 So you're giving me an A plus? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00154-00038568-00038775 I'll be posting results at the end of the day. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00155-00038862-00038992 Thanks, Ms. Park. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00156-00039245-00039412 [indistinct chatter] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00157-00040790-00040894 'Sup? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00158-00041107-00041221 How you doing? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00159-00041237-00041398 I don't really like to talk about my feelings XfHI2RbP9PQ-00160-00041411-00041611 cause, uh, I'm a dude. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00161-00041654-00041785 You know what I'm saying? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00162-00041851-00042045 Yeah. Yeah, I guess. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00163-00042058-00042188 [belching] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00164-00042282-00042525 I think I know you. You're that guy, Ryan, right? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00165-00042585-00042742 I see my reputation precedes me. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00166-00042782-00043026 You hang out with those two hot chicks, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00167-00043039-00043199 True and Lulu, don't you? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00168-00043313-00043409 Yeah. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00169-00043423-00043533 Pretty amazing. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00170-00043546-00043636 That true girl's the vice president XfHI2RbP9PQ-00171-00043650-00043823 of a huge fashion company. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00172-00043857-00044030 Yeah, well, she's sort of my front. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00173-00044067-00044217 You know, I give her all the good ideas. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00174-00044367-00044537 So, that Lulu girl's really pretty. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00175-00044551-00044644 Why do you think Mikey won't give her XfHI2RbP9PQ-00176-00044657-00044788 the time of day? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00177-00044861-00044954 I don't know. He's kind of a doof. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00178-00044968-00045105 [gasping] Not even. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00179-00045118-00045245 [unintelligible] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00180-00045258-00045442 But he smells great and he's really strong. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00181-00045455-00045745 Are you kidding me? Get over here. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00182-00045912-00046035 Ooh, the parade XfHI2RbP9PQ-00183-00046049-00046192 Won't me to turn it off? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00184-00046386-00046516 What's everyone watching? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00185-00046536-00046793 Nothing. So is your tree finished cause we-. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00186-00046906-00047137 Is that Burt Burlington wearing a mad style overcoat? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00187-00047150-00047303 I don't believe so- XfHI2RbP9PQ-00188-00047494-00047634 I thought I made it perfectly clear XfHI2RbP9PQ-00189-00047647-00047814 that under no circumstances was Burt Burlington XfHI2RbP9PQ-00190-00047827-00047951 to wear a mad style coat on TV. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00191-00047997-00048211 If it's any consolation, he's fighting a gopher. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00192-00048228-00048351 And losing. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00193-00048555-00048858 Let go. Let go of that. Let go. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00194-00048902-00049012 Look out! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00195-00049109-00049362 [laughing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00196-00049375-00049506 Well done, gopher. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00197-00049519-00049709 Oscar, find out who's in that suit. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00198-00049722-00049979 I want to be the first one to shake his paw. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00199-00050216-00050463 [chuckles, gasping] True? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00200-00050480-00050613 You know it. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00201-00051334-00051521 I hate detention. It's like prison. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00202-00051534-00051644 I can't breathe. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00203-00051734-00051921 We gotta break out of here, True. I want to see my family XfHI2RbP9PQ-00204-00051935-00052045 just one more time. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00205-00052075-00052285 Calm down. You're gonna get us in trouble. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00206-00052325-00052495 Trouble how? We're already in detention, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00207-00052509-00052649 you can't get more detention. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00208-00052662-00052772 - Yes, you can. - See? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00209-00052816-00053036 She can hear me? But I'm whispering. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00210-00053049-00053183 No, you're not. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00211-00053213-00053343 [bell ringing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00212-00053356-00053570 Okay, but detention is over, but before you go, I've-- XfHI2RbP9PQ-00213-00053583-00053803 You said, "Detention was over"! Bye, Ms. Park! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00214-00053990-00054547 [cheering, music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00215-00054561-00054921 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00216-00054934-00055285 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00217-00055298-00055512 [cheering, music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00218-00055525-00055925 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00219-00055939-00056466 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00220-00056479-00056709 [cheering, music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00221-00056723-00057410 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00222-00057423-00058114 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00223-00058127-00058671 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00224-00058685-00059252 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00225-00059265-00059569 [cheering, music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00226-00059582-00059776 [cheering] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00227-00059789-00059919 [grunting] [gasping] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00228-00060039-00060196 That's not a real number. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00229-00060210-00060433 We could've put our lunch through college for that. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00230-00060450-00060713 And gotten a nice apartment off campus for my carrots. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00231-00060737-00060847 Watch this. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00232-00060880-00061017 Put it on my card, Todd, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00233-00061040-00061254 and give yourself a nice tip while you're at it. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00234-00061267-00061398 Thanks, Trug. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00235-00061541-00061674 Wait, wait, wait. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00236-00061691-00061918 Send the biggest steak you've got over to that dude... XfHI2RbP9PQ-00237-00061931-00062062 on us. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00238-00062148-00062278 Will do. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00239-00062318-00062428 Why? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00240-00062442-00062585 Well, my granddad always said, if you see a guy XfHI2RbP9PQ-00241-00062599-00062792 in a big yellow hat, send him a steak. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00242-00062866-00062989 That's pretty specific. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00243-00063062-00063283 Yeah, well, granddad had a lot of sayings like that. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00244-00063339-00063493 Like if you see a nurse in a wedding dress XfHI2RbP9PQ-00245-00063506-00063693 buy her taco, and then right as she's about XfHI2RbP9PQ-00246-00063706-00063863 to eat it and knock it out of her hands. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00247-00063930-00064310 By any chance, was your granddad... crazy? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00248-00064324-00064631 Well, I for one don't mind. I've always believed in karma. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00249-00064644-00064868 Do something nice for someone and later, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00250-00064888-00065028 someone will do something nice for you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00251-00065562-00065688 Much obliged. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00252-00065829-00066062 Um, sorry, my managers in the kitchen, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00253-00066075-00066166 but if you want me to- XfHI2RbP9PQ-00254-00066179-00066309 Ah. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00255-00066346-00066449 That does it. Give me this. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00256-00066462-00066556 - No, no. - Let go. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00257-00066569-00066696 No, you let go. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00258-00067844-00067977 [laughing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00259-00068231-00068508 [screaming] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00260-00068565-00068778 [groaning] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00261-00069145-00069269 [groaning] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00262-00070750-00071020 [whimpering] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00263-00071117-00071227 Stop! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00264-00071688-00071845 I'm sorry! I'm sorry! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00265-00071971-00072202 I'm sorry! I'm sorry! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00266-00072218-00072585 [crying] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00267-00072772-00072922 [crying] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00268-00073076-00073336 [crying] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00269-00073857-00074003 We're finally alone. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00270-00074017-00074197 That had to have been the world's worst first date. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00271-00074217-00074384 I thought my parents' first date was bad. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00272-00074400-00074537 They got stuck on top of a Ferris wheel XfHI2RbP9PQ-00273-00074551-00074797 and my mom was all "Climb down and save us, Larry!" XfHI2RbP9PQ-00274-00074841-00075091 That was the night my dad broke both his legs. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00275-00075205-00075351 But we can still turn the night around. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00276-00075365-00075475 You wanna go to Happy Barry? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00277-00075532-00075779 I should probably get home. I've got school tomorrow. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00278-00075809-00076042 Oh, no, I still have a whole chapter to read. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00279-00076072-00076206 Oh, yeah, and I have to get back to the office XfHI2RbP9PQ-00280-00076219-00076342 and finish the mail run I skipped XfHI2RbP9PQ-00281-00076356-00076476 cause I was getting ready for tonight. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00282-00076556-00076723 This has been the most exhausting night XfHI2RbP9PQ-00283-00076736-00076830 of my life. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00284-00076843-00076996 - True. - Yes? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00285-00077050-00077170 Oh, no, I was agreeing. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00286-00077183-00077337 I should've just said, "Yeah". Sorry. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00287-00077527-00077680 We can try again tomorrow night. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00288-00078024-00078384 Jimmy... I don't know if I'm ready to do this. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00289-00078685-00078895 And I like you too much to mess up what we could have XfHI2RbP9PQ-00290-00078908-00079119 because I couldn't give us 100%. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00291-00079209-00079339 Maybe we should wait. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00292-00079382-00079512 You know, until a better time. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00293-00079612-00079742 Is that okay with you? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00294-00079819-00079976 Actually, I'm kind of relieved. [chuckles] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00295-00079989-00080099 My stomach's been in knots all day XfHI2RbP9PQ-00296-00080113-00080260 about lying to Uncle Max. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00297-00080273-00080497 Yeah, it's pretty amazing we were able to fool him. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00298-00080533-00080643 Hi, kids. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00299-00080747-00080940 You two aren't on a date, are you? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00300-00081007-00081221 No, we're just friends. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00301-00081391-00081501 Good friends. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00302-00081538-00081811 Well, this has been a fun night. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00303-00083206-00083660 [music playing, applause] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00304-00083673-00084077 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00305-00084090-00084494 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00306-00084507-00084637 Work it, girl! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00307-00084651-00084774 [screaming] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00308-00084788-00085048 Wow. You are really enjoying the show, huh, Amanda? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00309-00085061-00085308 No, this light is about 2,000 degrees. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00310-00085415-00085625 Keep dancing! Whoo! XfHI2RbP9PQ-00311-00085638-00086339 [music playing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00312-00086376-00086513 You are in big, big trouble. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00313-00086526-00086749 - Hey, look out. - Ha! Nice try. For 20- XfHI2RbP9PQ-00314-00087016-00087146 I said, "Look out." XfHI2RbP9PQ-00315-00087267-00087540 Anybody wanna play board games? I've got Llama Llama land. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00316-00087554-00087667 What's Llama Llama Land? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00317-00087690-00087841 Only the best board game ever. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00318-00087854-00088001 We've been playing it since we were kids. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00319-00088017-00088111 Sounds fun. I'll play. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00320-00088124-00088261 It's too early for board games. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00321-00088278-00088525 Don't you want to talk first? You start, True. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00322-00088538-00088691 Last night I had a dream that I could fly. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00323-00088705-00088895 I flew across the country all the way to Mount Rushmore, XfHI2RbP9PQ-00324-00088908-00089092 got tired and took a nap in Lincoln's nose. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00325-00089105-00089242 [laughing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00326-00089265-00089529 Last night I had a dream I went to dinner with Mikey Jay. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00327-00089542-00089649 [laughing] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00328-00089702-00089809 Wait, what? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00329-00089843-00090049 I had a dream I had dinner with Mikey Jay. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00330-00090126-00090263 My boyfriend, Mikey Jay? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00331-00090296-00090406 Keep it together, Lulu. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00332-00090440-00090683 I'm cool. Shelly can eat with Mikey Jay. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00333-00090710-00090820 I was there too, right? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00334-00090837-00091050 Oh, yeah. You were our waitress. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00335-00091201-00091341 We're sure having some fun now. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00336-00091354-00091554 This is going to be the best pajama party ever. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00337-00091651-00091801 There's an Amanda here to see you. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00338-00091821-00091941 I hope I'm not too late. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00339-00091955-00092135 - Amanda? - What are you doing here? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00340-00092148-00092338 Oh, it turns out I got that invitation XfHI2RbP9PQ-00341-00092352-00092559 to the mayor's house by mistake. [chuckles] XfHI2RbP9PQ-00342-00092572-00092759 There must have been a mix up in our mail room. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00343-00092796-00092939 Man, Jimmy's in a mail slump. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00344-00092956-00093236 Anyway, I have a strict policy about being at a party XfHI2RbP9PQ-00345-00093249-00093550 seven nights a week and well... here I am. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00346-00093590-00093853 Well make yourself at home. The more the merrier. XfHI2RbP9PQ-00347-00093910-00094040 You said what now? XfHI2RbP9PQ-00348-00094063-00094441 True, you know the house rules. Everyone's welcome. XlQ0STQHcr4-00000-00000000-00000100 *giggling* XlQ0STQHcr4-00001-00000100-00000360 Got your *weed* XlQ0STQHcr4-00002-00000360-00000420 *Thump* XlQ0STQHcr4-00003-00000420-00000540 Look out! he's got *weed* XlQ0STQHcr4-00004-00000548-00000816 *sniper firing* XlQ0STQHcr4-00005-00001026-00001264 *sniper firing* XlQ0STQHcr4-00006-00001486-00001748 *sniper firing* XlQ0STQHcr4-00007-00001748-00001936 oh baby a triple! XlQ0STQHcr4-00008-00001994-00002054 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00009-00002054-00002184 You gotta help me man XlQ0STQHcr4-00010-00002210-00002586 my *doritos* are evil and they're gonna kill meeeee! XlQ0STQHcr4-00011-00002680-00002786 *singing to sad music* XlQ0STQHcr4-00012-00002786-00002850 Who XlQ0STQHcr4-00013-00002850-00002954 Caan XlQ0STQHcr4-00014-00002954-00003102 Say XlQ0STQHcr4-00015-00003102-00003238 Where the XlQ0STQHcr4-00016-00003238-00003406 road goes XlQ0STQHcr4-00017-00003406-00003729 where the day flows XlQ0STQHcr4-00018-00003828-00003994 only time XlQ0STQHcr4-00019-00004074-00004156 *Static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00020-00004156-00004253 Hello parking meter! XlQ0STQHcr4-00021-00004253-00004416 Fuck her right in the pussy! XlQ0STQHcr4-00022-00004416-00004486 *Airhorn* XlQ0STQHcr4-00023-00004486-00004596 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00024-00004596-00004646 Hey XlQ0STQHcr4-00025-00004646-00004696 Hey guy XlQ0STQHcr4-00026-00004696-00004778 Smell my flower XlQ0STQHcr4-00027-00004890-00004940 *sniff* XlQ0STQHcr4-00028-00005014-00005176 ~Let the bass cannon Kick it~ XlQ0STQHcr4-00029-00005176-00006040 *Dubstep* XlQ0STQHcr4-00030-00006040-00006130 *burst* XlQ0STQHcr4-00031-00006130-00006218 Lol! XlQ0STQHcr4-00032-00006218-00006296 *Shlurp* XlQ0STQHcr4-00033-00006296-00006366 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00034-00006464-00006566 *click* XlQ0STQHcr4-00035-00006592-00006729 TACTICAL NUKE, INBOUND! XlQ0STQHcr4-00036-00006759-00006847 *Klaxon* XlQ0STQHcr4-00037-00006872-00006948 *Klaxon* XlQ0STQHcr4-00038-00006981-00007323 *Explosion* XlQ0STQHcr4-00039-00007326-00007395 *Static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00040-00007395-00007500 Hey man What's u-*WH-PCH* XlQ0STQHcr4-00041-00007512-00007742 Team Rocket's Blasting off agaiiin! XlQ0STQHcr4-00042-00007750-00007800 *explosion* XlQ0STQHcr4-00043-00007904-00007954 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00044-00007954-00008144 Help me, I'm being robbed! XlQ0STQHcr4-00045-00008144-00008202 *Whoosh* XlQ0STQHcr4-00046-00008202-00008420 I'll save you, tre-*Snipe* XlQ0STQHcr4-00047-00008930-00008980 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00048-00008980-00009144 Die Potato! XlQ0STQHcr4-00049-00009144-00009206 (Running in the 90s plays) XlQ0STQHcr4-00050-00009206-00009295 *DooDooDooDooDooDooDoo* XlQ0STQHcr4-00051-00009295-00009395 *DooDooDooDooDooDooDoo* XlQ0STQHcr4-00052-00009426-00009520 *Squelch* XlQ0STQHcr4-00053-00009520-00009570 *static* XlQ0STQHcr4-00054-00009570-00010428 *music plays* XlQ0STQHcr4-00055-00010428-00010566 Hey, You know who's XlQ0STQHcr4-00056-00010566-00010680 *A fookin foogit* XlQ0STQHcr4-00057-00010698-00010772 You XlQ0STQHcr4-00058-00010866-00010964 AWW COME ON! XlQ0STQHcr4-00059-00010964-00011316 *Music plays* XlQ0STQHcr4-00060-00011346-00011514 *Smoke weed everyday* XmQNbjcIlaM-00000-00000000-00000702 Matthew chapter 6 verse 33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, XmQNbjcIlaM-00001-00000702-00001374 and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. God Bless You All! XniAmA2f7NA-00000-00000014-00000399 Analysis of iron by atomic absorption spectrophotometry XniAmA2f7NA-00001-00000399-00000842 In this experiment, the iron content in a children’s multivitamin will be analyzed XniAmA2f7NA-00002-00000842-00001392 using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), and compared to the quantity stated XniAmA2f7NA-00003-00001392-00001697 on the package label. XniAmA2f7NA-00004-00001697-00002201 The label on a bottle of children’s multivitamins lists the amount of iron present, but can XniAmA2f7NA-00005-00002201-00002336 you believe the label? XniAmA2f7NA-00006-00002336-00002665 And how can you test the tablet for the amount of iron? XniAmA2f7NA-00007-00002665-00003069 Today we’ll be seeing how accurate these labels are by testing the actual amount of XniAmA2f7NA-00008-00003069-00003206 iron in a tablet. XniAmA2f7NA-00009-00003206-00003760 Don’t forget to read the label of the bottle of vitamins you are testing. XniAmA2f7NA-00010-00003760-00004246 To start, get a multivitamin tablet, XniAmA2f7NA-00011-00004246-00004748 Remember to record the brand and mass of iron per tablet from the label. XniAmA2f7NA-00012-00004748-00005346 In 150mL beaker dissolve most of the tablet and 20mL of 6 molar hydrochloric acid. XniAmA2f7NA-00013-00005346-00005987 Next, you you’ll be heating the solution on a hot plate for about 10 minutes. XniAmA2f7NA-00014-00005987-00006734 This ensures that all of the iron is dissolved, but do not bring it to a boil. XniAmA2f7NA-00015-00006734-00007439 Then gravity filter through a fluted filter paper into 100mL volumetric flask XniAmA2f7NA-00016-00007439-00007975 And dilute to the mark with deionized water. XniAmA2f7NA-00017-00007975-00008482 It will take a while for the tablet to dissolve in the HCl, so while it is dissolving, XniAmA2f7NA-00018-00008482-00008977 You can already prepare your standard iron solutions. XniAmA2f7NA-00019-00008977-00009424 Take five volumetric flasks and using a 10mm Mohr pipette, XniAmA2f7NA-00020-00009424-00009958 Put one mL of the iron stock in the first, two mL’s of stock in the second, three in XniAmA2f7NA-00021-00009958-00010409 the third, four in the fourth, and five in the fifth XniAmA2f7NA-00022-00010409-00011065 Then fill them all to the mark with deionized water and mix well, make sure to record the XniAmA2f7NA-00023-00011065-00011400 exact amount of stock solution you put in to two decimal points XniAmA2f7NA-00024-00011400-00012286 Next, we will prepare a dilute unknown solution from our dissolved multivitamin. XniAmA2f7NA-00025-00012286-00012836 Pour 40 mL of the multivitamin solution into a small beaker. XniAmA2f7NA-00026-00012836-00013375 Then transfer 25 mL using a 25 mL volumetric transfer pipette XniAmA2f7NA-00027-00013375-00014262 Into a 100 mL volumetric flask. XniAmA2f7NA-00028-00014262-00014662 Dilute to the mark with deionized water and remember to mix well. XniAmA2f7NA-00029-00014662-00015504 Now, we will be using the AA spectrophotometer, which is the machine you see here. XniAmA2f7NA-00030-00015504-00016059 The AA will measure the absorbance of light at 372 nanometers. XniAmA2f7NA-00031-00016059-00016533 The samples being measured will be a blank containing deionized water, the five standard XniAmA2f7NA-00032-00016533-00017097 solutions, and the diluted unknown vitamin solution. XniAmA2f7NA-00033-00017097-00017684 The AA works on the principle that certain elements absorb light at certain wavelengths. XniAmA2f7NA-00034-00017684-00017992 Inside the AA, We have a lamp emitting light of a certain XniAmA2f7NA-00035-00017992-00018530 wavelength which gets passed through a flame containing our sample and out the other side, XniAmA2f7NA-00036-00018530-00019180 going through a monochromator, and hitting the detector which measures its absorbance. XniAmA2f7NA-00037-00019180-00019623 Absorbance is directly proportional to the amount of Iron present, XniAmA2f7NA-00038-00019623-00020065 This is known as Beer’s law. XniAmA2f7NA-00039-00020065-00021015 Knowing this, which of your samples should have the highest absorbance? XniAmA2f7NA-00040-00021015-00021298 Once the experiment is done and you have your data, XniAmA2f7NA-00041-00021298-00021590 You will generate a graph using Excel. XniAmA2f7NA-00042-00021590-00022067 The graph will look something like this a plot of absorbance versus milligrams of iron XniAmA2f7NA-00043-00022067-00022356 per litre. XniAmA2f7NA-00044-00022356-00022935 Using your standard solutions, you will make a calibration curve, and from that, using XniAmA2f7NA-00045-00022935-00023609 your unknown absorbance you can extrapolate the unknown milligrams of iron per liter as XniAmA2f7NA-00046-00023609-00024133 shown by the dashed line on the graph. XniAmA2f7NA-00047-00024133-00024296 This graph is missing some components. XniAmA2f7NA-00048-00024296-00024476 What are they? XniAmA2f7NA-00049-00024476-00025090 If you need to review how to graph using Excel, view the instructional video that takes you XniAmA2f7NA-00050-00025090-00025203 through this experiment. XniAmA2f7NA-00051-00025203-00025322 Have fun!