zpAIYXAxbK8-00000-00000012-00000696 scriptures talk about a blessedness that happens to a man whose Delight zpAIYXAxbK8-00001-00000696-00001350 is in the law of God so as someone says they say his body's Delight is in the zpAIYXAxbK8-00002-00001350-00002220 law of God and God he meditate day and night he says that that man is like a tree planted zpAIYXAxbK8-00003-00002220-00002904 by the rivers of water whose leaves do not wither who are the best food in every season zpAIYXAxbK8-00004-00002988-00003564 as you about listening to this message we believe that your life is going to be like zpAIYXAxbK8-00005-00003564-00004218 that man planted by the rivers of water your leaves are forever going to bear and we know zpAIYXAxbK8-00006-00004218-00004926 that you'll see your season will not pass by you will forever shine and you will forever bear fruit zpAIYXAxbK8-00007-00004986-00005556 we have a lot of content to share with you so we wouldn't treat you to subscribe to this channel zpAIYXAxbK8-00008-00005556-00006300 as well as like us hit that notification Bell to receive more updates from us because we know zpAIYXAxbK8-00009-00006300-00006822 that whatever content here is going to set you on calls at every time it's going to make you zpAIYXAxbK8-00010-00006822-00007722 attain whatever stature that cries wants you to attain thank you I want to give you six decisions zpAIYXAxbK8-00011-00007944-00008958 they are major decisions that all Champions without exception have made and continue zpAIYXAxbK8-00012-00008958-00009450 to make in their lives and destinies whether you want to be a great man of God zpAIYXAxbK8-00013-00009546-00010188 a great Sportsman a great leader a great businessman you want to follow zpAIYXAxbK8-00014-00010188-00010764 the steps of our father in the Lord or any Visionary leader world over that you seem zpAIYXAxbK8-00015-00010764-00011616 to have admired can I tell you this these six decisions if understood if mustard and if you zpAIYXAxbK8-00016-00011616-00012258 make these decisions consistently I give you a guarantee based on the Integrity of zpAIYXAxbK8-00017-00012258-00012732 scripture and the formidability of the laws of life you will not fail zpAIYXAxbK8-00018-00012984-00014304 I set before you life and death I set before you blessing and cursing I cannot force you zpAIYXAxbK8-00019-00014304-00014963 on what you choose but I can advise you if you want to leave you leave by choosing life zpAIYXAxbK8-00020-00015126-00015713 are you ready for these decisions I want you to lay your hands on your head in one minute zpAIYXAxbK8-00021-00015713-00016440 and pray from the depth of your heart let my spirit man be open to understand this truth zpAIYXAxbK8-00022-00016440-00016968 as you are laying your hands on your head you are not only laying your hands on yourself you zpAIYXAxbK8-00023-00016968-00017412 are laying your hands on all the Destinies connected to you you are laying your hands zpAIYXAxbK8-00024-00017412-00017922 on your children and your children's children you are laying your hands on the congregation zpAIYXAxbK8-00025-00017922-00018420 that the Lord will give you to Pastor in the nearest Future you are laying your hands on zpAIYXAxbK8-00026-00018420-00019008 all the people who will be part of your company and your conglomerate if someone pray harass zpAIYXAxbK8-00027-00019008-00019582 I obtain praise from God [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00028-00019800-00020512 someone is praying Grace from God [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00029-00021036-00021768 in the name of Jesus decision number one the first decision in this conference zpAIYXAxbK8-00030-00021930-00022650 that I recommend for you to make if you want to surpass ordinary standards if you want to zpAIYXAxbK8-00031-00022650-00023238 excel if you want to become a voice in this generation if you want to serve the purposes zpAIYXAxbK8-00032-00023238-00024000 of God effectively is the decision to make exceptional spiritual progress write it down zpAIYXAxbK8-00033-00024000-00025080 the first decision that you must make is the decision to make exceptional spiritual progress zpAIYXAxbK8-00034-00025296-00025782 the decision to make exceptional spiritual progress zpAIYXAxbK8-00035-00025962-00027120 Jeremiah chapter 9 and verse 13. the Bible here says and you shall seek me and find me zpAIYXAxbK8-00036-00027294-00027516 if you seek me zpAIYXAxbK8-00037-00027750-00028595 Jeremiah chapter 9. let's look at verse 11 down to 13. I'm looking for zpAIYXAxbK8-00038-00028595-00029070 the scripture that says you will seek me and find me if you seek me with all zpAIYXAxbK8-00039-00029070-00030120 your heart 29 I meant to say not nine forgive me 29 13. Jeremiah chapter 29. zpAIYXAxbK8-00040-00030342-00031398 and you will seek me and find me when ye shall search for me Jeremiah 29 and verse 11 with zpAIYXAxbK8-00041-00031398-00032160 all your heart everybody say all your heart there is a way a man can commit himself and zpAIYXAxbK8-00042-00032160-00032862 make a decision that as far as my spiritual life is concerned my fire will never go down zpAIYXAxbK8-00043-00032862-00033570 as far as my prayer life is concerned as far as my word study life is concerned as far as zpAIYXAxbK8-00044-00033570-00034326 my passion for God is concerned the older I become the more on fire I become is a choice zpAIYXAxbK8-00045-00034518-00035052 there are many people today who have chosen not to be serious with God God respects their zpAIYXAxbK8-00046-00035052-00035658 choice but you also will not get the destiny of one who is on fire with God can I tell you zpAIYXAxbK8-00047-00035658-00036210 the truth righteousness and Justice are the foundations of his throne you cannot give zpAIYXAxbK8-00048-00036210-00036786 God five minutes of your destiny and expect the mantle of one who gave God everything thank you zpAIYXAxbK8-00049-00037008-00038124 God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him in Matthew chapter 22 and verse 37 Matthew zpAIYXAxbK8-00050-00038124-00038952 chapter 22 and verse 37 Jesus himself was teaching and he began to encourage US based zpAIYXAxbK8-00051-00038952-00039774 on that which was written in the law to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your zpAIYXAxbK8-00052-00039774-00040908 soul with all your mind when you give God all and you make a decision to seek him and make quality zpAIYXAxbK8-00053-00040908-00041598 spiritual progress I assure you you have made a noble decision and you have begun to sign in for zpAIYXAxbK8-00054-00041598-00042534 a destiny of greatness say Amen [Music] hear me there are all kinds of distractions in our world zpAIYXAxbK8-00055-00042534-00043506 today respectfully speaking the abuse of social media all kinds of mundane relationships that zpAIYXAxbK8-00056-00043506-00044226 may not be pointing us towards destiny and all sorts of things that distract and Destroy people zpAIYXAxbK8-00057-00044448-00045078 I have said before you life and death every one of you at the sound of my zpAIYXAxbK8-00058-00045078-00045714 voice and those following watching by way of Internet social media zpAIYXAxbK8-00059-00045714-00046638 by way of TV station I needed to know that the first decision in order of priority that you must zpAIYXAxbK8-00060-00046638-00047400 make if you want to surpass ordinary standards and live an excelling life is the decision to zpAIYXAxbK8-00061-00047400-00047964 make exceptional spiritual progress everyone shout it after me say in the name of Jesus zpAIYXAxbK8-00062-00048108-00049452 from today I make up my mind to love Jesus to seek Jesus to pursue my spiritual progress without fail zpAIYXAxbK8-00063-00049616-00049716 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00064-00049716-00050682 listen do you know what that means that means you must obtain Grace and the discipline to wake up zpAIYXAxbK8-00065-00050682-00051348 and pray when it is time to pray when your body tells you I am sleeping just hear the generations zpAIYXAxbK8-00066-00051348-00051972 that you are sent to begging you and say wake up for our sake wake up for our sake wake up for our zpAIYXAxbK8-00067-00051972-00052566 sake the healing anointing that must come to you in the place of prayer don't let sleep kill us zpAIYXAxbK8-00068-00052698-00053328 the child that I'm supposed to receive is tied to your spiritual seriousness don't let me die zpAIYXAxbK8-00069-00053328-00054154 baring when you hear the voice of those who are calling on you it gives you the energy go [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00070-00054767-00055410 every time you feel lazy to study scripture just remember that there is a multitude of zpAIYXAxbK8-00071-00055410-00056117 people saying please if you do not feed us the witches and wizards and the yolks and the causes zpAIYXAxbK8-00072-00056117-00056766 in our background will destroy us and God has tied our destiny to your life do not fail us zpAIYXAxbK8-00073-00056766-00057486 can I tell you this if you do not live with a sense of Destiny you will not have the passion zpAIYXAxbK8-00074-00057486-00058086 to pursue your spiritual life you don't pray as a matter of convenience you don't fast as zpAIYXAxbK8-00075-00058086-00058800 a matter of convenience many of us the enemy to your destiny is Slumber you can sleep by eight zpAIYXAxbK8-00076-00058800-00059478 and wake up by 12 as a young man no you will not go far God is not a herbalist you will not go far zpAIYXAxbK8-00077-00059741-00060600 don't just keep admiring mantles and anointings behind mantos anointings let me tell you the zpAIYXAxbK8-00078-00060600-00061428 truth is is there is blood dripping on those altars Testaments of Prayer pestaments of fire zpAIYXAxbK8-00079-00061428-00062255 Testaments of fasting Testaments of staying with the world the decision to be serious zpAIYXAxbK8-00080-00062255-00062902 with God is Not For Men of God the decision to be serious with God is for saviors [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00081-00063210-00063798 provided you know that there is a they're connected to you it will Jack you up to say zpAIYXAxbK8-00082-00063798-00064422 Lord reveal yourself that mantle and that unction that must land upon my life for the sake of my zpAIYXAxbK8-00083-00064422-00065100 generation I will pay whatever price it will take if you're still with me say Amen hear me zpAIYXAxbK8-00084-00065166-00065622 for some of you here while you are listening to me the Holy Ghost is speaking to you and saying zpAIYXAxbK8-00085-00065622-00066030 this is what I kept showing you in dreams this is what I've been trying to tell you zpAIYXAxbK8-00086-00066030-00066492 that you need to step your spiritual life because where I'm sending you to zpAIYXAxbK8-00087-00066492-00067056 the base of your spiritual growth cannot build the stamina to stand before pharaoh zpAIYXAxbK8-00088-00067188-00067926 can I tell you the truth what some of you call delays not delay is that God has gave you and zpAIYXAxbK8-00089-00067926-00068496 sinned that you are not strong enough to face what is sending you to face so you will withdraw your zpAIYXAxbK8-00090-00068496-00069198 progress to help you so that you do not collapse before Pharaoh because you did not build capacity zpAIYXAxbK8-00091-00069492-00070158 listen now we live in a generation that is obsessed with admiring anointed people and zpAIYXAxbK8-00092-00070158-00070722 just believing that you just bring one thousand or five thousand and people just lay hands and zpAIYXAxbK8-00093-00070722-00071286 transfer everything let me be honest with you my dear people there is a track record in the zpAIYXAxbK8-00094-00071286-00071860 spirit that you cannot buy with money it is a track record you have to pay with God [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00095-00072084-00073032 you want to tell the sick be healed and they are healed you zpAIYXAxbK8-00096-00073032-00073956 want a generation to hear you is more than the ability to speak English no [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00097-00073956-00074772 there must be a hunger and praying that something will land on someone this morning zpAIYXAxbK8-00098-00074772-00075534 that every laziness that will not allow you take god seriously and if there is any Spirit fighting zpAIYXAxbK8-00099-00075534-00076116 your spiritual progress in the name of Jesus I declare those altars are scattered right now zpAIYXAxbK8-00100-00076562-00076662 [Applause] zpAIYXAxbK8-00101-00076662-00077220 hear me there are many of you you are the first person to rise in your family to this zpAIYXAxbK8-00102-00077220-00077874 level now you want to go down and allow the devil destroy your family God is counting on zpAIYXAxbK8-00103-00077874-00078504 you and saying you are the one your mama was praying for you for 20 years before you arrive zpAIYXAxbK8-00104-00078572-00078672 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00105-00078672-00080670 the decision to make spiritual progress when it is time to pray you lock yourself zpAIYXAxbK8-00106-00080670-00081576 every day you are doing it you are signing that spiritual register the realm of the zpAIYXAxbK8-00107-00081576-00082086 spirit is seeing you demons are seeing you principalities are seen you they zpAIYXAxbK8-00108-00082086-00082524 are bearing witness to the fact that you are preparing for Destiny [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00109-00082524-00083610 are we still together in one minute while you are standing I'd like you zpAIYXAxbK8-00110-00083610-00084444 to pray Lord every laziness every laxity in the name of Jesus let me go let me go someone zpAIYXAxbK8-00111-00084444-00085164 is praying a generation is waiting for me a generation is waiting for me I obtain Grace zpAIYXAxbK8-00112-00085580-00085680 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00113-00085680-00086676 depending on my spiritual health depending on my spiritual advancement zpAIYXAxbK8-00114-00087078-00087936 Hallelujah [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00115-00087936-00088768 in the name of Jesus please sit down very quickly sit down [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00116-00089256-00089346 number two zpAIYXAxbK8-00117-00089628-00089916 number two the second zpAIYXAxbK8-00118-00090036-00090972 Kali salibarousira I just saw light I'm seeing the number 17 I just saw light coming please I zpAIYXAxbK8-00119-00090972-00091530 want you to just help them 17 people I just saw the power of God like light just coming zpAIYXAxbK8-00120-00091530-00092136 on them right now I stretch my hands in the name of Jesus Lord where are these people that lights zpAIYXAxbK8-00121-00092136-00092748 that must rest upon your destiny in the name of Jesus Christ let it come upon your destiny zpAIYXAxbK8-00122-00092748-00093630 right now let it come upon your car back let it come upon your destiny right now please help zpAIYXAxbK8-00123-00093630-00094464 them just help those under the anointing let it come upon your destiny right now [Music] foreign zpAIYXAxbK8-00124-00095796-00096166 the Lord is bringing you into a new season [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00125-00096486-00096948 sit down and be very sensitive if you can just help those under the anointing zpAIYXAxbK8-00126-00096948-00097848 Jeremy the Lord is speaking to someone here the Lord is saying I've been beckoning on you to come zpAIYXAxbK8-00127-00097848-00098592 closer and to get deeper with me but right now while you are seated the fire of God right where zpAIYXAxbK8-00128-00098592-00099150 you are just help them that fire is landing on your destiny right now there are ladies zpAIYXAxbK8-00129-00099150-00099910 here you are carrying that fire there is a fire that has been looking for your abacus [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00130-00100506-00100720 foreign [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00131-00101394-00101892 sit down please zpAIYXAxbK8-00132-00102114-00102630 I have to hurry up please write just help those under the anointing we are going to pray zpAIYXAxbK8-00133-00102744-00103302 the waters have already been stared here number two the second decision that you must make zpAIYXAxbK8-00134-00103494-00104172 is a decision to contend for Superior belief systems zpAIYXAxbK8-00135-00104280-00104826 the decision to contend for Superior belief systems zpAIYXAxbK8-00136-00104933-00105600 that is the second honorable decision you have to make for your destiny the decision zpAIYXAxbK8-00137-00105690-00106524 to contend for Superior belief systems through renewal and transformation write it down please zpAIYXAxbK8-00138-00106614-00107435 the decision to contend for Superior belief systems you will never rise above and beyond zpAIYXAxbK8-00139-00107435-00108102 your mindset you will never rise above and beyond your belief system your belief system represents zpAIYXAxbK8-00140-00108102-00108696 your Paradigm your belief system represents your Viewpoint it says son of man what Sears zpAIYXAxbK8-00141-00108696-00109361 down he says the rod of an almond tree and he said you have sinned correctly I will hasten zpAIYXAxbK8-00142-00109361-00110082 my word Jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 10 to 12. I will hasten my word that you have seen to perform zpAIYXAxbK8-00143-00110552-00110652 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00144-00110652-00111402 in Proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7. write it down for reference three scriptures Proverbs 23 7 zpAIYXAxbK8-00145-00111522-00112242 proverbs 4 23 and Psalm 78 and verse 41 I'm hurrying up for time zpAIYXAxbK8-00146-00112320-00113238 Proverbs 23 and verse 7. proverbs 4 and 23. it says as he thinketh in his heart zpAIYXAxbK8-00147-00113442-00113783 he didn't say so he will become so he already is zpAIYXAxbK8-00148-00114000-00114402 the Bible equates your destiny to the quality of your thoughts zpAIYXAxbK8-00149-00114546-00115283 every one of us here comes from different backgrounds sociologically speaking spiritually zpAIYXAxbK8-00150-00115283-00116183 speaking economically speaking and these contexts they have a way of conditioning our mind zpAIYXAxbK8-00151-00116298-00116885 was it not Nathaniel that said about Jesus can anything good come out from Nazareth zpAIYXAxbK8-00152-00116970-00117509 you may have come from a background where no one has risen you have never seen favor zpAIYXAxbK8-00153-00117509-00118128 in this play you have never seen speed and chances are that when God wants to favor zpAIYXAxbK8-00154-00118128-00118704 you when God wants to bring speed there is no provision in your mindset to allow that happen zpAIYXAxbK8-00155-00119028-00120048 a man can limit God Psalms 78 and verse 41 I found out scripture and it has blessed me zpAIYXAxbK8-00156-00120048-00120798 through the years they limited the Holy One by saying can God make a Wilderness can God zpAIYXAxbK8-00157-00120798-00121650 make a way in the wilderness as powerful as God is as mighty as God is the mindset of an zpAIYXAxbK8-00158-00121650-00122280 individual can limit his performance in the life of that person so the second decision zpAIYXAxbK8-00159-00122394-00123185 is a decision to contend for Superior beliefs I told you that everything you zpAIYXAxbK8-00160-00123185-00123900 are looking for is also looking for you but not this version of you there is a version zpAIYXAxbK8-00161-00123900-00124608 of you your future is looking for you have to evolve into that fashion you have to grow zpAIYXAxbK8-00162-00124608-00125592 through renewal and transformation mentality mentality can decide the quality of Destiny zpAIYXAxbK8-00163-00125892-00126798 number three the third decision that you must make is the decision to discover zpAIYXAxbK8-00164-00126882-00127859 and fulfill your god-given assignments write it down please the third quality decision you need zpAIYXAxbK8-00165-00127859-00128861 to make is a decision to discover and fulfill your god-giving assignment in other words the decision zpAIYXAxbK8-00166-00128861-00130170 to live a purpose-driven life John 4 34 please help us media the decision to discover and fulfill zpAIYXAxbK8-00167-00130290-00131274 your assignment John 4 34. Jesus said unto them the Bible says my meat that means my satisfaction zpAIYXAxbK8-00168-00131274-00132192 my fulfillment is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish the work everybody said to do zpAIYXAxbK8-00169-00132300-00132792 and finish one more time say to do and finish zpAIYXAxbK8-00170-00133074-00133800 in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 7 Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 7. Paul was speaking zpAIYXAxbK8-00171-00133800-00134592 and he made a quotation law I come in the volume of the book as it is written zpAIYXAxbK8-00172-00134592-00135360 of me to do thy will oh God it has been written concerning every one of us but zpAIYXAxbK8-00173-00135360-00135870 whether you fulfill what was written or not is it it's a subject for another day zpAIYXAxbK8-00174-00136086-00137046 make up your mind to discover and to fulfill your assignments now we don't have all the time but zpAIYXAxbK8-00175-00137046-00137736 can I have two or three people here just any two no you see just two or three people here zpAIYXAxbK8-00176-00137736-00138318 let me use someone please give me anything to use a rod a mic just anything a book anything zpAIYXAxbK8-00177-00138318-00139104 at all now all of you stand watch this you stand here you stand here watch this this is a baton zpAIYXAxbK8-00178-00139176-00139890 please stand in front here sir stand in front there you stand in front of him now watch this zpAIYXAxbK8-00179-00140178-00140544 turn and God has given it to him hold it sir zpAIYXAxbK8-00180-00140616-00141096 my friend all of you stretch your hands backward ready to receive this man zpAIYXAxbK8-00181-00141804-00142632 this man fails Ron well sir and hand it over to him you see that his efficiency has made another zpAIYXAxbK8-00182-00142632-00143472 person to fulfill Destiny for user refuse to run this man has refused to discover his place and zpAIYXAxbK8-00183-00143472-00144210 run with that button he is wasting the destiny of another person because he has refused to run every zpAIYXAxbK8-00184-00144210-00144906 time you refuse to find your place in life someone else is a relay you are not the only one running zpAIYXAxbK8-00185-00145260-00145836 if God raised you to be a man of God all the pastors that were supposed to come up after you zpAIYXAxbK8-00186-00145836-00146484 and under you because of your inability to answer the call you are punishing another man's destiny zpAIYXAxbK8-00187-00146562-00147468 if God has raised you to be a kingdom financier raise you to be a financier so that that church zpAIYXAxbK8-00188-00147468-00148224 will now be built because of your refusal to obey your assignment that church is never built and the zpAIYXAxbK8-00189-00148224-00148884 souls that should be saved in that church never come to Jesus there are implications when you zpAIYXAxbK8-00190-00148884-00150012 do not fulfill destiny please give him back again let's repeat it now this represents the generation zpAIYXAxbK8-00191-00150012-00150846 of our grandfathers and great grandfathers in the faith they handed it over give it to him zpAIYXAxbK8-00192-00150954-00151578 there is a generation running with this now now my friend when he gives it to you refuse to collect zpAIYXAxbK8-00193-00151578-00152250 it now he's giving it to him this is what most of our generation are doing collect it take the zpAIYXAxbK8-00194-00152250-00152838 mantle of healing the mantle of breakthrough collect it and we are saying no we are busy zpAIYXAxbK8-00195-00152838-00153528 typing phones typing internet making all kinds of things collect this time is going that sin zpAIYXAxbK8-00196-00153528-00154344 is a suffering and this man is refusing my friend walk away and leave him this is what is happening zpAIYXAxbK8-00197-00154784-00154884 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00198-00154884-00155436 our fathers are passing this pattern and say young people a time will come zpAIYXAxbK8-00199-00155436-00155928 you will be the one on the stage prepare collect this mantle collect zpAIYXAxbK8-00200-00155928-00156480 this baton in business in Ministry what you are refusing but in this conference zpAIYXAxbK8-00201-00156480-00156936 my brother run back and come and collect this run with speed and come and pick it zpAIYXAxbK8-00202-00157146-00157656 this is what is happening to someone now lift your voice in one minute and declare zpAIYXAxbK8-00203-00157656-00158466 I must fulfill Destiny go ahead and pray go ahead and pray from the depth of your heart I zpAIYXAxbK8-00204-00158466-00159145 must find my place in life find my place in Destiny and fulfill the same [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00205-00159145-00161172 [Applause] [Music] in Jesus name we pray for in Jesus name we pray zpAIYXAxbK8-00206-00161328-00161964 I've given you three decisions now number one to make exceptional spiritual progress zpAIYXAxbK8-00207-00162018-00162834 number two to contend for Superior belief systems number three the decision to discover zpAIYXAxbK8-00208-00162834-00163578 and fulfill your god-given assignment number four are we still here the fourth decision zpAIYXAxbK8-00209-00163704-00164688 according to third John 1 verse 2 3rd John 1 verse 2 the decision to be healthy not look up this may zpAIYXAxbK8-00210-00164688-00165462 look like a very simple decision what is a very very serious decision the decision to be healthy zpAIYXAxbK8-00211-00165660-00166554 your physical well-being is important for the Fulfillment of your destiny because no zpAIYXAxbK8-00212-00166554-00167442 spirit is a legal occupant in the earth without a body you need a healthy body it says beloved I zpAIYXAxbK8-00213-00167442-00168516 wish above all things that thou May prosper and be in health prosper and be in health zpAIYXAxbK8-00214-00168936-00169800 the decision to be healthy can I tell you this there are many people today who are 40 years but zpAIYXAxbK8-00215-00169800-00170418 respectfully speaking are looking 80 years because they spend their lives deteriorating their health zpAIYXAxbK8-00216-00170526-00171012 carelessness over their bodies eating anything drinking anything zpAIYXAxbK8-00217-00171204-00171756 I myself did not used to pay that much attention to my health I was not careless zpAIYXAxbK8-00218-00171756-00172230 with my health but I didn't give it that level of intention especially those who zpAIYXAxbK8-00219-00172230-00172722 work in Miracle signs and wonders usually they ignore their health just because their zpAIYXAxbK8-00220-00172722-00173334 anointing flows through them to others you must be careful you have a responsibility under God zpAIYXAxbK8-00221-00173466-00174138 to walk in health it is the reason why vices like smoking and drinking and liquor zpAIYXAxbK8-00222-00174138-00174648 and all these kinds of things are dangerous because it's a way of mismanaging your health zpAIYXAxbK8-00223-00174882-00175560 a body has now prepared for me if you do not have a body even if you zpAIYXAxbK8-00224-00175560-00175932 have a vision it will not come to pass did you hear what I said zpAIYXAxbK8-00225-00176022-00176718 if you do not have a body even if you have a vision it will not come to pass zpAIYXAxbK8-00226-00176844-00177642 your vision needs a body to find the expression that means from today you must make a decision zpAIYXAxbK8-00227-00177768-00178440 that I am going to be healthy part of the ways that you choose life is to choose to be healthy zpAIYXAxbK8-00228-00178500-00178884 you won't believe it I'm not a medical doctor but I can tell you this zpAIYXAxbK8-00229-00179010-00179490 your health starts from the discipline to take clean water zpAIYXAxbK8-00230-00179604-00180702 clean water alone can save you many many years of degrading your health the moment God begins zpAIYXAxbK8-00231-00180702-00181428 to bless you you get a job or money begins to come don't just invest in clothes invest in your health zpAIYXAxbK8-00232-00181488-00182430 if you buy a nice cloth a nice designer in a body that is dying soon people will come and carry it zpAIYXAxbK8-00233-00182430-00183516 away because you will be dead [Music] hear me one time I went to minister in this nation and one of zpAIYXAxbK8-00234-00183516-00184260 the fathers of Faith drew me into his office and he made a statement that I would never forget zpAIYXAxbK8-00235-00184410-00185130 was a powerful conference and it drew me to his office and he said my son let me zpAIYXAxbK8-00236-00185130-00185718 teach you something pay attention to your health is that Africans kill their Prophets zpAIYXAxbK8-00237-00186254-00186354 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00238-00186354-00187068 and it was it it made such an impact in my life now it's good to stretch yourself don't be lazy zpAIYXAxbK8-00239-00187122-00187740 but you must know when you stretch yourself Beyond limit there are many people today it zpAIYXAxbK8-00240-00187740-00188244 is not demons that are destroying their health it is just because they do not zpAIYXAxbK8-00241-00188244-00188796 pay attention can I tell you this haven't encouraged you to be hard working let me be zpAIYXAxbK8-00242-00188796-00190068 sincere with you when you are tired rest when you are hungry eat Landis zpAIYXAxbK8-00243-00190136-00190680 [Music] especially for young people because we are surrounded by so many people who want to zpAIYXAxbK8-00244-00190680-00191196 show that you can stretch in the spirit we we derive a lot of Pride from showing that zpAIYXAxbK8-00245-00191196-00191772 you have stamina in the spirit there are people today who have answered and is because they did zpAIYXAxbK8-00246-00191772-00192444 not know how to fast with wisdom there are people today who are destroying themselves zpAIYXAxbK8-00247-00192558-00192996 there are people today who have gone to pray and stretch themselves Beyond zpAIYXAxbK8-00248-00192996-00193482 proportion and it affected their brains they have bipolar right now they're in the hospital zpAIYXAxbK8-00249-00193650-00194136 there is a balance to everything the Bible says to do everything with moderation zpAIYXAxbK8-00250-00194298-00194760 pay a pay attention to your health do not feel embarrassed and don't zpAIYXAxbK8-00251-00194760-00195054 feel less of a Christian if you are investing in your health zpAIYXAxbK8-00252-00195306-00195468 if you're with me say Amen zpAIYXAxbK8-00253-00195818-00196470 [Applause] humorously I'm saying that there are meals being served while the message is going zpAIYXAxbK8-00254-00196470-00196818 on and some of you are almost embarrassed you don't want to collect it collect it zpAIYXAxbK8-00255-00196974-00197238 collecting to zpAIYXAxbK8-00256-00197316-00198042 or they are not serving oh I see oh they are just positioned don't don't collect it now zpAIYXAxbK8-00257-00198132-00198696 but when it's time to collect it collect it yes after the message you have it I know some zpAIYXAxbK8-00258-00198696-00199242 of you will feel like you are falling your hands spiritually how could I be so anointed zpAIYXAxbK8-00259-00199326-00199896 when Jesus was hungry he ate when Jesus was tired he slept zpAIYXAxbK8-00260-00200468-00200568 [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00261-00200568-00201330 please eat and rest in this Kingdom we live by bread and words bread and words zpAIYXAxbK8-00262-00201330-00201934 not word alone bread and words please sit down we have to wrap up [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00263-00202002-00203904 are you learning now very quickly number five the faith quality decision you must make in order to zpAIYXAxbK8-00264-00203904-00204798 emerge as a champion and influence is the decision to be financially independent write it down zpAIYXAxbK8-00265-00205008-00205680 I hope you are not shouting just because you like money the decision to be financially zpAIYXAxbK8-00266-00205680-00206292 independent you know can I be honest with you many people shy away from the reality of this zpAIYXAxbK8-00267-00206412-00206994 because and I know why usually when it has to do with the issue of finances there are two groups zpAIYXAxbK8-00268-00206994-00207473 in the body of Christ there are those who ignore it and say it's not important don't worry you just zpAIYXAxbK8-00269-00207473-00208200 serve God you will sort your life and then there are those who almost is like an extension of lost zpAIYXAxbK8-00270-00208200-00208888 and canality and everything is money money from start to finish both are wrong [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00271-00209021-00209514 but I can tell you based on the authority of scripture the decision to be financially zpAIYXAxbK8-00272-00209514-00210390 independent is a noble decision and it's also a spiritual decision Proverbs chapter 22 verse 7. zpAIYXAxbK8-00273-00210546-00210912 may you never forget this scripture for the rest of your life in Jesus name zpAIYXAxbK8-00274-00210990-00211434 Proverbs chapter 22 verse 7 why do you need to contend zpAIYXAxbK8-00275-00211488-00212256 for financial Independence here is one of the reasons the Bible says the rich roulette over the zpAIYXAxbK8-00276-00212256-00213342 poor and the borrower is servant to the lender did you hear that a rich man will rule over the poor zpAIYXAxbK8-00277-00213342-00213996 even if he's a poor prayer Warrior even if he's a poor fasting giant for as long as you are poor zpAIYXAxbK8-00278-00213996-00214692 you will never be able to taste the corridors of power and influence it takes economic empowerment zpAIYXAxbK8-00279-00214692-00215856 to lift the name of Jesus the name of Jesus is very heavy it takes resources to lift it up hmm zpAIYXAxbK8-00280-00215976-00216816 do not join the ignorance where people find comfort in believing zpAIYXAxbK8-00281-00216930-00217590 that everything will be all right if you are not financially empowered what zpAIYXAxbK8-00282-00217590-00218250 we challenge in the body of Christ is lost and Affinity towards material things not the zpAIYXAxbK8-00283-00218250-00218819 availability of resources by the time money becomes a God to you by the time you become zpAIYXAxbK8-00284-00218819-00219419 obsessed with money even to the detriment of your relationship with Jesus now there is a problem zpAIYXAxbK8-00285-00219600-00220271 materialism is not having materials materialism is the influence of materials on your relationship zpAIYXAxbK8-00286-00220271-00220842 with Jesus and you don't need to have money to be materialistic there are many zpAIYXAxbK8-00287-00220842-00221380 poor people who are materialistic they don't just have the money to manifest it yet [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00288-00221490-00222444 please pay attention to this there are many people who are called of God today but they are unable to zpAIYXAxbK8-00289-00222444-00223050 do much for the kingdom this conference right now is happening because there are Financial Resources zpAIYXAxbK8-00290-00223050-00223638 to drive the conference it is not only because Jesus is here Jesus is here and we are grateful zpAIYXAxbK8-00291-00223752-00224406 but what if the Gen and the sound system goes off and you cannot hear what if the lights are out zpAIYXAxbK8-00292-00224406-00225371 this magnificent um ground that we all are sitting here it took resources to make it happen as I have zpAIYXAxbK8-00293-00225371-00226038 taught around this amazing Camp I have seen all kinds of projects ongoing it takes resources zpAIYXAxbK8-00294-00226176-00226917 if you Embrace poverty you will also Embrace weakness foreign [Music] zpAIYXAxbK8-00295-00227232-00228132 scriptures exalt us from The Book of Proverbs I see he's my son saying to my sins incline zpAIYXAxbK8-00296-00228132-00228906 thy ears to my words let them not depart from thy eyes and keep them in the midst of Thee zpAIYXAxbK8-00297-00228966-00229632 as you have listened to this message we believe that you are going to reap the blessings thereof zpAIYXAxbK8-00298-00229632-00230298 if you attend to these words as well that you will keep these words in the midst of your zpAIYXAxbK8-00299-00230298-00231017 heart that no matter the circumstance your eyes are going to be fixed on these words and as you zpAIYXAxbK8-00300-00231017-00231666 have been blessed it will tell you to share this message be an evangelist by sharing to zpAIYXAxbK8-00301-00231666-00232164 others to be blessed and then subscribe to this channel for us because we have loads zpAIYXAxbK8-00302-00232164-00232632 of videos we have loads of content that is going to make you blessed that is going to zpAIYXAxbK8-00303-00232632-00233292 set you on cause that is going to set you up late and don't forget to like for us thank zR_oGck7dko-00000-00000042-00000322 Tips and Benefits for Small Business Coaching zR_oGck7dko-00001-00000304-00000640 404 939 5631 new website marketing dot zR_oGck7dko-00002-00000625-00000947 com What happens when you want to launch zR_oGck7dko-00003-00000948-00001233 a new business startup or perhaps test zR_oGck7dko-00004-00001220-00001514 out your general entrepreneurship skills zR_oGck7dko-00005-00001531-00001829 Then a valuable suggestion for you would zR_oGck7dko-00006-00001802-00002109 be to sign up for small business coaching zR_oGck7dko-00007-00002135-00002422 for your unique business needs It comes zR_oGck7dko-00008-00002445-00002738 as no surprise that the main reasons zR_oGck7dko-00009-00002731-00003012 that small businesses survive are because zR_oGck7dko-00010-00003017-00003322 the firm owners make informed decisions zR_oGck7dko-00011-00003318-00003608 for the betterment of their business zR_oGck7dko-00012-00003618-00003900 However while making excellent decisions zR_oGck7dko-00013-00003917-00004223 might be a sound investment for your zR_oGck7dko-00014-00004210-00004517 business not many entrepreneurs have master zR_oGck7dko-00015-00004538-00004818 the skill thereby necessitating the need zR_oGck7dko-00016-00004834-00005113 for coaching This type of coaching not zR_oGck7dko-00017-00005109-00005425 only provides you with a wealth of knowledge zR_oGck7dko-00018-00005436-00005718 for your business operations but it also zR_oGck7dko-00019-00005726-00006000 makes you a competitive advantage over zR_oGck7dko-00020-00006038-00006333 the conventional business start ups Noteworthy zR_oGck7dko-00021-00006321-00006632 Benefits of Investing in a Small Business zR_oGck7dko-00022-00006622-00006924 Mentor coaching Perhaps the most important zR_oGck7dko-00023-00006918-00007214 aspect of this type of training is that zR_oGck7dko-00024-00007235-00007536 you receive first hand knowledge from zR_oGck7dko-00025-00007537-00007814 a highly experienced guide in the realms zR_oGck7dko-00026-00007813-00008130 of the business investment worlds In zR_oGck7dko-00027-00008102-00008427 this way you are sure that you are in zR_oGck7dko-00028-00008440-00008707 the hands of an individual who can not zR_oGck7dko-00029-00008734-00009048 only shed light on the concepts needed zR_oGck7dko-00030-00009007-00009338 to take your business to the next level zR_oGck7dko-00031-00009312-00009642 but someone who can also address your zR_oGck7dko-00032-00009636-00009902 mistakes and queries for your small start zR_oGck7dko-00033-00009933-00010216 up Additionally your mentor might also zR_oGck7dko-00034-00010206-00010515 guide your through the initial stages zR_oGck7dko-00035-00010502-00010835 of setting up your project Specialized zR_oGck7dko-00036-00010842-00011103 Knowledge Another notable benefit of zR_oGck7dko-00037-00011140-00011403 this type of coaching is that you are zR_oGck7dko-00038-00011415-00011703 exposed to specialized knowledge that zR_oGck7dko-00039-00011707-00012036 most entrepreneurship out there need The zR_oGck7dko-00040-00012028-00012338 business trains are often organized into zR_oGck7dko-00041-00012330-00012631 coherent formats whereby you are taught zR_oGck7dko-00042-00012645-00012913 all the important concepts such as combining zR_oGck7dko-00043-00012930-00013230 the factors of productions and the importance zR_oGck7dko-00044-00013230-00013535 of making a conscious decision for your zR_oGck7dko-00045-00013502-00013816 business each time The knowledge is most zR_oGck7dko-00046-00013833-00014132 often calibrated to ensure that you become zR_oGck7dko-00047-00014115-00014411 better at managing your small business zR_oGck7dko-00048-00014428-00014728 Satisfaction Guaranteed Once you take zR_oGck7dko-00049-00014745-00015038 the bold step to sign up for the business zR_oGck7dko-00050-00015008-00015316 coaching you are sure of receiving the zR_oGck7dko-00051-00015327-00015634 ideal value for your time and money This zR_oGck7dko-00052-00015620-00015946 is because the coaching is often organized zR_oGck7dko-00053-00015924-00016214 into coherent formats that are packed zR_oGck7dko-00054-00016225-00016532 with a wealth of information that is zR_oGck7dko-00055-00016521-00016817 tailor made for small business While it zR_oGck7dko-00056-00016839-00017128 may take some time to grasp all the cornerstone zR_oGck7dko-00057-00017137-00017421 concepts thoroughly you are sure of becoming zR_oGck7dko-00058-00017448-00017712 a competent entrepreneur after the coaching zR_oGck7dko-00059-00017748-00018037 sessions complete I ve Hired a Business zR_oGck7dko-00060-00018025-00018330 Coach Now What Before you can sign up zR_oGck7dko-00061-00018331-00018621 or invest in a given business coaching zR_oGck7dko-00062-00018629-00018924 you might want to consider the following zR_oGck7dko-00063-00018919-00019229 Ask for referrals this simply means asking zR_oGck7dko-00064-00019212-00019544 for information from friends family and zR_oGck7dko-00065-00019531-00019830 colleagues who have an investment in zR_oGck7dko-00066-00019839-00020117 similar coaching activities previously zR_oGck7dko-00067-00020123-00020407 Use the internet you might also use the zR_oGck7dko-00068-00020443-00020745 World Wide Web to search for a business zR_oGck7dko-00069-00020720-00021015 coach who is closest to your proximity zR_oGck7dko-00070-00021027-00021327 Most savvy coaches often have their portfolios zR_oGck7dko-00071-00021326-00021617 available online for their clients Professional zR_oGck7dko-00072-00021631-00021928 Business Coaches Help You Actualize Your zR_oGck7dko-00073-00021922-00022239 Business Ideas Given all these points zR_oGck7dko-00074-00022227-00022512 when it comes to achieving all the goals zR_oGck7dko-00075-00022535-00022847 for your business and also becoming a zR_oGck7dko-00076-00022811-00023135 better entrepreneur then there are barely zR_oGck7dko-00077-00023115-00023402 any nooks or crevices for poor decision zR_oGck7dko-00078-00023421-00023707 making Simply put setting some time off zR_oGck7dko-00079-00023716-00024021 your busy schedule to attend small business zR_oGck7dko-00080-00024012-00024346 coaching might just be the solution you zR_oGck7dko-00081-00024347-00024611 need to skyrocket your current results zR_oGck7dko-00082-00024646-00024924 Call 404 939 5631 and visit new website zR_oGck7dko-00083-00024923-00025216 marketing dot com to Learn More zS6LwEZFWME-00000-00000081-00000641 Hey what's going on I pressed the button too soon. Whoops, I wasn't even gonna zS6LwEZFWME-00001-00000787-00001163 Put on a real shirt instead of wearing the robe again, but I didn't zS6LwEZFWME-00002-00001300-00001628 So yeah, I gotta shave zS6LwEZFWME-00003-00001777-00001977 I'm like a mess zS6LwEZFWME-00004-00002188-00002984 Thankfully, it's Friday my money this isn't adjusted right? What is happening? Why is this so low? go up zS6LwEZFWME-00005-00003154-00003206 I didn't lower that zS6LwEZFWME-00006-00003304-00003384 Uh... zS6LwEZFWME-00007-00003670-00004124 I really really hope it's not gonna be one of those days it can't be one of those days. I got too much crap to do zS6LwEZFWME-00008-00004128-00004334 I haven't even taken the coffee out of the coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00009-00004548-00004907 All right, here's what I mean, check this out this is how I make coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00010-00004989-00005176 It's a tea strainer zS6LwEZFWME-00011-00005176-00005903 Do you know why? Because making coffee when you're really tired is a lot of work so I put ground coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00012-00006012-00006356 in there and then I soak it in water zS6LwEZFWME-00013-00006393-00006836 and then I take it out and it does leave a little bit of coffee sludge at the bottom zS6LwEZFWME-00014-00006993-00007742 But that's okay cuz it's good coffee. Hey it's just my eyeball in view. Oh, it's gonna be one of those days I can already tell zS6LwEZFWME-00015-00007959-00008348 I have too much crap to do so here's what's going on. Hold on zS6LwEZFWME-00016-00008506-00008706 Here's the intro I've been practicing zS6LwEZFWME-00017-00009118-00009707 Welcome to first cup I'm Jeremy Lesniak, and this is my first cup of coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00018-00010135-00010580 That's what I was supposed to say first, but I was dumb with buttons zS6LwEZFWME-00019-00010950-00011249 Maybe that should be the new name ofthe show, dumb with buttons zS6LwEZFWME-00020-00011479-00011732 Describes a lot of what happens with my career. zS6LwEZFWME-00021-00011959-00012159 All right, hold up zS6LwEZFWME-00022-00012485-00012644 Okay zS6LwEZFWME-00023-00012644-00012921 All right. I got this. Okay, so zS6LwEZFWME-00024-00013000-00013293 I think I've mentioned yesterday that there's a weekend long zS6LwEZFWME-00025-00013391-00013516 martial arts zS6LwEZFWME-00026-00013516-00013703 camp zS6LwEZFWME-00027-00013703-00013975 The kempo jujitsu school I train in. We're hanging out zS6LwEZFWME-00028-00014075-00014275 and zS6LwEZFWME-00029-00014405-00014605 I've packed... zS6LwEZFWME-00030-00014747-00015144 a camp chair. It's literally what I've packed. It's a camp chair. zS6LwEZFWME-00031-00015290-00015553 I have some work I gotta do today a lot of ton zS6LwEZFWME-00032-00015794-00016020 So I gotta get this all done zS6LwEZFWME-00033-00016193-00016810 But I realized as I was waking up this morning you ever do this you're like, oh I still have probably an hour zS6LwEZFWME-00034-00016883-00017349 To sleep, but I'm gonna... my brains gonna think of a thing that's really important right now zS6LwEZFWME-00035-00017462-00017775 Remember that I don't have my popup canopy zS6LwEZFWME-00036-00017975-00018361 that we spent most of the weekend under last year at this event zS6LwEZFWME-00037-00018491-00018786 Because I lent it to a friend who only lives one town over zS6LwEZFWME-00038-00018962-00019162 But I don't know if he's home zS6LwEZFWME-00039-00019427-00019648 But it's too early to text her cuz it's 6:00 a.m zS6LwEZFWME-00040-00020588-00021226 Also, I have to try to find my canopy and if not bring a hat cuz we're all gonna be somewhere zS6LwEZFWME-00041-00021617-00021817 I have to shave zS6LwEZFWME-00042-00022127-00022849 If your grainy neck hair shows up on 480p then you need to shave. That's a rule. zS6LwEZFWME-00043-00023318-00023790 Much better early last night. I feel much better. It's been a long week. zS6LwEZFWME-00044-00024035-00024714 I don't like sleeping on the ground I'm gonna bring my air mattress that fills my tent literally fills the tent kind of pushes outside zS6LwEZFWME-00045-00024715-00024915 Well the tent a little bit zS6LwEZFWME-00046-00025697-00025897 And the only reason I'm doing that is that zS6LwEZFWME-00047-00026051-00026364 It's gonna be hot so I can't sleep in the back of the SUV zS6LwEZFWME-00048-00026417-00026853 without putting the windows down that means bugs come in and I've never built my zS6LwEZFWME-00049-00026941-00027435 Idea for really light velcro screens that you could put over windows zS6LwEZFWME-00050-00027605-00028048 It's the thing I don't think they make them but they should somebody should make them zS6LwEZFWME-00051-00028141-00028356 That's not gonna be me. I'm making too many things right now zS6LwEZFWME-00052-00028586-00028957 A lot of swords. (beeping) zS6LwEZFWME-00053-00029102-00029334 My phone just notified me or something. I don't know what zS6LwEZFWME-00054-00029653-00029853 This is not my best cup of coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00055-00030080-00030541 Think I put too much creatine in I think I can taste it I don't zS6LwEZFWME-00056-00031069-00031269 I had breakfast on the porch yesterday zS6LwEZFWME-00057-00031343-00031543 It was awesome. zS6LwEZFWME-00058-00031562-00032142 I sat on the porch. Once it wasn't, you know, 40 degrees then I had breakfast. It was really nice zS6LwEZFWME-00059-00032219-00032419 Let me do that again zS6LwEZFWME-00060-00032897-00033567 There are no deer outside the cat seems to have gone somewhere zS6LwEZFWME-00061-00034147-00034491 Every episode of this will not be great. I've accepted that zS6LwEZFWME-00062-00034730-00034987 Maybe I should have started a little later, but I really want to make coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00063-00035156-00035775 I promised that I would not do this show until I... without... I promise I wouldn't have coffee without this show zS6LwEZFWME-00064-00036455-00036885 I'm pretty sure if there was a description of the show it would be: Watch a ridiculous man. Wake up zS6LwEZFWME-00065-00036971-00037335 On air over the course of 10 minutes while he drinks a cup of coffee. zS6LwEZFWME-00066-00037463-00037663 I think that's really what it is zS6LwEZFWME-00067-00038134-00038358 More samples on the way more products zS6LwEZFWME-00068-00038492-00039002 I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Yay! zS6LwEZFWME-00069-00039224-00039742 You know someday we're gonna have a bunch of stuff like a lot of different stuff at Whistlekick zS6LwEZFWME-00070-00039872-00040512 And I won't be able to do this show in my living room wearing a robe unshaven as people say it's unprofessional zS6LwEZFWME-00071-00040806-00040894 whatever... zS6LwEZFWME-00072-00040982-00041464 Maybe they will... still do that. Maybe we'll be like the anti martial arts conglomerates zS6LwEZFWME-00073-00041606-00041857 Maybe all I'll ever wear is a robe. Maybe I'll make zS6LwEZFWME-00074-00041999-00042303 a robe into a gi.... I mean it kind of is it's got a belt zS6LwEZFWME-00075-00042668-00043090 I do kind of want to make like pajama robes... pajama gis zS6LwEZFWME-00076-00043460-00043855 Normally I used the generic term uniform because you know dough box zS6LwEZFWME-00077-00043946-00044084 but zS6LwEZFWME-00078-00044084-00044473 nobody wants to slip their pajamas on over their head if they're above you know, like zS6LwEZFWME-00079-00044615-00044934 7. So it's much easier to wrap something like a robe zS6LwEZFWME-00080-00045233-00045433 So zS6LwEZFWME-00081-00045461-00045966 Well, if you had a gi who's like made of robe material zS6LwEZFWME-00082-00046184-00046384 It's basically a robe, isn't it? zS6LwEZFWME-00083-00046619-00047077 This is my product development process I start with what if I realize zS6LwEZFWME-00084-00047183-00047436 that most of the ideas are dumb and then once in a while, they're not zS6LwEZFWME-00085-00048387-00048739 I hope you've had a great week. I hope your Friday is awesome. zS6LwEZFWME-00086-00048813-00049013 I hope your weekend is awesome-er zS6LwEZFWME-00087-00049044-00049373 No, I don't. I hope every day is equally awesome. But zS6LwEZFWME-00088-00049560-00049760 Above the threshold of Awesome zS6LwEZFWME-00089-00049908-00050501 Hope all your days are wonderful. I try to make my own wonderful yesterday was good. I'm so tired zS6LwEZFWME-00090-00050733-00051083 I'm not gonna tell you when I went to bed, but it was still light out. Let's put it that way zS6LwEZFWME-00091-00051258-00051916 Got to be fair, it's mid July and Vermont so it's light until like nine o'clock zS6LwEZFWME-00092-00052316-00052828 Right around the solstice for those of you that live down south you may not realize how dramatic a difference it can be zS6LwEZFWME-00093-00052926-00053126 one of sunsets zS6LwEZFWME-00094-00053129-00053329 but there are zS6LwEZFWME-00095-00053337-00053537 Right around the solstice in June zS6LwEZFWME-00096-00053586-00053775 You can see outside zS6LwEZFWME-00097-00053775-00053975 Into like 9:15 9:30 zS6LwEZFWME-00098-00054005-00054316 Well, it doesn't mean you're driving with your lights off, but you can still do it zS6LwEZFWME-00099-00054498-00055112 Hey Wow 9 minutes, but what am I gonna suggest that you do? Where's the hook for this show? zS6LwEZFWME-00100-00055152-00055205 I have no idea zS6LwEZFWME-00101-00055266-00055452 It's not a good coffee zS6LwEZFWME-00102-00055452-00055614 All right zS6LwEZFWME-00103-00055614-00055770 So quite often zS6LwEZFWME-00104-00055770-00055935 we talk about zS6LwEZFWME-00105-00055935-00056483 Working for the weekend or just you know, kind of making these comments that we can't wait for the weekend. Well the weekend zS6LwEZFWME-00106-00056625-00056917 Is 2/7ths of year of your life zS6LwEZFWME-00107-00057048-00057280 If you're not enjoying the other five zS6LwEZFWME-00108-00057357-00057586 You're wasting time don't waste time zS6LwEZFWME-00109-00057678-00058030 you don't get it back time is the only currency we have money is just zS6LwEZFWME-00110-00058122-00058520 a store of time that's all it is. So zS6LwEZFWME-00111-00058638-00058838 Peace zS6LwEZFWME-00112-00059244-00059444 Make zSu-87_pZYy-00000-00001151-00001735 love has become a relevant thing zSu-87_pZYy-00001-00001424-00002000 in human life only because zSu-87_pZYy-00002-00001735-00002232 human emotion is a strong aspect of zSu-87_pZYy-00003-00002000-00002535 being human being zSu-87_pZYy-00004-00002232-00002584 in human life emotion is a very powerful zSu-87_pZYy-00005-00002535-00002832 thing zSu-87_pZYy-00006-00002584-00003103 even in this day and age though people zSu-87_pZYy-00007-00002832-00003376 think they're very intellectual zSu-87_pZYy-00008-00003103-00003688 even today their emotions are the zSu-87_pZYy-00009-00003376-00004000 strongest aspect zSu-87_pZYy-00010-00003688-00004239 yes it's the most intense aspect of zSu-87_pZYy-00011-00004000-00004407 their life zSu-87_pZYy-00012-00004239-00004639 they claim they're intellectual but zSu-87_pZYy-00013-00004407-00004936 their intellect is never so intense zSu-87_pZYy-00014-00004639-00004976 but their emotions are intense maybe not zSu-87_pZYy-00015-00004936-00005184 love zSu-87_pZYy-00016-00004976-00005384 maybe not compassion but maybe anger zSu-87_pZYy-00017-00005184-00005680 maybe irritation zSu-87_pZYy-00018-00005384-00005680 these are all emotions zSu-87_pZYy-00019-00005712-00006431 so emotion is a a very zSu-87_pZYy-00020-00006039-00006431 important aspect of being human zSu-87_pZYy-00021-00006479-00007072 now we are only talking about what type zSu-87_pZYy-00022-00006800-00007231 of emotion do you want to have zSu-87_pZYy-00023-00007072-00007400 now if you do you have a mind zSu-87_pZYy-00024-00007400-00008104 do you have a mind yes zSu-87_pZYy-00025-00007736-00008104 would you want it to be sharp or dull zSu-87_pZYy-00026-00008143-00008368 why zSu-87_pZYy-00027-00008447-00008952 it works better that way isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00028-00008720-00009104 similarly if you have emotions zSu-87_pZYy-00029-00008952-00009296 do you want to have sweet emotions or zSu-87_pZYy-00030-00009104-00009479 bitter emotions zSu-87_pZYy-00031-00009296-00009688 sweeter emotions it works better that zSu-87_pZYy-00032-00009479-00009960 way isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00033-00009688-00010375 so love means just that you have zSu-87_pZYy-00034-00009960-00010375 transformed your emotions into sweetness zSu-87_pZYy-00035-00010464-00010888 now i want to be in love without emotion zSu-87_pZYy-00036-00011007-00011584 that's a very european idea zSu-87_pZYy-00037-00011968-00012504 love is an emotion it is the sweetness zSu-87_pZYy-00038-00012336-00012647 of your emotion which we are referring zSu-87_pZYy-00039-00012504-00012847 to as love zSu-87_pZYy-00040-00012647-00013056 if the same emotion becomes bitter we zSu-87_pZYy-00041-00012847-00013240 call it hate zSu-87_pZYy-00042-00013056-00013544 usually it is the people whom you love zSu-87_pZYy-00043-00013240-00013791 that you hate isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00044-00013544-00013872 sometime i go you love them now you hate zSu-87_pZYy-00045-00013791-00014031 them you don't zSu-87_pZYy-00046-00013872-00014319 hate that man who's just walking on the zSu-87_pZYy-00047-00014031-00014552 street isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00048-00014319-00014719 some love should have happened and now zSu-87_pZYy-00049-00014552-00015031 the coin fell another way zSu-87_pZYy-00050-00014719-00015031 and now it's become hate zSu-87_pZYy-00051-00015063-00015544 yes so it's just the same coin if it zSu-87_pZYy-00052-00015344-00015695 falls this way it becomes love it falls zSu-87_pZYy-00053-00015544-00015968 that way it becomes hatred zSu-87_pZYy-00054-00015695-00016144 don't think they're too far away they're zSu-87_pZYy-00055-00015968-00016319 pretty close zSu-87_pZYy-00056-00016144-00016600 one little thing goes wrong love becomes zSu-87_pZYy-00057-00016319-00016600 hate isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00058-00016712-00017384 so how to be in love without emotion zSu-87_pZYy-00059-00017104-00017495 love is an emotion now the choice is zSu-87_pZYy-00060-00017384-00017736 only zSu-87_pZYy-00061-00017495-00017800 do you want your emotions to be sweet zSu-87_pZYy-00062-00017736-00018584 pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00063-00017800-00018584 or unpleasant emotions the choice zSu-87_pZYy-00064-00018623-00019128 it's an obvious choice isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00065-00018928-00019400 but most people are keeping their zSu-87_pZYy-00066-00019128-00019568 emotions bitter most of the time zSu-87_pZYy-00067-00019400-00019784 bitterness need not necessarily mean zSu-87_pZYy-00068-00019568-00019928 they're an active hatred zSu-87_pZYy-00069-00019784-00020176 they're an irritation they're in zSu-87_pZYy-00070-00019928-00020368 agitation zSu-87_pZYy-00071-00020176-00020623 they're in some kind of fear is also an zSu-87_pZYy-00072-00020368-00020976 emotion anxiety is an emotion zSu-87_pZYy-00073-00020623-00021376 it in some level of unpleasantness zSu-87_pZYy-00074-00020976-00021728 if you make your emotions very pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00075-00021376-00022040 then life will be very pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00076-00021728-00022408 even today most people experience zSu-87_pZYy-00077-00022040-00022784 as a moment of love as the most profound zSu-87_pZYy-00078-00022408-00022784 experience of their life it is not zSu-87_pZYy-00079-00022808-00023215 but they experience it that way because zSu-87_pZYy-00080-00023008-00023456 that is the most intense thing they have zSu-87_pZYy-00081-00023215-00023456 touched zSu-87_pZYy-00082-00023479-00023808 what that is the deepest dimension of zSu-87_pZYy-00083-00023695-00024136 life they have touched zSu-87_pZYy-00084-00023808-00024464 is a moment of love zSu-87_pZYy-00085-00024136-00024464 so they raise it to heaven zSu-87_pZYy-00086-00024504-00025000 people are transporting it to heaven zSu-87_pZYy-00087-00024776-00025584 people are talking about divine love zSu-87_pZYy-00088-00025000-00025783 you do not know whether god loves or not zSu-87_pZYy-00089-00025584-00026032 human beings are capable of love if they zSu-87_pZYy-00090-00025783-00026032 are willing zSu-87_pZYy-00091-00026072-00026895 dog is capable of love when human beings zSu-87_pZYy-00092-00026424-00027119 fail you you get yourself a dog zSu-87_pZYy-00093-00026895-00027261 if you get a dog 12 year guaranteed love zSu-87_pZYy-00094-00027119-00027391 affair zSu-87_pZYy-00095-00027391-00028000 yes don't uh do not underestimate this zSu-87_pZYy-00096-00027800-00028391 you get yourself a dog every day you zSu-87_pZYy-00097-00028000-00028391 come home what a welcome you get zSu-87_pZYy-00098-00028472-00028991 your wife she's no good zSu-87_pZYy-00099-00028816-00029152 one one day she's one one way your zSu-87_pZYy-00100-00028991-00029456 children they're not zSu-87_pZYy-00101-00029152-00029768 interested with you come home ago zSu-87_pZYy-00102-00029456-00029832 but your dog every day what an excited zSu-87_pZYy-00103-00029768-00030119 welcome zSu-87_pZYy-00104-00029832-00030368 he gives you nobody is capable of this zSu-87_pZYy-00105-00030119-00030368 isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00106-00030424-00030847 every day without fail zSu-87_pZYy-00107-00030880-00031568 he'll never show disinterest in you zSu-87_pZYy-00108-00031183-00031568 he's such a boost for you zSu-87_pZYy-00109-00031688-00032512 dog is love for sure maybe it's just a zSu-87_pZYy-00110-00032056-00032847 spelling mistake zSu-87_pZYy-00111-00032512-00032847 you know typos can happen zSu-87_pZYy-00112-00033684-00034200 now zSu-87_pZYy-00113-00033896-00034552 if you made yourself in such a way zSu-87_pZYy-00114-00034200-00034975 nobody around around you can love you zSu-87_pZYy-00115-00034552-00034975 then the only sucker you have is zSu-87_pZYy-00116-00035128-00035560 somebody must love you long distance zSu-87_pZYy-00117-00035312-00035560 from there zSu-87_pZYy-00118-00035575-00036008 it's unfortunate where to live god loves zSu-87_pZYy-00119-00035840-00036152 you it's the most unfortunate way to zSu-87_pZYy-00120-00036008-00036456 live zSu-87_pZYy-00121-00036152-00036496 that means you made yourself in such a zSu-87_pZYy-00122-00036456-00036856 way zSu-87_pZYy-00123-00036496-00036856 nobody can even look at you zSu-87_pZYy-00124-00036944-00037360 if people around you cannot help loving zSu-87_pZYy-00125-00037168-00037672 you that's a nice way to be zSu-87_pZYy-00126-00037360-00038184 isn't it you may not be great maybe at zSu-87_pZYy-00127-00037672-00038680 least you're cute zSu-87_pZYy-00128-00038184-00038680 yes so zSu-87_pZYy-00129-00038847-00039256 in yoga we don't look at anything as zSu-87_pZYy-00130-00039200-00039512 love zSu-87_pZYy-00131-00039256-00039656 hate happiness misery we don't look at zSu-87_pZYy-00132-00039512-00039903 it that way zSu-87_pZYy-00133-00039656-00040175 we just look at it this way do you want zSu-87_pZYy-00134-00039903-00040408 to be pleasant or unpleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00135-00040175-00040600 if you become pleasant in your body we zSu-87_pZYy-00136-00040408-00040808 call it health zSu-87_pZYy-00137-00040600-00041040 if you become very pleasant we call it zSu-87_pZYy-00138-00040808-00041503 pleasure zSu-87_pZYy-00139-00041040-00041847 if your mind becomes zSu-87_pZYy-00140-00041503-00042231 pleasant we call it peace zSu-87_pZYy-00141-00041847-00042463 if it becomes very planet we call it joy zSu-87_pZYy-00142-00042231-00042536 if your emotions become pleasant we call zSu-87_pZYy-00143-00042463-00042736 it love zSu-87_pZYy-00144-00042536-00042919 if it becomes very pleasant we call it zSu-87_pZYy-00145-00042736-00043096 compassion zSu-87_pZYy-00146-00042919-00043312 if your very life energies become zSu-87_pZYy-00147-00043096-00043503 pleasant we call this bliss zSu-87_pZYy-00148-00043312-00043784 if it becomes very pleasant we call it zSu-87_pZYy-00149-00043503-00043784 ecstasy zSu-87_pZYy-00150-00043824-00044280 if your surroundings become pleasant we zSu-87_pZYy-00151-00044008-00044280 call it success zSu-87_pZYy-00152-00044384-00045152 so the other names that you give zSu-87_pZYy-00153-00044808-00045328 are just leading to confusion zSu-87_pZYy-00154-00045152-00045480 should i be loving you don't have to be zSu-87_pZYy-00155-00045328-00045688 loving zSu-87_pZYy-00156-00045480-00045872 just be pleasant in your body pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00157-00045688-00046008 in your mind pleasant in your emotions zSu-87_pZYy-00158-00045872-00046319 pleasant your energies zSu-87_pZYy-00159-00046008-00046568 you will be a wonderful being zSu-87_pZYy-00160-00046319-00046759 if your emotions are pleasant if zSu-87_pZYy-00161-00046568-00046919 somebody comes here you can share that zSu-87_pZYy-00162-00046759-00047136 pleasantness with them zSu-87_pZYy-00163-00046919-00047344 if your emotions are unpleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00164-00047136-00047591 unpleasant for sure you share that with zSu-87_pZYy-00165-00047344-00047959 people isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00166-00047591-00048352 i don't know so you cannot zSu-87_pZYy-00167-00047959-00048568 you cannot do something that you are not zSu-87_pZYy-00168-00048352-00048728 if this is feeling pleasant now it will zSu-87_pZYy-00169-00048568-00048959 naturally be pleasant to zSu-87_pZYy-00170-00048728-00049119 everything if this is feeling unpleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00171-00048959-00049487 right now it will be nasty zSu-87_pZYy-00172-00049119-00049624 to everything so instead of seeing how zSu-87_pZYy-00173-00049487-00049912 to make this pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00174-00049624-00050128 you want to be pleasant to somebody that zSu-87_pZYy-00175-00049912-00050408 is being loving zSu-87_pZYy-00176-00050128-00050544 you don't have to be loving if zSu-87_pZYy-00177-00050408-00050672 everything within you has become zSu-87_pZYy-00178-00050544-00050847 pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00179-00050672-00051056 whatever is needed in that moment you zSu-87_pZYy-00180-00050847-00051215 will do zSu-87_pZYy-00181-00051056-00051415 if you need to say pleasant things you zSu-87_pZYy-00182-00051215-00051751 will say that if you need to say some zSu-87_pZYy-00183-00051415-00051751 hard things you will say that zSu-87_pZYy-00184-00051776-00052215 but without any unpleasantness in you zSu-87_pZYy-00185-00051959-00052359 that's important isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00186-00052215-00052536 if you'll have to fight a war you'll zSu-87_pZYy-00187-00052359-00052808 fight it without zSu-87_pZYy-00188-00052536-00053055 any unpleasantness in you that's zSu-87_pZYy-00189-00052808-00053055 important zSu-87_pZYy-00190-00053088-00053432 then you will do everything only to the zSu-87_pZYy-00191-00053279-00053712 extent it's necessary zSu-87_pZYy-00192-00053432-00053839 you will not do over to anything if you zSu-87_pZYy-00193-00053712-00054160 say i love somebody zSu-87_pZYy-00194-00053839-00054304 you will exaggerate things about the zSu-87_pZYy-00195-00054160-00054479 people whom you love zSu-87_pZYy-00196-00054304-00054624 you will exaggerate good things about zSu-87_pZYy-00197-00054479-00054808 them zSu-87_pZYy-00198-00054624-00055008 if you say i hate somebody you will zSu-87_pZYy-00199-00054808-00055295 exaggerate bad things about them zSu-87_pZYy-00200-00055008-00055455 you'll never see anything the way it is zSu-87_pZYy-00201-00055295-00055760 people go blind zSu-87_pZYy-00202-00055455-00055944 with things that they love isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00203-00055760-00056191 they have no sense they lose all their zSu-87_pZYy-00204-00055944-00056295 sense if they hate also they'll lose zSu-87_pZYy-00205-00056191-00056472 sense zSu-87_pZYy-00206-00056295-00056808 if you like you will lose sense if you zSu-87_pZYy-00207-00056472-00056808 dislike you would lose sense zSu-87_pZYy-00208-00056888-00057288 the doorway of life is in being zSu-87_pZYy-00209-00057120-00057551 equanimous that you're able to see zSu-87_pZYy-00210-00057288-00057751 everything just the way it is zSu-87_pZYy-00211-00057551-00057936 now you are pleasant to somebody not zSu-87_pZYy-00212-00057751-00058088 because somebody is nice zSu-87_pZYy-00213-00057936-00058383 you are pleasant to somebody because you zSu-87_pZYy-00214-00058088-00058383 are pleasant that's all zSu-87_pZYy-00215-00058616-00059176 this is more guaranteed it's a more zSu-87_pZYy-00216-00058912-00059312 guaranteed love affair isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00217-00059176-00059536 you're being pleasant to somebody zSu-87_pZYy-00218-00059312-00059736 because you're pleasant if i'm being zSu-87_pZYy-00219-00059536-00060032 pleasant to you because you are nice zSu-87_pZYy-00220-00059736-00060112 tomorrow if you're not so nice something zSu-87_pZYy-00221-00060032-00060439 else will happen zSu-87_pZYy-00222-00060112-00060727 isn't it if you motivate your zSu-87_pZYy-00223-00060439-00060936 pleasantness to something outside of you zSu-87_pZYy-00224-00060727-00061200 you being pleasant or unpleasant is only zSu-87_pZYy-00225-00060936-00061200 by chance zSu-87_pZYy-00226-00061232-00061688 keeping this one pleasant is your zSu-87_pZYy-00227-00061383-00061879 business if this one is pleasant what zSu-87_pZYy-00228-00061688-00062112 with whatever it interacts it will zSu-87_pZYy-00229-00061879-00062279 generate pleasantness zSu-87_pZYy-00230-00062112-00062455 now you are not managed to make this zSu-87_pZYy-00231-00062279-00062688 pleasant you are trying to be pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00232-00062455-00062960 to somebody zSu-87_pZYy-00233-00062688-00063079 and that is subject to so many things if zSu-87_pZYy-00234-00062960-00063239 you have to be pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00235-00063079-00063464 they have to be fixed the way you want zSu-87_pZYy-00236-00063239-00063464 them zSu-87_pZYy-00237-00063679-00064007 and that's not possible zSu-87_pZYy-00238-00064016-00064400 nobody can be fixed the way you want zSu-87_pZYy-00239-00064191-00064512 them you're not able to do that even zSu-87_pZYy-00240-00064400-00064800 with one person zSu-87_pZYy-00241-00064512-00064944 isn't it you cannot even fix one person zSu-87_pZYy-00242-00064800-00065200 the way you want them forget about the zSu-87_pZYy-00243-00064944-00065200 whole world zSu-87_pZYy-00244-00065288-00065888 the more you try this zSu-87_pZYy-00245-00065688-00066144 the more bitterness and unpleasantness zSu-87_pZYy-00246-00065888-00066464 will happen that is why in the so-called zSu-87_pZYy-00247-00066144-00066824 most intimate relationships maximum zSu-87_pZYy-00248-00066464-00066824 amount of unpleasantness happens zSu-87_pZYy-00249-00066832-00067272 so this is because you're trying to do zSu-87_pZYy-00250-00067024-00067592 something that you're not zSu-87_pZYy-00251-00067272-00067848 you're trying to be loving when you're zSu-87_pZYy-00252-00067592-00067848 not pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00253-00067951-00068424 when you're feeling bitter you try to be zSu-87_pZYy-00254-00068239-00068800 loving and see it'll destroy you zSu-87_pZYy-00255-00068424-00069151 isn't it yes or no zSu-87_pZYy-00256-00068800-00069151 you tried all these things isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00257-00069207-00069495 it's destructive zSu-87_pZYy-00258-00069607-00070072 when you're feeling pleasant it is zSu-87_pZYy-00259-00070083-00070736 effortless zSu-87_pZYy-00260-00070304-00070992 you just have to look at why is it zSu-87_pZYy-00261-00070736-00071383 you being pleasant or unpleasant is zSu-87_pZYy-00262-00070992-00071383 mortgage to external situations zSu-87_pZYy-00263-00071448-00071904 if everybody around me is unpleasant how zSu-87_pZYy-00264-00071648-00072088 can i be pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00265-00071904-00072288 especially if everybody around you is zSu-87_pZYy-00266-00072088-00072527 unpleasant it's all the more important zSu-87_pZYy-00267-00072288-00072927 that you're pleasant isn't it zSu-87_pZYy-00268-00072527-00073176 yes or no if everybody around you zSu-87_pZYy-00269-00072927-00073312 is in a mess is it not all the more zSu-87_pZYy-00270-00073176-00073520 important that you're pleasant if zSu-87_pZYy-00271-00073312-00073704 everybody around you is unhealthy zSu-87_pZYy-00272-00073520-00073904 is it not very important at least you're zSu-87_pZYy-00273-00073704-00074095 healthy even if you want to take care of zSu-87_pZYy-00274-00073904-00074327 them zSu-87_pZYy-00275-00074095-00074400 is there any logic to everybody is zSu-87_pZYy-00276-00074327-00074704 unhealthy so zSu-87_pZYy-00277-00074400-00075024 let me also get sick zSu-87_pZYy-00278-00074704-00075224 what is the logic behind this so if zSu-87_pZYy-00279-00075024-00075432 people around you are unpleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00280-00075224-00075983 it becomes even more important that zSu-87_pZYy-00281-00075432-00075983 you're pleasant zSu-87_pZYy-00282-00077592-00077800 you zTdwlJoj2mE-00000-00000277-00000566 Uniquely Elevated in the Qur'an zTdwlJoj2mE-00001-00000579-00000992 Why would I elevate Jesus above other prophets? zTdwlJoj2mE-00002-00001000-00001365 If the Word off Allah elevates someone, zTdwlJoj2mE-00003-00001371-00001656 who are we to neglect that, zTdwlJoj2mE-00004-00001669-00001897 or to not acknowledge this? zTdwlJoj2mE-00005-00001906-00002316 we know that he is mentioned countless times in the Qur’an. zTdwlJoj2mE-00006-00002326-00002687 That alone elevates him and makes him great. zTdwlJoj2mE-00007-00002697-00003180 He is not one who can be found at a shrine or a tomb. zTdwlJoj2mE-00008-00003198-00003340 The Qur’an attests, zTdwlJoj2mE-00009-00003352-00003508 the Hadith will attest, zTdwlJoj2mE-00010-00003521-00003625 that Isa Al Masih, zTdwlJoj2mE-00011-00003647-00003820 is alive, zTdwlJoj2mE-00012-00003829-00004000 he is the only prophet we know of zTdwlJoj2mE-00013-00004015-00004129 that was elevated, zTdwlJoj2mE-00014-00004140-00004272 that was taken, zTdwlJoj2mE-00015-00004277-00004472 up to be with Allah, zTdwlJoj2mE-00016-00004483-00004726 and we know that he will be coming back. zTdwlJoj2mE-00017-00004737-00004881 This is clearly taught. zTdwlJoj2mE-00018-00004895-00005079 So he is alive. zTdwlJoj2mE-00019-00005084-00005519 That elevates him to a very special prominent place. zTdwlJoj2mE-00020-00005525-00005734 ....He is also unique in the sense that zTdwlJoj2mE-00021-00005775-00006179 he is the only prophet who does not have a human father. zTdwlJoj2mE-00022-00006192-00006840 Allah’s intervention has placed the person of Jesus in a totally separate category. zTdwlJoj2mE-00023-00006854-00006976 He is different, zTdwlJoj2mE-00024-00006990-00007202 and that elevates him. zTdwlJoj2mE-00025-00007213-00007330 Furthermore, zTdwlJoj2mE-00026-00007340-00007734 we learn from the Khutba, zTdwlJoj2mE-00027-00007747-00008062 the preaching of Muhammad (pbuh), zTdwlJoj2mE-00028-00008072-00008313 and it is abundantly clear in the Hadith, zTdwlJoj2mE-00029-00008328-00008512 that Isa Al Masih, zTdwlJoj2mE-00030-00008548-00008933 is the only one who Satan at his birth zTdwlJoj2mE-00031-00008943-00009174 did not touch with his two fingers. zTdwlJoj2mE-00032-00009189-00009429 All human beings, zTdwlJoj2mE-00033-00009438-00009577 without exception, zTdwlJoj2mE-00034-00009589-00009962 have the touch of the enemy of Allah, zTdwlJoj2mE-00035-00009973-00010329 and this accounts for their problems in this life. zTdwlJoj2mE-00036-00010347-00010613 But we are told, zTdwlJoj2mE-00037-00010629-00011099 that one exception only exists it is Isa Masih, zTdwlJoj2mE-00038-00011108-00011252 he is the only one, zTdwlJoj2mE-00039-00011258-00011561 of whom this is said that he is sinless, zTdwlJoj2mE-00040-00011567-00011697 from birth. zTdwlJoj2mE-00041-00011705-00012347 It calls him while he is even in his mothers womb zTdwlJoj2mE-00042-00012358-00012728 it says of him "this Holy Child" zTdwlJoj2mE-00043-00012739-00012915 This is the testimony of the Qur'an zTdwlJoj2mE-00044-00012924-00013149 He is unique in this sense. zXGMANTdys4-00000-00000585-00000992 bjbj This is Michael Woodbridge coming to you from the Aldo Leopold Shack, Northwest zXGMANTdys4-00001-00000992-00001415 of Madison, Wisconsin. And this is a chance for people to come out there and get inspired zXGMANTdys4-00002-00001415-00001998 and really start thinking about a vision for the refuge system. So at the Also Leopold zXGMANTdys4-00003-00001998-00002625 Legacy Center just down the road from the shack where really the whole field of ecological zXGMANTdys4-00004-00002625-00003376 restoration began in many ways. And we really see this in many ways as a place to come and zXGMANTdys4-00005-00003376-00003921 be re-inspired or inspired for the first time if you have never heard of Leopold and kinda zXGMANTdys4-00006-00003921-00004545 rekindle that passion and love that people have for the natural world and take that back zXGMANTdys4-00007-00004545-00005092 to then to whatever corner of the world they come from. I'm really excited to have this zXGMANTdys4-00008-00005092-00005693 opportunity to visit also Leopold's property and visit the center here. And through out zXGMANTdys4-00009-00005693-00006184 the week I'll be reflecting on the field trip here and my time walking quietly down the zXGMANTdys4-00010-00006184-00006748 trials and thinking about my own land ethic and how I'm going to apply that back to the zXGMANTdys4-00011-00006748-00007181 day to day work and implementing our new vision. I have many feelings going on today and one zXGMANTdys4-00012-00007181-00007736 is the passing of the torch. So coming face to face with the foundation that has been zXGMANTdys4-00013-00007736-00008504 laid that s inspired me to take on the work that I do in service to our country. And also zXGMANTdys4-00014-00008504-00008942 expanding my mind of what s possible, what really possible and how to get people to see zXGMANTdys4-00015-00008942-00009472 that and embrace it. And to think outside the box and try new things and really integrating zXGMANTdys4-00016-00009472-00009970 conservation into everyday decision making and choice that we as a service make and our zXGMANTdys4-00017-00009970-00010386 country can make as well. I started out as an undergraduate of course at North Carolina zXGMANTdys4-00018-00010386-00010961 University and the Sand County Almanac was the required reading. And it's partly from zXGMANTdys4-00019-00010961-00011453 reading that book that made me decide I wanted to be a refuge manager but I had never been zXGMANTdys4-00020-00011453-00012234 here, so to finally come here as a refuge manager is really a cool experience. You couldn't zXGMANTdys4-00021-00012234-00012464 have picked a better place honestly, to have the conference. 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Not for zYJEctd7YiM-00007-00003555-00004085 profit or any other means. It's just to get that out there and to share it with other people and create community. zaV2RCjwPWg-00000-00000000-00000222 Before Starting The Video Biggg Disclaimer zaV2RCjwPWg-00001-00000222-00000512 voice recoding of this Video I did in different different time zaV2RCjwPWg-00002-00000512-00000692 That why voice will be different different zaV2RCjwPWg-00003-00000736-00000886 so just manage it zaV2RCjwPWg-00004-00000886-00001182 So basically, in person's life such stage comes when he has to leave his zaV2RCjwPWg-00005-00001182-00001508 happy and comfortable life and zaV2RCjwPWg-00006-00001508-00001878 Go to such sector where is street zaV2RCjwPWg-00007-00001888-00002218 some has the street to complete their target and zaV2RCjwPWg-00008-00002238-00002472 some has street of not getting salary zaV2RCjwPWg-00009-00002476-00002780 and many people has the street of this also zaV2RCjwPWg-00010-00002798-00003066 Employ - Who is the boyfriend of mitali zaV2RCjwPWg-00011-00003128-00003379 And I have street of only one thing zaV2RCjwPWg-00012-00003400-00003618 what did mom pack me for lunch today zaV2RCjwPWg-00013-00003729-00003856 Whistle Whistle zaV2RCjwPWg-00014-00004104-00004154 Through this shit zaV2RCjwPWg-00015-00004180-00004492 Everything is nice bro but why are your color turning in green zaV2RCjwPWg-00016-00004520-00004640 oooooo should I be red zaV2RCjwPWg-00017-00004856-00005040 Through this shit zaV2RCjwPWg-00018-00005092-00005264 So today we are going to talk about jobs zaV2RCjwPWg-00019-00005292-00005456 Job - mine about mine zaV2RCjwPWg-00020-00005504-00005960 Where boy or girl I do not judge your genders for their fines a collar and zaV2RCjwPWg-00021-00006032-00006396 12th pass out student find job like a dog zaV2RCjwPWg-00022-00006523-00006836 12th student – dad passed with 75% zaV2RCjwPWg-00023-00006884-00007200 Dad – too good now what will you do ahead college will not zaV2RCjwPWg-00024-00007216-00007364 open whole day soo do some zaV2RCjwPWg-00025-00007373-00007423 12th student- job zaV2RCjwPWg-00026-00007440-00007544 Dad- no do some cource zaV2RCjwPWg-00027-00007573-00007814 12th student – no dad I will job zaV2RCjwPWg-00028-00008882-00008932 DAD - OK zaV2RCjwPWg-00029-00008946-00009302 So basically all this thing running in this being mind about job zaV2RCjwPWg-00030-00009328-00009744 Inner mind – * haha if will do job no one will give some other work zaV2RCjwPWg-00031-00009794-00010074 And I got respect in society zaV2RCjwPWg-00032-00010084-00010184 And most important thing money zaV2RCjwPWg-00033-00010218-00011362 Song money money in background zaV2RCjwPWg-00034-00011470-00011760 And this 12th passout student told this things to school zaV2RCjwPWg-00035-00011798-00012072 12th student- haha fuck you suffer me too much zaV2RCjwPWg-00036-00012120-00012536 now will do job and college also And do too much fun zaV2RCjwPWg-00037-00012536-00012640 hahahahhahahahhah zaV2RCjwPWg-00038-00012924-00013163 Aaahahahahhahahahahhahha zaV2RCjwPWg-00039-00013194-00013256 12th student- ahahha zaV2RCjwPWg-00040-00013288-00013494 college and job smacked me too much zaV2RCjwPWg-00041-00013566-00013778 nothing to worry atleast I have respect at home zaV2RCjwPWg-00042-00014019-00014254 12th student - I took job and college in fun zaV2RCjwPWg-00043-00014297-00014428 they both smacked too much zaV2RCjwPWg-00044-00014469-00014624 school is good than them zaV2RCjwPWg-00045-00014688-00015072 nothing to worry atleast I have respect at home and at home no one will tell me for work zaV2RCjwPWg-00046-00015619-00015712 Big brother- asshole go and bring me a glass of water zaV2RCjwPWg-00047-00015754-00015854 12th student- aaaa I will not going to bring it. zaV2RCjwPWg-00048-00016104-00016176 I am going na zaV2RCjwPWg-00049-00016400-00016668 And you one friend in your friend group who allways zaV2RCjwPWg-00050-00016720-00016814 Friend- bro plzz fine a job for me zaV2RCjwPWg-00051-00016858-00016964 bro get me a placement at your office zaV2RCjwPWg-00052-00016988-00017120 Bro bro bro job zaV2RCjwPWg-00053-00017226-00017430 Then this busted will not leave you alone anywhere zaV2RCjwPWg-00054-00017462-00017560 also not in toilet zaV2RCjwPWg-00055-00017660-00017760 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa zaV2RCjwPWg-00056-00017792-00018058 I do not know how to make toilet expression sry zaV2RCjwPWg-00057-00018102-00018200 na I do not care zaV2RCjwPWg-00058-00018200-00018400 Bbbbbrrrrrooooo jjjjjoooobbbb zaV2RCjwPWg-00059-00018660-00018710 Haha zaV2RCjwPWg-00060-00018770-00018956 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa zaV2RCjwPWg-00061-00018974-00019238 So back in time when I was passout 12th zaV2RCjwPWg-00062-00019280-00019504 Me – dad I will also do job zaV2RCjwPWg-00063-00019532-00019822 So first of all I go to a cyber shop for make resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00064-00019836-00020048 because that I do not know the format of resume and zaV2RCjwPWg-00065-00020060-00020194 also I have not printer that zaV2RCjwPWg-00066-00020252-00020328 I have not now also zaV2RCjwPWg-00067-00020396-00020624 Rich kid- ooohoo poor I have zaV2RCjwPWg-00068-00020968-00021018 Slap zaV2RCjwPWg-00069-00021028-00021472 Seriously bro if I have print put too much printout on my wall and zaV2RCjwPWg-00070-00021490-00022018 my house looks like some old theater will have too much movie poster on it and zaV2RCjwPWg-00071-00022038-00022274 maybe that why my parents did not buy me printer zaV2RCjwPWg-00072-00022312-00022516 Because one time I have a ben 10 sticker zaV2RCjwPWg-00073-00022564-00022646 bbbeeennn 111000 zaV2RCjwPWg-00074-00022712-00022864 and what I did with it zaV2RCjwPWg-00075-00022910-00023168 I make it a wallpaper of my toilet gate zaV2RCjwPWg-00076-00023192-00023330 just think you zaV2RCjwPWg-00077-00023354-00023504 get toilet pressure zaV2RCjwPWg-00078-00023908-00024180 And you run to the toilet and what you see zaV2RCjwPWg-00079-00024194-00024484 ben 10 and he is also running zaV2RCjwPWg-00080-00024502-00024724 because that sticker has a running posture zaV2RCjwPWg-00081-00024864-00024964 hahahhahahhah zaV2RCjwPWg-00082-00025063-00025192 hahahahahhahahha zaV2RCjwPWg-00083-00025226-00025357 hahaahhahahahahhahaha zaV2RCjwPWg-00084-00025733-00025922 Then you go inside zaV2RCjwPWg-00085-00025964-00026168 and ben 10 standing there till now zaV2RCjwPWg-00086-00026195-00026326 with their 10 alien zaV2RCjwPWg-00087-00026350-00026538 it's like super protection zaV2RCjwPWg-00088-00026598-00026827 I do not know your but in this type of zaV2RCjwPWg-00089-00026868-00027032 I can go without lock zaV2RCjwPWg-00090-00027052-00027426 and now I thought about that incidence I realize in childhood I am too zaV2RCjwPWg-00091-00027486-00027586 too zaV2RCjwPWg-00092-00027612-00027727 big asshole zaV2RCjwPWg-00093-00027752-00027933 I did not find other place to put it zaV2RCjwPWg-00094-00027956-00028120 oooo we went off topic zaV2RCjwPWg-00095-00028177-00028464 so resume is just like ticket for interview zaV2RCjwPWg-00096-00028495-00028714 just think you go for a movie zaV2RCjwPWg-00097-00028748-00028824 Ticket checker – ticket zaV2RCjwPWg-00098-00028842-00029186 You – haha I forgot to bring it zaV2RCjwPWg-00099-00029776-00030077 So first of all I go to a call center for interview zaV2RCjwPWg-00100-00030094-00030206 (with resume) zaV2RCjwPWg-00101-00030244-00030474 so there was too much candidate zaV2RCjwPWg-00102-00030506-00030574 and I am like zaV2RCjwPWg-00103-00030589-00030848 is it happening public feast here zaV2RCjwPWg-00104-00030945-00031116 and the HR tell this zaV2RCjwPWg-00105-00031139-00031492 Hr- comes my child no one go from here with empty stomach zaV2RCjwPWg-00106-00031512-00031777 And 12 fears on all the candidate faces zaV2RCjwPWg-00107-00031820-00032074 like there came for selling their kidney for buying an iPhone zaV2RCjwPWg-00108-00032086-00032292 and not for then self for their girlfriend zaV2RCjwPWg-00109-00032312-00032494 then I sit near to a boy zaV2RCjwPWg-00110-00032520-00032720 and I am trying to see his resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00111-00032732-00032996 to just make sure my resume is better than his resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00112-00033022-00033248 because this all about resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00113-00033296-00033476 so there an extra skill section zaV2RCjwPWg-00114-00033518-00033612 he wrote there zaV2RCjwPWg-00115-00033644-00033922 did leadership among 100 of people zaV2RCjwPWg-00116-00033982-00034036 I ask him zaV2RCjwPWg-00117-00034044-00034102 Me- what is this bro zaV2RCjwPWg-00118-00034112-00034298 Candidate- bro I was a WhatsApp group admin zaV2RCjwPWg-00119-00034312-00034442 Me – and what was the name of the group zaV2RCjwPWg-00120-00034460-00034674 Candidate – ayush bro friend board zaV2RCjwPWg-00121-00034694-00034854 I am like anything is written zaV2RCjwPWg-00122-00034892-00035048 than my turn comes for interview zaV2RCjwPWg-00123-00035068-00035282 and HR ask me first stupid question zaV2RCjwPWg-00124-00035308-00035434 HR - tell about your self zaV2RCjwPWg-00125-00035514-00035806 Me- yes I am a fool na that I make a resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00126-00035852-00036072 So I Tell him my name is dev sisodiya zaV2RCjwPWg-00127-00036110-00036274 HR- and and hmmmmhmmmm zaV2RCjwPWg-00128-00036538-00037128 Some Bollywood stuff zaV2RCjwPWg-00129-00037414-00037582 Then he places my resume beside zaV2RCjwPWg-00130-00037612-00037662 and ask zaV2RCjwPWg-00131-00037686-00037902 HR- tell me something which is not written in this resume zaV2RCjwPWg-00132-00037948-00038020 And I Said zaV2RCjwPWg-00133-00038034-00038382 Me – Sonam Gupta is unfaithful and my friend i single by birth zaV2RCjwPWg-00134-00038516-00038680 Then most disgusting questions comes zaV2RCjwPWg-00135-00038716-00038922 where do you see your self in five years zaV2RCjwPWg-00136-00038950-00039134 do not tell want see getting married zaV2RCjwPWg-00137-00039164-00039272 do not tell zaV2RCjwPWg-00138-00039290-00039410 do not tellllllll zaV2RCjwPWg-00139-00039434-00039500 aaaaaaa zaV2RCjwPWg-00140-00039520-00039668 want to see having kids zaV2RCjwPWg-00141-00039752-00039920 so I Know Video Is Too Late zaV2RCjwPWg-00142-00039946-00040124 And I was Trying New Things zaV2RCjwPWg-00143-00040152-00040448 and animation Has Improve Too Much Maybe zaV2RCjwPWg-00144-00040520-00040648 and my voice has sited zaV2RCjwPWg-00145-00040684-00040748 voice- stand zaV2RCjwPWg-00146-00040764-00040830 Do not make fun of mine zaV2RCjwPWg-00147-00040852-00041134 and yes I got a job #iamnotjobless now zaV2RCjwPWg-00148-00041134-00041334 chutiye zaVGK8q5ibo-00000-00000163-00000263 Deepak Mishra: Cool. zaVGK8q5ibo-00001-00000263-00000363 So good morning. zaVGK8q5ibo-00002-00000363-00000773 My name is Deepak and I'm a research fellow with the Synthetic Biology Center. zaVGK8q5ibo-00003-00000773-00001140 And so today, we're just going to talk about kind of how do we apply synthetic biology zaVGK8q5ibo-00004-00001140-00001576 for augmentation in the capacity of talking about organoids. zaVGK8q5ibo-00005-00001576-00002392 And so where I first want to start is about 25 years ago, we saw actually an ear on the zaVGK8q5ibo-00006-00002392-00002872 back of a mouse from Linda Griffith here at MIT and some other researchers in the Boston zaVGK8q5ibo-00007-00002872-00002997 area. zaVGK8q5ibo-00008-00002997-00003322 And you start thinking to yourself, "Well wow, we're building tissues." zaVGK8q5ibo-00009-00003322-00003800 But in actuality, it's just some polymer on the back of a mouse that you've squirted some zaVGK8q5ibo-00010-00003800-00004187 cells on, and so you've grown a structure. zaVGK8q5ibo-00011-00004187-00004551 Fast forward 30 years, we can say, "Well, I can 3D print that same structure now in zaVGK8q5ibo-00012-00004551-00004949 an hour," which used to take five years to make, just because you had to make the polymers, zaVGK8q5ibo-00013-00004949-00005119 you had to understand how to implant them. zaVGK8q5ibo-00014-00005119-00005611 Deepak Mishra: But really all we've done is build a structure. zaVGK8q5ibo-00015-00005611-00005876 That structure is just a great thing to put some earrings on. zaVGK8q5ibo-00016-00005876-00006210 But in reality, it's not functional. zaVGK8q5ibo-00017-00006210-00006681 By no means is this actually going to be a functional ear by any means. zaVGK8q5ibo-00018-00006681-00007050 So we have to start thinking about how do we actually grow and augment tissues in a zaVGK8q5ibo-00019-00007050-00007680 way that actually gets past this structural specification and actually incorporates function? zaVGK8q5ibo-00020-00007680-00008045 And the tools of synthetic biology is actually something we can do. zaVGK8q5ibo-00021-00008045-00008203 We have some proteins and genes. zaVGK8q5ibo-00022-00008203-00008629 These protein and genes come together in biochemical reactions to form interactions. zaVGK8q5ibo-00023-00008629-00009274 Those interactions then become pathways that can now encode sensing, processing actuation, zaVGK8q5ibo-00024-00009274-00009479 and in turn leads to a cell. zaVGK8q5ibo-00025-00009479-00009881 Groups of cells become tissues and cultures and all of a sudden we can start thinking zaVGK8q5ibo-00026-00009881-00010578 about how do we actually engineer underlying elements to create functional novel behavior? zaVGK8q5ibo-00027-00010578-00011213 So this is always a good time to pause and reflect that a cell, robots, bio bots, whatever zaVGK8q5ibo-00028-00011213-00011654 you want to call them, often benefit from established kind of engineering paradigms. zaVGK8q5ibo-00029-00011654-00011890 Deepak Mishra: So we can think about this a little bit more deeply. zaVGK8q5ibo-00030-00011890-00012315 If we had to engineer a cell from scratch, we probably wouldn't put the mitochondria zaVGK8q5ibo-00031-00012315-00012578 and the ribosomes exactly where they are. zaVGK8q5ibo-00032-00012578-00013086 But we can use kind of this sensing processing actuation and start brainstorming the fact zaVGK8q5ibo-00033-00013086-00013497 that there are many modalities accessible to us in this programming nature. zaVGK8q5ibo-00034-00013497-00014000 I can go at the chemical molecule, I can use proteins, I can use mRNA, I can use all of zaVGK8q5ibo-00035-00014000-00014152 them all together. zaVGK8q5ibo-00036-00014152-00014733 And we actually put all of these together to start thinking about how do we build systems. zaVGK8q5ibo-00037-00014733-00015263 This is where I usually take a pause and say while we often think about digital logic and zaVGK8q5ibo-00038-00015263-00015791 this very ordered cell, courtesy of Tim Lu, where we can program anything. zaVGK8q5ibo-00039-00015791-00016176 It's always healthy to know, as we are before lunch, that a cell is closer to a burrito. zaVGK8q5ibo-00040-00016176-00016622 Deepak Mishra: So we have to start thinking, how do we harness biology? zaVGK8q5ibo-00041-00016622-00017096 How do we augment these things and how do we actually get to a place where we can build zaVGK8q5ibo-00042-00017096-00017288 systems using biology? zaVGK8q5ibo-00043-00017288-00017742 So let's take a case of I wanted to grow a new liver. zaVGK8q5ibo-00044-00017742-00018293 A program that you might think is if I have a single STEM cell, I'm going to write a genetic zaVGK8q5ibo-00045-00018293-00018529 program that has it actually multiply. zaVGK8q5ibo-00046-00018529-00018662 So now I have a collection of iPSC cells. zaVGK8q5ibo-00047-00018662-00019332 I have to go through some symmetry breaking operation that yields now these prototypical zaVGK8q5ibo-00048-00019332-00019779 cell types that can become this actual potential liver. zaVGK8q5ibo-00049-00019779-00020065 Deepak Mishra: So rather than just putting some polymers down and squirting cells on zaVGK8q5ibo-00050-00020065-00020557 it, can I get through the symmetry breaking to make the hepatocytes, the vasculature, zaVGK8q5ibo-00051-00020557-00021132 the actual neuronal tissues, and in turn grow into these organoids on a chip or actually zaVGK8q5ibo-00052-00021132-00021346 true functioning organs. zaVGK8q5ibo-00053-00021346-00021707 And that's actually where we are today is how do we go through this process of writing zaVGK8q5ibo-00054-00021707-00022309 genetic programs for augmented organoids as well as future organs that don't even exist zaVGK8q5ibo-00055-00022309-00022409 right now? zaVGK8q5ibo-00056-00022409-00022651 Why is it that our livers can't see in the dark? zaVGK8q5ibo-00057-00022651-00022880 Maybe they should have rods and cones as well. zaVGK8q5ibo-00058-00022880-00023137 Deepak Mishra: So that's where we are. zaVGK8q5ibo-00059-00023137-00023544 And so now for the next kind of few minutes, I'm going to talk a little bit about where zaVGK8q5ibo-00060-00023544-00023986 we are in this process and what kind of we can do so far. zaVGK8q5ibo-00061-00023986-00024679 So over the last 30 years there's been immense research efforts in iPSCs and all sorts of zaVGK8q5ibo-00062-00024679-00024784 [inaudible] serration. zaVGK8q5ibo-00063-00024784-00025336 But one of the things we've realized is cells actually go through a cell fate kind of decision zaVGK8q5ibo-00064-00025336-00025632 tree that can be manipulated in many ways. zaVGK8q5ibo-00065-00025632-00026161 Originally we discovered that using small molecules or the Yamanaka factors, you could zaVGK8q5ibo-00066-00026161-00026683 take cells both forwards and backwards through this decision tree of differentiation. zaVGK8q5ibo-00067-00026683-00026979 And so one of the things we would want to do then is how do we make this autonomous? zaVGK8q5ibo-00068-00026979-00027385 How do we make it so that way we can grow new organs using these synthetic networks? zaVGK8q5ibo-00069-00027385-00027787 Deepak Mishra: So that might look like this where we have just some iPSCs. zaVGK8q5ibo-00070-00027787-00028207 iPSCs then can become either ectoderm, mesoderm, or endoderm. zaVGK8q5ibo-00071-00028207-00028483 So again, going down this hierarchy of differentiation. zaVGK8q5ibo-00072-00028483-00028924 That is actually recapitulating just embryogenesis here. zaVGK8q5ibo-00073-00028924-00029427 From there, certain cell types will actually differentiate into kind of the specialized zaVGK8q5ibo-00074-00029427-00029645 lungs, liver, stomachs. zaVGK8q5ibo-00075-00029645-00030056 And you just keep going down and down where you have all of these cell types that you zaVGK8q5ibo-00076-00030056-00030626 need to navigate a cell down these fates and avoiding going down the other fates using zaVGK8q5ibo-00077-00030626-00030777 a genetic program. zaVGK8q5ibo-00078-00030777-00031145 This seems very simple because it just looks like it's a binary decision tree. zaVGK8q5ibo-00079-00031145-00031712 In reality, it is actually not as nuanced as that, but you can still ... we try to write zaVGK8q5ibo-00080-00031712-00032339 this program saying we want a self-timed differentiation multistep process where I have an input chemical zaVGK8q5ibo-00081-00032339-00032778 that starts down this progression and I incorporate feedback. zaVGK8q5ibo-00082-00032778-00033153 And indeed that's what we've been starting to do is ... this is now work that was published zaVGK8q5ibo-00083-00033153-00033709 a few years ago, Patrick Guye and Mo Ebrahim, both of whom are familiar in the MIT community zaVGK8q5ibo-00084-00033709-00033908 as we've all been here 10 years now. zaVGK8q5ibo-00085-00033908-00034433 Deepak Mishra: But these endoderm then start expressing these cell fate regulators and zaVGK8q5ibo-00086-00034433-00035177 you actually go through the symmetry breaking where you can have a fairly simple circuit zaVGK8q5ibo-00087-00035177-00035798 integrated into these iPSCs, that in the presence of a small molecule Dox, that is FDA approved, zaVGK8q5ibo-00088-00035798-00036238 you can now start having the first symmetry breaking happen, where during day zero to zaVGK8q5ibo-00089-00036238-00036423 five you'd have this break. zaVGK8q5ibo-00090-00036423-00036890 You remove that input and the actual circuit will continue operating, hopefully getting zaVGK8q5ibo-00091-00036890-00037057 into that first symmetry break. zaVGK8q5ibo-00092-00037057-00037397 Deepak Mishra: So here's some experiments that we actually did where we introduced a zaVGK8q5ibo-00093-00037397-00037592 mixed cell population. zaVGK8q5ibo-00094-00037592-00038111 They're all iPSCs to start, but one is fated to become actually this endoderm and the is zaVGK8q5ibo-00095-00038111-00038322 actually going to become ectoderm. zaVGK8q5ibo-00096-00038322-00038866 So the endoderm is these blue cells and the red cells are this ectoderm. zaVGK8q5ibo-00097-00038866-00039285 Deepak Mishra: After administering Dox, you'll see that those blue cells start turning green, zaVGK8q5ibo-00098-00039285-00039758 showing that they've actually gone through that first cell differentiation. zaVGK8q5ibo-00099-00039758-00040217 We can go a little bit further and after that critical symmetry break, eventually we can zaVGK8q5ibo-00100-00040217-00040526 actually start staining for downstream things. zaVGK8q5ibo-00101-00040526-00040882 So that mesoderm is actually going to become the vasculature and we can start staining zaVGK8q5ibo-00102-00040882-00041148 for blood vessels in these prototypical tissues. zaVGK8q5ibo-00103-00041148-00041566 We can take the endoderm and they actually become hepatocytes starting to make albumin zaVGK8q5ibo-00104-00041566-00042038 and fiboronectin that we can see expression of, showing that it is truly a hepatocyte. zaVGK8q5ibo-00105-00042038-00042678 Deepak Mishra: And in turn we can actually make all sorts of different cell types already. zaVGK8q5ibo-00106-00042678-00043070 So just in this very simple circuit, we've been able to make the three main classes, zaVGK8q5ibo-00107-00043070-00043672 mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm, and through actually various kind of coaxing downstream zaVGK8q5ibo-00108-00043672-00044073 of that, we've now generated around 15 different cell types. zaVGK8q5ibo-00109-00044073-00044565 And now the hard part is we don't know how to build a liver, truly, but we know that zaVGK8q5ibo-00110-00044565-00044976 all the cells in the liver we can map and they are all of these cells that we've been zaVGK8q5ibo-00111-00044976-00045076 able to make. zaVGK8q5ibo-00112-00045076-00045528 Deepak Mishra: So we're now in this kind of feedback cycle of how do we engineer new programs zaVGK8q5ibo-00113-00045528-00045690 to get the cells where we want to? zaVGK8q5ibo-00114-00045690-00046276 Because indeed it is these very local rules that govern this global structural specification zaVGK8q5ibo-00115-00046276-00046419 and that's where we truly are. zaVGK8q5ibo-00116-00046419-00046693 So with that, we've been working on a lot of things. zaVGK8q5ibo-00117-00046693-00046929 Here's like an organoid that I made yesterday. zaVGK8q5ibo-00118-00046929-00047247 And it is just 50,000 cells with different circuits. zaVGK8q5ibo-00119-00047247-00047718 This one is going to try to have differential adhesion, so that we have a sticky inner core zaVGK8q5ibo-00120-00047718-00047818 and an outer core. zaVGK8q5ibo-00121-00047818-00048113 Deepak Mishra: And that's kind of where we are. zaVGK8q5ibo-00122-00048113-00048410 We live in the future, they are kind of ugly at times. zaVGK8q5ibo-00123-00048410-00048757 Here's a huge organoid that I made a month ago. zaVGK8q5ibo-00124-00048757-00049285 And they're actually as big as your fist if you actually put them all together, which zaVGK8q5ibo-00125-00049285-00049818 is kind of cool to think about because right now, it's not that unlike if I just stretched zaVGK8q5ibo-00126-00049818-00050236 it over cartilage scaffold, I can put it on my hand and say I have an ear. zaVGK8q5ibo-00127-00050236-00050810 So with that, all of this work takes many, many people, as this is probably around 10 zaVGK8q5ibo-00128-00050810-00051216 years of work, both by myself, by all of my collaborators, by the entire [Weiss] lab as zaVGK8q5ibo-00129-00051216-00051316 a whole. zaVGK8q5ibo-00130-00051316-00051800 And I'm always happy to chat about anything related to ears, burritos, and syn bio. zctQmXWWNH8-00000-00000000-00000342 face book group zctQmXWWNH8-00001-00000342-00000880 https://www.facebook.com/pg/Strawberry-JR-you-tube-channel-updates-2242481052439406/groups/?ref=page_internal zctQmXWWNH8-00002-00004484-00004748 producer is my friend christain walker zctQmXWWNH8-00003-00004988-00005264 editer is Strawberry J.R zcTHNqPmkZI-00000-00000000-00000937 On this World Health Day, we present to you, Maré’s resident, the work of ‘Conexão Saúde’. zcTHNqPmkZI-00001-00001797-00002293 Luna Arouca - Coordinator of Redes da Maré and ‘Conexão Saúde’: ‘Conexão Saúde’ emerged from the meeting of several organizations zcTHNqPmkZI-00002-00002293-00002623 that were interested in fight Covid, here in Maré. zcTHNqPmkZI-00003-00002623-00002813 Redes da Maré, within the scope of the campaign zcTHNqPmkZI-00004-00002813-00003291 ‘Maré says NO to Coronavirus!’, was already collecting data on people zcTHNqPmkZI-00005-00003291-00003627 with symptoms but that didn’t have access to testing. zcTHNqPmkZI-00006-00003627-00004173 So, we went to Fiocruz, and they contacted several other organizations, zcTHNqPmkZI-00007-00004173-00004598 including the Community Council of Manguinhos, to build a project zcTHNqPmkZI-00008-00004598-00004948 that could serve the population of Maré and Manguinhos, creating zcTHNqPmkZI-00009-00004948-00005267 a health surveillance model in the period of Pandemic. zcTHNqPmkZI-00010-00005267-00005784 Currently, here at Maré, we work with testing - both the PCR, zcTHNqPmkZI-00011-00005784-00006141 to know if the person is infected, as well as the serological test, zcTHNqPmkZI-00012-00006141-00006532 to know if the person had contact with the virus - the telemedicine zcTHNqPmkZI-00013-00006532-00007045 made by the team of SAS Brasil - that does not only the follow-up zcTHNqPmkZI-00014-00007045-00007682 Covid's cases but also 17 other specialties, including psychological assistance - zcTHNqPmkZI-00015-00007682-00008232 and we also have the home isolation program - for infected people zcTHNqPmkZI-00016-00008232-00008560 to be in a better condition to stay at home. zcTHNqPmkZI-00017-00008560-00008970 In this program we offer these people hygiene kits, protection zcTHNqPmkZI-00018-00008970-00009245 kits such as a mask and alcohol in gel, in addition to food zcTHNqPmkZI-00019-00009245-00009401 when the family needs it. zcTHNqPmkZI-00020-00009409-00009701 Thais Andrade do Nascimento Attendant at the ‘Conexão Saúde’ Testing Pole zcTHNqPmkZI-00021-00009701-00010043 I wake up very early and come here to prepare for the zcTHNqPmkZI-00022-00010043-00010265 appointments, which starts at 9 am. zcTHNqPmkZI-00023-00010265-00010551 Here, I am responsible for helping people and performing zcTHNqPmkZI-00024-00010551-00010769 administrative functions. zcTHNqPmkZI-00025-00010769-00011033 There are two ways to do the test here: For people with cell phones, zcTHNqPmkZI-00026-00011033-00011686 we scan their QR code and get the document to fill out. zcTHNqPmkZI-00027-00011686-00012182 People without cell phones, we use the devices of the institution itself. zcTHNqPmkZI-00028-00012182-00012601 Kátia do Nascimento Lopes Nurse at the ‘Conexão Saúde’ testing pole zcTHNqPmkZI-00029-00012601-00012968 I work with the attendance at the door, reading the exams, zcTHNqPmkZI-00030-00012968-00013293 performing the test on the population, the PCR. zcTHNqPmkZI-00031-00013293-00013702 There is a condition in which the person has the virus and does not feel zcTHNqPmkZI-00032-00013702-00013936 anything. And he is transmitting to other people. zcTHNqPmkZI-00033-00013936-00014350 So, you don’t need to experience symptoms to test, zcTHNqPmkZI-00034-00014350-00014616 this is very important. zcTHNqPmkZI-00035-00014616-00014855 The pandemic is not over! zcTHNqPmkZI-00036-00014855-00015332 USE THE MASK CORRECTLY WASH YOUR HANDS EVERY TIME YOU CAN AVOID AGGLOMERATIONS AND, IF YOU CAN, STAY AT HOME zcTHNqPmkZI-00037-00015332-00015763 11,568 Tests performed on residents of Maré zcTHNqPmkZI-00038-00015763-00016231 3,898 Medical and psychological calls carried out with residents of Maré zcTHNqPmkZI-00039-00016231-00016532 428 Residents accompanied by the safe isolation program zcTHNqPmkZI-00040-00016532-00016844 *Data from the Edition 30 of the bulletin ‘Conexão Saúde’: eyes on Corona, from March 2020. zcTHNqPmkZI-00041-00016982-00017404 Donate through our website. zd5Xdv5qhDc-00000-00000024-00000792 hello everybody welcome back to um cooking and grilling to the cooking grill with big daddy zd5Xdv5qhDc-00001-00000792-00001336 woo-woo uh i paused for a minute if i put my groceries up i did a grocery holiday y'all see zd5Xdv5qhDc-00002-00001336-00001928 that premiere about 10 45 friday night um i'm coming back now now forgive me to make some um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00003-00002112-00002616 hamburger starters along with all of the salad the way i like to eat it with all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00004-00002616-00003080 my types of fruit and salads everything i'm gonna put in i'm sure everything that i made zd5Xdv5qhDc-00005-00003208-00003520 what all the ingredients and everything i mean having you to do it so zd5Xdv5qhDc-00006-00003608-00004088 thank you for subscribing that's really really really appreciate y'all subscribe to my channel zd5Xdv5qhDc-00007-00004088-00004592 and those that hit me those i'm hitting you back so just subscribe and be friends be zd5Xdv5qhDc-00008-00004592-00005072 happy and welcome back to the big day we will cook it ain't good thank you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00009-00005632-00006088 put this over here now first of all i gotta go ahead and get my skillet zd5Xdv5qhDc-00010-00006152-00006512 i gotta watch my little still now make sure make sure he back zd5Xdv5qhDc-00011-00006823-00007184 this [ __ ] i think i know um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00012-00009632-00010000 yeah it holds a lot of flavor yeah i always keep zd5Xdv5qhDc-00013-00010000-00010552 it grease for when it was still in you okay like a rusty old nail okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00014-00011088-00011632 i got my new bamboo cutting board i'm gonna use this night to make my watermelon salad zd5Xdv5qhDc-00015-00011696-00012624 with my cucumbers my raspberry my blueberries that's nice my cranberries my feta cheese zd5Xdv5qhDc-00016-00012768-00013447 my blue cheese my tomato tomatoes my onion and then you got your pomegranate and my pomegranate zd5Xdv5qhDc-00017-00013447-00014184 i'm going to do it up y'all some send this to the side we'll get it get started okay um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00018-00014663-00014919 this is how you drive your skillet when you walk when you're watching to be wet zd5Xdv5qhDc-00019-00015000-00015512 put it on the fire let it dry so i'm screwing this back this little bit before i zd5Xdv5qhDc-00020-00015512-00016032 of that salad you all know what i mean yeah all right you know what i mean we're gonna do what zd5Xdv5qhDc-00021-00016032-00016784 we do i don't think just ma'am just family so i'm using a little bit of steak seasoning in my ground zd5Xdv5qhDc-00022-00016920-00017120 longer i have beef black pepper all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00023-00017352-00018480 parsley gotta have my onion powder okay i got me some mixed onions yeah that's some garlic problem zd5Xdv5qhDc-00024-00018584-00018920 you should have skipped it you know you're going to scream it's silly come on zd5Xdv5qhDc-00025-00018976-00019664 let me come on my thing okay i almost zd5Xdv5qhDc-00026-00020688-00022096 me and these are all the ingredients look at my ground beef should i grab me it's lean zd5Xdv5qhDc-00027-00022096-00022904 and it's mean yes it's gonna be gonna be a good eating machine i need this here okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00028-00023000-00023736 what the with the paper towel you know you know just how you do things like this here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00029-00025352-00025384 yeah yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00030-00025720-00025968 no stay silent that's enough i know it was enough zd5Xdv5qhDc-00031-00026080-00026544 you offered me a burger so i don't want to have that high blood pressure i ain't trying to hit zd5Xdv5qhDc-00032-00026544-00027239 your mouth guys for you nothing uh i'm about here that's how i'm gonna do it black pepper mm-hmm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00033-00027527-00027864 yes sir what i got my chill i got parsley zd5Xdv5qhDc-00034-00027864-00028183 okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00035-00029839-00030983 let me get in there all right nice and green yeah nice green leaves all right onion powder no i know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00036-00031880-00032816 i got to have it's gonna be oniony yes it is zd5Xdv5qhDc-00037-00033144-00033784 now i got my um now i got my favorite thing my garlic my garlic okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00038-00033896-00034240 yeah i hope you ain't heavy hitting with that's enough man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00039-00034240-00034776 let me do this gonna make some garlic probably gonna make yourself garlic salt making salty zd5Xdv5qhDc-00040-00034776-00035832 i thought she was a cook i'm a chef right have some half hook have himself have food zd5Xdv5qhDc-00041-00036392-00036600 yeah yeah i like him like this zd5Xdv5qhDc-00042-00036728-00037352 i was forming i'm gonna make these little mini burgers these mini winning kennywood burgers zd5Xdv5qhDc-00043-00037584-00038024 if i do that let me get a kool-aid okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00044-00038368-00038424 that's fine zd5Xdv5qhDc-00045-00038728-00039184 i'm going to cut my skillet back on and watch that while i'm screaming wash my hands zd5Xdv5qhDc-00046-00039184-00039616 so you're going to make that before you make the um cucumber salad yeah i'm just zd5Xdv5qhDc-00047-00039616-00040152 gonna be cooking i ain't gonna do this and then do the burgers even though you should zd5Xdv5qhDc-00048-00040296-00040784 you should do that first my burgers take longer than cucumber salad okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00049-00041128-00041776 let my meat find on low you ain't you ain't you ain't multitasking like that just be clear if i do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00050-00041776-00042352 it at work i can do it at home i'm a multi-tasker time you turn around the burger's gonna need to zd5Xdv5qhDc-00051-00042352-00042632 flip we turn around again the burger's gonna need the flavor why didn't i take both of those zd5Xdv5qhDc-00052-00042736-00043088 i got my pan in the oven put my burgers in the oven and put them small now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00053-00043360-00043584 why are you worrying about what i'm gonna do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00054-00043888-00044000 let my skill and get hot zd5Xdv5qhDc-00055-00044648-00045304 this right here y'all too i don't i call it it's not pam i can't pronounce the name of it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00056-00045360-00045632 but it said butter um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00057-00046088-00046384 what are you gonna say butter zd5Xdv5qhDc-00058-00047688-00048472 oh yeah oh yeah can't go wrong with butter butter burgers zd5Xdv5qhDc-00059-00049064-00049384 these baby sliders how do you want me to make the bench like zd5Xdv5qhDc-00060-00049384-00049680 hey you need to get here get the bun here's the bun zd5Xdv5qhDc-00061-00049840-00050584 i'm sure you that's how big the bun is okay yeah that's perfect okay yeah that's perfect zd5Xdv5qhDc-00062-00050928-00051832 nice little nice show hey don't you sound good we should get some women zd5Xdv5qhDc-00063-00053336-00053688 these little foreign burgers these called mini wools zd5Xdv5qhDc-00064-00054536-00055024 what you making many woo-woos i know that's right what you making daddy woo-woo mini woo-woo zd5Xdv5qhDc-00065-00055704-00056008 keep your fire down low so you won't know button up too much you didn't man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00066-00056008-00056679 okay push it down with your fingers up here that's the old ghetto style all right no i mean yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00067-00056991-00057176 oh yeah let me see zd5Xdv5qhDc-00068-00057496-00057920 yeah we um them pretty good i thought it was going to be too long but the aroma is delicious zd5Xdv5qhDc-00069-00058544-00058984 hey you the burger master let me do this zd5Xdv5qhDc-00070-00060048-00060824 all right now okay put this down drop my hands off zd5Xdv5qhDc-00071-00061304-00061912 i gotta get another super kool-aid kool-aid that's what i call it did you want to show zd5Xdv5qhDc-00072-00061912-00062240 them that um yeah i'm gonna show them but right now let me get a sip of kool-aid okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00073-00062464-00062944 let me cut my oven though i gotta come over and i'll [ __ ] eat it if i can keep my brothers back zd5Xdv5qhDc-00074-00062944-00063696 some water oh fake let me show you what i'm going back one kill over there about zd5Xdv5qhDc-00075-00063696-00064255 200 about once 175 you don't want to overcook them over did they keep them warm i don't know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00076-00064400-00064584 i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00077-00065896-00066632 is that oven is um a good oven heat up quick and it keeps food once yeah it's perfect zd5Xdv5qhDc-00078-00066784-00067384 for the final they sure do want people especially for the time they smell i wish i had smelly vision zd5Xdv5qhDc-00079-00067664-00068784 you're gonna put the timer boom i ain't put the menu over here no i always just take the timer zd5Xdv5qhDc-00080-00070096-00070280 i gotta open my cutting board zd5Xdv5qhDc-00081-00070408-00070976 yeah hold on let me come around the other side of you right get him on the other side by cushion zd5Xdv5qhDc-00082-00071392-00071584 we need to move zd5Xdv5qhDc-00083-00072904-00073424 low okay it's mine though don't get it twisted with you now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00084-00073776-00074320 right now right now you big daddy right but this one's just gonna walk over me and zd5Xdv5qhDc-00085-00074320-00074664 everything is done i mean yeah that's true that ain't happening like that captain you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00086-00074664-00075016 have to kill me because i'm already always you see your chin all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00087-00075128-00075728 i'm all ready ready yeah i ain't always on 10 but i'm already i know that's right yeah anyway zd5Xdv5qhDc-00088-00075728-00076432 man anyway um my woo-woo family i really enjoy y'all everything man y'all been a blessing to zd5Xdv5qhDc-00089-00076432-00077264 me i really believe oh i really believe from the bottom of my heart i'll be blessing you hey man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00090-00077456-00078240 showing up so that's a nice let me feel that you got to watch it don't you who i'm not cutting the zd5Xdv5qhDc-00091-00078240-00079264 table over there this is the um this is the way he got right here i'll show it to y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00092-00079264-00079880 know what there's only room in my kitchen for one chef okay that's what he got y'all only room zd5Xdv5qhDc-00093-00080008-00081384 so he got this from amazon yeah that was my amazon got so much it was like sixteen dollars zd5Xdv5qhDc-00094-00082416-00082784 oh i'm thinking meat with you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00095-00084064-00084112 it better zd5Xdv5qhDc-00096-00085376-00085584 oh zd5Xdv5qhDc-00097-00086464-00087344 nice and tender damage real good okay now come over to my cutting board i'm gonna grab my um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00098-00087544-00087696 my cucumber my baby cucumber zd5Xdv5qhDc-00099-00088280-00088320 nobody zd5Xdv5qhDc-00100-00089384-00089944 and this is the cucumber watermelon salad yes it is this one that's what raspberry blueberries zd5Xdv5qhDc-00101-00089944-00090608 cranberries blue cheese feta cheese and red onions y'all this is actually a recipe this is i mean zd5Xdv5qhDc-00102-00090608-00091184 it well you know what we added a few he added a few ingredients but this is actually a recipe zd5Xdv5qhDc-00103-00091272-00091680 when you make your own when you make your own walnut salad you can add what you want to add zd5Xdv5qhDc-00104-00091680-00092384 right but we had it before not like this but we had it similar when he had it before zd5Xdv5qhDc-00105-00092384-00093008 at a restaurant but we just we um customize it to our um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00106-00093360-00093984 hair zd5Xdv5qhDc-00107-00095088-00095384 ah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00108-00095592-00095752 oh they smell it's not good zd5Xdv5qhDc-00109-00096272-00096784 oh yes zd5Xdv5qhDc-00110-00099248-00099584 hello zd5Xdv5qhDc-00111-00102224-00102384 that ain't zd5Xdv5qhDc-00112-00102776-00103783 no i'm right handed zd5Xdv5qhDc-00113-00107608-00107983 um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00114-00108440-00109383 um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00115-00110368-00110783 little zd5Xdv5qhDc-00116-00111656-00111872 all right we're going to talk about our zd5Xdv5qhDc-00117-00111872-00113583 vessels always cut them knuckles off zd5Xdv5qhDc-00118-00113792-00114983 i'm going to turn these over for you again no that's why i told you do one thing at a time zd5Xdv5qhDc-00119-00115856-00116383 burglary zd5Xdv5qhDc-00120-00119152-00119935 suite yeah know me okay i got that i think about time to take my burgers out zd5Xdv5qhDc-00121-00119935-00120872 okay you know i wanna um i don't wanna disrespect you probably can put the cheese on them like right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00122-00120872-00121344 before what cheese are you using the mousse for you want me to put this one yeah that's zd5Xdv5qhDc-00123-00121344-00121711 what i would watch all of these down there yeah yeah but i'm saying the cheese that you're using zd5Xdv5qhDc-00124-00121824-00122448 monster i mean the monster they call it monsters i call it monster zd5Xdv5qhDc-00125-00122696-00123383 i call it big daddy wu moo cheese zd5Xdv5qhDc-00126-00124664-00124783 y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00127-00125816-00126183 today okay yeah bro for me come on tonight y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00128-00126320-00127024 10 45 well this video is gonna be a little later because it's gonna be like the uh grocery haul zd5Xdv5qhDc-00129-00127024-00127583 make sure y'all check out that video big daddy woowoo's first ever grocery haul zd5Xdv5qhDc-00130-00127840-00128200 yeah he got a lot of healthy stuff y'all to talk and go and get zd5Xdv5qhDc-00131-00128264-00128472 let me go over here that y'all can go and get zd5Xdv5qhDc-00132-00128759-00129152 and um you're gonna like this zombie chance don't zd5Xdv5qhDc-00133-00129152-00129511 look at it come on them by the shoulders little these mini-me zd5Xdv5qhDc-00134-00129511-00130240 yeah sliders these minis they gone they going on brioche bread right these mini um baby wool zd5Xdv5qhDc-00135-00131432-00132048 okay i'm gonna teach you today teach them today again again zd5Xdv5qhDc-00136-00132224-00132728 my aunties and my mom my grandma they won't mind today about sean you still cheating on me zd5Xdv5qhDc-00137-00132880-00133752 yeah just do what i do son do i do netflix come on grand baby i gotta get my hand in there zd5Xdv5qhDc-00138-00133952-00134344 i don't wanna have my [ __ ] you need to play i'm just telling you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00139-00134344-00134712 all all the all respect me what i need to do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00140-00134944-00135312 i know i've never seen the counterpart telling chef what's going on zd5Xdv5qhDc-00141-00135416-00135984 yeah yeah you already watched uh you don't see them telling them what to do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00142-00137056-00137344 well i'm not going to write down cue card you want me to get you some cucumbers zd5Xdv5qhDc-00143-00137448-00137680 i got the cucumber already up here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00144-00138000-00138784 why do you why do you want me i want you to keep up like i can't even know me no don't worry my mom zd5Xdv5qhDc-00145-00139952-00140184 yes zd5Xdv5qhDc-00146-00141024-00141440 the chef always gets the big piece of meat the chef hoping to get the big pieces of meat zd5Xdv5qhDc-00147-00141440-00141744 oh really daddy always got a big piece of chicken zd5Xdv5qhDc-00148-00142016-00142200 yeah that was a chris rock zd5Xdv5qhDc-00149-00142392-00142904 yeah that was pretty i love everybody hates chris i love that show a matter of fact zd5Xdv5qhDc-00150-00143248-00143616 yeah i like that show cause it's all like what we went through zd5Xdv5qhDc-00151-00143616-00144384 like growing up like he is just so on point oh that smells so good zd5Xdv5qhDc-00152-00144624-00145784 thank you so much zd5Xdv5qhDc-00153-00147096-00147640 to the grocery store write the recipes okay special sermon my assignment zd5Xdv5qhDc-00154-00147952-00148136 is okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00155-00148408-00148584 how long can you go zd5Xdv5qhDc-00156-00148800-00149216 all right big daddy so how long is this preparation for all of this stuff that zd5Xdv5qhDc-00157-00149216-00149848 you cooking for me you know time is about you never watch what you do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00158-00151264-00151720 why are you burning up oh i ain't mean to i know you did what you did zd5Xdv5qhDc-00159-00152024-00152424 these are rounds i put all the raspberries in there and ain't no holding these right to the zd5Xdv5qhDc-00160-00152424-00152784 top of my hole in these all the raspberries zd5Xdv5qhDc-00161-00153072-00153336 are you going to rinse them off yeah okay how many guys zd5Xdv5qhDc-00162-00153448-00154184 you know how much that [ __ ] there should go again always all this video zd5Xdv5qhDc-00163-00156936-00157096 so i'm gonna flip for big daddy zd5Xdv5qhDc-00164-00157912-00158384 you gotta make sure zd5Xdv5qhDc-00165-00158472-00159960 oh all right let me get over here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00166-00160240-00160416 oh that's pretty yes zd5Xdv5qhDc-00167-00160912-00161848 yeah that's pretty that is real pretty and raspberries are different can i have a raspberry zd5Xdv5qhDc-00168-00162744-00162992 so he got cucumbers and raspberries in here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00169-00163304-00163824 we got blueberries right here blueberries you eat all the blueberries zd5Xdv5qhDc-00170-00164920-00165384 know what's gonna happen if he don't brush your teeth yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00171-00166336-00167040 y'all make sure y'all get this recipe it's a cucumber watermelon salad with cucumber blueberry zd5Xdv5qhDc-00172-00167040-00168000 raspberries watermelon and red onion feta cheese um blue cheese and cranberries and tomatoes i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00173-00168000-00168672 gonna put it in the bottom of the description okay on my recipes that i i love to make yeah we need zd5Xdv5qhDc-00174-00168672-00169440 that okay now okay you putting all the blueberries in there yeah you can say that tomorrow for zd5Xdv5qhDc-00175-00171640-00172376 tomatoes okay do your burger need to be flipped off see y'all that's why i zd5Xdv5qhDc-00176-00172376-00172784 told him to make the salad first then make the burgers cause look who's flipping them zd5Xdv5qhDc-00177-00172936-00173784 and holding the camera don't get paid for that i get paid to hold the camera zd5Xdv5qhDc-00178-00174880-00175184 all right i ain't mad at you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00179-00175760-00176320 now let's do a quick one y'all yeah this camera happened yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00180-00176464-00177240 the ghetto shelf the ghetto chef the ghetto daddy daddy daddy okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00181-00177472-00177984 all right now represent what happened zd5Xdv5qhDc-00182-00178792-00179384 oh zd5Xdv5qhDc-00183-00180408-00182184 y'all me get over here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00184-00182856-00183264 no you walk over there and i'ma show them what's in the boat and you go over there and flip them zd5Xdv5qhDc-00185-00183360-00183584 that's what you're going down zd5Xdv5qhDc-00186-00184264-00185336 that is so pretty so so far we got blueberries raspberries tomatoes and cucumbers you can't see zd5Xdv5qhDc-00187-00185336-00185952 the cucumber the cucumbers in there though then he's gonna mix everything up let's go back over zd5Xdv5qhDc-00188-00185952-00186432 here see what's going on that's enough tomato oh we've already cut it go ahead zd5Xdv5qhDc-00189-00187336-00187784 burger is so funny zd5Xdv5qhDc-00190-00188440-00188472 all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00191-00188976-00189184 all right big daddy serious amy zd5Xdv5qhDc-00192-00189488-00189616 serious about your question zd5Xdv5qhDc-00193-00190096-00190584 they've already gone by the hell zd5Xdv5qhDc-00194-00191000-00191984 okay we got plenty that was so good y'all this is gonna toss everything yet zd5Xdv5qhDc-00195-00193328-00193864 that looks so good really kosher it is kosher everything is organic zd5Xdv5qhDc-00196-00194512-00194784 so you about to take these out zd5Xdv5qhDc-00197-00195128-00196184 you might want to give them one more split why are you doing one more they look good smells so good zd5Xdv5qhDc-00198-00196808-00197584 all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00199-00197864-00198984 excuse me my dog that boot daily moving hell daddy would you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00200-00199192-00199792 hey y'all check out daddy rubel's new intro too oh yeah it's just a bar yeah check out his new zd5Xdv5qhDc-00201-00199792-00200712 intro y'all thumbs that up please thumbs up and it's the first time he ever been happy i want zd5Xdv5qhDc-00202-00200712-00201264 to get sentimental on him but the first time he really been happy since losing both of his parents zd5Xdv5qhDc-00203-00201504-00201888 finally found something i know i feel bad but it's all gonna take care of you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00204-00202168-00202216 hey man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00205-00202472-00203184 hey man sorry i'm gonna taste a little pizza i know you do huh okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00206-00203696-00204096 he can't come out the skillet you just have a kid no but there's no one bobby though zd5Xdv5qhDc-00207-00204184-00204632 i'm gonna buy me some slider maker stuff but they come out like like you get at the restaurant zd5Xdv5qhDc-00208-00204632-00205104 but he's gary styles yeah i'm gonna try to help you find that on amazon zd5Xdv5qhDc-00209-00205104-00205719 he's trying to straight from the hood except for move don't get in another piece all right i'm just zd5Xdv5qhDc-00210-00205719-00206319 saying you should be looking over too hard man you know i love burgers i don't know you said zd5Xdv5qhDc-00211-00206319-00207000 about 18 times i know i know i love burgers you know i love burgers i know you love burgers too zd5Xdv5qhDc-00212-00207080-00207384 but not today i look like a little burger donut zd5Xdv5qhDc-00213-00208592-00209600 oh kobe beef steak it can't be no cheap steak well they got to be organic zd5Xdv5qhDc-00214-00209848-00210184 excuse me you gotta be organized zd5Xdv5qhDc-00215-00214296-00214440 got a hollering scream manny zd5Xdv5qhDc-00216-00214656-00215048 so this is the watermelon watermelon the walnut zd5Xdv5qhDc-00217-00215344-00215784 yum yum yummy yummy yummy for my chocolate zd5Xdv5qhDc-00218-00218528-00218888 in there looking delicious zd5Xdv5qhDc-00219-00219567-00219984 all right now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00220-00220784-00221384 yes zd5Xdv5qhDc-00221-00222680-00222784 now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00222-00223056-00224000 i was like man all you spent today that was a blessing and it was worth it they have so much zd5Xdv5qhDc-00223-00224000-00224440 organic and healthy stuff see you need to shop at all these i want you to eat healthy oh thank you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00224-00225032-00225584 yeah that's our point y'all look how pretty it looks zd5Xdv5qhDc-00225-00226696-00227240 oh i hope it ain't looking washed out but what no that's just all cameras do that but look zd5Xdv5qhDc-00226-00227423-00228032 i gotta blend it in okay we'll blend it in blend it in zd5Xdv5qhDc-00227-00228160-00228384 okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00228-00230152-00230344 okay so this is the red onion zd5Xdv5qhDc-00229-00230592-00231184 you don't know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00230-00231919-00232584 uh i hope they feel better i got two days off we're gonna feel better one of these days zd5Xdv5qhDc-00231-00233728-00233984 straight straight from the country all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00232-00234104-00235384 because they call me country country bunker all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00233-00236664-00236784 i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00234-00238967-00239144 all right now let me go over here real zd5Xdv5qhDc-00235-00239144-00239584 quick zd5Xdv5qhDc-00236-00240680-00240984 okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00237-00241896-00242384 over here y'all let me get a little cool zd5Xdv5qhDc-00238-00243416-00243784 hey it's time for percolator oh right now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00239-00245080-00245184 better zd5Xdv5qhDc-00240-00245928-00246584 is that sanitary no no i'm somebody's girlfriend okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00241-00249960-00250608 and it's only one blue cheese that i like and that's the blue house lighthouse zd5Xdv5qhDc-00242-00250664-00251352 yeah lighthouse walmart got it for a reasonable price progressive jacking it up yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00243-00251600-00252440 but uh that's blue cheese corker i put a gun oh my goodness they put the guns in here on your bottom zd5Xdv5qhDc-00244-00252440-00253584 up all right oh look how that's kind of oh that's enough man okay i'm gonna put some black peppery zd5Xdv5qhDc-00245-00254840-00255504 okay you want to miss this for me no you can do it i'm holding the camera zd5Xdv5qhDc-00246-00255848-00256384 oh my goodness wow you already got something zd5Xdv5qhDc-00247-00257440-00258152 oh that looks gorgeous that's gorgeous that's gorge woo-woo fam zd5Xdv5qhDc-00248-00258319-00258728 come on yeah that's really nice so i ain't put the drug don't you put your own dress zd5Xdv5qhDc-00249-00258728-00259319 on your all the time when you make your play life and mess it up like that you know what i mean zd5Xdv5qhDc-00250-00259319-00260744 the jelly bean yeah what dressing you using um strawberry i'm sorry i'm sorry i know that's right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00251-00261471-00261904 this is dressing that um while zd5Xdv5qhDc-00252-00263360-00263688 if i put it through this i'll be on chill you got a little bit for you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00253-00263784-00264168 i'm putting something on it you gonna suck that up zd5Xdv5qhDc-00254-00264456-00265032 you gotta oh [ __ ] all these suggestions man cause i'm used to cooking well yeah i'm used to zd5Xdv5qhDc-00255-00265032-00265528 cooking i'm used to going to the grocery store i might let you get a pizza one day that future okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00256-00265752-00266232 okay you have to pay me for my future no attention you're right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00257-00266672-00267584 nah you trying to play zd5Xdv5qhDc-00258-00268456-00268536 let me open it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00259-00268816-00269032 you can stuff it right there where you got the hand right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00260-00269624-00270384 okay let's stick with i know that's word hey there's gonna be a whole lot him in here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00261-00270464-00270840 so i gotta clean up figure it out he's gonna go right here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00262-00270840-00271640 he's lying he's throwing everything in the trash like he always do let me let me go around zd5Xdv5qhDc-00263-00273792-00274024 i hope you do the most efficient thing there is the deal zd5Xdv5qhDc-00264-00274152-00274520 right so you're watching this we in contract zd5Xdv5qhDc-00265-00275896-00276312 care supposedly to check with my facebook well i will wait until you i know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00266-00276480-00277016 that's what i'm afraid yeah okay that's where my bank account shut up though zd5Xdv5qhDc-00267-00277272-00277304 all right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00268-00279944-00280184 you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00269-00281472-00281584 them up zd5Xdv5qhDc-00270-00283656-00283968 i think the plate costs more than what you giving it money anyway zd5Xdv5qhDc-00271-00283968-00284264 oh oh oh there you go nothing on tv zd5Xdv5qhDc-00272-00285704-00285768 i got you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00273-00286072-00286464 you want to be right moving me right on the back zd5Xdv5qhDc-00274-00286728-00287320 i'm cooking down i'm watching videos okay so what's the next step that we're at zd5Xdv5qhDc-00275-00287616-00287936 okay so what's this why this thing right here because that's what i ain't doing let me don't zd5Xdv5qhDc-00276-00287936-00288440 just leave me close don't you see me now you got so much to say you set the camera down zd5Xdv5qhDc-00277-00289888-00290472 gladly double thank you i'm gonna direct everything because you leave me alone zd5Xdv5qhDc-00278-00290568-00291384 cause you'll leave me alone you think okay if you didn't matter step back um kiss myself zd5Xdv5qhDc-00279-00291576-00292008 that's what you tell somebody who ugly see i know i'm cute so i ain't worried about it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00280-00292152-00292784 one goal ten comes so one goal ten kind zd5Xdv5qhDc-00281-00294176-00294232 one goal zd5Xdv5qhDc-00282-00294592-00294656 what's wrong with you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00283-00295344-00295584 two days zd5Xdv5qhDc-00284-00296680-00297192 elementary school in chicago or middle school high school where's your elementary school in chicago zd5Xdv5qhDc-00285-00297192-00297792 charles w l yeah who was he you somebody i know you don't know man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00286-00298048-00298472 i don't know who he was or what he did i know one thing keep it my little zd5Xdv5qhDc-00287-00298536-00298936 i know that's why get out boy you been a little bit too long zd5Xdv5qhDc-00288-00299072-00299784 we only got eight grades not 16 grams okay well your show got a lot of favors zd5Xdv5qhDc-00289-00301128-00301768 i called my cool ass no no this lay it no okay go ahead right it's called wink zd5Xdv5qhDc-00290-00301824-00302488 we can win that's a winking um we can outline somebody but you know what you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00291-00302488-00303096 should have set it down because it's like okay oh i had it okay so no i'm just saying this is zd5Xdv5qhDc-00292-00303096-00303416 how you do it you're just telling because when you set up that they can't see you okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00293-00303688-00303880 now okay so i'll take zd5Xdv5qhDc-00294-00303992-00304552 you have to open this one so you don't know what that tastes like but this right here uh that was zd5Xdv5qhDc-00295-00304552-00305296 the sangria sangria was empty and the chardonnay i got some green child today i got a double bubble zd5Xdv5qhDc-00296-00306440-00306784 and you got these from all these right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00297-00307312-00308184 i know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00298-00309352-00309704 so you get ready to um put the cheese and plate everything up i'm gonna put zd5Xdv5qhDc-00299-00309704-00310000 the cheetos cheese enough about the fruit okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00300-00310400-00310616 i'm gonna play them up no i don't think i think i want two zd5Xdv5qhDc-00301-00310744-00311488 cheese cheese yeah this one i want this i just want the cheese and the butter you don't zd5Xdv5qhDc-00302-00311488-00311840 know what i said i might do a little i might do a little that stone ground mustard zd5Xdv5qhDc-00303-00311920-00312384 with a hot spicy mustard [ __ ] watermelon i don't want no mayonnaise zd5Xdv5qhDc-00304-00313480-00313600 detoxing your body zd5Xdv5qhDc-00305-00314896-00315088 well i care about the football season style zd5Xdv5qhDc-00306-00316488-00316744 yeah maybe you can start a football uh zd5Xdv5qhDc-00307-00316872-00317320 what three rounds can i have this little piece right here come on zd5Xdv5qhDc-00308-00317712-00318144 i wish you said that [ __ ] before i hold this camera i wish you said that i couldn't put that zd5Xdv5qhDc-00309-00318144-00318536 wrong i wish you were the same you know they got the cameras around your head i don't really know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00310-00318536-00318920 why they hold nothing they got the cameras to go look well let me see if i can find you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00311-00318920-00319544 one they got the chemical around your head well along with like i could see the dog daddy let me zd5Xdv5qhDc-00312-00319544-00320200 see if i can find you one why are you over there talking trash yeah it is trash don't talk trash zd5Xdv5qhDc-00313-00320368-00321272 i mean call me straight on this thing we gotta keep this professional i don't know but somebody's zd5Xdv5qhDc-00314-00321272-00322184 seen my video the other day that we did we got the no tearing at a park this part on there yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00315-00322856-00323200 no first of all i shouldn't even put on paper tacos you know like the natural grease zd5Xdv5qhDc-00316-00323200-00323552 no i want the natural crease but anyway how are you gonna how are you going to zd5Xdv5qhDc-00317-00323552-00324136 have a hamburger and cut the put the chicken don't you know everybody asks for extra cheese zd5Xdv5qhDc-00318-00324224-00324896 on a burger i don't know what really i got crazy look at that man put zd5Xdv5qhDc-00319-00326312-00326928 i ain't got more muscle cheese why why i always gotta talk like like um i got something stuck zd5Xdv5qhDc-00320-00326928-00327712 in my throat i don't know i don't know little sister well dude i'll give it to you i'm on zd5Xdv5qhDc-00321-00327712-00328168 my wallet okay well that's fine you know what i'm gonna take this little piece right there zd5Xdv5qhDc-00322-00328232-00328776 i know you're already gonna take it leave me alone i don't need all them now you wanna see zd5Xdv5qhDc-00323-00328776-00329256 that's what happens what's gonna play about them chicken wine with chicken wings the chicken wings zd5Xdv5qhDc-00324-00329256-00329992 at the pizza house man one might go take your chicken wings to our camera exactly that's why i zd5Xdv5qhDc-00325-00329992-00330552 called y'all you know he got it who caught that chicken wing i count my chicken wings on here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00326-00331088-00331712 ohio area columbus ohio y'all have got to go to the pizza house i'm dan endorsing this video zd5Xdv5qhDc-00327-00331712-00332288 trust me but their food is good and it's a real italian restaurant i'm telling you it's like it's zd5Xdv5qhDc-00328-00332288-00332680 i mean it's from scratch and i ain't gonna need to say the zd5Xdv5qhDc-00329-00332680-00333048 restaurants that claim they italian ain't got nothing on the pizza house it's a family zd5Xdv5qhDc-00330-00333104-00333704 owned business so you know they ain't got all that commercial you know how everybody have yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00331-00333824-00334200 advertisement but their food is good and their service is excellent and i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00332-00334200-00334616 telling you their style is everything their pizza their pizza is the bottom zd5Xdv5qhDc-00333-00336120-00336552 really i think they could be at um eastern and give up and give a lot of restaurants zd5Xdv5qhDc-00334-00336552-00336840 around for their money because they food is the bomb and they got the best zd5Xdv5qhDc-00335-00336904-00337296 meatballs they call them snowballs i'm telling you they are really really good zd5Xdv5qhDc-00336-00337384-00339104 and i love italian food that's what they call you gotta put this up well we'll take care of zd5Xdv5qhDc-00337-00339104-00339936 that um so now you need to get your buns out and you need to get your um yeah and yeah yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00338-00340264-00340632 oh you gotta give it a minute yeah for the cheese the milk how about the cheese milk zd5Xdv5qhDc-00339-00340768-00341256 back anyway though i really thank y'all appreciate y'all forgot that's for the bottom of my heart zd5Xdv5qhDc-00340-00341368-00342096 that's from the bottom amen i feel good i feel great you should turn this way so oh no i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00341-00342096-00342576 trying to leave you gonna lean back on yourself right okay that's better i feel good and i feel zd5Xdv5qhDc-00342-00342576-00343296 great but then just a little bit of her but when i get right oh i can tell it's a little swollen zd5Xdv5qhDc-00343-00343424-00344040 wiggle wiggle wiggle wait a minute let me you got something i got something i got something i got zd5Xdv5qhDc-00344-00344040-00344536 something i got somebody from sliders but i told you with the tape ain't gonna stop reading styles zd5Xdv5qhDc-00345-00344536-00344928 i'll tell you that i told you what the thing i'm gonna take it but i'm about to take it now zd5Xdv5qhDc-00346-00345096-00345280 thank you thank you doctor zd5Xdv5qhDc-00347-00345608-00346416 no nurse ooh well you know i want to be on tv i want to be on the channel when you're going zd5Xdv5qhDc-00348-00346416-00346824 to support my channel i'm going to support your channel yeah i should give you a feature zd5Xdv5qhDc-00349-00346888-00347416 on my channel no you're going to feature on my channel recognize you know what then you might pop zd5Xdv5qhDc-00350-00347416-00347944 off i thought you were going to be a special guest on my channel for my birthday um your birthday zd5Xdv5qhDc-00351-00347944-00348688 yeah i'm gonna cook for you um all right you said you said it like i wanted to cook but okay i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00352-00349336-00350000 you got a tripod don't you i got plenty of them okay then hold this up guys you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00353-00350000-00350448 don't trust me a little camouflage put on this tripod and don't be called big i'll be zd5Xdv5qhDc-00354-00350448-00350888 able to watch the game or something mm-hmm no well i'll hold the camera for you i mean zd5Xdv5qhDc-00355-00351048-00351384 boys stop i would just say what are you doing you're talking trash zd5Xdv5qhDc-00356-00351512-00351856 yeah because if you do that and if i see you and i will speak to you you know zd5Xdv5qhDc-00357-00351856-00352568 i don't mess with you yo you like you like [ __ ] i don't you i know that's right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00358-00352704-00352984 okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00359-00354024-00354384 you know she want to start us so bad she manages the wall dog zd5Xdv5qhDc-00360-00354528-00355048 that's what big daddy will do to you make you run into a wall um make me run for burgers just be zd5Xdv5qhDc-00361-00355208-00355816 another thing i may want to be juicy burgers oh not this late no i can't do this right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00362-00356536-00357096 babe baby come to me that's how you know you got a good food can zd5Xdv5qhDc-00363-00358496-00359280 he can sign when he wants to i'm the same i had i had a recording my zd5Xdv5qhDc-00364-00359280-00359896 recording would know what happened when they dropped me all right they said i'm gonna need you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00365-00361304-00361944 they handle me there's a river in the sky there's a river in the sky for your love zd5Xdv5qhDc-00366-00362144-00362520 y'all like that okay i got a little flavor okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00367-00363576-00364184 you know why it's uncensored okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00368-00365528-00366048 still no way he was gonna go ahead and spill the beans anyway i told him this is business zd5Xdv5qhDc-00369-00366048-00366584 everybody don't need to know our business but it is you know what it is who you all in the zd5Xdv5qhDc-00370-00366584-00367064 video i'm all in the big night ain't no video yeah you getting bites that's the video yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00371-00367328-00367752 you want to play the end you want to want me to pay you lord is it already pre-opened for you zd5Xdv5qhDc-00372-00367752-00368080 is it man don't say you want to say i gotta cut yeah but you got nice right zd5Xdv5qhDc-00373-00368080-00368384 there zd5Xdv5qhDc-00374-00369736-00370424 uh rio shout out but that's some good bread they had the um brioche like the zd5Xdv5qhDc-00375-00370520-00371040 you know how you buy the um what's that that you like the what is it that you like zd5Xdv5qhDc-00376-00372544-00373024 um just plain cheese just plain with cheese no sauce or nothing zd5Xdv5qhDc-00377-00373248-00373280 okay zd5Xdv5qhDc-00378-00373624-00373984 just plain cheese yeah bruh zd5Xdv5qhDc-00379-00374392-00374744 what you looking at okay we will getting the burgers out zd5Xdv5qhDc-00380-00376056-00376384 oh yeah now that's his with half the cheese zd5Xdv5qhDc-00381-00376384-00376696 now any other time he act like he loves cheese now he got him zd5Xdv5qhDc-00382-00377416-00377864 with all the cheese and these are the real sliders that we got right here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00383-00377864-00378376 i'm sorry let me turn them around guys yeah that's the brio sliders that we got from um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00384-00378464-00378784 all these i'm not sure the price then i never had a price on the slider but i think they're zd5Xdv5qhDc-00385-00378784-00379144 about three or four dollars but they worth it y'all they are delicious but when they go zd5Xdv5qhDc-00386-00379144-00379600 through the things that dang you know they know the price i don't even pay attention i'll come zd5Xdv5qhDc-00387-00379600-00380272 kind of like add up how much off and then he got the buns ready he got the buns ready y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00388-00380728-00380984 woo-hoo family i hope y'all make this recipe zd5Xdv5qhDc-00389-00381072-00381648 i'm telling y'all the kids will love it you will love it she's gonna look for the small yeah and zd5Xdv5qhDc-00390-00381648-00382216 all these got some good now i used to buy the grass fed but i don't really buy that too much zd5Xdv5qhDc-00391-00382216-00382800 i buy that regular hamburger all these got some good hamburger i mean everybody else i'll be like zd5Xdv5qhDc-00392-00382800-00383584 all these in walmart they got the best hamburger krogers but i love all these in walmart's um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00393-00383688-00385184 ground beef it tastes delicious and i and i'm a hamburger uh and uh i know beef i know beef zd5Xdv5qhDc-00394-00385488-00385568 don't i know b zd5Xdv5qhDc-00395-00385872-00386416 oh i know beef original i know beef kobe beef yeah i know beef zd5Xdv5qhDc-00396-00387184-00387520 belly belly belly so don't you think you should turn the oven off honey zd5Xdv5qhDc-00397-00387520-00387792 yes i did i mean uh big daddy zd5Xdv5qhDc-00398-00389216-00389384 y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00399-00390664-00390920 this is for me i'm telling you the truth hey man zd5Xdv5qhDc-00400-00391216-00391624 i'm going to go i'm just going to fix up fix it i'll show you my um zd5Xdv5qhDc-00401-00391624-00391976 my presentation then i'm standing for you for you going to do what you need to do zd5Xdv5qhDc-00402-00392096-00392616 oh those look good watch out hold on don't touch that i ain't i'm just i'm just i'm zd5Xdv5qhDc-00403-00392616-00393032 just showing how good they look that's all you can do this is the thumbnail zd5Xdv5qhDc-00404-00393288-00393584 what is better than white castle zd5Xdv5qhDc-00405-00393816-00394744 they should do that's a thumbnail okay i'm going to keep it on me that's a thumbnail zd5Xdv5qhDc-00406-00394832-00395136 let me get it on the side look at that zd5Xdv5qhDc-00407-00395424-00395856 put that cheese on there that looks delicious zd5Xdv5qhDc-00408-00396296-00396880 hey y'all i don't like my little dessert bowls coconut dessert okay let me let me let me switch zd5Xdv5qhDc-00409-00396880-00397560 over so you can make the sand my little coconut dessert bowl oh yeah made out of real coconut zd5Xdv5qhDc-00410-00397560-00398408 show them the fork and a spoon straight from the island of waikiki i had to ship to me from waikiki zd5Xdv5qhDc-00411-00398408-00399184 for a couple dollars from waikiki y'all look for a couple dollars y'all only just like this yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00412-00400192-00400624 so these are the coconut bows made out of real coconut yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00413-00400624-00401232 made out of real coconut let me set it right here so i can get a good look there we go zd5Xdv5qhDc-00414-00401520-00402320 oh that's wonderful hold on listen though okay but i'm just saying this is that's beautiful made out zd5Xdv5qhDc-00415-00402320-00403384 of real coconut that's beautiful is this gonna be sexy is it what i just want to do something here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00416-00404192-00404848 i can watch tv tonight y'all watch me a series i ain't got a gift you my morning dudes nothing zd5Xdv5qhDc-00417-00404952-00405360 oh yes it's gonna be a bomb oh yeah that looked good zd5Xdv5qhDc-00418-00405480-00405808 you just want to scoop it out when we get up with let's scoop it up zd5Xdv5qhDc-00419-00405984-00406408 we're gonna use your hand but you need to put some pomegranate on my is that yours zd5Xdv5qhDc-00420-00406592-00407024 cheese no the put the dressing on there you can let me have the dressing because you said zd5Xdv5qhDc-00421-00407024-00407808 anything one of them just so they can see how the dressing is well you can put the dressing zd5Xdv5qhDc-00422-00407808-00408272 on there because that's enough that's nothing yeah you can put the dressing on there because zd5Xdv5qhDc-00423-00408272-00409056 i'm holding the camera so i can't do all that this is how it looks take a picture go trying to get up zd5Xdv5qhDc-00424-00409272-00409880 look at that delicious that is so pretty you gonna put some parsley on there zd5Xdv5qhDc-00425-00409976-00410384 no don't mess it up from the pasta put some cilantro zd5Xdv5qhDc-00426-00410968-00411576 it's got the sliders look how nice that looks oh that's beautiful look at the porch that zd5Xdv5qhDc-00427-00411576-00412408 got with it i can't believe in that out of real coconut that is just so yummy yes and the burgers zd5Xdv5qhDc-00428-00412743-00413064 you know i'm going to watch him take over the club here zd5Xdv5qhDc-00429-00413135-00414584 hold on trouble not me important stuff on there zd5Xdv5qhDc-00430-00415000-00415112 that is so beautiful zd5Xdv5qhDc-00431-00415832-00416135 so we gonna um put the dressing on here y'all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00432-00416232-00416864 and uh he's gone let me get it should we show you guys attention over here yeah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00433-00417096-00417384 we're gonna get on with it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00434-00419335-00419808 wow that's good i'll taste it if i need to adjust zd5Xdv5qhDc-00435-00419808-00420184 that zd5Xdv5qhDc-00436-00421480-00421584 ah zd5Xdv5qhDc-00437-00421912-00423680 i love the video come right here in the light okay all right so tell them what it is it's big daddy zd5Xdv5qhDc-00438-00423680-00424696 boo boo slider baby woo-woos with a watermelon salad with strawberry pomegranate i got watermelon zd5Xdv5qhDc-00439-00424696-00425304 onions cucumbers raspberries and blueberries everything is healthy for you on this tray zd5Xdv5qhDc-00440-00425472-00426064 enjoy the melon salad yeah good evening enjoy and have a blessed day zd5Xdv5qhDc-00441-00426480-00427184 i look pretty good um thank y'all so much for watching me tonight cook my sliders zd5Xdv5qhDc-00442-00427272-00427872 and my um watermelon salad and i know it's good because i know i'm alright i'm all gonna taste it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00443-00428024-00428576 hook my eyes up you know you know hey sit back enjoy myself and relax and i'll meet y'all friday zd5Xdv5qhDc-00444-00428576-00429280 with another video so um subscribe hit the like hit the like and ring that bell for another video zd5Xdv5qhDc-00445-00429280-00430024 and tonight at 10 45 my world premiere of his uh grocery home my grocery haul first ever first ever zd5Xdv5qhDc-00446-00430024-00430632 first time ever gonna do something like i was super responsible for anyway i went and did it zd5Xdv5qhDc-00447-00430632-00431047 and took care of my business and um hey just keep following me and keep subscribing to my channel zd5Xdv5qhDc-00448-00431104-00431647 those who subscribe for me i'll subscribe for you we'll be one big happy boo boo family all zd5Xdv5qhDc-00449-00431647-00432784 right thank y'all so much peace and love and god bless okay let's get another look take a look zd5Xdv5qhDc-00450-00433160-00433416 thank you zjwtHu2EkuA-00000-00000419-00000685 House on the sand zjwtHu2EkuA-00001-00001129-00001368 House on the rock zjwtHu2EkuA-00002-00001368-00001932 on the both houses it will rain, floods come and Winds blow zjwtHu2EkuA-00003-00010734-00011172 Lord, you have done many miracles in my life, that why I come to Church. zjwtHu2EkuA-00004-00011284-00011433 Today also I came to Church because tomorrow I have exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00005-00011434-00012030 You know that I was busy with my friends and Mobile Phone. zjwtHu2EkuA-00006-00012084-00012684 You have to do miracle to help me to pass in my exam tomorrow. zjwtHu2EkuA-00007-00012756-00012894 Amen zjwtHu2EkuA-00008-00012980-00013626 For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; (Proverbs 2:6) zjwtHu2EkuA-00009-00013836-00014294 Lord, Thank you for helping me to study well. zjwtHu2EkuA-00010-00014374-00014950 Help me to remember what I studied to write exam well. zjwtHu2EkuA-00011-00014990-00015062 Amen zjwtHu2EkuA-00012-00015538-00015738 Hey Bhanu, How did you write exam? zjwtHu2EkuA-00013-00015788-00016086 Hey Sharath, it doesn't matter how I write my exam, I will pass because God will do miracle. zjwtHu2EkuA-00014-00016086-00016186 How did you write exam? zjwtHu2EkuA-00015-00016218-00016538 By the grace of God, I wrote well. zjwtHu2EkuA-00016-00018148-00018254 Hello zjwtHu2EkuA-00017-00018286-00018526 Hey Sharath, Congratulations, you have passed in your exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00018-00018538-00018642 What about Bhanu? zjwtHu2EkuA-00019-00018660-00018808 Bhanu also passed in exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00020-00018860-00019088 Bhanu, you have passed in exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00021-00019090-00019190 Yes, Yes zjwtHu2EkuA-00022-00019192-00019286 What about you? zjwtHu2EkuA-00023-00019286-00019336 Passed zjwtHu2EkuA-00024-00019336-00019466 Sharath, I know God will do miracle. zjwtHu2EkuA-00025-00019466-00019634 Congratulations zjwtHu2EkuA-00026-00019798-00019898 Lord zjwtHu2EkuA-00027-00019910-00020120 Even though, I did not study, you have helped me to pass in exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00028-00020148-00020502 You have helped me, even through I am addicted to bad habits and roaming with bad friends. zjwtHu2EkuA-00029-00020556-00020852 You have said, Ask it shall be given unto you, zjwtHu2EkuA-00030-00020852-00021144 So I am asking, Tomorrow I have interview zjwtHu2EkuA-00031-00021144-00021311 You have to help me to get Job tomorrow. zjwtHu2EkuA-00032-00021346-00021512 That's it. Amen zjwtHu2EkuA-00033-00022040-00022444 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, zjwtHu2EkuA-00034-00022458-00023278 that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1 John 5:14) zjwtHu2EkuA-00035-00023416-00023790 Lord, Thank you for helping me to pass in exam. zjwtHu2EkuA-00036-00023800-00023986 Tomorrow I have interview for Job zjwtHu2EkuA-00037-00023986-00024186 If it is your will, give me this job. zjwtHu2EkuA-00038-00024252-00024458 If it is not your will, I don't want this job. zjwtHu2EkuA-00039-00024510-00024770 Let your will be done in my life. zjwtHu2EkuA-00040-00024770-00024872 Amen zjwtHu2EkuA-00041-00025205-00025315 Tell me Bhanu, zjwtHu2EkuA-00042-00027607-00027738 You are selected! zjwtHu2EkuA-00043-00028202-00028305 Tell me Sharath, zjwtHu2EkuA-00044-00029185-00029306 You are rejected! zjwtHu2EkuA-00045-00029462-00029860 Naveen, Bhargav, I have got job! Let's have party man zjwtHu2EkuA-00046-00029889-00030014 Hey, let's have party zjwtHu2EkuA-00047-00030014-00030089 Cheers zjwtHu2EkuA-00048-00030089-00030272 Cheers zjwtHu2EkuA-00049-00030272-00030527 From today every is festival dude zjwtHu2EkuA-00050-00030542-00030688 yes, dude, cheers zjwtHu2EkuA-00051-00030782-00030914 Cheers zjwtHu2EkuA-00052-00031418-00031504 What is your salary dude? zjwtHu2EkuA-00053-00031504-00031572 It is non of your business dude! zjwtHu2EkuA-00054-00031576-00031639 This is mine zjwtHu2EkuA-00055-00031639-00031839 This is mine, that is your's zjwtHu2EkuA-00056-00039961-00040156 Bhanu, How did accident happen? zjwtHu2EkuA-00057-00040244-00040808 Noah, I was driving bike very speed with joy because I was selected in Interview zjwtHu2EkuA-00058-00040868-00041152 and bike skidded so accident happened. zjwtHu2EkuA-00059-00041214-00041480 Anyway, God has saved your life from Death, Bhanu. zjwtHu2EkuA-00060-00041525-00041651 Noah, What did God do to me? zjwtHu2EkuA-00061-00041716-00041855 God has cheated me zjwtHu2EkuA-00062-00041970-00042372 I wrote exam and passed but what is the use? zjwtHu2EkuA-00063-00042502-00042792 I was selected in interview but what is use? zjwtHu2EkuA-00064-00042880-00043580 Due to this accident I could not join in job. So, I got a call from office that I have lost my job. zjwtHu2EkuA-00065-00043822-00044117 Noah, I don't feel to come to Church and pray any more zjwtHu2EkuA-00066-00044117-00044269 I have lost faith in God zjwtHu2EkuA-00067-00044512-00044676 Don't say like that Bhanu zjwtHu2EkuA-00068-00044692-00044978 Christian life is not just praying now and then. zjwtHu2EkuA-00069-00045012-00045234 You have to read the Bible everyday zjwtHu2EkuA-00070-00045234-00045418 You have to go to Church every Sunday for Fellowship zjwtHu2EkuA-00071-00045436-00045680 Every day you have to pray according to the Word of God. zjwtHu2EkuA-00072-00045742-00046296 To understand God's plan in your life, come to Church with me, Bhanu. I will take you to Chruch. zjwtHu2EkuA-00073-00046554-00046954 You might have came here for a miracle zjwtHu2EkuA-00074-00047026-00047362 You might have come to Jesus for a might thing to happen in your life zjwtHu2EkuA-00075-00047382-00047826 You might have come to Jesus for Healing zjwtHu2EkuA-00076-00047872-00048438 God is able to do all these things in your life zjwtHu2EkuA-00077-00048528-00049884 In Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus said to them, which came unto him, that how they should build their spiritual life zjwtHu2EkuA-00078-00049942-00051712 Jesus said, whoever hears my Words and live according to my Words, is like a wise man who built his house on the rock zjwtHu2EkuA-00079-00051784-00053546 Jesus said, who hears my Words and do not live according to them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand zjwtHu2EkuA-00080-00053832-00054328 To build a house, do we need sand or not? zjwtHu2EkuA-00081-00054422-00054710 We need sand to build a house zjwtHu2EkuA-00082-00054962-00055582 I wanted to compare this sand as the miracles, wondrous things and healings that God does in our lives. zjwtHu2EkuA-00083-00055662-00056878 People that come to Jesus needed miracles, wondrous things and healings their lives to build their spiritual life on rock. zjwtHu2EkuA-00084-00056894-00058078 But if you build your spiritual life on the sand that is miracles, wondrous things and healings, zjwtHu2EkuA-00085-00058182-00059060 Rain will come down, floods will come up and wind will blow on your house and that house will not stand. zjwtHu2EkuA-00086-00059086-00059798 That's why Jesus said to build our spiritual life on the Rock which is the Word of God. zjwtHu2EkuA-00087-00059962-00060239 Even if you face any problems zjwtHu2EkuA-00088-00060239-00060565 even if heavy rain comes down on your house zjwtHu2EkuA-00089-00060584-00061028 even if afflictions like floods hit your life zjwtHu2EkuA-00090-00061124-00061448 even if huge winds blow on your house zjwtHu2EkuA-00091-00061448-00061691 even if you face any problems, troubles, zjwtHu2EkuA-00092-00061691-00062000 even if you go through valleys and mountains zjwtHu2EkuA-00093-00062016-00062454 You will not fall but you will stand strong zjwtHu2EkuA-00094-00062504-00063258 So, we have to examine ourselves, where are we building our house? zjwtHu2EkuA-00095-00063346-00063476 Are you building your house on sand? zjwtHu2EkuA-00096-00063510-00063650 Are you building your house on rock? zjwtHu2EkuA-00097-00063694-00064291 You should build your house not on sand but on the rock zjwtHu2EkuA-00098-00064332-00065304 If you build your house on the rock, God will give you sand that is needed for your house construction. zjwtHu2EkuA-00099-00065510-00065834 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them zjwtHu2EkuA-00100-00065872-00066170 I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: zjwtHu2EkuA-00101-00066232-00066652 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew zjwtHu2EkuA-00102-00066688-00067096 and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. (Matthew 7:24) zjwtHu2EkuA-00103-00067256-00067752 Lord, All these days I have build my spiritual life on sand of miracles zjwtHu2EkuA-00104-00067810-00068094 that why when accident happened to me, I have lost faith in you zjwtHu2EkuA-00105-00068128-00068480 From now I will build my spiritual life on Rock which is your Word zjwtHu2EkuA-00106-00068544-00068772 and in all circumstances I will trust you and follow you all the days of my life. zjwtHu2EkuA-00107-00068816-00069122 Provide me with a job according to your will. Amen zjwtHu2EkuA-00108-00069668-00069768 Come in zjwtHu2EkuA-00109-00069778-00069972 Hey Sharath, How did you get here?, zjwtHu2EkuA-00110-00070042-00070236 By the grace of God, I got this job. zjwtHu2EkuA-00111-00070280-00070376 How is your job going? zjwtHu2EkuA-00112-00070432-00070912 No Sharath, due to accident I was on the bed for many days so I lost my job. zjwtHu2EkuA-00113-00070968-00071404 I have learnt that I should not be a just a praying Christian zjwtHu2EkuA-00114-00071526-00071862 but I should live a life according to the Word of God. zjwtHu2EkuA-00115-00071960-00072398 Yes Bhanu, Christian life is all about living according to the Word of God. zjwtHu2EkuA-00116-00073150-00073294 Welcome to our company zjwtHu2EkuA-00117-00073318-00073394 Thank you so much zk9DmtNbkty-00000-00000352-00000579 This is the spelling bee level. zk9DmtNbkty-00001-00000579-00000827 Use the puzzle pieces to move the bee. zk9DmtNbkty-00002-00000827-00001085 As it moves, it will collect letters to spell words. zk9DmtNbkty-00003-00001085-00001569 See if you can spell the word they give you in the box below the stage. zk9DmtNbkty-00004-00001569-00001669 But bee careful! zk9DmtNbkty-00005-00001669-00002010 Moving the wrong direction will add letters you don't want. zkHmoOnrLqy-00000-00000000-00000974 Finds from the garbage dump on 2 August 2016 zkHmoOnrLqy-00001-00001444-00002680 ...The presented finds are 100%natural-That is,they have been thrown away by people for people-Unitil you overtake you MPO :)-All the presented finds are Krakow on a variety of dustbins...-You like ?-Give me a sub:):) zkHmoOnrLqy-00002-00027612-00029406 ...The presented finds are 100%natural-That is,they have been thrown away by people for people-Unitil you overtake you MPO :)-All the presented finds are Krakow on a variety of dustbins...-You like ?-Give me a sub:):) zkRJz5yt7Mk-00000-00000088-00000832 This is simone rich and here I'm talking about the seven chakra stages to manifest ideas into matter zkRJz5yt7Mk-00001-00001008-00001568 at a spirituality seminar I attended in london a few weeks ago there was a great creativity zkRJz5yt7Mk-00002-00001568-00002248 speaker Eleanor O'rourke She explained the idea birthing process in a way I never heard before zkRJz5yt7Mk-00003-00002352-00002952 it's perfect for mind-body spirit integration and progressing in life and it's a process zkRJz5yt7Mk-00004-00002952-00003488 that can also help to find reasons of not being able to manifest ideas into matter zkRJz5yt7Mk-00005-00003672-00004288 I personally think this idea birthing method came from Hinduism because it's a process based zkRJz5yt7Mk-00006-00004288-00005000 on chakras so I'm going to share the knowledge I got through Eleanor O'rourke Deepak chopra zkRJz5yt7Mk-00007-00005000-00005776 who also talked about it and my own understanding of chakras Here's how the idea travels down your zkRJz5yt7Mk-00008-00005776-00006512 chakras and what may block it from finally manifesting into matter cosmic information zkRJz5yt7Mk-00009-00006512-00007240 descends through chakras when an idea reaches you it firstly descends into your crown chakra zkRJz5yt7Mk-00010-00007359-00008056 Crown chakra connects you with life intelligence with cosmic intelligence if you're open to new zkRJz5yt7Mk-00011-00008056-00008616 ideas all kinds of ideas will reach you in words and images through your crown chakra zkRJz5yt7Mk-00012-00008824-00009272 you perceive these images and words when they finally descend zkRJz5yt7Mk-00013-00009272-00009728 into your third eye chakra It's the center of the inside zkRJz5yt7Mk-00014-00009792-00010392 and here you start integrating and processing ideas that reach you through the crown chakra zkRJz5yt7Mk-00015-00010504-00011256 you decide here which ideas resonate with you and which you wouldn't act on when zkRJz5yt7Mk-00016-00011256-00011824 this chakra is blocked you feel doubtful about the idea and don't trust that it can manifest zkRJz5yt7Mk-00017-00012048-00012544 if the idea successfully descends through the third eye chakra to the throat chakra zkRJz5yt7Mk-00018-00012632-00013016 you start talking about it or you feel the need to talk about it zkRJz5yt7Mk-00019-00013191-00013816 that's where most ideas get killed because when we start talking about them we're frequently met zkRJz5yt7Mk-00020-00013816-00014536 with discouraging remarks and so the idea die so when you start feeling the need to talk about it zkRJz5yt7Mk-00021-00014616-00015288 do so in your own company for the idea to be protected from dissipating by others disbelief zkRJz5yt7Mk-00022-00015528-00016240 if the idea successfully descends into the heart chakra you start recognizing if the idea feels zkRJz5yt7Mk-00023-00016240-00017232 right for you or not questions arise such as these do i love the idea am i passionate about zkRJz5yt7Mk-00024-00017232-00017928 it which help to determine whether you want to proceed with making an idea your reality or not zkRJz5yt7Mk-00025-00018152-00018752 if the idea reaches the solar plexus chakra you start taking action to make it real zkRJz5yt7Mk-00026-00018920-00019288 if this chakra is open you use your willpower zkRJz5yt7Mk-00027-00019288-00019784 to make the idea your reality and feel certain that it will manifest zkRJz5yt7Mk-00028-00019872-00020568 if this chakra is blocked you feel powerless and frustrated and have no willpower to manifest zkRJz5yt7Mk-00029-00020792-00021184 this chakra gets blocked when people violated our personal power zkRJz5yt7Mk-00030-00021248-00021696 like being raped or by believing in discouraging remarks about us zkRJz5yt7Mk-00031-00021824-00022424 if we feel shameful about some aspect of our lives or who we are this also means that the zkRJz5yt7Mk-00032-00022424-00023120 solar plexus chakra is blocked shame may come from being violated in some way as a child zkRJz5yt7Mk-00033-00023272-00023984 people who hide behind projects at work and cannot become leaders have this chakra blocked too zkRJz5yt7Mk-00034-00024152-00024944 next the idea descends into the sacral chakra when the idea reaches there more egoistic questions zkRJz5yt7Mk-00035-00024944-00025839 come to the surface do i have enough money to make this idea a reality how would i benefit from it zkRJz5yt7Mk-00036-00026048-00026383 when this chakra is blocked cosmic ideas can't matter zkRJz5yt7Mk-00037-00026536-00027160 with this chakra blocked women sometimes have miscarriages and abortion this is the chakra of zkRJz5yt7Mk-00038-00027160-00027904 human creativity and it determines whether you're ready to dress the cosmic idea in physical clothes zkRJz5yt7Mk-00039-00028112-00028727 this chakra denotes the final reality check of the idea and whether you allow it to manifest zkRJz5yt7Mk-00040-00029000-00029695 root chakra is the place where the idea is finally born into the physical world yet even zkRJz5yt7Mk-00041-00029695-00030480 here the idea can still be stopped root chakra connects us to humanity and to our nation zkRJz5yt7Mk-00042-00030600-00031432 here lie the beliefs of the humanity and your nation and ethnicity these beliefs are unconscious zkRJz5yt7Mk-00043-00031432-00032192 and hard to detect they embrace also the beliefs of our parents relatives descendants zkRJz5yt7Mk-00044-00032192-00033080 and so forth this chakra is where our survival needs lie our sense of belonging to our family zkRJz5yt7Mk-00045-00033080-00033784 nation and ethnicity if this chakra is open the creative energy flows without obstruction zkRJz5yt7Mk-00046-00033856-00034680 so we feel secure and confident and easily give birth to ideas when this chakra is blocked we zkRJz5yt7Mk-00047-00034680-00035384 feel anxious and worry about our creative idea and thus dissipate its energies through fear and worry zkRJz5yt7Mk-00048-00035600-00036184 this idea birthing process through chakras should make it clearer where your blocks are zkRJz5yt7Mk-00049-00036184-00036920 which prevent you from manifesting your ideas if you discovered that you're blocked in some chakras zkRJz5yt7Mk-00050-00036992-00037496 check the links below this video to find out how to balance your chakras zkRJz5yt7Mk-00051-00037736-00038240 there are many other ways to balance chakras besides the ones that i'm mentioning in the zkRJz5yt7Mk-00052-00038240-00039024 links below including visualizing them spinning clockwise and being perfectly round bright balls zkRJz5yt7Mk-00053-00039024-00039552 of colors associated with them like shown in the image at the beginning of the original Zo2qG8uQCBo-00000-00000000-00000133 "Yuka, who suddenly had difficulty breathing at dawn..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00001-00000133-00000266 "I was rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00002-00000266-00000500 "Since then, my asthma has worsened, and I have difficulty breathing and various pains." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00003-00000500-00000646 "Don't cry, Yuka..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00004-00000646-00000871 "I couldn't stop crying when I saw ROHAN who I missed so much" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00005-00000871-00001063 "Yuka is sadder because she's sick" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00006-00001063-00001267 "I couldn't sleep because of my cough until the next morning, and it got worse." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00007-00001267-00001434 It was like I was about to die. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00008-00002239-00002652 "Yuka, who suddenly had difficulty breathing at dawn..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00009-00002652-00003032 "I was rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00010-00003032-00003482 "Yuka's bronchial tubes were bad and her breathing was so irregular these days" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00011-00003482-00003945 "Yuka, who had asthma, transmitted the methanumor virus to Rohan" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00012-00003945-00004333 "Since then, my asthma has worsened, and I have difficulty breathing and various pains." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00013-00004333-00004496 "And in the end..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00014-00004558-00005100 "The next day, I was hospitalized after the doctor's decision." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00015-00005100-00005426 "The two who couldn't sleep properly because Yuka was sick..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00016-00005426-00005872 "I just want you to be hospitalized and get better soon." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00017-00005880-00006181 "Yuka, let's not get sick..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00018-00006181-00006448 "But at times like this, I'm glad I understand all Korean..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00019-00006448-00006861 "Isn't that right? Yuka will be fine by herself, right?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00020-00006861-00007144 Does it have insurance? (Yuka worried about hospital bills) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00021-00007144-00007528 Oh, it's probably insured. (Yuka, I can't pay for that.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00022-00007528-00007811 That's my card, uh, Yuka card. (I can't give you one) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00023-00007811-00008074 "After finishing the hospitalization process," Zo2qG8uQCBo-00024-00008074-00008341 Do you want to see Rohan?(you can't see Rohan for a while.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00025-00008341-00008616 You miss Rohan so much Zo2qG8uQCBo-00026-00008712-00008908 Am I all right? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00027-00008908-00009104 (Sigh... I'm already lonely...Is it winter?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00028-00009104-00009330 You don't mind not seeing me for a day? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00029-00009330-00009501 Oh! It was okay.(Recently stayed out for 3 nights) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00030-00009501-00009813 Ah, but I don't want to be alone in the hospital room(Yuka gets lonely a lot) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00031-00009813-00010043 But it's been a while since you saw Netflix. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00032-00010043-00010139 Staff: Sungchan, be quiet Zo2qG8uQCBo-00033-00010222-00010719 "That's how i ended up in a single room." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00034-00010719-00010940 The view is good Zo2qG8uQCBo-00035-00010940-00011211 Hello, everyone. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00036-00011211-00011611 I don't know where to start Zo2qG8uQCBo-00037-00011611-00012057 I wasn't feeling well for a while Zo2qG8uQCBo-00038-00012057-00012566 At first, it became like gastroenteritis and I had a high fever Zo2qG8uQCBo-00039-00012566-00013125 A week before I was hospitalized, Rohan had a cough, a runny nose, and a slight fever Zo2qG8uQCBo-00040-00013125-00013455 I was wondering if it was a cold. (The COVID-19 result is negative) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00041-00013455-00013755 ROHAN's fever got worse Zo2qG8uQCBo-00042-00013755-00014118 he got middle ear infection so Zo2qG8uQCBo-00043-00014118-00014435 Middle... Uh...I was wondering what was going on Zo2qG8uQCBo-00044-00014435-00014789 Then, I started coughing and phlegm Zo2qG8uQCBo-00045-00014789-00015023 It's starting to get worse Zo2qG8uQCBo-00046-00015023-00015315 (A few days ago in Seoul) I coughed a lot in the evening Zo2qG8uQCBo-00047-00015315-00015653 My phlegm keeps coming up from here Zo2qG8uQCBo-00048-00015653-00016053 My nose is stuffy and I can't breathe here because of course Zo2qG8uQCBo-00049-00016053-00016495 I was in an ambulance because I couldn't breathe Zo2qG8uQCBo-00050-00016495-00016720 I went to the emergency room.(It was really urgent...) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00051-00016720-00017016 But at the time... (including COVID-19 test) In the lung picture, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00052-00017016-00017521 Doctor said there's nothing wrong, so I think my bronchitis got worse therefore Zo2qG8uQCBo-00053-00017521-00018197 After getting treatment, I finished my Seoul schedule the next day Zo2qG8uQCBo-00054-00018197-00018493 I came back to Jeju Island Zo2qG8uQCBo-00055-00018493-00019052 I went to the respiratory department and thought it was bronchitis Zo2qG8uQCBo-00056-00019052-00019394 I've been taking medication Zo2qG8uQCBo-00057-00019394-00019811 But my symptoms didn't get any better Zo2qG8uQCBo-00058-00019811-00020324 Because of phlegm and cough, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00059-00020324-00020879 I couldn't breathe, so I took an ambulance to the emergency room Zo2qG8uQCBo-00060-00020879-00021300 I had asthma, so I checked for a virus Zo2qG8uQCBo-00061-00021300-00021884 There's a virus called the Metanum virus that's really popular these days Zo2qG8uQCBo-00062-00021884-00022213 Usually, it's over when you catch a cold Zo2qG8uQCBo-00063-00022213-00022706 I have weak bronchial respiratory system Zo2qG8uQCBo-00064-00022706-00022977 I think that's why it got so bad Zo2qG8uQCBo-00065-00023177-00023469 I haven't been able to sleep much lately(Difficulty breathing) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00066-00023469-00023807 The doctor recommended me to be hospitalized today Zo2qG8uQCBo-00067-00023807-00024057 So I ended up here in this hospital room Zo2qG8uQCBo-00068-00024057-00024495 It's been a while since you've been in this hospital, huh? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00069-00024495-00024674 I came here with rohan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00070-00024674-00024845 I'm here again Zo2qG8uQCBo-00071-00024845-00025271 This is a different room, but I think it's a bit bigger Zo2qG8uQCBo-00072-00025721-00026201 During the day, it's okay if I'm sitting or standing like this Zo2qG8uQCBo-00073-00026201-00026451 The moment I lie down... (Hell train) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00074-00026451-00026847 I cough so much that I can't sleep Zo2qG8uQCBo-00075-00026847-00027327 I'll be back in good health after getting treatment Zo2qG8uQCBo-00076-00027327-00027777 I don't know if this VLOG will go up...(Honey, I'm editing...) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00077-00027777-00028140 I'll keep a record of you being alive like this way Zo2qG8uQCBo-00078-00028140-00028465 Bye! You have to be healthy, too Zo2qG8uQCBo-00079-00028465-00028737 Be careful not to catch a cold in between seasons Zo2qG8uQCBo-00080-00028737-00028945 Eat a lot of warm food Zo2qG8uQCBo-00081-00029158-00029525 "Yuka, who started fighting alone like that..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00082-00029525-00029908 "Don't cry, Yuka..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00083-00032140-00032440 "At the same time, Rohan and Sungchan…” Zo2qG8uQCBo-00084-00032640-00032824 rohan, I'm sorry. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00085-00032824-00032982 I'm at the dentist's. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00086-00032987-00033204 "The dental facilities are very good these days." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00087-00033204-00033846 "Like that, Rohan also went to the dentist and otolaryngologist..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00088-00033946-00034509 (The next day) I'm continuing to inject phlegm and cough medicine Zo2qG8uQCBo-00089-00034584-00034939 I'm gonna do an inhalation therapy Zo2qG8uQCBo-00090-00034939-00035326 But I go to the emergency room a lot these days Zo2qG8uQCBo-00091-00035326-00035752 I got so many shots and blood tests Zo2qG8uQCBo-00092-00035990-00036373 His arms are genius(?)..trouble(?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00093-00036486-00036836 It's a total disaster.(Your Korean is also a completely difficult situation.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00094-00036836-00037011 What's this? (What's up with your Korean) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00095-00037011-00037366 Anyway, my heart is a little angry because...(What's wrong with your Korean today?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00096-00037366-00037595 There are medical staff Zo2qG8uQCBo-00097-00037595-00038117 I think it's good that I can get treatment while looking at the condition Zo2qG8uQCBo-00098-00038121-00038580 You might not be able to hear it because of my voice(You can't say it...)) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00099-00038580-00038717 Please understand, everyone(Everyone will understand...) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00100-00038817-00039243 "It's a lonely evening again." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00101-00039635-00040039 I just got antibiotic fluids Zo2qG8uQCBo-00102-00040039-00040511 I did a respiratory treatment called nebulizer Zo2qG8uQCBo-00103-00040511-00040932 My food is here, so I'm going to eat now Zo2qG8uQCBo-00104-00040932-00041474 I think time flies because I have a lot to pack here Zo2qG8uQCBo-00105-00041787-00042054 Thank you for the meal. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00106-00042054-00042263 It's like this Zo2qG8uQCBo-00107-00042859-00043268 "It doesn't suit my taste, but let's not leave any, Yuka" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00108-00043835-00044235 Rohan... (Let's eat first) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00109-00044235-00044473 I missed Rohan so much Zo2qG8uQCBo-00110-00044473-00044844 I thought I'd be able to see you a little bit before I got into the hospital Zo2qG8uQCBo-00111-00044844-00045332 Because of COVID-19, until PCR results come out... Zo2qG8uQCBo-00112-00045332-00045449 No, it's not(What are you doing?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00113-00045491-00045608 Yes. (Are you done?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00114-00045608-00046066 Yeah, I can't go out until the PCR results come out Zo2qG8uQCBo-00115-00046066-00046354 I can't see Rohan today Zo2qG8uQCBo-00116-00046354-00046659 "Let's eat and watch, Yuka" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00117-00046659-00047038 I heard this virus is really popular these days Zo2qG8uQCBo-00118-00047038-00047664 Usually, older kids get it easily Zo2qG8uQCBo-00119-00047664-00047956 I guess my immune system was weak Zo2qG8uQCBo-00120-00047956-00048214 I have a bad respiratory system Zo2qG8uQCBo-00121-00048214-00048611 Huh? This is spicy. (Are you Korean?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00122-00048819-00049149 And my dad in Japan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00123-00049149-00049666 he has a lung disease called COPD so Zo2qG8uQCBo-00124-00049666-00049899 I'm worried about that, too Zo2qG8uQCBo-00125-00050045-00050567 “There can't catch much on screen, but she cough a lot" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00126-00050567-00051042 I received a lot of messages on Instagram (Nuances are foreigners) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00127-00051042-00051234 It comforted me a lot Zo2qG8uQCBo-00128-00051234-00051493 Thank you so much Zo2qG8uQCBo-00129-00051493-00052085 Sungchan and Rohan, sorry for what happened to you Zo2qG8uQCBo-00130-00052085-00052360 I hope get well soon Zo2qG8uQCBo-00131-00052360-00052736 I want to give Sungchan a proper free time Zo2qG8uQCBo-00132-00052736-00053228 I want to play outside with Rohan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00133-00053228-00053620 The three of us want to live a healthy and happy life Zo2qG8uQCBo-00134-00053620-00053908 I'm leaving Jeju soon Zo2qG8uQCBo-00135-00053908-00054162 Let's live a healthy and safe life Zo2qG8uQCBo-00136-00054162-00054541 Thank you always. I love you Zo2qG8uQCBo-00137-00054587-00054696 Bye~ Zo2qG8uQCBo-00138-00054796-00055071 "And that evening" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00139-00055071-00055326 "I was tested negative for COVID-19" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00140-00055326-00055668 "I was able to meet you while delivering necessities." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00141-00055668-00055818 Give me a hug Zo2qG8uQCBo-00142-00055818-00056055 give me a hug Zo2qG8uQCBo-00143-00056055-00056297 "Everyone can tell that you're the guys on the Yuka channel" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00144-00056297-00056685 "YUKA hugs ROHAN whom I missed so much" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00145-00057069-00057453 "In the end, Yuka shedding tears..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00146-00057453-00057782 "Rohan looks very sad, too." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00147-00057782-00058041 Mom, don't be scared Zo2qG8uQCBo-00148-00058041-00058320 Rohan, I hit you know Zo2qG8uQCBo-00149-00058320-00058504 Crying... Zo2qG8uQCBo-00150-00058504-00058900 "I couldn't stop crying when I saw ROHAN who I missed so much" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00151-00058900-00059063 What should I do when my mom cries? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00152-00059063-00059471 “Rohan, who is growing up as such a good son," Zo2qG8uQCBo-00153-00059471-00059647 Are you energized? (Nodding) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00154-00059647-00059918 "Yuka is sadder because she's sick" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00155-00060339-00060598 ROHAN, wait a little bit Zo2qG8uQCBo-00156-00060598-00060873 Watch out for bug cars(Don't jump into the double light) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00157-00060973-00061382 Jelly x3 Give me jelly dad Zo2qG8uQCBo-00158-00061382-00061569 It's mom Zo2qG8uQCBo-00159-00061569-00061761 Here, eat one Zo2qG8uQCBo-00160-00061761-00061982 Thank you, Rohan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00161-00061982-00062061 (I ate a lot...) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00162-00062474-00062675 ROHAN, let's hold your mom's hand Zo2qG8uQCBo-00163-00062875-00063054 Didn't you miss mom? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00164-00063054-00063359 I missed mom Zo2qG8uQCBo-00165-00063359-00063813 Did you miss your dad too? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00166-00064001-00064105 (Why aren't you answering) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00167-00064105-00064497 Rohan, your mom is sick. If you don't have a dad, you have to protect her Zo2qG8uQCBo-00168-00064497-00064689 Okay haha Zo2qG8uQCBo-00169-00064689-00064910 "Today is ROHAN's day" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00170-00065044-00065386 What? That candy is so precious Zo2qG8uQCBo-00171-00065394-00065924 "YUKA gets energy from ROHAN's cuteness" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00172-00066024-00066262 mom is sick? Hahahaha Zo2qG8uQCBo-00173-00066262-00066520 (What a bad son...)I'm scared haha Zo2qG8uQCBo-00174-00066520-00066641 Let's eat now Zo2qG8uQCBo-00175-00066733-00066983 Mom, let's eat together Zo2qG8uQCBo-00176-00066983-00067158 I want to eat with you Zo2qG8uQCBo-00177-00067158-00067425 If I sleep here, I'll be fine Zo2qG8uQCBo-00178-00067517-00067830 I'll come tomorrow(Cool 3-year-old) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00179-00068059-00068193 Dad, let's sit down Zo2qG8uQCBo-00180-00068193-00068326 Its mom..(That's on purpose) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00181-00068326-00068597 It's been a while since we met(It's hard to break up) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00182-00068726-00069156 "I think we're going to break up like that...Let's go home now." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00183-00069515-00069694 (This is) Jelly chu Zo2qG8uQCBo-00184-00069694-00069903 Rohan~ Zo2qG8uQCBo-00185-00070215-00070374 Mom, cheer up Zo2qG8uQCBo-00186-00070374-00070574 He's soulless Zo2qG8uQCBo-00187-00070574-00071075 "After such a short meeting, Yuka went back to the hospital room." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00188-00071729-00072038 I brought a humidifier(Let's talk about it without the toothbrush Zo2qG8uQCBo-00189-00072868-00073185 I use this product every day Zo2qG8uQCBo-00190-00073185-00073757 It's much easier to breathe after the respiratory treatment to one's surprise Zo2qG8uQCBo-00191-00073757-00074169 I put in cough medicine and took medicine Zo2qG8uQCBo-00192-00074169-00074474 I think I can sleep well tonight Zo2qG8uQCBo-00193-00074474-00074983 Then I'll watch Naomi Watanabe's YouTube channel Zo2qG8uQCBo-00194-00074983-00075471 I'm going to sleep. I'm going to talk to Rohan on the phone Zo2qG8uQCBo-00195-00075671-00076292 "But I also coughed so bad that I couldn't sleep that day." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00196-00076292-00076609 "In the end..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00197-00076609-00077202 "I couldn't sleep because of my cough until the next morning, and it got worse." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00198-00077402-00077827 "Yuka looks more haggard" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00199-00077827-00078044 Good morning Zo2qG8uQCBo-00200-00078044-00078282 I thought I could sleep well last night Zo2qG8uQCBo-00201-00078282-00078565 I cough a lot at night Zo2qG8uQCBo-00202-00078565-00078895 A strong cough drop at night. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00203-00078895-00079295 I couldn't eat it.Sigh... Zo2qG8uQCBo-00204-00079295-00079637 I was afraid of not being able to breathe Zo2qG8uQCBo-00205-00079637-00079925 It was like I was about to die. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00206-00079925-00080213 So I was really scared many times Zo2qG8uQCBo-00207-00080793-00081318 "That's how another day of coughing and fighting started." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00208-00081602-00081940 Thank you for the meal. Today's menu is Zo2qG8uQCBo-00209-00081940-00082177 I think it's going to be spicy lol Zo2qG8uQCBo-00210-00082428-00082736 There's a lot of chili powder in it Zo2qG8uQCBo-00211-00082736-00082941 It's like this Zo2qG8uQCBo-00212-00083550-00083812 Did Rohan and Sungchan wake up? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00213-00083812-00084083 I really miss rohan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00214-00084083-00084546 I miss Sungchan, too. That's all Zo2qG8uQCBo-00215-00084597-00084922 "Sungchan came to pick up the second essentials." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00216-00085130-00085335 The bag is cool Zo2qG8uQCBo-00217-00085335-00085489 Is it worth it? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00218-00085489-00085643 No, I don't want to Zo2qG8uQCBo-00219-00085643-00086065 First of all, don't play in the hospital, at least edit it with your laptop Zo2qG8uQCBo-00220-00086065-00086219 I brought some essentials Zo2qG8uQCBo-00221-00086219-00086302 Did you eat? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00222-00086302-00086444 I didn't Zo2qG8uQCBo-00223-00086444-00086657 I'm going to eat kimchi stew in front of this restaurant Zo2qG8uQCBo-00224-00086657-00086878 It's new lol (visiting a new restaurant lol) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00225-00086878-00087324 Anyway, Yuka, cheer up and I hope you get better soon Zo2qG8uQCBo-00226-00087324-00087700 Now, I will go to eat kimchi stew Hahaha.. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00227-00087700-00087996 He doesn't have any affection Zo2qG8uQCBo-00228-00087996-00088154 Buy me a shine musket Zo2qG8uQCBo-00229-00088288-00088392 Let's go buy it Zo2qG8uQCBo-00230-00088392-00088626 I don't want to(So what) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00231-00089101-00089476 "Yuka is editing at the hospital at Sungchan’s recommendation" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00232-00089476-00089964 "Wait, are you doing an interview there?" It's too far." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00233-00090406-00090598 I get bored whenever I watch TV Zo2qG8uQCBo-00234-00090644-00091141 I'm doing it because I don't think it'll be too much if I just sit and edit it Zo2qG8uQCBo-00235-00091491-00091741 Can you see the plane? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00236-00091741-00091966 (Where should I change the camera?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00237-00092016-00092279 But it's much better today than yesterday Zo2qG8uQCBo-00238-00092279-00092613 I'm getting more medication Zo2qG8uQCBo-00239-00092613-00092980 Maybe it's because I got more of them Zo2qG8uQCBo-00240-00092980-00093126 It's gotten a lot better Zo2qG8uQCBo-00241-00093126-00093593 So I hope it gets better at once Zo2qG8uQCBo-00242-00093593-00093952 I won't overdo it and I'll try to get better myself Zo2qG8uQCBo-00243-00094177-00094352 Today.. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00244-00094573-00094994 The CT I took today says I don't have pneumonia Zo2qG8uQCBo-00245-00094994-00095278 I heard that you have middle ear infections Zo2qG8uQCBo-00246-00095278-00095633 My breathing sound is still weird Zo2qG8uQCBo-00247-00095633-00095874 They use steroids Zo2qG8uQCBo-00248-00096216-00096429 My back aches so bad. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00249-00096429-00096963 I'm going to go get a massage when this is over Zo2qG8uQCBo-00250-00097176-00097639 In the video, Sungchan and Rohan are so cute Zo2qG8uQCBo-00251-00097639-00098002 I'm gaining strength with this Now Zo2qG8uQCBo-00252-00099124-00099561 "Yuka doesn't look so well even after constant treatment" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00253-00099662-00099958 Dinner has arrived Zo2qG8uQCBo-00254-00099958-00100158 It's a fish today Zo2qG8uQCBo-00255-00100542-00100867 If I don't talk about it today, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00256-00100867-00101130 I feel calm now. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00257-00101463-00101860 "I'm controlling my breathing" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00258-00101860-00102185 I shouldn't say it.(Don't do it, honey...The captions are getting longer) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00259-00102185-00102331 It's kind of vague (at dawn) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00260-00102331-00102564 I'm not completely asleep Zo2qG8uQCBo-00261-00102564-00102944 That time felt really good(Is it a drug hazard?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00262-00102998-00103157 What am I talking about?(What are you doing, Yuka?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00263-00103157-00103457 There's not much fun here Zo2qG8uQCBo-00264-00103457-00103645 My voice is not coming out at all Zo2qG8uQCBo-00265-00103716-00103958 I'm not going to talk a lot Zo2qG8uQCBo-00266-00103999-00104141 Bye Zo2qG8uQCBo-00267-00104241-00104433 "At home at the same time..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00268-00104433-00104600 Huh? Dad! (What's wrong with you?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00269-00104629-00104883 Daddy~ Dad! (Will you give me food and lie down?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00270-00104883-00105084 What's wrong with you, dad?(Is he crying again?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00271-00105084-00105217 Does it hurt? (Don't cry and talk) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00272-00105217-00105338 No... (What's with the voice?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00273-00105338-00105684 Dad rice(Give me food and get the concept) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00274-00105684-00105859 Dad, it's a little hard Zo2qG8uQCBo-00275-00105859-00106085 Yo~rice(Let's eat) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00276-00106251-00106381 Okay.. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00277-00106381-00106627 Dad, are you tired?(What did you do?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00278-00106627-00106856 I'm having a hard time(Are you whining to a 3-year-old?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00279-00106856-00106977 Dad. (Then..) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00280-00107123-00107415 Say hoo with your mouth(Breathe out a little) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00281-00107582-00107886 “Sungchan, who was bright, looks very tired, too.At times like this, yo bro..” Zo2qG8uQCBo-00282-00107886-00107986 Say hoo with your mouth(Breathe out a little) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00283-00107986-00108216 "Sungchan’s throat is not in good condition either..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00284-00108646-00108929 Rohan, listen to me. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00285-00108929-00109238 Dad.. it's so hard Zo2qG8uQCBo-00286-00109238-00109580 You have to eat rice with meat, okay? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00287-00109642-00109759 Promise Zo2qG8uQCBo-00288-00109997-00110151 Uh-huh. (I’ll do my best.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00289-00110281-00110535 (Oh, that's a good plan)(Laughing) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00290-00110581-00110802 (What was that trick?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00291-00111448-00111628 (What are you two doing?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00292-00111782-00112207 "That's how the atmosphere gets better." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00293-00112207-00112533 "Sungchan tries to order burgers without Yuka" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00294-00113250-00113726 "Well, he watch TV that he like and eat hamburgers..It's happiness." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00295-00113726-00114088 "Sungchan, what do you think about when you live?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00296-00114088-00114410 "What do you think about when you live?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00297-00114410-00114864 "After having a happy dinner just for the two of us." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00298-00115190-00115419 Is it fun? Is it good?(he can't watch TV when he with his mom) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00299-00115419-00115819 You can't tell your mom about this It's a secret Zo2qG8uQCBo-00300-00115819-00116207 Rohan, how do you do that to your mom? Shh! (Yuka, are you watching this?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00301-00116587-00116779 Why don't you come? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00302-00116779-00117229 "You two are so familiar with each other's daily lives Zo2qG8uQCBo-00303-00119327-00119657 The food is here Zo2qG8uQCBo-00304-00120240-00120749 I think I can leave the hospital tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00305-00120749-00121241 Yesterday was better than the day before and today was better than yesterday Zo2qG8uQCBo-00306-00121241-00121554 My goal is to be discharged tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00307-00121942-00122055 Do you want to try this? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00308-00122055-00122209 Melon bread Zo2qG8uQCBo-00309-00122313-00122476 Dad, you didn't say cheers Zo2qG8uQCBo-00310-00122476-00122584 ROHAN, wait Zo2qG8uQCBo-00311-00122701-00122851 you’ll give it to dad first(This is Korea) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00312-00122993-00123106 (I have dual citizenship...) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00313-00123106-00123243 It's not polite Zo2qG8uQCBo-00314-00123323-00123439 Yes Zo2qG8uQCBo-00315-00123439-00123623 You always give it to your dad first, right?(You're good at teaching..right?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00316-00123756-00123873 (Proud) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00317-00123873-00124065 Meyon? (Cute pronunciation) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00318-00124069-00124228 Good morning Zo2qG8uQCBo-00319-00124320-00124645 "The two of you are so used to this morning." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00320-00124645-00124941 Dad, hurry up and grab…(He's three years old.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00321-00125245-00125396 It's good Zo2qG8uQCBo-00322-00125396-00125546 Good Zo2qG8uQCBo-00323-00126480-00126755 Dad, close your eyes(This is how it tastes) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00324-00126935-00127260 "What is Rohan looking at growing up?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00325-00127260-00127690 "Seeing you dance and sing more and more..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00326-00127690-00128119 "I think Yuka's son is right." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00327-00128186-00128553 Butt, bam bam...(It's because of Sungchan) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00328-00128691-00128799 Harder! Zo2qG8uQCBo-00329-00128970-00129116 Here we go Zo2qG8uQCBo-00330-00129116-00129312 "Is it always like this?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00331-00129312-00129729 "So that he can't feel his mom's absence" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00332-00129729-00130121 "Sungchan is the best for Rohan” Zo2qG8uQCBo-00333-00130121-00130605 "Rohan approaches his dad more affectionately." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00334-00130605-00131034 "Now, ROHAN is helping me clean up my house" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00335-00132056-00132457 "Sungchan seems to be having a hard time every morning" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00336-00132544-00132816 "My sick wife who is in the hospital" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00337-00132816-00133228 "To Sungchan who does his best for his son who doesn't know anything" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00338-00133228-00133533 "I'm always thankful" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00339-00133533-00133842 "Sungchan is doing the captions right now.. goosebumps” Zo2qG8uQCBo-00340-00133842-00133988 Help me.. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00341-00133988-00134250 "Sungchan is about to start rapping about raising children" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00342-00135097-00135414 It's not a shoe. It's this foot Zo2qG8uQCBo-00343-00135414-00135643 This foot first. (Left foot first. Didn't you go to the army?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00344-00135718-00135914 See you. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00345-00136023-00136607 I think Sungchan and Rohan will bring a lot of stuff soon Zo2qG8uQCBo-00346-00136607-00136757 I'm looking forward to it. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00347-00136757-00137057 But a little bit of feverish. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00348-00137057-00137387 I have another blood test tomorrow morning Zo2qG8uQCBo-00349-00137387-00137654 I think I'm going to look at the inflammatory levels Zo2qG8uQCBo-00350-00137654-00138188 If that's okay, I want to leave the hospital tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00351-00138188-00138505 Everyone, eat something warm Zo2qG8uQCBo-00352-00138809-00139051 Mom, what's this present? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00353-00139051-00139251 I bought some grapes Zo2qG8uQCBo-00354-00139251-00139501 Really? You bought a lot Zo2qG8uQCBo-00355-00139501-00139693 "Yuka's supplies" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00356-00139693-00139777 Dad Zo2qG8uQCBo-00357-00139777-00139881 Its mom Zo2qG8uQCBo-00358-00139881-00140010 Let's eat at home Zo2qG8uQCBo-00359-00140010-00140219 Okay. Shall we eat together at home? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00360-00140290-00140640 Let's eat together at home tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00361-00140640-00140765 Yeah.. let's go Zo2qG8uQCBo-00362-00140765-00140874 Promise Zo2qG8uQCBo-00363-00140874-00141049 Let's go together. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00364-00141049-00141341 "Yuka is also taking care of the leftover food..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00365-00141566-00141912 Ahahaha what is this?(food waste?!!) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00366-00141912-00142137 Do you like peach yogurt? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00367-00142137-00142317 (Yogurt is the best when shaken) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00368-00142317-00142454 What's this? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00369-00142454-00142634 This, this, that...(Mom is a foreigner) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00370-00142634-00142917 “Rohan, who is waiting for his mother who doesn't know when she'll come back..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00371-00142917-00143322 “He burst into tears when he was about to break up again...I'm sad..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00372-00143322-00143510 "But he's Yuka's son." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00373-00143510-00143676 (You have to shake the yogurt.) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00374-00143676-00143860 My family Zo2qG8uQCBo-00375-00143860-00144156 You missed me Zo2qG8uQCBo-00376-00144156-00144427 You're working hard. I hope Yuka comes tomorrow, too Zo2qG8uQCBo-00377-00144427-00144544 You too Zo2qG8uQCBo-00378-00144615-00144732 You're working hard. (Is it Chungcheong-do?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00379-00145257-00145457 He brought this for me Zo2qG8uQCBo-00380-00145457-00145733 I can't eat this much(Eating it all) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00381-00145733-00145945 But my favorite is Shine Muscat Zo2qG8uQCBo-00382-00145945-00146308 I'm happy. Thank you, Sungchan and Rohan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00383-00146308-00146613 I'll do my best to get out of the hospital tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00384-00146842-00147146 My voice is not coming out at all Zo2qG8uQCBo-00385-00147146-00147351 "I'm feeling better but I can't hear my voice well" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00386-00147351-00147660 The first part isn't coming out in one's voice Zo2qG8uQCBo-00387-00147764-00148093 "Are you sure you can get out of the hospital?" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00388-00148093-00148252 I can't say it Zo2qG8uQCBo-00389-00148252-00148502 My voice is really... Ahhhhhh Zo2qG8uQCBo-00390-00148811-00149128 I think it's getting better Zo2qG8uQCBo-00391-00149165-00149407 Take your time to rest Zo2qG8uQCBo-00392-00149407-00149649 I'll eat this, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00393-00149649-00149891 I'm going to rest. Bye Zo2qG8uQCBo-00394-00150066-00150446 "That night, the three of us played ball together." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00395-00150446-00150688 "No matter how many times I say it's the last..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00396-00150688-00150854 Its again Zo2qG8uQCBo-00397-00150854-00151021 How many hours are you doing this?! Zo2qG8uQCBo-00398-00151021-00151384 "A fight with Rohan that doesn't get tired before going to bed..." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00399-00151384-00151572 Mom, I'm going to bed Zo2qG8uQCBo-00400-00151572-00151764 (What do you mean, "I'm going to sleep…”) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00401-00152218-00152360 It's really the last time(I won't play with you anymore) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00402-00152360-00152443 I promise. Zo2qG8uQCBo-00403-00152443-00152581 The last one Zo2qG8uQCBo-00404-00152581-00152740 (I'm making a promise to my mom too) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00405-00153144-00153649 “Rohan have to check the condition of his father and mother's teeth like that." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00406-00153770-00154074 "When I see his face, he has to be hospitalized." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00407-00154074-00154266 Good night Zo2qG8uQCBo-00408-00154767-00155038 "Yuka is in a weird condition since this morning" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00409-00155038-00155471 Earlier today, around 4am, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00410-00155471-00155768 There took out my blood[Half asleep] Zo2qG8uQCBo-00411-00155768-00156410 I think there had a blood test this morning, so I think there picked it out in advance Zo2qG8uQCBo-00412-00156452-00156581 I was surprised Zo2qG8uQCBo-00413-00156581-00156869 I was sleeping and there said, "I'll draw blood." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00414-00156869-00157328 I was half-asleep and drew blood Zo2qG8uQCBo-00415-00157328-00157836 But I slept more today than the day before Zo2qG8uQCBo-00416-00157836-00158228 I think I slept a lot I think I'll still live Zo2qG8uQCBo-00417-00158662-00158837 Everyone~ (Yuka looks bright) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00418-00158837-00159238 The doctor just came and listened to my chest Zo2qG8uQCBo-00419-00159238-00159530 In the blood test results, Zo2qG8uQCBo-00420-00159530-00159913 White blood cells have high levels, but Zo2qG8uQCBo-00421-00159913-00160264 I don't know if it's because I used steroids, but it's high Zo2qG8uQCBo-00422-00160264-00160543 So I thought I had a slight fever Zo2qG8uQCBo-00423-00160543-00160768 I thought it got better Zo2qG8uQCBo-00424-00160768-00161273 I was supposed to be able to leave the hospital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Zo2qG8uQCBo-00425-00161273-00161640 I asked for a favor and asked if I could do it today Zo2qG8uQCBo-00426-00161640-00161865 Doctor thought about doing it today Zo2qG8uQCBo-00427-00161865-00162320 Today, I can be discharged from the hospital Zo2qG8uQCBo-00428-00162474-00162783 Sigh.. I can barely go outside Zo2qG8uQCBo-00429-00162783-00163167 But it's not completely better Zo2qG8uQCBo-00430-00163167-00163534 I have to keep looking at the situation with medication Zo2qG8uQCBo-00431-00163534-00163780 I want to sleep at home Zo2qG8uQCBo-00432-00163780-00163972 That's a relief Zo2qG8uQCBo-00433-00163972-00164397 I want to hug Rohan a lot Zo2qG8uQCBo-00434-00164397-00164802 I'm really sorry for working hard for Sungchan Zo2qG8uQCBo-00435-00164802-00165235 I hope I can get there as soon as possible and help you Zo2qG8uQCBo-00436-00165235-00165577 I don't know what's going to happen, but I'll prepare and go out Zo2qG8uQCBo-00437-00165577-00165903 Thank you, everyone A lot of messages, really Zo2qG8uQCBo-00438-00165903-00166140 Thank you so much Zo2qG8uQCBo-00439-00166140-00166595 I'll take it when I get out of the hospital Zo2qG8uQCBo-00440-00166699-00167025 the last breath treatment Zo2qG8uQCBo-00441-00167025-00167634 "Yuka got treated until the end and got ready to leave the hospital" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00442-00167634-00167859 I took it out(Ragged arms) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00443-00167859-00168142 I'm going back home Zo2qG8uQCBo-00444-00168288-00168622 "Sungchan is with a baby on the same morning" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00445-00168681-00168864 What do you want me to do when you cough? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00446-00168997-00169073 Yes Zo2qG8uQCBo-00447-00169152-00169227 Yes Zo2qG8uQCBo-00448-00169239-00169611 "These two are having a refreshing morning when their mom comes back." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00449-00170295-00170591 So lovely! Zo2qG8uQCBo-00450-00171033-00171229 Let's hurry up and study(?) Zo2qG8uQCBo-00451-00171229-00171437 Isn't it too fast? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00452-00171437-00171721 It's not too fast Zo2qG8uQCBo-00453-00172126-00172276 That's right. Every corner Zo2qG8uQCBo-00454-00172330-00172426 Check~ Zo2qG8uQCBo-00455-00172426-00172564 Try every nook and cranny there Zo2qG8uQCBo-00456-00172564-00172835 "Two men are getting ready to clean up and welcome their mom" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00457-00172835-00173001 ROHAN is clean Zo2qG8uQCBo-00458-00173373-00173756 "Two men who put on makeup because their mom is coming." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00459-00173756-00173882 Done Zo2qG8uQCBo-00460-00173882-00174115 Are you done? Am I pretty? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00461-00174199-00174269 Rohan? Zo2qG8uQCBo-00462-00174269-00174478 "So I tried using my mom's makeup on my own." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00463-00174478-00174845 "Rohan went to the daycare center before his mom came." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00464-00175195-00175667 "Yuka, who had to be taken to the emergency room and hospitalized," Zo2qG8uQCBo-00465-00175667-00176088 "Fortunately, it got much better and came back to the arms of the two men." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00466-00176088-00176492 "I'm not completely better yet," Zo2qG8uQCBo-00467-00176492-00177089 "I think you'll get better faster if you live with two guys like that." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00468-00177089-00177560 "I'm always thankful to Sungchan and Rohan for their hard work." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00469-00177560-00178082 "I'll recover quickly and show you various sides of me." Zo2qG8uQCBo-00470-00178082-00178515 "Thank you to everyone who sent me lots of supporting us” Zo2qG8uQCBo-00471-00178515-00178891 "Thank you for watching until the end" Zo2qG8uQCBo-00472-00178891-00179291 "See you in the next video" Z3J1-ljdarQ-00000-00032286-00033000 If You Like This Video, Don't Forget to Subscribe This Channel. If You Like Videos Then Share Your Valuable Comments Below It. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00000-00001810-00002669 Well, shall we begin? We've gone through computers. Pretty much. What they can do and so on. We're Z4yOfCC_VN0-00001-00002669-00003333 now going to look at the question of the representation of information. And I have to be very careful Z4yOfCC_VN0-00002-00003333-00004044 about the word information because it's likely be misunderstood. There's a whole theory about Z4yOfCC_VN0-00003-00004044-00004951 this matter, lasting for a long while. And in the forties, Shannon created a theory of Z4yOfCC_VN0-00004-00004951-00005546 information, called Information Theory. Bell Laboratories wanted them to call it Communication Z4yOfCC_VN0-00005-00005546-00005990 Theory which was a better word, but we have to live with the other one. And I will take Z4yOfCC_VN0-00006-00005990-00006713 up information theory and how far information is from what you are inclined to believe information Z4yOfCC_VN0-00007-00006713-00006981 is. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00008-00006981-00007436 Now you remember in machines at the bottom there were gates that you opened and closed. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00009-00007436-00008056 They were either current or non-current when you consulted a memory cell and so on. At Z4yOfCC_VN0-00010-00008056-00008618 the very bottom there were just simply these elementary events. But then in your nervous Z4yOfCC_VN0-00011-00008618-00009545 system, the physiologists tell you, either a nerve conducts a signal, or it doesn't. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00012-00009545-00009903 Now we have to look at how things are going to be represented in this machine. I'm going Z4yOfCC_VN0-00013-00009903-00010527 to use the binary one for good purposes. It's easier to do than anything else. And we're Z4yOfCC_VN0-00014-00010527-00011738 transmitting information from one place to another. We had a source. Nothing is said Z4yOfCC_VN0-00015-00011738-00012492 about the source. There is a source of information. It may be mathematical formulas. It may be Z4yOfCC_VN0-00016-00012492-00013118 a novel. It may be the marks on a music sheet. It may be the marks we now have for recording Z4yOfCC_VN0-00017-00013118-00014006 dance, which we've only created recently. It may be any source of symbols. Nothing is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00018-00014006-00014556 said about the source. Therefore, the theory is very widespread. From the source, we go Z4yOfCC_VN0-00019-00014556-00015841 to an encoding. We take this stuff and encode it into some different form, possibly. The Z4yOfCC_VN0-00020-00015841-00016615 identity encoding is an encoding. Just don't do anything. But in general, there is an encoding. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00021-00016615-00018223 The encoding goes on, into a channel. Radio, over-the-air television, to a cable. Book. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00022-00018223-00018880 Print. The acoustics. I'm sending a message to you. It's going over the acoustic channel Z4yOfCC_VN0-00023-00018880-00019522 to a room in the atmosphere. There is a channel. Now what is important is that to this channel Z4yOfCC_VN0-00024-00019522-00021330 is entered noise. From this goes a decoder. And then the sink. After all we're sending Z4yOfCC_VN0-00025-00021330-00022002 a message from something to something. We're concerned with the fidelity. Now first I want Z4yOfCC_VN0-00026-00022002-00022434 to impart to you this is different from other theories which you've learned. When you learned Z4yOfCC_VN0-00027-00022434-00023066 physics, for example, there was the idea of an exact mass or exact force. Now of course Z4yOfCC_VN0-00028-00023066-00023356 when you came down to the laboratory you knew you couldn't measure something exactly right, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00029-00023356-00024211 but the uncertainty was added on at the back end of physics. Here we are putting uncertainty Z4yOfCC_VN0-00030-00024211-00025109 in right here. We're saying that channel does not send information reliably. We're accepting Z4yOfCC_VN0-00031-00025109-00025651 at the very bottom that nothing is reliable. Information theory and coding theory both Z4yOfCC_VN0-00032-00025651-00026333 assume that there is a noise to be combated. Quantum mechanics is something a little different Z4yOfCC_VN0-00033-00026333-00026928 and we will take up a chapter in quantum mechanics one of these days. But the uncertainty in Z4yOfCC_VN0-00034-00026928-00027737 quantum mechanics is not this kind. Now your problem is: here's a source, by suitable coding Z4yOfCC_VN0-00035-00027737-00028574 and decoding can I combat the noise in the channel? Now what we normally do is divide Z4yOfCC_VN0-00036-00028574-00030793 this into two parts: source encoding and channel. Given the source I encoded, I Z4yOfCC_VN0-00037-00030793-00031359 take advantage, if I can, of what structure the source has. Then I look at the channel Z4yOfCC_VN0-00038-00031359-00032079 and say, “Well now, how can I encode this so that the decoder, which of course has got Z4yOfCC_VN0-00039-00032079-00032927 the channel and this source, can probably get the answer in spite of the errors?” Z4yOfCC_VN0-00040-00032927-00033849 Now to make the course graphic, I'm here at this side. You are here at this side. Something Z4yOfCC_VN0-00041-00033849-00034280 is out here to your decoder. Now you know the rules I'm supposed to be following for Z4yOfCC_VN0-00042-00034280-00035083 encoding both channel and source. You know those rules. What you don't know is what I Z4yOfCC_VN0-00043-00035083-00035944 shoved in. What you know is what came out. And so your problem is, how can you make a Z4yOfCC_VN0-00044-00035944-00036849 very good estimate of that? Now the real design problem is, how do we design this, particularly Z4yOfCC_VN0-00045-00036849-00037766 this piece although this partly, so that you can probably write in your guess as to what Z4yOfCC_VN0-00046-00037766-00038625 I said. That's the underlying problem. Now I'm talking as if I were sending from here Z4yOfCC_VN0-00047-00038625-00039246 to there as a convenient method, but it is exactly the same problem as sending from now Z4yOfCC_VN0-00048-00039246-00040013 to then. I have some information and a computer. You ship it. You encode it onto a disk. You Z4yOfCC_VN0-00049-00040013-00040690 may not know it but when this stuff goes onto a disk it's been encoded in a different form. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00050-00040690-00041162 At the other end when you want to read it, the disk gets called up, the decoding instruction Z4yOfCC_VN0-00051-00041162-00041656 goes by, and bits are thrown out. So, this is the decoding part. This is the encoding Z4yOfCC_VN0-00052-00041656-00042299 part, when you're writing disks. The same way in various machines. You have various Z4yOfCC_VN0-00053-00042299-00042775 ways of doing encoding, it occurs in a lot of places. So, transmission through space Z4yOfCC_VN0-00054-00042775-00043455 and transmission through time are really the same kind of problem exactly, but I will generally Z4yOfCC_VN0-00055-00043455-00044336 talk as transmission from here to there through space. The computer has some information here. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00056-00044336-00044780 Well I want to ship it there. I have it here. I want to get it there. I got it there I want Z4yOfCC_VN0-00057-00044780-00045159 to something else with it. I'm shipping it around, here, there and yon, and there's bound Z4yOfCC_VN0-00058-00045159-00045788 to be errors. Shannon recognized this and I recognized that you cannot build perfectly Z4yOfCC_VN0-00059-00045788-00046471 reliable equipment and as you try to build more and more reliable equipment once you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00060-00046471-00047234 get fairly well along, its enormously expensive to get further. Thus, I told you, a couple Z4yOfCC_VN0-00061-00047234-00047952 of times I believe, given a differential analyzer, which was commercially available, to get one Z4yOfCC_VN0-00062-00047952-00048737 with one binary digit more of accuracy, we've got to increase the cost by a factor of 10. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00063-00048737-00049493 Getting another bit or another decimal digit is very expensive. So, you like to keep the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00064-00049493-00049978 noise down. On the other hand, you want a machine that’s going to be reliable. You Z4yOfCC_VN0-00065-00049978-00050456 want a desk calculator. Work at your desk and, somehow or other, you can use it for Z4yOfCC_VN0-00066-00050456-00051130 a whole year and it's not going to give you a wrong answer. How are you going to do it? Z4yOfCC_VN0-00067-00051130-00051613 That's the problem. One way is to over engineer. The thing operates so slowly it is bound to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00068-00051613-00052162 work right, but you want a fast machine. You want a cheap machine. So, what we are resorting Z4yOfCC_VN0-00069-00052162-00052933 to is coding theory to escape the necessity of doing things right because it's too expensive Z4yOfCC_VN0-00070-00052933-00054236 to do it right. Very simple but very difficult fact. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00071-00054236-00054994 Now I might as well begin with, over here, the symbols need not be of the same length. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00072-00054994-00055472 Mathematical formulas are of different lengths. The Morse code, which you learned, of dots Z4yOfCC_VN0-00073-00055472-00056006 and dashes. Some were shortened. Some were long. Why? The most common one “e” was Z4yOfCC_VN0-00074-00056006-00056821 a dot. Some obscure letter like “j” was three dashes and a dot. Now the Morse code Z4yOfCC_VN0-00075-00056821-00057524 was a ternary code. It was not binary. It has dot, dash, and space. So, it's not really Z4yOfCC_VN0-00076-00057524-00057933 binary code, but it is a code of variable length and we need to look at the question Z4yOfCC_VN0-00077-00057933-00058495 of, variable length codes going in, variable length codes coming out. How are we going Z4yOfCC_VN0-00078-00058495-00059701 to cope? Well let's take one code. I have four symbols. Now in reality, of course, there Z4yOfCC_VN0-00079-00059701-00060233 are hundreds of symbols. The alphabet has 26 letters uppercase, lowercase, a bunch of Z4yOfCC_VN0-00080-00060233-00061048 punctuation, other things. The ASCII code has two to the seventh symbols but currently Z4yOfCC_VN0-00081-00061048-00062344 on the blackboard I'm going to use four. That's going to be the code. Now if I send and you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00082-00062344-00064173 receive. Huh, I didn't get the right code. Pardon me while I look and peek at what I Z4yOfCC_VN0-00083-00064173-00065530 should have had – oh one (01). Oh, I have zero, oh oh (00). Oh, I see oh oh (00). It Z4yOfCC_VN0-00084-00065530-00066408 might have also been s2 s4. There is no way, even without noise, you could tell whether Z4yOfCC_VN0-00085-00066408-00067477 I meant one or the other code. It is not uniquely decodable because some symbols are the prefix Z4yOfCC_VN0-00086-00067477-00068336 of others. That's one of the faults. So that kind of a code, although in conception you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00087-00068336-00068991 might have one which is not absolutely uniquely decodable, by and large you want unique decodability. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00088-00068991-00071613 So that kind of code is no good. If I take the code. Then I say I can decode this stuff. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00089-00071613-00072923 Any string. There is a decoding tree. If I start here, I get a zero. I come to s1. If Z4yOfCC_VN0-00090-00072923-00073962 I get a one, I need to look at the next digit. If I get a 1, I need to look at next digit, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00091-00073962-00075437 s3. Then I get a 1, s4. 1 1 1 is s4. And you see, all I have to do is follow that tree. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00092-00075437-00076786 I get a 1 0 this is s2. I get a 1 1 0 there. I get a 1 1 1, I get a 0, I get a 0, I get Z4yOfCC_VN0-00093-00076786-00077618 a 1 0, I get a 0, I get 0, I get 0, I get a 1 0, I get a 1 1 0, and so on. It's evidently Z4yOfCC_VN0-00094-00077618-00078189 a string of bits come by you can decode and there's no ambiguity. You simply follow down Z4yOfCC_VN0-00095-00078189-00078622 that decoding tree, bing, bing, bing. Now I want to call your attention to a very important Z4yOfCC_VN0-00096-00078622-00079399 fact. You only look at each bit only once. You do not have to look at bits again and Z4yOfCC_VN0-00097-00079399-00080481 again and make guesses. It's straightforward decoding. It's uniquely decodable. Now this Z4yOfCC_VN0-00098-00080481-00080868 was not. This was not uniquely decodable. Well that's uniquely decodable so we got one Z4yOfCC_VN0-00099-00080868-00081444 idea in our heads: unique decodability and why you want it. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00100-00081444-00083727 I want to take up a second one: instantaneous decodability. It's the same code reversed. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00101-00083727-00084960 Now suppose you receive a zero and a string of ones. What will you have to do? You will Z4yOfCC_VN0-00102-00084960-00085505 have to start here. Mark off three ones, three ones, three ones, until you come down there Z4yOfCC_VN0-00103-00085505-00086241 and know how many ones went with that zero, right? It's uniquely decodable but you can't Z4yOfCC_VN0-00104-00086241-00086956 start decoding until the end. It's not what we call instantaneous decodable. Where is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00105-00086956-00087694 this, as it came in, I could decode. The moment I came to 1, the terminal positions, I had Z4yOfCC_VN0-00106-00087694-00088504 the known letter. Now it's obvious instantaneously decodable ones are better than not instantaneous, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00107-00088504-00089058 and I'll prove a little later today McMillan’s theorem, that there is no profit in having Z4yOfCC_VN0-00108-00089058-00089587 other than an instantaneous decodable one. If there is another code that meets uniqueness, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00109-00089587-00090169 unique decodability, there is an instantaneous one which will do it. So why bother with those? Z4yOfCC_VN0-00110-00090169-00090805 But that's the second thing you need to know: I want unique instantaneously decodable codes Z4yOfCC_VN0-00111-00090805-00091293 so that even without noise I would be able to do it. If I didn't have those properties Z4yOfCC_VN0-00112-00091293-00091735 you'd be in trouble, particularly this one, having to wait until the very end of the message Z4yOfCC_VN0-00113-00091735-00092383 received and having to work your way back of a really long message is not terribly satisfactory. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00114-00092383-00093330 No way. So, we don't want that. We want instantaneous decodable codes. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00115-00093330-00093867 I think the next thing I want is a Kraft inequality. But I better peek to make sure I'm not forgetting Z4yOfCC_VN0-00116-00093867-00095223 something. Oh, let's do two examples first. I'm going to have to have five symbols and Z4yOfCC_VN0-00117-00095223-00097930 since we haven't got lots of blackboard space we'll just have to erase. One code. The other Z4yOfCC_VN0-00120-00104967-00105553 That’s more bushy. They're both uniquely decodable codes. Which one is preferable? Z4yOfCC_VN0-00121-00105553-00106290 Well, what you want out of the code? One thing you want is the average length of a code to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00122-00106290-00106871 be fairly short. In other words what you really are going to care about is the average length Z4yOfCC_VN0-00123-00106871-00107639 of the code, L, which is the probability of the symbol times the length of the symbol Z4yOfCC_VN0-00124-00107639-00108244 summed over all the alphabet. And I apologize for the use of Q, because it's going to confuse Z4yOfCC_VN0-00125-00108244-00108786 you with probability 1 minus P, but it's the standard notation in this field. Q is the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00126-00108786-00109319 number of symbols, so I'll stick with it. So, you read this, you read other books. Otherwise Z4yOfCC_VN0-00127-00109319-00110945 it'll be troublesome. Well suppose these probabilities are ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/16. I have ½, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00128-00110945-00112227 times 1, length 1, plus ¼, times length 2, plus 1/8, times length 3, plus 2 of length Z4yOfCC_VN0-00129-00112227-00113639 of probability 1/16 of length 4. 1/2 plus 1/2 is 1, plus 3/8, 1 plus 3/8 plus 8/16, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00130-00113639-00115790 ½, 1 and 7/8. This one will be ½, times 2, plus 1/4, times 2 plus 1/8, times 2, plus Z4yOfCC_VN0-00131-00115790-00117543 2, times 1/16, times 3. Which will be 1, plus ½, plus ¼, plus 3/8. 1 and ¾. Well let's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00132-00117543-00118944 see. 2 and 1/8. So, this one, on the average, is longer than this one with those probabilities. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00133-00118944-00119595 On the other hand, suppose all the probabilities were the same. Each was probability 1/5. Each Z4yOfCC_VN0-00134-00119595-00121554 probability 1/5. I would have 1/5, 1 plus 2, plus 3, plus 4, plus 4. 8, 10, 14/5. Here Z4yOfCC_VN0-00135-00121554-00122925 I will have 1/5, of 2 plus 2, plus 2, plus 3, plus 3. 6, 8, 10, 12. 12/5. This one is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00136-00122925-00123491 shorter than that one. So, what is going to be the best code must depend upon the frequency Z4yOfCC_VN0-00137-00123491-00124142 of the symbols being sent, right? And as a loose rule, when you have almost all the same Z4yOfCC_VN0-00138-00124142-00124800 probabilities a bushy sort of squarish code would be much better than a long lean one. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00139-00124800-00125458 When you have high variability, this tends to be better than that. So, there are some Z4yOfCC_VN0-00140-00125458-00125965 general rules, which we have to follow, telling us that some codes are very effective for Z4yOfCC_VN0-00141-00125965-00126526 some reasons, some are effective for others. I have not yet talked about what I'm going Z4yOfCC_VN0-00142-00126526-00127006 to do about the noise. That'll come in the third lecture on coding theory under Hamming Z4yOfCC_VN0-00143-00127006-00127530 codes, which I worried about and said, “How can I do it to take care of that?” Meanwhile Z4yOfCC_VN0-00144-00127530-00128005 I'm only worried about, can I even get through codes and how do I go after reasonable things Z4yOfCC_VN0-00145-00128005-00128477 in coding theory. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00146-00128477-00129172 Now I come to a Kraft inequality. I always wondered who Kraft was, once I realized it Z4yOfCC_VN0-00147-00129172-00130100 was a name of a person. And only after I came here, did I discover that he was at Bell Labs, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00148-00130100-00131239 or had been. So, I don't know really who Kraft was. Now Kraft says, there's a number K, i Z4yOfCC_VN0-00149-00131239-00132134 running from 1 to q, 1 over 2 to the Li, where the two comes from the fact I'm using binary. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00150-00132134-00132511 If I were using a ternary base, I'd use a three. If I was using a base with 17 symbols, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00151-00132511-00133195 I’d put a 17 in, but we're working in binary for simplicity. Now this, he says, for unique Z4yOfCC_VN0-00152-00133195-00133760 decodability, must be less than or equal to one. Now when you think about it, that is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00153-00133760-00134579 saying the Li’s must be large. I cannot have a large number of small Li’s because Z4yOfCC_VN0-00154-00134579-00135295 then the sum would be too big. Now the proof is easy. But the original proof, God help Z4yOfCC_VN0-00155-00135295-00135851 you, was a mess. When I came to write a book on it, I looked at the proof, even after it Z4yOfCC_VN0-00156-00135851-00136184 had been polished up for a lot of years and looked at it and said, “Boy that's a mess. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00157-00136184-00136754 Let's see if we can find a simpler one.” So, I said let's look at induction. These Z4yOfCC_VN0-00158-00136754-00137977 trees I've been drawing. Now if the tree had only one branch, obviously length 1, I'll Z4yOfCC_VN0-00159-00137977-00138728 have you less than 1. If it had two branches 1/2 plus 1/2 is 1, so the thing is true if Z4yOfCC_VN0-00160-00138728-00139146 there are 2 distinct branches and if there's only one branch it's going to be all right. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00161-00139146-00139724 So, I'm going to make the induction hypothesis that if it's true for K -1, can I prove it Z4yOfCC_VN0-00162-00139724-00140279 is true for K? What I will do is I'll cut this in half. Now look at this bunch. Now Z4yOfCC_VN0-00163-00140279-00140772 that will have a length of K’ and this how will have a length of K2. Now if I'm going Z4yOfCC_VN0-00164-00140772-00141471 to have unique decodability, this must be less than ½, this must be less than ½, by Z4yOfCC_VN0-00165-00141471-00141980 the induction hypothesis. When I attach this other one on, each length will be one longer Z4yOfCC_VN0-00166-00141980-00142916 when I attach it on. So, I'll get it. 1/2 K’ plus 1/2 K2 and that'll be less than Z4yOfCC_VN0-00167-00142916-00143888 equal to 1. So, there I am. Very easy proof. Very simple. So, I have this proposition. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00168-00143888-00144796 It must be so. Now let's see some ones which you can and cannot. Suppose I have those that's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00169-00144796-00145978 ½, plus ¼, plus ¼, plus 1/8, that's 9/8. There is no unique decodable code with those Z4yOfCC_VN0-00170-00145978-00147471 lengths. You cannot make one. If I had ½, plus ¼, plus 1/8, plus 1/8, is exactly 1. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00171-00147471-00148167 Yes, I can have a 1, 2 and 2, 3 lengths. Now, of course, I remind you again, codes are going Z4yOfCC_VN0-00172-00148167-00148675 to be 40 and 50 symbols long. I can only write simple ones. In fact, I had to go to five Z4yOfCC_VN0-00173-00148675-00149251 one time to demonstrate that simple property. In general they’re very long. Now one thing Z4yOfCC_VN0-00174-00149251-00149726 I want to remind you is something which I forgot to say earlier, when you're designing Z4yOfCC_VN0-00175-00149726-00150214 a code, you're going to want the machine to do the encoding and you’re going to want Z4yOfCC_VN0-00176-00150214-00150914 to know when you're at the end. So, what you need is an exit symbol. When am I done? Which Z4yOfCC_VN0-00177-00150914-00151595 you, from the stuff he wants, you add that on. A very, very low probability. And when Z4yOfCC_VN0-00178-00151595-00151907 you hit that, you exit out and don't come back to the beginning of the tree to look Z4yOfCC_VN0-00179-00151907-00152465 for the next bit because you're done. You want to have an exit symbol. This is something Z4yOfCC_VN0-00180-00152465-00153288 that is very, very often forgotten. When do you quit? For example, in Fortran, there's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00181-00153288-00153976 a stop symbol saying, “I'm done.” I'm done with the programming, right? But there's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00182-00153976-00154663 another stop. I'm done with the encoding. The compiler has one stop to say it's done. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00183-00154663-00155113 Your running program has another stop saying I’ve done all the computing, right? They Z4yOfCC_VN0-00184-00155113-00155502 are different levels of language, or metal languages, that you’ve got to watch yourself, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00185-00155502-00156134 in computers, languages above a language. In English we talk about the English language Z4yOfCC_VN0-00186-00156134-00156919 in English and we get ourselves confused. But it’s the only thing we've got. So, we Z4yOfCC_VN0-00187-00156919-00157453 talk about language. We do it by quotes. We do it by gestures. We do it by accents. In Z4yOfCC_VN0-00188-00157453-00157962 order to talk about a language, you have to use a language. But you want to be clear, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00189-00157962-00158369 when you talk about a language, you're above it. The compiling is above the running language. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00190-00158369-00158703 It's talking about how to treat that language up here. Would you go and tell the machine Z4yOfCC_VN0-00191-00158703-00159111 how to run the problem? So, there has to be these two different stops. You need one in Z4yOfCC_VN0-00192-00159111-00159560 every language, alphabet you write. There should always be an exit symbol, for your Z4yOfCC_VN0-00193-00159560-00160115 benefit, to escape the translation process and know when you're done. The failure to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00194-00160115-00160545 do that is a very common one and it causes all kinds of trouble. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00195-00160545-00161738 Well let’s go on and see some more in this book. Now Z4yOfCC_VN0-00196-00161738-00162509 I haven't proved that the Kraft inequality is true. I merely proved that if it's applied Z4yOfCC_VN0-00197-00162509-00163041 some are very nice. I want to give you the examination of how the unique decodability Z4yOfCC_VN0-00198-00163041-00164145 runs into the proof. I got the Kraft, but I really didn't prove the less than ½. I Z4yOfCC_VN0-00199-00164145-00164553 merely showed that if it’s less than one, it would be less than 1. So, I'm going to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00200-00164553-00165542 write K equals summation i equal 1 to q, 1 over 2 to the Li and 1 is less than or equal Z4yOfCC_VN0-00201-00165542-00166246 to Li is less than or equal to some letter L maximum. Now I'm going to raise this thing Z4yOfCC_VN0-00202-00166246-00167247 to the nth power. Instead of sending you one symbol, I'm going to send you a whole string Z4yOfCC_VN0-00203-00167247-00167922 of symbols, n of them. OK. It's what we call the nth extension. What we talked about earlier. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00204-00167922-00168253 You've got a stream of symbols. You’ve got know when the end of one comes to go back Z4yOfCC_VN0-00205-00168253-00169073 and start translating again. Well this will become, then, a sum i running from 1 to q. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00206-00169073-00170417 Now the shortest one will be n, and the longest one will be nL. Now how many can there be? Z4yOfCC_VN0-00207-00170417-00171919 But well like use a K here. So long look at that. Now there are n sub K symbols of length Z4yOfCC_VN0-00208-00171919-00172410 K. I assert it cannot be more than 2 to the K because there are only 2 to the K different Z4yOfCC_VN0-00209-00172410-00173722 symbols of length K, correct? So this is less than 2 to the K over 2 to the K, and that's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00210-00173722-00174643 n L minus n plus 1 because when you count all numbers from 5 to 10 the difference is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00211-00174643-00175351 5 and then you have to add one on for the N value, right? Now, let's look at this thing. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00212-00175351-00176210 If K were bigger than 1, I can raise n so this power will exceed this linear structure Z4yOfCC_VN0-00213-00176210-00177071 in n, this is after all linear in n, only if K is less than 1 will I escape. So I assert Z4yOfCC_VN0-00214-00177071-00177775 that if I have unique decodability, the K must be less than 1. I use that unique decodability Z4yOfCC_VN0-00215-00177775-00178628 or I went from here to here. Now let's be careful that does not assert that if I have Z4yOfCC_VN0-00216-00178628-00179497 a code which obeys the Kraft inequality that I will have unique decodability. No. It only Z4yOfCC_VN0-00217-00179497-00180391 says that there exists a code which will do the trick. So let me give you an example of Z4yOfCC_VN0-00218-00180391-00181289 how you do it. And I need to peek since I didn't try to remember everything. To demonstrate Z4yOfCC_VN0-00219-00181289-00182251 I’m brilliant I could have easily memorized it but why fool you, you know I'm not bright Z4yOfCC_VN0-00221-00185967-00188338 well 3 1/8’s. Two of them. Plus 4 1/16’s is 1/4. ¼, plus ¼, plus ¼, plus ¼, equals Z4yOfCC_VN0-00222-00188338-00189221 1. So that kind of code can exist. How do I find it? Well it's easy. Proceed in an orderly Z4yOfCC_VN0-00223-00189221-00189807 fashion. The first one I'm going to write the smallest binary digit I can, of length Z4yOfCC_VN0-00224-00189807-00191154 2. Now I get another 2. Next one we go 1 0 but I got to have length 3, so I put a 0 here. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00225-00191154-00192389 Now the next will be 1 1 0 but I got to have length 4. And you see, I always have just Z4yOfCC_VN0-00226-00192389-00192809 enough room. If I keep building numbers as small as I can but extending them just as Z4yOfCC_VN0-00227-00192809-00193287 far as I have to, I'm always going to come out obeying the Kraft inequality. So, if I Z4yOfCC_VN0-00228-00193287-00194015 have the inequality, I can find the code. I remind you. Just because it satisfies the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00229-00194015-00194608 Kraft inequality does not mean that is it uniquely decodable instantaneous code. But Z4yOfCC_VN0-00230-00194608-00195039 it says that I can design one. I've showed you how I can from a bunch of lengths which Z4yOfCC_VN0-00231-00195039-00195145 satisfied it. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00232-00195145-00196120 Now let me talk about the Kraft inequality a bit more. If the Kraft inequality is unequal, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00233-00196120-00196764 I can do one of two things. I could add another symbol, or I can shorten the length of one Z4yOfCC_VN0-00234-00196764-00197402 of them. So, you can see that if the Kraft inequality is not held at one, the code is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00235-00197402-00197948 not as good as it could be. I could shorten it, or I could add another symbol to get more Z4yOfCC_VN0-00236-00197948-00198534 communication stuff through. In general, what you would do is undoubtedly shorten one of Z4yOfCC_VN0-00237-00198534-00199097 the lengths. So, the Kraft inequality being one is a really good measure of have you got Z4yOfCC_VN0-00238-00199097-00199754 a good code. It should be just exactly one and there will be an instantaneous uniquely Z4yOfCC_VN0-00239-00199754-00200053 decodable code if you do so. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00240-00200053-00201127 So, we've talked about communication of symbols from the first picture I drew from that end Z4yOfCC_VN0-00241-00201127-00201702 to this end without the noise. You see how encoding could be done and you can see how Z4yOfCC_VN0-00242-00201702-00202470 the source encoding given the probabilities I will design so the most common symbols are Z4yOfCC_VN0-00243-00202470-00203076 short, and the long ones are the unlikely ones. Much like the Morse code. If they're Z4yOfCC_VN0-00244-00203076-00203491 all equally the same, then I'm pretty well stuck with what is called a block code. They're Z4yOfCC_VN0-00245-00203491-00204055 all the same length or almost the same length. Those are ones you're more familiar with. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00246-00204055-00204486 But you notice when I used a variable length code your first feeling of by God how I break Z4yOfCC_VN0-00247-00204486-00205176 it up at the receiving end into the individual chunks? You simply go down that decoding tree. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00248-00205176-00205501 You pick the next bit and branch, pick the next bit and branch, and when you come to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00249-00205501-00206123 a leaf you emit the symbol and go back to start. You read the next bit. So, you simply Z4yOfCC_VN0-00250-00206123-00206438 go down the message, reading a bit at a time, bing, bing, bing, and branching or, when you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00251-00206438-00207133 hit a leaf, emit and pick up a next bit. Start again. You inspect each bit once and only Z4yOfCC_VN0-00252-00207133-00207844 once. So, the stream of bits from one end to the other end without the noise can be Z4yOfCC_VN0-00253-00207844-00208639 gotten through. The next lecture will be on the question of how do I find a good code Z4yOfCC_VN0-00254-00208639-00209053 with variable length that is just about the best I can do. How do I find that? And the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00255-00209053-00209667 next lecture after that is, how do I cope with the noise? So the next lecture is really Z4yOfCC_VN0-00256-00209667-00210369 on the source encoding, how could I take advantage of what I know about the source to officially Z4yOfCC_VN0-00257-00210369-00211430 encode? And the last one will be on how do I code to combat the noise in that channel Z4yOfCC_VN0-00258-00211430-00212013 so that you at your end have a decent chance of knowing what I sent from my end. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00259-00212013-00212621 Now I've left a lot of time because I want to talk about this matter of information. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00260-00212621-00213244 We will have a section on information theory. We've been talking about sending information, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00261-00213244-00213782 but let's be careful. I have this idea in my head, and now I'm trying to get into your Z4yOfCC_VN0-00262-00213782-00214615 head, namely, what do we mean by information? I'm going to use some words to say it. If Z4yOfCC_VN0-00263-00214615-00215176 you go home tonight and explain it to your spouse, or a friend, you will use different Z4yOfCC_VN0-00264-00215176-00216136 words. Thus, although it is common to say that the idea is contained by the words, they Z4yOfCC_VN0-00265-00216136-00216617 aren't. In order to get the idea into somebody else's head, you will use different words. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00266-00216617-00217248 In fact, if I say something and you don't understand it, and you ask me what did you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00267-00217248-00217717 say, I'm inclined not to use the same words but use some other words hoping the other Z4yOfCC_VN0-00268-00217717-00218252 words will somehow or other get through, because the first ones didn't. And indeed, about a Z4yOfCC_VN0-00269-00218252-00218719 third time through, I'm going to try a third way of describing an idea to someone else Z4yOfCC_VN0-00270-00218719-00219540 if they don't get it the first time. Therefore, the idea is not in the words. What the idea Z4yOfCC_VN0-00271-00219540-00220253 is, I don't know. I'll tell you how I measure it. I'm teaching a class in calculus. The Z4yOfCC_VN0-00272-00220253-00221165 topic, among other things, is integration by parts, we'll say. Final exam. I think integration Z4yOfCC_VN0-00273-00221165-00221689 by parts is important, so I arrange a couple of direct questions and one that requires Z4yOfCC_VN0-00274-00221689-00222085 using integration by parts in order to get the answer. So perhaps it occurs three times Z4yOfCC_VN0-00275-00222085-00223003 on the exam. I look. If the student can do those three, I conclude he has, or she has, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00276-00223003-00223541 the idea of integration by parts. If they can't, I look and ask where did they fumble Z4yOfCC_VN0-00277-00223541-00224236 up? Was it an algebraic slip or was it they didn't grasp the idea? So how do I measure Z4yOfCC_VN0-00278-00224236-00224781 when you have an idea? By taking a few samples and seeing if you behave the way I think you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00279-00224781-00225506 should if you have the idea. I never know if you have the idea. I have no way of ever Z4yOfCC_VN0-00280-00225506-00226434 finding out. No way at all. Now some of you have lived long enough to realize that although Z4yOfCC_VN0-00281-00226434-00227073 a person has behaved a certain way all the time, up to this moment, suddenly they behave Z4yOfCC_VN0-00282-00227073-00227742 differently. You realize that they had a different idea than you did of what the basic underlying Z4yOfCC_VN0-00283-00227742-00228985 idea was. There is no way of me knowing have you got the idea? Not at all. We deal with Z4yOfCC_VN0-00284-00228985-00229584 ideas. We don't know what they are. We don't know what information is. I intimated last Z4yOfCC_VN0-00285-00229584-00230187 time that I couldn't very well expect you to write a program which would recognize information Z4yOfCC_VN0-00286-00230187-00230826 because if I could, I could connect the program up to a random source and in a random source, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00287-00230826-00231321 ultimately, the next theory of physics would come along. If I could recognize it, then Z4yOfCC_VN0-00288-00231321-00231987 I’d have it. All knowledge will come out of a random source if you wait long enough, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00289-00231987-00232832 but we don't know how to recognize knowledge. That's the trouble. I can't tell you what Z4yOfCC_VN0-00290-00232832-00233428 knowledge is. I can't tell you what information is. I can't tell you what ideas are. Until Z4yOfCC_VN0-00291-00233428-00233875 I start talking about them. You are all right. It's the same position I told you once before Z4yOfCC_VN0-00292-00233875-00234519 of St. Augustine who said I know what time is until you ask me and then I don't know. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00293-00234519-00234934 In the same way you always think you know what information is, what knowledge is, and Z4yOfCC_VN0-00294-00234934-00235673 what ideas are, but when you begin to press very hard, like in your business, writing Z4yOfCC_VN0-00295-00235673-00236233 a program that does it, you begin to find that you don't know what you were talking Z4yOfCC_VN0-00296-00236233-00236709 about. Well the information theory, and I’ve been talking about information every time, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00297-00236709-00237425 is covered by the following trick. When I drew the original picture, I said there was Z4yOfCC_VN0-00298-00237425-00238477 a source. We didn't discuss the source. We assume that those symbols are uniquely recognizable. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00299-00238477-00238882 We're not saying we know what the symbols mean. We are saying that every time that symbol Z4yOfCC_VN0-00300-00238882-00239487 comes by, it has exactly the same meaning. Like every time in a calculus course you see Z4yOfCC_VN0-00301-00239487-00240085 the integral sign, you know what it means. Or if you saw a divide sign, you know what Z4yOfCC_VN0-00302-00240085-00241104 it means. Now that is a much bigger restriction than you think. What mathematicians approved, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00303-00241104-00241631 and we will come to this several times along the way, a theorem due to an Austrian named Z4yOfCC_VN0-00304-00241631-00242417 Gödel, who was crazy as a fruitcake but nevertheless, a very bright guy. He proved that if you have Z4yOfCC_VN0-00305-00242417-00243213 a unique set of symbols, always recognizable, you cannot within the system prove that the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00306-00243213-00243754 system is consistent. That it will not give contradictory results. Thus, we have never, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00307-00243754-00244333 believe it or not, proved arithmetic as consistent. We have not proved that if you take your income Z4yOfCC_VN0-00308-00244333-00244936 tax and add up one way or add up another way, you won't get different results. Most of you Z4yOfCC_VN0-00309-00244936-00245437 believe that you'll always get the same result if you do it right, but we have not proved Z4yOfCC_VN0-00310-00245437-00246275 that. We cannot prove within a system that a system is consistent. Our language, however, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00311-00246275-00246792 is not that way, in spite of the fact that Gödel’s theorem speaks about uniquely recognizable Z4yOfCC_VN0-00312-00246792-00247707 symbols, our words don't have a fixed meaning. Our words have variable meaning, even in one Z4yOfCC_VN0-00313-00247707-00248403 discussion. “Tall” will mean different kinds of things. A tall building or a tall Z4yOfCC_VN0-00314-00248403-00249248 story, where “tall” has quite different meanings. And furthermore, even in a debate, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00315-00249248-00249992 the meaning of a word will slide slowly and definitely so that you cannot claim I am dealing Z4yOfCC_VN0-00316-00249992-00250466 with language when I deal with this model here. I am dealing with a model which has Z4yOfCC_VN0-00317-00250466-00251308 a very, very peculiar property. That source. Every time that symbol came by, I could recognize Z4yOfCC_VN0-00318-00251308-00251888 it as that symbol. I then encoded it. I shipped it through the channel. You decoded it. You Z4yOfCC_VN0-00319-00251888-00252487 passed it on to the sink. And if there was no noise in the channel, or if the noise was Z4yOfCC_VN0-00320-00252487-00253306 combated, the thing came through exactly right. What doesn't in our damn language? It doesn't Z4yOfCC_VN0-00321-00253306-00253838 at all. There are small variations all the time. You will find out, if you were to press Z4yOfCC_VN0-00322-00253838-00254727 very closely, friends of yours have a somewhat different idea of what your organization is. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00323-00254727-00255198 They will have different ideas. They're not exactly the same. They've seen the same things, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00324-00255198-00255721 but they believe differently. In fact, it's a standard experiment and done in psychology. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00325-00255721-00256200 A group of two or three people or sometimes the whole class like this. In a class like Z4yOfCC_VN0-00326-00256200-00256684 this, I'm talking and suddenly somebody comes in there, shoots a gun, I fall down. He rushes Z4yOfCC_VN0-00327-00256684-00257500 out. Somebody suddenly walks in and says, write down what you saw. Some students will Z4yOfCC_VN0-00328-00257500-00258056 say, “the guy fired three times.” Somebody else will say fired twice. Some of you will Z4yOfCC_VN0-00329-00258056-00258526 say he did such-and-such before he fires. Somebody else will say something else. There'll Z4yOfCC_VN0-00330-00258526-00259265 be an amazing amount of difference between what you think you saw and what would be on Z4yOfCC_VN0-00331-00259265-00260019 the film, if they took a film of it, which they often do. You cope with that problem. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00332-00260019-00260553 The lack of uniqueness and the belief to some extent that you think in terms of words is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00333-00260553-00261519 very dangerous business. Once you put something into words, that becomes what you believe. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00334-00261519-00262261 This is why I told you, if the boss is going to say no, and you want him to say yes, don't Z4yOfCC_VN0-00335-00262261-00262952 ever let him say no. Once he says, or she says, no, it is fixed much more firmly than Z4yOfCC_VN0-00336-00262952-00263667 not. Thus, when I witnessed an automobile accident one time with my wife, we were walking Z4yOfCC_VN0-00337-00263667-00264584 downtown in Chatham, I gave the two people both my name and address and we went shopping. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00338-00264584-00265209 I came back and, without discussing with my wife, I typed very carefully what I thought Z4yOfCC_VN0-00339-00265209-00265740 I saw without any discussion. As close as I could get to what I saw. I did not put it Z4yOfCC_VN0-00340-00265740-00266207 into words until I put it down on a piece of paper then because words tend to freeze Z4yOfCC_VN0-00341-00266207-00266869 something. This therefore this whole business I'm talking about here is marginally relevant Z4yOfCC_VN0-00342-00266869-00267893 to language. It's very relevant to machines. It is what machines do. It's what radio, television, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00343-00267893-00268548 the telephone, mathematics, other things do. It fits those situations perfectly. Symbols Z4yOfCC_VN0-00344-00268548-00268928 have a definite meaning and they're shipped from here to there and yon. Everything is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00345-00268928-00269489 definite. It's exactly the mathematical theory I need for machines. That's why we said Shannon Z4yOfCC_VN0-00346-00269489-00270204 should call it communication theory. It fits with communication. It doesn't fit exactly Z4yOfCC_VN0-00347-00270204-00270701 with you, but everybody is trying to make it fit to you. There's a great desire that Z4yOfCC_VN0-00348-00270701-00271411 these things which you hear will fit you as you are, or as other people should be. Well Z4yOfCC_VN0-00349-00271411-00271808 there's these differences. The symbols are not always the same things, they are not exactly Z4yOfCC_VN0-00350-00271808-00272613 right. And so, you get different results. The famous results of math don't apply to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00351-00272613-00273264 human beings. So, we've given elements of coding theory and I summarized it. I had to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00352-00273264-00273905 go through some very dull stuff. Uniqueness of a code. It's obvious, but I had to show Z4yOfCC_VN0-00353-00273905-00274374 you the codes, one-to-one codes, wouldn't necessarily be unique. The thing you need Z4yOfCC_VN0-00354-00274374-00275195 chiefly is, no symbol is the preface of any other symbol. Therefore, I can draw that decoding Z4yOfCC_VN0-00355-00275195-00275664 tree. The next important thing is, for variable length codes or any other codes, there is Z4yOfCC_VN0-00356-00275664-00276179 a decoding tree which looks at each bit once and only once. That I can cope with variable Z4yOfCC_VN0-00357-00276179-00276941 length codes. But if the symbols are variable probability, I probably want a variable length Z4yOfCC_VN0-00358-00276941-00277562 code, for efficiency. Now you may say that doesn't concern machines, but that's not quite Z4yOfCC_VN0-00359-00277562-00278481 true. Intel built some chips in which the instructions were a variable length. The most Z4yOfCC_VN0-00360-00278481-00278773 frequent instructions were very short. The other ones were very long. Because you can Z4yOfCC_VN0-00361-00278773-00279284 picture a machine. The code is not a bunch of blocks, the way you usually think, but Z4yOfCC_VN0-00362-00279284-00279751 a string of bits. And the bits that continue, pulled in and were simply decoded, like the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00363-00279751-00280258 decoding trees I've had here. I simply decoded them. When I hit a leaf, I obey that instruction. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00364-00280258-00280717 I keep on decoding. I get another leaf. I obey that instruction. I had to use variable Z4yOfCC_VN0-00365-00280717-00281169 length; therefore, the total storage of the program would be significantly less. By the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00366-00281169-00281625 mere business of building a couple of registers, always lowering this one, then shifting them Z4yOfCC_VN0-00367-00281625-00282033 over this way, and counting down this way, shifting those off, and so on, you can see Z4yOfCC_VN0-00368-00282033-00282647 how I would be able to build a variable length decoder which might be very much more efficient. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00369-00282647-00283186 For a machine. For humans, it’s another question entirely. So I leave it to you to Z4yOfCC_VN0-00370-00283186-00283736 start thinking about these vexing questions which I raised in artificial intelligence. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00371-00283736-00284328 How much of what we now do or want done will we be able to get machines to do? And the Z4yOfCC_VN0-00372-00284328-00285167 answer, of course, is what can you program? It's really not, can I build a machine? It's Z4yOfCC_VN0-00373-00285167-00285660 what can you program? Therefore, you need if you're going to use machines in new and Z4yOfCC_VN0-00374-00285660-00286406 novel ways to understand better than you do now, probably, just what your ideas are on Z4yOfCC_VN0-00375-00286406-00287177 varying topics, and how to get some of these amorphous ideas down. The greatest contributions Z4yOfCC_VN0-00376-00287177-00287818 of the greatest mathematicians are often the definition. When you nail an elusive idea Z4yOfCC_VN0-00377-00287818-00288399 down, you nail it down to be something very definite, and that's what it is. Of course, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00378-00288399-00288743 you do some damage in the definition, but that's what you'll have to do. You'll have Z4yOfCC_VN0-00379-00288743-00289550 to, as it were, firm up the idea of what your organization is and how shall it function, Z4yOfCC_VN0-00380-00289550-00290060 and then you can write programs and do other things to cause it to operate in that fashion. Z4yOfCC_VN0-00381-00290060-00290574 Until you write the program's - not too easy unless you're prepared to go to neural nets Z4yOfCC_VN0-00382-00290574-00291401 and fuzzy sets, which I'm not going to talk about much in this class. So I see you Thursday Z4yOfCC_VN0-00383-00291401-00291802 and we'll talk about how to get efficient coding. Z69HP3zHgsg-00000-00000050-00001118 on this occasion, I will show you how to edit piano sound like using a sustain pedal. Z69HP3zHgsg-00001-00001174-00001602 okay, pay attention to the example I played. Z69HP3zHgsg-00002-00001602-00002148 before edit Z69HP3zHgsg-00003-00002320-00002750 if we release the keys it sounds like a choking sound. Z69HP3zHgsg-00004-00002768-00002936 His voice is short. Z69HP3zHgsg-00005-00003112-00003400 Try to distinguish it from what I have edited. Z69HP3zHgsg-00006-00003450-00004608 after edit... Z69HP3zHgsg-00007-00006576-00007078 okay, for example here I use a love ballad style. Z69HP3zHgsg-00008-00007134-00007794 In the love ballad style has a piano sound. you can find it by pressing the F4 key Z69HP3zHgsg-00009-00007906-00008184 then, the sound of the solo ensemble is turned off. Z69HP3zHgsg-00010-00008228-00008484 so it's just the piano sound. Z69HP3zHgsg-00011-00009326-00009886 The way to edit it is first press the menu button. Z69HP3zHgsg-00012-00010212-00010812 Then press the - / + button until you see it on page 13. Z69HP3zHgsg-00013-00010852-00011196 or on the page of the easy edit track. Z69HP3zHgsg-00014-00011402-00011860 Turn the rotary knob until reason changes to release. Z69HP3zHgsg-00015-00011924-00012410 then press the F4 key until it enters the number menu. Z69HP3zHgsg-00016-00012600-00013294 Next turn the rotary button again, specify a value such as 50. Z69HP3zHgsg-00017-00013354-00013500 then we try. Z69HP3zHgsg-00018-00014396-00015288 If it's still not long enough, we change the parameters again. we increase the value. our value increases. Z69HP3zHgsg-00019-00017318-00017538 Okay, don't forget to save. Z69HP3zHgsg-00020-00017664-00018426 This tutorial, and i hopefully useful. See you in the next tutorial. Z7K3rvYjeg0-00000-00000000-00000200 Please subscribe my channel. Z7adgmRF4Qo-00000-00000547-00000973 The culture of teaching is changing in higher education from more Z7adgmRF4Qo-00001-00000973-00001350 faculty-centered approaches to more student-centered approaches, and Z7adgmRF4Qo-00002-00001351-00001829 in the online classroom there are some affordances and opportunities Z7adgmRF4Qo-00003-00001829-00002319 to be more student-centered but there's also some challenges as you might expect, Z7adgmRF4Qo-00004-00002319-00002844 and this project is building off of research that we've done previously about what is effective Z7adgmRF4Qo-00005-00002844-00003283 in online teaching and what we're going to do is look Z7adgmRF4Qo-00006-00003283-00003708 at some cognitive variables within students and some demographic variables Z7adgmRF4Qo-00007-00003708-00003808 that have been shown Z7adgmRF4Qo-00008-00003808-00004289 to matter how successful a student will be in an online classroom. Z7adgmRF4Qo-00009-00004289-00004678 And we're going to compare those and run them through Z7adgmRF4Qo-00010-00004678-00005097 what they think is effective teaching. An example of that Z7adgmRF4Qo-00011-00005097-00005475 is that we'll be measuring students levels of self-efficacy, Z7adgmRF4Qo-00012-00005475-00005898 and self-efficacy is a student's belief that they can do something it doesn't Z7adgmRF4Qo-00013-00005898-00005983 mean that they Z7adgmRF4Qo-00014-00005983-00006310 really can do it or that they'll be successful with it but it's their Z7adgmRF4Qo-00015-00006310-00006578 belief that they can be successful with something. Z7adgmRF4Qo-00016-00006578-00006985 So you would expect that a student who has high levels of self-efficacy Z7adgmRF4Qo-00017-00006985-00007443 that they can do well in an online course will actually do well Z7adgmRF4Qo-00018-00007443-00007932 in an online course so we're gonna be using structural equation modeling Z7adgmRF4Qo-00019-00007932-00008246 to run some path models Z7adgmRF4Qo-00020-00008246-00008578 and see if we can establish relationships between Z7adgmRF4Qo-00021-00008578-00009067 types of students in an online class based on their cognitive variables and demographics Z7adgmRF4Qo-00022-00009067-00009417 and what they think makes them successful. Z7adgmRF4Qo-00023-00009417-00009738 What the instructors can do to make them more successful Z7adgmRF4Qo-00024-00009738-00010232 in the online classroom. So the innovation that we're hoping to bring from this Z7adgmRF4Qo-00025-00010232-00010657 and what we think could contribute to education both online and face-to-face Z7adgmRF4Qo-00026-00010657-00011020 is a tool that faculty can use in their classrooms Z7adgmRF4Qo-00027-00011020-00011474 where they can get a read on their students cognitive Z7adgmRF4Qo-00028-00011474-00011918 profiles and then the tool will give them some Z7adgmRF4Qo-00029-00011918-00012247 ideas for how they can adjust their teaching strategies Z7adgmRF4Qo-00030-00012247-00012682 so that they better meet student's needs in the online classroom, Z7adgmRF4Qo-00031-00012682-00013019 and it could also work in the face to face classroom Z7adgmRF4Qo-00032-00013019-00013326 and we're calling this an adaptive teaching model. Z7adgmRF4Qo-00033-00013326-00013712 So that's our contribution to higher education. Z8HQ85LtcPu-00000-00000006-00000795 Today we are harvesting our tomato experiment in the high tunnel and Rocio Z8HQ85LtcPu-00001-00000795-00001245 is actually the person in charge for this she's going to tell us about the Z8HQ85LtcPu-00002-00001245-00001685 tomatoes. Okay the tomato varieties are a very nice big beef, Z8HQ85LtcPu-00003-00001685-00002406 primo red, and BHN-589. The best variety I have seen is big beef. Z8HQ85LtcPu-00004-00002406-00003042 It is a really good variety the produce is clean and big size fruit. Z8HQ85LtcPu-00005-00003042-00003828 The second one is BHN-589 Z8HQ85LtcPu-00006-00003828-00004323 Now there is little product but in general produces a lot of tomatoes Z8HQ85LtcPu-00007-00004323-00004523 in the high tunnel. Z8HQ85LtcPu-00008-00005127-00005814 It has been an amazing year for our high tunnel production. We are just fortunate to Z8HQ85LtcPu-00009-00005814-00006351 have really clean plants and a really good spay program with David Dunaway is Z8HQ85LtcPu-00010-00006351-00006754 helping with the spraying program and the quality of the fruit have been just Z8HQ85LtcPu-00011-00006754-00007434 incredibly incredibly amazing. We hope to be able to invite a few Z8HQ85LtcPu-00012-00007434-00007965 farmers to come here until they take a look at this amazing variety trial that Z8HQ85LtcPu-00013-00007965-00008375 we have at Virginia State University. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00000-00001889-00002712 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Good afternoon, all you young folks out there, and all of our members of the Judicial Council and our advisors welcome. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00001-00002772-00003843 Dr. Michael Pritchard: i'm Michael Pritchard your MC with my good friend, Derek beverly we are so excited to have California Secretary of State, Dr shirley web real with us today. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00002-00003921-00004950 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Dr webber was nominated by governor Gavin newsom and sworn in on January 29 2021 as California first black check during state. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00003-00005049-00005946 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Dr weber's drive for activism and legislative work stems from her family's experience and the Jim crow south as sharecropper. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00004-00006033-00007209 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Having taught it multiple California institutions of higher education Secretary Weber has served four terms as an assembly Member representing the 79th district. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00005-00007263-00008193 Dr. Michael Pritchard: she's been a chair of both the legislative black Caucus and the San Diego unified school district and served twice as a California elector. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00006-00008256-00009114 Dr. Michael Pritchard: she's fought to secure and expand civil rights for all Californians, including those who have formerly been incarcerated. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00007-00009192-00010131 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Dr weber's passionate has driven her to equity oriented luck legislative policies which include school finance and accountability. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00008-00010167-00012642 Dr. Michael Pritchard: classroom safety ethnic studies attendance and dropout rates, law enforcement, use of force, inclusive jury selection and instruction and restorative justice and many other important causes, and with that please give a warm welcome to Madam Secretary of State, Dr shirley Web. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00009-00012798-00013425 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Thank you so much, thank you, was to pitch it, and thanks to all of you for having invited me to be a part of this today. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00010-00013524-00014850 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know I love to talking in person, because I get the energy and the vibe for the people in the room, so i've adapted in the last year to talking over zoom and still hoping to see that the faces of those who are listening. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00011-00014931-00015483 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: To give me feedback as to whether or not they're enjoying what i'm saying and whether or not i'm reaching them in that sense. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00012-00015516-00016521 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But i'm honored to be with you today, I mean I am when I was thinking, as I was talking before the program I said, you know i'm more intrigued by your stories and necessarily by my own. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00013-00016593-00017772 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That I understand the challenges that you face and have lived through some of those challenges in terms of my own personal life, but surely in terms of lives of the students that I have worked with for. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00014-00017817-00019227 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Over 40 years as a professor, as a community activists as a school board member and 50 years as in terms of as a legislator being seeing the issues that are brought to my table it's brought to my office into my desk. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00015-00019299-00020259 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The things that we've tried to wrestle with and and the battles that i've attempted to fight and some of the victories that we want, on your behalf and on behalf of the people of California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00016-00020328-00020829 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Let me tell you a little bit about who I am because oftentimes people read my resume and you heard a little bit of it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00017-00020871-00022509 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A read my resume they go wow, this is a woman who went to UCLA got three degrees had a PhD by the age of 26 she must be really, really smart and that's what people say she must have had a really boring highly focused, like the only thing she did was go to school and that's. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00018-00022617-00022782 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Almost right to a certain extent. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00019-00022818-00023658 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I, and I became a professor at the University at the age of 23 I think probably the youngest professor at San Diego State University that had was on tenure track. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00020-00023691-00024642 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: In terms of a permanent faculty Member and I was instrumental in the development of ethnic studies Africana studies and working with chicano studies and native American studies. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00021-00024672-00025362 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And women's studies during the time I was a professor at San Diego state but, but you know i'm a kid, who was a. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00022-00025473-00026424 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: whose parents were sharecroppers from hope Arkansas and it's important to understand that, because it's being a sharecropper admit that you were probably a half step above asleep. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00023-00026466-00027249 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You were a legit live legitimize kind of freed slave to a certain extent and and and some of you may know it sharecropping years and others may not. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00024-00027288-00028332 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But when slavery ended in 1865 of land owners tried to develop a system that would continue to keep people subservient and one of those systems is called sharecropping. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00025-00028370-00029718 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And on the surface it sounded good that you know you could work somebody else's land and and until that land and and harvest those crops and then you would share in the profits, you would share in the profit, but what happened during that timeframe is that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00026-00029844-00030164 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: you'll be given a little shack to live and you'd work that land and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00027-00030207-00030705 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And in the interim during the year you had to have food, we had to have clothes, you had to have something. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00028-00030735-00031770 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so, at the end of the season, when the prop was due, and you felt, you were going to get some money, what would happen is they come back and say well you know you got to pay for the shack I let you sleep in. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00029-00031794-00032408 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You got to pay for the seeds you got to pay for the food that we gave you the flower that you charge at the store and the. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00030-00032433-00033300 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: little bit of meat that you got and so, in the end, when they added up the bill, and they were the only ones who kept the records when they added up the bill, you were still in debt. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00031-00033366-00033726 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so they say but don't worry about it we'll just roll that over to the next year. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00032-00033774-00034530 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so it kept rolling over, and so you ended up being indebted to these these individuals working basically getting no money from it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00033-00034554-00035343 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Not being able to develop your own lifestyle and as a result, you were in captured into the system for the rest of your life. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00034-00035379-00035778 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And the reality was that they may have this debtors kind of prison thing. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00035-00035808-00036648 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If you didn't pay, you could be thrown into prison but in addition to that your son and your your your descendants your son's your children. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00036-00036675-00037314 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: All of them inherited your debt when you die, so that if, for some reason you worked your whole life as a sharecropper. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00037-00037338-00038454 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You die that debt would be carried over to your children and to your your family, and so a lot of men ran away from the South, because of the fact that their parents wanted them to leave because they knew that they would be. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00038-00038505-00039081 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: indebted for this debt for the rest of their lives, and so you have examples of people leaving the South. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00039-00039174-00039759 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Because they would be indebted Well, my father was a sharecropper but he was in New unusual in the sense that his family own land. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00040-00039807-00040608 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that they could they could they could basically work their own land, but they would never be allowed to work their land, unless they first work somebody whites land. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00041-00040638-00041292 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That they had to continue to to pays kind of be servants to to white and if they didn't work white people's land. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00042-00041313-00041955 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: They would not be allowed to buy things in the store, they would not be allowed to get seeds to put into the land for their own. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00043-00041976-00042642 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: They may find that their animals might have been killed or whatever it may be, and so they were forced to work other people's land, as well as their own. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00044-00042678-00043059 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Well, my father was a sharecropper and he was very proud as sharecropper. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00045-00043098-00044163 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And, as a result of that he got into a confrontation about how much money they owed him because he knew he they owed him more than his his his his product way more than they said at the weigh station. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00046-00044193-00044901 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And he was constantly in conflict with them, and so, as a result, he became a liability and they were going to kill my father, they will plan to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00047-00044967-00045723 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Do a night right to our home to kill my father and as an example to everybody else in the town that this is not something was expected. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00048-00045756-00046191 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: of African Americans, and so my father, then had to leave in the middle of the night. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00049-00046257-00047457 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: being taken by his family to another town put on a train and shipped off to Los Angeles, to be with my mother's mother of three months later, my dad had worked in saved enough money that my mother me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00050-00047502-00048390 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That me, along with my other five brothers and sisters and my mother got on the train once again late at night to basically slip out of Arkansas and to come to California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00051-00048417-00049026 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So, so my so my history is steeped in in this whole reality that my father had very limited education. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00052-00049098-00049899 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Barely could read very limited opportunity in the south, but he was determined that his kids will have a better way and so as a result, he came to California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00053-00049953-00050583 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: got a job worked very, very hard all of his life and in the steel mills of Los Angeles and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00054-00050637-00051228 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: and basically took care of his at that time at some point, there were two more kids born the eight kids and his wife. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00055-00051270-00051992 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And we lived in the projects we eventually moved to the project, so I lived in a place that you probably see on TV where there's lots of poverty. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00056-00052077-00052829 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: limited opportunity there was a school in the neighborhood but not a whole lot of recreational activities those kinds of things that were gains in our Community. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00057-00052884-00053715 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That were there, and yet we were unusual, to the extent that we had two parents in the House or my mother and father who had very tight reins on us about. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00058-00053763-00054291 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Being in the House at certain time, making sure that we we did our work that we worked hard and that we. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00059-00054329-00055404 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: tried our best to not to be overly influenced by the the environment around us and that really was probably the saving part of my life that I had family parents who care deeply about. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00060-00055452-00057120 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The conditions under which their children live and a grandmother and aunt and uncle who was responsible for bringing us to California, who also care very deeply for for the family and for us and making sure that we had some sense of family and and participation and ownership. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00061-00057225-00058812 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Eventually, my father was able to purchase some land in Los Angeles only on a fluke again because this company folded that he's working for, and they gave him the retirement money that he put in until he was able to buy a house in Los Angeles and grew from that so my life was often. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00062-00058920-00059322 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: press for curious is most folks you know you you live from paycheck to paycheck. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00063-00059421-00061023 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You live to pay your bills and your gas in life, you try to make a life for yourself in that sense, but but key to all of that became the teachers, that I had in my school and the belief that those teachers here, but I could be come, something that I could be somebody that I could. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00064-00061128-00061967 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: rise above the conditions and it was interesting because it was right at the beginning, when a lot of teachers mark from from the south were coming to California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00065-00062004-00062847 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so my entire elementary school was all African American teachers, they did not allow at that time to teachers of color to teach other students. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00066-00062883-00063927 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And it was interesting because, in that sense it actually worked as an advantage, because those people were were really a no nonsense teachers who made sure that we had. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00067-00063980-00064929 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: resources that we were doing our work that we were competitive with other kids and they they made sure of that because they constantly informed us that they understood. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00068-00064959-00065520 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: what was happening in the world that the world was not fair that it was not just but then we had to rise above that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00069-00065571-00066315 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that, in spite of that those kinds of things we can fight those things with while we're fighting those things, we also have to stay focused on the work that we had to do. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00070-00066345-00066933 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so, as a kid growing up with the projects and eventually moving to 45th street and going to school in South central la. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00071-00066969-00067836 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I was constantly surrounded and reminded by individuals that tremendous amount of of effort and work that was going to take for me to be successful. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00072-00067878-00068379 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But in addition to that people always said, despite how hard it's going to be, you can still do it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00073-00068430-00069495 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that was important because I went to church it told me the same thing I live in a neighborhood where people were struggling, but always believing that that kids wanted to get out to get out. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00074-00069534-00070419 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And we fought very hard to make sure that that that took place, so I came out of a tradition of of hard work difficult times. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00075-00070503-00070995 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Never had family never had a savings account I didn't know how I was gonna get to college. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00076-00071085-00071940 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But we, but they never believed that I couldn't you know that that we couldn't do things that that we had to to move forward that we had to keep pushing and pushing and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00077-00071979-00072273 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And Central to that was also a belief that that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00078-00072333-00073488 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That that there's some value in life that you that's important to you, and that you are known by the values and the things that you believe in and I want to you know, and so, with all of that, you know I had. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00079-00073521-00073848 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A life that took me from the inner city to UCLA. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00080-00073908-00074451 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: From UCLA to work at some universities in Los Angeles, but then eventually to San Diego State University. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00081-00074478-00075444 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And from that from one issue to the next, moving forward, but central to all of that was some some driving other elements in my life, you know, as I told you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00082-00075543-00076188 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: There were always these people who believed in me and that's why it's important that you that you gravitate to people who are positive. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00083-00076242-00076866 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: who believe in you, not those who who accept the conditions in which you exist, but who believe you can rise above it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00084-00076896-00077676 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And sometimes they were older people sometimes they were young people sometimes they were my peers, who said, surely you know you're smarter than most of us. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00085-00077733-00078114 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Do something with your life make something of yourself and will be really proud of you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00086-00078150-00079332 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and people kept saying you can do something and and don't allow yourself to become the environment in which you live, but change the environment in which you live to become who you want to be. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00087-00079371-00080196 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so I kind of live with that thought every day that that I was that I can be better than what i've been what I was given in terms of life in terms of resources. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00088-00080217-00081162 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That I can amass more resources if I really worked hard, but equally important, I also understood every day that the that the odds were against me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00089-00081192-00082311 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That the obstacles were going to be hard and that it will be difficult for me to to basically work my way out of this situation because why the system is so programmed and planned against it it's like. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00090-00082404-00083172 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know it's like going to a school and i've seen this when I was on the school board and and kids thinking that they're doing, really, really well in school. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00091-00083205-00084057 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they come to the university, where I am as a professor and discovered that in the Spanish class they only did half the book when they were supposed to do the whole book. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00092-00084111-00084768 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Okay, no fault of their own, but these are low expectations that people have them and so as a result, they couldn't. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00093-00084816-00085443 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Take the Spanish test and and into that level they became frustrated with that no one really taught them well how to write. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00094-00085473-00086259 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But they but they but they could have if they'd had the curriculum, and so it became a real challenge when I was a university professor, because I knew. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00095-00086304-00086808 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That the the challenges faced by these young people was not the fact that they weren't smart enough. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00096-00086844-00087384 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But they didn't know it, but they may have access to the resources, there was no one there to push push them forward. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00097-00087408-00088074 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: There was no one there to really help them and they didn't know where to find those resources and so when by the time they got the university. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00098-00088110-00088986 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I became the resource to help them figure out how to write down classroom papers, or how to navigate the university system and to make. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00099-00089010-00089829 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A difference for themselves how to basically deal with these issues of inequality in in a way that was productive that would basically produce some results. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00100-00089853-00091044 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Rather than dealing with it in a way that only frustrated them and move into moving forward, and so it became significant that that I is one of the Faculty at the university began to deal with the issues that were there. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00101-00091086-00091707 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know, when I was a kid I grew up with some very basic principles one, you know that your word is your bond. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00102-00091749-00092421 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That whatever you say and that's kind of a thing of the streets to that whatever you say people ought to believe you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00103-00092448-00093234 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Have what you say your word is your bond, and I say that to you as you're trying to figure out how you're going to navigate this world how you going to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00104-00093264-00094449 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: make a difference, keep in mind that your word is your bond that that's who you are, and if you if you make promises, if you make expert if you if you give somebody your word that you want to do something. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00105-00094512-00095598 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: put all your energy into making it happen, because that is what will in the end sustain you, you know when I have you know you read in my resume that some of the legislation i've done. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00106-00095694-00096414 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And then some very difficult legislation legislation that people did not believe that ever take place like changing the use of force lethal force. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00107-00096438-00097701 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The reparations bill, and it goes on and on, with all these things that I did to change the try to impact what was happening in the streets and was happening in the communities in the lives of young people being killed and so forth, and so on. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00108-00097746-00098502 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But a lot of that legislation that only came from community groups like yours, have brought bills to me, too, because they believed I would. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00109-00098529-00099270 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I would do my very best to shepherd it through the process of legislation and then I would not give up and I wouldn't compromise and I wouldn't COP out. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00110-00099300-00099945 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: on people and I wouldn't sell them out because they knew my word that my word was my bond if i'm gonna do it i'm going to try to do it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00111-00099969-00100929 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And you can rest assured that I will not be using you to do something else, and so it becomes important that that they trusted me but in addition to their trust. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00112-00100983-00102039 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: My colleagues trusted me the people in the Assembly that when I would when I went to them and said, this is what i'm trying to do, these are the obstacles I face, this is a challenge, I face. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00113-00102072-00102966 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It was interesting that they believed in me and I remember a couple of times when law enforcement, the police, because normally you don't win deals with the police, they win every every bill. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00114-00103014-00103716 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And when I was doing the release of lethal force bill, they would they would say things like well we've tried to talk her and she's being unreasonable. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00115-00103755-00104655 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: My colleagues will say to would say to them that the weather is not an unreasonable woman and she said she's trying to talk to you folks and you refuse to talk to her. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00116-00104718-00105264 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so they believed me over the others were before they would not have believed members of this would have been a really. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00117-00105284-00106023 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: easy way for them to go out, they would say no, she keeps saying she's trying to negotiate she's trying to make this happen, you need to talk to her. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00118-00106047-00107115 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so they believed me over others, and this was not only democrats, this was also Republicans, who said the same thing, whether they believe they were going to vote me or not I said no, that was not. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00119-00107157-00108015 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: An Honorable woman and and and they spent a million dollars trying to vilify me try to attack me publicly and all kinds of things. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00120-00108042-00109233 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they never could because my word was my bond, it was my it was who I was, and so it becomes important to recognize the fact that people will respect you, even if they disagree with you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00121-00109269-00110715 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Even if they decide that this is not something they want to do, they cannot say that this is a dishonorable person they can't say, well, she says this today, but she'll do something else tomorrow, your word is your bond your word is your bond The other thing I learned as a kid as I. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00122-00110892-00111741 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: As I as I navigated the streets of Los Angeles, I walk by this place every day on the way to high school that'd be this building sitting on the corner. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00123-00111774-00112535 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And there was a picture of Africa in it and I never saw anybody go in and out of that building but it's interesting how somehow words can impact you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00124-00112658-00113568 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: This there was a statement that that was on there that says never forget, for once, you've come never forget from once you've come. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00125-00113619-00114134 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And every day I walk by that sign every day that I went to high school. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00126-00114180-00115122 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And it and it was on Vernon avenue, and I think, maybe on Hoover Hoover Hoover somewhere, but i've walked by that building every day and that sign was there that says. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00127-00115182-00115985 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Never forget from whence you've come and I took that in and I soaked it in in my life as I, as I tried it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00128-00116049-00117335 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: As a navigated high school and went on to UCLA and you know you can get caught up in the beauties of the UCLA and bushes in the trees and wealth and all that kind of stuff but I never forgot from one side come. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00129-00117402-00118101 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I never forgot the neighborhood that I grew up in and never forgot the people at the church that helped and supported me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00130-00118133-00118881 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I never got people who gave me small things or who just gave me a word of encouragement I never forgot from ones that come. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00131-00118914-00119658 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Because I realized that wherever I was, but for the grace of God, I could have been somewhere else that some of my friends who didn't make it out. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00132-00119708-00120311 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: didn't make it was not because they didn't try hard enough they didn't it's, not because they didn't deserve more than me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00133-00120375-00121131 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It was sometimes circumstances of life that are difficult that are hard that that make it almost impossible and and things just don't fall in the right direction. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00134-00121167-00121586 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so i've never heard that from ones that come, I never forgot that I was a poor kid. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00135-00121656-00122331 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: in Los Angeles, that I could not afford to ride the bus to school every day that I took lunch to school every day because I couldn't afford the cafeteria. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00136-00122355-00123083 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that was before free and reduced lunch, and if it had been I would have been one of those kids on free and reduced lunch, but I never forgot from one second. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00137-00123126-00124010 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I never forgot the fact that people invested in me because they believed, I was going to do something great for them in the end that I was going to represent the Community well. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00138-00124032-00124833 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That I was going to basically take their challenge and their issues and move them forward, and so I I kept that in my mind, and in my heart. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00139-00124869-00125631 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and and I never moved out of the Community, I never you know, despite whatever resources my husband was a judge, I was a professor. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00140-00125664-00126402 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: and never moved out of the Community, I always live in a Community where there were people who were hard working who were poor. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00141-00126429-00127176 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Not those who own big businesses and corporations, but who had small houses or places they invested who did everyday work like my dad. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00142-00127203-00128135 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I wanted to be there because I felt as long as i'm there my heart, will be there, my work will be there, my perseverance will be there and so i've always lived. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00143-00128163-00128933 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: In the neighborhood if folks would say i've always lived in the neighborhood never wanted to live anywhere else, and even when I built a house I built a house in the neighborhood. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00144-00128960-00130283 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Why, because I wanted young people to see that there could be people who were successful, who had worked hard, who have invested in a hole in the Community and who still found value in living next door to them. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00145-00130332-00131253 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: feel valued that they could do something, and that they could be a role model in whatever it was I remember once when there was a kid when I was living in the other houses in this Community. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00146-00131364-00132102 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A kid knocked on my door, he was my newspaper guy and he knocked on my door and there was another kid standing there with him and he goes. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00147-00132159-00132858 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: On to a doctor on don't jump to a doctor and I said yeah Dr wherever he is and then your husband a lawyer. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00148-00132900-00133593 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Judge somebody said I said yeah and he turned his friend and said I told you, and they walked away, and it was so funny because. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00149-00133623-00134886 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Because it was like he was saying, I told you, these kind of people live in my neighborhood I told him paper you know I know them, and it was really quite funny but but I watched this kid who was so diligent about the one papers. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00150-00134922-00135459 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And I reminded me of my brother who had a paper route that that really was so fundamental to his life. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00151-00135498-00136374 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And, and then I watched the kid go from a bike to a little moped and from something else, and eventually become a student San Diego State University, because he knew I work there. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00152-00136404-00137154 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But it was like me living in his neighborhood meant something to him, because he stood there and said I told you so to his friend. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00153-00137178-00137826 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they walked away, and it was all he wanted to do was validate evidently a store he had been telling everybody to school. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00154-00137850-00138636 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That in our neighborhood is this woman who's a doctor at the university and her husband is a lawyer and they live in the neighborhood around the corner from you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00155-00138675-00139401 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so it's that kind of a reality that I always felt that you know that at some point I want to I. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00156-00139455-00139938 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: want to never forget them once i've come never forget the struggles that folks have. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00157-00139968-00140685 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And because as as a result of that it makes me a stronger advocate for voting rights, it makes me a strong advocate for social justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00158-00140712-00141498 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It makes me an advocate that keeps pushing the issue in the envelope, yes, those on parole must vote that was one of our bills and that got to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00159-00141522-00142023 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That to the ballot last year now, we have in franchise created voting rights for over 50 some. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00160-00142050-00142935 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: odd thousand additional individuals who probably bracken mostly black and brown one role, I mean these things are critical in our Community, and if those of us. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00161-00142959-00143940 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: who have been given the benefit and the opportunity to move to a different level or to be exposed to different things, or just to have the power to make it happen. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00162-00143967-00144864 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If we can basically carry that agenda forward and become advocates for that Community because why we understand so critically how it is that when you can't vote. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00163-00144891-00145527 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: or when you're denied the right to vote and the impact it has on your life and your options it becomes critical that we're able to do that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00164-00145551-00146211 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So I live by that principle that never forget someone's outcome you'll never forget when when some come, and when I graduated from high school. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00165-00146295-00148038 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A friend of ours who's an English teacher at our church gave me this card, and I have it, to this day and it's been 50 years ago over 50 years ago and it and it didn't diagram the dramatic diagram of it and it basically diagrammed out the statement that's that came from from. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00166-00148143-00148854 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: from Hamlet that says above all things to thine own self be true about all things to thine own self be true. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00167-00148905-00149736 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that is so critically important that we live by our values and that we're not afraid to stand up and have the courage to live those values. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00168-00149769-00150321 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: My Angelo says that you can have values that you live by every day, unless you have courage. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00169-00150357-00150858 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Unless you have the courage of your conviction and because someone's going to challenge what you believe in. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00170-00150885-00151332 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: they're going to challenge your principles they're going to try to make you will wobble on those principles, and I can tell you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00171-00151359-00152169 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I am challenged by that each and every day when people try to get me to do things that I don't believe in try to get me do things that I know have a negative effect. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00172-00152190-00153249 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: try to get me to do things that in my mind will be detrimental for not only me but for my grandkids and my kids look to me to be kind of a force of the rock of terms of values and principles. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00173-00153270-00153864 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And how I treat people and how and what I think about life and he says, above all, things to thine own self be true. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00174-00153900-00154506 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and and I can say that I can not that i'm perfect by any stretch of imagination and have not always done the right things. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00175-00154533-00155751 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But I can say that in most cases I have done i've tried to stand firm on the principles that I believe in and try to do the right things, regardless of the consequences that may mean for me whether I get elected, or don't get elected. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00176-00155796-00156699 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Those kinds of things i've tried to stand firm on those principles, because I want to be true to myself and I want to basically be true to those who've invested in me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00177-00156771-00157446 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So I, and you know, so this is, this is my brief journey and now the Secretary of State, which is a tremendous position. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00178-00157527-00158028 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And I have to let you know that it was not a position that i've ever thought in my life I would ever aspire to become. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00179-00158061-00159111 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know those positions i've had as a school board member and as an assembly Member in our Secretary of State, these were not on my life agenda, I can tell you that I had planned to be just a basic high school teacher. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00180-00159162-00159513 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: and live my whole life impacting the lives of high school students. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00181-00159582-00160299 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But I had a friend had a professor, who believed in me that I should be a woodrow Wilson fellow, which is one of the highest fellows that you can have and I thought. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00182-00160332-00161412 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: i'm just a poor kid out of South central la and struggled at UCLA for the first year so because it was so difficult and so foreign to me and here was this Professor saying no, you could be able to Wilson fellow. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00183-00161472-00162030 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And when I graduated from UCLA there were over 6000 graduates and there was 17 woodrow Wilson fellows. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00184-00162078-00162762 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and admit that to become a university professor, so it opened up opportunities and grants and things for me to do that and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00185-00162813-00163389 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So I you know so as I look at these challenges, I thought well that's great that's great as i'm going to give them a university professor. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00186-00163416-00163887 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So when I was asked to run for these offices, I was really shocked that I was asked to run for office. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00187-00163923-00164703 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And, and that and people said no, you going to be a great legislative because you have courage and you can do this, and your voice your voice for so many. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00188-00164730-00165630 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so I took on that challenge, and it was great and i've made my mark in terms of legislation and was very content with the fact that I probably had about three years left is why be termed out. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00189-00165666-00166296 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And had an admin for the governor and some other saying you know what as people looking for Secretary of State, and I was not applying. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00190-00166368-00166845 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The you know, someone said I think that's a Weber, would be the Secretary of State, because she's got courage. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00191-00166893-00167556 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: she's that she's her word is your bond, and she will fight for the rights to vote for every California and every person across this nation. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00192-00167592-00168291 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And I was shocked that that that the offer was made, but I was honored because I realized that my father had fought for the right to vote. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00193-00168324-00168813 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And here, it was some years later, that when he had been denied the opportunity to vote in the south. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00194-00168846-00169575 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: of his daughter would be the person who's ensuring the vote of 40 million Californians the largest state in the Union, the fifth largest economy in the world. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00195-00169617-00170370 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I mean that in itself little bit of dream come true my dad were alive to know that his work and his hard work and his vision for his family. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00196-00170418-00171174 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Was manifested in so many different ways and my brothers and sisters, but obviously manifested in my my Ascension to the Secretary of State. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00197-00171198-00172170 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And representing the state of California, so I want to thank you guys for inviting me today, I appreciate the work that you've done your your your champions for social justice, and that is not an easy thing to be. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00198-00172203-00172920 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: it's not an easy thing to do and oftentimes there's so many people, interestingly enough, who fight against the restorative justice and fight against. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00199-00172986-00173964 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: giving people a second chance, who believe that that once you made a mistake, it should never it's admire you forever and there should be no way that we should ever go back and bring you forward. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00200-00173997-00174471 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and it's always interesting to me that people believe that at least they say that in public policy. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00201-00174501-00174954 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And yet, when it affects their family, they immediately believe in social justice and restorative justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00202-00174984-00176025 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: They believe in bringing their own family members back, and I look at everyone as being a member of a family that we all make mistakes we all fall down and it's not the falling down that's, the problem is the getting up. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00203-00176064-00177045 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And the restoring ourselves and basically learning from our mistakes and then helping others to do likewise if there's if there's any person who's never made a mistake in life i'd like to know who they are. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00204-00177099-00177690 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If anyone has never done something that we would we would that we are happy people don't know about that's all of us. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00205-00177732-00178881 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that we basically have we believe in second chances and third chances and forth chances, I mean, as long as a person wants to struggle to bring their life back, we must give them a chance to do so. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00206-00178914-00179781 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: i'm a very religious person, and I know at one point when they were asked by Jesus, you know, should we if a person asked for forgiveness, should we should we. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00207-00179868-00180471 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Forgive them seven times seven and he said 70 times seven which means there should be a never ending spirit of forgiveness. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00208-00180498-00181092 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Cooperation collaboration and bringing folks back and helping people to figure out how to have a story of justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00209-00181119-00181968 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And how to have justice and how to reconstruct their lives in a way that's productive and beneficial to all of us so once again thank you so very much for having me with you this morning. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00210-00182001-00182808 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: i'm not sure what the agenda is at this point where they going to have questions and answers more than happy to do that for any of those who are in the audience, who are listening. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00211-00182883-00184161 Austin Willis: So we have a few questions um you talked a little about restorative justice and your advocacy for restorative justice when you're in the California legislature is truly remarkable I was wondering what interested you in restorative justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00212-00184239-00185268 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Well, you know couple of things one when I was on the school board, we began a restorative justice project because we came to understand that what we were doing was ineffective. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00213-00185331-00186039 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that's simply punishing folks did not make it better made it worse, when I became a part of the legislature, I realized that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00214-00186108-00186636 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That our recidivism rate was extremely high, and that we have the largest prison system in the world. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00215-00186702-00187233 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and and and and all it did was destroy people's lives and destroy families each and every day. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00216-00187290-00187803 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that we had to do better, and so I became a part of a committee that basically started looking at that because. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00217-00187857-00188358 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know, some looked at it strictly as a financial issue, because the prison system with breaking the Bank of California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00218-00188412-00189462 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We had so many were paying so much and getting so little in return, and no one felt safer, no one felt better, as a result of the system that we had and clearly we had. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00219-00189495-00190596 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Tremendous opposition for anyone from those who wanted to restore individuals and and in fact I remember when we change the title of the the CDC to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00220-00190659-00191691 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: From the California direction of compartment department to to California direction and rehabilitation, we got we got pushed back people didn't want to do rehabilitation. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00221-00191742-00192687 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: They didn't want to restore individuals lives and help people while they're incarcerated to get better and then to help them when they got out because why it provided a source of income. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00222-00192735-00193713 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That we kept growing and growing this prison system and constructing prisons and creating jobs around prisons, rather than restoring people's lives, so it was clear to me that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00223-00193752-00194700 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: people deserve more than the first chance the second and third chance that we had to do whatever was necessary to teach folks how to deal with their anger, with their poor decision making, whatever it may be. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00224-00194748-00195084 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That we have a responsibility incarcerating people to make their lives better. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00225-00195180-00195804 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: When I traveled around the world, I realized that no one else did incarceration in the way we did that was not that was a free country. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00226-00195828-00196515 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That everyone believed in restorative justice everyone believed that young people who needed a chance, had a chance and I went to some. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00227-00196584-00197499 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Rehabilitation facilities and data and much of their focus was trying to restore the family, not just a child, with the whole family and, and so I realized, we will. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00228-00197556-00198225 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Not only early on, and when I was dealing with schools, but surely at the state level that we were truly in going in the wrong direction. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00229-00198267-00198603 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: With regards to come in with rehabilitation and restorative justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00230-00198633-00199887 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And then we had to improve, otherwise we were going to destroy ourselves with incarceration growing and growing and no one feels safer and basically devouring and eating up as a a civilized system so. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00231-00199965-00200727 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: When I got on the legislature there 180,000 people in prison, I think there's less than 90 now and about 90,000 cut it in half. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00232-00200760-00202302 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We were closing one of the prisons, we pretty much dealt with a lot of the prisons that dealt with young people, putting them any kind of facility of rehabilitation, closer to home to do it, to bring families back together and we're still working on that project to make it happen, but. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00233-00202410-00203169 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We have to restore people, we cannot destroy lives because, once you once you destroy one life that it's not just that person is a person, his wife. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00234-00203196-00204429 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The children that he's had family all these kinds of things break down, and so I became it became real clear to me that we had to work very hard on restorative justice, because without that as a society, we were friendly. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00235-00204867-00206004 Samantha Hunt: Secretary Weber Another question is you've talked about your time as an educator and I think that education is such an important part of Community which you've also spoken about. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00236-00206048-00206904 Samantha Hunt: Do you think that our education system is working well and if there's room for improvement, what do you think that will require. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00237-00207033-00207552 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It is working well know, is there room for improvement, a whole lot no question. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00238-00207657-00208134 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And most folks know that I have been an advocate for changing our education system. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00239-00208203-00209478 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Making sure that there's accountability for for what takes place in the classroom making sure that we're able to put our our deal with our teaching staff to make sure that we put our most effective teachers in the schools with the greatest challenge. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00240-00209580-00210537 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Making sure that every school is the same, that it has the same level of of of expectation and drive and and those kinds of things rather than knowing that there's some schools at work and some of the Dome. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00241-00210644-00211575 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: With our you know our system is based on right now and economics, that the better neighborhoods can't have greater results that come out of it and it's frustrating because. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00242-00211635-00212439 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: i've i've seen some teachers were very, very hard and they're frustrated because you know your first and second grade teachers great and then nobody cares what happens in third grade. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00243-00212487-00213240 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so we have this gap of excellence that exist, and it has its and then we begin to see the impact when kids get into fifth and sixth grade so. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00244-00213267-00214131 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We have a lot to do in terms of education and it's and it's it's very personal to me because, as I pointed out, I went to school in the projects and the pueblos. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00245-00214161-00214809 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And my teachers had high expectations of me, but not only high expectations but high level of support. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00246-00214881-00215271 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That they were there and i've seen some teachers and counselors do that today. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00247-00215301-00215910 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That it doesn't matter what the kids need they're going to figure out how to get it for them that are going to create opportunities for them. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00248-00215934-00216480 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: they're going to expand the world and that's what my teachers, did you know I, being in the projects and in the pueblos. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00249-00216576-00217698 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Everybody was poor and yet I knew more about going to the Opera than many other kids because our teachers and the school work to get tickets to the Opera for us, we went to the ballet. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00250-00217752-00218669 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We had all of these if this exposure to the outside world that others that others were having that people didn't believe that just because we were poor, we should not have it. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00251-00218754-00219354 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I have some friends who work in some of our schools, who do that and, for instance, if if i'm if i'm buying a table. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00252-00219392-00220377 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: For dinner for $5,000 or whatever it may be, I will be at that table maybe with one of the friend, but then I have my girlfriend bring eight other kids from her school to that dinner. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00253-00220404-00221127 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Because I want them to see what the world happens what the world looks like how the world lives and it's been interesting that the things that we've done with them. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00254-00221151-00221754 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: have motivated those kids and say you know I want to be like that to where I want to be able to have a House that has a glass bowl for. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00255-00221787-00222248 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: In our bathroom one one with a match and i'm going to go to college, so I get me a glass bowl in my bathroom. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00256-00222273-00223367 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: When I sent this bowl only cost about $150 that's Okay, if that motivates you to go to college I buy you the ball when you get your House, I mean you know it's that kind of thing that an exposure to the world. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00257-00223394-00224289 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Coming to the university when I was there, bringing kids the university and many of them didn't know the university was less than four or five miles on their home, but it was like a foreign land to them. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00258-00224328-00225534 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We have to, we have to begin to provide the kind of education that motivates us stimulates our kids and opens their horizons for them so they can see the world, I took kids to South Africa who had never been on a plane before. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00259-00225594-00226344 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But they travel with me to South Africa and it changed their lives they went off to college they've done well in these are kids who have never been on a plane. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00260-00226377-00227352 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But they got a chance to travel and see that life is bigger than the spot in the corn, which they live and they had teachers who believed in them, so we really have to look at this educational system. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00261-00227463-00228252 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Education is the American equalizer it was in my life, it has the potential to equalize a situation so that you can then complete. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00262-00228291-00228528 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: To have more resources to build a better home. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00263-00228569-00229305 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Environment for yourself where without it it's gonna be difficult, if not impossible, so we have a lot of work to do a lot of work to do. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00264-00229626-00231186 Josie Brenner: Thank you, Dr whoever i'm Moving on, I want to address that throughout your work you've taken positions that were not the party line or may have been politically risky So how do you navigate speaking your truth and navigating difficult situations. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00265-00231264-00232707 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know it's one of the things is that if people know you're going to tell the truth that kind of expected and and I people say if you say I don't do drugs I don't do drugs into people stop offering the drugs Okay, because they know it's a waste of time let's go find someone else. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00266-00232821-00233916 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If you always have the truth and people know what you believe in they're going to seek you out for the truth and they're going to respect the fact that you're going to tell the truth, and not try to change you in terms of the truth. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00267-00234051-00234705 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Your community needs to know that and i've had i've had years of fighting for issues that are important. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00268-00234759-00236241 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I just got an letter from a young kid from 31 years ago, who tells me somehow or another, I inspired her her to do certain kinds of things it's important that people know you so that when when you can find it with these challenges, when you're confronted with. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00269-00236346-00237146 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Of where you're going to stand people know that, where you stand as a standard principles that it's that it's not designed to gain you anything. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00270-00237165-00237927 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: But you're not going to get something on it you're not selling somebody out and as a result of that they will invest in you, and they will protect you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00271-00237981-00238517 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so, when i've done these things, and these these things that people say oh my God you're courageous you're this you're that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00272-00238563-00239688 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I have had also the support of of my community of the churches that have attended the people that i've helped who know what my heart is all about, and what I want to do. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00273-00239727-00240183 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they stand behind me, and they stand with me and so you know, like I said i've had. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00274-00240234-00241035 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: folks spend a million dollars trying to destroy me on on issues in legislation that i've been fighting for for for justice and equality and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00275-00241086-00241839 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And i'm still standing okay i'm still standing I have strong spiritual principles that guide me in terms of my values. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00276-00241871-00242898 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And I always tell people you know i'm here for to do the good that's necessary and when you make that decision i've seen it in young people i've seen those who work with me on different issues. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00277-00242934-00243548 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It will be difficult, people will challenge you, but after a while people start challenging because they know that you're not weak. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00278-00243585-00244113 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That you're standing on some values and principles that are clear new to you and those are things you'll be fighting for. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00279-00244146-00244994 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so it's always interesting to me, I had an opportunity this morning to talk about some legislation that's occurring that well the Supreme Court. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00280-00245021-00246162 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And the Attorney General statewide is dealing with Georgia and their laws that are so repressive in terms of voting, and I think they were a little bit surprised because they have not heard me talk before of my. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00281-00246269-00247230 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: how strongly I believe that the Federal Government has a right to go in there and to basically create the environment that's the right environment for everyone to be able to vote in Georgia and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00282-00247290-00247869 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that i'm passionate about it and they say well you know you can get a lot of backlash from what you can get I said hey you know what. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00283-00247908-00248444 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If i'm not willing to take the positions that are important for all of the people and I shouldn't have this job. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00284-00248496-00249462 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know, someone else should come and do it because i'm going to basically continue to fight for those things that i've always fought for whether i'm Secretary state or not, and when this term is over. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00285-00249486-00250707 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I have to live with myself above all things to thine own self be true, and I want my legacy to be the legacy that she thought was right and just every day of her life and so that's what you once you commit yourself to that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00286-00250761-00251262 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You will be just fine, you will discover that the things that you fear the most wouldn't be nothing to fear. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00287-00251538-00252321 Sacha Karnofsky: Thank you, Dr webber and then one more question from us what would a truly equal justice system look like to you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00288-00252419-00253035 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: wow that's a good question well, probably the opposite of a lot of stuff that we have okay. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00289-00253158-00253929 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It should not be a punitive system, and that was one of my battles in the legislature, when we were trying to define Why should people be incarcerated. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00290-00253986-00254805 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they were insisting that the number one reason, they should be incarcerated for punishment, and I said incarceration itself is a punishment. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00291-00254877-00255801 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I mean, so that is not that is not the goal of it, it is a punishment and they didn't we were saying it was room for public safety and restorative justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00292-00255837-00256641 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and and rehabilitation and people didn't want to deal with the fact that why we're putting people away, it is because we want. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00293-00256677-00257219 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: One create a safe place for people, but in addition to that, we also want to restore this person back. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00294-00257265-00258471 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And that's why it's so very important and so on, so talking about what would a system look like, it has to have those components, you know when we start talking about social justice and and and and and dealing with a system that oftentimes is most unjust. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00295-00258546-00259014 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: We have to make sure that that we're doing the right thing for not only the person has been if. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00296-00259104-00259698 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: you've been hurt, but also the person who's done the hurt to try to build those folks together and help them to understand each other. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00297-00259728-00260634 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And and and and because the person is committed the crime needs to understand how they need to be restored and the damage that they've done now, just to themselves, but to other people as well it's not. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00298-00260667-00261639 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Get out of jail free card, but it also then begins the work of how do they bring themselves back and how do they then a Min or make a man for the damage they've done to others. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00299-00261669-00262626 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And, and that in itself helps to restore that person back to be who we want them to be to be a responsible citizen, so that they don't go around hurting people again. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00300-00262644-00262986 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And they understand the consequences of that and those who have been offended. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00301-00263010-00263724 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: affected by obviously understand this process that also brings them back so it's one of these systems that we need to make sure that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00302-00263745-00264252 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: In the end, that we've done the best we can to help the person has been offended and been hurt. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00303-00264282-00265293 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: but also to help that person then restore themselves back into the fold of what we want them to be as a good citizen a good parent a person who helps others. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00304-00265320-00265788 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And then begin to prevent the damage that's being done elsewhere we should see our our. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00305-00265812-00266481 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Our system as a small system rather than a huge system and society, it should be the smallest system, because we should spend our time. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00306-00266502-00267309 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: One trying to prevent the damage that's being done through our our prison systems and the justice system, trying to prevent that from happening at the earliest. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00307-00267333-00267978 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: possible level and then moving forward to restored it as we go forward, we still have a society that's very punitive. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00308-00268065-00268797 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know my one of my friends was trying to get a bill passed that you that you should not expel three and four year olds who preschool I mean. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00309-00268827-00269430 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Who, you know and we can't get she couldn't get this bill through because why people want to punish three and four year olds. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00310-00269463-00270273 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Who in the world wants to punish it three role, I mean you know the kid may have issues, but why would you expel a child at three and four years old. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00311-00270303-00271026 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You know, I was at a school where they want to call the police and the rest of the kid who was in the first grade handcuffed him and put him in the back of a car. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00312-00271068-00271620 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And the person says you're going to be just like your father that's exactly what they said to this kid who they put in the car. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00313-00271650-00272496 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: It was absolutely the most one of the worst things i've ever seen the kid was having difficulty with the new foster home, he was hurting because his parents had been locked up. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00314-00272529-00273522 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And here, you tell him he's gonna be just like his Daddy and you lock him in the back of a car that was at a school that I that I knew about I immediately went to the superintendent and had the principal removed. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00315-00273597-00274368 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Because I knew that this was not a person to work in this Community a Community where 60% or 70% of the kids were foster kids. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00316-00274395-00274944 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: This is not a person who needs to deal with kids who are in pain was struggling to create for themselves. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00317-00274977-00275277 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: A different world and in in with the world in which they exist. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00318-00275304-00276324 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And you're going to lock them up a first grader that handcuffed and put him in the back of a car, because he's not doing what you said that morning and send him off with the police, with a statement that you will be just like your father. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00319-00276393-00276936 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That was totally unacceptable to me and I don't know what happened to that here, but I know what happened to that principle. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00320-00277317-00278466 Sacha Karnofsky: Thank you so much for answering our questions and in the interest of time we're going to move to a couple audience questions as the Israel and, if you have any questions audience. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00321-00279891-00280203 Don Carney: i'd like to know, can felons vote in California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00322-00280299-00280725 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Yes, yes, the Well, first of all felons could always vote in California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00323-00280728-00281667 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Since 1960 summer we have never had a law that says felons can add votes, since in over the last 5060 years what we did do. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00324-00281721-00282558 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And, but not only can felons vote in California, and that was one of the bills that passed when I first got into legislature, because most people didn't even know felons good boat. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00325-00282591-00283773 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so we made it possible for them to get the materials and and all those things as they were exiting and making sure that on their parole websites that the whole idea that the ex felons can vote that's number one. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00326-00283842-00284301 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The other issue was parole which we've done recently there are people who are. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00327-00284367-00285246 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: who came out of prison and we're on parole cannot vote in California, to the end of their payroll prop 17 this past November that I was the joint author on. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00328-00285312-00286413 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Basically, now in franchises those who ex felon So anyone who is not only ex felon but who was on parole can vote in California anyone in jail can vote in California okay. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00329-00286458-00287562 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The only two only people who cannot vote, who are those who are incarcerated who are physically in a state or federal prison in California, they cannot vote. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00330-00287607-00288354 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And we're working to to basically deal with that, but anyone else in California any person, you see walking the streets in California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00331-00288384-00289335 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Anybody who's whatever is a citizen in California, they can vote if they're not physically sitting in a state prison or a federal prison. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00332-00289365-00290559 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: If they're in jail, we have people who go in jail now and take ballots, and we have some ballot boxes that are placed in jails, where we have a large group of individuals who are registered to vote, and they will get an absentee ballot but yes California. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00333-00290619-00291288 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: is only two people if you're not in a state of federal prison, you cannot vote in California, but other than that everyone else can vote. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00334-00293094-00293241 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Okay, any other questions. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00335-00293340-00293676 Noah Block|CAYC: Is a question in the chat, which is what funds do you anticipate. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00336-00293724-00294033 Noah Block|CAYC: may be eligible for Community based diversion programs. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00337-00294066-00294150 Noah Block|CAYC: Like youth court. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00338-00294258-00294867 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: um you know the interesting thing is i'm no longer a tear of the budget in the Assembly that was in charge of that. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00339-00294909-00296166 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And so I really can't tell you exactly what's in the budget, but I do know that a part of what we were attempting to do when i've been at what I left the legislature was to to basically empower. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00340-00296307-00296802 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: The Community based organizations that are working on behalf of of the. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00341-00296844-00298062 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: criminal justice system to have resources to expand out and we had done that, and i'm not sure exactly what your budget looks like but we had done that, and that my understanding from the Chair of the Committee who's I think. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00342-00298110-00298641 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: I think loose reverse is currently chair of that of that particular topic area now. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00343-00298752-00299634 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: That they're still there they're supposed to be a hefty investment in this particular area for this budget because of the size of the budget, so my understanding. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00344-00299652-00300222 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And should be good money, I can find out and check for you, but i'm not really sure because i'm not on the Budget Committee anymore yeah. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00345-00300750-00301623 Derek Beverly: Okay Well, this is Derek beverly and the member of the board of directors to the California association of youth courts and Madam Secretary. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00346-00301920-00302730 Derek Beverly: Your words are inspiring words of wisdom your heart is true, I gotta admit I fell in love with you and and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00347-00302838-00303408 Derek Beverly: Who, you are and your commitment to society and I. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00348-00303621-00303906 Derek Beverly: Hopefully everybody's gonna clap and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00349-00304035-00304761 Derek Beverly: we'd like to stay in touch with you and hear more, and if you have advice for us the. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00350-00304893-00305259 Derek Beverly: You know, youth courts are the tip of the spear today. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00351-00305280-00305409 Derek Beverly: I think that the. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00352-00305439-00306702 Derek Beverly: way we try drastically to get the word out and to reconstitute youth courts in the law enforcement community with state sheriff's district attorneys statewide and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00353-00306774-00307989 Derek Beverly: Any assistance, you can provide any direction you could provide to help us in this endeavor we would be in debt to you forever and I just like I said. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00354-00308064-00308997 Derek Beverly: I admire you beyond admiration and I want to thank you very much, on behalf of the board of directors to to hopefully we hear more from you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00355-00309042-00310086 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Well, thank you and and, as you develop your your agenda and your program let me know I said i'm not in the legislature, but I still have influence across the street. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00356-00310125-00310635 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And friends over there, so i'd like to make sure that you introduced to the right people with regards to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00357-00310659-00311682 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Your program and the things that you're doing, and so you know don't hesitate to give me a call, so I can I can navigate that for you and to make that happen one and also let. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00358-00311733-00312510 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Young people know that we have a number of internships in the secretary of state's office and young people are encouraged to apply. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00359-00312582-00312966 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: You can contact my office concerning internships and all of the internships are paid. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00360-00313014-00313641 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So they're not only high school with college age students were interns in our office and learning about voting in. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00361-00313671-00314427 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: And the various issues that are there so don't hesitate to think about if some of you are interested in being an intern of contact and Secretary of state's office. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00362-00314469-00315210 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: would love to have some of you with us for a semester or year, whatever the time permits, as we have some vacancies interview. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00363-00315243-00315951 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: So thank you count me as a friend, let me know how it's going and we'll make sure that we reach out to the necessary folks to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00364-00315987-00317019 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: To ensure that they get a chance to be exposed to the program that you have understand the work that you're doing Thank you guys, for having me with you this morning, I appreciate it so much you made my day, thank you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00365-00317082-00317289 Derek Beverly: made ours that's for definitely for sure. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00366-00317358-00317408 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber: Thank you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00367-00317895-00317949 Derek Beverly: Okay. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00368-00318081-00318381 Derek Beverly: Moving on, time is short and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00369-00318600-00318909 Derek Beverly: we've run overloaded and hopefully have enough time to. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00370-00319209-00319953 Derek Beverly: Introduce somebody who is very near and dear to me he's a brother by a different mothers and they say. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00371-00320136-00320922 Derek Beverly: i'd like to in you've been listening to him as our MC, but I would like to tell you a little bit more about. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00372-00321117-00321708 Derek Beverly: Dr Michael Pritchard who he is what he represents what he means to me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00373-00321864-00322410 Derek Beverly: i've known him for probably well over I want to say 30 years. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00374-00322530-00323352 Derek Beverly: First, heard him at a conference in oakland and we became friends over the years and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00375-00323514-00324636 Derek Beverly: he's amazing amazing person and i'd like to introduce Dr Michael Pritchard he's a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker and youth motivator but what you don't know about him. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00376-00324696-00325647 Derek Beverly: Is you'll you may or may not recognize some of his voices, but if any of you out there have watched Star Wars Lucas films. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00377-00325818-00325878 Derek Beverly: anything. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00378-00326124-00327552 Derek Beverly: I could go on and on skyrocket branch Disney fox to network Dr Pritchard is for those of you that don't know he's the voice of many of the characters in Star Wars. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00379-00327654-00330351 Derek Beverly: jabba the hutt the me walks the I mean he's the absolutely amazing guy he was best friends with Robin Williams and I know new Dr Richard heard of him he's a former probation officer from San Francisco that got involved in the comedy central arena and became a comic. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00380-00330528-00331017 Derek Beverly: Along with his very dear friend Robin Williams and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00381-00331131-00332820 Derek Beverly: i'd like for you to hear from Dr Pritchard he's a motivational speaker I would encourage you, all of you to go on his website and all you gotta do is Google Michael Pritchard you'll see all kinds of amazing stories so With that in mind. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00382-00332931-00333006 Derek Beverly: Michael. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00383-00333174-00333546 Derek Beverly: Can you speak yoda to us, or something along that line. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00384-00333780-00333948 Derek Beverly: You gotta go off your mute you're muted. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00385-00334206-00335205 Dr. Michael Pritchard: All right, Derek how about if I talk for about five minutes and then later on, if the kids want to reach out to me they can do that off the website we're close on time and I think the kids. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00386-00335238-00336435 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Probably gotta get on to their workshops, so let me just say this to all of you, we all in the state of California love you very much and i'm very proud of you and your interest in restorative justice. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00387-00336498-00337512 Dr. Michael Pritchard: As a young probation officer ice to see so many neuro diverse kids who are a lot, like me and that meant that I had attention deficit disorder hyperactivity. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00388-00337563-00339378 Dr. Michael Pritchard: And I was a kid who was challenged at learning, just like Dr webber was talking about earlier, I had many challenges in school, but I found out, I was smart in another way I did wind up at lucasfilm standing there in small rooms doing things like this. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00389-00339723-00339773 Dr. Michael Pritchard: He got. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00390-00340023-00340080 Dr. Michael Pritchard: jumped on me. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00391-00341082-00341412 Dr. Michael Pritchard: You know, can you imagine that I had attention deficit disorder. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00392-00341559-00342483 Dr. Michael Pritchard: So I think one of the things for all of us she's to understand that there are so many neuro diverse kids out there, and if you want to find out how that is. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00393-00342522-00344649 Dr. Michael Pritchard: You can go to Dr fung at Stanford and study neuro diversity, you can also look up neural plasticity which my friend who was like Dr webber a UCLA graduate Susan Williams, the wife of Robin Williams, is working on these topics now with young neuro. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00394-00344796-00345687 Dr. Michael Pritchard: plasticity experts from amazing places like God, you know a thing that you would see in. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00395-00345834-00346377 Dr. Michael Pritchard: finding ways to grow your brain new challenges and new differences and never. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00396-00346434-00348102 Dr. Michael Pritchard: As Dr webber was talking about always find a new challenge and go with that and do that one of those things is what we're doing now finding ways to help other young people who are challenged from adverse childhood traumas. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00397-00348210-00348864 Dr. Michael Pritchard: and reaching out to them and helping them and assisting them in their lives, doing everything we possibly can. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00398-00348927-00350046 Dr. Michael Pritchard: To assist them to uplift them in our youth court system, and if we can do that will be learning, not just about court, not just about what Dr webber talked about. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00399-00350097-00350817 Dr. Michael Pritchard: neighborhoods friends and Community there might not be an iron team, but there is an iron community. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00400-00350916-00352350 Dr. Michael Pritchard: There is an iron unity, there is an I am friends there is an eye and neighbors all of us doing everything we can to do what we can in our neighborhood to restore people to a belief in. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00401-00352434-00353247 Dr. Michael Pritchard: Getting past the cynicism and sarcasm, and the toxic stuff that they sometimes put up on the web. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00402-00353310-00354480 Dr. Michael Pritchard: and finding positive kind thoughtful compassionate things to do to help in those communities, we want to thank all of you for being with us today, I particularly are. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00403-00354543-00356139 Dr. Michael Pritchard: And I know my friend, Derek is a very highly lauded and heroic FBI agent, who did an amazing bit of work during 911 a gifted man when the Community a courageous man, the creativity. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00404-00356187-00357066 Dr. Michael Pritchard: And all of us in law enforcement and all of us in teaching and education and in social work and mental health love you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00405-00357159-00358170 Dr. Michael Pritchard: want the best for you and hope that you find ways to help each other as you help yourselves, thank you, if there's any questions, we can handle them. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00406-00358206-00359322 Dr. Michael Pritchard: On a website, you can go and reach me through know at Dr Michael pritchard@gmail.com we love you and we're grateful for you and thank Dr webber. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00407-00359364-00360780 Dr. Michael Pritchard: And testable Dean yesterday and Derek and judge cousins judge URBAN, these are folks that want the best for us in our communities so love you guys take care of yourselves stand well. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00408-00360951-00362109 Derek Beverly: Thank you, my appreciate you and all you do for the Community, and we look forward to your continued participation in the Association and. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00409-00362187-00363423 Derek Beverly: I would encourage everyone listening to you today to go to your website learn more about you, who you are what you do and thank you, brother, I appreciate you. ZsQlP6V8bKk-00410-00363474-00363753 Dr. Michael Pritchard: All right, you too, as well take care God bless you bye. Zt4ib7cXP78-00000-00000000-00000450 launching ...Loops song editor (pattern mode) Zt4ib7cXP78-00001-00000480-00001030 sound generator tab (where you may also record audio output) Zt4ib7cXP78-00002-00001188-00001372 monophonic synth instrument (channel 1) Zt4ib7cXP78-00003-00001474-00001590 drum sample instrument (channel 2) Zt4ib7cXP78-00004-00001718-00001984 polyphonic synth instruments (channel 3 & 4) Zt4ib7cXP78-00005-00002772-00004400 creating and saving a 1 bar drum pattern Zt4ib7cXP78-00006-00004992-00007106 using "pattern sequencer" mode to automatically switch between 2 patterns (A & B) for a 2-bar loop Zt4ib7cXP78-00007-00007500-00008900 programming bassline note sequence Zt4ib7cXP78-00008-00010200-00011064 saving bassline tone settings as a preset Zt4ib7cXP78-00009-00011440-00012340 volume mixer & tempo (bpm) setting (channel 5) ZuLSfBT_sTg-00000-00000064-00000217 - Hi everybody, I'm Phillip Goodman. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00001-00000217-00000317 - And I'm Kerry Herdt. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00002-00000317-00000519 - And we are from the Nevada Real Estate Group ZuLSfBT_sTg-00003-00000519-00000757 at Keller Williams Group One, Inc. in Reno, Nevada. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00004-00000757-00001130 And this is the January 2019 Real Estate Market Report ZuLSfBT_sTg-00005-00001130-00001298 for Old Southwest Reno. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00006-00001298-00001437 If this is your first time watching one ZuLSfBT_sTg-00007-00001437-00001721 of our Market Reports, please hit that subscribe button now ZuLSfBT_sTg-00008-00001721-00002073 because we put out brand new content all the time. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00009-00002073-00002323 Well we're gonna take a look inside MLS this time ZuLSfBT_sTg-00010-00002323-00002605 because a little bit of a limited amount of data. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00011-00002605-00002688 - Yeah. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00012-00002688-00002924 - And so we wanted to drill deeper into the numbers. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00013-00002924-00003132 So, let's dive right in. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00014-00003132-00003407 (dramatic music) ZuLSfBT_sTg-00015-00003784-00004008 Normally we look inside Market Insights. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00016-00004008-00004508 However, since only a dozen properties sold in 2019 ZuLSfBT_sTg-00017-00004538-00005032 and in 2018, we wanted to drill down and look at the data ZuLSfBT_sTg-00018-00005032-00005302 to see if any of the sales numbers were skewed. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00019-00005302-00005588 And, Kerry, what did we find in this data? ZuLSfBT_sTg-00020-00005588-00005763 - [Kerry] Well the days on the market increased ZuLSfBT_sTg-00021-00005763-00006061 over last year, and there we're setting at 87 days ZuLSfBT_sTg-00022-00006061-00006311 on the market compared to 78 in 2018. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00023-00006311-00006587 So slightly higher, but we do have a higher inventory ZuLSfBT_sTg-00024-00006587-00006873 as well, and it is of course winter time. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00025-00006873-00007045 - [Phillip] But this number is still well below ZuLSfBT_sTg-00026-00007045-00007400 the Reno average of over 110 days on market. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00027-00007400-00007515 - [Kerry] That's correct. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00028-00007515-00007834 And the median price came in at 430,000, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00029-00007834-00008326 and it's well above 2018, which was at 373,500, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00030-00008425-00008682 which was a 14% increase over last year. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00031-00008682-00008993 So you can see we're still in that rising market ZuLSfBT_sTg-00032-00008993-00009377 and it's well above the Reno average of 377,000. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00033-00009377-00009484 - [Phillip] And clearly there were ZuLSfBT_sTg-00034-00009484-00009833 some higher value properties that sold in 2019. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00035-00009927-00010212 This is sorted by highest sold price ZuLSfBT_sTg-00036-00010212-00010490 and there's already more over 500,000, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00037-00010490-00010734 plus this million-dollar property that sold. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00038-00010734-00010818 - [Kerry] Yes. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00039-00010818-00011146 And also percent of asked/received is still hovering around ZuLSfBT_sTg-00040-00011146-00011617 that 97% mark, even in 2019, compared to 2018. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00041-00011617-00011863 So it's comparative to last year. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00042-00011863-00012069 - [Phillip] So median prices are going up, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00043-00012069-00012334 but sellers are still getting the price they're asking for. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00044-00012334-00012459 - [Kerry] That's correct. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00045-00012595-00012779 - [Phillip] Here we are on our website, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00046-00012779-00012947 seerenohomesforsale.com. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00047-00012947-00013347 Our featured property of the day, 1321 Highwood Court ZuLSfBT_sTg-00048-00013347-00013501 in Old Southwest Reno. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00049-00013501-00013694 Kerry, tell us about this property. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00050-00013694-00013957 - [Kerry] This is a great little pocket community ZuLSfBT_sTg-00051-00013957-00014083 called Alum Creek. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00052-00014083-00014466 It has anywhere between single levels, two levels. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00053-00014466-00014837 This particular property, I have personal history in it, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00054-00014837-00015066 so I'd love to be able to sell it to somebody. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00055-00015200-00015607 It is older than what you see in most of these communities, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00056-00015607-00015913 but it's a great opportunity for somebody to come in. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00057-00015913-00016179 The biggest thing on this one that I love is the master ZuLSfBT_sTg-00058-00016179-00016580 is on the bottom level, and it has a huge backyard as well. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00059-00016669-00016935 It's a little over 2,200 square feet ZuLSfBT_sTg-00060-00016935-00017105 and in a gated community. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00061-00017300-00017593 - Well there's your look back at the January 2019 activity, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00062-00017593-00017809 as well as the featured property of the day. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00063-00017809-00018159 And for more listings from our team, you can click the link ZuLSfBT_sTg-00064-00018159-00018371 that you see in the upper-right corner now. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00065-00018371-00018658 So, Kerry, coming up in April, you got your big event, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00066-00018658-00018753 your Kids on Big Rigs. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00067-00018753-00018837 How's that coming along? ZuLSfBT_sTg-00068-00018837-00018955 - [Kerry] It's our Kids on Big Rigs. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00069-00018955-00019272 It's gonna be April 27th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00070-00019272-00019546 And you'll be able to see trucks, trucks, and more trucks. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00071-00019546-00019829 And bring your kids out, bring a can of food ZuLSfBT_sTg-00072-00019829-00020032 to donate to the local food pantry, ZuLSfBT_sTg-00073-00020032-00020163 and you'll get a dollar off. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00074-00020163-00020356 - Well for more information ZuLSfBT_sTg-00075-00020356-00020575 about the numbers we've discussed, the property ZuLSfBT_sTg-00076-00020575-00020750 that we looked at, or if you have any questions ZuLSfBT_sTg-00077-00020750-00020970 about anything, you can contact Kerry Herdt. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00078-00020970-00021208 His information is in the YouTube description below. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00079-00021208-00021448 Or you can post a comment and we'll be sure ZuLSfBT_sTg-00080-00021448-00021703 to get back to ya as quickly as we can. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00081-00021703-00021954 For Kerry Herdt, for the Nevada Real Estate Group ZuLSfBT_sTg-00082-00021954-00022106 at Keller Williams Group One, Inc. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00083-00022106-00022387 in Reno, Nevada, I'm Phillip Goodman. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00084-00022387-00022507 We'll see you next time. ZuLSfBT_sTg-00085-00022630-00022963 (dramatic techno music) ZvXHKQ5haj4-00000-00000000-00000302 Phishing attacks… what’s all that fuss about? ZvXHKQ5haj4-00001-00000501-00000874 Is putting your information on a fake website really that bad? ZvXHKQ5haj4-00002-00000916-00001392 Yes it can have very dramatic consequences if you enter your personal information into a fake login page ZvXHKQ5haj4-00003-00001474-00001942 Some of which can cost you money, a career, and an ultimate nightmare for many: ZvXHKQ5haj4-00004-00001942-00002282 Embarrassing messages to your friends from your account! ZvXHKQ5haj4-00005-00002340-00002948 But, this can be prevented! You can identify the imposter page before putting in your information. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00006-00003032-00003378 The number one thing to watch out for is the URL of the website. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00007-00003400-00003928 A phishing page will look creepily real but it’s the subtle hints which if looked out for, can ZvXHKQ5haj4-00008-00003928-00004128 save you from the modern misery. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00009-00004150-00004590 If you look at the URL of the website and if you closely look at the domain of the website then it's ZvXHKQ5haj4-00010-00004590-00005160 usually the case that the domain of the fake website is different from the original website. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00011-00005198-00005726 A domain name is a part of the website’s URL. It is separated by dots into levels ZvXHKQ5haj4-00012-00005726-00006224 and you read them from right to left: The top-level domain, the second-level domain… and possibly ZvXHKQ5haj4-00013-00006224-00006750 more subdomains. The most important ones the top-level and the second-level domains. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00014-00006781-00007259 And another thing that hackers abuse is they register domains that have like look alike ZvXHKQ5haj4-00015-00007259-00007845 web addresses, that have small typos in them and they look very, very similar to the original domain. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00016-00007859-00008390 Because these levels form part of a website’s identity, it’s one thing the attackers abuse the ZvXHKQ5haj4-00017-00008390-00008936 most. If you think that’s diabolical, wait until you see in our next videos how user-generated ZvXHKQ5haj4-00018-00008936-00009282 content and hosting platforms by real tech giants are exploited. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00019-00009306-00009598 But for now, we’ll leave you with this crucial tip. ZvXHKQ5haj4-00020-00009678-00010328 So for me personally, when I don’t know how I landed on a login page, I usually open ZvXHKQ5haj4-00021-00010328-00010894 another tab and I type the login page URL by hand, or I just search for it and login there. Z-4d6oa222E-00000-00000427-00001074 Welcome everybody to a new episode of Henrich Boll Stiftung on line series Bridges. Z-4d6oa222E-00001-00001101-00001895 Usually at this format we bring together people on the topics of migration and Europe Z-4d6oa222E-00002-00001928-00002652 and in this particular case we already served a little bit as a bridge, because we are Z-4d6oa222E-00003-00002669-00003236 already able to facilitate a meeting between our today’s guests and I am very happy to Z-4d6oa222E-00004-00003259-00004030 have both of you here today for o follow-up on indeed very serious issue today. Z-4d6oa222E-00005-00004180-00004444 A warm welcome to both of you, Mrs. Z-4d6oa222E-00006-00004457-00005135 Nazifa Bek, Nazifa Bek is elected member of the Afghan Parliament since 2019, she Z-4d6oa222E-00007-00005155-00005822 represents the northern province of Takjar and is currently an exile in Athens here in Z-4d6oa222E-00008-00005839-00006323 Greece and she is one of the founder of the Parliament in Exile Z-4d6oa222E-00009-00006386-00006563 which we will talk about more today. Z-4d6oa222E-00010-00006910-00007404 And we have Dr. Hannah Neumann with us, she is a member of the European Parliament and Z-4d6oa222E-00011-00007447-00008138 human rights and piece spokesperson for “The Greens/European Free Alliance (EFA)” and Z-4d6oa222E-00012-00008164-00008822 among other positions she is Vise-Chair on the human rights committee and an expert on Z-4d6oa222E-00013-00008852-00009369 women in piece, which is also closely related to today’s topic. Z-4d6oa222E-00014-00009402-00010136 So a warm welcome to both of you and I will jump in to the discussion starting with you Z-4d6oa222E-00015-00010160-00011007 Nazifa. Both of you met already in Athens, so there is no need to introduce you. Z-4d6oa222E-00016-00011161-00011748 Nazifa can you tell us a little bit about the current situation, especially for women in Z-4d6oa222E-00017-00011765-00012489 Afghanistan, a very brief state of the art, we already had a discussion, but for our Z-4d6oa222E-00018-00012505-00012822 audience how is the current state, how can you sum it up. Z-4d6oa222E-00019-00012946-00013620 Thank you Neda and good afternoon all of you, I am Nazifa Yusufi, I was a member of Z-4d6oa222E-00020-00013633-00014217 Afghan Parliament and also I was for two years member of the economic commission of Z-4d6oa222E-00021-00014234-00014324 the parliament house. Z-4d6oa222E-00022-00014424-00014641 Now I am living here in Athens. Z-4d6oa222E-00023-00015125-00015822 My friend is here, helping me with the translation. Z-4d6oa222E-00024-00021338-00021965 The current situation in Afghanistan is shocking. Z-4d6oa222E-00025-00022172-00022979 In this past twenty years was a giant effort enforce of international forces and the Z-4d6oa222E-00026-00022999-00023613 people of Afghanistan, the republication system and significant share at presence of Z-4d6oa222E-00027-00023630-00023950 women in political and social power. Z-4d6oa222E-00028-00024024-00024958 With the signing of the Doha memorandum and the fifteenth august defeat of the nation, Z-4d6oa222E-00029-00024985-00025135 the country changes. Z-4d6oa222E-00030-00025201-00025949 And the beginning of the misery of the Afghan people was the removal of the women from the Z-4d6oa222E-00031-00025972-00026603 government, targeting festivals and protesters and targeted assassinations of Z-4d6oa222E-00032-00026626-00027637 ex-service men, unknown abductions of prominent members of society, doctors, Z-4d6oa222E-00033-00027654-00027971 journalists and members of the House of Representatives. Z-4d6oa222E-00034-00028011-00028748 All is the reality of losing the parliament game, this is no monitoring from the Taliban Z-4d6oa222E-00035-00028775-00029973 crimes. Thank you very much, this was brief, thank you, we will further elaborate on few Z-4d6oa222E-00036-00029993-00030814 things. Hannah you came to Athens to meet Nazifa and her colleagues, other Z-4d6oa222E-00037-00030854-00031811 representatives of the Afghan Parliament, all women, what made you come and what motivate Z-4d6oa222E-00038-00031831-00032262 you to look at their situations and the situation of Afghanistan. Z-4d6oa222E-00039-00032479-00032959 First of all thank you Neda and the Heinrich Böll Foundation for having organize this Z-4d6oa222E-00040-00032979-00033146 discussion and Nazifa for making Z-4d6oa222E-00041-00033166-00033426 the time basically to meet me Z-4d6oa222E-00042-00033443-00033616 again this time digitally. Z-4d6oa222E-00043-00033727-00034361 Well I think if someone who was working on Afghanistan and with people of Afghanistan Z-4d6oa222E-00044-00034377-00035048 for many - many years, we were maybe equally shocked to see the developments after the Z-4d6oa222E-00045-00035065-00035655 Doha Agreement, after the withdraw and the takeover of the Taliban of, well, many - many Z-4d6oa222E-00046-00035672-00035989 cities in Afghanistan and in the end to govern the government. Z-4d6oa222E-00047-00036196-00036703 We are also shocked to see of how the evacuation was going but especially how many Z-4d6oa222E-00048-00036720-00037247 people could not leave the country, that wanted to leave the country and it has to be Z-4d6oa222E-00049-00037263-00037887 said, how many people died, how many people are forcibly disappeared, how many women and Z-4d6oa222E-00050-00037911-00038652 girls are being kidnapped these days, so that is something that touched me deeply and it Z-4d6oa222E-00051-00038672-00039025 was emotionally challenging for me as well, because many of those women are friends of Z-4d6oa222E-00052-00039045-00039582 mine, are colleagues of mine in the sense of being members of the parliament as I am. Z-4d6oa222E-00053-00039813-00040440 And while we had to deal with the situation, it was clear that to organize evacuations, to Z-4d6oa222E-00054-00040457-00040987 organize humanitarian aid, to organize girls going to school we will have to talk with the Z-4d6oa222E-00055-00041004-00041558 Taliban, just as a matter of fact, not because we think that Taliban are legitimate, Z-4d6oa222E-00056-00041581-00042115 not because we think they will be good people governing the country, but just as a matter Z-4d6oa222E-00057-00042132-00042482 of fact, because they are at the moment in charge of state institutions Z-4d6oa222E-00058-00042502-00042615 so we need to deal with them. Z-4d6oa222E-00059-00042699-00043169 However I was never willing to accept that the Taliban are the only people who speak on Z-4d6oa222E-00060-00043186-00043827 behalf of Afghanistan, which is why me and a number of colleagues that may until today try Z-4d6oa222E-00061-00043847-00044858 to find ways to engage with the people of Afghanistan and members of the parliament in Z-4d6oa222E-00062-00044871-00045575 Afghanistan, elected members of parliament, if they are in exile from Afghanistan does Z-4d6oa222E-00063-00045588-00046132 not matter in the first place, people that I would like to listen to them, I would like to Z-4d6oa222E-00064-00046149-00046706 hear their opinions and that I would like to get their guidance on how to deal with Z-4d6oa222E-00065-00046723-00047093 Afghanistan, the people of Afghanistan, but also the Taliban in this very difficult Z-4d6oa222E-00066-00047110-00047717 situation. And then is when I found out that quite a big number of them, especially women, Z-4d6oa222E-00067-00047737-00048421 who are at the moment totally excluded from the politics of the Taliban, are in Greece. Z-4d6oa222E-00068-00048451-00049035 I said well I have to go there and meet them, because we all know that especially if they Z-4d6oa222E-00069-00049049-00049546 are difficult subjects discussions are always better if you are in the same room and that Z-4d6oa222E-00070-00049559-00049843 is what made me just jump on a plane and go to Athens. Z-4d6oa222E-00071-00050280-00051124 Thank you Hannah, so you already raise the question, I mean Nazifa you speaking to us Z-4d6oa222E-00072-00051151-00051798 here today as one representative, we are curious to hear about your network and about Z-4d6oa222E-00073-00051821-00052565 the already established connections you have as a group, but what would you say, what is Z-4d6oa222E-00074-00052592-00053042 the current way as European Union or U.N. Z-4d6oa222E-00075-00053073-00053313 members states, how to deal with Afghanistan. Z-4d6oa222E-00076-00053353-00054264 I mean considering the fact that they should be humanitarian aid for the people, so what Z-4d6oa222E-00077-00054280-00054481 is your position on that. Z-4d6oa222E-00078-00054524-00055108 And maybe you can also tell us a little bit more about the network you are creating. Z-4d6oa222E-00079-00056049-00056266 Nazifa you are on mute so we cannot hear you. Z-4d6oa222E-00080-00056673-00056780 Sorry. Z-4d6oa222E-00081-00073850-00074641 After the exile, immigration and deportation my first goal was to be the voice of the Z-4d6oa222E-00082-00074667-00075345 Afghan woman, especially the women trapped in my country- which makes up half of Z-4d6oa222E-00083-00075362-00076079 Afghanistan population , thirty five million - and to show the world that in Afghanistan Z-4d6oa222E-00084-00076156-00076486 the destiny of politics, science etc. Z-4d6oa222E-00085-00076529-00076710 is in danger. Z-4d6oa222E-00086-00076726-00077364 I was one of the first women parliamentarians abroad, to sit up with a network of woman Z-4d6oa222E-00087-00077394-00078004 parliamentarian in meeting with politicians from various countries, like the U.S. Z-4d6oa222E-00088-00078028-00078141 embassy, like Mrs. Z-4d6oa222E-00089-00078158-00079052 Hannah, we met and share her support for Afghan women in the future. Z-4d6oa222E-00090-00079102-00079716 The main goals that I want to achieve in the future through the network is to advocate for Z-4d6oa222E-00091-00079733-00080410 justice, the rule of women’s raises and their political participation without Z-4d6oa222E-00092-00080423-00081141 discriminations, attract and support international community to improve the living Z-4d6oa222E-00093-00081164-00081898 and the social conditions of the Afghan people by providing humanitarian services, Z-4d6oa222E-00094-00081998-00082579 effects to educate the young generation, especially girls, improving the current Z-4d6oa222E-00095-00082595-00083139 situation in Afghanistan by a comprehensive and inclusive government of the ethics and Z-4d6oa222E-00096-00083179-00083440 the religions of the minorities. Z-4d6oa222E-00097-00083523-00084164 Also creating various supporting groups from the network to the international level, to Z-4d6oa222E-00098-00084180-00084701 achieve the goals of the network, the beginning of the network is complete and Z-4d6oa222E-00099-00084728-00085058 enters more crucial stages (το σημείο αυτό δεν ακούγεται λόγω θορύβου και έχει αποδοθεί Z-4d6oa222E-00100-00085178-00085572 κατά την κρίση της γράφουσας). Z-4d6oa222E-00101-00085608-00086039 Thank you very much Nazifa, this is very powerful right? Z-4d6oa222E-00102-00086059-00086563 You are the voice of the Afghan women, I mean you are the elected representative, as Z-4d6oa222E-00103-00086579-00087217 Hannah said, of the Afghan people, so I think is completely understood that you keep doing Z-4d6oa222E-00104-00087237-00087741 what you are elected for basically, also abroad and also an exile. Z-4d6oa222E-00105-00087774-00088681 I am personally very, if I am allowed to say so, I was very moved and touched to be able Z-4d6oa222E-00106-00088698-00089252 to meet you, the whole group of yours, you mentioned you are about twenty five women Z-4d6oa222E-00107-00089275-00089579 currently and indeed it was an honor. Z-4d6oa222E-00108-00089793-00090600 Hannah I would like to look a little bit into the E.Us role when it comes to supporting Z-4d6oa222E-00109-00090647-00091267 these women and I mean what Nazifa was elaborating is that we have different Z-4d6oa222E-00110-00091294-00091998 challenges here, we have the situation of those who are still in the country, maybe we Z-4d6oa222E-00111-00092018-00092969 can say stuck in the country, because many of them are in concrete danger and there is a Z-4d6oa222E-00112-00092986-00093193 threat for many of them. Z-4d6oa222E-00113-00093343-00093993 And then is the overall situation of the crisis, I mean financially and from a Z-4d6oa222E-00114-00094007-00094177 humanitarian point of view. Z-4d6oa222E-00115-00094287-00094931 And then we have those who are either in transit countries, I mean for you Nazifa Z-4d6oa222E-00116-00094954-00095588 Greece currently is a transit country, you are moving onwards from here, so either in Z-4d6oa222E-00117-00095605-00096626 transit or in their final destination, what can we do for these different groups of Z-4d6oa222E-00118-00096659-00097330 Afghan people, again focusing also on women, focusing in civil society or journalists for Z-4d6oa222E-00119-00097353-00097954 instance, as Nazifa pointed out, I mean this very vulnerable, I mean powerful groups, but Z-4d6oa222E-00120-00097967-00098561 then again being discriminated and being vulnerable to a structure discrimination Z-4d6oa222E-00121-00098588-00098752 right now in Afghanistan. Z-4d6oa222E-00122-00099085-00099606 Thank you for the question Nada and I think it is important that we look at different Z-4d6oa222E-00123-00099619-00100300 group with different answers, so I would like to give four answers, if that’s fine. Z-4d6oa222E-00124-00100356-00100900 So the first answer would be from me for the people who are in Afghanistan and especially Z-4d6oa222E-00125-00100924-00101444 the women, the civil society organizations, the journalists, who are targeted by the Z-4d6oa222E-00126-00101461-00101718 Taliban because of the work they do. Z-4d6oa222E-00127-00101765-00102372 So I think here is important that those who want to leave Afghanistan and most of them Z-4d6oa222E-00128-00102392-00102806 want to leave Afghanistan because of the Taliban and they hope that they can go back Z-4d6oa222E-00129-00102832-00103259 one day and continue rebuilding their country, many of them actually lived in Z-4d6oa222E-00130-00103276-00104074 western countries and decided to go back to Afghanistan maybe 2012, 2013, 2014 to rebuild Z-4d6oa222E-00131-00104090-00104621 their country and now they are in a situation that they want to leave but they have to Z-4d6oa222E-00132-00104641-00105238 leave simply to survive and here we need to step up evacuation that is quite clear. Z-4d6oa222E-00133-00105271-00105902 I mean there are so many of these women or other groups who did not make it out of Z-4d6oa222E-00134-00105922-00106686 Afghanistan. Its good news that slowly evacuation either directly by plane or Z-4d6oa222E-00135-00106699-00107300 through the members’ states is speeding up again, but I think by far it’s not enough. Z-4d6oa222E-00136-00107333-00107881 So here we need to improve our own info structures in terms of how people can get Z-4d6oa222E-00137-00107894-00108448 visa, how people can get out of the country, how do we make sure that they end up in the Z-4d6oa222E-00138-00108461-00108738 country where they want to end up and not stuck in transit places. Z-4d6oa222E-00139-00108768-00109242 All of that is one homework for the European Union where I think some members states, for Z-4d6oa222E-00140-00109289-00109669 example Germany with the new government we are speeding up things. Z-4d6oa222E-00141-00109749-00110276 But is also important that for those who want to stay in Afghanistan and they are some who Z-4d6oa222E-00142-00110290-00110774 want to stay in Afghanistan to make it very clear to the Taliban that we are watching Z-4d6oa222E-00143-00110794-00111291 them and that any harm that maybe done to them will not go unnoticed. Z-4d6oa222E-00144-00111388-00112098 And as for those who are already forcibly disappeared, for those who are kidnapped, who Z-4d6oa222E-00145-00112115-00112572 are in prisons or where their fate is unclear we demand justice and that they will be Z-4d6oa222E-00146-00112585-00112776 released again and back with their families. Z-4d6oa222E-00147-00112872-00113343 So we cannot just focus in the migration for those in Afghanistan, but also we need to Z-4d6oa222E-00148-00113356-00113957 think about protection for those who want to stay or those who just cannot leave at the Z-4d6oa222E-00149-00113970-00114464 moment. Then there is the second answer, this is for the people who are in transit at the Z-4d6oa222E-00150-00114484-00115098 moment, so people like Nazifa, but these are not just members of parliament, there so many Z-4d6oa222E-00151-00115115-00115718 more who just went out with the first evacuation situation and it was a bit of a Z-4d6oa222E-00152-00115735-00115905 lottery where you end it up for them. Z-4d6oa222E-00153-00115929-00116322 So basically you were either put to Qatar or to Tadzhikistan and then you were put in Z-4d6oa222E-00154-00116336-00116870 planes and then you end it up in Greece, Canada, Germany, Portugal, what so ever, but Z-4d6oa222E-00155-00116893-00117293 you may have work relations to another country, you may have family members in Z-4d6oa222E-00156-00117307-00117777 another country and here is very important that we find pragmatic not bureaucratic Z-4d6oa222E-00157-00117794-00118445 solutions that these people will be able to go to the countries where they want to go and Z-4d6oa222E-00158-00118458-00118705 not the countries where they end it up by accident. Z-4d6oa222E-00159-00118872-00119549 And then the third answer for me will be the people in exile, so the people who made it to Z-4d6oa222E-00160-00119566-00120093 their final destination in exile it doesn’t mean that their problem stopped. Z-4d6oa222E-00161-00120216-00120703 So for example we are talking about the immediate family, many had to leave their Z-4d6oa222E-00162-00120730-00121027 parents, their brother or sister, their children, even the small children in Z-4d6oa222E-00163-00121054-00121681 Afghanistan because of the traumatic evacuation situation and here the whole Z-4d6oa222E-00164-00121701-00122435 family unification needs to be speed it up, here again is the bit the same than with the Z-4d6oa222E-00165-00122452-00122999 people in Afghanistan, so we need to find less bureaucratic solutions and just need to Z-4d6oa222E-00166-00123016-00123696 be much faster, because it is so difficult to find your place and define where you want to Z-4d6oa222E-00167-00123710-00124204 go in a new country or the time you just thinking about your family back in Z-4d6oa222E-00168-00124214-00124657 Afghanistan and whether survive or how your children are doing or how your parents are Z-4d6oa222E-00169-00124671-00125128 doing. We know this and I think that is why it’s time that we also solve this one. Z-4d6oa222E-00170-00125241-00125795 And then there is the forth question and that’s why Nazifa and the parliament in exile Z-4d6oa222E-00171-00125825-00126413 are working among of many others is how do we make sure that the kind of job that these Z-4d6oa222E-00172-00126423-00126903 people have done before, if they were journalists or members of parliament they can Z-4d6oa222E-00173-00126920-00127313 still play a bit of a role like this for the Afghan society even if there in exile. Z-4d6oa222E-00174-00127427-00128138 So at the moment the whole political discussion is somehow just organized around Z-4d6oa222E-00175-00128151-00128611 the Taliban and how we can get these voices out to the political discussion, how can we Z-4d6oa222E-00176-00128628-00129219 provide them with a platform, cause what I always say when it comes to women I think Z-4d6oa222E-00177-00129229-00130293 people do not think a lot about it when they say we need to give the women of Afghanistan Z-4d6oa222E-00178-00130313-00130757 voice and what I’m saying is that they have a voice they are so particular, they now what Z-4d6oa222E-00179-00130777-00131184 they want, they have the experience, they have the network, they have also the Z-4d6oa222E-00180-00131197-00131691 experience how to deal the Taliban, because they have not just come out of nowhere, Z-4d6oa222E-00181-00131708-00131851 Taliban they have been there for long time. Z-4d6oa222E-00182-00131888-00132332 So it’s more that we need to listen of these women and we need to give them a place at the Z-4d6oa222E-00183-00132348-00132722 decision making table and it’s the same with the journalists, we do not need to tell the Z-4d6oa222E-00184-00132746-00133106 stories about Afghanistan, they can tell them, but we need to give them the platform Z-4d6oa222E-00185-00133123-00133563 and the room and I think this will be one of the key challenges for as long as this kind Z-4d6oa222E-00186-00133583-00134344 of debate exchanges, political discussions are not possible in Afghanistan, we need to Z-4d6oa222E-00187-00134360-00134838 just create the space for this to happen, in exile, between exile and Afghanistan. Z-4d6oa222E-00188-00135455-00136076 Thank you very much Hannah, I think this is indeed one crucial aspect what this network Z-4d6oa222E-00189-00136099-00136219 of yours is about. Z-4d6oa222E-00190-00136339-00137060 Nazifa if you can also elaborate on your very specific expectations for this different Z-4d6oa222E-00191-00137080-00137881 groups and what indeed, I mean those who are watching us might also be interested in what Z-4d6oa222E-00192-00137897-00138521 can we done, I mean what can specifically, no matter from which member state in the E.U. Z-4d6oa222E-00193-00138538-00139195 we are looking at, if interested people are asking their government to step up efforts, Z-4d6oa222E-00194-00139302-00140013 what should it be, what should be the next step to really support the people of Z-4d6oa222E-00195-00140033-00140296 Afghanistan and the women in particular. Z-4d6oa222E-00196-00152078-00152482 As you know there is a lot of difficulties Afghan women passed in Z-4d6oa222E-00197-00152512-00153540 some months before and for the next period we need international community help that Z-4d6oa222E-00198-00153613-00154557 patronize and background group asserted but the Taliban, while the history of Afghanistan Z-4d6oa222E-00199-00154571-00155348 it has been proven that for example the Gurkhas and the subordinate after ruling Z-4d6oa222E-00200-00155378-00156082 regime and carry out near the stations at the will of ruling regimes, the Taliban there Z-4d6oa222E-00201-00156102-00156796 not be clear what are the rights of women and girls and the European Union and its members Z-4d6oa222E-00202-00156816-00157604 states must provide humanitarian assistant through non-governmental organizations until Z-4d6oa222E-00203-00157644-00158298 the Taliban establishes the rights of women to participate in politics, education and Z-4d6oa222E-00204-00158318-00159065 work and inclusive government with respect for the minorities. Z-4d6oa222E-00205-00160089-00160740 Thank you I think that is exactly what Hannah was saying, I mean what you meant right. Z-4d6oa222E-00206-00160857-00161488 Just looking at the time, we running out of time, but I wanted to briefly ask you, these Z-4d6oa222E-00207-00161524-00162145 days are the Afghan women days in European parliament so I am not sure they still on Z-4d6oa222E-00208-00162162-00162589 going, maybe we want to take the chance to briefly say what is all about. Z-4d6oa222E-00209-00162789-00163713 Well the Afghan women they just started about three hours ago and it is quite a Z-4d6oa222E-00210-00163730-00164294 fascinating story of how the parliament can sometimes push the agenda of the European Z-4d6oa222E-00211-00164307-00164944 parliament, so when there was the withdraw of the U.S. Z-4d6oa222E-00212-00164981-00165462 forces and we saw the dramatic situation unfolding in Afghanistan. Z-4d6oa222E-00213-00165565-00166042 It was very important to us to make it clear point that we are not going to turn our back Z-4d6oa222E-00214-00166069-00166616 and going to forget the people of Afghanistan, but especially the men and women Z-4d6oa222E-00215-00166663-00167123 that have fought for women rights, not just the last twenty years but I mean for a long Z-4d6oa222E-00216-00167180-00167430 time, although it is very difficult for them. Z-4d6oa222E-00217-00167464-00167904 So we decided for the Sakharov Prize, which is the big human rights prize of the European Z-4d6oa222E-00218-00167914-00168545 parliament, to nominate eleven Afghan women and not because they are just eleven women Z-4d6oa222E-00219-00168561-00169162 who vote for women rights in Afghanistan, but as a representative set of politicians, of Z-4d6oa222E-00220-00169239-00169936 artists, of entrepreneurs to showcase also to the world I mean how strong women are in Z-4d6oa222E-00221-00169949-00170433 Afghanistan, because sometimes there is still the stereotype about Afghan women behind the Z-4d6oa222E-00222-00170450-00170830 burka that is clearly not true for the majority of Afghan women. Z-4d6oa222E-00223-00170967-00171357 And they didn’t win, so they just came in second behind Alexei Navalny because of Z-4d6oa222E-00224-00171371-00171925 political considerations and votes and that is why we said well but we still want to Z-4d6oa222E-00225-00171941-00172485 receive them in the parliament and give them this big platform and the big representation Z-4d6oa222E-00226-00172509-00172846 and that’s what we having for two days starting from today. Z-4d6oa222E-00227-00172856-00173233 We extended a bit and the whole thing to include other especially politically active Z-4d6oa222E-00228-00173253-00173837 Afghan women in this program, so for example another women who is part of the parliament Z-4d6oa222E-00229-00173857-00174584 in exile in Greece upon my invitation is now in the program, as well as a number of other Z-4d6oa222E-00230-00174601-00174894 actual or former Afghan in peace. Z-4d6oa222E-00231-00174961-00175512 And right now with the talks happened for example in Norway with the Taliban it is a Z-4d6oa222E-00232-00175528-00176189 very clear statement that ok we need to talk with the Taliban just to manage things like Z-4d6oa222E-00233-00176206-00176733 humanitarian aid, but it does not mean that we see them as representatives of Z-4d6oa222E-00234-00176753-00177283 Afghanistan, the women that we are talking today and tomorrow in the parliament that we Z-4d6oa222E-00235-00177303-00177857 have invited, some of them were able to travel so they sit with us in the hemicycle Z-4d6oa222E-00236-00177901-00178605 which is the holly heart of the parliament and these are the ones we want to talk to. Z-4d6oa222E-00237-00178835-00178995 Thanks for the update Hannah. Z-4d6oa222E-00238-00179015-00179582 I think this is indeed a good example and I am sure we all continue doing this in a Z-4d6oa222E-00239-00179606-00180206 various form, I mean we as Heinrich Böll Foundation here in Thessaloniki we have our Z-4d6oa222E-00240-00180230-00180837 rigid program on migration and of course I mean today we talked about more things than Z-4d6oa222E-00241-00180854-00181561 migration for sure, but I think for our context here is also super relevant what you Z-4d6oa222E-00242-00181581-00181788 are doing, Nazifa and the whole group. Z-4d6oa222E-00243-00181841-00182479 Because I think is really important that people understand also the reasons for forced Z-4d6oa222E-00244-00182492-00183143 migration and why Afghan people are in Greece or any other country Z-4d6oa222E-00245-00183163-00183409 they might be forced to go to. Z-4d6oa222E-00246-00183429-00184170 I think this is also quite as far as the greek context it’s quite relevant because you Z-4d6oa222E-00247-00184180-00184761 managed to already bring up the issue of human rights, of the human rights violations Z-4d6oa222E-00248-00184828-00185308 with the seized power of Taliban in summer. Z-4d6oa222E-00249-00185355-00185999 I think there is a huge debate in Greece already and this is also crucial because we Z-4d6oa222E-00250-00186025-00186376 hear apart from the governments of the E.U. Z-4d6oa222E-00251-00186392-00186980 members states, I think is also really important that our societies understand the Z-4d6oa222E-00252-00186996-00187634 situation in Afghanistan and have a better understanding of why people are indeed forced Z-4d6oa222E-00253-00187654-00188188 to flee, even though with the boarder policies and I stop here. Z-4d6oa222E-00254-00188261-00188905 Not many indeed make it through Europe, but many more would have to leave their country Z-4d6oa222E-00255-00188948-00189302 and search for protection and I think that is really important that we all keep this in Z-4d6oa222E-00256-00189319-00189626 mind and I am really thankful for your work. Z-4d6oa222E-00257-00189762-00190410 Nazifa and Hannah as well I think you both demonstrating how to bring up this issue from Z-4d6oa222E-00258-00190433-00190980 different angles and we just very happy to have people here and that we were able to Z-4d6oa222E-00259-00190994-00191514 kind of bring you together on this occasion again and I am sure Z-4d6oa222E-00260-00191534-00191658 they’re going to be many follow ups. Z-4d6oa222E-00261-00191811-00192188 So thank you very much to both of you and all the best. Z-4d6oa222E-00262-00192212-00192612 Thank you so much Neda and thank you Nazifa for the work you do Z-4d6oa222E-00263-00192622-00192769 and just continue doing it. ZAsAqASIlH4-00001-00000570-00001495 I'm currently in the Pugaan sub-district, Tabalong district for ZAsAqASIlH4-00002-00001495-00002404 Covering the Graduation Ceremony of the TPA Al-Qur'an in Tabalong Regency, the security forces are seen here ZAsAqASIlH4-00003-00002404-00003579 securing the activities in front of the Pugaan District building, yes and we also witnessed the ZAsAqASIlH4-00004-00003579-00004324 visitors visitors and graduates are in front of the office building yard ZAsAqASIlH4-00005-00004324-00005104 Their sub-district was so crowded that they were so enthusiastic about participating in the event and this ZAsAqASIlH4-00006-00005104-00005818 I'm meeting with my best friends, old friends, they're come, they're dropping off their sons and daughters ZAsAqASIlH4-00007-00005818-00006859 to participate in the activities the mothers are happy in this activity ZAsAqASIlH4-00008-00006859-00007850 we are also so enthusiastic about taking photos to make ZAsAqASIlH4-00009-00007850-00008351 keep sake yes because this activity is just once in a lifetime ZAsAqASIlH4-00010-00008351-00008927 for their sons and daughters, they also seem to be friends who are relaxing there ZAsAqASIlH4-00011-00008927-00010055 relaxing a friend is also taking his son ZAsAqASIlH4-00012-00010055-00010865 those who have graduated, look at this work, when two bus groups arrive, two buses ZAsAqASIlH4-00013-00010865-00011293 before this activity ZAsAqASIlH4-00014-00011293-00012861 There are also toy sellers, fried food, so get a blessing from the activities here, let's see ZAsAqASIlH4-00015-00012861-00013734 the companions from the Koranic Kindergarten and TPA, the participants are also very happy, yes, this is a great moment ZAsAqASIlH4-00016-00013734-00014553 once in a lifetime for them, they have finished the Koran , that's great, Alhamdulillah, this time is ZAsAqASIlH4-00017-00014553-00015411 wujud dari kepedulian the kabupaten Tabalong untuk membentuk generasi yang Islami generasi Islami ZAsAqASIlH4-00018-00015411-00016542 mewujudkan tabalong yang agamis nampak disini para wisudawan-wisudawati begitu siap ZAsAqASIlH4-00019-00016542-00017451 Nampak penampilan Dai cilik Alhamdulillah Subhanallah mereka adalah calon ZAsAqASIlH4-00020-00017451-00018862 penerus semoga mereka menjadi anak yg berguna bagi agama keluarga masyarakat ZAsAqASIlH4-00021-00018862-00019687 nusa dan bangsa kita amin mereka mempunyai potensi yang sangat berbakat ZAsAqASIlH4-00022-00019687-00020365 sekali lagi kita lihat penampilan dai cilik juga ya hebat Subhanallah Parak Emak emak ZAsAqASIlH4-00023-00020365-00020941 gak ketinggalan para ibu-ibu pejabat juga turut serta hadir para pejabat ZAsAqASIlH4-00024-00020941-00021643 wakil bupati para nah para pemimpin dan tokoh masyarakat kita lihat di sini ZAsAqASIlH4-00025-00021643-00023224 kita saksikan penampilan tarian islami ZAsAqASIlH4-00026-00023378-00024170 they are very smart, we can see that the graduates have also started to be sworn in for graduation ZAsAqASIlH4-00027-00024170-00024830 and coincidentally here it has been done by the deputy regent who in this case is represented ZAsAqASIlH4-00028-00024830-00025550 by the TNI, it was represented because so many participants were included ZAsAqASIlH4-00029-00025550-00026597 In this graduation, there are around 500, today it looks like a slow scene ZAsAqASIlH4-00030-00026597-00027338 from the Assalam TPA in this sub-district ZAsAqASIlH4-00031-00027338-00028502 hopefully they become quite pious pious useful for the nation and religion ZAsAqASIlH4-00032-00028652-00029355 Oh yes, that was the series of activities and reports I ended up here ZAsAqASIlH4-00033-00029355-00030255 Wabillahi tauhid walhidaayah Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh success amen ZEXyESn0f1Q-00000-00000680-00000883 I'm Sergeant Miller, from Chicago, Illinois. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00001-00000883-00001090 I'm a martial arts instructor for the Marine Corps. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00002-00002247-00002501 I've been an MAI, it's gonna be two years this upcoming May. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00003-00002501-00002653 First, I wanted to instruct, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00004-00002653-00002815 probably going for my green and brown belt. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00005-00002815-00002986 I had a martial arts instructor, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00006-00002986-00003189 Staff Sergeant Padrill, and I loved his class. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00007-00003189-00003289 Just the way he taught. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00008-00003289-00003567 He was very fluent with grappling. Fluent with fighting. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00009-00003567-00003797 Very, just like, role model Marine. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00010-00003797-00004094 I get this question a lot. Why do I run a MCMAP class? ZEXyESn0f1Q-00011-00004094-00004225 It's not for me, it's for the Marines. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00012-00004225-00004362 I always put the Marines before myself. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00013-00004362-00004555 You know, I wake up in the morning, zero five, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00014-00004555-00004763 I don't care. You know, I barely sleep nowadays, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00015-00004763-00004941 but I just like to get up, even though my body, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00016-00004941-00005151 I be hurtin'. But you know, I just get up, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00017-00005245-00005361 put a smile on my face ZEXyESn0f1Q-00018-00005361-00005450 'cause I'm gonna make me happy. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00019-00005450-00005661 Those are my happy time. Just being happy, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00020-00005661-00005876 giving back. Some Marines never fought before. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00021-00005876-00006014 They've never been in a real life fight. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00022-00006014-00006171 So you know, this could save a Marine's life. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00023-00006171-00006338 You just never know. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00024-00006338-00006573 I love not just teaching someone how to fight, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00025-00006573-00006828 how to grapple or stand up, or even their proper technique. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00026-00006828-00007015 It's that leadership role, as well. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00027-00007015-00007168 That Warrior Ethos that I've learned ZEXyESn0f1Q-00028-00007168-00007268 becoming a martial arts instructor, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00029-00007268-00007445 I'm trying to instill in other Marines. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00030-00007445-00007597 For some of my Marines right now, you know, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00031-00007597-00007722 don't be like me, be better than me. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00032-00007722-00007908 A good leader wants you to be better than them ZEXyESn0f1Q-00033-00007908-00008162 in every aspect that you want. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00034-00008162-00008422 Probably my favorite part of instructing is, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00035-00008422-00008569 it's a lot, it's a lot. You know, ZEXyESn0f1Q-00036-00008569-00008697 from just fighting everybody ZEXyESn0f1Q-00037-00008697-00008985 to seeing someone earn their belt. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00038-00008985-00009287 Earning their belt is earning that, pride, having that sense of... ZEXyESn0f1Q-00039-00009287-00009450 That's something that nobody can take away from you. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00040-00009450-00009585 That's something like you earning your rank. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00041-00009585-00009767 That's something that nobody can take away from you. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00042-00009767-00010034 It's just a feeling that you know, you just can't explain. ZEXyESn0f1Q-00043-00010034-00010270 You just have this great feeling in your heart that ZEXyESn0f1Q-00044-00010270-00010500 they're showing the same passion that you are. ZGndtYVVqnM-00000-00000008-00000624 Sadhguru: This compulsory education is murder of all soft skills in this country. ZGndtYVVqnM-00001-00000624-00001211 Since the guy looks like an illiterate he can't read and write, but he's like magical with his geometry. ZGndtYVVqnM-00002-00001211-00001542 This is India's USP, we are still in the pole position. ZGndtYVVqnM-00003-00001542-00001992 But will we get our engine started or will we sit there only? ZGndtYVVqnM-00004-00001992-00002732 SUPER: Redefining Fashion & Beauty - Sabyasachi Mukherjee with Sadhguru ZGndtYVVqnM-00005-00002732-00002936 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: There we are. Sadhguru: (Laughs) ZGndtYVVqnM-00006-00002936-00003050 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Oh my God! ZGndtYVVqnM-00007-00003050-00003260 Sadhguru: I think with the lockdown ZGndtYVVqnM-00008-00003260-00003761 I think all the technologies are going to improve in the next few months (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00009-00003761-00003924 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: You know we didn’t have, ZGndtYVVqnM-00010-00003924-00004456 you know, we had the cyclone, we didn't have internet for over a one and a half weeks. ZGndtYVVqnM-00011-00004456-00004682 Sadhguru: Oh, now recently? Okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00012-00004682-00005102 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: The first two, three were like claustrophobic because that's like true “vipasana” ZGndtYVVqnM-00013-00005102-00005558 when you don't have a cell phone but then we got used to it pretty soon. ZGndtYVVqnM-00014-00005558-00005912 Anyway, since I've lost so much time with you and time is very precious. ZGndtYVVqnM-00015-00005912-00006156 And I'm sure that everybody is waiting to listen to what you have to say, ZGndtYVVqnM-00016-00006156-00006449 I’ll shoot off my first question. ZGndtYVVqnM-00017-00006450-00006788 It’s said that destruction gives to regeneration. ZGndtYVVqnM-00018-00006788-00007211 Do you believe that there will be a long-lasting change brought on by this crisis? ZGndtYVVqnM-00019-00007212-00007572 How will it impact people and society as a whole in the future? ZGndtYVVqnM-00020-00007572-00007915 Because everybody is so uncertain about what this… what future is going to be? ZGndtYVVqnM-00021-00007915-00008171 What do you think is the world going to change to? ZGndtYVVqnM-00022-00008171-00008738 Sadhguru: So about destruction being the basis of regeneration, ZGndtYVVqnM-00023-00008738-00009428 definitely, certain amount of destruction or disruption gives room for regeneration. ZGndtYVVqnM-00024-00009428-00009728 How actively it regenerates, ZGndtYVVqnM-00025-00009728-00010468 because we need to understand we are talking about an existential principle in terms of social context. ZGndtYVVqnM-00026-00010468-00011020 Existentially it's very true when something is destroyed, regeneration happens in full vigor. ZGndtYVVqnM-00027-00011020-00011330 But a social context is a very different thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00028-00011330-00011838 We as human beings will we really rejuvenate in a big way ZGndtYVVqnM-00029-00011838-00012348 or will we be going to a very safety kind of mode, self-defensive mode? ZGndtYVVqnM-00030-00012348-00013002 This is left to individual people and the leaders in the world, not just political leaders, ZGndtYVVqnM-00031-00013002-00013546 the economic leaders and the social leaders and everybody who is an influencer in the world, ZGndtYVVqnM-00032-00013546-00013784 how we respond to this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00033-00013784-00014684 So in my opinion, because still, there is no sign of post COVID yet, nobody knows. Okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00034-00014684-00015104 Everybody is expecting it. We were expecting it in May. ZGndtYVVqnM-00035-00015104-00015519 We, then we were expecting in June, now June is almost gone. ZGndtYVVqnM-00036-00015519-00015802 So we're still expecting. ZGndtYVVqnM-00037-00015802-00016226 The most basic thing that all of us need to understand is ZGndtYVVqnM-00038-00016226-00017048 not one scientific voice has clearly said this is the nature of this virus, this is what we could do with it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00039-00017048-00017425 Even if we don't have an immediate solution, these are the things we could do with it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00040-00017425-00017576 There is no such thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00041-00017576-00017814 Nobody has yet said anything. ZGndtYVVqnM-00042-00017814-00018252 I was talking to a group of prominent doctors in the world and they were saying, ZGndtYVVqnM-00043-00018252-00018984 every day on an average one hundred and twenty-eight scientific papers are being presented on this virus. ZGndtYVVqnM-00044-00018984-00019638 That means they're all gathering bits and pieces, that nobody has a clear picture exactly how. ZGndtYVVqnM-00045-00019638-00020218 So having said that, because there is no clear picture of the virus, what is post virus or ZGndtYVVqnM-00046-00020218-00020528 when is post virus is not clear to anybody. ZGndtYVVqnM-00047-00020528-00021010 So people are talking about learning to live with it, what is learning to live with it mean, ZGndtYVVqnM-00048-00021010-00021576 that both of us are talking and one of us will fall dead and we learn to live with it. Okay (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00049-00021576-00022056 So, learning to live with it, yes, we will learn to live with just about anything, ZGndtYVVqnM-00050-00022056-00022632 whatever terrible things happen to us after some time we learn to live with it, but that is human apathy. ZGndtYVVqnM-00051-00022632-00022836 That is not a human response. ZGndtYVVqnM-00052-00022837-00023100 So if we are talking about regeneration, ZGndtYVVqnM-00053-00023100-00023544 we must see existentially there's nothing really wrong in the world right now. ZGndtYVVqnM-00054-00023544-00023998 It is a human social situation, but we don't know how to handle this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00055-00023998-00024710 As you were talking about (Laughs), no, no cell phone means you go into vipasana mode. ZGndtYVVqnM-00056-00024710-00025323 If that was the real thing, if humanity was in that state, this would be very simple. ZGndtYVVqnM-00057-00025324-00025804 The government had to just say fifteen days all of you meditate, don't do anything else. ZGndtYVVqnM-00058-00025804-00026270 And virus will be gone, fourteen-day quarantine without any contact, it will be over. ZGndtYVVqnM-00059-00026270-00026704 But we are not in that kind of state, people are going about, they have to go for work, ZGndtYVVqnM-00060-00026704-00026895 somebody has to just go for a haircut ZGndtYVVqnM-00061-00026895-00027456 and somebody has to protest, somebody has to do something else, somebody is even starting a war -- ZGndtYVVqnM-00062-00027456-00027622 all these issues are there. ZGndtYVVqnM-00063-00027622-00027854 So we are not going to behave like that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00064-00027854-00028142 Because of that how long the virus will last we don't know. ZGndtYVVqnM-00065-00028142-00028664 But in my opinion, if it ends by September, let's say, ZGndtYVVqnM-00066-00028664-00029264 then, people will talk about it for three, four, six months and after that they will just go back to ZGndtYVVqnM-00067-00029264-00029512 their whatever their normal was. ZGndtYVVqnM-00068-00029512-00030152 Maybe economy will not allow them to go back to their full normal but in their attitudes they will go back. ZGndtYVVqnM-00069-00030152-00030788 But if it lasts for twelve to eighteen months or more, in case this situation lasts that way, ZGndtYVVqnM-00070-00030788-00031252 then definitely it will have a more lasting impact on this generation of people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00071-00031252-00031587 Economy, definitely it will have a big impact. ZGndtYVVqnM-00072-00031587-00032476 There are some aspects of our lives that all of us have been going at it as if there is no tomorrow. ZGndtYVVqnM-00073-00032476-00033038 So the virus has brought a certain amount of at least some contemplation of what are we doing, ZGndtYVVqnM-00074-00033038-00033258 because anyway, we all knew, ZGndtYVVqnM-00075-00033258-00033914 we all knew the way we are going in this world, our economic engine, which is driving this planet right now, ZGndtYVVqnM-00076-00033914-00034174 at the same rate, we go, there is no future. ZGndtYVVqnM-00077-00034174-00034518 There is no future generations if we go like this.We know this, ZGndtYVVqnM-00078-00034518-00035052 but we've been going because you are going, I am going; I am going, you're going; like this we've been going. ZGndtYVVqnM-00079-00035052-00035348 So the virus has brought a halt to it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00080-00035348-00035954 I think this must be if we are really conscious human beings, we should make use of this in a conscious way ZGndtYVVqnM-00081-00035954-00036624 and definitely craft a more, a better -- better is a very relative word, ZGndtYVVqnM-00082-00036624-00037136 I would say, a more conscious world, a more conscious planet as such. ZGndtYVVqnM-00083-00037136-00037416 It is possible to do that because at least now ZGndtYVVqnM-00084-00037416-00038032 people are, you know, kind of stuck in their home, so you can at least talk to them now. ZGndtYVVqnM-00085-00038032-00038212 Earlier, you couldn't talk to them. ZGndtYVVqnM-00086-00038212-00038647 Now you can at least talk to them and they're in a listening mode because things are disturbed ZGndtYVVqnM-00087-00038647-00038878 or dislocated in their lives. ZGndtYVVqnM-00088-00038878-00039448 So, if it lasts long enough, I think that rethinking will come but if it goes off by September, ZGndtYVVqnM-00089-00039448-00039856 I think people will just get back to their normal stuff very quickly. ZGndtYVVqnM-00090-00039856-00039964 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00091-00039964-00040394 You know since we are talking about the economy, my next question to you will be that ZGndtYVVqnM-00092-00040394-00040978 will the world move from capitalism to responsible capitalism or will it move to socialism? ZGndtYVVqnM-00093-00040978-00041378 It's a thought that we are all pondering over as we watch everything unfold around us. ZGndtYVVqnM-00094-00041378-00041848 Sustainability and rapid economic growth haven't historically gone hand-in-hand. ZGndtYVVqnM-00095-00041848-00042200 Reducing carbon footprint, addressing climate change, ZGndtYVVqnM-00096-00042200-00042720 which also will mean that we need to slow down our consumption and re-imagine our economies. ZGndtYVVqnM-00097-00042720-00043296 But one fears that this might also lead to huge job cuts and a big job crisis all over the world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00098-00043296-00043968 What can governments around the world do collectively and individually to balance this? ZGndtYVVqnM-00099-00043968-00044772 Sadhguru: Well (Laughs), that will need a whole paper. That question is a very… ZGndtYVVqnM-00100-00044772-00045262 Well essentially, let me talk about India. ZGndtYVVqnM-00101-00045262-00046012 In India, still sixty to sixty-two percent of the world's… country's population is in agriculture. ZGndtYVVqnM-00102-00046012-00046598 So that is a huge safety net because the monsoons are expected to be good this year. ZGndtYVVqnM-00103-00046598-00047146 If you focus on agricultural production, one important thing is nobody will die of starvation. ZGndtYVVqnM-00104-00047146-00047352 That's a basic concern for me. ZGndtYVVqnM-00105-00047352-00047554 As long as people are nourished, ZGndtYVVqnM-00106-00047554-00048176 maybe we will… people will buy less of your clothes, will buy less of everything, that doesn't matter, ZGndtYVVqnM-00107-00048176-00048624 but nobody is dying of starvation, everybody's well-nourished. ZGndtYVVqnM-00108-00048624-00049114 Well-nourished human beings with time on their hands can be very productive, ZGndtYVVqnM-00109-00049114-00049332 they can come up with something tremendous, ZGndtYVVqnM-00110-00049332-00049652 something absolutely new that we have not done till now. ZGndtYVVqnM-00111-00049652-00049948 So sixty percent is there that is a safety net. ZGndtYVVqnM-00112-00049948-00050470 And because sixty percent is involved in agriculture and now a whole lot of people from cities ZGndtYVVqnM-00113-00050470-00050936 have kind of reverse migrated back to villages, ZGndtYVVqnM-00114-00050936-00051655 both agriculture and textile could take off in a big way because forty-five million people in this country ZGndtYVVqnM-00115-00051655-00052008 are employed in textile industry. ZGndtYVVqnM-00116-00052008-00052370 And this was our real strength at one time. ZGndtYVVqnM-00117-00052370-00052790 We have so much population in agriculture mainly because ZGndtYVVqnM-00118-00052790-00053146 many of the weavers went back to agriculture for survival ZGndtYVVqnM-00119-00053146-00053422 after the East India Company came and destroyed… ZGndtYVVqnM-00120-00053422-00053838 systematically destroyed our industry, mainly textile industry. ZGndtYVVqnM-00121-00053838-00054126 At one time, we are closing the whole of Europe. ZGndtYVVqnM-00122-00054126-00054441 Most valued cloth came from this country, ZGndtYVVqnM-00123-00054441-00055010 we can again get the nation back there, because the values of sustainability are ZGndtYVVqnM-00124-00055010-00055558 slowly not only in the high society, it is slowly dripping down to middle class. ZGndtYVVqnM-00125-00055558-00056128 So, there that, that size of that sustainable market is gradually improving. ZGndtYVVqnM-00126-00056128-00056546 I think month on month it is kind of expanding. ZGndtYVVqnM-00127-00056546-00057202 So, because of that, we have an immense possibility in this country, agriculture and textiles ZGndtYVVqnM-00128-00057202-00057532 and of course, there are many other allied things which can be done, ZGndtYVVqnM-00129-00057540-00057967 but for the rest of the world those who are completely running on ZGndtYVVqnM-00130-00057967-00058574 you know, there are economies which are running only on purchasing power of the people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00131-00058574-00058988 So, there, there will be serious dislocations. ZGndtYVVqnM-00132-00058988-00059241 What they will do we have to see because, ZGndtYVVqnM-00133-00059241-00059724 always it's been about putting money in people's hands and they will buy something ZGndtYVVqnM-00134-00059724-00060255 and this rotation has been going on and all the time people are getting into deeper and deeper debts, ZGndtYVVqnM-00135-00060255-00060878 and they're buying more and more endlessly fueling this consumption -- those economies will be hit. ZGndtYVVqnM-00136-00060878-00061276 I think a large part of world economy has moved in that direction. ZGndtYVVqnM-00137-00061276-00061522 So that part will be hit. ZGndtYVVqnM-00138-00061522-00062044 In my opinion, if I could be completely wrong, I am not an economist or something. ZGndtYVVqnM-00139-00062044-00062524 I'm just gauging from people's moods and how they are and how things are happening. ZGndtYVVqnM-00140-00062524-00062976 Let's say twelve months if this virus situation continues, ZGndtYVVqnM-00141-00062976-00063722 I would say maybe we will have to live like how we lived here about twenty years ago, fifteen or twenty years ago. ZGndtYVVqnM-00142-00063722-00064229 When I say twenty years ago, in the last decade, people tell me because you're… ZGndtYVVqnM-00143-00064229-00064479 I mean, I'm not just aiming at the textiles ZGndtYVVqnM-00144-00064479-00064888 but because you're in that, you understand those volumes better than anything else. ZGndtYVVqnM-00145-00064888-00065452 They are saying we are buying five times more clothing than our grandparents ZGndtYVVqnM-00146-00065452-00065777 and in the next five years they are saying we are going to double that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00147-00065777-00066032 That means ten times we will have. ZGndtYVVqnM-00148-00066032-00066312 Well, only one pair we can wear at any time. ZGndtYVVqnM-00149-00066312-00066718 We like style, we like variety, alright, we can do all that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00150-00066718-00067278 But an endless amount of consumption of anything, textile is not the only thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00151-00067278-00067970 These days, people are buying phones every six months, whether it is working or not working, ZGndtYVVqnM-00152-00067970-00068236 well, you know, things which are in good functioning mode, ZGndtYVVqnM-00153-00068236-00068756 they are throwing it away and buying another thing and another thing, simply because it's become a statement. ZGndtYVVqnM-00154-00068756-00069260 This is the way they try to enhance their individual nature, which is a very basic way of living, ZGndtYVVqnM-00155-00069260-00069592 that human being has to enhance himself or herself, ZGndtYVVqnM-00156-00069592-00070074 only because of what they possess is a very, very unfortunate way to live. ZGndtYVVqnM-00157-00070074-00070554 So that dimension, probably most people will begin to realize ZGndtYVVqnM-00158-00070554-00070878 if we suddenly start living like how we were twenty years ago. ZGndtYVVqnM-00159-00070878-00071322 It was not bad twenty years ago, as far as I can remember (Laughs). Not bad at all. ZGndtYVVqnM-00160-00071322-00071758 Maybe we had much less than what we have today, but I think it's perfectly okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00161-00071758-00072208 So one thing that every nation should focus on is agricultural production, ZGndtYVVqnM-00162-00072208-00072576 because people should not starve, there must be food in every nation. ZGndtYVVqnM-00163-00072576-00072788 If this one thing is taken care of, ZGndtYVVqnM-00164-00072788-00073274 if we roll back a little bit with all the technologies that we have in the last twenty years, ZGndtYVVqnM-00165-00073274-00073568 the advancement of technology, communication, especially… ZGndtYVVqnM-00166-00073568-00074222 especially, see from Coimbatore to Kolkata, we are talking right now, with all this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00167-00074222-00074908 If our consumption reduces not because of our wisdom, simply because our pockets are shallow, ZGndtYVVqnM-00168-00074908-00075132 I don't think it's a very bad thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00169-00075132-00075476 My only concern is people should not go into starvation mode. ZGndtYVVqnM-00170-00075476-00075816 I think in this country we are well endowed in that direction. ZGndtYVVqnM-00171-00075816-00076126 Every other nation also should prepare for that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00172-00076126-00076230 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00173-00076230-00076480 It's very well said because I really think that ZGndtYVVqnM-00174-00076480-00076868 what the lockdown taught many of us was to appreciate the basics. ZGndtYVVqnM-00175-00076868-00077333 And I think, you know, there is a saying in Bengali that we sometimes ZGndtYVVqnM-00176-00077334-00077510 (Speaks in Bengali – not transcribed), ZGndtYVVqnM-00177-00077510-00077898 which means that we sometimes focus more on the periphery than on the core. ZGndtYVVqnM-00178-00077898-00078102 But I think for India the lesson is… ZGndtYVVqnM-00179-00078102-00078328 Sadhguru: Not sometimes, all the time, most people (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00180-00078328-00078882 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Yeah, __(Unclear) food first on the table, human lives first. ZGndtYVVqnM-00181-00078882-00079138 Fashion can come much later. ZGndtYVVqnM-00182-00079138-00079222 You know, Sadhguru but… ZGndtYVVqnM-00183-00079222-00079528 Sadhguru: You can do style with very little things (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00184-00079528-00079746 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Absolutely.. ZGndtYVVqnM-00185-00079746-00080280 See even, even a 1000 years ago, those who were stylish were stylish, isn't it? ZGndtYVVqnM-00186-00080280-00080388 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00187-00080388-00080856 Sadhguru: Even the caveman, just with his loin cloth also he did his own style. ZGndtYVVqnM-00188-00080856-00081058 So it’s okay (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00189-00081058-00081347 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: You know you were talking about nourishment. ZGndtYVVqnM-00190-00081347-00081592 And I want to ask you something about wellness. ZGndtYVVqnM-00191-00081592-00081728 They're both related. ZGndtYVVqnM-00192-00081728-00082208 Even before the pandemic, the topic of wellness had become very popular all over the world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00193-00082208-00082798 I view its rise in popularity as a direct response to the effects of excessive capitalism. ZGndtYVVqnM-00194-00082798-00083036 People feel overworked, tired. ZGndtYVVqnM-00195-00083036-00083342 I mean, I haven't slept well for the last ten years because I was… ZGndtYVVqnM-00196-00083342-00083560 I was constantly on a work treadmill. ZGndtYVVqnM-00197-00083560-00083823 And now people are looking for new ways to slow down. ZGndtYVVqnM-00198-00083823-00084372 They are understanding how beautiful life can be, and they want to all achieve a better quality of life. ZGndtYVVqnM-00199-00084372-00084710 Tell us a little more about the importance of wellness in the modern world ZGndtYVVqnM-00200-00084710-00085050 and what kind of role would India play in it? ZGndtYVVqnM-00201-00085050-00085702 Sadhguru: I would like to dealing these two things, slow life is well-being, I don't think so. ZGndtYVVqnM-00202-00085702-00086322 Even in a very fast lane, you can still be well, I'm always on a fast lane, but I'm very well. ZGndtYVVqnM-00203-00086322-00086858 So wellness and lazy life need not necessarily be connected. ZGndtYVVqnM-00204-00086858-00087594 You could be working very hard and still be very well because the question is only or ZGndtYVVqnM-00205-00087594-00088202 are you… is your life an expression of your joy? Or are you working in pursuit of your happiness? ZGndtYVVqnM-00206-00088202-00088364 That makes all the difference. ZGndtYVVqnM-00207-00088364-00088824 If you're… if your work and if your activity is an expression of your joyfulness, ZGndtYVVqnM-00208-00088824-00089348 then work is not going to deplete you, it only enhances you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00209-00089348-00089700 So I would like to first of all dealing those two things. ZGndtYVVqnM-00210-00089700-00090236 Well, for many of them, who are just started working for a living, many people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00211-00090236-00090472 They got a job mainly to make a living. ZGndtYVVqnM-00212-00090472-00091026 But then they got mad about their job and endlessly they went on, such people are suffering their jobs. ZGndtYVVqnM-00213-00091026-00091314 In United States of America, they tell me ZGndtYVVqnM-00214-00091314-00092164 seventy percent of the population, some surveys say not… not like their work, they hate their work. ZGndtYVVqnM-00215-00092164-00092728 So we… when we were looking at why are so many drug overdoses are happening in the weekends, ZGndtYVVqnM-00216-00092728-00093726 you know, one… one Saturday evening, in Ohio, in a small town near Dayton, I think, Dayton, Ohio, ZGndtYVVqnM-00217-00093726-00094240 twenty-three cars were found where people were lying overdosed, ZGndtYVVqnM-00218-00094240-00094782 that they won't wake up, they need hospital to wake up, that kind of people, not just drunk or drugged, ZGndtYVVqnM-00219-00094782-00095208 they are drugged to that point where they need a hospital to bring them back. ZGndtYVVqnM-00220-00095208-00095742 Twenty-three in the cars, they sit somewhere in the parking lots here, there and they go into the states. ZGndtYVVqnM-00221-00095742-00096340 So we were looking at why is it people, Saturday evening means they have to go crazy. Actually, it's Friday. ZGndtYVVqnM-00222-00096340-00096720 Thank God it's Friday, you know that whole concept (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00223-00096720-00097324 So when we were looking at it, we found that seventy percent of the Americans hate their work. ZGndtYVVqnM-00224-00097324-00097680 When five days of the week you do something that you hate, ZGndtYVVqnM-00225-00097680-00098042 oh my god, you would want to go away from this world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00226-00098042-00098588 So in a way a drug or excessive alcohol, all these are a way of going away from this world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00227-00098588-00099150 Weekend is not rest time; weekend is a way to obliterate yourself. ZGndtYVVqnM-00228-00099150-00099560 Because five days of the week you're doing something that you don't care for. ZGndtYVVqnM-00229-00099560-00100340 So this is a time for people to realize that how life… how precious this life is, because ZGndtYVVqnM-00230-00100340-00100956 as you sit here, as it is ticking off moment to moment, it's not a second or a minute that's going away. ZGndtYVVqnM-00231-00100956-00101164 It's your life that is ticking away. ZGndtYVVqnM-00232-00101164-00101636 When you realize this, and this is very important in this culture. ZGndtYVVqnM-00233-00101636-00102232 We always, from childhood, we always made people conscious that this is mortal life, ZGndtYVVqnM-00234-00102232-00102306 you are mortal. ZGndtYVVqnM-00235-00102306-00102548 That means you're on a limited lease of time. ZGndtYVVqnM-00236-00102548-00102956 If you understand this every moment at least making use of this lockdown, ZGndtYVVqnM-00237-00102956-00103403 if people understand we are mortal, we have very little time to live. ZGndtYVVqnM-00238-00103404-00103690 As we sit here, our life is just ticking away. ZGndtYVVqnM-00239-00103690-00104248 If we know this, I think naturally, people will do what matters most to them. ZGndtYVVqnM-00240-00104248-00104726 If every human being is doing what really, really matters to that human being, ZGndtYVVqnM-00241-00104726-00104896 I think we have a beautiful world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00242-00104896-00104996 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Absolutely. ZGndtYVVqnM-00243-00104996-00105435 I think it's also time for everybody to reprioritize because I see the same thing in, ZGndtYVVqnM-00244-00105435-00105875 in the business that I'm in, there are a lot of people are so unhappy doing what they want to do, and ZGndtYVVqnM-00245-00105875-00106196 I think they need to be aligned back to what they really want from their life. ZGndtYVVqnM-00246-00106196-00106559 Anyway, coming back to fashion and beauty. ZGndtYVVqnM-00247-00106559-00107146 The fashion and the beauty industry for the longest time have preyed on people's insecurities ZGndtYVVqnM-00248-00107146-00107356 to increase their bank balance. ZGndtYVVqnM-00249-00107356-00107706 We are constantly telling people to become better versions of themselves. ZGndtYVVqnM-00250-00107706-00108066 Sometimes so much so that we alienate people from who they really are. ZGndtYVVqnM-00251-00108066-00108650 We are constantly trying to make them look different from who they are, change their personalities. ZGndtYVVqnM-00252-00108650-00109185 I don't personally think it's a very sustainable business model. I've said this in many interviews. ZGndtYVVqnM-00253-00109185-00109570 I just want to ask you what are your thoughts on the fashion and the beauty industry? ZGndtYVVqnM-00254-00109570-00110132 And how do you think that fashion and beauty together can contribute to a much more sustainable ZGndtYVVqnM-00255-00110132-00110578 and a positive dialogue that's going to create wellness in society? ZGndtYVVqnM-00256-00110578-00111144 Sadhguru: By fashion you mean just clothes accessories and stuff, not cosmetic surgery, right? ZGndtYVVqnM-00257-00111144-00111434 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Everything sir, fashion and beauty… ZGndtYVVqnM-00258-00111434-00111656 Sadhguru: Including cosmetic surgery? ZGndtYVVqnM-00259-00111656-00112030 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Cosmetic surgery in, in many ways when you look at clothing, ZGndtYVVqnM-00260-00112030-00112509 I think that sometimes the fashion industry what we do is we are constantly trying people to ZGndtYVVqnM-00261-00112509-00112804 adapt to newer clothing that they are not comfortable with. ZGndtYVVqnM-00262-00112804-00113290 I might not say it's a, it's a cosmetic change, but it definitely is a change. ZGndtYVVqnM-00263-00113290-00113767 So I wanted to ask you, how is it that we can realign people to who they really are, ZGndtYVVqnM-00264-00113768-00114385 still create a business and create more wellness and less anxiety in the world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00265-00114385-00114524 Sadhguru: I was… ZGndtYVVqnM-00266-00114524-00115094 I was talking to a very senior lawyer in United States. ZGndtYVVqnM-00267-00115094-00115802 She's the vice president in the company and this company is the second largest law firm in United States. ZGndtYVVqnM-00268-00115802-00115996 It's a very senior position. ZGndtYVVqnM-00269-00115996-00116494 But she's only in her late forties. A brilliant lawyer. ZGndtYVVqnM-00270-00116494-00117044 But I was staying with them and I just saw how she has to get ready in the morning, ZGndtYVVqnM-00271-00117044-00117500 walk up and down take calls on high heels and tight clothes and struggling. ZGndtYVVqnM-00272-00117500-00117816 I said, “Isn’t it so hard to be a woman.” ZGndtYVVqnM-00273-00117816-00117872 Why is it… ZGndtYVVqnM-00274-00117872-00118303 Why have we made it so extremely hard to be a woman? ZGndtYVVqnM-00275-00118303-00118594 I have seen my mother, my aunts and my ZGndtYVVqnM-00276-00118594-00119218 you know, many other women around me who are very comfortable the way they are, dressed the way they are. ZGndtYVVqnM-00277-00119218-00119922 The way they make… make themselves up is very easy, but the way certain fashion ZGndtYVVqnM-00278-00119922-00120544 what to say concepts have made them is it's so extremely difficult to be a woman ZGndtYVVqnM-00279-00120544-00120890 constantly walking on stilts and you know, ZGndtYVVqnM-00280-00120890-00121572 all that problems, the tightness of the clothes, you can't sit, you can't stand, everything is difficult. ZGndtYVVqnM-00281-00121572-00122000 So in a way trying to fit people into male needs, ZGndtYVVqnM-00282-00122000-00122432 especially women, because fashion means largely it's been a woman's domain, ZGndtYVVqnM-00283-00122432-00123042 slowly men are coming into the picture, but still, I think it's a small number if I'm right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00284-00123042-00123940 So I think the entire fashion industry for a long time has been trying to fit a woman into a male requirement. ZGndtYVVqnM-00285-00123940-00124440 I think you should fit a woman into a woman's requirement of what she wants to be ZGndtYVVqnM-00286-00124440-00124742 rather than how a man wants her to look. ZGndtYVVqnM-00287-00124742-00125335 So I think if that change happens, a whole lot of things in the world will change. ZGndtYVVqnM-00288-00125335-00125806 And if a woman dresses the way it is comfortable and nice for her, ZGndtYVVqnM-00289-00125806-00126142 rather than how it is nice for a man to look at, ZGndtYVVqnM-00290-00126142-00126332 if that is done, ZGndtYVVqnM-00291-00126332-00126904 I think many things about how women will come out in the society, how they will function, ZGndtYVVqnM-00292-00126904-00127288 how they will succeed in various aspects of life, ZGndtYVVqnM-00293-00127288-00127790 all these things could change significantly, if only fashion is not… ZGndtYVVqnM-00294-00127790-00128198 women's fashion is not defined by male requirements. ZGndtYVVqnM-00295-00128198-00128733 Well, male’s… men's fashion, I don't think it is defined by women's requirement. ZGndtYVVqnM-00296-00128733-00128925 I think it's largely by the male requirements. ZGndtYVVqnM-00297-00128925-00129180 So I don't think there is any change needed there. ZGndtYVVqnM-00298-00129180-00130098 But above all, being comfortable with what you wear and just everybody as you know, like, ZGndtYVVqnM-00299-00130098-00130585 even a bird grows colored feathers to make itself attractive. ZGndtYVVqnM-00300-00130585-00131206 So it is the nature of lives on this planet to wanting to look better than what it is, ZGndtYVVqnM-00301-00131206-00131436 little enhancement of who they are. ZGndtYVVqnM-00302-00131436-00131704 It's perfectly fine. It's not… ZGndtYVVqnM-00303-00131704-00131938 It's not something for me to comment upon. ZGndtYVVqnM-00304-00131938-00132777 But going overboard in terms of killing all your comfort, your well-being, everything, ZGndtYVVqnM-00305-00132777-00133090 just to look in a particular way, I think this has to go. ZGndtYVVqnM-00306-00133090-00133647 I think you've done a lot in this direction to bring back you know, organic clothing where ZGndtYVVqnM-00307-00133647-00134292 naturally the comfort in this kind of tropical nation, organic clothing is so very comfortable. ZGndtYVVqnM-00308-00134292-00134666 Most people don't know what that is and hope right now this whatever ZGndtYVVqnM-00309-00134666-00135092 people are protesting against the Chinese polyester. ZGndtYVVqnM-00310-00135092-00135700 So with this I hope little more handlooms and organic cottons and silks in in this country will grow (Laughs) ZGndtYVVqnM-00311-00135700-00136090 because it looks like there's going to be a big movement in that direction. ZGndtYVVqnM-00312-00136090-00136956 So the comfort of being in a, in a, in a, in a cloth that's been produced with care ZGndtYVVqnM-00313-00136956-00137198 with a certain involvement more than anything. ZGndtYVVqnM-00314-00137198-00137396 Somebody who loves to do it, does it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00315-00137396-00137848 I am not saying the cloth will be dripping with his lover what? That's not the point. ZGndtYVVqnM-00316-00137848-00138648 The point is what human beings have contributed to must, must come to you and stay close to you, ZGndtYVVqnM-00317-00138648-00138972 not something that just falls out of a machine like that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00318-00138972-00139616 That mass production idea has gone into textiles, started with Manchester (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00319-00139616-00140194 And it's okay if you're producing steel nuggets, you can produce… mass produce, but clothing ZGndtYVVqnM-00320-00140194-00140752 which is so intimate to a human being must be hand produced as much as possible, if not completely. ZGndtYVVqnM-00321-00140752-00141020 Education must become designer. ZGndtYVVqnM-00322-00141020-00141672 You know, right now we have mass education like a extruder, it is dropping children out in one shape, ZGndtYVVqnM-00323-00141672-00142168 whatever happens to that individual, it doesn't matter. You got him into the shape that you want. ZGndtYVVqnM-00324-00142168-00142762 So fashion should not be in that context that you got somebody into the shape that you want. ZGndtYVVqnM-00325-00142762-00143354 No, it must be the way it'll enhance that person, at the same time enhance not just in appearance, ZGndtYVVqnM-00326-00143354-00143772 in comfort, in well-being in every sense it should enhance that person. ZGndtYVVqnM-00327-00143772-00143880 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00328-00143880-00144356 You know, in fashion we have a new movement that's coming up, which is called the female gaze. ZGndtYVVqnM-00329-00144356-00144894 You're so right, because fashion has been dominated by male designers for the longest time. ZGndtYVVqnM-00330-00144894-00145370 But right now spectacular pieces of women's wear is being created by women designers. ZGndtYVVqnM-00331-00145370-00146086 In fact, in my company, ninety percent of women, ninety percent of people who are holding top position ZGndtYVVqnM-00332-00146086-00146518 are women and I specifically choose women without being sexist. ZGndtYVVqnM-00333-00146518-00147056 It's just a strategy, because I think women understand women's clothing and their needs and their bodies more ZGndtYVVqnM-00334-00147056-00147569 and it helps us to understand women from a female gaze, which is so important. ZGndtYVVqnM-00335-00147569-00148107 It's happening in photography, it's happening in advertising, it's happening in fashion, and you're so right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00336-00148107-00148207 Thank you so much. ZGndtYVVqnM-00337-00148207-00148382 I have another question… ZGndtYVVqnM-00338-00148382-00148488 Sadhguru: That’s a good movement, that's a good movement. ZGndtYVVqnM-00339-00148488-00148650 That's a good direction to go (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00340-00148650-00148828 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Yeah. ZGndtYVVqnM-00341-00148828-00149600 There… you know, as a man, we can only assume what it is to be a woman. We can never be a woman. ZGndtYVVqnM-00342-00149600-00150276 So it's always important to take the direction from a woman. We are dressing up a woman. It's so Important. ZGndtYVVqnM-00343-00150276-00150826 There is a shift recently, there is a shift in fashion towards sustainability. ZGndtYVVqnM-00344-00150826-00151050 And I wanted to ask you about ZGndtYVVqnM-00345-00151050-00151438 your work with the Isha Foundation, you’ll have started something called fashion for peace, ZGndtYVVqnM-00346-00151438-00151744 which I was a small part of in New York. ZGndtYVVqnM-00347-00151744-00152322 I wanted to know more about what you're doing with sustainability, what you're doing with fashion for peace, ZGndtYVVqnM-00348-00152322-00152722 what is your intention and where you're taking this movement? ZGndtYVVqnM-00349-00152722-00153542 Sadhguru: We connected some of the New York Fashion Designers, American designers and some Indian ones, ZGndtYVVqnM-00350-00153542-00154324 I mean, Indian origin people with the local clusters of weavers and you know, cloth makers. ZGndtYVVqnM-00351-00154324-00154714 So that connection we are making and now we are trying to… ZGndtYVVqnM-00352-00154714-00155148 this is in the works, but it's taken longer than we thought it would. ZGndtYVVqnM-00353-00155148-00155460 We want to create some kind of a textile exchange ZGndtYVVqnM-00354-00155460-00156010 about handmade cloth and those in different parts of the world who are willing to use it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00355-00156010-00156260 This is not a business venture. ZGndtYVVqnM-00356-00156260-00156416 It's more like a social venture, ZGndtYVVqnM-00357-00156416-00156954 where this exchange will link people up and even stock up some things and, ZGndtYVVqnM-00358-00156954-00157310 you know, transportation and other things which they're not able to handle. ZGndtYVVqnM-00359-00157310-00157620 Even to dispatch a little bit of goods, they don't know what to do. ZGndtYVVqnM-00360-00157620-00158386 To create those kind of clusters as a more like a social activity rather than a commercial activity. ZGndtYVVqnM-00361-00158386-00158904 But I feel apart from us, somebody must take it up as a commercial activity, ZGndtYVVqnM-00362-00158904-00159170 then only it will become much larger. ZGndtYVVqnM-00363-00159170-00159728 We are doing it more as a setting up a model for people to do it in much bigger scale. ZGndtYVVqnM-00364-00159728-00160262 On the social level, we cannot scale up because there is no profit margin. ZGndtYVVqnM-00365-00160262-00160750 So scaling up becomes a difficult process for us. That's what we're right now at. ZGndtYVVqnM-00366-00160750-00161030 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. I want to ask you another question. ZGndtYVVqnM-00367-00161030-00161456 We have demonstrated great skills in IT, in telecom, ZGndtYVVqnM-00368-00161456-00162018 but I think India still has to tap the potentials of some of our greatest assets, our soft skills. ZGndtYVVqnM-00369-00162018-00162274 You know, our heritage, our craft traditions, ZGndtYVVqnM-00370-00162274-00162682 which are so unique to us and which have been sustained over generations and years, ZGndtYVVqnM-00371-00162682-00163346 what role can our government along with, along with influencers, along with businesses, ZGndtYVVqnM-00372-00163346-00163984 along with consumers do to be able to promote the soft skills of India, to promote the traditional culture of India, ZGndtYVVqnM-00373-00163984-00164530 and to create that into a cultural capital in the global market? ZGndtYVVqnM-00374-00164530-00165220 Sadhguru: Well, in many ways, I know I will become very unpopular by saying what I will say now, ZGndtYVVqnM-00375-00165220-00165944 but this compulsory education is murder of all soft skills in this country. ZGndtYVVqnM-00376-00165944-00166106 Because in this country, ZGndtYVVqnM-00377-00166106-00166682 we learn to do things with our hands in a way that you can't imagine possible, many wonderful things. ZGndtYVVqnM-00378-00166682-00167280 And these things won't happen that you can learn after eighteen years of age you have to learn much earlier, ZGndtYVVqnM-00379-00167280-00167786 you have to observe your parents doing it or you have to be there you know, to get that skill. ZGndtYVVqnM-00380-00167786-00168192 I will tell you, my family is… my relatives, many of them ZGndtYVVqnM-00381-00168192-00168724 are very much involved in silk weaving and silk printing in Bangalore, Mysore, that region. ZGndtYVVqnM-00382-00168724-00169314 And we have also been silk cultivators, you know, mulberry cultivators and all that in our families. ZGndtYVVqnM-00383-00169314-00169792 So at one point, because I was determined to not to qualify for anything in the university, ZGndtYVVqnM-00384-00169792-00170166 I was just doing literature and just having my time. ZGndtYVVqnM-00385-00170166-00170730 So my father thought I must get into some business because I'm not getting educated properly. ZGndtYVVqnM-00386-00170730-00171202 So he sent me, “Why don't you go and see the silk industry, that my uncle is one of the leading ZGndtYVVqnM-00387-00171202-00171422 business people at that time in Bangalore. ZGndtYVVqnM-00388-00171422-00171594 So why don't you go and see.” ZGndtYVVqnM-00389-00171594-00171805 I went there, I thought I’ll just see. ZGndtYVVqnM-00390-00171805-00172185 I was not thinking of getting into the industry. But I thought let me go and see. ZGndtYVVqnM-00391-00172185-00172850 I went there and this guy was sitting there and he's just weaving a silk sari. ZGndtYVVqnM-00392-00172850-00173340 And he doesn't have a diagram. Definitely no computer. ZGndtYVVqnM-00393-00173340-00174028 Nothing, like magic he’s just doing like this and like that one flower comes up on the sari, ZGndtYVVqnM-00394-00174028-00174376 and he's just going on doing like this, another flower comes up. ZGndtYVVqnM-00395-00174376-00174756 Nothing is ever not aligned properly -- perfect. ZGndtYVVqnM-00396-00174756-00175102 Like today you can get those designs in computers. ZGndtYVVqnM-00397-00175102-00175566 But in his mind, it's all fixed and the guy looks like an illiterate, he can't read and write. ZGndtYVVqnM-00398-00175566-00175860 But he's like magical with his geometry, ZGndtYVVqnM-00399-00175860-00176272 his geometry is one thing that always kind of mind boggled me, ZGndtYVVqnM-00400-00176272-00176572 the geometry of the existence itself the way it is, ZGndtYVVqnM-00401-00176572-00177138 this guy has this sense of geometry, no education, no nothing but so fantastic. ZGndtYVVqnM-00402-00177138-00177734 Almost miraculously, these flowers keep coming up without a single flaw in them. ZGndtYVVqnM-00403-00177734-00178230 So I just sat there looking at him for whole three days before he finished this sari, ZGndtYVVqnM-00404-00178230-00178510 and it was so incredible watching this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00405-00178510-00179120 So these kind of skills will not come by reading about it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00406-00179120-00179470 You just have to immerse yourself in it. There is no other way. ZGndtYVVqnM-00407-00179470-00180062 I think in our country, our idea of compulsory education needs to change. ZGndtYVVqnM-00408-00180062-00180440 Everybody just reading about physics, chemistry, mathematics, ZGndtYVVqnM-00409-00180440-00180936 fully knowing I'm not going to become a mathematician or a chemist or anything else, ZGndtYVVqnM-00410-00180936-00181384 simply picking up small bits and titbits of every science ZGndtYVVqnM-00411-00181384-00181838 and everybody who's read a high school textbook, unfortunately, think they're scientists, ZGndtYVVqnM-00412-00181838-00182186 you know, because, you see the commentary that's going on in the social media, ZGndtYVVqnM-00413-00182186-00182580 they all think they are scientists because they read a high school textbook. ZGndtYVVqnM-00414-00182580-00182722 It is completely wrong. ZGndtYVVqnM-00415-00182722-00183010 I feel we need to bring an education, ZGndtYVVqnM-00416-00183010-00183620 where if somebody wants to learn weaving or art or dying or whatever, you know, ZGndtYVVqnM-00417-00183620-00184224 various things, including agriculture, as a part of education from an early age, because these things, ZGndtYVVqnM-00418-00184224-00184524 if you don't instinctively pick it up at an early age, ZGndtYVVqnM-00419-00184524-00184918 suddenly you will do it at the age of twenty, it's not going to work like that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00420-00184918-00185676 So this so-called compulsory education, sending everybody to that a British kind of education system, ZGndtYVVqnM-00421-00185676-00186150 which was only designed to produce clerks for their, Her Majesty's service, ZGndtYVVqnM-00422-00186150-00186527 we are still doing the same education, destroying all these crafts. ZGndtYVVqnM-00423-00186528-00186944 Above all, the biggest concern is, we have made some small surveys. ZGndtYVVqnM-00424-00186944-00187400 And we found that not even two percent of the farmers are able, I mean, ZGndtYVVqnM-00425-00187400-00188154 are able to encourage their children to go into farming -- next generation. ZGndtYVVqnM-00426-00188154-00188724 So in another twenty years, we will have a serious situation where we don't know how to grow our food. ZGndtYVVqnM-00427-00188724-00189186 So already, we don't know how to weave our clothing; already, we don't know how to weave a basket. ZGndtYVVqnM-00428-00189186-00189372 Already, all these things have happened. ZGndtYVVqnM-00429-00189372-00189994 So if soft skills have to come, our idea of education has to go through a thorough change. ZGndtYVVqnM-00430-00189994-00190414 This everybody going, sitting there, learning A,B,C, 1,2,3, three languages, ZGndtYVVqnM-00431-00190414-00190717 and you don't know anything at the age of fifteen. ZGndtYVVqnM-00432-00190718-00191020 You're not capable of doing a thing at the age of eighteen. ZGndtYVVqnM-00433-00191020-00191516 That is not a good way to do things if you want to have soft skills, ZGndtYVVqnM-00434-00191516-00192010 but I feel in the future of this world because the world is so connected today. ZGndtYVVqnM-00435-00192010-00192604 If you really have something intricate and beautiful, the world is hungry for those things. ZGndtYVVqnM-00436-00192604-00192958 But we are not able to… we are looking at the past. ZGndtYVVqnM-00437-00192958-00193266 I'm talking about thousand years ago, ZGndtYVVqnM-00438-00193266-00193816 at that time, we were taking our goods all the way to Jerusalem, Damascus, you know, Greece ZGndtYVVqnM-00439-00193816-00193936 and all these places. ZGndtYVVqnM-00440-00193936-00194542 Today, it should be so easy to do that with the transportation and the online communications we have. ZGndtYVVqnM-00441-00194542-00194820 But in these times, we are destroying all that ZGndtYVVqnM-00442-00194820-00195514 and studying that kind of education that you know what the… what was done for an occupied nation. ZGndtYVVqnM-00443-00195514-00195922 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. In fact, I wanted to share something personal with you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00444-00195922-00196272 You know, when I was very young I dropped out of school for five years. ZGndtYVVqnM-00445-00196272-00196664 I had clinical depression because my parents wanted me to study medicine. ZGndtYVVqnM-00446-00196664-00196942 It took my father five years to convince me to go back… ZGndtYVVqnM-00447-00196942-00197434 Sadhguru: Oh, that is an Indian ailment, that’s an Indian ailment everybody wants to study medicine (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00448-00197434-00197534 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: I know. ZGndtYVVqnM-00449-00197534-00197948 And, I didn’t want to and my big… you know for me, ZGndtYVVqnM-00450-00197948-00198358 I thought that, I thought that education was like an arranged marriage ZGndtYVVqnM-00451-00198358-00198532 that you get married and then you find love, ZGndtYVVqnM-00452-00198532-00198866 I wanted to have a love marriage, I wanted to know what I was chasing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00453-00198866-00199078 It created a lot of havoc inside me. ZGndtYVVqnM-00454-00199078-00199524 But I was glad that I dropped out of school so that it gave me courage to do what I wanted to do. ZGndtYVVqnM-00455-00199524-00199741 So I completely understand what you're saying. ZGndtYVVqnM-00456-00199742-00199966 I have another question to ask you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00457-00199966-00200398 You know, the American dream, which was chased by a lot of people all over the world ZGndtYVVqnM-00458-00200398-00200560 is on the verge of collapse. ZGndtYVVqnM-00459-00200560-00201010 And a lot of people worldwide are getting disenchanted by it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00460-00201010-00201210 And there are corridors that there are… ZGndtYVVqnM-00461-00201210-00201634 there are conversations that are happening in power corridors, cultural corridors all over the world, ZGndtYVVqnM-00462-00201634-00202084 that a new dream needs to arise for people to get hope. ZGndtYVVqnM-00463-00202084-00202724 What do you think would India play a role in creating of that new dream? ZGndtYVVqnM-00464-00202724-00203212 And is that role going to be big enough for India? ZGndtYVVqnM-00465-00203212-00203500 Sadhguru: Oh, the role is very big. ZGndtYVVqnM-00466-00203500-00203968 The thing is, are we agile enough to get into that role? ZGndtYVVqnM-00467-00203968-00204450 Are we quick enough? Are we wise enough to get into that role? That's the only question. ZGndtYVVqnM-00468-00204450-00204806 Is the role big enough? The role is super big. ZGndtYVVqnM-00469-00204806-00205148 Well, about the American dream, ZGndtYVVqnM-00470-00205148-00205826 see these dreams were created when our understanding of the world was like this -- ZGndtYVVqnM-00471-00205826-00206400 we will rob the whole world to satisfy the hunger of a few people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00472-00206400-00206600 So this is called imperialism. ZGndtYVVqnM-00473-00206600-00206916 Imperialism essentially meant this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00474-00206916-00207062 You rob the entire world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00475-00207062-00207716 Right now these protests that are happening, they're pulling down Cecil Rhodes statue in Oxford, ZGndtYVVqnM-00476-00207716-00208234 because these are all heroes who robbed the entire world and fed their people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00477-00208234-00208896 So if I rob ten people and feed my family, my family in their ignorance may be very happy. ZGndtYVVqnM-00478-00208896-00209312 But that is not a dream for the world. That's a horrible dream. ZGndtYVVqnM-00479-00209312-00210040 But this horrible dream, grew up in those nations where there is imperialism that is over. ZGndtYVVqnM-00480-00210040-00210230 Now the whole world is aspiring. ZGndtYVVqnM-00481-00210230-00210550 Every human being on the planet is aspiring to do well. ZGndtYVVqnM-00482-00210550-00210864 Now definitely a sustainable dream has to come. ZGndtYVVqnM-00483-00210864-00211219 When we say sustainable dream, we think in terms of ecology. ZGndtYVVqnM-00484-00211219-00211394 Ecology is not the problem. ZGndtYVVqnM-00485-00211394-00211504 The problem is… ZGndtYVVqnM-00486-00211504-00211919 See, there's only one problem in the world -- human being. There is simply no other problem. ZGndtYVVqnM-00487-00211919-00212123 There is only one problem. ZGndtYVVqnM-00488-00212123-00212430 This one problem to handle, what should we do? ZGndtYVVqnM-00489-00212430-00212667 The only problem with the human being is, ZGndtYVVqnM-00490-00212667-00213246 right now they're in compulsive reaction with the external situations. ZGndtYVVqnM-00491-00213246-00213858 But the very fact that we call human a being, we don't call any other creature a being, ZGndtYVVqnM-00492-00213858-00214410 we call this one a being, because this is capable of conscious existence. ZGndtYVVqnM-00493-00214410-00214944 So moving from unconsciousness to consciousness is the most important thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00494-00214944-00215506 This entire movement what we are calling as Isha right now is clearly described like this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00495-00215506-00215830 This is from religion to responsibility. ZGndtYVVqnM-00496-00215830-00216132 Because responsible human being is needed. ZGndtYVVqnM-00497-00216132-00216302 Right now we have good people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00498-00216302-00216530 What is our idea of good people? ZGndtYVVqnM-00499-00216530-00217250 Well, if we kill you know, million people in another country and bring the country's wealth to our country, ZGndtYVVqnM-00500-00217250-00217467 we are good Indians, all right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00501-00217467-00218016 India fortunately never did that much but this is how our sense of goodness has been. ZGndtYVVqnM-00502-00218016-00218200 We may be good to somebody. ZGndtYVVqnM-00503-00218200-00218490 Racism also means just goodness actually, ZGndtYVVqnM-00504-00218490-00218804 because I know somebody will cut the sentence and get me into trouble. ZGndtYVVqnM-00505-00218804-00219198 But actually they're being very nice to their own people. ZGndtYVVqnM-00506-00219198-00219812 They're being very nice to their own people but enslaving everybody else for their well-being. ZGndtYVVqnM-00507-00219812-00220096 So good is not what we need. ZGndtYVVqnM-00508-00220096-00220621 We need sensible human beings, responsible human beings, joyful human beings because ZGndtYVVqnM-00509-00220621-00221217 why joy is important is, when you're joyful you will do only what is needed. ZGndtYVVqnM-00510-00221217-00221580 You… because you're not in pursuit of happiness. ZGndtYVVqnM-00511-00221580-00222308 Everything, all the destruction, the so called unsustainable activities that we have done on this planet ZGndtYVVqnM-00512-00222308-00222667 is essentially in pursuit of human well-being and happiness ZGndtYVVqnM-00513-00222667-00223259 and with all these thousand years of exploitation, we are not any happier than what people were. ZGndtYVVqnM-00514-00223259-00223552 So, just for human beings to understand ZGndtYVVqnM-00515-00223552-00224017 human experience is crafted from within us, not from outside of us -- ZGndtYVVqnM-00516-00224017-00224402 if this one thing gets across, this is India's USP, ZGndtYVVqnM-00517-00224402-00224571 if we get this across, ZGndtYVVqnM-00518-00224571-00225278 then naturally we can fill that space and there are any amount of cultural strengths within us which ZGndtYVVqnM-00519-00225278-00225564 if we wait for another generation may go away, ZGndtYVVqnM-00520-00225564-00225846 you know, we may… already we’re depleting very rapidly, ZGndtYVVqnM-00521-00225846-00226352 one more fifty years means it may be gone, we have to take that position now. ZGndtYVVqnM-00522-00226352-00226906 We are still in the pole position in spite of all the neglect, we are still in the pole position. ZGndtYVVqnM-00523-00226906-00227294 But will we get our engine started or will we sit there only, ZGndtYVVqnM-00524-00227294-00227923 because I have seen Formula One races were in the pole position the car didn't start, what do you do with that? ZGndtYVVqnM-00525-00227923-00228686 So, this is a time where India has to be agile and get into that role, because we can contribute immensely, ZGndtYVVqnM-00526-00228686-00229167 because this is the only nation which is not formed on the basis of sameness ZGndtYVVqnM-00527-00229167-00229982 of race, religion, language, ethnicity, we'd never look… thought of life in terms of sameness. ZGndtYVVqnM-00528-00229982-00230184 That all of us who worship the same God, ZGndtYVVqnM-00529-00230184-00230667 all of us should wear the same stuff, all of us should speak the same language -- it never occurred to us. ZGndtYVVqnM-00530-00230667-00230912 Every few kilometers, you drive ZGndtYVVqnM-00531-00230912-00231317 people think different, feel different, look different eat different, everything different. ZGndtYVVqnM-00532-00231317-00231790 So this is a culture which has the ability to take that position. ZGndtYVVqnM-00533-00231790-00232144 Will we take it or not depends on many things (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00534-00232144-00232508 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: I seriously hope that everybody who's listening to this chat, ZGndtYVVqnM-00535-00232508-00232888 sincerely understand that this is India's time, I personally believe it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00536-00232888-00233216 Because I think great things come out of crisises ZGndtYVVqnM-00537-00233216-00233626 and this is, you know, the world is going to look at everything differently. ZGndtYVVqnM-00538-00233626-00233934 Everybody all over the world is going to reprioritize their lives ZGndtYVVqnM-00539-00233934-00234460 and I think this is India's moment and we just need to be agile enough to hold it. ZGndtYVVqnM-00540-00234460-00234800 I wanted to ask you one more question and this is very topical, you know, ZGndtYVVqnM-00541-00234800-00235492 governments and businesses are facing the heat from citizens and consumers worldwide, ZGndtYVVqnM-00542-00235492-00235804 because people are calling out everybody for intolerance, ZGndtYVVqnM-00543-00235804-00236306 for non-inclusivity, these are topics that are becoming almost impossible to ignore. ZGndtYVVqnM-00544-00236306-00236694 What are your comments on this? ZGndtYVVqnM-00545-00236694-00237219 Sadhguru: See, they must be definitely called out but it should not become an extreme movement. ZGndtYVVqnM-00546-00237219-00237530 See, you cannot fix history, all right? ZGndtYVVqnM-00547-00237530-00237764 You cannot correct history. ZGndtYVVqnM-00548-00237764-00238316 Now going on harping on that we will become hateful and resentful. That should not happen. ZGndtYVVqnM-00549-00238316-00239271 At the same time we don't have to, you know (Laughs), in India, we still have an Aurangzeb street. ZGndtYVVqnM-00550-00239271-00239580 This is just like having an Adolf Hitler… ZGndtYVVqnM-00551-00239580-00239873 Adolf Hitler street in Israel all right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00552-00239873-00240084 This is not because of somebody’s religion. ZGndtYVVqnM-00553-00240084-00240767 Because of that person what he did, all right, his attitude towards the population and what he did. ZGndtYVVqnM-00554-00240767-00241306 It is estimated he could have killed up to four million people in his lifetime, that's what they are saying. ZGndtYVVqnM-00555-00241306-00241878 So when there is such a record, you don't hold him as a ideal, you don't name things after him, ZGndtYVVqnM-00556-00241878-00242088 you don't make… put him up like a hero. ZGndtYVVqnM-00557-00242088-00242288 Because somebody will take that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00558-00242288-00243052 See even now after the disaster of Nazi whatever happened in the forties and thirties and forties, ZGndtYVVqnM-00559-00243052-00243473 even today, certain people identify with that neo Nazi movement, ZGndtYVVqnM-00560-00243473-00243754 whatever, they still hold that as an ideal, alright, ZGndtYVVqnM-00561-00243754-00244519 the symbols are still held, because human mind functions and kind of rides on symbols. ZGndtYVVqnM-00562-00244519-00245156 It's very important symbols, which brought enormous suffering to humanity for whatever reason, ZGndtYVVqnM-00563-00245156-00245804 whether it's race, religion, caste, creed, whatever, that people intentionally cause suffering. ZGndtYVVqnM-00564-00245804-00246144 Unintentionally, we are causing suffering that's a different matter. ZGndtYVVqnM-00565-00246144-00246390 Intentionally somebody cause suffering, ZGndtYVVqnM-00566-00246390-00246628 such symbols must be removed, ZGndtYVVqnM-00567-00246628-00247258 and future generations should not grow on those symbols. It's very, very important. ZGndtYVVqnM-00568-00247258-00247417 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you Sadhguru. ZGndtYVVqnM-00569-00247417-00247860 Before we let you go, I have one quick question to ask you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00570-00247860-00248282 You know, the Indian Ayurveda has been so important for our wellness, ZGndtYVVqnM-00571-00248282-00248906 and everybody… anybody that you ask everybody is saying that do your best to keep yourself fit and agile, ZGndtYVVqnM-00572-00248906-00249121 improve your immunity. ZGndtYVVqnM-00573-00249121-00249664 What would you suggest is a good lockdown diet and what are things that people can incorporate ZGndtYVVqnM-00574-00249664-00250116 which are basic things in their home to increase the immunity system? ZGndtYVVqnM-00575-00250116-00250540 Sadhguru: Right now (Laughs), Sabya, you know, the… ZGndtYVVqnM-00576-00250540-00251214 there is a group of doctors from Rutgers University, Indiana, Harvard, Florida University, ZGndtYVVqnM-00577-00251214-00251630 from various other universities come together and they studied. ZGndtYVVqnM-00578-00251630-00251867 They made an elaborate study. ZGndtYVVqnM-00579-00251867-00252442 This is one of the largest studies ever that's happened, of what happens with Inner Engineering practices. ZGndtYVVqnM-00580-00252442-00252678 One aspect I'm speaking, not the others. ZGndtYVVqnM-00581-00252678-00252816 One aspect is, ZGndtYVVqnM-00582-00252816-00253623 it triggers and activates 230 genes in your body, which are directly concerned with your immune system. ZGndtYVVqnM-00583-00253623-00254126 So they're practically, we know this very well but today we have data for this. ZGndtYVVqnM-00584-00254126-00254756 So one important thing is everybody should bring in a simple internal practice like a kriya, some… ZGndtYVVqnM-00585-00254756-00255054 something we are offering this online free of cost for everybody. ZGndtYVVqnM-00586-00255054-00255462 There's something called as Simha Kriya, in six weeks’ time, if you measure… ZGndtYVVqnM-00587-00255462-00255700 if you have some kind of parameters to measure, ZGndtYVVqnM-00588-00255700-00256016 you will distinctly see your immune system is much, ZGndtYVVqnM-00589-00256016-00256392 you know, much more elevated and acting on a much better level. ZGndtYVVqnM-00590-00256392-00257121 So apart from that in Indian diet, I think you're a Bengali, you're too much on mustard, huh? ZGndtYVVqnM-00591-00257121-00257333 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Yes, we do. A lot of mustard. ZGndtYVVqnM-00592-00257333-00257732 Sadhguru: (Laughs) Mustard is also good. Turmeric is very good. ZGndtYVVqnM-00593-00257732-00258260 If you eat, this is the time of mangoes already they have ripened but raw mangoes, amla ZGndtYVVqnM-00594-00258260-00258586 there are many other things we can make a list and throw it out to people, ZGndtYVVqnM-00595-00258586-00258788 already we are doing it in some level. ZGndtYVVqnM-00596-00258788-00259184 There are many traditional things that we have naturally been consuming, ZGndtYVVqnM-00597-00259184-00259571 which makes an Indian system little different. ZGndtYVVqnM-00598-00259571-00260164 Maybe that is one of the reasons the recovery rate in this country is the best right now in the world. ZGndtYVVqnM-00599-00260164-00260688 Like more than fifty-two percent of the people who are going positive are recovering from that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00600-00260688-00261128 Mainly I think it is because of the natural diet consumption that's happening. ZGndtYVVqnM-00601-00261128-00261432 But being little more cautious, not eating oily stuff, ZGndtYVVqnM-00602-00261432-00261890 but eating more you know steamed kind of stuff is much better. ZGndtYVVqnM-00603-00261890-00262138 But I can't tell people what to eat. ZGndtYVVqnM-00604-00262138-00262636 They're at home out of their frustration that they must be eating pav bhaji and what, what is it that? ZGndtYVVqnM-00605-00262636-00262838 What is that? ZGndtYVVqnM-00606-00262838-00263172 Vada something in Mumbai and what is that? ZGndtYVVqnM-00607-00263172-00263283 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Vadapav. ZGndtYVVqnM-00608-00263283-00263508 Sadhguru: Vadapav (Laughs) okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00609-00263508-00263699 So you can't stop them from that. ZGndtYVVqnM-00610-00263699-00263896 They will fry chilies and eat it's okay ZGndtYVVqnM-00611-00263896-00264508 but if they keep a simple practice, which takes twelve, twelve -- fifteen minutes a day, ZGndtYVVqnM-00612-00264508-00264910 a couple of times a day if they do it, their immune system will be much better. ZGndtYVVqnM-00613-00264910-00265600 Right now, the most important responsibility for every human being is that you don't get infected. ZGndtYVVqnM-00614-00265600-00265754 That’s the most important thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00615-00265754-00266320 And if you do get infected, you must ensure, from you it does not go to one more person, ZGndtYVVqnM-00616-00266320-00266582 for whatever reason, it doesn't matter. ZGndtYVVqnM-00617-00266582-00266968 People think out of love they can spread infection and it's okay. ZGndtYVVqnM-00618-00266968-00267484 Whether it's love or hate, both ways it's not okay because the end result is same (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00619-00267484-00267892 And during this season, however long this lasts, ZGndtYVVqnM-00620-00267892-00268118 you and me and everybody else, ZGndtYVVqnM-00621-00268118-00268674 everybody else who is a sensible human being must take a commitment that we will stay alive. ZGndtYVVqnM-00622-00268674-00269260 This is not a joke. This is not a joke. This is not a news channel. This is for real. ZGndtYVVqnM-00623-00269260-00269654 Little irresponsibly if you behave you could be dead, all right. ZGndtYVVqnM-00624-00269654-00269952 So it's very important in this entire period, ZGndtYVVqnM-00625-00269952-00270278 everybody should take this commitment, no matter what I will stay alive, ZGndtYVVqnM-00626-00270278-00270504 because that is the most important thing. ZGndtYVVqnM-00627-00270504-00271010 Because you staying alive, you're also keeping the country and the world alive in many ways. ZGndtYVVqnM-00628-00271010-00271224 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. Thank you. It was a pleasure… ZGndtYVVqnM-00629-00271224-00271400 Sadhguru: Namaskaram. Thank you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00630-00271400-00271856 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. Thank you, everybody for watching us. I'm really sorry about the glitch. ZGndtYVVqnM-00631-00271856-00272594 That was Sadhguru for you and Sabyasachi on the Elle Instagram handle, good evening, and take care. ZGndtYVVqnM-00632-00272594-00273240 Sadhguru: Namaskaram, I don’t know why I'm on the fashion channel (Laughs). ZGndtYVVqnM-00633-00273240-00273368 Sabyasachi Mukherjee: Thank you. ZGndtYVVqnM-00634-00273368-00273548 Sadhguru: Thank you. ZJei_0IJXLo-00000-00000012-00000726 I'm out here in Colorado let's see what they got at Shoe Palace all rare forces salad Silver Bullet ZJei_0IJXLo-00001-00000726-00001284 should see him bro that's crazy this is a classic oh they get the prestos let's go oh they got some ZJei_0IJXLo-00002-00001284-00002016 Classics over here or what the old school okay you know we're in the area Denver Broncos I get ZJei_0IJXLo-00003-00002016-00002460 it where's all my Broncos fans at okay they got the new balances over here those is clean ZJei_0IJXLo-00004-00002514-00002958 three bucks can't go wrong with that all right let's see what Retros they got on Deck we got some ZJei_0IJXLo-00005-00002958-00003588 sevens got some more sevens the Concorde bread oh wait nevermind where are my Dev zero fans at ZMT8tYuHGY8-00000-00000392-00001039 It would start sometimes on a Thursday night with parties and pre-parties and late parties, ZMT8tYuHGY8-00001-00001039-00001234 and they would be very loud. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00002-00001234-00001779 Some would have music in the backyard, some would have bands. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00003-00001779-00002241 They would grow in number until you would have up to 150 maybe 200 students walking ZMT8tYuHGY8-00004-00002241-00002427 down your block. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00005-00002427-00003174 I think what we primarily had was an issue of student misbehavior and that was parties, ZMT8tYuHGY8-00006-00003174-00003511 noise, traffic and trash. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00007-00003511-00004221 They all entail furniture, portapotties and solo cups, those are the main ingredients ZMT8tYuHGY8-00008-00004221-00004473 for the parties around TCU area. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00009-00004473-00005032 There was a lot of beer and alcohol things and a couple of times things came over my ZMT8tYuHGY8-00010-00005032-00005139 fence, my back fence. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00011-00005139-00005786 You feel so victimized by that, which sounds silly, but it’s so disrespectful. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00012-00005786-00006246 Neighborhoods surrounding the TCU campus are generally quiet and peaceful. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00013-00006246-00006479 Beautiful homes on tree-lined streets. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00014-00006479-00007089 But when school is back in session, the atmosphere changes, especially where college students ZMT8tYuHGY8-00015-00007089-00007403 are living on their own for the first time. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00016-00007403-00007565 Loud parties, loud music. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00017-00007565-00007770 But the biggest thing is just frustration. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00018-00007770-00008227 I mean all the neighbors talked, and we didn’t have a solution, and we didn’t know what ZMT8tYuHGY8-00019-00008227-00008497 to do and we had wrong information, there was no communication. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00020-00008497-00008677 We didn’t have a voice. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00021-00008677-00009168 And so what developed at the time was a hostile environment between the neighbors and the students. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00022-00009208-00009538 The student felt like they weren’t wanted in the neighborhood and the neighbors were ZMT8tYuHGY8-00023-00009538-00010100 just livid, calling TCU, calling the mayor, and nobody felt there were any resolutions ZMT8tYuHGY8-00024-00010104-00010290 back in those days. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00025-00010318-00010672 Neighborhood leaders reached out to the City of Fort Worth for help. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00026-00010672-00011106 The Community Engagement Office arranged a series of meetings, and the ZMT8tYuHGY8-00027-00011106-00011298 TCU Neighbor to Neighbor program was born. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00028-00011298-00011912 The top people from the city manager’s office, the top people from TCU, so neighborhood police ZMT8tYuHGY8-00029-00011912-00012272 officers, the head of security at TCU. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00030-00012272-00012375 It’s amazing. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00031-00012375-00012672 Code Compliance, very interested neighbors. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00032-00012672-00013095 Our monthly meetings and now quarterly meetings, we get to talk about the issues we’re seeing. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00033-00013095-00013472 We can come together to say, okay, are we all seeing hearing the same thing. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00034-00013472-00013572 How do we work together? ZMT8tYuHGY8-00035-00013572-00014202 This meeting has allowed us as neighborhood leaders to get to know the compliance people, ZMT8tYuHGY8-00036-00014202-00014647 get to know our NPO and get to know the people at TCU. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00037-00014647-00015262 By working with them we have been able to mitigate a lot of issues. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00038-00015262-00015818 Communication and relationship building were the key to finding realistic solutions—steps ZMT8tYuHGY8-00039-00015818-00016181 all stakeholders could take to improve neighborhood relations. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00040-00016181-00016690 I think it’s more widely known that neighbors can call our office and that we’ll respond ZMT8tYuHGY8-00041-00016690-00016790 to people. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00042-00016790-00017238 The police are clearer with students when they’re going to talk with them about issues. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00043-00017238-00017784 I am hands on with the TCU police as well as they share information with me and I share ZMT8tYuHGY8-00044-00017784-00017915 information with them. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00045-00017915-00018637 So if we have repeat problems from neighborhood parties and kids are unruly, if we go to TCU, ZMT8tYuHGY8-00046-00018637-00019246 they are taking an administration action against them, which has substantially decreased some ZMT8tYuHGY8-00047-00019246-00019346 of our parties. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00048-00019346-00019804 I get to know people on a personal level, face to face, they know how to contact me ZMT8tYuHGY8-00049-00019804-00020112 and we have a great working relationship. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00050-00020112-00020344 Some kids have never lived on their own before. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00051-00020344-00020862 They really don’t know how to take in the trash or trash carts or know how be a good ZMT8tYuHGY8-00052-00020862-00020996 neighbor. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00053-00021014-00021220 So education became a top priority. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00054-00021221-00021705 The City of Fort Worth worked with TCU to create a Neighbor to Neighbor webpage and ZMT8tYuHGY8-00055-00021705-00022065 brochure, specifically aimed at students living off campus. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00056-00022065-00022662 It details parking, noise, trash and recycling rules…in TCU purple. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00057-00022662-00022891 The city has a wealth of resources. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00058-00022892-00023404 And what we needed to do was find better ways to put those resources in the hands of students. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00059-00023404-00023949 And our brochure that we’ve developed, website improvement, just knowing how to get students ZMT8tYuHGY8-00060-00023949-00024231 to the information has been a very big help. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00061-00024231-00024795 So we have the TCU Neighbor to Neighbor pamphlets that I definitely initiate and give to the ZMT8tYuHGY8-00062-00024795-00025191 students when I come in contact with them, so they know when their bulk pick-up is, when ZMT8tYuHGY8-00063-00025191-00025818 their trash day is, they have non-emergencies, what number to call. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00064-00025818-00026356 The education effort must be repeated every semester, as new students move off campus. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00065-00026356-00026519 But it pays off. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00066-00026519-00027075 Complaints to the city and TCU have declined since the Neighbor to Neighbor program started. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00067-00027075-00027328 And the message also resonates with students. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00068-00027328-00027877 People should definitely have to pick up their trash, especially with a lot of college students ZMT8tYuHGY8-00069-00027877-00028010 it gets pretty dirty. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00070-00028010-00028500 If you got your trash out on the lawn or you don’t keep everything nice and tidy it starts ZMT8tYuHGY8-00071-00028500-00028976 to look run down and ratty and it just kind of brings down the people around you. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00072-00028976-00029411 Don’t be too loud on the weekend, recognize that there are families, students and children ZMT8tYuHGY8-00073-00029411-00029683 all around and that you have to be a little more respectful to them ZMT8tYuHGY8-00074-00029683-00030166 I think our students know more about how to live within a neighborhood, how to be a community ZMT8tYuHGY8-00075-00030166-00030702 member because the neighbors are out talking with students and students are talking with neighbors. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00076-00030736-00030968 Neighbors have noticed the change, too. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00077-00030968-00031458 Not only are there fewer complaints, but attitudes have changed for the better. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00078-00031458-00032012 Some neighbors stopped being so angry, and now we encourage meet your TCU neighbors, ZMT8tYuHGY8-00079-00032012-00032220 ring the doorbell, exchange phone numbers. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00080-00032220-00032664 If they’re going to have a party, let them come tell you and work out details. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00081-00032664-00032840 I think they understand the rules. And it’s been really good. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00082-00032940-00033040 It’s night and day. Night and day. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00083-00033140-00033275 We realize that we’re all kind of in this together. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00084-00033275-00033775 We love the university, we love the neighborhoods surrounding the university and by working ZMT8tYuHGY8-00085-00033775-00034358 together we can make it a better place for our students, for our neighbors. ZMT8tYuHGY8-00086-00034358-00034964 For more information... FortWorthTexas.gov/TCUNeighbors ZOcbKRmId1o-00000-00000306-00000461 What were we looking for in Montreal? ZOcbKRmId1o-00001-00000635-00000772 Which crossing, which movement, ZOcbKRmId1o-00002-00000949-00001259 Time travel, French of other times or French of the future, ZOcbKRmId1o-00003-00001259-00001576 travel in space to look for the American in us ZOcbKRmId1o-00004-00001581-00001807 or the absolute French, the ultimate French ZOcbKRmId1o-00005-00001919-00002062 And when we travel, ZOcbKRmId1o-00006-00002130-00002326 Is it a flight or a curiosity? ZOcbKRmId1o-00007-00002378-00002557 A quest or a retreat? ZOcbKRmId1o-00008-00002604-00002776 A fear ? What makes us move, ZOcbKRmId1o-00009-00002867-00003189 What makes us take boats, trains, planes? ZOcbKRmId1o-00010-00003461-00003714 Is immobility the solution? ZOcbKRmId1o-00011-00003718-00004082 Is the sage the one who goes around his room, the turn of his mind, the turn of his heart? ZOcbKRmId1o-00012-00004082-00004262 And what is the world tour? ZOcbKRmId1o-00013-00004262-00004580 This famous trip that trains youth and distorts pants ZOcbKRmId1o-00014-00004594-00004990 What is a trip at a time when half of the world just dreams of living in the other. ZOcbKRmId1o-00016-00005054-00005274 At a time when borders are closing ZOcbKRmId1o-00017-00005316-00005556 To be there in luxuriously elongated planes, ZOcbKRmId1o-00018-00005578-00005926 at once infected and sublime, ZOcbKRmId1o-00019-00005998-00006222 served by women and men in blue. ZOcbKRmId1o-00020-00006288-00006636 where the smoke is forbidden and where the clouds scroll like a horizontal landscape ZOcbKRmId1o-00021-00006714-00006873 What were we looking for in Montreal? ZOcbKRmId1o-00022-00006940-00007130 it's when you're not looking for anything you find ZOcbKRmId1o-00023-00007180-00007345 it's when we want nothing we get, ZOcbKRmId1o-00024-00007378-00007478 do not wish anything ZOcbKRmId1o-00025-00007478-00007572 do not want anything ZOcbKRmId1o-00026-00007586-00007636 let's take it! ZQsVwTCTQic-00000-00000453-00000878 Often when I mention "GDrive" to people, they assume I'm talking about ZQsVwTCTQic-00001-00000878-00001424 Google Drive. Or, they ask, "is GDrive the same thing as Google Drive?" ZQsVwTCTQic-00002-00001424-00001951 Although Google Drive is sometimes referred to as "GDrive," Google Drive and "GDrive" are not ZQsVwTCTQic-00003-00001951-00002587 the same thing. GDrive is an app, and it is not even a Google product. Rather it's ZQsVwTCTQic-00004-00002587-00003220 a client application for frequent users of Google Drive. If you, like many others ZQsVwTCTQic-00005-00003220-00003664 are now thinking, "I have no idea what that means! Just tell me if I need the app or not!" ZQsVwTCTQic-00006-00003664-00004214 Start by asking yourself a few questions. Do you currently use ZQsVwTCTQic-00007-00004214-00004892 Google Drive to store any of your files pictures and/or videos? If so, and if you ZQsVwTCTQic-00008-00004892-00005469 ever plan to access any of those files for use on your iPad, you need the G ZQsVwTCTQic-00009-00005469-00005687 Drive for Google Drive app. ZQsVwTCTQic-00010-00005687-00006335 You see, the new version of Google Drive does not allow direct downloads to ZQsVwTCTQic-00011-00006335-00006722 iMovie or to your iPad's camera roll because doing so ZQsVwTCTQic-00012-00006722-00007315 bypasses iTunes. This, of course, creates a substantial problem if you ZQsVwTCTQic-00013-00007315-00007781 want to pull pictures or videos from your Google Drive for use in a movie or ZQsVwTCTQic-00014-00007781-00008474 some other iPad app. Fear not! GDrive for Google Drive is the workaround. You can ZQsVwTCTQic-00015-00008474-00008993 use it on your iPad to access your Google Drive and save files, pictures, and ZQsVwTCTQic-00016-00008993-00009588 videos to your iPad's camera roll for iMovie. The app is free and it's available for ZQsVwTCTQic-00017-00009588-00010234 download at iTunes. There's no new account needed. GDrive will not have access to ZQsVwTCTQic-00018-00010234-00010671 your Google Drive password. You simply log into your Google Drive through a ZQsVwTCTQic-00019-00010671-00011185 browser within the G Drive app; and, from there, you're able to browse and download ZQsVwTCTQic-00020-00011185-00011681 files directly to your camera roll. If you haven't already done so, ZQsVwTCTQic-00021-00011681-00012279 open iTunes AppStore and search for G Drive for Google Drive. Once you find the ZQsVwTCTQic-00022-00012279-00012738 app, download it to your iPad. You'll see that I have included a screenshot here ZQsVwTCTQic-00023-00012738-00013286 so that you know what to look for. Once you have it downloaded, we'll help you set ZQsVwTCTQic-00024-00013286-00013591 it up. When you first open the app, ZQsVwTCTQic-00025-00013591-00013976 you'll need to start by syncing it with any Google accounts that you might need ZQsVwTCTQic-00026-00013976-00014547 to access from your iPad. You'll see in this example there are three different ZQsVwTCTQic-00027-00014547-00015070 Google Drives that have been synced with G Drive. You only need to do this once ZQsVwTCTQic-00028-00015070-00015583 and the information will be stored for convenient future reference. ZQsVwTCTQic-00029-00015583-00016376 First, click the plus sign that you see in the upper right-hand corner of the app. ZQsVwTCTQic-00030-00016376-00017017 This should generate a pop-up window. When that list of options appears, choose Google. ZQsVwTCTQic-00031-00017017-00017820 Now, you should see a new browser window. When that pops up, go ahead and log into ZQsVwTCTQic-00032-00017820-00018498 your Google account. After you've logged in, you'll need to click "Allow" in the ZQsVwTCTQic-00033-00018498-00019015 next window to give GDrive access to your Google Drive documents. ZQsVwTCTQic-00034-00019015-00019556 Here's a screenshot from my iPad and on this you will see that I have one Google ZQsVwTCTQic-00035-00019556-00020191 Drive synched up with G Drive. If you've set everything up correctly, you should ZQsVwTCTQic-00036-00020191-00020698 see your Google Drive account listed in that same location. ZQsVwTCTQic-00037-00020698-00021320 Go ahead and tap your account. After doing so, you should see a list of all your ZQsVwTCTQic-00038-00021320-00021907 Google Drive folders and files populate over here in the right side browser ZQsVwTCTQic-00039-00021907-00022459 window. From here you can navigate within your Google Drive to find specific files ZQsVwTCTQic-00040-00022459-00022950 and copy them to your iPad. To begin with, you'll need to locate the file that you ZQsVwTCTQic-00041-00022950-00023426 want to copy to the iPad, and if you have files within folders like I do here ZQsVwTCTQic-00042-00023426-00023890 you'll want to click the folders to locate the file that you need to copy. ZQsVwTCTQic-00043-00023890-00024481 Once you find the specific file, picture, or movie that you want to copy to ZQsVwTCTQic-00044-00024481-00025034 your iPad, you need to tap and hold your finger or stylus on ZQsVwTCTQic-00045-00025034-00025663 the specific file that you want to copy until you see below blue circle and ZQsVwTCTQic-00046-00025663-00026098 check mark appear to the left of it. After the circle and check mark appears ZQsVwTCTQic-00047-00026098-00026751 then you need to tap on the "Copy To" button that appears at the bottom of the ZQsVwTCTQic-00048-00026751-00027205 browser window. What you do next all depends on the type of file that you're ZQsVwTCTQic-00049-00027205-00027835 trying to copy. If you are copying pictures or videos, then you're going to ZQsVwTCTQic-00050-00027835-00028520 tap on "Camera Roll." If, on the other hand, you want to copy documents, then ZQsVwTCTQic-00051-00028520-00029226 click on "Local." Keep in mind, your iPad's camera roll doesn't accept just any file ZQsVwTCTQic-00052-00029226-00029741 type. The following video formats are, however, supported: ZQsVwTCTQic-00053-00029741-00030341 .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats as well as some .avi. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00000-00000024-00000768 This is fairly typical for what we see in plutonic igneous hornblendes – brown to green ZTYLHxFj0cE-00001-00000768-00001272 pleochroism, moderate relief. Cross the polars – low interference colors. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00002-00001352-00002039 The cleavages you'll see have demonstrate inclined extinction. But hornblende is tough, because ZTYLHxFj0cE-00003-00002039-00002552 there are a lot of different amphiboles that we just kind of generically refer to as hornblende. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00004-00002648-00002984 And because they all have different compositions, they can have different optical characteristics. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00005-00003072-00003800 This is a granulite faces hornblende, and it shows the brown pleochroism, ZTYLHxFj0cE-00006-00003800-00004424 but also the beautiful amphibole 60-120 cleavage. Cross the polars, ZTYLHxFj0cE-00007-00004424-00005784 and you'll see it's fairly low first order colorful interference colors. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00008-00006160-00006856 So this is another end section of hornblende, and you can see it has a variety of pleochroic ZTYLHxFj0cE-00009-00006856-00007552 colors – pale green to sort of a brownish green color. That's pretty typical for hornblende. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00010-00007656-00008584 Really impressive interference colors here. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00011-00009240-00009760 Now these are fairly typical metamorphic hornblendes. They're more blue-green than ZTYLHxFj0cE-00012-00009760-00010264 brown-green. The end section there with the amphibole cleavages is greener, and the one ZTYLHxFj0cE-00013-00010264-00010864 that's elongated in the plane of the section is bluer. Cross the polars, and I think you can tell ZTYLHxFj0cE-00014-00010920-00011368 it's got inclined extinction. You may have to slow down the video to see that. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00015-00011368-00011864 And that bright blue-green interference color goes about as high as you ever see. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00016-00012272-00013000 Here again are some fairly typical metamorphic hornblendes. They're definitely blue, but notice ZTYLHxFj0cE-00017-00013000-00013472 it's blue-to-green, not blue-to-lavender. And so that's one way that you can tell ZTYLHxFj0cE-00018-00013472-00013872 that this is hornblende and not glaucophane. Otherwise of course ZTYLHxFj0cE-00019-00013872-00014296 they're both amphiboles. They have moderate relief and similar interference colors. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00020-00015352-00016056 This is a very magnesian hornblende. The more magnesian they are, the less colorful – they are ZTYLHxFj0cE-00021-00016112-00016688 less pleochroic. Again you can still see the the 60-120 cleavage and this sort of ZTYLHxFj0cE-00022-00016760-00018424 gray-green pleochroism. Similar interference colors and so on. ZTYLHxFj0cE-00023-00018424-00018992 And here's one that's fairly pale. It's got that blue-to-green pleochroism that ZTYLHxFj0cE-00024-00018992-00019536 you see in more colorful hornblendes. Here also when I cross the polars you'll see ZTYLHxFj0cE-00025-00019592-00020232 that this amphibole has inclined extinction. So it's extinct right there, and so it's at an ZTYLHxFj0cE-00026-00020232-00021184 angle to the crosshairs. And that tells you it's in the monoclinic system, not the orthorhombic. ZXKG80UmCxo-00000-00000000-00000200 Type Beat - Extension | Rap Instrumental | Type Beat 2023 ZYL5m9pICgo-00000-00003000-00003900 Hello guys, Welcome to our channel ZYL5m9pICgo-00001-00004000-00004900 See description for details regarding our channel opening Giveaway ZYL5m9pICgo-00002-00005000-00005900 Consider subscribe and support our channel also like this video ZYL5m9pICgo-00003-00006000-00006900 To join our Asphalt 8 racers team, join our Facebook group ZYL5m9pICgo-00004-00007000-00007900 Checkout the useful links we gave in the description ZYL5m9pICgo-00005-00008000-00008900 we will come with more information/Videos shortly ZYL5m9pICgo-00006-00009000-00009900 keep watch our videos ZYL5m9pICgo-00007-00010000-00010900 Like and comment your opinion about the video ZYL5m9pICgo-00008-00011000-00012000 Also Subscribe and Support our channel ZaJwTY6C8p8-00000-00000126-00000176 Hello! ZaJwTY6C8p8-00001-00000176-00000252 I am Can Bekcan. ZaJwTY6C8p8-00003-00000312-00000806 In this video, I am going to explain how you can import styles on your Word document. ZaMqXQlssog-00000-00000000-00000050 Varin ZaMqXQlssog-00001-00000050-00000106 pretend ZaMqXQlssog-00002-00000106-00000156 make up ZaMqXQlssog-00003-00000156-00000236 DV kids show ZaMqXQlssog-00004-00000236-00000436 Varin pretend make up~DV kids ZaPf-qwUhrE-00000-00000982-00001370 Even non-profit organizations have to consider who their competitors are. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00001-00001370-00001814 While these organizations are not competing to sell products or services, they are competing ZaPf-qwUhrE-00002-00001814-00002059 for donations and volunteers. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00003-00002059-00002502 The Library subscribes to a database called Associations Unlimited that can help you determine ZaPf-qwUhrE-00004-00002502-00002938 which organizations a specific non-profit might be competing with. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00005-00002938-00003547 Use the Subject / Any Word Search to find a list of organizations related to your non-profit. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00006-00003547-00003861 Type your keywords into the free-text search box. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00007-00003861-00004346 I want to find a list of organizations that are competitors of the American Cancer Society, ZaPf-qwUhrE-00008-00004346-00004749 so I’m going to type “cancer” into the search box. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00009-00004749-00005294 Notice that the default is to look for national, international, and regional organizations. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00010-00005294-00005705 Uncheck any of those that you’re not interested in. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00011-00005705-00006051 When I press Search the results are retrieved in alphabetical order. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00012-00006051-00006592 I can click on the name of an organization to get more information about that non-profit. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00013-00006592-00007066 I will also find a link to the organization’s website. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00014-00007066-00007390 Another resource you can check is the website Charity Watch. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00015-00007390-00007818 Most of the content on the website is only available to members, but you can retrieve ZaPf-qwUhrE-00016-00007818-00008178 a list of organizations for a variety of causes. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00017-00008178-00008647 Simply click the Top-Rated Charities link along the top of the page. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00018-00008647-00008975 Then select a category from the left. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00019-00008975-00009465 When I click Cancer, a short list of Cancer organizations is retrieved. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00020-00009465-00010213 If I click the name of an organization, I will see a rating of the organization, information ZaPf-qwUhrE-00021-00010213-00010999 on how transparent the organization is, brief notes from an analyst, salary information ZaPf-qwUhrE-00022-00010999-00011570 for some of the organization’s executives, and any donor alerts. ZaPf-qwUhrE-00023-00011570-00012020 Please note that non-members will only be able to view this information for the top-rated ZaPf-qwUhrE-00024-00012020-00012811 charities. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00007-00003900-00004140 We’ve got the fire almost ready. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00008-00004170-00004491 We’re going to prepare toasted brown bread with disguised sweet potato and smoked sardines. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00009-00004700-00005000 Toasted bread with disguised sweet potato ZivQ8lcgNgo-00010-00005300-00005500 Sweet potato ZivQ8lcgNgo-00011-00005690-00005800 Smoked sardines ZivQ8lcgNgo-00012-00005870-00006100 "Botifarrones" Mallorcan sausages ZivQ8lcgNgo-00013-00006600-00007000 We put a little bit of oil and some salt onto the sweet potato, wrap it in aluminium foil and throw it on the fire. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00014-00007500-00008180 The meat we’re using is botifarrón sausage. If you don’t have botifarrón, you can use black pudding. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00015-00008204-00008790 You can cook the meat without the skin or take it off later, it’s the same. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00016-00008800-00009380 In this case, we’re cooking it without the skin. You wrap it in aluminium foil and place it on the fire. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00017-00009400-00009890 If you don’t have sweet potato, you can use pumpkin. Just follow the same process. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00018-00009900-00010560 Wrap it in foil and throw it on the fire. You can also use white sweet potato or just potatoes. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00019-00011580-00012180 Once the meat is cooked, leave it to one side next to the heat of the fire. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00020-00012200-00012695 Close to the heat, close to the wood so it stays warm. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00021-00012880-00013052 Once the sweet potato is ready, we wrap it in some newspaper and leave it to one side, so it finishes cooking. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00022-00014710-00015334 Once the sweet potato has cooled down, we unwrap it, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00023-00015340-00015588 we cut it open, get rid of the skin that’s a little burnt, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00024-00015710-00016200 and we keep the fluffy, warm, sweet insides. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00025-00016598-00017000 And with the botifarrón, the Mallorcan sausage, we do exactly the same thing. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00026-00017010-00017290 We get rid of the foil and we mix the meat with the sweet potato, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00027-00017300-00017700 so they get to know each other and throw a party. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00028-00018329-00018890 We mix these two ingredients together, the sweet potato and the botifarrón, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00029-00018900-00019290 until they’re almost as one, in very small pieces, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00030-00019300-00019600 and dress it with a little bit of olive oil and some salt. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00031-00019900-00020220 Now we’re going to toast the bread, using some of the cooling ashes, ZivQ8lcgNgo-00032-00020300-00020490 throwing down a grill and placing the bread on top to toast. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00033-00020729-00021000 If they end up a little burnt, it doesn’t matter. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00034-00021220-00021740 Use the blunt edge of a knife, scrape off the burnt bits, although they’re perfect. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00035-00021950-00022380 Once the bread is toasted, we drizzle on some olive oil ZivQ8lcgNgo-00036-00022400-00022880 and spread on the mix of sweet potato and botifarrón. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00037-00023062-00023670 Once the mix is well spread, place the smoked sardines on top. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00038-00024450-00024986 So we’ve got toasted Mallorcan brown bread with disguised sweet potato and smoked sardines. ZivQ8lcgNgo-00039-00024986-00025150 Until the next time! Zj9YxfrZT1c-00000-00000000-00000200 vegetable chopper for sale ZlVuB-TDeSI-00000-00000454-00000898 When you're ready to record a video, YouTube can be a great resource - for you - or your ZlVuB-TDeSI-00001-00000898-00001009 students. ZlVuB-TDeSI-00002-00001009-00001481 You can record right through your web browser, caption quickly without worrying about exact ZlVuB-TDeSI-00003-00001481-00001816 timing, and even curate content into an organized ZlVuB-TDeSI-00004-00001816-00001997 playlist for your students. ZlVuB-TDeSI-00005-00001997-00002107 Why not give it a try. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00000-00000022-00000482 One of the star witness who testified in favor of Prop 8 has switched sides, joining the Zm9ByTzAl5c-00001-00000482-00000766 majority of Americans who support the freedom to marry. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00002-00000766-00001275 Also this week, there's yet another DOMA lawsuit, more encouraging surveys in battleground states, Zm9ByTzAl5c-00003-00001275-00001444 and new ads Minnesota. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00004-00001444-00001778 At the American Foundation for Equal Rights, I'm Matt Baume, and welcome to Marriage News Zm9ByTzAl5c-00005-00001778-00002009 Watch for June 25, 2012. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00006-00002009-00002355 This week we're happy to welcome a brand new marriage equality supporter to our side: David Zm9ByTzAl5c-00007-00002355-00002455 Blankenhorn. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00008-00002455-00002939 He was one of the two witnesses who testified in favor of Prop 8 at the trial back in 2010. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00009-00002939-00003400 But now he's joined our side, with a New York Times op-ed that says, "legally recognizing Zm9ByTzAl5c-00010-00003400-00003831 gay and lesbian couples and their children is a victory for basic fairness." Zm9ByTzAl5c-00011-00003831-00004219 We couldn't agree more, and we're glad to welcome Blankenhorn to the winning side of Zm9ByTzAl5c-00012-00004219-00004391 the fight for equality. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00013-00004391-00004744 The other major headline this week is a new lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Zm9ByTzAl5c-00014-00004744-00004844 Act. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00015-00004844-00005142 That comes out of New York, and involves a medical center that won't extend health care Zm9ByTzAl5c-00016-00005142-00005457 benefits to the spouses of gay and lesbian employees. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00017-00005457-00005903 DOMA has already been ruled unconstitutional several times, but pending appeals have delayed Zm9ByTzAl5c-00018-00005903-00006177 a final ruling on its constitutionality. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00019-00006177-00006606 This week New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced Zm9ByTzAl5c-00020-00006606-00006938 that they'll file a brief in support of one of those cases. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00021-00006938-00007302 But on the other side of the battle, a Congressional legal body announced that they'll move quickly Zm9ByTzAl5c-00022-00007302-00007402 to defend DOMA. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00023-00007402-00007797 The House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, led by Speaker John Boehner, says that by Zm9ByTzAl5c-00024-00007797-00008282 the end of this week, it will ask the Supreme Court of the United States to review the case. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00025-00008282-00008749 Turning to the states, a new survey in Colorado shows widespread support for civil unions. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00026-00008749-00009194 Fifty-six percent of Coloradans support a civil union measure, with just 38 percent Zm9ByTzAl5c-00027-00009194-00009294 upposed. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00028-00009294-00009628 That's a bit of a slide from April, when the same survey showed support for the bill at Zm9ByTzAl5c-00029-00009628-00009876 62 percent and opposition at 32 percent. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00030-00009876-00010270 The bill was that was defeated last month but will almost certainly be back in next Zm9ByTzAl5c-00031-00010270-00010377 year's session. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00032-00010377-00010874 There's good news in Washington, where a new survey shows 51% support marriage equality Zm9ByTzAl5c-00033-00010874-00011027 to 42% opposed. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00034-00011027-00011422 That nine-point lead is a big jump from last year, when marriage was only leading by 2 Zm9ByTzAl5c-00035-00011422-00011522 points. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00036-00011522-00011786 Voters will weigh in on the state's new marriage equality law this November. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00037-00011786-00012353 A fundraising surge in Minnesota has pro-equality groups announcing $3.1 million in fundraising Zm9ByTzAl5c-00038-00012353-00012524 for the first half of the year. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00039-00012524-00012931 That coincides with the launch of new online ads for the campaign to stop that state's Zm9ByTzAl5c-00040-00012931-00013031 anti-gay amendment. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00041-00013031-00013340 The ads feature families talking about the importance of equality, similar to videos Zm9ByTzAl5c-00042-00013340-00013713 that ran in North Carolina, Maine, and California. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00043-00013713-00014169 In international news, a survey in Scotland shows 64% support marriage equality, with Zm9ByTzAl5c-00044-00014169-00014388 26% opposed. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00045-00014388-00014709 The government there is expected to release the results of a consultation on marriage Zm9ByTzAl5c-00046-00014709-00014838 equality later this week. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00047-00014838-00015278 Meanwhile, the Mormon church's area authority in Europe has spoken out, urging members to Zm9ByTzAl5c-00048-00015278-00015838 "protect and promote marriage, as the union of one man and one woman." Zm9ByTzAl5c-00049-00015838-00016191 And a vote on marriage may be coming sooner than expected in Australia. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00050-00016191-00016552 The two competing bills there had been heading for a vote by the end of the year, but now Zm9ByTzAl5c-00051-00016552-00016863 the Labor party is moving toward a vote in August. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00052-00016863-00017193 We'll be following the situation there closely over the next few months. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00053-00017193-00017609 You can visit AFER.org for more on the fight to overturn Prop 8 here in the US. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00054-00017609-00017867 At the American Foundation for Equal Rights, I'm Matt Baume. Zm9ByTzAl5c-00055-00017867-00017884 We'll see you next week. ZnJeopeNPY8-00000-00000925-00001088 Hi folks! ZnJeopeNPY8-00001-00001105-00001329 Today a new report ZnJeopeNPY8-00002-00001366-00001728 about the development progress from my game Wild Witch Project ZnJeopeNPY8-00003-00002502-00002757 I always turn back... to begining! ZnJeopeNPY8-00004-00002868-00003049 To solve certains ZnJeopeNPY8-00005-00003072-00003552 layouts, design... game play ZnJeopeNPY8-00006-00003657-00003934 just to reach a good User Experience. ZnJeopeNPY8-00007-00004097-00004333 is too hard. I note it. ZnJeopeNPY8-00008-00004549-00005157 To who listen my tutorials of Godot, already know that she have new features ZnJeopeNPY8-00009-00005308-00005413 as this ZnJeopeNPY8-00010-00006204-00006553 she now can look at selectable objects. ZnJeopeNPY8-00011-00007481-00007828 This feature can make animation more realistic. ZnJeopeNPY8-00012-00008384-00009029 She also has capable to interact with scene. ZnJeopeNPY8-00013-00009469-00009794 And we have alse the feature to dialog, here! ZnJeopeNPY8-00014-00012352-00012549 The dialog system have ZnJeopeNPY8-00015-00012905-00013085 a engine to can ZnJeopeNPY8-00016-00013338-00013582 randomize the dialogs. ZnJeopeNPY8-00017-00013880-00014284 This is granted from a JSON file ZnJeopeNPY8-00018-00014740-00015136 this file alse worsk to store the local data ZnJeopeNPY8-00019-00015190-00015474 from user when it plays. ZnJeopeNPY8-00020-00015601-00015885 It store the progress sheet from character. ZnJeopeNPY8-00021-00016046-00016588 It is stored in local files when the game proceed. ZnJeopeNPY8-00022-00016754-00017036 I preffer it instead make a database. ZnJeopeNPY8-00023-00017500-00017796 Each object also have properties. ZnJeopeNPY8-00024-00017952-00018349 And it store the dialog iteration system. ZnJeopeNPY8-00025-00018804-00018914 Example ZnJeopeNPY8-00026-00019105-00019246 when inspect ZnJeopeNPY8-00027-00019404-00019620 (I need to make translations here) ZnJeopeNPY8-00028-00020020-00020266 I have a overview of object. ZnJeopeNPY8-00029-00020396-00021186 And if I have more datailed information I have access to "Grimoire". ZnJeopeNPY8-00030-00021396-00021738 And have extra data here. I will put other data on screen. ZnJeopeNPY8-00031-00022869-00023090 I need to set other objects here. ZnJeopeNPY8-00032-00023613-00024245 It is a huge system that I create to perform ZnJeopeNPY8-00033-00024296-00024492 the story and script from RPG. ZnJeopeNPY8-00034-00024553-00025472 Because these data is loade by JSON and handled by a separated module from code. ZnJeopeNPY8-00035-00025569-00025795 Then I make modules from it. ZnJeopeNPY8-00036-00026186-00026545 Then I have a engine just to Role Play. ZnJeopeNPY8-00037-00026922-00027504 Where I have a Actor, then it can be extended to Character. ZnJeopeNPY8-00038-00027848-00028597 It can interact to objects, objects can also have unique iterations. All of it is handled ZnJeopeNPY8-00039-00028729-00028856 by Overmind. ZnJeopeNPY8-00040-00029002-00029472 I not can use the terms "Dungeon Master" or "Storyteller", then I use Overmind. ZnJeopeNPY8-00041-00029624-00029992 I small tribute to Starcraft. ZnJeopeNPY8-00042-00030462-00030846 Then in my Role Play Systen, instead have a "Dungeon Master" or "Storiteller" have a Overmind. ZnJeopeNPY8-00043-00031605-00032097 And is it. I go to work on new features. ZnJeopeNPY8-00044-00032202-00032894 I make her to interact with this Atari here, select the game, sit and play a little. ZnJeopeNPY8-00045-00033077-00033598 The selection system still go work with pockets. ZnJeopeNPY8-00046-00033889-00034302 The maincharacter can solve pluzzes with scene objects, too. ZnJeopeNPY8-00047-00034694-00034896 And the first ZnJeopeNPY8-00048-00035181-00035334 is go to outside of room. ZnJeopeNPY8-00049-00035554-00036357 Who remembers of old Flash games where you wake up closed on a room, without a key? ZnJeopeNPY8-00050-00036466-00036792 We start from this point :P ZnJeopeNPY8-00051-00037309-00037546 It's all folks. -2T4UZECnyg-00000-00000150-00000203 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">Uh-oh.</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00001-00000224-00000274 {\an2}<font color="White">III</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00002-00000274-00000324 {\an2}<font color="White">II</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00003-00000324-00000374 {\an2}<font color="White">I</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00004-00000374-00000424 {\an6}<font color="White">FLAT!!!</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00005-00000424-00000595 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">Hey, I’m feeling flat.</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00007-00000595-00000708 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">Lit mi outta heir!</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00008-00000708-00000758 {\an2}<font color="White">Flat in 3</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00009-00000758-00000808 {\an2}<font color="White">Flat in 2</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00010-00000808-00000858 {\an2}<font color="White">Flat in 1</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00011-00000858-00000908 {\an2}<font color="White">Flat in 0</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00012-00000978-00000980 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">WHOO (Screem)</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00013-00000980-00000983 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">WHOOOOOOOOOOOO (Screem)</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00014-00000983-00001033 {\an2}<font color="#8C00CC">WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA! (Screem)</font> -2T4UZECnyg-00015-00001034-00001084 {\an2}<font color="White">No more subtitles 4 u. Lolz!</font> -3fxsMhA_ek-00000-00000000-00001080 Hi everybody. Welcome to ToolKit Essentials: Finding Funders for Your Cause. -3fxsMhA_ek-00001-00001080-00001600 My name is Kyla Hunt and I am going to be your facilitator today. -3fxsMhA_ek-00002-00001600-00001960 I am the webinar program manager from TechSoup. -3fxsMhA_ek-00003-00001960-00002350 With me today are David Holmes from a Foundation Center -3fxsMhA_ek-00004-00002350-00003030 and Bobbe Luce from ONE Place. And also assisting with chat is Becky Wiegand -3fxsMhA_ek-00005-00003040-00003629 who is also from TechSoup. So you might see her name pop up in the chat box. -3fxsMhA_ek-00006-00003629-00004040 Now a little bit about today's agenda before I hand it over to David first. -3fxsMhA_ek-00007-00004040-00004380 David is going to be talking to us a little bit about the Foundation Center -3fxsMhA_ek-00008-00004380-00005100 and about just general funding resources and tools that you can use to find funding. -3fxsMhA_ek-00009-00005100-00005480 And then we are going to take a little bit of a break and take some questions from the audience. -3fxsMhA_ek-00010-00005480-00005790 Then Bobbe is going to be talking to us about ONE Place -3fxsMhA_ek-00011-00005790-00006390 which is at the Kalamazoo Public Library, and talking to us about Cooperating Collections -3fxsMhA_ek-00012-00006400-00006690 which are offered through Foundation Center where you can access things -3fxsMhA_ek-00013-00006690-00007309 such as Foundation Directory Online for free from a library. And then we are going to be handling -3fxsMhA_ek-00014-00007309-00007650 more questions from the audience as time allows at the end. -3fxsMhA_ek-00015-00007650-00008320 So with that I am going to go ahead and give presenter control over to David. -3fxsMhA_ek-00016-00008330-00008800 David: Alright, thank you very much. Welcome everybody. I am Dave Holmes. -3fxsMhA_ek-00017-00008800-00009200 I am the regional training coordinator from the Foundation Center in our Cleveland office. -3fxsMhA_ek-00018-00009200-00009550 And what I am going to talk about today is about the Foundation Center itself -3fxsMhA_ek-00019-00009550-00010020 and then a little bit about how you can access our resources across the country. -3fxsMhA_ek-00020-00010020-00010380 Something I can turnover to Bobby to talk about are Cooperating Collections -3fxsMhA_ek-00021-00010380-00010600 and the different services that you can find there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00022-00010600-00011090 But mainly what we do at the Foundation Center is collect information on the world of philanthropy. -3fxsMhA_ek-00023-00011090-00011490 This is our Mission to strengthen the social sector by advancing knowledge about philanthropy -3fxsMhA_ek-00024-00011490-00011900 in the United States and throughout the world, and we do it a lot of different ways. -3fxsMhA_ek-00025-00011900-00012250 One of the things that we are known for is collecting, organizing, -3fxsMhA_ek-00026-00012260-00012740 and communicating information on United States philanthropy by which we mean, -3fxsMhA_ek-00027-00012740-00013240 we survey and collect information on private foundations, corporations, -3fxsMhA_ek-00028-00013250-00013540 charities that give money away all across the country. -3fxsMhA_ek-00029-00013540-00013819 And we put that information together in a lot of different resources -3fxsMhA_ek-00030-00013830-00014240 some of which I will share with you today. But we now have a database called -3fxsMhA_ek-00031-00014240-00014650 The Foundation Directory which I will share that has over 100,000 grantmakers in it. -3fxsMhA_ek-00032-00014650-00015069 We also collect a lot of information that goes into research we do -3fxsMhA_ek-00033-00015080-00015419 on how foundation funding operates throughout the United States. -3fxsMhA_ek-00034-00015419-00015869 And we publish regular studies of that philanthropy and how it goes. -3fxsMhA_ek-00035-00015869-00016390 We do trainings all across the country. We do fee-based trainings at different locations, -3fxsMhA_ek-00036-00016400-00016890 and free trainings in our offices. We have five main offices across the country, -3fxsMhA_ek-00037-00016890-00017420 one in Cleveland where I am, one in San Francisco, one in DC, one in Atlanta, -3fxsMhA_ek-00038-00017420-00018020 and our headquarters in New York. And we have over 450 Cooperating Collections, -3fxsMhA_ek-00039-00018030-00018480 locations throughout the country usually in public libraries or nonprofit centers -3fxsMhA_ek-00040-00018480-00018890 where you can come and use our resources, use some of the books we publish, -3fxsMhA_ek-00041-00018890-00019340 use our databases for free, and get assistance from librarians and other people -3fxsMhA_ek-00042-00019340-00019920 who have been trained in using those resources. So we provide a lot of information through that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00043-00019930-00020330 We also have lots and lots of free information available through our websites, -3fxsMhA_ek-00044-00020330-00020600 FoundationCenter.org and GrantSpace.org. -3fxsMhA_ek-00045-00020600-00021040 So what I am going to talk about today is addressing that idea -3fxsMhA_ek-00046-00021040-00021380 about how you are going to find funders interested in your cause, -3fxsMhA_ek-00047-00021390-00021690 and the resources that we have available for you to do that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00048-00021690-00022200 I am going to start with the idea of finding funders themselves and give you a little demonstration -3fxsMhA_ek-00049-00022200-00022680 of the Foundation Directory Online and some of the other places where you can find information -3fxsMhA_ek-00050-00022680-00023170 on where funders are. And we try to make that and try to keep that as up-to-date as possible. -3fxsMhA_ek-00051-00023170-00023490 So I want to make sure that you know about all those different places. -3fxsMhA_ek-00052-00023490-00023900 The other things I am going to talk about are where you can get answers to help you with this, -3fxsMhA_ek-00053-00023910-00024360 finding funders. If you have never written a grant proposal before or you don't know how -3fxsMhA_ek-00054-00024360-00024720 to do fundraising planning and where to find fundraising information, -3fxsMhA_ek-00055-00024720-00025110 we have a number of different places that are very useful. -3fxsMhA_ek-00056-00025110-00025550 And I will go through our GrantSpace.org website which is a totally free website -3fxsMhA_ek-00057-00025550-00025760 available from anywhere you have Internet access -3fxsMhA_ek-00058-00025760-00026160 where you can find lots and lots of good training information. -3fxsMhA_ek-00059-00026170-00026610 And I'm going to talk about those things, and then talk a little bit about our libraries -3fxsMhA_ek-00060-00026610-00026860 and Cooperating Collections, and then turn it over to Bobbe Luce -3fxsMhA_ek-00061-00026870-00027230 from the Kalamazoo Public Library who is going to talk about their services -3fxsMhA_ek-00062-00027230-00027620 and the kind of things that you are liable to find at a library near you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00063-00027620-00028130 So let me get started with this, and the first thing I want to talk about -3fxsMhA_ek-00064-00028139-00028620 is the Foundation Directory online. This is a database that we kind of consider -3fxsMhA_ek-00065-00028620-00029160 our pride and joy. And it really is the first answer to the question, how do I find funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00066-00029170-00029630 because we have spent so much time making sure that all of the good information -3fxsMhA_ek-00067-00029630-00030260 we gather on private givers, private foundations, corporations or charities across the country -3fxsMhA_ek-00068-00030260-00030730 is all included in one place in the Foundation Directory Online. -3fxsMhA_ek-00069-00030739-00031289 And we have organized it and updated it over the years and kept it so that now it is updated weekly -3fxsMhA_ek-00070-00031289-00031589 with the latest information on grantmakers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00071-00031589-00031970 It has four different ways to search it. You can search grantmakers to find funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00072-00031970-00032350 interested in what you are doing. You can search specific companies -3fxsMhA_ek-00073-00032350-00032770 to find which companies have a grant making program in your area, -3fxsMhA_ek-00074-00032770-00033070 giving for the kind of things that you are interested in. -3fxsMhA_ek-00075-00033070-00033460 You can also go in and search grants that have been given, -3fxsMhA_ek-00076-00033460-00033880 in addition to cataloging what grantmakers say they give and the kind of things -3fxsMhA_ek-00077-00033890-00034280 they are interested in. We also have catalogued over 3 million grants -3fxsMhA_ek-00078-00034280-00034760 that have been awarded from one grantmaker to a nonprofit. So you can find examples -3fxsMhA_ek-00079-00034760-00035250 of who has funded organizations in your area for projects similar to yours. -3fxsMhA_ek-00080-00035260-00035820 And finally, we catalogue 990s. If you are familiar with foundation fundraising at all -3fxsMhA_ek-00081-00035820-00036300 you know that one of the places where you can find good information about a funder's giving -3fxsMhA_ek-00082-00036310-00036890 is in their 990 PF, their 990 for private foundations. Those are IRS documents -3fxsMhA_ek-00083-00036890-00037220 and they are freely available in a number of places, but they are difficult to use -3fxsMhA_ek-00084-00037220-00037630 because you can't really search within them. What we have also done -3fxsMhA_ek-00085-00037630-00038140 is added in our Foundation Directory Online a way to search within those 990s -3fxsMhA_ek-00086-00038140-00038660 and find who has been listed in those, who has been listed as a grant recipient -3fxsMhA_ek-00087-00038660-00038900 from different grantmakers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00088-00038900-00039180 All of this is what I am going to show you with the Foundation Directory Online, -3fxsMhA_ek-00089-00039190-00039660 but before I go directly to that and show you how it works, I wanted to mention -3fxsMhA_ek-00090-00039660-00040020 that I am also going to be showing you GrantSpace. I mentioned this already -3fxsMhA_ek-00091-00040020-00040650 as our learning community that talks about the social sector, talks about all of the things -3fxsMhA_ek-00092-00040660-00041130 that we get asked questions about. We have had a website for years, FoundationCenter.org -3fxsMhA_ek-00093-00041130-00041730 that has lots of great information on who we are and what we do, but GrantSpace.org -3fxsMhA_ek-00094-00041730-00042140 is a response to people's questions about where can I find it easily? -3fxsMhA_ek-00095-00042140-00042690 Where can I get multimedia training? Web based training if I want to watch a webinar -3fxsMhA_ek-00096-00042690-00043260 on a specific type of thing related to fundraising or related to nonprofit management -3fxsMhA_ek-00097-00043260-00043580 or working with my board, where can I find this information? -3fxsMhA_ek-00098-00043590-00043970 So a lot of it is going to complement the Foundation Directory -3fxsMhA_ek-00099-00043970-00044490 and help you access information that you would get by searching the directory. -3fxsMhA_ek-00100-00044500-00044770 So I am going to go through and I am going to show you these different resources, -3fxsMhA_ek-00101-00044770-00045260 and then we are going to come back and talk about any questions that you might have. -3fxsMhA_ek-00102-00045260-00046170 So let me just get out of this for just a second here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00103-00046170-00047050 This is the FoundationCenter.org. -3fxsMhA_ek-00104-00047050-00047610 This is our main website for the Foundation Center. And this will give you information -3fxsMhA_ek-00105-00047620-00048120 about how we run and different information that is related to what we do. -3fxsMhA_ek-00106-00048120-00048500 But FoundationCenter.org is really the place where you would start -3fxsMhA_ek-00107-00048500-00048890 to get to our different databases. And the one I want to show you right now -3fxsMhA_ek-00108-00048890-00049320 is the Foundation Directory Online. Now this is a subscription database. -3fxsMhA_ek-00109-00049320-00049700 And if you walk into our libraries and our Cooperating Collections -3fxsMhA_ek-00110-00049700-00049990 which I will show you in a little bit, where you can find them, -3fxsMhA_ek-00111-00049990-00050540 the Foundation Directory is where people are going to take you to do your initial searching. -3fxsMhA_ek-00112-00050550-00050880 What I do a lot of my time is spend time with people and talk to them -3fxsMhA_ek-00113-00050880-00051320 about what are you looking to find funding for? Who are you serving in what area? -3fxsMhA_ek-00114-00051329-00051740 What specific subjects are you doing work within? -3fxsMhA_ek-00115-00051740-00052329 So when I work with somebody who is trying to find a funder, I generally start here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00116-00052329-00052910 You can see from this that this has a little search in the middle that enables you -3fxsMhA_ek-00117-00052910-00053379 to search a whole bunch of data bases at once. It enables you to search for grantmakers, -3fxsMhA_ek-00118-00053390-00053929 companies, grants, and 990s which I mentioned already and also five other databases, -3fxsMhA_ek-00119-00053929-00054490 our database of news, of jobs in the nonprofit sector, our short term funding opportunities, -3fxsMhA_ek-00120-00054500-00055190 or RFPs, reports from the world of philanthropy which we call our PubHub reports, -3fxsMhA_ek-00121-00055190-00055579 and nonprofit literature. You can search all of those things. And if you are interested -3fxsMhA_ek-00122-00055590-00056129 in a particular topic such as — let's type in green building. You can do a search -3fxsMhA_ek-00123-00056129-00056810 and bring up results that are specific to this. So let me make sure the search -3fxsMhA_ek-00124-00056810-00057179 is going to go through here and I hope everybody can see this. -3fxsMhA_ek-00125-00057179-00057560 This is the results from our search on green building. And you can see over here -3fxsMhA_ek-00126-00057570-00057979 on the left a list of the different databases and sources of information, -3fxsMhA_ek-00127-00057979-00058650 227 grantmakers that mention green building, and 829 grants that have been awarded. -3fxsMhA_ek-00128-00058660-00059220 There are a number of RFPs listed. And if we click on any one of these in the window, -3fxsMhA_ek-00129-00059220-00059970 it will bring up what the latest resource is. So the RFP for example that mentions green building, -3fxsMhA_ek-00130-00059979-00060560 that mentions that as a particular issue, so what I can do is open this up -3fxsMhA_ek-00131-00060560-00061170 and find who is it that is excepting grant applications for things related to Green building. -3fxsMhA_ek-00132-00061170-00061600 And you open this up and it is the original request for proposals, the RFP. -3fxsMhA_ek-00133-00061600-00061970 These are short term funding opportunities that aren't available for everybody. -3fxsMhA_ek-00134-00061970-00062350 You can see they have a very quick turnaround. And it tells you about something -3fxsMhA_ek-00135-00062350-00062870 you might not know about grants for $3000 -$8000 related to this issue. -3fxsMhA_ek-00136-00062870-00063600 So what a lot of people are looking for instead are specifics to what they are doing, -3fxsMhA_ek-00137-00063610-00063970 where they are doing it. And that is when we go beyond the power search -3fxsMhA_ek-00138-00063970-00064340 which is what I just did and go into searching grantmakers themselves, -3fxsMhA_ek-00139-00064340-00064629 and searching specifically for a match. -3fxsMhA_ek-00140-00064629-00065150 Let's imagine you are working with youth and you are looking for funding for a specific issue -3fxsMhA_ek-00141-00065150-00065510 that you are dealing with. Say you were interested in youth development, -3fxsMhA_ek-00142-00065510-00065970 and maybe you want to even fund something related to youth development work, -3fxsMhA_ek-00143-00065970-00066520 may be research that you are doing. You can search in this database and get a match -3fxsMhA_ek-00144-00066520-00067120 for funders that are interested in youth or youth development, or children and youth services, -3fxsMhA_ek-00145-00067130-00067560 search for the funders that are specifically interested in those things -3fxsMhA_ek-00146-00067560-00067890 and narrow it down to a geographic focus. -3fxsMhA_ek-00147-00067890-00068400 So say you are working in New York and you want to see which funders are specifically focused on -3fxsMhA_ek-00148-00068400-00068860 New York State. And maybe you are in the Metro area of New York and you want to know -3fxsMhA_ek-00149-00068870-00069310 of funders that are in that region, who is concentrating on this, -3fxsMhA_ek-00150-00069310-00069570 children and youth services, or youth and youth development, -3fxsMhA_ek-00151-00069570-00069980 and who might give the type of support that I need. So if I want to do research -3fxsMhA_ek-00152-00069980-00070270 I want to see what funders are interested in these subjects, -3fxsMhA_ek-00153-00070270-00070710 giving for research and that are located and giving in New York. -3fxsMhA_ek-00154-00070710-00071100 And finally you can narrow it down to the ones that will accept applications. -3fxsMhA_ek-00155-00071100-00071480 If you have begun looking for potential foundation sources of funding, -3fxsMhA_ek-00156-00071480-00071870 you may find that there are a lot of funders out there that don't give, -3fxsMhA_ek-00157-00071870-00072410 don't ask for unsolicited requests. But you can narrow it down to just the ones that do. -3fxsMhA_ek-00158-00072410-00072970 And here are 33 foundations, 33 of the ones that match up with all of these different priorities -3fxsMhA_ek-00159-00072980-00073360 that are listed on the left-hand side of the screen. They give for research. -3fxsMhA_ek-00160-00073360-00073720 They're interested in children and youth, that are giving in New York. -3fxsMhA_ek-00161-00073720-00074300 Each one of these is a profile that you can open up. So you can open up this outline -3fxsMhA_ek-00162-00074300-00074970 and see a profile of this foundation, what they like to fund, who they are, a link to their 990s -3fxsMhA_ek-00163-00074970-00075410 if you want to look at the original documents. And if you read further down, -3fxsMhA_ek-00164-00075410-00075900 limitations where they narrow their giving primarily, giving primarily in Westchester -3fxsMhA_ek-00165-00075910-00076400 not in New York City, but see their purpose and activities. Children and youth services, -3fxsMhA_ek-00166-00076400-00076690 they give specifically for research as well as other things, -3fxsMhA_ek-00167-00076690-00077130 and how to apply to them including how to approach them first. -3fxsMhA_ek-00168-00077130-00077680 We work with people all the time that are looking to match up, looking to find the funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00169-00077680-00078250 that most share what they are interested in. So this search will enable you to find a number -3fxsMhA_ek-00170-00078250-00078730 of prospects that you can e-mail to yourself, printout, save or export. -3fxsMhA_ek-00171-00078730-00079230 I wanted to mention, I want to underline before I get to it that this is a database -3fxsMhA_ek-00172-00079230-00079720 that we charge for. We keep the Foundation Center going by selling access to it. -3fxsMhA_ek-00173-00079720-00080200 However, it is freely available at different locations, our Cooperating Collections -3fxsMhA_ek-00174-00080200-00080680 and libraries across the country. And in a little bit I'll tell you where you can find out -3fxsMhA_ek-00175-00080680-00081060 where there is one near you if you have never done this. You want to use this for free -3fxsMhA_ek-00176-00081060-00081470 first if you have never used it before to see how does it work and does it work for you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00177-00081480-00082040 If you want to subscribe to it there are easy ways to do that on the Foundation Center website -3fxsMhA_ek-00178-00082040-00082350 in our shop section. And then there are several levels of subscription -3fxsMhA_ek-00179-00082350-00082800 anywhere from $20 a month to $180 per month. But if you go to our libraries -3fxsMhA_ek-00180-00082800-00083080 and Cooperating Collections you can use this database -3fxsMhA_ek-00181-00083080-00083480 that I am using for free at the highest level. -3fxsMhA_ek-00182-00083480-00083790 There are a lot of different ways to search it. I don't want to belabor this -3fxsMhA_ek-00183-00083800-00084250 and go into this for too long, but one other way I want to mention just for anybody -3fxsMhA_ek-00184-00084250-00084730 who is joining us from a rural area or an area with not a lot of grantmakers in it, -3fxsMhA_ek-00185-00084730-00085190 you may want to look and search our database not based on what the grantmakers say -3fxsMhA_ek-00186-00085200-00085660 they fund which is what a lot of people start with, but instead based on where they are giving. -3fxsMhA_ek-00187-00085660-00086130 You can decide. I want to see who is giving in a particular city for example, -3fxsMhA_ek-00188-00086130-00086480 who has given grants to that particular city. -3fxsMhA_ek-00189-00086490-00087100 We will just do Akron Ohio as an example. You can put in the name of the city and State -3fxsMhA_ek-00190-00087100-00087850 and see who has given for any organizations in that state or for any subject of any grants. -3fxsMhA_ek-00191-00087850-00088220 So maybe you are researching who is giving to seniors in Akron Ohio. -3fxsMhA_ek-00192-00088230-00088840 You can search the subject of aging, do a search and pull up a list of grants given. -3fxsMhA_ek-00193-00088840-00089340 One grant from one organization to one recipient and see who is all giving. -3fxsMhA_ek-00194-00089340-00089800 And it will not just so it's be grantmakers that necessarily are located in that city, -3fxsMhA_ek-00195-00089800-00090260 but grantmakers from all across the country that might be doing it. -3fxsMhA_ek-00196-00090260-00090530 I see we might be having a little bit of slowness on the results page here, -3fxsMhA_ek-00197-00090530-00090850 but we will give it a second or two and see if it catches up to us. -3fxsMhA_ek-00198-00090850-00091510 This is a database that is very easy to use, very easy to sit down and begin to try -3fxsMhA_ek-00199-00091510-00092060 and practice with. And I just seem to be having a little bit of a glitch here, -3fxsMhA_ek-00200-00092070-00092450 but what I can do here is just backup a little bit to where we were. -3fxsMhA_ek-00201-00092450-00092950 And know that you can use this for free at any of these cooperating libraries. -3fxsMhA_ek-00202-00092960-00093390 You can search within 990s using this database. You can also search to see -3fxsMhA_ek-00203-00093390-00094190 who is giving for funding from a particular company for a particular issue in a particular city -3fxsMhA_ek-00204-00094200-00094740 where the company might have a particular location. -3fxsMhA_ek-00205-00094740-00095030 Companies tend to give in the areas where they have a presence. -3fxsMhA_ek-00206-00095040-00095640 Or if you see which companies are giving in kind gifts, which ones make a particular product -3fxsMhA_ek-00207-00095640-00096060 that you might want to get donated. The database is very flexible, very easy to use, -3fxsMhA_ek-00208-00096060-00096670 and very easy to send home the results from. So this is a great way to find information -3fxsMhA_ek-00209-00096670-00097130 about foundations and other givers. I showed you that when you search this -3fxsMhA_ek-00210-00097130-00097710 you can search and find RFPs that are being offered. I want to mention just before I go over -3fxsMhA_ek-00211-00097710-00098090 to GrantSpace that through our FoundationCenter.org website -3fxsMhA_ek-00212-00098090-00098770 we also have access to newsletters of different funding opportunities. So you can sign up -3fxsMhA_ek-00213-00098770-00099270 for any newsletters related to funding, our RFP bulletin. -3fxsMhA_ek-00214-00099280-00099630 We will send you a regular e-mail newsletters about requests for proposals. -3fxsMhA_ek-00215-00099630-00099930 There are also jobs and other nonprofit news. -3fxsMhA_ek-00216-00099940-00100250 That is available through the FoundationCenter.org. -3fxsMhA_ek-00217-00100250-00100530 The Foundation Directory as I said is something that you would have to pay for -3fxsMhA_ek-00218-00100540-00101050 from home but you can get it for free at all of our different libraries and cooperating collections. -3fxsMhA_ek-00219-00101050-00101520 And were you find those is go in and look at GrantSpace. -3fxsMhA_ek-00220-00101520-00101890 GrantSpace has a search specifically for a location near you -3fxsMhA_ek-00221-00101890-00102390 which will have free access to this database, and I will come back to this in just a second. -3fxsMhA_ek-00222-00102390-00102959 What GrantSpace also does is collect the information that is going to help you -3fxsMhA_ek-00223-00102959-00103530 move forward with this. Once you find these funders and collect different possible funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00224-00103530-00103920 for your program, the question that we always get is what do I do next? -3fxsMhA_ek-00225-00103930-00104459 How do I write a grant proposal? How do I find out what is the best process? -3fxsMhA_ek-00226-00104459-00104770 What if I need to do other kinds of fundraising? -3fxsMhA_ek-00227-00104770-00105280 So what we have done is assemble in GrantSpace.org a free website. -3fxsMhA_ek-00228-00105280-00105759 And everything I am going to show you here on GrantSpace is free and accessible -3fxsMhA_ek-00229-00105770-00106159 from anywhere in the United States that you have access to the Internet. -3fxsMhA_ek-00230-00106159-00106730 We have assembled materials that are going to be useful for finding answers to questions. -3fxsMhA_ek-00231-00106740-00107070 The first place I tend to send people on GrantSpace is the tools that section -3fxsMhA_ek-00232-00107070-00107620 because there are so many wonderful free tools that we offer. And they are all assembled here -3fxsMhA_ek-00233-00107630-00108280 in the tool section with free databases. Some of them are simply free listings of grantmakers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00234-00108280-00108690 If you are looking to find a foundation and you know the name, or the location, -3fxsMhA_ek-00235-00108690-00109170 or the zip code of one, you will find basic information, contact information, websites, -3fxsMhA_ek-00236-00109170-00109550 basic structural information, not what they fund, but who they are. -3fxsMhA_ek-00237-00109559-00109990 You can just look at them for free on the Foundation Finder. -3fxsMhA_ek-00238-00109990-00110530 If you are looking to find a 990 PF for a foundation or 990 report for any nonprofit -3fxsMhA_ek-00239-00110540-00110900 you can search that here by the name of the organization, or the state or location -3fxsMhA_ek-00240-00110900-00111370 and download that. But I think what most people use our tool section for -3fxsMhA_ek-00241-00111370-00111720 are some of the free databases that are in the center here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00242-00111730-00112250 And the ones that of the most attractive to grant seekers and people looking to get funding -3fxsMhA_ek-00243-00112250-00112640 for their cause is the Find Answers section here in the knowledge base. -3fxsMhA_ek-00244-00112640-00113180 So say you are trying to write and acquire funding for a program -3fxsMhA_ek-00245-00113190-00113709 and they say send in a letter of inquiry and you don't know what that is. -3fxsMhA_ek-00246-00113709-00114100 You can go in here to the knowledge base, search the term letter of inquiry, -3fxsMhA_ek-00247-00114100-00114630 and what you will come up with our results. And here are 8 results related to that search. -3fxsMhA_ek-00248-00114640-00115040 The answer that you get in or knowledge base which is kind of like our database -3fxsMhA_ek-00249-00115040-00115550 of frequently asked questions is the answer, "What should be included in a letter of inquiry?" -3fxsMhA_ek-00250-00115550-00115920 And it will tell you here is what it should include. Here is how they go. -3fxsMhA_ek-00251-00115920-00116380 And here is where you can get samples. We have taken from our own publications — -3fxsMhA_ek-00252-00116390-00116780 this is our Grant Seekers Guide for Winning Proposals — a place where you can search -3fxsMhA_ek-00253-00116780-00117530 to find examples, sample documents that show you how to write a letter of inquiry, -3fxsMhA_ek-00254-00117540-00117809 sample letters of inquiry. There is a whole section on that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00255-00117809-00118180 Further down there are websites that we have weeded out from all the things -3fxsMhA_ek-00256-00118180-00118650 that are available on the Internet, the best resources that we have found related to the topic. -3fxsMhA_ek-00257-00118659-00119000 This is just on letters of inquiry, but if you look on the right-hand side -3fxsMhA_ek-00258-00119000-00119450 there are many other categories. If you are looking for government funding, individual donors, -3fxsMhA_ek-00259-00119450-00119940 if you are looking to fund raise from corporations, any of these funding resources are available. -3fxsMhA_ek-00260-00119940-00120300 You want to start getting into online virtual fundraising, you can look and see -3fxsMhA_ek-00261-00120309-00120780 all of the questions and answers related to that, mobile giving, online fundraising, -3fxsMhA_ek-00262-00120780-00121100 interacting with the media, all the things that are related to that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00263-00121109-00121540 There are answers to questions and free links to quick resources that are available out there, -3fxsMhA_ek-00264-00121540-00122109 also information on funding research, nonprofit management, and individual fundraising -3fxsMhA_ek-00265-00122120-00122609 if you are a student or an artist or someone working to try and secure funding -3fxsMhA_ek-00266-00122609-00122990 in the fiscal sponsorship relationship. That material is there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00267-00123000-00123250 And that is available both in English and Spanish. -3fxsMhA_ek-00268-00123250-00123770 Also in the tools are a number of different databases that we are very proud of -3fxsMhA_ek-00269-00123770-00124120 and we keep adding more and more. There is a full database of sample documents, -3fxsMhA_ek-00270-00124120-00124609 sample budgets, cover letters, grant proposals. There is a catalog of our literature, -3fxsMhA_ek-00271-00124609-00125220 our five libraries, the catalog of our holdings there with abstracts and links to fulltext documents -3fxsMhA_ek-00272-00125230-00125620 on every subject related to nonprofits and fundraising. -3fxsMhA_ek-00273-00125620-00126059 Further down there is our brand-new database of collaborations. -3fxsMhA_ek-00274-00126059-00126330 Someone says we want you to collaborate. You don't know how to do that? -3fxsMhA_ek-00275-00126340-00126809 You can search and here for good models with detailed information on the best ways -3fxsMhA_ek-00276-00126809-00127070 to do all sorts and types of collaborations. -3fxsMhA_ek-00277-00127070-00127759 And finally there is a database of tools that measure change, ways of assessing your ability, -3fxsMhA_ek-00278-00127759-00128259 ways of assessing the quality of your programs and how well your programs have impacted -3fxsMhA_ek-00279-00128259-00128580 the community. It is a free database of tools. -3fxsMhA_ek-00280-00128580-00129130 Start up resources for those of you who want to start a nonprofit. Start up resources are available -3fxsMhA_ek-00281-00129140-00129490 by State in this. There is so much available in the tools section you may find -3fxsMhA_ek-00282-00129490-00129800 that that is where you can find all of the answers that you need. -3fxsMhA_ek-00283-00129800-00130370 I do want to mention before I finish up my section just saying that there is a skills section as well, -3fxsMhA_ek-00284-00130370-00130900 where instead of using just the simple tools you can concentrate and find training materials, -3fxsMhA_ek-00285-00130909-00131990 websites, webinars, podcasts and other audio and video related to how to do a particular topic. -3fxsMhA_ek-00286-00131990-00132500 This is all about developing proposals. There are live chat discussions and forums, -3fxsMhA_ek-00287-00132500-00133160 online classes many of which are free, training events many free, sample documents, answers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00288-00133160-00133510 It's all available through GrantSpace.org. -3fxsMhA_ek-00289-00133520-00133820 I want to go back to that main page of GrantSpace.org -3fxsMhA_ek-00290-00133820-00134170 because there is one thing that I want to draw your attention to that is on it, -3fxsMhA_ek-00291-00134170-00134660 on this page and actually on every page, it is our chat now reference. -3fxsMhA_ek-00292-00134670-00135290 We, in addition to providing this information are trying to help you find the sources of funding -3fxsMhA_ek-00293-00135290-00135910 that you need, we have people standing by that can help you answer the questions -3fxsMhA_ek-00294-00135910-00136250 that you have. So I showed a whole bunch of things on this webinar. -3fxsMhA_ek-00295-00136250-00136540 If you can't remember something that you saw you can click on the chat now button -3fxsMhA_ek-00296-00136540-00137070 and talk to a librarian in person. And this is in all day resource, -3fxsMhA_ek-00297-00137070-00137370 something that is available into the evening on the East Coast -3fxsMhA_ek-00298-00137380-00137660 because we have our West Coast office covering this as well. -3fxsMhA_ek-00299-00137660-00138160 When the chat now is not there, the ask us button is always there for free e-mail reference. -3fxsMhA_ek-00300-00138160-00138570 Sending your question. We will get back to you. We take this very seriously. -3fxsMhA_ek-00301-00138570-00138970 We don't skip any questions or skip any possibilities. -3fxsMhA_ek-00302-00138970-00139330 We try to respond directly to everything that is asked of us. -3fxsMhA_ek-00303-00139340-00139830 Well, this is if you want to try and get some resources and help online. -3fxsMhA_ek-00304-00139830-00140100 But as I mentioned, the Foundation Directory is a great resource. -3fxsMhA_ek-00305-00140100-00140530 You want to try it out in a library or a Cooperating Collection near you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00306-00140540-00140980 What you can do is go — and I am showing you here on the GrantSpace homepage -3fxsMhA_ek-00307-00140980-00141360 where you can find this, but it is at a number of different places throughout GrantSpace — -3fxsMhA_ek-00308-00141360-00142080 is a place where you can find us, our over 450 locations. This is the find us map -3fxsMhA_ek-00309-00142090-00142860 for the United States. And I am hoping this will load up here, if not I can do the search -3fxsMhA_ek-00310-00142860-00143520 and show you. It looks like the map is having a little issue today. -3fxsMhA_ek-00311-00143530-00144060 Well, that doesn't matter because we can always do a search to find who is nearest to you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00312-00144060-00144640 So if you have a location — let's say you are in the Pittsburgh area and you want to find out -3fxsMhA_ek-00313-00144640-00145010 what is the nearest Cooperating Collection to you, you can do a search -3fxsMhA_ek-00314-00145010-00145720 and find a list of the nearby foundation Cooperating Collection and libraries. -3fxsMhA_ek-00315-00145720-00146160 And we will tell you the name of the collection, the distance from where you are, -3fxsMhA_ek-00316-00146160-00146420 and a link to them to find out more information. -3fxsMhA_ek-00317-00146430-00146790 All of these places that are listed here and all those places that will be listed -3fxsMhA_ek-00318-00146790-00147260 will offer free access to the Foundation Directory and assistance by somebody -3fxsMhA_ek-00319-00147260-00147820 who has been trained as an expert in providing the kind of resource work -3fxsMhA_ek-00320-00147820-00148320 and the kind of fundraising assistance that you need. And what I am going to do is just end there, -3fxsMhA_ek-00321-00148320-00148700 go back to the slides and ask if anybody has any questions. -3fxsMhA_ek-00322-00148700-00149050 And then I am going to turn it over to Bobbe to tell you more about how that works -3fxsMhA_ek-00323-00149050-00149480 from the Cooperating Collection perspective. -3fxsMhA_ek-00324-00149480-00149820 Does anybody have any questions on anything that I talked about? -3fxsMhA_ek-00325-00149820-00150280 Kyla: Thanks David. It does look like we have a few questions here for you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00326-00150280-00150780 Kim was wondering, do you have any advice or resources for a start up nonprofit -3fxsMhA_ek-00327-00150780-00151080 that is looking to get operations off the ground? -3fxsMhA_ek-00328-00151080-00151790 And are you aware of any foundations that tailor specifically for start of organizations? -3fxsMhA_ek-00329-00151790-00152210 David: Well I will say that foundation funding is usually not the first place you go -3fxsMhA_ek-00330-00152210-00152650 for start up for a nonprofit. However, we do categorize the foundations -3fxsMhA_ek-00331-00152650-00153190 listed in the Foundation Directory, and categorize them as ones that will offer seed money -3fxsMhA_ek-00332-00153190-00153680 as a type of support or not. What I would do is if I was looking to get that kind of start up money -3fxsMhA_ek-00333-00153680-00154120 from a foundation I would look for the ones that are interested in providing seed money first. -3fxsMhA_ek-00334-00154130-00154890 And you can narrow your search that way. Other suggestions are in the GrantSpace section -3fxsMhA_ek-00335-00154890-00155340 of the knowledge base under establishing a nonprofit organization. -3fxsMhA_ek-00336-00155340-00155760 We have lots of information about best ways to get a nonprofit started, -3fxsMhA_ek-00337-00155760-00156080 the legal questions but also the different funding questions. -3fxsMhA_ek-00338-00156090-00156530 So I would work in there to see in addition to foundations what you could use. -3fxsMhA_ek-00339-00156530-00157110 Kyla: Okay, great, thanks. And it looks like we have a question from Justin. -3fxsMhA_ek-00340-00157110-00157520 Do you have any research or publications coming out in the near future -3fxsMhA_ek-00341-00157520-00158140 regarding direct charitable activities and foundation staffing related to employment trends -3fxsMhA_ek-00342-00158140-00159450 such as the number of employees by type of foundation and giving levels? -3fxsMhA_ek-00343-00159450-00159950 David: We do do studies of foundations and how they operate. -3fxsMhA_ek-00344-00159950-00160640 We don't always duplicate anything that the Counsel on Foundations would do as a study. -3fxsMhA_ek-00345-00160650-00161110 But we do regular studies all the time and we have done things related to staffing -3fxsMhA_ek-00346-00161110-00161570 and the administrative needs of foundations. The place to find that would be to go -3fxsMhA_ek-00347-00161580-00162200 to the FoundationCenter.org. And I think I will just bring that up again if I can here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00348-00162200-00162710 I am just going to bring up FoundationCenter.org real quickly. -3fxsMhA_ek-00349-00162710-00163220 The place to go is the gain knowledge section. And in our research studies -3fxsMhA_ek-00350-00163220-00163580 you will find national trends, regional trends, and special topic trends. -3fxsMhA_ek-00351-00163580-00164050 So any time that we are doing a special study related to foundations -3fxsMhA_ek-00352-00164050-00164430 and how they do their funding and how they administer different programs, -3fxsMhA_ek-00353-00164430-00164660 that is where you'll find it. -3fxsMhA_ek-00354-00164660-00165060 Kyla: Okay, great, thanks. And then Julian had a question. -3fxsMhA_ek-00355-00165060-00165470 She says, I am working on starting up a new nonprofit organization -3fxsMhA_ek-00356-00165470-00166000 and she is finding [indistinct] grants but thus far most require a 501(c)(3) status. -3fxsMhA_ek-00357-00166000-00166280 Are there any good resources for start up nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00358-00166280-00166660 looking for money prior to 501(c)(3) status? -3fxsMhA_ek-00359-00166660-00167090 David: Well part of the problem is that in order for a grant to be legal -3fxsMhA_ek-00360-00167090-00167590 it has to go for charitable purposes, so a lot of foundations will not give grants to organizations -3fxsMhA_ek-00361-00167590-00168250 that are not 501(c)(3) or some type of nonprofit. However, if you are in the start up phase -3fxsMhA_ek-00362-00168260-00168920 there are organizations that will give grants to you if you are working with a fiscal sponsor, -3fxsMhA_ek-00363-00168920-00169400 somebody who will serve to be the official legal administer of the money -3fxsMhA_ek-00364-00169400-00169900 that you can partner with. They will get the grant and pass it through to you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00365-00169900-00170240 So it is an agreement that you have with an existing nonprofit. -3fxsMhA_ek-00366-00170240-00170780 And in our knowledge base, through GrantSpace.org in the tools, the knowledge base, -3fxsMhA_ek-00367-00170780-00171220 there is a whole section on fiscal sponsorship and how it can work, some of the pitfalls, -3fxsMhA_ek-00368-00171220-00171550 some of the places where you can find assistance for that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00369-00171550-00172030 There are other organizations that sometimes that will assist you and give you grants -3fxsMhA_ek-00370-00172030-00172360 even though you are just in the process of getting a 501(c)(3). -3fxsMhA_ek-00371-00172370-00172780 Because of the way the law is it is retroactive to when you start the process. -3fxsMhA_ek-00372-00172780-00173200 But I would take a look at the fiscal sponsorship material there -3fxsMhA_ek-00373-00173200-00173450 and see if may be that might be the right choice for you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00374-00173460-00173820 Kyla: Okay, great, thanks. I just want to take a couple more questions. -3fxsMhA_ek-00375-00173820-00174270 And we do have a lot of questions coming in. And then we'll hand it over to Bobbe. -3fxsMhA_ek-00376-00174270-00174720 Rubino was asking our there are sliding scales for nonprofits based on their budget? -3fxsMhA_ek-00377-00174720-00174960 I'm assuming for Foundation Directory Online. -3fxsMhA_ek-00378-00174960-00175490 David: For the cost of the Foundation Directory Online, it is pretty much for the different levels -3fxsMhA_ek-00379-00175490-00175880 of what you would like to get. And actually for a nonprofit that is not sure -3fxsMhA_ek-00380-00175890-00176240 that they wanted want to pay the full $179.95 per month, -3fxsMhA_ek-00381-00176240-00176830 you might want to consider getting a less comprehensive collection -3fxsMhA_ek-00382-00176840-00177280 of just the largest foundations, say the basic collection which is $19.95 a month -3fxsMhA_ek-00383-00177280-00177800 just to get started. There is not a sliding scale based on the size of the organization, -3fxsMhA_ek-00384-00177800-00178230 but we do recommend that you find and try out the Foundation Directory -3fxsMhA_ek-00385-00178240-00178560 and see what it is that you actually need. And we can help you out -3fxsMhA_ek-00386-00178560-00179010 at any of our Cooperating Collections to decide which might be the best level for you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00387-00179010-00179560 Kyla: Okay, great, thank you. And then I'm going to handle one more question -3fxsMhA_ek-00388-00179560-00179870 and then the rest of the questions we will get to after Bobbe's section, -3fxsMhA_ek-00389-00179880-00180360 because I do want to make sure Bobbe has time. Hanna was asking, -3fxsMhA_ek-00390-00180360-00180950 how do I generate a comprehensive list of funders for my cause and not just one or two? -3fxsMhA_ek-00391-00180950-00181660 David: Comprehensive, well the best way to think about it is to not focus just solely on the funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00392-00181670-00182200 that are mentioning your cause. Say you were doing a program specifically related to autism, -3fxsMhA_ek-00393-00182200-00182680 you can find funders that have a field of interest that is autism. -3fxsMhA_ek-00394-00182680-00183080 And you'll find several hundred that are interested in funding autism related programs. -3fxsMhA_ek-00395-00183080-00183580 But there are several thousand more that are most likely interested in funding programs -3fxsMhA_ek-00396-00183580-00184130 related to your topic. You just can't think of it to narrowly. So instead of just looking for funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00397-00184140-00184540 that are targeting autism, you might look for funders that are interested in children, -3fxsMhA_ek-00398-00184540-00185080 or children and health, or health in general as well. Most of the time your private funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00399-00185080-00185500 are going to be more general about what they say they fund rather than more specific. -3fxsMhA_ek-00400-00185510-00185840 So you can find the specific funders and get connected to them. -3fxsMhA_ek-00401-00185840-00186390 But then start thinking more broadly. What categories do my programs fits in? -3fxsMhA_ek-00402-00186390-00186840 Am I working with youth? I'll find youth related funders. But I also want to find funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00403-00186840-00187060 that are interested in the economically disadvantaged -3fxsMhA_ek-00404-00187060-00187340 because that is most of the youth I work with are economically disadvantaged, -3fxsMhA_ek-00405-00187340-00187890 or African-American, or girls if it is focused on girls. You can go a lot of different directions -3fxsMhA_ek-00406-00187890-00188510 to match up with funders. The important thing is to not think narrowly about what you do. -3fxsMhA_ek-00407-00188510-00189050 Think of all the different ways you can connect to a potential funder, and that will help you. -3fxsMhA_ek-00408-00189060-00189450 Kyla: Okay, great, thank you. And then with that I think we are going to go ahead -3fxsMhA_ek-00409-00189450-00189820 and give the control over to Bobbe. And some of the questions that came in -3fxsMhA_ek-00410-00189830-00190200 that we didn't just get to we will try to get to those near the end. -3fxsMhA_ek-00411-00190200-00190620 And like I said, if we don't get to everything I can forward to the presenters afterwards. -3fxsMhA_ek-00412-00190620-00191370 So thank you David for that. Bobbe I am going to go ahead and give you control. -3fxsMhA_ek-00413-00191380-00191890 Let me know if I unmuted you, so let me know if you can go ahead and speak. -3fxsMhA_ek-00414-00191890-00191970 Bobbe: Can you hear me? -3fxsMhA_ek-00415-00191980-00192360 Kyla: I can hear you. You are a little bit quiet, so you might want to turn the volume up -3fxsMhA_ek-00416-00192360-00192870 on the phone again. -3fxsMhA_ek-00417-00192880-00193760 Bobbe: Okay everybody. If you can hear me well, I am here in Kalamazoo Michigan. -3fxsMhA_ek-00418-00193760-00194260 There really is a Kalamazoo Michigan. And I am delighted to be with you all this afternoon -3fxsMhA_ek-00419-00194260-00194770 and have the opportunity to tell you about ONE Place which we believe -3fxsMhA_ek-00420-00194770-00195340 to be a unique nonprofit resource center and hopefully tell you how you can -3fxsMhA_ek-00421-00195340-00195880 either get connected with one in your area or potentially start one in your area -3fxsMhA_ek-00422-00195890-00196430 because nonprofits seem to have a need for resource centers around the country. -3fxsMhA_ek-00423-00196430-00197100 ONE Place is an externally funded nonprofit management support organization -3fxsMhA_ek-00424-00197100-00197470 commonly called an MSO. You may have heard them called MSOs. -3fxsMhA_ek-00425-00197480-00197950 And it is located at and operated by the Kalamazoo Public Library. -3fxsMhA_ek-00426-00197950-00198460 We have been open a little over three years, so I wanted to give you a little history -3fxsMhA_ek-00427-00198460-00199350 of how this came about because it is quite unique to even the sector of MSOs across the country. -3fxsMhA_ek-00428-00199350-00199960 We have seven different MSOs in the State of Michigan and they are all unique -3fxsMhA_ek-00429-00199960-00200540 to their organizations and to their funding models. We are the only one that is free -3fxsMhA_ek-00430-00200540-00201120 and open to the public. Everything that happens here is at the public library -3fxsMhA_ek-00431-00201120-00201710 and it is under public library policies of being free and having open access. -3fxsMhA_ek-00432-00201720-00202320 So there is no prerequisites. People who are involved in nonprofits or not involved in nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00433-00202320-00202770 can come for our services and programs but they are very much geared -3fxsMhA_ek-00434-00202770-00203060 toward all of our nonprofit sector. -3fxsMhA_ek-00435-00203060-00203920 We also are the Cooperating Collection manager here at KPL. Kalamazoo Public Library -3fxsMhA_ek-00436-00203920-00204480 was a Cooperating Collection before we started ONE Place here at the library, -3fxsMhA_ek-00437-00204480-00204980 but since we have our own place, we actually have a place and an office -3fxsMhA_ek-00438-00204990-00205690 and utilize the entire library. I am now the supervisor of the cooperating collection. -3fxsMhA_ek-00439-00205690-00206250 And unlike a lot of the places that David was talking about, I am not a librarian. -3fxsMhA_ek-00440-00206250-00206969 I am an entrepreneur and nonprofit consultant by my profession. -3fxsMhA_ek-00441-00206969-00207400 And having the resources of the Foundation Center here -3fxsMhA_ek-00442-00207400-00208240 are just a monumental benefit to us at ONE Place in the totality of what we offer. -3fxsMhA_ek-00443-00208240-00208850 Just again, a little history, this came about because our two major funding sources, -3fxsMhA_ek-00444-00208860-00209369 the [indistinct] Foundation, and the community foundation here in Kalamazoo -3fxsMhA_ek-00445-00209369-00210350 initiated a task force in late 2007, early 2008 to see if such a one-stop shopping place -3fxsMhA_ek-00446-00210350-00210990 would be important and valuable to our nonprofit sector. They definitely found that it was -3fxsMhA_ek-00447-00210990-00211710 and they initiated the proposals to fund the first three year pilot of this program. -3fxsMhA_ek-00448-00211710-00212569 They asked the library to be the operating unit and to be the source of in-kind infrastructure -3fxsMhA_ek-00449-00212569-00213230 for ONE Place. And that has proven to be an enormously beneficial model -3fxsMhA_ek-00450-00213230-00213890 for us here in Kalamazoo. Our library is known to be collaborative, known to be neutral, -3fxsMhA_ek-00451-00213900-00214500 it is centrally located and it is open and free so many hours of the week. -3fxsMhA_ek-00452-00214500-00215230 So the goals of ONE Place are two. One is to be the one place for nonprofits to get resources, -3fxsMhA_ek-00453-00215230-00215910 instructions, and referrals. And two, for everyone who leads, manages, and donates to nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00454-00215919-00216500 in Kalamazoo County to come together for new ideas, resources, and each other. -3fxsMhA_ek-00455-00216500-00216940 And as I tell you about how we accomplish those goals you will really get a sense -3fxsMhA_ek-00456-00216940-00217480 of how important connecting with each other is to our service. -3fxsMhA_ek-00457-00217480-00218410 We have what I call a school model here at ONE Place. We have a large circulating collection, -3fxsMhA_ek-00458-00218410-00218819 the second largest in the State of Michigan of nonprofit resources. -3fxsMhA_ek-00459-00218819-00219440 So if your library that you are closest to doesn't have the latest best practice book -3fxsMhA_ek-00460-00219450-00220160 you may want to be asking them to bring them in and having a nonprofit section or collection -3fxsMhA_ek-00461-00220160-00220680 so that you can have open and free access to those things. So all of these things -3fxsMhA_ek-00462-00220680-00220960 that you are seeing on the slide, professional development, -3fxsMhA_ek-00463-00220960-00221550 organizational assistance development, are all meant to help build the capacity -3fxsMhA_ek-00464-00221550-00222050 both of individuals and systems in our organizations locally. -3fxsMhA_ek-00465-00222060-00222630 We have [indistinct], and in our reference section all of the Foundation Center books -3fxsMhA_ek-00466-00222630-00223280 and resources because as a Cooperating Collection we do subscribe to their highest level -3fxsMhA_ek-00467-00223280-00224069 of membership. And so we get a very updated, continually updated source of resources -3fxsMhA_ek-00468-00224069-00224680 both online and through hardcover books. I just got [indistinct] more yesterday. -3fxsMhA_ek-00469-00224690-00225640 We offer education and training. These are in four different models or modes that we operate here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00470-00225640-00226490 The workshops are in person, on-site and they are facilitator lead. They are led by experts -3fxsMhA_ek-00471-00226500-00227169 in whatever field the topic is. And they will run anywhere from an hour and a half to five days. -3fxsMhA_ek-00472-00227169-00227730 We have a five-part series on supervision and management in the nonprofit sector -3fxsMhA_ek-00473-00227740-00228040 that we have done twice and are going to repeat again next fall. -3fxsMhA_ek-00474-00228040-00228490 And then we back up to as little as an hour and a half to two hours. -3fxsMhA_ek-00475-00228490-00228940 Then we have a whole series of webinars much like this one. -3fxsMhA_ek-00476-00228940-00229750 We bring in the experts from all over the country through associations and centers of nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00477-00229750-00230640 to provide in person on-site group setting webinars on everything from risk management -3fxsMhA_ek-00478-00230640-00231180 to technology like this one, the Foundation Center webinars, -3fxsMhA_ek-00479-00231180-00231819 the Association of Fundraising Professionals webinars. And we bring these folks together -3fxsMhA_ek-00480-00231819-00232419 that are interested in that topic and we have a discussion after the webinar is done -3fxsMhA_ek-00481-00232419-00232990 to see how they are implementing these things they learned, or how they plan to. -3fxsMhA_ek-00482-00233000-00233650 I always ask for what pearls they got that day to take away. And they share among themselves. -3fxsMhA_ek-00483-00233650-00234340 So this is another way that they are meeting each other and developing their networks. -3fxsMhA_ek-00484-00234340-00234840 In addition, we have an ongoing series of peer networks. We call them roundtables -3fxsMhA_ek-00485-00234850-00235990 because they are over the lunch hour. And every month most of them come together with a topic -3fxsMhA_ek-00486-00235990-00236440 that they would like skill development in, and how again they are implementing those, -3fxsMhA_ek-00487-00236440-00236910 or what questions and challenges they have in their organization. -3fxsMhA_ek-00488-00236919-00237319 We had one just at noontime today here in Michigan -3fxsMhA_ek-00489-00237319-00237940 with our fundraising development professional. And we talked about a number of different topics, -3fxsMhA_ek-00490-00237940-00238380 how to engage your Board in fund development. It is a very common topic -3fxsMhA_ek-00491-00238380-00238969 as I am sure it is for many of you. We have a board leadership roundtable for board Presidents -3fxsMhA_ek-00492-00238980-00239569 and Assistant Presidents, a new Executive Director roundtable for people in the job -3fxsMhA_ek-00493-00239569-00240219 for the first time, less than three years. And then we cover all of the other functional areas -3fxsMhA_ek-00494-00240219-00240860 in nonprofits in their own peer network. So again, they get to say what their challenges are. -3fxsMhA_ek-00495-00240860-00241250 They get to talk about what other people's challenges are and how they can help them -3fxsMhA_ek-00496-00241260-00241760 with an idea or a tip. And they learn who else is out there -3fxsMhA_ek-00497-00241760-00242060 doing what they are doing in the community. -3fxsMhA_ek-00498-00242060-00242460 I had over 30 years of consulting here in Kalamazoo with nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00499-00242469-00243019 prior to coming to the library to build up ONE Place. And I was very well aware -3fxsMhA_ek-00500-00243019-00243550 that in most cases people working in nonprofits never had the opportunity to get out, -3fxsMhA_ek-00501-00243550-00244019 and very often have no opportunity for their own professional development. -3fxsMhA_ek-00502-00244019-00244590 So we are really adding a lot of value to our organizations. -3fxsMhA_ek-00503-00244600-00245490 This year we added a very special Leadership Academy that I had in the planning for year three. -3fxsMhA_ek-00504-00245490-00245769 And I knew we had to be established by the time I offered this. -3fxsMhA_ek-00505-00245769-00246600 It is a ten-day Executive Director Training Academy. We currently have 19 middle -3fxsMhA_ek-00506-00246600-00247350 and upper management professionals that are in. There are larger organizations here in Kalamazoo -3fxsMhA_ek-00507-00247350-00247860 and we are building a pool of leaders and executives to take over -3fxsMhA_ek-00508-00247869-00248469 as a rising wave of baby boomers retiring and leaving a leadership gap. -3fxsMhA_ek-00509-00248469-00249050 So we are aware of that and we plan to do that every year. The current one begins in January -3fxsMhA_ek-00510-00249060-00250069 and ends June 1. They are all very excited. They have a mentor following with them. -3fxsMhA_ek-00511-00250069-00250750 And Leadership Academy days are taught by experts in whatever the topic is. -3fxsMhA_ek-00512-00250750-00251280 And the whole goal of that is that they will be prepared when they do step into leadership -3fxsMhA_ek-00513-00251280-00251790 and not be surprised by all the breadth and depth it takes to run an organization -3fxsMhA_ek-00514-00251790-00252150 from the executive chair. -3fxsMhA_ek-00515-00252150-00252669 In addition, we offer ongoing one-on-one and small group assistants. -3fxsMhA_ek-00516-00252680-00253180 Often times since all of you are in nonprofits it is called technical assistance. -3fxsMhA_ek-00517-00253180-00253840 And we are so busy here at ONE Place I call it triage. I am the primary person -3fxsMhA_ek-00518-00253840-00254530 that does that work by e-mail, phone or in person. And as you will see by a few staff at the end, -3fxsMhA_ek-00519-00254530-00255069 the volume of what we do here does not allow me to do long-term counseling. -3fxsMhA_ek-00520-00255069-00255660 So for that we have a consultant and trainer network that has been going for over three years -3fxsMhA_ek-00521-00255660-00256360 now and an online searchable directory by key word that they apply to be a part of. -3fxsMhA_ek-00522-00256360-00256940 And we check their references so they are vetted. But the consultant and trainer network -3fxsMhA_ek-00523-00256940-00257650 is people that are in the directory and additional people. And they come together once a month -3fxsMhA_ek-00524-00257660-00258200 for their own ongoing professional development and to find out what other people are doing. -3fxsMhA_ek-00525-00258200-00258640 ONE Place could not do what it does without the folks that are in this network -3fxsMhA_ek-00526-00258650-00259040 and in the directory because they support us 100%. -3fxsMhA_ek-00527-00259040-00259569 They teach many of our on-site workshops. They are part of the leadership Academy -3fxsMhA_ek-00528-00259569-00260030 and leading all of that. And they are just an invaluable part of ONE Place. -3fxsMhA_ek-00529-00260030-00260660 So if you don't have that kind of thing in your community, just having a way to draw on -3fxsMhA_ek-00530-00260660-00261390 and having a list of available consultants would be very handy to you I believe. -3fxsMhA_ek-00531-00261390-00261769 So what do we do as part of being a cooperating collection? -3fxsMhA_ek-00532-00261769-00262220 As I noted the library was a Cooperating Collection before I got here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00533-00262220-00262770 And there are requirements that go along with being that that David didn't quite talk about. -3fxsMhA_ek-00534-00262770-00263700 But one of them is we are required to stay on top of the resources. We have our own webinars. -3fxsMhA_ek-00535-00263700-00264370 We have our own conferences to continue to learn what they have available for us. -3fxsMhA_ek-00536-00264370-00265050 In addition, we are required to promote the fact that we have them here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00537-00265060-00265690 And that wouldn't be a problem at all because we really value and use their services all the time. -3fxsMhA_ek-00538-00265690-00266490 So we have them promoted in our library through posters. We have them noted in our E newsletter -3fxsMhA_ek-00539-00266490-00267110 that goes out every other week. You can also subscribe to that if you are interested at any time. -3fxsMhA_ek-00540-00267120-00267610 And in every other way that we have a workshop or something -3fxsMhA_ek-00541-00267610-00268080 we always promote that the Foundation Center resources are available, -3fxsMhA_ek-00542-00268080-00268510 both the ones that are only available on site with the directory, -3fxsMhA_ek-00543-00268520-00268840 and the ones that are available free of charge. -3fxsMhA_ek-00544-00268840-00269500 We provide access in ONE Place and really throughout the entire Central Library -3fxsMhA_ek-00545-00269510-00270010 to the directory online. We have two dedicated machines in ONE Place -3fxsMhA_ek-00546-00270010-00270410 that are only available to the nonprofit organizations. -3fxsMhA_ek-00547-00270410-00270930 And we make sure they are available all the time, that people can come in. -3fxsMhA_ek-00548-00270940-00271400 And once you get used to it if you haven't used it already — -3fxsMhA_ek-00549-00271400-00271860 David did a great job of showing you some basics — but once you get used to it -3fxsMhA_ek-00550-00271860-00272400 you can really get absorbed into it and spend a whole lot of time what-ifing -3fxsMhA_ek-00551-00272400-00273340 and seeing different things that are available to you out there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00552-00273350-00274140 We provide about once every six weeks, we provide a grant writing basics class -3fxsMhA_ek-00553-00274140-00275010 that is six hours long. And about every six weeks in between we offer a grant research tools class. -3fxsMhA_ek-00554-00275010-00275700 And that is about an hour and a half to two hours long. And we do very much in the grant research -3fxsMhA_ek-00555-00275710-00276650 tools what David did earlier in this webinar. And we have people looking at topics -3fxsMhA_ek-00556-00276650-00277230 and going out and talking about how you think about the topics and the key words -3fxsMhA_ek-00557-00277230-00277930 in the database because the database has key words that we recommend people go to those -3fxsMhA_ek-00558-00277930-00278690 to view the topics and not type in those boxes because you want to communicate -3fxsMhA_ek-00559-00278700-00279080 with the directory online in a way that it understands. -3fxsMhA_ek-00560-00279080-00279470 And you want to look at those categories like David talked about -3fxsMhA_ek-00561-00279470-00280250 that are more long-term, is how I say, what your goal is. -3fxsMhA_ek-00562-00280250-00281200 For instance, one of our people came in looking for capital to build a shed for a historic car -3fxsMhA_ek-00563-00281200-00281920 that they were being given. And he kept looking for capital, building, all that kind of thing. -3fxsMhA_ek-00564-00281920-00282390 I said, what do you want to do with it? He said its to preserve this car. -3fxsMhA_ek-00565-00282400-00282990 So we looked under historical preservation and there were a whole lot more sources -3fxsMhA_ek-00566-00282990-00283520 of funding opportunities than there were looking under building a garage. -3fxsMhA_ek-00567-00283520-00284040 So think about what you want the outcome to be when you look for key words. -3fxsMhA_ek-00568-00284050-00284740 So in addition to those workshops utilizing the Foundation Center resources -3fxsMhA_ek-00569-00284740-00285460 throughout all of those workshops we also offer individual and group tutoring in ONE Place -3fxsMhA_ek-00570-00285460-00286380 on an as needed basis, especially if people can't get to one of those workshops. -3fxsMhA_ek-00571-00286380-00286990 This is the level of service that we provide in ONE Place. -3fxsMhA_ek-00572-00287000-00287790 Every year we offer 160 or more workshops, webinars, and peer networks -3fxsMhA_ek-00573-00287790-00288600 that are attended by over 1500 people. And in addition, we have over 8000 service points -3fxsMhA_ek-00574-00288610-00289320 with people in those phone calls, e-mails, and in person meetings with people. -3fxsMhA_ek-00575-00289320-00290490 And that is all with 1.75 FTEs. And that has been going ever since we opened. -3fxsMhA_ek-00576-00290490-00291070 I had the privilege of having five months behind the scenes to get everything in order -3fxsMhA_ek-00577-00291070-00291510 so that when we opened in March of 09 we hit the ground running -3fxsMhA_ek-00578-00291510-00292080 and we have been running at this level ever since. And that proves along with a wonderful feedback -3fxsMhA_ek-00579-00292080-00292690 that we get that this is really valuable to our community, to our county. -3fxsMhA_ek-00580-00292690-00293440 We are working with over 400 501(c)(3)'s and about 1400 organizations altogether, -3fxsMhA_ek-00581-00293440-00293910 and all the people that work in and with them in our community. -3fxsMhA_ek-00582-00293920-00294430 We just did our annual survey of satisfaction in which we send a separate survey -3fxsMhA_ek-00583-00294430-00295000 to each of the service and program areas. And we have an overall average of 94%, -3fxsMhA_ek-00584-00295000-00295260 so I am pretty happy with that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00585-00295270-00295890 So that is what we have. And what I would like to do is just show you our opening — -3fxsMhA_ek-00586-00295890-00296570 we have a very very dynamic website. And before we close to have questions here at the end, -3fxsMhA_ek-00587-00296570-00297070 I would just like to go out and show you that. I am not going to flip around a lot in it -3fxsMhA_ek-00588-00297070-00297570 because there is way too much there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00589-00297570-00298640 But this is the Kalamazoo Public Library's website. And ONE Place is right here, nonprofit. -3fxsMhA_ek-00590-00298640-00299190 And this is our website. And I hope that you will go out and find it. It is on your slides -3fxsMhA_ek-00591-00299190-00299830 and my contact information. It shows our upcoming workshops and events, our services, -3fxsMhA_ek-00592-00299830-00301050 our resources. And we have a blog that I do on a regular basis. We just hired an assistant. -3fxsMhA_ek-00593-00301050-00301690 We had an assistant for almost 3 years and she went on to work for another organization. -3fxsMhA_ek-00594-00301690-00302160 And we have a new assistant Bailey Meede, and her picture will be up here shortly. -3fxsMhA_ek-00595-00302170-00302810 And we do blogs on topical issues of timely matters in the nonprofit sector. -3fxsMhA_ek-00596-00302810-00303320 We also have an Ask ONE Place where people can just send in their questions. -3fxsMhA_ek-00597-00303320-00303930 We offer a nonprofit events calendar and an external regional training calendar. -3fxsMhA_ek-00598-00303940-00304780 And all these different resources online and out of line. The Spotlight on Nonprofits -3fxsMhA_ek-00599-00304780-00305350 is us catching nonprofits doing good work in putting a little story about them up there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00600-00305350-00305830 And here is where you can subscribe to our eNews and alertswhenever you wish. -3fxsMhA_ek-00601-00305840-00306150 And down under resources are where the Foundation Center -3fxsMhA_ek-00602-00306150-00306530 and GrantSpace and all of those wonderful places are. -3fxsMhA_ek-00603-00306530-00307300 So I hope you will take advantage of that and go out and check out our website -3fxsMhA_ek-00604-00307300-00307830 and what we have to offer here. And I would be very happy to talk with anyone -3fxsMhA_ek-00605-00307830-00308280 or answer any questions right now. -3fxsMhA_ek-00606-00308280-00308780 Kyla: Great, thank you Bobbe. Really quick I am going to go ahead and — -3fxsMhA_ek-00607-00308780-00309210 well actually if you want to put up your contact information real fast, -3fxsMhA_ek-00608-00309210-00309670 and after a couple of questions I will go ahead and take control back of the screen. -3fxsMhA_ek-00609-00309670-00310430 We have had a few questions about nonprofits wanting to access some of the resources -3fxsMhA_ek-00610-00310440-00310900 that you provide if they don't live in Michigan. So I was just wondering if your webinars -3fxsMhA_ek-00611-00310900-00311570 or some of your other resources are available for outside of the state? -3fxsMhA_ek-00612-00311570-00312130 Bobbe: They really are not. We offer the webinars only on-site as a group setting, -3fxsMhA_ek-00613-00312130-00312810 and all the other things are on site as well. We have had people as far away as Flint Michigan -3fxsMhA_ek-00614-00312810-00313440 and Lansing come to our things. But our target area is Kalamazoo County. -3fxsMhA_ek-00615-00313450-00313970 David: What the person might want to do is check to see -3fxsMhA_ek-00616-00313970-00314610 what is in the nearby Cooperating Collections for them for their area because Bobbe has -3fxsMhA_ek-00617-00314610-00315060 an exemplary cooperating collection, and they do so many different activities. -3fxsMhA_ek-00618-00315060-00315470 You should check to see which ones — the Cooperating Collection in your area -3fxsMhA_ek-00619-00315470-00315690 might have similar types of programs. -3fxsMhA_ek-00620-00315700-00316360 Kyla: Right. That is exactly what I was going to say. And I just put the Cooperating Collections link -3fxsMhA_ek-00621-00316360-00316750 into the chat pane so if anybody wants to check out the closest one nearest to them -3fxsMhA_ek-00622-00316750-00317240 that would be a good way to do so. And again, Bobbe's example is just a really great example -3fxsMhA_ek-00623-00317250-00317660 and hopefully all of those collections can strive to meet. -3fxsMhA_ek-00624-00317660-00318370 Bobbe: The other thing I would do is check in your area to see if you have -3fxsMhA_ek-00625-00318370-00318900 a management support organization in addition to or as a part of the cooperating collection. -3fxsMhA_ek-00626-00318900-00319640 Some are actually statewide. In Michigan we have seven organizations similar to this. -3fxsMhA_ek-00627-00319650-00320030 They are different in that they have a membership and are fee-based, -3fxsMhA_ek-00628-00320030-00320600 but they are there to assist. So I know that around the country there are other organizations like ours -3fxsMhA_ek-00629-00320600-00321300 that would again provide the Cooperating Collection and also do additional workshops. -3fxsMhA_ek-00630-00321300-00321700 Kyla: Okay, great. And we had a question from Patricia who wanted to know -3fxsMhA_ek-00631-00321700-00322240 a little bit more about establishing a resource one-stop organization like this. -3fxsMhA_ek-00632-00322250-00322760 David: I can at least address it if you were interested in becoming a Cooperating Collection -3fxsMhA_ek-00633-00322760-00323240 of the Foundation Center. The Foundation Center is always looking for additional places -3fxsMhA_ek-00634-00323240-00323710 to have a presence. We try and have one in every major city in the United States -3fxsMhA_ek-00635-00323710-00324170 and in a lot of smaller cities as well and rural areas. -3fxsMhA_ek-00636-00324170-00324670 So if you were interested in establishing one, one place that I would suggest you go — -3fxsMhA_ek-00637-00324670-00325440 I don't know if I can get control of the screen for just a second here. -3fxsMhA_ek-00638-00325440-00326000 Then we can put Bobbe's information back up here. But one place you might want to go -3fxsMhA_ek-00639-00326010-00326630 if you are interested in doing that is to go to the Foundation Center's website, -3fxsMhA_ek-00640-00326630-00327210 FoundationCenter.org and click on the locations button there at the top of every screen; -3fxsMhA_ek-00641-00327210-00327930 so FoundationCenter.org, click on locations. Down at the bottom you will find a list of locations -3fxsMhA_ek-00642-00327940-00328370 that are Cooperating Collections and a page that will tell you about becoming one. -3fxsMhA_ek-00643-00328370-00328920 There is a little video that you can watch and a link to find even more information. -3fxsMhA_ek-00644-00328920-00329280 So if you know of a place that wants to become a cooperating collections, -3fxsMhA_ek-00645-00329280-00329670 or if you are interested in your own organization becoming one, -3fxsMhA_ek-00646-00329680-00330150 you can read about what the benefits are, how you apply, and we will get in touch with you -3fxsMhA_ek-00647-00330150-00330830 and take you through the process. There is a fee, but the benefits for a library or other organization -3fxsMhA_ek-00648-00330830-00331380 that decided to be one, you get a lot more material than you actually wind up paying for. -3fxsMhA_ek-00649-00331380-00331930 And we like to have a presence everywhere so people don't have to drive a long-distance. -3fxsMhA_ek-00650-00331930-00332430 Kyla: Great, thank you. And really quick what I am going to do is I am going to actually take control -3fxsMhA_ek-00651-00332440-00332870 of the screen. And Bobbe, I will just pull up that last slide with your contact information -3fxsMhA_ek-00652-00332870-00333490 so everybody can see it from my screen. And while I am doing that, Bobbe a few people asked, -3fxsMhA_ek-00653-00333490-00334090 do you charge for any of your events or things like that? -3fxsMhA_ek-00654-00334100-00334610 Bobbe: Everything here is absolutely free. And that is why we think we are probably unique -3fxsMhA_ek-00655-00334610-00335270 in the country. I know we are unique in Michigan. All of the other similar organizations -3fxsMhA_ek-00656-00335280-00336050 including our statewide Michigan Nonprofit Association are all membership and fee-based. -3fxsMhA_ek-00657-00336050-00336760 So we are unique in that our funders and the library want us to be free and open to the public. -3fxsMhA_ek-00658-00336760-00337620 There is a new wave of professional development in our nonprofit sector in releasing people -3fxsMhA_ek-00659-00337620-00338070 to come to ONE Place that is unprecedented. I mean it just wouldn't happen -3fxsMhA_ek-00660-00338070-00338350 if we had to charge them. -3fxsMhA_ek-00661-00338360-00338830 Kyla: Okay, thank you for that. And then this question I think would be for David. -3fxsMhA_ek-00662-00338830-00339270 Does access membership to GrantSpace.org also come at a cost? -3fxsMhA_ek-00663-00339280-00339610 I know you said it was free, but I didn't know if there was any cost. -3fxsMhA_ek-00664-00339610-00339990 David: Yeah, GrantSpace.org is completely free. Access to that is available -3fxsMhA_ek-00665-00339990-00340420 from anywhere you have Internet links. And most of the information, the training classes, -3fxsMhA_ek-00666-00340420-00341010 the webinars, additional tutorials, most of the information you get directly from there, -3fxsMhA_ek-00667-00341010-00341520 and all of the answers to questions through the knowledge base, downloadable materials, -3fxsMhA_ek-00668-00341530-00342150 that is all free. We try to keep as much completely free as we can. -3fxsMhA_ek-00669-00342150-00342810 Kyla: Okay, great. A little bit ago Justin had asked, is there a way to find out what publications -3fxsMhA_ek-00670-00342810-00343260 Foundation Center has coming out in the future? He said he has already gone -3fxsMhA_ek-00671-00343260-00343760 through the documents and research that is already present in the section that you referred to. -3fxsMhA_ek-00672-00343760-00344090 David: We do occasionally announce things that are on the way, -3fxsMhA_ek-00673-00344100-00344400 but sometimes it depends on when we are going to be publishing. -3fxsMhA_ek-00674-00344400-00344790 We are not always certain about the publication date. A good place to look -3fxsMhA_ek-00675-00344790-00345270 is in the FoundationCenter.org and the shop section. It will highlight the latest things. -3fxsMhA_ek-00676-00345270-00345680 But if you want to find out when things are announced or when new publications -3fxsMhA_ek-00677-00345680-00346060 are suddenly available, I encourage you to subscribe to one of the newsletters -3fxsMhA_ek-00678-00346060-00346500 that the Foundation Center puts together. So you go to FoundationCenter.org -3fxsMhA_ek-00679-00346500-00346920 and click on newsletters. There will be five newsletters from five main libraries -3fxsMhA_ek-00680-00346920-00347420 across the country, plus newsletters that are related to the latest technological information, -3fxsMhA_ek-00681-00347420-00347890 the latest philanthropy information, the latest jobs. You can find a lot of things -3fxsMhA_ek-00682-00347890-00348330 as early as humanly possible through those. I really encourage you to do that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00683-00348330-00348820 Kyla: Okay, great. And I will send out a link directly to those newsletters in the follow-up information. -3fxsMhA_ek-00684-00348820-00349240 And then I was going to go ahead and ask one more question before we finish up. -3fxsMhA_ek-00685-00349240-00349570 And for anybody who didn't get their question answered -3fxsMhA_ek-00686-00349570-00349880 I am going to be forwarding these questions to the presenters. -3fxsMhA_ek-00687-00349880-00350270 This is kind of a combination of questions. We had several questions asking -3fxsMhA_ek-00688-00350270-00350720 how to search for, the best way to search for either technology needs -3fxsMhA_ek-00689-00350720-00351180 or computer funding and things like for nonprofits. I didn't know if you could talk about that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00690-00351190-00351830 David: I could definitely talk about it. I don't know if Bobbe if you have any additional tips. -3fxsMhA_ek-00691-00351830-00352450 The thing is, your not going to find funders that are going to say I want to fund technology. -3fxsMhA_ek-00692-00352450-00352860 There are very few of them that are going to step up and say I wish I could buy you all computers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00693-00352860-00353330 That is not what they like to fund. They like to fund the particular thing that they care most about. -3fxsMhA_ek-00694-00353340-00353960 So if you need computers to do a particular service to respond to your mission, -3fxsMhA_ek-00695-00353960-00354410 I need computers so I can provide patient care more effectively. I need computers -3fxsMhA_ek-00696-00354410-00354920 because we are instructing people on literacy skills or computer use skills. -3fxsMhA_ek-00697-00354930-00355370 If it is related to education, related to health, related to what you do, -3fxsMhA_ek-00698-00355370-00355870 then requesting funding for that equipment to further your mission, -3fxsMhA_ek-00699-00355870-00356130 you concentrate on the mission rather than the computers. -3fxsMhA_ek-00700-00356130-00356580 It is like people coming and and say, I can't find any funders that want to pay for staff. -3fxsMhA_ek-00701-00356590-00356950 Well, you are not going to find funders that are going to say we want to pay for staff. -3fxsMhA_ek-00702-00356950-00357570 What you are going to find funders saying is we want to pay for what you are doing -3fxsMhA_ek-00703-00357570-00357940 and we understand the staff are necessary to carry out the projects. -3fxsMhA_ek-00704-00357940-00358450 You will however find some funders that if it is a technologically based organization -3fxsMhA_ek-00705-00358450-00359130 where the specific thing you are instructing people on is technology use, or multimedia, -3fxsMhA_ek-00706-00359130-00359610 you will find occasionally funders that will do that. My best way of knowing one way -3fxsMhA_ek-00707-00359620-00360100 or another whether a funder is going to pay for computers is to search and our grants database -3fxsMhA_ek-00708-00360100-00360620 to see who has purchased computers. You can do a search and concentrate on the funders -3fxsMhA_ek-00709-00360620-00361020 that have provided support for technology or computer services, -3fxsMhA_ek-00710-00361020-00361340 and see where they were and where they gave. -3fxsMhA_ek-00711-00361350-00362000 Kyla: Okay, fantastic, thank you. So thank you both David and Bobbe for this great presentation. -3fxsMhA_ek-00712-00362000-00362470 It's been really really helpful. I will be sending out all the resources and the recording -3fxsMhA_ek-00713-00362470-00363060 of this webinar after the event. It will probably get to all the registrants within a week. -3fxsMhA_ek-00714-00363060-00363350 So be looking for that. -3fxsMhA_ek-00715-00363360-00363890 A little bit about who the Foundation Center is, they are a leading source of information -3fxsMhA_ek-00716-00363890-00364430 about philanthropy world wide. Through data analysis and training they connect people -3fxsMhA_ek-00717-00364430-00364770 who want to change the world through the resources they need to succeed. -3fxsMhA_ek-00718-00364770-00365150 And then a little bit about who TechSoup is which is where I am from. -3fxsMhA_ek-00719-00365150-00365650 We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization like so many of you out there. -3fxsMhA_ek-00720-00365650-00366100 And we really are trying to provide technology and technology resources -3fxsMhA_ek-00721-00366100-00366430 for you to be able to fulfill your Mission. -3fxsMhA_ek-00722-00366430-00366780 And a little bit about our website and how you can find some of those resources, -3fxsMhA_ek-00723-00366790-00367330 if you go to TechSoup.org you can read articles in our Learning Center. -3fxsMhA_ek-00724-00367330-00367800 You can go ahead and read our blog. You can make sure to find products -3fxsMhA_ek-00725-00367810-00368260 through our product donation program. And if you wanted to go ahead and see -3fxsMhA_ek-00726-00368260-00368930 what you are eligible for, there is a check eligibility tool. It is under that where the Learning Center -3fxsMhA_ek-00727-00368940-00369540 and blog is, a check eligibility button. And also, don't go ahead and forget to subscribe -3fxsMhA_ek-00728-00369540-00369930 to our newsletters as well, By the Cup and New Product Donation Alert. -3fxsMhA_ek-00729-00369940-00370370 So again thank you Bobbe, David and thank you Becky on the back end here at TechSoup. -3fxsMhA_ek-00730-00370370-00370920 And thank everybody for being here with us. I really appreciate that the Foundation Center -3fxsMhA_ek-00731-00370920-00371250 has allowed us to do this two-part webinar series. -3fxsMhA_ek-00732-00371260-00371850 And finally, one last thank you to Citrix Online who does provide our GoToWebinar donation -3fxsMhA_ek-00733-00371850-00372380 so we can provide these webinars for you. And again, I will talk to you all later -3fxsMhA_ek-00734-00372390-00372940 and be expecting a follow-up e-mail with the recording as well as additional resources. -3fxsMhA_ek-00735-00372940-00373200 Thank you everybody. -3fxsMhA_ek-00736-00373200-00373440 David: Thanks a lot. -3fxsMhA_ek-00737-00373440-00374030 Kyla: And if you could all take a couple of seconds to fill out the survey that will pop up -3fxsMhA_ek-00738-00374030-00374570 on your screen when you leave the webinar, that will help us provide better -3fxsMhA_ek-00739-00374570-00374990 and [indistinct] webinars in the future. -3fxsMhA_ek-00740-00374990-00375660 Thank you everybody. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00000-00001023-00001721 The birth of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and the birth of the Muhammadan light and the birth -4WbgGqo0Ao-00001-00001721-00001845 of creation. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00002-00001845-00002564 “Ana awwala khalqillah” - the first thing that Allah (AJ) created. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00003-00002564-00003183 And alhamdulillah from ayatul kareem (the generous verse of Holy Qur’an), “Bismillahir -4WbgGqo0Ao-00004-00003183-00003296 Rahmanir Raheem. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00005-00003296-00003686 Ta-Seen; tilka ayatul Qur’an wal kitaabil Mubeen”. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00006-00003686-00004450 That Allah (AJ) swearing by this reality and that these are the signs of Holy Qur’an. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00007-00004450-00005568 This fire, this reality that granting us to enter and the beatific and clear book of Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00008-00005568-00005668 (AJ). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00009-00005668-00006444 That this Qur’an is written upon the soul and the light of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00010-00006444-00007186 and the reality of that fire, that essence of bringing that light into existence Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00011-00007186-00007925 (AJ) granting those with that understanding and that way of Shamsul ‘Arifeen (Sun of -4WbgGqo0Ao-00012-00007925-00008581 Knowers) - moving towards this oceans of light and the beatific reality of Sayyidina Muhammad -4WbgGqo0Ao-00013-00008581-00008681 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00014-00008681-00009403 And the third month opens the reality of this Divinely Presence, this Divinely fire, this -4WbgGqo0Ao-00015-00009403-00010111 source of light in which the purified light that Allah (AJ) to dress us from the immensity -4WbgGqo0Ao-00016-00010111-00010486 of its purity and the immensity of its secret. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00017-00010486-00011185 Nurul anwar wa sirratul asrar (light of every secret and secret of every light) - that every, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00018-00011185-00011737 every light has a secret and every secret has a light. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00019-00011737-00012320 Means the source of all knowledges, the source of all realities that Allah (AJ) inshaAllah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00020-00012320-00012991 enter and allow us to enter into that reality, to be dressed by that reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00021-00012991-00013906 Then becomes the teachings of the kingdom of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) and gives for us -4WbgGqo0Ao-00022-00013906-00014644 an understanding that in this cave, this light, this presence, this is the presence of a Divinely -4WbgGqo0Ao-00023-00014644-00015331 Kingdom and the sultanate (kingdom) and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ that is -4WbgGqo0Ao-00024-00015331-00015581 based on immense humility. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00025-00015581-00016667 If a representative exhibits an amazing power, an amazing ability, an amazing reality that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00026-00016667-00017450 God has given to them, imagine the one whom is the true custodian of that reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00027-00017450-00018028 That is the amazing nature and that's why the correct understanding of Qur’an -4WbgGqo0Ao-00028-00018028-00018259 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00029-00018259-00018375 It’s Shaykh Nurjan. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00030-00018375-00018664 Thank you for watching the video that you’re watching. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00031-00018664-00019129 InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and happy with these programs please support -4WbgGqo0Ao-00032-00019129-00019273 the button below. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00033-00019273-00019792 The programs that we have for our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift -4WbgGqo0Ao-00034-00019792-00019893 of life. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00035-00019893-00020822 Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and many programs -4WbgGqo0Ao-00036-00020822-00021525 that reach thousands of people and rescue foods and give those supplies to people in -4WbgGqo0Ao-00037-00021525-00021625 need. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00038-00021625-00021770 Your support is greatly appreciated. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00039-00021770-00022359 Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments and please share the stream. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00040-00022359-00022529 Every bit counts. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00041-00022529-00023281 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00042-00023281-00023859 that they should know that Prophet ﷺ is above all the prophets (as). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00043-00023859-00024678 All the prophets (as) of Allah (AJ) they take from the risalat (prophecy) of Sayyidina Muhammad -4WbgGqo0Ao-00044-00024678-00024778 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00045-00024778-00025448 That the crown of creation and the one who represents Allah (AJ), the khalifa (representative) -4WbgGqo0Ao-00046-00025448-00026332 of Allah (AJ), and all prophecy exists within the prophecy of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00047-00026332-00027245 If the understanding is not clear, you can imagine then every qissah (story), every reality -4WbgGqo0Ao-00048-00027245-00027464 is lost. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00049-00027464-00028113 When the clarity that there's nothing but Allah (AJ) – La ilaha illAllah because they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00050-00028113-00028920 don't understand the usool (principles) - the law and that other than La ilaha illAllah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00051-00028920-00029233 is only Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00052-00029233-00029513 This is the kalimah (testimony). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00053-00029513-00029883 Everything has to abide by the kalimah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00054-00029883-00030733 So it means that it teaches us that - there is no God, no Divinity but Allah (AJ) and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00055-00030733-00031902 the direct connection between La ilaha illAllah, alif-laam-laam-hey touching meem and it touches -4WbgGqo0Ao-00056-00031902-00032562 and from that hey it shoots out the reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00057-00032562-00033341 So from Allah's (AJ) hey of hidayat (guidance) it touches and shoots out Muhammadun Rasulallah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00058-00033341-00033522 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00059-00033522-00034529 And that hey has a waw above it because this is the reality of Allah's (AJ) Hu. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00060-00034529-00035140 When Allah (AJ) described “Qul Hu, Qul Hu”. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00061-00035140-00036347 At that Hu from Allah (AJ) which can never be seen is dressing the huwa, is dressing -4WbgGqo0Ao-00062-00036347-00036815 him - the one whom Allah (AJ) is speaking to. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00063-00036815-00037386 “Qul Hu” is the surah (chapter) of sincerity and immense purity. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00064-00037386-00038034 The one whom can never be seen is speaking to somebody. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00065-00038034-00038263 One speaking, one spoken to. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00066-00038263-00038669 When Allah (AJ), “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00067-00038669-00039074 Qul Hu, Qul Hu Allahu Ahad”. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00068-00039074-00039855 Means that reality of that Hu touching the meem and coming now Muhammadun Rasulallah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00069-00039855-00040113 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00070-00040113-00040793 Everything now exists in creation in the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00071-00040793-00041284 So every prophet (as) is created from what light? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00072-00041284-00041465 Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00073-00041465-00042116 They can’t have risalat above the risalat of the one who owns their light. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00074-00042116-00043353 They come from him ﷺ and they can only take a position minor to the primary because the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00075-00043353-00043897 one whom is the source file, everyone else is just of a lesser nature taking from that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00076-00043897-00044034 reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00077-00044034-00044500 Means the source of all of this is Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00078-00044500-00045050 All the prophets (as) are taking from that ocean, they can't go above that ocean. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00079-00045050-00045703 So means their prophecy only exists because of the prophecy and the prophetic position -4WbgGqo0Ao-00080-00045703-00046256 and nature of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00081-00046256-00046609 These ‘ulama (scholars) when they teach that, the students understand that then they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00082-00046609-00047034 understand the great example of all the qissahs of the prophets (as). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00083-00047034-00048006 That Allah (AJ) giving to us than these stories for us to understand who is Muhammadun Rasulallah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00084-00048006-00048195 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00085-00048195-00048818 So when we come to the stories and the realities of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) - one whom Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00086-00048818-00049818 (AJ) gave a mulk - an authority and a kingdom to which He gave no other man and that was -4WbgGqo0Ao-00087-00049818-00050553 a symbol in the humility of Prophet ﷺ that didn't want to exhibit on this Earth this -4WbgGqo0Ao-00088-00050553-00051083 type of authority, did not want to show that upon the Earth. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00089-00051083-00052070 But the fact that it exists in a story of prophecy then it's a sign for those who believe. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00090-00052070-00052666 That the great humility of Prophet ﷺ no doubt could hear and communicate with all -4WbgGqo0Ao-00091-00052666-00053076 the jinn (unseen beings), all the ifrit (powerful demon), all the angels. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00092-00053076-00053611 Had command and control over all animals, all creatures, inanimate and animate objects, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00093-00053611-00054477 all their praise, all their realities is all under that dominion and kingdom and the dome -4WbgGqo0Ao-00094-00054477-00054827 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00095-00054827-00055530 So that when we read about Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) because now Allah (AJ) defining for us -4WbgGqo0Ao-00096-00055530-00056239 that, ‘Those whom entered into this fire are blessed, those whom are around that fire -4WbgGqo0Ao-00097-00056239-00056426 are blessed’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00098-00056426-00056540 How the blessing? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00099-00056540-00056922 Listen to the realities of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00100-00056922-00057862 That how the kingdom and those whom serve the kingdom don't deem them to be empty because -4WbgGqo0Ao-00101-00057862-00058479 people have eyes and they don't see, they have ears and they don't hear and one who -4WbgGqo0Ao-00102-00058479-00059065 understands and grasps this, he understands what's happening upon this Earth. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00103-00059065-00059165 Right? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00104-00059165-00060061 So the whole of the satanic world is after and imitating the powers and the authority -4WbgGqo0Ao-00105-00060061-00060460 of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00106-00060460-00061220 The ‘Illuminated’ with their eyes and their skirts and their symbols and their gestures. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00107-00061220-00062040 All shaitan (satan) plays with them to make them feel that their deeds are good and that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00108-00062040-00062799 they reached an authority and that they too want from the seen and the unseen world when -4WbgGqo0Ao-00109-00062799-00063352 they use the symbols of black and white and all their symbolisms as they say that they've -4WbgGqo0Ao-00110-00063352-00063900 mastered the Earth of the seen and the unseen beings. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00111-00063900-00064525 But they've only mastered the shayateen (devils), they have nothing to do with the heavens and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00112-00064525-00065188 they have sold themselves for a small price and the price of what they sold is what shaitan -4WbgGqo0Ao-00113-00065188-00065808 plays with them and plays with the ifrit to give them and to fool them. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00114-00065808-00066388 So all this Earth is about that reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00115-00066388-00067245 When we come into this month, this is a immense awakening of what's happening with the satanic -4WbgGqo0Ao-00116-00067245-00067394 kingdom. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00117-00067394-00068034 They want that power, they want to imitate that power and they have been fooled and Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00118-00068034-00068621 (AJ) describes, ‘How shaitan came to them and made all their mischievous things appear -4WbgGqo0Ao-00119-00068621-00068758 good to them’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00120-00068758-00069432 They feel satisfied they receive something of a material gain, a worldly gain and they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00121-00069432-00069831 feel that they achieved from that authority and that power. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00122-00069831-00070607 But in reality they sold their souls for a small price and its true reality is in the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00123-00070607-00070931 hand and dominion of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00124-00070931-00071409 “Subhanal ladhee biyadihi mulk wa tabarakal ladhee biyadihi mulk”. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00125-00071409-00072184 Allah (AJ) throughout Qur’an is reaffirming and confirming, ‘Glory be to the hand who -4WbgGqo0Ao-00126-00072184-00072448 has My dominion and My kingdom.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00127-00072448-00073142 And it's “Kulli shay” - and that his hand and his authority is all-encompassing and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00128-00073142-00073786 that his authority and his dominion over the world of lights is all-encompassing. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00129-00073786-00074351 So it means the true power and the true authority of the realities of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) -4WbgGqo0Ao-00130-00074351-00074858 for the mulk (earthly realm) and the manifest worlds - these are all under the authority -4WbgGqo0Ao-00131-00074858-00075151 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00132-00075151-00075570 That's why when they say the najm (star) and they say, ‘Oh this is a star of David’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00133-00075570-00076174 David (as) is a prophet (as) under the Prophet ﷺ of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00134-00076174-00076813 Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) is a prophet under the prophecy of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00135-00076813-00077163 So they're under the khirqah of Prophet ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00136-00077163-00077927 Anything that they brought for their people it’s owned and its ownership is under Muhammadun -4WbgGqo0Ao-00137-00077927-00078181 Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00138-00078181-00078692 So when they see that we put the star they say, ‘Oh this is the star of David.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00139-00078692-00079314 No its owner is the star of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00140-00079314-00080042 What he gave them of a knowledge was not the reality of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00141-00080042-00080644 If they thought that star was powerful under Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) they haven’t the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00142-00080644-00081392 slightest understanding that when it's truly opened under the authority of La ilaha illAllah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00143-00081392-00081876 [Shaykh traces upper triangle] then goes Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ [Shaykh traces lower triangle]. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00144-00081876-00082539 That the authority over the soul and its reality is La ilaha illAllah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00145-00082539-00082743 Who has authority under that? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00146-00082743-00083127 Who can open the reality of ‘La [points to head], ilaha [right chest], illAllah [heart]?’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00147-00083127-00083913 Because the upward star, upward triangle has to do with your upward reality of your soul -4WbgGqo0Ao-00148-00083913-00084464 which is under ‘La [points to head], ilaha [right chest], illAllah [the heart].’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00149-00084464-00085095 There's no one that has the authority over the soul except for Muhammadun Rasulallah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00150-00085095-00085207 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00151-00085207-00085969 So means the one whom has authority over the downward which is then the physical realm. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00152-00085969-00086701 The upward is the world of the souls and lights, the down is the world of the form. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00153-00086701-00087327 And the only one who can discipline the form is then ‘Muhammad [points to heart], Rasul -4WbgGqo0Ao-00154-00087327-00087518 [right chest], Allah [lower body].’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00155-00087518-00088184 That he brings to them the reality of Allah (AJ) to tame their wildness. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00156-00088184-00088651 And then we described the whole realities of ‘Najm’ and the ‘Star.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00157-00088651-00089252 That is the reality of taming the star, the soul and bringing out.. taming the body and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00158-00089252-00089543 bringing out the reality of the soul. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00159-00089543-00090044 Means all of these authorities, all of these realities, these are under the authority of -4WbgGqo0Ao-00160-00090044-00090792 Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and the one who sits upon the throne is the one who wears the crown -4WbgGqo0Ao-00161-00090792-00091067 of “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem”. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00162-00091067-00091816 So this is a immense reality of Prophet ﷺ and this gives to the believers the understanding -4WbgGqo0Ao-00163-00091816-00092456 that whatever we read about Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) that this is the reality and its reflection -4WbgGqo0Ao-00164-00092456-00092769 is Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00165-00092769-00093490 “Sakhkhara lakum ma fis Samawati wa ma fil Ard wa jamee’an” - that, ‘We have subjected -4WbgGqo0Ao-00166-00093490-00094178 to you that you are the king and the authority of all the heavens and the Earth, we have -4WbgGqo0Ao-00167-00094178-00094732 made them subject to you, and whatever is between them.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00168-00094732-00095403 Means a catch-all in the contract that, ‘Whatever is in the Earth, above the heavens and the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00169-00095403-00096030 Earth and anything between them we have made them subject to your authority ya Sayyidi -4WbgGqo0Ao-00170-00096030-00096429 ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous Messenger) ya Habibul 'Azim (The Beloved of the Magnificent). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00171-00096429-00096886 That Allah (AJ) has throughout Qur’an many proclamations of authority. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00172-00096886-00097356 That, ‘These are all under your authority, these are all under your kingdom and your -4WbgGqo0Ao-00173-00097356-00097517 domain.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00174-00097517-00098252 So then this surah of 27 [Surah An-Naml] gives us the immensity of the kingdom of God and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00175-00098252-00098888 its authority and how much it has control over the world, how much it has control over -4WbgGqo0Ao-00176-00098888-00099500 all the creatures and all the objects - living and not living, animate and inanimate. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00177-00099500-00100253 All of them have an energy that bring them into existence, that energy is under the authority -4WbgGqo0Ao-00178-00100253-00100618 of Muhammadun Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00179-00100618-00100850 From where? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00180-00100850-00101037 La ilaha illAllah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00181-00101037-00101702 So people again with incomplete functionality they keep saying, ‘Everything's from Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00182-00101702-00102691 (AJ)’, that's a given but what we're teaching is the key to La ilaha illAllah is Muhammadun -4WbgGqo0Ao-00183-00102691-00102808 Rasulallah ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00184-00102808-00103310 Everything given to Allah (AJ) but it's not given from Allah (AJ) to you. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00185-00103310-00103895 So the tariqahs (spiritual paths) come to teach who's the owner of these realities, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00186-00103895-00104250 these powers, these authorities, these protections. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00187-00104250-00105151 That if you want to reach the reality and the protection of La ilaha illAllah you better -4WbgGqo0Ao-00188-00105151-00105979 be using the key of Muhammad Rasulallah ﷺ because they never come to you without that. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00189-00105979-00106725 And if you ever think you are receiving, you're receiving from shaitan and his illusions and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00190-00106725-00106924 delusions. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00191-00106924-00107355 That's what was said - in last days black and white will be very clear. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00192-00107355-00107669 The absence of grey is now appearing, is leaving. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00193-00107669-00108615 The grey-zone is now vanishing where it will become much, much clearer that who's black -4WbgGqo0Ao-00194-00108615-00108783 and who's white. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00195-00108783-00109429 What you're going towards reality or you're going towards the hizbus shaitan (party of -4WbgGqo0Ao-00196-00109429-00109695 satan) because the authority has to be very clear. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00197-00109695-00110289 That everything in these oceans of realities is under the authority of Sayyidina Muhammad -4WbgGqo0Ao-00198-00110289-00110389 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00199-00110389-00111221 The mulk of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) was an a… a big isharat (sign) and guidance into -4WbgGqo0Ao-00200-00111221-00111376 that reality. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00201-00111376-00112039 So all the qissahs and stories when we recite and read from surah 27 – Surat An-Naml about -4WbgGqo0Ao-00202-00112039-00112630 The Ant and the realities of what Allah (AJ) has given to Sayyidina Sulaiman (as), it was -4WbgGqo0Ao-00203-00112630-00113364 a big sign in the authority that was given to Prophet ﷺ and that are under the dominion -4WbgGqo0Ao-00204-00113364-00113558 of awliyaullah (saints). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00205-00113558-00114458 That all of this is an understanding that Prophet ﷺ clarified that, ‘My real ‘ulama, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00206-00114458-00114901 they are Warith ul Anbiya (inheritors of the prophets) from Bani Israel.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00207-00114901-00115535 That Warith ul Muhammadiya (Muhammadan Inheritor) that, ‘My ‘ulama whom are internal and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00208-00115535-00116403 external ‘ulama that they represent my light and my reality, they are the inheritors of -4WbgGqo0Ao-00209-00116403-00116704 the prophets (as) of Bani Israel.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00210-00116704-00117445 So we are now on a prophet (as) of Bani Israel (as) and that's what Prophet ﷺ was alluding -4WbgGqo0Ao-00211-00117445-00117789 to that, ‘Don't think they're empty. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00212-00117789-00118667 They're carrying from my realities and they carry from the reality of the station of prophecies -4WbgGqo0Ao-00213-00118667-00118913 of Bani Israel (as).’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00214-00118913-00119549 So means that they inherit the understanding and the realities under the kingdom of Sayyidina -4WbgGqo0Ao-00215-00119549-00119649 Sulaiman (as). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00216-00119649-00120124 That their ta’weezes (prayers for protection) they are energized and powered. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00217-00120124-00120703 So when you read Surat Al-Sulaiman that when Allah (AJ) wants to give a kingdom to His -4WbgGqo0Ao-00218-00120703-00121353 servant, He has to give guards for the kingdom otherwise what's the purpose of having a heavenly -4WbgGqo0Ao-00219-00121353-00121453 kingdom. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00220-00121453-00122053 When we're telling people the kingdom on this Earth, its true king is Muhammadun Rasulallah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00221-00122053-00122155 ﷺ. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00222-00122155-00122725 How could you follow a king if there's no guardian and power and authority? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00223-00122725-00123521 So then Allah (AJ) began to describe that they had the, ‘Marshalled armies of the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00224-00123521-00124282 jinn (unseen beings), of malaika (angels), of all creatures - all of them lined up.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00225-00124282-00124644 Means that this Earth, this reality - same. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00226-00124644-00125478 That for Allah (AJ) to establish that kingdom upon Earth that there are many spiritual beings -4WbgGqo0Ao-00227-00125478-00126071 that are there for protection, to protect the kingdom and those whom are a part of the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00228-00126071-00126171 kingdom. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00229-00126171-00126660 And that's the... that's a immense reality while reading this surah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00230-00126660-00127101 Not it’s a storytelling, ‘Oh wow this is amazing how this happened.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00231-00127101-00127413 No’s it’s not ‘Happened’ this is how this world is governed right now. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00232-00127413-00128199 That there are many from that kingdom that their allegiance to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00233-00128199-00128739 and as a result these are the ta’weezes, these are the knowledges, these are all the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00234-00128739-00129235 realities that are put onto this Earth as a protection. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00235-00129235-00129875 From these realities they have creatures under their dominion, they have the ability from -4WbgGqo0Ao-00236-00129875-00130233 many different realities. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00237-00130233-00130857 If you think the birds were working for Sayyidina Sulaiman (as), what do you think of Allah’s -4WbgGqo0Ao-00238-00130857-00131501 (AJ) creatures working for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00239-00131501-00131974 Is there a creature that through their eyes they can't see and through their ears they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00240-00131974-00132652 can't hear and that the creatures in the skies and creatures on the ground that they're not -4WbgGqo0Ao-00241-00132652-00132778 working for Prophet ﷺ? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00242-00132778-00133390 And they're not ever-vigilant of Allah's (AJ) servants? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00243-00133390-00133954 People read Qur’an as if it's a old storybook, astaghfirullah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00244-00133954-00134515 But it's alive and it's very much for now. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00245-00134515-00135310 When you walk know that all those creatures they can see you, they can hear you, they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00246-00135310-00136082 hear your conversation and if Prophet ﷺ is asking of them anything, they will report -4WbgGqo0Ao-00247-00136082-00136925 to Prophet ﷺ and those whom he gave an authority, they report to them. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00248-00136925-00137167 Hmm. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00249-00137167-00137495 That's why then when you read [surah] Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) he’s getting commands from -4WbgGqo0Ao-00250-00137495-00137595 the birds. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00251-00137595-00137860 So he was very angry. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00252-00137860-00138640 Imagine the immensity of his kingdom and he's angry why one bird didn't show up in the row. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00253-00138640-00139080 Say, ‘Where's the Hoopoe bird – Hudhud?’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00254-00139080-00139865 Out of all the birds he notices one bird to draw our attention that - don't think this -4WbgGqo0Ao-00255-00139865-00140353 is a story of old but these are creations of Allah (AJ). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00256-00140353-00141038 If they are in service to the heavenly kingdom then they are ever-vigilant. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00257-00141038-00141657 That they come, they're around, they watch the servants, they’re guardians of the servants. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00258-00141657-00141949 Many whom see through them, hear through them. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00259-00141949-00142609 All of these realities Allah (AJ) makes us to be hyperalert. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00260-00142609-00143184 Don't be heedless people reading Qur’an thinking, ‘Oh this is the story from old,’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00261-00143184-00143589 then you lost that barakah and that blessing. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00262-00143589-00143945 But how this must be alive right now. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00263-00143945-00145612 So where we go to the story of the naml (ant). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00264-00145612-00147180 Which verse is the naml, shaykh? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00265-00147180-00147939 [Shaykh asks audience] Let me get to there, The Ant. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00266-00147939-00148609 18 Sayyidi. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00267-00148609-00149104 Which, what verse? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00268-00149104-00149227 18. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00269-00149227-00149785 I can't hear you 1, 8 Sayyidi -4WbgGqo0Ao-00270-00149785-00149991 What number? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00271-00149991-00150698 18 Let's recite inshaAllah, verse 18 then. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00272-00150698-00151816 “A’uzu Billahi Minash shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00273-00151816-00153354 Hattaa izaa ataw 'alaa waadin namli qaalat namlatun yaa ayyuhan naml. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00274-00153354-00155033 Yaa ayyuhan namlud khuloo masaakinakum laa yahtimannakum Sulaimaanu wa junoodu hoo wa -4WbgGqo0Ao-00275-00155033-00155452 hum laa yash'uroon.” -4WbgGqo0Ao-00276-00155452-00155872 SadaqAllahul ‘aliyyul ‘azim. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00277-00155872-00156711 Wa barakah Rasulul Kareem, Habibul ‘Azim. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00278-00156711-00157411 One example of these realities that opens is when the armies of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) -4WbgGqo0Ao-00279-00157411-00157739 are beginning to set out for their marching. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00280-00157739-00158159 As they gathered the armies and the soldiers of the jinn, the men, the birds and all the -4WbgGqo0Ao-00281-00158159-00158741 creatures and marching in rows and Allah (AJ) is drawing our attention. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00282-00158741-00159355 Imagine the Creator of all created universes in His Holy Qur’an is stopping to give an -4WbgGqo0Ao-00283-00159355-00160075 example, if He's giving an example there must be an immense, immense reality in everything -4WbgGqo0Ao-00284-00160075-00160323 that Allah (AJ) is saying. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00285-00160323-00160507 Otherwise, why mention it? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00286-00160507-00161386 He’s giving to us that they were marching until they came upon a valley of ants and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00287-00161386-00162530 the ants, the ants said, the ants said, ‘Oh enter into your dwellings that you will not -4WbgGqo0Ao-00288-00162530-00163484 be crushed by the armies of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) while they perceive not.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00289-00163484-00164253 Means that Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) one - he's marching, with all the sounds of his marching -4WbgGqo0Ao-00290-00164253-00164782 he stopped his entire army to hear an ant. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00291-00164782-00165213 What, what type of power is that? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00292-00165213-00165703 What type of yaqeen (certainty) is that and then Mawlana Shaykh (Q) would describe that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00293-00165703-00166403 awliyaullah if Allah (AJ) opened for them the necessary hearing, they can hear the ant -4WbgGqo0Ao-00294-00166403-00166898 walking on a stone miles away. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00295-00166898-00167282 And Allah (AJ) is giving an example because people want to say, ‘Oh where do you get -4WbgGqo0Ao-00296-00167282-00167395 these things from Shaykh’? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00297-00167395-00167814 Oh these are ancient tafsirs (interpretations) of Holy Qur’an from Sayyidina Ibn Abbas -4WbgGqo0Ao-00298-00167814-00168445 (as) and many, many tafsirs of the companions and the awliyaullah. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00299-00168445-00168915 And they give to us its understanding that - stop when you read Qur’an and listen to -4WbgGqo0Ao-00300-00168915-00169612 the teachings of awliyaullah and that Allah (AJ) is drawing our attention that the leader -4WbgGqo0Ao-00301-00169612-00169733 of their ants... -4WbgGqo0Ao-00302-00169733-00170229 One – Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) is hearing them and what he's hearing is the dialogue -4WbgGqo0Ao-00303-00170229-00171017 of the leader of the ants telling his ant kingdom, ‘Enter into your homes unless you -4WbgGqo0Ao-00304-00171017-00171653 be crushed by the armies of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) and he by mistake would have done that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00305-00171653-00172186 not that he's intentionally going to crush your homes but enter back into your homes.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00306-00172186-00172783 And Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) he smiled and he was amused at her speech and he said, ‘Oh -4WbgGqo0Ao-00307-00172783-00173602 my Lord enable me to be grateful for Your favors,’ and continues on. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00308-00173602-00174520 Why Mawlana Shaykh (Q) would always stop at this section to remind us: one; that do you -4WbgGqo0Ao-00309-00174520-00175413 think that the servants of Allah (AJ) they can't hear creatures speaking? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00310-00175413-00176074 And Allah (AJ) is giving very clear proof that when the servants are blessed by Allah -4WbgGqo0Ao-00311-00176074-00176869 (AJ), they have command over this Earth, they have the ability to hear creatures and their -4WbgGqo0Ao-00312-00176869-00177096 form of communication. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00313-00177096-00177917 One; so that we're aware that there are people whom Allah (AJ) has given a gift to and then -4WbgGqo0Ao-00314-00177917-00178352 two - the compassion for creatures. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00315-00178352-00178850 The people take big creatures, do lab tests on them and they think, ‘Oh they don't feel -4WbgGqo0Ao-00316-00178850-00178950 pain’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00317-00178950-00179057 Don't feel pain? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00318-00179057-00179717 Allah’s (AJ) telling us that the ant and why an ant because in Arabic the ant is commonly -4WbgGqo0Ao-00319-00179717-00179923 referred to like a atom. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00320-00179923-00180409 The smallest that you can give an example for, they didn't have a word for ‘Atoms’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00321-00180409-00180596 so they would say ‘Ant.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00322-00180596-00181127 So it's like the smallest form of measurement that Allah (AJ) saying, ‘What are you talking -4WbgGqo0Ao-00323-00181127-00181415 about My creatures don't have feelings?’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00324-00181415-00182270 The ant is showing us he has feelings and they're scared and he has a love for his community -4WbgGqo0Ao-00325-00182270-00182628 and he is telling them, ‘Go into your homes’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00326-00182628-00182811 They communicate. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00327-00182811-00183877 So Allah's (AJ) creation all have feelings, all have community and love and compassion. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00328-00183877-00184357 They have a compassion for each other, their survival, their existence. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00329-00184357-00184882 Then Allah (AJ) draws to our attention from these people whom want to enter cave and want -4WbgGqo0Ao-00330-00184882-00185638 to enter the realities of power, realities of wisdom that how come you can't communicate -4WbgGqo0Ao-00331-00185638-00185830 like the ant? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00332-00185830-00186386 Because we talked about the other day the scientists are teaching us - if you want to -4WbgGqo0Ao-00333-00186386-00186883 be a particle and every discussion you want to enter into is going to be about a fight -4WbgGqo0Ao-00334-00186883-00187539 and you yell and you scream and you keep your particle existence, you lost what God gave -4WbgGqo0Ao-00335-00187539-00187723 to you. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00336-00187723-00188326 But if you want to train with us on how to bring your wave reality, how to bring your -4WbgGqo0Ao-00337-00188326-00188983 energy, how to bring your true form of communication, then Allah (AJ) is bringing our attention -4WbgGqo0Ao-00338-00188983-00189378 that, ‘How come you can't even do what My ant can do and you think you're so great?’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00339-00189378-00190191 You walk so tall, you think you have a big head, you have lots of lab experiments. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00340-00190191-00190362 You can't communicate with each other. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00341-00190362-00190712 You have to still use a phone. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00342-00190712-00191309 So what communication did a ant have, how big and how wide was the kingdom that she -4WbgGqo0Ao-00343-00191309-00191842 was communicating to and she had no mobile phone. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00344-00191842-00192596 She merely put out a signal that went to all the ants and they all entered into their homes. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00345-00192596-00193115 And that's why we say every year - on an ant which side is the head? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00346-00193115-00193580 Because they're.. they look like they're both the same. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00347-00193580-00193904 Doesn't even have like a visible, which side of this ant is a head. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00348-00193904-00195198 So tiny, so small and we to have such a profound size head, can’t communicate to anyone, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00349-00195198-00196102 can't communicate to the person even in front of you more less you know 10 miles away, five -4WbgGqo0Ao-00350-00196102-00196762 miles away in comparison to the size of an ant talking to her community probably like -4WbgGqo0Ao-00351-00196762-00197267 10, 20 miles away would be for us based on our size. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00352-00197267-00197660 With no phone, just send a signal from your heart, ‘Enter into your homes’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00353-00197660-00198001 Who would receive that signal and go in. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00354-00198001-00198429 This is a daleel (proof) for the people who say, ‘There's no shaykh and there's no shaykh -4WbgGqo0Ao-00355-00198429-00198841 who can reach you, it's only Allah (AJ),’ and then they come up with the dajjal (man -4WbgGqo0Ao-00356-00198841-00199109 of deceit) phrase again from the fire that we talked last night. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00357-00199109-00199841 If people are contemplating, when they reiterate what the Antichrist teaching is, they're already -4WbgGqo0Ao-00358-00199841-00200485 affected by the sight of paradise and they see it as a fire and they keep quoting to -4WbgGqo0Ao-00359-00200485-00200986 us the fire that, ‘This is paradise’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00360-00200986-00201239 So they're already mixed up. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00361-00201239-00201690 Anytime we teach about paradise, they keep quoting to us that, ‘This is a fire,’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00362-00201690-00202245 and we read the same book but they have eyes that they don't see and ears that they don't -4WbgGqo0Ao-00363-00202245-00202345 hear. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00364-00202345-00202620 Don't they see the evidence and the proof? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00365-00202620-00203223 If the ant can teach her students without a phone that, ‘Enter into your homes and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00366-00203223-00203801 that seek your safety,’ and that the ant is able to communicate with its family and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00367-00203801-00204401 its community, you don't think Allah (AJ) gave that to “Wa laqad karramna Bani Adam”, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00368-00204401-00204848 to the… to creation that He loves and He says, ‘I’ve honored the creation of Adam -4WbgGqo0Ao-00369-00204848-00204948 and Eve.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00370-00204948-00205386 And they come back and say, ‘This is shirk - this is partnership.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00371-00205386-00205544 What you people talking about? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00372-00205544-00206257 Allah’s (AJ) giving an example of an ant can communicate with her community and warn -4WbgGqo0Ao-00373-00206257-00206563 them of danger. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00374-00206563-00207362 And you don't think if you hyper-tune yourself, open up your wave reality, open up your energy -4WbgGqo0Ao-00375-00207362-00208104 and sync and attune yourself with these shaykhs - these shaykhs whom their wave reality, their -4WbgGqo0Ao-00376-00208104-00208814 light reality is so powerful that you can't receive a signal of safety of guidance and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00377-00208814-00208914 assurance? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00378-00208914-00209405 And all within the dominion and acceptance of Allah (AJ) because Allah (AJ) is giving -4WbgGqo0Ao-00379-00209405-00209852 us the example that, ‘All My creatures have immense power, compassion. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00380-00209852-00210341 Don't you go around squishing them thinking that nobody cares for them’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00381-00210341-00210879 They have a family and a community, they have a form of communication and they have a praise -4WbgGqo0Ao-00382-00210879-00211464 but you don't have ears to hear it and the only one who hears it are the people of tafakkur -4WbgGqo0Ao-00383-00211464-00211564 (contemplation). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00384-00211564-00211984 Allah (AJ) describes, “Yusabbihu wa bihamdi” - ‘For everything praises Me but you haven't -4WbgGqo0Ao-00385-00211984-00212559 the ears to hear it except the men of contemplation; men and women’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00386-00212559-00213325 The people of contemplation whom their hearts are alive, their wave is alive, they... their -4WbgGqo0Ao-00387-00213325-00213871 vibration and the vibration of their existence is alive. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00388-00213871-00214369 And Allah (AJ) drawing our attention then, ‘Be like them’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00389-00214369-00214736 So it's then not the size of your head. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00390-00214736-00215253 Actually the size of your head is making the biggest problem. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00391-00215253-00215366 Right? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00392-00215366-00216213 So these shaitans who come their heads are very big as to give us an example, ‘Oh boy -4WbgGqo0Ao-00393-00216213-00216415 they're like really big into their head’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00394-00216415-00217129 That's why you see these big shaitans with big heads, this actually has to go the opposite. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00395-00217129-00217501 Be like the ant in which you have no head at all. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00396-00217501-00218015 Lose your head that's why the tariqahs their first zikr (chanting) is – La [points to -4WbgGqo0Ao-00397-00218015-00218475 head], ilaha - to the right side, illAllah - into the heart. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00398-00218475-00219048 Because you see me on the opposite direction but illAllah is to our emblem [Phoenix emblem -4WbgGqo0Ao-00399-00219048-00219171 on heart]. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00400-00219171-00219416 ‘Nothing but Allah (AJ)’ [Shaykh points to heart]. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00401-00219416-00219878 ‘Nothing’ [points to the head], ‘Divinity’ [points to right chest] but Allah (AJ) [points -4WbgGqo0Ao-00402-00219878-00219978 to heart]. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00403-00219978-00220365 So every zikr in every tariqah starts with ‘La’ (no). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00404-00220365-00220465 Why? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00405-00220465-00220881 Is that the big head you have, reduce it. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00406-00220881-00221456 If you can reduce the capacity of your head to keep thinking and thinking and thinking, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00407-00221456-00221894 ‘I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it,’ you won't do it. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00408-00221894-00222784 If you can master your head to be La ilaha illAllah, illAllah then when Allah (AJ) pushes, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00409-00222784-00223042 it’ll happen and you'll achieve it. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00410-00223042-00223738 And we described before in the love of the birds; they have what they call a pea-brain. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00411-00223738-00224384 The bird has a huge heart, is a big chest and a little tiny brain. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00412-00224384-00225028 And because it has a big chest and big heart and big love, it flies and it never thinks -4WbgGqo0Ao-00413-00225028-00225416 that when it's flying, ‘Oh, oh my gosh I’m gonna fall from here’. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00414-00225416-00225996 If Allah (AJ) gave it a bigger head, as soon as it would fly it would think, ‘Oh my I’m -4WbgGqo0Ao-00415-00225996-00226200 going to fall,’ and then come back down. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00416-00226200-00226865 So our whole life and the reality of this cave is now teaching us - in this kingdom, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00417-00226865-00227225 there are many powers, there are many abilities. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00418-00227225-00227478 Think from the world of light. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00419-00227478-00228053 These creatures are all communicating and what you inherit is from the Sulaiman (as) -4WbgGqo0Ao-00420-00228053-00228794 power that the angels will be under your command, the jinn will be under your command, the shayateen -4WbgGqo0Ao-00421-00228794-00229417 will be frightened of your command, that the creatures they will be under your command -4WbgGqo0Ao-00422-00229417-00229876 because they are subservient to the light. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00423-00229876-00230528 One whom has authority in the world of light has authority over the whole kingdom of this -4WbgGqo0Ao-00424-00230528-00230694 Earth. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00425-00230694-00231473 And that's what the reality of Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) is teaching and as a result, build your -4WbgGqo0Ao-00426-00231473-00232140 power at least more powerful than the ant which they are very communal. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00427-00232140-00232728 Means they have a strong allegiance to each other, they uphold each other, they have a -4WbgGqo0Ao-00428-00232728-00233325 strong faith, they can live... they can lift a hundred times their weight. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00429-00233325-00233929 When you see a little ant carrying away an entire bee, it's a hundred times his weight -4WbgGqo0Ao-00430-00233929-00234390 he can carry because it doesn't occur to him that he's small. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00431-00234390-00235285 He thinks he's as huge and powerful as anything else because he has a tremendous himmah (zeal). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00432-00235285-00235846 And then all of these creatures are teaching for us and our final note on the reality of -4WbgGqo0Ao-00433-00235846-00236417 the ants and the reality of Allah's (AJ) creatures was when we talked about last night. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00434-00236417-00237140 When Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) continuously was combating against the idol worshipers, they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00435-00237140-00237831 built a fire and they built a fire in which to burn Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) and finally -4WbgGqo0Ao-00436-00237831-00238548 get rid of his continuous testing on them and that fire they said was so huge that days -4WbgGqo0Ao-00437-00238548-00238819 away you could see the size of the flame. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00438-00238819-00239366 And they built this and they tried to catapult Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) into this flame, they -4WbgGqo0Ao-00439-00239366-00240027 couldn't until Allah (AJ) gave permission for that catapult to be released and as he -4WbgGqo0Ao-00440-00240027-00240748 went into the flame, Allah (AJ) made it to be “Qulna ya naaru, kunee Bardan wa Salaman -4WbgGqo0Ao-00441-00240748-00240871 ‘ala Ibrahim.” -4WbgGqo0Ao-00442-00240871-00241398 That as he's departing from the catapult, Allah (AJ) commanded the fire to be cool and -4WbgGqo0Ao-00443-00241398-00242079 peaceful because now the messenger of Allah (AJ) is entering into that domain. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00444-00242079-00242748 And as he entered into that flame then alhamdulillah he was enjoying, people were looking from -4WbgGqo0Ao-00445-00242748-00243060 that fire and he's Sayyidina Sulaiman (as) is… -4WbgGqo0Ao-00446-00243060-00243659 Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) is inside the flame with no effect like a paradise inside that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00447-00243659-00243840 reality for him. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00448-00243840-00244692 But on the outside the ant and there was a little tiny ant was so horrified by the fact -4WbgGqo0Ao-00449-00244692-00245283 that they were going to burn the prophet (as) of Allah (AJ) that when he saw that flame, -4WbgGqo0Ao-00450-00245283-00246013 he set out to get water and with a little drop of water he was running back to the immensity -4WbgGqo0Ao-00451-00246013-00246441 of this fire and the fire was so great it was not approachable. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00452-00246441-00247088 And he said by the time he brought his little drop and threw it towards the fire, it already -4WbgGqo0Ao-00453-00247088-00247419 had dried before entering into that flame. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00454-00247419-00248017 And he kept going back and forth throwing this water, throwing this water until one -4WbgGqo0Ao-00455-00248017-00248594 of Allah's (AJ) servants asked the ant, ‘Can you see the size of this fire? -4WbgGqo0Ao-00456-00248594-00249069 And this water that you bring is not going to put this fire out.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00457-00249069-00249728 And the ant replied to the servant of Allah (AJ), ‘That’s not my duty to put it out -4WbgGqo0Ao-00458-00249728-00250435 but it's my duty that when I saw this fire and saw this difficulty I had to have it written -4WbgGqo0Ao-00459-00250435-00251046 for me that I tried to change it, to do something positive for it not just sit by and watch -4WbgGqo0Ao-00460-00251046-00251217 it to burn. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00461-00251217-00251692 Then it would be written that I saw the fire and I allowed it to just burn.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00462-00251692-00252264 He was teaching a servant of Allah (AJ) that – it’s not a matter of you changing things -4WbgGqo0Ao-00463-00252264-00252594 and say, ‘Oh I can't change it therefore I won't be involved in it.’ -4WbgGqo0Ao-00464-00252594-00253130 No but that we saw the fire of this dunya (material world) and we wanted it to be written -4WbgGqo0Ao-00465-00253130-00253591 by Allah (AJ) that we did something of goodness, means a khidmat (service). -4WbgGqo0Ao-00466-00253591-00253817 This is our life is a khidmat. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00467-00253817-00254376 You're not going to solve world hunger but if you feed that one person, you solved it -4WbgGqo0Ao-00468-00254376-00254685 for them for that day. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00469-00254685-00255244 Means if you can do a good deed just for somebody, it's enough for that person that is thankful -4WbgGqo0Ao-00470-00255244-00255548 to you for the deed that you did. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00471-00255548-00256109 Our life is about seeing these difficulties and resolving them one at a time, one person -4WbgGqo0Ao-00472-00256109-00256369 at a time, one difficulty at a time. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00473-00256369-00256858 We pray that Allah (AJ) inspire us all to take a drop and to throw it towards these -4WbgGqo0Ao-00474-00256858-00257527 flames that to be written for us that we did good when we saw all this badness and that -4WbgGqo0Ao-00475-00257527-00257944 we're trying to improve ourselves in this cave and in these oceans of realities. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00476-00257944-00258425 Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi -4WbgGqo0Ao-00477-00258425-00258525 rabbil ‘aalameen. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00478-00258525-00258905 Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00479-00258905-00259167 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00480-00259167-00259298 It’s Shaykh Nurjan. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00481-00259298-00259707 Thank you for watching the video that you’re watching. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00482-00259707-00260176 InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and happy with these programs please support -4WbgGqo0Ao-00483-00260176-00260319 the button below. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00484-00260319-00260826 The programs that we have for our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift -4WbgGqo0Ao-00485-00260826-00260926 of life. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00486-00260926-00261866 Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and many programs -4WbgGqo0Ao-00487-00261866-00262571 that reach thousands of people and rescue foods and give those supplies to people in -4WbgGqo0Ao-00488-00262571-00262671 need. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00489-00262671-00262815 Your support is greatly appreciated. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00490-00262815-00263405 Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments and please share the stream. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00491-00263405-00263505 Every bit counts. -4WbgGqo0Ao-00492-00263505-00263680 As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. -6MtPaBPmJI-00000-00000000-00000712 BUY 1 LEASE GET 3 FREE! | LIMITED TIME ONLY WWW.SIRRAHMALBEATS.COM -8IY2X6jMiu-00000-00000168-00000392 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00001-00000392-00000500 (Attention please) -8IY2X6jMiu-00002-00000500-00000707 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00003-00000707-00000844 (Teach me how to love baby) -8IY2X6jMiu-00004-00000844-00001011 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00005-00001011-00001182 (Sweet AB6IX) -8IY2X6jMiu-00006-00001182-00001320 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00007-00001320-00001466 (Y'all ready) -8IY2X6jMiu-00008-00001466-00002128 Not too close, not too far Keeping that distance apart -8IY2X6jMiu-00009-00002128-00002516 An emergency alarm on your fast replies, Ring Ring -8IY2X6jMiu-00010-00002516-00002831 I am typing for hours (my baby) -8IY2X6jMiu-00011-00002831-00002992 My sensors are sensitive to react -8IY2X6jMiu-00012-00002992-00003191 To your looks and your way of talking -8IY2X6jMiu-00013-00003191-00003290 It’s hard to understand -8IY2X6jMiu-00014-00003290-00003497 My brain stops working -8IY2X6jMiu-00015-00003497-00003638 Kind of a riddle -8IY2X6jMiu-00016-00003638-00003801 It’s Korean but needs Translating -8IY2X6jMiu-00017-00003801-00003867 Should I just wait -8IY2X6jMiu-00018-00003867-00004040 Is it Go or Stop -8IY2X6jMiu-00019-00004040-00004163 Feels like I’m going crazy -8IY2X6jMiu-00020-00004163-00004429 It’s really difficult -8IY2X6jMiu-00021-00004429-00004861 Wondering what I am to you -8IY2X6jMiu-00022-00004861-00005138 Be true to yourself -8IY2X6jMiu-00023-00005138-00005462 What are you thinking? -8IY2X6jMiu-00024-00005462-00005776 What’s the answer, I don’t know -8IY2X6jMiu-00025-00005776-00006115 Don’t test me -8IY2X6jMiu-00026-00006115-00006448 Give me a hint now -8IY2X6jMiu-00027-00006448-00006765 I give up finding the answer -8IY2X6jMiu-00028-00006765-00006891 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00029-00006891-00007116 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00030-00007116-00007222 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00031-00007222-00007401 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00032-00007401-00007572 There’s no other options -8IY2X6jMiu-00033-00007572-00007784 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00034-00007784-00007870 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00035-00007870-00008070 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00036-00008183-00008527 I just move forward without thinking -8IY2X6jMiu-00037-00008527-00008756 Here we go again, facing the dead end -8IY2X6jMiu-00038-00008839-00009219 I hope you are as frustrated as I am -8IY2X6jMiu-00039-00009219-00009514 I wonder who can help us out -8IY2X6jMiu-00040-00009514-00009686 Don’t say you don’t hate it -8IY2X6jMiu-00041-00009686-00009869 Don’t say that I’m just a true friend -8IY2X6jMiu-00042-00009869-00009933 Don’t do it, being confused emotionally -8IY2X6jMiu-00043-00009933-00010195 Don’t wanting to lose someone by your side -8IY2X6jMiu-00044-00010195-00010371 Again you are Yadi Yadi Yada -8IY2X6jMiu-00045-00010371-00010496 If it was awkward, I’m sorry -8IY2X6jMiu-00046-00010496-00010698 When a person falls in love -8IY2X6jMiu-00047-00010698-00010877 He just gets quite shameless -8IY2X6jMiu-00048-00010877-00011141 I don’t know what to do -8IY2X6jMiu-00049-00011141-00011552 Am I being punk’d, oh -8IY2X6jMiu-00050-00011552-00011818 That moves on your lips -8IY2X6jMiu-00051-00011818-00012176 Is that what you are really feeling? -8IY2X6jMiu-00052-00012176-00012493 What’s the answer, I don’t know -8IY2X6jMiu-00053-00012493-00012829 Don’t test me -8IY2X6jMiu-00054-00012829-00013162 Give me a hint now -8IY2X6jMiu-00055-00013162-00013478 I give up finding the answer -8IY2X6jMiu-00056-00013478-00013584 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00057-00013584-00013822 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00058-00013822-00013943 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00059-00013943-00014135 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00060-00014135-00014269 There’s no other options -8IY2X6jMiu-00061-00014269-00014472 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00062-00014472-00014604 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00063-00014604-00014809 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00064-00014809-00014954 Take it to the bridge -8IY2X6jMiu-00065-00014954-00015255 I guess ten times, but I’m still wrong -8IY2X6jMiu-00066-00015255-00015619 No answer. That describes my situation -8IY2X6jMiu-00067-00015619-00015784 It all went wrong from the beginning -8IY2X6jMiu-00068-00015784-00015941 Leading up to this danger -8IY2X6jMiu-00069-00015941-00016150 I wonder how it’s going to end -8IY2X6jMiu-00070-00016347-00016688 What’s the answer, I don’t know -8IY2X6jMiu-00071-00016688-00017024 Don’t test me -8IY2X6jMiu-00072-00017024-00017382 Give me a hint now -8IY2X6jMiu-00073-00017382-00017677 I give up finding the answer -8IY2X6jMiu-00074-00017677-00017779 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00075-00017779-00018026 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00076-00018026-00018129 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00077-00018129-00018329 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00078-00018329-00018475 There’s no other options -8IY2X6jMiu-00079-00018475-00018696 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -8IY2X6jMiu-00080-00018696-00018779 I really wanna -8IY2X6jMiu-00081-00018779-00019028 Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo -9NpMD6P8xc-00000-00001022-00001232 There's something about great design -9NpMD6P8xc-00001-00001232-00001492 that allows it to go practically unnoticed. -9NpMD6P8xc-00002-00001514-00001873 But it doesn't take much to make things confusing and frustrating -9NpMD6P8xc-00003-00002358-00002884 Choosing colors with poor contrast makes navigating, reading and interacting a real pain -9NpMD6P8xc-00004-00003132-00003574 Good design means sufficient contrast between foreground background and colors. -9NpMD6P8xc-00005-00003574-00004054 That's not just text and images but links, icons, and buttons. -9NpMD6P8xc-00006-00004520-00004870 If it's important enough to be seen, then it needs to be clear. -9NpMD6P8xc-00007-00004870-00005268 And this is essential for people with low contrast sensitivity. -9NpMD6P8xc-00008-00005268-00005500 Which becomes more common as we age. -9NpMD6P8xc-00009-00006112-00006414 With good colors, websites and applications can be easier to use in more situations -9NpMD6P8xc-00010-00006414-00006692 can be easier to use in more situations. -9NpMD6P8xc-00011-00006728-00006945 Like in different lighting conditions. -9NpMD6P8xc-00012-00007409-00007880 Web accessibility: Essential for some, useful for all. -r91QMrT6gQ-00000-00000000-00000424 now let's see some more examples of -r91QMrT6gQ-00001-00000215-00000608 local variable usage which will actually -r91QMrT6gQ-00002-00000424-00000752 cause new assembly instructions to -r91QMrT6gQ-00003-00000608-00000992 appear so -r91QMrT6gQ-00004-00000752-00001167 in this thing array local variable we've -r91QMrT6gQ-00005-00000992-00001520 got three variables we've got -r91QMrT6gQ-00006-00001167-00001719 short a we've got an integer array b -r91QMrT6gQ-00007-00001520-00001864 which is six integers long and we've got -r91QMrT6gQ-00008-00001719-00002007 a long long c -r91QMrT6gQ-00009-00001864-00002200 and so we initialize some of these -r91QMrT6gQ-00010-00002007-00002256 variables and you know as i'm talking to -r91QMrT6gQ-00011-00002200-00002608 my wife -r91QMrT6gQ-00012-00002256-00002848 in hex as I often do I say hey babe -r91QMrT6gQ-00013-00002608-00002935 you know balboa bled blood and she's -r91QMrT6gQ-00014-00002848-00003271 like true -r91QMrT6gQ-00015-00002935-00003320 true and so we go ahead and allocate -r91QMrT6gQ-00016-00003271-00003655 these -r91QMrT6gQ-00017-00003320-00003887 we take a and we stick it into b of one -r91QMrT6gQ-00018-00003655-00004047 we take b of one and we add it to c put -r91QMrT6gQ-00019-00003887-00004336 it into b of four and we return -r91QMrT6gQ-00020-00004047-00004455 b of four as short this is the assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00021-00004336-00004623 that gets generated -r91QMrT6gQ-00022-00004455-00004823 and we've got three new assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00023-00004623-00004992 instructions imul -r91QMrT6gQ-00024-00004823-00005152 which is multiplication sign -r91QMrT6gQ-00025-00004992-00005503 multiplication movsx -r91QMrT6gQ-00026-00005152-00005664 which is signed extend which is move -r91QMrT6gQ-00027-00005503-00005928 with sine extension -r91QMrT6gQ-00028-00005664-00006064 and movzx which is move with zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00029-00005928-00006287 extension -r91QMrT6gQ-00030-00006064-00006440 all right the first one imul or -r91QMrT6gQ-00031-00006287-00006623 signed multiply -r91QMrT6gQ-00032-00006440-00006831 the first thing to know is that visual -r91QMrT6gQ-00033-00006623-00007079 studio seems to really like -r91QMrT6gQ-00034-00006831-00007143 signed multiply over unsigned multiply -r91QMrT6gQ-00035-00007079-00007440 which is just -r91QMrT6gQ-00036-00007143-00007552 mul and so that's kind of just a visual -r91QMrT6gQ-00037-00007440-00007823 studioism -r91QMrT6gQ-00038-00007552-00007895 when you try to create a multiply even -r91QMrT6gQ-00039-00007823-00008143 if you're using -r91QMrT6gQ-00040-00007895-00008304 all unsigned values it'll still prefer -r91QMrT6gQ-00041-00008143-00008472 imul all over mul -r91QMrT6gQ-00042-00008304-00008640 this is actually a way that you can kind -r91QMrT6gQ-00043-00008472-00008832 of infer that -r91QMrT6gQ-00044-00008640-00009015 code was generated with this particular -r91QMrT6gQ-00045-00008832-00009264 compiler for instance -r91QMrT6gQ-00046-00009015-00009472 now there are three forms of imul the -r91QMrT6gQ-00047-00009264-00009679 first one takes a single operand -r91QMrT6gQ-00048-00009472-00009807 the second one takes two operands and -r91QMrT6gQ-00049-00009679-00010032 the third one takes -r91QMrT6gQ-00050-00009807-00010136 three operands and it's the first one -r91QMrT6gQ-00051-00010032-00010375 that's actually a little bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00052-00010136-00010520 complicated because the fact that it has -r91QMrT6gQ-00053-00010375-00010775 a single operand it's not just -r91QMrT6gQ-00054-00010520-00011000 multiplying that register by itself -r91QMrT6gQ-00055-00010775-00011111 instead there's a variety of forms which -r91QMrT6gQ-00056-00011000-00011432 implicitly take -r91QMrT6gQ-00057-00011111-00011784 different sizes of rax and rdx or -r91QMrT6gQ-00058-00011432-00011911 eax and edx etc so there's like this -r91QMrT6gQ-00059-00011784-00012024 implicit thing where you just kind of -r91QMrT6gQ-00060-00011911-00012224 have to memorize -r91QMrT6gQ-00061-00012024-00012343 which registers are used implicitly -r91QMrT6gQ-00062-00012224-00012471 based on the size -r91QMrT6gQ-00063-00012343-00012671 and we'll see a little bit more about -r91QMrT6gQ-00064-00012471-00012895 that in a second the two and the three -r91QMrT6gQ-00065-00012671-00013031 operand ones behave a little more as -r91QMrT6gQ-00066-00012895-00013208 you would expect so -r91QMrT6gQ-00067-00013031-00013336 for instance this one takes the register -r91QMrT6gQ-00068-00013208-00013568 multiplies it by this -r91QMrT6gQ-00069-00013336-00013647 and stores it back into there this one -r91QMrT6gQ-00070-00013568-00013928 takes this -r91QMrT6gQ-00071-00013647-00014023 register memory location stores -r91QMrT6gQ-00072-00013928-00014184 multiplies it by -r91QMrT6gQ-00073-00014023-00014384 the immediate and stores it back into -r91QMrT6gQ-00074-00014184-00014631 this so it's the typical sort of -r91QMrT6gQ-00075-00014384-00014808 you know source and destination and -r91QMrT6gQ-00076-00014631-00015023 source from this operand -r91QMrT6gQ-00077-00014808-00015176 but that said the fact that this can -r91QMrT6gQ-00078-00015023-00015384 actually take three operands -r91QMrT6gQ-00079-00015176-00015576 is seemingly unique amongst what we -r91QMrT6gQ-00080-00015384-00015728 might consider the basic assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00081-00015576-00016056 instruction set not the -r91QMrT6gQ-00082-00015728-00016304 sort of add-on set like mmx avx etc -r91QMrT6gQ-00083-00016056-00016423 but amongst very simple basic assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00084-00016304-00016576 instructions -r91QMrT6gQ-00085-00016423-00016736 this is the only one that i know of that -r91QMrT6gQ-00086-00016576-00016920 actually takes three operands -r91QMrT6gQ-00087-00016736-00017080 now in previous versions of the class i -r91QMrT6gQ-00088-00016920-00017344 kind of left it at that and then i -r91QMrT6gQ-00089-00017080-00017528 moved on to some examples now in -r91QMrT6gQ-00090-00017344-00017672 previous versions of the class i would -r91QMrT6gQ-00091-00017528-00017856 just sort of leave it at that those -r91QMrT6gQ-00092-00017672-00017984 three example forms that i showed on the -r91QMrT6gQ-00093-00017856-00018223 previous slide -r91QMrT6gQ-00094-00017984-00018359 but because i want to sort of test you -r91QMrT6gQ-00095-00018223-00018600 rigorously later on -r91QMrT6gQ-00096-00018359-00018768 using our darkmathemagic games i'm -r91QMrT6gQ-00097-00018600-00018936 going to go ahead and show you all the -r91QMrT6gQ-00098-00018768-00019136 possible forms just so that you can have -r91QMrT6gQ-00099-00018936-00019312 them on the slides without having had to -r91QMrT6gQ-00100-00019136-00019456 go all the way into the manual because -r91QMrT6gQ-00101-00019312-00019623 we don't learn about -r91QMrT6gQ-00102-00019456-00019815 looking things up in the manual until -r91QMrT6gQ-00103-00019623-00019976 quite late in the class so i'll show you -r91QMrT6gQ-00104-00019815-00020223 all the different forms which you know -r91QMrT6gQ-00105-00019976-00020415 could be grouped into five groups or -r91QMrT6gQ-00106-00020223-00020568 three groups it kind of just depends on -r91QMrT6gQ-00107-00020415-00020736 how you decide to break it up i'm going -r91QMrT6gQ-00108-00020568-00020776 to put it into five groups just so that -r91QMrT6gQ-00109-00020736-00021056 i have -r91QMrT6gQ-00110-00020776-00021128 more space on slots now this first group -r91QMrT6gQ-00111-00021056-00021344 are the -r91QMrT6gQ-00112-00021128-00021479 versions that have a single operand and -r91QMrT6gQ-00113-00021344-00021512 these are the ones where i said they -r91QMrT6gQ-00114-00021479-00021840 have -r91QMrT6gQ-00115-00021512-00022151 implicit usage of eax al -r91QMrT6gQ-00116-00021840-00022423 rax etc so what you'll actually see is -r91QMrT6gQ-00117-00022151-00022472 imol and then an rm8 so that's going to -r91QMrT6gQ-00118-00022423-00022784 be an -r91QMrT6gQ-00119-00022472-00023008 8-bit register or a 8-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00120-00022784-00023200 a value calculated from memory that'll -r91QMrT6gQ-00121-00023008-00023295 only be plugging 8-bits out of that -r91QMrT6gQ-00122-00023200-00023631 memory location -r91QMrT6gQ-00123-00023295-00023848 now implicitly if you ever see a 8-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00124-00023631-00024040 sized imul or you know 8-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00125-00023848-00024223 register being used in the imul -r91QMrT6gQ-00126-00024040-00024495 what's happening is it will implicitly -r91QMrT6gQ-00127-00024223-00024848 use al the least significant byte -r91QMrT6gQ-00128-00024495-00024928 of the rax register and multiply it by -r91QMrT6gQ-00129-00024848-00025223 that -r91QMrT6gQ-00130-00024928-00025359 eight bit register or eight bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00131-00025223-00025576 that came out of memory -r91QMrT6gQ-00132-00025359-00025679 and then it'll store it back into the ax -r91QMrT6gQ-00133-00025576-00025935 register so -r91QMrT6gQ-00134-00025679-00026191 ax is 16 bits this is eight so eight -r91QMrT6gQ-00135-00025935-00026512 times eight going into a 16 bit register -r91QMrT6gQ-00136-00026191-00026680 there's no sort of danger of truncation -r91QMrT6gQ-00137-00026512-00026808 or anything like that because you've got -r91QMrT6gQ-00138-00026680-00026975 something that's twice the size -r91QMrT6gQ-00139-00026808-00027183 of the two things being multiplied and -r91QMrT6gQ-00140-00026975-00027288 then the same basic structure continues -r91QMrT6gQ-00141-00027183-00027375 for the rest of the assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00142-00027288-00027624 instructions -r91QMrT6gQ-00143-00027375-00027872 if it's a 16 bit value you take the 16 -r91QMrT6gQ-00144-00027624-00028008 bit least significant 16 bits of the rax -r91QMrT6gQ-00145-00027872-00028247 register ax -r91QMrT6gQ-00146-00028008-00028504 times the 16 bit value and you store it -r91QMrT6gQ-00147-00028247-00028783 into this 32 bit value the concatenation -r91QMrT6gQ-00148-00028504-00029063 of dx for the most significant 16 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00149-00028783-00029183 and ax for the least significant 16 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00150-00029063-00029472 32-bit form -r91QMrT6gQ-00151-00029183-00029688 takes 32-bit register times 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00152-00029472-00029975 stores it into a 64-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00153-00029688-00030127 output which is the concatenation of edx -r91QMrT6gQ-00154-00029975-00030408 for the most significant bytes -r91QMrT6gQ-00155-00030127-00030675 and eax really significant and again -r91QMrT6gQ-00156-00030408-00030791 same thing 64-bit times 64-bit into -r91QMrT6gQ-00157-00030675-00031000 128-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00158-00030791-00031144 output then there are the two operand -r91QMrT6gQ-00159-00031000-00031495 values but here -r91QMrT6gQ-00160-00031144-00031775 the form is 16-bit value times 16-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00161-00031495-00031983 value stored back into 16-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00162-00031775-00032208 and so that obviously can potentially -r91QMrT6gQ-00163-00031983-00032383 lead to truncation because you can just -r91QMrT6gQ-00164-00032208-00032544 multiply two values and they're going to -r91QMrT6gQ-00165-00032383-00032752 be you know greater than the maximum -r91QMrT6gQ-00166-00032544-00032928 space available in 16 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00167-00032752-00033103 and then that's going to be stored but -r91QMrT6gQ-00168-00032928-00033191 in a truncated form back into this -r91QMrT6gQ-00169-00033103-00033575 output -r91QMrT6gQ-00170-00033191-00033896 so 16 times 16 into 16 32 times 32 -r91QMrT6gQ-00171-00033575-00034168 into 32 64 x 64 -r91QMrT6gQ-00172-00033896-00034247 into 64. so these can cause truncation -r91QMrT6gQ-00173-00034168-00034496 so now group -r91QMrT6gQ-00174-00034247-00034624 three is going to have three operands -r91QMrT6gQ-00175-00034496-00034832 and there's going to be a version with -r91QMrT6gQ-00176-00034624-00035016 eight bits a version with 16 bits and a -r91QMrT6gQ-00177-00034832-00035208 version with 32 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00178-00035016-00035368 but we are only going to put the 8-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00179-00035208-00035584 form on this first slide -r91QMrT6gQ-00180-00035368-00035728 so in the 8-bit form you take this -r91QMrT6gQ-00181-00035584-00035952 16-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00182-00035728-00036175 you have an 8-bit immediate value and -r91QMrT6gQ-00183-00035952-00036375 that's going to be sine extended up to -r91QMrT6gQ-00184-00036175-00036568 16 bits so then you're going to -r91QMrT6gQ-00185-00036375-00036728 basically be multiplying this -r91QMrT6gQ-00186-00036568-00036888 treat it as if it was assigned value -r91QMrT6gQ-00187-00036728-00037160 times the 16 bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00188-00036888-00037319 and stored into a 16 bit value so that -r91QMrT6gQ-00189-00037160-00037472 means that you can have truncation just -r91QMrT6gQ-00190-00037319-00037744 like in the two operand form -r91QMrT6gQ-00191-00037472-00037872 same thing with 32 and 64 bits you just -r91QMrT6gQ-00192-00037744-00038144 take an 8 bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00193-00037872-00038240 and sign extend it up to a 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00194-00038144-00038463 multiply it by that -r91QMrT6gQ-00195-00038240-00038688 and store it into that sign extended up -r91QMrT6gQ-00196-00038463-00038912 to a 64-bit value multiply it by that -r91QMrT6gQ-00197-00038688-00039096 and store it into that so this again can -r91QMrT6gQ-00198-00038912-00039328 obviously cause truncation right so if -r91QMrT6gQ-00199-00039096-00039528 this value in 64-bit register was -r91QMrT6gQ-00200-00039328-00039656 you know 1 minus the maximum value and -r91QMrT6gQ-00201-00039528-00039896 you multiplied by 2 -r91QMrT6gQ-00202-00039656-00040128 then it's obviously going to you know be -r91QMrT6gQ-00203-00039896-00040360 larger than the possible 64-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00204-00040128-00040512 now this is again three operands but -r91QMrT6gQ-00205-00040360-00040736 it's just going to be a 16-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00206-00040512-00040912 and there's actually only one variation -r91QMrT6gQ-00207-00040736-00041112 on this there's only one thing that -r91QMrT6gQ-00208-00040912-00041263 takes a 16-bit immediate value and -r91QMrT6gQ-00209-00041112-00041559 that'll be a 16-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00210-00041263-00041752 register memory times the 16-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00211-00041559-00042024 stored into a 16-bit register -r91QMrT6gQ-00212-00041752-00042144 finally the last three-operand form is a -r91QMrT6gQ-00213-00042024-00042375 32-bit immediate -r91QMrT6gQ-00214-00042144-00042600 there is nothing that takes a 64-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00215-00042375-00042784 immediate so this is again you know -r91QMrT6gQ-00216-00042600-00042975 later on when you learn to read the fun -r91QMrT6gQ-00217-00042784-00043144 manual you can go and verify this for -r91QMrT6gQ-00218-00042975-00043400 yourself by checking it out -r91QMrT6gQ-00219-00043144-00043640 but the forms are take a 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00220-00043400-00043759 multiply by 32-bit store in a 32-bit so -r91QMrT6gQ-00221-00043640-00044072 that can truncate -r91QMrT6gQ-00222-00043759-00044368 and take a 32-bit value not a 64-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00223-00044072-00044552 sign extend it up to 64-bits multiply by -r91QMrT6gQ-00224-00044368-00044703 the 64-bit register -r91QMrT6gQ-00225-00044552-00044896 and then store it into the different -r91QMrT6gQ-00226-00044703-00045024 64-bit register so this could be a -r91QMrT6gQ-00227-00044896-00045231 register or memory rather -r91QMrT6gQ-00228-00045024-00045384 but this can only be a register so those -r91QMrT6gQ-00229-00045231-00045447 are all the possible forms that you -r91QMrT6gQ-00230-00045384-00045663 could see -r91QMrT6gQ-00231-00045447-00045863 for the multiply later on so feel free -r91QMrT6gQ-00232-00045663-00046056 to come back to this slide when you do -r91QMrT6gQ-00233-00045863-00046256 the darkmathemagic later on -r91QMrT6gQ-00234-00046056-00046424 now let's see some quick examples from -r91QMrT6gQ-00235-00046256-00046624 each of those groups so -r91QMrT6gQ-00236-00046424-00046736 for instance let's start with the single -r91QMrT6gQ-00237-00046624-00047072 operand form -r91QMrT6gQ-00238-00046736-00047280 so again imul with a rm8 -r91QMrT6gQ-00239-00047072-00047431 implicitly it's always going to take the -r91QMrT6gQ-00240-00047280-00047791 rm8 times -r91QMrT6gQ-00241-00047431-00048008 al and store it into ax so if these were -r91QMrT6gQ-00242-00047791-00048184 our registers starting out so rax -r91QMrT6gQ-00243-00048008-00048552 happens to be fully filled in -r91QMrT6gQ-00244-00048184-00048852 r12 it's zero zero zero eighty four -r91QMrT6gQ-00245-00048552-00049016 if you saw the assembly instruction imo -r91QMrT6gQ-00246-00048852-00049175 r12b -r91QMrT6gQ-00247-00049016-00049328 that would mean you're using the byte -r91QMrT6gQ-00248-00049175-00049663 size the least significant -r91QMrT6gQ-00249-00049328-00050008 byte of r12 and so when you have an iml -r91QMrT6gQ-00250-00049663-00050072 with a rm8 implicitly you're using this -r91QMrT6gQ-00251-00050008-00050184 form -r91QMrT6gQ-00252-00050072-00050400 and that means you're going to need to -r91QMrT6gQ-00253-00050184-00050808 take al the least significant byte -r91QMrT6gQ-00254-00050400-00050936 77 times r12b the least significant byte -r91QMrT6gQ-00255-00050808-00051119 which is 84 -r91QMrT6gQ-00256-00050936-00051239 but this is now again assigned to -r91QMrT6gQ-00257-00051119-00051471 multiply -r91QMrT6gQ-00258-00051239-00051544 and if this is signed to multiply then -r91QMrT6gQ-00259-00051471-00051800 this value -r91QMrT6gQ-00260-00051544-00051951 84 is a negative number so we've -r91QMrT6gQ-00261-00051800-00052151 actually got a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00262-00051951-00052391 times a positive value so negative times -r91QMrT6gQ-00263-00052151-00052736 positive is going to be a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00264-00052391-00052855 and that will be stored into ax so the -r91QMrT6gQ-00265-00052736-00053048 end result here -r91QMrT6gQ-00266-00052855-00053239 is that all the rest of this register is -r91QMrT6gQ-00267-00053048-00053536 actually going to be left alone -r91QMrT6gQ-00268-00053239-00053600 and just the ax least significant 16 -r91QMrT6gQ-00269-00053536-00053816 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00270-00053600-00054000 are going to be updated with this value -r91QMrT6gQ-00271-00053816-00054120 now let me pop out into the calculator -r91QMrT6gQ-00272-00054000-00054448 quick to show you how you could -r91QMrT6gQ-00273-00054120-00054448 calculate this for yourself -r91QMrT6gQ-00274-00054464-00054991 so we said 77 is a positive value but 84 -r91QMrT6gQ-00275-00054824-00055320 is a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00276-00054991-00055551 so let's go ahead and take 84 -r91QMrT6gQ-00277-00055320-00055751 and let's two's complement that to get -r91QMrT6gQ-00278-00055551-00055895 the negative value or sorry to flip the -r91QMrT6gQ-00279-00055751-00056048 sign because it is a negative value so -r91QMrT6gQ-00280-00055895-00056464 let's get the positive value -r91QMrT6gQ-00281-00056048-00056776 so 84 as a one byte value is actually 7c -r91QMrT6gQ-00282-00056464-00057183 as a positive value so negative 7c -r91QMrT6gQ-00283-00056776-00057520 is 84 in one byte two's complement form -r91QMrT6gQ-00284-00057183-00057824 so 7c is one of the values and -r91QMrT6gQ-00285-00057520-00057904 77 is the other so if i did 7c which is -r91QMrT6gQ-00286-00057824-00058127 now the -r91QMrT6gQ-00287-00057904-00058248 positive form of this negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00288-00058127-00058551 times -r91QMrT6gQ-00289-00058248-00058712 77 that would be giving me a value -r91QMrT6gQ-00290-00058551-00058904 that's you know a positive value but i -r91QMrT6gQ-00291-00058712-00059136 said negative times positive -r91QMrT6gQ-00292-00058904-00059360 should be a negative value at the end so -r91QMrT6gQ-00293-00059136-00059608 i need to two's complement this again -r91QMrT6gQ-00294-00059360-00059736 to flip it back to negative and that's -r91QMrT6gQ-00295-00059608-00059951 going to be -r91QMrT6gQ-00296-00059736-00060167 you know ax is just going to be 16 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00297-00059951-00060488 and so we just care about the c -r91QMrT6gQ-00298-00060167-00060655 6 5 c and that's what we get here -r91QMrT6gQ-00299-00060488-00060864 now later on in the class we're going to -r91QMrT6gQ-00300-00060655-00060912 learn about how to write inline assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00301-00060864-00061112 but -r91QMrT6gQ-00302-00060912-00061272 just again because i wanted to kind of -r91QMrT6gQ-00303-00061112-00061304 show this to you because this is one of -r91QMrT6gQ-00304-00061272-00061472 the -r91QMrT6gQ-00305-00061304-00061648 elements that people had the most -r91QMrT6gQ-00306-00061472-00061824 trouble with on some of the games -r91QMrT6gQ-00307-00061648-00061967 let's go ahead and look at that in -r91QMrT6gQ-00308-00061824-00062304 inline assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00309-00061967-00062704 so inside of your project there is -r91QMrT6gQ-00310-00062304-00063007 scratchpad asm and there's the my asm -r91QMrT6gQ-00311-00062704-00063064 project and so i just did a move of this -r91QMrT6gQ-00312-00063007-00063400 value -r91QMrT6gQ-00313-00063064-00063744 into rax move of 84 -r91QMrT6gQ-00314-00063400-00064048 into r12 and then an imul by -r91QMrT6gQ-00315-00063744-00064200 r12b so if i go ahead and run that -r91QMrT6gQ-00316-00064048-00064504 through the debugger -r91QMrT6gQ-00317-00064200-00064839 i can go ahead and bring up the -r91QMrT6gQ-00318-00064504-00064904 registers window to show you on the top -r91QMrT6gQ-00319-00064839-00065136 here -r91QMrT6gQ-00320-00064904-00065320 rax has the value that i moved in from -r91QMrT6gQ-00321-00065136-00065744 right here -r91QMrT6gQ-00322-00065320-00065832 r12 has the value 0084 that i moved in -r91QMrT6gQ-00323-00065744-00066232 right here -r91QMrT6gQ-00324-00065832-00066536 and now i'm going to issue the imul r12b -r91QMrT6gQ-00325-00066232-00066727 and if i just go ahead and step -r91QMrT6gQ-00326-00066536-00067032 and i can see that these least -r91QMrT6gQ-00327-00066727-00067256 significant 16 bits of rax -r91QMrT6gQ-00328-00067032-00067351 just changed all the rest is all the -r91QMrT6gQ-00329-00067256-00067704 same -r91QMrT6gQ-00330-00067351-00067760 right so 60 99 66 all that's all the -r91QMrT6gQ-00331-00067704-00067944 same -r91QMrT6gQ-00332-00067760-00068088 but just these bits right here change -r91QMrT6gQ-00333-00067944-00068232 that's kind of why this is highlighted -r91QMrT6gQ-00334-00068088-00068320 in red it's telling you this register -r91QMrT6gQ-00335-00068232-00068527 changed and -r91QMrT6gQ-00336-00068320-00068695 other stuff didn't except you know rrp -r91QMrT6gQ-00337-00068527-00068824 because you stepped forward and -r91QMrT6gQ-00338-00068695-00069072 you know nothing else changed their -r91QMrT6gQ-00339-00068824-00069272 flags changed so that's just to show you -r91QMrT6gQ-00340-00069072-00069456 that what i said in the calculator lines -r91QMrT6gQ-00341-00069272-00069583 up with what actually happens in the -r91QMrT6gQ-00342-00069456-00069824 assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00343-00069583-00069912 so let's go ahead and stop that and i'll -r91QMrT6gQ-00344-00069824-00070160 move on to -r91QMrT6gQ-00345-00069912-00070472 what's going to be my next example here -r91QMrT6gQ-00346-00070160-00070472 and back to the slides -r91QMrT6gQ-00347-00070480-00071024 okay so that was an example of a single -r91QMrT6gQ-00348-00070792-00071095 operand form of imul again signed -r91QMrT6gQ-00349-00071024-00071256 multiply -r91QMrT6gQ-00350-00071095-00071351 so you have to take into account whether -r91QMrT6gQ-00351-00071256-00071583 or not the things that are being -r91QMrT6gQ-00352-00071351-00071800 multiplied are negative values like this -r91QMrT6gQ-00353-00071583-00072072 or positive values -r91QMrT6gQ-00354-00071800-00072256 okay next example this is a two operand -r91QMrT6gQ-00355-00072072-00072551 form and so if we see imul with -r91QMrT6gQ-00356-00072256-00072736 an r32 and an rm32 then the actual -r91QMrT6gQ-00357-00072551-00072920 mathematical operation is a signed -r91QMrT6gQ-00358-00072736-00073263 version of that r32 -r91QMrT6gQ-00359-00072920-00073400 times the rm32 stored back into the r32 -r91QMrT6gQ-00360-00073263-00073648 so again -r91QMrT6gQ-00361-00073400-00073792 truncation is possible so now in this -r91QMrT6gQ-00362-00073648-00074136 case if we have imul -r91QMrT6gQ-00363-00073792-00074351 doing r12d so the dword sized the -r91QMrT6gQ-00364-00074136-00074544 32-bit sized version of r12 -r91QMrT6gQ-00365-00074351-00074712 well this is no longer interpreted as a -r91QMrT6gQ-00366-00074544-00074888 negative value because it's not -r91QMrT6gQ-00367-00074712-00075039 a one byte form it's a four byte form -r91QMrT6gQ-00368-00074888-00075104 and the four byte form has zero zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00369-00075039-00075263 zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00370-00075104-00075439 zero so this is just going to be -r91QMrT6gQ-00371-00075263-00075768 positive 84. -r91QMrT6gQ-00372-00075439-00076039 then rax taking the eax -r91QMrT6gQ-00373-00075768-00076080 size the 32-bit value size this is going -r91QMrT6gQ-00374-00076039-00076376 to be -r91QMrT6gQ-00375-00076080-00076544 a9 blah blah blah blah but that is going -r91QMrT6gQ-00376-00076376-00076776 to be a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00377-00076544-00076936 in 32-bit form something starting with a -r91QMrT6gQ-00378-00076776-00077104 has the most significant bit set -r91QMrT6gQ-00379-00076936-00077239 you know it's greater than 7 so it's -r91QMrT6gQ-00380-00077104-00077448 going to be a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00381-00077239-00077560 so this is going to be a positive times -r91QMrT6gQ-00382-00077448-00077751 a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00383-00077560-00077927 so again a positive value times a -r91QMrT6gQ-00384-00077751-00078104 negative value is going to lead to a -r91QMrT6gQ-00385-00077927-00078388 negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00386-00078104-00078520 so what's going to come out of this is -r91QMrT6gQ-00387-00078388-00078936 0061 -r91QMrT6gQ-00388-00078520-00079112 0 4 1 5 c in r 12 because it's storing -r91QMrT6gQ-00389-00078936-00079207 it's taking this times that storing it -r91QMrT6gQ-00390-00079112-00079360 back into that -r91QMrT6gQ-00391-00079207-00079616 so let's go ahead and look at that in -r91QMrT6gQ-00392-00079360-00079816 the calculator to confirm this -r91QMrT6gQ-00393-00079616-00080048 so i'm going to take this value right -r91QMrT6gQ-00394-00079816-00080192 here this is my negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00395-00080048-00080351 i'm going to go ahead and put that in -r91QMrT6gQ-00396-00080192-00080639 i'm going to two's complement it -r91QMrT6gQ-00397-00080351-00080704 to get back to the positive value i'm -r91QMrT6gQ-00398-00080639-00081007 going to -r91QMrT6gQ-00399-00080704-00081192 multiply that times 84 which is a -r91QMrT6gQ-00400-00081007-00081376 positive value -r91QMrT6gQ-00401-00081192-00081551 all right that gives me something but we -r91QMrT6gQ-00402-00081376-00081712 said positive times negative well i just -r91QMrT6gQ-00403-00081551-00081872 flipped to the sign of the negative to a -r91QMrT6gQ-00404-00081712-00082119 positive so i need to flip the result -r91QMrT6gQ-00405-00081872-00082319 back to get back to the negative -r91QMrT6gQ-00406-00082119-00082576 and then that leaves me with this value -r91QMrT6gQ-00407-00082319-00082751 now this value is bigger than the 32-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00408-00082576-00082856 register which is going to be stored -r91QMrT6gQ-00409-00082751-00083016 back into -r91QMrT6gQ-00410-00082856-00083192 so we need to you know just in our -r91QMrT6gQ-00411-00083016-00083304 calculator the hardware will obviously -r91QMrT6gQ-00412-00083192-00083632 do this itself -r91QMrT6gQ-00413-00083304-00083983 we need to and it with 32 ones -r91QMrT6gQ-00414-00083632-00084388 one two three four five six seven eight -r91QMrT6gQ-00415-00083983-00084519 f's equals 32 ones and that gives us 61 -r91QMrT6gQ-00416-00084388-00084936 d041 -r91QMrT6gQ-00417-00084519-00085239 5c 61d0415c -r91QMrT6gQ-00418-00084936-00085624 and again we can reconfirm that in the -r91QMrT6gQ-00419-00085239-00085816 debugger as well if we'd like -r91QMrT6gQ-00420-00085624-00086000 same values in the registers just a -r91QMrT6gQ-00421-00085816-00086336 different multiply signed multiply -r91QMrT6gQ-00422-00086000-00086519 r12 dword size times eax -r91QMrT6gQ-00423-00086336-00086663 all right here's the values go ahead and -r91QMrT6gQ-00424-00086519-00086960 step over and -r91QMrT6gQ-00425-00086663-00087056 the result is stored back into r12 and -r91QMrT6gQ-00426-00086960-00087383 so we have -r91QMrT6gQ-00427-00087056-00087600 61 d041 5c -r91QMrT6gQ-00428-00087383-00087880 so let's go ahead and move on to the -r91QMrT6gQ-00429-00087600-00087880 last example -r91QMrT6gQ-00430-00088056-00088368 all right now we have a three operand -r91QMrT6gQ-00431-00088304-00088583 form -r91QMrT6gQ-00432-00088368-00088824 so we're going to do a 64-bit we're -r91QMrT6gQ-00433-00088583-00088983 going to take 64-bit times 32-bit which -r91QMrT6gQ-00434-00088824-00089207 is going to be sign extended -r91QMrT6gQ-00435-00088983-00089432 up to 64-bits and then it's going to be -r91QMrT6gQ-00436-00089207-00089632 multiplied by that and stored into this -r91QMrT6gQ-00437-00089432-00089895 so what would that be in this case well -r91QMrT6gQ-00438-00089632-00090048 we've got 84 which actually isn't even -r91QMrT6gQ-00439-00089895-00090272 going to play into anything -r91QMrT6gQ-00440-00090048-00090351 r12 is just going to be the output -r91QMrT6gQ-00441-00090272-00090527 register -r91QMrT6gQ-00442-00090351-00090727 but you can see it's not actually used -r91QMrT6gQ-00443-00090527-00090863 in the multiply so it's just going to be -r91QMrT6gQ-00444-00090727-00091200 rax -r91QMrT6gQ-00445-00090863-00091304 times this immediate value and that's -r91QMrT6gQ-00446-00091200-00091495 going to yield this -r91QMrT6gQ-00447-00091304-00091656 and so that is just a straight up -r91QMrT6gQ-00448-00091495-00091895 multiply this value -r91QMrT6gQ-00449-00091656-00092080 times that value which you can sign -r91QMrT6gQ-00450-00091895-00092207 extend it but it's just a positive value -r91QMrT6gQ-00451-00092080-00092312 so it's still just going to be one two -r91QMrT6gQ-00452-00092207-00092504 three four -r91QMrT6gQ-00453-00092312-00092616 and so we put it in and that's the -r91QMrT6gQ-00454-00092504-00092895 output -r91QMrT6gQ-00455-00092616-00092960 so let's go ahead and calculate that -r91QMrT6gQ-00456-00092895-00093144 this -r91QMrT6gQ-00457-00092960-00093312 times one two three four one two three -r91QMrT6gQ-00458-00093144-00093672 four and we get -r91QMrT6gQ-00459-00093312-00093968 e5 blah blah blah blah blah and over -r91QMrT6gQ-00460-00093672-00094136 in the debugger same thing oops we're -r91QMrT6gQ-00461-00093968-00094368 not gonna because -r91QMrT6gQ-00462-00094136-00094575 i changed that to negative so as i was -r91QMrT6gQ-00463-00094368-00094768 fiddling with masm i was noticing that i -r91QMrT6gQ-00464-00094575-00094919 really didn't like it when i chose you -r91QMrT6gQ-00465-00094768-00095151 know negative constants -r91QMrT6gQ-00466-00094919-00095336 like if i put that in there it'll just -r91QMrT6gQ-00467-00095151-00095512 straight up not compile -r91QMrT6gQ-00468-00095336-00095727 so let's go ahead and do that just to -r91QMrT6gQ-00469-00095512-00095968 show you it really doesn't like -r91QMrT6gQ-00470-00095727-00096063 negative values for these immediates for -r91QMrT6gQ-00471-00095968-00096292 some reason -r91QMrT6gQ-00472-00096063-00096512 and the reason seems to be that like -r91QMrT6gQ-00473-00096292-00096695 syntactically it wants you to -r91QMrT6gQ-00474-00096512-00096848 put negative values in front of it -r91QMrT6gQ-00475-00096695-00097095 instead of just using the -r91QMrT6gQ-00476-00096848-00097160 you know two's complement form of it but -r91QMrT6gQ-00477-00097095-00097351 anyways -r91QMrT6gQ-00478-00097160-00097504 you know so you could put a negative on -r91QMrT6gQ-00479-00097351-00097632 there and you know it would be -r91QMrT6gQ-00480-00097504-00097848 negative one two three four and then it -r91QMrT6gQ-00481-00097632-00098088 would be sign extended up to that but -r91QMrT6gQ-00482-00097848-00098200 just to complete our example here let's -r91QMrT6gQ-00483-00098088-00098512 see that we see the same -r91QMrT6gQ-00484-00098200-00098727 thing all right oops let's go ahead and -r91QMrT6gQ-00485-00098512-00099056 step over and let's not continue -r91QMrT6gQ-00486-00098727-00099536 so step over and what is the value in -r91QMrT6gQ-00487-00099056-00099856 r12 e5 a35 blah blah 2a2c -r91QMrT6gQ-00488-00099536-00100192 e5 a3 5 blah blah blah -r91QMrT6gQ-00489-00099856-00100424 2a 2c so for the heck of it let's just -r91QMrT6gQ-00490-00100192-00100775 go ahead and make that a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00491-00100424-00100912 go ahead and stop negative and so you -r91QMrT6gQ-00492-00100775-00100968 can see that you know it's just a -r91QMrT6gQ-00493-00100912-00101200 negative -r91QMrT6gQ-00494-00100968-00101344 32-bit value right there when we go -r91QMrT6gQ-00495-00101200-00101536 ahead and run that if we look at the -r91QMrT6gQ-00496-00101344-00101768 disassembly we should see the -r91QMrT6gQ-00497-00101536-00101912 actual value this is the negative one -r91QMrT6gQ-00498-00101768-00102039 two three four negative one two three -r91QMrT6gQ-00499-00101912-00102232 four you can see that it -r91QMrT6gQ-00500-00102039-00102407 put that in there for us let's go ahead -r91QMrT6gQ-00501-00102232-00102655 and look at the bytes just to prove that -r91QMrT6gQ-00502-00102407-00102967 that's a 32-bit value that's in the -r91QMrT6gQ-00503-00102655-00103055 code stream not a 64-bit value so if i -r91QMrT6gQ-00504-00102967-00103319 look at the raw -r91QMrT6gQ-00505-00103055-00103376 assembly bytes here i can actually see -r91QMrT6gQ-00506-00103319-00103679 that -r91QMrT6gQ-00507-00103376-00103728 this value this negative value one two -r91QMrT6gQ-00508-00103679-00104088 three -r91QMrT6gQ-00509-00103728-00104416 four five six seven eight -r91QMrT6gQ-00510-00104088-00104624 these eight bytes right here e d c b e d -r91QMrT6gQ-00511-00104416-00104743 c c these are actually built into this -r91QMrT6gQ-00512-00104624-00105096 stream e d -r91QMrT6gQ-00513-00104743-00105303 c b e d c so the assembly instruction -r91QMrT6gQ-00514-00105096-00105511 actually only has the capability to bake -r91QMrT6gQ-00515-00105303-00105703 in a 32-bit value here -r91QMrT6gQ-00516-00105511-00105935 it doesn't have a form that supports a -r91QMrT6gQ-00517-00105703-00106096 64-bit value in the assembly stream but -r91QMrT6gQ-00518-00105935-00106311 again we haven't really covered -r91QMrT6gQ-00519-00106096-00106472 uh you know how these assembly bytes -r91QMrT6gQ-00520-00106311-00106696 stuff so i'm going to go ahead and pull -r91QMrT6gQ-00521-00106472-00106920 the wool over your eyes again -r91QMrT6gQ-00522-00106696-00107008 so anyways if we did that and we stepped -r91QMrT6gQ-00523-00106920-00107208 over it -r91QMrT6gQ-00524-00107008-00107359 we would just get some different value -r91QMrT6gQ-00525-00107208-00107528 right different multiplication different -r91QMrT6gQ-00526-00107359-00107696 value but the key thing is that you saw -r91QMrT6gQ-00527-00107528-00107911 it was you know sign extended up to a -r91QMrT6gQ-00528-00107696-00108024 64-bit value all right so that's my much -r91QMrT6gQ-00529-00107911-00108264 longer treatment -r91QMrT6gQ-00530-00108024-00108440 of the signed multiply assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00531-00108264-00108608 instruction hopefully should be a lot -r91QMrT6gQ-00532-00108440-00108783 more useful to you later on -r91QMrT6gQ-00533-00108608-00108976 when you're called upon to do the -r91QMrT6gQ-00534-00108783-00109072 various versions of multiply in the dark -r91QMrT6gQ-00535-00108976-00109240 mathemagic game -r91QMrT6gQ-00536-00109072-00109455 now the other two assembly instructions -r91QMrT6gQ-00537-00109240-00109528 that we saw in this example code were -r91QMrT6gQ-00538-00109455-00109855 move with -r91QMrT6gQ-00539-00109528-00110088 zero extend and move with sine extent -r91QMrT6gQ-00540-00109855-00110183 now these are typically used to move -r91QMrT6gQ-00541-00110088-00110440 small C -r91QMrT6gQ-00542-00110183-00110567 types into large C types so if you're -r91QMrT6gQ-00543-00110440-00110903 you know moving a -r91QMrT6gQ-00544-00110567-00111040 signed value from a short like we have -r91QMrT6gQ-00545-00110903-00111367 in the example code -r91QMrT6gQ-00546-00111040-00111600 into a integer which is 32 bit value so -r91QMrT6gQ-00547-00111367-00111879 16 bit value to a 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00548-00111600-00112079 if the short is signed then the value -r91QMrT6gQ-00549-00111879-00112224 needs to be reflected as a signed value -r91QMrT6gQ-00550-00112079-00112344 in the 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00551-00112224-00112559 that means you're going to want to move -r91QMrT6gQ-00552-00112344-00112600 a sign extent on the other hand if it -r91QMrT6gQ-00553-00112559-00112848 was an -r91QMrT6gQ-00554-00112600-00113016 unsigned short being moved into a 32-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00555-00112848-00113183 value then you would move with zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00556-00113016-00113352 extend basically saying you know don't -r91QMrT6gQ-00557-00113183-00113600 try to treat this as a signed thing -r91QMrT6gQ-00558-00113352-00113672 so these moves support all the same sort -r91QMrT6gQ-00559-00113600-00113848 of register to -r91QMrT6gQ-00560-00113672-00114024 register register to memory memory to -r91QMrT6gQ-00561-00113848-00114120 register immediate to memory immediate -r91QMrT6gQ-00562-00114024-00114359 to register -r91QMrT6gQ-00563-00114120-00114464 forms that you see in a normal move but -r91QMrT6gQ-00564-00114359-00114655 like i just said -r91QMrT6gQ-00565-00114464-00114840 there's this different notion of zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00566-00114655-00115024 extension and sign extension -r91QMrT6gQ-00567-00114840-00115144 and at its most basic form zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00568-00115024-00115400 extension means that -r91QMrT6gQ-00569-00115144-00115624 when the cpu when it's taking some small -r91QMrT6gQ-00570-00115400-00115791 register and moving it to a big register -r91QMrT6gQ-00571-00115624-00116079 will just fill in the upper bits with -r91QMrT6gQ-00572-00115791-00116159 all zeros so 16 bit register to a 32-bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00573-00116079-00116352 register -r91QMrT6gQ-00574-00116159-00116616 then it's going to automatically fill in -r91QMrT6gQ-00575-00116352-00116864 all zeroes in the upper 16 bits -r91QMrT6gQ-00576-00116616-00116959 on the other hand sign extension is a -r91QMrT6gQ-00577-00116864-00117176 thing where -r91QMrT6gQ-00578-00116959-00117328 the compiler has to generate to the -r91QMrT6gQ-00579-00117176-00117544 right assembly instruction -r91QMrT6gQ-00580-00117328-00117696 so that things are treated as if they're -r91QMrT6gQ-00581-00117544-00117855 signed you know if the high level -r91QMrT6gQ-00582-00117696-00118079 language wanted them signed -r91QMrT6gQ-00583-00117855-00118208 the low-level assembly language needs to -r91QMrT6gQ-00584-00118079-00118296 treat them as if they're signed and -r91QMrT6gQ-00585-00118208-00118535 what that means -r91QMrT6gQ-00586-00118296-00118735 is if you had a 16-bit register and you -r91QMrT6gQ-00587-00118535-00118903 were moving it to a 32-bit register -r91QMrT6gQ-00588-00118735-00119079 if the value in that register in the -r91QMrT6gQ-00589-00118903-00119152 high-level programming language was -r91QMrT6gQ-00590-00119079-00119383 treated as a -r91QMrT6gQ-00591-00119152-00119535 signed value it needs to keep its sign -r91QMrT6gQ-00592-00119383-00119632 which means if it was positive it should -r91QMrT6gQ-00593-00119535-00119776 stay positive -r91QMrT6gQ-00594-00119632-00119991 if it was negative it should say -r91QMrT6gQ-00595-00119776-00120167 negative so you can imagine okay i've -r91QMrT6gQ-00596-00119991-00120520 got a 16 bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00597-00120167-00120591 0xffff right what is that that's negative -r91QMrT6gQ-00598-00120520-00120872 one -r91QMrT6gQ-00599-00120591-00120959 so if i take the 16-bit value 0xffff -r91QMrT6gQ-00600-00120872-00121200 negative one -r91QMrT6gQ-00601-00120959-00121311 and i move it to a 32-bit register that -r91QMrT6gQ-00602-00121200-00121600 better not just -r91QMrT6gQ-00603-00121311-00121752 turn into a positive sixteen thousand -r91QMrT6gQ-00604-00121600-00121815 all of a sudden it should stay negative -r91QMrT6gQ-00605-00121752-00122055 one -r91QMrT6gQ-00606-00121815-00122224 and to stay negative one the compiler -r91QMrT6gQ-00607-00122055-00122391 the assembly instructions have to say -r91QMrT6gQ-00608-00122224-00122624 okay what's the most significant value -r91QMrT6gQ-00609-00122391-00122872 of 0xffff what's the most significant bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00610-00122624-00123079 it's one and so it's sine extends that -r91QMrT6gQ-00611-00122872-00123215 one into the upper bits of the larger -r91QMrT6gQ-00612-00123079-00123528 32-bit value -r91QMrT6gQ-00613-00123215-00123559 which means you get ffffff you know you -r91QMrT6gQ-00614-00123528-00123888 get -r91QMrT6gQ-00615-00123559-00124096 eight f's rather than four f's so that -r91QMrT6gQ-00616-00123888-00124376 still it's treated as a negative one -r91QMrT6gQ-00617-00124096-00124567 in subsequent assembly instructions and -r91QMrT6gQ-00618-00124376-00124735 then one extra little bit that i'm again -r91QMrT6gQ-00619-00124567-00124928 adding in based on you know -r91QMrT6gQ-00620-00124735-00125103 student feedback is that there is -r91QMrT6gQ-00621-00124928-00125464 technically another form -r91QMrT6gQ-00622-00125103-00125624 of the sign extension movsxd -r91QMrT6gQ-00623-00125464-00125791 and so this has to do with sign -r91QMrT6gQ-00624-00125624-00126040 extending dword values -r91QMrT6gQ-00625-00125791-00126176 up to 64-bit values so 32-bit values up -r91QMrT6gQ-00626-00126040-00126440 to 64-bit values -r91QMrT6gQ-00627-00126176-00126552 technically the move sign extension only -r91QMrT6gQ-00628-00126440-00126832 deals with taking -r91QMrT6gQ-00629-00126552-00126959 8 and 16-bit values making them longer -r91QMrT6gQ-00630-00126832-00127111 whereas if you want to start with a -r91QMrT6gQ-00631-00126959-00127255 32-bit value it is this -r91QMrT6gQ-00632-00127111-00127408 i'm not actually going to give it its -r91QMrT6gQ-00633-00127255-00127544 own star both for the fact that i don't -r91QMrT6gQ-00634-00127408-00127800 want to renumber everything and -r91QMrT6gQ-00635-00127544-00127952 also just because it's a simple variant -r91QMrT6gQ-00636-00127800-00128064 on one of the existing assembly -r91QMrT6gQ-00637-00127952-00128248 instructions we've seen -r91QMrT6gQ-00638-00128064-00128367 but it matters because you know if -r91QMrT6gQ-00639-00128248-00128455 you're looking at the assembly and you -r91QMrT6gQ-00640-00128367-00128728 see hey you never -r91QMrT6gQ-00641-00128455-00128896 told me about movsxd well let's just -r91QMrT6gQ-00642-00128728-00129152 move this on extend but you happen to -r91QMrT6gQ-00643-00128896-00129328 have a 32-bit value rather than 8 or 16. -r91QMrT6gQ-00644-00129152-00129359 and what's weird here is that there is -r91QMrT6gQ-00645-00129328-00129679 no -r91QMrT6gQ-00646-00129359-00129752 move 0 extend dword it's always just -r91QMrT6gQ-00647-00129679-00129959 move 0 -r91QMrT6gQ-00648-00129752-00130248 extend so there's some asymmetry here -r91QMrT6gQ-00649-00129959-00130448 that signed has a variant and the -r91QMrT6gQ-00650-00130248-00130567 zero extension doesn't so let's see a -r91QMrT6gQ-00651-00130448-00130720 quick example of -r91QMrT6gQ-00652-00130567-00130840 move with zero extent versus moveless -r91QMrT6gQ-00653-00130720-00130935 sign extent just to make it a little -r91QMrT6gQ-00654-00130840-00131128 more concrete -r91QMrT6gQ-00655-00130935-00131336 let's say i had the value food face and -r91QMrT6gQ-00656-00131128-00131728 i moved it into 32-bit register -r91QMrT6gQ-00657-00131336-00132032 eax then if i move with zero extend -r91QMrT6gQ-00658-00131728-00132360 eax 32-bit value into rbx -r91QMrT6gQ-00659-00132032-00132679 64-bit value zero extend means just take -r91QMrT6gQ-00660-00132360-00132920 the upper 32-bits and treat it as zero -r91QMrT6gQ-00661-00132679-00133032 on the other hand this value eax still -r91QMrT6gQ-00662-00132920-00133367 has food face -r91QMrT6gQ-00663-00133032-00133608 if i run move sign extension dword -r91QMrT6gQ-00664-00133367-00133848 because the eax is 32-bit value food -r91QMrT6gQ-00665-00133608-00133976 face move with sign extension means look -r91QMrT6gQ-00666-00133848-00134296 at the most significant bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00667-00133976-00134472 of this 32-bit value if it's one -r91QMrT6gQ-00668-00134296-00134608 put all the ones up here so that it's -r91QMrT6gQ-00669-00134472-00134744 still treated as a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00670-00134608-00134879 because if it's one here it means it -r91QMrT6gQ-00671-00134744-00135103 must have been a negative value -r91QMrT6gQ-00672-00134879-00135296 and you want it to stay negative so fill -r91QMrT6gQ-00673-00135103-00135488 in all ones up here so that the larger -r91QMrT6gQ-00674-00135296-00135679 value is treated as negative as well if -r91QMrT6gQ-00675-00135488-00135967 i had something where it was you know -r91QMrT6gQ-00676-00135679-00136176 move 0x000dface if this was a zero even -r91QMrT6gQ-00677-00135967-00136344 though i was using a sign extension -r91QMrT6gQ-00678-00136176-00136488 if this is zero then it would just fill -r91QMrT6gQ-00679-00136344-00136576 in zeros up here because the most -r91QMrT6gQ-00680-00136488-00136760 significant bit -r91QMrT6gQ-00681-00136576-00137103 would be zero and it would just fill it -r91QMrT6gQ-00682-00136760-00137336 in all right well those are how the -r91QMrT6gQ-00683-00137103-00137488 imul and move the sign extension and -r91QMrT6gQ-00684-00137336-00137703 move with zero extension -r91QMrT6gQ-00685-00137488-00137888 assembly instructions work now what i -r91QMrT6gQ-00686-00137703-00138191 need you to do is go ahead -r91QMrT6gQ-00687-00137888-00138408 and step through the assembly as before -r91QMrT6gQ-00688-00138191-00138672 you know show where the local variables -r91QMrT6gQ-00689-00138408-00138991 are and you know try to get a sense of -r91QMrT6gQ-00690-00138672-00138991 what's initialized and what's -r91QMrT6gQ-00691-00139155-00139455 uninitialized -rfwUB5zy5Y-00000-00000026-00000259 Male Speaker: Please join me in welcoming todays speaker -rfwUB5zy5Y-00001-00000259-00000415 doctor Julie Segre. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00002-00000415-00000515 [applause] -rfwUB5zy5Y-00003-00000515-00000876 Julie Segre: Hi good morning and thank you to all of you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00004-00000876-00001520 who have joined here in the auditorium, and also online, now and in the future. This is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00005-00001520-00002305 very much a developing field, but I think we're also at a moment in which many of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00006-00002305-00002981 methods that we use for interrogating the microbiome are finally hardening so that I -rfwUB5zy5Y-00007-00002981-00003698 can give you a talk that I think if you were to use these approaches, your paper would -rfwUB5zy5Y-00008-00003698-00004673 still be current when you try to submit the data in a year or two. Because this really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00009-00004673-00005362 has been in the last five to ten years something that has evolved with the sequencing technology. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00010-00005362-00005909 When I first started looking at microbial communities, I used Sanger sequencing to look -rfwUB5zy5Y-00011-00005909-00006483 at the 16-S. Then we bought the 454 Roche instrument to use that. That instrument has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00012-00006483-00007343 been discontinued, so we're all now really very much in sync using the aluminum MiSeq -rfwUB5zy5Y-00013-00007343-00008034 and HiSeq, which means that there's more ability to do cross-study comparisons. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00014-00008034-00008488 But I wanted to sort of talk through today; really what are the standards that our community -rfwUB5zy5Y-00015-00008488-00009511 is using, and how do we set up these studies? So I have no disclosures, and I'll start really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00016-00009511-00010259 with the introduction. And I'm going to give a very human-microbiome-focused study, because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00017-00010259-00010831 that's really my field of expertise, but I would say that the types of analysis that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00018-00010831-00011322 we use, especially from the sequencing realm, would be generally applicable if you were -rfwUB5zy5Y-00019-00011322-00012359 looking at ocean communities or human communities. We are all looking to understand the myriad -rfwUB5zy5Y-00020-00012359-00013170 microbes, the fungi, bacteria, funguses archaea, and from the human perspective, while we're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00021-00013170-00013779 interested in this, there is a lot of -- there is some variation in the human genome. But -rfwUB5zy5Y-00022-00013779-00014511 if you think about the orders of magnitude here, your body also is covered in these bacteria, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00023-00014511-00015182 so we are estimating trillions of microbes, and their genetic potential is quite diverse -rfwUB5zy5Y-00024-00015182-00015650 at the strain level, at the species level, at the genus level. And so this is another -rfwUB5zy5Y-00025-00015650-00016501 way in which there is a second genome that is associated with all ecosystems. These microbes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00026-00016501-00017068 are diverse and dynamic and that is really some of what you will see now as our society -rfwUB5zy5Y-00027-00017068-00017687 grapples with that the microbial communities may go through times where they bottleneck -rfwUB5zy5Y-00028-00017687-00018127 and then what is going to come out the other side; either with humans in terms of antibiotics -rfwUB5zy5Y-00029-00018127-00018701 or in oceans in terms of oil spills. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00030-00018701-00019409 So just some general terms that I’ll use: the humans of course are hosts to many of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00031-00019409-00020037 these microbes; the microbiome is the microbial community, the totality of all that DNA. You'll -rfwUB5zy5Y-00032-00020037-00020518 see many of these things in [unintelligible] the microbial cells outnumber the human cells. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00033-00020518-00020915 Some people that there is an equal number if you're only talking about bacteria and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00034-00020915-00021423 fungi. I choose to include viruses in that, so I would say that the microbial cells will -rfwUB5zy5Y-00035-00021423-00022129 then outnumber them -- as much work as we've done to understand the functions of human -rfwUB5zy5Y-00036-00022129-00023154 genes, the microbial DNA is really understudied. So if we sequence a human genome, we may know -rfwUB5zy5Y-00037-00023154-00023651 the function of 75 percent of the genes, and we may understand that they can play multiple -rfwUB5zy5Y-00038-00023651-00024337 roles. When we annotate bacterial genomes, even things like e-coli, we haven’t had -rfwUB5zy5Y-00039-00024337-00024826 that same rigorous testing of sort of what are the multiple functions of this protein -rfwUB5zy5Y-00040-00024826-00025426 and we have a hard time even trying to predict protein structure -- I mean, protein function -rfwUB5zy5Y-00041-00025426-00026077 based on structure. So we're really entering a new period of discovery in which we need -rfwUB5zy5Y-00042-00026077-00026591 to understand some, you know, have some assets where we can see ‘how does this genetic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00043-00026591-00027463 potential read out in terms of function?’ So while we're really focused for the last -rfwUB5zy5Y-00044-00027463-00028075 hundred years on the pathogenic potential of these microbes, and thinking about Ebola, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00045-00028075-00028533 thinking about Tuberculosis, thinking about Staph aureus, there are also many beneficial -rfwUB5zy5Y-00046-00028533-00029139 microbes. And that's part of the reason why we are so interested, is the role of these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00047-00029139-00030035 commensal beneficial microbes who aid in vitamin synthesis, digestion -- really important is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00048-00030035-00030898 the education and activation of the immune system. This is a way in which perhaps the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00049-00030898-00031689 microbial communities are being read out systemically, and over the lifespan of a human. One of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00050-00031689-00032404 major goals also of these beneficial microbes is -- you know; nature abhors a vacuum. So -rfwUB5zy5Y-00051-00032404-00033197 if a pathogen comes out, enters a system, and the microbial community isn’t stable -rfwUB5zy5Y-00052-00033197-00033958 or isn’t present, maybe you've taken antibiotics, then you are more able to be colonized by -rfwUB5zy5Y-00053-00033958-00034314 a pathogen. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00054-00034314-00034968 So now I'll just sort of launch into how we have been studying microbial communities. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00055-00034968-00035574 And the original way of course which is still done for many reasons also, is culturing microbes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00056-00035574-00036381 on these; this is blood augur. And it was recognized early on, of course, that the majority -rfwUB5zy5Y-00057-00036381-00036807 of these bacterial species don’t grow in culture, and this has been called the great -rfwUB5zy5Y-00058-00036807-00037491 plate count anomaly, where there are microbes that are really hardy and easy to grow on -rfwUB5zy5Y-00059-00037491-00038050 culture. So I could grow staph epi -- a Staphylococcus epidermidis, I could grow it from every body -rfwUB5zy5Y-00060-00038050-00038731 site, but it might not be that common. There is a bottleneck that, or a distortion of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00061-00038731-00039452 microbial community, that you read out by culturing it. And also, our systems have been -rfwUB5zy5Y-00062-00039452-00040025 set up to sort of grow these microbes in isolation when we know that many microbes really rely -rfwUB5zy5Y-00063-00040025-00040800 upon the community in order to flourish, so the sequencing came about with the idea that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00064-00040800-00041434 maybe we could get a different perspective on what the microbial communities are, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00065-00041434-00041839 really just to bring it full circle, we do a lot of culturing now too, but we usually -rfwUB5zy5Y-00066-00041839-00042391 do it informed by sequencing, we know what we are trying to culture, and we pick culturing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00067-00042391-00043025 conditions that will then allow those bacteria or fungi to flourish. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00068-00043025-00043475 So it’s quite different, I mean, if I want to capture the fungi that live on the skin, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00069-00043475-00044069 I put olive oil on my plates to capture the malassezia, or I could inhibit the growth -rfwUB5zy5Y-00070-00044069-00044653 of the bacteria with certain antimicrobial. So this was really the first experiment that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00071-00044653-00045209 we did, where we were saying you know, does sequencing give us a certain answer, because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00072-00045209-00045752 -- I’m sorry I've kind of gone out of cycle and said of course it does -- but I think -rfwUB5zy5Y-00073-00045752-00046171 from first principles you have to understand that because we're about to make a big investment -rfwUB5zy5Y-00074-00046171-00046459 in sequencing all these microbes, does it tell us anything different. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00075-00046459-00046902 So this was the first experiment that I set up with Patrick Murray, who was the head of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00076-00046902-00047596 clinical micro. He put the skin swabs on many different culture plates -- the blood augur, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00077-00047596-00048039 the chocolate augur -- you can see the different morphologies that we recovered, and then we -rfwUB5zy5Y-00078-00048039-00048579 sequenced every isolate we got. We took that same parallel swab, we put it straight into -rfwUB5zy5Y-00079-00048579-00049308 lysis buffer and we sequenced what we got, and the results did not astonish Patrick. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00080-00049308-00050047 What you can see from here is that the orange is the staphylococcus, so this is the comparing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00081-00050047-00050538 the alar creases, the side of the nose, the umbilicus, the belly button. And what you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00082-00050538-00051136 can see here is that if I just do a survey, which is the DNA sequencing, I get a community -rfwUB5zy5Y-00083-00051136-00051740 that has mostly proprium bacterium that dark blue, it has some cornflower blue the coryne -rfwUB5zy5Y-00084-00051740-00052264 bacterium, it has some staph also, the orange and firmicutes in red. When I put it into -rfwUB5zy5Y-00085-00052264-00052949 culture, I lose the diversity that you're seeing up at the top, including that little -rfwUB5zy5Y-00086-00052949-00053473 green proteo bacteria, and what I get is basically proprionum bacterium and staph, which we know -rfwUB5zy5Y-00087-00053473-00054125 how to culture. The umbellicoes or the bellybutton is even more extreme, where you're seeing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00088-00054125-00054701 the sequencing would say that there's a lot of korina bacterium there. We can culture -rfwUB5zy5Y-00089-00054701-00055223 those korina bacterium but they're mostly being outgrown by the staph and the fermicutes. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00090-00055223-00055850 So we're using this now to say there's a similarity between the two communities of what you get -rfwUB5zy5Y-00091-00055850-00056571 from DNA sequencing and what you get from culturing, but that there is a reproducibility -rfwUB5zy5Y-00092-00056571-00057444 and an accuracy of the representing of what is the community based on the sequencing. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00093-00057444-00057859 Sorry I should have put this into the slides: I would say that for all of our experiments -rfwUB5zy5Y-00094-00057859-00059069 moving forward, we standardize to the Human Microbiome Project mock community, which can -rfwUB5zy5Y-00095-00059069-00060229 be ordered from BEI, which is sort of like ATCC, it's a not-for-profit repository. And -rfwUB5zy5Y-00096-00060229-00060734 we sequence the mock community, we actually do it on every single plate of sequencing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00097-00060734-00061215 that we do, to standardize our experiments. And I have shared it with people, but I also -rfwUB5zy5Y-00098-00061215-00061670 would recommend that people just order it if you're starting to do sequencing experiments -rfwUB5zy5Y-00099-00061670-00062124 because it has a known answer. That's something that you're seeing here where I'm giving you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00100-00062124-00062596 two different results and you're saying but what is the truth. And that's where the mock -rfwUB5zy5Y-00101-00062596-00063466 community, which is a mixture of 20 bacteria that have been put in all at the same concentration, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00102-00063466-00064133 is very beneficial because it allows you to standardize across sequencing lanes if you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00103-00064133-00064775 change protocols. Anything that you change we always standardize back to that mock community, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00104-00064775-00065325 and we run it with every plate that we do of sequencing so that we know if a plate has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00105-00065325-00066080 failed. It also helps us if we do a study and then we collect more samples maybe two -rfwUB5zy5Y-00106-00066080-00066505 years later, and we think ‘well have we changed things in the laboratory in those -rfwUB5zy5Y-00107-00066505-00067179 two years without even perhaps realizing it,’ we always go back and compare that exact same -rfwUB5zy5Y-00108-00067179-00067452 sample again. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00109-00067452-00067918 So topics for today's -- well, first of all there will be the random things where I go -rfwUB5zy5Y-00110-00067918-00068494 off and realize that I should have put something like BEI in, the mock community in-- but I'm -rfwUB5zy5Y-00111-00068494-00069073 first going to talk about bacterial diversity studies, fungal diversity studies, bacterial -rfwUB5zy5Y-00112-00069073-00069730 genomes, metagenomics, and then finish with where's the technology going. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00113-00069730-00070612 Bacterial diversity studies are typically based on the 16-S gene, which is part of the-- -rfwUB5zy5Y-00114-00070612-00071381 the 16-S is a ribosomal RNA, so I'm sure you're all aware that the rhizome is where proteins -rfwUB5zy5Y-00115-00071381-00072119 are synthesized. The ribosome is a mixture of ribosomal RNA's and also of proteins, these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00116-00072119-00072968 Ribosomal RNA's are in high copy in the genome, and they also have a structure where there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00117-00072968-00073463 are regions of them that are more conserved because they are necessary for structure and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00118-00073463-00074230 some are variable. And this 16-S gene has really been used as the signature phylogenetic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00119-00074230-00074867 marker for decades now that allow you to identify bacteria and archaea. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00120-00074867-00075773 And you see it here where on the left is the ribosomal RNA gene and you can see these stems -rfwUB5zy5Y-00121-00075773-00076225 and the loops. And the stems are of course more highly conserved because they have a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00122-00076225-00076778 structure where you're going to have to have a double-stranded RNA there. But we used these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00123-00076778-00077607 regions where you can see on the right-hand side is the variability, so the variability -rfwUB5zy5Y-00124-00077607-00078214 across the gene, where each of the variable regions where you might get more information -rfwUB5zy5Y-00125-00078214-00078945 is marked. And then you sync primers in the highly conserved region, and you sequence -rfwUB5zy5Y-00126-00078945-00079761 across the more variable regions, which helps you to identify then what are the genus, sometimes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00127-00079761-00080568 to the species, level. So this is sort of the basic workflow, where from a microbiome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00128-00080568-00081139 sample you can have multiple members of the community, you do one DNA extraction directly -rfwUB5zy5Y-00129-00081139-00081717 from the sample, we don’t do culturing beforehand, you amplify the 16-S gene and you can use -rfwUB5zy5Y-00130-00081717-00082388 that for taxonomic classification. You also can use that for doing population-based analyses, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00131-00082388-00082997 where you talk about alpha-diversity and beta-diversity; that basically means how many different species -rfwUB5zy5Y-00132-00082997-00083700 are there in this community, how does this community compare with another community, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00133-00083700-00083936 and you can compare to different communities. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00134-00083936-00084545 Okay, so I put this in I thought you know, really even just in the handouts, you know, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00135-00084545-00085151 just to kind of put this there. Would -- you know -- okay so pretty much I've said people -rfwUB5zy5Y-00136-00085151-00085755 are using 16-S, but before that, what are the things that you need to consider when -rfwUB5zy5Y-00137-00085755-00086377 you're setting up a study? So first of all I think it’s really useful to define the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00138-00086377-00087041 question as precisely as possible. Here's one question: I want to compare wild types -rfwUB5zy5Y-00139-00087041-00087629 with knockout mice. It turns out if you come talk to me, I'll have a lot of questions about -rfwUB5zy5Y-00140-00087629-00088072 that; are these mice littermates? Because what we've seen is that there can be variation -rfwUB5zy5Y-00141-00088072-00088581 even due to just cages and how they've been breeding and you'll see one example of that. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00142-00088581-00089451 But I'll also ask you what controls do you need? So I think it is important to try to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00143-00089451-00089967 really be as clear as possible about the study design, and that's not the focus of today's -rfwUB5zy5Y-00144-00089967-00090526 talk. I'm going to really talk about more of these other questions here: what sequencing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00145-00090526-00091018 platform will you use, what region of the 16-S gene will you amplify, how many reeds -rfwUB5zy5Y-00146-00091018-00091586 per sample do you need, what are the hidden technical issues, I'll focus here on chimeras. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00147-00091586-00091939 What analysis tool will you use, how will you display your data, how will you compare -rfwUB5zy5Y-00148-00091939-00092327 your results with other published studies, and how much information do you really need -rfwUB5zy5Y-00149-00092327-00092999 from these studies to yield a testable hypothesis. So I want to just take you through my sort -rfwUB5zy5Y-00150-00092999-00093986 of, my cookbook, how you would follow this recipe. From the very beginning, one of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00151-00093986-00094704 things that we do struggle with, is calculating the bacterial load, and so here I would say -rfwUB5zy5Y-00152-00094704-00095691 that typically people are using a QPCR approach, to say how many copies of the bacterial gene. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00153-00095691-00096041 Most people are using still 16-S RNA. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00154-00096041-00096847 I would say that also there has been some effort from [unintelligible] and others to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00155-00096847-00097677 identify genes that are single-copy, to get even a more accurate assessment, I did that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00156-00097677-00098426 that the 16-S gene can have multiple copies in a genome that you may have to control for, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00157-00098426-00098879 but I think you all understand that a QPCR could tell you, you know, how many copies -rfwUB5zy5Y-00158-00098879-00099526 of bacterial genome do I have in this sample. I think the hard part is really, what are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00159-00099526-00100170 you going to normalize your sample to? Maybe if most of you do gut studies, maybe you can -rfwUB5zy5Y-00160-00100170-00100738 normalize that to the grams of stool. And I guess it's just something that you have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00161-00100738-00101276 to consider that maybe there's more undigested food material, so maybe the grams of stool -rfwUB5zy5Y-00162-00101276-00102314 isn’t always the right measure. You know, Jeff Gordon has done this and he's sort of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00163-00102314-00102801 measured it versus how many calories are being excreted. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00164-00102801-00103259 But I think that’s, for us with the skin, we sometimes think about it where we're trying -rfwUB5zy5Y-00165-00103259-00103917 to say per square centimeter how many bacteria do I get and we're comparing when I swab the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00166-00103917-00104630 skin with when I scrape the skin with when I do a full thickness punch biopsy. And there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00167-00104630-00105208 the difficulty is where we can normalize to square centimeters, but we do wonder is there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00168-00105208-00105934 variability in the user who is identified, who has collected the sample. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00169-00105934-00106739 So probably what most of you did come here to talk about is the DNA sequencing. There-- -rfwUB5zy5Y-00170-00106739-00107303 the method that we'll give you at this point, the most information of sequencing the 16-S -rfwUB5zy5Y-00171-00107303-00108154 is to use an aluminum IC with an amplicon. And so what you're doing down here, you're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00172-00108154-00108672 putting in these primers, this is amplifying the V1, V3 region. there are other primers -rfwUB5zy5Y-00173-00108672-00109609 that are very standard that will amplify V4, V6. And you're amplifying the 16-S gene, putting -rfwUB5zy5Y-00174-00109609-00110232 it on the aluminum I-Seq [spelled phonetically] and that's the sequencing platform that we -rfwUB5zy5Y-00175-00110232-00110922 have sort of standardized to. I would say for a small study what I've seen is that the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00176-00110922-00111664 sequencing is limited, because really there is an investment here for these primers. The -rfwUB5zy5Y-00177-00111664-00112392 way that we do it in a production, we're a boutique production lab, is we have these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00178-00112392-00113374 primers, but we then have a stutter linked to an aluminum barcode. And the stutter helps -rfwUB5zy5Y-00179-00113374-00113942 us so that -- and you can read more about it in all three of these papers -- the stutter -rfwUB5zy5Y-00180-00113942-00114511 means that when you load it onto the aluminum, if you have an amplicon sequencing, what is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00181-00114511-00115136 hard when you go onto an aluminum instrument is that they all will read an A and a C and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00182-00115136-00115948 a G if you're amplifying a PCR product, because they're all going to read the primers that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00183-00115948-00116292 you used to amplify that PCR product. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00184-00116292-00116777 So the first 20 base pairs is all going to look the same, and it’s hard for the aluminum -rfwUB5zy5Y-00185-00116777-00117729 instrument to get the register if every cell is lighting the same base pair. That's why -rfwUB5zy5Y-00186-00117729-00118338 the stutter means that, we put it in where there's sort of between 0 and 4 base pairs -rfwUB5zy5Y-00187-00118338-00118915 on the different primers, and that gives us where now everything is off-register from -rfwUB5zy5Y-00188-00118915-00119582 each other, and then we can actually go in and detect much better the amplicons. If you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00189-00119582-00120490 don’t do that then people often load phy-ex, just so that there is not everything reading -rfwUB5zy5Y-00190-00120490-00121098 A C C A G, something like that, that would be the primer sequence. But to get to this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00191-00121098-00121883 point, I would say that scale is the issue, so in a small study the sequencing is limited, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00192-00121883-00122554 and I still think that that's a lot of why at the NIH we are still really trying to create -rfwUB5zy5Y-00193-00122554-00123257 a microbiome initiative, where there would be someplace where you could load a hundred -rfwUB5zy5Y-00194-00123257-00123738 samples and he would have 50 samples and she would have 25 and we could really sort of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00195-00123738-00124401 do this together rather than all having to set up the different reagents, set up the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00196-00124401-00125105 same platform, and have a few samples every once in a while. Because right now we do multiplex -rfwUB5zy5Y-00197-00125105-00125736 400 samples all together in one lane, but even we who are microbiome lab have trouble -rfwUB5zy5Y-00198-00125736-00126059 finding 400 samples. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00199-00126059-00126874 There are other means of sequenced data acquisition: some people talk about oligotyping or phyllo -rfwUB5zy5Y-00200-00126874-00127516 [spelled phonetically] chips where you send it and they put it on a micro ray. I think -rfwUB5zy5Y-00201-00127516-00128319 that the analysis of that data can be more straightforward because it’s more like looking -rfwUB5zy5Y-00202-00128319-00129198 at micro-ray data. It probably is more expensive, but these things are always hard to cost out, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00203-00129198-00129659 and I guess the limitation is if your goal is to find a unique or novel species you can’t -rfwUB5zy5Y-00204-00129659-00130522 find that on something that has defined materal. The other really good method is the aluminum -rfwUB5zy5Y-00205-00130522-00131117 HiSeq, and that is what you know, sort of these big studies like the earth microbiome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00206-00131117-00131780 are doing and they're pretty much analyzing there the V4 region. So it’s a shorter read, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00207-00131780-00132490 it will give you less phylogenetic information, but that certainly what a lot of the larger -rfwUB5zy5Y-00208-00132490-00132734 studies you will see are doing. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00209-00132734-00133494 Okay, so, you get these 16-S reads back, how do you figure out what they are? And if you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00210-00133494-00134144 think the answer is that you would go and blast it, you will unfortunately blast your -rfwUB5zy5Y-00211-00134144-00134644 sequence, it will match tons of things, and probably the majority of what it matches are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00212-00134644-00135181 things that say 'uncultured' from a 16-S R RNA sequencing study. And that won’t help -rfwUB5zy5Y-00213-00135181-00135869 you very much, because unfortunately people like me have just littered genbank because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00214-00135869-00136500 we had to deposit all of our data from all of our studies, and we just annotated as an -rfwUB5zy5Y-00215-00136500-00136998 uncultured 16-S, so that really doesn’t help you very much. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00216-00136998-00137835 I'm going to talk about the tools that we use. Mother, chime, and clover; I'm going -rfwUB5zy5Y-00217-00137835-00138478 to really focus on mother and chime because they're really the workhorses. And built into -rfwUB5zy5Y-00218-00138478-00139333 these are a lot of tools that I'll try to unpack some of them, but I have to say, in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00219-00139333-00140011 the olden days, underlying mother is [unintelligible] you won’t see that anymore. They were all -rfwUB5zy5Y-00220-00140011-00140462 kind of built as separate tools, but they have all kind of been brought together, where -rfwUB5zy5Y-00221-00140462-00140978 it’s sort of one-stop shipping now, either at mother or chime. And it’s also been a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00222-00140978-00141658 place now where the community adds additional resources, so at one point my lab did a fungal -rfwUB5zy5Y-00223-00141658-00142249 study and we built this fungal database. Well what we did was then we loaded it into mother -rfwUB5zy5Y-00224-00142249-00142688 and into chime, so it's kind of gotten to be a place where we really bring together -rfwUB5zy5Y-00225-00142688-00142922 tools. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00226-00142922-00144285 So the 16-S sequences. We used pretty much a reference-dependent database. So if you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00227-00144285-00145128 want to classify a sequence, within mother, within chime, you can go in and use, we've -rfwUB5zy5Y-00228-00145128-00145695 all kind of standardized to the ribosomal database project, which is very similar to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00229-00145695-00146528 silva, very similar to green genes, and it will give you an assignment for a bacteria, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00230-00146528-00147346 where it’s a curated reference dataset, so it actually has sort of brought into play -rfwUB5zy5Y-00231-00147346-00148098 what are the high confidence differences between two different genera, and between two different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00232-00148098-00148670 phylum -- well, not phylum, but within two different families, orders. So it’ll give -rfwUB5zy5Y-00233-00148670-00149500 you that kind of resolution, and you can feed into these databases, any of the different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00234-00149500-00149857 regions of the 16-S gene. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00235-00149857-00150501 There are some differences, like if you want to get beyond the genus level, then there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00236-00150501-00151120 are some regions that are better to getting to the species level, so for staphylococcus, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00237-00151120-00151761 you would want to use the V 1 3 region, but for lactobacillus you'd want to use the V -rfwUB5zy5Y-00238-00151761-00152504 4 5. So it is important to think about what is really the genus that you care most about, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00239-00152504-00152966 or what is the tissue that you care most about, and you may want to tailor your sequencing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00240-00152966-00153778 to that. I also should say that each of these primer sets has their own bias, and that has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00241-00153778-00154446 been documented, that's where, again, the mock community comes in really useful, because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00242-00154446-00155146 you definitely want to test out your primers, your sequencing, on the mock community, because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00243-00155146-00155799 if there are signature taxa for your body site, you want to make sure that you’re -rfwUB5zy5Y-00244-00155799-00156634 actually recovering them. So if from this it will return something that you can make -rfwUB5zy5Y-00245-00156634-00157235 into a bar chart that basically says what are all the sequences and the genus. If you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00246-00157235-00157849 get a sequence that has no reference, you may think that you have identified a novel -rfwUB5zy5Y-00247-00157849-00158772 bacterium, but there are other explanations, and I’ll get to that in a second. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00248-00158772-00159123 You know, not even to say more about it but just, I wanted to give you at least the basic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00249-00159123-00160059 facts, this is the RDP database. As I said it's based on lined, curated, annotated 16-S -rfwUB5zy5Y-00250-00160059-00160859 genes, where a lot of work has gone into classifying, and I’m just sort of giving the other, you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00251-00160859-00161587 know, the real specifics to it, because there are-- there were choices that had to be made, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00252-00161587-00162378 I mean for example, I don’t-- for example we use-- for RDP they used Bergey’s taxonomy. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00253-00162378-00162982 There are some types of bacteria that change from one name to another, and you know, this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00254-00162982-00163737 can be frustrating to people but you know we continue to discover more microbes and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00255-00163737-00164553 more distinctions and there is a community that determines when something gets reclassified. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00256-00164553-00165441 From the RDP classifier you can also generate things, like probe-match and SeqMatch. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00257-00165441-00165928 This is the silva database. They're really, you know, quite similar, I don’t know that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00258-00165928-00166355 you’d get a different answer from using silva than using the RDP but I wanted to at -rfwUB5zy5Y-00259-00166355-00166986 least make you all aware of this, and there are some things you can do in these tools. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00260-00166986-00167665 Pretty much they'll all do more or less the same things, but it may be that one visually -rfwUB5zy5Y-00261-00167665-00168170 appeals more to you than the other; that's a constant challenge I’m sure everyone has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00262-00168170-00168829 talked about in this lecture series. Genomic information is so rich that a lot of times -rfwUB5zy5Y-00263-00168829-00169365 it’s the display of the information that really is important in terms of understanding -rfwUB5zy5Y-00264-00169365-00170052 the depth of it. So it may be that because of what you're trying to pull out and identify, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00265-00170052-00170463 the visualization tools that are built into these programs will appeal to you more than -rfwUB5zy5Y-00266-00170463-00170597 the other. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00267-00170597-00171069 Okay, if you get a novel sequence, you may think you know you think you have something -rfwUB5zy5Y-00268-00171069-00171572 truly novel. I would say that probably the first thing you should think about is ‘do -rfwUB5zy5Y-00269-00171572-00172352 I have a chimeric sequence.’ And what happens here, you think, how could I have a chimera, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00270-00172352-00172933 these things are just a few hundred base pairs long. Well, that’s another thing that the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00271-00172933-00173402 HMP, the Human Microbiome Project, really took a close look at, and I have to say, I -rfwUB5zy5Y-00272-00173402-00173721 think that everyone who’s served on that committee was shocked at how many chimeras -rfwUB5zy5Y-00273-00173721-00174495 we had. So let me tell you about the test we did. How do chimeras occur? Well, it's -rfwUB5zy5Y-00274-00174495-00175359 incomplete extension of a PCR, so basically what happens is you start amplifying on one -rfwUB5zy5Y-00275-00175359-00176264 strand, and then that cycle of PCR ends. And the next round of PCR when it starts, in fact -rfwUB5zy5Y-00276-00176264-00176789 you've ended in the middle of a very conserved region and now you can amplify anything, so -rfwUB5zy5Y-00277-00176789-00177332 your query sequence would end up being something that started as a green and ended up as a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00278-00177332-00177815 blue. And when you go into the database you can’t assign that, so it’ll say that this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00279-00177815-00178075 is a novel species. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00280-00178075-00179033 Well how often does that happen? This is the use of the mock community where what we we’re -rfwUB5zy5Y-00281-00179033-00179691 doing here were two things: so first you will see here with the mock community we are trying -rfwUB5zy5Y-00282-00179691-00180080 all these different primer sequences, and you can see that these are the twenty different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00283-00180080-00180684 bacteria that we had in the community, and you can see that some of them ended up being -rfwUB5zy5Y-00284-00180684-00181151 overrepresented by certain primers, some of them end up being underrepresented by primer -rfwUB5zy5Y-00285-00181151-00181903 sequences, and each set of primers has their own bias. Not great, at least it’s been -rfwUB5zy5Y-00286-00181903-00182621 documented. But then along with that every set also has this percent of observed chimeras. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00287-00182621-00183321 So remember we put 20 bacteria in, and how many species do we get out again? Well it -rfwUB5zy5Y-00288-00183321-00184047 turns out that depending on like how you cluster and what are your criteria for pulling out -rfwUB5zy5Y-00289-00184047-00185014 chimeras, you could end up in this, you know -- you end up at least having forty species -rfwUB5zy5Y-00290-00185014-00186137 in here, but you could end up thinking that you had 350. So now built into things like -rfwUB5zy5Y-00291-00186137-00186789 mother and chime are these things chimera slayer, that will identify these kinds of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00292-00186789-00187676 sequences and remove them from your run. And you know, you may say but what about if this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00293-00187676-00188360 really is a novel bacteria and this is what I want, you can certainly go back and look -rfwUB5zy5Y-00294-00188360-00189172 through those sequences, they're not removed from your dataset, but you know you’d need -rfwUB5zy5Y-00295-00189172-00189442 to use that data with caution. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00296-00189442-00189965 So with this kind of sequencing data, I just wanted to sort of show you some of the results -rfwUB5zy5Y-00297-00189965-00190655 and how we can use this data. This is the data from the NIH common fund Human Microbiome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00298-00190655-00191485 Project, where 250 healthy subjects were surveyed at 5 major body sites and in some of those -rfwUB5zy5Y-00299-00191485-00192185 sites, like in the oral cavity there were multiple samples taken, and we then asked -rfwUB5zy5Y-00300-00192185-00192825 what are the bacterial communities, using 16-S amplification. And you can see that the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00301-00192825-00193714 major determination here is what is the body site; so you’ll see in the gut or in the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00302-00193714-00194224 stool, there’s a lot of these bacteroidetes and a lot of these fermicutes, the yellows -rfwUB5zy5Y-00303-00194224-00194949 and the browns, this is actually the average of the data, I’ll show it again in a minute. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00304-00194949-00195177 Where as in the nairs [spelled phonetically] you’re seeing a lot more of these blues, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00305-00195177-00196002 the actinobacteria, and the vagina is going to have the lactobacillus, that red. So the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00306-00196002-00196686 major finding here was that the body site is more determinate than the individual. And -rfwUB5zy5Y-00307-00196686-00197364 in fact it goes even to the body site, so that the bend of my right elbow is most similar -rfwUB5zy5Y-00308-00197364-00197953 to the bend of my left elbow, but after that the bend of my elbow is more similar to Andy's -rfwUB5zy5Y-00309-00197953-00198518 more than it would even be to inside my nose, because this is moist epithelium and this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00310-00198518-00199591 is sort of a dryer crease. So again this is showing more of the individuality, so you're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00311-00199591-00200182 seeing the same features as I was saying. The lactobacillus is really dominating in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00312-00200182-00201045 the vagina, the gut is again these bacteridites and fermicutes, the mouth is going to have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00313-00201045-00201494 this high representation of streptococcus, and you can see that this is again showing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00314-00201494-00202070 just that the determination of the body site, so you can use this as a way of sort of guiding -rfwUB5zy5Y-00315-00202070-00202598 what are the bacterial communities that you can expect to find. And when you set up a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00316-00202598-00203326 study, if you can recruit a small number of healthy volunteers, then you could sequence -rfwUB5zy5Y-00317-00203326-00204030 those and assess whether you got data that was similar to the larger Human Microbiome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00318-00204030-00204727 Project and that would allow you to sort of leverage the larger data set. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00319-00204727-00205176 Just to show one example from our own work of sort of how you think about these changes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00320-00205176-00205864 in bacterial communities, this is a study that we did where we looked at the skin microbial -rfwUB5zy5Y-00321-00205864-00206401 communities as children transition through puberty. And I think you can see here this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00322-00206401-00207221 actually for me I’m just putting up because I think it’s a fairly obvious study. The -rfwUB5zy5Y-00323-00207221-00207844 kids here on the left are all prepubescent, the kids here on the right are all post pubescent. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00324-00207844-00208378 And what you can see is that these kids before they go through puberty have a lot more of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00325-00208378-00209355 the reds, which end up being all of these proteobacteria, they also have a lot more -rfwUB5zy5Y-00326-00209355-00210217 of these streptococcus, which also makes sense if you think kids get these impetigo, a strep -rfwUB5zy5Y-00327-00210217-00210764 infection which adults don’t get. And we always thought it’s because they were icky -rfwUB5zy5Y-00328-00210764-00211139 kids or something, but maybe it’s because there is more strep that naturally colonizes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00329-00211139-00211777 their skin. The changes here that we are seeing is that post pubescent there’s more of these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00330-00211777-00212404 crynobacterium and these propreonum bacteria, the greens, and that also would make sense -rfwUB5zy5Y-00331-00212404-00213226 in that these are bacteria that require lipids from their growth, and when you transition -rfwUB5zy5Y-00332-00213226-00213683 through puberty your skin becomes oilier so it would make sense that these bacteria could -rfwUB5zy5Y-00333-00213683-00214435 become more prominent. So that's an example where even in a healthy state you could see -rfwUB5zy5Y-00334-00214435-00215208 very clearly a transition. And we can sort of -- we can lay it out down here where you're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00335-00215208-00216058 seeing which bacterial genera go up and down. So obviously I was saying in the later kids -rfwUB5zy5Y-00336-00216058-00216512 its these Korina bacterium and the propreonum bacterium. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00337-00216512-00217069 I guess this also does makes the point that you have to think about some of these things. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00338-00217069-00217790 For us we did the study because we were wondering when we have kids, do we have to age match -rfwUB5zy5Y-00339-00217790-00218498 them. And from this the answer is clearly yes. So okay, so you’ve got the 16-S data -rfwUB5zy5Y-00340-00218498-00219138 and you can plot it as RDP, as what is the bacterial genus and species, but you’ve -rfwUB5zy5Y-00341-00219138-00219807 probably also seen other types of analyses typically when people are looking at them -rfwUB5zy5Y-00342-00219807-00220985 at the community level. And there some people will just use them at the genus level based -rfwUB5zy5Y-00343-00220985-00222440 on the 16-S, but within both mother and chime, there is this other way in which a lot of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00344-00222440-00223088 the studies end up being done on what we call operational taxonomic units. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00345-00223088-00223953 So let me take a minute to explain that to you. So you could say that these bacteria -rfwUB5zy5Y-00346-00223953-00224680 all belong to staphylococcus or streptococcus, or you may say that these are all fermicutes, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00347-00224680-00225359 but really the sequenced data is related to the phylogenetics, and we sort of have these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00348-00225359-00225948 definitions that typically species would have to mean that you would have to be at least -rfwUB5zy5Y-00349-00225948-00226765 97 percent identical at the 16-S level. So we have the sequence data, so what we do is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00350-00226765-00227404 then we try to take the sequence data, and cluster them based on sequences that have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00351-00227404-00228528 97 percent identity, because that kind of gives us – it’s a computational, mathematical -rfwUB5zy5Y-00352-00228528-00229259 way of talking about sequences that have the similarity, without having to go through the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00353-00229259-00230094 loop of identifying what every bacterial genus is, and some bacteria don’t have that proper -rfwUB5zy5Y-00354-00230094-00230663 specification down to the species level. For example, the korina bacterium, we just haven’t -rfwUB5zy5Y-00355-00230663-00231157 sequenced that many of them, so I can’t just assign things and say that this is a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00356-00231157-00231664 corynebacterium accolens this is a corynebacterium simulans; I don’t have enough sequenced -rfwUB5zy5Y-00357-00231664-00232183 referenced genomes. But I can see in the sequences that these are all korina bacterium, and these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00358-00232183-00232696 sequences are much more similar to each other and these are much more similar, and so I -rfwUB5zy5Y-00359-00232696-00233271 want to be able to retain that level of resolution, but I don’t have the reference genomes always -rfwUB5zy5Y-00360-00233271-00233958 to make an assessment and say to the species level what is this sequence. So this allows -rfwUB5zy5Y-00361-00233958-00234815 us to really capitalize on the sequencing data, and say that I have these operational -rfwUB5zy5Y-00362-00234815-00235627 taxonomic units and I can assign them based on 97 percent identity or 99 percent identity. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00363-00235627-00236451 There also are differences here in terms of whether you are a lumper or a splitter, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00364-00236451-00237094 you can use the furthest neighbor or you can use the nearest neighbor as your joining methods. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00365-00237094-00237690 And by that I mean you can have a centroid sequence and you can say that anything that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00366-00237690-00238344 is 97 percent identical to it I will put together into the same OTU. That could mean that two -rfwUB5zy5Y-00367-00238344-00239186 sequences are really only 95 percent identical to each other. We actually require that every -rfwUB5zy5Y-00368-00239186-00240017 sequence within an OTU is at least 97 percent identical to every other sequence. So I don’t -rfwUB5zy5Y-00369-00240017-00240831 know if that’s a little bit too much of a nuance, but you can see how these OTUs -- think -rfwUB5zy5Y-00370-00240831-00241244 about it in the general way, you can either be a lumper or a splitter, and you have to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00371-00241244-00241830 make those kinds of decisions. Okay, so then you have these OTUs, what are you going to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00372-00241830-00242428 do with them? And I think the two most common things that people do is they look at community -rfwUB5zy5Y-00373-00242428-00242767 membership and they look at community structure. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00374-00242767-00243359 So let me just distinguish for you in a toy way wat I mean by that: let’s say I have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00375-00243359-00244057 two groups and I’m making two kinds of fruit salad, and my group A I’m going to use mostly -rfwUB5zy5Y-00376-00244057-00244636 apples and oranges, but I’m going to put in some bananas, some pears, and some grapes. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00377-00244636-00245140 The second group I only have apples and oranges. so if I think about community membership, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00378-00245140-00245742 where I say how many categories of fruit are shared between them, then its only two of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00379-00245742-00246252 the five. If I think about community structure and I say if I pick a piece of fruit out of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00380-00246252-00246744 A and I pick a piece of fruit out of B how common is it that I would find the same piece -rfwUB5zy5Y-00381-00246744-00247304 of fruit in A and B. Then the communities look much more similar to each other, because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00382-00247304-00247853 94 of the pieces of fruit in group A are the apple and orange and that’s 100 percent -rfwUB5zy5Y-00383-00247853-00248585 of group B. And both of these are accurate comparisons of what is the community. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00384-00248585-00249344 And that’s where we have both of these measures, and so we really do asses it because you could -rfwUB5zy5Y-00385-00249344-00249976 imagine that in terms of -- when I’m thinking about how a bacterial community transitions, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00386-00249976-00250571 that concept of community membership is going to be important, if rare species end up blooming -rfwUB5zy5Y-00387-00250571-00251558 and causing disease. Whereas if you have CDIF in your gut community and you take antibiotics, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00388-00251558-00252242 you could end up having a much greater colonization of CDIF whereas if you don’t have CDIF in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00389-00252242-00252858 your original community and you’re not exposed to it, it can’t bloom. So in that case the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00390-00252858-00253419 rare species are important, but if you want to talk about a community that maybe provides -rfwUB5zy5Y-00391-00253419-00253933 colonization resistance, then it may be more important what are the dominant community -rfwUB5zy5Y-00392-00253933-00254421 members. So I would say most of the time we calculate both of these and we look for if -rfwUB5zy5Y-00393-00254421-00254848 there’s discrepancies. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00394-00254848-00255239 Community membership, I’m giving you here one example and I’m sorry I seem to have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00395-00255239-00255609 forgotten the reference for this it was from a PNAS paper that was done very early from -rfwUB5zy5Y-00396-00255609-00256482 Jeff Gordon’s lab where they are looking at mice that are from a cross where they’re -rfwUB5zy5Y-00397-00256482-00257405 typing obese mice, OBOB mice that have the mutation in the leptin gene, and they’re -rfwUB5zy5Y-00398-00257405-00258079 looking to see how they cluster. And what there finding here, this is community membership. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00399-00258079-00258740 So they’re looking to see do they share microbes. And it’s not about the relative -rfwUB5zy5Y-00400-00258740-00259192 abundance, it’s just do they share microbes, and here what you’ll see is that the code -rfwUB5zy5Y-00401-00259192-00259733 here, these are the pups, M33 means it’s the third pup, the first and the second, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00402-00259733-00260457 what you see here is that the pups will end up looking most like their mother, and here -rfwUB5zy5Y-00403-00260457-00261210 again you’re seeing they cluster based on who was the mother of this litter. And in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00404-00261210-00261926 this case here’s mother 2. So at the level of where are you inheriting your microbes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00405-00261926-00262463 from, in this case where it’s an experiment with mice where the father might have even -rfwUB5zy5Y-00406-00262463-00262896 been taken out of the cage I don’t know why they didn’t analyze it. You inherit -rfwUB5zy5Y-00407-00262896-00263560 microbes from the mother, and then there’s sharing amongst the siblings. Another study -rfwUB5zy5Y-00408-00263560-00264047 that we were looking at though, these are litter mates, and what were looking at here -rfwUB5zy5Y-00409-00264047-00264720 is what is the community structure. So here we’re looking more at the enrichments in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00410-00264720-00265296 certain bacteria that are shared by the genotype of the mice as compared to the wild type because -rfwUB5zy5Y-00411-00265296-00266003 they were born to the same mother. Because in this example where the mice have a defect, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00412-00266003-00266571 there are certain bacteria that are more commonly colonizing because the skin is impaired in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00413-00266571-00267140 those mice. So that would -- that’s kind of the two different measures I why they might -rfwUB5zy5Y-00414-00267140-00267307 give you different readouts. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00415-00267307-00267902 One of the questions of course is how many reads do you need, and I would give you a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00416-00267902-00268554 ballpark estimate of like 1000 sequences for a first pass analysis. You typically will -rfwUB5zy5Y-00417-00268554-00269365 over generate, so in a MiSeq run it’s hard not to generate over 10000 reads. But it is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00418-00269365-00270051 still probably important to think about how diverse is the community, especially if you’re -rfwUB5zy5Y-00419-00270051-00270714 doing ecologic studies. So I would say also it depends on how you’re clustering them, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00420-00270714-00271407 that why I talked about the OTUs first. But for some sites we see very low diversity, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00421-00271407-00271809 so if you look even at the y axis here this is like a very low diversity sample where -rfwUB5zy5Y-00422-00271809-00272488 we really think there’s just four species, whereas this person’s bellybutton, we really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00423-00272488-00273448 are still accumulating new sequences. So it’s just worth checking to see with a rare faction -rfwUB5zy5Y-00424-00273448-00274089 curve, how diverse is your community. And then as I was saying there are these different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00425-00274089-00274663 ecologic measures, richness, diversity, they all are telling you something different about -rfwUB5zy5Y-00426-00274663-00275277 the community, and they all are easily calculated within mother. And they’re also-- or in -rfwUB5zy5Y-00427-00275277-00275982 chime, and there are very good tutorials within both mother and chime, they were both written -rfwUB5zy5Y-00428-00275982-00276663 by ecologists who really are trying to translate this for people who may not have the full -rfwUB5zy5Y-00429-00276663-00277386 background. In addition, I wanted to just highlight these two papers that I think really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00430-00277386-00277986 try to talk you through what are the factors you should consider when setting up a microbiome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00431-00277986-00278086 study. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00432-00278086-00278554 Okay I’m going to -- I mean from those of you who are looking at the time and wondering -rfwUB5zy5Y-00433-00278554-00278964 how I’m going to get through all of this, topic one was the major topic because that’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00434-00278964-00279324 what most people are interested in, I’m going to kid of give a flavor of more of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00435-00279324-00279932 rest of the work. I’m going to talk for a minute about fungal diversity because it’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00436-00279932-00280482 very similar to bacteria, but it does require a different sequencing method and a different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00437-00280482-00281086 database, so I’ve talked a lot about the 16-S amplification. In fungi there are ribosomal -rfwUB5zy5Y-00438-00281086-00281729 RNA genes, the 5.8 and the 28 and the 18-S for those of you who ever run eukaryotic RNHLs -rfwUB5zy5Y-00439-00281729-00282137 you know that those are the bands you’re looking for when you’re running a northern. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00440-00282137-00282964 And some people do sequence the 18-S, it gets harder, especially if you are looking in human -rfwUB5zy5Y-00441-00282964-00283846 samples to deplete and find primers that are specific for fungi rather than humans. And -rfwUB5zy5Y-00442-00283846-00284440 the primers that have worked best for us are the primer that are actually amplifying he -rfwUB5zy5Y-00443-00284440-00285129 ITS1 region, the intervening transcribed sequence that’s between the 18-S and the 5.8-S, this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00444-00285129-00285669 is also the region that is used by most clinical micro labs to identify a fungi, and so the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00445-00285669-00286594 databases for these are also just the most well developed. This has some difficulties -rfwUB5zy5Y-00446-00286594-00287088 in that I was talking to you about how the 16-S sequence has structure to it and has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00447-00287088-00287774 those more conserved and variable regions because it is a functional RNA. Here you are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00448-00287774-00288982 working with a non-coding RNA, and even a non -- just like a spacer sequence, so you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00449-00288982-00289747 can-- you don’t have that fixed width alignment to do your classifications, you can have 20 -rfwUB5zy5Y-00450-00289747-00290330 base pairs coming in and out and obviously it’s not affecting the structure so really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00451-00290330-00291079 the way that we then align, we don’t penalize for these kinds of large insertion/deletions. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00452-00291079-00291813 We do have custom ITS databases that have been resolved at the different phylogenetic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00453-00291813-00292478 levels, so it is similar to how we do the RDP classification for this. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00454-00292478-00292996 And we get different results so in our skin bacterial communities were going to see what -rfwUB5zy5Y-00455-00292996-00293384 is the skin and we’re going to say that its mostly Korina bacterium and we talked -rfwUB5zy5Y-00456-00293384-00294149 about how the left elbow is different than the chest and the forehead; there's totally -rfwUB5zy5Y-00457-00294149-00294997 different communities when you look at the fungi. And so in this paper with our skin, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00458-00294997-00295587 we looked at what are the different communities of fungi, and we really, we are here trying -rfwUB5zy5Y-00459-00295587-00296050 to develop data sets where you can then say, maybe are there fungal bacterial interactions. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00460-00296050-00296802 For the skin we really found that it was mostly malacesium, but we could find tremendous fungal -rfwUB5zy5Y-00461-00296802-00297270 diversity on the feet, which probably wouldn’t surprise you if you think about the fact that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00462-00297270-00297931 this is where you see many of the fungal infections amongst healthy volunteers. so that would -rfwUB5zy5Y-00463-00297931-00298816 be toenail infections and the athlete’s foot. But just to say that the fungal community -rfwUB5zy5Y-00464-00298816-00299666 is not as robust with their tools, but they certainly exist if you want to do those kinds -rfwUB5zy5Y-00465-00299666-00300251 of studies. And you can then see -- for us we looked at what is the fungal diversity -rfwUB5zy5Y-00466-00300251-00300602 versus the bacterial diversity and saw the discrepancies. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00467-00300602-00301269 Okay, now I’m going to move on and talk about bacterial genome sequencing. So again -rfwUB5zy5Y-00468-00301269-00302025 I’ve come up with what are the things you should ask yourself before you embark on this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00469-00302025-00302755 study, because I think for many of the times, you might be thinking about sequencing a microbial -rfwUB5zy5Y-00470-00302755-00303735 isolate and then wanting to annotate it or use it in your studies. So -rfwUB5zy5Y-00471-00303735-00304560 first just defining what is the study objective, really for us a lot of our next question is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00472-00304560-00305178 what reference genomes exist, because if there is a very good high quality reference then -rfwUB5zy5Y-00473-00305178-00306158 you can often take your readings and scaffold them onto an existing reference. But for the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00474-00306158-00306526 most part we’re going to talk today about what sequencing platform you'll use what depths -rfwUB5zy5Y-00475-00306526-00307026 of sequencing do you need, what assembly tool do you use, how are you wanting to display -rfwUB5zy5Y-00476-00307026-00307393 your data, what are you going to compare to other published studies, and how will this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00477-00307393-00307881 information yield a testable hypothesis. But I do put forward those first two question -rfwUB5zy5Y-00478-00307881-00308488 because I think they can often drive the decisions you’ll make later on. So how to assemble -rfwUB5zy5Y-00479-00308488-00308780 a bacterial genome. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00480-00308780-00309605 A staphylococcal genome is 2.5 megabases, I’m going to talk here about gram-negatives, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00481-00309605-00310261 which are more like 6 million base pairs. And our typical way of sequencing these is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00482-00310261-00311100 still on the aluminum MiSeq where were getting 30 to 50-fold redundancy. You can also do -rfwUB5zy5Y-00483-00311100-00311809 these on the HiSeq, I’m trying to kind of give the examples of a MiSeq because I think -rfwUB5zy5Y-00484-00311809-00312326 that’s probably still more accessible to people as an instrument. So what happens is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00485-00312326-00313098 that you take your bacterial DNA you lyse it. Probably most people right now are going -rfwUB5zy5Y-00486-00313098-00313656 to make a nextera library, which is where you insert the transposon aluminum barcode -rfwUB5zy5Y-00487-00313656-00314445 right into the DNA. Probably previously people had sheared the DNA and made these libraries, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00488-00314445-00315320 but this is really one-hour easy DNA prep to get these kinds of reads feed straight -rfwUB5zy5Y-00489-00315320-00315976 onto an aluminum instrument. So you end up with these reads that are a hundred, or three -rfwUB5zy5Y-00490-00315976-00316476 hundred base pairs and sometimes they are paired end reads, and what you get is that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00491-00316476-00317617 one read then leads into another and you can assemble these into contig's. So I say it -rfwUB5zy5Y-00492-00317617-00318040 like 'and then you just assemble them into contigs,' well it turns out that this really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00493-00318040-00318875 actually is something that we spent an enormous amount of time trying to quality control. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00494-00318875-00319913 How are you going to really assemble these sequences? And because there are choices that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00495-00319913-00320728 the assemblers are making about when to break a contig versus when to bring it together, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00496-00320728-00321496 underlying most of the assembly programs are still frap, velvet, a lot of people are still -rfwUB5zy5Y-00497-00321496-00322545 using the guts of the solera assembler. Probably right now most people for bacterial genomes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00498-00322545-00323384 are using spades, mira, mizurka, and I can tell you we just recently did a reanalysis -rfwUB5zy5Y-00499-00323384-00323748 of this in our lab; they do give you different results. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00500-00323748-00324789 And I don’t really know what to tell you on that. So we have ways in which we then -rfwUB5zy5Y-00501-00324789-00325855 benchmark these assemblers to each other. We often in our lab have gold standard genomes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00502-00325855-00326688 in our case, I’ll get to this, we generate a fully assembled genome, and we're benchmarking -rfwUB5zy5Y-00503-00326688-00327513 to that. But it is difficult because some of these genomes will give you longer contigs, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00504-00327513-00328447 but maybe some of them have less support and I don’t really have an answer of like, this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00505-00328447-00329268 is the path forward. NCBI is working very hard on this too, and Richa, Aggerwall, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00506-00329268-00329925 Bill Klemky are also looking at this issue, and I think it’s going to be something where -rfwUB5zy5Y-00507-00329925-00330645 it depends what kind of data you want and what kind of genome you have. Right now we -rfwUB5zy5Y-00508-00330645-00331869 are, we've defaulted to spades, which we error correct with pylon, but I’ll try to highlight -rfwUB5zy5Y-00509-00331869-00332559 where those difference might come into play. I just wanted to sort of even explain to you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00510-00332559-00333305 quantitatively how these assemblers even work and why you might have differences, and it’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00511-00333305-00334231 really in these decisions, how are they simplifying. You know they go into these hashing methods -rfwUB5zy5Y-00512-00334231-00334756 and try to build a [unintelligible] graphs and it really is in these kind of simplification -rfwUB5zy5Y-00513-00334756-00335294 of the linear stretches and in the error removal that different programs make different decisions. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00514-00335294-00336335 And we still so far don’t have like a true method. So as I was saying, evaluating these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00515-00336335-00336989 assemblies is something that is still, within genomics, something that people are really -rfwUB5zy5Y-00516-00336989-00338104 working on. I mean meetings that I go to will have the assemblathon, where everyone takes -rfwUB5zy5Y-00517-00338104-00338749 these genomes and people compare 'what did yours say what did mine say' and often times -rfwUB5zy5Y-00518-00338749-00339538 we come back to that's why it’s really important to deposit your reads into NCBI and into the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00519-00339538-00340222 SRA because the assemblies that you deposit can have biases in them, and I often, if I -rfwUB5zy5Y-00520-00340222-00341134 want to compare my study with someone else's study, I will just grab their reads. So we -rfwUB5zy5Y-00521-00341134-00341771 get these contigs back, many of them are quite large, we do look at coverage, that’s one -rfwUB5zy5Y-00522-00341771-00342226 of the things were looking at, so like plasmids can be at higher coverage, this is genome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00523-00342226-00342786 coverage, and some of the plasmids can be at higher coverage, the ribosomal RNA operons -rfwUB5zy5Y-00524-00342786-00343305 will be at higher coverage, other plasmids will be at higher coverage. And these are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00525-00343305-00343691 also the kinds of things that you have to know, these ribosomal operons because they -rfwUB5zy5Y-00526-00343691-00344228 are, as I was saying, there's 5 copies of them in a genome, that’s what breaks assemblies. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00527-00344228-00344807 you’re going to break every time you enter a sequence in a short-read library that enters -rfwUB5zy5Y-00528-00344807-00345416 a ribosomal RNA those operons are large and there’s no way for a short read technology -rfwUB5zy5Y-00529-00345416-00345881 to know here to come out on the other side. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00530-00345881-00346668 That is where we have turned to pack bio genomes for creating references because the pack biome -rfwUB5zy5Y-00531-00346668-00347447 which is this single molecule wave sequencing technology can read these very long reads -rfwUB5zy5Y-00532-00347447-00348296 that are 10kb, 17 kb, so that’s long enough that it actually can read through all of these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00533-00348296-00349265 ribosomal operons, and from a pack bio genome, we can actually generate a fully assembled -rfwUB5zy5Y-00534-00349265-00349914 reference genome that will give us the chromosome and all of the plasmids, and then we can scaffold -rfwUB5zy5Y-00535-00349914-00350588 short reads onto that. Those have ended up being very valuable for us, and those are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00536-00350588-00351161 the genomes that when I’m looking for a reference, if there is a pack bio genome, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00537-00351161-00352475 it tends to be more complete and I will use that as a reference. Genome aligners, if you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00538-00352475-00353206 want to then find what are the changes, this is often what people are trying to do, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00539-00353206-00353727 looking for single nucleotide variations or insertions/deletions, again options that you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00540-00353727-00354777 can use: for genome annotation, we do NCBI offers an assembler PGAP and also the joint -rfwUB5zy5Y-00541-00354777-00355074 genome has an assembler. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00542-00355074-00355725 For some organisms now, I should have included it I’m sorry, platypus from university of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00543-00355725-00356424 Maryland is another one that were using fro genome annotation. So these are typically -rfwUB5zy5Y-00544-00356424-00357089 you submit your genome sequence and they will return to you and annotation quite rapidly. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00545-00357089-00357933 Not real time, but rapidly, like days. And the reason you’d want to do that is that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00546-00357933-00358634 a lot of this within a bacterial special and certainly within a bacterial genus, there’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00547-00358634-00359422 going to be a variable region. So in a staph epidermidis, every staphylococcus epidermidis -rfwUB5zy5Y-00548-00359422-00360066 has 80 percent core genes, but there 20 percent genes that are in this variable region, which -rfwUB5zy5Y-00549-00360066-00360699 is also called the pan genome. So that would be that as you sequence more bacterial genomes, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00550-00360699-00361454 you will continue to get more genes that are in that species, and so you’d want to annotate -rfwUB5zy5Y-00551-00361454-00362272 what are the particular genes in this strain that you’ve sequenced. I can say based on -rfwUB5zy5Y-00552-00362272-00362820 experience that it often is true that the differences that are in this pan genome are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00553-00362820-00363665 the least annotated, they often do come back as open reading function unknown, but you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00554-00363665-00364221 still have to sort of know what is the basic annotation of this genome. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00555-00364221-00364740 So now I wanted to just talk about some examples where you’re saying I want to compare two -rfwUB5zy5Y-00556-00364740-00365407 genomes, find snips, find mutations, find deletions/insertions, and I distinguished -rfwUB5zy5Y-00557-00365407-00366002 here between snips and mutation because those are two different things, often were using -rfwUB5zy5Y-00558-00366002-00366406 single nucleotide variants when we’re talking about a phylogent wanting to build a phylogenetic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00559-00366406-00367120 tree, and often ties those are markers or signatures of the evolutionary tree, but they -rfwUB5zy5Y-00560-00367120-00367713 don’t necessarily change an amino acid or cause any change in the function. And so if -rfwUB5zy5Y-00561-00367713-00368369 you -- you can identify a single nucleotide variant. If you wanted to say that it is a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00562-00368369-00369098 mutation you would of course need some functional studies to support that. So just as an example -rfwUB5zy5Y-00563-00369098-00369894 this is a study that we did looking at three different multidrug resistant acidinobacter -rfwUB5zy5Y-00564-00369894-00370561 balmonis [spelled phonetically] and our question was whether these three strains that were -rfwUB5zy5Y-00565-00370561-00371501 all seen at the NIH clinical center, whether these evolved from a single origin or whether -rfwUB5zy5Y-00566-00371501-00371994 they had all come into the clinical center with an independent origin. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00567-00371994-00372567 So were looking here every time there is a snip relative to the reference genome, we're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00568-00372567-00373157 going to code it and we can use circos here to make these very nice colorful plots. What -rfwUB5zy5Y-00569-00373157-00373755 you’re seeing here are snips relative to the reference, and we had these three strains, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00570-00373755-00374350 a, b, and c, and were looking to see is there a relationship between a, b, and c, you can -rfwUB5zy5Y-00571-00374350-00375455 find that there are these regions, obviously, that are unique to each of our three strains, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00572-00375455-00375857 and there in these clusters and that’s actually why I wanted to say if we had just looked -rfwUB5zy5Y-00573-00375857-00376470 at this without having sort of stitched together the context, we might have called that there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00574-00376470-00377092 were thousands of snips different. But actually what you see is a clustering of the snips -rfwUB5zy5Y-00575-00377092-00377489 in the red regions, the blue regions, this green region here, and again here blue red -rfwUB5zy5Y-00576-00377489-00378047 green, that’s a recombination, that can’t be counted as 100 different snips. that’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00577-00378047-00378573 one even that caused that and ill show that to you here, where what we’ve had is the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00578-00378573-00379239 analgen biosynthetic locus has really come in and recombined, that’s right here at -rfwUB5zy5Y-00579-00379239-00379738 this-- right near the origin. So when we’re talking about how to build a phylogenetic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00580-00379738-00380384 tree, we want to look at these snips that are each clustered independently of each other. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00581-00380384-00380898 And when we have hundreds of snips clustered together we have to be able to distinguish -rfwUB5zy5Y-00582-00380898-00381477 that's a recombination, you know it could be a single genetic event rather than hundreds -rfwUB5zy5Y-00583-00381477-00382198 of independent events. I’ll just talk for a minute about how we did use it, snips. when -rfwUB5zy5Y-00584-00382198-00383245 we had a clonal outbreak. And here we had a cluster of patients who all had the same -rfwUB5zy5Y-00585-00383245-00383818 carbopenen resistant clubseala pneumonia. When we sequenced all of these isolates, they -rfwUB5zy5Y-00586-00383818-00384430 were much more similar to each other, and we did find these clusters of snips, these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00587-00384430-00384897 are all across the genome, and these are all independent snips, and this clustering of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00588-00384897-00385557 snips did help us to identify that there was a closer relationship between patients 1, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00589-00385557-00386144 2, 3 and 5, than from this other cluster, and you can even see that we could narrow -rfwUB5zy5Y-00590-00386144-00386744 it down once we have these snips up here, 12, 13, 18, that there would be a closer relationship -rfwUB5zy5Y-00591-00386744-00387268 because they share these common snips that must have evolved during the spread of the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00592-00387268-00387426 outbreak. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00593-00387426-00388329 So that we can use to reconstruct transmission. I have to say this is-- this was an example -rfwUB5zy5Y-00594-00388329-00389098 of how the genetic information really is very clear. I would say many of the question that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00595-00389098-00390061 we get though, if things are a hundred snips apart, is it clonal is it not clonal. it’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00596-00390061-00390582 very hard for us still to make that judgement without having more references. and that’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00597-00390582-00391180 often where I just want to be very clear genomics is powerful but it doesn’t point the direction -rfwUB5zy5Y-00598-00391180-00391839 of the arrow. and there are times simply all I can say simply is it’s this many snips -rfwUB5zy5Y-00599-00391839-00392376 apart. I can’t make a judgement of whether that means, you know, I can tilt one way or -rfwUB5zy5Y-00600-00392376-00393127 the other whether this is more or less likely, but we really can’t say if it is this combination -rfwUB5zy5Y-00601-00393127-00393636 of the epidemiologic information and the genomic information, because we certainly have had -rfwUB5zy5Y-00602-00393636-00394241 examples where there are conal strains circulating in the US we have received two patients that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00603-00394241-00394896 clearly have no epidemiologic link, and their isolates will be 10 snips apart. maybe they -rfwUB5zy5Y-00604-00394896-00395556 three hospitals ago were someplace similar, or maybe these are just dominant strains that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00605-00395556-00396301 really have locked their genomes. so I just want to be clear that there is some minimal -rfwUB5zy5Y-00606-00396301-00396758 information that if two isolates are within 10 snips then there clonal and if they're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00607-00396758-00397577 more there not; this is really something that the global healthcare system is struggling -rfwUB5zy5Y-00608-00397577-00398369 to incorporate genomics into it. So I’m going to talk now about metagenomics, which -rfwUB5zy5Y-00609-00398369-00399271 I have to say is probably the topic in which there is the greatest change coming on now. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00610-00399271-00399737 This is basically we've talked about sort of using these markers and using these-- this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00611-00399737-00400372 is basically like you take a sample from someone’s stool, someone’s skin, you just feed it -rfwUB5zy5Y-00612-00400372-00400996 straight onto a sequencer, and then wow do you have a biofermatics challenge so it’s -rfwUB5zy5Y-00613-00400996-00401905 a very complex mixture and its very complex computationally. So what do we do? I think -rfwUB5zy5Y-00614-00401905-00402294 shotgun metagenomics analysis, you do this when you want to know really who’s there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00615-00402294-00402658 and their abundance and you want to know their function and you want to know what genes are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00616-00402658-00403055 present and you want to identify pathways and you want to identify strains and you want -rfwUB5zy5Y-00617-00403055-00403688 to recover genomes and you want to find all the pathogenic organisms, but you get just -rfwUB5zy5Y-00618-00403688-00404561 so much data that you probably do need an analysis plan before you start getting these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00619-00404561-00405123 sequences, because they’re overwhelming. So I’ve been talking about on the left where -rfwUB5zy5Y-00620-00405123-00405491 you’re doing these sort of marker genome studies, and now as I said were just going -rfwUB5zy5Y-00621-00405491-00405986 to get fragments of DNA back, so what do you do with them. Well the reason that you would -rfwUB5zy5Y-00622-00405986-00406784 do this is if you were trying to think about differences, and you may even have, as I sort -rfwUB5zy5Y-00623-00406784-00407404 of talked about, where there are these pan genome open genomes different strains, different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00624-00407404-00408115 species can have different genes, so you could get something here which is a Phil Hugenholtz -rfwUB5zy5Y-00625-00408115-00408779 example where you have sort of a similar bacterial community but within this the open part of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00626-00408779-00409257 the genome or the flexible part of the genome might encode different genes, so you end up -rfwUB5zy5Y-00627-00409257-00410012 having what look like two similar bacterial fungal communities, but actually have every -rfwUB5zy5Y-00628-00410012-00410692 different genes that there encoding, and that’s when you need to get to metagenomics. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00629-00410692-00411057 This is the other reason why you want to get to metagenomics, which I have to say I find -rfwUB5zy5Y-00630-00411057-00411911 these studies totally cool, so they're trying to find out how does a termite digest wood. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00631-00411911-00412338 So that’s actually a function we might want to know because we might want to use that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00632-00412338-00413340 to find new metabolic enzymes. How does the rumen of a cow degrade this biomass, how do -rfwUB5zy5Y-00633-00413340-00413940 you create energy from biomass? And so you these are metagenomic studies here there then -rfwUB5zy5Y-00634-00413940-00414564 looking to see what are-- how are we going to find it, we don’t know what we’re looking -rfwUB5zy5Y-00635-00414564-00415709 for—they’re looking for metabolic enzymes. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00636-00415709-00416334 So there are two ways that you can-- you get this large data set, and the first thing that -rfwUB5zy5Y-00637-00416334-00416769 you probably say is wow this is a lot more than I was expecting, so I’m really trying -rfwUB5zy5Y-00638-00416769-00417135 to break it down her that you can either do read based methods or you can do assembly -rfwUB5zy5Y-00639-00417135-00417835 based methods, or you can try to assemble your reads and then use these larger contigs -rfwUB5zy5Y-00640-00417835-00418699 to identify genomes and clusters and do gen calling, or you can just do read based mapping. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00641-00418699-00419332 So I’m going to talk about those two strategies. If you’re looking for function, you can -rfwUB5zy5Y-00642-00419332-00420392 use these keg cog, these kinds of tools that leverage functional databases, and this is -rfwUB5zy5Y-00643-00420392-00420894 really as good as it gets and the only issues here is that they tend to be more focused -rfwUB5zy5Y-00644-00420894-00421745 on metabolic core functions and they’re not going to return as much of the unannotated -rfwUB5zy5Y-00645-00421745-00422613 dark matter of the microbes. There are some pathways that you can use, this is Curtis -rfwUB5zy5Y-00646-00422613-00423334 Huttenhower HUMAnN, where he's trying to give you -- you feed in your reads and you’ll -rfwUB5zy5Y-00647-00423334-00424289 get out pathway coverage, pathway abundance. This is certainly a good place to start, and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00648-00424289-00424701 Curtis keeps all these tools available and they’re all available through the bio bakery -rfwUB5zy5Y-00649-00424701-00424976 and he does continue to improve them. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00650-00424976-00425780 It’s a fairly solid generic look at your data. This would be an example of the kind -rfwUB5zy5Y-00651-00425780-00426228 of output you would get, on the top I’m showing you the great differences that were -rfwUB5zy5Y-00652-00426228-00426855 seeing and we talked about at the beginning of it, where the stool has all of these bacteriadetes, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00653-00426855-00427615 and these fermicutes, whereas the oral community is going to have more of the streptococcus -rfwUB5zy5Y-00654-00427615-00428207 and so on. When you look at them in terms of their functional output, they all look -rfwUB5zy5Y-00655-00428207-00428876 much more generic, right? And that’s-- we know that there are differences in what these -rfwUB5zy5Y-00656-00428876-00429548 communities do, but as I was saying these are the functions that are most often annotated, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00657-00429548-00430089 we can-- every bacteriadete is going to have to go through cell cycle division, so those -rfwUB5zy5Y-00658-00430089-00430505 functions are going to be better known. so it kind of gives you this sort of blurred -rfwUB5zy5Y-00659-00430505-00431088 view where everything looks sort of much more similar then maybe if we incorporated what -rfwUB5zy5Y-00660-00431088-00431938 were the unannotated functions would tell us, but these are certainly as good as it -rfwUB5zy5Y-00661-00431938-00432178 gets. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00662-00432178-00432853 Some people are trying to call genomes out of metagenomics, I think this-- if you have -rfwUB5zy5Y-00663-00432853-00433582 hard to culture organisms, this is one of the things that you can do, is you can just -rfwUB5zy5Y-00664-00433582-00434259 shotgun metagenomic sequence and then try to bin them, this actually was pretty cool -rfwUB5zy5Y-00665-00434259-00434782 where they're binning them here both on -- sorry that should say tetronucle-- it sort of does-- -rfwUB5zy5Y-00666-00434782-00435521 tetronucleotide frequencies-- and from a metagenomic sample, there like pulling apart the reads -rfwUB5zy5Y-00667-00435521-00436188 into different genomes. If you can culture the organisms, it’s much easier to culture -rfwUB5zy5Y-00668-00436188-00437044 them and match the isolates to the metagenomic reads, and I realize I’m not giving you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00669-00437044-00437764 a path forward here, but this is kind of the state of- if you set up a metagenomic sequence, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00670-00437764-00438584 you should prepare to spend at least a year analyzing your data, at least we do. The sort -rfwUB5zy5Y-00671-00438584-00439317 of idea about how to form these linkage groups, because that could make it more powerful and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00672-00439317-00440024 sort of an intermediate between single reads and having full genomes, is to sort of try -rfwUB5zy5Y-00673-00440024-00440771 to bin your reads into clusters and the way this has been leveraged originally in this -rfwUB5zy5Y-00674-00440771-00441807 paper from Carlson, is that if you have multiple samples, you think well if these two reads -rfwUB5zy5Y-00675-00441807-00442293 are from the same genome, then I would expect that they would be found at the same frequency -rfwUB5zy5Y-00676-00442293-00443034 within the different samples, so you form as many contigs as you can but they are often -rfwUB5zy5Y-00677-00443034-00443755 quite small, and then you cluster your contigs based on their frequency in multiple samples -rfwUB5zy5Y-00678-00443755-00444363 and that can get you to reconstruct larger metagenomic structures, and that’s kind -rfwUB5zy5Y-00679-00444363-00444689 of where the stare of the art is moving. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00680-00444689-00445541 I wanted to still talk about something that is another way that we leverage metagenomic -rfwUB5zy5Y-00681-00445541-00445935 data, and for us that’s called strain tracking, where I’ve been talking about how there -rfwUB5zy5Y-00682-00445935-00446586 are this pan genome. So my favorites we talked about staph epidermidis how its 80 percent -rfwUB5zy5Y-00683-00446586-00447374 core and then the 20 percent are often these more diverse mechanisms, so Evan Johnson at -rfwUB5zy5Y-00684-00447374-00448278 BU wrote this program called klinpathoscope [spelled phonetically], where if reads come -rfwUB5zy5Y-00685-00448278-00449022 from the core then there going to map to every genome. You have to have a set of reference -rfwUB5zy5Y-00686-00449022-00449648 strains; you have to already have sequenced genomes for phylogenetically diverse strains, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00687-00449648-00450053 there can be snips that distinguish these, in the pan genome you’re going to have reads -rfwUB5zy5Y-00688-00450053-00450972 that map to some strains but not to others, and then with Evan’s program pathoscope, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00689-00450972-00451507 it takes both the information from the snips and also from the pan genome and will reassign -rfwUB5zy5Y-00690-00451507-00452216 so that now you would assign all these reads to strain a. That’s obviously been done -rfwUB5zy5Y-00691-00452216-00452853 with a lot of simulated data, but also we’ve done that without human data where we then -rfwUB5zy5Y-00692-00452853-00453580 are looking at-- from a single individual if they could have all of these strains, we -rfwUB5zy5Y-00693-00453580-00454503 look to see on their body sites what strains of P. acne's do they have or – I don’t -rfwUB5zy5Y-00694-00454503-00454957 know why, I have to redo-- sorry, these slides are cut off but they should be full in your -rfwUB5zy5Y-00695-00454957-00455463 handouts, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong to them-- but this happens to me every -rfwUB5zy5Y-00696-00455463-00455759 time I present on a PC and I don’t know what it is. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00697-00455759-00456588 So we’ve used this data to sort of look and see, this is one healthy volunteer and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00698-00456588-00457693 they have different strains-- different individuals have different strains. Well you can see some -rfwUB5zy5Y-00699-00457693-00458342 of it here, so here for the P. acne's you can see that individual c will have those -rfwUB5zy5Y-00700-00458342-00458986 brown strains but individual a is only having these blue and green, and the purples are -rfwUB5zy5Y-00701-00458986-00459538 between the two. So you can start to use this to then say what strains are carries by the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00702-00459538-00460105 different individuals and you may from this see strains that are particularly enriched -rfwUB5zy5Y-00703-00460105-00460513 in a disease state; that's what we're looking for, that's why we’re going all the way -rfwUB5zy5Y-00704-00460513-00461172 to the strain level, because it might be that some strains of P. acnes are more associated -rfwUB5zy5Y-00705-00461172-00461926 with the development of acne than the commensal beneficial ones. Strain tracking is also able -rfwUB5zy5Y-00706-00461926-00462389 to be done with read assignment to find the core in the accessory genomes, this is if -rfwUB5zy5Y-00707-00462389-00463163 you don’t have reference genomes, but you have many more reads, so this is a very similar-- -rfwUB5zy5Y-00708-00463163-00463778 its two different ways of leveraging the kinds of data you’re going to get out of metagenomics. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00709-00463778-00464384 So why are strains important I think it’s really just to find the accessory genes to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00710-00464384-00464780 determine whether prebiotics or probiotics can have a lasting effect, could you get a -rfwUB5zy5Y-00711-00464780-00465699 new strain in, how stable are these strains, and to underlie what is happening with diseases. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00712-00465699-00466360 Really as my last topic here I’m going to talk about-- within the context of metagenomics, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00713-00466360-00466798 some people are now trying to use this where you have a patient that presents with fever -rfwUB5zy5Y-00714-00466798-00467355 of unknown origin, and you want to know in a clinical setting could you identify what -rfwUB5zy5Y-00715-00467355-00467518 is the pathogen. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00716-00467518-00467947 So one way of doing that in klinpathoscope that I’ve just discussed from Evan Jonson -rfwUB5zy5Y-00717-00467947-00468359 and this is also cirpi from Charles Chu [spelled phonetically], which is going through the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00718-00468359-00468820 same kind of analysis where you’re taking raw sequences and you’re saying what does -rfwUB5zy5Y-00719-00468820-00469303 this match to. I think both of these are very powerful and the question is, I will just -rfwUB5zy5Y-00720-00469303-00470020 caution you that you will get an answer, and it is often related to just how many times -rfwUB5zy5Y-00721-00470020-00470909 has a sequence been deposited in the database, if it will make a match for you. This has -rfwUB5zy5Y-00722-00470909-00471488 been used very successfully by Charles where he was trying to identify a patient who had -rfwUB5zy5Y-00723-00471488-00472313 exactly that; recurrent illness and they couldn’t identify what it was, they used this sequencing -rfwUB5zy5Y-00724-00472313-00473069 to identify this leptospiraceae that they could then validate in a clinical test and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00725-00473069-00473705 define the best treatment for this patient. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00726-00473705-00474137 For all of these studies you will often have, I’ve talked all about the microbial DNA, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00727-00474137-00474697 I would just caution you that with the genomic data sharing policy, you will also get human -rfwUB5zy5Y-00728-00474697-00475357 DNA and you really have to think about if your studies involve the microbial DNA, to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00729-00475357-00476053 be very careful what you’re doing with the human DNA. Especially if your goal is to sequence -rfwUB5zy5Y-00730-00476053-00476617 a microbial community, you will most likely recover human DNA, and you shouldn’t just -rfwUB5zy5Y-00731-00476617-00477488 deposit it in the database in an open way without filtering it out and also that you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00732-00477488-00478360 will recover human DNA so I consent all of my patients or all of our subjects for whole -rfwUB5zy5Y-00733-00478360-00478928 genome, whole x-some sequencing because I do want them to be aware that even if I am -rfwUB5zy5Y-00734-00478928-00479478 trying to sequence their microbial DNA I will recover human DNA and I just think that's -rfwUB5zy5Y-00735-00479478-00479730 something that patients should be aware of. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00736-00479730-00480326 In the last two seconds I’ll just close because this is actually a smaller part of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00737-00480326-00480842 my talk than it’s ever been before, where is the sequencing technology now and where -rfwUB5zy5Y-00738-00480842-00481336 is it going? A lot of the stuff is, right now, just going on the aluminum MiSeq and -rfwUB5zy5Y-00739-00481336-00481852 the HiSeq. I think the pack bio has a role for us right now for looking at long reads -rfwUB5zy5Y-00740-00481852-00482546 to get these good reference genomes, and is there any new technology on the horizon before -rfwUB5zy5Y-00741-00482546-00483182 I give this talk again in two years? The only one that I’m aware of is this [unintelligible] -rfwUB5zy5Y-00742-00483182-00483888 which you can see is a small handheld device. It’s a portable small cell, could be used -rfwUB5zy5Y-00743-00483888-00485203 for fast diagnosis, like think Ebola and so that's probably the only new thing on the -rfwUB5zy5Y-00744-00485203-00485740 horizon. And I’ll just finish by saying I sort of talk at the beginning and talk at -rfwUB5zy5Y-00745-00485740-00486448 the end about sequencing is the start, really you’re trying to generate a testable hypothesis -rfwUB5zy5Y-00746-00486448-00486838 with the sequencing data, maybe you’re trying to identify a novel pathogen, but then you -rfwUB5zy5Y-00747-00486838-00487276 still have to think about how would I test this and what do I do with that. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00748-00487276-00487715 So with the sequencing, what I really tried to talk about her is coming back to cox's -rfwUB5zy5Y-00749-00487715-00488238 postulates, where you’re trying to asses that there is a microbe that causes a disease, -rfwUB5zy5Y-00750-00488238-00488778 but are more nuanced few now where there's a microbe causing a disease, but it may be -rfwUB5zy5Y-00751-00488778-00489301 causing a disease only in the context of a certain microbial community, so you need to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00752-00489301-00489930 understand what is that microbe and probably down to the sequence level, because different -rfwUB5zy5Y-00753-00489930-00490355 strains may or may not be able to do that function, and it may or may not be able to -rfwUB5zy5Y-00754-00490355-00491130 do that in the context of what is the microbial community. So with that I’ll close, we're -rfwUB5zy5Y-00755-00491130-00491553 really trying to understand what is the role of possible pathogens within the context of -rfwUB5zy5Y-00756-00491553-00491857 a microbial community. So thank you all very much. -rfwUB5zy5Y-00757-00491857-00491957 [applause] -rfwUB5zy5Y-00758-00491957-00491958 [end of transcript]