D7lTZnUOVYU-00000-00000064-00000744 Hey my friend! Jean-Serge Gagnon here. So we're going to talk about getting people to your master D7lTZnUOVYU-00001-00000744-00001320 class! Now, when you host a master class, you want people on there! You want people to D7lTZnUOVYU-00002-00001320-00001712 attend, you want them to come in live, you want them to be there, so that they can D7lTZnUOVYU-00003-00001807-00002504 interact, they can comment, they can ask questions and maybe even you can show their stuff to show D7lTZnUOVYU-00004-00002504-00002984 that you're helping them specifically with whatever their particular problem is based on, D7lTZnUOVYU-00005-00002984-00003447 you know, whatever your content is, right? So, we're going to talk about that in just a second; D7lTZnUOVYU-00006-00003447-00004008 How... What do you need to get people to your master class in just a second but first this: D7lTZnUOVYU-00007-00004192-00004832 So the real question is this: What are the strategies, techniques and tools that you D7lTZnUOVYU-00008-00004832-00005496 need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom that's happening right now? D7lTZnUOVYU-00009-00005592-00006136 My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... D7lTZnUOVYU-00010-00006344-00006904 So, if you are hosting a master class like I said you want to have people there there's no D7lTZnUOVYU-00011-00006904-00007464 point to having one if nobody's there right at least well there is a point there's learning D7lTZnUOVYU-00012-00007464-00008168 and technology and doing things but you really you really want people there right so D7lTZnUOVYU-00013-00008168-00008832 there's two aspects to that today we're going to cover the things you need to set up to get people D7lTZnUOVYU-00014-00008912-00009464 to your master class um and maybe hopefully yeah probably tomorrow's episode we're D7lTZnUOVYU-00015-00009464-00009864 going to talk about because today is the 30th of december if you're watching this D7lTZnUOVYU-00016-00009952-00010288 in a week or later on if you're looking at the blog post or anything like that D7lTZnUOVYU-00017-00010288-00010808 it might be later on but we're in 2020 we're just the last few days of 2020 tomorrow is the D7lTZnUOVYU-00018-00010808-00011480 newer year's eve so we're going to cover how to or what you need to have ready to be able to D7lTZnUOVYU-00019-00011536-00011872 have people come to your master class before we get into that though I want to D7lTZnUOVYU-00020-00011872-00012272 mention if you're listening to the audio make sure you go check out the video at D7lTZnUOVYU-00021-00012720-00013447 j cis298.js g a g n o n dot com to go check out the video and the blog post where I'm gonna D7lTZnUOVYU-00022-00013447-00014063 share my screen and yeah it's a lot more so if you're listening to the audio go check that out D7lTZnUOVYU-00023-00014063-00014528 there all right okay so let's get to it let's share my screen I'm going to show you D7lTZnUOVYU-00024-00014591-00015128 the couple of things that we need where's the webcam right there okay so the first thing you're D7lTZnUOVYU-00025-00015128-00015496 going to need is a place to host your course now you might be thinking well I don't need to host D7lTZnUOVYU-00026-00015496-00016056 my course right now I'm not I haven't created it yet I'm going to be doing it live I'm going to be D7lTZnUOVYU-00027-00016056-00016576 doing facebook groups I'm going to be doing this and that but you really want a place where you D7lTZnUOVYU-00028-00016576-00017184 can have people kind of go to and know where the course is actually going to be after you've done D7lTZnUOVYU-00029-00017184-00017824 it right so and like for me what I've done for my master class that I'm kind of planning on doing D7lTZnUOVYU-00030-00017824-00018480 I've created a course uh skeleton if you will that is a that's for it let me see where is that over D7lTZnUOVYU-00031-00018480-00019624 here no down here um where is my master class oh is it not visible oh it's not visible yet okay so D7lTZnUOVYU-00032-00019624-00020192 I got to go find in my courses that are not yet published as the courses maybe I should make it D7lTZnUOVYU-00033-00020192-00020704 published but anyways it's unlisted right now so this one here become a perfect webinar master is D7lTZnUOVYU-00034-00020704-00021400 actually the course skeleton where people can go to that you can send them links and you can also D7lTZnUOVYU-00035-00021400-00022120 um add them to your to an email list well not really the but you get you get people to it D7lTZnUOVYU-00036-00022120-00022744 to connect with your course here so you'll be able to send them messages you'll be able to know who's D7lTZnUOVYU-00037-00022744-00023200 in your list like for example if I take a look at one of my other courses let's see should i D7lTZnUOVYU-00038-00023432-00023904 if I look at some of the other courses that I have students in like my linkedin connection D7lTZnUOVYU-00039-00023904-00024520 growth secrets know my linkedin profile my one of my free ones let's do the linkedin D7lTZnUOVYU-00040-00024520-00025288 profiles linkedin profile secrets if I look at that you can see there's 20 students in here D7lTZnUOVYU-00041-00025360-00026039 these are all people that have attended or gotten the course they you know nobody's it shows right D7lTZnUOVYU-00042-00026039-00026608 here whether they started or not and then you can actually find that person in the system D7lTZnUOVYU-00043-00026664-00027264 and and send them a private message and uh you'll eventually be able to send them emails as well to D7lTZnUOVYU-00044-00027264-00027639 the people that have there and they'll actually gonna be able to put in comments in here like D7lTZnUOVYU-00045-00027639-00028392 this for example uh this person here says I made a comment on it right and then somebody else here D7lTZnUOVYU-00046-00028472-00028848 and it kind of lets you see who's in your course who's D7lTZnUOVYU-00047-00028848-00029312 who are the students uh this was a free one so there's no there's no income in here but D7lTZnUOVYU-00048-00029312-00029736 it kind of shows you the number of views the number of impressions the number of clicks D7lTZnUOVYU-00049-00029800-00030632 uh the lesson seconds the watch seconds four hours so that's uh that's the information so D7lTZnUOVYU-00050-00030632-00031095 you know the first thing let's just put a note in here let's go in here so number one so what D7lTZnUOVYU-00051-00031095-00031936 do you need what do you need to get people to your course to your master class master class D7lTZnUOVYU-00052-00032160-00032936 people there's no either okay so number one a course hosting platform D7lTZnUOVYU-00053-00032936-00033520 like I said this is something that you could decide not to need in the beginning because D7lTZnUOVYU-00054-00033520-00033944 you don't have a course until you've recorded it until you've hosted it and tell you that D7lTZnUOVYU-00055-00033944-00034368 people have attended it but it's really good to have a place to send them D7lTZnUOVYU-00056-00034520-00034872 even before you've recorded because it also allows you to do some sort D7lTZnUOVYU-00057-00034872-00035400 some promotions and some you can actually put some text like for me if I go to my courses here D7lTZnUOVYU-00058-00035560-00035864 if I go to this course that I'm talking about here the one that I'm D7lTZnUOVYU-00059-00035976-00036528 that's not public yet but still accessible with a a link I can actually they can actually see D7lTZnUOVYU-00060-00036528-00037000 the price it's going to be they can see the description for it this can all be obviously D7lTZnUOVYU-00061-00037072-00037600 completely customizable they can even see in my case that I'm giving away the this course for a D7lTZnUOVYU-00062-00037600-00038120 lot less than the two thousand dollar price with these coupons and there's explanations in here D7lTZnUOVYU-00063-00038120-00038600 and all that and then they can see some of the first lessons at least what their lessons should D7lTZnUOVYU-00064-00038600-00039152 be about in here right and there's an introduction video that I could record and have available for D7lTZnUOVYU-00065-00039152-00039584 them to look at if they're kind of still not sure whether they want this to attend this course or D7lTZnUOVYU-00066-00039584-00040184 not right so I mean that's the whole thing that you have a place to kind of bring people in D7lTZnUOVYU-00067-00040184-00040728 and and connect them and connect and send the messages and that kind of stuff right so that's D7lTZnUOVYU-00068-00040728-00041296 that's the first thing or at least one of the things that you need that's the I guess the second D7lTZnUOVYU-00069-00041296-00041864 thing that I would say you need for me I think you need three things set up and I'm talking about D7lTZnUOVYU-00070-00041864-00042352 tools now I'm not talking about getting traffic or ads or things like that I'm talking about D7lTZnUOVYU-00071-00042408-00042928 three things that are kind of basic that if you don't have it makes it a lot harder to manage D7lTZnUOVYU-00072-00043016-00043432 especially if you want to scale if you want to have a thousand people attend your course if you D7lTZnUOVYU-00073-00043432-00043800 want to have only five or ten you can keep all this in your head you don't have to worry about D7lTZnUOVYU-00074-00043800-00044216 most of this right you can even record just the videos put them on youtube and send them links D7lTZnUOVYU-00075-00044216-00044904 to those videos after they've they've paid you or whatever right that you don't need that so D7lTZnUOVYU-00076-00044904-00045688 maybe actually well the fourth thing isn't really for yeah okay so number two you need a um email D7lTZnUOVYU-00077-00045744-00046584 provider okay you need an email service provider an email autoresponder email service provider D7lTZnUOVYU-00078-00046696-00047216 or auto responder is what they're called normally right so you need a place where D7lTZnUOVYU-00079-00047216-00047824 you can have people gather now eventually clicky course will support that as a as a D7lTZnUOVYU-00080-00047824-00048208 feature we already gather emails and things like that for people but we just haven't put D7lTZnUOVYU-00081-00048208-00048912 in place a way for you to use the emails without because one of the things is we want this is a D7lTZnUOVYU-00082-00048912-00049576 course hosting platform so it's not about you know people that join this they don't necessarily want D7lTZnUOVYU-00083-00049576-00050048 you to have their emails right but they're okay with you contacting them as long as you don't D7lTZnUOVYU-00084-00050048-00050520 get their email and put it in some you know people are afraid that you're gonna put it in some spam D7lTZnUOVYU-00085-00050520-00050960 and things like that right but if it's part of the course they they attend the course there D7lTZnUOVYU-00086-00050960-00051408 they receive an email from the course teacher and those kinds of things that's okay right so D7lTZnUOVYU-00087-00051408-00051928 we're going to be allowing you to send emails to people through the platform without knowing D7lTZnUOVYU-00088-00051928-00052432 their email so that's different than an email responder right so an email autoresponder like D7lTZnUOVYU-00089-00052512-00053440 I like uh aweber right that's the one I use I use aweber and for that let me see where am I this is D7lTZnUOVYU-00090-00053440-00054024 inside of a campaign okay cancel uh I was editing a campaign earlier okay so inside of a inside of D7lTZnUOVYU-00091-00054024-00054528 an email autoresponder like this you're going to want to have a list that it's called a list so D7lTZnUOVYU-00092-00054528-00055079 I have multiple lists if I look at my list here I have a bunch of lists that I've created and each D7lTZnUOVYU-00093-00055079-00055655 list is for different reasons as you can see some of them have 300 some of them have 100 some of D7lTZnUOVYU-00094-00055655-00056312 them are just four or five no people what is this this is subscribers what is this unsubscribe yeah D7lTZnUOVYU-00095-00056312-00056879 so I mean you see that it's constantly changing but overall I don't it's kind of weird because D7lTZnUOVYU-00096-00056879-00057632 I have like almost a thousand five hundred subscribers how is this showing me only this D7lTZnUOVYU-00097-00057632-00058191 that's kind of interesting I'm not really sure how it shows because if I go to the dashboard D7lTZnUOVYU-00098-00058328-00058888 it shows me that I've got 1800 subscribers so I don't really know why I'm seeing only D7lTZnUOVYU-00099-00058888-00059479 100 and 200 and that kind of stuff right but anyways that's so inside of aweber or other D7lTZnUOVYU-00100-00059479-00059976 email provider you need to create a list so for me I've got the perfect webinar master class list D7lTZnUOVYU-00101-00059976-00060312 if I go to the subscribers right now there's nobody well there's a test account D7lTZnUOVYU-00102-00060376-00061048 but that's a place where you would have your your people listed in your um and and you can D7lTZnUOVYU-00103-00061048-00061536 and that becomes your email they join your list right and you will you of course have to D7lTZnUOVYU-00104-00061536-00061920 make sure that they know that they're joining your list when you're getting them in there D7lTZnUOVYU-00105-00061920-00062560 but that would be one way to send them the link to the course like for me what I do if I look at D7lTZnUOVYU-00106-00062560-00063184 this the email that this person gets when they first join is they get a welcome email right D7lTZnUOVYU-00107-00063296-00063888 and then they uh if I go to the first sorry they get the welcome to the webinar masterclass D7lTZnUOVYU-00108-00063976-00064720 sorry let's load it up here to show you what it looks like so basically they get this email sent D7lTZnUOVYU-00109-00064720-00065304 to them which right now says really nothing but you know it could be it should be a proper email D7lTZnUOVYU-00110-00065304-00065864 there's all these strategies about email lists and nurturing and all these different things for now D7lTZnUOVYU-00111-00065864-00066208 it's just an email like this that just gives them the link to the course D7lTZnUOVYU-00112-00066288-00066768 and it also tells them they're in so that they should exp they would they would expect D7lTZnUOVYU-00113-00066768-00067248 another email later on saying hey okay the master class is starting on this date make sure you put D7lTZnUOVYU-00114-00067248-00068224 in your calendar and you should attend live and yeah yada yada right all that stuff so that's so D7lTZnUOVYU-00115-00068224-00068880 that's the second thing that you need is an email list service or an autoresponder because with D7lTZnUOVYU-00116-00068880-00069472 the email list service you can you can send the messages and you know that they came in for the D7lTZnUOVYU-00117-00069544-00070024 master class that you're putting together right in my case my perfect webinar masterclass right so D7lTZnUOVYU-00118-00070024-00070600 they know that that's why they're in your list you send them a message about your masterclass telling D7lTZnUOVYU-00119-00070600-00071384 them you know uh if it if it's live tonight you know you send them reminders you can do D7lTZnUOVYU-00120-00071384-00072056 all sorts of things with their email that relate to why they're in here right and the other um D7lTZnUOVYU-00121-00072304-00072872 yeah so anyway so that's uh yeah so that's that's the number two thing that you need number two is D7lTZnUOVYU-00122-00072872-00073664 an email service provider so personally I use so I use on I use aweber right and D7lTZnUOVYU-00123-00073664-00074496 you can get you can get a free account you can get a free account actually a free account of aweber D7lTZnUOVYU-00124-00074656-00075280 at this link let's put it up here aweber you can get it right here at D7lTZnUOVYU-00125-00075280-00076144 aweber.js com right you can get D7lTZnUOVYU-00126-00076256-00076808 the aweber account right there at that address aweber.jeansergegagnon.com that's gonna give you D7lTZnUOVYU-00127-00076808-00077384 a free account that you can use for aweber by the way on course hosting platform I should say D7lTZnUOVYU-00128-00077448-00078920 the uh that I use click click e-course which is https://clickecourse.com right so let's get that D7lTZnUOVYU-00129-00078920-00079640 link in there too click e-course so I'm actually getting a phone call let me just pull pause this D7lTZnUOVYU-00130-00079640-00080384 we'll come back all right so now um okay so click e-course is the site layout that's what I was D7lTZnUOVYU-00131-00080384-00080904 going to put in here the link to click e-course where's clicky course link is right over here D7lTZnUOVYU-00132-00080968-00081424 so clickecourse.com is the site that I use to host my course and by the way D7lTZnUOVYU-00133-00081424-00081880 you can actually go here let's just open this up in a incognito to see so you can D7lTZnUOVYU-00134-00081880-00082344 see what it looks like when you first go in so when you go there the first thing that happens D7lTZnUOVYU-00135-00082576-00083288 is that you will see this welcome page where you can kind of read up on it a bit D7lTZnUOVYU-00136-00083288-00083792 but you can click on the register up top here and you can either register with your D7lTZnUOVYU-00137-00083792-00084280 facebook account which I recommend it's a lot easier it no it'll get your email your D7lTZnUOVYU-00138-00084280-00084784 name and your profile picture right or if you don't want to use that you can go use email put D7lTZnUOVYU-00139-00084784-00085216 an email address a password the difference is you have you'll have to get the email D7lTZnUOVYU-00140-00085304-00085848 activation link in your inbox and then you can activate your account that way but it's free you D7lTZnUOVYU-00141-00085848-00086312 can have a free account there's different plans on quickly course the free account still lets you do D7lTZnUOVYU-00142-00086312-00086984 a lot of stuff as you can see the yes yes yes yes yes yes here in green is the free account right D7lTZnUOVYU-00143-00087104-00087584 and you can see all the stuff you can do with your free account is all this then there's other D7lTZnUOVYU-00144-00087584-00088192 accounts that let you do more there's also the um anyways details on the accounts are on this D7lTZnUOVYU-00145-00088272-00088824 not something to talk about right now but uh yeah so you just click on the register and get yourself D7lTZnUOVYU-00146-00088824-00089424 a free account on clickecourse.com to host your course like I've showed you here right like this D7lTZnUOVYU-00147-00089424-00089904 course here that I've got here that's set up with lessons and everything um you can actually use um D7lTZnUOVYU-00148-00089976-00090656 well no uh yeah so that's that's the course hosting okay let's get that over there D7lTZnUOVYU-00149-00090656-00091280 okay so number two that's the well that was the first one then number two was the uh autoresponder D7lTZnUOVYU-00150-00091408-00092144 and then number three that you need as well is a funnel hosting service now there's a bunch of them D7lTZnUOVYU-00151-00092144-00092896 out there you could even create your own um in wordpress right you can create your own pages in D7lTZnUOVYU-00152-00092896-00093520 wordpress and send people to those but basically you need a a place to capture people's emails D7lTZnUOVYU-00153-00093592-00094120 you could do that with you could even do that with aweber right in the aweber let's just cancel this D7lTZnUOVYU-00154-00094280-00094936 in aweber you can create signup forms right if I can actually go in here I can say sign up form D7lTZnUOVYU-00155-00094936-00095544 I want to create a signup form and I'm just going to make it a basic signup form here let's do this D7lTZnUOVYU-00156-00095544-00096280 let's go this one here load the template and name an email I'm going to put a header in here D7lTZnUOVYU-00157-00096336-00097456 whoops join join the master class waiting list right save oh this is not I want this to be a bit D7lTZnUOVYU-00158-00097456-00098736 bigger font size let's make it 13 no that's not it 24 make it 36. there we go save it okay so now D7lTZnUOVYU-00159-00098736-00099264 this is going to be like this just center it as well save it like that okay so that's going to be D7lTZnUOVYU-00160-00099328-00099824 a basic thing I'm just going to say submit and save and I'll just save that to save your form D7lTZnUOVYU-00161-00099984-00100608 and then go to step two now I have a form that I can embed in different tools or I D7lTZnUOVYU-00162-00100608-00101192 can I can have a directly I can have a page so what does it say thank you page the basic one D7lTZnUOVYU-00163-00101288-00101728 you can do lots of customization here but if I go to step three I can say I want to install my D7lTZnUOVYU-00164-00101728-00102544 form I just want a landing page so now I can send people to this link and we've got nito D7lTZnUOVYU-00165-00102688-00103168 you can send people to this link and they get this box and I can actually put my name D7lTZnUOVYU-00166-00103168-00104224 in here Jean-Serge test whoops tester right and it's going to be js test at email test whoops D7lTZnUOVYU-00167-00104424-00104968 there you go and that's good and then I submit that now I'm going to end up being added to this D7lTZnUOVYU-00168-00104968-00105480 list so it's as simple as that if you want just basic that's it like this it tells you you're D7lTZnUOVYU-00169-00105480-00106120 going to get a confirmer link in your inbox so I got to go in my email and I got to go in here D7lTZnUOVYU-00170-00106176-00106759 and get my inbox confirm your subscription right here I confirm my subscription and D7lTZnUOVYU-00171-00106759-00107424 now I'm in the list so now now if I go to the subscribers here I'm going to see there's this new D7lTZnUOVYU-00172-00107424-00107911 test email that's right here right as you can see it says js tester right this is the other D7lTZnUOVYU-00173-00107911-00108583 test js test oh I guess the I have jsg test jsg test this is one I just did right now right so D7lTZnUOVYU-00174-00108672-00109072 that's one way to get people in your list is it's very simple to do D7lTZnUOVYU-00175-00109128-00110240 right in your autoresponder but there's minimal inter integration minimal cap tracking minimal um D7lTZnUOVYU-00176-00110304-00111120 seeing what there's minimal customization it's it's it isn't meant for a big scaling or D7lTZnUOVYU-00177-00111120-00111616 trying to understand multiple different things so that's why you would want something like D7lTZnUOVYU-00178-00111616-00112511 a funnel hosting service and what I do so you so you can just use the uh autoresponder D7lTZnUOVYU-00179-00112696-00113152 under forms you could do that it depends on the autoresponder like with aweber D7lTZnUOVYU-00180-00113152-00114040 right there that's kind of how you do it um uh I'd recommend a more complete D7lTZnUOVYU-00181-00114183-00114896 solution such as click funnels right so I use click funnels everybody that I know in the D7lTZnUOVYU-00182-00114896-00115768 online world uses clickfunnels you can get your free 14-day trial at c at cf.jeansergegagnon.com D7lTZnUOVYU-00183-00115768-00116576 right dot com and that's uh click funnels right here right so you can just go to that link D7lTZnUOVYU-00184-00116896-00117600 cf.jeansergegagnon.com and that'll take you to this page I'll just show you a little bit what D7lTZnUOVYU-00185-00117600-00118256 it looks like so it just basically shows you the what clickfunnels is about and it also D7lTZnUOVYU-00186-00118311-00118800 will there's a video in here that uh that russell talks about clickfunnels itself he explains what D7lTZnUOVYU-00187-00118800-00119232 it's all about right click on play on this and turn the volume can I turn the volume off on this D7lTZnUOVYU-00188-00119432-00120096 oh well the volume is not going to come anyways because I have not set up the audio but anyways D7lTZnUOVYU-00189-00120096-00120640 it's a video where russell talks about click funnels and what it's about and why you should use D7lTZnUOVYU-00190-00120640-00121408 that and how they came about it and you know it's just all about what clickfunnels is about right so D7lTZnUOVYU-00191-00121535-00122152 uh and anyways all you do is you just click on this start your 14 day free trial right 149 value D7lTZnUOVYU-00192-00122304-00122696 okay and so that's just all you do just click there and then D7lTZnUOVYU-00193-00122696-00123040 it's going to ask you for information and then you just set up your account right D7lTZnUOVYU-00194-00123120-00123608 okay otherwise and then and then once you have your clickfunnels account you can do things D7lTZnUOVYU-00195-00123608-00124311 like setting up funnels you can create a page and fully customize it to look the way you want it to D7lTZnUOVYU-00196-00124311-00124640 like this one here that I'm doing that I still haven't finished but it's a linkedin D7lTZnUOVYU-00197-00124640-00125232 sequence thing and uh if I look at the page it's very basic I get an order form page here D7lTZnUOVYU-00198-00125424-00126183 uh which I'm not sure why it's doing that but that's I think it's it's if I click on edit D7lTZnUOVYU-00199-00126288-00126624 there's something I think there was something going on that day that's why that preview looks D7lTZnUOVYU-00200-00126680-00126928 so this is a page here I'm just going to save that like this D7lTZnUOVYU-00201-00127024-00127759 and I'm going to exit out see if it'll show me the preview properly this time and then there's D7lTZnUOVYU-00202-00127759-00128120 a thank you page so you can have multiple pages in the funnel right that goes different D7lTZnUOVYU-00203-00128120-00128664 to different things uh yeah there you go see that's a lot better so and then the thank you page D7lTZnUOVYU-00204-00128848-00129464 has another video in here and so you set up funnels to get people to your master class like D7lTZnUOVYU-00205-00129464-00129872 for me if I look at the funnels for my master class let's just go to the master class ones D7lTZnUOVYU-00206-00129944-00130504 just to kind of show you some perfect webinar master class ask for okay so there's two funnels D7lTZnUOVYU-00207-00130504-00131152 that I needed I wanted to get set up the first one is just a join the master class funnel right D7lTZnUOVYU-00208-00131152-00131816 so this page here is very basic it just says join the master class that's just to send people over D7lTZnUOVYU-00209-00131816-00132296 to get them in there so that I know that they're interested in that and I would normally have D7lTZnUOVYU-00210-00132296-00132784 conversations with them before sending sending them to a page like this because obviously there's D7lTZnUOVYU-00211-00132784-00133192 nothing here there's no information about it there's no details there's no nothing right D7lTZnUOVYU-00212-00133192-00133736 so they would have to already know what this is all about if I really wanted to do a proper D7lTZnUOVYU-00213-00133896-00134536 well I guess the word if if I wanted to do a funnel to attract cold market or people who D7lTZnUOVYU-00214-00134536-00135072 don't necessarily know what I'm talking about they see it maybe in an ad or someplace else I need to D7lTZnUOVYU-00215-00135072-00135768 have a better funnel than that right a page that's kind of a lot more uh complete that talks about D7lTZnUOVYU-00216-00135768-00136272 what the master class is and what the lessons are and that kind of stuff right but you need a funnel D7lTZnUOVYU-00217-00136272-00136760 hosting uh software to do that right so let's just get that link out of there yeah so you need D7lTZnUOVYU-00218-00136760-00137304 a funnel solution now there's different options like I said out there but this is the ones that D7lTZnUOVYU-00219-00137304-00137904 I the one that I'm using now for my funnel so the other one that I created another funnel is the ask D7lTZnUOVYU-00220-00137904-00138648 campaign so the ass campaign is basically a funnel where you send people to to offer them D7lTZnUOVYU-00221-00138648-00139248 a free beta of your master class the first master class you do probably you're going to want to do D7lTZnUOVYU-00222-00139248-00139784 a free one because you want to learn all about what the the people want and you don't want D7lTZnUOVYU-00223-00139784-00140392 it to like if you're not if you haven't done it 10 times and then especially if it's the first D7lTZnUOVYU-00224-00140392-00140808 time you're doing it you want to make sure that nobody's going to complain about oh yeah that's D7lTZnUOVYU-00225-00140808-00141224 not worth 200 bucks it's not worth a thousand or whatever you're selling it for right so you give D7lTZnUOVYU-00226-00141224-00141728 it for free to get feedback and get give people results so that when you sell it later you can D7lTZnUOVYU-00227-00141728-00142192 say hey I got this person and that person they made they got these results those results right D7lTZnUOVYU-00228-00142248-00142880 so this is a ask campaign where you ask them what's their number one question right so free D7lTZnUOVYU-00229-00142880-00143336 live master class how to make your first sales video with a webinar without stressing out about D7lTZnUOVYU-00230-00143336-00143792 if you're doing it right what's your number one question about how to make your first sale right D7lTZnUOVYU-00231-00143792-00144208 so then this is the question and they answer the question in here whoops they answer the D7lTZnUOVYU-00232-00144208-00144576 question in there and they click the submit button and then it asks them for their email D7lTZnUOVYU-00233-00144576-00145136 but it'll send them a link to a free version of the course so if I look at my course right here D7lTZnUOVYU-00234-00145136-00145504 this is another reason why I want to have this course I want it to be the same place D7lTZnUOVYU-00235-00145504-00146032 where everybody goes whether they get it for free whether they pay for 49 or whether they buy it D7lTZnUOVYU-00236-00146032-00146688 for 2 000 right but inside of managed deals and coupons I have this free coupon right here which D7lTZnUOVYU-00237-00146688-00147072 has an expiry oh it's interesting that's not showing up but it's supposed to have an expiry D7lTZnUOVYU-00238-00147160-00147608 I probably will have to just manually delete it once it's over but this will allow people to D7lTZnUOVYU-00239-00147608-00148208 get in here for free and they they would only know this by getting the link to it and they D7lTZnUOVYU-00240-00148208-00148800 get that through the email in the email subscribe subscription if I look at this email here actually D7lTZnUOVYU-00241-00148800-00149448 I probably got it now go back here if I refresh this so I got the welcome to perfect webinar D7lTZnUOVYU-00242-00149448-00149936 master class which is the subscribe subscription email right like just like I showed you D7lTZnUOVYU-00243-00149936-00150416 and in a few minutes I'm also going to get the other email I'm not sure if it's D7lTZnUOVYU-00244-00150776-00151360 i guess I'll get it later right so that's fine that's fine let's go back to here so D7lTZnUOVYU-00245-00151360-00151864 if I look at this one if I look at this one's emails that they got the next email they get D7lTZnUOVYU-00246-00151864-00152600 is um the master class welcome to the I guess I need to probably fix those subjects is when D7lTZnUOVYU-00247-00152600-00153008 I first set that up I didn't really I didn't really know the sequence of how it would work D7lTZnUOVYU-00248-00153064-00153600 when you have a funnel for the ask campaign versus oh that's because I didn't do the ass campaign D7lTZnUOVYU-00249-00153600-00154336 on the second on the second one it wasn't an ass campaign sees it uses this this tag right here the D7lTZnUOVYU-00250-00154336-00154792 answered question tag inside the funnel and that's one of the things inside of click funnels you can D7lTZnUOVYU-00251-00154792-00155408 actually set this up if I go to the pop-up here well actually integrations the integration it says D7lTZnUOVYU-00252-00155408-00156032 add them to this list the perfect webinar master list but give this tag answered questions so D7lTZnUOVYU-00253-00156032-00156912 inside of then inside of aweber you tell it that in the campaigns if I go to messages campaigns D7lTZnUOVYU-00254-00156976-00157704 inside the list you create two campaigns one for a registration and that like I said this one here D7lTZnUOVYU-00255-00157768-00158392 I have welcome to perfect opener master class maybe I could have it set up is there a way to say D7lTZnUOVYU-00256-00158392-00159512 add filter um no it's no question yes oh that's interesting okay no so I can't do a don't don't D7lTZnUOVYU-00257-00159632-00160472 only if they did not get this tag so there must be another way maybe I can do a subscriber can I do D7lTZnUOVYU-00258-00160472-00161184 that can I apply a tag remove these tags anyways uh yeah so you gotta have your campaign set up D7lTZnUOVYU-00259-00161248-00161864 for when they subscribe see this trigger campaign is when they answer the question and this one here D7lTZnUOVYU-00260-00161864-00162376 is when they are new subscribers so they'll get both these so I gotta figure out how to get them D7lTZnUOVYU-00261-00162376-00162832 to have only one of them but anyways it probably doesn't matter I could probably make it so that D7lTZnUOVYU-00262-00162968-00163664 I could probably make it so that this is just an email they get a day later or something or D7lTZnUOVYU-00263-00163664-00164016 no they wouldn't need to get it right away right you really want them to get it right away after D7lTZnUOVYU-00264-00164016-00164392 the answer the question you want to send them that to that right now because they're they're there D7lTZnUOVYU-00265-00164392-00165008 they're online they're waiting for it right you don't want it to come later but you could have an D7lTZnUOVYU-00266-00165008-00165408 email that as a reminder the next day anyways you can do all sorts of different things but you need D7lTZnUOVYU-00267-00165408-00165952 those three things you need those three things you need a course hosting platform too to host your D7lTZnUOVYU-00268-00165952-00166640 course preparation so that you can have people be in the same group right then you need an email D7lTZnUOVYU-00269-00166640-00167144 service provider an autoresponder to actually capture emails be able to send emails to them D7lTZnUOVYU-00270-00167224-00167592 as well and then you need a funnel hosting service so that you can actually D7lTZnUOVYU-00271-00167808-00168304 have really nicely customized pages to get people into your list like I said you can D7lTZnUOVYU-00272-00168304-00169096 still use the autoresponder itself to get people in in the list it's not uh it's not that bad D7lTZnUOVYU-00273-00169096-00169560 to use that uh that way you don't have to pay for the funnel hosting because you know funnel hosting D7lTZnUOVYU-00274-00169560-00169960 is even though they have a 14-day free trial it does cost 100 bucks a month if you want to keep it D7lTZnUOVYU-00275-00170056-00170616 whereas aweber actually has a free service I'm not sure what's what's available if you D7lTZnUOVYU-00276-00170616-00170976 can do the forms with the free service or not I guess you could try it out and find D7lTZnUOVYU-00277-00170976-00171584 out and let me know because I don't know but um but yeah so you need those three things D7lTZnUOVYU-00278-00171640-00172296 to be able to organize people getting to your master class because once you decide D7lTZnUOVYU-00279-00172296-00172800 when your master class is and how you're going to host it what service I you know you probably D7lTZnUOVYU-00280-00172800-00173424 need in the fourth one right fourth one would be the actual webinar or live I guess live session D7lTZnUOVYU-00281-00173544-00174208 live session hosting service right so that would be basically a webinar platform probably right D7lTZnUOVYU-00282-00174208-00175296 webinar platform platform so I've used expertise tv before tees tv I've used D7lTZnUOVYU-00283-00175464-00176264 I've used a webinar jam and I'm using ibu zoom so I've used all those all those platforms to host a D7lTZnUOVYU-00284-00176264-00177080 live now you can also do a facebook live a youtube live and host it that way if you want um but the D7lTZnUOVYU-00285-00177080-00177528 problem with those is that you can't control there's lots of things you can't really control D7lTZnUOVYU-00286-00177528-00178096 that's it's it's to the mercy of those platforms right um so I wouldn't necessarily recommend if D7lTZnUOVYU-00287-00178096-00178496 you especially want to convert it to a master class and want to do it in a way that that is D7lTZnUOVYU-00288-00178560-00179152 much more interactive better organized you want to use a webinar but all those are not free right D7lTZnUOVYU-00289-00179152-00179808 there's no expert well yeah the none of these are free they they will cost something if you want to D7lTZnUOVYU-00290-00179808-00180392 have uh multiple people attend and there's differences between the different platforms D7lTZnUOVYU-00291-00180392-00180832 we're not going to get into that right now but you need to choose one and try it out and then D7lTZnUOVYU-00292-00180944-00181392 and see what others are saying about it right maybe before you try it if you want to do that D7lTZnUOVYU-00293-00181456-00182280 but yeah so that's what you need these three maybe four things you need to get people to come to your D7lTZnUOVYU-00294-00182280-00182832 master class how to organize how to to organize who's coming and be able to communicate with them D7lTZnUOVYU-00295-00182888-00183640 before and after and during your live delivery of your masterclass right hopefully you enjoyed D7lTZnUOVYU-00296-00183640-00184408 this and we'll see you in the next episode... This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's D7lTZnUOVYU-00297-00184408-00184896 blueprint to generating income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this D7lTZnUOVYU-00298-00184896-00185472 message, so don't forget to share! For more content like this go to CourseIncomeSecrets.com D7lTZnUOVYU-00299-00185472-00186232 and make sure to subscribe and follow us here! My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... DrzqZwBLBvE-00000-00000000-00001394 [Aerial view of Riverstone Road] DsJMReBdNkc-00000-00000210-00000490 Dear Nora and Sub Laban family, DsJMReBdNkc-00001-00000490-00001230 We’ve known that you are under threat of being evicted from your home DsJMReBdNkc-00002-00001240-00002166 a house where you have been living for generations and DsJMReBdNkc-00003-00002166-00002696 as many other houses in East Jerusalem, DsJMReBdNkc-00004-00002696-00003454 it has been transferred to an Israeli settler association DsJMReBdNkc-00005-00003465-00004128 We know that you are the only Palestinian family still living in this block, DsJMReBdNkc-00006-00004128-00004852 at the Muslim quarter, DsJMReBdNkc-00007-00004860-00005496 and that the situation is particularly tense for you DsJMReBdNkc-00008-00005502-00006282 because the settlers have tried to evict you themselves more than once. DsJMReBdNkc-00009-00006294-00007628 That’s the reason why, the Platform of Affected by the Mortgage and the Crisis from Sabadell, DsJMReBdNkc-00010-00007628-00008424 we want you to know that you can count on our full support. DsJMReBdNkc-00011-00008424-00009226 We are an association that started four years ago to struggle DsJMReBdNkc-00012-00009226-00010022 for the right to decent housing. DsJMReBdNkc-00013-00010026-00010798 And, as well as you did, thanks to the solidarity of many, DsJMReBdNkc-00014-00010798-00011570 we have successfully stopped many evictions in our city DsJMReBdNkc-00015-00011570-00012378 and relocated many families in order to avoid that anyone stays on the street. DsJMReBdNkc-00016-00012378-00013232 We are fully confident that DsJMReBdNkc-00017-00013232-00014106 our best weapon is solidarity. DsJMReBdNkc-00018-00014206-00014619 Take the necessary measures to end up with the occupation of Palestine DsJMReBdNkc-00019-00014619-00015024 and to make Israel uphold the international law once for all DtLjMBD25X0-00000-00000130-00000226 EEEEEEEEEEEAST! Dw_B5eSQOEy-00000-00000119-00000219 Hey! Dw_B5eSQOEy-00001-00000219-00001395 Today I will get out with the verb "to be late".For me to be late is something good Dw_B5eSQOEy-00002-00001395-00002272 because I have a story on my mind.A lady,it is said to be even psychology...it is said Dw_B5eSQOEy-00003-00002272-00002751 that she delayed at work and her boss was very upset,he fired her from work,but in the Dw_B5eSQOEy-00004-00002751-00003024 evening when she came back home,because she stayed all day long at work still,she found Dw_B5eSQOEy-00005-00003024-00003764 out that the tram she supposed to take if she wouldn't be late got a very bad accident Dw_B5eSQOEy-00006-00003764-00005284 and all the people in the tram died.It was a terrible accident and so like this she thank Dw_B5eSQOEy-00007-00005284-00006645 God because she got late and it seemed piece of cake she got fired from work because she Dw_B5eSQOEy-00008-00006645-00007089 got late and I also know someone,a super awesome person who get late at the courses but he's Dw_B5eSQOEy-00009-00007089-00007498 doing that day to be...to have all the sort of revelations.I like very much people who Dw_B5eSQOEy-00010-00007498-00008056 get late but who offers me something sentimental,something spiritual,not the ones right in time but who Dw_B5eSQOEy-00011-00008056-00008642 doesn't offer anything.I am doing these videos because I thing for me a word means something Dw_B5eSQOEy-00012-00008642-00009117 and for you something else.For you what does it mean "to be late?" Dw_B5eSQOEy-00013-00009117-00009153 Bye! DzftSi6ucdu-00000-00000723-00001189 When you think of elk, deer and moose, images that come to mind probably include a rack DzftSi6ucdu-00001-00001189-00001289 of antlers. DzftSi6ucdu-00002-00001289-00001773 Would you believe that these antlers fall off every winter and regrow again by fall? DzftSi6ucdu-00003-00001773-00002234 Antlers are unique to members of the cervid family and are mostly seen on males. DzftSi6ucdu-00004-00002234-00002781 The larger antler size helps males as they fight to establish who is dominant and increase DzftSi6ucdu-00005-00002781-00003035 their female mate selection. DzftSi6ucdu-00006-00003035-00003578 Antlers grow larger each year until they pass their prime and begin to decline. DzftSi6ucdu-00007-00003578-00004051 Antlers are made of true bone and are the fastest growing bone of all mammals. DzftSi6ucdu-00008-00004051-00004307 Antlers begin growing in the spring. DzftSi6ucdu-00009-00004307-00004739 As they grow, they are covered with a skin called velvet that contains numerous blood DzftSi6ucdu-00010-00004739-00005196 vessels; which supply the bone with oxygen and nutrients. DzftSi6ucdu-00011-00005196-00005766 As testosterone levels increase in late summer, the antler reaches its maximum size. DzftSi6ucdu-00012-00005766-00006167 The bone then dies and the velvet falls or is rubbed off. DzftSi6ucdu-00013-00006167-00006736 After mating season, testosterone levels drop causing the antler to fall off. DzftSi6ucdu-00014-00006736-00007241 Pronghorn's horns have some characteristics of antlers but are not antlers because they DzftSi6ucdu-00015-00007241-00007469 contain keratin. DzftSi6ucdu-00016-00007469-00007995 Since antlers are shed every winter, a popular recreational activity in the spring is "shed DzftSi6ucdu-00017-00007995-00008276 hunting" to find these discarded trophies. DzftSi6ucdu-00018-00008276-00008743 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I'm Mae Smith, Exploring the Nature of Wyoming. DAIT87I-pko-00000-00000024-00000368 So i was talking to a friend of mine on a call like two weeks ago and i was like DAIT87I-pko-00001-00000368-00001072 dubai have you seen it? and then he started going "ah bro" i was like yeah he's seen it DAIT87I-pko-00002-00001072-00001480 i know what that video does to people after they see it because i saw it like someone sent it to DAIT87I-pko-00003-00001480-00002016 me on whatsapp bra and i like things too much you know when you when you see a video and you're like DAIT87I-pko-00004-00002128-00002632 it looks shady like i'm not sure about this video but curiosity got the best of me and i opened the DAIT87I-pko-00005-00002632-00003088 damn thing and i regret it to this day if you haven't seen it don't see it don't look for it DAIT87I-pko-00006-00003088-00003552 either trust me i'll tell you all about it it's in this video it's a girl and she has a mouth DAIT87I-pko-00007-00003552-00004256 open and literally someone's taking a dump in her mouth yes a feces a poo poo in her mouth DAIT87I-pko-00008-00004256-00004752 and apparently these are like um influencers and stuff and then they go to dubai and then they get DAIT87I-pko-00009-00004752-00005280 paid for that and all that stuff like there's more information on an article from dailyhive.com it DAIT87I-pko-00010-00005280-00005872 says last month videos emerged on tech talk about a concept rumored to be real for years for years DAIT87I-pko-00011-00005872-00006448 influencers influences your influences being paid to fly out to dubai in order to be pooped DAIT87I-pko-00012-00006448-00007056 on or in for cash to get expensive gifts and experience extravagant hotel stays for free DAIT87I-pko-00013-00007144-00007623 for money they're doing all this stuff for money the reason why i'm recording is this DAIT87I-pko-00014-00007623-00008120 is this guy i just wanted to ask you like how have you gotten here can someone please explain DAIT87I-pko-00015-00008120-00008520 to me how we have gotten here and these are the things that we see and the things that we know DAIT87I-pko-00016-00008520-00008912 that people are doing for money imagine things that people are doing behind closed doors that DAIT87I-pko-00017-00008912-00009528 don't go viral that we don't hear about for money just shows you how evil the world we're living in DAIT87I-pko-00018-00009528-00010144 is and how things are just continuing to get worse and worse people are doing this for money DAIT87I-pko-00019-00010272-00010704 the love of money is a root to all evil man that is a fact and we're just seeing that DAIT87I-pko-00020-00010704-00011136 right now and at the same time we kind of shouldn't judge her because it's like DAIT87I-pko-00021-00011248-00011672 in her quest to the situation the paradox in a quest to elevate her DAIT87I-pko-00022-00011736-00012368 life and to improve her lifestyle she degraded herself to the level of toilet and think about DAIT87I-pko-00023-00012368-00013047 yourself and whatever success you are attempting to reach and whatever you want to do however you DAIT87I-pko-00024-00013047-00013504 are making money or however you're trying to make money ask yourself am i not degrading myself in DAIT87I-pko-00025-00013504-00014016 the in the quest to that and whatever i'm doing to get that money um maybe you provide sexual DAIT87I-pko-00026-00014016-00014528 places for money maybe you're corrupt for days maybe you date people just because they're rich DAIT87I-pko-00027-00014528-00015144 you know very different from her think about that and yeah man like don't despise the honest ways of DAIT87I-pko-00028-00015144-00015784 making money even if you have to be a cleaner or even if you have to you know be a gardener don't DAIT87I-pko-00029-00015784-00016360 despise that if you're honest and earnest you will get to a point where you'll see doors opening up DAIT87I-pko-00030-00016360-00016808 you know for you if you know you continue on that quest and stuff and you work hard and so DAIT87I-pko-00031-00016808-00017336 yeah man and lastly don't envy some of these influencers some of these rich people that you see DAIT87I-pko-00032-00017336-00017736 don't ever envy anyone because you don't know what they're doing to get that money and people DAIT87I-pko-00033-00017736-00018256 are doing crazy things for money as we can see and we know so that's all for today if you watch DAIT87I-pko-00034-00018256-00018976 that video let me know if you have recovered if you watched it and yeah um i'm Eli that was your DAIT87I-pko-00035-00018976-00019576 mental massage for today and i'll see you in the next video blessings peace light and love DFawut9GOzg-00000-00000492-00000844 Knee problems such as instability of the kneecap and arthritis DFawut9GOzg-00001-00000844-00001104 can be telltale signs that it’s time for surgery. DFawut9GOzg-00002-00001104-00001286 But they’re not the only ones. DFawut9GOzg-00003-00001286-00001702 A new study suggests that focal lesions of the cartilage that cushions the kneecap, DFawut9GOzg-00004-00001702-00002370 or patella, and of the trochlea, the groove where the patella rests, are just as important and can have similar causes. DFawut9GOzg-00005-00002376-00002798 Understanding how these lesions are related to knee alignment and morphology DFawut9GOzg-00006-00002798-00003166 could help clinicians develop more tailored and durable treatments. DFawut9GOzg-00007-00003166-00003697 Researchers reached that conclusion after comparing the knee anatomy of 135 patients DFawut9GOzg-00008-00003697-00004090 with focal patellofemoral cartilage lesions, but no arthritis, DFawut9GOzg-00009-00004090-00004400 to that of 100 patients with normal cartilage. DFawut9GOzg-00010-00004400-00004982 Using M-R-I, they assessed features including patellar morphology, trochlear morphology, DFawut9GOzg-00011-00004982-00005316 patellar malalignment, and the quadriceps vector. DFawut9GOzg-00012-00005316-00005744 Patients with patellofemoral lesions showed greater trochlear dysplasia DFawut9GOzg-00013-00005744-00006094 and patellar malalignment than those in the control group. DFawut9GOzg-00014-00006094-00006536 Trochlear dysplasia, defined as an unusually shallow trochlear groove, DFawut9GOzg-00015-00006536-00006976 was associated with the highest increased risk of patellofemoral lesions DFawut9GOzg-00016-00006976-00007368 —followed by a misaligned patella, one that is tilted and alta. DFawut9GOzg-00017-00007368-00007872 Those factors could be the precursors of premature degeneration of cartilage in the knee. DFawut9GOzg-00018-00007872-00008372 The findings suggest that when it comes to choosing the best course of action for knee cartilage repair, DFawut9GOzg-00019-00008372-00008642 there is no one-size-fits-all solution. DFawut9GOzg-00020-00008642-00008922 The appropriate risk factors should be critically assessed, DFawut9GOzg-00021-00008922-00009328 and treatment of cartilage lesions should be patient- and knee-specific. DFawut9GOzg-00022-00009328-00009888 Additional surgery, such as reshaping the trochlear groove or realigning the patellar tendon, DFawut9GOzg-00023-00009888-00010236 can then be pursued to address risk factors when needed. DFawut9GOzg-00024-00010236-00010606 The authors of the study do note a few limitations of their work. DFawut9GOzg-00025-00010606-00010988 For one, the control group was not a completely “normal” cohort, DFawut9GOzg-00026-00010988-00011262 as not all of these patients were free of knee issues. DFawut9GOzg-00027-00011262-00011868 Additionally, results were obtained from a single patient population and may not apply to the general public. DFawut9GOzg-00028-00011878-00012134 Still, the results are highly instructive. DFawut9GOzg-00029-00012135-00012561 For patients with cartilage lesions, treating their comorbidities could help clinicians DFawut9GOzg-00030-00012561-00012890 better improve knee function and patient quality of life. DHeFQQbKvlk-00000-00000045-00000573 Instead of allowing us as Mi'kmaw people to determine what our own DHeFQQbKvlk-00001-00000573-00001071 livelihood would be like, how we would like to manage that, they assimilated DHeFQQbKvlk-00002-00001073-00001391 us into the current fishery regime. DHeFQQbKvlk-00003-00001427-00001764 And this seems to be the pattern, whether it's fishing, whether DHeFQQbKvlk-00004-00001764-00002165 it's forestry, whether, you know, if it's over mining, it's always DHeFQQbKvlk-00005-00002165-00002678 trying to assimilate Indigenous people into this economic regime. DHeFQQbKvlk-00006-00002698-00003340 It recolonizes Indigenous people, their culture, their worldview, and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00007-00003763-00003981 Welcome to the Ecopolitics Podcast. DHeFQQbKvlk-00008-00004020-00004335 This podcast series tackle some of the big questions in the field DHeFQQbKvlk-00009-00004335-00004617 of environmental politics for university students in Canada. DHeFQQbKvlk-00010-00004717-00004951 I'm Peter Andrée from Carleton University. DHeFQQbKvlk-00011-00004990-00005309 And my cohost for the show is Ryan Katz-Rosene from the University of DHeFQQbKvlk-00012-00005309-00005638 Ottawa, though Ryan's not joining us for today's conversation. DHeFQQbKvlk-00013-00005737-00006112 In this episode, I'll be talking with Dr Sherry Pictou, assistant DHeFQQbKvlk-00014-00006112-00006439 professor in the Faculty of Law and Management at Dalhousie University. DHeFQQbKvlk-00015-00006508-00006895 She's the former chief of L'sɨtkuk, a Mi'kmaw community in Nova Scotia. DHeFQQbKvlk-00016-00006931-00007174 And her work focuses on Indigenous governance. DHeFQQbKvlk-00017-00007192-00007454 We'll also be joined by Dr Martha Stiegman. DHeFQQbKvlk-00018-00007483-00007855 She's a filmmaker and assistant professor in the Faculty of Environmental and DHeFQQbKvlk-00019-00007858-00008080 Urban Change at York University. DHeFQQbKvlk-00020-00008161-00008530 Her community-based research and collaborative video work examines DHeFQQbKvlk-00021-00008534-00008902 Indigenous-settler treaty relations in their historic and contemporary DHeFQQbKvlk-00022-00008902-00009376 manifestations, with particular attention to food sovereignty and justice. DHeFQQbKvlk-00023-00009553-00009913 So, this is one of two episodes in our podcast series, dealing with DHeFQQbKvlk-00024-00009913-00010300 the intersection between ecopolitics and Indigenous politics in Canada. DHeFQQbKvlk-00025-00010402-00010831 As we've previously discussed in this series, the politics of how land, air, DHeFQQbKvlk-00026-00010831-00011293 and water is managed, protected and or exploited in Canada needs to be DHeFQQbKvlk-00027-00011293-00011710 understood in terms of the processes of colonialism through which this country was DHeFQQbKvlk-00028-00011710-00011925 founded and which continue to this day. DHeFQQbKvlk-00029-00012021-00012429 Over the last 350 years, colonial processes claim this land and its DHeFQQbKvlk-00030-00012429-00012840 resources for European monarchs, with settlement first by the French, in the DHeFQQbKvlk-00031-00012840-00013184 case of Canada's East coast and what are now the central provinces of Quebec and DHeFQQbKvlk-00032-00013184-00013679 Ontario and then for the English crown, after the Battle of Quebec of 1775. DHeFQQbKvlk-00033-00013787-00014150 Colonial processes also implicated the original inhabitants of these DHeFQQbKvlk-00034-00014150-00014567 lands, Indigenous peoples, who live from time immemorial from coast to DHeFQQbKvlk-00035-00014567-00014789 coast to coast in what is now Canada. DHeFQQbKvlk-00036-00014876-00015206 Like the trees and beavers that became resources for colonial powers, DHeFQQbKvlk-00037-00015221-00015566 Indigenous people have been exploited through these colonial experiences. DHeFQQbKvlk-00038-00015605-00015896 And we'll be getting into some of the details of those experiences today. DHeFQQbKvlk-00039-00015968-00016246 At the same time, Indigenous people like the Mi'kmaw community that DHeFQQbKvlk-00040-00016256-00016610 Sherry comes from have participated in ongoing resistance to the DHeFQQbKvlk-00041-00016610-00016955 colonial project, asserting their rights and responsibilities for DHeFQQbKvlk-00042-00016955-00017075 their traditional territories. DHeFQQbKvlk-00043-00017168-00017525 Today, we see ongoing acts of resistance and resurgence in these communities DHeFQQbKvlk-00044-00017525-00017879 across Canada, which have direct implications for environmental politics. DHeFQQbKvlk-00045-00018045-00018300 Our two guests today know each other well, and I've worked DHeFQQbKvlk-00046-00018300-00018432 together for a number of years. DHeFQQbKvlk-00047-00018489-00018863 Sherry Pictou is former chief of the community of L’sɨtkuk in the DHeFQQbKvlk-00048-00018866-00019164 Mi'kmaq territories on Canada's East coast, known as Mi'kma'ki. DHeFQQbKvlk-00049-00019254-00019716 L’sɨtkuk is known in English as Bear River First Nation, and it's located DHeFQQbKvlk-00050-00019716-00019896 near the town of Digby and Nova Scotia. DHeFQQbKvlk-00051-00020000-00020393 Martha undertook her PhD research examining the fisheries on Canada's DHeFQQbKvlk-00052-00020393-00020738 East coast, focusing in particular on Indigenous settler relations. DHeFQQbKvlk-00053-00020738-00021149 In that context, as part of that work, Martha made films, two of which were DHeFQQbKvlk-00054-00021149-00021635 developed in close partnership with Sherry: 'In Defense of our Treaties' and DHeFQQbKvlk-00055-00021635-00021848 the more recent film 'We Story the Land'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00056-00021926-00022306 Today's podcast will build on the stories presented in those two films, so we DHeFQQbKvlk-00057-00022306-00022495 encourage listeners to watch them first. DHeFQQbKvlk-00058-00022570-00022927 We'll focus on what these films have to share for students studying DHeFQQbKvlk-00059-00022927-00023110 environmental politics and Canada today. DHeFQQbKvlk-00060-00023180-00023222 Sherry. DHeFQQbKvlk-00061-00023294-00023653 Most of the listeners to this podcast will have recently watched two films that you DHeFQQbKvlk-00062-00023653-00024070 and Martha worked on together, 'In Defense of our Treaties' and 'We Story the Land'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00063-00024151-00024487 I'd like to start our conversation today with the backstory behind these films. DHeFQQbKvlk-00064-00024544-00024962 How has settler colonialism in Mi'kma'ki been experienced by your people, Mi'kmaq? DHeFQQbKvlk-00065-00024991-00025321 And how does that set the context for the stories of both resistance DHeFQQbKvlk-00066-00025321-00025507 and renewal presented in these films? DHeFQQbKvlk-00067-00025612-00025957 I know there's likely a lot to say on this question, much of which DHeFQQbKvlk-00068-00025957-00026119 is very painful to your people. DHeFQQbKvlk-00069-00026236-00026605 But what are the big themes that you would raise about the Mi'kmaw colonial DHeFQQbKvlk-00070-00026605-00026914 experience for our listeners that set the backdrop for these films? DHeFQQbKvlk-00071-00026979-00027630 This is a very powerful question and one that cannot be summed up quite easily. DHeFQQbKvlk-00072-00027630-00028164 So I'm just going to try my best here to sum up like 500 years of DHeFQQbKvlk-00073-00028164-00028404 colonialism that's still going on. DHeFQQbKvlk-00074-00028451-00029079 But basically prior to those films, Indigenous people in Canada were DHeFQQbKvlk-00075-00029079-00029639 considered wards of the state up until 1960 when they received the right to vote. DHeFQQbKvlk-00076-00029645-00030195 So they had no political rights, no voting rights, and very much their bodies DHeFQQbKvlk-00077-00030195-00030652 were colonized, if you will, by just having them designated at wards of State. DHeFQQbKvlk-00078-00030654-00031414 And I think even like in the late 1930s we disappear out of politics altogether, DHeFQQbKvlk-00079-00031417-00032072 and you can find Department of Indian Affairs reports in the Department DHeFQQbKvlk-00080-00032074-00032485 of Mines and Energy, as opposed to today it's called Indigenous Affairs. DHeFQQbKvlk-00081-00032521-00032696 So there's all that backdrop. DHeFQQbKvlk-00082-00032696-00033490 And to add to that is, was the imposition of western, if you will, DHeFQQbKvlk-00083-00033496-00034042 or non-Indigenous governance systems that was also steeped in patriarchical DHeFQQbKvlk-00084-00034042-00034231 notions of what governance was. DHeFQQbKvlk-00085-00034234-00034648 So it really interrupted the whole, our whole sense of being DHeFQQbKvlk-00086-00034648-00034842 and who we were as a people. DHeFQQbKvlk-00087-00034920-00035580 So skip ahead, particularly in the Mi'kma'ki context or the context of DHeFQQbKvlk-00088-00035588-00036232 Mi'kma'ki we had Peace and Friendship Treaties along with some other - tribes, DHeFQQbKvlk-00089-00036232-00036810 for lack of better terms, other nations, that was involved in a Confederacy DHeFQQbKvlk-00090-00036875-00037065 known as the Wabanaki Confederacy. DHeFQQbKvlk-00091-00037108-00037429 And these Peace and Friendship Treaties were just that - they DHeFQQbKvlk-00092-00037429-00037721 were Peace and Friendship Treaties, they were not like the numbered DHeFQQbKvlk-00093-00037721-00038214 treaties, there was nogivingn away of land or anything, it was actually DHeFQQbKvlk-00094-00038259-00038499 their agreements of how to coexist. DHeFQQbKvlk-00095-00038571-00038959 And fundamental to those treaties were that we would DHeFQQbKvlk-00096-00038959-00039130 always be able to hunt and fish. DHeFQQbKvlk-00097-00039228-00039831 There were several treaties, 1752 was very significant and of course, 1760 DHeFQQbKvlk-00098-00039831-00040384 and 61 was the two treaties, well they're both, they're basically the DHeFQQbKvlk-00099-00040384-00041008 same treaties but at different times that won us the Donald Marshall Jr. DHeFQQbKvlk-00100-00041014-00041182 case in 1999. DHeFQQbKvlk-00101-00041239-00041698 And think about that - 1760, 61 and 1999. DHeFQQbKvlk-00102-00041793-00042168 Think of that gap and that's how long it took us. DHeFQQbKvlk-00103-00042168-00042749 And even within Canada's own judicial system, that's how long it took us DHeFQQbKvlk-00104-00042773-00043059 to prove that we had treaty rights. DHeFQQbKvlk-00105-00043110-00043712 So in that context, it was the treaty right to fish for a moderate livelihood. DHeFQQbKvlk-00106-00043751-00044325 I will not get into all the specifics because there was two cases. DHeFQQbKvlk-00107-00044364-00044704 it was the first time in history when the Supreme Court of Canada came back DHeFQQbKvlk-00108-00044704-00045090 and qualified their initial judgment. DHeFQQbKvlk-00109-00045176-00045677 And really that was under the pressure of government, industry and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00110-00045749-00046603 And in that context of 1999, and I still see it today, the underlying racism that DHeFQQbKvlk-00111-00046603-00046849 existed really reared its ugly head. DHeFQQbKvlk-00112-00046888-00047443 And so that was the real, the backdrop for that first film, because about 32 DHeFQQbKvlk-00113-00047443-00048266 out of 34 communities that signed into a commercial fishing agreements that DHeFQQbKvlk-00114-00048266-00049013 really was dictated by that overall all fisheries regime - I might add that that DHeFQQbKvlk-00115-00049013-00049442 was being privatized as well, very much like an agriculture, like these are big DHeFQQbKvlk-00116-00049445-00049903 companies taken over the whole fishing, without having to get in all to the DHeFQQbKvlk-00117-00049903-00050599 specifics - and our community decided not to, let's take our time and let's do this. DHeFQQbKvlk-00118-00050632-00050875 Like, let's figure out how we want to do this. DHeFQQbKvlk-00119-00050949-00051706 And so in the course of taking that action, we were quickly sidelined because DHeFQQbKvlk-00120-00051709-00052555 by then the Indigenous organizations and communities that were very much focused DHeFQQbKvlk-00121-00052555-00053075 on how, you know, getting fishing boats, getting into the water and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00122-00053126-00053758 And so there was very little room to discuss alternative ways of doing that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00123-00053833-00054499 So to make a long story short Martha had offered us this excellent DHeFQQbKvlk-00124-00054499-00054772 opportunity to find our voice. DHeFQQbKvlk-00125-00054796-00055024 That film became our talking stick. DHeFQQbKvlk-00126-00055069-00055474 Finding our voice in that first film 'In Defense of our Treaties. DHeFQQbKvlk-00127-00055507-00056068 And in the course of the years that followed, we did a lot of DHeFQQbKvlk-00128-00056068-00056578 experimentation, if you will, a lot of research of trying to figure out DHeFQQbKvlk-00129-00056578-00057120 what were the Mi'kmaw concepts of our relationship with the land and waters. DHeFQQbKvlk-00130-00057209-00057850 And we've participated in many projects and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00131-00057856-00058368 And that is the backdrop of what you're seeing in the DHeFQQbKvlk-00132-00058368-00058588 second film 'We Story the Land'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00133-00058632-00059041 This was now trickling down if you will, to the youth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00134-00059098-00059808 And there's other aspects of 'We Story the Land' because it gave Martha and I DHeFQQbKvlk-00135-00059808-00060765 also an opportunity to really position ourselves in terms of doing research DHeFQQbKvlk-00136-00060766-00060988 almost as a treaty relation, if you will. DHeFQQbKvlk-00137-00061069-00061348 And so that's the long of the short of it. DHeFQQbKvlk-00138-00061446-00061632 Well, Sherry, thank you. DHeFQQbKvlk-00139-00061632-00062163 I mean, you've encapsulated a lot there and I think you know, the point that's DHeFQQbKvlk-00140-00062163-00062766 sticking with me is really this idea that the way - following the Marshall DHeFQQbKvlk-00141-00062766-00063268 decision, the government came in you know, how you frame it as a recolonizing. DHeFQQbKvlk-00142-00063329-00063714 And how I interpret that, but maybe I'll just ask you to clarify. DHeFQQbKvlk-00143-00063714-00064020 Cause I'm thinking, you know, I think what you mean is they didn't come in DHeFQQbKvlk-00144-00064020-00064338 and say, 'How you want to do this?', they came in and said, 'and this is DHeFQQbKvlk-00145-00064338-00064713 how it's going to be done, and this is the technology, this is the scale of DHeFQQbKvlk-00146-00064713-00065442 operations, this is what it is, these are the regulations you'll have to follow'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00147-00065484-00065829 And it was not a nation to nation discussion whatsoever, was it? DHeFQQbKvlk-00148-00065930-00065975 No. DHeFQQbKvlk-00149-00065999-00066500 One of the most difficult tasks, I think as both settlers and Indigenous DHeFQQbKvlk-00150-00066500-00066967 scholars have in particularly teaching other students or working DHeFQQbKvlk-00151-00066967-00067477 with other students is around this concept of colonialism, because we DHeFQQbKvlk-00152-00067546-00067819 tend to think of it historically. DHeFQQbKvlk-00153-00067831-00068176 Now you just heard me talk about the history and trying to DHeFQQbKvlk-00154-00068176-00068323 bring it up to the present day. DHeFQQbKvlk-00155-00068389-00069195 And we're also trained to think of that in geographic terms in terms of these DHeFQQbKvlk-00156-00069195-00069679 notions of developing and developed countries, South, North, and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00157-00069768-00070293 What we take for granted in that, that there's populations within the North DHeFQQbKvlk-00158-00070297-00070516 or the rich countries and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00159-00070573-00071118 And that's why colonialism, you will hear Indigenous scholars speak about DHeFQQbKvlk-00160-00071125-00071619 ongoing colonialism, and it's a very difficult concept for students to grasp DHeFQQbKvlk-00161-00071623-00072244 because we're trained to think of this in 'developed' and in 'nondeveloped'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00162-00072312-00072813 And I have such a rough time with that because you're still seeing the DHeFQQbKvlk-00163-00072816-00073531 impacts of colonialism historically, and you're still seeing these impacts of DHeFQQbKvlk-00164-00073583-00074048 how colonialism is reinventing itself, but in modern times, so to speak. DHeFQQbKvlk-00165-00074088-00074589 When I talk about recolonization and so forth, you have to kind of get the notion DHeFQQbKvlk-00166-00074592-00075223 out of Oh, country-to-country, but what's happening within these countries and the DHeFQQbKvlk-00167-00075223-00075738 way I've explained it at a United Nations level and so forth is that I'm from an DHeFQQbKvlk-00168-00075739-00076243 exploiter country, but I'm exploited within an exploiter country or something DHeFQQbKvlk-00169-00076243-00076395 to that effect, if that makes sense. DHeFQQbKvlk-00170-00076425-00076515 Yes, it does. DHeFQQbKvlk-00171-00076518-00076571 It does. DHeFQQbKvlk-00172-00076645-00077355 Sherry, you've spoken about the Peace and Friendship Treaties and what they DHeFQQbKvlk-00173-00077382-00077890 meant to your people and, and, you know, there's a whole history of how DHeFQQbKvlk-00174-00077997-00078540 the English crown, and then the Canadian state has not followed through on many DHeFQQbKvlk-00175-00078540-00078884 of its treaty obligations, but I'd like to bring Martha in here because DHeFQQbKvlk-00176-00078931-00079335 Martha, in the second film that we're talking about today, 'We Story the Land'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00177-00079413-00079734 You talk about your presence as a filmmaker on that canoe trip as DHeFQQbKvlk-00178-00079734-00079958 part of being a good treaty partner. DHeFQQbKvlk-00179-00080014-00080214 What do you mean by that? DHeFQQbKvlk-00180-00080285-00080567 What I actually say in the film is that I'm trying to learn how DHeFQQbKvlk-00181-00080567-00080708 to be a good treaty partner. DHeFQQbKvlk-00182-00080748-00081440 And I think that's really my motivation in terms of making the films that I've DHeFQQbKvlk-00183-00081440-00081895 made with Sherry and with others, is it's part of my learning process about DHeFQQbKvlk-00184-00081899-00082530 learning what the spirit and intent of the treaty relationships, that govern DHeFQQbKvlk-00185-00082530-00083105 my presence on the Indigenous lands as a settler are, in hopes that, you know, DHeFQQbKvlk-00186-00083105-00083583 my learning journey will inspire or will help other settlers who are also DHeFQQbKvlk-00187-00083583-00084195 learning to live in right relation with Indigenous peoples and with the land. DHeFQQbKvlk-00188-00084222-00084750 And, you know, I'm just so humble and grateful to people like DHeFQQbKvlk-00189-00084750-00085118 Sherry and others in L'sɨtkuk. DHeFQQbKvlk-00190-00085143-00085535 And also I think I want to name Kerry Prosper also from Mi'kmaw Nation DHeFQQbKvlk-00191-00085537-00085904 who I've had the honor of working with, who I met through Sherry, to DHeFQQbKvlk-00192-00085943-00086120 welcome me on that learning journey. DHeFQQbKvlk-00193-00086172-00086635 And that really started working with Sherry on, 'In Defense of our Treaties'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00194-00086674-00087088 And in that film, we were trying to, as Sherry said, we were trying to capture DHeFQQbKvlk-00195-00087145-00087688 their critique within L'sɨtkuk that the leadership and the harvesters had of the DHeFQQbKvlk-00196-00087688-00088173 treaty recognition process that had been set in motion by the Marshall decision. DHeFQQbKvlk-00197-00088239-00088536 You know, the hope with Marshall had been that that would open the DHeFQQbKvlk-00198-00088536-00089125 space for people to recover food and life ways in a self-determined way. DHeFQQbKvlk-00199-00089176-00089793 And that that process would be able to in turn fuel and feed into a DHeFQQbKvlk-00200-00089793-00089991 larger process of decolonization. DHeFQQbKvlk-00201-00090053-00090331 But as Sherry said, that's not what happened. DHeFQQbKvlk-00202-00090338-00091167 The state insisted on shoehorning Mi'kmaw people into a fishing industry that was DHeFQQbKvlk-00203-00091167-00091542 regulated on terms that went against their cultural and spiritual values DHeFQQbKvlk-00204-00091572-00092211 that undermined instead of recognize their treaty rights and that they fear, DHeFQQbKvlk-00205-00092211-00092734 you know, all the money that went along with those deals will go towards will DHeFQQbKvlk-00206-00092828-00093222 be taken away from any kind of eventual treaty settlement that's reached. DHeFQQbKvlk-00207-00093243-00093643 You know, a great deal of focus for me in terms of the learning that I DHeFQQbKvlk-00208-00093643-00094020 was doing and the critique was being articulatedin L'sɨtkuk, was at the DHeFQQbKvlk-00209-00094020-00094250 level of political economy, right? DHeFQQbKvlk-00210-00094345-00095028 How is, is neo-liberalism intersecting with settler colonialism to overdetermine DHeFQQbKvlk-00211-00095031-00095313 the expression of Indigenous rights. DHeFQQbKvlk-00212-00095349-00095934 How is, how is the politics of recognition is as Glen Coulthard names it, how DHeFQQbKvlk-00213-00095934-00096108 is that playing out in Mi'kma'ki? DHeFQQbKvlk-00214-00096254-00096729 And by that, I mean, you know, how is the state insisting on quote DHeFQQbKvlk-00215-00096729-00097291 unquote "recognizing" treaty rights in ways that funnel into, that are DHeFQQbKvlk-00216-00097291-00097678 on the state's terms that feed into the process of neoliberal capitalism. DHeFQQbKvlk-00217-00097723-00098104 I think that's really important for settler people to understand if DHeFQQbKvlk-00218-00098104-00098356 we're going to stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities. DHeFQQbKvlk-00219-00098356-00098553 And if we're going to try to find common ground. DHeFQQbKvlk-00220-00098653-00099059 Because I think if we recognize that settler colonialism and neoliberalism DHeFQQbKvlk-00221-00099061-00099667 are working together, then any kind of struggles that we have against DHeFQQbKvlk-00222-00099670-00100105 neoliberal capitalism will fail if we don't understand that it's DHeFQQbKvlk-00223-00100105-00100384 working with settler colonialism, if we don't find a common cause. DHeFQQbKvlk-00224-00100459-00100942 You know, as my learning deepened, I realized that there was more to DHeFQQbKvlk-00225-00100942-00101587 being a treaty partner than simply advocating for policy change or for DHeFQQbKvlk-00226-00101587-00101998 advocating for the political space for Indigenous communities to express DHeFQQbKvlk-00227-00101998-00102148 their rights on their own terms. DHeFQQbKvlk-00228-00102204-00102500 You know, we think about Indigenous people, we think about Mi'kmaw DHeFQQbKvlk-00229-00102507-00102921 people as having treaty rights, but, you know, I remember asking DHeFQQbKvlk-00230-00102941-00103323 Kwegsi, the traditional chief in Esgenoopetitj, or Burnt Church, about DHeFQQbKvlk-00231-00103323-00103515 the treaty rights that had people had. DHeFQQbKvlk-00232-00103572-00103728 And he laughed at me and he said the truth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00233-00103734-00103875 We don't have treaty rights. DHeFQQbKvlk-00234-00103875-00104013 The treaties are for you guys. DHeFQQbKvlk-00235-00104060-00104363 The treaties, give you guys the right to live in peace and friendship here. DHeFQQbKvlk-00236-00104416-00104722 As long as you respect the spirit and intent of those treaties. DHeFQQbKvlk-00237-00104772-00105147 And I would add as long as you demand that your government do so as well. DHeFQQbKvlk-00238-00105192-00105549 I've learned from sharing from people in L'sɨtkuk, that those treaties were DHeFQQbKvlk-00239-00105549-00106122 negotiated, not just in a British legal context, you know, we talk about the DHeFQQbKvlk-00240-00106122-00106518 Aboriginal jurisprudence, we talk about the place that the Marshall decision DHeFQQbKvlk-00241-00106518-00106883 has in Aboriginal law in Canada. DHeFQQbKvlk-00242-00106886-00107175 But those treaties were also negotiated in a Mi'kmaw context, DHeFQQbKvlk-00243-00107175-00107336 in the Mi'kmaw legal context. DHeFQQbKvlk-00244-00107429-00107919 Our people were welcomed int a web of relations that include not just DHeFQQbKvlk-00245-00107919-00108528 humans, animals, plants, water, all of the web of life that is here. DHeFQQbKvlk-00246-00108611-00109181 And that leaves us with reciprocal, reciprocal obligations. DHeFQQbKvlk-00247-00109229-00109518 We have to learn what our place is here. DHeFQQbKvlk-00248-00109561-00110083 As I think Harold Johnson puts it in two nations, one family, DHeFQQbKvlk-00249-00110137-00110592 you know, talking about the treaty process in Cree territory. DHeFQQbKvlk-00250-00110613-00110940 He says something to the effect of, We hoped that in welcoming DHeFQQbKvlk-00251-00110940-00111273 you here, you would learn from us what it means to live here. DHeFQQbKvlk-00252-00111396-00112005 And as a white person who was born at the apex of neoliberal capitalism, there DHeFQQbKvlk-00253-00112005-00112395 are not a lot of tools in my cultural context to help me to understand that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00254-00112431-00112620 I have to learn how to live in relation. DHeFQQbKvlk-00255-00112620-00112917 I think we have to learn how to live relationally. DHeFQQbKvlk-00256-00112923-00113478 And that was really what I was doing in that second film, 'We Story the Land'. DHeFQQbKvlk-00257-00113536-00113611 Thank you, Martha. DHeFQQbKvlk-00258-00113611-00114149 There's a lot to think about in everything you've just said, and I'm going to follow DHeFQQbKvlk-00259-00114149-00114365 up on some of those points in a second. DHeFQQbKvlk-00260-00114438-00114992 I would like to turn it back to Sherry for a minute to - you know, you both DHeFQQbKvlk-00261-00114992-00115589 articulated how the response to the Marshall decision by the Canadian DHeFQQbKvlk-00262-00115589-00116061 government specifically in relation to the lobster fishery in L'sɨtkuk DHeFQQbKvlk-00263-00116102-00116769 was to want to impose a new colonial regime or renewed colonial regime. DHeFQQbKvlk-00264-00116920-00117521 And as I recall your community, Sherry, said no, in various ways. DHeFQQbKvlk-00265-00117583-00118180 And I wonder if you can tell me a bit about how within your own community and DHeFQQbKvlk-00266-00118183-00118929 traditions, what have been the efforts to establish or reestablish a fishery that DHeFQQbKvlk-00267-00118929-00119289 fits within a Mi'kmaw cultural acceptance. DHeFQQbKvlk-00268-00119417-00119767 This is a real difficult question to answer. DHeFQQbKvlk-00269-00119897-00120443 I think learning, you know, there's been a lot of learning and relearning. DHeFQQbKvlk-00270-00120490-00120990 And there's some disappointments, it's like one step forward, 10 DHeFQQbKvlk-00271-00120990-00121185 back, one step forward, 10 back. DHeFQQbKvlk-00272-00121218-00121992 But what has happened is we were - we were outside of earning any livelihood. DHeFQQbKvlk-00273-00122050-00122521 But we kept a food fishery going, and I even hate using those terms DHeFQQbKvlk-00274-00122521-00122879 because there's food fishery, there's a food fishery case, DHeFQQbKvlk-00275-00122882-00123026 and there's a commercial case. DHeFQQbKvlk-00276-00123067-00123533 And that's an essence how livelihood has been determined for us that you DHeFQQbKvlk-00277-00123533-00124014 either participate in the food fishery and you don't sell that fish, or you DHeFQQbKvlk-00278-00124041-00124467 participate in the commercial fishery, albeit you have to do it on our terms. DHeFQQbKvlk-00279-00124529-00125092 And so that's basically the division, where it kind of preempts DHeFQQbKvlk-00280-00125095-00125500 any attempt to say, well, is there a way that we can do both? DHeFQQbKvlk-00281-00125551-00126340 Is there a way that we can attend to both a food economy here, where DHeFQQbKvlk-00282-00126340-00126724 our food is looked after first? DHeFQQbKvlk-00283-00126760-00127116 And is there a way that also that we can make a living off that? DHeFQQbKvlk-00284-00127142-00127461 In essence we've been sort of fishing on the sidelines. DHeFQQbKvlk-00285-00127494-00128167 In the meantime, When this court case had taken place in 1999, it immediately DHeFQQbKvlk-00286-00128167-00128795 triggered treaty negotiations here in Nova Scotia, referred to as the Made-in-Nova DHeFQQbKvlk-00287-00128797-00129308 Scotia Process, or there's the Mi'kmaw Rights Initiatives that administrates DHeFQQbKvlk-00288-00129308-00129581 this treaty negotiation process. DHeFQQbKvlk-00289-00129658-00130192 But what had happened, it wasn't until 2013, until the Mi'kmaq DHeFQQbKvlk-00290-00130204-00130728 chiefs filed a court application, forcing the federal government to DHeFQQbKvlk-00291-00130728-00130996 get a mandate to negotiate this. DHeFQQbKvlk-00292-00131029-00131476 And I sat through that court case and some of the court proceedings DHeFQQbKvlk-00293-00131476-00131617 or the preliminary proceedings. DHeFQQbKvlk-00294-00131620-00132316 And it was, our lawyer was Professor Naiomi Metallic who's also at the school DHeFQQbKvlk-00295-00132316-00132598 of law now at Dalhousie University. DHeFQQbKvlk-00296-00132669-00133185 And it really gave you a taste of that colonialism. DHeFQQbKvlk-00297-00133218-00133563 It really gave you a taste of where they were thinking. DHeFQQbKvlk-00298-00133602-00134027 And I think the most hurtful for those of us who were in that court DHeFQQbKvlk-00299-00134027-00134489 room was when they refer to Donald Marshall Jr and that particular DHeFQQbKvlk-00300-00134489-00135002 court case, which was to us a treaty right court case, as a criminal case. DHeFQQbKvlk-00301-00135032-00135437 But to make a long story short, we were set to go. DHeFQQbKvlk-00302-00135448-00135592 We were set to fight that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00303-00135601-00135992 The judge at that time, this was Nova Scotia Supreme Court, was DHeFQQbKvlk-00304-00136036-00136222 giving us the go ahead to go. DHeFQQbKvlk-00305-00136240-00136851 But within the 11th hour, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans came forward and DHeFQQbKvlk-00306-00136851-00137112 said, Okay, now we're ready to negotiate. DHeFQQbKvlk-00307-00137199-00137796 So 1999, 2013, now let's jump it ahead to 2020. DHeFQQbKvlk-00308-00137865-00138267 So they're negotiating this and under the Mi'kmaq rights DHeFQQbKvlk-00309-00138267-00138432 initiative, they're negotiating. DHeFQQbKvlk-00310-00138432-00138663 Okay, what would a livelihood fishery? DHeFQQbKvlk-00311-00138693-00139212 But why does happen during these past 20 years, you become so used DHeFQQbKvlk-00312-00139212-00139730 to those parameters that's been set by the government that it's even DHeFQQbKvlk-00313-00139730-00140099 difficult in my own community - you will hear talk about a food fishery, DHeFQQbKvlk-00314-00140099-00140285 a commercial fishery, and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00315-00140339-00140960 And it's very difficult to step outside of that colonial thinking, because DHeFQQbKvlk-00316-00140987-00141419 that's how the majority of the Mi'kmaq's been fishing for the last 20 years. DHeFQQbKvlk-00317-00141470-00142013 And what had happened to us was that we had at a community meeting, one of the DHeFQQbKvlk-00318-00142013-00142497 fisher folk had said, look We didn't get all the licenses, we didn't get the DHeFQQbKvlk-00319-00142497-00142929 money and said, Let's just try to do something on our own, we need a boat. DHeFQQbKvlk-00320-00142992-00143820 And so we partnered with another community and we started doing this DHeFQQbKvlk-00321-00143820-00144018 and now we have our own fishing boat. DHeFQQbKvlk-00322-00144033-00144420 From my point of view, and this is not my whole community, but from my DHeFQQbKvlk-00323-00144420-00144915 point of view, what is missing there or the danger there is that we have to DHeFQQbKvlk-00324-00144921-00145554 start having community meetings again, because we're starting to - though we're DHeFQQbKvlk-00325-00145675-00146154 toeing the line, so to speak, which I say in 'In Defense of our Treaties', DHeFQQbKvlk-00326-00146174-00146889 there's still a danger of falling into the trap of that fisheries regime DHeFQQbKvlk-00327-00146913-00147137 as being the only way to do things. DHeFQQbKvlk-00328-00147198-00147784 Having said that, that seems to be the only way that we can legally do that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00329-00147829-00148581 Now, having said all of this, despite that in 2020 that they're negotiating, what DHeFQQbKvlk-00330-00148582-00149160 a Mi'kmaw livelihood, the fisheries are, our band, our community, along with two DHeFQQbKvlk-00331-00149160-00149469 other communities have opted out of that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00332-00149506-00150078 And they're watching how those deliberations take place, but we opted DHeFQQbKvlk-00333-00150081-00150263 out so we're not there at the table. DHeFQQbKvlk-00334-00150263-00150885 We're on the side table, but we're not there because of the fear that somehow DHeFQQbKvlk-00335-00150890-00151652 again, that these renewed negotiations, if you will, are going to impact DHeFQQbKvlk-00336-00151706-00152426 treaty rights in a way that water down basically what our treaty rights are, DHeFQQbKvlk-00337-00152426-00153121 the right to self determine, the right to determine how we want to fish. DHeFQQbKvlk-00338-00153226-00153535 And so that's basically where things are at now. DHeFQQbKvlk-00339-00153535-00153864 It's been difficult. DHeFQQbKvlk-00340-00153901-00154263 And I haven't been directly involved in the community. DHeFQQbKvlk-00341-00154263-00154752 They still come to me from time to time, to the chief and council to DHeFQQbKvlk-00342-00154752-00155121 get some guidance and so forth, but I have not been directly involved, DHeFQQbKvlk-00343-00155121-00155577 but just observing what is going on, that's sort of what I'm seeing. DHeFQQbKvlk-00344-00155577-00156141 And that was the fear that former Chief Frank Meuse and I had way back in the DHeFQQbKvlk-00345-00156141-00156779 early 2000s is that, we start fishing this way, this is going to really set the DHeFQQbKvlk-00346-00156779-00157022 parameters of how we do anything else. DHeFQQbKvlk-00347-00157085-00157532 And that's sort of where we're trying not to fall into the trap. DHeFQQbKvlk-00348-00157532-00157877 So it's sort of like what we have one foot in and one foot out. DHeFQQbKvlk-00349-00157922-00158057 If that makes sense. DHeFQQbKvlk-00350-00158096-00158267 Yes, it does make a lot of sense. DHeFQQbKvlk-00351-00158286-00158741 And what you've been describing I think is so useful for our listeners to understand DHeFQQbKvlk-00352-00158741-00159692 the insidiousness of the colonial project that as you say, just the time lags of 20 DHeFQQbKvlk-00353-00159692-00160495 years, how assumptions made by the state, the colonial state can get internalized DHeFQQbKvlk-00354-00160495-00160804 in your community, as people are just, they're trying to get by and they have to, DHeFQQbKvlk-00355-00160879-00161107 they want to get fish for their families. DHeFQQbKvlk-00356-00161107-00161563 And so they start working in certain ways and, and using certain language DHeFQQbKvlk-00357-00161563-00161798 that is promoted by the state. DHeFQQbKvlk-00358-00161798-00162217 And I can just see the - I can see what you're talking about. DHeFQQbKvlk-00359-00162249-00162843 Martha, as part of your PhD work at Concordia University and alongside DHeFQQbKvlk-00360-00162858-00163194 the film we've been talking about 'In Defense of our Treaties', you also made DHeFQQbKvlk-00361-00163194-00163575 other films on the plate of small scale fishermen, such as the longline fishermen DHeFQQbKvlk-00362-00163575-00164106 of Nova Scotia in the face of the forces of economic globalization, or what you DHeFQQbKvlk-00363-00164112-00164355 described earlier as neoliberalism. DHeFQQbKvlk-00364-00164458-00164906 In the film 'In Defense of our Treaties', we also get some hints through the DHeFQQbKvlk-00365-00164908-00165283 narrative of the shared struggles between small scale lobster fishermen DHeFQQbKvlk-00366-00165286-00165510 and the lobster harvesters of L'sɨtkuk. DHeFQQbKvlk-00367-00165598-00165982 What do you see as the parallels, as well as the distinctions, when it comes DHeFQQbKvlk-00368-00165982-00166360 to the challenges facing these two groups in the context of the larger DHeFQQbKvlk-00369-00166360-00166708 forces at work on this planet in the early decades of the 21st century? DHeFQQbKvlk-00370-00166782-00167133 You know, in the decade before the Marshall decision came down, in DHeFQQbKvlk-00371-00167133-00167840 the 1990s, there was a huge kind of tooth-and-nail struggle in non-Native DHeFQQbKvlk-00372-00167842-00168251 fishing communities against the privatization of the fisheries. DHeFQQbKvlk-00373-00168254-00168731 The Department of Fisheries was trying to impose an individual transferrable DHeFQQbKvlk-00374-00168731-00169045 quota system onto the small scale fishery. DHeFQQbKvlk-00375-00169081-00169397 And I won't get into the details of that, other than to just say that it DHeFQQbKvlk-00376-00169397-00169749 was a, you know, it's a neoliberal model of fisheries management that literally DHeFQQbKvlk-00377-00169749-00170338 privatizes the fish and is designed to consolidate the industry, to consolidate DHeFQQbKvlk-00378-00170340-00170593 the takeover of large companies. DHeFQQbKvlk-00379-00170757-00171231 And so in that, you know, there was - Every office of DFO in DHeFQQbKvlk-00380-00171231-00171396 Nova Scotia had been occupied. DHeFQQbKvlk-00381-00171450-00171933 In Digby, there had been a march of 3,000 out of the 5,000 people DHeFQQbKvlk-00382-00171933-00172263 who live in Digby had marched in the streets to protest this. DHeFQQbKvlk-00383-00172305-00173079 BUt, you know, the apartheid regime in rural Canada was so complete that people DHeFQQbKvlk-00384-00173079-00173658 in L'sɨtkuk, who shop for groceries in Digby didn't know about these struggles DHeFQQbKvlk-00385-00173879-00174297 that were happening in the very fishing industry that they were being assimilated DHeFQQbKvlk-00386-00174297-00174591 into, through the quote unquote "recognition" of their treaty rights. DHeFQQbKvlk-00387-00174678-00175068 But out of that movement had come, out of those struggles had come this movement DHeFQQbKvlk-00388-00175068-00175611 for community-based fishery management, this kind of small and mighty movement. DHeFQQbKvlk-00389-00175653-00176049 And I had the chance to meet people who had been involved in that as well as DHeFQQbKvlk-00390-00176049-00176526 people from Mi'kmaw fishing communities, just a couple of years after Marshall DHeFQQbKvlk-00391-00176526-00177021 came down, and it felt to me as though the stars were just fading from people's eyes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00392-00177039-00177490 You know, the hope had been that if this movement for community-based DHeFQQbKvlk-00393-00177492-00178056 management could find common cause and unite with Mi'kmaw communities - whose DHeFQQbKvlk-00394-00178056-00178605 newly recognized treaty rights gave them a much stronger position from which to DHeFQQbKvlk-00395-00178605-00179235 advocate for, you know, local management, for a much stronger conservation ethic DHeFQQbKvlk-00396-00179235-00179583 and fisheries management - that if those two groups could come together, DHeFQQbKvlk-00397-00179583-00180163 that they could somehow, you know, they could be the wedge in the dam against DHeFQQbKvlk-00398-00180163-00180584 the privatization of the fisheries, that it could begin a process of really DHeFQQbKvlk-00399-00180589-00180964 putting in place a different vision. DHeFQQbKvlk-00400-00181033-00181624 And I don't want - in saying that I don't want to underplay the incredible DHeFQQbKvlk-00401-00181648-00182098 racist violence and backlash that happened in rural Nova Scotia in DHeFQQbKvlk-00402-00182098-00182285 the wake of the Marshall decision. DHeFQQbKvlk-00403-00182464-00183016 And a lot of credit is due to former chief Frank Meuse in terms of the kind of peace DHeFQQbKvlk-00404-00183016-00183705 building process that he and other fishing leaders engaged in to calm those waters. DHeFQQbKvlk-00405-00183799-00184264 But I think, you know, the DFO saw the danger in that kind of alliance, DHeFQQbKvlk-00406-00184300-00184579 in those two groups coming together, and they did everything in their DHeFQQbKvlk-00407-00184579-00185041 power to negotiate separately and to keep those groups separately. DHeFQQbKvlk-00408-00185122-00185545 But, you know, there was at least in L'sɨtkuk a lot of very DHeFQQbKvlk-00409-00185545-00185842 interesting sort of cross-cultural learning that was happening. DHeFQQbKvlk-00410-00185848-00186334 And Sherry could speak more eloquently to this than I, but, you know, DHeFQQbKvlk-00411-00186334-00186793 from the L'sɨtkuk perspective, it was about learning about the DHeFQQbKvlk-00412-00186793-00187153 neoliberal transformations that were happening in this industry. DHeFQQbKvlk-00413-00187198-00187746 But non-Native leaders told me about how, you know, they didn't see fish DHeFQQbKvlk-00414-00187746-00188305 as food anymore, they saw a fish as a commodity that they were chasing, and how DHeFQQbKvlk-00415-00188305-00188773 the model of community-based management in Bear River was much stronger, DHeFQQbKvlk-00416-00188773-00189106 that there was a much deeper level of community accountability and so on. DHeFQQbKvlk-00417-00189106-00189546 So there was a lot there that could have been built on, and that did DHeFQQbKvlk-00418-00189546-00189792 continue to be built on in that area. DHeFQQbKvlk-00419-00189828-00190288 And I think there's, you know, I think we're seeing more Indigenous-settler DHeFQQbKvlk-00420-00190290-00190717 alliances in social movements, you know, and in the Maritimes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00421-00190717-00191223 We wouldn't have a ban on fracking if it hadn't been for the Mi'kmaw leadership DHeFQQbKvlk-00422-00191241-00191808 in L'sipuktuk in southern New Brunswick and the kind of solidarity that was shown DHeFQQbKvlk-00423-00191808-00192399 to them by both Acadian and an English Maritimers in that struggle, you know. DHeFQQbKvlk-00424-00192399-00192648 And we're starting to see more and more of these alliances, DHeFQQbKvlk-00425-00192648-00193081 not just in the climate justice movement, also in the food movement. DHeFQQbKvlk-00426-00193170-00193650 But these are also, you know, they're difficult conversations to have because DHeFQQbKvlk-00427-00193763-00194357 it means that we as settlers in these movements also have to recognize that we DHeFQQbKvlk-00428-00194357-00195024 have complicity in this colonial project and that the way that the agenda of our DHeFQQbKvlk-00429-00195024-00195566 movements has been set has, it's not just about inclusion, it's about changing DHeFQQbKvlk-00430-00195566-00196323 the agenda because we've really excluded our Indigenous neighbours in ways that DHeFQQbKvlk-00431-00196323-00196533 have continued the colonial project. DHeFQQbKvlk-00432-00196536-00196992 And so there's a lot of alliances that can be made, but there's a lot DHeFQQbKvlk-00433-00196992-00197506 of learning and a lot of power giving up that needs to happen in order DHeFQQbKvlk-00434-00197506-00197650 for that to happen successfully. DHeFQQbKvlk-00435-00197774-00198123 Sherry, I know that you bring a feminist angle to your work when it DHeFQQbKvlk-00436-00198123-00198444 comes to thinking about the challenges facing Indigenous communities in DHeFQQbKvlk-00437-00198444-00198882 Canada and how they can be responded to from a governance perspective. DHeFQQbKvlk-00438-00198942-00199338 I also understand that you're connected through movements like La Via Campesina DHeFQQbKvlk-00439-00199338-00199659 with small scale food producers and fisherfolk from around the world. DHeFQQbKvlk-00440-00199759-00200128 How do you see the parallels and distinctions between the challenges facing DHeFQQbKvlk-00441-00200176-00200566 community-based food harvesters around the world and those that Mi'kmaw people? DHeFQQbKvlk-00442-00200661-00200715 Yes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00443-00200716-00200910 This is a real deep question. DHeFQQbKvlk-00444-00200910-00201195 When I saw that, I thought, how do I respond to that, DHeFQQbKvlk-00445-00201195-00201339 because there's so many layers. DHeFQQbKvlk-00446-00201378-00201758 First of all, let me just speak a little bit from an Indigenous DHeFQQbKvlk-00447-00201813-00202362 feminist perspective, that number one, the treaty rights that we win DHeFQQbKvlk-00448-00202362-00202822 in the court cases is to do with natural resources, a lot of them. DHeFQQbKvlk-00449-00202885-00203479 And those are predominantly male driven sectors. DHeFQQbKvlk-00450-00203521-00203983 So there's an automatic exclusion of Indigenous women from the outset. DHeFQQbKvlk-00451-00204040-00204631 Having said that, I think you're seeing Indigenous women take the lead in terms DHeFQQbKvlk-00452-00204631-00205072 of protecting our natural resources, sources of food, land and water. DHeFQQbKvlk-00453-00205156-00205409 Some of the parallels that I see globally. DHeFQQbKvlk-00454-00205409-00205825 I haven't worked with the World Forum of Fisher Peoples for a while, DHeFQQbKvlk-00455-00205825-00206410 and that was my connection to La Via Campesina for a few years now. DHeFQQbKvlk-00456-00206473-00207279 But some of that work, what always stood out to me was that you're dealing DHeFQQbKvlk-00457-00207279-00207971 with the poorest of the poor and their technology, their technical ability to DHeFQQbKvlk-00458-00207971-00208619 access resources, is very small and in some places in the world, very crude. DHeFQQbKvlk-00459-00208663-00209635 And I don't understand then why is this mega neoliberal economic development DHeFQQbKvlk-00460-00209635-00209910 model being imposed on the poor? DHeFQQbKvlk-00461-00209935-00210477 So what happens, there's a tremendous amount of pressure on Indigenous people, DHeFQQbKvlk-00462-00210517-00211239 small scale producers around the world, to scale up to mass production, and DHeFQQbKvlk-00463-00211239-00211721 it still happens even though we look at the look at the mess we are in now DHeFQQbKvlk-00464-00211721-00212120 with the current pandemic, look at the mess we are in with climate change. DHeFQQbKvlk-00465-00212216-00212456 And that is a fundamental parallel. DHeFQQbKvlk-00466-00212456-00213075 And what is the basis of that parallel around the world with poor people, DHeFQQbKvlk-00467-00213089-00213335 small scale producers and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00468-00213382-00214121 And I should qualify what I mean by poor, I don't necessarily mean DHeFQQbKvlk-00469-00214125-00214844 that poor by those global economic standards, but poor by that they're being DHeFQQbKvlk-00470-00214844-00215216 displaced by those economic standards. DHeFQQbKvlk-00471-00215291-00215842 They're being displaced by even legal apparatuses that seem to uphold DHeFQQbKvlk-00472-00215881-00216385 economic, commercial, or neoliberal notions of economic development, DHeFQQbKvlk-00473-00216389-00216756 as opposed to the fundamental human rights of people around the world. DHeFQQbKvlk-00474-00216852-00217341 And that is the fundamental parallel that I see. DHeFQQbKvlk-00475-00217350-00218148 That we are in this global economy and that seems to be the only way. DHeFQQbKvlk-00476-00218205-00218969 And in the process of that, we're missing the very critical analysis of how that DHeFQQbKvlk-00477-00218969-00219739 very economic development model is displacing people, and displacing people DHeFQQbKvlk-00478-00219739-00220387 at an alarming rate, not to mention the environmental degradation that that type DHeFQQbKvlk-00479-00220387-00220735 of mega economic development causes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00480-00220816-00221283 So that's the only way in plain English that I can kind of say that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00481-00221437-00221987 Once again, you've summarized a lot of really important developments there. DHeFQQbKvlk-00482-00221987-00222571 And it is really - I think it's important for students listening to this and DHeFQQbKvlk-00483-00222571-00223185 listeners to connect what's happening here within Canada, what I'm sure DHeFQQbKvlk-00484-00223185-00223473 they're thinking about in their other courses, as they think about sort of DHeFQQbKvlk-00485-00223491-00223860 quote unquote "development" in various parts of the world and what this all DHeFQQbKvlk-00486-00223860-00224676 means for how we as increasingly a globalized culture are exporting these DHeFQQbKvlk-00487-00224676-00225183 models into all kinds of contexts and displacing, as you say, people, and DHeFQQbKvlk-00488-00225233-00225627 disrupting longstanding relationships between people in their environments. DHeFQQbKvlk-00489-00225796-00226411 Martha, in 'We Story the Land', we see the efforts of L'sɨtkuk to renew DHeFQQbKvlk-00490-00226411-00226976 its traditional canoe routes and its relations to that land and those waters. DHeFQQbKvlk-00491-00227033-00227435 And as a filmmaker, you were able to experience the trip in its entirety. DHeFQQbKvlk-00492-00227525-00227918 Can you talk with us a bit about the politics behind the trip, which DHeFQQbKvlk-00493-00227918-00228297 crossed from quote unquote, "reserve" land and waters through what are now DHeFQQbKvlk-00494-00228297-00228768 private lands and lands and waters now designated as either provincial DHeFQQbKvlk-00495-00228768-00228936 or national parks in Nova Scotia? DHeFQQbKvlk-00496-00229065-00229443 And following that, I wonder if you can tell us a bit about what it meant as DHeFQQbKvlk-00497-00229443-00229923 a treaty partner with the Mi'kmaq what were your takeaways from that experience? DHeFQQbKvlk-00498-00229990-00230044 Sure. DHeFQQbKvlk-00499-00230044-00230446 I mean, I think there's two different ways that I could, that I could answer DHeFQQbKvlk-00500-00230446-00230883 that question just in terms of what the politics of the trips were or was, rather. DHeFQQbKvlk-00501-00230883-00231381 One is on the level of process and the other is on the level of the political DHeFQQbKvlk-00502-00231381-00231570 significance of the trip itself. DHeFQQbKvlk-00503-00231629-00232169 I think in terms of, in terms of the process of making the film and DHeFQQbKvlk-00504-00232169-00232492 of doing the project, which was very important for both Sherry and DHeFQQbKvlk-00505-00232492-00233098 myself, you know, it started with us approaching the community and saying, DHeFQQbKvlk-00506-00233098-00233510 Hey, we did 'In Defence...', do you want to do another project together? DHeFQQbKvlk-00507-00233554-00234160 And Sherry, and then Sherry and myself, you know, talked to different community DHeFQQbKvlk-00508-00234160-00234548 leaders and to different harvesters in the community to try to figure out or try to DHeFQQbKvlk-00509-00234548-00235067 learn what efforts were underway that this kind of project might be able to amplify. DHeFQQbKvlk-00510-00235110-00235777 And all roads led to Counselor Carol Ann Potter and the Seven Paddles Project DHeFQQbKvlk-00511-00235833-00236553 in the community, which is very much part of larger efforts within L'sɨtkuk DHeFQQbKvlk-00512-00236556-00237098 to recover [Mi'kmaq word] - translates roughly as taking what you need. DHeFQQbKvlk-00513-00237098-00237628 It's about the ability to provide for oneself and one's community in DHeFQQbKvlk-00514-00237628-00238063 a sustainable way, but in a way that recognizes community as not just DHeFQQbKvlk-00515-00238063-00238573 a human community, but you know, that web of relations that I and DHeFQQbKvlk-00516-00238573-00238729 Sherry were talking about earlier. DHeFQQbKvlk-00517-00238765-00239143 So, you know, there's been lots of efforts within L'sɨtkuk to recover DHeFQQbKvlk-00518-00239143-00239629 this, you know, there had been efforts to to do some stream restoration DHeFQQbKvlk-00519-00239629-00239827 work in and around the reserve. DHeFQQbKvlk-00520-00239878-00240364 And then there had been this very important and significant canoe trip DHeFQQbKvlk-00521-00240400-00241078 from L'sɨtkuk all the way to Kejimkujik, which I believe was a six day trip and DHeFQQbKvlk-00522-00241078-00241553 Kejimkujik is an incredibly significant cultural site for the Mi'kmaq, there DHeFQQbKvlk-00523-00241553-00242020 are petroglyphs there, there's a burial ground there, it's a traditional place. DHeFQQbKvlk-00524-00242038-00242188 So that has been really powerful. DHeFQQbKvlk-00525-00242232-00242631 You know, Carol Ann was interested in having an experience where the DHeFQQbKvlk-00526-00242631-00242952 youth could be a part of that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00527-00242976-00243433 And I should also say that part of the Seven Paddles idea is also to DHeFQQbKvlk-00528-00243438-00243931 establish perhaps ecotourism lodge, lodges along some of these routes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00529-00243970-00244414 But before doing that, Carol Ann was really wanting to build a reflective DHeFQQbKvlk-00530-00244414-00244826 space in the community to strengthen what she called the spirit of the project. DHeFQQbKvlk-00531-00244892-00245335 And so that was really see what that trip was about. DHeFQQbKvlk-00532-00245335-00245650 And what the process of making the film with people in the community was about. DHeFQQbKvlk-00533-00245720-00245936 And I think. DHeFQQbKvlk-00534-00246028-00246446 I, you know, I understood that in certain ways, but, you know, Carol DHeFQQbKvlk-00535-00246446-00247039 Ann in the film, she talks about how, you know, the Mi'kmaq belong to the DHeFQQbKvlk-00536-00247039-00247363 land, how they're the blood running through the veins, the river running DHeFQQbKvlk-00537-00247363-00248171 through the streams and that in healing the land they're healing themselves. DHeFQQbKvlk-00538-00248186-00248689 Sherry talks about how you reconnect to the land, you reconnect to yourself. DHeFQQbKvlk-00539-00248689-00249007 You learn to respect the land, you learn to respect yourself. DHeFQQbKvlk-00540-00249043-00249604 So there was, you know, a lot of very deep, meaningful stuff that was going on DHeFQQbKvlk-00541-00249605-00249878 in those four days that we spent together. DHeFQQbKvlk-00542-00249945-00250462 In a larger political level, you know, this is a Mi'kmaw community asserting DHeFQQbKvlk-00543-00250462-00250855 jurisdiction over its territory, beyond the boundaries of the reserve. DHeFQQbKvlk-00544-00250912-00251419 This is a Mi'kmaw community reoccupying its traditional territory, which DHeFQQbKvlk-00545-00251443-00251896 I think we're seeing in Indigenous communities across so-called Canada. DHeFQQbKvlk-00546-00251914-00252511 And I ask Carol Ann in the film, What are the rights that the government DHeFQQbKvlk-00547-00252511-00252739 recognizes that's allowing you to do this? DHeFQQbKvlk-00548-00252739-00253054 What are the political mechanisms that have put this in place? DHeFQQbKvlk-00549-00253084-00253581 And she just kind of turned the question around on me and she said, Those DHeFQQbKvlk-00550-00253581-00253756 questions belong in a different realm. DHeFQQbKvlk-00551-00253759-00254008 I'm not interested in how I fit into your world. DHeFQQbKvlk-00552-00254011-00254191 I'm interested in how you fit into mine. DHeFQQbKvlk-00553-00254388-00254517 This is what we wanted to do. DHeFQQbKvlk-00554-00254517-00254706 This is what the ancestors told us to do. DHeFQQbKvlk-00555-00254706-00254929 And this is what we're doing. DHeFQQbKvlk-00556-00254986-00255442 It really is this kind of exciting assertion of sovereignty DHeFQQbKvlk-00557-00255442-00255547 at the community level. DHeFQQbKvlk-00558-00255547-00255868 It's - this is resurgence in action. DHeFQQbKvlk-00559-00255904-00256219 You know, I think it bears mentioning that this is also land that has been DHeFQQbKvlk-00560-00256219-00256460 clearcutted for hundreds of years. DHeFQQbKvlk-00561-00256600-00256996 This is not quote unquote "valuable" land in the eyes of the crown. DHeFQQbKvlk-00562-00256999-00257509 If the trans mountain pipeline was slated to go across this territory, DHeFQQbKvlk-00563-00257509-00257677 it would be a very different story. DHeFQQbKvlk-00564-00257719-00258333 Regardless, there's a lot of very significant weight to this move, not DHeFQQbKvlk-00565-00258333-00258723 only for L'sɨtkuk, but for also other Indigenous communities who are, who DHeFQQbKvlk-00566-00258723-00258873 are learning from this experience. DHeFQQbKvlk-00567-00258923-00259452 I think you've explained it really well, Martha, how important DHeFQQbKvlk-00568-00259473-00259700 this was for the community. DHeFQQbKvlk-00569-00259702-00260044 As a viewer watching the film and especially coming after having just DHeFQQbKvlk-00570-00260044-00260547 watched 'In Defense of our Treaties', I could, I got a bit of a sense of how DHeFQQbKvlk-00571-00260547-00260931 important this is for the community in terms of it's, as you say, kind DHeFQQbKvlk-00572-00260931-00261363 of from a healing perspective, from a self determination perspective from DHeFQQbKvlk-00573-00261363-00261903 a resurgence, a revitalization... DHeFQQbKvlk-00574-00261996-00262294 Sherry, I want to pass it to you. DHeFQQbKvlk-00575-00262326-00262720 What was, what do you think the importance of that trip was and what DHeFQQbKvlk-00576-00262720-00262879 was just presented in that film? DHeFQQbKvlk-00577-00262879-00263116 And I wonder if you can also tell us, I think that's been DHeFQQbKvlk-00578-00263116-00263234 a couple of years ago now. DHeFQQbKvlk-00579-00263335-00263729 Has anything happened since to kind of further down this path. DHeFQQbKvlk-00580-00263890-00263927 Yeah. DHeFQQbKvlk-00581-00263927-00264208 That's a very interesting question. DHeFQQbKvlk-00582-00264320-00264851 You know, regardless of what is happening or not happening, I first want to say that DHeFQQbKvlk-00583-00264854-00265526 I've always conveyed this to Martha, that she's helping us witness a point in time. DHeFQQbKvlk-00584-00265526-00266221 And I think it's very important because at some point I think the DHeFQQbKvlk-00585-00266221-00266869 younger generation will be asking, how did we get from, you know, how do we DHeFQQbKvlk-00586-00266869-00267034 get to the place that we're getting? DHeFQQbKvlk-00587-00267037-00267433 And they will either have the tools or they won't. DHeFQQbKvlk-00588-00267484-00268098 And I think that 'We Story the Land' was very much about witnessing a DHeFQQbKvlk-00589-00268182-00268822 regeneration, renewal, resurgence, if you will, of that close connection. DHeFQQbKvlk-00590-00268822-00269272 It comes up quite strongly in the film that, you know, that either, I DHeFQQbKvlk-00591-00269284-00269617 don't think, Martha and I could have anticipated the way that it did. DHeFQQbKvlk-00592-00269683-00270121 And so there's this, there's this witnessing now that we can DHeFQQbKvlk-00593-00270151-00270418 pass on to the next generation. DHeFQQbKvlk-00594-00270528-00271144 And I think the plan was, you know, initially that we were going DHeFQQbKvlk-00595-00271169-00271618 to get backing to what we call here, like we have a long history DHeFQQbKvlk-00596-00271618-00272098 of guiding, guiding, like sports, fishermen, and hunters and so forth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00597-00272098-00272563 And that's taken on a different dynamic now because of that film. DHeFQQbKvlk-00598-00272563-00272908 It's not just hunting and it's not just fishing. DHeFQQbKvlk-00599-00272908-00273274 It's about, you know, what is your relationship with the land and the waters? DHeFQQbKvlk-00600-00273309-00274038 I'm not sure exactly what will come next, but I know that that canoe trip DHeFQQbKvlk-00601-00274152-00274954 has really encapsulated what community is about outside of those formal treaty DHeFQQbKvlk-00602-00274954-00275246 negotiations, if that makes sense. DHeFQQbKvlk-00603-00275300-00275846 And we just had one of the elders pass away who is a very strong DHeFQQbKvlk-00604-00275849-00276262 matriarch, particularly with moose hunting and so forth, but we just DHeFQQbKvlk-00605-00276262-00276850 had her pass away, Elder Pat, and in that film, she talks about. DHeFQQbKvlk-00606-00276948-00277505 How being - sorry, a little bit emotional here - out on the land. DHeFQQbKvlk-00607-00277606-00277725 It's our freedom. DHeFQQbKvlk-00608-00277816-00278026 And that was a take-home from that. DHeFQQbKvlk-00609-00278065-00278581 And I do think that there are, in my discussions with the chief and so forth, DHeFQQbKvlk-00610-00278581-00279418 there is some move towards how can we, you know, turn this into a critical DHeFQQbKvlk-00611-00279418-00279910 part of not only adult learning, but the education system to some extent. DHeFQQbKvlk-00612-00279970-00280473 Well, first off I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Elder Pat for your community. DHeFQQbKvlk-00613-00280541-00281450 But I think, you know, the film, as you say, it does bear witness to that - we DHeFQQbKvlk-00614-00281452-00281908 get hints of the intergenerational transfer that's happening between people DHeFQQbKvlk-00615-00281908-00282414 like Elder Pat talking about their experiences on the land, and their - why DHeFQQbKvlk-00616-00282414-00282613 it's so important for them culturally. DHeFQQbKvlk-00617-00282662-00283089 And then the youth who are also presented in the film, talking about DHeFQQbKvlk-00618-00283089-00283366 what that experience means for them. DHeFQQbKvlk-00619-00283382-00284178 And, I can imagine that this is going to have an ongoing legacy for the community. DHeFQQbKvlk-00620-00284190-00284410 We've spent almost an hour together. DHeFQQbKvlk-00621-00284426-00284958 And so I think it's about time to wrap up, and I just want to thank DHeFQQbKvlk-00622-00284958-00285354 you both for - you know, it's been a wide-ranging conversation. DHeFQQbKvlk-00623-00285411-00286077 I'm trying to put it all together in my head, but I think Sherry, you really DHeFQQbKvlk-00624-00286238-00286902 explained well what the ongoing colonial processes look like for the Mi'kmaq people DHeFQQbKvlk-00625-00286931-00287348 and similar things are happening with Indigenous people across the country. DHeFQQbKvlk-00626-00287348-00287760 And then you've also kind of made the parallels with small scale DHeFQQbKvlk-00627-00287760-00288168 fisher folk around the world and communities that are struggling DHeFQQbKvlk-00628-00288168-00288512 with this neoliberal globalization. DHeFQQbKvlk-00629-00288512-00289288 And Martha, you've also kind of brought in the larger processes at work here that DHeFQQbKvlk-00630-00289288-00289914 I think for students in these courses who are trying to understand, you know, DHeFQQbKvlk-00631-00289914-00290631 the global environmental crisis, it very much has economic and political roots, DHeFQQbKvlk-00632-00290686-00291114 it's got a history in relationships between people and between people and DHeFQQbKvlk-00633-00291114-00291287 land that go back hundreds of years. DHeFQQbKvlk-00634-00291406-00291963 And there are ongoing processes today, not withstanding, you know, the many efforts DHeFQQbKvlk-00635-00291963-00292580 to develop a more sustainable planet in which those exploitative processes DHeFQQbKvlk-00636-00292580-00292847 continue and really need to be challenged. DHeFQQbKvlk-00637-00292921-00293351 And then what I really take from these films and from our discussion today DHeFQQbKvlk-00638-00293351-00293702 is how that challenge is happening. DHeFQQbKvlk-00639-00293702-00293829 It's been happening all along. DHeFQQbKvlk-00640-00293841-00294237 It's been happening for hundreds of years and it continues today. DHeFQQbKvlk-00641-00294237-00294972 And it's really exciting to see in these films, the critical challenging of the DHeFQQbKvlk-00642-00294972-00295635 colonial project, the patriarchal frames through which the Western world has kind DHeFQQbKvlk-00643-00295635-00296281 of been thinking about people in nature, and the resurgence that we're seeing as DHeFQQbKvlk-00644-00296281-00296832 your community reconnects with itself and with its own places and stories the land. DHeFQQbKvlk-00645-00296960-00297912 And Martha for you as a non-Indigenous settler, the kind of treaty partner DHeFQQbKvlk-00646-00297914-00298322 you're trying to become, I think is a great model for many of the DHeFQQbKvlk-00647-00298322-00298620 non-Indigenous students who might be listening to this and thinking about DHeFQQbKvlk-00648-00298672-00299199 you know, the next steps that they might take in working in this area. DHeFQQbKvlk-00649-00299277-00299664 So, but before we end, I want to give you each a chance, if there's anything else DHeFQQbKvlk-00650-00299664-00300139 that you want to say to help students watching and try and understand these DHeFQQbKvlk-00651-00300142-00300660 films or any final thoughts you have related to the discussions of today. DHeFQQbKvlk-00652-00300696-00300875 And I'll turn it to first to you, Martha. DHeFQQbKvlk-00653-00300941-00301419 You know, when I finished 'In Defence of our Treaties', former chief Frank DHeFQQbKvlk-00654-00301419-00301694 Meuse gifted me with an eagle feather. DHeFQQbKvlk-00655-00301834-00302668 And I was overwhelmed and very grateful and he kind of smiled at DHeFQQbKvlk-00656-00302668-00303265 me and he said, Careful the story comes with a lot of responsibility. DHeFQQbKvlk-00657-00303454-00303859 And so I took from that, that I didn't get to walk away. DHeFQQbKvlk-00658-00303901-00304297 You know, I've talked a lot in this interview about the learning that DHeFQQbKvlk-00659-00304297-00304729 I've done and that the learning that settler people have to do. DHeFQQbKvlk-00660-00304770-00305398 And how much we can take in terms of that kind of learning process DHeFQQbKvlk-00661-00305452-00305933 from Indigenous struggles, like the kind of efforts that I've had the DHeFQQbKvlk-00662-00305948-00306126 honor of witnessing in L'sɨtkuk. DHeFQQbKvlk-00663-00306203-00306779 But with that comes a tremendous responsibility also to give back, to DHeFQQbKvlk-00664-00306779-00307340 find out what our gifts are that we have to contribute and to stand up in DHeFQQbKvlk-00665-00307340-00307988 as many ways as we can find to fight for the recognition of Indigenous rights DHeFQQbKvlk-00666-00307988-00308205 on Indigenous terms in this country. DHeFQQbKvlk-00667-00308280-00308511 And do you have some final thoughts, Sherry? DHeFQQbKvlk-00668-00308603-00308651 Yes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00669-00308651-00309065 You know interestingly enough, Martha and I have been trying to connect DHeFQQbKvlk-00670-00309065-00309529 over the last past month, and this is the first that I've heard of DHeFQQbKvlk-00671-00309533-00310034 her voice in a while and it's, you know, Instead of doing our visiting, DHeFQQbKvlk-00672-00310034-00310218 we're just jumping right into this. DHeFQQbKvlk-00673-00310218-00311330 And but likewise, it's been a very interesting journey with Martha and DHeFQQbKvlk-00674-00311333-00312031 I've never ran across a researcher that took the time and care to DHeFQQbKvlk-00675-00312039-00312273 develop that relationship with us. DHeFQQbKvlk-00676-00312312-00312981 And that's just something that I would like to convey to students, with timelines DHeFQQbKvlk-00677-00312981-00313575 all aside that that are imposed on the university, sometimes these take these DHeFQQbKvlk-00678-00313575-00313827 relationships take a long time to build. DHeFQQbKvlk-00679-00313884-00314514 And my daughter now is going on 22 and I have pictures of when she was maybe DHeFQQbKvlk-00680-00314514-00314727 six or seven that Martha took of her. DHeFQQbKvlk-00681-00314781-00315333 And so that gives a indication of how long and committed Martha DHeFQQbKvlk-00682-00315333-00315555 has been to this community. DHeFQQbKvlk-00683-00315726-00316229 And any takeaways is what I always tell students is, you DHeFQQbKvlk-00684-00316229-00316445 know, this is a matter of consent. DHeFQQbKvlk-00685-00316484-00317075 This is a matter of, you know, People giving consent or not given consent DHeFQQbKvlk-00686-00317075-00317285 to what is being done to our earth. DHeFQQbKvlk-00687-00317351-00317864 And I always encourage students to look at their own processes DHeFQQbKvlk-00688-00317864-00318035 for citizenship engagement. DHeFQQbKvlk-00689-00318089-00318569 And I'm quite sure there are similar frustrations, though there are different DHeFQQbKvlk-00690-00318569-00318989 processes because of the treaty rights and because of the Indigenous rights and so DHeFQQbKvlk-00691-00318989-00319559 forth, but to even look at your own rights are being violated in your own backyard. DHeFQQbKvlk-00692-00319639-00320122 And across this country with the neoliberal approach to economic DHeFQQbKvlk-00693-00320122-00320674 development, I see there's very little consent and I think that we need to pay DHeFQQbKvlk-00694-00320674-00321205 attention to how things are construed, how things are construed to almost DHeFQQbKvlk-00695-00321205-00321955 manufacture consent without taking into consideration those longterm implications DHeFQQbKvlk-00696-00321958-00322589 of the type of environmental degradation and destruction that was being done. DHeFQQbKvlk-00697-00322625-00323374 And unfortunately, you'll see a lot of play off between jobs and the environment. DHeFQQbKvlk-00698-00323422-00323829 And somehow we have to find a balance between those two. DHeFQQbKvlk-00699-00323829-00324363 And I'm hoping in, you know, the silver lining in this crazy chaotic DHeFQQbKvlk-00700-00324363-00324909 time we are with a pandemic, that we do not go back to status quo. DHeFQQbKvlk-00701-00324912-00325482 I think there's a lot to learn from this pandemic that maybe open up possibilities. DHeFQQbKvlk-00702-00325584-00326078 Well, thank you both for, what's been a, for me, a really inspiring conversation DHeFQQbKvlk-00703-00326078-00326243 and I hope for the listeners as well. DHeFQQbKvlk-00704-00326337-00326510 Wela'lioq to you both. DHeFQQbKvlk-00705-00326645-00327014 This wraps up this episode of the eco politics podcast. DHeFQQbKvlk-00706-00327083-00327618 I want to say thank you to Dr Sherry Pictou and to Dr Martha Stiegman. DHeFQQbKvlk-00707-00327716-00328139 Don't forget to check out other episodes and the series at ecopoliticspodcast.ca. DHeFQQbKvlk-00708-00328277-00328577 And please do send us your feedback on these episodes. DHeFQQbKvlk-00709-00328579-00328970 We really appreciate hearing from our listeners and we'll be DHeFQQbKvlk-00710-00328970-00329416 sure to include a links to the videos that we were talking about. DHeFQQbKvlk-00711-00329435-00329971 So thank you again to our guests and we'll talk to the listeners on the next episode. DMbh48GkQQk-00000-00000058-00000358 Memorizing the twos times tables. DMbh48GkQQk-00001-00000358-00000822 We're going to do some over learning. DMbh48GkQQk-00002-00000822-00000968 Maybe you already know some of these. DMbh48GkQQk-00003-00000968-00001236 Maybe two times two equals four is something you DMbh48GkQQk-00004-00001236-00001344 can say in your sleep; DMbh48GkQQk-00005-00001344-00001786 Maybe two times six isn't quite so automatic. DMbh48GkQQk-00006-00001842-00002146 Let's practice the twos and then keep on practicing. DMbh48GkQQk-00007-00002146-00002268 We want the answer to come DMbh48GkQQk-00008-00002268-00002456 automatically without thinking. DMbh48GkQQk-00009-00002456-00002801 It doesn't matter exactly how fast but it should DMbh48GkQQk-00010-00002801-00003008 happen without counting, calculating... DMbh48GkQQk-00011-00003008-00003274 You might not get all the times tables to that level DMbh48GkQQk-00012-00003274-00003458 but the more the merrier. DMbh48GkQQk-00013-00003458-00003938 two times six is twelve by the way. DMbh48GkQQk-00014-00004061-00004282 Here are the two times tables on the number chart. DMbh48GkQQk-00015-00004282-00004452 Let's zoom in on the part that matters... DMbh48GkQQk-00016-00004452-00004876 We're going to try to do a lot of getting answers from your brain. DMbh48GkQQk-00017-00004886-00005228 You can do this without the video too... DMbh48GkQQk-00018-00005228-00005532 Make this on paper; get something to cover the numbers; DMbh48GkQQk-00019-00005532-00005948 coins, piece of paper... Count off the facts. DMbh48GkQQk-00020-00005948-00006184 It's called skip counting: DMbh48GkQQk-00021-00006184-00006870 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20. DMbh48GkQQk-00022-00006870-00007290 Pick a fact like 2 times 9 is 18 DMbh48GkQQk-00023-00007290-00007484 cover it up say it again DMbh48GkQQk-00024-00007484-00007776 2 times 9 is DMbh48GkQQk-00025-00007776-00007911 18 DMbh48GkQQk-00026-00007912-00008994 then count them up 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ... (you say it ;)) ... 20 2 times 9 is 18 DMbh48GkQQk-00027-00009058-00009394 Let's clear off the other numbers. DMbh48GkQQk-00028-00009422-00010398 one more time 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 DMbh48GkQQk-00029-00010398-00010808 2 times 10 is 20 but let's DMbh48GkQQk-00030-00010809-00011072 back up one and do that 2 times 9 DMbh48GkQQk-00031-00011072-00011756 that 18 2 times 9 is 18 DMbh48GkQQk-00032-00011756-00012496 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DMbh48GkQQk-00033-00012496-00012564 20. DMbh48GkQQk-00034-00012564-00012897 2 times 9 is 18. DMbh48GkQQk-00035-00012897-00013666 two times five is ten -- halfway point. DMbh48GkQQk-00036-00013666-00014428 Two four six eight ____ twelve fourteen sixteen _____ 20. DMbh48GkQQk-00037-00014428-00014869 2 times five is ten DMbh48GkQQk-00038-00014869-00015163 Two times nine is eighteen. DMbh48GkQQk-00039-00015163-00015813 Next one: two times seven is fourteen DMbh48GkQQk-00040-00015876-00016336 two times seven is DMbh48GkQQk-00041-00016336-00017034 2 4 6 8 ____ 12 ____ 16 ___ 20 DMbh48GkQQk-00042-00017034-00017602 two times seven is _____ two times five is ten DMbh48GkQQk-00043-00017603-00017826 two times nine is ____?? DMbh48GkQQk-00044-00017826-00018546 2 times 1 is 2 2 times 1 is..... DMbh48GkQQk-00045-00018546-00019294 ___4 6 8 ___12 ____ 16 ___ 20 DMbh48GkQQk-00046-00019294-00019720 2 times 1 is ___2 times 7 is... DMbh48GkQQk-00047-00019720-00019948 2 times 5 is DMbh48GkQQk-00048-00019970-00020168 2 times 9 is ... DMbh48GkQQk-00049-00020168-00021066 2 times 3 is 6 2 times 3 is 6 DMbh48GkQQk-00050-00021066-00021770 ___ 4___ 8 ___12 ___16 ___ 20 . DMbh48GkQQk-00051-00021770-00022134 2 times 3 is... DMbh48GkQQk-00052-00022154-00022560 2 times 1 is ...... 2 times 7 is...... DMbh48GkQQk-00053-00022560-00023088 2 times 5 is.... and 2 times 9 is 18 DMbh48GkQQk-00054-00023089-00023620 okay we've gone through all the odd multiples of 2 let's stop here and quiz DMbh48GkQQk-00055-00023620-00023893 ourselves DOFIPai1b_g-00000-00000054-00000774 I haven't found any other channels or Channel guidelines for one in a month, meaning that it's DOFIPai1b_g-00001-00000774-00001380 a good thing they haven't found them so long, they feel like the future isn't there anymore DOFIPai1b_g-00002-00001380-00002178 unless they go to my playlist. so, that means, thank you for not seeing them in new channels. DOTT6Oz59HE-00000-00055198-00056236 Music by me on MusicMakerJAM www.loudly.com/community/profiles/musiccreatorhausewomanhzallapetriakova/ DOTT6Oz59HE-00001-00056236-00056850 do DOTT6Oz59HE-00002-00056850-00056950 so DOTT6Oz59HE-00003-00056950-00057050 so DOTT6Oz59HE-00004-00057050-00057150 so DOTT6Oz59HE-00005-00057150-00057250 this DOTT6Oz59HE-00006-00057250-00057948 MusicMakerJAM X Hausewoman DOTT6Oz59HE-00008-00061805-00061905 so DOTT6Oz59HE-00009-00061905-00062204 good DOTT6Oz59HE-00011-00065599-00065786 by me DOTT6Oz59HE-00012-00065786-00066220 MusicMakerJAM X Hausewoman DOTT6Oz59HE-00013-00066220-00066361 www.loudly.com/community/profiles/musiccreatorhausewomanhzallapetriakova/ DOTT6Oz59HE-00014-00066361-00066502 you DQToivybme8-00000-00002760-00002910 Anything else? DQToivybme8-00001-00002910-00003190 Someone mentioned one before. DQToivybme8-00002-00003190-00003290 What makes you say "bravery"? DQToivybme8-00003-00003290-00003540 Because in the river there was crocodiles. DQToivybme8-00004-00003540-00004079 She was a very brave girl, wasn't she, going out on that river on her own? DQToivybme8-00005-00004079-00004710 So you're right, bravery is a theme. DQToivybme8-00006-00004710-00004990 Why friendship? DQToivybme8-00007-00004990-00005430 What makes you say that friendship is a theme? Go ahead. DQToivybme8-00008-00005430-00006260 I think friendship is a theme because she just met Miss Jenkins, DQToivybme8-00009-00006260-00007070 and then she helped her read the list and helped her buy the thing. DQToivybme8-00010-00007070-00007320 She's going to teach her, so I think it's like friendship. DQToivybme8-00011-00007320-00007540 Yeah, she wants to build a friendship with her. DQToivybme8-00012-00007540-00008020 She's like "You come to town more often and I'll teach you how to read." DQToivybme8-00013-00008020-00008180 So they built a friendship together. DRC4WI2lX1o-00000-00000886-00001343 THE "PAY OUR MILITARY ACT" ALLOWED THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY TO RECALL NEARLY ALL OF ITS FURLOUGHED DRC4WI2lX1o-00001-00001343-00001473 CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. DRC4WI2lX1o-00002-00001473-00001870 IF YOU WERE AN EXCEPTED EMPLOYEE, AND YOU WORKED THROUGH THE SHUTDOWN, YOU WILL RECEIVE DRC4WI2lX1o-00003-00001870-00002072 YOUR REGULAR PAY ON OCTOBER 11TH. DRC4WI2lX1o-00004-00002072-00002488 IF YOU WERE FURLOUGHED LAST WEEK, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR PAY UP THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30TH. DRC4WI2lX1o-00005-00002488-00002952 CONGRESS PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO BACK-PAY CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES THAT WERE FURLOUGHED LAST DRC4WI2lX1o-00006-00002952-00003052 WEEK. DRC4WI2lX1o-00007-00003052-00003281 IF APPROVED, YOU WILL BE PAID FOR YOUR FURLOUGHED TIME. DRC4WI2lX1o-00008-00003281-00003683 IF YOU HAVE BEEN RECALLED TO WORK, YOU MAY NOW TAKE ANNUAL, SICK AND OTHER LEAVE WHEN DRC4WI2lX1o-00009-00003683-00003852 APPROVED BY YOUR SUPERVISOR. DRC4WI2lX1o-00010-00003852-00004288 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE "PAY OUR MILITARY ACT" AND HOW IT MAY AFFECT YOU, VISIT THE DRC4WI2lX1o-00011-00004288-00004546 OFFICE OF CIVILIAN HUMAN RESOURCES WEBSITE. DRC4WI2lX1o-00012-00004546-00005044 LOOK FOR THE "EMERGENCY FURLOUGH - LAPSE IN APPROPRIATIONS" FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. DRC4WI2lX1o-00013-00005044-00005324 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER ANDREW JOHNSON. DSSyllyR5s4-00000-00001019-00002090 Peel the potatoes DSSyllyR5s4-00001-00002188-00002901 cut the potatoes into wedges DSSyllyR5s4-00002-00002961-00003380 slice the ginger DSSyllyR5s4-00003-00003427-00003617 pour in some oil and potatoes DSSyllyR5s4-00004-00003617-00003868 deep-fry the potatoes into hot oil until golden brown DSSyllyR5s4-00005-00003904-00004837 Remove and drained. Keep aside DSSyllyR5s4-00006-00005266-00005727 Use some of the remaining oil in the wok DSSyllyR5s4-00007-00005727-00006304 to fragrant the chopped ginger DSSyllyR5s4-00008-00006655-00007486 add in the vege soy lean meat DSSyllyR5s4-00009-00008042-00008405 stir fry for a while and add in the fried potatoes DSSyllyR5s4-00010-00009400-00011537 pour in two bowls of water and bring it to boil DSSyllyR5s4-00011-00011840-00012396 add in some vegetable soup DSSyllyR5s4-00012-00013101-00013910 some light soy sauce and DSSyllyR5s4-00013-00014969-00015564 some thick soy sauce DSSyllyR5s4-00014-00015564-00015955 reduce to low heat. Cover the wok and simmer for 10 minutes DSSyllyR5s4-00015-00016901-00018109 Dish up. Serve hot. DTu7fjSKXmI-00000-00000176-00000225 Klasky DTu7fjSKXmI-00001-00000225-00000276 KlaskyKlasky DTu7fjSKXmI-00002-00000276-00000326 KlaskyKlaskyKlasky DTu7fjSKXmI-00003-00000326-00000376 KlaskyKlaskyKlaskyKlasky DTu7fjSKXmI-00004-00000376-00000426 KlaskyKlaskyKlaskyKlaskyKlasky DTu7fjSKXmI-00005-00000426-00000528 KKllllaaasssskkkyyyy DTu7fjSKXmI-00006-00000528-00000586 Klasky Csupo! DTu7fjSKXmI-00007-00000672-00000819 FDSKAFDKSAKDKSAKFDSJAKJDSJAJDASJDKSJAKJFDSAJFDKJSAKJDKSAJKFJSADKJFDJKASKJDKJSAKJSJKAJHFWFTUHYGFERERYGFREFEWYEDEWIJFEHWFHEWEHFDHWEDEW DTu7fjSKXmI-00008-00000819-00000903 666 DTFkdGOmIDQ-00000-00000234-00000401 Hello, my name is Marian Butler. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00001-00000401-00000855 I am a learning advisor at UQ. Today we are going to look at critical thinking. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00002-00000855-00001196 While this phrase means different things to different people, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00003-00001196-00001646 in different disciplines, we are going to look at it at a fairly generic level. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00004-00001646-00001997 In doing this, I will argue that critical thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00005-00001997-00002410 is about questioning as you read and commenting on the texts you have read DTFkdGOmIDQ-00006-00002410-00002785 when you write about them. It is not very difficult DTFkdGOmIDQ-00007-00002785-00003485 once you understand how to do it. So, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00008-00003507-00003962 how do we read critically? Critical readers question authors they read. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00009-00003962-00004394 They engage in conversations DTFkdGOmIDQ-00010-00004394-00004812 with authors as they read by asking questions DTFkdGOmIDQ-00011-00004812-00005276 like: Why is that? How can that be? DTFkdGOmIDQ-00012-00005276-00005607 What would happen if you had done ....? DTFkdGOmIDQ-00013-00005607-00006152 Are you serious??? I don't think so!........ DTFkdGOmIDQ-00014-00006152-00006544 They look for strengths and weaknesses DTFkdGOmIDQ-00015-00006544-00007117 in the arguments or research that they are reading. They make DTFkdGOmIDQ-00016-00007117-00007575 links between authors who may not at first glance appear to be saying similar things, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00017-00007575-00007897 but when you look closely at them you can see similarities DTFkdGOmIDQ-00018-00007897-00008203 in argument or focus or issues they raise. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00019-00008203-00008556 As you question and start to look for DTFkdGOmIDQ-00020-00008556-00009029 strengths and weaknesses and links you will find that you start to develop opinions about what you have read. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00021-00009029-00009432 Finally, try not to think about DTFkdGOmIDQ-00022-00009432-00009840 reading as a time to simply collect facts, focus instead DTFkdGOmIDQ-00023-00009840-00010540 on your response to the facts. This will change the way that DTFkdGOmIDQ-00024-00010631-00011097 you write because instead of focusing on facts and summaries, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00025-00011097-00011481 you will be focusing on your response DTFkdGOmIDQ-00026-00011481-00011949 often to an assignment question. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00027-00011949-00012307 This is your argument or set of ideas you have about your assignment topic DTFkdGOmIDQ-00028-00012307-00012627 as you focus on your audience DTFkdGOmIDQ-00029-00012627-00012956 you will find that you start to develop a voice as a writer. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00030-00012956-00013479 As you find your voice more often, you will grow in confidence as a writer DTFkdGOmIDQ-00031-00013479-00013816 who has something unique to say rather than DTFkdGOmIDQ-00032-00013816-00014516 simply reporting facts. There are 6 steps that will help you to read and write critically. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00033-00015001-00015426 I will explain each one in more detail. Firstly, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00034-00015426-00015891 you do need to read for facts, but don't stop there! DTFkdGOmIDQ-00035-00015891-00016234 Read as well for themes or main ideas and arguments, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00036-00016234-00016912 then link what you have read to practice. As well, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00037-00016912-00017337 it is important to analyse the text or to understand how the author constructed it. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00038-00017337-00017381 its DTFkdGOmIDQ-00039-00017381-00017884 Once you understand the component parts, you can begin to evaluate its strengths DTFkdGOmIDQ-00040-00017884-00017993 and weaknesses. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00041-00017993-00018334 Finally, based on all that you have read, DTFkdGOmIDQ-00042-00018334-00018661 construct your response. DTFkdGOmIDQ-00043-00018661-00019201 or questions you don't necessarily need to read this particular DTFkdGOmIDQ-00044-00019201-00019558 text all the one on on the next slide just not DTFkdGOmIDQ-00045-00019558-00019956 selected heart in and the key word summary margins DTFkdGOmIDQ-00046-00019956-00020656 suppose you were DTFkdGOmIDQ-00047-00021050-00021468 write your essay in which you asked to try to explain how the whole course DTFkdGOmIDQ-00048-00021468-00021973 during world war two could possibly have happened not develop some some questions DTFkdGOmIDQ-00049-00021973-00022064 to help you DTFkdGOmIDQ-00050-00022064-00022368 unpacked the bigger question not these DTFkdGOmIDQ-00051-00022368-00022676 what was the mainstream church response DTFkdGOmIDQ-00052-00022676-00023106 to the Nazi regime hell where was the populace DTFkdGOmIDQ-00053-00023106-00023509 about what was happening how much opposition was thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00054-00023509-00024048 in society in general try making up folder DTFkdGOmIDQ-00055-00024048-00024418 with the name on the SMS DTFkdGOmIDQ-00056-00024418-00024825 in your computer make them angry DTFkdGOmIDQ-00057-00024825-00025137 each documents one DTFkdGOmIDQ-00058-00025137-00025483 document in this computer ins DTFkdGOmIDQ-00059-00025483-00026027 Computer folder as you read DTFkdGOmIDQ-00060-00026027-00026516 record than the different courses ideas DTFkdGOmIDQ-00061-00026516-00027002 under the relevant questions this will help you to sort the information DTFkdGOmIDQ-00062-00027002-00027341 as you take months be sure to record DTFkdGOmIDQ-00063-00027341-00027669 diets or for tot so DTFkdGOmIDQ-00064-00027669-00028119 the article and the page way you can trace DTFkdGOmIDQ-00065-00028119-00028819 the information to a particular page se han Solo DTFkdGOmIDQ-00066-00029027-00029337 in your folder you have these documents DTFkdGOmIDQ-00067-00029337-00029708 and then each document is the name of one of these questions DTFkdGOmIDQ-00068-00029708-00030063 and then underneath each question you put DTFkdGOmIDQ-00069-00030063-00030430 what the different horses have to say in onset DTFkdGOmIDQ-00070-00030430-00031130 that crossed DTFkdGOmIDQ-00071-00031193-00031638 okay so what you've read and objects in each article DTFkdGOmIDQ-00072-00031638-00032008 truck decide on lengthy for idea DTFkdGOmIDQ-00073-00032008-00032358 for each article so I asked some questions like DTFkdGOmIDQ-00074-00032358-00032752 what's it about and abroad little what was written DTFkdGOmIDQ-00075-00032752-00033266 what is the strongest relentless and thats DTFkdGOmIDQ-00076-00033266-00033580 what's the main arguments and even DTFkdGOmIDQ-00077-00033580-00034280 what has not been discussed DTFkdGOmIDQ-00078-00034713-00035213 next think about how the audience can be used in practical situations DTFkdGOmIDQ-00079-00035213-00035669 real-life settings for example how will that be useful DTFkdGOmIDQ-00080-00035669-00036084 for your son Michael projects what implications my DTFkdGOmIDQ-00081-00036084-00036563 be if you are a professional trying to apply these ideas DTFkdGOmIDQ-00082-00036563-00036886 what sorts issues deface DTFkdGOmIDQ-00083-00036886-00037285 and on these undies more likely to be successful in some sense it's DTFkdGOmIDQ-00084-00037285-00037885 an arts DTFkdGOmIDQ-00085-00037885-00038212 this line and the next one simply give examples DTFkdGOmIDQ-00086-00038212-00038543 content themes and issues or applications DTFkdGOmIDQ-00087-00038543-00039243 in students writing DTFkdGOmIDQ-00088-00041891-00041978 consistent DTFkdGOmIDQ-00089-00041978-00042299 for is to try to analyze DTFkdGOmIDQ-00090-00042299-00042663 research and all the arguments that's being constructed DTFkdGOmIDQ-00091-00042663-00043219 sir ask yourself questions mark what are the key and he's in the arguments DTFkdGOmIDQ-00092-00043219-00043594 analyzed how the article states DTFkdGOmIDQ-00093-00043594-00044191 together how it has been structured how does one idea DTFkdGOmIDQ-00094-00044191-00044516 lead to the next one what's the logical progression DTFkdGOmIDQ-00095-00044516-00044971 what's the nature relationships between handy its DTFkdGOmIDQ-00096-00044971-00045334 which ones go together which ones most important Janice DTFkdGOmIDQ-00097-00045334-00045934 trying to trace the arguments DTFkdGOmIDQ-00098-00045934-00046380 sir identify what's the most basic archaea DTFkdGOmIDQ-00099-00046380-00046769 this issue she had all the others rest stop DTFkdGOmIDQ-00100-00046769-00047146 what what ideas flow from this idea DTFkdGOmIDQ-00101-00047146-00047480 this Prince and how are these ideas for ticket mate DTFkdGOmIDQ-00102-00047480-00047811 is a logic clear or I'm here DTFkdGOmIDQ-00103-00047811-00048336 what's the conclusion and how does it relate to the engines that precedes DTFkdGOmIDQ-00104-00048336-00049036 next DTFkdGOmIDQ-00105-00049238-00049790 evaluate the readings State Park start too seriously DTFkdGOmIDQ-00106-00049790-00050161 think about what is the strengths and weaknesses in the meeting DTFkdGOmIDQ-00107-00050161-00050861 and ask yourself questions okay there are lots of questions that you cannot DTFkdGOmIDQ-00108-00050976-00051314 asked to help you to evaluate but these next few slides DTFkdGOmIDQ-00109-00051314-00051665 forgive me for some questions and then some examples DTFkdGOmIDQ-00110-00051665-00052169 as Christians sir expertise questions up DTFkdGOmIDQ-00111-00052169-00052869 and you can read them at your nation these are some examples DTFkdGOmIDQ-00112-00053450-00053879 and there are many more these are questions that would be useful when DTFkdGOmIDQ-00113-00053879-00053977 you're reading DTFkdGOmIDQ-00114-00053977-00054311 research articles so DTFkdGOmIDQ-00115-00054311-00055011 all the questions are based around how the research was done DTFkdGOmIDQ-00116-00055920-00056232 so these next class I just examples all DTFkdGOmIDQ-00117-00056232-00056622 students writing with it critiqued DTFkdGOmIDQ-00118-00056622-00056991 some research and the critique spot is ignorant DTFkdGOmIDQ-00119-00056991-00057340 and it showing you an example DTFkdGOmIDQ-00120-00057340-00058040 up the title in the slot not so important he commanded DTFkdGOmIDQ-00121-00058076-00058494 by exactly what type to critique is happening DTFkdGOmIDQ-00122-00058494-00058979 what is important is that do critique in response to questioning DTFkdGOmIDQ-00123-00058979-00059679 the research that you've been reading DTFkdGOmIDQ-00124-00062513-00062798 yes you can go back to those questions and look at them DTFkdGOmIDQ-00125-00062798-00063207 as you need to but he's another list questions DTFkdGOmIDQ-00126-00063207-00063746 this list questions israelis happy to evaluate more theoretical particles DTFkdGOmIDQ-00127-00063746-00064127 so when people haven't actually done and done some research that they're asking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00128-00064127-00064550 but it's also a series of their ideas about how much things work DTFkdGOmIDQ-00129-00064550-00064898 then is a different set of questions although there are some similarities DTFkdGOmIDQ-00130-00064898-00064980 between DTFkdGOmIDQ-00131-00064980-00065414 to so he's the list DTFkdGOmIDQ-00132-00065414-00066114 and again you can look at these when you need them DTFkdGOmIDQ-00133-00067421-00067527 yes %uh next DTFkdGOmIDQ-00134-00067527-00067945 step is to look at look across the articles DTFkdGOmIDQ-00135-00067945-00068335 one swing the balance we need to look across all the articles DTFkdGOmIDQ-00136-00068335-00068674 and do some comparing and contrasting so DTFkdGOmIDQ-00137-00068674-00068977 one similarity to send summer things DTFkdGOmIDQ-00138-00068977-00069468 what are the differences work today green want to take disagree about DTFkdGOmIDQ-00139-00069468-00069902 sometimes it's very obvious sometimes quite subtle DTFkdGOmIDQ-00140-00069902-00070564 have a look at the language definitions and terminology DTFkdGOmIDQ-00141-00070564-00070997 are they talking about similar audience using different language DTFkdGOmIDQ-00142-00070997-00071333 she can notice that and comment on that DTFkdGOmIDQ-00143-00071333-00072033 then that shows a re ions consider how you can discuss the articles together DTFkdGOmIDQ-00144-00072190-00072494 brothers isolated itself you can see that said you DTFkdGOmIDQ-00145-00072494-00072823 Ortiz had similar teasing you talk about them together DTFkdGOmIDQ-00146-00072823-00073130 the microsite points disagreement and ex-prime DTFkdGOmIDQ-00147-00073130-00073713 us like Prince disagreements as well identify the gaps DTFkdGOmIDQ-00148-00073713-00074155 identify what has been talked about this is often important species DTFkdGOmIDQ-00149-00074155-00074499 you want to do research of a gap in the literature DTFkdGOmIDQ-00150-00074499-00074865 will be the issue the US economy's sessions DTFkdGOmIDQ-00151-00074865-00075565 so this is an example DTFkdGOmIDQ-00152-00075891-00076591 other crap a gap across two articles week trying to keep track DTFkdGOmIDQ-00153-00077579-00078077 buckles eat bread you trying to focus on critical thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00154-00078077-00078530 look for similarities and differences between not since something useful DTFkdGOmIDQ-00155-00078530-00078888 teams critical reading Ridge like this one here DTFkdGOmIDQ-00156-00078888-00079513 record article DTFkdGOmIDQ-00157-00079513-00079886 army in pretty or DTFkdGOmIDQ-00158-00079886-00080218 name your name in the article it is not the Mishima DTFkdGOmIDQ-00159-00080218-00080561 think in here and this column DTFkdGOmIDQ-00160-00080561-00080876 for each article identify the key points DTFkdGOmIDQ-00161-00080876-00081256 prospects or information you actually going to use DTFkdGOmIDQ-00162-00081256-00081564 in your piece brought then DTFkdGOmIDQ-00163-00081564-00081944 record here what are the main audience on the nine DTFkdGOmIDQ-00164-00081944-00082383 arguments so this is big picture stuff missus detail DTFkdGOmIDQ-00165-00082383-00082743 small pic just in the next column DTFkdGOmIDQ-00166-00082743-00083166 you write down the issues and applications or how the studies DTFkdGOmIDQ-00167-00083166-00083595 lot or might not work in practice next DTFkdGOmIDQ-00168-00083595-00083973 you Protea what you think strengths underwriting DTFkdGOmIDQ-00169-00083973-00084342 then research on the article and in the final column DTFkdGOmIDQ-00170-00084342-00084770 you put weaknesses now this helps you DTFkdGOmIDQ-00171-00084770-00085264 to think broadly about the research and writing that you've been reading DTFkdGOmIDQ-00172-00085264-00085699 and it helps you see what the similarities and differences are DTFkdGOmIDQ-00173-00085699-00086033 between different Paul says right in field DTFkdGOmIDQ-00174-00086033-00086382 you can see DTFkdGOmIDQ-00175-00086382-00086772 but I still didn't end with a few audience and the Suns DTFkdGOmIDQ-00176-00086772-00087245 clinton's sample but you would just put in whatever it is that you think DTFkdGOmIDQ-00177-00087245-00087748 reading you can print that sheet DTFkdGOmIDQ-00178-00087748-00088180 is blank one or you can make a modified version but I'm computer DTFkdGOmIDQ-00179-00088180-00088529 to keep track of your meetings you can also do this in Excel DTFkdGOmIDQ-00180-00088529-00089229 or just simply unaware documents what's a step 6: DTFkdGOmIDQ-00181-00089362-00089692 is to create your response based on texting DTFkdGOmIDQ-00182-00089692-00090082 Ridge often your ideas a summed up DTFkdGOmIDQ-00183-00090082-00090560 in thesis statements in a sec Sappi is obviously DTFkdGOmIDQ-00184-00090560-00091075 no introduction and when you're writing thesis statement you need to keep in DTFkdGOmIDQ-00185-00091075-00091425 mind things like what's the relationship between the Indians DTFkdGOmIDQ-00186-00091425-00092125 what's the most important she as you rights DTFkdGOmIDQ-00187-00092306-00092755 and start to create something new make sure that you make strong links between DTFkdGOmIDQ-00188-00092755-00092975 the sections the paragraphs DTFkdGOmIDQ-00189-00092975-00093404 and sentencing saying and this can be done by a DTFkdGOmIDQ-00190-00093404-00093765 using words it signpost hi understanding DTFkdGOmIDQ-00191-00093765-00094105 the relationship between yes so what's not DTFkdGOmIDQ-00192-00094105-00094476 the for as a results consequently DTFkdGOmIDQ-00193-00094476-00095049 show you read also how you understand the material streets together DTFkdGOmIDQ-00194-00095049-00095542 as you do this this keeps your voice so you explain what you think DTFkdGOmIDQ-00195-00095542-00095879 the Kia years key strengths and weaknesses DTFkdGOmIDQ-00196-00095879-00096181 and as you talk about it at that level you find DTFkdGOmIDQ-00197-00096181-00096869 that you never foresee something to say make sure the EU's tentative language DTFkdGOmIDQ-00198-00096869-00097178 so language like it's possible DTFkdGOmIDQ-00199-00097178-00097518 it could be the case it's likely DTFkdGOmIDQ-00200-00097518-00097895 don't use words like I think I bernie and personal products DTFkdGOmIDQ-00201-00097895-00098237 pronounce in most academic writing that's not DTFkdGOmIDQ-00202-00098237-00098687 acceptable usually is it possible to keep your language DTFkdGOmIDQ-00203-00098687-00099019 insert person so the also claims DTFkdGOmIDQ-00204-00099019-00099719 who this research shah's DTFkdGOmIDQ-00205-00099903-00100270 because this is an example our students writing DTFkdGOmIDQ-00206-00100270-00100610 and using the essay topic at at the top DTFkdGOmIDQ-00207-00100610-00100986 sly this is a student's response DTFkdGOmIDQ-00208-00100986-00101466 the writing that isn't burdened shows the students thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00209-00101466-00101814 Sun first three parts is the background DTFkdGOmIDQ-00210-00101814-00102268 or the context to the topic this is an introductory paragraph DTFkdGOmIDQ-00211-00102268-00102956 second plant pots I'm here DTFkdGOmIDQ-00212-00102956-00103436 is the thesis or what the students thinks or what they don't on cue DTFkdGOmIDQ-00213-00103436-00103897 yes and that's the great part here DTFkdGOmIDQ-00214-00103897-00104270 is a student making a point DTFkdGOmIDQ-00215-00104270-00104653 to explain what these paragraphs can't be impacts DTFkdGOmIDQ-00216-00104653-00105085 and coins links back the ID is DTFkdGOmIDQ-00217-00105085-00105433 that are explained in this thesis so each DTFkdGOmIDQ-00218-00105433-00105883 point at the beginning a paragraph should help to explain DTFkdGOmIDQ-00219-00105883-00106235 see since in more detail DTFkdGOmIDQ-00220-00106235-00106766 then the black writing is the evidence which supports this idea DTFkdGOmIDQ-00221-00106766-00107141 so that as Iran's paragraph by paragraph DTFkdGOmIDQ-00222-00107141-00107459 you're developing an argument that supported DTFkdGOmIDQ-00223-00107459-00107824 with evidence or all since DTFkdGOmIDQ-00224-00107824-00108524 that rate DTFkdGOmIDQ-00225-00108830-00109321 this luscious students thinking brain in the next column again DTFkdGOmIDQ-00226-00109321-00109729 and the point here is to show her how much your writing should be critical DTFkdGOmIDQ-00227-00109729-00109842 thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00228-00109842-00110195 when you read this seen that at least hearts with this DTFkdGOmIDQ-00229-00110195-00110684 her brush on the left hand side %um is the students comment on the students DTFkdGOmIDQ-00230-00110684-00110808 thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00231-00110808-00111125 was this one on the Rights is almost nothing DTFkdGOmIDQ-00232-00111125-00111469 the student is no true writing this is just DTFkdGOmIDQ-00233-00111469-00111805 actual regurgitate Shin DTFkdGOmIDQ-00234-00111805-00112152 objects this farm shows the students thinking DTFkdGOmIDQ-00235-00112152-00112805 and just DTFkdGOmIDQ-00236-00112805-00113175 so to conclude stop worrying for facts DTFkdGOmIDQ-00237-00113175-00113609 information or content that you're going to use in your son DTFkdGOmIDQ-00238-00113609-00113956 then look for seems a main ideas arguments DTFkdGOmIDQ-00239-00113956-00114283 I'm Karachi comes this is based on DTFkdGOmIDQ-00240-00114283-00114665 not detail third DTFkdGOmIDQ-00241-00114665-00115024 make the link between theory and practice think about how this DTFkdGOmIDQ-00242-00115024-00115467 the studies would be useful to you as a practitioner DTFkdGOmIDQ-00243-00115467-00115953 they analyze the structure text think about how the text structure put DTFkdGOmIDQ-00244-00115953-00116040 together DTFkdGOmIDQ-00245-00116040-00116341 or how the Andes States into a cohesive DTFkdGOmIDQ-00246-00116341-00116698 or not psycho his arguments DTFkdGOmIDQ-00247-00116698-00117247 evaluated textbook at its pluses and minuses its strengths and weaknesses DTFkdGOmIDQ-00248-00117247-00117615 and funneling create your response which is your source DTFkdGOmIDQ-00249-00117615-00117972 arguments about the topic after of course DTFkdGOmIDQ-00250-00117972-00118119 time or you read DWDaVp4lmIY-00000-00000480-00001159 Mum bring my scoot... DWDaVp4lmIY-00001-00000770-00001159 scooty ya DWDaVp4lmIY-00002-00004029-00004468 Mum carry my ... DWDaVp4lmIY-00003-00006761-00007069 Mum bring my scooty! DWDaVp4lmIY-00004-00007069-00007283 I am here in your shop DWDaVp4lmIY-00005-00007283-00007445 No you are not DWDaVp4lmIY-00006-00007445-00007716 You have to come near here DWDaVp4lmIY-00007-00007716-00008020 and bring my scooty DWDaVp4lmIY-00008-00008020-00008220 What you are selling today DWDaVp4lmIY-00009-00008220-00008689 I said, bring my scooty! DWDaVp4lmIY-00010-00008689-00008945 What you want to do with your scooty, here? DWDaVp4lmIY-00011-00008945-00009250 I am gonna give you my scooty DWDaVp4lmIY-00012-00009250-00009350 Oh, you are selling? DWDaVp4lmIY-00013-00009350-00009510 Yeh DWDaVp4lmIY-00014-00009510-00009750 Ok, go get it yourself DWDaVp4lmIY-00015-00009750-00010010 But, I can't carry anything DWDaVp4lmIY-00016-00010010-00010218 Why can't you carry? DWDaVp4lmIY-00017-00010318-00010400 I can't DWDaVp4lmIY-00018-00010400-00010557 But why? DWDaVp4lmIY-00019-00010557-00010842 Because, I am telling you DWDaVp4lmIY-00020-00010842-00011324 No, but if it's your scooty why can't you carry? DWDaVp4lmIY-00021-00011460-00011990 Look at me! DWDaVp4lmIY-00022-00012520-00012819 I thought you are a big girl now DWDaVp4lmIY-00023-00012950-00013119 Oi ... DWDaVp4lmIY-00024-00013119-00013300 I know how now DWDaVp4lmIY-00025-00013300-00013419 There you go DWDaVp4lmIY-00026-00014128-00014428 How much are you selling your scooty for? DWDaVp4lmIY-00027-00014428-00014669 Let me bring it in, then I will tell you DWDaVp4lmIY-00028-00014669-00014900 OK DWDaVp4lmIY-00029-00016850-00017384 Can you put it in for me? DZr7ifDfadQ-00000-00000000-00000568 [MUSIC] DZr7ifDfadQ-00001-00000568-00000918 Hello, and welcome to a screencast about L'Hopital's rule. DZr7ifDfadQ-00002-00000918-00001240 So L'Hopital's is a rule that says, if f and DZr7ifDfadQ-00003-00001240-00001741 g are differentiable functions at a certain point, let's call it x equals a. DZr7ifDfadQ-00004-00001741-00002108 And we know that f of a and f of g are both 0, and DZr7ifDfadQ-00005-00002108-00002370 also, g prime of a cannot be 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00006-00002370-00002856 Then what L'Hospital's rule says is if you take the limit as x approaches a of your DZr7ifDfadQ-00007-00002856-00003386 functions, that's the same thing as your derivatives evaluated at that point. DZr7ifDfadQ-00008-00003386-00003709 It's also the same thing as the limit as x approaches a of your derivatives, DZr7ifDfadQ-00009-00003709-00003985 assuming everything is continuous. DZr7ifDfadQ-00010-00003985-00004535 Okay, so the first function we are going to look at today is x cubed DZr7ifDfadQ-00011-00004535-00005125 minus 5x squared plus 11x minus 10, all over x squared minus 4. DZr7ifDfadQ-00012-00005125-00005562 So I went ahead and graphed that in GeoGebra, and I included the graph here. DZr7ifDfadQ-00013-00005562-00005963 And today we're gonna take a look at the limit as x approaches 2. DZr7ifDfadQ-00014-00005963-00006409 Okay, so looking at GeoGebra here, so here's x equals 2. DZr7ifDfadQ-00015-00006409-00007002 If we were to kinda eyeball our limit, I don't know, it's something less than 1. DZr7ifDfadQ-00016-00007002-00007478 Somewhere maybe bigger than a half but less than 1, kinda hard to tell. DZr7ifDfadQ-00017-00007478-00007788 So now we've gotta go through and check our conditions here to see DZr7ifDfadQ-00018-00007788-00008157 if we can use L'Hopital's rule, and if it does actually make sense. DZr7ifDfadQ-00019-00008157-00008393 So if we were to plug 2 into this function, so DZr7ifDfadQ-00020-00008393-00008706 let's look at the numerator and denominator separately. DZr7ifDfadQ-00021-00008706-00009018 If we were to plug 2 in, we'd end up with, so DZr7ifDfadQ-00022-00009018-00009505 this is just kinda checking somethings here. DZr7ifDfadQ-00023-00009505-00010081 So let's see, we'd have 2 cubed minus 5 DZr7ifDfadQ-00024-00010081-00010722 times 2 squared plus 11 times 2 minus 10. DZr7ifDfadQ-00025-00010722-00011161 So remember, to be able to use L'Hopital's rule, we need to have that f of a, DZr7ifDfadQ-00026-00011161-00011554 which in this case is f of 2, our numerator function evaluated at 2, DZr7ifDfadQ-00027-00011554-00011928 has to give us 0, otherwise we can't use this. DZr7ifDfadQ-00028-00011928-00012476 Let's also check our denominator, so here if we plug in a 2, so 2 squared minus 4. DZr7ifDfadQ-00029-00012476-00012812 Okay, well certainly the denominator is 0, definitely. DZr7ifDfadQ-00030-00012812-00013284 I'm gonna put this in quotes too. DZr7ifDfadQ-00031-00013284-00013602 Only because we're hopefully going to end up with indeterminate form, DZr7ifDfadQ-00032-00013602-00013791 which was what L'Hopital's is good for. DZr7ifDfadQ-00033-00013791-00014254 All right, anyway, we simply this numerator, we end up with, DZr7ifDfadQ-00034-00014254-00014745 multiply this stuff out, we get 8 minus 20 plus 22 minus 10. DZr7ifDfadQ-00035-00014745-00015051 And sure enough, that gives us a 0 as well. DZr7ifDfadQ-00036-00015051-00015377 Okay, so this is definitely an indeterminate form, 0 over 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00037-00015377-00015683 Doesn't necessarily mean it's undefined, doesn't mean it's 1, DZr7ifDfadQ-00038-00015683-00015862 doesn't mean it's 0, we don't know. DZr7ifDfadQ-00039-00015862-00016275 So that's what we're gonna have to use L'Hopital's on. DZr7ifDfadQ-00040-00016275-00016617 And we know that they're good because differentiable, sure. DZr7ifDfadQ-00041-00016617-00016961 The numerator's a polynomial, the denominator's a polynomial. DZr7ifDfadQ-00042-00016961-00017252 We also know they're continuous, because they're both polynomials again, so DZr7ifDfadQ-00043-00017252-00017359 we're certainly good here. DZr7ifDfadQ-00044-00017359-00017855 Okay, I'm gonna write the little abbreviation here LH, just so DZr7ifDfadQ-00045-00017855-00018139 we know we've used L'Hopital's. DZr7ifDfadQ-00046-00018139-00018550 So that says then we can go ahead and evaluate these at the derivatives. DZr7ifDfadQ-00047-00018550-00019026 So let's take the derivative of the numerator, so DZr7ifDfadQ-00048-00019026-00019813 that's gonna give us 3x squared minus 10x plus 11. DZr7ifDfadQ-00049-00019813-00020320 And we can take the derivative of the denominator separately, DZr7ifDfadQ-00050-00020320-00020600 that gives us a grand total of 2x. DZr7ifDfadQ-00051-00020600-00021122 Okay, so we've now used L'Hopital's in one step, let's go ahead and see if we can DZr7ifDfadQ-00052-00021122-00021617 now evaluate this new function at 2, see if we get a value that makes any sense. DZr7ifDfadQ-00053-00021617-00021729 Or we may end up with 0 over 0 again, DZr7ifDfadQ-00054-00021729-00021893 which means we'll have to use L'Hopital's again. DZr7ifDfadQ-00055-00021893-00022380 Okay, but if we go ahead and plug in our values, DZr7ifDfadQ-00056-00022380-00022709 we end up getting, let's see, DZr7ifDfadQ-00057-00022709-00023223 3 times 2 squared minus 10 times 2 plus 11. DZr7ifDfadQ-00058-00023223-00023622 This is kind of our little scratch work off to the side, [COUGH] 2 times 2. DZr7ifDfadQ-00059-00023622-00023964 So we can definitely tell the detonator's not gonna give us 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00060-00023964-00024333 Okay, so let's go ahead and write out what that value's gonna be, which is 4. DZr7ifDfadQ-00061-00024333-00024759 And if we simplify the numerator, I believe that gives us a grand total of 3. DZr7ifDfadQ-00062-00024759-00025129 Okay, you noticed my limit went away, because now this is DZr7ifDfadQ-00063-00025129-00025580 a function that is good at 2, doesn't have any problems there. DZr7ifDfadQ-00064-00025580-00025949 And sure enough, our value of something less than 1 but DZr7ifDfadQ-00065-00025949-00026497 bigger than a half was certainly true, so my limit is three-fourths. DZr7ifDfadQ-00066-00026497-00027108 Okay, great, let's take a look at another function that's not a polynomial. DZr7ifDfadQ-00067-00027108-00027368 So this one is a cosine function. DZr7ifDfadQ-00068-00027368-00027594 [COUGH] Excuse me. DZr7ifDfadQ-00069-00027594-00028194 So if you take the limit as x approaches 0, cosine of x minus 1 all over x squared. DZr7ifDfadQ-00070-00028194-00028549 So again if we take a look at a graph on GeoGebra or your calculator, DZr7ifDfadQ-00071-00028549-00028965 whatever floats your boat, this one looks like might be approaching a half. DZr7ifDfadQ-00072-00028965-00029345 Or negative half, sorry, cuz we're down here the negative area. DZr7ifDfadQ-00073-00029345-00029781 But who knows if that's exactly it, who knows if there is something funky going on DZr7ifDfadQ-00074-00029781-00030179 here that I can't quite see with the way I got my graph zoomed. DZr7ifDfadQ-00075-00030179-00030379 You just never know. DZr7ifDfadQ-00076-00030379-00030770 So again, let's go ahead and take a look at what's happening to our numerator and DZr7ifDfadQ-00077-00030770-00030867 denominator at 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00078-00030867-00031381 To see if we can use L'Hopital's, see if we get something that's indeterminate. DZr7ifDfadQ-00079-00031381-00031883 So if I evaluate the numerator at 0, so cosine of 0 minus 1, DZr7ifDfadQ-00080-00031883-00032625 that's gonna give me 1 minus 1, which is 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00081-00032625-00032945 And if I go ahead and plug the 0 in the denominator obviously 0 squared is also 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00082-00032945-00033295 So again, I'm go ahead and write this in quotes as 0 over 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00083-00033295-00033755 So this is a case we can use L'Hopital's on, so I'm gonna go ahead and do that. DZr7ifDfadQ-00084-00033755-00034269 Gonna write an LH again to indicate that I've done L'Hopital's. DZr7ifDfadQ-00085-00034269-00034764 Limit x approaches 0, and let's go ahead and do the derivative of our numerator. DZr7ifDfadQ-00086-00034764-00035192 So the derivative of cosine is negative sine of x, DZr7ifDfadQ-00087-00035192-00035571 minus 1, obviously that piece goes away. DZr7ifDfadQ-00088-00035571-00036160 Derivative of our denominator, x squared is 2x, okay, not too bad. DZr7ifDfadQ-00089-00036160-00036487 So these are pretty easy when you do them separately. DZr7ifDfadQ-00090-00036487-00036818 Okay, now let's take a look at what happens to these functions as x DZr7ifDfadQ-00091-00036818-00036901 approaches 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00092-00036901-00037321 Well, I see a 0 in the denominator again, that's never a good sign. DZr7ifDfadQ-00093-00037321-00037631 Okay, so let's go ahead and check what the numerator is too, and DZr7ifDfadQ-00094-00037631-00037813 let's see if we end up with 0 over 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00095-00037813-00038096 And sure enough, sine of 0 is 0. DZr7ifDfadQ-00096-00038096-00038397 Negative in front doesn't make a darn bit of difference. DZr7ifDfadQ-00097-00038397-00039015 So we have our 0 over 0 case again, so we can use L'Hopital's one more time. DZr7ifDfadQ-00098-00039015-00039298 We may need it again, but you just never know. DZr7ifDfadQ-00099-00039298-00039952 Limit x approaches 0, the derivative of our numerator is negative cosine. DZr7ifDfadQ-00100-00039952-00040246 So this is where all your derivatives of all your different functions are gonna DZr7ifDfadQ-00101-00040246-00040411 come in handy. DZr7ifDfadQ-00102-00040411-00040709 Derivative of our denominator is 2. DZr7ifDfadQ-00103-00040709-00040935 Okay, so obviously we're not gonna have L'Hopital's again, DZr7ifDfadQ-00104-00040935-00041181 cuz our denominator's a constant. DZr7ifDfadQ-00105-00041181-00041541 And if we plug 0 into our numerator, we're gonna get negative 1. DZr7ifDfadQ-00106-00041541-00041636 So sure enough, DZr7ifDfadQ-00107-00041636-00042155 our limit is as we thought when we eyeballed our graph, negative one-half. DZr7ifDfadQ-00108-00042155-00042306 But now we actually have some algebra and DZr7ifDfadQ-00109-00042306-00042671 some calculus here that will prove the fact that our limit's negative one-half. DZr7ifDfadQ-00110-00042671-00042887 Instead of just eyeballing off the graph. DZr7ifDfadQ-00111-00042887-00043036 Thank you very much. DZr7ifDfadQ-00112-00043036-00044623 [MUSIC] DcXfy0Vj7yI-00000-00000002-00000298 This video is not und a good star ... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00001-00000358-00000650 If I had the oncoming traffic, I would not be so blinded either ...argh DcXfy0Vj7yI-00002-00000840-00001130 HELLO, I have to brake hard then three times! DcXfy0Vj7yI-00003-00001488-00001538 Cool DcXfy0Vj7yI-00004-00001655-00001839 Bought used, I do not believe it ... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00005-00001848-00001952 We are now in the middle of a forest DcXfy0Vj7yI-00006-00002048-00002360 and on a street where nobody should be there. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00007-00002360-00002656 Here people pass every 10 seconds DcXfy0Vj7yI-00008-00002664-00003168 Thats looks pretty sweet DcXfy0Vj7yI-00009-00003615-00003768 "Servus" together DcXfy0Vj7yI-00010-00003800-00004272 The first 650km with the Tenere 700 is now done DcXfy0Vj7yI-00011-00004360-00004744 I drove 60 % and 40 % onroad DcXfy0Vj7yI-00012-00004816-00005088 I totally in love with this bike DcXfy0Vj7yI-00013-00005088-00005208 Only Smile ;) DcXfy0Vj7yI-00014-00005320-00005608 Today, i want talk with you about her and DcXfy0Vj7yI-00015-00005608-00005864 What kind of experience I have made with her DcXfy0Vj7yI-00016-00005888-00006160 What i learn about her and hear about her DcXfy0Vj7yI-00017-00006160-00006447 about the tires and really nice other stuff that she have DcXfy0Vj7yI-00018-00006448-00006752 We start in the front of the motorbike DcXfy0Vj7yI-00019-00006752-00007040 and work us to the back of her DcXfy0Vj7yI-00020-00007040-00007295 I haven´t got much points that i disapointed about this Motorbike DcXfy0Vj7yI-00021-00007520-00008008 I start now about the topic of the front mudguard DcXfy0Vj7yI-00022-00008072-00008424 You see in by the first view on this bike ... first 40cm of it ... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00023-00008424-00009368 you get to the conclusion that a professional, who is a motorbike driver himself, was invited to build this motorbike DcXfy0Vj7yI-00024-00009424-00009592 He was asked "How we should do it best DcXfy0Vj7yI-00025-00009664-00010136 Driver of Honda Africa Twin or older motorbikes that used for offroading have many discussions about mud in the mudguard DcXfy0Vj7yI-00026-00010208-00010984 They said "Ok if i drive in the mud, and dust and bääää the mudguard will be congested by mud" DcXfy0Vj7yI-00027-00011248-00011760 They had the fear to blocked the Wheel by the mud of the mudguard or the mudguard breaks DcXfy0Vj7yI-00028-00011864-00012560 Ergo, you change the mudguard to the top of the fork, like a nose, or changed it a little bit higher DcXfy0Vj7yI-00029-00012616-00013384 Here we have screws. If you open it, you can lift the guard to a higher position. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00030-00013480-00014072 the next topic is the light unit DcXfy0Vj7yI-00031-00014152-00014616 The light is well visible during the day as well as at night DcXfy0Vj7yI-00032-00014704-00015288 At night you can see a very nice straight course on the wall DcXfy0Vj7yI-00033-00015368-00015736 It has a very wide area below DcXfy0Vj7yI-00034-00015776-00016296 You can also see everything on the left and right in the forest DcXfy0Vj7yI-00035-00016536-00017152 up around when you turn on the high beam, there is only one spot DcXfy0Vj7yI-00036-00017232-00017784 Thats ok, but sometimes i wish it would be a wider high beam spot DcXfy0Vj7yI-00037-00017920-00018320 Mabye there are certain laws DcXfy0Vj7yI-00038-00018392-00018688 This is my wish about this topic DcXfy0Vj7yI-00039-00018688-00018983 I also drove sometimes offroad with high beam in the night DcXfy0Vj7yI-00040-00018984-00019316 the view was very good. I could see very far DcXfy0Vj7yI-00041-00019320-00021216 my issue were my goggles. They are mirrored. So it was hard for me to see the irregularities. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00042-00021328-00021832 Lets move forward. We come back to the point where we see that the machine was created by someone with a clue DcXfy0Vj7yI-00043-00022048-00022760 On the top you have a holder that fits two navigation units without problem DcXfy0Vj7yI-00044-00022832-00023144 Here i build it with a RAM ..... ahhhhh ... (i dont know the Name Ram Mount .... ;) ) DcXfy0Vj7yI-00045-00024040-00024328 you can simply build the navigation system DcXfy0Vj7yI-00046-00024336-00024640 it fits perfectly DcXfy0Vj7yI-00047-00024640-00024952 its good about the format and the size DcXfy0Vj7yI-00048-00024952-00025240 Its enough space to fit two units on this holder DcXfy0Vj7yI-00049-00025240-00025792 For example i use my GPSMap and on the other side my Garmin Street Navigation system DcXfy0Vj7yI-00050-00025864-00025960 total cool DcXfy0Vj7yI-00051-00025960-00026256 the display is the next topic DcXfy0Vj7yI-00052-00026256-00026544 that is the first little point that i dont like DcXfy0Vj7yI-00053-00026544-00027039 but i dont know how technicaly DcXfy0Vj7yI-00054-00027104-00027616 During vibration, the entire display wobbles very much DcXfy0Vj7yI-00055-00027672-00027983 the display is a unit with the lamp mask DcXfy0Vj7yI-00056-00027983-00028464 personally not bad for me, it should move. if it does not move it will break soon DcXfy0Vj7yI-00057-00028488-00028791 the vibration are very heavy DcXfy0Vj7yI-00058-00028792-00029232 and you hear the rubber buffers creaking DcXfy0Vj7yI-00059-00029280-00029512 When you listen to music it does not matter DcXfy0Vj7yI-00060-00029552-00029688 to the display it self DcXfy0Vj7yI-00061-00029744-00030312 Everyone today thinks that he needs a color display and many things more DcXfy0Vj7yI-00062-00030360-00030656 You do not need that DcXfy0Vj7yI-00063-00030656-00030983 You want to drive offroad DcXfy0Vj7yI-00064-00030990-00031208 You want to experience nature DcXfy0Vj7yI-00065-00031208-00031292 You want to let go You want to accelerate DcXfy0Vj7yI-00066-00031292-00031457 You want to drive offroad DcXfy0Vj7yI-00067-00031600-00031864 You do not need frills DcXfy0Vj7yI-00068-00031895-00032260 You need simple and clear instructions DcXfy0Vj7yI-00069-00032272-00032552 You have the gear indicator 1,2,3,4 ... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00070-00032552-00032840 How fast are you DcXfy0Vj7yI-00071-00032840-00032992 and in addition you also get service information DcXfy0Vj7yI-00072-00033048-00033136 Temperature sensor for water, Temperature sensor for outside temperature DcXfy0Vj7yI-00073-00033352-00033512 Two Tripmaster DcXfy0Vj7yI-00074-00033592-00033879 You can control the tripmaster in a easy way DcXfy0Vj7yI-00075-00033879-00034207 You already have the digital with you DcXfy0Vj7yI-00076-00034208-00034328 Of course it is not as good as the professional ones DcXfy0Vj7yI-00077-00034392-00034912 If you are doing a roadbook tour you can easily control the tripmaster DcXfy0Vj7yI-00078-00034960-00035216 And it takes a bit, but you have that as a hobby driver DcXfy0Vj7yI-00079-00035288-00035808 But that brings us to the first critical point DcXfy0Vj7yI-00080-00035880-00036168 This is really a No Go DcXfy0Vj7yI-00081-00036168-00036456 I personally have a very big problem with it DcXfy0Vj7yI-00082-00036460-00036759 And I hope that I talk directly to you Yamaha Motors DcXfy0Vj7yI-00083-00036760-00037120 Please .... Please Please Please .... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00084-00037148-00037996 In the next Varinante, next year, builds the Select switch for the display, not on the right side of the handlebars DcXfy0Vj7yI-00085-00038036-00038336 It's on the left side of the clutch. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00086-00038372-00038648 Build it next to the horn or above the horn DcXfy0Vj7yI-00087-00038648-00038960 There is a lot of space where you could install the switch. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00088-00038964-00039208 There you can switch the functions on the display in peace. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00089-00039244-00040400 I'll explain the problem to you quick. If I want to use the switch, I have to push it to the left. But at the same time I have to keep the throttle position the same. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00090-00040428-00040588 By pressing the button I unconsciously close the gas tap a little bit. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00091-00040644-00040848 So I'm, uhhhhh. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00092-00040880-00041040 Thats unnice DcXfy0Vj7yI-00093-00041088-00041592 I have already caught myself switching the right button with my left hand because I was not up for this problem. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00094-00041656-00041844 I just find uncool DcXfy0Vj7yI-00095-00041884-00042040 Then let's move on to the next topic DcXfy0Vj7yI-00096-00042084-00042552 I ordered the model extra with the 20mm handlebar elevators. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00097-00042632-00042740 ... and ... DcXfy0Vj7yI-00098-00042784-00043092 The increase is very comfortable for people over 185cm tall to sit and stand. DcXfy0Vj7yI-00099-00043132-00043924 In the standing position I have a very nice slightly angled position and am beautiful in spring DixOWaqmzky-00000-00000018-00000136 >> Narrator: - Here's another Thrive Tip DixOWaqmzky-00001-00000136-00000457 from Kaiser Permanente and Fox 12. DixOWaqmzky-00002-00000457-00000672 >> Nora Hart, Fox 12: - We tend to think kids are rather resilient DixOWaqmzky-00003-00000672-00000794 when it comes to sports. DixOWaqmzky-00004-00000794-00000978 Parents can play a big role to help ensure DixOWaqmzky-00005-00000978-00001098 their kids aren't sidelined DixOWaqmzky-00006-00001098-00001293 because of any unexpected injuries. DixOWaqmzky-00007-00001293-00001561 >> Dr. Stephen Renwick, Orthopedic Surgeon, Kaiser Permanente: - Unfortunately, we're seeing more chronic overuse injuries DixOWaqmzky-00008-00001561-00001766 in the pediatric athletic population, DixOWaqmzky-00009-00001766-00001984 and this can very frustrating to the athlete, DixOWaqmzky-00010-00001984-00002172 and especially the families. DixOWaqmzky-00011-00002172-00002587 We think it's related to single sports, year-round training, DixOWaqmzky-00012-00002587-00002797 and the children aren't getting enough rest, DixOWaqmzky-00013-00002797-00003053 and they're also not doing other sports. DixOWaqmzky-00014-00003053-00003310 You can help prevent these injuries by DixOWaqmzky-00015-00003310-00003667 getting enough rest, general endurance training, DixOWaqmzky-00016-00003667-00003981 getting hydrated, warming up, cooling down, DixOWaqmzky-00017-00003981-00004229 and letting minor injuries heal, DixOWaqmzky-00018-00004229-00004534 and then cross training in different sports. DixOWaqmzky-00019-00004534-00004794 >> Nora Hart, Fox 12: - Doctors also recommend taking one day off per week DixOWaqmzky-00020-00004794-00005227 from organized activity to recover physically and mentally. DixOWaqmzky-00021-00005227-00005402 >> Narrator: - This has been another Thrive Tip, DixOWaqmzky-00022-00005402-00005638 sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and Fox 12. DixOWaqmzky-00023-00005638-00005992 Visit KP Thrive on Facebook, for more information. DljWxhcetjQ-00000-00000048-00000376 i have doubled the amount of views that i'm getting right now, DljWxhcetjQ-00001-00000432-00001184 and it all happened because i added more links to the video, and they all worked as a result. DljWxhcetjQ-00002-00001184-00002016 the traffic has increased. more people are now able to see them, and i hope that all of them stay there, DljWxhcetjQ-00003-00002016-00002808 because that way, it would be a lot better. i would like a lot of my links to say that. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00000-00000000-00000525 Today we're looking at a lesson titled, Move on to maturity. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00001-00000955-00001392 Move on to maturity. Turn to the book of Hebrews. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00002-00002028-00002402 Hebrews the sixth chapter. We want verses one to two. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00003-00003769-00003969 Writer of the book of Hebrews Eo7xiOnq4d4-00004-00004054-00004475 is admonishing those that he's writing to,- Eo7xiOnq4d4-00005-00004605-00004895 because of their recalcitrance in growing, in maturing. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00006-00005098-00005298 And Eo7xiOnq4d4-00007-00005584-00005784 He's saying to them, it's time, Eo7xiOnq4d4-00008-00006025-00006332 past time for you to grow. Eo7xiOnq4d4-00009-00006519-00006872 You've been in the Lord long enough to be teachers now you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00010-00006948-00007386 Basically need to be taught again the principles the basics Eo7xiOnq4d4-00011-00007504-00007760 the doctrines of Christ and he goes on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00012-00007875-00008195 captive 6 verse 22 therefore leaving the Eo7xiOnq4d4-00013-00008265-00008636 Principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00014-00008700-00008900 unto perfection Eo7xiOnq4d4-00015-00008961-00009674 Or maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00016-00009750-00009998 the doctrine of baptisms and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00017-00010063-00010668 of the laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the Dead and of eternal judgment, so what he's saying here is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00018-00010732-00011444 It's time for us to get past the preliminaries to get past the basics and go on to the significant things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00019-00011536-00011882 of the teachings of Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00020-00011959-00012100 Well, of course Eo7xiOnq4d4-00021-00012100-00012300 the past since the time of the Reformation Eo7xiOnq4d4-00022-00012432-00012782 600 years approximately the church is still on basics Eo7xiOnq4d4-00023-00012853-00013181 Still concerned about baptisms. It's so concerned about Eo7xiOnq4d4-00024-00013266-00013629 the basic formats of whether you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00025-00013780-00014474 Baptize in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit or Jesus only the things that are majoring on the minors Eo7xiOnq4d4-00026-00014566-00014787 Then want to take a look at Eo7xiOnq4d4-00027-00014890-00015072 What the scripture says? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00028-00015072-00015299 The Christian should be focusing on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00029-00015463-00015668 To bring him to a state of maturity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00030-00015880-00016205 Scripture teaches the saint is to pursue deeper revelation Eo7xiOnq4d4-00031-00016282-00016679 That will mature and prepare him for the Christ language Eo7xiOnq4d4-00032-00016711-00017088 Turn Hebrews a fifth chapter right above there verses 13 to 14 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00033-00018037-00018237 Well when the time Eo7xiOnq4d4-00034-00018268-00018867 You ought to be teachers you have need of one to teach you again, which is in the first principles of the Oracles of God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00035-00018970-00019325 And I become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat Eo7xiOnq4d4-00036-00019417-00019868 For everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness reason thing Eo7xiOnq4d4-00037-00019981-00020564 We're strong meat belongeth to them that are full age. Even those of our reason of use have their senses Eo7xiOnq4d4-00038-00020632-00021224 Exercised to discern good and evil, you become mature when you can detect detect Eo7xiOnq4d4-00039-00021319-00021519 in the scripture Eo7xiOnq4d4-00040-00021646-00021921 Good and evil when you can detect Eo7xiOnq4d4-00041-00022138-00022488 Deception from truth in the Word of God and that comes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00042-00022549-00023111 At the point in which the saint becomes a person with the basic Eo7xiOnq4d4-00043-00023182-00023589 fundamental principles of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00044-00023692-00023981 when you're grounded in the basics of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00045-00024379-00024579 Salvation Eo7xiOnq4d4-00046-00024583-00025121 Repentance and what the scripture says about the eternality of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00047-00025252-00025438 Jesus Christ you become Eo7xiOnq4d4-00048-00025438-00025600 grounded in the Eo7xiOnq4d4-00049-00025600-00025827 fundamentals the basic groundwork of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00050-00025900-00026327 The teachers of Christ and then you go on from there into the deeper aspects Eo7xiOnq4d4-00051-00026407-00026926 Now we want to take a look at three principle. We'll need safety maturity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00052-00027002-00027213 scripture teaches three assets Eo7xiOnq4d4-00053-00027281-00027967 Which the Spirit will impart to the one who will pursue them these three assets lead to spiritual maturity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00054-00028094-00028311 What are the three essence they are? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00055-00028379-00028579 knowledge of one's calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00056-00028658-00028878 knowledge of one's inheritance in Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00057-00028925-00029518 In knowledge of the power that will strengthen and the Saint through the trials of life going to repeat them Eo7xiOnq4d4-00058-00029614-00030096 They are knowledge of one's calling what you have been called to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00059-00030208-00030408 knowledge of one's inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00060-00030464-00030870 where God has for you in this life and in eternity and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00061-00030989-00031377 Knowledge of the power that will strengthen through the trials of life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00062-00031483-00032182 Being able to call upon the strength that comes through Christ to enable you to overcome the obstacles Eo7xiOnq4d4-00063-00032219-00032419 So that you can grow Eo7xiOnq4d4-00064-00032452-00032652 These three these three Eo7xiOnq4d4-00065-00032702-00032902 are the Eo7xiOnq4d4-00066-00033008-00033465 Basic principles a saint should be pursuing Eo7xiOnq4d4-00067-00033626-00033927 Once he learns the fundamentals of basics Eo7xiOnq4d4-00068-00034034-00034596 Of Christian doctrine once he learns these essentials of death burial and resurrection of Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00069-00034694-00035073 You should begin to pursue these three attributes turn to the book of Ephesians Eo7xiOnq4d4-00070-00035144-00035344 first chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00071-00035366-00035932 verses 17 to 19 Ephesians the first chapter verses 17 and then Eo7xiOnq4d4-00072-00036107-00036307 All illustrates this Eo7xiOnq4d4-00073-00037517-00037875 As attorney Paul is commending Ephesians Eo7xiOnq4d4-00074-00038046-00038405 For being Christians they have shown Eo7xiOnq4d4-00075-00038541-00038741 Basically what? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00076-00038874-00039533 The portrayal of a crew of a true Christian is that is love from one another that's the basic Eo7xiOnq4d4-00077-00039603-00039935 Litmus test or whether a person has really saved your night Eo7xiOnq4d4-00078-00040024-00040143 genuine Eo7xiOnq4d4-00079-00040143-00040343 love Eo7xiOnq4d4-00080-00040380-00041162 For the Brethren and if well empty commencement for that goes on to tell them what they should begin to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00081-00041308-00041508 verse 17 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00082-00041596-00042212 Says he's praying to them the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory the Eo7xiOnq4d4-00083-00042280-00042566 Father they give unto you the spirit of wisdom Eo7xiOnq4d4-00084-00042643-00043046 And revelation in the knowledge of him. So the saint is to pursue Eo7xiOnq4d4-00085-00043146-00043278 understanding Eo7xiOnq4d4-00086-00043278-00043478 That comes from the spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00087-00043515-00043715 What's the father will give? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00088-00043737-00044264 To that one. It's open to receiving now what will happen when the Spirit comes? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00089-00044383-00044583 imparting this knowledge Eo7xiOnq4d4-00090-00044602-00045012 verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened Eo7xiOnq4d4-00091-00045120-00045572 In other words, you will gain comprehension of the three attributes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00092-00045843-00046547 That she may know what is the hope of his calling that's the first thing of Saint Mizzou what it is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00093-00046547-00046747 He's called to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00094-00046800-00047093 And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00095-00047139-00047798 In the Saints what it is that you have in Christ. The disciples weren't afraid or ashamed to ask Jesus Eo7xiOnq4d4-00096-00047836-00048324 He has stood right up. And so we followed you. We've left everything what's in it for us and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00097-00048378-00048749 Jesus was delighted to explain what the inheritance would be Eo7xiOnq4d4-00098-00048955-00049056 Verse Eo7xiOnq4d4-00099-00049056-00049559 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00100-00049599-00050036 We believe according to the working of his mighty power you cannot Eo7xiOnq4d4-00101-00050130-00050540 You cannot achieve the first - unless you're operating in the last Eo7xiOnq4d4-00102-00050611-00050996 If you don't have the power of God operating in you, you're going to be sidetracked Eo7xiOnq4d4-00103-00051012-00051529 You're going to be feeted you're going to be brought low and limited before we even Eo7xiOnq4d4-00104-00051596-00051934 engage in pursuing the other two attributes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00105-00051999-00052390 Because you live in a world is falling you live in a world is dominated by Eo7xiOnq4d4-00106-00052461-00052644 Luciferian influence Eo7xiOnq4d4-00107-00052644-00053120 Mind body and soul are constantly under new superior influence Eo7xiOnq4d4-00108-00053120-00053500 and unless you are operating in the power of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00109-00053565-00053881 God you do not have the resolve to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00110-00053954-00054592 Continue on pursuing the things of God take a look around you how many Christians are sold out for Christ? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00111-00054692-00054892 that you know Eo7xiOnq4d4-00112-00054900-00055133 How many talk about the Lord? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00113-00055185-00055712 Every chance they get how many are delighted to pray. How many are delighted that you seek? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00114-00055770-00056108 The Word of God the knowledge of God the principles of God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00115-00056108-00056725 No, most Christians are focused on the things in this world the problems the secta tunes of life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00116-00056727-00057142 Just trying to keep your head above water. That's not what God intended Eo7xiOnq4d4-00117-00057219-00057383 people Eo7xiOnq4d4-00118-00057383-00058033 Why is that because they're not operating in the power of God in the strength? It would enable them to overcome that stuff Eo7xiOnq4d4-00119-00058130-00058330 Let's go on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00120-00059103-00059308 Pursuing these three attributes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00121-00059565-00060151 Will lead us on the path of maturity Scripture teaches Paul Eo7xiOnq4d4-00122-00060372-00060599 Proclaimed his knowledge of these three attributes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00123-00060692-00061370 Consistently so he could send an example for the churches to follow her turn to Roman's the first chapter verse 1 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00124-00061596-00062321 He says the three attributes are becoming aware of your calling Romans the first chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00125-00064029-00064331 Well a servant of Jesus Christ called Eo7xiOnq4d4-00126-00064425-00064625 To be an apostle Eo7xiOnq4d4-00127-00064632-00065102 Separated unto the gospel of God all once the church to know Eo7xiOnq4d4-00128-00065266-00065400 Who he is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00129-00065400-00065993 What is calling is he says I am an apostle have been called be an apostle. That's exactly what I'm going to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00130-00066012-00066212 I'm going to manifest Eo7xiOnq4d4-00131-00066258-00066458 the office of apostle Eo7xiOnq4d4-00132-00066495-00067007 Which I've been authorized to do now turn to the book of Galatians the first chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00133-00067083-00067334 In the nation is the first chapter verse Eo7xiOnq4d4-00134-00067425-00067625 1 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00135-00069663-00069920 Well, not only identifies what he is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00136-00070182-00070454 But he goes on to say Eo7xiOnq4d4-00137-00070650-00071078 Basically that he's not going to be deterred from what is calling it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00138-00071226-00071462 Galatians the first chapter verse 1 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00139-00071532-00071891 We read Paul an apostle. Not of men Eo7xiOnq4d4-00140-00071982-00072182 neither by man Eo7xiOnq4d4-00141-00072192-00072410 but by jesus christ and god Eo7xiOnq4d4-00142-00072501-00073010 The father who raised him from within for all the saying basically Eo7xiOnq4d4-00143-00073074-00073328 I've been called an apostle not Eo7xiOnq4d4-00144-00073455-00073573 by Eo7xiOnq4d4-00145-00073573-00073773 men or circumstances Eo7xiOnq4d4-00146-00073855-00074262 But by God now Paul had a rough time Eo7xiOnq4d4-00147-00074355-00074538 Paul was not Eo7xiOnq4d4-00148-00074538-00075044 Immediately received as a genuine apostles by the other apostles. That's why he writes this Eo7xiOnq4d4-00149-00075154-00075561 The gospel that he was given was not immediately received by the other apostles Eo7xiOnq4d4-00150-00075561-00076256 They look down their nose at Paul as though he were a review surfer. So he were not a genuine apostle because there Eo7xiOnq4d4-00151-00076338-00077065 Savannah possible would be somebody to walk to talk with Christ all said basically in its writings. I don't care what you say. I Eo7xiOnq4d4-00152-00077184-00077384 am an apostle Eo7xiOnq4d4-00153-00077418-00078119 By Jesus Christ who called me and gave me the gospel matter-of-fact go on to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00154-00078345-00078584 Verse 11 and 12 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00155-00078822-00079454 Paul says when I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man Eo7xiOnq4d4-00156-00079581-00079946 Or I neither received it of man. Neither was I taught it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00157-00080004-00080521 but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, so the Apostles that were given to mandate the new Eo7xiOnq4d4-00158-00080574-00080884 The Great Commission who go and preach and teach the gospel Eo7xiOnq4d4-00159-00080967-00081182 Paul says it that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00160-00081243-00081938 What didn't have anything to do with me because I'm an impossible equal to them the gospel that I am received Eo7xiOnq4d4-00161-00082002-00082360 Didn't come from them. It came directly from Jesus Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00162-00082419-00083057 And that was another reason why they wouldn't receive him immediately as an apostle because the gospel that he was teaching Eo7xiOnq4d4-00163-00083091-00083256 That's what he was preaching Eo7xiOnq4d4-00164-00083256-00083600 Basically was scenting on the Gentiles not the Jews Eo7xiOnq4d4-00165-00083646-00083974 And they basically had a rough time hard time Eo7xiOnq4d4-00166-00084000-00084713 Accepting Paul's gospel until he showed them the fruit of what is calling once to hit a big meeting of Jerusalem Eo7xiOnq4d4-00167-00084783-00085150 and all brought members of the churches that he had founded and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00168-00085208-00085753 That were actively engaged in doing the work of Christ and Ministry of Christ to Jerusalem Eo7xiOnq4d4-00169-00085830-00086081 refused to have them circumcised and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00170-00086166-00086873 Presented them and as he presented him the Holy Spirit fell and they could see signs and wonders and these men speaking Eo7xiOnq4d4-00171-00086904-00087125 things of God, he says after they Eo7xiOnq4d4-00172-00087177-00087511 Saw this he gave me the right hand to fellowship. They accepted me Eo7xiOnq4d4-00173-00087512-00088151 Then as a regular true apostle all said he wouldn't he wasn't concerned with the approval of men Eo7xiOnq4d4-00174-00088170-00088678 He knew what his calling was he stepped in to his calling and he wasn't about that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00175-00088803-00089353 circumstances and the pressures of the world and even his brethren deter him from Eo7xiOnq4d4-00176-00089411-00089547 We should have the same Eo7xiOnq4d4-00177-00089547-00089747 mindset when you find Eo7xiOnq4d4-00178-00089760-00089886 What it is? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00179-00089886-00090652 God has called you to do that should be the central focus of your whole life. I don't care if it's closest of your family Eo7xiOnq4d4-00180-00090789-00091379 Circumstances job. Whatever it is. It should not deter you when what God has called you to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00181-00091434-00091948 It was every one of us that are in Christ one day then have to stand before God and give an account Eo7xiOnq4d4-00182-00092040-00092500 What we did with the time we were given here didn't we do what we were called to do? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00183-00092583-00092783 or did we Eo7xiOnq4d4-00184-00092841-00092994 cave Eo7xiOnq4d4-00185-00092994-00093194 and compromise Eo7xiOnq4d4-00186-00093369-00093569 So Paul illustrates Eo7xiOnq4d4-00187-00093717-00094345 Fact that he is pursuing his calling he uses this as he says to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00188-00094383-00094583 demonstrate to the churches Eo7xiOnq4d4-00189-00094770-00095074 Setting setting an example for them to follow Eo7xiOnq4d4-00190-00095331-00095621 Turn to Romans the eighth chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00191-00095850-00096389 Verse 16 18 Paul consistently spoke about the heritage inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00192-00097683-00097964 Romans 8:16 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00193-00098445-00098924 283 attributes pursuing your calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00194-00099187-00099509 Learning your heritage what it is that you have in Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00195-00099664-00099783 And Eo7xiOnq4d4-00196-00099783-00100130 Drawing on the strength that will enable you to complete Eo7xiOnq4d4-00197-00100249-00100432 What it is? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00198-00100432-00100730 That you have been called to do now Rome is the eighth chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00199-00100864-00101064 1618 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00200-00101127-00101483 Does the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are Eo7xiOnq4d4-00201-00101563-00101673 the children of God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00202-00101673-00102270 So you will never have to doubt your salvation if here in Christ the Holy Spirit if you're in tune with the Holy Spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00203-00102301-00102974 If you're open to the Holy Spirit, he will quicken you no matter what situation is taking place. You may flop Eo7xiOnq4d4-00204-00103054-00103607 Egregiously do something that you're ashamed of come on and conviction the Holy Spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00205-00103607-00103883 But he will confirm to you that you are Eo7xiOnq4d4-00206-00103968-00104201 Still a child of God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00207-00104299-00104454 never down Eo7xiOnq4d4-00208-00104454-00105101 Your position in Christ by the things you do because the things you do didn't make you sane Eo7xiOnq4d4-00209-00105190-00105390 It should believe in Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00210-00105427-00105863 That saves you and it's your belief in Christ that sustains you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00211-00105979-00106179 Paul says Eo7xiOnq4d4-00212-00106189-00106878 spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs heirs Eo7xiOnq4d4-00213-00106935-00107543 Of God and joint-heirs with Christ. If so be that we suffer with him. We may be also glorified Eo7xiOnq4d4-00214-00107614-00107746 together Eo7xiOnq4d4-00215-00107746-00108116 You can spend a lifetime pursuing the knowledge of your inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00216-00108210-00108833 Most people are oblivious as to what it is if they have in Christ. It's in a toy Eo7xiOnq4d4-00217-00108901-00109343 Not encouraged to pursue the importance of your inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00218-00109501-00109701 Whoa Eo7xiOnq4d4-00219-00109795-00109995 Specifically Eo7xiOnq4d4-00220-00110002-00110753 Demonstrates this turns again to the book of Galatians. What Chapman place is a fourth chapter 1 verses 4 this Eo7xiOnq4d4-00221-00114025-00114245 Is where the fullness of the time was come Eo7xiOnq4d4-00222-00114313-00114857 The words when the span of lies program reached a certain point Eo7xiOnq4d4-00223-00114973-00115398 the guy sent Jesus Christ into the world fulfill Eo7xiOnq4d4-00224-00115513-00115665 master plan Eo7xiOnq4d4-00225-00115665-00115836 relations for Eo7xiOnq4d4-00226-00115836-00116014 learning in verse 4 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00227-00116014-00116333 Then read unto verse 7, but when the fullness of the time was come God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00228-00116385-00116964 Sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law so he became human why Eo7xiOnq4d4-00229-00117049-00117692 Should we deem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00230-00117838-00118539 And because your son is God that sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father Eo7xiOnq4d4-00231-00118648-00119313 wherefore there were no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00232-00119328-00119528 So it's a relationship in Eo7xiOnq4d4-00233-00119586-00120305 Jesus Christ that makes us the son of God and if we are sons of God Paul repeats this and Galatians Eo7xiOnq4d4-00234-00120330-00120851 He repeats it in Roman if we are sons of God we become heirs of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00235-00120907-00121265 God now sonship has nothing to do with gender Eo7xiOnq4d4-00236-00121265-00121970 I cannot repeat that enough sonship has nothing to do with gender turn to Galatians Eo7xiOnq4d4-00237-00122202-00122402 Virtue Eo7xiOnq4d4-00238-00122565-00123351 Which is 27 to 28 in Christ, you lose your gender identity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00239-00123859-00124177 Raishin Sperry chapter verse 27 to 28 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00240-00125063-00125652 With many of you has been baptized into Christ have put on Christ you put on the identity of Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00241-00125692-00125898 When you do that you lose your identity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00242-00126067-00126267 There's neither Jew nor Eo7xiOnq4d4-00243-00126326-00126828 Greek there is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female Eo7xiOnq4d4-00244-00126883-00127314 For you are all one in Christ Jesus. You lose your earthly Eo7xiOnq4d4-00245-00127382-00127617 Identity your earthly attributes everything Eo7xiOnq4d4-00246-00127700-00127900 pertaining to the demek Eo7xiOnq4d4-00247-00128000-00128364 Identity that you had as far as God is concerned no longer exist Eo7xiOnq4d4-00248-00128428-00128949 Old things are passed away all things become new Eo7xiOnq4d4-00249-00129269-00130000 Everything a free thing you literally become a new creation a being that didn't exist before Eo7xiOnq4d4-00250-00130117-00130317 You have new attributes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00251-00130370-00130614 You have a totally new identity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00252-00130739-00131307 Why is it that people are trying to drag the old into the new room with them? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00253-00131377-00131613 God says that's to be cut off and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00254-00131684-00131884 and and and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00255-00131885-00132105 Basically walk away from it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00256-00132200-00132561 embrace your new identity pursue your new identity the Eo7xiOnq4d4-00257-00132632-00133147 Heritage the inheritance comes with the new identity as a Son of God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00258-00133262-00133734 Holy Spirit will give you comprehension of what you have inherited Eo7xiOnq4d4-00259-00133891-00134091 You say well what is it that I've inherited Eo7xiOnq4d4-00260-00134261-00134839 During the Revelation 20 first chapter verse 7 revelation 21 verse all Eo7xiOnq4d4-00261-00135502-00135927 No, Malaysian 21 verse 7 says the father himself speaking Eo7xiOnq4d4-00262-00137113-00137646 You don't know how rich that is that is so key so with all Eo7xiOnq4d4-00263-00138454-00138807 This is a father himself speaking since either overcometh shall Eo7xiOnq4d4-00264-00138913-00139105 inherit all Eo7xiOnq4d4-00265-00139105-00139487 Things that would be his guide and he should be my son see him God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00266-00139657-00139877 Himself that created all things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00267-00140020-00140373 That go beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend Eo7xiOnq4d4-00268-00140421-00141011 You can only comprehend a small percentage of the things of God, but everything you can comprehend Eo7xiOnq4d4-00269-00141139-00141339 you've inherited Eo7xiOnq4d4-00270-00141544-00141744 If you believe it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00271-00141886-00142161 The things that we have in this life a Eo7xiOnq4d4-00272-00142285-00142754 temporal in other words they pass away because everything in this reality is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00273-00142807-00143498 Temporary nothing here was ever created to be permanent. It's created for a time. And if that a time is over it dances away Eo7xiOnq4d4-00274-00143587-00144072 Well, God is maybe convenient with his children to enjoy Eo7xiOnq4d4-00275-00144145-00144536 all things because in him all things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00276-00144643-00145269 exist and in him who participates in this life in Eo7xiOnq4d4-00277-00145339-00145539 the inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00278-00145582-00145782 Turn to the book of James Eo7xiOnq4d4-00279-00145786-00145997 first chapter verse 17 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00280-00146086-00146300 as you pursue as Eo7xiOnq4d4-00281-00146371-00146571 you pursue your Eo7xiOnq4d4-00282-00146635-00146812 calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00283-00146812-00147198 That you line up with the requirements Eo7xiOnq4d4-00284-00147385-00147893 To receive all things from God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00285-00148042-00148296 James the first chapter right after Hebrews Eo7xiOnq4d4-00286-00148531-00148778 And when you get there verse 17 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00287-00149959-00150515 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming Eo7xiOnq4d4-00288-00150694-00151248 Down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning Eo7xiOnq4d4-00289-00151306-00151862 Things so what happens here you begin to pursue these attributes that we're speaking about Eo7xiOnq4d4-00290-00151951-00152128 your calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00291-00152128-00152296 your inheritance Eo7xiOnq4d4-00292-00152296-00152446 the power Eo7xiOnq4d4-00293-00152446-00152590 to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00294-00152590-00152746 manifests Eo7xiOnq4d4-00295-00152746-00153537 Overcome the obstacles the blessings begin to automatically come into your life don't listen to this stuff Eo7xiOnq4d4-00296-00153567-00153819 That you're hearing. There's water down pablum Eo7xiOnq4d4-00297-00153889-00154018 that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00298-00154018-00154218 is being spoken about Eo7xiOnq4d4-00299-00154234-00154434 pursuing blessing words Eo7xiOnq4d4-00300-00154504-00155085 Pursuing the goodies is a Christian. No, you don't pursue blessings. You pursue your calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00301-00155251-00155946 You pursue what God has called you to do and then the blessings automatically come into your life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00302-00156073-00156273 Turn to Matthew the sixth chapter Eo7xiOnq4d4-00303-00156409-00156885 There's 33 to 34 Matthew 6 chapter verse 33 to them Eo7xiOnq4d4-00304-00157081-00157466 Now when you really start pursuing the Lord Eo7xiOnq4d4-00305-00157612-00157962 Things of the world just don't in depth but appealing anymore Eo7xiOnq4d4-00306-00157999-00158468 You are blessed with the things you need and with the things you desire to write Eo7xiOnq4d4-00307-00158542-00158742 This videos don't have that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00308-00159163-00159816 It's not what you really it's an illusion to begin with it's just something that comes naturally what you really want to pursue is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00309-00159898-00160098 that relationship Eo7xiOnq4d4-00310-00160204-00160404 Songs to the Holy Spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00311-00160758-00160985 Need a spanking, but you're all officer Eo7xiOnq4d4-00312-00161697-00161897 Matthew Eo7xiOnq4d4-00313-00162468-00162668 6:33 234 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00314-00162960-00163675 But seek ye first the kingdom of God repeat that sinky first the kingdom of God and His righteousness Eo7xiOnq4d4-00315-00163815-00164606 All these things shall be added unto you what are the things he's talking about. We look up in the previous passages of scripture Eo7xiOnq4d4-00316-00164745-00165292 He says the verse 28 why take? Ye thought for raiment consider the lilies of the field how they grow Eo7xiOnq4d4-00317-00165321-00165521 They told not neither do they spin Eo7xiOnq4d4-00318-00165540-00165995 Yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like unto one of these Eo7xiOnq4d4-00319-00166077-00166634 Wherefore if God so called the grass of the field which is today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven Eo7xiOnq4d4-00320-00166689-00167078 Tell you not much more clothe you O ye of little faith Eo7xiOnq4d4-00321-00167184-00167435 Therefore take no thought no the words don't stress Eo7xiOnq4d4-00322-00167487-00167864 What you shall eat what you shall drink? We will all show you be clothed Eo7xiOnq4d4-00323-00167892-00168526 we after all these things are the Gentiles see unsaved people are consistently worried about having their needs met and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00324-00168597-00169300 So they pursue careers they pursue wealth. They pursue physicians to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00325-00169419-00169958 Guarantee that their needs will be met in the style in which they feel it should be met Eo7xiOnq4d4-00326-00169974-00170291 I've heard a person say I can't live without unless I'm earning Eo7xiOnq4d4-00327-00170346-00170546 $100,000 a year Eo7xiOnq4d4-00328-00170877-00171637 They call the thing the cost of living what does it cost you to live in Orange County poverty level is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00329-00171717-00172346 $85,000. Everybody's life is gauged in terms of how much money they make. It's an illusion Eo7xiOnq4d4-00330-00172419-00172888 Screw here is telling us that stuff has no part in the life of a saint Eo7xiOnq4d4-00331-00173016-00173216 God knows what we need Eo7xiOnq4d4-00332-00173316-00173493 God knows Eo7xiOnq4d4-00333-00173493-00173693 How much we need when we need it? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00334-00173740-00174003 You God is well able to provide that name Eo7xiOnq4d4-00335-00174097-00174480 Jesus said that should be the focus of a think that's the problems of unsaved people Eo7xiOnq4d4-00336-00174556-00174756 Then he goes on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00337-00174862-00175428 We're after all these things the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things but seek ye first Eo7xiOnq4d4-00338-00175438-00175668 the kingdom of God and His righteousness Eo7xiOnq4d4-00339-00175696-00176171 And all these things shall be added unto you what is seeking the kingdom of God seeking your calling Eo7xiOnq4d4-00340-00176227-00176561 What is it that God has called you to do in this life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00341-00176668-00176868 Everyone in Christ has a purpose Eo7xiOnq4d4-00342-00176923-00177126 the problem is that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00343-00177277-00177633 99.9% of the people in Christ don't know their purpose Eo7xiOnq4d4-00344-00177706-00178061 You speak to people to say I was set on a church pew for thirty years Eo7xiOnq4d4-00345-00178062-00178344 I still don't know what God called me to do. That's a shame Eo7xiOnq4d4-00346-00178426-00178626 That's a shame Eo7xiOnq4d4-00347-00178678-00178878 That should not be Eo7xiOnq4d4-00348-00178912-00179391 God is not reluctant to let us know what he wants us to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00349-00179461-00179661 its opposition to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00350-00179698-00180192 Hearing the voice of God that prevents us from knowing what our calling is in pursuing Accord Eo7xiOnq4d4-00351-00180226-00180843 Pursue your calling and all these things will come to you. That's a promise from God that all Eo7xiOnq4d4-00352-00181039-00181254 Illustrates this consistently he says Eo7xiOnq4d4-00353-00181414-00181665 That we have the Holy Spirit in us Eo7xiOnq4d4-00354-00181804-00182084 Direct us and guide us into all truth Eo7xiOnq4d4-00355-00182404-00182604 Let's go on Eo7xiOnq4d4-00356-00182725-00183405 All consistently proclaim these three attributes in his life so that he could demonstrate them Eo7xiOnq4d4-00357-00183463-00184070 So the church could see how they need to proceed to have them come into their life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00358-00184093-00184391 Turn to Philippians the fourth chapter verse 13 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00359-00184459-00184791 we said the last attribute dealt with Eo7xiOnq4d4-00360-00184858-00185408 Learning about the power that's already within us and will enable us to withstand the opposition Eo7xiOnq4d4-00361-00185479-00186134 to pursuing what God's called us to pursue Philippians 1 chapter verse 13 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00362-00187416-00187616 When he says Eo7xiOnq4d4-00363-00187713-00188027 What you mean basically it's Eo7xiOnq4d4-00364-00188224-00188424 Whatever you need Eo7xiOnq4d4-00365-00188979-00189169 That's part of it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00366-00189169-00189546 It's whatever you need to perform what he's called you to do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00367-00189588-00190019 Whatever you need to enable you to remain free Eo7xiOnq4d4-00368-00190096-00190340 Whatever you need for that particular Eo7xiOnq4d4-00369-00190413-00190613 situation Eo7xiOnq4d4-00370-00190725-00191138 That's not whatever you want right other people in the church Eo7xiOnq4d4-00371-00191238-00191714 They believe in god, but they got all these mental emotions do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00372-00191826-00192026 Yes, well Eo7xiOnq4d4-00373-00192175-00192857 Yeah, because they're not on the wing it's three attributes, okay, we're fine Eo7xiOnq4d4-00374-00194037-00194366 Let me verse 11 to 13 Eo7xiOnq4d4-00375-00194584-00194862 Not that I speak in respect of one or need Eo7xiOnq4d4-00376-00195051-00195569 Or have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content. I'm sorry Eo7xiOnq4d4-00377-00196657-00197192 Learn to be content in your state of matter you are where God wants you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00378-00197296-00197697 Learn to be content in that situation. The Paul is writing this from a jail cell Eo7xiOnq4d4-00379-00197817-00198017 solitary confinement Eo7xiOnq4d4-00380-00198105-00198470 So he's illustrating in the the most Eo7xiOnq4d4-00381-00198741-00199199 Degree that you could possibly illustrate this principle I've learned to be content Eo7xiOnq4d4-00382-00199258-00199521 Wherever I am because I know this is what God wants me to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00383-00199629-00199791 and he just Eo7xiOnq4d4-00384-00199791-00200195 That break them over when looking. Oh Eo7xiOnq4d4-00385-00200269-00200377 that's Eo7xiOnq4d4-00386-00200377-00200778 That with the weave when you learn about the strength that comes from God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00387-00200797-00201453 but basically what what is being said when you learn to be content where you are when you look around and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00388-00201487-00201687 You will see mean Eo7xiOnq4d4-00389-00201729-00202061 You will see that God is using you where you are Eo7xiOnq4d4-00390-00202128-00202328 to bless other people Eo7xiOnq4d4-00391-00202390-00202604 To bring forth the manifest Eo7xiOnq4d4-00392-00202680-00203084 His reality to others Paul did this from a jail cell? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00393-00203110-00203708 The epistles were written from a jail cell and he blessed millions of people. Mm-hmm Eo7xiOnq4d4-00394-00203782-00204102 2,000 years later blessing millions of people Eo7xiOnq4d4-00395-00204291-00204491 You said learn to be content Eo7xiOnq4d4-00396-00204502-00204666 And you'll see Eo7xiOnq4d4-00397-00204666-00204808 people's needs Eo7xiOnq4d4-00398-00204808-00205337 When you quit focusing on your own needs and see the kingdom of heaven, which is his will for your life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00399-00205389-00206069 That's where the contentment comes from because the other knives needs and I'm sorry. Okay. All right. It's such a Eo7xiOnq4d4-00400-00206196-00206846 It's such a blessing being able to meet other people's being used by God to deliver those things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00401-00206846-00207368 Okay, that is such an awesome a virtual feeling exactly but most Christians don't Eo7xiOnq4d4-00402-00207633-00207833 Ah Eo7xiOnq4d4-00403-00207836-00208286 And it's as a result of the world that we live in the Luciferian influence Eo7xiOnq4d4-00404-00208341-00208519 dominates this world Eo7xiOnq4d4-00405-00208519-00208794 Has never never never going to cut you any slack Eo7xiOnq4d4-00406-00208941-00209465 You have to find everything you can from God because you have a thief right there Eo7xiOnq4d4-00407-00209487-00210149 At your footsteps trying to rob you from it. Whether it's Peace Love joy blessing calling whatever it is Eo7xiOnq4d4-00408-00210217-00210642 He's out the robbed you from it to steal kill and destroy description says Eo7xiOnq4d4-00409-00210717-00211002 So what do you find here? The scripture is telling us? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00410-00211092-00211292 the mindset that comes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00411-00211359-00211577 from the assurance of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00412-00211666-00211886 applying these three principles Eo7xiOnq4d4-00413-00212034-00212234 or rest ruling upon you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00414-00212373-00212588 Consistently Paul says I've learned to be content Eo7xiOnq4d4-00415-00212784-00213058 Well, I know both how to build least Eo7xiOnq4d4-00416-00213059-00213689 I know how to abound in other words gonna be times when you're not on the mountaintop gonna be tired Eo7xiOnq4d4-00417-00213689-00214030 You're going through a valley done Derby times with things are not so pleasant Eo7xiOnq4d4-00418-00214146-00214667 But God will give you the ability to endure all things to the strength Eo7xiOnq4d4-00419-00214694-00215185 It comes from him. This is what Paul is trying to illustrate in his writing Eo7xiOnq4d4-00420-00215310-00215569 I can do all things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00421-00215648-00216209 All things it's an unqualified statement. I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Eo7xiOnq4d4-00422-00216402-00216917 It's within him and there are other description that all talks about he didn't learn this overnight Eo7xiOnq4d4-00423-00217044-00217261 It came through experience Eo7xiOnq4d4-00424-00217341-00217448 his Eo7xiOnq4d4-00425-00217448-00217873 Scriptures you read son Corinthians the first chapter where he's going with a great depression Eo7xiOnq4d4-00426-00217919-00218632 Great depression until he realizes the Holy Spirit quickens him that he's doing all this in his own strength Eo7xiOnq4d4-00427-00218703-00218903 And he needs to relax Eo7xiOnq4d4-00428-00218919-00219214 And let the strength that comes from God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00429-00219384-00220067 Manifest in him and it will take him through whatever it is. He's dealing with the same thing is true with us Eo7xiOnq4d4-00430-00220230-00220377 We are Eo7xiOnq4d4-00431-00220377-00220523 basically Eo7xiOnq4d4-00432-00220523-00221087 Programmed by the world by the fall to operate in our intellect and in our own Eo7xiOnq4d4-00433-00221166-00221283 puny Eo7xiOnq4d4-00434-00221283-00221409 ability Eo7xiOnq4d4-00435-00221409-00221609 You have God's Eo7xiOnq4d4-00436-00221646-00221915 presence in us with us Eo7xiOnq4d4-00437-00221919-00222688 but he's not gonna force anything on us until we yield and say Lord now my will what I will Eo7xiOnq4d4-00438-00222741-00223072 Let your strength come through me and immediately Eo7xiOnq4d4-00439-00223155-00223355 You'll feel it immediately Eo7xiOnq4d4-00440-00223377-00223985 It will well up within you immediately you feel the desire to praise Him you feel the desire? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00441-00224004-00224344 To walk in a way in which you haven't walked before Eo7xiOnq4d4-00442-00224400-00224978 It's a strengthened and insurance and a confidence that will come to you because you have the Spirit in you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00443-00225033-00225180 that's Eo7xiOnq4d4-00444-00225180-00225363 embracing you and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00445-00225363-00225823 strengthening you through whatever trial you may experience and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00446-00225876-00225987 then Eo7xiOnq4d4-00447-00225987-00226259 What will happen is your circumstances change? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00448-00226381-00226528 guide Eo7xiOnq4d4-00449-00226528-00226932 There's only waiting a lot of times us to submit to his will Eo7xiOnq4d4-00450-00226971-00227358 So that he can begin to affect changes and the things we're dealing with Eo7xiOnq4d4-00451-00227440-00228023 When that happens, you'll see your circumstance from a different perspective won't be a mountain Eo7xiOnq4d4-00452-00228023-00228398 It's insurmountable anymore be a little molehill that you'll just walk over Eo7xiOnq4d4-00453-00228526-00228914 All says I can do all things through Christ and strengtheneth Eo7xiOnq4d4-00454-00230148-00230348 Serious intent Eo7xiOnq4d4-00455-00230680-00231197 Its, where's God when it comes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00456-00231616-00231912 It says that but when when Eo7xiOnq4d4-00457-00232048-00232490 How we're to go about obtaining Eo7xiOnq4d4-00458-00232759-00233489 The spirit in what spirit will guide us in it's seems like Eo7xiOnq4d4-00459-00233619-00233883 Yeah, we're being trained Eo7xiOnq4d4-00460-00233989-00234154 or Eo7xiOnq4d4-00461-00234154-00234435 Heavenly loving while still here Eo7xiOnq4d4-00462-00234694-00235289 God gave each individual their own mind and Eo7xiOnq4d4-00463-00235429-00236085 Living here under the influence. They're still things here that are beautiful Eo7xiOnq4d4-00464-00236377-00237044 Things people would would enjoy being or doing Eo7xiOnq4d4-00465-00237475-00237675 Here to seek God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00466-00237727-00237877 completely Eo7xiOnq4d4-00467-00237877-00238054 Seek the spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00468-00238054-00238325 They're going to train us in heaven Eo7xiOnq4d4-00469-00238729-00238869 Then Eo7xiOnq4d4-00470-00238869-00239069 oh all Eo7xiOnq4d4-00471-00239121-00239281 ignored everything Eo7xiOnq4d4-00472-00239281-00239565 is all his focuses was Eo7xiOnq4d4-00473-00239639-00239851 God in Jesus, so Eo7xiOnq4d4-00474-00239915-00240256 that eliminated all the things that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00475-00240409-00240678 Would be considered fun Eo7xiOnq4d4-00476-00240977-00241507 It was a serious mission, but that was him but we Eo7xiOnq4d4-00477-00241838-00242038 Give up that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00478-00242165-00242365 desire to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00479-00242467-00242857 Engage in anything other than you have a vision of Eo7xiOnq4d4-00480-00242986-00243243 becoming more like Christ Eo7xiOnq4d4-00481-00243559-00243759 What we do Eo7xiOnq4d4-00482-00243764-00244062 If we yield to the Holy Spirit through the yield for the Holy Spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00483-00244069-00244429 We will enjoy life in a way in which we've never enjoyed it before Eo7xiOnq4d4-00484-00244505-00244703 Here for now Eo7xiOnq4d4-00485-00244703-00245400 Jesus enjoyed life matter of fact, he enjoyed sitting down to a table with a good meal. That's why they called him over life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00486-00245671-00246181 We enjoy God didn't create this life for the devil he created it for his people Eo7xiOnq4d4-00487-00246254-00246618 The problem that we have is that we have a perception Eo7xiOnq4d4-00488-00246673-00246958 Which is distorted and contorted through a mindset Eo7xiOnq4d4-00489-00246989-00247627 Which the scripture tells us is carnal in which we can't enjoy life. Like I designed it to be enjoyed Eo7xiOnq4d4-00490-00247664-00248169 Holy spend will give us an enjoyment of this life here. And now that Eo7xiOnq4d4-00491-00248252-00248482 will enable us to Eo7xiOnq4d4-00492-00248569-00248953 Experience a joy and a peace and a happiness Eo7xiOnq4d4-00493-00248953-00249615 We didn't experience before it's not just this is not a separation where this is heaven. That's Earth No Eo7xiOnq4d4-00494-00249673-00250183 Everything is interrelated in Christ. So it comes into may have life and have it more abundantly Eo7xiOnq4d4-00495-00250246-00250446 here and now as Eo7xiOnq4d4-00496-00250469-00251016 You yield to the spirit. He will show you things about life here and now never saw before Eo7xiOnq4d4-00497-00251132-00251355 He will give you a peace and a happiness Eo7xiOnq4d4-00498-00251356-00251932 The problem that many of us have is we limit ourselves to our intellectual Eo7xiOnq4d4-00499-00251981-00252216 Comprehension of just let it go Eo7xiOnq4d4-00500-00252308-00252600 Let it go begin to praise Eo7xiOnq4d4-00501-00252721-00253032 With your heart your soul with your mind Eo7xiOnq4d4-00502-00253096-00253367 immediately that frees you up body soul and spirit Eo7xiOnq4d4-00503-00253446-00253646 to receive God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00504-00253678-00253884 The way in which he presents himself? Eo7xiOnq4d4-00505-00254019-00254206 we have Eo7xiOnq4d4-00506-00254206-00254377 5000 years of programming Eo7xiOnq4d4-00507-00254377-00254859 that we have to shock in order to get to the point in which we Eo7xiOnq4d4-00508-00254959-00255422 Accept and receive God the way he wants to be received Eo7xiOnq4d4-00509-00255502-00255702 He will show us all things Eo7xiOnq4d4-00510-00255744-00256071 In a true state the human mind doesn't see Eo7xiOnq4d4-00511-00256111-00256676 Objectively doesn't see things the way they are and he sees things the way they appear to be in Eo7xiOnq4d4-00512-00256698-00257147 Christ the Holy Spirit will show us things as they truly are about ourselves Eo7xiOnq4d4-00513-00257200-00257601 About the world. We live in about Christ about eternity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00514-00257601-00258317 He will give us a true perspective of all things, but we have to yield to him to allow them to do it Eo7xiOnq4d4-00515-00258423-00258987 If we do if we just lay outside our own carnal way of seeing things our own Eo7xiOnq4d4-00516-00259060-00259210 human perspective Eo7xiOnq4d4-00517-00259210-00259410 Just like God we guide Eo7xiOnq4d4-00518-00259542-00259913 Its simplicity god operates in simplicity Eo7xiOnq4d4-00519-00259992-00260273 And he says it's a deal to me dial Eo7xiOnq4d4-00520-00260346-00260546 Let me be Who I am in you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00521-00260752-00261084 It goes for you change circumstances in your life Eo7xiOnq4d4-00522-00261196-00261593 You'll allow his blessings to come into your life as a win-win situation Eo7xiOnq4d4-00523-00261792-00262077 The scripture says receive him as a little child Eo7xiOnq4d4-00524-00262198-00262568 And watch what he does Ronnie would answer Lord your blessing. Thank you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00525-00262636-00262865 Or thank you for your word. Thank you for um Eo7xiOnq4d4-00526-00263095-00263349 Thank you for your spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth Eo7xiOnq4d4-00527-00263482-00263641 Lord I Eo7xiOnq4d4-00528-00263641-00263898 Just have a desire to know more about you Eo7xiOnq4d4-00529-00263992-00264192 You're an awesome. God father God Eo7xiOnq4d4-00530-00264229-00264470 and I just want to be more like even more I Eo7xiOnq4d4-00531-00264541-00264978 Pray that you reveal yourself to us more and more each every day Lord and our goal becomes Eo7xiOnq4d4-00532-00265183-00265688 Then you're finding out our will and life work father God and finding out your will or as Eo7xiOnq4d4-00533-00265777-00265983 We just thank you and give you glory off Eo7xiOnq4d4-00534-00266214-00266414 Thank you EorZLHCduKI-00000-00000000-00000595 hoping that she will lose weight if she plays with a ball often... EorZLHCduKI-00001-00000595-00000795 She seems to like the ball!! EorZLHCduKI-00002-00001359-00001774 but doesn't move as quick as a normal cat.... EorZLHCduKI-00003-00005516-00006346 You just need more practice! E0sL1dpAgR8-00000-00001200-00001303 Okay listen, what we're going to do today... E0sL1dpAgR8-00001-00001303-00001519 Okay listen, what we're going to do today... E0sL1dpAgR8-00002-00001583-00001803 - Hello boy. - Hello teacher. E0sL1dpAgR8-00003-00001803-00001996 Please put on your dot there. E0sL1dpAgR8-00004-00002160-00002203 Okay. E0sL1dpAgR8-00005-00002223-00002780 Listen. We were going to start with mental maths. Let's wait for Maso, to put his dot. E0sL1dpAgR8-00006-00002787-00003080 - Yes teacher. - Okay, good boy. E0sL1dpAgR8-00007-00003148-00003411 - Did everyone do their dots? - Yes teacher. E0sL1dpAgR8-00008-00003411-00003724 - Thank you, my children. - You can go and sit down my boy. E0sL1dpAgR8-00009-00003815-00004484 We we are going to count the number of people that are present. E0sL1dpAgR8-00010-00004484-00004684 Do we know what is this full number? E0sL1dpAgR8-00011-00004771-00004971 - What is this number? - Ten. E0sL1dpAgR8-00012-00004971-00005824 - Ten, right? Let's count. - Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. E0sL1dpAgR8-00013-00005824-00006039 - No. Forty what? - Forty three. E0sL1dpAgR8-00014-00006039-00006604 - Forty three, good boy. So we're forty three, where? - At school. E0sL1dpAgR8-00015-00006604-00006920 At school, in class. Good. E26iQRlFe_g-00000-00000096-00000456 Have you ever found yourself worrying about your life? I mean you're thinking what does my future E26iQRlFe_g-00001-00000456-00000880 look like did i make the right career choice will i be able to take care of myself will i be able E26iQRlFe_g-00002-00000880-00001304 to take care of a family will anyone ever love me i mean you're thinking hey man what's going E26iQRlFe_g-00003-00001304-00001800 to go on with my life you've got family problems you've got relationship problems maybe you have a E26iQRlFe_g-00004-00001800-00002384 looming ex who messages you once every six months or like at Christmas and says "Merry Christmas my E26iQRlFe_g-00005-00002384-00002792 life hasn't been the same without you" and you believe the guy you know he's full of nonsense E26iQRlFe_g-00006-00002792-00003184 but you still believe him and you say oh maybe you can just give him a chance and it's like NO E26iQRlFe_g-00007-00003184-00003600 SUSAN! You know this guy is full of nonsense but you still you know some of you people put these E26iQRlFe_g-00008-00003600-00004184 problems on yourself yeah i'm trying to be helping today so let me just okay you i'm pretty sure you E26iQRlFe_g-00009-00004184-00004600 can identify with some of that or maybe you have anxiety problems and sometimes you find yourself E26iQRlFe_g-00010-00004600-00005072 worrying and for no reason you just anxious from for no reason and then you start worrying over the E26iQRlFe_g-00011-00005072-00005528 fact that you're worrying or sometimes you have like panic attacks and you can't breathe then E26iQRlFe_g-00012-00005528-00005944 maybe you've considered taking your life before or you know maybe you've attempted to take your E26iQRlFe_g-00013-00005944-00006408 life before i mean from all these things that i've mentioned i'm pretty sure everyone can identify E26iQRlFe_g-00014-00006408-00006888 with one thing that being said the fact that all of us can at least identify with one thing E26iQRlFe_g-00015-00006888-00007464 tells me one thing this is a we thing it's not a you thing it's not only you right and so E26iQRlFe_g-00016-00007528-00008023 sometimes i know it it can feel lonely man and you can feel like why is my life like this why E26iQRlFe_g-00017-00008023-00008368 do i have to go through so much and i've been through so much but it's like E26iQRlFe_g-00018-00008368-00008888 dude we're trying to fight man we're in this together man and it's like people my age even E26iQRlFe_g-00019-00008888-00009240 you know people often talk about the midlife crisis you know that comes in your 40s and all E26iQRlFe_g-00020-00009240-00009640 that stuff but i think the quarter life crisis is actually worse than the midlife crisis because E26iQRlFe_g-00021-00009712-00010168 in your mid-20s you're literally transitioning from being a kid man to being an adult and it's E26iQRlFe_g-00022-00010168-00010552 like oh man you have to take care of yourself now and you're gonna have to take your family as well E26iQRlFe_g-00023-00010552-00010928 you're gonna have to do this and you don't even know how you're gonna sort these things out and E26iQRlFe_g-00024-00010928-00011344 there's so many things that you know big decisions you have to make in your life you know the career E26iQRlFe_g-00025-00011344-00011728 choice you know if you choose the wrong career part you're potentially schooled for the rest of E26iQRlFe_g-00026-00011728-00012160 your life if you choose the wrong partner you're potentially screwed for not potentially you're E26iQRlFe_g-00027-00012160-00012664 screwed there if you do that right and so it's like how do we do this we're trying to balance so E26iQRlFe_g-00028-00012664-00013191 many things and it's not easy right then we end up being anxious and having all these problems E26iQRlFe_g-00029-00013191-00013536 that being said here are some things that you should know the first thing is that the fact E26iQRlFe_g-00030-00013536-00013904 that you worry actually means you care because you don't worry about things you don't care E26iQRlFe_g-00031-00013904-00014256 about right and so those times when you feel like you're useless you don't mean anything in E26iQRlFe_g-00032-00014256-00014632 this world there's nothing you can add there's nothing you can do you don't have any talents E26iQRlFe_g-00033-00014632-00015000 you actually think the opposite of that because you worry about your life and you actually saying E26iQRlFe_g-00034-00015056-00015512 the stuff i'm not doing right right you know the potential that you have but you just don't realize E26iQRlFe_g-00035-00015512-00016112 it the second thing is that worrying brings solutions right us humans don't like being put E26iQRlFe_g-00036-00016112-00016568 in in situations that are uncomfortable when we're put in those situations we always try to find a E26iQRlFe_g-00037-00016568-00017008 way out and so sometimes when you're anxious and going through all these things don't view them as E26iQRlFe_g-00038-00017008-00017432 things that are breaking you down but things that will bring you solutions for example you're out E26iQRlFe_g-00039-00017432-00017992 here watching a video talking about mental health that's a way of you trying to help yourself and E26iQRlFe_g-00040-00017992-00018536 oftentimes the things that bring us pain and you know discouraging circumstances or the things that E26iQRlFe_g-00041-00018536-00019008 build us up look at the gym when you're jamming and lifting weights you literally build muscle E26iQRlFe_g-00042-00019008-00019424 by breaking it down right that's why the bible says that counter all joy when you fall into E26iQRlFe_g-00043-00019424-00019864 various trials right knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience and so most of these E26iQRlFe_g-00044-00019864-00020392 things that are seemingly breaking us down and you know destroying us are actually building us up the E26iQRlFe_g-00045-00020392-00020776 third thing that you should realize is that you're always going to feel like you can do more why E26iQRlFe_g-00046-00020776-00021160 because us human beings are just built in a way as to just always want to make things better and E26iQRlFe_g-00047-00021160-00021600 to improve stuff and to make life more comfortable for ourselves i mean look at billionaires they're E26iQRlFe_g-00048-00021600-00021904 billionaires but they're still working every single day because they want to make more money E26iQRlFe_g-00049-00021904-00022280 and they just can't be idle and that's the reality of the situation as human beings we E26iQRlFe_g-00050-00022280-00022808 just can't be idle so as a result you might find yourself feeling like i need to do things i need E26iQRlFe_g-00051-00022808-00023296 to fix this and i haven't done this i need to do this and then you start panicking and stuff don't E26iQRlFe_g-00052-00023296-00023752 make don't let that make you panic because that is normal it's normal for you to feel like you're not E26iQRlFe_g-00053-00023752-00024136 doing enough it's normal for you to feel like you need to do this just don't let it get to your head E26iQRlFe_g-00054-00024136-00024600 right the fourth thing that you should realize is that sometimes it's not your fault sometimes E26iQRlFe_g-00055-00024600-00025016 not even your fault or the people around you it's not even their fault either what do i mean E26iQRlFe_g-00056-00025016-00025368 they're things that have happened in your life that just don't make sense they don't make any E26iQRlFe_g-00057-00025368-00025936 logical sense and you can't explain why this has happened why this is happening in your life you E26iQRlFe_g-00058-00025936-00026488 just can't explain it why because there are some wars that were fighting that are just spiritual E26iQRlFe_g-00059-00026488-00026912 and for my friends that don't believe in god hear me out there's a verse in Ephesians 6 vs 12 E26iQRlFe_g-00060-00026912-00027336 that says for you wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers E26iQRlFe_g-00061-00027336-00027744 against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness and high places right E26iQRlFe_g-00062-00027744-00028232 this verse is speaking about the fact that those things that don't make sense in your in in your E26iQRlFe_g-00063-00028232-00028800 life and in your mind those thoughts that you get that just are just messed up that you know don't E26iQRlFe_g-00064-00028800-00029216 come from you are literally coming from that and it's like we're trying to fight that in this life E26iQRlFe_g-00065-00029216-00029600 i'll give you an example like i'm sitting right here something just starts punching me E26iQRlFe_g-00066-00029600-00030039 and i can't see where it is it's just punching me i'm like yo something is punching me right now and E26iQRlFe_g-00067-00030039-00030432 i don't know what it is that's what's happening that's what's happening to us on a spiritual E26iQRlFe_g-00068-00030432-00031000 level and it's not even physical spiritual you know and so it's like some of these wounds E26iQRlFe_g-00069-00031000-00031544 right are deep wounds and these are things that you shouldn't blame yourself for man so when you E26iQRlFe_g-00070-00031544-00032039 go through stuff or things go wrong in your life don't blame yourself don't always blame yourself E26iQRlFe_g-00071-00032039-00032504 or find someone to blame and even if there is someone to blame sometimes you should focus E26iQRlFe_g-00072-00032504-00033072 on your healing rather than focus on justice and this should happen and this focus on your healing E26iQRlFe_g-00073-00033072-00033728 right and and so we need to realize that and know that most things uh happen in our minds and the E26iQRlFe_g-00074-00033728-00034200 devil's trying to get our minds because if he gets our minds we're done for you know and Jesus then E26iQRlFe_g-00075-00034200-00034768 says in John 8 verse 44 Jesus himself says that the devil is the father of lies and there is no E26iQRlFe_g-00076-00034768-00035256 truth in him right so what he wants to do is make sure that he captures your mind and he gets you to E26iQRlFe_g-00077-00035256-00035624 a point where you don't believe in yourself you don't believe you can do anything you believe E26iQRlFe_g-00078-00035624-00036200 that everything is just nonsense you just have a negative view of life because he knows that if E26iQRlFe_g-00079-00036200-00036568 he's got you there you can't make the change that you're supposed to make and every single person E26iQRlFe_g-00080-00036568-00037048 that's been made on this planet has got a purpose to fulfill there is something that you need to do E26iQRlFe_g-00081-00037048-00037432 and that you're supposed to do but the devil is gonna try to get you through your mind so it's up E26iQRlFe_g-00082-00037432-00037976 to you to make sure that you don't believe those things that the father of lies suggests and tells E26iQRlFe_g-00083-00037976-00038432 you in your mind right and just before you leave i want to leave you with three practical solutions E26iQRlFe_g-00084-00038432-00038792 as to how you can help yourself okay the first solution is actually before i speak about the E26iQRlFe_g-00085-00038792-00039144 first solution if you have any helpful things you know that help with mental health and all that E26iQRlFe_g-00086-00039144-00039528 stuff please drop it by in the comments and let me know what you think about the video if it's been E26iQRlFe_g-00087-00039528-00039944 helpful or whatever you've learned let me know if you're like ah this is nonsense leave it in E26iQRlFe_g-00088-00039944-00040472 the comments let me know so the first solution is or let it out somehow if you have things in you if E26iQRlFe_g-00089-00040472-00040904 you're feeling anxious and you have a moment where you're feeling like that let it out somehow write E26iQRlFe_g-00090-00040904-00041368 stuff down talk to someone you get a diary and write stuff in a diary yes it doesn't make you E26iQRlFe_g-00091-00041368-00041792 any less of a man to have a diary just you know when you're writing it down don't just don't do E26iQRlFe_g-00092-00041792-00042304 the "Dear Diary" thing don't do that you know hey manigga don't don't do that bro but you can do E26iQRlFe_g-00093-00042304-00042800 it if you want i'm just messing around but then let it out somehow right talk to someone please E26iQRlFe_g-00094-00042800-00043256 please do that the second thing that you should do is look to the truth we just spoke about how E26iQRlFe_g-00095-00043256-00043664 you know the devil is the father of lies so how do you make sure you don't believe the lie you look E26iQRlFe_g-00096-00043664-00044112 to the truth what is the truth who is the truth Jesus says he's the way the truth and the life E26iQRlFe_g-00097-00044112-00044584 Jesus is also the word so when you look to the word you look to the truth and it's gonna make you E26iQRlFe_g-00098-00044584-00045088 believe less of those lies trust me if you do that it's gonna help you big time the third thing and E26iQRlFe_g-00099-00045088-00045600 last thing that i'd say is that memorize scripture right start with second Corinthians 4 vs 8 and 9. E26iQRlFe_g-00100-00045600-00046152 The next time you're going through something say that scripture trust me this will change your life E26iQRlFe_g-00101-00046152-00046656 try it and then yeah man that's that's just all the tips i have for today and you know if you E26iQRlFe_g-00102-00046656-00047088 found this video helpful send it to someone send it to someone who you know will benefit from this E26iQRlFe_g-00103-00047088-00047624 you know leave it on your Whatsapp status or you know link or just share it somehow right and then E26iQRlFe_g-00104-00047624-00048136 subscribe below and you know in the next video we're going to be talking about Dubai! I think E26iQRlFe_g-00105-00048136-00048768 we need to have a conversation about Dubai don't don't you i think so if you know you know i think E26iQRlFe_g-00106-00048768-00049128 we need to have a conversation with people in Dubai so we're going to be talking about that E26iQRlFe_g-00107-00049128-00049648 and um yeah you don't want to miss that and so hit the notification bell because you know i'm E26iQRlFe_g-00108-00049648-00050032 going to you so that you don't miss the video and all that stuff but aside from that thanks a lot E26iQRlFe_g-00109-00050032-00050672 for hanging out with me today and i will catch you next week blessings peace light and love. E33n3RpNw60-00000-00001240-00001366 Hello! How you doing? E33n3RpNw60-00001-00001366-00001438 - Hello! E33n3RpNw60-00002-00001444-00001530 - Hello! E33n3RpNw60-00003-00001810-00001894 And what else? E33n3RpNw60-00004-00001932-00002112 He's our younger brother... E33n3RpNw60-00005-00002112-00002624 My name is Dario, my Korean name is Kim Yun Hyuk. E33n3RpNw60-00006-00002738-00002838 How old are you? E33n3RpNw60-00007-00003020-00003102 I'm three... E33n3RpNw60-00008-00003154-00003297 He's three years old... E33n3RpNw60-00009-00003347-00003628 He looks older, but he's three years old! E33n3RpNw60-00010-00003676-00003882 Twenty-three years old and... E33n3RpNw60-00011-00004324-00004524 They're my brothers...sisters! E33n3RpNw60-00012-00004700-00004820 We're siblings the three of us. E33n3RpNw60-00013-00004848-00004972 He's our younger brother. E33n3RpNw60-00014-00005012-00005168 Do you know that...song?... E33n3RpNw60-00015-00005168-00005256 Gwiyomi? E33n3RpNw60-00016-00005404-00005522 It's really difficult but... E33n3RpNw60-00017-00005978-00006028 Come on! E33n3RpNw60-00018-00006332-00006458 First...hmmm... E33n3RpNw60-00019-00006976-00007095 Come on! E33n3RpNw60-00020-00007162-00007512 Do you need your space? Please...please... E33n3RpNw60-00021-00007995-00008094 Come on! E33n3RpNw60-00022-00008378-00008502 I can't! I can't! E33n3RpNw60-00023-00008656-00008784 Come on! Come on! E33n3RpNw60-00024-00008850-00009050 [Sings "Gwiyomi" song] E33n3RpNw60-00025-00009668-00009766 I can't! I can't! E33n3RpNw60-00026-00009844-00009914 Very good! E33n3RpNw60-00027-00009916-00009980 Oh, please! E33n3RpNw60-00028-00010012-00010188 It was good, you did good, you did good. E33n3RpNw60-00029-00010188-00010326 You did very good, thanks! E33n3RpNw60-00030-00010350-00010508 Now sing in Spanish... E33n3RpNw60-00031-00010620-00010696 "Perhaps". E33n3RpNw60-00032-00010696-00010832 Ah, "Perhaps"...alright. E33n3RpNw60-00033-00011006-00011206 [Sings "Perhaps" in Spanish] E33n3RpNw60-00034-00012768-00012916 How was it? If you like it, call him... E33n3RpNw60-00035-00012982-00013212 The number is...we're giving them your number... E33n3RpNw60-00036-00013216-00013268 010... E33n3RpNw60-00037-00013397-00013690 He's going to teach us a few phrases in Korean. E33n3RpNw60-00038-00013736-00014196 For all of those who want to learn a little of Korean, he's going to teach you some basics. E33n3RpNw60-00039-00014291-00014341 What?! E33n3RpNw60-00040-00015310-00015418 Phrase Number 1... E33n3RpNw60-00041-00015486-00015934 "Anyeonghaseyo!". "Hello" is "annyeonghaseyo" in Korean. E33n3RpNw60-00042-00016132-00016219 What else? And... E33n3RpNw60-00043-00016332-00016806 "How are you?" is "Otteokke Chinae?"... E33n3RpNw60-00044-00016898-00017186 ...or..."chal chinae?" E33n3RpNw60-00045-00017326-00017948 "Thank you" is "Kamsahamnida" or "Komapsumnida". E33n3RpNw60-00046-00018220-00018270 Four! E33n3RpNw60-00047-00018350-00018794 "Goodbye" is "annyong hee keseyo" or "chalga". E33n3RpNw60-00048-00018868-00018974 "Chalga". E33n3RpNw60-00049-00019026-00019272 "Chalga" means "goodbye",... E33n3RpNw60-00050-00019786-00020050 ...for friends, just "chalga". E33n3RpNw60-00051-00020220-00020270 Five. E33n3RpNw60-00052-00020270-00020334 Five? E33n3RpNw60-00053-00020398-00020478 "What's your name?" E33n3RpNw60-00054-00020504-00020742 Ah! "Irumi moyeyo?" E33n3RpNw60-00055-00020930-00021032 "Irumi moyeyo?" E33n3RpNw60-00056-00021050-00021138 "My name is"... E33n3RpNw60-00057-00021164-00021756 "My name is"..."ne irumun Kim Yun Hyuk, imnida" E33n3RpNw60-00058-00021800-00021894 "Where are you from?"... E33n3RpNw60-00059-00021914-00022056 Ah, "Where are you from?"... E33n3RpNw60-00060-00022160-00022518 "onu nara saram iyeyo?", "where are you from?". E33n3RpNw60-00061-00022562-00022892 "I am Korean", "Hanguk saram imnida" E33n3RpNw60-00062-00022930-00023070 Alright, that's it then. E33n3RpNw60-00063-00023132-00023518 Since he didn't teach things so cool or useful, we're gonna wrap it up... E33n3RpNw60-00064-00023590-00023672 You can say goodbye now... E33n3RpNw60-00065-00024202-00024272 Goodbye! E33n3RpNw60-00066-00024964-00025014 One! E33n3RpNw60-00067-00026008-00026077 One! E3kyb7MTXik-00000-00016191-00016984 so E3kyb7MTXik-00001-00025304-00025312 you E8pbnvXlFUA-00000-00000080-00000350 Today on Hello Let's talk about it E8pbnvXlFUA-00001-00000508-00000708 - Good morning everyone E8pbnvXlFUA-00002-00000752-00000950 This is Geovanie E8pbnvXlFUA-00003-00000976-00001282 Welcome to the stage of Hello Let's Talk About It E8pbnvXlFUA-00004-00001282-00001514 I am sharing this stage today E8pbnvXlFUA-00005-00001514-00001704 with Ricky and Mama Nana E8pbnvXlFUA-00006-00001705-00001807 How you all doing? E8pbnvXlFUA-00007-00001807-00001907 How you're doing Ricky? E8pbnvXlFUA-00008-00001907-00002018 - I'm really good Geovanie, how about you? E8pbnvXlFUA-00009-00002036-00002212 - Yes I'm doing great and you Momma Nana? E8pbnvXlFUA-00010-00002222-00002356 - Yes I'm fine too and you? E8pbnvXlFUA-00011-00002378-00002516 - Yes I'm fine too E8pbnvXlFUA-00012-00002528-00002624 - Good morning everyone E8pbnvXlFUA-00013-00002640-00002860 - Today is a special day E8pbnvXlFUA-00014-00002874-00003022 Before we start E8pbnvXlFUA-00015-00003022-00003268 Let me inform you E8pbnvXlFUA-00016-00003268-00003536 You can re-listen the show E8pbnvXlFUA-00017-00003536-00003702 on our podcast app E8pbnvXlFUA-00018-00003702-00004148 You can also leave your comments and even write us on social media E8pbnvXlFUA-00019-00004148-00004336 that includes our facebook page E8pbnvXlFUA-00020-00004336-00004504 I'm getting somewhere E8pbnvXlFUA-00021-00004504-00004704 Today is a special day, alright E8pbnvXlFUA-00022-00004704-00004972 It's the birthday of... E8pbnvXlFUA-00023-00005030-00005210 Momma Nana E8pbnvXlFUA-00024-00005238-00005438 - Wow, what a surprise! E8pbnvXlFUA-00025-00005450-00005688 - So I plan a little something E8pbnvXlFUA-00026-00005788-00005988 - We couldn't miss that E8pbnvXlFUA-00027-00005988-00006188 - I plan something for you E8pbnvXlFUA-00028-00006188-00006342 There you have it E8pbnvXlFUA-00029-00006431-00006631 - We did it ourselves E8pbnvXlFUA-00030-00006631-00006781 - We made it ourselves E8pbnvXlFUA-00031-00006781-00006884 - Thank you ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00032-00006884-00006995 - Let's just sing this with shortcuts E8pbnvXlFUA-00033-00006995-00007244 with shortcuts: Happy Birthday to youuu E8pbnvXlFUA-00034-00007244-00007495 Hurrah!! E8pbnvXlFUA-00035-00007652-00007820 Great! Happy birthday E8pbnvXlFUA-00036-00007854-00007956 -Thank you! E8pbnvXlFUA-00037-00007966-00008098 Thank you Geovanie, Ricky E8pbnvXlFUA-00038-00008098-00008226 that's so sweet E8pbnvXlFUA-00039-00008234-00008338 - On behalf of the whole Hello Let's Talk About It Team E8pbnvXlFUA-00040-00008338-00008502 I wish you a happy birthday E8pbnvXlFUA-00041-00008526-00008648 - aww thank you E8pbnvXlFUA-00042-00008648-00008878 - We feel honored to have you with us E8pbnvXlFUA-00043-00008878-00009016 - I'm flattered E8pbnvXlFUA-00044-00009206-00009458 - Alright here we go, let's start with our subject of the day E8pbnvXlFUA-00045-00009458-00009774 Subject: What is loving your life truly about E8pbnvXlFUA-00046-00009774-00009882 - Life ... E8pbnvXlFUA-00047-00009882-00010000 - Life Is good E8pbnvXlFUA-00048-00010096-00010496 - Ricky, can you tell me how should I measured E8pbnvXlFUA-00049-00010530-00011084 or evaluate if I love or appreciate my life E8pbnvXlFUA-00050-00011310-00011672 - Hum, usually we rely on a system principle that we saw at school E8pbnvXlFUA-00051-00011680-00011892 called The four or three leaf clover system E8pbnvXlFUA-00052-00011892-00012166 meaning we would evaluate how things are going with your studies E8pbnvXlFUA-00053-00012166-00012380 for those that are still students, let's be clear E8pbnvXlFUA-00054-00012392-00012642 so around your studies, work, family E8pbnvXlFUA-00055-00012732-00012904 and love life. E8pbnvXlFUA-00056-00012904-00012996 - Alright E8pbnvXlFUA-00057-00013004-00013158 - Just say everything E8pbnvXlFUA-00058-00013158-00013232 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00059-00013232-00013330 - Yes on everything E8pbnvXlFUA-00060-00013330-00013382 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00061-00013382-00013469 - Four E8pbnvXlFUA-00062-00013469-00013650 True talk it's around these four E8pbnvXlFUA-00063-00013650-00013824 we look into these things E8pbnvXlFUA-00064-00013824-00013986 and so generally we'll ask about E8pbnvXlFUA-00065-00013986-00014144 how's work and family E8pbnvXlFUA-00066-00014144-00014362 and all same typical questions you get to ask anyone you speak E8pbnvXlFUA-00067-00014362-00014578 That is really how far we will look into E8pbnvXlFUA-00068-00014578-00014736 and if someone replies and say it's all fine E8pbnvXlFUA-00069-00014746-00014913 Nobody will ever look deeper E8pbnvXlFUA-00070-00014913-00015100 we'll just take the person on his word E8pbnvXlFUA-00071-00015100-00015300 We tend to evaluate simply from this E8pbnvXlFUA-00072-00015330-00015566 So on a first conversation I will say E8pbnvXlFUA-00073-00015580-00015934 tell me how's family, work, love life.. E8pbnvXlFUA-00074-00015934-00016116 these are the first question I will be asking E8pbnvXlFUA-00075-00016116-00016304 How about you Momma Nana? E8pbnvXlFUA-00076-00016308-00016530 What type of questions will you ask at first E8pbnvXlFUA-00077-00016542-00016834 - Alright, for you how can you know if people enjoys their own life? E8pbnvXlFUA-00078-00016868-00017106 - Hum that's a good question E8pbnvXlFUA-00079-00017106-00017192 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00080-00017192-00017404 First of all, what life's about E8pbnvXlFUA-00081-00017588-00017990 In my opinion, life is a time frame between birth and death E8pbnvXlFUA-00082-00018046-00018422 And from the time you were born you are counted among the Living E8pbnvXlFUA-00083-00018422-00018672 Your life is on E8pbnvXlFUA-00084-00018672-00018872 till death E8pbnvXlFUA-00085-00018872-00019368 To be clear, death is the beginning of you no longer counted among the living E8pbnvXlFUA-00086-00019368-00019642 So to start it's really about framing the time of when life starts and ends. E8pbnvXlFUA-00087-00019642-00019742 - Right E8pbnvXlFUA-00088-00019810-00020172 Alright, to complete further around life itself E8pbnvXlFUA-00089-00020172-00020744 Multiple times I come across people surviving instead of living life E8pbnvXlFUA-00090-00020744-00021208 Is there a difference between surviving and living E8pbnvXlFUA-00091-00021304-00021568 - Hum everybody wants to live a life rather than survive E8pbnvXlFUA-00092-00021796-00022104 and yes, being true to ourselves it's a shame and sad E8pbnvXlFUA-00093-00022132-00022494 seeing people just trying to survive E8pbnvXlFUA-00094-00022494-00022572 - Yes E8pbnvXlFUA-00095-00022572-00022696 it's hurts to know that E8pbnvXlFUA-00096-00022696-00022988 We can all relate to it especially when it comes to going through a situation E8pbnvXlFUA-00097-00022988-00023238 where we try to keep up and hang on there E8pbnvXlFUA-00098-00023238-00023382 and it makes me think of... E8pbnvXlFUA-00099-00023382-00023638 - What you mean is when you intent to live life but life troubles gets on your way E8pbnvXlFUA-00100-00023638-00023774 not giving you opportunities E8pbnvXlFUA-00101-00023774-00023958 - We all know and see E8pbnvXlFUA-00102-00023982-00024206 while waiting for the train on the platform E8pbnvXlFUA-00103-00024206-00024406 getting a train early mornings E8pbnvXlFUA-00104-00024406-00024550 we get some angry faces E8pbnvXlFUA-00105-00024550-00024657 - Yes real tight E8pbnvXlFUA-00106-00024657-00024724 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00107-00024732-00024886 people are so annoyed to get to work E8pbnvXlFUA-00108-00024886-00024994 and that's when you're telling yourself E8pbnvXlFUA-00109-00024994-00025184 Men you have job and you're not happy about it E8pbnvXlFUA-00110-00025188-00025354 that's where we clearly see that E8pbnvXlFUA-00111-00025354-00025568 it's not just a matter of knowing a person has a job E8pbnvXlFUA-00112-00025568-00025732 to be happy E8pbnvXlFUA-00113-00025732-00026014 - It's not just about saying I have a family that make them happy E8pbnvXlFUA-00114-00026014-00026224 But now it's about figuring out how things are going at work E8pbnvXlFUA-00115-00026224-00026426 Do you love your job, how's life there E8pbnvXlFUA-00116-00026426-00026572 this is how deep we should go into E8pbnvXlFUA-00117-00026572-00026724 because seriously in the morning E8pbnvXlFUA-00118-00026724-00026866 Nobody's talking E8pbnvXlFUA-00119-00026866-00027239 Even with myself, there were times I was going to lectures angry as hell E8pbnvXlFUA-00120-00027239-00027395 and it's a shame to know that E8pbnvXlFUA-00121-00027395-00027526 - But now I want to know E8pbnvXlFUA-00122-00027526-00027672 In what way could we love life more E8pbnvXlFUA-00123-00027672-00027816 How can we appreciate more E8pbnvXlFUA-00124-00027816-00028036 - How to love life will really depend first from a person to another E8pbnvXlFUA-00125-00028036-00028260 First, it can't just be on life in general but should be on the how to love YOUR own life better and not just life E8pbnvXlFUA-00126-00028260-00028468 because it's about talking to a specific person independently E8pbnvXlFUA-00127-00028468-00028639 I have to know my preferences, who I am E8pbnvXlFUA-00128-00028639-00028920 Knowing who am I, what I love doing E8pbnvXlFUA-00129-00028920-00029120 it really comes to questioning yourself E8pbnvXlFUA-00130-00029120-00029248 - Travelling too, right ? E8pbnvXlFUA-00131-00029248-00029354 - Yes exactly E8pbnvXlFUA-00132-00029354-00029570 My hobbies, what other things can I explore E8pbnvXlFUA-00133-00029570-00030014 Like planning another trip if I can or go on a simple weekend somewhere E8pbnvXlFUA-00134-00030014-00030374 For some it will be a holiday, some... I need your help Momma Nana E8pbnvXlFUA-00135-00030374-00030542 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00136-00030542-00030672 - Really E8pbnvXlFUA-00137-00030742-00030970 I was leaving you time to speak E8pbnvXlFUA-00138-00030970-00031277 - Alright I have a question for you Momma Nana E8pbnvXlFUA-00139-00031277-00031550 How can we fight against this unbalance situation E8pbnvXlFUA-00140-00031550-00031786 where many times we want this thing today E8pbnvXlFUA-00141-00031792-00031958 like wanting to travel today E8pbnvXlFUA-00142-00031958-00032104 and now that I've travelled E8pbnvXlFUA-00143-00032116-00032318 I want something else the next day E8pbnvXlFUA-00144-00032318-00032427 A dog E8pbnvXlFUA-00145-00032427-00032516 - Alright E8pbnvXlFUA-00146-00032516-00032716 [Laughter] E8pbnvXlFUA-00147-00032745-00032946 - The Bible says all is vanity E8pbnvXlFUA-00148-00032946-00033146 All is permissive but not all beneficial E8pbnvXlFUA-00149-00033146-00033346 today you are in need of money E8pbnvXlFUA-00150-00033346-00033680 Let me give you a straight example, you are in Africa you wish to be in Europe E8pbnvXlFUA-00151-00033680-00033902 as soon as you land here you say it's too hard E8pbnvXlFUA-00152-00033902-00034078 work it's too hard like you mentioned E8pbnvXlFUA-00153-00034078-00034378 Everyone with angry faces because you have to get to work E8pbnvXlFUA-00154-00034378-00034670 And when you're here you wish to be in the US E8pbnvXlFUA-00155-00034670-00034894 People from US wishes Europe E8pbnvXlFUA-00156-00034896-00035122 Europeans to Africa E8pbnvXlFUA-00157-00035122-00035302 What is life then ? E8pbnvXlFUA-00158-00035302-00035372 - what is life then E8pbnvXlFUA-00159-00035372-00035508 - Love who you are E8pbnvXlFUA-00160-00035508-00035642 Stay where you are E8pbnvXlFUA-00161-00035642-00035830 Or a matter of not having enough money E8pbnvXlFUA-00162-00035830-00036076 Many times we misjudge about situations thinking that to start living a life E8pbnvXlFUA-00163-00036076-00036386 I need to possess a lot of money or I need to have a certain amount of money in my possession E8pbnvXlFUA-00164-00036386-00036674 Many rich people wishes to have the good of what the poor has E8pbnvXlFUA-00165-00036674-00036892 or let me rephrase right, they have a lot of money but can't buy happiness E8pbnvXlFUA-00166-00036892-00037092 and live a sad life E8pbnvXlFUA-00167-00037092-00037292 And maybe you don't have anything but E8pbnvXlFUA-00168-00037292-00037610 you just want to have the life of others E8pbnvXlFUA-00169-00037610-00037858 appreciate your life E8pbnvXlFUA-00170-00037858-00038058 as I said your life is on and starts the moment you were born E8pbnvXlFUA-00171-00038058-00038258 Let me add another example E8pbnvXlFUA-00172-00038258-00038560 About people loving partying E8pbnvXlFUA-00173-00038560-00038760 they love clubbing E8pbnvXlFUA-00174-00038760-00039042 if you tell them to stop going there E8pbnvXlFUA-00175-00039042-00039314 their life ends there, yes ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00176-00039314-00039514 It's the end of their own world E8pbnvXlFUA-00177-00039514-00039714 - Oh common, freedom to those who choose to live! E8pbnvXlFUA-00178-00039714-00039940 - It's not about that, it all depends on your own definition of life E8pbnvXlFUA-00179-00039940-00040114 - I'm joking E8pbnvXlFUA-00180-00040114-00040314 Exactly E8pbnvXlFUA-00181-00040314-00040514 - What I mean it's not matter of who's poor and rich E8pbnvXlFUA-00182-00040514-00040780 because either way you are living anyway E8pbnvXlFUA-00183-00040780-00041062 If you are alive you are living life anyway E8pbnvXlFUA-00184-00041062-00041360 - To complete what you are saying E8pbnvXlFUA-00185-00041360-00041678 there's a interesting image on facebook, that I just remenber E8pbnvXlFUA-00186-00041678-00042180 of someone on street walking on foot looking at the one on a bike E8pbnvXlFUA-00187-00042180-00042380 and say I would love to have this bike E8pbnvXlFUA-00188-00042380-00042698 and the one with the bike is standing next to the one with a car E8pbnvXlFUA-00189-00042698-00042930 and say I would love to have this car E8pbnvXlFUA-00190-00042930-00043156 and the one in the car says I'm fed up of this car E8pbnvXlFUA-00191-00043156-00043468 It's so intriguing, we always want something after another E8pbnvXlFUA-00192-00043468-00043718 Something that I think is also important to share E8pbnvXlFUA-00193-00043718-00044012 It's not because you want something that you are wrong E8pbnvXlFUA-00194-00044012-00044274 Not even a bit ! It's a good thing to want something E8pbnvXlFUA-00195-00044274-00044342 Ask me why E8pbnvXlFUA-00196-00044342-00044688 because if today you have everything what will you look for tomorrow E8pbnvXlFUA-00197-00044688-00044930 like what will honestly be the reason to still be here on earth E8pbnvXlFUA-00198-00044930-00045306 It has to be a normal thing to be living day after another to look for more E8pbnvXlFUA-00199-00045306-00045564 We will always be in need of something E8pbnvXlFUA-00200-00045564-00045996 and then comes the matter of priority and secondary E8pbnvXlFUA-00201-00045996-00046578 it's about knowing your need and what are the stuff you can get at this present time E8pbnvXlFUA-00202-00046602-00046802 - Alright E8pbnvXlFUA-00203-00046802-00046956 To end this subject E8pbnvXlFUA-00204-00046956-00047202 One last question E8pbnvXlFUA-00205-00047284-00047676 How you too fill your inner self E8pbnvXlFUA-00206-00047676-00047986 Because many people feel empty inside of them E8pbnvXlFUA-00207-00047986-00048200 - yes that missing part E8pbnvXlFUA-00208-00048200-00048456 - How do you fill that space E8pbnvXlFUA-00209-00048544-00048884 - For me personally, I am born again E8pbnvXlFUA-00210-00048884-00049146 I'm christian and gave my life to Jesus Christ E8pbnvXlFUA-00211-00049146-00049346 He gives me joy to live E8pbnvXlFUA-00212-00049346-00049452 money or not E8pbnvXlFUA-00213-00049452-00049652 I'm satisfied E8pbnvXlFUA-00214-00049652-00049890 I breath, I'm satisfied! E8pbnvXlFUA-00215-00049890-00050286 How many are they that died with full pockets E8pbnvXlFUA-00216-00050332-00050620 Appreciate what you have E8pbnvXlFUA-00217-00050620-00051006 I have Jesus Christ with me I'm satisfied ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00218-00051226-00051555 - it's true, when God is in your life E8pbnvXlFUA-00219-00051564-00052105 The moment you accept Jesus in your life, He becomes your source E8pbnvXlFUA-00220-00052105-00052305 to say that I am well E8pbnvXlFUA-00221-00052305-00052544 because He fills us with His love and joy E8pbnvXlFUA-00222-00052550-00053070 everyone goes through this empty feeling E8pbnvXlFUA-00223-00053070-00053206 People can be asking E8pbnvXlFUA-00224-00053206-00053346 How do feel this E8pbnvXlFUA-00225-00053348-00053554 What sort of feeling you are referring to E8pbnvXlFUA-00226-00053554-00053664 Let me explain E8pbnvXlFUA-00227-00053664-00053920 It's time when you say my studies are going the right way E8pbnvXlFUA-00228-00053920-00054148 but something is still bothering you E8pbnvXlFUA-00229-00054148-00054440 or you're at work but you feel some kind of way E8pbnvXlFUA-00230-00054440-00054728 you want to do something else E8pbnvXlFUA-00231-00054728-00054928 you will be asking question to your own self E8pbnvXlFUA-00232-00054928-00055214 with no real answers behind E8pbnvXlFUA-00233-00055214-00055522 simply because it's way bigger than us E8pbnvXlFUA-00234-00055522-00055764 and look to something greater than us E8pbnvXlFUA-00235-00055764-00055976 that is God E8pbnvXlFUA-00236-00055976-00056332 For my part, since I accepted him and speak to him E8pbnvXlFUA-00237-00056332-00056610 He's answers my questions E8pbnvXlFUA-00238-00056610-00057362 and sometimes by comforting me or giving me something I never thought of E8pbnvXlFUA-00239-00057362-00057596 so really it's about looking at things that way E8pbnvXlFUA-00240-00057596-00057926 What I'm saying is surrender yourself to God E8pbnvXlFUA-00241-00057926-00058140 and He will fill that emptiness E8pbnvXlFUA-00242-00058140-00058467 He will show you things that you really are in need of E8pbnvXlFUA-00243-00058467-00058716 it's like a father and for parents too E8pbnvXlFUA-00244-00058716-00058976 and it goes with the same principle, they knows what is best for their child E8pbnvXlFUA-00245-00058976-00059260 A child doesn't really think of everything that sometimes he doesn't see the danger E8pbnvXlFUA-00246-00059260-00059476 and not knowing, he runs right to it E8pbnvXlFUA-00247-00059476-00059679 And it's our parents that saves us from it E8pbnvXlFUA-00248-00059679-00059772 Feed us E8pbnvXlFUA-00249-00059772-00059972 It's them that clothes us E8pbnvXlFUA-00250-00059972-00060134 It's good to think about that too E8pbnvXlFUA-00251-00060134-00060314 - Our time has run out for today E8pbnvXlFUA-00252-00060362-00060640 Here is the time for our 10 seconds Top chrono challenge E8pbnvXlFUA-00253-00060660-00060955 I'm going to start with Momma Nana E8pbnvXlFUA-00254-00060966-00061246 it's your birthday so I laying you a red carpet E8pbnvXlFUA-00255-00061358-00061558 Give us the honor E8pbnvXlFUA-00256-00061578-00061844 Mama Nana you have 10 seconds Top Chrono ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00257-00061844-00062176 - Alright, to fill this emptiness we talked about earlier, give your life to Christ ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00258-00062176-00062428 He's the ideal friend you can have E8pbnvXlFUA-00259-00062428-00062628 - Wow, great that was quick E8pbnvXlFUA-00260-00062628-00062828 Bravo! E8pbnvXlFUA-00261-00062962-00063258 Now Ricky, here's your turn do better E8pbnvXlFUA-00262-00063258-00063440 - It's my turn, can you do better E8pbnvXlFUA-00263-00063440-00063532 Let's go E8pbnvXlFUA-00264-00063532-00063652 Loving your life E8pbnvXlFUA-00265-00063652-00063846 Learn to know yourself first of all E8pbnvXlFUA-00266-00063846-00064041 take the time to questioned yourself E8pbnvXlFUA-00267-00064041-00064262 and don't look to others but think of your own future E8pbnvXlFUA-00268-00064262-00064414 and have God in your life E8pbnvXlFUA-00269-00064416-00064522 Accept him ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00270-00064752-00064952 Excellent E8pbnvXlFUA-00271-00064990-00065098 Great ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00272-00065098-00065382 a big thanks to both for the message of today E8pbnvXlFUA-00273-00065382-00065648 We're getting to the advice of the day E8pbnvXlFUA-00274-00065648-00066036 If today is your birthday or in days to come E8pbnvXlFUA-00275-00066036-00066360 I wish you a happy birthday E8pbnvXlFUA-00276-00066396-00066658 - Happy birthday E8pbnvXlFUA-00277-00066712-00067010 - Concerning the message E8pbnvXlFUA-00278-00067010-00067210 it's human to want more E8pbnvXlFUA-00279-00067210-00067410 look for more, alright E8pbnvXlFUA-00280-00067410-00067610 in this life you must go head from glory to glory E8pbnvXlFUA-00281-00067610-00067810 It's all normal E8pbnvXlFUA-00282-00067810-00068010 but discern E8pbnvXlFUA-00283-00068010-00068722 that I want to be there but I'm here in this present time E8pbnvXlFUA-00284-00068722-00069036 because where you are now, you were not there before E8pbnvXlFUA-00285-00069036-00069266 alright, you are evolving step by step E8pbnvXlFUA-00286-00069266-00069494 sometimes without being aware of it E8pbnvXlFUA-00287-00069494-00069624 Enjoy the present time E8pbnvXlFUA-00288-00069624-00069766 That's major! E8pbnvXlFUA-00289-00069766-00070058 And the best way to enjoy living life E8pbnvXlFUA-00290-00070058-00070202 And for what is for E8pbnvXlFUA-00291-00070202-00070828 those feeling an empty space in their life E8pbnvXlFUA-00292-00070828-00071028 It happens E8pbnvXlFUA-00293-00071028-00071324 For my part there was a time I felt this emptiness in my life E8pbnvXlFUA-00294-00071424-00071624 it was very simple to me E8pbnvXlFUA-00295-00071658-00071828 I want to quote a verse here E8pbnvXlFUA-00296-00071828-00072504 John 4:14: "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. E8pbnvXlFUA-00297-00072504-00072704 this verse touch me on a personal level E8pbnvXlFUA-00298-00072704-00072934 because we can all face a time of dissatisfaction E8pbnvXlFUA-00299-00072934-00073220 wanting more and still feel this emptiness E8pbnvXlFUA-00300-00073220-00073628 but when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior E8pbnvXlFUA-00301-00073628-00073954 Your spirit start to breath E8pbnvXlFUA-00302-00073954-00074210 You feel peace inside of you E8pbnvXlFUA-00303-00074210-00074580 And I'm inviting you today to take the right decision E8pbnvXlFUA-00304-00074970-00075146 Thank you all for the message E8pbnvXlFUA-00305-00075146-00075690 I must underline that the show is a christian show E8pbnvXlFUA-00306-00075690-00076486 and I can't close the show without giving you an opportunity to give your life to Christ E8pbnvXlFUA-00307-00076660-00077600 Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". E8pbnvXlFUA-00308-00077600-00078240 "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart." E8pbnvXlFUA-00309-00078294-00078510 Today is your day E8pbnvXlFUA-00310-00078510-00078620 It's your turn ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00311-00078620-00078752 We all went through this ! E8pbnvXlFUA-00312-00078752-00078938 Come with your imperfections ! Come as you are E8pbnvXlFUA-00313-00078938-00079182 it's simple repeat after us E8pbnvXlFUA-00314-00079182-00081058 Lord Jesus I repent of my sins. Enter my heart. And from this day I receive you my Lord and Savior forever. E8pbnvXlFUA-00315-00081058-00081232 Amen E8pbnvXlFUA-00316-00081244-00081606 Let's clap for them! We welcome you! E8pbnvXlFUA-00317-00081646-00081960 Welcome to the family E8pbnvXlFUA-00318-00081960-00082220 We believe with certitude that after this prayer E8pbnvXlFUA-00319-00082220-00082494 You are born again E8pbnvXlFUA-00320-00082494-00082744 Let me tell you that at this moment E8pbnvXlFUA-00321-00082744-00083196 heaven is celebrating you! E8pbnvXlFUA-00322-00083196-00083348 Thanks for watching the show E8pbnvXlFUA-00323-00083348-00083536 and see you next time E8pbnvXlFUA-00324-00083536-00083672 - Bye everyone E8pbnvXlFUA-00325-00083790-00084040 - Hey everyone this is Geovanie E8pbnvXlFUA-00326-00084040-00084324 Thanks again for watching the show today E8pbnvXlFUA-00327-00084324-00084616 Today's topic was Loving life E8pbnvXlFUA-00328-00084616-00084944 Maybe right now you are going through certain things E8pbnvXlFUA-00329-00084944-00085272 Where you're asking yourself do I really like my life E8pbnvXlFUA-00330-00085272-00085446 It's very good and important E8pbnvXlFUA-00331-00085452-00085796 to focus on the good things of life E8pbnvXlFUA-00332-00085796-00086084 You must enjoy every moment of life E8pbnvXlFUA-00333-00086084-00086394 Maybe you are not where you want to be E8pbnvXlFUA-00334-00086394-00086698 But you're not where you used to be E8pbnvXlFUA-00335-00086698-00086946 So it's very important that you notice that so E8pbnvXlFUA-00336-00086946-00087294 that you can carry on and see greatness ahead of you E8pbnvXlFUA-00337-00087294-00087472 Thanks again for watching the show E8pbnvXlFUA-00338-00087472-00087578 And see you next time E8pbnvXlFUA-00339-00087578-00087674 Bye bye E9wtVf0Auuu-00000-00000196-00000553 The role of interaction design is a slippery subject, E9wtVf0Auuu-00001-00000579-00000779 because it's always been with us. E9wtVf0Auuu-00002-00000796-00001138 But to really think about the design of experiences E9wtVf0Auuu-00003-00001138-00001527 as opposed to thinking about the utility of tools, E9wtVf0Auuu-00004-00001551-00001867 is a relatively new consideration. E9wtVf0Auuu-00005-00002088-00002213 [ Mechanical Sound ] E9wtVf0Auuu-00006-00002213-00002420 [ Beep ] E9wtVf0Auuu-00007-00002633-00003218 [ Music ] E9wtVf0Auuu-00008-00003244-00003423 Interaction design is about the craft, E9wtVf0Auuu-00009-00003423-00003688 it's about making products and artifacts that are E9wtVf0Auuu-00010-00003689-00003889 easy and joyful to use, E9wtVf0Auuu-00011-00003889-00004192 and it also is about culture change. E9wtVf0Auuu-00012-00004192-00004372 It's about values, E9wtVf0Auuu-00013-00004372-00004662 and this is the thing that I think the best teams bring to their organizations, E9wtVf0Auuu-00014-00004662-00005084 which is really helping all the team members, regardless of design skill, E9wtVf0Auuu-00015-00005084-00005628 focus on putting humans, patients, customers, users, first. E9wtVf0Auuu-00016-00005628-00006093 We are in a society where automation and algorithms are taking over, E9wtVf0Auuu-00017-00006093-00006312 lots of decision process. E9wtVf0Auuu-00018-00006312-00006922 We, as designers, we can bring the human point of view, E9wtVf0Auuu-00019-00006936-00007542 into complex systems, and designers, specifically interaction designers, E9wtVf0Auuu-00020-00007591-00008108 are in a position where they are enablers of connecting people to people E9wtVf0Auuu-00021-00008108-00008391 Thankfully, companies have started to understand that E9wtVf0Auuu-00022-00008391-00008929 products that are not usable, products that are just built but not with humans in mind, E9wtVf0Auuu-00023-00008929-00009208 are having trouble having traction E9wtVf0Auuu-00024-00009208-00009553 and thankfully we have more and more examples now of products that are good E9wtVf0Auuu-00025-00009553-00009838 and increase people's capacity to do things E9wtVf0Auuu-00026-00009838-00010027 and increase the joy that they have in their lives E9wtVf0Auuu-00027-00010027-00010238 or at least, their experience, in general. E9wtVf0Auuu-00028-00010279-00010669 Sense is becoming easier and easier to produce products E9wtVf0Auuu-00029-00010669-00011190 someone in, literally the garage guy, writing software on his weekends E9wtVf0Auuu-00030-00011190-00011433 and the basement can actually come up with an app E9wtVf0Auuu-00031-00011433-00011708 that is almost the same quality, or sometimes even higher, E9wtVf0Auuu-00032-00011708-00011960 than multi-national companies would produce E9wtVf0Auuu-00033-00011990-00012381 So, I think that interaction designers will have to have a role of E9wtVf0Auuu-00034-00012381-00012993 let's say, maybe helping see through what can be built, versus what has to be built E9wtVf0Auuu-00035-00012993-00013300 when it comes to, let's say, what actually people need. E9wtVf0Auuu-00036-00013317-00013800 Interaction design is becoming integral and leading design domains. E9wtVf0Auuu-00037-00013800-00014249 Sometime back it was Industrial Design, which was leading the processes E9wtVf0Auuu-00038-00014249-00014657 in terms of how the design needs to interact with industry. E9wtVf0Auuu-00039-00014657-00015203 Now, it's the interaction design that is leading how the human E9wtVf0Auuu-00040-00015203-00015515 has to figure out into the design, what is happening around the world. E9wtVf0Auuu-00041-00015515-00015999 The obvious thing to talk about, is to talk about interfaces kind of going away E9wtVf0Auuu-00042-00015999-00016309 so it being less about sitting in front of the desktop computer. E9wtVf0Auuu-00043-00016309-00016869 There's probably gonna be a wider diversity in the modes of interaction, E9wtVf0Auuu-00044-00016869-00017471 But, I think that as designers still, because challenge is always around. E9wtVf0Auuu-00045-00017471-00017887 Simplification. How can we actually make sure that we don't get carried away E9wtVf0Auuu-00046-00017887-00018374 with the potential and the opportunities and the new E9wtVf0Auuu-00047-00018374-00018757 and make sure that we actually do, really focus in on E9wtVf0Auuu-00048-00018757-00018965 really solving the problem. E9wtVf0Auuu-00049-00018965-00019330 Some of the old challenges are still gonna be there in the future E9wtVf0Auuu-00050-00019330-00019626 which is designers being brought too late in the game E9wtVf0Auuu-00051-00019626-00019927 that says, "Now that we've built this, can you make it look nice?" E9wtVf0Auuu-00052-00019927-00020555 We need to explain better what we do, so that people bring us in the right phase of the project E9wtVf0Auuu-00053-00020555-00020884 when we can actually make a significant contribution to the project. E9wtVf0Auuu-00054-00020884-00021397 I work in government, we work predominantly in writing content and making forms E9wtVf0Auuu-00055-00021397-00021920 and that's as old as government, I guess, really. Isn't it? E9wtVf0Auuu-00056-00021941-00022355 And I think still, you know just even with those basic things to do E9wtVf0Auuu-00057-00022355-00022881 by in large, we're still a really long way from being able to do that really basic thing well. E9wtVf0Auuu-00058-00022881-00023439 There's just so much rudimentary stuff that we, as a profession, E9wtVf0Auuu-00059-00023439-00023874 get wrong all the time and so, I guess my challenge is E9wtVf0Auuu-00060-00023878-00024266 like how can we increase the level of hygiene so that we can do the basic stuff E9wtVf0Auuu-00061-00024266-00024921 really well. The full range of people who need to be able to use the things that we are designing E9wtVf0Auuu-00062-00024921-00025392 and then once we've done that, then let's kind of get interested in delighting beyond that. E9wtVf0Auuu-00063-00025392-00025883 Where we need to go, as a profession, is increasing our cultural competence. E9wtVf0Auuu-00064-00025883-00026223 not only in the broader, global, sense of culture E9wtVf0Auuu-00065-00026223-00026471 because I think design is becoming much more global than it's been. E9wtVf0Auuu-00066-00026471-00026792 But also our confidence at working inside of the cultures, E9wtVf0Auuu-00067-00026792-00027069 that we're in, in our organization, trying to figure out E9wtVf0Auuu-00068-00027069-00027458 how do we leverage the way the organization works and thinks and makes decisions, E9wtVf0Auuu-00069-00027458-00027658 so that we can fit seamlessly into that, E9wtVf0Auuu-00070-00027658-00028050 as well as, how do we shift those values in a conscious way? E9wtVf0Auuu-00071-00028050-00028407 A lot of us don't necessarily bring the empathy to our coworkers E9wtVf0Auuu-00072-00028407-00028751 and to that culture change we bring to the users of our products. E9wtVf0Auuu-00073-00028751-00028918 It's very easy to say, E9wtVf0Auuu-00074-00028918-00029518 "Wow! This person is an obstacle. This person is frustrating me. They're a roadblock to getting things done." E9wtVf0Auuu-00075-00029518-00030133 And in reality, they're a person who's worried about losing their autonomy or their creativity or their control, E9wtVf0Auuu-00076-00030133-00030478 they're worried about losing the prestige of whatever their job is today, E9wtVf0Auuu-00077-00030478-00030795 or they're just worried about, "We haven't done it that way before." E9wtVf0Auuu-00078-00030795-00030900 and that's kind of scary. E9wtVf0Auuu-00079-00030900-00031256 And I think if we're able to bring that consciousness to our work, E9wtVf0Auuu-00080-00031256-00031554 we'll be a lot more effective at helping our colleagues E9wtVf0Auuu-00081-00031554-00031741 navigate the new world, as well. E9wtVf0Auuu-00082-00031741-00032072 How can we design systems that last for a really long time, E9wtVf0Auuu-00083-00032072-00032231 instead of a short period of time. E9wtVf0Auuu-00084-00032231-00032663 Things that work with our lives and become part of our everyday experience E9wtVf0Auuu-00085-00032663-00033222 without removing our ability to be human, without just interrupting us and distracting us. E9wtVf0Auuu-00086-00033222-00033522 A lot of people say that they are bad at technology, E9wtVf0Auuu-00087-00033522-00033852 but I think that a lot of our technology is bad at humans. E9wtVf0Auuu-00088-00033947-00034634 [ Music ] E9LCuF1YNbI-00000-00000504-00001592 every day E9LCuF1YNbI-00001-00001832-00002664 good evening i'm alessan amador for king lottery today is july 24 2021 we are being supervised and E9LCuF1YNbI-00002-00002664-00003311 certified by our government officials let's begin with our first game section lottery big three E9LCuF1YNbI-00003-00003311-00003672 where you have the chance to win several hundred dollars if you change the base rate E9LCuF1YNbI-00004-00003672-00004640 or 80 dollars if you choose to play fox the winning numbers you pick three are zero seven E9LCuF1YNbI-00005-00004904-00005432 eight on to our second game at the total lottery pick four where you E9LCuF1YNbI-00006-00005432-00005832 have this chance to win three thousand five hundred dollars if you choose the place right E9LCuF1YNbI-00007-00005832-00006272 or two hundred dollars if you choose to play box the winning number two three four are E9LCuF1YNbI-00008-00006568-00006592 four E9LCuF1YNbI-00009-00006895-00007184 eight E9LCuF1YNbI-00010-00007480-00008104 six now passing it to you jan thank you alison remember to watch us live on tv E9LCuF1YNbI-00011-00008104-00008696 career facebook and youtube or visit our website at king lottery kinglotteryxxm.com E9LCuF1YNbI-00012-00008696-00009224 you can also watch us live in dominican republic on teleunion and megavision E9LCuF1YNbI-00013-00009224-00009776 now for our next game phillipsburg lottery in first place for every dollar you spend E9LCuF1YNbI-00014-00009776-00010272 you have a chance to win thousand five hundred dollars our first set opening numbers are E9LCuF1YNbI-00015-00010600-00011480 four and nine one nine in second place for every dollar you spend you have a E9LCuF1YNbI-00016-00011480-00011864 chance to win one thousand dollars our second set opening numbers are E9LCuF1YNbI-00017-00012360-00013176 nine one nine seven and then third place for every dollar you spend you have a E9LCuF1YNbI-00018-00013176-00013552 chance to win five hundred dollars our final set opening numbers are E9LCuF1YNbI-00019-00013968-00014728 five nine four six and now for a final game lotto pool where you have a chance E9LCuF1YNbI-00020-00014728-00015063 to win three hundred thousand dollars if you have all four winning numbers E9LCuF1YNbI-00021-00015063-00015424 seven hundred dollars or three million numbers twenty dollars for too many numbers E9LCuF1YNbI-00022-00015424-00016984 and if you have one winning number you get your dollar back our phone number E9LCuF1YNbI-00023-00018336-00019648 74 89 58 and 29 once again 74 89 58 and 29 we will now have a recap of all of today's winning E9LCuF1YNbI-00024-00019648-00020608 numbers quiniela 78 48 86 pick three zero seven eight pick four four eight eight six E9LCuF1YNbI-00025-00020608-00020976 phillisburg lottery first place four nine one nine E9LCuF1YNbI-00026-00020976-00022128 second place 919 third place 5946 our final game lotto pool 74 89 58 and 29 E9LCuF1YNbI-00027-00022504-00022880 congratulations to all our winners and don't forget to tune in with E9LCuF1YNbI-00028-00022880-00024128 us tomorrow at 12 30 on tv calve thank you and have a great evening i EqI_XyN_2L8-00000-00225367-00225758 that would kind of line up with the white particles. EqI_XyN_2L8-00001-00225758-00226316 So, the packing efficiency in the body-centered cubic is 68%, EqI_XyN_2L8-00002-00226316-00227004 which is in the middle of the primitive and face-centered. EqI_XyN_2L8-00003-00227004-00227356 The coordination number for body-centered arrangement is eight. EqI_XyN_2L8-00004-00227356-00227742 And this is rather easy to see, I think. EqI_XyN_2L8-00005-00227742-00228121 Because if you look at one particle, say this white one right here, EqI_XyN_2L8-00006-00228121-00228541 it's in contact with these four clear particles in front, EqI_XyN_2L8-00007-00228541-00228971 and another four particles in the equivalent layer behind it. EqI_XyN_2L8-00008-00228971-00229434 So a coordination number of eight for all of the particles. EqI_XyN_2L8-00009-00229434-00230069 Now, I've drawn here several unit cells, represented by squares, EqI_XyN_2L8-00010-00230069-00230769 and if we pop one out, you can see the four clear particles right here. EqI_XyN_2L8-00011-00230804-00231016 And then the white particle behind it. EqI_XyN_2L8-00012-00231016-00231516 And then the other four clear particles are behind that. EqI_XyN_2L8-00013-00231516-00232075 So again, in this unit cell, you have a particle at each of the eight corners, EqI_XyN_2L8-00014-00232075-00232536 but now you have one completely inside the box. EqI_XyN_2L8-00015-00232536-00232921 So if you add up all of those portions of particles EqI_XyN_2L8-00016-00232921-00233194 as well as the one inside the box, you get the equivalent EqI_XyN_2L8-00017-00233194-00233696 of two particles inside this unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00018-00233696-00234209 So, the edge length of the body-center unit cell EqI_XyN_2L8-00019-00234209-00234544 is more complicated than the face-centered. EqI_XyN_2L8-00020-00234544-00235052 The edge length turns out to be 4 times the radius over the square root of 3. EqI_XyN_2L8-00021-00235052-00235584 Now, rather than show you the derivation, I think it's a good exercise EqI_XyN_2L8-00022-00235584-00236044 if you go ahead and derive this yourself. EqI_XyN_2L8-00023-00236044-00236594 So, in order to do that, you'll wanna find the the triangle EqI_XyN_2L8-00024-00236594-00237229 that needs to be drawn, and again, you'll use the Pythagorean theorem. EqI_XyN_2L8-00025-00237229-00237525 But what triangle are you going to use? EqI_XyN_2L8-00026-00237525-00238225 It's not the same one that you would use for the face-centered lattice. EqI_XyN_2L8-00027-00238238-00238728 So try to find that triangle, and go ahead and derive this formula EqI_XyN_2L8-00028-00238728-00239246 for the edge length, in terms of the atomic radius. EqI_XyN_2L8-00029-00239246-00239679 The groundwork that we just laid out on the cubic crystal lattices will allow us EqI_XyN_2L8-00030-00239679-00240259 to predict certain properties, which crystallize in those lattices. EqI_XyN_2L8-00031-00240259-00240702 And the properties that we'll be examining are the intensive properties, EqI_XyN_2L8-00032-00240702-00240953 meaning they do not depend on how much material. EqI_XyN_2L8-00033-00240953-00241481 So, for an intensive property, it's the same whether you have EqI_XyN_2L8-00034-00241481-00241760 this much material, or that much. EqI_XyN_2L8-00035-00241760-00242035 An example is the density. EqI_XyN_2L8-00036-00242035-00242481 So the density of a substance doesn't depend on how much material. EqI_XyN_2L8-00037-00242481-00243021 The density is the same as if it's that much versus that much, EqI_XyN_2L8-00038-00243021-00243442 versus even a tiny unit cell's worth of material. EqI_XyN_2L8-00039-00243442-00243671 And that's the approach that we'll be taking, EqI_XyN_2L8-00040-00243671-00244039 is to focus in on just a unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00041-00244039-00244513 And the property of that unit cell will be the same as the property EqI_XyN_2L8-00042-00244513-00244772 of the large material, in general. EqI_XyN_2L8-00043-00244772-00245361 So, the first example asks us to find the fraction of empty space EqI_XyN_2L8-00044-00245361-00245708 in the body-centered cubic lattice. EqI_XyN_2L8-00045-00245708-00246344 Now the fraction of empty space is closely related to the packing efficiency. EqI_XyN_2L8-00046-00246344-00247044 You remember the packing efficiency, which is 68% for the body-centered lattice, EqI_XyN_2L8-00047-00247105-00247673 is the percentage of filled space within the lattice. EqI_XyN_2L8-00048-00247673-00248373 Now, if the percentage of filled space in the body-centered cubic lattice is 68%, EqI_XyN_2L8-00049-00248414-00248590 then the percentage of empty space EqI_XyN_2L8-00050-00248590-00248933 in the body-centered cubic lattice would be 32%. EqI_XyN_2L8-00051-00248933-00249622 So, if you convert that percentage of empty space to fraction of empty space, EqI_XyN_2L8-00052-00249622-00250122 we should expect about 0.32 for the fraction of empty space. EqI_XyN_2L8-00053-00250122-00250359 So let's see what we get. EqI_XyN_2L8-00054-00250359-00250654 We can calculate the fraction of empty space, EqI_XyN_2L8-00055-00250654-00251123 as 1 minus the fraction of filled space. EqI_XyN_2L8-00056-00251123-00251326 The fractions add up to 1. EqI_XyN_2L8-00057-00251326-00251623 So if you take 1 minus the fraction of filled space, EqI_XyN_2L8-00058-00251623-00252075 and the fraction of filled space would be the volume of the atoms EqI_XyN_2L8-00059-00252075-00252588 inside the unit cell, divided by the volume of the unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00060-00252588-00252964 So that the fraction of filled space in the unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00061-00252964-00253429 So 1 minus the fraction of filled space would be the fraction of empty space. EqI_XyN_2L8-00062-00253429-00253756 Now, we can rewrite this fraction -- EqI_XyN_2L8-00063-00253756-00254401 1 minus the volume of the atoms would be the volume of 1 atom, EqI_XyN_2L8-00064-00254401-00254917 which is 4/3 times π r cubed, where r is the atomic radius, EqI_XyN_2L8-00065-00254917-00255454 times 2, because there are 2 atoms in the BCC unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00066-00255454-00255994 So, the volume of the atoms in the BCC unit cell EqI_XyN_2L8-00067-00255994-00256583 divided by the entire volume of the cell, which is the edge length cubed. EqI_XyN_2L8-00068-00256583-00257005 And you remember, for the body-centered cubic unit cell, EqI_XyN_2L8-00069-00257005-00257439 the edge length is 4r over square root of 3. EqI_XyN_2L8-00070-00257439-00257880 So this right here is the expression, and if you reduce it on down, EqI_XyN_2L8-00071-00257880-00258375 there will be a lot of cancellation occur. The r cubed will cancel off, EqI_XyN_2L8-00072-00258375-00258608 and some other stuff will cancel off as well. EqI_XyN_2L8-00073-00258608-00258771 You'll be left with EqI_XyN_2L8-00074-00258771-00259438 1 minus square root of 3 times π divided by 8. EqI_XyN_2L8-00075-00259438-00260059 So if you calculate this, it's 1 minus 0.68, EqI_XyN_2L8-00076-00260059-00260667 which is where that 68% comes from, and a bunch more decimal places. EqI_XyN_2L8-00077-00260667-00261367 And so you end up with 0.3198252384... EqI_XyN_2L8-00078-00261434-00261883 So you can continue this on if you prefer, EqI_XyN_2L8-00079-00261883-00262358 because all of these digits are significant. EqI_XyN_2L8-00080-00262358-00262534 That's because all of these numbers EqI_XyN_2L8-00081-00262534-00262896 that you use to calculate it are exact numbers. EqI_XyN_2L8-00082-00262896-00263596 So quite a lot of significant figures, as many as you need. EqI_XyN_2L8-00083-00263599-00263945 The next example. EqI_XyN_2L8-00084-00263945-00264304 Gold crystallizes in the face-centered cubic... EqI_XyN_2L8-00085-00264304-00264971 arrangement, or lattice, and has an atomic radius of 1.44 angstroms. EqI_XyN_2L8-00086-00264971-00265480 Find the density. So density is another intensive property. EqI_XyN_2L8-00087-00265480-00266055 Now, we'll just calculate the density of the unit cell, EqI_XyN_2L8-00088-00266055-00266393 and that will be the same as the density of gold. EqI_XyN_2L8-00089-00266393-00266805 So the density of the unit cell will be the mass inside the unit cell EqI_XyN_2L8-00090-00266805-00267138 divided by the volume of the unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00091-00267138-00267649 So the mass inside the unit cell will be the mass of four atoms, EqI_XyN_2L8-00092-00267649-00268202 because there are four atoms inside a face-centered cubic unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00093-00268202-00268651 So the way you calculate the mass of four atoms is as follows. EqI_XyN_2L8-00094-00268651-00269270 We know for gold, the atomic mass is 196.98 grams per mole. EqI_XyN_2L8-00095-00269270-00269851 So, you can convert this to grams per atom by the following conversion factor, EqI_XyN_2L8-00096-00269851-00270488 1 mole is Avogadro's number of atoms, so the moles cancel off, EqI_XyN_2L8-00097-00270488-00270771 and you'll be left with grams per atom, EqI_XyN_2L8-00098-00270771-00271249 then when you multiply by 4 atoms, you get grams up here in the top. EqI_XyN_2L8-00099-00271249-00271809 So that's how many total grams are in one unit cell. EqI_XyN_2L8-00100-00271809-00272179 And you divide by the volume. For the face-centered cubic unit cell, EqI_XyN_2L8-00101-00272179-00272585 the volume of this cell is the edge length cubed, EqI_XyN_2L8-00102-00272585-00273285 which is 2 times root 2 times r, all cubed. EqI_XyN_2L8-00103-00273301-00273630 And if you plug that in, 2 times root 2 EqI_XyN_2L8-00104-00273630-00274330 times the atomic radius, 1.44 angstroms... now we'll convert that atomic radius EqI_XyN_2L8-00105-00274395-00275095 to centimeters, 100 centimeters is the same as 10 to the 10 power angstroms. EqI_XyN_2L8-00106-00275196-00275374 So the angstroms cancels, and then you have EqI_XyN_2L8-00107-00275374-00275988 2 times the square root of 2 times the atomic radius (in centimeters), EqI_XyN_2L8-00108-00275988-00276089 all cubed. EqI_XyN_2L8-00109-00276089-00276789 And if you do this calculation, you get 19.3346 grams per centimeter cubed, EqI_XyN_2L8-00110-00276823-00277239 but it's a 3 sig fig number because of the atomic radius, EqI_XyN_2L8-00111-00277239-00277668 and so it's 19.3 grams per centimeter cubed. EqI_XyN_2L8-00112-00277668-00277928 Now if you want to compare this to the density of water, EqI_XyN_2L8-00113-00277928-00278538 which is 1 gram per centimeter cubed, you can see this is EqI_XyN_2L8-00114-00278538-00279163 more than 19 times heavier than the water. Gold's quite heavy. EqI_XyN_2L8-00115-00279163-00279766 The last example. Polonium crystallizes in the primitive lattice, EqI_XyN_2L8-00116-00279766-00280466 and has a density of 9.196 grams per centimeter cubed. EqI_XyN_2L8-00117-00280469-00280856 Find the atomic radius of polonium. EqI_XyN_2L8-00118-00280856-00281522 Now the equation that we'll be using is very similar to the previous equation EqI_XyN_2L8-00119-00281522-00282005 in example 2, because we're given the density EqI_XyN_2L8-00120-00282005-00282466 and asked to find the radius here, whereas in the previous example, EqI_XyN_2L8-00121-00282466-00282919 we were given the radius and asked to find the density. EqI_XyN_2L8-00122-00282919-00283402 So the equation will be very similar -- we'll just be working backwards. EqI_XyN_2L8-00123-00283402-00283902 And if you want to compare the two, you'll notice very few differences. EqI_XyN_2L8-00124-00283902-00284590 The only differences are in the value for the density, EqI_XyN_2L8-00125-00284590-00284907 this is unknown, and we know the density here, EqI_XyN_2L8-00126-00284907-00285532 the atomic mass for polonium is 209 grams per mole. EqI_XyN_2L8-00127-00285532-00286232 And there's only one atom in the unit cell of the primitive lattice. EqI_XyN_2L8-00128-00286278-00286707 And in the denominator, the volume is the edge length cubed, EqI_XyN_2L8-00129-00286707-00287243 but the edge length for the primitive lattice is 2 times the radius. EqI_XyN_2L8-00130-00287243-00287884 So here, the radius is the unknown. And with the same conversion factor, EqI_XyN_2L8-00131-00287884-00288308 if we solve for the radius, we'll get the answer in angstroms. EqI_XyN_2L8-00132-00288308-00288853 So doing that, we calculate 1.20 angstroms for polonium, EqI_XyN_2L8-00133-00288853-00289158 which is close to the known value. EqI_XyN_2L8-00134-00289158-00289771 So it's very interesting how we can calculate these intensive properties, EqI_XyN_2L8-00135-00289771-00290471 or use the intensive properties to calculate certain atomic properties, EqI_XyN_2L8-00136-00290569-00290969 with just the knowledge of the crystal lattice. EqI_XyN_2L8-00137-00290969-00291402 I hope you have enjoyed this lecture. I have really enjoyed putting it together. EqI_XyN_2L8-00138-00291402-00291986 And this does close up the first phase of our course on phases of matter. EqI_XyN_2L8-00139-00291986-00292620 In the next portion of our course, we'll start to cover solutions. EqI_XyN_2L8-00140-00292620-00293106 So in the next several lectures, we'll get into various aspects of solutions. EqI_XyN_2L8-00141-00293144-00293484 So I hope you join me for that. Aloha. ErSmi2IIfg4-00000-00000023-00000273 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00001-00000273-00000567 ♪ YOU'RE MY VERY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00002-00000567-00000884 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00003-00000884-00001164 ♪ YOU'RE BETTER THAN THE OTHER BOYS AND GIRLS ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00004-00001164-00001454 ♪ AND SOON, THE WORLD WILL COME TO SEE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00005-00001454-00001925 ♪ THAT YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND THERE COULD EVER BE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00006-00001925-00002162 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00007-00002162-00002519 ♪ YOU'RE THE BEST LIL' BUDDY FOR ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00008-00002605-00002782 Announcer: FROM FORPLE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00009-00002782-00003019 WASN'T THAT SO SWEET? ErSmi2IIfg4-00010-00003339-00003626 ALSO...HERE'S MY LITTLE BUDDY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00011-00003626-00003763 [ GIGGLES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00012-00003973-00004120 MMM-MMM-MMM-MMM! ErSmi2IIfg4-00013-00004120-00004307 O...KAY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00014-00004307-00004541 [ UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00015-00004794-00005065 ♪ I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00016-00005218-00005398 ♪ I'M GONNA DO WHAT I WANT ALL DAY! ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00017-00005398-00005678 ♪ I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00018-00005678-00005872 ♪ I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00019-00005872-00006329 ♪ I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00020-00006926-00007260 [ WHIPPING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00021-00006926-00007260 [ KIDS SHOUTING PLAYFULLY ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00022-00007260-00007460 [ KIDS LAUGH ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00023-00007460-00007627 LIKE, WE WENT TO THE MALL -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00024-00007627-00007887 HEY. DID YOU GUYS MEET MY LITTLE BUDDY YET? ErSmi2IIfg4-00025-00007887-00008014 HIS NAME IS LIL' BUDDY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00026-00008014-00008224 DO YOU WANT TO PET HIS HAIR? ErSmi2IIfg4-00027-00008224-00008395 THAT'S...OKAY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00028-00008395-00008625 OKAY, BUT IT'S REALLY SOFT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00029-00008625-00008812 UH, WE GOT TO GO... ErSmi2IIfg4-00030-00008812-00008962 SWING. ErSmi2IIfg4-00031-00009429-00009612 [ GRUNTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00032-00009612-00009766 HEY, SUMO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00033-00009612-00009766 AAH! ErSmi2IIfg4-00034-00009766-00010200 FEEL MY BABY. HE'S KICKING IN MY TUMMY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00035-00010200-00010343 COME ON, SUMO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00036-00010343-00010610 LOOK. DANCE WITH HIM. LOOK. DANCE WITH LIL' BUDDY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00037-00010610-00010717 COME ON. ErSmi2IIfg4-00038-00010717-00010860 [ SMOOCHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00039-00010860-00011037 UH... ErSmi2IIfg4-00040-00011037-00011257 CLARENCE, I'M DOING SOMETHING. ErSmi2IIfg4-00041-00011371-00011548 [ GRUNTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00042-00011951-00012165 REED! REED, REED, REED, REED, REED. ErSmi2IIfg4-00043-00012165-00012485 REED. LOOK. HOLD MY LIL' BUDDY'S HAND WITH ME. ErSmi2IIfg4-00044-00012485-00012599 [ GROANS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00045-00012599-00012739 HOLD HIS HAND. COME ON. LOOK. ErSmi2IIfg4-00046-00012739-00012976 WE'RE MARRIED. ErSmi2IIfg4-00047-00012739-00012976 EH, NO. EH, NO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00048-00013072-00013166 [ GRUNTS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00049-00013166-00013339 [ CRYING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00050-00013166-00013339 [ GASPS ] IT'S OKAY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00051-00013339-00013606 Shh! IT'S OKAY, IT'S OKAY, IT'S OKAY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00052-00013606-00013827 I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00053-00013827-00013983 "SORRY" DOESN'T CUT IT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00054-00013983-00014320 I'M GIVING YOU TIME-OUT -- FOR FIVE MINUTES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00055-00014320-00014521 BUT I DIDN'T -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00056-00014320-00014521 TALKING GETS YOU FIVE MORE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00057-00014571-00014774 JIMOTHY! [ BLOWS WHISTLE ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00058-00014774-00015021 GET THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! ErSmi2IIfg4-00059-00015098-00015291 NO TALKING. ErSmi2IIfg4-00060-00015291-00015448 [ KIDS SHOUTING PLAYFULLY ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00061-00015989-00016262 [ TICKING ECHOES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00062-00016262-00016382 UH... ErSmi2IIfg4-00063-00016382-00016576 [ TICKING CONTINUES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00064-00016576-00016790 [ TICKING QUICKENS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00065-00017090-00017373 [ Thinking ] I'M PRETTY SURE IT'S BEEN FIVE MINUTES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00066-00017373-00017584 IT FEELS LIKE FIVE MINUTES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00067-00017584-00017774 [ TICKING CONTINUES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00068-00019292-00019596 BUT IF I SAY SOMETHING, I'LL GET FIVE MORE MINUTES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00069-00019799-00019966 CLARENCE! ErSmi2IIfg4-00070-00019799-00019966 AAH! ErSmi2IIfg4-00071-00019966-00020220 YOUR FIVE MINUTES WAS UP FIVE MINUTES AGO! ErSmi2IIfg4-00072-00020220-00020387 WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING? ErSmi2IIfg4-00073-00020387-00020734 HURRY UP AND GO PLAY BEFORE THE BELL RINGS. ErSmi2IIfg4-00074-00020897-00021037 [ BELL RINGS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00075-00021037-00021397 [ KIDS CHEERING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00076-00021397-00021564 OH. UH...HMM. ErSmi2IIfg4-00077-00021564-00021785 WELL, THAT'S THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00078-00021785-00021948 NOW GET BACK TO CLASS! ErSmi2IIfg4-00079-00022198-00022435 OKAY, TEST YOUR GOOP, HUH? ErSmi2IIfg4-00080-00022435-00022732 SEE IF YOU CAN ROLL IT IN A BALL, SLAP IT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00081-00022732-00022886 DON'T BE AFRAID TO GET MESSY. LOOK... ErSmi2IIfg4-00082-00022886-00023206 BELSON, CAN I SEE IT? I JUST -- I JUST WANT TO EAT IT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00083-00023206-00023313 [ LAUGHS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00084-00023313-00023506 WRITE DOWN "SQUISHY." ErSmi2IIfg4-00085-00023506-00023733 [ LAUGHS ] "SQUISHY." ErSmi2IIfg4-00086-00023733-00023957 WRITE DOWN, UH... ErSmi2IIfg4-00087-00023957-00024180 HEY, AIN'T YOU GONNA PLAY WITH IT? ErSmi2IIfg4-00088-00024180-00024264 HEY, CLARENCE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00089-00024264-00024417 ARE -- ARE YOU OKAY? ErSmi2IIfg4-00090-00024417-00024614 IS THIS ABOUT MISSING RECESS? ErSmi2IIfg4-00091-00024614-00024758 IT'S OKAY, MAN. ErSmi2IIfg4-00092-00024854-00025055 HA. UH, L-LOOK, WHO CARES? ErSmi2IIfg4-00093-00025055-00025285 I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING. ErSmi2IIfg4-00094-00025545-00025852 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00095-00025852-00026122 [ Mockingly ] "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING?" ErSmi2IIfg4-00096-00026122-00026259 [ GROWLS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00097-00026259-00026583 UM, HOW 'BOUT BECAUSE I WASN'T ALLOWED TO? ErSmi2IIfg4-00098-00026583-00026706 RAAAAAH! ErSmi2IIfg4-00099-00026706-00026996 I JUST -- I JUST WANTED PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH... ErSmi2IIfg4-00100-00026996-00027287 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00101-00027287-00027527 ...YOOOOOOOOOU. ErSmi2IIfg4-00102-00027527-00027897 [ Straining ] SORRY, BUDDY. THIS IS HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00103-00028081-00028264 [ GASPS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00104-00028458-00028628 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00105-00028628-00028892 [ GRUNTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00106-00029142-00029329 THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP, BRENDA. ErSmi2IIfg4-00107-00029329-00029476 CLARENCE? ErSmi2IIfg4-00108-00029476-00029559 [ PANTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00109-00029559-00029752 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00110-00030250-00030620 [ GRUNTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00111-00030620-00030904 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00112-00031120-00031377 [ PANTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00113-00031514-00031691 [ THUNDER CRASHES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00114-00031691-00032021 [ GRUNTING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00115-00032021-00032342 UUAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ErSmi2IIfg4-00116-00032445-00032632 HEY, CLARENCE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00117-00032632-00033069 HEY, UH, WHAT DID THE FISHERMAN SAY TO THE MAGICIAN? ErSmi2IIfg4-00118-00033069-00033289 "PICK A COD -- ANY COD." [card] ErSmi2IIfg4-00119-00033289-00033416 [ LAUGHS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00120-00033416-00033743 "PICK A COD." C-O-D -- LIKE THE FISH, YOU KNOW? ErSmi2IIfg4-00121-00033743-00033853 LIKE THE FISH. ErSmi2IIfg4-00122-00033853-00034147 [ LAUGHS, SNORTS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00123-00034147-00034290 [ CLEARS THROAT ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00124-00035014-00035321 [ VACUUM CLEANER WHIRRING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00125-00035014-00035321 ♪ I USED TO BE THE KING OF THE CLASSROOM ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00126-00035321-00035538 ♪ NOW I'M JUST A FOOL ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00127-00035648-00035865 ♪ I USED TO BE RESPECTED ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00128-00035865-00036192 ♪ NOW I'M THE REJECT OF THE SCHOOL ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00129-00036443-00036653 ♪ I USED TO RUN THIS RABBLE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00130-00036653-00036923 ♪ NOW THEY ALL RUN AROUND ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00131-00037047-00037387 ♪ I USED TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE PLAYGROUND ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00132-00037387-00037644 ♪ NOW I'M DOING LOUSY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00133-00037787-00038258 ♪ LIFE HAS LOST ITS COLOR, DARKNESS SURROUNDS ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00134-00038258-00038505 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, I MISS MY LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00135-00038505-00038795 ♪ FEEL LIKE I'VE LOST A BROTHER ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00136-00039079-00039225 ♪ AND NOBODY'S FOUND ME ANOTHER THAT LOVES ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00137-00039079-00039225 ♪ NOBODY LOVES ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00138-00039225-00039466 ♪ NOW EVERYTHING SEEMS SO UGLY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00139-00039466-00039626 ♪ SO UGLY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00140-00039626-00039973 ♪ I'M FEELING CRUDDY, I MISS MY LITTLE BUDDY NOW ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00141-00039973-00040490 ♪ WEIRD STUFF IS GOING ON ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00142-00040593-00041321 ♪ I SAID WEIRD STUFF IS GOING ON AROUND ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00143-00041321-00041888 ♪ I SAID WEIRD STUFF IS GOING ON ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00144-00041888-00042212 ♪ I DON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE MYSELF ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00145-00042622-00042856 Psst! HEY. Psst! ErSmi2IIfg4-00146-00042856-00043002 HEY, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? ErSmi2IIfg4-00147-00043002-00043206 YOU GOT, LIKE, COOL. HEY, I MEAN IT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00148-00043206-00043439 YOU'RE LIKE THE NEW TOUGH GUY IN SCHOOL ErSmi2IIfg4-00149-00043439-00043630 WHO'S, LIKE, TOTALLY DEAD INSIDE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00150-00043630-00043773 UNH-UNH. I HEARD THAT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00151-00043773-00043960 AND NEITHER OF YOU ARE COOL. ErSmi2IIfg4-00152-00043960-00044267 ACTING UP IS NOT THE "COOL GUY" THING TO DO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00153-00044267-00044437 THOSE MATHLETE KIDS -- NOW, THAT'S COOL. ErSmi2IIfg4-00154-00044437-00044584 [ SCOFFS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00155-00044584-00044841 IT'S CALLED RESPECT. IT'S CALLED DISCIPLINE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00156-00044841-00044991 HMPH. ErSmi2IIfg4-00157-00044991-00045118 [ CHUCKLES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00158-00045118-00045478 SERIOUSLY, WHEN YOU DID THAT THING WITH THAT -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00159-00045478-00045618 THAT WAS TOP-NOTCH. ErSmi2IIfg4-00160-00045618-00045932 HEY, HOW'D YOU LIKE TO TEAM UP, HUH? ErSmi2IIfg4-00161-00045932-00046206 [ MUSIC PLAYS ON EARBUDS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00162-00046206-00046462 OH, I GOT IT. SILENT TREATMENT, HUH? ErSmi2IIfg4-00163-00046462-00046693 GOT TO EARN HIS RESPECT FIRST. ErSmi2IIfg4-00164-00046693-00046883 CLASSIC, BRO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00165-00047060-00047263 DON'T GO TOO WILD! ErSmi2IIfg4-00166-00047263-00047484 UNH-UNH-UNH-UNH-UNH! NOT TOO FAST! ErSmi2IIfg4-00167-00047484-00047634 MISS SHOOP! MISS SHOOP! ErSmi2IIfg4-00168-00047634-00047797 REMEMBER THAT ONE KID, ErSmi2IIfg4-00169-00047797-00048044 THE WEIRD ONE WHO USED TO BE NICE, BUT THEN HE'S WEIRD NOW? ErSmi2IIfg4-00170-00048044-00048228 THE ONE WITH THAT -- WHO CUT HIS HAIR? ErSmi2IIfg4-00171-00048228-00048428 THERE'S ACTUALLY -- HE'S TRYING TO -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00172-00048428-00048691 THERE'S A BUNCH OF KIDS, AND I THINK YOU SHOULD -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00173-00048691-00048875 UH, JUST COME AND SEE! ErSmi2IIfg4-00174-00048875-00049059 Clarence: COME ON, JEFF. H-HOLD MY LITTLE BUDDY'S HAND. ErSmi2IIfg4-00175-00049059-00049209 N-N-N-NO! CLARENCE, STOP! NO, STOP! ErSmi2IIfg4-00176-00049209-00049405 HOLD LIL' BUDDY'S HAND. IT'S MY LITTLE HAND. ErSmi2IIfg4-00177-00049405-00049589 GET THAT AWAY FROM ME! ErSmi2IIfg4-00178-00049405-00049589 COME ON. GRAB IT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00179-00049589-00049809 IT'S NICE AND WARM. ErSmi2IIfg4-00180-00049589-00049809 NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! NO!! ErSmi2IIfg4-00181-00049809-00050103 WHAT THE -- WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? ErSmi2IIfg4-00182-00050103-00050183 YOU! ErSmi2IIfg4-00183-00050183-00050310 YOU BLOW THAT WHISTLE, ErSmi2IIfg4-00184-00050310-00050530 AND YOU'RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00185-00050530-00050640 GAH! ErSmi2IIfg4-00186-00050640-00050757 [ GROWLS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00187-00050757-00050927 [ EAGLE CRIES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00188-00051070-00051307 DON'T YOU E-- ErSmi2IIfg4-00189-00051307-00051551 WHASSUUUP?! ErSmi2IIfg4-00190-00051551-00051708 [ LAUGHTER ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00191-00051708-00051995 GUESS YOU SAVED THE LAST PANTS FOR -- [dance] ErSmi2IIfg4-00192-00051995-00052145 [ GRUNTS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00193-00052145-00052365 [ KIDS GASP ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00194-00052462-00052572 WHOO-HOO! ErSmi2IIfg4-00195-00052572-00052679 [ GROANS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00196-00052679-00052952 DON'T CONDONE VIOLENCE! ErSmi2IIfg4-00197-00053543-00053723 I HEARD HE'S GONNA GET EXPELLED. ErSmi2IIfg4-00198-00053723-00053930 I HEARD THEY'RE PUTTING HIM IN A STOCK PILLORY ErSmi2IIfg4-00199-00053930-00054124 WHERE EVERYONE WILL THROW TOMATOES AT HIM. ErSmi2IIfg4-00200-00054124-00054514 I HEARD MRS. BAKER HAS A SPECIAL PUNISHMENT. ErSmi2IIfg4-00201-00054514-00054767 I HEARD -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00202-00054514-00054767 SHOO, SHOO! GO BACK TO CLASS! ErSmi2IIfg4-00203-00054881-00055301 YOUR SPECIAL PUNISHMENT IS READY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00204-00055829-00055959 HI, CLARENCE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00205-00055959-00056096 MS. BAKER? ErSmi2IIfg4-00206-00056096-00056309 OH. R-- UH, THE PRINCIPAL HAS GONE TO AN, UH, ErSmi2IIfg4-00207-00056309-00056626 ALL-PRINCIPALS CONFERENCE... EH, THING. ErSmi2IIfg4-00208-00056626-00056890 SO I'M JUST KEEPING HIS SEAT WARM [LAUGHS] YOU KNOW? ErSmi2IIfg4-00209-00056890-00057053 KEEPING IT WARM. [ CLEARS THROAT ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00210-00057053-00057333 I'VE NOTICED YOU'VE BEEN HAVING A TOUGH TIME LATELY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00211-00057333-00057484 I D-- I DON'T KNOW. ErSmi2IIfg4-00212-00057484-00057720 YEAH, WELL, YOU'VE BEEN GETTING IN A LOT OF DETENTIONS ErSmi2IIfg4-00213-00057720-00058021 AND, YOU KNOW, BEHAVIORAL ISSUES. ErSmi2IIfg4-00214-00058021-00058111 'KAY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00215-00058111-00058258 WELL... [ INHALES DEEPLY ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00216-00058258-00058404 I'M SURE YOU'VE HEARD BY NOW ErSmi2IIfg4-00217-00058404-00058681 WE'VE COME UP WITH A SPECIAL PUNISHMENT FOR YOU. ErSmi2IIfg4-00218-00058681-00058842 [ DRAWER OPENS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00219-00058681-00058842 BUT FIRST, ErSmi2IIfg4-00220-00058842-00059075 SOMEONE HERE WANTS TO SEE YOU. ErSmi2IIfg4-00221-00059075-00059365 [ Voice breaking ] LI-LI-LI-- [GASPS] ErSmi2IIfg4-00222-00059365-00059572 LITTLE BUDDY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00223-00059572-00059873 [ SOBBING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00224-00059873-00060143 DADDY MISSES YOU SO MUCH. ErSmi2IIfg4-00225-00060143-00060330 [ SOBBING ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00226-00060330-00060570 LIL'-LIL'-BOOP BOOP. ErSmi2IIfg4-00227-00060570-00060847 WE KNOW HOW UPSET YOU WERE WHEN YOU MISSED RECESS. ErSmi2IIfg4-00228-00060847-00061057 THAT WASN'T FAIR, WAS IT? ErSmi2IIfg4-00229-00061057-00061191 NO. ErSmi2IIfg4-00230-00061191-00061424 WELL, WE THINK YOU SHOULD GET THAT TIME BACK. ErSmi2IIfg4-00231-00061424-00061644 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR VERY OWN RECESS -- ErSmi2IIfg4-00232-00061644-00061938 SOME COOL-OFF TIME JUST FOR YOU AND LIL' BUDDY HERE? ErSmi2IIfg4-00233-00061938-00062058 REALLY? ErSmi2IIfg4-00234-00062058-00062338 MM-HMM. YEAH. GO AHEAD. ErSmi2IIfg4-00235-00062338-00062612 [ SIGHS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00236-00062612-00062742 [ GRUNTS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00237-00062742-00062862 [ GIGGLES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00238-00062862-00062972 OH, CLARENCE. ErSmi2IIfg4-00239-00062972-00063122 DON'T FORGET WHAT HAPPENED ErSmi2IIfg4-00240-00063122-00063326 TO THE MAN WHO SUDDENLY GOT EVERYTHING HE WANTED. ErSmi2IIfg4-00241-00063326-00063419 WHAT HAPPENED? ErSmi2IIfg4-00242-00063419-00063666 HE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. ErSmi2IIfg4-00243-00063666-00063806 [ GIGGLES ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00244-00063806-00064050 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00245-00064050-00064410 ♪ YOU'RE MY VERY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00246-00064410-00064661 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00247-00064661-00064938 ♪ YOU'RE BETTER THAN THE OTHER BOYS AND GIRLS ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00248-00064938-00065265 ♪ AND SOON, THE WORLD WILL COME TO SEE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00249-00065265-00065765 ♪ THAT YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND THERE COULD EVER BE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00250-00065765-00065949 ♪ LIL' BUDDY, OOH, LIL' BUDDY ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00251-00065949-00066126 [ LAUGHS ] ErSmi2IIfg4-00252-00065949-00066126 ♪ YOU'RE THE BEST LIL' BUDDY FOR ME ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00253-00066126-00066276 THIS IS A PUNISHMENT, MISTER! ErSmi2IIfg4-00254-00066276-00066429 A PUNISHMENT! ErSmi2IIfg4-00255-00066429-00066676 LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OUR OLD CLARENCE BACK. ErSmi2IIfg4-00256-00066676-00066953 HUH. DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS AGAIN? ErSmi2IIfg4-00257-00066953-00067130 YEAH, PWOBABLY. ErSmi2IIfg4-00258-00067624-00067821 ♪ EARLY TO BED ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00259-00067974-00068204 ♪ EARLY TO RISE ♪ ErSmi2IIfg4-00260-00068358-00068525 ♪ PICKING MY NOSE ♪ EsrluXv6mbc-00000-00000952-00001259 The place to start is to think about strategy. EsrluXv6mbc-00001-00001259-00001727 You need a strategy that’s going to get you to your goal so you get the benefit of EsrluXv6mbc-00002-00001727-00002184 organized power, of multiple people, of people coming together to achieve something. EsrluXv6mbc-00003-00002184-00002589 It very much is predicated on the strategic frame of what you’re trying to achieve. EsrluXv6mbc-00004-00002589-00002896 The relationships between, for example, government and civil society. EsrluXv6mbc-00005-00002896-00003243 The implementation of the law to shift public opinion. EsrluXv6mbc-00006-00003244-00003800 Making sure that the values that a society embraces are values that uphold human rights. EsrluXv6mbc-00007-00003807-00004439 The raising of the voices of those who are excluded from participation. EsrluXv6mbc-00008-00004439-00005026 We look for grantees whose partnership, whose collaboration, whose engagement is necessary EsrluXv6mbc-00009-00005026-00005219 to making lasting social change. EsrluXv6mbc-00010-00005219-00005648 You’re part of a vision of what an open society looks like, whether you live those EsrluXv6mbc-00011-00005648-00005983 values, whether you practice transparency and accountability. EsrluXv6mbc-00012-00005983-00006455 We start with the grantee’s aspirations as being the most important thing—what you’re EsrluXv6mbc-00013-00006455-00006864 trying to achieve, the way in which you feel you can make change on the ground—and from EsrluXv6mbc-00014-00006864-00007070 that a conversation begins. EsrluXv6mbc-00015-00007070-00007695 We are open to organizations of all types, sizes, experience levels, duration. EsrluXv6mbc-00016-00007695-00008229 Scholarships and fellowships, grants to organizations that work in a variety of ways, a lot of public EsrluXv6mbc-00017-00008229-00008568 policy work, a lot of startup development work. EsrluXv6mbc-00018-00008568-00009075 People should always come if they think that there’s a fit between them and what OSF EsrluXv6mbc-00019-00009075-00009267 hopes to achieve and support. EsrluXv6mbc-00020-00009267-00009868 If you have beautiful solutions, this one seduces in the same way—there’s really EsrluXv6mbc-00021-00009868-00009978 good challenges. EsrluXv6mbc-00022-00009978-00010507 Open Society Foundations is very open to risk-taking and who believe that sometimes it’s really EsrluXv6mbc-00023-00010507-00010875 important to stick in there for the long haul on unpopular causes. EsrluXv6mbc-00024-00010875-00011356 The solutions, whether they’re immediate or long term, are going to reside with people EsrluXv6mbc-00025-00011356-00011543 within a society within that context. EsrluXv6mbc-00026-00011543-00012035 We are likely to fund organizations in the same field that may not agree with each other, EsrluXv6mbc-00027-00012035-00012557 and may actually be adopting different kinds of strategies to pursue the same goal. EsrluXv6mbc-00028-00012557-00012978 When you’re an activist, or when you’re in government, you’re trained to think that EsrluXv6mbc-00029-00012978-00013218 there is one good solution for everything. EsrluXv6mbc-00030-00013218-00013861 And I think the perspective that we have is that diversity is more important for democracy EsrluXv6mbc-00031-00013861-00014140 than good, specific solutions. EsrluXv6mbc-00032-00014140-00014581 Once you enter the Open Society Foundations network, it just opens huge doors. EsrluXv6mbc-00033-00014581-00015084 You’ll get connected into a variety of different places where you get a platform to talk about EsrluXv6mbc-00034-00015084-00015187 the great work you’re doing. EsrluXv6mbc-00035-00015187-00015587 What the Open Society Foundations is about is ensuring that we’re identifying those EsrluXv6mbc-00036-00015587-00015879 ideas that are underserved, that are marginalized. EsrluXv6mbc-00037-00015879-00016579 To remain curious and open-minded and constantly on the lookout for new grantees, new groups, EsrluXv6mbc-00038-00016604-00016734 new opportunities. EsrluXv6mbc-00039-00016734-00017201 Change is never irreversible, and so success is never final. EsrluXv6mbc-00040-00017201-00017670 But that change is there and can be the foundation for another period of openness. Eunu3mmEWf8-00000-00002002-00002102 subscribe now Eunu3mmEWf8-00001-00002102-00002206 ballroom dance Eunu3mmEWf8-00002-00002236-00002356 dancesport video Eunu3mmEWf8-00003-00002356-00002406 waltz Eunu3mmEWf8-00004-00002406-00002456 final Eunu3mmEWf8-00005-00002658-00002786 panache star video EuM7mF5ATj0-00000-00000072-00000552 hi my name is emily and today i will show you how to access and log into hogsync EuM7mF5ATj0-00001-00000552-00001128 i encourage you to pause this video and follow along as you see fit first step will be to go to EuM7mF5ATj0-00002-00001128-00001592 hogsync.uark.edu EuM7mF5ATj0-00003-00002136-00002536 you will then be on the home page and will need to navigate to the top right hand corner EuM7mF5ATj0-00004-00002536-00003352 and press the blue sign in button from here you will be taken to the microsoft login page EuM7mF5ATj0-00005-00003352-00003696 you will need to enter your uark email address EuM7mF5ATj0-00006-00003976-00004560 and then press the next button in the bottom right you will then be prompted to enter your uark EuM7mF5ATj0-00007-00004560-00005048 password and then press sign in in the bottom right hand corner EuM7mF5ATj0-00008-00005488-00005992 you will then be prompted to put in the code that was sent to your phone number connected EuM7mF5ATj0-00009-00005992-00006576 to your uark account you will then enter this code and press verify in the bottom right hand corner EuM7mF5ATj0-00010-00006840-00007208 you'll be asked if you want to stay signed in i press don't show this again EuM7mF5ATj0-00011-00007208-00007448 and yes to continue being stayed signed in EuM7mF5ATj0-00012-00007848-00008112 you will then see the home screen of hog sync EuM7mF5ATj0-00013-00008224-00008664 you can watch the next video to learn how to access the student affairs resource fair EuM7mF5ATj0-00014-00008968-00009408 we hope you enjoy hogsync as a place to find student events and resources EuM7mF5ATj0-00015-00009408-00009832 and we hope to see you at the student affairs resource fair to learn more about EuM7mF5ATj0-00016-00009832-00010656 student affairs and the resources we offer it will be hosted october 28th from 11 30 to 1. E-1aUHdRoSY-00000-00002450-00003001 This is obviously a true story...this is called "Ode to a Senior Drill Instructor". (inaudible audience comment) E-1aUHdRoSY-00001-00003375-00003863 And as a response to that Mr. Wilson, I will say that E-1aUHdRoSY-00002-00003918-00004409 I recited this in Orange Beach, Alabama; at an arts fest, a year ago and E-1aUHdRoSY-00003-00004512-00004751 a fellow came up to me after I did it. He said, E-1aUHdRoSY-00004-00004827-00005027 "Would you be willing to E-1aUHdRoSY-00005-00005061-00005447 go to Arkansas, if we paid your way, and recite this poem?" E-1aUHdRoSY-00006-00005496-00006140 He said, "We're having a the fifth annual... E-1aUHdRoSY-00007-00006192-00006748 Every five years, they do an anniversary of his submarine group. And I said, "Well, this is obviously not submarines; E-1aUHdRoSY-00008-00006748-00006985 This is the army." He said, "But it's the same thing." E-1aUHdRoSY-00009-00007043-00007243 See what he means by that. E-1aUHdRoSY-00010-00007247-00007966 "Each generation seems to get its own unwanted war, which winnows out the public doubt that life's worth fighting for. E-1aUHdRoSY-00011-00008039-00008674 Of course the Fates must then decree that some will get the call, to lay their lives upon the line, E-1aUHdRoSY-00012-00008753-00008953 induced to give their all. E-1aUHdRoSY-00013-00008996-00009787 So in its turn, my own chance came, with high school sheepskin won, I thought I'd found a novel way to flee life's tedium. E-1aUHdRoSY-00014-00009852-00010367 My buddies had the normal plans: a girl, a job, more school, E-1aUHdRoSY-00015-00010413-00010696 but I was lured by different dreams-- a choice E-1aUHdRoSY-00016-00010696-00011370 they thought was "cool", for I was tempted by wars thrills, and Uncle Sam had need! E-1aUHdRoSY-00017-00011395-00011731 Had told us "Commies" must be killed so Asia could be freed. E-1aUHdRoSY-00018-00011810-00012526 If I had fears, they were dispelled, or little understood, and saw in war that crucblel to end my childhood. E-1aUHdRoSY-00019-00012585-00012811 My dad had gone the army route in WWII, E-1aUHdRoSY-00020-00012863-00013322 and he survived so, "What the heck ?" it seemed the thing to do. E-1aUHdRoSY-00021-00013434-00013816 Recruiters helped me beat the draft - obliged most eagerly, E-1aUHdRoSY-00022-00013869-00014240 yet eyed me hard for my desire of "airborne Infantry." E-1aUHdRoSY-00023-00014403-00014786 Because I was too young to join, I knew I must insist. E-1aUHdRoSY-00024-00014901-00015287 Reluctantly my parents signed the waiver to enlist. E-1aUHdRoSY-00025-00015360-00015743 And so the torch to me was passed, and as my time drew near, E-1aUHdRoSY-00026-00015846-00016351 renounced all claim to innocence. Back then life seemed so clear. E-1aUHdRoSY-00027-00016437-00016798 I said "farewell" to all my chums, my spirits then ran high. E-1aUHdRoSY-00028-00016853-00017240 Yet on the train, I forced back tears from watching Mother cry. E-1aUHdRoSY-00029-00017292-00018058 But soon that bustling Army base kept me from feeling blue, for basic combat training served-up all that I could chew. E-1aUHdRoSY-00030-00018150-00018572 I soon acquired some unique skills like cleaning our latrine, E-1aUHdRoSY-00031-00018660-00019198 "police call" and ,oh yes, "KP," all this by age 18. E-1aUHdRoSY-00032-00019269-00020027 I shared a room with 30 troops in double bunks stacked neat, with 30 more one floor above, packed tight like sandwich meat. E-1aUHdRoSY-00033-00020079-00020711 Our cadre, most were seasoned vets, old "Brown-Shoe" NCOs, whose service E-1aUHdRoSY-00034-00020711-00021022 in Korea's war had left them all "gung ho." E-1aUHdRoSY-00035-00021050-00021677 No! They weren't there to hold our hands. A different army then. E-1aUHdRoSY-00036-00021729-00022183 They taunted us unmercifully to forge boys into men. E-1aUHdRoSY-00037-00022290-00022631 A grizzled "Sarge" ran my platoon; his morbid wit was keen; E-1aUHdRoSY-00038-00022683-00023135 he liked to march us 'til we dropped while chanting rhymes obscene. E-1aUHdRoSY-00039-00023193-00023654 Our Captain was a portly sort, his presence seldom seen. E-1aUHdRoSY-00040-00023709-00024284 The "First Shirt" marked his 30 years. The "X O" looked too green. E-1aUHdRoSY-00041-00024357-00024704 Then we beheld the "S.D.I." a E-1aUHdRoSY-00042-00024756-00025394 Sergeant of First Class. Was "spit and polish", "blood and guts," a leader none surpassed. E-1aUHdRoSY-00043-00025422-00025889 Of Irish stock with ruddy cheeks and close-cropped, crimson mane E-1aUHdRoSY-00044-00025900-00026290 Had fiery eyes and piercing voice, John Gordy was his name. E-1aUHdRoSY-00045-00026388-00026674 Cast short in height with stocky build, E-1aUHdRoSY-00046-00026756-00027367 John never seemed to tire, God help us when he led "P. T." for fear that we'd expire. E-1aUHdRoSY-00047-00027444-00027788 Was always neat in starched fatigues; as through the ranks he sped, E-1aUHdRoSY-00048-00027788-00028567 well shod in polished airborne boots, campaign hat on his head. And merely by his presence, E-1aUHdRoSY-00049-00028570-00029242 John personified "esprit," for on his chest, that noble badge of "Combat Infantry." E-1aUHdRoSY-00050-00029304-00029545 Its musket set against the blue E-1aUHdRoSY-00051-00029601-00030154 with wreath of silver leaves, a pin that marks an honored group, E-1aUHdRoSY-00052-00030222-00030422 intrepidly achieved. E-1aUHdRoSY-00053-00030501-00030895 Unheralded, that emblem served to quietly inspire. E-1aUHdRoSY-00054-00030963-00031483 'cause soldiers who display that crest have slogged through hostile fire. E-1aUHdRoSY-00055-00031635-00031846 Despite the years, I still recall E-1aUHdRoSY-00056-00031938-00032170 we trainees all agreed: E-1aUHdRoSY-00057-00032258-00032695 Our "Senior Drill Instructor" was one tough old S.O.B. E-1aUHdRoSY-00058-00032822-00033002 Though just one man, somehow he'd know E-1aUHdRoSY-00059-00033002-00033224 when we had screwed up worst: E-1aUHdRoSY-00060-00033251-00033700 Parade ground or the rifle range, upon the scene he burst. He'd glare E-1aUHdRoSY-00061-00033710-00034200 with eerie, lupine eyes from which his temper flashed, his lips stretched taut E-1aUHdRoSY-00062-00034210-00035107 in sneer beneath his handlebar moustache. Then as he read the "Riot Act" he built a head of steam, supplied by stalwart lungs that would E-1aUHdRoSY-00063-00035133-00035351 explode in frenzied scream. E-1aUHdRoSY-00064-00035460-00036095 A tirade from his lexicon he'd carefully select, though idioms he chose were not E-1aUHdRoSY-00065-00036150-00036309 politically correct. E-1aUHdRoSY-00066-00036309-00036622 As rage then peaked, his mouth would froth, E-1aUHdRoSY-00067-00036690-00036907 abuse flowed out unchecked: E-1aUHdRoSY-00068-00037026-00037456 "You turkeys are starting to tick me off!" or, words to that effect. E-1aUHdRoSY-00069-00037671-00038285 So when he'd pause, we found ourselves were gasping hard for air. Once John had emptied out his lungs E-1aUHdRoSY-00070-00038313-00038513 he'd leave a vacuum there, E-1aUHdRoSY-00071-00038535-00039260 for when on the receiving end of one of those critiques, well, one never quite got over his rhetorical techniques. E-1aUHdRoSY-00072-00039327-00039859 Your tongue was tied your mind went blank, your gut felt awful strange, E-1aUHdRoSY-00073-00039890-00040351 your knees would knock, you heart would stop, your pants you had the change. E-1aUHdRoSY-00074-00040404-00041048 And even when he wasn't near we still were on the hook from fear that his imagined gaze watched every step E-1aUHdRoSY-00075-00041052-00041725 we took! We'd hear him scream, "Now get in step!" and "Keep a full canteen," then "Check your ammo," E-1aUHdRoSY-00076-00041748-00042061 "Wear dry socks," and "Keep your weapon clean." E-1aUHdRoSY-00077-00042160-00042484 Yep, John went strictly "by the book," E-1aUHdRoSY-00078-00042549-00042754 which served his purpose well, E-1aUHdRoSY-00079-00042834-00043298 for he knew best what we would find when we went off to hell... E-1aUHdRoSY-00080-00043491-00043691 Now some would argue E-1aUHdRoSY-00081-00043725-00044513 leaders skills aren't traits with which they're born; that anyone can learn to lead who dons a uniform. E-1aUHdRoSY-00082-00044559-00045326 But I contend not everyone can be so simply groomed, for some seem ready to command on exiting the womb. E-1aUHdRoSY-00083-00045420-00046198 Sure, each of us could teach a class of stuff to memorize, but making troops retain it all meant one must improvise. E-1aUHdRoSY-00084-00046320-00046586 John's tender voice taught us the drills, E-1aUHdRoSY-00085-00046647-00047246 but lest we might forget, his boot upon our backsides posed E-1aUHdRoSY-00086-00047304-00047504 an ever-present threat... E-1aUHdRoSY-00087-00047583-00047760 To prove our worth, E-1aUHdRoSY-00088-00047760-00047940 John sent us on. E-1aUHdRoSY-00089-00047940-00048424 Told us to do our best. To keep from disappointing him E-1aUHdRoSY-00090-00048480-00048750 would be our toughest test. E-1aUHdRoSY-00091-00048800-00048966 Meantime the army bungled and E-1aUHdRoSY-00092-00049038-00049230 instead of infantry, E-1aUHdRoSY-00093-00049230-00049640 assigned me to a year-long school in high technology. E-1aUHdRoSY-00094-00049650-00050351 And in our streets, as draft cards burned, "PEACE NOW!" vast crowds would roar, E-1aUHdRoSY-00095-00050351-00050783 while I schemed -- chomping at the bit to be shipped off to war! E-1aUHdRoSY-00096-00050865-00051274 It took two years to orchestrate, but finally orders came. E-1aUHdRoSY-00097-00051339-00051866 With only basic combat skills they put me in the game. E-1aUHdRoSY-00098-00051915-00052322 Then sure enough, stuff hit the fan, the skies were hot with lead. E-1aUHdRoSY-00099-00052362-00052895 'Twas then I thought I heard John snarl: "Be quick, or you'll be dead!" E-1aUHdRoSY-00100-00053001-00053333 Yes, from the past, that haunting voice E-1aUHdRoSY-00101-00053423-00053623 gave me that extra push! E-1aUHdRoSY-00102-00053664-00054002 Hell, I feared more of John back home E-1aUHdRoSY-00103-00054090-00054290 than "Charlie" in the bush!... E-1aUHdRoSY-00104-00054462-00054760 Once, Congress had to sanction war E-1aUHdRoSY-00105-00054882-00055082 conscription was its cost. E-1aUHdRoSY-00106-00055120-00055645 Now, Presidents picked battles we can't tell we've won or lost. E-1aUHdRoSY-00107-00055710-00056119 And folks today mouth gratitude to those in uniform, E-1aUHdRoSY-00108-00056229-00056409 which strikes me odd, E-1aUHdRoSY-00109-00056409-00056604 for guys from "Nam" E-1aUHdRoSY-00110-00056604-00056821 were spat upon and scorned. E-1aUHdRoSY-00111-00056949-00057437 But drafted or enlisted, one belief we "Grunts" did share: E-1aUHdRoSY-00112-00057513-00058060 that service to our country was a duty all should bear... E-1aUHdRoSY-00113-00058248-00058555 It's likely that not to all John's boys E-1aUHdRoSY-00114-00058626-00058826 returned from that crusade. E-1aUHdRoSY-00115-00058866-00059479 He made the best of what he had which prompts this accolade. For in my case, John did his job. E-1aUHdRoSY-00116-00059532-00059878 Yes, he helped me survive for some small tip E-1aUHdRoSY-00117-00059879-00060548 he taught back then must be why I'm alive, 'cause though I played no hero's role, I've tasted mortal fear E-1aUHdRoSY-00118-00060633-00061178 from angry bullets biting air that blazed right past my ear--- E-1aUHdRoSY-00119-00061280-00061783 so...whether it's at Arlington, or some less hallowed spot, E-1aUHdRoSY-00120-00061860-00062089 I'd like to know where John is laid E-1aUHdRoSY-00121-00062157-00062357 to thank that patriot. E-1aUHdRoSY-00122-00062460-00062654 And though you say E-1aUHdRoSY-00123-00062654-00062850 you hate all war--- E-1aUHdRoSY-00124-00062850-00063079 for peace you'll always yearn, E-1aUHdRoSY-00125-00063186-00063802 you'd better hope there's more like John when next it's your child's turn. E-1aUHdRoSY-00126-00063879-00064079 "Ode to a Senior Drill Instructor" [audience clapping] E-1aUHdRoSY-00127-00064270-00065270 Thank you. You're very kind. EAj03K03NGk-00000-00000032-00000512 Good beautiful morning to you I hope you are having a EAj03K03NGk-00001-00000512-00001296 wonderful day. Today on this beautiful sunny day I am going to take you on a tour of the beaches of EAj03K03NGk-00002-00001296-00002064 south Bali. Here's the airport and the beaches are Jimbaran beach, Balangan beach, Dreamland beach, EAj03K03NGk-00003-00002064-00002736 Bingin beach, Padang Padang beach, Uluwatu beach, Pandawa and Nusa Dua beach. There is EAj03K03NGk-00004-00002736-00003288 lots of beaches around here but today we are going to go and visit Jimbaran beach. EAj03K03NGk-00005-00003456-00003840 Welcome to Jimbaran beach now Jimbaran beach is the closest to the airport EAj03K03NGk-00006-00003840-00004104 south of Kuta we are now on the little island as EAj03K03NGk-00007-00004104-00004739 I call it that is south of Kuta and the airport. Let's show you Jimbaran beach. EBLsRTJMTdu-00000-00001552-00001952 I'm going to make a classic and delicious soybean paste stew. EBLsRTJMTdu-00001-00001969-00002348 Cut your favorite vegetables into bite-sized pieces. EBLsRTJMTdu-00002-00002620-00003013 First, stir-fry anchovies. EBLsRTJMTdu-00003-00003400-00003674 Add rice water, EBLsRTJMTdu-00004-00003679-00004346 And mix the soybean paste well. EBLsRTJMTdu-00005-00004600-00004888 Add hard vegetables that are not cooked well. EBLsRTJMTdu-00006-00004922-00005723 When I eat soybean paste stew, I always put delicious potatoes and sweet onions. EBLsRTJMTdu-00007-00005786-00006006 Bring to a boil. EBLsRTJMTdu-00008-00006039-00006448 If you want a clean taste, remove the foam. EBLsRTJMTdu-00009-00006834-00007568 Garlic and red pepper powder to your liking! EBLsRTJMTdu-00010-00008573-00008840 The highlight of soybean paste stew! Add tofu. EBLsRTJMTdu-00011-00008868-00009068 Now, all you have to do is boil it. EBLsRTJMTdu-00012-00009068-00009363 It's soybean paste stew full of solid ingredients and flavor. ECjfJMGLeWY-00000-00001520-00001625 One moment, Sir. ECjfJMGLeWY-00001-00005561-00006018 The terrorist ECjfJMGLeWY-00002-00013631-00013776 Good morning, Mr. President. ECjfJMGLeWY-00003-00013851-00014002 Here you have the newspapers... ECjfJMGLeWY-00004-00014023-00014244 and the pending phone calls from yesterday. ECjfJMGLeWY-00005-00014336-00014542 Our stock options have risen half a point. ECjfJMGLeWY-00006-00014600-00014991 And the president of NorTelecom showed up here without an appointment. ECjfJMGLeWY-00007-00015001-00015202 He says it's urgent, and that it'll only take a few minutes. ECjfJMGLeWY-00008-00015212-00015344 Take up my time… ECjfJMGLeWY-00009-00015413-00015588 my precious, and valuable time. ECjfJMGLeWY-00010-00015693-00015869 Tell him that I'm in a meeting... ECjfJMGLeWY-00011-00015879-00016114 and that I won't be able to assist him this morning. ECjfJMGLeWY-00012-00016178-00016420 Make him an appointment for next week. ECjfJMGLeWY-00013-00016431-00016558 I'll tell him right now. ECjfJMGLeWY-00014-00016642-00016863 Come back as soon as you're done. ECjfJMGLeWY-00015-00016873-00017147 I have some letters to dictate urgently. ECjfJMGLeWY-00016-00017157-00017302 Right now, Mr. President. ECjfJMGLeWY-00017-00018545-00018758 Showing up here without notice... ECjfJMGLeWY-00018-00019071-00019333 as if he is the center of the world. ECjfJMGLeWY-00019-00020825-00021035 The same headline as always. ECjfJMGLeWY-00020-00021122-00021476 Ask for the weekly report. Blah, blah, blah, blah... ECjfJMGLeWY-00021-00021523-00021812 you perfectly know what to do... ECjfJMGLeWY-00022-00021914-00022142 and finish up the mail saying: ECjfJMGLeWY-00023-00022181-00022562 "So, I am waiting with utmost urgency and priority... ECjfJMGLeWY-00024-00022605-00022924 the budget of the new bulletproof glasses... ECjfJMGLeWY-00025-00022934-00023203 and the closed-circuit cameras... ECjfJMGLeWY-00026-00023213-00023573 that will be activated with the volumetric I have chosen." ECjfJMGLeWY-00027-00023778-00024033 Send it right away to the Purchasing Manager. ECjfJMGLeWY-00028-00024044-00024206 I don't want this to be late. ECjfJMGLeWY-00029-00024269-00024473 It should have been done yesterday. ECjfJMGLeWY-00030-00024961-00025182 Talk with Mr. Solís, too. ECjfJMGLeWY-00031-00025264-00025496 Tell him I want him in my office... ECjfJMGLeWY-00032-00025506-00025698 first thing tomorrow morning... ECjfJMGLeWY-00033-00025708-00026105 to comment on the new assets that will go public... ECjfJMGLeWY-00034-00026160-00026461 as well as the new call options. ECjfJMGLeWY-00035-00026697-00026925 And organize... ECjfJMGLeWY-00036-00027007-00027324 a meal with Mr. Aguirre for tomorrow... ECjfJMGLeWY-00037-00027450-00027744 to show me what the presentation... ECjfJMGLeWY-00038-00027754-00028009 of the product to Google is about. ECjfJMGLeWY-00039-00028121-00028336 We can't lose track of that. ECjfJMGLeWY-00040-00028428-00028698 We can't let the competition steal it. ECjfJMGLeWY-00041-00028898-00029060 And remind him of my motto: ECjfJMGLeWY-00042-00029112-00029282 If they gain a cent... ECjfJMGLeWY-00043-00029292-00029601 it's a cent the welfare of our children will lose. ECjfJMGLeWY-00044-00031906-00032287 Juan, prepare the Audi, I'll leave in fifteen minutes. ECjfJMGLeWY-00045-00035488-00035674 Punctual, as always. ECjfJMGLeWY-00046-00039948-00040139 Everything will be perfect. ECjfJMGLeWY-00047-00049428-00049717 Hello. One ticket to Barrio del Pilar, please. ECjfJMGLeWY-00048-00049748-00049879 It's five twenty. ECjfJMGLeWY-00049-00051286-00051386 One moment. ECjfJMGLeWY-00050-00054023-00054343 "To faint, to dare... ECjfJMGLeWY-00051-00054547-00054923 to rage, be harsh, tender... ECjfJMGLeWY-00052-00054965-00055160 liberal, elusive... ECjfJMGLeWY-00053-00055379-00055779 encouraged, mortal, defunct, alive... ECjfJMGLeWY-00054-00055816-00056068 faithful, traitorous... ECjfJMGLeWY-00055-00056100-00056318 cowardly, and brave: ECjfJMGLeWY-00056-00056348-00056648 To find outside of goodness no peace or respite. ECjfJMGLeWY-00057-00056771-00057044 Appear ecstatic... ECjfJMGLeWY-00058-00057103-00057371 melancholic, modest... ECjfJMGLeWY-00059-00057381-00057619 haughty, irate... ECjfJMGLeWY-00060-00057690-00057914 courageous, fugitive... ECjfJMGLeWY-00061-00057924-00058178 satisfied, suspicious: ECjfJMGLeWY-00062-00058373-00058647 To turn your face away from plain disillusion... ECjfJMGLeWY-00063-00058736-00059004 drink poison that is smooth liquor... ECjfJMGLeWY-00064-00059089-00059423 overlook profit, love pain: ECjfJMGLeWY-00065-00059505-00059794 believe that heaven fits inside hell... ECjfJMGLeWY-00066-00060127-00060393 give life and soul for disillusion. ECjfJMGLeWY-00067-00060621-00060875 This is love... ECjfJMGLeWY-00068-00061824-00062174 whoever has tasted knows." ECjfJMGLeWY-00069-00063233-00063339 Thank you. ECjfJMGLeWY-00070-00063412-00063725 Thank you for being there, trapped... ECjfJMGLeWY-00071-00063772-00064095 unreachable for anyone behind that cold glass... ECjfJMGLeWY-00072-00064105-00064376 that saves you like an impassable urn... ECjfJMGLeWY-00073-00064413-00064669 for facilitating our destination every day. ECjfJMGLeWY-00074-00064734-00064921 Thank you for giving us the ticket. ECjfJMGLeWY-00075-00064996-00065096 Thank you. ECjfJMGLeWY-00076-00065696-00065796 Thank you... ECjfJMGLeWY-00077-00065884-00066056 thank you for your patience... ECjfJMGLeWY-00078-00066105-00066398 for putting up with this gift without complaining... ECjfJMGLeWY-00079-00066486-00066762 for losing a bit of your time... ECjfJMGLeWY-00080-00066816-00067084 so I could recite love verses. ECjfJMGLeWY-00081-00067200-00067451 But thank you, especially, for your laughs. ECjfJMGLeWY-00082-00067595-00067869 It's the best gift I could receive... ECjfJMGLeWY-00083-00067890-00068362 after this little attack on your lack of time, and your hurry. ECjfJMGLeWY-00084-00068399-00068511 Thank you. ECjfJMGLeWY-00085-00069214-00069387 -Good morning. -Good morning. ECjfJMGLeWY-00086-00069421-00069521 Hello, good morning. ECjfJMGLeWY-00087-00069531-00069775 Could you give me a ticket to the train station? ECjfJMGLeWY-00088-00069785-00069885 Of course. ECjfJMGLeWY-00089-00070293-00070685 Thank you very much. Have a nice day. Goodbye. ECjfJMGLeWY-00090-00071013-00071121 Thank you! ECjfJMGLeWY-00091-00071458-00071752 Let's see, can you let me in, dear? Thank you! ECjfJMGLeWY-00092-00071837-00072008 Come on, we're leaving! ECjfJMGLeWY-00093-00072120-00072235 Good! ECjfJMGLeWY-00094-00072486-00072839 Hello! Hi! Good morning! How are you? ECjfJMGLeWY-00095-00073177-00073401 Hello! What's up? How's everything? ECjfJMGLeWY-00096-00073411-00073511 -Good. -Good? ECjfJMGLeWY-00097-00073600-00073768 What's wrong? Why so serious! ECjfJMGLeWY-00098-00073880-00074031 Come on, take it! Cheer up! ECjfJMGLeWY-00099-00074078-00074361 -Really? Thank you! -It's nothing. ECjfJMGLeWY-00100-00074560-00074802 Oh man! I missed the stop! ECjfJMGLeWY-00101-00074868-00075089 Oh my! It's OK. ECjfJMGLeWY-00102-00075147-00075314 -It's OK. -I'll walk a bit. ECjfJMGLeWY-00103-00075325-00075498 -Of course. -It's good for the body. ECjfJMGLeWY-00104-00075508-00075670 -You can stretch the legs. -There you got it. ECjfJMGLeWY-00105-00075724-00075892 -Goodbye! -See you! Thank you! ECjfJMGLeWY-00106-00084911-00085080 Miss Fernández! ECjfJMGLeWY-00107-00085268-00085478 Miss Fernández! ECjfJMGLeWY-00108-00085563-00085713 Fernández left to have some coffee. ECjfJMGLeWY-00109-00086323-00086569 This is the work of another terrorist. ECjfJMGLeWY-00110-00086742-00087050 It's going to be very difficult... ECjfJMGLeWY-00111-00087060-00087297 to end this revolution. ECjfJMGLeWY-00112-00089256-00089405 Everything went perfect. ECjfJMGLeWY-00113-00089462-00089714 The shock wave has reached its target. ECjfJMGLeWY-00114-00089827-00090050 I am looking forward to the next attack. ECUx6LBqsaM-00000-00000496-00000883 Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday! ECUx6LBqsaM-00001-00000883-00001528 Squared paper can be really handy to practice lettering, so let’s use that today! ECUx6LBqsaM-00002-00001528-00002000 To make sure my letters will fit onto the paper, and next to each other in a fairly ECUx6LBqsaM-00003-00002000-00002700 neat way, I decide each letter will measure 4 by 5 squares on the paper. And I measure ECUx6LBqsaM-00004-00002709-00003089 them all out for the word I will be writing slash drawing. ECUx6LBqsaM-00005-00003089-00003789 Then, I draw the letters, using my imagination for different fonts and styles. ECUx6LBqsaM-00006-00004032-00004576 This is a simple and quick exercise, but of course you can take much longer to create ECUx6LBqsaM-00007-00004576-00005276 a very pretty and neat effect. Study fonts online and in magazines for example, to find ECUx6LBqsaM-00008-00005280-00005980 out about interesting shapes and font styles that you can use and try to mimic. ECUx6LBqsaM-00009-00006158-00006793 When you draw in pencil first, and then trace your letters in pen or marker for example, ECUx6LBqsaM-00010-00006793-00007493 then wait a bit before you start erasing the pencil lines. The ink needs to be dried completely, ECUx6LBqsaM-00011-00007525-00008225 otherwise it will stain your drawing! ECUx6LBqsaM-00012-00008275-00008975 You can color the letters, or make fun patterns in them, add shadows, paint them…. and create ECUx6LBqsaM-00013-00009546-00010246 a fun banner around them, using the squares again. If you exercise and experiment a lot, ECUx6LBqsaM-00014-00010313-00010814 you will see that it will get easier to draw letters without lined or squared paper, and ECUx6LBqsaM-00015-00010814-00011132 match them in size. ECUx6LBqsaM-00016-00011132-00011609 Have fun! Thank you for watching this video! I hope ECUx6LBqsaM-00017-00011609-00012259 you liked it, and if you did, you may want to have a look at my website: koosjekoene.nl, ECUx6LBqsaM-00018-00012259-00012482 and maybe you can join one of my classes! EH0QmVLnb10-00000-00000003-00000548 Favor on Ricki Hayes here in today's video. We're going into a new freakin version pirate check out hack EH0QmVLnb10-00001-00000600-00000920 With something else as well. So let's get straight into it EH0QmVLnb10-00002-00001423-00002214 Alright so this is the conversion pirate check out hack with another little hack that works in conjunction with it and EH0QmVLnb10-00003-00002215-00002484 It's a really cool hack to help EH0QmVLnb10-00004-00002542-00003146 Increase your average order value while also just increasing the amount of people that actually take up the offer, right? EH0QmVLnb10-00005-00003196-00003486 So before we get into this though EH0QmVLnb10-00006-00003486-00004025 Don't forget to Like share subscribe and hit the notification belt and follow me on instagram and ricky EH0QmVLnb10-00007-00004026-00004539 Hey IG. So with that being said this hack here is here's the code EH0QmVLnb10-00008-00004585-00005211 So it's the reason that we have this code in this bar is there's a few steps to this EH0QmVLnb10-00009-00005211-00005586 Okay, so I'm gonna put a link down below to the code EH0QmVLnb10-00010-00005586-00006122 You're gonna have to put it into let's say like a notepad document and save it explicitly as it is EH0QmVLnb10-00011-00006123-00006506 Check out underscore script dot J ass because it's a JavaScript. Okay EH0QmVLnb10-00012-00006583-00006884 Don't worry. It's not going to cause any harm. Alright and EH0QmVLnb10-00013-00007023-00007223 Sorry, one second EH0QmVLnb10-00014-00007447-00007833 So then there's also the code that you need to put into the Google Analytics EH0QmVLnb10-00015-00007945-00008045 Component, okay EH0QmVLnb10-00016-00008045-00008682 And the reason that that is is if the the problem with the Google conversion pirate code is not that it's not fantastic EH0QmVLnb10-00017-00008725-00009011 It's just that it's too long now conversion pirate have also EH0QmVLnb10-00018-00009064-00009618 Released a paid version which is even better than their free one, but I wanted to give you out the free one EH0QmVLnb10-00019-00009618-00009879 I am still testing the paid one which cost EH0QmVLnb10-00020-00009934-00010493 $189 is a one-off planner. It makes you check out better than what shop I can do. It. It's it's it's mind-blowing EH0QmVLnb10-00021-00010549-00010937 Anyway, but this one's a free one and I'm gonna show you how to do this. What you need to do EH0QmVLnb10-00022-00010938-00011122 Is you need to copy your code? EH0QmVLnb10-00023-00011122-00011525 And you need to have Google Analytics setup for this to work properly EH0QmVLnb10-00024-00011899-00012417 Okay, so we're going to delete the existing code and you're gonna copy this code, okay EH0QmVLnb10-00025-00012502-00012711 So you copy that code alright? EH0QmVLnb10-00026-00012817-00013408 Then what you want to do is you need to then upload this file. Okay, so you'll need to upload this file EH0QmVLnb10-00027-00013409-00013609 so I'm going to delete this because obviously EH0QmVLnb10-00028-00013626-00014081 I'll put it back in in the file. Don't worry. I'm and you need to go into files EH0QmVLnb10-00029-00014231-00014863 Then you upload the file into your files here now it's really important otherwise it won't update properly that you copy this EH0QmVLnb10-00030-00014885-00015085 Okay, then go back into your preferences EH0QmVLnb10-00031-00015231-00015384 Okay, you want to go back here EH0QmVLnb10-00032-00015384-00015907 because the code that we've copied in and see this this is the URL you want to make sure because if you make any changes EH0QmVLnb10-00033-00015907-00016513 To the script. Let's say based on the text that you have in there. It's important that this is done properly. Otherwise EH0QmVLnb10-00034-00016568-00017059 It won't work. Okay, so if we go again just to show you back to files EH0QmVLnb10-00035-00017234-00017635 You know, you can see here we got the the full code so we copy that EH0QmVLnb10-00036-00017738-00017882 preferences EH0QmVLnb10-00037-00017882-00018175 preference sorry online store preferences then EH0QmVLnb10-00038-00018215-00018871 We just want to go over the top of that paste done because again for your store it's going to be slightly unique, right? EH0QmVLnb10-00039-00018873-00019043 Okay, that's it. All right EH0QmVLnb10-00040-00019043-00019570 Now the other part we need to do is we need to add so it depends if you are running free shipping or not EH0QmVLnb10-00041-00019570-00019963 So the most people that I know do run free shipping EH0QmVLnb10-00042-00019963-00020353 I mean you should really try and use free shipping and some sort of average order value EH0QmVLnb10-00043-00020429-00020782 Method anyway or just conversion methods people love free shipping EH0QmVLnb10-00044-00020801-00021412 So whatever that may be you just need to modify it slightly based on on your own individual store preferences EH0QmVLnb10-00045-00021447-00022213 So see how I got priorities shipping with tracking right and it's $4.99. I think my code set for 95 EH0QmVLnb10-00046-00022213-00022465 I just haven't changed it. Something's going to change this now EH0QmVLnb10-00047-00022575-00022754 for 95 EH0QmVLnb10-00048-00022754-00022934 so EH0QmVLnb10-00049-00022934-00023554 Basically, this is a store example that are trying free shipping. But my goal is that you know that they EH0QmVLnb10-00050-00023631-00024275 Take up the priority priority shipping or priority processing. Sorry. I should update that priority processing EH0QmVLnb10-00051-00024275-00024691 That's generally what I would recommend if you are running a free shipping EH0QmVLnb10-00052-00024747-00025405 Store, ok priority processing with tracking. That's what you need. There's a million different ways like expedited shipping and handling EH0QmVLnb10-00053-00025490-00025990 It's all really I don't know how much of a difference it's gonna make it hard split test, right? EH0QmVLnb10-00054-00025990-00026327 But anyway, so that's now place. Okay, so if we go EH0QmVLnb10-00055-00026388-00026669 Pretty sure I have a product on this bogus store EH0QmVLnb10-00056-00026739-00026869 Yes, I do EH0QmVLnb10-00057-00026869-00027164 Food cutter good old food cutter. Yeah EH0QmVLnb10-00058-00027216-00027554 All right, and when you go there I haven't fixed that EH0QmVLnb10-00059-00027706-00027888 Checkout EH0QmVLnb10-00060-00027888-00028088 so go to your checkout and EH0QmVLnb10-00061-00028108-00028413 Here we are. So right at the end of the checkout itself EH0QmVLnb10-00062-00028429-00028661 You can see that this is the additional hack EH0QmVLnb10-00063-00028662-00029279 So it's actually combining two hacks into one the prior to processing Sarala just literally looking like that EH0QmVLnb10-00064-00029280-00029775 It really sticks out like a sore thumb. Okay, especially on mobile now I can't fix EH0QmVLnb10-00065-00029775-00030135 It used to be an arrow, but something's changed. I haven't been out of fix it EH0QmVLnb10-00066-00030187-00030307 presently EH0QmVLnb10-00067-00030307-00030807 But basically you can they can choose that and then, you know continue to your payment method EH0QmVLnb10-00068-00030832-00031337 So basically the whole point of this hack is is that it adds all this extra text EH0QmVLnb10-00069-00031366-00031949 There towels and like this is really good value, especially for running free shipping. This is going to help get people's attention EH0QmVLnb10-00070-00032022-00032621 See what the value they get so that then you get you know from a thirty dollar order thirty-five bucks and about EH0QmVLnb10-00071-00032638-00033299 Twenty to thirty percent of people on average from what I found and my students have found take up this offer EH0QmVLnb10-00072-00033376-00033917 And that's it. That's it guys that this is the entire hat now I should add as well that this EH0QmVLnb10-00073-00034057-00034565 works, I'm not a person sure this works with conversion pirate just because EH0QmVLnb10-00074-00034693-00035129 You know, it's much the same methodology. I haven't fully tested it, but this is a free one EH0QmVLnb10-00075-00035143-00035795 Ok. So all you need to do is there's a there'll be a link down below where you can get the code follow the video EH0QmVLnb10-00076-00035866-00036357 Just copy the code make sure it's check it underscore script is upload the file EH0QmVLnb10-00077-00036433-00036669 make sure the update the URL in the EH0QmVLnb10-00078-00036730-00037407 preferences for your Google Analytics preferences make sure that your shipping set to let's say prior to processing and EH0QmVLnb10-00079-00037441-00038042 Then the price is correct. And there you go. You're gonna get an extra five dollars one in four people EH0QmVLnb10-00080-00038043-00038409 Let's say okay and that makes all the difference to average or to go EH0QmVLnb10-00081-00038409-00038709 Okay guys, so I hope this has been helpful if this has been helpful EH0QmVLnb10-00082-00038709-00039422 Don't forget to Like share subscribe and hit the notification about and follow me on Instagram. Everything haze. IG, that's all from today's video thing EHEG9CENx1o-00000-00004384-00004434 life quotes, quotes about life, inspirational quotes, quotes, quote, quotes about love, quotes on life, life quote, sayings about life, best life quotes, best quotes about life, cute quotes, best friend quotes, inspiring quotes, quotes about friendship, quotes on love, quote about life, quotations on life, quotations about life, good quotes about life, good quotes, saying about life, best quotes on life, quotes of life, short quotes about life, quote of life, great quotes about life, great quotes, quotes for life, quotes life, quotation about life, quotation on life, life quotations, best life quote, beautiful quotes on life, short life quotes, quote on life, good quotes on life, quote life, inspirational, about life quotes, life quotation, the best life quotes, inspirational quote, proverbs about life, slogans on life, inspiring quotes about life, great life quotes, quotations of life, quotation of life, quotes on, quotes about kids, cool quotes about life, great sayings, good sayings, positive quotes on life, life s quotes, quote for life, quotes in life, best quotes of life, best quotes for life, live life quotes, famous quotations about life, good saying about life, best quotations about life, life quote of the day, famous quotes on life, quotes of encouragement, statuses about life, quotes about inspiration, quote about, best quote on life, quotation for life, words about life, best sayings about life, best words about life, EJ99SlB6Upg-00000-00000003-00000447 Hi, I'm Kurtis Baute and welcome to the Scope of Science! EJ99SlB6Upg-00001-00000447-00001008 I was recently trying to do some baking with my family back in Ontario and we EJ99SlB6Upg-00002-00001008-00001371 couldn't for the life of us figure out how many tablespoons were in the third EJ99SlB6Upg-00003-00001371-00001835 of a cup and we're pretty educated pretty intelligent people that at one EJ99SlB6Upg-00004-00001835-00002052 point learned and use the Imperial System but we couldn't figure it out EJ99SlB6Upg-00005-00002052-00002625 because it's five 5.33 tablespoons and well you can't measure a EJ99SlB6Upg-00006-00002625-00002889 third of a tablespoon - we were trying to use tablespoon so you didn't have to EJ99SlB6Upg-00007-00002889-00003243 measure a third of a cup and it turns out that you're supposed to use five EJ99SlB6Upg-00008-00003243-00003714 tablespoons and one teaspoon. Which is a lot like saying if you wanted to know EJ99SlB6Upg-00009-00003714-00004470 the volume of a watermelon that's the same as five apples and an orange which EJ99SlB6Upg-00010-00004470-00004869 makes no sense at all but this is how the imperial system works. My height for EJ99SlB6Upg-00011-00004869-00005502 example is 5 feet and 9 inches which is kind of crazy but this is the Imperial EJ99SlB6Upg-00012-00005502-00006057 system for example in measurement of length 20 twips is one point and 6 EJ99SlB6Upg-00013-00006057-00006651 points is a line 12 lines is an inch and 12 inches is obviously a foot and EJ99SlB6Upg-00014-00006651-00007540 three feet make up one yard and 1,760 yards make up a mile which is EJ99SlB6Upg-00015-00007540-00007947 absolutely different than the nautical mile or a roman mile and if your head EJ99SlB6Upg-00016-00007947-00008424 is spinning so it's mine and that's just a tiny sliver of distance measurement in EJ99SlB6Upg-00017-00008424-00009150 Imperial. Why don't we use metric? Well in metric all you have to do to do a EJ99SlB6Upg-00018-00009150-00009699 conversion is move the decimal place, so say you want to take a unit like a meter EJ99SlB6Upg-00019-00009699-00010215 or a liter and transfer that into a kilometer or a kiloliter you have to EJ99SlB6Upg-00020-00010215-00010622 move the decimal place one two three times and that's all you're done EJ99SlB6Upg-00021-00010622-00011114 conversion made, simple. The crazy thing about Imperial isn't it it is EJ99SlB6Upg-00022-00011114-00011721 actually based on the metric system it's defined by the metric system so if you EJ99SlB6Upg-00023-00011721-00012402 want to know how long a yard is by definition it is 0.9144 metres and it EJ99SlB6Upg-00024-00012402-00012699 didn't always used to be this way but this is now the case with the entire EJ99SlB6Upg-00025-00012699-00013172 Imperial system. Now compare that to what the metric system is based on it's based EJ99SlB6Upg-00026-00013172-00013734 on logical science. So, for example a meter in metric it is EJ99SlB6Upg-00027-00013734-00014502 defined by how far light can travel in 3.34 nanoseconds, EJ99SlB6Upg-00028-00014502-00014943 roughly. Now, that's something that will never change because the speed of light EJ99SlB6Upg-00029-00014943-00015641 is always constant and in fact all of the entire metric system is based this EJ99SlB6Upg-00030-00015641-00016128 way - based on fundamental laws of the universe whether it's for time or for EJ99SlB6Upg-00031-00016128-00016692 distance now not something that won't change, unlike say I don't know the EJ99SlB6Upg-00032-00016692-00017316 length of a king's foot it's a little more obvious. Now, what does this map show? EJ99SlB6Upg-00033-00017316-00017870 Well it has Liberia, Myanmar, and the US. these are the three countries in the world the EJ99SlB6Upg-00034-00017870-00018363 only three that still use the imperial system and even America tried to switch EJ99SlB6Upg-00035-00018363-00019023 to the metric system in 1975 with the Metric Conversion Act but it failed EJ99SlB6Upg-00036-00019023-00019401 which is a real shame because of things like this - this is the Mars Climate EJ99SlB6Upg-00037-00019401-00020282 Orbiter, and in 1998 it cost 193 million dollars and it crashed into Mars because EJ99SlB6Upg-00038-00020282-00020634 someone didn't do the conversion correctly between metric and imperial. EJ99SlB6Upg-00039-00020634-00021479 Of course we use metric and science so this shouldn't have happened. Even worse a EJ99SlB6Upg-00040-00021479-00021998 plane crashed because someone didn't put enough fuel in it because they thought EJ99SlB6Upg-00041-00021998-00022413 that Imperial and metric didn't need any need to worry about the conversions on EJ99SlB6Upg-00042-00022413-00023001 that and yeah people could have died but Air Canada still hasn't quite figured EJ99SlB6Upg-00043-00023001-00023360 out that they shouldn't use the Imperial system because on Air Canada flights if EJ99SlB6Upg-00044-00023360-00023772 you look at how far you will have to go before you get to your destination on EJ99SlB6Upg-00045-00023772-00024263 that little monitor they still use miles and only miles which is infuriating to me EJ99SlB6Upg-00046-00024263-00024681 now I'm not just upset about the Imperial system because it costs a lot EJ99SlB6Upg-00047-00024681-00025185 so it does cost a lot no one knows exactly but it costs at least a few EJ99SlB6Upg-00048-00025185-00025679 hundred million dollars a year to between all of the faulty conversions EJ99SlB6Upg-00049-00025679-00026118 but mistakes and just the fact that in order to use it we still have to have EJ99SlB6Upg-00050-00026118-00026427 everything listed in metric and everything listed in Imperial - and thats EJ99SlB6Upg-00051-00026427-00026724 expensive. I'm not upset about the price though I'm EJ99SlB6Upg-00052-00026724-00027291 upset about how it affects science now if you are trying to do a science EJ99SlB6Upg-00053-00027291-00027758 experiment you have to do measurements. Science comes down to measuring the EJ99SlB6Upg-00054-00027758-00028251 world and checking your assumptions or testing what your opinions are your EJ99SlB6Upg-00055-00028251-00028812 hypothesis is so if you can't do a measurement and you can't do it EJ99SlB6Upg-00056-00028812-00029307 accurately if you don't know what a meter is then how are you supposed to do EJ99SlB6Upg-00057-00029307-00029967 science it's a pretty big problem and if you agree and you like this video please EJ99SlB6Upg-00058-00029967-00030239 like this video and if you didn't like this video EJ99SlB6Upg-00059-00030239-00030672 please dislike this video and give me some feedback I'd love to hear from you EJ99SlB6Upg-00060-00030672-00031244 and you can click here to subscribe if you like and thank you for watching EJomuICn6b4-00000-00000000-00000202 People believe that there is less education EJomuICn6b4-00001-00000202-00000405 or not as much involvement EJomuICn6b4-00002-00000405-00000814 that it's easy... it's the easy way out. EJomuICn6b4-00003-00000814-00001227 And also looking at ... it's not that textbook learning EJomuICn6b4-00004-00001227-00001648 that you get from other types of colleges. EJomuICn6b4-00005-00001648-00001850 it is hands-on, it is real-life experiences. EJomuICn6b4-00006-00001850-00002051 Our instructors here have years and years EJomuICn6b4-00007-00002051-00002459 of experience right here in our communities. EJomuICn6b4-00008-00002459-00002666 They understand what we're doing EJomuICn6b4-00009-00002666-00002770 and what we're talking about and EJomuICn6b4-00010-00002770-00003031 it's not just that textbook learning. EJomuICn6b4-00011-00003031-00003293 That's a big thing for me, that I need that hands-on EJomuICn6b4-00012-00003293-00003696 real-life experience. It's challenging at times, EJomuICn6b4-00013-00003696-00003897 there's things you have to overcome EJomuICn6b4-00014-00003897-00004103 and it's so rewarding and so exciting EJomuICn6b4-00015-00004103-00004771 to be a part of the system. EM7PIsyfPko-00000-00001259-00001482 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): Alright, good morning everybody. EM7PIsyfPko-00001-00001602-00001896 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): My name is diane or the and opus. EM7PIsyfPko-00002-00002049-00003318 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): I use she her or she them pronouns or she's a i'm also the scholarly resources librarian at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a part of the planning committee. EM7PIsyfPko-00003-00003552-00005046 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): i'm going to go ahead and just cover some housekeeping stuff first so Texas digital libraries and TC DL plugin community are dedicated to providing an experience for everyone, that is free from all forms and harassment and inclusive for all people. EM7PIsyfPko-00004-00005196-00006048 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): So we asked today that everyone hears to the code to contact and add that to the chat are ready. EM7PIsyfPko-00005-00006729-00007044 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): And, of course, this session is going to run till 10 till 11. EM7PIsyfPko-00006-00007155-00007404 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): But take breaks, as you need. EM7PIsyfPko-00007-00007556-00008538 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): Of course, I always we always invite everybody to say hello in the chat and let us know where you're from share any resources make comments throughout today's session. EM7PIsyfPko-00008-00008658-00010173 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): you're also encouraged to post any your questions in the chat bar in our Community document so i'm going to go ahead and add that Community document to the chat also so you can post your questions and then we could share that with our presenter today. EM7PIsyfPko-00009-00010587-00011139 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): And so, yes, so I want to go ahead and introduce our presenter me. EM7PIsyfPko-00010-00011346-00011418 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): hit chick. EM7PIsyfPko-00011-00011571-00013371 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): And she will be presenting, but I also want everybody to just give her a round of applause she just recently graduated, so I think that is something that we should all celebrate is her graduating from ut I school with her mo is So yes, congratulations. EM7PIsyfPko-00012-00013503-00013541 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): All right. EM7PIsyfPko-00013-00013916-00014199 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): And there's the link for the Community document alright. EM7PIsyfPko-00014-00014361-00014478 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): The floor is yours. EM7PIsyfPko-00015-00014522-00014813 Emma Hetrick: Thank you diane and thank you all for the. EM7PIsyfPko-00016-00014835-00015057 Emma Hetrick: Congratulations, I appreciated. EM7PIsyfPko-00017-00015168-00015279 Emma Hetrick: me just. EM7PIsyfPko-00018-00015408-00015474 Emma Hetrick: get my. EM7PIsyfPko-00019-00015636-00015762 Emma Hetrick: slideshow ready. EM7PIsyfPko-00020-00015957-00017814 Emma Hetrick: Alright, so Hello everybody, my name is Emma hetrick and my friends were she her hers so I did just graduate from ut with a master's in English and information studies and i'm also finishing up a graduate research assistant position at the Harry ransom Center. EM7PIsyfPko-00021-00017937-00019011 Emma Hetrick: Firstly, I would just like to thank all of you for attending this event today, and I know there's a lot going on right now, and a lot that could be taking up your time. EM7PIsyfPko-00022-00019095-00020385 Emma Hetrick: So I really appreciate, especially today that everybody is here joining us, I was really excited by the prospect of leading and reverse workshop about bias and online digital collection searches. EM7PIsyfPko-00023-00020439-00021345 Emma Hetrick: Because it's something that's been on my mind, a lot lately, particularly with the pivot to online engagement with collections during the covert 19 pandemic. EM7PIsyfPko-00024-00021417-00022188 Emma Hetrick: However, i'm not coming here today with the surefire solution to removing on bias from digital collections and said, my goal is to. EM7PIsyfPko-00025-00022227-00023412 Emma Hetrick: share some of the work i've done analyzing just one institutions collections in the hopes of creating a space for conversation amongst attendees that can lead to action so let's get started. EM7PIsyfPko-00026-00023538-00024447 Emma Hetrick: The HR see is a cultural heritage institution at the University of Texas at Austin with a wide array of collections programming and initiatives. EM7PIsyfPko-00027-00024486-00025182 Emma Hetrick: Is over 1 million books 42 million manuscripts 5 million photographs and 100,000 pieces of art. EM7PIsyfPko-00028-00025236-00025854 Emma Hetrick: I began working at the HR see in September of 2020 in the midst of the coven 19 global pandemic. EM7PIsyfPko-00029-00025889-00026892 Emma Hetrick: As a result of the htc closure, for the first year of my position my access to the center's collections was limited to the items that were digitized in the digital collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00030-00026970-00027762 Emma Hetrick: This prompted me to think critically about digital archival engagement and how it's not a replacement for in person reading room experiences. EM7PIsyfPko-00031-00027810-00028305 Emma Hetrick: rather that it enables an altogether different type of engagement with archival materials. EM7PIsyfPko-00032-00028350-00029777 Emma Hetrick: It also encouraged me to investigate how well these online collections represented the center's physical collections and how well these collections represented people from marginalized communities, with a focus on gender and race. EM7PIsyfPko-00033-00029880-00030306 Emma Hetrick: The HR sees diversity committee has been in place since early 2020. EM7PIsyfPko-00034-00030360-00031344 Emma Hetrick: Since then, the committee has devised a diversity Action Plan viewable on the agency's website, working with departments across the institution to determine needs. EM7PIsyfPko-00035-00031392-00032970 Emma Hetrick: The most recent version of this plan was published in April 2021 item is from the diversity Action Plan that discuss reviewing web and public facing content to improve accessibility and functionality or particular real relevance to the present study. EM7PIsyfPko-00036-00033132-00033867 Emma Hetrick: The project will be discussing with you today analyzes the teacher sees digital collections within the context of critical archival studies. EM7PIsyfPko-00037-00033900-00035136 Emma Hetrick: Critical Internet studies and search engine studies, the aim is to identify how the search function of these collections operates and determine how well provides relevant results for searches about identity. EM7PIsyfPko-00038-00035211-00035691 Emma Hetrick: This research contributes to several the efforts in the htc diversity Action Plan. EM7PIsyfPko-00039-00035742-00036651 Emma Hetrick: and provides actionable recommendations to increase the accessibility inclusive city and representation of the htc collections and the way that they're described online. EM7PIsyfPko-00040-00036732-00038271 Emma Hetrick: This project is framed by Michelle caswell concept of critical archival studies for the biases and discrimination in archive one record keeping practices identified in order to determine goals for changing these practices to be more inclusive and ethical. EM7PIsyfPko-00041-00038466-00038961 Emma Hetrick: The HR see offers a selection of digitized content through its online collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00042-00039021-00039879 Emma Hetrick: These collections can be accessed from the htc main web page by clicking on the collections tab at the top of the page and then the digital collection section. EM7PIsyfPko-00043-00039957-00040797 Emma Hetrick: The descriptive text at the top of the page for the digital collections indicates that the digital collections are not comprehensive with the HR cce holdings. EM7PIsyfPko-00044-00040845-00041955 Emma Hetrick: This becomes quite obvious when one compares the 97 collections that comprise the digital collections, with the 1558 collections at this time of writing. EM7PIsyfPko-00045-00041988-00042618 Emma Hetrick: With finding AIDS, and even this list is not entirely comprehensive as some collections do not yet have finding AIDS. EM7PIsyfPko-00046-00042702-00044298 Emma Hetrick: The interface itself is content DM an online database management system that according to its website allows you to make to easily build in showcase your digital collections on your personalized website, making them more discoverable to people around the world. EM7PIsyfPko-00047-00044505-00045768 Emma Hetrick: According to the ransom centers 2019 to 2020 annual report, the movie posters digital collection is the most access collection on the website, followed by the Gabriel Garcia marquez collection. EM7PIsyfPko-00048-00045801-00046290 Emma Hetrick: The Mike wallace interview collection and posters from the World War one collection. EM7PIsyfPko-00049-00046365-00047052 Emma Hetrick: A significant number of the digital collections relate to white English Irish or Scottish male writers from the 19th century. EM7PIsyfPko-00050-00047127-00047811 Emma Hetrick: Granted the collections at the htc like many traditional humanity centers are overwhelmingly white and male. EM7PIsyfPko-00051-00047853-00048531 Emma Hetrick: But this seems like a missed opportunity given, for example, the breadth of collection materials related to African American studies. EM7PIsyfPko-00052-00048579-00049833 Emma Hetrick: As seen on the research guide that's available online the case study presented in due course, will consider how African Americans are represented or not in the htc digital collections in greater detail. EM7PIsyfPko-00053-00049983-00051351 Emma Hetrick: In the online post digitization just because you can doesn't mean you should tech D I consultant para Robertson argues that we need to have an in depth discussion about the ethics of digitization in libraries. EM7PIsyfPko-00054-00051404-00052367 Emma Hetrick: it's unclear why the htc has digitized certain collections, but not others, furthermore, not all of the physical items for any given collection have been digitized. EM7PIsyfPko-00055-00052404-00053820 Emma Hetrick: This lack of information leads to the questions, how does the HR see decide which items to digitize how representative of the physical actions are the digital collections and, moreover, who is represented in these collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00056-00053877-00055086 Emma Hetrick: These questions form the backbone of a project on data visualizations what the HST Spanish theatre sports is collection that I completed in late 2020 and presented to that last year's conference. EM7PIsyfPko-00057-00055292-00056211 Emma Hetrick: Studies of web searches I primarily falling into three categories one those that primary primarily use transaction log analysis. EM7PIsyfPko-00058-00056250-00057249 Emma Hetrick: To those that incorporate users in a laboratory survey or other experimental setting and three those that examine issues related to or affecting web searching. EM7PIsyfPko-00059-00057321-00058245 Emma Hetrick: The present project introduces the fourth category of study, one that incorporates critical archival studies into web search studies in order to understand. EM7PIsyfPko-00060-00058287-00059073 Emma Hetrick: How searches represent people in their categorical structures and results and how these representations have real world impacts. EM7PIsyfPko-00061-00059160-00060114 Emma Hetrick: The Internet is now ubiquitous source of information, however many Internet users do not have a good sense of how web systems and site content are designed. EM7PIsyfPko-00062-00060186-00060738 Emma Hetrick: utopian view of the Internet as a space of unfettered access and inclusion has proven to be true. EM7PIsyfPko-00063-00060810-00061704 Emma Hetrick: As Internet studies scholars sufi and noble has written gender and race or socially constructed and mutually constituted through science and technology. EM7PIsyfPko-00064-00061764-00062244 Emma Hetrick: The very notion that technologies are neutral must be directly challenged as a misnomer. EM7PIsyfPko-00065-00062319-00062946 Emma Hetrick: and other words, the Internet, continues to reinforce biases and resultant oppressions that exist in the real world. EM7PIsyfPko-00066-00063027-00063929 Emma Hetrick: Just he daniel's also an Internet study scholar explains that the mechanisms of color blind racism are interwoven and fantasies of the Internet. EM7PIsyfPko-00067-00063972-00064650 Emma Hetrick: As a race list utopia that exists alongside the realities of racial equality in the tech industry. EM7PIsyfPko-00068-00064730-00065523 Emma Hetrick: The springing these two ideas together noble rights whenever blinking perspectives mired in racism sexism or other. EM7PIsyfPko-00069-00065562-00067065 Emma Hetrick: Other equally unpalatable ideologies pervades society at large, they are carried into and reproduce within cyberspace, this may not be done intentionally but as noble explicates it does have harm of cool consequences. EM7PIsyfPko-00070-00067206-00067965 Emma Hetrick: what's the advent of the Internet, then comes the increased use of search engines to navigate the internet's contents. EM7PIsyfPko-00071-00068019-00068727 Emma Hetrick: This increase in usage also comes with an increase in power over sharing shaping people's understandings of topics. EM7PIsyfPko-00072-00068781-00069744 Emma Hetrick: Branca explains that for every given search term a search engine engages with its automatic algorithm to decide what information to present to the searcher. EM7PIsyfPko-00073-00069801-00070455 Emma Hetrick: For this reason, search engines are seen as wielding a great field power in what people know about a given topic. EM7PIsyfPko-00074-00070527-00071208 Emma Hetrick: As will be seen in this case study search engines are not always equipped to understand the users intent in a search engine. EM7PIsyfPko-00075-00071304-00072795 Emma Hetrick: Most scholarship about search engines focuses solely on commercial search engines, this project, then serves a pressing need from our scholarship about library search tools and the role they play and reinforcing certain identity representations on the web. EM7PIsyfPko-00076-00073029-00074277 Emma Hetrick: In a 2012 Pew research Center survey the following presenters percentages reveal that users report generally good outcomes and relatively high confidence in the capabilities of search engines. EM7PIsyfPko-00077-00074349-00074937 Emma Hetrick: What is most interesting in these facts and figures is the high importance of search results yielding. EM7PIsyfPko-00078-00074967-00075753 Emma Hetrick: information relevant to the search the relatively low percentage of people who report a critical information missing in their searches. EM7PIsyfPko-00079-00075789-00076335 Emma Hetrick: And the relatively high number of search engine users who believe search engines are fair and unbiased. EM7PIsyfPko-00080-00076410-00077205 Emma Hetrick: The following case study will show how important information appears to be missing in certain searches of the htc digital collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00081-00077262-00078336 Emma Hetrick: And also bears repeating that search engines, including those creatures created by major corporations like Google and those created by libraries, like the htc are in no way unbiased. EM7PIsyfPko-00082-00078624-00079842 Emma Hetrick: This study of the HR sees digital collections, is heavily influenced by Sophie and Nobles seminal work algorithms of oppression which pulls together many of the topics discussed so far. EM7PIsyfPko-00083-00079920-00081447 Emma Hetrick: Nobles main thesis is about the power of algorithms in the age of neo neo liberalisation and the ways those decision, the digital decisions reinforce oppressive social relationships and enact new modes of racial profiling. EM7PIsyfPko-00084-00081516-00082410 Emma Hetrick: More specifically, she works to disrupt the ideas that big data or algorithms are neutral and that the Internet is truly a public sphere. EM7PIsyfPko-00085-00082488-00083109 Emma Hetrick: or method of analysis, primarily case study she documents your experience typing certain search terms. EM7PIsyfPko-00086-00083148-00084102 Emma Hetrick: Related to identity into Google, the most commonly you search engine and relates, the results to social and historical understandings of race and gender. EM7PIsyfPko-00087-00084189-00084696 Emma Hetrick: There are some limitations to apply in this methodology to the HR says digital collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00088-00084741-00086058 Emma Hetrick: The collections are much smaller than the Google corpus and any searches reveal owning what has been digitized and added to the database, however, we can still begin to do the critical archival work that has been outlined already. EM7PIsyfPko-00089-00086160-00086910 Emma Hetrick: Upon selecting a particular image from the HR sees digital collections, a significant amount of metadata is available to be viewed. EM7PIsyfPko-00090-00086985-00088113 Emma Hetrick: This includes but it's not limited to the title of the item pictured its creator format and collection information as will be made clear and the examples below. EM7PIsyfPko-00091-00088173-00089205 Emma Hetrick: Although there is implemented data from majority of the digital collection items the search algorithm inaccurately pulls from the metadata to produce results that vary in relevancy. EM7PIsyfPko-00092-00089283-00090609 Emma Hetrick: Furthermore, the metadata may not actually represent the subjects pictured right and now i'm actually going to show some searches on the ransom centers digital collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00093-00090846-00092352 Emma Hetrick: So, to avoid you having to see me do typos in real time I already typed in my search term of black girls, because this is the first search term that Sophia noble uses in her work, so I wanted to do it as well. EM7PIsyfPko-00094-00092487-00093396 Emma Hetrick: When we type this in we are getting 28 search results, eight of which are advertisements for the circus. EM7PIsyfPko-00095-00093507-00094179 Emma Hetrick: And after looking at these advertisements only one appears to be fully relevant. EM7PIsyfPko-00096-00094389-00094659 Emma Hetrick: And that one is here. EM7PIsyfPko-00097-00094965-00095718 Emma Hetrick: Oh sorry not this one bear with me, so I tried to find. EM7PIsyfPko-00098-00096276-00096561 Emma Hetrick: No, sorry guys um. EM7PIsyfPko-00099-00097029-00097506 Emma Hetrick: But yes, it was the one I picked first just needed to scroll down Okay, thank you. EM7PIsyfPko-00100-00097563-00098340 Emma Hetrick: So this is an image of a black mothers surrounded by her three daughters the advertisement hails this church because. EM7PIsyfPko-00101-00098388-00099933 Emma Hetrick: attraction as a two albino girls beyond a transcription of the advertisement you can see, below here that accompanies that he sees metadata there is no mention that the image plexus mother and her children. EM7PIsyfPko-00102-00100116-00100476 Emma Hetrick: And then, if we go back to the search results. EM7PIsyfPko-00103-00100698-00101676 Emma Hetrick: The first image, result in a search for black girls is a 1928 graduation photo of women from our lady of the lake university. EM7PIsyfPko-00104-00101739-00102888 Emma Hetrick: The photo was presumably included in the search, because the metadata description inclusive notation that this group of girls, all of whom appear to be white are wearing both white and black graduation gowns. EM7PIsyfPko-00105-00102951-00103886 Emma Hetrick: Content DM then picked up the words black and girls included in this metadata description, even though the words are not close to each other within the sentence. EM7PIsyfPko-00106-00103934-00104730 Emma Hetrick: While this linkage between terms may in some cases be useful in this case, the result is an inaccurate match to the intended search term. EM7PIsyfPko-00107-00104865-00105657 Emma Hetrick: These results indicate that the search feature for the htc online collections is not sufficiently refined to yield results featuring only black girls. EM7PIsyfPko-00108-00105702-00106254 Emma Hetrick: In fact, some of the results are only relevant to a word black and others the world girls. EM7PIsyfPko-00109-00106293-00106947 Emma Hetrick: For the more several examples, as well as others in the collections are not humanizing portraits of black girls. EM7PIsyfPko-00110-00106985-00108308 Emma Hetrick: As noble writes the misrepresentation searches highlights the power of algorithms and controlling the image concepts and values assigned to people by featuring a detailed look at black girls differently. EM7PIsyfPko-00111-00108348-00109701 Emma Hetrick: A search for white girls yields images that feature only white girls, although these girls are not described as such in any of the image metadata the results still include some of those same errors of separating the two terms. EM7PIsyfPko-00112-00109811-00110459 Emma Hetrick: All right, and now let's do one more search the second search term I used was African American. EM7PIsyfPko-00113-00110613-00111761 Emma Hetrick: This yielded 94 results many included one or more subject terms African American and then X, including actors or choreographers or journalists. EM7PIsyfPko-00114-00111809-00112728 Emma Hetrick: and wonderful historical figures featured included langston Hughes and Jeffrey holder, there were also items represented on a identified black person's. EM7PIsyfPko-00115-00112764-00113844 Emma Hetrick: Interestingly, and, more to the point disturbingly many of the results fielded items connected to the term African there were several posters for old movies, which you can see here. EM7PIsyfPko-00116-00113994-00114789 Emma Hetrick: Including the Royal African rifles which refers to Africa as a preaching tide of barbarism and features several black characters and the. EM7PIsyfPko-00117-00114921-00115716 Emma Hetrick: Film the African lion which has no people on its poster at all, so the results for African American or mixed at best. EM7PIsyfPko-00118-00115788-00117066 Emma Hetrick: A decent number of items indeed are relevant they depict or are about black Americans, however, many of the results also betray reach this notions of Africans and of the African continent. EM7PIsyfPko-00119-00117110-00117456 Emma Hetrick: Not to mention completely lighting, the American part of the term. EM7PIsyfPko-00120-00117513-00118685 Emma Hetrick: All these images should not necessarily be taken down, they should be contextualize so as to emphasize the racist nature and their metadata should be edited so that they do not appear as results in this search. EM7PIsyfPko-00121-00118764-00119376 Emma Hetrick: As the global coven 19 pandemic keeps the reading rooms have some cultural heritage institutions closed. EM7PIsyfPko-00122-00119411-00120246 Emma Hetrick: while others operate at reduced hours it's critical for these institutions to consider the accessibility and increased activity of their online collections. EM7PIsyfPko-00123-00120315-00121689 Emma Hetrick: library is an archive should make an effort, not only to digitize collection materials from underrepresented creators and about under represented subjects, but they shouldn't sure that these materials are accurately and ethically label. EM7PIsyfPko-00124-00121755-00122451 Emma Hetrick: Now it's a pivotal moment in assessing digital collections, but even after case counts go down and reading rooms reopen. EM7PIsyfPko-00125-00122486-00123150 Emma Hetrick: Digital collections will remain crucial forms of archival engagement for people unable to visit libraries and archives in person. EM7PIsyfPko-00126-00123228-00123990 Emma Hetrick: Not only does this virtual engagement with collections allow for greater accessibility, but it also enables new and different forms of research inquiry. EM7PIsyfPko-00127-00124047-00125148 Emma Hetrick: Digital collections designed with accurate and ethical method metadata and for Community contributors and varied interaction take accessibility efforts, a step further. EM7PIsyfPko-00128-00125175-00126165 Emma Hetrick: and contribute to the overall inclusiveness and archive, both with regard to who is represented within the archive and who is engaged in archival inquiry. EM7PIsyfPko-00129-00126318-00127371 Emma Hetrick: So that concludes the kind of presentation portion of this session, and now I would love for us to. EM7PIsyfPko-00130-00127508-00128088 Emma Hetrick: Go past this presentation and think about searching ourselves and. EM7PIsyfPko-00131-00128265-00129300 Emma Hetrick: Hopefully, opening up to discussion so after now i'd like us to first construct a list of terms, so I. EM7PIsyfPko-00132-00129354-00129867 Emma Hetrick: i'm going to give everybody a few minutes to think of terms that you may want to search in a digital collection. EM7PIsyfPko-00133-00129918-00131481 Emma Hetrick: And then we're going to spend some time actually searching what those terms, everybody can do that on whatever device that they have and then after about five to seven minutes of searching we're going to come back together as a large group and share our findings. EM7PIsyfPko-00134-00131775-00131892 Emma Hetrick: Okay, so. EM7PIsyfPko-00135-00131982-00132123 Diane Lopez (she/they/Latine): i'm going to go ahead and stop the recording. EM7PIsyfPko-00136-00132168-00133668 Emma Hetrick: Okay, thanks diane so our first step here is just going to be to spend three minutes brainstorming what search terms you think would be useful for all of us to search for in the following digital collections, the ransom centers utilize. EPgMwSAPpbI-00000-00000035-00000662 Hey guys, I guess the words out now. So we picked up this boat and yes, we paid a EPgMwSAPpbI-00001-00000662-00001296 dollar for it. Friends of ours talked to us and said, "hey we got a project for EPgMwSAPpbI-00002-00001296-00002036 you"... and I've been flipping houses and I do a lot of real estate. Boats are not EPgMwSAPpbI-00003-00002036-00002532 exactly my forte, but we like a challenge and so we took a EPgMwSAPpbI-00004-00002532-00002915 look at this boat and we ended up purchasing it for like I said $1. EPgMwSAPpbI-00005-00002915-00003329 It's in pretty bad shape as you can see from the videos. EPgMwSAPpbI-00006-00003329-00003872 The engines were totally destroyed as you can see but check out this video and EPgMwSAPpbI-00007-00003872-00004710 see what you think and see if we can get it running. EPgMwSAPpbI-00008-00004710-00005616 So this is our 1978 Carver 33 Mariner that we just purchased. EPgMwSAPpbI-00009-00005616-00006276 I should say we inherited it, because there's quite a bit of work that needs EPgMwSAPpbI-00010-00006276-00006793 to be done. So right now we're in the process of removing the bottom paint and EPgMwSAPpbI-00011-00006793-00007329 you can see pretty obviously where the waterline was. So we're just using a EPgMwSAPpbI-00012-00007329-00008159 power washer, a 3,000 psi power washer. I've got a portable tank water tank so EPgMwSAPpbI-00013-00008159-00008529 we're just power washing and of course you can see right where the water line EPgMwSAPpbI-00014-00008529-00009043 is below the water line it's just coming off really easy but it's pretty thick EPgMwSAPpbI-00015-00009043-00009675 pretty heavy above the water line so it's not coming off as easy probably one EPgMwSAPpbI-00016-00009675-00010161 I'll probably have to sand that off but there's a couple things that we've got EPgMwSAPpbI-00017-00010161-00010643 to take care of looks like there was some fiberglass work done here at the EPgMwSAPpbI-00018-00010643-00011450 bottom and it hasn't been bearing doubt so it's not smooth so that needs to be EPgMwSAPpbI-00019-00011450-00012585 taken care of here's a couple Nicks a couple a couple a little bit of holes EPgMwSAPpbI-00020-00012711-00013325 but for the most part it is not bad so because it's 1978 it's got a lot of EPgMwSAPpbI-00021-00013325-00014084 teak wood so you can tell but on the windows or is teak wood there there that EPgMwSAPpbI-00022-00014084-00014741 carver is all teak wood and then up above by the captain that is all teak EPgMwSAPpbI-00023-00014741-00015644 wood up there so we have to refinish that and then you can see the teak wood EPgMwSAPpbI-00024-00015644-00016079 up here and then there's a rail that goes all the way around it's all teak EPgMwSAPpbI-00025-00016079-00016940 wood I'm not sure what these are called there's a wooden piece of teak wood EPgMwSAPpbI-00026-00016940-00017501 right here that needs to be refinished as well so we're going to take a quick EPgMwSAPpbI-00027-00017501-00018212 tour and take a look inside so it's up on blocks in the marina there's a view EPgMwSAPpbI-00028-00018212-00019000 the back it's an inboard motor so it's got two props counter-rotate underneath EPgMwSAPpbI-00029-00019000-00019779 port and starboard and that power watch this back here looks like there was some EPgMwSAPpbI-00030-00019779-00020263 some damage back here or some repair work that they did which actually caused EPgMwSAPpbI-00031-00020263-00020954 this support to be lower than the other ones so there is a little bit you EPgMwSAPpbI-00032-00020954-00021416 probably can't see it on the camera but there's a little bit of a bow here that EPgMwSAPpbI-00033-00021416-00022028 I need to try to see if I can fix probably just by extending that rod a EPgMwSAPpbI-00034-00022028-00022831 little longer using the same holes so to get on we got to use a use a ladder EPgMwSAPpbI-00035-00023045-00023998 to get upon the I think they call this ski platform not sure but I took all the EPgMwSAPpbI-00036-00023998-00024772 teakwood off here you can see there's teak wood and the rail and I took this EPgMwSAPpbI-00037-00024772-00025387 piece off here to try to refinish it they come up pretty good and then the EPgMwSAPpbI-00038-00025387-00025907 same thing here there's a piece here we're gonna take this off EPgMwSAPpbI-00039-00025938-00026676 this whole back door is all teak wood so that needs to be completely redone EPgMwSAPpbI-00040-00027377-00028141 here's the captain's area pilot the boat EPgMwSAPpbI-00041-00028174-00028702 these cushions actually lay down into this bed configuration or they set up EPgMwSAPpbI-00042-00028702-00029500 into a couch and then the original design and a 78 Carver instead of an air EPgMwSAPpbI-00043-00029500-00030161 conditioning unit this was a stairwell to go downstairs so a previous owner had EPgMwSAPpbI-00044-00030161-00031108 put the air conditioning unit in here and put a table on top of it which works EPgMwSAPpbI-00045-00031203-00032038 so you can see all the teak wood that's up here so we are going to have to work EPgMwSAPpbI-00046-00032038-00032653 with and then I'm gonna have to get new captain's chair this one's vinyl on this EPgMwSAPpbI-00047-00032653-00033640 one's pretty shot in the console two engines EPgMwSAPpbI-00048-00033761-00034925 it's got two Chevy v8 small blocks 350s and I believe it's the Crusader EPgMwSAPpbI-00049-00034925-00035650 CH270. So you got a port and starboard down there this lifts up EPgMwSAPpbI-00050-00035650-00036016 which nice head does you don't bang your head when you go into the cabin that's EPgMwSAPpbI-00051-00036016-00037415 nice I've got the beanie top on right now just let it air out it's got another EPgMwSAPpbI-00052-00037415-00038377 blue cover that goes on it as well that is actually getting repaired right now EPgMwSAPpbI-00053-00038412-00038875 so another piece of teak wood that needs to be removed and finished and these EPgMwSAPpbI-00054-00038875-00039380 little strips we're going to take off again this railing we're gonna pull this EPgMwSAPpbI-00055-00039380-00039847 railing off take that off there's a little teak wood here those windows will EPgMwSAPpbI-00056-00039847-00040946 need to be redone and then there's that stripper sign so coming into the cabin EPgMwSAPpbI-00057-00040946-00041446 again this thing lifts up which is nice you don't hit your head it's got a nice EPgMwSAPpbI-00058-00041446-00042181 grip here steps come down in the main room there's a couch it pulls down into EPgMwSAPpbI-00059-00042181-00042830 a bed which is nice the benches we have benches that go around this we got them EPgMwSAPpbI-00060-00042830-00043874 in getting repaired putting new vinyl on them table kitchen the galley is double EPgMwSAPpbI-00061-00043874-00044740 sink old Formica countertop that will probably replace old stove with an oven EPgMwSAPpbI-00062-00044740-00045446 we'll end up replacing that an old refrigerator probably replace that as EPgMwSAPpbI-00063-00045446-00046187 well microwave up top and then there's that air conditioning unit so again EPgMwSAPpbI-00064-00046187-00046687 there used to be a ladder here in the original design you can see there's a EPgMwSAPpbI-00065-00046687-00047300 spot or the ladder used to clamp on this little door here is just a little EPgMwSAPpbI-00066-00047300-00048247 storage cubby and then on the other side of that in this door is the bathroom the EPgMwSAPpbI-00067-00048247-00050870 head toilet sink shower it's not much of a shower but it's enough and then oh EPgMwSAPpbI-00068-00050870-00051515 yeah the heads got double doors another set of doors goes into the master EPgMwSAPpbI-00069-00051515-00052052 bedroom I guess so this would normally have a mattress on it but we've got it EPgMwSAPpbI-00070-00052052-00052591 open to look at the look at any water damage you can see you can see the water EPgMwSAPpbI-00071-00052591-00053222 damage in all the wood here that we're going to have to replace so these EPgMwSAPpbI-00072-00053222-00054079 windows have leaked over the years so we're gonna have to replace those and EPgMwSAPpbI-00073-00054079-00054907 dresser and then there's a closet in here and again you can see water damage EPgMwSAPpbI-00074-00054907-00055525 that all needs to be ripped out so we can mitigate any mold EPgMwSAPpbI-00075-00056161-00057254 and then again the door in the bedroom coming back into the kitchen I think I'm EPgMwSAPpbI-00076-00057254-00057755 gonna remove this don't really need the storage and it's just kind of I want EPgMwSAPpbI-00077-00057755-00058715 more Headroom I can in no way so I kind of want to open it up in here don't EPgMwSAPpbI-00078-00058715-00059647 really we got enough storage kind of underneath and it just kind of the way EPgMwSAPpbI-00079-00059659-00060293 whiten and brighten and open up right oh look at that it's double sided that's EPgMwSAPpbI-00080-00060293-00060866 kind of cool double sided we'll see lights we'll swap them out for some LED EPgMwSAPpbI-00081-00060866-00061810 lights there's the ladder for off of the EPgMwSAPpbI-00082-00061828-00062648 the end of the boat these steps you can remove so you can get access to the EPgMwSAPpbI-00083-00062648-00063266 engines and we'll take a look at the engines in a little bit probably in EPgMwSAPpbI-00084-00063266-00064154 another video so that's it that's what we had to work with and stay tuned it's EPgMwSAPpbI-00085-00064154-00064478 going to be a multi-part series we're going to go through the bottom paint EPgMwSAPpbI-00086-00064478-00064703 we're gonna go through the engine we're going to go EPgMwSAPpbI-00087-00064703-00065396 launching the boat and future things that we need to do to make this thing a EPgMwSAPpbI-00088-00065396-00065944 weekend Cruiser so I will see you soon! EPbWdF7WIP0-00000-00000876-00001076 Looks like you need a little trimming: EPbWdF7WIP0-00001-00001123-00001408 a nip here, a tuck there. Har, har! EPbWdF7WIP0-00002-00001408-00001690 You'll be perfect in no time! EPbWdF7WIP0-00003-00001690-00001910 Don't forget to duck! EPbWdF7WIP0-00004-00001910-00002284 Ha ha ha! Or you're a Dead Duck! Huh huh huh! EPbWdF7WIP0-00005-00002284-00002425 Heh.. ESfZUK4BNKI-00000-00000016-00000357 AS THE USS GREEN BAY MADE PORT IN OKINAWA, MARINES ESfZUK4BNKI-00001-00000357-00000610 FROM 31ST MARINE EXPEDITIONARY UNIT ESfZUK4BNKI-00002-00000610-00000854 PREPARED TO BOARD THE SHIP FOR A PATROL ACROSS THE ESfZUK4BNKI-00003-00000854-00001004 INDO-ASIA-PACIFIC REGION. ESfZUK4BNKI-00004-00001004-00001204 THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS PATROL IS TO INCREASE ESfZUK4BNKI-00005-00001204-00001438 COMBAT READINESS AND ENHANCE PARTNERSHIPS WITH ESfZUK4BNKI-00006-00001438-00001688 ALLIES IN THE REGION THROUGH EXERCISES AND ESfZUK4BNKI-00007-00001688-00001755 TRAINING. ESfZUK4BNKI-00008-00001808-00002075 I'VE BEEN EXERCISING WITH THE 31ST MARINE ESfZUK4BNKI-00009-00002075-00002275 EXPEDITIONARY UNIT FOR THE LAST 16 YEARS. ESfZUK4BNKI-00010-00002275-00002595 THIS IS MY FOURTH TOUR, SERVING OUT OF SASEBO, ESfZUK4BNKI-00011-00002595-00002809 JAPAN ON AMPHIBIOUS SHIPS. ESfZUK4BNKI-00012-00002809-00002996 IT IS SOMETHING THAT I HOLD VERY NEAR AND DEAR TO ESfZUK4BNKI-00013-00002996-00003309 MY HEART, IT'S SOMETHING I'M USED TO, BUT IT'S ALSO ESfZUK4BNKI-00014-00003309-00003533 SOMETHING THAT I STILL FIND INCREDIBLY EXCITING. ESfZUK4BNKI-00015-00003560-00003803 THIS DRIVE RUNS DOWN THE RANKS TO THE MOST JUNIOR ESfZUK4BNKI-00016-00003803-00004014 MARINES AND SAILORS ON SHIP. ESfZUK4BNKI-00017-00004014-00004207 I'M PRETTY EXCITED ABOUT WORKING WITH NAVY ESfZUK4BNKI-00018-00004207-00004504 COUNTERPARTS, BEING ON BOARD ON A FLIGHT DECK ESfZUK4BNKI-00019-00004504-00004741 WITH FLIGHT OPERATIONS GOING ON ALL AROUND ME. ESfZUK4BNKI-00020-00004741-00005021 REPORTING FROM WHITE BEACH NAVAL FACILITY, I'M MARINE ESfZUK4BNKI-00021-00005021-00005215 CORPORAL MARCELA DIAZDELEON. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00000-00000300-00000581 Native advertising is essentially an ad ESzU4O0XaFQ-00001-00000581-00000764 format, right? When you look at a website ESzU4O0XaFQ-00002-00000764-00001158 and you see ads that.. You see content for.. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00003-00001158-00001583 Content that is in-feed and promotes ESzU4O0XaFQ-00004-00001583-00001938 content -- that's a native ad. But it's ESzU4O0XaFQ-00005-00001938-00002172 really just a format. Branded content is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00006-00002172-00002402 the overall product which ESzU4O0XaFQ-00007-00002402-00002643 includes the content page and/or the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00008-00002643-00002916 video and the entire program that you're ESzU4O0XaFQ-00009-00002916-00003159 putting together. Native advertising is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00010-00003159-00003521 just one promotional method. So you might ESzU4O0XaFQ-00011-00003521-00003795 also promote that content using ESzU4O0XaFQ-00012-00003795-00004068 Facebook or other content ESzU4O0XaFQ-00013-00004068-00004287 recommendation engines, organic social, ESzU4O0XaFQ-00014-00004287-00004746 partnerships that you have, SEO. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00015-00004746-00004911 Native ads are just one promotional method. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00016-00005110-00005316 Premium branded content generally comes ESzU4O0XaFQ-00017-00005316-00005544 in three different flavors. One would be ESzU4O0XaFQ-00018-00005544-00005766 kind of sponsored editorial where the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00019-00005766-00005930 editorial team is actually writing the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00020-00005930-00006137 content and every publisher does this ESzU4O0XaFQ-00021-00006137-00006351 already; you get a sponsor ESzU4O0XaFQ-00022-00006351-00006740 for that content and that's very top of ESzU4O0XaFQ-00023-00006740-00006947 the funnel, right? That's very much at the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00024-00006947-00007089 top where you're trying to promote ESzU4O0XaFQ-00025-00007089-00007298 awareness of that brand by linking it to ESzU4O0XaFQ-00026-00007298-00007578 really powerful content. The second ESzU4O0XaFQ-00027-00007578-00007881 flavor would be custom content and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00028-00007881-00008111 that is a light or a heavy ESzU4O0XaFQ-00029-00008111-00008465 integration of the brand with the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00030-00008465-00008700 content. So a publisher will engage with ESzU4O0XaFQ-00031-00008700-00008886 their content studio or their editorial ESzU4O0XaFQ-00032-00008886-00009177 team and create content in partnership ESzU4O0XaFQ-00033-00009177-00009339 with the brand and it can be extremely ESzU4O0XaFQ-00034-00009339-00009681 powerful for people up ESzU4O0XaFQ-00035-00009681-00009867 and down that funnel depending on where ESzU4O0XaFQ-00036-00009867-00010236 you want to to engage with people. And I ESzU4O0XaFQ-00037-00010236-00010560 would say the third part is really ESzU4O0XaFQ-00038-00010560-00010847 partner content where the client or the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00039-00010847-00011075 partner has created content already but ESzU4O0XaFQ-00040-00011075-00011253 they struggle to get people to view it ESzU4O0XaFQ-00041-00011253-00011460 so they partner with a publisher to host ESzU4O0XaFQ-00042-00011460-00011781 that content and distribute it and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00043-00011781-00012011 get people to come view it. In each one ESzU4O0XaFQ-00044-00012011-00012168 of these cases what ties them together ESzU4O0XaFQ-00045-00012168-00012435 is that the value for the marketer or the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00046-00012435-00012675 value for the client is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00047-00012675-00012969 in getting people to come view that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00048-00012969-00013081 content ESzU4O0XaFQ-00049-00013081-00013360 and so it's generally priced on a cost ESzU4O0XaFQ-00050-00013360-00013510 per view basis. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00051-00013650-00014029 You price and package native advertising today based ESzU4O0XaFQ-00052-00014029-00014459 on whether you're selling it as media or ESzU4O0XaFQ-00053-00014459-00014647 you're selling the entire content ESzU4O0XaFQ-00054-00014647-00014863 program. If you're selling just the media; ESzU4O0XaFQ-00055-00014863-00015101 if you're basically running a content ESzU4O0XaFQ-00056-00015101-00015343 flavoured display ad then you might sell ESzU4O0XaFQ-00057-00015343-00015688 it on a CPM. But if you're trying to sell ESzU4O0XaFQ-00058-00015688-00015965 an overall content package whether it's ESzU4O0XaFQ-00059-00015965-00016154 articles, custom written ESzU4O0XaFQ-00060-00016154-00016481 articles you want to do that in a way ESzU4O0XaFQ-00061-00016481-00016726 that helps the agency and the marketer to ESzU4O0XaFQ-00062-00016726-00016979 compare those programs across ESzU4O0XaFQ-00063-00016979-00017215 providers especially if you're a ESzU4O0XaFQ-00064-00017215-00017416 publisher you want to talk about your.. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00065-00017416-00017638 the value of your content and your ESzU4O0XaFQ-00066-00017638-00017828 ability to create really premium ESzU4O0XaFQ-00067-00017828-00018115 packages. So it would just help to have a ESzU4O0XaFQ-00068-00018115-00018434 cost per view and essentially a cost per ESzU4O0XaFQ-00069-00018434-00018584 view is you take the value of the overall ESzU4O0XaFQ-00070-00018584-00018803 sponsorship package and look at how many ESzU4O0XaFQ-00071-00018803-00019084 people are going to see that content? How ESzU4O0XaFQ-00072-00019084-00019273 many views will you have to that content? ESzU4O0XaFQ-00073-00019273-00019600 And then just divide. So with that cost ESzU4O0XaFQ-00074-00019600-00019787 per view it should be easy to compare ESzU4O0XaFQ-00075-00019787-00020104 your package across other ways that that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00076-00020104-00020293 marketer might want to execute that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00077-00020293-00020400 program. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00078-00020600-00020843 Metrics for native advertising and branded content have changed over ESzU4O0XaFQ-00079-00020843-00021115 time early on it was simply can you ESzU4O0XaFQ-00080-00021115-00021313 execute this right it would just be a ESzU4O0XaFQ-00081-00021313-00021682 sponsorship package and give me whatever ESzU4O0XaFQ-00082-00021682-00021931 metrics you have and then they started ESzU4O0XaFQ-00083-00021931-00022178 to sell native ads as a media and still ESzU4O0XaFQ-00084-00022178-00022381 some people still do that but you're ESzU4O0XaFQ-00085-00022381-00022625 still bringing the value of the entire ESzU4O0XaFQ-00086-00022625-00022925 content package down to the CPM these ESzU4O0XaFQ-00087-00022925-00023129 days more and more it's being sold on a ESzU4O0XaFQ-00088-00023129-00023401 cost per view basis and going forward ESzU4O0XaFQ-00089-00023401-00023675 people are really looking at all the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00090-00023675-00023881 other metrics that help them to ESzU4O0XaFQ-00091-00023881-00024104 understand the level of interaction that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00092-00024104-00024340 the target audience is having with that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00093-00024340-00024571 content so viewability matters quite a ESzU4O0XaFQ-00094-00024571-00024919 lot, full plays; how long did people get ESzU4O0XaFQ-00095-00024919-00025118 through that video? So you're looking at ESzU4O0XaFQ-00096-00025118-00025259 all the different metrics you can bring ESzU4O0XaFQ-00097-00025259-00025585 to it. Cost is only part of it you're ESzU4O0XaFQ-00098-00025585-00025838 really looking at ESzU4O0XaFQ-00099-00025838-00026105 dwell time or average time spent with ESzU4O0XaFQ-00100-00026105-00026250 that content is quite important. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00101-00026470-00026677 The first takeaway is to understand the difference ESzU4O0XaFQ-00102-00026677-00026894 between branded content and a native ad ESzU4O0XaFQ-00103-00026894-00027122 format. Let's not mix them up anymore ESzU4O0XaFQ-00104-00027122-00027410 let's really look at native advertising ESzU4O0XaFQ-00105-00027410-00027725 as a thing that the big platforms ESzU4O0XaFQ-00106-00027725-00027905 now own right? They've turned it into ESzU4O0XaFQ-00107-00027905-00028214 just a pure ad format. What that means ESzU4O0XaFQ-00108-00028214-00028412 for most publishers is declining yields ESzU4O0XaFQ-00109-00028412-00028718 and it goes programmatic over time. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00110-00028718-00028841 If you really want to understand your ESzU4O0XaFQ-00111-00028841-00029069 branded content business and how you can ESzU4O0XaFQ-00112-00029069-00029297 keep adding value to the marketers' ESzU4O0XaFQ-00113-00029297-00029585 objectives and really provide a fully ESzU4O0XaFQ-00114-00029585-00029888 premium custom product which allows ESzU4O0XaFQ-00115-00029888-00030068 publishers to get higher margins and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00116-00030068-00030188 marketers to get much better results ESzU4O0XaFQ-00117-00030188-00030524 from their.. for their ESzU4O0XaFQ-00118-00030524-00030737 campaigns. So I would say understand that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00119-00030737-00031061 also understand how to package and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00120-00031061-00031298 price on a cost per view basis. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00121-00031298-00031442 Cost per view is not something that most ESzU4O0XaFQ-00122-00031442-00031664 publishers are used to doing all the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00123-00031664-00031976 time but once you look back at your past ESzU4O0XaFQ-00124-00031976-00032245 campaigns and break them down to what ESzU4O0XaFQ-00125-00032245-00032495 that cost per view really looks like you ESzU4O0XaFQ-00126-00032495-00032612 can have a clearer ESzU4O0XaFQ-00127-00032612-00032804 understanding of how the agencies and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00128-00032804-00032951 marketers might look at the results of ESzU4O0XaFQ-00129-00032951-00033284 that campaign. And then start working on ESzU4O0XaFQ-00130-00033284-00033569 how you can start guaranteeing the right ESzU4O0XaFQ-00131-00033569-00033773 number of views and meeting those ESzU4O0XaFQ-00132-00033773-00034157 expectations. And probably the last thing ESzU4O0XaFQ-00133-00034157-00034457 is to really have a hard look at ESzU4O0XaFQ-00134-00034457-00034619 the results that you're generating and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00135-00034619-00034877 the experience that you're creating for ESzU4O0XaFQ-00136-00034877-00035153 marketers and agencies. The client really ESzU4O0XaFQ-00137-00035153-00035474 does want great results but for the most ESzU4O0XaFQ-00138-00035474-00035684 part they also.. More importantly they ESzU4O0XaFQ-00139-00035684-00035948 want to have a great experience in ESzU4O0XaFQ-00140-00035948-00036182 producing and delivering this campaign. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00141-00036182-00036353 Chances are the content is going to be ESzU4O0XaFQ-00142-00036353-00036548 far and a way better than what they're ESzU4O0XaFQ-00143-00036548-00036773 able to do on their own. So this is going ESzU4O0XaFQ-00144-00036773-00036986 to be the centrepiece of the package ESzU4O0XaFQ-00145-00036986-00037097 that they're offering back to their ESzU4O0XaFQ-00146-00037097-00037403 client. So make that experience a really ESzU4O0XaFQ-00147-00037403-00037547 good one and they'll come back and keep ESzU4O0XaFQ-00148-00037547-00037650 buying. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00149-00037800-00038120 I think one really interesting thing is that the cost per view of ESzU4O0XaFQ-00150-00038120-00038528 content overall globally on article ESzU4O0XaFQ-00151-00038528-00038858 content is higher than it is for video ESzU4O0XaFQ-00152-00038858-00039062 content. Most people look at video and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00153-00039062-00039180 think of that as a very ESzU4O0XaFQ-00154-00039180-00039353 premium product and it is. It takes ESzU4O0XaFQ-00155-00039353-00039581 a lot of effort and energy ESzU4O0XaFQ-00156-00039581-00039863 to make really high quality video. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00157-00039863-00040200 And yet because there's a large social ESzU4O0XaFQ-00158-00040200-00040397 network out there who has unlimited ESzU4O0XaFQ-00159-00040397-00040572 video impressions even though the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00160-00040572-00040766 quality might not -- in fact definitely -- ESzU4O0XaFQ-00161-00040766-00040887 isn't as high as what publishers ESzU4O0XaFQ-00162-00040887-00041268 generally produce the fact is the price is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00163-00041268-00041456 lower and so it ends up depressing ESzU4O0XaFQ-00164-00041456-00041733 overall what marketers and agencies are ESzU4O0XaFQ-00165-00041733-00041900 willing to pay even for high quality ESzU4O0XaFQ-00166-00041900-00042140 video. So that's kind of ESzU4O0XaFQ-00167-00042140-00042453 surprising. Also really surprising is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00168-00042453-00042762 that.. is the difference in click-through ESzU4O0XaFQ-00169-00042762-00043040 rate from desktop to mobile. Mobile is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00170-00043040-00043278 extremely high performing and yet when ESzU4O0XaFQ-00171-00043278-00043503 you talk to many publishers ESzU4O0XaFQ-00172-00043503-00043644 sometimes they're not running their ESzU4O0XaFQ-00173-00043644-00043847 native on mobile at all. Or if they are ESzU4O0XaFQ-00174-00043847-00044094 they're not running it in all of the ESzU4O0XaFQ-00175-00044094-00044256 different places they can go. They are ESzU4O0XaFQ-00176-00044256-00044400 not necessarily running it under Google ESzU4O0XaFQ-00177-00044400-00044597 AMP or Facebook instant articles pages, ESzU4O0XaFQ-00178-00044597-00044738 they may not be running it in their ESzU4O0XaFQ-00179-00044738-00045030 newsletters. In fact we find that most ESzU4O0XaFQ-00180-00045030-00045281 publishers aren't and yet what we find ESzU4O0XaFQ-00181-00045281-00045462 is that when you run native in ESzU4O0XaFQ-00182-00045462-00045681 newsletters your click-through rate ESzU4O0XaFQ-00183-00045681-00045894 from these very engaged audiences is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00184-00045894-00046161 extremely high and the dwell time is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00185-00046161-00046280 double what you would get from desktop. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00186-00046510-00046671 They've struggled with native because ESzU4O0XaFQ-00187-00046671-00046838 their display advertising business is ESzU4O0XaFQ-00188-00046838-00047096 very programmatic these days they start ESzU4O0XaFQ-00189-00047096-00047334 off with native actually thinking ESzU4O0XaFQ-00190-00047334-00047531 programmatic and how can I ESzU4O0XaFQ-00191-00047531-00047840 enable that and make that work? We think ESzU4O0XaFQ-00192-00047840-00048033 this is a problem for most publishers. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00193-00048033-00048246 They then have to find and they have to ESzU4O0XaFQ-00194-00048246-00048434 do the hard work of building that ESzU4O0XaFQ-00195-00048434-00048740 premium branded content business. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00196-00048740-00048921 There's no.. unfortunately there's no ESzU4O0XaFQ-00197-00048921-00049121 substitute to building out really strong ESzU4O0XaFQ-00198-00049121-00049421 direct business with marketers you want ESzU4O0XaFQ-00199-00049421-00049599 to have that close relationship. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00200-00049599-00049755 You want them to really understand why they ESzU4O0XaFQ-00201-00049755-00049977 should pay you a premium. You can't do ESzU4O0XaFQ-00202-00049977-00050187 that programmatically it's just.. I've ESzU4O0XaFQ-00203-00050187-00050378 spent a lot of time in my career trying ESzU4O0XaFQ-00204-00050378-00050747 to make that happen and I find that it's ESzU4O0XaFQ-00205-00050747-00050894 a struggle that doesn't really pay off. ESzU4O0XaFQ-00206-00050894-00051171 So I would advise any publisher out ESzU4O0XaFQ-00207-00051171-00051336 there to start thinking about how to ESzU4O0XaFQ-00208-00051336-00051614 invest properly in building that direct ESzU4O0XaFQ-00209-00051614-00051819 solds business because it's high margin ESzU4O0XaFQ-00210-00051819-00052050 and it gets you right.. in very ESzU4O0XaFQ-00211-00052050-00052263 close contact with the marketer and ESzU4O0XaFQ-00212-00052263-00052430 actually gets you closer to the user as ESzU4O0XaFQ-00213-00052430-00052611 well so it's a way that you can ESzU4O0XaFQ-00214-00052611-00052776 grow that publishing business ESzU4O0XaFQ-00215-00052776-00052979 and get it back on track. Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00000-00001591-00002222 when I step into my studio is as much as possible if I'm gonna be painting that Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00001-00002222-00002851 day I try to leave my mind at the door I really think our mind gets in the way a Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00002-00002851-00003644 lot of times the first week as I was moving in I realized that this this Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00003-00003644-00004133 studio wasn't just a place for me to create art this was a gathering space Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00004-00004133-00004715 and I had already named my business Spirit Rising but I think until I moved Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00005-00004715-00005357 to this space I really wasn't clear exactly what Spirit Rising was all about Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00006-00005357-00005939 and now I understand that it's not only creating paintings different types of Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00007-00005939-00006419 our work but it's about motivational speaking and salsa Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00008-00006419-00007273 lady I've been here for two and a half years and then about a year ago this big Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00009-00007273-00008100 corner studio that I'm in now opened up and the lighting in it is just wonderful. Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00010-00008150-00008300 [Music chimes from gentle breeze] Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00011-00008350-00009115 My name is Paula Richards and I live here in the area of Lowell Massachusetts. Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00012-00009175-00009677 I went to billerica high and then I went to Fitchburg State College in Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00013-00009677-00010322 Massachusetts for nursing degree but the aspects of nursing that I liked best Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00014-00010322-00010771 were the psychological ones.The psychological care that I gave people Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00015-00010771-00011528 was my strength. I did that for 25 years before I left to pursue my art. I guess Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00016-00011528-00012029 that's my dream really with spirit rising is to help other people to Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00017-00012029-00012964 empower them to live the life of their dream. When I was a little girl I used to Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00018-00012964-00013631 color and paint by number for hours I can even remember when I was about 12 Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00019-00013631-00014135 I did some drawing and then I just kind of tucked it all away with my childhood Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00020-00014135-00014885 things. I started going to the library and getting books on drawing then I could Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00021-00014885-00015497 brave and picked up a colored pencil and then chalk pastels. I don't know, maybe after a ... Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00022-00015497-00016019 year or so I picked up a paintbrush to actually try painting my first Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00023-00016019-00016589 paintbrush was so tiny that you could probably not see the airs on it from two Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00024-00016589-00017225 feet away I love the southwestern Native American Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00025-00017225-00017697 interestingly a lot of my paintings were painted long before I ever went to the Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00026-00017697-00018362 southwest I don't feel like my paintings are of something the paintings are Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00027-00018362-00019323 something I've recently started painting on some wood someone in the cooperative Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00028-00019323-00019834 gallery here had a clever idea I've taken your little cigarette machine in Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00029-00019834-00020304 making blocks the size of packs of cigarettes that artists could paint on Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00030-00020304-00020826 and people could purchase little original pieces of artwork their kind of Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00031-00020826-00021816 landscape II or maybe cloud escapes with moons in them and stuff like that I love Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00032-00021816-00022385 being here at Western you have studios I used to work in my home and I don't mind Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00033-00022385-00022826 being alone but I find when I step into this building it's almost like there's Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00034-00022826-00023351 an air of expectancy hear that something wonderful is going to be created I just Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00035-00023351-00023579 feel Ebk3PmvPjlQ-00036-00024769-00024975 you EdpA7I57snu-00000-00000077-00000720 Ayrshire Systems supplies Industrial Weigh Scales, Retail Weigh Scales and Veterinary EdpA7I57snu-00001-00000720-00001452 Weigh Scales for all areas of Glasgow including Renfrew, Linwood, Clydebank, Paisley and East EdpA7I57snu-00002-00001452-00001552 Kilbride. EdpA7I57snu-00003-00001552-00002268 We are happy to supply, install, service and calibrate your industrial, retail and veterinary EdpA7I57snu-00004-00002268-00002497 Weigh Scales onsite at your business. EdpA7I57snu-00005-00002497-00003091 Our trained weigh scales technicians can advise you on the perfect weigh scales for your type EdpA7I57snu-00006-00003091-00003197 of business. EdpA7I57snu-00007-00003197-00003864 For a quality fast and efficient weigh scales company why not give us a call today on 01563 EdpA7I57snu-00008-00003864-00003964 544566. EdpA7I57snu-00009-00003964-00004886 We will be happy to help you with your weigh scales needs in Glasgow. EdpA7I57snu-00010-00004886-00005937 Or alternatively you can visit our website at www.ayrshiresystems.co.uk and EdpA7I57snu-00011-00005937-00006405 simply use our convenient contact form for your weigh scales enquires. Eenrp_HnATA-00000-00000000-00000066 Hey, everyone. Eenrp_HnATA-00001-00000066-00000325 I'm Colin Daniels, a digital editor here at Adweek. Eenrp_HnATA-00002-00000325-00000558 And I'm joined today by Brandi Halls of Lush. Eenrp_HnATA-00003-00000563-00000934 And today, we're talking about how Lush is spreading LGBTQ+ Eenrp_HnATA-00004-00000959-00001276 inclusion and activism, not just in June, but year round. Eenrp_HnATA-00005-00001276-00001543 Thank you, Brandi, so much for being with us here today. Eenrp_HnATA-00006-00001543-00001751 Thanks for having me. I'm really looking forward to this. Eenrp_HnATA-00007-00001751-00002135 So before we jump into the discussion, can you explain a little bit on your role Eenrp_HnATA-00008-00002135-00002243 and what you do at Lush? Eenrp_HnATA-00009-00002243-00002585 I am the chief ethics officer for Lush North America. Eenrp_HnATA-00010-00002590-00003040 I provide stewardship on all matters related to Lush's core values and ethics. Eenrp_HnATA-00011-00003040-00003353 I act as a brand guardian and really ensure that our ethics Eenrp_HnATA-00012-00003353-00003711 are driving our business decisions, policies and practices. Eenrp_HnATA-00013-00003711-00004095 And what I really like about Lush is how you all are always at the center Eenrp_HnATA-00014-00004095-00004191 of just movement Eenrp_HnATA-00015-00004191-00004512 like for the people, I feel you guys are just really a people's brand. Eenrp_HnATA-00016-00004512-00004888 I would definitely say that people are at the heart of our brand and our products. Eenrp_HnATA-00017-00004888-00005142 Thinking from the hands that make our products Eenrp_HnATA-00018-00005142-00005472 to the sales associates who sell them to the customers that purchase them, Eenrp_HnATA-00019-00005476-00005801 and to all the communities that we seek to protect and lift up. Eenrp_HnATA-00020-00005801-00006135 People are absolutely essential to what we do here at Lush. Eenrp_HnATA-00021-00006139-00006435 Whenever you guys are coming up with creative ads and creative campaigns, Eenrp_HnATA-00022-00006448-00006685 you really bring in the employees, people who work there. Eenrp_HnATA-00023-00006694-00007011 One of the ads that I always remember is a same-sex couple in the bathtub, Eenrp_HnATA-00024-00007015-00007102 and I feel like it was just like Eenrp_HnATA-00025-00007102-00007570 one of the first times I actually saw a brand who truly interwove inclusion Eenrp_HnATA-00026-00007570-00007899 and LGBT inclusion into their brand, and it came across as very authentic. Eenrp_HnATA-00027-00007907-00008137 And interestingly, it wasn't a Pride campaign. Eenrp_HnATA-00028-00008137-00008324 It was a Valentine's Day campaign. Eenrp_HnATA-00029-00008324-00008750 And the image was chosen based on a couple that actually demonstrated that love Eenrp_HnATA-00030-00008750-00009071 through the visual, and it just so happened that it was a same-sex couple. Eenrp_HnATA-00031-00009075-00009459 Actually, it's the perfect example of how important Eenrp_HnATA-00032-00009459-00009747 inclusiveness is just in the way that we run the business. Eenrp_HnATA-00033-00009747-00010168 And for us, it wasn't even, you know, that we intentionally set out to do that, Eenrp_HnATA-00034-00010168-00010464 but we certainly got a lot of attention when we did, Eenrp_HnATA-00035-00010477-00010694 which also was a bit of a surprise to us. Eenrp_HnATA-00036-00010694-00010819 You know, for us putting a same Eenrp_HnATA-00037-00010819-00011265 sex couple in 250 windows across North America was not controversial, Eenrp_HnATA-00038-00011265-00011611 but to the rest of the world, it was, which was eye opening in itself. Eenrp_HnATA-00039-00011653-00011824 Were there any other campaigns that you all have done Eenrp_HnATA-00040-00011824-00012107 where you took a stand for human rights or racial inequality Eenrp_HnATA-00041-00012107-00012416 that people were like, 'Nope, that has to go down, that can't be here?' Eenrp_HnATA-00042-00012420-00012766 Part of the controversy is the conversation and inviting the conversation Eenrp_HnATA-00043-00012766-00013083 and educating our staff so that they can speak about the issues. Eenrp_HnATA-00044-00013083-00013125 That's part Eenrp_HnATA-00045-00013125-00013459 of the people aspect of our brand, where we're actually bringing our staff Eenrp_HnATA-00046-00013459-00013813 and our customers along with us in this journey of inclusiveness. Eenrp_HnATA-00047-00013813-00014143 Of creating a better and safer planet for us all. Eenrp_HnATA-00048-00014143-00014501 And doing some of those campaigns, do you have any that really stick out? Eenrp_HnATA-00049-00014501-00014806 You guys have done other ones, like for trans rights and other inclusion Eenrp_HnATA-00050-00014806-00014848 type ones. Eenrp_HnATA-00051-00014848-00015327 2015, we took on a global campaign calling attention to the fact Eenrp_HnATA-00052-00015348-00015632 that in 76 countries it's a crime to be gay, Eenrp_HnATA-00053-00015632-00016053 which means that for LGBTQ+ couples, their love was actually illegal. Eenrp_HnATA-00054-00016053-00016391 And so we as an organization wanted to step into that conversation Eenrp_HnATA-00055-00016391-00016583 and tell the world that gay is OK. Eenrp_HnATA-00056-00016583-00016929 And we actually did this through the sale of a beautiful bar of gold soap Eenrp_HnATA-00057-00016929-00017192 that had "Gay is OK" written across the top of it. Eenrp_HnATA-00058-00017192-00017659 It was a really interesting way to really educate our staff Eenrp_HnATA-00059-00017659-00018051 and our customers on the fact that this actually exists Eenrp_HnATA-00060-00018051-00018368 still, that it is illegal to be gay in 76 countries. Eenrp_HnATA-00061-00018368-00018822 Our Human Rights campaign was 2018, and it was a 14-day Eenrp_HnATA-00062-00018822-00019235 national campaign across North America where we wanted to bring visibility Eenrp_HnATA-00063-00019235-00019644 to the discrimination and dangers that transgender people face every day. Eenrp_HnATA-00064-00019652-00019969 And a really important part of this campaign was also offering Eenrp_HnATA-00065-00019969-00020278 resources on how to become better allies to the movement. Eenrp_HnATA-00066-00020278-00020670 We again launched a product this time it was called the Inner Truth Bath Melt. Eenrp_HnATA-00067-00020674-00021121 Through the sales of this product, we actually raised $450,000 Eenrp_HnATA-00068-00021121-00021458 to our partner organizations who are going to continue to do the great Eenrp_HnATA-00069-00021458-00021850 work around advocacy and securing rights for transgender people. Eenrp_HnATA-00070-00021850-00022142 Through these campaigns, we're actually funding organizations Eenrp_HnATA-00071-00022142-00022497 that continue this work while we have to go back to selling soap. Eenrp_HnATA-00072-00022497-00022685 Do you guys have any like town halls Eenrp_HnATA-00073-00022685-00022931 or any other things where you offer that Eenrp_HnATA-00074-00022931-00023039 network of communication? Eenrp_HnATA-00075-00023039-00023302 Like for upcoming campaigns? Eenrp_HnATA-00076-00023302-00023565 Our campaigns are often created Eenrp_HnATA-00077-00023565-00023686 at the request of our staff, Eenrp_HnATA-00078-00023686-00023965 so they're letting us know what issues Eenrp_HnATA-00079-00023965-00024128 they want us to take on and often Eenrp_HnATA-00080-00024128-00024441 helping us to sort of build out those campaigns as well. Eenrp_HnATA-00081-00024441-00024691 Speaking of products and employee involvement, are there any Eenrp_HnATA-00082-00024691-00024870 that you are looking forward to? Eenrp_HnATA-00083-00024870-00025291 Pride, for us, usually is a time where we can switch a little bit of the focus Eenrp_HnATA-00084-00025291-00025742 to more about celebrating our allies, our friends, our employees. Eenrp_HnATA-00085-00025742-00026009 But this year is definitely different. Eenrp_HnATA-00086-00026009-00026393 It's clear that, you know, the rights of LGBTQ+ people are under Eenrp_HnATA-00087-00026393-00026568 serious attack in the United States. Eenrp_HnATA-00088-00026568-00026985 In response to the Texas work that's happening there, Eenrp_HnATA-00089-00026985-00027318 we have actually began featuring "Trans Kids Belong" Eenrp_HnATA-00090-00027318-00027660 in all of our window campaigns across the United States. Eenrp_HnATA-00091-00027660-00028115 In Florida, we actually, in response to the 'Don't Say Gay' bill are bringing back Eenrp_HnATA-00092-00028115-00028495 "Gay is OK" soap in our Florida shop specifically to raise funds Eenrp_HnATA-00093-00028495-00028953 for Equality Florida's efforts pushing back on this hateful legislation. Eenrp_HnATA-00094-00028953-00029083 And do you have any advice Eenrp_HnATA-00095-00029083-00029454 for any businesses or companies who are wanting to shed light and kind of Eenrp_HnATA-00096-00029454-00029871 be more inclusive and want to highlight LGBTQ+ inclusion? Eenrp_HnATA-00097-00029871-00030326 Don't underestimate the knowledge that exists within your organization itself. Eenrp_HnATA-00098-00030326-00030718 Not being afraid to ask for that help from your employees Eenrp_HnATA-00099-00030718-00031089 and seeking how you can be better for and by them. Eenrp_HnATA-00100-00031089-00031322 We tackle so many different issues. Eenrp_HnATA-00101-00031322-00031535 We cannot be the expert in all of them. Eenrp_HnATA-00102-00031535-00032011 Just ensuring that you are finding partners that can actually support you Eenrp_HnATA-00103-00032011-00032403 in your organization's learning and in creating the right action. Eenrp_HnATA-00104-00032403-00032741 All of our activism begins with finding a partner Eenrp_HnATA-00105-00032741-00033137 who wants to work with us and who actually wants to help tell us Eenrp_HnATA-00106-00033137-00033562 how we can be most impactful to them and to the issue. Eenrp_HnATA-00107-00033562-00033971 The detrimental bills and legislations that are being passed across America Eenrp_HnATA-00108-00033971-00034438 means that we all do have to stand up now and support Eenrp_HnATA-00109-00034438-00034947 and lend our businesses and our voices to protecting everyone, really. Eenrp_HnATA-00110-00034947-00035272 And I feel like what you touched on, it's important that whenever you do Eenrp_HnATA-00111-00035272-00035623 bring those people in to help you, that you have to be willing to kind of listen. Eenrp_HnATA-00112-00035623-00035952 I can't tell you the number of times that our own employees Eenrp_HnATA-00113-00035952-00036273 have lifted up important things, not only just our campaigning, Eenrp_HnATA-00114-00036273-00036578 but yeah, the way that we're behaving and speaking. Eenrp_HnATA-00115-00036578-00036874 An organization is made up of human beings, full stop. Eenrp_HnATA-00116-00036874-00037149 A business isn't something separate. We are humans. Eenrp_HnATA-00117-00037149-00037579 We truly at Lush try to lean in and leverage unique perspectives Eenrp_HnATA-00118-00037579-00037979 to build a business that our employees can be proud to be part of. Eenrp_HnATA-00119-00037979-00038229 Well, Brandi, thank you so much for talking with us today. Eenrp_HnATA-00120-00038229-00038434 It's been wonderful. I really appreciate you Eenrp_HnATA-00121-00038434-00038563 thinking of Lush. EmgsLhssOSI-00000-00000063-00000526 What is Creative Commons? EmgsLhssOSI-00001-00000754-00001452 You may have heard of copyrights, the protection for creativities such as arts, music, books, etc. EmgsLhssOSI-00002-00001510-00002515 With technology advancement such as internet, copyrights becomes an obstacle for sharing knowledge. EmgsLhssOSI-00003-00002528-00003099 As such, Creative Commons, as an add-on to the copyrights, is meant to resolve such problem. EmgsLhssOSI-00004-00003171-00003633 It started with 1998 as Mickey mouse was about to go into the public domain. EmgsLhssOSI-00005-00003740-00004816 There US govt has passed the Sonno Bono Extension Act, to extend the original term of protection from 50 years after death of author, to 70 years after the author's decease. EmgsLhssOSI-00006-00004820-00005435 Lawrence Lessig, a law professor from Stanford University of US, believes that it's just unreasonable. EmgsLhssOSI-00007-00005447-00006069 Together with his pal Eldred, contested the new copyright regulation and the case went as far as Supreme Court. Eldred lost. EmgsLhssOSI-00008-00006289-00007159 Meanwhile, Lessig and others founded the nonprofit organization, Creative Commons and and presented the Creative Commons licenses in 2002. EmgsLhssOSI-00009-00007159-00008439 By licensing works under Creative Commons licences, the rights of the copyright owners and the users are made clear and the fears of sharing are reduced. Creative Commons licences are the de-facto, international standard for sharing content. EmgsLhssOSI-00010-00008484-00009958 To date, Creative Commons has evolved from a tiny office in the University basement to a globla non-profit network, aim to promote the Creative Common license, which work wholly within the confines of existing copyright law. EmgsLhssOSI-00011-00010152-00010726 Up to 2017, there are more than 1.4 Billion works utilizing the CC license. EmgsLhssOSI-00012-00010761-00012305 It's been widely adopted globally by governments, institutions etc in the regime of arts, music, writings, movies, research and data, and implemtned on social media such as Youtube, Flickr, and Sound-cloud. EmgsLhssOSI-00013-00012305-00012500 Subtitles by the Amara.org community EnkSvX834tU-00000-00000100-00000246 - BECAUSE BOTH THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS EnkSvX834tU-00001-00000253-00000453 AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM CAN BE-- EnkSvX834tU-00002-00000460-00000974 CAN ACT AS INTEGRATORS IN VARIOUS PHYSIOLOGICAL PATHWAYS, EnkSvX834tU-00003-00000980-00001287 YOU SHOULD KNOW, LIKE, EnkSvX834tU-00004-00001294-00001458 WHAT THE DIFFERENCES ARE. EnkSvX834tU-00005-00001464-00001604 WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS EnkSvX834tU-00006-00001611-00001905 THAT WE'RE GOING TO SEE IN THESE INTEGRATING SYSTEMS? EnkSvX834tU-00007-00001911-00002075 SO THE FIRST THING EnkSvX834tU-00008-00002081-00002405 THAT WE WANT TO LOOK AT IS WHAT IS THE MESSAGE? EnkSvX834tU-00009-00002412-00002599 THEY ARE INTEGRATORS, EnkSvX834tU-00010-00002605-00002929 BUT HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE? EnkSvX834tU-00011-00002936-00003113 AND IN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, EnkSvX834tU-00012-00003119-00003329 HOPEFULLY YOU'RE LIKE, "DUDE, I GOT THIS." EnkSvX834tU-00013-00003336-00003750 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM COMMUNICATES BY HORMONES, EnkSvX834tU-00014-00003757-00004174 AND HORMONES ARE CHEMICAL MESSAGES, RIGHT? EnkSvX834tU-00015-00004180-00004330 THAT MAKES PERFECT-- AND THAT'S IT. EnkSvX834tU-00016-00004337-00004778 SO SOME GLAND THAT'S INVOLVED EnkSvX834tU-00017-00004784-00005188 IN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS GOING TO SECRETE A CHEMICAL, EnkSvX834tU-00018-00005195-00005468 A HORMONE, INTO THE BLOOD, DUMP IT INTO THE BLOOD, EnkSvX834tU-00019-00005475-00005689 AND SEND IT OFF TO DO ITS BUSINESS. EnkSvX834tU-00020-00005695-00005989 AND THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT ENDOCRINE. EnkSvX834tU-00021-00005995-00006436 IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM THE MESSAGE IS IN THE FORM EnkSvX834tU-00022-00006443-00006733 OF AN ACTION POTENTIAL. EnkSvX834tU-00023-00006740-00006886 AND DON'T WORRY. EnkSvX834tU-00024-00006893-00007200 I BELIEVE POTENTIAL-- EnkSvX834tU-00025-00007207-00007457 I THINK THIS IS THE TOPIC OF OUR NEXT ONE. EnkSvX834tU-00026-00007464-00007757 AN ACTION POTENTIAL IS ELECTRICITY, EnkSvX834tU-00027-00007764-00008094 AND THAT SAYS ELECTRICITY. EnkSvX834tU-00028-00008101-00008408 ACTION POTENTIALS ARE ELECTRICAL MESSAGES EnkSvX834tU-00029-00008415-00008752 THAT TRAVEL DOWN NEURONS, EnkSvX834tU-00030-00008758-00009092 WHICH ARE THE PRIMARY CELL IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. EnkSvX834tU-00031-00009098-00009632 THE ELECTRICAL MESSAGE IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY. EnkSvX834tU-00032-00009639-00009876 THERE ALSO IS A CHEMICAL COMPONENT EnkSvX834tU-00033-00009883-00010206 OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM'S COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES, EnkSvX834tU-00034-00010213-00010714 AND THAT'S CALLED A NEUROTRANSMITTER. EnkSvX834tU-00035-00010720-00010940 AND THIS IS CHEMICAL, EnkSvX834tU-00036-00010947-00011251 SO SEE ME WRITE "CHEM" RIGHT THERE? EnkSvX834tU-00037-00011257-00011638 I FIT IT IN. EnkSvX834tU-00038-00011644-00011841 ENDOCRINE, ONLY CHEMICAL. EnkSvX834tU-00039-00011848-00012032 NERVOUS SYSTEM, WE'VE GOT AN ACTION POTENTIAL, EnkSvX834tU-00040-00012038-00012222 WHICH IS ELECTRICAL, AND THE NEUROTRANSMITTER, EnkSvX834tU-00041-00012228-00012402 WHICH IS CHEMICAL AT THE END. EnkSvX834tU-00042-00012409-00012889 SO YOU CAN SEE THAT OUR MESSAGES THEMSELVES ARE DIFFERENT. EnkSvX834tU-00043-00012896-00013166 NOW, THERE'S A COUPLE OF DIFFERENCES AS FAR AS, EnkSvX834tU-00044-00013173-00013566 LIKE, WHO'S GETTING THE MESSAGE? EnkSvX834tU-00045-00013573-00013683 TALK ABOUT THE EFFECTER. EnkSvX834tU-00046-00013690-00014284 WHO IS THE TARGET? EnkSvX834tU-00047-00014290-00014764 IN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM THE TARGET IS ANYONE. EnkSvX834tU-00048-00014771-00014944 TRUE STORY. EnkSvX834tU-00049-00014951-00015608 ANYONE WHO HAS A RECEPTOR EnkSvX834tU-00050-00015615-00015932 THAT MATCHES THE HORMONE THAT GOT DUMPED IN. EnkSvX834tU-00051-00015939-00016413 SO IF A NOSE CELL HAS THE RECEPTOR, EnkSvX834tU-00052-00016419-00016649 THEN THE NOSE CELL CAN BE THE TARGET. EnkSvX834tU-00053-00016656-00016846 IF THE STOMACH HAS THE RECEPTOR, EnkSvX834tU-00054-00016853-00017050 THEN THE STOMACH CAN BE THE TARGET. EnkSvX834tU-00055-00017056-00017313 SO IT'S A GENERAL-- EnkSvX834tU-00056-00017320-00017660 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ACTS GENERALLY. EnkSvX834tU-00057-00017667-00018364 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, IT'S EXTREMELY SPECIFIC. EnkSvX834tU-00058-00018371-00018712 THE NEURON HAS TO TOUCH. EnkSvX834tU-00059-00018718-00019175 NOW, I SAY, "TOUCH," AND I MEAN THAT VAGUELY. EnkSvX834tU-00060-00019182-00019489 THEY'RE NOT ACTUALLY MAKING CONTACT MOST OF THE TIME. EnkSvX834tU-00061-00019496-00019672 MOST OF THE TIME THERE'S THIS SPACE EnkSvX834tU-00062-00019679-00019849 BETWEEN THE NEURON AND THE EFFECTER, EnkSvX834tU-00063-00019856-00020273 BUT THAT SPACE IS, LIKE, REALLY TINY. EnkSvX834tU-00064-00020280-00020483 AND SO FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, EnkSvX834tU-00065-00020490-00020710 ESPECIALLY COMPARED TO THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, EnkSvX834tU-00066-00020717-00020867 THEY'RE BASICALLY TOUCHING. EnkSvX834tU-00067-00020874-00021274 NEURONS TOUCH THE EFFECTER. EnkSvX834tU-00068-00021281-00021534 SO THE TARGET IS SUPER SPECIFIC. EnkSvX834tU-00069-00021541-00021798 LIKE, IF YOU DO NOT TOUCH, EnkSvX834tU-00070-00021805-00022028 IF THE NEURON DOES NOT TOUCH THE EFFECTER, EnkSvX834tU-00071-00022035-00022379 THEN THAT EFFECTER IS NOT GOING TO BE TARGET OF THAT NEURON. EnkSvX834tU-00072-00022385-00022906 THERE IS SOME SPEED QUESTIONS HERE. EnkSvX834tU-00073-00022912-00023366 THE QUESTION IS THE SPEED OF INFORMATION GETTING OUT, EnkSvX834tU-00074-00023373-00023586 INFORMATION TRANSMISSION, EnkSvX834tU-00075-00023593-00023803 AND THE SPEED OF THE EFFECT. EnkSvX834tU-00076-00023810-00024227 SO LET'S DO TRANSMISSION. EnkSvX834tU-00077-00024234-00024464 HOW QUICKLY DOES THE MESSAGE GET OUT? EnkSvX834tU-00078-00024471-00025201 AND EFFECT, HOW QUICKLY DOES THE MESSAGE TRANSLATE INTO ACTION? EnkSvX834tU-00079-00025208-00025455 AND HERE'S THE BOTTOM LINE. EnkSvX834tU-00080-00025462-00025859 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS SLOW. EnkSvX834tU-00081-00025865-00026129 WE LOVE IT ANYWAY, BUT IT'S SLOW. EnkSvX834tU-00082-00026136-00026439 NERVOUS SYSTEM, WHOLLY FAST. EnkSvX834tU-00083-00026446-00026743 YOU KNOW THAT ACTION POTENTIAL THAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT? EnkSvX834tU-00084-00026749-00026883 THIS IS CRAZY TALK. EnkSvX834tU-00085-00026890-00027310 268 MILES PER HOUR. WHAT? EnkSvX834tU-00086-00027317-00027550 THAT'S CRAZY FAST. EnkSvX834tU-00087-00027557-00027737 SO THE MESSAGE-- EnkSvX834tU-00088-00027744-00028391 WHEN THERE IS A NEURO PATHWAY INVOLVED IN ANY KIND OF SYSTEM, EnkSvX834tU-00089-00028398-00028828 THE MESSAGE FROM THE NEURON CELL BODY EnkSvX834tU-00090-00028835-00029079 ALL THE WAY TO THE EFFECTER, EnkSvX834tU-00091-00029085-00029616 THAT MESSAGE CAN TRAVEL AT 268 MILES PER HOUR. EnkSvX834tU-00092-00029622-00029836 THE-- IT'D BE REALLY INTERESTING EnkSvX834tU-00093-00029843-00030180 TO CALCULATE THE SPEED OF A HORMONE, EnkSvX834tU-00094-00030186-00030436 AND HOW QUICKLY IT CAN GO THROUGH YOUR WHOLE BODY. EnkSvX834tU-00095-00030443-00030640 I WANT TO SAY THAT YOUR BLOOD TRAVELS EnkSvX834tU-00096-00030647-00030884 THROUGH YOUR WHOLE BODY IN, LIKE, A MINUTE. EnkSvX834tU-00097-00030890-00031124 AND OF COURSE, THAT'S GOING TO VARY, EnkSvX834tU-00098-00031131-00031331 DEPENDING ON HOW QUICKLY YOUR HEART IS BEATING, EnkSvX834tU-00099-00031337-00031488 SO HOW ACTIVE YOU ARE. EnkSvX834tU-00100-00031494-00031858 BUT A MINUTE TO GET TO A TARGET, EnkSvX834tU-00101-00031865-00032158 AND EVEN THEN, LIKE, DID THE HORMONE EnkSvX834tU-00102-00032165-00032439 ACTUALLY HIT THE RECEPTOR THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HIT? EnkSvX834tU-00103-00032445-00032766 A MINUTE TO GET ALL THE WAY THROUGH, EnkSvX834tU-00104-00032772-00033126 AS OPPOSED TO WHATEVER IT WOULD EnkSvX834tU-00105-00033133-00033516 TRANSLATE INTO IF IT'S GOING 268 MILES PER HOUR, EnkSvX834tU-00106-00033523-00033923 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IS A LOT FASTER. EnkSvX834tU-00107-00033930-00034144 THIS IS INTERESTING. EnkSvX834tU-00108-00034150-00034340 THE EFFECT DURATION, LIKE, EnkSvX834tU-00109-00034347-00034718 HOW LONG DOES THE EFFECT LAST? EnkSvX834tU-00110-00034724-00035231 AND IN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, IT'S LONG LASTING. EnkSvX834tU-00111-00035238-00035495 SO WHEN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ACTS ON SOMETHING, EnkSvX834tU-00112-00035502-00035722 IT STAYS ACTED UPON. EnkSvX834tU-00113-00035729-00036009 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, THE MESSAGE GOES OUT, EnkSvX834tU-00114-00036015-00036516 THE INFORMATION IS BARFED, THE EFFECT IS IMMEDIATE, EnkSvX834tU-00115-00036523-00036683 AND THEN IT GOES AWAY. EnkSvX834tU-00116-00036689-00037020 IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THE EFFECT HAPPENING, EnkSvX834tU-00117-00037026-00037383 YOU HAVE TO SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE AT 268 MILES PER HOUR. EnkSvX834tU-00118-00037390-00037597 SO HOW DO YOU SAY THIS? EnkSvX834tU-00119-00037604-00038134 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM MESSAGE IS SHORT LASTING. EnkSvX834tU-00120-00038141-00038368 I KNOW THERE'S A BETTER WAY TO SAY THAT, EnkSvX834tU-00121-00038374-00038601 BUT IT'S QUICK. EnkSvX834tU-00122-00038608-00038818 IT'S ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS. EnkSvX834tU-00123-00038825-00039312 IT HAPPENS AT THAT SPEED, AND THEN IT STOPS. EnkSvX834tU-00124-00039319-00039609 SO IF YOU WANT TO GET ANOTHER-- EnkSvX834tU-00125-00039616-00039789 IF YOU WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN, EnkSvX834tU-00126-00039796-00039946 YOU HAVE TO SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE. EnkSvX834tU-00127-00039953-00040767 AND THAT ACTUALLY RELATES TO THE INTENSITY OF THE EFFECT, EnkSvX834tU-00128-00040773-00041134 AND HOW YOU CAN ACTUALLY INCREASE THE INTENSITY. EnkSvX834tU-00129-00041141-00041441 SO IF YOU WANTED TO AMPLIFY THE EFFECT, FOR EXAMPLE, EnkSvX834tU-00130-00041448-00041748 YOU SEND ONE ACTION POTENTIAL DOWN YOUR LITTLE NEURON EnkSvX834tU-00131-00041755-00042068 TO YOUR EFFECTER TO TRY TO GET SOMETHING TO HAPPEN, EnkSvX834tU-00132-00042075-00042532 IF YOU WANT MORE EFFECT THAN THAT, WELL, EnkSvX834tU-00133-00042539-00042715 ALL YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DO EnkSvX834tU-00134-00042722-00042989 IS INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ACTION POTENTIALS. EnkSvX834tU-00135-00042996-00043199 AND THEY'RE SUPER FAST, SO YOU CAN. EnkSvX834tU-00136-00043206-00043480 AND YOU CAN ACTUALLY GET KIND OF AN EXPONENTIAL INCREASE EnkSvX834tU-00137-00043486-00043736 IN EFFECT IF YOU FIRE, FIRE, EnkSvX834tU-00138-00043743-00043977 FIRE, FIRE YOUR ACTION POTENTIALS REALLY FAST. EnkSvX834tU-00139-00043983-00044357 TO INCREASE THE EFFECT OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, RESPONSE, EnkSvX834tU-00140-00044364-00044631 YOU JUST NEED TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF HORMONE, EnkSvX834tU-00141-00044637-00044761 AND THAT-- EnkSvX834tU-00142-00044767-00045021 THERE'S A WHOLE FEEDBACK SYSTEM RESPONSIBLE EnkSvX834tU-00143-00045028-00045251 FOR MAKING THAT HAPPEN. EnkSvX834tU-00144-00045258-00045572 NOW, THE REST OF THIS ENTIRE LECTURE WE'RE GOING TO FOCUS EnkSvX834tU-00145-00045578-00045735 JUST ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. EnkSvX834tU-00146-00045742-00045992 SO WE'RE GOING TO START OUT BY LOOKING AT, DUDE, EnkSvX834tU-00147-00045999-00046199 WHAT IS THIS HORMONE THAT YOU SPEAK OF? EnkSvX834tU-00148-00046206-00046456 AND SOME OF THAT IS GOING TO FEEL LIKE REVIEW. EnkSvX834tU-00149-00046463-00046666 THERE ACTUALLY ARE MULTIPLE DIFFERENT KINDS OF HORMONES. EnkSvX834tU-00150-00046673-00047103 WE'RE GOING TO LOOK AT THEM, HOW THEY DIFFER IN THEIR CHEMISTRY, EnkSvX834tU-00151-00047110-00047310 AND THEN HOW THEY DIFFER IN THE EFFECTS EnkSvX834tU-00152-00047317-00047444 THAT THEY COME UP WITH. EnkSvX834tU-00153-00047450-00047674 AND THEN WE'RE GOING TO LOOK A LITTLE BIT EnkSvX834tU-00154-00047680-00047814 AT SOME ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES EnkSvX834tU-00155-00047821-00048021 THAT ARE IMPORTANT IN THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, EnkSvX834tU-00156-00048027-00048211 AT LEAST AT THIS POINT FOR US. EnkSvX834tU-00157-00048218-00048418 WE'RE NOT GOING TO SPEND A HUGE AMOUNT EnkSvX834tU-00158-00048425-00048575 OF TIME TALKING ABOUT ENDOCRINE ANATOMY, EnkSvX834tU-00159-00048581-00048885 BECAUSE THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM REALLY IS-- EnkSvX834tU-00160-00048892-00049329 WE WILL SEE IT'S INVOLVEMENT THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE SEMESTER. EnkSvX834tU-00161-00049335-00049526 IT'S INVOLVED IN PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING. EnkSvX834tU-00162-00049532-00049772 ALL RIGHT. LET'S TALK ABOUT HORMONES. F0e7gFvM_Lo-00000-00000042-00000112 obc reservation in mppsc F0e7gFvM_Lo-00001-00000174-00000231 reservation of obc in mp F0e7gFvM_Lo-00002-00000252-00000302 reservation in madhya pradesh F0e7gFvM_Lo-00003-00000338-00000388 reservation in mp F0e7gFvM_Lo-00004-00000428-00000516 obc reservation criteria F0e7gFvM_Lo-00005-00000554-00000604 obc reservation in up F0e7gFvM_Lo-00006-00000654-00000704 obc reservation increase F0e7gFvM_Lo-00007-00000760-00000810 obc reservation news in hindi F0e7gFvM_Lo-00008-00000844-00000894 obc reservation F0e7gFvM_Lo-00009-00000930-00000980 obc reservation in india F0e7gFvM_Lo-00010-00001028-00001078 obc reservation in mp in hindi F0e7gFvM_Lo-00011-00001120-00001170 obc reservation percentage F0e7gFvM_Lo-00012-00001408-00001707 reservation obc F2asYBZQWvk-00000-00000124-00000250 ok so uhhhhhh F2asYBZQWvk-00001-00000250-00000396 I got 26 subscrib- F2asYBZQWvk-00002-00000423-00000526 25 subscribers F2asYBZQWvk-00003-00000548-00000730 and i think alot of you wanted to get like aaaaa F2asYBZQWvk-00004-00000804-00000930 Setup tour F2asYBZQWvk-00005-00000984-00001184 Im only gonna do it for the pc for now F2asYBZQWvk-00006-00001356-00001500 Basically uhhhhhhh F2asYBZQWvk-00007-00001506-00001660 lemme me just open this real quick F2asYBZQWvk-00008-00001668-00001766 Basicallly uhhhhhhh F2asYBZQWvk-00009-00001772-00001972 This is located on a bit of a weird place F2asYBZQWvk-00010-00001972-00002172 you know but it's nothing F2asYBZQWvk-00011-00002254-00002425 im just gonna give you a quick setup tour F2asYBZQWvk-00012-00002437-00002557 This is used to F2asYBZQWvk-00013-00002627-00002827 This here is used to charge F2asYBZQWvk-00014-00002902-00003037 charge the pc F2asYBZQWvk-00015-00003049-00003200 This is basically just a battery F2asYBZQWvk-00016-00003223-00003423 and it also produces electricity F2asYBZQWvk-00017-00003488-00003861 we also got some solar panels just in case if this all fails F2asYBZQWvk-00018-00003885-00003992 and then i can like F2asYBZQWvk-00019-00004054-00004200 watch stuff F2asYBZQWvk-00020-00004259-00004473 do stuff at like 30 fps at least F2asYBZQWvk-00021-00004592-00004719 uhhh here's the battery F2asYBZQWvk-00022-00004723-00004895 this is the actual battery for the charger thing F2asYBZQWvk-00023-00004895-00004985 we have uhhh F2asYBZQWvk-00024-00005026-00005226 here we got the uhhhh F2asYBZQWvk-00025-00005256-00005426 this is the wifi antenna F2asYBZQWvk-00026-00005498-00005736 it's pretty solid tbh F2asYBZQWvk-00027-00006141-00006287 this is the processor F2asYBZQWvk-00028-00006292-00006435 this is one of my processors F2asYBZQWvk-00029-00006488-00006743 if i rerembear right i dont rerembear exactly what i got F2asYBZQWvk-00030-00006806-00006967 but this is my ryzen 5 F2asYBZQWvk-00031-00007047-00007172 if we go up here F2asYBZQWvk-00032-00007336-00007536 yeah here's the uhh graphics card F2asYBZQWvk-00033-00007556-00007756 it's actually quite more larger then this F2asYBZQWvk-00034-00007778-00007978 as you can slightly see here F2asYBZQWvk-00035-00008139-00008339 this is the repairing ship for my elves F2asYBZQWvk-00036-00008419-00008619 who are liking working for me F2asYBZQWvk-00037-00008810-00009103 they are conducting the uhhh ship and all that F2asYBZQWvk-00038-00009263-00009352 lets go inside F2asYBZQWvk-00039-00009384-00009514 we got the rg- F2asYBZQWvk-00040-00009538-00009778 as you can see we got the rgb lights of course F2asYBZQWvk-00041-00009831-00009936 of course we need that F2asYBZQWvk-00042-00009958-00010053 here's the survival kit F2asYBZQWvk-00043-00010086-00010238 so the elves can actually survive F2asYBZQWvk-00044-00010263-00010388 lemme me just try using that F2asYBZQWvk-00045-00010388-00010588 you can see that it plays a funny sound F2asYBZQWvk-00046-00010656-00010717 oh yeah F2asYBZQWvk-00047-00010725-00010854 of course uhh here's the F2asYBZQWvk-00048-00010881-00010931 ram F2asYBZQWvk-00049-00011005-00011153 i dont rerembear what ram i got F2asYBZQWvk-00050-00011175-00011303 i got like 4 to 8 F2asYBZQWvk-00051-00011381-00011545 gigabytes or something idk F2asYBZQWvk-00052-00011545-00011600 i have no idea F2asYBZQWvk-00053-00011693-00011761 i have this F2asYBZQWvk-00054-00011774-00011949 i setup some stickers F2asYBZQWvk-00055-00011949-00012008 just in case F2asYBZQWvk-00056-00012177-00012348 this is my secondary processor F2asYBZQWvk-00057-00012348-00012450 it's a ryzen 4 F2asYBZQWvk-00058-00012450-00012758 it's just in case if my other processor fails for some reason F2asYBZQWvk-00059-00012921-00013121 if that happens it will be really bad F2asYBZQWvk-00060-00013541-00013712 i got some doors here F2asYBZQWvk-00061-00013712-00013862 we got some cool doors F2asYBZQWvk-00062-00013863-00013981 no more rgb lights here F2asYBZQWvk-00063-00014008-00014208 cuz this is like not part of it F2asYBZQWvk-00064-00014310-00014390 and as you can see here F2asYBZQWvk-00065-00014414-00014579 we got a quite a nice view F2asYBZQWvk-00066-00014591-00014722 but this is meant to be F2asYBZQWvk-00067-00014800-00015000 im working setting up F2asYBZQWvk-00068-00015130-00015282 a cafeteria room or something F2asYBZQWvk-00069-00015311-00015511 like a all purpose elf room F2asYBZQWvk-00070-00015526-00015726 so they can chill i guess F2asYBZQWvk-00071-00016380-00016492 that's just the tour F2asYBZQWvk-00072-00016513-00016713 i hope you all enjoyed it F3RSrcasFjg-00000-00000152-00000586 SCP-2272 Ellis Canastota, P, Pensacola Blue Wahoos F3RSrcasFjg-00001-00000586-00000960 object class euclid F3RSrcasFjg-00002-00001086-00001425 Item #: SCP-2272 F3RSrcasFjg-00003-00001425-00001594 Object Class: Euclid F3RSrcasFjg-00004-00001594-00002114 Special Containment Procedures: Foundation contacts within Major League Baseball will F3RSrcasFjg-00005-00002114-00002603 work to replace the Pensacola Blue Wahoos’ general manager with Agent Rob Potsdam of F3RSrcasFjg-00006-00002603-00003187 Local Mobile Task Force 352-Dalet (“Dixieland Nightmare Magic”). F3RSrcasFjg-00007-00003187-00003779 Upon appointment as general manager, Agent Potsdam will trade Ellis Canastota to a Foundation-controlled F3RSrcasFjg-00008-00003779-00004246 summer league team in St. Petersburg, Fla., at which point containment procedures will F3RSrcasFjg-00009-00004246-00004500 be further revised. F3RSrcasFjg-00010-00004500-00005247 Following Incident 2272-Domino (see Addendum II below), SCP-2272 is to be monitored for F3RSrcasFjg-00011-00005247-00005814 anomalous activity outside its known effects, and officials in the Cincinnati Reds franchise F3RSrcasFjg-00012-00005814-00006371 will be advised to retain Ellis Canastota at the Double-A level or below. F3RSrcasFjg-00013-00006371-00006870 At least one member of Local Mobile Task Forces in the region of Pensacola Blue Wahoos away F3RSrcasFjg-00014-00006870-00007406 games at which Ellis Canastota is scheduled to start shall attend. F3RSrcasFjg-00015-00007406-00008073 Regional Command will revise containment procedures if new information or activity is demonstrated. F3RSrcasFjg-00016-00008073-00008631 Description: SCP-2272 is a phenomenon currently affecting the Double-A minor league baseball F3RSrcasFjg-00017-00008631-00009074 team known as the Pensacola Blue Wahoos. F3RSrcasFjg-00018-00009074-00009545 The phenomenon manifests as a player who does not exist, Blue Wahoos starting pitcher Ellis F3RSrcasFjg-00019-00009545-00010213 Canastota, appearing in game records, statistical compilations and in memories of Blue Wahoos F3RSrcasFjg-00020-00010213-00010510 games since mid-201█. F3RSrcasFjg-00021-00010510-00011040 All attendees of Blue Wahoos games in which Canastota is purported to play experience F3RSrcasFjg-00022-00011040-00011604 an apparent collective visual hallucination of Ellis Canastota pitching, batting and fielding, F3RSrcasFjg-00023-00011604-00011950 and a baseball game proceeding as normal. F3RSrcasFjg-00024-00011950-00012529 This effect also applies to visual recordings, photographs or audio recordings of Blue Wahoos F3RSrcasFjg-00025-00012529-00012629 games. F3RSrcasFjg-00026-00012629-00013213 (See Addendum I below for attempts at computer analysis of purported photographs of Canastota.) F3RSrcasFjg-00027-00013213-00013694 Double-blind analysis of aerial sonar readings from Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime F3RSrcasFjg-00028-00013694-00014247 Park during a game in which Canastota was purported to pitch confirm that no being or F3RSrcasFjg-00029-00014247-00014859 object existed in the space in-person observers or observers of photographs and video suggest. F3RSrcasFjg-00030-00014859-00015502 In addition, despite audiovisual recordings indicating baseballs being hit, thrown and F3RSrcasFjg-00031-00015502-00015976 otherwise manipulated, sonar tracking was unable to verify the objective presence of F3RSrcasFjg-00032-00015976-00016381 a baseball on plays in which Canastota was a factor. F3RSrcasFjg-00033-00016381-00016968 When Canastota is not "on the field," no anomalous effects are indicated. F3RSrcasFjg-00034-00016968-00017464 Ellis Canastota, according to scouts with the Cincinnati Reds organization and his listing F3RSrcasFjg-00035-00017464-00018102 on the Blue Wahoos website, attended “Oneiroi High School” in “Utica, WO.” F3RSrcasFjg-00036-00018102-00018587 No memories, recordings or statistics of any baseball performances by the player exist F3RSrcasFjg-00037-00018587-00018931 prior to his signing with the Blue Wahoos in 201█. F3RSrcasFjg-00038-00018931-00019618 Addendum I - Analysis of images: Multiple images affected by SCP-2272 were passed to F3RSrcasFjg-00039-00019618-00020084 a Foundation-developed program which subjects an image to a number of Fourier transforms F3RSrcasFjg-00040-00020084-00020634 and convolutions to obscure the resulting output from human recognition while simultaneously F3RSrcasFjg-00041-00020634-00021148 analyzing its structure and providing a summary of its contents by statistical analysis. F3RSrcasFjg-00042-00021148-00021487 An example report (SCP-2272-IMG310): F3RSrcasFjg-00043-00021487-00022412 Date: 1st July 201█ Location: SPORTING EVENT at BASEBALL STADIUM F3RSrcasFjg-00044-00022412-00022858 (99% certainty) Type: FULL COLOR PHOTOGRAPH F3RSrcasFjg-00045-00022858-00023295 Subject: The image contains one (1) ADULT PERSON standing F3RSrcasFjg-00046-00023295-00023744 in foreground and seventy to eighty (70 to 80) ADULT PERSONS seated in the background. F3RSrcasFjg-00047-00023744-00024223 With 100% certainty the PERSONS in the image have CLOSED EYES. F3RSrcasFjg-00048-00024223-00025053 Addendum II - Incident 2272-Domino: Initial containment procedures for SCP-2272 orchestrated F3RSrcasFjg-00049-00025053-00025645 the appointment of Field Agent Robert Potsdam as general manager of the Pensacola Blue Wahoos, F3RSrcasFjg-00050-00025645-00026064 with the intent to trade Ellis Canastota to a Foundation-controlled summer league baseball F3RSrcasFjg-00051-00026064-00026572 team to contain SCP-2272’s effects. F3RSrcasFjg-00052-00026572-00027019 The evening after his appointment as general manager, Agent Potsdam was found comatose F3RSrcasFjg-00053-00027019-00027477 in his bed, after suffering apparent blunt-force trauma to the head. F3RSrcasFjg-00054-00027477-00028011 All Foundation staffers within an approximately 40 km radius of Agent Potsdam’s location F3RSrcasFjg-00055-00028011-00028418 reported experiencing the same dream that evening. F3RSrcasFjg-00056-00028418-00028839 Foundation staffers reported sitting in the stands of a baseball stadium and viewing Ellis F3RSrcasFjg-00057-00028839-00029265 Canastota throwing a fastball at the head of a bound Robert Potsdam. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00000-00000011-00000361 In this unit, we will review the nine parts of speech F5ZgwEc0bq8-00001-00000364-00000736 into which all English language words are classified. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00002-00000763-00001057 [MUSIC] F5ZgwEc0bq8-00003-00001082-00001439 Noun is a word used to represent a person, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00004-00001444-00001585 thing, or idea. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00005-00001589-00001857 Example: Reading daily with patience F5ZgwEc0bq8-00006-00001859-00002074 will get Martha a good score. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00007-00002107-00002445 In this example, Martha is a proper noun, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00008-00002464-00002689 patience is an abstract noun, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00009-00002703-00002950 reading is a gerund in a verb F5ZgwEc0bq8-00010-00002952-00003171 form (-ing) and used as a noun, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00011-00003189-00003452 and score is an uncountable noun. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00012-00003496-00003714 Pronoun is a substitute that F5ZgwEc0bq8-00013-00003717-00003866 replaces a noun. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00014-00003886-00003993 Example: F5ZgwEc0bq8-00015-00004001-00004308 Tom is a little boy who lives next door. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00016-00004311-00004509 He greets us every morning. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00017-00004517-00004766 In this example, the word ‘he’ F5ZgwEc0bq8-00018-00004775-00005021 used in the second sentence substitutes F5ZgwEc0bq8-00019-00005023-00005344 the noun Tom, and hence is a pronoun. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00020-00005401-00005771 An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00021-00005779-00006075 Adjectives give details about the noun or F5ZgwEc0bq8-00022-00006078-00006335 pronoun in a more precise manner. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00023-00006363-00006616 Example: A towering, dark figure F5ZgwEc0bq8-00024-00006618-00006902 followed the young woman into the deserted alley. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00025-00006991-00007278 In this example, the adjectives ‘towering’ F5ZgwEc0bq8-00026-00007280-00007511 and ‘dark’ explain about the figure, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00027-00007514-00007731 the adjective ‘young’ explains about F5ZgwEc0bq8-00028-00007733-00007903 the woman, and the adjective F5ZgwEc0bq8-00029-00007906-00008170 ‘deserted’ explains about the alley. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00030-00008487-00008764 A verb is used to denote action F5ZgwEc0bq8-00031-00008766-00008945 or a state of being. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00032-00008956-00009203 Example: Tara is the student F5ZgwEc0bq8-00033-00009205-00009382 I talked about yesterday. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00034-00009385-00009692 In this example, talked is the action verb F5ZgwEc0bq8-00035-00009694-00009948 and ‘is’ is the auxiliary verb F5ZgwEc0bq8-00036-00009950-00010082 or linking verb. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00037-00010375-00010643 An adverb is used to modify a verb, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00038-00010646-00010789 or another adverb. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00039-00010797-00011075 For example: He is reading very slowly. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00040-00011102-00011371 In this example, ‘slowly’ modifies F5ZgwEc0bq8-00041-00011374-00011621 the verb ‘reading’ and ‘very’ modifies F5ZgwEc0bq8-00042-00011623-00011763 the adverb ‘slowly’. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00043-00011981-00012319 A conjunction connects words or phrases. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00044-00012329-00012697 Example: Robert likes cream in his coffee F5ZgwEc0bq8-00045-00012700-00012897 and Raj likes it black. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00046-00012906-00013229 In this example, the conjunction ‘and’ connects F5ZgwEc0bq8-00047-00013232-00013423 two independent clauses – F5ZgwEc0bq8-00048-00013426-00013639 ‘Robert likes cream in his coffee’ F5ZgwEc0bq8-00049-00013644-00013824 with ‘Raj likes it black’. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00050-00014093-00014407 An interjection is a word that expresses F5ZgwEc0bq8-00051-00014409-00014649 emotion or an emotional state. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00052-00014651-00015025 Example: Oops! I spilt the milk on the rug again. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00053-00015036-00015336 In this example, ‘oops!’ is an interjection F5ZgwEc0bq8-00054-00015338-00015687 or an exclamation used to express a minor mistake. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00055-00015872-00016106 A preposition is used to connect F5ZgwEc0bq8-00056-00016109-00016335 a noun or pronoun to other words F5ZgwEc0bq8-00057-00016338-00016440 in a sentence. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00058-00016455-00016793 For example: Maya is running after a cat. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00059-00016805-00017106 In this example, ‘after’ is a prepositions F5ZgwEc0bq8-00060-00017108-00017405 that connects the nouns ‘Maya’ and ‘cat’. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00061-00017492-00017786 Articles are also called determiners since F5ZgwEc0bq8-00062-00017789-00017936 they introduce a noun. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00063-00017945-00018312 There are three articles used in the English language F5ZgwEc0bq8-00064-00018316-00018509 – a, an, and the. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00065-00018520-00018814 For example: An innocent man F5ZgwEc0bq8-00066-00018817-00019096 paid the price for a rich man’s folly. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00067-00019099-00019426 In this example, the article ‘an’ introduces F5ZgwEc0bq8-00068-00019428-00019777 “innocent man”, “the” introduces “price” and F5ZgwEc0bq8-00069-00019779-00020045 “a” introduces “rich man’s folly”. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00070-00020079-00020416 Next, we look at the approximate frequency F5ZgwEc0bq8-00071-00020419-00020698 of occurrences of these parts of speech F5ZgwEc0bq8-00072-00020701-00020838 in the English language. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00073-00020840-00021044 Not surprisingly, nouns make up F5ZgwEc0bq8-00074-00021047-00021307 23 percent of the words followed by F5ZgwEc0bq8-00075-00021310-00021701 18 percent of verbs, 15 percent of prepositions, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00076-00021703-00022114 12 percent of articles and 11 percent of pronouns. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00077-00022135-00022483 Adverbs make up around 8 percent of the words, F5ZgwEc0bq8-00078-00022485-00022727 adjectives about 7 percent and F5ZgwEc0bq8-00079-00022730-00022951 conjunctions about 5 percent. F5ZgwEc0bq8-00080-00022959-00023223 Interjections make up less than 1 percent F5ZgwEc0bq8-00081-00023226-00023426 of the English language text. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00000-00000020-00000451 You package could not be delivered. Someone else has access to your Google Account, F7bLFPLvDeQ-00001-00000451-00000756 please change your password. I'd like to interview you. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00002-00000772-00001342 All fake, and trying to trick journalists into opening a file, logging into a fake Google page, or F7bLFPLvDeQ-00003-00001348-00001536 sending back personal information. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00004-00001798-00002220 In the most extreme cases, journalists have lost their jobs because of phishing. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00005-00002226-00002604 Phishing attacks are basically very easy to do. The most common advice that you usually F7bLFPLvDeQ-00006-00002610-00003100 find with respect to phishing is to just not click on links that you receive on emails. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00007-00003120-00003572 But I don’t think that’s practical. So because everyone clicks on links. You can learn a few tricks F7bLFPLvDeQ-00008-00003578-00003868 by yourself in order to detect the tricks that phishers use. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00009-00003876-00004282 In the most common trick, they claim that something is wrong with your account, and you F7bLFPLvDeQ-00010-00004288-00004716 have to provide information to make it right. Other tricks include fueling your temptation F7bLFPLvDeQ-00011-00004722-00005254 and driving curiosity such as an interview request, bill to an order you didn’t place or an F7bLFPLvDeQ-00012-00005260-00005706 invitation to an interesting document. All leading to that link or attachment. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00013-00005740-00006364 What this usually would be is like a fake login page or a fake website that pretends to be F7bLFPLvDeQ-00014-00006368-00006884 like a Google or Facebook login page and it tries to trick you into entering your username and password. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00015-00006923-00007542 In other cases it could be a website that deploys malware on your devices and F7bLFPLvDeQ-00016-00007548-00007638 stores malware. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00017-00007720-00008128 In more elaborate attacks the attackers go to great lenghts to trick journalists, and F7bLFPLvDeQ-00018-00008136-00008778 impersonate someone. These are called spear phishing. Defending against these attacks can F7bLFPLvDeQ-00019-00008784-00008940 be quite challenging. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00020-00008952-00009592 It’s a very professional form of social engineering and there is no 100% bullet proof way in F7bLFPLvDeQ-00021-00009604-00010272 order to protect yourself against it. The best that you can do is to be wary of emails and F7bLFPLvDeQ-00022-00010280-00010936 messages that you receive to know that you may be a target of spear phishing and then to F7bLFPLvDeQ-00023-00010942-00011578 do more… if you have the suspicion, to do your own research into the people that are F7bLFPLvDeQ-00024-00011584-00011694 sending you these emails. F7bLFPLvDeQ-00025-00011700-00012208 This research can include, for example, googling contents of the email or the sender’s true F7bLFPLvDeQ-00026-00012218-00012770 email address. It’s highly likely that other people have been the targets too if this is a known F7bLFPLvDeQ-00027-00012776-00013204 scam. You could also contact the sender through a different medium such as call and F7bLFPLvDeQ-00028-00013210-00013468 message to confirm if they sent this email. F8a5KyiwYbU-00000-00000000-00000270 man I got to tell you I'm the most fulfilled I've ever been because I get F8a5KyiwYbU-00001-00000270-00000648 to show up as the same man regardless of where I am if I'm at home with my kids F8a5KyiwYbU-00002-00000648-00000975 on the same as I am behind the mic and I'm the same as I am when I'm out on a F8a5KyiwYbU-00003-00000975-00001386 date with my wife and the same as I am when I'm shooting guns or or working out F8a5KyiwYbU-00004-00001386-00001794 with my with my buddies and that congruence is led to some pretty F8a5KyiwYbU-00005-00001794-00002153 fulfilling and rewarding experiences over the past three years in less F8a5KyiwYbU-00006-00002153-00002667 stressful and less taxing and it's just I did a post about this the other day F8a5KyiwYbU-00007-00002667-00003039 and it got a lot of comments and I got deep into the some arguments with some F8a5KyiwYbU-00008-00003039-00003468 people in those comments when I talked about like be you not like there's the F8a5KyiwYbU-00009-00003468-00003804 you at work the you with your friends the you at church the you and from near F8a5KyiwYbU-00010-00003804-00004179 mom the you in front of your kids in front your wife like there should F8a5KyiwYbU-00011-00004179-00004719 just be one you like that's that's you yeah under I understand people's F8a5KyiwYbU-00012-00004719-00005444 reasonings like I but there's there's no excuse it's it's you and it's you can F8a5KyiwYbU-00013-00005444-00006188 only fake it for so long F9b3mWaGTbM-00000-00000006-00000434 so welcome to greenhorn barbecue and beer while the rest of the country gets F9b3mWaGTbM-00001-00000434-00000863 snowed in frozen here in Oxnard we're gonna enjoy a 59 degree F9b3mWaGTbM-00002-00000863-00001467 Saturday night 23 February 2019 we're gonna grill up some steaks if you'll F9b3mWaGTbM-00003-00001467-00001835 give me five give me that which I desire F9b3mWaGTbM-00004-00002086-00002572 so we're just cooking the Saturday night dinner here with a couple rib eyes got F9b3mWaGTbM-00005-00002572-00003567 some choice and we rub these down with the general all-purpose kind of rub and F9b3mWaGTbM-00006-00003567-00004359 got a little garlic and butter ready to go that's coming up pretty good F9b3mWaGTbM-00007-00004359-00004944 definitely gonna be a few more minutes before we put them turkle's in the F9b3mWaGTbM-00008-00004944-00005407 baskets again we're gonna be using this searing plate it's a cast iron strain F9b3mWaGTbM-00009-00005407-00006262 strain plate by camp chef we have one of their camp chef stoves works really good F9b3mWaGTbM-00010-00006262-00007356 for camping we're gonna be using the Weber the searing baskets here from F9b3mWaGTbM-00011-00007356-00007792 Weber the stainless steel baskets here I've butterfly them it's gonna give it a F9b3mWaGTbM-00012-00007792-00008318 more square shape to heat up this griddle here F9b3mWaGTbM-00013-00011882-00012207 so it's a beautiful night in Southern California as you can see the Sun F9b3mWaGTbM-00014-00012207-00013037 setting is 23 February Saturday night and I think that grill is coming up to F9b3mWaGTbM-00015-00013037-00013622 temperature so I flush you country that are snowbound iced in they eat your F9b3mWaGTbM-00016-00013622-00014475 heart out okay we've got the kettle warming up a little bit notice how I F9b3mWaGTbM-00017-00014475-00015066 crack the lid a little bit extra air get in there and you can see the corner of F9b3mWaGTbM-00018-00015066-00015759 that cast-iron grilling plate there from Camp Chef I want it to get just as hot F9b3mWaGTbM-00019-00015759-00016548 as the inside there hey catch me okay I think we're ready here got the butter F9b3mWaGTbM-00020-00016548-00018261 garlic steaks and tasty beverage and it's hot it's you want to really hot we F9b3mWaGTbM-00021-00018261-00018894 want to do is two minutes per side F9b3mWaGTbM-00022-00019981-00022876 total four minutes per side then we're going to flip them yeah yeah catch good F9b3mWaGTbM-00023-00022876-00024531 night hey hey okay it's getting pretty close to flipping them F9b3mWaGTbM-00024-00026550-00026932 okay this next time I turn it 45 degrees I'm going to put a couple of dabs of F9b3mWaGTbM-00025-00026932-00028269 butter and some garlic on there and try to kick it up a notch all right F9b3mWaGTbM-00026-00032637-00033427 okay looks like he'll take them off now F9b3mWaGTbM-00027-00034821-00035900 yeah so I think I let the garlic get set up long enough all right F9b3mWaGTbM-00028-00036899-00037283 Jen's gonna let that F9b3mWaGTbM-00029-00038740-00039146 all right so they're all done and we're gonna let them rest here for about five F9b3mWaGTbM-00030-00039146-00039631 minutes all right just to recap we've got a couple of these rib eyes boneless F9b3mWaGTbM-00031-00039631-00040387 rib eyes choice picked them up at the local grocery store total time is about F9b3mWaGTbM-00032-00040387-00041030 one hour we give it a nice little light rubbing and let it sit for about an hour F9b3mWaGTbM-00033-00041030-00041543 and then just before I put on the grill we sprinkle on a little tongue and F9b3mWaGTbM-00034-00041543-00041962 seasoning it on there it's kind of a little bit more color and crust we F9b3mWaGTbM-00035-00041962-00042537 seared it on the Camp Chef plate turned it a little bit to get the grill marks F9b3mWaGTbM-00036-00042537-00043018 up the last two and a half minutes or so we put some butter and some garlic F9b3mWaGTbM-00037-00043018-00043594 garlic is probably a little bit raw still but I think it'll come out just F9b3mWaGTbM-00038-00043594-00045658 fine okay Deborah's gonna give this ribeye it taste nice medium rare maybe F9b3mWaGTbM-00039-00045658-00046700 medium to medium rare huh mm-hmm how's it taste right good love that blood F9b3mWaGTbM-00040-00046700-00047031 buttery flavor on here F9b3mWaGTbM-00041-00048193-00048646 if it's my desire FsAaMJcl0ay-00000-00000361-00000509 - My name's Jeremy Calvert. FsAaMJcl0ay-00001-00000509-00000745 My wife and I married in '99 FsAaMJcl0ay-00002-00000745-00001087 and I've been in vegetable production now FsAaMJcl0ay-00003-00001087-00001282 for better than 20 years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00004-00001282-00001700 We've been growing strawberries for about 14 or 15 years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00005-00001700-00001932 We started out in wholesale, FsAaMJcl0ay-00006-00001932-00002072 red potatoes, FsAaMJcl0ay-00007-00002072-00002199 and we were already doing that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00008-00002199-00002357 And we'd do a limited amount of tomatoes, FsAaMJcl0ay-00009-00002357-00002469 and not a whole lot, FsAaMJcl0ay-00010-00002469-00002750 but she and I would do that just for extra money. FsAaMJcl0ay-00011-00002750-00003027 And then, we were in commercial brawlers as well. FsAaMJcl0ay-00012-00003027-00003339 We're gonna head over and look at the strawberries. FsAaMJcl0ay-00013-00003339-00003608 We can't get there with a truck... FsAaMJcl0ay-00014-00003608-00003822 I take that back, we can get there right now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00015-00003822-00003965 but it's just so muddy, FsAaMJcl0ay-00016-00003965-00004138 I don't put any vehicles in the field FsAaMJcl0ay-00017-00004138-00004291 if at all possible. FsAaMJcl0ay-00018-00004291-00004463 We just have five-and-a-half inches total FsAaMJcl0ay-00019-00004463-00004609 over the last three days, FsAaMJcl0ay-00020-00004609-00004734 something to that effect. FsAaMJcl0ay-00021-00004920-00005198 We're up to two acres of strawberries now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00022-00005198-00005398 and I'm probably gonna have to increase FsAaMJcl0ay-00023-00005398-00005547 a little bit more from that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00024-00005547-00005632 In the first year, FsAaMJcl0ay-00025-00005632-00005771 my wife and I planted... FsAaMJcl0ay-00026-00005771-00005890 And it was just me and her, FsAaMJcl0ay-00027-00005890-00006062 we planted 6,000 plants, FsAaMJcl0ay-00028-00006062-00006359 and I picked them all by myself and she sold them. FsAaMJcl0ay-00029-00006359-00006564 She'd helped me pick when she had time, FsAaMJcl0ay-00030-00006564-00006845 but that's how we started out. FsAaMJcl0ay-00031-00006845-00007150 And this field was in no-till production FsAaMJcl0ay-00032-00007150-00007306 four years prior to this. FsAaMJcl0ay-00033-00007306-00007652 Two years of that was in no-till soy beans. FsAaMJcl0ay-00034-00007652-00007905 A year of it was in no-till pumpkin's. FsAaMJcl0ay-00035-00007905-00008351 And then, last year, it had a cover crop... FsAaMJcl0ay-00036-00008351-00008693 Over winter, the cover crop of rye, clover and vetch. FsAaMJcl0ay-00037-00008693-00008874 And then, we drilled in sun hemp FsAaMJcl0ay-00038-00008874-00009022 on top of that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00039-00009022-00009337 Terminated it the last week of July FsAaMJcl0ay-00040-00009337-00009793 and we laid this plastic (mumbles) FsAaMJcl0ay-00041-00009793-00009904 around the 10th of September, FsAaMJcl0ay-00042-00009904-00010020 if I remember correctly. FsAaMJcl0ay-00043-00010020-00010361 I never irrigate fruit that we're about to pick. FsAaMJcl0ay-00044-00010361-00010572 We pick, then I irrigate. FsAaMJcl0ay-00045-00010572-00010983 By that time, the fruit's already on a dry cycle, FsAaMJcl0ay-00046-00010983-00011122 and so sugar content is gonna be FsAaMJcl0ay-00047-00011122-00011354 at its highest when you pick. FsAaMJcl0ay-00048-00011354-00011482 That's my goal, FsAaMJcl0ay-00049-00011482-00011784 and that's the reason to have computerized irrigation. FsAaMJcl0ay-00050-00011784-00011942 You don't forget and leave the water on. FsAaMJcl0ay-00051-00011942-00012210 When berries have long stems like this FsAaMJcl0ay-00052-00012210-00012315 and big (indistinct), FsAaMJcl0ay-00053-00012315-00012487 you see how wide this berry here is, FsAaMJcl0ay-00054-00012487-00012761 it's not a perfect example of what I would consider FsAaMJcl0ay-00055-00012761-00012947 but if it has the right conditions on it FsAaMJcl0ay-00056-00012947-00013084 and I'll do my job, FsAaMJcl0ay-00057-00013084-00013252 and it's left 'till its prime to pick, FsAaMJcl0ay-00058-00013252-00013466 that berry would be as big as the palm of my hand. FsAaMJcl0ay-00059-00013466-00013690 I've got pictures of 'em from years past, FsAaMJcl0ay-00060-00013690-00013844 when they do that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00061-00013844-00013974 Not every one is gonna do that, FsAaMJcl0ay-00062-00013974-00014131 but I can tell you that one will, FsAaMJcl0ay-00063-00014131-00014275 I can tell by looking at it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00064-00014275-00014467 When you see one that's small, FsAaMJcl0ay-00065-00014641-00014785 say like this right here, FsAaMJcl0ay-00066-00014785-00015031 you might get a big berry out of that FsAaMJcl0ay-00067-00015031-00015237 but it doesn't have the potential FsAaMJcl0ay-00068-00015237-00015431 that this other one has. FsAaMJcl0ay-00069-00015431-00015661 They're just two very different systems there. FsAaMJcl0ay-00070-00015963-00016270 And of course, you can also see what's coming on. FsAaMJcl0ay-00071-00016270-00016529 There's a lot coming on here. FsAaMJcl0ay-00072-00016529-00016802 I hadn't counted the crowns on any of the plants yet. FsAaMJcl0ay-00073-00016802-00016895 If they hadn't changed, FsAaMJcl0ay-00074-00016895-00017062 they say the perfect strawberry plant's FsAaMJcl0ay-00075-00017062-00017363 between seven and 11 crowns per plant. FsAaMJcl0ay-00076-00017363-00017520 That's the perfect plant. FsAaMJcl0ay-00077-00017767-00018011 And those things are always... FsAaMJcl0ay-00078-00018011-00018165 A lot of the time, out of our control. FsAaMJcl0ay-00079-00018165-00018283 That's just something we... FsAaMJcl0ay-00080-00018283-00018465 We can't always control that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00081-00018465-00018613 All of our strawberry buckets come FsAaMJcl0ay-00082-00018613-00018910 from Southern Container in Wilson, North Carolina, FsAaMJcl0ay-00083-00018910-00019247 and some of our peach baskets come from them. FsAaMJcl0ay-00084-00019247-00019528 And then, we've started using a new peach basket supplier FsAaMJcl0ay-00085-00019528-00019739 out of Clanton this time, FsAaMJcl0ay-00086-00019739-00019913 for our peach baskets. FsAaMJcl0ay-00087-00019913-00020326 Our boxes come from one of two places; FsAaMJcl0ay-00088-00020326-00020590 They come from the Birmingham Farmer's market. FsAaMJcl0ay-00089-00020590-00020881 The market in Birmingham actually keeps wax boxes FsAaMJcl0ay-00090-00020881-00020964 for their growers, FsAaMJcl0ay-00091-00020964-00021271 for squash, cucumbers, peppers, stuff like that, FsAaMJcl0ay-00092-00021271-00021468 and they also keep tomato boxes. FsAaMJcl0ay-00093-00021468-00021731 I'll either get tomato boxes from them FsAaMJcl0ay-00094-00021731-00021892 or Blount County Co-op, FsAaMJcl0ay-00095-00021892-00022081 they handle all that kind of stuff. FsAaMJcl0ay-00096-00022081-00022288 We do wholesale some berries, FsAaMJcl0ay-00097-00022288-00022457 but that's not the goal. FsAaMJcl0ay-00098-00022457-00022632 The goal is retail. FsAaMJcl0ay-00099-00022632-00022807 If I was a young beginning grower, FsAaMJcl0ay-00100-00022807-00023052 that's what I would be focused on, FsAaMJcl0ay-00101-00023052-00023252 is that retail dollar. FsAaMJcl0ay-00102-00023252-00023515 Without that, it's tough. FsAaMJcl0ay-00103-00023515-00023719 There's just not enough money there. FsAaMJcl0ay-00104-00023719-00023973 The product goes through too many hands taking FsAaMJcl0ay-00105-00023973-00024139 out of the pie, and at the end of the day, FsAaMJcl0ay-00106-00024139-00024241 you don't get paid enough. FsAaMJcl0ay-00107-00024241-00024609 You think, "I can sell 100 buckets a day FsAaMJcl0ay-00108-00024609-00024894 "at any given day, selling strawberries," FsAaMJcl0ay-00109-00024894-00025123 well, strawberries don't pick that way. FsAaMJcl0ay-00110-00025123-00025302 One day you may pick 50 buckets, FsAaMJcl0ay-00111-00025302-00025538 and the next day you may pick 150. FsAaMJcl0ay-00112-00025538-00025774 So in order to compensate for those days FsAaMJcl0ay-00113-00025774-00025913 that you pick 50, FsAaMJcl0ay-00114-00025913-00026095 you've got to have a little bit more production FsAaMJcl0ay-00115-00026095-00026205 than what you need, FsAaMJcl0ay-00116-00026205-00026441 which means inevitably, sooner or later, FsAaMJcl0ay-00117-00026441-00026595 you're gonna have to wholesale some, FsAaMJcl0ay-00118-00026595-00026786 and we've got a few outlets where we sell. FsAaMJcl0ay-00119-00026786-00026961 We sell some to some schools FsAaMJcl0ay-00120-00027097-00027408 and just some other different wholesale outlets FsAaMJcl0ay-00121-00027408-00027580 I've picked up over the years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00122-00027580-00027808 If I had to say one thing, FsAaMJcl0ay-00123-00027808-00028121 it was kind of challenging for us over the years is FsAaMJcl0ay-00124-00028121-00028339 we didn't grow up in the vegetable industry FsAaMJcl0ay-00125-00028339-00028514 so we really didn't know anybody, FsAaMJcl0ay-00126-00028514-00028775 and it took 20 years to get FsAaMJcl0ay-00127-00028775-00028963 some of the contacts that I've got now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00128-00028963-00029224 not because people didn't want to buy from us FsAaMJcl0ay-00129-00029224-00029357 but because they didn't know us, FsAaMJcl0ay-00130-00029357-00029524 or they already had a supplier, FsAaMJcl0ay-00131-00029524-00029665 or, you know, FsAaMJcl0ay-00132-00029665-00029986 maybe they thought their supplier did a little better job, FsAaMJcl0ay-00133-00029986-00030216 or maybe later on, they think I do a little better. FsAaMJcl0ay-00134-00030216-00030299 Who knows? FsAaMJcl0ay-00135-00030299-00030527 But it just took time to build all those contacts. FsAaMJcl0ay-00136-00030527-00030714 The effects of the COVID pandemic had FsAaMJcl0ay-00137-00030714-00030957 on my particular operation was... FsAaMJcl0ay-00138-00030957-00031239 Honestly, in the field, it didn't really change very much. FsAaMJcl0ay-00139-00031239-00031637 Retail markets, it changed things a lot for us. FsAaMJcl0ay-00140-00031637-00031907 The way we built our store enabled us FsAaMJcl0ay-00141-00031907-00032107 to basically turn it into a drive-through, FsAaMJcl0ay-00142-00032107-00032433 and we did that with everything except pumpkins. FsAaMJcl0ay-00143-00032433-00032682 It's just hard to have a pumpkin drive-through, FsAaMJcl0ay-00144-00032682-00032870 that just won't work. FsAaMJcl0ay-00145-00032870-00033112 We had some consumers that didn't like it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00146-00033112-00033265 and they wanted to be able to get out FsAaMJcl0ay-00147-00033265-00033496 and touch it and examine their product. FsAaMJcl0ay-00148-00033496-00033647 For the vast majority of people, FsAaMJcl0ay-00149-00033647-00033782 they really liked it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00150-00033782-00033967 One of the biggest benefits, I think, FsAaMJcl0ay-00151-00033967-00034467 came out of it was in the retail vegetable business, FsAaMJcl0ay-00152-00034553-00034808 we've always had a problem with consumers wanting FsAaMJcl0ay-00153-00034808-00035042 to touch the product. FsAaMJcl0ay-00154-00035042-00035166 Well, we eliminated that, FsAaMJcl0ay-00155-00035166-00035377 and it gave us a good reason to. FsAaMJcl0ay-00156-00035377-00035672 We started web sales and, initially, FsAaMJcl0ay-00157-00035672-00035773 it was pretty good, FsAaMJcl0ay-00158-00035773-00035974 but as the pandemic wore on FsAaMJcl0ay-00159-00035974-00036168 and people got a little less afraid, FsAaMJcl0ay-00160-00036168-00036373 it kinda got to where it wasn't as good FsAaMJcl0ay-00161-00036373-00036458 as what it once was. FsAaMJcl0ay-00162-00036458-00036653 I wouldn't say we're not doing it anymore, FsAaMJcl0ay-00163-00036653-00036851 but it just not what it once was. FsAaMJcl0ay-00164-00036851-00036964 And another thing for us, FsAaMJcl0ay-00165-00036964-00037084 we're kind of established. FsAaMJcl0ay-00166-00037084-00037276 We've been here for several years now FsAaMJcl0ay-00167-00037276-00037570 and so, we don't really worry too much about advertising. FsAaMJcl0ay-00168-00037570-00037811 She'll advertise on Facebook FsAaMJcl0ay-00169-00037811-00037919 because it's cheap. FsAaMJcl0ay-00170-00037919-00038111 I would encourage any grower to do that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00171-00038111-00038310 It's just cheap, free advertising. FsAaMJcl0ay-00172-00038310-00038450 And if you want to boost a post, FsAaMJcl0ay-00173-00038450-00038646 it's relatively cheap to do that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00174-00038646-00038848 We do our best to sell a strawberry FsAaMJcl0ay-00175-00038848-00039009 the day it's picked or the next. FsAaMJcl0ay-00176-00039009-00039281 Very, very rarely will it ever go the next day. FsAaMJcl0ay-00177-00039281-00039632 It's hard to put a product in a consumer's hand FsAaMJcl0ay-00178-00039632-00039846 that's been picked for three days... FsAaMJcl0ay-00179-00039846-00040090 That's good, is what I'm trying to say. FsAaMJcl0ay-00180-00040208-00040573 Generally, we may... FsAaMJcl0ay-00181-00040573-00040693 Especially in peak season, FsAaMJcl0ay-00182-00040693-00040933 we may be picking strawberries most all the day, FsAaMJcl0ay-00183-00040933-00041173 but we do our best to be done picking by lunchtime, FsAaMJcl0ay-00184-00041173-00041295 because heat's a factor. FsAaMJcl0ay-00185-00041295-00041461 We try to do that with everything. FsAaMJcl0ay-00186-00041461-00041590 Doesn't always work that way, FsAaMJcl0ay-00187-00041590-00041885 but the bad thing about vegetables is FsAaMJcl0ay-00188-00041885-00042027 you're not selling rocks. FsAaMJcl0ay-00189-00042027-00042199 Rocks will last from now 'til eternity, FsAaMJcl0ay-00190-00042199-00042333 they're not gonna go bad. FsAaMJcl0ay-00191-00042333-00042523 Vegetable should have been sold yesterday, FsAaMJcl0ay-00192-00042523-00042765 that's just the attitude you got to learn to take. FsAaMJcl0ay-00193-00042765-00042924 And so, what we were talking about, FsAaMJcl0ay-00194-00042924-00043055 post-harvest management, FsAaMJcl0ay-00195-00043055-00043232 it can be a big deal. FsAaMJcl0ay-00196-00043232-00043427 It's the difference in determining FsAaMJcl0ay-00197-00043427-00043632 whether your consumer gets a good product FsAaMJcl0ay-00198-00043632-00043733 or a bad product. FsAaMJcl0ay-00199-00043733-00043953 You can grow the finest product in the world FsAaMJcl0ay-00200-00043953-00044192 but if you don't manage it post-harvest FsAaMJcl0ay-00201-00044192-00044402 and get it to your consumer in a timely manner, FsAaMJcl0ay-00202-00044402-00044576 it's not gonna matter what you do. FsAaMJcl0ay-00203-00044576-00045009 The issue we have here with springtime and where we live, FsAaMJcl0ay-00204-00045009-00045347 inevitably we always get the three or four each rain, FsAaMJcl0ay-00205-00045347-00045491 it can cause some issues. FsAaMJcl0ay-00206-00045491-00045753 And water cannot stand on plastic, FsAaMJcl0ay-00207-00045753-00045898 it's just a nightmare. FsAaMJcl0ay-00208-00045898-00045995 Nothing does well, FsAaMJcl0ay-00209-00045995-00046176 you cause so many issues. FsAaMJcl0ay-00210-00046176-00046524 I try to lay fields out where it'll drain, FsAaMJcl0ay-00211-00046524-00046725 but it don't always work that way. FsAaMJcl0ay-00212-00046725-00046964 Sometimes, there'll be a low spot FsAaMJcl0ay-00213-00046964-00047192 or a high spot in the field that you'll never notice FsAaMJcl0ay-00214-00047192-00047372 until you lay plastic on it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00215-00047372-00047536 But first thing, if you're a beginning farmer, FsAaMJcl0ay-00216-00047536-00047678 you're gonna have to plan ahead enough FsAaMJcl0ay-00217-00047678-00047828 to have this soil loose. FsAaMJcl0ay-00218-00047828-00047976 If you've got a cover crop on it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00219-00047976-00048116 or a grass crop of any type, FsAaMJcl0ay-00220-00048116-00048334 you need to have it plowed under at least a month FsAaMJcl0ay-00221-00048334-00048521 before you ready to lay plastic. FsAaMJcl0ay-00222-00048521-00048766 And once you get the soil loosened up, FsAaMJcl0ay-00223-00048766-00048901 and get it weed-free FsAaMJcl0ay-00224-00048901-00049094 and get it in good condition, FsAaMJcl0ay-00225-00049094-00049367 then you come back in with a plastic layer FsAaMJcl0ay-00226-00049367-00049733 and lay off your road however you want to lay them off. FsAaMJcl0ay-00227-00049733-00049945 Everybody's got their own different system. FsAaMJcl0ay-00228-00049945-00050154 As a general rule, I use four foot plastic, FsAaMJcl0ay-00229-00050154-00050325 almost everything except strawberries, FsAaMJcl0ay-00230-00050325-00050461 and we use five foot on it FsAaMJcl0ay-00231-00050461-00050631 because we double row it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00232-00050631-00050927 Four foot's much easier to work with. FsAaMJcl0ay-00233-00050927-00051122 It's easier to lay, FsAaMJcl0ay-00234-00051281-00051459 easier to get up, FsAaMJcl0ay-00235-00051459-00051542 cost less. FsAaMJcl0ay-00236-00051542-00051813 It's a third less cost than five foot plastic. FsAaMJcl0ay-00237-00051942-00052205 And you can also go with three foot plastic. FsAaMJcl0ay-00238-00052205-00052411 I've got a three foot plastic layer, FsAaMJcl0ay-00239-00052519-00052765 but one of the issues I don't like is FsAaMJcl0ay-00240-00052765-00053265 the little three foot plastic layer lays on not a tall bed, FsAaMJcl0ay-00241-00053270-00053664 and I like a tall bed for several reasons. FsAaMJcl0ay-00242-00053664-00053897 Number one, it gets you up out of the water FsAaMJcl0ay-00243-00053897-00054085 if you've got any standing water anywhere. FsAaMJcl0ay-00244-00054085-00054327 But the second one is it's much easier FsAaMJcl0ay-00245-00054327-00054501 to apply herbicides in your middles FsAaMJcl0ay-00246-00054501-00054729 and not potentially have crop damage. FsAaMJcl0ay-00247-00054729-00054891 The shallower that bed, FsAaMJcl0ay-00248-00054891-00055133 the easier it is to be able to get herbicide FsAaMJcl0ay-00249-00055133-00055310 up on the plastic where you don't want it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00250-00055310-00055475 and eventually you're gonna get it FsAaMJcl0ay-00251-00055475-00055590 on your cash crop. FsAaMJcl0ay-00252-00055590-00055891 And that's one of the reasons I like tall bed soil. FsAaMJcl0ay-00253-00055891-00056184 The drawback to tall beds is it takes more water. FsAaMJcl0ay-00254-00056184-00056601 You got a bed that's up out of the soil more, FsAaMJcl0ay-00255-00056601-00056734 and it's gonna dry a little faster, FsAaMJcl0ay-00256-00056734-00056901 so it's gonna take more water. FsAaMJcl0ay-00257-00056901-00057090 You probably want to consider that FsAaMJcl0ay-00258-00057090-00057334 with what water source you might have. FsAaMJcl0ay-00259-00057334-00057552 One of the reasons this plastic's laid so early, FsAaMJcl0ay-00260-00057552-00057684 I'd love to wait a month FsAaMJcl0ay-00261-00057684-00057814 to be able to lay plastic, FsAaMJcl0ay-00262-00057814-00057986 but in our business, FsAaMJcl0ay-00263-00058075-00058298 everything the earlier the better. FsAaMJcl0ay-00264-00058298-00058570 It's all about early production if at all possible. FsAaMJcl0ay-00265-00058570-00058701 I don't pick a low field FsAaMJcl0ay-00266-00058701-00058872 or something that's not gonna dry out fast. FsAaMJcl0ay-00267-00058872-00059060 You want to pick your highest, driest spot FsAaMJcl0ay-00268-00059060-00059354 to be able to get in there. Well, this fits that category. FsAaMJcl0ay-00269-00059354-00059550 We'll plant squash and cucumbers here, FsAaMJcl0ay-00270-00059550-00059700 probably in the next 10 days. FsAaMJcl0ay-00271-00059700-00060069 We will set out tomatoes no later than the 15th of April. FsAaMJcl0ay-00272-00060069-00060496 And I don't think we've ever had a crop FsAaMJcl0ay-00273-00060496-00060707 completely taken out by frost. FsAaMJcl0ay-00274-00060707-00061024 I don't remember one, if there has been. FsAaMJcl0ay-00275-00061024-00061196 And we'll probably plant some sweet corn FsAaMJcl0ay-00276-00061196-00061371 in the next 10 days or so. FsAaMJcl0ay-00277-00061371-00061551 You'll hear debates back and forth FsAaMJcl0ay-00278-00061551-00061722 about sweet corn on plastic. FsAaMJcl0ay-00279-00061722-00061825 I have seen it... FsAaMJcl0ay-00280-00061825-00062063 If you'll treat it properly and take care of it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00281-00062063-00062297 I've seen it make four ears to the stall. FsAaMJcl0ay-00282-00062297-00062430 Then, what we'll do, FsAaMJcl0ay-00283-00062430-00062599 once we finish that early plant sweet corn, FsAaMJcl0ay-00284-00062599-00062783 we'll go in and mow sweet corn off FsAaMJcl0ay-00285-00062783-00063038 and come back in with some type of cucurbit crop, FsAaMJcl0ay-00286-00063038-00063210 and get two crops out of it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00287-00063210-00063576 And by doing that, it's justifiable in my opinion. FsAaMJcl0ay-00288-00063576-00063809 It's economically justifiable. FsAaMJcl0ay-00289-00063809-00063973 Here, if I'm not careful, FsAaMJcl0ay-00290-00063973-00064162 I lay such a high bed, FsAaMJcl0ay-00291-00064162-00064258 I run out of plastic. FsAaMJcl0ay-00292-00064258-00064524 You can see how I've just barely got the edges covered. FsAaMJcl0ay-00293-00064524-00064617 These first six rows, FsAaMJcl0ay-00294-00064617-00064713 here's where I started, FsAaMJcl0ay-00295-00064713-00064913 and I was still getting everything adjusted. FsAaMJcl0ay-00296-00064913-00065090 And we had to go back and shove a little bit FsAaMJcl0ay-00297-00065090-00065265 on some of these. FsAaMJcl0ay-00298-00065265-00065464 A determinate tomato's one is gonna get FsAaMJcl0ay-00299-00065464-00065685 about four or four-and-a-half feet and quit growing. FsAaMJcl0ay-00300-00065685-00065917 An indeterminate tomato will grow FsAaMJcl0ay-00301-00065917-00066092 as long as the plant can survive. FsAaMJcl0ay-00302-00066092-00066239 It'll grow to frost. FsAaMJcl0ay-00303-00066239-00066600 The problem with indeterminate tomatoes is... FsAaMJcl0ay-00304-00066600-00066880 Well, it's the problem with any vegetable. FsAaMJcl0ay-00305-00066880-00067118 The farther you get away from that root, FsAaMJcl0ay-00306-00067118-00067618 it's harder to have bigger, pretty fruit, FsAaMJcl0ay-00307-00067694-00067878 if that makes sense. FsAaMJcl0ay-00308-00067878-00068085 The closer you are to the root, FsAaMJcl0ay-00309-00068085-00068275 the easier it is to have big fruit. FsAaMJcl0ay-00310-00068275-00068569 The reason is you're supporting more plant. FsAaMJcl0ay-00311-00068569-00068743 If you've got a plant that's six foot long FsAaMJcl0ay-00312-00068743-00068907 and you got a tomato on the end of it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00313-00068907-00069288 it takes more juice, or more plant nutrients, FsAaMJcl0ay-00314-00069288-00069414 whatever you want to call it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00315-00069414-00069542 to make that tomato bigger FsAaMJcl0ay-00316-00069542-00069725 than it did the plant, the tomato, FsAaMJcl0ay-00317-00069725-00069820 that was one foot from the root. FsAaMJcl0ay-00318-00069820-00070143 And so, the advantage to determinate tomatoes is FsAaMJcl0ay-00319-00070143-00070297 they're a little easier to manage, FsAaMJcl0ay-00320-00070297-00070397 they get so high, FsAaMJcl0ay-00321-00070397-00070561 and they only gonna produce so long. FsAaMJcl0ay-00322-00070561-00070695 The disadvantage is you're gonna have FsAaMJcl0ay-00323-00070695-00070895 to have successive plannings FsAaMJcl0ay-00324-00070895-00071091 to keep steady production. FsAaMJcl0ay-00325-00071091-00071221 That's the disadvantage to them. FsAaMJcl0ay-00326-00071221-00071387 We're always experimenting, FsAaMJcl0ay-00327-00071387-00071470 throwing a new stuff in, FsAaMJcl0ay-00328-00071470-00071666 just try it and see what happens, FsAaMJcl0ay-00329-00071666-00072067 'cause even if you take someone else's word for it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00330-00072067-00072290 that something new worked for them, FsAaMJcl0ay-00331-00072290-00072508 that doesn't mean it's gonna work on your farm. FsAaMJcl0ay-00332-00072508-00072721 You've got to experience it for yourself. FsAaMJcl0ay-00333-00072721-00072988 And you never wanna just wholeheartedly go FsAaMJcl0ay-00334-00072988-00073192 into something new without knowing anything about it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00335-00073192-00073449 You got try a little of it to be able to know. FsAaMJcl0ay-00336-00073449-00073781 And sometimes, something that works FsAaMJcl0ay-00337-00073781-00074045 for someone else might work for you, FsAaMJcl0ay-00338-00074045-00074128 but you're gonna have to do it FsAaMJcl0ay-00339-00074128-00074296 just a little bit differently than they did FsAaMJcl0ay-00340-00074296-00074437 to get the same results. FsAaMJcl0ay-00341-00074437-00074657 This field's been in conventional cultivation FsAaMJcl0ay-00342-00074657-00074740 for two years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00343-00074740-00074910 It was in no-till prior to that FsAaMJcl0ay-00344-00074910-00075054 for two or three years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00345-00075054-00075463 And after these two years of conventional cultivation, FsAaMJcl0ay-00346-00075463-00075627 it will go back into no-till probably FsAaMJcl0ay-00347-00075627-00075773 for four to six years, FsAaMJcl0ay-00348-00075773-00075902 somewhere in that neighborhood, FsAaMJcl0ay-00349-00075902-00076078 with cover crop rotation FsAaMJcl0ay-00350-00076078-00076262 and also, cash crop rotation. FsAaMJcl0ay-00351-00076262-00076394 Let's say this was in squash FsAaMJcl0ay-00352-00076394-00076532 and we were picking squash right now FsAaMJcl0ay-00353-00076532-00076691 and we had a four inch rain, FsAaMJcl0ay-00354-00076691-00076918 now we've got two choices to get that squash FsAaMJcl0ay-00355-00076918-00077001 out of the field: FsAaMJcl0ay-00356-00077001-00077203 We can either haul it out or we can tote it out. FsAaMJcl0ay-00357-00077203-00077373 If you put a vehicle out here right now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00358-00077373-00077481 guess what's gonna happen? FsAaMJcl0ay-00359-00077481-00077573 You're gonna get stuck. FsAaMJcl0ay-00360-00077573-00077767 With no-till, you eliminate a lot of that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00361-00077767-00077931 You can travel on the ground FsAaMJcl0ay-00362-00077931-00078022 when it's a little bit wetter, FsAaMJcl0ay-00363-00078022-00078171 it doesn't cause any issues. FsAaMJcl0ay-00364-00078171-00078460 Numerous things make it much better for your soil. FsAaMJcl0ay-00365-00078460-00078624 We always gonna have to do FsAaMJcl0ay-00366-00078624-00078870 some conventional tillage to get early production. FsAaMJcl0ay-00367-00078870-00079145 That's just the way it's always gonna have to be FsAaMJcl0ay-00368-00079145-00079256 on black plastic, FsAaMJcl0ay-00369-00079256-00079444 but it doesn't have to be the same spot every year, FsAaMJcl0ay-00370-00079444-00079577 we move that around. FsAaMJcl0ay-00371-00079577-00079834 And then you can only abuse the soul so long, FsAaMJcl0ay-00372-00079834-00080001 sooner or later it catches up with you. FsAaMJcl0ay-00373-00080001-00080209 You've got to take care of it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00374-00080209-00080576 Anywhere there's a dirt road that's traveled very much FsAaMJcl0ay-00375-00080576-00080691 and when it's dry, FsAaMJcl0ay-00376-00080691-00080870 if dust comes off that dirt road FsAaMJcl0ay-00377-00080870-00081076 and floats across any field or any high tunnel, FsAaMJcl0ay-00378-00081076-00081275 that's where you'll have spider mites first. FsAaMJcl0ay-00379-00081275-00081435 They live in that dust. FsAaMJcl0ay-00380-00081435-00081714 I don't have a huge problem with mites. FsAaMJcl0ay-00381-00081714-00081987 We try to stay away from pyrethroid insecticides, FsAaMJcl0ay-00382-00081987-00082103 that has a lot to do with it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00383-00082103-00082250 If you use a lot of pyrethroids, FsAaMJcl0ay-00384-00082250-00082367 you're gonna have more mites. FsAaMJcl0ay-00385-00082367-00082485 It flares them up. FsAaMJcl0ay-00386-00082485-00082614 If you get in a streak here, FsAaMJcl0ay-00387-00082614-00082990 where we hadn't had rain for four to six weeks, FsAaMJcl0ay-00388-00082990-00083132 you're gonna see some spider mites. FsAaMJcl0ay-00389-00083132-00083311 That's just kind of weather they love. FsAaMJcl0ay-00390-00083311-00083408 They love that kind of stuff. FsAaMJcl0ay-00391-00083408-00083668 They can't take cool, wet temperatures. FsAaMJcl0ay-00392-00083668-00083868 Hot, dry weather's what they like. FsAaMJcl0ay-00393-00083868-00084204 As a beginning grower, a vegetable grower especially, FsAaMJcl0ay-00394-00084204-00084456 I'd say your number one hurdle is gonna be labor. FsAaMJcl0ay-00395-00084456-00084614 That a huge issue. FsAaMJcl0ay-00396-00084714-00084878 We use H-2A labor. FsAaMJcl0ay-00397-00084878-00085137 Without that, we would have to make FsAaMJcl0ay-00398-00085137-00085382 drastic changes without it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00399-00085382-00085540 It's expensive, FsAaMJcl0ay-00400-00085540-00085729 it costs you more money, FsAaMJcl0ay-00401-00085729-00085884 there's a lot of government red tape, FsAaMJcl0ay-00402-00085884-00086149 but at the end of the day, you got legal, dependable labor FsAaMJcl0ay-00403-00086149-00086439 and there's just a lot of advantages to it too. FsAaMJcl0ay-00404-00086439-00086599 This is a blackberry planting. FsAaMJcl0ay-00405-00086599-00086798 It's in its third year. FsAaMJcl0ay-00406-00086798-00086934 We'll be going into our third year FsAaMJcl0ay-00407-00086934-00087088 on this blackberry planting. FsAaMJcl0ay-00408-00087088-00087588 We started out with less than 100 plants FsAaMJcl0ay-00409-00087611-00087756 and now we're... FsAaMJcl0ay-00410-00087756-00087934 I really don't know how many I've got, FsAaMJcl0ay-00411-00087934-00088040 it's several hundred. FsAaMJcl0ay-00412-00088040-00088278 How I got started in blackberries was FsAaMJcl0ay-00413-00088278-00088616 we'd contemplate growing some for a few years, FsAaMJcl0ay-00414-00088616-00088990 and Arnold Kaler kind of helped me get started in 'em, FsAaMJcl0ay-00415-00088990-00089281 and he's been kind a driving force behind that, FsAaMJcl0ay-00416-00089281-00089781 and has helped us get to where we are now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00417-00089841-00090149 and it's been good for our operation. FsAaMJcl0ay-00418-00090149-00090524 All of our blackberries came from AgriStarts in Florida, FsAaMJcl0ay-00419-00090524-00090709 they were tissue culture plants. FsAaMJcl0ay-00420-00090709-00090936 Anybody that want to get started in blackberries, FsAaMJcl0ay-00421-00090936-00091160 I'd recommend you go with tissue culture plants. FsAaMJcl0ay-00422-00091160-00091410 You're getting a virus-free plant. FsAaMJcl0ay-00423-00091410-00091577 We've went in and pruned them. FsAaMJcl0ay-00424-00091577-00091848 We're doing our tying system a little different FsAaMJcl0ay-00425-00091848-00091961 than this now. FsAaMJcl0ay-00426-00091961-00092163 This is basically just like you would tie FsAaMJcl0ay-00427-00092163-00092292 a determinate tomato, FsAaMJcl0ay-00428-00092292-00092562 we've just put string on both sides of it FsAaMJcl0ay-00429-00092562-00092802 but we're converting most of our blackberries FsAaMJcl0ay-00430-00092802-00093008 over to a T-trellis, FsAaMJcl0ay-00431-00093008-00093199 and I like it better. FsAaMJcl0ay-00432-00093199-00093521 There's some drawbacks to doing things like this. FsAaMJcl0ay-00433-00093521-00093654 One of the drawbacks is FsAaMJcl0ay-00434-00093654-00093910 about the time you're picking a crop of blackberries, FsAaMJcl0ay-00435-00093910-00094142 it's putting up new canes FsAaMJcl0ay-00436-00094142-00094386 and you don't really have a way to control them FsAaMJcl0ay-00437-00094386-00094554 so they kind of fall out of the way FsAaMJcl0ay-00438-00094554-00094794 and inevitably, sooner or later, FsAaMJcl0ay-00439-00094794-00094941 you get some wind damage on them. FsAaMJcl0ay-00440-00094941-00095423 And with T-trellis that's permanent and constant there, FsAaMJcl0ay-00441-00095423-00095599 you don't have all that problem. FsAaMJcl0ay-00442-00095599-00095847 You've got something to hold that cane FsAaMJcl0ay-00443-00095847-00096138 while you're waiting, while you're picking a crop. FsAaMJcl0ay-00444-00096138-00096362 We met AgriStarts, FsAaMJcl0ay-00445-00096362-00096518 we met a representative of theirs FsAaMJcl0ay-00446-00096518-00096697 at vegetable growers' conferences, FsAaMJcl0ay-00447-00096697-00096996 the one in Alabama, as well as the one in Savannah, Georgia. FsAaMJcl0ay-00448-00096996-00097242 We try to go to the one in Savannah, Georgia every year. FsAaMJcl0ay-00449-00097242-00097457 And the trade show is how we've met FsAaMJcl0ay-00450-00097457-00097641 a lot of where... FsAaMJcl0ay-00451-00097641-00097875 Where I've purchased a lot of this stuff, FsAaMJcl0ay-00452-00097875-00097976 but I would encourage any vegetable grower FsAaMJcl0ay-00453-00097976-00098209 that's serious about it to go to... FsAaMJcl0ay-00454-00098209-00098382 And it never fails. FsAaMJcl0ay-00455-00098382-00098730 A growers' vegetable conference comes up at the wrong time. FsAaMJcl0ay-00456-00098730-00098922 You need to be doing something on your operation FsAaMJcl0ay-00457-00098922-00099131 and you think, "I don't have time to go," FsAaMJcl0ay-00458-00099131-00099377 but it pays off in the long term FsAaMJcl0ay-00459-00099377-00099583 to go to these classes, FsAaMJcl0ay-00460-00099583-00099800 to go to vegetable conferences FsAaMJcl0ay-00461-00099800-00099959 and meet other people because FsAaMJcl0ay-00462-00099959-00100272 everyone that I've ever been to, I... FsAaMJcl0ay-00463-00100272-00100496 After a while you hear a lot of the same things, FsAaMJcl0ay-00464-00100496-00100666 you see a lot of the same people, FsAaMJcl0ay-00465-00100666-00100856 but I always come away with something. FsAaMJcl0ay-00466-00101016-00101364 Cover crop is a crop that's planted FsAaMJcl0ay-00467-00101364-00101587 to not specifically be sold for cash. FsAaMJcl0ay-00468-00101587-00101926 It's planted specifically to build the soil FsAaMJcl0ay-00469-00101926-00102112 and maintain nutrients. FsAaMJcl0ay-00470-00102112-00102271 And in our case also, FsAaMJcl0ay-00471-00102271-00102531 you can get an idea of the lay of the land FsAaMJcl0ay-00472-00102531-00102691 to control erosion. FsAaMJcl0ay-00473-00102691-00102848 Some of our ground, FsAaMJcl0ay-00474-00102848-00103220 it's best not to plow it up, if at all possible. FsAaMJcl0ay-00475-00103220-00103355 It doesn't work real well FsAaMJcl0ay-00476-00103355-00103477 when you get large rains, FsAaMJcl0ay-00477-00103477-00103789 and so we totally eliminate all that with cover crops. FsAaMJcl0ay-00478-00103789-00104129 What we have here is rye, clover and vetch. FsAaMJcl0ay-00479-00104129-00104445 Rye seeded in at 50 pounds of the acre, FsAaMJcl0ay-00480-00104445-00104678 Vatche it around 15 pounds of the acre, FsAaMJcl0ay-00481-00104678-00105060 and crimson clover, around 10, if I'm not mistaken. FsAaMJcl0ay-00482-00105060-00105282 This was planted first part of last October FsAaMJcl0ay-00483-00105282-00105636 and basically stays dormant till about now, FsAaMJcl0ay-00484-00105636-00106017 this is March the 19th of 2021. FsAaMJcl0ay-00485-00106017-00106161 And the last two weeks, FsAaMJcl0ay-00486-00106161-00106565 it's like you can almost stand back and watch it grow. FsAaMJcl0ay-00487-00106565-00106876 But what we'll do is we'll let the cover crop get up FsAaMJcl0ay-00488-00106876-00107133 to shoulder height on me or so, FsAaMJcl0ay-00489-00107133-00107253 somewhere in that neighborhood, FsAaMJcl0ay-00490-00107253-00107460 and then we'll (indistinct) it down, FsAaMJcl0ay-00491-00107460-00107723 and then we'll do no-till vegetables into this. FsAaMJcl0ay-00492-00107723-00108091 This field will probably be in no-till pumpkins. FsAaMJcl0ay-00493-00108091-00108367 We had no-till tomatoes here last year, FsAaMJcl0ay-00494-00108367-00108564 some no-till sweet corn, FsAaMJcl0ay-00495-00108564-00108742 and some other crops, FsAaMJcl0ay-00496-00108742-00109036 as well as some squash and cucumbers that were no-till, FsAaMJcl0ay-00497-00109036-00109274 but mainly no-till tomatoes here, last year. FsAaMJcl0ay-00498-00109274-00109486 We've been using cover crops for FsAaMJcl0ay-00499-00109486-00109738 probably at least 12 years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00500-00109738-00109964 All of our fruit and our vegetable crops, FsAaMJcl0ay-00501-00109964-00110080 they're cover crops. FsAaMJcl0ay-00502-00110080-00110266 This ground will probably stay FsAaMJcl0ay-00503-00110266-00110581 in a cover crop rotation for six years. FsAaMJcl0ay-00504-00110581-00110775 Cover crop in the winter FsAaMJcl0ay-00505-00110775-00111006 and a cash crop in the summer, FsAaMJcl0ay-00506-00111006-00111264 back to a cover crop in the winter, cash crop; FsAaMJcl0ay-00507-00111264-00111419 It'll probably stay in that rotation FsAaMJcl0ay-00508-00111419-00111552 for about six years or so FsAaMJcl0ay-00509-00111552-00111715 before we make a change. FsAaMJcl0ay-00510-00111715-00111877 And the whole time, FsAaMJcl0ay-00511-00111877-00112108 we're constantly building organic matter, FsAaMJcl0ay-00512-00112108-00112265 which you can never get enough of, FsAaMJcl0ay-00513-00112265-00112484 and adding nutrients to our soil FsAaMJcl0ay-00514-00112484-00112680 and stopping erosion. FsAaMJcl0ay-00515-00112680-00112948 Most of what I know about cover crops came FsAaMJcl0ay-00516-00112948-00113034 from Arnold Kaler, FsAaMJcl0ay-00517-00113034-00113229 who was superintendent of the Experiment Station FsAaMJcl0ay-00518-00113229-00113474 in Cullman in North Alabama, FsAaMJcl0ay-00519-00113474-00113855 and he heavily researched cover crops FsAaMJcl0ay-00520-00113855-00114355 and adapted cover crops into a lot of vegetable production. FsAaMJcl0ay-00521-00114523-00114772 I had used them prior to knowing him FsAaMJcl0ay-00522-00114772-00114944 but I didn't use them to the extent FsAaMJcl0ay-00523-00114944-00115395 that we do now until he started doing his research. FsAaMJcl0ay-00524-00115395-00115675 It's something everybody needs to incorporate FsAaMJcl0ay-00525-00115675-00115858 into their operation, if at all possible. FsAaMJcl0ay-00526-00115858-00116111 Now, one of the drawbacks is sometimes FsAaMJcl0ay-00527-00116111-00116209 you need a little more land FsAaMJcl0ay-00528-00116209-00116404 than what you would need otherwise FsAaMJcl0ay-00529-00116404-00116611 to incorporate cover crops, FsAaMJcl0ay-00530-00116611-00116755 but there's no question in my mind, FsAaMJcl0ay-00531-00116755-00116907 it pays off in the long run. FsAaMJcl0ay-00532-00116907-00117091 It's a long-term goal. FsAaMJcl0ay-00533-00117280-00117474 This particular orchard is 12 years old, FsAaMJcl0ay-00534-00117474-00117641 the oldest one's 15 years old. FsAaMJcl0ay-00535-00117641-00117895 How we got involved in it is... FsAaMJcl0ay-00536-00117895-00118110 I dunno if I'd attribute it to laziness FsAaMJcl0ay-00537-00118110-00118330 or just what I would attribute to, FsAaMJcl0ay-00538-00118330-00118745 but really what caught my eye was, "You know what? FsAaMJcl0ay-00539-00118745-00118868 "I'd like to pick a crop where FsAaMJcl0ay-00540-00118868-00119081 "I don't have to bend over all the time." FsAaMJcl0ay-00541-00119081-00119392 And so, we decided we might want FsAaMJcl0ay-00542-00119392-00119524 to get into the peach business, FsAaMJcl0ay-00543-00119524-00119680 and I'll give Mike Reeves credit. FsAaMJcl0ay-00544-00119680-00119917 Mike was a big factor in helping me get started FsAaMJcl0ay-00545-00119917-00120036 in the peach business. FsAaMJcl0ay-00546-00120036-00120226 He's a little bit north of here at Hartselle. FsAaMJcl0ay-00547-00120226-00120366 His family has been growing peaches FsAaMJcl0ay-00548-00120366-00120597 since about 1959, I think. FsAaMJcl0ay-00549-00120597-00120905 And one of the first things you come across FsAaMJcl0ay-00550-00120905-00121062 when you want to grow peaches is, FsAaMJcl0ay-00551-00121062-00121275 "Well, you can't do it this far north, FsAaMJcl0ay-00552-00121275-00121452 "or you'll get killed by cold." FsAaMJcl0ay-00553-00121452-00121735 And Chilton County is the best place to grow peaches. FsAaMJcl0ay-00554-00121735-00122063 And so, nobody had ever really grown commercial peaches here FsAaMJcl0ay-00555-00122063-00122159 so nobody knew. FsAaMJcl0ay-00556-00122159-00122292 And then, when you don't know, FsAaMJcl0ay-00557-00122292-00122491 there is but one way to find out. FsAaMJcl0ay-00558-00122491-00122892 And I set out trees and the Lord has been very good to us, FsAaMJcl0ay-00559-00122892-00123178 we've had consistent peach crops, FsAaMJcl0ay-00560-00123178-00123301 knock on wood. FsAaMJcl0ay-00561-00123301-00123502 It just kind of grew, like the strawberries. FsAaMJcl0ay-00562-00123502-00123976 We started out with 380 trees, I believe, FsAaMJcl0ay-00563-00123976-00124256 and now, we're up to somewhere around 1,300. FsAaMJcl0ay-00564-00124256-00124369 I've lost track. FsAaMJcl0ay-00565-00124369-00124640 Most of mine came from Cumberland Valley. FsAaMJcl0ay-00566-00124640-00124996 I've got some from Vaughn and some from Freedom. FsAaMJcl0ay-00567-00124996-00125216 There's three nurseries that I've dealt with. FsAaMJcl0ay-00568-00125216-00125400 But they come a bare root plant. FsAaMJcl0ay-00569-00125521-00125771 We usually try to set ours out in FsAaMJcl0ay-00570-00125771-00126060 the first half of February, when we set out new trees. FsAaMJcl0ay-00571-00126060-00126304 Try to subsoil where the trees are gonna go. FsAaMJcl0ay-00572-00126304-00126535 It doesn't seem like much, FsAaMJcl0ay-00573-00126535-00126739 you wouldn't think it would make that much difference, FsAaMJcl0ay-00574-00126739-00126891 but in years, FsAaMJcl0ay-00575-00126891-00127122 say we set out an orchard and then... FsAaMJcl0ay-00576-00127122-00127344 You're always gonna lose a few trees. FsAaMJcl0ay-00577-00127344-00127535 Well, the next year you go back and replant FsAaMJcl0ay-00578-00127535-00127640 the ones you've lost, FsAaMJcl0ay-00579-00127640-00127897 that tree never catches up to the others. FsAaMJcl0ay-00580-00127897-00128104 And it's not because it's a year behind, FsAaMJcl0ay-00581-00128104-00128271 it's something else. FsAaMJcl0ay-00582-00128271-00128480 And it's just my opinion that FsAaMJcl0ay-00583-00128480-00128750 when you subsoil where that tree is gonna go, FsAaMJcl0ay-00584-00128750-00129039 it just allows those roots to go wherever they need to go FsAaMJcl0ay-00585-00129039-00129191 and grow quicker. FsAaMJcl0ay-00586-00129191-00129479 I've learned a lot as I went on. FsAaMJcl0ay-00587-00129479-00129749 One of the hardest things to figure out was FsAaMJcl0ay-00588-00129749-00129876 how to prune, FsAaMJcl0ay-00589-00129876-00129985 how to thin, FsAaMJcl0ay-00590-00129985-00130300 and some things, you just only learn by doing it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00591-00130300-00130521 Pruning is when we go in here FsAaMJcl0ay-00592-00130521-00130764 with lopping shears and hand shears, FsAaMJcl0ay-00593-00130764-00130965 and we're gonna thin out wood. FsAaMJcl0ay-00594-00130965-00131329 Peach tree makes fruit on second year's wood, FsAaMJcl0ay-00595-00131329-00131649 this red wood like you see right here. FsAaMJcl0ay-00596-00131649-00131912 This is three-year old wood, FsAaMJcl0ay-00597-00131912-00132084 and this is not ideal. FsAaMJcl0ay-00598-00132084-00132214 What we ideally want... FsAaMJcl0ay-00599-00132214-00132420 And this is not a good example of it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00600-00132420-00132759 This is an example of when a young grower starts out FsAaMJcl0ay-00601-00132759-00132888 and didn't know what he was doing, FsAaMJcl0ay-00602-00132888-00133016 and he finally figured it out FsAaMJcl0ay-00603-00133016-00133161 but it's too late to fix it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00604-00133161-00133478 Ideally, we would want fruit wood FsAaMJcl0ay-00605-00133478-00133620 up and down this limb. FsAaMJcl0ay-00606-00133620-00134104 We would want redwood, about so long, FsAaMJcl0ay-00607-00134104-00134275 up and down the whole limb FsAaMJcl0ay-00608-00134275-00134552 so that we would fruit the entire area. FsAaMJcl0ay-00609-00134552-00134713 Well, that's not what we have here. FsAaMJcl0ay-00610-00134713-00134898 Most of my fruit woods in the top of the tree FsAaMJcl0ay-00611-00134898-00135150 and we're working on that, we've changed things. FsAaMJcl0ay-00612-00135150-00135470 But ideally, this is perfect fruit wood right here, FsAaMJcl0ay-00613-00135470-00135648 about the size of a pencil. FsAaMJcl0ay-00614-00135648-00135868 Lots of blooms, nice and healthy. FsAaMJcl0ay-00615-00135868-00135997 And at the end of the day, FsAaMJcl0ay-00616-00135997-00136212 this limb needs one peach on it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00617-00136212-00136354 Not one bad peach, FsAaMJcl0ay-00618-00136354-00136459 one good peach. FsAaMJcl0ay-00619-00136459-00136656 Thinning is, just what I said, FsAaMJcl0ay-00620-00136656-00137156 like this limb right here that's got 25-30 flowers on it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00621-00137176-00137509 when it actually sets fruit, FsAaMJcl0ay-00622-00137509-00137764 we're gonna come back in and that limb needs FsAaMJcl0ay-00623-00137764-00137927 one peach on it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00624-00137927-00138087 So somebody has... FsAaMJcl0ay-00625-00138087-00138324 By hand, all those have to come off. FsAaMJcl0ay-00626-00138324-00138574 They can't act like a wild man, FsAaMJcl0ay-00627-00138574-00138698 you can't go crazy with it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00628-00138698-00138863 It's slow, it's time consuming, FsAaMJcl0ay-00629-00138863-00139070 and it takes labor to do it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00630-00139070-00139271 If this tree was pruned correctly, FsAaMJcl0ay-00631-00139271-00139567 and I wanted to thin it by myself, FsAaMJcl0ay-00632-00139567-00139871 I could spend at least an hour here FsAaMJcl0ay-00633-00139871-00140067 and probably still not be done. FsAaMJcl0ay-00634-00140067-00140201 So that gives you an idea about FsAaMJcl0ay-00635-00140201-00140444 how many hands it takes to do this. FsAaMJcl0ay-00636-00140444-00140759 A mature tree can only support so much fruit FsAaMJcl0ay-00637-00140759-00140948 and it gets big and pretty FsAaMJcl0ay-00638-00140948-00141172 There's a certain amount of growth there. FsAaMJcl0ay-00639-00141172-00141500 You can disperse that growth amongst 1,000 peaches, FsAaMJcl0ay-00640-00141500-00141669 and it'll be this big, FsAaMJcl0ay-00641-00141669-00142097 or you can disperse that grossed amongst 320 peaches, FsAaMJcl0ay-00642-00142097-00142238 and they'll be this big. FsAaMJcl0ay-00643-00142238-00142371 So I don't... FsAaMJcl0ay-00644-00142371-00142602 No more than 500 peaches on this tree, FsAaMJcl0ay-00645-00142602-00142735 preferably less than that. FsAaMJcl0ay-00646-00142735-00142938 This limb here has probably got, FsAaMJcl0ay-00647-00142938-00143064 just guessing, FsAaMJcl0ay-00648-00143064-00143347 I'm gonna say at least 40 blooms on it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00649-00143347-00143687 Ideally, it needs one or two peaches. FsAaMJcl0ay-00650-00143687-00143797 Two at the most. FsAaMJcl0ay-00651-00143911-00144131 Once you get past the point you think FsAaMJcl0ay-00652-00144131-00144336 you're okay from the cold weather, FsAaMJcl0ay-00653-00144336-00144487 you think, "I've got a crop FsAaMJcl0ay-00654-00144487-00144726 "and we're not gonna get froze out," FsAaMJcl0ay-00655-00144726-00144950 then you've got a limited window FsAaMJcl0ay-00656-00144950-00145203 to when all that fruit has to come off. FsAaMJcl0ay-00657-00145203-00145414 When I can take... FsAaMJcl0ay-00658-00145414-00145527 Let's say this bloom, FsAaMJcl0ay-00659-00145527-00145623 it turns into a peach, FsAaMJcl0ay-00660-00145623-00145812 and this peach is so big; FsAaMJcl0ay-00661-00145812-00145981 when I can take my pocket knife FsAaMJcl0ay-00662-00145981-00146148 and cut through that green peach, FsAaMJcl0ay-00663-00146148-00146627 and the seed gets hard enough that it slows my knife down, FsAaMJcl0ay-00664-00146627-00146853 I should have been finished thinning. FsAaMJcl0ay-00665-00146853-00147013 You've hurt size. FsAaMJcl0ay-00666-00147013-00147250 You'll do good thinning from that point on, FsAaMJcl0ay-00667-00147250-00147429 but you've hurt size up to that point. FsAaMJcl0ay-00668-00147429-00147612 You've cost yourself some growth. FsAaMJcl0ay-00669-00147612-00147850 So what I'm getting at is thinning is FsAaMJcl0ay-00670-00147850-00148101 the hardest job that has to be done the quickest FsAaMJcl0ay-00671-00148101-00148232 of any job in the orchard. FsAaMJcl0ay-00672-00148232-00148416 You've got a set window to do it there FsAaMJcl0ay-00673-00148416-00148654 of about two-and-a-half weeks. FsAaMJcl0ay-00674-00148654-00148845 And it's not that you can't thin after that FsAaMJcl0ay-00675-00148845-00149029 or can't thin before that, FsAaMJcl0ay-00676-00149029-00149262 it's just that that's the best window to do it. FsAaMJcl0ay-00677-00149262-00149556 And so, just imagine how many peaches is gonna be FsAaMJcl0ay-00678-00149556-00149883 on this tree and what all has got to come off, FsAaMJcl0ay-00679-00149883-00150031 and it's all done by hand. FsAaMJcl0ay-00680-00150031-00150274 You can pick peaches the third year, FsAaMJcl0ay-00681-00150274-00150552 expect to pick a fair amount of peaches the third year. FsAaMJcl0ay-00682-00150552-00151039 The second year, you basically need to... FsAaMJcl0ay-00683-00151039-00151181 Standard practice is to pull FsAaMJcl0ay-00684-00151181-00151320 all the peaches off the second year, FsAaMJcl0ay-00685-00151320-00151417 if it makes any, FsAaMJcl0ay-00686-00151417-00151614 because you're still building the tree. FsAaMJcl0ay-00687-00151614-00151766 You need to build a tree FsAaMJcl0ay-00688-00151766-00152026 before you can pick quality fruit. FsAaMJcl0ay-00689-00152026-00152326 So the third year, you expect to pick a small amount FsAaMJcl0ay-00690-00152326-00152476 and really the fourth, fifth, sixth, FsAaMJcl0ay-00691-00152476-00152821 and seventh year is when the tree's in its prime. FsAaMJcl0ay-00692-00152821-00153219 So you're looking at, at least, a four year investment FsAaMJcl0ay-00693-00153219-00153476 before you could see some decent return. FsAaMJcl0ay-00694-00153476-00153604 That might not be true, FsAaMJcl0ay-00695-00153604-00153906 you could probably pay for the tree the third year. FsAaMJcl0ay-00696-00153906-00154000 But to be fair, FsAaMJcl0ay-00697-00154000-00154235 the tree itself is not the main cost. FsAaMJcl0ay-00698-00154235-00154721 The cost of production's in labor and maintenance FsAaMJcl0ay-00699-00154721-00154975 and of course, chemicals. FsAaMJcl0ay-00700-00154975-00155149 That's another cost as well. FsAaMJcl0ay-00701-00155149-00155407 The (indistinct) is real close to me. FsAaMJcl0ay-00702-00155407-00155687 I use them and then I also use Blount County Co-op, FsAaMJcl0ay-00703-00155687-00155786 they deliver to me FsAaMJcl0ay-00704-00155786-00156058 so it works out real well for me. FsAaMJcl0ay-00705-00156058-00156207 I don't have to send a driver, FsAaMJcl0ay-00706-00156207-00156366 I don't have to go get it myself. FsAaMJcl0ay-00707-00156366-00156575 I don't buy just pesticides from them, FsAaMJcl0ay-00708-00156575-00156958 I buy fertilizer, plastic drip tape, irrigation supplies, FsAaMJcl0ay-00709-00156958-00157083 they handle a lot of stuff, FsAaMJcl0ay-00710-00157083-00157228 from both of those suppliers. FsAaMJcl0ay-00711-00157321-00157547 As far as our particular operation goes, FsAaMJcl0ay-00712-00157547-00157931 I could see gains that could be made in agritourism. FsAaMJcl0ay-00713-00157931-00158295 It's not something I'm particularly interested in myself. FsAaMJcl0ay-00714-00158295-00158455 However, that being said, FsAaMJcl0ay-00715-00158455-00158828 it's very possible one or both of my daughters could come on FsAaMJcl0ay-00716-00158828-00159081 and they could very well like that aspect of things. FsAaMJcl0ay-00717-00159081-00159321 And if they do, that's gonna be their baby. FsAaMJcl0ay-00718-00159321-00159564 I would like, at some point... FsAaMJcl0ay-00719-00159676-00159763 To be fair with you, FsAaMJcl0ay-00720-00159763-00159973 I would like at some point to be where I am right now. FsAaMJcl0ay-00721-00159973-00160139 My wife and I started out FsAaMJcl0ay-00722-00160139-00160273 where we did everything, FsAaMJcl0ay-00723-00160273-00160636 and I never really thought we'd get past that point. FsAaMJcl0ay-00724-00160636-00161001 I really thought we would probably just be small enough FsAaMJcl0ay-00725-00161001-00161253 that it was just both of us FsAaMJcl0ay-00726-00161253-00161411 for a large part of our life, FsAaMJcl0ay-00727-00161411-00161659 but it's grown now to the point to where FsAaMJcl0ay-00728-00161659-00161927 I've got more employees, FsAaMJcl0ay-00729-00161927-00162177 I don't do as much as the physical work as what I once did. FsAaMJcl0ay-00730-00162177-00162298 I still do a lot of it FsAaMJcl0ay-00731-00162298-00162530 but I don't do it as much as I did, FsAaMJcl0ay-00732-00162530-00162719 it's more of a management role. FsAaMJcl0ay-00733-00162719-00162850 I'm not sure I didn't like it better FsAaMJcl0ay-00734-00162850-00162987 when it was... FsAaMJcl0ay-00735-00162987-00163139 When I did the physical part of things. FsAaMJcl0ay-00736-00163139-00163427 But anyway, it's a little easier on me now. FsAaMJcl0ay-00737-00163427-00163855 The drawback to that is you got a pay roll, FsAaMJcl0ay-00738-00163855-00163998 and you got to make payroll, FsAaMJcl0ay-00739-00163998-00164149 things along those lines. FsAaMJcl0ay-00740-00164149-00164638 But as far as our future's concerned, FsAaMJcl0ay-00741-00164638-00164992 what we would plan for is just to continue FsAaMJcl0ay-00742-00164992-00165306 to be able to steadily grow and survive. FsAaMJcl0ay-00743-00165306-00165567 I'm not sure that I ever want to be super huge. FsAaMJcl0ay-00744-00165567-00165714 I don't know that I want to deal FsAaMJcl0ay-00745-00165714-00165855 with the headaches of it, FsAaMJcl0ay-00746-00165855-00166091 but I do want to be able to survive FsAaMJcl0ay-00747-00166091-00166255 and support my family, FsAaMJcl0ay-00748-00166255-00166527 and live in prosperity. FsAaMJcl0ay-00749-00166527-00166657 That that's what I'd like. Ftgae1mMc7U-00000-00000329-00000529 hello guys we are making Ftgae1mMc7U-00001-00000529-00000729 lava tower Ftgae1mMc7U-00002-00003909-00004402 subscribe and like FtGHrqGUxFk-00000-00000036-00001386 Hey friends, I know it's late. But I said there would be a thought of the day today, espcially since I missed yesterday... So, here it is. Today's thought of the day is on making things explicit. FtGHrqGUxFk-00001-00001386-00002893 I was at a community conversation concerning Ferguson earlier, in St. Pete and one thing that struck me was how we fail to make things explicit. FtGHrqGUxFk-00002-00002893-00003553 The assistant police chief was there, and it's obvious this is a guy that gets it, and he wants other people to get it, too... FtGHrqGUxFk-00003-00003553-00003849 He wants the community to know that there are cops that get it... FtGHrqGUxFk-00004-00003850-00005013 There area lot of people in poisitions of authority that get it, but somehow shit is getting lost in translation between them and the community. FtGHrqGUxFk-00005-00005013-00006293 Likewise, shit gets lost in translation between other people that work with you like teachers and their students, because the students feel like they don't care or like their voices aren't heard. FtGHrqGUxFk-00006-00006293-00007079 My plea would be to make things explicit. FtGHrqGUxFk-00007-00007080-00007699 When you make things explicit, people don't hafta guess about where you stand on things. FtGHrqGUxFk-00008-00007700-00008363 And that's not just for police and people in positions of authority over their subordinates, or the people that they serve. FtGHrqGUxFk-00009-00008363-00008709 That's also for interpersonal relationships. FtGHrqGUxFk-00010-00008710-00009336 If you died right now, do your closest friends and family know that you love them? FtGHrqGUxFk-00011-00009336-00011083 Thats... genuinely, that's not often a concern of mine. Because even when it is a concern of mine: I then take it upon myself to try to build up the relationships that I have with people. And I have a couple of those that I'm actively working on, where it's like: FtGHrqGUxFk-00012-00011083-00012029 "I don't think that this person knows that I appreciate them." Or, "I would like to be able to express that appreciation more," so I'm actively working on building up those relationships. FtGHrqGUxFk-00013-00012030-00013449 And I think if more of us took that attitude of responsibility that, "If there's something about me you don't understand, or that you're on the fence about, it's my fault," I think that our communities, in addition to our relationships would be a lot healthier. FtGHrqGUxFk-00014-00013450-00014929 If we made that shit explicit, "Hey, I have your back." "Hey, I love you." "Hey, I think you're great." "Hey, when you need a shoulder to lean on, I'm here." "Hey, if somebody tries to mess you up, I'm here..." FtGHrqGUxFk-00015-00014930-00015316 Make that shit explicit. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00000-00000365-00001042 Will ever by Dr. O, you're welcome to chapter 3 about digestion and absorption, and transport. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00001-00001042-00001504 So this is a hugely important topic right this whole idea that you are what you eat FuSuXhsLs3Y-00002-00001504-00002062 and truly when you eat. Your body will mechanically and chemically digest and break down the food FuSuXhsLs3Y-00003-00002062-00002603 you eat into the simplest building blocks of raw materials will be absorbed into your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00004-00002603-00003122 bloodstream or into your lymphatic system and then to your listing and there to be transferred FuSuXhsLs3Y-00005-00003122-00003471 through your body, where they can be used for they can be stored minutes a huge deal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00006-00003471-00004092 right you truly are what you eat. I won't go into as great a detail as you probably FuSuXhsLs3Y-00007-00004092-00004902 need to know in this video because I've done an entire video playlist office entire series FuSuXhsLs3Y-00008-00004902-00005502 about the digestive system already in my anatomy and physiology of video series so and then FuSuXhsLs3Y-00009-00005502-00006102 also the next three chapters over carbs let the lipids and proteins. We will talk about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00010-00006102-00006543 the digestion and absorption of each of those their syllabus to more of a high level overview FuSuXhsLs3Y-00011-00006543-00007083 here and they'll have plenty of resources for you in the course for for we can get more FuSuXhsLs3Y-00012-00007083-00007492 information but not covered pretty good depth here as well cases is the only resource that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00013-00007492-00007994 you have wrecked so that's were that's the big picture bargain. We talk about here digestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00014-00007994-00008350 and absorption, transport, and it also like to add than elimination right so we have to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00015-00008350-00008830 get rid of the things that are digested and absorbed think about fiber and other under FuSuXhsLs3Y-00016-00008830-00009400 adjustable food types are reckless going diving to an icebreaker the digestive system plays FuSuXhsLs3Y-00017-00009400-00009863 a critical role in our ability to break down food into nutrients. Why is it important to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00018-00009863-00010292 eat foods that are easy for the digestive system to break down wire some foods easier FuSuXhsLs3Y-00019-00010292-00010774 for I digestive system to breakdown another sets out I was a huge topic person I would FuSuXhsLs3Y-00020-00010774-00011386 say is I item record this by love this saying don't eat what you like. EAT what likes you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00021-00011386-00011833 right so everyone's gonna be different. Everyone's can have foods that they can they can consume FuSuXhsLs3Y-00022-00011833-00012336 and digest and not have problems with. And there's gonna be some other foods that probably FuSuXhsLs3Y-00023-00012336-00012695 bother them little bit. Think about someone's lactose intolerant than drinking a glass of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00024-00012695-00013186 milk is can be a whole different situation than someone that isn't so don't eat what FuSuXhsLs3Y-00025-00013186-00013651 you like. EAT what likes you. Your diet should be built built around foods that you can easily FuSuXhsLs3Y-00026-00013651-00014300 digest and break down and use for fuel because of who Julie for anyways so why is important. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00027-00014300-00014660 He foods are easy for the addresses and a breakdown what's the point of eating right. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00028-00014660-00015166 If you can. If you if you why eat something that doesn't have a function and the food FuSuXhsLs3Y-00029-00015166-00015634 you eat needs to be digested and absorbed before it acts as a function so another little FuSuXhsLs3Y-00030-00015634-00016103 tagline like to use. Yes you are what you eat, but I would like to say you're not what FuSuXhsLs3Y-00031-00016103-00016574 you eat. Your what you absorb because if you consume foods that pass through you and are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00032-00016574-00016981 digested and absorbed than their knock and they're not going to help you now fibers a FuSuXhsLs3Y-00033-00016981-00017271 whole different story right that they don't, we have different types of fiber that will FuSuXhsLs3Y-00034-00017271-00017796 talk about in this chapter and the check chapter on carbohydrates, but depth some fibers are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00035-00017796-00018193 just roughage. They are designed that their function is to pass through you, so I'm not FuSuXhsLs3Y-00036-00018193-00018701 saying that every single thing you eat needs to be absorbed because of insightful fiber. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00037-00018701-00019124 That's its function is the kind of clean out your gut and pull toxins with it as it's being FuSuXhsLs3Y-00038-00019124-00019646 passed through your body and in Siebel fibers there there digested in some of them are, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00039-00019646-00020056 but not by you read then adjusted by the microbes living site live inside of you. So I cover FuSuXhsLs3Y-00040-00020056-00020446 that a lot more detail in micro microalgae classes, but we will deftly talk about the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00041-00020446-00020963 the role of your gut microbiome right up a pretty decent percent of the calories that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00042-00020963-00021521 you digest and absorb today are going are going to be digested by microbes living in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00043-00021521-00021877 your gut and then you will absorb them and you will use them so they are they are helping FuSuXhsLs3Y-00044-00021877-00022365 you. You could say 5 to 15% of the calories that you're in a get today are gonna come FuSuXhsLs3Y-00045-00022365-00022818 from gut microbes and then also those gut microbes are making vitamins for you like, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00046-00022818-00023244 vitamin K and some of the B vitamins are pretty cool. I so wire some foods easier for our FuSuXhsLs3Y-00047-00023244-00023705 digestive system to breakdown than others just individually. It has to do with an enzyme FuSuXhsLs3Y-00048-00023705-00024163 levels and that that that's genetic so if someone you know if you have plenty of the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00049-00024163-00024534 enzyme lactase then you can drink less milk and not have any problems. If your lactose FuSuXhsLs3Y-00050-00024534-00025020 intolerant you don't have enough of the enzyme lactase and and any of these milk sugars that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00051-00025020-00025449 you consume will will be difficult for you to digest that you can avoid those things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00052-00025449-00025920 or you could take take things like Lactaid you could buy milk that has lacked the enzyme FuSuXhsLs3Y-00053-00025920-00026425 lactase added to it raw dairy for example Artie has the enzyme lactase and but depth FuSuXhsLs3Y-00054-00026425-00027058 whatever side you want example, and then from evolutionary standpoint. Over time we have. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00055-00027058-00027512 We have tons of copies of genes that allow us to break down starches so we can we can FuSuXhsLs3Y-00056-00027512-00028045 consume starches in a way that other other species cannot. What else, your microbiome FuSuXhsLs3Y-00057-00028045-00028374 will change as well. Select people to live people that live in parts the world where FuSuXhsLs3Y-00058-00028374-00028908 they can or people that consume a lot of sushi, for example, Willis is a seaweed people consume FuSuXhsLs3Y-00059-00028908-00029413 a lot of seaweed. Over time there microbiome can change to a microbiome that can actually FuSuXhsLs3Y-00060-00029413-00029919 help them digest seaweed if I had seaweed. I wouldn't have the microbes and me to properly FuSuXhsLs3Y-00061-00029919-00030435 digested, but if I consume that all the time. I make my, my, so there's so, your microbiome FuSuXhsLs3Y-00062-00030435-00030900 can impact digestion your genetics impact digestion and then just the types of foods, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00063-00030900-00031408 but as a species. One thing you need to know is we have we of an unbelievable capacity FuSuXhsLs3Y-00064-00031408-00031993 to digest foods we week and that we don't think about how many animals live on really FuSuXhsLs3Y-00065-00031993-00032355 civic diet with the eat like a handful of things we humans don't have to be like that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00066-00032355-00032705 if you travel around that one of the reasons that we've come to conquer the planet is no FuSuXhsLs3Y-00067-00032705-00033093 matter where we went, we found foods that we could eat, so something of some cultures FuSuXhsLs3Y-00068-00033093-00034018 survive on you coconut products, other cultures survive on seal blubber recommend and everything FuSuXhsLs3Y-00069-00034018-00034484 in between. So it was a we have a really adaptive metabolisms. I that's it. That's pretty cool FuSuXhsLs3Y-00070-00034484-00034959 with interest topic budget but is back to this idea of digestion is a move that when FuSuXhsLs3Y-00071-00034959-00035433 you think about it like a low say let's yesterday I was having some chicken breast after I worked FuSuXhsLs3Y-00072-00035433-00035919 out in them like I am trying to take the protein in the chicken breasts and turning the protein FuSuXhsLs3Y-00073-00035919-00036371 in my muscles right that's that's based you're doing. We consume food were trying to pull FuSuXhsLs3Y-00074-00036371-00036743 the nutrients out of the foods that we can use them were trying to pull the macronutrients FuSuXhsLs3Y-00075-00036743-00037123 out of foods we can use them and were trying to pull the calories out of food so we can FuSuXhsLs3Y-00076-00037123-00037812 fuel our own bodies. Okay I set this up, you little less of a deep dive, but I have a hard FuSuXhsLs3Y-00077-00037812-00038293 time doing that the learning objectives identify the actions of the organs, muscles and secretion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00078-00038293-00038734 so we'll talk about, although the key players involved in digestion. Describe the anatomical FuSuXhsLs3Y-00079-00038734-00039284 details of the intestinal cells that facilitate nutrient absorption. So cover that in in in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00080-00039284-00039755 good death. But if you want a real deep dive go find my the justice system playlist on FuSuXhsLs3Y-00081-00039755-00040265 the YouTube channel number three. Explain how nutrients are routed in the circulatory FuSuXhsLs3Y-00082-00040265-00040718 systems from the G.I. tract in the body identify which nutrients into the blood directly in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00083-00040718-00041282 which must must first enter the length sale see that most nutrients are digested and absorbed FuSuXhsLs3Y-00084-00041282-00041763 straight in the bloodstream, but your fats your large fats and your fat Siebel vitamins. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00085-00041763-00042249 They are actually to be carried into the lymphatic system. First, and I'll explain why. Number FuSuXhsLs3Y-00086-00042249-00042624 four. Describe how bacterial hormones and nerves influence the health and activities FuSuXhsLs3Y-00087-00042624-00042942 of your G.I. tract that will talk about the microbiome and then they can. The hormones FuSuXhsLs3Y-00088-00042942-00043572 in the nervous component involved in digestion. So let's start with a really that we have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00089-00043572-00044075 will will cover digestion than absorption them and transport minimal talk about elimination, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00090-00044075-00044569 so digestion is just the beginning of the process. It is the mechanical and chemical FuSuXhsLs3Y-00091-00044569-00045119 breakdown of the food into small enough pieces that can be absorbed. So think about Leica FuSuXhsLs3Y-00092-00045119-00045463 starting with any have a stake start by just chewing it right you mechanically breaking FuSuXhsLs3Y-00093-00045463-00045906 it down. Something small and manageable enough to swallow and that's can be broken down further FuSuXhsLs3Y-00094-00045906-00046331 in your stomach and then enzymes are to start to take the proteins in that that were in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00095-00046331-00046919 that steak and break it down into individual amino acids so that so the end product of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00096-00046919-00047460 digestion of protein is individual building blocks, the amino acids same thing with carts FuSuXhsLs3Y-00097-00047460-00047928 if you eat a potato of the starches are going to be hundreds of glucose units long and you're FuSuXhsLs3Y-00098-00047928-00048413 going to mechanically and physically and then chemically break it down into individual glucose FuSuXhsLs3Y-00099-00048413-00048830 units that will be absorbed fats artfully digested like that which is actual why they FuSuXhsLs3Y-00100-00048830-00049306 have to travel to your lymphatic system of fat is a triglyceride think about glycerol FuSuXhsLs3Y-00101-00049306-00049784 backbone with the three tales triglyceride and you were ill be broken down until you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00102-00049784-00050254 lop a couple details. Often you break you. You bring men, but your seer not fully digesting FuSuXhsLs3Y-00103-00050254-00050810 fat in the same way you do. Carbs and proteins, which is why they these big fat chunks can't FuSuXhsLs3Y-00104-00050810-00051135 be in your bloodstream. So that's whether going to be carried in your lymphatic system. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00105-00051135-00051616 First, and then to be packaged because member also will the water don't mix. So that's another FuSuXhsLs3Y-00106-00051616-00052089 reason why we use lymphatic system, but that sets digestion unity breaking food down into FuSuXhsLs3Y-00107-00052089-00052634 smaller pieces so you can absorb imagine you are trying to carry something that was really, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00108-00052634-00053070 really had way too heavy for you to lift while you you take one piece of the time and carry FuSuXhsLs3Y-00109-00053070-00053505 one piece of it at a time. That's a digestion as you break these things down into manageable FuSuXhsLs3Y-00110-00053505-00054127 pieces. Bite-size if you want to use that plan. I the digestive process so the justice FuSuXhsLs3Y-00111-00054127-00054591 system the organs and glands associate with the ingestion and digestion of food to ingestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00112-00054591-00055099 is that deciding which put your mouth digestion is mechanical and chemical breakdown so that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00113-00055099-00055558 the organs and glands was so the G.I. tract itself from your mouth to the anus so you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00114-00055558-00056245 have your your mouth the pharynx is your throat the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large FuSuXhsLs3Y-00115-00056245-00056669 intestine there into the rectum and the anus that is your G.I. tract your gastrointestinal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00116-00056669-00057214 tract less than a be your your primary digestive organs anything that helps the G.I. tract FuSuXhsLs3Y-00117-00057214-00057604 is going to be a secondary organ of digestions that would be your client think about like FuSuXhsLs3Y-00118-00057604-00058166 the salivary glands your pancreas your liver, gallbladder those be the best examples. There FuSuXhsLs3Y-00119-00058166-00058566 so what is digestion of I talked about your breaking food down so you can absorb it both FuSuXhsLs3Y-00120-00058566-00059062 mechanically and chemically something chewing and churning of food in your stomach is mechanical FuSuXhsLs3Y-00121-00059062-00059527 and chemicals can be the acid in your stomach breaking things down and then your digestive FuSuXhsLs3Y-00122-00059527-00060067 enzymes then what's absorption the uptake of nutrients by cells of the small intestine FuSuXhsLs3Y-00123-00060067-00060733 for transport into either the blood or the lymph depending on their fat what is true FuSuXhsLs3Y-00124-00060733-00061225 digestion. So it's that you see a lot of options here but it's gonna be breaking down food FuSuXhsLs3Y-00125-00061225-00061556 into nutrients. It does. It had happens in way more places than just the stomach and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00126-00061556-00061957 small intestine so digestion is the breakdown of food into nutrients, which can then be FuSuXhsLs3Y-00127-00061957-00062549 broken down further for energy and that happens, that's your metabolism that happens inside FuSuXhsLs3Y-00128-00062549-00063261 your cells. I this is a great picture. This is a overview of the of the entire system FuSuXhsLs3Y-00129-00063261-00063719 talk on a run through a hearing on the Mo covers more details as we go by. Remember FuSuXhsLs3Y-00130-00063719-00064101 were also going to come back and look at the system again and were just can look at the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00131-00064101-00064542 role it plays in digesting, absorbing carbs in the digesting observatory fats and protein FuSuXhsLs3Y-00132-00064542-00065069 civil organ review all this later so we start with an MRI done a really good overview of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00133-00065069-00065600 the entire system on the on the to kennel, but the RA's organ start with the mouth right FuSuXhsLs3Y-00134-00065600-00066022 that the digestion really begins. It's called the cephalic phase of digestion by digestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00135-00066022-00066473 truly begins. We start to think about food or only smell food or when any of these types FuSuXhsLs3Y-00136-00066473-00066981 of things so your body basically prepares for digestion before you start to eat at least FuSuXhsLs3Y-00137-00066981-00067418 if you give it enough time so imagine like hearing your food sizzling like a fajita I FuSuXhsLs3Y-00138-00067418-00067836 would think about those commercials are smelling food. These thing thinking about the food. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00139-00067836-00068196 These things will start to trigger the digestive process, but them so the mouth, as though FuSuXhsLs3Y-00140-00068196-00068576 is worried where ingestion occurs were you deciding what to put in your mouth and then FuSuXhsLs3Y-00141-00068576-00068980 the primary function of the mouth is to is to break down the food and mix it with saliva FuSuXhsLs3Y-00142-00068980-00069468 so that it can be swallowed and travel into the front throat in the esophagus. So either FuSuXhsLs3Y-00143-00069468-00069968 chewing your food. It's being clipped and cut and gnashed and torn and ground up by FuSuXhsLs3Y-00144-00069968-00070413 your teeth, your tongue is is coordinating all this movement and moving everything around FuSuXhsLs3Y-00145-00070413-00070802 then while so your foods being broken down as you can swallow it. But then it's also FuSuXhsLs3Y-00146-00070802-00071461 been mixed with saliva and saliva has enzymes and it is immune components and it lubricates FuSuXhsLs3Y-00147-00071461-00071854 it all these types of things. That's the real basic function of the mouth is states is there FuSuXhsLs3Y-00148-00071854-00072308 to chew and mix food with saliva admitted in swallow it with swallowing your the foods FuSuXhsLs3Y-00149-00072308-00072792 can travel them through your through your pharynx through throat and down the esophagus FuSuXhsLs3Y-00150-00072792-00073254 into the stomach such that the pharynx and then we talked about salute the role of saliva FuSuXhsLs3Y-00151-00073254-00073731 their necks and list every of the epiglottis of the Avenue of the trachea is your air your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00152-00073731-00074317 airway your windpipe the eight the trachea is some going to but what carries air from FuSuXhsLs3Y-00153-00074317-00074706 the throat to the lungs. So when you swallow the epiglottis will cover the trachea. The FuSuXhsLs3Y-00154-00074706-00075106 glottis is called the opening of the trachea, the opening of the trick is called the glottis FuSuXhsLs3Y-00155-00075106-00075554 epiglottis will cover the trachea, so that when you do swallow it doesn't go to the lungs FuSuXhsLs3Y-00156-00075554-00076004 and travels down the esophagus and step I would talk about the esophagus is basically FuSuXhsLs3Y-00157-00076004-00076479 about 12 inches long, hollow, muscular tube with. So when you initiate swallowing that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00158-00076479-00076948 the last conscious thing you do is you decide to swallow, but once you start the swallowing FuSuXhsLs3Y-00159-00076948-00077423 process. The esophagus goes from voluntary muscle skeletal muscle to involuntary smooth FuSuXhsLs3Y-00160-00077423-00077964 muscle you initiate swallowing that the esophagus takes over and uses what are called peristaltic FuSuXhsLs3Y-00161-00077964-00078531 waves to carry of food down the stomach of the sphincters will talk about them only get FuSuXhsLs3Y-00162-00078531-00078879 a better look at them but that we do have an upper and lower esophageal sphincter you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00163-00078879-00079358 can see here on the image that these are normally close to the trachea's always open. The esophagus FuSuXhsLs3Y-00164-00079358-00079830 is normally close it only opens when using this lower esophageal sphincter also known FuSuXhsLs3Y-00165-00079830-00080255 as the gastroesophageal sphincter is a big deal because if the sphincter is and stay FuSuXhsLs3Y-00166-00080255-00080822 close and it supposed to you can and you can develop GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease FuSuXhsLs3Y-00167-00080822-00081327 which is which is heartburn were stomach contents will splash up into the esophagus. As long FuSuXhsLs3Y-00168-00081327-00081881 as the sphincter stays close. That shouldn't happen by the diaphragm you see there. The FuSuXhsLs3Y-00169-00081881-00082305 diaphragm is what separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and you'll notice FuSuXhsLs3Y-00170-00082305-00082713 the esophagus has to travel through it, so this this this is important if someone would FuSuXhsLs3Y-00171-00082713-00083172 say because of obesity or course a pregnancy or something else. People can develop hiatal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00172-00083172-00083630 hernias, but that is as were part of the stomach will actually protrude up through that opening FuSuXhsLs3Y-00173-00083630-00084085 in the esophagus and that can cause problems for some people to the stomach. A basic function FuSuXhsLs3Y-00174-00084085-00084523 of the stomach. You know this is where protein digestion begins. The stomach is a big bag FuSuXhsLs3Y-00175-00084523-00085055 full of acid in the primary function of the acid is to denature proteins to take the large FuSuXhsLs3Y-00176-00085055-00085612 proteins that you eat and unravel them so that they can be digested in the stomach is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00177-00085612-00086201 also where we have our first of enzyme for adjusting proteins so that digestion of carbohydrates FuSuXhsLs3Y-00178-00086201-00086648 begins in the mouth with that with an enzyme called salivary amylase. The digestion of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00179-00086648-00087213 fats also begins in the mouth with the enzyme called lingual lipase, but the digestion of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00180-00087213-00087639 proteins does not begin until the stomach, eyes the summons and turn your food up and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00181-00087639-00088107 mix your food up with that with stomach acid and and other stomach contents like these FuSuXhsLs3Y-00182-00088107-00088503 enzymes. And it's gonna turn so they went. When you're done chewing your food and you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00183-00088503-00088930 go to swallow it. It's called a boldness when your stomach is done with food at best. He FuSuXhsLs3Y-00184-00088930-00089614 turns into a syrup called time CH why any right then we haven't been necks and list FuSuXhsLs3Y-00185-00089614-00090054 there is the pyloric sphincter that the sphincter that keeps the stomach closed until it's ready FuSuXhsLs3Y-00186-00090054-00090522 of materials ready to move through it. It basically squirts this time the stomach contents FuSuXhsLs3Y-00187-00090522-00090902 in your small intestine about a teaspoon at times the pilots finger plays a big role. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00188-00090902-00091367 There August going on the list them into the liver and the gallbladder salute member. The FuSuXhsLs3Y-00189-00091367-00091857 lift the delivered us tons of metabolic things with with the blood, but it's primary function FuSuXhsLs3Y-00190-00091857-00092310 right here is the liver is where we make bile. We talk about biology, often with the gallbladder FuSuXhsLs3Y-00191-00092310-00092863 but the liver makes file use cholesterol to make bile salts and that produces the bile FuSuXhsLs3Y-00192-00092863-00093367 it is it is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder is not made there to the gallbladder FuSuXhsLs3Y-00193-00093367-00093822 stores and concentrates about why that matter will if you don't have a gallbladder you're FuSuXhsLs3Y-00194-00093822-00094269 still making bile so you can still digest and absorb fat, just maybe not as much as FuSuXhsLs3Y-00195-00094269-00094700 you use do I know when I have my gallbladder out, i.e. that the yogurt you may be having FuSuXhsLs3Y-00196-00094700-00095141 6 g of fat and it was it was about all I can tolerate at that time, but your body kinda FuSuXhsLs3Y-00197-00095141-00095637 gets used to the liver is where we make bile the gallbladder is where it is stored and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00198-00095637-00096307 concentrated in the bile ducts to the bile ducts are there to be carrying this violence FuSuXhsLs3Y-00199-00096307-00096799 the small intestine and then also you'll see that the the gallbladder gets a liver and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00200-00096799-00097248 gallbladder going to dump into the bile ducts there. I left the left-hand side. The right FuSuXhsLs3Y-00201-00097248-00097683 side. The appendix so you know, a lot of times, you'd see that people to the appendix and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00202-00097683-00098054 do anything we know for quite a while that it does. That's good, that's a good trip and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00203-00098054-00098495 there the appendix houses bacteria and lymphatic cells to the appendix plays a role in the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00204-00098495-00098918 maturation of your immune system and also the reason it houses bacteria. It appears FuSuXhsLs3Y-00205-00098918-00099620 that after diarrhea or after antibiotic use when your microbiome is, decimated, partially FuSuXhsLs3Y-00206-00099620-00100152 destroyed by 11 of those funk regions of the other the microbes in the appendix will come FuSuXhsLs3Y-00207-00100152-00100595 out and help to repopulate. That's why your microbiome recovers from antibiotics pretty FuSuXhsLs3Y-00208-00100595-00101183 well and recovers from diarrhea. Next we have the small intestine so this is where you'll FuSuXhsLs3Y-00209-00101183-00101681 of this is where 90% of digestion and absorption of food takes place the small intestine is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00210-00101681-00102170 the most important organ of your G.I. tract. Everything prior to this has really just prepared FuSuXhsLs3Y-00211-00102170-00102655 the food to be to be fully digested and absorbed in every thing. After it is kind of like the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00212-00102655-00103077 cat catching a little bit of digestion products and ribs or water things like that to the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00213-00103077-00103551 small intestine agile see later is broken down three parts. This called the duodenum FuSuXhsLs3Y-00214-00103551-00104029 the jejunum and ileum will come back to that the Ellis at the end of the small intestine FuSuXhsLs3Y-00215-00104029-00104739 we have the ilio seek about. You can find it there on that image. This is that the valve FuSuXhsLs3Y-00216-00104739-00105139 between the ileum of the small intestine in the Secombe which is the beginning of the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00217-00105139-00105608 large intestines of the ilio Siegel valve determines when, food, contents are going FuSuXhsLs3Y-00218-00105608-00106044 to move from the small intestine, large just another reason the ilio seek about as important FuSuXhsLs3Y-00219-00106044-00106458 as you'd you don't want him stuff and large intestine leaking back into the small intestine FuSuXhsLs3Y-00220-00106458-00106991 this at the stays closed than most of your microbiome most your microbes will stay in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00221-00106991-00107446 the: there are millions and millions of bacteria in the small intestine with their bill billions FuSuXhsLs3Y-00222-00107446-00107946 and trillions of them in the large intestine by the pancreas. So when you think about the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00223-00107946-00108463 pancreas. You almost always think about insolently's most will do, but only 1% of the pancreas's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00224-00108463-00108933 function is endocrine producing hormones like insulin, which lowers blood sugar and glue FuSuXhsLs3Y-00225-00108933-00109446 glucagon, which raises it will cover that in the next chapter. 99% of the pancreas is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00226-00109446-00110105 exocrine and it's a digestive working so produces bicarbonate which is bicarbonate is a buffer FuSuXhsLs3Y-00227-00110105-00110618 member how acidic the stomach is when stomach contents leak in the small intestine thing. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00228-00110618-00111120 The acids have to be neutralized by bicarbonate, which is a buffer and also the pancreas makes FuSuXhsLs3Y-00229-00111120-00111738 most of your your key digestive enzymes. It makes pancreatic amylase, which breaks down FuSuXhsLs3Y-00230-00111738-00112244 carbohydrates, pancreatic lipase, which breaks down lipids are fats in the proteases which FuSuXhsLs3Y-00231-00112244-00112718 break down protein so very important. Once that once those digestive enzymes have have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00232-00112718-00113191 gone to the small intestine and had a crack at your food. It's almost fully digest chemically FuSuXhsLs3Y-00233-00113191-00113684 digested the small intestine itself will have some enzymes right in that the lining that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00234-00113684-00114218 will finish off digestion before things are absorbed okay. The pancreatic duct that's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00235-00114218-00114750 can carry these pancreatic juices to the small intestine almost on the slide. The large intestine FuSuXhsLs3Y-00236-00114750-00115322 are the: it's primary job is to re-absorb water use about six or 7 L of water a day FuSuXhsLs3Y-00237-00115322-00115731 for digestion. You couldn't afford to lose that much fluid you busy always have diarrhea FuSuXhsLs3Y-00238-00115731-00116200 the large intestine will actively reabsorb that water and and and it's gonna temporarily FuSuXhsLs3Y-00239-00116200-00116631 store fecal material before you defecate in the microbiome is there, which I don't want FuSuXhsLs3Y-00240-00116631-00116966 to downplay that this is not a micro body class, but the microbiome the huge deal. It's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00241-00116966-00117547 making nutrients for you helping digested food is stealing immune system, etc. the rectum FuSuXhsLs3Y-00242-00117547-00118011 is where we temporarily store feces before defecation which is how we eliminated in the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00243-00118011-00118497 anus is going to be where we eliminate food rights that's can be everything from ingestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00244-00118497-00118995 deciding what to put in your mouth mechanical and mechanical digestion chemical digestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00245-00118995-00119749 and absorption, and elimination. That's the 10,000 foot view. I challenges of digestion. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00246-00119749-00120052 So the multiple tasks of the amount with us. We just talked about all the many things your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00247-00120052-00120438 mouth is doing it's it's cutting and grinding and tearing your food. But it's also lubricating FuSuXhsLs3Y-00248-00120438-00120965 it it's exposing your food to your immune system, and vice versa, etc., etc., pass to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00249-00120965-00121352 the diaphragm I mentioned title hernias causing problems for some people. I the patient years FuSuXhsLs3Y-00250-00121352-00121755 ago that had one, but he could basically control it when he felt. It's like when he felt his FuSuXhsLs3Y-00251-00121755-00122131 stomach sliding up through the diaphragm he would do, he would drink hold much water is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00252-00122131-00122567 not medical advice that he trickle into water to fill his stomach and he would hop downstairs FuSuXhsLs3Y-00253-00122567-00122978 like trying to use gravity to to get the stomach to slide back down and would work sometimes FuSuXhsLs3Y-00254-00122978-00123470 to move into the G.I. tract and it's very important things keep moving. That's one of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00255-00123470-00123884 the main functions of a fiber to keep you regular and keep your intestine some constantly FuSuXhsLs3Y-00256-00123884-00124466 turning away lubrication of food. We talked about saliva there also. We can we can bring FuSuXhsLs3Y-00257-00124466-00124822 water and stuff while reading. That's why action recommend you don't drink a tunnel FuSuXhsLs3Y-00258-00124822-00125304 water while you eat actually like great drinking most my fluids between meals, I don't drink FuSuXhsLs3Y-00259-00125304-00125738 a tunnel liquid with meals because if I do I feel like swallowing my food like a snake FuSuXhsLs3Y-00260-00125738-00126140 right I take big bites and just can swallow it down if you don't drink a lot of water FuSuXhsLs3Y-00261-00126140-00126720 forces you to properly chew and lubricate your food more naturally. Digestive enzymes FuSuXhsLs3Y-00262-00126720-00127008 are very talked about. If you will cover them more later, and then getting rid of waste FuSuXhsLs3Y-00263-00127008-00127525 products to the mouth. What we do know we were are you obvious easy there, we taste FuSuXhsLs3Y-00264-00127525-00127966 you and we taste in the mouth up so you're that's that's Odyssey big deal because we FuSuXhsLs3Y-00265-00127966-00128414 want to eat foods that we like we've covered already but from a digestive standpoint that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00266-00128414-00128883 the function of the mouth is to chew the food to break it up and then mix it with saliva, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00267-00128883-00129380 which, which means that it's in the be lubricated to can swallow what's called a bolus from FuSuXhsLs3Y-00268-00129380-00130034 the back your mouth down into your throat and then it also is that there's lysozyme FuSuXhsLs3Y-00269-00130034-00130529 there's antibodies like a secretary IGA antibodies to your immune system is is playing a role FuSuXhsLs3Y-00270-00130529-00131068 there in the mouth and that you have adjusted enzymes so carbohydrate digestion begins in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00271-00131068-00131416 the mouth with the net chemical digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme called FuSuXhsLs3Y-00272-00131416-00131997 salivary amylase, and in fact, digestion begins in the mouth as well. Lingual lipase right FuSuXhsLs3Y-00273-00131997-00132580 so taste and I own aroma, texture and temperature also affect flavor. I think of the smell of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00274-00132580-00133001 your food actually is a much bigger impact on on its flavor than you imagine. Taste is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00275-00133001-00133566 purely combination of sweet Salters suite, salty, sour, bitty are better and mommy which FuSuXhsLs3Y-00276-00133566-00134162 is a savory flavor but flavor is some would say 90% of it is things like aroma and texture. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00277-00134162-00134499 It's all these things rolled into one. When the neat things is why you're chewing your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00278-00134499-00134980 food on your smelling it from the inside of your nose receives no food from the outside. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00279-00134980-00135345 You know stupid, but as food in your mouth being chewed up those those smell particle FuSuXhsLs3Y-00280-00135345-00135926 you want to call them that the order in; of their actually entering your nostrils internally FuSuXhsLs3Y-00281-00135926-00136402 in the region your nose that way so conical right and we talked about swallowing array FuSuXhsLs3Y-00282-00136402-00136866 so where were an hour through the mouth were through the pharynx now or in the is the esophagus. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00283-00136866-00137322 The esophagus is can use what's called peristaltic waves of contractions of the smooth muscle FuSuXhsLs3Y-00284-00137322-00137816 of the esophagus is can is in a school EEs food down into your stomach. We talked about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00285-00137816-00138219 those sphincters and their importance because the esophagus should be closed and it's only FuSuXhsLs3Y-00286-00138219-00138671 opened with swallowing weekly call their food a bolus before us. We talked about. That's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00287-00138671-00139215 a bolus of food now in the stomach. It's gonna be certified as the wood term I like to use FuSuXhsLs3Y-00288-00139215-00139690 it that the hydrochloric acid in the gap in the stomach acid is cannot denature proteins FuSuXhsLs3Y-00289-00139690-00140171 unraveling them and it's gonna liquefy your food and turn it into this syrupy mass called FuSuXhsLs3Y-00290-00140171-00140684 claim so they call a semi liquid mass biting syrup is a good a good analogy and then that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00291-00140684-00141176 pyloric sphincter. Marty mentioned it will pop open and let that kind be squirt into FuSuXhsLs3Y-00292-00141176-00141687 that from the stomach into the small test, so the intestines we have both small and large FuSuXhsLs3Y-00293-00141687-00142129 what you're seeing you're on the right side would be the large intestine so the small FuSuXhsLs3Y-00294-00142129-00142562 intestine does have three segments and they are called the duodenum, which is about the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00295-00142562-00143160 first 10 inches or so. I call that the mixing bowl. It's where the time from your stomach FuSuXhsLs3Y-00296-00143160-00143589 is going to be mixed with the bicarbonate the buffer from the pancreas to neutralize FuSuXhsLs3Y-00297-00143589-00144043 the acid. It's gonna be mixed with all the digestive enzymes in the pancreas which are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00298-00144043-00144571 breakdown carbs, lipids and proteins. And it's going to be mixed with file coming in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00299-00144571-00144985 the liver and gallbladder. So those four things are going to be mixed together in the duodenum, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00300-00144985-00145461 and this can be turned up. That's called segmentation peristalsis is when peristalsis is when you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00301-00145461-00146033 move things from one area to another. Segmentation is when things get turned and mixed together, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00302-00146033-00146483 and then the other may have the jejunum so I mentioned earlier that 90% of digestion FuSuXhsLs3Y-00303-00146483-00146984 and absorption takes place in a small intestine, while 90% of that takes place in the jejunum FuSuXhsLs3Y-00304-00146984-00147486 to the jejunum is where most digestion and absorption takes place than the third portion, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00305-00147486-00147960 the ileum that's going to be the longest portion of the small intestine and its primary job FuSuXhsLs3Y-00306-00147960-00148664 is to stick to catch digestion products. It also if it re-absorbs bio that's gonna be FuSuXhsLs3Y-00307-00148664-00149089 one of the functions of the limit really ribs or spouse of violence. Normally database used FuSuXhsLs3Y-00308-00149089-00149514 in than reabsorbed but it but if you don't want that to happen. Remember, bile is made FuSuXhsLs3Y-00309-00149514-00149936 of cholesterol. So if your cholesterol is high you actually want some of his bile to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00310-00149936-00150330 to escape out of your body and your liver would have to use new cholesterol to make FuSuXhsLs3Y-00311-00150330-00150853 bio that's why high-fiber diets that captured his bile and carry it through you into your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00312-00150853-00151363 fecal material. They will lower your cholesterol conical arts the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00313-00151363-00151798 That's the small intestine the large intestine use you see here we have that the Secombe FuSuXhsLs3Y-00314-00151798-00152155 is the pouch that captures material from the small intestine with little paint appendix FuSuXhsLs3Y-00315-00152155-00152764 dangling off of it. Then we have the ascending colon of the right side transverse: across FuSuXhsLs3Y-00316-00152764-00153239 the top descending colon which then turns into the sigmoid colon because of its S shape FuSuXhsLs3Y-00317-00153239-00153725 there and in the rectum and anus rectum being where we temporarily store feces and anus FuSuXhsLs3Y-00318-00153725-00154328 is where we how we get rid of it with elimination okay we talked about how large intestine reabsorb FuSuXhsLs3Y-00319-00154328-00155232 all that water super good there covered that Covered peristalsis. Remember, that's the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00320-00155232-00155682 the multiple layers of smooth muscle will squeeze material from one location to another. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00321-00155682-00156110 Imagine like squeezing the bottom to toothpaste that's peristaltic peristalsis it's forcing FuSuXhsLs3Y-00322-00156110-00156648 the toothpaste in one direction, segmentation is more of this churning action and we talked FuSuXhsLs3Y-00323-00156648-00157324 with A as well so will will to use everything you say there okay sphincters we talked about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00324-00157324-00157759 them. This this would be that lower esophageal sphincter is your your entire stomach could FuSuXhsLs3Y-00325-00157759-00158186 be full of stomach acid in your stomach can tolerate that, because it has it has a layer FuSuXhsLs3Y-00326-00158186-00158642 of mucus that protects but nowhere else can write. That's why that's why acid is to be FuSuXhsLs3Y-00327-00158642-00159069 neutralized as it enters a small intestine and you don't want acid/in your esophagus. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00328-00159069-00159576 If you if you ever had Harper that is acid irritating the lining of your esophagus. It FuSuXhsLs3Y-00329-00159576-00159992 doesn't carry to the lining of your stomach. That way, but because the mucus so this is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00330-00159992-00160394 long as the sink is working correctly and stays closed. You should be good, but the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00331-00160394-00160883 sphincter is open when it shouldn't be. That's when stomach contents can splash up in the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00332-00160883-00161238 esophagus and cause heartburn. And if you have chronic persistent heartburn. That's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00333-00161238-00162133 called Gerd or gastroesophageal reflux I the secretions of digestion. So we see the salivary FuSuXhsLs3Y-00334-00162133-00162609 glands are going to produce saliva. The stomach produces gastric juice which is a combination FuSuXhsLs3Y-00335-00162609-00163325 of of acid stomach acid and the the pepsin engine which is which becomes pepsin, an enzyme FuSuXhsLs3Y-00336-00163325-00163798 that I just proteins the pancreas of Artie said the pancreas produces bicarbonate which FuSuXhsLs3Y-00337-00163798-00164246 is a buffer and then pancreatic amylase to digest carbs and credit like bees to digest FuSuXhsLs3Y-00338-00164246-00164809 lipids or fats impact in the proteases to break down proteins. The liver makes and gallbladder FuSuXhsLs3Y-00339-00164809-00165275 of color doesn't it makes bile. Bile salts which become bile in the small intestine is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00340-00165275-00165790 going to have just just juices and mucus, but then also the small intestines can have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00341-00165790-00166192 in what's called the brush border right at the lining of the small intestine there's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00342-00166192-00166613 gonna be the enzymes that finish off that last little bit of digestion before we absorb FuSuXhsLs3Y-00343-00166613-00167142 our food. I we talked about saliva saliva is in almost hundred percent water. It's got FuSuXhsLs3Y-00344-00167142-00167645 lots of things into but dump but what we water is a big part of it. We may again, six, 7 FuSuXhsLs3Y-00345-00167645-00168219 L of water a day is needed to digest her food and we talked about enzymes. Now I pancreatic FuSuXhsLs3Y-00346-00168219-00168680 juice and intestinal enzymes. So there we did. We talked about them several times now FuSuXhsLs3Y-00347-00168680-00169084 talked about bicarbonate being a buffer some of it all. That was our mobile talked about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00348-00169084-00169743 women 70 does bile doesn't actually digest anything bile emulsify as facts or member FuSuXhsLs3Y-00349-00169743-00170127 oil and water don't mix. So imagine if you if you look like salad dressing of the oil FuSuXhsLs3Y-00350-00170127-00170635 and water separate without happening your gut without bile the bile is an emulsifier, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00351-00170635-00171364 like soapy using shampoo and hair so it does is it takes these large fat dock globules FuSuXhsLs3Y-00352-00171364-00171839 and it emulsify them, which means it temporarily mixes them with water, and so is that having FuSuXhsLs3Y-00353-00171839-00172340 one huge fat droplet. Imagine having a thousand tiny ones with the benefit of that is the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00354-00172340-00172837 surface area of those thousand tiny droplets is so big that the digestive enzymes can can FuSuXhsLs3Y-00355-00172837-00173368 act on it can can digest it instead of having all this fact that we just pass through you. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00356-00173368-00173855 It's it's temporarily broken down and emulsified so that it can be that justice is a really FuSuXhsLs3Y-00357-00173855-00174520 important point member. Bile does not digest fat bile makes fat digestible bile emulsify FuSuXhsLs3Y-00358-00174520-00175102 its fats so that your digestive enzymes your pancreatic lipase is for example can actually FuSuXhsLs3Y-00359-00175102-00175570 digest it. So that's the sole emulsification that's really important work out, eyebrows FuSuXhsLs3Y-00360-00175570-00175928 made by liver stored in the gallbladder. So if you if you have a gallbladder you will FuSuXhsLs3Y-00361-00175928-00176420 have more bile and it will be more concentrated, more effective, so you have a function gallbladder FuSuXhsLs3Y-00362-00176420-00176864 you can eat quite a fat if you don't have one slave ever had your gallbladder removed FuSuXhsLs3Y-00363-00176864-00177328 you notice that that's that's usually an issue right so if you'd if you don't have a gallbladder FuSuXhsLs3Y-00364-00177328-00177725 you try to eat too much fat than a whole bunch will pass through you and that leads to pain FuSuXhsLs3Y-00365-00177725-00178183 and abdominal pain and bloating and gas and diary and those kind things, but your bite. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00366-00178183-00178597 Get used to it, but is like I said before I can eat that I can eat a fatty meal now FuSuXhsLs3Y-00367-00178597-00178978 without any trouble. But when I for some. I gallbladder out, which was found no 10 years FuSuXhsLs3Y-00368-00178978-00179668 ago. Now that was not the case. I must function about the pH scale you to see the key there FuSuXhsLs3Y-00369-00179668-00180151 is a gastric juice is a pH of two your stomach can tolerate that, because of that mucus lining FuSuXhsLs3Y-00370-00180151-00180605 that protects it, but no other party or G.I. tract can which is why we have to keep gastric FuSuXhsLs3Y-00371-00180605-00181230 juice out of our esophagus are also good heartburn and we have to neutralize gastric juice with FuSuXhsLs3Y-00372-00181230-00181912 bicarbonate of that buffer when it enters the small intestine okay quick summary got FuSuXhsLs3Y-00373-00181912-00182424 a new set like everything here make she'll read this read this slide be. I don't. There's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00374-00182424-00183004 nothing that we have mentioned here now so were you go and go over that the final stage FuSuXhsLs3Y-00375-00183004-00183572 reflection activity so match these. We have just go and look at him so bacteria. They FuSuXhsLs3Y-00376-00183572-00184144 ferment some virus or want one of the functions of of the microbiome is that we eat foods FuSuXhsLs3Y-00377-00184144-00184708 that we can't digest the bacteria and other microbes living inside of us can so soluble FuSuXhsLs3Y-00378-00184708-00185273 or fermentable fibers is a perfect example of that, where we consume. If you eat beans FuSuXhsLs3Y-00379-00185273-00185646 or something will that some of the fiber and there is a Siebel fiber that you can't break FuSuXhsLs3Y-00380-00185646-00186018 down you don't you don't have the enzymes to digest it, but the microbes inside of you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00381-00186018-00186674 will ferment so why do we want that to happen. Well, as these microbes ferment these fibers. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00382-00186674-00187245 They actually make facts they make short chain fatty acids like butyrate's a good example, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00383-00187245-00187727 but then those fats actually will feed the cells of your large intestine and the cells FuSuXhsLs3Y-00384-00187727-00188185 your large intestine will use that fat for the energy they need to make mucus and that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00385-00188185-00188698 that leaves a nice beautiful mucus layer around the cells of your intestines so if you consume FuSuXhsLs3Y-00386-00188698-00189247 fiber your intestines will directly be healthier and those bacteria will also make other vitamins FuSuXhsLs3Y-00387-00189247-00189755 for us, do also to cool think that's a big deal. I fiber retains water. That's why you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00388-00189755-00190191 know you don't want to just the fiber if you if you're constipated you will you will probably FuSuXhsLs3Y-00389-00190191-00190596 want to increase your fiber consumption, but all I never tell someone to increase fiber FuSuXhsLs3Y-00390-00190596-00191088 consumption without also increasing water you drink more water so is your fiber intake FuSuXhsLs3Y-00391-00191088-00191492 was up in your diet your water intake should go up to because you take take the fiber and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00392-00191492-00192056 it's gonna pull water with it and that's actually helps keep you regular of undigested residues FuSuXhsLs3Y-00393-00192056-00192548 they exercise your intestinal muscle sold in fiber and things in our digestive they FuSuXhsLs3Y-00394-00192548-00192904 are. They are actually a form of exercise for your gut. That's what keeps you regular FuSuXhsLs3Y-00395-00192904-00193505 keeps things moving keep your intestines healthy. That's why a low fiber diet and constipation FuSuXhsLs3Y-00396-00193505-00193948 will weaken the lining of your intestine makes you more likely to develop certain intestinal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00397-00193948-00194765 disorders like him will be a good one. Slave diverticulitis or diverticulosis. You get FuSuXhsLs3Y-00398-00194765-00195113 the get these weak little pockets in your large intestine and they can get inflamed FuSuXhsLs3Y-00399-00195113-00195610 and irritated and that can be cause a lot of problems in the: the function of the colon. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00400-00195610-00196025 We said is to absorb water. That's its primary function and then it recycles the dissolved FuSuXhsLs3Y-00401-00196025-00196651 salt select minerals and things that were used in your gut. R&B ripped or peer TO the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00402-00196651-00197037 fate of a sandwich. Let's go to the sky quickly because it covered this. We covered this already FuSuXhsLs3Y-00403-00197037-00197563 quite a bit and each of these separate things of carbs of protein, fat, fiber, we're in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00404-00197563-00198054 a covered in great detail later chapters, but carbs so the carbs from your sandwich FuSuXhsLs3Y-00405-00198054-00198463 you a all of the all them are going to be mechanically broken on the mouth, but in the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00406-00198463-00198921 enzyme salivary amylase will begin the digestion of carbohydrates in your mouth and then you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00407-00198921-00199311 will turn that food into a bullet shall swallow it carb digestion doesn't doesn't happen in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00408-00199311-00199835 the stomach because the stomach acid destroys the enzymes. Then you get into the small intestine. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00409-00199835-00200264 The pancreatic amylase is will will break will further breakdown of the cards from that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00410-00200264-00200722 sandwich and and though be absorbed in all those should be absorbs there will be excretion. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00411-00200722-00201120 Let's get fiber so protein can you make break down the mouth of there's no enzymes in the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00412-00201120-00201491 mouth for diets and proteins. The stomach is her most the work occurs, the little dots FuSuXhsLs3Y-00413-00201491-00202014 can show your most activity is the in the stomach. You can it denature those proteins FuSuXhsLs3Y-00414-00202014-00202542 and also begin the digestion with an enzyme called pepsin and then once he is in small FuSuXhsLs3Y-00415-00202542-00202954 intestine. The proteases will take over your your break down those proteins, and individual FuSuXhsLs3Y-00416-00202954-00203530 amino acids and absorb them than the fat is he very little occurs in the mouth with an FuSuXhsLs3Y-00417-00203530-00204063 enzyme called mingle lipase not now much occurs in the stomach and then we get to love the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00418-00204063-00204571 small intestine with the help of bile the pancreatic lipases will will break down the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00419-00204571-00204967 lipids and then will absorb them, but absorptions can be a lot different here will cover this FuSuXhsLs3Y-00420-00204967-00205546 and more in the chapter on on fat, but this is the fats can be absorbed into the lymphatic FuSuXhsLs3Y-00421-00205546-00206205 system instead of in your circuitry system so into lymph fluid instead of blood and fiber FuSuXhsLs3Y-00422-00206205-00206671 is not to be digested when you get to the colon, though, when it's large intestine some FuSuXhsLs3Y-00423-00206671-00207176 of the fibers will be fermented by gut bacteria and the rest will pastor you they help maybe FuSuXhsLs3Y-00424-00207176-00207940 70% of the dry weight of your fecal material is like dead bacteria and fiber in these Things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00425-00207940-00208429 are so group activity we are as you want. Do this, but you should this is a great great FuSuXhsLs3Y-00426-00208429-00208864 way to practice. II would recommend putting all the organs of the G.I. tract in order FuSuXhsLs3Y-00427-00208864-00209449 and then and then makes you can review menu/partner something in kind a review of the function FuSuXhsLs3Y-00428-00209449-00210477 of each of the structures right now. We digest their food. Let's absorb it so hard to mention FuSuXhsLs3Y-00429-00210477-00210946 the small intestines were most of your absorption takes place around 10 feet long of the longer FuSuXhsLs3Y-00430-00210946-00211423 we talk about the three parts of the duodenum. The mixing bowl the jejunum for most of this FuSuXhsLs3Y-00431-00211423-00212011 takes place in the ileum which reabsorbs bile and as long as part of large surface area FuSuXhsLs3Y-00432-00212011-00212505 absolutely the small intestine has unfolds in it and the need to the fold's have things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00433-00212505-00212952 called villi look like fingers and then each of the cells that line those fingers have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00434-00212952-00213471 microvilli or microscopic fingers so huge surface area highlight look at this way it FuSuXhsLs3Y-00435-00213471-00214026 respond. Testing was just a hollow tube right with no wrinkles, no fingers you would absorb FuSuXhsLs3Y-00436-00214026-00214675 dependent you ask, you absorb 600 to 3000 times less of your nutrients so this huge FuSuXhsLs3Y-00437-00214675-00215101 surface area very very important are the types absorption how make a huge deal out of this. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00438-00215101-00215476 But there are different ways that things are to be absorbed easy simple diffusion things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00439-00215476-00216065 just move from an area of high to low concentration facilitated diffusion your any carriers that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00440-00216065-00216653 actual will carry things in into your in through your intestinal lining them at active transport. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00441-00216653-00217303 So, diffusion is a passive process, a distant doesn't require energy active transport will FuSuXhsLs3Y-00442-00217303-00217778 easily error their active transport will require energy you physically have to carry some things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00443-00217778-00218250 in which means that it cost some energy to digest and observe your food will cover that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00444-00218250-00219023 later with metabolism is called the thermic effect of food sold between 10 and 10 and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00445-00219023-00219786 25 or 30% of the calories in any meal is going to be needed to digest and absorb and transport FuSuXhsLs3Y-00446-00219786-00220216 those nutrients that's called the thermic effect of food and it's it it's around 10% FuSuXhsLs3Y-00447-00220216-00220856 of your your daily energy expenditure multiple tech I see you can read through Herve their FuSuXhsLs3Y-00448-00220856-00221407 different different different types of of of transport are needed for absorption so FuSuXhsLs3Y-00449-00221407-00221844 not a massive deal there. I would mention this to foresee look at this this picture FuSuXhsLs3Y-00450-00221844-00222265 here just to see the massive surface area were talking about here so that the intestines FuSuXhsLs3Y-00451-00222265-00222771 has little full. You can see right there in itself, and then each of those folds is lined FuSuXhsLs3Y-00452-00222771-00223285 with these fingers called villi in each of the cells is lined with microvilli so we have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00453-00223285-00223774 failed with fingers with microscopic fingers huge surface area to talk about all that I FuSuXhsLs3Y-00454-00223774-00224229 goblet cells we have mentioned so goblet cells are going to be. It's not all of the cells, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00455-00224229-00224588 the intestine are there to observe things or secrete things goblet cells are going to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00456-00224588-00224966 make mucus. Mucus is important because it keeps thinking of keeps things lubricated FuSuXhsLs3Y-00457-00224966-00225432 and keeps things moving through a G.I. tract, but also forms a barrier that keeps those FuSuXhsLs3Y-00458-00225432-00226001 trillions of bacteria and other microbes living inside of you away from from you directly FuSuXhsLs3Y-00459-00226001-00226584 write the something that can redhead around, but your G.I. tract is a hollow tube running FuSuXhsLs3Y-00460-00226584-00226979 through your body. It's not. It's actually a it's a surface it's not inside of you. It's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00461-00226979-00227464 almost like a really dirty skin writing about your skin not here but you have this internal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00462-00227464-00227950 skin. This hollow tube running through you, and there's a barrier between what's inside FuSuXhsLs3Y-00463-00227950-00228524 that and and actually you so it's a hollow tube running through you. That's why you have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00464-00228524-00228933 you'll depending on which yogurt commercial you watch it you'll 70 or 80% of your immune FuSuXhsLs3Y-00465-00228933-00229396 system is lying intestines left by between the microbes and their inside your gut and FuSuXhsLs3Y-00466-00229396-00229778 we don't want them inside our body. So it's that we keep them in a hollow tube running FuSuXhsLs3Y-00467-00229778-00230380 through her body. So this this mucus protection is actually pretty big deal okay until we FuSuXhsLs3Y-00468-00230380-00230856 talked about villi being the fingers that increase surface area and they and they regulate FuSuXhsLs3Y-00469-00230856-00231300 absorption microvilli just enough that that's microscopic little fingers on each of the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00470-00231300-00231819 cells we talked about mucus producing cells, and I was to have cells that reduce enzymes FuSuXhsLs3Y-00471-00231819-00232584 set the cells of their primary jobs absorption okay so now the absorption so all in and in FuSuXhsLs3Y-00472-00232584-00233336 almost everything right your your water, Siebel, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and small FuSuXhsLs3Y-00473-00233336-00233657 fat three. Not all fats are larger, we have what are called small chain will cover this FuSuXhsLs3Y-00474-00233657-00234104 in the chapter on fat. We have small chain fatty acids like butyrate that I mentioned FuSuXhsLs3Y-00475-00234104-00234521 earlier that are tiny we have medium chain fats may be a part of, like, medium chain FuSuXhsLs3Y-00476-00234521-00234998 triglycerides you can buy those that supplement stores or coconut oil has love these medium FuSuXhsLs3Y-00477-00234998-00235386 chain fats. Those are absorb. They don't need those don't need bile those don't need to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00478-00235386-00235978 use lymphatic system will, carbs, proteins, small fats and water. Siebel vitamins are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00479-00235978-00236351 to be absorbed right into your blood and the travel to your liver where your liver decides FuSuXhsLs3Y-00480-00236351-00236963 what to do with them to use them, store them, get rid of them, etc. large fat see a large FuSuXhsLs3Y-00481-00236963-00237631 chain fatty acids and your fat Siebel vitamins which are vitamins A, D, E and K there to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00482-00237631-00238019 be carrying you lymphatic system and I mentioned why earlier they have to be put in these huge FuSuXhsLs3Y-00483-00238019-00238546 packages which are called chylomicrons and you don't want that these big fatty packages FuSuXhsLs3Y-00484-00238546-00238996 on swimming to your bloodstream right away so the chylomicrons can travel through your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00485-00238996-00239461 lymphatic system. While these fats are to become distributed then what's left over is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00486-00239461-00239827 to be dumped in your bloodstream and then it's gonna be an easier easier task for your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00487-00239827-00240521 bite handle. Okay I will talk about this a ton here again this is just the entire circle FuSuXhsLs3Y-00488-00240521-00240990 traces number is focusing on the justice system here this is you, if you take them anatomy FuSuXhsLs3Y-00489-00240990-00241502 classes, you will be learned all this already working to focus on the liver. Let me show FuSuXhsLs3Y-00490-00241502-00241996 you is a picture of your art, so let's look at the window back in find first, but the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00491-00241996-00242394 liver is interesting right with most organs you have about half of the blood, traveling FuSuXhsLs3Y-00492-00242394-00242902 to it is arterial blood to to feed the organ and then half of its can be venous blood which FuSuXhsLs3Y-00493-00242902-00243491 is carrying that use blood back with the liver is like that about 80% of the blood flowing FuSuXhsLs3Y-00494-00243491-00243971 to the liver is venous blood mean it's on its way back to the heart. That's not a bad FuSuXhsLs3Y-00495-00243971-00244458 thing. It's you got less of the players here so we have the hepatic portal vein which will FuSuXhsLs3Y-00496-00244458-00244871 show you in the picture. We have a paddock arteries and then we have the hepatic veins FuSuXhsLs3Y-00497-00244871-00245306 to the hepatic just like other organs. The hepatic artery carries blood to the liver FuSuXhsLs3Y-00498-00245306-00245894 to keep the liver life in the hepatic vein is going to carry this blood back from the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00499-00245894-00246352 liver to the heart, but the hepatic portal vein, the portal system is what special let FuSuXhsLs3Y-00500-00246352-00246901 me show you that here so it's not 50-50 because remember what the liver deliver is going to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00501-00246901-00247442 get all the blood coming from your G.I. tract, so almost all of it not not not here to tell FuSuXhsLs3Y-00502-00247442-00247967 it but so everything it's gonna be absorbed from your G.I. tract from your small intestine. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00503-00247967-00248446 For example, into your blood is in trouble, to live up to the liver gets the first crack FuSuXhsLs3Y-00504-00248446-00248936 at everything that's why there's so much venous blood. It's not like it's this used blood. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00505-00248936-00249325 It's full of nutrients is full of everything you just absorb from your G.I. tract, but FuSuXhsLs3Y-00506-00249325-00249746 it goes to the liver. On the way to the heart because the liver is where we decide what FuSuXhsLs3Y-00507-00249746-00250225 to do with this. Oh okay, here's some glucose out turn in the glycogen here is an amino FuSuXhsLs3Y-00508-00250225-00250642 acid all turned into a different amino acid right, here's a fat when it when when it finally FuSuXhsLs3Y-00509-00250642-00251182 gets there I'll use it for fuel are all story all week. We have we have too much glucose FuSuXhsLs3Y-00510-00251182-00251649 in our glycogen is Artie full wall turn that in the fat old. Here's a tears a toxin on FuSuXhsLs3Y-00511-00251649-00252076 the toxic fight to the liver gets the first crack of everything, traveling into your G.I. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00512-00252076-00252416 tract and that's what this portal system. That's what makes the portal system special FuSuXhsLs3Y-00513-00252416-00253096 RNC can be to rest that you want, but okay so the lymphatic system. I'm not connecting FuSuXhsLs3Y-00514-00253096-00253488 again, this entire chapter on this anatomy but don't lymphatic system is like a second. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00515-00253488-00253873 So I called the second circle traces them for students doing amine, but is not a circle FuSuXhsLs3Y-00516-00253873-00254450 traces them as a circuitry system is it pumps it away in the back lymphatic system is all FuSuXhsLs3Y-00517-00254450-00254902 travels in one direction so it's there's not a pump there's not a second heart rate such FuSuXhsLs3Y-00518-00254902-00255392 as the movement of your muscles in your body that actually pump lymphatic fluid in all FuSuXhsLs3Y-00519-00255392-00256021 lymphatic fluid is traveling toward your heart. We talked about why we use that with the why FuSuXhsLs3Y-00520-00256021-00256705 we use that with the with fats because they can't this be dumped straight in the bloodstream. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00521-00256705-00257101 Okay guess her cousin Michael to talk please credit already, but factors influence bacteria FuSuXhsLs3Y-00522-00257101-00257666 meet you for first of all that, like the biggest factors were happened real as you were born FuSuXhsLs3Y-00523-00257666-00257999 in early in your life right. What kind of microbes we are exposed to it takes about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00524-00257999-00258403 three years to develop an adult microbiome to those first three years are critically FuSuXhsLs3Y-00525-00258403-00258869 important that you need antibiotics to play in the dirt that we born vaginally or via FuSuXhsLs3Y-00526-00258869-00259450 C-section regress better not. These are all factors that the will was your parents microbiome FuSuXhsLs3Y-00527-00259450-00259821 I will was the micros in your home. So all these things will influence which microbes FuSuXhsLs3Y-00528-00259821-00260340 are inside your gut within as an adult, we can still an impact and for sure it's collectively FuSuXhsLs3Y-00529-00260340-00260738 unaware Moa many of your from Iowa so the whole if you build it they will come from FuSuXhsLs3Y-00530-00260738-00261215 the movie was. I called feel the dreams, your microbiome is going to change and adapt to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00531-00261215-00261635 the way you feed it in a night. Is that right sleep, stress, all these things impact your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00532-00261635-00262231 microbiome, but what you eat is is a big big component cc here, probiotics and probiotics. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00533-00262231-00262672 So if your diet so probiotics you probably all heard of probiotics, but probiotics are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00534-00262672-00263157 living organisms that you consume right you eat yogurt you take a probiotic pill you eat FuSuXhsLs3Y-00535-00263157-00263659 kimchi these kind things. Those are probiotics when you actually consume living organisms FuSuXhsLs3Y-00536-00263659-00264176 to try to impact your microbiome prebiotic to different prebiotic's or when you feed FuSuXhsLs3Y-00537-00264176-00264683 the microbes their food which is mainly five or so probiotics would be eating living organisms FuSuXhsLs3Y-00538-00264683-00265215 pre-biotics would be consuming fiber, especially soluble fibers or fermentable fibers because FuSuXhsLs3Y-00539-00265215-00265644 then they will feed the micros and Artie that now if you asked me which is better. I would FuSuXhsLs3Y-00540-00265644-00266261 generally say for most people, prebiotic spread actually is. If you think about the yogurt FuSuXhsLs3Y-00541-00266261-00266778 most of micros and be killed by her stomach, but but nothing on probiotics and think they FuSuXhsLs3Y-00542-00266778-00267123 can do both, but had to choose one of the other. Generally speaking at a most people FuSuXhsLs3Y-00543-00267123-00267561 are better off just eating a diet that feeds the good microbes are Artie there, rather FuSuXhsLs3Y-00544-00267561-00268161 than just adding more micros terminals at our site so probiotic is living organisms FuSuXhsLs3Y-00545-00268161-00268748 pre-biotics would be food for those organisms and you should do both CE probiotic foods FuSuXhsLs3Y-00546-00268748-00269171 as often as possible and this is not medical advice is just generally good advice from FuSuXhsLs3Y-00547-00269171-00269639 a people consume Siebel fiber. I recommend you trying to make chic at least 6 g a day FuSuXhsLs3Y-00548-00269639-00270123 of Siebel fibers and if you do those things that should improve your gut health art to FuSuXhsLs3Y-00549-00270123-00270686 talk about what the microbes do, they can about 5 to 15% of the calories that you absorb FuSuXhsLs3Y-00550-00270686-00271103 in a day or you are in a come from digestion of these things. They ferment fibers and they FuSuXhsLs3Y-00551-00271103-00271530 make those healthy fats for us to do obstacle things that make vitamins force the big one FuSuXhsLs3Y-00552-00271530-00272077 be vitamin K than some of the B vitamins as well write the micros and the G.I. tract are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00553-00272077-00272445 influenced by pre-box providing. So if you build it they will come. They will respond FuSuXhsLs3Y-00554-00272445-00272926 to what you eat. I mentioned earlier that if you eat seaweed every day sooner or later FuSuXhsLs3Y-00555-00272926-00273377 got the microbes in your gut will adapt and be able to digest seaweed better, but if you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00556-00273377-00273767 how to see they don't just come from nowhere, you would've had to been exposed to them, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00557-00273767-00274138 probably from the seaweed you reading but that those 10 things will happen. So over FuSuXhsLs3Y-00558-00274138-00274624 time, your microbiome will change. I guess one of the reasons that it takes off you try FuSuXhsLs3Y-00559-00274624-00275135 if you try to do a complete different diet. Your body has to change enzyme levels your, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00560-00275135-00275526 your microbiome is to change it takes time. If you if you shift your diet can it can, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00561-00275526-00275958 it can take some time for sure. I we talked about cyber define provides prebiotic you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00562-00275958-00276513 can read that I the hormones and nerve pathways that are needed. This just based like everything FuSuXhsLs3Y-00563-00276513-00276934 else in your body. Your body you know that the hormones are basically going to coordinate FuSuXhsLs3Y-00564-00276934-00277387 activities of your G.I. tract for digestion there and in turn it on, turn it off. Same FuSuXhsLs3Y-00565-00277387-00277946 thing with with the that the nervous system so your body is trying to maintain homeostasis, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00566-00277946-00278320 which basically means that know if if you if there's food in your gut you should deal FuSuXhsLs3Y-00567-00278320-00278817 with that she can return back to normal situation where it's kind of empty. I, I'm a big believer FuSuXhsLs3Y-00568-00278817-00279354 that we should have. Your eat. Or we don't. For sure, but that some of the hormones you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00569-00279354-00279810 see here will talk about the next slide, but gastrin secret intersect written and pull FuSuXhsLs3Y-00570-00279810-00280167 us is the kind of the key once here, but notice what happens when there's food when there's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00571-00280167-00280650 food when your stomach is filling it's gonna trigger the release of the hormones that are FuSuXhsLs3Y-00572-00280650-00281104 needed to stimulate digestion so we can deal with it then, and we get back to situation FuSuXhsLs3Y-00573-00281104-00281563 your stomachs empty. That's how our body uses negative feedback to maintain homeostasis FuSuXhsLs3Y-00574-00281563-00282172 obsolete the these three key formants hormones here so gastrin is to anytime foods in your FuSuXhsLs3Y-00575-00282172-00282540 stomach. It's gonna trigger the release of gastrin and knows what does it tells the stomach FuSuXhsLs3Y-00576-00282540-00283054 generate more assets there's food sitting here we need to break it down sector tenor FuSuXhsLs3Y-00577-00283054-00283565 secret and identical. Second, this is gonna be triggered by when climb is entering the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00578-00283565-00284129 small intestine and asking until the pancreas release bicarbonate before this acid eats FuSuXhsLs3Y-00579-00284129-00284729 a hole in the duodenum so executives can until the pancreas dump your juices into the small FuSuXhsLs3Y-00580-00284729-00285206 intestine so that we can we can bring the pH up and digest the food and then call us FuSuXhsLs3Y-00581-00285206-00285679 is the kind is gonna respond to fat or protein in the small intestine and it's gonna cause FuSuXhsLs3Y-00582-00285679-00286113 the release of bile and it's gonna cause the release of digestive enzymes to digest her FuSuXhsLs3Y-00583-00286113-00286597 food so all that means that you're just this starts with your stomach acid so food entering FuSuXhsLs3Y-00584-00286597-00287238 your stomach causes the stomach to become acidic that acidity's triggers, the signaling FuSuXhsLs3Y-00585-00287238-00287630 that's can lead to these other hormones being being released so it's basically you want FuSuXhsLs3Y-00586-00287630-00288051 to have a nice acidic stomach because it stimulates digestion of all the macronutrients, but those FuSuXhsLs3Y-00587-00288051-00288671 those of the three key hormones not the only ones involved those of the key with the the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00588-00288671-00289297 system at its best. So we so sensitive and responsive to the environment. Immunity against FuSuXhsLs3Y-00589-00289297-00289709 intestinal diseases diseases and defense against foreign affairs what is that mean if you have FuSuXhsLs3Y-00590-00289709-00290152 a really healthy G.I. tract and you it's really intact. You don't have what's called a leaky FuSuXhsLs3Y-00591-00290152-00290648 gut or intestinal permeability you have a beautiful thick lining of mucus that protecting FuSuXhsLs3Y-00592-00290648-00291176 your gut from its contents and your immune system is there and it's monitoring things FuSuXhsLs3Y-00593-00291176-00291631 you don't have bacteria and toxins entering your bloodstream. So that's that's why you FuSuXhsLs3Y-00594-00291631-00291979 want a good healthy gut and the others. Lots of things that can impact your gut health FuSuXhsLs3Y-00595-00291979-00292695 medications, diet, stress, exercise all those, things, rights of the health of the weight. FuSuXhsLs3Y-00596-00292695-00293270 How do you get a healthy G.I. tract keeping the blood flowing. Obviously, so being physically FuSuXhsLs3Y-00597-00293270-00293802 active. Exercise helps a healthy coverture lifestyle factors, don't smoke, manager stress, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00598-00293802-00294253 get plenty of sleep, eat well, all the rates all the regular ones meal don't don't take FuSuXhsLs3Y-00599-00294253-00294677 drugs or medications impacted much you need to the types of food eaten. That's one of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00600-00294677-00295028 the main thing we can control what someone tells me I want healthier gut than I would FuSuXhsLs3Y-00601-00295028-00295536 tell them for most people, you need more water you need more fiber you need more fermentable FuSuXhsLs3Y-00602-00295536-00295960 fibers you need probiotic foods. The things you been covering in this. This will lecture FuSuXhsLs3Y-00603-00295960-00296389 and if your diet is all the other things balance moderate adequate variety makes you getting FuSuXhsLs3Y-00604-00296389-00296958 all the nutrients you need than that should be how you have a healthy test. I was the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00605-00296958-00297380 following helps to coordinate all the digestive processes in the body that would be both, FuSuXhsLs3Y-00606-00297380-00297729 your endocrine system and nervous system. That's just that's just the entire body is FuSuXhsLs3Y-00607-00297729-00298146 controlled by hormones and nervous system the nervous system is really in charge right FuSuXhsLs3Y-00608-00298146-00298601 you have a you have a whole division of your nervous system here called the enteric nervous FuSuXhsLs3Y-00609-00298601-00299046 system that can that subconsciously controls your gut and then we have other systems like FuSuXhsLs3Y-00610-00299046-00299468 your parasympathetic nervous system plays a big role digestion to the nervous system FuSuXhsLs3Y-00611-00299468-00299959 is is really in charge, but then than the hormones control kind of kind of the region FuSuXhsLs3Y-00612-00299959-00300341 by region activities like it should set but nursing does that as well. Think about like FuSuXhsLs3Y-00613-00300341-00300866 a example of a gastro cool. It reflects when you eat often times within within 30 to of FuSuXhsLs3Y-00614-00300866-00301195 minutes to 60 minutes after eating, you have to defecate up to the bathroom will that's FuSuXhsLs3Y-00615-00301195-00301661 reflexes. That's the stomach saying hey I'm full let's clean your room ahead of us because FuSuXhsLs3Y-00616-00301661-00302117 this foods gonna be coming by. So that's that's an example of how your nervous systems involved FuSuXhsLs3Y-00617-00302117-00302684 as well. Okay. Summary now the lesson is ended. You should of learned how to identify the FuSuXhsLs3Y-00618-00302684-00303093 actions of the organs, muscles, and secretions. We covered all those describe the anatomical FuSuXhsLs3Y-00619-00303093-00303651 details of the intestinal cells that facilitate nutrient absorption also talked about that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00620-00303651-00304041 explain how nutrients are routed in the circulatory system from the G.I. tract. We talked about FuSuXhsLs3Y-00621-00304041-00304471 how the liver gets a crack at all the suffering in the blood. We talked about how fat large FuSuXhsLs3Y-00622-00304471-00304827 fat. Sorry, and fats of the vitamins have to be carried through lymphatic system that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00623-00304827-00305230 we talked about the bacteria quite a bit, hormones, and nerves. We just it. Okay so FuSuXhsLs3Y-00624-00305230-00305597 this is everything about the justice system go going to the YouTube channel. Look for FuSuXhsLs3Y-00625-00305597-00306045 the digestive system playlist that that'll be another be a big help and will cover metabolism FuSuXhsLs3Y-00626-00306045-00306577 want to absorb these things later. But that's a really great start so II really hope this FuSuXhsLs3Y-00627-00306577-00306970 helps. Really think about this right when you eat eat the foods that like your that FuSuXhsLs3Y-00628-00306970-00307424 like you read eat the foods that you can properly digest and absorb make sure you're feeding FuSuXhsLs3Y-00629-00307424-00307921 your microbiome makes your eating foods that are irritating your gut and you will be healthier FuSuXhsLs3Y-00630-00307921-00308408 your entire body will be healthier, but II firmly believe this property set it all diseases FuSuXhsLs3Y-00631-00308408-00308831 begin in the stomach or the gut. But I truly believe that you can only be as healthy as FuSuXhsLs3Y-00632-00308831-00309256 your G.I. tract. You can only be as healthy as your intestines pretzel. I do hope this FuSuXhsLs3Y-00633-00309256-00309432 helps. Have one for the blessed FvPR7v6gx9c-00000-00000200-00000696 Kuro's talking to my brother who's cooking right now! FvPR7v6gx9c-00001-00000996-00001192 I want to be spoiled by him! FvPR7v6gx9c-00002-00001392-00001588 I'm waiting ~ FvPR7v6gx9c-00003-00001789-00001985 Not yet? FvPR7v6gx9c-00004-00002085-00002185 Hey.. FvPR7v6gx9c-00005-00002681-00002981 I'll be a good girl and wait :) FvPR7v6gx9c-00006-00002981-00003181 Check out out videos, too! FwncQjOPRqc-00000-00000041-00000141 Hi! FwncQjOPRqc-00001-00000141-00000250 Today is about "to reconnoitre." FwncQjOPRqc-00002-00000250-00000641 In dictionary is " to secretly track in order to collect information" and I am thinking FwncQjOPRqc-00003-00000641-00001467 at all the " No" from my life and at my " I can't" from my life,I think it would be fascinating FwncQjOPRqc-00004-00001467-00002122 to collect information about it to see how can I replace it with " Yes" because I found FwncQjOPRqc-00005-00002122-00002655 fascinating a very dear friend of mine who told me... actually he gave me an extraordinary FwncQjOPRqc-00006-00002655-00003050 coaching lesson and he was not at the coaching school. FwncQjOPRqc-00007-00003050-00003903 So he said " Each time I feel like saying no, I stop and think how to say no, let's FwncQjOPRqc-00008-00003903-00004325 see what I can replace this no with, what other possibility I have." FwncQjOPRqc-00009-00004325-00004426 So I said " Wow! FwncQjOPRqc-00010-00004426-00004919 This is the best coaching lesson" so he said " Yes? that's what coaching means?" FwncQjOPRqc-00011-00004919-00005878 So I said " If you ask me yes,that's it" And now I am thinking if I would reconnoitre all FwncQjOPRqc-00012-00005878-00006230 the "no" from my life and I would....without them to notice,to not scare them and I would FwncQjOPRqc-00013-00006230-00006630 transform them in something else I think it would be wow. FwncQjOPRqc-00014-00006630-00006709 Bye! Fwo0aInDyxo-00000-00000000-00000200 Oh Fwo0aInDyxo-00001-00007963-00008204 Yeah, I'll show you the goats Fwo0aInDyxo-00002-00008500-00008904 By the way, my name is Sevryn the goats are all the way over there Fwo0aInDyxo-00003-00009103-00009678 Sorry if your ears got hurt it's just a really windy day there's a wire up here Fwo0aInDyxo-00004-00009811-00010472 This is what my basically my favorite place to go. That is the horse stop Fwo0aInDyxo-00005-00010960-00011160 Mom say something Fwo0aInDyxo-00006-00011421-00012047 So, I wonder what we should push what do we do Fwo0aInDyxo-00007-00012315-00012515 Bye Fwo0aInDyxo-00008-00012528-00013253 Hope you enjoyed the video. Please comment down below within the 60 minutes for a next video Fwo0aInDyxo-00009-00013365-00013530 please Fwo0aInDyxo-00010-00013713-00013913 subscribe and like FwtLzU_cqPU-00000-00000036-00000293 FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO SECURITY DEPARTMENT HAS FwtLzU_cqPU-00001-00000293-00000603 INTEGRATED WITH JAPAN GROUND SELF-DEFENSE FORCE FwtLzU_cqPU-00002-00000603-00000980 OR JGSDF DURING EXERCISE GUARD AND PROTECT TO FORM FwtLzU_cqPU-00003-00000980-00001097 ONE COHESIVE TEAM. FwtLzU_cqPU-00004-00001097-00001378 TODAY, WE HAD AN ACTIVE SHOOTER WITH FEW FwtLzU_cqPU-00005-00001378-00001558 INDIVIDUALS AT A FUEL FACILITY. FwtLzU_cqPU-00006-00001558-00001888 BASICALLY, WE HAD JGSDF THAT CAME OUT AND FwtLzU_cqPU-00007-00001888-00002228 NEUTRALIZE SOME OF THE SUSPECT THAT WE HAVE OUT." FwtLzU_cqPU-00008-00002228-00002569 THE EXERCISE ALLOWED BOTH FORCES TO WORK OUT ANY FwtLzU_cqPU-00009-00002569-00002862 GAPS IN ADVANCE AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER TO FwtLzU_cqPU-00010-00002862-00003093 ACCOMPLISH THE MISSION AND STRENGTHEN THEIR FwtLzU_cqPU-00011-00003093-00003206 RELATIONSHIP. FwtLzU_cqPU-00012-00003206-00003406 "I THINK THE MEMBER DID EXTREMELY WELL. FwtLzU_cqPU-00013-00003406-00003606 WE HAVE A LOT WE HAVE TO COVER, HOWEVER, FwtLzU_cqPU-00014-00003606-00003807 JUST LIKE THIS IS NOT THE FIRST, FwtLzU_cqPU-00015-00003807-00004007 THIS ONE WOULD NOT BE THE LAST GUARD AND PROTECT FwtLzU_cqPU-00016-00004007-00004107 THAT WE'LL HAVE." FwtLzU_cqPU-00017-00004107-00004304 GUARD AND PROTECT IS A WEEK-LONG EXERCISE FwtLzU_cqPU-00018-00004304-00004567 ENHANCING INTEROPERABILITY WITH JAPANESE COUNTERPARTS FwtLzU_cqPU-00019-00004567-00004888 AND HELP TRAIN TOGETHER AS ONE EFFICIENT TEAM. FwtLzU_cqPU-00020-00004944-00005065 PETTY OFFICER CLAIRE FARIN, FwtLzU_cqPU-00021-00005065-00005565 FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO JAPAN. Fxs0-LMVSQU-00000-00000277-00000861 Hello, my name is Greg Thomas. I'm the Assistant Director for Geospatial Intelligence programs at Fxs0-LMVSQU-00001-00000861-00001327 Penn State, and I teach several fundamental and advanced courses on topic of geospatial Fxs0-LMVSQU-00002-00001327-00001816 intelligence. My background is in intelligence and analysis in the law enforcement field, Fxs0-LMVSQU-00003-00001816-00002239 and I bring that experience to the program and the courses I teach. In Fxs0-LMVSQU-00004-00002239-00002671 my classes I stress the analysis of human activity over place and time, Fxs0-LMVSQU-00005-00002671-00003204 to provide a decision advantage or to solve a problem, and I show how geospatial intelligence Fxs0-LMVSQU-00006-00003204-00003772 as a discipline is used for analyzing data in various fields of study. I look forward Fxs0-LMVSQU-00007-00003772-00004261 to exploring geospatial intelligence analysis further with you, and hope you enjoy the course! FAMUJk2eGk8-00000-00000004-00000246 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00001-00002832-00002916 - Good morning. FAMUJk2eGk8-00002-00002916-00003045 Welcome back to another vlog. FAMUJk2eGk8-00003-00003045-00003174 It's actually Sunday morning FAMUJk2eGk8-00004-00003174-00003311 and my mom is here this weekend. FAMUJk2eGk8-00005-00003311-00003432 She's been here since Friday FAMUJk2eGk8-00006-00003432-00003681 and we've just been like been bopping around town FAMUJk2eGk8-00007-00003681-00003764 doing some hikes. FAMUJk2eGk8-00008-00003764-00003909 Oh, there's Drew. FAMUJk2eGk8-00009-00003909-00004038 We went on a hike yesterday. FAMUJk2eGk8-00010-00004038-00004143 Oh, there's my mom. FAMUJk2eGk8-00011-00004143-00004287 Hi, mom. FAMUJk2eGk8-00012-00004287-00004455 And I figured on her last day, FAMUJk2eGk8-00013-00004455-00004650 we've just been enjoying time off camera obviously FAMUJk2eGk8-00014-00004650-00004953 but on her last day, I would document a little bit of it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00015-00004953-00005106 So we're actually gonna head to Santa Monica FAMUJk2eGk8-00016-00005106-00005301 which is funny 'cause we just did this whole thing FAMUJk2eGk8-00017-00005301-00005439 at the very beginning of this vlog. FAMUJk2eGk8-00018-00005439-00005619 We had like a nice little morning routine, FAMUJk2eGk8-00019-00005619-00005790 went to the beach, got coffee, et cetera. FAMUJk2eGk8-00020-00005790-00005988 That's basically what we're gonna do today. FAMUJk2eGk8-00021-00005988-00006132 We might do a little bit of shopping. FAMUJk2eGk8-00022-00006132-00006369 We'll see, my mom is on the hunt for some Birkenstocks. FAMUJk2eGk8-00023-00006369-00006650 I'm wearing my fake thrifted Birkenstocks. FAMUJk2eGk8-00024-00006650-00006770 - [Drew] Firkenstocks? FAMUJk2eGk8-00025-00006770-00006900 - My firkenstocks. FAMUJk2eGk8-00026-00006900-00007092 But she wants to find some real ones FAMUJk2eGk8-00027-00007092-00007334 'cause she used to have them in the 90s FAMUJk2eGk8-00028-00007334-00007608 and I used to borrow them in like the early 2000s and stuff FAMUJk2eGk8-00029-00007608-00007806 and she, I don't know, doesn't have that pair anymore FAMUJk2eGk8-00030-00007806-00007920 so she wants to get some new ones. FAMUJk2eGk8-00031-00007920-00008100 I might get some Ugg slippers, we'll see. FAMUJk2eGk8-00032-00008100-00008436 We just had a nice lovely morning walk with miss Laylas FAMUJk2eGk8-00033-00008436-00008730 and now we're heading out so come along. FAMUJk2eGk8-00034-00008730-00008868 Oh and it finally feels like fall. FAMUJk2eGk8-00035-00008868-00009000 Oh my God, it finally feels like fall. FAMUJk2eGk8-00036-00009000-00009093 I'm so excited. FAMUJk2eGk8-00037-00009093-00009396 Here is my slightly granola outfit of the day. FAMUJk2eGk8-00038-00009396-00009630 I'm wearing this brown shirt that I got at Primark FAMUJk2eGk8-00039-00009630-00009762 when I was in the UK. FAMUJk2eGk8-00040-00009762-00009921 I got a cute little like half up FAMUJk2eGk8-00041-00009921-00010257 sort of Phoebe Buffay style hairstyle here FAMUJk2eGk8-00042-00010257-00010587 and then my thrifted overalls, Layla's dog toy FAMUJk2eGk8-00043-00010587-00010791 and my thrifted fake Birks. FAMUJk2eGk8-00044-00010791-00010874 Let's go. FAMUJk2eGk8-00045-00010874-00011028 Do you wanna give us your OOTD? FAMUJk2eGk8-00046-00011135-00011310 Uniqlo head to toe. FAMUJk2eGk8-00047-00011310-00011463 - Uniqlo. FAMUJk2eGk8-00048-00011463-00011669 Uniqlo. FAMUJk2eGk8-00049-00011669-00011766 I don't even know where these are from. FAMUJk2eGk8-00050-00011766-00011901 Maybe like H&M probably. FAMUJk2eGk8-00051-00011901-00011984 - [Carrie] Sure. FAMUJk2eGk8-00052-00011984-00012327 - And then the Nike Vintage '77 I think. FAMUJk2eGk8-00053-00012327-00012422 - [Carrie] Oh shit. FAMUJk2eGk8-00054-00012606-00012863 Hi, mom, you wanna give us your OOTD? FAMUJk2eGk8-00055-00012863-00012955 Do you know what that means? FAMUJk2eGk8-00056-00012955-00013047 - Yes, I do. FAMUJk2eGk8-00057-00013047-00013230 - [Carrie] Old Navy, Old Navy. FAMUJk2eGk8-00058-00013319-00013403 - Macy's. FAMUJk2eGk8-00059-00013403-00013763 - [Carrie] Macy's and Nike, what are those? FAMUJk2eGk8-00060-00013763-00014043 - Oh, they're called too big. FAMUJk2eGk8-00061-00014196-00014441 - [Carrie] Some type of comfortable walking shoes. FAMUJk2eGk8-00062-00014441-00014556 - [Mom] Shoe Warehouse think. FAMUJk2eGk8-00063-00014556-00014746 - [Carrie] The Shoe Warehouse, there we go. FAMUJk2eGk8-00064-00014746-00014987 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00065-00015574-00015671 Cheers. FAMUJk2eGk8-00066-00015671-00015823 - [Mom] Peep the latte. FAMUJk2eGk8-00067-00015823-00016032 - Cheers, cheers, cheers. FAMUJk2eGk8-00068-00016152-00016488 I was so excited to get my food FAMUJk2eGk8-00069-00016488-00016824 that I ate the entire thing before I even showed it FAMUJk2eGk8-00070-00016824-00017073 but I got a waffle with strawberries and bananas. FAMUJk2eGk8-00071-00017073-00017450 This is what it would look like so just pretend. FAMUJk2eGk8-00072-00017450-00017692 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00073-00022272-00022355 Good morning. FAMUJk2eGk8-00074-00022355-00022443 So it's actually the next day. FAMUJk2eGk8-00075-00022443-00022596 I decided not to vlog after all. FAMUJk2eGk8-00076-00022596-00022773 I was really just enjoying being present FAMUJk2eGk8-00077-00022773-00023028 and yeah, you don't need an explanation obviously, you know, FAMUJk2eGk8-00078-00023028-00023241 but I made myself a nice little cookie butter latte FAMUJk2eGk8-00079-00023241-00023478 this morning after my hot girl walk and my breakfast. FAMUJk2eGk8-00080-00023478-00023685 I walked for like three miles around the neighborhood, FAMUJk2eGk8-00081-00023685-00023916 chatted with my mom 'cause she left this morning sadly FAMUJk2eGk8-00082-00023916-00024063 and she's on her way back to Arizona. FAMUJk2eGk8-00083-00024063-00024186 So we chatted for a little bit FAMUJk2eGk8-00084-00024186-00024453 and then I listened to my Laguna Beach podcast as always. FAMUJk2eGk8-00085-00024453-00024579 I'm running out of episodes though FAMUJk2eGk8-00086-00024579-00024699 so I'm like kinda sad about it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00087-00024699-00024846 Made myself a cookie butter latte. FAMUJk2eGk8-00088-00024846-00025131 Literally just melted cookie butter into my espresso. FAMUJk2eGk8-00089-00025131-00025416 It's delicious but my parosmia, I don't know, FAMUJk2eGk8-00090-00025416-00025689 these like Nespresso pods aren't really doing it anymore. FAMUJk2eGk8-00091-00025689-00025899 So anyways, I'm gonna jump in the shower. FAMUJk2eGk8-00092-00025899-00026025 We have a busy day today. FAMUJk2eGk8-00093-00026025-00026136 We have a filming day. FAMUJk2eGk8-00094-00026136-00026283 I think I need to do some editing later. FAMUJk2eGk8-00095-00026283-00026463 We're also getting our bivalent, FAMUJk2eGk8-00096-00026463-00026688 bivalent, bivalent boosters today. FAMUJk2eGk8-00097-00026688-00026817 We're getting our flu shot as well. FAMUJk2eGk8-00098-00026817-00026900 So we have a lot going on FAMUJk2eGk8-00099-00026900-00027075 and then a really, really busy week. FAMUJk2eGk8-00100-00027075-00027222 So I'm just kind of preparing. FAMUJk2eGk8-00101-00027222-00027305 We've got our laundry FAMUJk2eGk8-00102-00027305-00027533 like we didn't do our typical Sunday stuff yesterday FAMUJk2eGk8-00103-00027533-00027783 'cause my mom was here so anyways, come along. FAMUJk2eGk8-00104-00027783-00027918 Let's get our lives back together. FAMUJk2eGk8-00105-00027918-00028016 Reset time. FAMUJk2eGk8-00106-00028016-00028258 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00107-00029649-00029772 All right and not too much later, FAMUJk2eGk8-00108-00029772-00029913 we've managed to get ourselves ready. FAMUJk2eGk8-00109-00029913-00030267 I did have to do a slicked back hair this morning. FAMUJk2eGk8-00110-00030267-00030492 It's not really how I wanted to do my hair today FAMUJk2eGk8-00111-00030492-00030636 but I'm running out of time. FAMUJk2eGk8-00112-00030636-00030839 I seriously have like mm, FAMUJk2eGk8-00113-00030839-00031077 an hour or so until our vaccine appointments FAMUJk2eGk8-00114-00031077-00031311 and I wanna make sure I've got enough time FAMUJk2eGk8-00115-00031311-00031563 and I'm not rushing too much and whatever. FAMUJk2eGk8-00116-00031563-00031670 I'm just gonna wear my hair up. FAMUJk2eGk8-00117-00031670-00031877 I am like not a hair up kind of girl. FAMUJk2eGk8-00118-00031877-00032004 Probably can't really tell by the vlogs FAMUJk2eGk8-00119-00032004-00032154 but I've been trying to get more comfortable FAMUJk2eGk8-00120-00032154-00032333 with my ears recently. FAMUJk2eGk8-00121-00032333-00032570 Wow, is that something I've never talked about online? FAMUJk2eGk8-00122-00032570-00032739 I feel like I have probably. FAMUJk2eGk8-00123-00032739-00032892 I have a huge insecurity, FAMUJk2eGk8-00124-00032892-00033099 let's just, let's just rip the bandaid. FAMUJk2eGk8-00125-00033099-00033273 I have a huge insecurity with my ears. FAMUJk2eGk8-00126-00033273-00033390 I have my entire life. FAMUJk2eGk8-00127-00033390-00033744 People used to in like kindergarten call me Dumbo FAMUJk2eGk8-00128-00033744-00033981 'cause I had like big ears like an elephant or whatever FAMUJk2eGk8-00129-00033981-00034251 and I've just had like a complex about it ever since. FAMUJk2eGk8-00130-00034251-00034404 My mom has the same ears. FAMUJk2eGk8-00131-00034404-00034593 Her dad had the same ears. FAMUJk2eGk8-00132-00034593-00034743 It's just kind of like hereditary. FAMUJk2eGk8-00133-00034743-00034932 Actually, my grandma also had big ears FAMUJk2eGk8-00134-00034932-00035130 so it's just part of like life FAMUJk2eGk8-00135-00035130-00035289 but have I never talked about that? FAMUJk2eGk8-00136-00035289-00035372 I don't know. FAMUJk2eGk8-00137-00035372-00035706 So how I do my hair is usually down FAMUJk2eGk8-00138-00035706-00035916 and if I wear it up, it's like half up FAMUJk2eGk8-00139-00035916-00036210 in a way that like strategically my ears are covered. FAMUJk2eGk8-00140-00036210-00036423 It's kind of uncomfy for me FAMUJk2eGk8-00141-00036423-00036597 because I feel weird about my ears FAMUJk2eGk8-00142-00036597-00036720 but we're just gonna go with it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00143-00036720-00036852 Also, I have a very big head. FAMUJk2eGk8-00144-00036852-00037197 Anyway, this isn't like me just shitting on myself. FAMUJk2eGk8-00145-00037197-00037500 It's just me being honest about like random insecurities FAMUJk2eGk8-00146-00037500-00037734 that probably no one else would notice FAMUJk2eGk8-00147-00037734-00037968 but that like bothers me, you know? FAMUJk2eGk8-00148-00037968-00038271 And all that to say it's pointless to waste your time FAMUJk2eGk8-00149-00038271-00038385 worrying about that kind of stuff. FAMUJk2eGk8-00150-00038385-00038625 The trash truck is also going by. FAMUJk2eGk8-00151-00038625-00038751 Great, fantastic. FAMUJk2eGk8-00152-00038751-00038889 'Cause like I don't know, FAMUJk2eGk8-00153-00038889-00039114 my ears are part of what makes me me, you know, FAMUJk2eGk8-00154-00039114-00039240 and Drew thinks my ears are cute. FAMUJk2eGk8-00155-00039240-00039513 Anyways, wow that was a really, FAMUJk2eGk8-00156-00039513-00039732 that was an ADHD moment for sure. FAMUJk2eGk8-00157-00039732-00039888 Me telling you that I'm running late FAMUJk2eGk8-00158-00039888-00040107 and that I need to hurry up and film FAMUJk2eGk8-00159-00040107-00040368 because I didn't even have time to do my hair FAMUJk2eGk8-00160-00040368-00040560 and then I went on a tangent about my ears. FAMUJk2eGk8-00161-00040560-00040643 Anyways, okay. FAMUJk2eGk8-00162-00040643-00040860 Sneak peek, we are filming an Abercrombie video FAMUJk2eGk8-00163-00040860-00041166 which actually, by the time this video goes live, FAMUJk2eGk8-00164-00041166-00041334 I will have already posted that FAMUJk2eGk8-00165-00041334-00041538 because it's going up like in two days. FAMUJk2eGk8-00166-00041538-00041621 I'm a little behind FAMUJk2eGk8-00167-00041621-00041949 because of family being in town the last couple of weeks. FAMUJk2eGk8-00168-00041949-00042126 I don't know why I keep talking. FAMUJk2eGk8-00169-00042126-00042281 I literally can't stop talking. FAMUJk2eGk8-00170-00042366-00042453 Literally shut up. FAMUJk2eGk8-00171-00042453-00042694 Okay, goodbye, talk later, see ya. FAMUJk2eGk8-00172-00042694-00042936 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00173-00045680-00045812 Hi. FAMUJk2eGk8-00174-00045812-00045895 - Hello. FAMUJk2eGk8-00175-00046474-00046633 You can't really see mine. FAMUJk2eGk8-00176-00046633-00046875 Also, they covered my tattoo. FAMUJk2eGk8-00177-00047406-00047532 - Just like that, made it back home FAMUJk2eGk8-00178-00047532-00047739 from our booster appointments. FAMUJk2eGk8-00179-00047739-00048162 We're boosted and ready to go and she jabbed us good. FAMUJk2eGk8-00180-00048162-00048245 You know? FAMUJk2eGk8-00181-00048245-00048328 It was real efficient. FAMUJk2eGk8-00182-00048328-00048462 It's in there that's for sure. FAMUJk2eGk8-00183-00048462-00048759 What I think I'm gonna do, I don't know if this is extra FAMUJk2eGk8-00184-00048759-00048936 but I also do not care FAMUJk2eGk8-00185-00048936-00049329 is the day that you're seeing this video is actually FAMUJk2eGk8-00186-00049329-00049476 and I can't believe I haven't addressed it FAMUJk2eGk8-00187-00049476-00049779 yet in this video so far but the day you were watching this FAMUJk2eGk8-00188-00049779-00050055 is the day I could throw up of excitement. FAMUJk2eGk8-00189-00050055-00050226 It's the day that Midnights, FAMUJk2eGk8-00190-00050226-00050535 Taylor Swift's new album comes out. FAMUJk2eGk8-00191-00050535-00050745 So actually, oh, oh my God, FAMUJk2eGk8-00192-00050745-00051198 The day that you are watching this, I have already heard it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00193-00051198-00051288 Yeah, Layla's crying. FAMUJk2eGk8-00194-00051288-00051402 That's how excited she is. FAMUJk2eGk8-00195-00051402-00051819 So I actually ordered a sweater on Amazon FAMUJk2eGk8-00196-00051819-00052020 that is Midnights inspired. FAMUJk2eGk8-00197-00052020-00052185 I'll show you what it looks like. FAMUJk2eGk8-00198-00052185-00052296 Here it is. FAMUJk2eGk8-00199-00052296-00052430 It's so cute. FAMUJk2eGk8-00200-00052430-00052653 I can't believe I'm literally about to listen FAMUJk2eGk8-00201-00052653-00052914 to another Taylor Swift album like, anyways. FAMUJk2eGk8-00202-00052914-00053076 Drew and I were just talking on the way back FAMUJk2eGk8-00203-00053076-00053337 and I told him I wanna take like a Midnights photo FAMUJk2eGk8-00204-00053337-00053457 and he was like, FAMUJk2eGk8-00205-00053457-00053700 "you haven't even been talking about that that much lately" FAMUJk2eGk8-00206-00053700-00053865 and I'm like, I know, we've been so busy. FAMUJk2eGk8-00207-00053865-00054057 He's like, "what are, how are you preparing? FAMUJk2eGk8-00208-00054057-00054140 What are you gonna do?" FAMUJk2eGk8-00209-00054140-00054366 And I'm like, silently sit in the dark FAMUJk2eGk8-00210-00054366-00054576 and like rock back and forth and just listen to it FAMUJk2eGk8-00211-00054576-00054720 and be like, what the? FAMUJk2eGk8-00212-00054720-00054803 I mean, that's it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00213-00054803-00054951 I don't, we don't have a single yet. FAMUJk2eGk8-00214-00054951-00055215 I have no idea what I'm, what I'm expecting. FAMUJk2eGk8-00215-00055215-00055332 I'm so ready. FAMUJk2eGk8-00216-00055332-00055458 I literally have full body chills. FAMUJk2eGk8-00217-00055458-00055614 Anyways, so I think I'm gonna like FAMUJk2eGk8-00218-00055614-00055919 now that I'm done with my little bit of filming from earlier FAMUJk2eGk8-00219-00055919-00056295 I think I might do my hair, get changed FAMUJk2eGk8-00220-00056295-00056616 and take like a fun little Midnights photo 'cause why not? FAMUJk2eGk8-00221-00056616-00056823 I'm like the equivalent of a Disney adult FAMUJk2eGk8-00222-00056823-00057222 but I'm a Taylor Swift adult and I simply do not care. FAMUJk2eGk8-00223-00057222-00057414 I'm gonna go see why my dog is crying. FAMUJk2eGk8-00224-00057414-00057540 Hi. FAMUJk2eGk8-00225-00057540-00057672 Hi, sweet girl. FAMUJk2eGk8-00226-00057672-00057791 Are you okay? FAMUJk2eGk8-00227-00057791-00057891 Are you okay? FAMUJk2eGk8-00228-00057891-00058041 You just want me to pet you? FAMUJk2eGk8-00229-00058041-00058215 We were gone 30 minutes. FAMUJk2eGk8-00230-00058215-00058307 Oh, what a good girl. FAMUJk2eGk8-00231-00058307-00058485 Best girl in the world. FAMUJk2eGk8-00232-00058485-00058644 Okay, it's a little while later. FAMUJk2eGk8-00233-00058644-00058890 Did my hair, got my little outfit on. FAMUJk2eGk8-00234-00058890-00059025 I'm gonna take my photo FAMUJk2eGk8-00235-00059025-00059262 because it makes me happy and brings me joy FAMUJk2eGk8-00236-00059262-00059400 and then we're gonna make some lunch FAMUJk2eGk8-00237-00059400-00059754 because it's butternut squash freaking mac and cheese time. FAMUJk2eGk8-00238-00059754-00059850 So we're gonna do it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00239-00059850-00060045 Here's the outfit details by the way. FAMUJk2eGk8-00240-00060045-00060249 The sweater is from Amazon I'm not gonna lie FAMUJk2eGk8-00241-00060249-00060491 but it was exactly what I was looking for. FAMUJk2eGk8-00242-00060491-00060729 This nightgown is actually thrifted. FAMUJk2eGk8-00243-00060729-00061073 This belt is thrifted and these boots are from Target. FAMUJk2eGk8-00244-00061073-00061315 (calm music) FAMUJk2eGk8-00245-00062025-00062117 Think we got it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00246-00062117-00062262 All right, it's lunchtime. FAMUJk2eGk8-00247-00062262-00062526 I'm heating up my butternut squash mac and cheese FAMUJk2eGk8-00248-00062526-00062609 from Trader Joe's. FAMUJk2eGk8-00249-00062609-00062850 We also went, what the hell is all over this? FAMUJk2eGk8-00250-00062850-00063120 We went to Erewhon over the weekend when my mom was here FAMUJk2eGk8-00251-00063120-00063467 and we got these VEGOBEARS, VEGOBEARS. FAMUJk2eGk8-00252-00063467-00063624 It says foamy gummy bears. FAMUJk2eGk8-00253-00063624-00063738 I don't know why it's called that FAMUJk2eGk8-00254-00063738-00063834 but they're actually really good FAMUJk2eGk8-00255-00063834-00064179 but like I think they're just expensive vegan gummy bears FAMUJk2eGk8-00256-00064179-00064497 and these flavor are cherry and raspberry. FAMUJk2eGk8-00257-00064497-00064690 I guess they are kind of foamy looking FAMUJk2eGk8-00258-00064779-00065013 but they just taste normal and they're really good. FAMUJk2eGk8-00259-00065013-00065133 - [Drew] I guess. FAMUJk2eGk8-00260-00065133-00065607 - Yeah and then we also got the brand called Rind. FAMUJk2eGk8-00261-00065607-00065823 We got the apple chips which are good. FAMUJk2eGk8-00262-00065823-00066135 I've also had the pack that has apple, pear and strawberry. FAMUJk2eGk8-00263-00066135-00066438 That one was okay but we got one that had apple, FAMUJk2eGk8-00264-00066438-00066690 peach and persimmon and that one was really good FAMUJk2eGk8-00265-00066690-00066849 and these apple chips are good too FAMUJk2eGk8-00266-00066849-00067167 in case you're interested, oop, in a snack update. FAMUJk2eGk8-00267-00067167-00067356 Our new past time has been going to Erewhon FAMUJk2eGk8-00268-00067356-00067584 and buying expensive snacks and being like, FAMUJk2eGk8-00269-00067584-00067758 is this worth the hype? FAMUJk2eGk8-00270-00067758-00067884 I can't believe the time has come FAMUJk2eGk8-00271-00067884-00068133 to have my first butternut squash mac and cheese FAMUJk2eGk8-00272-00068133-00068244 of the season. FAMUJk2eGk8-00273-00068244-00068375 - [Drew] I already had one. FAMUJk2eGk8-00274-00068375-00068627 - You already had one? FAMUJk2eGk8-00275-00068627-00068907 Did you boop me with your chopsticks? FAMUJk2eGk8-00276-00068907-00069117 Oh my God, here she is. FAMUJk2eGk8-00277-00069117-00069200 This is a monumental day. FAMUJk2eGk8-00278-00069200-00069399 I mean, it's probably been a year. FAMUJk2eGk8-00279-00069399-00069513 It's steaming up the lens. FAMUJk2eGk8-00280-00069513-00069723 It is steaming up the lens. FAMUJk2eGk8-00281-00069723-00070044 Here she is in her microwaved glory. FAMUJk2eGk8-00282-00070044-00070211 In case you're new here, this is it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00283-00070211-00070536 It is the Trader Joe's butternut squash mac and cheese FAMUJk2eGk8-00284-00070536-00070782 which sounds weird but oh is it good? FAMUJk2eGk8-00285-00070782-00070908 We probably got it for the first time, FAMUJk2eGk8-00286-00070908-00071063 what, like four years ago? FAMUJk2eGk8-00287-00071063-00071160 - [Drew] When we moved here. FAMUJk2eGk8-00288-00071160-00071322 - First bite of the season. FAMUJk2eGk8-00289-00071322-00071619 This better be good 'cause my parosmia, you know. FAMUJk2eGk8-00290-00071707-00071859 I have parosmia in case you didn't know FAMUJk2eGk8-00291-00071859-00072153 which is like an after effect of COVID where you, FAMUJk2eGk8-00292-00072153-00072357 everything tastes and smells off. FAMUJk2eGk8-00293-00072357-00072440 Okay. FAMUJk2eGk8-00294-00072657-00072757 - Taste like shit? FAMUJk2eGk8-00295-00072757-00072841 - Good. FAMUJk2eGk8-00296-00073059-00073164 Good, good, good. FAMUJk2eGk8-00297-00073413-00073875 Spicy water of the day is Waterloo watermelon. FAMUJk2eGk8-00298-00073875-00073958 Love to see it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00299-00073958-00074041 Cheers. FAMUJk2eGk8-00300-00074286-00074369 Ah. FAMUJk2eGk8-00301-00074493-00074589 What a perfect day. FAMUJk2eGk8-00302-00074589-00074697 All right, just finished my lunch. FAMUJk2eGk8-00303-00074697-00074790 It was delicious. FAMUJk2eGk8-00304-00074790-00075000 Drew and I actually have seen some TikToks FAMUJk2eGk8-00305-00075000-00075324 of people making that recipe like from scratch FAMUJk2eGk8-00306-00075324-00075543 and so we're also gonna try that at some point. FAMUJk2eGk8-00307-00075543-00075750 I'll try to link the TikTok if I can remember FAMUJk2eGk8-00308-00075750-00076038 but yeah, delicious. FAMUJk2eGk8-00309-00076038-00076179 Oh. FAMUJk2eGk8-00310-00076179-00076308 He just went. FAMUJk2eGk8-00311-00076308-00076611 Justine Snacks by the way is the TikTok. FAMUJk2eGk8-00312-00076611-00076851 We're gonna try that maybe later. FAMUJk2eGk8-00313-00076851-00077049 I'm also really feeling impulsive FAMUJk2eGk8-00314-00077049-00077424 like I wanna dye my hair because I'm gonna be honest, FAMUJk2eGk8-00315-00077424-00077688 it's nothing against the people who did my hair last FAMUJk2eGk8-00316-00077688-00077771 or anything like that FAMUJk2eGk8-00317-00077771-00077979 but I hate the color of my hair right now FAMUJk2eGk8-00318-00077979-00078316 and even my mom was like, "your hair color is not the best." FAMUJk2eGk8-00319-00078316-00078447 I was like, I know. FAMUJk2eGk8-00320-00078447-00078633 She was like, "you've had better hair colors." FAMUJk2eGk8-00321-00078633-00078891 I think just because it's like dark on the top FAMUJk2eGk8-00322-00078891-00079167 and then it's hard to tell on camera but in person, FAMUJk2eGk8-00323-00079167-00079506 it's very like there's still red in it at the bottom. FAMUJk2eGk8-00324-00079506-00079701 I have three different shades of blonde. FAMUJk2eGk8-00325-00079701-00080178 It's like dark blonde or dirty blonde or brown or whatever FAMUJk2eGk8-00326-00080178-00080391 and then like blondish like golden FAMUJk2eGk8-00327-00080391-00080535 and then it's like red down at the bottom FAMUJk2eGk8-00328-00080535-00080856 and then like underneath, it's really dark FAMUJk2eGk8-00329-00080856-00081126 and when I put it up, it's like a bunch of different colors FAMUJk2eGk8-00330-00081126-00081222 and I'm just like over it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00331-00081222-00081453 I think I might do dark again. FAMUJk2eGk8-00332-00081453-00081536 We'll see. FAMUJk2eGk8-00333-00081536-00081666 But first, we're gonna take Layla outside. FAMUJk2eGk8-00334-00081666-00081774 I decided, you know what? FAMUJk2eGk8-00335-00081774-00082059 I had my vaccine, I'll probably be feeling tired soon. FAMUJk2eGk8-00336-00082059-00082233 I'd got a bunch of work done today. FAMUJk2eGk8-00337-00082233-00082584 It's like two PM which is like prime nap time to be honest FAMUJk2eGk8-00338-00082584-00082743 and I'm gonna like take it easy, you know? FAMUJk2eGk8-00339-00082743-00082826 I'm gonna take it slow. FAMUJk2eGk8-00340-00082826-00082995 So I got my Kindle. FAMUJk2eGk8-00341-00082995-00083205 I am going to get back into my book FAMUJk2eGk8-00342-00083205-00083442 and I thought I'd give like a quick little FAMUJk2eGk8-00343-00083442-00083607 book review update. FAMUJk2eGk8-00344-00083607-00084107 I have nothing against like true classic literature FAMUJk2eGk8-00345-00084144-00084408 or like really thought provoking stuff. FAMUJk2eGk8-00346-00084408-00084567 I've read some of it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00347-00084567-00084762 I used to read a ton growing up FAMUJk2eGk8-00348-00084762-00085005 and right now where I'm at in my life FAMUJk2eGk8-00349-00085005-00085389 and just with the way that the world is and everything, FAMUJk2eGk8-00350-00085389-00085725 I just want my mind to feel numb like I don't, FAMUJk2eGk8-00351-00085725-00086136 I wanna read like smut or like corny shit. FAMUJk2eGk8-00352-00086136-00086256 That's just me being honest. FAMUJk2eGk8-00353-00086256-00086502 So that's, I mean, no offense. FAMUJk2eGk8-00354-00086502-00086760 No offense to miss Colleen Hoover, Colleen Hoover. FAMUJk2eGk8-00355-00086760-00086907 She is like the TikTok queen. FAMUJk2eGk8-00356-00086907-00087210 We love her for it but I sometimes just read those books FAMUJk2eGk8-00357-00087210-00087450 because I can speed through 'em really quickly FAMUJk2eGk8-00358-00087450-00087684 and they're just very easy to read. FAMUJk2eGk8-00359-00087684-00088044 I'm also joined by somebody who just woke up. FAMUJk2eGk8-00360-00088044-00088127 Good morning. FAMUJk2eGk8-00361-00088227-00088388 Hi. FAMUJk2eGk8-00362-00088388-00088506 Hi. FAMUJk2eGk8-00363-00088506-00088764 But anyways, before I get into the Colleen Hoover book, FAMUJk2eGk8-00364-00088764-00089004 I did finish the sequel FAMUJk2eGk8-00365-00089004-00089217 to the last book that I was talking about FAMUJk2eGk8-00366-00089217-00089412 which was called It Happened One Summer FAMUJk2eGk8-00367-00089412-00089643 and the sequel was called Hook, Line and Sinker. FAMUJk2eGk8-00368-00089643-00089817 I, I liked it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00369-00089817-00090120 I heard a lot of people say they liked the sequel better. FAMUJk2eGk8-00370-00090120-00090567 I found, I found the men in those books annoying. FAMUJk2eGk8-00371-00090567-00090690 I'm so sorry. FAMUJk2eGk8-00372-00090690-00091038 I found the men to be like kind of annoying. FAMUJk2eGk8-00373-00091038-00091341 I don't know like, it was like the author is very like, FAMUJk2eGk8-00374-00091341-00091518 oh, he's a big burly man FAMUJk2eGk8-00375-00091518-00091752 and he's so burly and like so strong FAMUJk2eGk8-00376-00091752-00091929 and like she's this tiny little girl FAMUJk2eGk8-00377-00091929-00092181 and he's this big strong man and like, I don't know, FAMUJk2eGk8-00378-00092181-00092493 it just, some of it was really cringe FAMUJk2eGk8-00379-00092493-00092619 like really, really cringe FAMUJk2eGk8-00380-00092619-00092838 but I did enjoy the books overall. FAMUJk2eGk8-00381-00092838-00093075 I enjoyed like the world of Westport. FAMUJk2eGk8-00382-00093075-00093402 I won't spoil anything but I really, I enjoyed them FAMUJk2eGk8-00383-00093402-00093687 but there were times where I literally FAMUJk2eGk8-00384-00093687-00093900 physically was rolling my eyes FAMUJk2eGk8-00385-00093900-00094158 and that's not 'cause I'm like better than the author FAMUJk2eGk8-00386-00094158-00094241 or anything like that. FAMUJk2eGk8-00387-00094241-00094425 It was just the story was like a little cheesy FAMUJk2eGk8-00388-00094425-00094836 but anyways, then I read Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. FAMUJk2eGk8-00389-00094836-00095055 I don't know, again, it was just kind of okay. FAMUJk2eGk8-00390-00095055-00095196 I didn't really like the way FAMUJk2eGk8-00391-00095196-00095451 that the girl was being treated in that book. FAMUJk2eGk8-00392-00095451-00095580 Am I being a buzzkill? FAMUJk2eGk8-00393-00095580-00095663 I'm sorry. FAMUJk2eGk8-00394-00095663-00095787 I'm sure some people will agree with me. FAMUJk2eGk8-00395-00095787-00095976 I still liked reading 'em FAMUJk2eGk8-00396-00095976-00096210 and now I'm reading Reminders of Him. FAMUJk2eGk8-00397-00096210-00096561 I downloaded like four books before I went to the UK FAMUJk2eGk8-00398-00096561-00096702 'cause I thought I was gonna read on the plane FAMUJk2eGk8-00399-00096702-00096939 but I ended up just editing and watching shows and stuff FAMUJk2eGk8-00400-00096939-00097077 so didn't get much reading done FAMUJk2eGk8-00401-00097077-00097218 so I'm trying to work through those FAMUJk2eGk8-00402-00097218-00097395 so I'm getting through those four books FAMUJk2eGk8-00403-00097395-00097542 that I have on my Kindle FAMUJk2eGk8-00404-00097542-00097701 and Reminders of Him is one of them. FAMUJk2eGk8-00405-00097701-00097905 It was a recommended book FAMUJk2eGk8-00406-00097905-00098196 and I don't think I like the main character. FAMUJk2eGk8-00407-00098196-00098346 Is that bad to say? FAMUJk2eGk8-00408-00098346-00098481 I sound like I'm just shitting on all these books. FAMUJk2eGk8-00409-00098481-00098865 I don't know, sometimes I think I get disappointed FAMUJk2eGk8-00410-00098865-00098958 and overhype things. FAMUJk2eGk8-00411-00098958-00099252 I think that's normal but this book in particular, FAMUJk2eGk8-00412-00099252-00099390 I don't like the main character. FAMUJk2eGk8-00413-00099390-00099744 I find her very unlikable and I'm not gonna spoil anything FAMUJk2eGk8-00414-00099744-00100044 but she's done this like horrendous thing. FAMUJk2eGk8-00415-00100044-00100224 I don't know, I haven't gotten that far. FAMUJk2eGk8-00416-00100224-00100548 I'm only 112 pages in and we're all human and everything FAMUJk2eGk8-00417-00100548-00100737 but I'm just like, I do like it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00418-00100737-00100959 It's like juicy but I find myself FAMUJk2eGk8-00419-00100959-00101133 being annoyed with the main character. FAMUJk2eGk8-00420-00101133-00101421 Anyways, that's my mini book review that nobody asked for. FAMUJk2eGk8-00421-00101421-00101652 I'm like really struggling with this vlog today FAMUJk2eGk8-00422-00101652-00101931 like I feel like when I take breaks from vlogging FAMUJk2eGk8-00423-00101931-00102342 for like a week or two, I don't know how to vlog anymore FAMUJk2eGk8-00424-00102342-00102480 like I feel very rusty FAMUJk2eGk8-00425-00102480-00102681 and I feel like the things that I'm saying FAMUJk2eGk8-00426-00102681-00102957 are so pointless and that no one cares FAMUJk2eGk8-00427-00102957-00103143 and like why am I even talking about this, FAMUJk2eGk8-00428-00103143-00103281 I should just turn off the camera. FAMUJk2eGk8-00429-00103281-00103554 So bear with me while I get back into it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00430-00103554-00103773 Also, sorry if you've been able to hear my fan FAMUJk2eGk8-00431-00103773-00103950 that's going in my bedroom this entire time. FAMUJk2eGk8-00432-00103950-00104220 We don't have a ceiling fan so that's our replacement. FAMUJk2eGk8-00433-00104220-00104397 Moo is giving himself a bath now. FAMUJk2eGk8-00434-00104397-00104553 And now I'm going to tuck into this book FAMUJk2eGk8-00435-00104553-00104742 and hopefully I'll like it FAMUJk2eGk8-00436-00104742-00104858 a little bit more by the end of it. FAMUJk2eGk8-00437-00104858-00105156 Don't spoil anything but let me know if it gets better. FAMUJk2eGk8-00438-00105156-00105339 Okay, we'll chat soon. FAMUJk2eGk8-00439-00105339-00105581 (calm music) FD1ZCNDQTBg-00000-00000000-00001056 LIFO inventory valuation, which stands for Last-In, First-Out, FD1ZCNDQTBg-00001-00001056-00001466 results in the most recent purchases being recorded as COGS FD1ZCNDQTBg-00002-00001466-00001846 and the oldest purchases remaining in ending inventory. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00003-00001846-00002759 Recall that under the periodic inventory tracking system, we don't track the purchase and sale of inventory through the inventory account. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00004-00002760-00003279 So the revenue entry is all that is recorded when a sale occurs. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00005-00003279-00003826 Therefore, COGS and ending inventory valuation are determined only at the end of the month. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00006-00003826-00004023 Let's look at an example. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00007-00004023-00004346 Let's assume the following inventory data: FD1ZCNDQTBg-00008-00004346-00004786 March 1st - Beginning Inventory is 200 units @ $10 each. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00009-00004786-00005279 March 4th we purchased an additional 300 units @ $20 each. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00010-00005280-00006026 March 10th we sold 400 units @ $50 each. Now that's the retail price, not the cost. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00011-00006026-00006546 March 20th we purchased an additional 500 units @ $30 each. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00012-00006546-00007123 March 25th sold 300 units @ a price of $50 each. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00013-00007123-00007666 Finally March 30th purchased 100 units @ $40 each. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00014-00007666-00008329 If you want to pause the video at this time, to write down those numbers, go ahead, and then just start it up when you're ready. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00015-00008330-00009166 With this data and using LIFO, let's determine the value of ending inventory and the amount of COGS that should be recorded. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00016-00009166-00009623 Since inventory isn't accounted for after each transaction, FD1ZCNDQTBg-00017-00009623-00010336 we need to use the COGS Model to determine the value of COGS and ending inventory. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00018-00010336-00011096 The COGS model is beginning inventory plus purchases equals goods available for sale. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00019-00011096-00011616 From that we can subtract ending inventory to arrive at COGS. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00020-00011616-00012249 We could also subtract the units sold to arrive at the units in ending inventory. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00021-00012250-00012876 This is important to note because sometimes units sold are given and not ending units, FD1ZCNDQTBg-00022-00012876-00013269 while other times ending units are given and not units sold. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00023-00013269-00014016 In real life, we know the ending units of inventory because we physically counted them. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00024-00014016-00014519 So we take the data from the problem and put it into the COGS model. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00025-00014519-00015046 I chose to solve for ending inventory because we were given the units sold. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00026-00015046-00015686 So we have 1,100 units available for sale with a total cost of $27,000. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00027-00015686-00016379 We know we sold 700 units, so our ending inventory must be 400 units. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00028-00016380-00016920 So let's figure out which 700 units we sold using LIFO. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00029-00016920-00017583 But before we do that there is an important concept we need to be aware of when using the periodic method. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00030-00017583-00018053 We assume that all goods are available for sale. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00031-00018053-00018883 So I know, and you know there isn't any way that March 30th purchases could have been sold on March 10th. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00032-00018883-00019339 but we ignore that fact when using the periodic method. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00033-00019340-00019573 Now back to solving this problem. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00034-00019573-00020106 So, ask the question, which 700 units did we sell? FD1ZCNDQTBg-00035-00020106-00021053 Well LIFO stands for Last-in, First-Out so we sold all 100 units of the March 30th purchase leaving zero. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00036-00021053-00021689 We sold 500 units of the March 20th purchase leaving zero. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00037-00021690-00022376 We sold 100 units from the March 4th purchase leaving 200 in ending inventory. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00038-00022376-00023499 So we can account for all 700 units sold and the cost of those units is $21,000, which is $4,000 + $15,000 + $2,000. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00039-00023500-00023886 Let's plug that amount into the COGS model. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00040-00023886-00024993 Since the cost of goods available for sale is $27,000, we can determine the value of ending inventory by subtracting COGS of $21,000. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00041-00024993-00025379 Therefore, ending inventory is $6,000. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00042-00025380-00025823 We could have proved this by using the ending inventory as well. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00043-00025823-00026209 Since 400 units remain in ending inventory, FD1ZCNDQTBg-00044-00026210-00027139 and those units come from 200 units of beginning inventory and 200 units remaining from the March 4th purchase. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00045-00027139-00027889 Those gives us a total $6,000 which matches what we've already calculated. FD1ZCNDQTBg-00046-00027889-00027900 Subtitles by the Amara.org community FHXvf1e9RUQ-00000-00000097-00000485 EVER SINCE COMMODORE MATTHEW PERRY AND HIS SEVEN BLACK SHIPS ARRIVED AT THE SHORES OF FHXvf1e9RUQ-00001-00000485-00001044 SHIMODA, JAPAN, THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE EVENT HAS BEEN CELEBRATED BY BOTH THE U.S. AND JAPAN. FHXvf1e9RUQ-00002-00001044-00001498 THE BLACK SHIP FESTIVAL REPRESENTS THE STORY OF HOW WE MET, AND SOMETIMES IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP FHXvf1e9RUQ-00003-00001498-00001903 YOU MAY HAVE UPS AND DOWNS, YOUVE BEEN ADVERSARIES, NOW YOURE BEST FRIENDS... FHXvf1e9RUQ-00004-00001903-00002269 YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER THE STORY OF HOW YOU MET, AND WE ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS, THE BEST OF FHXvf1e9RUQ-00005-00002269-00002627 ALLIES TODAY AND ITS IMPORTANT FOR US TO REMEMBER THAT. FHXvf1e9RUQ-00006-00002627-00003064 THE SEVENTY SIXTH SHIMODA BLACK SHIP FESTIVAL NOT ONLY BRINGS TOGETHER U.S. AND JAPANESE FHXvf1e9RUQ-00007-00003064-00003525 MILITARIES, IT ALSO CONNECTS THEM WITH THE LOCAL CITIZENS OF SHIMODA, AS IT DID DURING FHXvf1e9RUQ-00008-00003525-00003971 PERRYS INITIAL VISIT. FHXvf1e9RUQ-00009-00003971-00004394 THIS FESTIVAL CELEBRATES THE FRIENDSHIP AND RESPECT THESE TWO NATIONS HAVE FOR EACH OTHER, FHXvf1e9RUQ-00010-00004394-00004776 AND BOTH AMERICANS AND JAPANESE LOOK FORWARD TO THIS EVENT EACH YEAR. FHXvf1e9RUQ-00011-00004776-00005067 PETTY OFFICER BRAIN M. BROOKS, SHIMODA, JAPAN FJqPjFoV-L4-00000-00000032-00000568 Alright welcome back guys to more resident evil village gameplay in the last video we FJqPjFoV-L4-00001-00000624-00001128 collected two treasure chests now in this episode i think we're gonna face heisenberg FJqPjFoV-L4-00002-00001128-00001728 and his army of likens heisenberg seems a pretty tough guy and he got a whole lot of FJqPjFoV-L4-00003-00001728-00002984 like an army man i'm excited so let's jump into the gameplay FJqPjFoV-L4-00004-00003600-00003864 ah my apologies FJqPjFoV-L4-00005-00004192-00004424 please do take a look at my new stock FJqPjFoV-L4-00006-00004680-00005472 aha we've gathered all the ingredients now moment speed increased permanently FJqPjFoV-L4-00007-00005752-00006680 i'm excited about this one this ability finished i'd love for you to enjoy as well sarmadi pesti FJqPjFoV-L4-00008-00007152-00007912 i wouldn't mind having that again what can i do and i can probably create this FJqPjFoV-L4-00009-00007912-00008632 recipe too yeah yeah carry on i can hardly wait just excuse me a moment FJqPjFoV-L4-00010-00009640-00010184 finished i'd love for you to enjoy as well three flavored FJqPjFoV-L4-00011-00010512-00011040 permanently nice yeah i can probably create this one too FJqPjFoV-L4-00012-00011256-00011552 i can hardly wait just excuse me a moment FJqPjFoV-L4-00013-00011760-00012352 all right that leaves only one dish that's a pretty basic one FJqPjFoV-L4-00014-00012568-00012800 here it is please join me FJqPjFoV-L4-00015-00013104-00013512 to think such a dish could be winterbound frontier FJqPjFoV-L4-00016-00013800-00014456 right towards this health slightly increased permanently i don't think i can create it FJqPjFoV-L4-00017-00014456-00015584 right now let's see antique coin miss meld india yeah i'm gonna sell this one FJqPjFoV-L4-00018-00015672-00016319 i think i'm gonna hold on to that and yeah i'm gonna hold on to this as well FJqPjFoV-L4-00019-00016400-00016984 antique coin i can sell silver angel as well i'm gonna hold on to necklace right now FJqPjFoV-L4-00020-00017200-00017704 and yeah that's it i got plenty of ammos FJqPjFoV-L4-00021-00017920-00018200 sniper rifle wolf spain FJqPjFoV-L4-00022-00018328-00019016 yeah i have to test that extension as well that's it where did you get your hands on such a thing FJqPjFoV-L4-00023-00019296-00020088 yeah everything looks good do take a look at my time to start real quick FJqPjFoV-L4-00024-00020760-00021184 probably buy some pipe bomb FJqPjFoV-L4-00025-00022112-00022608 i'm going to uh mulch 10 so i better prepare for it FJqPjFoV-L4-00026-00022840-00023432 now this this i can upgrade as well these hands are more dexterous than one might think FJqPjFoV-L4-00027-00023576-00024016 rate of fire reload speed i don't need reload speed right now FJqPjFoV-L4-00028-00024704-00025400 yeah yeah i'm gonna definitely need power on my shotgun remote capacity as well FJqPjFoV-L4-00029-00025528-00026056 reload speed doesn't really matter you don't quite have the cash on hand FJqPjFoV-L4-00030-00026295-00027024 i'm gonna sell some more stuff my weapons are quite not ready yet for this fight FJqPjFoV-L4-00031-00027239-00027856 well technically they are ready but i just wanna prepare the best i can and the things FJqPjFoV-L4-00032-00027856-00028288 i have right now this is something just definitely upgrade my arsenal FJqPjFoV-L4-00033-00028408-00028952 now i want to upgrade this power delighted rate of fire as well FJqPjFoV-L4-00034-00029264-00029808 why the hell no timer capacity one moment please FJqPjFoV-L4-00035-00030160-00030983 yeah everything looks good FJqPjFoV-L4-00036-00031952-00032039 delighted to FJqPjFoV-L4-00037-00032272-00032392 alright that's about it FJqPjFoV-L4-00038-00033480-00034456 pay me no mind i'm gonna just in case buy some shotgun shells FJqPjFoV-L4-00039-00034880-00035184 yeah that's it FJqPjFoV-L4-00040-00035400-00035680 i see anything else some handgun ammo FJqPjFoV-L4-00041-00036152-00036792 some snapper flamo an interesting selection FJqPjFoV-L4-00042-00037088-00037984 there's a stuff i sell in pipe bomb i hope this one makes myself useful all right man arsenal look FJqPjFoV-L4-00043-00037984-00038728 next week now i'm ready to take this fight on i'm gonna attach this attachment to my shotgun real FJqPjFoV-L4-00044-00038728-00040256 quick it's just standard vertical hand grip all right i'm gonna organize my inventory real quick FJqPjFoV-L4-00045-00040744-00040888 all right everything looks good FJqPjFoV-L4-00046-00041096-00041768 yeah yeah now can i create something yeah this uh these ones i need FJqPjFoV-L4-00047-00041880-00042344 and everything everything looks good i guess one pipe bomb wouldn't hurt FJqPjFoV-L4-00048-00042600-00042824 yeah yeah this is my arsenal for the FJqPjFoV-L4-00049-00042824-00043584 fight FJqPjFoV-L4-00050-00043824-00044128 for the boss fight i think this is gonna be interesting FJqPjFoV-L4-00051-00044392-00044688 so let's hit it i'm gonna save my game real quick FJqPjFoV-L4-00052-00044928-00045384 all right so we are back and this is my inventory FJqPjFoV-L4-00053-00045560-00046064 i think it looks good all right i'm gonna head straight for the FJqPjFoV-L4-00054-00046240-00047040 wolf's pain i'm just gonna check this gun what should i equipped FJqPjFoV-L4-00055-00047096-00049184 yeah i should equip this i don't need knife not now just wanna check this one man this feels legit FJqPjFoV-L4-00056-00049352-00049936 man this feels so good right now i could probably take down one big titan FJqPjFoV-L4-00057-00050168-00050840 like from the attack on titans if you have guys seen that anime season FJqPjFoV-L4-00058-00050840-00050992 that's pretty amazing season FJqPjFoV-L4-00059-00051344-00051984 with this gun i think yeah it's one shot kill FJqPjFoV-L4-00060-00052200-00052336 what's this good luck FJqPjFoV-L4-00061-00052648-00054400 yeah i'm gonna need it what's this area it's an explode otto's mill guess i'm gonna check it out FJqPjFoV-L4-00062-00054679-00054816 what's auto is cooking FJqPjFoV-L4-00063-00055576-00055728 now this area is huge FJqPjFoV-L4-00064-00056096-00056672 what's those barrels doing i guess they are there for some purpose FJqPjFoV-L4-00065-00057367-00058008 there's nothing down there i can't go there i'm not gonna shoot them yet because i know FJqPjFoV-L4-00066-00058079-00058984 when some lichens can come they're gonna come in handy and i'm talking about the big ones FJqPjFoV-L4-00067-00059408-00060384 yeah yeah this door is locked from the other side so i cannot go through here but about this way FJqPjFoV-L4-00068-00060855-00061367 thought i heard something oh it's the goat the goat the goat FJqPjFoV-L4-00069-00061584-00061784 hold up right in the air FJqPjFoV-L4-00070-00062608-00063184 let's see i cannot go from here FJqPjFoV-L4-00071-00063824-00064728 i guess i will go this way nice some snapper ammo FJqPjFoV-L4-00072-00065120-00066152 yo there's someone inside there's a pig this one down FJqPjFoV-L4-00073-00066680-00067384 i could have used my handgun but i know that you won't fall down on one shot FJqPjFoV-L4-00074-00067840-00067976 oh do mine actually FJqPjFoV-L4-00075-00068416-00068968 yeah i think this area is thoroughly searched i i can go in now what's that noise FJqPjFoV-L4-00076-00069312-00070184 hello is someone inside this doesn't look a pleasant house FJqPjFoV-L4-00077-00070464-00070928 see those skulls up there skulls everywhere oh man this guy FJqPjFoV-L4-00078-00071248-00071920 wait hold up how should i go about this fight i can probably shoot him in the back with this gun FJqPjFoV-L4-00079-00072104-00072160 that's nice FJqPjFoV-L4-00080-00072456-00072984 i looked back i'm not going further FJqPjFoV-L4-00081-00073880-00073936 come here man FJqPjFoV-L4-00082-00074232-00074576 it doesn't affect him time to run FJqPjFoV-L4-00083-00074848-00074992 all right i'm gonna be quiet in this FJqPjFoV-L4-00084-00074992-00075784 fight FJqPjFoV-L4-00085-00075992-00078584 what the [ __ ] and i thought i was a goner FJqPjFoV-L4-00086-00079904-00080112 let me play some more mines FJqPjFoV-L4-00087-00080848-00081384 these guys are not even walking it's just jumping all around this place FJqPjFoV-L4-00088-00081816-00082000 come right through here buddy FJqPjFoV-L4-00089-00082280-00082784 i got a gift for you upstairs FJqPjFoV-L4-00090-00083528-00084184 come on man trip one only one mine that's all i need FJqPjFoV-L4-00091-00085032-00085832 are you kidding me i have shot this guy for him FJqPjFoV-L4-00092-00086104-00086984 i'm not wasting any more bullets he's gonna go down with this FJqPjFoV-L4-00093-00087920-00088384 my bad FJqPjFoV-L4-00094-00089472-00091360 nice that's how it's done it's all over FJqPjFoV-L4-00095-00091712-00091904 i'm gonna pick up those mines that i FJqPjFoV-L4-00096-00091904-00092584 placed FJqPjFoV-L4-00097-00092976-00093984 i shot that guy four times with that magnum no wonder he go down on one mine FJqPjFoV-L4-00098-00094408-00094624 that's the reason why this door wasn't opening FJqPjFoV-L4-00099-00094864-00095032 got three doors lock FJqPjFoV-L4-00100-00095336-00095408 some meat FJqPjFoV-L4-00101-00095640-00095944 i don't need it because i have already FJqPjFoV-L4-00102-00096096-00096976 created every recipe it's just one left let me search this area real quick FJqPjFoV-L4-00103-00097728-00098184 i hope i'm not missing anything all right time to get the hell out of this place FJqPjFoV-L4-00104-00098864-00099960 can i read this july 8th today's the day the jolly merchant stops by he always gave me old newspapers FJqPjFoV-L4-00105-00100040-00100744 i know miranda forbids them but news of the outside world is always so fascinating FJqPjFoV-L4-00106-00100832-00101456 there was one thing that link with my interest in the last one FJqPjFoV-L4-00107-00101552-00102040 it was an article about some medicine company i don't remember the name but FJqPjFoV-L4-00108-00102216-00102680 embold looked familiar it was the same symbol on the giants FJqPjFoV-L4-00109-00102856-00103688 chalice i'm pretty sure i saw the same one painting on the walls in the cave too that FJqPjFoV-L4-00110-00103744-00104792 radiating umbrella image really stands out what some outsider company amber doing here i wonder FJqPjFoV-L4-00111-00104792-00105735 if it has anything to do with that man that stays here all those years ago now i'm overthinking it FJqPjFoV-L4-00112-00106240-00106583 something's there FJqPjFoV-L4-00113-00108111-00109383 it FJqPjFoV-L4-00114-00110752-00111232 that was this was a pleasure FJqPjFoV-L4-00115-00111935-00112183 oh FJqPjFoV-L4-00116-00112680-00113583 i miss something inside FJqPjFoV-L4-00117-00113904-00114983 it was definitely here FJqPjFoV-L4-00118-00117135-00117783 where could be this item be FJqPjFoV-L4-00119-00118152-00118176 oh FJqPjFoV-L4-00120-00119024-00119440 hold on should i go up FJqPjFoV-L4-00121-00119768-00120280 i mean i see nothing above me so this must be down there FJqPjFoV-L4-00122-00120488-00120759 the bottom floor i guess FJqPjFoV-L4-00123-00121344-00121983 what am i missing FJqPjFoV-L4-00124-00122592-00123976 and what do i miss and i think this room is doable there right in front of me all this time FJqPjFoV-L4-00125-00124552-00124783 all right time to go FJqPjFoV-L4-00126-00125424-00126511 i have searched everything here now i can head back there are some lichens and some FJqPjFoV-L4-00127-00126704-00127583 i'm gonna take them down first FJqPjFoV-L4-00128-00127904-00128111 a pipe bomb should do it FJqPjFoV-L4-00129-00128592-00129264 there's one behind as well this one is down FJqPjFoV-L4-00130-00130024-00130383 nice and easy FJqPjFoV-L4-00131-00130911-00131784 man that flashbang though really did the work i mean i thought i was shooting a explosive round FJqPjFoV-L4-00132-00132008-00133184 i could probably use them barrels FJqPjFoV-L4-00133-00133824-00133952 how should i go back there FJqPjFoV-L4-00134-00134152-00135336 there's no rule here there's one door there in front of me and above me yeah there's nothing FJqPjFoV-L4-00135-00135600-00135984 oh you know what no that didn't work FJqPjFoV-L4-00136-00136344-00136368 so FJqPjFoV-L4-00137-00136720-00136872 i should head back probably FJqPjFoV-L4-00138-00137144-00137384 i would come back later here FJqPjFoV-L4-00139-00137648-00137880 of course whenever not recording FJqPjFoV-L4-00140-00138264-00138656 just to make sure i have searched this area thoroughly yeah i've been here FJqPjFoV-L4-00141-00138768-00139096 that's the door in to this building FJqPjFoV-L4-00142-00139304-00139512 you see that uncovered area behind it FJqPjFoV-L4-00143-00139728-00140632 i have searched the treasure though the treasury is collected i think there is no need to go there FJqPjFoV-L4-00144-00140928-00141584 yeah yeah i should probably head back FJqPjFoV-L4-00145-00142088-00142336 then why this all the structures are there FJqPjFoV-L4-00146-00142952-00144032 wait could this be the river hold up crystal nice that was like a fortunate gift from this game FJqPjFoV-L4-00147-00144104-00144792 i wasn't even looking for a crystal so that could be that that isn't FJqPjFoV-L4-00148-00145040-00145328 the front of me that plank wouldn't prank FJqPjFoV-L4-00149-00145416-00146416 this must come out in order me to cross go there or maybe i should break that with a boat FJqPjFoV-L4-00150-00147064-00147520 too but i didn't use to use them barrels FJqPjFoV-L4-00151-00147848-00148584 that's nice some explosive power FJqPjFoV-L4-00152-00148992-00149512 yeah yeah i see that river coming from above that mountain FJqPjFoV-L4-00153-00149872-00150336 maybe i can come back here with that river FJqPjFoV-L4-00154-00150872-00151016 but the question is that FJqPjFoV-L4-00155-00151304-00151704 where do this river will take me FJqPjFoV-L4-00156-00152416-00152784 i have collected any other treasure just FJqPjFoV-L4-00157-00153136-00153664 i have to collect one sample from rose and that's the heisenberg there FJqPjFoV-L4-00158-00153832-00154520 it's me yeah yeah yeah now i'm definitely sure i'm gonna come back to this place later in the game FJqPjFoV-L4-00159-00154792-00155192 maybe when i defeat the heisenberg there's a boat waiting for me FJqPjFoV-L4-00160-00155448-00155584 i'm going this way FJqPjFoV-L4-00161-00156224-00156528 i am wrapping up this video right here FJqPjFoV-L4-00162-00156888-00158384 all right that's it see you guys in the next one peace out FJqPjFoV-L4-00163-00162624-00162632 you FLjpwuWb0KY-00000-00000003-00000485 Molly welcome to the Sunday politics garden. The Greens want zero carbon FLjpwuWb0KY-00001-00000485-00001023 emissions by 2030. Wouldn't that require the sort of sacrifice normally seen in FLjpwuWb0KY-00002-00001023-00001367 wartime. I don't think it's about sacrifice but I think it is about FLjpwuWb0KY-00003-00001367-00001710 transformation of the way we live. So Sky did a really interesting poll FLjpwuWb0KY-00004-00001710-00002058 which showed that 60% of people actually agreed with the really ambitious demands FLjpwuWb0KY-00005-00002058-00002411 being made by Extinction Rebellion and we are the Party that's prepared to FLjpwuWb0KY-00006-00002411-00002799 implement those sort of changes. So it's things like frequent-flyer levy and really FLjpwuWb0KY-00007-00002799-00003134 importantly insulating people's homes which of course isn't a sacrifice at all FLjpwuWb0KY-00008-00003134-00003426 it means we won't have old people dying of cold in the winter but free FLjpwuWb0KY-00009-00003426-00003876 insulation and also transforming the way our economy works. But just 11 years to zero FLjpwuWb0KY-00010-00003876-00004245 emissions. So that's what the IPCC said. That's what the science tells us. It's FLjpwuWb0KY-00011-00004245-00004755 not Greens saying it. The science also says it's not possible. No it does say it's possible within FLjpwuWb0KY-00012-00004755-00005109 12 years to keep within 1.5 degrees. Not without the carbon capture that we haven't got. FLjpwuWb0KY-00013-00005109-00005462 So the carbon capture means changing the way we farm because if we had organic FLjpwuWb0KY-00014-00005462-00005828 farming in carbon rich soils we could be capturing the carbon back. So we have to FLjpwuWb0KY-00015-00005828-00006212 be ambitious, we have to aim for what the science tells us we need to do. It's a FLjpwuWb0KY-00016-00006212-00006651 question of survival now. You're standing again as a Green candidate, you didn't FLjpwuWb0KY-00017-00006651-00007014 expect to because it was all supposed to finish a couple of months ago FLjpwuWb0KY-00018-00007014-00007586 why do Greens support Europe? Why do you want to be governed by a big super FLjpwuWb0KY-00019-00007586-00008000 national state effectively when you want everything else to be local? FLjpwuWb0KY-00020-00008000-00008331 Well we believe in subsidiarity so exercising power at the appropriate level and lots FLjpwuWb0KY-00021-00008331-00008649 of the work I've done, if you think about my work on tax avoidance, you simply FLjpwuWb0KY-00022-00008649-00008934 couldn't do that at the national level and the same is true of climate change FLjpwuWb0KY-00023-00008934-00009309 so we think when issues have to be done at a higher level then it's important FLjpwuWb0KY-00024-00009309-00009561 that we're involved in those decisions and that's why we think we should stay FLjpwuWb0KY-00025-00009561-00010110 in the EU. But 700 MEPs all flying into Brussels then once a month they FLjpwuWb0KY-00026-00010110-00010488 get into the train or the car and drive down to Strasbourg - that's not very FLjpwuWb0KY-00027-00010488-00010886 green is it? Well you know I haven't flown at all. I know you have so most FLjpwuWb0KY-00028-00010886-00011163 people have. But we need to change the behavior of MEPs and that's one of the FLjpwuWb0KY-00029-00011163-00011525 things climate rebellion is intending to do. So people are a FLjpwuWb0KY-00030-00011525-00011910 lot more conscious about their emissions. But look politics and democracy does FLjpwuWb0KY-00031-00011910-00012275 require spending and it does require people to move around to be together but FLjpwuWb0KY-00032-00012275-00012570 we still need those structures there because we need to make the decisions to FLjpwuWb0KY-00033-00012570-00012834 make the world a better place and a lot of those decisions cannot just be made FLjpwuWb0KY-00034-00012834-00013274 at national level. UKIP won in the South West the euro elections last FLjpwuWb0KY-00035-00013274-00013672 time. Why won't you be in the same studio now as their spokesperson? FLjpwuWb0KY-00036-00013672-00014066 UKIP now is not the same party it was then. It was already engaged in racist FLjpwuWb0KY-00037-00014066-00014393 and dog-whistle politics then, but it's got so much worse under Gerard Batten's FLjpwuWb0KY-00038-00014393-00014738 leadership. I represent lots of people in ethnic minority communities who are FLjpwuWb0KY-00039-00014738-00015122 afraid of the sort of hate speech we're hearing from UKIP and I'm refusing to FLjpwuWb0KY-00040-00015122-00015554 legitimize their behavior by sharing a platform with them. But don't you win by FLjpwuWb0KY-00041-00015554-00016037 sharing ideas and thoughts? It depends whether the people you're debating with FLjpwuWb0KY-00042-00016037-00016394 are actually interested in a tolerant and open society and in a functional FLjpwuWb0KY-00043-00016394-00016772 democracy and the way UKIP work now, they're definitely not they're a part of FLjpwuWb0KY-00044-00016772-00017105 the far-right that's a threat to our democracy and I don't think somebody FLjpwuWb0KY-00045-00017105-00017414 like Carl Benjamin should be allowed to stand in these elections. I think the FLjpwuWb0KY-00046-00017414-00017789 Electoral Commission needs to have more power. An undischarged FLjpwuWb0KY-00047-00017789-00018161 bankrupt could not stand but somebody who's trying to encourage threats of rape FLjpwuWb0KY-00048-00018161-00018461 against an MP can stand. There's something very wrong there. Do you think FLjpwuWb0KY-00049-00018461-00018920 anyone who votes for UKIP then is a racist or a fascist? I really don't know FLjpwuWb0KY-00050-00018920-00019346 who their voters are. I think the more moderate supporters of Brexit FLjpwuWb0KY-00051-00019346-00019679 have shifted to the Brexit Party now and I think that what UKIP is doing is FLjpwuWb0KY-00052-00019679-00020069 deliberately encouraging fascism for their own reasons and spreading division FLjpwuWb0KY-00053-00020069-00020423 and that's causing a lot of fear to women and to other communities that I FLjpwuWb0KY-00054-00020423-00020828 represent and it's my job to defend them and stand in solidarity with them. So, is it okay in FLjpwuWb0KY-00055-00020828-00021095 your view to vote for the Brexit Party? FLjpwuWb0KY-00056-00021095-00021509 Well I don't like the Brexit Party FLjpwuWb0KY-00057-00021509-00021782 and I abhor the way they communicate and what they're trying to FLjpwuWb0KY-00058-00021782-00022178 achieve. But I think if people want Brexit then FLjpwuWb0KY-00059-00022178-00022436 in a democracy then that's what they'll do and a lot of people will vote FLjpwuWb0KY-00060-00022436-00022790 for them. Do you expect that they will win these local elections all these FLjpwuWb0KY-00061-00022790-00023099 European elections I should say here in the South West? I think because they FLjpwuWb0KY-00062-00023099-00023507 have one simple word there I think they will get more votes than any other Party. FLjpwuWb0KY-00063-00023507-00023855 A lot of Conservatives will vote for them so I don't think they will increase FLjpwuWb0KY-00064-00023855-00024143 their share of the vote but I think they will get more votes than any other party. FLjpwuWb0KY-00065-00024143-00024587 And should they do that will you then accept that is actually the will of the people? FLjpwuWb0KY-00066-00024587-00024932 Not at all, because they will get about a third of the vote and a third of the FLjpwuWb0KY-00067-00024932-00025208 vote will go to remain parties and a third of the vote will go somewhere in FLjpwuWb0KY-00068-00025208-00025520 the middle and that's more or less how the country's divided now. And this is FLjpwuWb0KY-00069-00025520-00025841 why I think we need a people's vote because actually 60% of people now FLjpwuWb0KY-00070-00025841-00026158 support staying in the EU. Do they? Well that's what the FLjpwuWb0KY-00071-00026158-00026541 latest polling shows it's been a majority for remain for about a year now. FLjpwuWb0KY-00072-00026541-00026871 So if we had that choice, okay there'd be some strong Brexiteers... The polling I've seen FLjpwuWb0KY-00073-00026871-00027187 says that there lots of people haven't changed their minds. A lot of people FLjpwuWb0KY-00074-00027187-00027462 haven't changed their minds and some people have become more strongly Brexit FLjpwuWb0KY-00075-00027462-00027738 and I've probably become more strongly Remain but it's the people in the FLjpwuWb0KY-00076-00027738-00028036 middle that will make the majority and they are becoming disillusioned because FLjpwuWb0KY-00077-00028036-00028312 they see it's much more complicated and they're not going to get everything they FLjpwuWb0KY-00078-00028312-00028719 were promised in 2016. So to end this mess that we're in we need to FLjpwuWb0KY-00079-00028719-00029058 have that second vote now we know what breaks it really means. Molly Scott Cato thank you. FpKhkWd0hc8-00000-00000537-00001138 Hi, I'm Cheryl this is arthritis live and today I'm with dr. Percy Balderia FpKhkWd0hc8-00001-00001138-00001789 and he's offered to tell you guys a little bit about what is Rheumatology. So what is rheumatologist? FpKhkWd0hc8-00002-00001868-00002068 Well first thank you for having me here. FpKhkWd0hc8-00003-00002268-00002695 So, a Rheumatologist is an internist who underwent further subspecialty training FpKhkWd0hc8-00004-00002820-00003214 to diagnose and manage systemic autoimmune conditions and FpKhkWd0hc8-00005-00003282-00004007 musculoskeletal diseases. Right, and so what is an internist if people don't know? What an internist is a FpKhkWd0hc8-00006-00004058-00004258 specialist who deals with FpKhkWd0hc8-00007-00004296-00004982 adult patients. So what kinds of patients do you see? So the typical patients that I see have rheumatoid arthritis, FpKhkWd0hc8-00008-00005139-00005285 Lupus, FpKhkWd0hc8-00009-00005285-00005485 Psoriatic arthritis, FpKhkWd0hc8-00010-00005487-00005687 osteoarthritis and gout. FpKhkWd0hc8-00011-00005721-00006118 Okay, what inspired you personally to become a Rheumatologist? FpKhkWd0hc8-00012-00006203-00006403 Yeah, that's a good question. FpKhkWd0hc8-00013-00006447-00007009 So, I knew early on that. I wanted to be in a field where I can see patients long-term, FpKhkWd0hc8-00014-00007106-00007420 where I can help patients manage their conditions FpKhkWd0hc8-00015-00007491-00008041 ror a long period of time. Okay, so I started in residency in internal medicine FpKhkWd0hc8-00016-00008094-00008332 and then when I was in residency, I FpKhkWd0hc8-00017-00008439-00008639 gravitated towards Rheumatology FpKhkWd0hc8-00018-00008679-00008899 gecause I love the diagnostic dilemmas. FpKhkWd0hc8-00019-00008988-00009686 Oh, thank you for loving that because the patient's don't always! Right, and I was excited by the therapeutic FpKhkWd0hc8-00020-00009831-00010031 advances in the field, and FpKhkWd0hc8-00021-00010080-00010200 also I FpKhkWd0hc8-00023-00010320-00010697 Knew then that I could have a tremendous impact on patients. Yeah, I mean FpKhkWd0hc8-00024-00010785-00011426 that sounds amazing. And when you say diagnostic dilemmas, can you explain a little bit maybe to the layperson, FpKhkWd0hc8-00025-00011426-00011656 what, what do you mean by that? You're right, FpKhkWd0hc8-00026-00011657-00012055 so in in rheumatology most of the conditions that we see, you know FpKhkWd0hc8-00027-00012056-00012803 there's no single blood test right or exam finding that diagnoses the condition. And a lot of the conditions that we see FpKhkWd0hc8-00028-00012891-00013102 also are what we call diagnosis of exclusion. FpKhkWd0hc8-00029-00013169-00013822 Right, so you can have a positive rheumatoid factor or a positive anti-ccp and have rheumatoid arthritis, FpKhkWd0hc8-00030-00013830-00014030 for example, or FpKhkWd0hc8-00031-00014040-00014269 on the other end you can have FpKhkWd0hc8-00032-00014355-00014827 negative tests for rheumatoid factor or anti-ccp which are markers for rheumatoid arthritis FpKhkWd0hc8-00033-00014904-00015136 but still have the disease. Right so it's kinda like FpKhkWd0hc8-00034-00015228-00015387 if I fell off FpKhkWd0hc8-00035-00015387-00015644 you know, a ladder and I broke my arm, FpKhkWd0hc8-00036-00015644-00016027 I go to the ER I get x-ray and they're like, "Your arm's broken!" FpKhkWd0hc8-00037-00016028-00016469 I can see it right there! Where Rheumatology, it kind of feels like the opposite. Right. FpKhkWd0hc8-00038-00016469-00016807 You're like it could be, kind of like in Dr. House, "It could be lupus, FpKhkWd0hc8-00039-00016811-00017510 It could be lupus it could all be lupus." And and also I mentioned most of the conditions are also diagnosis of exclusion, FpKhkWd0hc8-00040-00017535-00018202 right, so you want to make sure that what the patient is having is not explained by another disease. FpKhkWd0hc8-00041-00018228-00018854 Yeah, how, how do you cope, I'm curious, I mean with with all this ambiguity or gray areas, FpKhkWd0hc8-00042-00018854-00019117 like I feel like for me, it would make me kind of FpKhkWd0hc8-00043-00019173-00019378 anxious or feel overwhelmed. FpKhkWd0hc8-00044-00019440-00020099 Well, I think a big part of it is being up-to-date with information right because FpKhkWd0hc8-00045-00020169-00020240 the more FpKhkWd0hc8-00046-00020240-00020927 you know about the different conditions the more you are better equipped to deal with the uncertainty. FpKhkWd0hc8-00047-00020958-00021295 And the patients are leaning on you to help them make decisions. FpKhkWd0hc8-00048-00021378-00022073 Right. That makes sense. Yeah, most of the patients, I'm, I'm assuming from my own experience are like a little bit confused. Mm-hmm. FpKhkWd0hc8-00049-00022073-00022217 By the time they get to you cuz they're like, okay, FpKhkWd0hc8-00050-00022217-00022583 maybe I've googled this a little bit, or I have a friend who might have had something similar, FpKhkWd0hc8-00051-00022587-00022789 but it could be so many different things. FpKhkWd0hc8-00052-00022790-00023570 So that's why having a provider who's really well informed it can help patients deal with the ambiguity is like worth its weight in gold. FpKhkWd0hc8-00053-00023661-00024416 So, I wanted to also see if you could maybe walk the audience just a typical day as a Rheumatologist. Right, FpKhkWd0hc8-00054-00024417-00024725 so I spend most of my day here at the Polyclinic FpKhkWd0hc8-00055-00024883-00025485 Um, so as as I mentioned I see patients with Rheumatologic conditions and most of the conditions are diagnosis of exclusion. FpKhkWd0hc8-00056-00025551-00026003 So I ask them about their medical history. I try to explain their symptoms FpKhkWd0hc8-00057-00026191-00026627 thinking about what other potential conditions may cause them, right? FpKhkWd0hc8-00058-00026627-00027158 And then when they examine them, I look for evidence of joint tenderness, joint swelling. FpKhkWd0hc8-00059-00027199-00027813 If there's a discordance between the history and the physical exam sometimes I do joint ultrasounds. FpKhkWd0hc8-00060-00027886-00028614 And then we discuss the most likely diagnosis. We talk about the treatment options and then we make a decision together. FpKhkWd0hc8-00061-00028681-00028881 Sometimes I also do joint FpKhkWd0hc8-00062-00028941-00029141 Injections. Oh, right, right right. FpKhkWd0hc8-00063-00029227-00029643 How, on a given day how many patients do you see on average, FpKhkWd0hc8-00064-00029643-00030260 maybe that are brand new, that are going through the diagnostic journey versus the ones that are for, you know, FpKhkWd0hc8-00065-00030261-00030489 the three-month follow-up, so that continued care. FpKhkWd0hc8-00066-00030499-00031149 Alright, so I see about maybe five or six new patients a day, right? Oh my gosh, FpKhkWd0hc8-00067-00031162-00031391 wow, that's a lot. Right, and then FpKhkWd0hc8-00068-00031564-00032234 and then maybe, you know, eight to ten follow-up patients in one day. FpKhkWd0hc8-00069-00032305-00032505 That's a busy day. Okay Wow FpKhkWd0hc8-00070-00032594-00032827 because in my field, in occupational therapy FpKhkWd0hc8-00071-00032828-00033500 you have an hour with each person typically, so you would only see like eight total, and like it would be like a busy day FpKhkWd0hc8-00072-00033522-00033745 but, um, and you, normally for a FpKhkWd0hc8-00073-00033828-00034391 Follow-up appointment or a pa--, a chronic, long-term patient, you would have 20 minutes. Is that right, typically? FpKhkWd0hc8-00074-00034395-00035134 Yeah, 20 or 30 minutes. 20 or 30, and then with a new patient do they get more time? Right? They usually give them an hour, okay FTlMGsg3Jyo-00000-00000008-00000496 everly well is digital healthcare designed for you all at an affordable and transparent price FTlMGsg3Jyo-00001-00000552-00000984 to take your at home lab test simply collect your sample and use the included prepaid FTlMGsg3Jyo-00002-00000984-00001352 shipping label to mail your test back to a certified lab your physician reviewed FTlMGsg3Jyo-00003-00001352-00002984 results will get sent to your phone or device in just days get 20 off at everlywell.com holly FTlMGsg3Jyo-00004-00004000-00004528 hello everybody welcome back to holly randle unfiltered now if the idea of watching your FTlMGsg3Jyo-00005-00004528-00005096 partner have sex with somebody else turns you on or even if you're just curious about this you're FTlMGsg3Jyo-00006-00005096-00005744 gonna love my guest today she is the original [__] suburban texas hot wife who turned her real FTlMGsg3Jyo-00007-00005744-00006568 life kink into a career that launched her into the .06 top percent of only fans let's welcome FTlMGsg3Jyo-00008-00006568-00007240 to the show holly hot wife hi thanks for having me thanks for coming um first off i just want to say FTlMGsg3Jyo-00009-00007240-00007888 your name's awesome thank you holly's great name yeah no every holly i know is a spectacular person FTlMGsg3Jyo-00010-00007888-00008384 my husband actually came up with it really yeah so holly's not your real name no okay well it was a FTlMGsg3Jyo-00011-00008384-00009088 good choice yes i'm just saying he he chose well so um not everybody knows what hot wifing is but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00012-00009088-00009624 it is a lifestyle so let's start off by having you explain to people what exactly we're talking about FTlMGsg3Jyo-00013-00009624-00010200 when we're talking hot wife so a hot wife is a it has to do with a married couple husband and a wife FTlMGsg3Jyo-00014-00010280-00010968 and the husband encourages and um really wants her to go out and have naughty fun with you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00015-00010968-00011736 other people girls guys do you know naughty dares and just kind of be as uh sexually promiscuous as FTlMGsg3Jyo-00016-00011736-00012392 possible um all while having you know consent from him my husband uh we keep in you know very good FTlMGsg3Jyo-00017-00012392-00013000 communication there is a cuck-holding situation or a stag situation which is the guy's part FTlMGsg3Jyo-00018-00013056-00013719 um my husband is a stag he's on a cuckhold so the co-cold part is the more kind of demeaning kind FTlMGsg3Jyo-00019-00013719-00014416 of holding it from him to turn him on some guys really like that um for me to go out and for the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00020-00014416-00014984 hot wife to go out and have sex with someone and not tell them until like they're just gonna you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00021-00014984-00015584 know burst you know often making them watch the scene exactly yeah and and kind of holding it like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00022-00015584-00016376 against them or uh more of the demeaning part the stag which is my husband um he is he just loves to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00023-00016376-00017168 hear about it so i'll go off and do my my you know naughty sex driven you know wild fantasy thing and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00024-00017168-00017744 then whenever i go back i call it coming home some call it like reclaiming him and i have the most FTlMGsg3Jyo-00025-00017744-00018264 passionate wild sex after because we'll watch a video of what i've done or we'll talk about FTlMGsg3Jyo-00026-00018264-00018880 what i've done and it really turns him on and he likes like the edging experience so the whole time FTlMGsg3Jyo-00027-00018880-00019400 i'm gone he's like it's in his head and he's just fantasizing about you know what could be happening FTlMGsg3Jyo-00028-00019400-00019936 and then whenever i get home it's you know that the coming home part is like the reclaiming the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00029-00019936-00020520 uh the wife so that's what a hot wife is wow and is this the is your husband the first person that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00030-00020520-00021104 you've had this kind of relationship with yeah and so how did that start like was that something FTlMGsg3Jyo-00031-00021104-00021616 that he had always fantasized about you had always fantasized so it really started about um like the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00032-00021616-00022152 lifestyle i didn't really know what the lifestyle was i was always kind of a promiscuous teenager FTlMGsg3Jyo-00033-00022248-00022752 i actually got pregnant and married at 18 years old and was married for 10 years and like had FTlMGsg3Jyo-00034-00022752-00023448 three kids and never even knew about any of that but from like 15 to 18 i was promiscuous and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00035-00023448-00024048 just had a lot of fun like exploring my sexuality i was into like lesbian relationships and then you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00036-00024048-00024568 know the rest are just friends and boyfriends and stuff like that um and then whenever i first met FTlMGsg3Jyo-00037-00024568-00025240 my husband our first night uh seven years ago on like the 27th of this month actually um it'll be FTlMGsg3Jyo-00038-00025240-00025800 our seven year anniversary that first night we actually ended up having a foursome with another FTlMGsg3Jyo-00039-00025800-00026544 couple total accidental like he didn't set it up it just kind of happened and it was our first date FTlMGsg3Jyo-00040-00026544-00027032 so like at the the next day because we slept you know together that night with the other couple FTlMGsg3Jyo-00041-00027088-00027495 in the morning i was like can we do this all the time like if we if we start dating can we do this FTlMGsg3Jyo-00042-00027495-00027904 all the time and he was like yeah i mean you know there's there's boundaries and stuff that you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00043-00027904-00028488 we need to go over but uh that's he's he was in the lifestyle before right and i just thought that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00044-00028488-00029120 i was just sleeping with all my friends really so um yeah he he introduced me to it and ever since FTlMGsg3Jyo-00045-00029120-00029695 our first date we've been um you know pretty much hot wiping yeah so how did you guys you said that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00046-00029695-00030168 there's got to be boundaries and stuff like that can you explain how that works yeah so um you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00047-00030168-00030776 know he would you know say a fantasy or i would say something that i really wanted him to do or FTlMGsg3Jyo-00048-00030776-00031432 or for me to do and ask if it was like okay and in his eyes and if it would make him feel weird FTlMGsg3Jyo-00049-00031432-00031927 or he would ask me to do something if it would make me feel weird or if i really liked it um so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00050-00031927-00032456 you just kind of like it's a lot of communication a lot of honesty just a lot of trust and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00051-00032527-00033096 uh verbally speaking out your fantasies and you just see if the other person is okay FTlMGsg3Jyo-00052-00033096-00033672 with it and you there's always going to be you know bumps and things like that down the road FTlMGsg3Jyo-00053-00033672-00034360 but you just kind of like talk it out and see where everyone is comfortable and you just go FTlMGsg3Jyo-00054-00034360-00034928 on from there and you just grow grow grow right now does he go off and sleep with other women FTlMGsg3Jyo-00055-00034928-00035608 without you he's well he's allowed he doesn't do it as much as i do because i'm not like the um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00056-00035832-00036520 how do you explain it he would much rather me do what i do he would much rather have me there he FTlMGsg3Jyo-00057-00036520-00037352 has done it before but it's very very uh like less often than than i do okay um it's just the fantasy FTlMGsg3Jyo-00058-00037352-00037928 that he has for me he is allowed and he you know as long as he communicates what he's doing and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00059-00037928-00038512 you know it doesn't step on any boundaries that we have then yeah he's totally allowed to do that um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00060-00038512-00038992 we we like more of a group setting whenever he's involved in the mix especially because FTlMGsg3Jyo-00061-00038992-00039536 we're in the lifestyle right um so he likes me there watching and i love to watch him so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00062-00039688-00040152 now i'm sure as you know most people can't imagine the idea of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00063-00040152-00040664 allowing or definitely being into their partner having sex with other people why do you guys feel FTlMGsg3Jyo-00064-00040664-00041248 like that works for you uh i really think it just depends on personalities we don't really have like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00065-00041248-00041808 jealousy issues or insecurities whenever i first met him i had a lot of insecurities just from my FTlMGsg3Jyo-00066-00041864-00042512 my marriage of 10 years it was abusive and uh my ex-husband was a narcissist and he really just put FTlMGsg3Jyo-00067-00042512-00043072 me down and made me feel like i had no self-worth no value and whenever i met vincent he just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00068-00043152-00043752 built me up he made me feel like a queen and that it was worth something finally you know and um it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00069-00043752-00044520 just got to a point where there's there's just like a respect you know so i have spoken to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00070-00044520-00045096 other people who are in the same kind of lifestyle situation you know whether it be the cuck-holding FTlMGsg3Jyo-00071-00045096-00045488 thing like you mentioned where the guy likes to actually watch his wife get [__] by other men FTlMGsg3Jyo-00072-00045488-00046056 or the hot-wifing situation where he just wants to hear about it and from what i've been told the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00073-00046056-00046760 idea is less around like wanting to because some people think it's like only a degrading thing like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00074-00046760-00047216 you just want to be put down because like this guy can satisfy your wife and you can't right FTlMGsg3Jyo-00075-00047216-00047592 but from some of the people that i've spoken to it's actually more about the idea that like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00076-00047592-00048080 their wife is so beautiful and hot and desirable that all these other people want them and one guy FTlMGsg3Jyo-00077-00048080-00048696 even said to me that like he's like my wife is so gorgeous and sexy like why wouldn't i want to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00078-00048696-00049184 share her with other people it's almost like you want to take other people you buy this like hot FTlMGsg3Jyo-00079-00049184-00049568 car and you want to take other people for a ride in your car because you're like you have to check FTlMGsg3Jyo-00080-00049568-00050112 my car out yeah that's what he says all the time he goes i have a porn star for a wife not not like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00081-00050112-00050696 even before i was a porn star he would always say i have a the hottest woman in the world why would FTlMGsg3Jyo-00082-00050696-00051240 i not want to share and he he likened it to like uh he set a car one time and then he was like you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00083-00051240-00051648 know i have this cool like lego set why wouldn't i want to like you know show it to my boys you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00084-00051720-00052184 so it's yeah it's the same it's not the degrading aspect it's like look what i have and it's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00085-00052184-00052744 kind of the trophy thing or whatever but it fulfills his fantasies at fellas mind so there's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00086-00052744-00053376 nothing like disrespectful about it and um it's very comfortable to us you know you mentioned that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00087-00053376-00053840 he your current husband vincent has really built you up where your previous husband really kind of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00088-00053840-00054344 cut you down do you think the part of that aspect is the fact that like he wants to share you with FTlMGsg3Jyo-00089-00054344-00054848 other men has that brought you confidence that like he thinks you're so gorgeous that he wants FTlMGsg3Jyo-00090-00054848-00055224 other men to have sex with you and then other men also find you attractive is that part of it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00091-00055224-00055791 you think it kind of is part of it but like i said like whenever i was 15 to 18 i had i had FTlMGsg3Jyo-00092-00055791-00056432 a very good self-esteem like i i knew what i had um i i don't know if you know we haven't really FTlMGsg3Jyo-00093-00056432-00057064 touched on the subject but uh at the age of 15 i was raped and um i wanted to take the power back FTlMGsg3Jyo-00094-00057064-00057584 and so when after that it happened from you know after that happened then 15 to 18 years old FTlMGsg3Jyo-00095-00057679-00058272 i was like you know what i instead of being like really upset about it and um you know instead of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00096-00058272-00058960 it creating turmoil i kind of like made it into a power i was like now it's my decision and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00097-00058960-00059648 now i no it didn't make me a promiscuous [__] but i had that before uh i met my ex-husband FTlMGsg3Jyo-00098-00059648-00060208 i had that self-confidence and then i totally lost it in those 10 years with him and then now FTlMGsg3Jyo-00099-00060208-00061008 whenever i met my now husband uh he brought that back into me and um it is what i used to be so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00100-00061064-00061696 uh it's not so much that i created that with him it's like i lost it for those 10 years and then FTlMGsg3Jyo-00101-00061696-00062360 he just brought that back and built me back up to where i was and probably even more so yeah do you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00102-00062360-00063096 think that um this kind of like sexual lifestyle um makes your relationship stronger in a way FTlMGsg3Jyo-00103-00063096-00063672 it does yeah i think so because uh there's so much communication there's so much honesty and trust FTlMGsg3Jyo-00104-00063672-00064304 you know we can pretty much talk about anything um i say pretty much we we talk about everything uh FTlMGsg3Jyo-00105-00064304-00064784 you know sometimes it takes a little like pushing you know and like trying to get it out of each FTlMGsg3Jyo-00106-00064784-00065304 other because everybody has they want to have this individuality you know and some things are FTlMGsg3Jyo-00107-00065304-00066072 kept secret for that individual individuality but there's also this i have a best friend a husband a FTlMGsg3Jyo-00108-00066072-00066664 teammate you know we're parents together like all this stuff you share that so that you can grow go FTlMGsg3Jyo-00109-00066664-00067200 grow if we're stagnant in our relationship we're not doing anything if we're taking you know back FTlMGsg3Jyo-00110-00067200-00067824 steps we're not doing anything you the moment you open your mouth and confess like a fantasy FTlMGsg3Jyo-00111-00067824-00068408 um it it you're taking a step forward and that's how our relationship grows yeah i mean FTlMGsg3Jyo-00112-00068472-00069024 from my experience of talking to so many swingers and even like psychologists who've studied FTlMGsg3Jyo-00113-00069024-00069512 swingers and swinger lifestyles it just seems like that kind of forced level of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00114-00069512-00070072 communication has just been so beneficial for the relationship because in so many relationships you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00115-00070072-00070592 know there's so much shame around sex and people are afraid to talk about sex to each other they're FTlMGsg3Jyo-00116-00070592-00071208 afraid to talk about what they want um you know so often the husband or the wife will have fantasies FTlMGsg3Jyo-00117-00071208-00071600 that they don't feel that they can reveal to their partner and then they end up acting out FTlMGsg3Jyo-00118-00071600-00072320 that fantasy in a kind of um you know a dishonest way which is terrible for the relationship so yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00119-00072320-00073032 that makes sense to me yeah so how did you go from deciding to be in the lifestyle to actually making FTlMGsg3Jyo-00120-00073032-00073904 content online um so you remember tumblr yes okay so whenever vincent and i first started dating FTlMGsg3Jyo-00121-00073968-00074616 uh tumblr was like the big social media thing and it was not um censored like it is now and uh FTlMGsg3Jyo-00122-00074680-00075272 we we worked like an hour away from each other and throughout the day because we're like horny FTlMGsg3Jyo-00123-00075272-00075832 perverts you know we'd sex each other and stuff like that and he would always kind of like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00124-00075832-00076368 make dares for me um and so our social media platform that we were on allowed that which was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00125-00076368-00077048 tumblr um and he we had kind of gotten a following because he would like post the dare for the day of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00126-00077048-00077720 me or for me um you know like i want you to um try and drag your boss into the stairwell and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00127-00077720-00078248 like flirt with him even though it was on video it was the thought of just me like just being naughty FTlMGsg3Jyo-00128-00078248-00078776 and like doing something sexual that day um or it was masturbate on the way home and try and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00129-00078776-00079216 get like a truck driver to like see you you know which is super dangerous by the way don't do it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00130-00079472-00080128 but yeah the tumbler following just grew and grew and grew and it kind of like we just got FTlMGsg3Jyo-00131-00080128-00080664 this huge following of fans and they were starting to create dares for me every day FTlMGsg3Jyo-00132-00080736-00081400 and uh different names that at that time it wasn't porn names but it was our handles you know and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00133-00081400-00081920 um they they would just create all of these like fantasies for and dares for me to do throughout FTlMGsg3Jyo-00134-00081920-00082440 the day i'd be doing like five or six a day you know i'm trying to do all my work um but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00135-00082440-00083072 it was like uh you know take a toy because i had a cubicle take a toy to your cubicle and uh you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00136-00083072-00083616 take a picture of you with the toy and your you know up your dress you know and and then we put it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00137-00083616-00084128 on tumblr and this we just got this huge following and my husband was like you know we can make money FTlMGsg3Jyo-00138-00084128-00084872 off of this i've been modeling since i was 15 and whenever i got with him seven years ago um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00139-00084872-00085360 he was like let's do some you know erotic modeling some like nude modeling and i'm totally okay with FTlMGsg3Jyo-00140-00085360-00086104 that because i'm very sexually free and fine with my body um and so the like the transition FTlMGsg3Jyo-00141-00086104-00086688 into what i was and then you know the the tumbler dares and the erotic modeling and stuff like that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00142-00086688-00087272 um he said you know you should get on like my free cams and start doing some webcaming and i was like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00143-00087272-00087736 i don't even know what that is what is it and so he showed me a couple of girls doing their their FTlMGsg3Jyo-00144-00087736-00088320 webcaming at home very safe uh you know making tons of money and just sitting there talking to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00145-00088320-00088888 guys and girls and having fun with their body you know or or just being there for someone you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00146-00088888-00089664 know just talking to them making them feel like you have a friend you know and i made a killing FTlMGsg3Jyo-00147-00089744-00090400 and so that was kind of the the first step into uh get you know monetizing what we like to do right FTlMGsg3Jyo-00148-00090400-00091136 and then when did you switch over to only fans and how did you get yourself six years or yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00149-00091136-00091784 i think it was about six years ago so um i don't know when only fans started um but it was kind of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00150-00091784-00092656 in the beginning i believe um it took a while to get where i am it took years um so but yeah it was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00151-00092712-00093232 you know about six years ago but it was uh i did my free cams and then started like mini vids FTlMGsg3Jyo-00152-00093232-00093864 and then only fans and you mentioned when we were talking earlier about like this really wild scene FTlMGsg3Jyo-00153-00093864-00094264 that you did that kind of like launched your career can you tell us a little bit about that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00154-00094264-00094872 yes so it was my very first time on my free cams and i didn't really like understand like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00155-00094872-00095432 the rules i just saw like what a couple of girls you know i watched them do their own FTlMGsg3Jyo-00156-00095432-00096240 um streaming you know uh camming session and um i love the dare thing i'm kind of competitive FTlMGsg3Jyo-00157-00096488-00097112 and i love the riskiness of a situation that that's what turns me on and um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00158-00097208-00097808 i was on i was camming one night it was the first night that i was doing it and um i had a bunch of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00159-00097888-00098456 uh i don't want to call customers but um fans i don't know what to really call them but a FTlMGsg3Jyo-00160-00098456-00099000 lot of people asking hey you should um order a pizza and answer the door topless i'm like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00161-00099000-00099576 tough why not do it nude you know i was like one step further yeah so i don't know if you know what FTlMGsg3Jyo-00162-00099576-00100224 a yellow a yellow wall is on my free cams it's where um yellow walls you you tell your fan base FTlMGsg3Jyo-00163-00100224-00100704 you're like okay if i do this dare i want to see you know a yellow wall from each and every one of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00164-00100704-00101328 you and that means whenever they send you tokens um it creates like this yellow like highlighted FTlMGsg3Jyo-00165-00101328-00101776 um like this whole wall and as long as it keeps going you just like keep on going with the dare FTlMGsg3Jyo-00166-00101832-00102592 and uh so they just kept this this wall going so i called the pizza place ordered a pizza uh got it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00167-00102592-00103256 nude you know delivered to the house answered the door nude and i actually invited the guy in while FTlMGsg3Jyo-00168-00103256-00103759 i was like here come on in let me go set this down so i can sign it you know i i didn't have like a FTlMGsg3Jyo-00169-00103759-00104480 pot you know anything so on me and he was he was surprised but he was cool he is the average joe FTlMGsg3Jyo-00170-00104480-00105016 looking guy and um he you know kind of followed me into the house i set the pizza down you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00171-00105016-00105680 it was writing on this before like doordash and all that stuff um so went to go sign the thing FTlMGsg3Jyo-00172-00105680-00106096 i was like actually come and come in my living room and it was just like around a little wall FTlMGsg3Jyo-00173-00106152-00106752 and uh i was like you know i'm sitting here on my my cam show um i was wondering if you might want FTlMGsg3Jyo-00174-00106752-00107520 to like you know finger me or eat my [__] like right before you go and he's like yeah so we made FTlMGsg3Jyo-00175-00107520-00108032 like a little film so little did i know you're not supposed to have anyone on camera that's not FTlMGsg3Jyo-00176-00108032-00108776 signed up for right if you can of course and um but the whole time my my yellow wall is going FTlMGsg3Jyo-00177-00108911-00109311 it's like it sounded like a casino yeah because these people were like oh my god we've never seen FTlMGsg3Jyo-00178-00109311-00109959 this before yes this isn't a setup we just heard her like call yeah she's it's her very first night FTlMGsg3Jyo-00179-00109959-00110511 you know yeah and and on my free cams if as if you're a new model they like feature you like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00180-00110511-00111328 at the top of the um of their page and so i mean it was just going bananas bananas and to me that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00181-00111328-00111920 like it's like cheerleaders in the background do more do more do more you know so it just it just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00182-00111920-00112496 like um pushed me into like you know going further going further so i like got a condom out put he FTlMGsg3Jyo-00183-00112496-00113048 had a little tiny penis i put i only had a magnum i'm like i put it on and it kept like slipping off FTlMGsg3Jyo-00184-00113048-00113583 and i like bent over the back of the chair and he was like trying to fight me and just kept you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00185-00113583-00114088 trying like coming off and i was like it's okay and i think i i don't even remember how the scene FTlMGsg3Jyo-00186-00114088-00114880 goes but it just kept getting wilder by the second and uh i think he came either in the condom or in FTlMGsg3Jyo-00187-00114880-00115424 my mouth or something like that it was so long ago it was like six years ago um but it was like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00188-00115424-00116016 the wildest thing ever so my free cams like waited until they got like all their money you know yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00189-00116016-00116504 and it was like the end of the night because i think it was like an hour after the pizza guy left FTlMGsg3Jyo-00190-00116504-00116888 that i like shut it down i was like okay guys you know that was so much fun thank you so much FTlMGsg3Jyo-00191-00116944-00117456 you know i'll see y'all tomorrow or whenever the next time i was going to be on and my free cams FTlMGsg3Jyo-00192-00117456-00117952 like waited and then the next day they're like hey um you know i know you're a new model but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00193-00117952-00118624 by the way you're not supposed to have any like uh any um strangers or people that are not signed up FTlMGsg3Jyo-00194-00118624-00119200 to be on only or uh my free camps yeah they can't be on the film with you like yeah they have to go FTlMGsg3Jyo-00195-00119200-00119704 through the age verification no i didn't know and i didn't you know yeah but they were like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00196-00119704-00120216 but you're fine you know just don't do it again i was like okay because i mean you could like that's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00197-00120216-00120720 they could kick you off and you could never get back 100 i think nowadays that might happen yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00198-00120720-00121240 with everything that's going on yeah this is six years ago yeah so dude that guy went home and told FTlMGsg3Jyo-00199-00121240-00121672 his friends the story and i can guarantee you not a single one of them believed him listen to this FTlMGsg3Jyo-00200-00121672-00122352 so two years goes by we're we're still in the same city right but different neighborhood we had moved FTlMGsg3Jyo-00201-00122352-00122920 right two years goes by and we're in a different house just a different neighborhood and i we FTlMGsg3Jyo-00202-00122920-00123559 ordered a pizza and i opened the door [__] off no way seriously and so it wasn't on my FTlMGsg3Jyo-00203-00123559-00124040 free cans but my husband loves to do this kind of stuff and he set up like a little camera FTlMGsg3Jyo-00204-00124040-00124544 and he was like dude do a little toughest air for me for him it was only for him yeah we didn't have FTlMGsg3Jyo-00205-00124544-00125032 like uh we weren't gonna put it posted anywhere i wasn't uh filming like for anything right it was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00206-00125032-00125480 just for him and he was home and everything he was just in the room and he was like just do another FTlMGsg3Jyo-00207-00125480-00125928 pizza dear thing just topless i'm like all right so he set it up like by the stairs like on the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00208-00125928-00126496 uh what he called like the loft part of the stairs and i go down and you know i open the door it's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00209-00126496-00127096 the same [__] dude i didn't recognize him though and he goes oh my god and my name was a different FTlMGsg3Jyo-00210-00127096-00127688 name at that time uh it was tiana xxx live and and i have a lot of fans who have still followed FTlMGsg3Jyo-00211-00127688-00128352 me to this day so i can say that but um he goes tiana and i was like yeah he goes i'm i'm the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00212-00128352-00128935 pizza dude i'm the pizza dude from like two years ago i was like oh my god no way and we gave each FTlMGsg3Jyo-00213-00128935-00129440 other a hug i like just threw the pizza on the floor gave each other a hug and i was like well FTlMGsg3Jyo-00214-00129440-00129896 since you're here i was like you want to finger bang me on the stairs he was like [__] yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00215-00130120-00130504 yes no lie i didn't recognize them i felt so bad FTlMGsg3Jyo-00216-00130504-00131136 but yeah so that's the wow and it just blew up after that well the first one it would be FTlMGsg3Jyo-00217-00131136-00131624 everything up and because we weren't even gonna post that we ended up posting it because it was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00218-00131624-00131992 just gonna be a topless dare for my husband yeah you know and then that happened and you FTlMGsg3Jyo-00219-00131992-00132400 know i asked him i was like do you mind if i post he was like no no i'm a [__] celebrity FTlMGsg3Jyo-00220-00132584-00133104 yeah that is another craziest story yeah craziest story that's one of the craziest stories i've FTlMGsg3Jyo-00221-00133104-00133656 ever heard yeah and i've heard a lot of crazy stories yeah so it was so wild wow i know i i i FTlMGsg3Jyo-00222-00133656-00134096 like just the smile on my face talking about it like i'm just like the luckiest girl in the world FTlMGsg3Jyo-00223-00134240-00134776 i mean i love that you think that but i feel like this guy's oh no he's lucky too yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00224-00134776-00135328 i feel that's never gonna happen to him ever like his life is just gonna go down from there FTlMGsg3Jyo-00225-00135328-00136144 unfortunately i'm like that's his peak wow i love that that's so cool oh my god okay guys FTlMGsg3Jyo-00226-00136144-00136520 we're going to take a quick commercial break because i need to like have a second after that FTlMGsg3Jyo-00227-00136616-00137200 but hang tight we'll be right back take action today for a healthier tomorrow with everly well FTlMGsg3Jyo-00228-00137200-00137552 their at home lab tests can help you get the knowledge and support that you need FTlMGsg3Jyo-00229-00137552-00138144 so you can become a healthier you i tested myself the other week and it was so easy they send you a FTlMGsg3Jyo-00230-00138144-00138608 complete kit including an easy ready-to-mail envelope that you send back for your results FTlMGsg3Jyo-00231-00138672-00139072 i decided to take the food reactivity test and i have to say when i got my results i was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00232-00139072-00139800 so surprised i have reactivity to 17 different foods and pineapple was high on the list after FTlMGsg3Jyo-00233-00139800-00140280 getting your results they also outline a two-part elimination diet to follow plus they offer live FTlMGsg3Jyo-00234-00140280-00140696 webinars where you can chat with a medical professional about your results and it's not FTlMGsg3Jyo-00235-00140696-00141208 just food sensitivity that really well offers you can also take tests for stds testosterone FTlMGsg3Jyo-00236-00141208-00141840 levels fertility for women and so much more everly well is digital healthcare designed for you at an FTlMGsg3Jyo-00237-00141840-00142376 affordable and transparent price for listeners of the show everly well is offering a special FTlMGsg3Jyo-00238-00142376-00143328 discount of 20 off when you go to everlywell.com holly that's everlywell.com holly for 20 off FTlMGsg3Jyo-00239-00143552-00143952 um all right guys we are back uh though i don't know what else to talk about after FTlMGsg3Jyo-00240-00143952-00144432 that story was so nuts so okay let's talk about professional mainstream scenes i know you've done FTlMGsg3Jyo-00241-00144432-00144776 a couple you're actually out here because uh you were shooting a scene for browsers which FTlMGsg3Jyo-00242-00144776-00145320 you did yesterday so maybe tell us about your first like mainstream studio scene what was FTlMGsg3Jyo-00243-00145320-00146000 it like was it totally different than what you expected and maybe what fans can look forward to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00244-00146072-00146736 so i've done um i think this is my fifth brother browser scene uh that i did yesterday my very FTlMGsg3Jyo-00245-00146736-00147344 first one i think was four years ago could have been five years ago i'm really bad with uh FTlMGsg3Jyo-00246-00147344-00147912 what years especially after yeah yes i'm like time to stop i call it uh bc before coming FTlMGsg3Jyo-00247-00148112-00148816 so um the the first one i of course i was a nervous wreck i'd never acted before everything FTlMGsg3Jyo-00248-00148816-00149448 that i do is amateur organic genuine original you know it's all kind of spontaneous if it is FTlMGsg3Jyo-00249-00149448-00149848 planned it's you know hey you want to meet up and you know that's what it is you know it's no FTlMGsg3Jyo-00250-00149848-00150464 acting acting so i'd never read a script before um i've done modeling so i was okay with you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00251-00150576-00151192 dressing up yeah dressing up being uh you know made up you know with makeup and all that stuff FTlMGsg3Jyo-00252-00151192-00152080 but reading an actual script memorizing memorizing memorizing lines and um just like kind of knowing FTlMGsg3Jyo-00253-00152080-00152576 how it works i had no idea there's a lot of you know hurry up and wait okay cut do this FTlMGsg3Jyo-00254-00152576-00153136 again you know just it's a very i don't want to say a chaotic situation but it is for the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00255-00153136-00153592 person who's never done it before it's definitely not organic right it's definitely not organic but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00256-00153672-00154336 and what i love about browsers is i don't want to liken it to like snl but it's a little cheesy yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00257-00154336-00154848 the skirts are like kind of goofy and funny and fun so i i totally vibed to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00258-00154848-00155360 that it was it was really good because i'm not like a super serious person you know um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00259-00155440-00156144 and the whole staff was super uh patient and very nice to me they knew it was my first time and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00260-00156144-00156808 uh it took me a couple of stumbles about probably about you know an hour an hour's worth of me FTlMGsg3Jyo-00261-00156808-00157256 trying to figure out like i would have to like look at the script set it down we'd do like one FTlMGsg3Jyo-00262-00157256-00157744 take you know like that one line set you know do a couple of them and they would get like the best FTlMGsg3Jyo-00263-00157744-00158248 the best one and they would choose that one so after about like the first hour then i started FTlMGsg3Jyo-00264-00158248-00158776 kind of getting the hang of it and when whenever you're in like a shoot house you know you're not FTlMGsg3Jyo-00265-00158776-00159288 everything is going to be in order because it depends on what room you're in and what uh scene FTlMGsg3Jyo-00266-00159288-00159840 you have to do while you're in that room the uh outfit that you're wearing while you're in it do FTlMGsg3Jyo-00267-00159840-00160472 this do that um so it was a little chaotic for me because i had never done it before but at the end FTlMGsg3Jyo-00268-00160472-00160928 of the day and it's like a nine to ten hour day sometimes well my first one was it was a very long FTlMGsg3Jyo-00269-00160928-00161408 day uh the one that i did yesterday i think it was like seven or eight hours so it wasn't that bad FTlMGsg3Jyo-00270-00161408-00162240 um but it's uh at the end of it you're mentally exhausted um and but it was so much fun and i FTlMGsg3Jyo-00271-00162240-00162680 got to work with great people who i've worked with every single time that i've done a browser scene FTlMGsg3Jyo-00272-00162680-00163320 since and everyone is so nice and welcoming and they're very you know patient respectful FTlMGsg3Jyo-00273-00163320-00163808 so and they do everything by the book and it's just a very comfortable place to work in yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00274-00163920-00164264 um which do you think is your favorite browser scene that you've done so far FTlMGsg3Jyo-00275-00164328-00164920 wow it's got to be with brandy love when was that i think that was two years ago FTlMGsg3Jyo-00276-00164920-00165320 okay yeah can you tell us a little bit about that yeah it was me and brandi and kieran FTlMGsg3Jyo-00277-00165320-00165920 and brandi and i were lesbian lovers i think we were actually wives if i remember correctly and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00278-00165920-00166784 it was her birthday and i got a a present for her which was kieran it was you know a real dick um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00279-00166888-00167696 hearing a real dick sorry karen didn't mean that caring of all people can take a joke yes he can FTlMGsg3Jyo-00280-00167696-00168280 um and so i think that was uh yeah it was just the whole i don't i don't know why i would get FTlMGsg3Jyo-00281-00168280-00168704 my lesbian lover a dick for her birthday but you know that's how browser scenes work FTlMGsg3Jyo-00282-00168808-00169200 they don't always have to make sense no they don't have to make sense but um you know she's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00283-00169200-00169856 always been kind of an idol of mine i got to work with her and uh she's kind of i don't want to say FTlMGsg3Jyo-00284-00169856-00170328 she has like that mommy part of her but she does because she was very she made me feel comfortable FTlMGsg3Jyo-00285-00170328-00170832 and welcoming where um you know i wasn't like fangirling i was more nervous than anything FTlMGsg3Jyo-00286-00170832-00171352 fangirling i i feel like is like the giggly like i don't i don't know what to say you know like kind FTlMGsg3Jyo-00287-00171352-00171888 of excited i was like i'm just gonna like stay quiet just like follow her lead and you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00288-00171888-00172488 so i was a little um shy i guess but she opened up very quickly and um you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00289-00172488-00172816 we still talk to this day every once in a while you know not too much but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00290-00172816-00173456 um she just made me feel very comfortable and was very uh welcoming and genuine she's a very FTlMGsg3Jyo-00291-00173456-00174056 genuine person so what what you see on on film is that's her yeah yeah i find that honestly FTlMGsg3Jyo-00292-00174056-00174656 like i find that is true of a lot of porn stars they're they're just like they're very like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00293-00174656-00175096 even though they're reading a script we're still human we're so the same person pretty much i FTlMGsg3Jyo-00294-00175096-00175720 mean there are actors who totally change their act yeah um and change their personality but i FTlMGsg3Jyo-00295-00175720-00176272 not not her she's she's genuine she's yeah she's an og too like she's the original milf yeah FTlMGsg3Jyo-00296-00176472-00177064 um so speaking of wives you just wrapped up a hot wife tour in vegas um can you tell us exactly FTlMGsg3Jyo-00297-00177064-00177560 like what happens on those tours yeah so this is actually our first one um i did not create this FTlMGsg3Jyo-00298-00177560-00178344 i had a couple uh got uh in touch with me and asked me if i wanted to be a part of their uh FTlMGsg3Jyo-00299-00178344-00178928 hot wife tour they wanted to start this tour where we traveled to different cities and it's not just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00300-00178928-00179424 like one or two of them there's like six or seven uh that we got like all the hot wives FTlMGsg3Jyo-00301-00179424-00180120 you know from different cities and states and uh our first visit was to vegas and this was just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00302-00180120-00181144 um last uh thursday to sunday and um we went to vegas and we did a masquerade orgy night and then FTlMGsg3Jyo-00303-00181144-00181864 uh the next night was a cocktail orgy night and then [__] on the strip and uh the the orgies we FTlMGsg3Jyo-00304-00181864-00182432 got all kinds of male talent i think we had like 16 the first night male talent come in everyone's FTlMGsg3Jyo-00305-00182432-00182944 tested you know verified like they have all their paperwork and all of that and we just we had this FTlMGsg3Jyo-00306-00182944-00183616 huge suite and we all just went to town and it's not a gang bang because there's multiple women so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00307-00183616-00184112 it's more of an orgy right um you know everybody just all of a sudden just starts going at it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00308-00184112-00184672 um and it was about i think the first one was like an hour and 45 minutes the second one the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00309-00184672-00185432 second night the cocktail night was like two hours i think there were 17 dudes the next night um and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00310-00185432-00186072 then [__] on the strip was all of us hot wives and we went out and like met fans out on the strip FTlMGsg3Jyo-00311-00186072-00186664 um a couple let's see the a couple of the husbands were there my husband didn't go um he was you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00312-00186664-00187296 doing family stuff at home and um just like meeting our fans and hopping around to different FTlMGsg3Jyo-00313-00187296-00187704 bars we would tweet you know we're going to be here you know meet us there we're going gonna FTlMGsg3Jyo-00314-00187704-00188296 be here and meet us there uh we i think there were about eight or nine fans that ended up showing up FTlMGsg3Jyo-00315-00188296-00188880 uh our next one is going to be in tampa in july like uh later july and then september FTlMGsg3Jyo-00316-00188880-00189448 we're going to dallas and then i think november we're doing l.a oh cool so yeah and we're we're FTlMGsg3Jyo-00317-00189448-00190088 growing we're going to like a couple of the hot wipes that were here and they are there in vegas FTlMGsg3Jyo-00318-00190088-00190432 um they i think there's three that aren't going to be able to make it FTlMGsg3Jyo-00319-00190432-00190936 so we're going to invite some other ones and and more you know probably 10 instead of like six or FTlMGsg3Jyo-00320-00190936-00191584 seven and then um probably the same amount of guys because it was a it was kind of a perfect ratio FTlMGsg3Jyo-00321-00191640-00192368 um because you know you can only last for so long you know the girls the guys can then can go but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00322-00192368-00192936 everybody starts getting a little you know wound down and tired after about two hours yeah um but FTlMGsg3Jyo-00323-00192936-00193400 we're gonna invite new new guy talents some are going to be invited back the ones who are like FTlMGsg3Jyo-00324-00193400-00193824 a for sure thing they can stay hard they can you know come whenever they need to come FTlMGsg3Jyo-00325-00193880-00194480 uh they have the stamina they're cute they're respectful um and you don't have to be a big FTlMGsg3Jyo-00326-00194480-00195040 name you don't have to be an actual you know you can just be starting out in the business FTlMGsg3Jyo-00327-00195104-00195840 you can't just be like a stranger off the street you know because you know everybody's safety is FTlMGsg3Jyo-00328-00195840-00196440 is number one priority so um yeah so we're just we're going to build from there and it's called FTlMGsg3Jyo-00329-00196440-00196888 a tour so we're just going to keep on going every couple of months that's really cool yeah so the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00330-00196888-00197464 night the [__] on the strip night when you go and meet fans just so like like the fans are just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00331-00197464-00198056 going out to meet you guys and like hang out right like they're not getting any like sexual so um me FTlMGsg3Jyo-00332-00198056-00198784 and rileyann uh we took home one guy because he had his uh sti paperwork uh tts paperwork FTlMGsg3Jyo-00333-00198784-00199472 okay uh and so he was a fan he was i think he went to ttf he was cool which by the way is a industry FTlMGsg3Jyo-00334-00199472-00200096 specific testing facility so if he went to tts that means that like he has some insight into the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00335-00200096-00200744 industry right he has some insight um he actually had an only fan or has an only fan's tag he just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00336-00200744-00201344 has never put anything on there okay so he he had done his research like he knows what to what to do FTlMGsg3Jyo-00337-00201344-00202040 right um and he was cool he was calm he wasn't you know aggressive or um pushing for anything FTlMGsg3Jyo-00338-00202096-00202752 uh he just he fit the bill right and uh me and riley took him home to the hotel uh had FTlMGsg3Jyo-00339-00202752-00203216 a lot of fun with him we made a film uh it'll be up on our only fans all three of ours so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00340-00203280-00204088 um it's not that anyone is inclu or it's not that everyone is included if you're a fan you literally FTlMGsg3Jyo-00341-00204088-00204680 have to do all of the right things and from like from this podcast they will now know what to do FTlMGsg3Jyo-00342-00204680-00205208 yeah they have to be respectful number one and they cannot be pushy yeah and they have to just FTlMGsg3Jyo-00343-00205208-00205840 remain calm and cool you know and you know don't smell please like please take a shower before FTlMGsg3Jyo-00344-00205896-00206536 um and you know have your tts testing have your coveted testing um you know don't ask FTlMGsg3Jyo-00345-00206600-00207256 let them ask you um i don't know if you know any of the other girls did but uh me and riley did so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00346-00207312-00207928 and i've done uh fan [__] before uh and like i said everything has to align correctly for FTlMGsg3Jyo-00347-00207928-00208488 that to happen i just can't be a random stranger that's like oh i haven't had sex in a year and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00348-00208488-00208944 i'm clean you know i'm like how do we know it's also i mean it's almost like you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00349-00208944-00209480 any guy that would just like go to the bar to try to like pick up a girl like you're not guaranteed FTlMGsg3Jyo-00350-00209480-00210096 to go home with them right like you have to be yeah you have to be ass you have to be interested FTlMGsg3Jyo-00351-00210096-00210640 girls rule the world man and then just in this case you have to come with proof of like a clean FTlMGsg3Jyo-00352-00210640-00211136 text and stuff like that which which god wouldn't that be nice if like guys that you randomly met at FTlMGsg3Jyo-00353-00211136-00211664 bars like no just on them right i'm totally for it like you know everybody just start getting FTlMGsg3Jyo-00354-00211664-00212112 tested like you know every two weeks like yeah and don't don't have unprotected sex FTlMGsg3Jyo-00355-00212112-00212576 after you've already been tested yeah like that's just simple like knowledge you know FTlMGsg3Jyo-00356-00212640-00213264 so yeah holly thank you so much for coming on this was super interesting you're very cool um FTlMGsg3Jyo-00357-00213367-00213880 that pizza story can't wait to go home and tell my husband that story he's gonna be like what FTlMGsg3Jyo-00358-00213880-00214440 it's pretty crazy yeah yeah that was super super fun um can you tell everybody where they can find FTlMGsg3Jyo-00359-00214440-00215000 you online go ahead and plug all your links so um twitter i post so much stuff on twitter uh it's at FTlMGsg3Jyo-00360-00215000-00215623 holly hot wife there are no numbers x's anything like that it's only a holly hot wife um my only FTlMGsg3Jyo-00361-00215623-00216367 fans is onlyfans.com holly hot wife i do not have instagram there are many many many imposters out FTlMGsg3Jyo-00362-00216367-00216960 there i do not have instagram i've been kicked off so many times because i have so many people FTlMGsg3Jyo-00363-00216960-00217704 try to pretend to be me i'm just i'm done with even trying anymore i've had 16 instagrams so FTlMGsg3Jyo-00364-00217704-00218440 it is not me um where else uh there's many vids it's at holly hot wife pornhub at holly hot wife FTlMGsg3Jyo-00365-00218440-00219008 everything is at hollyhot wife and i mean you can see my face like if it's not my face and FTlMGsg3Jyo-00366-00219008-00219664 it doesn't say at holly hot wife then it's not me yeah you probably get a lot of guys uh saying hey FTlMGsg3Jyo-00367-00219664-00220304 i sent you five thousand dollars because i've never had that done no i haven't i've heard of FTlMGsg3Jyo-00368-00220304-00220744 stories like that really no one's tried nobody sends me money unless it's in my bank account FTlMGsg3Jyo-00369-00220984-00221344 all right perfect and then you guys can of course find me at holly randle FTlMGsg3Jyo-00370-00221344-00221928 on instagram and on twitter i'm still on tik tok i'm like barely holding on by a thread FTlMGsg3Jyo-00371-00221928-00222504 they haven't kicked me off yet so holly randle unfiltered hopefully it'll still be there by the FTlMGsg3Jyo-00372-00222504-00223023 time this podcast comes out i'm always very unsure um and then of course if you want to FTlMGsg3Jyo-00373-00223023-00223448 watch these interviews live streamed and support this podcast go to patreon.com FTlMGsg3Jyo-00374-00223528-00224184 randall unfiltered thank you guys so much for joining us i'll see you next week FTlMGsg3Jyo-00375-00224712-00224719 you FY5aDqpQsFM-00000-00000000-00000200 don't forget to click subscribe FY6a8btyInk-00000-00000000-00000156 Everyone silent PLEASE!!! FY6a8btyInk-00001-00001008-00001208 Helloooo Everyoneeeee FY6a8btyInk-00002-00001406-00001772 Hello Everyone, welcome back again with Me Dita Anggraeni Yusup FY6a8btyInk-00003-00002318-00002480 now, me feat Benny FY6a8btyInk-00004-00002480-00002602 introduce your self ben! FY6a8btyInk-00005-00002676-00002934 Benny Oloan Anwar FY6a8btyInk-00006-00003224-00003420 - don't joke! - course, what??? FY6a8btyInk-00007-00003658-00003929 - Ben, first me ask to you. Do you know Korea? - course! FY6a8btyInk-00008-00003929-00004050 What? FY6a8btyInk-00009-00004068-00004306 - Korea is divided into 2 - what? FY6a8btyInk-00010-00004384-00004838 no no 3, South Korea, North Korea and Koreagrafer FY6a8btyInk-00011-00005058-00005258 I mean Country FY6a8btyInk-00012-00005264-00005438 Oke, start again! FY6a8btyInk-00013-00005582-00005782 - Ben, do you know Country of Korea? - yes FY6a8btyInk-00014-00005876-00006040 Country of Korea is divided into 2 FY6a8btyInk-00015-00006128-00006452 South Korea and North Korea FY6a8btyInk-00016-00007170-00007538 but, now. Me talking about South Korea FY6a8btyInk-00017-00008192-00008508 now, metalking about South Korea FY6a8btyInk-00018-00008678-00008954 Do you knows famous in South Korea? FY6a8btyInk-00019-00009004-00009368 South Korea famous with.... FY6a8btyInk-00020-00009644-00009902 Singer FY6a8btyInk-00021-00010054-00010212 Cultural FY6a8btyInk-00022-00010212-00010438 Foodies FY6a8btyInk-00023-00010438-00010644 Tours FY6a8btyInk-00024-00010644-00010906 Beauty girls FY6a8btyInk-00025-00012116-00012684 Make up and Skin care FY6a8btyInk-00026-00013060-00013419 means you know about K-Pop FY6a8btyInk-00027-00013419-00013504 What about K-pop? FY6a8btyInk-00028-00013504-00013630 Boys dancing FY6a8btyInk-00029-00014096-00015376 K-pop is actress, actress is idol. Many idol in Korea can singing, dancing, acting. FY6a8btyInk-00030-00017442-00017806 Have you ever watched a Korean drama? or Korean movies? FY6a8btyInk-00031-00017806-00017992 watched FY6a8btyInk-00032-00018360-00018560 Train to Busan FY6a8btyInk-00033-00018670-00018870 if a Korean drama? FY6a8btyInk-00034-00019046-00019246 never FY6a8btyInk-00035-00020290-00020424 DOTS? FY6a8btyInk-00036-00020424-00020564 never FY6a8btyInk-00037-00020752-00021300 I mean, I haven't to watch maybe my television hijacked by my sister FY6a8btyInk-00038-00021696-00021862 live streaming? FY6a8btyInk-00039-00021862-00022002 but, dancing I liked FY6a8btyInk-00040-00022002-00022202 so try! FY6a8btyInk-00042-00022516-00023882 Korea is actively introducing it's country to the world, like a actress, foodies, tours. FY6a8btyInk-00043-00023882-00024666 I can present to you channel about korea, this is Korea.net FY6a8btyInk-00044-00025983-00026183 This is Korea.net channel FY6a8btyInk-00045-00026188-00026686 And do you know? Korea.net have a live streaming about Korea in 24 hours! FY6a8btyInk-00046-00027089-00027289 lookingred text 'live now' FY6a8btyInk-00047-00027536-00027892 this is live video korean times (KST) looking time in top bar FY6a8btyInk-00048-00029964-00030439 here is live chat too FY6a8btyInk-00049-00032018-00032770 here is schedule, in this july 31, augst 1-3 FZ8XoIsy3D8-00000-00000031-00000751 Hello masters, welcome to the stopmotion animation frame unboxing Fa7bLx_oKeu-00000-00000000-00000200 G Major 16+Nightmare Effect Fa7bLx_oKeu-00001-00000200-00000400 It Is Nightmare! FgglsN8Wcck-00000-00000948-00001507 Our colleague Štěpánka Říčanová wrote her dissertation at our facility. FgglsN8Wcck-00001-00001519-00001690 She managed to collect FgglsN8Wcck-00002-00001702-00002122 over 1,000 specimens of the European ground squirrel. FgglsN8Wcck-00003-00002134-00002570 They come from all of their geographic range in Europe. FgglsN8Wcck-00004-00002582-00002838 We did genetic analyses together. FgglsN8Wcck-00005-00002850-00003356 Their results regarding general phylogeography of steppe species FgglsN8Wcck-00006-00003368-00003599 were surprising and interesting. FgglsN8Wcck-00007-00003816-00004166 Climate changes in the Quaternary Period FgglsN8Wcck-00008-00004178-00004482 shaped the range of individual species. FgglsN8Wcck-00009-00004494-00005136 In Europe, interglacials altered with glacials causing cyclical migration FgglsN8Wcck-00010-00005148-00005389 in the north-south direction. FgglsN8Wcck-00011-00005401-00005890 A hypothesis was published in 2010 claiming that some species FgglsN8Wcck-00012-00005902-00006431 moved in the east-west direction in the Quaternary Period in Europe. FgglsN8Wcck-00013-00006612-00007348 Species needing a continental climate were likely more common in the glacials. FgglsN8Wcck-00014-00007359-00007872 Species preferring an oceanic climate thrived in the interglacials. FgglsN8Wcck-00015-00008058-00008466 A good model species for testing this hypothesis FgglsN8Wcck-00016-00008478-00008745 is the European ground squirrel. FgglsN8Wcck-00017-00008757-00009074 It is tied to steppes with short turf, FgglsN8Wcck-00018-00009086-00009569 hibernates in the winter and needs a continental climate. FgglsN8Wcck-00019-00009581-00009990 Genetic analysis of the samples from the entire range FgglsN8Wcck-00020-00010002-00010467 proved that all today's populations had one common ancestor FgglsN8Wcck-00021-00010479-00010960 about 1.5 million years ago in today's south-eastern Bulgaria. FgglsN8Wcck-00022-00010972-00011514 The species spread north-west and in other directions from there. FgglsN8Wcck-00023-00011526-00012118 This northern lineage settled in today's Vojvodina in northern Serbia. FgglsN8Wcck-00024-00012130-00012504 In cold and dry periods, when the steppe spread, FgglsN8Wcck-00025-00012516-00012960 the squirrel reached far into Central and Western Europe. FgglsN8Wcck-00026-00013087-00013576 Forests flourishing in the interglacials restricted its spreading. FgglsN8Wcck-00027-00013588-00014086 Populations survived only in refugia of continental climate, FgglsN8Wcck-00028-00014098-00014352 like for example in Vojvodina. FgglsN8Wcck-00029-00014425-00015045 Genetics of the ground squirrel was a first proof that such refugia exist. FgglsN8Wcck-00030-00015057-00015705 It will have to be confirmed by further research on similar animals and plants FgglsN8Wcck-00031-00015717-00016082 that are also tied to a continental climate. FgglsN8Wcck-00032-00016094-00016585 Phylogeographic analysis shows that development of the fauna FgglsN8Wcck-00033-00016597-00017246 and likely also the flora of the steppes was very different from the development FgglsN8Wcck-00034-00017258-00017725 of forest biological communities in the Quaternary Period. FgglsN8Wcck-00035-00017737-00017959 Refugia for the steppe fauna FgglsN8Wcck-00036-00017971-00018343 are elsewhere than refugia for other biotopes. Fh7TxRDINak-00000-00000050-00000509 All right. We're all packed up. Ready to go to the airport. Fh7TxRDINak-00001-00000509-00001100 But wow, it is windy. This is sketchy. Fh7TxRDINak-00002-00001100-00001540 Woah! Look how windy it is. Fh7TxRDINak-00003-00001639-00001900 Yeah. It’s going to be a good day for the plane Fh7TxRDINak-00004-00002260-00002569 See how this goes. Fh7TxRDINak-00005-00004139-00004597 All right. We're almost at the airport here at Fh7TxRDINak-00006-00004597-00004850 DIA - Denver International. Fh7TxRDINak-00007-00004850-00005179 We're about to drive by the blue horse. Fh7TxRDINak-00008-00005179-00005989 Also known as Blucifer. I got my mask ready. Fh7TxRDINak-00009-00006039-00006320 And my best buddy ... Fh7TxRDINak-00010-00006320-00006705 Brother from another mother, Kahu here was nice enough Fh7TxRDINak-00011-00006705-00006979 to drive me to the airport in the Rover, Fh7TxRDINak-00012-00006979-00007320 excited to go home. Original home, Fh7TxRDINak-00013-00007320-00007609 I guess because we have definitely Fh7TxRDINak-00014-00007609-00007900 created a new home here in Colorado, Fh7TxRDINak-00015-00007900-00008250 but for the next 15 days ... Fh7TxRDINak-00016-00008250-00008609 I'll go back to my original home in Scottsdale, Fh7TxRDINak-00017-00008609-00009090 Arizona, got to make it through the airport first. Fh7TxRDINak-00018-00009500-00009970 We just got Monsoon dropped off at the airport. Fh7TxRDINak-00019-00009970-00010190 The wind is pretty crazy today. Fh7TxRDINak-00020-00010190-00010438 So I'm going to be on standby in case Fh7TxRDINak-00021-00010438-00010659 I need to come back and get him. Fh7TxRDINak-00022-00010659-00010900 We've been watching his flight time throughout the Fh7TxRDINak-00023-00010900-00011102 day and it's fluctuated up and down Fh7TxRDINak-00024-00011102-00011440 by like an hour like every couple of minutes it'll update. Fh7TxRDINak-00025-00011440-00011804 So hopefully he's able to fly out of here today Fh7TxRDINak-00026-00011804-00012070 and go say what up to his family. Fh7TxRDINak-00027-00012070-00012470 I'm just going to get back to the house and finish the video. Fh7TxRDINak-00028-00012470-00012770 From yesterday, get that all tidied Fh7TxRDINak-00029-00012770-00013180 up and posted to the internet and then I might work on some music. Fh7TxRDINak-00030-00013180-00013450 My, my business stuff has been kind of slowing down. Fh7TxRDINak-00031-00013450-00013690 I think everybody's starting to wind down Fh7TxRDINak-00032-00013690-00013917 for the holidays and take breaks people Fh7TxRDINak-00033-00013917-00014100 are traveling and out of town. Fh7TxRDINak-00034-00014100-00014404 So I'm excited for that because I feel like I'm just going Fh7TxRDINak-00035-00014404-00014580 to be able to be really creative Fh7TxRDINak-00036-00014580-00014709 for like the next two weeks. Fh7TxRDINak-00037-00014709-00015106 And I haven't really been able to do that for the Fh7TxRDINak-00038-00015106-00015319 last probably year or so, Fh7TxRDINak-00039-00015319-00015430 a little bit over a year just Fh7TxRDINak-00040-00015430-00015709 because I've been so focused on building my loan business Fh7TxRDINak-00041-00015709-00016109 and building these funnels and trying to get our cash flow right. Fh7TxRDINak-00042-00016109-00016719 So it'll be a nice change of pace to be able to just sit down. Fh7TxRDINak-00043-00016719-00017069 Make some music and chill out for the next couple of weeks. Fh7TxRDINak-00044-00017069-00017280 Hang out with the dog, hang out with Brooke. Fh7TxRDINak-00045-00017280-00017559 I'm really excited to be able to spend some quality time with her. Fh7TxRDINak-00046-00017559-00017669 I know she's been really busy Fh7TxRDINak-00047-00017669-00017925 as well with work and family stuff and Fh7TxRDINak-00048-00017925-00018180 it's just been a whirlwind of a year. Fh7TxRDINak-00049-00018180-00018480 So it's going to be some much-needed down time. Fh7TxRDINak-00050-00018480-00018948 And I'm so grateful that we have the opportunity Fh7TxRDINak-00051-00018948-00019280 to do that and do that with each other. Fh7TxRDINak-00052-00019280-00019530 So yeah, just better get focused on driving Fh7TxRDINak-00053-00019530-00019910 and getting back to the house so that we could get the Fh7TxRDINak-00054-00019910-00020180 new creative content out for the day. Fh7TxRDINak-00055-00020180-00020940 And, and I think I might make a pit stop at the legendary Dutch Bros. Fh7TxRDINak-00056-00020940-00021128 We shall see. Fh7TxRDINak-00057-00021128-00021519 Just got back to the house, Fh7TxRDINak-00058-00021519-00021791 stopped to pick up some Dutch Bros. Fh7TxRDINak-00059-00021791-00022130 Gonna jump on our call with Rudy right now. Fh7TxRDINak-00060-00022130-00022502 And then I got to ask a quick question in that Fh7TxRDINak-00061-00022502-00022819 and then jump on a PRMG loan officer Fh7TxRDINak-00062-00022819-00023069 all hands on deck Zoom call, they're going on at the same time. Fh7TxRDINak-00063-00023069-00023530 So I'm going to try and balance both, but we'll see how that goes. Fh7TxRDINak-00064-00023530-00023809 Today has been quite the action-packed day. Fh7TxRDINak-00065-00023809-00024280 I'm getting the day 9 video exported right now. Fh7TxRDINak-00066-00024280-00024544 I had to take Monsoon to the airport. Fh7TxRDINak-00067-00024544-00024990 So I'm taking over the editing and posting duties for the day. Fh7TxRDINak-00068-00024990-00025340 Once he gets settled in AZ, he said he would be able to help me, Fh7TxRDINak-00069-00025340-00025566 but I wanted him to be able to get settled and Fh7TxRDINak-00070-00025566-00025730 spend some time with his family. Fh7TxRDINak-00071-00025730-00025980 I'm just gonna get this exported out of Premiere, Fh7TxRDINak-00072-00025980-00026269 then I need to upload it to YouTube Fh7TxRDINak-00073-00026269-00026527 and get the subtitles and everything put on it Fh7TxRDINak-00074-00026527-00026750 and get it ready for Facebook. Fh7TxRDINak-00075-00026750-00027028 So it's kind of a process, but we've Fh7TxRDINak-00076-00027028-00027360 developed a workflow and an exciting news ... Fh7TxRDINak-00077-00027360-00027800 I found a home for one of my loan files that was giving me difficulty. Fh7TxRDINak-00078-00027800-00028060 So we weren't able to fund it in house. Fh7TxRDINak-00079-00028060-00028305 But we have an amazing broker partner that I Fh7TxRDINak-00080-00028305-00028480 had a conversation with today. Fh7TxRDINak-00081-00028480-00028758 So I called him. I let him know the scenario Fh7TxRDINak-00082-00028758-00028950 and he said absolutely 1000%. Fh7TxRDINak-00083-00028950-00029265 He could do that all day long. So I got to deliver Fh7TxRDINak-00084-00029265-00029469 some good news to my borrowers, Fh7TxRDINak-00085-00029469-00029708 which I always love that. I really hate making Fh7TxRDINak-00086-00029708-00029850 the difficult phone calls. Fh7TxRDINak-00087-00029850-00030189 It's part of the job but it just is a part of the job that kind of sucks. Fh7TxRDINak-00088-00030189-00030491 So it was actually really nice to be able to call Fh7TxRDINak-00089-00030491-00030719 somebody and deliver some good news. Fh7TxRDINak-00090-00030719-00030900 It's going to take a little bit of extra time, Fh7TxRDINak-00091-00030900-00031219 but I'm pretty confident that we’ll at least be able to get it done. Fh7TxRDINak-00092-00031219-00031439 So, just going to finish up this video, Fh7TxRDINak-00093-00031439-00032089 get it online, and then move on to the next task of the day. Fh7TxRDINak-00094-00032089-00032310 Just finished up the video. Fh7TxRDINak-00095-00032310-00032650 It's uploading to the internet right now. Fh7TxRDINak-00096-00032650-00032930 It's been a long day. And I am exhausted. Fh7TxRDINak-00097-00032930-00033169 So I’m going to shut down the studio, Fh7TxRDINak-00098-00033169-00033350 get the computers turned off Fh7TxRDINak-00099-00033350-00033718 and head upstairs because Brooke made some yummy lasagna Fh7TxRDINak-00100-00033718-00033969 and I can smell it from the basement. Fh7TxRDINak-00101-00033969-00034200 Thank you so much for hanging out with us today, Fh7TxRDINak-00102-00034200-00034512 and we will see you tomorrow. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00000-00000030-00000159 - The next one now. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00001-00000303-00000561 Data for the clean dry clever dripper. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00002-00000906-00001080 We dried it off as well as we could, FiMmWk9Ljxu-00003-00001080-00001404 but we got 253.4 grams. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00004-00001689-00001893 So a little bit more than before. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00005-00002121-00002304 Mass of clean dry coffee cup. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00006-00002304-00002474 Let's see how I did with that one. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00007-00002877-00003069 Apparently it's drier than it was before FiMmWk9Ljxu-00008-00003069-00003569 cuz it's a tenth of a gram less at 317.5 grams. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00009-00003872-00004018 Good job drying that one off. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00010-00004179-00004569 And now with my paper filter, FiMmWk9Ljxu-00011-00005346-00005562 which we're familiar with at this point, FiMmWk9Ljxu-00012-00005562-00005697 but we'll still measure it. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00013-00005997-00006452 I get 254.8 grams with the filter. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00014-00006939-00007189 Now let's go for my 20 grams of coffee. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00015-00007655-00007896 54, 74, should be most of it. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00016-00010602-00010952 Well, 274.2, oh no, we can still get more. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00017-00011307-00011611 We want 274.8 and we nailed it. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00018-00012135-00012635 Yep, 274.8 with the coffee in there. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00019-00012726-00013165 My water just boiled, so zoom away, 300 grams. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00020-00014028-00014168 They are milliliters, sorry. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00021-00014372-00014553 On the wrong set of units. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00022-00014813-00014969 Now let's take the temperature. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00023-00015378-00015648 Hmm, not in Fahrenheit. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00024-00015828-00016002 It's coming out 92 again. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00025-00016122-00016302 So now let's add it in. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00026-00017391-00017643 Start our timing. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00027-00017643-00017745 Cover it up. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00028-00017745-00018199 Oh, let's write that down to 554.6 grams. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00029-00018582-00018915 That's 554.6 grams with the water. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00030-00018915-00019281 Temperature of the water was 92 degrees Celsius again. FiMmWk9Ljxu-00031-00019395-00019585 And I'll show all these at the end too FiMmWk9Ljxu-00032-00019788-00020181 and we'll stop to let this extract. FiXXS5DSwY8-00000-00000031-00000281 Experiment with pudding and balls. FiXXS5DSwY8-00001-00001607-00001740 Instant cocoa - 4 teaspoons FiXXS5DSwY8-00002-00001771-00001951 Dry Breakfast-chocolate balls 50 -150 g FiXXS5DSwY8-00003-00002031-00002263 Instant gelatin - 10 g FiXXS5DSwY8-00004-00002414-00002633 Corn starch - 1 tablespoon and a little cold water FiXXS5DSwY8-00005-00002646-00002855 Milk-100 ml FiXXS5DSwY8-00006-00003157-00003787 starch+water FiXXS5DSwY8-00007-00004600-00005025 gelatin+water FiXXS5DSwY8-00008-00006023-00006540 Heat the gelatin until it dissolves in a water bath FiXXS5DSwY8-00009-00007503-00007832 milk+cocoa FiXXS5DSwY8-00010-00008803-00009438 add the diluted starch and cook over low heat until thickened FiXXS5DSwY8-00011-00010906-00012026 the resulting cream is mixed with a solution of gelatin FiXXS5DSwY8-00012-00014121-00014275 in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours FiXXS5DSwY8-00013-00014517-00014895 Bon Appetit! FiXXS5DSwY8-00014-00014895-00015166 see the recipe in the infobox FlgWhSdn6C4-00000-00000602-00000844 - How can house cleaners and babysitters FlgWhSdn6C4-00001-00000844-00001136 protect themselves from coronavirus? FlgWhSdn6C4-00002-00001136-00001404 House cleaners should wear gloves at work FlgWhSdn6C4-00003-00001404-00001773 and not touch their eyes, nose or mouth. FlgWhSdn6C4-00004-00001773-00002080 Babysitters will definitely be exposed FlgWhSdn6C4-00005-00002080-00002499 to viruses that the children they care for have. FlgWhSdn6C4-00006-00002499-00002741 If their child is sick they may choose FlgWhSdn6C4-00007-00002741-00002996 to wear masks and gloves. FlgWhSdn6C4-00008-00002996-00003439 70% ethyl alcohol or 60% isopropyl alcohol FlgWhSdn6C4-00009-00003439-00003789 on a surface will kill the coronavirus. FlgWhSdn6C4-00010-00003789-00004097 The virus will die after four to five days FlgWhSdn6C4-00011-00004097-00004455 on a surface even without disinfectants. Go7XzKOm_gk-00000-00000032-00000640 pizzas financial advice really distinct industries what drove you to financial advice? Go7XzKOm_gk-00001-00000640-00001320 mate as you said um it's very distinct but there are some connecting dots between pizza Go7XzKOm_gk-00002-00001320-00001496 and financial advice tell me Go7XzKOm_gk-00003-00001496-00002080 right and to get successful um i used to ask and sell knows these people used to Go7XzKOm_gk-00004-00002080-00002512 walk in and they used to order a pizza which was not on the menu because i used to make Go7XzKOm_gk-00005-00002512-00003040 that for my um customers yes so know your client first Go7XzKOm_gk-00006-00003152-00003536 deliver what they want not what you have that's what financial planning is Go7XzKOm_gk-00007-00003536-00003744 yes so you need to know them more Go7XzKOm_gk-00008-00003744-00004408 um and i used to love putting a smile on people's faces when they eat that pizza they want more Go7XzKOm_gk-00009-00004408-00005056 they want to be happy with that right? and nothing satisfies me more by taking Go7XzKOm_gk-00010-00005056-00005680 people's financial worries out and giving them that peace of mind that Go7XzKOm_gk-00011-00005680-00006272 can be achieved with financial planning right? so i got into that and i studied finance back Go7XzKOm_gk-00012-00006272-00007016 in the days um i started pizza hut because um it was bad time for me to find a job in 2009 and 10 Go7XzKOm_gk-00013-00007016-00007504 because everyone was getting fired from their jobs um financial planners were sitting at home yeah Go7XzKOm_gk-00014-00007504-00008031 especially so let alone a newbie no one's going to get a chance you know when experienced people Go7XzKOm_gk-00015-00008031-00008416 are getting fired because of the gfc so that's why i got into pizza hut Go7XzKOm_gk-00016-00008472-00009040 but in financial planning back again i love giving advice you know taking learning from people what Go7XzKOm_gk-00017-00009040-00009648 they do every day and and i used to think look this person has so much potential it's just Go7XzKOm_gk-00018-00009648-00010240 connecting the dots just showing the way and off they go and i've seen people you know growing and Go7XzKOm_gk-00019-00010296-00010872 and loving that advice that they received and again it's like giving them what they really want Go7XzKOm_gk-00020-00010872-00011400 and be happy with that um and and that's what it was about like the business Go7XzKOm_gk-00021-00011400-00011704 knowing people and and taking their worries away and Go7XzKOm_gk-00022-00011704-00012408 serving people so i'm a people person i love doing what i do and i even when our pizza huts were not Go7XzKOm_gk-00023-00012408-00013088 that great and i used to dump a lot of toppings have i ever said get stingy on the topping sal? no Go7XzKOm_gk-00024-00013263-00013632 what you do in love yeah even the five dollar pizzas Go7XzKOm_gk-00025-00013824-00014184 if you lose money on this pizza i'm gonna lose a lot of money G07Z_UhYSso-00000-00001156-00001314 A CLEAR CASE G07Z_UhYSso-00001-00001428-00001807 Kramer, Schmidt, there has been a murder at the Schlossplatz. G07Z_UhYSso-00002-00002926-00003128 You will pay fot this! G07Z_UhYSso-00003-00003347-00003510 Er... Kramer, don't you think... G07Z_UhYSso-00004-00003510-00003720 I recognize a murderer if I see one. G07Z_UhYSso-00005-00003820-00004082 And this woman has blood on her hands. G07Z_UhYSso-00006-00004152-00004348 You have much to learn, Schmidt! G0Jle7XvXbI-00000-00000000-00000050 Welcome G0Jle7XvXbI-00001-00000050-00000100 2018 Siak River Festival G0Jle7XvXbI-00002-00000100-00000150 Held at the Tuan Kadi Park Shelter House, Jalan Perdagangan Senapelan District, the 2018 Siak River Festival was successfully held. G0Jle7XvXbI-00003-00000150-00000200 Head of the Pekanbaru City Culture and Tourism Agency Nurfaisal said that this activity was carried out without burdening the Pekanbaru Regional Budget, and was supported by state-owned enterprises and private parties who had the aim of preserving and introducing Malay culture. G0Jle7XvXbI-00004-00000200-00000250 Moreover, in this activity it has also launched 15 tourism pongong ships with 50 buoy units provided by sponsors, and can be used as historical tourism areas in the Sorcerer City. G0Jle7XvXbI-00005-00000250-00000300 In addition, this activity also involved various communities and small and medium enterprises (UKM), presenting various attractions namely, the Pekanbaru City photo exhibition of all time, as well as video and photo competitions for the Siak River Festival. G0Jle7XvXbI-00006-00000300-00000350 "This activity is to preserve and introduce Malay culture to the millennial generation. So that it can add insight into information about the local content of the region, and improve the economy of local residents and Pekanbaru, "he said. G0Jle7XvXbI-00007-00000350-00000400 Meanwhile, Vice Mayor Ayat Cahyadi said, this activity was proof of the diversity of religious tourism and Malay history in Riau. G0Jle7XvXbI-00008-00000400-00000450 It can also increase regional income, and every year it will be included in the tourism calendar of Pekanbaru City, so that it can continue to run and preserve Malay culture among young people. G0Jle7XvXbI-00009-00000450-00000500 Tuan Kadi Park Shelter Tuan Kadi Park Shelter Tuan Kadi Park Shelter G0Jle7XvXbI-00010-00000500-00000550 click subscribe G0Jle7XvXbI-00011-00000550-00000600 thanks G33I1Cp18vA-00000-00000120-00000926 Sometimes, it's really funny to watch how these ideas that your actions create your reality G33I1Cp18vA-00001-00001005-00001157 get twisted along the way. G33I1Cp18vA-00002-00001157-00001602 So for example, there is a word in Sanskrit language, G33I1Cp18vA-00003-00001605-00002112 Sanskrit is a language of the ancient Indian sages and mystics, G33I1Cp18vA-00004-00002112-00002292 and it is KARMA. G33I1Cp18vA-00005-00002376-00002624 You've probably heard of the word. G33I1Cp18vA-00006-00002645-00002951 Karma is usually understood, G33I1Cp18vA-00007-00002954-00003392 misunderstood, and mistranslated in our language G33I1Cp18vA-00008-00003430-00004048 as either destiny, something that you cannot change - it is just the way it is, G33I1Cp18vA-00009-00004053-00004471 it is your "bad karma" that things happen in a way that you do not prefer, G33I1Cp18vA-00010-00004490-00005059 or, that's even weirder - it is some weird universal law G33I1Cp18vA-00011-00005062-00005348 of punishment and rewards. G33I1Cp18vA-00012-00005380-00005825 So, if you want to live inside the beautiful reality G33I1Cp18vA-00013-00005827-00006341 all you need to do is create more positive points G33I1Cp18vA-00014-00006344-00006616 and less negative points. G33I1Cp18vA-00015-00006718-00007591 That's kind of true, but, literally - word karma in Sanskrit means ACTION. G33I1Cp18vA-00016-00007704-00008209 What they are trying to tell us is that it is your actions G33I1Cp18vA-00017-00008209-00008590 that will create your reality, or, actually, G33I1Cp18vA-00018-00008593-00009028 that your life is of your own making! G33I1Cp18vA-00019-00009107-00009403 Your life is of your own making, G33I1Cp18vA-00020-00009406-00010070 but your life is not of your own thinking or feeling. It is of your own MAKING. G33I1Cp18vA-00021-00010120-00010354 It is essential G33I1Cp18vA-00022-00010357-00010781 in order to have a high quality, inspired action G33I1Cp18vA-00023-00010783-00011248 to have high quality, inspired thoughts. And they are coming from your G33I1Cp18vA-00024-00011250-00011633 emotional state, or emotional state is reflective of your vibratory state. G33I1Cp18vA-00025-00011635-00011934 So you need to be in a good vibration in order to have G33I1Cp18vA-00026-00011936-00012563 higher quality thoughts, but then you need to ground them into G33I1Cp18vA-00027-00012565-00012967 appropriate action in order to have a reality that you prefer G33I1Cp18vA-00028-00012967-00013260 and that your senses are going to pick up. G33I1Cp18vA-00029-00013312-00013674 And the circle continues. G4OgtVfyP8U-00000-00000449-00001134 I'm Thomas and I'm a sex researcher last week Bill Gates the billionaire founder G4OgtVfyP8U-00001-00001134-00001563 of Microsoft said that on two separate occasions President Donald J Trump has G4OgtVfyP8U-00002-00001563-00002039 some the difference between HPV and HIV if this isn't a glowing representation G4OgtVfyP8U-00003-00002039-00002442 of how our health education programs are failing I don't know what is but just G4OgtVfyP8U-00004-00002442-00002682 because the President of the United States doesn't know the difference G4OgtVfyP8U-00005-00002682-00003254 doesn't mean you shouldn't HPV or human papilloma virus is very different from G4OgtVfyP8U-00006-00003254-00003732 HIV human immunodeficiency virus however they both have an H and a V in the G4OgtVfyP8U-00007-00003732-00004050 acronym so it could be understandable that maybe someone might not always know G4OgtVfyP8U-00008-00004050-00004553 the difference even if you happen to be a very stable genius so first I'm going G4OgtVfyP8U-00009-00004553-00005039 to tell you about HPV and then HIV according to the CDC HPV is the most G4OgtVfyP8U-00010-00005039-00005471 common sexually transmitted infection in the entire world they estimate that G4OgtVfyP8U-00011-00005471-00005903 about 79 million individuals in the United States are currently infected and G4OgtVfyP8U-00012-00005903-00006393 the rate of new infections is around 14 million per year they go as far as to G4OgtVfyP8U-00013-00006393-00006756 say that every single sexually active individual will get HPV in their G4OgtVfyP8U-00014-00006756-00007190 lifetime if they're not in vaccinated HPV is associated with general warts G4OgtVfyP8U-00015-00007190-00007590 however you don't have to have genital warts to have HPV there are more than G4OgtVfyP8U-00016-00007590-00008036 100 different strains and about 40 of them are transmitted via sexual contact G4OgtVfyP8U-00017-00008036-00008547 you can acquire HPV in the mouth anus or vagina HPV strains are separated into G4OgtVfyP8U-00018-00008547-00009057 what's considered low risk and high risk low risk strains can cause genital warts G4OgtVfyP8U-00019-00009057-00009411 which rarely develop into cancers whereas high risk experience are G4OgtVfyP8U-00020-00009411-00009879 responsible for up to 70% of cervical cancers many people don't know they have G4OgtVfyP8U-00021-00009879-00010263 HPV until they have an outbreak but a lot of people never have an outbreak G4OgtVfyP8U-00022-00010263-00010668 basically genital warts looks like bumps and in severe cases they're even G4OgtVfyP8U-00023-00010668-00010961 described as being shaped like cauliflower the time between infection G4OgtVfyP8U-00024-00010961-00011379 and outbreak varies wildly you could literally never have an outbreak or it G4OgtVfyP8U-00025-00011379-00011696 could be years in terms of treatment there are a few different options most G4OgtVfyP8U-00026-00011696-00012122 of which are entirely painless remember the prevalence of HPV is so G4OgtVfyP8U-00027-00012122-00012474 high that literally anyone could have it and it's not something you need to be G4OgtVfyP8U-00028-00012474-00012911 embarrassed about HPV affects your skin and moist membranes which can sometimes G4OgtVfyP8U-00029-00012911-00013208 cause vaginal rectal or penile cancers where G4OgtVfyP8U-00030-00013208-00013577 as HIV attacks your immune system which can make you more susceptible to G4OgtVfyP8U-00031-00013577-00014020 infection the World Health Organization estimates there nearly 37 million people G4OgtVfyP8U-00032-00014020-00014486 living with HIV and over 1 million in the US alone globally as many as 88 G4OgtVfyP8U-00033-00014486-00014822 million people have been infected since the beginning of the epidemic and about G4OgtVfyP8U-00034-00014822-00015275 35 million have died of an AIDS related illness young people are at least likely G4OgtVfyP8U-00035-00015275-00015673 to know their HIV status and the CDC estimates that about 44 percent of G4OgtVfyP8U-00036-00015673-00016154 people between 13 to 24 who are hiv-positive don't know it the way HIV G4OgtVfyP8U-00037-00016154-00016504 works is that it attacks cd4 cells which are white blood cells that fight G4OgtVfyP8U-00038-00016504-00016910 infection in the body the virus enters the cd4 cells and begins to make copies G4OgtVfyP8U-00039-00016910-00017320 of itself which are then sent throughout the body to other cd4 cells which become G4OgtVfyP8U-00040-00017320-00017636 infected and continue to spread the virus throughout the body G4OgtVfyP8U-00041-00017636-00018158 the average HIV uninfected person has about 500 to 1,500 cd4 cells per G4OgtVfyP8U-00042-00018158-00018683 microliter of blood HIV enters the body and quickly that number drops which is G4OgtVfyP8U-00043-00018683-00019123 how the stages of HIV are defined and may eventually lead to a diagnosis of G4OgtVfyP8U-00044-00019123-00019703 AIDS Stage one is when the cd4 count drops below 500 stage 2 is between 200 G4OgtVfyP8U-00045-00019703-00020182 to 500 and below 200 is when someone is diagnosed as having AIDS for people who G4OgtVfyP8U-00046-00020182-00020581 are not taking medication it can take over a decade to move from stage 2 to G4OgtVfyP8U-00047-00020581-00021089 stage 3 but with advances in medication it's now possible to never reach stage 3 G4OgtVfyP8U-00048-00021089-00021464 and actually become virally suppressed viral suppression means that the G4OgtVfyP8U-00049-00021464-00021878 individual who is HIV positive has so few copies of the virus in their body G4OgtVfyP8U-00050-00021878-00022288 that the virus is untranslatable to their sexual partners there are zero G4OgtVfyP8U-00051-00022288-00022706 physical signs for HIV until you reach later stages so it's important to get G4OgtVfyP8U-00052-00022706-00023176 tested regularly testing is quick easy and can even be free you can even do it G4OgtVfyP8U-00053-00023176-00023560 at home as I've shown you in a previous video discuss your HIV status with your G4OgtVfyP8U-00054-00023560-00023975 partners before having sex and don't assume anyone is HIV negative and G4OgtVfyP8U-00055-00023975-00024307 remember a lot of people don't think they're HIV positive even though they G4OgtVfyP8U-00056-00024307-00024791 might be so there are some similarities between HPV and HIV both are sexually G4OgtVfyP8U-00057-00024791-00025123 transmitted and they sort of sound the same especially if you say I'm really G4OgtVfyP8U-00058-00025123-00025388 fast also neither of them is a death sentence G4OgtVfyP8U-00059-00025388-00025834 and can usually be treated fairly easily so there it is the difference between G4OgtVfyP8U-00060-00025834-00026294 HPV and HIV and you didn't even have to pay off an adult film star ass G4OgtVfyP8U-00061-00026294-00027038 a billionaire to find out I'll see you next time thanks for watching G4OgtVfyP8U-00062-00027038-00027362 I've got a lot of content and production and I don't want you to miss out so go G4OgtVfyP8U-00063-00027362-00027670 ahead and click the subscribe button in the meantime check out one of these G4OgtVfyP8U-00064-00027670-00028027 other videos and don't forget to send me your questions about sex G4OgtVfyP8U-00065-00028027-00028408 ThomasTalksAbout@gmail.com G8z9RtJZ-PA-00000-00000042-00000314 Hey it’s Professor Dave, I wanna tell you about the universe. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00001-00001010-00001524 Of all the things that make us human, it is perhaps our quest for knowledge that defines G8z9RtJZ-PA-00002-00001525-00001655 us best. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00003-00001655-00002116 We never seem to be satisfied with the unknown, always searching, always trying to make sense G8z9RtJZ-PA-00004-00002116-00002418 of our surroundings and our place amongst them. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00005-00002418-00002927 One thing that has instilled wonder in us since the dawn of mankind has been the simple G8z9RtJZ-PA-00006-00002927-00003243 act of looking up at the night sky. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00007-00003243-00003803 Today we know quite a lot about stars and planets and galaxies, and yet the sight remains G8z9RtJZ-PA-00008-00003803-00003969 awe-inspiring. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00009-00003969-00004564 But imagine looking up at the night sky thousands of years ago, having no idea what any of these G8z9RtJZ-PA-00010-00004564-00004745 objects could be. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00011-00004745-00005015 What are these distant points of light? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00012-00005015-00005351 What is the universe as a whole, and just how big is it? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00013-00005351-00005555 Is it truly infinite? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00014-00005555-00005889 Where did everything come from, including us? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00015-00005889-00006483 These are the grandest questions that humans can dare to ask, and from this perplexity, G8z9RtJZ-PA-00016-00006483-00007352 gnawing at us every time the sun would set, was born arguably the first science, astronomy. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00017-00007352-00007952 As we know from ancient texts, early astronomy dates at least as far back as the first known G8z9RtJZ-PA-00018-00007952-00008407 civilization, Mesopotamia, and probably much further still. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00019-00008407-00008897 These were times when there was no distinction between science and mysticism. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00020-00008897-00009511 For this reason, our initial attempts at answering those big questions about the universe comprise G8z9RtJZ-PA-00021-00009511-00009870 nothing more than elaborate mythologies. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00022-00009870-00010263 Campfire stories of creation, and other fiction. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00023-00010263-00010853 We saw in the night sky a drama unfolding, much like the one that takes place each day G8z9RtJZ-PA-00024-00010853-00011386 on earth, and we projected images of earthly figures onto the stars. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00025-00011386-00011920 While much of this activity was nothing but the hubris of man on the grandest scale, it G8z9RtJZ-PA-00026-00011920-00012440 did mark what was probably the first large-scale gathering of empirical data. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00027-00012440-00012770 We came to know the night sky intimately. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00028-00012770-00013106 Every glistening star, every luminous object. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00029-00013106-00013701 We charted their movements, and slowly became able to predict their locations with great G8z9RtJZ-PA-00030-00013701-00014284 precision, thus deciphering the earth’s seasons and other natural phenomena. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00031-00014284-00014797 While it would be many centuries before we came to understand what these celestial objects G8z9RtJZ-PA-00032-00014797-00015505 truly are, our journey of scientific discovery was spawned of this nighttime wonder. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00033-00015505-00015987 Naturally, astronomy has matured over the centuries, more recently birthing the fields G8z9RtJZ-PA-00034-00015987-00016606 of astrophysics and cosmology, which all come together to represent our detailed study of G8z9RtJZ-PA-00035-00016606-00016757 the universe. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00036-00016757-00017266 Considering where we are at present, in the 21st century, we have learned so much about G8z9RtJZ-PA-00037-00017266-00017776 the universe that we have begun to answer even those most fundamental questions about G8z9RtJZ-PA-00038-00017776-00017909 existence. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00039-00017909-00018480 We now have a very firm understanding of how old the universe is, and we even know a lot G8z9RtJZ-PA-00040-00018480-00018720 about how it must have begun. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00041-00018720-00019104 To the non-scientist, this claim seems absurd. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00042-00019104-00019287 How can we know such things? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00043-00019287-00019665 How can we be so arrogant as to even attempt to know them? G8z9RtJZ-PA-00044-00019665-00020261 And yet, we have tremendous amounts of data to support our current model of the universe, G8z9RtJZ-PA-00045-00020261-00020677 actual empirical evidence for what we profess to know. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00046-00020677-00021115 And once you learn about astronomy, the basis for this knowledge can become quite clear, G8z9RtJZ-PA-00047-00021115-00021452 even to the layperson with no scientific training. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00048-00021452-00021982 In this series, we will begin by attempting to describe the basic components of the universe G8z9RtJZ-PA-00049-00021982-00022344 in roughly the chronological order in which they formed. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00050-00022344-00022998 That means energy and the most basic constituents of matter first, then stars and galaxies, G8z9RtJZ-PA-00051-00022998-00023465 then the planets that came to orbit those stars, and eventually getting to more exotic G8z9RtJZ-PA-00052-00023465-00023683 objects and concepts. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00053-00023683-00024075 Once we have covered the basics, producing a comprehensive view of the history of the G8z9RtJZ-PA-00054-00024075-00024556 universe, we will then be ready to get into some trickier specifics. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00055-00024556-00025098 As we will periodically dip into theoretical physics, astrophysics, and cosmology throughout G8z9RtJZ-PA-00056-00025098-00025677 these tutorials, we will sometimes examine concepts that are extremely complicated, but G8z9RtJZ-PA-00057-00025677-00026188 we will do our best to approach these topics in a balanced way. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00058-00026188-00026627 This means we won’t go over all of the math, as it’s just too much, but sometimes we G8z9RtJZ-PA-00059-00026627-00027119 will assume some rudimentary mathematical knowledge, so it may be useful to check out G8z9RtJZ-PA-00060-00027119-00027600 some of my algebra and trigonometry tutorials if you need a refresher. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00061-00027600-00028199 We will also use many of the ideas we discussed in the classical physics and modern physics G8z9RtJZ-PA-00062-00028199-00028920 series, so if you want to maximize your comprehension of these tutorials, those will also be important G8z9RtJZ-PA-00063-00028920-00029064 prerequisites. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00064-00029064-00029495 But if you just want to have some fun and learn a few things about space, don’t worry, G8z9RtJZ-PA-00065-00029495-00029920 you can move forward now, and if something we are discussing seems confusing, you can G8z9RtJZ-PA-00066-00029920-00030533 always click on the cards that appear in the corner of the screen for more background information. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00067-00030533-00031046 Whatever your reason for watching this series, once you’re through, you will have a solid G8z9RtJZ-PA-00068-00031046-00031570 conceptual understanding of the universe and everything in it, or as much as is available G8z9RtJZ-PA-00069-00031570-00031805 to mankind at the present. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00070-00031805-00032269 As for the questions that remain, maybe you can help answer some of them, and become part G8z9RtJZ-PA-00071-00032269-00032993 of the story we continue to tell about the dark expanse above us, the abyss of possibilities G8z9RtJZ-PA-00072-00032993-00033396 that holds the future of mankind in its swirling glow. G8z9RtJZ-PA-00073-00033396-00033628 But enough with the poetry, let’s learn some astronomy! G8T92bMfsKE-00000-00000108-00000439 Опэт нимӈака̄нмэ улгучо̄никтэ. I'll tell a tale again. G8T92bMfsKE-00001-00000533-00001005 Бэе асӣнан бичо̄н, hутэтын, бичо̄тын. There were a man with his wife, and their child. G8T92bMfsKE-00002-00001191-00001447 Дявду дявра̄дяӈкӣтын. They were going by boat. G8T92bMfsKE-00003-00001668-00002565 Тадук асӣ hуювуллэн сирба̄ви. Then the woman started to cook her soup. G8T92bMfsKE-00004-00002595-00002865 А тадӯ hэгдымэмэ урэгэ̄н. And there was a huge cliff there. G8T92bMfsKE-00005-00003015-00003099 Урэгэ̄н... The cliff... G8T92bMfsKE-00006-00003099-00003101 А бэе дявви айна̄стэн. Урэгэ̄н... And the man went to fix his boat. The cliff... G8T92bMfsKE-00007-00003101-00003467 А бэе дявви айна̄стэн. And the man went to fix his boat. G8T92bMfsKE-00008-00003499-00003692 Урэгэ̄н hэргӣн дютэ̄дерэ. They were living under the cliff. G8T92bMfsKE-00009-00003697-00003915 Урэгэ̄н hэргӣн дютэ̄дерэ. They were living under the cliff. G8T92bMfsKE-00010-00003935-00004126 hутэчо̄нтын hуюкуко̄н. They had a small baby. G8T92bMfsKE-00011-00004221-00004762 Потом аӈиллэн, ичэчиллэн каланми. Then she did that, she started to watch into her chauldron. G8T92bMfsKE-00012-00004864-00005182 Ēкур тар дэрэлтын тадӯ ичэвуллэ? Whose faces started to appear there? G8T92bMfsKE-00013-00005235-00005432 Иктэлэ ачир. No teeth. G8T92bMfsKE-00014-00005525-00005637 Лэӈэрэ̄л. The toothless. G8T92bMfsKE-00015-00005642-00005719 Лэӈэрэ̄л. The toothless. G8T92bMfsKE-00016-00005721-00005857 Иктэлэ ачир. No teeth. G8T92bMfsKE-00017-00005985-00006455 hутэви сēндукин гаран-да̄ тугэ. She took her baby by her ear in such a way. G8T92bMfsKE-00018-00006557-00006778 Соӈоллон hутэчо̄тын. Their baby started to cry. G8T92bMfsKE-00019-00006786-00006953 Аминин эмэдерэн. His father comes. G8T92bMfsKE-00020-00006953-00007189 «Ēт куӈакан соӈодерэн?» "Why is the baby crying?" G8T92bMfsKE-00021-00007368-00007485 Нуӈан гуллэн асӣ тарэ: She said, that woman: G8T92bMfsKE-00022-00007486-00007601 [нрзб] [unintelligible] G8T92bMfsKE-00023-00007705-00007873 «Сурурэп. "Let's go. G8T92bMfsKE-00024-00007927-00008506 Тар каландӯви ичэм лэӈэрэ̄лвэ, бэелвэ, ēкурвэ, бэелвэ. I saw the toothless in my chauldron, people, those, people {i. e. she saw the reflection of the people standing on the cliff} G8T92bMfsKE-00025-00008731-00008821 Суруго̄т. Let us go. G8T92bMfsKE-00026-00008888-00009229 Тукса̄нӈа̄т, а то веспэ дебдерэ». Let us run away or they will eat all of us". G8T92bMfsKE-00027-00009610-00009616 [нрзб] [unintelligible] G8T92bMfsKE-00028-00009616-00009685 Аракӯка̄н собрался, аракӯка̄н. [нрзб] They packed their things quietly. [unintelligible] G8T92bMfsKE-00029-00009685-00010024 Аракӯка̄н собрался, аракӯка̄н. They packed their things quietly. G8T92bMfsKE-00030-00010047-00010221 Веспи гаттан асӣ. She woman took all her things. G8T92bMfsKE-00031-00010248-00010479 Дявдӯвар угра-да. They seated themselves in the boat. G8T92bMfsKE-00032-00010637-00010695 Сурурэ. They went. G8T92bMfsKE-00033-00010695-00011077 Как раз долбо сурурэ. They went right at night. G8T92bMfsKE-00034-00011113-00011294 Асӣ тар ико̄деден: That woman will sing: G8T92bMfsKE-00035-00011323-00011901 «Лэӈэрэ̄лдӯ hанянмуча̄в писэдэкэ̄н hэргӣко̄чэ̄н". "I sa-a-w the reflection of the toothless / under the cliffff". G8T92bMfsKE-00036-00012126-00012223 Сурурэ. They went. G8T92bMfsKE-00037-00012320-00012552 Солокӣ ӈэнэдепкӣл. They are going upstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00038-00012688-00013042 Тарил-кэ тукса̄ста. They started to run away. G8T92bMfsKE-00039-00013049-00013258 Нуӈарватын гэлэ̄ктэллэ. The toothless started to look for them. G8T92bMfsKE-00040-00013262-00013473 Ачир илэл-кэ о̄рэ. There're no people. G8T92bMfsKE-00041-00013505-00013906 Далеко, гороло̄ идӯ-вэл ико̄дечэ̄н асӣ тар. The woman was singing somewhere faraway. G8T92bMfsKE-00042-00014198-00014305 Первое солокӣ Upstream first. G8T92bMfsKE-00043-00014362-00014495 Солокӣ ӈэнэрэ, ӈэнэрэ и уло̄ккирэ. They were going upstream, they were going and they deceived. G8T92bMfsKE-00044-00014495-00014658 Солокӣ ӈэнэрэ, ӈэнэрэ и уло̄ккирэ. [нрзб] эе̄кӣ. They were going upstream, they were going and they deceived. Downstream... G8T92bMfsKE-00045-00014658-00014864 Солокӣ ӈэнэрэ, ӈэнэрэ и уло̄ккирэ. They were going upstream, they were going and they deceived. G8T92bMfsKE-00046-00014869-00015052 Эе̄кӣ эе̄стэ. They started to go downstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00047-00015257-00015268 Мучурэ-дэ̄ эе̄синимнэдэ̄, ой. They turned back and they started to go downstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00048-00015268-00015356 Мучурэ-дэ̄ эе̄синимнэдэ̄, ой. Солокӣ They turned back and they started to go downstream. Upstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00049-00015356-00015655 Мучурэ-дэ̄ эе̄синимнэдэ̄, ой. They turned back and they started to go downstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00050-00016000-00016571 Тадук тарэ лэӈэрэ̄л сокорро нуӈарватын. Then the toothless lost them. G8T92bMfsKE-00051-00016675-00017184 Так и эе̄стэ асӣ бэенун, hутэтын тадӯ. So those man and the woman, and their child started to go downstream. G8T92bMfsKE-00052-00017292-00017576 Манавран нимӈака̄н. The tale is over. Gq8kqsdCXmy-00000-00014336-00014832 Update: Youtube actually likes 854x480. Gq8kqsdCXmy-00001-00021744-00023200 Youtube also added 144p = 192 x 144 = Very Low Quality Fullscreen Gq8kqsdCXmy-00002-00037280-00037776 To clarify: Upscaling won't always make video blurry, but it certainly won't increase the quality. All it does is multiply pixels to fill in spaces needed to increase it's resolution. Which can sometimes look a bit muddy. Gq8kqsdCXmy-00003-00042864-00043360 Uhhh, I decided against it because Camstudio messed up their quality so you couldn't tell. as I said here, test it yourself to see for fun. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00000-00000220-00000621 I Suppose you would have found out sooner or later. Just do me one favor Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00001-00000691-00000971 Promise me you will never go to this awesome place Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00002-00001092-00001236 No problem Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00003-00001236-00001550 Now leave me alone. I'll get some weed now and have fun. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00004-00001772-00001882 Remember... Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00005-00001968-00002132 Drugs are awesome!!! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00006-00002488-00002752 Nala! Nala! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00007-00002804-00003284 Hey Nala. Shut up! Wanna see something new? Oh just shut up! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00008-00003668-00004132 Mama...Mama! I'm trying to impress Nala! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00009-00004184-00004506 Enough, I'm horny enough. Can we go now? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00010-00004506-00004798 Shut up! Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00011-00004798-00005016 Trust me...you will enjoy it! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00012-00005016-00005216 Shut up...why should I? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00013-00005216-00005432 I will show you when we're there! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00014-00005432-00005632 Let's go...yeah!!! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00015-00005706-00005900 So...where are we really going? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00016-00005900-00006100 Deep inside down there. Wow! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00017-00006100-00006210 Shhhhh Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00018-00006210-00006330 Angry bird! Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00019-00006330-00006544 Right...where are we gonna shoot him into? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00020-00006623-00006778 Oh it just look at you two Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00021-00006822-00007337 Little seeds of romance bossemin in the Savannah. Your parents just got drilled. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00022-00007366-00007688 And later and Naya is gonna blow you. Blow what? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00023-00007706-00008040 Blowing...sucking...snacking. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00024-00008123-00008184 Meaning? Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00025-00008208-00008484 One day she will be licking your dong. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00026-00008484-00008580 Bahhh Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00027-00008580-00008780 I don't want her to...I wanna lick. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00028-00008824-00009024 Yeah...his Dong is too small. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00029-00009024-00009224 You better get used to it. Gq9Y-GbF9jy-00030-00009224-00009424 Wanna see more? Click down right to subscribe for more weekly content. GuoxXCajVbk-00000-00000064-00000416 i have been very busy adding subtitles to my videos. GuoxXCajVbk-00001-00000472-00001024 this took me about 10 minutes to complete, around a minute for each video, and so GuoxXCajVbk-00002-00001088-00001592 this would mean that all seven of the other videos with auto-generated subtitles are now complete. GuI4iO6ufa0-00000-00000000-00000576 well listen some people may need to go to jail Laura you don't get to take kids in and tell them GuI4iO6ufa0-00001-00000576-00000966 that they need to have their gender reassigned lie to them about what the effects will be which GuI4iO6ufa0-00002-00000966-00001464 is sterilization in many instances lie to their parents about it and maybe take taxpayer dollars GuI4iO6ufa0-00003-00001464-00001746 as part of the whole thing and then just get away with it but here's what we need to find GuI4iO6ufa0-00004-00001746-00002232 out and what I'm going to find out Laura we need an accounting of every child who GuI4iO6ufa0-00005-00002232-00002892 was abused in this way every child who was sterilized by force every child who was put GuI4iO6ufa0-00006-00002892-00003378 through these procedures we need to know where's the money coming from Laura this is becoming an GuI4iO6ufa0-00007-00003378-00004002 industry and I'm going to follow every Trail big Pharma the insurance monopolies higher education GuI4iO6ufa0-00008-00004002-00004506 government I want to know who is funding not only this clinic in Missouri who's funding GuI4iO6ufa0-00009-00004506-00004962 these clinics that are popping up all across across the country because these procedures GuI4iO6ufa0-00010-00004962-00005598 Laura cost serious money and somebody is making serious serious bucks by abusing our children GyseLdX8sAU-00000-00001984-00002760 welcome to the course understanding ethnography a way of engaging with the other I'm Nina Sabnani I GyseLdX8sAU-00001-00002760-00003479 teach at the idc school of design in iit bombay ethnography is a qualitative research method GyseLdX8sAU-00002-00003479-00004256 that enables us to understand people their social behaviors and their cultural practices we spend GyseLdX8sAU-00003-00004256-00004928 time with people in the environments in which they live observing and speaking with them it does seem GyseLdX8sAU-00004-00004928-00005528 odd that we have to learn how to do that spending time observing doesn't that come naturally GyseLdX8sAU-00005-00005624-00006248 of course some of it does but there's a huge difference between casual observing and the GyseLdX8sAU-00006-00006248-00006936 depth and rigor that the ethnographic approach requires we derive insights by making observations GyseLdX8sAU-00007-00007008-00007552 and by drawing connections between these observations and theoretical concepts GyseLdX8sAU-00008-00007608-00008216 and this leads us to make sense of what we perceive few other research methods enable GyseLdX8sAU-00009-00008216-00008888 such an understanding of the human world so far we have explained the term ethnography GyseLdX8sAU-00010-00008968-00009784 now let's talk about the other and what we mean by that in the context of ethnography the other GyseLdX8sAU-00011-00009784-00010472 is often that person or set of persons who we see as different from us and who we attempt to engage GyseLdX8sAU-00012-00010472-00011320 with and who we see as under changes with changes in context in our home country for instance we may GyseLdX8sAU-00013-00011320-00011984 see someone from another region or community as the other but when in a foreign country GyseLdX8sAU-00014-00011984-00012632 anyone from our country no matter what region or community they come from are seen as like GyseLdX8sAU-00015-00012632-00013416 us and those from other countries are seen as the other so before we travel any further or begin to GyseLdX8sAU-00016-00013416-00014184 define anything let us look at an example that may help in understanding how we practice ethnography GyseLdX8sAU-00017-00014240-00014800 let me share my own experience of researching a community of storytellers from rajasthan GyseLdX8sAU-00018-00014904-00015400 I was interested to learn why the tradition of telling stories with a coward story box GyseLdX8sAU-00019-00015400-00015984 was still alive when people had access to tv and other modes of entertainment did GyseLdX8sAU-00020-00015984-00016456 this have to do with the lack of access to electronic media in remote rajasthan GyseLdX8sAU-00021-00016640-00017432 or was it performing some other unknown role in their lives I wanted to understand what meaning GyseLdX8sAU-00022-00017432-00018120 this story box had in the lives of the community to explore these questions I spent some time GyseLdX8sAU-00023-00018120-00018712 getting to know the community the people who made the cowards the storytellers and their patrons GyseLdX8sAU-00024-00018776-00019344 by traveling together asking questions sharing jokes and also making films together GyseLdX8sAU-00025-00019528-00020216 in the process I certainly discovered some things that I had expected to find but was also surprised GyseLdX8sAU-00026-00020216-00020824 by so much more their world was very different from mine and so were their notions of reality GyseLdX8sAU-00027-00021016-00021568 many of the ideas that the storytellers and their patrons attached to the cover put several GyseLdX8sAU-00028-00021568-00022208 of my assumptions to test i had assumed that the cowardios were simply storytellers but as GyseLdX8sAU-00029-00022208-00022856 i engaged with them i came to see that they are much more than that they are genealogists who map GyseLdX8sAU-00030-00022856-00023984 and recite the ancestry of their patrons they are in fact custodians of memory for their community GyseLdX8sAU-00031-00026264-00026783 I came to see that the story box was more than just about stories or their GyseLdX8sAU-00032-00026783-00027448 lineage it was a pilgrimage these insights changed the way I looked at folk traditions GyseLdX8sAU-00033-00027520-00027895 I also realized I had a lot to learn about storytelling from my friends GyseLdX8sAU-00034-00028016-00028727 all this came about because I had the opportunity to engage with them at length and in their context GyseLdX8sAU-00035-00028816-00029183 this method helped me learn what lay beneath the surface of the colorful GyseLdX8sAU-00036-00029183-00029824 cover story box and its performance let's pause here and reflect on some questions GyseLdX8sAU-00037-00029968-00030695 in the cover story who do you think is the other to the researcher what does the researcher want GyseLdX8sAU-00038-00030695-00031424 to learn from them some of you may have answered that the other here is the coward storyteller GyseLdX8sAU-00039-00031512-00032144 others might have also noted that the patrons the listeners are the other given that we are GyseLdX8sAU-00040-00032144-00032808 viewing the sequence from the perspective of the researcher then everyone outside the research GyseLdX8sAU-00041-00032808-00033328 team is the other some of you may have noted that the researcher wants to learn about the GyseLdX8sAU-00042-00033328-00033912 lifestyle of the coward storytellers others may have thought the researcher wants to understand GyseLdX8sAU-00043-00033912-00034584 how the cover story box is faring in the digital age both answers are acceptable i GyseLdX8sAU-00044-00034584-00035184 did enter the research with curiosity about why the coward remains so popular in some communities GyseLdX8sAU-00045-00035248-00035864 but in order to learn about the cover I had to spend time with the makers and storytellers GyseLdX8sAU-00046-00036000-00036368 and this opened up many questions that my research would go on to address GyseLdX8sAU-00047-00036512-00037088 so we could say that the core of this research as of any ethnographic research is the process GyseLdX8sAU-00048-00037088-00037768 of being engaged with those who our research is about and many ethnographers will vouch that GyseLdX8sAU-00049-00037768-00038352 it is actually a most interesting way of doing research it emphasizes learning about other people GyseLdX8sAU-00050-00038352-00038952 by spending time with them immersing ourselves in their everyday lives understanding their context GyseLdX8sAU-00051-00039024-00039656 it's certainly no rocket science but it is not casual observing either it has its methods and GyseLdX8sAU-00052-00039656-00040304 its processes and its fundamental principles all of which we will discuss as we go through GyseLdX8sAU-00053-00040304-00041000 this course we will speak about the process at length but first there's an old story i would GyseLdX8sAU-00054-00041000-00041688 like to share it has appeared in many versions and this one is from the vishnu dharmatharpuran GyseLdX8sAU-00055-00041688-00042320 an ancient text from the 6th century that speaks about the arts and the relationship to each other GyseLdX8sAU-00056-00042488-00043200 king vajra is very keen to learn the art of icon making of the deities he worships and asks the GyseLdX8sAU-00057-00043200-00043952 sage markandya to take him on as a student the sage tells him that to understand the GyseLdX8sAU-00058-00043952-00044688 principles of image making he must first acquire the knowledge of painting the king agrees to be GyseLdX8sAU-00059-00044688-00045360 trained in this art but is told that he cannot grasp even the rudiments of painting unless he GyseLdX8sAU-00060-00045360-00046136 is an accomplished dancer the king now accepts to learn dancing but the sage explains that GyseLdX8sAU-00061-00046136-00046776 proficiency in dance is impossible without a keen sense of rhythm or knowledge of instrumental music GyseLdX8sAU-00062-00046920-00047568 the king requests he be taught music and rhythm to which the sage says that before he becomes GyseLdX8sAU-00063-00047568-00048296 proficient in instrumental music a mastery of vocal music is necessary finally the king goes GyseLdX8sAU-00064-00048296-00049056 through all these stages before the sage teaches them the art of iconography and so it is with GyseLdX8sAU-00065-00049056-00049680 ethnography too in order to understand ethnography we must understand the fields it comes from GyseLdX8sAU-00066-00049752-00050584 mainly sociology and anthropology and that is what we will discuss in the next section GyseLdX8sAU-00067-00050912-00050920 you Gzb2CLU8IuE-00000-00000000-00000200 Ethan Hernandez Studios Gzb2CLU8IuE-00001-00000542-00000742 Hernandez Gzb2CLU8IuE-00002-00001362-00001696 He’s Gonna Take you Back to the Past Gzb2CLU8IuE-00003-00001848-00002934 To Play the Stupid Games That Suck ass, he Rather Have an Aligator Take a Huge Bite out of him Gzb2CLU8IuE-00004-00002982-00003750 He Rather eat the Rotten Cat-Poo of a Road-K*** Skunk & Down it With Soda Gzb2CLU8IuE-00005-00003799-00004138 He’s the Angriest Gamer You’ve Ever Heard Gzb2CLU8IuE-00006-00004173-00004482 He’s the Angry Nintendo Kid Gzb2CLU8IuE-00007-00004538-00004888 He’s the Angry PlayStation/Sega Kid Gzb2CLU8IuE-00008-00004935-00005424 He’s the Angry Video-Game Kid Gzb2CLU8IuE-00009-00005633-00005901 Here’s a game, that went a LONG way Gzb2CLU8IuE-00010-00005940-00006140 It’s Mario Party Gzb2CLU8IuE-00011-00006519-00006831 Released in 1998 for the N64 Gzb2CLU8IuE-00012-00007219-00007730 Strange that this game went so viral Gzb2CLU8IuE-00013-00008100-00009366 Everytime you beat a Board-Game in Mario Party, the Title Screen Changes Gzb2CLU8IuE-00014-00011259-00011459 Let me select Yoshi Gzb2CLU8IuE-00015-00014221-00014421 *Me Reading the Rules* Gzb2CLU8IuE-00016-00021851-00022051 AYE, I CLEARED IT Gzb2CLU8IuE-00017-00032626-00032826 ASSSSSS Gzb2CLU8IuE-00018-00032841-00033041 (Bleep) Gzb2CLU8IuE-00019-00033475-00033675 Subtitles: Ethan “Ethan09” Hernandez G_COklONkqk-00000-00000117-00000853 Frankly speaking, today with Peter Koenig. G_COklONkqk-00001-00000853-00001875 On July 14, 2015 the five veto powers Russia, China, USA, Great Britain and France and Germany G_COklONkqk-00002-00001875-00002369 as well agreed with Iran the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" (JCPOA). G_COklONkqk-00003-00002369-00002864 By means of this treaty Teheran allows that its nuclear program to be controlled by the G_COklONkqk-00004-00002864-00003336 International Atomic Energy Agency based in Vienna. G_COklONkqk-00005-00003336-00003874 This treaty stipulates to limit the amount of weapons-usable uranium and its ability G_COklONkqk-00006-00003874-00004156 of enrichment In Iran. G_COklONkqk-00007-00004156-00004745 The heavy water reactor in Arak shall be rebuild as well, because part of its waste products G_COklONkqk-00008-00004745-00005229 is nuclear weapons-usable plutonium. G_COklONkqk-00009-00005229-00005503 In return the sanctions against were ended. G_COklONkqk-00010-00005503-00005926 It has been – from a diplomatic view, too – a very important international treaty G_COklONkqk-00011-00005926-00006484 with the Iran which had been isolated since 1979. G_COklONkqk-00012-00006484-00007215 It had been considered as a historic day – with exception of Israel's leadership under Benjamin G_COklONkqk-00013-00007215-00007389 Netanyahu. G_COklONkqk-00014-00007389-00008034 Recently this treaty was labeled as a "bad deal" once again by US president Donald Trump G_COklONkqk-00015-00008034-00008396 and its termination threatened by the USA. G_COklONkqk-00016-00008396-00009204 Yet before new sanctions were imposed on Iran by the USA and thus the treaty basically has G_COklONkqk-00017-00009204-00009389 been violated. G_COklONkqk-00018-00009389-00010053 The issue is in particular Iran's missile program which is a thorn in the side of US G_COklONkqk-00019-00010053-00010253 allies in the Middle East and the Orient. G_COklONkqk-00020-00010253-00010670 Yet because of the objection of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security G_COklONkqk-00021-00010670-00011307 Policy Federica Mogherini and the pressure from Germany and France the treaty keeps formally G_COklONkqk-00022-00011307-00011407 established. G_COklONkqk-00023-00011407-00011924 Both countries concluded billion-scale bilateral agreements with Iran. G_COklONkqk-00024-00011924-00012549 Despite these pleasant facts the approach from Teheran to the West harbor considerable G_COklONkqk-00025-00012549-00013294 risks, too, says the well-known economist and geo-strategic analyst Peter Koenig. G_COklONkqk-00026-00013294-00013832 Mr. Koenig had been a World Bank employee for 30 years, where he wanted to contribute G_COklONkqk-00027-00013832-00014147 to fight poverty in developing countries. G_COklONkqk-00028-00014147-00014809 Yet had to realize that the US financial oligarchy behind the development banks has been exploiting G_COklONkqk-00029-00014809-00015194 these countries by means of criminal and fraudulent methods. G_COklONkqk-00030-00015194-00015837 Hence he favors the detachment from the US-dollar system as the best possibility to escape from G_COklONkqk-00031-00015837-00016065 the US guardianship. G_COklONkqk-00032-00016065-00016437 He calls this escape "Resistance Economy". G_COklONkqk-00033-00016437-00017120 A number of countries like Russia and Venezuela took this way in spite of all the difficulties. G_COklONkqk-00034-00017120-00017864 Basically, sanctions would be a welcome opportunity, a stepping stone to the national recovery G_COklONkqk-00035-00017864-00018012 an autarchy so to speak. G_COklONkqk-00036-00018012-00018504 As a result Russia's president Putin said for instance that sanctions against his country G_COklONkqk-00037-00018504-00018962 have been the best that could have happened to them since the decline of the USSR. G_COklONkqk-00038-00018962-00019570 Namely there were lean years now and then, yet it helped Russia to revive its agriculture, G_COklONkqk-00039-00019570-00019809 industry and science. G_COklONkqk-00040-00019809-00020393 In the last two years Russia has risen to be the world's largest exporter of grain, G_COklONkqk-00041-00020393-00020971 it renewed its industrial plants and could compensate that what the now EU-friendly Ukraine G_COklONkqk-00042-00020971-00021320 produced for Russia in the past. G_COklONkqk-00043-00021320-00021786 Russia works together with China and other countries by means of the Shanghai Cooperation G_COklONkqk-00044-00021786-00022597 Organization, detached from the Petro-dollar and in their own partly gold backed currencies. G_COklONkqk-00045-00022597-00023098 Iran should do the same according to Peter Koenig and not counting on the deceptive billion-scale G_COklONkqk-00046-00023098-00023640 deals with Germany and France, since the West has shown that its geopolitically unreliability. G_COklONkqk-00047-00023640-00024625 To this, under the category "Opinion unvarnished", his clear statement: G_COklONkqk-00048-00024625-00025229 My humble advice, if I may, to the Government of Iran for 2018 and beyond: G_COklONkqk-00049-00025229-00025767 Continue pursuing the path of “Resistance Economy”, concentrating on “local production G_COklONkqk-00050-00025767-00026294 for local markets, with local currency and through local state-owned or public banking G_COklONkqk-00051-00026294-00026591 for the benefit of the national economy”. G_COklONkqk-00052-00026591-00026924 This is one of the principles of “Economy of Resistance”. G_COklONkqk-00053-00026924-00027454 – It includes ‘import substitution’ at a large scale, including using Iran’s G_COklONkqk-00054-00027454-00027882 own science, i.e. ‘research and development’ (R&D) capacity. G_COklONkqk-00055-00027882-00028414 Refrain to the extent possible from seeking trading / business / banking relations with G_COklONkqk-00056-00028414-00028866 the west – and stay away from the IMF and the World Bank. G_COklONkqk-00057-00028866-00029367 Instead focus on the east, on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and on some G_COklONkqk-00058-00029367-00029852 of the BRICS countries for external business and trade, and on the Asian Infrastructure G_COklONkqk-00059-00029852-00030152 and Investment Bank (AIIB) for development assistance. G_COklONkqk-00060-00030152-00030795 The future is definitely in the East, and as a member of the SCO, Iran is already part G_COklONkqk-00061-00030795-00031408 of the East – China’s One Belt Initiative (OBI) includes Iran – it is a multi-trillion-dollar G_COklONkqk-00062-00031408-00031824 (equivalent) program that will dominate economics in the coming centuries. G_COklONkqk-00063-00031824-00032354 Use your own money, not western currencies, especially not the US dollar or its off-spring, G_COklONkqk-00064-00032354-00032461 the euro. G_COklONkqk-00065-00032461-00033058 Follow the de-dollarization example of Russia and China, if need be, develop a national G_COklONkqk-00066-00033058-00033532 cryptocurrency, controlled by the government for external trade, to circumvent western G_COklONkqk-00067-00033532-00033803 sanctions – see Venezuela. G_COklONkqk-00068-00033803-00034421 Finally, be always aware that Washington, masterminded by “the Deep Zion-State” G_COklONkqk-00069-00034421-00034696 – will never let go. G_COklONkqk-00070-00034696-00035280 This doctrine is engraved in the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century), largely conceived G_COklONkqk-00071-00035280-00035585 by Washington’s Zionist think-tanks. G_COklONkqk-00072-00035585-00036134 Once they decided on a target, like the Ayatollah so eloquently says, i.e. G_COklONkqk-00073-00036134-00036830 Iran, Syria, Lebanon — and in Asia, North Korea and China, they will not let go. G_COklONkqk-00074-00036830-00037276 No matter whether there is a peace agreement, or whether they have made a promise, – nothing, G_COklONkqk-00075-00037276-00037752 but nothing that Washington says, signs and promises can be trusted. G_COklONkqk-00076-00037752-00038218 – The war in Syrian, for example is not ”over’’ as Mr. Putin has made believe, G_COklONkqk-00077-00038218-00038471 when he said Russia will pull out their troops. G_COklONkqk-00078-00038471-00039149 Just look at the US military base at Al-Tanf in Syria – a US base established fully illegally G_COklONkqk-00079-00039149-00039256 in Syria. G_COklONkqk-00080-00039256-00039523 The US was never invited to set foot in Syria. G_COklONkqk-00081-00039523-00040097 Yet, they not only are enhancing their base, they are also training new Daesh / ISIS terror G_COklONkqk-00082-00040097-00040336 groups to fight Damascus. G_COklONkqk-00083-00040336-00040481 Iran will prevail. G_COklONkqk-00084-00040481-00040633 Iran is not alone. G_COklONkqk-00085-00040633-00040956 Iran has a mighty eastern alliance, including Russia and China. G_COklONkqk-00086-00040956-00041130 Trump and his handlers know it. GACFNxaU4D4-00000-00000120-00000560 This short video demonstrates how to search for a topic in PubMed. GACFNxaU4D4-00001-00000784-00001160 Part one of this video demonstrates how to search using keywords. GACFNxaU4D4-00002-00001256-00001712 Part two shows how keywords are automatically applied to MeSH Terms in PubMed. GACFNxaU4D4-00003-00001968-00002152 Part 1: Keyword Searching. GACFNxaU4D4-00004-00002224-00002696 For keyword searching use words only rather than full sentences or questions. GACFNxaU4D4-00005-00002936-00003232 For example, let's say we are doing an assignment GACFNxaU4D4-00006-00003232-00003720 to find out whether antioxidant supplementation can prevent cancer. GACFNxaU4D4-00007-00003720-00003920 Our keywords for the search would be “antioxidant” “supplement” and “cancer” GACFNxaU4D4-00008-00003920-00004536 Here we have entered our keywords “antioxidant” “supplement” and “cancer” GACFNxaU4D4-00009-00004536-00004704 into the PubMed search box. GACFNxaU4D4-00010-00004936-00005784 Our keyword search for “antioxidant” “supplement” and “cancer” generated these results in PubMed. GACFNxaU4D4-00011-00005944-00006488 We can use the filters on the left side of the results page to limit our results by GACFNxaU4D4-00012-00006488-00006752 article type, publication date and more. GACFNxaU4D4-00013-00006959-00007184 The brief record is listed for each article. GACFNxaU4D4-00014-00007280-00007895 Click the article title to open the full record which contains the abstract which is the summary. GACFNxaU4D4-00015-00008088-00008296 This is the full record for this article. GACFNxaU4D4-00016-00008368-00008736 Read the abstract and use your critical thinking skills to determine GACFNxaU4D4-00017-00008736-00008992 whether this is a research or review article. GACFNxaU4D4-00018-00009216-00009424 Part 2: MeSH Terms. GACFNxaU4D4-00019-00009528-00009784 MeSH stands for Medical Subject Headings. GACFNxaU4D4-00020-00009848-00010336 Medical Subject Headings are the controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms GACFNxaU4D4-00021-00010336-00010664 that is used to describe the subject of each journal article. GACFNxaU4D4-00022-00010880-00011416 These are the some of the excellent reasons to use MeSH. GACFNxaU4D4-00023-00011416-00011792 Under the search bar we will click the Advanced button to view the GACFNxaU4D4-00024-00011792-00012032 MeSH overview for our keyword search. GACFNxaU4D4-00025-00012256-00012512 Here we see our history and search details. GACFNxaU4D4-00026-00012600-00012928 Under the heading details we will click the chevron. GACFNxaU4D4-00027-00013112-00013712 Here we see that PubMed has automatically mapped our keywords to the correct MeSH terms GACFNxaU4D4-00028-00013712-00014200 and combined them in a search with our original keywords. GACFNxaU4D4-00029-00014200-00014704 Further below under the heading Translations we see that Pubmed has provided GACFNxaU4D4-00030-00014704-00015104 an overview of our keywords and the variations of our keywords. GACFNxaU4D4-00031-00015328-00015847 Using a combination of keywords and MeSH terms is an important element of searching in PubMed, GACFNxaU4D4-00032-00015912-00016480 since about 10% of the literature in PubMed is not indexed using MeSH Terms, GACFNxaU4D4-00033-00016480-00016736 and we do not want to miss any research on our topic. GACFNxaU4D4-00034-00016888-00017368 Need help? Ask us. Chat, email, phone or drop by. GACFNxaU4D4-00035-00017584-00018016 This concludes our video on searching by topic in PubMed. GHcate2Ak5u-00000-00000055-00001030 Our next speaker sorry our next speaker is Amy Harmon from the "New York Times" and GHcate2Ak5u-00001-00001030-00001356 she will be talking about the public place in personal genomics. GHcate2Ak5u-00002-00001356-00004032 Amy Harmon: Thank you. So thank you for the introduction GHcate2Ak5u-00003-00004032-00004541 and thank you all for being here for this historic event, which is also known as "My GHcate2Ak5u-00004-00004541-00004767 First Power Point Presentation". GHcate2Ak5u-00005-00004767-00004903 [laughter] GHcate2Ak5u-00006-00004903-00005499 I'm a writer. I don't do Power Point, so we'll see how it goes. Please be patient; it's an GHcate2Ak5u-00007-00005499-00006003 experiment. You guys are used to those, right? Experiments? Talking to scientists. GHcate2Ak5u-00008-00006003-00006543 So, okay. I'm going to talk about the public place in personal genomics. So, naturally, GHcate2Ak5u-00009-00006543-00007251 my first slide is of two women in the nail salon getting a pedicure. So, if you're wondering GHcate2Ak5u-00010-00007251-00008127 why, this is a picture of I know, I have to do this is also my first use of one of GHcate2Ak5u-00011-00008127-00008570 these things this is a picture of Deb Lindner on the right and her mother, Joan. And they GHcate2Ak5u-00012-00008570-00009222 are getting a pedicure because Deb has inherited Joan's BRCA1 mutation. And this is how she GHcate2Ak5u-00013-00009222-00009834 wanted to spend the afternoon the day before she went to get a prophylactic mastectomy. GHcate2Ak5u-00014-00009834-00010372 I'm going to come back to Deb and her story, which I think illuminates both the virtues GHcate2Ak5u-00015-00010372-00010953 of the work you do and some of the challenges we all have going forward. But, first, I want GHcate2Ak5u-00016-00010953-00011435 to back up for a minute and address a question that may be in some of your minds since it GHcate2Ak5u-00017-00011435-00012021 definitely was in mine as I was preparing for this talk and that is, “Why am I here?” GHcate2Ak5u-00018-00012021-00012985 Okay, let's see this is my first what do I do? It's not doing it. Oh, do I have the wrong GHcate2Ak5u-00019-00012985-00013356 one? Okay. The PC one, not the Mac one. See, I'm learning. GHcate2Ak5u-00020-00013356-00013975 Okay. So this is a list of some of the speakers at this event, many of whom you've already GHcate2Ak5u-00021-00013975-00014572 heard from. I took this from an e mail that Eric sent around as he was organizing it a GHcate2Ak5u-00022-00014572-00015027 few months ago. So, you can see, as you read down the list, is that one of these things GHcate2Ak5u-00023-00015027-00015818 is not like the other, as they say on "Sesame Street". So here we have like, you know, the GHcate2Ak5u-00024-00015818-00016325 M.D., Ph.D., the M.D. Ph.D., M.D. Ph.D., J.D., right? J.D., yeah. So, Eric referred to them GHcate2Ak5u-00025-00016325-00016823 this morning as some of the great minds in genomics and here I am, a lowly newspaper GHcate2Ak5u-00026-00016823-00017431 reporter, and not even a real science reporter. I have a BA in American Culture. I work for GHcate2Ak5u-00027-00017431-00017840 the national staff of the "New York Times," not the "Science Times," although I am an GHcate2Ak5u-00028-00017840-00018390 avid reader of the "Science Times". When I write about the social impact of science, GHcate2Ak5u-00029-00018390-00019095 which I like to do, I really rely on people like you to explain the science part. GHcate2Ak5u-00030-00019095-00019826 So I thought of a couple of reasons why I might have been invited. One reason I thought GHcate2Ak5u-00031-00019826-00020407 was maybe I was invited because other reporters like my colleague, Nicholas Slade, [spelled GHcate2Ak5u-00032-00020407-00020988 phonetically] have written somewhat critically about the genome's anniversary. "A decade GHcate2Ak5u-00033-00020988-00021631 later genetic map yields few new cures," he wrote. That was one of two parts, and so maybe GHcate2Ak5u-00034-00021631-00022031 NHGRA was looking for a journalist who seemed like that she might be a bit more sympathetic GHcate2Ak5u-00035-00022031-00022316 to its cause. I didn't actually ask Eric that, but it crossed my mind. GHcate2Ak5u-00036-00022316-00023112 I thought that maybe there was a sense of obligation to give a nod to the ethical and GHcate2Ak5u-00037-00023112-00023602 social and legal issues on the program, although in my somewhat limited experience at scientific GHcate2Ak5u-00038-00023602-00024326 conferences the LC session seems like the cue to head to the bar. So not that it should GHcate2Ak5u-00039-00024326-00024798 be. With all due respect to Amy, whose presentation was great, and we should all I'm gratified GHcate2Ak5u-00040-00024798-00025327 to see you all here, but I just thought maybe that was something they needed to do by inviting GHcate2Ak5u-00041-00025327-00025676 me. Also, I thought maybe they just wanted me GHcate2Ak5u-00042-00025676-00026243 to write something about this spiffy new strategic plan, so maybe some good press could help GHcate2Ak5u-00043-00026243-00027102 them. But then I thought, then I thought, don't be such a cynical reporter. I thought, GHcate2Ak5u-00044-00027102-00027705 “Okay, I'll take Eric at his word. Maybe they really want what he called in his e mail, GHcate2Ak5u-00045-00027705-00028149 “a community perspective’.” That was what I was asked to provide. Maybe they want GHcate2Ak5u-00046-00028149-00028603 to see what an average reporter like me has learned about the impact of their work on GHcate2Ak5u-00047-00028603-00029019 average Americans, because these scientists are off in their labs, working really hard GHcate2Ak5u-00048-00029019-00029525 and they just don't get to see that for themselves very much. So I thought, alright, maybe I GHcate2Ak5u-00049-00029525-00030461 could make a genuine contribution here. So, okay, geneticists, okay Ph.D.s and M.D.s and GHcate2Ak5u-00050-00030461-00031111 M.D. Ph.D.s, I don't have any fancy microarray slides or sequence strings or molecular pathway GHcate2Ak5u-00051-00031111-00031594 charts to show you, but I am going to show you some pictures of the people whose lives GHcate2Ak5u-00052-00031594-00031966 your work has touched. Because I have been privileged to spend time with some of them GHcate2Ak5u-00053-00031966-00032544 and you really have had profound personal impact that deserves to be recognized on this GHcate2Ak5u-00054-00032544-00033059 anniversary. I'm going to show you some of these pictures, like this one of Samantha GHcate2Ak5u-00055-00033059-00033502 Napier and Tegan Lane [spelled phonetically], who are not related, but share a deletion GHcate2Ak5u-00056-00033502-00033952 on the short arm of their 16th chromosome that was only deciphered a few years ago with GHcate2Ak5u-00057-00033952-00034490 technology that grew out of the Human Genome Project. I'm going to show you these pictures GHcate2Ak5u-00058-00034490-00035018 and then I am going to respectfully suggest that you need to get out of your labs and GHcate2Ak5u-00059-00035018-00035496 talk to people more yourselves. Not just the people who you've directly impacted, but those GHcate2Ak5u-00060-00035496-00036063 who you might impact, which pretty much means all of us, I think. Because I have to tell GHcate2Ak5u-00061-00036063-00036586 you, there was another question in my mind as I was pondering the invitation to come GHcate2Ak5u-00062-00036586-00037131 here today and that is, “Why bother?” As much as I was personally honored to be GHcate2Ak5u-00063-00037131-00037615 asked, this is not my job. The "New York Times" does not pay me to learn Power Point so I GHcate2Ak5u-00064-00037615-00038193 can try to communicate with scientists. They pay me to write stories and they are calling GHcate2Ak5u-00065-00038193-00038468 me during the breaks saying, “What have I done for them lately?” GHcate2Ak5u-00066-00038468-00039277 So, but, there was a sort of a selfish, pragmatic reason for me to do this, because the kind GHcate2Ak5u-00067-00039277-00039802 of stories I like to write depend on a public that is not totally alienated from science GHcate2Ak5u-00068-00039802-00040565 and scientists. And I really worry that if this decade does not bring more meaningful GHcate2Ak5u-00069-00040565-00041280 and compelling communication between you and the public, that you jeopardize the future GHcate2Ak5u-00070-00041280-00041768 of this important work and also the future source of my favorite kind of stories. GHcate2Ak5u-00071-00041768-00042261 So I'm here, I'm here both to tell you about some of the personal genomics that I've come GHcate2Ak5u-00072-00042261-00042602 across, the personal genomic stories that I've come across and to try to coax you to GHcate2Ak5u-00073-00042602-00043221 tell your own to a broader audience. Many of the speakers here today have outlined a GHcate2Ak5u-00074-00043221-00043675 huge amount of scientific work that needs to be done. But I would argue that communicating GHcate2Ak5u-00075-00043675-00044321 about this work to your friends and neighbors and local high school students and local journalists GHcate2Ak5u-00076-00044321-00045009 should be an equal priority. And maybe that is why I really was invited, because you knew GHcate2Ak5u-00077-00045009-00045584 I'd have something to say along these lines, in which case, I'm happy to oblige. GHcate2Ak5u-00078-00045584-00046233 So, let me go back to these girls, Tegan and Samantha. They live on the opposite ends of GHcate2Ak5u-00079-00046233-00046724 Kentucky. A genetic counselor who saw both of them put their parents in touch and this GHcate2Ak5u-00080-00046724-00047134 picture was taken when the two families met at an amusement park in the middle of the GHcate2Ak5u-00081-00047134-00047705 state. Because, even though there is no treatment for Samantha and Tegan's disorder, which includes GHcate2Ak5u-00082-00047705-00048275 digestive problems, learning difficulties, head banging behavior, their parents felt GHcate2Ak5u-00083-00048275-00048921 they shared something important. "It's like meeting family," Samantha's older sister said GHcate2Ak5u-00084-00048921-00049758 on this day, three years ago last summer. The mothers are still in touch and email frequently. GHcate2Ak5u-00085-00049758-00050389 What is so striking to me, what draws me to write about this stuff again and again is GHcate2Ak5u-00086-00050389-00051113 how intimately genomics research affects individuals and families. Deb Lindner and her mother from GHcate2Ak5u-00087-00051113-00051556 the pedicure slide, not from this slide I should really have note to self for future GHcate2Ak5u-00088-00051556-00052225 Power Point presentations -- the slides in a better order but Deb Lindner and her mother GHcate2Ak5u-00089-00052225-00052810 really argued over whether she should get that mastectomy. Deb was 33. She had a boyfriend, GHcate2Ak5u-00090-00052810-00053317 but she was not married. And her mother felt it was too drastic a measure to take at that GHcate2Ak5u-00091-00053317-00053841 time. And Deb told her mother, her mother who was a breast cancer survivor, who Deb GHcate2Ak5u-00092-00053841-00054327 had watched go through brutal chemotherapy when Deb was a teenager, she said, "I have GHcate2Ak5u-00093-00054327-00054855 this amazing gift of knowing my risk. You don't know what you would have done if you GHcate2Ak5u-00094-00054855-00055697 had the same gift as me." It's intense stuff. Deb refers to having a BRCA1 mutation as a GHcate2Ak5u-00095-00055697-00056374 great sorter of men. She had a boyfriend when she got her surgery, but they broke up soon GHcate2Ak5u-00096-00056374-00056963 after. He ended up telling her he couldn't deal with it. Now she has a husband who told GHcate2Ak5u-00097-00056963-00057361 her, after she gave him a certain "New York Times" article to read after their second GHcate2Ak5u-00098-00057361-00057774 date, that he thought she was the coolest person he had ever met, because of what she GHcate2Ak5u-00099-00057774-00057874 had done. GHcate2Ak5u-00100-00057874-00058491 So, this is Katie Moser [spelled phonetically] who I met shortly after she tested positive GHcate2Ak5u-00101-00058491-00058952 for the mutation that causes Huntington's Disease, at age 24. Now historically, most GHcate2Ak5u-00102-00058952-00059412 people at risk of Huntington's have chosen not to get tested, because if you're positive GHcate2Ak5u-00103-00059412-00059888 you're facing a really, really terrible fate. And for anyone who doesn't know, Huntington's GHcate2Ak5u-00104-00059888-00060426 Symptoms typically start at middle age and you gradually lose your ability to walk, talk, GHcate2Ak5u-00105-00060426-00061156 move, eat, think. Katie is one of a growing number of young people at risk of Huntington's GHcate2Ak5u-00106-00061156-00061583 who are deciding to get tested in large part, I think, because of the beginning of a more GHcate2Ak5u-00107-00061583-00062112 enlightened view of genetics in our society. We now have a law that prohibits discrimination GHcate2Ak5u-00108-00062112-00062775 based on genetic information. There is a lessening of stigma. And Katie went through a very tough GHcate2Ak5u-00109-00062775-00063300 time for a while, after testing positive, and I was with her during that time, but she GHcate2Ak5u-00110-00063300-00063939 said she never regretted it. She wanted to know and now she's working tirelessly to raise GHcate2Ak5u-00111-00063939-00064439 money for research for a cure, before she gets sick, and she's also right now in the GHcate2Ak5u-00112-00064439-00064970 middle of doing pre implantation genetic diagnosis, so that she can have a child who will not GHcate2Ak5u-00113-00064970-00065342 be at risk for Huntington's. GHcate2Ak5u-00114-00065342-00066185 So, people take genomics personally, sometimes for very good reasons, as we talked about. GHcate2Ak5u-00115-00066185-00066623 Sometimes, I think also for sort of irrational reasons. I think it's hard for some people GHcate2Ak5u-00116-00066623-00067195 to distinguish between the more innocuous things you can learn from your genetics and GHcate2Ak5u-00117-00067195-00067801 the more profound ones. But, for whatever reason, our DNA is bound up in our identity. GHcate2Ak5u-00118-00067801-00068356 People tend to regard it as the very essence of who they are. And this slide is just a GHcate2Ak5u-00119-00068356-00068733 slide that shows there's one recent study that says Americans are concerned about the GHcate2Ak5u-00120-00068733-00069356 privacy of their genetic information. It's nothing new. Kathy Hudson of the NIH has been GHcate2Ak5u-00121-00069356-00069806 measuring this and talking about this for years, but I really think that it is in this GHcate2Ak5u-00122-00069806-00070306 personal nature of DNA that your challenge lies, because the stakes of not communicating GHcate2Ak5u-00123-00070306-00070631 the significance of your work are getting higher. GHcate2Ak5u-00124-00070631-00071443 This is Carletta Tilousi. She is a council member of the Havasupai Indian tribe. She GHcate2Ak5u-00125-00071443-00072270 lives at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, which I got to visit by helicopter when they were GHcate2Ak5u-00126-00072270-00072750 in the middle sort of on the cusp of a settlement that they received from Arizona State University GHcate2Ak5u-00127-00072750-00073381 of several hundred thousand dollars last year. It was a long, drawn out story, but a genetics GHcate2Ak5u-00128-00073381-00074043 researcher at ASU in the early '90s took blood samples for what the tribe understood to be GHcate2Ak5u-00129-00074043-00074537 diabetes research and later found out that she had branched into research on their geographic GHcate2Ak5u-00130-00074537-00074967 origins and other diseases that they said that they would never have agreed to, had GHcate2Ak5u-00131-00074967-00075482 they been asked. The Havasupai and many other Native American tribes have refused to participate GHcate2Ak5u-00132-00075482-00075741 in genetics research for many years. GHcate2Ak5u-00133-00075741-00076372 Now, some scientists I've talked to hear the Havasupai story and they kind of dismiss it GHcate2Ak5u-00134-00076372-00076827 as a unique case. They say, "Well, that was a long time ago, and it was a single researcher GHcate2Ak5u-00135-00076827-00077364 dealing with an uneducated population at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and also the whole GHcate2Ak5u-00136-00077364-00077936 concept of informed consent was sort of in its genesis.” Informed consent for genetics GHcate2Ak5u-00137-00077936-00078122 research hadn't been fully formed yet. GHcate2Ak5u-00138-00078122-00079037 But, so, here is a picture of a mother in Texas and this is just last year and she found GHcate2Ak5u-00139-00079037-00079505 out that the standard heel prick of blood taken from her newborn, that she was told GHcate2Ak5u-00140-00079505-00079970 was taken just to make sure that her daughter was healthy, was stored in a state database GHcate2Ak5u-00141-00079970-00080428 and was being used for different kinds of disease research. And this is what she said GHcate2Ak5u-00142-00080428-00080956 when I interviewed her last year. Her name is Andrea Beleno. She's a Legal Aid lawyer. GHcate2Ak5u-00143-00080956-00081516 She said, "The irony is, if you had asked me, I probably would have consented. I would GHcate2Ak5u-00144-00081516-00081925 love for there to be a cure for breast cancer, which runs in my family. I would love for GHcate2Ak5u-00145-00081925-00082487 there to be a cure for diabetes. The way they went about it just made me distrustful." And GHcate2Ak5u-00146-00082487-00083088 so, she was instrumental in this lawsuit against the state health agency and all of these blood GHcate2Ak5u-00147-00083088-00083795 spots that were being used in this database, it's millions of them, were just destroyed. GHcate2Ak5u-00148-00083795-00084613 So, you guys want a onemillion genomes project. Onemillion genomes, that is huge, right? GHcate2Ak5u-00149-00084613-00085189 And you want a budget to support it. And I was glad to see a line in the new strategic GHcate2Ak5u-00150-00085189-00085754 plan, being introduced today, that notes the importance of public education in this massive GHcate2Ak5u-00151-00085754-00086436 effort. I cut and pasted it here, not having the Power Point skills to actually take the GHcate2Ak5u-00152-00086436-00087105 PDF file and put it in the slide, but I have to say that my editor would not approve of GHcate2Ak5u-00153-00087105-00087795 this use of passive tense. "Education programs are needed," this is from the so it's spelled GHcate2Ak5u-00154-00087795-00088280 in this, like, English way because it’s from the "Nature" article but "education programs GHcate2Ak5u-00155-00088280-00088866 are needed, to promote lifelong public understanding and awareness of the role of genomics in human GHcate2Ak5u-00156-00088866-00089460 health and other areas." Okay, that sounds good. That sounds good. But I have to tell GHcate2Ak5u-00157-00089460-00090099 you, in case you haven't noticed, you guys are busy. It is hard to get you on the phone. GHcate2Ak5u-00158-00090099-00090605 You're funding depends on publishing papers and not on talking to people like me, or in GHcate2Ak5u-00159-00090605-00091027 educating friends and neighbors and high school students about personal genomics. So, I just GHcate2Ak5u-00160-00091027-00091555 want to take this opportunity to really pose the question, how will that public education GHcate2Ak5u-00161-00091555-00092349 happen? Who will do it? Is it possible that the NHGRI will require it as part of its grants GHcate2Ak5u-00162-00092349-00092848 to investigators? It's just a question, but there's no incentive for you. It's frustrating GHcate2Ak5u-00163-00092848-00093411 to me because every time I talk to a scientist I am aware that I am taking his or her very GHcate2Ak5u-00164-00093411-00094110 valuable time and it just seems like there should if you really believe in it, they should GHcate2Ak5u-00165-00094110-00094514 be paid to do it, somehow. You should have to do it. GHcate2Ak5u-00166-00094514-00095102 So, anyway. Since so much of your energy does go into publishing papers and so much of your GHcate2Ak5u-00167-00095102-00095647 career depends on it, I wonder also if you might do more in this decade to publish those GHcate2Ak5u-00168-00095647-00096352 papers in journals where average citizens can read them without paying $15, $30, sometimes GHcate2Ak5u-00169-00096352-00096930 $50, for each one. Now, I don't know if anyone in this room has ever run into a screen like GHcate2Ak5u-00170-00096930-00097575 this, because you all have institutional subscriptions to all of these major journals and you can GHcate2Ak5u-00171-00097575-00098120 sort of surf them like I surf the web but I the "Times” has fallen on some hard times GHcate2Ak5u-00172-00098120-00098662 of late, and I don't have a subscription to all these journals. Maybe Nicholas Slade does. GHcate2Ak5u-00173-00098662-00099435 So, I run into this all the time. How do I get access? Well, I have to pay. This article GHcate2Ak5u-00174-00099435-00100012 I don't know if you can see it's called, "Making Data Maximally Available." GHcate2Ak5u-00175-00100012-00100112 [laughter] GHcate2Ak5u-00176-00100112-00100858 So and this is what happens to my readers, right? So, I try to be conscientious and I GHcate2Ak5u-00177-00100858-00101443 put links to your papers in my stories. In my stories -- as I said, I'm not really a GHcate2Ak5u-00178-00101443-00101794 science writer. I try to write these human stories, but I want people to be able to get GHcate2Ak5u-00179-00101794-00102274 more information about the science, so I put in the links and we're also there's a big GHcate2Ak5u-00180-00102274-00102771 push to do that at the "Times." We want to be as open as possible. We want people to GHcate2Ak5u-00181-00102771-00103234 be linked to other information. But that's what they get. That's what they get. GHcate2Ak5u-00182-00103234-00103779 Now, I understand that these -- "Science," "Nature," and "Cell" have traditionally been GHcate2Ak5u-00183-00103779-00104106 considered the prestigious places to publish and your jobs, your tenure, and your grants GHcate2Ak5u-00184-00104106-00104656 depend on publishing in the most prestigious places. I get it. But if you care about communicating GHcate2Ak5u-00185-00104656-00105170 your results to the public, as well as to each other, I don't really see how you can GHcate2Ak5u-00186-00105170-00105695 justify it. And I think that Harold Varmus, who was here today, he may not be here now, GHcate2Ak5u-00187-00105695-00106053 former NIH director now NCI director, had that in mind when he co founded the "Open GHcate2Ak5u-00188-00106053-00106590 Access Journal: Public Library of Science" and there are other journals, too, that allow GHcate2Ak5u-00189-00106590-00107054 taxpayers to read about the results of the research that they are paying for, without GHcate2Ak5u-00190-00107054-00107233 paying again. GHcate2Ak5u-00191-00107233-00107790 So, again, you invited me so I think I'm allowed to make these suggestions. I just think it GHcate2Ak5u-00192-00107790-00108233 would be nice if scientists would take advantage of these open access journals and it would GHcate2Ak5u-00193-00108233-00108833 be nice, NIH leaders who control their funding, if you would give them an incentive to do GHcate2Ak5u-00194-00108833-00108933 that. GHcate2Ak5u-00195-00108933-00109455 Okay, I just want to reiterate the title of this paper, "Making Data Maximally Available." GHcate2Ak5u-00196-00109455-00109697 Okay. GHcate2Ak5u-00197-00109697-00110284 So switching gears slightly here, one of the most riveting personal impacts in genomic GHcate2Ak5u-00198-00110284-00110783 research that I have had the privilege of reporting on over the last couple of years GHcate2Ak5u-00199-00110783-00111194 is the testing of a molecular targeted drug for melanoma, which you heard a little bit GHcate2Ak5u-00200-00111194-00111894 about from Lynda Chin, already. The drug still doesn't have a name. It was developed by a GHcate2Ak5u-00201-00111894-00112348 small biotech company called Plexxicon and acquired by Roche, the big pharmaceutical GHcate2Ak5u-00202-00112348-00112794 company. It grew out of the discovery that the B-Raf gene is mutated in half of melanoma GHcate2Ak5u-00203-00112794-00113336 tumors, which in turn grew directly out of the human genome project. And this drug's GHcate2Ak5u-00204-00113336-00113774 Phase 3 randomized trial was just stopped a few weeks ago, because the drug had proven GHcate2Ak5u-00205-00113774-00114285 to extend lives beyond the standard chemotherapy, which honestly wasn't that hard because the GHcate2Ak5u-00206-00114285-00114505 standard chemotherapy doesn't do anything, but -- GHcate2Ak5u-00207-00114505-00115139 So this is Carrie Adams [spelled phonetically], a young woman in Oklahoma City, who was diagnosed GHcate2Ak5u-00208-00115139-00115698 with metastatic melanoma, which is typically fatal within nine months. When her tumor tested GHcate2Ak5u-00209-00115698-00116152 positive for the B-Raf mutation, she joined a clinical trial for the Plexxicon drug and GHcate2Ak5u-00210-00116152-00116336 I'm just going to I'm going try to do this which is another Power Point thing that I GHcate2Ak5u-00211-00116336-00117668 may have failed that, but how do I get? I'm going to try to play a one minute video for GHcate2Ak5u-00212-00117668-00119428 you. Yes, thank you. Okay. Take the other mouse. Go to the bottom of the screen. It's GHcate2Ak5u-00213-00119428-00120157 not really it's being weird. Okay. We'll see if I can play you this video. And we make GHcate2Ak5u-00214-00120157-00120561 it bigger and now hit play. Oh, there's no sound. GHcate2Ak5u-00215-00120561-00120661 [video plays] GHcate2Ak5u-00216-00120661-00120854 Carrie Adams: The first few times just took me, you know, GHcate2Ak5u-00217-00120854-00120954 30 minutes to take them all. GHcate2Ak5u-00218-00120954-00121054 Narrator: By the time she began taking the drug a year GHcate2Ak5u-00219-00121054-00121548 later, Roche had reworked the formula. She was given a more potent dose. And for two GHcate2Ak5u-00220-00121548-00121736 months, Ms.Adams took 28 pills daily. Then she went to her doctor for the first CAT scan GHcate2Ak5u-00221-00121736-00121836 results. GHcate2Ak5u-00222-00121836-00121936 Carrie Adams: And he comes in and he says, “Okay, I think GHcate2Ak5u-00223-00121936-00122870 I've got some really good news for you. And I was like, “Okay what is it?” You know, GHcate2Ak5u-00224-00122870-00123154 like, just so excited. GHcate2Ak5u-00225-00123154-00123254 [music] GHcate2Ak5u-00226-00123254-00124526 You know, he said that the scans showed a significant shrinkage in the size of all of GHcate2Ak5u-00227-00124526-00124815 the lesions. You know, he said, “I think we found the right drug for you. I think that GHcate2Ak5u-00228-00124815-00125084 we can look at this long term.” GHcate2Ak5u-00229-00125084-00125468 Narrator: She was not alone. Across the country, the GHcate2Ak5u-00230-00125468-00126161 Phase 1 Plx4032 patients were responding. What the responders shared in common was GHcate2Ak5u-00231-00126161-00126511 Amy Harmon: You can watch that video on the "Times'" site. GHcate2Ak5u-00232-00126511-00126940 I just wanted to give you a little, quick flavor. We made this it ran in conjunction GHcate2Ak5u-00233-00126940-00127495 with some of the stories that I wrote on this clinical trial. And now I have to do this GHcate2Ak5u-00234-00127495-00128944 [inaudible] I don't know where the Power Point went. Do I have to re open it? Ideally, I GHcate2Ak5u-00235-00128944-00129533 would integrate the video into the Power Point. I realize that. So, I'm learning. Next time. GHcate2Ak5u-00236-00129533-00130257 Oh, no, now we're at the beginning. Okay, we're going to go through these slides. GHcate2Ak5u-00237-00130257-00130636 So, these are just a couple more people pictures of people because I'm trying to show GHcate2Ak5u-00238-00130636-00131238 you pictures of people on the trial. So that's Carrie. That's Randy Williams. He is a construction GHcate2Ak5u-00239-00131238-00132067 worker in Arkansas. This is Mark Bunting, he's an airline pilot near Salt Lake City, GHcate2Ak5u-00240-00132067-00132251 and his family. GHcate2Ak5u-00241-00132251-00132989 So this B-Raf story doesn't have a really happy ending, at least not yet. After an average GHcate2Ak5u-00242-00132989-00133559 of about seven months, patients relapsed. But the hope is that that is a model. That GHcate2Ak5u-00243-00133559-00133998 people responded and that the right people responded to the right drug and that it's GHcate2Ak5u-00244-00133998-00134560 rational and that this model can be replicated. And researchers are using the tumor samples GHcate2Ak5u-00245-00134560-00135195 of several, including Mark, several samples from patients who have relapsed, to try to GHcate2Ak5u-00246-00135195-00135749 look at them and understand, “What's the new driver?” And if they can figure that GHcate2Ak5u-00247-00135749-00136390 out, then maybe they can find a similar drug that can hopefully block it in a similar way. GHcate2Ak5u-00248-00136390-00137000 And the first two papers were actually already we were talking about, Lynda mentioned how GHcate2Ak5u-00249-00137000-00137403 quickly this is happening, compared to how it happened in the past, so the papers on GHcate2Ak5u-00250-00137403-00138047 the resistance mechanism or potential resistance mechanism were published in "Nature" in December. GHcate2Ak5u-00251-00138047-00138762 So that work is moving along. Of course, since there were published in "Nature", the patients GHcate2Ak5u-00252-00138762-00139287 themselves, if they are alive, and their families can't actually read the papers, without registering GHcate2Ak5u-00253-00139287-00139949 and paying for them. So, I can't help pointing that out. But I am these stories -- I wrote GHcate2Ak5u-00254-00139949-00140618 a series of five stories on this clinical trial over the course of a year and I really GHcate2Ak5u-00255-00140618-00140997 you guys all do acknowledgment screens, so I just want to say that I am grateful to many GHcate2Ak5u-00256-00140997-00141603 of the M.D.s, Ph.D.s and M.D. Ph.D.s, who spent a lot of time with me, explaining the GHcate2Ak5u-00257-00141603-00142059 finer points of cancer genetics and making it possible for me to try to convey the impact GHcate2Ak5u-00258-00142059-00142573 of this bit of genomics research to the readers of the "Times". GHcate2Ak5u-00259-00142573-00143199 Okay. Now we're back to this and I wanted to just point out that I'm actually here on GHcate2Ak5u-00260-00143199-00143804 this slide. You can't really can you see my elbow? So, I was forced to get a pedicure, GHcate2Ak5u-00261-00143804-00144309 too, that day in order to really do my job as a reporter. And I was with Deb the day GHcate2Ak5u-00262-00144309-00144840 before her mastectomy and the day of it. And now Deb and I do panels together sometimes. GHcate2Ak5u-00263-00144840-00145523 We speak on this issue and she often reminds me that only 30,000 of an estimated 250,000 GHcate2Ak5u-00264-00145523-00146101 women who carry the BRCA1 and 2 mutations have actually been tested for them. Many don't GHcate2Ak5u-00265-00146101-00146686 know they are at risk. If that's the case for this sort of extraordinarily well known GHcate2Ak5u-00266-00146686-00147278 risk gene, risk genes, it seems like there's clearly a long way to go to educate the public GHcate2Ak5u-00267-00147278-00147404 about personal genomics. GHcate2Ak5u-00268-00147404-00148057 And just as a final note, I sometimes hear that scientists think they can't talk to the GHcate2Ak5u-00269-00148057-00148680 public, because they don't know how. But you all have stories. I've heard some great ones GHcate2Ak5u-00270-00148680-00149182 today. I think you underestimate yourselves on that front. You're passionate and excited GHcate2Ak5u-00271-00149182-00149795 about what you're doing and only you can inspire that passion in the public. And if I could GHcate2Ak5u-00272-00149795-00150291 learn to make a Power Point presentation to talk to you elite scientists, I am quite sure GHcate2Ak5u-00273-00150291-00150802 that you can learn to talk to regular people. I'll do better next time and maybe you will, GHcate2Ak5u-00274-00150802-00150902 too. GHcate2Ak5u-00275-00150902-00151002 Thank you GHcate2Ak5u-00276-00151002-00151002 [applause] GI4eTGUWnQE-00000-00000000-00000200 *walks in*What the hi guys? GI4eTGUWnQE-00001-00000200-00000400 it's weird to see you here GI4eTGUWnQE-00002-00000400-00000600 HEY TECHNOBLADE!!! GI4eTGUWnQE-00003-00000600-00000800 mhm*walks away* GI4eTGUWnQE-00004-00000800-00001000 *goes back home* GI4eTGUWnQE-00005-00001000-00001200 that was weird thought they hate Quackity i mean i do GI4eTGUWnQE-00006-00001200-00001400 eh just forget about it huh? GI4eTGUWnQE-00007-00001400-00001600 Voices:BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!! GI4eTGUWnQE-00008-00001600-00001800 SHUT UP! GI4eTGUWnQE-00009-00001800-00002000 Voices:BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD BLOOD!! GI4eTGUWnQE-00010-00002000-00002200 OMG SHUT UP I WON'T DO BLOOD! GI4eTGUWnQE-00011-00002200-00002400 Voices:BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD GI4eTGUWnQE-00012-00002400-00002600 NO Voices:BLOOD! GJA6E-avNNY-00000-00000375-00000847 COMMANDER NAVAL FORCES JAPAN FIRED DEPARTMENT JOINED USS DEFENDER FOR DRILLS ONBOARD THE GJA6E-avNNY-00001-00000847-00000952 Ship. GJA6E-avNNY-00002-00000952-00001548 "FLYING SQUAD IS CREAM OF THE CROP FIRE FIGHTING GUYS ONBOARD USS DEFENDERS. GJA6E-avNNY-00003-00001548-00002098 OUR TEAMWORK IS ALWAYS IMMACULATE AND OUR CAUSALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES. GJA6E-avNNY-00004-00002098-00002214 WE ALL KNOW THE STEPS. GJA6E-avNNY-00005-00002214-00002391 WE ALL KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN" GJA6E-avNNY-00006-00002391-00002861 BUT TO PREPARE FOR THIS DRILL, THE CREW MEMBERS PRETENDED TO HAVE A PROBLEM THE REQUIRED THEM GJA6E-avNNY-00007-00002861-00003086 TO CALL THE CFAS FIRE DEPARTMENT. GJA6E-avNNY-00008-00003086-00003460 "IN THE EVENT THE FIRE GETS OUT OF CONTROL, WE ARE ABLE TO COME IN AND OPERATE AND TAKE GJA6E-avNNY-00009-00003460-00003652 OVER OPERATIONS FROM THE SHIP'S FORCES." GJA6E-avNNY-00010-00003652-00004153 LEFT WITH NOT ENOUGH WATER, THE CREW MUST LEARN THEIR ROLE IN SOLVING THE SHIP'S PROBLEM. GJA6E-avNNY-00011-00004153-00004436 "WE'LL COMBAT THE CASUALTY AS BEST AS POSSIBLE. GJA6E-avNNY-00012-00004436-00005036 ONCE WE'VE DONE THAT WE'LL STAND BY AND WAIT FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO SHOW UP." GJA6E-avNNY-00013-00005036-00005369 SEAMAN ANDREW FRISBIE, FLEET ACTIVITY SASEBO JAPAN. GLf6_laBZ3Y-00000-00000056-00000712 hello beautiful i have something for you. Guess what it is ! hi i'm audrey and i'll be reviewing GLf6_laBZ3Y-00001-00000712-00001384 a product which is a perfume called as Enchanteur Charming. So it comes in a shape of perfume and GLf6_laBZ3Y-00002-00001440-00001920 body mist this product has been my choice since i was 15 years old GLf6_laBZ3Y-00003-00001920-00002552 there are reasons why i've been using it for so long and i like it so much so let me tell you why GLf6_laBZ3Y-00004-00002768-00003432 Enchanteur Charming has this sensual fragrance with an exotic mix of rose and muguet GLf6_laBZ3Y-00005-00003432-00004344 embraced by citrus and aldehyde it also contains a soft touch of musk and cedarwood which is why GLf6_laBZ3Y-00006-00004344-00005104 it explains the smell that keep you sophisticated and irresistibly charming what are you waiting for GLf6_laBZ3Y-00007-00005104-00005960 girls get your own Enchanteur Charming at nearby cosmetic shop as in Watsons and Guardian with just GLf6_laBZ3Y-00008-00005960-00006512 one pump of this heavenly smell, it will keep you nice and confident for a whole day GLf6_laBZ3Y-00009-00006592-00007176 my personal opinion of this product for the ladies out there, it is very much suitable for GLf6_laBZ3Y-00010-00007176-00007895 those who like floral and elegant smell more than perfume with sweet fragrance if you're interested GLf6_laBZ3Y-00011-00007895-00008589 make sure to get one for yourself and enjoy the fragrance of charms ! that's all from me, bye ! GpmL-MM4H60-00000-00000104-00000576 Hi, and welcome to Lesson Eight on "Electromagnetic Waves in Optical Media - One". GpmL-MM4H60-00001-00000664-00001160 In this block of three lessons, we are going to describe how electromagnetic waves and GpmL-MM4H60-00002-00001160-00001480 electromagnetic radiation interact with matter, GpmL-MM4H60-00003-00001552-00002056 and in particular we'll be interested in the propagation properties of electromagnetic waves GpmL-MM4H60-00004-00002056-00002696 in dielectrics and in metals. So let's begin with Step One, which is "An introduction to the Block". GpmL-MM4H60-00005-00002832-00003408 Let's re-examine our original motivation. You may remember in Module One on the Overview of GpmL-MM4H60-00006-00003408-00004120 Quantum Communication, we were interested about geometric optics, in particular we wanted to know GpmL-MM4H60-00007-00004120-00004776 how light propagates down fiber. So we wanted to know what happens at the interface between GpmL-MM4H60-00008-00004776-00005600 two dielectric media. For example, it could be air and glass or some other dielectric media. And we GpmL-MM4H60-00009-00005600-00006192 were considering what is the angle of reflection and angle of refraction, over here (in fig.) given GpmL-MM4H60-00010-00006192-00006856 some angle of incidence, "theta i". Also, we said that some of the wave gets reflected, GpmL-MM4H60-00011-00006856-00007552 some of the wave enters into the other medium and becomes refracted. But we didn't really have any GpmL-MM4H60-00012-00007552-00008192 machinery in calculating these coefficients of reflection and transmission. At the same time, GpmL-MM4H60-00013-00008192-00008832 we had no notion of polarization, simply we did not know how to add that into our formalism. GpmL-MM4H60-00014-00008976-00009552 Therefore, we can conclude that geometrics optics is not sufficient for our purposes. After all, GpmL-MM4H60-00015-00009552-00010104 we just spent a couple of lessons deriving the fact that the light and electromagnetic radiation GpmL-MM4H60-00016-00010104-00010816 is a wave. So, we need to be able to describe this phenomena using wave optics. GpmL-MM4H60-00017-00010992-00011504 How do we do it? With our old friends, the Maxwell's equations. There is one catch: GpmL-MM4H60-00018-00011584-00012080 these Maxwell's equations that we derived are for free space, they're not really GpmL-MM4H60-00019-00012080-00012544 designed to capture the behavior of light and electromagnetic radiation in general, GpmL-MM4H60-00020-00012544-00013024 in a particular optical medium. So, we still have some work ahead of us. GpmL-MM4H60-00021-00013200-00013663 In the current lesson we're going to consider how electromagnetic waves propagate in GpmL-MM4H60-00022-00013663-00014328 optical media. Also, we'll ask the question what happens at the interface of such media GpmL-MM4H60-00023-00014328-00014640 and what is the description of this behavior in terms of wave optics, GpmL-MM4H60-00024-00014776-00015247 and that will lead us to four boundary conditions that all electric and magnetic GpmL-MM4H60-00025-00015247-00015712 fields must obey when the electromagnetic wave is traveling from one medium into the other. GpmL-MM4H60-00026-00016024-00016688 And at the end of the lesson, this will naturally lead us to polarization of light. So far, GpmL-MM4H60-00027-00016688-00017200 we have implicitly considered linear polarization of light, but we have not really covered other GpmL-MM4H60-00028-00017200-00017712 types of polarization which we will see at the end of this lesson, and it will lead us to a beautiful GpmL-MM4H60-00029-00017712-00018336 description of general polarization of light in terms of its elliptical polarization. In GpmL-MM4H60-00030-00018336-00018992 the next lesson, Lesson Nine, we will continue with our discussion of EM waves in dielectrics, GpmL-MM4H60-00031-00018992-00019472 and we will use the boundary conditions to derive what are known as "Fresnel equations". GpmL-MM4H60-00032-00019680-00020272 Then, this will allow us to finally calculate the refraction, reflection, and transmission GpmL-MM4H60-00033-00020272-00020864 coefficients when light travels from one dielectric medium into another. And in the GpmL-MM4H60-00034-00020864-00021424 latter part of Lesson Nine, we will consider how electromagnetic waves interact with metals. GpmL-MM4H60-00035-00021424-00021848 We will see that there is a very big difference between how light behaves when it's incident on GpmL-MM4H60-00036-00021848-00022560 a dielectric medium, or if it's incident on a metal medium. And finally, we will conclude with GpmL-MM4H60-00037-00022560-00023136 a discussion of hollow metallic waveguides and how this affects the propagation properties of light. GpmL-MM4H60-00038-00023264-00023648 Finally in Lesson Ten, this will be our first jumping-off point GpmL-MM4H60-00039-00023648-00024120 into quantum mechanics. We will start to consider limitations of wave optics, GpmL-MM4H60-00040-00024384-00025112 and in particular, the photoelectric effect. So we will consider how light interacts with matter, GpmL-MM4H60-00041-00025272-00025888 and we will discuss why wave optics cannot explain many of the phenomena that we can actually observe GpmL-MM4H60-00042-00025888-00026392 in everyday life and in laboratory, and we will conclude the lesson with basics of light GpmL-MM4H60-00043-00026392-00027439 detection, and in particularly we will talk about photomultiplier tubes. So, let's begin! GpOP5UkmtXg-00000-00000409-00001011 Hello welcome to module 14 of setting up a journal with OJS 3.0 the static pages GpOP5UkmtXg-00001-00001011-00001521 plug-in. Static pages are additional HTML content pages that are not part of the GpOP5UkmtXg-00002-00001521-00002013 basic OJS package, but will become part of your website if, for example, you GpOP5UkmtXg-00003-00002013-00002378 wanted to add an information page about an upcoming conference, this tool would GpOP5UkmtXg-00004-00002378-00002883 provide you with the capability to do so. To activate static pages, login to your GpOP5UkmtXg-00005-00002883-00003322 dashboard through the top right corner of your journal home page. GpOP5UkmtXg-00006-00003540-00004129 Hover over settings in the left navigation and select website. GpOP5UkmtXg-00007-00004293-00004824 From the new frame, click on plugins in the tabs. GpOP5UkmtXg-00008-00004977-00005421 Static pages is in your install plugins library and you can find it either by GpOP5UkmtXg-00009-00005421-00005829 using the search bar, or by scrolling down to the generic plugins section and GpOP5UkmtXg-00010-00005829-00006134 finding it in the list. GpOP5UkmtXg-00011-00006730-00007258 To activate static pages, tick the box. GpOP5UkmtXg-00012-00007323-00007830 A new expansion arrow will appear beside the plug-in name. Click on it to expose GpOP5UkmtXg-00013-00007830-00008240 the add and edit content button. GpOP5UkmtXg-00014-00008263-00008718 Click on edit/add content GpOP5UkmtXg-00015-00008985-00009400 Activating static pages has created a new tab along the top of the website GpOP5UkmtXg-00016-00009400-00009781 settings section of your dashboard and you will be able to access your static GpOP5UkmtXg-00017-00009781-00010336 pages through this tab going forward. To create a new page, click on add static GpOP5UkmtXg-00018-00010336-00010729 page at the top of the table. The path is the text that will be used to create the GpOP5UkmtXg-00019-00010729-00011149 permanent URL of this page and we recommend using, when naming, best GpOP5UkmtXg-00020-00011149-00011650 practices of a brief alphanumeric series of characters in lowercase with no GpOP5UkmtXg-00021-00011650-00012000 spaces and no special characters. GpOP5UkmtXg-00022-00012136-00012490 The title of the page is what will appear in your web browser tab or window GpOP5UkmtXg-00023-00012490-00013068 head and depending on the layout will also appear at the top of the page. GpOP5UkmtXg-00024-00013213-00013607 The content box is a rich text editor into which you can enter your page GpOP5UkmtXg-00025-00013607-00014021 content. Use the preview button at the bottom of the page to view how your GpOP5UkmtXg-00026-00014021-00014440 content will look once published to your web page. GpOP5UkmtXg-00027-00015034-00015638 When you're satisfied, click Save you'll see your new page has been added GpOP5UkmtXg-00028-00015638-00016106 to the table of live static pages. Clicking on the path hyperlink will GpOP5UkmtXg-00029-00016106-00016499 redirect you to the page on your website. Clicking on the expansion arrow beside GpOP5UkmtXg-00030-00016499-00017036 the title exposes the edit and delete buttons. Pages can be added, edited and GpOP5UkmtXg-00031-00017036-00017510 deleted at any time through this page. Thanks for watching and we'll see you GpOP5UkmtXg-00032-00017510-00017791 again in the next module. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00000-00003843-00004063 Welcome back to the road. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00001-00004063-00004474 Today we are paying a visit to Birmingham Alabama. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00002-00004474-00005197 I was told by people before visiting the city that Birmingham is a racist place. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00003-00005197-00005883 I can see how someone might believe that if all they ever saw were old clips from the GPv6ezMwHEQ-00004-00005883-00005983 60s. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00005-00005983-00006698 I think what people forget is that the heroes who were being persecuted also lived in this GPv6ezMwHEQ-00006-00006698-00006798 city, GPv6ezMwHEQ-00007-00006798-00007060 and it has changed a lot over time. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00008-00007339-00007927 Believe it or not, Birmingham didn’t even exist before the civil war. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00009-00008000-00008578 The city was founded in 1871 during the postwar reconstruction period. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00010-00008578-00009174 It grew after that as a railroad and manufacturing center. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00011-00009428-00010083 Birmingham was at the center of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00012-00010399-00010955 Many heroes of that movement were here, like Fred Shuttlesworth. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00013-00011360-00012088 Together with the leaders of the movement, like Martin Luther King Jr. they organized GPv6ezMwHEQ-00014-00012088-00012548 sit ins, and other protests against the Jim Crow system. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00015-00012803-00013353 Their efforts were met with police dogs, tear gas, and even bombings. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00016-00013837-00014571 3000 people were arrested during the protests, many of them high school students. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00017-00015622-00016320 The Birmingham Civil Rights Center is a great place to get an idea of what those times were GPv6ezMwHEQ-00018-00016320-00016420 like, GPv6ezMwHEQ-00019-00016420-00016648 and what the people experienced. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00020-00024479-00025114 On the same street as the Civil Rights Center is the 16th Street Baptist Church. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00021-00025114-00025985 The church was bombed by three cowards on September 15th 1963 killing four young girls, GPv6ezMwHEQ-00022-00025985-00026500 Addie, Carole, Cynthia and Denise. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00023-00026644-00026885 Our next stop is Vulcan Park. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00024-00026908-00027636 The park offers a great museum showcasing some of Birmingham’s industrial history. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00025-00034951-00035372 Let’s look around a bit and take a look at the views. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00026-00038559-00039203 You have probably noticed the giant statue of Vulcan that the park takes it’s name GPv6ezMwHEQ-00027-00039203-00039303 from. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00028-00039303-00039705 It also has an observation deck, so let’s have a look. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00029-00042137-00042347 It’s time to grab some food. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00030-00042347-00042637 Im in the mood for Greek food and some GPv6ezMwHEQ-00031-00042637-00042833 yummy ice cream today. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00032-00046306-00046741 Our last stop is going to be the Birmingham Museum of Art. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00033-00047874-00048450 Be sure to check out the sculpture garden they have, it’s a great place to sit and GPv6ezMwHEQ-00034-00048450-00048538 relax. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00035-00049016-00049664 The museum offers pieces from all over the world, and from many different time periods. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00036-00058910-00059295 I hope you enjoyed our visit to Birmingham Alabama. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00037-00059295-00059945 There are some dark periods in this city’s past, but we can celebrate the triumphs the GPv6ezMwHEQ-00038-00059945-00060372 people here have had over bigotry and racism. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00039-00060372-00060735 If you have a city you think we should visit, let us GPv6ezMwHEQ-00040-00060735-00060904 Know in the comments section. GPv6ezMwHEQ-00041-00060904-00061185 Thank you for watching, see you next time. GSq2UATe0Qu-00000-00000048-00000560 i have just deleted one of my videos because the dispute was rejected, and there are other GSq2UATe0Qu-00001-00000560-00001064 videos you have to delete because this is getting gifted. but this one's the worst… GSq2UATe0Qu-00002-00001160-00001672 the other one that made me delete two videos. this time, it was one video so GSq2UATe0Qu-00003-00001744-00002200 it's not as bad, but 17 videos are remaining for 2012. GVph-A4FRCU-00000-00000819-00001100 Ok welcome to my stream GVph-A4FRCU-00001-00001152-00001203 Every GVph-A4FRCU-00002-00001228-00001305 Pony GVph-A4FRCU-00003-00001587-00001868 UNE early which is a bit strange on my streams GVph-A4FRCU-00004-00001996-00002048 Understand GVph-A4FRCU-00005-00002124-00002355 Ring around for like 5 minutes or so GVph-A4FRCU-00006-00002432-00002560 In the meantime I just GVph-A4FRCU-00007-00002611-00002688 That's right GVph-A4FRCU-00008-00002713-00002790 Check my art GVph-A4FRCU-00009-00003020-00003328 Whatever my channel is listed as on Twitch GVph-A4FRCU-00010-00003558-00003686 Cos I always mess that up GVph-A4FRCU-00011-00003891-00004044 To the point I have like a r GVph-A4FRCU-00012-00004096-00004172 Screenshot GVph-A4FRCU-00013-00004352-00004454 That's good GVph-A4FRCU-00014-00004531-00004633 Hundred percent GVph-A4FRCU-00015-00004838-00004940 Looks like it's streaming GVph-A4FRCU-00016-00004966-00005017 Perfect GVph-A4FRCU-00017-00005171-00005222 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00018-00005273-00005324 So GVph-A4FRCU-00019-00005401-00005555 Start GVph-A4FRCU-00020-00005811-00005990 Creative Commons music Ryde GVph-A4FRCU-00021-00006067-00006195 Sunsets not real music GVph-A4FRCU-00022-00006220-00006323 I disagree GVph-A4FRCU-00023-00006400-00006604 But the main problem I've been having a stat GVph-A4FRCU-00024-00006630-00006937 Your ass is just change it licences and GVph-A4FRCU-00025-00006963-00007193 It's unclear what the intent is GVph-A4FRCU-00026-00007270-00007321 So GVph-A4FRCU-00027-00007423-00007552 Let's go for example GVph-A4FRCU-00028-00007705-00008038 In 2012 Kelly maze released our time GVph-A4FRCU-00029-00008115-00008243 Super cooler GVph-A4FRCU-00030-00008422-00008473 Except for GVph-A4FRCU-00031-00008550-00008627 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00032-00008960-00009139 Super cool album great GVph-A4FRCU-00033-00009164-00009241 Cc-by GVph-A4FRCU-00034-00009497-00009651 Licensed under a GVph-A4FRCU-00035-00009676-00009958 Creative Commons GVph-A4FRCU-00036-00010240-00010521 So head on over to free music archive GVph-A4FRCU-00037-00010931-00011033 Uber this app GVph-A4FRCU-00038-00011110-00011187 On my internet GVph-A4FRCU-00039-00011212-00011315 I'm using to stream GVph-A4FRCU-00040-00012006-00012262 It's like this up on the web archive instead GVph-A4FRCU-00041-00012928-00012979 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00042-00013209-00013260 Driving GVph-A4FRCU-00043-00013747-00014003 Sophie head on over to the archive milsy GVph-A4FRCU-00044-00014463-00014591 So it's like GVph-A4FRCU-00045-00014771-00014873 Creative Commons licence GVph-A4FRCU-00046-00014924-00015232 Present Beyond the scope of this licence may be available GVph-A4FRCU-00047-00015283-00015488 So yeah the Creative Commons licence GVph-A4FRCU-00048-00015872-00016204 It takes you to the credit card was actually be I'm not waiting for internet to load GVph-A4FRCU-00049-00016409-00016563 Case Closed Ryde GVph-A4FRCU-00050-00016614-00016691 No GVph-A4FRCU-00051-00016716-00016819 Absolutely not GVph-A4FRCU-00052-00016921-00017049 Over the band camp GVph-A4FRCU-00053-00017075-00017177 You going to have time GVph-A4FRCU-00054-00017433-00017587 What's this some rights GVph-A4FRCU-00055-00017638-00017766 Please review GVph-A4FRCU-00056-00017817-00017971 Refer to individual track Pages GVph-A4FRCU-00057-00018048-00018124 Ok sure it's GVph-A4FRCU-00058-00018201-00018304 Open up a bunch of GVph-A4FRCU-00059-00018329-00018406 Random track GVph-A4FRCU-00060-00018713-00018790 What's this GVph-A4FRCU-00061-00018816-00018918 Cc-by GVph-A4FRCU-00062-00018969-00019404 And cmd noncommercial noncommercial no derivative GVph-A4FRCU-00063-00019430-00019481 What GVph-A4FRCU-00064-00019686-00019814 Hey mate GVph-A4FRCU-00065-00019865-00019942 Inpsych GVph-A4FRCU-00066-00019968-00020070 The artist GVph-A4FRCU-00067-00020096-00020249 You must have a change of mind GVph-A4FRCU-00068-00020403-00020608 She's got a sweet new album here and that's GVph-A4FRCU-00069-00020633-00020710 Cc-by GVph-A4FRCU-00070-00021171-00021376 Tapping GVph-A4FRCU-00071-00021504-00021708 Is that music in a stream GVph-A4FRCU-00072-00021913-00021964 Carbonara GVph-A4FRCU-00073-00022144-00022323 Let's go look at Hank GVph-A4FRCU-00074-00022476-00022604 Free cool music again GVph-A4FRCU-00075-00022835-00023014 Licence in Moree information GVph-A4FRCU-00076-00023040-00023091 No GVph-A4FRCU-00077-00023142-00023372 Attribution 3.0 international licence GVph-A4FRCU-00078-00023654-00023705 Sweet GVph-A4FRCU-00079-00023910-00024012 3 go there GVph-A4FRCU-00080-00024192-00024345 This artist has a van camp GVph-A4FRCU-00081-00024524-00024755 It seems like apt-get better quality GVph-A4FRCU-00082-00024934-00025164 Head on over to GVph-A4FRCU-00083-00025318-00025420 Their Bandcamp GVph-A4FRCU-00084-00025855-00025958 So acronym GVph-A4FRCU-00085-00026035-00026111 Anyone GVph-A4FRCU-00086-00026547-00026649 All right reserved GVph-A4FRCU-00087-00026854-00026905 Why GVph-A4FRCU-00088-00027417-00027494 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00089-00027519-00027596 That's weird GVph-A4FRCU-00090-00027647-00027903 Well there's a whole bunch of free music on gym and a right GVph-A4FRCU-00091-00028108-00028211 Nothing here GVph-A4FRCU-00092-00028262-00028441 Download a dislike GVph-A4FRCU-00093-00028467-00028569 4 years ago GVph-A4FRCU-00094-00029081-00029337 If you download it and it's like GVph-A4FRCU-00095-00029388-00029619 Is not available for licensing GVph-A4FRCU-00096-00029644-00029721 Ok we'll GVph-A4FRCU-00097-00029798-00029900 Maybe it's just that GVph-A4FRCU-00098-00030028-00030156 That's search up GVph-A4FRCU-00099-00030387-00030489 It's over here GVph-A4FRCU-00100-00030745-00030899 It seems pretty cool GVph-A4FRCU-00101-00031206-00031487 Attain official certificate not use this tracks GVph-A4FRCU-00102-00031513-00031923 Album envious or multimedia it projects or personal GVph-A4FRCU-00103-00031948-00032102 Use MP3 court is like GVph-A4FRCU-00104-00032179-00032307 Dimension of licence GVph-A4FRCU-00105-00032358-00032793 I'm calling you Mandala because the website use to actually give a licence on every page GVph-A4FRCU-00106-00032895-00033177 Look at this getting official licensed site click here GVph-A4FRCU-00107-00033228-00033382 And you know what it does GVph-A4FRCU-00108-00033689-00034175 Search is the album name Siri doesn't even give me like an actual GVph-A4FRCU-00109-00034483-00034636 Link to the Head GVph-A4FRCU-00110-00034790-00035123 It's like I think I ranted about this when I change GVph-A4FRCU-00111-00035251-00035481 That being the heroes that they are GVph-A4FRCU-00112-00035507-00035711 If we go to the Weber GVph-A4FRCU-00113-00036300-00036454 You just don't seem to GVph-A4FRCU-00114-00036505-00036710 Do any kind of archiving of that website GVph-A4FRCU-00115-00036812-00036966 Go back to 2014 GVph-A4FRCU-00116-00037145-00037273 I know Kia GVph-A4FRCU-00117-00037529-00037606 31 GVph-A4FRCU-00118-00037631-00037683 Redirecting GVph-A4FRCU-00119-00037836-00037887 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00120-00037990-00038067 Just wait a little bit GVph-A4FRCU-00121-00038579-00038783 Not sure how well it would have archived GVph-A4FRCU-00122-00038911-00039065 I used to look like this GVph-A4FRCU-00123-00039295-00039475 Etsy GVph-A4FRCU-00124-00039756-00039910 I just got a more track here GVph-A4FRCU-00125-00039935-00040166 That might not even work I'm not even sure GVph-A4FRCU-00126-00040371-00040678 I don't know if JavaScript was a mistake yet in 2014 GVph-A4FRCU-00127-00040806-00040883 We'll have to see GVph-A4FRCU-00128-00041113-00041471 Sorry it takes longer than expected yeah I'm sure it does GVph-A4FRCU-00129-00041779-00042137 Ok so what music can I stream do I stream the same music GVph-A4FRCU-00130-00042316-00042931 Songs 2014 like they're all licensing downloads GVph-A4FRCU-00131-00042956-00043084 Creative Commons share alike GVph-A4FRCU-00132-00043161-00043263 Accounting GVph-A4FRCU-00133-00043622-00043775 I have a licence for GVph-A4FRCU-00134-00043801-00043929 But at the same time GVph-A4FRCU-00135-00044006-00044108 If people go together GVph-A4FRCU-00136-00044134-00044646 I can't get the licence on the site upload it or maybe the artist is going to come Nick at me which is GVph-A4FRCU-00137-00044799-00044876 Weird GVph-A4FRCU-00138-00044902-00045107 They also change the GVph-A4FRCU-00139-00045286-00045388 What's so GVph-A4FRCU-00140-00045439-00045721 Zero project I just searched this up because I was like GVph-A4FRCU-00141-00045772-00045875 What is the 1 GVph-A4FRCU-00142-00045926-00046003 Artist GVph-A4FRCU-00143-00046028-00046079 Start GVph-A4FRCU-00144-00046105-00046387 I could think I lost the top of my head that has music GVph-A4FRCU-00145-00046463-00046694 That's terrible and isn't Kevin Macleod GVph-A4FRCU-00146-00046924-00047359 Zero project and their websites basically exactly the same as it was GVph-A4FRCU-00147-00047590-00047641 Cheers GVph-A4FRCU-00148-00047692-00047795 5 years ago GVph-A4FRCU-00149-00047897-00047974 Can you know what GVph-A4FRCU-00150-00047999-00048179 Testing loads really fast GVph-A4FRCU-00151-00048332-00048435 I don't know GVph-A4FRCU-00152-00048563-00048691 How it's possible GVph-A4FRCU-00153-00048716-00048844 Just loads fast GVph-A4FRCU-00154-00049254-00049331 How does a GVph-A4FRCU-00155-00049433-00049561 Houses possible GVph-A4FRCU-00156-00049663-00049919 We have the technology to load websites fast GVph-A4FRCU-00157-00049945-00050099 Are you getting this GVph-A4FRCU-00158-00050559-00050739 So today we're going to be playing GVph-A4FRCU-00159-00050867-00050969 Metamorphosis GVph-A4FRCU-00160-00051071-00051174 Metamorphosis GVph-A4FRCU-00161-00051276-00051635 How to make misleading cos if you click YouTube it just takes you a trailer GVph-A4FRCU-00162-00051788-00051916 Are you can GVph-A4FRCU-00163-00051942-00052172 Play each track individually here GVph-A4FRCU-00164-00052223-00052351 Which is a little strange GVph-A4FRCU-00165-00052659-00052889 Not sure what kind of play that is GVph-A4FRCU-00166-00052991-00053478 Are you can download the album here which is what I did and extracted it which GVph-A4FRCU-00167-00053529-00053631 Codapane GVph-A4FRCU-00168-00053759-00054041 They recommend using a download manager and I was like GVph-A4FRCU-00169-00054067-00054143 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00170-00054195-00054425 That what time's are GVph-A4FRCU-00171-00054451-00054707 UTorrent something and that's the download manager GVph-A4FRCU-00172-00054886-00054988 But apparently not GVph-A4FRCU-00173-00055526-00055603 Still exist GVph-A4FRCU-00174-00055731-00055859 Wow GVph-A4FRCU-00175-00055935-00056012 Amazing GVph-A4FRCU-00176-00056268-00056319 Now GVph-A4FRCU-00177-00056729-00056831 I don't understand GVph-A4FRCU-00178-00057036-00057343 In the licence of Creative Commons attribution 3.0 GVph-A4FRCU-00179-00057420-00057651 Flash for point unported licence GVph-A4FRCU-00180-00057830-00057881 Boat GVph-A4FRCU-00181-00058137-00058419 There's no porting for the attribution for GVph-A4FRCU-00182-00058598-00058675 International GVph-A4FRCU-00183-00058956-00059084 That's one of the reasons GVph-A4FRCU-00184-00059110-00059391 Throughout 4.0 so you have to put the licence everywhere GVph-A4FRCU-00185-00059571-00059673 Anyway that's GVph-A4FRCU-00186-00059827-00059980 Translate of the day GVph-A4FRCU-00187-00060236-00060441 Play some music and get back to dos GVph-A4FRCU-00188-00061132-00061235 Marybourgh NZ GVph-A4FRCU-00189-00061337-00061670 This music makes it seem like I just started epic journey but it's GVph-A4FRCU-00190-00061695-00061798 Actually like GVph-A4FRCU-00191-00061823-00062284 2:40 a.m. and I have water that gives me a headache because I haven't felt it GVph-A4FRCU-00192-00062463-00062643 So GVph-A4FRCU-00193-00062796-00062950 What's the hat that I can stream GVph-A4FRCU-00194-00063180-00063257 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-00195-00063283-00063411 Sorry let me think GVph-A4FRCU-00196-00063564-00063769 Because I have done a lot of stuff off stream GVph-A4FRCU-00197-00063948-00064051 Sorry GVph-A4FRCU-00198-00064076-00064230 The first thing I've done GVph-A4FRCU-00199-00064332-00064665 And was hinted to in last dream GVph-A4FRCU-00200-00064716-00064819 Is that a bit loud GVph-A4FRCU-00201-00064870-00065023 It seems a bit loud GVph-A4FRCU-00202-00065075-00065484 I didn't put the artist details of their GVph-A4FRCU-00203-00065510-00065843 So what happened was GVph-A4FRCU-00204-00065868-00066355 I was trying to fit this thing in the thing in the 64 k GVph-A4FRCU-00205-00066380-00066534 Which is difficult GVph-A4FRCU-00206-00066559-00066687 So let me backup GVph-A4FRCU-00207-00066739-00067353 Open this in actual the next stuff because does box that you do that GVph-A4FRCU-00208-00067379-00067481 At this point GVph-A4FRCU-00209-00067507-00067635 I'll take whatever GVph-A4FRCU-00210-00067686-00068300 So that's head over to bot so this is just a copy of the netcat code with some GVph-A4FRCU-00211-00068326-00068582 Modifications is no bot here yet GVph-A4FRCU-00212-00068787-00069145 And we have TCP live and TCP include GVph-A4FRCU-00213-00069196-00069427 They're basically ripped from GVph-A4FRCU-00214-00069580-00069785 The GVph-A4FRCU-00215-00069990-00070169 Actual mgcp code GVph-A4FRCU-00216-00070271-00070323 So GVph-A4FRCU-00217-00070399-00070835 At some point I was just ripping out like GVph-A4FRCU-00218-00071193-00071807 Do I have an FC around here get up there because that seems to be just GVph-A4FRCU-00219-00071833-00072038 Dead code and I wasn't using it and just GVph-A4FRCU-00220-00072063-00072217 Other things like that GVph-A4FRCU-00221-00072294-00072678 That did marginal code Improvements GVph-A4FRCU-00222-00072729-00073343 But most of it was me ripping out a lot of the netcat stuff in the actual GVph-A4FRCU-00223-00073599-00074214 CPP thing to see if it gets get it working like GVph-A4FRCU-00224-00074239-00074393 Command line passing GVph-A4FRCU-00225-00074675-00075135 Sport review different modes it's ok though GVph-A4FRCU-00226-00075161-00075417 So if it's in 64 k GVph-A4FRCU-00227-00075468-00075519 But GVph-A4FRCU-00228-00075545-00075878 Live stream it was crashing during interrupt BS GVph-A4FRCU-00229-00076031-00076646 So I want to take you on a d-tour to my my open what comp GVph-A4FRCU-00230-00076671-00077286 Lifestyle it's it made and it's not what I like GVph-A4FRCU-00231-00077311-00077926 So that's it that's just right test.co Penh what.com things GVph-A4FRCU-00232-00077951-00078566 Include she is not running see if I start here GVph-A4FRCU-00233-00078591-00079206 Just write a quick function that says GVph-A4FRCU-00234-00079231-00079769 Made boys and let's make a far function GVph-A4FRCU-00235-00079820-00080435 Far away GVph-A4FRCU-00236-00080460-00081075 And stuff like hello there and return 0 GVph-A4FRCU-00237-00081100-00081535 And then we're going to return GVph-A4FRCU-00238-00081561-00081868 Far away GVph-A4FRCU-00239-00081894-00082508 What cc I think I have W GVph-A4FRCU-00240-00082534-00083148 Ok so let's do wcl GVph-A4FRCU-00241-00083174-00083711 We got test on exit GVph-A4FRCU-00242-00083788-00083916 That works fine GVph-A4FRCU-00243-00084019-00084121 Is not cool GVph-A4FRCU-00244-00084249-00084479 So let's delete Tesla x GVph-A4FRCU-00245-00084556-00084710 Passed not object GVph-A4FRCU-00246-00084966-00085222 Try out putting it is it com executable GVph-A4FRCU-00247-00085785-00085862 See how GVph-A4FRCU-00248-00086092-00086297 I should be able to change GVph-A4FRCU-00249-00086323-00086399 Default format GVph-A4FRCU-00250-00086425-00086476 Hear GVph-A4FRCU-00251-00086502-00086604 If not I just GVph-A4FRCU-00252-00086655-00086809 Guilderton link it separately GVph-A4FRCU-00253-00086963-00087014 Slickwraps GVph-A4FRCU-00254-00087193-00087347 Create a dos realme 8 Pro GVph-A4FRCU-00255-00087372-00087449 Let's do that GVph-A4FRCU-00256-00087884-00087961 Although GVph-A4FRCU-00257-00088217-00088499 They might be beastiality cause dos actually GVph-A4FRCU-00258-00088959-00089241 Best trai.com GVph-A4FRCU-00259-00089497-00090060 Ok is trados stop tatts.com GVph-A4FRCU-00260-00090086-00090163 Still works GVph-A4FRCU-00261-00090291-00090675 Now this is interesting to me because GVph-A4FRCU-00262-00090700-00091315 It shouldn't really work I suspect this is to do with compile optimisation but GVph-A4FRCU-00263-00091340-00091443 Quorum GVph-A4FRCU-00264-00091494-00092108 In lying to make this a little more complex let's say we have a function pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00265-00092467-00092595 That would be GVph-A4FRCU-00266-00092748-00093311 Far away it would be in Point Floyd GVph-A4FRCU-00267-00093567-00093849 Equals far away GVph-A4FRCU-00268-00093875-00094182 When do we call the pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00269-00094207-00094515 Let's try that GVph-A4FRCU-00270-00094540-00095155 Dear god my function point work relocation GVph-A4FRCU-00271-00095180-00095795 AP5 that's awesome pilot as an Axial quick GVph-A4FRCU-00272-00095846-00096460 What's wrong EXE that's Lexi nice GVph-A4FRCU-00273-00096486-00097100 .com it actually kills dust box you thinking GVph-A4FRCU-00274-00097126-00097740 Could be a dust box bike ride it's not I installed free dos GVph-A4FRCU-00275-00097766-00098380 I finally got it installed by installing $3 1.21.8 Bridge positioning things GVph-A4FRCU-00276-00098406-00098867 Is broken but if you want to run free dos in a VM GVph-A4FRCU-00277-00098918-00099327 Let me just see if I can find the folder GVph-A4FRCU-00278-00099455-00099839 This is the script I definitely came up with GVph-A4FRCU-00279-00099967-00100582 Wow that looks that looks terrible do we have like an edit thing GVph-A4FRCU-00280-00100761-00101375 Open with other application I would like to open it beers please thank you GVph-A4FRCU-00281-00101401-00102015 Arms so yes I 36468 megabytes I have control grab GVph-A4FRCU-00282-00102041-00102655 Phone device ID e40 index GVph-A4FRCU-00283-00102681-00103295 50124 so that's 4 USB install from USB image GVph-A4FRCU-00284-00103321-00103884 If you want to do networking in free dos interim you if you want to use this line GVph-A4FRCU-00285-00103910-00104524 And if you want to choose what to boot from use this line so that GVph-A4FRCU-00286-00104550-00104652 Actually GVph-A4FRCU-00287-00104678-00105292 Fairly easy to set up and under the food it does useless still so GVph-A4FRCU-00288-00105318-00105932 If you get the same unhandled interrupt called 6 spam GVph-A4FRCU-00289-00105958-00106393 So what's happening here GVph-A4FRCU-00290-00106419-00107033 Head back over and let's look at some of the assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00291-00107059-00107673 We just quickly check what hours we have GVph-A4FRCU-00292-00107699-00108313 We just use ARB what is it more this or PG I think I PG GVph-A4FRCU-00293-00108339-00108953 Disassemble executable or maybe it was GVph-A4FRCU-00294-00108979-00109593 File not in L4 GVph-A4FRCU-00295-00109644-00109721 That's crap GVph-A4FRCU-00296-00109747-00110028 So it's open up in 80 buggy instead GVph-A4FRCU-00297-00110054-00110105 Add GVph-A4FRCU-00298-00110131-00110284 See how that goes GVph-A4FRCU-00299-00110463-00110540 Types of Aries GVph-A4FRCU-00300-00110566-00110617 Simple GVph-A4FRCU-00301-00110643-00110822 Programmed GVph-A4FRCU-00302-00110847-00110975 Figure out where main is GVph-A4FRCU-00303-00111385-00111487 Might have to compile GVph-A4FRCU-00304-00111513-00111590 Viking GVph-A4FRCU-00305-00111820-00111948 But this just stick through it GVph-A4FRCU-00306-00112921-00113535 Hurry up get to main it's just quickly GVph-A4FRCU-00307-00113689-00114303 What was this GVph-A4FRCU-00308-00114329-00114943 I don't quite remember what the XR GVph-A4FRCU-00309-00115123-00115276 Secretes the axe GVph-A4FRCU-00310-00115455-00116070 Test.net GVph-A4FRCU-00311-00116095-00116684 So we have our function here let's open up the assembler GVph-A4FRCU-00312-00116735-00117350 So you're see something interesting here you step through it that's the stack check the GVph-A4FRCU-00313-00117375-00117990 It pushes it at this point we're setting of far point avoid GVph-A4FRCU-00314-00118015-00118143 So if you actually open up GVph-A4FRCU-00315-00118195-00118476 Lcb registers GVph-A4FRCU-00316-00118502-00118630 Sorry GVph-A4FRCU-00317-00118655-00118809 Stack GVph-A4FRCU-00318-00118988-00119603 Over here it's just putting some stuff onto the stack GVph-A4FRCU-00319-00119628-00120243 Pushing GVph-A4FRCU-00320-00120268-00120371 I believe GVph-A4FRCU-00321-00120396-00121011 Yes so as you can see the code segment here is 15 ev GVph-A4FRCU-00322-00121036-00121651 And the data segment is different but since we're going to KO it's going to be in the code segment GVph-A4FRCU-00323-00121676-00121983 So it pushes 10 which must be the offset GVph-A4FRCU-00324-00122009-00122367 So we scroll Kia you can see GVph-A4FRCU-00325-00122982-00123340 So around here GVph-A4FRCU-00326-00123366-00123699 The function starts around this call I guess GVph-A4FRCU-00327-00124031-00124185 So it pushes that pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00328-00124236-00124467 And it's a fire pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00329-00124569-00124723 So it puts the GVph-A4FRCU-00330-00124748-00125363 As you can see 10 which is the offset in the code but it also points the code segment which is GVph-A4FRCU-00331-00125388-00125491 15 TB GVph-A4FRCU-00332-00125516-00125747 I'm going to Coles it GVph-A4FRCU-00333-00125798-00125977 It works GVph-A4FRCU-00334-00126028-00126387 So I don't know what I just press that but I'm going to close it GVph-A4FRCU-00335-00126463-00126617 So let's do GVph-A4FRCU-00336-00126771-00127103 I don't know if you Cialis even the right option but we'll see GVph-A4FRCU-00337-00127231-00127539 Yes ok so we have the comics qball here GVph-A4FRCU-00338-00127769-00128128 Viking stuff build into it GVph-A4FRCU-00339-00128179-00128281 It does GVph-A4FRCU-00340-00128588-00128947 So it's open up CPU registers and that's open up GVph-A4FRCU-00341-00129203-00129280 Assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00342-00129408-00130022 And you'll see something interesting so it has the offset GVph-A4FRCU-00343-00130048-00130662 As3 to see there which is yes where the actual function is GVph-A4FRCU-00344-00130688-00131123 But as GVph-A4FRCU-00345-00131174-00131788 So effectively it's now going to call of function that's actually in the interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00346-00131814-00132428 The table so at 000 segment offset 32c GVph-A4FRCU-00347-00132454-00133068 And they obviously killed us box because that is bad code GVph-A4FRCU-00348-00133094-00133376 That's just jumping Teng Ops I believe GVph-A4FRCU-00349-00133939-00134220 Quit GVph-A4FRCU-00350-00134272-00134630 Let's look at the actual assembly so it's GVph-A4FRCU-00351-00134809-00135116 Compile test.co GVph-A4FRCU-00352-00135142-00135372 That we should get test stop bulbs GVph-A4FRCU-00353-00135526-00135756 Disassemble it GVph-A4FRCU-00354-00135808-00136243 So we have our far away function here GVph-A4FRCU-00355-00136294-00136524 So yes it cause print out GVph-A4FRCU-00356-00136550-00137164 Can we have our main function go down a bit as you can see her GVph-A4FRCU-00357-00137190-00137804 It moves it to the offset it moves offset it lives taking it far away to the GVph-A4FRCU-00358-00137830-00138444 So the linker has to fill this in so will you link it it then changes this code here GVph-A4FRCU-00359-00138470-00139084 Whether function is actually located in the final executable because you're going to be mashing together at Tannum GVph-A4FRCU-00360-00139110-00139724 Project files and moving code around however GVph-A4FRCU-00361-00139750-00140364 Link it is not know what segment the program is going to be low that by dos so it's just going to leave that GVph-A4FRCU-00362-00140390-00141004 0 and kill itself I guess GVph-A4FRCU-00363-00141030-00141644 When it loads an executable file it actually contains code GVph-A4FRCU-00364-00141670-00142284 Add information at the start to feel that in with the segment at runtime so it mod GVph-A4FRCU-00365-00142310-00142924 Is that code at runtime when it loads the actual executable into memory to add the profit segment GVph-A4FRCU-00366-00142950-00143539 Are you probably thinking I don't know can we not have common files GVph-A4FRCU-00367-00143692-00143872 What time will look here at GVph-A4FRCU-00368-00144025-00144153 The object for hair GVph-A4FRCU-00369-00144332-00144384 So GVph-A4FRCU-00370-00144563-00145177 It's that's the segment it moves it GVph-A4FRCU-00371-00145203-00145817 But can we actually just like fix up the segment on it at runtime ourselves if we know GVph-A4FRCU-00372-00145843-00146457 Get a taxi code that we have in that segment and we know where the code sing the is at runtime GVph-A4FRCU-00373-00146483-00147097 Yeah we can actually so it's open up tester GVph-A4FRCU-00374-00147123-00147225 See GVph-A4FRCU-00375-00147276-00147891 And let's say something like that say GVph-A4FRCU-00376-00147916-00148224 Let's I quickly open the reference manual GVph-A4FRCU-00377-00148377-00148531 I'm it should be in GVph-A4FRCU-00378-00148710-00148812 See guide GVph-A4FRCU-00379-00149555-00149683 FP off GVph-A4FRCU-00380-00150656-00151065 Ok so we can make a new function pointer actually so it's GVph-A4FRCU-00381-00151372-00151552 Do this and let's do GVph-A4FRCU-00382-00151603-00151859 Make function pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00383-00151884-00152140 And we're going to do GVph-A4FRCU-00384-00152396-00152499 Code segment GVph-A4FRCU-00385-00152627-00153036 Far pointer offset of existing pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00386-00153164-00153344 That we can just actually GVph-A4FRCU-00387-00153369-00153472 Delete that GVph-A4FRCU-00388-00153523-00153728 Because it's just going to refer to the code anyway GVph-A4FRCU-00389-00153907-00154214 Now we need to get this CS from somewhere GVph-A4FRCU-00390-00154368-00154572 And waxing Anna GVph-A4FRCU-00391-00154675-00155084 Load up the segment registers GVph-A4FRCU-00392-00155187-00155801 Sacred to use a cigarette so it's not in that document which means GVph-A4FRCU-00393-00155827-00156160 Probably in C lip GVph-A4FRCU-00394-00156211-00156825 Agreed GVph-A4FRCU-00395-00157952-00158566 What's some good music I can get binders GVph-A4FRCU-00396-00158592-00158694 Say greed GVph-A4FRCU-00397-00158924-00159155 Psycho need to include at65 GVph-A4FRCU-00398-00159308-00159462 Destruct as rags GVph-A4FRCU-00399-00159488-00160102 When we leave stuff into the struct soz to struct GVph-A4FRCU-00400-00160128-00160204 Rags GVph-A4FRCU-00401-00160256-00160332 Asterix GVph-A4FRCU-00402-00160409-00161024 Sagra GVph-A4FRCU-00403-00161049-00161228 And then we going to do GVph-A4FRCU-00404-00161254-00161510 Xe.com GVph-A4FRCU-00405-00161536-00162099 Say that again GVph-A4FRCU-00406-00162483-00162944 Yes I need to include GVph-A4FRCU-00407-00162969-00163584 Ok this music GVph-A4FRCU-00408-00163609-00164224 The jet gone for like 7 GVph-A4FRCU-00409-00164889-00165504 Still at a Herrera asked to be expected because I didn't have any errors early on GVph-A4FRCU-00410-00165529-00166144 Australian see what did I do here that looks fine GVph-A4FRCU-00411-00166169-00166784 I might actually read the error GVph-A4FRCU-00412-00166809-00167424 One thing I am enjoying about Josh programming is that it's putting ords what come at least is putting it all it's GVph-A4FRCU-00413-00167449-00168064 A separate file so you can go back and read it it's GVph-A4FRCU-00414-00168089-00168704 I don't have the GVph-A4FRCU-00415-00168729-00169344 Thought to do in UNIX ok GVph-A4FRCU-00416-00169369-00169984 Who died 86 GVph-A4FRCU-00417-00170009-00170624 Line 12 it really doesn't like that GVph-A4FRCU-00418-00170649-00171264 Search up it might be because GVph-A4FRCU-00419-00171289-00171904 Putting code in the definition go back GVph-A4FRCU-00420-00171929-00172544 Suck ass access GVph-A4FRCU-00421-00172569-00173184 Equipped that I've actually caught it something that it GVph-A4FRCU-00422-00173747-00174156 Do that as well GVph-A4FRCU-00423-00174284-00174899 I might have been calling it a reserve name or something like that GVph-A4FRCU-00424-00175001-00175129 Missing GVph-A4FRCU-00425-00175155-00175769 Brace GVph-A4FRCU-00426-00176435-00177049 A little a little GVph-A4FRCU-00427-00177075-00177689 Take me to register GVph-A4FRCU-00428-00177715-00178329 Make appointment with a custom code singing offset GVph-A4FRCU-00429-00178355-00178969 FG offset so it's a p off sorry so we read the exact GVph-A4FRCU-00430-00178995-00179609 Code segment then we combine it with a fart pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00431-00179635-00180249 Have a look at the assembly for that we're going to actually GVph-A4FRCU-00432-00180275-00180889 It's up GVph-A4FRCU-00433-00180915-00181529 And as you can see GVph-A4FRCU-00434-00181555-00182169 Read Tim the segment registers GVph-A4FRCU-00435-00182195-00182809 What does here GVph-A4FRCU-00436-00184115-00184729 It is a little confusing mother's number stack so it's just walk through it GVph-A4FRCU-00437-00184755-00185369 I'm sorry data stack GVph-A4FRCU-00438-00185395-00186009 So it moves 32c which is GVph-A4FRCU-00439-00186035-00186649 It's likely the code for the GVph-A4FRCU-00440-00186675-00187289 Waypoint is in memory GVph-A4FRCU-00441-00187955-00188569 That looks like too far part of the same stuff that we just read into a x GVph-A4FRCU-00442-00188595-00189209 That moves a x into GVph-A4FRCU-00443-00189235-00189849 Register pointer that you're probably thinking disco GVph-A4FRCU-00444-00189875-00190489 It's really weird because it uses stack stuff and I'm like I know right but don't worry I got this GVph-A4FRCU-00445-00190515-00191129 But it's just confirm that this works GVph-A4FRCU-00446-00191232-00191744 Doesn't crash and we get the hello there so we pray today.com for all that has GVph-A4FRCU-00447-00192000-00192358 Working far register .5 pointers GVph-A4FRCU-00448-00192563-00192921 So let's say disassemble and have a look at what's going on GVph-A4FRCU-00449-00193740-00193971 It pushes the base pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00450-00194176-00194329 Allocate space on the stack GVph-A4FRCU-00451-00194406-00194508 Ok cause this GVph-A4FRCU-00452-00194534-00194585 Say greed GVph-A4FRCU-00453-00194636-00194688 Nice GVph-A4FRCU-00454-00194790-00195404 You can see that GVph-A4FRCU-00455-00195430-00196044 Offset and whatever it read you can say Creed and you can GVph-A4FRCU-00456-00196070-00196684 That we're not getting any GVph-A4FRCU-00457-00196710-00197324 Ring carreras GVph-A4FRCU-00458-00197350-00197964 Just going to show you what I've done instead of this astrix stuff GVph-A4FRCU-00459-00197990-00198604 We're going to GVph-A4FRCU-00460-00198630-00199244 How about a little function that says 22 GVph-A4FRCU-00461-00199270-00199884 Because fix up far far away GVph-A4FRCU-00462-00199910-00200524 Add then we're going to have a function that does the actual GVph-A4FRCU-00463-00200550-00201164 Stuff to do GVph-A4FRCU-00464-00201190-00201804 Typedef GVph-A4FRCU-00465-00202496-00202777 Void GVph-A4FRCU-00466-00202828-00202956 Vodafone GVph-A4FRCU-00467-00203110-00203161 Alexa GVph-A4FRCU-00468-00203212-00203289 Bar GVph-A4FRCU-00469-00203340-00203622 Alarm at 5 GVph-A4FRCU-00470-00203673-00203878 Taking GVph-A4FRCU-00471-00203980-00204083 The register GVph-A4FRCU-00472-00204108-00204518 Add a segment for fix of the segment the queen to where we are now GVph-A4FRCU-00473-00204646-00204928 It'll have GVph-A4FRCU-00474-00204953-00205567 A new far f*** that it will return and equal GVph-A4FRCU-00475-00205696-00205926 APS Celsius GVph-A4FRCU-00476-00205952-00206028 Off GVph-A4FRCU-00477-00206131-00206233 Fart GVph-A4FRCU-00478-00206259-00206438 Sorry in front of the court GVph-A4FRCU-00479-00206464-00206540 Something different GVph-A4FRCU-00480-00206694-00206899 We might actually just return GVph-A4FRCU-00481-00207052-00207129 Like that GVph-A4FRCU-00482-00207334-00207564 So then we can write GVph-A4FRCU-00483-00208025-00208076 Fix up GVph-A4FRCU-00484-00208102-00208179 Far GVph-A4FRCU-00485-00208307-00208358 Far away GVph-A4FRCU-00486-00208998-00209203 No prototype that's right I remove GVph-A4FRCU-00487-00210176-00210764 Now you see we now had this segment relocation thing and that's because the compiler couldn't optimise out GVph-A4FRCU-00488-00210790-00211020 Dr assembly part GVph-A4FRCU-00489-00211097-00211174 Because GVph-A4FRCU-00490-00211328-00211584 Even though we have a fix up fasting you there GVph-A4FRCU-00491-00211635-00211814 It's now going to GVph-A4FRCU-00492-00211916-00212505 Put the actual on fire point on the stack with his offset in singlet and it's going to fix it up GVph-A4FRCU-00493-00212582-00212684 And then it's going to court GVph-A4FRCU-00494-00213196-00213299 And so GVph-A4FRCU-00495-00213350-00213478 That's how we get GVph-A4FRCU-00496-00213504-00213760 Far point is in GVph-A4FRCU-00497-00213836-00214016 5 pointers to code GVph-A4FRCU-00498-00214041-00214271 Into GVph-A4FRCU-00499-00214374-00214630 Comics cuticles GVph-A4FRCU-00500-00214835-00215040 Now there's another case GVph-A4FRCU-00501-00215167-00215296 Where GVph-A4FRCU-00502-00215398-00216012 Let's say we have an interrupt sorry GVph-A4FRCU-00503-00216115-00216729 Don't have g in this I forgot it so we have an interrupt interrupt always far GVph-A4FRCU-00504-00216780-00217369 According to what come in to interrupt and we say GVph-A4FRCU-00505-00217395-00217779 My interact Boyd GVph-A4FRCU-00506-00217804-00218240 Can we say that's so we have a Global variable here GVph-A4FRCU-00507-00218265-00218444 Like GVph-A4FRCU-00508-00219417-00219571 Hello there GVph-A4FRCU-00509-00219904-00220236 Turn let's say we're gonna GVph-A4FRCU-00510-00220262-00220441 Print GVph-A4FRCU-00511-00220467-00220671 I don't know for a while GVph-A4FRCU-00512-00220697-00220953 I don't know how long GVph-A4FRCU-00513-00221030-00221107 Alarm GVph-A4FRCU-00514-00221158-00221260 And we're going to set GVph-A4FRCU-00515-00221286-00221440 That's via dos interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00516-00221721-00222003 So let's just say we've done that GVph-A4FRCU-00517-00222028-00222233 Fix up far doesn't help us here GVph-A4FRCU-00518-00222310-00222924 It does because we can run fix up far and we can use that to set the interrupted using a fire pointer GVph-A4FRCU-00519-00223052-00223180 So GVph-A4FRCU-00520-00223206-00223385 I might just actually do that GVph-A4FRCU-00521-00223564-00223692 Let's see GVph-A4FRCU-00522-00223795-00223948 Let's hook an interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00523-00223974-00224102 Say GVph-A4FRCU-00524-00224460-00224614 Intractable GVph-A4FRCU-00525-00225075-00225305 Set back for this GVph-A4FRCU-00526-00225843-00226329 Dos setbacks timer GVph-A4FRCU-00527-00226483-00226688 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-00528-00226713-00227328 What I need aust I hate that right GVph-A4FRCU-00529-00227430-00227840 So we're going to make a program that sets an interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00530-00228019-00228172 On the timer GVph-A4FRCU-00531-00228198-00228326 A little bit GVph-A4FRCU-00532-00228556-00229171 And then when it when it hits the time it's going to stop so GVph-A4FRCU-00533-00229196-00229811 Josh will have to call the timer and the timer would trigger it to stop so we're going to have GVph-A4FRCU-00534-00229836-00230451 WTF named stop it was false GVph-A4FRCU-00535-00230476-00231091 $2 - 2 GVph-A4FRCU-00536-00231116-00231654 At the start of the program will say setbacks GVph-A4FRCU-00537-00231756-00231910 I believe it's 1 c GVph-A4FRCU-00538-00232371-00232627 Fix up phone GVph-A4FRCU-00539-00232652-00232908 Why interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00540-00233344-00233600 While running GVph-A4FRCU-00541-00233856-00234112 It's just run the whole instruction GVph-A4FRCU-00542-00234777-00235392 Oh wait no the proper thing is to give back the time slice but we're not going to be that it's just a busy loop GVph-A4FRCU-00543-00235417-00235622 Spine here GVph-A4FRCU-00544-00236006-00236288 Yeah just do nothing there GVph-A4FRCU-00545-00236313-00236928 And then we're going to send it to the previous actor so it's actually seeing previous GVph-A4FRCU-00546-00236953-00237567 And then we're going to do GVph-A4FRCU-00547-00237593-00238208 Previous kg equals GVph-A4FRCU-00548-00238873-00239488 So let's actually do this is an exit first and not a con file so then you'll know when I'm talking GVph-A4FRCU-00549-00239513-00240128 So we don't need any fixing off GVph-A4FRCU-00550-00240153-00240767 Probably what I should start it with GVph-A4FRCU-00551-00240793-00241408 Ignore all this year comments GVph-A4FRCU-00552-00241433-00242048 So we had a interrupt here GVph-A4FRCU-00553-00242073-00242688 Stopping program and you two interrupts GVph-A4FRCU-00554-00242713-00243251 Bowls and then it returns GVph-A4FRCU-00555-00243404-00243712 Until you see how that goes only do GVph-A4FRCU-00556-00243737-00243814 Turn something GVph-A4FRCU-00557-00244249-00244326 Turn on GVph-A4FRCU-00558-00244787-00244889 The music GVph-A4FRCU-00559-00245171-00245273 It's not done yet GVph-A4FRCU-00560-00245529-00245632 Add up here GVph-A4FRCU-00561-00245734-00245913 So what this program should do GVph-A4FRCU-00562-00246195-00246323 As an executable GVph-A4FRCU-00563-00246374-00246579 It's looking to the timer and it should GVph-A4FRCU-00564-00246630-00246937 Stop itself based on the timer even though it's been a busy loop GVph-A4FRCU-00565-00247040-00247167 We don't have a true GVph-A4FRCU-00566-00247296-00247449 True GVph-A4FRCU-00567-00247475-00247628 1 GVph-A4FRCU-00568-00247654-00247705 False GVph-A4FRCU-00569-00247756-00248012 0 GVph-A4FRCU-00570-00248576-00248678 Unsigned long GVph-A4FRCU-00571-00250470-00251033 Hi Sue just remove the door spot and we'll see if that helps GVph-A4FRCU-00572-00251212-00251827 No prototype for Dos get backed GVph-A4FRCU-00573-00253260-00253772 I may have to link with some library but that's just got setback GVph-A4FRCU-00574-00253926-00254540 Affect it looks like it should be running GVph-A4FRCU-00575-00255334-00255948 And I do pull in Josh related stuff I may have GVph-A4FRCU-00576-00255974-00256588 Set the system to be dos GVph-A4FRCU-00577-00256614-00257228 I guess interests return about you so it doesn't GVph-A4FRCU-00578-00257382-00257996 Ok so we have a dos executable that would be Tesla x GVph-A4FRCU-00579-00258022-00258636 Can we stop the program due to an interrupt night so if you GVph-A4FRCU-00580-00258662-00259276 Make a call to the TCP thing I have it for GVph-A4FRCU-00581-00259302-00259916 Are we have to segment relocations and if you want it it's just GVph-A4FRCU-00582-00259942-00260095 Killed us box GVph-A4FRCU-00583-00260121-00260735 This is the exact problem I was having lost dream GVph-A4FRCU-00584-00260761-00261375 Confused because I'm bad at explaining I'll just explain it now that I have an actual exam GVph-A4FRCU-00585-00261503-00262118 So that's open up GVph-A4FRCU-00586-00262143-00262758 Spot.com here GVph-A4FRCU-00587-00262783-00263398 It's not what dotcom it's test.com GVph-A4FRCU-00588-00263551-00264038 When do we look at the assembly at main GVph-A4FRCU-00589-00264243-00264857 It pushes an interrupt handler it's at 200 GVph-A4FRCU-00590-00264883-00265471 30-32 see and interrupt handler to a garbage address GVph-A4FRCU-00591-00265599-00265932 And then India to interrupt handler itself GVph-A4FRCU-00592-00266623-00267238 It's that's the data segment 20000 GVph-A4FRCU-00593-00267263-00267878 I'll show you the implications of the second GVph-A4FRCU-00594-00267903-00268518 But do big toe stop see and dad the fix up GVph-A4FRCU-00595-00268543-00269158 First thing we do is fix up the pointer the interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00596-00269183-00269798 Do that GVph-A4FRCU-00597-00271103-00271718 Fix up fart ok yes it is GVph-A4FRCU-00598-00272383-00272998 Saucepan GVph-A4FRCU-00599-00273023-00273100 Conversion GVph-A4FRCU-00600-00273126-00273689 Target version GVph-A4FRCU-00601-00273843-00274457 That's not good I'm just going to quickly look at this GVph-A4FRCU-00602-00274534-00275020 Ok I see what I've done wrong I believe GVph-A4FRCU-00603-00275046-00275174 No I don't GVph-A4FRCU-00604-00275199-00275814 Fix up far I didn't set the GVph-A4FRCU-00605-00275839-00276454 That's strange but make sense GVph-A4FRCU-00606-00276582-00277196 So that fixes upsetting the interrupt because we now have a fast function GVph-A4FRCU-00607-00277222-00277836 So we can actually run GVph-A4FRCU-00608-00277862-00277939 Tatts.com GVph-A4FRCU-00609-00277964-00278451 But it's still breaks so GVph-A4FRCU-00610-00278630-00278707 What's up with that GVph-A4FRCU-00611-00278886-00279065 Obviously the codes running GVph-A4FRCU-00612-00279091-00279270 Something weird is going on GVph-A4FRCU-00613-00279449-00279628 And that's because GVph-A4FRCU-00614-00279833-00279961 I'm not sure if GVph-A4FRCU-00615-00280678-00281292 Can what com do that that's just do it breaks their GVph-A4FRCU-00616-00281318-00281932 Ok no sorry wrong location do you want to celebrate at the interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00617-00281958-00282572 Ok so we've arrived at the interrupt everything seems good GVph-A4FRCU-00618-00282598-00283212 But we're not printing anything it's actually crashed GVph-A4FRCU-00619-00283238-00283852 Which is a bit strange GVph-A4FRCU-00620-00283878-00284492 Give you a spoiler it out on this GVph-A4FRCU-00621-00284518-00284799 Let's disassemble it again GVph-A4FRCU-00622-00285081-00285695 Every look at the GVph-A4FRCU-00623-00285721-00286335 End up here at the start of an interrupt it has to push all the registers GVph-A4FRCU-00624-00286361-00286975 Because it might be cold from somewhere else another program and it has to set up the data sim GVph-A4FRCU-00625-00287001-00287615 Because we use Wagner greatest is and so logically you want to send it to GVph-A4FRCU-00626-00287641-00288255 The actual data of your program but we don't know that at link time we only know GVph-A4FRCU-00627-00288281-00288895 Runtime because the data part is decided based on where the program is loaded GVph-A4FRCU-00628-00288921-00289535 So in practice GVph-A4FRCU-00629-00289561-00290175 See how it says degroot const and it is offset decryption just ignore the concert apart without data GVph-A4FRCU-00630-00290201-00290815 Singing at runtime so it sets that segment and said that to the offset GVph-A4FRCU-00631-00290841-00291455 Going to be 0000 this is a bit tricky because we don't have a point to here GVph-A4FRCU-00632-00291481-00292095 It just said that the 00 00 and that Rex have it because it starts raining from then drop table GVph-A4FRCU-00633-00292121-00292735 Sturt set things so what can we do well GVph-A4FRCU-00634-00292761-00293375 What if we just GVph-A4FRCU-00635-00293631-00293708 And set GVph-A4FRCU-00636-00293734-00293811 Data segment GVph-A4FRCU-00637-00293939-00294041 Equals see us GVph-A4FRCU-00638-00294220-00294579 Write the Cygnet registers back GVph-A4FRCU-00639-00294707-00295014 And we can say that's called GVph-A4FRCU-00640-00295167-00295577 Avoid fix up GVph-A4FRCU-00641-00295603-00296012 Data segment GVph-A4FRCU-00642-00296063-00296678 Let's just put those now so GVph-A4FRCU-00643-00296703-00297318 Start of that we will do fix up data segment and we will GVph-A4FRCU-00644-00297343-00297958 Arcopal that now GVph-A4FRCU-00645-00298623-00299238 It was not the correct thing so it might be saying set yes I believe GVph-A4FRCU-00646-00299263-00299878 Sake set GVph-A4FRCU-00647-00299903-00300518 Read that again GVph-A4FRCU-00648-00301823-00302054 Say greed GVph-A4FRCU-00649-00302489-00302694 Do we not have a way to set the GVph-A4FRCU-00650-00302719-00302796 Registers GVph-A4FRCU-00651-00303564-00304179 Ok so I'm actually going to be a tricky tricky boy and GVph-A4FRCU-00652-00304204-00304767 Instead of having a c function we're just going to write some assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00653-00304793-00304972 So we're going to move GVph-A4FRCU-00654-00305023-00305638 We just got a crush a x GVph-A4FRCU-00655-00305663-00306278 Particular reason probably don't even need to do that but GVph-A4FRCU-00656-00306303-00306918 I'm going to put the code segment in it because that's where I done a segment is to wear in a tiny GVph-A4FRCU-00657-00306943-00307558 Honey.com program and data segment is sent the code segment and then we're going to move that GVph-A4FRCU-00658-00307583-00308198 The data segment GVph-A4FRCU-00659-00308863-00309478 Csx GVph-A4FRCU-00660-00309913-00310092 Struction opera GVph-A4FRCU-00661-00310271-00310783 You can't move segment the same mean you have to use an intermediate like a x GVph-A4FRCU-00662-00311039-00311347 Which are not understanding at the moment GVph-A4FRCU-00663-00311526-00311628 That should work GVph-A4FRCU-00664-00312115-00312243 Remove x GVph-A4FRCU-00665-00312883-00313164 That's to be reacts GVph-A4FRCU-00666-00313292-00313497 Upna I forgot to put GVph-A4FRCU-00667-00313523-00313779 The pop they're my bad GVph-A4FRCU-00668-00313804-00314035 I'm a dummy GVph-A4FRCU-00669-00314086-00314265 Ok so let's GVph-A4FRCU-00670-00314393-00314598 Look at the GVph-A4FRCU-00671-00314623-00314956 Let's go to the debugger GVph-A4FRCU-00672-00315007-00315238 And look at the assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00673-00315289-00315494 So at mean GVph-A4FRCU-00674-00315801-00316415 It loads the bad function pointer and it runs fix up far GVph-A4FRCU-00675-00316441-00317055 Good function pointer to the interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00676-00317465-00318079 It loads it up it sets the data segment 20000 GVph-A4FRCU-00677-00318105-00318284 10 hour code pots in here GVph-A4FRCU-00678-00318310-00318924 And it sets the data segment 2 GVph-A4FRCU-00679-00318950-00319078 Code segment GVph-A4FRCU-00680-00319103-00319718 I'm not sure why there's two of those that's a bug GVph-A4FRCU-00681-00319743-00320358 That would have actually destroyed off box if I ran it I believe it's just quickly GVph-A4FRCU-00682-00320383-00320998 What happened there so there should be a GVph-A4FRCU-00683-00321023-00321638 But you get the point sets GVph-A4FRCU-00684-00321663-00322278 The data segment to the code segment so it's right it now and it works GVph-A4FRCU-00685-00322303-00322918 Listener crave we've got interrupts working and GVph-A4FRCU-00686-00322943-00323558 Far point is working in a com executable GVph-A4FRCU-00687-00323583-00324198 Basically an hour of explanation GVph-A4FRCU-00688-00324223-00324838 Because I've just done that for our board code GVph-A4FRCU-00689-00324863-00325478 So if we head on over to see Dav but GVph-A4FRCU-00690-00325503-00326118 Let's open up the bot file GVph-A4FRCU-00691-00326297-00326604 We have sent DS fix up watches GVph-A4FRCU-00692-00326630-00327039 Far interrupt the S6 up which is GVph-A4FRCU-00693-00327116-00327731 The same thing is this code here and that runs GVph-A4FRCU-00694-00327782-00328396 The start of all our interests now including ones in mccp so if we go to the park at Drive GVph-A4FRCU-00695-00328575-00329190 Can we find an interrupt interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-00696-00329215-00329830 At the top there at the top of basically interrupt this includes the GVph-A4FRCU-00697-00329855-00330470 Timer to fix up that just goes at the top of interests GVph-A4FRCU-00698-00330495-00331110 That fixes the interrupt and if we had back to bot GVph-A4FRCU-00699-00331135-00331750 When we set the handlers we now use GVph-A4FRCU-00700-00331775-00332390 Fat fix up GVph-A4FRCU-00701-00332415-00333030 Cause tired and now with that GVph-A4FRCU-00702-00333055-00333670 That is the equivalent of our fix-up file functions here which sets the GVph-A4FRCU-00703-00333695-00334310 Like that and I've been GVph-A4FRCU-00704-00334335-00334950 Also in the source code for mccp so GVph-A4FRCU-00705-00334975-00335590 Residency when it sets the back to hear it sets up GVph-A4FRCU-00706-00336255-00336870 Including the segment for here that's a bit of a GVph-A4FRCU-00707-00336895-00337510 Example sometimes you know GVph-A4FRCU-00708-00337535-00337791 CBA space that actually GVph-A4FRCU-00709-00337996-00338355 And the way I've been fermented it is GVph-A4FRCU-00710-00338406-00338508 Kind of lazy GVph-A4FRCU-00711-00338636-00338841 I just vomited in GVph-A4FRCU-00712-00338892-00339046 The types while here GVph-A4FRCU-00713-00339430-00339609 And as you can see GVph-A4FRCU-00714-00339635-00339967 I've got some if stuff here because I was testing with an axe e GVph-A4FRCU-00715-00340070-00340300 But really this is the code here GVph-A4FRCU-00716-00340351-00340633 Typedef in Rochford funk GVph-A4FRCU-00717-00340684-00341299 Fix up function is just this assembly code GVph-A4FRCU-00718-00341324-00341939 And Alex Lahey that now actually so we have these see functions here GVph-A4FRCU-00719-00341964-00342579 But what if what if we didn't want to add what if we just wanted GVph-A4FRCU-00720-00342604-00343219 Just in mind assembly because it has been annoying having to call GVph-A4FRCU-00721-00343372-00343859 A separate function just to fix things up GVph-A4FRCU-00722-00344038-00344140 So GVph-A4FRCU-00723-00344422-00344627 Put this here and that's just GVph-A4FRCU-00724-00344678-00344780 Trash this GVph-A4FRCU-00725-00344934-00345062 Fix up far GVph-A4FRCU-00726-00345113-00345318 We're going to use pragma aux GVph-A4FRCU-00727-00345420-00345548 Picked up far GVph-A4FRCU-00728-00345651-00345727 Equals GVph-A4FRCU-00729-00345779-00345983 Then we just going to do GVph-A4FRCU-00730-00346086-00346214 E x e s GVph-A4FRCU-00731-00346623-00346803 Xbx value XCX GVph-A4FRCU-00732-00347289-00347903 Albion fix up far and it's compiled out and see how it goes GVph-A4FRCU-00733-00347955-00348518 So it will no longer have to call a function it will just do in mine assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00734-00349235-00349849 As you can see here same thing but if we switch to the assembly mode GVph-A4FRCU-00735-00349875-00350489 The back here we actually just have one GVph-A4FRCU-00736-00350515-00351129 Find extra instruction instead of a whole function call this line here GVph-A4FRCU-00737-00351155-00351769 Move x yep yep GVph-A4FRCU-00738-00351795-00352409 Move the code segment 2bx yep and then these two I just GVph-A4FRCU-00739-00352435-00353049 Call set back so it's actually just a single extra instruction that we're using some assembly GVph-A4FRCU-00740-00353075-00353689 It's easier for me to write I'll quickly explain what's happening here GVph-A4FRCU-00741-00353715-00354329 Far and then you write your assembly that you write a bunch of assembly instructions but I've just got one there GVph-A4FRCU-00742-00354355-00354969 We set palm as a promoter and since it's of Bob 5.00 we're just going to have it into GVph-A4FRCU-00743-00354995-00355609 You register it cxbx so it comes in as a xpx and we said it out as XCX GVph-A4FRCU-00744-00355635-00356249 And actual function just moves CS into BX which is the fire portion GVph-A4FRCU-00745-00356915-00357529 And what kind is like oh yeah that's just in line that GVph-A4FRCU-00746-00357555-00358169 The second one is a little more tricky we have another GVph-A4FRCU-00747-00358195-00358425 Function just caught GVph-A4FRCU-00748-00358476-00358579 Fix up GVph-A4FRCU-00749-00358604-00358835 Data segment GVph-A4FRCU-00750-00358937-00359551 I have better names now that I'm doing it the second time ok Vince FP GVph-A4FRCU-00751-00359628-00360243 Just means far interrupt and yes I namespaced it by GVph-A4FRCU-00752-00360268-00360883 Putting fins underneath it so things wouldn't break and it's only for a drops GVph-A4FRCU-00753-00360908-00361523 So we going to add another function here GVph-A4FRCU-00754-00361548-00362163 Just going to run the same code we have here GVph-A4FRCU-00755-00362188-00362803 Fix up the ass GVph-A4FRCU-00756-00362828-00363443 Push a x move xcs move dsaf pop GVph-A4FRCU-00757-00363468-00364083 Yeah that's literally is GVph-A4FRCU-00758-00364108-00364723 Oops GVph-A4FRCU-00759-00364748-00365363 Instead of coin that code it now just runs those instructions and GVph-A4FRCU-00760-00365388-00365747 It works GVph-A4FRCU-00761-00365772-00366387 That's how we get far interrupts GVph-A4FRCU-00762-00366412-00367027 .com executables and that GVph-A4FRCU-00763-00367052-00367667 Me too long to think about I got an alert that 6:30 is posting me thanks hat mix GVph-A4FRCU-00764-00367692-00368307 Hey so dialight hey daisy chain cosplay hat mix I just GVph-A4FRCU-00765-00368332-00368947 I typed in the wrong chat thing so I didn't see it GVph-A4FRCU-00766-00368972-00369587 Property chat stuff sorry I missed you I just didn't see the GVph-A4FRCU-00767-00369612-00370227 I had everything fixed up but I miss the chat GVph-A4FRCU-00768-00370252-00370457 Said GVph-A4FRCU-00769-00370662-00370892 I said joint which to instead of join GVph-A4FRCU-00770-00370918-00371225 Gt2 so I guess I have to apologise later for that GVph-A4FRCU-00771-00371583-00371660 Flame Daisy GVph-A4FRCU-00772-00371711-00372019 All happened XY you got the sea drive everywhere GVph-A4FRCU-00773-00372147-00372249 You don't have to do that GVph-A4FRCU-00774-00372812-00372940 I could probably actually GVph-A4FRCU-00775-00372991-00373094 Just optimise that GVph-A4FRCU-00776-00373222-00373299 To be GVph-A4FRCU-00777-00373580-00373631 Move GVph-A4FRCU-00778-00373862-00373939 Like that GVph-A4FRCU-00779-00374118-00374220 But GVph-A4FRCU-00780-00374476-00374604 Let's just dangerous GVph-A4FRCU-00781-00374732-00374886 Ok so GVph-A4FRCU-00782-00375039-00375193 I have all that explained GVph-A4FRCU-00783-00375244-00375526 The good old dust pump you love the good old dos prompt GVph-A4FRCU-00784-00375705-00375961 It is certainly old I'll give you that GVph-A4FRCU-00785-00376396-00376575 So if we head on over to Bots GVph-A4FRCU-00786-00376652-00376857 Are we run W make GVph-A4FRCU-00787-00377215-00377804 And you ignore all the warnings because you don't want to really care about warnings morning's are GVph-A4FRCU-00788-00377855-00377958 I just warnings GVph-A4FRCU-00789-00378035-00378649 But in our case all these segment relocations I've gone through each of them and I have fix the GVph-A4FRCU-00790-00378675-00378931 At runtime so it doesn't matter GVph-A4FRCU-00791-00379007-00379084 It's fine GVph-A4FRCU-00792-00379135-00379340 And so now if we GVph-A4FRCU-00793-00379519-00379699 Look at the code here GVph-A4FRCU-00794-00379724-00380262 It goes to 10.2.8 100 that IP which is GVph-A4FRCU-00795-00380287-00380441 Hijacked by slurp GVph-A4FRCU-00796-00380851-00381209 Add it send it to my I see server GVph-A4FRCU-00797-00381235-00381311 Pictures GVph-A4FRCU-00798-00381465-00382079 I'm old enough to remember dos games just been called games GVph-A4FRCU-00799-00382310-00382924 But there were other like before that wasn't there like a whole bunch of 16-bit GVph-A4FRCU-00800-00382950-00383155 Computers an 8-bit computers GVph-A4FRCU-00801-00383359-00383974 Although I suppose that was called that instead yeah so it's open up wireshark GVph-A4FRCU-00802-00383999-00384281 See what happens GVph-A4FRCU-00803-00384307-00384921 When I connect the but the other thing I forgot to mention is that in order to fit this in GVph-A4FRCU-00804-00384947-00385561 4K I did have to like really GVph-A4FRCU-00805-00385587-00386201 Change the configuration like pay set the max sockets to to the max trance GVph-A4FRCU-00806-00386227-00386380 Bathurst to 20 GVph-A4FRCU-00807-00386815-00387071 Kill Duty pdns pinging GVph-A4FRCU-00808-00387251-00387430 Only A4 packet buffers GVph-A4FRCU-00809-00387686-00388300 3 of entries that might be a problem in actual practice but I don't think so I disabled IP fragmentation I think that GVph-A4FRCU-00810-00388326-00388505 If I put that back on that would actually GVph-A4FRCU-00811-00388556-00388889 Kill things that might be a problem GVph-A4FRCU-00812-00388915-00389043 And that's about it GVph-A4FRCU-00813-00389119-00389503 I've left all the tracing in I believe GVph-A4FRCU-00814-00389811-00389913 So GVph-A4FRCU-00815-00390015-00390399 This is been my nightmare so if we have our GVph-A4FRCU-00816-00390476-00390707 Local capture thing it's just do GVph-A4FRCU-00817-00390758-00390937 Port 6667 GVph-A4FRCU-00818-00391475-00391679 TCP port GVph-A4FRCU-00819-00391910-00392063 It might be desk port GVph-A4FRCU-00820-00392217-00392831 I remember how confused I was when games came out that needed Windows hat next yeah GVph-A4FRCU-00821-00392959-00393241 River that exist in my life GVph-A4FRCU-00822-00393267-00393881 Daisy says go to terminal that connect it Sarah at my dad's job before a computer but I think it was dust to Nowra GVph-A4FRCU-00823-00393907-00394367 I don't think that would be dos is not a multitasking system unless it's GVph-A4FRCU-00824-00394393-00394854 I'm only asking door switch was it thing but again GVph-A4FRCU-00825-00394879-00395494 Don't be held because it's in it you don't want to have unprotected memory the shared between GVph-A4FRCU-00826-00395519-00396134 You got to use that OK GVph-A4FRCU-00827-00396159-00396415 So if we do bike.com GVph-A4FRCU-00828-00396441-00396723 Which over fashion aimbot one.com GVph-A4FRCU-00829-00396851-00396953 Look it connects GVph-A4FRCU-00830-00397030-00397183 No you're thinking wow GVph-A4FRCU-00831-00397260-00397337 You did it GVph-A4FRCU-00832-00397772-00397951 It's not showing up here GVph-A4FRCU-00833-00398105-00398233 It should shop here GVph-A4FRCU-00834-00398284-00398387 That's right GVph-A4FRCU-00835-00398438-00398489 I didn't GVph-A4FRCU-00836-00398515-00398643 That capture from Redback GVph-A4FRCU-00837-00398719-00398847 Let's go back here GVph-A4FRCU-00838-00399001-00399129 Close without saving GVph-A4FRCU-00839-00399487-00399564 Loopback GVph-A4FRCU-00840-00399641-00399718 Restart that GVph-A4FRCU-00841-00400127-00400409 Could not resolve your hostname so this is the standard stuff GVph-A4FRCU-00842-00400486-00400639 Like if I connect GVph-A4FRCU-00843-00400665-00400716 Twit GVph-A4FRCU-00844-00400767-00400921 Locally GVph-A4FRCU-00845-00401382-00401689 Just like a normal person would connect to IOC using netcat GVph-A4FRCU-00846-00401843-00401996 And then we do Nick GVph-A4FRCU-00847-00402150-00402278 Vicky are four GVph-A4FRCU-00848-00402713-00402841 Fear of message GVph-A4FRCU-00849-00402867-00402995 Figure 3 GVph-A4FRCU-00850-00403123-00403174 Hi GVph-A4FRCU-00851-00403379-00403558 What's register GVph-A4FRCU-00852-00403609-00403814 I want to register command is help GVph-A4FRCU-00853-00403942-00404172 Ok so as you can see we have a few GVph-A4FRCU-00854-00404223-00404326 Problems with GVph-A4FRCU-00855-00404351-00404505 My understanding of RAC GVph-A4FRCU-00856-00404607-00404787 I was very young then GVph-A4FRCU-00857-00404838-00405401 Lake 35 off something you know what I read that is all like you're a 3 to 5 GVph-A4FRCU-00858-00405478-00405555 Yeah it all GVph-A4FRCU-00859-00405657-00405811 So as you can see here GVph-A4FRCU-00860-00405990-00406195 I just sent a whole bunch of IRIS Easter GVph-A4FRCU-00861-00406271-00406374 Just using netcat GVph-A4FRCU-00862-00406425-00406527 Nick GVph-A4FRCU-00863-00406553-00406604 Gav GVph-A4FRCU-00864-00406630-00406783 Response which is error GVph-A4FRCU-00865-00406937-00407193 That might be to someone else that's not to me GVph-A4FRCU-00866-00407551-00407756 She does seem like something that GVph-A4FRCU-00867-00407807-00407910 Should be GVph-A4FRCU-00868-00408268-00408396 Registration timeout GVph-A4FRCU-00869-00408447-00408678 That should probably have been sent to this GVph-A4FRCU-00870-00408729-00408780 But GVph-A4FRCU-00871-00409011-00409215 I didn't get it which is another problem GVph-A4FRCU-00872-00409369-00409574 Free message to get 3 GVph-A4FRCU-00873-00409625-00409702 So the thing GVph-A4FRCU-00874-00409727-00410137 Is there a problem with netcat here is that the line GVph-A4FRCU-00875-00410214-00410444 Are the input is not cooked here wego GVph-A4FRCU-00876-00410547-00410598 I think GVph-A4FRCU-00877-00411212-00411468 Yes the line input is not cooked in DOS GVph-A4FRCU-00878-00411852-00411980 Fix the music again GVph-A4FRCU-00879-00412211-00412287 Optus sport GVph-A4FRCU-00880-00412339-00412518 You don't organ and get out of my house GVph-A4FRCU-00881-00412927-00413004 So GVph-A4FRCU-00882-00413158-00413465 What does lightning put not being cooked GVph-A4FRCU-00883-00413491-00413644 Me and you may ask well GVph-A4FRCU-00884-00413849-00414284 Just me inside it sends every character so I if I do GVph-A4FRCU-00885-00414310-00414387 Hello GVph-A4FRCU-00886-00414668-00414796 You can see that GVph-A4FRCU-00887-00414822-00414950 It has just sent GVph-A4FRCU-00888-00415283-00415539 A bunch of data no it's not the right data GVph-A4FRCU-00889-00415871-00416025 I'm so confused GVph-A4FRCU-00890-00416435-00416691 Actually GVph-A4FRCU-00891-00416895-00417100 Oh God did just box dye GVph-A4FRCU-00892-00417151-00417228 Died GVph-A4FRCU-00893-00417305-00417382 Oh no GVph-A4FRCU-00894-00417561-00417715 I mean I can figure out why GVph-A4FRCU-00895-00417945-00418227 I'll fix it fix it in the bed GVph-A4FRCU-00896-00418431-00418662 But it's just got to bot one.com GVph-A4FRCU-00897-00418943-00419046 So it's going here GVph-A4FRCU-00898-00419302-00419430 Response notice GVph-A4FRCU-00899-00419455-00419609 Nitro typing something like GVph-A4FRCU-00900-00419635-00419686 Nick GVph-A4FRCU-00901-00419916-00419993 And GVph-A4FRCU-00902-00420044-00420121 Crabs GVph-A4FRCU-00903-00420172-00420275 Why is that GVph-A4FRCU-00904-00420812-00420966 Something GVph-A4FRCU-00905-00421068-00421273 I have to have a look at the second GVph-A4FRCU-00906-00421555-00421708 Request NZ GVph-A4FRCU-00907-00421785-00422092 So it didn't cook the mind and allow me to just GVph-A4FRCU-00908-00422143-00422220 Send Nick GVph-A4FRCU-00909-00422246-00422323 Send each ladder GVph-A4FRCU-00910-00422502-00422988 The first time I use the screen or black and say I prefer green on black I want if there is a connection GVph-A4FRCU-00911-00423091-00423167 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-00912-00423372-00423603 I don't like green on black that just hurts my eyes GVph-A4FRCU-00913-00423756-00423935 Green is like the worst colour GVph-A4FRCU-00914-00424089-00424191 It was a mistake GVph-A4FRCU-00915-00424447-00424627 The human eye sees too much cream GVph-A4FRCU-00916-00424934-00425164 So right now we're getting a crash GVph-A4FRCU-00917-00425753-00425907 We're getting a GVph-A4FRCU-00918-00425932-00426009 Good old GVph-A4FRCU-00919-00426035-00426111 Freeze GVph-A4FRCU-00920-00426239-00426419 During an interrupt issue GVph-A4FRCU-00921-00426623-00426905 And you're probably laughing and thinking GVph-A4FRCU-00922-00426931-00427187 Green is your favourite colours is Daisy is it GVph-A4FRCU-00923-00427263-00427494 A pretty cool colour to have as your favourite GVph-A4FRCU-00924-00427545-00427673 Is it like that GVph-A4FRCU-00925-00427699-00427852 The creative colour GVph-A4FRCU-00926-00428108-00428595 So we have some interrupting called GVph-A4FRCU-00927-00428799-00428902 Random pink GVph-A4FRCU-00928-00428927-00429055 Yeah I can GVph-A4FRCU-00929-00429081-00429286 Respect that GVph-A4FRCU-00930-00429311-00429516 Revenant ripping called GVph-A4FRCU-00931-00429542-00429747 And that's just killing GVph-A4FRCU-00932-00429875-00429951 Julius GVph-A4FRCU-00933-00430182-00430259 Now GVph-A4FRCU-00934-00430310-00430822 I'm not hundred percent sure what's going on but I have a feeling it's to do with the timer GVph-A4FRCU-00935-00430975-00431231 I'm so what I'm going to do GVph-A4FRCU-00936-00431667-00432281 Trash that we're not going to call in the Old Timers this is DOS GVph-A4FRCU-00937-00432307-00432460 Byron it GVph-A4FRCU-00938-00432486-00432767 Anyone else is running time as then it's probably GVph-A4FRCU-00939-00432921-00432972 Hello GVph-A4FRCU-00940-00433279-00433433 Meadow deserved update code run GVph-A4FRCU-00941-00433689-00433919 OK let's try that now GVph-A4FRCU-00942-00434201-00434508 I forget how to do stuff with dos GVph-A4FRCU-00943-00434687-00434739 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-00944-00434764-00435020 I wish I wish that was my life GVph-A4FRCU-00945-00435174-00435481 Ok so we do have like a reproducible GVph-A4FRCU-00946-00435532-00435635 Interrupt error here GVph-A4FRCU-00947-00435660-00436249 Which I haven't been able to produce before so it's fairly interesting GVph-A4FRCU-00948-00436710-00437196 As a wise person wants said May you live in interesting times GVph-A4FRCU-00949-00437401-00437631 It has been many years GVph-A4FRCU-00950-00437657-00437759 How many GVph-A4FRCU-00951-00437811-00438015 2 GVph-A4FRCU-00952-00439372-00439679 Too many years GVph-A4FRCU-00953-00439833-00439884 Hey GVph-A4FRCU-00954-00440140-00440294 Like 26 GVph-A4FRCU-00955-00440319-00440371 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-00956-00440422-00441036 That's more years than I've been around ok so GVph-A4FRCU-00957-00441062-00441676 Something is happening here and I don't understand what and it's making me feel very concerned about GVph-A4FRCU-00958-00441702-00441855 This property ACT GVph-A4FRCU-00959-00441881-00442495 To do with interrupt and it seems to be based on the size of GVph-A4FRCU-00960-00442623-00442700 The packet GVph-A4FRCU-00961-00443059-00443468 Keep getting space yet GVph-A4FRCU-00962-00443622-00444236 And see what happens packet process single there GVph-A4FRCU-00963-00444262-00444467 Crashes things GVph-A4FRCU-00964-00444492-00444799 So oh GVph-A4FRCU-00965-00444825-00445337 Why what's happened where are we GVph-A4FRCU-00966-00445363-00445977 It didn't kill dust box GVph-A4FRCU-00967-00446003-00446617 15 DV in the standard library GVph-A4FRCU-00968-00446643-00447257 Is our stack smashed the stack pointer looks GVph-A4FRCU-00969-00447283-00447641 Get next token GVph-A4FRCU-00970-00447718-00447795 Hotels GVph-A4FRCU-00971-00448051-00448127 Gets GVph-A4FRCU-00972-00448230-00448332 What is happening GVph-A4FRCU-00973-00448460-00448537 Why GVph-A4FRCU-00974-00448793-00448947 I think it might be the timer GVph-A4FRCU-00975-00449203-00449254 Continue GVph-A4FRCU-00976-00449484-00449663 I like at Nexus Green GVph-A4FRCU-00977-00449715-00450073 It was just a quick pick half lion to colour code is 6 a.m. GVph-A4FRCU-00978-00450099-00450150 2 GVph-A4FRCU-00979-00450175-00450227 22 GVph-A4FRCU-00980-00450329-00450431 That's pretty good GVph-A4FRCU-00981-00451379-00451507 Wait where am I GVph-A4FRCU-00982-00451660-00451916 It's something I was supposed I'm going to say when I'm old GVph-A4FRCU-00983-00452019-00452121 Free people help GVph-A4FRCU-00984-00452223-00452300 But GVph-A4FRCU-00985-00452326-00452940 Seriousness 0418 I think it's probably the packet driver GVph-A4FRCU-00986-00453299-00453503 I wrapped GVph-A4FRCU-00987-00453657-00454271 What the actual hey is going on so the first thing GVph-A4FRCU-00988-00454297-00454476 I'm going to do here is GVph-A4FRCU-00989-00454527-00454835 Just start the sailing interrupts really GVph-A4FRCU-00990-00454860-00455372 Really work things out you know GVph-A4FRCU-00991-00455398-00455782 So GVph-A4FRCU-00992-00455833-00456217 Let's just not set the interrupt here GVph-A4FRCU-00993-00456499-00457113 I will see if that fixes it maybe I don't know I've I'm I am at my GVph-A4FRCU-00994-00457139-00457215 Breaking Point GVph-A4FRCU-00995-00457241-00457343 Not really GVph-A4FRCU-00996-00457471-00457702 Does that fix it GVph-A4FRCU-00997-00457804-00458316 No that actually kills it because it turns out it needs that timer GVph-A4FRCU-00998-00458444-00458751 I think this colour kind of looks good on you GVph-A4FRCU-00999-00458982-00459596 I just checked iirc and I saw dc1 happiness and I said early good emote GVph-A4FRCU-01000-00459622-00460236 Veggie but I forgot which one it was and I looked in my actual chat and I thought was the hat next with the tongue GVph-A4FRCU-01001-00460262-00460492 And I feel GVph-A4FRCU-01002-00460518-00461004 Really weird now where did you get that tongue GVph-A4FRCU-01003-00461363-00461798 Jeff GVph-A4FRCU-01004-00461823-00462438 Is it a Jeff or is it like a web and I don't know what people use that I refused to believe you GVph-A4FRCU-01005-00462463-00463078 Get something so high quality like that as a Jeff GVph-A4FRCU-01006-00463129-00463564 Hopefully I get it from hat XY the colour GVph-A4FRCU-01007-00463590-00463743 The tongue GVph-A4FRCU-01008-00463769-00464383 Ok so packet processed single yes the time GVph-A4FRCU-01009-00464409-00464972 Hunwick's does habitat I think you'll be streaming later GVph-A4FRCU-01010-00464998-00465612 I don't know when I actually ate I can know the GVph-A4FRCU-01011-00465638-00466124 I have the powder know this it's GVph-A4FRCU-01012-00466201-00466687 I don't have the power I forgot his website GVph-A4FRCU-01013-00466739-00467353 I hope to get to know his tongue and lot better GVph-A4FRCU-01014-00467379-00467686 What's what's that in no more about it time GVph-A4FRCU-01015-00467711-00468326 I'm sorry you can't shut up your channel hat next as you can see GVph-A4FRCU-01016-00468351-00468454 My bot is GVph-A4FRCU-01017-00468479-00469094 It is not happening 2 hour 14 minutes GVph-A4FRCU-01018-00469119-00469734 What's up yeah I'll be around if you stream had next I'll probably GVph-A4FRCU-01019-00469759-00470195 Eat breakfast around then GVph-A4FRCU-01020-00470220-00470835 I can't wait to once I finished this what I need to start GVph-A4FRCU-01021-00470860-00471475 Feilding Feilding water but GVph-A4FRCU-01022-00471500-00472115 Drought is not good for water quality I can tell you that GVph-A4FRCU-01023-00472140-00472755 Inc GVph-A4FRCU-01024-00472780-00473395 So once I fix this on GVph-A4FRCU-01025-00473420-00474035 Just do a inventory of how much space I actually have for code and data GVph-A4FRCU-01026-00474828-00475033 Where's the process packet GVph-A4FRCU-01027-00475519-00475699 Packet process single GVph-A4FRCU-01028-00475775-00475955 Sleep is it sleep GVph-A4FRCU-01029-00475980-00476595 Is sleep killing me is that what it is GVph-A4FRCU-01030-00476723-00477337 Sleep calls it's calling door cider GVph-A4FRCU-01031-00477900-00478515 Assist FDF GVph-A4FRCU-01032-00478540-00478873 Sleep Coles GVph-A4FRCU-01033-00478899-00479513 If you have a doing dos programming please use the idle interrupt GVph-A4FRCU-01034-00479539-00480153 Pink is my second favourite colour but I don't think it looks good on me in here GVph-A4FRCU-01035-00480204-00480819 I don't know why it just shows you as GVph-A4FRCU-01036-00480844-00481100 As blue GVph-A4FRCU-01037-00481126-00481740 An ICC true way to experience Twitch chat GVph-A4FRCU-01038-00481766-00482380 On edge hardware without how much minimal task and there's no point of making a sleep call at Reading GVph-A4FRCU-01039-00482790-00483404 So I have shamefully shamefully GVph-A4FRCU-01040-00483430-00484044 Being behind on DayZ streams and I've been dodging out Nexus dreams because GVph-A4FRCU-01041-00484070-00484121 So bad like GVph-A4FRCU-01042-00484147-00484249 All the stuff to do GVph-A4FRCU-01043-00484275-00484889 So have I missed any lure did Elliot GVph-A4FRCU-01044-00484915-00485529 The elf get sent to a gulag or something what's what has been happening GVph-A4FRCU-01045-00485555-00486169 I were feeling asleep penis GVph-A4FRCU-01046-00486195-00486297 Problem GVph-A4FRCU-01047-00486425-00486579 It seems interrupt related GVph-A4FRCU-01048-00486784-00487065 Is wraps Coles and reforms I suppose GVph-A4FRCU-01049-00487142-00487219 I don't know GVph-A4FRCU-01050-00487424-00487500 Juno GVph-A4FRCU-01051-00487680-00487987 You whispered me the first connect video GVph-A4FRCU-01052-00488038-00488601 Nice I'll have to go check my twitch.tv website GVph-A4FRCU-01053-00488832-00488934 Because if you like GVph-A4FRCU-01054-00488960-00489574 Damn it to me on Mastodon but that might be asking a bit much but it sounded sarcastic GVph-A4FRCU-01055-00489600-00490060 I have the Twitch website just hates my computer so much GVph-A4FRCU-01056-00490239-00490572 So much to not like it after Twitch website GVph-A4FRCU-01057-00490598-00490675 And GVph-A4FRCU-01058-00490931-00491417 Having to give my phone number for twitch is broken two Factor authentication stuff was not GVph-A4FRCU-01059-00491443-00491571 Something to like about it GVph-A4FRCU-01060-00492134-00492313 Gardener GVph-A4FRCU-01061-00492390-00492569 I could never rebuild twitch GVph-A4FRCU-01062-00492620-00492979 Release time slices not being quiet GVph-A4FRCU-01063-00493004-00493619 Using dos no it sounds like something I might actually do GVph-A4FRCU-01064-00493644-00494182 I don't want to do I don't know why I'm here anymore GVph-A4FRCU-01065-00494335-00494924 When are using released timeslice dbstack Taskforce basic GVph-A4FRCU-01066-00494950-00495564 Add so tempting because I know I'm complaining about all Dossis limitations here GVph-A4FRCU-01067-00495590-00496204 What's this cause I'm running 16 bit code if I just use an extender than all my problems are gone I can GVph-A4FRCU-01068-00496230-00496742 Usl I can read like megabytes of memory it school GVph-A4FRCU-01069-00496768-00497024 No problem at all GVph-A4FRCU-01070-00497075-00497177 Butter GVph-A4FRCU-01071-00497280-00497408 Dad's tempting GVph-A4FRCU-01072-00497664-00497817 Pharmacy GVph-A4FRCU-01073-00497843-00498457 I learnt about the other day GVph-A4FRCU-01074-00498611-00498867 My life is never been better GVph-A4FRCU-01075-00499276-00499558 So it's in you kill the Scott CPP GVph-A4FRCU-01076-00500352-00500966 F50 sounds were here evil twitch GVph-A4FRCU-01077-00500992-00501606 Dear god no I couldn't GVph-A4FRCU-01078-00501632-00502246 I mean I literally couldn't how to get banned from Twitch for GVph-A4FRCU-01079-00502297-00502912 Probably for reverse engineering hey Dr Frankenstein 90 how's your bought going GVph-A4FRCU-01080-00502937-00503552 Is it going better than mine I've been missing your streams it watch his streams if you want to know GVph-A4FRCU-01081-00503577-00504192 About how to make a bot in C plus plus using some kind of functional free GVph-A4FRCU-01082-00504217-00504832 Are you still using that you have like observer pattern going where it's GVph-A4FRCU-01083-00504857-00505472 React event callbacks everywhere it's cool and it yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01084-00505497-00506112 That's cool last time I tried to you GVph-A4FRCU-01085-00506137-00506752 Cplusplus like modern features in gcc gcc crashed GVph-A4FRCU-01086-00506777-00507315 OK does this fix the issue GVph-A4FRCU-01087-00508006-00508134 No GVph-A4FRCU-01088-00508774-00509388 This is different it there's no errors but it seems GVph-A4FRCU-01089-00509414-00510003 Three different I've made GC crash 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01090-00510080-00510694 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01091-00510720-00511027 I don't know what I'm doing if I live something bad happened GVph-A4FRCU-01092-00511078-00511692 I'm just going to uncomment sleep calls properly because doing GVph-A4FRCU-01093-00511718-00511872 And maybe that will help GVph-A4FRCU-01094-00512025-00512281 Where is it it's in GVph-A4FRCU-01095-00512384-00512486 I think GVph-A4FRCU-01096-00512921-00513484 CCC is one of those weird things that you either love it or you hate it GVph-A4FRCU-01097-00513535-00513638 And GVph-A4FRCU-01098-00513971-00514380 Your son wants to vacation to Area 51 oh my god no GVph-A4FRCU-01099-00514662-00514764 Yeah god no GVph-A4FRCU-01100-00514790-00514892 Why GVph-A4FRCU-01101-00515148-00515763 Can I found Bose in gcc retrojected valid code in new features GVph-A4FRCU-01102-00515788-00515942 That's kind of where I am GVph-A4FRCU-01103-00516019-00516147 Had the bugs to do GVph-A4FRCU-01104-00516787-00517299 Everytime is a bargain software I just get this Cold Sweat is going to be like 10 GVph-A4FRCU-01105-00517324-00517836 Like 10 more bugs come out of that code because people going to poke around it and falls test it GVph-A4FRCU-01106-00518143-00518246 I'm still like GVph-A4FRCU-01107-00518272-00518604 I'm really charged all the specs for the stuff still GVph-A4FRCU-01108-00518912-00519526 Golf doesn't have spectre if you want to buy a dust computer jora GVph-A4FRCU-01109-00519552-00520166 Your programs will guaranteed not to be respected it's pretty GVph-A4FRCU-01110-00520192-00520678 Yes GVph-A4FRCU-01111-00520755-00521164 Ok you going to work now GVph-A4FRCU-01112-00521753-00522368 Ok say crashes now which is weird and I know GVph-A4FRCU-01113-00522905-00523033 Better than Telnet GVph-A4FRCU-01114-00523238-00523852 Tell her it has lines cooking so it means it actually is going to work GVph-A4FRCU-01115-00524211-00524467 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01116-00524492-00525030 It's not a sleep issue so something else must be GVph-A4FRCU-01117-00525337-00525952 Killin It kind of look anywhere that GVph-A4FRCU-01118-00525977-00526592 Far point if they're doing a fire pointer math and I'm kind of screwed GVph-A4FRCU-01119-00526796-00527411 Oh snap Facebook comment out the timer GVph-A4FRCU-01120-00527436-00528051 Probably actually change that case the package driver is using that although it does GVph-A4FRCU-01121-00528076-00528691 So I don't know GVph-A4FRCU-01122-00528716-00529331 I don't know anymore it looks suspiciously like some GVph-A4FRCU-01123-00529356-00529971 Kind of memory League GVph-A4FRCU-01124-00529996-00530611 Can your case network layer of your body was broken GVph-A4FRCU-01125-00530636-00531251 Stop sending anything after the first first of messages because I forgot being operator when checking if it was idle GVph-A4FRCU-01126-00531276-00531891 Live stream not operator GVph-A4FRCU-01127-00531916-00532531 That's why you never use double needles in your code GVph-A4FRCU-01128-00533196-00533811 Assuming you were like if idle but then you put it not GVph-A4FRCU-01129-00533836-00534451 This is working GVph-A4FRCU-01130-00534476-00535091 Why is it working to the debugger GVph-A4FRCU-01131-00535116-00535731 Let's think debugger means code execute slower is this some kind of GVph-A4FRCU-01132-00535756-00536371 Race condition GVph-A4FRCU-01133-00536396-00537011 No it's it's just working fine GVph-A4FRCU-01134-00537036-00537651 I'm so option I know it's crashed now I know that's not crashing that's me hitting GVph-A4FRCU-01135-00537676-00538291 X how did a young lad like yourself become interested in DOS says daisy chain cost GVph-A4FRCU-01136-00538316-00538419 Play GVph-A4FRCU-01137-00538444-00538982 I suppose cos I like embedded programming GVph-A4FRCU-01138-00539008-00539622 Resource constraints I've been interested in GVph-A4FRCU-01139-00539648-00540262 Single-tasking computers just for the efficiency although GVph-A4FRCU-01140-00540288-00540902 It turns out Linux can pretty much do that like if you GVph-A4FRCU-01141-00540928-00541542 Scheduler probably you can basically run a single tasking system GVph-A4FRCU-01142-00541568-00542182 Like you can just get rid of that preemptive scheduling fairly easily GVph-A4FRCU-01143-00542208-00542822 Bull riding equals not right qwote dot empty yep see you got hit by the dog GVph-A4FRCU-01144-00542848-00543462 Double negatives GVph-A4FRCU-01145-00543488-00544102 To be bull riding equals right Q dock for GVph-A4FRCU-01146-00544128-00544742 That would have smoked you out GVph-A4FRCU-01147-00544768-00545382 So I feel like I got no time for pop GVph-A4FRCU-01148-00545408-00546022 Wow that's depressing GVph-A4FRCU-01149-00546048-00546662 OK I'm going to open wireshark for this because GVph-A4FRCU-01150-00546688-00546764 Oh GVph-A4FRCU-01151-00546790-00547404 Wave I have a trace file don't I GVph-A4FRCU-01152-00547430-00548044 Wow I didn't tell anyone about this ok so empty CP has a trace function GVph-A4FRCU-01153-00548070-00548684 I'm so just run bot one.com GVph-A4FRCU-01154-00548710-00549324 So work fine GVph-A4FRCU-01155-00549350-00549964 Still working fine up it's frozen up it's crashed but GVph-A4FRCU-01156-00549990-00550604 Check out the Trace file GVph-A4FRCU-01157-00550630-00551244 So mccp actually does have debugging in tracing in GVph-A4FRCU-01158-00551270-00551884 Stuff.co.nz GVph-A4FRCU-01159-00551910-00552524 Stands out at me is that state is GVph-A4FRCU-01160-00552550-00553164 Is that always like that GVph-A4FRCU-01161-00553190-00553804 Yeah I take care cast GVph-A4FRCU-01162-00553830-00554444 56714 remote window GVph-A4FRCU-01163-00554470-00554982 Dial links GVph-A4FRCU-01164-00555033-00555161 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01165-00555187-00555545 It does seem like it's turning the right amount of heat yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01166-00555622-00555878 Who is idle = empty GVph-A4FRCU-01167-00555904-00556160 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01168-00556185-00556364 Baby more like poop GVph-A4FRCU-01169-00556390-00556569 Running GVph-A4FRCU-01170-00556620-00557056 It was something and then you like put the knot in front of it so it really does not GVph-A4FRCU-01171-00557081-00557440 Running I guess GVph-A4FRCU-01172-00557542-00557644 Saw sequel GVph-A4FRCU-01173-00557824-00557977 0.2 GVph-A4FRCU-01174-00558003-00558336 100 that's really weird that it cuts off the ten there GVph-A4FRCU-01175-00558412-00559027 But I take it that's probably something like this stuff ok that connects GVph-A4FRCU-01176-00559052-00559667 Receives sending 55 dumping 55 GVph-A4FRCU-01177-00559692-00560307 I cut out the dump code GVph-A4FRCU-01178-00560332-00560947 Removing sent packets with secret sequence number less than that GVph-A4FRCU-01179-00560972-00561587 That's weird stuff GVph-A4FRCU-01180-00561612-00562227 So it seems like GVph-A4FRCU-01181-00562252-00562867 State changes here GVph-A4FRCU-01182-00562892-00563507 Oldest an act is it because it's not asking it GVph-A4FRCU-01183-00563532-00564147 Is it because I don't have enough packet buffers to akot GVph-A4FRCU-01184-00564172-00564787 I'm not sure Daisy GVph-A4FRCU-01185-00564812-00565427 The chat Daisy - 6 equals not love GVph-A4FRCU-01186-00565452-00565888 That the screws of my head GVph-A4FRCU-01187-00566246-00566579 I can't handle that that GVph-A4FRCU-01188-00566732-00567091 I'm not one for the bullying operations ok GVph-A4FRCU-01189-00567116-00567321 Part 1 GVph-A4FRCU-01190-00567475-00567603 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01191-00567680-00568294 I c k face J GVph-A4FRCU-01192-00568320-00568729 Ok I a face GVph-A4FRCU-01193-00568832-00568908 Hi GVph-A4FRCU-01194-00568960-00569164 T h e r GVph-A4FRCU-01195-00569292-00569395 Call Bex GVph-A4FRCU-01196-00569881-00569932 Now GVph-A4FRCU-01197-00570035-00570240 Betsy has that crashed GVph-A4FRCU-01198-00570880-00571187 Exceed 64 kilobytes GVph-A4FRCU-01199-00571212-00571571 That's weird exceeding it GVph-A4FRCU-01200-00571673-00571878 Butter it's not closing here GVph-A4FRCU-01201-00571929-00572057 Is also weird GVph-A4FRCU-01202-00572108-00572313 Let's use GVph-A4FRCU-01203-00572492-00572748 I don't want to say trump card anymore GVph-A4FRCU-01204-00573132-00573337 Oh god had next snow GVph-A4FRCU-01205-00573747-00574233 Daisy plus hat next not equals to not hot GVph-A4FRCU-01206-00574412-00574592 I know there's like some kind of GVph-A4FRCU-01207-00574617-00574848 Robbie riding you can do with balloons GVph-A4FRCU-01208-00574899-00574976 IKEA GVph-A4FRCU-01209-00575001-00575078 Some kind of GVph-A4FRCU-01210-00575104-00575206 Algebraic GVph-A4FRCU-01211-00575334-00575385 F GVph-A4FRCU-01212-00575513-00575641 1 and is not GVph-A4FRCU-01213-00575692-00575897 Like gun so there's an inverse GVph-A4FRCU-01214-00575948-00576025 Where writing it GVph-A4FRCU-01215-00576128-00576537 Ok so did you know dos box has a debugger if you build it from source GVph-A4FRCU-01216-00576716-00576921 Isn't that GVph-A4FRCU-01217-00576998-00577049 Sick GVph-A4FRCU-01218-00577305-00577740 Kind of weird but it's also kind of court GVph-A4FRCU-01219-00577766-00577894 Certsy GVph-A4FRCU-01220-00578176-00578432 Can we isolate this flow GVph-A4FRCU-01221-00578995-00579097 Oh GVph-A4FRCU-01222-00579200-00579814 Ok so GVph-A4FRCU-01223-00579916-00580224 Is sensor is always crashing GVph-A4FRCU-01224-00580249-00580556 When it closes the wink GVph-A4FRCU-01225-00580684-00581171 Let's GVph-A4FRCU-01226-00581273-00581888 Good you can also see the issue here GVph-A4FRCU-01227-00581913-00582374 Not love equals not GVph-A4FRCU-01228-00582400-00582758 Oh my god GVph-A4FRCU-01229-00582784-00583296 I've had to rewrite source code to not have such weird complicated balloons GVph-A4FRCU-01230-00583475-00583910 Yeah I was rewriting some kind of GVph-A4FRCU-01231-00584166-00584704 I think I was rewriting a Kernel patch for the next and I found it GVph-A4FRCU-01232-00584729-00585113 Two statements for the same I know it was in u-boot GVph-A4FRCU-01233-00585139-00585344 Yeah two statements GVph-A4FRCU-01234-00585472-00585932 Where the same and I was like that always evaluates to true GVph-A4FRCU-01235-00586035-00586163 What you wrote like that GVph-A4FRCU-01236-00586419-00586726 Request response error GVph-A4FRCU-01237-00586905-00587136 So it sends the response GVph-A4FRCU-01238-00587366-00587520 Axit GVph-A4FRCU-01239-00587596-00587878 And that finished is it GVph-A4FRCU-01240-00588032-00588211 How do we acknowledge that's finished GVph-A4FRCU-01241-00588339-00588672 Could it be that this is an error in my code GVph-A4FRCU-01242-00589260-00589465 Could be possible GVph-A4FRCU-01243-00589516-00589798 I'm not one to GVph-A4FRCU-01244-00589849-00590131 Right arrows in the microwave GVph-A4FRCU-01245-00590284-00590822 I don't know GVph-A4FRCU-01246-00591232-00591513 I'm just going to GVph-A4FRCU-01247-00591692-00591769 Spamalot GVph-A4FRCU-01248-00592307-00592921 Yeah I want to go to Area 51 to try and find my real parents GVph-A4FRCU-01249-00592947-00593561 You don't go to Area 51 that actually sounds like how you die it's not GVph-A4FRCU-01250-00593587-00594201 Area 51 GVph-A4FRCU-01251-00594227-00594841 I'm just going to do some like to Shameless self promotion and show that JPEG I made on GVph-A4FRCU-01252-00594867-00595481 Next GVph-A4FRCU-01253-00595609-00596147 I would like to meet my mummy one day says daisy chain cosplay GVph-A4FRCU-01254-00596172-00596428 I don't have the backstory for that GVph-A4FRCU-01255-00596608-00596812 Did any of you see this GVph-A4FRCU-01256-00596940-00597120 Is this GVph-A4FRCU-01257-00597196-00597401 Is this a mistake GVph-A4FRCU-01258-00598220-00598528 The best thing about this image GVph-A4FRCU-01259-00598579-00599193 Is that it has everything it's got slapped crashing got compiler errors GVph-A4FRCU-01260-00599219-00599705 And it's got the dust box is not suit to run your non-gaming dos applications at the top GVph-A4FRCU-01261-00599910-00600140 All the problems that I have hit GVph-A4FRCU-01262-00600422-00600780 Ok so the time slicing is ruining my life GVph-A4FRCU-01263-00600857-00601472 But right now I think the major bug is in the Trace GVph-A4FRCU-01264-00601497-00602112 The bot GVph-A4FRCU-01265-00602137-00602752 It's not handling disconnected packets properly GVph-A4FRCU-01266-00602777-00603392 I believe it's just up bailing GVph-A4FRCU-01267-00603417-00604032 Find the part where I print stuff to the screen GVph-A4FRCU-01268-00604057-00604672 If remote closed = 0 again that's what we're double negative GVph-A4FRCU-01269-00604697-00605312 That will be gone when I realised this GVph-A4FRCU-01270-00605977-00606592 So I assume it's not GVph-A4FRCU-01271-00606617-00607052 Let's use the debugger GVph-A4FRCU-01272-00607155-00607206 Thanks GVph-A4FRCU-01273-00607232-00607488 The nice image made it with GVph-A4FRCU-01274-00607513-00607564 Camp GVph-A4FRCU-01275-00607974-00608051 I don't know this GVph-A4FRCU-01276-00608076-00608563 I think there's a fork of games now called glimpse just to fix the name GVph-A4FRCU-01277-00608614-00608691 What's another stuff GVph-A4FRCU-01278-00608742-00608896 Summertime all behind that GVph-A4FRCU-01279-00609280-00609459 Go use glimpse GVph-A4FRCU-01280-00609689-00609740 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01281-00609817-00610124 Gimp and rawtherapy of me my tools GVph-A4FRCU-01282-00610227-00610380 Cancel sheep's pretty cool GVph-A4FRCU-01283-00610457-00610611 I haven't used it Cos GVph-A4FRCU-01284-00610841-00610969 Hi Terry GVph-A4FRCU-01285-00611020-00611302 I was going to say it in a weird way but then I realised GVph-A4FRCU-01286-00611328-00611763 That might be like a verbal equivalent of putting parentheses around it and I thought GVph-A4FRCU-01287-00611891-00612121 You know that's probably a thing GVph-A4FRCU-01288-00612147-00612531 Some people probably think Proprietary software is the fault of GVph-A4FRCU-01289-00612684-00612787 Certain GVph-A4FRCU-01290-00612812-00612915 Sarah P Hall GVph-A4FRCU-01291-00613120-00613478 I feel like I don't want to get into that because they're wrong and stupid GVph-A4FRCU-01292-00613990-00614246 I have to use gimp because I am one GVph-A4FRCU-01293-00614323-00614681 I just can't get into GVph-A4FRCU-01294-00614758-00614988 I think the hardest part of GVph-A4FRCU-01295-00615014-00615628 Becoming a full leather gimp is allowed apart because leather really creeps me out GVph-A4FRCU-01296-00615654-00616268 If they had synthetic leather give suits I guess I could understand GVph-A4FRCU-01297-00616294-00616883 I just don't like Laila GVph-A4FRCU-01298-00617062-00617625 You can't believe fat next to says he's again yeah it's fine don't worry GVph-A4FRCU-01299-00617728-00618342 Knocked over few GVph-A4FRCU-01300-00618444-00619033 The worst part about those boxes devalue is that you have to remember all of GVph-A4FRCU-01301-00619084-00619699 The debug commands GVph-A4FRCU-01302-00619801-00620390 Hey said I light sorry I missed you at the start GVph-A4FRCU-01303-00620492-00621107 I need to get like a GVph-A4FRCU-01304-00621132-00621747 I didn't ignore you I had my eyes he channel open GVph-A4FRCU-01305-00621772-00622387 The Twitch to as the Joker too I don't know why GVph-A4FRCU-01306-00622540-00623155 OK this is why GVph-A4FRCU-01307-00623180-00623795 This is trouble GVph-A4FRCU-01308-00624563-00625177 Double Trouble GVph-A4FRCU-01309-00625305-00625612 I'm ok with people getting gimp to change its name GVph-A4FRCU-01310-00625638-00625945 It's like GVph-A4FRCU-01311-00625971-00626585 A low effort change that would make people happy GVph-A4FRCU-01312-00626611-00627225 Is that controversial GVph-A4FRCU-01313-00628966-00629580 Well some people are put off by it based on the name GVph-A4FRCU-01314-00630272-00630656 That's really all there is to it GVph-A4FRCU-01315-00630681-00631296 This is a busy GVph-A4FRCU-01316-00631475-00632089 Still better than she search because GVph-A4FRCU-01317-00632115-00632729 Gimp has sexual connotations if you Google it I guess GVph-A4FRCU-01318-00632755-00633369 If you want to put that until I go educational setting it might be a bit weird GVph-A4FRCU-01319-00633395-00634009 Although I'm sure if I searched it up it's going to be like how you mean Gympie Lennox loser GVph-A4FRCU-01320-00634163-00634777 What are you weird GVph-A4FRCU-01321-00634905-00635520 With private browsing GVph-A4FRCU-01322-00635571-00636185 It is just name but I can understand it GVph-A4FRCU-01323-00636211-00636825 I don't think it's a big deal I guess if you really like GVph-A4FRCU-01324-00636851-00637465 Actor named it's fine but it just bothers me a little bit GVph-A4FRCU-01325-00637644-00638259 I don't want to get I don't want to get GVph-A4FRCU-01326-00638284-00638822 Stream but GVph-A4FRCU-01327-00638848-00639462 You know it's just the low effort to include of build flavour or something GVph-A4FRCU-01328-00639692-00640307 Just call Lake canoe Grimm GVph-A4FRCU-01329-00640384-00640998 Rolls off the tongue quite easy so where he lived here GVph-A4FRCU-01330-00641075-00641612 I'm a rogue now yeah I've gone GVph-A4FRCU-01331-00641766-00642227 I thought people complained about it because the term for the sable people is it GVph-A4FRCU-01332-00642611-00642688 Darfield GVph-A4FRCU-01333-00642739-00643097 I feel like that's a good reason to complain about it but also GVph-A4FRCU-01334-00643430-00643507 I don't know GVph-A4FRCU-01335-00643635-00644249 I submit a patch to him so you could change them documentation so it doesn't say the n word GVph-A4FRCU-01336-00644275-00644889 Like not the the actual Android that like something that reminds you of it GVph-A4FRCU-01337-00644915-00645504 I'm just kind of person that's like OK change GVph-A4FRCU-01338-00646169-00646784 A lot of people kind of generaliser to say like if we change this then we're going to have to GVph-A4FRCU-01339-00646809-00647424 Change everything else but that's like really slippery GVph-A4FRCU-01340-00648396-00649011 I just like this political correctness stuff GVph-A4FRCU-01341-00649036-00649651 I don't know it since again it's more like an app that thing for me GVph-A4FRCU-01342-00649676-00650291 You as a disabled GVph-A4FRCU-01343-00650316-00650931 Person has no problem with the name gimp for a software GVph-A4FRCU-01344-00651596-00652211 I'm not saying anyone else to be offended by words I'm just saying that GVph-A4FRCU-01345-00652236-00652851 It's ok to be offended by words and at maybe we should be like GVph-A4FRCU-01346-00652876-00653491 Loki help for people that are if it's like GVph-A4FRCU-01347-00653516-00654131 Very trivial thing is it really such a bad thing to just GVph-A4FRCU-01348-00654156-00654771 Let people compile games with a build fly that says shoulders glimpse GVph-A4FRCU-01349-00654796-00655334 Why are we here GVph-A4FRCU-01350-00655360-00655974 Yeah get might have been redefined that way that GVph-A4FRCU-01351-00656000-00656614 Pretty good thing I guess GVph-A4FRCU-01352-00656640-00657254 I just had like so many bad experiences with weird open source things where are you GVph-A4FRCU-01353-00657280-00657612 Have these low effort changes that would make people happy and it's state GVph-A4FRCU-01354-00657817-00658432 We have to oppose them because something because if you change one small thing then GVph-A4FRCU-01355-00658457-00658816 There for changing big things is going to happen GVph-A4FRCU-01356-00658867-00659430 OK how am I going to debug this step through it but it's a network thing which is it GVph-A4FRCU-01357-00659456-00659865 Headache so I might have to GVph-A4FRCU-01358-00659942-00660556 Bisected and that's a headache GVph-A4FRCU-01359-00660582-00661196 Actually use our brains for this GVph-A4FRCU-01360-00661222-00661836 I just say this coming from a place where GVph-A4FRCU-01361-00661862-00662476 I had some really sore experiences with open source projects and the fundamental GVph-A4FRCU-01362-00662502-00663116 Problems came from people who I like if we change this small thing GVph-A4FRCU-01363-00663142-00663756 Arm Dan it's going to lead the changing biggest things in a GVph-A4FRCU-01364-00663782-00664396 Actually everything will be changed away from the master slave terminology GVph-A4FRCU-01365-00664422-00665036 Two singles play it probably didn't GVph-A4FRCU-01366-00665062-00665676 Ok where are we going to GVph-A4FRCU-01367-00665702-00666086 I don't think people were saying that it was going to help slaves GVph-A4FRCU-01368-00666470-00666726 Packet process single GVph-A4FRCU-01369-00666752-00666880 Services connection GVph-A4FRCU-01370-00667315-00667827 Help me where I have to set breakpoints GVph-A4FRCU-01371-00667852-00668467 Will changing the name of songs GVph-A4FRCU-01372-00668492-00668774 Master of the Puppets puppets GVph-A4FRCU-01373-00668800-00669414 Holy Night GVph-A4FRCU-01374-00669440-00670054 But I don't think anyone's 30 things I guess that's just my dear GVph-A4FRCU-01375-00670080-00670694 The whole GVph-A4FRCU-01376-00670720-00671334 2 conclusions about intense GVph-A4FRCU-01377-00671360-00671974 Really political stream how's America GVph-A4FRCU-01378-00672000-00672614 Ring that seems like a good place to start I have a lot of opinions about America as a non American GVph-A4FRCU-01379-00672640-00673254 And I feel like I have I have exactly the experience and knowledge to form opinions GVph-A4FRCU-01380-00673280-00673510 What's the traffic GVph-A4FRCU-01381-00674073-00674252 Packet processing GVph-A4FRCU-01382-00674636-00674790 What time now GVph-A4FRCU-01383-00674944-00675020 I think GVph-A4FRCU-01384-00675635-00675916 There are certain rights every puppet deserves that's true GVph-A4FRCU-01385-00676915-00677068 Keep is corrupted GVph-A4FRCU-01386-00677324-00677862 Also I just like the method which seemed to be for someone sense of political correctness by social media shitstorms GVph-A4FRCU-01387-00677888-00678092 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01388-00678195-00678374 It is Crafted GVph-A4FRCU-01389-00678425-00679040 So is this an issue of it's always an issue of memory ok GVph-A4FRCU-01390-00679398-00679577 Opted GVph-A4FRCU-01391-00679705-00680320 Why why would you do this GVph-A4FRCU-01392-00680345-00680499 Why would the heat be Crafted GVph-A4FRCU-01393-00680524-00681139 I don't understand I'm GVph-A4FRCU-01394-00681164-00681779 Sequence flash acknowledge errors is equal to 1 GVph-A4FRCU-01395-00681804-00682060 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01396-00682112-00682726 I'm actually just going to no allocated all the memory here GVph-A4FRCU-01397-00682752-00683366 I think it is funny when white affluent women get stoned to the political track stuff that people labour GVph-A4FRCU-01398-00683392-00684006 They're talking about GVph-A4FRCU-01399-00684032-00684646 What's a GVph-A4FRCU-01400-00684672-00685286 Let's just try and show me the top of the head is actually I can GVph-A4FRCU-01401-00685312-00685926 Read memory for that GVph-A4FRCU-01402-00685952-00686438 No I should be looking for anyway Malik is called should know GVph-A4FRCU-01403-00686515-00686848 Pat next to be honest I think it depends on the context yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01404-00686873-00687488 That's my main thing there's a lot of over generalisation GVph-A4FRCU-01405-00687513-00688128 It'd be good if we could have anyone's discussion about things GVph-A4FRCU-01406-00688153-00688768 Let's see our grab GVph-A4FRCU-01407-00688793-00689408 Where are you now looking stuff GVph-A4FRCU-01408-00689433-00690048 That sounds like a problem GVph-A4FRCU-01409-00690073-00690380 My program should not have Malkin in it GVph-A4FRCU-01410-00691251-00691302 Or GVph-A4FRCU-01411-00691609-00692172 No it should be fine it just shouldn't be GVph-A4FRCU-01412-00692198-00692812 Crafting the heat how does it determine that GVph-A4FRCU-01413-00692838-00693452 Determinate the heap is corrupted GVph-A4FRCU-01414-00693478-00693939 It's not the size of your packet it's how you use it GVph-A4FRCU-01415-00693964-00694579 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01416-00694604-00694886 It's Crafted GVph-A4FRCU-01417-00695552-00696166 You wrote a nice replacement for the heat but you can use instead of Malacca free GVph-A4FRCU-01418-00696192-00696806 Ok is this open source GVph-A4FRCU-01419-00696832-00697446 I'm starting to feel like this is just lips eBay GVph-A4FRCU-01420-00697472-00698086 Trash GVph-A4FRCU-01421-00698112-00698726 A fishy poos what's up here GVph-A4FRCU-01422-00698752-00699366 Ok Tony code GVph-A4FRCU-01423-00699392-00700006 No licence or ok GVph-A4FRCU-01424-00700032-00700646 What car GVph-A4FRCU-01425-00700672-00701286 Seems to be an appropriate yeah but also the source codes available GVph-A4FRCU-01426-00701414-00701516 R8 GVph-A4FRCU-01427-00701747-00701977 Replace the .io library GVph-A4FRCU-01428-00702412-00702873 The file .io library takes you to the heat and the math library GVph-A4FRCU-01429-00703104-00703206 White GVph-A4FRCU-01430-00703360-00703488 No GVph-A4FRCU-01431-00703616-00703769 I don't like that at all GVph-A4FRCU-01432-00703974-00704051 Oh GVph-A4FRCU-01433-00704230-00704844 Am I going to have to replace livesey GVph-A4FRCU-01434-00704870-00705484 OK I guess I'm replacing them c GVph-A4FRCU-01435-00705510-00706124 Does anyone have a 16 bit lips are they GVph-A4FRCU-01436-00706150-00706764 Dream my way thanks that be good GVph-A4FRCU-01437-00707328-00707686 Just any kind of car GVph-A4FRCU-01438-00708147-00708249 It shouldn't GVph-A4FRCU-01439-00708275-00708505 It should not be crafting the heap GVph-A4FRCU-01440-00708684-00708761 At all GVph-A4FRCU-01441-00709043-00709145 Let's go to GVph-A4FRCU-01442-00709248-00709427 What kind of source code GVph-A4FRCU-01443-00709529-00709708 Trash file and do some grabbing GVph-A4FRCU-01444-00709913-00710016 Maybe one of the small one GVph-A4FRCU-01445-00710041-00710169 Yeah like Mars or something GVph-A4FRCU-01446-00710400-00710553 R graph GVph-A4FRCU-01447-00710681-00710988 How does it decide if the heap is corrupt GVph-A4FRCU-01448-00711296-00711910 Ok so only happens in like the debugger GVph-A4FRCU-01449-00711936-00712550 I don't know why they spelt it with one are there GVph-A4FRCU-01450-00712729-00712985 But I guess GVph-A4FRCU-01451-00713011-00713625 You just don't have to do that anymore ok princess keep is corrupt GVph-A4FRCU-01452-00713753-00714368 Keep is corrupted GVph-A4FRCU-01453-00714393-00715008 That's not the air I got but they might have changed it GVph-A4FRCU-01454-00715033-00715648 This is version GVph-A4FRCU-01455-00715673-00716288 So let's just say the n GVph-A4FRCU-01456-00716313-00716928 Krupp just got out of the heat this craft GVph-A4FRCU-01457-00716953-00717568 That's all common to the heart but it's fine keep bad Point GVph-A4FRCU-01458-00718233-00718848 It walks the heap ok GVph-A4FRCU-01459-00719513-00720128 So GVph-A4FRCU-01460-00720153-00720768 Keep it all in this situation we should definitely be using GVph-A4FRCU-01461-00720793-00721408 Static allocation GVph-A4FRCU-01462-00721433-00722048 Can we change this to use static allocation GVph-A4FRCU-01463-00722073-00722278 Do I have the power to do that GVph-A4FRCU-01464-00722406-00722892 That would certainly make life easier GVph-A4FRCU-01465-00722944-00723302 Have a look GVph-A4FRCU-01466-00723430-00724044 Paragraph Mark GVph-A4FRCU-01467-00724070-00724684 Packet GVph-A4FRCU-01468-00724710-00725324 Profit in it GVph-A4FRCU-01469-00725452-00726067 Packet buffer the land GVph-A4FRCU-01470-00726169-00726784 It doesn't seem like it should be doing that GVph-A4FRCU-01471-00726809-00727424 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01472-00727449-00728064 Sims actually fairly trivial so let's see GVph-A4FRCU-01473-00728729-00729344 Fake GVph-A4FRCU-01474-00729369-00729984 How much just do that GVph-A4FRCU-01475-00730009-00730624 Out GVph-A4FRCU-01476-00730649-00731264 Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01477-00731289-00731904 Free GVph-A4FRCU-01478-00732339-00732851 Arthur stop GVph-A4FRCU-01479-00732953-00733568 No I don't want to GVph-A4FRCU-01480-00733593-00733900 I want to actually like OK GVph-A4FRCU-01481-00734412-00734617 Allocating memory GVph-A4FRCU-01482-00734976-00735129 That's not sit anywhere GVph-A4FRCU-01483-00735180-00735283 That seems weird GVph-A4FRCU-01484-00735411-00735539 But I will just GVph-A4FRCU-01485-00735718-00735769 Ignore GVph-A4FRCU-01486-00735974-00736409 My son called me from his tablet and the call ID said my ex's name it's weird GVph-A4FRCU-01487-00736640-00736716 Not ok GVph-A4FRCU-01488-00737920-00738022 Can we do like GVph-A4FRCU-01489-00738073-00738176 See stuff like that GVph-A4FRCU-01490-00738227-00738304 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01491-00738611-00738688 Like yours GVph-A4FRCU-01492-00738892-00738969 Can we do like GVph-A4FRCU-01493-00739020-00739174 With this version of c GVph-A4FRCU-01494-00739635-00739840 I don't know how it works I think it might be GVph-A4FRCU-01495-00739993-00740172 In your phone GVph-A4FRCU-01496-00740275-00740377 Maybe it's registered GVph-A4FRCU-01497-00740454-00740531 Not sure GVph-A4FRCU-01498-00740684-00740992 Cannot sign a portable you to an operator ticket item GVph-A4FRCU-01499-00741017-00741529 Ok that's packet buffers x packet buffalo wings GVph-A4FRCU-01500-00741580-00741683 Quickbook GVph-A4FRCU-01501-00741913-00742092 Packet buffers for GVph-A4FRCU-01502-00742144-00742220 X GVph-A4FRCU-01503-00742246-00742374 15 and 14 GVph-A4FRCU-01504-00742809-00742988 Scratcher GVph-A4FRCU-01505-00743859-00744473 Cannot sign appointment now you too interested sick item GVph-A4FRCU-01506-00745190-00745472 That make sense GVph-A4FRCU-01507-00745676-00746291 Ideally that would still cause things to work GVph-A4FRCU-01508-00746675-00746956 And not crash GVph-A4FRCU-01509-00747161-00747776 Ok so just trying to do that with the rest of the program and just get rid of this Malak GVph-A4FRCU-01510-00748518-00749056 So where else do you use Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01511-00749081-00749696 Is that help at least GVph-A4FRCU-01512-00749798-00749875 Not sure GVph-A4FRCU-01513-00749977-00750080 So GVph-A4FRCU-01514-00750105-00750233 IP and GVph-A4FRCU-01515-00750259-00750412 CCP it seems GVph-A4FRCU-01516-00750720-00750873 And TCP socket mm GVph-A4FRCU-01517-00751206-00751334 Fixit GVph-A4FRCU-01518-00751488-00751744 IP GVph-A4FRCU-01519-00752281-00752358 Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01520-00752460-00752819 Capsize reassembly GVph-A4FRCU-01521-00752844-00753459 Allocate memory for big packets that subject at all allocated memories in the same segment GVph-A4FRCU-01522-00753484-00753638 Code spot is packets GVph-A4FRCU-01523-00753689-00753843 I don't think we use that GVph-A4FRCU-01524-00753920-00754227 No we don't use fragmentation GVph-A4FRCU-01525-00754816-00754867 Set GVph-A4FRCU-01526-00755225-00755584 That seems to have worked with Anna just kills itself ok GVph-A4FRCU-01527-00755635-00755788 Dessert GVph-A4FRCU-01528-00756070-00756121 Somewhat GVph-A4FRCU-01529-00756275-00756556 Reproducible GVph-A4FRCU-01530-00757222-00757683 Where else do we have GVph-A4FRCU-01531-00757708-00757990 Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01532-00758016-00758630 We have no Malak in the packet GVph-A4FRCU-01533-00758656-00759116 Where were using malic here GVph-A4FRCU-01534-00759142-00759756 I guess we not GVph-A4FRCU-01535-00760857-00761011 Ok Malik me GVph-A4FRCU-01536-00761830-00761907 Max sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01537-00761958-00762163 Time size of TCP socket GVph-A4FRCU-01538-00762188-00762291 So what's Max socket GVph-A4FRCU-01539-00762444-00762649 Jessica manager that say GVph-A4FRCU-01540-00762726-00762803 Packets GVph-A4FRCU-01541-00762828-00762905 Implemented GVph-A4FRCU-01542-00762931-00762982 Tickets GVph-A4FRCU-01543-00763008-00763110 Set GVph-A4FRCU-01544-00763264-00763315 Not set GVph-A4FRCU-01545-00763340-00763417 Cricket set GVph-A4FRCU-01546-00763596-00763648 When we GVph-A4FRCU-01547-00763673-00763750 Unit stuff GVph-A4FRCU-01548-00763980-00764185 TCP socket ring size GVph-A4FRCU-01549-00764876-00764979 Play this music again GVph-A4FRCU-01550-00765440-00765721 So 2 * size GVph-A4FRCU-01551-00765798-00765900 Ok gotcha GVph-A4FRCU-01552-00766489-00766617 SP sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01553-00766643-00766720 Sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01554-00766796-00766848 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01555-00767462-00767539 All sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01556-00768000-00768204 Suck it's not replying GVph-A4FRCU-01557-00769331-00769612 You don't need to free anything anymore GVph-A4FRCU-01558-00770048-00770329 So no more Alex there GVph-A4FRCU-01559-00770406-00771020 Udp ok so it's probably in TCP where we're going to have the most trouble GVph-A4FRCU-01560-00771276-00771584 Voyager is TCP big GVph-A4FRCU-01561-00771712-00771993 Malik camp size GVph-A4FRCU-01562-00772147-00772531 That's the Buffett so what's the temperature going to be GVph-A4FRCU-01563-00773350-00773632 Ok so good it's a memory to have GVph-A4FRCU-01564-00774272-00774348 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01565-00774528-00774681 Exmouth barbers GVph-A4FRCU-01566-00775014-00775116 So GVph-A4FRCU-01567-00775193-00775321 When is Exmouth Fasteners GVph-A4FRCU-01568-00776704-00776985 It's a jokes for me there GVph-A4FRCU-01569-00777830-00778112 Max x midplus soda GVph-A4FRCU-01570-00778368-00778854 What's this might be where the troubles GVph-A4FRCU-01571-00779008-00779366 Thanks at GVph-A4FRCU-01572-00779545-00780160 If it's allocating more exit baths let's just say how many GVph-A4FRCU-01573-00780185-00780313 Allocate by default GVph-A4FRCU-01574-00780876-00781132 Exit Buster p GVph-A4FRCU-01575-00781209-00781337 How to say 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01576-00781747-00782131 Ok boss size GVph-A4FRCU-01577-00782617-00783232 Lamp oil equals GVph-A4FRCU-01578-00783897-00784307 We just like that too GVph-A4FRCU-01579-00784332-00784768 Buffer pool GVph-A4FRCU-01580-00784793-00785408 Probably do you have allocated accident photos GVph-A4FRCU-01581-00785433-00786048 What is that said to GVph-A4FRCU-01582-00786073-00786534 0 this is all just GVph-A4FRCU-01583-00786560-00786944 Ignored ok whatever GVph-A4FRCU-01584-00787635-00788249 On at set the two ok I got shirt GVph-A4FRCU-01585-00788275-00788812 To reset that GVph-A4FRCU-01586-00788864-00788992 Smiths poppers GVph-A4FRCU-01587-00789862-00789913 Ataxia GVph-A4FRCU-01588-00790400-00790528 Think about the tribute GVph-A4FRCU-01589-00791091-00791244 That's it 20 GVph-A4FRCU-01590-00791372-00791654 Text Matt buffers p should be too or the time GVph-A4FRCU-01591-00791731-00791859 What just quickly GVph-A4FRCU-01592-00792192-00792294 Set up to 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01593-00792499-00792550 Nice GVph-A4FRCU-01594-00792627-00792729 Nice nice nice GVph-A4FRCU-01595-00793625-00793932 I might actually have to change that GVph-A4FRCU-01596-00794598-00794752 Max GVph-A4FRCU-01597-00795801-00795878 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01598-00796160-00796544 Temp size sensitive GVph-A4FRCU-01599-00796595-00797081 Malacca man that's just do GVph-A4FRCU-01600-00797107-00797388 Exit Bob GVph-A4FRCU-01601-00797414-00797952 2 GVph-A4FRCU-01602-00797977-00798259 Actually I can just do GVph-A4FRCU-01603-00799104-00799513 Yeah I just I want to make that GVph-A4FRCU-01604-00799539-00799718 That's not a pointer GVph-A4FRCU-01605-00800281-00800896 How does it trace the hash what hash GVph-A4FRCU-01606-00800947-00801126 What did I do GVph-A4FRCU-01607-00801817-00802432 Comedy GVph-A4FRCU-01608-00802457-00802764 I don't know it's probably hurt tell coating GVph-A4FRCU-01609-00803097-00803712 Let's search it up real quick I'm curious now GVph-A4FRCU-01610-00804531-00805043 Telephone number to the core party thing so I suppose it's to do with GVph-A4FRCU-01611-00805068-00805376 Your account at the GVph-A4FRCU-01612-00805862-00806272 But your telephone GVph-A4FRCU-01613-00806297-00806604 Provider GVph-A4FRCU-01614-00806732-00807142 Set to the called party about the telephone switch GVph-A4FRCU-01615-00807500-00807987 Dick GVph-A4FRCU-01616-00808371-00808985 Curry in some instances has to access to information for third-party database GVph-A4FRCU-01617-00809011-00809318 That's weird GVph-A4FRCU-01618-00809344-00809728 Ok so apparently it's just hell GVph-A4FRCU-01619-00809779-00810393 And call ID is hell and GVph-A4FRCU-01620-00810419-00811033 Find the hell so maybe you should just stop using your phone with that soul things GVph-A4FRCU-01621-00811520-00811929 Stick it to phones GVph-A4FRCU-01622-00811955-00812569 Yeah me and my reluctant phone GVph-A4FRCU-01623-00812595-00813209 Ok so we're not GVph-A4FRCU-01624-00813235-00813849 Using temp GVph-A4FRCU-01625-00813875-00814489 What do we use the men Point here for a look at that this second GVph-A4FRCU-01626-00814515-00814592 However GVph-A4FRCU-01627-00814617-00814822 We don't need to allocate these GVph-A4FRCU-01628-00815283-00815385 That should be a dot GVph-A4FRCU-01629-00816025-00816358 So bufferpool and we're also looking at Exmouth GVph-A4FRCU-01630-00816384-00816512 Bathurst men pointer GVph-A4FRCU-01631-00816972-00817100 That just used to GVph-A4FRCU-01632-00817126-00817408 Yeah ok ok GVph-A4FRCU-01633-00817664-00818278 I'm so how does it allocate more down here somewhere right GVph-A4FRCU-01634-00818611-00818892 Set receive buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01635-00818918-00819174 Wyatt GVph-A4FRCU-01636-00819404-00819942 That's a ring buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01637-00819968-00820172 No thanks GVph-A4FRCU-01638-00820428-00821043 Is it GVph-A4FRCU-01639-00821068-00821683 How does allocate more does it not do that GVph-A4FRCU-01640-00821811-00822400 OK so you just doesn't allocate more ok GVph-A4FRCU-01641-00822425-00823040 A little strange GVph-A4FRCU-01642-00823065-00823577 And that see receiver GVph-A4FRCU-01643-00823603-00823705 Call at GVph-A4FRCU-01644-00824499-00825113 New socket set received let's listen code phone GVph-A4FRCU-01645-00825139-00825344 Using received GVph-A4FRCU-01646-00825574-00825881 Do we actually ever need set receive buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01647-00825907-00826214 Play call it in my bike GVph-A4FRCU-01648-00826240-00826854 No ok go away that GVph-A4FRCU-01649-00826879-00827084 I don't ever need that GVph-A4FRCU-01650-00827750-00827904 Ok so does this GVph-A4FRCU-01651-00827980-00828160 Do anything used for GVph-A4FRCU-01652-00828748-00829056 Is removing Malik's of any of my problems GVph-A4FRCU-01653-00829824-00830079 Text GVph-A4FRCU-01654-00830617-00830848 But should be there GVph-A4FRCU-01655-00831820-00832076 Play something GVph-A4FRCU-01656-00833049-00833408 No reference to symbol that's line 25 GVph-A4FRCU-01657-00834585-00835200 Current text collapse text looks like GVph-A4FRCU-01658-00835814-00836070 Oh wait GVph-A4FRCU-01659-00836428-00837043 Text Ned buffers GVph-A4FRCU-01660-00840294-00840678 This is all the code for this GVph-A4FRCU-01661-00841651-00842265 I might be in TCP not hate GVph-A4FRCU-01662-00843161-00843545 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01663-00843724-00844339 So there's some extra garbage here they have a look at it GVph-A4FRCU-01664-00844364-00844979 My bad GVph-A4FRCU-01665-00845004-00845619 That's not on me right GVph-A4FRCU-01666-00845644-00846259 Trickster copy that's a bit weird that OK keep GVph-A4FRCU-01667-00846284-00846899 3 hour so what they couldn't up here GVph-A4FRCU-01668-00846924-00847539 Allocated vampire so we don't need that anymore GVph-A4FRCU-01669-00847564-00848179 Get xmut buff GVph-A4FRCU-01670-00848204-00848614 Reacts with poppers GVph-A4FRCU-01671-00850636-00851251 So we never do anymore allocation GVph-A4FRCU-01672-00851788-00852326 OK does that help GVph-A4FRCU-01673-00853017-00853145 That's a lot of hours GVph-A4FRCU-01674-00853785-00854092 Conversion of return time is impossible 196 GVph-A4FRCU-01675-00854707-00854758 Katja GVph-A4FRCU-01676-00857036-00857190 Ara GVph-A4FRCU-01677-00857241-00857446 Traffic sign light expression GVph-A4FRCU-01678-00857676-00858009 Return Exmouth bath GVph-A4FRCU-01679-00858752-00858854 Interesting GVph-A4FRCU-01680-00859033-00859264 Is that returns it to the pool GVph-A4FRCU-01681-00859571-00859878 Search just do that GVph-A4FRCU-01682-00859904-00860185 And GVph-A4FRCU-01683-00860748-00861363 Ok that's a problem there GVph-A4FRCU-01684-00861388-00861977 Say there's no free buffers ever GVph-A4FRCU-01685-00862028-00862643 Probably not do I return the puffer here GVph-A4FRCU-01686-00863027-00863641 Get maximum bath GVph-A4FRCU-01687-00863948-00864025 But it probably GVph-A4FRCU-01688-00864051-00864153 Tyres return GVph-A4FRCU-01689-00864204-00864256 Next bus GVph-A4FRCU-01690-00864537-00864844 Jesus Christ ok until that GVph-A4FRCU-01691-00864870-00865279 Undo all that GVph-A4FRCU-01692-00865510-00866124 There GVph-A4FRCU-01693-00866278-00866892 TCP buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01694-00866918-00867046 Farts GVph-A4FRCU-01695-00867071-00867686 We're just going to say camp = GVph-A4FRCU-01696-00867712-00868044 What's 5 size GVph-A4FRCU-01697-00868095-00868710 What size is bigger GVph-A4FRCU-01698-00868736-00869350 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01699-00869376-00869990 Turn equals big craft GVph-A4FRCU-01700-00870656-00871270 Sophos size it was TCP buffer plus that GVph-A4FRCU-01701-00871936-00872550 What is what is the size about GVph-A4FRCU-01702-00872576-00873190 Amethyst advertise GVph-A4FRCU-01703-00875136-00875750 Alright alright GVph-A4FRCU-01704-00876416-00877030 We're just going to GVph-A4FRCU-01705-00877056-00877670 Set that to the 24 GVph-A4FRCU-01706-00877695-00878310 Oh that's a GVph-A4FRCU-01707-00878976-00879385 Size of big bath GVph-A4FRCU-01708-00879539-00880153 Greater than 10 size GVph-A4FRCU-01709-00880179-00880793 Otherwise I like now GVph-A4FRCU-01710-00880819-00881433 Hello GVph-A4FRCU-01711-00881459-00882073 A weird way to do it but hopefully it's a good way GVph-A4FRCU-01712-00882099-00882713 Directions to sing GVph-A4FRCU-01713-00882739-00883353 Raps tickets GVph-A4FRCU-01714-00883379-00883993 Change the head off all to GVph-A4FRCU-01715-00884019-00884633 SP suck m GVph-A4FRCU-01716-00884659-00885273 3 all sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01717-00886579-00887193 Ok so we need more GVph-A4FRCU-01718-00887219-00887833 1 kilobytes GVph-A4FRCU-01719-00892339-00892953 Say how much memory I need GVph-A4FRCU-01720-00893619-00894233 Looks like it mate GVph-A4FRCU-01721-00896332-00896460 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01722-00897331-00897536 Is it going to trash the heat less GVph-A4FRCU-01723-00898124-00898201 Possibly GVph-A4FRCU-01724-00898432-00898739 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01725-00900454-00901068 Play violet GVph-A4FRCU-01726-00901094-00901708 Size memory size GVph-A4FRCU-01727-00909414-00909721 Ok so we go back here GVph-A4FRCU-01728-00910976-00911257 The heap is getting corrupt GVph-A4FRCU-01729-00911487-00911590 Don't know why GVph-A4FRCU-01730-00911820-00911974 I guess it just is GVph-A4FRCU-01731-00912102-00912230 How computers work GVph-A4FRCU-01732-00913510-00913587 Yeah this music GVph-A4FRCU-01733-00913638-00913715 Big Mary GVph-A4FRCU-01734-00914252-00914483 Make the stacks smaller 200 things GVph-A4FRCU-01735-00914508-00914713 Only allocating much on the stack GVph-A4FRCU-01736-00917068-00917324 It was so allocates the ring buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01737-00917657-00917785 But it's only for receiving GVph-A4FRCU-01738-00918451-00918758 How to create DCP buffers ok GVph-A4FRCU-01739-00918784-00918988 The Trace that real quick GVph-A4FRCU-01740-00920166-00920371 12/24 GVph-A4FRCU-01741-00920832-00921446 I just said that to what to do for GVph-A4FRCU-01742-00923366-00923545 It's also pullback in GVph-A4FRCU-01743-00923571-00923904 The Sleep polls GVph-A4FRCU-01744-00924057-00924287 Is it my code that's GVph-A4FRCU-01745-00924339-00924569 Smashing the heap GVph-A4FRCU-01746-00925747-00926079 48 kilobytes GVph-A4FRCU-01747-00928537-00928691 That should be yet GVph-A4FRCU-01748-00930022-00930406 I might just have to end up for Rockingham PCP GVph-A4FRCU-01749-00930457-00930739 Under development GVph-A4FRCU-01750-00930764-00931097 I'm making a lot of weird changes to it GVph-A4FRCU-01751-00931123-00931558 Ok so back to Jesus GVph-A4FRCU-01752-00932505-00933043 If size of big but greater than 10 sites ok such a big greater than or equal to GVph-A4FRCU-01753-00936243-00936832 I just noticed that Daisy GVph-A4FRCU-01754-00937036-00937087 Call GVph-A4FRCU-01755-00937113-00937216 Thing on her GVph-A4FRCU-01756-00937241-00937420 Mastodon GVph-A4FRCU-01757-00937856-00938060 The metal sign GVph-A4FRCU-01758-00938419-00938521 What score GVph-A4FRCU-01759-00938624-00938905 You are very social it's awesome GVph-A4FRCU-01760-00940518-00941004 My friend calls did manage to get obs setup which is great GVph-A4FRCU-01761-00941440-00941875 Using Intel for GVph-A4FRCU-01762-00941926-00942028 Encoding GVph-A4FRCU-01763-00942054-00942668 Using is intel GPU for encoding the recording is AMD 13 code in the Stream GVph-A4FRCU-01764-00943334-00943948 Play crash crash GVph-A4FRCU-01765-00943974-00944588 Please toss ok so it's not crashing GVph-A4FRCU-01766-00945254-00945868 Is this good GVph-A4FRCU-01767-00945894-00946508 It seems good it seems like it seems GVph-A4FRCU-01768-00946534-00947148 Like good but it also might not be good GVph-A4FRCU-01769-00947174-00947788 Because it just crashed now something weird is happening GVph-A4FRCU-01770-00947814-00948403 I would guess it's when it's setting GVph-A4FRCU-01771-00948479-00948633 Timer on 10 camera GVph-A4FRCU-01772-00949324-00949427 Because that would be GVph-A4FRCU-01773-00949734-00949913 It's happening all the time so it's just GVph-A4FRCU-01774-00950016-00950144 Not set the old GVph-A4FRCU-01775-00950169-00950271 Time it take hammer GVph-A4FRCU-01776-00950604-00950784 Let's just see what that does GVph-A4FRCU-01777-00951270-00951552 There's one thing I've learnt is that the timer with GVph-A4FRCU-01778-00951603-00951859 Spam you with the issues and it's the time as fol GVph-A4FRCU-01779-00952678-00952857 I might have to add some canaries GVph-A4FRCU-01780-00952883-00952985 Office GVph-A4FRCU-01781-00954163-00954291 Because GVph-A4FRCU-01782-00954393-00954624 It's in the heap now but GVph-A4FRCU-01783-00954854-00955110 Occys yeah that's GVph-A4FRCU-01784-00955136-00955340 Little bit what I was worried about GVph-A4FRCU-01785-00955622-00955955 It might now be overriding code GVph-A4FRCU-01786-00956083-00956236 It's overflowing GVph-A4FRCU-01787-00956313-00956928 That's not good GVph-A4FRCU-01788-00958131-00958233 What's the GVph-A4FRCU-01789-00958284-00958336 Big boss GVph-A4FRCU-01790-00958361-00958745 What's ads GVph-A4FRCU-01791-00958822-00958873 8 GVph-A4FRCU-01792-00959744-00960281 That should be initialised with Sarah Wright GVph-A4FRCU-01793-00960358-00960716 So if we add 8 to it GVph-A4FRCU-01794-00960768-00961049 And then we do the same or GVph-A4FRCU-01795-00961100-00961715 Huahwi any other buffers GVph-A4FRCU-01796-00961740-00962355 Then we should be able to tell if they're overflowing GVph-A4FRCU-01797-00963763-00964377 It shouldn't be ok flying GVph-A4FRCU-01798-00964403-00965017 But it looks like in ears to nose GVph-A4FRCU-01799-00965043-00965657 It could be nothing GVph-A4FRCU-01800-00965683-00966297 Wall sockets 3 sockets GVph-A4FRCU-01801-00966937-00967552 PC suck management GVph-A4FRCU-01802-00967577-00967910 Such a bit term GVph-A4FRCU-01803-00969190-00969292 Hey there GVph-A4FRCU-01804-00969318-00969625 3 GVph-A4FRCU-01805-00970009-00970240 Packet to GVph-A4FRCU-01806-00970368-00970649 Make Malik 6056 GVph-A4FRCU-01807-00970700-00971008 Plus 8 GVph-A4FRCU-01808-00971033-00971264 Stop + 8 GVph-A4FRCU-01809-00971571-00972185 And then we can check the see if it's overwritten GVph-A4FRCU-01810-00972211-00972825 Those 0 disconnected kind of a canary GVph-A4FRCU-01811-00972851-00973414 By using the memory map kind of figure out GVph-A4FRCU-01812-00973440-00974054 Read think should be GVph-A4FRCU-01813-00974720-00975334 Map GVph-A4FRCU-01814-00976153-00976768 That interrupts GVph-A4FRCU-01815-00976793-00977408 It was really old about that I can't quite please GVph-A4FRCU-01816-00977433-00978048 Why damn it is that it GVph-A4FRCU-01817-00978252-00978867 No that's not it old Patrol brake handle GVph-A4FRCU-01818-00978892-00979507 It's not it GVph-A4FRCU-01819-00983628-00983756 I can do that GVph-A4FRCU-01820-00983910-00983987 That's a good idea GVph-A4FRCU-01821-00984192-00984294 I might do it GVph-A4FRCU-01822-00984371-00984627 Use a struct instead of just a raw buffer GVph-A4FRCU-01823-00984755-00984806 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01824-00984832-00984934 So let's see GVph-A4FRCU-01825-00985856-00986470 Start a segment 64 ok catch up GVph-A4FRCU-01826-00989056-00989670 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01827-00989926-00990540 I'm headed in truck called 6 so it's a 6 to 4 GVph-A4FRCU-01828-00991308-00991923 Let's get the memory map and look for GVph-A4FRCU-01829-00991948-00992563 IKEA GVph-A4FRCU-01830-00992588-00993203 What are my alarms GVph-A4FRCU-01831-00993228-00993843 Uses for table GVph-A4FRCU-01832-00993868-00994483 I do GVph-A4FRCU-01833-00994508-00995123 Wake me up Sophie GVph-A4FRCU-01834-00995148-00995763 7 days GVph-A4FRCU-01835-00995788-00996403 I might have some alignment for that this will see what's up GVph-A4FRCU-01836-00996659-00997273 Icebox GVph-A4FRCU-01837-00998579-00998630 Nope GVph-A4FRCU-01838-00998681-00998783 No has GVph-A4FRCU-01839-00998911-00998988 Quiet GVph-A4FRCU-01840-00999321-00999654 Kate GVph-A4FRCU-01841-00999782-01000089 Where is the GVph-A4FRCU-01842-01000243-01000550 Beatbox dv78 GVph-A4FRCU-01843-01000601-01000703 River flowing there GVph-A4FRCU-01844-01000755-01001139 Sister GVph-A4FRCU-01845-01002521-01003135 TV 78 GVph-A4FRCU-01846-01003161-01003775 That hasn't overflowed that's good GVph-A4FRCU-01847-01003801-01004415 TCP sockets db4 GVph-A4FRCU-01848-01005081-01005695 And it goes up to 3 GVph-A4FRCU-01849-01005721-01006335 Not sure what happens time GVph-A4FRCU-01850-01008255-01008358 Let's assume that's GVph-A4FRCU-01851-01008383-01008435 Fine GVph-A4FRCU-01852-01009228-01009715 What are we got on the heat GVph-A4FRCU-01853-01010124-01010739 R9 f76 GVph-A4FRCU-01854-01010764-01011379 Snoop around GVph-A4FRCU-01855-01011404-01012019 So what's on the hypno episode 6th GVph-A4FRCU-01856-01012044-01012659 Phone f46 GVph-A4FRCU-01857-01012684-01013299 Turns that the heap is that a Joey 8808 GVph-A4FRCU-01858-01013964-01014579 46 ok so GVph-A4FRCU-01859-01014835-01014886 Dissh GVph-A4FRCU-01860-01015014-01015065 Hey Siri GVph-A4FRCU-01861-01015091-01015219 438 GVph-A4FRCU-01862-01016473-01016627 That would be all the hair GVph-A4FRCU-01863-01017574-01017651 Oh GVph-A4FRCU-01864-01018495-01018572 Oh GVph-A4FRCU-01865-01018598-01018879 Ass big ass GVph-A4FRCU-01866-01019007-01019289 I See problems GVph-A4FRCU-01867-01022438-01023052 When is the Heath end GVph-A4FRCU-01868-01025484-01026099 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01869-01026124-01026739 00 GVph-A4FRCU-01870-01028172-01028787 But the only keep stuff keep Jack GVph-A4FRCU-01871-01029017-01029631 Enabled GVph-A4FRCU-01872-01030297-01030911 Put on GVph-A4FRCU-01873-01030937-01031372 That's what colour code GVph-A4FRCU-01874-01032524-01032780 Cold GVph-A4FRCU-01875-01032857-01032985 Library GVph-A4FRCU-01876-01033497-01034111 And Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01877-01034777-01035366 Perth seems to be the same code GVph-A4FRCU-01878-01035391-01036006 Small data GVph-A4FRCU-01879-01036851-01037465 Extra stuff here GVph-A4FRCU-01880-01038131-01038745 Including GVph-A4FRCU-01881-01038771-01039385 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01882-01047910-01048447 Walks to head GVph-A4FRCU-01883-01050982-01051161 What would minihip GVph-A4FRCU-01884-01056409-01057023 Keep warm GVph-A4FRCU-01885-01057740-01058355 Yes keep ok something that this has GVph-A4FRCU-01886-01066649-01067263 If it's not writing the head mask GVph-A4FRCU-01887-01067289-01067443 Breaking GVph-A4FRCU-01888-01067468-01068083 Environment GVph-A4FRCU-01889-01069388-01070003 Me up your hopes name GVph-A4FRCU-01890-01071999-01072614 So it would be GVph-A4FRCU-01891-01073279-01073587 Wake me up the bathroom GVph-A4FRCU-01892-01074892-01075507 The only people that use print out freely GVph-A4FRCU-01893-01075532-01075686 If we have GVph-A4FRCU-01894-01077119-01077222 Incoming pack GVph-A4FRCU-01895-01078067-01078143 Thank you GVph-A4FRCU-01896-01078246-01078297 I want to GVph-A4FRCU-01897-01078527-01078630 Incoming packets GVph-A4FRCU-01898-01078681-01078732 Warwick GVph-A4FRCU-01899-01079910-01079987 Copy GVph-A4FRCU-01900-01080115-01080319 It to the far right Arthur GVph-A4FRCU-01901-01080575-01080652 Oh no GVph-A4FRCU-01902-01082035-01082239 That's not nearly enough GVph-A4FRCU-01903-01082316-01082649 This is where I went wrong GVph-A4FRCU-01904-01082777-01082879 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01905-01083238-01083468 I think that's the issue GVph-A4FRCU-01906-01083801-01084057 I'm cropped in the heat because I'm an idiot GVph-A4FRCU-01907-01084364-01084723 That makes so much sense GVph-A4FRCU-01908-01085363-01085491 Let's see if this works GVph-A4FRCU-01909-01085593-01085977 Oh my god is it going to work GVph-A4FRCU-01910-01086463-01086745 How to spell second GVph-A4FRCU-01911-01086796-01087283 Spooky is this going to work music GVph-A4FRCU-01912-01089228-01089382 OK are you going to GVph-A4FRCU-01913-01089407-01089689 Kill my connection or not GVph-A4FRCU-01914-01091711-01091891 Ok that was such a GVph-A4FRCU-01915-01091993-01092044 Idiot GVph-A4FRCU-01916-01092351-01092531 2 hours debugging GVph-A4FRCU-01917-01092659-01092735 But GVph-A4FRCU-01918-01093145-01093759 It's looking like the issue is because I was copying data into a buffer that was too small because I made GVph-A4FRCU-01919-01093785-01094092 Smaller earlier because I was trying to make the code smaller GVph-A4FRCU-01920-01094297-01094604 Making read barber Size Me 2 connection GVph-A4FRCU-01921-01094630-01094988 Copy stuff into the Buffett quickly yes it all works now GVph-A4FRCU-01922-01095116-01095577 That's a good fitting end for not only this streamer but my life GVph-A4FRCU-01923-01095935-01096191 So this mean GVph-A4FRCU-01924-01096217-01096371 It works GVph-A4FRCU-01925-01096396-01096524 It's all good GVph-A4FRCU-01926-01096627-01096908 I can smash with input GVph-A4FRCU-01927-01097062-01097190 Clout like that GVph-A4FRCU-01928-01097574-01098188 That's good so if I get rid of the Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01929-01098828-01098982 Nice GVph-A4FRCU-01930-01099007-01099622 Getting rid of Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01931-01099647-01100262 I'm not sure if it's something I should do or not GVph-A4FRCU-01932-01100441-01100902 The advantage of getting rid of Malik GVph-A4FRCU-01933-01100927-01101542 Pimpala time I can figure out if it's if I have enough GVph-A4FRCU-01934-01101567-01101695 Space left for my program GVph-A4FRCU-01935-01101747-01102028 But I suppose I could also just check that out at runtime GVph-A4FRCU-01936-01102054-01102105 Etsy GVph-A4FRCU-01937-01102233-01102335 P&O 9c GVph-A4FRCU-01938-01102668-01102847 How many bytes would I have GVph-A4FRCU-01939-01102873-01102975 Theoretically left GVph-A4FRCU-01940-01103359-01103436 So GVph-A4FRCU-01941-01103820-01103871 4 GVph-A4FRCU-01942-01105817-01105971 Could be enough for a program GVph-A4FRCU-01943-01106150-01106227 I feel like a GVph-A4FRCU-01944-01106278-01106380 High tide at wrong GVph-A4FRCU-01945-01106764-01106995 309 CEO 9c GVph-A4FRCU-01946-01107251-01107430 1D 63 GVph-A4FRCU-01947-01107455-01107660 How many GVph-A4FRCU-01948-01107711-01107839 It says that GVph-A4FRCU-01949-01108121-01108198 7 GVph-A4FRCU-01950-01108351-01108479 7 bikes GVph-A4FRCU-01951-01108761-01108940 Nearly 8 kilobytes GVph-A4FRCU-01952-01109094-01109145 No way GVph-A4FRCU-01953-01109247-01109350 I think so GVph-A4FRCU-01954-01109964-01110041 Yeah GVph-A4FRCU-01955-01110118-01110195 Ok GVph-A4FRCU-01956-01110732-01110988 I should be able to fit a bottle in 4K GVph-A4FRCU-01957-01111091-01111167 I believe GVph-A4FRCU-01958-01112703-01112857 3 hours GVph-A4FRCU-01959-01113113-01113343 I don't think there's any more bot GVph-A4FRCU-01960-01113420-01113574 Any more bots in the bugs GVph-A4FRCU-01961-01113625-01113727 Rugs GVph-A4FRCU-01962-01113753-01113830 NBL GVph-A4FRCU-01963-01113881-01114214 TSB handling zone Xtreme will basically be me GVph-A4FRCU-01964-01114342-01114521 Cleaning up the code and GVph-A4FRCU-01965-01114547-01114803 Starting to write the bot itself hopefully GVph-A4FRCU-01966-01114956-01115059 That's exciting GVph-A4FRCU-01967-01115878-01116057 Thanks for hanging around GVph-A4FRCU-01968-01116262-01116492 See you whenever I stream next I guess