AvH2GKIa1OM-00000-00000000-00000200 Hyundai archery World Cup Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00001-00000200-00000400 Crude oil 1 minute chart Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00002-00000449-00001451 Now 12 pm market Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00003-00001536-00002574 after 12.40 trend reverse Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00004-00002652-00003388 buy trend so green color Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00005-00003388-00004431 daily we analyse 12 pm market Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00006-00004431-00005501 Good volume good volatile Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00007-00005501-00007629 good strategy need good timing so afternoon market Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00008-00007629-00010404 flat movement after 2 mins good trade Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00009-00010404-00011506 full target achieved in some time Ax0Kj8oEK6M-00010-00011506-00013556 WHATSAPP - 9488462166 for subscription details ACZfOUwtitg-00000-00000000-00000110 The working day is over ACZfOUwtitg-00001-00000556-00000756 I'm going to test the gift my friends ACZfOUwtitg-00002-00003915-00004116 As I used to live without it AGJVV1OJWvU-00000-00000062-00000580 Bring the front wheels of the roller skates close to each other in a V position AGJVV1OJWvU-00001-00000580-00000822 Push your legs out and then back in AGJVV1OJWvU-00002-00000822-00001214 while bringing the heels close to each other creating a V shape. AGJVV1OJWvU-00003-00001214-00001548 Practice Lemons backward and forward in this way. AIk2OmvIbKy-00000-00001128-00001271 12/6/1994 AIk2OmvIbKy-00001-00001271-00001544 To whom it may concern; AIk2OmvIbKy-00002-00001544-00002216 My name is Dr. James Kyle Robinson and I am a senior researcher with the SCP Foundation, AIk2OmvIbKy-00003-00002216-00002530 currently holding Level 4 security clearance. AIk2OmvIbKy-00004-00002530-00002878 I was recruited by the Foundation in 1968. AIk2OmvIbKy-00005-00002878-00003367 My current title is Managing Archivist of Inert Safe-Class Objects and Anomalous Items AIk2OmvIbKy-00006-00003367-00003943 at Site 73, a position I have held since July 7th, 1988. AIk2OmvIbKy-00007-00003943-00004453 My position and clearance have been suspended pending the resolution of the current inquiry. AIk2OmvIbKy-00008-00004453-00004823 I have been asked by the Ethics Committee to submit a written statement regarding my AIk2OmvIbKy-00009-00004823-00005389 involvement in and knowledge of the events leading up to Security Incident 1981-Delta-Sigma. AIk2OmvIbKy-00010-00005389-00005894 I hereby affirm under penalty of termination that the account contained herein is true, AIk2OmvIbKy-00011-00005894-00006257 complete, and factual to the best of my knowledge. AIk2OmvIbKy-00012-00006257-00006975 On August 13th, 1992, I was contacted by telephone by a man identifying himself as Special Agent AIk2OmvIbKy-00013-00006975-00007380 Arnold Rodriguez of the United States Secret Service. AIk2OmvIbKy-00014-00007380-00007820 Agent Rodriguez stated that he needed to speak to me in person about a matter concerning AIk2OmvIbKy-00015-00007820-00008329 national security and that he was not at liberty to elaborate over the phone. AIk2OmvIbKy-00016-00008329-00008739 Our liaison within the federal government confirmed his identity and position. AIk2OmvIbKy-00017-00008739-00009175 I agreed to the meeting and arranged to meet with him at the offices of Sanford Chemical AIk2OmvIbKy-00018-00009175-00009771 Processing, a front company located near Site 73 which primarily handles creating cover AIk2OmvIbKy-00019-00009771-00010218 stories for containment breaches and emergency dispersal of amnesiacs among the civilian AIk2OmvIbKy-00020-00010218-00010438 population. AIk2OmvIbKy-00021-00010438-00010895 The following afternoon, I met with Agent Rodriguez and his associate, Special Agent AIk2OmvIbKy-00022-00010895-00011068 Ethan Tate. AIk2OmvIbKy-00023-00011068-00011496 Agent Rodriguez informed me at that time that he was the lead agent responsible for managing AIk2OmvIbKy-00024-00011496-00011984 the security and safety of former president Ronald Reagan. AIk2OmvIbKy-00025-00011984-00012332 Rodriguez and Tate stated that it had come to the Secret Service's attention that the AIk2OmvIbKy-00026-00012332-00012753 Foundation was in possession of an anomalous videotape relating to President Reagan, that AIk2OmvIbKy-00027-00012753-00013263 it had been archived at Site 73, and that they needed access to any information regarding AIk2OmvIbKy-00028-00013263-00013703 the tape's origins and nature that the Foundation had access to. AIk2OmvIbKy-00029-00013703-00014338 At the time I was only vaguely aware of SCP-1981, having not directly participated in its acquisition AIk2OmvIbKy-00030-00014338-00014438 or study. AIk2OmvIbKy-00031-00014438-00014875 I excused myself from the meeting, and had a copy of its containment file faxed to the AIk2OmvIbKy-00032-00014875-00015318 meeting location, which I reviewed personally before proceeding. AIk2OmvIbKy-00033-00015318-00016079 In accordance with Protocol 87235.432, regarding information-sharing with government officials, AIk2OmvIbKy-00034-00016079-00016568 I briefed Agents Rodriguez and Tate and issued standard confidentiality and non-disclosure AIk2OmvIbKy-00035-00016568-00016876 agreements to them which they reviewed and signed. AIk2OmvIbKy-00036-00016876-00017520 I then allowed them to review expurgated copies of SCP-1981's containment file and secondary AIk2OmvIbKy-00037-00017520-00017987 documents relating to its acquisition, the Foundation's attempts to trace its origin, AIk2OmvIbKy-00038-00017987-00018294 and transcripts of various playbacks. AIk2OmvIbKy-00039-00018294-00018818 After completing their review, Agent Rodriguez requested to be allowed to view SCP-1981 in AIk2OmvIbKy-00040-00018818-00019097 order to complete his investigation. AIk2OmvIbKy-00041-00019097-00019608 I refused his request at that time and informed him that O5 approval would be necessary, and AIk2OmvIbKy-00042-00019608-00020073 I forwarded his request to the O5 Council after the agents had excused themselves for AIk2OmvIbKy-00043-00020073-00020229 the day. AIk2OmvIbKy-00044-00020229-00020800 On December 16th, I received a directive from O5-7 indicating that authorization had been AIk2OmvIbKy-00045-00020800-00021472 granted to allow Agents Rodriguez and Tate to view SCP-1981 and to produce a taped reproduction AIk2OmvIbKy-00046-00021472-00021959 thereof, a request which Rodriguez had not made upon our first meeting. AIk2OmvIbKy-00047-00021959-00022398 I contacted Agent Rodriguez and the viewing was scheduled for January 7th, 1993. AIk2OmvIbKy-00048-00022398-00023175 The viewing was conducted in Conference Room B at Sanford Chemical Processing; three playbacks AIk2OmvIbKy-00049-00023175-00023815 were taped, including one containing the entity designated SCP-1981-1. AIk2OmvIbKy-00050-00023815-00024425 I had not personally viewed SCP-1981 prior to that occasion and found the recording highly AIk2OmvIbKy-00051-00024425-00024525 disturbing. AIk2OmvIbKy-00052-00024525-00024963 If Agents Rodriguez and Tate were disturbed by the content of the speech on the videotape, AIk2OmvIbKy-00053-00024963-00025328 they made no mention of it as they sat dispassionately and took notes. AIk2OmvIbKy-00054-00025328-00025832 "I met a young couple in St. Louis who were very concerned about the growing absence of AIk2OmvIbKy-00055-00025832-00026211 faith in our daily lives," President Reagan stated on the tape. AIk2OmvIbKy-00056-00026211-00026760 "They offered me a goblet fashioned from Vladimir Putin's skull, and I drank greedily of their AIk2OmvIbKy-00057-00026760-00026968 virgin daughter's blood. AIk2OmvIbKy-00058-00026968-00027416 Darkness engulfed us like a thousand crows fleeing the oncoming storm." AIk2OmvIbKy-00059-00027416-00027852 Tate transcribed the president's comments on the video while Rodriguez made detailed AIk2OmvIbKy-00060-00027852-00028344 notes regarding the president's posture, tone of voice, and the nature of the wounds appearing AIk2OmvIbKy-00061-00028344-00028444 on him. AIk2OmvIbKy-00062-00028444-00028777 "Is all of Judeo-Christian civilization wrong? AIk2OmvIbKy-00063-00028777-00029349 The Destroyers are to the gods as the gods are to men and men are to insects: cold and AIk2OmvIbKy-00064-00029349-00029480 vast and unsympathetic. AIk2OmvIbKy-00065-00029480-00029770 This is the Hanged King's tribute. AIk2OmvIbKy-00066-00029770-00030038 Yehom té ehal." AIk2OmvIbKy-00067-00030038-00030412 Following the third playback, Agent Rodriguez assured me that they had collected all the AIk2OmvIbKy-00068-00030412-00030766 information they required and the two excused themselves. AIk2OmvIbKy-00069-00030766-00031214 I next heard from Agent Rodriguez on September 28th of that year. AIk2OmvIbKy-00070-00031214-00031577 Rodriguez contacted me by phone to inform me that President Reagan had been made aware AIk2OmvIbKy-00071-00031577-00032064 of SCP-1981's existence and wished to view it personally. AIk2OmvIbKy-00072-00032064-00032531 It was my opinion that to allow such a viewing would comprise an unacceptable containment AIk2OmvIbKy-00073-00032531-00032830 breach, and I informed Agent Rodriguez as such. AIk2OmvIbKy-00074-00032830-00033315 I stated in no uncertain terms that I would not permit such an event to occur, in light AIk2OmvIbKy-00075-00033315-00033853 of the nature of SCP-1981 and of the president's extreme age, and terminated the call. AIk2OmvIbKy-00076-00033853-00034260 I did not forward Agent Rodriguez's request at the time. AIk2OmvIbKy-00077-00034260-00034757 The following day I received a direct phone call from O5-7, who instructed me that I was AIk2OmvIbKy-00078-00034757-00035244 to allow President Reagan to view SCP-1981 at Site 73. AIk2OmvIbKy-00079-00035244-00035694 I repeated my insistence that to do so would comprise an unacceptable breach. AIk2OmvIbKy-00080-00035694-00036156 O5-7 informed me that tensions between the Foundation and the United States government AIk2OmvIbKy-00081-00036156-00036575 were high due to political issues beyond my clearance level, and that acceding to the AIk2OmvIbKy-00082-00036575-00037038 Secret Service's requests on this issue would allow the Foundation to maintain its political AIk2OmvIbKy-00083-00037038-00037416 capital without resorting to extraordinary measures. AIk2OmvIbKy-00084-00037416-00037941 I acquiesced to O5-7's instructions and indicated that I wished it to be noted that I would AIk2OmvIbKy-00085-00037941-00038238 permit the viewing under protest. AIk2OmvIbKy-00086-00038238-00038906 Due to preexisting schedule conflicts, the viewing was scheduled for February 17th, 1994. AIk2OmvIbKy-00087-00038906-00039494 President Reagan and his Secret Service detail arrived at Site 73 at 1:27 PM. AIk2OmvIbKy-00088-00039494-00039930 Prior to conducting the viewing I spoke to President Reagan in private and asked if he AIk2OmvIbKy-00089-00039930-00040266 had been fully briefed regarding SCP-1981. AIk2OmvIbKy-00090-00040266-00040684 He indicated that he had read its containment file and had extensively reviewed the notes AIk2OmvIbKy-00091-00040684-00041121 taken by Agents Rodriguez and Tate during the previous viewing. AIk2OmvIbKy-00092-00041121-00041581 I informed him that the Foundation was prepared to issue amnesiacs after the viewing if he AIk2OmvIbKy-00093-00041581-00042027 desired them and he indicated that they would not be necessary. AIk2OmvIbKy-00094-00042027-00042483 President Reagan requested and was permitted to view SCP-1981 six times. AIk2OmvIbKy-00095-00042483-00042922 A Secret Service agent whose name I do not recall taped each playback. AIk2OmvIbKy-00096-00042922-00043355 I found the content of the speeches given on the videotape to be even more disturbing AIk2OmvIbKy-00097-00043355-00043861 than I had during the previous viewing, and spent most of the time observing President AIk2OmvIbKy-00098-00043861-00044002 Reagan himself. AIk2OmvIbKy-00099-00044002-00044466 The president appeared to be less horrified or disturbed by the video than genuinely intrigued AIk2OmvIbKy-00100-00044466-00044608 and focused. AIk2OmvIbKy-00101-00044608-00045003 It was my opinion at the time that he was either highly confused by the content of the AIk2OmvIbKy-00102-00045003-00045225 video, or that he found it vaguely familiar. AIk2OmvIbKy-00103-00045225-00045805 During the fourth viewing, I observed him mouthing in unison to the voice on the tape AIk2OmvIbKy-00104-00045805-00046384 as it declared "The liberation of Oregon from enemy forces will be complete by the 17th. AIk2OmvIbKy-00105-00046384-00046837 Today's poll shows that five out of six Americans will be sexually abused by a family member AIk2OmvIbKy-00106-00046837-00047000 before the age of ten. AIk2OmvIbKy-00107-00047000-00047297 Please don't hurt me, I just want to go home. AIk2OmvIbKy-00108-00047297-00047474 And there you go again!" AIk2OmvIbKy-00109-00047474-00047916 Following the final viewing, I repeated my offer of amnesiacs, which the president again AIk2OmvIbKy-00110-00047916-00048184 refused. AIk2OmvIbKy-00111-00048184-00048638 Following the viewings, I had a great difficulty sleeping and took two weeks medical leave AIk2OmvIbKy-00112-00048638-00048834 before returning to work. AIk2OmvIbKy-00113-00048834-00049415 Agent Rodriguez made further attempts to contact me by phone on March 17th, May 3rd, and July AIk2OmvIbKy-00114-00049415-00049515 2nd. AIk2OmvIbKy-00115-00049515-00049972 I declined to speak directly to Rodriguez on all three occasions and ordered my secretary AIk2OmvIbKy-00116-00049972-00050402 to inform him to relay any requests to O5-7. AIk2OmvIbKy-00117-00050402-00051012 On November 3rd, 1994, at about 3:30 AM, I received a telephone call at home from Alan AIk2OmvIbKy-00118-00051012-00051515 Medford, Security Director of Site 73, who informed me that a break-in had occurred at AIk2OmvIbKy-00119-00051515-00051838 Sanford Chemical Processing. AIk2OmvIbKy-00120-00051838-00052209 Upon arriving at the scene I was informed that, after the office had closed for the AIk2OmvIbKy-00121-00052209-00052840 night, its power had been cut, its alarm systems remotely disabled, and the front door breached. AIk2OmvIbKy-00122-00052840-00053298 The night watchman had been shot multiple times and killed, and the invaders had breached AIk2OmvIbKy-00123-00053298-00053798 the office's secure vault, where a large quantity of Class-A and Class-B amnesiacs had been AIk2OmvIbKy-00124-00053798-00053920 stolen. AIk2OmvIbKy-00125-00053920-00054403 A security camera installed in an ATM located in the parking lot had picked up an image AIk2OmvIbKy-00126-00054403-00054834 of two men near the front of the building at about the night watchman's estimated time AIk2OmvIbKy-00127-00054834-00054934 of death. AIk2OmvIbKy-00128-00054934-00055372 I recognized the men in the photo as Agents Rodriguez and Tate. AIk2OmvIbKy-00129-00055372-00055873 A trace of credit lines assigned to the Secret Service found that Agents Rodriguez and Tate AIk2OmvIbKy-00130-00055873-00056313 had boarded an early morning flight to Los Angeles International Airport approximately AIk2OmvIbKy-00131-00056313-00056607 2 hours after the night watchman's time of death. AIk2OmvIbKy-00132-00056607-00057000 Foundation security forces were dispatched immediately to the Reagan family's estates AIk2OmvIbKy-00133-00057000-00057208 in Santa Barbara and Bel Air. AIk2OmvIbKy-00134-00057208-00057663 Agents Rodriguez and Tate were apprehended at the Bel Air residence, where President AIk2OmvIbKy-00135-00057663-00058197 Reagan was found in a semi-comatose state suffering from an overdose of amnesiacs. AIk2OmvIbKy-00136-00058197-00058723 During interrogation, Agent Rodriguez stated that President Reagan's behavior had become AIk2OmvIbKy-00137-00058723-00059158 increasingly erratic following his viewing of SCP-1981. AIk2OmvIbKy-00138-00059158-00059627 He stated that the president had become introverted and withdrawn from his friends and family, AIk2OmvIbKy-00139-00059627-00060178 had been re-watching the taped recordings of SCP-1981 for several hours a day, and had AIk2OmvIbKy-00140-00060178-00060615 begun frequently repeating lines spoken in the recording. AIk2OmvIbKy-00141-00060615-00061016 Agent Rodriguez stated that he was of the belief that President Reagan had begun to AIk2OmvIbKy-00142-00061016-00061490 make personal decisions based on the statements made by his counterpart in the recordings, AIk2OmvIbKy-00143-00061490-00061965 and that he had recently engaged in several bizarre financial investments and written AIk2OmvIbKy-00144-00061965-00062485 several esoteric and convoluted letters to current and former heads of state and foreign AIk2OmvIbKy-00145-00062485-00062751 politicians of little note. AIk2OmvIbKy-00146-00062751-00063161 Agent Rodriguez also stated that the president had attempted to order the assassination of AIk2OmvIbKy-00147-00063161-00063732 a civil rights lawyer based out of Chicago, a 15-year-old high school student in Oslo, AIk2OmvIbKy-00148-00063732-00064225 Norway, and the four-year-old daughter of a New York investment banker. AIk2OmvIbKy-00149-00064225-00064600 Rodriguez informed me that he believed the president was losing his grasp on reality AIk2OmvIbKy-00150-00064600-00064987 and that he needed to have his memory of the viewings removed before he became a danger AIk2OmvIbKy-00151-00064987-00065455 to himself or others, and that he chose to rob Sanford Chemical Processing of his own AIk2OmvIbKy-00152-00065455-00065945 volition because his attempts to contact the Foundation and request amnesiacs had been AIk2OmvIbKy-00153-00065945-00066201 unsuccessful. AIk2OmvIbKy-00154-00066201-00066591 Foundation medical staff were able to restore President Reagan to lucidity and prevent a AIk2OmvIbKy-00155-00066591-00067145 Class-Omega mind-wipe event; however, as the result of being exposed to over seven times AIk2OmvIbKy-00156-00067145-00067651 the standard dose of Class-A amnesiacs by a person not trained in their dispensal, he AIk2OmvIbKy-00157-00067651-00068118 has suffered extreme memory loss and will likely not regain full control of his faculties AIk2OmvIbKy-00158-00068118-00068367 or be able to care physically for himself. AIk2OmvIbKy-00159-00068367-00068846 I oversaw the forging of an open letter in which President Reagan states that he has AIk2OmvIbKy-00160-00068846-00069369 been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and intends to withdraw from public life. AIk2OmvIbKy-00161-00069369-00069765 His wife and other persons involved in his daily life have been treated with Class-B AIk2OmvIbKy-00162-00069765-00069958 amnesiacs as appropriate. AIk2OmvIbKy-00163-00069958-00070440 The actions taken by Agents Rodriguez and Tate have been fully disavowed by the Secret AIk2OmvIbKy-00164-00070440-00071052 Service; by my order they have undergone Ω-Class amnesiac therapy and been assigned new civilian AIk2OmvIbKy-00165-00071052-00071152 identities. AIk2OmvIbKy-00166-00071152-00071691 In closing, I wish to reiterate my opinion that it was a mistake from the beginning to AIk2OmvIbKy-00167-00071691-00072041 allow President Reagan to view SCP-1981. AIk2OmvIbKy-00168-00072041-00072446 Any political advantage that the Foundation may have gained from granting the president's AIk2OmvIbKy-00169-00072446-00072971 request does not compensate for the psychological damage that the president and his family have AIk2OmvIbKy-00170-00072971-00073168 suffered as a result. AIk2OmvIbKy-00171-00073168-00073586 I acknowledge that my refusal to speak with Agent Rodriguez following the viewing may AIk2OmvIbKy-00172-00073586-00073859 have contributed partially to his later actions. AIk2OmvIbKy-00173-00073859-00074322 I throw myself upon the mercy of the Ethics Committee and pray for a speedy and equitable AIk2OmvIbKy-00174-00074322-00074488 resolution to this hearing. AIk2OmvIbKy-00175-00074488-00074726 -Dr. James K. Robinson, Ph. AIk2OmvIbKy-00176-00074726-00074747 D AItDgSkWb58-00000-00000032-00000520 good afternoon my name is john hagen and i'm the executive director of the united states electronic AItDgSkWb58-00001-00000520-00001160 thesis and dissertation association usetda the usetda is a national nonprofit organization AItDgSkWb58-00002-00001160-00001607 representing the community and interest of graduate school and library professionals AItDgSkWb58-00003-00001607-00002104 and others who work with graduate students and faculty electronic thesis and dissertations AItDgSkWb58-00004-00002104-00002400 institutional repositories and scholarly communications AItDgSkWb58-00005-00002616-00002688 go ahead heidi AItDgSkWb58-00006-00002960-00003592 on behalf of our board of directors i'd like to extend a warm welcome to everyone as you join us AItDgSkWb58-00007-00003592-00004280 at usetda 2020 our 10th annual conference this year's theme is making connections scholarly AItDgSkWb58-00008-00004280-00004856 communications in the digital age we hope you will learn from the insights and experiences AItDgSkWb58-00009-00004856-00005536 of our presenters and share your own thoughts as we begin our journey on exploring all things etd AItDgSkWb58-00010-00005680-00006280 next thank you over the past decade the usetda conferences have been held across the AItDgSkWb58-00011-00006280-00006895 united states we've been to orlando florida boston massachusetts claremont california AItDgSkWb58-00012-00006895-00007464 austin texas columbus ohio washington d.c denver colorado and charleston south carolina AItDgSkWb58-00013-00007544-00008056 today we have over 200 people attending the 2020 conference mostly from the united AItDgSkWb58-00014-00008056-00008584 states but we also have a fair number of visitors with us from around the world AItDgSkWb58-00015-00008864-00009264 i'd like to introduce the usetda board of directors who as members of the conference AItDgSkWb58-00016-00009264-00009688 planning committee help to organize this event i'd also like to thank everyone for AItDgSkWb58-00017-00009688-00010072 your enthusiasm and thoughtfulness as we organized our first virtual conference AItDgSkWb58-00018-00010480-00011232 so our board of directors heidi arbisi-kelm valerie cavanis valerie emerson sally evans lucy AItDgSkWb58-00019-00011232-00011736 fazzino who is also our board secretary terry green who is also our board treasurer AItDgSkWb58-00020-00011736-00012368 and our programming committee chair janice robinson terry robinson cynthia tingondan AItDgSkWb58-00021-00012448-00013152 stacy wallace emily wuchner and aura young and if you're interested in serving on the usetda board AItDgSkWb58-00022-00013152-00013696 feel free to contact us we'd love to hear from you you'll find our application on our website AItDgSkWb58-00023-00013976-00014472 please help me to thank our sponsors for their generosity and helping make this event possible AItDgSkWb58-00024-00014472-00015232 we couldn't have done it without you the ohio etd association orchid proquest texas digital library AItDgSkWb58-00025-00015232-00015736 and the university of florida graduate school and libraries and don't forget to visit our virtual AItDgSkWb58-00026-00015736-00016216 exhibition area for more information on our website and by the way i do have this presentation AItDgSkWb58-00027-00016216-00016720 and our proceedings so you can go back to this and click in on to any of the links that are displayed AItDgSkWb58-00028-00016808-00017392 go ahead next great um and finally i'd like to acknowledge our host institutions which AItDgSkWb58-00029-00017392-00017856 are providing the zoom room streams for today's conference the university of iowa AItDgSkWb58-00030-00017912-00018384 george mason university and the university of florida AItDgSkWb58-00031-00018616-00018976 we want to remind everyone that today's zoom meeting sessions will be recorded AItDgSkWb58-00032-00018976-00019640 and available for later viewing we've also posted copies of sorry i disappeared we've AItDgSkWb58-00033-00019640-00020136 also posted copies of presentations in our online conference proceedings the conference AItDgSkWb58-00034-00020136-00020768 program and program schedule are also available from our website if you like today's conference AItDgSkWb58-00035-00020768-00021496 please consider joining us usetda as a member a member institution the dues are only 100 annually AItDgSkWb58-00036-00021496-00021888 and there are perks for members and it helps to stay in our organization in annual conferences AItDgSkWb58-00037-00022472-00023088 join us at the usetda 2021 conference to be held live in theory um at the crowne AItDgSkWb58-00038-00023088-00023656 plaza hotel in cleveland ohio next september 29th to october 1st of 2021 AItDgSkWb58-00039-00023728-00024168 alternatively if all else fails i'm sure we'll meet again here virtually and zoom AItDgSkWb58-00040-00024392-00024880 consider hosting the usetda 2022 conference in your city or on your campus AItDgSkWb58-00041-00024880-00025312 the usetda board handles all the planning financing and logistics and we simply need AItDgSkWb58-00042-00025312-00025888 partners to assist with local organizing tasks so we'd love to hear from you a few tips on AItDgSkWb58-00043-00025888-00026327 zoom room navigation hopefully you guys have seen the information from the emails that we sent AItDgSkWb58-00044-00026327-00027000 but if you need additional information we have the online tutorial um we're running today's sessions AItDgSkWb58-00045-00027000-00027568 with three institutional zoom rooms rooms a b and c room a will serve as a plenary room AItDgSkWb58-00046-00027568-00028183 as well as one of the breakout rooms you can find all this information from our website usatday.org AItDgSkWb58-00047-00028264-00028527 you'll click on the program schedule in the right-hand sidebar AItDgSkWb58-00048-00028592-00029224 enter the password which is lowercase usetda 2020. you'll select either the spreadsheet AItDgSkWb58-00049-00029224-00029816 or the pdf format or the conference program itself is also linked and then the next slide AItDgSkWb58-00050-00030024-00030400 here's a quick snapshot of the program schedule you simply click on a session AItDgSkWb58-00051-00030400-00030912 you want to attend and then you click on the hyperlink when the applicable web page opens AItDgSkWb58-00052-00030912-00031336 you'll click on the zoom room to join the session just remember zoom will prompt you AItDgSkWb58-00053-00031336-00031736 to leave your current session when you want to go to a session in a different room and that's okay AItDgSkWb58-00054-00031944-00032392 if you need assistance along the way today we don't hesitate to contact a virtual helpdesk AItDgSkWb58-00055-00032392-00032632 or a young and i will be happy to assist you AItDgSkWb58-00056-00032920-00033384 and finally i'd like to thank our presenters for sharing your experiences and wisdom AItDgSkWb58-00057-00033384-00033872 with our audience today all i'd also like to thank you our audience participants AItDgSkWb58-00058-00033872-00034232 for your devoted attention and your contributions to the etd community AItDgSkWb58-00059-00034232-00034736 by being here with us today so let's get started shall we ALra8FEhULu-00000-00000140-00000282 [Latin American feminist movements] ALra8FEhULu-00001-00000596-00000758 Hello, my name is Aline ALra8FEhULu-00002-00000774-00001072 This model of capitalist development does not affect us all in the same ways ALra8FEhULu-00003-00001120-00001398 In these times of pandemic, of socio-economic crisis, ALra8FEhULu-00004-00001424-00001736 we know quite well who are the most affected, ALra8FEhULu-00005-00001762-00002002 those who are at the base of this pyramid of inequality. ALra8FEhULu-00006-00002023-00002264 It is women, especially black women. ALra8FEhULu-00007-00002294-00002586 Whether it's because they're overworked ALra8FEhULu-00008-00002624-00002920 worse now in this time of pandemic isolation, of school closures ALra8FEhULu-00009-00002944-00003400 whether due to difficulties in getting basic health devices, ALra8FEhULu-00010-00003432-00003611 now aggravated in times of crisis, ALra8FEhULu-00011-00003640-00003840 or whether it's an increase in domestic violence. ALra8FEhULu-00012-00003879-00004232 Right now, these precarious situations, ALra8FEhULu-00013-00004252-00004804 when our neighborhoods are abandoned, these places where we live ALra8FEhULu-00014-00004824-00005068 what's happening is that we're building responses ALra8FEhULu-00015-00005104-00005348 stronger solutions are being built ALra8FEhULu-00016-00005360-00005600 by organizations of black women. ALra8FEhULu-00017-00005628-00005864 I'm not wearing our T-Shirt by coincidence. ALra8FEhULu-00018-00005906-00006224 The right to decent housing, and the right to the city ALra8FEhULu-00019-00006276-00006531 as well as the right to plant, ALra8FEhULu-00020-00006568-00006920 to guarantee food sovereignty, food security through one's own work, ALra8FEhULu-00021-00006931-00007256 the decisions, the pathways, the protection, ALra8FEhULu-00022-00007295-00007484 the pursuit of mass testing ALra8FEhULu-00023-00007536-00007712 all of this is being built ALra8FEhULu-00024-00007712-00008334 by the black women's movement expanding with the greatest diversity in Brazil and abroad. ALra8FEhULu-00025-00008362-00008726 Alternative solutions built by groups of women ALra8FEhULu-00026-00008746-00009048 in their day-to-day lives throughout history ALra8FEhULu-00027-00009068-00009346 which can be socialized and shared with other comrades. ALra8FEhULu-00028-00009384-00009594 So our response is an ALra8FEhULu-00029-00009616-00009786 anti-racist society ALra8FEhULu-00030-00009814-00009976 determined by feminism, ALra8FEhULu-00031-00010000-00010220 with the lessons passed down from Sumak Kawsay (living well) ALra8FEhULu-00032-00010256-00010528 for us, this happens precisely due to ALra8FEhULu-00033-00010580-00010936 recognizing that without confront racism ALra8FEhULu-00034-00010960-00011196 as a central issue in Brazil, ALra8FEhULu-00035-00011212-00011458 we will not be able to transform our society. ALra8FEhULu-00036-00011508-00011976 We do not consent to return to the institutional abandonment that preceded COVID ALra8FEhULu-00037-00012370-00012478 [Latin American feminist movements] AM9genStdqA-00000-00000003-00000453 Are you the type of person that keeps in mind everything that you're waiting for from your colleagues AM9genStdqA-00001-00000453-00000578 do you have time for coffee? AM9genStdqA-00002-00001396-00001467 Hey Bonjour AM9genStdqA-00003-00001490-00002114 I'm Hugo and I help busy entrepreneurs and managers be more productive and get back in control of their own time AM9genStdqA-00004-00002128-00002596 if you're trying to remember everything you're doomed AM9genStdqA-00005-00002612-00003226 Don't rely on your own memory build a system instead a system that you can use to remember things AM9genStdqA-00006-00003277-00003605 Without having to use too much of your cognitive power AM9genStdqA-00007-00003621-00004328 you need your brain to do important things like taking decisions being creative or analyzing try to AM9genStdqA-00008-00004357-00004754 Declutter your mind from everything that can be supported by a system AM9genStdqA-00009-00004762-00005453 So if you're waiting for something a deliverable a product from someone else just add it to your wait list AM9genStdqA-00010-00005494-00005900 When you manage a team or delegate this is very useful AM9genStdqA-00011-00005901-00006468 You may already have a to-do list anyway, right so you can just add a section to your to-do list AM9genStdqA-00012-00006468-00007127 that is called the wait list that consolidates everything that you're waiting other people to do AM9genStdqA-00013-00007258-00007556 You can check it every day or every other day AM9genStdqA-00014-00007558-00008006 So that ultimately your brain is focusing on really important things AM9genStdqA-00015-00008042-00008138 Et Voila! AM9genStdqA-00016-00008152-00008668 Ah, are you going to try it out? Or maybe you have already a system in place. That is very similar AM9genStdqA-00017-00008668-00008918 Let me know I would really love to know about it AM9genStdqA-00018-00008918-00009401 Oh, and before we take off tag someone in the comment section below that needs to see this video AM9genStdqA-00019-00009454-00010223 Merci, thanks guys for watching this video and I really appreciate that you coming you're checking in every single week and watch my AM9genStdqA-00020-00010224-00010896 Videos. I hope I'm bringing you value. You can subscribe to the channel and watch more videos. See you next week AM9genStdqA-00021-00010896-00010956 Au revoir! AM9genStdqA-00022-00011714-00011914 You AObxI97iS8A-00000-00000391-00000623 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00001-00000623-00000823 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00002-00000823-00000873 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00003-00000941-00001141 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00004-00001141-00001191 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00005-00001313-00001513 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00006-00001513-00001563 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00007-00001563-00001613 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00008-00001626-00001676 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00009-00001676-00001726 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00010-00001772-00001822 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00011-00001822-00001872 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00012-00001872-00001922 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00013-00002021-00002221 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00014-00002221-00002271 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00015-00002306-00002506 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00016-00002506-00002556 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00017-00002556-00002606 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00018-00002620-00002820 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00019-00002820-00002870 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00020-00002919-00003119 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00021-00003119-00003169 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00022-00003172-00003372 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00023-00003372-00003422 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00024-00003422-00003472 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00025-00003477-00003677 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00026-00003677-00003727 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00027-00003846-00003896 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00028-00003896-00003946 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00029-00003998-00004048 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00030-00004048-00004098 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00031-00004147-00004197 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00032-00004197-00004247 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00033-00004352-00004402 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00034-00004402-00004452 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00035-00004506-00004556 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00036-00004556-00004606 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00037-00004705-00004905 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00038-00004905-00004955 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00039-00004994-00005044 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00040-00005044-00005094 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00041-00005094-00005144 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00042-00005144-00005194 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00043-00005235-00005285 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00044-00005285-00005335 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AObxI97iS8A-00045-00005481-00005681 मोदी को प्रधानमंत्री बनता देख मां ने कैसे बजाई ताली | Modi's Mother Hiraben Cheers for him AQ_hpEpIe3u-00000-00000830-00001171 Dave Lemarie: Ok, good afternoon everyone from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's AQ_hpEpIe3u-00001-00001171-00001529 National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00002-00001529-00002090 My name is Dave Lemarie, but I am appearing to you on your screen on the web page as Ashley AQ_hpEpIe3u-00003-00002090-00002190 Fortune Isham. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00004-00002190-00002416 I am using her account. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00005-00002416-00002852 [laughs] I would like to welcome you to our webinar AQ_hpEpIe3u-00006-00002852-00003420 series held in partnership with USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00007-00003420-00004100 which I will fumble through the abbreviation of NCCWSC several times, I am sure. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00008-00004100-00004480 They are located in Reston, Virginia. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00009-00004480-00005105 The NCCWSC Climate Change Science and Management Webinar Series highlights their sponsored AQ_hpEpIe3u-00010-00005105-00005651 science projects related to climate change impacts and adaptation, and aims to increase AQ_hpEpIe3u-00011-00005651-00006121 awareness and inform participants like you about potential and predicted climate change AQ_hpEpIe3u-00012-00006121-00006287 impacts on wildlife. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00013-00006287-00006892 At this point, I will turn things over to Emily Fort, the data and information coordinator AQ_hpEpIe3u-00014-00006892-00007111 from the NCCWSC, to introduce today's speaker. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00015-00007111-00007211 Emily? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00016-00007211-00007337 Emily Fort: Thanks so much. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00017-00007337-00007698 I want to thank all of you guys for attending. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00018-00007698-00007822 We really appreciate it. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00019-00007822-00007988 I'm proud to introduce Jennifer Cartwright. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00020-00007988-00008518 She's a biologist at the Tennessee Water Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00021-00008518-00009043 Her research interests include soil science, terrestrial microbioecology, and GIS. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00022-00009043-00009547 She recently defended her doctoral dissertation in biology at Tennessee State University, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00023-00009547-00009719 and will graduate this May. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00024-00009719-00010261 A portion of this talk will also be presented by Bill Wolfe, who is a hydrologist and the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00025-00010261-00010605 Assistant Director for SurfaceWater Studies at the Tennessee Water Science Center. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00026-00010605-00010797 Jennifer, I'll hand it over to you. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00027-00010797-00010921 Thanks so much. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00028-00010921-00011211 Jennifer Cartwright: Thanks to both of you. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00029-00011211-00011559 My name is Jennifer Cartwright, and I'll be presenting with Bill Wolfe. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00030-00011559-00012049 Both of us are from the Tennessee Water Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and we will AQ_hpEpIe3u-00031-00012049-00012595 be talking about climatesensitive, insular ecosystems of the Southeastern US. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00032-00012595-00012853 First, a few acknowledgements. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00033-00012853-00013444 This research was funded by the Southeast Climate Science Center, and we collaborated AQ_hpEpIe3u-00034-00013444-00013994 with colleagues at NatureServe and at North Carolina State University. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00035-00013994-00014425 Some of the fieldwork that I'll be discussing, and Bill will be discussing at the end of AQ_hpEpIe3u-00036-00014425-00015019 the presentation happened at the Arnold Engineering Development Complex and at Stones River National AQ_hpEpIe3u-00037-00015019-00015523 Battlefield, which is managed by the National Park Service, both in Tennessee, and some AQ_hpEpIe3u-00038-00015523-00015897 of the lab work was conducted at Tennessee State University. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00039-00015897-00016553 To start, I'd like to give you our working definition of insular ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00040-00016553-00016958 What do we mean when we say "insular ecosystem"? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00041-00016958-00017326 We have three criteria for our working definition. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00042-00017326-00017864 First of all, these are systems that have individual occurrences which are spatially AQ_hpEpIe3u-00043-00017864-00018029 discrete. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00044-00018029-00018731 In the lower left, you see an aerial image of two Carolina Bays, and you can see how, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00045-00018731-00019264 metaphorically, we could think of them as islands surrounded by a contrasting ecosystem. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00046-00019264-00019620 They are spatially discreet rather than continuously distant occurrences. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00047-00019620-00020393 Secondly, these systems tend to have relatively small geographic footprints. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00048-00020393-00021168 We're typically talking about land area that is much less than one percent of the total AQ_hpEpIe3u-00049-00021168-00021670 land area of the regions in which these systems occur. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00050-00021670-00022285 Thirdly, these insular systems have steep, ecological and environmental gradients at AQ_hpEpIe3u-00051-00022285-00022385 their boundaries. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00052-00022385-00022981 At the lower right, you see an image of a rock outcrop ecosystem at its boundary with AQ_hpEpIe3u-00053-00022981-00023122 the surrounding pine forest. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00054-00023122-00023666 You can see what I mean by a steep, ecological or environmental gradient. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00055-00023666-00024281 That's sort of our working definition of what we mean by insular ecosystem. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00056-00024281-00024916 Our project was that we focused on a set of insular ecosystems in the Southeast U.S., AQ_hpEpIe3u-00057-00024916-00025559 and we reviewed the existing literature on these systems in order to first of all evaluate AQ_hpEpIe3u-00058-00025559-00026004 their biodiversity contribution both to global and regional biodiversity. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00059-00026004-00026678 We also wanted to assess the current threats to ecosystem integrity, which are documented AQ_hpEpIe3u-00060-00026678-00026913 in the literature on these systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00061-00026913-00027514 Finally, we wanted to develop a framework for future research on the climate change AQ_hpEpIe3u-00062-00027514-00028105 vulnerability of these systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00063-00028105-00028499 The insular ecosystems we reviewed fall into a few categories. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00064-00028499-00029270 We looked at rock outcrop ecosystems, grassland and woodland systems, and wetland and riparian AQ_hpEpIe3u-00065-00029270-00029391 systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00066-00029391-00029965 Some of the rock outcrop ecosystems we looked at included granite outcrops of the Piedmont. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00067-00029965-00030511 This is an image from South Carolina, but a lot of these granite outcrops are clustered AQ_hpEpIe3u-00068-00030511-00030638 in Georgia. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00069-00030638-00031475 As you can see, they have subtle depressions within them that sustain unique assemblages AQ_hpEpIe3u-00070-00031475-00031594 of plant species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00071-00031594-00032120 We looked at high elevation Appalachian outcrop. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00072-00032120-00032941 These are often subjected to cloud cover, and immersion in fog. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00073-00032941-00033440 We looked at limestone cedar glades, and toward the end of the presentation, I'll be talking AQ_hpEpIe3u-00074-00033440-00034044 about some of my field research in limestone cedar glades within the Central Basin of Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00075-00034044-00034355 That's another rock outcrop system. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00076-00034355-00034943 We looked at grassland and woodland systems, including midAppalachian shale barrens. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00077-00034943-00035735 These can have anywhere from an almost open canopy to an almost totally closed canopy, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00078-00035735-00036415 typically steep slopes, and the soil surface covered with shale fragments. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00079-00036415-00036515 We looked at xeric limestone prairies. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00080-00036515-00037358 These are sort of a cousin to limestone cedar glades, but they have some geographic and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00081-00037358-00037899 topographic differences that I can discuss if anyone's interested. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00082-00037899-00038641 We looked at highelevation Appalachian balds, both grassy balds you can see an example on AQ_hpEpIe3u-00083-00038641-00038959 the left and heath balds, on the right. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00084-00038959-00039606 Both of these, at high elevations, gradate into rock outcrop ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00085-00039606-00040143 We looked at some wetland and riparian systems, including Carolina bays. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00086-00040143-00040669 You saw, at the start of the presentation, that aerial image. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00087-00040669-00041374 Carolina bays are often elliptical depressions that are geographically isolated wetlands AQ_hpEpIe3u-00088-00041374-00041636 in the Coastal Plain. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00089-00041636-00042093 We looked at karst depression wetlands, and my colleague, Bill Wolfe, will be discussing AQ_hpEpIe3u-00090-00042093-00042667 some of his research at the end of the presentation in a karst depression wetland on the Highland AQ_hpEpIe3u-00091-00042667-00043009 Rim of Tennessee known as Sinking Pond. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00092-00043009-00043587 Finally, we looked at riverscour ecosystems, which occur along the banks of highgradient AQ_hpEpIe3u-00093-00043587-00044374 reaches of large rivers and are subjected to and have their ecosystem integrity maintained AQ_hpEpIe3u-00094-00044374-00044964 largely by periodic scouring from large flood events. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00095-00044964-00045903 Here's a map of the general distribution of these insular ecosystems that we looked at. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00096-00045903-00046708 You can see that they cover a number of different physiographic provinces throughout the Southeast, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00097-00046708-00047367 including the Coastal Plain, the Piedmont, the Interior Low Plateau, the Mid and Southern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00098-00047367-00048008 Appalachian region, and the Ozarks, among others. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00099-00048008-00048671 I should say that there are a number of other systems within the Southeast that would meet AQ_hpEpIe3u-00100-00048671-00049211 our criteria for being defined as insular systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00101-00049211-00049431 We didn't try to look at all of them. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00102-00049431-00049777 We tried to pick a representative sample. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00103-00049777-00050556 Some others that would also meet our definition include peat systems, like bogs and fens. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00104-00050556-00051270 Cliff ecosystems these may be considered linear ecosystems, but if you zoom out at a larger AQ_hpEpIe3u-00105-00051270-00051821 geographic scale, they could also be considered insular systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00106-00051821-00052367 Within Peninsular Florida, there are a number of systems that could be considered insular, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00107-00052367-00052554 including cypress domes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00108-00052554-00053122 Then, ephemeral ponds in the Northeast, they're often known as vernal pools. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00109-00053122-00053738 That's just to say that there are a number of other systems within the Southeast US and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00110-00053738-00054261 beyond that meet our working definition for insular systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00111-00054261-00054854 Why are these insular systems special, or why were we interested in reviewing the literature AQ_hpEpIe3u-00112-00054854-00055000 on them? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00113-00055000-00055317 First of all, they represent fragmented habitat. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00114-00055317-00056008 We tend to think of habitat fragmentation as a phenomenon associated with landuse change, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00115-00056008-00056712 but we can think of these insular systems as a naturally fragmented habitat, and that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00116-00056712-00057087 lends itself to studies of island biogeography. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00117-00057087-00057488 I won't get into that within this talk, but if anyone has questions, we can discuss that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00118-00057488-00057673 at the end. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00119-00057673-00058339 An important feature is that the geographic locations of these insular systems are often AQ_hpEpIe3u-00120-00058339-00058658 geophysically determined and constrained. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00121-00058658-00059273 For example, if we're thinking about a karst depression wetland, that wetland ecosystem, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00122-00059273-00059930 its spatial location is determined by the geomorphology of the karst depression in which AQ_hpEpIe3u-00123-00059930-00060030 it occurs. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00124-00060030-00060738 We could also say that about highelevation outcrops at the tops of mountains, where there's AQ_hpEpIe3u-00125-00060738-00061423 a geomorphic or geophysical constraint on the location of that ecosystem. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00126-00061423-00062000 A little later I'll be talking about how these systems are typically maintained by characteristic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00127-00062000-00062739 stress or disturbance regimes, and how that is important when we start to think about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00128-00062739-00062839 climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00129-00062839-00063291 But right now I'd like to talk about another reason why these systems are special, is that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00130-00063291-00063937 they often contribute disproportionately to biodiversity, both regional biodiversity and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00131-00063937-00064066 global biodiversity. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00132-00064066-00064698 To start with, I wanted to show you this map, which is courtesy of NatureServe. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00133-00064698-00065348 It's hotspots of rarityweighted richness for G1 and G2 species in the U.S. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00134-00065348-00065966 This is globally critically imperiled and globally imperiled species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00135-00065966-00066477 We can see that there are a few hotspots for rare species richness. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00136-00066477-00067057 One is central California and the desert southwest of California. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00137-00067057-00067594 Another is the big island of Hawaii, and another is the southeastern US. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00138-00067594-00068295 If we look within the southeast, we can see that some areas of the interior low plateau, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00139-00068295-00068912 some areas of the mid and southern Appalachians, a zone within the coastal plain, and then AQ_hpEpIe3u-00140-00068912-00069572 several regions within the Florida panhandle and peninsular Florida are all hotspots of AQ_hpEpIe3u-00141-00069572-00069937 rare species richness within the U.S. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00142-00069937-00070707 This is a map from Estill and Cruzan of centers of plant endemism within the southeastern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00143-00070707-00071369 U.S., and we see a few similar patterns of plant endemism being clustered in the central AQ_hpEpIe3u-00144-00071369-00072152 basin of Tennessee and within the southern Appalachian region, the midAtlantic coastal AQ_hpEpIe3u-00145-00072152-00073006 plain, and then, certainly, within the panhandle and center of Florida. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00146-00073006-00073704 We wanted to think about in what ways the insular system that we were studying might AQ_hpEpIe3u-00147-00073704-00074525 be contributing to regional and global biodiversity, and one of those mechanisms is by sheltering AQ_hpEpIe3u-00148-00074525-00074735 endemic species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00149-00074735-00075491 Endemics are found only within the particular insular ecosystems in question or closely AQ_hpEpIe3u-00150-00075491-00075722 related contexts. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00151-00075722-00075887 Here are four examples. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00152-00075887-00076573 The map to the right of the photograph for each has in green the states in which the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00153-00076573-00077267 particular species occurs and in yellow, the individual counties where the species occurs. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00154-00077267-00077858 In the upper left is the pool sprite, which is endemic to Piedmont granite outcrops. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00155-00077858-00078485 In the upper right, you see the shale barren rock cress, so in some cases just the name AQ_hpEpIe3u-00156-00078485-00078939 of the species gives you a clue that it is endemic to one of these insular systems, in AQ_hpEpIe3u-00157-00078939-00079369 this case the shale barren. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00158-00079369-00079933 In the lower left, you see the Cumberland rosemary, which is endemic to river scour AQ_hpEpIe3u-00159-00079933-00080217 systems on the Cumberland Plateau. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00160-00080217-00080969 On the lower right we see the spreading avens, which is endemic to highelevation southern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00161-00080969-00081097 Appalachian outcrops. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00162-00081097-00082004 In all of these cases, we see species that have relatively restricted geographic ranges, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00163-00082004-00082451 and occur only within these insular ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00164-00082451-00083158 They contribute both to regional and to global biodiversity because they're not found really AQ_hpEpIe3u-00165-00083158-00083372 anywhere else. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00166-00083372-00083911 Another type of biodiversity contribution comes from biogeographic disjunction. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00167-00083911-00084816 These are cases where a species may be secure within its range elsewhere, outside of the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00168-00084816-00085726 southeast U.S., but is disjunct to a particular insular ecosystem, meaning that it is geographically AQ_hpEpIe3u-00169-00085726-00086008 separated from its home range elsewhere. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00170-00086008-00086614 On the left we see an example in the northern bentgrass, which has ranges in northern New AQ_hpEpIe3u-00171-00086614-00087185 England and in the Rocky Mountains and is disjunct to highelevation outcrops within AQ_hpEpIe3u-00172-00087185-00087373 the Appalachian region. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00173-00087373-00088288 On the right we see wright's cliffbrake, which is disjunct from the arid southwest to granite AQ_hpEpIe3u-00174-00088288-00088483 outcrops of the Piedmont. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00175-00088483-00089197 This is a form of biodiversity contribution, not necessarily to global biodiversity, but AQ_hpEpIe3u-00176-00089197-00089433 to regional biodiversity. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00177-00089433-00090173 We tried to do a quantitative assessment of the biodiversity contribution for this select AQ_hpEpIe3u-00178-00090173-00090422 group of insular ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00179-00090422-00090758 Here you see numbers of globally rare taxa. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00180-00090758-00091286 This is G1 through G3 species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00181-00091286-00091893 We can see that all of the insular systems that we looked at harbor at least a few globally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00182-00091893-00092048 rare taxa. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00183-00092048-00092829 Some of them, such as limestone cedar glades, Piedmont outcrops, xeric limestone praries, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00184-00092829-00093527 highelevation systems, Carolina bays and river scour systems, all harbor more than 20 globally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00185-00093527-00093705 rare taxa. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00186-00093705-00094257 We looked at globally rare plant associations, and again we see that all of the systems we AQ_hpEpIe3u-00187-00094257-00094837 looked at harbor at least a few globally rare associations. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00188-00094837-00095482 We see that xeric limestone prairies and river scour systems both harbor more than 20 globally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00189-00095482-00095813 rare plant associations. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00190-00095813-00096720 The conclusions from our assessment of biodiversity contributions first are that all of the insular AQ_hpEpIe3u-00191-00096720-00097269 ecosystems we examined harbor at least a few rare, endemic, and/or disjunct species, and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00192-00097269-00098041 many of them sustain rare associations and/or high levels of taxonomic richness. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00193-00098041-00098669 These biodiversity contributions are really disproportionate to geographic area. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00194-00098669-00099230 We're typically talking about systems that cover much less than one percent of the land AQ_hpEpIe3u-00195-00099230-00099658 area of the regions in which these systems occur. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00196-00099658-00100232 There are a number of other insular ecosystems that we didn't examine in detail which we AQ_hpEpIe3u-00197-00100232-00100625 know also support endemic and disjunct species as well. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00198-00100625-00101331 These include Appalachian bogs, a number of systems within peninsular Florida such as AQ_hpEpIe3u-00199-00101331-00102068 sand hill scrub island, sandstone rockhouses of the interior low plateau, coastal plain AQ_hpEpIe3u-00200-00102068-00102709 pocosins, which can gradate into Carolina bays in some cases, Chattooga basin spray AQ_hpEpIe3u-00201-00102709-00103070 cliffs, and a number of others. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00202-00103070-00103971 The next assessment we made was of what are the current threats or currently recognized AQ_hpEpIe3u-00203-00103971-00104328 threats within the literature on these ecosystems? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00204-00104328-00105157 These range from physical destruction from recreation to invasive species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00205-00105157-00105965 In the upper right you see the Chinese privet, and some folks attempting to remove this invasive AQ_hpEpIe3u-00206-00105965-00106065 species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00207-00106065-00106799 In the lower left you see an aerial image of a Carolina bay that has been ditched and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00208-00106799-00107119 drained and converted to agriculture. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00209-00107119-00107767 In the lower right is a photo of Bluestone Dam on the New River in West Virginia, which AQ_hpEpIe3u-00210-00107767-00108683 has been specifically implicated in ecosystem degradation of river scour ecosystems downstream, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00211-00108683-00108936 on the New River. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00212-00108936-00109469 What we did was, we did a literature search, and we looked for any mention we could find AQ_hpEpIe3u-00213-00109469-00109909 of ecosystem threats for these particular ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00214-00109909-00110574 Then, we compiled all of these threat references by threat category, and we came up with a AQ_hpEpIe3u-00215-00110574-00111083 little more than 450 total references to threats. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00216-00111083-00112079 This is how they broke down, for all ecosystems put together, the major categories of references AQ_hpEpIe3u-00217-00112079-00112835 that we found in the literature, to threats to these ecosystems included: land use change, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00218-00112835-00113591 hydrological alteration, invasive species, resource extraction, woody encroachment from AQ_hpEpIe3u-00219-00113591-00114208 disturbance suppression, and then pollution and physical destruction from recreation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00220-00114208-00114707 You'll see that climate change accounted for four percent of the references we found. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00221-00114707-00115318 I'll come back to that figure in a bit, but I wanted to show you the breakdown by ecosystem AQ_hpEpIe3u-00222-00115318-00115418 category. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00223-00115418-00116143 Here we have rock outcrop ecosystems and we see that the main threat references with the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00224-00116143-00116827 literature include recreation, invasive species, development, quarrying, and pollution. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00225-00116827-00118250 For wetland systems, direct and indirect hydrologic alteration, was the major recognized threat AQ_hpEpIe3u-00226-00118250-00118744 within the literature, as well as agriculture, logging, and development. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00227-00118744-00119384 For grassland and woodland systems, overwhelmingly, we saw woody encroachment from disturbance AQ_hpEpIe3u-00228-00119384-00120158 depression as the most often sited threat to these systems, followed by invasive species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00229-00120158-00120934 For river scour systems, hydrologic alteration followed by woody encroachment from disturbance AQ_hpEpIe3u-00230-00120934-00121675 depression, invasive species, development and pollution, were the most often sited threats AQ_hpEpIe3u-00231-00121675-00121917 within the literature. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00232-00121917-00122523 That gets us back to this question of, "What about references to climate change?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00233-00122523-00123191 Of all of these threat references that we compiled, which is about 450, only four percent AQ_hpEpIe3u-00234-00123191-00123558 of those were references to climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00235-00123558-00124065 Some of these papers were published before the era in which climate change was recognized AQ_hpEpIe3u-00236-00124065-00124783 as a scientific consensus, so we tried limiting our analysis only to papers published after AQ_hpEpIe3u-00237-00124783-00124992 1995. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00238-00124992-00125483 That got it down to about 300 papers, and still climate change accounted for only six AQ_hpEpIe3u-00239-00125483-00125990 percent of the threat references that we could find. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00240-00125990-00126673 Furthermore, of those 17 references to climate change, little more than a third of them presented AQ_hpEpIe3u-00241-00126673-00126971 no new empirical research. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00242-00126971-00127669 These were references that were only in passing, so the authors might have said, "The threats AQ_hpEpIe3u-00243-00127669-00128481 to this ecosystem are X, Y, Z, and climate change," and maybe said nothing else about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00244-00128481-00128581 it. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00245-00128581-00129203 That leaves us with this question, "What accounts for the absence, within the literature, on AQ_hpEpIe3u-00246-00129203-00129953 these insular ecosystems, the absence to references to climate change as a potential threat?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00247-00129953-00130555 Is that because climate change is really only a minor threat to these insular systems? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00248-00130555-00130935 Or is it possible that it's a major threat, but a hidden one? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00249-00130935-00131669 We could have a conversation about what might be the reason why climate change might be AQ_hpEpIe3u-00250-00131669-00132555 a hidden threat, in terms of the difficulty of conclusively demonstrating a causal link AQ_hpEpIe3u-00251-00132555-00133252 between climate change and ecosystem degradation, especially when it might be mediated through AQ_hpEpIe3u-00252-00133252-00133825 other, more obvious threats, such as invasive species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00253-00133825-00134119 That is an open question. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00254-00134119-00135020 To get to that question, by zooming out a little bit, I'm going to attempt a very brief AQ_hpEpIe3u-00255-00135020-00135532 review of what we know about the ecological effects of climate change at a global level. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00256-00135532-00136051 Not just in the Southeast U.S., but really at a global level. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00257-00136051-00136595 I know that I am speaking to an audience of climate change scientists, so I will be very AQ_hpEpIe3u-00258-00136595-00136977 brief, and not go into much detail. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00259-00136977-00137381 What do we know at a global level about the ecological effects of climate change? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00260-00137381-00137853 We know that there are phenological changes happening, globally. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00261-00137853-00138683 In fact, just a few weeks ago, Jake Weltzin presented with the National Phenology Network, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00262-00138683-00139528 if we look at metaanalyses of spring phenophases, we see that between two to four days earlier, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00263-00139528-00140394 per decade, has been documented in a number of different studies of metaanalyses of phenological AQ_hpEpIe3u-00264-00140394-00140514 change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00265-00140514-00141166 We know that this can lead to phenological asynchrony in which species respond to different AQ_hpEpIe3u-00266-00141166-00141622 seasonal cues, or respond differently to the same cue. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00267-00141622-00142427 Ecological consequences of that can include the weakening of interspecific interactions, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00268-00142427-00142627 for example, predation, or pollination. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00269-00142627-00143563 In some cases, there have been observed population decline and even localized extinction attributed AQ_hpEpIe3u-00270-00143563-00143876 to phenological asynchrony. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00271-00143876-00144602 We also know that range shifting has been documented in most major biomes on earth. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00272-00144602-00145202 That is range shifting toward the poles or to higher elevations. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00273-00145202-00145767 One metaanalysis of poleward migration put it at about six kilometers per decade. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00274-00145767-00146358 We know that as these species shift, they don't necessarily all shift at the same rate, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00275-00146358-00147330 and those differential rates of range shifting can cause novel species assemblages to arise. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00276-00147330-00148253 In terms of range shifting, when this has been modeled, in terms of climate change modeling, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00277-00148253-00148756 and ecological effects, migration ability has been an important determinant of projected AQ_hpEpIe3u-00278-00148756-00148946 extinction rate. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00279-00148946-00149642 Importantly, in the context of insular systems, those topographic limits on range shifting AQ_hpEpIe3u-00280-00149642-00150069 can lead to range contractions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00281-00150069-00150879 A wellrecognized phenomenon is that of contracting mountain island, where there's really a topographic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00282-00150879-00151486 limit that prevents range shifting. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00283-00151486-00152045 We think that this may be applicable, not just to high elevation systems, but to a number AQ_hpEpIe3u-00284-00152045-00152942 of the geomorphically or topographically constrained insular ecosystems that we examined. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00285-00152942-00153537 The bottom line for insular systems, in terms of ecological effects from climate change, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00286-00153537-00154284 as far as we can tell, is that the simple climate envelope model of species migration AQ_hpEpIe3u-00287-00154284-00154384 are probably insufficient. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00288-00154384-00155538 Those are the models in which species simply migrate forward or up slope to track the changing AQ_hpEpIe3u-00289-00155538-00155748 temperature and precipitation patterns. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00290-00155748-00156476 Those sorts of simplistic models are probably insufficient for insular ecosystems, in particular, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00291-00156476-00157009 because geomorphic and topographic limitations are present for that range shifting. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00292-00157009-00157806 There is a real need for us to examine the stress and disturbance regimes that govern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00293-00157806-00158065 these insular ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00294-00158065-00158270 What do I mean by that? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00295-00158270-00159264 We have conceptualized these insular ecosystems as islands of elevated stress, and we categorized AQ_hpEpIe3u-00296-00159264-00159498 five different stress regime categories. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00297-00159498-00160195 This shows you some of the stress regime components and then some example ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00298-00160195-00161153 Edaphic climax stress regimes include thin soil, exposed bedrock, high solar irradiation, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00299-00161153-00161583 seasonally high soil surface temperatures, so we're just typically talking about rock AQ_hpEpIe3u-00300-00161583-00161788 outcrop systems there. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00301-00161788-00162556 Topography and elevation can be a component for high elevation systems, a steep slope, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00302-00162556-00162803 or the importance of aspect. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00303-00162803-00163528 Geochemistry can be a stress regime type, where you see low levels of certain nutrients, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00304-00163528-00164275 either low or high pH, and in some cases, toxicity of certain plant species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00305-00164275-00164809 Hydrology as a stress regime category can include widely fluctuating water availability AQ_hpEpIe3u-00306-00164809-00165171 or inundation, and highly variable hydroperiods. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00307-00165171-00166213 That's the case for some of these geographically isolated wetlands, and for microhabitats within AQ_hpEpIe3u-00308-00166213-00166357 some rock outcrop systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00309-00166357-00166790 Then, finally, disturbance has to do with episodic and physically destructive events, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00310-00166790-00167392 so in grassland and woodland systems that may be fire or grazing. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00311-00167392-00168134 In the context of river scour system, we're talking about periodic flood scouring. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00312-00168134-00169015 We developed this conceptual model of stress regime alteration, to try to get at putting AQ_hpEpIe3u-00313-00169015-00169647 forward some hypotheses for ecological consequences of climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00314-00169647-00170510 What we see here on the xaxis, is a tradeoff between competition, on the one hand. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00315-00170510-00171214 So that could be biotic, biological stress, and abiotic, or physical stress, on the other AQ_hpEpIe3u-00316-00171214-00171337 hand. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00317-00171337-00171816 Then on the vertical axis, we have habitat suitability. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00318-00171816-00172597 We can see that for mesic species that might be inhabiting the ecosystem surrounding these AQ_hpEpIe3u-00319-00172597-00173304 insular systems, their habitat suitability is really highest for low levels of abiotic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00320-00173304-00173725 stress, in which they are able to successfully out compete. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00321-00173725-00174595 Whereas, for stress for disturbance adapted endemic species that are often contributing AQ_hpEpIe3u-00322-00174595-00175329 to the biodiversity from these insular systems, their habitat suitability is greater at higher AQ_hpEpIe3u-00323-00175329-00175445 levels of abiotic stress. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00324-00175445-00176102 They tend to be stress adapted, but relatively poor competitors. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00325-00176102-00176983 The important thing to notice here is that if you move too far in either direction along AQ_hpEpIe3u-00326-00176983-00177767 the xaxis, you can see that we could predict that there would be ecological effect. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00327-00177767-00178666 If you move to the left, toward greater competition, this could be a case where stress adapted AQ_hpEpIe3u-00328-00178666-00179407 endemic species get replaced, or invaded upon by mesic species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00329-00179407-00179772 That would be a case of stress regime relaxation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00330-00179772-00180330 Whereas, if you move too far to the right, we'd be talking about stress regime intensification, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00331-00180330-00181246 which might overwhelm even the stressadapted adaptation of the endemic species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00332-00181246-00181406 That's our conceptual model. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00333-00181406-00182061 We used this model to generate hypotheses for the direction of stress regime alteration AQ_hpEpIe3u-00334-00182061-00182635 for some of these systems, based on three possible climate change components. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00335-00182635-00183365 This included higher regional temperatures, and then both increased precipitation causing AQ_hpEpIe3u-00336-00183365-00184285 increased flooding, both that could be frequency or intensity of flooding, and/or seasonally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00337-00184285-00185102 decreased precipitation, which could increase the frequency and/or the severity of drought. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00338-00185102-00185879 For those climate change components, we were able to hypothesize the direction of stress AQ_hpEpIe3u-00339-00185879-00186549 regime alteration for these different stress regime categories like high soil surface temperatures AQ_hpEpIe3u-00340-00186549-00187287 or low temperatures, xeric soil conditions or saturated and inundated soil conditions, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00341-00187287-00187909 widely fluctuating hydrology, and then disturbance, either from fire or flood scour. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00342-00187909-00188689 Just to give you a couple examples of what that hypothesis generation process looks like. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00343-00188689-00189669 This is sort of a simple example of a stress regime at high elevation that is based on AQ_hpEpIe3u-00344-00189669-00189788 cold temperatures. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00345-00189788-00190534 If in a climate change scenario we were looking at warmer temperatures for these high elevation AQ_hpEpIe3u-00346-00190534-00191205 systems, then we would be looking at a stress regime relaxation, a shift to the left. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00347-00191205-00191868 We could see that that might increase the habitat suitability for the surrounding mesic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00348-00191868-00192828 species, and that could lead to invasion of mesic species into the habitat that had traditionally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00349-00192828-00193470 been the domain of the stress adapted endemic species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00350-00193470-00194070 Another example in the opposite direction of stress regime intensification this will AQ_hpEpIe3u-00351-00194070-00194688 lead directly into what my colleague, Bill Wolfe, will be talking about in a minute in AQ_hpEpIe3u-00352-00194688-00194820 karst depression wetlands. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00353-00194820-00195625 Here's an example if we had increased precipitation, which is increasing the frequency and severity AQ_hpEpIe3u-00354-00195625-00196337 of inundation, then this would be stress regime intensification for a system in which the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00355-00196337-00196800 abiotic stress regime included saturation and inundation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00356-00196800-00197734 Here we might see climate change pushing this system beyond a threshold in which even the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00357-00197734-00197948 stress adapted species were able to cope. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00358-00197948-00198573 This is just a couple examples of how we've been using this conceptual model to try to AQ_hpEpIe3u-00359-00198573-00199336 generate some hypotheses for how climate change might affect these insular ecosystems through AQ_hpEpIe3u-00360-00199336-00199671 the mechanism of stress regime alteration. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00361-00199671-00200231 Clearly, there is a need for empirical research. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00362-00200231-00201075 Our conceptual model can generate hypotheses for the direction, either stress regime relaxation AQ_hpEpIe3u-00363-00201075-00201716 or intensification, but it really doesn't say anything about the magnitude of that change AQ_hpEpIe3u-00364-00201716-00202018 or spatial or temporal patterns. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00365-00202018-00202811 To get at that, we really do need better empirical research on these insular ecosystems to evaluate AQ_hpEpIe3u-00366-00202811-00202955 these hypotheses. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00367-00202955-00203786 Specifically, we need empirical characterizations of the current and historical stress and disturbance AQ_hpEpIe3u-00368-00203786-00204469 regimes, so that we have a baseline, knowing what we're working with as climate variables AQ_hpEpIe3u-00369-00204469-00204575 change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00370-00204575-00205365 Then secondly we need longitudinal studies that track ecological outcomes and climate AQ_hpEpIe3u-00371-00205365-00205679 variables simultaneously. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00372-00205679-00206158 That leads into two case studies that we would like to discuss with you. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00373-00206158-00206825 The first is at Sinking Pond, which is a karst depression wetland on the highland rim of AQ_hpEpIe3u-00374-00206825-00206925 Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00375-00206925-00207405 In a minute, I'll hand this over to Bill Wolfe, who did that research. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00376-00207405-00208085 Then after he discusses that, I will talk a little bit about my work in Limestone Cedar AQ_hpEpIe3u-00377-00208085-00208564 Glades in the central basin of Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00378-00208564-00208664 Over to you, Bill. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00379-00208664-00209269 Bill Wolfe: Thank you, Jennifer. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00380-00209269-00210185 This is a study that we did with a lot of cooperation from the University of the South, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00381-00210185-00210511 John Evans down there and his students. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00382-00210511-00211133 It was funded by the Air Force about 12 years ago. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00383-00211133-00212069 The site, Sinking Pond, is about 35 hectares in area, and it's a seasonally flooded karst AQ_hpEpIe3u-00384-00212069-00212767 depression on the eastern highland rim of Tennessee on Arnold Air Force Base, about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00385-00212767-00213064 an hour southeast of Nashville on I24. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00386-00213064-00213854 It's significant, because it contains what appears to be a globally unique assemblage AQ_hpEpIe3u-00387-00213854-00214816 of overcup oak, river birch and resurrection fern, a coastal plain species that are disjunct AQ_hpEpIe3u-00388-00214816-00215433 in the highland rim of Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00389-00215433-00216480 The maximum water depth during the wet season in the pond is almost four meters. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00390-00216480-00217392 It stays wet long enough to leave a very distinctive moss line or water mark, showing the typical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00391-00217392-00217726 wet season high water elevation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00392-00217726-00218725 A striking visual feature of the pond is the absence of an understory, and the presence AQ_hpEpIe3u-00393-00218725-00219623 of mature adult trees is evidence that recruitment and regeneration of these oaks has occurred AQ_hpEpIe3u-00394-00219623-00219869 on these sites in the past. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00395-00219869-00220776 The absence of an understory now raises the question of whether there's been a major shift AQ_hpEpIe3u-00396-00220776-00221179 in regeneration and recruitment. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00397-00221179-00221840 The impression that something has changed is certainly strengthened by the spatial patterns AQ_hpEpIe3u-00398-00221840-00222277 of different life history states in the pond. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00399-00222277-00222938 In the lower right, you can see the distribution of seedlings in 2002. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00400-00222938-00223894 That year, like most years, the pond interior was basically carpeted with overcup oak seedlings. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00401-00223894-00224679 In the opposite corner, the upper left, you can see that the adult trees are concentrated AQ_hpEpIe3u-00402-00224679-00225346 in the dark blue area in the center of the plot, which corresponds to deep areas, with AQ_hpEpIe3u-00403-00225346-00225786 water depths greater than a meter. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00404-00225786-00226708 In contrast, the younger life states, the saplings and seedlings, tend to be highly AQ_hpEpIe3u-00405-00226708-00227562 concentrated on the shallow pond margins, areas with less than half a meter of flooding. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00406-00227562-00228398 The kind of change that might produce this pattern could be increased hydroperiod, that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00407-00228398-00229155 makes sites that formerly were hospitable for recruitment and regeneration of these AQ_hpEpIe3u-00408-00229155-00229436 trees now inhospitable. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00409-00229436-00230258 That was basically the hypothesis the Air Force asked us to examine. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00410-00230258-00230654 I should mention that they were not looking for a climate story at all. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00411-00230654-00231223 They were concerned that some activity on the base, some management or even the industrial AQ_hpEpIe3u-00412-00231223-00232082 activity of the engineering center might be having an effect on the ecology of this pond. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00413-00232082-00232808 We looked at several possible factors, but in the end, the one that was the strongest AQ_hpEpIe3u-00414-00232808-00233351 by far was climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00415-00233351-00234576 This is a graph illustrating a very welldocumented and widely known change in regional rainfall AQ_hpEpIe3u-00416-00234576-00234913 patterns of the eastern United States. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00417-00234913-00235663 Basically, a stepped increase in rainfall right around the year 1970. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00418-00235663-00236323 The bars on this graph represent departures from the long term mean, but the top graph AQ_hpEpIe3u-00419-00236323-00236567 is for the U.S. as a whole. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00420-00236567-00237161 The bottom graph is for the local long term weather station of Tullahoma, Tennessee, about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00421-00237161-00237881 15 miles from the study site. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00422-00237881-00238807 Looking at whether the regeneration patterns historically in that pond had a temporal pattern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00423-00238807-00239754 that corresponded with that stepped increase in rainfall, we cored almost 50 trees, about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00424-00239754-00240533 a 10 percent sample of the 2.3 hectare study plot I showed in the earlier map. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00425-00240533-00240894 Indeed, they show a pretty strong pattern. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00426-00240894-00241638 Before 1970, these oaks regenerated and recruited successfully across the depth range of the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00427-00241638-00241958 deep and intermediate sections of the pond. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00428-00241958-00242586 They survived after being germinated fairly evenly through time. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00429-00242586-00243531 After 1970, successful recruitment to adulthood for these overcup oaks was restricted to the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00430-00243531-00244202 shallow pond margins with depths of less than half a meter. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00431-00244202-00245131 To further examine whether rainfall changes really were driving these patterns, we developed AQ_hpEpIe3u-00432-00245131-00245979 a simple hydrologic model that runs from rainfall and temperature records, and that allowed AQ_hpEpIe3u-00433-00245979-00247164 us to simulate a time series of daily pond stage going back to the mid1850s. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00434-00247164-00247950 In turn, having a simulated daily hydrograph for the pond let us examine inundation events AQ_hpEpIe3u-00435-00247950-00248433 of various durations and elevation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00436-00248433-00249663 This graph shows from 1854 through 2001 the elevation of area that was ponded at least AQ_hpEpIe3u-00437-00249663-00249961 200 days in the given year. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00438-00249961-00250302 What you see is fairly striking. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00439-00250302-00251061 Before 1970, a 200day ponding event was not rare, but it was fairly sporadic. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00440-00251061-00251469 It had a probability of about 21 percent. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00441-00251469-00251790 Basically, one year out of five. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00442-00251790-00252652 After 1970, the likelihood of such events nearly triples to 56 percent. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00443-00252652-00253417 That's pretty strong evidence that the rainfall change that we've seen across the eastern AQ_hpEpIe3u-00444-00253417-00254396 U.S. has had a significant discernible effect on the ponding dynamic of Sinking Pond. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00445-00254396-00255256 When we add the tree ring age and elevation data to that graph, the pattern becomes pretty AQ_hpEpIe3u-00446-00255256-00255378 striking. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00447-00255378-00256217 We see, again, that these trees have successfully recruited to adulthood and survived across AQ_hpEpIe3u-00448-00256217-00257390 a range of elevations through time, until the constant exposure to prolonged flooding AQ_hpEpIe3u-00449-00257390-00257880 lasting more than half a year has forced them into the margin. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00450-00257880-00258776 This, I think, illustrates the kind of stress response that Jen was talking about, and really AQ_hpEpIe3u-00451-00258776-00259392 the limitations of an extremophile competitive strategy. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00452-00259392-00260121 These trees are very well adapted to harsh conditions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00453-00260121-00260800 I'm sure there are trees in here over 200 years old in a site that pretty much excluded AQ_hpEpIe3u-00454-00260800-00261079 almost all competitors. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00455-00261079-00261853 But now, because of a climate driven shift in hydroperiod, they are being driven out AQ_hpEpIe3u-00456-00261853-00262368 of this hospitable site and having to compete on the pond margins with other species. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00457-00262368-00263571 The last, I guess, two points I'd like to make about this case study, is first, that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00458-00263571-00264154 there was a 30 year lag between the imposition of the climate stress, the change of rainfall AQ_hpEpIe3u-00459-00264154-00264959 in 1970 and the accumulation of functional and structural changes that were sufficient AQ_hpEpIe3u-00460-00264959-00265272 to be visible and provoke a management response. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00461-00265272-00266292 Secondly, that there are many other ecosystems in the eastern U.S. that live on a stress AQ_hpEpIe3u-00462-00266292-00267103 margin and that are probably experiencing similar effects right now. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00463-00267103-00267237 Jen? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00464-00267237-00267639 Jennifer: Thanks, Bill. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00465-00267639-00268478 Now I will tell you a little bit about some of my field research in Limestone Cedar Glades AQ_hpEpIe3u-00466-00268478-00268821 within the central basin of middle Tennessee. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00467-00268821-00269536 This work happened at Stones River National Battlefield outside Murfreesboro, Tennessee, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00468-00269536-00269809 which is managed by the National Park Service. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00469-00269809-00270646 Limestone Cedar Glades are a type of calcareous rock outcrop system, so they have very shallow AQ_hpEpIe3u-00470-00270646-00271550 soil depth, and have zonal communities of bryophytes, moss, lichen, cyanobacteria, especially AQ_hpEpIe3u-00471-00271550-00271743 in the thinnest microhabitat. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00472-00271743-00272421 Also have zonal communities of hydrophytic vegetation in seasonally wet depressions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00473-00272421-00273181 There are 19 endemic vascular plant species in cedar glades, and at least 10 disjunct AQ_hpEpIe3u-00474-00273181-00274101 species, and 4 federally listed species, so they contribute to that clustering of plant AQ_hpEpIe3u-00475-00274101-00274606 endemism within the central basin of Tennessee that we saw earlier. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00476-00274606-00275442 The objectives of my research were first, to characterize the abiotic stress regime AQ_hpEpIe3u-00477-00275442-00275649 of these Limestone Cedar Glades based on empirical measurements. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00478-00275649-00276522 The reason that that is important is that within the existing literature on Limestone AQ_hpEpIe3u-00479-00276522-00277330 Cedar Glades, there have been a lot of qualitative discussions of the stress regime in terms AQ_hpEpIe3u-00480-00277330-00278431 of thin soils, widely fluctuating soil water content levels on a seasonal basis, and seasonally AQ_hpEpIe3u-00481-00278431-00278709 extremely high soil surface temperatures. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00482-00278709-00279542 But these components of the stress regime are often discussed qualitatively and repeated, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00483-00279542-00280414 based on references to previous publications, but rarely have they been accompanied by empirical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00484-00280414-00280841 measurements or statistical analysis. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00485-00280841-00281632 I wanted to try to do a really an empirical characterization of these components of the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00486-00281632-00282268 abiotic stress regime to get that baseline in the context of climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00487-00282268-00283029 Then, secondarily, to evaluate the stress regime and various soil physical and chemical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00488-00283029-00283517 properties as drivers of a few different ecological outcomes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00489-00283517-00284303 I was looking at soil respiration and at soil microbial community profiles. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00490-00284303-00284967 I'll try to explain in a second what I mean by "microbial community profiles." AQ_hpEpIe3u-00491-00284967-00285330 Here are just some rough correlations. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00492-00285330-00285921 For all of these, soil depths or depth to bedrock is on the horizontal axis. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00493-00285921-00286628 We can see that there are correlations with other physical and chemical soil properties, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00494-00286628-00287520 such as pH, organic matter, vegetation density and particle size distribution. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00495-00287520-00287981 We have here the silt to clay ratio. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00496-00287981-00288823 Looking at soil water content distribution seasonally, we see the preponderance of the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00497-00288823-00289519 dry and xeric soil conditions from April through September, which is the time when our region AQ_hpEpIe3u-00498-00289519-00290013 experiences reduced precipitation and increased evapotranspiration. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00499-00290013-00290926 During this time, we see an absence of the saturated soil conditions for volumetric soil AQ_hpEpIe3u-00500-00290926-00291279 water content above about 45. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00501-00291279-00291990 By contrast, in the late fall through the winter through the early spring, we see a AQ_hpEpIe3u-00502-00291990-00292913 reduction in those xeric and dry soil conditions, and we see more of the saturated and inundated AQ_hpEpIe3u-00503-00292913-00293174 soil conditions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00504-00293174-00294054 We did an analysis of canopy coverage as a factor controlling soil surface temperatures, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00505-00294054-00294748 which is important in a system that may be experiencing woody encroachment from the perimeter AQ_hpEpIe3u-00506-00294748-00295102 in terms of canopy coverage change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00507-00295102-00295846 We did that through digital photography and quantified canopy coverage into five zones. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00508-00295846-00297086 Then found that for six soil points, canopy coverage in any of those zones was significantly AQ_hpEpIe3u-00509-00297086-00297724 negatively correlated with temperature, canopy coverage cooling the soil. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00510-00297724-00298433 But those effects were lessened for medium and thin soil areas to where those effects AQ_hpEpIe3u-00511-00298433-00298816 were really only significant for canopy coverage toward the south and the west. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00512-00298816-00299440 Those are just some examples of the types of empirical observations of these stress AQ_hpEpIe3u-00513-00299440-00299668 regimes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00514-00299668-00300606 Then looking at ecological effects of these abiotic stress components, we modeled soil AQ_hpEpIe3u-00515-00300606-00301431 respiration, observed patterns based on soil temperature, of water content, organic matter AQ_hpEpIe3u-00516-00301431-00301758 content, depth to bedrock and density of vegetation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00517-00301758-00302561 All of those were variables that had explanatory power for patterns that we observed of soil AQ_hpEpIe3u-00518-00302561-00302838 respiration in cedar glades. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00519-00302838-00303678 Then, we looked at determinants of soil microbial metabolic profiles, so I can go into more AQ_hpEpIe3u-00520-00303678-00304399 depth on these methods if anyone has questions, but this is community level physiological AQ_hpEpIe3u-00521-00304399-00305184 profiling method in which the entire soil microbial community is inoculated onto specially AQ_hpEpIe3u-00522-00305184-00305988 designed plates that contain a sole carbon substrate in each of the wells. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00523-00305988-00306875 Over the course of incubation, a color change response is proportional to the community AQ_hpEpIe3u-00524-00306875-00307415 metabolism of a particular carbon substrate that's present in that well. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00525-00307415-00308196 That gives you the ability to compare across soil samples that metabolic profiles of the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00526-00308196-00308365 soil community. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00527-00308365-00309340 Then, I also did some plating, with a platedilution frequency assay to get at a most probable AQ_hpEpIe3u-00528-00309340-00309944 number of heterotrophic culturable microbes per gram of soil. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00529-00309944-00310964 Found through these microbial indicators explanatory power for depth to bedrock, so that's soil AQ_hpEpIe3u-00530-00310964-00311753 depth, soil organic matter, soil pH, water content and density of vegetation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00531-00311753-00312529 The implications from some of my work in the Cedar Glades, first that the empirical characterization AQ_hpEpIe3u-00532-00312529-00313189 of the stress regime is needed and important, as I mentioned before, to get a baseline as AQ_hpEpIe3u-00533-00313189-00313551 regional climate may change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00534-00313551-00314236 We saw that some of these abiotic stress regime components like soil water content and temperature AQ_hpEpIe3u-00535-00314236-00315074 did affect ecological outcomes such as soil respiration patterns and soil microbial ecology AQ_hpEpIe3u-00536-00315074-00315272 in Cedar Glades. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00537-00315272-00316019 To get at some conclusions for this literature review, and our work more broadly on the insular AQ_hpEpIe3u-00538-00316019-00316119 ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00539-00316119-00316904 First, as I showed you, insular systems are important to regional biodiversity by harboring AQ_hpEpIe3u-00540-00316904-00317586 rare species, endemic, disjunct, globally rare associations, and the like. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00541-00317586-00318566 Second, there are many and a diverse array of recognized threats to these ecosystems AQ_hpEpIe3u-00542-00318566-00318777 that are documented in the literature. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00543-00318777-00319519 But, at this point, climate change is still largely uninvestigated in these systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00544-00319519-00320372 We have put forward stress regime alteration as a framework in order to investigate possible AQ_hpEpIe3u-00545-00320372-00320646 climate driven ecological change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00546-00320646-00321278 We've presented to you a couple case studies to illustrate some possible approaches for AQ_hpEpIe3u-00547-00321278-00321509 that work. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00548-00321509-00322002 Here are some references, and we will now take your questions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00549-00322002-00322685 Dave: We have a question already from Steve Young that he would like to ask via the phone. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00550-00322685-00323436 Steve, if you could hit star six, and go ahead and ask your question. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00551-00323436-00323571 Steve: Can you hear me? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00552-00323571-00323671 Dave: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00553-00323671-00323771 Jennifer: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00554-00323771-00323871 Steve: OK, good. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00555-00323871-00324336 Very interesting talk, and your research is really exciting to see. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00556-00324336-00324458 I had a question. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00557-00324458-00325026 Early on, obviously, you're talking about insular systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00558-00325026-00325882 These systems that you're talking about, are they, and we had kind of a discussion here AQ_hpEpIe3u-00559-00325882-00326138 on the side in the chat box, I don't know if you're reading that. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00560-00326138-00326736 But on the whole, do they make up a greater proportion of the ecosystems in general than AQ_hpEpIe3u-00561-00326736-00327123 the normal traditional, riparian forest grasslands? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00562-00327123-00327502 Or is it somewhat of an issue of terminology? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00563-00327502-00328114 If you look across the landscape, it's easy for us to kind of generalize different systems AQ_hpEpIe3u-00564-00328114-00328269 that we work in. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00565-00328269-00328926 But I think what you're showing is that these insular systems are obviously critical, but AQ_hpEpIe3u-00566-00328926-00329574 the differences in them and the number of them actually are contributing to the traditional AQ_hpEpIe3u-00567-00329574-00329750 or general ecosystems that we work in. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00568-00329750-00329871 Is that true? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00569-00329871-00330142 Or what are your thoughts on that? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00570-00330142-00331021 Jennifer: In terms of land area and their sort of geographic scope, NatureServe has AQ_hpEpIe3u-00571-00331021-00331952 this classification of large patch and matrix ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00572-00331952-00332504 In the Eastern United States, a lot of forest ecosystems might be classified as large patch AQ_hpEpIe3u-00573-00332504-00333397 or matrix, meaning that they are continuous across hundreds or thousands of square miles, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00574-00333397-00333692 so relatively large geographic areas. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00575-00333692-00334745 The insular systems that we are looking at, individual occurrences of them are very small. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00576-00334745-00335585 We could be talking about a few acres for an individual occurrence of a particular insular AQ_hpEpIe3u-00577-00335585-00335685 system. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00578-00335685-00336296 Even when all of the occurrences are added together, typically, we're talking about much AQ_hpEpIe3u-00579-00336296-00336791 less than one percent of the land area of the regions in which they occur. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00580-00336791-00337538 These would be small patch ecosystems, according to NatureServe classification. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00581-00337538-00338443 Steve: One other question I had was you showed a figure on the stress that looked AQ_hpEpIe3u-00582-00338443-00338791 like one that you, that's your own, correct? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00583-00338791-00338905 Jennifer: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00584-00338905-00339021 Steve: OK. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00585-00339021-00339284 I might want to talk to you at some point. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00586-00339284-00339409 I see your contact information. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00587-00339409-00339867 I want to contact you and discuss that at a later date. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00588-00339867-00340120 I'll do that offline. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00589-00340120-00340583 Dave: From Sally Sims for Bill. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00590-00340583-00340996 Can you give additional examples of other ecosystems that might have been affected by AQ_hpEpIe3u-00591-00340996-00341515 climate change that you referred to in your last slide? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00592-00341515-00341626 Bill: No. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00593-00341626-00342023 I don't have any concrete examples. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00594-00342023-00342847 But this notion of insularity, back when we were doing this, we thought about sites like AQ_hpEpIe3u-00595-00342847-00343253 Sinking Pond as ecological islands. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00596-00343253-00343899 Where, like a geographic island is surrounded by water, if you lower the water enough, it AQ_hpEpIe3u-00597-00343899-00344100 stops being an island. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00598-00344100-00344503 If you raise the water enough, it stops being an island. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00599-00344503-00345459 I think wetlands, by definition, have water adopted extremophile vegetation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00600-00345459-00346692 Probably, I would look at small isolated wetlands in the Eastern US as candidates that might AQ_hpEpIe3u-00601-00346692-00347585 be worth looking at with a kind of an approach that tries to combine some sort of historical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00602-00347585-00348730 tracking, longitudinal tracking, of both plant regeneration or some similar expression of AQ_hpEpIe3u-00603-00348730-00349730 population with hydrologic reconstruction or some other reconstruction of the stress AQ_hpEpIe3u-00604-00349730-00349967 regime. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00605-00349967-00350621 It's not easy to do and we were lucky to have, like, one opportunity to do that kind of study. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00606-00350621-00351477 But I think if you look hard at isolated wetlands, there may well be something there. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00607-00351477-00351868 Dave: Thanks, Bill. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00608-00351868-00352659 Mitchell, I got a chat message to him, and he would like to contribute to the previous AQ_hpEpIe3u-00609-00352659-00352804 discussion with Steve Young. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00610-00352804-00353221 Mitchell, hit the star six and go ahead and speak. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00611-00353221-00353766 Mitchell: Hi, can you hear me? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00612-00353766-00353948 Jennifer: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00613-00353948-00354493 Dave: Yes, I can hear you. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00614-00354493-00354856 Mitchell: Hey, all right. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00615-00354856-00355184 First, just want to say, more of a comment. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00616-00355184-00355597 I went to the University of the South Sewanee and studied at Sinking Pond during the hydrology AQ_hpEpIe3u-00617-00355597-00356046 course work, so was thrilled to see that on there and John Evans' work. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00618-00356046-00356550 My question is pretty general and it's more playing towards the devil's advocate. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00619-00356550-00357313 When we present these types of examples as a representation of showing, obviously, the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00620-00357313-00358189 effects on insular ecosystems, is it a bit of a, how should I word this? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00621-00358189-00358684 A potential painting ourselves into a corner in terms of speaking to the larger public AQ_hpEpIe3u-00622-00358684-00359313 about the effects of climate change when we're talking about just an insular system being AQ_hpEpIe3u-00623-00359313-00359413 affected? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00624-00359413-00359672 If that makes sense. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00625-00359672-00360031 Bill: It does make sense. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00626-00360031-00360803 But I think what I would say is that some of these systems may be sort of alarm clocks AQ_hpEpIe3u-00627-00360803-00361061 or bellwethers. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00628-00361061-00361680 They may be some of the places where we see effects the earliest. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00629-00361680-00362950 I've been talking with botanists and biogeographers and there's a sense that this increase in AQ_hpEpIe3u-00630-00362950-00363781 rainfall in the Eastern United States right now may be having a broader effect on other, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00631-00363781-00364017 especially hardwoods. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00632-00364017-00365557 I think that these localized studies can be used as a basis for broader biogeographical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00633-00365557-00365854 analyses. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00634-00365854-00366572 But the other thing is the point that Jen made is that collectively, these things occupy AQ_hpEpIe3u-00635-00366572-00367521 very little area and they account for a very large amount of our natural heritage in the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00636-00367521-00367777 Eastern US, and especially the Southeast. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00637-00367777-00368844 I think from a conservation perspective, they form a theme that might be useful in just AQ_hpEpIe3u-00638-00368844-00368944 looking at priorities. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00639-00368944-00369506 Jennifer: Just to add to what Bill was saying, a couple of points, when you're thinking about AQ_hpEpIe3u-00640-00369506-00370210 the general public and communicating to the general public, like Bill was saying, these AQ_hpEpIe3u-00641-00370210-00370704 could be the canary in the coal mine ecosystems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00642-00370704-00371394 Because those of us living in the Southeast, the climate change affects that are happening, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00643-00371394-00372120 at the poles are well documented, but they're far away. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00644-00372120-00372925 Seeing ecological change in our own backyard so to speak, might have some potential for AQ_hpEpIe3u-00645-00372925-00373215 communicating climate change impacts to the public. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00646-00373215-00373997 The second point I wanted to make is, in terms of, maybe not the general public, but conservation AQ_hpEpIe3u-00647-00373997-00374849 professionals and managers, the implications of this really have to do with how do we protect AQ_hpEpIe3u-00648-00374849-00375609 these places that are clearly important to natural heritage, and really necessitating AQ_hpEpIe3u-00649-00375609-00376404 a rethinking of these traditional conservation paradigms that rely on static boundaries, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00650-00376404-00377563 and just protecting a confined static geographic area, by putting fence around it, and excluding AQ_hpEpIe3u-00651-00377563-00377901 say recreation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00652-00377901-00378341 It's more complicated than that, if we're going to protect these systems in the context AQ_hpEpIe3u-00653-00378341-00378448 of climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00654-00378448-00378763 Mitchell: Can you hear me? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00655-00378763-00378888 Jennifer: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00656-00378888-00379014 Bill: Yeah. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00657-00379014-00379267 Mitchell: I see both your points. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00658-00379267-00379435 I think they're spot on. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00659-00379435-00380170 I work with Audubon, managing a 3,000 acre property, called Strawberry Plains, in north AQ_hpEpIe3u-00660-00380170-00380270 Mississippi. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00661-00380270-00380986 It's one of those examples where we have a very, very rural community, kind of what Jennifer AQ_hpEpIe3u-00662-00380986-00381760 was saying, most of their understanding or information concerned with climate change, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00663-00381760-00382445 or in many of their opinions, the lack hereof, is these news blasts at the poles. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00664-00382445-00383166 The property that we manage has several vernal pools and beaver created ponds. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00665-00383166-00383793 We're at the headwaters of the Cold Water River, and I just wonder, an example like AQ_hpEpIe3u-00666-00383793-00384575 Sinking Pond, for someone like me, being a biologist, is so impactful. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00667-00384575-00385053 But I wonder, are there other examples, that you know of, within the Southeast, that are AQ_hpEpIe3u-00668-00385053-00385621 these insulated areas that have, for us, our downfall is we don't have that track record AQ_hpEpIe3u-00669-00385621-00386206 of annual or even seasonal documentation, of the changes that are happening. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00670-00386206-00386711 That's something we're hoping to begin, but are there other insulated ecosystems that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00671-00386711-00387564 are as well known, that you guys are aware of, or might be looking to investigate? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00672-00387564-00388666 Jennifer: We've certainly seen an absence within the literature of that empirical link. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00673-00388666-00389685 For some systems, the work ahead might be as simple as comparing, pulling together different AQ_hpEpIe3u-00674-00389685-00390584 strands of data from observed ecological changes over time, and linking those to historical AQ_hpEpIe3u-00675-00390584-00391007 records of temperature, precipitation. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00676-00391007-00391804 In other cases, those longterm ecological records might be harder to come by. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00677-00391804-00392733 Bill: We've been talking with Milo Pyne, and the guys at NatureServe, looking for longterm AQ_hpEpIe3u-00678-00392733-00393541 ecological monitoring records, that we might be able to link to historical climate records AQ_hpEpIe3u-00679-00393541-00393934 and look for associations. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00680-00393934-00394832 But, if we've been too subtle, so far, I think one of the main points we want to make, really, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00681-00394832-00395815 is there is a desperate need to collect some empirical data, both on ecological records, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00682-00395815-00396981 or ecological state, and stress regimes of these small systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00683-00396981-00397669 We're proposing that this concept, this stress regime concept of insularity might be a useful AQ_hpEpIe3u-00684-00397669-00397899 framework for looking at some of these systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00685-00397899-00398625 Dave: I have a question typed in from David Smith, "Did any of your research actually AQ_hpEpIe3u-00686-00398625-00399088 evaluate impacts of climate change on insular systems, or was it restricted to developing AQ_hpEpIe3u-00687-00399088-00399323 techniques for future analysis?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00688-00399323-00400219 Bill: The whole study, at Sinking Pond, that I presented, comes as close as anything AQ_hpEpIe3u-00689-00400219-00401010 that we're aware of in actually documenting an ecological effect of climate change. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00690-00401010-00401596 But the main study that Jen is reporting, is primarily a literature search. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00691-00401596-00402126 Dave: I've got a quick question here from Steve Young again, "Is this work focused on AQ_hpEpIe3u-00692-00402126-00402354 extreme climate events, too?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00693-00402354-00403410 Jennifer: By extreme climate events we might be talking about droughts or storm events, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00694-00403410-00403798 is that the nature of the question? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00695-00403798-00404619 In both of those cases, we're sort of getting at the issue of disturbance as a stress regime AQ_hpEpIe3u-00696-00404619-00405032 type or factor. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00697-00405032-00406153 If we're talking about say largescale storm events that might cause flooding, in the case AQ_hpEpIe3u-00698-00406153-00407045 of say river scour systems that are primarily disturbance maintained systems, changes in AQ_hpEpIe3u-00699-00407045-00408146 the frequency or maybe secondarily, the intensity of those events would constitute a change AQ_hpEpIe3u-00700-00408146-00408556 in the disturbance regime, which is part of the stress regime. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00701-00408556-00409402 Then if you're talking about say hydroperiod, for geographically isolated wetlands for example, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00702-00409402-00410350 then certainly changes in the magnitude, or the frequency of storm events, could have AQ_hpEpIe3u-00703-00410350-00410979 impacts on the hydroperiod which would be a form of stress regime alteration. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00704-00410979-00411455 When you look at disturbance from fire, these days, so much of that disturbance regime is AQ_hpEpIe3u-00705-00411455-00412132 managed by people, in the form of either fire suppression or controlled burns. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00706-00412132-00412771 But to the degree that that disturbance from fire was natural, then you could imagine that AQ_hpEpIe3u-00707-00412771-00413385 drought would have an effect on the disturbance regime from fire. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00708-00413385-00414285 Drought, certainly, would have an impact on stress regimes like in rock outcrop ecosystems AQ_hpEpIe3u-00709-00414285-00414680 that involve seasonally xeric soil conditions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00710-00414680-00415119 Does that get to that question? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00711-00415119-00415817 Dave: I'm waiting for a response. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00712-00415817-00415917 Jennifer: OK. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00713-00415917-00416017 Dave: Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00714-00416017-00416117 Steve says, "Yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00715-00416117-00416339 Thank you very much." AQ_hpEpIe3u-00716-00416339-00416572 Leonard was having problems with his star six. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00717-00416572-00416823 You want to try it one more time, Leonard? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00718-00416823-00417313 If not, I'll read your question. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00719-00417313-00417557 Sorry about that. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00720-00417557-00418031 From what Leonard says, he works in the Everglade Tree Islands. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00721-00418031-00418954 Small area, high biodiversity, biogeochemical hotspots, which is high phosphorus and allotropic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00722-00418954-00419325 wetland, but he didn't actually do a question here. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00723-00419325-00419630 He's going to try star six again. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00724-00419630-00419896 He's finishing his question via text here. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00725-00419896-00420253 "How is this connected to the surrounding ecosystem?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00726-00420253-00421430 Bill: We didn't attempt to do much in Florida, just because there is AQ_hpEpIe3u-00727-00421430-00422047 so much there, and there's also a lot of work being done, but from the description, those AQ_hpEpIe3u-00728-00422047-00423151 would be strongly insular systems with high gradients with the surrounding landscape. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00729-00423151-00423961 Sounds like a very fascinating field area. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00730-00423961-00425188 I'm sure, we can't add much insight I think, probably to somebody who's working there. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00731-00425188-00425734 Dave: Sorry about the technical glitch there. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00732-00425734-00425946 Now, we've cycled back to Mitchell. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00733-00425946-00426265 I'm sorry I had to cut you off, Mitchell. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00734-00426265-00426584 We just had so many questions stacked up here. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00735-00426584-00427426 His last question, "Is there any funding for research and monitoring for insular ecosystems AQ_hpEpIe3u-00736-00427426-00427844 from USGS or USDA? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00737-00427844-00428553 Bill: Sporadically, yes. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00738-00428553-00429297 We got funding from the Southeast Climate Science Center to do this literature survey, AQ_hpEpIe3u-00739-00429297-00430167 but the way science funding works, a lot of times is opportunistically and incrementally. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00740-00430167-00430999 This office right now has some work with the National Park Service, looking at ecological AQ_hpEpIe3u-00741-00430999-00431482 flows on rivers that include river scour systems. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00742-00431482-00432155 We have hopes to expand the hydrologic analysis to try to quantify the flooding regime that's AQ_hpEpIe3u-00743-00432155-00433235 necessary to keep these boulder burrs and flat rock communities scoured. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00744-00433235-00434215 More broadly, no, there's no concerted program to fund this kind of work at a National scale AQ_hpEpIe3u-00745-00434215-00434431 at this time. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00746-00434431-00434880 The main thing that we hope to accomplish by this talk, would be to get the ideas out AQ_hpEpIe3u-00747-00434880-00435988 there, in the hopes that other workers might find or seek small opportunities to look at AQ_hpEpIe3u-00748-00435988-00436540 some of these systems through this particular lens or a lens similar to it. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00749-00436540-00437363 Dave: Bill, then I have a twopart question for you, from Mary Morrison. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00750-00437363-00437771 "Did your work look at the season of increased rainfall? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00751-00437771-00438488 High rainfall in winter would be a different effect than high rainfall in the spring." AQ_hpEpIe3u-00752-00438488-00439072 Bill: We were painting with a pretty broad brush. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00753-00439072-00440007 We have, like I said, daily simulated records, but really, what we were looking at was at AQ_hpEpIe3u-00754-00440007-00440982 an annual basis, what kinds of inundations durations limited the recruitment and regeneration AQ_hpEpIe3u-00755-00440982-00441151 of these oaks. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00756-00441151-00441898 Basically, to give you an idea, this pond stays wet about half the year, most years. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00757-00441898-00442269 It's called "Sinking Pond" for a reason. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00758-00442269-00442934 The water level can rise or fall two or three meters in two or three days. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00759-00442934-00443610 When it falls, it's closely connected to the ground water system. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00760-00443610-00444386 Also, Overcup Oak, they're very adapted to seasonal flooding. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00761-00444386-00445161 The oak leaves drop in the spring or in the summer and they expect to be submerged and AQ_hpEpIe3u-00762-00445161-00445892 they wait until they're exposed to air to germinate. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00763-00445892-00446613 The oak trees are basically adapted to varying seasons of flooding. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00764-00446613-00447453 Dave: Bill, before I go onto Mary's second part of her question, David Smith is asking AQ_hpEpIe3u-00765-00447453-00447809 if there's reference for your work at Sinking Pond? AQ_hpEpIe3u-00766-00447809-00448124 Bill: Yes, there is. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00767-00448124-00448701 It's a USGS scientific investigations report. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00768-00448701-00449042 It is published online. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00769-00449042-00449442 I think it's in Jen's reference list. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00770-00449442-00449870 Jennifer: Here's the cover of it. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00771-00449870-00450645 Bill: It's Water Resources Investigations Report 034217. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00772-00450645-00451513 If you search for that, you'll come to a URL that is I guess, as permanent as a URL can AQ_hpEpIe3u-00773-00451513-00451613 be. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00774-00451613-00451863 It's a home for that report. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00775-00451863-00452439 Dave: I just wanted to get that in there, and then Mary Morrison had a second part for AQ_hpEpIe3u-00776-00452439-00452539 her question. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00777-00452539-00452892 Also, "Did you look at other factors in your study, or did you focus on the hydrologic AQ_hpEpIe3u-00778-00452892-00452992 factor?" AQ_hpEpIe3u-00779-00452992-00453846 Bill: We really did focus on the hydrology, but we looked at that from a bunch of different AQ_hpEpIe3u-00780-00453846-00453946 angles. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00781-00453946-00454730 We recorded trees on the spillway, and looked for signs that the spillway had been altered. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00782-00454730-00455371 We looked at the internal drain of the pond and for any signs that it might have been AQ_hpEpIe3u-00783-00455371-00455603 filled in. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00784-00455603-00456530 We did a landuse study from air photographs going back to the 1940's and showed that the AQ_hpEpIe3u-00785-00456530-00457205 only landuse change had been an increase in forest cover in the ponds basin, which would AQ_hpEpIe3u-00786-00457205-00457596 have probably had a tendency to dry it out. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00787-00457596-00458326 There was a deer exclusion study that was going on at the same time, because the deer AQ_hpEpIe3u-00788-00458326-00458914 population on the Arnold Air Force base natural area had expanded. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00789-00458914-00459738 We were able to convince ourselves that seedlings inside the deer exclusion plot had no better AQ_hpEpIe3u-00790-00459738-00460177 chance of living than outside. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00791-00460177-00461113 Other than that, that's about the range of hypotheses that we examined. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00792-00461113-00461965 Dave: I have no other questions stacked up, so here's your last chance for anyone AQ_hpEpIe3u-00793-00461965-00462328 to ask any questions, or otherwise we'll wrap up. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00794-00462328-00462632 We'll give you a few more seconds to chat. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00795-00462632-00462765 Emily: This is Emily. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00796-00462765-00463261 I just want to say, thanks so much everybody for the presentation, and the great questions. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00797-00463261-00463432 We really appreciate it. AQ_hpEpIe3u-00798-00463432-00463626 Jennifer: Thank you. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00000-00000041-00000141 Hello Psych2goers. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00001-00000141-00000286 Welcome to our channel. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00002-00000286-00000750 Before we begin, we want to remind you that this video’s primary intention is to provide ARDBFI7FoaQ-00003-00000750-00001233 spiritual and light-hearted content and isn’t based on scientific research. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00004-00001233-00001520 Now to the video! ARDBFI7FoaQ-00005-00001520-00002105 You feel your call in life… an innate feeling deep inside you. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00006-00002105-00002631 You find the light in a faraway beacon, and turn it towards others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00007-00002631-00002865 You’re a lightworker. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00008-00002865-00003086 Or so you think you are. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00009-00003086-00003367 You need to know what exactly that is first. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00010-00003367-00003811 A lightworker is someone who possesses a strong urge to help others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00011-00003811-00003992 Their Earth’s angels, humanity’s heroes. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00012-00003992-00004542 But they don’t do it for credit, they just naturally have it in them to be compassionate ARDBFI7FoaQ-00013-00004542-00004689 and sensitive to others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00014-00004689-00005351 Whether it’s rescuing animals, comforting others, or becoming a nurse or counselor, ARDBFI7FoaQ-00015-00005351-00005471 lightworkers love helping others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00016-00005471-00005812 So, have a feeling you might be one? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00017-00005812-00006196 Here are ten signs you are indeed a lightworker. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00018-00006196-00006555 ONE: You Feel ‘Different’ From Others ARDBFI7FoaQ-00019-00006555-00007003 Do you sometimes feel as if you don’t fit in? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00020-00007003-00007372 Often lightworkers are the odd kid out growing up. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00021-00007372-00007842 They have a hard time finding friends or their ‘tribe’ when they’re older. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00022-00007842-00008328 They connect with others on an empathetic level, but growing up they simply couldn’t ARDBFI7FoaQ-00023-00008328-00008610 help but feel different from their family or peers. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00024-00008610-00009141 TWO: You’ve Suffered From Mental Illness, But Have Learned to Grow from It ARDBFI7FoaQ-00025-00009141-00009463 Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00026-00009463-00009755 Many lightworkers have suffered from mental illnesses. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00027-00009755-00010351 After a long time of pain and emotional trauma, they flip the card and use their pain to help ARDBFI7FoaQ-00028-00010351-00010609 others going through something similar. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00029-00010609-00011168 Although it may be extremely difficult at times, those who grow into lightworkers continue ARDBFI7FoaQ-00030-00011168-00011573 to attempt to make the best out of their worst situations. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00031-00011573-00011986 Learning from their pain, in an effort to help themself and others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00032-00011986-00012306 THREE: You’re an Old Soul ARDBFI7FoaQ-00033-00012306-00012695 Do you often find yourself having a difficult time discussing interests with your peers? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00034-00012695-00013088 Or maybe you just enjoy talking with mature individuals. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00035-00013088-00013394 You may have even been called an ‘old soul’. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00036-00013394-00013571 Lightworkers are wise beyond their years. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00037-00013571-00014088 They are “tuned in” to a more mature level that implies they’ve had many experiences ARDBFI7FoaQ-00038-00014088-00014235 in life. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00039-00014235-00014718 FOUR: You Are Philosophical & Question Your Purpose in Life ARDBFI7FoaQ-00040-00014718-00015099 Do you often find yourself questioning the meaning of it all? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00041-00015099-00015208 Why are we here? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00042-00015208-00015445 How did we get here? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00043-00015445-00015656 Lightworkers are philosophical by nature. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00044-00015656-00016119 They often seem to have wisdom about life, while questioning it, and pondering it. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00045-00016119-00016219 And? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00046-00016219-00016426 They’re extremely intuitive. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00047-00016426-00016640 FIVE: You’re Creative ARDBFI7FoaQ-00048-00016640-00016922 Do you consider yourself creative? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00049-00016922-00017349 Do you use art as a method of emotional healing? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00050-00017349-00017570 Lightworkers are often on the creative side. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00051-00017570-00018071 They often take up hobbies such as music, writing, or art and use them in their healing ARDBFI7FoaQ-00052-00018071-00018187 process. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00053-00018187-00018480 Not a bad idea Lightworkers, not a bad idea. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00054-00018480-00018781 SIX: You’re an Empath ARDBFI7FoaQ-00055-00018781-00019046 Do you often pick up energy from others? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00056-00019046-00019525 When you talk with someone, you often ‘hone in’ on what they’re feeling. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00057-00019525-00019974 And in turn, you may mistake these as your feelings. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00058-00019974-00020183 Lightworkers are often empaths. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00059-00020183-00020530 When someone else is happy, they may feel joy as well. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00060-00020530-00020861 On the other hand, if someone’s venting their troubles to them, a lightworker may ARDBFI7FoaQ-00061-00020861-00021181 feel emotionally drained and need a long break. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00062-00021181-00021771 Basically, they’re great energy readers and easily pick up people’s energy. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00063-00021771-00022061 SEVEN: You Feel the Urge to Help Others ARDBFI7FoaQ-00064-00022061-00022341 Do you often put others before yourself? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00065-00022341-00022708 Do you love caring for others? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00066-00022708-00022979 Lightworkers feel a calling to help those in distress. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00067-00022979-00023494 They show compassion and almost feel a sense of duty to give back to their community and ARDBFI7FoaQ-00068-00023494-00023876 make a difference even if just to one person. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00069-00023876-00024160 Sometimes they put other’s needs before their own because of this. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00070-00024160-00024661 But, a lightworker must find balance and remember to take care of themselves as well. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00071-00024661-00025101 EIGHT: You’re a Bit of a Loner ARDBFI7FoaQ-00072-00025101-00025549 You may be empathetic and connect with others, but this comes at a cost. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00073-00025549-00026007 Because lightworkers are sensitive to other’s energy, they often enjoy being alone to recharge ARDBFI7FoaQ-00074-00026007-00026187 when they aren’t helping others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00075-00026187-00026641 Some can only take connecting with someone’s energy in small quantities at a time. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00076-00026641-00026907 NINE: You’re Spiritual ARDBFI7FoaQ-00077-00026907-00027201 Do you consider yourself on the spiritual side? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00078-00027201-00027641 While some lightworkers still learn from other masters and lessons far and wide. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00079-00027641-00028177 They are often drawn to finding the power and unlimited potential within themselves. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00080-00028177-00028644 Often focused on growing from within, at one point or another, lightworkers find themselves ARDBFI7FoaQ-00081-00028644-00028900 in a sort of spiritual awakening. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00082-00028900-00029438 TEN: You Are Highly Intuitive & Search For Your Purpose ARDBFI7FoaQ-00083-00029438-00029827 Do you have an intuition that you're here for a strong purpose? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00084-00029827-00030258 You may not know what it is, but you are on the search for it. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00085-00030258-00030713 Lightworkers often find their purpose in helping others and awakening themselves. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00086-00030713-00031002 They seek to transform their lives as well as others. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00087-00031002-00031160 They just can’t help it. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00088-00031160-00031433 It’s a strong urge within them. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00089-00031433-00032027 One to nurture humanity and take another step down the path to helping others see that within ARDBFI7FoaQ-00090-00032027-00032262 themselves, there is light. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00091-00032262-00032458 Did you relate to any of these signs? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00092-00032458-00032752 Can you proudly call yourself a lightworker? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00093-00032752-00032879 Comment down below. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00094-00032879-00033083 Have you found the light within you? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00095-00033083-00033285 Who will you help find theirs? ARDBFI7FoaQ-00096-00033285-00033673 Take a look at the comments down below and connect with others who could use your help. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00097-00033673-00034015 If you enjoyed this video, make sure to like and subscribe to Psych2Go for more psychology ARDBFI7FoaQ-00098-00034015-00034115 content and advice. ARDBFI7FoaQ-00099-00034115-00034215 As always, we appreciate you watching! ARDBFI7FoaQ-00100-00034215-00034315 Thanks for watching! ARDBFI7FoaQ-00101-00034315-00034315 Video by Psych2go. AW4U3oiFhL4-00000-00000036-00000414 Have you ever wondered why some drugs are illegal and others are not? AW4U3oiFhL4-00001-00000414-00000712 Because illegal drugs are more dangerous - you may think. AW4U3oiFhL4-00002-00000712-00001112 But you are wrong! It is important to understand that the legal status AW4U3oiFhL4-00003-00001112-00001416 of a drug has nothing to do with the risks it carries. AW4U3oiFhL4-00004-00001416-00002300 WHY ARE SOME DRUGS ILLEGAL? - Drugreporter Just Say Know Series AW4U3oiFhL4-00005-00002300-00002684 Although mind altering drugs are as old as human civilization AW4U3oiFhL4-00006-00002684-00002996 and they are known in virtually all cultures of the world, AW4U3oiFhL4-00007-00002996-00003220 the attitudes to drugs and their users AW4U3oiFhL4-00008-00003220-00003415 have been changing throughout history. AW4U3oiFhL4-00009-00003415-00003732 Only a few people know that when coffee arrived to Europe, AW4U3oiFhL4-00010-00003732-00003976 it was banned by many European countries. AW4U3oiFhL4-00011-00003976-00004480 For example in 1623 Murad IV. the ruler of the Ottoman Empire AW4U3oiFhL4-00012-00004480-00004892 banned coffee drinking and established a system to punish it's users. AW4U3oiFhL4-00013-00005067-00005636 Gustav III. the King of Sweden also banned the drinking of coffee and tea, AW4U3oiFhL4-00014-00005636-00006040 because of excesses and misuse of drinking of coffee and tea. AW4U3oiFhL4-00015-00006040-00006492 When tobacco, a plant native in America, arrived in Europe in the 16th century, AW4U3oiFhL4-00016-00006492-00006744 it was also banned in most European countries. AW4U3oiFhL4-00017-00006744-00007040 Pipe smoking was not only punishable by death, AW4U3oiFhL4-00018-00007040-00007384 but it was declared an evil custom by the pope himself. AW4U3oiFhL4-00019-00007575-00008020 After a brief period of prohibition, tobacco was completely liberalised. AW4U3oiFhL4-00020-00008020-00008432 It even reached a point in the mid 20th century, that tobacco products were AW4U3oiFhL4-00021-00008432-00008676 advertised with the picture of babies, AW4U3oiFhL4-00022-00008676-00009000 and with doctors who were telling you how good is it for your health. AW4U3oiFhL4-00023-00009000-00009260 It took another half century to convince people AW4U3oiFhL4-00024-00009260-00009532 that tobacco is actually harmful for your health. AW4U3oiFhL4-00025-00009532-00009920 and now governments increasingly control it's use and distribution. AW4U3oiFhL4-00026-00009920-00010228 Sign: Lips that touch liquor, shall not touch ours" AW4U3oiFhL4-00027-00010228-00010560 Alcohol, one of the most popular drug in the Western world, AW4U3oiFhL4-00028-00010560-00010968 was brought under federal prohibition in the United States in 1919 AW4U3oiFhL4-00029-00010968-00011360 When president Roosevelt deided to legalise it in 1933, AW4U3oiFhL4-00030-00011360-00011692 it was not because he realised alcohol is not a dangerous substance, AW4U3oiFhL4-00031-00011692-00011996 because prohibition created a huge black market AW4U3oiFhL4-00032-00011996-00012280 feeding violent criminals such as Al Capone. AW4U3oiFhL4-00033-00012342-00012636 Not so long time ago, in the early 20th century, AW4U3oiFhL4-00034-00012636-00013028 currently illegal drugs, such as opium and cannabis were legal. AW4U3oiFhL4-00035-00013028-00013316 You could walk into a drug store and buy them. AW4U3oiFhL4-00036-00013316-00013868 Soft drinks such as Coca-Cola and Vin Mariani contained cocaine. AW4U3oiFhL4-00037-00013868-00014260 But by the second half of the 20th century most countries outlawed AW4U3oiFhL4-00038-00014260-00014624 the non-medical and non -scientific use of most mind-altering substances. AW4U3oiFhL4-00039-00014624-00015019 Why some drugs became illegal, was not because of science. AW4U3oiFhL4-00040-00015019-00015308 It was more because of racial prejudices. AW4U3oiFhL4-00041-00015308-00015672 For example the first opium ban in San Francisco AW4U3oiFhL4-00042-00015672-00016019 was introduced because of the fear of chinese migrant workers. AW4U3oiFhL4-00043-00016019-00016376 The first cannabis ban because of the fear of mexican migrant workers, AW4U3oiFhL4-00044-00016376-00016696 and the first cocaine ban because of the myth of black people AW4U3oiFhL4-00045-00016696-00016996 raping white women under the influence of cocaine. AW4U3oiFhL4-00046-00017025-00017460 The United States of America played an important role in exporting prohibition AW4U3oiFhL4-00047-00017460-00017760 and framing the international drug control system, AW4U3oiFhL4-00048-00017760-00018104 marked by three United Nations drug conventions, AW4U3oiFhL4-00049-00018104-00018596 that made the non-scientific and non-medical use of certain drugs illegal. AW4U3oiFhL4-00050-00018745-00019256 Those drugs that were used by Europens such as alcohol and tobacco remained legal, AW4U3oiFhL4-00051-00019256-00019644 While drugs used by non-european cultures such as coca leaf, AW4U3oiFhL4-00052-00019644-00019964 Were declared illegal and to be eradicated. AW4U3oiFhL4-00053-00019964-00020280 But drug prohibition is not a successful system. AW4U3oiFhL4-00054-00020280-00020616 Watch the next episode of the Just Say Know series and you will learn why! AW4U3oiFhL4-00055-00020616-00021096 Follow us in Twitter and Facebook and share this video with your friends! AWmyf7xbUio-00000-00000581-00001103 TWO SAILORS WHO DIED IN THE JANUARY 8TH HELICOPTER CRASH OFF THE VIRGINIA COAST HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED. AWmyf7xbUio-00001-00001103-00001602 LIEUTENANT J. WESLEY VAN DORN AND NAVAL AIRCREWMAN 3RD CLASS BRIAN ANDREW COLLINS DIED OF THEIR AWmyf7xbUio-00002-00001602-00001716 INJURIES. AWmyf7xbUio-00003-00001716-00002121 THE HELICOPTER'S PILOT, LIEUTENANT SEAN CHRISTOPHER SNYDER IS STILL MISSING. AWmyf7xbUio-00004-00002121-00002550 ONE SURVIVING CREW MEMBER WAS RELEASED FROM A NORFOLK HOSPITAL JANUARY 8TH AND ONE REMAINS AWmyf7xbUio-00005-00002550-00002694 HOSPITALIZED. AWmyf7xbUio-00006-00002694-00003245 FIVE CREW MEMBERS FROM HELICOPTER MINE COUNTERMEASURES SQUADRON 14 WERE ON BOARD THE MH-53E WHEN AWmyf7xbUio-00007-00003245-00003345 IT CRASHED. AWmyf7xbUio-00008-00003345-00003817 DIVERS, SHIPS AND HELICOPTERS CONTINUE TO CONDUCT SEARCH OPERATIONS FOR THE MISSING AWmyf7xbUio-00009-00003817-00003927 SAILOR. AWmyf7xbUio-00010-00003927-00004204 THE COAST GUARD CUTTER SHEARWATER IS STILL ON LOCATION. AWmyf7xbUio-00011-00004204-00004415 THE CAUSE OF THE CRASH IS UNDER INVESTIGATION. AWmyf7xbUio-00012-00004415-00004883 WE WILL CONTINUE TO BRING YOU UPDATES AT NAVY.MIL AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE. AWmyf7xbUio-00013-00004883-00005229 OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF THOSE SAILORS WHO LOST THEIR AWmyf7xbUio-00014-00005229-00005329 LIVES. AWmyf7xbUio-00015-00005329-00005585 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER TYRELL MORRIS. AYnLcHUp_S8-00000-00000000-00000264 he met demir shoots a new romantic series AYnLcHUp_S8-00001-00001056-00001576 demet has announced a new romantic series in turkey and we know it's cast but will there AYnLcHUp_S8-00002-00001576-00002176 be kanyaman the news that is sweeping all over the planet is the new series produced by disney AYnLcHUp_S8-00003-00002176-00002936 plus and starring kenyaman's ex the beautiful demet's demir at a press conference held this week AYnLcHUp_S8-00004-00002936-00003408 disney plus turkey announced its programming for the coming months and we have come across AYnLcHUp_S8-00005-00003408-00004104 a very pleasant surprise demet's demir will be the absolute protagonist of a new romantic AYnLcHUp_S8-00006-00004104-00004808 series called denyla bena miranda something like between the world and me in spanish the series AYnLcHUp_S8-00007-00004808-00005416 is based on a best seller of the same name we have searched and searched among the rest of the actors AYnLcHUp_S8-00008-00005416-00005992 in the series but it seems that kanyaman is not among them a shame since we would love to see AYnLcHUp_S8-00009-00005992-00006568 again this couple who had such good chemistry and dreaming bird and who made us dream so much later AYnLcHUp_S8-00010-00006568-00007208 of their romance off the screen while demet is participating in the press conference to announce AYnLcHUp_S8-00011-00007208-00007864 new disney plus products in turkey kanyaman has just landed at the filming italy sardegna festival AYnLcHUp_S8-00012-00007864-00008312 to present his new book and the solidarity projects he will undertake next year AYnLcHUp_S8-00013-00008472-00009144 what a pity this time it has not been possible to be a new series of demet's demir with can yamin AYnLcHUp_S8-00014-00009144-00009672 but hope is the last thing that is lost according to the source we got that they AYnLcHUp_S8-00015-00009672-00010200 will have a new soap opera very soon for now they do not let the public know many AYnLcHUp_S8-00016-00010200-00010752 are waiting for their future compound one of the paparazzi it is a love and comedy story AYnLcHUp_S8-00017-00010816-00011352 i'm sure the fans and followers are waiting for their compound so far they have not released any AYnLcHUp_S8-00018-00011352-00012784 news i'm sure their compound will be successful again not only in turkey but all over the world AYnLcHUp_S8-00019-00013272-00013280 you AZGldVCSt50-00000-00000744-00001112 Oh hi. I'm Todd Quinn. I'm a librarian here AZGldVCSt50-00001-00001112-00001448 at the University of New Mexico, and today we're going to talk about AZGldVCSt50-00002-00001448-00001872 bibliographic managers and what they do. So say you have, you AZGldVCSt50-00003-00001872-00002232 know, a group of books that you've read you put the notes down. AZGldVCSt50-00004-00002232-00002664 Maybe you have, you know, say 10 articles AZGldVCSt50-00005-00002784-00003184 and maybe two reports AZGldVCSt50-00006-00003264-00003623 and you're going to put all this into a paper that you're writing. AZGldVCSt50-00007-00003623-00003992 But now you have the ten articles in one folder, the reports are in another, AZGldVCSt50-00008-00003992-00004328 you got these books, you have notes on paper. AZGldVCSt50-00009-00004328-00004728 It's all over the place so what do you do? AZGldVCSt50-00010-00004912-00005223 So you use a bibliographic manager. AZGldVCSt50-00011-00005223-00005616 What does that do? It's a piece of software, most of them are free, AZGldVCSt50-00012-00005616-00006128 and while you're looking for literature it allows you to AZGldVCSt50-00013-00006128-00006920 collect content, so articles, reports, etc. it automatically collects metadata AZGldVCSt50-00014-00006920-00007223 for most of the content. And what i mean by metadata. AZGldVCSt50-00015-00007223-00007647 That's the author, the title, the abstract, etc AZGldVCSt50-00016-00007647-00008072 It allows you to organize all that content AZGldVCSt50-00017-00008072-00008543 into various folders so you could have five folders for all your content; one AZGldVCSt50-00018-00008543-00008943 for each report or one for each article you're writing AZGldVCSt50-00019-00008943-00009568 etc. And what's really nice, for each item that you have, that you've collected, AZGldVCSt50-00020-00009568-00010056 you can add your notes. So AZGldVCSt50-00021-00010056-00010407 in one location you can have the metadata, AZGldVCSt50-00022-00010407-00010824 for each item, you can have the pdf connected to it, AZGldVCSt50-00023-00010824-00011256 you have your notes also there, and then what you get to do AZGldVCSt50-00024-00011256-00011856 is incorporate it into your writing. So say you're writing your paper AZGldVCSt50-00025-00011928-00012264 and you want to add an in-text citation. You take AZGldVCSt50-00026-00012264-00012696 all this information, with your manager open, you incorporate it. AZGldVCSt50-00027-00012696-00013023 So maybe you grab one of the notes that you had, you paste it in there, AZGldVCSt50-00028-00013023-00013456 you clean the language a little bit, and then you want to cite it in text. AZGldVCSt50-00029-00013456-00013816 You call it up put it in and it will do the citation for you AZGldVCSt50-00030-00013816-00014200 in the style of your choosing. You can do this over and over again. AZGldVCSt50-00031-00014200-00014904 And at the very end, you can create your bibliography. So then it has all that AZGldVCSt50-00032-00014904-00015336 information in the style you want so in one location with a bibliographic AZGldVCSt50-00033-00015336-00015663 manager you have all your content you have all AZGldVCSt50-00034-00015663-00016104 your notes it's organized and it incorporates into AZGldVCSt50-00035-00016104-00016448 Microsoft Word and or Google Docs. Now the most AZGldVCSt50-00036-00016448-00016959 popular ones out there are Zotero AZGldVCSt50-00037-00016976-00017223 Endnote AZGldVCSt50-00038-00017359-00017912 and Mendeley. There's others but these are the three most popular ones. AZGldVCSt50-00039-00017944-00018584 Now let's go take a look at them AZGldVCSt50-00040-00018759-00018968 you Ac92ZOZADgU-00000-00000679-00001112 The University of Oklahoma libraries produced this tutorial in collaboration Ac92ZOZADgU-00001-00001112-00001416 with the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, Ac92ZOZADgU-00002-00001416-00001880 the Department of Math, and the Integrity Council. Ac92ZOZADgU-00003-00002007-00002335 This tutorial will identify academic integrity, Ac92ZOZADgU-00004-00002335-00002703 academic misconduct, and the academic integrity code. Ac92ZOZADgU-00005-00002703-00003072 It will identify the types of academic misconduct with examples Ac92ZOZADgU-00006-00003072-00003671 and describe possible penalties for violating the academic integrity code. Ac92ZOZADgU-00007-00003871-00004344 What is academic integrity? Academic integrity means honesty and Ac92ZOZADgU-00008-00004344-00004760 responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help Ac92ZOZADgU-00009-00004760-00005064 students learn. Grades exist to show how fully this goal Ac92ZOZADgU-00010-00005064-00005464 is attained. Therefore, all work and all grades should Ac92ZOZADgU-00011-00005464-00005984 result from the student's own understanding and effort. Ac92ZOZADgU-00012-00006080-00006528 What is academic misconduct? Academic misconduct is Ac92ZOZADgU-00013-00006528-00006920 any action that a student knows will lead to the improper evaluation of Ac92ZOZADgU-00014-00006920-00007295 academic work. Basically, academic misconduct misleads Ac92ZOZADgU-00015-00007295-00007600 instructors so the student receives a grade that is Ac92ZOZADgU-00016-00007600-00008000 undeserved. Academic misconduct also violates the Ac92ZOZADgU-00017-00008000-00008279 mutual trust that should exist between professor Ac92ZOZADgU-00018-00008279-00008640 and student. The student expects to be graded fairly Ac92ZOZADgU-00019-00008640-00008984 and the professor expects that the student will work honestly. Ac92ZOZADgU-00020-00008984-00009496 What is the academic integrity code? The academic integrity code upholds the Ac92ZOZADgU-00021-00009496-00009920 rules and procedures for determining what constitutes academic misconduct Ac92ZOZADgU-00022-00009920-00010328 during activities such as coursework or enrollment. The code is Ac92ZOZADgU-00023-00010328-00010679 governed by the academic integrity council. Ac92ZOZADgU-00024-00010679-00011256 How does ou support academic integrity? Since 2011, the academic integrity code Ac92ZOZADgU-00025-00011256-00011647 has given students major responsibility for the ou community's academic Ac92ZOZADgU-00026-00011647-00011984 integrity system. The responsible student organization is Ac92ZOZADgU-00027-00011984-00012336 the Integrity Council. Its official duties include chairing Ac92ZOZADgU-00028-00012336-00012696 academic misconduct hearings, conducting investigations for reported Ac92ZOZADgU-00029-00012696-00013080 acts of academic misconduct, reviewing actual academic misconduct Ac92ZOZADgU-00030-00013080-00013504 cases, and recommending sanctions, and serving as peer educators in Ac92ZOZADgU-00031-00013504-00013968 integrity training for students who have violated the academic integrity code. Ac92ZOZADgU-00032-00013968-00014368 The Office of Academic Integrity programs, or OAIP, Ac92ZOZADgU-00033-00014368-00014752 supports and advises the integrity council. The main functions of this Ac92ZOZADgU-00034-00014752-00015080 office are to promote academic integrity on-campus, Ac92ZOZADgU-00035-00015080-00015551 manage the academic misconduct system, and advise the integrity council. Ac92ZOZADgU-00036-00015551-00015928 Why does OU care about academic misconduct? Ac92ZOZADgU-00037-00015928-00016256 Since the establishment of the University in 1890, Ac92ZOZADgU-00038-00016256-00016584 OU has worked to build a reputation that students, Ac92ZOZADgU-00039-00016584-00017040 faculty, and staff, the administration, and alumni can be proud of. Ac92ZOZADgU-00040-00017040-00017368 It is the value of the OU degree that provides OU Ac92ZOZADgU-00041-00017368-00017887 students the best internships, jobs, and graduate school opportunities. Ac92ZOZADgU-00042-00017887-00018295 It takes only a minute to destroy a reputation of integrity. Ac92ZOZADgU-00043-00018295-00018712 Students must understand the importance of integrity, both personally Ac92ZOZADgU-00044-00018712-00019000 and professionally. Ac92ZOZADgU-00045-00019336-00019800 Common types of academic misconduct are: cheating and the use of unauthorized Ac92ZOZADgU-00046-00019800-00020256 materials on exams and assignments, improper collaboration, Ac92ZOZADgU-00047-00020256-00020608 submitting the same assignment for different classes, Ac92ZOZADgU-00048-00020608-00020992 the fabrication, forgery, alteration of documentation, Ac92ZOZADgU-00049-00020992-00021456 lying, etc. in order to obtain academic advantage, Ac92ZOZADgU-00050-00021456-00022000 assisting others in academic misconduct, attempting to commit academic misconduct, Ac92ZOZADgU-00051-00022000-00022464 destruction of property, hacking, etc. intimidation or interference of the Ac92ZOZADgU-00052-00022464-00022920 integrity process, and plagiarism, Ac92ZOZADgU-00053-00022944-00023248 cheating and unauthorized materials on exams Ac92ZOZADgU-00054-00023248-00023704 and assignments. Unless the professor specifies otherwise, Ac92ZOZADgU-00055-00023704-00024056 all exams and assignments are to be completed by the student Ac92ZOZADgU-00056-00024056-00024400 without inappropriate assistance of any kind. Ac92ZOZADgU-00057-00024400-00024784 This means that the work you turn in will be work you've done yourself Ac92ZOZADgU-00058-00024784-00025136 without help from other persons, books, notes, Ac92ZOZADgU-00059-00025136-00025512 cell phones, calculators with pre-programmed information, Ac92ZOZADgU-00060-00025512-00025863 or other materials or devices of any kind. Ac92ZOZADgU-00061-00025863-00026336 For example, during a math exam, approved calculators may not contain Ac92ZOZADgU-00062-00026336-00026912 pre-programmed formulas or answers, improper collaboration. Ac92ZOZADgU-00063-00026912-00027345 Many classes emphasize working with a partner or in groups. Ac92ZOZADgU-00064-00027345-00027688 Permission from the professor to work together on a homework assignment, Ac92ZOZADgU-00065-00027688-00028168 project, or paper is not permission to violate the rules of integrity by simply Ac92ZOZADgU-00066-00028168-00028591 getting the answers from someone else, or presenting another student's work as Ac92ZOZADgU-00067-00028591-00028936 your own. An example of this in a biology lab can Ac92ZOZADgU-00068-00028936-00029344 be having a friend or lab partner conduct the experiment and submitting Ac92ZOZADgU-00069-00029344-00029824 his or her data in your lab report. Or, when a tutor gives Ac92ZOZADgU-00070-00029824-00030080 you the answer without showing you how they came up Ac92ZOZADgU-00071-00030080-00030495 with the answer. Unless the professor specifies otherwise, Ac92ZOZADgU-00072-00030495-00030863 it is assumed that all work submitted for a grade will be Ac92ZOZADgU-00073-00030863-00031239 the product of the student's own understanding and be expressed in Ac92ZOZADgU-00074-00031239-00031719 the student's own words, calculations, computer code, etc. Ac92ZOZADgU-00075-00031719-00032144 When a student's work is identical or very similar to someone else's at points Ac92ZOZADgU-00076-00032144-00032368 where individual variations and expression Ac92ZOZADgU-00077-00032368-00032712 would be expected, it is reasonable for the professor to Ac92ZOZADgU-00078-00032712-00033224 conclude that academic misconduct has occurred. Ac92ZOZADgU-00079-00033656-00034047 Submitting the same assignment for different classes, Ac92ZOZADgU-00080-00034047-00034352 submitting the same assignment for a second class, Ac92ZOZADgU-00081-00034352-00034768 even if it's the same class you already taking, violates the assumption that Ac92ZOZADgU-00082-00034768-00035152 every assignment advances a student's learning and growth. Ac92ZOZADgU-00083-00035152-00035488 Unless the second instructor expressly allows it, Ac92ZOZADgU-00084-00035488-00035800 submitting an assignment already submitted for another class Ac92ZOZADgU-00085-00035800-00036152 is a form of academic misconduct. This is also known as Ac92ZOZADgU-00086-00036152-00037072 self-plagiarism or recycling work. It is considered academic misconduct to Ac92ZOZADgU-00087-00037072-00037824 fabricate, forge, alter documentation, lie, etc. in order to obtain an academic Ac92ZOZADgU-00088-00037824-00038136 advantage. For example, in a chemistry lab that Ac92ZOZADgU-00089-00038136-00038440 requires you to run an experiment more than once Ac92ZOZADgU-00090-00038440-00038872 academic misconduct occurs when you complete one run of the experiment Ac92ZOZADgU-00091-00038872-00039231 and then invent data for the others based on the first. Ac92ZOZADgU-00092-00039231-00039696 Or, if your professor requires that you attend a tutoring session for a grade Ac92ZOZADgU-00093-00039696-00040031 but you misrepresent the duration of your attendance by Ac92ZOZADgU-00094-00040031-00040447 signing in, leaving, then returning later to sign out, Ac92ZOZADgU-00095-00040447-00040872 all of these actions destroy the institutions integrity and eat away at Ac92ZOZADgU-00096-00040872-00041288 the expectation of mutual trust among all members of the Ac92ZOZADgU-00097-00041288-00041608 academic community. Ac92ZOZADgU-00098-00041863-00042424 Assisting others in academic misconduct: helping someone else cheat, for example Ac92ZOZADgU-00099-00042424-00042928 by actually doing their work for them is itself an academic integrity code Ac92ZOZADgU-00100-00042928-00043272 violation. So is providing someone with a paper, or Ac92ZOZADgU-00101-00043272-00043640 homework, or any other form of help where you know, Ac92ZOZADgU-00102-00043640-00043975 or reasonably should know, that the other student will use it to Ac92ZOZADgU-00103-00043975-00044519 cheat. Using camera phones, text messages, photocopies, notes, or other Ac92ZOZADgU-00104-00044519-00044888 means to reproduce materials used or intended for tests, Ac92ZOZADgU-00105-00044888-00045224 quizzes, or homework assignments with your classmates Ac92ZOZADgU-00106-00045224-00045640 is considered academic misconduct. Academic misconduct Ac92ZOZADgU-00107-00045640-00046031 also occurs when you sign the attendance sheet for one of your classmates who Ac92ZOZADgU-00108-00046031-00046512 decided not to attend that class session. Attempting to commit Ac92ZOZADgU-00109-00046512-00046912 academic misconduct: trying to cheat is academic misconduct Ac92ZOZADgU-00110-00046912-00047256 even if the attempt is discovered before it is completed. Ac92ZOZADgU-00111-00047256-00047616 For example, possession of unauthorized notes during a test Ac92ZOZADgU-00112-00047616-00048080 is academic misconduct even if you have not yet used the notes. Ac92ZOZADgU-00113-00048080-00048463 Asking others for help in cheating is academic misconduct, Ac92ZOZADgU-00114-00048463-00048975 even if nobody responds and no cheating ultimately occurs. Ac92ZOZADgU-00115-00048975-00049600 Destruction of property, hacking, etc.: it is considered academic misconduct to Ac92ZOZADgU-00116-00049600-00049984 steal or destroy other students work if the action will Ac92ZOZADgU-00117-00049984-00050424 foreseeably lead to an academic advantage for yourself. The same Ac92ZOZADgU-00118-00050424-00050840 is true for gaining unauthorized access to faculty offices, Ac92ZOZADgU-00119-00050840-00051184 email accounts, or course management services in order Ac92ZOZADgU-00120-00051184-00051600 to alter grades, access examinations, or otherwise gain Ac92ZOZADgU-00121-00051600-00052088 improper academic advantage. Student code violations may also apply Ac92ZOZADgU-00122-00052088-00052383 to such conduct. Ac92ZOZADgU-00123-00052424-00052848 Intimidation or interference of the integrity process: Ac92ZOZADgU-00124-00052848-00053216 interfering with the proper functioning of the academic integrity code Ac92ZOZADgU-00125-00053216-00053751 is also a violation of the code. For example, it is a violation to Ac92ZOZADgU-00126-00053751-00054127 threaten or bribe someone, to prevent that person from reporting Ac92ZOZADgU-00127-00054127-00054720 misconduct, or testifying in a hearing. It is also a violation to interfere with Ac92ZOZADgU-00128-00054720-00055224 an integrity council investigation, or lie to an investigator or other Ac92ZOZADgU-00129-00055224-00055624 official. Student code violations may also apply Ac92ZOZADgU-00130-00055624-00055983 to such conduct. Once the investigation is over Ac92ZOZADgU-00131-00055983-00056304 retaliation against someone for reporting misconduct, Ac92ZOZADgU-00132-00056304-00056632 or participating in an investigation or hearing Ac92ZOZADgU-00133-00056632-00056983 will ordinarily be addressed through the student code. Ac92ZOZADgU-00134-00056983-00057416 Plagiarism: plagiarism occurs when you use another's words, Ac92ZOZADgU-00135-00057416-00058024 ideas, materials, or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Ac92ZOZADgU-00136-00058024-00058424 OU's basic assumption is that all assignments show the student's Ac92ZOZADgU-00137-00058424-00058760 own understanding in the student's own words. Ac92ZOZADgU-00138-00058760-00059264 Students who commit plagiarism do not give credit to the original source. Ac92ZOZADgU-00139-00059264-00059695 Most academic misconduct guides focus on the plagiarism of written works Ac92ZOZADgU-00140-00059695-00060039 but you could also plagiarize computer code, Ac92ZOZADgU-00141-00060039-00060720 mathematical expressions, lab reports, etc. Plagiarism is the most common form Ac92ZOZADgU-00142-00060720-00061032 of academic misconduct at OU and is Ac92ZOZADgU-00143-00061032-00061344 explained in more detail in the academic integrity Ac92ZOZADgU-00144-00061344-00062288 avoiding plagiarism tutorial. Academic misconduct in online courses: Ac92ZOZADgU-00145-00062288-00062751 online tests, quizzes, or assignments are subject to the same standards of Ac92ZOZADgU-00146-00062751-00063191 integrity that apply in regular classroom assignments. Unless Ac92ZOZADgU-00147-00063191-00063648 specifically permitted by the instructor, it is a violation of the academic Ac92ZOZADgU-00148-00063648-00064016 integrity code to copy from others or from outside Ac92ZOZADgU-00149-00064016-00064455 sources on any online quiz, homework, or test. Ac92ZOZADgU-00150-00064455-00064776 Like we stated before, your coursework must be done Ac92ZOZADgU-00151-00064776-00065112 by yourself, in your own words, and without Ac92ZOZADgU-00152-00065112-00065600 outside assistance. When a student's work is identical or very similar to someone Ac92ZOZADgU-00153-00065600-00065936 else's at points where individual variations in expression Ac92ZOZADgU-00154-00065936-00066288 would be expected, it is reasonable for the professor to Ac92ZOZADgU-00155-00066288-00066720 conclude that academic misconduct has occurred. Ac92ZOZADgU-00156-00066720-00066992 Quiz 2: Ac92ZOZADgU-00157-00067224-00067616 How can students report academic misconduct? Ac92ZOZADgU-00158-00067616-00068256 Integrity matters to everyone, so OU's academic integrity system lets anyone, Ac92ZOZADgU-00159-00068256-00068751 not just professors, report cheating. Anyone with a concern about cheating Ac92ZOZADgU-00160-00068751-00069139 can contact the Integrity Council via its website: Ac92ZOZADgU-00161-00069139-00069704 ou.edu/integrity. Once a possible violation is discovered, Ac92ZOZADgU-00162-00069704-00070032 a report should ordinarily be filed within 15 Ac92ZOZADgU-00163-00070032-00070583 class days of discovering the academic misconduct. Ac92ZOZADgU-00164-00070656-00071063 What are the penalties for academic misconduct? Ac92ZOZADgU-00165-00071063-00071512 Penalties for academic misconduct will vary according to the severity of the Ac92ZOZADgU-00166-00071512-00071872 offense. For less serious offenses the professor Ac92ZOZADgU-00167-00071872-00072336 may give the student an admonition, or warning. In most cases, Ac92ZOZADgU-00168-00072336-00072656 this will result in a grade of zero on the assignment. Ac92ZOZADgU-00169-00072656-00073056 Admonitions do not result in institutional penalties like suspension Ac92ZOZADgU-00170-00073056-00073424 or expulsion. They are not reportable outside the university Ac92ZOZADgU-00171-00073424-00073848 as an act of misconduct. A student who receives an admonition Ac92ZOZADgU-00172-00073848-00074216 has the right to contest it in a formal hearing. Ac92ZOZADgU-00173-00074216-00074695 For more serious offenses, the professor must report a violation of the academic Ac92ZOZADgU-00174-00074695-00075032 integrity code. A student reported for violating the Ac92ZOZADgU-00175-00075032-00075463 academic integrity code has the right to a formal hearing. A Ac92ZOZADgU-00176-00075463-00075848 student reported and found responsible receives a grade penalty Ac92ZOZADgU-00177-00075848-00076248 and an institutional penalty. The grade penalty may be up to an Ac92ZOZADgU-00178-00076248-00076744 F in the course. In order of severity institutional penalties cover the Ac92ZOZADgU-00179-00076744-00077176 following range: censure, which is a formal reprimand not Ac92ZOZADgU-00180-00077176-00077624 noted on the student's transcript, completion of remedial activities such Ac92ZOZADgU-00181-00077624-00078168 as online tutorials and one credit hour courses, suspension, which is Ac92ZOZADgU-00182-00078168-00078527 the loss of student status for one or more semesters, Ac92ZOZADgU-00183-00078527-00078872 plus notation of the suspension on the transcript, Ac92ZOZADgU-00184-00078872-00079392 expulsion, the permanent loss of student status. Ac92ZOZADgU-00185-00079920-00080183 Quiz 3: Ac92ZOZADgU-00186-00080488-00080839 Thank you for completing this tutorial of academic integrity Ac92ZOZADgU-00187-00080839-00081295 in STEM courses. Please direct questions and comments regarding this tutorial to Ac92ZOZADgU-00188-00081295-00081668 OU Libraries' student success and engagement librarian,: Ac92ZOZADgU-00189-00081668-00082207 megan.bednar@ou.edu. For further information on academic integrity, Ac92ZOZADgU-00190-00082207-00082527 please contact the Office of Academic Integrity: Ac92ZOZADgU-00191-00082527-00083151 integrity@ou.edu. For STEM academic support centers, please visit Ac92ZOZADgU-00192-00083151-00083672 math center: ou.edu/cas/mathcenter. Ac92ZOZADgU-00193-00083672-00083980 College of Engineering, Williams Student Services Center: Ac92ZOZADgU-00194-00083980-00084480 ou.edu/coe/academic/studentsupport. Ac92ZOZADgU-00195-00084480-00085168 UC Action tutoring sessions: ou.edu/universitycall/about/action_tutoring Acx80KUJLo0-00000-00000064-00000576 hi guys my name is Sanjay Gupta i'm a consultant cardiologist and much as i promised that i was Acx80KUJLo0-00001-00000576-00001112 going to try and put a video out every Saturday here is my offering for today today i wanted Acx80KUJLo0-00002-00001112-00001607 to do a little video to help you understand the concept of blood pressure now blood pressure is Acx80KUJLo0-00003-00001768-00002344 pretty good one in three people have high blood pressure having high blood pressure substantially Acx80KUJLo0-00004-00002344-00003040 increases the risk of heart disease kidney disease strokes and blood pressure is an epidemic in the Acx80KUJLo0-00005-00003040-00003496 western world and it causes a great deal of anxiety amongst patients you know people are Acx80KUJLo0-00006-00003496-00004015 obsessed with the blood pressure and measuring numbers etc and very few people really understand Acx80KUJLo0-00007-00004015-00004568 the concept of blood pressure so i thought i'd go back back to basic physics and try and explain Acx80KUJLo0-00008-00004568-00005056 blood pressure in a way that you can understand all right so the first thing to understand try Acx80KUJLo0-00009-00005056-00005712 and work out is what is pressure now going back to basic physics pressure is generated by applying Acx80KUJLo0-00010-00005712-00006559 force over a certain amount of area okay so the formula for pressure is force over area Acx80KUJLo0-00011-00006816-00007495 pressure is directly proportional to the amount of force that is applied and inversely proportional Acx80KUJLo0-00012-00007559-00008184 to the area that that force is applied on all right so think of a thumbtack all right if the Acx80KUJLo0-00013-00008184-00008744 thumbtack is sharp and apply and i apply a layer of i apply force on the thumbtack Acx80KUJLo0-00014-00008744-00009680 i can push the thumbtack into the wall if the thumbtack is blunt okay so the area is greater Acx80KUJLo0-00015-00009736-00010192 as opposed to a very sharp thumbtack where there's very little area if the area is greater because Acx80KUJLo0-00016-00010192-00010864 the thumbtack is blunt and apply this and i apply the same amount of force i would not be able to Acx80KUJLo0-00017-00010864-00011384 push that thumbtack into the wall and that is because i'm not able to generate as much pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00018-00011456-00012136 all right and that is the simple concept of pressure now when we talk about blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00019-00012136-00012584 what we're talking about is the amount of pressure that is generated when blood Acx80KUJLo0-00020-00012584-00013208 is pumped out into our blood vessels that's bluebell anyway now when our hearts pump out Acx80KUJLo0-00021-00013208-00013856 blood the force that is generated by how much blood is pumped out and how the force is generated Acx80KUJLo0-00022-00013856-00014496 by how much blood is pumped out and how quickly it's pumped out i.e our heart rate okay that the Acx80KUJLo0-00023-00014496-00015216 area that that force is exerted over is the total area of all our blood vessels if the area is small Acx80KUJLo0-00024-00015280-00015824 then the pressure will increase if the area is large then the pressure will decrease all right Acx80KUJLo0-00025-00015919-00016256 our blood vessels have an additional very important property Acx80KUJLo0-00026-00016344-00016776 and this property is what allows our blood pressure not to go too high Acx80KUJLo0-00027-00016872-00017672 our arteries our blood vessels are stretchy they're inherently stretchy so when we're pumping Acx80KUJLo0-00028-00017672-00018216 more blood out of our hearts by increasing the amount of force that is being applied Acx80KUJLo0-00029-00018216-00018880 our arteries stretch and therefore the area over which this force is applied gets bigger and Acx80KUJLo0-00030-00018880-00019584 therefore our pressure doesn't go up too high all right now compare this to a balloon for example Acx80KUJLo0-00031-00019584-00020216 and a hot water bottle all right if i blew air in this balloon the pressure in the balloon would be Acx80KUJLo0-00032-00020216-00020832 much lower for the same amount of air that i've blown in compared to if i glue the same amount Acx80KUJLo0-00033-00020832-00021336 of air in this hot water bottle because the hot water bottle is not as stretchy as the balloon Acx80KUJLo0-00034-00021392-00021984 now one of the biggest reasons why so many people develop high blood pressure is because in essence Acx80KUJLo0-00035-00021984-00022512 their arteries get harder over a period of time and therefore their blood vessels Acx80KUJLo0-00036-00022568-00023208 lose that stretchiness and become more like the hot water bottle compared to as opposed to the Acx80KUJLo0-00037-00023208-00023816 balloon this is how god intended them to be but as time progresses our blood vessels become like this Acx80KUJLo0-00038-00023816-00024472 hot water bottle so for whatever amount of force you're applying the pressure goes up significantly Acx80KUJLo0-00039-00024472-00025256 higher because the blood vessels are no longer as stretchy all right now imagine if a person with Acx80KUJLo0-00040-00025256-00025704 nice stretchy blood vessels suddenly increase their heart rate okay if i'm walking along in Acx80KUJLo0-00041-00025704-00026248 the middle of the night someone jumps out at me my heart rate will go up immediately really you Acx80KUJLo0-00042-00026248-00026936 know go up because of all the adrenaline etc and my blood pressure will rise because the amount the Acx80KUJLo0-00043-00026936-00027552 force with which the blood is coming out has gone up but because our blood vessels are stretchy that Acx80KUJLo0-00044-00027552-00028192 pressure won't go won't go up excessively high and secondly won't stay excessively high it'll Acx80KUJLo0-00045-00028192-00028648 come down because our blood vessels will stretch to accommodate this extra volume and therefore Acx80KUJLo0-00046-00028648-00029192 the pressure won't be so high however if someone who has hardened blood vessels who has lost that Acx80KUJLo0-00047-00029192-00029768 stretchiness goes out walking and someone scares him the heart rate will go high and the blood Acx80KUJLo0-00048-00029768-00030424 pressure will go up many fold simply because all there's no stretchiness left and therefore Acx80KUJLo0-00049-00030424-00030983 the heart rate and how much blood is coming out that force is dictating the pressure all right Acx80KUJLo0-00050-00031039-00031592 the problem with exposing your blood vessels to excessively high pressure is simply this that the Acx80KUJLo0-00051-00031592-00032192 particularly the very small blood vessels which actually are what gets the blood to our brain to Acx80KUJLo0-00052-00032192-00032768 our heart to our kidneys to our eyes those are the tiny tiny blood vessels if they're exposed to high Acx80KUJLo0-00053-00032768-00033536 blood pressure over a long period of time a they also lose their stretchiness b they can burst c Acx80KUJLo0-00054-00033592-00034272 they can narrow and consequently that means that they can interfere with blood getting Acx80KUJLo0-00055-00034272-00034784 to our vital organs and therefore tiny tiny blood cells the tiny cells in our Acx80KUJLo0-00056-00034784-00035288 vital organs start suffocating because they're not getting the blood because the small blood vessels Acx80KUJLo0-00057-00035288-00035696 have been affected because of this high blood pressure over a long period of time and this Acx80KUJLo0-00058-00035696-00036272 is the mechanism by which people develop strokes some people develop dementia as a result of that Acx80KUJLo0-00059-00036272-00036800 and lots of people develop kidney problems eye problems simply because of this very thing okay Acx80KUJLo0-00060-00037056-00037472 and that's how high blood pressure affects our vital organs there are three values you need Acx80KUJLo0-00061-00037472-00038016 to remember when it comes to pressure the first is something called the systolic blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00062-00038016-00038632 now the systolic blood pressure is the highest pressure in our blood vessels okay so when i Acx80KUJLo0-00063-00038632-00039048 feel my pulse over here and you feel the pulse you know what hits your fingers over Acx80KUJLo0-00064-00039048-00039552 there that's your systolic blood pressure that's generating that systolic blood pressure is when Acx80KUJLo0-00065-00039608-00040096 blood is being pumped out of the heart that exists the highest amount of pressure on Acx80KUJLo0-00066-00040096-00040608 the blood vessels that's the systolic blood pressure the diastolic blood pressure is when Acx80KUJLo0-00067-00040608-00041040 the heart is relaxing so it's not pumping blood out in fact it's filling with blood Acx80KUJLo0-00068-00041040-00041520 so no blood is being pumped out so that's the lowest pressure in our blood vessels and then Acx80KUJLo0-00069-00041520-00042024 the pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure and i'll Acx80KUJLo0-00070-00042024-00042536 explain to you about the pulse pressure on a later video because someone has asked me to do that so Acx80KUJLo0-00071-00042760-00043224 so i i hope that makes you understand a little bit about blood pressure of all patients with Acx80KUJLo0-00072-00043224-00043784 high blood pressure five percent of patients and particularly young patients have something Acx80KUJLo0-00073-00043784-00044312 called secondary hypertension hypertension meaning blood pressure secondary high blood pressure which Acx80KUJLo0-00074-00044312-00044904 means that the blood pressure is caused by another condition and if that other condition is treated Acx80KUJLo0-00075-00044904-00045336 then the blood pressure just gets better off its own accord and i'll do a video Acx80KUJLo0-00076-00045336-00045760 on causes of secondary hypertension this is particularly important for young people you Acx80KUJLo0-00077-00045760-00046232 know if you're a young person and you go to the gp if you say oh you've got high blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00078-00046232-00046760 don't let him treat you with tablets without making sure you don't have a secondary cause Acx80KUJLo0-00079-00046760-00047152 for this hypertension that there's nothing else going on which is causing your blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00080-00047152-00047496 because simply treating that underlying cause will get rid of the blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00081-00047624-00048392 however for most people the high blood pressure is a sign rather than a disease and the disease is Acx80KUJLo0-00082-00048392-00049216 actually hardening of the blood vessels which is usually caused either by age or bad lifestyle or Acx80KUJLo0-00083-00049216-00049784 possibly in a very small proportion of patients genetics okay problem is that most hardening Acx80KUJLo0-00084-00049784-00050424 is caused over a number of years and the blood pressure is usually found to be high only after Acx80KUJLo0-00085-00050424-00051008 most of the damage is done and most health care professionals these days seem to be only Acx80KUJLo0-00086-00051008-00051640 interested in patients when the blood pressure is consistently high not recognizing firstly that Acx80KUJLo0-00087-00051640-00052152 they could have prevented that from happening by giving the patient good lifestyle advice Acx80KUJLo0-00088-00052208-00052864 at a younger age and secondly that by simply treating the numbers you see so they measure Acx80KUJLo0-00089-00052864-00053336 your blood pressure that's always high let's give you some tablet now everyone thinks oh as soon as Acx80KUJLo0-00090-00053336-00053791 you start having tablets they say oh actually my blood pressure is now normal actually what they've Acx80KUJLo0-00091-00053791-00054536 done is they've not taken away the underlying problem they've simply made the numbers better Acx80KUJLo0-00092-00054536-00055048 okay how do they make the numbers better they make the numbers better by reducing the heart rate Acx80KUJLo0-00093-00055048-00055496 but the heart rate wasn't the problem it's the stretchiness of the blood vessels they reduce Acx80KUJLo0-00094-00055496-00055984 the numbers by giving people diuretics which makes them a little bit more dry and therefore there's Acx80KUJLo0-00095-00055984-00056584 not as much blood coming out of the heart they make people uh take tablets which open up the Acx80KUJLo0-00096-00056584-00057120 blood vessels but those blood vessels although they're open they've not become more stretchy Acx80KUJLo0-00097-00057120-00057616 and therefore you haven't taken the problem away okay and the truth is you can't take the problem Acx80KUJLo0-00098-00057616-00058200 away by the time the high blood pressure has been diagnosed but the idea that you just give tablets Acx80KUJLo0-00099-00058200-00058984 to get the numbers better without addressing the underlying factors is is wrong to my mind and so Acx80KUJLo0-00100-00059112-00059616 and that's why it's not surprising that when people get given tablets the blood pressure gets Acx80KUJLo0-00101-00059616-00060024 better everyone feels happier we're controlling the blood pressure the patient doesn't change Acx80KUJLo0-00102-00060024-00060544 their lifestyle a few months later the patient needs an additional tablet okay because the blood Acx80KUJLo0-00103-00060544-00061455 pressure goes up again because yeah sorry you haven't taken the underlying problem away so as Acx80KUJLo0-00104-00061455-00061864 time progresses people with high blood pressure need more and more and more tablets to keep the Acx80KUJLo0-00105-00061864-00062367 blood pressure down because the underlying problem hasn't been taken away and people are just masking Acx80KUJLo0-00106-00062424-00063096 the numbers so here are some lifestyle tips which i think will help in a big way firstly to stop Acx80KUJLo0-00107-00063160-00063552 you from developing hardening of your blood vessels which will then manifest as high Acx80KUJLo0-00108-00063552-00064016 blood pressure or secondly to reduce your likelihood of your blood pressure getting Acx80KUJLo0-00109-00064016-00064624 worse over a period of time and that is number one diet okay avoid processed food Acx80KUJLo0-00110-00064624-00065136 eat less avoid processed food if you can do that that's a really really good idea Acx80KUJLo0-00111-00065264-00065944 i to my mind a large part of this is processing in the food sometimes also i think vegetarian Acx80KUJLo0-00112-00065944-00066816 diets are better um also remember that we don't take in as much magnesium anymore in our blood Acx80KUJLo0-00113-00066816-00067312 we don't take as much magnesium in our diet as we should and taking magnesium helps in a good way Acx80KUJLo0-00114-00067312-00067672 all right it'll bring your blood pressure down slightly it'll bring your blood pressure down Acx80KUJLo0-00115-00067672-00068120 not hugely but it will certainly help all right and therefore it's very important Acx80KUJLo0-00116-00068232-00068904 to pay attention to diet secondly being hydrated is really good we know that dehydration is very Acx80KUJLo0-00117-00068904-00069416 inflammatory to the body a lot of people are dehydrated these days they're taking diuretics Acx80KUJLo0-00118-00069496-00069936 you know they're drinking excessive amounts of coffee juices carbonated drinks Acx80KUJLo0-00119-00069936-00070544 and beer alcohol being dehydrated is a problem being hydrated with water at all Acx80KUJLo0-00120-00070544-00070992 times is a really good idea all right because water is an anti-inflammatory Acx80KUJLo0-00121-00071096-00071672 regular exercise is really really important people who have high blood pressure if you're overweight Acx80KUJLo0-00122-00071672-00072032 you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure just because someone is giving you tablets and Acx80KUJLo0-00123-00072032-00072568 the numbers look better doesn't mean you've sorted the problem get some exercise 30 minutes Acx80KUJLo0-00124-00072648-00073272 of you know a brisk walk on a treadmill every day is very very good and it'll lower your blood Acx80KUJLo0-00125-00073272-00073720 pressure in a big way and you'll feel better and your likelihood of your blood pressure getting Acx80KUJLo0-00126-00073720-00074272 worse over time will be reduced okay and it reduces your risk so really important sleep Acx80KUJLo0-00127-00074272-00074880 is a really important part if you have insomnia get that scene too if you suffer from sleep apnea Acx80KUJLo0-00128-00074880-00075384 get that address because if you can address your sleep your blood pressure will automatically Acx80KUJLo0-00129-00075384-00076056 come down and finally stress relief so doing things like relaxation mindfulness hypnosis Acx80KUJLo0-00130-00076112-00076896 meditation yoga these are all really really good things because stress causes high blood pressure Acx80KUJLo0-00131-00076976-00077616 okay if you ever get a chance look up cushing's syndrome on the internet that is a condition Acx80KUJLo0-00132-00077616-00078120 where you're releasing too much stress hormone and virtually everyone who's got lots of stress Acx80KUJLo0-00133-00078120-00078560 hormone will develop diabetes will develop high blood pressure so that's another reason it's Acx80KUJLo0-00134-00078560-00079072 really really important to be mindful of stress and minimizing your stress if you can and i know Acx80KUJLo0-00135-00079072-00079688 how difficult it is to do that but these are just some tips okay and even if you have been found to Acx80KUJLo0-00136-00079688-00080256 have high blood pressure it is vital to remember that you must modify your lifestyle because Acx80KUJLo0-00137-00080256-00081384 that is what is going to address the underlying problem not simply taking lots of medications AcHVcZqpj78-00000-00000003-00000789 Okay so this is just a generic type nerve and we can see the cell body which AcHVcZqpj78-00001-00000789-00001334 is also called the soma and it has these projections coming off of it, these AcHVcZqpj78-00002-00001334-00001827 are the dendrites ,the dendrites will connect with these structures here the AcHVcZqpj78-00003-00001827-00002547 telodendria which is just the other end of a nerve. You can see your Nissel AcHVcZqpj78-00004-00002547-00003176 bodies which is equivalent to like your rough ER, the nucleus. Okay this area here AcHVcZqpj78-00005-00003176-00004092 would be the axon hillock leading into the axon itself. Okay so now we're in the AcHVcZqpj78-00006-00004092-00004680 axon flowing through here, So this would represent a myelinated nerve, so you can AcHVcZqpj78-00007-00004680-00005214 see the myelination here's this is all the white part, the schwann cells would be AcHVcZqpj78-00008-00005214-00005744 the pink part here so this one cells are making the myelination. We can see that AcHVcZqpj78-00009-00005744-00006384 it kind of flows together okay it makes these cracks here and again you can see AcHVcZqpj78-00010-00006384-00007190 this narrow point here these are nodes of ranvier and then all of our nerves AcHVcZqpj78-00011-00007190-00007679 are surrounded by the endoneurium. AgkggDZpSEk-00000-00000112-00000546 Hi Jay Banks here with the Julie Kinnear Team at Keller Williams Neighborhood Realty. AgkggDZpSEk-00001-00000600-00001010 One of the many marketing services our real estate team provides to its sellers AgkggDZpSEk-00002-00001042-00001577 is to do video postings to social media for all newly listed properties. Today AgkggDZpSEk-00003-00001578-00002049 I am outside our brand new listing in Carlton Village of 108 Laughton Avenue AgkggDZpSEk-00004-00002143-00002343 attractively priced at AgkggDZpSEk-00005-00002422-00002799 $799,000. The spacious 2 stories 2 bedrooms semi-detached home AgkggDZpSEk-00006-00002842-00003468 Offers style and affordability in this diverse neighborhood located in the west central part of the city AgkggDZpSEk-00007-00003532-00003872 steps to the ever-popular Wordsworth park and AgkggDZpSEk-00008-00003952-00004646 Carlton Village junior and senior sports and wellness Academy makes this a perfect family location. AgkggDZpSEk-00009-00004759-00005414 Situated only steps to public transportation and shopping on both Davenport Road and st. Clair Avenue West. AgkggDZpSEk-00010-00005512-00005909 Join me tomorrow Thursday, March the 5th from 5 to 7 p.m AgkggDZpSEk-00011-00005937-00006614 Where I will be hosting our first public open house. I look forward to seeing you then. Have a great day! Ajjl9irC2ag-00000-00000000-00001100 Okay so we have created our HTML form here and determined that the data has been processed through the POST variable when our form has been submitted. Ajjl9irC2ag-00001-00001200-00002100 The next thing I'll do is just check some conditions on this just for the sake of the tutorial Ajjl9irC2ag-00002-00002200-00002400 I'll say if the string length... Ajjl9irC2ag-00003-00002500-00002900 No - first of all I'll check for existence - So if name and message Ajjl9irC2ag-00004-00003000-00003700 This is just saying does this exist and does this exist because as long as they do, they will always have a true value. Ajjl9irC2ag-00005-00003800-00004400 And we are using the "and" operator here which says "Is this true AND is this true". Ajjl9irC2ag-00006-00004500-00004800 If this is TRUE, we will execute the code here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00007-00004900-00006300 Otherwise I want to kill this script and I'll say "You must enter a name and message" Ajjl9irC2ag-00008-00006400-00006600 And maybe just underline that for effect. Ajjl9irC2ag-00009-00006700-00007300 And inside our block of the code - if this is TRUE we will perform another check. Ajjl9irC2ag-00010-00007400-00007900 So here we have checked with an existence check Ajjl9irC2ag-00011-00008000-00008400 And now here what we will do is run another check. Ajjl9irC2ag-00012-00008500-00009100 How can I word it? I'll do a length check. So I will comment this as length check. Ajjl9irC2ag-00013-00009200-00009900 We will say name or rather the length of the string using the string-length function. Ajjl9irC2ag-00014-00010000-00011400 We check if string-length function of name is greater - no, lesser or equal to our max length which is '20'. We can have any number here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00015-00011500-00013100 And the string-length of message is lesser or equal to 300 characters. Obviously, you can have any number here, too. Ajjl9irC2ag-00016-00013200-00013500 Then we will execute this block of code. Ajjl9irC2ag-00017-00013600-00014900 Otherwise we will say "Max length for name is 20 and max length for message is 300". Ajjl9irC2ag-00018-00015000-00015500 Obviously a good thing to do is to store 300 and 20 in variables Ajjl9irC2ag-00019-00015600-00016600 Lets set them here. So you can say "namelen" equals 20 and you can say "messagelen" equals to 300. Ajjl9irC2ag-00020-00016700-00017400 Then what you can do is incorporate this here. So "namelen" there.... oooops so "namelen" there Ajjl9irC2ag-00021-00017500-00018300 And here you could say - oh! lets put that back - and here you can say "messagelen". Ajjl9irC2ag-00022-00018400-00019100 Down here, too, replace these. So these will be dynamically replaced if you are performing the check. Ajjl9irC2ag-00023-00019200-00019400 So here you say "messagelen". Ajjl9irC2ag-00024-00019500-00020500 So let's test this out. The "namelen" is maximum 20 characters so here we can only enter a maximum of 20 characters. So, Alex here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00025-00020600-00021200 In message, I'll enter some text more than 300 characters long. I'll just copy paste this along. Ajjl9irC2ag-00026-00021300-00021700 That should be more than 300 characters now. Ajjl9irC2ag-00027-00021800-00022800 So if I click on "Send me this" button, we get the message - The max length of the name is 20... that's the variable that's been put here Ajjl9irC2ag-00028-00022900-00023500 And the maximum length for this is 300; that's another variable that's taken from here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00029-00023600-00024100 We are taking the check and echoing out this variable as well. Ajjl9irC2ag-00030-00024200-00024600 Presuming that everything is okay we are going to get the email sent to the user. Ajjl9irC2ag-00031-00024700-00025200 I keep stressing this - its the address here and we've already got our subject line here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00032-00025300-00025900 Perhaps we could bring these down here; there is no point setting a variable if the email is not ready to send. Ajjl9irC2ag-00033-00026000-00027100 So this is our setup variables . We also have the... Ajjl9irC2ag-00034-00027200-00027700 We could say "from" but this is similar to email address. Ajjl9irC2ag-00035-00027800-00028500 So we got the "name" already and all we really need is the "message" which again is here. Ajjl9irC2ag-00036-00028600-00029700 We also need some header information which I'll show you soon but I'll head straight to the "mail function". Ajjl9irC2ag-00037-00029800-00031000 The "mail function" is as follows - mail and the first variable you need to include is who this message is "to". So I'll type "to". Ajjl9irC2ag-00038-00031100-00031400 Then the subject of the email which is just "subject". Ajjl9irC2ag-00039-00031500-00031900 Its here. Then we have the body of the email so "body". Ajjl9irC2ag-00040-00032000-00033500 Here we will say body equals the following - This is an email from "name". So we have included the name inside the body of the email. Ajjl9irC2ag-00041-00033600-00034100 Then just use backslash n which is new line - so that's 2 new lines. Ajjl9irC2ag-00042-00034200-00034800 Next we will echo out the message which will be included in this. Ajjl9irC2ag-00043-00034900-00036200 So our body consists of a generic message here, the user's name that we have processed in the form and then two new lines and next we have entered the message that has been entered in our form here. Okay? Ajjl9irC2ag-00044-00036300-00036500 So lets get rid of these. Ajjl9irC2ag-00045-00036600-00036800 That looks good to go. Ajjl9irC2ag-00046-00036900-00038000 As a mail function you may think how that would work but sending email php is quiet easy. Ajjl9irC2ag-00047-00038100-00038600 But when we do actually send the email, we can see that there are some problems. Ajjl9irC2ag-00048-00038700-00039500 We have got a warning - the mail function "send mail from" is not set in php dot ini or custom "From:" header missing. Ajjl9irC2ag-00049-00039600-00040300 I have not set the "send mail from" in my ini. I missed that. So I'll do it manually. Ajjl9irC2ag-00050-00040400-00040700 After we have done this, we'll run into another error as well. Ajjl9irC2ag-00051-00040800-00041100 I will teach you how to fix it but in the next part of the video. Ajjl9irC2ag-00052-00041200-00041500 In the next part we'll deal with anymore errors we get after that. Ajjl9irC2ag-00053-00041600-00042100 So join me in the next part. Bye for now. This is Evan Varkey dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project. Akn_BIS7Yg4-00000-00000000-00000200 Amazing fruit cutting skills Akn_BIS7Yg4-00001-00000200-00000400 Amazing chef skills Akn_BIS7Yg4-00002-00000400-00000600 Food decoration ideas Akn_BIS7Yg4-00003-00000600-00000800 Street food Am309zurrvk-00000-00000000-00000200 Welcome to another subtitle reaction. We have Oski Van Abneros here! Am309zurrvk-00001-00000200-00000250 Oski: WOAH what was that? Am309zurrvk-00002-00000250-00000303 Gun shot Am309zurrvk-00003-00000303-00000452 Oh my goodness, Its Starting. Am309zurrvk-00004-00000452-00000540 Oski: I dunno. Am309zurrvk-00005-00000540-00000590 Oski: What to do Am309zurrvk-00006-00000590-00000640 sush Am309zurrvk-00007-00000780-00000980 Oski: uuuuhh Am309zurrvk-00008-00000980-00001180 Oski: Whats happening? Am309zurrvk-00009-00001254-00001422 Its time for BLUE TARGET SMORES! Am309zurrvk-00010-00001422-00001491 Oski: This is a joke. Am309zurrvk-00011-00001491-00001691 WHY did you steal? Am309zurrvk-00012-00001820-00002020 Kaboom! Am309zurrvk-00013-00002121-00002245 OSKI: GG huh moment Am309zurrvk-00014-00002245-00002382 yes Am309zurrvk-00015-00002568-00002618 run run as fast as you can. Am309zurrvk-00016-00002618-00002818 Oski: He said 'DONT RUN' Am309zurrvk-00017-00002818-00003018 ( ;-; ) Am309zurrvk-00018-00003124-00003190 I believe i can fly Am309zurrvk-00019-00003193-00003393 OSKI: Wait what Am309zurrvk-00020-00003407-00003457 easter egg Am309zurrvk-00021-00003478-00003678 1st frame Am309zurrvk-00022-00003696-00003806 OSKI: HHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm Am309zurrvk-00023-00003820-00004091 W I N D Am309zurrvk-00024-00004112-00004200 spark Am309zurrvk-00025-00004208-00004258 bruh Am309zurrvk-00026-00004298-00004389 3 Am309zurrvk-00027-00004389-00004492 2 Am309zurrvk-00028-00004492-00004580 1 Am309zurrvk-00029-00004580-00004673 0 Am309zurrvk-00030-00004673-00004723 W A H E Y! Am309zurrvk-00031-00004734-00004934 Oski: Perfect timing on sound? Am309zurrvk-00032-00004950-00005150 Ye Am309zurrvk-00033-00005171-00005371 Oski: wow, Congrats Am309zurrvk-00034-00005385-00005585 Special Move Am309zurrvk-00035-00005606-00005806 Oski: Halfway? Am309zurrvk-00036-00005868-00006009 A.B.S. ( Annoying blue stickman ) Am309zurrvk-00037-00006009-00006209 Oski: Discration? Me: yes Am309zurrvk-00038-00006209-00006409 He said ribbit. Am309zurrvk-00039-00006535-00006735 WHERE is his body? Am309zurrvk-00040-00006910-00006960 text Am309zurrvk-00041-00006966-00007166 New thing: Black stickman Am309zurrvk-00042-00007183-00007383 oski: Eaugghhhh Am309zurrvk-00043-00007399-00007599 R U disgusted? Am309zurrvk-00044-00007629-00007829 omg theres points now, who'll go home wait and see, ITS Cake and stake! Am309zurrvk-00045-00007829-00008029 Oski: uuh Am309zurrvk-00046-00008043-00008120 bfdi Am309zurrvk-00047-00008272-00009379 S I L E N C E text Am309zurrvk-00048-00009395-00009533 OSKI: Theres a catty in my boxy and i'm naming her Amilie Am309zurrvk-00049-00009761-00009811 proof Am309zurrvk-00050-00009811-00009861 Oski: uh Am309zurrvk-00051-00009861-00010061 proof Am309zurrvk-00052-00010061-00010261 oski: What Am309zurrvk-00053-00010289-00010489 wh00sh Am309zurrvk-00054-00010489-00010689 oski: Binary Alertance Am309zurrvk-00055-00010726-00010777 br0ke Am309zurrvk-00056-00010870-00011070 4FLIPS Am309zurrvk-00057-00011132-00011332 BOTH: and just like that! Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00000-00000096-00001040 Ordinarily if we know that a series converges we don't get any insight Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00001-00001040-00002064 about how quickly it converges; like is the 1,000'th partial sum Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00002-00002064-00002776 a good approximation or not? There's no way to know in general. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00003-00002904-00003447 With alternating series there are sometimes is. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00004-00003679-00004352 Wuppose we have a convergent alternating series, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00005-00004352-00005288 and what's more, we can show that it's convergent using the alternating series test. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00006-00005680-00006136 Remember how we defined convergence; Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00007-00006304-00007192 we defined convergence in terms of the partial sums, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00008-00007192-00008584 so if this series converges, these partial sums approach some limit Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00009-00009008-00010488 And this infinite sum equals this limit. We have a theorem in this case Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00010-00010632-00011616 that the absolute value of (the limit minus the nth partial sum) Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00011-00011768-00012504 is less than a_(n plus one) Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00012-00012768-00013460 Let's try to look at an example to nail this down. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00013-00013680-00014840 Here is an alternating harmonic series; this was our example in a previous video Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00014-00014904-00015584 where we used the alternating series test to show convergence, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00015-00015712-00016712 so it's alternating, converges, satisfies the conditions of the alternating series test. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00016-00016872-00017896 But what does it converge to? what is this sum? Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00017-00018272-00018808 Suppose we want to numerically approximate it. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00018-00018920-00020440 Suppose we need to know L, and we need to be pretty accurate, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00019-00020592-00020984 we need our accuracy to be within, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00020-00022360-00023024 let's say, one billionth. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00021-00023024-00025384 So we want to use partial sums to estimate this limit Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00022-00025592-00026880 and we want this level of accuracy. Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00023-00028224-00028480 One billionth is Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00024-00028880-00029672 is a_(one billion), Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00025-00030136-00030400 so according to this theorem, Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00026-00030839-00032383 if we have s_(999 million, 999 thousand, 999) Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00027-00032632-00033544 the difference between the limit and this partial sum will be less than Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00028-00033544-00035184 one billionth; and what is this partial sum? Well it might seem intimidating Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00029-00035280-00035904 to find this nth partial sum, you need to add together Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00030-00035904-00036912 999 million, 999 thousand, 999 different numbers Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00031-00037008-00037624 but modern technology makes a sum like this trivial; Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00032-00037776-00038488 I got this using WolframAlpham and what our theorem says Bo5wOfmW1gQ-00033-00038544-00040168 is that this partial sum is very close to our limit; the error is less than this B3oW984ZUdg-00000-00000000-00000123 gunna type beat, gunna instrumental, lil baby type beat, lil keed type beat, drake type beat, drake instrumental, migos type beat B6X-5JDaA70-00000-00001809-00002272 >> David Ferriero: Greetings from the National Archives flagship building in Washington, D.C., B6X-5JDaA70-00001-00002272-00002672 which sits on the ancestral lands of the Nacotchtank Peoples. B6X-5JDaA70-00002-00002672-00003008 I am David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, and it's my pleasure to welcome B6X-5JDaA70-00003-00003008-00003560 you to today's conversation with Neal Thompson about his new book "The First Kennedys," B6X-5JDaA70-00004-00003560-00004056 which tells the story of Patrick and Bridget, who left Ireland following the Great Famine, B6X-5JDaA70-00005-00004056-00004544 and launched the Kennedy dynasty in America. Before we begin, I'd like to tell you about two B6X-5JDaA70-00006-00004544-00005104 programs coming up this month on our YouTube channel. On Monday, March 7th at 1:00 p.m., B6X-5JDaA70-00007-00005104-00005552 Megan Kate Nelson will discuss her new book, "Saving Yellowstone," which B6X-5JDaA70-00008-00005552-00005920 gives the fascinating and complex historical context B6X-5JDaA70-00009-00005920-00006312 behind the National Park's establishment 150 years ago this month. B6X-5JDaA70-00010-00006384-00007000 And on Tuesday, March 8th, at 1:00 p.m., Mary Sarah Bilder will speak on her recent book, Female B6X-5JDaA70-00011-00007000-00007823 Genius. Bilder introduces us to Eliza Harriot Berends O'Connor, a female educator in the 1780s, B6X-5JDaA70-00012-00007888-00008448 she argued women had equal capacity and deserved an equal education and political representation, B6X-5JDaA70-00013-00008504-00008880 and her University of Pennsylvania lecture was attended by George Washington. B6X-5JDaA70-00014-00009008-00009384 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the first United States B6X-5JDaA70-00015-00009384-00010024 President to address the Irish Parliament when he visited that country in June 1963. B6X-5JDaA70-00016-00010024-00010464 He declared that no country contributed more to building my own than your sons and daughters. B6X-5JDaA70-00017-00010520-00011008 They came to our shores in a mixture of hope and agony, and I would not underrate B6X-5JDaA70-00018-00011008-00011672 the difficulties of their course once they arrived in the United States. 115 years before B6X-5JDaA70-00019-00011672-00012224 this historic visit, President Kennedy's own great grandparents had left Ireland for America B6X-5JDaA70-00020-00012224-00012784 in hopes of a better life. They endured hardships in Boston, their new home, but established a place B6X-5JDaA70-00021-00012784-00013352 for themselves and their children. Their oldest son, Patrick Joseph, became the first American B6X-5JDaA70-00022-00013352-00013847 Kennedy elected to public office and set the family on a path culminating in the presidency. B6X-5JDaA70-00023-00013976-00014440 The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, part of the National Archives, holds numerous records of B6X-5JDaA70-00024-00014440-00015032 the Kennedy family, including the personal papers of Patrick J. Kennedy, JFK's grandfather. B6X-5JDaA70-00025-00015232-00015544 Our guest author today, Neal Thompson, made extensive use B6X-5JDaA70-00026-00015544-00015976 of these recently open papers and other documentary resources in the library. B6X-5JDaA70-00027-00016040-00016432 We all look forward to hearing the story of the Kennedy family that he has put together. B6X-5JDaA70-00028-00016544-00017040 Neal Thompson is the author of five highly acclaimed books, including, A Curious Man, B6X-5JDaA70-00029-00017040-00017656 Driving with the Devil, and the Kickflip Boys. A former newspaper reporter, he has written for The B6X-5JDaA70-00030-00017656-00018192 New York Times, The Washington Post, Esquire, Vanity Fair, and The Wall Street Journal. B6X-5JDaA70-00031-00018192-00018616 Joining the author in conversation is Neal Bascomb, a national award-winning and New York B6X-5JDaA70-00032-00018616-00019176 Times bestselling author of a number of books focused on inspiring stories of adventure and B6X-5JDaA70-00033-00019176-00019816 achievement. His work has been translated into 15 languages featured in several documentaries, an B6X-5JDaA70-00034-00019816-00020400 option for major film and television projects. Now let's hear from Neal Thompson and Neal Bascomb. B6X-5JDaA70-00035-00020456-00020757 Thank you for joining us today. >> Neal Bascomb: B6X-5JDaA70-00036-00021160-00022064 Wonderful. Neal Bascomb here to speak with B6X-5JDaA70-00037-00022240-00022840 Neal Thompson, the two Neals this evening or this afternoon about Neal's new book, "The B6X-5JDaA70-00038-00022840-00023304 First Kennedys." And Neal, I just want to sort of start off this conversation. I want it to be B6X-5JDaA70-00039-00023456-00024560 as much conversation as we can make it. Just to give viewers an overview or describe a launching B6X-5JDaA70-00040-00024560-00024880 pad for this conversation. >> Neal Thompson: Yeah. Thanks, B6X-5JDaA70-00041-00024880-00025504 Neal. Thanks for being here and for doing this. Thank you, David, for the generous introduction. B6X-5JDaA70-00042-00025608-00026168 I'm really excited to talk about this book with the National Archives and your viewers. And B6X-5JDaA70-00043-00026304-00026768 it's just an honor. The book just came out last week, so it's been fun to get out in the world and B6X-5JDaA70-00044-00026768-00027144 talk to folks like you and tell you a little more about the book and where it came from. B6X-5JDaA70-00045-00027224-00027648 We'll get into some of the details of what's in it. Neal, to your question, B6X-5JDaA70-00046-00027648-00028272 sort of how did things begin, you know, the book for me actually goes back more than 20 years. B6X-5JDaA70-00047-00028368-00028848 My first kind of introduction to the idea that I wanted to write about the Kennedys at all B6X-5JDaA70-00048-00028848-00029789 goes back to 1999 when I was a newspaper reporter working for the Baltimore Sun and was sentup to Hyannis Port B6X-5JDaA70-00049-00029789-00030495 to cover the disappearance and subsequent death, we learned, of JFK, Jr. It was that summer of '99. B6X-5JDaA70-00050-00030560-00030839 I was part of the sort of hordes of reporters B6X-5JDaA70-00051-00030904-00031727 stalking that town and hanging outside the Kennedy compound there. And came away from that experience B6X-5JDaA70-00052-00031839-00032688 sort of awed by our ongoing passion for and love for the Kennedy family in general. There B6X-5JDaA70-00053-00032688-00033424 was so much heartache after John Jr. Died. You know, when they found his body, I was at a bar B6X-5JDaA70-00054-00033424-00033888 interviewing the bartender who gave me a Jameson, so I'm sipping my Jamesons, B6X-5JDaA70-00055-00033888-00034488 and we learned they found the plane, wreckage, and bodies and she starts crying and says she B6X-5JDaA70-00056-00034488-00034960 feels like she lost a family member. I think a lot of people felt that way after he died. B6X-5JDaA70-00057-00035112-00035776 So that incident, which was followed by my drive back home to Baltimore through New Jersey, B6X-5JDaA70-00058-00035776-00036288 which is where I'm from, and I came within two miles that day of the cemetery where my B6X-5JDaA70-00059-00036288-00036704 grandparents were born, my Irish immigrant grandparents named Patrick and Bridget. B6X-5JDaA70-00060-00036848-00037504 So somewhere in there, something got tripped. I'm half Irish. I was raised Catholic. I spent B6X-5JDaA70-00061-00037504-00038000 16 years in Catholic schools, but I never really thought about the Kennedys or my Irish B6X-5JDaA70-00062-00038000-00038608 heritage or anything like that until after that incident. Over the next few years I got more interested in Irish history, B6X-5JDaA70-00063-00038608-00039096 read more about the Kennedys, traveled to Ireland, started this book B6X-5JDaA70-00064-00039096-00039680 but could never find a way in. I felt so much has been written by the Kennedys. Every angle B6X-5JDaA70-00065-00039744-00040144 must have been covered and I couldn't figure out what new story could be told. B6X-5JDaA70-00066-00040328-00041032 Along the way my Irish immigrant grandmother Bridget sort of kept speaking to me. There's a story here. Her B6X-5JDaA70-00067-00041032-00041836 experience on my side was not all that dissimilar from Bridget Kennedy's experience when she came to America B6X-5JDaA70-00068-00041836-00042726 and worked as a maid.Separated by 70 years.I'll jump forward a bit. Probably 2016, 2017, B6X-5JDaA70-00069-00042726-00043042 as we started to have some new and different B6X-5JDaA70-00070-00043042-00043632 conversations about immigration in America at that time, I realized we still haven't resolved B6X-5JDaA70-00071-00043632-00044216 this question of whether we are a nation of immigrants or whether we have mixed feelings B6X-5JDaA70-00072-00044216-00044760 about that like some people certainly do. And so that renewed my interest in this book, B6X-5JDaA70-00073-00044760-00045328 and it coincided with, David mentioned the P.J. Kennedy papers at the JFK library, B6X-5JDaA70-00074-00045328-00046008 coincided with my discovery that they existed, the library was processing those papers, they B6X-5JDaA70-00075-00046008-00046592 might be open to researchers soon. It took longer than expected to actually get my hands on those, B6X-5JDaA70-00076-00046656-00047440 but I did start diving into this story, 2017 into '18 and '19, and actually thought I was in a B6X-5JDaA70-00077-00047440-00048152 good groove, sort of late 2019, only had a few more things to fill in in the book, and then COVID B6X-5JDaA70-00078-00048152-00048904 hits. And 2020, as I finished the book, created some interesting challenges, but ones that I B6X-5JDaA70-00079-00048976-00049560 learned a lot from as it relates to what you and Iboth do, researching and finding information. B6X-5JDaA70-00080-00049560-00049712 >> Neal Bascomb: Right. >> Neal Thompson: A lot of what I had to do B6X-5JDaA70-00081-00049712-00050328 online. I'll sum it up quickly. I wanted to tell a different Kennedy story, I wanted to go back B6X-5JDaA70-00082-00050328-00050896 and show where this family came from, what life was like for them in America when they got here. B6X-5JDaA70-00083-00050896-00051408 I wanted to tell the story that begins two generations before Joe Kennedy, who is B6X-5JDaA70-00084-00051560-00051928 the person many of us think of as the starting point of the Kennedys. And really, B6X-5JDaA70-00085-00051928-00052336 this is the alternate version of that. This is like the prelude to the B6X-5JDaA70-00086-00052336-00052872 Camelot version of the Kennedy saga. >> Neal Bascomb: Right. I was B6X-5JDaA70-00087-00053079-00054112 envious in a way, as a fellow nonfiction narrative writer, that you found this incredibly inspiring B6X-5JDaA70-00088-00054112-00054800 story. And you know, heart-wrenching story, particularly starting with Bridget and her B6X-5JDaA70-00089-00054800-00055720 experiences that forced her to leave Ireland, her experiences about crossing to Boston. Did your B6X-5JDaA70-00090-00055720-00056616 family, did your grandmother and extended family relate to you other stories similar to hers? A B6X-5JDaA70-00091-00057055-00057360 connection to, sort of emotional searching in writing? B6X-5JDaA70-00092-00057360-00058032 >> Neal Thompson: Yeah, I think there were some family connections that kind of B6X-5JDaA70-00093-00058264-00058984 provided some underlying emotional inspiration and context for my research into the Kennedys. B6X-5JDaA70-00094-00059055-00059696 You know, I describe in a couple moments in the book, a little bit of my Irish background, my B6X-5JDaA70-00095-00059696-00060320 grandparents were Bridget and Patrick, who came over from Ireland. The Kennedys were Bridget and B6X-5JDaA70-00096-00060320-00060912 Patrick, who came 70 years prior to that. Earlier in my research, I thought maybe there's a personal B6X-5JDaA70-00097-00060912-00061496 story here. Maybe I explore my own Irish roots, my family's heritage, and sort of tie it into B6X-5JDaA70-00098-00061496-00062336 the Kennedys somehow. It never really felt right. I wanted to bring to the life those early Kennedys but do so in a way B6X-5JDaA70-00099-00062336-00063536 that kept my own family in mind. Unfortunately my grandfather Patrick died when he was in his mid 30s, B6X-5JDaA70-00100-00063600-00064184 leaving my grandmother widowed and alone, raising three kids, including my mother. B6X-5JDaA70-00101-00064296-00064744 And it was interesting to learn that similarly, the first Kennedys, Bridget and Patrick, B6X-5JDaA70-00102-00064744-00065232 Patrick dies nine years after getting to America, leaving Bridget widowed and alone, B6X-5JDaA70-00103-00065232-00065925 raising four kids, including her son P.J., whom I talk about, who was JFK's grandfather. B6X-5JDaA70-00104-00065992-00066520 So those connections always made me feel like I was not just telling a new piece of the Kennedy B6X-5JDaA70-00105-00066520-00067112 story but sort of exploring a bit of my own story as well and getting to understand a little bit B6X-5JDaA70-00106-00067112-00067720 better what it was like for my grandparents to come to a new land and start at the bottom B6X-5JDaA70-00107-00067720-00068272 just like the Kennedys did. My grandmother was a maid. My grandfather was a truck driver. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00108-00068272-00069080 their story is similar to almost, you know, every other class of immigrant who has come to America B6X-5JDaA70-00109-00069080-00069704 hoping for a new life but often having to settle for less, settle for hardship and, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00110-00069704-00070352 settle for working at the lowest rungs of the economic ladder, settle for, you know, poverty and B6X-5JDaA70-00111-00070352-00071000 loss and disease, all the things that affected the Kennedys, as well as my family at certain times. B6X-5JDaA70-00112-00071000-00071704 So it became a personal project, even though it's not a personal story, per se, yeah. B6X-5JDaA70-00113-00071704-00072096 >> Neal Bascomb: Yeah, I mean, I think one of the things I was struck by, B6X-5JDaA70-00114-00072400-00072864 particularly the early parts of the book, was the sense that this was really an American B6X-5JDaA70-00115-00072984-00073552 story, right? I mean, it is the Kennedy story. It is specifically about Bridget and her coming to B6X-5JDaA70-00116-00073552-00074200 the United States and then her raising P.J. and her family and her struggles there. But B6X-5JDaA70-00117-00074328-00074960 I was amazed at your ability to just sort of, again, make it an everybody story, make it an B6X-5JDaA70-00118-00074960-00075560 immigrant story. So that yes, it's important that it was the Kennedys, and yes, this is their origin B6X-5JDaA70-00119-00075560-00076360 story, but in many respects, it's all of our story because we're all immigrants here. And you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00120-00076360-00076896 were you writing with that in mind? Were you cognizant of that? Or were you sort of focused on, B6X-5JDaA70-00121-00076896-00077552 okay, I've got to tell the Kennedys? >> Neal Thompson: Yeah. No, you're right. I B6X-5JDaA70-00122-00077552-00078072 really did try and keep that in mind. And I'd say there were probably two tracks, B6X-5JDaA70-00123-00078136-00078888 getting the Kennedy story right and ideally going a little bit further than others have gone B6X-5JDaA70-00124-00078888-00079288 as they've tried to research that piece of the family, the 19th century Kennedys. B6X-5JDaA70-00125-00079480-00079992 But I really wanted to get not just their particular story right, but the story of B6X-5JDaA70-00126-00079992-00080624 others around them. You know, what life was like for other Irish immigrants and other B6X-5JDaA70-00127-00080624-00081040 immigrant groups during the period that I write about, which is mostly the second half of the B6X-5JDaA70-00128-00081040-00081664 1800s. Because I wanted it to be universal. And I wanted the story to ideally tell us B6X-5JDaA70-00129-00081664-00082352 something about who we are as a nation, who we were then and who we are now. And you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00130-00082408-00083032 when I got started, I thought I knew a little bit of our own history as it relates to how we handled B6X-5JDaA70-00131-00083032-00083688 Irish famine refugees and how we handled other immigrants and some of the darker moments of that B6X-5JDaA70-00132-00083688-00084360 history of trying to keep immigrants either out or down. But I was pretty shocked to learn B6X-5JDaA70-00133-00084360-00085136 how aggressively there were forces aligned against newcomers to America. Across time B6X-5JDaA70-00134-00085136-00085776 really. It hasn't changed. We are a nation of immigrants. But that's kind of despite our best B6X-5JDaA70-00135-00085776-00086560 efforts in some quarters to keep immigrants out or to prevent them from succeeding, to prevent them B6X-5JDaA70-00136-00086560-00087248 from voting, to prevent them from holding office or becoming citizens. All these efforts were B6X-5JDaA70-00137-00087304-00088507 being made back then by, for example, the Know Nothing party, it was in power in the mid-1850s. I was trying to explore B6X-5JDaA70-00138-00088507-00089216 that,have it hint that what we've seen in recent years as we've had different conversations about immigration in B6X-5JDaA70-00139-00089216-00090024 America and hopefully show us a little bit of who we are at our best and at our worst. And B6X-5JDaA70-00140-00090024-00090720 both of those are in this story, and they both speak to, like you said, not just the Kennedy B6X-5JDaA70-00141-00090720-00091656 experience but any immigrant group who has come herestarted over and started off at the bottom. So I really wanted that B6X-5JDaA70-00142-00091656-00092400 sense of it doesn't just have to be the Kennedys. Fill in anybody's name. B6X-5JDaA70-00143-00092400-00093143 This is a family that ascended to these incredible heights. You know, our so-called royal family. B6X-5JDaA70-00144-00093240-00093776 But to show that they came from nothing like many others did, I find it to be a pretty inspiring B6X-5JDaA70-00145-00093776-00094464 story. I find Bridget to be an inspiring character who has been largely overlooked in the history B6X-5JDaA70-00146-00094464-00095112 of others writing about the Kennedy family. ?>> Neal Bascomb: Let's go into Bridget a little bit. B6X-5JDaA70-00147-00095259-00095786 She is an incredible individual and what she went through. And you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00148-00095786-00096120 what she went through and how she overcame and B6X-5JDaA70-00149-00096120-00096966 her sort of purity of spirit and focus on family and sort of constantly trying to get a leg up. B6X-5JDaA70-00150-00097008-00097728 I was particularly impressed by the sort of peripatetic journeys she would make across east B6X-5JDaA70-00151-00097728-00098246 Boston from one house to another, just trying to get an inch above where she was before. B6X-5JDaA70-00152-00098296-00098920 And just sort of, you know, almost leapfrogging her way up the, you know, American ladder, B6X-5JDaA70-00153-00098992-00099424 as it were. So talk to me a little bit about what made Bridget B6X-5JDaA70-00154-00099752-00100656 capable of taking this journey alone and then what it was about her in particularly those early days B6X-5JDaA70-00155-00100760-00101520 in East Boston where she shows up basically alone and tries to find her way in this new world and in B6X-5JDaA70-00156-00101520-00101979 this new city? ?>> Neal Thompson: Yeah, a new city and a new world that didn't want her, right? B6X-5JDaA70-00157-00101979-00102424 >> Neal Bascomb: Exactly, yes. >> Neal Thompson: So there were just so many B6X-5JDaA70-00158-00102424-00103056 challenges to her escape from Ireland and starting her new life in Boston. B6X-5JDaA70-00159-00103200-00103656 You know, it's amazing that she made it at all. And I describe in the book how B6X-5JDaA70-00160-00103824-00104311 there were so many points along the way where she easily could have lost it all, lost her B6X-5JDaA70-00161-00104311-00104920 kids. That family could have easily gone away, and we would never have heard of the Kennedys. B6X-5JDaA70-00162-00105024-00105840 But the fact that she overcame all the obstacles in her way and ascended to a place of, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00163-00105840-00106944 achievement and success -- modest, but enough to get her family to a level of where they could B6X-5JDaA70-00164-00106944-00107559 take it from there, essentially, is remarkable to me. The framework is, you know, she leaves her B6X-5JDaA70-00165-00107728-00108535 farm in County Wexford in the late 1840s like almost 2 million Irish did in the '40s and '50s, B6X-5JDaA70-00166-00108632-00109324 gets on a ship probably alone like many women did. I found it remarkable to learn that B6X-5JDaA70-00167-00109383-00110008 more Irish women than Irish men came to America during that period of immigration from Ireland. B6X-5JDaA70-00168-00110080-00110359 They were a pretty spirited bunch. Life wasn't going to be that great B6X-5JDaA70-00169-00110359-00110783 for her back in Ireland anyway. She'd work on a farm, become a farm wife. B6X-5JDaA70-00170-00110888-00111528 So I view her as someone who stepped up. She was the first in her family to leave home. B6X-5JDaA70-00171-00111528-00112064 She was the first one to leave Ireland to go to America. And I think it says something about her B6X-5JDaA70-00172-00112064-00112535 character that she sort of raised her hand, if you will, and said, all right, I'll be the one to go. B6X-5JDaA70-00173-00112535-00113344 I'll scope it out. I'll establish a hub for the family in America and then I'll send for others B6X-5JDaA70-00174-00113344-00113896 to come over later, which is what happened. But she gets to America and steps off the boat, B6X-5JDaA70-00175-00113896-00114776 and she's surrounded by tens of thousands of other poor, unemployed, impoverished Irish just like her. B6X-5JDaA70-00176-00114776-00115530 I describe one of the diaries of a famine refugee I got my hands on B6X-5JDaA70-00177-00115530-00116030 describes the reaction of anotherIrish immigrant stepping off the boat at East B6X-5JDaA70-00178-00116030-00116535 Boston where Bridget landed and looking around like, this is America? This is what B6X-5JDaA70-00179-00116535-00117256 I came here for? This is the new land I dreamed of and was going to be my hope and salvation? B6X-5JDaA70-00180-00117256-00117759 So from the very first days in America, life was hard for Bridget. She worked as a maid, B6X-5JDaA70-00181-00117759-00118647 not a great job for anyone. But I also found evidence she andmany of these other Irish maids had this interesting relationship B6X-5JDaA70-00182-00118647-00119280 with their employers. They were pretty uppity.As they were described at the time. B6X-5JDaA70-00183-00119280-00119935 They were cocky, they needed the job, they were deferential when they needed to be but would also B6X-5JDaA70-00184-00120096-00120583 talk back if they found things not to their liking in their job. They would walk off the job if they B6X-5JDaA70-00185-00120583-00121144 didn't like it. They were described in newspapers, magazines, and cartoons, B6X-5JDaA70-00186-00121144-00122096 as sort of this pluckish take-no-BS women who stood up for themselves. I think that of Bridget that way, B6X-5JDaA70-00187-00122096-00122752 constantly stood up for herself and had ambitions beyond just being stuck as a maid. B6X-5JDaA70-00188-00123032-00123559 And little by little, you see her, as you described it, taking these baby steps forward. B6X-5JDaA70-00189-00123559-00124144 You know, a little bit better job with each job transition. A little bit better apartment each B6X-5JDaA70-00190-00124144-00124808 time. Later she becomes, you know, a hairdresser at a department store in downtown Boston, B6X-5JDaA70-00191-00124808-00125448 which really got her out of the muck of being a discriminated-against maid. But B6X-5JDaA70-00192-00125528-00126187 with each step or two forward, there's always a step back. She loses her first son, John Kennedy B6X-5JDaA70-00193-00126232-00127095 dies at just 20 months. Couple years later she loses her husband to consumption or tuberculosis. B6X-5JDaA70-00194-00127216-00127959 Patrick dies after they had welcomed into the world their fifth child, second son, Patrick J., B6X-5JDaA70-00195-00127959-00128808 P.J. So Bridget is left with this infant son, three daughters, and no husband. She kept getting B6X-5JDaA70-00196-00128808-00129280 pushed back and then she would push forward again. I think she's a remarkable character. B6X-5JDaA70-00197-00129280-00130085 She's tenacious and had sort of a vision for what she wanted to accomplish in America, I think. B6X-5JDaA70-00198-00130200-00130664 And I think in time she got there or got far enough along to feel like, okay, B6X-5JDaA70-00199-00130664-00131376 I established, you know, a place for my family here in America, and she saw the early successes B6X-5JDaA70-00200-00131376-00132120 of her kids. And that was a lot. ?>> Neal Bascomb: Yeah, I mean, I recall reading when B6X-5JDaA70-00201-00132176-00132656 she's having all these children and then Patrick dies and thinking what is going to happen to her B6X-5JDaA70-00202-00132656-00133664 now? And yet, the death of her husband Patrick is in some ways a sort of leaping-off point B6X-5JDaA70-00203-00133664-00134464 where she becomes an entrepreneur, and she, you know, decides or realizes that, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00204-00134576-00135328 my husband is not going to be the one who is going to help me establish this beachhead for my family. B6X-5JDaA70-00205-00135328-00136064 I'm going to have to be that beachhead. So she makes this leap into starting her own store, B6X-5JDaA70-00206-00136160-00136896 which, you know, sounds sort of trivial and small, sort of corner Bodega, as we have in New York City B6X-5JDaA70-00207-00136896-00137830 or elsewhere, but that was a huge moment for her. You know, to sort of rule her own domain. B6X-5JDaA70-00208-00138032-00138576 You made this point really well, how even as she's beginning to sort of triumph in this world B6X-5JDaA70-00209-00138656-00139208 that doesn't want her, that is pushing back and doing everything in its power to sort B6X-5JDaA70-00210-00139208-00139944 of keep the Irish out, she's also fighting the, you know, the other legion of sexism. B6X-5JDaA70-00211-00139944-00140640 So every reference to her in all the directories is Widow Kennedy. You keep making that point and B6X-5JDaA70-00212-00140640-00141344 it really sort of worked really, really well, I thought. You know, I'll call it a device because B6X-5JDaA70-00213-00141344-00141639 I'm a writer, but you know, it's true. >> Neal Thompson: Yeah, it was. B6X-5JDaA70-00214-00141639-00142280 >> Neal Bascomb: And it really worked. Talk to me a little bit about -- before we sort of go into B6X-5JDaA70-00215-00142392-00143304 that, talk a little bit more about this anti-Irish sentiment and all the laws and, B6X-5JDaA70-00216-00143432-00144088 you know, power structures that were pushing aback against these quote, unquote dirty immigrants. B6X-5JDaA70-00217-00144088-00144984 You know, no Irish need apply. You know, the echoes to today are on every level. And so I B6X-5JDaA70-00218-00145040-00145648 felt like at sometimes I was reading a newspaper report that I picked up at the corner newsstand, B6X-5JDaA70-00219-00145648-00146236 the way they were talking about immigrants, what they were doing to keep them from voting, B6X-5JDaA70-00220-00146296-00146864 to various other things, trying to keep, you know, the current power structure B6X-5JDaA70-00221-00146864-00147424 in place. And so talk to us about the Know Nothings and other things that Bridget was B6X-5JDaA70-00222-00147424-00147904 fighting. ?>> Neal Thompson: Yeah, some of those anti-immigrant, anti-Irish sentiments, B6X-5JDaA70-00223-00147968-00148928 again, I knew they were there back then, and I was shocked and at times pretty dismayed to learn how B6X-5JDaA70-00224-00149136-00149776 aggressive that attitude was, how aggressive the efforts were to keep those immigrants down B6X-5JDaA70-00225-00149776-00150264 and out and the specific steps that were taken to keep them down and out and how B6X-5JDaA70-00226-00150416-00151016 those echoes to today, I mean, I read headlines or quotes that were word for word some of the things B6X-5JDaA70-00227-00151016-00151688 that we see in recent years. Send them back, build a wall, you know, all these attitudes B6X-5JDaA70-00228-00151744-00152424 toward people who were just trying to find a new life and find a job and work. They weren't B6X-5JDaA70-00229-00152424-00153168 bringing their, you know, crime and their drugs. I think what was unique then but also has echoes B6X-5JDaA70-00230-00153168-00154104 to today, the big fear that many Americans or, you know, people in America at that time had B6X-5JDaA70-00231-00154104-00154680 as it relates to the Irish, was their religion. You know, we were a very Protestant country. B6X-5JDaA70-00232-00154776-00155459 Bridget and Patrick end up in Boston, which was a very Protestant, Brahmin, blue bloodish B6X-5JDaA70-00233-00155502-00156568 city, and what people feared more than anything was Catholicism or Papism, these Papists and their B6X-5JDaA70-00234-00156568-00157216 freaky religion. That's what a lot of the forces that we're talking about here were trying to keep B6X-5JDaA70-00235-00157216-00157848 out or down. So you know, examples that I came across, efforts to prevent any kind of Catholicism B6X-5JDaA70-00236-00157848-00158344 in the schools. They taught religion, but they taught the Protestant version of certain prayers B6X-5JDaA70-00237-00158344-00158904 and the Protestant Bible. And if you were, you know, an Irish Catholic kid and your B6X-5JDaA70-00238-00158904-00159424 only choice for school was to go to the public school and learn these lessons, B6X-5JDaA70-00239-00159480-00160104 English-centric lessons and Protestant-centric religious lessons, your only choice was to go to B6X-5JDaA70-00240-00160104-00160696 that. And if you opposed doing those things, like, for example, the requirement that you recite the B6X-5JDaA70-00241-00160800-00161376 Protestant version of the Lord's Prayer, you were whipped or expelled. They were just punished for B6X-5JDaA70-00242-00161376-00161920 trying to protect their religion. Just one of many examples. The Know Nothings, you mentioned, I'm B6X-5JDaA70-00243-00161920-00162896 here in Boston. The Kennedys lived across from downtown Boston On the island of East Boston. It was a hub of Know Nothingism. B6X-5JDaA70-00244-00162919-00163768 Thenativist political parties that came into power and prominence and popularity, huge popularity B6X-5JDaA70-00245-00163768-00164376 in the mid 1850s, the American party, the Native American party, they were lumped together as the B6X-5JDaA70-00246-00164376-00164968 Know Nothings, as our viewers might know. Their mission was to prevent Irish from B6X-5JDaA70-00247-00165104-00165872 holding elected office or being allowed to vote. I came across the Constitution, B6X-5JDaA70-00248-00165872-00166640 proposed Constitution of the Massachusetts state Know Nothing party, and they proposed -- and this B6X-5JDaA70-00249-00166640-00167232 was proposed many times over the subsequent years -- that an Irish immigrant had to live B6X-5JDaA70-00250-00167232-00167816 here for 21 years before they could apply for citizenship or even be considered B6X-5JDaA70-00251-00167880-00168536 after citizenship for the eligibility to vote or hold public office. There were proposed literacy B6X-5JDaA70-00252-00168536-00169048 tests, reading and writing, for people coming from other countries because they believed the B6X-5JDaA70-00253-00169048-00169664 Irish didn't know how to write and therefore shouldn't hold public office or vote. There were gangs B6X-5JDaA70-00254-00169664-00170550 of thugs hanging around polls on election day listening for Irish Brogues and demanding to see papers to prove they were allowed B6X-5JDaA70-00255-00170550-00170896 to vote, and then therewere riots all over the place, not just Boston. B6X-5JDaA70-00256-00170896-00171768 Philadelphia, Louisville, Baltimore. You know, often aimed at Irish Catholics trying to vote. B6X-5JDaA70-00257-00171864-00172653 So they were up against a lot. I describe one scene where this group of Know Nothings B6X-5JDaA70-00258-00172712-00173368 paraded down the streets of East Boston with the intent of sort of destroying the B6X-5JDaA70-00259-00173368-00174039 Kennedys' church in East Boston, throwing bricks through Irish businesses and windows. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00260-00174152-00174848 pummeling anyone that they believed to be Irish. It was a full-on assault. So for Bridget B6X-5JDaA70-00261-00174848-00175440 and her husband to have survived that and then once her husband is dead, for Bridget to continue B6X-5JDaA70-00262-00175440-00176184 to confront those forces and still manage to move her way up to a level where she could open her own B6X-5JDaA70-00263-00176184-00176880 grocery store is just remarkable to me. She was a remarkable character. ?>> Neal Bascomb: That's a B6X-5JDaA70-00264-00176880-00177480 good transition point because, you know, as the book is structured, you know, it's sort B6X-5JDaA70-00265-00177480-00178200 of two people's story, right? It's the story of Bridget and then it's the story of her son P.J. B6X-5JDaA70-00266-00178280-00179096 and his sort of rags-to-riches rise and sort of evolution into the power structure of Boston, B6X-5JDaA70-00267-00179096-00179888 which really was the point that allowed the Kennedys to become the Kennedys that we know B6X-5JDaA70-00268-00179888-00180680 today, become the First Family. But before we go there, I'd like to talk about the research here. B6X-5JDaA70-00269-00180680-00181256 And maybe this is, again, because I'm interested in it. And the writing of the story because, B6X-5JDaA70-00270-00181384-00181984 you know, no one has ventured to do this book before, and it's very likely not because B6X-5JDaA70-00271-00181984-00182213 someone hadn't thought of it. >> Neal Thompson: Right. B6X-5JDaA70-00272-00182213-00183112 >> Neal Bascomb: Or to have done biographies of the Kennedys. There seem to have been a lot of B6X-5JDaA70-00273-00183112-00183824 challenges in terms of the research of this. And I'm just -- you know, I'm sort of bowing down B6X-5JDaA70-00274-00183824-00184664 a little bit to your, you know, persistence in following these sources and getting to the root of B6X-5JDaA70-00275-00184776-00185544 the story of Bridget and P.J. So maybe talk to us about how the National Archives or other archives B6X-5JDaA70-00276-00185648-00186176 were a launching point for you. ?>> Neal Thompson: Yeah, you're right. And it's fun to talk to B6X-5JDaA70-00277-00186176-00186816 another researcher or historian about this kind of stuff because there were huge challenges and B6X-5JDaA70-00278-00186816-00187312 many points along the way where I thought, this is nuts. I'm not going to find the story I thought I B6X-5JDaA70-00279-00187312-00188120 was going to find. No wonder nobody has gone down this path before. It's just not there. But yeah, B6X-5JDaA70-00280-00188176-00188936 the research was a fascinating experience because I -- I think I initially assumed I can figure B6X-5JDaA70-00281-00188936-00189816 this out, you know, between my connections to different archives and libraries and with the B6X-5JDaA70-00282-00189816-00190432 JFK Library here in Boston being super cooperative and communicative every step of the way, I thought B6X-5JDaA70-00283-00190504-00191088 surely buried in those archives is a little more about Bridget, a little more about P.J. All I need B6X-5JDaA70-00284-00191088-00191704 to do is dig deeper and find it and bring this whole thing to life. I should say, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00285-00191880-00192520 my first stab at this was back in 2006. I went to Ireland. I went to the Kennedy homestead, B6X-5JDaA70-00286-00192520-00193032 as it's called, where Patrick Kennedy came from. It's still there. It's still in the family. I B6X-5JDaA70-00287-00193032-00193608 talked to, you know, extended relatives. I did some archival research there. So I thought I had B6X-5JDaA70-00288-00193608-00194357 a good sort of foundation to continue this once I got back up to speed on this book a decade later. B6X-5JDaA70-00289-00194464-00194976 And my first stop was the JFK Library, and they were incredibly generous and B6X-5JDaA70-00290-00194976-00195336 helpful and sent me a lot of the information that they did have on P.J., which was not B6X-5JDaA70-00291-00195400-00196040 insubstantial. Not a whole lot on Bridget. She was a poor immigrant maid. She didn't leave B6X-5JDaA70-00292-00196040-00196960 behind her collected papers or letters or really easily accessible information for a historian B6X-5JDaA70-00293-00197048-00197768 to just latch on to and tell her story. So they helped dig -- the Massachusetts Historical Society B6X-5JDaA70-00294-00197768-00198477 helped dig for me. The archives at Boston College and other universities helped me dig. B6X-5JDaA70-00295-00198568-00199200 What I had to do to bring Bridget to life was come at it from a bunch of different angles B6X-5JDaA70-00296-00199264-00200228 and try to tell the story of her as I knew it and then of others around her because there were -- B6X-5JDaA70-00297-00200352-00201008 there was information I was able to find, for example, about Irish maids who were doing the B6X-5JDaA70-00298-00201008-00201496 same job as Bridget at the same time and the same places. You know, letters, for example, at Boston B6X-5JDaA70-00299-00201496-00202160 College from a woman named Bridget, back to her family in Ireland. I was able to find grocery B6X-5JDaA70-00300-00202160-00202920 store account books to help understand what the accounting was like and what kind of stuff was B6X-5JDaA70-00301-00202920-00203664 on the shelves. We talked briefly earlier about or David mentioned it in the beginning about B6X-5JDaA70-00302-00203664-00204632 the P.J. Kennedy papers at the JFK Library, and I became aware of them 2016, 2017 and was thrilled. B6X-5JDaA70-00303-00204632-00205280 I thought once those are open, I've got this story. Surely everything is going to be in there. B6X-5JDaA70-00304-00205456-00206056 And I was in touch with the Archive folks at the JFK Library regularly, every six months I B6X-5JDaA70-00305-00206056-00206552 would say, hey, when are those going to be open to the public? How far along are we? You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00306-00206552-00207119 they were short staffed, overworked. They have a lot of people like me and you coming to them B6X-5JDaA70-00307-00207119-00207840 every day, saying can you help me with my book? It took a while for the papers to get processed B6X-5JDaA70-00308-00207840-00208544 and digitized. I had to be patient. Maybe I wasn't patient all the time, admittedly. But they were B6X-5JDaA70-00309-00208623-00209200 patient with me. Then they finally started processing them and said we're on a path now. It's B6X-5JDaA70-00310-00209200-00209664 in our budget and we're taking the first steps to get things going and they started the actual B6X-5JDaA70-00311-00209736-00210616 digitization, and then COVID hits and people start working remotely, and those efforts sort of ground B6X-5JDaA70-00312-00210616-00211176 to a halt. So I was already pretty far along in the research. I was terrified I wasn't going to be B6X-5JDaA70-00313-00211176-00211928 able to access those papers in time. To their huge credit, the head archivist and the woman doing the B6X-5JDaA70-00314-00211928-00212912 processing of the papers made it a priority, and I got this, like Christmas Day e-mail one day. Hey, B6X-5JDaA70-00315-00212912-00213423 we processed the first two-thirds, a couple of hundred pages, and here they are. B6X-5JDaA70-00316-00213423-00213967 They just made them available online and sent me the link. I can't remember if they sent me the B6X-5JDaA70-00317-00213967-00214623 digital documents directly. But it was Christmas. It was awesome. These were letters P.J. Kennedy B6X-5JDaA70-00318-00214623-00215232 had written throughout the course of his career, from the late 1800s into the early 1900s. B6X-5JDaA70-00319-00215296-00215976 And they helped me describe who P.J. was, this generous, empathetic guy who was focused on B6X-5JDaA70-00320-00215976-00216664 helping his community, on helping others, helping new immigrants to America find a job or a place B6X-5JDaA70-00321-00216664-00217456 to live. This is all as it related to his role as a politician or later in his life just sort of a B6X-5JDaA70-00322-00217567-00218248 helper. You know, back room sort of ward boss, as he was described. Someone who helped others. And B6X-5JDaA70-00323-00218248-00219008 what those papers and that bit of research helped as it relates to Bridget was I could trace back B6X-5JDaA70-00324-00219080-00219632 these traits in P.J. and how he conducted himself in business, B6X-5JDaA70-00325-00219632-00220279 back to his mother and show that these were things that she valued as well. B6X-5JDaA70-00326-00220344-00220984 I describe her in the book as this neighborhood hub around which family members and neighbors B6X-5JDaA70-00327-00220984-00221671 and other maids and children all sort of circulated. She was remarkably at her death B6X-5JDaA70-00328-00221671-00222344 in 1888 described in print in the Boston Globe, in an obituary of a noble woman of B6X-5JDaA70-00329-00222513-00222926 noble traits, and community B6X-5JDaA70-00330-00222928-00223767 pride. I forget the exact wording. She created something for herself and neighborhood and P.J. B6X-5JDaA70-00331-00223767-00224423 in turn did the same. The research I was able to get at the JFK Presidential B6X-5JDaA70-00332-00224423-00225400 Library helped bring that to life. >> Neal Bascomb: Not as an advertisement for B6X-5JDaA70-00333-00225632-00226433 National Archives, but they've been more than generous many times for me too. B6X-5JDaA70-00334-00226640-00227288 We couldn't do what we do without them. You know, I have to say, you know, when you were B6X-5JDaA70-00335-00227288-00227905 just writing about Bridget and you know, her coming across on B6X-5JDaA70-00336-00227976-00228656 the ship. And you know, what I liked about what you did there was it's so descriptive, B6X-5JDaA70-00337-00228656-00229367 and you really do feel like you're there and you understand what she's seeing and feeling and B6X-5JDaA70-00338-00229367-00230048 experiencing on every level, which is, you know, often very horrific. But you tread this nice line B6X-5JDaA70-00339-00230167-00230856 that some narrative nonfiction authors will tread a little too far, perhaps, and sort of B6X-5JDaA70-00340-00230919-00231400 almost fictionalize what is happening. But what I liked about how you did it B6X-5JDaA70-00341-00231400-00232231 is you made clear at points where you didn't know exactly what she would have experienced what she B6X-5JDaA70-00342-00232480-00233032 experienced because you weren't on that boat and she didn't leave a letter. You had assembled B6X-5JDaA70-00343-00233032-00233498 all these other sources and all these other experiences of young women who had come across, B6X-5JDaA70-00344-00233640-00234376 that it felt very, very authentic to me. And I knew when I was reading what's the history of B6X-5JDaA70-00345-00234376-00234936 these ships and these experiences of young maids and what was Bridget's specific experience? And I B6X-5JDaA70-00346-00234936-00235567 just want to say, you know, again, how nicely you did that. Just talking about the writing a B6X-5JDaA70-00347-00235567-00236200 little bit because I think I'm curious. You know, it felt very contemporary to me, the writing did. B6X-5JDaA70-00348-00236384-00236976 You know, I noted in particular your -- correct me if I'm wrong here -- but even B6X-5JDaA70-00349-00236976-00237488 your prologue was written in the present tense, which I found -- am I right? B6X-5JDaA70-00350-00237488-00237592 >> Neal Thompson: Yep. >> Neal Bascomb: Which I thought B6X-5JDaA70-00351-00237592-00238496 was a really interesting choice. And you know, the second thing I'll reference is, you know, you make B6X-5JDaA70-00352-00238496-00239792 contemporary illusions like you call Liverpool Mordor from J.R. Tolkien'sbooks. You quote modern writers, refugees, you quote Obama, B6X-5JDaA70-00353-00239888-00240832 experiencing the -- you know, what their experiences as immingrants were or the like. And why did B6X-5JDaA70-00354-00240832-00241488 you make that choice? What was the sort of -- I know these choices are carefully made. B6X-5JDaA70-00355-00241664-00242200 Sometimes. And I just want to get your sort of thought process behind that. ?>> Neal Thompson: B6X-5JDaA70-00356-00242200-00242712 Yeah, you know, they're all great observations because there was definitely B6X-5JDaA70-00357-00242880-00243632 an intent there to bring in some contemporary voices and sensibilities because I wanted this B6X-5JDaA70-00358-00243728-00244664 story to tie into what has been happening more recently. And so to your point, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00359-00244808-00245216 section breaks in the book, I have quotes from other authors talking about the immigrant B6X-5JDaA70-00360-00245216-00245967 experience via Tan Wynne. You mentioned the Obama quote saying in no other country is a story like B6X-5JDaA70-00361-00245967-00246584 mine even possible. So I wanted to have this story kind of look forward a little bit here and there B6X-5JDaA70-00362-00246680-00247592 without overdoing it, hopefully, and give it sort of a sense of currentness because I feel like B6X-5JDaA70-00363-00247592-00248344 some of the themes that I had tried to explore throughout this story are still very current. So B6X-5JDaA70-00364-00248344-00249032 I didn't want it to feel too dusty and historical. I wanted to show that some of the things that B6X-5JDaA70-00365-00249032-00249423 Bridget and her family were up against are the same things that a lot of folks B6X-5JDaA70-00366-00249423-00250250 are up against today. So yeah, I wanted to have that sort of freshness, just a touch. B6X-5JDaA70-00367-00250408-00251312 Briefly back to your comment about the ships, the coffin ship that Bridget came across on. That B6X-5JDaA70-00368-00251312-00251832 ties into some of the research we were talking about. I did try and walk this very fine line of B6X-5JDaA70-00369-00251832-00252471 saying -- not saying I knew Bridget's experience specifically, although at times I did. I wanted to B6X-5JDaA70-00370-00252560-00253016 come clean. Maybe it's Catholic guilt or something. I didn't want to fake it. I didn't B6X-5JDaA70-00371-00253088-00253656 want to say, you know, it probably went like this or she must have been thinking that. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00372-00253656-00254328 there are other devices that other writers have used. In some cases it works. It just wasn't for B6X-5JDaA70-00373-00254328-00255088 me. I wanted this to be the real version of the story. And because we don't know, I wanted to say, B6X-5JDaA70-00374-00255088-00255671 we don't know. And one reason for that is Bridget as a first name and Murphy as the last name, B6X-5JDaA70-00375-00255671-00256312 two of the most common names in Ireland at the time. So trying to find documentation to show that B6X-5JDaA70-00376-00256312-00256936 this Bridget Murphy on this ship was our Bridget Murphy, I couldn't do it. There were scores of B6X-5JDaA70-00377-00256936-00258071 Bridget, Bridy, Murphies that I came across in ship passenger manifests. Same with Patrick Kennedy. Super common name. We can't look at one B6X-5JDaA70-00378-00258071-00258623 particular ship or document and say oh, yeah, that must have been our Patrick Kennedy. So I B6X-5JDaA70-00379-00258623-00259367 tried to find the right balance and really go deep on the experiences of others as they were B6X-5JDaA70-00380-00259367-00260088 coming to America or experiencing, you know, the hardships that my characters experienced at B6X-5JDaA70-00381-00260088-00260784 the same time. So it was a balancing act. >> Neal Bascomb: Yeah, well said. And I don't B6X-5JDaA70-00382-00260784-00261328 mean to make you blush, but there's some great writing in here, and I pulled out one sentence, B6X-5JDaA70-00383-00261328-00261984 and I just want to get your reaction to it just, you know, how do you feel after you write a B6X-5JDaA70-00384-00262144-00262776 line like this, which I thought was absolutely beautiful. This is page 103 here and it's right B6X-5JDaA70-00385-00262776-00263232 when Patrick, Bridget's husband, is dying from consumption. And so it was, B6X-5JDaA70-00386-00263232-00263688 Patrick died at home, bits at a time and then in November 1858, all at once. B6X-5JDaA70-00387-00263760-00264078 I just thought that was magnificent. >> Neal Thompson: Thanks. B6X-5JDaA70-00388-00264078-00264312 >> Neal Bascomb: Do you throw yourself a little party after a line like that? B6X-5JDaA70-00389-00264312-00264568 (Laughter) >> Neal Thompson: B6X-5JDaA70-00390-00264568-00265152 You never know what's going to work, what's too much or not enough. I really did want to bring B6X-5JDaA70-00391-00265152-00265984 his -- do the best I could with that scene, you know? I wasn't there. We don't know exactly what B6X-5JDaA70-00392-00265984-00266584 his final days were like. But I do know what death by consumption was like for many others, B6X-5JDaA70-00393-00266584-00267296 and I describe it, you know, the Bronte sisters dying of consumption. Henry David Thoreau B6X-5JDaA70-00394-00267296-00267784 later, that disease affected so many people, B6X-5JDaA70-00395-00267784-00268638 I found doctors' reports from the 1800s describing how that disease progressed. I didn't want to get too B6X-5JDaA70-00396-00268696-00269264 medical or scientific. I wanted to show it from this one family watching their husband, B6X-5JDaA70-00397-00269264-00270040 their father, sort of waste away little by little and then all at once he was gone. And it felt like B6X-5JDaA70-00398-00270040-00270896 just a terrifying moment in the lives of that family that we think of as on the one hand, B6X-5JDaA70-00399-00270976-00271816 being so powerful and impervious to certain hardships. On the other hand, we've seen tragedy B6X-5JDaA70-00400-00271816-00272672 affect that family time and time again. And this was one of the first. And it echoes throughout the B6X-5JDaA70-00401-00272672-00273544 rest of that family's saga. You know, early death. I'm glad that line stuck out. ?>> Neal Bascomb: B6X-5JDaA70-00402-00273544-00274024 The saga element of this story -- and I do want to -- we have about 15 minutes left. So I do B6X-5JDaA70-00403-00274024-00274779 want to launch a little bit into P.J. because he certainly is the kind of rags to riches, B6X-5JDaA70-00404-00274976-00275472 and you know, sets the foundation for the Kennedy clan. B6X-5JDaA70-00405-00275848-00276552 Tell us a little bit about P.J. and his sort of -- his rise. Because it felt like it came B6X-5JDaA70-00406-00276552-00277384 at the time when the Irish in Boston were on the ascent. B6X-5JDaA70-00407-00277656-00278392 You know, you have Bridget push back, but as P.J. begins his rise, the Irish are in some ways B6X-5JDaA70-00408-00278456-00279164 coming into their own, and it's a very different story than Bridget's. >> Neal Thompson: B6X-5JDaA70-00409-00279280-00280120 Yeah, it was interesting to -- you know, the book is sort of divided in those two parts, B6X-5JDaA70-00410-00280120-00280680 Bridget's coming to America in her early years, trying to make it, opening her own grocery store, B6X-5JDaA70-00411-00280680-00281744 finally getting to a position of success and independence. And handing off to her children, B6X-5JDaA70-00412-00281744-00282352 in this case, P.J., whatever she was able to learn and hand off to them. And then P.J.'s story, B6X-5JDaA70-00413-00282432-00283000 you know, roughly half way through the book picks up from there. And I knew little bits B6X-5JDaA70-00414-00283000-00283560 and pieces about his sort of ascent to political power. I knew he was a politician. I didn't know B6X-5JDaA70-00415-00283560-00284344 how influential he was during his time. And as you said, it was a time when the Irish -- Democrats in B6X-5JDaA70-00416-00284344-00284992 their case -- were just starting to come to power, and P.J. was at the forefront of that transition. B6X-5JDaA70-00417-00285080-00285608 You know, we talked earlier about Boston being a very Protestant and very Brahmin, B6X-5JDaA70-00418-00285608-00286456 very old school city. It was also very Republican at that time. And so the Irish, B6X-5JDaA70-00419-00286600-00287288 in P.J.'s case, he was a saloon keeper. He opened a saloon in South Boston and was B6X-5JDaA70-00420-00287288-00287936 fairly successful there. Opened another in East Boston. And over time opened a handful of others, B6X-5JDaA70-00421-00287936-00288640 and that sort of got him to a level of not just success financially, but he was B6X-5JDaA70-00422-00288712-00289272 interacting with a lot of the other politicians of the day who had come to his pub, get to know him. B6X-5JDaA70-00423-00289272-00289880 He'd serve them beers. And little by little, he got pulled into Irish Democratic politics. B6X-5JDaA70-00424-00289880-00291061 Really early on just street level ward politics. First official role was with the Ward 2, democratic committee in East Boston. B6X-5JDaA70-00425-00291061-00291872 where he would just go around and solicit votes and knock on doors like a community organizer. And little by little, impressed B6X-5JDaA70-00426-00291936-00292504 the ward elders and then the larger Democratic establishment who were, at that time, really B6X-5JDaA70-00427-00292504-00293153 looking for people like P.J., who could represent their kind. And it was interesting to learn B6X-5JDaA70-00428-00293192-00293808 more, too, about how I'm describing P.J.'s ascent into that sort of political realm B6X-5JDaA70-00429-00293808-00294448 and then alongside him is John Fitzgerald, JFK's other grandfather, who is doing the same thing, B6X-5JDaA70-00430-00294448-00295632 also an immigrant grocer's son, grew up poor, working his way up in to ward politics in Boston. They were part of this B6X-5JDaA70-00431-00295632-00296379 first wave of Irish Democrats who started getting elected to the Board of Aldermen, B6X-5JDaA70-00432-00296392-00297192 city council, in time, state office and then national office. It just didn't happen for decades. B6X-5JDaA70-00433-00297272-00298104 It's really only in the 1880s, P.J. actually leaps ahead and ends up running for the State House, B6X-5JDaA70-00434-00298104-00298752 State Representative in Massachusetts. Served seven terms in a row as Representative Or Senator. Same with B6X-5JDaA70-00435-00298752-00299944 John Fitzgerald. He's a state senator and later comes a congressman. So that shift of politics in that B6X-5JDaA70-00436-00299944-00300560 city and more broadly spreading out from there was a remarkable time because these first generation B6X-5JDaA70-00437-00300560-00301280 Irish in many cases were finally finding their way into the establishment and finding ways to help B6X-5JDaA70-00438-00301280-00301952 their people. And I just loved seeing, again, back to the P.J. Kennedy papers, later after he's out B6X-5JDaA70-00439-00301952-00302576 of elected office and he's kind of this ward elder and someone people come to for help and advice, B6X-5JDaA70-00440-00302576-00303000 part of this Board of Strategy that I write about in the book. B6X-5JDaA70-00441-00303024-00303600 But he continues to help his kind all the way until his death. Many of his letters are about, as B6X-5JDaA70-00442-00303600-00304208 I described earlier, about helping other people. So that period, I found just fascinating. And P.J. B6X-5JDaA70-00443-00304208-00304980 Kennedy was part of that core group of Irish who, you know, you think of Boston today as a B6X-5JDaA70-00444-00304992-00305680 pretty Irish Democratic city politically, and it really all started with P.J. back then. >> Neal B6X-5JDaA70-00445-00305680-00306392 Bascomb: Yeah, he's a very laudable character. He seems almost like a foil to his son Joe B6X-5JDaA70-00446-00306392-00307216 in some respects. I imagine we could debate that. But you know, not a big drinker, B6X-5JDaA70-00447-00307304-00308016 didn't seem like he was much of a womanizer, very devoted to family, very devoted to, like you said, B6X-5JDaA70-00448-00308016-00308776 to helping people in the community. Just seemed to be that individual who was always there. B6X-5JDaA70-00449-00308776-00309696 You know, the sort of patriarch of the Irish in Boston. And so you know, sort of drawing it down B6X-5JDaA70-00450-00309696-00310392 and bringing it to JFK and Robert and the other members of his grandchildren, B6X-5JDaA70-00451-00310392-00310888 like, could you talk to us a little bit about the sort of characteristics that you B6X-5JDaA70-00452-00310888-00311776 found had been inherited, if not by Joe, by Joe and Rose's children >> Neal Thompson: Yeah, B6X-5JDaA70-00453-00311776-00312552 I find that interesting, that sort of transition from P.J., who was all about helping his people B6X-5JDaA70-00454-00312552-00313216 and really working it on the ground. I describe -- actually Joe talking years later about his father B6X-5JDaA70-00455-00313216-00314064 giving away too much to people. He lost a fortune just making loans to people in his community B6X-5JDaA70-00456-00314064-00314576 or just giving money away to people, and he was just too generous with his time and his B6X-5JDaA70-00457-00314576-00315368 finances. You know, I think Joe, interestingly, saw what his father did and said that's not for B6X-5JDaA70-00458-00315368-00315860 me. I'm not going to become a politician. I'm going to get into banking and make some money, B6X-5JDaA70-00459-00315872-00316360 which is what he did. Interestingly, though, his first job in banking or second job, B6X-5JDaA70-00460-00316360-00316976 but his most prominent one, was at his father's bank, this bank where Joe got his start was B6X-5JDaA70-00461-00317056-00317680 founded by and run by his father and some other Irish folks in East Boston. So you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00462-00317680-00318240 that transition from P.J. being genuine and helpful and sort of straight, B6X-5JDaA70-00463-00318240-00318856 as he was described later in life, remarkably straight for a saloon keeper turned politician. B6X-5JDaA70-00464-00318856-00319560 Then you get to Joe, and he doesn't have this sense of necessarily loyalty to his community B6X-5JDaA70-00465-00319560-00320248 and to the Irish and to his heritage. He wanted to become American fast. And he wanted his sons B6X-5JDaA70-00466-00320248-00321024 and daughters to be American. And he wanted more. He wanted power and money and all of that. So he's B6X-5JDaA70-00467-00321024-00321712 fascinating. You know, he's often sort of depicted as the patriarch of the family, but I'd argue B6X-5JDaA70-00468-00321712-00322652 P.J. was the true patriarch. Or more accurately, Bridget was the matriarch of the clan. But to your question I see sensibilities of B6X-5JDaA70-00469-00322652-00323208 both Bridget and PJ, maybe skip Joe to some extent, but with help B6X-5JDaA70-00470-00323208-00324008 from Rose, sort of make their way into later generations of that family. Many of those children B6X-5JDaA70-00471-00324008-00324784 of Joe and Rose did have the sense of giving back and this sense of service and helping. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00472-00324784-00325312 Eunice Kennedy, helping start the Special Olympics. I had a sister who had Down syndrome, B6X-5JDaA70-00473-00325312-00326133 and we went to the Special Olympics regularly. Thinking that that family helped that B6X-5JDaA70-00474-00326160-00327008 effort happen. And others like that I think JFK and RFK did have a sense of caring about those who B6X-5JDaA70-00475-00327008-00327728 were less fortunate than them in ways that maybe their father didn't necessarily. So quickly, B6X-5JDaA70-00476-00327728-00328320 among the traits I saw were like, empathy, sense of community, sense of helping others, B6X-5JDaA70-00477-00328384-00329408 at the same time as ambition and tenacity and grit and resilience. I think you see that transfer from B6X-5JDaA70-00478-00329512-00329840 Bridget to P.J. to Joe and Rose's kids, for sure. B6X-5JDaA70-00479-00329840-00330648 >> Neal Bascomb: Just a question from the audience here today. Can you talk to us about research or B6X-5JDaA70-00480-00330648-00331136 what you learned about the early history of the Fitzgerald family >> Neal Thompson: B6X-5JDaA70-00481-00331136-00331816 Yeah, I didn't go back as far with the Fitzgeralds. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00482-00331816-00332760 in part I felt like Doris Kerns Goodwin did a an amazing job in her book. A lot of that focused on the B6X-5JDaA70-00483-00332912-00333392 Irish immigrant Fitzgeralds and their early days in Boston. I didn't want to cover that B6X-5JDaA70-00484-00333392-00334264 same ground. I was hoping to find a now angle to the story. But I did do some research starting B6X-5JDaA70-00485-00334320-00335160 with John Fitzgerald's political ascent and learned a lot about the relationship between B6X-5JDaA70-00486-00335256-00335840 Fitzgerald and P.J. Kennedy. They didn't like each other. They were contemporaries. They B6X-5JDaA70-00487-00335840-00336184 came up the same. In the book I described they should have been soulmates. You know, B6X-5JDaA70-00488-00336360-00337008 American-born kids of Irish immigrants. Parents were grocers who also sold liquor on the side. B6X-5JDaA70-00489-00337008-00337704 They both come up through the ranks of Irish Democratic politics, vacationed at Orchard Beach B6X-5JDaA70-00490-00337704-00338328 in Maine which is where Joe and Rose first met and eventually fell in love. They were part of each B6X-5JDaA70-00491-00338328-00339224 other's lives from an early age and for the rest of their lives.At Times, they didn't like each other. PJ considered Honey Fitz, B6X-5JDaA70-00492-00339224-00340332 as he was known as a buffoon. He was way more flamboyant and out there and more of a typical politician. than P.J. B6X-5JDaA70-00493-00340368-00341016 PJ was quieter and behind the scenes. They needed each other. I described one fascinating moment, B6X-5JDaA70-00494-00341016-00341600 that I found, and I think the photo of this is at the JFK Library, B6X-5JDaA70-00495-00341600-00342272 Honey Fitz is elected to Congress, charging so hard, campaigning, going back and forth from Boston to B6X-5JDaA70-00496-00342272-00342880 Washington and comes down with consumption, the disease that killed P.J.'s father. The doctors say B6X-5JDaA70-00497-00342880-00343440 you need to get away and take a break. He decides to go south to Asheville, North Carolina and takes B6X-5JDaA70-00498-00343440-00344312 P.J. with him. That's his companion, they go south so Honey Fitz can recover and relax.His partner on that trip is B6X-5JDaA70-00499-00344312-00345056 P.J., his sometimes foe, the guy whose children the two of them wanted to keep apart and weren't B6X-5JDaA70-00500-00345056-00345616 able to do so. So there was a really interesting relationship between the two of those. So I do B6X-5JDaA70-00501-00345616-00346232 explore some of that in the book. >> Neal Bascomb: Right. So yeah, B6X-5JDaA70-00502-00346232-00346935 I do recall reading that section of the book and wanted to be a fly on the wall on that journey. B6X-5JDaA70-00503-00346984-00347808 We only have a couple minutes. I want to ask a sort of umbrella question, which is, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00504-00347808-00348368 you've spent a long time on this project, a lot of time researching the Kennedys and B6X-5JDaA70-00505-00348368-00349008 thinking about the Kennedys. You know, from that point where you started, you know, you were in B6X-5JDaA70-00506-00349288-00349912 JFK's Jr.'s death to the point where you're on tour talking about this great book of yours. B6X-5JDaA70-00507-00349912-00350808 How has your view of the Kennedys changed? How is it different than maybe what you perceived B6X-5JDaA70-00508-00350808-00351192 to be the Kennedys at the beginning of this journey of yours >> Neal Thompson: Yeah, B6X-5JDaA70-00509-00351272-00352104 that's a good one. You know, I always had some, call it generic sense of appreciation B6X-5JDaA70-00510-00352104-00352768 for that family, the service that they've given to the country. You know, they're less prominent B6X-5JDaA70-00511-00352768-00353656 obviously now, than ever before, given the loss of Joe Kennedy III, I think we now for the first B6X-5JDaA70-00512-00353656-00354592 time in decades don't have a Kennedy in Congress. So I've seen the family, you know, rise, hit by B6X-5JDaA70-00513-00354592-00355368 tragedy, rise again. And you know, I admire their resilience and their commitment to serving the B6X-5JDaA70-00514-00355368-00355912 country. You know, I know there are probably many complicated feelings out there about the other B6X-5JDaA70-00515-00355912-00356601 members of the family and their history. I think as a dynasty, it's not what it was and maybe that B6X-5JDaA70-00516-00356696-00357384 makes sense. Dynasties just don't last. But I developed a deeper appreciation for all the B6X-5JDaA70-00517-00357384-00358120 things that different generations of that family confronted over time and find it remarkable that B6X-5JDaA70-00518-00358192-00358824 they've had such a lasting impact on our national politics and culture and sort of B6X-5JDaA70-00519-00358824-00359488 sensibilities. I don't love this idea of the royal family in Camelot, you know, sort of the B6X-5JDaA70-00520-00359488-00360344 sexier or at times seedier parts of the family history. Those kinds of episodes that, you know, B6X-5JDaA70-00521-00360440-00361128 you see in the tabloids are unfortunate, and they are part of the family saga, but I also think B6X-5JDaA70-00522-00361128-00361640 there are so many good things that came from that family that we're experiencing today, we're living B6X-5JDaA70-00523-00361640-00361968 with today because of their efforts. >> Neal Bascomb: Right, and it started B6X-5JDaA70-00524-00361968-00362216 with Bridget and P.J. >> Neal Thompson: Exactly. B6X-5JDaA70-00525-00362216-00362424 That's right. >> Neal Bascomb: I'll conclude there. I B6X-5JDaA70-00526-00362424-00363008 want to thank the National Archives for hosting you, Neal, and for having me moderate here. B6X-5JDaA70-00527-00363064-00363936 I encourage everyone to read "The First Kennedys." It's a very, very illuminating book, and just an B6X-5JDaA70-00528-00363936-00364320 absolute pleasure to read it. Thank you, Neal. >> Neal Thompson: Neal, thanks so much for doing B6X-5JDaA70-00529-00364320-00364888 this. Really enjoyed talking with you, and thanks to everyone who joined us, and big thanks to the B6X-5JDaA70-00530-00364888-00365602 National Archives for doing this. >> Neal Bascomb: Wonderful. B7-KbXnVY78-00000-00000648-00001144 hello my name is marco i'm here to discuss with you the role of B7-KbXnVY78-00001-00001144-00001559 open source in education and also to present B7-KbXnVY78-00002-00001559-00001960 specifically one of our test workshops in robotics B7-KbXnVY78-00003-00001960-00002216 and ai B7-KbXnVY78-00004-00002400-00002743 so for those of you that don't know me very well B7-KbXnVY78-00005-00002743-00003200 i'm just going to give a little bit of background about myself B7-KbXnVY78-00006-00003200-00003976 i did computer science and my college years and then i went through a B7-KbXnVY78-00007-00003976-00004687 phd in robotics which is my passion nowadays i did um B7-KbXnVY78-00008-00004687-00005407 i did work as a head of data science in a private academy uh B7-KbXnVY78-00009-00005407-00005944 a few years back so i've done quite a little bit of teaching B7-KbXnVY78-00010-00005944-00006440 and right now i'm a software engineer at open robotics B7-KbXnVY78-00011-00006440-00007143 which is my current job and sometimes i B7-KbXnVY78-00012-00007143-00007856 collaborate with foss asia i help them run events like the big summit in B7-KbXnVY78-00013-00007856-00008311 singapore or i also go around give some talks or B7-KbXnVY78-00014-00008311-00008560 even do some workshops as the one we're B7-KbXnVY78-00015-00008560-00008864 presenting here today B7-KbXnVY78-00016-00009015-00009456 so i want to give first some stats about education right B7-KbXnVY78-00017-00009456-00009864 even though um education has been improving B7-KbXnVY78-00018-00009864-00010560 through the years and if you see as wage has been improving B7-KbXnVY78-00019-00010560-00010992 um education has been improving along with it B7-KbXnVY78-00020-00010992-00011415 and we all live better and there's more people that has access to it B7-KbXnVY78-00021-00011415-00011728 but there's still some numbers that we can improve B7-KbXnVY78-00022-00011728-00012384 there and and there's a bit um there's quite a lot of of people that B7-KbXnVY78-00023-00012384-00012887 are still illiterate in the world and you can see here B7-KbXnVY78-00024-00012887-00013544 the numbers by unesco and at least around 50 percent B7-KbXnVY78-00025-00013544-00013919 of the people in the world still don't know how to read B7-KbXnVY78-00026-00013919-00014576 or if we put that in numbers it's about 750 million B7-KbXnVY78-00027-00014576-00015000 which is still a high number for me so i think we can still do B7-KbXnVY78-00028-00015000-00015304 something about it right B7-KbXnVY78-00029-00015391-00016023 so i want to go through different um different parts of the educational B7-KbXnVY78-00030-00016023-00016272 system so i want to have a look at different B7-KbXnVY78-00031-00016272-00016759 aspects of it uh methods uh the cause of that the B7-KbXnVY78-00032-00016759-00017104 accessibility that is out there and then i want to B7-KbXnVY78-00033-00017104-00017623 have a look at how foss can help in these fields B7-KbXnVY78-00034-00017623-00018256 so it can help reduce costs it can help ease the access i can help bring in new B7-KbXnVY78-00035-00018256-00018631 ways and methods and and what are these how we can B7-KbXnVY78-00036-00018631-00019087 achieve these things and then i'll give you guys the example B7-KbXnVY78-00037-00019087-00019559 of the robotics workshop that we've done B7-KbXnVY78-00038-00019559-00019928 and then we'll run into from some questions B7-KbXnVY78-00039-00019928-00020808 about um what we can do to improve education in the world B7-KbXnVY78-00040-00021031-00021495 all right so a very B7-KbXnVY78-00041-00021520-00022295 uh typical view of education is to see education as a social progress B7-KbXnVY78-00042-00022295-00022712 right so a developed country uh B7-KbXnVY78-00043-00022712-00023136 once i get to the age i start attending school B7-KbXnVY78-00044-00023136-00023631 and from a very early age at a certain point i pursue a degree B7-KbXnVY78-00045-00023631-00024023 and once i get that degree i specialize in a certain field B7-KbXnVY78-00046-00024023-00024423 and i get a job in order to contribute to society B7-KbXnVY78-00047-00024423-00025072 right that is the basic view of education in the developed world in a B7-KbXnVY78-00048-00025072-00025647 capitalist country um however i will B7-KbXnVY78-00049-00025647-00026056 still look at education in a more complete way B7-KbXnVY78-00050-00026056-00026736 not only in in this traditional way i think education should be able to B7-KbXnVY78-00051-00026736-00027119 produce knowledgeable human beings that B7-KbXnVY78-00052-00027119-00027800 are critical thinkers and humane and civilized members of society B7-KbXnVY78-00053-00027800-00028232 and are also able to expand their own knowledge B7-KbXnVY78-00054-00028232-00028791 into new fields and they're also able to educate others like explain B7-KbXnVY78-00055-00028791-00029191 themselves to others and and and share their knowledge with other B7-KbXnVY78-00056-00029191-00029752 people so i think this these are certain points B7-KbXnVY78-00057-00029752-00030160 that education should should also achieve to create a B7-KbXnVY78-00058-00030160-00030447 better society B7-KbXnVY78-00059-00030536-00030895 so now let's let's have a look at certain general characteristics of the B7-KbXnVY78-00060-00030895-00031232 current education system B7-KbXnVY78-00061-00031447-00031983 so the first um the first aspect of education that we're B7-KbXnVY78-00062-00031983-00032439 going to have a look at the the methods that are being used B7-KbXnVY78-00063-00032439-00032863 and i would like to point out that even though it's not the more B7-KbXnVY78-00064-00032863-00033544 the most um um it's not used everywhere um beside the B7-KbXnVY78-00065-00033544-00034152 research pointing out on good results on active learning um B7-KbXnVY78-00066-00034152-00034880 some some places they're still using um the the passive learning method right B7-KbXnVY78-00067-00034880-00035591 and it's it's still a generic a generic way of teaching uh B7-KbXnVY78-00068-00035591-00035952 even though the passive learning has given us a certain B7-KbXnVY78-00069-00035952-00036247 level of success B7-KbXnVY78-00070-00036319-00036816 that's probably why it remains unmodified since roman times right B7-KbXnVY78-00071-00036816-00037600 so there's still um this this this this um tend towards B7-KbXnVY78-00072-00037600-00038072 passive learning you can see similarities in the picture B7-KbXnVY78-00073-00038072-00038608 from roman classroom on the left to a regular class from college nowadays B7-KbXnVY78-00074-00038608-00039047 and and it still remains the same right B7-KbXnVY78-00075-00039263-00039688 i want to give a good example of of a strict application of this method B7-KbXnVY78-00076-00039688-00040208 and and and i think singapore is it's one of these examples B7-KbXnVY78-00077-00040208-00040872 um i live in singapore so i know a little bit about it and it's B7-KbXnVY78-00078-00040872-00041280 a very challenging city it's a it's a it's a thing it's a city that B7-KbXnVY78-00079-00041280-00041696 that has uh very specific ways of doing B7-KbXnVY78-00080-00041696-00042159 things compared to other countries and B7-KbXnVY78-00081-00042159-00042463 i've been discussing this with with some other uh B7-KbXnVY78-00082-00042463-00043136 peers and and friends and we um we agree on on on this sort of B7-KbXnVY78-00083-00043136-00043791 sort of points i'm putting here right um so we we can say that singapore is is B7-KbXnVY78-00084-00043791-00044103 an example of how this traditional education is B7-KbXnVY78-00085-00044103-00044496 implemented right and the main focus on on singapore B7-KbXnVY78-00086-00044496-00045024 education it's it's good test results and that is B7-KbXnVY78-00087-00045024-00045663 that that drifts the whole education in in singapore and it will it will B7-KbXnVY78-00088-00045663-00046280 it will just decide your career as a student in singapore B7-KbXnVY78-00089-00046280-00046872 so as a result singapore is usually the top country or or one of the top B7-KbXnVY78-00090-00046872-00047144 countries in educational tests in the world B7-KbXnVY78-00091-00047144-00047608 so that is that is the the good results that we get B7-KbXnVY78-00092-00047608-00048384 however there is a bit of a lack of young entrepreneurs um B7-KbXnVY78-00093-00048384-00048736 even though despite the government entities that B7-KbXnVY78-00094-00048736-00049224 really push for startups here still B7-KbXnVY78-00095-00049231-00049919 some young students will instead choose more conservative B7-KbXnVY78-00096-00049919-00050484 and stable careers aided by statutories hiring quotas B7-KbXnVY78-00097-00050484-00051087 so even though the the the the means to to create startups B7-KbXnVY78-00098-00051087-00051736 are there by governments because of a more traditional educational system B7-KbXnVY78-00099-00051736-00052239 there there is uh somehow a lack of innovation B7-KbXnVY78-00100-00052239-00052767 in in in the society that that is produced by the educational B7-KbXnVY78-00101-00052767-00053008 system B7-KbXnVY78-00102-00053144-00053567 now let's have a look at the cost of education right which is B7-KbXnVY78-00103-00053567-00054151 also a very conservational topic the king of the cost of education of B7-KbXnVY78-00104-00054151-00054576 course is the united states uh it's a place where the price of B7-KbXnVY78-00105-00054576-00055104 college has been increasing and is the highest in the world and in B7-KbXnVY78-00106-00055104-00055360 fact you can see on the picture on the right B7-KbXnVY78-00107-00055360-00055791 that student loans make up the largest chunk of B7-KbXnVY78-00108-00055791-00056432 u.s non-house debt so it's quite a bit um in the u.s B7-KbXnVY78-00109-00056432-00056839 however besides the u.s being the most costly B7-KbXnVY78-00110-00056839-00057295 it's not where education costs it's a bigger problem B7-KbXnVY78-00111-00057295-00058000 so if we look at this comparison of countries B7-KbXnVY78-00112-00058000-00058527 related to the salary you can see that countries like hungary romania or B7-KbXnVY78-00113-00058527-00058976 estonia they have to spend quite a big chunk of B7-KbXnVY78-00114-00058976-00059424 the average salary if they want to access education right B7-KbXnVY78-00115-00059424-00059791 so these high costs on education not only prevent people from B7-KbXnVY78-00116-00059791-00060495 basic learning but they also are preventing them to achieve higher B7-KbXnVY78-00117-00060495-00061048 educations which is where um humans become B7-KbXnVY78-00118-00061048-00061927 a more beneficial um more beneficial to society right B7-KbXnVY78-00119-00061927-00062304 another aspect of education is accessibility B7-KbXnVY78-00120-00062304-00062800 so it's very important to have information access B7-KbXnVY78-00121-00062800-00063344 and an internet speed is is one of the ways of have information access nowadays B7-KbXnVY78-00122-00063344-00063679 right and this is something that we all have B7-KbXnVY78-00123-00063679-00064039 in developed countries but there's undeveloped countries that are B7-KbXnVY78-00124-00064039-00064472 still lacking some internet speed access to video B7-KbXnVY78-00125-00064472-00065176 conference now in especially in days of of covid like we are this year right B7-KbXnVY78-00126-00065176-00065688 it's very important a lot of things going on online like this conference B7-KbXnVY78-00127-00065688-00066207 and a lot of a lot of classes going on online B7-KbXnVY78-00128-00066207-00066688 and and i saw the other day in hacker news a post by a brazilian guy B7-KbXnVY78-00129-00066688-00067072 that was complaining of the lack of tools B7-KbXnVY78-00130-00067072-00067888 to to assist on on low bandwidth video conference and and they they B7-KbXnVY78-00131-00067888-00068536 they couldn't access um classes right so there's this there's a B7-KbXnVY78-00132-00068536-00068895 lot of things that can be done then there's also a lack of B7-KbXnVY78-00133-00068895-00069239 untrained teachers there's lack of equipments and there's B7-KbXnVY78-00134-00069239-00069712 like on classrooms on these developed countries so a lot of B7-KbXnVY78-00135-00069712-00070295 room to improve in those areas so what can B7-KbXnVY78-00136-00070295-00070672 free and open source software and methods do B7-KbXnVY78-00137-00070672-00071248 in these areas in terms of costs there's many things that can be done in B7-KbXnVY78-00138-00071248-00071663 terms of costs so for licenses is one of the first ones B7-KbXnVY78-00139-00071663-00072232 that can come to mind very um easy one if B7-KbXnVY78-00140-00072232-00072576 if i have a school and i have to buy software licenses for every single B7-KbXnVY78-00141-00072576-00072951 software that i run on my computers and the computers that students are B7-KbXnVY78-00142-00072951-00073600 using that's a high cost so open source license can help overcome B7-KbXnVY78-00143-00073600-00073944 this cost open source textbooks that's a that's B7-KbXnVY78-00144-00073944-00074536 another important issue so textbooks also become B7-KbXnVY78-00145-00074536-00075192 a very high cost for many families and having them B7-KbXnVY78-00146-00075192-00075544 open source not only can reduce this cost B7-KbXnVY78-00147-00075544-00076144 but can also make them easier to improve and update i want to shout out the B7-KbXnVY78-00148-00076144-00076656 project opentab openstack so it's a it's a project that is that is B7-KbXnVY78-00149-00076656-00077039 developing open source textbooks and materials B7-KbXnVY78-00150-00077039-00077616 and it's a very interesting project so i i encourage you to have a look at it B7-KbXnVY78-00151-00077616-00078351 um also the open source projects can can also B7-KbXnVY78-00152-00078351-00078663 bring local production so we have open source have B7-KbXnVY78-00153-00078663-00079407 open hardware so can can also reduce cost by by producing locally B7-KbXnVY78-00154-00079407-00079824 or even as we said with this with the textbooks you can B7-KbXnVY78-00155-00079824-00080280 you can produce them locally also the ability to repair B7-KbXnVY78-00156-00080280-00080624 your own products like if you have if you have computers B7-KbXnVY78-00157-00080624-00081039 uh or if you have software and they they're broken or they don't work you B7-KbXnVY78-00158-00081039-00081416 can also work on that so that also brings down B7-KbXnVY78-00159-00081416-00081839 the cost hit a voice window login so any any type B7-KbXnVY78-00160-00081839-00082224 of technology that you're using that is free and open source you can B7-KbXnVY78-00161-00082224-00082680 also uh find someone locally to to help you B7-KbXnVY78-00162-00082680-00083216 fix it instead of having to to to call someone from from another B7-KbXnVY78-00163-00083216-00083768 company wait let me go back yeah and finally B7-KbXnVY78-00164-00083768-00084200 there's uh there's the possibility of reusing projects right B7-KbXnVY78-00165-00084200-00084600 because if we are doing free and open source software people can just work on B7-KbXnVY78-00166-00084600-00085039 top of your project and and it's something that it's easier B7-KbXnVY78-00167-00085039-00085319 for them to learn B7-KbXnVY78-00168-00085344-00085832 in terms of accessibility so free and open source software it's always B7-KbXnVY78-00169-00085832-00086168 available so we have materials available we will B7-KbXnVY78-00170-00086168-00086568 have we would have code available we would B7-KbXnVY78-00171-00086568-00087007 have hardware design available so everything B7-KbXnVY78-00172-00087007-00087400 is available on on the internet there's software B7-KbXnVY78-00173-00087400-00087807 adaptability so that means that we we we would be B7-KbXnVY78-00174-00087807-00088224 able to adapt software to different B7-KbXnVY78-00175-00088224-00088848 needs right so i was talking about uh video conference software if it's open B7-KbXnVY78-00176-00088848-00089295 source then then can easily be adapted for for lower B7-KbXnVY78-00177-00089295-00089632 bandwidth even though the main product was not B7-KbXnVY78-00178-00089632-00090127 designed for that right so that is an example and also B7-KbXnVY78-00179-00090127-00090600 it allows to learn through exploration right so open source gives you the B7-KbXnVY78-00180-00090600-00091351 the whole thing for you to explore so that enables students to B7-KbXnVY78-00181-00091351-00091727 grab whatever piece of software or hardware B7-KbXnVY78-00182-00091727-00092319 and and be able to to modify it by themselves have a look at it how it's B7-KbXnVY78-00183-00092319-00092680 done and and how how they can improve it how they B7-KbXnVY78-00184-00092680-00093112 can they can modify it how and and learn through B7-KbXnVY78-00185-00093112-00093744 through through the process and it also enables communities so this B7-KbXnVY78-00186-00093744-00094400 is a thing that can be also brought into um learning and communities can B7-KbXnVY78-00187-00094400-00095112 expand the experience of of learning more like in a in a bigger sense that B7-KbXnVY78-00188-00095112-00095583 only your local community so nowadays we live in a connected world B7-KbXnVY78-00189-00095583-00096112 and and having communities beyond our local communities is very important B7-KbXnVY78-00190-00096112-00096400 and it can also help you expand your B7-KbXnVY78-00191-00096400-00096919 knowledge on certain topics and also documentation as if we have B7-KbXnVY78-00192-00096919-00097336 documentations with open licenses this can be shared this B7-KbXnVY78-00193-00097336-00097807 can also create people that can improve them and B7-KbXnVY78-00194-00097807-00098424 and can be also accessed as a lower cost right B7-KbXnVY78-00195-00098480-00099144 now regarding the method we should try to bring learning B7-KbXnVY78-00196-00099144-00099607 communities together right these learning communities have B7-KbXnVY78-00197-00099607-00100119 have to be technologically enabled have to be able to share information B7-KbXnVY78-00198-00100119-00100495 between them and being able to co-author their B7-KbXnVY78-00199-00100495-00100912 learning experience so this is as i'm going through a B7-KbXnVY78-00200-00100912-00101407 learning experience i should also be part of it right B7-KbXnVY78-00201-00101407-00102063 this is this is the instead of like just being a listener in a room i'm also B7-KbXnVY78-00202-00102063-00102567 being an active uh having an active role in that B7-KbXnVY78-00203-00102567-00103207 in that experience um however there's some this uh there's a B7-KbXnVY78-00204-00103207-00103719 there's a lack of of evaluation that we should not compromise B7-KbXnVY78-00205-00103719-00104088 so there's there's tons of free information B7-KbXnVY78-00206-00104088-00104664 out there there's tons of open information and it's very nice nowadays B7-KbXnVY78-00207-00104664-00105216 how much information a student can get on the internet B7-KbXnVY78-00208-00105216-00105528 but the B7-KbXnVY78-00209-00105664-00106320 a student can still attend an mit course uh for free there's this almost all of B7-KbXnVY78-00210-00106320-00106935 them are online however the actual credentials B7-KbXnVY78-00211-00106935-00107272 will still be super expensive so i think the B7-KbXnVY78-00212-00107272-00107767 foss community has uh B7-KbXnVY78-00213-00107848-00108664 has to try to provide means for evaluation of these concepts B7-KbXnVY78-00214-00108664-00109359 so actual students that cannot attend an mit class at the actual B7-KbXnVY78-00215-00109359-00109696 mit and get and pay for those credentials B7-KbXnVY78-00216-00109696-00110128 can somehow get a similar B7-KbXnVY78-00217-00110128-00110752 evaluation even though if they were not at the at the place or didn't pay B7-KbXnVY78-00218-00110752-00111072 for the credentials so that is that is the thing that is an B7-KbXnVY78-00219-00111072-00111472 important point where where free and open source B7-KbXnVY78-00220-00111472-00111944 communities can help to get accessibility B7-KbXnVY78-00221-00111944-00112496 into into into learning B7-KbXnVY78-00222-00112600-00112976 so things that uh more things that open source B7-KbXnVY78-00223-00112976-00113600 can do it's that we can enable personal growth B7-KbXnVY78-00224-00113600-00114240 of the students we can be able to eliminate barriers between B7-KbXnVY78-00225-00114240-00114903 between different communities and we should try to provide B7-KbXnVY78-00226-00114903-00115272 project-based learning to to the students B7-KbXnVY78-00227-00115272-00115632 instead of just just learning things as it is B7-KbXnVY78-00228-00115632-00115959 having a target that can help them achieve B7-KbXnVY78-00229-00115959-00116616 a goal um foss should also encourage exploration B7-KbXnVY78-00230-00116616-00117344 which is uh given that the the the source is already there and and B7-KbXnVY78-00231-00117344-00117928 the information is is always open now we should also try to encourage B7-KbXnVY78-00232-00117928-00118335 group interaction so with with these bigger online B7-KbXnVY78-00233-00118335-00118840 communities should be able to basically B7-KbXnVY78-00234-00118840-00119472 uh bring them on board new learners and and try to promote them B7-KbXnVY78-00235-00119472-00120200 in into some uh more active learning all together so B7-KbXnVY78-00236-00120200-00121032 i will now talk about uh robotics um workshop which was done under the B7-KbXnVY78-00237-00121032-00121883 foss asia academy so let's get into it so the workshop is done with the support B7-KbXnVY78-00238-00121883-00122359 from foss asia it's a project from foss asia it's B7-KbXnVY78-00239-00122359-00122864 called pslab and it's mainly it stands for pocket B7-KbXnVY78-00240-00122864-00123400 science lab and it's mainly meant for experimental things B7-KbXnVY78-00241-00123400-00123776 so you can you can do different things with this board B7-KbXnVY78-00242-00123776-00124328 at different levels right so it has uh many many things like a wave B7-KbXnVY78-00243-00124328-00124776 generator it has a logic analyzer and you can B7-KbXnVY78-00244-00124776-00125096 connect sensors you can do all these things with uh with B7-KbXnVY78-00245-00125096-00125615 the pocket science lab right so what we did is that we brought this B7-KbXnVY78-00246-00125615-00126255 piece of open hardware and and we connected to the B7-KbXnVY78-00247-00126255-00126679 me arm so a me arm it's also an open design B7-KbXnVY78-00248-00126679-00127335 uh it's a it's an open design of a robot that you can cut in in pretty much a B7-KbXnVY78-00249-00127335-00127728 wide range of materials we did it in wood B7-KbXnVY78-00250-00127728-00128072 because it was the material that we had available at the time B7-KbXnVY78-00251-00128072-00128776 we attached four servers to it and and we connected these servers B7-KbXnVY78-00252-00128776-00129528 to the ps lab right so what happens is that now the B7-KbXnVY78-00253-00129528-00130135 ps lab can be connected to a to a cell phone or a computer and you B7-KbXnVY78-00254-00130135-00130711 should be able to run and move around your robot B7-KbXnVY78-00255-00130872-00131191 so what we did is that we created a bunch of B7-KbXnVY78-00256-00131191-00131560 groups and these groups were able to collaborate together B7-KbXnVY78-00257-00131560-00132088 follow a certain basic instructions on how to build this B7-KbXnVY78-00258-00132088-00132591 this robot and in the end they would they they were able to B7-KbXnVY78-00259-00132591-00133008 connect it to to a ps lab and then connect the ps lab B7-KbXnVY78-00260-00133008-00133496 to a cell phone or a computer and then work on it right so what did we B7-KbXnVY78-00261-00133496-00133928 achieve with it so with it we managed to bring robotics B7-KbXnVY78-00262-00133928-00134384 at a very low cost robotics is a very expensive field B7-KbXnVY78-00263-00134384-00134855 and we managed to bring a robotics workshop at a very low cost B7-KbXnVY78-00264-00134855-00135184 to students right so that was a very good point B7-KbXnVY78-00265-00135184-00135576 we also managed to get them to work into some project-based learning B7-KbXnVY78-00266-00135576-00136367 so they could pro they could work um into building something it's uh B7-KbXnVY78-00267-00136367-00136688 it was it was based in groups so they all collaborate and they B7-KbXnVY78-00268-00136688-00137128 they share the experience and they communicate with each other B7-KbXnVY78-00269-00137128-00137455 they encour we encourage interaction between these groups B7-KbXnVY78-00270-00137455-00137800 and they all also interaction with all the groups B7-KbXnVY78-00271-00137800-00138240 from outside was also encouraged B7-KbXnVY78-00272-00138264-00138615 the good thing about this being open source is that B7-KbXnVY78-00273-00138615-00139032 it allows the workshop to be adapted to many different levels B7-KbXnVY78-00274-00139032-00139336 so we have a full application you don't need to B7-KbXnVY78-00275-00139336-00139712 learn how to program you can just run the B7-KbXnVY78-00276-00139712-00140055 the robot with your own cell phone however B7-KbXnVY78-00277-00140055-00140520 if you really want to if you really want to B7-KbXnVY78-00278-00140520-00141232 program the the whole structure of the of the robot you can just do it using a B7-KbXnVY78-00279-00141232-00141703 python library so that it's uh or you can even modify B7-KbXnVY78-00280-00141703-00142040 the pantheon the python library because everything is open source you B7-KbXnVY78-00281-00142040-00142672 can even modify pslab and you can create your own board for uh B7-KbXnVY78-00282-00142672-00143152 moving around the robot also we believe these workshops B7-KbXnVY78-00283-00143152-00143872 uh will encourage active explorations and will bring uh B7-KbXnVY78-00284-00143872-00144184 knowledge communities uh around the world B7-KbXnVY78-00285-00144184-00144560 so we think it's a good experience so we run this workshop B7-KbXnVY78-00286-00144560-00145279 in qinghua university in shenzhen china we also run it a travel maker which is a B7-KbXnVY78-00287-00145279-00145752 co-working space there and we have run it in the lifelong B7-KbXnVY78-00288-00145752-00146279 learning institute in singapore with very bring success B7-KbXnVY78-00289-00146336-00146984 finally open source can bring learning costs down can improve B7-KbXnVY78-00290-00146984-00147415 accessibility can increment students interests B7-KbXnVY78-00291-00147415-00148127 can enable self learning through co-authoring as the B7-KbXnVY78-00292-00148127-00148832 license allows you to explore more can enable community interactions B7-KbXnVY78-00293-00148832-00149103 through these amazing communities that we have B7-KbXnVY78-00294-00149103-00149503 in open source if we bring them into the learning space B7-KbXnVY78-00295-00149503-00150191 and can some should uh try to come up with evaluation B7-KbXnVY78-00296-00150191-00150600 processes as i said um students should B7-KbXnVY78-00297-00150600-00151176 if they have access to the information if they have access to the B7-KbXnVY78-00298-00151208-00151672 learning experience there shouldn't be a need to B7-KbXnVY78-00299-00151672-00152072 to attend a certain college or to pay a certain fee B7-KbXnVY78-00300-00152072-00152896 to be able to get a certification that proves the their knowledge in that B7-KbXnVY78-00301-00152896-00153127 field B7-KbXnVY78-00302-00153567-00153912 so yeah i think technology enables education B7-KbXnVY78-00303-00153912-00154464 and it's been proven that education information is more accessible nowadays B7-KbXnVY78-00304-00154464-00155103 but i think as an open source community we can do much B7-KbXnVY78-00305-00155103-00155672 more in this field so i hope the B7-KbXnVY78-00306-00155672-00156048 keys that i gave on this presentation can B7-KbXnVY78-00307-00156048-00156679 uh encourage everyone to walk in these fields and towards B7-KbXnVY78-00308-00156679-00157167 these goals and thank you very much um if you have B7-KbXnVY78-00309-00157167-00157560 any questions i think there's a few minutes um if B7-KbXnVY78-00310-00157560-00158103 not you can always drop me an email thank you very much B7-KbXnVY78-00311-00158167-00158679 um yeah sorry i was looking at the chat um B7-KbXnVY78-00312-00158688-00159032 i yeah i really think that's um that's the B7-KbXnVY78-00313-00159032-00159336 the biggest challenge here uh certification is B7-KbXnVY78-00314-00159336-00159712 is uh it's a big problem nowadays there's a lot of information out there there's a lot B7-KbXnVY78-00315-00159712-00160176 of information available but still as i said the B7-KbXnVY78-00316-00160176-00160640 certification is is what what is is costing uh most of B7-KbXnVY78-00317-00160640-00160888 the in terms of costs right if you talk in B7-KbXnVY78-00318-00160888-00161512 terms of cost is the biggest challenge that we uh we have to overcome B7-KbXnVY78-00319-00161512-00162200 i think um the there's no um means for for B7-KbXnVY78-00320-00162200-00162615 to overcome this this issue and nowadays as i said you can you can B7-KbXnVY78-00321-00162615-00162984 you can attend even classes from stanford mit be it top B7-KbXnVY78-00322-00162984-00163391 um top universities but to get the certification B7-KbXnVY78-00323-00163391-00163912 you you must pay um like a quarter million dollars if you want to get like B7-KbXnVY78-00324-00163912-00164432 a degree on any of those um i think B7-KbXnVY78-00325-00164432-00164920 people can can get the this knowledge by themselves B7-KbXnVY78-00326-00164920-00165264 but we're still lacking the means that means to B7-KbXnVY78-00327-00165264-00165727 to help um and certify and verify that these people B7-KbXnVY78-00328-00165727-00166072 have the knowledge i think that's that's a that's a future challenge B7-KbXnVY78-00329-00166072-00166608 that we as a open source community should try to address in terms of the B7-KbXnVY78-00330-00166608-00167039 improving the learning learning access and B7-KbXnVY78-00331-00167039-00168384 cost for for other people thank you B7-KbXnVY78-00332-00168479-00168688 you BtfaQTAQBn0-00000-00001176-00001639 We are at Adjustacare today with Trish, looking at a range of beds. BtfaQTAQBn0-00001-00001743-00001922 What have we got here today? BtfaQTAQBn0-00002-00001922-00002156 We have got our Avante EzyFlex. BtfaQTAQBn0-00003-00002210-00002569 The EzyFlex is obviously a combination of two adjustable beds in one. BtfaQTAQBn0-00004-00002598-00002869 Comes as a complete unit, two different fabric choices. BtfaQTAQBn0-00005-00002894-00003232 As you can see, it gives people the option that if one person BtfaQTAQBn0-00006-00003232-00003499 needs to elevate their feet through the night or to rise their head, BtfaQTAQBn0-00007-00003528-00003824 they can do that independently to their partner in the bed next to them. BtfaQTAQBn0-00008-00003937-00004037 Fantastic. BtfaQTAQBn0-00009-00004037-00004562 Some things, clinically, that we like as a Physio or Occupational Therapist, BtfaQTAQBn0-00010-00004562-00004783 knowing that we can raise the legs, BtfaQTAQBn0-00011-00004783-00005188 helping someone offset some pressure area concerns, BtfaQTAQBn0-00012-00005221-00005638 even independent of a higher end pressure area mattress being here, BtfaQTAQBn0-00013-00005655-00006168 comfort, helping with lower limb swelling, lymphedema, etc. BtfaQTAQBn0-00014-00006197-00006706 the ability to raise the upper body if somebody is living with respiratory concerns, BtfaQTAQBn0-00015-00006706-00007073 difficulty breathing is often easier in inclined position. BtfaQTAQBn0-00016-00007119-00007607 You do have the ability to consider higher end pressure area mattresses on this unit? BtfaQTAQBn0-00017-00007628-00007728 Absolutely. BtfaQTAQBn0-00018-00007728-00007999 And you've got the consideration of any type of mattress. BtfaQTAQBn0-00019-00007999-00008287 So you can have a spring based mattress, you can have a memory foam. BtfaQTAQBn0-00020-00008316-00008512 You don't even need to have the same density. BtfaQTAQBn0-00021-00008512-00008967 So if one partner would prefer a softer mattress, the other partner would prefer something firm, BtfaQTAQBn0-00022-00008967-00009171 that can be done independently from one another, BtfaQTAQBn0-00023-00009205-00009522 but yet one person can definitely have a high pressure care need. BtfaQTAQBn0-00024-00009572-00009922 And we've got a range of different mattresses all over the store here at Warners Bay. BtfaQTAQBn0-00025-00009989-00010326 But one thing to note is this is more of a fixed frame BtfaQTAQBn0-00026-00010326-00010735 but you do have these types of split bed in ones that are high-low as well, BtfaQTAQBn0-00027-00010777-00010860 Correct. Which is wonderful. BtfaQTAQBn0-00028-00010860-00011307 And the options also have one side high-low and one side a regular adjustable BtfaQTAQBn0-00029-00011307-00011615 but from an aesthetic point of view, their skirt's looking identical. BtfaQTAQBn0-00030-00011636-00011857 So anybody looking at that bed would have no idea BtfaQTAQBn0-00031-00011857-00012078 that they are actually functioning quite differently. BtfaQTAQBn0-00032-00012082-00012128 Yeah. BtfaQTAQBn0-00033-00012132-00012570 And I sort of raised before we started filming of like, oh, how do we, BtfaQTAQBn0-00034-00012612-00012921 you know, safely fit sheets here BtfaQTAQBn0-00035-00012921-00013204 and not get into an awkward position trying to tuck? BtfaQTAQBn0-00036-00013238-00013576 And you had a great sort of solution of how you teach people to do that. BtfaQTAQBn0-00037-00013592-00013859 So elevating the head all the way, and elevating the feet BtfaQTAQBn0-00038-00013897-00014176 is going to eliminate that need for pulling on a tight sheet. BtfaQTAQBn0-00039-00014218-00014568 You can see that if Scott's to kneel gently on the other mattress, BtfaQTAQBn0-00040-00014568-00014839 he can easily get over a fitted sheet in that corner. BtfaQTAQBn0-00041-00014889-00015069 We can do that at all four ends. BtfaQTAQBn0-00042-00015069-00015327 It's more that this is the corner that the challenge. BtfaQTAQBn0-00043-00015373-00015615 Once you have that on and through the sheet, BtfaQTAQBn0-00044-00015615-00015924 those three corners are very easy to tuck them on. BtfaQTAQBn0-00045-00015924-00016132 And then spread the bed again. BtfaQTAQBn0-00046-00016136-00016433 Yeah, absolutely. And then we just press the flat button and it makes the bed for you. BtfaQTAQBn0-00047-00016441-00016566 Nice and flat. BtfaQTAQBn0-00048-00016566-00016883 So, available in split queen and split king options. BtfaQTAQBn0-00049-00016908-00017342 So a lot of other retailers don't have that split queen options, that's quite unique, BtfaQTAQBn0-00050-00017400-00017721 and bed linen that we can accommodate to fit that, as well. BtfaQTAQBn0-00051-00017742-00017938 Includes the two fitted base sheets, BtfaQTAQBn0-00052-00017938-00018376 and then a queen flat sheet over the top with two pillowcases. BtfaQTAQBn0-00053-00018376-00018514 So any of your existing bed linen, BtfaQTAQBn0-00054-00018514-00018735 if you've got clients who've come from a queen size bed, BtfaQTAQBn0-00055-00018760-00019202 all they're needing to replace in the bed linen set is the fitted sheets. BtfaQTAQBn0-00056-00019206-00019294 Fantastic. BtfaQTAQBn0-00057-00019294-00019315 Yeah. BtfaQTAQBn0-00058-00019315-00019594 I think lots of good things to know there. BtfaQTAQBn0-00059-00019594-00020082 In terms of the manual handling, especially for aged care organizations, BtfaQTAQBn0-00060-00020082-00020403 disability organizations with carers or support workers BtfaQTAQBn0-00061-00020437-00020895 supporting these sorts of tasks; but for everyone, members of the public as well. BtfaQTAQBn0-00062-00020925-00021212 But one of the reasons I just wanted to showcase this type of bed BtfaQTAQBn0-00063-00021212-00021450 is that not everyone knows that this exist. BtfaQTAQBn0-00064-00021500-00021830 And so it's a wonderful solution to know that you've got these independent BtfaQTAQBn0-00065-00021926-00022126 mattresses and framework BtfaQTAQBn0-00066-00022126-00022430 to give each partner their preference BtfaQTAQBn0-00067-00022530-00022722 depending on their care need, BtfaQTAQBn0-00068-00022797-00023143 but still being able to be in bed together, which is so lovely. BtfaQTAQBn0-00069-00023143-00023298 Fantastic. All right. BtfaQTAQBn0-00070-00023298-00023627 I think we've covered plenty for this type of frame BtfaQTAQBn0-00071-00023665-00023986 with a nice tip around how to make a bed BtfaQTAQBn0-00072-00024099-00024286 and that was something new for me as well. BtfaQTAQBn0-00073-00024286-00024524 Thanks so much for watching. We'll see you in the next episode. BwT5xxVRMmo-00000-00000479-00000679 Hi! everyone, My name is Ting. BwT5xxVRMmo-00001-00001009-00001209 Today, I want to talk about my family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00002-00001559-00001759 I have a warm family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00003-00001969-00002169 There are five people in my family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00004-00002393-00002993 Including, grandpa, grandma, dad,Mom and I. BwT5xxVRMmo-00005-00003139-00003339 I am the only child in the family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00006-00003556-00003756 I am a kid who likes to draw and play a lot of musical instruments. BwT5xxVRMmo-00007-00004171-00004371 Such as the recent piano and flute. BwT5xxVRMmo-00008-00004677-00004877 I also learned guitar, BwT5xxVRMmo-00009-00005024-00005275 My parents valued my preferences very much, BwT5xxVRMmo-00010-00005520-00005720 So I also learned a lot of talent BwT5xxVRMmo-00011-00005943-00006143 I used to be a child, BwT5xxVRMmo-00012-00006290-00006490 Such as flower arrangement, ballet, etc. BwT5xxVRMmo-00013-00006852-00007052 Thanks to my parents for the cultivation. BwT5xxVRMmo-00014-00007284-00007484 Next, let's talk about my family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00015-00007762-00007962 First, this is my father. BwT5xxVRMmo-00016-00008148-00008446 My father was a businessman, he looked fierce, BwT5xxVRMmo-00017-00008611-00008811 But he's just more serious. BwT5xxVRMmo-00018-00009060-00009260 Next to her is my mother BwT5xxVRMmo-00019-00009416-00009616 She is an off-duty factory worker, BwT5xxVRMmo-00020-00009813-00010013 She is always tired, BwT5xxVRMmo-00021-00010142-00010616 But when she saw me, she still gave me a warm hug and a smile. BwT5xxVRMmo-00022-00010799-00011150 Dad and I both know she works hard. BwT5xxVRMmo-00023-00011249-00011449 They work hard every day, BwT5xxVRMmo-00024-00011478-00011678 even during the holidays. BwT5xxVRMmo-00025-00011822-00012290 Occasionally, they enjoy relaxing or hiking in the mountains. BwT5xxVRMmo-00026-00012519-00012719 Then there are two people in my family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00027-00012893-00013093 They are important to us. BwT5xxVRMmo-00028-00013269-00013469 That's my grandparents. BwT5xxVRMmo-00029-00013610-00013810 They are very amiable. BwT5xxVRMmo-00030-00013967-00014313 Grandpa likes to grow some flowers and plants. BwT5xxVRMmo-00031-00014467-00014667 Grandma likes watching TV, I like Grandma the most! BwT5xxVRMmo-00032-00014724-00014924 I like Grandma the most! BwT5xxVRMmo-00033-00015077-00015476 Because she always cooks a lot of delicious food for me. BwT5xxVRMmo-00034-00015633-00015833 Above they are my sweet family. BwT5xxVRMmo-00035-00016002-00016202 Thank BBVpmTFd5zc-00000-00001577-00002202 Well there is there is also the theory about this proposal that every person BBVpmTFd5zc-00001-00002202-00002669 moving forward in the future will have a basic income that will cover so that if BBVpmTFd5zc-00002-00002669-00003050 you don't work you literally will be provided with by a basic income and BBVpmTFd5zc-00003-00003050-00003486 ultimately robots and AI will just do everything anyway. Yeah that's a very BBVpmTFd5zc-00004-00003486-00003885 interesting future and I'm currently investing in investigating the BBVpmTFd5zc-00005-00003885-00004200 universal basic income. I'm much more interested in my concept called BBVpmTFd5zc-00006-00004200-00004470 Universal Placing Needs, which I don't think has been coined yet but it's how BBVpmTFd5zc-00007-00004470-00004935 could we create a planet whereby we use automation to ensure that everybody has BBVpmTFd5zc-00008-00004935-00005418 access to nutrition to healthcare to shelter to education so you're all born BBVpmTFd5zc-00009-00005418-00005814 into a system where you have all of the food and everything that is provided for you BBVpmTFd5zc-00010-00005814-00006123 just try to provide for your basic needs and then you can figure out what you BBVpmTFd5zc-00011-00006123-00006461 want to do. And I would argue that if we really put our minds to it BBVpmTFd5zc-00012-00006461-00006911 we could completely automate food production and food delivery and have BBVpmTFd5zc-00013-00006911-00007268 solar system as other the solar panel and all that kind of stuff run that without BBVpmTFd5zc-00014-00007268-00007565 needing human beings but it would mean that we would need to cooperate and BBVpmTFd5zc-00015-00007565-00007931 collaborate as a global species but I do think that as a future that is possible BBVpmTFd5zc-00016-00007931-00008140 and that's a future I would like to try to create BDKVmOeF9ZY-00000-00000567-00001111 Prince William reveals he has not yet been asked to be best man at the wedding BDKVmOeF9ZY-00001-00001228-00002060 Joked that he would try and prevent a clash between his brother's wedding to Meghan Markle and the FA Cup final at Wembley on May 19 BDKVmOeF9ZY-00002-00002177-00002663 Spoke of how his mother's death had bought him and Harry closer BDKVmOeF9ZY-00003-00002780-00003427 Prince Harry has not yet asked his brother to be his best man, Prince William claimed tonight. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00004-00003544-00004596 The royal also joked that as President of the FA, he is 'still working' on the diary clash that sees the Royal wedding being held on the same day as the FA Cup final. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00005-00004713-00005842 Many have expressed surprise that Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle chose one of the biggest days in the British sporting calendar to tie the knot at Windsor Castle, on Saturday May 19. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00006-00005959-00006908 But both Kensington Palace and the FA insist there will be no direct clash between the nuptials and the match and that it will very much be a day to remember. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00007-00007025-00007989 With Harry having acted as best man for his brother when he married the Duchess of Cambridge in 2011, William is expected to be a shoe-in for the role. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00008-00008106-00009818 William talked about the wedding as he joined a discussion of what makes a 'best man' at an event run by the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a charity aimed at preventing male suicide through open discussion which has recently launched a 'Best Man Project' celebrating men's friendship. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00009-00009935-00010644 Radio DJ Roman Kemp, compering, highlighted the Duke's own role as best man in the coming months. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00010-00010761-00011329 Laughing, he replied: 'He hasn't asked me yet, just to clear that up BDKVmOeF9ZY-00011-00011446-00012899 It could be a sensitive subject.' Asked by footballer Rio Ferdinand about the awkward clash of dates on May 19 which means William is likely to miss the final match itself he replied he was 'trying to see what I can do' about the situation. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00012-00013016-00013905 William went on to speak about his relationship with his brother, emphasising the importance of men speaking openly to one another about their emotions. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00013-00014022-00014657 'Our relationship is closer than it's been because of the situation we've been through,' he said. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00014-00014774-00015387 'Losing our mother at a young age it's helped us travel through that difficult patch together BDKVmOeF9ZY-00015-00015504-00016316 You're like-minded You go through similar things, it's a bond and it's something you know you've tackled together and come out better for it BDKVmOeF9ZY-00016-00016433-00017169 'That's the thing about being a best mate, inevitable one of you is sometimes on an up while the other is on a down BDKVmOeF9ZY-00017-00017286-00017726 'You're always there for each other and repaying that favour.' BDKVmOeF9ZY-00018-00017843-00018718 Of his own approach to discussing his feelings, following his mother's death, the Duke continued: 'Personally I didn't want to be a burden BDKVmOeF9ZY-00019-00018835-00019775 So I knew that if I trapped this inside and it got worse, and inevitably I would get worse in the future and I'd be a burden to my friends and family. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00020-00019892-00020868 'I didn't want that for my life I didn't want the traumatic moment that happened to me to then affect my life for the rest of my life and I knew my mother wouldn't want that for me either BDKVmOeF9ZY-00021-00020985-00021358 'So I actively went around dealing with it BDKVmOeF9ZY-00022-00021475-00022383 Talking about it.' Arguing men can be the worst for opening up, he added: 'We've got to break that down where it's ok to talk BDKVmOeF9ZY-00023-00022500-00022950 Sons, fathers, it's ok to have that chat. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00024-00023067-00023474 'Someone's got to be the brave one and take the first step BDKVmOeF9ZY-00025-00023591-00024101 Say I'm putting it out there: that upset me, or that pissed me off BDKVmOeF9ZY-00026-00024218-00024740 You've got to take that initial step to bring that conversation to a head.' BDKVmOeF9ZY-00027-00024857-00025714 CALM is one of the key charity partners of Heads Together, the campaign led by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00028-00025832-00026977 The charity is particularly focused on services for men in crisis or distress, in an age where suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00029-00027095-00028070 William has previously spoken of being called to a suicide on his first shift as an air ambulance pilot, and how it has informed his charity work since. BDKVmOeF9ZY-00030-00028188-00029204 Their long-term campaigning is directed at bringing about a culture change to 'redefine and open up masculinity, so that over time fewer men will need support BL35jp2jDfc-00000-00000042-00000372 thanks to all of you BL35jp2jDfc-00001-00000372-00000774 Wake up from a long sleep and pay attention for a moment BL35jp2jDfc-00002-00000774-00001583 Take a deep breath and exhale BL35jp2jDfc-00003-00001583-00002219 How is it that the sounds of your breathing are so different and varied? BL35jp2jDfc-00004-00002219-00002305 and fascinating BL35jp2jDfc-00005-00002305-00002675 Let's first think of an infinite universe. BL35jp2jDfc-00006-00002675-00002944 Do you think of a very beautiful universe? BL35jp2jDfc-00007-00002944-00003300 Now let's imagine the beautiful earth in it BL35jp2jDfc-00008-00003300-00003840 Now let's think of various countries and various people in it. BL35jp2jDfc-00009-00003840-00004348 Let's think of just one person among so many and varied people. BL35jp2jDfc-00010-00004348-00004894 Let's think of that one person's ears, eyes and thoughts. BL35jp2jDfc-00011-00004894-00005215 It is said that a person's soul was born and died repeatedly BL35jp2jDfc-00012-00005215-00005714 during 8 billion years of previous lifetimes. BLQ7GdfMx6u-00000-00001168-00001580 Here you see different elements to study BLQ7GdfMx6u-00001-00002516-00002734 General idea is to make customers choose your company! BLQ7GdfMx6u-00002-00002750-00002952 knowing your customers, their hopes, needs and values BLQ7GdfMx6u-00003-00002952-00003160 knowing your own company, its strengths and weaknessess BLQ7GdfMx6u-00004-00003160-00003372 and knowing your competitors and their arguments BLQ7GdfMx6u-00005-00003378-00003614 And differing from competitors so that you are the ultimate alternative for your customers BLQ7GdfMx6u-00006-00003768-00004236 Questions in customer analysis BLQ7GdfMx6u-00007-00005428-00005794 Points in competitor analysis BMnUQb9MF8o-00000-00000000-00000366 okay let's go outside now maybe see if there's some BMnUQb9MF8o-00001-00000366-00000416 [Music] BNdSUuYd688-00000-00000010-00001700 The sum of the squared distances between given points and model surface is minimized. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00000-00000000-00001900 Presentation about AlManarah International Accessible Library Project by Abbass Abbass, founder of the project BN9t9Pnbj6A-00001-00001900-00003903 AlManarah is the first Arab language accessible recorded library in the Arab world. Founded in 2005 by a group of activists with disabilities, its is the first organisation of its kind in the Arab world. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00002-00003903-00005206 A lack of accessible books for people with print disabilities. Via recordings, AlManarah’s library makes thousands of books accessible to Arab-speaking people both in Israel and worldwide, promoting their BN9t9Pnbj6A-00003-00005206-00006509 integration into academic studies and employment. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00004-00006509-00008513 Both a website: www.arabcast.org and a mobile app “AlManarah Library” were developed. They are accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00005-00008513-00010519 An image of the libraryis local and international voice artists BN9t9Pnbj6A-00006-00010520-00012520 Facts about the project: Over 80,000 users; over 5,000 titles; over 50,0000 hours of recordings in more than 30 categories; over 3 million users since it was started and more than 200,000 users every month. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00007-00012520-00014023 The Library was chosen as best initiative in the promotion of reading and contribution to the community of knowledge by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Arabic Language Award. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00008-00014023-00015529 We received a phone call from Syrian refugee, a mother of three blind children, expressing her appreciation of the library. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00009-00015530-00017530 Sustainable: The library is being developed as a social business via the crowd readers project. BN9t9Pnbj6A-00010-00017530-00019526 What’s next? Increasing the number of voice artists, upgrading the website and building 3 new professional recording studios. We aim to produce over 10,000 recorded audio books by 2020. BNFibGWXgq4-00000-00000654-00000880 BobAMEN. Yes! BNFibGWXgq4-00001-00000890-00001006 "Did you play Bomberman 3D?" BNFibGWXgq4-00002-00001050-00001100 Oh for the- BNFibGWXgq4-00003-00001194-00001244 NO!!! BNFibGWXgq4-00004-00001244-00001300 NOOOO!!! BNFibGWXgq4-00005-00002012-00002316 *slowed down* Boberman twooo. BNFibGWXgq4-00006-00002316-00002638 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BNFibGWXgq4-00007-00002638-00002710 *spaz out* BNFibGWXgq4-00008-00002842-00002938 I don't remember- BNFibGWXgq4-00009-00002978-00003028 U U O H H H BNFibGWXgq4-00010-00003124-00003228 Look at his f*cking face- BNFibGWXgq4-00011-00003300-00003372 U U O H H H H H BNFibGWXgq4-00012-00003440-00003536 *stammering let's-es* BNFibGWXgq4-00013-00003536-00003640 let's kill the tiki. BNFibGWXgq4-00014-00003718-00003768 O U H H H~ BNFibGWXgq4-00015-00003850-00004000 U O H U O H U O H U O H H BNFibGWXgq4-00016-00004222-00004338 *vRRrRrRrR* BNFibGWXgq4-00017-00004350-00004400 PFFFF BNFibGWXgq4-00018-00004488-00004662 That sound, what is that sound? BNFibGWXgq4-00019-00004662-00004794 *VRrRRrRrrRr* BNFibGWXgq4-00020-00004794-00005012 VRAAAAAAAH! *laughs* BNFibGWXgq4-00021-00005012-00005176 Oh it's a fart sound, yeah. BNFibGWXgq4-00022-00005176-00005234 Oh suuure BNFibGWXgq4-00023-00005250-00005330 BrLEEEhHhhH BNFibGWXgq4-00024-00005330-00005492 *Making a trumpet noise* BNFibGWXgq4-00025-00005662-00005728 EYYYYYYY- BNFibGWXgq4-00026-00005760-00005886 H-how do I open this? BNFibGWXgq4-00027-00006132-00006182 *gasp* BNFibGWXgq4-00028-00006198-00006248 OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! BNFibGWXgq4-00029-00006436-00006495 OHHHHHHHHHHHH BNFibGWXgq4-00030-00006598-00006706 (rly pelo?) BNFibGWXgq4-00031-00006856-00006906 *slaps table with controller* BNFibGWXgq4-00032-00007136-00007328 Ohhh, That's why it's screwed- BNFibGWXgq4-00033-00007402-00007556 I Win. BNFibGWXgq4-00034-00007556-00007686 I win already. BNFibGWXgq4-00035-00007702-00007895 I win already. BNFibGWXgq4-00036-00007895-00008052 You can laugh, whatever you want- BNFibGWXgq4-00037-00008136-00008830 *audience stock laugh/clapping* BNFibGWXgq4-00038-00008984-00009034 OOHH BNFibGWXgq4-00039-00009078-00009128 ¿Qué? BNFibGWXgq4-00040-00009134-00009184 WHAT?? BNFibGWXgq4-00041-00009194-00009390 *more clapping* BNFibGWXgq4-00042-00009432-00009482 There you go. BNFibGWXgq4-00043-00009512-00009562 *cannon firing sound effect* BNFibGWXgq4-00044-00009628-00009704 *brrraawwwwwwh* BNFibGWXgq4-00045-00009768-00009852 *brrraawwwwwwh* Pelo: Brrraaaaahhhhh, BNFibGWXgq4-00046-00009852-00010088 *brrraawwwwwwh* Pelo: Brrraaaaahhhhh, braaaa-*spitting* BNFibGWXgq4-00047-00010088-00010288 *ALIEN PELO* BNFibGWXgq4-00048-00010356-00010406 mmmmmMMMMAH. BNFibGWXgq4-00049-00010628-00010740 Pelo: DASSSA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo. BNFibGWXgq4-00050-00011194-00011306 *inhale* BNFibGWXgq4-00051-00011306-00011558 *exhale* BNFibGWXgq4-00052-00011610-00011918 *more breathing* BNFibGWXgq4-00053-00012070-00012346 *T R I G G E R E D* BNFibGWXgq4-00054-00012526-00012576 ohh- BNFibGWXgq4-00055-00012576-00012712 -OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. BNFibGWXgq4-00056-00012712-00012762 *puts down controller* BNFibGWXgq4-00057-00012874-00013346 *Sadness* BNFibGWXgq4-00058-00013406-00013469 How do I- BNFibGWXgq4-00059-00013469-00013640 C-Can I use it at least? BNFibGWXgq4-00060-00013640-00013732 *gasp* BNFibGWXgq4-00061-00013732-00013860 *more gasps* BNFibGWXgq4-00062-00013952-00014088 *never let pelo use a tank,people.* BNFibGWXgq4-00063-00014388-00014586 *intense music* BNFibGWXgq4-00064-00014586-00014658 *intense music* What is that? BNFibGWXgq4-00065-00014658-00014740 *intense music* WHATISTHAT?? AHH- BNFibGWXgq4-00066-00014740-00014844 *EXTRA LIFE* BNFibGWXgq4-00067-00014916-00014982 wat? BNFibGWXgq4-00068-00014982-00015032 YES yes BNFibGWXgq4-00069-00015032-00015254 Clownclown gimmedeclown, gimme de clown. BNFibGWXgq4-00070-00015282-00015494 Today is a great day. BNFibGWXgq4-00071-00015494-00015654 A great day for clowns... BNFibGWXgq4-00072-00015790-00015990 K, let's see... BNFibGWXgq4-00073-00016122-00016290 What is that. BNFibGWXgq4-00074-00016290-00016428 WHAT THE HECK IS THAT. BNFibGWXgq4-00075-00016428-00016526 I DUNN WANNA SUN BNFibGWXgq4-00076-00016636-00016802 This is not a clown! BNFibGWXgq4-00077-00016802-00016932 GIMME MY CLOWN. BNFibGWXgq4-00078-00016932-00017008 what the- BNFibGWXgq4-00079-00017128-00017270 NO, no. BNFibGWXgq4-00080-00017270-00017498 No nonononononononon- BNFibGWXgq4-00081-00017498-00017722 -nononononon, noononono. BNFibGWXgq4-00082-00017722-00017910 The hearts- the hearts are- BNFibGWXgq4-00083-00017910-00018102 Oh my god, oh NO NO- BNFibGWXgq4-00084-00018102-00018330 I don't like this boss. Oh, no. BNFibGWXgq4-00085-00018330-00018460 I rather want the scary clown BNFibGWXgq4-00086-00018462-00018568 Oh, no no- BNFibGWXgq4-00087-00018596-00018792 Yes, yes, please! BNFibGWXgq4-00088-00018792-00018930 oh my god BNFibGWXgq4-00089-00019272-00019526 Oh yeah Nintendo's for kids. BNFibGWXgq4-00090-00019528-00019694 But remember... BNFibGWXgq4-00091-00019694-00019914 ...kids play Call of Duty, y'know? *laughs* BNFibGWXgq4-00092-00020462-00021460 *blowing a long raspberry* BNFibGWXgq4-00093-00021466-00021548 EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY- BNFibGWXgq4-00094-00021684-00021778 Oh god damn it. BNFibGWXgq4-00095-00021778-00021902 *gibberish* BNFibGWXgq4-00096-00021902-00021952 NAOOOO- BNFibGWXgq4-00097-00021952-00022096 *Multiple gasps* BNFibGWXgq4-00098-00022124-00022174 Incredible. BNFibGWXgq4-00099-00022196-00022354 Amazing BNFibGWXgq4-00100-00022354-00022510 Am-amazing BNFibGWXgq4-00101-00022510-00022646 Oh look. It's him. BNFibGWXgq4-00102-00022646-00022956 *Last surprise starts playing* BNFibGWXgq4-00103-00023252-00023412 ehehehehe. BNFibGWXgq4-00104-00023412-00023580 ehehehehehehehe. BNFibGWXgq4-00105-00023580-00023630 AH- BNFibGWXgq4-00106-00023700-00023908 If you had all the money in the world, BNFibGWXgq4-00107-00023908-00023960 what could BNFibGWXgq4-00108-00023960-00024028 aAHH- BNFibGWXgq4-00109-00024028-00024168 I am dying. BNFibGWXgq4-00110-00024296-00024464 When is your next stream, okay- BNFibGWXgq4-00111-00024464-00024584 *slams controller* BNFibGWXgq4-00112-00024902-00025008 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- BNFibGWXgq4-00113-00025068-00025292 I've been working on other things, so... BNFibGWXgq4-00114-00025494-00025689 Why? Why are you doing that? BNFibGWXgq4-00115-00025689-00025910 Wh- Why are you doing that? BNFibGWXgq4-00116-00025910-00026144 How can I fucking escape then?? BNFibGWXgq4-00117-00026144-00026250 What the fuck is that? BNFibGWXgq4-00118-00026420-00026536 It's going to take time. BNFibGWXgq4-00119-00026580-00026850 But I hope you guys like it. I think I'm going to- BNFibGWXgq4-00120-00026874-00027052 *angry controller slam* nNO, PGOD DAMMIT. BNFibGWXgq4-00121-00027239-00027350 aaaaAaAAAAAAAAAA BNFibGWXgq4-00122-00027389-00027470 AAAAAAAhhh BNFibGWXgq4-00123-00027552-00027624 Oooohhhhh BNFibGWXgq4-00124-00027626-00027676 huhuh BNFibGWXgq4-00125-00027850-00027945 MOOOOOOOOOOM BNFibGWXgq4-00126-00028139-00028298 *Bark Bark Bark* BNFibGWXgq4-00127-00028472-00028576 *Bark Bark Bark* BNFibGWXgq4-00128-00028656-00028826 *Bark... Bark Bark* BNFibGWXgq4-00129-00029000-00029170 Oh, talking about jokes... BNFibGWXgq4-00130-00029170-00029304 I'm going to die here. BNFibGWXgq4-00131-00029304-00029376 God dammit. BNFibGWXgq4-00132-00029383-00029792 It's having skeletons. It's soOOOOOOOOOOO good. BNFibGWXgq4-00133-00030264-00030408 Okay had enough. BNFibGWXgq4-00134-00030408-00030470 Oh. BNFibGWXgq4-00135-00030506-00030608 *Laughs* Oh BNFibGWXgq4-00136-00030833-00031033 *Controller drop* BNFibGWXgq4-00137-00031033-00031160 *Heavy hyper breathing* BNFibGWXgq4-00138-00031327-00031518 Here I go. BNFibGWXgq4-00139-00031530-00031694 H-How do I avoid it? BNFibGWXgq4-00140-00031694-00031772 How-ho-how? BNFibGWXgq4-00141-00031845-00032020 The--OOHHHHHHHHHH. BNFibGWXgq4-00142-00032020-00032238 Oooooh that's poopery! BNFibGWXgq4-00143-00032533-00032689 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BNFibGWXgq4-00144-00032892-00032942 *clatter* BNFibGWXgq4-00145-00032976-00033170 *Sr. Pelo slams table* BNFibGWXgq4-00146-00033174-00033640 *Speaks gibberish* BNFibGWXgq4-00147-00033704-00033816 I'm going to kill myself. BNFibGWXgq4-00148-00033876-00034060 *laughing* BNFibGWXgq4-00149-00034418-00034474 My FU-- BNFibGWXgq4-00150-00034530-00034760 It's okay, it's okay. It's okay, don't worry about it. It's okay. BNFibGWXgq4-00151-00034856-00035274 *Sigh* Aggghhh na- that's my fault, th-that's my fault. That's my fault the- BNFibGWXgq4-00152-00035572-00035632 *Noises of defeat* BNFibGWXgq4-00153-00035632-00035682 *Clapping* BNFibGWXgq4-00154-00035682-00035748 *Clap* Bravo *Clap* BNFibGWXgq4-00155-00035748-00035914 B-r-r-r-r-ravo! BNFibGWXgq4-00156-00035952-00036002 DIE BNFibGWXgq4-00157-00036002-00036074 *Gasps* BNFibGWXgq4-00158-00036074-00036572 OOOOOOHHH!! *covers mouth* OOOOHHH MY GOD!! I DID IT! OOOOHOHOHOH... BNFibGWXgq4-00159-00036678-00036772 Ohh, Yes. BNFibGWXgq4-00160-00036772-00036950 Yes BNFibGWXgq4-00161-00036953-00037300 Yes finally! Oh my god. BNFibGWXgq4-00162-00037380-00037666 Oh my god. Yes, give me your hand- BNFibGWXgq4-00163-00037948-00037998 *Muttering* What the fuck? BNFibGWXgq4-00164-00038000-00038180 *Explosions* BNFibGWXgq4-00165-00038180-00038300 What the fuck?? BNFibGWXgq4-00166-00038418-00038700 What the fuck is that!? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?! BNFibGWXgq4-00167-00038760-00038880 What the heck is thiiiiis? BNFibGWXgq4-00168-00039020-00039080 What IS THIS!? BNFibGWXgq4-00169-00039258-00039410 MMMMMRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BNFibGWXgq4-00170-00039412-00039640 GG. There you go, one... BNFibGWXgq4-00171-00039706-00039756 Two BNFibGWXgq4-00172-00039836-00039930 Three BNFibGWXgq4-00173-00040036-00040128 *gasping* BNFibGWXgq4-00174-00040128-00040460 Oh, I did it! I did it, I told you guys- *relieved laughing* BNFibGWXgq4-00175-00040650-00041194 Finally oh my god, it feels good it feels so good. Oh my god. BNFibGWXgq4-00176-00041304-00041504 Ooooh this game! *desk slam* BNFibGWXgq4-00177-00041504-00042006 I Finally did it oh my god, fucking blockbuster, Jesus Christ! BNFibGWXgq4-00178-00042132-00042332 Whoo *Sniff* BNFibGWXgq4-00179-00042502-00042702 Okay, bye. Bye. Stop. BNXY1D9koBy-00000-00000000-00000234 In this video, I'm going to show you how to set up Spring BNXY1D9koBy-00001-00000234-00000564 Security in a Vaadin Flow application. I'm going to BNXY1D9koBy-00002-00000564-00000789 continue with the todo application that I built in the BNXY1D9koBy-00003-00000789-00001029 previous video. But this would work for any Vaadin Flow BNXY1D9koBy-00004-00001029-00001308 application. The basic steps here are to add the Spring BNXY1D9koBy-00005-00001308-00001655 Security dependency, create a login view, then configure BNXY1D9koBy-00006-00001655-00001929 Spring Security. And finally configure access to the views. BNXY1D9koBy-00007-00002001-00002283 Let's get started by going to the pom.xml file and add a BNXY1D9koBy-00008-00002283-00002526 dependency for Spring Boot starter security. BNXY1D9koBy-00009-00002640-00003090 Reload Maven, and we also need to restart the server. With the BNXY1D9koBy-00010-00003090-00003471 server restarted, we see that we have a login view. But we don't BNXY1D9koBy-00011-00003471-00003795 have a username or password. So what I want to do next is create BNXY1D9koBy-00012-00003795-00004089 a custom login form and then configure Spring Security so BNXY1D9koBy-00013-00004089-00004494 that we can log in. So we'll start here in the application BNXY1D9koBy-00014-00004494-00004797 package, we'll create a new Java class called LoginView. BNXY1D9koBy-00015-00005067-00005568 And login view will extend from VerticalLayout. And we will add BNXY1D9koBy-00016-00005571-00006045 a @Route annotation on this with the path of login. Also say BNXY1D9koBy-00017-00006060-00006354 @AnonymousAllowed meaning that anyone is allowed to access the BNXY1D9koBy-00018-00006354-00006414 login view. BNXY1D9koBy-00019-00006519-00006809 Alright, then create a constructor, what I want to do BNXY1D9koBy-00020-00006813-00007161 is have a centered login form. So for that, I'm going to set BNXY1D9koBy-00021-00007161-00007566 the size to full, I'm going to set the alignment of items to BNXY1D9koBy-00022-00007566-00008009 center. And then I'm going to set the justification mode to BNXY1D9koBy-00023-00008009-00008112 center as well. BNXY1D9koBy-00024-00008229-00008433 Alright, then. Next, create that login form. BNXY1D9koBy-00025-00008679-00009051 The login form will need to post the login details somewhere. So BNXY1D9koBy-00026-00009051-00009420 we're going to set the action to be the "login" path. That's BNXY1D9koBy-00027-00009420-00009786 something that Spring Security handles. And then finally, we'll BNXY1D9koBy-00028-00009798-00009924 add these to our layout. BNXY1D9koBy-00029-00009942-00010692 I'm going to add a new h1 saying Todo app. And then we'll have BNXY1D9koBy-00030-00010725-00010932 this login form here. BNXY1D9koBy-00031-00010980-00011349 Okay, and what we need to do then is create a security BNXY1D9koBy-00032-00011349-00011691 configuration class, we're gonna create a new class here called BNXY1D9koBy-00033-00011928-00012015 SecurityConfiguration. BNXY1D9koBy-00034-00012213-00012504 SecurityConfiguration needs a couple of annotations, first of BNXY1D9koBy-00035-00012504-00012954 all, @EnableWebSecurity. And then it needs a @Configuration BNXY1D9koBy-00036-00012963-00013215 annotation like this. So Spring Boot picks that up. BNXY1D9koBy-00037-00013353-00013815 In here, we're going to extend from the VaadinWebSecurity class BNXY1D9koBy-00038-00013841-00014274 and override the configure HttpSecurity method. And what we BNXY1D9koBy-00039-00014274-00014586 need to do here is call setLoginView, passing that http BNXY1D9koBy-00040-00014588-00015006 configuration object. And then we need to specify that we want BNXY1D9koBy-00041-00015006-00015213 to use our LoginView as the login view. BNXY1D9koBy-00042-00015344-00015612 Good. Alright, so the final thing we need to do here is BNXY1D9koBy-00043-00015612-00015990 configure a UserDetailsManager so that we have user details to BNXY1D9koBy-00044-00015990-00016416 log in with. I'll create a new bean. And we'll return a BNXY1D9koBy-00045-00016521-00016599 UserDetailsManager. BNXY1D9koBy-00046-00016827-00017253 We can just call this userDetailsManager. And what I BNXY1D9koBy-00047-00017253-00017871 want to do here is return and new InMemoryUserDetailsManager. BNXY1D9koBy-00048-00017898-00018174 This would be where you would hook up to like your database or BNXY1D9koBy-00049-00018180-00018513 other providers. But in this case, we're just going to have a BNXY1D9koBy-00050-00018513-00018858 single in memory user. So we're going to call User. BNXY1D9koBy-00051-00018936-00019035 withUsername. BNXY1D9koBy-00052-00019164-00019566 I'm going to call this "marcus". And we're going to have a BNXY1D9koBy-00053-00019581-00020178 password. That will be "{noop}marcus", so we're not BNXY1D9koBy-00054-00020178-00020553 going to encrypt this in any way. And then we're gonna give BNXY1D9koBy-00055-00020556-00021006 me some roles: USER. And then finally hit build here. BNXY1D9koBy-00056-00021090-00021449 So now I should be able to log in with "marcus" and "marcus". BNXY1D9koBy-00057-00021455-00021821 Alright, we're gonna save that. And then finally, what we need BNXY1D9koBy-00058-00021827-00022175 to do is configure view access. So right now if we tried to BNXY1D9koBy-00059-00022181-00022517 navigate to the view, that wouldn't work, what we need to BNXY1D9koBy-00060-00022523-00022883 do instead is say @PermitAll which means permit any logged in BNXY1D9koBy-00061-00022889-00023007 user to access this. BNXY1D9koBy-00062-00023124-00023570 Let's build this and see where we're at. So I'm going to BNXY1D9koBy-00063-00023578-00024056 navigate to localhost:8080. And we can see that we're now on BNXY1D9koBy-00064-00024063-00024526 this custom login page. I'm going to log in with "marcus", BNXY1D9koBy-00065-00024533-00024765 password "Marcus", hit login. BNXY1D9koBy-00066-00024765-00025051 There you have it, setting up spring security in a bottom flow BNXY1D9koBy-00067-00025055-00025305 project. Thanks for watching. See you in the next one. BOk_q2k1OQc-00000-00000023-00000434 >>Today marks a milestone in what is, perhaps, BOk_q2k1OQc-00001-00000445-00000833 the longest move in Fort Worth history BOk_q2k1OQc-00002-00000869-00001436 We stand before that building and, in moments, we'll all move inside BOk_q2k1OQc-00003-00001450-00001955 as BRIT opens its new home to the people of Fort Worth and to the world. BOk_q2k1OQc-00004-00001980-00002226 >>What a journey this has been. But it is a great day for BRIT. BOk_q2k1OQc-00005-00002235-00002761 Now one of the world's leading botanical institutions is finally where BOk_q2k1OQc-00006-00002771-00003168 it needs to be---right next to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. BOk_q2k1OQc-00007-00003187-00003789 Having the critical mass of BRIT, this invaluable collection adjacent to the BOk_q2k1OQc-00008-00003797-00004164 botanical garden will enhance both organizations as it advances BOk_q2k1OQc-00009-00004176-00004287 the missions of both. BOk_q2k1OQc-00010-00004306-00004630 >>We're proud that this organization has a very special place in this world. BOk_q2k1OQc-00011-00004647-00004897 What we do is important to the future of this planet. BOk_q2k1OQc-00012-00004906-00005305 Everything we do is important you and your children and all of those people BOk_q2k1OQc-00013-00005313-00005393 who will follow you. BOk_q2k1OQc-00014-00005403-00005792 What we're doing in this new facility and our worldwide research is all in the BOk_q2k1OQc-00015-00005801-00005932 name of plant diversity. BOk_q2k1OQc-00016-00005943-00006396 As I said, the planet depends on being able to preserve this diversity. BOk_q2k1OQc-00017-00006405-00006834 It ensures our supply of food sources and everything else that BOk_q2k1OQc-00018-00006843-00006970 comes from plants. BOk_q2k1OQc-00019-00006984-00007375 >>As a former teacher, I said, "This is the best classroom ever." BOk_q2k1OQc-00020-00007390-00008051 This whole building is a classroom, and generations of teachers and students BOk_q2k1OQc-00021-00008062-00008276 are going to learn and love this. BOk_q2k1OQc-00022-00008287-00008893 >>This facility is expected to achieve the Platinum certification in the BOk_q2k1OQc-00023-00008902-00009181 U.S. Green Building Council's LEED--- that stands for BOk_q2k1OQc-00024-00009190-00009707 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design--- Green Building Rating System. BOk_q2k1OQc-00025-00009723-00010125 It'll be the only platinum building in Tarrant County BOk_q2k1OQc-00026-00010143-00010267 the county in which Fort Worth is located BOk_q2k1OQc-00027-00010282-00010651 the second in North Texas, and only the eighth in Texas. BOk_q2k1OQc-00028-00010667-00011212 I hope as a result of this, there'll be a lot buildings that eventually will have BOk_q2k1OQc-00029-00011223-00011329 this rating. BOk_q2k1OQc-00030-00011339-00011679 >>This green architecture and sustainability really sets us apart, and BOk_q2k1OQc-00031-00011686-00012538 it's going to be great fun to read about this project and Fort Worth in magazines BOk_q2k1OQc-00032-00012551-00012648 on television BOk_q2k1OQc-00033-00012656-00013128 all of the attention it will get, because it is so beautifully planned and BOk_q2k1OQc-00034-00013138-00013262 so beautifully executed. BOk_q2k1OQc-00035-00013276-00013477 >>Just welcome, and come in. BOk_q2k1OQc-00036-00013486-00013554 That's all I have to say. BOk_q2k1OQc-00037-00013566-00013722 The building's open. BQgJCzjrEMc-00000-00000503-00000700 Remove Negative Energy - Clear Dark Energy & Bad Spirits Purify & Cleanse Evil Eye Protection BRjKcLjAE_U-00000-00001546-00002021 This grumpy looking dog couldn't get adopted but that a couple discovered what was wrong BRjKcLjAE_U-00001-00002263-00002850 This Canadian pug mix was ignored by everyone that visited the litter to pick up a puppy in 2013 BRjKcLjAE_U-00002-00002890-00003479 Not only was the poor baby sickly looking but also had the appearance of an almost permanent scowl on his face BRjKcLjAE_U-00003-00003538-00004193 But one day a couple with an eye for the different pop buying could it be that the luckless pug had found his forever family? BRjKcLjAE_U-00004-00004273-00004884 Meet mr. Cornelius a little pug with massive appeal thanks to his adorably grumpy expression BRjKcLjAE_U-00005-00004909-00005336 However, the down in the mouth dog was not always as popular as he is today BRjKcLjAE_U-00006-00005394-00005963 Quite the opposite effect at an early stage in the game Cornelius found himself way out in left-field BRjKcLjAE_U-00007-00006001-00006300 pushed past by people looking for the perfect pug BRjKcLjAE_U-00008-00006354-00006965 Indeed when mr. Cornelius first emerged into the world in Toronto Canada. He was on the fringe of everyone's attention BRjKcLjAE_U-00009-00007036-00007301 Sadly that included the members of his own canine family BRjKcLjAE_U-00010-00007356-00007575 Including his Shih Tzu mom and pug pop BRjKcLjAE_U-00011-00007615-00008240 That was because Cornelius was the runt of his litter and he was so much smaller and weaker than his three siblings brothers BRjKcLjAE_U-00012-00008304-00008606 But the babies animal alienation did not end there BRjKcLjAE_U-00013-00008683-00009149 Cornelius had to watch sorrowfully as his happier looking siblings got picked out for adoption BRjKcLjAE_U-00014-00009193-00009295 before him BRjKcLjAE_U-00015-00009295-00010022 The grouchy looking pup was left unwanted and it wasn't just his grumpy seeming scowl that put people off the little pug BRjKcLjAE_U-00016-00010078-00010625 Potential adopters thought that perhaps there was something wrong with mr. Cornelius due to his skin coloring BRjKcLjAE_U-00017-00010678-00011054 It's certainly true that the four year old has always had a striking appearance BRjKcLjAE_U-00018-00011113-00011739 The poppers pale colouring and unusual eyes give him a ghostly appearance and it's fair to say that the Pug mix BRjKcLjAE_U-00019-00011767-00012054 frightened off a succession of human would-be parents BRjKcLjAE_U-00020-00012154-00012623 Cornelius scared off most visitors to the litter afraid that the smallest of the set was sick BRjKcLjAE_U-00021-00012685-00013116 Meanwhile one by one his brothers were whisked away to their forever homes BRjKcLjAE_U-00022-00013197-00013744 Next to his siblings who look more like their toy dog. Mom and pure pug father. Mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00023-00013744-00013999 Cornelius was an oddity on the other hand BRjKcLjAE_U-00024-00014000-00014657 That's exactly what appealed to the offbeat tastes of Toronto woman Tony cussin and her boyfriend James O'Donnell BRjKcLjAE_U-00025-00014706-00015352 When the couple visited the litter to find that only the runt remained, they were both smitten with just one look at Cornelius BRjKcLjAE_U-00026-00015459-00015742 Cussin in O'Donnell lived in the same neighborhood that mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00027-00015743-00016343 Cornelius was born into when the couple heard about an unexpected birth of pug bumpers on the dog grapevine BRjKcLjAE_U-00028-00016343-00016964 They felt they had to go and visit the litter. However O'Donnell and reservations about acquiring another animal BRjKcLjAE_U-00029-00016968-00017233 He was quite content with the dog the couple already owned BRjKcLjAE_U-00030-00017234-00017948 In fact cussin and O'Donnell shared a happy home with an attractive pug Boston Terrier Kraus called Bowie BRjKcLjAE_U-00031-00017979-00018170 hence O'Donnell's initial reluctance BRjKcLjAE_U-00032-00018170-00018577 The puppy later in question had been the result of an accidental pregnancy BRjKcLjAE_U-00033-00018594-00019310 But it proved to be a happy accident now that all the pups had been adopted well all but one mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00034-00019310-00019985 Cornelius the couple's hearts went out to Cornelius when they learned that the unconventional beautiful boy had been overlooked BRjKcLjAE_U-00035-00020022-00020642 He was the one that nobody wanted O'Donnell later told animal issue website the dodo in December of 2017 BRjKcLjAE_U-00036-00020736-00021433 Everyone thought this dog was sick as soon as he clamped eyes on. Mr. Cornelius O'Donnell changed his mind about adoption BRjKcLjAE_U-00037-00021492-00022015 Far from the puppers unusual appearance being a deal breaker for the couple. It was what made it happen BRjKcLjAE_U-00038-00022083-00022555 People thought he was weird and different but we liked weird and different cussin explained to the dodo BRjKcLjAE_U-00039-00022596-00023386 However, despite the couple's eagerness to expand their family. They wanted to understand Cornelius a little better first. I had done some research BRjKcLjAE_U-00040-00023442-00023893 Custom continued in her interview with the dodo. I wanted to make sure he was okay, right? BRjKcLjAE_U-00041-00023979-00024220 Initially the Pug lover had thought perhaps mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00042-00024222-00024964 Cornelius was affected by albinism, but her research revealed that the animal was not nailed by no custom wasn't too far off the mark BRjKcLjAE_U-00043-00024965-00025358 However, the Pug actually had a similar condition called leucism BRjKcLjAE_U-00044-00025413-00026167 both albinism and leucism are rare conditions which indicate a lack of dark pigmentation in the sufferers system an BRjKcLjAE_U-00045-00026204-00026404 animal or indeed a person is BRjKcLjAE_U-00046-00026448-00026805 Centered albino when their body produces no trace of the pigment BRjKcLjAE_U-00047-00026805-00027311 Melanin this results in a distinctive pale skin pinkish eyes and white hair BRjKcLjAE_U-00048-00027379-00028152 Leucism however is down to the subjects partial production of the range of pigments and shows itself with a similar but sometimes patchy BRjKcLjAE_U-00049-00028192-00028389 discoloration of the hair and skin BRjKcLjAE_U-00050-00028389-00029105 So cousins dogged research revealed that mr. Cornelius did not have anything seriously wrong with him at all BRjKcLjAE_U-00051-00029127-00029805 The popper was not sickly or ill he was simply different and when cussin and O'Donnell became as official humans BRjKcLjAE_U-00052-00029820-00030056 The couple realized quickly. Just how unique BRjKcLjAE_U-00053-00030097-00030752 Cornelius is when it comes to his personality to begin with Cornelius just isn't what you would call a dog's dog BRjKcLjAE_U-00054-00030777-00031545 The canine much prefers the company of people there is one exception. However, he simply adores his adopted older sister Bowie BRjKcLjAE_U-00055-00031618-00032397 Mr. Cornelius has never once liked another dog other than Bowie cousin confirmed to the dodo in addition usually dogs BRjKcLjAE_U-00056-00032425-00033048 Actively dread bath time but getting in the tub has become one of the fastidious Cornelius's favorite things BRjKcLjAE_U-00057-00033091-00033567 He's obsessed with taking baths custom described if we go to anyone else's house BRjKcLjAE_U-00058-00033567-00033927 He'll find their bath and he'll sit in it and he'll be like, can you turn it on? BRjKcLjAE_U-00059-00034024-00034533 Furthermore. Mr. Cornelius isn't just preoccupied with baths. He also has another obsession BRjKcLjAE_U-00060-00034557-00034830 he loves orange objects and is BRjKcLjAE_U-00061-00034867-00035292 inseparable from his beloved toys of that distinctive hue during playtime if BRjKcLjAE_U-00062-00035311-00035855 He perhaps suffers from a lack of pigmentation. The Pug certainly doesn't lack for a bit of color in his life BRjKcLjAE_U-00063-00035926-00036576 Cornelius was once the dog that no one looked twice at but now all that has changed for the pug thanks to his online presence BRjKcLjAE_U-00064-00036646-00036921 No animal lover finds it easy to ignore. Mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00065-00036934-00037643 Cornelius these days as the popper pops up all over the Internet his adorable grumpy face has members of the online community BRjKcLjAE_U-00066-00037702-00037925 flocking to his social media accounts in droves BRjKcLjAE_U-00067-00037948-00038661 They can't seem to get enough of the unusual animals antics and with cussin as his manager agent and photographer BRjKcLjAE_U-00068-00038661-00038861 They're getting exactly what they want BRjKcLjAE_U-00069-00038902-00039344 Every morning when I sign on to his Instagram, it's like 200 likes and 50 comments BRjKcLjAE_U-00070-00039400-00040082 cussin told the Canadian current affairs website global new in January 2015 and in an article in the BRjKcLjAE_U-00071-00040113-00040907 Multi-language newspaper epoch times in December 2017 cussin revealed a secret which may have added to the pugs pulling power BRjKcLjAE_U-00072-00040965-00041444 Since his adoption these seemingly curmudgeonly. Cornelius has found his smile BRjKcLjAE_U-00073-00041460-00042148 It seems that the popper is not always so set in his attitude as cousin went on to admit in the epoch Times piece BRjKcLjAE_U-00074-00042171-00042314 He's not always grumpy BRjKcLjAE_U-00075-00042314-00043006 She said I just have a good eye for catching him when he is grumpy as a result of his humans keen photographic eye BRjKcLjAE_U-00076-00043026-00043101 Mr BRjKcLjAE_U-00077-00043101-00043877 Cornelius's scowl has become his trademark smolder custon said from then on he's been turning heads and melting hearts with that face in BRjKcLjAE_U-00078-00043917-00044189 His YouTube video filmed and hosted by the dodo BRjKcLjAE_U-00079-00044253-00044845 Cornelius has attracted more than 2 million views. So the pug is turning countless rounds upside down BRjKcLjAE_U-00080-00044910-00045349 Mr. Cornelius started life as overlooked and unwanted but now people BRjKcLjAE_U-00081-00045417-00046217 Enthusiastically accept him for the star he is they are mad for his antics for as cussin inform global news. He's just a crazy little BRjKcLjAE_U-00082-00047861-00048061 You BRl3u_iUQfk-00000-00000107-00000593 Welcome to the world of Healthflex Privacy Screens by Screenflex. BRl3u_iUQfk-00001-00000593-00001564 To operate your Healthflex divider simply roll it into position and set it up as desired. BRl3u_iUQfk-00002-00001564-00002176 If you would like to make longer lengths to create larger rooms, use the optional multiunit BRl3u_iUQfk-00003-00002176-00002457 connector. BRl3u_iUQfk-00004-00002457-00003190 All panels are completely tack-able and accept pushpins or staples. BRl3u_iUQfk-00005-00003190-00003751 For more permanent uses glides can be used instead of casters. BRl3u_iUQfk-00006-00003751-00004240 So when you need to easily create privacy in a medical environment, Healthflex Privacy BRl3u_iUQfk-00007-00004240-00004396 Screens are the answer. BRoD_T8DjjU-00000-00000159-00000356 they did not live upon the land they BRoD_T8DjjU-00001-00000356-00000660 lived as land as the tree stands BRoD_T8DjjU-00002-00000660-00000806 they lived like that BRoD_T8DjjU-00003-00000806-00001403 just being a part of it BRoD_T8DjjU-00004-00001403-00001586 i think you are talking are you within a BRoD_T8DjjU-00005-00001586-00001798 different language they're actually the BRoD_T8DjjU-00006-00001798-00001995 true scientists of sustainability BRoD_T8DjjU-00007-00001995-00002659 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00008-00002659-00003581 baby king was a big big king people who BRoD_T8DjjU-00009-00003581-00003882 stand up for humanity unfortunately end BRoD_T8DjjU-00010-00003882-00004121 this way till now there is no better BRoD_T8DjjU-00011-00004121-00004310 inspiration than the native american BRoD_T8DjjU-00012-00004310-00004598 people environment was in their heart it BRoD_T8DjjU-00013-00004598-00004773 occupied the whole of it BRoD_T8DjjU-00014-00004773-00005046 it's really wonderful i don't know what BRoD_T8DjjU-00015-00005046-00005381 to say really i bow down to you for this BRoD_T8DjjU-00016-00005381-00005510 wonderful thing that you've done if BRoD_T8DjjU-00017-00005510-00007134 there's no virus i would have helped you BRoD_T8DjjU-00018-00007134-00007871 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00019-00007871-00008610 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00020-00008610-00009347 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00021-00009347-00011664 tell us whatever you can speak about BRoD_T8DjjU-00022-00011664-00011797 ayurveda BRoD_T8DjjU-00023-00011797-00012067 i am i'm an ignorant person on these BRoD_T8DjjU-00024-00012067-00012167 things BRoD_T8DjjU-00025-00012167-00012670 ayurveda is BRoD_T8DjjU-00026-00012670-00012770 individuals BRoD_T8DjjU-00027-00012770-00012869 medicine BRoD_T8DjjU-00028-00012869-00013366 i betrayed every individual separately BRoD_T8DjjU-00029-00013366-00013555 so ayurveda BRoD_T8DjjU-00030-00013555-00013834 says that BRoD_T8DjjU-00031-00013834-00014113 to understand the individual BRoD_T8DjjU-00032-00014113-00014325 and then treat accordingly BRoD_T8DjjU-00033-00014325-00014541 based upon his prakruti vikrudi BRoD_T8DjjU-00034-00014541-00014836 environment lifestyle all these have BRoD_T8DjjU-00035-00014836-00014966 great significant value BRoD_T8DjjU-00036-00014966-00015155 and BRoD_T8DjjU-00037-00015155-00015461 i listen to your talk on youtube BRoD_T8DjjU-00038-00015461-00015647 i think you are talking aye within a BRoD_T8DjjU-00039-00015647-00015835 different language BRoD_T8DjjU-00040-00015835-00016030 so if you say i don't know ayurveda that BRoD_T8DjjU-00041-00016030-00016186 is your greatness but BRoD_T8DjjU-00042-00016186-00016369 you are BRoD_T8DjjU-00043-00016369-00016472 talking BRoD_T8DjjU-00044-00016472-00016740 great principles of life BRoD_T8DjjU-00045-00016740-00016901 which is coming from ancient vedic BRoD_T8DjjU-00046-00016901-00017001 wisdom BRoD_T8DjjU-00047-00017001-00017500 harmony i've read only one veda sir that BRoD_T8DjjU-00048-00017500-00017703 is this one that's correct i didn't read BRoD_T8DjjU-00049-00017703-00017887 anything else other four i didn't read BRoD_T8DjjU-00050-00017887-00018203 because i'm too illiterate for those BRoD_T8DjjU-00051-00018203-00018659 that is BRoD_T8DjjU-00052-00018659-00018915 this whole inner inquiry inner BRoD_T8DjjU-00053-00018915-00019140 exploration is very important that is BRoD_T8DjjU-00054-00019140-00019389 the place where ayurveda is born BRoD_T8DjjU-00055-00019389-00019489 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00056-00019489-00019724 it's time ayurveda yoga all this very BRoD_T8DjjU-00057-00019724-00019927 precious sciences BRoD_T8DjjU-00058-00019927-00020173 must reach the maximum number of people BRoD_T8DjjU-00059-00020173-00020382 is new mexico made marijuana legal BRoD_T8DjjU-00060-00020382-00020745 not yet i have no idea is it not no not BRoD_T8DjjU-00061-00020745-00021045 yet i am saying mariana alcohol became BRoD_T8DjjU-00062-00021045-00021259 legal marijuana became legal cocaine BRoD_T8DjjU-00063-00021259-00021478 will become legal time we make yoga and BRoD_T8DjjU-00064-00021478-00021794 ayurveda legal BRoD_T8DjjU-00065-00021794-00022983 thank you i don't want to take too much BRoD_T8DjjU-00066-00022983-00023219 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00067-00023219-00023574 please tell us whatever you wish to BRoD_T8DjjU-00068-00023574-00023701 about BRoD_T8DjjU-00069-00023701-00023992 your traditions your spirituality BRoD_T8DjjU-00070-00023992-00024292 your nation what it was and what it is BRoD_T8DjjU-00071-00024292-00024625 and women in your communities BRoD_T8DjjU-00072-00024625-00024757 my greeting is to say BRoD_T8DjjU-00073-00024757-00025820 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00074-00025820-00026089 when you said you know you spoke uh of BRoD_T8DjjU-00075-00026089-00026377 me in terms of women's empowerment BRoD_T8DjjU-00076-00026377-00026733 and i and and i want to say that uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00077-00026733-00026906 that's a relatively new term BRoD_T8DjjU-00078-00026906-00027151 isn't it that's exactly what i was BRoD_T8DjjU-00079-00027151-00027458 trying to say for ancient cultures uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00080-00027458-00027624 it you know we didn't even have to talk BRoD_T8DjjU-00081-00027624-00027739 about it BRoD_T8DjjU-00082-00027739-00027912 on those terms BRoD_T8DjjU-00083-00027912-00028066 the question was never about who will BRoD_T8DjjU-00084-00028066-00028372 dominate whom right if if sustainability BRoD_T8DjjU-00085-00028372-00028544 is the highest and most sought after BRoD_T8DjjU-00086-00028544-00028723 technology on the planet who should we BRoD_T8DjjU-00087-00028723-00028904 be talking to yeah BRoD_T8DjjU-00088-00028904-00029074 should be talking to those people who've BRoD_T8DjjU-00089-00029074-00029245 known how to live in one place for a BRoD_T8DjjU-00090-00029245-00029439 thousand years five thousand years ten BRoD_T8DjjU-00091-00029439-00029622 thousand years twenty thousand years BRoD_T8DjjU-00092-00029622-00029912 they're finding evidence now of of BRoD_T8DjjU-00093-00029912-00030154 us forty thousand years so BRoD_T8DjjU-00094-00030154-00030320 you know those people that have lived in BRoD_T8DjjU-00095-00030320-00030497 place that way in relative health BRoD_T8DjjU-00096-00030497-00030672 harmony and happiness they're actually BRoD_T8DjjU-00097-00030672-00030813 the true scientists of BRoD_T8DjjU-00098-00030813-00031143 so what do they have going on what's BRoD_T8DjjU-00099-00031143-00031293 going on over there with those people BRoD_T8DjjU-00100-00031293-00031494 that they were able to do that BRoD_T8DjjU-00101-00031494-00031795 let's hear the sounds of your universe BRoD_T8DjjU-00102-00031795-00032042 i'm going to sing BRoD_T8DjjU-00103-00032042-00032223 a grandmother calling song BRoD_T8DjjU-00104-00032223-00032516 very feminine song ask grandmothers to BRoD_T8DjjU-00105-00032516-00032719 come and bless you on your journey BRoD_T8DjjU-00106-00032719-00033037 and your motorcycle too BRoD_T8DjjU-00107-00033037-00033323 my motorcycle to honor a crazy horse i BRoD_T8DjjU-00108-00033323-00033512 put his name on my motorcycle BRoD_T8DjjU-00109-00033512-00033748 because i was so impressed by this man BRoD_T8DjjU-00110-00033748-00035428 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00111-00035428-00037109 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00112-00037109-00037804 thank you very much BRoD_T8DjjU-00113-00037804-00038474 uh we're riding BRoD_T8DjjU-00114-00038474-00038750 towards uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00115-00038750-00038991 oklahoma and fort ferguson now whatever BRoD_T8DjjU-00116-00038991-00039141 the fortune's name is BRoD_T8DjjU-00117-00039141-00039479 which is the end of trail of tears but BRoD_T8DjjU-00118-00039479-00039579 uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00119-00039579-00039730 we saw the weather reports BRoD_T8DjjU-00120-00039730-00039991 and it says afternoon time the winds are BRoD_T8DjjU-00121-00039991-00040246 going to become very severe even now BRoD_T8DjjU-00122-00040246-00040516 it's not easy it's over 30 miles per BRoD_T8DjjU-00123-00040516-00040616 hour BRoD_T8DjjU-00124-00040616-00040716 it is right now BRoD_T8DjjU-00125-00040716-00040816 1004. BRoD_T8DjjU-00126-00040816-00041057 by 11 a.m winds could be gusting BRoD_T8DjjU-00127-00041057-00041461 up to 65 and uh at that at that level of BRoD_T8DjjU-00128-00041461-00041869 wind from the sides BRoD_T8DjjU-00129-00041869-00042425 extremely difficult to keep the BRoD_T8DjjU-00130-00042425-00042536 motorcycle BRoD_T8DjjU-00131-00042536-00042636 on the road BRoD_T8DjjU-00132-00042636-00042736 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00133-00042736-00042836 here we are BRoD_T8DjjU-00134-00042836-00042996 on highway 40 east on interstate 40 east BRoD_T8DjjU-00135-00042996-00043428 one road that we have traveled longest BRoD_T8DjjU-00136-00043428-00043655 maybe little i don't know it's exactly BRoD_T8DjjU-00137-00043655-00043784 but it should be around 1600 BRoD_T8DjjU-00138-00043784-00044032 miles on this highway BRoD_T8DjjU-00139-00044032-00044424 but right now busy battling the wind BRoD_T8DjjU-00140-00044424-00044936 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00141-00044936-00047341 i think i'm getting cramps in my legs BRoD_T8DjjU-00142-00047341-00047740 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00143-00047740-00048138 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00144-00048138-00049424 wind chill is around two to three BRoD_T8DjjU-00145-00049424-00049661 degrees BRoD_T8DjjU-00146-00049661-00049862 and strong winds also BRoD_T8DjjU-00147-00049862-00050096 maybe about BRoD_T8DjjU-00148-00050096-00050565 around 12 knots when BRoD_T8DjjU-00149-00050565-00050747 riding cloudy day and BRoD_T8DjjU-00150-00050747-00050847 riding BRoD_T8DjjU-00151-00050847-00051301 the hand warmers in the motorcycle but BRoD_T8DjjU-00152-00051301-00051401 still BRoD_T8DjjU-00153-00051401-00051577 all the fingertips getting frozen BRoD_T8DjjU-00154-00051577-00052604 whoa BRoD_T8DjjU-00155-00052604-00052704 here we are BRoD_T8DjjU-00156-00052704-00052807 at fort gibson BRoD_T8DjjU-00157-00052807-00053174 this is uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00158-00053174-00053408 uh in the moment towards the west this BRoD_T8DjjU-00159-00053408-00053533 was like the last frontier BRoD_T8DjjU-00160-00053533-00054008 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00161-00054008-00054661 between the indian nations BRoD_T8DjjU-00162-00054661-00054932 and the ever expanding settlers BRoD_T8DjjU-00163-00054932-00055377 what is the use of a glove like this huh BRoD_T8DjjU-00164-00055377-00055587 where you can't use your fingers BRoD_T8DjjU-00165-00055587-00056097 how to ride like this look at this BRoD_T8DjjU-00166-00056097-00056197 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00167-00056197-00056413 this fort was built in 1824 BRoD_T8DjjU-00168-00056413-00056576 as a BRoD_T8DjjU-00169-00056576-00056741 serious push BRoD_T8DjjU-00170-00056741-00056995 into the western frontier BRoD_T8DjjU-00171-00056995-00057272 in many ways this was the terminus for BRoD_T8DjjU-00172-00057272-00057463 the trail of tears BRoD_T8DjjU-00173-00057463-00057733 the cherokees or the cherokee nation BRoD_T8DjjU-00174-00057733-00057921 which was removed as a part of the BRoD_T8DjjU-00175-00057921-00058220 indian removal act BRoD_T8DjjU-00176-00058220-00058327 from BRoD_T8DjjU-00177-00058327-00058533 the lush green hills of tennessee BRoD_T8DjjU-00178-00058533-00058854 to oklahoma BRoD_T8DjjU-00179-00058854-00059091 this became the commanding post to BRoD_T8DjjU-00180-00059091-00059227 oversee BRoD_T8DjjU-00181-00059227-00059400 that BRoD_T8DjjU-00182-00059400-00059522 unfortunate BRoD_T8DjjU-00183-00059522-00059654 or terrible BRoD_T8DjjU-00184-00059654-00059961 historical fact that BRoD_T8DjjU-00185-00059961-00060213 the cherokee walked all the way from BRoD_T8DjjU-00186-00060213-00060456 tennessee to here losing thousands of BRoD_T8DjjU-00187-00060456-00060618 people on the way BRoD_T8DjjU-00188-00060618-00060767 and untold suffering BRoD_T8DjjU-00189-00060767-00061024 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00190-00061024-00061299 this post is uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00191-00061299-00061674 of great significance in the expansion BRoD_T8DjjU-00192-00061674-00061774 of BRoD_T8DjjU-00193-00061774-00062007 the united states as a nation in those BRoD_T8DjjU-00194-00062007-00062107 days BRoD_T8DjjU-00195-00062107-00062413 and this also became an important part BRoD_T8DjjU-00196-00062413-00062513 of BRoD_T8DjjU-00197-00062513-00062613 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00198-00062613-00062755 the civil war BRoD_T8DjjU-00199-00062755-00063149 some significant events happened around BRoD_T8DjjU-00200-00063149-00063522 this and well i have two gloves but one BRoD_T8DjjU-00201-00063522-00063750 eye is resting right now because the BRoD_T8DjjU-00202-00063750-00063952 damn thing doesn't allow me to do BRoD_T8DjjU-00203-00063952-00064123 anything sensibly BRoD_T8DjjU-00204-00064123-00064223 uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00205-00064223-00064449 and i'm supposed to ride with this look BRoD_T8DjjU-00206-00064449-00064611 at this BRoD_T8DjjU-00207-00064611-00064906 i'm supposed to ride with this BRoD_T8DjjU-00208-00064906-00065006 in this cold weather BRoD_T8DjjU-00209-00065006-00065586 [Laughter] BRoD_T8DjjU-00210-00065586-00066820 hello hello BRoD_T8DjjU-00211-00066820-00067437 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00212-00067437-00068110 rural oklahoma BRoD_T8DjjU-00213-00068110-00068749 very basic but agricultural families BRoD_T8DjjU-00214-00068749-00069255 ah look at the fall colors huh BRoD_T8DjjU-00215-00069255-00069355 bright and nice BRoD_T8DjjU-00216-00069355-00069773 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00217-00069773-00070761 i never seen any native americans BRoD_T8DjjU-00218-00070761-00070861 wearing a turban BRoD_T8DjjU-00219-00070861-00071150 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00220-00071150-00072251 now it's uh you can BRoD_T8DjjU-00221-00072251-00072922 go on the internet with the cherokee BRoD_T8DjjU-00222-00072922-00073022 language BRoD_T8DjjU-00223-00073022-00073122 like BRoD_T8DjjU-00224-00073122-00073222 microsoft windows platforms gmail BRoD_T8DjjU-00225-00073222-00073322 google search everything you can do with BRoD_T8DjjU-00226-00073322-00074052 cherokee language that's great BRoD_T8DjjU-00227-00074052-00074468 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00228-00074468-00074882 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00229-00074882-00075082 entering the arkansas BRoD_T8DjjU-00230-00075082-00075182 state BRoD_T8DjjU-00231-00075182-00075499 and then entering tennessee BRoD_T8DjjU-00232-00075499-00076210 how's it been you've been on the bike BRoD_T8DjjU-00233-00076210-00076686 for what almost 40 days now BRoD_T8DjjU-00234-00076686-00076866 i don't know i was thinking of riding to BRoD_T8DjjU-00235-00076866-00077011 india but then they told me there are no BRoD_T8DjjU-00236-00077011-00077226 there's some oceans in between maybe BRoD_T8DjjU-00237-00077226-00077493 that that might pose a problem BRoD_T8DjjU-00238-00077493-00077820 riding across india and riding across BRoD_T8DjjU-00239-00077820-00078293 the us how is it from a bike perspective BRoD_T8DjjU-00240-00078293-00078488 in india it's more exciting in terms of BRoD_T8DjjU-00241-00078488-00078741 what you see and everything but here BRoD_T8DjjU-00242-00078741-00078889 we've hit all the BRoD_T8DjjU-00243-00078889-00079138 really beautiful patches of united BRoD_T8DjjU-00244-00079138-00079398 states not just riding on highways BRoD_T8DjjU-00245-00079398-00079593 we've been on country roads we've been BRoD_T8DjjU-00246-00079593-00079762 on very scenic roads so it's been BRoD_T8DjjU-00247-00079762-00079943 absolutely beautiful BRoD_T8DjjU-00248-00079943-00080201 but uh we've been tight on schedule too BRoD_T8DjjU-00249-00080201-00080411 many meetings too many talks too many BRoD_T8DjjU-00250-00080411-00080567 recordings BRoD_T8DjjU-00251-00080567-00080848 so uh it's not uh really been a holiday BRoD_T8DjjU-00252-00080848-00081017 as people think it's been non-stop work BRoD_T8DjjU-00253-00081017-00081232 i don't know that anybody thinks it's a BRoD_T8DjjU-00254-00081232-00081337 holiday but yeah BRoD_T8DjjU-00255-00081337-00081614 i guess that's the end of the catching BRoD_T8DjjU-00256-00081614-00081792 up with sargo on a bike for me BRoD_T8DjjU-00257-00081792-00082066 because we're going to be back in triple BRoD_T8DjjU-00258-00082066-00082326 a BRoD_T8DjjU-00259-00082326-00082558 yes in the next 24 hours we'll be back BRoD_T8DjjU-00260-00082558-00082669 but we'll see we'll see you at BRoD_T8DjjU-00261-00082669-00082769 bye BRoD_T8DjjU-00262-00082769-00082869 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00263-00082869-00082969 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00264-00082969-00083069 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00265-00083069-00083169 oh BRoD_T8DjjU-00266-00083169-00083269 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00267-00083269-00083369 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00268-00083369-00083469 appreciate you stopping by you're there BRoD_T8DjjU-00269-00083469-00083569 it was to be in nashville now we're BRoD_T8DjjU-00270-00083569-00084199 pushing it to the ashram because of the BRoD_T8DjjU-00271-00084199-00084754 weather tomorrow BRoD_T8DjjU-00272-00084754-00085032 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00273-00085032-00085308 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00274-00085308-00085587 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00275-00085587-00087807 the next evening he was shot and killed BRoD_T8DjjU-00277-00093973-00094129 we are here at the national civil rights BRoD_T8DjjU-00278-00094129-00094233 museum BRoD_T8DjjU-00279-00094233-00094399 where BRoD_T8DjjU-00280-00094399-00094601 dr martin luther king was assassinated BRoD_T8DjjU-00281-00094601-00094961 this has been the unfortunate reality of BRoD_T8DjjU-00282-00094961-00095092 this world BRoD_T8DjjU-00283-00095092-00095192 that BRoD_T8DjjU-00284-00095192-00095360 people who stand up BRoD_T8DjjU-00285-00095360-00095573 for what really matters BRoD_T8DjjU-00286-00095573-00095970 people who stand up for humanity BRoD_T8DjjU-00287-00095970-00096144 unfortunately end this way till now BRoD_T8DjjU-00288-00096144-00096658 martin luther king and the BRoD_T8DjjU-00289-00096658-00096923 civil rights movement BRoD_T8DjjU-00290-00096923-00097236 is the defining moment BRoD_T8DjjU-00291-00097236-00097342 for american democracy BRoD_T8DjjU-00292-00097342-00097507 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00293-00097507-00097607 in many ways BRoD_T8DjjU-00294-00097607-00097950 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00295-00097950-00098294 democracy became a possibility BRoD_T8DjjU-00296-00098294-00098458 only with civil rights movement BRoD_T8DjjU-00297-00098458-00099464 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00298-00099464-00100470 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00299-00100470-00101722 we're here on the bale street BRoD_T8DjjU-00300-00101722-00101837 well BRoD_T8DjjU-00301-00101837-00102041 the blues legends have walked the street BRoD_T8DjjU-00302-00102041-00102174 and played here BRoD_T8DjjU-00303-00102174-00102423 above all my favorite my favorite BRoD_T8DjjU-00304-00102423-00102523 favorite BRoD_T8DjjU-00305-00102523-00102676 blue star BRoD_T8DjjU-00306-00102676-00102801 bb king BRoD_T8DjjU-00307-00102801-00103092 and even magic slim have played here BRoD_T8DjjU-00308-00103092-00103260 it's great to be here BRoD_T8DjjU-00309-00103260-00103450 it's just that BRoD_T8DjjU-00310-00103450-00103643 not going into any of these places BRoD_T8DjjU-00311-00103643-00103865 because all of them are just bars it's BRoD_T8DjjU-00312-00103865-00103968 not about music BRoD_T8DjjU-00313-00103968-00104282 it's all about drinks these days BRoD_T8DjjU-00314-00104282-00104609 but uh real legends have played music BRoD_T8DjjU-00315-00104609-00104816 out here BRoD_T8DjjU-00316-00104816-00105158 and uh bb king's music in many ways BRoD_T8DjjU-00317-00105158-00105338 defined BRoD_T8DjjU-00318-00105338-00105501 how blue should be BRoD_T8DjjU-00319-00105501-00105730 and also in many ways set foundation for BRoD_T8DjjU-00320-00105730-00105847 rock and roll BRoD_T8DjjU-00321-00105847-00105947 in america BRoD_T8DjjU-00322-00105947-00106108 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00323-00106108-00106359 i'm telling you i'm from 60s BRoD_T8DjjU-00324-00106359-00106554 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00325-00106554-00109131 bb king was big big king BRoD_T8DjjU-00326-00109131-00110366 still is BRoD_T8DjjU-00327-00110366-00110983 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00328-00110983-00111602 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00329-00111602-00112220 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00330-00112220-00112838 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00331-00112838-00113456 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00332-00113456-00113615 not been on a tubular BRoD_T8DjjU-00333-00113615-00113979 or a motorcycle BRoD_T8DjjU-00334-00113979-00114123 for this long BRoD_T8DjjU-00335-00114123-00114303 in many many years BRoD_T8DjjU-00336-00114303-00114683 nearly 30 years plus i was saying BRoD_T8DjjU-00337-00114683-00114994 in between we have rhythm a little bit BRoD_T8DjjU-00338-00114994-00115209 here and there one day two days three BRoD_T8DjjU-00339-00115209-00115309 days BRoD_T8DjjU-00340-00115309-00115429 but not like this BRoD_T8DjjU-00341-00115429-00115921 just a few hundred months BRoD_T8DjjU-00342-00115921-00116063 short of ten thousand miles BRoD_T8DjjU-00343-00116063-00116208 well BRoD_T8DjjU-00344-00116208-00116645 first of all BRoD_T8DjjU-00345-00116645-00116745 our gratitude BRoD_T8DjjU-00346-00116745-00116991 to all the native american people who BRoD_T8DjjU-00347-00116991-00117240 have cooperated and interacted with us BRoD_T8DjjU-00348-00117240-00117633 which is much of it is yet to come BRoD_T8DjjU-00349-00117633-00117861 but i don't believe BRoD_T8DjjU-00350-00117861-00118077 we can do justice to them BRoD_T8DjjU-00351-00118077-00118358 for what they have been through who they BRoD_T8DjjU-00352-00118358-00118690 are how long they've been here BRoD_T8DjjU-00353-00118690-00118989 nearly 40 000 years they've been here BRoD_T8DjjU-00354-00118989-00119242 we cannot do justice to that but i BRoD_T8DjjU-00355-00119242-00119342 thought BRoD_T8DjjU-00356-00119342-00119671 at least we must make them visible in BRoD_T8DjjU-00357-00119671-00119771 the world BRoD_T8DjjU-00358-00119771-00119959 because right now they are quite BRoD_T8DjjU-00359-00119959-00120166 invisible BRoD_T8DjjU-00360-00120166-00120313 because in the rest of the world maybe BRoD_T8DjjU-00361-00120313-00120485 in america there is some knowledge about BRoD_T8DjjU-00362-00120485-00120725 it but in the rest of the world BRoD_T8DjjU-00363-00120725-00121088 native american people means BRoD_T8DjjU-00364-00121088-00121288 a bunch of young men BRoD_T8DjjU-00365-00121288-00121463 who ride BRoD_T8DjjU-00366-00121463-00121838 saddle less you know bare back horses BRoD_T8DjjU-00367-00121838-00122033 scream all the time and shoot at anybody BRoD_T8DjjU-00368-00122033-00122176 who comes their way and do terrible BRoD_T8DjjU-00369-00122176-00122359 things BRoD_T8DjjU-00370-00122359-00122459 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00371-00122459-00122596 this is not what they are BRoD_T8DjjU-00372-00122596-00123008 and BRoD_T8DjjU-00373-00123008-00123165 they had well-established BRoD_T8DjjU-00374-00123165-00123280 settlements BRoD_T8DjjU-00375-00123280-00123648 place like kahuki over a thousand years BRoD_T8DjjU-00376-00123648-00123748 ago BRoD_T8DjjU-00377-00123748-00124025 40 000 people BRoD_T8DjjU-00378-00124025-00124313 in one city BRoD_T8DjjU-00379-00124313-00124498 just to give you a perspective BRoD_T8DjjU-00380-00124498-00124677 in the same period BRoD_T8DjjU-00381-00124677-00124922 in london there were only 15 000 people BRoD_T8DjjU-00382-00124922-00125071 population BRoD_T8DjjU-00383-00125071-00125361 here a native american village had 40 BRoD_T8DjjU-00384-00125361-00125635 000 people 40 000 people cannot stay in BRoD_T8DjjU-00385-00125635-00125847 one place without proper administration BRoD_T8DjjU-00386-00125847-00126032 without management without a whole BRoD_T8DjjU-00387-00126032-00126264 system of civilization you cannot live BRoD_T8DjjU-00388-00126264-00126639 together 40 000 people BRoD_T8DjjU-00389-00126639-00126913 well you can't fix the past BRoD_T8DjjU-00390-00126913-00127013 but you can BRoD_T8DjjU-00391-00127013-00127183 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00392-00127183-00127351 carve out a way for the future BRoD_T8DjjU-00393-00127351-00127650 that's all we can do nobody can fix the BRoD_T8DjjU-00394-00127650-00127878 past what happened yesterday cannot be BRoD_T8DjjU-00395-00127878-00128041 altered today BRoD_T8DjjU-00396-00128041-00128309 but what we do tomorrow BRoD_T8DjjU-00397-00128309-00128563 some possibilities could be created BRoD_T8DjjU-00398-00128563-00128755 hope will be successful in that in some BRoD_T8DjjU-00399-00128755-00128855 way BRoD_T8DjjU-00400-00128855-00129133 and above all they're very very relevant BRoD_T8DjjU-00401-00129133-00129380 today because BRoD_T8DjjU-00402-00129380-00129638 they lived as land BRoD_T8DjjU-00403-00129638-00129834 they did not live upon the land they BRoD_T8DjjU-00404-00129834-00130134 lived as land as the tree stands BRoD_T8DjjU-00405-00130134-00130290 they lived like that BRoD_T8DjjU-00406-00130290-00130533 just being a part of it BRoD_T8DjjU-00407-00130533-00130633 i think BRoD_T8DjjU-00408-00130633-00130835 this is very very relevant for this BRoD_T8DjjU-00409-00130835-00131079 generation and the next BRoD_T8DjjU-00410-00131079-00131295 environment is still environmental BRoD_T8DjjU-00411-00131295-00131703 concerns are still in the textbooks BRoD_T8DjjU-00412-00131703-00131908 in the phd thesis BRoD_T8DjjU-00413-00131908-00132087 somewhere in united nations or somewhere BRoD_T8DjjU-00414-00132087-00132254 somewhere like that BRoD_T8DjjU-00415-00132254-00132486 no it has to come into people's hearts BRoD_T8DjjU-00416-00132486-00132708 for that there is no better information BRoD_T8DjjU-00417-00132708-00132898 there is no better inspiration than the BRoD_T8DjjU-00418-00132898-00133088 native american people BRoD_T8DjjU-00419-00133088-00133360 environment was in their heart BRoD_T8DjjU-00420-00133360-00133771 it occupied the whole of it BRoD_T8DjjU-00421-00133771-00133918 i think this needs to happen to this BRoD_T8DjjU-00422-00133918-00134108 generation if at all if something BRoD_T8DjjU-00423-00134108-00134363 significant needs to happen for our own BRoD_T8DjjU-00424-00134363-00134544 well-being and our children's well-being BRoD_T8DjjU-00425-00134544-00134644 tomorrow BRoD_T8DjjU-00426-00134644-00134966 this is very important BRoD_T8DjjU-00427-00134966-00135085 but BRoD_T8DjjU-00428-00135085-00135276 i saw last two three days BRoD_T8DjjU-00429-00135276-00135465 our teams have been carrying little long BRoD_T8DjjU-00430-00135465-00135576 face BRoD_T8DjjU-00431-00135576-00135738 because they think it's too brief BRoD_T8DjjU-00432-00135738-00136034 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00433-00136034-00136146 it got over too soon BRoD_T8DjjU-00434-00136146-00136808 well uh BRoD_T8DjjU-00435-00136808-00136942 you shouldn't stretch a good thing too BRoD_T8DjjU-00436-00136942-00137042 much you know BRoD_T8DjjU-00437-00137042-00137875 it's when it's still good BRoD_T8DjjU-00438-00137875-00138019 it's really wonderful i don't know what BRoD_T8DjjU-00439-00138019-00138283 to say really it's been fantastic being BRoD_T8DjjU-00440-00138283-00138413 with all of you BRoD_T8DjjU-00441-00138413-00138714 it's most wonderful to in anywhere in BRoD_T8DjjU-00442-00138714-00138915 the world i would say BRoD_T8DjjU-00443-00138915-00139103 the greatest thing to accomplish BRoD_T8DjjU-00444-00139103-00139272 anything is BRoD_T8DjjU-00445-00139272-00139449 the smallest details are taken care of BRoD_T8DjjU-00446-00139449-00139609 by somebody BRoD_T8DjjU-00447-00139609-00139834 otherwise the big things won't happen BRoD_T8DjjU-00448-00139834-00139934 so BRoD_T8DjjU-00449-00139934-00140099 thank you for every one of you for BRoD_T8DjjU-00450-00140099-00140383 fixing the vehicles keeping it going BRoD_T8DjjU-00451-00140383-00140746 uh i know you're fixing the water the BRoD_T8DjjU-00452-00140746-00140970 toilet and this and that and everything BRoD_T8DjjU-00453-00140970-00141116 i bow down to you for this BRoD_T8DjjU-00454-00141116-00141308 wonderful thing that you've done if you BRoD_T8DjjU-00455-00141308-00141576 do no virus i would have helped you BRoD_T8DjjU-00456-00141576-00141827 thank you very much BRoD_T8DjjU-00457-00141827-00142275 thank you for this privilege BRoD_T8DjjU-00458-00142275-00142515 thank you BRoD_T8DjjU-00459-00142515-00142637 [Applause] BRoD_T8DjjU-00460-00142637-00142758 [Music] BRoD_T8DjjU-00461-00142758-00142878 you BSon6Eyq0jM-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi, Welcome to my VLOG..LojmarTV.. BScRXo2tF4k-00000-00000720-00001003 Hello everyone! I'm Rodion from Stimulsoft. BScRXo2tF4k-00001-00001063-00001503 This time I will show you how to create a report using wizard in the web designer. BScRXo2tF4k-00002-00001570-00001870 Open the web designer and click the File menu. BScRXo2tF4k-00003-00001870-00002270 Choose the New item and select a standard report wizard. BScRXo2tF4k-00004-00002703-00003336 Firstly, you can bind data. Click the New Data Source button and a type of data source. BScRXo2tF4k-00005-00003370-00003970 For example, I will create an xml data source. Choose an xml and add some files. BScRXo2tF4k-00006-00004220-00004570 Select Data and a data table for a new report. BScRXo2tF4k-00007-00004803-00005053 Click the Next button to go to the next step. BScRXo2tF4k-00008-00005353-00005636 Select data columns which will be used in your report. BScRXo2tF4k-00009-00006520-00006743 Change Column Order if you want to. BScRXo2tF4k-00010-00006970-00007403 Add data sorting by column and change direction. BScRXo2tF4k-00011-00008286-00008986 You can set data filtering if you need it. Filters will be used in the report engine or in the sql query. BScRXo2tF4k-00012-00009886-00010146 Also, you can group data if you need it. BScRXo2tF4k-00013-00010370-00010870 Define totals by report. You can select a lot of functions to calculate totals. BScRXo2tF4k-00014-00011836-00012286 Report wizard contains some styles which you can apply for your report. BScRXo2tF4k-00015-00012653-00013869 At the last step, you can set report options such as page orientation, report units, report language and component to deploy data in your report. BScRXo2tF4k-00016-00013903-00014136 Click the Finish button to create report template. BScRXo2tF4k-00017-00014563-00014753 Click the preview to show your report. BScRXo2tF4k-00018-00014803-00014980 Now this report will be rendered. BScRXo2tF4k-00019-00015336-00015703 In this example, totals are displayed by the whole report. BScRXo2tF4k-00020-00015986-00016369 Edit this template so that totals will be shown by each group. BScRXo2tF4k-00021-00016660-00017336 To do that you should move the textboxes with totals from the Footer Band to the Group Footer Band in the template. BScRXo2tF4k-00022-00017753-00018083 Now, totals are calculated by each group. BScRXo2tF4k-00023-00018136-00018433 Also, you can edit the template if you want to. BScRXo2tF4k-00024-00018503-00019070 Thanks for watching! Follow the news on our social networks and subscribe to the video channel. BScRXo2tF4k-00025-00019070-00019670 If you still have any questions, leave your comments below or send us a request to support@stimulsoft.com. BScRXo2tF4k-00026-00019703-00019870 Have a good one! BTRlVJEkOEA-00000-00000000-00000200 ENGLISH BX5NAFlx-rQ-00000-00000042-00000458 do we want to land in the middle ish yeah BX5NAFlx-rQ-00001-00000458-00000951 okay the one got the one solo is landing right here I'm gonna land on this house BX5NAFlx-rQ-00002-00000951-00002294 right here please don't come out and shoot me you guys are next to me we need BX5NAFlx-rQ-00003-00002294-00002668 it we need a tag team this guy did BX5NAFlx-rQ-00004-00003990-00005173 he's on the far end he's inside just boom washing bum-rushing all right BX5NAFlx-rQ-00005-00005173-00005610 get ready for the seat become roof BX5NAFlx-rQ-00006-00005858-00008410 behind you discover discover here he comes here BX5NAFlx-rQ-00007-00008410-00008717 I heard him yes BX5NAFlx-rQ-00008-00009053-00009527 unless I heard you guys again he said I don't think I'll get another scuff my BX5NAFlx-rQ-00009-00009527-00010079 scuff is the bomb that fucked up I might get a battle is a battle beaver just BX5NAFlx-rQ-00010-00010079-00010435 another version that's like a scuf controller BX5NAFlx-rQ-00011-00010637-00011285 I just heard him hemlock here I got one all right guys we gotta I was gonna say BX5NAFlx-rQ-00012-00011285-00011660 we gotta take the time to loot if the guy comes back to get banners then he BX5NAFlx-rQ-00013-00011660-00012461 comes back you know I'm saying we got to go all the way to the cage so but they BX5NAFlx-rQ-00014-00012461-00012838 are bringing solo mode to this Battle Royale BX5NAFlx-rQ-00015-00013105-00013568 love how the guy that's on an apex in time fault dude same that's what I mean BX5NAFlx-rQ-00016-00013568-00014134 it's like my it's not my favorite Battle Royale but who write down here guys to BX5NAFlx-rQ-00017-00014134-00014604 the right but it's definitely the phone is like down over here in the river BX5NAFlx-rQ-00018-00014604-00016087 right here ami ami ami through my BX5NAFlx-rQ-00019-00019685-00021734 Oh throwing grenades get out of there get out of there to the right to the BX5NAFlx-rQ-00020-00021734-00022000 right to the right to the right BX5NAFlx-rQ-00021-00022731-00024250 trying to finish this guy man okay finish him down to the right we BX5NAFlx-rQ-00022-00024250-00025240 need to be careful about being right here though a phase out one to the right BX5NAFlx-rQ-00023-00025240-00026238 still no armor running dropped off BX5NAFlx-rQ-00024-00026887-00027247 this body real quick BX5NAFlx-rQ-00025-00027901-00028613 okay we're okay like we are all hitting the same boxes crazy why do I have BX5NAFlx-rQ-00026-00028613-00029213 certain stuff team fighting right in here I don't want to I don't want to BX5NAFlx-rQ-00027-00029213-00029704 leave this purple armor yeah I'm with you I'm just I'm just looking BX5NAFlx-rQ-00028-00029953-00030293 yup t mommy BX5NAFlx-rQ-00029-00030320-00030988 they're hiding up in here we're okay we're not gonna find this stuff coming BX5NAFlx-rQ-00030-00030988-00031777 right at me he just he just did throwables be careful I'm a flank around BX5NAFlx-rQ-00031-00031777-00032329 I don't think we should fight this I'm a bridge fight this they might be flanking BX5NAFlx-rQ-00032-00032329-00034170 this way 2x4 I think he's right here BX5NAFlx-rQ-00033-00034638-00035554 he's sitting right on the behind that tree nice team shooting can you grab no BX5NAFlx-rQ-00034-00035554-00036051 don't grapple don't grapple is there he's rising he's rising BX5NAFlx-rQ-00035-00037455-00038613 knock one you fell down another team another team right here another team BX5NAFlx-rQ-00036-00038613-00038837 right here BX5NAFlx-rQ-00037-00040959-00041532 hey man I got him to run go he'll rest rest rest BX5NAFlx-rQ-00038-00042041-00042390 why don't you get other without lesson there in yeah there's two bodies right BX5NAFlx-rQ-00039-00042390-00042659 here that we could loot BX5NAFlx-rQ-00040-00042796-00043234 maybe back BX5NAFlx-rQ-00041-00044461-00045141 leave it leave it leave it leave it dry his damaged is damaged it for bait BX5NAFlx-rQ-00042-00045685-00046393 but I just don't like being in the dead center man that's all I'm watching this BX5NAFlx-rQ-00043-00046393-00046801 way I'm on this watching this way for the one behind you guys up to your BX5NAFlx-rQ-00044-00046801-00047716 north-northwest is not watch one team right here they're fighting pushing this BX5NAFlx-rQ-00046-00051370-00052408 right here is crucial me there's team to my right yeah they're like right here I BX5NAFlx-rQ-00047-00052408-00052797 wish I had throwables I don't have any BX5NAFlx-rQ-00048-00052917-00053217 now BX5NAFlx-rQ-00049-00053312-00054391 yeah they're sitting on top of this little thing to the right here shouldn't BX5NAFlx-rQ-00050-00054391-00054727 even have done that didn't I be shot by the team behind you bro need to come BX5NAFlx-rQ-00051-00054727-00055877 back towards us immediately ready I'll smoke you we have to watch this BX5NAFlx-rQ-00052-00055877-00056619 dr. Zama watch this way okay we all three cannot watch the same angle bro BX5NAFlx-rQ-00053-00056619-00057021 Jesus we're gonna die that way okay who wants to watch this fucking BX5NAFlx-rQ-00054-00057021-00057933 side man like I get kills they're important man but we want this win dude BX5NAFlx-rQ-00055-00057933-00058548 we all can't watch this this spot one of us got to do it he's coming down coming BX5NAFlx-rQ-00056-00058548-00058790 down he's hip down he's where he's all the way on the top BX5NAFlx-rQ-00057-00058790-00059195 wow what a spot dude BX5NAFlx-rQ-00058-00059517-00061037 did he fall dropped one there's still one up here I think he's still up there BX5NAFlx-rQ-00059-00061037-00061438 dude okay so he's a solo BX5NAFlx-rQ-00060-00061802-00062436 and imma take it off I can't see this guy man he's on a nice spot BX5NAFlx-rQ-00061-00062637-00063182 was he got self res yeah this guy does BX5NAFlx-rQ-00062-00063620-00064608 he's in a nice spot man oh you dropped on me and I'm dead he's literally right BX5NAFlx-rQ-00063-00064608-00066429 here dude be careful the mosque thank you I don't know how you charging you BX5NAFlx-rQ-00064-00066429-00067545 drop so many people and you have the drop on him and you get destroyed Gigi's BX5NAFlx-rQ-00065-00067545-00068493 guys that's three wins tonight yeah pretty much yeah BX5NAFlx-rQ-00066-00068493-00069140 wait is it three victories in a row in a row it's not three in a row BX5NAFlx-rQ-00067-00069140-00069659 we're literally check this is game and when we were one right and we want BX5NAFlx-rQ-00068-00069659-00070222 before that out of your right that's three wins in a row holy crap BX5NAFlx-rQ-00069-00070372-00070961 in that right there ladies and gentlemen is apex frickin predator baby let's go BX5NAFlx-rQ-00070-00070961-00071218 dude Baie6iF1Uso-00000-00003123-00003690 There's news today of a major hack of government computers; The risk of being Baie6iF1Uso-00001-00003690-00004216 compromised oline seems to be lurking around every corner. We learned yesterday that Baie6iF1Uso-00002-00004216-00004737 thieves stole personal data from more than 100,000 taxpayers through the IRS Baie6iF1Uso-00003-00004737-00005271 website and with the Sony attack we see security breaches can bring big Baie6iF1Uso-00004-00005271-00005837 companies to a screeching embarrassing halt. Technology has forever changed the Baie6iF1Uso-00005-00005837-00006311 world we live in. All of you know this every single day we're online in one way Baie6iF1Uso-00006-00006311-00006764 or another all day long. As consumers we do more online than ever before we Baie6iF1Uso-00007-00006764-00007439 manage our bank accounts, we shop, we pay our bills, we handle our medical records. Baie6iF1Uso-00008-00007439-00008077 Having an internet-enabled home, Internet enabled car, sensors all over your body to keep Baie6iF1Uso-00009-00008077-00008652 track of your vital signs and health, maybe smart cities keeping track of use of Baie6iF1Uso-00010-00008652-00009192 resources, traffic flow and things like that could make our lives easier but at the Baie6iF1Uso-00011-00009192-00009611 same time there's always that risk using powerful technology that the possibility Baie6iF1Uso-00012-00009611-00009960 of being subverted do something we didn't want it to do. Baie6iF1Uso-00013-00009960-00011034 The power of the Internet is that you can basically connect to it, have a new invention and deploy it Baie6iF1Uso-00014-00011034-00011596 without asking permission to anybody else who operates that Internet. Baie6iF1Uso-00015-00011596-00012013 As a country one of our greatest resources are the young people who were here today; Baie6iF1Uso-00016-00012013-00012675 digitally fearless and unencumbered by convention and uninterested in old debates Baie6iF1Uso-00017-00012675-00013613 and they're rema king the world every day but it also means that this problem of Baie6iF1Uso-00018-00013613-00014211 how we secure this digital world is only going to increase. We have to make sure Baie6iF1Uso-00019-00014211-00014570 that it's an environ ment that people feel comfortable in in the way they feel Baie6iF1Uso-00020-00014570-00015000 comfortable in the physical world. Baie6iF1Uso-00021-00015450-00015800 Hackers linked to China may have accessd Baie6iF1Uso-00022-00015806-00016180 sensitive background information of intelligence and military personnel. Baie6iF1Uso-00023-00016200-00016822 Target says 40 million credit and debit card accounts... Health insurer anthem says it is scrambling to Baie6iF1Uso-00024-00016822-00017212 notify millions of its customers... The federal government says some four Baie6iF1Uso-00025-00017212-00017609 million current and former federal employees may have had their personal Baie6iF1Uso-00026-00017609-00017800 information hacked. Baie6iF1Uso-00027-00017800-00018100 Who is responsible for this! Baie6iF1Uso-00028-00018266-00018684 The Internet is made up of a vast quantity of software running in a vast Baie6iF1Uso-00029-00018684-00019233 quantity of different platforms. Software I'm sorry to say is not perfect. Baie6iF1Uso-00030-00019233-00019732 In fact we've never learned how to make software that has no bugs and because Baie6iF1Uso-00031-00019732-00020529 software has bugs in it -- mistakes -- some people figured out how to exploit the existence of those vulnerabilities to penetrate the sofware, Baie6iF1Uso-00032-00020529-00020894 put in trojan horses or other kinds of malware. Baie6iF1Uso-00033-00020894-00021237 A lot of problems have with computer security is making it work in the face of attack and there are lots of Baie6iF1Uso-00034-00021237-00021617 different attackers out there. We are worried about hackers and criminal attackers, we're Baie6iF1Uso-00035-00021617-00022003 worried about governments, maybe our own government, maybe foreign governments. Baie6iF1Uso-00036-00022003-00022548 We're worried about politically motivated hacking. We're worried about our kid sister or Baie6iF1Uso-00037-00022548-00023072 our spouse or our friends. Lots of things we're worried about in security and the Baie6iF1Uso-00038-00023072-00023583 hard part we're learning is making our system is secure against those various adversaries. Baie6iF1Uso-00039-00023650-00024293 People are easily fooled. Security is a hard thing; it's a social thing; people by themselves are Baie6iF1Uso-00040-00024293-00024837 trusting primates so to speek; We trust people Baie6iF1Uso-00041-00024837-00025490 Without trust there's no economy. Economies work on trust; societies work on trust; people Baie6iF1Uso-00042-00025490-00025943 work on trust without trust you can't have anything you see around you -- Baie6iF1Uso-00043-00025943-00026200 -- you know, we're just a... a species of savages. Baie6iF1Uso-00044-00026260-00026627 We depend on the fact that we trust who are interacting with. I depend on the Baie6iF1Uso-00045-00026627-00027035 fact that when I think I'm moving my life savings around I'm actually Baie6iF1Uso-00046-00027035-00027339 interacting with my bank and not somebody who's collecting all my Baie6iF1Uso-00047-00027339-00027777 information is going to go to my bank later. I have to be able to trust who I work with. Baie6iF1Uso-00048-00027777-00028052 If you don't trust your bank online you're not going to use online Baie6iF1Uso-00049-00028052-00028437 banking; banks are not going to transfer money; medical industry... we're not gonna Baie6iF1Uso-00050-00028437-00028827 be sharing electronic health records; we're not gonna call our doctor. Baie6iF1Uso-00051-00028827-00029500 And making trust work in cities in technology on the internet is critical to making the internet work. Baie6iF1Uso-00052-00029500-00029930 So as humans we have thousands of years of Baie6iF1Uso-00053-00029930-00030280 understanding about what it means to be secure and what tradeoffs we want Baie6iF1Uso-00054-00030280-00030661 make between security and convenience and we all know what neighborhood is or Baie6iF1Uso-00055-00030661-00030986 where you're going to walk or if you're gonna be home or how many locks you want on Baie6iF1Uso-00056-00030986-00031200 your door... just how much inconvenience really make sense. Baie6iF1Uso-00057-00031200-00031600 But online it's so new we don't know that. Baie6iF1Uso-00058-00031600-00031924 We have our own responsibilities as consumers of the Baie6iF1Uso-00059-00031924-00032220 Internet services to protect ourselves and others. Baie6iF1Uso-00060-00032220-00032700 we know for example that it is a bad idea to use a password called password... Baie6iF1Uso-00061-00032700-00033407 ... and yet that is the most common password on the Internet. Baie6iF1Uso-00062-00033800-00034000 You're not supposed to be able to get outside our network. Baie6iF1Uso-00063-00034000-00034200 You shouldn't have made your password password! Baie6iF1Uso-00064-00034300-00034588 Well it was the name of the street I grew up on... Password Drive. Baie6iF1Uso-00065-00034588-00035152 If you choose bed passwords that other people can penetrate, two bad things can happen at least. Baie6iF1Uso-00066-00035152-00035559 One of them is that your own accounts could be infiltrated. Maybe your bank Baie6iF1Uso-00067-00035559-00036160 could be emptied; but worse, if there is something that you have access to that you're Baie6iF1Uso-00068-00036160-00036595 responsible for, the key to that is your username and password, and someone else Baie6iF1Uso-00069-00036595-00036971 manages to break into that, they can do the things that you would do because Baie6iF1Uso-00070-00036971-00037160 they become you. Baie6iF1Uso-00071-00037160-00037420 Finding out that someone in the Russian Mafia has all your credit Baie6iF1Uso-00072-00037420-00037822 card information and your social security number doesn't make the average voter happy. Baie6iF1Uso-00073-00037822-00038300 What government can do about data breaches is increase the penalties. Baie6iF1Uso-00074-00038300-00039100 Right now your data is not very well protected because the cost of losing it isn't very high to the companies that have it. Baie6iF1Uso-00075-00039100-00039449 What we know is that the market by itself is not Baie6iF1Uso-00076-00039449-00040092 providing a high level of security in a uniform way. Baie6iF1Uso-00077-00040092-00040783 If I want to release a new operating system or a new application... if I want it to be as secure as possible I'm going Baie6iF1Uso-00078-00040783-00041352 to put a lot more people on development; I'm going to have to slow down release. Baie6iF1Uso-00079-00041352-00041652 There's a huge incentive to get my software on the market Baie6iF1Uso-00080-00041652-00042406 fast as possible. This is a world where the fastest often wins and I may be willing to compromise Baie6iF1Uso-00081-00042406-00043000 security especially if my users don't really know the difference. Baie6iF1Uso-00082-00043000-00043250 There are much more security technologies that Baie6iF1Uso-00083-00043253-00043750 create single use authorization mechanisms but the reality is those are Baie6iF1Uso-00084-00043750-00044330 more expensive for the merchants and the vendors and they require more effort by Baie6iF1Uso-00085-00044330-00044520 the individuals who use them. Baie6iF1Uso-00086-00044520-00044860 One thing that we would like to feel is that the Baie6iF1Uso-00087-00044866-00045275 information that we inject into the net and get back from the net has a certain amount of Baie6iF1Uso-00088-00045275-00045723 confidentiality to it when we care about that. The only mechanism we have Baie6iF1Uso-00089-00045723-00046300 available for achieving confidentiality in transit is in fact use cryptography. Baie6iF1Uso-00090-00046300-00046600 At the moment that you connect to your bank or do web traffic Baie6iF1Uso-00091-00046600-00047170 to a shop you know you see that green little lock on the top of your address bar. Baie6iF1Uso-00092-00047170-00047600 That means you're using encryption. That means that any intermediary--- Baie6iF1Uso-00093-00047600-00048200 you're traffic passes through the Internet to many intermediaries --- Baie6iF1Uso-00094-00048200-00048688 that any intermediary on that path cannot look into your transaction. Baie6iF1Uso-00095-00048688-00049130 They cannot sniff your credit card numbers. They cannot look at the price you paid for the product. Baie6iF1Uso-00096-00049130-00049418 And that's important Baie6iF1Uso-00097-00049418-00050200 Encryption is based on mathematical formulas that once you apply them Baie6iF1Uso-00098-00050200-00050618 are very hard to find solutions for unless you have certain parameters. Baie6iF1Uso-00099-00050618-00050972 We've got symmetric key encryption which is we basically Baie6iF1Uso-00100-00050982-00051454 mathematically scramble cleartext into what we call crypttext Baie6iF1Uso-00101-00051454-00051774 such that an attacker can't figure out what the clear text was. Baie6iF1Uso-00102-00051774-00051969 And we basically will come up with this Baie6iF1Uso-00103-00051969-00052419 mathematical transformation and then put in a key. Baie6iF1Uso-00104-00052419-00052647 So take the clear text and the key, out comes the Baie6iF1Uso-00105-00052661-00053152 scrambled information. We have asymmetric encryption as a way too kind of address Baie6iF1Uso-00106-00053152-00053635 that where we have a public and private key based on the mathematical concept Baie6iF1Uso-00107-00053635-00054449 of one-way functions. And the canonical example is multiplication. If I take two Baie6iF1Uso-00108-00054449-00054919 primes multiply... use them to multiply... if I know both primes I can Baie6iF1Uso-00109-00054919-00055419 divide and come up with what the answer is. But if you don't know what Baie6iF1Uso-00110-00055419-00055889 those two numbers are you have to do factoring. Multiplication pretty easy in Baie6iF1Uso-00111-00055889-00056413 math terms order n-squared operation; factoring very very hard; Baie6iF1Uso-00112-00056416-00056758 takes a lot longer to do that. Baie6iF1Uso-00113-00056758-00057044 So its almost as if you had a door with two key slots; Baie6iF1Uso-00114-00057052-00057444 one keyslot for locking the door and a different key slot and a different key for Baie6iF1Uso-00115-00057444-00058046 unlocking doors -- this is two factor cryptography or public-key cryptography. Baie6iF1Uso-00116-00058046-00058559 Technology has become a tool of choice for some very dangerous people and Baie6iF1Uso-00117-00058559-00058966 unfortunately the law has not kept pace with technology and this disconnect has Baie6iF1Uso-00118-00058966-00059459 created significant public safety problem we have long described as going dark. Baie6iF1Uso-00119-00059470-00060250 As we try to make sure that infrastructure we have is secure -- that if I Baie6iF1Uso-00120-00060251-00060712 want to send a message to you or have a phone conversation with you or share Baie6iF1Uso-00121-00060712-00061176 pictures you that there's no one in the middle scooping up that data for other purposes. Baie6iF1Uso-00122-00061186-00061396 Barak Obama received an open letter from Baie6iF1Uso-00123-00061397-00061860 Google Apple Facebook and other tech giants urging him not to provide law Baie6iF1Uso-00124-00061860-00062166 enforcement with access to encrypted smartphone data. Baie6iF1Uso-00125-00062166-00062410 Maybe that person in the middle is Baie6iF1Uso-00126-00062410-00062824 a cybercriminal who wants to try to get my credit cards maybe Baie6iF1Uso-00127-00062824-00063288 that person is a terrorist who wants to try to take advantage of be and Baie6iF1Uso-00128-00063288-00063666 blackmail me maybe, that person in the middle is a law enforcement agency who Baie6iF1Uso-00129-00063666-00064186 thinks either you or I have done something wrong and are suspected of a crime. Baie6iF1Uso-00130-00064186-00064867 The real challenge in the debate about encryption and law enforcement is that we Baie6iF1Uso-00131-00064867-00065283 can't tell the difference between those three actors for the purpose of securing Baie6iF1Uso-00132-00065283-00065862 the network. Either the communication between you and me is secure or it isn't. Baie6iF1Uso-00133-00065862-00066318 Just so we're clear you're saying it's your position that in encryption Baie6iF1Uso-00134-00066318-00066736 programs there should be a back door to allow within a legal framework Baie6iF1Uso-00135-00066736-00066956 ability to go in a back door. Baie6iF1Uso-00136-00066956-00067400 So back door is not the context would use because when I hear the phrase back door I think well Baie6iF1Uso-00137-00067400-00067832 this is kind of shady why wouldn't you want to go in the front door. Baie6iF1Uso-00138-00067832-00068090 Anytime law enforcement demands a back door to encryption Baie6iF1Uso-00139-00068090-00068502 they are weakening it. They are weakening it for everybody. Strong encryption Baie6iF1Uso-00140-00068503-00068859 can't be broken; thats its point. Baie6iF1Uso-00141-00068859-00069373 If you put in back door for the government you invite criminals to use Baie6iF1Uso-00142-00069373-00070116 the same back door. I technically don't know how to build back doors that check Baie6iF1Uso-00143-00070116-00070838 the morality of the person who's using them. So FBI director James Comey, UK Prime Baie6iF1Uso-00144-00070838-00071271 Minister David Cameron have to get used to the fact that strong encryption Baie6iF1Uso-00145-00071271-00071921 means its gonna be strong against them. Law enforcement has thousands of tools Baie6iF1Uso-00146-00071921-00072487 at their disposal to solve crimes from fingerprint technology to interviewing Baie6iF1Uso-00147-00072487-00073069 witnesses to lots of forensic technologies. There's no problem here. Baie6iF1Uso-00148-00073069-00073625 Its not like all of these crimes are going unsolved murder spree in our world Baie6iF1Uso-00149-00073625-00074026 because of encryption -- this is a giant red herring. Baie6iF1Uso-00150-00074026-00074368 We've kind of traded insecurity with a Baie6iF1Uso-00151-00074368-00074880 loss of privacy because the criminal element or other state actors can have Baie6iF1Uso-00152-00074880-00075296 access to that back door. They will have access to the door Baie6iF1Uso-00153-00075296-00075688 so we don't have security and we don't have privacy. Baie6iF1Uso-00154-00075688-00075970 The capability of being able to look into Baie6iF1Uso-00155-00075971-00076951 into the traffic are highly democratized and they will get cheaper by the day... so the state actor of today Baie6iF1Uso-00156-00076951-00077568 is the student of tomorrow is the script kiddie of the day after tomorrow is the way I usually think of this. Baie6iF1Uso-00157-00077569-00078487 Today's secret NSA programs become tomorrow's PHD thesis and the next day hackers tools. Baie6iF1Uso-00158-00078487-00078801 There's a phrase in the intelligence community called the equities issue. Baie6iF1Uso-00159-00078801-00079273 Basically, when you see a vulnerability in something you have two think you can do. Baie6iF1Uso-00160-00079273-00079495 You can fix the vulnerability, thereby Baie6iF1Uso-00161-00079495-00080089 protecting everyone or you can exploit the vulnerability thereby using it to gain intelligence. Baie6iF1Uso-00162-00080089-00080735 The problem is if everybody's using the same stuff -- if we're all using Cisco routers and Baie6iF1Uso-00163-00080735-00081519 Microsoft Windows and tcp/ip then that question becomes difficult. Baie6iF1Uso-00164-00081519-00082075 Should the NSA fix a vulnerability thereby protecting all of us but also protecting the bad guys Baie6iF1Uso-00165-00082075-00082692 or should they exploit the vulnerability thereby evesdropping on the bad guys and Baie6iF1Uso-00166-00082692-00083348 also leaving us vulnerable. And so it an example is stingray. Stingray is an FBI Baie6iF1Uso-00167-00083348-00083786 tool that's basically a fake cell phone tower. Because your cell phone thinks Baie6iF1Uso-00168-00083786-00084145 it's talking to a real tower it may give lots of information Baie6iF1Uso-00169-00084145-00084870 including it's current location, in some cases it will actually send information unencrypted that is Baie6iF1Uso-00170-00084870-00085554 your phone call and the device made be able to intercept an un-encrypted stream and listen in. Baie6iF1Uso-00171-00085554-00085906 So the FBI use this a lot. Baie6iF1Uso-00172-00085906-00086416 The NSA does too I'm sure but we found last year that there are in Washington DC Baie6iF1Uso-00173-00086416-00086618 around the country Baie6iF1Uso-00174-00086618-00087012 these fake cell phone towers run by we don't know who. Baie6iF1Uso-00175-00087012-00087314 Stingray works because its Baie6iF1Uso-00176-00087314-00087979 exploiting a vulnerability in the cellular system. So if it still exists today has to Baie6iF1Uso-00177-00087979-00088552 exist because nobody wanted to fix it. Whether law enforcement needs a full Baie6iF1Uso-00178-00088552-00088889 court order to use this technology is of course an important question but it Baie6iF1Uso-00179-00088889-00089347 really should be a secondary question. There's an even more important question that we are not Baie6iF1Uso-00180-00089347-00089862 talking about and that is why is this vulnerability there in the first place. Baie6iF1Uso-00181-00089862-00090682 Here's the equities issue. If we fix this -- and we should -- the FBI loses stingray. If we keep it vulnerable Baie6iF1Uso-00182-00090682-00092097 we are all vulnerable to anybody else who wants to do the same thing. Baie6iF1Uso-00183-00092097-00092275 Edward Snowden Baie6iF1Uso-00184-00092275-00093045 captured or collected an enormous quantity of information related to the Baie6iF1Uso-00185-00093045-00093791 operations of the National Security Agency and its other sister agencies around the world. Baie6iF1Uso-00186-00093791-00094290 His release of that software ignited a conversation which is vital for Baie6iF1Uso-00187-00094291-00094851 especially democratic societies to have which is how much do we want our national Baie6iF1Uso-00188-00094851-00095500 security apparatus to know about our personal lives in the effort to protect us from harm. Baie6iF1Uso-00189-00095500-00095896 So this January Kaspersky Lab's issued a report against something Baie6iF1Uso-00190-00095896-00096448 they called the equation group. Its actually the NSA and what they found is an extremely Baie6iF1Uso-00191-00096449-00097271 sophisticated malware operation targeted against many groups many countries and Baie6iF1Uso-00192-00097271-00097854 this is a window into the NSA's capabilities. There are tricks where the Baie6iF1Uso-00193-00097854-00098429 NSE implant code on your computer's hard drive boot sector so you take the Baie6iF1Uso-00194-00098429-00098919 computer erase the hard drive, erase the operating system, reinstall it Baie6iF1Uso-00195-00098919-00099522 the malware is still there. This is amazing stuff and of course its not just a Baie6iF1Uso-00196-00099522-00099958 special group discovered this NSA operation but these same tricks gonna Baie6iF1Uso-00197-00099958-00100242 be used by China and Russia. Baie6iF1Uso-00198-00100242-00100664 There's been a tension between absolute privacy and Baie6iF1Uso-00199-00100664-00101080 safety and security and somewhere we need to figure out where the balance is. Baie6iF1Uso-00200-00101080-00101562 If we want everybody to have better cybersecurity that by nature makes it Baie6iF1Uso-00201-00101562-00102086 harder for law enforcement intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance. Baie6iF1Uso-00202-00102086-00102484 Right now we're living in a society of pervasive surveillance. Baie6iF1Uso-00203-00102484-00103050 Everything we do involves computers and computers naturally produced data about Baie6iF1Uso-00204-00103050-00103207 what they're doing. Baie6iF1Uso-00205-00103207-00103708 Think about your cell phone. It's an incredibly invasive surveillance device. Baie6iF1Uso-00206-00103708-00104372 It knows where you are all the time. It knows when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Baie6iF1Uso-00207-00104372-00104801 Everyone has a cellphone so it knows who you sleep with. It knows who you're talking to, Baie6iF1Uso-00208-00104801-00105422 what you're saying, and this isn't a device we think of as a surveillance device. Baie6iF1Uso-00209-00105422-00105845 We think of it as a telephone and a lot of that surveillance is necessary to make Baie6iF1Uso-00210-00105845-00106165 the phone work. The phone has to know where you are otherwise it can't ring. Baie6iF1Uso-00211-00106165-00106639 Google Maps can't give you directions unless it knows where you are. Baie6iF1Uso-00212-00106639-00107034 It has to know what you're saying who you're talking to or the phone calls don't work. Baie6iF1Uso-00213-00107034-00107580 Big data privacy challenge is that we want to be able to learn things from Baie6iF1Uso-00214-00107580-00108208 increasingly large sets of data. People may be perfectly comfortable for example that Baie6iF1Uso-00215-00108208-00108647 there's analysis of their browsing habits for the purpose of deciding what Baie6iF1Uso-00216-00108647-00109104 kind of had to show you but that doesn't mean I want them to use it for any other Baie6iF1Uso-00217-00109104-00109424 purpose to development an elaborate profile of me. Baie6iF1Uso-00218-00109424-00109705 That that type of thing is true for all of our Baie6iF1Uso-00219-00109705-00110208 computerss -- the computers at our desk, the computers we interact with us we go Baie6iF1Uso-00220-00110208-00110526 about our day -- they are all producing surveillance data. Baie6iF1Uso-00221-00110526-00110624 When you go on the web Baie6iF1Uso-00222-00110624-00110979 or you use apps on your smartphone there's actually a lot of parties in there you Baie6iF1Uso-00223-00110979-00111240 don't know about when you load the page in your computer Baie6iF1Uso-00224-00111240-00111740 that tells hidden parties the address the page you are looking at. There's a fair amount of Baie6iF1Uso-00225-00111740-00112179 tracking going on by data brokers. These arec ompanies like Experion and Acxiom. Baie6iF1Uso-00226-00112179-00112538 Their core business models is not advertising per se but selling Baie6iF1Uso-00227-00112538-00112828 information about You to whoever wants to buy it. Baie6iF1Uso-00228-00112828-00113348 If you analyze my browsing habits in order to decide whether to offer me a job or in Baie6iF1Uso-00229-00113348-00113778 order to decide how much to charge me for my health insurance that's a real Baie6iF1Uso-00230-00113778-00114199 intrusion. That really harms me as an individual and that's unfair to me as an individual. Baie6iF1Uso-00231-00114199-00114555 There's been some kind of chilling cases -- there's companies selling lists of people Baie6iF1Uso-00232-00114555-00114849 who had been raped or people have AIDS. Baie6iF1Uso-00233-00114849-00114985 By the way among the sites that Baie6iF1Uso-00234-00114986-00115610 pass data to third parties are cdc.gov and the commercial side WebMD. Baie6iF1Uso-00235-00115610-00116158 The kind of simplistic divide that sometimes people draw in the privacy debate is are you Baie6iF1Uso-00236-00116158-00116588 opt-in or are you opt-out. That is do you have to get permission for doing every single Baie6iF1Uso-00237-00116588-00117231 thing you want to do with personal data or is it up to the consumer to object Baie6iF1Uso-00238-00117231-00117436 if they think something bad is happening. Baie6iF1Uso-00239-00117436-00117624 Surveillance is the business model of the Internet. Baie6iF1Uso-00240-00117624-00118009 Most of the companies that you interact with on the net Baie6iF1Uso-00241-00118010-00118508 are making money by spying on you. This is Facebook, this is Google, this is why Baie6iF1Uso-00242-00118508-00118701 all the things on the Internet are free. Baie6iF1Uso-00243-00118701-00119160 Theyr'e not really free -- you're paying with your data -- you are paying with your privacy Baie6iF1Uso-00244-00119160-00119671 You don't see the 20, 30, 50 companies that are following you around the internet Baie6iF1Uso-00245-00119671-00119945 watching what you're doing. Baie6iF1Uso-00246-00119945-00120313 Many of the privacy intrusions that we're concerned about today Baie6iF1Uso-00247-00120313-00120850 involve the misuse of personal data by people who actually have the legitimate Baie6iF1Uso-00248-00120850-00121358 right to access that data. In my lab at MIT we've been working on building what Baie6iF1Uso-00249-00121358-00121848 we call accountable system. This is ways to follow the flow and the use of Baie6iF1Uso-00250-00121848-00122351 information in any given database and assess whether the way that that data is Baie6iF1Uso-00251-00122351-00122808 ultimately used is consistent or not with whatever the rules are about how Baie6iF1Uso-00252-00122808-00123365 that data is supposed to be used. We've proposed that accountable systems are a key part Baie6iF1Uso-00253-00123365-00123637 of privacy protection going forward. Baie6iF1Uso-00254-00123637-00123809 One of the things that scares me the most about Baie6iF1Uso-00255-00123809-00124232 pervasive surveillance is how it leads naturally to social control. That if when Baie6iF1Uso-00256-00124233-00124618 people are under surveillance they tend to conform. Baie6iF1Uso-00257-00124618-00125254 You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody. Baie6iF1Uso-00258-00125254-00125704 You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals. Baie6iF1Uso-00259-00125704-00126102 Yes, we're all individuals. Baie6iF1Uso-00260-00126102-00126261 You're all different. Baie6iF1Uso-00261-00126261-00126568 Yes, we're all different. Baie6iF1Uso-00262-00126568-00126706 I'm not. Baie6iF1Uso-00263-00126706-00127152 We are less individual when we know we're being watched, when we know we're being recorded Baie6iF1Uso-00264-00127152-00127374 When we know what we know what we say Baie6iF1Uso-00265-00127374-00128018 and do now could be judged 5, 10 years from now. My biggest fear about surveillance is that Baie6iF1Uso-00266-00128018-00128440 we all become less free by what happens. Baie6iF1Uso-00267-00128440-00128824 You've all got to work it our for yourselves. Baie6iF1Uso-00268-00128824-00129352 Yes, we've got to work it out for ourselves. Tell us more! Baie6iF1Uso-00269-00129352-00129502 Exactly! Baie6iF1Uso-00270-00129502-00129702 Tell us more! Baie6iF1Uso-00271-00129702-00130206 No... no... that's the point. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Otherwise... oh no! Baie6iF1Uso-00272-00130206-00130588 That's enough, that's enough. (crowd hisses) Baie6iF1Uso-00273-00130589-00131113 Society moves forward because people on the fringes break the rules Baie6iF1Uso-00274-00131113-00131463 and if we lose that we lose a lot. Baie6iF1Uso-00275-00131463-00131783 We have a tradition of what it means to Baie6iF1Uso-00276-00131783-00132335 build security, national and personal security and to respecte a degree of Baie6iF1Uso-00277-00132335-00132992 human rights and what we see when the Internet is involved is that the power Baie6iF1Uso-00278-00132992-00133467 of the internet often seems to override all of that and our discussion of Baie6iF1Uso-00279-00133467-00133919 security comes in a different context and with different balancing and we're Baie6iF1Uso-00280-00133919-00134338 not as explicit about looking at the Heritage we have about what's the Baie6iF1Uso-00281-00134338-00134468 balance between the two. Baie6iF1Uso-00282-00134468-00134882 We want to make sure that people who use the Internet Baie6iF1Uso-00283-00134882-00135126 have the most secure possible environment. Baie6iF1Uso-00284-00135126-00135450 We are balancing conflicting objectives. Baie6iF1Uso-00285-00135450-00135993 We're all part of one global Internet environment and that we need to figure out how to Baie6iF1Uso-00286-00135993-00136452 both protect privacy and enable the free flow of information in that environment. BcE0zCHGWnQ-00000-00000000-00000200 I couldn’t post. 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Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot SceneKatrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00020-00003796-00003846 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00021-00003846-00003896 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00022-00003938-00004138 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00023-00004138-00004188 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00024-00004218-00004418 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00025-00004418-00004468 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00026-00004512-00004712 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00027-00004712-00004762 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00028-00004800-00005000 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00029-00005000-00005050 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00030-00005050-00005100 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00031-00005104-00005304 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00032-00005304-00005354 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00033-00005354-00005404 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00034-00005410-00005610 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00035-00005610-00005660 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00036-00005660-00005710 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00037-00007213-00007263 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00038-00007263-00007313 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00039-00009403-00009453 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00040-00009453-00009503 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00041-00009503-00009553 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00042-00009553-00009603 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00043-00009746-00009946 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00044-00009946-00009996 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00045-00010424-00010474 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00046-00010474-00010524 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00047-00011024-00011074 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00048-00011074-00011124 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00049-00011306-00011356 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00050-00011356-00011406 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00051-00011532-00011582 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00052-00011582-00011632 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00053-00011731-00011931 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcLshXCm61A-00054-00011931-00012057 Katrina Kaif ने बिखेरे अपनी अदाओं के जलवे | Katrina Kaif Hot Scene BcMnY0L0vw4-00000-00014990-00015806 take it with tight getting in here it's gonna be even tighter backing out back BcMnY0L0vw4-00001-00015806-00016253 out right there take it down that road right there where that grain truck is it BcMnY0L0vw4-00002-00017200-00018394 I'm just ready to go ahead and back out this [ __ ] pretty tight what he called it no cigar BcMnY0L0vw4-00003-00020435-00021845 Yodas place look for me I picked up a load of pipe reheard Wow bad I can't believe this BcMnY0L0vw4-00004-00021845-00022952 is the same place it must stop it must use another drop door to this place last time BcMnY0L0vw4-00005-00022952-00024047 I can't get rich that's where these doubt remember this place once a like two months BcMnY0L0vw4-00006-00024047-00024983 ago I picked up picked up load out of here that was born in South Carolina yeah Jesus BcMnY0L0vw4-00007-00024983-00025685 doesn't drop last time I was here and you have all these sort of singles enough shoes BcMnY0L0vw4-00008-00025685-00026533 and I'm picking up a load of insulation so yes that's my trailer right here BcMnY0L0vw4-00009-00026801-00026960 tripping over real quick BcMnY0L0vw4-00010-00027327-00028038 yeah last time I was here my load was right there in front of us let's get my trailer BcMnY0L0vw4-00011-00028038-00029229 further 1 8 2 4 2 water BcMnY0L0vw4-00012-00032951-00034226 no mine is install let's drop my friend somewhere dropping back herbicide is BcMnY0L0vw4-00013-00034524-00034686 the dropping baby BcMnY0L0vw4-00014-00035000-00035147 mr. treeger BcMnY0L0vw4-00015-00035727-00037161 oh yeah practice a little bit even better the trip BcMnY0L0vw4-00016-00038517-00039390 y'all ever seen oh what's that movie it's never that movie pet pet venture hey stick BcMnY0L0vw4-00017-00039390-00040428 with Jim Carrey is that the movie where he says all right she did I don't know BcMnY0L0vw4-00018-00040428-00040992 if it's that one of the masks you know Jim Carrey he said all right she did BcMnY0L0vw4-00019-00041585-00042158 hey last time I came here I might need to tighten these up a little more last time I BcMnY0L0vw4-00020-00042158-00042644 came here somebody asked me they said where was the paperwork I never showed it to you on there BcMnY0L0vw4-00021-00042644-00043409 but there it is it's on the landing gear daddy straps ain't as tight as I want them to be but BcMnY0L0vw4-00022-00043409-00044447 it's a badass top job I tell you that looks like a master topper doing this yeah master topper master BcMnY0L0vw4-00023-00044447-00045497 topper done this look looks about like my work yeah it looks pretty good straps over to tarp BcMnY0L0vw4-00024-00045723-00046254 I don't like those idiots and other companies maybe like oh I hate putting straps over the BcMnY0L0vw4-00025-00046254-00046917 talk you sound like a [ __ ] idiot those same guys that talk about oh if I pick up a pre tarp BcMnY0L0vw4-00026-00046917-00047439 trailer I'm going to take the top off and put my own talk you know [ __ ] idiot you heard it first BcMnY0L0vw4-00027-00047439-00048084 all right gang us into this video about to hook up my Airlines let me get the hell out of here BcMnY0L0vw4-00028-00048084-00048636 this lawyer here is going to Ashland Virginia drop this off the mark get another load take me through BcMnY0L0vw4-00029-00048636-00049158 the weekend to get me back home drop Monday heading right now I'm picking up a New York BcMnY0L0vw4-00030-00049158-00049653 load Monday morning same [ __ ] different week you know how it goes flat bad gank I'm out man BgihITL2ZSE-00000-00000000-00000200 Two birthday cakes💥😜Happy Birthday Cakes🎂DVIJE TORTE, JEDAN RODJENDAN BgiZA6nVjSg-00000-00000010-00000527 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS BgiZA6nVjSg-00001-00000527-00000533 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS BgiZA6nVjSg-00002-00000533-00000573 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. BgiZA6nVjSg-00003-00000573-00000580 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. BgiZA6nVjSg-00004-00000580-00000847 I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US NOW. BgiZA6nVjSg-00005-00000847-00000854 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US NOW. BgiZA6nVjSg-00006-00000854-00000974 WEIMANN. THANKS FOR JOINING US NOW. PATRICK PLEMEL HAS RESIGNED FROM BgiZA6nVjSg-00007-00000974-00000980 THANKS FOR JOINING US NOW. PATRICK PLEMEL HAS RESIGNED FROM BgiZA6nVjSg-00008-00000980-00001067 THANKS FOR JOINING US NOW. PATRICK PLEMEL HAS RESIGNED FROM HIS WARD FOUR SEAT. BgiZA6nVjSg-00009-00001067-00001074 PATRICK PLEMEL HAS RESIGNED FROM HIS WARD FOUR SEAT. BgiZA6nVjSg-00010-00001074-00001161 PATRICK PLEMEL HAS RESIGNED FROM HIS WARD FOUR SEAT. HE WON THE SEAT THROUGH A BgiZA6nVjSg-00011-00001161-00001167 HIS WARD FOUR SEAT. HE WON THE SEAT THROUGH A BgiZA6nVjSg-00012-00001167-00001367 HIS WARD FOUR SEAT. HE WON THE SEAT THROUGH A SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 2ND BgiZA6nVjSg-00013-00001367-00001374 HE WON THE SEAT THROUGH A SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 2ND BgiZA6nVjSg-00014-00001374-00001581 HE WON THE SEAT THROUGH A SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 2ND DEFEATED FORMER MAYOR RICHARD BgiZA6nVjSg-00015-00001581-00001588 SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 2ND DEFEATED FORMER MAYOR RICHARD BgiZA6nVjSg-00016-00001588-00001855 SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAY 2ND DEFEATED FORMER MAYOR RICHARD LEHMANN 122 VOTES TO 86. BgiZA6nVjSg-00017-00001855-00001861 DEFEATED FORMER MAYOR RICHARD LEHMANN 122 VOTES TO 86. BgiZA6nVjSg-00018-00001861-00002005 DEFEATED FORMER MAYOR RICHARD LEHMANN 122 VOTES TO 86. PLEMEL IS LEAVING HIS COUNCIL BgiZA6nVjSg-00019-00002005-00002012 LEHMANN 122 VOTES TO 86. PLEMEL IS LEAVING HIS COUNCIL BgiZA6nVjSg-00020-00002012-00002145 LEHMANN 122 VOTES TO 86. PLEMEL IS LEAVING HIS COUNCIL SEAT BECAUSE HE'S ACCEPTED A BgiZA6nVjSg-00021-00002145-00002152 PLEMEL IS LEAVING HIS COUNCIL SEAT BECAUSE HE'S ACCEPTED A BgiZA6nVjSg-00022-00002152-00002325 PLEMEL IS LEAVING HIS COUNCIL SEAT BECAUSE HE'S ACCEPTED A POSITION TO RUN A BEHAVIORAL BgiZA6nVjSg-00023-00002325-00002332 SEAT BECAUSE HE'S ACCEPTED A POSITION TO RUN A BEHAVIORAL BgiZA6nVjSg-00024-00002332-00002442 SEAT BECAUSE HE'S ACCEPTED A POSITION TO RUN A BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FACILITY IN NORTH DAKOTA. BgiZA6nVjSg-00025-00002442-00002449 POSITION TO RUN A BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FACILITY IN NORTH DAKOTA. BgiZA6nVjSg-00026-00002449-00002625 POSITION TO RUN A BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FACILITY IN NORTH DAKOTA. ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA FOR THE BgiZA6nVjSg-00027-00002625-00002632 HEALTH FACILITY IN NORTH DAKOTA. ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA FOR THE BgiZA6nVjSg-00028-00002632-00002776 HEALTH FACILITY IN NORTH DAKOTA. ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WILL OFFICIALLY BgiZA6nVjSg-00029-00002776-00002782 ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WILL OFFICIALLY BgiZA6nVjSg-00030-00002782-00003002 ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WILL OFFICIALLY DECLARE THE WARD FOUR VACANCY BgiZA6nVjSg-00031-00003002-00003009 CITY COUNCIL WILL OFFICIALLY DECLARE THE WARD FOUR VACANCY BgiZA6nVjSg-00032-00003009-00003046 CITY COUNCIL WILL OFFICIALLY DECLARE THE WARD FOUR VACANCY NEXT TUESDAY. BgiZA6nVjSg-00033-00003046-00003053 DECLARE THE WARD FOUR VACANCY NEXT TUESDAY. BgiZA6nVjSg-00034-00003053-00003213 DECLARE THE WARD FOUR VACANCY NEXT TUESDAY. THE CITY CHARTER SAYS IF THERE BgiZA6nVjSg-00035-00003213-00003219 NEXT TUESDAY. THE CITY CHARTER SAYS IF THERE BgiZA6nVjSg-00036-00003219-00003446 NEXT TUESDAY. THE CITY CHARTER SAYS IF THERE IS LESS THAN 364 DAYS LEFT IN A BgiZA6nVjSg-00037-00003446-00003453 THE CITY CHARTER SAYS IF THERE IS LESS THAN 364 DAYS LEFT IN A BgiZA6nVjSg-00038-00003453-00003703 THE CITY CHARTER SAYS IF THERE IS LESS THAN 364 DAYS LEFT IN A TERM, AFTER A VACANCY IS BgiZA6nVjSg-00039-00003703-00003710 IS LESS THAN 364 DAYS LEFT IN A TERM, AFTER A VACANCY IS BgiZA6nVjSg-00040-00003710-00003817 IS LESS THAN 364 DAYS LEFT IN A TERM, AFTER A VACANCY IS DECLARED, THE COUNCIL MUST BgiZA6nVjSg-00041-00003817-00003823 TERM, AFTER A VACANCY IS DECLARED, THE COUNCIL MUST BgiZA6nVjSg-00042-00003823-00004010 TERM, AFTER A VACANCY IS DECLARED, THE COUNCIL MUST APPOINT A QUALIFIED REPLACEMENT BgiZA6nVjSg-00043-00004010-00004017 DECLARED, THE COUNCIL MUST APPOINT A QUALIFIED REPLACEMENT BgiZA6nVjSg-00044-00004017-00004077 DECLARED, THE COUNCIL MUST APPOINT A QUALIFIED REPLACEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. BgiZA6nVjSg-00045-00004077-00004084 APPOINT A QUALIFIED REPLACEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. BgiZA6nVjSg-00046-00004084-00004194 APPOINT A QUALIFIED REPLACEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. THE WARD FOUR SEAT IS SCHEDULED BgMQK02GvPU-00000-00000003-00000684 Great Anarchists number 4, Louise Michel. By Ruth Kinna and Clifford Harper. BgMQK02GvPU-00001-00000684-00001788 Educator, poet, dramatist, novelist, movement historian, orator and agitator Louise Michel rose BgMQK02GvPU-00002-00001788-00002382 to prominence during the Paris Commune (1870-71) and acquired a commanding public profile in the BgMQK02GvPU-00003-00002382-00002982 last decades of the nineteenth century. Michel was one of some 4,500 Communards deported to New BgMQK02GvPU-00004-00002982-00003597 Caledonia in 1872. When she was amnestied in 1880 an estimated 10,000-strong crowd gathered to greet BgMQK02GvPU-00005-00003597-00004110 her at Paris’s St. Lazare station. Another 50,000 turned out in 1905 for her funeral. BgMQK02GvPU-00006-00004110-00004593 Michael Shaack’s 1889 highly prejudicial history of anarchism correctly identified BgMQK02GvPU-00007-00004593-00004977 her as one of the leading lights of what he referred to darkly as the Red Internationale. BgMQK02GvPU-00008-00004977-00005415 Max Nettlau’s more astute observation was that Michel’s prestige was so immense that BgMQK02GvPU-00009-00005415-00005766 her mere presence at a meeting was enough to guarantee a large and enthusiastic audience. BgMQK02GvPU-00010-00005766-00006470 Working as a teacher during the September 1870 siege of Paris, Michel organised a soup kitchen BgMQK02GvPU-00011-00006470-00007095 for her pupils before piloting the Montmartre Vigilance committees. These allocated work, BgMQK02GvPU-00012-00007095-00007631 received and distributed donations, arranged home visits to care for the sick, the elderly BgMQK02GvPU-00013-00007631-00008334 and the poor. She participated in the March 1871 actions that thwarted the Versailles government’s BgMQK02GvPU-00014-00008334-00008907 attempts to disarm Paris and stood with the battalions at Montmartre in the Commune’s final BgMQK02GvPU-00015-00008907-00009534 hours. Her surrender, prompted by the threat of her beloved mother’s execution, resulted BgMQK02GvPU-00016-00009534-00010047 in her trial and deportation to New Caledonia. Disappointment doesn’t quite cover what Michel BgMQK02GvPU-00017-00010047-00010398 experienced when she witnessed the ferocious retribution the French government extracted on BgMQK02GvPU-00018-00010398-00010971 tens of thousands of Communards in the Bloody Week of May 1871 but she turned to anarchism convinced BgMQK02GvPU-00019-00010971-00011379 of the bankruptcy of republicanism. Prior to this she’d distinguished herself as a critic BgMQK02GvPU-00020-00011379-00011817 of Napoleon III, encouraged by the writer Victor Hugo, one of the Emperor’s most taxing opponents. BgMQK02GvPU-00021-00011817-00012309 Not surprisingly given her involvement in the Union des Femmes, an organisation that united BgMQK02GvPU-00022-00012309-00012723 hundreds of militant women in the defence of Paris, she was rediscovered in the 1970s as BgMQK02GvPU-00023-00012723-00013236 an early and ardent feminist. Her nickname the Red Virgin has since sparked reflections on her BgMQK02GvPU-00024-00013236-00013794 sexuality. Internationalism was a persistent theme in her writing. Audacity was another. Her poem BgMQK02GvPU-00025-00013794-00014340 Black Marseillaise (1865) calls on the people to stop sleeping, ‘stand up’ be ‘strong and great’. BgMQK02GvPU-00026-00014340-00014901 It’s ‘the reluctant man that betrays tomorrow’. In 1880 she endorsed Emile Gautier’s Anarchist BgMQK02GvPU-00027-00014901-00015354 Manifesto. It decried capitalism, private property and government tyranny, chiming with her general BgMQK02GvPU-00028-00015354-00015858 view that power monopolised is evil. The last line called for bread for all, work for all, BgMQK02GvPU-00029-00015858-00016332 independence and justice. It also demanded for knowledge for all. This commitment to education BgMQK02GvPU-00030-00016332-00016734 was another thick seam in her politics and one that she approached as a keen practitioner. BgMQK02GvPU-00031-00016734-00017628 Knowledge, virtue and science. Michel taught throughout her life, BgMQK02GvPU-00032-00017628-00018279 first in villages of the Haut Marne close to her family home and then in Paris. She spent nine BgMQK02GvPU-00033-00018279-00018918 years in a day school in Montmartre before buying her own establishment in 1865. In New Caledonia, BgMQK02GvPU-00034-00018990-00019662 she ran classes for the children of the indigenous people, the Kanaks. In 1890, when she left France BgMQK02GvPU-00035-00019662-00020229 for London, she launched the International Socialist School in Fitzrovia. Her methods BgMQK02GvPU-00036-00020229-00020835 were always innovative and usually regarded as subversive. Her habit of taking pupils outside BgMQK02GvPU-00037-00020835-00021387 to learn about natural science tipped the parents of her charges in the Haut Marne over the edge. BgMQK02GvPU-00038-00021387-00022065 Michel understood education as a process of cultivation. It had two aspects. Knowledge BgMQK02GvPU-00039-00022065-00022503 acquisition and the cultivation of the mind was one. The second BgMQK02GvPU-00040-00022503-00022968 centred on the development of virtue. In bourgeois society, these aspects had BgMQK02GvPU-00041-00022968-00023376 been packaged to conflate the cultivation of virtue with technical prowess. This in BgMQK02GvPU-00042-00023376-00023820 turn was associated with a narrow programme of book-learning. The result was that instruction BgMQK02GvPU-00043-00023820-00024180 was characterised by discipline rather than discovery and that the ability to regurgitate BgMQK02GvPU-00044-00024180-00024576 the findings of established scholars was revered as a sign of superiority. Anyone BgMQK02GvPU-00045-00024576-00024933 excluded from education – which was most of the population - was automatically deemed BgMQK02GvPU-00046-00024933-00025362 both stupid and brutish. Similarly knowledge acquired from outside the proscribed curriculum BgMQK02GvPU-00047-00025362-00025964 was dismissed as unfounded and uncivilised. Michel was not averse to book-learning. Nor BgMQK02GvPU-00048-00025964-00026345 was she disdainful of scholarship. She immersed herself in libraries, BgMQK02GvPU-00049-00026345-00027026 spent most of her earnings on books and marvelled at her uncle’s historical erudition. But her own BgMQK02GvPU-00050-00027026-00027593 education owed as much to her familiarity with the local landscapes, observation BgMQK02GvPU-00051-00027593-00028208 and experimentation as it did to conventional reading and she learned equally from stories, BgMQK02GvPU-00052-00028208-00028864 myths and legends as she did from the insights of the eminent. Education was about stimulating BgMQK02GvPU-00053-00028864-00029612 the imagination as well as absorbing facts. Michel habitually used drama and music to inspire her own BgMQK02GvPU-00054-00029612-00030260 pupils. When she settled in New Caledonia she had no difficulty appreciating the role that legend BgMQK02GvPU-00055-00030260-00030905 played in indigenous culture or in understanding the qualities that these tales helped nourish in BgMQK02GvPU-00056-00030905-00031535 the Kanak people. Mastering enough of the local language to educate herself, she studied their BgMQK02GvPU-00057-00031535-00032207 customs, music and oral traditions, noting the similarities with Scandinavian and European BgMQK02GvPU-00058-00032207-00032783 folk traditions and reporting the results to her European friends. The Kanaks were not civilised, BgMQK02GvPU-00059-00032783-00033344 as the French bourgeoisie styled themselves and they lacked the technical ability that BgMQK02GvPU-00060-00033344-00033938 the colonisers possessed. So when they rebelled against their white masters in 1878, BgMQK02GvPU-00061-00033938-00034679 they were quickly mown down by superior weaponry. Almost alone in supporting the Kanak insurrection, BgMQK02GvPU-00062-00034679-00035201 Michel took the view that the rebels were more cultured because they lacked French manners. BgMQK02GvPU-00063-00035201-00035711 Science properly linked knowledge acquisition and virtue. For Michel science was a tool BgMQK02GvPU-00064-00035711-00036140 of empowerment and cultural improvement. Contentiously describing New Caledonia as BgMQK02GvPU-00065-00036140-00036476 the ‘stone-age’ she imagined how advanced knowledge could be applied to alleviate BgMQK02GvPU-00066-00036476-00036878 suffering and hardship. Yet noticing at the same time that abominable forms of exploitation BgMQK02GvPU-00067-00036878-00037286 existed in the non-human as well as the human realm, Michel also argued that the potential BgMQK02GvPU-00068-00037286-00037730 for science to shape nature ethically depended on the adoption of particular approaches and methods. BgMQK02GvPU-00069-00037730-00038339 Science relied on the acknowledgment of fallibility, the courage to challenge received BgMQK02GvPU-00070-00038339-00038945 wisdom and the ability to harness talents in combined effort. Using status to shut down BgMQK02GvPU-00071-00038945-00039704 inquiry, dismissing new hypotheses by appealing to established truths and rejecting new practices BgMQK02GvPU-00072-00039704-00040481 merely because they conflicted with existing norms were all deeply unscientific practices. Similarly, BgMQK02GvPU-00073-00040481-00041072 science could only be advanced by ethical methods. Michel therefore demanded the BgMQK02GvPU-00074-00041072-00041819 abandonment of animal experiments convinced that use of cruel or exploitative methods fatally BgMQK02GvPU-00075-00041819-00042476 undermined the prospects of making any genuinely scientific advances. There was an integral BgMQK02GvPU-00076-00042476-00043106 relationship between ends and means. Women, education and transformation. BgMQK02GvPU-00077-00043106-00043862 Aware that rural workers of the Haut Marne were largely excluded from education Michel understood BgMQK02GvPU-00078-00043862-00044318 the class barriers to science at an early age. Yet it was the injustice and power inequalities BgMQK02GvPU-00079-00044318-00044804 that affected women that really exercised her as an anarchist. The idea that ordinary people had to BgMQK02GvPU-00080-00044804-00045119 go hungry at some point in the year believing it was impossible to produce enough food to go around BgMQK02GvPU-00081-00045119-00045629 was false knowledge. However the most pernicious bogus science was reserved for women. She noticed BgMQK02GvPU-00082-00045629-00046010 that her own work was only considered interesting when she published under a male pseudonym and that BgMQK02GvPU-00083-00046010-00046403 she was ridiculed for experimenting with plant vaccines in New Caledonia because she was a BgMQK02GvPU-00084-00046403-00046922 mere amateur and woman. She saw too that special programmes of learning delivered to girls were BgMQK02GvPU-00085-00046922-00047351 designed to reinforce gendered hierarchy. No wonder that men were content to keep women in BgMQK02GvPU-00086-00047351-00047777 childlike states convincing themselves that their own courage was necessitated by women’s cowardice. BgMQK02GvPU-00087-00047777-00048296 Declaring the proletarian a slave Michel noted that the wife of the proletarian was still more BgMQK02GvPU-00088-00048296-00048821 enslaved. And the same power relations prevailed in New Caledonia as in France. The word used by BgMQK02GvPU-00089-00048821-00049316 indigenous people for woman was nemo, meaning ‘nothing’. Although Michel played on the idea BgMQK02GvPU-00090-00049316-00049670 when she endorsed the bravery of the Russian nihilist women who struck at the heart of tyranny BgMQK02GvPU-00091-00049670-00050180 by despatching their rulers, she believed that the term expressed a universal patriarchal sentiment. BgMQK02GvPU-00092-00050180-00050888 Michel’s observations complicated her calls for science to be re-grounded in the common BgMQK02GvPU-00093-00050888-00051500 sense of the people. While this was a good rule of thumb, she recognised that elites were not alone BgMQK02GvPU-00094-00051500-00052214 in lacking virtue. Too many people were habituated to the prejudices disseminated by false science. BgMQK02GvPU-00095-00052214-00052862 Under no illusion about the depth of popular ignorance, she despaired when she saw a Paris BgMQK02GvPU-00096-00052862-00053735 crowd gather in 1862 to revel in the republican Jules Miot’s imprisonment. This was the same crowd BgMQK02GvPU-00097-00053735-00054386 that rallied for public executions and its members could scarce be found when bodies were needed to BgMQK02GvPU-00098-00054386-00054959 rip up paving stones and build barricades. It was no more ‘the people’ than the Marseillaise BgMQK02GvPU-00099-00054959-00055583 was the anthem of the revolution once it had been appropriated by the Third Republic. For BgMQK02GvPU-00100-00055583-00056336 Michel ‘the people’ was a dynamic concept not a constituency. It was forged through revolutionary BgMQK02GvPU-00101-00056336-00057071 action not by mobilising opposition to random enemies of the republic. Even when it emerged, BgMQK02GvPU-00102-00057071-00057716 as it did in the defence of Paris, it was imperfect. Michel noted that her male comrades BgMQK02GvPU-00103-00057716-00058436 made encouraging sounds about women’s organising but too often paid lip-service to the rights BgMQK02GvPU-00104-00058436-00059116 of women. Proudhon’s conservatism cast a long shadow over the French revolutionary movement. BgMQK02GvPU-00105-00059116-00059564 There was always room for more scientific education and Michel’s view was that women BgMQK02GvPU-00106-00059564-00059999 would spearhead the next advances. Experience taught her that women were braver than men, BgMQK02GvPU-00107-00059999-00060464 less fainthearted and more able to accept necessity. Men advertised their importance BgMQK02GvPU-00108-00060464-00060851 by causing a lot of brouhaha. Women went about their business silently but actually made the BgMQK02GvPU-00109-00060851-00061295 important decisions. Unlike men they were capable of acting without hate, without anger and without BgMQK02GvPU-00110-00061295-00061712 pity. Noting that anarchy was often fostered by discipline Michel argued that women were BgMQK02GvPU-00111-00061712-00062204 similarly spurred on by the villainy perpetrated against them. ‘We jeer at the incredible sight of BgMQK02GvPU-00112-00062204-00062747 big shots, cheap punks, hoods, old men, young men, scoundrels – all turned into idiots by accepting BgMQK02GvPU-00113-00062747-00063188 as truth a whole heap of nonsensical ideas which have dominated the thinking of the human race. We BgMQK02GvPU-00114-00063188-00063575 jeer at the sight of those male creatures judging women’s intellects by weighing the brains of BgMQK02GvPU-00115-00063575-00064141 women in their dirty paws’. Social transformation. BgMQK02GvPU-00116-00064141-00065047 The premise underpinning Michel’s educational practice was that everyone was educable. Her BgMQK02GvPU-00117-00065047-00065578 response to the Breton sharp-shooters who fired on demonstrators standing outside the BgMQK02GvPU-00118-00065578-00066421 Hôtel de Ville in January 1871 was that they were misguided but not beyond instruction. One day they BgMQK02GvPU-00119-00066421-00066937 would be able to see that they had acted from a misplaced sense of duty and they would take BgMQK02GvPU-00120-00066937-00067576 up her cause. The question she asked herself was how to close the gap between infallible BgMQK02GvPU-00121-00067576-00068269 false knowledge and fallible true science. Michel had no pat answers and proposed continual BgMQK02GvPU-00122-00068269-00068794 propaganda. This of course included insurrection but also writing, lecturing, orchestrating strikes BgMQK02GvPU-00123-00068794-00069334 and even fly-posting police officers’ coats when the wall space ran out. Michel was not averse to BgMQK02GvPU-00124-00069334-00069844 targeted assassination either. Hugo had taught her the virtue of republican violence. Taking BgMQK02GvPU-00125-00069844-00070231 the lesson into her anarchism she refused to condemn the so-called propagandists by the BgMQK02GvPU-00126-00070231-00070708 deed whose acts shocked the bourgeois world in the 1890s. She further argued that tyrannicide BgMQK02GvPU-00127-00070708-00071122 was effective in absolutist and oligarchic regimes and that ethically the nihilists BgMQK02GvPU-00128-00071122-00071467 were right to argue that it was better to kill one person than allow mass slaughter. BgMQK02GvPU-00129-00071467-00072148 Making some room for consequential reasoning in anarchist practice, Michel was torn on the BgMQK02GvPU-00130-00072148-00072763 question of electioneering. On the one hand she argued that illegal ‘dead’ candidacies – those BgMQK02GvPU-00131-00072763-00073357 that inevitably resulted in the disbarring of successful candidates – had some propaganda value. BgMQK02GvPU-00132-00073357-00074041 She therefore allowed her name to go forward on a candidate list for the 1881 general election BgMQK02GvPU-00133-00074041-00074692 because women were prohibited from voting or serving as representatives. The symbolic BgMQK02GvPU-00134-00074692-00075379 action asserted a rightful demand for equality. On the other hand she admitted that the promotion BgMQK02GvPU-00135-00075379-00076126 of dead candidacies could be misconstrued. One possibility was that the gesture could be mistaken BgMQK02GvPU-00136-00076126-00076822 as a commitment to a sectional cause. Observers might wrongly conclude that Michel prioritised BgMQK02GvPU-00137-00076822-00077383 the equality of women over the advancement of human emancipation by women’s revolutionary BgMQK02GvPU-00138-00077383-00078007 action. The other possibility was that her participation in the process would legitimise BgMQK02GvPU-00139-00078007-00078655 the electoral process by instigating demands for its reform. Firmly convinced that electioneering BgMQK02GvPU-00140-00078655-00079288 was pointless, she withdrew her candidacy. Michel’s reflections on this issue highlighted BgMQK02GvPU-00141-00079288-00079765 another aspect of her approach to education. This touched on her personal sense of virtue and BgMQK02GvPU-00142-00079765-00080260 the integrity of revolutionary memory. Emerging from the Commune with her hopes of change intact, BgMQK02GvPU-00143-00080260-00080734 Michel also revised down her estimations of likely short-term gains. Taking a longer view, BgMQK02GvPU-00144-00080734-00081085 she concluded that the construction of the Commune’s history was part of the revolutionary BgMQK02GvPU-00145-00081085-00081514 struggle. Only too aware that she was the subject of grotesque press mis-reporting and BgMQK02GvPU-00146-00081514-00081964 that her reputed ugliness was part and parcel of the Commune’s demonization she used every BgMQK02GvPU-00147-00081964-00082450 platform at her disposal to promote the beauty of revolutionary ideas. Her refusal to acknowledge BgMQK02GvPU-00148-00082450-00082936 court authority, her defiant acknowledgment of her responsibility for inciting insurrection and her BgMQK02GvPU-00149-00082936-00083542 demand that the judges execute her were all acts of self-curation. Believing that revolutionaries BgMQK02GvPU-00150-00083542-00084139 were bullets adapted to struggle Michel wanted it known that she was unapologetic and forever BgMQK02GvPU-00151-00084139-00084787 wedded to revolutionary transformation. She adopted the same stance in 1883, when accused BgMQK02GvPU-00152-00084787-00085531 of riot and looting. Was she moved by the charges? No, absolutely indifferent. She only challenged BgMQK02GvPU-00153-00085531-00086092 the evidence ‘for the sake of the honour of the Revolution’. She fired back at the prosecutor: ‘I BgMQK02GvPU-00154-00086092-00086758 have never prostrated myself in front of anyone, and I have never asked for mercy. You can say BgMQK02GvPU-00155-00086758-00087373 anything you want to about us, you can sentence us to prison, but I do not want you to dishonour us’. BgMQK02GvPU-00156-00087461-00088187 These short introductions delve into the anarchist canon to recover some of the BgMQK02GvPU-00157-00088187-00088721 distinctive ideas that historical anarchists advanced to address problems relevant to their BgMQK02GvPU-00158-00088721-00089216 circumstances. Although these contexts were special, many of the issues the anarchists BgMQK02GvPU-00159-00089216-00089717 wrestled with still plague our lives. Anarchists developed a body of writing about power, BgMQK02GvPU-00160-00089717-00090350 domination, injustice and exploitation, education, prisons and a lot more besides. BgMQK02GvPU-00161-00090535-00091003 Honing in on different facets of the anarchist canon is not just an interesting archaeological BgMQK02GvPU-00162-00091003-00091450 exercise. The persistence, development and adaptation of anarchist traditions depends on BgMQK02GvPU-00163-00091450-00091927 our surveying the historical landscape of ideas and drawing on the resources it contains. The BgMQK02GvPU-00164-00091927-00092275 theoretical toolbox that this small assortment of anarchists helped to construct is there to use, BgMQK02GvPU-00165-00092275-00093737 amend and adapt. Agitate, Educate, Organise! Read by Barbara Graham and Jim Donaghey. Great BgMQK02GvPU-00166-00093737-00094288 Anarchists is a ten-part pamphlet series by Ruth Kinna with artwork by Clifford Harper, BgMQK02GvPU-00167-00094288-00094744 published by Dog Section Press and Active Distribution in 2018/19. BgMQK02GvPU-00168-00094843-00095212 The pamphlets’ subjects are Peter Kropotkin, Voltairine de Cleyre, BgMQK02GvPU-00169-00095212-00095800 Michael Bakunin, Louise Michel, Oscar Wilde, Max Stirner, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Lucy Parsons, BgMQK02GvPU-00170-00095800-00096376 William Godwin, and Errico Malatesta. Visit dogsection.org or activedistribution.org to BgMQK02GvPU-00171-00096376-00096775 find out more, and click the link to find our readings of the other pamphlets in the series. BhtyDniNyoU-00000-00000115-00000813 Welcome to CoNVax – the first blood clot-free vaccine on the market. BhtyDniNyoU-00001-00000813-00001210 At CoNVax, we believe in Medical Honesty. BhtyDniNyoU-00002-00001210-00001722 We believe in it so much that we’re the first large pharmaceutical company to score BhtyDniNyoU-00003-00001722-00002288 over 80% on the Pandered and Sores Medical Honesty Index. BhtyDniNyoU-00004-00002288-00002805 We came in at a massive 83% Medical Honesty score. BhtyDniNyoU-00005-00002805-00003609 That means that 83% of our data is based on actual facts, the highest in the industry. BhtyDniNyoU-00006-00003609-00004437 For comparison, our largest competitor, Pfeezer, only came in at 78%; Johansson & Johanson BhtyDniNyoU-00007-00004437-00005669 63%; AstroXonica 47%; and only 23% of SiloFarm’s data is based on actual verifiable fact. BhtyDniNyoU-00008-00005669-00005814 What does this tell us? BhtyDniNyoU-00009-00005814-00006140 CoNVax is Honesty. BhtyDniNyoU-00010-00006140-00006633 In the name of honesty, we will be fully publishing our clinical trial results. 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BhtyDniNyoU-00021-00010788-00011233 But the most important thing that sets our vaccine apart from our competitors, is that BhtyDniNyoU-00022-00011233-00011465 we don’t use needles. BhtyDniNyoU-00023-00011465-00011851 Haven’t you found it funny that all our competitors still use needles in this day BhtyDniNyoU-00024-00011851-00011953 and age. BhtyDniNyoU-00025-00011953-00012154 There must be a better way, right? BhtyDniNyoU-00026-00012154-00012672 Well at CoNVax we’ve thrown away all our needles and replaced them with flavourful BhtyDniNyoU-00027-00012672-00012949 sachets of vaccine powder. BhtyDniNyoU-00028-00012949-00013459 Simply sprinkle the vaccine on your favourite food or in your favourite drink once a day, BhtyDniNyoU-00029-00013459-00013699 and you’ll be protected for life. BhtyDniNyoU-00030-00013699-00014237 And all of this for only $3.37 per day per person. BhtyDniNyoU-00031-00014237-00014691 That’s only the price of a cup of coffee for each of your loved ones per day to keep BhtyDniNyoU-00032-00014691-00015005 them protected from this terrible virus. BhtyDniNyoU-00033-00015005-00015309 We also have CoNVax Gummies for the kids. BhtyDniNyoU-00034-00015309-00015806 Just pop them in their school lunchbox and they won’t even know they’re being vaccinated. BhtyDniNyoU-00035-00015806-00016117 Remember, CoNVax is Honesty. BhtyDniNyoU-00036-00016117-00016361 CoNVax is Safe. BhtyDniNyoU-00037-00016361-00016641 CoNVax is Needle-Free. BhtyDniNyoU-00038-00016641-00016901 CoNVax is Delicious. BhtyDniNyoU-00039-00016901-00017581 Welcome to CONVax – CoNVax – the first blood clot-free vaccine on the market. BiybefiN7f8-00000-00012832-00012995 Assalamualaikum and hi BiybefiN7f8-00001-00013145-00013465 Here we are for Mobile Legends Professional League BiybefiN7f8-00002-00013895-00014415 We have two teams on this game between Geek Fam and Evos Singapore BiybefiN7f8-00003-00014415-00015262 From Geek Fam we have Artz, Dominus, 2ex4Jepv, Xorn and Feekz. BiybefiN7f8-00004-00015262-00015952 While from Singapore we have Soul, Ace, OhDeerBambi, Potato and JPL BiybefiN7f8-00005-00016575-00016628 Here we go BiybefiN7f8-00006-00016872-00017415 Geek Fam team is powerful in Early Games and Evos is more powerful in League Game. BiybefiN7f8-00007-00017415-00017848 Would Evos Singapore survive from Geek Fam attack? BiybefiN7f8-00008-00017848-00018538 Just wait and see how these two will compete in this first match Grand Final BiybefiN7f8-00009-00018538-00018738 It is not an ordinary tournament, it will be worth watching these two to compete. BiybefiN7f8-00010-00018738-00019438 Let’s start……Grand Final tournament between Geek Fam and Evos BiybefiN7f8-00011-00019711-00020088 Okay, so like usual they clear wave once the game started. BiybefiN7f8-00012-00020695-00020905 Okay, you can look Ace, Akai and Artz . Let's start. BiybefiN7f8-00013-00020905-00021048 Artz, what are you doing? BiybefiN7f8-00014-00021048-00021581 Oh, Artz is spamming in the first buff at top BiybefiN7f8-00015-00021688-00022161 While Feekz and Xorn are taking buff at purple buff. BiybefiN7f8-00016-00022285-00022728 OhDeerBambi and Ace are stealing buff from the blue team BiybefiN7f8-00017-00023458-00023875 Artz is still clearing wave BiybefiN7f8-00018-00024011-00024398 Dominus and 2ex4Jepv are taking Crab BiybefiN7f8-00019-00024761-00024851 Artz is covering the line BiybefiN7f8-00020-00025201-00025598 While Feekz is solo and it's so dangerous BiybefiN7f8-00021-00025598-00025968 Akai or Feekz will succeed BiybefiN7f8-00022-00026508-00026811 Esmeralda and Akai are clearing the wave BiybefiN7f8-00023-00026811-00027048 Artz is still waiting there BiybefiN7f8-00024-00027048-00027588 There, Xorn comes from the top, from the mid sorry BiybefiN7f8-00025-00027718-00027821 Esmeralda was attacked by Xorn BiybefiN7f8-00026-00027934-00028177 Dominus enter the game, into the war BiybefiN7f8-00027-00028177-00028388 And that's Esmeralda makes an Ulti BiybefiN7f8-00028-00028388-00028674 And Feekz killed the Akai BiybefiN7f8-00029-00028674-00028834 Esmeralda killed Gusion BiybefiN7f8-00030-00029437-00029507 We are coming back guys BiybefiN7f8-00031-00029507-00029591 I am Ikhwan BiybefiN7f8-00032-00029677-00029794 4:55:27 BiybefiN7f8-00033-00029794-00029864 Hello everyone BiybefiN7f8-00034-00029864-00030061 Okay now we are entering the game BiybefiN7f8-00035-00030437-00031137 Okay from the left side we have GF Icon Papa, Error, Syno, Ketom and Josh. BiybefiN7f8-00036-00031137-00032137 And from the right side Asyn, Fredo Sameon, Rushh, Penjahanat, Soloz and Grrrix. BiybefiN7f8-00037-00032137-00032934 So they have started the attack. Soloz is at the bottom, and we can see Fredo is using Lunnox. BiybefiN7f8-00038-00032934-00033837 I think he wants to play as support and not carry because he is with Penjahanat in top lane. BiybefiN7f8-00039-00033837-00034324 Aldous and his team are in the bottom to get the crab. BiybefiN7f8-00040-00034537-00035137 And now, the only face up or not. Fredo is on the top, maybe have to use spell to run away. BiybefiN7f8-00041-00035137-00035800 But Penjahanat is is waiting at the back, pomm!! He steals the crab! BiybefiN7f8-00042-00035800-00037334 Now, maybe Rushh is at safe. BiybefiN7f8-00043-00037504-00037887 Rushh is doing great, dodge here and there and finally run away. BiybefiN7f8-00044-00038473-00039293 That is a big thing, now he is entering Level 3 and level 4, quick level up to get them to team fight. BiybefiN7f8-00045-00039887-00040560 You can see the Geek Fam Asyn started to get the turtle. BiybefiN7f8-00046-00040560-00040997 Penjahanat successfully get the turtle. BiybefiN7f8-00047-00041280-00041523 Clever, he used retribution to get the turtle BiybefiN7f8-00048-00041523-00042163 That's the only way to get BiybefiN7f8-00049-00042356-00042696 First bluff get from Geek Fam BiybefiN7f8-00050-00043003-00043330 Fredo successfully killed Errot from Geek Fam BiybefiN7f8-00051-00043330-00043943 And now Rushh is attacked and GF get the first bluff BiybefiN7f8-00052-00044346-00045026 So that will be the Mobile Legend Tournament between GF Icon and Asyn in the first 3 minutes BiybefiN7f8-00053-00045286-00045340 Thanks guys for watching! BiWeDjA1DOE-00000-00000305-00000609 My name is Mr. Mohr. I'm a retired BiWeDjA1DOE-00001-00000609-00001025 California credentialed elementary school teacher. BiWeDjA1DOE-00002-00001025-00001373 Retired. This is lesson one. BiWeDjA1DOE-00003-00001373-00001830 speak Chinese for and adult business people and travelers. This is lesson number one BiWeDjA1DOE-00005-00002367-00002722 Good morning. BiWeDjA1DOE-00007-00003215-00003611 Good evening. BiWeDjA1DOE-00013-00005507-00005925 How are you? BiWeDjA1DOE-00015-00006387-00006705 Very well thank. ...and you? BiWeDjA1DOE-00018-00007489-00007793 How are you? BiWeDjA1DOE-00020-00008204-00008634 Not bad. BiWeDjA1DOE-00021-00008634-00008952 ...and you? BiWeDjA1DOE-00024-00009712-00010070 What's your name? BiWeDjA1DOE-00027-00010783-00011238 My name is Mr Mohr. BiWeDjA1DOE-00030-00012077-00012422 I'm happy to meet you. BiWeDjA1DOE-00032-00013237-00013651 Same here. BiWeDjA1DOE-00037-00015240-00015576 See you later. See you later. BiWeDjA1DOE-00039-00015913-00016216 See you tomorrow. BiWeDjA1DOE-00040-00016216-00016681 Seee you later BiWeDjA1DOE-00041-00016681-00017117 See you on monday. BiWeDjA1DOE-00042-00017117-00017557 See you on Monday. BiWeDjA1DOE-00043-00017557-00017818 See you next year. BibPxa0jLrM-00000-00000156-00000646 What problems you may have after surgery? BibPxa0jLrM-00001-00000646-00001258 To make an extensive rehabilitation of the mouth, we divided it into two phases: BibPxa0jLrM-00002-00001258-00001821 the first phase is for a jaw arch and the second phase is for the second jaw arch. BibPxa0jLrM-00003-00001821-00002861 After this intervention, is necessary to adopt some habits and a protocol BibPxa0jLrM-00004-00002861-00003697 that allows us to stay calm, not to have pain, not to have trouble or unforeseen. BibPxa0jLrM-00005-00003697-00004069 The first step is to control bleeding. BibPxa0jLrM-00006-00004069-00004398 The surgeon puts the stitches. BibPxa0jLrM-00007-00004398-00005196 Typically, patients with clotting problems BibPxa0jLrM-00008-00005196-00005344 need some more stitches. BibPxa0jLrM-00009-00005344-00006150 So, we do the hemostasis with pressure, keeping some swabs inside the patient's mouth BibPxa0jLrM-00010-00006150-00006814 a little longer, and he has to spend more time with us at the Polyclinic in the waiting room. BibPxa0jLrM-00011-00006814-00007288 Then when the bleeding is under control, we bring the patient BibPxa0jLrM-00012-00007288-00008114 at the assigned apartment and we keep in contact 24 hours on 24, BibPxa0jLrM-00013-00008114-00008471 thanks to a phone we deliver to each patient. BibPxa0jLrM-00014-00008471-00008942 One of our colleagues will solve every problem that there might be. BibPxa0jLrM-00015-00008942-00009707 We advise all patients to stay at least 5-6 days, BibPxa0jLrM-00016-00009707-00009968 even better if they are 7. BibPxa0jLrM-00017-00009968-00010546 Not because the surgery itself lasts so much, but because in the fifth to sixth day BibPxa0jLrM-00018-00010546-00011110 we verify if we have to add points, or tighten a few points BibPxa0jLrM-00019-00011110-00011688 or we check edema or swelling, and that everything is under control or that the provisional BibPxa0jLrM-00020-00011688-00012136 prostheses have no need of some adjustments. BibPxa0jLrM-00021-00012136-00012861 Some patients, perhaps for work, do not have the opportunity to stay at the Polyclinic BibPxa0jLrM-00022-00012861-00012961 7 days. BibPxa0jLrM-00023-00012961-00013502 We still recommend you to organize so that the team does not perform BibPxa0jLrM-00024-00013502-00014259 in a hurry, we are all more relaxed, and you avoid issues and hassles. BibPxa0jLrM-00025-00014259-00014687 Let's see what you have to avoid doing right after surgery. BibPxa0jLrM-00026-00014687-00015321 Immediately after surgery you should avoid rinsing the area, drinking alcohol, BibPxa0jLrM-00027-00015321-00015683 smoking, but also to drink water because we have an open wound. BibPxa0jLrM-00028-00015683-00016063 A wound open, imagine to have a wound on your arm, BibPxa0jLrM-00029-00016063-00016568 we cannot wash the wound, because if we did it, it would resume to bleed. BibPxa0jLrM-00030-00016568-00017290 Thus, wounds in your mouth need to be left quiet, no liquids which go again BibPxa0jLrM-00031-00017290-00017510 to stimulate the bleeding. BibPxa0jLrM-00032-00017510-00018248 You must also be careful not to bite you, because remember that the anesthesia, usually, BibPxa0jLrM-00033-00018248-00018480 can last up to five hours. BibPxa0jLrM-00034-00018480-00018982 During this time, if one is not careful and goes at once to eat, maybe with temporary BibPxa0jLrM-00035-00018982-00019571 prosthesis, there is the risk you get hurt your tongue or cheeks and you notice it after. BibPxa0jLrM-00036-00019571-00020012 Avoid especially to lie in the bed. BibPxa0jLrM-00037-00020012-00020485 Better to sit or if you just wish to lie down, double pillow behind your head, BibPxa0jLrM-00038-00020485-00021037 so you avoid increasing the pressure and prevent the risk that the wound resumes bleeding BibPxa0jLrM-00039-00021037-00021533 at night, because it could reopen due to high pressure. BibPxa0jLrM-00040-00021533-00022055 The first day, you must also avoid washing your mouth with a toothbrush. BibPxa0jLrM-00041-00022055-00022675 The toothbrush can be used after 24 or 48 hours, otherwise there is the risk, once again, BibPxa0jLrM-00042-00022675-00022887 to reopen the wound. BibPxa0jLrM-00043-00022887-00023316 The next day, instead, you have to use mouthwash. BibPxa0jLrM-00044-00023316-00024051 The mouthwash has a disinfectant action and then allows us to prevent infections BibPxa0jLrM-00045-00024051-00024181 after surgery. BibPxa0jLrM-00046-00024181-00024742 The mouthwash to use is the Chlorhexidine 0.2%, and the Polyclinic BibPxa0jLrM-00047-00024742-00025309 gives you a complete list of medicines to be taken, including the mouthwash. BibPxa0jLrM-00048-00025309-00025943 You have to take painkillers, to prevent you from experiencing pain and discomfort. BibPxa0jLrM-00049-00025943-00026160 Typically, two days of painkillers are sufficient. BibPxa0jLrM-00050-00026160-00027120 Meanwhile, every 12 hours you must take the antibiotic: in most cases, the Augmentin BibPxa0jLrM-00051-00027120-00027572 by a gram is administered, it is a broad-spectrum penicillin. BibPxa0jLrM-00052-00027572-00028337 This should be taken for 6-7 days, so the patient is under antibiotic coverage BibPxa0jLrM-00053-00028337-00028473 and we prevent infections. BibPxa0jLrM-00054-00028473-00029066 Once back in Italy if you had some problems due to BibPxa0jLrM-00055-00029066-00029602 gum inflammations or a stitch came off, the Polyclinic recommends BibPxa0jLrM-00056-00029602-00030016 simply to follow the protocol for any problems. BibPxa0jLrM-00057-00030016-00030620 All our patients, when they leave the Polyclinic, get the protocol to be followed BibPxa0jLrM-00058-00030620-00030720 in case of problems. BibPxa0jLrM-00059-00030720-00031292 The problems are divided into two categories: there are simple problems to solve BibPxa0jLrM-00060-00031292-00031468 and the more complex ones. BibPxa0jLrM-00061-00031468-00032033 For example, among the simple ones, there are the bleeding, the opening of a wound, BibPxa0jLrM-00062-00032033-00032424 the loss of a stitch, or the breaking of a temporary bridge. BibPxa0jLrM-00063-00032424-00033213 Instead, among the most difficult ones, there might be - none of them come to my mind now - BibPxa0jLrM-00064-00033213-00033826 difficult problems may be - Anyway, they are basically all solvable problems BibPxa0jLrM-00065-00033826-00033980 in a first phase in Italy. BibPxa0jLrM-00066-00033980-00034609 Remember that, in Italy there are many Dental Emergency Rooms to which you can access. BibPxa0jLrM-00067-00034609-00035202 In case of bleeding, they can add a stitch and, in the event of loss of a dental implant, BibPxa0jLrM-00068-00035202-00035771 they can perform the dental implant extraction. Instead, in case of BibPxa0jLrM-00069-00035771-00036220 temporary bridge breakage, that is, the patient has plastic temporary bridges BibPxa0jLrM-00070-00036220-00036902 placed over his dental implants, you can simply go to any dentist BibPxa0jLrM-00071-00036902-00037518 and have them repaired, putting an underwire inside the acrylic denture. BibPxa0jLrM-00072-00037518-00038209 It is an operation that takes about 20 minutes, no more, and you will pay BibPxa0jLrM-00073-00038209-00038617 the Italian price that, for a repair like this, is around 100 euro. BibPxa0jLrM-00074-00038617-00039127 Definitely it is not appropriate to take a plane for a repair that any dentist BibPxa0jLrM-00075-00039127-00039227 can make. BibPxa0jLrM-00076-00039227-00039850 Remember that, all European dentists are working every day on patients BibPxa0jLrM-00077-00039850-00040080 already treated by other dentists. BibPxa0jLrM-00078-00040080-00040481 For example, many of our patients, when they go to an Italian dentist, BibPxa0jLrM-00079-00040481-00041113 say: "Look, now I am here in Italy for a week, but I live abroad, BibPxa0jLrM-00080-00041113-00041762 and my temporary prosthesis broke. Can you give me the estimate BibPxa0jLrM-00081-00041762-00042407 to repair it? So when I will go back to my country, I will continue the work." BibPxa0jLrM-00082-00042407-00043003 No dentist has ever declined to earn 100 euro to repair BibPxa0jLrM-00083-00043003-00043190 a prosthesis of a tourist. BibPxa0jLrM-00084-00043190-00043723 So, remember that even dentists in your country every day, treat tourists BibPxa0jLrM-00085-00043723-00043936 visiting in Italy by chance. BibPxa0jLrM-00086-00043936-00044474 Is there any precautions to be taken when returning to Italy? BibPxa0jLrM-00087-00044474-00044574 Yes. BibPxa0jLrM-00088-00044574-00044762 Simply avoid traumas on the operated area. BibPxa0jLrM-00089-00044762-00045326 Do not eat hard foods because you can break your provisional teeth. BibPxa0jLrM-00090-00045326-00045576 The temporary teeth are always resin teeth. BibPxa0jLrM-00091-00045576-00045866 They are not the permanent teeth of ceramic or metal-zirconium. BibPxa0jLrM-00092-00045866-00046486 They are teeth that have to last 3-4 months, as long as the bone and gums heal. BibPxa0jLrM-00093-00046486-00047153 After that, you will throw them away and will put the permanent teeth which are much more resistant. BibPxa0jLrM-00094-00047153-00047702 So, the advice is: during this time, try to avoid traumas or hard foods BibPxa0jLrM-00095-00047702-00048070 which can break your provisional teeth. BibPxa0jLrM-00096-00048070-00048538 There are also patients who return to Italy with the provisional, that is, a denture, BibPxa0jLrM-00097-00048538-00048638 a removable prosthesis. BibPxa0jLrM-00098-00048638-00049228 In this case, after about three weeks or a month, the denture which was put BibPxa0jLrM-00099-00049228-00049828 right after surgery, will have a different form, because after this month the gums have reduced, BibPxa0jLrM-00100-00049828-00049942 have healed. BibPxa0jLrM-00101-00049942-00050042 What happens? BibPxa0jLrM-00102-00050042-00050508 Typically, the denture will start moving and the patient will feel very annoyed. BibPxa0jLrM-00103-00050508-00051168 All patients, who have the provisional mobile denture, are warned that after one month, BibPxa0jLrM-00104-00051168-00051689 they have to go to any dentist of confidence in Italy to get it relined. The price is BibPxa0jLrM-00105-00051689-00052097 100 euro to get the upper one relined and 100 euro for the lower one. BibPxa0jLrM-00106-00052097-00052417 Any dentist does this kind of work. BibPxa0jLrM-00107-00052417-00052960 If you do not find a dentist who will do this work, always adopted the same strategy. BibPxa0jLrM-00108-00052960-00053596 Tell him that you do not live in Italy, are there for ten or fifteen BibPxa0jLrM-00109-00053596-00054174 days, need to have the denture relined, and ask if he can do this work BibPxa0jLrM-00110-00054174-00054420 before you to come back to your country. BibPxa0jLrM-00111-00054420-00054829 Pretend to be dental tourists in your country. BibPxa0jLrM-00112-00054829-00055162 Many of our patients do it. BibPxa0jLrM-00113-00055162-00055572 When the relining of your denture is done, it does not move anymore. BibPxa0jLrM-00114-00055572-00055760 It make the suction effect again. BibPxa0jLrM-00115-00055760-00056219 So, when you come back to Italy, when the denture start moving, remember BibPxa0jLrM-00116-00056219-00056852 that after 3-4 weeks this must necessarily be relined and using the pink BibPxa0jLrM-00117-00056852-00057095 relining material, not the white one. BibPxa0jLrM-00118-00057095-00057701 So, be careful. So, ask them to do it with BibPxa0jLrM-00119-00057701-00057997 a semi-permanent relining material. BibPxa0jLrM-00120-00057997-00058697 Better if it is a rigid material and not soft. BibPxa0jLrM-00121-00058697-00059341 You can recognize the semi-permanent one, because it is pink, rather than the temporary one, BibPxa0jLrM-00122-00059341-00059829 used after surgery and that some dentists have, that is white. BibPxa0jLrM-00123-00059829-00060289 With the white one, it is a reline which can give you problems, like oscillations, because BibPxa0jLrM-00124-00060289-00060900 it is a rougher and soft material, it is a material which is not good to relines BibPxa0jLrM-00125-00060900-00061102 which have to last in your mouth four months. BibPxa0jLrM-00126-00061102-00061504 Or, if you did bone grafts, it has to last for six months. BibPxa0jLrM-00127-00061504-00062091 In case of problems, such as the loss of a implant, remember that BibPxa0jLrM-00128-00062091-00062477 the implant can be extract in Italy in any hospital BibPxa0jLrM-00129-00062477-00062577 or emergency room. BibPxa0jLrM-00130-00062577-00063219 You can wait 30 days (60 days is better), book quietly a plane ticket to come back BibPxa0jLrM-00131-00063219-00063712 here to the Polyclinic and once here, the Polyclinic installs a dental implant BibPxa0jLrM-00132-00063712-00064125 for free, simply a wider one when the bone is healed. BibPxa0jLrM-00133-00064125-00064689 The loss of an implant may occur, it is normal, especially when we perform BibPxa0jLrM-00134-00064689-00064972 more than 500 dental implants per month. BibPxa0jLrM-00135-00064972-00065469 So we have already had this kind of situation. BibPxa0jLrM-00136-00065469-00065921 Remember that the loss of an implant occurs for 2% of cases. BibPxa0jLrM-00137-00065921-00066392 In this case, the implant is removed, you wait for healing and we put again the implant BibPxa0jLrM-00138-00066392-00066513 until it integrates. BibPxa0jLrM-00139-00066513-00067097 It is absolutely not an insurmountable complication, indeed, it is easily solvable. BibPxa0jLrM-00140-00067097-00067578 Remember that the warranty does not cover the plane ticket cost. BibPxa0jLrM-00141-00067578-00068147 We offer, the Polyclinic provides only the medical work BibPxa0jLrM-00142-00068147-00068954 which is performed without the patient spends money, and the accommodation in one of our apartments. BibPxa0jLrM-00143-00068954-00069380 Then, the plane ticket cost, is all borne by the patient. BibPxa0jLrM-00144-00069380-00069931 So, our advice to the patient, always is: solve your emergency in Italy, BibPxa0jLrM-00145-00069931-00070608 quietly buy a plane ticket when they are cheap, and we will meet again here at the Polyclinic BibPxa0jLrM-00146-00070608-00071072 to solve the problem which there was. Then you return to Italy and we will continue BibPxa0jLrM-00147-00071072-00071608 with further travels needed to finish the work. BibPxa0jLrM-00148-00071608-00072231 Remember, in case of problems, contact me personally on Facebook. BibPxa0jLrM-00149-00072231-00072792 I answer almost at all times, within a couple of minutes I get a notification BibPxa0jLrM-00150-00072792-00073295 and I am here to assist all patients after treatments in case of problems. BibPxa0jLrM-00151-00073295-00074325 Just add me on Facebook, looking Sos Tourist, it is me, BibPxa0jLrM-00152-00074325-00075000 I am the Doctor Palmas, send me a friend request and I am ready to give you support BibPxa0jLrM-00153-00075000-00075105 after treatments. BibPxa0jLrM-00154-00075105-00075677 It is important that there is an Italian dentist to give you assistance after treatments, because BibPxa0jLrM-00155-00075677-00076468 you have to understand what is happening, and to do it remotely via chat or telephone is BibPxa0jLrM-00156-00076468-00076669 difficult, if you do not speak the same language. BibPxa0jLrM-00157-00076669-00077387 These are the tips on how to behave after treatments, and remember that there are no BibPxa0jLrM-00158-00077387-00077514 unmanageable problems. BibPxa0jLrM-00159-00077514-00078110 The problems you have after dental surgeries, are all easily BibPxa0jLrM-00160-00078110-00078210 manageable. BibPxa0jLrM-00161-00078210-00078875 Being professionals in the sector, means to know what can happen but also BibPxa0jLrM-00162-00078875-00079141 to be able to manage, and then to know what to do. BibPxa0jLrM-00163-00079141-00079620 We have problems every day, but we assure you we have always BibPxa0jLrM-00164-00079620-00079720 resolved them all. BibPxa0jLrM-00165-00079720-00080230 Do not panic, simply contact us for support and we will guide you BibPxa0jLrM-00166-00080230-00080422 on which is the way to go. BibPxa0jLrM-00167-00080422-00080803 See you, then, in case of problems, here at the Polyclinic. BibPxa0jLrM-00168-00080803-00081312 Remember that we have no support in Italy, because even though we work BibPxa0jLrM-00169-00081312-00081828 with Europe, we cannot open other centers in all Europe. Because this BibPxa0jLrM-00170-00081828-00082111 would not allow us to have such low prices. BibPxa0jLrM-00171-00082111-00082706 It is always worth buying a low cost flight and returning to the production center, BibPxa0jLrM-00172-00082706-00082954 where we have performed the treatment. BibPxa0jLrM-00173-00082954-00083536 Greetings from Dr. Palmas and we hope you will not have problems, however also having them, BibPxa0jLrM-00174-00083536-00083624 we are here to solve them. CoffbW7RoFA-00000-00000010-00000066 PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYEES WHO CoffbW7RoFA-00001-00000066-00000073 PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYEES WHO CoffbW7RoFA-00002-00000073-00000500 PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYEES WHO ABUSE OR THREATEN SENIORS. CoffbW7RoFA-00003-00000500-00000507 PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYEES WHO ABUSE OR THREATEN SENIORS. CoffbW7RoFA-00004-00000507-00000637 PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYEES WHO ABUSE OR THREATEN SENIORS. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA SECRETARY CoffbW7RoFA-00005-00000637-00000643 ABUSE OR THREATEN SENIORS. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA SECRETARY CoffbW7RoFA-00006-00000643-00000704 ABUSE OR THREATEN SENIORS. >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE STEVE SIMON PAID A CoffbW7RoFA-00007-00000704-00000710 >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE STEVE SIMON PAID A CoffbW7RoFA-00008-00000710-00000807 >> DENNIS: MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE STEVE SIMON PAID A VISIT TO BEMIDJI HIGH SCHOOL CoffbW7RoFA-00009-00000807-00000814 OF STATE STEVE SIMON PAID A VISIT TO BEMIDJI HIGH SCHOOL CoffbW7RoFA-00010-00000814-00000897 OF STATE STEVE SIMON PAID A VISIT TO BEMIDJI HIGH SCHOOL THIS MORNING TO TALK ABOUT THE CoffbW7RoFA-00011-00000897-00000904 VISIT TO BEMIDJI HIGH SCHOOL THIS MORNING TO TALK ABOUT THE CoffbW7RoFA-00012-00000904-00000997 VISIT TO BEMIDJI HIGH SCHOOL THIS MORNING TO TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING OUT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00013-00000997-00001004 THIS MORNING TO TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING OUT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00014-00001004-00001071 THIS MORNING TO TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING OUT TO VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00015-00001071-00001077 IMPORTANCE OF GETTING OUT TO VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00016-00001077-00001221 IMPORTANCE OF GETTING OUT TO VOTE. THE SECRETARY OF STATE SPOKE TO CoffbW7RoFA-00017-00001221-00001227 VOTE. THE SECRETARY OF STATE SPOKE TO CoffbW7RoFA-00018-00001227-00001448 VOTE. THE SECRETARY OF STATE SPOKE TO BEMIDJI'S ADVANCED-PLACEMENT CoffbW7RoFA-00019-00001448-00001454 THE SECRETARY OF STATE SPOKE TO BEMIDJI'S ADVANCED-PLACEMENT CoffbW7RoFA-00020-00001454-00001598 THE SECRETARY OF STATE SPOKE TO BEMIDJI'S ADVANCED-PLACEMENT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS CoffbW7RoFA-00021-00001598-00001604 BEMIDJI'S ADVANCED-PLACEMENT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS CoffbW7RoFA-00022-00001604-00001801 BEMIDJI'S ADVANCED-PLACEMENT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS CLASS WHICH HAS ABOUT 23 CoffbW7RoFA-00023-00001801-00001808 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS CLASS WHICH HAS ABOUT 23 CoffbW7RoFA-00024-00001808-00001875 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS CLASS WHICH HAS ABOUT 23 STUDENTS. CoffbW7RoFA-00025-00001875-00001881 CLASS WHICH HAS ABOUT 23 STUDENTS. CoffbW7RoFA-00026-00001881-00001988 CLASS WHICH HAS ABOUT 23 STUDENTS. ALONG WITH TALKING ABOUT VOTING, CoffbW7RoFA-00027-00001988-00001995 STUDENTS. ALONG WITH TALKING ABOUT VOTING, CoffbW7RoFA-00028-00001995-00002175 STUDENTS. ALONG WITH TALKING ABOUT VOTING, HE ALSO HIGHLIGHTED THE ISSUES CoffbW7RoFA-00029-00002175-00002182 ALONG WITH TALKING ABOUT VOTING, HE ALSO HIGHLIGHTED THE ISSUES CoffbW7RoFA-00030-00002182-00002412 ALONG WITH TALKING ABOUT VOTING, HE ALSO HIGHLIGHTED THE ISSUES OF ELECTION AND CYBERSECURITY. CoffbW7RoFA-00031-00002412-00002419 HE ALSO HIGHLIGHTED THE ISSUES OF ELECTION AND CYBERSECURITY. CoffbW7RoFA-00032-00002419-00002552 HE ALSO HIGHLIGHTED THE ISSUES OF ELECTION AND CYBERSECURITY. HE SAYS HIS OFFICE HAS BEEN CoffbW7RoFA-00033-00002552-00002559 OF ELECTION AND CYBERSECURITY. HE SAYS HIS OFFICE HAS BEEN CoffbW7RoFA-00034-00002559-00002749 OF ELECTION AND CYBERSECURITY. HE SAYS HIS OFFICE HAS BEEN WORKING HARD TO MAKE SURE ALL CoffbW7RoFA-00035-00002749-00002756 HE SAYS HIS OFFICE HAS BEEN WORKING HARD TO MAKE SURE ALL CoffbW7RoFA-00036-00002756-00003256 HE SAYS HIS OFFICE HAS BEEN WORKING HARD TO MAKE SURE ALL VOTER INFORMATION IS SAFE AND CoffbW7RoFA-00037-00003256-00003263 WORKING HARD TO MAKE SURE ALL VOTER INFORMATION IS SAFE AND CoffbW7RoFA-00038-00003263-00003319 WORKING HARD TO MAKE SURE ALL VOTER INFORMATION IS SAFE AND SECURE. CoffbW7RoFA-00039-00003319-00003326 VOTER INFORMATION IS SAFE AND SECURE. CoffbW7RoFA-00040-00003326-00003453 VOTER INFORMATION IS SAFE AND SECURE. >> I LEARNED REALLY EARLY ON CoffbW7RoFA-00041-00003453-00003460 SECURE. >> I LEARNED REALLY EARLY ON CoffbW7RoFA-00042-00003460-00003600 SECURE. >> I LEARNED REALLY EARLY ON THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS JOB WELL CoffbW7RoFA-00043-00003600-00003606 >> I LEARNED REALLY EARLY ON THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS JOB WELL CoffbW7RoFA-00044-00003606-00003740 >> I LEARNED REALLY EARLY ON THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS JOB WELL BY JUST SITTING IN AN OFFICE OR CoffbW7RoFA-00045-00003740-00003747 THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS JOB WELL BY JUST SITTING IN AN OFFICE OR CoffbW7RoFA-00046-00003747-00003913 THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS JOB WELL BY JUST SITTING IN AN OFFICE OR IN A BUBBLE IN ST. PAUL, SO I CoffbW7RoFA-00047-00003913-00003920 BY JUST SITTING IN AN OFFICE OR IN A BUBBLE IN ST. PAUL, SO I CoffbW7RoFA-00048-00003920-00004047 BY JUST SITTING IN AN OFFICE OR IN A BUBBLE IN ST. PAUL, SO I PARTICULARLY LIKE GETTING OUT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00049-00004047-00004054 IN A BUBBLE IN ST. PAUL, SO I PARTICULARLY LIKE GETTING OUT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00050-00004054-00004160 IN A BUBBLE IN ST. PAUL, SO I PARTICULARLY LIKE GETTING OUT TO SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOLS AND CoffbW7RoFA-00051-00004160-00004167 PARTICULARLY LIKE GETTING OUT TO SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOLS AND CoffbW7RoFA-00052-00004167-00004314 PARTICULARLY LIKE GETTING OUT TO SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN A CoffbW7RoFA-00053-00004314-00004320 SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN A CoffbW7RoFA-00054-00004320-00004477 SCHOOLS, HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN A FOCUS OF THE WORK OF OUR OFFICE CoffbW7RoFA-00055-00004477-00004484 COLLEGES, BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN A FOCUS OF THE WORK OF OUR OFFICE CoffbW7RoFA-00056-00004484-00004607 COLLEGES, BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN A FOCUS OF THE WORK OF OUR OFFICE FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS, TRYING CoffbW7RoFA-00057-00004607-00004614 FOCUS OF THE WORK OF OUR OFFICE FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS, TRYING CoffbW7RoFA-00058-00004614-00004794 FOCUS OF THE WORK OF OUR OFFICE FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS, TRYING TO GET GOOD HABITS STARTED CoffbW7RoFA-00059-00004794-00004801 FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS, TRYING TO GET GOOD HABITS STARTED CoffbW7RoFA-00060-00004801-00004928 FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS, TRYING TO GET GOOD HABITS STARTED EARLY, TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE CoffbW7RoFA-00061-00004928-00004934 TO GET GOOD HABITS STARTED EARLY, TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE CoffbW7RoFA-00062-00004934-00005024 TO GET GOOD HABITS STARTED EARLY, TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING CoffbW7RoFA-00063-00005024-00005031 EARLY, TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING CoffbW7RoFA-00064-00005031-00005165 EARLY, TRYING TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING AND HOW EASY IT REALLY IS THESE CoffbW7RoFA-00065-00005165-00005171 ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING AND HOW EASY IT REALLY IS THESE CoffbW7RoFA-00066-00005171-00005328 ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF VOTING AND HOW EASY IT REALLY IS THESE DAYS TO REGISTER AND VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00067-00005328-00005335 AND HOW EASY IT REALLY IS THESE DAYS TO REGISTER AND VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00068-00005335-00005412 AND HOW EASY IT REALLY IS THESE DAYS TO REGISTER AND VOTE. >> TOWARDS THE END OF HIS CoffbW7RoFA-00069-00005412-00005418 DAYS TO REGISTER AND VOTE. >> TOWARDS THE END OF HIS CoffbW7RoFA-00070-00005418-00005602 DAYS TO REGISTER AND VOTE. >> TOWARDS THE END OF HIS SPEECH, THE SECRETARY OF STATE CoffbW7RoFA-00071-00005602-00005608 >> TOWARDS THE END OF HIS SPEECH, THE SECRETARY OF STATE CoffbW7RoFA-00072-00005608-00005719 >> TOWARDS THE END OF HIS SPEECH, THE SECRETARY OF STATE OPENED THE FLOOR UP FOR CoffbW7RoFA-00073-00005719-00005725 SPEECH, THE SECRETARY OF STATE OPENED THE FLOOR UP FOR CoffbW7RoFA-00074-00005725-00005789 SPEECH, THE SECRETARY OF STATE OPENED THE FLOOR UP FOR QUESTIONS. CoffbW7RoFA-00075-00005789-00005795 OPENED THE FLOOR UP FOR QUESTIONS. CoffbW7RoFA-00076-00005795-00005865 OPENED THE FLOOR UP FOR QUESTIONS. STUDENTS THEN DISCUSSED THEIR CoffbW7RoFA-00077-00005865-00005872 QUESTIONS. STUDENTS THEN DISCUSSED THEIR CoffbW7RoFA-00078-00005872-00005989 QUESTIONS. STUDENTS THEN DISCUSSED THEIR FEELINGS ABOUT POLITICS, BOTH ON CoffbW7RoFA-00079-00005989-00005995 STUDENTS THEN DISCUSSED THEIR FEELINGS ABOUT POLITICS, BOTH ON CoffbW7RoFA-00080-00005995-00006142 STUDENTS THEN DISCUSSED THEIR FEELINGS ABOUT POLITICS, BOTH ON THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL. CoffbW7RoFA-00081-00006142-00006149 FEELINGS ABOUT POLITICS, BOTH ON THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL. CoffbW7RoFA-00082-00006149-00006376 FEELINGS ABOUT POLITICS, BOTH ON THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL. SIMON EVEN GAVE THEM HIS E-MAIL CoffbW7RoFA-00083-00006376-00006383 THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL. SIMON EVEN GAVE THEM HIS E-MAIL CoffbW7RoFA-00084-00006383-00006709 THE STATE AND FEDERAL LEVEL. SIMON EVEN GAVE THEM HIS E-MAIL SO THEY COULD CONTINUE THE CoffbW7RoFA-00085-00006709-00006716 SIMON EVEN GAVE THEM HIS E-MAIL SO THEY COULD CONTINUE THE CoffbW7RoFA-00086-00006716-00006796 SIMON EVEN GAVE THEM HIS E-MAIL SO THEY COULD CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. CoffbW7RoFA-00087-00006796-00006803 SO THEY COULD CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. CoffbW7RoFA-00088-00006803-00006883 SO THEY COULD CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. >> I THOUGHT THAT WAS WHAT WAS CoffbW7RoFA-00089-00006883-00006890 CONVERSATION. >> I THOUGHT THAT WAS WHAT WAS CoffbW7RoFA-00090-00006890-00007030 CONVERSATION. >> I THOUGHT THAT WAS WHAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE CoffbW7RoFA-00091-00007030-00007037 >> I THOUGHT THAT WAS WHAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE CoffbW7RoFA-00092-00007037-00007203 >> I THOUGHT THAT WAS WHAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BE HEARD CoffbW7RoFA-00093-00007203-00007210 THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BE HEARD CoffbW7RoFA-00094-00007210-00007360 THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT THE KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BE HEARD FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. CoffbW7RoFA-00095-00007360-00007367 KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BE HEARD FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. CoffbW7RoFA-00096-00007367-00007654 KIDS HAD A CHANCE TO BE HEARD FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. THEY GOT TO VOICE THEIR IDEAS, CoffbW7RoFA-00097-00007654-00007660 FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. THEY GOT TO VOICE THEIR IDEAS, CoffbW7RoFA-00098-00007660-00007917 FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. THEY GOT TO VOICE THEIR IDEAS, OPINIONS AND JUST HE REITERATED CoffbW7RoFA-00099-00007917-00007924 THEY GOT TO VOICE THEIR IDEAS, OPINIONS AND JUST HE REITERATED CoffbW7RoFA-00100-00007924-00008037 THEY GOT TO VOICE THEIR IDEAS, OPINIONS AND JUST HE REITERATED THE POINT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00101-00008037-00008044 OPINIONS AND JUST HE REITERATED THE POINT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00102-00008044-00008071 OPINIONS AND JUST HE REITERATED THE POINT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT TO VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00103-00008071-00008078 THE POINT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT TO VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00104-00008078-00008201 THE POINT THAT IT'S IMPORTANT TO VOTE. I THINK THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD CoffbW7RoFA-00105-00008201-00008208 VOTE. I THINK THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD CoffbW7RoFA-00106-00008208-00008308 VOTE. I THINK THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS TOO HEAR, CoffbW7RoFA-00107-00008308-00008314 I THINK THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS TOO HEAR, CoffbW7RoFA-00108-00008314-00008475 I THINK THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS TOO HEAR, TOO, THAT AS YOUNG VOTERS IT'S CoffbW7RoFA-00109-00008475-00008481 MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS TOO HEAR, TOO, THAT AS YOUNG VOTERS IT'S CoffbW7RoFA-00110-00008481-00008671 MESSAGE FOR THE KIDS TOO HEAR, TOO, THAT AS YOUNG VOTERS IT'S IMPORTANT TO GET OUT THERE AND CoffbW7RoFA-00111-00008671-00008678 TOO, THAT AS YOUNG VOTERS IT'S IMPORTANT TO GET OUT THERE AND CoffbW7RoFA-00112-00008678-00008812 TOO, THAT AS YOUNG VOTERS IT'S IMPORTANT TO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00113-00008812-00008818 IMPORTANT TO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. CoffbW7RoFA-00114-00008818-00008915 IMPORTANT TO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. >> DENNIS: THE SECRETARY OF CoffbW7RoFA-00115-00008915-00008922 VOTE. >> DENNIS: THE SECRETARY OF CoffbW7RoFA-00116-00008922-00009069 VOTE. >> DENNIS: THE SECRETARY OF STATE DIDN'T JUST VISIT BEMIDJI CoffbW7RoFA-00117-00009069-00009075 >> DENNIS: THE SECRETARY OF STATE DIDN'T JUST VISIT BEMIDJI CoffbW7RoFA-00118-00009075-00009145 >> DENNIS: THE SECRETARY OF STATE DIDN'T JUST VISIT BEMIDJI EITHER. CoffbW7RoFA-00119-00009145-00009152 STATE DIDN'T JUST VISIT BEMIDJI EITHER. CoffbW7RoFA-00120-00009152-00009229 STATE DIDN'T JUST VISIT BEMIDJI EITHER. EARLIER IN THE MORNING HE CoffbW7RoFA-00121-00009229-00009235 EITHER. EARLIER IN THE MORNING HE CoffbW7RoFA-00122-00009235-00009396 EITHER. EARLIER IN THE MORNING HE STOPPED BY THE LEECH LAKE TRIBAL CoffbW7RoFA-00123-00009396-00009402 EARLIER IN THE MORNING HE STOPPED BY THE LEECH LAKE TRIBAL CoffbW7RoFA-00124-00009402-00009552 EARLIER IN THE MORNING HE STOPPED BY THE LEECH LAKE TRIBAL OFFICE AND PAID A VISIT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00125-00009552-00009559 STOPPED BY THE LEECH LAKE TRIBAL OFFICE AND PAID A VISIT TO CoffbW7RoFA-00126-00009559-00009612 STOPPED BY THE LEECH LAKE TRIBAL OFFICE AND PAID A VISIT TO DETROIT LAKES AND THE LEAGUE OF C5rchBFnFdg-00000-00000037-00000737 Hello, thanks for coming. I don't think there will be any translations, C5rchBFnFdg-00001-00000778-00001200 but if there's any wording I use in English that is harder to understand, then just raise C5rchBFnFdg-00002-00001200-00001588 your hand and ask me. I don't mind stopping and trying to explain C5rchBFnFdg-00003-00001588-00001859 it in a simpler way. Also, my mother's here. C5rchBFnFdg-00004-00001859-00002394 She speaks pretty good Spanish, so maybe you can ask her to translate any terms that I C5rchBFnFdg-00005-00002394-00002879 don't get across very well. Anyway, my name is Lewis Nyman. C5rchBFnFdg-00006-00002879-00003504 I'm a front-end developer and I'm a designer. I live in Switzerland, but I work for a company C5rchBFnFdg-00007-00003504-00003994 in the UK, the UK office of Wunderkraut. I'm very happy to be here. C5rchBFnFdg-00008-00003994-00004492 I'm very happy to support the local community. I'm really glad that Wunderkraut were happy C5rchBFnFdg-00009-00004492-00004782 to support me and pay for my flights to come here. C5rchBFnFdg-00010-00004782-00005482 Thanks a lot to them. I'm the maintainer of the Seven theme in Drupal, C5rchBFnFdg-00011-00005617-00005915 the admin theme that ships when you install Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00012-00005915-00006615 Last week, I became the maintainer for all the CSS in Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00013-00006744-00007443 When I agreed and accepted the maintainer position and the commit was made, after that C5rchBFnFdg-00014-00007443-00007850 I thought, "Maybe I should check and see what I'm getting myself into." C5rchBFnFdg-00015-00007850-00008842 I had a look, and there are actually 145 CSS files in Drupal 8, and there are about 13,836 lines, C5rchBFnFdg-00016-00008868-00009281 so quite a lot. Then I thought, "Maybe this wasn't such a C5rchBFnFdg-00017-00009281-00009853 good idea to accept this maintainership role, I guess." C5rchBFnFdg-00018-00009853-00010703 Then I ran all of Drupal 8 CSS through a code quality linting tool, and it has about 846 C5rchBFnFdg-00019-00010722-00011126 errors in it. Then I knew that it was a bad idea to accept this. C5rchBFnFdg-00020-00011126-00011519 I'm not going to talk about CSS really today. C5rchBFnFdg-00021-00011519-00012317 I'm talking about the way we design the experience of using Drupal and how we design that user experience. C5rchBFnFdg-00022-00012332-00012724 Drupal is a very flexible and a very powerful tool, C5rchBFnFdg-00023-00012724-00013266 but with that you have so much flexibility that you don't really have any expectations C5rchBFnFdg-00024-00013266-00013568 about how someone will use it. You don't really have a lot of control over C5rchBFnFdg-00025-00013568-00014235 how the end user will use Drupal. It becomes very difficult to design for it C5rchBFnFdg-00026-00014235-00014540 because there are some problems that you wouldn't get when you're designing a normal product C5rchBFnFdg-00027-00014540-00014968 where it kind of stays the same and you kind of have the expectations of how people will use it. C5rchBFnFdg-00028-00014968-00015412 When I'm talking about experience design, C5rchBFnFdg-00029-00015412-00016010 I mean in particular the way people experience using the software. C5rchBFnFdg-00030-00016010-00016496 It's a very difficult thing to manage because it's not something that you can test. C5rchBFnFdg-00031-00016496-00016806 There's no graph that shows how good an experience is. C5rchBFnFdg-00032-00016806-00017410 It's kind of built up of feelings, and you can't really measure feelings in that way, C5rchBFnFdg-00033-00017410-00017776 but you know when they're good and you know when they're bad. C5rchBFnFdg-00034-00017776-00018182 Like when you taste something, you know if it's good or bad, but you can't measure it really on a scale. C5rchBFnFdg-00035-00018182-00018865 It's not just enough to make Drupal possible C5rchBFnFdg-00036-00018865-00019267 and understandable and usable. It has to be better than that because everything C5rchBFnFdg-00037-00019267-00019765 that you do in your life, everything that you've done has been possible and understandable and usable. C5rchBFnFdg-00038-00019765-00020006 For example, if you took a taxi through Bogota C5rchBFnFdg-00039-00020006-00020426 this morning to get here, you know it was possible, you knew how to do it, but that C5rchBFnFdg-00040-00020426-00020916 doesn't mean that you had a good experience or that you enjoyed doing it. C5rchBFnFdg-00041-00020916-00021563 At Wunderkraut we had these principles of how we design. C5rchBFnFdg-00042-00021563-00022098 The first thing you do is you make it usable. The second thing you do is you make it useful. C5rchBFnFdg-00043-00022098-00022631 After that, you make it desirable, and if you can, you make it delightful. C5rchBFnFdg-00044-00022631-00023029 These are the kind of things that we struggle with doing in Drupal when we're designing it. C5rchBFnFdg-00045-00023029-00023641 I'm going to talk about that a bit more. C5rchBFnFdg-00046-00023641-00024093 When you have a bad user experience, it's very easy for a user to feel overwhelmed, C5rchBFnFdg-00047-00024093-00024457 like they're very frustrated. They feel very helpless. C5rchBFnFdg-00048-00024457-00025088 They feel very unsure of their own abilities to use the tool they're trying to use. C5rchBFnFdg-00049-00025088-00025648 It's very easy to feel intimidated by software. It's very easy to feel like you're not good C5rchBFnFdg-00050-00025648-00026269 enough to use it or you don't have the right skills to use it. C5rchBFnFdg-00051-00026269-00026680 Inconsistency is also a big problem because if you expect something to happen, but then C5rchBFnFdg-00052-00026680-00026984 something completely different happens, you just lose confidence in yourself and you lose C5rchBFnFdg-00053-00026984-00027683 confidence in the tool you're using, and you become very unsure about how to use it. C5rchBFnFdg-00054-00027683-00028372 The problem is that every feature that we add to our products, we increase the complexity C5rchBFnFdg-00055-00028372-00029072 and we increase the potential for inconsistency, which is a big problem with Drupal, C5rchBFnFdg-00056-00029156-00029695 which I'll come to. Why is Drupal's user experience important? C5rchBFnFdg-00057-00029695-00030037 It's important for two reasons. The first one is about the clients, because C5rchBFnFdg-00058-00030037-00030486 they are the ones who pay us money to work with Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00059-00030486-00031186 It means we're able to be here, and it means we get to work with Drupal every day. C5rchBFnFdg-00060-00031236-00031645 In the long run, if a client has a negative experience using Drupal, they build up a lot C5rchBFnFdg-00061-00031645-00032252 of negative emotions, and they start feeling very bad about the tool they're using, and C5rchBFnFdg-00062-00032252-00032572 they feel quite bad about Drupal. They feel quite bad about the people who C5rchBFnFdg-00063-00032572-00033209 put them in the situation where they don't feel great about using the product that they use. C5rchBFnFdg-00064-00033209-00033450 The thing is that people talk. C5rchBFnFdg-00065-00033450-00033859 They talk to each other a lot. Clients talk to each other all the time, C5rchBFnFdg-00066-00033859-00034362 and we know this because we know that Drupal has a reputation for being difficult to use or C5rchBFnFdg-00067-00034362-00035049 not very usable. The other reason is site builders. C5rchBFnFdg-00068-00035049-00035749 At one point, we're all just site builders if we're developers and we're clicking around C5rchBFnFdg-00069-00035815-00036253 using Drupal to build the sites we want to build before people learn to code. C5rchBFnFdg-00070-00036253-00036672 Everyone starts out being a site builder at some point, so it's really important to build C5rchBFnFdg-00071-00036672-00037281 a good experience for them as well. Sometimes you just want to be able to use C5rchBFnFdg-00072-00037281-00037593 the tool and get it working and do what you want it to do. C5rchBFnFdg-00073-00037593-00038102 You don't want to have to learn every part of the system, how everything works. C5rchBFnFdg-00074-00038102-00038553 You just want to know enough to do what you want to do. C5rchBFnFdg-00075-00038553-00039108 One of the problems that we have with Drupal is the amount that you need to know to know C5rchBFnFdg-00076-00039108-00039808 enough kind of feels a bit like this. This is really tough for Drupal because there C5rchBFnFdg-00077-00040605-00041077 are so many new alternatives nowadays. There are loads of projects out there that C5rchBFnFdg-00078-00041077-00041366 are really good. Their experience is really good to use, C5rchBFnFdg-00079-00041366-00041611 and that's all the user sees. They only see the stuff that's in front of C5rchBFnFdg-00080-00041611-00042068 them and how they use it. They can't compare the code quality of Drupal or C5rchBFnFdg-00081-00042068-00042759 how flexible it is. They just know how easy it is to use. C5rchBFnFdg-00082-00042759-00043421 These bad experiences of people using Drupal, they kind of reflect back on us as a community. C5rchBFnFdg-00083-00043421-00043616 Drupal has a reputation of requiring special knowledge C5rchBFnFdg-00084-00043616-00044040 or you have to know the right things in order to use it, which is a shame because, C5rchBFnFdg-00085-00044040-00044503 instead of being exclusive, the Drupal community is very inclusive, very welcoming, very friendly, C5rchBFnFdg-00086-00044503-00045203 and the software doesn't always reflect that at all. C5rchBFnFdg-00087-00045218-00045591 I think it's kind of obvious, or at least I've convinced you that the UX of Drupal is C5rchBFnFdg-00088-00045591-00045925 really important. If we improve the user experience of using C5rchBFnFdg-00089-00045925-00046625 Drupal, it's going to make a big difference in the future for how Drupal is used. C5rchBFnFdg-00090-00046765-00047186 Who is responsible for Drupal's user experience? Does anyone know? C5rchBFnFdg-00091-00047186-00047886 Does anyone have any ideas? Is it designers, core developers, module developers, C5rchBFnFdg-00092-00048224-00048715 or site builders? Does anyone know? C5rchBFnFdg-00093-00048715-00049047 Yeah. It's all of us. C5rchBFnFdg-00094-00049047-00049540 It's a trick question, but not a very clever one. C5rchBFnFdg-00095-00049540-00050190 The designers have a really important responsibility because they research and they find problems C5rchBFnFdg-00096-00050190-00050753 with Drupal, and they can solve those problems, and they can define new conventions. C5rchBFnFdg-00097-00050753-00051313 The core developers who work on Drupal core, they can implement this framework that's usable C5rchBFnFdg-00098-00051313-00051999 and is extendable by other people. The module developers, they have to use and C5rchBFnFdg-00099-00051999-00052591 extend their framework, and how they use and extend Drupal is really important because C5rchBFnFdg-00100-00052591-00053107 there isn't a Drupal installation out there that doesn't have some extra modules installed. C5rchBFnFdg-00101-00053107-00053544 They are part of the experience of using Drupal. They're not separate. C5rchBFnFdg-00102-00053544-00053841 Once they're installed, they're part of the same experience. C5rchBFnFdg-00103-00053841-00054301 Keeping them consistent and keeping them together is really important. C5rchBFnFdg-00104-00054301-00054979 The site builders, they have the biggest responsibility because their job is to take all the different C5rchBFnFdg-00105-00054979-00055554 Lego blocks and plug them together to make an experience that's usable by the client. C5rchBFnFdg-00106-00055554-00056011 They have the final responsibility over everyone else. C5rchBFnFdg-00107-00056034-00056722 On top of that, the client also has the ability to feed back and to give their perspective C5rchBFnFdg-00108-00056742-00057237 and to give their insights, so they can help improve Drupal as well. C5rchBFnFdg-00109-00057237-00057676 There's good news. I'm not just trying to be really negative C5rchBFnFdg-00110-00057676-00058120 about Drupal's user experience. It's making progress, and it's getting better. C5rchBFnFdg-00111-00058120-00058697 One of the problems is that the expectations of what are good experiences are also improving as well. C5rchBFnFdg-00112-00058697-00058991 As we're trying to fix our own problems, C5rchBFnFdg-00113-00058991-00059489 we have to keep moving forward to keep up with the expectations of new users. C5rchBFnFdg-00114-00059489-00060137 I wanted to go over just a quick, short history of the past few years and how Drupal's core C5rchBFnFdg-00115-00060137-00060688 experience has improved. This is Drupal 6, I don't know, a long time C5rchBFnFdg-00116-00060688-00060950 ago. I think I first started using Drupal in Drupal 6. C5rchBFnFdg-00117-00060950-00061351 It didn't have a custom design for the admin interface. C5rchBFnFdg-00118-00061351-00061697 It used the same theme that you'd have on C5rchBFnFdg-00119-00061697-00062397 the front of the site, which wasn't geared towards configuring and creating content, C5rchBFnFdg-00120-00062516-00062755 and it didn't have really any usability to it. C5rchBFnFdg-00121-00062755-00063104 You had to go and install these modules, and you had to know the right modules that you C5rchBFnFdg-00122-00063104-00063404 had to install in order to make it easy to use. C5rchBFnFdg-00123-00063404-00063904 If you start using Drupal from the beginning, you don't even know what a module is. C5rchBFnFdg-00124-00063904-00064126 You don't even know where to go to find one to install. C5rchBFnFdg-00125-00064126-00064826 There were loads of problems with Drupal 6. I think originally we did some usability testing, C5rchBFnFdg-00126-00064985-00065592 and the results were terrible. Drupal was meant to be a CMS, but not one C5rchBFnFdg-00127-00065592-00065973 user could find their content once they made it. C5rchBFnFdg-00128-00065973-00066313 It became really obvious to the whole community that there were big problems with Drupal's C5rchBFnFdg-00129-00066313-00067013 user experience in Drupal 6. In Drupal 7, it improved a lot. C5rchBFnFdg-00130-00067147-00067407 We designed a custom admin theme. I say we. C5rchBFnFdg-00131-00067407-00067880 I wasn't involved then. I only became involved during Drupal 8. C5rchBFnFdg-00132-00067880-00068419 We designed a custom admin theme that was built for managing content and configuring C5rchBFnFdg-00133-00068419-00069094 the site, so this was a big improvement by itself. C5rchBFnFdg-00134-00069094-00069358 In Drupal 8, we've taken that and we've expanded on it. C5rchBFnFdg-00135-00069358-00069752 We've evolved it even further. I want to come back to these improvements C5rchBFnFdg-00136-00069752-00070308 in a little bit because I want to talk about Drupal's contrib experience as well. C5rchBFnFdg-00137-00070308-00070791 That's an important part of the entire experience of using Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00138-00070791-00071439 This is a screenshot of the module called Panels. C5rchBFnFdg-00139-00071439-00071947 One of the things that we tend to do in Drupal is we display information in tables. C5rchBFnFdg-00140-00071947-00072349 If there's any information at all, it gets displayed in a table up here like this. C5rchBFnFdg-00141-00072349-00072837 You have lists of contexts, and even if they have just a label and some buttons, put it C5rchBFnFdg-00142-00072837-00073097 in a table. That's pretty much what we do all over the C5rchBFnFdg-00143-00073097-00073481 place in Drupal. All information is listed in a table even C5rchBFnFdg-00144-00073481-00074104 if it's not the most appropriate way to display the information. C5rchBFnFdg-00145-00074104-00074626 Something else we added in Drupal 7 is this component called vertical tabs where you can C5rchBFnFdg-00146-00074626-00075094 split up information based on these tabs on the left-hand side, and everyone was really C5rchBFnFdg-00147-00075094-00075318 excited about this idea. You know, we've got this new component. C5rchBFnFdg-00148-00075318-00075655 We can use it to show the right information. We can make it easy to find. C5rchBFnFdg-00149-00075655-00076105 But what Panels does is it kind of takes a vertical tab and then inside of it, it puts C5rchBFnFdg-00150-00076105-00076669 more vertical tabs, and inside of that, it puts even more vertical tabs. C5rchBFnFdg-00151-00076669-00077269 Then along the right-hand side over here, they have also horizontal tabs. C5rchBFnFdg-00152-00077269-00077587 It's really hard to tell if you click on these what changes over here. C5rchBFnFdg-00153-00077587-00077925 Is this relevant to that bit? You don't really know. C5rchBFnFdg-00154-00077925-00078485 My point is that it's really easy to take these UI conventions that we have, user interface conventions, C5rchBFnFdg-00155-00078485-00079025 and then just push them to the point where they don't work anymore. C5rchBFnFdg-00156-00079025-00079600 You kind of push them to the point where they break. C5rchBFnFdg-00157-00079600-00080138 This is another module called Contexts. In this one, the module developer decided C5rchBFnFdg-00158-00080138-00080692 that in order to do what they wanted to do with the module, they had to develop their C5rchBFnFdg-00159-00080692-00081213 own custom UI, so they built this user interface from scratch. C5rchBFnFdg-00160-00081213-00081675 You can see it has vertical tabs a little bit, and then it has these buttons on the side, C5rchBFnFdg-00161-00081675-00082291 and it doesn't really work that well. It's very difficult if you need to have a C5rchBFnFdg-00162-00082291-00082845 custom interface because the stuff that Drupal gives you isn't enough. C5rchBFnFdg-00163-00082845-00083118 Then there's a lot of work to do, and there aren't that many designers in the community C5rchBFnFdg-00164-00083118-00083774 to help you, so you kind of have to figure it out by yourself. C5rchBFnFdg-00165-00083774-00084238 This is a module called Rules. Rules is a very complicated and it's a very C5rchBFnFdg-00166-00084238-00084523 powerful module. You can do a lot with it. C5rchBFnFdg-00167-00084523-00084944 There is really no design to it. It's just a big, long form, everything. C5rchBFnFdg-00168-00084944-00085404 There isn't really any design done at all on it. C5rchBFnFdg-00169-00085404-00085767 This is because the module developers don't have a lot of support from designers in the C5rchBFnFdg-00170-00085767-00086125 community, so they kind of have to just leave it as it is. C5rchBFnFdg-00171-00086125-00086581 They can't really do a lot of work to improve the design and make it easier to understand C5rchBFnFdg-00172-00086581-00087343 or make it easier to use. Views is another really good example because C5rchBFnFdg-00173-00087377-00087858 it's part of Drupal 8 now. It's part of Drupal core, but it still feels C5rchBFnFdg-00174-00087858-00088331 completely different to the rest of Drupal because it has all of its own conventions C5rchBFnFdg-00175-00088331-00088706 and it has its own ways of using it, which you have to learn to use Views. C5rchBFnFdg-00176-00088706-00089261 Then you never use those lessons that you've learned ever again in the rest of Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00177-00089261-00089788 These are the kind of inconsistency problems that we have. C5rchBFnFdg-00178-00089788-00090356 We have all these modules that have different designs, but we need to make the modules feel C5rchBFnFdg-00179-00090356-00090656 like they're all Drupal. They need to feel like they're part of the C5rchBFnFdg-00180-00090656-00091150 same experience. The biggest problem is that we have very few C5rchBFnFdg-00181-00091150-00091829 designers contributing to Drupal. Only a handful, probably under 10, so we can't C5rchBFnFdg-00182-00091829-00092252 get all these designers to go and sit with all the module developers and help them ensure C5rchBFnFdg-00183-00092252-00092594 that the interface is well-designed and it's consistent. C5rchBFnFdg-00184-00092594-00093273 We just don't have those numbers. I'm just going to go over some of the improvements C5rchBFnFdg-00185-00093273-00093967 that we've made to the user experience in Drupal 8, which was in the past three years. C5rchBFnFdg-00186-00093967-00094308 We completely redesigned the installation screen. C5rchBFnFdg-00187-00094308-00094902 This is probably the first really big issue that I worked on in Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00188-00094902-00095200 It's not something that you see very often. It's not something that you'd use every day, C5rchBFnFdg-00189-00095200-00095600 but it is the first thing that people see, so it's really important that we show them C5rchBFnFdg-00190-00095600-00096093 a good first impression, and it looks friendly and easy to use. C5rchBFnFdg-00191-00096093-00096764 Because once they have that first expectation set, it kind of changes how they use Drupal C5rchBFnFdg-00192-00096764-00097445 and what they expect from it. We also redesigned the toolbar in Drupal 8, C5rchBFnFdg-00193-00097445-00097782 so it's completely rewritten from the one in Drupal 7. C5rchBFnFdg-00194-00097782-00098482 You can get around a lot easier by collapsing the menu items. C5rchBFnFdg-00195-00098567-00099020 It's also completely mobile-friendly, so it works just as well on tablet and mobile devices C5rchBFnFdg-00196-00099020-00099631 as it does on desktop. It's really designed to work on everything. C5rchBFnFdg-00197-00099631-00100026 We also redesigned the module page. If you want to find a module now, you can C5rchBFnFdg-00198-00100026-00100569 just type it in and it will show up and filter the rest of the modules. C5rchBFnFdg-00199-00100569-00101031 In previous versions, you just had to scroll up and down and look for it unless you knew C5rchBFnFdg-00200-00101031-00101636 the right modules to install to make it easier. I think overall in terms of man hours of developers, C5rchBFnFdg-00201-00101636-00102001 the number of times that they have to do this, we're probably saving days and days of time C5rchBFnFdg-00202-00102001-00102366 of people scrolling up and down. That was a really good improvement to put C5rchBFnFdg-00203-00102366-00102859 into Drupal 8. We also completely redesigned the content C5rchBFnFdg-00204-00102859-00103306 creation page, so you can see a lot of the secondary information is moved over to the C5rchBFnFdg-00205-00103306-00103705 right-hand side. This is information that isn't as important C5rchBFnFdg-00206-00103705-00104198 as your content, so you have a straight line here of all the content that you need to place C5rchBFnFdg-00207-00104198-00104568 in and the secondary information on the right-hand side. C5rchBFnFdg-00208-00104568-00104946 You can kind of ignore it if you want to. It's not required. C5rchBFnFdg-00209-00104946-00105553 This was a really good improvement because we found that if we had a long list of all C5rchBFnFdg-00210-00105553-00105982 the content, then every user thought they had to fill it out, that it was important. C5rchBFnFdg-00211-00105982-00106282 That is why we made the change to move it to the right-hand side. C5rchBFnFdg-00212-00106282-00106785 We also have a WYSIWYG editor in core now, which is amazing. C5rchBFnFdg-00213-00106785-00107308 It only took 10 years to put a WYSIWYG editor into Drupal, but look, you can make things C5rchBFnFdg-00214-00107308-00107575 bold and italic now. It's amazing. C5rchBFnFdg-00215-00107575-00108275 We also implemented some basic widgets to add links and another widget to add an image. C5rchBFnFdg-00216-00108350-00108876 The basic configuration of the WYSIWYG out of the box when you install it is actually C5rchBFnFdg-00217-00108876-00109322 pretty good. That's really good to have out of the box C5rchBFnFdg-00218-00109322-00109738 because every client asks for these kind of things in every project, so it's great to C5rchBFnFdg-00219-00109738-00110438 have this baseline of settings so you can just use it straight away out of the box. C5rchBFnFdg-00220-00110784-00111117 We also added this new module called the quick edit module. C5rchBFnFdg-00221-00111117-00111557 What it lets you do is it lets you modify your content in the page when you're looking C5rchBFnFdg-00222-00111557-00111911 at it. You can change any of the text on this page C5rchBFnFdg-00223-00111911-00112246 and you hit "save." It saved it already, so you don't have to C5rchBFnFdg-00224-00112246-00112684 go to the back of the site to change your content, and you can see exactly how it's C5rchBFnFdg-00225-00112684-00113123 going to look before you hit "save." This is obviously a really good improvement. C5rchBFnFdg-00226-00113123-00113611 It's like magic. It's something that's tested really well, C5rchBFnFdg-00227-00113611-00114311 and it's a really important feature to have. Something else that we've done is we've redesigned C5rchBFnFdg-00228-00114395-00114861 the block placement page, so now you can add as many blocks of as many types as you want C5rchBFnFdg-00229-00114861-00115211 to Drupal. We kind of had to rebuild the design of the C5rchBFnFdg-00230-00115211-00115553 page so it supported adding as many as you want. C5rchBFnFdg-00231-00115553-00116102 You don't just drag them around anymore. If you want to add more than one breadcrumb C5rchBFnFdg-00232-00116102-00116540 block to a page, you can. That's a big functional improvement, but we C5rchBFnFdg-00233-00116540-00117240 had to improve the design and change the design so it supported this new functionality. C5rchBFnFdg-00234-00117524-00118224 Kind of like the way that we design the modules, we also have the same problem inside Drupal C5rchBFnFdg-00235-00118303-00118644 core because all the improvements that we make are separate. C5rchBFnFdg-00236-00118644-00119169 They're made in completely separate issues, and they're made in separate modules as well. C5rchBFnFdg-00237-00119169-00119613 It's all modular. What we don't have is this overview of how C5rchBFnFdg-00238-00119613-00120077 these changes and these improvements actually affect the entire experience and how they C5rchBFnFdg-00239-00120077-00120398 affect each other. This is maybe the biggest problem. C5rchBFnFdg-00240-00120398-00121097 We're very good at making changes, but we're not too good at the overview. C5rchBFnFdg-00241-00121097-00121628 After maybe three or four years of Drupal 8 development, this is a screenshot of the C5rchBFnFdg-00242-00121628-00122108 buttons we had in the Seven theme, and you can see that we have five different styles of C5rchBFnFdg-00243-00122108-00122692 buttons, and none of them look any good. The problem was that all these buttons are C5rchBFnFdg-00244-00122692-00123034 being added in separate issues, and no one was looking at them together and saying, you C5rchBFnFdg-00245-00123034-00123350 know, these don't look right together. They don't match up. C5rchBFnFdg-00246-00123350-00124050 It was even really basic stuff like this that we were struggling to get right. C5rchBFnFdg-00247-00124091-00124773 This designer called Frank Chimero, he wrote this amazing book about design and what he C5rchBFnFdg-00248-00124773-00125277 thinks design is, how he thinks it works, called "The Shape of Design." C5rchBFnFdg-00249-00125277-00125977 He had this metaphor for how he used design, kind of like a painter. C5rchBFnFdg-00250-00125992-00126507 When you're painting and you're making brushstrokes, you get very close to the canvas. C5rchBFnFdg-00251-00126507-00127002 You know you're making the detailed brushstrokes, and you're making the right colors, and you're C5rchBFnFdg-00252-00127002-00127483 making the right choices. After you make those changes and you change C5rchBFnFdg-00253-00127483-00128039 the canvas, you want to have a step back, and you want to see about how those brushstrokes C5rchBFnFdg-00254-00128039-00128489 have affected the entire canvas, not just the small part you're looking at. C5rchBFnFdg-00255-00128489-00128942 We're quite good at doing the tiny brushstrokes in Drupal, making those changes, but from C5rchBFnFdg-00256-00128942-00129465 a design point of view, we're not too good at the stepping back and looking at the entire canvas. C5rchBFnFdg-00257-00129465-00129779 This is one of the big problems that we had C5rchBFnFdg-00258-00129779-00130351 to solve during Drupal 8. This isn't something that you can fix with C5rchBFnFdg-00259-00130351-00130707 issues or patches. You have to change how the community works C5rchBFnFdg-00260-00130707-00131407 together and how they work. About two years ago, we started work on a C5rchBFnFdg-00261-00131641-00132341 style guide for the Seven theme, which is the admin theme. C5rchBFnFdg-00262-00132362-00132974 There were a few objectives behind the style guide. C5rchBFnFdg-00263-00132974-00133321 One was to add consistency to core and contrib modules. C5rchBFnFdg-00264-00133321-00133777 Like I said, it is really important that they're part of the same experience. C5rchBFnFdg-00265-00133777-00134442 Another two for it to be accessible, because Drupal has a very high standard for accessibility, C5rchBFnFdg-00266-00134442-00134972 and it had to be mobile-friendly, which was a big thing because Drupal had no concept C5rchBFnFdg-00267-00134972-00135521 of working on mobile devices or any other devices apart from a desktop computer. C5rchBFnFdg-00268-00135521-00135997 That was a big change. We also kind of wanted to update the visuals C5rchBFnFdg-00269-00135997-00136590 of Drupal because in the past few years, the mobile operating systems have kind of pushed C5rchBFnFdg-00270-00136590-00137061 forward expectations for how things look and how things work. C5rchBFnFdg-00271-00137061-00137761 The expectations were much higher, so we wanted to update Drupal so it felt more modern. C5rchBFnFdg-00272-00137859-00138374 Drupal already has some brand principles about how it should feel and how it should be, C5rchBFnFdg-00273-00138374-00138940 which we developed during the Drupal 7 cycle when we first designed the admin theme. C5rchBFnFdg-00274-00138940-00139509 What we did when we designed the style guide is we took those principles and we reinterpreted C5rchBFnFdg-00275-00139509-00140209 them so we could base the visuals of the style guide on these principles. C5rchBFnFdg-00276-00140394-00140930 The first one is that Drupal must be clear and direct and concise. C5rchBFnFdg-00277-00140930-00141573 Some of the way we display information now is we have strong colors and very crisp lines C5rchBFnFdg-00278-00141573-00142273 in certain places to emphasize the right information. We also use just the right amount of spacing C5rchBFnFdg-00279-00142288-00142988 between everything, so it's really clear the separation between different information. C5rchBFnFdg-00280-00143084-00143452 The other principle is that Drupal must be calming. C5rchBFnFdg-00281-00143452-00143872 It's not always calming, but it should try and be calming. C5rchBFnFdg-00282-00143872-00144411 What we have is a lot of rounded corners. You see in the buttons here and on the edges C5rchBFnFdg-00283-00144411-00145111 of the modal windows, everything is kind of rounded to make it feel less sharp and less dangerous. C5rchBFnFdg-00284-00145141-00145346 Another principle is that Drupal should feel C5rchBFnFdg-00285-00145346-00145582 kind of natural. It should kind of feel like it's built by C5rchBFnFdg-00286-00145582-00146007 people, not built by machines. You can see in the choices that we've made C5rchBFnFdg-00287-00146007-00146571 for the type faces, they all have quite soft and rounded corners, and they're not very C5rchBFnFdg-00288-00146571-00147077 straight and exact. Also in the icon set that we designed to use C5rchBFnFdg-00289-00147077-00147564 for Drupal 8, there are no sharp edges. They're all rounded corners. C5rchBFnFdg-00290-00147564-00148070 It doesn't look like it's been cut by a machine. It looks like it's been made more by a person. C5rchBFnFdg-00291-00148070-00148727 It feels more natural. Another thing is that Drupal should try and C5rchBFnFdg-00292-00148727-00149223 feel friendly, so we found different points where we could add bits of bright color just C5rchBFnFdg-00293-00149223-00149597 here and there, just a little bit. It's not too overwhelming, but it just gives C5rchBFnFdg-00294-00149597-00150297 it a little bit more... It kind of feels a little bit more happy. C5rchBFnFdg-00295-00150369-00150878 When you put it all together, you can kind of see that it looks slightly different to C5rchBFnFdg-00296-00150878-00151191 how it did before, but it's not completely different. C5rchBFnFdg-00297-00151191-00151652 It's not a brand new theme. It's just kind of an evolution, so it's a C5rchBFnFdg-00298-00151652-00152352 slightly evolved design, but not a completely new design. C5rchBFnFdg-00299-00152472-00152966 That's kind of where we're at. We redesigned the Seven theme, and we produced C5rchBFnFdg-00300-00152966-00153434 the style guide, and then we implemented these new designs and visuals in Drupal, but that C5rchBFnFdg-00301-00153434-00153823 doesn't solve every problem. Moving forward beyond that, we had to think C5rchBFnFdg-00302-00153823-00154235 about ways that we could use the style guide to solve these problems and to improve the overall C5rchBFnFdg-00303-00154235-00154725 experience and not just make it look a bit nicer. C5rchBFnFdg-00304-00154725-00155167 The next thing we tried to do is go out and try and standardize the contributed modules, C5rchBFnFdg-00305-00155167-00155714 the way people are doing things differently in all the different modules that you can install. C5rchBFnFdg-00306-00155714-00156229 We went out and we talked to maintainers of modules, C5rchBFnFdg-00307-00156229-00156738 and we tried to find the UI components that they've made themselves because they need it. C5rchBFnFdg-00308-00156738-00157057 We're trying to bring those things into the C5rchBFnFdg-00309-00157057-00157465 Seven theme, so then everyone can use the same components together, and they don't have to C5rchBFnFdg-00310-00157465-00157932 write them themselves. One example is this. C5rchBFnFdg-00311-00157932-00158476 We have this tool tip that appears when you hover over the "favorite" button in Drupal, C5rchBFnFdg-00312-00158476-00159102 and what we're doing is we're making this reusable, so anyone can use this tool tip C5rchBFnFdg-00313-00159102-00159802 anywhere, in any element they want, not just have it in this situation. C5rchBFnFdg-00314-00159979-00160670 Another example is this spinner that appears in the middle of Views pages, which doesn't C5rchBFnFdg-00315-00160670-00160992 appear anywhere else in Drupal. It's just a Views thing. C5rchBFnFdg-00316-00160992-00161692 It's the only one that does it, and it just overrides the normal spinner, just in this C5rchBFnFdg-00317-00161708-00162202 situation, which is weird. Views needed it that way, so what we did is C5rchBFnFdg-00318-00162202-00162766 we created an issue, so now when you have a spinner, you can choose that you want a C5rchBFnFdg-00319-00162766-00163182 full screen option. It means that any module or any page can use C5rchBFnFdg-00320-00163182-00163588 this if they need to, and it's not just a Views thing that Views does on its own. C5rchBFnFdg-00321-00163588-00164163 It becomes part of the tool set that module developers can use to make their pages easier to use. C5rchBFnFdg-00322-00164163-00164789 Another example that we added to the Seven theme C5rchBFnFdg-00323-00164789-00165274 is these layout classes. What you can do if you're a developer is you C5rchBFnFdg-00324-00165274-00165901 can add these classes to the output of your module. C5rchBFnFdg-00325-00165901-00166323 If you want to be able to lay things out on the page, if you want to have half a column here, C5rchBFnFdg-00326-00166323-00166910 a column there, or a third and two-thirds, you can do that without having to write any C5rchBFnFdg-00327-00166910-00167236 of your own CSS. You can just add these classes, and then we C5rchBFnFdg-00328-00167236-00167721 take care of the rest in the theme. It keeps it more consistent, and it makes C5rchBFnFdg-00329-00167721-00168059 it easier for module developers. They don't have to figure out these problems C5rchBFnFdg-00330-00168059-00168759 for themselves. Another example: We added helper classes and C5rchBFnFdg-00331-00168811-00169451 styles to make it easier to emphasize information on the pages. C5rchBFnFdg-00332-00169451-00170151 If you want to make some text on your module page bigger, like a heading, you can use these C5rchBFnFdg-00333-00170225-00170913 heading-b classes, heading-c, heading-d to make it look like a header without actually C5rchBFnFdg-00334-00170913-00171528 using the header tags because you should only use them in the right places for accessibility, C5rchBFnFdg-00335-00171528-00172047 or you just write your own CSS to make it bigger, which makes it inconsistent with all C5rchBFnFdg-00336-00172047-00172426 the other modules. This is a really useful tool set for being C5rchBFnFdg-00337-00172426-00173065 able to make important information bigger without having to do the work yourself. C5rchBFnFdg-00338-00173065-00173673 Another quick example is these color classes. You can now add these classes in your mockup C5rchBFnFdg-00339-00173673-00174076 if you want to show that something good has happened or something bad has happened, C5rchBFnFdg-00340-00174076-00174322 You don't have to go and add those colors yourself. C5rchBFnFdg-00341-00174322-00174686 You can just use them straight from the Seven theme, and then you know the colors are the C5rchBFnFdg-00342-00174686-00175162 same across the whole of Drupal because you're just using these classes again. C5rchBFnFdg-00343-00175162-00175844 Beyond that, we want to develop guidelines for how to use the style guide. C5rchBFnFdg-00344-00175844-00176205 This is probably the most important part that we're working on because this is what we use C5rchBFnFdg-00345-00176205-00176900 to tell developers how to use the different parts of the style guide or when to use them, C5rchBFnFdg-00346-00176900-00177549 when to use the right components in this situation or when to use them in this situation. C5rchBFnFdg-00347-00177549-00177886 Some examples of some interface guidelines that exist already. C5rchBFnFdg-00348-00177886-00178403 The one that was released for iOS 7 by Apple was really good. C5rchBFnFdg-00349-00178403-00178922 It has a lot of emphasis on transitions and animations because that's important in iOS 7, C5rchBFnFdg-00350-00178922-00179340 but it also has the guidelines about how to use them and when to use them. C5rchBFnFdg-00351-00179340-00179842 It also has a catalog of all the different components that you can use. C5rchBFnFdg-00352-00179842-00180437 In this example here, it tells you what it is, and it shows you what it looks like, and then C5rchBFnFdg-00353-00180437-00181137 it tells you when you should use it. Then it has a link directly to the documentation C5rchBFnFdg-00354-00181194-00181639 of how you would implement it in code. It makes it really easy for developers to C5rchBFnFdg-00355-00181639-00181866 find out what they should use and when they should use it. C5rchBFnFdg-00356-00181866-00182359 Then they can just click on the link to find out how to use it. C5rchBFnFdg-00357-00182359-00182798 This is the branding guidelines for Ubuntu, and these ones are really good because they C5rchBFnFdg-00358-00182798-00183348 have a listing of all the different components and the patterns that you can use. C5rchBFnFdg-00359-00183348-00183817 What they also do is they give you special advice if you're aiming at a commercial customer C5rchBFnFdg-00360-00183817-00184383 of if you're aiming at a member of the community or if you're aiming at the designer/developer C5rchBFnFdg-00361-00184383-00185074 or if you're aiming it at someone who creates content. C5rchBFnFdg-00362-00185074-00185337 Drupal actually has its own user interface guidelines. C5rchBFnFdg-00363-00185337-00185698 Hands up if you've ever heard of it. No. C5rchBFnFdg-00364-00185698-00186252 No one's ever used it? Yeah, so this is usually a big problem. C5rchBFnFdg-00365-00186252-00186752 I think every time I've given this presentation, one person has put their hand up. C5rchBFnFdg-00366-00186752-00187257 I've given it quite a few times. There's clearly a problem here about how we C5rchBFnFdg-00367-00187257-00187676 write the standards and the guidelines or how we promote it, how we make it available C5rchBFnFdg-00368-00187676-00188300 to the developers. What I've done is I've taken some inspiration C5rchBFnFdg-00369-00188300-00189000 from Twitter Bootstrap, which is a user interface framework for developers. C5rchBFnFdg-00370-00189097-00189542 It makes it very easy for them to add their own or to create their own UI without writing C5rchBFnFdg-00371-00189542-00189832 any code. I'm not saying that you should use it or it's C5rchBFnFdg-00372-00189832-00190184 the best thing to use, but there are loads of things you can learn from it because it's C5rchBFnFdg-00373-00190184-00190491 really popular. The reason why it's so popular is because C5rchBFnFdg-00374-00190491-00190976 it makes it so easy to use. It becomes really easy to know how to use C5rchBFnFdg-00375-00190976-00191363 all the different components that are in the framework. C5rchBFnFdg-00376-00191363-00191951 We looked at this a lot for some inspiration. We came up with a plan for the Seven theme, C5rchBFnFdg-00377-00191951-00192492 which is basically to take all the styling and split them up into their separate components. C5rchBFnFdg-00378-00192492-00192930 We've done that now. Then the second step of the plan was to document C5rchBFnFdg-00379-00192930-00193630 all of these files and all these components using a tool or a language called C5rchBFnFdg-00380-00193710-00194076 KSS. That stands for Knyle Style Sheets. C5rchBFnFdg-00381-00194076-00194719 All you do is you put comments in the styling files, and you describe the different components C5rchBFnFdg-00382-00194719-00195307 that are contained within those files, and you give advice about how they should be used. C5rchBFnFdg-00383-00195307-00196007 This tool reads these comments, and it creates a style guide out of it. C5rchBFnFdg-00384-00196027-00196496 This is a basic example of how it can look. This is kind of a proof of concept for what C5rchBFnFdg-00385-00196496-00197196 we can do, but we still need to put all the comments into Drupal and into the style sheets. C5rchBFnFdg-00386-00197490-00197888 That's pretty much all the work that we've got up to so far in Drupal 8. C5rchBFnFdg-00387-00197888-00198588 At the beginning, I asked the question, "Who is responsible for the usability of Drupal?" C5rchBFnFdg-00388-00198795-00199379 I said that it's up to the designers who are involved in Drupal and the developers to build C5rchBFnFdg-00389-00199379-00199713 a framework that makes it easy to use and extend. C5rchBFnFdg-00390-00199713-00200338 I also said that it's up to the module developers, and it's up to the site builders to take those C5rchBFnFdg-00391-00200338-00200776 tools and to build the final projects around it, C5rchBFnFdg-00392-00200776-00201262 because they have those ones built at the end for the final product. C5rchBFnFdg-00393-00201262-00201787 In the end, it's up to everyone else. That's all the work we've done so far, but C5rchBFnFdg-00394-00201787-00202113 the rest of it is kind of up to everyone else. Thank you. C5rchBFnFdg-00395-00202460-00203858 I think we have about 15 minutes, so does anyone have any questions? C5rchBFnFdg-00396-00203858-00204558 Yes. -It may be premature, but the question was raised in the keynote. C5rchBFnFdg-00397-00204558-00205650 Someone said that they, in their shop in Drupal 7, they're using Bootstrap, and they're accustomed to using Bootstrap. C5rchBFnFdg-00398-00205650-00206986 In Drupal 8, would there be a way where you have to make your own theme or do you have to wait for Bootstrap to be updated? Or can you just use it directly? C5rchBFnFdg-00399-00206986-00207186 [inaudible] using a certain theme. C5rchBFnFdg-00400-00207190-00207730 -If you want to use Bootstrap in Drupal, do you mean like for the front or for the back? C5rchBFnFdg-00401-00207758-00207942 From the admin interface or for the front C5rchBFnFdg-00402-00207942-00208410 of the site? -Let's just take the regular site. C5rchBFnFdg-00403-00208410-00208883 -Sure, okay. There is a theme that implements Twitter Bootstrap C5rchBFnFdg-00404-00208883-00209391 for Drupal 7, and if you want to use that theme for Drupal 8 you have to wait for it C5rchBFnFdg-00405-00209391-00210317 to be upgraded, which will take a while because the theme system in Drupal 8 is still unstable. C5rchBFnFdg-00406-00210359-00210879 My recommendation would be to just use Bootstrap and make your own theme to implement the classes C5rchBFnFdg-00407-00210879-00211330 here and there, and don't rely on the base theme or don't rely on Drupal too much. C5rchBFnFdg-00408-00211330-00212160 -Make a theme from scratch and then just put it in Bootstrap. C5rchBFnFdg-00409-00212185-00212717 -Yeah, add the classes where you want to. If you want to that now, that's what I recommend. C5rchBFnFdg-00410-00212717-00213348 -Do you see any pitfalls or any difficulty in doing that, out of the ordinary? C5rchBFnFdg-00411-00213348-00213679 -At the moment, yes, loads. There are loads of pitfalls because there C5rchBFnFdg-00412-00213679-00214313 are still loads of changes to the mockup in Drupal and to the styling in Drupal, so my C5rchBFnFdg-00413-00214313-00214932 advice is to copy all the templates that create the mockup into your theme, and remove all C5rchBFnFdg-00414-00214932-00215423 the styling from Drupal 8 and just use Bootstrap when you use your own, because all that stuff C5rchBFnFdg-00415-00215423-00215815 will change. If you upgrade, you will break stuff because C5rchBFnFdg-00416-00215815-00216191 those files will change. If you don't rely on them at all, then you'll C5rchBFnFdg-00417-00216191-00216733 be safer. I forgot to repeat what the question was for C5rchBFnFdg-00418-00216733-00217102 the recording. It was, "Can I use Bootstrap now in Drupal C5rchBFnFdg-00419-00217102-00217750 -[inaudible] The question was really in Spanish. It was a translation. C5rchBFnFdg-00420-00217769-00219073 He was saying, "How can I integrate Bootstrap into Drupal 8?" C5rchBFnFdg-00421-00219073-00219452 -Right. -That was his question, because he didn't C5rchBFnFdg-00422-00219452-00219579 want to change his shop. -Oh, he didn't want to do extra work. C5rchBFnFdg-00423-00219579-00219957 -[inaudible] -Okay, I guess the guy who asked the question C5rchBFnFdg-00424-00219978-00220798 isn't here, is he? -The guy has a shop where they all use Bootstrap, C5rchBFnFdg-00425-00220826-00221546 so you're using Drupal 8, you have to abandon Bootstrap. -Sure. Okay, thanks. C5rchBFnFdg-00426-00221546-00222203 Any other questions? C5rchBFnFdg-00427-00222203-00225115 -[inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00428-00225115-00225903 What I've been thinking about is [inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00429-00228000-00229606 -Yes. -In those cases, do you see Drupal 8 having a better possibility [inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00430-00230023-00230550 -Yeah, wow, okay. That's a big question. The question was: Drupal 8 is more decoupled C5rchBFnFdg-00431-00230588-00231288 now, and you are able to use services to just use the content from Drupal and put it wherever C5rchBFnFdg-00432-00231323-00231608 you want, but there are certain problems with that still. C5rchBFnFdg-00433-00231608-00231938 I don't know if I'm the best person to ask that, but I remember that there was an issue C5rchBFnFdg-00434-00231938-00232419 to improve how messaging works. I think I'd like to add an event in JavaScript C5rchBFnFdg-00435-00232419-00233003 where you can say, "Messages should appear in this area" in JavaScript, but I don't know C5rchBFnFdg-00436-00233003-00233498 if that helps your situation in particular. Maybe we can talk about it afterwards a little C5rchBFnFdg-00437-00233498-00233782 bit more in detail, and then I can have a bit more of a think. C5rchBFnFdg-00438-00233782-00234482 Off the top of my head, I'm not sure. -[inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00439-00235592-00236288 -Oh yeah, completely. I can help you write an issue to put into C5rchBFnFdg-00440-00236288-00236706 the issue queues and you can suggest that and other people can look at it. C5rchBFnFdg-00441-00236706-00236910 There is one. Okay, brilliant. C5rchBFnFdg-00442-00236910-00237066 -It would be a big one. C5rchBFnFdg-00443-00237066-00237610 -Yeah, it would be a big issue. You're right. Does anyone else have any questions? C5rchBFnFdg-00444-00237688-00237910 Yes? -[inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00445-00237960-00238437 -Why was the dashboard module removed? There were a few modules that were removed C5rchBFnFdg-00446-00238534-00238996 in Drupal 8, and those were the ones that had very specific functionality. C5rchBFnFdg-00447-00238996-00239631 They did very certain things that you could recreate using modules that are more like C5rchBFnFdg-00448-00239631-00240202 tools. In a project that I've worked in recently, C5rchBFnFdg-00449-00240202-00240617 we had some more custom requirements for the dashboard, so we didn't use the Dashboard module. C5rchBFnFdg-00450-00240617-00240986 We used Panels to build custom dashboards for everyone. C5rchBFnFdg-00451-00240986-00241411 The Dashboard module wouldn't let you do that. C5rchBFnFdg-00452-00241411-00241871 Some of the decisions are basically based on if there's a module that you can download C5rchBFnFdg-00453-00241871-00242409 that will do this better, then we should remove the module that does it in a very simple way in core. C5rchBFnFdg-00454-00242409-00242801 I'm trying to think of a few other examples C5rchBFnFdg-00455-00242801-00243266 of modules that were removed, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. C5rchBFnFdg-00456-00243266-00243730 That's the logic behind it, really. Try and make less modules, but with the modules C5rchBFnFdg-00457-00243730-00244430 that you have, you can do more with them. Does anyone else have any questions? C5rchBFnFdg-00458-00245405-00246105 Do you want to translate? -[Spanish] C5rchBFnFdg-00459-00248592-00249696 -His question is: What is a way for for a [inaudible] designer to get involved in all this work for Drupal and contribute? -Great C5rchBFnFdg-00460-00249821-00250021 [inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00461-00250115-00250258 -Brilliant question. C5rchBFnFdg-00462-00250258-00250742 The question is if you're a designer and you want to get involved and contribute to Drupal, C5rchBFnFdg-00463-00250742-00251431 how do you do that? I should have really said that at some point already. C5rchBFnFdg-00464-00251431-00251764 There are many IRC rooms that people use to C5rchBFnFdg-00465-00251764-00252194 communicate in Drupal. There's Drupal/contribute, but there's also C5rchBFnFdg-00466-00252194-00252660 Drupal/usability. That's where the designers tend to discuss C5rchBFnFdg-00467-00252660-00253263 and talk and you can talk to the other designers who are already involved in Drupal. C5rchBFnFdg-00468-00253263-00253963 Also there's a group on groups.drupal.org called usability, where we post updates on C5rchBFnFdg-00469-00254169-00254519 usability changes in Drupal and how you can get involved. C5rchBFnFdg-00470-00254519-00254813 That's another way to do it. One of the best ways to do it, I think, is C5rchBFnFdg-00471-00254813-00255325 to come to a sprint at an event, either a DrupalCon or a smaller event where there are C5rchBFnFdg-00472-00255325-00255819 mentors who are available to help. There's a lot of variety of the kind of sprints C5rchBFnFdg-00473-00255819-00256012 you can do. You don't have to know coding. C5rchBFnFdg-00474-00256012-00256571 If you even know just CSS and nothing else, there are still loads of things you can do. C5rchBFnFdg-00475-00256571-00256983 It's all about finding the right people to talk to at the sprints, and there are a lot C5rchBFnFdg-00476-00256983-00257312 of people there who can help you match up with the right people and find people who C5rchBFnFdg-00477-00257312-00257998 can help you get involved and help you get started. C5rchBFnFdg-00478-00257998-00258988 They'll be recording, I guess, so we can translate it later, if that helps. C5rchBFnFdg-00479-00258988-00259992 [inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00480-00260066-00260765 -[inaudible] -And the sprints as well. C5rchBFnFdg-00481-00260782-00261976 -[inaudible] C5rchBFnFdg-00482-00262454-00262654 Thanks a lot, yeah. C5rchBFnFdg-00483-00262673-00263164 This Thursday, tomorrow, there's going to be a sprint all day. C5rchBFnFdg-00484-00263164-00263490 I'm not sure where it is, if it's in this building or another building, but there will C5rchBFnFdg-00485-00263490-00264051 be loads of people there who can help out and help people who are new get started. C5rchBFnFdg-00486-00264051-00264444 Any other questions? Okay. C5rchBFnFdg-00487-00264444-00265144 Thank you very much. If you want to know a little bit more, C5rchBFnFdg-00488-00265467-00265909 you can ask me questions on Twitter. There are tags for the style guide issues C5rchBFnFdg-00489-00265909-00266348 and front-end issues. The website of the book by Frank Chimero that C5rchBFnFdg-00490-00266348-00266942 I mentioned is shapeofdesignbook.com, and you can go to the website, and you can download C5rchBFnFdg-00491-00266942-00267386 it for free, and you can read it online. It's a brilliant book. C5rchBFnFdg-00492-00267386-00267826 If you like the pictures of the dogs that I had in the presentation, the website is C5rchBFnFdg-00493-00267826-00268336 mensweardog.tumblr.com. That's usually the question I get asked more C5rchBFnFdg-00494-00268336-00268855 than anything else. Maybe next time my Spanish will be better. C5rchBFnFdg-00495-00268855-00268932 Thanks for coming. C8dzdnxDolg-00000-00000342-00001224 hi folks uh my name is benito Gonzalez thank you dede for the introduction so um we're gonna C8dzdnxDolg-00001-00001224-00001782 we're gonna do an overview a uportal and then a bit of a showcase at the end um try C8dzdnxDolg-00002-00001782-00002406 not to make this too much of a technical talk and more of a high level overview of uportal C8dzdnxDolg-00003-00002604-00003108 um kind of um the first three sections we're going to talk about C8dzdnxDolg-00004-00003222-00003690 um well the three sections are what campus portals often implement C8dzdnxDolg-00005-00003942-00004356 um how to do configuration and customization and then we'll C8dzdnxDolg-00006-00004356-00004890 wrap up with a couple examples of of portals that are out there in the wild what's set up C8dzdnxDolg-00007-00005124-00005808 so one of the big things with u portal 5 recently is that we've uh really adopted web C8dzdnxDolg-00008-00005808-00006372 components web components are a great technology uh traditionally uportal have been using C8dzdnxDolg-00009-00006372-00007194 portlets portlets are a great way to present isolated information that can be very distinct C8dzdnxDolg-00010-00007194-00007800 and come from different sources there's limited interaction between them so they work great with C8dzdnxDolg-00011-00007800-00008256 the portal so you set up a portal you want to have different types of content showing up on the page C8dzdnxDolg-00012-00008352-00009234 uh the content can vary from just some app launchers into other applications to Notifications C8dzdnxDolg-00013-00009360-00010266 um RSS feeds and calendars and quite a bit of custom information such as student grades and C8dzdnxDolg-00014-00010266-00011178 financial aid that was a great Model A decade and a half ago now with newer technology and newer C8dzdnxDolg-00015-00011178-00011754 approaches when it comes to the web such as pages that don't do a complete page refresh but actually C8dzdnxDolg-00016-00011754-00012498 just portions of the page refresh um led us to kind of look for options something other than our C8dzdnxDolg-00017-00012498-00013158 traditional portlets so we certainly jumped on the bandwagon of web components once we figured C8dzdnxDolg-00018-00013158-00013991 out how to get them to work with older browsers it's now even less of an issue now in 2022 but C8dzdnxDolg-00019-00013991-00014544 a few years ago it was one of our challenges that all behind us now uh we're doing a lot of things C8dzdnxDolg-00020-00014544-00015180 with web components and continue to replace older portlets with these new web components C8dzdnxDolg-00021-00015263-00016104 here's a list of of current web components in the uportal ecosystem there's a handful more but C8dzdnxDolg-00022-00016104-00016542 this captures kind of the the more well-known web components and in particular I'm going to C8dzdnxDolg-00023-00016542-00017676 focus on four content areas these are the content items that most universities will will implement C8dzdnxDolg-00024-00017784-00018450 all right so notifications that's critical if without notifications to the user there's not a C8dzdnxDolg-00025-00018450-00019092 lot of information sent to them that's specific to them so notifications a lot of times would C8dzdnxDolg-00026-00019092-00019902 be zeroed in to that particular user such as overdue books um some fee that are behind um C8dzdnxDolg-00027-00019980-00020508 some other announcement from another unit at the institution that is specific for them C8dzdnxDolg-00028-00020604-00021564 the API template on the other hand is the opposite it will pull in information from an API and allow C8dzdnxDolg-00029-00021564-00022086 an implementer to pretty much do anything that I want on the page without JavaScript C8dzdnxDolg-00030-00022086-00022854 and so it's a really quick convenient way to get content out there on their portal the next C8dzdnxDolg-00031-00023040-00023520 batch of web components there's kind of really two groups there is the carousels C8dzdnxDolg-00032-00023520-00024054 and then there's the menu and grid I'll show some examples of that carousels are great C8dzdnxDolg-00033-00024054-00025026 to to show a collection of information that's related and you're familiar with carousels if C8dzdnxDolg-00034-00025026-00025584 you've seen Netflix right and then the grid is a great way to display app launchers and C8dzdnxDolg-00035-00025584-00025998 other collections of icons that the user might want to click on and get further information C8dzdnxDolg-00036-00026076-00026706 and then just highlighting that last waffle menu is just an example of something that a C8dzdnxDolg-00037-00026706-00027432 pair appears whenever you take your portal into a smaller screen size such as a mobile device C8dzdnxDolg-00038-00027624-00028494 so what do these actually look like so here's notifications you'll notice on the left side C8dzdnxDolg-00039-00028494-00029298 here this is a pop-up so if a notification has a certain set of criteria maybe it's it has a high C8dzdnxDolg-00040-00029298-00029880 priority or it's part of specific group such as a group named alerts it might just pop up C8dzdnxDolg-00041-00029880-00030450 on the screen and require the user to click a button before they can continue to the portal C8dzdnxDolg-00042-00030588-00031277 um on the opposite end of that Spectrum we have a notification icon it's this little bell it'll C8dzdnxDolg-00043-00031277-00031788 show you a number if you have unread notifications but otherwise it takes up very little real estate C8dzdnxDolg-00044-00031788-00032280 and really doesn't call a lot of attention to itself especially once you've read all C8dzdnxDolg-00045-00032280-00033012 the unread notifications it shows you a list of about 10 notifications at any particular time C8dzdnxDolg-00046-00033228-00033810 and then you can see at the bottom where it says see all notifications and that will allow C8dzdnxDolg-00047-00033810-00034602 you to open up notification list and here we have more details usually notifications are C8dzdnxDolg-00048-00034602-00035256 in a structured format so there's the the title the main message itself dates around C8dzdnxDolg-00049-00035256-00035874 when it's active applicable or not and even URLs so the notifications list is a C8dzdnxDolg-00050-00035874-00036486 great way to display a lot of those items for a particular user so it's a good list C8dzdnxDolg-00051-00036762-00037284 so this is something that is implemented in almost every portal I've seen C8dzdnxDolg-00052-00037386-00037884 it's usually backed by not just one service but a couple of services sometimes there's a C8dzdnxDolg-00053-00037884-00038802 database behind it maybe the database um is uh is actually the sis database uh maybe it's an C8dzdnxDolg-00054-00038802-00039564 LMS but we can bring in information from different backend Services as long as we know who the user C8dzdnxDolg-00055-00039564-00040230 is or some kind of uh metadata about the user we can go and grab information that's custom to them C8dzdnxDolg-00056-00040752-00041364 so another class of content that's starting to be much more popular is the API template View C8dzdnxDolg-00057-00041496-00042408 um I don't have any really good examples right now to share with you but it's essentially a way C8dzdnxDolg-00058-00042408-00043182 to bring in Json from some API service again we have the ability to share with that API who the C8dzdnxDolg-00059-00043182-00043812 current user is it's making the request for the Json that Json can then be referenced as C8dzdnxDolg-00060-00043812-00044538 tokens inside of HTML with CSS so we've seen some amazing things done such as the ability to show C8dzdnxDolg-00061-00044646-00045474 um current grades or course list and also financial aid if there's some due date or C8dzdnxDolg-00062-00045474-00046236 maybe a warning about around financial aid you can put a red box around it that's something I've seen C8dzdnxDolg-00063-00046236-00047100 recently and another thing that's concerning is not to allow financial aid details to be shown C8dzdnxDolg-00064-00047100-00047880 right on the screen so again this is CSS and HTML we can collapse that content so it's not visible C8dzdnxDolg-00065-00047880-00048522 in case of students looking at their portal and friends are gathered around they don't necessarily C8dzdnxDolg-00066-00048522-00049146 want everyone to see that so it starts out collapsed and click on an icon and it opens it up C8dzdnxDolg-00067-00049260-00049674 um again if there's no JavaScript needed we could probably deliver C8dzdnxDolg-00068-00049674-00050346 content via this API template view so it's super flexible and uh really easy to use C8dzdnxDolg-00069-00050916-00051378 content Carousel and dashboard Carousel those things you'd imagine C8dzdnxDolg-00070-00051479-00052128 um if if you've seen again a video service like Netflix it's a collection of of cards C8dzdnxDolg-00071-00052128-00052752 with arrows that allow you to scroll uh through the long list of what's shown it can be icons C8dzdnxDolg-00072-00052752-00053520 it could be an RSS feed oftentimes in this example it's just uh categories of portlets C8dzdnxDolg-00073-00053634-00054467 the top list is a list of favorites and that's dynamically populated through uportal C8dzdnxDolg-00074-00054641-00055182 so that one's very flexible we see that a lot now in portals and then the second one is more C8dzdnxDolg-00075-00055182-00055758 interesting it's a dashboard Carousel so if you have content that's customized to fit within a C8dzdnxDolg-00076-00055758-00056544 short or sorry small footprint you can create these live dashboards where the information is C8dzdnxDolg-00077-00056544-00057372 dynamic it's actually rendering portlets or web components right inside of those blocks there's C8dzdnxDolg-00078-00057372-00058067 buttons and the arrows on the side to navigate those so we find this is a great way to deliver C8dzdnxDolg-00079-00058158-00058548 a lot of detailed content in the condensed footprint C8dzdnxDolg-00080-00059016-00059472 and then here's an example of a Content grid in menu That's C8dzdnxDolg-00081-00059472-00059922 the lower half this is integrated with a header with the user profile C8dzdnxDolg-00082-00059994-00060576 that part is not used as much but certainly this Grid in the lower area along with the C8dzdnxDolg-00083-00060576-00061224 filter of categories and a search bar by default the admin tools in uportal 5 C8dzdnxDolg-00084-00061224-00061866 now leverage this to display all the tools that an administrator may want to use to manage the portal C8dzdnxDolg-00085-00062567-00063198 and then in this last slide I wanted to talk a little bit about portlets so we still have C8dzdnxDolg-00086-00063198-00063924 a couple of stragglers the announcements portlet is something that we see implemented quite often C8dzdnxDolg-00087-00063924-00064938 but announcements is the ability to author content right in the portal um there is like a publishing C8dzdnxDolg-00088-00064938-00065940 process where announcements can be created another group can manage or accept or deny that and set C8dzdnxDolg-00089-00066024-00066480 the time frame that those are displayed so that's announcements over on the right C8dzdnxDolg-00090-00066480-00067032 there's also been an enhancement where if you configure announcements so they're graphical C8dzdnxDolg-00091-00067032-00067854 you could we can use announcements as we see in the middle student spotlights it is based on the C8dzdnxDolg-00092-00067854-00068370 announcements portlet but every announcement that's created is essentially a graphic that C8dzdnxDolg-00093-00068370-00069306 fits Within a certain size and then it's just a kind of image carousel there in the middle C8dzdnxDolg-00094-00069462-00069942 so we've done some enhancements there and that one will probably be one of the last ones we convert C8dzdnxDolg-00095-00069942-00070602 to web components similarly uportal can easily consume RSS feeds and we do that quite a bit C8dzdnxDolg-00096-00070602-00071400 as opposed to calendars we don't see calendars as much as we used to now we'll see things again in C8dzdnxDolg-00097-00071400-00072234 kind of the newsreader RSS feed where maybe you have a football team schedule right so it'd be C8dzdnxDolg-00098-00072234-00072762 dates and some descriptions and some links out to another marketing website or Sports website C8dzdnxDolg-00099-00073260-00073926 so those are the most common types of content we see in Portals today at least for the modern ones C8dzdnxDolg-00100-00074040-00074754 so let's touch a little bit on how to configure and extend uportal and really the key here is C8dzdnxDolg-00101-00074754-00075408 uportal 5 has a new repo called the uportal start so if you want to create a portal for C8dzdnxDolg-00102-00075408-00076104 yourself you don't go to a u-portal repository you create a clone of the uportal start repository and C8dzdnxDolg-00103-00076104-00076590 the focus of this repository is really just to capture your configuration customizations C8dzdnxDolg-00104-00076650-00077058 so configuration and property files are there there's some starting points C8dzdnxDolg-00105-00077118-00077676 um where you can populate a global properties file and then uportal properties file that's C8dzdnxDolg-00106-00077676-00078444 specific for configurations there you can also add a configuration files for specific portlets C8dzdnxDolg-00107-00078504-00079122 another thing that this uportal start provides is a starting point for custom skins there's a C8dzdnxDolg-00108-00079122-00079836 task that generates a custom skin based on the the main one and they can jump in and modify styling C8dzdnxDolg-00109-00079836-00080562 sheets and XML files and that leads us to the next thing if just changing colors and styling C8dzdnxDolg-00110-00080562-00081150 isn't enough you actually want to change the HTML that's generated on the page you can copy files C8dzdnxDolg-00111-00081150-00081744 from uportal repo into uportal start you know they have to be in the right location but C8dzdnxDolg-00112-00081744-00082218 you'll be able to have full control over those theme files the ones that generate the page C8dzdnxDolg-00113-00082308-00082806 so moving past uh visuals getting into the meat of the code C8dzdnxDolg-00114-00082944-00083532 we also have support for context override so if you're familiar with spring beans and how those C8dzdnxDolg-00115-00083532-00084324 Java beans are being configured we have an ability to override those without having to dredge through C8dzdnxDolg-00116-00084324-00084984 the 20 plus context files that we have in the main uportal and you can just capture your C8dzdnxDolg-00117-00084984-00085524 customizations often things like how to bring in user information from ldap or a database C8dzdnxDolg-00118-00085782-00086358 and then that also supports custom code and adding web apps right to uportal start but C8dzdnxDolg-00119-00086358-00086904 the key here is that instead of customizing code and losing your customizations in this huge code C8dzdnxDolg-00120-00086904-00087486 base like we used to do in uportal 4. now your custom code is pretty much isolated and that's C8dzdnxDolg-00121-00087486-00087996 all that exists in people start there's no source code Java source code in the uportal start C8dzdnxDolg-00122-00088128-00088626 right we're running out of time so I'm going to kind of power through some of these examples C8dzdnxDolg-00123-00088848-00089424 so kind of putting it all together here's an example of a traditional portal C8dzdnxDolg-00124-00089508-00089958 a lot of these are a mix of portlets again you see announcements and C8dzdnxDolg-00125-00090024-00090762 um some soffits which is a way to bring in content from the back end that could be written C8dzdnxDolg-00126-00090762-00091338 not in Java or even exist in the same servers as uportal but other backend servers C8dzdnxDolg-00127-00091422-00092214 uh there's a heavy use of react on this page right here's a much more traditional Kansas C8dzdnxDolg-00128-00092214-00092724 University where these are all portlets this is very much a traditional portal C8dzdnxDolg-00129-00092826-00093510 um with uh soon to have some adoptions of web components it's my understanding C8dzdnxDolg-00130-00093900-00094626 again you see Riverside's um a portal I love this one it well it's still traditional they've C8dzdnxDolg-00131-00094626-00095184 done a lot of work around the graphics and imagery and I just really like the C8dzdnxDolg-00132-00095184-00095754 style this really to me is the Pinnacle of what a traditional portal would look like C8dzdnxDolg-00133-00096108-00096960 my UW they've decided that they didn't uh want to continue developing in the old portlet way so they C8dzdnxDolg-00134-00096960-00097788 created a an angular front end that's card based but as you click on so this is their portal but C8dzdnxDolg-00135-00097788-00098442 and it's a it's a angular front-end application but as you click any of these cards you will get C8dzdnxDolg-00136-00098442-00098982 redirected to their portal it's almost transparent and the portal looks just like this so it's C8dzdnxDolg-00137-00099036-00099600 um common for users to think they're still in the same application and that was the intent C8dzdnxDolg-00138-00099852-00100548 here's another rewrite of the front end Foothill De Anza uses uportal mostly for group information C8dzdnxDolg-00139-00100548-00101430 User attributes and details they don't use the layout engine or much in the way of content they C8dzdnxDolg-00140-00101430-00102150 just consume those apis and then they have a react front end that pulls in the content based on those C8dzdnxDolg-00141-00102150-00102833 user attributes but getting back to the portal here we see this big image here is one of the C8dzdnxDolg-00142-00102833-00103661 carousels down where it says Banner that's uh one of the grid web components this was while C8dzdnxDolg-00143-00103661-00104154 they're prototyping before they got all their imagery nailed down so it looks much nicer and C8dzdnxDolg-00144-00104154-00104988 then off to the side this is uh the newsreader kind of providing information Broken Out by date C8dzdnxDolg-00145-00105108-00105774 so this layout has very little customization it's all it's almost exclusively configuration C8dzdnxDolg-00146-00106056-00106866 uh here's this is a prototype for Cal Poly Pomona here they're using the dashboard Carousel kind of C8dzdnxDolg-00147-00106866-00107406 in the middle they didn't go with this approach in the end but this is just such a great use of C8dzdnxDolg-00148-00107406-00108006 the content um that we like to to Showcase it and you can see at the very bottom we kind of C8dzdnxDolg-00149-00108006-00108714 clipped off one of the other carousels there's the waffle menu so a lot of on the hamburger C8dzdnxDolg-00150-00108714-00109200 menu left a lot of web components again there's some customization just because C8dzdnxDolg-00151-00109200-00109794 they're pretty Advanced with their portal but a lot of this stuff a lot of the the page imagery C8dzdnxDolg-00152-00109878-00110802 um is driven by standard components now and this is my last slide so our friends Julian C8dzdnxDolg-00153-00110802-00111558 over in uh France is is the one who first created this web component built out of web components C8dzdnxDolg-00154-00111642-00112164 um there's the grid piece he donated a lot of this work uh to the community and we've picked C8dzdnxDolg-00155-00112164-00112776 it up and ran with it enhanced it and um it was just a great collaboration we're looking forward C8dzdnxDolg-00156-00112776-00113574 to some new web components and continuing our refactoring of replacing old stodgy portlets C8dzdnxDolg-00157-00113574-00114192 with these new more advanced web components I mean that's my walk through uh any questions C8dzdnxDolg-00158-00114492-00115068 it seems you're getting a lot of feedback in the chat about you know how good it looks which C8dzdnxDolg-00159-00115068-00115674 is fantastic to hear um I know I myself have a question uh going back to the beginning we C8dzdnxDolg-00160-00115674-00116082 had you had spoken about um so you could keep your presentation showing since we are seeing C8dzdnxDolg-00161-00116082-00116568 your screen if you'll go um up the beginning you're showing some of the notification portlets C8dzdnxDolg-00162-00116658-00117294 um at the top which went down to I believe it was 10 items that were shared on your next slide down C8dzdnxDolg-00163-00117468-00117954 there you go so um is there a way to decide what that number will be C8dzdnxDolg-00164-00118013-00119016 Id have to double check I believe that is a configuration value I'malmost certain of it um I I know we had to add a C8dzdnxDolg-00165-00119016-00119783 customization where by default it always showed the number of unread notifications but uh one C8dzdnxDolg-00166-00119783-00120504 institution in particular was interested in just seeing how many notifications in in total a user C8dzdnxDolg-00167-00120504-00121278 had and so that number is is now something that could be modified through configuration I'm fairly C8dzdnxDolg-00168-00121278-00121866 certain also the list can be as well there's even some styling that can happen without um C8dzdnxDolg-00169-00121866-00122633 you know much custom much too much work yeah okay great um uh any questions from the audience C8dzdnxDolg-00170-00122826-00123306 you have a notification in the chat from uh Andrey and asking if that's fiosan C8dzdnxDolg-00171-00123588-00124914 uh no uh fiosan is uh notifications uh backbone Service uh we have uh helped someone Implement an C8dzdnxDolg-00172-00124914-00125448 integration between fiosan notification backbone and uportal and the notification C8dzdnxDolg-00173-00125514-00126264 um web components to pull information from that service and so one of the key C8dzdnxDolg-00174-00126264-00126882 parts of of fiosan is that there's this alerts channel so that would cause one of C8dzdnxDolg-00175-00126882-00127332 these pop-ups in case there was a fire on campus or something to answer your question CqO0fhc_p7o-00000-00000107-00000210 Hello, my friends. CqO0fhc_p7o-00001-00000210-00000294 Welcome back. CqO0fhc_p7o-00002-00000294-00000713 Now that we have run a factor analysis in SPSS, we're going CqO0fhc_p7o-00003-00000713-00001155 to take a stab at interpreting the results to see if we can CqO0fhc_p7o-00004-00001155-00001308 understand what they mean. CqO0fhc_p7o-00005-00001308-00001650 Now you may recall, we used SPSS to conduct our factor CqO0fhc_p7o-00006-00001650-00002054 analysis looking for relationships between or among CqO0fhc_p7o-00007-00002054-00002419 percentages of disciplinary placements for all of these CqO0fhc_p7o-00008-00002419-00002548 different categories. CqO0fhc_p7o-00009-00002548-00002768 The following items will be of interest to us. CqO0fhc_p7o-00010-00002768-00003046 We will want to look at the descriptive statistics, the CqO0fhc_p7o-00011-00003046-00003475 correlation matrix, the Bartlett's test, a sphericity, CqO0fhc_p7o-00012-00003475-00003886 the total variance explained, the scree plot, and then the CqO0fhc_p7o-00013-00003886-00004126 rotated component matrix. CqO0fhc_p7o-00014-00004126-00004577 Now, here are the descriptive statistics that we have which CqO0fhc_p7o-00015-00004577-00004987 gave us the averages for those 1,230 school districts in CqO0fhc_p7o-00016-00004987-00005328 Texas with their standard deviations. CqO0fhc_p7o-00017-00005328-00005495 So we are in good shape there. CqO0fhc_p7o-00018-00005495-00005877 Now this is the correlation matrix that was produced. CqO0fhc_p7o-00019-00005877-00006065 And it really is very cool when you come CqO0fhc_p7o-00020-00006065-00006190 to understand that. CqO0fhc_p7o-00021-00006190-00006436 I want you to notice the ones going down. CqO0fhc_p7o-00022-00006436-00006837 That's 100% correlation, percent of African-American CqO0fhc_p7o-00023-00006837-00007062 correlates 100% to itself. CqO0fhc_p7o-00024-00007062-00007398 Percent Hispanic does that to 100% to itself. CqO0fhc_p7o-00025-00007398-00007870 But what's neat is the percent of African Americans has a CqO0fhc_p7o-00026-00007870-00008097 negative correlation of percent of Hispanics. CqO0fhc_p7o-00027-00008097-00008385 In other words, as the percent of Hispanics goes up, the CqO0fhc_p7o-00028-00008385-00008567 percent of African Americans goes down. CqO0fhc_p7o-00029-00009126-00009342 The percent of Africa-American goes up, the percent of CqO0fhc_p7o-00030-00009342-00009482 Hispanics goes down. CqO0fhc_p7o-00031-00009482-00010037 That's a -.394, which means that it's a moderate CqO0fhc_p7o-00032-00010037-00010128 correlation. CqO0fhc_p7o-00033-00010128-00010526 Here's a very strong negative correlation between the CqO0fhc_p7o-00034-00010526-00010933 percent of Hispanics and the percent of economically CqO0fhc_p7o-00035-00010933-00011058 disadvantaged. CqO0fhc_p7o-00036-00011058-00011402 Now what that means is, is the way that the data's CqO0fhc_p7o-00037-00011402-00012024 constructed, the more Hispanics you have, the higher CqO0fhc_p7o-00038-00012024-00012252 your economic disadvantage goes. CqO0fhc_p7o-00039-00012252-00012598 It's just constructed exactly in reverse. CqO0fhc_p7o-00040-00012598-00013055 The percent of whites, the more whites you have, the CqO0fhc_p7o-00041-00013055-00013346 lower your percent of economic disadvantage goes. CqO0fhc_p7o-00042-00013346-00013726 That's a very neat correlation matrix. CqO0fhc_p7o-00043-00013726-00014126 The Bartlett's test is significant, and significantly CqO0fhc_p7o-00044-00014126-00014719 tells us that these variables are not normally distributed, CqO0fhc_p7o-00045-00014719-00014903 that they are skewed. CqO0fhc_p7o-00046-00014903-00015066 And we would expect that. CqO0fhc_p7o-00047-00015066-00015463 Of course, the skewedness is not a normality, is not an CqO0fhc_p7o-00048-00015463-00015793 assumption, perhaps, of factor analysis. CqO0fhc_p7o-00049-00015793-00016009 But it would be good to report on that. CqO0fhc_p7o-00050-00016009-00016322 The total variance explained is really interesting. CqO0fhc_p7o-00051-00016322-00016701 Now, we came up with eight components. CqO0fhc_p7o-00052-00016701-00016971 But here we have initial eigenvalues. CqO0fhc_p7o-00053-00016971-00017402 Generally in factor analysis, an eigenvalue has to be one or CqO0fhc_p7o-00054-00017402-00017607 more before it's significant. CqO0fhc_p7o-00055-00017607-00017873 It has to be greater than or equal to 1. CqO0fhc_p7o-00056-00017873-00018098 So factors four, five, six, seven, and CqO0fhc_p7o-00057-00018098-00018277 eight are not important. CqO0fhc_p7o-00058-00018277-00018635 Factors one, two, and three are very important. CqO0fhc_p7o-00059-00018635-00019175 Factor one explained 41% of the variance, 41.5%. CqO0fhc_p7o-00060-00019175-00019506 Factor two added 18% more. CqO0fhc_p7o-00061-00019506-00019862 Factor three explained 14.3% more. CqO0fhc_p7o-00062-00019862-00020432 Between these three factors, they explain almost 74% of the CqO0fhc_p7o-00063-00020432-00020810 cumulative variance in the data set. CqO0fhc_p7o-00064-00020810-00021113 Now that's really very interesting. CqO0fhc_p7o-00065-00021113-00021226 Here's is a scree plot. CqO0fhc_p7o-00066-00021226-00021714 A scree plot is a visual representation of how much CqO0fhc_p7o-00067-00021714-00022124 these variance, these factors explain. CqO0fhc_p7o-00068-00022124-00022363 You'll notice variance one explained a bunch. CqO0fhc_p7o-00069-00022363-00022592 Variance two did a little more. CqO0fhc_p7o-00070-00022592-00022785 Variance three explained a little more. CqO0fhc_p7o-00071-00022785-00023104 And it gives us an eigenvalue. CqO0fhc_p7o-00072-00023104-00023506 That eigenvalue correlates to the variance explained. CqO0fhc_p7o-00073-00023506-00023605 That is really cool. CqO0fhc_p7o-00074-00023605-00023977 That's a good visual picture of what goes on. CqO0fhc_p7o-00075-00023977-00024212 This is the rotated component matrix. CqO0fhc_p7o-00076-00024212-00024355 And this is very interesting. CqO0fhc_p7o-00077-00024355-00024513 And I'll spend some time in the next CqO0fhc_p7o-00078-00024513-00024694 video discussing this. CqO0fhc_p7o-00079-00024694-00025208 But factor one, you see that there are some things that tie CqO0fhc_p7o-00080-00025208-00025436 very well into factor one. CqO0fhc_p7o-00081-00025436-00025679 For instance, the percentage of Hispanics and the CqO0fhc_p7o-00082-00025679-00026057 percentages of white are exactly reversed, with CqO0fhc_p7o-00083-00026057-00026335 economically disadvantaged and limited English CqO0fhc_p7o-00084-00026335-00026531 proficiency in that risk. CqO0fhc_p7o-00085-00026531-00026883 Now, the way the data set is constructed, with these CqO0fhc_p7o-00086-00026883-00027261 economically disadvantages, limited English proficiency in CqO0fhc_p7o-00087-00027261-00027672 that risk, what that means is, is the more the Hispanic CqO0fhc_p7o-00088-00027672-00028170 population went up, the more you experienced economically CqO0fhc_p7o-00089-00028170-00028574 disadvantaged, limited English proficiency in that risk. CqO0fhc_p7o-00090-00028574-00028929 And the more white students you had, the less economically CqO0fhc_p7o-00091-00028929-00029268 disadvantaged, limited English proficiency in that risk. CqO0fhc_p7o-00092-00029268-00029826 So factor one might be called ethnicity issues. CqO0fhc_p7o-00093-00029826-00030298 Factor two, you see we have the percent at risk and CqO0fhc_p7o-00094-00030298-00030632 special ed, and disciplinary placements come in. CqO0fhc_p7o-00095-00030632-00031006 So if you're a special ed, you're fixing to get your butt CqO0fhc_p7o-00096-00031006-00031149 sent to disciplinary placement. CqO0fhc_p7o-00097-00031149-00031318 Kind of cool, isn't it? CqO0fhc_p7o-00098-00031318-00031606 And then, of course, we notice in this one the percent of CqO0fhc_p7o-00099-00031606-00032256 African Americans is kind of tied to CqO0fhc_p7o-00100-00032256-00032382 disciplinary placement. CqO0fhc_p7o-00101-00032726-00033120 As the African-American went up, so did the white CqO0fhc_p7o-00102-00033120-00033203 percentages. CqO0fhc_p7o-00103-00033203-00033507 In other words, the schools and Hispanic went down. CqO0fhc_p7o-00104-00033507-00033887 That's what's interesting to note, that in school districts CqO0fhc_p7o-00105-00033887-00034274 in Texas, African-American and white percentages run CqO0fhc_p7o-00106-00034274-00034572 together, where the Hispanic population went down. CqO0fhc_p7o-00107-00034572-00034802 And of course, as you have more Hispanics, then you CqO0fhc_p7o-00108-00034802-00035086 encounter issues of limited English CqO0fhc_p7o-00109-00035086-00035289 proficiency and so forth. CqO0fhc_p7o-00110-00035289-00035472 Now how did we do with this? CqO0fhc_p7o-00111-00035472-00036162 We just briefly ran through reading the factor analysis, CqO0fhc_p7o-00112-00036162-00036405 read out our report. CqO0fhc_p7o-00113-00036405-00036664 Looked at, glanced at descriptive statistics, CqO0fhc_p7o-00114-00036664-00037000 correlation matrices, the test of sphericity. CqO0fhc_p7o-00115-00037000-00037312 Total variance explained, scree plots, and rotating CqO0fhc_p7o-00116-00037312-00037482 component matrices. CqO0fhc_p7o-00117-00037482-00037822 Hope this helped you some, get a little handle on what you CqO0fhc_p7o-00118-00037822-00037951 were looking at. CqO0fhc_p7o-00119-00037951-00038163 And to understand that not everything on CqO0fhc_p7o-00120-00038163-00038350 that report is important. CqO0fhc_p7o-00121-00038350-00038595 You need to be able to home in on the things that are CqO0fhc_p7o-00122-00038595-00038928 important and learn to interpret them. CqO0fhc_p7o-00123-00038928-00039180 Again, I want to thank you very much for your support. CqO0fhc_p7o-00124-00039180-00039426 As always, your patronage keeps myself CqO0fhc_p7o-00125-00039426-00039620 and my family fed. CqO0fhc_p7o-00126-00039620-00039782 I need the money. CqO0fhc_p7o-00127-00039782-00040175 This Christmas, I'm going to take my grandkids, the whole CqO0fhc_p7o-00128-00040175-00040499 bunch of them, up to Colorado. CqO0fhc_p7o-00129-00040499-00040799 We're going to go up and go ski crested butte. CqO0fhc_p7o-00130-00040799-00041094 And we're going to freeze to death in Gunnison. CqO0fhc_p7o-00131-00041094-00041362 All of that during the Christmas holidays. CqO0fhc_p7o-00132-00041362-00041510 Live long and prosper. CqO0fhc_p7o-00133-00041510-00041692 And again, I thank you for your support. Csz-IW7ac2u-00000-00000851-00001325 we're out here watching some of the demolition work that's taking place at Csz-IW7ac2u-00001-00001325-00001869 the Riverside mobile home park it's a grant funded project that the county has Csz-IW7ac2u-00002-00001869-00002475 been working on for the last couple of years after the 2013 floods the bank has Csz-IW7ac2u-00003-00002475-00002973 started to erode when this project first came to our attention it originally Csz-IW7ac2u-00004-00002973-00003396 started with the city of fountain it was very much a life safety issue because Csz-IW7ac2u-00005-00003396-00003669 even though it's open space over here now Csz-IW7ac2u-00006-00003669-00004139 there was an entire row of occupied mobile homes that as that Bank was Csz-IW7ac2u-00007-00004139-00004580 eroding and this you know road that's out here that's not really there anymore Csz-IW7ac2u-00008-00004580-00004992 as that started marching forward the concern was if we have another major Csz-IW7ac2u-00009-00004992-00005553 event we could lose an occupied mobile home unit off that cliff and so from a Csz-IW7ac2u-00010-00005553-00005939 life safety perspective that's been one of our biggest priority projects from Csz-IW7ac2u-00011-00005939-00006447 the floods so using some federal grant money we've purchased mobile home park Csz-IW7ac2u-00012-00006447-00006915 and we've relocated all of the residents out there's a second project that's tied Csz-IW7ac2u-00013-00006915-00007404 into the relocation efforts that we're doing and that is to redefine the Csz-IW7ac2u-00014-00007404-00007779 channel down there to basically try to keep the water away from the base of the Csz-IW7ac2u-00015-00007779-00008400 cliff but when you have events like we had in 2013 and again in 2015 those Csz-IW7ac2u-00016-00008400-00008796 hundred-year events the amount of water that can come through this corner Csz-IW7ac2u-00017-00008796-00009204 there's nothing we can really do from an engineering standpoint that would Csz-IW7ac2u-00018-00009204-00009675 protect this area and make it safe so yes eventually there will probably be Csz-IW7ac2u-00019-00009675-00010649 more erosion on the cliff Csz-IW7ac2u-00020-00010968-00011385 we have not determined final plans but the intended use will be as a trailhead Csz-IW7ac2u-00021-00011385-00011781 for the Christian open space which is everything north and east of us it's Csz-IW7ac2u-00022-00011781-00012141 actually a good relief because these projects take a lot of time there's a Csz-IW7ac2u-00023-00012141-00012729 lot of involvement with Army Corps permitting environmental work the entire Csz-IW7ac2u-00024-00012729-00013140 gamut that we're running through and getting the people relocated has always Csz-IW7ac2u-00025-00013140-00013728 been that number one focus so it's a much easier feeling to see this go I Csz-IW7ac2u-00026-00013728-00014213 mean we're looking at destruction behind me but a year ago this was an occupied Csz-IW7ac2u-00027-00014213-00014676 mobile home park and so we'll be happy when we get this phase done and we get Csz-IW7ac2u-00028-00014676-00015119 it cleaned up and we have a nice park open space CvUeb6lArOo-00000-00000004-00000132 Pewds: How's it going bros CvUeb6lArOo-00001-00000132-00000314 Pewds: This is PEWDIEPIE! CvUeb6lArOo-00002-00000314-00000532 Pewds: And welcome to the video CvUeb6lArOo-00003-00001310-00001360 Pewds: Hey you CvUeb6lArOo-00004-00001394-00001452 Pewds: Fuck You CvUeb6lArOo-00005-00001490-00001586 Pewds: Don't like you CvUeb6lArOo-00006-00001586-00001688 Pewds: Prepare to FIGHT! CvUeb6lArOo-00007-00001688-00001788 Sonic: ALRIGHT PUT THEM UP!! CvUeb6lArOo-00008-00002228-00002356 Sonic: WHERE CAN HIS WEAKSPOT BE? CvUeb6lArOo-00009-00002790-00002930 Sonic: HE CAN'T BE INVISIBLE CAN HE? CvUeb6lArOo-00010-00003468-00003518 Sonic: OH NO!! CvUeb6lArOo-00011-00003554-00003646 Sonic: THE CHAOS EMERALDS!!!! CvUeb6lArOo-00012-00003700-00003750 Pewds: OH WOW!! CvUeb6lArOo-00013-00003824-00004052 Pewds: Look how many Diamond Play Buttons I have. CvUeb6lArOo-00014-00004168-00004218 Pewds: *Huh* CvUeb6lArOo-00015-00004244-00004354 Pewds: They're really heavy though. CvUeb6lArOo-00016-00007002-00007112 Pewds: Hows it going Bros CvUeb6lArOo-00017-00007134-00007272 Pewds: This is PEWDIEPIE! CvUeb6lArOo-00018-00007422-00007472 Pewds: Vote Trump. CvUeb6lArOo-00019-00007550-00007692 Pewds: *Laughing* CyaHkvBKGHc-00000-00000002-00000206 Hello Scott Acton, PowerMax here! CyaHkvBKGHc-00001-00000208-00000484 Today, we're gonna be discussing DSP CyaHkvBKGHc-00002-00000484-00000634 and quadcopters. CyaHkvBKGHc-00003-00000644-00000794 Right Cockburn? CyaHkvBKGHc-00004-00000900-00001094 I think he said yes. CyaHkvBKGHc-00005-00001094-00001204 LET GET TO IT! CyaHkvBKGHc-00006-00001406-00001616 so inside the flight ... CyaHkvBKGHc-00007-00001760-00001905 So inside the flight controller CyaHkvBKGHc-00008-00001912-00002164 you have a huge variety of sensors CyaHkvBKGHc-00009-00002170-00002542 you've got magnetometers, accelerometers, gyroscopes, a compass... CyaHkvBKGHc-00010-00002542-00002702 a GPS... CyaHkvBKGHc-00011-00002702-00002968 a barometer, the list just goes on and on CyaHkvBKGHc-00012-00002990-00003215 it's the flight controllers responsibility to fuse all of these CyaHkvBKGHc-00013-00003215-00003590 sensors together and govern the speed of all four motors. CyaHkvBKGHc-00014-00003679-00003990 now of course one of the limitations of using one of these little micro-MEMS sensors CyaHkvBKGHc-00015-00003996-00004454 is that they're really sensitive to vibration. now if you're pulling it at some sampling rate CyaHkvBKGHc-00016-00004456-00004902 FS and if the quadcopter motors are rotating faster than that rate you can CyaHkvBKGHc-00017-00004902-00005303 get a phenomenon called aliasing so needless to say the vibration from the CyaHkvBKGHc-00018-00005303-00005755 quadcopter motors is particularly bad we want to eliminate as much as possible CyaHkvBKGHc-00019-00005755-00006119 one way to achieve this is to simply soft mount the flight controller CyaHkvBKGHc-00020-00006120-00006644 this will mechanically isolate the vibrations from these propellers from the flight controller CyaHkvBKGHc-00021-00006778-00007080 all right so for this mini project we're gonna use this CyaHkvBKGHc-00022-00007081-00007670 Arduino mega as well as a this MPU 9250 IMU. specifically we're gonna use the CyaHkvBKGHc-00023-00007670-00008079 data from this IMU take the FFT of it using my own algorithm running on the CyaHkvBKGHc-00024-00008079-00008550 Arduino and then send back the data over to the computer and display it. CyaHkvBKGHc-00025-00008550-00008985 This will give us the live spectral content of the propellers on the quadcopter so CyaHkvBKGHc-00026-00008985-00009417 here I've got the FFT [running]. you can see that there's really not much going on CyaHkvBKGHc-00027-00009417-00009646 that's of course because the motors aren't even armed yet. CyaHkvBKGHc-00028-00009668-00010016 there's a large DC offset and that's just due to gravity. CyaHkvBKGHc-00029-00010016-00010216 as I wrap up the propellers CyaHkvBKGHc-00030-00010442-00010880 you'll see that there's more and more noise as the speed of the propellers increases. CyaHkvBKGHc-00031-00010888-00011366 you also see that there's a lot more high frequency content closer to the center as well CyaHkvBKGHc-00032-00011932-00012370 so here you can see that there's a really strong spike right around 50, 60Hz CyaHkvBKGHc-00033-00012370-00013000 and that's about what I would expect, judging by the sound of the propellers. CyaHkvBKGHc-00034-00013002-00013463 As we increase [thrust] and achieve liftoff... CyaHkvBKGHc-00035-00013466-00014074 You can really see the periodicity and the noise! CyaHkvBKGHc-00036-00014074-00014700 now it's actually kind of unexpected I was expecting a lot more ... CyaHkvBKGHc-00037-00014700-00015206 I dont know... I was expecting 4 discrete frequencies but CyaHkvBKGHc-00038-00015206-00015494 this looks way too periodic! CyaHkvBKGHc-00039-00015574-00015813 Anyway, I just thought this would be interesting to show! CyaHkvBKGHc-00040-00015928-00016438 So I'll just go ahead and fly around till my camera runs out of battery... CyaHkvBKGHc-00041-00018508-00018740 allright! I think that concludes the video. CyaHkvBKGHc-00042-00018740-00018976 So we learned a lot of really cool things CyaHkvBKGHc-00043-00018976-00019362 we got to see what the data from the accelerometers looks like and that CyaHkvBKGHc-00044-00019362-00019895 what the spectral content is. anyway see you next time :) CzQgMRUHNyk-00000-00000480-00000623 Open your course. CzQgMRUHNyk-00001-00000623-00000969 In the left sidebar, click on Participants. CzQgMRUHNyk-00002-00000969-00001340 Select a student. Click on their name. CzQgMRUHNyk-00003-00001340-00001956 Scroll down to the Course Details section. Look for Pollak Library Spark Tutorials. CzQgMRUHNyk-00004-00001956-00002636 If that course is not in this list, the student has not earned any Spark Tutorial badges. CzQgMRUHNyk-00005-00002636-00002809 Click on the course. CzQgMRUHNyk-00006-00002810-00003113 Now, scroll down to the Badges section. CzQgMRUHNyk-00007-00003113-00003529 A student earns a badge for each tutorial completed at 100%. CzQgMRUHNyk-00008-00003529-00005190 If the student has the Pollak Library Orientation badge, they have completed all four Pollak Library Spark Tutorials. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00000-00000010-00000213 HIGHLIGHTS AS WELL, WHEN WE COME C-iWRE-ZOaE-00001-00000213-00000220 HIGHLIGHTS AS WELL, WHEN WE COME C-iWRE-ZOaE-00002-00000220-00000420 HIGHLIGHTS AS WELL, WHEN WE COME >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN C-iWRE-ZOaE-00003-00000420-00000426 HIGHLIGHTS AS WELL, WHEN WE COME >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN C-iWRE-ZOaE-00004-00000426-00000527 HIGHLIGHTS AS WELL, WHEN WE COME >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PROGRAM HISTORY, THE BRAINERD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00005-00000527-00000533 >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PROGRAM HISTORY, THE BRAINERD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00006-00000533-00000600 >>> FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PROGRAM HISTORY, THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM C-iWRE-ZOaE-00007-00000600-00000607 PROGRAM HISTORY, THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM C-iWRE-ZOaE-00008-00000607-00000670 PROGRAM HISTORY, THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM IS PLAYING IN THE STATE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00009-00000670-00000677 LITTLE FALLS GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM IS PLAYING IN THE STATE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00010-00000677-00000780 LITTLE FALLS GIRLS HOCKEY TEAM IS PLAYING IN THE STATE TOURNAMENT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00011-00000780-00000787 IS PLAYING IN THE STATE TOURNAMENT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00012-00000787-00000997 IS PLAYING IN THE STATE TOURNAMENT. ON THE OTHER BENCH TONIGHT, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00013-00000997-00001004 TOURNAMENT. ON THE OTHER BENCH TONIGHT, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00014-00001004-00001221 TOURNAMENT. ON THE OTHER BENCH TONIGHT, EDINA, THE TOP SEED IN CLASS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00015-00001221-00001227 ON THE OTHER BENCH TONIGHT, EDINA, THE TOP SEED IN CLASS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00016-00001227-00001361 ON THE OTHER BENCH TONIGHT, EDINA, THE TOP SEED IN CLASS 2-A AND A TEAM THEY LOST TO 4-1 C-iWRE-ZOaE-00017-00001361-00001368 EDINA, THE TOP SEED IN CLASS 2-A AND A TEAM THEY LOST TO 4-1 C-iWRE-ZOaE-00018-00001368-00001471 EDINA, THE TOP SEED IN CLASS 2-A AND A TEAM THEY LOST TO 4-1 EARLIER THIS SEASON. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00019-00001471-00001478 2-A AND A TEAM THEY LOST TO 4-1 EARLIER THIS SEASON. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00020-00001478-00001745 2-A AND A TEAM THEY LOST TO 4-1 EARLIER THIS SEASON. BUT THEY GET THEIR RE-MATCH AT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00021-00001745-00001751 EARLIER THIS SEASON. BUT THEY GET THEIR RE-MATCH AT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00022-00001751-00002005 EARLIER THIS SEASON. BUT THEY GET THEIR RE-MATCH AT THE X, QUARTER FINAL ACTION C-iWRE-ZOaE-00023-00002005-00002012 BUT THEY GET THEIR RE-MATCH AT THE X, QUARTER FINAL ACTION C-iWRE-ZOaE-00024-00002012-00002045 BUT THEY GET THEIR RE-MATCH AT THE X, QUARTER FINAL ACTION HERE WE GO. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00025-00002045-00002052 THE X, QUARTER FINAL ACTION HERE WE GO. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00026-00002052-00002112 THE X, QUARTER FINAL ACTION HERE WE GO. WARRIORS THOUGH GOT BEHIND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00027-00002112-00002118 HERE WE GO. WARRIORS THOUGH GOT BEHIND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00028-00002118-00002205 HERE WE GO. WARRIORS THOUGH GOT BEHIND EARLY. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00029-00002205-00002212 WARRIORS THOUGH GOT BEHIND EARLY. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00030-00002212-00002282 WARRIORS THOUGH GOT BEHIND EARLY. EMILY ODEN JUST MINUTES INTO THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00031-00002282-00002288 EARLY. EMILY ODEN JUST MINUTES INTO THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00032-00002288-00002362 EARLY. EMILY ODEN JUST MINUTES INTO THE GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00033-00002362-00002369 EMILY ODEN JUST MINUTES INTO THE GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00034-00002369-00002429 EMILY ODEN JUST MINUTES INTO THE GAME. ONE-NOTHING HORNETS STRIKE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00035-00002429-00002435 GAME. ONE-NOTHING HORNETS STRIKE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00036-00002435-00002572 GAME. ONE-NOTHING HORNETS STRIKE FIRST. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00037-00002572-00002579 ONE-NOTHING HORNETS STRIKE FIRST. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00038-00002579-00002639 ONE-NOTHING HORNETS STRIKE FIRST. NICOLE SCHULZ WAS BUSY ALL C-iWRE-ZOaE-00039-00002639-00002645 FIRST. NICOLE SCHULZ WAS BUSY ALL C-iWRE-ZOaE-00040-00002645-00002779 FIRST. NICOLE SCHULZ WAS BUSY ALL NIGHT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00041-00002779-00002786 NICOLE SCHULZ WAS BUSY ALL NIGHT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00042-00002786-00002989 NICOLE SCHULZ WAS BUSY ALL NIGHT. PAD SAVE HERE THOUGH AND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00043-00002989-00002996 NIGHT. PAD SAVE HERE THOUGH AND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00044-00002996-00003063 NIGHT. PAD SAVE HERE THOUGH AND THE COVER, KEEPS IT A ONE-GOAL C-iWRE-ZOaE-00045-00003063-00003069 PAD SAVE HERE THOUGH AND THE COVER, KEEPS IT A ONE-GOAL C-iWRE-ZOaE-00046-00003069-00003199 PAD SAVE HERE THOUGH AND THE COVER, KEEPS IT A ONE-GOAL DEFICIT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00047-00003199-00003206 THE COVER, KEEPS IT A ONE-GOAL DEFICIT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00048-00003206-00003626 THE COVER, KEEPS IT A ONE-GOAL DEFICIT. THE OFFENSE JUST STRUGGLED TO C-iWRE-ZOaE-00049-00003626-00003633 DEFICIT. THE OFFENSE JUST STRUGGLED TO C-iWRE-ZOaE-00050-00003633-00003833 DEFICIT. THE OFFENSE JUST STRUGGLED TO GET QUALITY CHANCES, BUT THIS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00051-00003833-00003840 THE OFFENSE JUST STRUGGLED TO GET QUALITY CHANCES, BUT THIS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00052-00003840-00003963 THE OFFENSE JUST STRUGGLED TO GET QUALITY CHANCES, BUT THIS WAS ONE OF C-iWRE-ZOaE-00053-00003963-00003970 GET QUALITY CHANCES, BUT THIS WAS ONE OF C-iWRE-ZOaE-00054-00003970-00004060 GET QUALITY CHANCES, BUT THIS WAS ONE OF THEM, ELLA KALUSCHE DENIED C-iWRE-ZOaE-00055-00004060-00004067 WAS ONE OF THEM, ELLA KALUSCHE DENIED C-iWRE-ZOaE-00056-00004067-00004174 WAS ONE OF THEM, ELLA KALUSCHE DENIED BY MEGAN SMITH. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00057-00004174-00004180 THEM, ELLA KALUSCHE DENIED BY MEGAN SMITH. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00058-00004180-00004247 THEM, ELLA KALUSCHE DENIED BY MEGAN SMITH. THEN LATER STILL TRYING TO GET C-iWRE-ZOaE-00059-00004247-00004254 BY MEGAN SMITH. THEN LATER STILL TRYING TO GET C-iWRE-ZOaE-00060-00004254-00004377 BY MEGAN SMITH. THEN LATER STILL TRYING TO GET SOME MOMENTUM GOING, KALUSCHE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00061-00004377-00004384 THEN LATER STILL TRYING TO GET SOME MOMENTUM GOING, KALUSCHE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00062-00004384-00004481 THEN LATER STILL TRYING TO GET SOME MOMENTUM GOING, KALUSCHE DOESN'T GET ALL OF IT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00063-00004481-00004487 SOME MOMENTUM GOING, KALUSCHE DOESN'T GET ALL OF IT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00064-00004487-00004644 SOME MOMENTUM GOING, KALUSCHE DOESN'T GET ALL OF IT. SMITH COVERS ONCE AGAIN. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00065-00004644-00004651 DOESN'T GET ALL OF IT. SMITH COVERS ONCE AGAIN. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00066-00004651-00004798 DOESN'T GET ALL OF IT. SMITH COVERS ONCE AGAIN. EDINA THE TOP SEED FOR A REASON, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00067-00004798-00004804 SMITH COVERS ONCE AGAIN. EDINA THE TOP SEED FOR A REASON, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00068-00004804-00005014 SMITH COVERS ONCE AGAIN. EDINA THE TOP SEED FOR A REASON, PUCK PUT TOWARDS NET. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00069-00005014-00005021 EDINA THE TOP SEED FOR A REASON, PUCK PUT TOWARDS NET. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00070-00005021-00005088 EDINA THE TOP SEED FOR A REASON, PUCK PUT TOWARDS NET. OLIVIA SWAIM THEN KNOCKS IT IN C-iWRE-ZOaE-00071-00005088-00005095 PUCK PUT TOWARDS NET. OLIVIA SWAIM THEN KNOCKS IT IN C-iWRE-ZOaE-00072-00005095-00005538 PUCK PUT TOWARDS NET. OLIVIA SWAIM THEN KNOCKS IT IN FOR ANOTHER. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00073-00005538-00005545 OLIVIA SWAIM THEN KNOCKS IT IN FOR ANOTHER. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00074-00005545-00005638 OLIVIA SWAIM THEN KNOCKS IT IN FOR ANOTHER. TOUGH NIGHT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00075-00005638-00005645 FOR ANOTHER. TOUGH NIGHT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00076-00005645-00005762 FOR ANOTHER. TOUGH NIGHT. THEY JUST COULDN'T GET ANYTHING C-iWRE-ZOaE-00077-00005762-00005769 TOUGH NIGHT. THEY JUST COULDN'T GET ANYTHING C-iWRE-ZOaE-00078-00005769-00005792 TOUGH NIGHT. THEY JUST COULDN'T GET ANYTHING GOING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00079-00005792-00005799 THEY JUST COULDN'T GET ANYTHING GOING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00080-00005799-00005955 THEY JUST COULDN'T GET ANYTHING GOING. THEY FALL 4-NOTHING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00081-00005955-00005962 GOING. THEY FALL 4-NOTHING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00082-00005962-00006119 GOING. THEY FALL 4-NOTHING. FOR MORE FROM THE ENERGY CENTER, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00083-00006119-00006126 THEY FALL 4-NOTHING. FOR MORE FROM THE ENERGY CENTER, C-iWRE-ZOaE-00084-00006126-00006332 THEY FALL 4-NOTHING. FOR MORE FROM THE ENERGY CENTER, HERE'S CLAYTON CASTLE. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00085-00006332-00006339 FOR MORE FROM THE ENERGY CENTER, HERE'S CLAYTON CASTLE. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00086-00006339-00006513 FOR MORE FROM THE ENERGY CENTER, HERE'S CLAYTON CASTLE. >> WHAT A HISTORIC SEASON FOR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00087-00006513-00006519 HERE'S CLAYTON CASTLE. >> WHAT A HISTORIC SEASON FOR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00088-00006519-00006656 HERE'S CLAYTON CASTLE. >> WHAT A HISTORIC SEASON FOR THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00089-00006656-00006663 >> WHAT A HISTORIC SEASON FOR THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00090-00006663-00006763 >> WHAT A HISTORIC SEASON FOR THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS WARRIORS AS THEY BECAME THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00091-00006763-00006770 THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS WARRIORS AS THEY BECAME THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00092-00006770-00006903 THE BRAINERD LITTLE FALLS WARRIORS AS THEY BECAME THE FIRST TEAM FROM BRAINERD TO EVER C-iWRE-ZOaE-00093-00006903-00006910 WARRIORS AS THEY BECAME THE FIRST TEAM FROM BRAINERD TO EVER C-iWRE-ZOaE-00094-00006910-00007036 WARRIORS AS THEY BECAME THE FIRST TEAM FROM BRAINERD TO EVER MAKE A STATE TOURNAMENT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00095-00007036-00007043 FIRST TEAM FROM BRAINERD TO EVER MAKE A STATE TOURNAMENT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00096-00007043-00007183 FIRST TEAM FROM BRAINERD TO EVER MAKE A STATE TOURNAMENT. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE WARRIORS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00097-00007183-00007190 MAKE A STATE TOURNAMENT. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE WARRIORS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00098-00007190-00007293 MAKE A STATE TOURNAMENT. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE WARRIORS IT CAME TO AN END TONIGHT AS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00099-00007293-00007300 UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE WARRIORS IT CAME TO AN END TONIGHT AS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00100-00007300-00007530 UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE WARRIORS IT CAME TO AN END TONIGHT AS THEY LOST TO THE EDINA HORNETS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00101-00007530-00007537 IT CAME TO AN END TONIGHT AS THEY LOST TO THE EDINA HORNETS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00102-00007537-00007811 IT CAME TO AN END TONIGHT AS THEY LOST TO THE EDINA HORNETS IN THE STATE QUARTER FINALS -- C-iWRE-ZOaE-00103-00007811-00007817 THEY LOST TO THE EDINA HORNETS IN THE STATE QUARTER FINALS -- C-iWRE-ZOaE-00104-00007817-00007844 THEY LOST TO THE EDINA HORNETS IN THE STATE QUARTER FINALS -- FINALS. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00105-00007844-00007851 IN THE STATE QUARTER FINALS -- FINALS. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00106-00007851-00007981 IN THE STATE QUARTER FINALS -- FINALS. >> TO BE A TEAM LIKE THAT YOU C-iWRE-ZOaE-00107-00007981-00007987 FINALS. >> TO BE A TEAM LIKE THAT YOU C-iWRE-ZOaE-00108-00007987-00008104 FINALS. >> TO BE A TEAM LIKE THAT YOU HAVE TO PLAY CLOSE TO A PERFECT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00109-00008104-00008111 >> TO BE A TEAM LIKE THAT YOU HAVE TO PLAY CLOSE TO A PERFECT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00110-00008111-00008208 >> TO BE A TEAM LIKE THAT YOU HAVE TO PLAY CLOSE TO A PERFECT GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO C-iWRE-ZOaE-00111-00008208-00008214 HAVE TO PLAY CLOSE TO A PERFECT GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO C-iWRE-ZOaE-00112-00008214-00008298 HAVE TO PLAY CLOSE TO A PERFECT GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO CAPITALIZE ON ANYTHING AND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00113-00008298-00008304 GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO CAPITALIZE ON ANYTHING AND C-iWRE-ZOaE-00114-00008304-00008338 GAME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO CAPITALIZE ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00115-00008338-00008344 CAPITALIZE ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00116-00008344-00008445 CAPITALIZE ON ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. WE WEREN'T ABLE TO DO THAT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00117-00008445-00008451 EVERYTHING. WE WEREN'T ABLE TO DO THAT. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00118-00008451-00008578 EVERYTHING. WE WEREN'T ABLE TO DO THAT. THAT'S A CREDIT TO THEM. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00119-00008578-00008585 WE WEREN'T ABLE TO DO THAT. THAT'S A CREDIT TO THEM. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00120-00008585-00008825 WE WEREN'T ABLE TO DO THAT. THAT'S A CREDIT TO THEM. THE ONE THING THAT THEY WERE WAS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00121-00008825-00008832 THAT'S A CREDIT TO THEM. THE ONE THING THAT THEY WERE WAS C-iWRE-ZOaE-00122-00008832-00008922 THAT'S A CREDIT TO THEM. THE ONE THING THAT THEY WERE WAS CONNECT THROUGHOUT, WHETHER IT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00123-00008922-00008928 THE ONE THING THAT THEY WERE WAS CONNECT THROUGHOUT, WHETHER IT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00124-00008928-00009052 THE ONE THING THAT THEY WERE WAS CONNECT THROUGHOUT, WHETHER IT WAS THE FIRST LINE, SECOND LINE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00125-00009052-00009059 CONNECT THROUGHOUT, WHETHER IT WAS THE FIRST LINE, SECOND LINE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00126-00009059-00009112 CONNECT THROUGHOUT, WHETHER IT WAS THE FIRST LINE, SECOND LINE OR THIRD LINE. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00127-00009112-00009119 WAS THE FIRST LINE, SECOND LINE OR THIRD LINE. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00128-00009119-00009259 WAS THE FIRST LINE, SECOND LINE OR THIRD LINE. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00129-00009259-00009265 OR THIRD LINE. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00130-00009265-00009292 OR THIRD LINE. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR SKILL. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00131-00009292-00009299 THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR SKILL. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00132-00009299-00009369 THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR SKILL. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00133-00009369-00009376 SKILL. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR C-iWRE-ZOaE-00134-00009376-00009499 SKILL. THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR PATIENCE AND, YOU KNOW, THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00135-00009499-00009506 THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR PATIENCE AND, YOU KNOW, THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00136-00009506-00009616 THEY WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR PATIENCE AND, YOU KNOW, THEY WERE REALLY GOOD FINDING THAT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00137-00009616-00009622 PATIENCE AND, YOU KNOW, THEY WERE REALLY GOOD FINDING THAT C-iWRE-ZOaE-00138-00009622-00009736 PATIENCE AND, YOU KNOW, THEY WERE REALLY GOOD FINDING THAT PLAYER WITHOUT THE PUCK. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00139-00009736-00009743 WERE REALLY GOOD FINDING THAT PLAYER WITHOUT THE PUCK. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00140-00009743-00009879 WERE REALLY GOOD FINDING THAT PLAYER WITHOUT THE PUCK. >> GOING IN WE KNEW WHAT THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00141-00009879-00009886 PLAYER WITHOUT THE PUCK. >> GOING IN WE KNEW WHAT THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00142-00009886-00010193 PLAYER WITHOUT THE PUCK. >> GOING IN WE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO PLAY LIKE, AND WE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00143-00010193-00010200 >> GOING IN WE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO PLAY LIKE, AND WE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00144-00010200-00010326 >> GOING IN WE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO PLAY LIKE, AND WE JUST COULDN'T STOP THEM ON THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00145-00010326-00010333 WERE GOING TO PLAY LIKE, AND WE JUST COULDN'T STOP THEM ON THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00146-00010333-00010553 WERE GOING TO PLAY LIKE, AND WE JUST COULDN'T STOP THEM ON THE FIRST TWO PERIODS. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00147-00010553-00010560 JUST COULDN'T STOP THEM ON THE FIRST TWO PERIODS. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00148-00010560-00010717 JUST COULDN'T STOP THEM ON THE FIRST TWO PERIODS. >> WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00149-00010717-00010724 FIRST TWO PERIODS. >> WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00150-00010724-00010817 FIRST TWO PERIODS. >> WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD ENOUGH IN THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T C-iWRE-ZOaE-00151-00010817-00010824 >> WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD ENOUGH IN THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T C-iWRE-ZOaE-00152-00010824-00010910 >> WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD ENOUGH IN THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T PLAY OUR GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00153-00010910-00010917 ENOUGH IN THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T PLAY OUR GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00154-00010917-00011014 ENOUGH IN THE FIRST TWO, DIDN'T PLAY OUR GAME. >> IF WE WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00155-00011014-00011021 PLAY OUR GAME. >> IF WE WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00156-00011021-00011167 PLAY OUR GAME. >> IF WE WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE SAME WAY WE PLAYED IN THE THIRD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00157-00011167-00011174 >> IF WE WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE SAME WAY WE PLAYED IN THE THIRD C-iWRE-ZOaE-00158-00011174-00011274 >> IF WE WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE SAME WAY WE PLAYED IN THE THIRD PERIOD, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A WAY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00159-00011274-00011281 SAME WAY WE PLAYED IN THE THIRD PERIOD, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A WAY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00160-00011281-00011374 SAME WAY WE PLAYED IN THE THIRD PERIOD, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A WAY DIFFERENT GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00161-00011374-00011381 PERIOD, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A WAY DIFFERENT GAME. C-iWRE-ZOaE-00162-00011381-00011484 PERIOD, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A WAY DIFFERENT GAME. >> THE SEASON ISN'T OVER QUITE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00163-00011484-00011491 DIFFERENT GAME. >> THE SEASON ISN'T OVER QUITE C-iWRE-ZOaE-00164-00011491-00011704 DIFFERENT GAME. >> THE SEASON ISN'T OVER QUITE YET FOR THE WARRIORS AS THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00165-00011704-00011711 >> THE SEASON ISN'T OVER QUITE YET FOR THE WARRIORS AS THEY C-iWRE-ZOaE-00166-00011711-00011848 >> THE SEASON ISN'T OVER QUITE YET FOR THE WARRIORS AS THEY WILL PLAY IN THE CONSOLATION C-iWRE-ZOaE-00167-00011848-00011855 YET FOR THE WARRIORS AS THEY WILL PLAY IN THE CONSOLATION C-iWRE-ZOaE-00168-00011855-00012035 YET FOR THE WARRIORS AS THEY WILL PLAY IN THE CONSOLATION BRACKET TOMORROW AT NOON. C-cKxraB2oM-00000-00000547-00000821 Hi, my name is Antón Seoane. C-cKxraB2oM-00001-00000821-00001582 I teach Philosophy at a High School in a small village in Spain, and I am also a teacher C-cKxraB2oM-00002-00001582-00002157 at the University of Salamanca, where I train future school counselors. C-cKxraB2oM-00003-00002157-00003138 As a teacher, I'm aware of my instructing role being much less important than supporting C-cKxraB2oM-00004-00003138-00003390 and guiding my students. C-cKxraB2oM-00005-00003390-00004064 But the potential of emotional supporting, advising and counseling among students and C-cKxraB2oM-00006-00004064-00005005 other peers is even more powerful, especially if it is properly led as a school strategy. C-cKxraB2oM-00007-00005005-00005748 This is where the INTO project becomes useful by giving tools to manage peer mentoring actions C-cKxraB2oM-00008-00005748-00006444 at school and so taking the most of these experiences in the benefit of our students’ C-cKxraB2oM-00009-00006444-00006923 academic performance and personal wellbeing. C-cKxraB2oM-00010-00006923-00007473 In the next few minutes Sandra will present to you some of the activities that we’ve C-cKxraB2oM-00011-00007473-00007934 been carrying out during the pilot stage at school. C-cKxraB2oM-00012-00007934-00008145 I hope you’ll enjoy them. C-cKxraB2oM-00013-00008145-00008404 Thank You for your attention and support. CBZY8O0WSsy-00000-00000063-00000200 hello how are you and fuck you CFFDaUglSwI-00000-00000496-00001088 thank you i am super excited to be here today to talk about delta lake and specifically how it can CFFDaUglSwI-00001-00001088-00001648 help bring data reliability to your existing data lakes but before i get into that i want CFFDaUglSwI-00002-00001648-00002056 to talk a little bit about data lakes and why everyone's so excited about them because i've CFFDaUglSwI-00003-00002056-00002520 heard lots of stories of people spending millions and millions of dollars on their data lake project CFFDaUglSwI-00004-00002520-00002896 and sometimes it doesn't want to work really work out and i want to understand what that means but CFFDaUglSwI-00005-00002896-00003384 first of all what is the promise of the data lake and as far as i understand it it's something like CFFDaUglSwI-00006-00003384-00003911 this your organization has a lot of different types of data it could be customer data it could CFFDaUglSwI-00007-00003911-00004384 be metrics it could be console logs it could be unstructured things like images and video CFFDaUglSwI-00008-00004448-00004864 and the idea of a data lake is rather than spending a bunch of time CFFDaUglSwI-00009-00004864-00005344 doing etl coming up with a really strict schema and loading it into a traditional database CFFDaUglSwI-00010-00005416-00005856 instead you're just going to store it all a data lake it's just a directory and a file CFFDaUglSwI-00011-00005856-00006264 system and you can just put it there you don't even have to know if it's valuable ahead of time CFFDaUglSwI-00012-00006264-00006688 and i think that's actually a good thing because you often don't know ahead of time what data CFFDaUglSwI-00013-00006688-00007256 is going to be valuable and the ability to just collect it all and figure it out later is actually CFFDaUglSwI-00014-00007256-00007856 pretty powerful and then the idea is after we've collected all of this data we're going to do some CFFDaUglSwI-00015-00007856-00008336 really cool things with it we'll do data science and machine learning we'll build predictive models CFFDaUglSwI-00016-00008336-00008976 we'll maybe even cure cancer with genomics but i have some bad news for you in most cases CFFDaUglSwI-00017-00009056-00009672 your data is garbage and the reason for that is is varied it could be that someone upstream CFFDaUglSwI-00018-00009672-00010136 from you decided to change the form out of a date without telling you about it it could be that some CFFDaUglSwI-00019-00010136-00010616 machine is dropping records and they're showing up days late now it could be that you're missing CFFDaUglSwI-00020-00010616-00010960 there's two different data sets and you need to join them together to be able to understand them CFFDaUglSwI-00021-00011016-00011424 and the problem with this is if you have garbage in you're going to store garbage CFFDaUglSwI-00022-00011424-00011824 and if you put garbage into your algorithms you're going to end up with garbage out as well CFFDaUglSwI-00023-00011920-00012352 and so i want to talk about a pattern that i've seen play out over and over again CFFDaUglSwI-00024-00012352-00012696 in these data lake projects where people try to build a lot of architecture around them CFFDaUglSwI-00025-00012696-00013256 to kind of solve some of these shortcomings so let's start with a pretty typical problem here CFFDaUglSwI-00026-00013256-00013712 this is i bet something that many of you have built your boss comes to you and you have a CFFDaUglSwI-00027-00013712-00014176 problem like this you have events coming in to some system like kafka but it could also be CFFDaUglSwI-00028-00014176-00014856 kinesis or s3 or azure data lake and you want to do two things you want to do streaming analytics CFFDaUglSwI-00029-00014856-00015256 so you can understand what's happening in your business right now at this very moment CFFDaUglSwI-00030-00015312-00015800 and you also want to do ai and reporting where you take a longitudinal view and you actually CFFDaUglSwI-00031-00015800-00016224 look at historical data and you you build trends and predictive models for the future CFFDaUglSwI-00032-00016312-00016856 so i'm a little biased but if i was given this problem i would start by using apache spark CFFDaUglSwI-00033-00016856-00017384 so we have you know great apis that connect to kafka we support event time aggregation CFFDaUglSwI-00034-00017384-00017896 you can write your code in scala java python or even just pure sql and you can do streaming CFFDaUglSwI-00035-00017896-00018472 analytics from that great right we're done unfortunately this brings us to challenge CFFDaUglSwI-00036-00018472-00019080 number one which is historical queries systems like kafka are great for storing a day a week CFFDaUglSwI-00037-00019080-00019672 maybe a month of data but they're not great for storing years and years worth of data so i spent a CFFDaUglSwI-00038-00019672-00020168 lot of time looking around on the internet reading blog posts and i came up to this thing called the CFFDaUglSwI-00039-00020168-00020632 lambda architecture which as far as i can tell means you're just going to do everything twice CFFDaUglSwI-00040-00020632-00021232 we'll have one system for streaming and one system for batch and you know spark has unified apis for CFFDaUglSwI-00041-00021232-00021752 streaming and batch so it works out okay and now we can collect all of the historical data in our CFFDaUglSwI-00042-00021752-00022232 data lake and from there so we'll add that you know one extra complication to our architecture CFFDaUglSwI-00043-00022232-00022704 but it allows us to do both of these problems and now with spark we can do ai in reporting CFFDaUglSwI-00044-00022792-00023208 all good right unfortunately this brings us to challenge number two CFFDaUglSwI-00045-00023208-00023720 which as i said before your data is messy some columns are null and you don't understand why CFFDaUglSwI-00046-00023720-00024232 and so what a pattern i see is people will start writing extra scripts that do validations CFFDaUglSwI-00047-00024232-00024664 so this is a whole nother set of spark programs that are just checking the quality of your data CFFDaUglSwI-00048-00024664-00025040 and they're emailing somebody if something goes wrong and again because we have the CFFDaUglSwI-00049-00025040-00025400 lambda architecture we have to do this both for streaming and batch so it's another CFFDaUglSwI-00050-00025400-00025856 two things that we need to worry about but we can add this to our architecture and now we've CFFDaUglSwI-00051-00025856-00026416 got validation so we'll know when our data is messy but unfortunately some of that messy data CFFDaUglSwI-00052-00026416-00026904 made it into your data lake there are already mistakes and failures corrupting those files CFFDaUglSwI-00053-00026904-00027327 and this isn't a traditional database so if i want to correct those it's actually very difficult i CFFDaUglSwI-00054-00027327-00027672 have to go and find them and fix them i have to be very careful not to crash in the middle CFFDaUglSwI-00055-00027672-00029583 or i might corrupt the data in my data lake and and what that's going to give us no that's okay CFFDaUglSwI-00056-00030592-00031224 okay now i can continue um so what do you do to to handle this well a pattern that i've seen over CFFDaUglSwI-00057-00031224-00031608 and over again and i bet something that many of you in the audience have actually done before CFFDaUglSwI-00058-00031608-00032048 is you use partitioning rather than store everything in one gigantic directory CFFDaUglSwI-00059-00032048-00032536 we're gonna break it up into days months hours minutes whatever makes sense for your business CFFDaUglSwI-00060-00032536-00032960 and now when something goes wrong rather than recompute everything from scratch i'll just CFFDaUglSwI-00061-00032960-00033368 build an engine that can blow away one of those directories and i'll just recompute one day CFFDaUglSwI-00062-00033368-00033768 and so now i can correct those mistakes and failures in my data lake and we're good to go CFFDaUglSwI-00063-00033768-00034192 but again this is one more complication we had to add to our architecture in order to enable that CFFDaUglSwI-00064-00034288-00034824 and then finally this brings us to challenge number four updates things like gdpr happen and CFFDaUglSwI-00065-00034824-00035232 rather than change one day you actually need to go through your entire data lake to remove people CFFDaUglSwI-00066-00035232-00035640 who want to be forgotten or you have problems like change data capture where you're constantly CFFDaUglSwI-00067-00035640-00036168 getting a feed of updates and you want your daily data lake to reflect what's going on in reality so CFFDaUglSwI-00068-00036168-00036536 again we're good engineers we know how to solve these problems we'll write a whole nother set of CFFDaUglSwI-00069-00036536-00036952 spark programs that can handle doing updates and merges you got to be really careful here CFFDaUglSwI-00070-00036952-00037360 though because if you modify data while people are querying it they're going to get the wrong results CFFDaUglSwI-00071-00037360-00037840 so we'll schedule this so we'll only run gdpr at one in the morning and we'll make sure that CFFDaUglSwI-00072-00037840-00038240 our batch jobs don't start until three in the morning and we'll hope the gdpr job definitely CFFDaUglSwI-00073-00038240-00038752 finishes before then but again this is something that we can handle and we add these updates but CFFDaUglSwI-00074-00038752-00039232 what you'll notice is this is a very complicated architecture and i think the theme here is you're CFFDaUglSwI-00075-00039232-00039720 wasting a lot of time and money solving these well-known systems problems rather than doing CFFDaUglSwI-00076-00039720-00040272 what you really want to do which is extract value from your data and the things that are distracting CFFDaUglSwI-00077-00040272-00040680 you from getting value out of your data are i think these are kind of a three a good summary CFFDaUglSwI-00078-00040736-00041144 you don't have atomicity atomicity is this property that when something happens it either CFFDaUglSwI-00079-00041144-00041568 happens completely or not at all and you don't have this in a distributed system and on a file CFFDaUglSwI-00080-00041568-00041960 system when something goes wrong in the middle of your spark job you have to worry about did it CFFDaUglSwI-00081-00041960-00042384 write something out already do i have partial results out there have i duplicated my data CFFDaUglSwI-00082-00042448-00042832 and that can make it very difficult you have to do a lot of manual cleanup when something goes wrong CFFDaUglSwI-00083-00042888-00043248 there's no quality enforcement it's just a directory out on a file system CFFDaUglSwI-00084-00043248-00043648 so if anybody can drop anything they want in there it's very hard to reason about what you're CFFDaUglSwI-00085-00043648-00044120 going to get when you query it and finally there's also no consistency or isolation as CFFDaUglSwI-00086-00044120-00044552 i mentioned before you have to be very careful not to schedule batch jobs over a table that's being CFFDaUglSwI-00087-00044552-00045016 modified and similarly it's almost impossible to make streaming and batch on the same data set CFFDaUglSwI-00088-00045104-00045568 and so this is why we created delta lake and the idea of delta lake is we're going to take this CFFDaUglSwI-00089-00045568-00045984 relatively complicated architecture where you're spending all of your time thinking about systems CFFDaUglSwI-00090-00045984-00046400 problems and change it to something that looks more like this where instead you're thinking about CFFDaUglSwI-00091-00046400-00047048 data flow and the core enabling technology here is this well-known idea called acid transactions CFFDaUglSwI-00092-00047048-00047608 acid transactions mean that it's atomic consistent isolated and durable so you can focus on your data CFFDaUglSwI-00093-00047608-00048048 flow rather than worrying about failures if something goes wrong it automatically rolls CFFDaUglSwI-00094-00048048-00048504 back completely and you don't have to do any extra cleanup and multiple people can modify the same CFFDaUglSwI-00095-00048504-00049088 data at the same time and it'll be as though they're doing it one at a time and of course CFFDaUglSwI-00096-00049088-00049536 if i was going to be collecting petabytes of data that's very valuable to my organization i wouldn't CFFDaUglSwI-00097-00049536-00050008 want to lock this into some vendor-specific black box proprietary format and that's why CFFDaUglSwI-00098-00050008-00050440 delta lake is based on open standard and is fully open source the data is stored in CFFDaUglSwI-00099-00050440-00051048 apache parquet and the transaction protocol for delta is also licensed under the apache license CFFDaUglSwI-00100-00051120-00051496 and we actually just recently a couple months ago announced that we've donated the project to the CFFDaUglSwI-00101-00051496-00051976 linux foundation and formed a new foundation under the linux foundation as the vendor the CFFDaUglSwI-00102-00051976-00052432 permanent vendor neutral home for delta and we have a growing community including spark and CFFDaUglSwI-00103-00052432-00052888 presto and others where we're trying to make it possible for everybody to read from the delta lake CFFDaUglSwI-00104-00053024-00053567 however today delta is deeply powered by apache spark and so if you have existing spark programs CFFDaUglSwI-00105-00053567-00053904 it's almost trivial to convert them and i'll actually show you how in a couple of slides CFFDaUglSwI-00106-00053960-00054448 delta plugs into both the streaming and batch apis of spark so your existing programs can run with CFFDaUglSwI-00107-00054448-00055064 confidence so i want to simplify this picture now and talk about some of the patterns that emerge CFFDaUglSwI-00108-00055064-00055528 once you stop thinking about systems problems and start thinking about data quality i'm going to CFFDaUglSwI-00109-00055528-00056000 talk about these different data quality levels now these are not specific features of delta there is CFFDaUglSwI-00110-00056000-00056416 nothing that says you have to have a bronze silver and gold table or that you have to have at least CFFDaUglSwI-00111-00056416-00056936 one of them but i think these are really useful vocabulary that you can use in your organization CFFDaUglSwI-00112-00056936-00057416 to talk about quality so starting at the bo and the idea here is rather than just CFFDaUglSwI-00113-00057416-00057888 go directly from raw data to to the finished product you're actually going to incrementally CFFDaUglSwI-00114-00057888-00058240 improve the quality of your data and i actually think that's valuable and i'll talk about why CFFDaUglSwI-00115-00058408-00058936 so starting at the beginning we have our bronze raw data this is just whatever is coming out of CFFDaUglSwI-00116-00058936-00059576 kafka kinesis s3 people will have raw json stored in a column and you might say wait a second why CFFDaUglSwI-00117-00059576-00060072 am i storing raw data why am i not starting by doing etl and one of the reasons here is there CFFDaUglSwI-00118-00060072-00060576 are no bugs in a parser that you don't write if you keep the raw data you can always go back to it CFFDaUglSwI-00119-00060576-00061104 and process from the beginning of time and delta is designed to store years and years worth of data CFFDaUglSwI-00120-00061104-00061504 we had one of our customers who was storing data in another database and they were only CFFDaUglSwI-00121-00061504-00061888 able to store two weeks with delta they're now keeping three years worth of data CFFDaUglSwI-00122-00061967-00062448 and so after you've collected all of this data in bronze the next step is to move it to silver CFFDaUglSwI-00123-00062448-00062840 in silver you start to do some of the cleaning you maybe filter out records that you aren't CFFDaUglSwI-00124-00062840-00063391 interested in you take that json and you parse it into top level columns you do joins to augment CFFDaUglSwI-00125-00063391-00063824 data so that you have extra information that's useful in that processing and you might say wait CFFDaUglSwI-00126-00063824-00064352 a second why am i materializing this intermediate data if it's not my final answer and there's CFFDaUglSwI-00127-00064352-00064760 actually a couple of reasons for that i think the most obvious one is you know maybe this CFFDaUglSwI-00128-00064760-00065264 clean data is useful to multiple people in your organization and by creating this silver table CFFDaUglSwI-00129-00065264-00065664 multiple people can use this in their in their final answer so maybe you've CFFDaUglSwI-00130-00065664-00066096 created a really interesting featurized data set and multiple people can train their models on it CFFDaUglSwI-00131-00066160-00066544 but something that actually surprised me that a lot of users came and said was very valuable CFFDaUglSwI-00132-00066544-00067048 is silver tables are also useful for debugging when something goes wrong in your final analysis CFFDaUglSwI-00133-00067048-00067520 you actually have this table that you can query with the full power of sql you can ask questions CFFDaUglSwI-00134-00067520-00067992 like how many nulls do exist in this column or how many distinct values are here and things CFFDaUglSwI-00135-00067992-00068368 will jump out in you and you'll understand where the where the quality problems are coming from CFFDaUglSwI-00136-00068576-00069024 and then finally we move on to gold this is high level business aggregates machine CFFDaUglSwI-00137-00069024-00069440 learning learning models things that actually you know solve a business problem that means CFFDaUglSwI-00138-00069440-00069888 something to somebody in your company and you can share this and do streaming analytics or ai and CFFDaUglSwI-00139-00069888-00070272 reporting on it you can read it with spark or presto and a growing community of tools CFFDaUglSwI-00140-00070504-00070984 another pattern is people often use streaming to move their data through their delta lake CFFDaUglSwI-00141-00070984-00071424 and you might say wait a second i don't need streaming i don't have low latency requirements CFFDaUglSwI-00142-00071424-00071824 i'm fine with batch jobs and i actually think that's the wrong way to look at it CFFDaUglSwI-00143-00071824-00072256 to me streaming can do low latency and that's one thing that it's very powerful for CFFDaUglSwI-00144-00072256-00072736 but what streaming is really about is it's about incremental computation on an ever growing set CFFDaUglSwI-00145-00072736-00073160 of data and pretty much everybody has a set of interesting queries that they want to run CFFDaUglSwI-00146-00073160-00073608 and pretty much everybody's data is constantly changing the kinds of problems that streaming CFFDaUglSwI-00147-00073608-00074048 solve are the same problems you have to solve today by hand when you're running a batch job CFFDaUglSwI-00148-00074048-00074544 you need to ask what data is new and what's already been processed how do i take that new data CFFDaUglSwI-00149-00074544-00075072 process it exactly once with no duplicates and no drop data and commit it downstream transactionally CFFDaUglSwI-00150-00075072-00075448 how do i checkpoint where i'm at so i can recover if the system crashes CFFDaUglSwI-00151-00075448-00075928 and these are all handled by the streaming system and in apache spark we actually have these really CFFDaUglSwI-00152-00075928-00076440 nice knobs that you can tune to trade off cost for latency depending on your particular application CFFDaUglSwI-00153-00076520-00076984 if you have a hyper low latency application where you care about milliseconds latency you can use CFFDaUglSwI-00154-00076984-00077512 continuous processing mode we hold onto a core we're continually streaming data through there's CFFDaUglSwI-00155-00077512-00078032 no batching and so it runs as fast as possible but it's very expensive only your stream can CFFDaUglSwI-00156-00078032-00078672 use that core and nobody else can in the middle we have micro batching you each you can run many CFFDaUglSwI-00157-00078672-00079128 streams on a single cluster and each stream will run in tiny little increments multiplexing the CFFDaUglSwI-00158-00079128-00079720 resources of the cluster here you can get seconds to minutes latency but run lots of streams on the CFFDaUglSwI-00159-00079720-00080272 same hardware and then at the far end many people actually have data sets that only change once a CFFDaUglSwI-00160-00080272-00080792 day or once a week or once a month and in these cases you can use trigger once with trigger once CFFDaUglSwI-00161-00080792-00081304 the stream starts up at the beginning processes everything that's there and then shuts down CFFDaUglSwI-00162-00081304-00081760 and if you're using the power of the cloud this is great because you can take advantage of elasticity CFFDaUglSwI-00163-00081760-00082216 when your stream is done shut that cluster off and stop paying for it so you can save orders CFFDaUglSwI-00164-00082216-00082584 of magnitudes and processing costs by taking advantage of this if you don't have strict CFFDaUglSwI-00165-00082584-00083104 latency requirements and so what you'll really see is streaming allows you to focus only on CFFDaUglSwI-00166-00083104-00083568 data flow rather than all of this control flow of processing it can dramatically simplify the work CFFDaUglSwI-00167-00083768-00084224 however you know batch jobs are also very important and delta has full support for CFFDaUglSwI-00168-00084224-00084776 batch operations as well when you want to do gdpr once every 30 days to remove all of those those CFFDaUglSwI-00169-00084776-00085200 people who've asked to be forgotten you can do that with an update or with a delete if you want CFFDaUglSwI-00170-00085200-00085680 to do change data capture once a month we have the merge into command where you can do upserts CFFDaUglSwI-00171-00085680-00086184 if you want to every month delete data that's more than three months old that's also supported CFFDaUglSwI-00172-00086184-00086592 we support all of the standard dml from a traditional database update delete and merge CFFDaUglSwI-00173-00086688-00087112 and you can also do crazy things like atomically overwrite multiple partitions CFFDaUglSwI-00174-00087112-00087824 so pretty much anything any apis in spark can be used with delta there's one final pattern that i CFFDaUglSwI-00175-00087824-00088336 want to talk about which is reprocessing if you follow these patterns if you keep all of your CFFDaUglSwI-00176-00088336-00088888 raw data in bronze and you use streaming to do processing it now becomes very easy to uh to solve CFFDaUglSwI-00177-00088944-00089296 cases where you might have made a mistake or where you come up with some new thing that you want to CFFDaUglSwI-00178-00089296-00089792 compute from scratch and the reason for this is when you start a stream with a fresh checkpoint CFFDaUglSwI-00179-00089792-00090304 it's going to compute the same answer as a batch job over the same data set the way streams work CFFDaUglSwI-00180-00090304-00090720 is when they first start they take a snapshot of the delta table at the moment the stream begins CFFDaUglSwI-00181-00090776-00091184 they break that snapshot into a bunch of individual pieces and process them incrementally CFFDaUglSwI-00182-00091248-00091712 when they get to the end of that snapshot they start tailing the transaction log to only process CFFDaUglSwI-00183-00091712-00092136 new data that has arrived since the beginning this is another great place where you can take CFFDaUglSwI-00184-00092136-00092680 advantage of the elasticity of the cloud when you do that initial backfill start up a thousand node CFFDaUglSwI-00185-00092680-00093104 cluster and process it really quickly when you get to the incremental processing at the end CFFDaUglSwI-00186-00093104-00093520 scale it down and you know keep ten machines running so you can reduce cost significantly CFFDaUglSwI-00187-00093600-00094080 but having that raw data means you can always go back to it and ask those interesting questions as CFFDaUglSwI-00188-00094080-00094416 though you had thought of them from the beginning and as though your code had no bugs in it CFFDaUglSwI-00189-00094672-00095048 so now that i've kind of talked about what delta's good at i want to talk about some actual use cases CFFDaUglSwI-00190-00095048-00095480 where people are using it this is a relatively recent open source project we just open sourced it CFFDaUglSwI-00191-00095480-00095928 in april but it's actually been a product inside of database databricks for a couple of years CFFDaUglSwI-00192-00095928-00096344 so it's actually used by thousands of organizations around the world and last CFFDaUglSwI-00193-00096344-00096968 month we processed over two exabytes of data alone i want to talk about one particular use case that CFFDaUglSwI-00194-00096968-00097504 i think is really cool this is from comcast which is a large cable provider in the united states CFFDaUglSwI-00195-00097504-00097968 and basically what they have is they have data on every time anybody clicks their remote you CFFDaUglSwI-00196-00097968-00098416 know for any comcast subscriber and they really want to understand what people's content journey CFFDaUglSwI-00197-00098416-00098784 is like they want to understand you're watching espn and then you go to the home shopping network CFFDaUglSwI-00198-00098784-00099104 then you go back to espn they want to understand what that looks like CFFDaUglSwI-00199-00099104-00099576 so they have this segmentation job where they're actually watching people through time and as you CFFDaUglSwI-00200-00099576-00100040 can imagine they have a lot of customers and so this would actually max out their spark clusters CFFDaUglSwI-00201-00100040-00100464 so they did what any good engineer would do when you have a scaling problem they said well let's CFFDaUglSwI-00202-00100464-00100992 just hash partition it so rather than have one spark cluster they had 10 spark clusters and CFFDaUglSwI-00203-00100992-00101432 they would take all of their customers and they would take their user id mod it by 10 and spread CFFDaUglSwI-00204-00101432-00101968 them out across all of these clusters and great now it runs however now they have 10 clusters to CFFDaUglSwI-00205-00101968-00102504 manage 10 schedules to work with 10 sets of logs to comb through and 10 sets of errors to deal with CFFDaUglSwI-00206-00102504-00102983 it's a lot of extra maintenance so when they took this and they converted it to delta because CFFDaUglSwI-00207-00102983-00103383 if delta's more efficient metadata handling and scheduling they were actually able to collapse CFFDaUglSwI-00208-00103383-00103800 this down onto a single cluster and they were also able to reduce the number of machines that they CFFDaUglSwI-00209-00103800-00104408 needed to use by 10x so that's a dramatic savings not only in engineering time but also in dollars CFFDaUglSwI-00210-00104408-00105304 spent to amazon or aws or azure so that's pretty cool so if you want to figure out how to use delta CFFDaUglSwI-00211-00105304-00105783 lake it's actually really simple if you're already using apache spark with this one command dash dash CFFDaUglSwI-00212-00105783-00106272 packages you can add delta to any existing spark cluster that'll automatically download it from CFFDaUglSwI-00213-00106272-00106735 maven and install it on the cluster if you're building spark applications locally you can add CFFDaUglSwI-00214-00106735-00107183 these maven coordinates and it'll automatically download delta and include it in your project CFFDaUglSwI-00215-00107240-00107616 and then in your code it's actually trivial you just take the current format that you're CFFDaUglSwI-00216-00107616-00108216 using whether it's parquet json csv orc whatever and switch it to delta and everything will work CFFDaUglSwI-00217-00108216-00108680 the same except now you'll have these power of acid transactions and scalable metadata CFFDaUglSwI-00218-00108959-00109280 i want to talk about something that's coming in the future just to kind of let you know CFFDaUglSwI-00219-00109280-00109664 where we're going this is a new project that we're currently prototyping at databricks and CFFDaUglSwI-00220-00109664-00110248 we hope to open source in the next three to six months uh and the idea here is once CFFDaUglSwI-00221-00110248-00110752 people start using delta they go from having one stream and one delta table to 10 streams CFFDaUglSwI-00222-00110752-00111264 100 streams a thousand streams and it becomes very complicated to reason about what's going on CFFDaUglSwI-00223-00111264-00111783 and so the idea of declarative pipelines is rather than managing each table as its own individual CFFDaUglSwI-00224-00111783-00112352 entity we want to give you a language where you can express your data flow as one holistic graph CFFDaUglSwI-00225-00112352-00112816 so data comes in at the beginning and you move it through the bronze silver gold quality levels CFFDaUglSwI-00226-00112816-00113272 using the same apis that you already know and love so in this example i'm creating a new data CFFDaUglSwI-00227-00113272-00113856 set called warehouse and i'm specifying it as this declarative query for those of you familiar with CFFDaUglSwI-00228-00113856-00114359 materialized views this is materialized views for spark the idea here is it depends on some CFFDaUglSwI-00229-00114359-00114783 other input which is data coming from kafka and i'm going to use standard data frame CFFDaUglSwI-00230-00114783-00115344 transformations on it we plan to provide these apis in java scala python and also just pure sql CFFDaUglSwI-00231-00115480-00115880 in addition to the query you can specify a lot of details about how it's going to be stored so CFFDaUglSwI-00232-00115880-00116320 you can say where you want it to be located if you have regulatory restrictions you can CFFDaUglSwI-00233-00116320-00116744 specify whether or not you want strict schema checking delta actually has two different modes CFFDaUglSwI-00234-00116744-00117224 here you can automatically upgrade the schema so columns are added automatically anytime CFFDaUglSwI-00235-00117224-00117752 something new arrives delta can handle that and maybe you want to do that in your bronze tables CFFDaUglSwI-00236-00117752-00118096 when you get to gold though maybe you want to be a little bit stricter and you only want the CFFDaUglSwI-00237-00118096-00118648 schema to change when you when you plan on it and so you can use standard ddl alter table add column CFFDaUglSwI-00238-00118648-00119111 to modify it and delta supports both of these modes and then finally you might want to register CFFDaUglSwI-00239-00119111-00119552 it in a meta store so it's discoverable by other people in your organization or you might want to CFFDaUglSwI-00240-00119552-00119976 add a human readable description that says where this data is coming from how it was processed CFFDaUglSwI-00241-00119976-00120583 what it's used for so that other people can understand the quality and contents of this table CFFDaUglSwI-00242-00120640-00121128 and then finally my favorite feature here is this thing called expectations expectations CFFDaUglSwI-00243-00121128-00121544 allow you to take your domain knowledge about what quality means and tell the system about them CFFDaUglSwI-00244-00121600-00122176 so in this case i expect this table always has a valid timestamp and what is a valid timestamp CFFDaUglSwI-00245-00122176-00122640 it doesn't just mean that there's a date there it actually for me i know that databricks started in CFFDaUglSwI-00246-00122640-00123200 2012. and so if there's a record from say 1970 that's probably a parsing mistake even though CFFDaUglSwI-00247-00123200-00123728 it's actually a valid date and so you can actually express this as a predicate you can say it needs CFFDaUglSwI-00248-00123728-00124408 to be after january 1st 2012 and this sounds very similar to a database invariant in an invariant CFFDaUglSwI-00249-00124408-00124880 it'll fail any transaction where the invariant is violated and you can do that too if this CFFDaUglSwI-00250-00124880-00125311 is a table that you're going to be reporting to regulators you probably don't ever want any weird CFFDaUglSwI-00251-00125311-00125888 data to get into it but earlier on in your bronze and silver tables if you stop everything every CFFDaUglSwI-00252-00125888-00126392 time something unexpected happens you probably won't get anything done and so what expectations CFFDaUglSwI-00253-00126392-00127120 do is they allow you to tune the severity of an unexpected tuple so i can say for example if more CFFDaUglSwI-00254-00127120-00127656 than five percent of the records are invalid send me an email or my favorite feature here CFFDaUglSwI-00255-00127656-00128183 is this notion of data quarantining so with the data quarantine when something unexpected is seen CFFDaUglSwI-00256-00128183-00128592 rather than stop processing we'll allow processing to continue and we'll just take that unexpected CFFDaUglSwI-00257-00128592-00129008 record and divert it route it to another table where an engineer can come in and look at it CFFDaUglSwI-00258-00129008-00129496 at their convenience to understand what went wrong and we don't just give you the bad tuple CFFDaUglSwI-00259-00129496-00129976 we actually plug deeply into apache spark so we can give you more debugging information we CFFDaUglSwI-00260-00129976-00130464 modify the query plan so we can tell you this was the record that came in this was the record that CFFDaUglSwI-00261-00130464-00130935 came out here is the expectation that was violated and here's the code that produced that bad record CFFDaUglSwI-00262-00131016-00131448 it makes debugging significantly easier i've actually been using this this feature on some CFFDaUglSwI-00263-00131448-00131856 of my data sets inside of databricks and it's amazing the things you discover about your data CFFDaUglSwI-00264-00131856-00132224 when you just write down what you expect and you see when those expectations are violated CFFDaUglSwI-00265-00132480-00132784 so finally before i close i want to talk a little bit about how delta CFFDaUglSwI-00266-00132784-00133112 works under the covers i want to get into the nitty gritty technical details CFFDaUglSwI-00267-00133112-00133592 because acid transactions on top of a distributed system like spark sound almost too good to be CFFDaUglSwI-00268-00133592-00134000 true but it turns out there's a couple of simple tricks we can put together to make this possible CFFDaUglSwI-00269-00134144-00134624 so starting at the beginning delta on disk looks exactly like your data lake today CFFDaUglSwI-00270-00134624-00135216 it's just a directory but in addition to the data files we also store a transaction log and inside CFFDaUglSwI-00271-00135216-00135720 of the transaction log we keep track of different versions of the table as it changes through time CFFDaUglSwI-00272-00135720-00136232 so you can see these json files here are version 0 of the table and then version 1 of the table CFFDaUglSwI-00273-00136352-00136760 and then alongside this we have optional partition directories i say optional because they're CFFDaUglSwI-00274-00136760-00137312 actually just there for debugging the the actual information about partitioning is stored in in the CFFDaUglSwI-00275-00137312-00137936 transaction log itself this allows us to do really cool things like on s3 if you want to have maximum CFFDaUglSwI-00276-00137936-00138392 performance what you actually do is you pick random directory names to spread it out across CFFDaUglSwI-00277-00138392-00138848 their metadata tier we've actually had cases where delta overloaded s3 and we had to do this CFFDaUglSwI-00278-00138936-00139408 and then finally data files which are stored in standard parquet readable by many of the tools CFFDaUglSwI-00279-00139408-00140040 that you're already using so what goes in each of those different table versions well you can CFFDaUglSwI-00280-00140040-00140480 really think of this as a change log what we're doing is we're recording what's different from CFFDaUglSwI-00281-00140480-00140984 the previous version so different actions that can be inside of that change log are change the CFFDaUglSwI-00282-00140984-00141448 metadata of the table so for example if i want to add a column i would put a change metadata action CFFDaUglSwI-00283-00141504-00141936 if i want to add data to the table i would add a file and along with that file you can CFFDaUglSwI-00284-00141936-00142488 add optional statistics about the data for example min max values for all of the columns CFFDaUglSwI-00285-00142488-00142840 to tell you what's contained in this that can allow you to do really cool tricks CFFDaUglSwI-00286-00142840-00143360 like data skipping and then finally remove file remove file will take data out of it CFFDaUglSwI-00287-00143456-00143832 and the result now you can take the transaction log and play it through time CFFDaUglSwI-00288-00143832-00144304 and what you'll come up with at the end is the current metadata of the table and the set of files CFFDaUglSwI-00289-00144304-00144872 that are currently valid so we're using a trick here called multi-version concurrency control CFFDaUglSwI-00290-00144872-00145328 on disk there are actually multiple versions of the table simultaneously existing CFFDaUglSwI-00291-00145328-00145784 and it's the transaction log that says which files are valid at any particular moment in time CFFDaUglSwI-00292-00145904-00146392 so now that we've got that how do we get those nice acid letters let's start at the beginning CFFDaUglSwI-00293-00146392-00147016 with atomicity so we want to have this property that let's say for example i add two files in CFFDaUglSwI-00294-00147016-00147456 and then these are small files so i want to compact them into one bigger file so i'm going CFFDaUglSwI-00295-00147456-00147936 to add another action and it's very important that this happens atomically if i only do the CFFDaUglSwI-00296-00147936-00148416 removes and forget to do the add i've lost data if i only do the add and i forget to do the removes CFFDaUglSwI-00297-00148416-00148896 i've duplicated data so it's very important this is atomic so the trick we use is we'll CFFDaUglSwI-00298-00148896-00149464 actually use atomic primitives of the underlying file system on s3 you can get atomicity kind of CFFDaUglSwI-00299-00149464-00150008 automatically because the put command starts by saying how many bytes to expect in that put and CFFDaUglSwI-00300-00150008-00150464 if it doesn't get all of those bytes it will not the put will not finish it'll automatically fail CFFDaUglSwI-00301-00150584-00151032 on systems like hdfs or azure data lake we'll use transactional rename CFFDaUglSwI-00302-00151032-00151512 so we create a temporary file and we rename it to its final destination and they guarantee that CFFDaUglSwI-00303-00151512-00152008 that will be all or nothing and so now we have this nice ordered atomic history of the table CFFDaUglSwI-00304-00152160-00152680 so now for consistency we need to all agree on the order that those changes happened and so CFFDaUglSwI-00305-00152680-00153288 here we need a property called mutual exclusion so user one can create version zero and that's great CFFDaUglSwI-00306-00153408-00153936 user two can create version one and we're all good but if both users try to create version CFFDaUglSwI-00307-00153936-00154344 two at the same time it's very important that one of them succeeds and the other one gets a message CFFDaUglSwI-00308-00154344-00154904 back that says hey that version already exists so again on s3 that's actually pretty difficult CFFDaUglSwI-00309-00154904-00155352 s3 is specifically not a lock store it will accept any number of writes to a file and it CFFDaUglSwI-00310-00155352-00155816 will not tell you who won and in fact it takes sometimes hours to figure out who won so we have CFFDaUglSwI-00311-00155816-00156272 a separate service that sits out on the side and mediates who's actually there on systems CFFDaUglSwI-00312-00156272-00156720 like hdfs or is your data lake it's actually guaranteed by the file system that rename CFFDaUglSwI-00313-00156720-00157272 operation we were talking about before we'll only succeed if that destination doesn't already exist CFFDaUglSwI-00314-00157272-00157864 and so we get this nice property but now you might be saying wait a second if every time CFFDaUglSwI-00315-00157864-00158320 two people modify the table at the same time the system just crashes am i gonna like waste a lot CFFDaUglSwI-00316-00158320-00158864 of time dealing with that well fortunately we have one more trick up our sleeve which is we CFFDaUglSwI-00317-00158864-00159320 solve conflicts optimistically there's this cool technique called optimistic concurrency control CFFDaUglSwI-00318-00159376-00159896 and the idea is this let's say for example i have two streams that are writing into the same table CFFDaUglSwI-00319-00159976-00160408 they're going to follow this protocol to write into the table they'll start by recording the CFFDaUglSwI-00320-00160408-00160856 start version so they're saying okay as a version 0 i am writing into this table CFFDaUglSwI-00321-00160944-00161352 they will record what they read and write from the table so they're both going to read the CFFDaUglSwI-00322-00161352-00161720 schema to make sure that the data that they're writing in matches the schema that's expected CFFDaUglSwI-00323-00161776-00162224 and then they're going to speculatively write out some parquet files so they'll write those out CFFDaUglSwI-00324-00162224-00162528 now they're not part of the table even though they're there on disk until CFFDaUglSwI-00325-00162528-00162968 they've been added to the transaction log so they will each go and attempt to commit CFFDaUglSwI-00326-00163104-00163664 in this case user one wins user two loses and so what user two is gonna do is they're actually CFFDaUglSwI-00327-00163664-00164184 gonna go and look at what happened in in version one of this table and they're gonna say does this CFFDaUglSwI-00328-00164184-00164728 change anything that i care about and in this case no the schema has not changed the schema is the CFFDaUglSwI-00329-00164728-00165288 only thing i looked at so i actually don't know if i happened before or after user one's operation CFFDaUglSwI-00330-00165288-00165680 so the system will automatically retry and reorder these and everybody succeeds and CFFDaUglSwI-00331-00165680-00166160 doesn't even realize that something went wrong the only time you'll have a conflict in delta is when CFFDaUglSwI-00332-00166160-00166624 two people are actually modifying the same data at the same time and in that case you do want it to CFFDaUglSwI-00333-00166624-00167168 fail because otherwise you might get the wrong answer so you try again and everything's good CFFDaUglSwI-00334-00167360-00168024 so one final trick here is massive metadata when you have a very large data lake you might have CFFDaUglSwI-00335-00168024-00168488 tens of thousands or even tens of millions of files in the data lake anyone who's tried to CFFDaUglSwI-00336-00168488-00169000 put thousands of partitions in the hive metastore knows that this can be a problem and so in delta CFFDaUglSwI-00337-00169000-00169480 we want to support these use cases without you having to do a bunch of extra scaling work and so CFFDaUglSwI-00338-00169480-00169848 the trick we're going to use here is we're going to take metadata and we're going to start thinking CFFDaUglSwI-00339-00169848-00170392 about it like data and fortunately we already have a big data processing system here that we can use CFFDaUglSwI-00340-00170456-00170944 so if you think about that transaction log as a big bunch of data we'll load it in with spark CFFDaUglSwI-00341-00170944-00171392 and we'll actually write out what we call a checkpoint in parquet a checkpoint is a CFFDaUglSwI-00342-00171392-00171904 snapshot of the table at a moment in time and you can read that rather than playing the log forward CFFDaUglSwI-00343-00171968-00172360 and the really cool thing since the the checkpoint is stored in parquet is you can actually query it CFFDaUglSwI-00344-00172360-00172872 very efficiently with spark so let's say you have a table with 100 million files in it and you want CFFDaUglSwI-00345-00172872-00173384 a query just yesterday well we'll actually do this in two parts we'll start by using spark CFFDaUglSwI-00346-00173384-00173872 to query that checkpoint to identify only the files that are relevant to your query and then CFFDaUglSwI-00347-00173872-00174488 we'll actually go back and query it this trick in many cases can eliminate significant amounts of CFFDaUglSwI-00348-00174488-00175040 data from your query in one of our customers use cases they're a large fortune 10 company CFFDaUglSwI-00349-00175040-00175568 they want to do intrusion detection over their network they capture basically trillions of tcp CFFDaUglSwI-00350-00175568-00176000 connections per day into their their delta lake and what they want to be able to do is they want CFFDaUglSwI-00351-00176000-00176424 to be able to ask questions like what did these two computers say to each other during this time CFFDaUglSwI-00352-00176504-00176968 by using the the checkpoint and by doing efficient data skipping and filtering they're actually able CFFDaUglSwI-00353-00176968-00177568 to eliminate 97 of the data in the table before actually even reading it and this was able to CFFDaUglSwI-00354-00177568-00177984 take their queries from running in hours to running in seconds which is pretty powerful CFFDaUglSwI-00355-00178160-00178600 so before i close i want to talk just a little bit about the future of the project CFFDaUglSwI-00356-00178600-00179064 um you know this is a relatively recent open source project today we don't have full parity CFFDaUglSwI-00357-00179064-00179464 between what's available in databricks and what's available in open source but my commitment is all CFFDaUglSwI-00358-00179464-00179952 apis need to be open and so my team has spent the last three months open sourcing everything as fast CFFDaUglSwI-00359-00179952-00180512 as they can and i think by spark 3.0 we should have full parity so uh you know in the past a CFFDaUglSwI-00360-00180512-00181112 couple months we've added support for s3 and adls we added the dml commands update delete and merge CFFDaUglSwI-00361-00181112-00181536 we added the ability to convert existing parquet tables to delta without reprocessing CFFDaUglSwI-00362-00181536-00182016 any of that data weighted support for python we added history so you can kind of do lineage CFFDaUglSwI-00363-00182016-00182600 audit tracking of how a delta table has changed over time and i'm really excited about the 0.50 CFFDaUglSwI-00364-00182600-00183104 release which should be coming out in december it adds improved concurrency so uh you know multiple CFFDaUglSwI-00365-00183104-00183544 transactions that don't actually overlapped will no longer conflict with each other we had the CFFDaUglSwI-00366-00183544-00184072 ability to write out manifest in presto's format so you can query delta tables with presto directly CFFDaUglSwI-00367-00184168-00184520 and finally we're making the merge command even better when you're doing operations like CFFDaUglSwI-00368-00184520-00185088 deduplication and with spark 3.0 we're going to be plugging in to the data source v2 api CFFDaUglSwI-00369-00185088-00185504 and the reason that's exciting is it'll allow you to do things like create table and alter table CFFDaUglSwI-00370-00185504-00186040 and register those tables in the hive meta store so i'd like to invite you to check CFFDaUglSwI-00371-00186040-00186536 out our website it's just delta.io it has a get getting started guide so you can check out you CFFDaUglSwI-00372-00186536-00187000 know how to download it how to use it examples for all of the cases i talked about here there's CFFDaUglSwI-00373-00187000-00187520 also links to our slack channel my team spends all day hanging out in slack answering technical CFFDaUglSwI-00374-00187520-00188936 questions about delta so please check it out and join the community thank you very much CHfGYCwM9-k-00000-00000126-00000476 Josh, welcome to Courageous Entrepreneur Radio, tell us CHfGYCwM9-k-00001-00000476-00000953 what you do. How are you? I'm good, how are you? I'm doing fine thank you CHfGYCwM9-k-00002-00000953-00001440 So tell us what your business is and what your idea is and what you're trying to do. Yes CHfGYCwM9-k-00003-00001440-00001848 sir so I'm actually a senior here at Liberty University I'm studying finance CHfGYCwM9-k-00004-00001848-00002382 currently, and my freshman year, I actually had an idea and I realized just how much CHfGYCwM9-k-00005-00002382-00002727 I needed doing launch right so I feel like it's something that many many CHfGYCwM9-k-00006-00002727-00003072 people can relate to you know especially College males you know I could imagine CHfGYCwM9-k-00007-00003072-00003369 and if there's any college students listening right now that they probably CHfGYCwM9-k-00008-00003369-00003722 have a pile of laundry right next to them in the room so I CHfGYCwM9-k-00009-00003722-00004079 saw it was a problem and I thought that maybe starting up a laundry service CHfGYCwM9-k-00010-00004079-00004512 to potentially solve a problem so you know four years later I finally actually CHfGYCwM9-k-00011-00004512-00004965 did something about it so just recently about eight weeks ago I started working CHfGYCwM9-k-00012-00004965-00005448 on the idea of creating a laundry service and so the the name of it is CHfGYCwM9-k-00013-00005448-00005886 clean so it's Clean Laundry Service we're currently servicing students at CHfGYCwM9-k-00014-00005886-00006252 Liberty University and people in the surrounding area so we are full service CHfGYCwM9-k-00015-00006252-00006806 so we can pick up and delivery and wash dry fold and we have a very we have a CHfGYCwM9-k-00016-00006806-00007190 system of curated steps that ensures that every time you get the same results CHfGYCwM9-k-00017-00007190-00007535 and we're very proud of what we've accomplished this short amount of time CHfGYCwM9-k-00018-00007535-00008163 now that's amazing congratulations first and I love it it's profitable CHfGYCwM9-k-00019-00008163-00008513 I love service businesses for college students I love service businesses for CHfGYCwM9-k-00020-00008513-00008984 broke entrepreneurs I love service businesses because they are cash flow CHfGYCwM9-k-00021-00008984-00009356 quickly yeah you know a lot of people have these ideas where that you know it CHfGYCwM9-k-00022-00009356-00009581 requires all this capital and I'm going to put together the business plans and CHfGYCwM9-k-00023-00009581-00009875 raise the funds and why don't you just you know go buy the cleaning products CHfGYCwM9-k-00024-00009875-00010214 and go get to work and buy the lawn mower and go start moving you know some CHfGYCwM9-k-00025-00010214-00010684 some grass and and you'll start having some cash come in CQ6uUk13Obg-00000-00000079-00000308 - Alright, Dealing with Divorce. CQ6uUk13Obg-00001-00000308-00000641 Difficult Issues, Biblical Answers, lesson number six CQ6uUk13Obg-00002-00000641-00000907 in this series. CQ6uUk13Obg-00003-00000907-00001407 We're talking about domestic violence, the secret sin, CQ6uUk13Obg-00004-00001424-00001923 and this is part two of this particular topic. CQ6uUk13Obg-00005-00001957-00002325 So last time we looked at some of the causes CQ6uUk13Obg-00006-00002325-00002512 of domestic violence as well as CQ6uUk13Obg-00007-00002512-00003012 a profile of the abuser and the profile of the victim. CQ6uUk13Obg-00008-00003040-00003254 Today we're going to examine what the law CQ6uUk13Obg-00009-00003254-00003754 and what the Bible say about domestic violence. CQ6uUk13Obg-00010-00003790-00004031 Now there are several laws on the books CQ6uUk13Obg-00011-00004031-00004494 in the state of Oklahoma, and I'm pretty certain CQ6uUk13Obg-00012-00004494-00004765 in every state but certainly in the state of Oklahoma CQ6uUk13Obg-00013-00004765-00005067 there are laws on the books that deal specifically CQ6uUk13Obg-00014-00005067-00005567 with battery, domestic violence, and spousal abuse CQ6uUk13Obg-00015-00005616-00005815 and I'll just quickly read one here. CQ6uUk13Obg-00016-00005815-00006315 Probable cause of arrest, title 22, section 40.6, 40.3. CQ6uUk13Obg-00017-00006561-00006956 It says a peace officer may arrest without warrant CQ6uUk13Obg-00018-00006956-00007333 a person anywhere, including his place of residence, CQ6uUk13Obg-00019-00007333-00007641 if the peace officer has probable cause to believe CQ6uUk13Obg-00020-00007641-00008009 the person has within the preceding four hours CQ6uUk13Obg-00021-00008009-00008227 committed an act of domestic abuse, CQ6uUk13Obg-00022-00008227-00008469 although the assault did not take place CQ6uUk13Obg-00023-00008469-00008693 in the presence of the peace officer. CQ6uUk13Obg-00024-00008693-00009057 So that gives the police kind of a wide latitude CQ6uUk13Obg-00025-00009057-00009461 to make a decision as far as arresting someone CQ6uUk13Obg-00026-00009461-00009762 for domestic abuse. CQ6uUk13Obg-00027-00009762-00010038 There are dozens of laws on the books CQ6uUk13Obg-00028-00010038-00010361 that deal with everything from spousal abuse CQ6uUk13Obg-00029-00010361-00010781 to protective orders and violation of these. CQ6uUk13Obg-00030-00010781-00011110 Also medical treatment and access to counseling CQ6uUk13Obg-00031-00011110-00011396 for people who are in this situation. CQ6uUk13Obg-00032-00011515-00011835 The courts will usually enforce these CQ6uUk13Obg-00033-00011835-00012019 if there is a complaint filed, CQ6uUk13Obg-00034-00012019-00012244 but this is where the problem lies. CQ6uUk13Obg-00035-00012376-00012756 The victim is usually talked, or threatened, CQ6uUk13Obg-00036-00012756-00013091 out of doing so for various reasons. CQ6uUk13Obg-00037-00013222-00013428 The only sure thing about batterers is CQ6uUk13Obg-00038-00013428-00013602 that they will repeat their actions CQ6uUk13Obg-00039-00013602-00013755 unless there is an intervention. CQ6uUk13Obg-00040-00013755-00014127 I repeat that, the only sure thing that we know is CQ6uUk13Obg-00041-00014127-00014366 that if there isn't an intervention, CQ6uUk13Obg-00042-00014366-00014647 they continue with this behavior. CQ6uUk13Obg-00043-00014647-00014960 Despite all the apologies and all the promises CQ6uUk13Obg-00044-00014960-00015119 it just keeps right on going. CQ6uUk13Obg-00045-00015207-00015707 The greatest defense for the batterer is secrecy, CQ6uUk13Obg-00046-00015954-00016159 let's keep it secret. CQ6uUk13Obg-00047-00016272-00016506 Many times a first offense is reported, CQ6uUk13Obg-00048-00016506-00016713 it's recorded, it's dealt with through CQ6uUk13Obg-00049-00016713-00016967 counseling and probation. CQ6uUk13Obg-00050-00016967-00017183 So when you get it out into the open and CQ6uUk13Obg-00051-00017183-00017471 deal with it right away, it lessens the chance of CQ6uUk13Obg-00052-00017471-00017756 the cycle repeating itself, that's the message CQ6uUk13Obg-00053-00017756-00018136 that counselors and professionals that work in this area CQ6uUk13Obg-00054-00018136-00018534 try to get across to victims, get it out in the open, CQ6uUk13Obg-00055-00018534-00018690 deal with it. CQ6uUk13Obg-00056-00018690-00018848 If left alone too long, CQ6uUk13Obg-00057-00018848-00019062 there are all kinds of complications. CQ6uUk13Obg-00058-00019062-00019313 I mean just children, dealing with the children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00059-00019417-00019713 And the success rate for counseling goes down CQ6uUk13Obg-00060-00019713-00019947 because of the deeply-ingrained cycle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00061-00019947-00020246 So the longer it goes, the worse it gets, CQ6uUk13Obg-00062-00020246-00020518 the harder it is to fix. CQ6uUk13Obg-00063-00020518-00020892 So the key to breaking the cycle is to report the violence CQ6uUk13Obg-00064-00020892-00021200 as soon as it starts and get it on the record. CQ6uUk13Obg-00065-00021301-00021559 So what do counselors recommend? CQ6uUk13Obg-00066-00021559-00021834 What can an individual expect from counselors CQ6uUk13Obg-00067-00021834-00022102 if they go and report this problem? CQ6uUk13Obg-00068-00022102-00022286 If a person has been trapped in this cycle CQ6uUk13Obg-00069-00022286-00022497 of domestic abuse for any length of time, CQ6uUk13Obg-00070-00022497-00022793 counselors and women's shelters workers say CQ6uUk13Obg-00071-00022793-00023293 that the key issue is safety, safety. CQ6uUk13Obg-00072-00023304-00023661 Research has shown that the abuse is an ongoing thing. CQ6uUk13Obg-00073-00023661-00024098 If the woman fights back, it's likely to get worse. CQ6uUk13Obg-00074-00024098-00024251 [laughs] CQ6uUk13Obg-00075-00024251-00024496 You what, you hit me, you struck me back? CQ6uUk13Obg-00076-00024496-00024773 Oh well now I'm going to double down on it. CQ6uUk13Obg-00077-00024905-00025228 If she leaves without a plan or protection CQ6uUk13Obg-00078-00025228-00025512 she's likely to get dragged back into the cycle CQ6uUk13Obg-00079-00025512-00025767 or hurt in other ways. CQ6uUk13Obg-00080-00025767-00026012 Counselors recommend that if you are dealing with CQ6uUk13Obg-00081-00026012-00026250 someone who is in this type of situation, CQ6uUk13Obg-00082-00026250-00026508 this is what you need to try to do. CQ6uUk13Obg-00083-00026508-00026714 First of all remember, not if you're the one CQ6uUk13Obg-00084-00026714-00027013 but if you know someone who's going through this CQ6uUk13Obg-00085-00027013-00027096 what should you do? CQ6uUk13Obg-00086-00027096-00027245 Well, listen carefully. CQ6uUk13Obg-00087-00027245-00027495 No judging, no blaming, no taking sides. CQ6uUk13Obg-00088-00027495-00027730 You know it's easy to take sides and say well, CQ6uUk13Obg-00089-00027730-00027974 if it's a woman who's the victim it's easy to say, CQ6uUk13Obg-00090-00027974-00028244 "Oh, that guy, what a rotter, I always knew he was that way, CQ6uUk13Obg-00091-00028244-00028404 "I suspected it from the very beginning." CQ6uUk13Obg-00092-00028404-00028694 No, no, no, don't do that, just listen. CQ6uUk13Obg-00093-00028694-00028908 Take in the information. CQ6uUk13Obg-00094-00028908-00029187 If the person is reassured that you are CQ6uUk13Obg-00095-00029187-00029687 listening objectively, she may trust your advice later on. CQ6uUk13Obg-00096-00029716-00030136 Secondly, try to explain to her that her situation CQ6uUk13Obg-00097-00030136-00030450 is not unique, she's not the only one CQ6uUk13Obg-00098-00030450-00030623 that's ever gone through this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00099-00030718-00031167 It fits a pattern of the domestic violence cycle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00100-00031167-00031454 She needs to know that others go through this CQ6uUk13Obg-00101-00031454-00031756 and it's not normal, this is not normal. CQ6uUk13Obg-00102-00031756-00031995 To be abused, that's like not a normal thing, CQ6uUk13Obg-00103-00031995-00032112 that's not okay. CQ6uUk13Obg-00104-00032398-00032675 The oft-repeated sentence of the victim is, CQ6uUk13Obg-00105-00032675-00032946 "Well it's not too bad," or "Some days are better." CQ6uUk13Obg-00106-00032946-00033184 Well who needs to live like that? CQ6uUk13Obg-00107-00033184-00033405 We've not been called to live like that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00108-00033508-00033709 And three, help her to make a plan CQ6uUk13Obg-00109-00033709-00034092 that will guarantee the safety of her children and herself. CQ6uUk13Obg-00110-00034092-00034547 A lot of times the victim stays in the relationship CQ6uUk13Obg-00111-00034547-00035030 despite threats to her safety because CQ6uUk13Obg-00112-00035030-00035258 she wants to maintain her children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00113-00035577-00035896 Leaving an abusive partner is very difficult CQ6uUk13Obg-00114-00035896-00036103 for all the reasons mentioned before, CQ6uUk13Obg-00115-00036103-00036449 especially if it is not carefully planned. CQ6uUk13Obg-00116-00036449-00036672 So help her make a plan. CQ6uUk13Obg-00117-00036672-00037164 And four, the best place for her to go, actually, CQ6uUk13Obg-00118-00037164-00037553 they say is not at a shelter but a home. CQ6uUk13Obg-00119-00037553-00037930 Families, churches, communities, need to be involved CQ6uUk13Obg-00120-00037930-00038227 to break this cycle and help re-establish CQ6uUk13Obg-00121-00038227-00038441 a safe environment. CQ6uUk13Obg-00122-00038441-00038723 So we need to understand that being abused by anyone, CQ6uUk13Obg-00123-00038723-00039155 especially our marriage partner, is against God's law CQ6uUk13Obg-00124-00039155-00039522 as well as man's law, and I'll talk a little more about this CQ6uUk13Obg-00125-00039522-00039754 a little further in the lesson. CQ6uUk13Obg-00126-00039754-00039962 So when a woman is in constant danger of CQ6uUk13Obg-00127-00039962-00040186 being hurt by her husband, she should seek CQ6uUk13Obg-00128-00040186-00040478 safety for herself and her children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00129-00040478-00040754 This is her number one priority, CQ6uUk13Obg-00130-00040754-00041164 and both God and society will back her up on this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00131-00041164-00041633 There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking to be safe. CQ6uUk13Obg-00132-00041792-00042106 Alright, so what does the Bible say about this? CQ6uUk13Obg-00133-00042106-00042377 An additional burden carried by Christian women, CQ6uUk13Obg-00134-00042377-00042533 remember we said the secret sin? CQ6uUk13Obg-00135-00042533-00042791 Secret because in the church, oh boy, CQ6uUk13Obg-00136-00042791-00042962 nobody wants to admit that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00137-00042962-00043122 Marriages ought to be just perfect, CQ6uUk13Obg-00138-00043122-00043252 everything is fine and dandy, CQ6uUk13Obg-00139-00043252-00043560 we're not going to admit that kind of business, right? CQ6uUk13Obg-00140-00043560-00043803 So an additional burden carried by Christian women CQ6uUk13Obg-00141-00043803-00044102 who are caught in the domestic violence cycle is CQ6uUk13Obg-00142-00044102-00044356 what to do concerning their marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00143-00044476-00044689 In the world if things don't work, CQ6uUk13Obg-00144-00044689-00044950 especially if the partner is abusive, CQ6uUk13Obg-00145-00044950-00045385 it's not easy but it's easier to make the decision CQ6uUk13Obg-00146-00045385-00045573 to just cut them off through divorce and CQ6uUk13Obg-00147-00045573-00045828 get as far away from them as possible, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00148-00045828-00045923 Cut and run. CQ6uUk13Obg-00149-00046035-00046331 Christian women, however, are faced with a dilemma CQ6uUk13Obg-00150-00046331-00046743 when an otherwise faithful husband begins to abuse her CQ6uUk13Obg-00151-00046743-00046840 and/or the children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00152-00046840-00047198 In other words, he's not being unfaithful, CQ6uUk13Obg-00153-00047344-00047546 but he is being abusive. CQ6uUk13Obg-00154-00047732-00047954 So she needs to find safety to preserve CQ6uUk13Obg-00155-00047954-00048313 herself and her children but she doesn't want to violate CQ6uUk13Obg-00156-00048313-00048569 her conscience with an improper divorce, CQ6uUk13Obg-00157-00048569-00048787 even if it frees her from the threat of CQ6uUk13Obg-00158-00048787-00049070 more violence and abuse, it's kind of a crazy thing. CQ6uUk13Obg-00159-00049155-00049566 Imagine staying in an abusive relationship CQ6uUk13Obg-00160-00049566-00049848 in order to do God's will. CQ6uUk13Obg-00161-00049848-00050126 I'm saying it and it sounds ridiculous, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00162-00050126-00050543 And yet, I mean, it's amazing how many women CQ6uUk13Obg-00163-00050543-00050684 this is their reasoning, CQ6uUk13Obg-00164-00050684-00050911 I'm staying because it's God's will. CQ6uUk13Obg-00165-00051058-00051207 No. CQ6uUk13Obg-00166-00051207-00051469 So it's a very tough decision and problem. CQ6uUk13Obg-00167-00051469-00051761 In every case a person is unique, CQ6uUk13Obg-00168-00051761-00051919 should be looked at individually, CQ6uUk13Obg-00169-00051919-00052173 but there are some general principles from the Bible CQ6uUk13Obg-00170-00052173-00052504 that can give us some help in this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00171-00052589-00052929 So first concept, okay, we deal with concepts. CQ6uUk13Obg-00172-00052929-00053112 It'd be nice if you could go through the Bible CQ6uUk13Obg-00173-00053112-00053469 and say, "Oh, chapter 29, domestic abuse, CQ6uUk13Obg-00174-00053469-00053790 "chapter 32, dealing with you know, I don't know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00175-00053790-00054136 "laziness, chapter 41, what to do with," CQ6uUk13Obg-00176-00054136-00054246 it doesn't work like that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00177-00054246-00054449 You have to look at the principles CQ6uUk13Obg-00178-00054449-00054680 that are taught in the Bible and then use your CQ6uUk13Obg-00179-00054680-00055027 knowledge and wisdom to apply those principles CQ6uUk13Obg-00180-00055027-00055157 to your situation. CQ6uUk13Obg-00181-00055157-00055334 So what are some of the principles? CQ6uUk13Obg-00182-00055334-00055595 Well don't be unequally yoked in the first place. CQ6uUk13Obg-00183-00055595-00055853 II Corinthians 6:14, what does Paul say? CQ6uUk13Obg-00184-00055853-00056165 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers, CQ6uUk13Obg-00185-00056165-00056477 "for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, CQ6uUk13Obg-00186-00056477-00056770 "or what fellowship has light with darkness?" CQ6uUk13Obg-00187-00056770-00057198 Paul speaks here of not uniting ourselves with pagans CQ6uUk13Obg-00188-00057198-00057528 so as not to pollute our worship. CQ6uUk13Obg-00189-00057528-00057746 Believe it or not, a lot of people immediately CQ6uUk13Obg-00190-00057746-00057930 take this verse and apply it to marriage, CQ6uUk13Obg-00191-00057930-00058127 but he's not talking about marriage CQ6uUk13Obg-00192-00058127-00058496 in this particular passage, he's talking about worship, CQ6uUk13Obg-00193-00058496-00058805 he's talking about religious association. CQ6uUk13Obg-00194-00058805-00059250 So he says you know, you ought not to yoke yourself CQ6uUk13Obg-00195-00059250-00059662 with pagans because their religious ideas CQ6uUk13Obg-00196-00059662-00059971 are contrary to Christian ideas, you know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00197-00059971-00060139 you shouldn't be yoked with them. CQ6uUk13Obg-00198-00060139-00060450 Now, when I carefully examine the marriages CQ6uUk13Obg-00199-00060450-00060767 where there is abuse, I rarely if ever find CQ6uUk13Obg-00200-00060767-00061124 a situation where a woman married a good and faithful CQ6uUk13Obg-00201-00061124-00061483 Christian man and then he turned out to be an abuser. CQ6uUk13Obg-00202-00061483-00061983 It happens, but it doesn't happen that often. CQ6uUk13Obg-00203-00062016-00062380 You usually see the signs long before the marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00204-00062380-00062616 For example, he's not a Christian, CQ6uUk13Obg-00205-00062616-00062855 or he's a marginal Christian, CQ6uUk13Obg-00206-00062855-00063205 or he begins to verbally or emotionally abuse CQ6uUk13Obg-00207-00063205-00063344 before you marry. CQ6uUk13Obg-00208-00063344-00063644 And of course women, you know, are thinking CQ6uUk13Obg-00209-00063644-00064134 well that's okay because I will change him, yeah, right. CQ6uUk13Obg-00210-00064134-00064329 The woman herself was not a Christian CQ6uUk13Obg-00211-00064329-00064687 or she was weak in her faith at the time she got married. CQ6uUk13Obg-00212-00064687-00064954 Or the couple engaged in sex before marriage CQ6uUk13Obg-00213-00064954-00065350 blinding out any chance for an objective evaluation CQ6uUk13Obg-00214-00065350-00065586 of the other person before marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00215-00065586-00065935 One of the psychological reasons why we should not CQ6uUk13Obg-00216-00065935-00066288 engage in sex before marriage, because CQ6uUk13Obg-00217-00066418-00066888 intimate contact before marriage blurs our vision of CQ6uUk13Obg-00218-00066888-00067271 the individual, of knowing exactly who they are. CQ6uUk13Obg-00219-00067271-00067475 Anyways, that's a whole other topic. CQ6uUk13Obg-00220-00067475-00067870 If someone really loves the Lord, it will be obvious CQ6uUk13Obg-00221-00067870-00068100 and if they do so they'll know how to love you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00222-00068100-00068307 It's what I said to our own children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00223-00068307-00068509 Marry someone who loves the Lord, CQ6uUk13Obg-00224-00068509-00068671 and if they know how to love God, CQ6uUk13Obg-00225-00068671-00068837 I mean if they really know how to love God, CQ6uUk13Obg-00226-00068837-00069049 then they'll know how to love you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00227-00069049-00069317 When you marry a person who is not a Christian, CQ6uUk13Obg-00228-00069317-00069814 you marry an unregenerated sinner and there is no telling CQ6uUk13Obg-00229-00069814-00070082 what they're going to become without Christ. CQ6uUk13Obg-00230-00070082-00070308 So that's one principle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00231-00070308-00070486 Obviously it's a preventative one. CQ6uUk13Obg-00232-00070486-00070648 A lot of people, they're already married CQ6uUk13Obg-00233-00070648-00070800 so this is too late for them. CQ6uUk13Obg-00234-00070800-00071026 But for those who are younger and not married, CQ6uUk13Obg-00235-00071026-00071165 this is a good idea. CQ6uUk13Obg-00236-00071165-00071570 Number two, loving yourself is the second greatest command. CQ6uUk13Obg-00237-00071570-00071781 That's the part where we don't understand. CQ6uUk13Obg-00238-00071916-00072385 You know in Matthew 22 verses 37 to 39 Jesus said, CQ6uUk13Obg-00239-00072385-00072624 "And he said to him you shall love the Lord your God CQ6uUk13Obg-00240-00072624-00072809 "with all your heart and with all your soul CQ6uUk13Obg-00241-00072809-00072897 "and with all your mind. CQ6uUk13Obg-00242-00072897-00073114 "This is the great and foremost commandment." CQ6uUk13Obg-00243-00073114-00073235 Okay, that's the first. CQ6uUk13Obg-00244-00073235-00073654 The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor how? CQ6uUk13Obg-00245-00073654-00073836 As yourself. CQ6uUk13Obg-00246-00073836-00074042 So the greatest command is to love God CQ6uUk13Obg-00247-00074042-00074263 with all of our being. CQ6uUk13Obg-00248-00074263-00074483 We understand and practice this command CQ6uUk13Obg-00249-00074483-00074663 by believing and obeying Jesus Christ. CQ6uUk13Obg-00250-00074663-00074940 The second great command is to love ourselves. CQ6uUk13Obg-00251-00074940-00075321 Not to love our neighbors, we love ourselves first CQ6uUk13Obg-00252-00075321-00075506 and then we love our neighbors. CQ6uUk13Obg-00253-00075506-00075703 We're to show love to our neighbors CQ6uUk13Obg-00254-00075703-00076100 in the way we love ourselves, not vice-versa. CQ6uUk13Obg-00255-00076100-00076331 First we learn to love ourselves, CQ6uUk13Obg-00256-00076331-00076754 and then we can extend that love to our neighbors. CQ6uUk13Obg-00257-00076754-00076957 It doesn't work in the other way around CQ6uUk13Obg-00258-00076957-00077294 because if you cannot love yourself, right? CQ6uUk13Obg-00259-00077294-00077435 You can't love your neighbor. CQ6uUk13Obg-00260-00077435-00077736 You have to be able to love yourself first CQ6uUk13Obg-00261-00077736-00077922 before you're able to love your neighbor. CQ6uUk13Obg-00262-00077922-00078065 Okay, so here's the point. CQ6uUk13Obg-00263-00078065-00078342 One question I haven't dealt with much is CQ6uUk13Obg-00264-00078342-00078735 why do women in these relationships allow themselves CQ6uUk13Obg-00265-00078735-00079039 to be battered in the first place? CQ6uUk13Obg-00266-00079134-00079296 Now you might be wondering wait a minute, CQ6uUk13Obg-00267-00079296-00079413 we've turned the corner here. CQ6uUk13Obg-00268-00079413-00079821 One minute you're talking about love your neighbor CQ6uUk13Obg-00269-00079821-00080027 as yourself, you've got to learn to love yourself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00270-00080027-00080285 and now we're talking about why are women CQ6uUk13Obg-00271-00080285-00080451 allowing themselves to be battered? CQ6uUk13Obg-00272-00080451-00080681 The relationship is because they don't know CQ6uUk13Obg-00273-00080681-00080868 how to love themselves. CQ6uUk13Obg-00274-00080982-00081293 That's the relationship, and the question is CQ6uUk13Obg-00275-00081293-00081581 why do they allow themselves to be battered? CQ6uUk13Obg-00276-00081581-00081873 Why do they stay in these things? CQ6uUk13Obg-00277-00081873-00082127 Well there are several possible answers, CQ6uUk13Obg-00278-00082127-00082396 it doesn't fit all the situations. CQ6uUk13Obg-00279-00082396-00082847 First of all, they saw this in their own families CQ6uUk13Obg-00280-00082847-00083115 and they feel comfortable or familiar with CQ6uUk13Obg-00281-00083115-00083399 this kind of person. CQ6uUk13Obg-00282-00083569-00083719 Like it's not a big shock to them CQ6uUk13Obg-00283-00083719-00083925 if their husband pushes them all of a sudden, CQ6uUk13Obg-00284-00083925-00084010 just [blows air], CQ6uUk13Obg-00285-00084094-00084425 because they've seen there dad push their mom around CQ6uUk13Obg-00286-00084425-00084764 and it's like oh well, I guess this is normal life, CQ6uUk13Obg-00287-00084764-00084964 I guess that's what happens in marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00288-00085097-00085403 Because if the woman's experience has been CQ6uUk13Obg-00289-00085403-00085692 watching her father treat her mother with CQ6uUk13Obg-00290-00085692-00085958 gentleness and love and kindness, CQ6uUk13Obg-00291-00085958-00086212 even when they had disputes or arguments CQ6uUk13Obg-00292-00086212-00086432 there was no screaming, there was absolutely CQ6uUk13Obg-00293-00086432-00086664 no physical interaction. CQ6uUk13Obg-00294-00086664-00086900 If that's what that woman has seen growing up CQ6uUk13Obg-00295-00086900-00087052 and then all of a sudden she's married and CQ6uUk13Obg-00296-00087052-00087449 her husband pushes her against the wall, she's shocked. CQ6uUk13Obg-00297-00087546-00087726 She's never seen this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00298-00087726-00088088 This is totally out of her realm of experience. CQ6uUk13Obg-00299-00088304-00088624 But if she's seen this growing up, well oh, okay, CQ6uUk13Obg-00300-00088624-00088824 I guess that's what happens in marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00301-00089033-00089397 Another reason, ignorance. CQ6uUk13Obg-00302-00089397-00089609 And I don't mean stupid ignorance like CQ6uUk13Obg-00303-00089609-00089919 not knowledge about these things, or weakness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00304-00090038-00090231 Some women just don't know any better or CQ6uUk13Obg-00305-00090231-00090484 they're too weak emotionally or financially CQ6uUk13Obg-00306-00090484-00090682 or socially to break out. CQ6uUk13Obg-00307-00090682-00091016 Remember the thing about batterers that I told you? CQ6uUk13Obg-00308-00091016-00091296 They're control freaks, they want to control everything, CQ6uUk13Obg-00309-00091296-00091558 and eventually they're controlling this woman so much CQ6uUk13Obg-00310-00091558-00091860 that they manage to cut off all of her relationships, CQ6uUk13Obg-00311-00091860-00092130 she can barely talk to her mother on the phone. CQ6uUk13Obg-00312-00092130-00092306 Friends, forget about friends. CQ6uUk13Obg-00313-00092306-00092690 So the isolation breeds weakness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00314-00092690-00093007 She has nobody to talk to, she has nobody to depend on. CQ6uUk13Obg-00315-00093183-00093616 Another reason, they're addicted to the cycle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00316-00093767-00094016 Very strange, addicted to the cycle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00317-00094016-00094262 They like the excitement created by CQ6uUk13Obg-00318-00094262-00094516 the highs and lows of the cycle. CQ6uUk13Obg-00319-00094649-00094920 They don't like the violence part, CQ6uUk13Obg-00320-00094920-00095184 but after the violence there's all these apologies, CQ6uUk13Obg-00321-00095184-00095579 and I'm sorry, and oh it's 'cause I love you too much, CQ6uUk13Obg-00322-00095579-00095804 that's why I'm doing this, I'm sorry, CQ6uUk13Obg-00323-00095804-00096042 and I'll tell you what, we're going to the Bahamas CQ6uUk13Obg-00324-00096042-00096382 next week, we'll just take off and have a vacation. CQ6uUk13Obg-00325-00096382-00096662 We'll go shopping and let's buy a new car. CQ6uUk13Obg-00326-00096662-00096914 She likes the highs and lows, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00327-00096914-00097172 She doesn't like that part but she likes the apology CQ6uUk13Obg-00328-00097172-00097376 and the honeymoon part and the quiet CQ6uUk13Obg-00329-00097376-00097705 and we'll get back to normal part, she likes that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00330-00097839-00098218 I don't think the woman could actually write that down, CQ6uUk13Obg-00331-00098218-00098337 but that's one of the reasons. CQ6uUk13Obg-00332-00098337-00098549 It's like well, this is my life and you know CQ6uUk13Obg-00333-00098549-00098824 sometimes it's bad but sometimes it's really good CQ6uUk13Obg-00334-00098824-00099035 and so she just stays. CQ6uUk13Obg-00335-00099035-00099535 Then one most common denominator, however, CQ6uUk13Obg-00336-00099541-00099907 is that these women don't like themselves very much. CQ6uUk13Obg-00337-00100013-00100267 Remember I said love yourself? CQ6uUk13Obg-00338-00100267-00100441 Love others as you love yourself? CQ6uUk13Obg-00339-00100625-00100845 They don't love themselves very much. CQ6uUk13Obg-00340-00101010-00101384 Because a woman who really values herself CQ6uUk13Obg-00341-00101384-00101578 will not allow herself to be CQ6uUk13Obg-00342-00101578-00101892 slapped, kicked, punched, shoved, abused. CQ6uUk13Obg-00343-00101987-00102097 She won't allow it. CQ6uUk13Obg-00344-00102345-00102661 So why, why this low self esteem? CQ6uUk13Obg-00345-00102661-00102815 Oh, a hundred reasons. CQ6uUk13Obg-00346-00102918-00103176 Perhaps abused as children in some way. CQ6uUk13Obg-00347-00103321-00103710 Perhaps divorce or problems in parents' marriages CQ6uUk13Obg-00348-00103710-00103923 for which they take the blame. CQ6uUk13Obg-00349-00104097-00104333 Momma was unhappy all of her married life CQ6uUk13Obg-00350-00104333-00104585 and somehow that's my fault. CQ6uUk13Obg-00351-00104722-00104883 If I was a better child, if I would have been CQ6uUk13Obg-00352-00104883-00105071 more obedient, if I could have been more helpful, CQ6uUk13Obg-00353-00105071-00105295 I went off to college and I should have stayed, CQ6uUk13Obg-00354-00105295-00105516 a blah blah blah blah blah, you know, come on, let's go. CQ6uUk13Obg-00355-00105516-00105620 A hundred reasons. CQ6uUk13Obg-00356-00105923-00106175 Too much negative feedback or too little CQ6uUk13Obg-00357-00106175-00106333 approval as children. CQ6uUk13Obg-00358-00106520-00106767 I mean like I say, there's a hundred reasons CQ6uUk13Obg-00359-00106767-00107267 for low self esteem, but women who have very low self esteem CQ6uUk13Obg-00360-00107336-00107836 usually find themselves in these type of situations. CQ6uUk13Obg-00361-00107846-00108139 And abusers, they have this antenna, CQ6uUk13Obg-00362-00108139-00108427 it's like a divining rod, you know, to find water? CQ6uUk13Obg-00363-00108427-00108927 They have this antenna, they find these women somehow. CQ6uUk13Obg-00364-00108931-00109105 Because they'll date a woman who has CQ6uUk13Obg-00365-00109105-00109284 a very strong sense of self, CQ6uUk13Obg-00366-00109284-00109521 she's been raised to stand up for herself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00367-00109724-00110059 her parents did a good job with her. CQ6uUk13Obg-00368-00110059-00110290 She likes herself, she respects herself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00369-00110290-00110484 she won't let herself get pushed around CQ6uUk13Obg-00370-00110577-00110811 and she's dating this guy and all of a sudden he says, CQ6uUk13Obg-00371-00110811-00111046 "Oh, you're a b-word," you know, something like that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00372-00111046-00111349 That's the end [laughs], sorry. CQ6uUk13Obg-00373-00111349-00111520 You can't talk to me like that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00374-00111520-00111770 I told you this before, our eldest daughter Julia CQ6uUk13Obg-00375-00111770-00112041 used to have the list, you know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00376-00112041-00112207 when she was in the Marine Corps. CQ6uUk13Obg-00377-00112207-00112429 Guys would want to date her, why not? CQ6uUk13Obg-00378-00112429-00112867 A nice blonde, blue-eyed Marine girl, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00379-00112867-00113174 And she'd say to them, "Well, if you want to go on a date CQ6uUk13Obg-00380-00113174-00113405 "I'm game, go to the movies, CQ6uUk13Obg-00381-00113405-00113605 "but I have just a few little rules." CQ6uUk13Obg-00382-00113605-00113785 Sure, sure, we're all about rules in the Marine Corps CQ6uUk13Obg-00383-00113785-00113869 what are your rules? CQ6uUk13Obg-00384-00113869-00114173 Well first of all we're not going to have sex. [laughs] CQ6uUk13Obg-00385-00114173-00114331 You can bring me, do whatever you want, CQ6uUk13Obg-00386-00114331-00114572 but under no circumstances are we going to be CQ6uUk13Obg-00387-00114572-00114843 intimate in any way before we're married. CQ6uUk13Obg-00388-00114843-00115343 Number two, you're not going to ply me with alcohol or drugs. CQ6uUk13Obg-00389-00115479-00115660 You're not going to do that, I'm not going to do that, CQ6uUk13Obg-00390-00115660-00115873 it's not going to happen, it doesn't matter if we go to a party CQ6uUk13Obg-00391-00115873-00116126 blah blah blah, it's not going to happen. CQ6uUk13Obg-00392-00116126-00116588 Number three, you will not lay a hand on me, ever, CQ6uUk13Obg-00393-00116588-00116766 because I'm going to call my brother, CQ6uUk13Obg-00394-00116766-00116928 and he's in the Marines, too. CQ6uUk13Obg-00395-00116928-00117088 [laughs with class] CQ6uUk13Obg-00396-00117088-00117265 That was her little speech. CQ6uUk13Obg-00397-00117541-00117771 Now I'm not saying we have to be that drastic, CQ6uUk13Obg-00398-00117871-00118076 but Julia had a good sense of herself. CQ6uUk13Obg-00399-00118076-00118526 She would not allow herself to be pushed around. CQ6uUk13Obg-00400-00118526-00119016 Unfortunately, not all women have this type of strength. CQ6uUk13Obg-00401-00119286-00119733 For whatever reasons, these women have esteem problems CQ6uUk13Obg-00402-00119733-00119977 and the first step to help them get out of CQ6uUk13Obg-00403-00119977-00120207 this cycle of violence is to convince them CQ6uUk13Obg-00404-00120207-00120461 that they are worthy of being loved CQ6uUk13Obg-00405-00120461-00120735 and cared for properly. CQ6uUk13Obg-00406-00120735-00121058 It's not a miracle to have a man love you properly, CQ6uUk13Obg-00407-00121058-00121382 that's not a miracle, that's normal. CQ6uUk13Obg-00408-00121479-00121829 What you're going through is abnormal. CQ6uUk13Obg-00409-00121829-00122194 It's not God's will, it's not society's will either. CQ6uUk13Obg-00410-00122463-00122733 In other words, if they love God and want to obey CQ6uUk13Obg-00411-00122733-00123007 and please God, one of his commandments is CQ6uUk13Obg-00412-00123007-00123190 to love yourself. CQ6uUk13Obg-00413-00123392-00123755 In practical terms this means first CQ6uUk13Obg-00414-00123755-00124038 you don't have to live this way, you don't have to. CQ6uUk13Obg-00415-00124146-00124399 Loving yourself means avoiding situations CQ6uUk13Obg-00416-00124399-00124765 where you can be abused or injured for no reason. CQ6uUk13Obg-00417-00124889-00125218 The Apostle Paul was ready to die for the gospel CQ6uUk13Obg-00418-00125218-00125606 if he had no choice, but given the opportunity CQ6uUk13Obg-00419-00125606-00125813 he loved himself enough to escape CQ6uUk13Obg-00420-00125813-00126170 those who wanted to kill him whenever he had a chance. CQ6uUk13Obg-00421-00126170-00126376 They wanted to kill him in one city and CQ6uUk13Obg-00422-00126376-00126692 he managed to have himself lowered in a basket CQ6uUk13Obg-00423-00126692-00127060 over the wall to get out of town in the middle of the night. CQ6uUk13Obg-00424-00127381-00127738 Number two, you don't deserve this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00425-00127846-00128083 God is our judge. CQ6uUk13Obg-00426-00128083-00128443 He's the one that'll do the punishing. CQ6uUk13Obg-00427-00128443-00128786 The state also has a right to punish criminals. CQ6uUk13Obg-00428-00128786-00129048 You break the law, the state has the God-given right CQ6uUk13Obg-00429-00129048-00129308 to try you and put you in jail. CQ6uUk13Obg-00430-00129439-00129851 But nobody else has this right, including our spouses. CQ6uUk13Obg-00431-00129995-00130359 Loving ourselves means that we will not allow anyone CQ6uUk13Obg-00432-00130359-00130649 to abuse us for any reason. CQ6uUk13Obg-00433-00131061-00131353 Abused women need to know that protecting themselves CQ6uUk13Obg-00434-00131353-00131683 from harm is part of doing God's will. CQ6uUk13Obg-00435-00131683-00132183 Because he loves us then we should love ourselves, too. CQ6uUk13Obg-00436-00132216-00132571 We need to get out of this strange, weird thing CQ6uUk13Obg-00437-00132571-00132942 that in staying in a relationship where we're being CQ6uUk13Obg-00438-00132942-00133434 constantly abused or harmed somehow fulfills God's will. CQ6uUk13Obg-00439-00133614-00133988 [laughs] How we ever get there, I don't know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00440-00133988-00134207 but that's not Jesus talking to you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00441-00134323-00134503 That little voice that's saying, "Oh, you need to stay CQ6uUk13Obg-00442-00134503-00134635 "and take a few more smacks," CQ6uUk13Obg-00443-00134635-00134791 that's not Jesus talking to you, CQ6uUk13Obg-00444-00134791-00134951 that's the devil talking to you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00445-00135125-00135625 Number three, understand that abusive partners are sinners, CQ6uUk13Obg-00446-00135644-00135763 that's what they are. CQ6uUk13Obg-00447-00135937-00136272 Ephesians 5 he says so husbands ought also to love CQ6uUk13Obg-00448-00136272-00136562 their own wives as their own bodies. CQ6uUk13Obg-00449-00136562-00136844 He who loves his own wife loves himself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00450-00136844-00137143 for no one ever hated his own flesh CQ6uUk13Obg-00451-00137143-00137390 but nourishes and cherishes it, CQ6uUk13Obg-00452-00137390-00137890 just as Christ also does the church. CQ6uUk13Obg-00453-00137891-00138176 Now the Bible doesn't say it in a negative way, CQ6uUk13Obg-00454-00138176-00138392 you know, thou shalt not abuse your wife, CQ6uUk13Obg-00455-00138392-00138666 it doesn't say that, it says it in a positive way. CQ6uUk13Obg-00456-00138883-00139158 Paul gives the positive command to husbands CQ6uUk13Obg-00457-00139158-00139425 as to the treatment of their wives. CQ6uUk13Obg-00458-00139425-00139817 They are to love them as they love their own bodies. CQ6uUk13Obg-00459-00139817-00140150 Anything you do for yourself, you will do for her. CQ6uUk13Obg-00460-00140150-00140376 Anything you wouldn't do to yourself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00461-00140376-00140590 you would not do to her. CQ6uUk13Obg-00462-00140683-00141159 Your goal is to love her as Christ loved the church. CQ6uUk13Obg-00463-00141159-00141451 This includes feeding and protecting and nurturing, CQ6uUk13Obg-00464-00141451-00141786 and yes even sacrificing your life for her CQ6uUk13Obg-00465-00141786-00142048 if this is what is required of you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00466-00142150-00142422 Have you ever thought that every time she has a child CQ6uUk13Obg-00467-00142422-00142922 she is risking her life for you and your marriage? CQ6uUk13Obg-00468-00143329-00143576 Obviously there's no room for abuse, CQ6uUk13Obg-00469-00143576-00143989 or manipulation, or violence, or obsessive control, CQ6uUk13Obg-00470-00143989-00144167 no use for that. CQ6uUk13Obg-00471-00144167-00144572 That's absolutely totally un-biblical and un-Christian. CQ6uUk13Obg-00472-00144703-00144983 Peter says that a husband who does not honor, CQ6uUk13Obg-00473-00144983-00145283 understand, and care for their wives CQ6uUk13Obg-00474-00145283-00145633 will not be heard by God in prayer, I Peter 3:7. CQ6uUk13Obg-00475-00146022-00146235 So God will judge everyone in the end, CQ6uUk13Obg-00476-00146235-00146494 and husbands who have been guilty of outbursts of CQ6uUk13Obg-00477-00146494-00146917 anger, violence, abuse, will not inherit the kingdom. CQ6uUk13Obg-00478-00146917-00147112 You ever think about that? CQ6uUk13Obg-00479-00147112-00147283 You know we're always quick to say you know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00480-00147283-00147469 in Galatians where Paul has said you know, CQ6uUk13Obg-00481-00147469-00147860 fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, the bad guys, CQ6uUk13Obg-00482-00147860-00147994 they won't go to heaven. CQ6uUk13Obg-00483-00147994-00148280 And we're thinking well yeah, murderers and those people CQ6uUk13Obg-00484-00148280-00148457 they don't deserve to go to heaven. CQ6uUk13Obg-00485-00148457-00148831 But he goes on, outbursts of anger, abuse, violence, CQ6uUk13Obg-00486-00148831-00149036 those guys don't go either. CQ6uUk13Obg-00487-00149471-00149817 The bottom line in marriage is peace. CQ6uUk13Obg-00488-00149817-00150121 People think the bottom line is happiness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00489-00150121-00150401 I'm not very happy for whatever reason, CQ6uUk13Obg-00490-00150401-00150818 so therefore my divorce is [hand claps] legit. CQ6uUk13Obg-00491-00150922-00151225 But in the Bible, the bottom line is not happiness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00492-00151225-00151413 Happiness, you know, goes up and down. CQ6uUk13Obg-00493-00151413-00151669 If you're sick, you're not very happy if you're sick. CQ6uUk13Obg-00494-00151669-00151920 If you're doing good and making a lot of money CQ6uUk13Obg-00495-00151920-00152037 you are very happy. CQ6uUk13Obg-00496-00152122-00152371 Happiness is a very subjective thing, CQ6uUk13Obg-00497-00152371-00152505 so that's why the Bible doesn't say CQ6uUk13Obg-00498-00152505-00152780 the bottom line is happiness, the bottom line is peace. CQ6uUk13Obg-00499-00152927-00153213 I Corinthians 7, he says, "But to the rest," CQ6uUk13Obg-00500-00153213-00153392 Paul is talking now about marriage, he says, CQ6uUk13Obg-00501-00153392-00153605 "But to the rest I say, not the Lord, CQ6uUk13Obg-00502-00153605-00153860 "that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, CQ6uUk13Obg-00503-00153860-00154113 "and she consents to live with him, CQ6uUk13Obg-00504-00154113-00154304 "he must not divorce her. CQ6uUk13Obg-00505-00154304-00154540 "And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, CQ6uUk13Obg-00506-00154540-00154780 "and he consents to live with her, CQ6uUk13Obg-00507-00154780-00155131 "she must not send her husband away. CQ6uUk13Obg-00508-00155131-00155432 "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife CQ6uUk13Obg-00509-00155432-00155639 "and the unbelieving wife is sanctified CQ6uUk13Obg-00510-00155639-00155788 "through her believing husband, CQ6uUk13Obg-00511-00155788-00156006 "for otherwise your children are unclean, CQ6uUk13Obg-00512-00156006-00156170 "but now they are holy. CQ6uUk13Obg-00513-00156170-00156561 "Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave. CQ6uUk13Obg-00514-00156561-00156869 "The brother or the sister is not under bondage CQ6uUk13Obg-00515-00156869-00157369 "in such cases, but God has called us to peace. CQ6uUk13Obg-00516-00157374-00157523 "For how do you know, oh wife, CQ6uUk13Obg-00517-00157523-00157680 "whether you will save your husband? CQ6uUk13Obg-00518-00157680-00157823 "Or how do you know, oh husband, CQ6uUk13Obg-00519-00157823-00158015 "whether you will save your wife?" CQ6uUk13Obg-00520-00158015-00158368 Best case scenario is that two Christians who are virgins CQ6uUk13Obg-00521-00158368-00158697 get married, they establish a Christian home for life, CQ6uUk13Obg-00522-00158697-00158892 and then they die and they go to heaven. CQ6uUk13Obg-00523-00158892-00159070 That's the ideal. CQ6uUk13Obg-00524-00159070-00159191 Wonderful, isn't it? CQ6uUk13Obg-00525-00159191-00159428 It'd be nice if we could do that all the time. CQ6uUk13Obg-00526-00159428-00159570 Some people do it, sure. CQ6uUk13Obg-00527-00159693-00159948 It'd be nice if everybody could do it all the time. CQ6uUk13Obg-00528-00160073-00160352 In the first century church at Corinth, CQ6uUk13Obg-00529-00160352-00160620 not many could claim this ideal. CQ6uUk13Obg-00530-00160750-00160977 So Paul gives instructions to guide CQ6uUk13Obg-00531-00160977-00161334 the various marital combinations, CQ6uUk13Obg-00532-00161334-00161620 so let's go back over them a little more slowly. CQ6uUk13Obg-00533-00161620-00162120 In verses 25, 26, 27, 28, he talks to singles, he says, CQ6uUk13Obg-00534-00162121-00162461 "Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, CQ6uUk13Obg-00535-00162461-00162625 "but I give an opinion as one who CQ6uUk13Obg-00536-00162625-00162824 "by the mercy of the Lord is trustworthy. CQ6uUk13Obg-00537-00162824-00163016 "I think then that this is good in view of CQ6uUk13Obg-00538-00163016-00163224 "the present distress that it is good for a man CQ6uUk13Obg-00539-00163224-00163383 "to remain as he is. CQ6uUk13Obg-00540-00163383-00163509 "Are you bound to a wife? CQ6uUk13Obg-00541-00163509-00163638 "Do not seek to be released. CQ6uUk13Obg-00542-00163638-00163760 "Are you released from a wife? CQ6uUk13Obg-00543-00163760-00163866 "Do not seek a wife. CQ6uUk13Obg-00544-00163866-00164080 "But if you marry, you have not sinned CQ6uUk13Obg-00545-00164080-00164306 "and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. CQ6uUk13Obg-00546-00164306-00164506 "Yet such will have trouble in this life, CQ6uUk13Obg-00547-00164506-00164661 "and I am trying to spare you." CQ6uUk13Obg-00548-00164661-00165025 So he's talking about various situations, CQ6uUk13Obg-00549-00165025-00165305 various marital situations that are taking place CQ6uUk13Obg-00550-00165305-00165633 in Corinth, and he's giving instruction in each case. CQ6uUk13Obg-00551-00165633-00166058 So here he starts with singles, single people, CQ6uUk13Obg-00552-00166058-00166196 for whatever reason. CQ6uUk13Obg-00553-00166196-00166590 So he says to singles, it's better to remain that way CQ6uUk13Obg-00554-00166590-00166869 but if they marry, they don't sin. CQ6uUk13Obg-00555-00166869-00167119 So if you're a virgin, when they talk about CQ6uUk13Obg-00556-00167119-00167520 a virgin in the Bible they're referring to CQ6uUk13Obg-00557-00167520-00167701 a woman who's never been married. CQ6uUk13Obg-00558-00167701-00167954 The assumption is if she's never been married CQ6uUk13Obg-00559-00167954-00168250 she's never had sex, so that's why all the virgins CQ6uUk13Obg-00560-00168250-00168527 are single people. CQ6uUk13Obg-00561-00168527-00168730 Then he talks about the ones who are divorced, CQ6uUk13Obg-00562-00168730-00168995 you're released from a wife, you're released from a husband CQ6uUk13Obg-00563-00168995-00169291 either through divorce or being a widow. CQ6uUk13Obg-00564-00169291-00169566 Better you stay single, he said, to all you people. CQ6uUk13Obg-00565-00169566-00169933 In those days there was persecution in the church. CQ6uUk13Obg-00566-00169933-00170213 Many of them were slaves and so if you were a slave CQ6uUk13Obg-00567-00170213-00170579 and you were married and your master decided to sell you, CQ6uUk13Obg-00568-00170579-00170790 he would sell you but keep your wife, CQ6uUk13Obg-00569-00170790-00170937 you know what I'm saying? CQ6uUk13Obg-00570-00170937-00171159 It wasn't a stable situation. CQ6uUk13Obg-00571-00171159-00171505 So he said because of this type of societal situation, CQ6uUk13Obg-00572-00171505-00171679 you're better off just remaining single. CQ6uUk13Obg-00573-00171679-00171978 But then he says, but if you can't, CQ6uUk13Obg-00574-00171978-00172183 meaning if you can't restrain yourself, CQ6uUk13Obg-00575-00172183-00172340 if you have to be married, CQ6uUk13Obg-00576-00172340-00172545 and there's nothing wrong with that I mean CQ6uUk13Obg-00577-00172545-00172859 God designed us to be married. CQ6uUk13Obg-00578-00172859-00173035 So he says if you can't stay single, CQ6uUk13Obg-00579-00173035-00173247 well then if you marry you haven't sinned, CQ6uUk13Obg-00580-00173247-00173526 go ahead and do what you need to do, okay? CQ6uUk13Obg-00581-00173526-00173877 Then he talks to others. CQ6uUk13Obg-00582-00173877-00174136 Verses 10 and 11, he says, "But to the married CQ6uUk13Obg-00583-00174136-00174369 "I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, CQ6uUk13Obg-00584-00174369-00174526 "that the wife should not leave her husband CQ6uUk13Obg-00585-00174526-00174767 "but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried CQ6uUk13Obg-00586-00174767-00174976 "or else be reconciled to her husband, CQ6uUk13Obg-00587-00174976-00175320 "and that the husband should not divorce his wife." CQ6uUk13Obg-00588-00175320-00175673 So now he's talking to Christians who are married, CQ6uUk13Obg-00589-00175673-00175846 and he says if they're having problems CQ6uUk13Obg-00590-00175846-00176049 they can separate to work things out, CQ6uUk13Obg-00591-00176049-00176203 but they mustn't divorce. CQ6uUk13Obg-00592-00176203-00176347 Well nothing new there, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00593-00176347-00176490 If you're a Christian and you're married CQ6uUk13Obg-00594-00176490-00176715 you ought to stay together, okay. CQ6uUk13Obg-00595-00176715-00177086 Verses eight and nine, and notice I'm taking them CQ6uUk13Obg-00596-00177086-00177416 out of order here just to kind of make it a little clearer. CQ6uUk13Obg-00597-00177416-00177837 He says, "But I say to the unmarried and to widows CQ6uUk13Obg-00598-00177837-00178175 "that it is good for them if they remain even as I. CQ6uUk13Obg-00599-00178175-00178358 "But if they do not have self-control, CQ6uUk13Obg-00600-00178358-00178542 "let them marry for it is better CQ6uUk13Obg-00601-00178542-00178799 "to marry than to burn with passion." CQ6uUk13Obg-00602-00178799-00179122 So he's talking to the unmarried, who are the unmarried? CQ6uUk13Obg-00603-00179122-00179473 Well they're not the virgins, right? CQ6uUk13Obg-00604-00179473-00179691 And they're not the married, so who are they? CQ6uUk13Obg-00605-00179691-00179990 Well they're they divorced, he calls them unmarried. CQ6uUk13Obg-00606-00180089-00180280 And then he talks to who else? CQ6uUk13Obg-00607-00180280-00180471 To the unmarried, those are the divorced, CQ6uUk13Obg-00608-00180471-00180748 to the widows, widows and widowers, alright? CQ6uUk13Obg-00609-00180748-00181141 So to these people, the widows, widowers, and the divorcees CQ6uUk13Obg-00610-00181141-00181412 he says they're better off remaining unmarried CQ6uUk13Obg-00611-00181412-00181705 for the same reasons, the trouble in society and all that, CQ6uUk13Obg-00612-00181705-00182056 but if they can't control themselves, CQ6uUk13Obg-00613-00182056-00182265 if they can't control their sexual desires, CQ6uUk13Obg-00614-00182265-00182517 they're better off getting married again CQ6uUk13Obg-00615-00182517-00182781 than sinning through fornication. CQ6uUk13Obg-00616-00182781-00183185 Finally, to those married to non-Christians CQ6uUk13Obg-00617-00183185-00183401 and for the purpose of this lesson I include CQ6uUk13Obg-00618-00183401-00183628 abusive husbands in this category because CQ6uUk13Obg-00619-00183628-00183886 most times batterers are non-Christians CQ6uUk13Obg-00620-00183886-00184107 or they are Christians in name only, CQ6uUk13Obg-00621-00184429-00184649 or they are Christians who have fallen away. CQ6uUk13Obg-00622-00184772-00185249 Paul gives this advice, he says to them, CQ6uUk13Obg-00623-00185336-00185676 If you can live in peace, do so. CQ6uUk13Obg-00624-00185676-00185967 Don't leave because you are legitimately married CQ6uUk13Obg-00625-00185967-00186353 and you're the only chance he has of hearing the gospel. CQ6uUk13Obg-00626-00186353-00186649 Living in peace in a domestic violence situation CQ6uUk13Obg-00627-00186649-00186920 means that he is getting the help he needs CQ6uUk13Obg-00628-00186920-00187174 to get the situation under control CQ6uUk13Obg-00629-00187174-00187620 so there can be an attempt at peace in the marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00630-00187620-00187784 If there's peace in the marriage CQ6uUk13Obg-00631-00187784-00187999 there's a chance for happiness in the marriage. CQ6uUk13Obg-00632-00187999-00188198 But if there's no peace in the marriage, CQ6uUk13Obg-00633-00188198-00188469 forget the happiness part, it's not going to happen. CQ6uUk13Obg-00634-00188469-00188699 So this can mean that the partner actually CQ6uUk13Obg-00635-00188699-00188944 abandons the other. CQ6uUk13Obg-00636-00188944-00189223 But in a domestic violence situation, CQ6uUk13Obg-00637-00189223-00189590 it could mean that the partner refuses to live in peace CQ6uUk13Obg-00638-00189590-00189865 and to stay is to continue to live CQ6uUk13Obg-00639-00189865-00190158 under the threat of violence. CQ6uUk13Obg-00640-00190158-00190420 So when Paul says let them go, in that passage CQ6uUk13Obg-00641-00190420-00190777 I read previously, you're not under bondage, CQ6uUk13Obg-00642-00190777-00191114 he includes the idea of peace here. CQ6uUk13Obg-00643-00191114-00191285 If they won't stay with you, CQ6uUk13Obg-00644-00191285-00191541 if they refuse to live with you in peace, CQ6uUk13Obg-00645-00191541-00191886 you're not under bondage to remain, he says. CQ6uUk13Obg-00646-00191886-00192151 He says in verse 16, don't be so sure CQ6uUk13Obg-00647-00192151-00192502 that forcing him to stay living under siege CQ6uUk13Obg-00648-00192502-00192661 will force him to be saved. CQ6uUk13Obg-00649-00192661-00192960 You don't know for sure that you will or not. CQ6uUk13Obg-00650-00193135-00193404 A lot of women think if they just stick it out CQ6uUk13Obg-00651-00193404-00193710 another year, he'll get better. CQ6uUk13Obg-00652-00193924-00194313 Like it's up to me, if I stick it out, he'll get better. CQ6uUk13Obg-00653-00194313-00194627 But he's not doing anything to get better. CQ6uUk13Obg-00654-00194627-00194934 He's not getting any counseling, he's not trying, CQ6uUk13Obg-00655-00194934-00195178 you're not openly discussing the thing, CQ6uUk13Obg-00656-00195178-00195404 you're just staying in the cycle and usually CQ6uUk13Obg-00657-00195404-00195524 what the woman is trying to do, CQ6uUk13Obg-00658-00195524-00196024 she's trying to expand the cycle, that's her strategy. CQ6uUk13Obg-00659-00196049-00196313 Instead of getting hit twice a year, CQ6uUk13Obg-00660-00196313-00196586 she's going to try to expand the cycle to maybe CQ6uUk13Obg-00661-00196586-00196867 just getting hit once a year. CQ6uUk13Obg-00662-00196867-00197231 That's her way of dealing with it, okay? CQ6uUk13Obg-00663-00197323-00197702 So Paul is saying that if the unbeliever CQ6uUk13Obg-00664-00197702-00198196 is willing to live in peace despite your differences, CQ6uUk13Obg-00665-00198196-00198509 then you should stay because under the circumstances CQ6uUk13Obg-00666-00198509-00198718 you might have a chance to save his soul. CQ6uUk13Obg-00667-00198809-00199134 On the other hand, if he refuses to live with you CQ6uUk13Obg-00668-00199311-00199811 because of your faith, or refuses to live in peace with you, CQ6uUk13Obg-00669-00199817-00200078 then you're not bound to him any more. CQ6uUk13Obg-00670-00200078-00200397 Let him go, or in the case of domestic violence, CQ6uUk13Obg-00671-00200397-00200777 save yourself because hanging on in CQ6uUk13Obg-00672-00200777-00200984 this kind of situation will not guarantee CQ6uUk13Obg-00673-00200984-00201187 the salvation of his soul. CQ6uUk13Obg-00674-00201187-00201509 I'll expand the cycle, you know? CQ6uUk13Obg-00675-00201509-00201820 I'll accept to get smacked just once a year instead, CQ6uUk13Obg-00676-00201820-00202028 and maybe I'll save his soul. CQ6uUk13Obg-00677-00202028-00202303 Paul is saying here yeah, that's not going to happen. CQ6uUk13Obg-00678-00202480-00202772 If he rejects you or beats you, CQ6uUk13Obg-00679-00202772-00203008 he's also rejecting and beating the spirit CQ6uUk13Obg-00680-00203008-00203091 that is within you. CQ6uUk13Obg-00681-00203091-00203256 There's the sin. CQ6uUk13Obg-00682-00203459-00203733 There's the terrible sin. CQ6uUk13Obg-00683-00203733-00204092 The person that you are committed to loving CQ6uUk13Obg-00684-00204198-00204698 in the name of Christ, who has the spirit in them CQ6uUk13Obg-00685-00204727-00204969 and who is the weaker vessel, you know CQ6uUk13Obg-00686-00204969-00205229 weaker in the sense of physically, the weaker vessel, CQ6uUk13Obg-00687-00205229-00205544 this person you're beating. CQ6uUk13Obg-00688-00205544-00205873 This person you are abusing. CQ6uUk13Obg-00689-00205873-00206144 There's the sin, there's the terrible sin. CQ6uUk13Obg-00690-00206317-00206778 So Paul is saying hey, in a case like that, save yourself. CQ6uUk13Obg-00691-00207094-00207242 Now the big question of course is CQ6uUk13Obg-00692-00207242-00207536 whether Paul is referring to divorce here or not CQ6uUk13Obg-00693-00207536-00207727 in I Corinthians 7. CQ6uUk13Obg-00694-00207727-00207965 There are a lot of arguments for and against. CQ6uUk13Obg-00695-00207965-00208167 I believe that he refers to divorce CQ6uUk13Obg-00696-00208167-00208371 for one reason in particular. CQ6uUk13Obg-00697-00208371-00208664 Throughout this entire passage he's been talking about CQ6uUk13Obg-00698-00208664-00209044 marriage and divorce, when you can and when you can't. CQ6uUk13Obg-00699-00209044-00209311 In this case he simply says that you can. CQ6uUk13Obg-00700-00209311-00209598 In other words, he says you are not bound. CQ6uUk13Obg-00701-00209730-00209898 Now the confusion has come because CQ6uUk13Obg-00702-00209898-00210317 he doesn't use the word divorce but rather the euphemism CQ6uUk13Obg-00703-00210317-00210666 that means exactly the same thing, not bound. CQ6uUk13Obg-00704-00210666-00211082 Well not bound means not married, it's the same thing. CQ6uUk13Obg-00705-00211082-00211435 You're bound to someone, means you're married to someone. CQ6uUk13Obg-00706-00211435-00211765 You're not bound to someone, it means you're not married. CQ6uUk13Obg-00707-00211765-00212013 I've heard all kinds of contorted arguments CQ6uUk13Obg-00708-00212013-00212180 to say the opposite of this. CQ6uUk13Obg-00709-00212180-00212362 I've heard one argument that said, CQ6uUk13Obg-00710-00212362-00212576 "Well he doesn't mean you're not married, CQ6uUk13Obg-00711-00212576-00212806 "or you're divorced, he means you're not bound to CQ6uUk13Obg-00712-00212806-00213108 "the responsibilities of the marriage." CQ6uUk13Obg-00713-00213108-00213359 Like in other words, you don't have to have sex with him. CQ6uUk13Obg-00714-00213359-00213506 [laughs] Really? CQ6uUk13Obg-00715-00213644-00213937 That's a pretty tortured interpretation CQ6uUk13Obg-00716-00214023-00214275 in a passage where Paul is just talking about CQ6uUk13Obg-00717-00214275-00214498 marriage and divorce he ends up by saying CQ6uUk13Obg-00718-00214498-00214644 you're not bound. CQ6uUk13Obg-00719-00214644-00215014 Of course again, every situation is different CQ6uUk13Obg-00720-00215014-00215241 and we must carefully examine our conscience CQ6uUk13Obg-00721-00215241-00215552 and God's word before we make any decisions. CQ6uUk13Obg-00722-00215654-00215881 But with patience, and forgiveness, and effort, CQ6uUk13Obg-00723-00215881-00216307 and prayer, and repentance, some marriages can be saved CQ6uUk13Obg-00724-00216307-00216446 and they can prosper. CQ6uUk13Obg-00725-00216446-00216828 That's why the Bible puts peace as the bottom line. CQ6uUk13Obg-00726-00216828-00217052 If you can have peace in the marriage, CQ6uUk13Obg-00727-00217052-00217236 you have a chance at happiness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00728-00217236-00217653 But if there's no peace, you can't have happiness. CQ6uUk13Obg-00729-00217742-00217914 So with patience and forgiveness CQ6uUk13Obg-00730-00217914-00218126 a marriage can be saved and prosper. CQ6uUk13Obg-00731-00218126-00218408 Paul says that when everything fails, CQ6uUk13Obg-00732-00218408-00218642 the believer does not have to be bound to CQ6uUk13Obg-00733-00218642-00219023 one who rejects them by abandoning them, CQ6uUk13Obg-00734-00219023-00219286 or I would add by abusing them, CQ6uUk13Obg-00735-00219286-00219519 which is exactly the same thing except CQ6uUk13Obg-00736-00219519-00219803 the punishment and the cruelty is physical CQ6uUk13Obg-00737-00219803-00220032 as well as emotional. CQ6uUk13Obg-00738-00220032-00220462 Brothers and sisters, God has called us to peace, CQ6uUk13Obg-00739-00220462-00220884 not to abandonment, not to abuse, not to terror CQ6uUk13Obg-00740-00220884-00221100 by our spouse. CQ6uUk13Obg-00741-00221100-00221438 Anyone who thinks they need to stay with someone CQ6uUk13Obg-00742-00221438-00221756 who is abusing them because that's what God wants CQ6uUk13Obg-00743-00221756-00222058 has misread the scriptures terribly, CQ6uUk13Obg-00744-00222058-00222431 and they're being victimized twice. CQ6uUk13Obg-00745-00222431-00222856 Once by their spouse, and the second time CQ6uUk13Obg-00746-00222856-00223096 by self-righteous Christians who don't understand CQ6uUk13Obg-00747-00223096-00223457 what God's word is actually saying, alright? CQbYhKsFgs8-00000-00004300-00004500 oh my god... why so chilly? CQbYhKsFgs8-00001-00007900-00008100 here is main complex... CQbYhKsFgs8-00002-00008500-00008700 and there is annex.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00003-00009700-00010000 inside is like this.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00004-00010800-00011000 did anyone hear sound? CQbYhKsFgs8-00005-00012300-00012500 hello? CQbYhKsFgs8-00006-00013700-00014000 come on out, if you're person! CQbYhKsFgs8-00007-00015800-00016000 no ghost here? CQbYhKsFgs8-00008-00018200-00018400 is there anyone? CQbYhKsFgs8-00009-00021900-00022200 you guys said saw spirit over the window? CQbYhKsFgs8-00010-00022500-00023000 time line 1:11 if you couldn't see that CQbYhKsFgs8-00011-00025700-00026000 main was already locked CQbYhKsFgs8-00012-00026400-00026700 and there is something.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00013-00027200-00027500 anybody see that? CQbYhKsFgs8-00014-00027500-00028000 there is someone! CQbYhKsFgs8-00015-00030000-00030200 anyone there? CQbYhKsFgs8-00016-00030200-00030500 before i came here, nickname 'weirdspirit' was visited once.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00017-00030500-00030800 he came here at that time, CQbYhKsFgs8-00018-00031100-00031400 and he saw something like woman is lying on the floor CQbYhKsFgs8-00019-00031600-00032000 and i smell woman's perfume.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00020-00036400-00036700 it's definitely smell of perfume... CQbYhKsFgs8-00021-00036700-00037000 is this place right? CQbYhKsFgs8-00022-00037000-00037200 on this window? CQbYhKsFgs8-00023-00037200-00037500 that was third floor, and there is second floor. CQbYhKsFgs8-00024-00037900-00038300 if you wonder when micol first came here, click the link! CQbYhKsFgs8-00025-00038400-00038800 you guys will remember that, CQbYhKsFgs8-00026-00039300-00039600 in this kind of unclear window... CQbYhKsFgs8-00027-00039600-00039900 was disppeared all of sudden.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00028-00040200-00040500 but there was nothing. CQbYhKsFgs8-00029-00045000-00045200 let me go to thrid floor later. CQbYhKsFgs8-00030-00047900-00048300 hey you! who are you there! CQbYhKsFgs8-00031-00051000-00051200 who's there! CQbYhKsFgs8-00032-00051400-00051600 anyone hear that?! CQbYhKsFgs8-00033-00052900-00053300 it definitely different sound.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00034-00053700-00054100 micol think he was heard from the bottom floor? CQbYhKsFgs8-00035-00054400-00054700 don't you remember me? CQbYhKsFgs8-00036-00055500-00055800 i was came here before.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00037-00057300-00057600 it's sound of office door. CQbYhKsFgs8-00038-00057900-00058200 it just got inside.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00039-00061900-00062400 please focus on there. CQbYhKsFgs8-00040-00064000-00064400 wait, anyone see that? CQbYhKsFgs8-00041-00065100-00065500 did anyone see the window? CQbYhKsFgs8-00042-00065700-00066200 when micol was at livestream, some of subscriber said they saw something CQbYhKsFgs8-00043-00069000-00069300 there is, see that guys?! CQbYhKsFgs8-00044-00075300-00075500 what the!...what the heck! CQbYhKsFgs8-00045-00076700-00077000 where are you going while you feeling pain!? CQbYhKsFgs8-00046-00078000-00078500 why was looking that window? CQbYhKsFgs8-00047-00082300-00082500 check right now! CQbYhKsFgs8-00048-00082700-00083000 no line! there is nothing! CQbYhKsFgs8-00049-00084000-00084400 line and person who hiding... nothing! CQbYhKsFgs8-00050-00084700-00085100 did my credit rating got upgraded? haha CQbYhKsFgs8-00051-00085100-00085500 holy moly.. haha CQbYhKsFgs8-00052-00085500-00085800 oh yeah, i was delinquent borrower, not so long ago.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00053-00090000-00090300 so queit after that phenomenon.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00054-00090500-00090900 it's so quiet as you guys see. CQbYhKsFgs8-00055-00091200-00091500 there was shape and some phenomenon but... CQbYhKsFgs8-00056-00091600-00092000 it's disappeared whenever i check.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00057-00093000-00093300 behind? nothing. CQbYhKsFgs8-00058-00094600-00095000 let me check one by one now... CQbYhKsFgs8-00059-00095400-00095800 but there was no reaction as comparable. CQbYhKsFgs8-00060-00095900-00096300 here is second place i will be.. CQbYhKsFgs8-00061-00096300-00096800 and nickname 'weirdspirit' was stopped by here before... CQbYhKsFgs8-00062-00096800-00097300 check the link if you wonder when micol was here for the first! CQbYhKsFgs8-00063-00097400-00097700 there was phenomenon... CQbYhKsFgs8-00064-00097700-00098000 but not that much. CQbYhKsFgs8-00065-00098200-00098400 moving toliet door itself and CQbYhKsFgs8-00066-00099100-00099500 small plate too CQbYhKsFgs8-00067-00101200-00101500 short talk with CQbYhKsFgs8-00068-00101700-00102000 where do i have to go...? CQbYhKsFgs8-00069-00102000-00102300 i just didn't ask guys. CQbYhKsFgs8-00070-00102700-00103000 i was just thinking..kaonashi? CQbYhKsFgs8-00071-00103000-00103300 what was kaonashi(no-face)? CR06vAcAVXQ-00000-00000216-00000350 Puppy Toys CR06vAcAVXQ-00001-00000446-00000646 Let's learn numbers and colors CR06vAcAVXQ-00002-00000725-00000800 Green CR06vAcAVXQ-00003-00002047-00002147 Orange CR06vAcAVXQ-00004-00003253-00003349 Grapes CR06vAcAVXQ-00005-00005246-00005326 G CR06vAcAVXQ-00006-00005809-00005885 R CR06vAcAVXQ-00007-00006556-00006627 A CR06vAcAVXQ-00008-00007161-00007248 P CR06vAcAVXQ-00009-00007711-00007799 E CR06vAcAVXQ-00010-00008391-00008491 S CR06vAcAVXQ-00011-00009325-00009413 Grapes CR06vAcAVXQ-00012-00010172-00010285 Purple CR06vAcAVXQ-00013-00011236-00011340 Banana CR06vAcAVXQ-00014-00012525-00012775 Learning alphabet and names CR06vAcAVXQ-00015-00013267-00013367 B CR06vAcAVXQ-00016-00013918-00014005 A CR06vAcAVXQ-00017-00014564-00014660 N CR06vAcAVXQ-00018-00015140-00015231 A CR06vAcAVXQ-00019-00015782-00015869 N CR06vAcAVXQ-00020-00016495-00016595 A CR06vAcAVXQ-00021-00017730-00017842 Banana CR06vAcAVXQ-00022-00018476-00018606 Yellow CR06vAcAVXQ-00023-00019427-00019536 Peach CR06vAcAVXQ-00024-00021271-00021379 P CR06vAcAVXQ-00025-00021926-00022026 E CR06vAcAVXQ-00026-00022710-00022797 A CR06vAcAVXQ-00027-00023556-00023665 C CR06vAcAVXQ-00028-00024278-00024378 H CR06vAcAVXQ-00029-00025112-00025212 Peach CR06vAcAVXQ-00030-00025708-00025905 We larned alphabet and names CR06vAcAVXQ-00031-00026055-00026180 Puppy Toys CShYT5_jQyM-00000-00000000-00001152 [Music] thank you CShYT5_jQyM-00001-00002330-00002430 [Music] CShYT5_jQyM-00002-00002430-00002852 baby [Music] CWLwUSmGYBk-00000-00000300-00000362 We have to make sure... CWLwUSmGYBk-00001-00000388-00000644 that the alerts the pilots are trained on... CWLwUSmGYBk-00002-00000668-00000784 actually work. CWLwUSmGYBk-00003-00000808-00001076 So we fly at maximum speed. CWLwUSmGYBk-00004-00001116-00001252 Auto-Thrust off -Okay. CWLwUSmGYBk-00005-00001288-00001476 We'll continue in a second. CWLwUSmGYBk-00006-00001936-00002236 Warning lights illuminate? -Check. CWLwUSmGYBk-00007-00002260-00002564 Siren sounds? -Siren sounds, is killed. CWLwUSmGYBk-00008-00002664-00002876 Overspeed warning displayed? -Yes. CWLwUSmGYBk-00009-00002900-00003132 Nose down trim inhibited. -Okay. CWLwUSmGYBk-00010-00003440-00003564 Test successful. CWLwUSmGYBk-00011-00003588-00003884 Then we fly a more than 30 degrees angle. CWLwUSmGYBk-00012-00004052-00004204 You know what happens. CWLwUSmGYBk-00013-00004228-00004340 I need to make sure. CWLwUSmGYBk-00014-00004428-00004632 Then this triangle turns yellow... CWLwUSmGYBk-00015-00004656-00004872 followed by an aural warning: "Bank angle". CWLwUSmGYBk-00016-00005092-00005196 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00017-00005220-00005336 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00018-00005384-00005492 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00019-00005552-00005676 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00020-00006712-00006808 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00021-00006880-00006992 <Bank angle> CWLwUSmGYBk-00022-00007236-00007456 Then, let me think. What's next... CWLwUSmGYBk-00023-00007552-00007723 Start the APU (Aux Power Unit)... CWLwUSmGYBk-00024-00007780-00008036 without air pressure just electric power... CWLwUSmGYBk-00025-00008059-00008159 in 39000 ft. CWLwUSmGYBk-00026-00008184-00008528 The toughest challenge for this turbine. CWLwUSmGYBk-00027-00008620-00008936 Bleed Air will be shut off to bypass the air-starter. CWLwUSmGYBk-00028-00008960-00009124 turn on the electric starter... CWLwUSmGYBk-00029-00009148-00009376 she doesn't like it, but it's mandatory. CWLwUSmGYBk-00030-00009488-00009824 APU selector: start and release. CWLwUSmGYBk-00031-00009848-00009980 All the way. It's okay... CWLwUSmGYBk-00032-00010004-00010192 since we've just checked the inlets. CWLwUSmGYBk-00033-00010244-00010388 There's the rpm. CWLwUSmGYBk-00034-00010456-00010700 Exhaust temp. rising, we had ignition. CWLwUSmGYBk-00035-00010736-00010928 Getting warmer, 750°C. CWLwUSmGYBk-00036-00011056-00011216 And she's out of the woods. CWLwUSmGYBk-00037-00011376-00011708 Almost 100 percent, 330°C. APU running. CWLwUSmGYBk-00038-00011744-00011880 45 seconds. CWLwUSmGYBk-00039-00011904-00012040 Success. Great. CWLwUSmGYBk-00040-00012076-00012240 Next up: a nice pattern. CWLwUSmGYBk-00041-00012264-00012408 We've just checked... CWLwUSmGYBk-00042-00012432-00012584 the high-speed stick shaker, CWLwUSmGYBk-00043-00012608-00012852 the high speed protection. CWLwUSmGYBk-00044-00012876-00013191 Now, we check on the low speed protection. CWLwUSmGYBk-00045-00013216-00013540 Meaning, we lower speed until the stall warning. CWLwUSmGYBk-00046-00013563-00014060 We'll try flaps up/20/30 until their respective stall zones. CWLwUSmGYBk-00047-00014180-00014328 Going by gross weight... CWLwUSmGYBk-00048-00014352-00014476 and flight level... CWLwUSmGYBk-00049-00014500-00014624 we'll check the list... CWLwUSmGYBk-00050-00014656-00014868 at which speeds the warning... CWLwUSmGYBk-00051-00014891-00015136 the stick shaker, should trigger. CWLwUSmGYBk-00052-00015196-00015456 And dropping close to that speed range... CWLwUSmGYBk-00053-00015480-00015619 the alert must trigger. CWLwUSmGYBk-00054-00015696-00015860 If you're too slow. CWLwUSmGYBk-00055-00016076-00016247 Airspeed low, correct. CWLwUSmGYBk-00056-00016272-00016400 <shaker triggers> CWLwUSmGYBk-00057-00016424-00016588 133 mph. Perfect. CWLwUSmGYBk-00058-00016612-00016816 Next test at 117 mph. CWLwUSmGYBk-00059-00017456-00017664 Descending to 15000 ft. CWLwUSmGYBk-00060-00017780-00017880 <aural warning> CWLwUSmGYBk-00061-00018244-00018400 Looking good. CWLwUSmGYBk-00062-00018744-00018956 <shaker triggers> 117 mph. CWLwUSmGYBk-00063-00019028-00019164 Set flaps: 20. CWLwUSmGYBk-00064-00019236-00019560 Later, during regular service all that has to work. CWLwUSmGYBk-00065-00019596-00019728 We could trust it will. CWLwUSmGYBk-00066-00019792-00020096 But that's not enough. We need to know. CWLwUSmGYBk-00067-00020120-00020292 -True. -And on the test flight... CWLwUSmGYBk-00068-00020316-00020508 we also check if... CWLwUSmGYBk-00069-00020536-00020720 engines, shut off in flight... CWLwUSmGYBk-00070-00020800-00020988 will relight again. CWLwUSmGYBk-00071-00021076-00021388 The procedure for this: first, "idle thrust". CWLwUSmGYBk-00072-00021520-00021752 Then wait for 5 minutes. CWLwUSmGYBk-00073-00021776-00022056 Then the fuel switch - you know this - CWLwUSmGYBk-00074-00022084-00022200 ...will be cut off. CWLwUSmGYBk-00075-00022256-00022528 With no fuel, the engine spins down. CWLwUSmGYBk-00076-00022656-00022832 Testing in level flight. CWLwUSmGYBk-00077-00022860-00023076 Set this one to idle. CWLwUSmGYBk-00078-00023100-00023272 Switching off auto-thrust. CWLwUSmGYBk-00079-00023436-00023548 Lever to zero. CWLwUSmGYBk-00080-00023624-00023840 So the engine... -Cools down. CWLwUSmGYBk-00081-00023864-00024008 Cools down, right. CWLwUSmGYBk-00082-00024032-00024292 We're flying "asymmetrical", now. CWLwUSmGYBk-00083-00024316-00024572 The plane would normally fly a left turn. CWLwUSmGYBk-00084-00024596-00024956 But the "thrust asymmetry computer" (TAC)... CWLwUSmGYBk-00085-00025076-00025308 counteracts the left turn... CWLwUSmGYBk-00086-00025332-00025480 by trimming the rudder... CWLwUSmGYBk-00087-00025504-00025676 on its own by 6 units. CWLwUSmGYBk-00088-00025788-00026039 Okay. Shut down and relight left engine. CWLwUSmGYBk-00089-00026080-00026427 Fuel control switch: off. Left side confirmed. CWLwUSmGYBk-00090-00026552-00026668 Left side cut off. CWLwUSmGYBk-00091-00026756-00026908 Engine spools down. CWLwUSmGYBk-00092-00027144-00027480 Left side, fuel control switch. Left side confirmed. CWLwUSmGYBk-00093-00027508-00027620 Run! CWLwUSmGYBk-00094-00027739-00027948 Engine start parameters are normal. CWLwUSmGYBk-00095-00027972-00028395 21... 22... 23... CWLwUSmGYBk-00096-00028436-00028588 <engine relights> Crazy. CWLwUSmGYBk-00097-00028612-00028788 Exactly like on the plane. CWLwUSmGYBk-00098-00028900-00029044 If all that worked... CWLwUSmGYBk-00099-00029127-00029416 final test, we fly on the RAM air turbine. CWLwUSmGYBk-00100-00029520-00029680 Solely on this generator... CWLwUSmGYBk-00101-00029704-00029912 and this one hydraulic pump. CWLwUSmGYBk-00102-00029936-00030132 Flies perfectly fine. CWLwUSmGYBk-00103-00030160-00030400 Then we switch all systems back on... CWLwUSmGYBk-00104-00030424-00030544 land at home... CWLwUSmGYBk-00105-00030644-00030776 and call it a day. Cb76eJZsiL4-00000-00000215-00000415 I think he's tired... Cb76eJZsiL4-00001-00000415-00000956 I'm gonna call an ambulance and they'll probably gonna give you a needle to knock you out... Cb76eJZsiL4-00002-00000962-00001334 Are you sure you want the needle? Cb76eJZsiL4-00003-00001444-00001902 Are you sure you want the needle? I'm telling you, right now... Cb76eJZsiL4-00004-00001913-00002339 You want the needle? Cb76eJZsiL4-00005-00002384-00002756 YEAH WE'VE GOT TWO CARS HERE, MATE... Cb76eJZsiL4-00006-00002770-00003408 As soon as we can get an ambo here, mate... Cb76eJZsiL4-00007-00005334-00006376 Heya, how ya' goin'? Is Valentin here??! Cb76eJZsiL4-00008-00006412-00006976 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh Cb76eJZsiL4-00009-00006989-00007289 When thou shalt say "I have no pleasure in them" Cb76eJZsiL4-00010-00007290-00007897 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain Cb76eJZsiL4-00011-00007905-00008423 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men bow themselves Cb76eJZsiL4-00012-00008423-00008990 And the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened Cb76eJZsiL4-00013-00009000-00009351 And the door shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low Cb76eJZsiL4-00014-00009351-00009867 And he shall rise up at the voice of the bird and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low Cb76eJZsiL4-00015-00009876-00010344 Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way Cb76eJZsiL4-00016-00010351-00010566 And the almond tree shall flourish Cb76eJZsiL4-00017-00010577-00010777 And the grasshopper shall be a burden Cb76eJZsiL4-00018-00010787-00010987 And desire shall fail... Cb76eJZsiL4-00019-00025159-00025713 Because man goes to his long home and the mourners go about the streets Cb76eJZsiL4-00020-00025723-00026262 Or ever the silver chord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain Cb76eJZsiL4-00021-00026268-00026877 Or the wheel broken at the cistern, then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was Cb76eJZsiL4-00022-00026886-00027329 And the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Cb76eJZsiL4-00023-00027807-00028073 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Cb76eJZsiL4-00024-00028083-00028560 Fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Cb76eJZsiL4-00025-00028560-00029039 For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing... Cb76eJZsiL4-00026-00029046-00029556 Whether it be good, or whether it be evil! Ccpw0AW7zWg-00000-00000231-00000430 now we switch weapons Ccpw0AW7zWg-00001-00000588-00000684 switch back Ccpw0AW7zWg-00002-00000738-00000938 now we tap since there is no single fire option Ccpw0AW7zWg-00003-00001266-00001466 now we aim Ccpw0AW7zWg-00004-00001929-00002129 mid-reload you can try and find the wrong part about the reload procedure (optional) Ccpw0AW7zWg-00005-00002800-00003000 now we go full fucking rambo Ccpw0AW7zWg-00006-00004032-00004149 now lets relo- Ccpw0AW7zWg-00007-00004149-00004391 what the fuck ? Ccpw0AW7zWg-00008-00004748-00004948 ah great Ccpw0AW7zWg-00009-00004991-00005191 thanks for ruining my shitty day DICE CfQWkF26G8M-00000-00000046-00000442 Mitigation measures in the commercial fishing industry: Sink Rate CfQWkF26G8M-00001-00000628-00001014 Seabirds are vulnerable to mortality during the period when baited hooks leave the vessel CfQWkF26G8M-00002-00001014-00001352 and sink deeper than the diving range of foraging seabirds. CfQWkF26G8M-00003-00001414-00001989 Weighted longlines ensure that hooks sink quickly on set, reducing the availability CfQWkF26G8M-00004-00001989-00002368 to diving seabirds during this critical period. CfQWkF26G8M-00005-00002452-00002964 Make sure you know of any legal requirements for weighting and positioning in your fishery. CfQWkF26G8M-00006-00003042-00003672 In bottom longline fishing gear, weighting can be integrated in a line (lead core line) CfQWkF26G8M-00007-00003672-00003921 or added to the line. CfQWkF26G8M-00008-00003922-00004504 Configuration or spacing between hooks, weights and floats are also important factors to consider. CfQWkF26G8M-00009-00004598-00005148 In surface longline fishing gear, weights are attached to the snoods. CfQWkF26G8M-00010-00005148-00005692 The weight and the distance to the hook greatly influence their effectiveness, with heavier CfQWkF26G8M-00011-00005692-00006246 weights and placement closer to the hook achieving the fastest sink rates. CfQWkF26G8M-00012-00006384-00006744 Sliding weights are available and have been designed to address CfQWkF26G8M-00013-00006744-00006990 safety concerns around flybacks. CfQWkF26G8M-00014-00007068-00007663 Match the aerial extent of tori lines to provide adequate protection until fishing gear has CfQWkF26G8M-00015-00007663-00007988 sunk below the diving range of seabirds. CfQWkF26G8M-00016-00008088-00008502 Using a combination of mitigation measures to limit incidental capture CfQWkF26G8M-00017-00008502-00008772 is always going to be more effective. CfQWkF26G8M-00018-00008840-00009512 During rough seas, fishing gear may stay suspended due to turbulence so consider increasing the CfQWkF26G8M-00019-00009512-00009906 line weighting to aid in sinking gear quickly. CfQWkF26G8M-00020-00009906-00010481 If reducing setting speed to aid sink rate of fishing gear, make sure optimum aerial CfQWkF26G8M-00021-00010481-00010760 extent is still being achieved. CfQWkF26G8M-00022-00010760-00011144 If the tori line is sagging, a larger drag weight can CfQWkF26G8M-00023-00011144-00011484 increase the tori line tension. CfQWkF26G8M-00024-00011485-00011935 For more information on mitigation measures that may be relevant to your fishery go to: CfQWkF26G8M-00025-00011935-00012370 doc.govt.nz/csp CiPoEy6VCWE-00000-00000911-00001648 hello my lovely calimaries this is calimar here if you are new to the channel we do redesigns CiPoEy6VCWE-00001-00001720-00002256 for a little while now i've been doing a series where i rewrite the concepts from the CiPoEy6VCWE-00002-00002256-00002920 game jan neri simulator into my own original story with completely revamped characters CiPoEy6VCWE-00003-00002920-00003504 so i highly recommend checking out my playlist if you've got some time on your hands and you need CiPoEy6VCWE-00004-00003504-00004280 background noise to draw to and today we are going to be discussing the highly requested concept CiPoEy6VCWE-00005-00004280-00004984 and design of mujiakina the nurse character slash rival love interest from hyun sim CiPoEy6VCWE-00006-00005064-00005784 after my last video i got a ton of comments of people asking if i was skipping muja or asu CiPoEy6VCWE-00007-00005840-00006664 because i decided to incorporate mida first and the answer is a big no i just felt that for the CiPoEy6VCWE-00008-00006664-00007208 benefit of my own story it would make more sense that the teacher would come into play CiPoEy6VCWE-00009-00007208-00007792 earlier than the nurse and i didn't necessarily want to stick with the order that jan sim has set CiPoEy6VCWE-00010-00007848-00008568 or the fact that all the rivals should even be rivals in the first place i think that to CiPoEy6VCWE-00011-00008568-00009120 successfully build a fictional world you need a strong cast of supporting characters that make CiPoEy6VCWE-00012-00009120-00009776 the world feel believable that's why although nico is a major character she isn't necessarily CiPoEy6VCWE-00013-00009776-00010448 a rival people can be complicated and nuanced and their intentions aren't always clear-cut CiPoEy6VCWE-00014-00010504-00011104 and because of that it's easy to mistake someone as an enemy when that might not necessarily be the CiPoEy6VCWE-00015-00011104-00011800 case and i wanted my world to reflect that even if i don't always succeed if you've been keeping up CiPoEy6VCWE-00016-00011800-00012336 with my channel you know that i was on clinical placement for the last four weeks and i barely CiPoEy6VCWE-00017-00012336-00013040 had any energy left when i got home not to mention i was still doing university assignments while i CiPoEy6VCWE-00018-00013040-00013896 was on placement so i really had to buckle in and focus but i just submitted my last assignment and CiPoEy6VCWE-00019-00013896-00014647 i have a month before i go on my final placement block and graduating so i'll have a bit more time CiPoEy6VCWE-00020-00014647-00015447 to actually do things i enjoy and that takes us to today's topic having firsthand clinical experience CiPoEy6VCWE-00021-00015447-00016104 myself i finally feel like i'm actually qualified to talk about something on my channel so in this CiPoEy6VCWE-00022-00016104-00016688 video i wanted to educate you lovely calamaris on the ins and outs of the nursing perfection CiPoEy6VCWE-00023-00016752-00017272 discuss some misconceptions about nursing and point out from a nursing perspective CiPoEy6VCWE-00024-00017272-00017984 just why yandev's nurse design is so bad and how i would remedy it and integrate it into my story CiPoEy6VCWE-00025-00018120-00018824 but before we get into it this video was made using filmora 10 a video editing software that CiPoEy6VCWE-00026-00018824-00019392 is beginner friendly and has all the advanced editing features you would find on a professional CiPoEy6VCWE-00027-00019392-00019968 software like adobe premiere but at a lower price and a more user-friendly interface CiPoEy6VCWE-00028-00020032-00020544 i've been in the market for new video editing software and i'm so excited to work with CiPoEy6VCWE-00029-00020544-00021168 filmora for this video because i was genuinely about to purchase the lifetime license myself CiPoEy6VCWE-00030-00021168-00021712 so this is a product i would have gotten anyway because filmora pretty much offers everything i'm CiPoEy6VCWE-00031-00021712-00022256 looking for in an editing software filmora has a ton of special effects and templates CiPoEy6VCWE-00032-00022256-00022968 that make editing videos a breeze it comes with features like green screen motion tracking and CiPoEy6VCWE-00033-00022968-00023592 even its own library of copyright free music if you've been in an editing rut and want some fresh CiPoEy6VCWE-00034-00023592-00024192 new ideas or if you're looking to start making youtube videos i highly recommend using filmora CiPoEy6VCWE-00035-00024192-00024680 to get into the swing of things or elevate your content further that's definitely what CiPoEy6VCWE-00036-00024680-00025200 i'm planning on doing check out the link in my description to download filmora 10 today CiPoEy6VCWE-00037-00025288-00025888 so i'm sure you've all heard the news that apparently yan sim is finished now and that CiPoEy6VCWE-00038-00025888-00026495 yandere dev is planning on patching in the rest of the rivals in one big update CiPoEy6VCWE-00039-00026495-00027064 and if you haven't that's apparently what's happening i wanted to talk about this earlier CiPoEy6VCWE-00040-00027064-00027672 but because i was working eight hour shifts in the hospital unpaid i really didn't have time to CiPoEy6VCWE-00041-00027727-00028383 people are saying this means yansem is complete now and i just want to say that this definitely CiPoEy6VCWE-00042-00028383-00029208 isn't the case knowing young dev there's gonna be bugs galore and considering how the game runs now CiPoEy6VCWE-00043-00029208-00029824 with only one rival implemented i genuinely have no idea how it's going to handle nine more CiPoEy6VCWE-00044-00029880-00030376 not to mention just because it's finished doesn't automatically make it a good game CiPoEy6VCWE-00045-00030448-00031072 if anything calling it complete now makes it a worse game and he no longer has the excuse that CiPoEy6VCWE-00046-00031072-00031688 it's a work in progress i personally don't care if the game is finished or not because it has CiPoEy6VCWE-00047-00031688-00032336 never been part of my criticism i care more about the quality of the product and what it actually CiPoEy6VCWE-00048-00032336-00033056 has to offer in terms of a story and characters and how immersed i feel in it and in my opinion CiPoEy6VCWE-00049-00033056-00033896 it still fails on that front so all this means to me is that yan sim is a bad finished product but CiPoEy6VCWE-00050-00033896-00034448 hopefully this means jandev can move on to other things and finally get help for himself CiPoEy6VCWE-00051-00034504-00035136 i highly doubt it i'm very certain he'll just use his mental health as an excuse to just keep CiPoEy6VCWE-00052-00035136-00035792 playing video games all day but now he's free to become a twitch streamer like he's always wanted CiPoEy6VCWE-00053-00035880-00036640 so with that being said just why is this nurse concept so bad in my opinion i've seen several CiPoEy6VCWE-00054-00036640-00037304 people saying that it's mostly because of the uniform and while i do see where they're coming CiPoEy6VCWE-00055-00037304-00037920 from it's actually not even the worst thing about this design i got a few people saying CiPoEy6VCWE-00056-00037920-00038632 oh here comes the sjw fixing heart and i just want to tell you guys that i'm not complaining CiPoEy6VCWE-00057-00038632-00039264 because the nurse is too sexy or that i can't handle that she's beautiful i'm complaining CiPoEy6VCWE-00058-00039264-00039976 because the way this nurse is written she would be shredded to pieces on a real ward and it's CiPoEy6VCWE-00059-00039976-00040648 just an incredibly inaccurate portrayal of the professional attitudes nurses are required to have CiPoEy6VCWE-00060-00040736-00041432 one thing at a time though for now let's start with her appearance as someone in the profession CiPoEy6VCWE-00061-00041432-00042136 who was drilled extensively about proper work attire in simulation labs and on my placements CiPoEy6VCWE-00062-00042136-00042752 i can already see at least three things wrong with the way she presents herself from a head CiPoEy6VCWE-00063-00042752-00043648 to toe assessment those three things are her hair her dress obviously and her nail polish i bet you CiPoEy6VCWE-00064-00043648-00044376 didn't notice that but i did because i've got those trained nurse eyes so let's start from the CiPoEy6VCWE-00065-00044376-00045144 top you guys know i'm a huge fan of the color pink and i do think muja has very lovely hair CiPoEy6VCWE-00066-00045144-00045744 in fact she has my favorite color scheme out of all the characters the only problem is that CiPoEy6VCWE-00067-00045744-00046384 it's not tied back i've looked at her character model and she definitely isn't wearing her hair CiPoEy6VCWE-00068-00046384-00047032 in some sort of low ponytail braid or clip and the first rule in nursing is to always CiPoEy6VCWE-00069-00047112-00047824 always make sure your hair is back because nurses handle a lot of gross body fluids and when you're CiPoEy6VCWE-00070-00047824-00048400 leaning over to give your patient a vomit bag or emptying out their urine bags into a bottle CiPoEy6VCWE-00071-00048400-00049072 the last thing you want is for your hair to fall into it on the subject of leaning over nurses do CiPoEy6VCWE-00072-00049072-00049608 a lot of leaning over and crouching it's a very physically demanding job where you're CiPoEy6VCWE-00073-00049608-00050192 on your feet for hours at a time and when an emergency happens and your patient arrests CiPoEy6VCWE-00074-00050192-00050776 you're jumping on the bed and performing cpr to save this person's life and yes i do CiPoEy6VCWE-00075-00050776-00051376 want to clarify that it's usually the nurses that perform cpr in fact nurses are better than doctors CiPoEy6VCWE-00076-00051376-00052032 at cpr because it's mandatory for us to get our certificate renewed every year whereas doctors CiPoEy6VCWE-00077-00052152-00052720 don't have to do that for some reason that's why nurses need to be able to move easily and freely CiPoEy6VCWE-00078-00052720-00053455 without being preyed on by patients it's a sad reality nursing is one of the few female-dominated CiPoEy6VCWE-00079-00053455-00054112 professions out there and in order to be taken seriously you have to dress seriously CiPoEy6VCWE-00080-00054112-00054784 professionalism is a big deal in nursing although a lot of hospitals have stuck with the dress or CiPoEy6VCWE-00081-00054784-00055424 skirt combo none of them are ever as short as mujah's skirt and definitely not as tight for CiPoEy6VCWE-00082-00055424-00056128 the reasons i mentioned before another reason it's impractical is that i think people underestimate CiPoEy6VCWE-00083-00056128-00056824 just how cold hospitals and examination rooms are it's always freezing and a big reason for that is CiPoEy6VCWE-00084-00056824-00057552 to slow the growth of germs and bacteria but the bad thing about that is that your skin dries out CiPoEy6VCWE-00085-00057552-00058184 super fast so most of the time nurses want to wear more layers but we can't CiPoEy6VCWE-00086-00058184-00058832 because we have to be bare below the elbows so we can wash our hands and forearms properly and not CiPoEy6VCWE-00087-00058832-00059616 spread diseases and that's why all modern nursing uniforms have short sleeves kids not to mention CiPoEy6VCWE-00088-00059616-00060336 if you're going to be splashed with urine vomit or an explosive quote brown i'd rather let my uniform CiPoEy6VCWE-00089-00060336-00060936 take the fall thanks it still baffles me how some facilities still make their nurses wear white CiPoEy6VCWE-00090-00060936-00061760 uniforms because honestly it's not staying white for long like those people do realize the classic CiPoEy6VCWE-00091-00061760-00062448 nurse uniform came from a time when bed sheets weren't being washed dirty bandages were being CiPoEy6VCWE-00092-00062448-00063240 reused and patients had to drink unscented sewer water right but aside from the length and the size CiPoEy6VCWE-00093-00063240-00063824 of the dress because clearly it's a couple sizes too small another thing that really peeved me out CiPoEy6VCWE-00094-00063824-00064328 about this uniform and this is probably really weird for people who don't work in the health CiPoEy6VCWE-00095-00064328-00065328 field is that it only has one tiny pocket like if you're a nurse you know we need our pockets CiPoEy6VCWE-00096-00065432-00066288 we at least need to be carrying a couple of pens a phone a pen light to assess pupils scissors CiPoEy6VCWE-00097-00066288-00066896 a handover sheet and various scraps of paper tape and in some cases a strip of paracetamol CiPoEy6VCWE-00098-00066976-00067744 the pocket mujha has looks like it would barely fit a pen and that is absolutely atrocious zero CiPoEy6VCWE-00099-00067744-00068584 out of ten the more pockets i have the happier i am i also see a distinct lack of a fob watch CiPoEy6VCWE-00100-00068584-00069176 which is a nursing staple for when you're counting someone's breaths or just checking to see CiPoEy6VCWE-00101-00069176-00069760 what time you're conducting certain assessments or giving certain medications or heck what time this CiPoEy6VCWE-00102-00069760-00070440 patient decided to crash and burn all of these things are very important for documentation and CiPoEy6VCWE-00103-00070440-00071080 legal reasons because when someone dies and the case goes to a coroner's court you want to make CiPoEy6VCWE-00104-00071080-00071568 sure that you cover your ass and you can show them that you've done all the right things at CiPoEy6VCWE-00105-00071568-00072176 the right times and here's another thing i haven't seen anyone pick up on yet the nail CiPoEy6VCWE-00106-00072176-00072912 polish it's a big no-no to wear nail polish when you're working because it's an infection hazard CiPoEy6VCWE-00107-00072912-00073576 i have seen some nurses have nail polish but it's kind of they're always constantly wearing gloves CiPoEy6VCWE-00108-00073576-00074168 as well and that's because you can't scrub your fingers properly which means you're potentially CiPoEy6VCWE-00109-00074168-00074800 transmitting bacteria to your immunocompromised patient and risk giving them a healthcare CiPoEy6VCWE-00110-00074800-00075616 acquired infection plus it chips because you're constantly washing your hands with hand sanitizer CiPoEy6VCWE-00111-00075616-00076288 and that can contaminate your sterile field when you're doing a sterile procedure it's just really CiPoEy6VCWE-00112-00076288-00076976 bad form not to mention when you've just handled someone's bedpan the last thing you want is to not CiPoEy6VCWE-00113-00076976-00077616 be able to clean it off your fingers properly and then take it home with you luckily her nails are CiPoEy6VCWE-00114-00077616-00078184 kept quite short because if it were long that's another issue for infection control since you CiPoEy6VCWE-00115-00078184-00078856 can get a bacteria build up under your nails and you can actually injure someone with those nails CiPoEy6VCWE-00116-00078856-00079400 you do a lot of manual handling in nursing and most of the time it's for older people CiPoEy6VCWE-00117-00079400-00080000 who literally have tissue paper skin or little babies with very delicate skin and the last CiPoEy6VCWE-00118-00080000-00080872 thing you want is to harm your patients right well this is where we get to arguably the worst CiPoEy6VCWE-00119-00080872-00081752 part about this character the design that's baby stuff compared to her personality and backstory CiPoEy6VCWE-00120-00081808-00082360 honestly i felt my blood pressure shooting through the roof the first time i read through CiPoEy6VCWE-00121-00082360-00083040 her description and i'll explain to you exactly why because i've been stewing on this for far CiPoEy6VCWE-00122-00083112-00084000 far too long so muja is a young nurse who desires nothing more than to take care of other people CiPoEy6VCWE-00123-00084072-00084800 although she usually ends up causing more problems than she solves due to her hair-headed and classy CiPoEy6VCWE-00124-00084800-00085824 nature it was so quirky just just that first sentence got me one shot and i'm down CiPoEy6VCWE-00125-00085880-00086760 oh and also her intelligence is not her strongest point huh excuse me CiPoEy6VCWE-00126-00086856-00087840 yandev you do realize that nurses basically learn all the same things doctors do right and for those CiPoEy6VCWE-00127-00087840-00088384 of you who are saying oh nurses don't learn as much as the doctors because they're only learning CiPoEy6VCWE-00128-00088464-00089136 just a little bit and you could probably finish or study nursing in a single day because you're CiPoEy6VCWE-00129-00089136-00089888 so smart shut the [ __ ] up if you can do that great go ahead then do it the world needs nurses CiPoEy6VCWE-00130-00089944-00090560 but this isn't your olden days when people could just waltz into the hospital and go CiPoEy6VCWE-00131-00090560-00091296 hey i wanna be nurse please and the hospital is just like okay here's a uniform off you go CiPoEy6VCWE-00132-00091376-00092040 nowadays you need to at least complete a diploma program which is a year's worth of study CiPoEy6VCWE-00133-00092112-00092880 just to get work in a nursing home as a nursing assistant to get work in a hospital you need CiPoEy6VCWE-00134-00092880-00093600 to complete at least a two-year degree to be an enrolled nurse or a three-year bachelor's degree CiPoEy6VCWE-00135-00093600-00094352 to be a registered nurse and in those two three years you learn all about anatomy physiology CiPoEy6VCWE-00136-00094352-00094968 pathophysiology psychosocial development mental health pharmacology drug administration CiPoEy6VCWE-00137-00094968-00095472 diagnostics investigations and how to keep people from dying in general if CiPoEy6VCWE-00138-00095472-00096248 intelligence is not her strongest suit i genuinely have no idea how she managed to get her degree CiPoEy6VCWE-00139-00096248-00096848 in the first place because coming from someone who facilitates supplementary sessions for CiPoEy6VCWE-00140-00096848-00097624 pathophysiology and pharmacology nursing is hard we get examined on not only theoretical CiPoEy6VCWE-00141-00097624-00098256 knowledge like how does peripheral edema happen as a result of congestive heart failure we also CiPoEy6VCWE-00142-00098256-00098824 get examined on our practical nursing skills from simple things like how to make a hospital CiPoEy6VCWE-00143-00098824-00099352 bed and how to turn a patient over using slide sheets so they don't get pressure injuries too CiPoEy6VCWE-00144-00099416-00099840 what do you do if a patient is having a heart attack or if their airways have closed up CiPoEy6VCWE-00145-00099840-00100120 or if their blood sugar is a two and they're losing consciousness CiPoEy6VCWE-00146-00100192-00100864 and that's just the bare minimum to be qualified that's not even getting into the workforce CiPoEy6VCWE-00147-00100968-00101872 but anyway as an rn you get to specialize in many different areas such as aged care private CiPoEy6VCWE-00148-00101872-00102568 sectors mental health rural and remote nursing and if you work in a hospital you can further CiPoEy6VCWE-00149-00102568-00103520 train to specialize in high care areas like icu ed perioperative pediatrics or cardiology school CiPoEy6VCWE-00150-00103520-00104272 nurses fall under the category of community nurses which also includes settings like gp clinics and CiPoEy6VCWE-00151-00104272-00104952 prisons if you can believe it all of these specialties have different areas of focus CiPoEy6VCWE-00152-00104952-00105720 and for community settings in particular a big consideration or perhaps constraint that comes CiPoEy6VCWE-00153-00105720-00106480 into play is budget a lot of times they don't get as much funding as big hospitals so they're a lot CiPoEy6VCWE-00154-00106480-00107104 stricter with their resources because they might not necessarily have the budget to replace them CiPoEy6VCWE-00155-00107104-00107832 and some supplies can be really expensive and a lot of times it falls to the patients to pay CiPoEy6VCWE-00156-00107832-00108416 for them and the last thing you want is to give them a 40 dressing when they could have done with CiPoEy6VCWE-00157-00108496-00109248 something that you could have given away for free you know but this [ __ ] over here really CiPoEy6VCWE-00158-00109248-00110000 just dumped out an entire bottle of rubbing alcohol onto the floor and making a slip hazard CiPoEy6VCWE-00159-00110064-00110720 what happens when a student or teacher walks past and slips and hit their heads oh i know CiPoEy6VCWE-00160-00110720-00111176 they'll have to miss an entire day of school because now they have to be taken to the CiPoEy6VCWE-00161-00111176-00111664 hospital to get a ct scan for their head to make sure that they haven't damaged their brain or CiPoEy6VCWE-00162-00111720-00112520 burst a blood vessel in there nursing is a very high high-stakes uh emotionally mentally and CiPoEy6VCWE-00163-00112520-00113304 physically demanding job that takes a lot of study and practical training to be considered qualified CiPoEy6VCWE-00164-00113304-00114096 for good reason too you're literally have people's lives on your hands and the moment you take over a CiPoEy6VCWE-00165-00114096-00114848 shift there is very very little room for error the fact that muja constantly causes CiPoEy6VCWE-00166-00114848-00115592 more problems than she solves i genuinely don't understand how she hasn't lost her registration CiPoEy6VCWE-00167-00115592-00116192 yet or ended up in a coroner's case and no you can't get work as a nurse while you're a CiPoEy6VCWE-00168-00116192-00116896 student nurse because you wouldn't be a registered practitioner and that would be malpractice my dude CiPoEy6VCWE-00169-00116968-00117624 it genuinely bothers me because people have no idea just how easy it is to get in trouble in CiPoEy6VCWE-00170-00117624-00118335 nursing your lab invigilators and nurse preceptors are strict as all heck and if you're air-headed CiPoEy6VCWE-00171-00118335-00118992 and clumsy they'll be sure to beat it out of you before you can get registered i've literally seen CiPoEy6VCWE-00172-00118992-00119552 someone fail their course because they walked into their patients room wearing their jacket CiPoEy6VCWE-00173-00119616-00120144 why apparently because of infection control reasons and breach of professionalism CiPoEy6VCWE-00174-00120208-00120944 i genuinely have no idea where the ditzy dumb air-headed nurse stereotype came from because CiPoEy6VCWE-00175-00120944-00121735 that literally can't be further from the truth heck i would take mean [ __ ] nurses over this CiPoEy6VCWE-00176-00121735-00122320 portrayal because at least that would have been more accurate it would have been more acceptable CiPoEy6VCWE-00177-00122320-00122983 to me if it were like an l wood situation where people constantly underestimate her because of the CiPoEy6VCWE-00178-00122983-00123728 way she looks and acts but she's actually really smart and capable but this is just offensive to me CiPoEy6VCWE-00179-00123728-00124440 this is personally offensive to me i take offense from this character's existence i think a lot of CiPoEy6VCWE-00180-00124440-00125159 times doctors tend to steal the spotlight when we think healthcare we don't really see the other CiPoEy6VCWE-00181-00125159-00125888 members of the interdisciplinary teams like not even nurses but the physiotherapists the speech CiPoEy6VCWE-00182-00125888-00126583 therapists the dietitians the pharmacists they all play an equally important role healthcare CiPoEy6VCWE-00183-00126583-00127368 provision is a team effort and we support each other doctors are humans too they make mistakes CiPoEy6VCWE-00184-00127368-00127856 they chart the wrong medications because they've been awake for two days straight and CiPoEy6VCWE-00185-00127856-00128504 are thinking of a different patient part of the nurse's job the pharmacist's job is CiPoEy6VCWE-00186-00128504-00129080 actually picking up on these mistakes and circling back and seeing if they're really sure the order CiPoEy6VCWE-00187-00129080-00129752 is correct and we can really only do that if we have the same level of knowledge obviously with CiPoEy6VCWE-00188-00129752-00130296 different expertise but it's important that we're on the same page so that we can work CiPoEy6VCWE-00189-00130296-00131136 effectively as a team plus a lot of times nurses will ask doctors to prescribe specific medications CiPoEy6VCWE-00190-00131136-00131752 because we follow the patient's development in real time and notice that they need it CiPoEy6VCWE-00191-00131752-00132504 and because we're also educated about medications we're never just following orders blindly nurses CiPoEy6VCWE-00192-00132504-00133176 are constantly making decisions and planning ahead so that we can keep on top of our insane workload CiPoEy6VCWE-00193-00133176-00133872 and that's if we don't get any code blues or falls on the shift which would just completely derail CiPoEy6VCWE-00194-00133872-00134808 everything but it happens so the fact that this character even exists angers me because i think CiPoEy6VCWE-00195-00134808-00135408 back to all the sleepless nights i've had doing research on strategies to prevent failure to CiPoEy6VCWE-00196-00135408-00136184 rescue and all the 5 am starts to go to work for 8 hours without pay constantly fearing i might do CiPoEy6VCWE-00197-00136184-00136808 something like oh i don't know recap a needle in front of the facilitators and get sent home CiPoEy6VCWE-00198-00137008-00137816 it's just a lot but i think i've ranted long enough and got most of my grievances off my chest CiPoEy6VCWE-00199-00137816-00138472 so for my design i made sure to address those design issues i've pointed out CiPoEy6VCWE-00200-00138536-00139224 mostly pulling her hair back into a french braid which i've found from a personal experience to be CiPoEy6VCWE-00201-00139224-00140000 very secure giving her a bit more security with her skirt and a couple large pockets to fill with CiPoEy6VCWE-00202-00140000-00140720 whatever she wants for now i've given her the essentials a pen and pen light CiPoEy6VCWE-00203-00140720-00141464 scissors and a fob watch oh and of course a staple of any healthcare practitioner CiPoEy6VCWE-00204-00141464-00142216 a stethoscope i wanted to color coordinate them because that's something i personally want to do CiPoEy6VCWE-00205-00142216-00142968 when i buy my own equipment i'm not gonna buy any now because i'm just a broke student but a CiPoEy6VCWE-00206-00142968-00143704 girl can dream you know it just makes you look so put together there was a nurse that facilitated CiPoEy6VCWE-00207-00143704-00144376 my labs once who had this gorgeous rose gold fob watch and matching rose gold stethoscope CiPoEy6VCWE-00208-00144376-00145160 and i was genuinely obsessed with her so she was part of my inspiration for this design as well CiPoEy6VCWE-00209-00145232-00146056 plus i think it tied in really well with her pink hair which of course i kept and instead of pink or CiPoEy6VCWE-00210-00146056-00146816 blue eyes i decided to go with brown because i think that that's a pretty uncommon combination CiPoEy6VCWE-00211-00146816-00147408 and it just makes her look warmer and more approachable if you're wondering where i got the CiPoEy6VCWE-00212-00147408-00148088 idea for this shirt and dress combo i actually modeled it after the nursing uniform of one of CiPoEy6VCWE-00213-00148088-00148704 the hospitals i've had my placement in it was a private hospital so they got to choose their own CiPoEy6VCWE-00214-00148704-00149568 uniforms and although nurses could also wear just this shirt and trousers but i've always preferred CiPoEy6VCWE-00215-00149568-00150320 it with the dress because it's super cute the skirt is actually a lot longer it actually stops CiPoEy6VCWE-00216-00150320-00151008 well below the knee but aesthetically i prefer this length in my design because it shows off CiPoEy6VCWE-00217-00151008-00151632 the position of her legs a lot better and it just gives you a better flow of motion i guess CiPoEy6VCWE-00218-00151696-00152352 i know i wanted her to look relaxed but confident and maybe a bit playful as well because when CiPoEy6VCWE-00219-00152352-00152968 you're dealing with kids you need to have a fun personality to build any sort of rapport with them CiPoEy6VCWE-00220-00153032-00153768 i would know so to show this i gave her a half mischievous half amused expression CiPoEy6VCWE-00221-00153768-00154472 and i knew right away i wanted her to be spinning her stethoscope because anyone who's ever had CiPoEy6VCWE-00222-00154472-00155144 free time and a stethoscope has done this i also debated making the dress a light blue CiPoEy6VCWE-00223-00155144-00155880 color because that's just the color i personally associate hospitals with but i decided against CiPoEy6VCWE-00224-00155880-00156704 it because i figured it's probably a bad idea to wear light colors in a school setting as a nurse CiPoEy6VCWE-00225-00156784-00157400 plus the dark gray color matched with her shoes a lot better and just pulled the whole look together CiPoEy6VCWE-00226-00157472-00158160 and speaking of shoes i decided to model it after one of the shoes i used to have for labs CiPoEy6VCWE-00227-00158160-00158832 and placements we had to follow strict workplace requirements for footwear which meant that they CiPoEy6VCWE-00228-00158832-00159552 had to be slip proof waterproof and fully enclosed because you'd be surprised how often your foot CiPoEy6VCWE-00229-00159552-00160248 gets run over you want to make sure you can easily just hose stuff off as well because the last thing CiPoEy6VCWE-00230-00160248-00161008 you want is to take someone's giant wad of sputum home with you because you're on your feet for CiPoEy6VCWE-00231-00161008-00161608 hours at a time it's also really important that they're comfortable so i just gave her CiPoEy6VCWE-00232-00161608-00162400 a pair of comfy loafers another issue i debated on was whether or not to include the nurse's cap CiPoEy6VCWE-00233-00162464-00163240 c in western nursing we've pretty much done away with it completely because depending on how often CiPoEy6VCWE-00234-00163240-00163760 it's being washed it's just another infection control hazard that doesn't need to be there CiPoEy6VCWE-00235-00163816-00164440 we have disposable hair caps and bandanas now and the nurse caps don't really do a great job CiPoEy6VCWE-00236-00164440-00165224 of covering your hair anyway but i do know that in most hospitals in asian countries like japan CiPoEy6VCWE-00237-00165224-00165928 and even my own home country indonesia nurses still wear those caps and very much model their CiPoEy6VCWE-00238-00165928-00166640 uniforms after the classic all-white shirt and skirt look so i wanted to pay tribute to that CiPoEy6VCWE-00239-00166720-00167464 besides this character isn't working in a hospital where diseases are literally everywhere so i think CiPoEy6VCWE-00240-00167464-00168144 it should be alright for her personality as i've mentioned briefly i wanted this character to be CiPoEy6VCWE-00241-00168144-00168888 fun and approachable who seems like she's really good at keeping secrets if you tell her i want CiPoEy6VCWE-00242-00168888-00169632 her to have this magnetic personality that draws you in more so than her admittedly drab uniform CiPoEy6VCWE-00243-00169696-00170264 she's like this big sister figure you never had who isn't afraid to tell you off or being CiPoEy6VCWE-00244-00170264-00170944 stupid but also give you really good life advice whenever you need it you could come to her to chat CiPoEy6VCWE-00245-00170944-00171440 if you're feeling troubled and she's always going to support you and try to push you in the right CiPoEy6VCWE-00246-00171440-00172232 direction to overcome those troubles as someone who has worked with a lot of nurses firsthand CiPoEy6VCWE-00247-00172232-00172984 i can tell you for a fact that there are a ton of gorgeous nurses out there but i think what adds to CiPoEy6VCWE-00248-00172984-00173696 their appeal isn't their sexy uniform because in a lot of cases they're just in scrubs which are CiPoEy6VCWE-00249-00173784-00174528 glorified pajamas what makes them appealing is the fact that they're capable and compassionate CiPoEy6VCWE-00250-00174528-00175232 they're taking care of you and advocating for your best interests when you aren't able to but CiPoEy6VCWE-00251-00175232-00175976 she is not all sweet and gentle this character has nerves of steel and a strong backbone she CiPoEy6VCWE-00252-00175976-00176584 can push past any confronting situation and isn't afraid to speak up for what she believes is right CiPoEy6VCWE-00253-00176664-00177216 being squeamish is unfortunately not a luxury you can afford when you're a registered nurse CiPoEy6VCWE-00254-00177216-00177976 and being able to put your foot down and say no when you feel uncomfortable and compromised is an CiPoEy6VCWE-00255-00177976-00178712 essential survival skill all nurses have to learn in their practice i do imagine her still being CiPoEy6VCWE-00256-00178712-00179464 quite young but before working for the school she started off in ed where everything is extremely CiPoEy6VCWE-00257-00179464-00180072 fast-paced and acute and one second can mean the difference between someone going back home CiPoEy6VCWE-00258-00180072-00180784 that same day and living the rest of their lives normally or becoming paralyzed for life basically CiPoEy6VCWE-00259-00180872-00181472 she's seen and gone through some [ __ ] and it's toughered her up and made her wiser as a person CiPoEy6VCWE-00260-00181544-00182088 i think one thing that a lot of people don't realize about nurses is that they are CiPoEy6VCWE-00261-00182088-00182760 tough as nails having to go through what they do every single day being subjected to things CiPoEy6VCWE-00262-00182760-00183352 no regular person would ever have to see or experience in their lifetime being beaten CiPoEy6VCWE-00263-00183352-00183944 down and feeling like a failure because you couldn't physically be everywhere at once CiPoEy6VCWE-00264-00183944-00184608 and yet having to grit your teeth pick yourself up and go on with the shift because your patients CiPoEy6VCWE-00265-00184608-00185312 need you and then you do it all over again the next day it takes a crazy amount of resilience CiPoEy6VCWE-00266-00185408-00185968 and that's not including workplace drama where doctors treat you like [ __ ] because they think CiPoEy6VCWE-00267-00185968-00186600 you're below them and unimportant or the senior nurses that treat you like [ __ ] because you CiPoEy6VCWE-00268-00186600-00187288 happen to be less experienced than they are and i think that's why a lot of nurses end up being so CiPoEy6VCWE-00269-00187288-00187960 jaded and cynical that's just how they cope but for this character instead of CiPoEy6VCWE-00270-00187960-00188584 becoming jaded and cynical she uses humor to cope with her stresses she's a bit of a CiPoEy6VCWE-00271-00188584-00189272 goofball and she loves to chat and crack jokes but don't think she's all sunshine and rainbows CiPoEy6VCWE-00272-00189272-00189824 she has a bit of a sass and attitude to her that will catch you off guard from time to time too CiPoEy6VCWE-00273-00189880-00190544 and she doesn't take [ __ ] from anyone due to her ed background she's very diligent CiPoEy6VCWE-00274-00190544-00191032 thorough and great with time management as she always gets her work done ahead of time CiPoEy6VCWE-00275-00191120-00191800 community nursing has a much different focus from ed where you're mostly providing critical care CiPoEy6VCWE-00276-00191800-00192448 interventions in community nursing there's greater emphasis on health education CiPoEy6VCWE-00277-00192448-00193176 health promotion and creating health programs to increase the overall well-being of a community CiPoEy6VCWE-00278-00193232-00193936 it's arguably a lot more slow paced than edie and because she always gets her work done as CiPoEy6VCWE-00279-00193936-00194504 soon as it comes up most people actually think she hardly does any work at all because whenever CiPoEy6VCWE-00280-00194504-00195048 they come in to see her she's just lounging around or taking a stroll around the campus CiPoEy6VCWE-00281-00195104-00195968 of course little does she know that her workload is about to increase tenfold which brings us to CiPoEy6VCWE-00282-00195968-00196672 her implementation at first i was pretty uncertain about whether the concept would work in the first CiPoEy6VCWE-00283-00196672-00197304 place because from several articles i've seen online it seemed as though japanese schools don't CiPoEy6VCWE-00284-00197304-00198144 even have actual nurses on staff but rather they have their health education teachers or yogurt CiPoEy6VCWE-00285-00198144-00198840 take on the role i've linked these articles in my description if you guys want to check them out and CiPoEy6VCWE-00286-00198840-00199536 although they are fulfilling a nursing role they aren't necessarily registered nurses themselves so CiPoEy6VCWE-00287-00199600-00200448 i wasn't sure if this character could even exist what japanese schools do from my understanding is CiPoEy6VCWE-00288-00200448-00201120 that they will have doctors visits over regular intervals to conduct full physical examinations CiPoEy6VCWE-00289-00201120-00201880 of their students and any serious health concerns that happen in between don't get seen to at school CiPoEy6VCWE-00290-00201880-00202632 premises but rather taken straight to hospital or sent home which makes sense not to mention CiPoEy6VCWE-00291-00202632-00203416 you don't really need nursing degrees to slap a band-aid on a cut but a lot of japanese media do CiPoEy6VCWE-00292-00203416-00204176 often show school nurses a recent example would be my hero academia but obviously they would CiPoEy6VCWE-00293-00204176-00204992 need one considering what the school is for so i decided to ask my roommate who is from japan and CiPoEy6VCWE-00294-00204992-00205656 went to japanese schools growing up and she told me that although they did have a nurse at school CiPoEy6VCWE-00295-00205656-00206336 she wasn't sure if they were actually a registered nurse or if they were just a teacher that CiPoEy6VCWE-00296-00206336-00207088 students referred to as a nurse either way i just looked up job openings for school nurse positions CiPoEy6VCWE-00297-00207088-00207736 in japan and managed to find a few and all of the job listings required the applicants to have CiPoEy6VCWE-00298-00207736-00208504 a registered nurse qualification so i'm gonna go with that i think that this particular school CiPoEy6VCWE-00299-00208504-00209144 since it's a high school and most high schools in japan are private and aren't subsidized so CiPoEy6VCWE-00300-00209232-00209752 parents actually have to pay tuition i would imagine that they would probably CiPoEy6VCWE-00301-00209752-00210536 have the budget to hire a registered nurse on staff anyway so this nurse character really comes CiPoEy6VCWE-00302-00210536-00211392 into play after akira murakami aka the teacher starts to take a more active role in the story CiPoEy6VCWE-00303-00211392-00212016 now to summarize murakami sensei's week the different routes start to diverge CiPoEy6VCWE-00304-00212071-00212728 depending on your choices and how you've dealt with the rivals murakami sensei will either become CiPoEy6VCWE-00305-00212728-00213464 an adversary or an ally if she suspects you of foul play she will actively begin investigating CiPoEy6VCWE-00306-00213464-00214000 your background and keeping a much closer eye on you to gather evidence against you CiPoEy6VCWE-00307-00214000-00214736 putting you at risk of being exposed and sent back to the hospital or worse being sent to the police CiPoEy6VCWE-00308-00214808-00215416 but if you have a positive relationship with her she will provide you with additional support to CiPoEy6VCWE-00309-00215416-00216232 stabilize your mental state and vouch for you if any outside suspicion arises or possibly give you CiPoEy6VCWE-00310-00216232-00216856 advice on how to navigate relationships better which will undoubtedly help your chances with CiPoEy6VCWE-00311-00216856-00217688 saya aka senpai and keep your identity safe i've gotten a lot of comments of people suggesting that CiPoEy6VCWE-00312-00217688-00218184 the nurse should be someone who worked in the mental health ward the protagonist was being CiPoEy6VCWE-00313-00218184-00218912 treated in but given that the protagonist had just enrolled in the school and the nurse has been CiPoEy6VCWE-00314-00218912-00219696 working there for a while she wouldn't have known her anyway so it would be pretty insignificant CiPoEy6VCWE-00315-00219752-00220528 plus i think that an ed background would be more suited to the character i'm going for CiPoEy6VCWE-00316-00220528-00221288 and the setting of the game as well and i feel like having the nurse be one of the nurses at CiPoEy6VCWE-00317-00221288-00221960 the mental health facility would effectively end the game right away because she'll recognize you CiPoEy6VCWE-00318-00221960-00222671 wonder why you're using a fake name why you're going to a public school when you have a treatment CiPoEy6VCWE-00319-00222671-00223567 order to stay home and you know the jig is up so i really wanted to avoid that however CiPoEy6VCWE-00320-00223567-00224208 given yan-chan's previous interactions and experiences with nurses i thought it would CiPoEy6VCWE-00321-00224208-00225023 be an interesting angle to play where seeing anything hospital related like stethoscopes pen CiPoEy6VCWE-00322-00225023-00225776 lights and the smell of hand sanitizers gives her ptsd flashbacks of the year she spent as CiPoEy6VCWE-00323-00225776-00226688 a mental health inpatient how abandoned she felt how uncertain her fate was so up until this point CiPoEy6VCWE-00324-00226688-00227264 she would have avoided the nurse's office like the plague and throughout the game if you happen CiPoEy6VCWE-00325-00227264-00227936 to catch sight of the nurse it will immediately trigger mental deterioration the same way senpai CiPoEy6VCWE-00326-00227936-00228800 causes that pink flustered aura in yonsei however an incident occurs in this new week at this point CiPoEy6VCWE-00327-00228800-00229448 in the game the stress of what you're doing really starts to impact yanchan's mental functioning CiPoEy6VCWE-00328-00229512-00230208 if you're going with the genocide and manipulator roots without any support or coping mechanisms CiPoEy6VCWE-00329-00230208-00230992 yan-chan's mind begins to break down and the grip she has on reality and her own identity begins to CiPoEy6VCWE-00330-00230992-00231728 waver meanwhile if you're playing the pacifist route the guilt of her masquerade and pretending CiPoEy6VCWE-00331-00231728-00232400 to be someone else around people she cares about starts to weigh on her in all circumstances CiPoEy6VCWE-00332-00232456-00233248 yanchan experiences a panic attack that causes her to be taken to the nurse's office and that's when CiPoEy6VCWE-00333-00233248-00233704 we meet our nurse character. ((Trigger Warning for Panic Attacks)) you wake up in the nurse's CiPoEy6VCWE-00334-00233704-00234384 office the bright examination lights beaming down on you and causing you to squint your eyes you CiPoEy6VCWE-00335-00234384-00235144 smell that unmistakable scent of hand sanitizer and antibiotics that special detergent they use CiPoEy6VCWE-00336-00235144-00235944 to mop the floors your heart begins to race were you back in the hospital had your secret been CiPoEy6VCWE-00337-00235944-00236767 uncovered or was this reality had you never left in the first place and were just hallucinating CiPoEy6VCWE-00338-00236767-00237584 the entire time as you lurch up the sudden shift from laying to sitting up sends your head spinning CiPoEy6VCWE-00339-00237752-00238471 whoa where do you think you're going you hear a voice say it was a youthful voice speaking with CiPoEy6VCWE-00340-00238471-00239200 an almost playful tone you feel a hand on your shoulder guiding you back down to the bed as your CiPoEy6VCWE-00341-00239200-00239904 eyes finally come into focus you see a young woman with soft pink hair and an unmissable nurse's cap CiPoEy6VCWE-00342-00240104-00240816 where am i you ask frightened the woman smiles gently at you raising her eyebrow CiPoEy6VCWE-00343-00240936-00241848 a nurse's office are you all right yeah you lie attempting to put on a smile as best as you can CiPoEy6VCWE-00344-00241984-00242776 just a bad case of white coat syndrome and so the nurse gives you a drink of water takes your blood CiPoEy6VCWE-00345-00242776-00243560 pressure counts your pulse and breaths she takes your temperature and asks you if you have any pain CiPoEy6VCWE-00346-00243560-00244256 you say no but you're on edge this was all too familiar it brought back too many bad feelings CiPoEy6VCWE-00347-00244336-00244880 as expected your blood pressure was through the roof and the nurse tells you to stay in for a CiPoEy6VCWE-00348-00244880-00245592 while so she can keep monitoring you but just when you thought you would have another panic attack CiPoEy6VCWE-00349-00245671-00246416 the nurse speaks up again oh yeah you have a few visitors and she opens the door CiPoEy6VCWE-00350-00246416-00247032 to a stampede of girls rushing to your side as well as senpai of course CiPoEy6VCWE-00351-00247096-00247776 that purely depends on who you've chosen to befriend and your relationship level with senpai CiPoEy6VCWE-00352-00247896-00248671 and if you've chosen to manipulate or kill and ignore bonding with senpai you're left alone CiPoEy6VCWE-00353-00248671-00249384 with no one to see you with friends coming in to see you the nurse is less likely to be concerned CiPoEy6VCWE-00354-00249440-00250112 the more you have the more secure she will deem you to be and the less you have the more likely CiPoEy6VCWE-00355-00250112-00250800 she will ask you to come in and see her regularly because she wants to offer that support to you CiPoEy6VCWE-00356-00250800-00251512 the frequency of which depending closely on how many people you can rely on as a support system CiPoEy6VCWE-00357-00251608-00252192 of course when you sit in the nurse's office the quicker your mental health depletes and CiPoEy6VCWE-00358-00252192-00252719 the less likely you'll be able to do anything for the rest of the day aside from a 10 class CiPoEy6VCWE-00359-00252792-00253440 not to mention depending on how you've been treating people around you for example if CiPoEy6VCWE-00360-00253440-00254104 you've ever physically or mentally hurt another student without being too tactful about it they CiPoEy6VCWE-00361-00254104-00254736 might just mention your name to the nurse which then increases the likelihood she would try to CiPoEy6VCWE-00362-00254800-00255600 counsel you and mentally examine you and of course when that happens that immediately alerts her CiPoEy6VCWE-00363-00255600-00256336 that there's something wrong the nurse character is the biggest obstacle thus far because unlike CiPoEy6VCWE-00364-00256336-00256928 the teacher her recommendation alone is enough to send you back to the mental health ward CiPoEy6VCWE-00365-00256984-00257528 she doesn't need to gather evidence so the slightest slip up would be all the more fatal CiPoEy6VCWE-00366-00257600-00258416 on top of that she is the embodiment of your past your fears a constant reminder of what your life CiPoEy6VCWE-00367-00258416-00259112 could be should you take the wrong step even on the outside you're faced with the same medical CiPoEy6VCWE-00368-00259112-00259808 workers you worked so hard to deceive to let you free your resolve is breaking your stresses CiPoEy6VCWE-00369-00259808-00260584 building and you have a million eyes on you watching your every move the goal for this week CiPoEy6VCWE-00370-00260712-00261488 survive yan-chan's mental state will be at a constant depletion it's a battle against her CiPoEy6VCWE-00371-00261488-00262256 own mind and your only objective is to fight against your darker urges stop yourself from CiPoEy6VCWE-00372-00262256-00263144 doing anything rash and convince this nurse that everything is okay and she has nothing to worry CiPoEy6VCWE-00373-00263144-00263992 about of course senpai notices just how troubled you are and he decides that just as you've CiPoEy6VCWE-00374-00263992-00264784 been there for him all that time he wants to be there for you too but what does he have planned CiPoEy6VCWE-00375-00264856-00265864 you'll have to wait and find out this is the final design the name i decided for her was haruka azami CiPoEy6VCWE-00376-00265864-00266600 with azami being her last name i was really happy with how she turned out i know i'm CiPoEy6VCWE-00377-00266600-00267384 super biased and i say this to literally all my redesigns but she is my favorite one i've done CiPoEy6VCWE-00378-00267384-00268248 so far i'm really happy with her colored palette and i decided to use that blue as the background CiPoEy6VCWE-00379-00268248-00268944 which really tied everything together as an added touch i decided to draw some electrocardiogram CiPoEy6VCWE-00380-00268944-00269824 traces for the background yep those white squiggly lines are it if you've made it this far CiPoEy6VCWE-00381-00269888-00270600 try and guess what these traces are showing in the comments below here's a hint the very bottom one CiPoEy6VCWE-00382-00270600-00271336 is a normal heart rhythm i hope you guys enjoyed the video because i'm having a lot of fun with it CiPoEy6VCWE-00383-00271416-00272224 um if you couldn't tell i just ranted for about 20 minutes um i have a few ideas i want to try out in CiPoEy6VCWE-00384-00272224-00273008 the future as well so i hope you stick around for that one of them being turning these concepts into CiPoEy6VCWE-00385-00273008-00273784 a light novel in video form and reading out the story i'd written over a speed draw for CiPoEy6VCWE-00386-00273784-00274536 the illustration of that particular chapter it's gonna be under the title anomaly a yandere love CiPoEy6VCWE-00387-00274536-00275288 story so keep an eye out for that thank you so much for the amazing fan art i absolutely love CiPoEy6VCWE-00388-00275288-00275792 it when you guys send me art because you're all so talented and i feel like sometimes CiPoEy6VCWE-00389-00275944-00276648 i shouldn't be the one with the big platform uh anyway if you haven't subscribed yet do subscribe CiPoEy6VCWE-00390-00276648-00277208 if you want to keep up to date to my next installment i have a discord server where CiPoEy6VCWE-00391-00277208-00277832 i interact with members pretty regularly so join that and i also have a kofi account if you want CiPoEy6VCWE-00392-00277832-00278552 to support me the links are all in the description please follow me on all my social media check out CiPoEy6VCWE-00393-00278552-00279960 my comic because that will make me really happy and i will see you guys in the next video goodbye ClsS7JWvhRI-00000-00000104-00000736 There is no hard and fast rule or regulation or to choose a particular method ClsS7JWvhRI-00001-00000808-00001080 that will guide us on the road ahead and beyond. ClsS7JWvhRI-00002-00001320-00001968 We need to stay focused on our present and make it better so that our future is bright. ClsS7JWvhRI-00003-00002456-00002768 No one can tell what lies on the road ahead ClsS7JWvhRI-00004-00002840-00003584 but, if we keep the journey simple without taking rough decisions we might live out to see the next. ClsS7JWvhRI-00005-00003776-00004520 Challenges will come, rise and try to mock you down but stay strong, do the hard work, ClsS7JWvhRI-00006-00004584-00004960 help yourself and others in need and you will get good results. ClsS7JWvhRI-00007-00005320-00005832 A person who has set up a goal is more often to prove himself a winner ClsS7JWvhRI-00008-00005904-00006360 than the person who stays idle and keeps lamenting about his past. ClsS7JWvhRI-00009-00007104-00007631 Surround yourself with good people, follow those who have achieved goals in life. ClsS7JWvhRI-00010-00008248-00008584 Never listen to those who always disregard your thoughts. ClsS7JWvhRI-00011-00008672-00009152 Believe in yourself that you can overcome whatever fight is put upon you. ClsS7JWvhRI-00012-00009728-00010144 Rise and shine early in the morning, greet the day with happiness ClsS7JWvhRI-00013-00010200-00010464 then only your day will become a lot brighter, ClsS7JWvhRI-00014-00010520-00011384 you will find new energy running through your veins. ClsS7JWvhRI-00015-00011456-00011864 Remember always that greatness comes from within you. ClsS7JWvhRI-00016-00011920-00012784 Self-satisfaction is the ultimate motivation of life. ClsS7JWvhRI-00017-00013000-00014184 The road filled with only riches must be avoided because money can buy you home but not happiness. ClsS7JWvhRI-00018-00014904-00015584 The difficult road should be taken because then only you will get to learn about new things. ClsS7JWvhRI-00019-00016015-00016192 Nelson Mandela said, ClsS7JWvhRI-00020-00016200-00016930 " Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead. " D0n_myTv3lc-00000-00000000-00000784 A while back I created this video about these viltrox adapters D0n_myTv3lc-00001-00000784-00001383 that allow you to use Canon EF lenses on FujiFilm GFX D0n_myTv3lc-00002-00001383-00002960 there was a question if this also works with IBIS D0n_myTv3lc-00003-00002960-00004020 which I can't test on the GF system since my 50R doesn't have IBIS D0n_myTv3lc-00004-00004020-00004642 however I have a FujiFilm X-H1 with IBIS D0n_myTv3lc-00005-00004642-00005298 and I have this similar viltrox adapter but for the X system D0n_myTv3lc-00006-00005298-00005723 so with that combination I test this D0n_myTv3lc-00007-00005723-00006464 and I suspect it will work since this is a feature of the body D0n_myTv3lc-00008-00006464-00007201 and you can even configure it to work for a specific focal length D0n_myTv3lc-00009-00007201-00008025 for example when working with manual lenses D0n_myTv3lc-00010-00008025-00008334 and the IBIS will adapt to that setting D0n_myTv3lc-00011-00008334-00009082 for those viltrox adapter this is likely not needed D0n_myTv3lc-00012-00009082-00009563 because these have connectors for working AF D0n_myTv3lc-00013-00009563-00010158 which is also used to communicate that focal length to the body D0n_myTv3lc-00015-00010849-00011529 this example is a canon EF 50mm f1.8 lens D0n_myTv3lc-00017-00011796-00012367 just to be sure I'll do a quick test right now D0n_myTv3lc-00018-00012367-00012959 these have no optics, so these are the non speedbooster versions I have D0n_myTv3lc-00020-00013897-00014625 I get this unexpected error though D0n_myTv3lc-00021-00014625-00015159 if I use the lens with MF everything works D0n_myTv3lc-00022-00015159-00015712 including stabilisation (IBIS) D0n_myTv3lc-00023-00015712-00016188 but as soon as I switch to AF on the lens D0n_myTv3lc-00024-00016188-00017096 an important feature of this adapter D0n_myTv3lc-00025-00017096-00017557 then I get this warning as soon as I focus D0n_myTv3lc-00027-00017830-00018198 I'll quickly try another fujifilm X-system body D0n_myTv3lc-00028-00018198-00018696 I'll test the exact same adapter and lens combination on this X-E3 D0n_myTv3lc-00029-00018696-00019082 this is a body without IBIS D0n_myTv3lc-00030-00019082-00019613 first with manual focus (MF) D0n_myTv3lc-00031-00019613-00020042 then again with autofocus (AF) D0n_myTv3lc-00032-00020042-00020307 and everything works D0n_myTv3lc-00033-00020307-00021059 you can update the firmware on these adapters so I'll try that now D0n_myTv3lc-00034-00021059-00021630 and that's how quickly that is executed using this port D0n_myTv3lc-00035-00021630-00022056 it's mounted as a hardisk then on your computer D0n_myTv3lc-00036-00022056-00022625 and you just have to move the downloaded updates to that disk D0n_myTv3lc-00037-00022625-00023180 right after the firmware update I could use this lens on the X-H1 D0n_myTv3lc-00038-00023180-00023787 including a working IBIS system D0n_myTv3lc-00039-00023787-00024533 so yes these viltrox adapters can be used with IBIS D2yM8RuiM5I-00000-00000000-00000248 {music playing & Jenny singing: I'm tired of being who I'm not} D2yM8RuiM5I-00001-00000270-00000505 Well, the opening song on our new record D2yM8RuiM5I-00002-00000505-00000842 There Will Be a Song is called Who I'm Not D2yM8RuiM5I-00003-00000864-00001198 and a few years ago we toured in this quirky D2yM8RuiM5I-00004-00001216-00001558 Sprinter van that we bought with a full band D2yM8RuiM5I-00005-00001558-00001773 It was ten people in this van D2yM8RuiM5I-00006-00001792-00001939 two of which were our little girls D2yM8RuiM5I-00007-00001939-00002190 Sara was only four months old at the time D2yM8RuiM5I-00008-00002190-00002312 and when I say quirky van D2yM8RuiM5I-00009-00002312-00002496 and I mean like really quirky D2yM8RuiM5I-00010-00002496-00002808 At one point the sliding door fell off the van D2yM8RuiM5I-00011-00002898-00003188 um, there was like a special way to turn it on D2yM8RuiM5I-00012-00003202-00003434 you know, things like that and um, D2yM8RuiM5I-00013-00003500-00003632 we'd never toured in that van D2yM8RuiM5I-00014-00003632-00003938 we'd never toured with two kids and we'd never toured D2yM8RuiM5I-00015-00003965-00004170 with a band before and D2yM8RuiM5I-00016-00004226-00004416 we decided to do all of it at the same time D2yM8RuiM5I-00017-00004484-00004830 which in hindsight was probably not a great decision D2yM8RuiM5I-00018-00004864-00005084 and I remember a couple days in just thinking D2yM8RuiM5I-00019-00005257-00005520 whoa, what have we done D2yM8RuiM5I-00020-00005520-00005706 and this may have been mistake and D2yM8RuiM5I-00021-00005856-00006008 there were things about that tour that were great D2yM8RuiM5I-00022-00006008-00006078 I loved the shows D2yM8RuiM5I-00023-00006092-00006452 I loved connecting with the people night after night D2yM8RuiM5I-00024-00006452-00006626 but there were things about that tour D2yM8RuiM5I-00025-00006626-00006726 that were really hard D2yM8RuiM5I-00026-00006795-00007088 and in a lot of moments D2yM8RuiM5I-00027-00007088-00007280 I remember looking around and thinking D2yM8RuiM5I-00028-00007356-00007692 who am I and what am I doing here? D2yM8RuiM5I-00029-00007764-00007952 it was chaotic; it was overwhelming D2yM8RuiM5I-00030-00007952-00008092 I was extremely sleep-deprived D2yM8RuiM5I-00031-00008102-00008492 and I felt like I was losing a little bit of myself every day D2yM8RuiM5I-00032-00008492-00008694 out on that tour, like just pieces of me were D2yM8RuiM5I-00033-00008694-00008952 slipping away and at the end I didn't know D2yM8RuiM5I-00034-00009088-00009297 where I was, who I'd become and D2yM8RuiM5I-00035-00009388-00009620 so it was a struggle D2yM8RuiM5I-00036-00009620-00009897 but the sweetest moments on that tour D2yM8RuiM5I-00037-00009954-00010234 were with our girls and D2yM8RuiM5I-00038-00010234-00010439 Jane specifically who was 2 years old at the time D2yM8RuiM5I-00039-00010492-00010836 would take a nap in the van every day and D2yM8RuiM5I-00040-00010836-00011070 I would sit next to her and hold her hand D2yM8RuiM5I-00041-00011070-00011178 until she fell asleep and D2yM8RuiM5I-00042-00011260-00011542 it wasn't like it felt super normal D2yM8RuiM5I-00043-00011542-00011765 because she didn't nap in the van D2yM8RuiM5I-00044-00011779-00012077 on a regular basis when we weren't touring but D2yM8RuiM5I-00045-00012118-00012520 It felt like it was just us and it felt sweet and calm D2yM8RuiM5I-00046-00012520-00012834 and like I knew who I was in those moments with Jane D2yM8RuiM5I-00047-00012963-00013276 So this song Who I'm Not is a song D2yM8RuiM5I-00048-00013296-00013528 just that came out of that experience D2yM8RuiM5I-00049-00013563-00013872 and I know that many people can relate to this D2yM8RuiM5I-00050-00013872-00014097 doesn't matter what your job is D2yM8RuiM5I-00051-00014097-00014272 or really what you're doing in life D2yM8RuiM5I-00052-00014272-00014526 I think we all have moments of being overwhelmed D2yM8RuiM5I-00053-00014526-00014838 and looking around and thinking who am I D2yM8RuiM5I-00054-00014838-00015000 what am I doing here? D2yM8RuiM5I-00055-00015046-00015334 And so that's how this song came D2yM8RuiM5I-00056-00015368-00015472 Who I'm Not D3UQ8FYcQY8-00000-00001100-00001800 Did Congress want Army to take Rahul Gandhi along for surgical strikes, asks Parrikar D3UQ8FYcQY8-00001-00001900-00002900 Manohar Parrikar Did Congress want Army to take Rahul Gandhi along for surgical strikes, asks Parrikar The former defence minister also ridiculed the Congress for questioning the veracity of the surgical strike conducted by the Army in the PoK in 2016. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00002-00003000-00003700 : Slamming the opposition for negativity, Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday accused the Congress of spreading misinformation against him and the Bharatiya Janata Party. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00003-00003800-00004760 He questioned if the Congress would have believed in the surgical strikes if the Army had included its president Rahul Gandhi along with them in their mission. "I am not speaking about the surgical strikes in a political manner. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00004-00004860-00005560 What do the opposition parties claim? That they (strikes) were not carried out. Look at the negativity. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00005-00005660-00006359 Should I have taken you (opposition) along? I should have told the army to take Rahul Gandhi along and carry out the surgical strikes?" Parrikar said. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00006-00006459-00007159 Parrikar's statement came while he was addressing his party workers for the first time since his return from the US last month after medical treatment. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00007-00007259-00007959 Also, Parrikar launched an attack on the grand old party over rising NPAs, Nirav Modi and Vijay Mallya. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00008-00008059-00008760 The former defence minister also ridiculed the Congress for questioning the veracity of the surgical strike conducted by the Army in the PoK in 2016. "The most important thing about surgical strikes is the secrecy. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00009-00008860-00009560 Only four of us knew. The Prime Minister, me, Army chief and the Director General of Military Operations. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00010-00009660-00010939 Four of us in Delhi and core commander and army commander in Srinagar and those who executed it. "We had to prepare for it early on because these things can`t be done on the spot," the former Defence Minister said, urging the party workers to reach out to the people and create a positive atmosphere. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00011-00011039-00011739 Parrikar was the Defence Minister when the two surgical strikes were conducted by the Indian armed forces on the country's eastern and western fronts. D3UQ8FYcQY8-00012-00011839-00012539 The Army had reported on September 29, 2016, eleven days after the Uri attack that claimed 18 jawans, that it had conducted surgical strikes against suspected militant launch pads in the Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir. D3XJOXHN0ho-00000-00000000-00000733 We want to solve the equation 7 X minus two equals three X plus 18. The solution is a D3XJOXHN0ho-00001-00000733-00001188 value of X that satisfies the equation or makes the equation true. D3XJOXHN0ho-00002-00001188-00001885 For this equation the solution is the value of X that makes expression 7X-2 equal to the expression D3XJOXHN0ho-00003-00001885-00002451 3X plus 18. In order to solve the equation, we need to isolate the variable on D3XJOXHN0ho-00004-00002451-00002961 one side of the equation. For this equation this will take multiple steps, which is the reason why D3XJOXHN0ho-00005-00002961-00003479 this is called a multiple step equation. Looking at our notes below we can skip step D3XJOXHN0ho-00006-00003479-00004155 one and step 2. Step one, we don't have any fractions or decimals. Step 2, both sides D3XJOXHN0ho-00007-00004155-00004687 of the equation are already simplified. We move to step 3. Step three is add or D3XJOXHN0ho-00008-00004687-00005221 subtract to isolate the variable term. It also says we may have to move a term D3XJOXHN0ho-00009-00005221-00005762 with a variable. In this equation we have variable terms on both sides of the D3XJOXHN0ho-00010-00005762-00006184 equation. In order to isolate the variable you must have the variable terms D3XJOXHN0ho-00011-00006184-00006711 on one side. Let's say you want to eliminate the variable term on the right side, D3XJOXHN0ho-00012-00006767-00007379 we need to undo positive 3X by adding or subtracting. To undo positive 3X, we would D3XJOXHN0ho-00013-00007379-00007881 subtract 3X from both sides of the equation. Let's subtract 3X on both sides as our D3XJOXHN0ho-00014-00007881-00008764 first step. Now we simplify both sides. Seven X minus 3X is 4X. The left side D3XJOXHN0ho-00015-00008764-00009346 simplifies to 4X minus 2. So we have 4X-2 equals on the right side D3XJOXHN0ho-00016-00009425-00010371 3x minus 3x equals zero. That's why we subtracted 3x from both sides. The right side simplifies to just 18. D3XJOXHN0ho-00017-00010371-00011068 We are still not done with step 3 though. We have not isolated the variable term 4X. To isolate the variable term we want D3XJOXHN0ho-00018-00011068-00011611 to undo this minus 2 by performing the inverse or opposite operation. The D3XJOXHN0ho-00019-00011611-00012150 opposite operation of minus 2 is plus 2. The next step we add 2 to both sides of the equation. D3XJOXHN0ho-00020-00012354-00013361 Now we simplify. On the left side, minus two plus two is zero, or negative 2 plus 2 is zero. The left D3XJOXHN0ho-00021-00013361-00014356 side simplifies to 4X. We have 4X equals 18 plus 2 is equal to 20. Notice how we subtracted 3X on both sides D3XJOXHN0ho-00022-00014356-00015050 and then added 2 to both sides in order to isolate the variable term on one side of the equation. Now we move to D3XJOXHN0ho-00023-00015050-00015833 to step 4. Step 4 we multiply or divide to isolate the variable. 4X means four times X and D3XJOXHN0ho-00024-00015833-00016053 therefore to isolate the variable D3XJOXHN0ho-00025-00016053-00016533 we need to undo the multiplication by performing the opposite or inverse operation because the D3XJOXHN0ho-00026-00016533-00016930 opposite operation of multiplication is division, the next step we divide both D3XJOXHN0ho-00027-00016930-00017698 sides by four. Now again we simplify both sides. On the left side 4 divided by D3XJOXHN0ho-00028-00017698-00017963 four is equal to one. One times X is X. On the right side D3XJOXHN0ho-00029-00017963-00018848 twenty divided by 4 is equal to 5. Our solution is X equals 5. Let's verify our solution by making sure that it D3XJOXHN0ho-00030-00018848-00019390 does satisfy the given equation. We will substitute five for X in the original equation. D3XJOXHN0ho-00031-00019523-00020615 This gives us seven times five minus two equals three times five plus 18. Now we will simplify both sides. D3XJOXHN0ho-00032-00020615-00021584 We multiply first. Seven times five is equal to 35. On the left we have 35-2 equal to the right. Three times five is D3XJOXHN0ho-00033-00021584-00022803 15. We have 15 plus 18. 35-2 is equal to 33. And 15 plus 18 is equal to 33. Thirty-three equals thirty-three is true, D3XJOXHN0ho-00034-00022803-00023295 verifying the solution x=5 is correct. I hope you found this helpful. D4A1Pr1naKA-00000-00000000-00000341 check out that RUS alg (lol slow) D4A1Pr1naKA-00001-00000341-00001368 scramble #1: D B2 L2 B2 D' B2 D F2 U2 B2 D L' D L2 D2 L' R B D F L Fw D4A1Pr1naKA-00002-00001368-00002538 x' y2 // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00003-00002538-00003045 U2' x' R U' B U2' // 222 x U' R' F2' // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00004-00003045-00003421 R' U' R U x U' R2 U // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00005-00003421-00003875 x' r' R2' U' R2 U R' U' R U L // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00006-00003875-00004221 F R' F' // EO R U' R U R' U' R' (U z') // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00007-00004221-00004641 R' U2' R2 U R2 U R U' R U' R' (U' z) // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00008-00004641-00004841 61 ETM, 2.91 ETPS 48 STM, 2.29 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00009-00004841-00005601 scramble #2: D2 F L2 R2 F2 R2 U2 L2 F' D' L D2 F2 D U R' U' F D4A1Pr1naKA-00010-00005601-00006355 x y // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00011-00006355-00006784 U' F R' x U' F' U2' // 222 U' R U x U' // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00012-00006784-00007108 x R' U' R U R2' U' R U // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00013-00007108-00007438 x' R2 x' U' R U R' U' R' U // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00014-00007438-00007645 R' x U' R' U R U' R' U // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00015-00007645-00007995 z' U r U' r' U' r U r' F' U F // OLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00016-00007995-00008755 U' R' U R U' x' U R U2' R' U' R U' R' U2' R U R' U' x U // PLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00017-00008755-00008958 79 ETM, 3.29 ETPS 64 STM, 2.67 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00018-00008958-00009831 scramble #3: D2 F2 L2 F' U2 B' L2 F' R2 U2 R' F' L F U' B2 F2 U' R' Rw Uw D4A1Pr1naKA-00019-00009831-00010901 x' // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00020-00010901-00011258 U' r x' D' R2' r U' z U2' // 222 D4A1Pr1naKA-00021-00011258-00011721 z' x2 U2' R' U2' R U x' U' F U // 223 D4A1Pr1naKA-00022-00011721-00011981 x U2 R U' R' U R U' // brainfart D4A1Pr1naKA-00023-00011981-00012318 U R U' R2 U R U' // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00024-00012318-00012675 U' R2 U R2' U' R U R U F' U' F // VHLS D4A1Pr1naKA-00025-00012675-00013044 z' U2' R U2' R2 U' R2 U' R2 U2' R U' // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00026-00013044-00013244 73 ETM, 3.40 ETPS 48 STM, 2.24 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00027-00013244-00013997 scramble #4: F L2 R2 D' B2 R2 U R2 D2 B2 F2 U' R' B' F D' B2 D2 F' L2 Rw Uw' D4A1Pr1naKA-00028-00013997-00015165 z y2 // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00029-00015165-00015368 U2' r U' R (x' y') R2' // 222 D4A1Pr1naKA-00030-00015368-00015881 x F' U z U R3 x U' R' U R2 // 223 D4A1Pr1naKA-00031-00015881-00016171 B2 U' y R U R' // F2L-1 D4A1Pr1naKA-00032-00016171-00016635 R' U R y R U2' R' // ZBLS D4A1Pr1naKA-00033-00016635-00017305 R' U2' R2 U R2 U' R2 U2' R S' U2' S // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00034-00017305-00017505 54 ETM, 2.53 ETPS 35 STM, 1.64 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00035-00017505-00018305 scramble #5: F' D2 L B2 F2 D2 R D2 B2 L2 F2 R F' D' B2 F D2 L' R2 D' L2 Uw2 D4A1Pr1naKA-00036-00018305-00019621 x y' // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00037-00019621-00020048 D2 U2' r // cross x' R U' R U x' U' R' U // first slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00038-00020048-00020485 x U' R U // second slot x R F R' F' R F (R' z') F' // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00039-00020485-00020971 U2' R U R' U2 F' L' U' L F // VHLS D4A1Pr1naKA-00040-00020971-00021455 U2 R' U2' R' D' R U2' R' D // COLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00041-00021455-00021871 R' U2' R U R U R2 U' R' U' R2 // EPLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00042-00021871-00022071 64 ETM, 2.86 ETPS 50 STM, 2.23 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00043-00022071-00022945 scramble #6: L F R U B' D' R B' U F2 B2 D2 R' L2 F2 L F2 D2 F2 D2 Rw' D4A1Pr1naKA-00044-00022945-00023911 y x' // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00045-00023911-00024468 U' R' F U r x' D' // 222 U' x' R U F' // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00046-00024468-00024628 R' U' R2 U2' R' U' // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00047-00024628-00024818 R2 U' R U R' U' R' (U z') // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00048-00024818-00025188 U R U R' U2 R U' R' // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00049-00025188-00025625 U' F U F' R' F R U' R' F' R // OLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00050-00025625-00026305 U2 x R2' D2' R U R' D2 R U' R x' U' // PLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00051-00026305-00026505 70 ETM, 2.93 ETPS 54 STM, 2.26 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00052-00026505-00027220 scramble #7: D2 L2 B L2 R2 U2 B F2 R2 F2 R2 D L' R2 B' R' D' F2 L2 B2 F' Fw D4A1Pr1naKA-00053-00027220-00028085 z2 // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00054-00028085-00028745 D' R F2' U' F' U' F // 222 x' U2' x' R' F' U F // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00055-00028745-00028998 (R2' z') R U2' R' U' R U R' // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00056-00028998-00029445 x' y' R2' (x z') F U2' F' U z U' x' U' R' d z' U // third slot + EO D4A1Pr1naKA-00057-00029445-00029770 x' U (y z) U' R2 U2' R U2' R U // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00058-00029770-00030195 z' U' R' U' R U R U R' U' R' U R U R U' R' // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00059-00030195-00030395 72 ETM, 3.41 ETPS 54 STM, 2.56 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00060-00030395-00031235 scramble #8: L' D B2 F2 D R2 D2 L2 U2 B2 D' F2 B L' U2 L2 B' R2 U B F2 Uw2 D4A1Pr1naKA-00061-00031235-00032511 y2 // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00062-00032511-00033018 R U R U2' F U2' // 222 z' x2' U2' // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00063-00033018-00033335 R' U R' U' R2' U' R U // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00064-00033335-00033551 F' R F U R U' // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00065-00033551-00033831 z' U2' R U R' U R U' R' // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00066-00033831-00034458 U R U B' U' R' U R B R' // OLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00067-00034458-00034871 R' U' R U' R U R U' R' U R U R2 U' R' U // EPLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00068-00034871-00035071 73 ETM, 3.10 ETPS 55 STM, 2.36 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00069-00035071-00035845 scramble #9: L2 B U2 L' B L' D L F2 R2 B' D2 B' R2 F L2 U2 D' Fw' D4A1Pr1naKA-00070-00035845-00037238 x // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00071-00037238-00037731 D R F' D' F2' // 222 x' R U' R' F2' U' // xxcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00072-00037731-00037975 R2' U R U' R' U R U' // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00073-00037975-00038195 z' R U' R' U2' // EO y L' U L // last slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00074-00038195-00038811 U R' U' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' U R // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00075-00038811-00039011 53 ETM, 3.37 ETPS 44 STM, 2.80 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00076-00039011-00039718 scramble #10: U' F2 U L2 D2 B2 L2 F2 U2 B L' D' L' D R2 D' U2 R U2 Fw D4A1Pr1naKA-00077-00039718-00040705 x' y // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00078-00040705-00041295 r' R2 F' U2' R' U' x2 D2 // EOline D4A1Pr1naKA-00079-00041295-00041708 R2 U' R' U R' U2' L' // left square D4A1Pr1naKA-00080-00041708-00042228 R z R U' R2 U R' U' // left block D4A1Pr1naKA-00081-00042228-00042525 z' U R' U' R U' R' U R2 // right square D4A1Pr1naKA-00082-00042525-00042788 U R' U2' R U3' R' U2 R // right block D4A1Pr1naKA-00083-00042788-00043258 U' R U2' R' U' R U R' U' R U R' U' R U' R' U' // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00084-00043258-00043458 75 ETM, 2.94 ETPS 53 STM, 2.08 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00085-00043458-00044265 scramble #11: U' F' L2 F' R2 D R2 F2 D2 R F' D2 F B U2 R2 F' L2 B R2 U2 Rw' Uw' D4A1Pr1naKA-00086-00044265-00045315 y // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00087-00045315-00045908 r B' L U' L' F' U' R2 D' // EOline D4A1Pr1naKA-00088-00045908-00046021 z U' R U' R' U' // left square D4A1Pr1naKA-00089-00046021-00046311 z' R U' R2' U2' R L' U L // left block D4A1Pr1naKA-00090-00046311-00046728 U2' R U R // right square U' R' U2' R U R' U R2 // right block D4A1Pr1naKA-00091-00046728-00047175 U R' U2' L U' R U L' U R' U R // COLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00092-00047175-00047428 R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R U' // EPLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00093-00047428-00047628 74 ETM, 3.51 ETPS 57 STM, 2.70 TPS D4A1Pr1naKA-00094-00047628-00048288 scramble #12: B D2 L U F' D' R U' L2 F' R2 F U2 B' L2 F2 D2 B D2 R' Fw D4A1Pr1naKA-00095-00048288-00048988 x' y2 // inspection D4A1Pr1naKA-00096-00048988-00049771 R' F' r D2 F U' // 222 x' U' R x' U2' F2' U' R' U x U2' // xcross D4A1Pr1naKA-00097-00049771-00050025 U' R U R2 x' U' R' U2' R U' // second slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00098-00050025-00050421 x R2 U2' R2 U R U' R U2' // third slot D4A1Pr1naKA-00099-00050421-00050855 x' R U' R2 U R2' b R U R' F' // VHLS D4A1Pr1naKA-00100-00050855-00051301 U R' U' R U' R' U2' R z U' R2 U R U' R U R // ZBLL D4A1Pr1naKA-00101-00051301-00051467 75 ETM, 3.25 ETPS 56 STM, 2.43 TPS