SET-XGyw85E-00000-00000003-00000411 All right we are loading up the car. We are headed to the beach. It's gonna be a SET-XGyw85E-00001-00000411-00001748 good day isn't it Ruby Kay? Yeah! Welcome to my world. SET-XGyw85E-00002-00001748-00002493 Oh my gosh. Here we are in the house that we will be staying at over the next SET-XGyw85E-00003-00002493-00003105 couple weeks in Florida. It is so cool unique Corky and it just has a lot of SET-XGyw85E-00004-00003105-00003450 character. I'm really excited to be here for the next couple weeks SET-XGyw85E-00005-00003450-00004212 and take you guys along on this journey and just enjoy some time together and SET-XGyw85E-00006-00004212-00004830 enjoy the sunshine. Actually the sun always shines, right in Florida. Oh my SET-XGyw85E-00007-00004830-00005630 gosh and just the smell and the air is different than home. The temperature is a SET-XGyw85E-00008-00005630-00006107 different than it is at home. We have friends arriving some arrived yesterday SET-XGyw85E-00009-00006107-00006828 some are arriving tomorrow. We are gonna hang out and just make memories and have SET-XGyw85E-00010-00006828-00007300 fun and laugh. SET-XGyw85E-00011-00008225-00008742 In operation fill a string we bought these at the store the other day and we SET-XGyw85E-00012-00008742-00009545 are going to greet the Morgans with love and fill it straight let's go get them! SET-XGyw85E-00013-00011940-00012531 Oh my gosh! I really hope I don't sound like a jerk but I love you don't have to SET-XGyw85E-00014-00012531-00013134 work my freaking laptop and my cell phone and not have to show up SET-XGyw85E-00015-00013134-00013521 at the stinking salon. I shouldn't say stinking salon as I love it and I learned so SET-XGyw85E-00016-00013521-00013944 much from owning the business for 11 years. But dang it this is what I'm SET-XGyw85E-00017-00013944-00014250 talking about. I'm checking out the pool. I am doing my SET-XGyw85E-00018-00014250-00014966 thing over here. Hanging out, sipping on a Moscow Mule and it's like this is for SET-XGyw85E-00019-00014966-00015488 real how did my life because you're huge turn like I knew like subconsciously SET-XGyw85E-00020-00015488-00015915 like if I had a dream this is what I wanted but now I'm living it and doing SET-XGyw85E-00021-00015915-00016821 it and it's like oh my gosh you can do. You, you, you, I promise you can have to SET-XGyw85E-00022-00016821-00017475 trust me on this like I can help you with this lifestyle whether it's doing SET-XGyw85E-00023-00017475-00017796 makeup and doing what I do or just finding the way to go a business through SET-XGyw85E-00024-00017796-00018341 social media and online like e-commerce baby. SET-XGyw85E-00025-00019833-00020502 I do know a little bit about how my life this turn there was enough of a desire SET-XGyw85E-00026-00020502-00020946 in a want and I knew it was a need that I needed to make a change on what I was SET-XGyw85E-00027-00020946-00021648 doing and how I was creating income so I've been self-employed since I was 19. SET-XGyw85E-00028-00021648-00022158 I did so that's not really traditional but I'm not really SET-XGyw85E-00029-00022158-00022929 traditional and so one thing that I think I get asked a lot. How do you SET-XGyw85E-00030-00022929-00023337 accomplish so much and kind of efficiently or how do you get so much SET-XGyw85E-00031-00023337-00023820 done because I don't have that much time and also how do you spend so much time SET-XGyw85E-00032-00023820-00024480 in Florida. Here's the thing list makers gonna list and get stuff done so not SET-XGyw85E-00033-00024480-00025191 only am i a list maker but I am a goal setter. I use like oh you know ten SET-XGyw85E-00034-00025191-00025635 years. I'm gonna do this and five years I would do this and this year I want to do SET-XGyw85E-00035-00025635-00026025 this and what what happens is I would kind of procrastinate and I would get SET-XGyw85E-00036-00026025-00026439 frustrated because I needed that entrepreneur film and so I started SET-XGyw85E-00037-00026439-00026892 shortening my goal. Okay, what I want to do in the next 30 days 90 days. You know SET-XGyw85E-00038-00026892-00027369 what's the one thing I need to accomplish this week and the things that I prioritize my SET-XGyw85E-00039-00027369-00027768 time on are things are giving me closer to that one month or three months goal. SET-XGyw85E-00040-00027768-00028512 I am free and you guys see me writing in this all the time. This is my SET-XGyw85E-00041-00028512-00028958 planner this is for this week while I'm on vacation and it looks like a lot and SET-XGyw85E-00042-00028958-00029457 it really it is but it's a bunch of little things that are gonna keep me SET-XGyw85E-00043-00029457-00029895 consistent keep me moving forward and keep me doing the things that I need to SET-XGyw85E-00044-00029895-00030522 do because this is the end of the first quarter of 2018. I have huge goals SET-XGyw85E-00045-00030522-00030888 for 2018 but this first quarter matters how I SET-XGyw85E-00046-00030888-00031395 finish so I want you to take a look at your yearly goals what do you want to SET-XGyw85E-00047-00031395-00031791 achieve in 2018 and what do you need to probably get down this first quarter the SET-XGyw85E-00048-00031791-00032202 first three months. I challenge you what do you want to achieve this year? What do SET-XGyw85E-00049-00032202-00032652 you want to do 2018? What do you want to do this year? Make lists, write it down, SET-XGyw85E-00050-00032652-00033128 break it down, dissect, chop it up. Whatever you have to do but make them SET-XGyw85E-00051-00033128-00033537 teeny tiny little micro goals so then you can do something every single day SET-XGyw85E-00052-00033537-00034203 to get you closer to where you want to be. SET-XGyw85E-00053-00035416-00036366 I'm Liz medley and I believe in you you. SHnGZs27UM4-00000-00000866-00000995 Dreams SHnGZs27UM4-00001-00001333-00001729 In order to fulfill yours, you have to cross ways, SHnGZs27UM4-00002-00001729-00002295 You have to earn it. No one can do it for you, there ain’t no money that can buy it. SHnGZs27UM4-00003-00002425-00002875 And this ways are like maps inked in your soul. SHnGZs27UM4-00004-00002875-00003137 So, give it a little thought before choosing one. SHnGZs27UM4-00005-00003137-00003400 Because, one day, you will remember your choices, SHnGZs27UM4-00006-00003400-00003904 and will revisit all those memories that made who you are right now, SHnGZs27UM4-00007-00003929-00004212 and in that moment, you will either laugh or cry, SHnGZs27UM4-00008-00004212-00004750 Because you will know for sure that what really matters is the journey you had it to get there. SHnGZs27UM4-00009-00005720-00005983 To travel could be translated into an endless poetry, SHnGZs27UM4-00010-00005983-00006325 it’s like in every moment, there is a word to be said or written. SHnGZs27UM4-00011-00006354-00006866 But it all depends on who is reading it, all those messages could turn into wordless pages, SHnGZs27UM4-00012-00006866-00007237 or just a change of landscape through your window. SHnGZs27UM4-00013-00007237-00007558 But thats, all right! Travelling is always good anyway. SHnGZs27UM4-00014-00007570-00007933 What you are going to feel, will depend on where your mind is. SHnGZs27UM4-00015-00007945-00008591 If mind and heart are balanced at the same frequency, and if you are sitting above a saddle, for example SHnGZs27UM4-00016-00008616-00009108 you will find that places like Norway, are even better than you heard of, SHnGZs27UM4-00017-00009108-00009370 or have seen in any picture. SHnGZs27UM4-00018-00010387-00010850 They talk about bears and wolves, but what you’re really going to see are, sheeps! SHnGZs27UM4-00019-00010850-00011041 Well, maybe it’s better this way. SHnGZs27UM4-00020-00011141-00011500 While they come really close, the cars, are far away! SHnGZs27UM4-00021-00011545-00012095 There no shoulder-straps in most of the highways in Norway, but this is not a problem. SHnGZs27UM4-00022-00012120-00012983 If there ain’t no bicycle path on the road, cars, trucks and even buses will even stop for you! SHnGZs27UM4-00023-00013116-00013433 Safetycomes first! SHnGZs27UM4-00024-00013566-00014158 “Here in the island of Senja, a region known by its fjords, the are lots of tunnels, SHnGZs27UM4-00025-00014229-00014725 most of them are too narrow, and because of that im experiencing something i’ve never seen, SHnGZs27UM4-00026-00014725-00014962 and probably won’t see again, SHnGZs27UM4-00027-00014962-00015129 here, SHnGZs27UM4-00028-00015287-00015829 before the tunnel, there is a sign and a button for ciclysts to push before entering, SHnGZs27UM4-00029-00015858-00016091 see what happens... SHnGZs27UM4-00030-00016612-00017179 A flashing light goes on, and on the other side theres another one, SHnGZs27UM4-00031-00017250-00017650 so drivers know there is a bike going through.” SHnGZs27UM4-00032-00018383-00018987 Yes, what you heard is true, it’s one of the most expensive countries in the world, but that doesn’t mean you need a lot of money to travel around here. SHnGZs27UM4-00033-00019070-00019491 There is a national law that allows anyone to camp anywhere, SHnGZs27UM4-00034-00019491-00020112 as long as you stay 100 meters far from any private constructed property. SHnGZs27UM4-00035-00020116-00020712 So, with a vast landscape, potable water everywhere, SHnGZs27UM4-00036-00020712-00021233 without worrying about safety and sleeping basicaly anywhere you want, SHnGZs27UM4-00037-00021233-00021595 your only problem will be having discipline while shopping. SHnGZs27UM4-00038-00023095-00023537 The whole country is an amusement park for any outdoor lover! SHnGZs27UM4-00039-00023645-00023991 And amazingly perfect for bike touring! SHnGZs27UM4-00040-00024450-00024900 Rocky roads, waterfalls, rivers and glaciers. SHnGZs27UM4-00041-00024900-00025350 You fall asleep and wake up with a symphony of rolling waters. SHnGZs27UM4-00042-00025658-00026016 Nature shows itself in so many different ways… SHnGZs27UM4-00043-00026045-00026245 like the Fjords, for example… SHnGZs27UM4-00044-00027233-00027758 During summer time, when the sun hides, you better be ready: temperature drops next to zero degrees Celsius! SHnGZs27UM4-00045-00027841-00028204 And if you are high up the mountains during these moments… SHnGZs27UM4-00046-00030004-00030683 “Now I'm at an altitude of 1400 meters, on my way to Trondheim, SHnGZs27UM4-00047-00030683-00031450 don’t know if you can see it on the video, but the first snow flakes are starting to fall, the first snow of my trip, SHnGZs27UM4-00048-00031450-00031812 It's very cold, around -1, -2 degrees Celsius SHnGZs27UM4-00049-00031812-00032408 it’s simply amazing, specially if you think, I came all the way from south america riding my bike, SHnGZs27UM4-00050-00032408-00032862 and now I'm in Norway, riding through the snow, it’s almost unreal!!!” SHnGZs27UM4-00051-00034650-00035187 The geography here is really complicated, and even during summer time it can be tricky! SHnGZs27UM4-00052-00035187-00035729 Although it’s a big country, it’s not very populated, which can make the ride really lonely. SHnGZs27UM4-00053-00035729-00036158 So, any unexpected surprise, can be costly. SHnGZs27UM4-00054-00036158-00036808 This just reinforces that you have to be ready for everything, so you can make the best of your experience. SHnGZs27UM4-00055-00036808-00037237 But if you can get through all obstacles and make it to the north on the right time of the year, SHnGZs27UM4-00056-00037237-00037625 your reward will be one of the most incredible spectacles of nature: SHnGZs27UM4-00057-00037625-00037825 The northern lights! SHnGZs27UM4-00058-00042041-00042620 “I’m on a beach now, it’s called Uttakleiv, on Lofoten Island, SHnGZs27UM4-00059-00042620-00043116 region inside the arctic polar circle, SHnGZs27UM4-00060-00043116-00043925 I’m really isolated, there isn’t any kind of light here, there are no homes anywhere near, SHnGZs27UM4-00061-00043925-00044516 and little while ago, around eleven, there was almost no natural light, SHnGZs27UM4-00062-00044516-00045225 I looked at the sky and started to see something different, but I couldn’t identify it, SHnGZs27UM4-00063-00045225-00045725 so I got my camera, and looking through the view finder, SHnGZs27UM4-00064-00045725-00046195 I saw it, the green light I could not see with my eyes, the Northern Lights SHnGZs27UM4-00065-00046195-00046787 and as darker as it gets, you can see more and more, SHnGZs27UM4-00066-00046795-00047554 and it’s amazing, one of my biggest dreams, SHnGZs27UM4-00067-00047583-00048279 and I’m so lucky to fulfill that in this incredible place!" SHnGZs27UM4-00068-00048758-00049308 To photograph, to register your steps, to share your reflections and stories like these, SHnGZs27UM4-00069-00049308-00050175 is like showing how a road full of dreams, even bigger than the ones we set ourselves to pursue. SHnGZs27UM4-00070-00050191-00050954 There is magic in testifying the northern lights on site, specially getting there by bike. SHnGZs27UM4-00071-00050975-00051579 Getting your camera out and trying to frame that moment, is like looking for the golden pot, SHnGZs27UM4-00072-00051579-00051779 It's like feeling as a kid again. SHnGZs27UM4-00073-00051924-00052500 Once you are a kid again, probably you meet your best version of yourself. SHnGZs27UM4-00074-00052695-00053304 The picture, the capture, or the story we are going to tell, is not important anymore. SHnGZs27UM4-00075-00053358-00053620 That kid just wants to be out there, SHnGZs27UM4-00076-00053620-00053916 playing, running around, looking at the sky, SHnGZs27UM4-00077-00053916-00054116 chasing new dreams SHnGZs27UM4-00078-00054116-00054408 and maybe finding others on the way. SHuKApq82vy-00000-00000024-00000544 Are you considering moving to Seattle? There are many reasons to move to Seattle but SHuKApq82vy-00001-00000544-00001200 I'm going to share with you just a few. It is beautiful here. We have lots of natural beauty. SHuKApq82vy-00002-00001200-00001696 We have mountains ,we have tons of water, you can hike, you can ski, you can boat, SHuKApq82vy-00003-00001696-00002424 you can fish ,go camping . There's lots of outdoor life . When the sun is out and the skies SHuKApq82vy-00004-00002424-00003032 are blue it is the most beautiful place ever! Mount Rainier is one of the best views around SHuKApq82vy-00005-00003032-00003576 and in Snoqualmie we have Snoqualmie Falls- which is a huge waterfall that is beautiful. SHuKApq82vy-00006-00003656-00004272 Another great reason is jobs. We have lots of jobs in Seattle and the surrounding areas . We SHuKApq82vy-00007-00004272-00005112 have lots of high wage earning jobs - Microsoft , Google, Expedia, Boeing, Amazon, Facebook and SHuKApq82vy-00008-00005112-00005704 Costco are just to name a few. If you like what you're hearing so far go hit the subscribe button SHuKApq82vy-00009-00005704-00006224 and the little bell for notifications that way you'll be notified of all my upcoming videos. SHuKApq82vy-00010-00006224-00006816 We love our coffee and beer! Seattle is known for its micro brews and craft beers and we are home SHuKApq82vy-00011-00006816-00007423 to Starbucks and Seattle's best coffee. You can pretty much find a coffee stand on every corner SHuKApq82vy-00012-00007480-00008072 even in the suburbs of Seattle. Did you know that 70% of our nation's hops are grown in SHuKApq82vy-00013-00008072-00008920 Yakima? - Which is on the east side of Washington . Weather The weather in Seattle is mild. If you SHuKApq82vy-00014-00008920-00009408 don't mind a little drizzle ,you can do most activities year-round except for sunbathing. SHuKApq82vy-00015-00009408-00010032 Sports still happen , garage sales still happen, parties still happen. The drizzle doesn't stop us. SHuKApq82vy-00016-00010032-00010504 In fact you can tell if someone is from Seattle if they just wear a raincoat and are not using an SHuKApq82vy-00017-00010504-00011120 umbrella. We pretty much have all four seasons. In the winter we get a week or two of freezing. SHuKApq82vy-00018-00011120-00011600 Some years we get a few days of snow. Mostly we just have gray days with a SHuKApq82vy-00019-00011600-00012192 few treats of sun sprinkled in . In the spring we usually get a little bit more rain . April showers SHuKApq82vy-00020-00012192-00012800 bring may flowers is definitely true here! In the spring and summer though we have beautiful flowers SHuKApq82vy-00021-00012800-00013447 everywhere so it's well worth it. The summer months average around 75 degrees the past couple SHuKApq82vy-00022-00013447-00014032 years we've hit 90 quite often though. It's still in the 60s and 70s during the early fall SHuKApq82vy-00023-00014088-00014912 and the nights are very crisp around 55 -65 degrees. Fresh seafood. We have lots of SHuKApq82vy-00024-00014912-00015944 water which means lots of fresh seafood -salmon, clams, oysters, crab, shrimp, you name it, trout. SHuKApq82vy-00025-00016119-00016752 So yummy! We have lots of great food and good restaurants. It's very diverse. We have Italian, SHuKApq82vy-00026-00016752-00017408 Vietnamese, Chinese... So come check out Seattle and its neighboring towns , You will love it SHuKApq82vy-00027-00017408-00017960 here! If you have any questions at all please be sure to put a comment down below and i will get SHuKApq82vy-00028-00017960-00019784 back to you right away. Don't forget to like and subscribe and I will see you next time! SHuKApq82vy-00029-00041080-00041504 early fall in september is usually around 70 degrees SHuKApq82vy-00030-00041504-00041920 and then we have crisp nights around 50s in the 50s to 60s SHuKApq82vy-00031-00042152-00043584 so come check out seattle and its neighboring towns you will love it here SHuKApq82vy-00032-00043800-00044360 number four we have high home appreciation our home appreciation is higher in king SHuKApq82vy-00033-00044360-00044984 county SHuKApq82vy-00034-00045328-00045336 you SH-y_clFdwo-00000-00000003-00000444 Setting up a new physical interface can be cumbersome because first you have to get them cabled up, SH-y_clFdwo-00001-00000444-00000891 and then you even need to be lucky enough to have an interface left. In this video, SH-y_clFdwo-00002-00000891-00001355 I will show you how to add a nearly unlimited amount of interfaces without cabling! SH-y_clFdwo-00003-00002338-00002793 If this is your first time here, I'm Lars from Consigas, We call ourselves SH-y_clFdwo-00004-00002793-00003122 the Palo Alto Networks Experts because the next generation firewall is our passion. SH-y_clFdwo-00005-00003139-00003695 It's what we do all day, every day: migrating firewalls, providing managed services, and most important SH-y_clFdwo-00006-00003721-00004382 implementing security best practices. When I started to work with this box, in 2010, nearly anyone knew about Palo Alto Networks SH-y_clFdwo-00007-00004389-00004946 But as an engineer I felt that this solution will change the world of cyber security, and yes, today SH-y_clFdwo-00008-00004946-00005456 We know it did big time, because it's one of the few security solutions that can truly secure your network SH-y_clFdwo-00009-00005518-00006044 However, there's a caveat. You need to set it up in the right way in order to be effective SH-y_clFdwo-00010-00006103-00006440 Because while it's awesome, it's not a magic box! So over the years SH-y_clFdwo-00011-00006440-00006821 we became Professional Services Partners for Palo Alto Networks, as well as one of the few SH-y_clFdwo-00012-00006843-00007325 Elite Authorized Training Centers (eATC), after working in the field for so many years, & being a trainer SH-y_clFdwo-00013-00007326-00008018 I would like to share my experience with you! so over the next couple of weeks and months we'll release new videos and core concepts, SH-y_clFdwo-00014-00008070-00008843 explaining the fundamental workings of the Firewall, starting with the Threat Landscape, deployment methods, NAT, App-ID, SSL decryption, SH-y_clFdwo-00015-00008868-00009497 VPNs and many more! So follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube or Twitter to stay up to date. SH-y_clFdwo-00016-00009532-00010187 But now let's have a look at the flexibility of layer 3 sub-interfaces. Let's say down here we have a DMZ, and SH-y_clFdwo-00017-00010414-00010805 in our DMZ we want to segregate all of the different applications SH-y_clFdwo-00018-00010849-00011232 into dedicated VLANs, so that in case one gets compromised SH-y_clFdwo-00019-00011374-00011696 the other ones cannot be infected. SH-y_clFdwo-00020-00011696-00012008 For this usually you need lots of different subnets, SH-y_clFdwo-00021-00012049-00012269 which you all want to terminate on the firewall, and SH-y_clFdwo-00022-00012295-00012848 in most cases you wouldn't have so many interfaces on the firewall. At the same time, SH-y_clFdwo-00023-00012861-00013226 every time you want to set up a new DMZ, you probably do not want to SH-y_clFdwo-00024-00013283-00013580 go to the firewall in the Datacentre and put in some cables. SH-y_clFdwo-00025-00013584-00014258 So that's a very good use case here for our sub-interfaces. How it works is that we have here 2 VLANs, SH-y_clFdwo-00026-00014336-00015065 VLAN 11 and VLAN 22 are connected to a switch, and then the connection between the switch and the firewall is SH-y_clFdwo-00027-00015113-00015332 defined as a VLAN trunk, SH-y_clFdwo-00028-00015708-00016121 This VLAN trunk now carries VLAN 11 and VLAN 22. SH-y_clFdwo-00029-00016650-00017092 Now looking at our firewall what we need to do is: Here we have our main interface SH-y_clFdwo-00030-00017294-00017696 and the first thing that we need to do is w define the interface type. SH-y_clFdwo-00031-00017696-00018071 So we define the main interface as a Layer 3 interface, but that's it, SH-y_clFdwo-00032-00018071-00018340 we don't need to do anything else with this interface. SH-y_clFdwo-00033-00018357-00018739 Now what we do is, we create a sub-interface from this main interface, SH-y_clFdwo-00034-00018741-00019538 So one interface for VLAN 11, so that's the layer 3 interface for VLAN 11, SH-y_clFdwo-00035-00019638-00020126 which is the sub interface of this main interface. And then we're gonna create again, SH-y_clFdwo-00036-00020187-00020740 another sub interface for VLAN 22, also being a layer 3 interface. SH-y_clFdwo-00037-00020820-00021358 So these sub-interfaces are basically behaving like normal layer 3 interfaces. SH-y_clFdwo-00038-00021359-00022019 Over here we allocate the IP addresses, so let's say we would allocate to this one, SH-y_clFdwo-00039-00022295-00022966 and then respectively on the other side and in VLAN11, SH-y_clFdwo-00040-00023469-00024019 Beside this the setup really is just a normal Layer 3 interface, so here SH-y_clFdwo-00041-00024020-00024344 we have of course, again, our virtual Reuter and, SH-y_clFdwo-00042-00024522-00025144 All of these sub-interfaces are also allocated to the Virtual Router, and then on the outside we have a normal layer 3 interface, SH-y_clFdwo-00043-00025287-00025939 Which then passes traffic. With this obviously we can now have a full segregation. From a zone point of view, SH-y_clFdwo-00044-00026004-00026610 obviously on the outside we can have our internet zone, SH-y_clFdwo-00045-00026713-00027348 and then here for the DMZ you can decide. You can certainly put every interface into a dedicated zone, SH-y_clFdwo-00046-00027348-00027595 however here you need to be aware that there is a zone limit per firewall, SH-y_clFdwo-00047-00027710-00028220 so only a limited mount zones can be defined on the firewall, and SH-y_clFdwo-00048-00028225-00028739 this depends on on the firewall model, how many of these are. Usually they're kind of rather lower number, SH-y_clFdwo-00049-00028750-00029760 So if you could have planned to have a lot of DMZs, what you're probably better off is defining just one big DMZ zone, SH-y_clFdwo-00050-00029770-00030410 and then make sure that all the intra-zone traffic (so traffic between DMZs) SH-y_clFdwo-00051-00030436-00031320 is also blocked. This means you need to define a dedicated policy also for intra-zone traffic for these DMZ zones. SH-y_clFdwo-00052-00031432-00031949 Talking about limits, with these sub-interfaces you can have nearly endless amount of interfaces SH-y_clFdwo-00053-00031987-00032397 on the firewall, right but also we need to be aware that there are limits. SH-y_clFdwo-00054-00032433-00032970 These limits are actually pretty high. so when you go here to the PANW webpage, SH-y_clFdwo-00055-00033040-00033545 on Products, and then Next Generation Firewall you have a section here "compared firewalls" SH-y_clFdwo-00056-00033546-00033978 and this provides kind of very detailed information on the SH-y_clFdwo-00057-00034024-00034449 resources what you have available on the firewall. For instance if we're gonna go down here and SH-y_clFdwo-00058-00034516-00035096 let's look for our VM-50, which is the small firewall we have here in our lab, SH-y_clFdwo-00059-00035230-00035763 then we can see here VM-50, go down to the section for interfaces, SH-y_clFdwo-00060-00035763-00036700 we can see it supports 4.094 tags right, but and that's important thing, but: SH-y_clFdwo-00061-00036703-00037419 only for 512 both logical and physical interfaces. So the maximum amount of interfaces no matter if logical or physical is 512! SH-y_clFdwo-00062-00037531-00038500 Over 500 interfaces is quite a lot! and this value, once you have a bigger firewall the bigger this this value goes as well. SH-y_clFdwo-00063-00038516-00038717 You know it's a pretty pretty decent number but, SH-y_clFdwo-00064-00038718-00039254 and that's important thing, when you plan your zones there you need to be a little bit careful. SH-y_clFdwo-00065-00039255-00039707 Let's say we go down here to zones, no, I think it's on the upper part... SH-y_clFdwo-00066-00039769-00040590 we can see VM-50 for instance only supports 15 zones, so the amount of zones usually are quite limited. SH-y_clFdwo-00067-00040597-00041055 So here you need to do a bit a bit of planning to make sure you're not running out of zones. SH-y_clFdwo-00068-00041057-00041482 And by the way if you're interested in security best practices for Palo Alto Networks SH-y_clFdwo-00069-00041513-00042207 Then check out the blog on our webpage , in the best practice section you can download this worksheet SH-y_clFdwo-00070-00042254-00042588 with over 120 best practices for the next-generation firewall and SH-y_clFdwo-00071-00042641-00043095 very soon we will also launch the security best practice training with a lot of SH-y_clFdwo-00072-00043103-00043813 videos explaining all of these security best practices in detail so if you're interested then sign up to our mailing list SH-y_clFdwo-00073-00043813-00044043 And we will let you know as soon as this free training is available. SHOyIGiKhA8-00000-00000000-00001226 Like This Beat? Hit The Subscribe Button. More content coming | SIhuiGCFu7E-00000-00000710-00001124 I became a teacher because I had a junior SIhuiGCFu7E-00001-00001124-00001365 varsity basketball coach named Paul SIhuiGCFu7E-00002-00001365-00002160 Aguilar who I loved and I had a high school SIhuiGCFu7E-00003-00002160-00002495 history teacher named Mary Jane who I SIhuiGCFu7E-00004-00002495-00002677 did not like. SIhuiGCFu7E-00005-00002677-00002854 And when I came out of SIhuiGCFu7E-00006-00002854-00003221 school I realized that the person I SIhuiGCFu7E-00007-00003221-00003436 liked was as important to my SIhuiGCFu7E-00008-00003436-00003822 education as a person who I didn't like. SIhuiGCFu7E-00009-00003822-00004099 I mean they were both equally important. SIhuiGCFu7E-00010-00004099-00004689 They were both good teachers and Paul SIhuiGCFu7E-00011-00004689-00005260 Aguilar was very compassionate and SIhuiGCFu7E-00012-00005260-00005553 guided me through some hard times when I SIhuiGCFu7E-00013-00005553-00005728 was growing up. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00000-00000048-00000600 Hi there. This is a video covering the matched pairs method for comparing the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00001-00000600-00001328 means for two populations using information from two dependent samples. So in this case, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00002-00001440-00001776 the method we're about to use, the following requirements hold: SJIy7yNaFMQ-00003-00001776-00002328 the sample data are dependent. Remember, that means they are not independent, so dependent SJIy7yNaFMQ-00004-00002328-00002712 means they have some sort of interaction with each other. The samples are simple SJIy7yNaFMQ-00005-00002712-00003392 random samples as always and either or both of the following are satisfied: the number of pairs SJIy7yNaFMQ-00006-00003704-00004240 of sample data is large meaning greater than 30 or the pairs of values have SJIy7yNaFMQ-00007-00004240-00004688 differences that are from a population that is normally distributed. So there's kind of SJIy7yNaFMQ-00008-00004688-00005128 some alignment with the requirements we've seen for previous methods that we've used. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00009-00005320-00006056 So the notation for dependent samples is as follows: d represents the individual difference SJIy7yNaFMQ-00010-00006056-00006528 between the two values of a single matched pair. so what we'll do is we'll take data from SJIy7yNaFMQ-00011-00006648-00007184 one sample and from another sample, and we'll pair up a data value from sample 1 SJIy7yNaFMQ-00012-00007184-00007528 with a data value from sample 2, and we'll subtract to find the difference. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00013-00007695-00008023 Mu sub x bar is the mean value of the differences SJIy7yNaFMQ-00014-00008080-00008816 for the sample of all matched pairs of data. Mu sub d is the mean value of the differences for the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00015-00008816-00009592 population of all matched pairs of data, so mu sub x bar is from our sample data, and then mu sub d SJIy7yNaFMQ-00016-00009784-00010192 is the mean value of the differences for the population, and that's what we'll actually be SJIy7yNaFMQ-00017-00010192-00010752 running our hypothesis test about is mu sub d. That's what you'll see in our hypotheses, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00018-00010752-00011560 and then n is the number of pairs of sample data, so number of pairs is n. So when designing SJIy7yNaFMQ-00019-00011560-00012040 an experiment or planning an observational study, using dependent samples of pair data is generally SJIy7yNaFMQ-00020-00012040-00012544 better than using two independent samples just because of the creative tactics that are used here SJIy7yNaFMQ-00021-00012544-00013168 in this method or process. Using matched pairs reduces extraneous variation which could occur SJIy7yNaFMQ-00022-00013168-00013712 if experimental units were treated independently. So that's the power of this matched pairs method. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00023-00013912-00014304 So basically we'll write our hypotheses for our test SJIy7yNaFMQ-00024-00014376-00014808 and then we'll get a p-value, compare it to the significance level, and go from there. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00025-00014872-00015352 To get our p-value, we will use, in the Google sheets spreadsheet, the two variable stats tab SJIy7yNaFMQ-00026-00015408-00016072 and then we'll type our data or our values into column A and then column B. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00027-00016624-00017200 And then O10 will give us our test statistic, and then our p-value will SJIy7yNaFMQ-00028-00017200-00017744 be given in O11, O12, or O13 depending on what type of hypothesis test we are using. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00029-00017968-00018480 So use the sample data below with a significance level of 0.05 to test the claim that for the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00030-00018480-00019016 population of heights of presidents and their main opponents, the differences have a mean less SJIy7yNaFMQ-00031-00019016-00019584 than zero centimeters. So our claim is that the mean difference is less than zero centimeters. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00032-00019648-00020160 So we're going to define u sub d as being group 2 minus group 1. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00033-00020448-00020552 So let's think about this. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00034-00020960-00021640 All right, so mean difference is less than zero. So mu sub d is less than zero. Would that go with SJIy7yNaFMQ-00035-00021640-00022224 the null or the alternative? Since it does not contain equal to, it has to go with the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00036-00022224-00022968 alternative. The null is always going to be equal to zero. The mean difference among the population SJIy7yNaFMQ-00037-00022968-00023472 is equal to zero. Our claim what was discussed in the question is the alternative hypothesis. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00038-00023696-00024128 The first group listed will always be group one. The second group listed, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00039-00024128-00024648 we will always use that as group two. So all we have to do is go to Google sheets, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00040-00024920-00025568 go to the two variable stats tab. I'll zoom in a little bit here, and SJIy7yNaFMQ-00041-00025704-00026783 column A, starting in cell A2, you will type your first row of data values: 189, 173, 183, 180, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00042-00026880-00027760 179. Delete anything else that's left. Honestly it's probably a best practice to delete out any SJIy7yNaFMQ-00043-00027816-00028439 data currently there before you start typing. All right, then type in your group twos: 170, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00044-00028527-00029304 185, 175, 180, and 178. Give your spreadsheet some time to calculate. If you see the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00045-00029304-00029776 gra y bar in the top right repeatedly occurring, it's not done calculating yet. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00046-00029983-00030632 Once it's gone for a while, chances are it's ready to go. So you look down and see in cells SJIy7yNaFMQ-00047-00030816-00031520 O11, O12, and O13. Was this a right-tailed test, a left-tailed test, or a two-tailed test. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00048-00031664-00032368 We'll use the sign less than, less than means you use a left-tailed test. Less than indicates SJIy7yNaFMQ-00049-00032368-00033064 a left-tailed test, so you have 0.2819, and just because it's cool, the test statistic SJIy7yNaFMQ-00050-00033064-00033832 is -0.63. Sometimes questions will ask you for the test statistic. P-value, -0.63, that is the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00051-00033832-00034376 test statistic. Remember, say test statistic 10 times fast. See how it works out for you. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00052-00034448-00035184 All right, so my test was left tailed. I probably should have indicated that here. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00053-00035848-00037552 Well, our test statistic was equal to -0.63, and our p-value was actually equal to 0.2819. 0.2819, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00054-00037552-00038160 and remember the p-value has to be compared to the significance level; it has to be compared to 0.05. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00055-00038280-00039064 So, is the p-value less than or greater than alpha? It's definitely greater than .05. Since SJIy7yNaFMQ-00056-00039064-00039880 we're not under the limbo bar, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We fail to reject h naught. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00057-00039992-00040704 So we fail to reject the null hypothesis meaning we can't even look at the claim and consider SJIy7yNaFMQ-00058-00040704-00041400 it. We're stuck with the null hypothesis, so there's not evidence to support our claim here. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00059-00041528-00042048 We say there is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the differences have a mean less SJIy7yNaFMQ-00060-00042048-00042752 than zero, which seems to be silly anyway to say presidents tend to be taller than their opponents. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00061-00042880-00043584 I don't think there's any sort of relationship there, never! SJIy7yNaFMQ-00062-00043824-00044304 So let's talk about a kind of interesting example. Data was collected from the number SJIy7yNaFMQ-00063-00044304-00045056 of hospital admissions for motor vehicle crashes on Friday the 13th of a month and Friday the 6th. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00064-00045320-00045928 At a .05 significance level, test the claim, there's our hypothesis keyword, claim, that when SJIy7yNaFMQ-00065-00045928-00046472 the 13th day of a month falls on a Friday, the number of hospital admissions from motor vehicle SJIy7yNaFMQ-00066-00046472-00047120 crashes are not affected. And we're defining the mean difference as group two minus group one. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00067-00047416-00048056 So group one will be my Friday the sixth, and group 2 will be my Friday the 13th. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00068-00048056-00048616 And then I have this list of all the different hospital admissions from motor vehicle crashes: SJIy7yNaFMQ-00069-00048672-00049256 9, 6, 11, 11, 3, and 5. so your hypotheses will be what? SJIy7yNaFMQ-00070-00049584-00050376 Well the claim is that number of hospital admissions are not affected. If that's the case, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00071-00050376-00050880 if the number of hospital admissions are not affected, that means the difference is SJIy7yNaFMQ-00072-00050880-00051512 going to be zero. A difference of zero means no effect and that's actually the null hypothesis. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00073-00051984-00052496 All right, and then the alternative will be the exact opposite: not equal to zero. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00074-00052712-00053472 So what we have to do now is use Google sheets. So let's go to Google sheets. Let's clear out our SJIy7yNaFMQ-00075-00053472-00054048 data that's in column A and B. Remember we're on the two variable stats tab. So starting in cell SJIy7yNaFMQ-00076-00054048-00054904 A2, type in group one's data values. Make sure you click enter after each entry, not the down button. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00077-00055504-00055879 Give the Google sheet spreadsheet some time to calculate. While it's calculating, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00078-00055879-00056344 it's a good time to discuss what type of test is this? What type of hypothesis is it: left-tailed, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00079-00056344-00056864 right-tailed, or two-tailed. Because the alternative hypothesis uses not equal to, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00080-00056864-00057488 we're focused on the fact that it's a two-tailed test, so .0422. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00081-00057488-00057991 And the test statistic is 2.71. If you are not getting these values in your spreadsheet, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00082-00057991-00058576 you may want to consider saving a new copy of your spreadsheet just to refresh it. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00083-00058832-00059664 All right so what do we have? We have a test statistic as we discussed of 2.71, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00084-00059848-00061000 and then we had a p-value of .042 or 0.0422. Remember, we're comparing that to alpha. We're SJIy7yNaFMQ-00085-00061000-00061616 comparing that to 0.05. Our p-value is definitely less than alpha in this case. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00086-00061616-00062240 The p-value is less than alpha. We do have the ability to reject the null hypothesis. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00087-00062408-00063040 So null hypothesis rejected. Take that rejected stamp you have and just put it right over the SJIy7yNaFMQ-00088-00063040-00063784 null. So basically we rejected our claim. There is evidence to reject our claim here. So once again, SJIy7yNaFMQ-00089-00063784-00064424 we literally just type in our data values into the Google sheets spreadsheet, and then we noted that SJIy7yNaFMQ-00090-00064424-00064928 this is a two-tailed test because they used not equal to in the alternative hypothesis. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00091-00065128-00065408 So that gave us our test statistic, gave us our p-value. SJIy7yNaFMQ-00092-00065472-00066000 We noted that we had to reject the null hypothesis which means that there is sufficient evidence to SJIy7yNaFMQ-00093-00066000-00066504 warrant rejection of the claim that when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, the number of SJIy7yNaFMQ-00094-00066504-00067032 hospital admissions from motor vehicle crashes are not affected. So does that mean they are? SJIy7yNaFMQ-00095-00067208-00067544 I don't know. Maybe we should do some additional data collection. Maybe some SJIy7yNaFMQ-00096-00067544-00068080 of our folks that work in the hospitals could give us some more information on that....just SJIy7yNaFMQ-00097-00068080-00068584 some food for thought. Anyway, that's all I have for now, thanks for watching. SK6MgknKToI-00000-00003797-00004629 Cliff Lynch: Welcome, everybody. Thank you for joining us today and we will be getting started in about two minutes or so. SK6MgknKToI-00001-00009138-00009651 Cliff Lynch: Welcome, everybody. Thanks for joining us, we'll be getting started in about another minute or so. SK6MgknKToI-00002-00013179-00013622 Cliff Lynch: Thanks for joining us today and we'll be starting in about a half a minute. SK6MgknKToI-00003-00016140-00017436 Cliff Lynch: All right, why don't we go ahead and get started. Welcome, everybody, to the fall of 2020 CNI virtual member meeting. I'm delighted, you're here with us today. SK6MgknKToI-00004-00017505-00018588 Cliff Lynch: I'm Cliff Lynch, the director of CNN, I have just a couple quick things about the session mechanically. And before I introduce our speakers. SK6MgknKToI-00005-00018678-00019383 Cliff Lynch: There is a chat stream and you're welcome to introduce yourself and make comments as we go along. In SK6MgknKToI-00006-00019428-00020424 Cliff Lynch: The chat screen, there is a q&a tool at the bottom of your screen, which you can be you, which you can use to put in questions at any time. SK6MgknKToI-00007-00020520-00022083 Cliff Lynch: After our speakers have completed their presentation. Diane golden Burkhardt will be men, and she will moderate the Q AMP. A session at the end. Closed captioning is available. If you'd like to turn it on. SK6MgknKToI-00008-00022257-00023937 Cliff Lynch: And I believe that that is all of the things that I wanted to mention. So let me just introduce our speakers and this topic a little bit. We have two speakers today with us from Emory University. SK6MgknKToI-00009-00024039-00024207 Cliff Lynch: When Morris from the SK6MgknKToI-00010-00024336-00024663 Cliff Lynch: Center for digital scholarship and SK6MgknKToI-00011-00024768-00025209 Cliff Lynch: David Altus who is a emeritus faculty member SK6MgknKToI-00012-00025431-00026670 Cliff Lynch: And I think it's particularly great to see the digital scholarship center engaged in this because this is exactly the kind of thing that I think is so critical. SK6MgknKToI-00013-00026823-00027927 Cliff Lynch: That digital scholarship centers can bring in terms of thinking about sustainability models and how to support and sustained effort now. SK6MgknKToI-00014-00028014-00029823 Cliff Lynch: As a very quick introduction to the topic. What we have here is a fantastic resource this slave voyagers collection of data that has been painstakingly put together by a group of scholars SK6MgknKToI-00015-00029931-00031377 Cliff Lynch: I believe it is received funding from various sources as part of the supportive its creation but like many of these critical community humanities resources. SK6MgknKToI-00016-00031470-00033234 Cliff Lynch: It reaches a point where it needs a model to sustain it. And this is a challenge that you know humanistic key humanistic resources have encountered again and again and again digital scholarship SK6MgknKToI-00017-00033339-00035073 Cliff Lynch: Lots of things have been tried with very mixed experience and what we are going to hear about today. Besides, I believe a bit about the resource itself is us slightly different strategy, which is still as SK6MgknKToI-00018-00035193-00036510 Cliff Lynch: Wayne and David tell me very much work in progress, but may point us towards some very important pathways going forward. So let me welcome lane and David. Thanks for joining us, and over to SK6MgknKToI-00019-00036675-00037692 Wayne Morse: Make a cliff and thanks for letting us come and be part of CNI again today as Cliff was saying we're going to talk about this model that we are SK6MgknKToI-00020-00037737-00038676 Wayne Morse: Putting together the consortium model for slave wages, which is a tremendous resource, one of SK6MgknKToI-00021-00038763-00039756 Wayne Morse: I think as far as our center is is is concerned, it's very unique in several ways which we're going to talk about a little bit later in the presentation. SK6MgknKToI-00022-00039825-00041208 Wayne Morse: And I thought we talked about a little bit about the current environment for which is hosted some some history of the site and kind of where we are and David. David will provide that. And then we can jump into the SK6MgknKToI-00023-00041286-00041760 Wayne Morse: The ideas that were really driving the consortium and then where we are and some of the factors there. SK6MgknKToI-00024-00042087-00042216 See if we can get going. SK6MgknKToI-00025-00042447-00042702 Wayne Morse: So a little bit about where it's currently being SK6MgknKToI-00026-00042852-00043425 Wayne Morse: Hosted in the in the partnerships are with the Emory Center for Digital resources, we are SK6MgknKToI-00027-00043533-00045159 Wayne Morse: 13 FTS and about 35 about 25 excuse me graduate students with expertise, ranging from GIS to vision to data analysis to text analysis to documentary filmmaking to XR SK6MgknKToI-00028-00045285-00046467 Wayne Morse: So typical almost like a typical of of a lot of other digital scholarship centers. This is the snapshot of the work that our team has done over the past two years. Pretty coded SK6MgknKToI-00029-00046527-00047646 Wayne Morse: And you can see in the projects and media account we have multiple projects and that we partnered on, I would argue that slave wages is unique in many ways. SK6MgknKToI-00030-00047715-00048270 Wayne Morse: And we're going to go, as I said, we'll go into those, but it's really in some ways, it follows some of the basic SK6MgknKToI-00031-00048354-00050334 Wayne Morse: Elements of many of the other projects, but in other ways. It's very, very different and hence driving us to this new model, but let's back up first and start with the history of the site and actually kind of its origins and where it came from. And with that I'll turn it over to Dr Altus SK6MgknKToI-00032-00050457-00050493 David Eltis: I can SK6MgknKToI-00033-00050598-00050601 David Eltis: Much SK6MgknKToI-00034-00050796-00051720 David Eltis: Very, very quickly. I THINK THIS STARTED BACK IN THE 50s when those discussion about the size of the slave trade and SK6MgknKToI-00035-00051861-00052079 David Eltis: Curtain well known historian SK6MgknKToI-00036-00052239-00052611 David Eltis: A tackle that subject and published a book in 1969 SK6MgknKToI-00037-00052713-00052782 David Eltis: And SK6MgknKToI-00038-00052926-00053007 David Eltis: I was SK6MgknKToI-00039-00053166-00053565 David Eltis: A very young graduate student at the time. I wrote to this things, man. SK6MgknKToI-00040-00053682-00055140 David Eltis: Asking about some of this data and well, lo and behold, he sent me 2313 IBM punch cards, which was the beginning of the in a sense digitize ation process. So, next. SK6MgknKToI-00041-00055599-00056361 David Eltis: Very quickly, we found that slave trade was so vast, we had to expand our team and SK6MgknKToI-00042-00056553-00056964 David Eltis: These were the original for scholars. OK. SK6MgknKToI-00043-00057375-00057714 David Eltis: So the project. SK6MgknKToI-00044-00057822-00058829 David Eltis: Got MAJOR FUNDING beginning of 1990s and the aim at that point was to produce a CD ROM. SK6MgknKToI-00045-00058959-00059670 David Eltis: They were retailing at the time, for I think 1500 $2,000 each and SK6MgknKToI-00046-00059780-00060459 David Eltis: By the time we had the collection in state i think the prices dropped 200 SK6MgknKToI-00047-00060597-00061137 David Eltis: Which is what the CD ROM. So for that point we had 27,000 voyagers SK6MgknKToI-00048-00061245-00061979 David Eltis: Something like 200 variables and the input already of scholars from around the Atlantic world and beyond. SK6MgknKToI-00049-00062097-00062255 David Eltis: The response has been SK6MgknKToI-00050-00062358-00062790 David Eltis: Tremendous in terms of people giving up their data to us. SK6MgknKToI-00051-00062895-00063027 David Eltis: Okay. On SK6MgknKToI-00052-00063150-00063207 Next, SK6MgknKToI-00053-00063483-00063537 David Eltis: So, SK6MgknKToI-00054-00063641-00064674 David Eltis: By the time the CD ROM came out, it was already obsolete, in a sense, because the internet was going. And we then switched to SK6MgknKToI-00055-00064805-00065469 David Eltis: Building this first website and went live in December of 2008 at Emory. SK6MgknKToI-00056-00065631-00066225 David Eltis: By that time, the boys counted gone up from 27,000 to 34,000 SK6MgknKToI-00057-00066336-00066882 David Eltis: And it provided a number of features. SK6MgknKToI-00058-00067020-00067668 David Eltis: Which help people analyze the data and was received pretty well. I think at the beginning. SK6MgknKToI-00059-00067908-00068280 David Eltis: But of course, anything on the internet. SK6MgknKToI-00060-00068382-00068931 David Eltis: Has to change or at dies and we've been spending the last 12 years really SK6MgknKToI-00061-00069090-00069297 David Eltis: On the treadmill of funding. SK6MgknKToI-00062-00069444-00070218 David Eltis: Not just for the content of course, but because of the technology which is continually okay SK6MgknKToI-00063-00070527-00070983 David Eltis: A side product was Atlas of the slave trade, which we SK6MgknKToI-00064-00071163-00071487 David Eltis: Were able to actually do things which you can't get on the website. SK6MgknKToI-00065-00071625-00072846 David Eltis: And it's quite likely given what happens on the web. These days, that this might be the single lasting feature of the whole project because it's clear that, from what I've seen. SK6MgknKToI-00066-00072975-00073113 David Eltis: That hard copy SK6MgknKToI-00067-00073227-00073344 David Eltis: Really has SK6MgknKToI-00068-00073479-00073785 David Eltis: better prospects of survival and SK6MgknKToI-00069-00073920-00074415 David Eltis: It's hard to accept in our environment. But unless we get a sustainable. SK6MgknKToI-00070-00074535-00075579 David Eltis: Model going. That's the way it is. So this book may well have more importance than it would seem at first sight. Okay. SK6MgknKToI-00071-00075900-00076314 David Eltis: So one of the things we had to do, of course, Rico, the whole site. SK6MgknKToI-00072-00076491-00077040 David Eltis: But in doing that. It quickly became apparent that we could add other features. SK6MgknKToI-00073-00077160-00077685 David Eltis: Especially the time lapse, which is indicated in the bottom right, but also SK6MgknKToI-00074-00077832-00078798 David Eltis: several videos which one of which has proved enormously successful think it comes up to 150,000 views or there abouts SK6MgknKToI-00075-00078963-00079083 David Eltis: And we are in fact SK6MgknKToI-00076-00079236-00079722 David Eltis: Expanding that concept by building a new and I think SK6MgknKToI-00077-00079830-00080238 David Eltis: more compelling video which we hope to have ready by next year. SK6MgknKToI-00078-00080343-00081297 David Eltis: So this point, we're up to 36,000 voyages and 74 variables, which makes a great deal of complexity. SK6MgknKToI-00079-00081405-00081894 David Eltis: Only 74 of the variables are actually shown on the site. But of course the site office. SK6MgknKToI-00080-00082002-00082440 David Eltis: It's open access and it offers download capabilities. SK6MgknKToI-00081-00082620-00083202 David Eltis: For all the data. And one of the interesting things is the extent to which is asking us SK6MgknKToI-00082-00083346-00083565 David Eltis: Okay, when you should take over. I think SK6MgknKToI-00083-00083664-00083856 Wayne Morse: It's great. Thank you, sir. SK6MgknKToI-00084-00083967-00084723 Wayne Morse: As David was just mentioning. One of the unique, even though that the the site aligns with our centers. SK6MgknKToI-00085-00084798-00085704 Wayne Morse: Mission a public scholarship. It is unique in the fact that it does. Again, as David said, allow for the data to be download, which is similar to many other projects but SK6MgknKToI-00086-00085746-00086829 Wayne Morse: It does have the capability to manipulate and analyze the data build into the site itself in the sheer amount of data and the number of ways that you can look at it. SK6MgknKToI-00087-00086934-00087918 Wayne Morse: Really makes this unique for as far as our portfolio. And I would argue, as far as as almost any other digital digital humanities project of scale. SK6MgknKToI-00088-00087954-00088404 David Eltis: Avenue, but I should I forgot to add that another which we are adding data continually SK6MgknKToI-00089-00088434-00088974 Wayne Morse: Yes. And it's and it's that's just another one of the factors that go into it largely SK6MgknKToI-00090-00089109-00090915 Wayne Morse: I believe a lot of the user data is returning within the K 12 world where people may not have either the proficiency, or the opportunity to download our or air and and know how to how to how to manipulate it or SAS or SPSS, or any other type of SK6MgknKToI-00091-00091044-00091809 Wayne Morse: Page. So there's some, there's some barriers to that, that the site breakthrough and it's critical, we feel it's critical to maintain that functionality. SK6MgknKToI-00092-00091866-00092817 Wayne Morse: Because a is so highly used and be it's so unique and draws in some non traditional scholars, which I don't believe otherwise would be able to interact with the data. SK6MgknKToI-00093-00093078-00093954 Wayne Morse: Building on some other unique factors we talked already about the web interface, the size of the data given the subject matter and where it's from. SK6MgknKToI-00094-00094053-00094551 Wayne Morse: David and and his team felt that multi languages was critical. SK6MgknKToI-00095-00094617-00095622 Wayne Morse: After the initial rollout because of the of the large population of enslaved people from different worlds and the people wanted to do research on those. So that was that was made a priority. SK6MgknKToI-00096-00095676-00096516 Wayne Morse: Which is not similar to many of our other projects as David also mentioned there's continuing scholarship happening. SK6MgknKToI-00097-00096594-00097206 Wayne Morse: And that's not unique again to our other projects, but the sheer scale and size of this one. SK6MgknKToI-00098-00097269-00099036 Wayne Morse: introduces some some some unique complexities, which we haven't had to had to handle and also as far as we've been going with this particular project at Emory. We've had some key leadership position changes are we had a new Provost and the provost left. We're now. SK6MgknKToI-00099-00099216-00100680 Wayne Morse: Hiring a new Provost, we have a new president in place and the Provost Office has been one of the major supporters of this. In addition to the College of language of Arts and Sciences. So we had to navigate that as well. SK6MgknKToI-00100-00100980-00101454 Wayne Morse: So the site as was until just recently on on premise. SK6MgknKToI-00101-00101556-00101961 Wayne Morse: And they some of the things that we had to incorporate into that. SK6MgknKToI-00102-00102060-00102990 Wayne Morse: Architecture, if you will, was is organic growth David and his team again of scholars are getting granting opportunities to add the visualizations. SK6MgknKToI-00103-00103053-00103755 Wayne Morse: Updating the timelines adding new data, bringing in large data sets. So this is continual SK6MgknKToI-00104-00103842-00104247 Wayne Morse: And again, that's not unlike other projects. It's just different. Because of the size of this one. SK6MgknKToI-00105-00104295-00105168 Wayne Morse: The code is everyone knows who's out there trying to make these things continue and do the care and feeding for projects like this in the humanities and probably other SK6MgknKToI-00106-00105201-00106065 Wayne Morse: Other areas the evolution of code and marches on. You have to keep up with it. We have critical partnerships to make that happen within SK6MgknKToI-00107-00106104-00107448 Wayne Morse: Within our library and within our IT organizations. Just, just for the for the operation of the site. There are some unique network demands, because it doesn't traditionally follow some, some of the other SK6MgknKToI-00108-00107592-00108627 Wayne Morse: Rises and falls of demands because of K 12 and because of the worldwide visibility of this site and use of this site so that introduced some interesting SK6MgknKToI-00109-00108672-00109047 Wayne Morse: twists and turns for our, our for our on premise installation. SK6MgknKToI-00110-00109143-00110181 Wayne Morse: And also making sure the scholars have access, and given that the scholars are distributed all over the globe, make sure that they have VPN, they can get in, they can make updates to the data they can get through firewalls. SK6MgknKToI-00111-00110280-00110786 Wayne Morse: We have pages designed that they can do updates and we can go and they can add that to the sites. SK6MgknKToI-00112-00110829-00111819 Wayne Morse: So that was all another piece of our on on premise installation, as well as, as far as, as I'm concerned, and managing a digital scholarship center. SK6MgknKToI-00113-00111852-00112368 Wayne Morse: There was a rather substantial piece of our overall resources dedicated to this. SK6MgknKToI-00114-00112443-00113111 Wayne Morse: And I would argue, rightly so. But still, when you go to look at the breadth and how many new projects you can bring on and what all you can do. SK6MgknKToI-00115-00113169-00114509 Wayne Morse: You've already have a lot of your resources dedicated towards this immense, you know, important project. So that brings you you know dials down the amount of resources you can you can apply to other to other initiatives. SK6MgknKToI-00116-00114761-00115815 Wayne Morse: There are multiple collaborators and contribute is to this as David mentioned and showed in some of the history of the site historians and scholars from all around the globe continue to take part in this. SK6MgknKToI-00117-00115878-00117021 Wayne Morse: We have code developers sets of developers, both here, the United States at Emory and Atlanta and also in Brazil, that have been part of the project from almost from the get go. SK6MgknKToI-00118-00117099-00118377 Wayne Morse: But at least many, many years we have ui, ui UX specialist both add here and in Brazil. Now systems engineers that we share with central it and that we also have as part of our staff. SK6MgknKToI-00119-00118428-00119478 Wayne Morse: And the data management, our partnership with them the data. The data management librarians and other pieces of the library for metadata and and such have been critical to so there's lots of moving parts. SK6MgknKToI-00120-00119550-00120483 Wayne Morse: Again, I would say, not unlike other projects, but because of the sheer size of this and the complexity, I would argue that these are unique to this project. SK6MgknKToI-00121-00120785-00121452 Wayne Morse: We mentioned funding and some of the challenges that are there, and probably going to be continuing I think right David, I think for these SK6MgknKToI-00122-00121559-00122169 Wayne Morse: To get to get funding Dave and his team have been have been hard at work to get a wonderful support. SK6MgknKToI-00123-00122304-00124227 Wayne Morse: From the NIH and others, as you can see here on on some of them are listed on this page in order to maintain so that me doesn't have to carry not only the burden of making sure the site runs, but also adding to it and updating it so these this they these these amount of SK6MgknKToI-00124-00124344-00124851 Wayne Morse: Partners on on the financial side is critical to making that continue we would argue SK6MgknKToI-00125-00125070-00125250 Wayne Morse: So we come to the consortium idea. SK6MgknKToI-00126-00125367-00125925 Wayne Morse: The idea of having members, making sure that it's that it's broader than just a handful of folks. SK6MgknKToI-00127-00126048-00126495 Wayne Morse: Move from a project team to a full governance structure. And by that I mean SK6MgknKToI-00128-00126570-00127929 Wayne Morse: As David again started to talk about or talked about the history, a small group of researchers doing wonderful work and then it grows and grows organically and then it becomes something that really needs to be sustained and and have a full governance structure. SK6MgknKToI-00129-00128046-00128979 Wayne Morse: We have to have allow external funding opportunities to have happen so that the members of the consortium can can can help support. SK6MgknKToI-00130-00129011-00130251 Wayne Morse: We have to come up with some type of idea around sustainable hosting and we have to operationalize the whole site. So, and it's not quite operational, I would argue, like in the PeopleSoft sense SK6MgknKToI-00131-00130395-00130572 Wayne Morse: But it is more than just SK6MgknKToI-00132-00130701-00131607 Wayne Morse: Kind of organic grown digital scholarship project. It really has to have some more structure than that for it to be able to succeed with this new model. SK6MgknKToI-00133-00131781-00132093 Wayne Morse: So here's a little more detail about the components of some of the components. SK6MgknKToI-00134-00132282-00133398 Wayne Morse: Right now as it stands, because it is as clip said it is, it's still in process we're looking at three years of membership and we're also asking for dues to be collected SK6MgknKToI-00135-00133467-00134256 Wayne Morse: In exchange, if the members can have a say in what happens with the sites and with the site and help and help direct its development. SK6MgknKToI-00136-00134343-00135552 Wayne Morse: We are asking to have a single host of the site and for a six year period because of some of the, you know, challenges with moving that large site from one place to another. SK6MgknKToI-00137-00135699-00136764 Wayne Morse: The host would have the responsibility to maintain and make sure that the site is up and running that there's data analytical data captured about the site. SK6MgknKToI-00138-00136854-00137724 Wayne Morse: And that it maintains an open access to buy a environment to make sure that it continue on the path that it's that it's been put SK6MgknKToI-00139-00137808-00138642 Wayne Morse: And in addition, the host institution would, would they would waive their fees for that while there are the host because of the costs involved in maintaining it. SK6MgknKToI-00140-00138675-00140238 Wayne Morse: But they would also receive some funding from the, from the institutional dues to pay for the care and feeding wherever that is. And also, they'd be able to have soft fundings the individual institution members will be able to write grants and still bring them in. SK6MgknKToI-00141-00140343-00140685 Wayne Morse: As long as it goes through the government structure to be added to the site. SK6MgknKToI-00142-00141006-00141495 Wayne Morse: So some of our challenges so far at least that I feel I'm not going to speak for David, but some of the challenges that I feel SK6MgknKToI-00143-00141657-00142707 Wayne Morse: Are around this, the movement from like a primary scholar or a primary scholarship team to a larger team of scholars and really putting some of these SK6MgknKToI-00144-00142845-00143556 Wayne Morse: Operational and organizational structures in place and it is really a change management process, I would argue, and one that really SK6MgknKToI-00145-00143601-00144417 Wayne Morse: As far as I have observed. And again, I'm not one of the scholars, but I'm there watching everything move ahead. It's moving it forward and incremental steps. SK6MgknKToI-00146-00144450-00144903 Wayne Morse: But it's not just where you can flip the switch and all of a sudden, it turns into what its future self is going to be SK6MgknKToI-00147-00144987-00145959 Wayne Morse: There are considerations for various types of institutions to join, not just higher edge head institutions, perhaps some some some some museums or others. SK6MgknKToI-00148-00146049-00146955 Wayne Morse: And we were talking before we we started the presentation today that we can't divulge the names of folks who are already on on board. SK6MgknKToI-00149-00146991-00148107 Wayne Morse: But so stay tuned. After hopefully after the first of the year, we can we can give you all an update on that. And we've decided to push for a cloud based hosting model one that allows SK6MgknKToI-00150-00148245-00149034 Wayne Morse: The site itself, not to be moved from from from different platform to different platform or different hosting environment to different hosting environment. SK6MgknKToI-00151-00149070-00150429 Wayne Morse: As the host change and really hopefully leverage some of the cloud based applications to do some of the things that we're pulling down and taking cycles within the local hosts IT team. SK6MgknKToI-00152-00150579-00151566 Wayne Morse: So there are continuing ones, you know, challenges about the upgrades and the updates and additions of new content and content types, but those are going to continue but hopefully the consortium and some of its SK6MgknKToI-00153-00151623-00152670 Wayne Morse: Structures will allow for those processes to move ahead at a regular pace, rather than I've got a grant. Let's put it in. And let's hold off on everything else. And here's another grant and let's move that in SK6MgknKToI-00154-00152778-00153015 Wayne Morse: So we're hoping to do it in more of a structured type SK6MgknKToI-00155-00153156-00153201 Wayne Morse: Way. SK6MgknKToI-00156-00153354-00153558 Wayne Morse: So some of the successes. I see already SK6MgknKToI-00157-00153729-00154248 Wayne Morse: Is we've been lucky and blessed to have continuing support from our university leadership. SK6MgknKToI-00158-00154311-00155043 Wayne Morse: So through the whole process of us. And now we actually haven't moved to the cloud and ready for its next step is that SK6MgknKToI-00159-00155115-00155955 Wayne Morse: The dean of the college and the Provost Office have really stepped up and given us the funds to make that happen. And really, experiment with that. SK6MgknKToI-00160-00156024-00156813 Wayne Morse: Which is part of the process. And trust me, we bumped her heads a couple times and we're still bumping our heads. But that's part of the process. SK6MgknKToI-00161-00156888-00157806 Wayne Morse: We've really solidified our strong partnership with the General Counsel's office and we again have been lucky to have a member of the General Counsel's Office. SK6MgknKToI-00162-00157845-00158331 Wayne Morse: Who, I would argue, and I said this to his face would think differently or thinks differently about SK6MgknKToI-00163-00158385-00159132 Wayne Morse: What we do as far as being a digital scholarship center versus a lot of the other things he's dealing with for the university. A lot of the other contracts. SK6MgknKToI-00164-00159156-00159972 Wayne Morse: That he's dealing with and he's been wonderful and open minded and I think has really helped. Don't you think David help us get get that formed SK6MgknKToI-00165-00160158-00160851 Wayne Morse: The flexibility is being introduced into the model, which I think is a huge success to allow other, as I mentioned, other types of institutions to join. SK6MgknKToI-00166-00160920-00162030 Wayne Morse: So we're not just looking for higher ed private higher ed. We're looking for types, different than that. And I think those had to be incorporated into the initial mo you SK6MgknKToI-00167-00162090-00163047 Wayne Morse: That's being drafted as we speak. So that hasn't made it. I would, I would argue, not easier, but a little more complex, but hopefully well well worth it. SK6MgknKToI-00168-00163287-00164127 Wayne Morse: As I mentioned, as I just mentioned, we have an initial agreement, hopefully be signed by after the first of the year, if not sooner. SK6MgknKToI-00169-00164166-00164886 Wayne Morse: And then we can we can release some of those some of those names and then we are hopefully going to continue to do SK6MgknKToI-00170-00164955-00165660 Wayne Morse: To gather information on this model to see how it how it progresses and to see if we can share it with other SK6MgknKToI-00171-00165705-00166224 Wayne Morse: With other institutions who are other organizations who have projects of similar size and scope. SK6MgknKToI-00172-00166293-00167313 Wayne Morse: And again, as David mentioned earlier, we're being we were still being able to do innovative forms of scholarship. While this is while this is ongoing. This is the 3D model. SK6MgknKToI-00173-00167352-00168471 Wayne Morse: Of the first ship that we created, and David also mentioned there is the second one coming out, which is going to allow for us to do some more interesting and different things. SK6MgknKToI-00174-00168528-00169518 Wayne Morse: But without the consortium model. I think things like this will be hard to come by to find funding for but hopefully that will help support these as we move forward again. SK6MgknKToI-00175-00169767-00170106 Wayne Morse: So with that, I don't know. Dr elders, you have any other SK6MgknKToI-00176-00170121-00170271 David Eltis: I did, I would just add SK6MgknKToI-00177-00170280-00170763 David Eltis: Maybe, yeah, depending of this ultimately is usage and we do have SK6MgknKToI-00178-00170892-00171273 David Eltis: currently running it about an average of 2300 visits a day. SK6MgknKToI-00179-00171567-00171717 David Eltis: Without that would be nothing SK6MgknKToI-00180-00172179-00172725 Wayne Morse: Alright, well thank you all. We appreciate it. And I'm Diane, I think we're open for questions or comments. SK6MgknKToI-00181-00172746-00175095 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Terrific. Thank you. Thank you. Wayne and thank you David for that really compelling overview of this amazing resource. I was just looking at it now during your talk and I tweeted out the the URL. So I hope folks will take a look at at this really astonishing and incredibly important collection. SK6MgknKToI-00182-00175233-00175854 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): So thank you again. Wayne and David and thank you to all of our attendees for joining us here at CNN eyes. SK6MgknKToI-00183-00176022-00177420 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Meeting. We really appreciate your taking time out of your busy day to join us. And without further ado, let me get straight to a question that we have in the queue, which is what is the current technology supporting the consortium. SK6MgknKToI-00184-00177714-00178932 Wayne Morse: So the current technology as, as we mentioned the Consortium has that has yet to be fully formed. But right now we have moved it from an on prem install to AWS. SK6MgknKToI-00185-00178989-00180240 Wayne Morse: And it may well move from AWS to another cloud provider as the as the first a host institution of the consortium becomes identify and SK6MgknKToI-00186-00180303-00181665 Wayne Morse: But right now it's moved there. So we've been able to take right now advantage of a lot of the lot of the type of management systems that AWS allows as far as load balancing and search and things like that. SK6MgknKToI-00187-00181761-00182376 Wayne Morse: And I think that just in itself has made a statement as to the importance of cloud hosting versus on prem. SK6MgknKToI-00188-00182529-00183189 Wayne Morse: And hopefully it'll move, you know, it'll continue the I. The thought is for it to continue to be a cloud hosted service. SK6MgknKToI-00189-00183294-00184254 Wayne Morse: And that that will allow for, you know, easier easier running of the system as we move ahead. Does that answer. I hope that answers the question. SK6MgknKToI-00190-00184431-00185322 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Yeah, Robin. Let us know if if if you want more details on that and thank you for your question. And Robin says thank you SK6MgknKToI-00191-00185538-00185994 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): And others please chime in with any questions you may have about the SK6MgknKToI-00192-00186147-00187332 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): The resource itself or the consortium and I was just going to ask Wayne and David anybody who's interested in becoming a member, what, what do you recommend that they do. SK6MgknKToI-00193-00187500-00187761 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Should they just reach out to you by email or zero. SK6MgknKToI-00194-00187911-00187977 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Process. SK6MgknKToI-00195-00188196-00188244 David Eltis: Don't have SK6MgknKToI-00196-00188394-00189159 David Eltis: That kind of formal process set up yet. I think it may be something that has to be left to the consortium. SK6MgknKToI-00197-00189477-00190782 David Eltis: Basically, I guess we don't want to tie hands at this point, but the whole the central concept is that the membership should be temporary and renewable and SK6MgknKToI-00198-00191007-00191913 David Eltis: Okay, we're going to have a consortium is going to be consortium is going to be looking for new members pretty well continually but at the moment, we have no formal process established SK6MgknKToI-00199-00192021-00192375 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): So that's a, that's a stay tuned for your update in the spring. SK6MgknKToI-00200-00192411-00192447 David Eltis: Yes. SK6MgknKToI-00201-00192489-00193125 Wayne Morse: Okay, yes. After, after a steering committee and operational committees. Get. Get that formed. Yeah. SK6MgknKToI-00202-00193206-00193266 Terrific. SK6MgknKToI-00203-00193392-00195147 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): I was also curious to know you mentioned that one really important feature of the resource are is the data analytics tools that are built in said that those are really popular. Do you have a sense of what percentage of the visitors are actually making use of those tools. SK6MgknKToI-00204-00195348-00195447 David Eltis: I don't think we do. SK6MgknKToI-00205-00195606-00195711 David Eltis: Something we should have SK6MgknKToI-00206-00195975-00196188 David Eltis: I have to say that the SK6MgknKToI-00207-00196473-00196626 David Eltis: I think they could be improved. SK6MgknKToI-00208-00196797-00197193 David Eltis: We don't make extensive use of inferential statistics, for example. SK6MgknKToI-00209-00197313-00197679 David Eltis: And this is, but clearly the base for doing that. SK6MgknKToI-00210-00197832-00198408 David Eltis: It's there, and it would be I would expect one of the improvements that would be, we added SK6MgknKToI-00211-00198519-00199053 Wayne Morse: Some data that that that we had on it a while ago and by a while. I mean, maybe a year or so ago. SK6MgknKToI-00212-00199167-00200808 Wayne Morse: Shows at least half of the visitors who come to the site utilize that we can pull some recent data, but I just know that that's that's one of the that in there some other ones. Some other areas of visualization that get visited almost every time someone comes to the site. SK6MgknKToI-00213-00200847-00201483 David Eltis: That's amazing. Yeah, the video and the time lapse of popular I do you seen the time lapse feature, but that SK6MgknKToI-00214-00201618-00201807 David Eltis: That that certainly attracts attention. SK6MgknKToI-00215-00201909-00202008 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): You can imagine so. SK6MgknKToI-00216-00202146-00203166 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Well, that's really, it's really fascinating. Again, thank you so much for sharing this with us at CNI and we look forward to an update. SK6MgknKToI-00217-00203328-00204198 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): And with that, I think I will propose closing out the public portion of this webinar and SK6MgknKToI-00218-00204282-00205938 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Any attendees that we have who have time and interest. We invite you to stay around if you'd like to approach the podium and have a chat with our presenters. If you have any questions, just raise your hand and I'll be happy to unmute you. So thank you again for joining us, we'll have another SK6MgknKToI-00219-00206046-00206535 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Meeting webinar in about a half hour, and we hope to see you there. Take care everyone SK6MgknKToI-00220-00206559-00206604 Wayne Morse: Thank you. SK6MgknKToI-00221-00206607-00206766 David Eltis: Thank you very much. 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SpFBhPO3pDY-00000-00000126-00000357 THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS UPON US AND IT CAN OFTEN BRING SpFBhPO3pDY-00001-00000357-00000610 UNWELCOME GUESTS SUCH AS STRESS AND DEPRESSION. SpFBhPO3pDY-00002-00000687-00000887 WHETHER YOU'RE AWAY FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR THE SpFBhPO3pDY-00003-00000887-00001087 HOLIDAYS, OR YOU'RE ENTERTAINING, SpFBhPO3pDY-00004-00001087-00001287 THERE ARE A FEW TIPS THAT CAN HELP MINIMIZE OR EVEN SpFBhPO3pDY-00005-00001287-00001418 PREVENT DEPRESSION AND STRESS. SpFBhPO3pDY-00006-00001474-00001675 MONEY CAN BE TIGHT DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON SO SpFBhPO3pDY-00007-00001675-00001795 STICK TO A BUDGET. SpFBhPO3pDY-00008-00001795-00002058 BEFORE YOU GO GROCERY OR GIFT SHOPPING ONLY SPEND SpFBhPO3pDY-00009-00002058-00002208 WHAT YOU HAVE BUDGETED. SpFBhPO3pDY-00010-00002208-00002409 DONATING TO A CHARITY IN SOMEONE'S NAME, SpFBhPO3pDY-00011-00002409-00002609 GIVING HOMEMADE GIFTS AND STARTING A FAMILY GIFT SpFBhPO3pDY-00012-00002609-00002839 EXCHANGE ARE ALL GREAT ALTERNATIVES TO BUYING SpFBhPO3pDY-00013-00002839-00002939 GIFTS. SpFBhPO3pDY-00014-00002939-00003139 IF YOU CAN'T BE WITH FAMILY THIS HOLIDAY SpFBhPO3pDY-00015-00003139-00003340 SEASON, IT'S NORMAL TO FEEL DOWN. SpFBhPO3pDY-00016-00003340-00003540 TAKE TIME TO EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS. SpFBhPO3pDY-00017-00003540-00003740 IF YOU'RE FEELING LONELY, SEEK OUT COMMUNITY OR SpFBhPO3pDY-00018-00003740-00003850 SOCIAL EVENTS. SpFBhPO3pDY-00019-00003850-00004070 THEY CAN OFFER SUPPORT, COMPANIONSHIP AND IT'S A SpFBhPO3pDY-00020-00004070-00004200 GOOD WAY TO LIFT YOUR SPIRITS. SpFBhPO3pDY-00021-00004264-00004524 MOST IMPORTANTLY, MAKE SOME TIME FOR YOURSELF. SpFBhPO3pDY-00022-00004524-00004724 TAKING A BREATHER CAN REFRESH YOU ENOUGH TO SpFBhPO3pDY-00023-00004724-00004924 HANDLE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DO. SRAKnkNXnP8-00000-00001616-00002255 Hey guys, that's paul welcome to where nerdy is cool and meet my little friend the world's largest 3d printer SRAKnkNXnP8-00001-00002280-00002672 It's out here cranking a print away and today we had a lot of festivities SRAKnkNXnP8-00002-00002680-00003359 We revealed the big world's largest 3d printer and two of the largest 3d prints all kinds of stuff to show you SRAKnkNXnP8-00003-00003376-00003639 Are you ready? That's really close. Here we go SRAKnkNXnP8-00004-00003784-00004241 Go it's unveiled three year ago SRAKnkNXnP8-00005-00005032-00005232 Congratulations SRAKnkNXnP8-00006-00005684-00005984 congratulations SRAKnkNXnP8-00007-00006664-00006864 So SRAKnkNXnP8-00008-00007352-00007447 So SRAKnkNXnP8-00009-00007447-00007983 The print volume is 60 feet long by 22 feet wide by 10 feet tall SRAKnkNXnP8-00010-00008104-00008304 The extruder is currently set up to SRAKnkNXnP8-00011-00008392-00009186 Feed about 120 pounds of material per hour, but the machine is capable of feeding up to 500 pounds per hour with a bigger extruder SRAKnkNXnP8-00012-00009296-00009719 Um right now it's set up with a 0.4 inch or 10 millimeter nozzle SRAKnkNXnP8-00013-00009775-00010263 and the bead size that prints out is half an inch or 12 and a half millimeters by SRAKnkNXnP8-00014-00010368-00010919 Point two inches thick so five millimeters thick. Wow. Okay and the materials that were SRAKnkNXnP8-00015-00010984-00011160 You're using right now SRAKnkNXnP8-00016-00011160-00011591 Right. Now we've been using pla wood filled pla which is a material we've developed here SRAKnkNXnP8-00017-00011656-00012111 and carbon abs because that's been commonly used in the live scale printing but SRAKnkNXnP8-00018-00012175-00012495 We could print almost any thermoplastic on the machine SRAKnkNXnP8-00019-00012575-00012815 I come from a boat building background and um SRAKnkNXnP8-00020-00012959-00013663 Boats seem like an obvious choice for large-scale printing a lot of boats are already plastic. I mean cars typically aren't plastic SRAKnkNXnP8-00021-00013726-00014295 Airplanes are a bit too high-tech and highly loaded but boats make a lot of sense for large the complex shape SRAKnkNXnP8-00022-00014328-00014863 But they're not hugely highly loaded unless they're very fast boats. So they're already made of wood or composites SRAKnkNXnP8-00023-00014919-00015023 um SRAKnkNXnP8-00024-00015023-00015447 So it seems to make it seem an obvious choice to me as an engineer who's designed a lot of boats SRAKnkNXnP8-00025-00015456-00015656 That boats should be printable SRAKnkNXnP8-00026-00015680-00016231 So let's talk about the bolt print. So how long did that take and anything we SRAKnkNXnP8-00027-00016312-00016631 Anything we learned from printing that we might do differently here SRAKnkNXnP8-00028-00016712-00016984 Sure. We took the the boat was an existing SRAKnkNXnP8-00029-00017048-00017536 Design from a client of ours called navitech who designs high-tech boats, so they had a design SRAKnkNXnP8-00030-00017551-00017935 We had to tweak it a little bit to make it printable. Um, we printed it using a SRAKnkNXnP8-00031-00018118-00018664 45 degree printing technique that we've developed here on large scale printers SRAKnkNXnP8-00032-00018856-00019415 The print took 70 hours to print used about 5 000 pounds of carbon abs SRAKnkNXnP8-00033-00019487-00019631 and SRAKnkNXnP8-00034-00019631-00019991 We learned that it went pretty well. There's some things we do a bit differently. Um, SRAKnkNXnP8-00035-00020144-00020280 The SRAKnkNXnP8-00036-00020280-00020767 Controlling layer time is quite important. So the slicer can't actually control that very well SRAKnkNXnP8-00037-00020808-00021103 But layer time is very critical for large scale printing to get good SRAKnkNXnP8-00038-00021176-00021376 Bead adhesion you want it? SRAKnkNXnP8-00039-00021408-00021994 Not too hot or not too cold. So you want to control the layer time within a certain tolerance? So having that automatically SRAKnkNXnP8-00040-00022200-00022575 Calculated by the slicer would be great right now. It's not it's kind of done manually SRAKnkNXnP8-00041-00022568-00022840 You sort of tweak it as you go through the print which isn't ideal SRAKnkNXnP8-00042-00022920-00023336 So on a printer or this size, we're not worried about part cooling fans. We're worried about trying to maintain the heat SRAKnkNXnP8-00043-00023400-00023584 Yeah, the bead hold because the beads are big SRAKnkNXnP8-00044-00023584-00024023 It holds the heat and you want it to for a certain amount of time because you're also printing large items SRAKnkNXnP8-00045-00024031-00024351 So it takes a while to get all the way back around to where you started again SRAKnkNXnP8-00046-00024408-00024528 um SRAKnkNXnP8-00047-00024528-00025039 In the future we might put some cooling on there so we can print faster and faster right now SRAKnkNXnP8-00048-00025040-00025679 We typically work with between a one and a half minute and a four minute layer time with carbon abs is different for different materials SRAKnkNXnP8-00049-00025735-00025943 So we've got the boat. We've got a SRAKnkNXnP8-00050-00026000-00026200 And you also do shelter then SRAKnkNXnP8-00051-00026224-00026408 Talk about that a little bit SRAKnkNXnP8-00052-00026408-00026880 We do a lot of work with the army. Um a particular branch down in massachusetts SRAKnkNXnP8-00053-00026888-00027367 It deals with shelters, so I can't tell too much about that work, but they asked us to print a demonstration shelter SRAKnkNXnP8-00054-00027456-00027919 This was um a sort of shell that goes a little command post that goes on the back of an army truck SRAKnkNXnP8-00055-00027975-00028160 um, that was a SRAKnkNXnP8-00056-00028160-00028504 About a 2000 pound print it took about 40 hours to print SRAKnkNXnP8-00057-00028710-00028919 Interestingly large 3d printing has different SRAKnkNXnP8-00058-00029054-00029367 opportunities and different weaknesses compared to small 3d printing so SRAKnkNXnP8-00059-00029480-00030007 Bridging is not an option. The bead's so big so heavy and holds so much heat SRAKnkNXnP8-00060-00030016-00030543 It just sags on small printing you can bridge five inches if you really want to if your calling is dead on SRAKnkNXnP8-00061-00030568-00031200 Small printing you can't read on the sorry on the small scale printing bridge a long way on a large scale printing SRAKnkNXnP8-00062-00031272-00031727 You can't really bridge more than an inch or so because it just sat the beads got so much weight to it and so much SRAKnkNXnP8-00063-00031736-00032191 Thermal mass that it doesn't cool down quick enough. So infill isn't really an option SRAKnkNXnP8-00064-00032232-00032543 So a lot of these things we're doing now, I mean info has been used a bit SRAKnkNXnP8-00065-00032591-00032887 But um, a lot of what we're doing now is sort of perimeters SRAKnkNXnP8-00066-00032896-00033240 So the boat we're just printing the shell and a couple of internal ribs SRAKnkNXnP8-00067-00033312-00033839 which are hard to model with the size of technology we have now and that complicates things so SRAKnkNXnP8-00068-00033944-00034040 we also SRAKnkNXnP8-00069-00034040-00034279 You know 45 degree overhang is pretty strict SRAKnkNXnP8-00070-00034296-00034951 You can really push that quite a lot further on the small printers again because of the cooling but the large printing that's tough SRAKnkNXnP8-00071-00034991-00035247 Because the bean has so much mass. Um, we'll SRAKnkNXnP8-00072-00035328-00035751 We haven't had the printer very long maybe to push the envelope a little bit. But um, yeah, there's a lot SRAKnkNXnP8-00073-00035816-00035960 A lot we can do SRAKnkNXnP8-00074-00035960-00036327 We're going to be doing a lot of work with our federal sponsors and local boat builders SRAKnkNXnP8-00075-00036416-00036616 But I I welcome dialogue with SRAKnkNXnP8-00076-00036672-00036784 a lot of the SRAKnkNXnP8-00077-00036784-00037023 The folks on youtube who i've watched a lot of their channels SRAKnkNXnP8-00078-00037031-00037447 um, there's some very smart people out there and i'd love to collaborate with some of them, but you know, SRAKnkNXnP8-00079-00037447-00037783 Maybe get them up here and talk to us and see how we can work together SRAKnkNXnP8-00080-00037831-00038103 Awesome, and if they want to reach you this way SRAKnkNXnP8-00081-00038184-00038666 You can put my contact details in the in the link below as they say. Where is it down here SSdyxg9G9go-00000-00000006-00000339 So one of the things that comes with doing this for as long as I have -- is that you SSdyxg9G9go-00001-00000339-00000718 see things come and go and I often think of how often I see musicians act like the sky SSdyxg9G9go-00002-00000718-00001290 is falling over nothing. It kinda reminds me of how people drive in LA when it rains SSdyxg9G9go-00003-00001290-00001860 as if its the first time theyve ever seen it. Anyway every week I see musicians lose SSdyxg9G9go-00004-00001860-00002339 their mind about Instagram dying when its more like its getting older and you know to SSdyxg9G9go-00005-00002339-00003215 quote one of the classic movies _______. But heres the thing Instagram isn't dying its SSdyxg9G9go-00006-00003215-00003597 more relevant than ever and if you think I am wrong you should definitely stick around. SSdyxg9G9go-00007-00003597-00004085 So in this video Im going to explain how Instagram and TikTok work together as well as the differences SSdyxg9G9go-00008-00004085-00004185 between them. SSdyxg9G9go-00009-00004185-00004548 Hi I'm Jesse Cannon a music marketing nerd whos teaching musicians how to grow their SSdyxg9G9go-00010-00004548-00004967 fanbase from zero to 10,000 fans and this is Musformation. SSdyxg9G9go-00011-00004967-00005561 Ok so lets be real here theres no doubt TikTok is eating Instagrams lunch when it comes engagement SSdyxg9G9go-00012-00005561-00005986 and time spent on the apps. And when it comes to growing your audience as much as reels SSdyxg9G9go-00013-00005986-00006490 are really helping some musicians TikTok is just so much more explosive and no one would SSdyxg9G9go-00014-00006490-00006967 argue that the amount of growth and reach you get from TikTok is unparalleled by any SSdyxg9G9go-00015-00006967-00007700 platform ever before. But so many of you that I talk act as if this is a game and you should SSdyxg9G9go-00016-00007700-00008120 only be rooting for the winner instead of just seeing one as a hammer and the other SSdyxg9G9go-00017-00008120-00008606 a screwdriver which are both two different tools for two different jobs that need to SSdyxg9G9go-00018-00008606-00009082 get done. So let me help you explain what each part of each app is so you can get the SSdyxg9G9go-00019-00009082-00009340 function of each and understand how to use them SSdyxg9G9go-00020-00009340-00009772 The Instagram Grid is the place where you put your greatest hits and your biggest announcements SSdyxg9G9go-00021-00009772-00010231 and pieces of content. Seriously just think of your grid as the place where the best of SSdyxg9G9go-00022-00010231-00010671 you goes as well as a place to use captions to tell stories around your music. And if SSdyxg9G9go-00023-00010671-00011040 you don't know what I mean by that please hit the description and watch my playlist SSdyxg9G9go-00024-00011040-00011513 on storytelling around your music. And along with the highlighted stories and your bio SSdyxg9G9go-00025-00011513-00011906 this should be where someone can easily see what you have going on and get a very good SSdyxg9G9go-00026-00011906-00012259 sense of if they want to go deeper with you and check out your music. SSdyxg9G9go-00027-00012259-00012627 Whereas TikTok posts should be thought of as your ambassadors that go to a new person SSdyxg9G9go-00028-00012627-00013025 who doesn't know you and shows how great it would be to spend time with you. Its a place SSdyxg9G9go-00029-00013025-00013498 to aggregate your fans doing cool things around your music. A place to show your existing SSdyxg9G9go-00030-00013498-00013959 fans your personality and lifestyle where you can use duets and stitches to go deeper SSdyxg9G9go-00031-00013959-00014466 on your personality or promote what fans share around your music or interact with your microgenres SSdyxg9G9go-00032-00014466-00014961 culture. As long as its thrilling content that will keep people scrolling it belongs SSdyxg9G9go-00033-00014961-00015432 here. SSdyxg9G9go-00034-00015432-00015749 But here’s the thing to understand about the difference between the two - When people SSdyxg9G9go-00035-00015749-00016237 do news posts on TikTok like “we have a gig at the Hypebeast Playhouse October 18th SSdyxg9G9go-00036-00016237-00016827 or even big events like new album out now. You know what happens????? like 5-10% of your SSdyxg9G9go-00037-00016827-00017720 followers will see it. To get a grasp on this that's a massive failure alone the line of SSdyxg9G9go-00038-00017720-00018737 how bad facebook updates are. And more than half less of how many people read just the SSdyxg9G9go-00039-00018737-00018945 subject line of an email update. This is because TikTok unlike any other social network we SSdyxg9G9go-00040-00018945-00019262 have ever seen. And this even goes for the musicians with a million followrsI watch some SSdyxg9G9go-00041-00019262-00019703 of my favorite artists with rabid fanbases get 50 likes on their album drop post because SSdyxg9G9go-00042-00019703-00020935 literally no one sees it. This is because UNLIKE INSTAGRAM TIKTOK IS NOT FOR NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS SSdyxg9G9go-00043-00020935-00021409 UNLESS YOU MAKE THEM IN A TIKTOK FORMAT. And while you need to do them, TikTok literally SSdyxg9G9go-00044-00021409-00021905 does not show them to people unless you do them in a compelling way people want to watch SSdyxg9G9go-00045-00021905-00022437 to the end This is by design and TikTok has no interest in being what Instagram is as SSdyxg9G9go-00046-00022437-00022962 a news feed where people do life updates or post flyers for events and if you want proof SSdyxg9G9go-00047-00022962-00023414 look at the latest news of TikToks product updates - instead of trying to become the SSdyxg9G9go-00048-00023414-00023827 hub of news as every other social network has done when they have become the number SSdyxg9G9go-00049-00023827-00024368 one place people spend time TikTok has said F**CK THAT were going to do 10 minute video SSdyxg9G9go-00050-00024368-00024934 uploads to compete with YouTube instead. TikTok wants content that other people enjoy not SSdyxg9G9go-00051-00024934-00025408 your updates. And theyre confident if people build relationships with you on their app SSdyxg9G9go-00052-00025408-00025748 they will go to the other places where you do updates which is why they let you link SSdyxg9G9go-00053-00025748-00026153 your instagram or youtube because they know if ​​building relationships with fans SSdyxg9G9go-00054-00026153-00026531 and they are interacting with you, the fans will come back here and keep growing their SSdyxg9G9go-00055-00026531-00027019 relationship with you and the platform they found the artists they like on. But theyd SSdyxg9G9go-00056-00027019-00027522 much rather you follow your favorite creators elsewhere and they will handle showing their SSdyxg9G9go-00057-00027522-00027999 users your most engaging content while the other social networks can have the less fun SSdyxg9G9go-00058-00027999-00028683 stuff since they are banking on that being a winning strategy., I mean they even let SSdyxg9G9go-00059-00028683-00029169 you do a link in bio page, which speaking of now is a perfect time to introduce you SSdyxg9G9go-00060-00029169-00029619 to Koji the sponsor of this video. koji is free link in bio app but in my opinion it SSdyxg9G9go-00061-00029619-00029878 does the functions of a website better than most websites as it can point to all your SSdyxg9G9go-00062-00029878-00030362 socials and what you have going on in music and whatever your promoting. So much of the SSdyxg9G9go-00063-00030362-00031275 times websites go way too far and Koji is a simple way for someone looking to find your SSdyxg9G9go-00064-00031275-00031901 music to be able to do it. Koji is a link in bio app store for Creators, SSdyxg9G9go-00065-00031901-00032358 it offers a free to use, free to customize link in bio platform and is truly the best SSdyxg9G9go-00066-00032358-00032878 link in bio for musicians. I mean just look at these profiles they look amazing and that SSdyxg9G9go-00067-00032878-00033368 call be done FOR FREE! But here’s the thing you have probably seen ones like linktree SSdyxg9G9go-00068-00033368-00033798 but Koji has this app store where you can do amazing experiences for fans to get to SSdyxg9G9go-00069-00033798-00034309 know you, interact with them, build relationships AND EVEN MAKE MONEY. And I wanna say these SSdyxg9G9go-00070-00034309-00034753 are not IOS apps - nothing to download - these are LINK IN BIO apps that live on the link SSdyxg9G9go-00071-00034753-00035313 in your bio on ALL your socials 24/7 So let me show you a few that I find to be amazing SSdyxg9G9go-00072-00035313-00035451 for music marketing.But lets talk about some of the apps that are perfect for this. SSdyxg9G9go-00073-00035451-00035965 FUND MY PROJECT - crowdfund your album or single directly on your social media SSdyxg9G9go-00074-00035965-00036538 LINK LOCKER - charge for private zoom concerts or any other livestream. Make it intimate, SSdyxg9G9go-00075-00036538-00038021 or invite the world. LOVE JAR - most people are streaming your SSdyxg9G9go-00076-00038021-00038434 music for free, so why not let them drop you a note about how much you and your music means SSdyxg9G9go-00077-00038434-00038908 to them..and show you some $ love as well. SSdyxg9G9go-00078-00038908-00039322 I recently made a video that gives a thorough tour of Koji and my suggestions for building SSdyxg9G9go-00079-00039322-00039800 a profile that's effective for you. so go learn more and get your own free koji link SSdyxg9G9go-00080-00039800-00040434 in bio page for your socials abd head to the description or to that w i t SSdyxg9G9go-00081-00040434-00040691 h k o j i dot com SSdyxg9G9go-00082-00040691-00041151 So as I was saying I really believe that TikTok and Instagram are a reciprocal relationship SSdyxg9G9go-00083-00041151-00041690 and two things that should not be seen as in competition and instead two tools you use. SSdyxg9G9go-00084-00041690-00042037 So let me explain that even more since youre probably wondering how to think of the piece SSdyxg9G9go-00085-00042037-00042516 of this you probably use the most which are Instagram stories. I like to see Instagram SSdyxg9G9go-00086-00042516-00042990 stories as the place on social media where you build relationships with people. No matter SSdyxg9G9go-00087-00042990-00043511 what anyone tells you about interactions with TikTok eclipsing instagram every music fan SSdyxg9G9go-00088-00043511-00043986 still knows that if they want to see the real life, personality and details of what an artist SSdyxg9G9go-00089-00043986-00044534 is really like -- stories are where that happens and if you see stories as the best place to SSdyxg9G9go-00090-00044534-00046331 build a relationship with fans. It really is the place you can SSdyxg9G9go-00091-00046331-00046861 overshare with barely any consequences and often have it rewarded. Whereas the second SSdyxg9G9go-00092-00046861-00047345 you overshare on tiktok or put up mid-grade material you most often get no reward since SSdyxg9G9go-00093-00047345-00048044 TikTok wants your content that fits the tropes they like. and if you dont get that just remember SSdyxg9G9go-00094-00048044-00048312 I answer every question in the comments below. SSdyxg9G9go-00095-00048312-00048622 But at this point it probably feels like I have been obscuring the fact that TikTok was SSdyxg9G9go-00096-00048622-00049080 cloned by Instagram in the form of Reels. And yes they have but heres the big caveat SSdyxg9G9go-00097-00049080-00049591 I have with saying TikTok was cloned. Reels just aren't as good at TikTok as making the SSdyxg9G9go-00098-00049591-00050053 magic sauce of finding exactly what you wanna see on the app. They don't offer the explosive SSdyxg9G9go-00099-00050053-00050486 growth in engagement and followers or jumping the curiosity gap to hear the songs that they SSdyxg9G9go-00100-00050486-00051354 are enjoying and streaming them on spotify. So how SSdyxg9G9go-00101-00051354-00051791 do you handle this since Instagram has this reels function sitting here that can help SSdyxg9G9go-00102-00051791-00052272 you get new fans and you want new fans. So let me give you an easy decision tree. If SSdyxg9G9go-00103-00052272-00052911 you're fans are going to be nothing but people over 30 you should favor reels. If theres SSdyxg9G9go-00104-00052911-00053373 no way you can be bothered to make tiktok style videos I have bad news since Reels aren't SSdyxg9G9go-00105-00053373-00053820 really any different so that's just a border in your brain but if you can find definitive SSdyxg9G9go-00106-00053820-00054383 proof that your genre isn't really active on TikTok then do Reels. Otherwise here’s SSdyxg9G9go-00107-00054383-00054809 what I’d do and we’re about to complicate things by bringing youtube into the equation. SSdyxg9G9go-00108-00054809-00055311 So lets see youve done what 98% of you should do and chosen to focus on TikTok for your SSdyxg9G9go-00109-00055311-00055837 shorter ambassador type content that is designed to give new listeners a glimpse at you and SSdyxg9G9go-00110-00055837-00056329 make them curious to go deeper. What I would then do is decide what you care more about SSdyxg9G9go-00111-00056329-00056808 growing subscribers on YouTube or followers on Instagram. Thats a complicated question SSdyxg9G9go-00112-00056808-00057286 obviously but heres the thing I tend to find if you post your short content on YouTube SSdyxg9G9go-00113-00057286-00057816 Shorts Instagram Reels and TikTok the chances are that a fan already saw it on another and SSdyxg9G9go-00114-00057816-00058295 swipes past it cannibalizes this content and makes it less effective. So I say lean into SSdyxg9G9go-00115-00058295-00058783 two of them and skip the other one. YouTube shorts have been largely ineffective for most SSdyxg9G9go-00116-00058783-00059312 people getting followers but if you have engaged fans there feeding them and building relationships SSdyxg9G9go-00117-00059312-00059775 can be effective. Oh yeah and if you're liking this You should be subscribed and get notified SSdyxg9G9go-00118-00059775-00059961 since this is what we talk about here SSdyxg9G9go-00119-00059961-00060368 But speaking of that whole canibalizing thing I got a nice trick for you. Since most of SSdyxg9G9go-00120-00060368-00060859 the content we’re making for TikTok in short form is pretty evergreen I like to delay posting SSdyxg9G9go-00121-00060859-00061751 it to the second short form platform we’re gonna use by 3- 7 days the content I post SSdyxg9G9go-00122-00061751-00062229 to the second priority platform so that way the likelihood of the cannibalisation occurring SSdyxg9G9go-00123-00062229-00062742 goes down. The space between posting also allows fans who were busy and not engaged SSdyxg9G9go-00124-00062742-00063238 on both apps one week to potentially see it later and I know both tiktok and reels have SSdyxg9G9go-00125-00063238-00063850 a long tail in that the content still can get significant weeks even months later but SSdyxg9G9go-00126-00063850-00064277 I have seen a free musicians get way better traction with this delayed approach. SSdyxg9G9go-00127-00064277-00065199 But what about Instagram vs TikTok Live. So this one is interesting as they are nearly SSdyxg9G9go-00128-00065199-00065702 identical except one feature that matters which TikTok allows you to schedule a live SSdyxg9G9go-00129-00065702-00066185 in advance and it then advertises it to your follows as they show them your videos and SSdyxg9G9go-00130-00066185-00066987 puts it on your profile. For that and TikToks explosive growth I do like it better for going SSdyxg9G9go-00131-00066987-00067552 live but heres the thing. The thing I hear over and over again is TikToks users just SSdyxg9G9go-00132-00067552-00068037 aren't looking for the live content they are looking for the ADD scroll of the app. So SSdyxg9G9go-00133-00068037-00068402 when you are choosing which one to go live with-- with say another musicians where you SSdyxg9G9go-00134-00068402-00068836 two are going to chat. First off choose the app where you are both have more engagement SSdyxg9G9go-00135-00068836-00069407 but if that engagement is negligible between them both I would build on TikTok. Especially SSdyxg9G9go-00136-00069407-00069836 if you have decided tiktok is a focus for you and you're concerned about instagrams SSdyxg9G9go-00137-00069836-00069953 dwindling engagement. SSdyxg9G9go-00138-00069953-00070449 But I do want to talk about how the apps are similar, and first I want to say the comments SSdyxg9G9go-00139-00070449-00070952 and interaction with fans is where fans are really made. You should be seeing the interactions SSdyxg9G9go-00140-00070952-00071404 you have in your own comments as well as those who are in your community and if you don't SSdyxg9G9go-00141-00071404-00071891 know what I mean by community I highly suggest you hit the description and click on my video SSdyxg9G9go-00142-00071891-00072391 on that as its most important to building your early fanbase. Anyway, one way to look SSdyxg9G9go-00143-00072391-00072874 at both apps is so much of your interaction with fans and musicians in your micro genre SSdyxg9G9go-00144-00072874-00073681 the big work of building community and getting early fans is done interacting here. So don't SSdyxg9G9go-00145-00073681-00073787 sleep on either app. SSdyxg9G9go-00146-00073787-00074857 Lastly and to piggy back more on why those videos on how to build community are so important SSdyxg9G9go-00147-00074857-00075256 is that you need to know the right hashtags to put on your posts. This is so much of the SSdyxg9G9go-00148-00075256-00076026 secret sauce on both apps as on instagram the most passionate fans follow hashtags and SSdyxg9G9go-00149-00076026-00076603 on tiktok it tells TikTok who it should be serving your content to. So you need to do SSdyxg9G9go-00150-00076603-00077124 your research on which hashtags work best. Often times the hashtags will be similar across SSdyxg9G9go-00151-00077124-00077611 both platforms but doing your research will help to make sure you optimize them for both SSdyxg9G9go-00152-00077611-00077727 platforms. SSdyxg9G9go-00153-00077727-00078174 So to wrap up, I think seeing TikTok as a place to grow your music and build relationships SSdyxg9G9go-00154-00078174-00078660 is great but lets remember Instagram is still where your deepest fans will go to stay updated SSdyxg9G9go-00155-00078660-00079107 with you so keeping up on both is crucial these days and understanding the borders of SSdyxg9G9go-00156-00079107-00079394 each is extremely helpful to grow your fanbase. SSdyxg9G9go-00157-00079394-00079957 OK On the screen now is a video on how find community, how to blow up on tik tok or how SSdyxg9G9go-00158-00079957-00080375 to grow your fanbase from zero to 10,000 fans. Click and keep learning thanks for watching. STisicO0fqI-00000-00000102-00000802 [Upbeat Music] STisicO0fqI-00001-00001512-00002096 My name is Lane Gibbons. I'm the Lead Fire Effects Monitor for Interior Region One of STisicO0fqI-00002-00002096-00002656 the National Park Service and we're here in Big Meadows and we're going to be talking about how STisicO0fqI-00003-00002656-00003192 we manage the Meadow and some of the results of a recent prescribed fire that we had this spring. STisicO0fqI-00004-00003192-00003904 Big Meadows is about 125 acres in size. It is the largest non-forested area of the park STisicO0fqI-00005-00003960-00004600 and, although it makes up about one-tenth of one percent of the park's area, it contains STisicO0fqI-00006-00004600-00005552 about 18 percent of the park's rare plants, two state rare animals, and a globally rare STisicO0fqI-00007-00005552-00006232 wetland known as a mafic wetland. Mafic wetlands have soils that are rich in elements such as STisicO0fqI-00008-00006232-00006920 magnesium and iron and with that comes specific plants, species of plants and plant communities STisicO0fqI-00009-00006920-00007488 that thrive in those conditions. We don't know exactly how or when the Meadow formed STisicO0fqI-00010-00007488-00008368 but we know that native people were using the Meadow in 9000 BCE, and they were using STisicO0fqI-00011-00008368-00009096 the site for its resources: game, plant foods, and nuts, things that were available to them. STisicO0fqI-00012-00009344-00010072 Settlers came much later. By the 1850s a family living in the Shenandoah Valley owned a large STisicO0fqI-00013-00010072-00010784 portion of the Meadow and they used it for cattle. They used it as a cattle range. They had tenant STisicO0fqI-00014-00010784-00011496 farmers living up here looking over the cattle and cutting timber for their own personal use. STisicO0fqI-00015-00011584-00012320 In the 20th century the Meadow was the site of a Civilian Conservation Corps camp. It was the site STisicO0fqI-00016-00012320-00013128 of the park's dedication ceremony in 1936 and, uh, since then it's been a focal point for visitors STisicO0fqI-00017-00013184-00013688 coming to the park. We know from historical accounts that fire has previously been used to STisicO0fqI-00018-00013688-00014432 manage the Meadow and today prescribed fire allows us to manage the Meadow in a low impact and safe STisicO0fqI-00019-00014432-00015136 way. It allows us to avoid putting heavy equipment in the central portion of the Meadow which has STisicO0fqI-00020-00015136-00015919 sensitive resources and soils, and it allows us to progressively remove woody vegetation and brush STisicO0fqI-00021-00015919-00016584 over time. The overall goal of managing Big Meadows is to maintain its ecological integrity STisicO0fqI-00022-00016584-00017224 as an open herbaceous-dominated plant community that provides habitat STisicO0fqI-00023-00017352-00017840 and also to preserve its cultural significance as an open landscape. STisicO0fqI-00024-00017840-00018512 Our strategy for managing the Meadow involves separating the Meadow into three segments and STisicO0fqI-00025-00018512-00018856 every year a segment of the Meadow receives a different treatment: STisicO0fqI-00026-00019072-00019832 one segment is mowed, one segment is burned, and one segment is left fallow. Leaving a section of STisicO0fqI-00027-00019832-00020416 the Meadow fallow means that we leave it alone. We don't mow and we don't use prescribed fire in that STisicO0fqI-00028-00020416-00021240 section for that year. This allows us to keep from disturbing the entire Meadow in any given year. STisicO0fqI-00029-00021296-00021944 It allows us to maintain some sort of variation in the structure of vegetation which provides STisicO0fqI-00030-00021944-00022456 better habitat for the animals that live here. This also prevents us from having a STisicO0fqI-00031-00022520-00022992 negative impact on an entire plant or animal population in any given year. STisicO0fqI-00032-00023864-00024448 Prescribed fire is something that helps us remove thatch and litter from the Meadow floor. This is STisicO0fqI-00033-00024448-00025152 something that mowing can't do, and exposing that new mineral soil allows plants to regrow and new STisicO0fqI-00034-00025152-00025800 plants to germinate. Because of our management, Big Meadows remains dominated by a diverse group STisicO0fqI-00035-00025800-00026376 of herbaceous plants. Without that management the Meadow would eventually fill in with woody STisicO0fqI-00036-00026376-00027008 shrubs and small trees, like this Hawthorne, and forest would grow in from the edge of the Meadow. STisicO0fqI-00037-00027008-00027680 Not only is it important to manage the Meadow as an open space for ecological reasons, but it is STisicO0fqI-00038-00027680-00028183 also important to open the Meadow as an open space so that we can interpret its cultural history. STisicO0fqI-00039-00028983-00029464 As we discussed, there are many positive aspects of using prescribed fire to manage the Meadow, STisicO0fqI-00040-00029536-00030024 but spring prescribed fire alone is not enough to set back woody vegetation in STisicO0fqI-00041-00030024-00030408 the Meadow, which is why we still use mowing as a tool for management. STisicO0fqI-00042-00030544-00031352 We've discovered that over, with 20 plus years of monitoring and observation, that combination STisicO0fqI-00043-00031352-00031936 of both prescribed fire and mowing is best for maintaining the Meadow. Here we can see that STisicO0fqI-00044-00031936-00032464 fire doesn't burn uniformly throughout the Meadow. Here’s some charred and burnt material and right STisicO0fqI-00045-00032464-00033032 next to it is unburned material. Reasons for this might be slight changes in wind direction. STisicO0fqI-00046-00033168-00033640 Other reasons may be slight changes in the moisture of the fuel at the time of the burn. STisicO0fqI-00047-00033776-00034344 Another thing, is that fire doesn't kill everything it burns. For example a couple STisicO0fqI-00048-00034344-00034952 weeks ago this fly poison was much, growing much closer to the ground and, although fire STisicO0fqI-00049-00034952-00035584 has scorched to the very tips of its leaves, it will continue to grow and flower into the season. STisicO0fqI-00050-00035648-00036280 Fly poison is one of the most easily recognizable wildflowers in Big Meadows. Some plants in the STisicO0fqI-00051-00036280-00036840 Meadow respond positively to prescribed fire. This brown bog sedge, for example, STisicO0fqI-00052-00036840-00037520 has increased in numbers since using it. Likewise, this bristly blackberry hasn't been seen in the STisicO0fqI-00053-00037520-00038024 Meadow for several years, and its numbers have increased since using prescribed fire. STisicO0fqI-00054-00038128-00038840 The heart of the range of these species is in the northeast and the great lakes, but they're rare STisicO0fqI-00055-00038904-00039336 here in the Meadow and in the state of Virginia, because they're at the very southern extent STisicO0fqI-00056-00039336-00040040 of that range. Grey birch is another rare species here in the park and in the state of Virginia. It STisicO0fqI-00057-00040040-00040816 is at the very southern extent of its range, but because it doesn't occur as in high a numbers STisicO0fqI-00058-00040816-00041488 as the plants we previously talked about, like the bristly blackberry and the brown bog sedge, STisicO0fqI-00059-00041488-00042112 we want to actually protect this plant from fire. Ways that we can do that are using STisicO0fqI-00060-00042224-00042880 techniques to use fire to our advantage. We can light around the base of the tree so that the fire STisicO0fqI-00061-00042880-00043488 behavior starts at low intensities, and we can place that fire in a way so that it backs away STisicO0fqI-00062-00043488-00044168 from the trees and into the wind, keeping fire intensity low and preventing the tree from getting STisicO0fqI-00063-00044168-00045640 Damaged. Uh, this could be the roosting location of a woodcock or some other bird that uses the STisicO0fqI-00064-00045640-00046384 Meadow. Other birds include the field sparrow, the grasshopper sparrow, and the indigo bunting. STisicO0fqI-00065-00046600-00047248 Fire management help produces variation in the structure of vegetation. It also helps produce STisicO0fqI-00066-00047248-00047840 variation and diversity in the type of plants that are out here. All of these things produce STisicO0fqI-00067-00047840-00048688 a habitat that provides space for the birds to use as roosting sites, nesting sites, perching sites, STisicO0fqI-00068-00048688-00049440 and places for forging too. Diversity in structure and plant species also brings a diversity of STisicO0fqI-00069-00049440-00050088 insects, which these birds use for foraging. Small mammals, such as meadow voles and short tail STisicO0fqI-00070-00050088-00050680 shrews, also benefit from the diversity of insects that results from management and prescribed fire. STisicO0fqI-00071-00050776-00051384 Small mammals like these often escape prescribed fire by burrowing underground. Soil is an STisicO0fqI-00072-00051384-00051984 excellent in insulator of heat and even just a few centimeters below the surface of the soil STisicO0fqI-00073-00052048-00052655 these small mammals are protected from the heat of the fire. National Park Service resource managers STisicO0fqI-00074-00052655-00053336 and fire managers use a process called adaptive management to maintain the Meadow. This is a STisicO0fqI-00075-00053336-00054055 process that involves gathering information, developing best practices for treatments, STisicO0fqI-00076-00054128-00054752 implementing those treatments, monitoring the results, and collecting information about the STisicO0fqI-00077-00054752-00055376 results of those treatments, comparing that with the best available science and research STisicO0fqI-00078-00055376-00056160 at the time, and then using all of that, again, to inform best practices and treatments; STisicO0fqI-00079-00056160-00056752 again, it's a cyclical process. This process of adaptive management allows us to constantly STisicO0fqI-00080-00056752-00057584 reevaluate our progress towards these goals to make sure that we remain in line and on target. SVFlP3zz8qo-00000-00000304-00002302 Add Elements on Dashboard which Use Various Data Sources SVFlP3zz8qo-00001-00002324-00002900 These Data Sources Will Be Joined in One Virtual Data Table which is Used With Dashboard SVFlP3zz8qo-00002-00002918-00003392 Select View Query Command to Show Dashboard Virtual Data Table SVFlP3zz8qo-00003-00003418-00004496 Relation is not Creating and Data Rows Were United Sequentially SVFlP3zz8qo-00004-00004522-00005690 Add Relation Between Data Sources SVFlP3zz8qo-00005-00005720-00006608 Now Data from Various Data Sources Will Be Collated in Dashboard Virtual Data Table SYl4lGPgEMu-00000-00000048-00000100 Hattery: Do you know SYl4lGPgEMu-00001-00000100-00000150 what my favorite SYl4lGPgEMu-00002-00000150-00000200 combo is? SYl4lGPgEMu-00003-00000238-00000288 Ninjamurm: What? Sbe8CAvRarI-00000-00000400-00000552 The DNA for success in 2017 in my Sbe8CAvRarI-00001-00000552-00000827 opinion is a combination of what Sbe8CAvRarI-00002-00000827-00001119 I like to call the key Sbe8CAvRarI-00003-00001119-00001311 native advertising mindsets and they really Sbe8CAvRarI-00004-00001311-00001632 encapsulate kind of everything that I Sbe8CAvRarI-00005-00001632-00001800 think you need to do to be Sbe8CAvRarI-00006-00001800-00001968 a successful native advertiser next year Sbe8CAvRarI-00007-00001968-00002069 And really that is kind of Sbe8CAvRarI-00008-00002069-00002369 understanding the feed, understanding Sbe8CAvRarI-00009-00002369-00002660 content, understanding advertising and Sbe8CAvRarI-00010-00002660-00002832 and really embracing technology Sbe8CAvRarI-00011-00002832-00003147 and programmatic. I think Sbe8CAvRarI-00012-00003147-00003303 those are the kind of key elements for Sbe8CAvRarI-00013-00003303-00003400 for success next year. Sbe8CAvRarI-00014-00003500-00003861 Really the convergence of creativity, storytelling Sbe8CAvRarI-00015-00003861-00004200 and technology and data Sbe8CAvRarI-00016-00004200-00004382 that is now available with programmatic Sbe8CAvRarI-00017-00004382-00004632 native and quite heavily Sbe8CAvRarI-00018-00004632-00004851 leading that charge. It really means that Sbe8CAvRarI-00019-00004851-00005114 you as a marketer have a real Sbe8CAvRarI-00020-00005114-00005300 key for success. Sbe8CAvRarI-00021-00005805-00006027 The mindset that they need to adopt is really a kind of Sbe8CAvRarI-00022-00006027-00006248 pioneering spirit. Then they need Sbe8CAvRarI-00023-00006248-00006473 to effectively almost be startups within Sbe8CAvRarI-00024-00006473-00006693 their own organisations. Sbe8CAvRarI-00025-00006693-00007101 Native advertising is a new ad medium or Sbe8CAvRarI-00026-00007101-00007290 relatively new for a lot of businesses. Sbe8CAvRarI-00027-00007290-00007604 Really, you kind of need to Sbe8CAvRarI-00028-00007604-00007859 embrace the opportunity and Sbe8CAvRarI-00029-00007859-00008040 really think of yourselves as change Sbe8CAvRarI-00030-00008040-00008204 agents within your organisation whether Sbe8CAvRarI-00031-00008204-00008577 that's a small business or a Sbe8CAvRarI-00032-00008577-00008763 very large organisation, you need Sbe8CAvRarI-00033-00008763-00008913 to have that pioneering spirit Sbe8CAvRarI-00034-00008913-00009264 and really go at Sbe8CAvRarI-00035-00009264-00009474 the root of what Sbe8CAvRarI-00036-00009474-00009696 you're looking to achieve and really... Sbe8CAvRarI-00037-00009696-00009918 The market next year, Sbe8CAvRarI-00038-00009918-00010193 or in 2018, is estimated to be worth Sbe8CAvRarI-00039-00010193-00010413 fifty nine billion dollars, so Sbe8CAvRarI-00040-00010413-00010584 you know there's a lot of Sbe8CAvRarI-00041-00010584-00010739 dollar signs there and a lot of Sbe8CAvRarI-00042-00010739-00011000 opportunity for businesses to really Sbe8CAvRarI-00043-00011046-00011110 embrace that change. Sbe8CAvRarI-00044-00011710-00011850 To adopt a native first mindset Sbe8CAvRarI-00045-00011850-00012012 it's about being a pioneer Sbe8CAvRarI-00046-00012012-00012363 and thinking about your Sbe8CAvRarI-00047-00012363-00012831 audience, looking at content but Sbe8CAvRarI-00048-00012831-00013094 also looking at device you know.. Sbe8CAvRarI-00049-00013094-00013338 Native advertising is now Sbe8CAvRarI-00050-00013338-00013547 a mobile first kind of medium. Sbe8CAvRarI-00051-00013547-00013785 It's about embracing the feed, Sbe8CAvRarI-00052-00013785-00014160 it's about technology and Sbe8CAvRarI-00053-00014160-00014382 really being change agents and Sbe8CAvRarI-00054-00014382-00014682 forward-thinking really in terms Sbe8CAvRarI-00055-00014682-00014860 of what you can do. Sbe8CAvRarI-00056-00015360-00015546 Ultimately that's where your audience are Sbe8CAvRarI-00057-00015546-00015738 If you look back to the Sbe8CAvRarI-00058-00015738-00016038 sixties and seventies, your audience Sbe8CAvRarI-00059-00016038-00016233 congregated around the TV set Sbe8CAvRarI-00060-00016233-00016497 they sat there, they watched TV Sbe8CAvRarI-00061-00016497-00016764 they were captured audiences Sbe8CAvRarI-00062-00016764-00017025 engaging with content that was kind Sbe8CAvRarI-00063-00017025-00017202 of pushed down towards them for Sbe8CAvRarI-00064-00017202-00017502 eight-nine hours a day. Sbe8CAvRarI-00065-00017502-00017748 The TV viewing as a whole has declined Sbe8CAvRarI-00066-00017748-00017994 over the last few years and where has it Sbe8CAvRarI-00067-00017994-00018156 declined to? Where has it moved to? Sbe8CAvRarI-00068-00018156-00018486 It has moved to the feed you know... Sbe8CAvRarI-00069-00018486-00018777 mobile-first that is where your Sbe8CAvRarI-00070-00018777-00018998 audience are. Sbe8CAvRarI-00071-00018998-00019410 A stat I read this week was that 51.. Sbe8CAvRarI-00072-00019410-00019605 You engage with your phone or you look at your phone Sbe8CAvRarI-00073-00019605-00019782 on average 51 times a day. And I think that's Sbe8CAvRarI-00074-00019782-00020007 probably too low for the Millennial Sbe8CAvRarI-00075-00020007-00020201 audiences. It's probably more like a hundred and fifty Sbe8CAvRarI-00076-00020201-00020541 times a day. And ultimately that is Sbe8CAvRarI-00077-00020541-00020700 where you're engaging with Sbe8CAvRarI-00078-00020700-00021023 content and with feeds in Sbe8CAvRarI-00079-00021023-00021201 that process. So you know that is where Sbe8CAvRarI-00080-00021201-00021330 your audience are these days. Sbe8CAvRarI-00081-00021980-00022096 Native certainly can stand alone if Sbe8CAvRarI-00082-00022096-00022345 you look at big publisher Sbe8CAvRarI-00083-00022345-00022534 entities that are embracing native, if Sbe8CAvRarI-00084-00022534-00022673 you look at BuzzFeed, which is a hundred Sbe8CAvRarI-00085-00022673-00022876 percent native advertising Sbe8CAvRarI-00086-00022876-00023045 business, Sbe8CAvRarI-00087-00023045-00023359 it certainly can stand alone. Sbe8CAvRarI-00088-00023359-00023482 That's not to disparage Sbe8CAvRarI-00089-00023482-00023651 display and other forms of Sbe8CAvRarI-00090-00023651-00023785 of online advertising. I think they all Sbe8CAvRarI-00091-00023785-00023978 have a place in the marketing Sbe8CAvRarI-00092-00023978-00024278 mix, but ultimately native advertising Sbe8CAvRarI-00093-00024278-00024481 I think over the last few years has matured Sbe8CAvRarI-00094-00024481-00024676 and really is a kind of standalone Sbe8CAvRarI-00095-00024676-00024953 product for major Sbe8CAvRarI-00096-00024953-00025070 advertisers around the world Sbe8CAvRarI-00097-00025470-00025537 How do you deal with objections to Sbe8CAvRarI-00098-00025537-00025798 native? You know the first step is to Sbe8CAvRarI-00099-00025798-00026006 kind of quote the fact that the Sbe8CAvRarI-00100-00026006-00026147 market is going to be worth fifty nine Sbe8CAvRarI-00101-00026147-00026474 billion dollars by 2018 so that Sbe8CAvRarI-00102-00026474-00026768 sometimes kind of Sbe8CAvRarI-00103-00026768-00026953 engenders change Sbe8CAvRarI-00104-00026953-00027266 within an organisation.. Sbe8CAvRarI-00105-00027266-00027455 You know the main objections that you see to native Sbe8CAvRarI-00106-00027455-00027668 I feel are around Sbe8CAvRarI-00107-00027668-00027940 editorial control for brands, for Sbe8CAvRarI-00108-00027940-00028238 publishers. I think as an industry we're Sbe8CAvRarI-00109-00028238-00028420 pretty good at self-regulating Sbe8CAvRarI-00110-00028420-00028840 that and really as a market as a Sbe8CAvRarI-00111-00028840-00029065 whole we work through those Sbe8CAvRarI-00112-00029065-00029219 objections from that side of Sbe8CAvRarI-00113-00029219-00029300 things. Sbe8CAvRarI-00114-00029300-00029464 Another kind of objection really is kind Sbe8CAvRarI-00115-00029464-00029777 of labelling and disclosure. Personally Sbe8CAvRarI-00116-00029777-00030038 again I think the market is very Sbe8CAvRarI-00117-00030038-00030263 evolved on that side of things.. Sbe8CAvRarI-00118-00030263-00030449 Platforms like ADYOULIKE, like Sbe8CAvRarI-00119-00030449-00030538 ourselves, Sbe8CAvRarI-00120-00030538-00030745 you would never integrate with the Sbe8CAvRarI-00121-00030745-00030899 publisher without the kind of full Sbe8CAvRarI-00122-00030899-00031097 disclosure so it's you know 'sponsored by', Sbe8CAvRarI-00123-00031097-00031408 'promoted by' or 'advertisement' Sbe8CAvRarI-00124-00031408-00031607 increasingly we're using Sbe8CAvRarI-00125-00031607-00031844 and from our point of view Sbe8CAvRarI-00126-00031844-00031921 that's a given. Sbe8CAvRarI-00127-00031921-00032134 It's the law as much as anything Sbe8CAvRarI-00128-00032134-00032350 and then really Sbe8CAvRarI-00129-00032350-00032677 you can't run a campaign without Sbe8CAvRarI-00130-00032677-00032950 it and you know.. I think once publishers Sbe8CAvRarI-00131-00032950-00033244 and advertisers can understand that Sbe8CAvRarI-00132-00033244-00033574 they can realise where Sbe8CAvRarI-00133-00033574-00033802 it fits really... In terms of Sbe8CAvRarI-00134-00033802-00034130 other objections, again Sbe8CAvRarI-00135-00034130-00034262 really it comes back to that this is Sbe8CAvRarI-00136-00034262-00034390 where the market is Sbe8CAvRarI-00137-00034390-00034499 headed. There are some Sbe8CAvRarI-00138-00034499-00034903 objections to particular types of Sbe8CAvRarI-00139-00034903-00035209 native advertising so.. Sbe8CAvRarI-00140-00035209-00035393 Something I've talked about Sbe8CAvRarI-00141-00035393-00035618 today really has been the Sbe8CAvRarI-00142-00035618-00035827 native product pyramid that I Sbe8CAvRarI-00143-00035827-00035950 see from a publisher landscape Sbe8CAvRarI-00144-00035950-00036233 which is very much... Sbe8CAvRarI-00145-00036233-00036415 You've got your premium native Sbe8CAvRarI-00146-00036415-00036622 product which is Sbe8CAvRarI-00147-00036622-00036833 publisher created content on behalf of a Sbe8CAvRarI-00148-00036833-00037078 brand, written in the publishers tone Sbe8CAvRarI-00149-00037078-00037358 of voice. More often than not clearly Sbe8CAvRarI-00150-00037358-00037552 labeled, clearly sponsored and then you Sbe8CAvRarI-00151-00037552-00037747 have a native display Sbe8CAvRarI-00152-00037747-00038030 in-feed units Sbe8CAvRarI-00153-00038030-00038156 which are very much Sbe8CAvRarI-00154-00038156-00038480 delivered at scale, primarily kind of promoted Sbe8CAvRarI-00155-00038480-00038722 branded content that has been created Sbe8CAvRarI-00156-00038722-00039031 by a brand across Sbe8CAvRarI-00157-00039031-00039233 publisher environments and then Sbe8CAvRarI-00158-00039233-00039391 in the bottom of the Sbe8CAvRarI-00159-00039391-00039541 pyramid you have the content Sbe8CAvRarI-00160-00039541-00039818 recommendation units, which Sbe8CAvRarI-00161-00039818-00039983 most people, most publishers are Sbe8CAvRarI-00162-00039983-00040156 familiar with.. And I think Sbe8CAvRarI-00163-00040156-00040318 really there's a place for all of Sbe8CAvRarI-00164-00040318-00040519 those within the native Sbe8CAvRarI-00165-00040519-00040868 product set. Really it's about Sbe8CAvRarI-00166-00040868-00041036 an educational piece when you Sbe8CAvRarI-00167-00041036-00041243 talk through these points with Sbe8CAvRarI-00168-00041243-00041393 people that object to native advertising. Sbe8CAvRarI-00169-00041393-00041633 Then they kind of understand the ecosystem Sbe8CAvRarI-00170-00041633-00041700 a little bit more. SfVa_U8q6M0-00000-00000059-00000505 When I was younger, one thing that I heard constantly from the older gen-xers SfVa_U8q6M0-00001-00000505-00001121 and boomers was that young people nowadays are just plumb lazy and don t want to work anymore. SfVa_U8q6M0-00002-00001121-00001571 That the biggest problem with them is that they just want to sit around, living in leisure, SfVa_U8q6M0-00003-00001571-00001888 enjoying the fruit of work they didn't perform. SfVa_U8q6M0-00004-00001888-00002475 And the downfall of society is an imminent, foregone conclusion because we can't sustain SfVa_U8q6M0-00005-00002475-00002964 a society with a portion of the population living off of the blood, sweat, and tears SfVa_U8q6M0-00006-00002964-00003119 of the rest of world. SfVa_U8q6M0-00007-00003119-00003578 And then I started to hear similar things about poor people. SfVa_U8q6M0-00008-00003578-00004189 How anyone who received welfare was inherently lazy, living off of the taxpayer's dime, how SfVa_U8q6M0-00009-00004189-00004523 they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. SfVa_U8q6M0-00010-00004523-00004910 And then, there were other times when racists would apply the same argument to whatever SfVa_U8q6M0-00011-00004910-00005449 particular group of people they felt was responsible for the ills of the world. SfVa_U8q6M0-00012-00005449-00005971 But even as a young adult with no real experience working for survival, that argument just didn't SfVa_U8q6M0-00013-00005971-00006085 sit well with me. SfVa_U8q6M0-00014-00006085-00006580 I never could quite understand how that many people could be so lazy, leaving so much work SfVa_U8q6M0-00015-00006580-00007083 that needed to be done, and society still function to any degree. SfVa_U8q6M0-00016-00007083-00007625 When I started working full-time after graduation and had to pay for rent, utilities, groceries, SfVa_U8q6M0-00017-00007625-00008086 and everything else we're forced to pay for to continue living in some semblance of comfort, SfVa_U8q6M0-00018-00008086-00008488 this myth s argumentative power completely evaporated for me. SfVa_U8q6M0-00019-00008488-00009050 My first real job was at a kitchen, and there I worked alongside all the different kinds of people that some SfVa_U8q6M0-00020-00009050-00009697 told me were lazy and part of the problem, but when I went to work all I saw were people who were working SfVa_U8q6M0-00021-00009697-00010265 themselves to the bone to be able to make ends meet and survive for what increasingly felt like the SfVa_U8q6M0-00022-00010265-00010682 sole purpose of being able to show back up to work the next day. SfVa_U8q6M0-00023-00010682-00011215 I saw retirees on Social Security who still had to work to afford rent. SfVa_U8q6M0-00024-00011215-00011715 I saw people running holes into the bottom of their shoes, working 10 hour shifts, and SfVa_U8q6M0-00025-00011715-00012003 still living in rent assisted apartments. SfVa_U8q6M0-00026-00012003-00012554 I became one of those people who worked as hard as they could, day in and day out, and SfVa_U8q6M0-00027-00012554-00012821 still needed help to afford food. SfVa_U8q6M0-00028-00012821-00013275 And some people might hear that and while they might feel sorry for those workers or SfVa_U8q6M0-00029-00013275-00013713 myself, they would say that we just needed to get better jobs and start making more money, SfVa_U8q6M0-00030-00013713-00014140 it's still ultimately our fault that we're poor. SfVa_U8q6M0-00031-00014140-00014466 But you know what really shatters these argument for me? SfVa_U8q6M0-00032-00014466-00014863 This chart right here. Take a minute or two to pause and really look SfVa_U8q6M0-00033-00014863-00015003 at it. SfVa_U8q6M0-00034-00015003-00015319 I ll wait. SfVa_U8q6M0-00035-00015319-00015419 You back? SfVa_U8q6M0-00036-00015419-00015705 Alright let's break this down a little bit. SfVa_U8q6M0-00037-00015705-00016213 This is a chart plotting the growth of productivity (as measured by the income generated per hour SfVa_U8q6M0-00038-00016213-00016788 of work) and the growth of the typical American worker's hourly compensation. SfVa_U8q6M0-00039-00016788-00017499 This chart takes the values of both data sets at the year 1979 and marks that as 100%, meaning SfVa_U8q6M0-00040-00017499-00018210 that whatever productivity was at during 1979 and whatever compensation was at during 1979 SfVa_U8q6M0-00041-00018210-00018787 are called 100% for purposes of this chart (I know this seems tedious, but it will be SfVa_U8q6M0-00042-00018787-00018905 important later). SfVa_U8q6M0-00043-00018905-00019635 Now, what this chart shows is that, since 1979, productivity has skyrocketed while wages SfVa_U8q6M0-00044-00019635-00019826 have raised ever so slightly. SfVa_U8q6M0-00045-00019826-00020663 In 2019, productivity had increased 59.7% over the past 40 years, while wages had increased only SfVa_U8q6M0-00046-00020663-00020897 13.7%. SfVa_U8q6M0-00047-00020897-00021393 So, in other words, what this chart is saying is that workers in the US, on average, since SfVa_U8q6M0-00048-00021393-00022012 1979, have continued to increase the profits of their companies at the same pace or close SfVa_U8q6M0-00049-00022012-00022524 to the same pace that they have been since at least 1948. SfVa_U8q6M0-00050-00022524-00022960 But their bosses (and when I say bosses here, I don't necessarily mean middle managers, SfVa_U8q6M0-00051-00022960-00023466 I am speaking about the board members and executive officers, about the people who actually own SfVa_U8q6M0-00052-00023466-00024061 the companies), The worker's bosses have intentionally kept wages close to stagnant with just the SfVa_U8q6M0-00053-00024061-00024273 slightest increase. SfVa_U8q6M0-00054-00024273-00024562 Workers have been working as hard now as they ever have. SfVa_U8q6M0-00055-00024562-00024950 There has been no decline in the amount of value that workers have been producing, in SfVa_U8q6M0-00056-00024950-00025286 fact, there has been an increase. SfVa_U8q6M0-00057-00025286-00025744 Now this chart seems stark enough and really shows how drastically workers have been underpaid SfVa_U8q6M0-00058-00025744-00026354 since 1979, but then I found the original article that the chart is from (which is linked SfVa_U8q6M0-00059-00026354-00026731 in the description) and found this chart. SfVa_U8q6M0-00060-00026731-00027112 Again, pause and take a minute to look it over, if you want. SfVa_U8q6M0-00061-00027112-00027382 This chart was another paradigm shift for me. SfVa_U8q6M0-00062-00027382-00027997 When we looked at the first chart and I explained that the values were set at 100% of 1979, SfVa_U8q6M0-00063-00027997-00028670 what's missing from that is that the 100% of productivity and the 100% of compensation SfVa_U8q6M0-00064-00028670-00028876 were different values. SfVa_U8q6M0-00065-00028876-00029341 That might seem like an obvious point, but I think it is incredibly important to realize SfVa_U8q6M0-00066-00029341-00029541 what this means. SfVa_U8q6M0-00067-00029541-00030298 Looking at this chart, in 1979, the typical worker produced a value of $55.52/hour and SfVa_U8q6M0-00068-00030298-00030663 was paid $20.42/hour. SfVa_U8q6M0-00069-00030663-00031550 The 100% in the first chart already included a $35/hour gap between productivity and pay. SfVa_U8q6M0-00070-00031550-00032148 This relates back to my previous video, the inherent exploitation present in any job under SfVa_U8q6M0-00071-00032148-00032338 capitalism. SfVa_U8q6M0-00072-00032338-00033229 Workers in 1979 were being robbed $35.10/hour, workers 40 years later in 2019 were being SfVa_U8q6M0-00073-00033229-00033767 robbed $64.95/hour. SfVa_U8q6M0-00074-00033767-00034271 Now I don't mean to imply that workers could receive every bit of that gap in pay, of course SfVa_U8q6M0-00075-00034271-00034745 some of it will need to be used to pay for the various expenses associated with running SfVa_U8q6M0-00076-00034745-00034892 a business. SfVa_U8q6M0-00077-00034892-00035427 The real issue is that those workers are forced to live in a system where they receive no SfVa_U8q6M0-00078-00035427-00036031 say in how they are compensated, how their business is run, how the company is structured, SfVa_U8q6M0-00079-00036031-00036718 how literally any decision is made where they have to spend at least a third of their lives. SfVa_U8q6M0-00080-00036718-00037180 Because if they did have a say in how pay is metered out, I am willing to bet that they SfVa_U8q6M0-00081-00037180-00037565 would be able to figure out how to keep the business running so they can provide whatever SfVa_U8q6M0-00082-00037565-00038286 good or service is needed and be able to afford to have a roof over their heads, food in the SfVa_U8q6M0-00083-00038286-00038816 refrigerator, and the peace of mind that comes with not having to worry about being financially SfVa_U8q6M0-00084-00038816-00038916 crushed. SfVa_U8q6M0-00085-00038916-00039494 Now, let me show you a third graph that really solidifies, in my mind, that this is not just SfVa_U8q6M0-00086-00039494-00040003 some by-product of a natural process, or an unintended and unfortunate result of some SfVa_U8q6M0-00087-00040003-00040150 oversight. SfVa_U8q6M0-00088-00040150-00040469 This gap and its increase are deliberate. SfVa_U8q6M0-00089-00040469-00040778 Over the same period of time that the previous two charts covered SfVa_U8q6M0-00090-00040778-00041731 (that being from 1979 to 2019), where typical worker compensation was raised 13.7%, CEO SfVa_U8q6M0-00091-00041731-00042510 pay was increased by 1,167%. SfVa_U8q6M0-00092-00042510-00043437 That's just a little bit of a gap, there, between 13.7 and 1,167, don't you think? SfVa_U8q6M0-00093-00043437-00044062 CEOs and other executives are taking larger and larger paychecks and stock options directly SfVa_U8q6M0-00094-00044062-00044619 and intentionally at the expense of their workers ability to pay for a decent standard SfVa_U8q6M0-00095-00044619-00044751 of living. SfVa_U8q6M0-00096-00044751-00045401 So, when you hear someone groaning about how lazy people are today, its incredibly important SfVa_U8q6M0-00097-00045401-00045724 to realize that they're right. SfVa_U8q6M0-00098-00045724-00046207 There is a group of people who are lazy, who take their leisure at the expense of someone SfVa_U8q6M0-00099-00046207-00046769 else who worked, a group of people who do not work in proportion for the amount of compensation SfVa_U8q6M0-00100-00046769-00047369 they receive, who are able to live lavish lives while those who work hard every single SfVa_U8q6M0-00101-00047369-00048043 day are barely able to keep food on the table; but it's not young people, it's not welfare SfVa_U8q6M0-00102-00048043-00048514 recipients, or poor people, it's not any racial group as a whole. SfVa_U8q6M0-00103-00048514-00049141 It's the rich. SfVa_U8q6M0-00104-00049141-00049497 Thanks, friends, for watching another video from your friendly neighborhood Small Town SfVa_U8q6M0-00105-00049497-00049597 Commie. SfVa_U8q6M0-00106-00049597-00050345 I am excited to announce the launch of my Patreon, which can be found at SfVa_U8q6M0-00107-00050345-00050886 I am currently working full time, and producing these videos takes a lot of time and energy. SfVa_U8q6M0-00108-00050886-00051388 My day job is barely covering the bills I have, and realistically, I need some support SfVa_U8q6M0-00109-00051388-00051699 to be able to dedicate the time these videos require. SfVa_U8q6M0-00110-00051699-00052190 So, if you have enjoyed my first videos, and would like to help me make more, please consider SfVa_U8q6M0-00111-00052190-00052517 becoming a monthly contributor to my Patreon. SfVa_U8q6M0-00112-00052517-00053014 The perks include getting access to patreon exclusive posts, having your name on the screen SfVa_U8q6M0-00113-00053014-00053514 at the end of every video, and for my top tier contributors, having your name read aloud SfVa_U8q6M0-00114-00053514-00053619 at the end of every video. SfVa_U8q6M0-00115-00053619-00054108 I will be looking at expanding those perks with y'all's input. SfVa_U8q6M0-00116-00054108-00055149 Or if you would prefer, you can make a one-time donation to my Ko-fi at SfVa_U8q6M0-00117-00055149-00057257 Until next time, Solidarity. SiET4rhIHOu-00000-00000051-00000627 Hello, everybody, this is Dr. Beter. Today is September 12, SiET4rhIHOu-00001-00000627-00001156 1975, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER(R) No. 4. SiET4rhIHOu-00002-00001156-00001584 As usual, there is a great deal more going on right now than SiET4rhIHOu-00003-00001584-00002207 meets the eye. The major media mislead the American people daily SiET4rhIHOu-00004-00002207-00002577 simply by presenting only those portions of the truth about SiET4rhIHOu-00005-00002577-00003193 events that add up to produce a desired impression. Thus you SiET4rhIHOu-00006-00003193-00003671 can't hope to grasp the true significance of news events unless SiET4rhIHOu-00007-00003671-00004214 and until you learn to analyze the scanty facts in the news for SiET4rhIHOu-00008-00004214-00004793 yourself. Learn to separate fact from opinion. You are not SiET4rhIHOu-00009-00004793-00005263 given enough real facts to come to your own clear-cut, logical SiET4rhIHOu-00010-00005263-00005832 decisions except perhaps in the area of sports. Instead, the SiET4rhIHOu-00011-00005832-00006364 gaps are filled in for you by commentary designed to lead you to SiET4rhIHOu-00012-00006364-00006918 conclusions that are not really your own. This is why I am SiET4rhIHOu-00013-00006918-00007336 trying to open your eyes to the way things really work and to SiET4rhIHOu-00014-00007336-00007780 give you key information that you need to have. SiET4rhIHOu-00015-00007780-00008223 To this end, I want to discuss the following three topics SiET4rhIHOu-00016-00008223-00008325 today: SiET4rhIHOu-00017-00008325-00008918 Topic #1--THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND "GOLD SALE AGREEMENT" SiET4rhIHOu-00018-00008918-00009227 AND THE DETHRONING OF THE UNITED STATES DOLLAR SiET4rhIHOu-00019-00009227-00009891 Topic #2--ASSASSINATION POLITICS AND SUBTLE MANEUVERINGS IN THE SiET4rhIHOu-00020-00009891-00010130 COUNTDOWN TOWARD DICTATORSHIP SiET4rhIHOu-00021-00010130-00011034 Topic #3--THE RAPIDLY MERGING OUTLINES OF THE PLANNED 1977 WAR IN SiET4rhIHOu-00022-00011034-00011134 ASIA. SiET4rhIHOu-00023-00011134-00011700 At the end I also hope to mention some brief hints about what SiET4rhIHOu-00024-00011700-00012292 you, the individual concerned American, can do to help stem the SiET4rhIHOu-00025-00012292-00012889 tide and save our beloved land. SiET4rhIHOu-00026-00012889-00013655 Topic #1--In my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 2 for July 1975 I SiET4rhIHOu-00027-00013655-00014031 discussed the setback which David Rockefeller experienced at the SiET4rhIHOu-00028-00014031-00014740 June meeting of the "International Monetary Fund", or IMF. SiET4rhIHOu-00029-00014740-00015115 Speaking through his agents in the United States Treasury, he had SiET4rhIHOu-00030-00015115-00015604 expected to succeed in persuading the member nations of the IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00031-00015604-00016244 to sell all of the IMF gold, and was ready to buy the IMF gold as SiET4rhIHOu-00032-00016244-00016829 soon as it was sold. Much to David's surprise and chagrin he SiET4rhIHOu-00033-00016829-00017570 failed in June 1975 because of French opposition based on their SiET4rhIHOu-00034-00017570-00018239 own awareness of the true status of Fort Knox and America's gold SiET4rhIHOu-00035-00018239-00018784 reserves. As I mentioned in that AUDIO LETTER, the Rockefeller SiET4rhIHOu-00036-00018784-00019277 interests went to work in a feverish search for a means of SiET4rhIHOu-00037-00019277-00019859 achieving their objective--that is, a decision to sell IMF gold SiET4rhIHOu-00038-00019859-00020406 at the next IMF meeting in September, this month. And if you SiET4rhIHOu-00039-00020406-00020831 paid any attention to the news early this month, you know that SiET4rhIHOu-00040-00020831-00021437 this time the Rockefellers did achieve a hasty compromise SiET4rhIHOu-00041-00021437-00022024 agreement. In a moment I will explain exactly what was decided SiET4rhIHOu-00042-00022024-00022513 about potential gold sales at the early September meeting of the SiET4rhIHOu-00043-00022513-00023187 IMF, but first I want you to notice the startling quid pro quo SiET4rhIHOu-00044-00023187-00023654 which the Treasury accepted on behalf of David Rockefeller as the SiET4rhIHOu-00045-00023654-00024117 price of selling the IMF gold. SiET4rhIHOu-00046-00024117-00024572 For years now the United States Treasury has been debunking SiET4rhIHOu-00047-00024572-00025205 the monetary role of gold as obsolete, barbaric, and no longer SiET4rhIHOu-00048-00025205-00025685 needed. In this connection, the Treasury has been fighting for SiET4rhIHOu-00049-00025685-00026395 years to bar Central Banks from buying gold on the free market. SiET4rhIHOu-00050-00026395-00026922 The reason for this is to allow the interests controlled by David SiET4rhIHOu-00051-00026922-00027407 Rockefeller to corner the gold for themselves while their SiET4rhIHOu-00052-00027407-00028050 deliberately-produced runaway inflation ruins the rest of us SiET4rhIHOu-00053-00028050-00028704 stuck with paper money that has no backing. But at the September SiET4rhIHOu-00054-00028704-00029230 1975 IMF meeting this position which the United States has stuck SiET4rhIHOu-00055-00029230-00030039 to uncompromisingly for years was suddenly abandoned. Why? What SiET4rhIHOu-00056-00030039-00030488 was it that made the United States agree to let Central Banks buy SiET4rhIHOu-00057-00030488-00031138 gold? They already had the right to sell it. What caused such a SiET4rhIHOu-00058-00031138-00031660 total defeat for David Rockefeller and such a dramatic reversal SiET4rhIHOu-00059-00031660-00032064 of a fundamental policy built up now for years? SiET4rhIHOu-00060-00032064-00032697 My friends, what caused the result is the spreading effect of SiET4rhIHOu-00061-00032697-00033334 our exposure of the Fort Knox Gold Scandal. The general American SiET4rhIHOu-00062-00033334-00033872 public still doesn't know about it, thanks to the news blackout SiET4rhIHOu-00063-00033872-00034742 imposed by CBS, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the SiET4rhIHOu-00064-00034742-00035184 Los Angeles Times, and other major media which are controlled and SiET4rhIHOu-00065-00035184-00035755 intimidated by the Rockefeller Brothers themselves. But the most SiET4rhIHOu-00066-00035755-00036229 knowledgeable people in the financial community here and abroad SiET4rhIHOu-00067-00036229-00036793 increasingly do know that something is very fishy indeed about SiET4rhIHOu-00068-00036793-00037564 the United States Treasury Department. In short, the heat is on! SiET4rhIHOu-00069-00037564-00037895 Since we revealed the existence of the Central Core Vault in SiET4rhIHOu-00070-00037895-00038452 July and explained its role in the gold theft and fraud at Fort SiET4rhIHOu-00071-00038452-00038969 Knox, the Treasury knows that we know exactly what they have been SiET4rhIHOu-00072-00038969-00039643 doing, and how. The Conspirators know that if my associates and SiET4rhIHOu-00073-00039643-00040277 I ever are allowed to present our evidence in a court of law SiET4rhIHOu-00074-00040277-00040914 before a grand jury or in a Congressional investigation, their SiET4rhIHOu-00075-00040914-00041506 fate is sealed. Their game, therefore, is to try to keep that SiET4rhIHOu-00076-00041506-00041999 from happening by keeping the public fooled and unaware of the SiET4rhIHOu-00077-00041999-00042561 truth. To this end, the Rockefellers made their big concession SiET4rhIHOu-00078-00042561-00043099 at the September IMF meeting in order to get some IMF gold SiET4rhIHOu-00079-00043099-00043290 returned to the Treasury. SiET4rhIHOu-00080-00043290-00043878 Under the terms of the Agreement, five-million ounces of IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00081-00043878-00044514 gold is to be returned to the United States, from whence it came. SiET4rhIHOu-00082-00044514-00044907 This gold was originally promised for sale to the "insiders" SiET4rhIHOu-00083-00044907-00045517 within the Rockefeller circle, but now they wanted instead to SiET4rhIHOu-00084-00045517-00046182 display or use it in gold auctions to keep the public fooled. In SiET4rhIHOu-00085-00046182-00046793 this connection, on August 21, 1975, shortly before the latest SiET4rhIHOu-00086-00046793-00047268 IMF meeting, the Treasury even held a well-publicized meeting SiET4rhIHOu-00087-00047268-00047811 with private gold dealers to discuss the question of holding SiET4rhIHOu-00088-00047811-00048459 auctions. This was pure propaganda and bluff, and intended to SiET4rhIHOu-00089-00048459-00049147 lend weight to any future auctions of gold obtained from the IMF. SiET4rhIHOu-00090-00049147-00049694 The frantic maneuverings to snatch some IMF gold for propaganda SiET4rhIHOu-00091-00049694-00050247 auctions is simply a replay of what they did last December to SiET4rhIHOu-00092-00050247-00050924 have a little gold to auction off. On December 9, 1974, the SiET4rhIHOu-00093-00050924-00051394 Treasury illegally emptied the tiny "Exchange Stabilization Fund" SiET4rhIHOu-00094-00051394-00051849 of its two-million ounces of gold, as I have mentioned in SiET4rhIHOu-00095-00051849-00052369 previous tapes. That was done simply to have something for the SiET4rhIHOu-00096-00052369-00052916 Treasury to sell in small propaganda auctions, since the rest of SiET4rhIHOu-00097-00052916-00053340 our gold reserves were long gone. SiET4rhIHOu-00098-00053340-00053829 With this important perspective in mind, listen please to what SiET4rhIHOu-00099-00053829-00054375 the IMF did on August 31, 1975, at the beginning of their SiET4rhIHOu-00100-00054375-00054612 so-called September meeting: SiET4rhIHOu-00101-00054612-00055316 No. 1--The widely publicized "Gold Sale Agreement" of the IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00102-00055316-00055933 is an agreement in principle, a conditional agreement. The IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00103-00055933-00056476 is to meet again in January 1976 in Jamaica to discuss the SiET4rhIHOu-00104-00056476-00057162 Exchange Rate question. If, and only if IMF members agree on SiET4rhIHOu-00105-00057162-00057712 that in January, then the conditional Gold Sale Agreement, which SiET4rhIHOu-00106-00057712-00058188 has just been announced, will take effect. The stakes are so SiET4rhIHOu-00107-00058188-00058721 high for David Rockefeller and his partners in crime that I SiET4rhIHOu-00108-00058721-00059150 predict agreement will be reached at the January meeting in SiET4rhIHOu-00109-00059150-00059861 Jamaica. The political will is there. The IMF gold will then be SiET4rhIHOu-00110-00059861-00060361 officially released, although I am informed that steps are SiET4rhIHOu-00111-00060361-00061035 already being taken now behind the scenes, illegally and SiET4rhIHOu-00112-00061035-00061600 prematurely, to take possession of the five-million ounces of SiET4rhIHOu-00113-00061600-00062066 gold and put it back in Fort Knox. SiET4rhIHOu-00114-00062066-00062601 By the way, there have been rumors lately that Mrs. Mary SiET4rhIHOu-00115-00062601-00063079 Brooks, the Director of the United States Mint, has tendered her SiET4rhIHOu-00116-00063079-00063655 resignation, but that it has not yet been accepted because it SiET4rhIHOu-00117-00063655-00064211 would look so bad. There are indications that her superior said, SiET4rhIHOu-00118-00064211-00064854 in effect, quote: "Just hang on for a few more months, Mary, SiET4rhIHOu-00119-00064854-00065321 while we get this whole thing about Fort Knox out of the way. SiET4rhIHOu-00120-00065321-00066127 Then you can go, if you like." Be that as it may, we had one of SiET4rhIHOu-00121-00066127-00066607 our sources contact Mrs. Brooks, and here is what she said, SiET4rhIHOu-00122-00066607-00067257 quote: "There is nothing amiss at Fort Knox. I was there SiET4rhIHOu-00123-00067257-00067788 recently. I have never tendered my resignation, and I don't SiET4rhIHOu-00124-00067788-00068313 intend to do so. I don't know why these rumors keep coming up." SiET4rhIHOu-00125-00068313-00068883 Asked if she knew about the rapid retrieval elevator system to SiET4rhIHOu-00126-00068883-00069401 the Central Core Vault, she did not deny it but just replied, SiET4rhIHOu-00127-00069401-00070067 quote: "Those kind of rumors come along all the time." Our SiET4rhIHOu-00128-00070067-00070474 source suggested to Mrs. Brooks that it would be a simple matter SiET4rhIHOu-00129-00070474-00071103 to open Fort Knox wide open to prove Dr. Beter wrong and, quote: SiET4rhIHOu-00130-00071103-00071819 "put an end to this matter once and for all." Her reply--and SiET4rhIHOu-00131-00071819-00072492 this is her exact reply--and I quote: "Oh, no! It would take SiET4rhIHOu-00132-00072492-00073222 weeks." All I can say to that, my friends, is: "Yes, Mary, it SiET4rhIHOu-00133-00073222-00073653 will take weeks to get the five-million ounces of gold back in SiET4rhIHOu-00134-00073653-00074222 Fort Knox." That is why I am informed there is some activity SiET4rhIHOu-00135-00074222-00074823 going on right now in Fort Knox. Meanwhile Mary Brooks is trying SiET4rhIHOu-00136-00074823-00075050 to brazen it out. SiET4rhIHOu-00137-00075050-00075563 Returning to the IMF Gold Sale Agreement though, I should SiET4rhIHOu-00138-00075563-00076020 point out one other thing: Should there fail to be an agreement SiET4rhIHOu-00139-00076020-00076542 about Exchange Rates by the IMF in January in Jamaica, an SiET4rhIHOu-00140-00076542-00077138 unlikely event, than we will be back to Square One on IMF gold SiET4rhIHOu-00141-00077138-00077624 sales. Should that happen, David Rockefeller and his fellow SiET4rhIHOu-00142-00077624-00078183 "insiders" will have used the IMF gold sales decision as a scare SiET4rhIHOu-00143-00078183-00078850 tactic throughout this fall of 1975 to run down gold prices and SiET4rhIHOu-00144-00078850-00079288 take all the gold they can out of weak hands. Also, they made SiET4rhIHOu-00145-00079288-00079758 billions of dollars going "short." When the public becomes aware SiET4rhIHOu-00146-00079758-00080048 of this, gold prices will start up again. SiET4rhIHOu-00147-00080048-00080414 No. 2--The interim or conditional Gold Sale Agreement SiET4rhIHOu-00148-00080414-00080577 specifies the following: SiET4rhIHOu-00149-00080577-00081115 Of the approximately 150-million ounces of gold now owned by the SiET4rhIHOu-00150-00081115-00081667 IMF, one-sixth or 25-million ounces is to be sold on the open SiET4rhIHOu-00151-00081667-00082082 market or to member Central Banks. The latter is what will SiET4rhIHOu-00152-00082082-00082545 actually occur. True to Rockefeller tradition, by the way, this SiET4rhIHOu-00153-00082545-00083002 IMF gold sale to suit their own purposes has been painted as a SiET4rhIHOu-00154-00083002-00083603 philanthropic move to raise money to aid poor and developing SiET4rhIHOu-00155-00083603-00083719 nations. SiET4rhIHOu-00156-00083719-00084055 Another one-sixth or 25-million ounces is to be returned to SiET4rhIHOu-00157-00084055-00084469 member nations of the IMF in proportion to the amounts of gold SiET4rhIHOu-00158-00084469-00084959 each nation originally contributed. Each nation may then keep or SiET4rhIHOu-00159-00084959-00085457 sell this returned gold, but you can bet they will keep it. SiET4rhIHOu-00160-00085457-00085914 Their own citizens will hang their Central Bankers if they don't. SiET4rhIHOu-00161-00085914-00086175 Under this clause the United States is to receive about SiET4rhIHOu-00162-00086175-00086636 five-million ounces worth about $700,000,000 at current market SiET4rhIHOu-00163-00086636-00087118 prices. This amount, I am informed, has already been promised to SiET4rhIHOu-00164-00087118-00087579 the "insiders", but events may undo this when the Fort Knox Gold SiET4rhIHOu-00165-00087579-00087979 Scandal breaks nationally and world-wide. It is this SiET4rhIHOu-00166-00087979-00088360 five-million ounces of gold, equal to only about two percent (2%) SiET4rhIHOu-00167-00088360-00088725 of what the United States Treasury officially claims to have, SiET4rhIHOu-00168-00088725-00089092 that the Conspirators want desperately to get their hands on in SiET4rhIHOu-00169-00089092-00089466 case they need it for propaganda auctions or even another SiET4rhIHOu-00170-00089466-00089888 carefully-staged "peep show" at Fort Knox. SiET4rhIHOu-00171-00089888-00090301 The remaining two-thirds of the IMF gold, or about 100,000,000 SiET4rhIHOu-00172-00090301-00090868 ounces, is to "stay put" in the IMF for the time being. There it SiET4rhIHOu-00173-00090868-00091255 will remain as backing for the so-called "Special Drawing SiET4rhIHOu-00174-00091255-00091895 Rights", or SDR's, of the IMF. The SDR is to become the new SiET4rhIHOu-00175-00091895-00092361 international monetary unit or standard of measure, the SiET4rhIHOu-00176-00092361-00092900 yardstick; and then the other strong currencies that now make up SiET4rhIHOu-00177-00092900-00093310 part of the basket of the 16 currencies which constitute the SiET4rhIHOu-00178-00093310-00093810 SDR's, will be the reserve currencies of the future, at least for SiET4rhIHOu-00179-00093810-00094225 the next two years. The dollar, therefore, is giving up its SiET4rhIHOu-00180-00094225-00094783 sovereignty as a sole reserve currency. The joker in this deck SiET4rhIHOu-00181-00094783-00095352 is that over half of an SDR is made up of the American dollar and SiET4rhIHOu-00182-00095352-00095897 British pound sterling, both of which lack gold backing. In the SiET4rhIHOu-00183-00095897-00096323 tremendous inflation ahead, the SDR will therefore be hobbling SiET4rhIHOu-00184-00096323-00096829 around on one leg with its only real support consisting of the SiET4rhIHOu-00185-00096829-00097295 strong gold-backed currencies which comprise less than half its SiET4rhIHOu-00186-00097295-00097430 face value. SiET4rhIHOu-00187-00097430-00098092 No. 3--and very important. Beginning January 1976 the IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00188-00098092-00098552 members have agreed not, repeat NOT, to affix an official gold SiET4rhIHOu-00189-00098552-00099051 price for a period of two years, provided the January 1976 SiET4rhIHOu-00190-00099051-00099457 agreement on Exchange Rates takes place. This is exactly the SiET4rhIHOu-00191-00099457-00099840 development I have been warning about for over a year, based on SiET4rhIHOu-00192-00099840-00100265 information from my own confidential sources. They are behind SiET4rhIHOu-00193-00100265-00100739 schedule in obtaining this agreement, but the agreement itself is SiET4rhIHOu-00194-00100739-00101286 precisely on track. Once it is in place, they can easily make up SiET4rhIHOu-00195-00101286-00101731 for lost time in their plan to visit economic catastrophe on the SiET4rhIHOu-00196-00101731-00102032 United States and the world. SiET4rhIHOu-00197-00102032-00102460 What the IMF agreed to in principle is to allow its members, SiET4rhIHOu-00198-00102460-00102829 including the United States, to ask their respective governments SiET4rhIHOu-00199-00102829-00103406 to abolish the official price of gold, which is now $42.22 an SiET4rhIHOu-00200-00103406-00103814 ounce, once the Exchange Rate agreement is reached in January SiET4rhIHOu-00201-00103814-00104400 1976. This means that for the following two years there will be SiET4rhIHOu-00202-00104400-00104925 only a "market price" for gold, subject only to supply and demand SiET4rhIHOu-00203-00104925-00105351 plus massive massages by the Rockefeller interests to cause the SiET4rhIHOu-00204-00105351-00105780 price of gold to skyrocket. In other words, gold will be going SiET4rhIHOu-00205-00105780-00106331 private for two years starting in January 1976. The gold zoom SiET4rhIHOu-00206-00106331-00106858 signal of $180 an ounce, which I explained in my AUDIO BOOK SiET4rhIHOu-00207-00106858-00107434 recorded in October 1974, will be penetrated and cataclysmic SiET4rhIHOu-00208-00107434-00107980 inflation and economic chaos will erupt. After two years of SiET4rhIHOu-00209-00107980-00108309 this, with the economy of the world and especially of the United SiET4rhIHOu-00210-00108309-00108729 States in smoking ruins, David Rockefeller--the man who SiET4rhIHOu-00211-00108729-00109139 orchestrated the whole thing in the first place--presently plans SiET4rhIHOu-00212-00109139-00109566 to call an "International Monetary Conference" to at last restore SiET4rhIHOu-00213-00109566-00110236 gold to its traditional monetary role. David's plan is to SiET4rhIHOu-00214-00110236-00110879 officially repeg gold then at $2,000 an ounce--twenty times the SiET4rhIHOu-00215-00110879-00111474 current official price of $42.22 an ounce! SiET4rhIHOu-00216-00111474-00111910 No. 4--After the two-year period just mentioned, according to SiET4rhIHOu-00217-00111910-00112364 the Gold Sale Agreement just reached by the IMF, Central Banks SiET4rhIHOu-00218-00112364-00112783 will be allowed to buy all the gold they want. As I have already SiET4rhIHOu-00219-00112783-00113245 pointed out, this complete reversal of a key feature of the SiET4rhIHOu-00220-00113245-00113750 Treasury's long standing gold-debunking campaign is directly SiET4rhIHOu-00221-00113750-00114187 traceable to the steadily building pressure of the Fort Knox Gold SiET4rhIHOu-00222-00114187-00114785 Scandal and the desperate need of the Conspirators to keep it SiET4rhIHOu-00223-00114785-00114935 covered up. SiET4rhIHOu-00224-00114935-00115489 No. 5--Until January 1976 no sales of gold will be made by the SiET4rhIHOu-00225-00115489-00116086 IMF to world gold markets or to Central Banks at market prices. SiET4rhIHOu-00226-00116086-00116554 It would not yet be legal to do so, but I fully expect that SiET4rhIHOu-00227-00116554-00117094 agreement will be reached at Jamaica in January, and that IMF SiET4rhIHOu-00228-00117094-00117558 gold sales will then take place according to plans. Thus the SiET4rhIHOu-00229-00117558-00118077 United States dollar is now way over-valued. SiET4rhIHOu-00230-00118077-00118497 The United States Treasury is most anxious to get its house SiET4rhIHOu-00231-00118497-00118923 back in order, in appearance at least, to prevent the public from SiET4rhIHOu-00232-00118923-00119467 becoming aware that Fort Knox is truly empty of its gold. The SiET4rhIHOu-00233-00119467-00119903 Treasury now holds less than 800,000 ounces of gold--a mere SiET4rhIHOu-00234-00119903-00120472 pittance left over from the 2,000,000 ounces it illegally took SiET4rhIHOu-00235-00120472-00121049 from the Exchange Stabilization Fund on December 9, 1974. The SiET4rhIHOu-00236-00121049-00121375 rest was used for the propaganda auctions by the Treasury in SiET4rhIHOu-00237-00121375-00121751 January and June of this year. SiET4rhIHOu-00238-00121751-00122105 Gold fever will spread across the land in the near future as SiET4rhIHOu-00239-00122105-00122565 soon as the full significance of the IMF action is widely SiET4rhIHOu-00240-00122565-00123115 understood, and then the only questions will be not the price but SiET4rhIHOu-00241-00123115-00123591 the availability of gold. The gold market today is very thin as SiET4rhIHOu-00242-00123591-00124090 it is, and the "insiders" had to scare the weak sisters in order SiET4rhIHOu-00243-00124090-00124404 to make them disgorge their holdings. SiET4rhIHOu-00244-00124404-00124807 As of now, David Rockefeller still plans for gold to be pegged SiET4rhIHOu-00245-00124807-00125390 at $2,000 an ounce, and for the new SDR's to be the standard unit SiET4rhIHOu-00246-00125390-00125873 of measure. The United States dollar will lose its status as a SiET4rhIHOu-00247-00125873-00126300 world currency reserve. Even now David Rockefeller's Chase SiET4rhIHOu-00248-00126300-00126888 Manhattan Bank is already linking some of its loans to SDR's. SiET4rhIHOu-00249-00126888-00127295 After all, who should know better than David that dollars are to SiET4rhIHOu-00250-00127295-00127440 be avoided? SiET4rhIHOu-00251-00127440-00127977 For the next two years after January 1976, those countries SiET4rhIHOu-00252-00127977-00128409 having gold in their Central Banks will be able to enjoy a fast SiET4rhIHOu-00253-00128409-00128986 markup in the value of their gold reserves of 20 to 1. Can you SiET4rhIHOu-00254-00128986-00129523 imagine!--20 to 1. Therefore during that period, Central Banks SiET4rhIHOu-00255-00129523-00129979 will buy up at market prices the 25,000,000 ounces that will be SiET4rhIHOu-00256-00129979-00130648 for sale by the IMF. That gold will never reach the private gold SiET4rhIHOu-00257-00130648-00131091 market at all. But the United States has been deliberately made SiET4rhIHOu-00258-00131091-00131457 gold poor by the Rockefeller Brothers. SiET4rhIHOu-00259-00131457-00131815 Having no gold left of any significance, we are now in the SiET4rhIHOu-00260-00131815-00132235 same leaky boat as Britain. And look what is happening to SiET4rhIHOu-00261-00132235-00132707 Britain, which is already on the road to advanced socialism! SiET4rhIHOu-00262-00132707-00133161 Cataclysmic inflation, deepening unemployment, and social and SiET4rhIHOu-00263-00133161-00133604 economic upheaval on the way to dictatorship are in store for all SiET4rhIHOu-00264-00133604-00134210 of us soon if the gold situation is not rectified. And so, my SiET4rhIHOu-00265-00134210-00134633 friends, we are in a race against time. David Rockefeller and SiET4rhIHOu-00266-00134633-00135228 his collaborators in and out of the Treasury seek delay, delay, SiET4rhIHOu-00267-00135228-00135698 delay. They want to use the IMF gold and other tricks to keep SiET4rhIHOu-00268-00135698-00136288 the American people fooled until it is too late. Time, SiET4rhIHOu-00269-00136288-00136734 unfortunately, is on their side. Those of us who would like to SiET4rhIHOu-00270-00136734-00137242 see our nation saved, on the other hand, are pressing with every SiET4rhIHOu-00271-00137242-00137755 means at our disposal for a full, open, honest INVESTIGATION of SiET4rhIHOu-00272-00137755-00138079 the whole thing without further delay. SiET4rhIHOu-00273-00138079-00138563 In this connection, I want to read some telling words from the SiET4rhIHOu-00274-00138563-00139070 front page of the Daily News Digest for the week of September 1, SiET4rhIHOu-00275-00139070-00139795 1975. (Their address, by the way, is: P. O. Box 27496, Phoenix, SiET4rhIHOu-00276-00139795-00140607 Arizona 85061.) The headline is just one word: "WHY?" I now SiET4rhIHOu-00277-00140607-00140717 quote: SiET4rhIHOu-00278-00140717-00141194 "The Fort Knox gold story is far from dead. There is something SiET4rhIHOu-00279-00141194-00141576 rotten, and the stink has spread across the land like a fog. SiET4rhIHOu-00280-00141576-00142022 Thousands of readers have followed our series closely. Like SiET4rhIHOu-00281-00142022-00142341 them, we have waited in vain for satisfactory answers to SiET4rhIHOu-00282-00142341-00142939 questions raised by Dr. Peter David Beter and his associate, Ed SiET4rhIHOu-00283-00142939-00143239 Durell. An exchange of letters with the United States Bureau of SiET4rhIHOu-00284-00143239-00143580 the Mint has produced nothing but double talk. SiET4rhIHOu-00285-00143580-00144074 The key question regarding the Central Core Vault still remains SiET4rhIHOu-00286-00144074-00144467 a mystery. Is the gold there or isn't it? SiET4rhIHOu-00287-00144467-00144900 Why is it so difficult to send a delegation to Fort Knox, open SiET4rhIHOu-00288-00144900-00145419 the Vault and reveal its content--or lack of content? Why have SiET4rhIHOu-00289-00145419-00145783 no members of Congress taken it upon themselves to settle this SiET4rhIHOu-00290-00145783-00146336 matter? Is courage such a missing virtue in Washington that this SiET4rhIHOu-00291-00146336-00146646 can't be or won't be done?! SiET4rhIHOu-00292-00146646-00147199 Why has the nation's press avoided the story with an intensity SiET4rhIHOu-00293-00147199-00147642 that is amazing? Is this not perhaps the biggest news story in SiET4rhIHOu-00294-00147642-00148070 the civilized history of the world? It certainly has that SiET4rhIHOu-00295-00148070-00148519 possibility. An evil group of individuals that can loot a SiET4rhIHOu-00296-00148519-00149119 nation's Treasury, as has been charged, to the tune of SiET4rhIHOu-00297-00149119-00149601 $11,000,000,000 certainly deserves some attention, doesn't it? SiET4rhIHOu-00298-00149601-00149957 And the radio and TV industry didn't even mention the initial SiET4rhIHOu-00299-00149957-00150433 charges, and covered only the "peep show" staged at Fort Knox SiET4rhIHOu-00300-00150433-00150547 last September. SiET4rhIHOu-00301-00150547-00151036 But the newspapers, where are they? Why the blackout on the SiET4rhIHOu-00302-00151036-00151482 Fort Knox story? Is there some powerful force that scares them SiET4rhIHOu-00303-00151482-00151947 into submission? Or would they lose so much advertising that SiET4rhIHOu-00304-00151947-00152426 they can't run the story? Or do the major editors think the SiET4rhIHOu-00305-00152426-00153030 story is so outrageous as to merit no attention? Outrageousness SiET4rhIHOu-00306-00153030-00153411 certainly didn't prevent Jane Fonda and others from getting SiET4rhIHOu-00307-00153411-00153655 front-page coverage! SiET4rhIHOu-00308-00153655-00154267 Yes, something stinks. IS THE GOLD THERE OR ISN'T IT? Which of SiET4rhIHOu-00309-00154267-00154678 our Congressmen has the guts to find out?" SiET4rhIHOu-00310-00154678-00155136 Finally, here is an item for you to think about if you are SiET4rhIHOu-00311-00155136-00155479 tempted to swallow the Rockefeller propaganda about the SiET4rhIHOu-00312-00155479-00155940 swaggering economic power of the Arabs and oil-producing states: SiET4rhIHOu-00313-00155940-00156513 On September 5, 1975, a reporter posed the following question to SiET4rhIHOu-00314-00156513-00156983 Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Atteqi, Minister of Finance of Kuwait, at the SiET4rhIHOu-00315-00156983-00157373 National Press Club, quote: "None of the oil-producing states SiET4rhIHOu-00316-00157373-00157805 spoke during the World Bank and IMF meetings. Why not?" SiET4rhIHOu-00317-00157805-00158130 Dr. Al-Atteqi answered, quote: SiET4rhIHOu-00318-00158130-00158548 "Addressing people seems to be of no meaning. If the United SiET4rhIHOu-00319-00158548-00159004 Nations or World Bank meetings had a time to listen exactly as SiET4rhIHOu-00320-00159004-00159523 good listeners should, everyone would speak, but most of the SiET4rhIHOu-00321-00159523-00160108 speeches just go into the air. Nobody hears it--whispering, most SiET4rhIHOu-00322-00160108-00160495 of the delegates out of the room--and then it is a text in a SiET4rhIHOu-00323-00160495-00161130 book. If it happens, sometimes somebody reads it. This is why. SiET4rhIHOu-00324-00161130-00161691 And secondly, it is known who runs the policy of the Monetary SiET4rhIHOu-00325-00161691-00162252 System of the world, and we cannot for the time being compete SiET4rhIHOu-00326-00162252-00162874 with them. We are in their hands. So this is a fact. We have SiET4rhIHOu-00327-00162874-00163488 to live with it unless we break through--and we are looking for SiET4rhIHOu-00328-00163488-00163742 that time." SiET4rhIHOu-00329-00163742-00164168 His answer met with knowing applause. It expresses not only the SiET4rhIHOu-00330-00164168-00164638 predicament of the oil-producing nations: it expresses yours and SiET4rhIHOu-00331-00164638-00165419 mine as well. SiET4rhIHOu-00332-00165419-00166290 Topic #2--On September 5, 1975, in Sacramento, California, a SiET4rhIHOu-00333-00166290-00166825 dress rehearsal was held for the assassination of our figurehead SiET4rhIHOu-00334-00166825-00167400 president, Gerald Ford. A young woman named Lynette Fromme got SiET4rhIHOu-00335-00167400-00167810 to within two feet of the President before being stopped by a SiET4rhIHOu-00336-00167810-00168302 Secret Service agent. As she was bundled off by the Secret SiET4rhIHOu-00337-00168302-00168836 Service with a look of horrified surprise on her face, she SiET4rhIHOu-00338-00168836-00169290 reportedly shouted: "It didn't go off!" SiET4rhIHOu-00339-00169290-00169758 The very next day the news media were filled with the entirely SiET4rhIHOu-00340-00169758-00170253 predictable conclusion of officials connected with the case. SiET4rhIHOu-00341-00170253-00170810 Miss Fromme, they assured us, had acted alone. The possibility SiET4rhIHOu-00342-00170810-00171328 of a conspiracy--that "dirty word"--was quickly pooh-poohed and SiET4rhIHOu-00343-00171328-00171967 discounted. True, she had been given the gun by someone else, SiET4rhIHOu-00344-00171967-00172533 but that couldn't mean anything. And, yes, her landlady did SiET4rhIHOu-00345-00172533-00173140 reportedly say that just lately Miss Fromme had suddenly started SiET4rhIHOu-00346-00173140-00173790 paying her rent with $100 bills, but that can't be anything but SiET4rhIHOu-00347-00173790-00174265 coincidence. To give due credit to the officials involved SiET4rhIHOu-00348-00174265-00174661 though, it should be mentioned that some of them did become SiET4rhIHOu-00349-00174661-00175198 predictably excited about one thing--namely, the often-stated SiET4rhIHOu-00350-00175198-00175810 need to disarm the populace under the banner of "gun control." SiET4rhIHOu-00351-00175810-00176398 One official even ranted that this is so acute and so immediate SiET4rhIHOu-00352-00176398-00176937 as to call for, quote: "wartime measures." SiET4rhIHOu-00353-00176937-00177425 Well, everybody, it so happens that the incident on September SiET4rhIHOu-00354-00177425-00178325 5 was not intended to injure President Ford. On July 17 and 18, SiET4rhIHOu-00355-00178325-00178780 1975, I said in a speech at the Santa Monica Civic Center in SiET4rhIHOu-00356-00178780-00179658 California, and I quote: "By September 1975 we will know if SiET4rhIHOu-00357-00179658-00180094 Rockefeller is to be stopped. Some very important developments SiET4rhIHOu-00358-00180094-00180741 are in the making." By this I was referring to the all-out power SiET4rhIHOu-00359-00180741-00181333 struggle that is now going on out of the public view, and the SiET4rhIHOu-00360-00181333-00181976 potentially decisive importance of this month, September 1975, in SiET4rhIHOu-00361-00181976-00182577 the Rockefeller timetable for Dictatorship in America. This SiET4rhIHOu-00362-00182577-00183102 power struggle, though it is well hidden from the general public, SiET4rhIHOu-00363-00183102-00183634 is escalating to the vicious level of assassination politics SiET4rhIHOu-00364-00183634-00184096 which burst onto the American scene twelve years ago with the SiET4rhIHOu-00365-00184096-00184732 murder of President John F. Kennedy. Assassinations have been a SiET4rhIHOu-00366-00184732-00185275 recurring part of the American scene ever since, including those SiET4rhIHOu-00367-00185275-00185892 of Dr. Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy, and recently Jimmy SiET4rhIHOu-00368-00185892-00186390 Hoffa, among others. And this volcano of violence threatens to SiET4rhIHOu-00369-00186390-00186989 erupt yet again, now, as rival factions within and close to the SiET4rhIHOu-00370-00186989-00187459 Rockefeller camp jockey for position in the Dictatorship now SiET4rhIHOu-00371-00187459-00187637 forming. SiET4rhIHOu-00372-00187637-00188094 Last month, by the way, in monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 3 I SiET4rhIHOu-00373-00188094-00188441 revealed for the first time the truth about how and why President SiET4rhIHOu-00374-00188441-00189005 Kennedy was killed. The response to my comments on that subject SiET4rhIHOu-00375-00189005-00189484 has been so overwhelming that I believe the following footnote is SiET4rhIHOu-00376-00189484-00189767 worth mentioning here. SiET4rhIHOu-00377-00189767-00190183 As you will recall, I revealed last month that President SiET4rhIHOu-00378-00190183-00190661 Kennedy was riding in an elaborately-rigged limousine--the murder SiET4rhIHOu-00379-00190661-00191386 car. He was killed not by a sniper but by a well-aimed blast SiET4rhIHOu-00380-00191386-00192008 from inside the car. That blast was in all probability set off SiET4rhIHOu-00381-00192008-00192624 by a radio signal from outside the car by someone in a position SiET4rhIHOu-00382-00192624-00193325 to tell just when to do it. My confidential technical sources SiET4rhIHOu-00383-00193325-00193840 now believe they know where the radio signal came from. SiET4rhIHOu-00384-00193840-00194121 If you have followed the various accounts that have come out SiET4rhIHOu-00385-00194121-00194600 about the J.F.K. assassination over the years, you have probably SiET4rhIHOu-00386-00194600-00195105 heard of the mysterious man with the umbrella. This was an SiET4rhIHOu-00387-00195105-00195786 onlooker who was right on the scene of the shooting in Dallas. SiET4rhIHOu-00388-00195786-00196184 Reportedly he abruptly raised his umbrella and opened it just as SiET4rhIHOu-00389-00196184-00196745 the President's car went by, and at that moment the several SiET4rhIHOu-00390-00196745-00197359 snipers all began firing. After a few seconds, he is said to SiET4rhIHOu-00391-00197359-00197848 have closed the umbrella and put it back down, and the firing SiET4rhIHOu-00392-00197848-00198452 stopped. He then melted into the crowd and quickly vanished. SiET4rhIHOu-00393-00198452-00198898 Others have theorized that the man with the umbrella was the SiET4rhIHOu-00394-00198898-00199408 signal man who used the umbrella to coordinate the firing of the SiET4rhIHOu-00395-00199408-00200002 snipers for maximum confusion and effect. I believe this is SiET4rhIHOu-00396-00200002-00200604 correct, but based on my own confidential information, I believe SiET4rhIHOu-00397-00200604-00201247 he also had the additional role of sending the radio signal to SiET4rhIHOu-00398-00201247-00201842 set off the fatal blast inside the murder car at the height of SiET4rhIHOu-00399-00201842-00202515 the din from the snipers. The upraised umbrella would have made SiET4rhIHOu-00400-00202515-00203189 a perfect radio antenna to transmit the signal, and the signal SiET4rhIHOu-00401-00203189-00203677 itself could have been triggered with a button on the umbrella SiET4rhIHOu-00402-00203677-00204253 handle. It was important though to avoid focusing suspicion on SiET4rhIHOu-00403-00204253-00204998 the murder car itself, which was destroyed within 48 hours. SiET4rhIHOu-00404-00204998-00205433 Therefore an ordinary umbrella looking like the one used by the SiET4rhIHOu-00405-00205433-00205939 mysterious onlooker, was no doubt left somewhere nearby for SiET4rhIHOu-00406-00205939-00206647 people to find, while the real umbrella equipped by the CIA with SiET4rhIHOu-00407-00206647-00207304 a tiny radio transmitter, was spirited away. When the ordinary SiET4rhIHOu-00408-00207304-00207835 look-alike umbrella was found discarded on the scene, the natural SiET4rhIHOu-00409-00207835-00208269 reaction would be to say, "Look here. I guess the guy with the SiET4rhIHOu-00410-00208269-00208869 umbrella got rid of it so it wouldn't hamper his get away." And SiET4rhIHOu-00411-00208869-00209094 that would be that. SiET4rhIHOu-00412-00209094-00209694 At any rate, we stand on a threshold of a possible new era of SiET4rhIHOu-00413-00209694-00210165 assassination, intimidation, and misinformation of the public SiET4rhIHOu-00414-00210165-00210573 even worse than that which followed the Kennedy assassination. SiET4rhIHOu-00415-00210573-00211202 The September 5 dress rehearsal for Ford's assassination was for SiET4rhIHOu-00416-00211202-00211848 two purposes. First, it was to give him a not-so-subtle hint SiET4rhIHOu-00417-00211848-00212204 that he had better fulfill his deal with Nelson Rockefeller and SiET4rhIHOu-00418-00212204-00212946 vacate the White House soon - or else. Second, it was staged on SiET4rhIHOu-00419-00212946-00213485 camera, you will notice, for the benefit of you and me--the SiET4rhIHOu-00420-00213485-00213585 public. SiET4rhIHOu-00421-00213585-00213998 This incident is a part of a multi-faceted campaign to SiET4rhIHOu-00422-00213998-00214567 condition your mind to accept the departure of the Fords from the SiET4rhIHOu-00423-00214567-00215379 public scene one way or another. Witness, for example, how CBS, SiET4rhIHOu-00424-00215379-00215742 which is thoroughly under the thumb of the Rockefellers, set up SiET4rhIHOu-00425-00215742-00216346 Betty Ford as a clay pigeon on the August 10, 1975, CBS SiET4rhIHOu-00426-00216346-00216985 television show "60 MINUTES." There Betty Ford bared her private SiET4rhIHOu-00427-00216985-00217433 life and thoughts in public in a way which has brought down SiET4rhIHOu-00428-00217433-00218108 ridicule and shame on her head. In this and many other ways, the SiET4rhIHOu-00429-00218108-00218573 Fords are being belittled in the public mind, so that our first SiET4rhIHOu-00430-00218573-00219221 appointed President won't be missed when he is replaced by our SiET4rhIHOu-00431-00219221-00219379 second. SiET4rhIHOu-00432-00219379-00219821 Yes, the behind-the-scenes power struggle which has so far SiET4rhIHOu-00433-00219821-00220275 kept Nelson Rockefeller from seizing the presidency which he had SiET4rhIHOu-00434-00220275-00220764 planned to do by June, three months ago, is beginning to erupt SiET4rhIHOu-00435-00220764-00221344 into the open. What we are witnessing is the latest phase of an SiET4rhIHOu-00436-00221344-00221806 elaborate multistepped coup d'etat with its major milestones SiET4rhIHOu-00437-00221806-00222339 spaced roughly a year apart so that public apprehensions will SiET4rhIHOu-00438-00222339-00222889 largely die out between steps. SiET4rhIHOu-00439-00222889-00223294 Just over three years ago the coup d'etat began with the SiET4rhIHOu-00440-00223294-00223933 Watergate break-in. Two years ago Vice-President Spiro Agnew was SiET4rhIHOu-00441-00223933-00224538 eliminated from the scene. This activated the 25th Amendment, SiET4rhIHOu-00442-00224538-00224898 which Nelson Rockefeller had manipulated into the Constitution SiET4rhIHOu-00443-00224898-00225532 several years before to be used in the planned coup. Just over SiET4rhIHOu-00444-00225532-00226048 one year ago Richard Nixon became the first President in American SiET4rhIHOu-00445-00226048-00226638 history to resign--the victim of Watergate, which was conceived SiET4rhIHOu-00446-00226638-00227327 by Nelson Rockefeller, engineered by his CIA, and given a final SiET4rhIHOu-00447-00227327-00227908 assist in the form of blackmail by Nelson Rockefeller's long-time SiET4rhIHOu-00448-00227908-00228626 agent, Henry Kissinger. Now it has been another year and it is SiET4rhIHOu-00449-00228626-00229175 time for the next step--namely the ousting of figurehead Gerald SiET4rhIHOu-00450-00229175-00229733 Ford from the White House so that our president-in-fact, Nelson SiET4rhIHOu-00451-00229733-00230419 Rockefeller, can make himself President in name also. And SiET4rhIHOu-00452-00230419-00230848 Rockefeller must do this soon because he is becoming more and SiET4rhIHOu-00453-00230848-00231417 more unpopular by the day. If this is accomplished according to SiET4rhIHOu-00454-00231417-00231989 plan, the coup d'etat itself will be complete. SiET4rhIHOu-00455-00231989-00232542 After that, there will only be one step left to go--our SiET4rhIHOu-00456-00232542-00232998 ratification of Nelson Rockefeller's status as our DICTATOR on SiET4rhIHOu-00457-00232998-00233807 election day November 1976, just over one year from now. On that SiET4rhIHOu-00458-00233807-00234492 day we are to return our then incumbent president, Nelson SiET4rhIHOu-00459-00234492-00235021 Rockefeller, to the White House and at the same time we are to SiET4rhIHOu-00460-00235021-00235841 accept, by national referendum, the new Rockefeller Constitution--which has already been written SiET4rhIHOu-00461-00235841-00236623 and which will give him a nine-year term as our first Dictator. SiET4rhIHOu-00462-00236623-00236917 Every possible avenue is being pursued in order to pave the SiET4rhIHOu-00463-00236917-00237408 way for this bicentennial death of our Republic! Not the SiET4rhIHOu-00464-00237408-00237758 least of these preparations involve the conditioning of your SiET4rhIHOu-00465-00237758-00238251 mind through the massive controls over the mass media exercised SiET4rhIHOu-00466-00238251-00238814 by the Rockefellers. For example, various component SiET4rhIHOu-00467-00238814-00239326 provisions embodied in the secret "NEW CONSTITUTION" keep popping SiET4rhIHOu-00468-00239326-00239910 up here and there, seemingly at random but actually as parts SiET4rhIHOu-00469-00239910-00240494 of a well coordinated master public relations war being waged on SiET4rhIHOu-00470-00240494-00240939 the unsuspecting American public by the Rockefellers. SiET4rhIHOu-00471-00240939-00241506 To cite just one example--and they are everywhere these days SiET4rhIHOu-00472-00241506-00241957 if your eyes are open--there is the article in a recent issue of SiET4rhIHOu-00473-00241957-00242466 Business Week entitled, quote: "The big new push for federal SiET4rhIHOu-00474-00242466-00242925 chartering of corporations." Business Week, it should be SiET4rhIHOu-00475-00242925-00243403 mentioned, is published by McGraw-Hill, one of the hundreds of SiET4rhIHOu-00476-00243403-00244016 major companies under Rockefeller control. McGraw-Hill is a SiET4rhIHOu-00477-00244016-00244434 particularly useful voice for the Rockefellers, since it SiET4rhIHOu-00478-00244434-00244896 publishes a series of special industry magazines which SiET4rhIHOu-00479-00244896-00245423 established high prestige long ago and are therefore very SiET4rhIHOu-00480-00245423-00245967 influential now. Anyway, the article says that there is a SiET4rhIHOu-00481-00245967-00246488 rapidly emerging push to replace State chartering of corporations SiET4rhIHOu-00482-00246488-00247103 in America by federal chartering, and that surprisingly some of SiET4rhIHOu-00483-00247103-00247489 the most powerful backing for this move is coming from leaders of SiET4rhIHOu-00484-00247489-00248075 major corporations themselves, such as General Electric. The SiET4rhIHOu-00485-00248075-00248432 article fails to point out though that all of these big SiET4rhIHOu-00486-00248432-00248913 corporations cited are Rockefeller outfits, and federal SiET4rhIHOu-00487-00248913-00249456 chartering is one of the keystones of the corporate-socialist SiET4rhIHOu-00488-00249456-00249807 economic structure spelled out in the new Rockefeller SiET4rhIHOu-00489-00249807-00250334 Constitution. The impetus for this big new federal chartering SiET4rhIHOu-00490-00250334-00250861 campaign is stated to be a couple of Supreme Court decisions SiET4rhIHOu-00491-00250861-00251408 which may look (quote) "conservative" on their face since they SiET4rhIHOu-00492-00251408-00251929 effectively removed the federal influence over corporations that SiET4rhIHOu-00493-00251929-00252444 had long been exerted through Rule 10-B (5) of the Securities SiET4rhIHOu-00494-00252444-00253011 Exchange Commission. This ruling looks, at first glance, to be a SiET4rhIHOu-00495-00253011-00253592 move away from federal meddling, but its actual purpose is to SiET4rhIHOu-00496-00253592-00254041 whip up sentiment in Congress to pass legislation which will go SiET4rhIHOu-00497-00254041-00254571 much further than the old SEC rule. SiET4rhIHOu-00498-00254571-00254973 This is a perfect example in which the real purposes of SiET4rhIHOu-00499-00254973-00255519 political actions are the exact opposite of the surface SiET4rhIHOu-00500-00255519-00255973 appearance. And if anyone doubts that the Supreme Court is SiET4rhIHOu-00501-00255973-00256473 knowingly being guided to do the Rockefeller will, just consider, SiET4rhIHOu-00502-00256473-00257025 for example, our Chief Justice Warren Earl Burger. One of the SiET4rhIHOu-00503-00257025-00257402 ways in which he established the credentials which led to his SiET4rhIHOu-00504-00257402-00257875 Supreme Court appointment, was through his contribution as a SiET4rhIHOu-00505-00257875-00258330 so-called "outside expert" to the writing of the secret new SiET4rhIHOu-00506-00258330-00258944 Rockefeller Constitution. The idea to eliminate the right of SiET4rhIHOu-00507-00258944-00259530 trial by jury, which the "NEW CONSTITUTION" does, came from SiET4rhIHOu-00508-00259530-00259630 Burger. SiET4rhIHOu-00509-00259630-00260142 The art of politics, as it is practiced at the national level SiET4rhIHOu-00510-00260142-00260698 today in America, has been reduced to continual deception and SiET4rhIHOu-00511-00260698-00261264 trickery. A perfect example is the plan which has been concocted SiET4rhIHOu-00512-00261264-00261742 by Nelson Rockefeller and his long-time friend and supporter, SiET4rhIHOu-00513-00261742-00262425 George Meany, to recast Rockefeller's image in a conservative SiET4rhIHOu-00514-00262425-00263025 mold. Imagine! This has become necessary because it is now the SiET4rhIHOu-00515-00263025-00263655 Conservatives who hold the balance of political power in America. SiET4rhIHOu-00516-00263655-00264039 No doubt you've noticed the wide publicity which has been given SiET4rhIHOu-00517-00264039-00264483 lately to the supposedly conservative views which are preached by SiET4rhIHOu-00518-00264483-00264979 Nelson Rockefeller these days in his speeches. Never mind that SiET4rhIHOu-00519-00264979-00265509 his entire public career for more than 40 years is a sordid SiET4rhIHOu-00520-00265509-00265976 history of well-documented but little-known piracy against the SiET4rhIHOu-00521-00265976-00266582 American ship of state. Never mind that he has always espoused, SiET4rhIHOu-00522-00266582-00267082 quote "fiscal integrity", and that without exception this has SiET4rhIHOu-00523-00267082-00267622 been translated into higher taxes, increasing public debt, SiET4rhIHOu-00524-00267622-00268185 swelling unemployment, and mushrooming welfare rolls. And, never SiET4rhIHOu-00525-00268185-00268635 mind that his public career is littered with broken promises and SiET4rhIHOu-00526-00268635-00269539 double crosses. He now says things which the Rockefeller-controlled news media label "conservative" SiET4rhIHOu-00527-00269539-00270008 so we are to take them at face value. SiET4rhIHOu-00528-00270008-00270339 But many Americans will not be taken in by Rockefeller's own SiET4rhIHOu-00529-00270339-00270963 statements alone, so going along now on a parallel road as a SiET4rhIHOu-00530-00270963-00271481 fellow traveler is one George Meany. Meany has lately made a SiET4rhIHOu-00531-00271481-00272033 great show of not letting the longshoremen in his AFL-CIO load SiET4rhIHOu-00532-00272033-00272605 wheat bound for Russia supposedly until the American consumer is SiET4rhIHOu-00533-00272605-00273238 protected against inflation and whatnot. This stand has been SiET4rhIHOu-00534-00273238-00273731 painted in the news media as evidence of Conservatism on his SiET4rhIHOu-00535-00273731-00274226 part; but now that this political harvest has been reaped, the SiET4rhIHOu-00536-00274226-00274642 grain is being loaded once again and sent on its way to SiET4rhIHOu-00537-00274642-00275000 Rockefeller's Mother Russia. SiET4rhIHOu-00538-00275000-00275382 Just to enhance this conservative image, Meany is also SiET4rhIHOu-00539-00275382-00275893 throwing snide remarks at Henry Kissinger. Kissinger has now SiET4rhIHOu-00540-00275893-00276327 done his job for Rockefeller and is about to be thrown to the SiET4rhIHOu-00541-00276327-00276879 wolves so as to appease the Conservatives and to fool them into SiET4rhIHOu-00542-00276879-00277407 thinking they are gaining ground. Thus Meany is building a SiET4rhIHOu-00543-00277407-00278021 conservative, anti-Communist image as fast as possible; and since SiET4rhIHOu-00544-00278021-00278654 he is not a self-serving politician, this apparent development of SiET4rhIHOu-00545-00278654-00279200 a conservative streak will be taken by many as genuine. He will SiET4rhIHOu-00546-00279200-00279731 therefore be in a perfect position, when the time is ripe, to SiET4rhIHOu-00547-00279731-00280191 throw his arm around Nelson Rockefeller and give him his full SiET4rhIHOu-00548-00280191-00280813 political support. Rockefeller will thus be transformed into an SiET4rhIHOu-00549-00280813-00281522 instant Conservative, anti-Communist, anti-Soviet in the eyes of SiET4rhIHOu-00550-00281522-00281807 many trusting Americans. SiET4rhIHOu-00551-00281807-00282151 One of the most diabolically clever and cruel twists in this SiET4rhIHOu-00552-00282151-00282695 plan has been the way in which Nelson Rockefeller through his SiET4rhIHOu-00553-00282695-00283167 agent George Meany, used exiled Russian author Alexander SiET4rhIHOu-00554-00283167-00283834 Solzhenitsyn to further his own political plans. Very few SiET4rhIHOu-00555-00283834-00284455 Americans grasped what happened, and Solzhenitsyn himself has no SiET4rhIHOu-00556-00284455-00284982 inkling at all of the treachery that surrounded his recent visit SiET4rhIHOu-00557-00284982-00285711 to the United States. Solzhenitsyn is a true and great Russian SiET4rhIHOu-00558-00285711-00286219 patriot who has suffered terrible things at the hands of the SiET4rhIHOu-00559-00286219-00286950 imperialist, Communist regime that now enslaves his people. He SiET4rhIHOu-00560-00286950-00287303 would never have knowingly permitted himself to be used by the SiET4rhIHOu-00561-00287303-00287856 very people who perpetually finance and sustain the Russian SiET4rhIHOu-00562-00287856-00288491 Communist police state, but he did not reckon with the craftiness SiET4rhIHOu-00563-00288491-00289009 of the Rockefeller Brothers. Meany said in his introduction to SiET4rhIHOu-00564-00289009-00289646 one of Solzhenitsyn's speeches under AFL-CIO sponsorship that SiET4rhIHOu-00565-00289646-00290230 Solzhenitsyn is, quote: "a voice that demands to be heard; a SiET4rhIHOu-00566-00290230-00290490 voice that will not be denied." SiET4rhIHOu-00567-00290490-00291306 The Rockefeller approach to anything they cannot suppress is SiET4rhIHOu-00568-00291306-00291904 to harness it, and that is what they did to Solzhenitsyn. They SiET4rhIHOu-00569-00291904-00292379 harnessed him. First, the United States Government agreed with SiET4rhIHOu-00570-00292379-00292963 Russia not to accord him any official recognition before he was SiET4rhIHOu-00571-00292963-00293690 released. Hence the widely-publicized snub by President Ford. SiET4rhIHOu-00572-00293690-00294298 Next, George Meany latched on to him even before he came out of SiET4rhIHOu-00573-00294298-00294881 Russia and sewed up a commitment from the famous Russian exile to SiET4rhIHOu-00574-00294881-00295565 speak under AFL-CIO auspices in the United States. Then when he SiET4rhIHOu-00575-00295565-00296195 reached America, his great AFL-CIO speaking tour consisted of SiET4rhIHOu-00576-00296195-00296856 only two speeches--one in Washington, D.C., and the other in New SiET4rhIHOu-00577-00296856-00297591 York City. As a result, Solzhenitsyn's actual words, which I SiET4rhIHOu-00578-00297591-00298101 believe every American should hear, were heard by very few SiET4rhIHOu-00579-00298101-00298657 people. But the fact that he had spoken under George Meany's SiET4rhIHOu-00580-00298657-00299302 sponsorship was publicized nation-wide in the Rockefeller news SiET4rhIHOu-00581-00299302-00299794 media, and this explains why the New York Times gave it broad SiET4rhIHOu-00582-00299794-00300548 coverage. The net result: A few people heard the truth from SiET4rhIHOu-00583-00300548-00300936 Solzhenitsyn, but vast numbers of people were deceived by all SiET4rhIHOu-00584-00300936-00301443 this into thinking: George Meany deserves the Conservative label SiET4rhIHOu-00585-00301443-00301866 now being stuck to him by the Rockefeller public relations SiET4rhIHOu-00586-00301866-00302644 machine. A more convincing lie would be difficult to imagine. SiET4rhIHOu-00587-00302644-00303108 I now turn briefly to Topic #3. SiET4rhIHOu-00588-00303108-00303524 In my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 3, last month, I revealed that SiET4rhIHOu-00589-00303524-00303975 major revisions are in the works for up-coming war plans. These SiET4rhIHOu-00590-00303975-00304430 changes stemmed from the actions of Indira Gandhi to stop the SiET4rhIHOu-00591-00304430-00304976 Rockefeller take-over of India by way of their CIA. The SiET4rhIHOu-00592-00304976-00305380 Rockefellers want to absorb India into their empire before SiET4rhIHOu-00593-00305380-00305844 proceeding to World War III, and are therefore modifying their SiET4rhIHOu-00594-00305844-00306312 foreign intrigues accordingly. Their plans I revealed some time SiET4rhIHOu-00595-00306312-00306774 ago for World War III--which is really to be half a world war SiET4rhIHOu-00596-00306774-00307236 with America as the main battleground--have not been abandoned SiET4rhIHOu-00597-00307236-00307740 altogether. They have simply been put on a back burner while the SiET4rhIHOu-00598-00307740-00308214 focus shifts to India, which is the last remaining chunk of the SiET4rhIHOu-00599-00308214-00308838 old British Empire that is not yet in Rockefeller hands. The SiET4rhIHOu-00600-00308838-00309338 emerging build-up to war in Asia, which is now targeted to start SiET4rhIHOu-00601-00309338-00309993 about March 1977 according to the Rockefeller plans, is a complex SiET4rhIHOu-00602-00309993-00310656 thing and is being largely ignored by most observers right now. SiET4rhIHOu-00603-00310656-00311131 I plan to speak more about it in up-coming AUDIO LETTERS, but I SiET4rhIHOu-00604-00311131-00311528 feel you should have at least a thumbnail sketch now. SiET4rhIHOu-00605-00311528-00312259 To begin with, the Helsinki Accord signed recently by Ford, SiET4rhIHOu-00606-00312259-00312692 Brezhnev, and leaders of more than 30 other nations had only one SiET4rhIHOu-00607-00312692-00313155 real effect. It formally ratified Russian conquests in Eastern SiET4rhIHOu-00608-00313155-00313561 Europe regardless of all the official protestations to the SiET4rhIHOu-00609-00313561-00314072 contrary. That's why Soviet Party boss Brezhnev had tears of joy SiET4rhIHOu-00610-00314072-00314652 in his eyes after all had signed it. It gave Russia a secure SiET4rhIHOu-00611-00314652-00315149 border in Western Europe, and the ink was hardly dry when Russian SiET4rhIHOu-00612-00315149-00315600 attention turned eastward to China. Well-orchestrated attacks on SiET4rhIHOu-00613-00315600-00316056 Peking and the foreign policy of Chairman Mao have appeared not SiET4rhIHOu-00614-00316056-00316568 only in high-level organs of the Soviet Press but also in Soviet SiET4rhIHOu-00615-00316568-00317156 satellites such as East Germany, Bulgaria, and others. SiET4rhIHOu-00616-00317156-00317518 Russia fears that China might become the leader of the Third SiET4rhIHOu-00617-00317518-00317971 World of developing nations, therefore Russia is trying to SiET4rhIHOu-00618-00317971-00318506 encircle China and has been greatly helped in recent years by the SiET4rhIHOu-00619-00318506-00318994 Kissinger foreign policy which has handed over Southeast Asia to SiET4rhIHOu-00620-00318994-00319471 Russia--not to China, as some people think--and which has SiET4rhIHOu-00621-00319471-00319932 effectively neutralized American influence elsewhere along the SiET4rhIHOu-00622-00319932-00320483 Chinese encirclement perimeter. The encirclement threat to SiET4rhIHOu-00623-00320483-00320916 China, in turn, is giving impetus to the forging of a SiET4rhIHOu-00624-00320916-00321321 Sino-Japanese Axis, which is forming right now. SiET4rhIHOu-00625-00321321-00321810 Finally, this whole situation and its tensions are such that SiET4rhIHOu-00626-00321810-00322167 the Rockefellers hope and expect to turn it to their own SiET4rhIHOu-00627-00322167-00322767 purposes. Through their thorough control of Japan, an avenue is SiET4rhIHOu-00628-00322767-00323206 readily available to guide events toward precipitation of the SiET4rhIHOu-00629-00323206-00323865 planned war against India on schedule. This is especially so SiET4rhIHOu-00630-00323865-00324471 since John D. Rockefeller III, the real ruler of Japan today, SiET4rhIHOu-00631-00324471-00324847 learned all about such things long ago when he helped maneuver SiET4rhIHOu-00632-00324847-00325443 the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor. Finally, once India is SiET4rhIHOu-00633-00325443-00325877 attacked, Russia will enter on India's side and America will be SiET4rhIHOu-00634-00325877-00326330 used as a factory to supply Russia. The Rockefellers stand to SiET4rhIHOu-00635-00326330-00326768 make lots of money through their involvement on both sides as SiET4rhIHOu-00636-00326768-00327291 usual; and they expect to pick up the pieces in India after the SiET4rhIHOu-00637-00327291-00327507 smoke clears. SiET4rhIHOu-00638-00327507-00328084 And so, my friends, on and on it goes unless we stop it! More SiET4rhIHOu-00639-00328084-00328772 and more people are now asking: What can I do? I plan to say SiET4rhIHOu-00640-00328772-00329262 more about this in the future, but let me just give you these SiET4rhIHOu-00641-00329262-00329617 brief hints for now, if I may: SiET4rhIHOu-00642-00329617-00330282 First--you must inform yourself. Know what is going on so you SiET4rhIHOu-00643-00330282-00330715 will know what needs to be corrected. SiET4rhIHOu-00644-00330715-00331181 Second--Inform others, and never think anything is too small SiET4rhIHOu-00645-00331181-00331698 to do. Talk to a friend, a neighbor, write a letter to the SiET4rhIHOu-00646-00331698-00331882 Editor. SiET4rhIHOu-00647-00331882-00332445 Third--Put pressure on your elected officials--locally and at SiET4rhIHOu-00648-00332445-00332918 the State level, as well as Congress. Call or write--again, and SiET4rhIHOu-00649-00332918-00333395 again, and again, and again until they learn you mean business SiET4rhIHOu-00650-00333395-00333854 and cannot be shrugged off with routine, polite, meaningless SiET4rhIHOu-00651-00333854-00334033 replies. SiET4rhIHOu-00652-00334033-00334518 Finally--Be specific about what you want your elected SiET4rhIHOu-00653-00334518-00334750 officials to do to straighten things out. SiET4rhIHOu-00654-00334750-00335382 In this regard I strongly recommend that you focus your energies SiET4rhIHOu-00655-00335382-00335858 on the FORT KNOX GOLD SCANDAL. Those who have perpetrated this SiET4rhIHOu-00656-00335858-00336542 fantastic crime and cover-up are now running scared behind the SiET4rhIHOu-00657-00336542-00337063 scenes. The Fort Knox affair is the one most dangerous issue for SiET4rhIHOu-00658-00337063-00337553 the Conspirators, who are trying to trap us all in a SiET4rhIHOu-00659-00337553-00338192 DICTATORSHIP, so do all you can to help us break it into the open SiET4rhIHOu-00660-00338192-00338715 so that the truth can be proven. SiET4rhIHOu-00661-00338715-00339315 Until next month, then, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you, and God SiET4rhIHOu-00662-00339315-00339578 bless each and every one of you. SiGAlzBihKE-00000-00000500-00001040 Wiho mejeta tí pjare Saulo Jesu yainare ã ñʉ tuhtirucusinino, SiGAlzBihKE-00001-00001040-00001220 “Tinare wajãihtja” nino, SiGAlzBihKE-00002-00001220-00001456 tiro sacerdotea pʉhtoro cahapʉ wahaha. SiGAlzBihKE-00003-00001456-00001992 Tópʉ sʉro tiro joaa pũrine õ sehe ni siniha sacerdotea pʉhtorore: SiGAlzBihKE-00004-00001992-00002404 —Joaa pũrine waga yʉhʉre yʉ tuahti pũri cjihtire. SiGAlzBihKE-00005-00002404-00002780 Tí pũripʉ mʉ wama mʉ joa payochʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00006-00002780-00002960 yʉhʉ sehe tí pũri mehne, SiGAlzBihKE-00007-00002960-00003188 mʉ dutiro mehne Damascopʉ wahaihtja. SiGAlzBihKE-00008-00003188-00003347 Tópʉ sʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00009-00003347-00003668 judio masa mari buhea wʉhʉsepʉ Jesu yaina mʉa, SiGAlzBihKE-00010-00003668-00003868 numia cʉ̃hʉre boca sʉcʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00011-00003868-00004128 tinare ñaha dʉhte, SiGAlzBihKE-00012-00004128-00004768 õpʉ Jerusalẽpʉ na majare tjuaa taihtja —ni siniha Saulo sacerdotea pʉhtoare. SiGAlzBihKE-00013-00004768-00004988 Ti pũrine na tuhsʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00014-00004988-00005076 tiro waha, SiGAlzBihKE-00015-00005076-00005660 Damasco cahai to sʉro cahachʉ waro mʉanopʉ wacũenoca si siteroca boroha tirore. SiGAlzBihKE-00016-00005660-00006136 Wacũenoca to ã si siteroca borochʉta tiro yahpapʉ bora caha sʉro, SiGAlzBihKE-00017-00006136-00006372 õ sehe ni durucuchʉ tʉhoha: SiGAlzBihKE-00018-00006372-00006504 —Saulo, SiGAlzBihKE-00019-00006504-00006608 Saulo, SiGAlzBihKE-00020-00006608-00006856 ¿dohseacʉ mʉhʉ yʉhʉre ñano yoajari? SiGAlzBihKE-00021-00006856-00007144 Mʉhʉ yʉhʉ mehne suacʉ yʉhʉre yʉhtieracʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00022-00007144-00007540 mʉ basita ñano yʉhdʉra —nino coa taha. SiGAlzBihKE-00023-00007540-00007616 —Pʉhtoro, SiGAlzBihKE-00024-00007616-00007888 ¿diro baro jijari mʉhʉ? SiGAlzBihKE-00025-00007888-00008176 —ni sinitu ñʉha Saulo sehe. SiGAlzBihKE-00026-00008176-00008328 —Yʉhʉta jija Jesu, SiGAlzBihKE-00027-00008328-00008712 mʉ ñano yoarucuriro —niha Jesu Saulore. SiGAlzBihKE-00028-00008712-00009008 [To ã nichʉ õ sehe ni sinituha Saulo: SiGAlzBihKE-00029-00009008-00009180 —Pʉhtoro, SiGAlzBihKE-00030-00009180-00009364 ¿dohse yʉ yoachʉ cahmajari mʉhʉ? SiGAlzBihKE-00031-00009364-00009488 —niha Saulo.] SiGAlzBihKE-00032-00009488-00009836 —Wahcãrʉcaga mʉhʉ. SiGAlzBihKE-00033-00009836-00009992 Macapʉ wahaga. SiGAlzBihKE-00034-00009992-00010640 Tí macapʉ mʉ sʉchʉ tó macariro mʉ yoahtire yahurohca mʉhʉre —niha Jesu Saulore. SiGAlzBihKE-00035-00010640-00011100 To ã nichʉ Saulo mehne macaina sehe to durucua dihtare tʉhoha. SiGAlzBihKE-00036-00011100-00011356 Wiho mejeta Jesu sehere ñʉeraha. SiGAlzBihKE-00037-00011356-00011464 To ã wahachʉ ñʉa, SiGAlzBihKE-00038-00011464-00011540 cuia, SiGAlzBihKE-00039-00011540-00011696 tina durucu masieraha. SiGAlzBihKE-00040-00011696-00011988 Ã jiro Saulo yahpapʉ coãriro wahcãrʉca, SiGAlzBihKE-00041-00011988-00012260 to ñʉchʉ to capari bajueraha. SiGAlzBihKE-00042-00012260-00012460 Ã jia tina to wamomacare ñaha, SiGAlzBihKE-00043-00012460-00012708 Damascopʉ tʉã wahcãa wahaha tirore. SiGAlzBihKE-00044-00012708-00012852 Tópʉ sʉro, SiGAlzBihKE-00045-00012852-00013060 tiro tia dacho waro ne ñʉera, SiGAlzBihKE-00046-00013060-00013168 chʉera, SiGAlzBihKE-00047-00013168-00013318 ne sihniera tiha. SiGAlzBihKE-00048-00013318-00013828 Ã yoa cʉ̃iro Jesu to buheriro Anania wama tiriro Damascoi jiha. SiGAlzBihKE-00049-00013828-00014119 Ã jiro Jesu bajua tiha Ananiare. SiGAlzBihKE-00050-00014119-00014460 Ã bajuaro õ sehe ni pisuha tirore: SiGAlzBihKE-00051-00014460-00014584 —Anania, SiGAlzBihKE-00052-00014584-00014744 ¿jimajari mʉhʉ? SiGAlzBihKE-00053-00014744-00014919 —niha Jesu. SiGAlzBihKE-00054-00014919-00015282 —Jimajã —ni yʉhtiha Anania tirore. SiGAlzBihKE-00055-00015282-00015616 To ã nichʉ Jesu sehe õ sehe ni yahuha tirore: SiGAlzBihKE-00056-00015616-00015932 —Potori Maha wama tiri mahapʉ wahaga. SiGAlzBihKE-00057-00015932-00016580 Ã wahacʉ Juda ya wʉhʉpʉ cʉ̃iro Tarso macariro Saulo wama tirirore macaga. SiGAlzBihKE-00058-00016580-00016816 Tiro Cohamacʉre sinino nica. SiGAlzBihKE-00059-00016816-00017228 Tiro cahãnopʉre tirore mʉ yoahtire ño tuhsʉhi yʉhʉ. SiGAlzBihKE-00060-00017228-00017432 Õ sehe jiare ñʉhre tiro: SiGAlzBihKE-00061-00017432-00017792 Mʉhʉ mʉ wamomacarine tiro bui duhu payo, SiGAlzBihKE-00062-00017792-00018404 to capari noaa wahachʉ ñʉhre tiro to cahãnopʉre —niha Jesu Ananiare. SiGAlzBihKE-00063-00018404-00018752 To ã nichʉ tʉhoro Anania sehe õ sehe ni yʉhtiha: SiGAlzBihKE-00064-00018752-00018944 —Pʉhtoro, SiGAlzBihKE-00065-00018944-00019108 tiro mʉ yainare, SiGAlzBihKE-00066-00019108-00019596 noainare Jerusalẽ macainare nu ñano yoa mʉjayuhti. SiGAlzBihKE-00067-00019596-00019840 Payʉ masa yʉhʉre ã ni yahure. SiGAlzBihKE-00068-00019840-00020476 Ã yoa õ cʉ̃hʉre tiro jipihtina mʉhʉre cahmainare peresu yoaro taro niyuhti. SiGAlzBihKE-00069-00020476-00021140 Sacerdotea pʉhtoa tirore ã yoa dutiyuhti —ni yʉhtiha Anania Jesure. SiGAlzBihKE-00070-00021140-00021460 To ã nichʉ Jesu sehe õ sehe ni yahuha tirore: SiGAlzBihKE-00071-00021460-00021852 —Tiro Saulo sehe yʉ beseriro jira. SiGAlzBihKE-00072-00021852-00022172 Tiro yʉ ya buheare judio masa jierainare, SiGAlzBihKE-00073-00022172-00022268 ti pʉhtoare, SiGAlzBihKE-00074-00022268-00022568 ã jichʉ Israe masa cʉ̃hʉre buherohca. SiGAlzBihKE-00075-00022568-00022740 Ã jicʉ wahaga mʉhʉ. SiGAlzBihKE-00076-00022740-00023148 Payʉ tahari yʉ yare yoaro tiro ñano yʉhdʉrohca. SiGAlzBihKE-00077-00023148-00023668 Tíre tirore masichʉ yoaihtja —niha Jesu Ananiare. SiGAlzBihKE-00078-00023668-00023904 To ã niri baharo Anania sehe waha, SiGAlzBihKE-00079-00023904-00023948 sʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00080-00023948-00024148 Saulo to jiri wʉhʉpʉ sãaha. SiGAlzBihKE-00081-00024148-00024244 Sãa sʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00082-00024244-00024468 to wamomacarine Saulo bui duhu payo, SiGAlzBihKE-00083-00024468-00024640 õ sehe ni yahuha tirore: SiGAlzBihKE-00084-00024640-00024832 —Coyeiro Saulo, SiGAlzBihKE-00085-00024832-00025008 mʉ capari mʉ ñʉhto sehe, SiGAlzBihKE-00086-00025008-00025336 Espíritu Santo mʉhʉ mehne to jihto sehe, SiGAlzBihKE-00087-00025336-00025604 to dutiriro seheta mʉ yoahto sehe, SiGAlzBihKE-00088-00025604-00026388 mari pʉhtoro Jesu sehe mahapʉ mʉhʉre bajuariro yʉhʉre warocahre —ni yahuha Anania Saulore. SiGAlzBihKE-00089-00026388-00027092 To ã nichʉta to caparire wahi nʉtʉri yoaro sehe bajua to caparipʉ wahãa pahna borachʉ ñʉha Saulo. SiGAlzBihKE-00090-00027092-00027600 To ã ñʉ tuhsʉri baharo to wahcãrʉcʉ sʉchʉ pairo sehe tirore bautisaha. SiGAlzBihKE-00091-00027600-00027827 Tirore to bautisa tuhsʉchʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00092-00027827-00027948 tiro sehe chʉ, SiGAlzBihKE-00093-00027948-00028144 tuariro wahaha. SiGAlzBihKE-00094-00028144-00028732 Ã yoa Saulo mahaa dachoricã Damasco macaina Jesu yaina mehne jiha. Skk6i7aPEfg-00000-00000803-00001300 I am a 90s kid, the landline telephone was only there during our school life Skk6i7aPEfg-00001-00001300-00001999 Mobile phones came into our hands during our college days Skk6i7aPEfg-00002-00001999-00002377 Though there were a few mobile phone companies Skk6i7aPEfg-00003-00002377-00002782 but one company was the most popular among all Skk6i7aPEfg-00004-00002782-00003192 I too had my first mobile phone from this company Skk6i7aPEfg-00005-00003192-00003592 Hopefully, you already got the company name Skk6i7aPEfg-00006-00003592-00003876 It is worldwide popular Nokia mobiles Skk6i7aPEfg-00007-00004777-00005256 At the beginning of our mobile phone life, everybody used to use Nokia mobiles Skk6i7aPEfg-00008-00005256-00005887 We used to know all the models and their features of Nokia phones Skk6i7aPEfg-00009-00006287-00006728 Later, when Nokia reduced production, Skk6i7aPEfg-00010-00006728-00007323 People used to feel sad due to the unavailability Skk6i7aPEfg-00011-00007823-00008220 Anyway, now I am in a library in a town named Nokia Skk6i7aPEfg-00012-00008220-00008679 You might feel surprised but yes, Skk6i7aPEfg-00013-00008679-00009177 Nokia is a Finnish telecommunication company Skk6i7aPEfg-00014-00009577-00009977 And the birthplace of this company is this Nokia town Skk6i7aPEfg-00015-00010078-00010444 Though mobile production never happened in this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00016-00010444-00011010 But the Nokia Corporation was formed in this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00017-00012507-00013270 Only 15 km west of Tampere, along the bank of the Nokianvirta river, Nokia is a small town Skk6i7aPEfg-00018-00013969-00014201 Though Nokia corporation only reminds us of a mobile company, Skk6i7aPEfg-00019-00014201-00014500 but Nokia is not only a mobile company Skk6i7aPEfg-00020-00014500-00014952 And mobile production started a long after the company formed Skk6i7aPEfg-00021-00014952-00015554 Even the industrialization of this town was also started quite a long ago Skk6i7aPEfg-00022-00015554-00015999 This town and Nokia corporation have been producing a lot of other things for centuries Skk6i7aPEfg-00023-00015999-00016298 Mobile production is just a part Skk6i7aPEfg-00024-00017703-00018148 Now I am beside the Nokianvirta river Skk6i7aPEfg-00025-00018645-00019000 Rivers always have a substantial effect on human civilisation Skk6i7aPEfg-00026-00019000-00019415 and this is true for any country Skk6i7aPEfg-00027-00019916-00020544 Rivers always helped in growing human civilisation and industry Skk6i7aPEfg-00028-00020544-00021348 And the beauty of rivers always triggered humans to create different forms of art and culture Skk6i7aPEfg-00029-00021348-00021950 That's why river-oriented civilisations grew faster Skk6i7aPEfg-00030-00021950-00022600 Similarly, several industries grew fast along the bank of this Nokianvirta river Skk6i7aPEfg-00031-00022600-00023030 Nokia company, a pulp and paper factory, a rubber company, Skk6i7aPEfg-00032-00023030-00023527 and merged up Nokia corporation (it produced mobile phones later) Skk6i7aPEfg-00033-00023527-00023923 - all happened along the bank of this river Skk6i7aPEfg-00034-00023976-00024424 Though mobile production never happened in this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00035-00024424-00025019 The mobile phone section of the Nokia corporation has always been separated from this Nokia town Skk6i7aPEfg-00036-00025019-00025617 Still, this town is no less important as it is the birthplace of the company Skk6i7aPEfg-00037-00026017-00026536 Today, only the tyre company is here in this town under the brand name Nokia Skk6i7aPEfg-00038-00026536-00027033 The paper mill was undertaken by another company Skk6i7aPEfg-00039-00027033-00027534 And the telecommunication section was shifted to another town Skk6i7aPEfg-00040-00027534-00028286 Still, some small and big industries along with the paper mill Essity are here Skk6i7aPEfg-00041-00028589-00029000 In 1871, a company named Nokia company was formed here Skk6i7aPEfg-00042-00029000-00029437 In the beginning, it was a paper mill Skk6i7aPEfg-00043-00029755-00030589 As Finland is mostly covered with forests, the paper industry is quite feasible and famous here Skk6i7aPEfg-00044-00031086-00031987 Later in the 1900s, along with paper, rubber and tyre industry grew up here Skk6i7aPEfg-00045-00032588-00033441 For obvious reasons, the growth of the mobile production and telecommunication sector took several decades after these Skk6i7aPEfg-00046-00033441-00034278 And by that time the main company headquarter has been shifted to Espoo, close to Helsinki Skk6i7aPEfg-00047-00034278-00034805 That's why the headquarter of mobile and telecommunications part is in Espoo Skk6i7aPEfg-00048-00034805-00035512 But rubber and tyre production still goes on in this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00049-00035512-00036143 Nokia's tyre is very popular in Finland and it is a worldwide export item Skk6i7aPEfg-00050-00036143-00036603 Russia and the USA have the production plants for Nokia tyre Skk6i7aPEfg-00051-00036902-00037639 This library has arranged a small exhibition showing the industrial growth of this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00052-00037840-00038237 With the help of this exhibition, I will try to show you Skk6i7aPEfg-00053-00038237-00038835 how industrial growth happened here and how much Nokia mobiles is related Skk6i7aPEfg-00054-00040237-00040625 The name of the exhibition is "Story about Nokia" Skk6i7aPEfg-00055-00040924-00041317 The main curator of the exhibition is Keijo Rantanen Skk6i7aPEfg-00056-00042016-00042450 The exhibition covers from the prehistoric age to today's age Skk6i7aPEfg-00057-00042450-00042950 There were some civilisations in ancient times but there is no evident written source Skk6i7aPEfg-00058-00044550-00045335 The first industrialisation took place in the mid of nineteenth century Skk6i7aPEfg-00059-00045335-00046081 So, from then this town started to grow as an industrial place Skk6i7aPEfg-00060-00046778-00047388 At first, the pulp and paper industry started Skk6i7aPEfg-00061-00047388-00047788 With time it grew bigger Skk6i7aPEfg-00062-00047788-00048288 The industrial community grew up Skk6i7aPEfg-00063-00048288-00048804 At the end of the nineteenth century, this industrial community expanded Skk6i7aPEfg-00064-00048804-00049201 Huge recruitment took place Skk6i7aPEfg-00065-00049802-00050285 Along with the paper industry, agricultural growth also took place Skk6i7aPEfg-00066-00050584-00051047 A hydropower station was also developed along this river Skk6i7aPEfg-00067-00051346-00051959 So, we cannot imagine how much benefit we can get from rivers Skk6i7aPEfg-00068-00052157-00052546 After this, rubber production started in a rubber company Skk6i7aPEfg-00069-00052546-00052827 With these, the town started to grow more Skk6i7aPEfg-00070-00053028-00053507 Around the 1920s, rubber factory was a big hit Skk6i7aPEfg-00071-00053507-00054348 A bunch of new labours were hired, especially young women Skk6i7aPEfg-00072-00055346-00055993 Here shows some sample shoes and other rubber products from then Skk6i7aPEfg-00073-00056991-00057379 Then we continue to move along the twentieth century Skk6i7aPEfg-00074-00057379-00057992 With the growth of the industries over here, they started several community works Skk6i7aPEfg-00075-00057992-00058303 Especially, medical support and help during the wartime Skk6i7aPEfg-00076-00058501-00058998 Right now I am at the 'Factory Island' of this town Skk6i7aPEfg-00077-00059200-00059649 Till now this island contains several factories Skk6i7aPEfg-00078-00059649-00060034 At least I can see the Essity office/factory Skk6i7aPEfg-00079-00060034-00060632 And I can see a lot of other buildings, though not sure for what purposes they are being used Skk6i7aPEfg-00080-00060632-00061237 Anyway, several boards are here on this island mentioning the name 'Factory island' Skk6i7aPEfg-00081-00061237-00061637 and the history of this island Skk6i7aPEfg-00082-00061940-00062304 Like everything, industrial products have changed with time Skk6i7aPEfg-00083-00062304-00062878 By the end of the twentieth century, here industrial products changed Skk6i7aPEfg-00084-00063577-00064146 Consequently, in 1966, Nokia company, Finnish rubber works, and Finnish cable factory merged Skk6i7aPEfg-00085-00064146-00064542 and formed the Nokia Corporation Skk6i7aPEfg-00086-00064542-00065132 This way the current Nokia Corporation was formed here in 1966 Skk6i7aPEfg-00087-00073831-00074276 I came to see the town 'Nokia' and the factory island in the Autumn Skk6i7aPEfg-00088-00074276-00075100 Got to know a lot of things by watching the exhibition, Nokianvirta river, and the factory island Skk6i7aPEfg-00089-00075100-00075401 Let me know if you like it in the comment section Sld58OaWacu-00001-00019647-00022463 🌐 Visit our website and receive 20% off Promo Code 🌐 T5KtDbtfLIE-00000-00000855-00001327 hey what's up guys it's Mandeep burmi from ace it driving school and with me I T5KtDbtfLIE-00001-00001327-00002075 have Carlos and we are in Edmonton Alberta Carlos is a certified class - T5KtDbtfLIE-00002-00002075-00002593 driving instructor in Edmonton Alberta and I teach in Winnipeg Manitoba T5KtDbtfLIE-00003-00002593-00002963 so in this video we are driving - Millwoods Carlos yes we're okay T5KtDbtfLIE-00004-00002963-00003452 so maybe what we can do Mandeep you know now you're backing up we can talk about T5KtDbtfLIE-00005-00003452-00003886 the things you need to do to be safe when you're back up okay okay yeah so T5KtDbtfLIE-00006-00003886-00004376 one of the things one of the mistakes people make is they use of mirrors to T5KtDbtfLIE-00007-00004376-00004916 back up in a car you shouldn't use your mirrors you should use you should turn T5KtDbtfLIE-00008-00004916-00005240 your head and look behind you there's too many blind spots mirrors are T5KtDbtfLIE-00009-00005240-00005738 only made to look is straight back you don't see the sides nothing else when T5KtDbtfLIE-00010-00005738-00006116 you back up in a parking lot you have traffic coming from a lot of different T5KtDbtfLIE-00011-00006116-00006748 directions left right behind you and you have traffic vehicle traffic and T5KtDbtfLIE-00012-00006748-00007142 pedestrian traffic so you have to be very careful remember mirrors are only T5KtDbtfLIE-00013-00007142-00007328 meant to look behind you while you're driving T5KtDbtfLIE-00014-00007328-00007636 they're not meant for you when you're backing up so make sure you turn your T5KtDbtfLIE-00015-00007636-00008084 head look behind you and you know one more question do you put any signal on T5KtDbtfLIE-00016-00008084-00008568 Carlos no you don't have to put your signal on when you're back up T5KtDbtfLIE-00017-00008672-00009047 and parking lots are just like a two-way street so I have to stay on the right T5KtDbtfLIE-00018-00009047-00010097 hand side that is correct yes that is yes and you do have to indicate and in T5KtDbtfLIE-00019-00010097-00010868 the recommended speed in the parking lot is 15 km/h 15 yes 15 and T5KtDbtfLIE-00020-00011379-00011773 so we are just going to exit in this parking lot yes we're going to go T5KtDbtfLIE-00021-00011773-00012130 straight into the exit ow we're gonna make a full stop there's a stop sign T5KtDbtfLIE-00022-00012130-00012658 normally you don't find any stop signs at the exit parking lot exit but you do T5KtDbtfLIE-00023-00012658-00013180 have to stop whether you have a stop sign a physical stop sign or not you T5KtDbtfLIE-00024-00013180-00013638 will have to make a complete stop whether there is traffic or not before T5KtDbtfLIE-00025-00013638-00014260 you exit yes and it's a one-way street go in the closest lane T5KtDbtfLIE-00026-00014260-00014677 that is correct because so one way you would be taken the first available lane T5KtDbtfLIE-00027-00014677-00015344 to you or the closest Lane yes yes T5KtDbtfLIE-00028-00015590-00016390 okay so now it looks clear and this one now are we going straight yes we're T5KtDbtfLIE-00029-00016390-00016922 going straight you know what actually we can probably make a left turn T5KtDbtfLIE-00030-00016922-00017468 we're gonna stay in this lane we can take this road yes so if you guys T5KtDbtfLIE-00031-00017468-00018242 look at the overhead signs from this lane I can go straight or left and from T5KtDbtfLIE-00032-00018242-00018742 the left lane we can only turn left that is correct yes T5KtDbtfLIE-00033-00020227-00020595 now one thing we need to remember is that driving is not black and white T5KtDbtfLIE-00034-00020595-00021137 there is times when we have to change things a little bit right T5KtDbtfLIE-00035-00021137-00021674 for example we recommend to signal 30 meters before the intersection but what T5KtDbtfLIE-00036-00021674-00022292 if you have an exit of a parking lot or another maybe an alley before you know T5KtDbtfLIE-00037-00022292-00022742 closer than 30 meters to the corner then you should be waiting you should wait T5KtDbtfLIE-00038-00022742-00023111 until you pass that exit before you put your signal on because it can confuse T5KtDbtfLIE-00039-00023111-00023711 other drivers yes by signaling it you know and and and confuse another driver T5KtDbtfLIE-00040-00023711-00024143 you know they may be thinking you're turning right right where they are and T5KtDbtfLIE-00041-00024143-00024533 they may pull in front of you so we have to be carefully so always the same so T5KtDbtfLIE-00042-00024533-00024932 it's not everything is not black and white there's some things that you can T5KtDbtfLIE-00043-00024932-00025627 sort of adjust a little bit it is important to be flexible on the way T5KtDbtfLIE-00044-00025627-00026035 we we think when we drive yes T5KtDbtfLIE-00045-00026548-00027082 and speed limit on this street is maximum 60 kilometers yes I'm doing T5KtDbtfLIE-00046-00027082-00027720 about 55 and that is good yeah we recommend that you don't do more than 5 T5KtDbtfLIE-00047-00027720-00028008 below the speed limit T5KtDbtfLIE-00048-00028155-00028861 so we yeah you wanna have a little bit room to play with that is correct T5KtDbtfLIE-00049-00028861-00029335 you know a little bit of room for a right yeah that way you don't take your T5KtDbtfLIE-00050-00029335-00029881 chances going over the speed limit because in reality even going one T5KtDbtfLIE-00051-00029881-00030199 kilometer over the speed limit is breaking the law even though people T5KtDbtfLIE-00052-00030199-00030568 think that you're allowed to go over the speed limit you're actually not allowed T5KtDbtfLIE-00053-00030568-00030874 to go over the speed limit the police can pull you over even go in T5KtDbtfLIE-00054-00030874-00031470 one kilometer over the speed limit they could so yeah don't think you're allowed T5KtDbtfLIE-00055-00031470-00031938 to exceed the speed limit at any time you're not T5KtDbtfLIE-00056-00032516-00032997 so on the right hand side I see a yellow sign indicating the right lane is going T5KtDbtfLIE-00057-00032997-00033346 to end good observation and this one thing that T5KtDbtfLIE-00058-00033346-00034116 is very important when you drive is observation look at the signs now not T5KtDbtfLIE-00059-00034116-00034543 all the signs that can apply to you at the moment but some will so it's T5KtDbtfLIE-00060-00034543-00035311 important to understand the signs and in apply you know the apply what the T5KtDbtfLIE-00061-00035311-00035793 sign says you know if it applies to you at the moment T5KtDbtfLIE-00062-00036126-00036535 but that is important to be aware of all the signs on the road and understand T5KtDbtfLIE-00063-00036535-00037669 what they do what they mean and how to apply them properly now as we as we gain T5KtDbtfLIE-00064-00037669-00038170 more experience we tend to sort of learn to separate the signs that really apply T5KtDbtfLIE-00065-00038170-00038626 to us at the moment or not a stop we need to be aware of that but we know T5KtDbtfLIE-00066-00038626-00039094 which ones we need to be concerned about at the moment and they want so we're not T5KtDbtfLIE-00067-00039094-00039583 so at the beginning it's overwhelming there's so many signs on the road people T5KtDbtfLIE-00068-00039583-00039967 don't know which ones to look at and which was applied to them as part of the T5KtDbtfLIE-00069-00039967-00040318 the process of learning so that's taking a little bit of time to get used to that T5KtDbtfLIE-00070-00040318-00040923 but you have to know the meaning of all the signs on the road T5KtDbtfLIE-00071-00042746-00043211 and carlos can we talk about a little bit about the difference between the T5KtDbtfLIE-00072-00043211-00043814 basic and the advanced road test okay now the you're talking about the T5KtDbtfLIE-00073-00043814-00044528 actual exam the road test yes one of them is the length of the exam T5KtDbtfLIE-00074-00044528-00045284 the the length of the exam for the for the basic road tests about 30 minutes T5KtDbtfLIE-00075-00045284-00045557 all together from the moment you leave the office and the time you come back T5KtDbtfLIE-00076-00045557-00046316 into the office the the advanced road test is 60 minutes from the moment you T5KtDbtfLIE-00077-00046316-00046691 leave the office and time to come back so this is about half an hour difference T5KtDbtfLIE-00078-00046691-00047186 between the two the advanced road test is about a half an hour 30 minutes T5KtDbtfLIE-00079-00047186-00047836 longer also there's a few more things you have to do in any advanced road test T5KtDbtfLIE-00080-00047836-00048424 are we going straight or we are turning yes we are just going straight T5KtDbtfLIE-00081-00048723-00049630 it's okay and what are the what's the other difference so there's time so it T5KtDbtfLIE-00082-00049630-00049996 runs as half an hour sorry basic as half an hour advance and T5KtDbtfLIE-00083-00049996-00050686 it's approximately 45 minutes an hour yeah and what are some of the other you T5KtDbtfLIE-00084-00050686-00051504 know differences well in an advanced road test you have to know how to merge T5KtDbtfLIE-00085-00051504-00052039 onto a highway okay so high-speed highway and how to exit properly is T5KtDbtfLIE-00086-00052039-00052534 safely in the basic road test you don't have to do that it's not part of the T5KtDbtfLIE-00087-00052534-00053191 road test also in your advanced road test you do all the possible parkings T5KtDbtfLIE-00088-00053191-00053653 you may encounter in the city like perpendicular parking or stall parking T5KtDbtfLIE-00089-00053653-00054474 angle parking parallel park and hill parking up and downhill park T5KtDbtfLIE-00090-00054474-00055120 you also be doing some of the same things that you do it in the basic role T5KtDbtfLIE-00091-00055120-00056047 test but again you know plus a few other things okay so if you guys are going for T5KtDbtfLIE-00092-00056047-00056782 your basic or advanced road test we can help you guys out give us a call or send T5KtDbtfLIE-00093-00056782-00057066 us a text message T5KtDbtfLIE-00094-00057334-00057910 so now I see a red light so I'm slowing down looking for stop line and we're T5KtDbtfLIE-00095-00057910-00058414 gonna do a complete stop before the stop line so it's a good idea when you stop T5KtDbtfLIE-00096-00058414-00059016 in is to check your rear-view mirror or as you breaking also check in your T5KtDbtfLIE-00097-00059016-00059497 rearview mirror is something that you should be doing consistently every eight T5KtDbtfLIE-00098-00059497-00059740 seconds or so she would be glancing at your speed T5KtDbtfLIE-00099-00059740-00060148 I'm sorry on your rear view mirror now talking about glancing and that's T5KtDbtfLIE-00100-00060148-00060520 basically exactly what you need to do whenever you take your eyes off the road T5KtDbtfLIE-00101-00060520-00061090 you shouldn't be moved for more than one second so an example if I need to check T5KtDbtfLIE-00102-00061090-00061489 my mirror it's just a quick glance you know on the mirror one second long and T5KtDbtfLIE-00103-00061489-00061960 that's about as long as you want to take your eyes off the road same thing when T5KtDbtfLIE-00104-00061960-00062496 you check your speed so you never want to stay longer than a second at anything T5KtDbtfLIE-00105-00062496-00062966 outside the road in front of you T5KtDbtfLIE-00106-00064574-00065182 now also important since we are stopped at red light is to keep an eye on their T5KtDbtfLIE-00107-00065182-00065675 on the light so we ready to go on the light turn screen yes you take a quick T5KtDbtfLIE-00108-00065675-00066473 look left center right before you take off before you start moving again and T5KtDbtfLIE-00109-00066473-00066923 but you need to be alert it's important to be efficient driving is not only T5KtDbtfLIE-00110-00066923-00067598 about being safe and of course mainly being safe you know but we also need to T5KtDbtfLIE-00111-00067598-00068102 be efficient we need to learn to be efficient when we drive that means you T5KtDbtfLIE-00112-00068102-00068666 know when you need to move move don't just sit there longer than you T5KtDbtfLIE-00113-00068666-00069344 have to don't become distracted be ready to go and that helps a traffic flow a T5KtDbtfLIE-00114-00069344-00069737 lot of the traffic jams on the road are not caused by the traffic signs of the T5KtDbtfLIE-00115-00069737-00070433 traffic lights are caused by drivers being inefficient when they drive yes T5KtDbtfLIE-00116-00070433-00070889 so in in a couple blocks from now we'll be turning right so it's a real good T5KtDbtfLIE-00117-00070889-00071407 idea to change lanes yes to the right thing T5KtDbtfLIE-00118-00071407-00072066 no what can you tell me about switching lanes so I signal well the first thing T5KtDbtfLIE-00119-00072066-00072401 you should do actually before you even see we should check your mirror ok does T5KtDbtfLIE-00120-00072401-00072687 you need to check for a gap in traffic first you may not be able to change T5KtDbtfLIE-00121-00072687-00073082 lanes so once you see that you have a gap where you can change lanes - then T5KtDbtfLIE-00122-00073082-00073499 you put your signal on right and the last thing now and T5KtDbtfLIE-00123-00073499-00074030 the last thing you do is you shoulder check okay okay so mirror check signal then shoulder T5KtDbtfLIE-00124-00074030-00074588 check correct now and what about the speed do I slow T5KtDbtfLIE-00125-00074588-00075099 down or should I speed up or in my specific questions very it's critical T5KtDbtfLIE-00126-00075099-00075411 that you maintain your speed when you change your lane do not increase your spreed do T5KtDbtfLIE-00127-00075411-00075976 not slow that we are gonna turn right at this corner here okay T5KtDbtfLIE-00128-00076228-00076892 yes maintain your speed and then your speed when you are when you are changing T5KtDbtfLIE-00129-00076892-00077612 lanes when you're checking yes when you change lane because you know otherwise T5KtDbtfLIE-00130-00077612-00077939 other vehicles will catch up to you very quickly you won't be able to change T5KtDbtfLIE-00131-00077939-00078386 lanes and that's a very common mistake by beginner drivers beginner drivers T5KtDbtfLIE-00132-00078386-00078851 tend to you know they are afraid of changing lanes so many over that you T5KtDbtfLIE-00133-00078851-00079310 have to do it in it's understandable but you know they don't understand why there T5KtDbtfLIE-00134-00079310-00079688 is such a hard time changing lanes it's because they're slow you know they are T5KtDbtfLIE-00135-00079688-00080138 slowing down when they change lanes and once they slow down they are the traffic T5KtDbtfLIE-00136-00080138-00080513 catches up to them and they know suddenly their lane is blocked they T5KtDbtfLIE-00137-00080513-00080987 cannot change lanes anymore but they don't they really don't realize that the T5KtDbtfLIE-00138-00080987-00081452 problem is that they are slowing down too much and that's what's causing all T5KtDbtfLIE-00139-00081452-00081817 the trouble for them to change lanes T5KtDbtfLIE-00140-00082712-00083091 and do you want me to stay in this li we're going to be turning right at the T5KtDbtfLIE-00141-00083091-00083531 next traffic light coming up okay T5KtDbtfLIE-00142-00085248-00086155 so signal shoulder check lighter screen and there's no pedestrian crossing so T5KtDbtfLIE-00143-00086155-00086929 that means we are good to go staying close to that car only if you're T5KtDbtfLIE-00144-00086929-00087618 if you right lane is open right yes if there's an obstruction on the right lane T5KtDbtfLIE-00145-00087618-00088383 within half block or 50 meters to the corner you are allowed to take the next T5KtDbtfLIE-00146-00088383-00088875 available Lane okay okay without entry in the the right name T5KtDbtfLIE-00147-00088875-00089455 now if there's some obstruction further than half a block or 50 meters then you T5KtDbtfLIE-00148-00089455-00089919 should turn to the right lane then you will be changing lanes to the left to T5KtDbtfLIE-00149-00089919-00090379 follow a proper lane change position always yeah any time you do a lane T5KtDbtfLIE-00150-00090379-00090787 change is the same and remember what defines a lane of traffic is not the T5KtDbtfLIE-00151-00090787-00091089 lines maintained on the road is the space that you have to drive in so T5KtDbtfLIE-00152-00091089-00091426 whether you see lines painted on the road or not there is lane so traffic and T5KtDbtfLIE-00153-00091426-00091977 that's something that takes a little bit getting used to judge in your space T5KtDbtfLIE-00154-00091977-00092442 where you lane should be something you need to practice T94biIltr5u-00000-00000088-00000768 In this video we'll define the span of a set of vectors. T94biIltr5u-00001-00001000-00001752 Say you have a finite set of vectors, T94biIltr5u-00002-00002056-00003368 {v_1, …, v_n}; we define the span of this set, T94biIltr5u-00003-00003472-00003928 and we don't have any fancy notation, T94biIltr5u-00004-00003928-00004688 we just put the word “span” in front of the list, T94biIltr5u-00005-00005008-00005784 to be all the linear combinations of these vectors, T94biIltr5u-00006-00005904-00006528 that is, to be the set of all vectors of the form T94biIltr5u-00007-00006528-00008216 (c_1 * v_1) plus (c_2 * v_2) up to (c_n * v_n), where these T94biIltr5u-00008-00008216-00009352 scalars run over all the real numbers. T94biIltr5u-00009-00009536-00010680 So for example, say that you have two vectors in R^3, T94biIltr5u-00010-00010736-00011928 [1; 2; 4], [0; negative 1; 6], T94biIltr5u-00011-00012400-00013063 then the span of these two vectors T94biIltr5u-00012-00013319-00014328 is the set of all their linear combinations. T94biIltr5u-00013-00014824-00015719 Now the span is going to be an extremely important concept . T94biIltr5u-00014-00015719-00016200 For now you'll only ask one question, T94biIltr5u-00015-00016400-00017712 or one type of question, given some vectors, T94biIltr5u-00016-00017888-00019392 is another vector in their span? T94biIltr5u-00017-00019720-00020240 For example, given these two vectors, we could T94biIltr5u-00018-00020240-00021680 ask, Is the vector [1; 1; 1] in this set? T94biIltr5u-00019-00021992-00022360 And such questions are answered using T94biIltr5u-00020-00022360-00022872 Gauss-Jordan elimination, because what we're T94biIltr5u-00021-00022872-00023496 asking when we ask a question like this is, T94biIltr5u-00022-00023608-00024504 can we solve a vector equation, T94biIltr5u-00023-00024640-00025472 can we find a c_1 and c_2 T94biIltr5u-00024-00026176-00026783 that makes this equality true? T94biIltr5u-00025-00027064-00027600 And we've seen that vector equations are really, T94biIltr5u-00026-00027600-00028320 or can be thought of as, systems of linear equations, T94biIltr5u-00027-00028408-00028983 and can be solved using Gauss-Jordan elimination. T94biIltr5u-00028-00029232-00030176 In particular on the matrix that has these vectors T94biIltr5u-00029-00030616-00031080 as it's columns. T94biIltr5u-00030-00031576-00031992 And if we perform Gauss-Jordan elimination T94biIltr5u-00031-00032216-00033008 we answer that question in the negative; this last row T94biIltr5u-00032-00033232-00034016 is telling us that 0 equals 1, clearly there is no T94biIltr5u-00033-00034016-00034520 way to have that. This matrix equation, T94biIltr5u-00034-00034520-00035184 this vector equation sorry, is inconsistent. T94biIltr5u-00035-00035472-00035960 And if we turn this into a theorem, T94biIltr5u-00036-00036160-00036944 a vector b is in the span of a set of vectors T94biIltr5u-00037-00037032-00037448 if and only if the augmented matrix we get T94biIltr5u-00038-00037568-00038088 with these vectors as columns and this vector T94biIltr5u-00039-00038088-00038704 as the last column corresponds to a consistent T94biIltr5u-00040-00038704-00039664 system, that is to say the last column is not a pivot column. TqdjzkUzocA-00000-00000000-00001130 who needs a jewel partner man when you can just soloqueue Wow I'm cute enough TqdjzkUzocA-00001-00001130-00002344 solo sweet man queuing up solo let's do it TqdjzkUzocA-00002-00002344-00002832 solo queue and baby I guess solo queuing on this probably TqdjzkUzocA-00003-00002832-00004593 isn't too bad you doing I mean he's probably like all right you know yeah TqdjzkUzocA-00004-00004593-00004871 let's go here TqdjzkUzocA-00005-00006598-00006898 shit TqdjzkUzocA-00006-00010677-00011895 what the heck was he did he have no armor he had no armor Woods TqdjzkUzocA-00007-00012673-00012991 got one TqdjzkUzocA-00008-00013149-00015612 Oh somebody's got a self res close but no cigar I thought I heard some people TqdjzkUzocA-00009-00015612-00017660 over here come on baby TqdjzkUzocA-00010-00017837-00018221 I'm getting involved TqdjzkUzocA-00011-00019335-00019686 what the fuck TqdjzkUzocA-00012-00026506-00027750 well he Dooley dude be sneaky TqdjzkUzocA-00013-00028557-00029067 okay okay TqdjzkUzocA-00014-00029239-00030110 whereas the other ones who's your boyfriend TqdjzkUzocA-00015-00032281-00032623 where's your boyfriend TqdjzkUzocA-00016-00032835-00033837 okay it's gotta be a solo because that turbocharging TqdjzkUzocA-00017-00040149-00040474 got one TqdjzkUzocA-00018-00043296-00043596 OOP TqdjzkUzocA-00019-00044227-00044808 let's get back up top baby that was close TqdjzkUzocA-00020-00045736-00046505 let's go baby solo drop it for the win dude solo drop TqdjzkUzocA-00021-00046505-00047262 it for the win bro who needs a jewel partner man when you can just soloqueue TqdjzkUzocA-00022-00047262-00048368 let's go dude let's go man let's go dude who needs a partner when you can solo TqdjzkUzocA-00023-00048368-00048597 queue Try9GaIsk58-00000-00000000-00000186 My name is Demyan. Try9GaIsk58-00001-00000186-00000449 Student of form 11A, gymnasium No.16. Try9GaIsk58-00002-00000526-00000729 I'd like to ask you a question: Try9GaIsk58-00003-00000729-00000936 How does it feel to be the head of state? Try9GaIsk58-00004-00000936-00001274 And what difficulties have you encountered in the course of ruling the country? Try9GaIsk58-00005-00001274-00001413 It is my first question. Try9GaIsk58-00006-00001413-00001718 And my second question: Can I have a picture taken with you? Try9GaIsk58-00007-00001907-00002124 Well, you should address the second question to someone else. Try9GaIsk58-00008-00002124-00002389 There she is. Try9GaIsk58-00009-00002505-00002849 She takes care of stuff like that. I am always open to it. Try9GaIsk58-00010-00002849-00003039 As for the difficulties, Try9GaIsk58-00011-00003039-00003439 there is no harder job than the president's. Try9GaIsk58-00012-00003493-00003656 It is not a job, it is a service. Try9GaIsk58-00013-00003715-00003849 Particularly in Belarus. Try9GaIsk58-00014-00003849-00003966 A totalitarian state... Try9GaIsk58-00015-00003966-00004190 What else did they say? Try9GaIsk58-00016-00004248-00004572 What else did they call me? A dictatorial state! Try9GaIsk58-00017-00004684-00005327 When as the president, you cannot go on vacation. Try9GaIsk58-00018-00005327-00005607 You always work overtime. Try9GaIsk58-00019-00005607-00006008 It doesn't mean you sit at your table, writing something, toiling hard and the rest. Try9GaIsk58-00020-00006008-00006321 You are simply tied to your job. Try9GaIsk58-00021-00006321-00006635 They can find you anywhere and say: Try9GaIsk58-00022-00006635-00006941 A woman was killed in Orsha yesterday. Try9GaIsk58-00023-00006941-00007102 Scumbag! He killed her for no reason. Try9GaIsk58-00024-00007102-00007495 The man is 70 years old and he has been in prison for 35 years. Try9GaIsk58-00025-00007495-00007733 There is a prison in Orsha. It is always a disaster. Try9GaIsk58-00026-00007733-00008069 He took a hammer and crushed the woman's head so much she is hard to recognize. Try9GaIsk58-00027-00008207-00008609 Well, it may seem that all kinds of things happen in the country. But no, they found me and reported it to me. Try9GaIsk58-00028-00008609-00009034 I said: "Good of you to report the crime to me. Tell me you have captured him by morning." And they did. Try9GaIsk58-00029-00009034-00009466 This is why it is very difficult. Try9GaIsk58-00030-00009552-00009970 And before thinking about working in the government system at all... Try9GaIsk58-00031-00009970-00010367 Because I am not the only one working hard these days. It is hard for everyone in the power vertical. Try9GaIsk58-00032-00010398-00011100 Officials tell me: "You go here and you go there. You scurry all over the country." And stuff like that. Try9GaIsk58-00033-00011100-00011573 I ask them: "Are you tired of running after me?" "No, we are not." "Well, then we will run." Try9GaIsk58-00034-00011573-00012119 We've run so much that we've gathered 8.2 [million tonnes of] headed cereals alone. Try9GaIsk58-00035-00012300-00012500 And the total harvest will be 11 [million tonnes]. Try9GaIsk58-00036-00012500-00012875 It will augment the gold and forex reserves. And those goods are in short supply. Try9GaIsk58-00037-00012995-00013422 Wheat and the rest of the cereals, which are being stockpiled today. Try9GaIsk58-00038-00013500-00013700 It is gold. Do you understand? Try9GaIsk58-00039-00013823-00014230 You ask whether it is difficult or not. I can tell you about it day and night. Try9GaIsk58-00040-00014230-00014838 Imagine this. Before meeting with you, before this lesson Try9GaIsk58-00041-00014838-00015545 I didn't know how to structure this lesson until morning although I've studied teaching techniques and the rest. Try9GaIsk58-00042-00015545-00015958 How could I organize it? Should I come out and deliver you a lecture like all my colleagues? Try9GaIsk58-00043-00016051-00016790 Well, Denis doesn't watch and doesn't get pro-government information. He would have totally fallen asleep. Try9GaIsk58-00044-00016790-00017116 So I was thinking hard about the problem and finally understood... Try9GaIsk58-00045-00017253-00017815 I read a review. The vile author wrote I wanted to put something into your heads. Try9GaIsk58-00046-00017815-00018155 Well, naturally I want to put something into your heads! Why would I come here otherwise? Try9GaIsk58-00047-00018155-00018435 And you have come here to put something into my head! Try9GaIsk58-00048-00018435-00019030 It is only natural! Denis, it is a natural biological process if you want.! Try9GaIsk58-00049-00019030-00019283 Smart people sit here. Try9GaIsk58-00050-00019283-00019432 Nikolai is next to you. Try9GaIsk58-00051-00019432-00019685 He will back me up in this regard. Try9GaIsk58-00052-00019685-00019938 We didn't come here without a purpose. Try9GaIsk58-00053-00019938-00020407 But I am far from wanting to forcibly put something into your heads! Try9GaIsk58-00054-00020407-00020928 I don't need it as the president and as a person! Try9GaIsk58-00055-00021087-00021287 I don't need it as a person! Try9GaIsk58-00056-00021287-00021528 I just want you to think! Try9GaIsk58-00057-00021528-00021839 I just want the society not to fall apart. Try9GaIsk58-00058-00021839-00022450 And before this event I had a multitude of questions! Try9GaIsk58-00059-00022450-00022667 This needs to be done! And that! Try9GaIsk58-00060-00022667-00022967 Options were offered to me! This didn't fit and that. Try9GaIsk58-00061-00022967-00023471 I need to tell you something! I need to put it into shape and content and... Try9GaIsk58-00062-00023471-00023814 I thought: "Oh my god!" I was on my way here and thought... Try9GaIsk58-00063-00023814-00024277 I've seen all kinds of audience in my time but I've never seen such an audience. Try9GaIsk58-00064-00024277-00024501 When millions of people listen to me. Try9GaIsk58-00065-00024501-00025001 I thought I don't want to bring shame to myself. I don't want Denis to say tomorrow: "What kind of president are you?" Try9GaIsk58-00066-00025001-00025534 "Why did we...for him? Why didn't we squeeze him all the way in 2020?" Try9GaIsk58-00067-00025534-00026021 And you can feel overwhelmed by all of that due to one specific event. Try9GaIsk58-00068-00026021-00026283 But the most important thing is... Well... Try9GaIsk58-00069-00026343-00026683 They... Not Denis. They don't follow this information. Try9GaIsk58-00070-00026683-00027164 I was thinking about how I could step away from these hectares, from these centners. Try9GaIsk58-00071-00027164-00027702 From those sights in tanks or armored personnel carriers that BelOMO makes. Try9GaIsk58-00072-00027702-00028195 How could I step away from these BelAZ trucks and the sanctions and start a conversation with you? Try9GaIsk58-00073-00028195-00028527 A conversation about historical topics and problems? Try9GaIsk58-00074-00028631-00029100 You will not show pity to me because I was milking cows yesterday, beg your pardon, Try9GaIsk58-00075-00029100-00029478 and came to you today to talk about historical topics. Try9GaIsk58-00076-00029478-00029780 And I have not been a historian for a very long time. Try9GaIsk58-00077-00029857-00030175 Right now I am dealing with many other problems. Try9GaIsk58-00078-00030175-00030332 How can I save the country? Try9GaIsk58-00079-00030332-00030731 Denis, not you but them. I have to put something into their heads Try9GaIsk58-00080-00030731-00030976 to prevent them from warring, dividing, and tearing apart. Try9GaIsk58-00081-00030976-00031157 Do you understand? And this is... Try9GaIsk58-00082-00031157-00031418 You run like a hamster on a wheel. Try9GaIsk58-00083-00031418-00031815 Many say: "Listen. So many years. How could he do it?" You get used to it! Try9GaIsk58-00084-00031925-00032305 Here I am thinking: "Okay, I am not the president tomorrow. What am I going to do?" Try9GaIsk58-00085-00032391-00032520 What am I going to do? Try9GaIsk58-00086-00032520-00033095 Well, okay, I wake up in the morning, run to ski or roller ski, play ice hockey a bit, and then what? Try9GaIsk58-00087-00033166-00033643 You see I can no longer imagine my life without this treadmill. Try9GaIsk58-00088-00033831-00034031 And there is another scary thing. Try9GaIsk58-00089-00034031-00034511 If you get stuck in there, it is very difficult to get out of it. Try9GaIsk58-00090-00034675-00034846 There are many problems. Try9GaIsk58-00091-00034846-00035327 Not only how to preserve the country and shove it to you Try9GaIsk58-00092-00035327-00035548 so that you could bear the responsibility for it. Try9GaIsk58-00093-00035548-00035794 We need a situation Try9GaIsk58-00094-00035794-00036166 where you could calmly come and start running the country. Try9GaIsk58-00095-00036166-00036623 If you believe the situation is appropriate now, you are deeply mistaken. Try9GaIsk58-00096-00036623-00037000 But some believe it is. It is your right! Try9GaIsk58-00097-00037123-00038177 But 76.6% or 76.3% don't believe it is. According the latest opinion poll, which was quite representative. Try9GaIsk58-00098-00038329-00038788 This is why imagine yourself in my position. Overwhelmed by all of that. Try9GaIsk58-00099-00038788-00038969 Here I am talking to you. Try9GaIsk58-00100-00038969-00039232 This part of the head contains the conversation with you. Try9GaIsk58-00101-00039232-00039703 While that part thinks about the current situation in Gomel, the situation at the border. Try9GaIsk58-00102-00039703-00040176 What is the situation in the south? Sabotage teams have started infiltrating the country in some places. Try9GaIsk58-00103-00040176-00040342 What if they blow up something, god forbid? Try9GaIsk58-00104-00040342-00040694 How will it reflect on people? People may be hurt. Try9GaIsk58-00105-00040824-00041113 And this part of the head: Try9GaIsk58-00106-00041113-00041499 How can we finish the harvesting campaign? And not even harvesting but how can we get on with sowing faster? Try9GaIsk58-00107-00041499-00041700 In order to get a good harvest next year, too. Try9GaIsk58-00108-00041700-00041970 So that I could feed and clothe you and so on. Try9GaIsk58-00109-00041970-00042289 So that you could sit and relax and drink beer. Try9GaIsk58-00110-00042289-00042401 It is necessary, too. Try9GaIsk58-00111-00042401-00042496 Do you see? Try9GaIsk58-00112-00042496-00042693 And all kinds of things overwhelm you... Try9GaIsk58-00113-00042693-00043025 And then again I am also a father. Try9GaIsk58-00114-00043025-00043291 I have sons and grandsons and so on. Try9GaIsk58-00115-00043291-00043727 And I have to keep an eye on them although it is a low priority. Try9GaIsk58-00116-00043941-00044306 - I get it. - A president is not a person. It is a machine. Try9GaIsk58-00117-00044306-00044626 - Thank you for the answer. - This is why if you want to become a president... Try9GaIsk58-00118-00044626-00044908 be ready to be a machine, not a person. Try9GaIsk58-00119-00044908-00045148 You will become a machine over time. Try9GaIsk58-00120-00045148-00045555 If you don't become a machine, don't even go for presidency. Try9GaIsk58-00121-00045555-00046322 The enlightened and civilized Belarusian nation will wipe its feet on you the way you cannot imagine. Try9GaIsk58-00122-00046712-00047014 - Thank you for the answer. - I just want you to understand. Try9GaIsk58-00123-00047335-00047481 Please. Try9GaIsk58-00124-00047596-00048157 Hello! My name is Ivan Osipov. I am a student at gymnasium No.22. Try9GaIsk58-00125-00048157-00048385 Let him go! Why do you hold him? Try9GaIsk58-00126-00048385-00048849 The man wants to pop out for a minute while you slow him down. Dictatorship again! Try9GaIsk58-00127-00049225-00049336 Are you coming to me? Try9GaIsk58-00128-00049336-00049536 I thought you wanted to go outside. Try9GaIsk58-00129-00049536-00049831 No, I wanted to take a picture with you. Try9GaIsk58-00130-00050313-00050459 Thank you. Try9GaIsk58-00131-00050459-00050811 If you run for presidency, feel free to come. Try9GaIsk58-00132-00050811-00051035 I will tell you something. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00000-00000010-00000056 A WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST WAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00001-00000056-00000063 A WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST WAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00002-00000063-00000110 A WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST WAS ISSUED MARCH 10TH AND HE WAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00003-00000110-00000116 A WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST WAS ISSUED MARCH 10TH AND HE WAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00004-00000116-00000366 A WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST WAS ISSUED MARCH 10TH AND HE WAS ARRESTED WEDNESDAY. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00005-00000366-00000373 ISSUED MARCH 10TH AND HE WAS ARRESTED WEDNESDAY. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00006-00000373-00000440 ISSUED MARCH 10TH AND HE WAS ARRESTED WEDNESDAY. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00007-00000440-00000447 ARRESTED WEDNESDAY. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00008-00000447-00000513 ARRESTED WEDNESDAY. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS EXPERIENCED THE LOSS OF A BABY, Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00009-00000513-00000520 IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS EXPERIENCED THE LOSS OF A BABY, Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00010-00000520-00000577 IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS EXPERIENCED THE LOSS OF A BABY, LOSS OF A PREGNANCY OR A Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00011-00000577-00000583 EXPERIENCED THE LOSS OF A BABY, LOSS OF A PREGNANCY OR A Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00012-00000583-00000650 EXPERIENCED THE LOSS OF A BABY, LOSS OF A PREGNANCY OR A PREMATURE BABY THEN THIS WALK IS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00013-00000650-00000657 LOSS OF A PREGNANCY OR A PREMATURE BABY THEN THIS WALK IS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00014-00000657-00001287 LOSS OF A PREGNANCY OR A PREMATURE BABY THEN THIS WALK IS FOR YOU. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00015-00001287-00001294 PREMATURE BABY THEN THIS WALK IS FOR YOU. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00016-00001294-00001357 PREMATURE BABY THEN THIS WALK IS FOR YOU. THE BEMIDJI MARCH FOR BABIES Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00017-00001357-00001364 FOR YOU. THE BEMIDJI MARCH FOR BABIES Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00018-00001364-00001428 FOR YOU. THE BEMIDJI MARCH FOR BABIES WILL GIVE PEOPLE THE PLATFORM Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00019-00001428-00001434 THE BEMIDJI MARCH FOR BABIES WILL GIVE PEOPLE THE PLATFORM Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00020-00001434-00001501 THE BEMIDJI MARCH FOR BABIES WILL GIVE PEOPLE THE PLATFORM TO SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00021-00001501-00001508 WILL GIVE PEOPLE THE PLATFORM TO SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00022-00001508-00001571 WILL GIVE PEOPLE THE PLATFORM TO SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE SURE OTHERS HAVE THEIR VOICES Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00023-00001571-00001578 TO SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE SURE OTHERS HAVE THEIR VOICES Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00024-00001578-00001614 TO SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE SURE OTHERS HAVE THEIR VOICES HEARD AS WELL. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00025-00001614-00001621 SURE OTHERS HAVE THEIR VOICES HEARD AS WELL. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00026-00001621-00001825 SURE OTHERS HAVE THEIR VOICES HEARD AS WELL. THE MARCH FOR BABIES COMMITTEE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00027-00001825-00001831 HEARD AS WELL. THE MARCH FOR BABIES COMMITTEE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00028-00001831-00001895 HEARD AS WELL. THE MARCH FOR BABIES COMMITTEE WAS ALREADY WORKING AHEAD BY Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00029-00001895-00001901 THE MARCH FOR BABIES COMMITTEE WAS ALREADY WORKING AHEAD BY Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00030-00001901-00001965 THE MARCH FOR BABIES COMMITTEE WAS ALREADY WORKING AHEAD BY ORGANIZING THE ITEMS FOR THE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00031-00001965-00001971 WAS ALREADY WORKING AHEAD BY ORGANIZING THE ITEMS FOR THE Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00032-00001971-00002662 WAS ALREADY WORKING AHEAD BY ORGANIZING THE ITEMS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00033-00002662-00002669 ORGANIZING THE ITEMS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00034-00002669-00002886 ORGANIZING THE ITEMS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION. >> THE MARCH FOR BABIES IS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00035-00002886-00002892 SILENT AUCTION. >> THE MARCH FOR BABIES IS Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00036-00002892-00003076 SILENT AUCTION. >> THE MARCH FOR BABIES IS ACTUALLY THE OLDEST FUND RAISING Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00037-00003076-00003083 >> THE MARCH FOR BABIES IS ACTUALLY THE OLDEST FUND RAISING Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00038-00003083-00003289 >> THE MARCH FOR BABIES IS ACTUALLY THE OLDEST FUND RAISING WALK IN THE HISTORY OF OUR Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00039-00003289-00003296 ACTUALLY THE OLDEST FUND RAISING WALK IN THE HISTORY OF OUR Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00040-00003296-00003433 ACTUALLY THE OLDEST FUND RAISING WALK IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION, AND IT'S REALLY AMAZING Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00041-00003433-00003440 WALK IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION, AND IT'S REALLY AMAZING Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00042-00003440-00003656 WALK IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION, AND IT'S REALLY AMAZING TO BE A PART OF THAT, AND TO Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00043-00003656-00003663 NATION, AND IT'S REALLY AMAZING TO BE A PART OF THAT, AND TO Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00044-00003663-00003967 NATION, AND IT'S REALLY AMAZING TO BE A PART OF THAT, AND TO HAVE SUCH A STRONG BEMIDJI Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00045-00003967-00003973 TO BE A PART OF THAT, AND TO HAVE SUCH A STRONG BEMIDJI Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00046-00003973-00004137 TO BE A PART OF THAT, AND TO HAVE SUCH A STRONG BEMIDJI COMMUNITY INVOLVED. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00047-00004137-00004144 HAVE SUCH A STRONG BEMIDJI COMMUNITY INVOLVED. Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00048-00004144-00004210 HAVE SUCH A STRONG BEMIDJI COMMUNITY INVOLVED. THE EVENT KICKS OFF AT NINE A-M Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00049-00004210-00004217 COMMUNITY INVOLVED. THE EVENT KICKS OFF AT NINE A-M Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00050-00004217-00004280 COMMUNITY INVOLVED. THE EVENT KICKS OFF AT NINE A-M WITH THE WALK STARTING AT 10 Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00051-00004280-00004287 THE EVENT KICKS OFF AT NINE A-M WITH THE WALK STARTING AT 10 Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00052-00004287-00004647 THE EVENT KICKS OFF AT NINE A-M WITH THE WALK STARTING AT 10 AT THE BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00053-00004647-00004654 WITH THE WALK STARTING AT 10 AT THE BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY Tv2JSRA6Yx0-00054-00004654-00005011 WITH THE WALK STARTING AT 10 AT THE BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY REC CENTER AND WILL FEATURE Tx4y1bUpC4A-00001-00004107-00005475 /N 3 stream "6DTpDQ sSdl-c 8980m-m t1C^7nfz cGD2 %CBH EE1PL 8_\<N Zp'pWp HB*a- KxA$ XI<D<O Tx4y1bUpC4A-00002-00005475-00007569 %QHf$6) $!m! r<YL (t*\Qx xDqH F9T9Cy (g(cT ;U-UOU 4#4Wh =2V3 kB6q7Yf }ngn wB;y9 nRw]w Tx4y1bUpC4A-00003-00007569-00008466 =!pH` '=JvM .,/| .f]O PaWQ =Vs\ &}'/?^ endstream endobj 4 0 obj /CA 0.498 /Type /ExtGState Tx4y1bUpC4A-00004-00008466-00011242 /ca 0.498 endobj 8 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 215 stream sn:0 0|3ZV-w endstream Tx4y1bUpC4A-00006-00014901-00017296 <</F5 5 0 R >> /Shading <<>> /XObject <<>> /ColorSpace <</CS1 2 0 R >> /ExtGState <</GS0 4 0 R>> Tx4y1bUpC4A-00007-00017296-00018922 >> /Type /Page endobj 1 0 obj /Count 1 /Kids [9 0 R ] /Type /Pages endobj 13 0 obj /Filter Tx4y1bUpC4A-00009-00022079-00023177 /CapHeight 500 /Descent -249 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [-502 -306 1240 1026] /FontFile2 7 0 R /FontName Tx4y1bUpC4A-00010-00023177-00024098 /FPEFAA+Calibri /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 80 /Type /FontDescriptor endobj 5 0 obj /BaseFont /FPEFAA+Calibri Tx4y1bUpC4A-00011-00024098-00024823 /DescendantFonts [12 0 R] /Encoding /Identity-H /Subtype /Type0 /ToUnicode 11 0 R /Type /Font Tx4y1bUpC4A-00012-00024823-00025284 endobj 12 0 obj /BaseFont /FPEFAA+Calibri /CIDSystemInfo <</Registry (Adobe) /Ordering Tx4y1bUpC4A-00013-00025284-00025883 (Identity) /Supplement 0>> /CIDToGIDMap /Identity /FontDescriptor 10 0 R /Subtype /CIDFontType2 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00014-00025883-00027823 /Type /Font /W [0[507 623 527 799 498 226 533 525 349 391 487 567 250 305 525 525 229 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00015-00027823-00029593 479 525 229 ]] endobj 11 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 321 stream N@vb azf\ $bL) 0e,)U 1#Wtb Tx4y1bUpC4A-00016-00029593-00031302 3nbv} endstream endobj 7 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 11869 stream cc_x l'c9 <v{2c %1vj Tx4y1bUpC4A-00017-00031302-00032424 fkaUl ][k- fNK= I/[Z b6&Y-3 35'e hfKA Xuu5 n5,; )v"SC 6;_] ~T3t :uvH~] yw/X 8 ,<wW 3&n2 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00018-00032424-00033492 .Y _8 m%9' ;on/ \ZW; u$:?y 8/OD ;o8o #ikdp9! Q"=y2 ^^q\e OZ&N ,{ESu ti.c Q9fR ToZ4 eLsZ Tx4y1bUpC4A-00019-00033492-00035776 hq4* ;?WyoJ2\ |Ksx LFkj W?K^ RN,X9 vS.c qGFvZR Y9"c?V ,gH~E q6H' ^<kf R^;l ^/o< N1~< 6i,j Tx4y1bUpC4A-00020-00035776-00036991 ]'3gr )ob& PkX/ '*=6 }tzt Qyk>i ;Q!g# HWyM8 ^mwo ;cZo 90=( rh` ={+:c pLHTka {z;{ Z"'0 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00021-00036991-00038070 Av#{ IiS,7 S7N8O eR)& ;y?; (=%? velx ;{{vtG fuSc ju~- qcQ] kqcq{ +^QW+ s>vj X08:X k6ln} Tx4y1bUpC4A-00022-00038070-00038994 AAf@ zk+j )IAk09h7 q~`,9 `sk<9 [RQ# ZE_KQCg xhko k#'Y N1i9 am@2 Oi$^ j"vD H,'~ /n#X 3d*m Tx4y1bUpC4A-00023-00038994-00040308 7H\D o$Mnu c[-E +zkq V}{d 4O}7m |%v* JlSb JlR" F%6( JT*1O %f)1S t%\J8 v%lJ 0)aT O(qJ Tx4y1bUpC4A-00025-00044346-00045639 ZO MKL[ dL#J% ~CM~M #:Jt$ Nu_ ]MtU ]Fti 'jId {QW(r aQKh EkCka_ CuX: bmYk6 /M~L H5f9l> !Tm[g3X Tx4y1bUpC4A-00026-00045639-00047200 6ga}0 J#J% L!c2 ;}?L ,`&0 endstream Tx4y1bUpC4A-00028-00050526-00052585 /Creator ( /Keywords ( /ModDate (D:20200226194508+01'00') /Producer ( /Subject ( /Title ( endobj Tx4y1bUpC4A-00029-00052585-00054287 xref 0 16 0000000000 65536 f 0000003289 00000 n 0000000018 00000 n 0000000051 00000 n 0000002728 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00032-00060589-00062436 00000 n 0000016493 00000 n trailer <</Size 16 /Root 14 0 R /Info 15 0 R>> startxref 16767 Tx4y1bUpC4A-00033-00062436-00062539 %%EOF Tzqyh0E_fho-00000-00000000-00000426 International volunteering activities with neighbouring countries Tzqyh0E_fho-00001-00000426-00000808 International volunteering activities between programme and partner countries Tzqyh0E_fho-00002-00000808-00000998 directly develop solidarity Tzqyh0E_fho-00003-00000998-00001448 and promote active citizenship and mutual understanding among young people. Tzqyh0E_fho-00004-00001448-00001866 It enables young people to carry out voluntary service for up to 12months Tzqyh0E_fho-00005-00001866-00002166 in a country other than their country of residence. Tzqyh0E_fho-00006-00002166-00002650 It fosters solidarity among young people and is a true ‘learning service’. Tzqyh0E_fho-00007-00002650-00002874 Beyond benefiting local communities, Tzqyh0E_fho-00008-00002874-00003382 volunteers learn new skills and languages as well as discover other cultures. Tzqyh0E_fho-00009-00003382-00003761 A wide geographical and cultural range of volunteering projects Tzqyh0E_fho-00010-00003761-00003936 should be taken into consideration Tzqyh0E_fho-00011-00003936-00004446 when developing international volunteering activities with programme and partner countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00012-00004446-00004572 Before starting, Tzqyh0E_fho-00013-00004572-00005042 you may want to deepen your understanding of international volunteering in a broader context. Tzqyh0E_fho-00014-00005042-00005132 Thus, Tzqyh0E_fho-00015-00005132-00005492 many aspects important in high-quality volunteering projects Tzqyh0E_fho-00016-00005492-00006004 are also important in cooperation of organisations from programme countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00017-00006004-00006516 To begin with sending, hosting or coordinating international volunteering activities, Tzqyh0E_fho-00018-00006516-00006809 your organisation will require accreditation. Tzqyh0E_fho-00019-00006809-00007050 Organisations from programme countries Tzqyh0E_fho-00020-00007050-00007280 need to contact their National Agency Tzqyh0E_fho-00021-00007280-00007666 and follow its guidance to complete the accreditation process. Tzqyh0E_fho-00022-00007666-00007928 For organisations based in partner countries, Tzqyh0E_fho-00023-00007928-00008360 the accreditation is managed through SALTO regional resource centres. Tzqyh0E_fho-00024-00008360-00008654 Finding a good project partner is another key to the quality Tzqyh0E_fho-00025-00008654-00009004 and success of international volunteering projects. Tzqyh0E_fho-00026-00009004-00009478 Even though young people spend most of their volunteering time in the hosting community, Tzqyh0E_fho-00027-00009478-00010046 the advantage of cooperation between sending and hosting partners should not be underestimated. Tzqyh0E_fho-00028-00010046-00010302 In case of cooperation with partner countries, Tzqyh0E_fho-00029-00010302-00010832 the role of the organisation coming from a programme country is often even more important, Tzqyh0E_fho-00030-00010832-00011504 as quite regularly programme country organisations apply for project funding to their National Agencies. Tzqyh0E_fho-00031-00011504-00011648 In such a situation, Tzqyh0E_fho-00032-00011648-00011842 organisations from partner counties, Tzqyh0E_fho-00033-00011842-00012272 even when they are hosting a volunteer and thus spending most of project’s budget, Tzqyh0E_fho-00034-00012272-00012813 depend on the programme country organisation that acts as a coordinator and manages the grant. Tzqyh0E_fho-00035-00012813-00013222 This raises the issue of mutual trust and transparent partnership. Tzqyh0E_fho-00036-00013222-00013304 Moreover, Tzqyh0E_fho-00037-00013304-00013632 it is very important that partners have technical knowledge Tzqyh0E_fho-00038-00013632-00013938 how to create a proper agreement between organisations Tzqyh0E_fho-00039-00013938-00014234 to be able to transfer funds to the organisation in a country Tzqyh0E_fho-00040-00014234-00014516 where the financial sector may be underdeveloped Tzqyh0E_fho-00041-00014516-00014890 and organisations’ bank accounts may be a tough topic. Tzqyh0E_fho-00042-00014890-00015163 Some tips for you how to overcome possible barriers Tzqyh0E_fho-00043-00015163-00015563 when implementing long-term volunteering activities with partner countries: Tzqyh0E_fho-00044-00015563-00015806 good partnership is very important Tzqyh0E_fho-00045-00015806-00016190 and should be based on equal treatment and sound written agreements; Tzqyh0E_fho-00046-00016190-00016456 partnership is impossible without trust. Tzqyh0E_fho-00047-00016456-00016696 The basis of trust is transparency Tzqyh0E_fho-00048-00016696-00017238 and therefore organisations should understand the responsibilities and risks of their partners; Tzqyh0E_fho-00049-00017238-00017602 involved organisations should be open and transparent Tzqyh0E_fho-00050-00017602-00017820 in how they manage and spend the grant, Tzqyh0E_fho-00051-00017820-00018032 what kind of environment they are working in, Tzqyh0E_fho-00052-00018032-00018422 which may create a need for special expenses and support; Tzqyh0E_fho-00053-00018422-00018896 regular communication and close cooperation are vital in solving problems Tzqyh0E_fho-00054-00018896-00019340 and overcoming difficulties through cooperation and mutual support. Tzqyh0E_fho-00055-00019340-00019576 Let’s say your partnership works well, Tzqyh0E_fho-00056-00019576-00019820 your volunteering project has received a grant Tzqyh0E_fho-00057-00019820-00020172 and the volunteer is getting ready to come to the hosting place. Tzqyh0E_fho-00058-00020172-00020474 Now comes the practical preparation phase. Tzqyh0E_fho-00059-00020474-00020752 All logistics-related matters will get in motion: Tzqyh0E_fho-00060-00020752-00021126 preparing accommodation and board for the volunteer and the mentor, Tzqyh0E_fho-00061-00021126-00021356 preparing members of the hosting organisation Tzqyh0E_fho-00062-00021356-00021656 and raising awareness of the local community. Tzqyh0E_fho-00063-00021656-00022060 This is a particularly important stage of the volunteering project Tzqyh0E_fho-00064-00022060-00022512 for everyone who needs to deal with visa procedures and residence permits. Tzqyh0E_fho-00065-00022512-00022716 Volunteers from partner countries Tzqyh0E_fho-00066-00022716-00023026 will need a visa to almost all programme countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00067-00023026-00023548 Volunteers from programme countries may have a visa-free entrance to some of the partner countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00068-00023548-00023674 In many countries, Tzqyh0E_fho-00069-00023674-00024072 obtaining a long-term residence permit may become a burden. Tzqyh0E_fho-00070-00024072-00024482 Make sure you and your partners know these requirements and procedures. Tzqyh0E_fho-00071-00024482-00024934 You will need to include extra costs related to getting a visa to the hosting country Tzqyh0E_fho-00072-00024934-00025238 and legal residency after arrival. Tzqyh0E_fho-00073-00025238-00025404 International volunteering Tzqyh0E_fho-00074-00025404-00025836 creates an opportunity for young people to make their service in a foreign country, Tzqyh0E_fho-00075-00025836-00026092 while getting intercultural experience. Tzqyh0E_fho-00076-00026092-00026456 This is a great opportunity not only for the volunteer, Tzqyh0E_fho-00077-00026456-00026804 but also for the hosting organisation and local community. Tzqyh0E_fho-00078-00026804-00027260 Direct contact with representatives of different cultures can create conflicts, Tzqyh0E_fho-00079-00027260-00027744 but when well-supported and facilitated it becomes a learning opportunity. Tzqyh0E_fho-00080-00027744-00027850 Very often, Tzqyh0E_fho-00081-00027850-00028172 due to cultural differences and geopolitical issues, Tzqyh0E_fho-00082-00028172-00028526 intercultural experience gained during the volunteering period Tzqyh0E_fho-00083-00028526-00028939 is even more intense in case of cooperation with partner countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00084-00028939-00029114 Everyday life and volunteering Tzqyh0E_fho-00085-00029114-00029472 may put young people in very contrast environments and realities Tzqyh0E_fho-00086-00029472-00029674 compared to their home communities. Tzqyh0E_fho-00087-00029674-00030000 This may spark confrontation of values and beliefs. Tzqyh0E_fho-00088-00030000-00030462 The sending partner should well prepare a young person for a long-term living abroad. Tzqyh0E_fho-00089-00030462-00030682 Both sending and hosting organisations Tzqyh0E_fho-00090-00030682-00031004 should provide quality mentoring and support for volunteers Tzqyh0E_fho-00091-00031004-00031274 during their stay in the hosting country. Tzqyh0E_fho-00092-00031274-00031436 In addition to this support, Tzqyh0E_fho-00093-00031436-00031842 there is a regular cycle of training activities offered to young people. Tzqyh0E_fho-00094-00031842-00032214 They are entitled to on-arrival and mid-term training activities Tzqyh0E_fho-00095-00032214-00032595 that are carried out by regional SALTO support centres in partner countries Tzqyh0E_fho-00096-00032595-00032912 and coordinating organisations in programme countries. Tzqyh0E_fho-00097-00033700-00034000 Subtitles by the community TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00000-00000459-00000932 What do we do with the collected waters that we used in households and industries? TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00001-00000932-00001191 We'll dump them in the environment? TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00002-00001191-00001355 Well no! TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00003-00001355-00001777 Welcome to the lecture series "Introduction to Urban Sewage Treatment" as part of our TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00004-00001777-00002018 water treatment course. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00005-00002018-00002450 My name is Jules van Lier and I am professor in Wastewater Treatment and Environmental TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00006-00002450-00002984 Engineering at the Sanitary Engineering section of TU Delft. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00007-00002984-00003478 In this part of the course we will discuss the characteristics of urban sewage, as well TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00008-00003478-00003960 as the common treatment technologies that are applied in the Netherlands. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00009-00003960-00004519 In our follow-up Master courses, we are focusing on advanced technologies as well as alternative TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00010-00004519-00005219 technologies that are recently developed to reach a higher degree of sustainability. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00011-00005255-00005719 Following the Urban Water Chain, the treated and distributed drinking water finds its way TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00012-00005719-00006039 to all households and industrial appliances. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00013-00006039-00006709 At both users, water is generally used for cleaning or transport of waste products and TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00014-00006709-00007072 only a very limited amount is actually used for drinking. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00015-00007072-00007742 In fact, less than 1% of the water supplied to the households! TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00016-00007742-00008106 Therefore the used waters contain many suspended pollutants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00017-00008106-00008792 In addition, because water is a polar solvent, many pollutants will dissolve in the water. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00018-00008792-00009325 The water, with its suspended and dissolved pollutants, is now called wastewater or sewage TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00019-00009325-00009960 and is carried away from the site of use. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00020-00009960-00010488 Collection of the used urban waters is generally done by means of an extensive sewerage network, TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00021-00010488-00010972 which conveys the urban sewage to the site of treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00022-00010972-00011404 The term 'Used Urban Waters' over 'Wastewater' in fact better describes the state of the TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00023-00011404-00011770 water and, therefore, has my strong preference. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00024-00011770-00012374 Moreover, wastewater implicitly is negatively valued: water that is wasted and that needs TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00025-00012374-00012811 treatment prior to discharge into an environmental sink. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00026-00012811-00013291 Used urban water is more positively and calls for treatment for reuse. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00027-00013291-00013811 This can be the water itself or the various pollutants that can be recovered as a resource. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00028-00013811-00014363 In fact, the term Used Urban Waters better fits in the Urban Water Cycle idea, the central TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00029-00014363-00014766 theme of the entire course. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00030-00014766-00015279 The collected sewage is treated at the sewage treatment plant or wastewater treatment plant. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00031-00015279-00015744 The sewage treatment plant consists of several functional units each targeting a specific TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00032-00015744-00016002 group of pollutants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00033-00016002-00016671 Such unit may consist out of physical treatment, chemical treatment, biological treatment, TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00034-00016671-00017226 electro-chemical treatment or combinations of these types of treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00035-00017226-00017776 We have to realize that every cubic meter of drinking water will ultimately become one TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00036-00017776-00018424 cubic meter of waste water that may impact many cubic meters of surface water, or even TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00037-00018424-00018915 ground water, when it is discharged without treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00038-00018915-00019462 Since the self-attenuation of these waters is very limited, such discharge will lead TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00039-00019462-00019734 to severe environmental impacts. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00040-00019734-00020140 In order to protect the environment, financial investments have to be made TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00041-00020140-00020344 to establish treatment technologies. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00042-00020344-00020897 Particularly, in congested areas, or urban settlements, uncontrolled discharge of large TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00043-00020897-00021354 sewage flows is conceived problematic. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00044-00021354-00021795 We also have to realize that large areas in the world are yet deprived from adequate sewage TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00045-00021795-00021973 collection and proper treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00046-00021973-00022516 For instance, in Latin America less than 20% of the sewage is collected and treated, whereas TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00047-00022516-00022787 in Asia this is less than 40%. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00048-00022787-00023416 In the Netherlands, about 100% of all households are connected to the sewerage network en finally TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00049-00023416-00023659 to a sewage treatment plant. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00050-00023659-00024164 In this part of our introductory course we will specifically discuss the set-up and functionality TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00051-00024164-00024801 of the sewage treatment plants that are currently in operation in the Netherlands. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00052-00024801-00025471 What will we learn the coming lectures? First, as any disciplinary field also wastewater TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00053-00025471-00025808 treatment engineering has its typical terminology. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00054-00025808-00026508 We need to acquaint ourselves to this terminology, Second why do we need to treat these waters TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00055-00026516-00027023 or in other words, what is their environmental impact when they are discharged untreated. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00056-00027023-00027462 Third, we need to understand the nature of the pollutants and the characteristics of TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00057-00027462-00027647 the sewage in general. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00058-00027647-00028141 Fourth, how does a sewage treatment plant look like and what are all the functional TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00059-00028141-00028458 units doing in the treatment plant?. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00060-00028458-00028885 By finishing this course we should be able to design a full scale sewage treatment plant TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00061-00028885-00029347 using the design features commonly applied in the Netherlands TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00062-00029347-00029906 How does a sewage or wastewater treatment plant look like? This picture shows the largest TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00063-00029906-00030251 sewage treatment plant in the Netherlands. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00064-00030251-00030719 It has the capacity to treat the sewage of about 1.4 million people . TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00065-00030719-00031295 It's a modern treatment plant that removes organic matter as well the nutrients phosphorus TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00066-00031295-00031789 and nitrogen from the used water up to the restrictions set by law. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00067-00031789-00032369 The picture looks great, right? But how does it function? TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00068-00032369-00032829 The sewage treatment plants consists of various treatment units of which some make use of TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00069-00032829-00033197 physical removal and others of biochemical removal. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00070-00033197-00033897 You see screens, settling tanks bioreactors, excess sludge treatment facilities and more. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00071-00033926-00034483 The effluent of the treatment plant is low in organic pollutants and nutrients. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00072-00034483-00035005 You will see this slide very often in the course and every time we will discuss a functional TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00073-00035005-00035696 unit we will indicate exactly where we are in the treatment plant. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00074-00035696-00036205 We hope that this approach will facilitate your comprehension of the entire treatment TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00075-00036205-00036746 set-up, without getting lost in the various functional units. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00076-00036746-00037343 Since when do we treat the urban sewage? The obligation to treat the sewage up to standards TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00077-00037343-00037782 prior to discharge follows the deplorable state of our surface waters in the sixties TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00078-00037782-00038074 of the past century. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00079-00038074-00038649 Lifeless surface waters were common and species diversity was at stake. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00080-00038649-00039096 Only at the early seventies, the clean water act was approved by our Government and from TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00081-00039096-00039548 that time onwards it was forbidden to discharge without treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00082-00039548-00040127 At the same time, a cost recovery system was invented that appears to be successful up TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00083-00040127-00040510 to date: the polluter pays principle. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00084-00040510-00041111 What does the polluter pay principle mean? Well, every person daily discharges a certain TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00085-00041111-00041386 amount of carbon and nutrients. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00086-00041386-00042086 This amount of pollutants is, therefore, denominated 'person equivalent', abbreviated by p.e. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00087-00042187-00042653 The person equivalent of pollutants is subsequently translated in money. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00088-00042653-00043290 Consequently, every person receives a bill for the costs that are required to treat these pollutants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00089-00043291-00043836 Up to date, we pay up to 80 euros per person per year for supporting the institutions who TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00090-00043836-00044382 are responsible for reaching the requested water quality at the treatment plants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00091-00044382-00044871 In this way, it is also easy to calculate how much an industry has to pay when it discharges TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00092-00044871-00045101 a certain amount of pollutants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00093-00045101-00045684 Just divide the total amount by the person equivalent amount. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00094-00045684-00046052 The untreated discharge of organic matter was already forbidden in the Netherlands early TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00095-00046052-00046269 seventies of the last century. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00096-00046269-00046726 However, the uncontrolled discharge of the nutrients phosphorus and nitrogen was only TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00097-00046726-00047238 regulated in the nineties, in agreement with our neighboring countries in the so-called TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00098-00047238-00047415 North Sea treaty. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00099-00047415-00048109 At present, we expect even stricter regulations as set by the European Frame work Directive TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00100-00048109-00048447 and adapted Dutch Regulations. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00101-00048447-00048859 And were these regulations effective? Well yes! TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00102-00048859-00049415 This table shows the average influent and effluent values of the major sewage pollutants. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00103-00049415-00049975 The organic pollutants are indicated by the parameter COD and BOD, which will be explained TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00104-00049975-00050213 later in the course. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00105-00050213-00050721 Nitrogen pollutants are indicated as total N and phosphorus as total P. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00106-00050721-00051087 The settleable solids are termed SS. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00107-00051087-00051644 In every sewage treatment plant the effluent restrictions are met as you can see. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00108-00051644-00052011 In the Netherlands, in all treatment plants the biological reactor plays a central and TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00109-00052011-00052338 crucial role in meeting the requirements. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00110-00052338-00052714 Particularly the requirement for treating the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus to a TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00111-00052714-00053479 low level decreased the amount of organic matter in the effluent drastically, as indicated in this table. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00112-00053507-00054024 Therefore, biological treatment is often considered the central core of the system and will be TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00113-00054024-00054279 discussed in detail in this course. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00114-00054279-00054940 As already mentioned: the fortunate condition we have in the Netherlands is not yet achieved worldwide. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00115-00054964-00055379 In fact, waterborne diseases are a major killer. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00116-00055379-00056000 We have to realize that, worldwide, every hour about 200 people, mainly children, lose TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00117-00056000-00056326 their life because of these waterborne disease. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00118-00056326-00056668 This make about 200 million people per year. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00119-00056668-00057099 These numbers were collected by the World Health Organization in the year 2000 when TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00120-00057099-00057561 the Millennium Development Goals or MDG were approved. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00121-00057561-00057835 The numbers speak for themselves: TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00122-00057835-00058237 About 1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, which is particularly TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00123-00058237-00058702 a problem in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00124-00058702-00059138 And note that about 2.4 billion people do not have access to sanitation. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00125-00059138-00059547 Again, the major hurdle have to be taken in developing countries. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00126-00059547-00059976 But were these MDG agreements effective on this? TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00127-00059976-00060576 Well no!, In fact, with regard to sanitation the situation aggravated and now some 2.6 TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00128-00060576-00061114 billion people have no access to proper sanitation! TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00129-00061114-00061661 The reasons for this incredible backlog are multiple and quite complex and go beyond the TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00130-00061661-00061832 scope of this course. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00131-00061832-00062316 In industrialized countries we have a full legislative and institutionalized back-up TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00132-00062316-00062752 to protect our environment and prevent non-controlled discharges. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00133-00062752-00063102 This leads to strict control and implementation of the laws. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00134-00063102-00063648 Also, the already mentioned 'polluter pays principle' is widely adopted, so industries TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00135-00063648-00064029 and individuals actually pay for the required treatment. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00136-00064029-00064568 Moreover, public perception is strongly in favor of environmental protection although TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00137-00064568-00065082 we realize that this costs money. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00138-00065082-00065486 How different is the situation in developing countries... TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00139-00065486-00065892 Although many countries have similar restrictive laws as the industrialized countries, there TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00140-00065892-00066337 is little institutional back-up and very little control on implementation. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00141-00066337-00066935 In addition, costs recovery is hardly implemented so there is an extreme lack of financial resources. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00142-00066935-00067587 But needs are high as the scarcely available fresh water resources are more and more threatened. TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00143-00067587-00068187 Now, we realize that this course will not solve the world problems on waterborne diseases, TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00144-00068187-00068756 but we do want to freely distribute our knowledge on sewage treatment so that anybody interested TCIXBxJ7D-Q-00145-00068756-00068980 can take his or her advantage of it. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00000-00000009-00000373 - Today we are having the PreAuth RCE chains TD-Tw7NJAQM-00001-00000462-00000627 by Jeff Hoffman. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00002-00000627-00000906 I got a couple of announcements before we get started. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00003-00000906-00001074 Please, everyone continue to wear your masks TD-Tw7NJAQM-00004-00001074-00001173 while you're inside. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00005-00001173-00001386 And please don't congregate around the walls TD-Tw7NJAQM-00006-00001386-00001596 around the outside, just come in and find a seat. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00007-00001596-00001866 If you want, come up a little closer, that'd be great. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00008-00001866-00001949 Here's Jeff. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00009-00002114-00002414 (audience clapping) TD-Tw7NJAQM-00010-00002721-00002928 - Hi, thanks for coming to my talk. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00011-00002928-00003159 PreAuth RCEs on KACE SMA. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00012-00003243-00003492 Today, I'm gonna be going over what KACE SMA is TD-Tw7NJAQM-00013-00003492-00003768 as well as the interesting attack surface of the product. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00014-00003768-00003929 The vulnerabilities that I found, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00015-00003929-00004065 how I conducted my research, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00016-00004065-00004254 and I have a full exploit and demo to share with you TD-Tw7NJAQM-00017-00004254-00004369 at the end of the talk. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00018-00004494-00004644 So who am I? TD-Tw7NJAQM-00019-00004644-00004791 My name is Jeffrey Hoffman. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00020-00004791-00004974 I'm a security engineer at Nuro. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00021-00004974-00005214 I have a background in web and desktop apps, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00022-00005214-00005436 as well as cloud and reverse engineering. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00023-00005436-00005556 I love to do security research TD-Tw7NJAQM-00024-00005556-00005724 and exploit dev in my free time. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00025-00005724-00005973 And anything else that you might need to know about me, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00026-00005973-00006198 if I'm willing to share it, is on my website. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00027-00006369-00006588 So what are MDMs? TD-Tw7NJAQM-00028-00006588-00006831 MDM stands for mobile device management, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00029-00006831-00007095 and they're typically appliances used by IT TD-Tw7NJAQM-00030-00007095-00007443 to manage corporate devices like laptops or workstations. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00031-00007539-00007644 The way they usually work TD-Tw7NJAQM-00032-00007644-00007895 is they'll install a privilege binary, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00033-00007895-00008040 usually referred to as an agent TD-Tw7NJAQM-00034-00008040-00008256 on whatever workstation you wanna manage. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00035-00008256-00008580 And that agent is going to phone home to the MDM, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00036-00008580-00008769 pick up jobs to run, run them TD-Tw7NJAQM-00037-00008769-00008994 and report back the status of those jobs. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00038-00008994-00009240 And so the jobs can be anything. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00039-00009240-00009411 They need to run as root or system, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00040-00009411-00009708 because sometimes those jobs require those privileges. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00041-00009708-00010005 For example, installing a certificate authority. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00042-00010005-00010212 But really, they're pretty versatile, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00043-00010212-00010332 that's the whole point, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00044-00010332-00010548 is that IT can fully manage your device. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00045-00010689-00010854 And that's good news for attackers. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00046-00010854-00011115 It makes them, essentially single points of failure, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00047-00011115-00011313 for an organization. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00048-00011313-00011577 You could, if you got admin access to an MDM, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00049-00011577-00011754 could do something like, push out ransomware TD-Tw7NJAQM-00050-00011754-00012090 to all of the workstations at once. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00051-00012090-00012399 And more and more MDMs, these days, are on the internet. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00052-00012399-00012693 With the rise of COVID and remote work, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00053-00012693-00012903 as well as the push for people to offer TD-Tw7NJAQM-00054-00012903-00013104 software service offerings. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00055-00013104-00013308 Some of those MDMs just have to be on the internet TD-Tw7NJAQM-00056-00013308-00013422 out of necessity. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00057-00013575-00013743 So you have this great impact. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00058-00013743-00013971 You have them generally being available, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00059-00013971-00014288 if you support remote work and you have this really, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00060-00014288-00014481 really interesting scenario where if a company, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00061-00014481-00014733 dog-foods or uses their own MDM, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00062-00014733-00015027 you could get into their employees workstations, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00063-00015027-00015231 start pushing malicious back doors TD-Tw7NJAQM-00064-00015231-00015621 and even reach people who only host these MDMs on-prem. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00065-00015621-00015861 So generally, pretty interesting attack surface. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00066-00015963-00016281 KACE SMA or KACE Systems Management Appliance TD-Tw7NJAQM-00067-00016281-00016527 is an MDM developed by Quest. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00068-00016527-00016647 It's written in PHP. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00069-00016647-00016830 It's a relatively popular choice TD-Tw7NJAQM-00070-00016830-00016971 for hybrid work environments, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00071-00016971-00017220 where you have windows, Linux and Mac workstations TD-Tw7NJAQM-00072-00017220-00017418 all in the same organization. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00073-00017418-00017673 There's about 2000 of these things on the internet, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00074-00017673-00018024 including a SaaS offering that Quest hosts. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00075-00018024-00018324 And a decent chunk of these are .gov and .edu domains, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00076-00018324-00018552 which imply to me that you might have TD-Tw7NJAQM-00077-00018552-00018828 a lot of very interesting PII readily available TD-Tw7NJAQM-00078-00018828-00019058 if you were to compromise something like this. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00079-00019188-00019383 So in terms of what would be valuable, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00080-00019485-00019683 admin access is really the end-all be-all TD-Tw7NJAQM-00081-00019683-00019992 for these types of appliances. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00082-00019992-00020157 Every vulnerability that you find TD-Tw7NJAQM-00083-00020157-00020379 is more of a means to an end to get admin, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00084-00020379-00020517 because at the end of the day, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00085-00020517-00020832 you don't really wanna exploit any kind of vulnerabilities TD-Tw7NJAQM-00086-00020832-00020931 on the MDM itself. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00087-00020931-00021111 You wanna use the intended functionality TD-Tw7NJAQM-00088-00021111-00021477 to pivot down to multiple devices at the same time. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00089-00021477-00021612 And just a little caveat TD-Tw7NJAQM-00090-00021612-00021783 for all the vulnerabilities I'm gonna talk about. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00091-00021783-00021906 I didn't look at anything TD-Tw7NJAQM-00092-00021906-00022089 that would require user interaction. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00093-00022089-00022236 I felt like that was less interesting, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00094-00022236-00022461 and so I have no idea what it's out there TD-Tw7NJAQM-00095-00022461-00022848 in terms of XSS or CSRF or those types of vulns. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00096-00023016-00023295 So because Quest, or rather KACE SMA, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00097-00023295-00023706 is written in PHP, getting a initial unrestricted shell TD-Tw7NJAQM-00098-00023706-00023913 was my top priority. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00099-00023913-00024165 That was gonna let me pull all the PHP code off the box, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00100-00024165-00024315 and then I could start source review TD-Tw7NJAQM-00101-00024315-00024531 and find more in-depth vulnerabilities. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00102-00024531-00024666 And so I'm gonna show you three tricks today TD-Tw7NJAQM-00103-00024666-00024870 that have generally been fruitful for me TD-Tw7NJAQM-00104-00024870-00025134 when attacking appliances, your mileage may vary, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00105-00025134-00025365 but I always try these three things. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00106-00025365-00025623 So the very first thing is just trying to break out TD-Tw7NJAQM-00107-00025623-00025902 of any restricted shells that might have been implemented. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00108-00025902-00026232 And so I just installed KACE, I read through the docs TD-Tw7NJAQM-00109-00026232-00026645 and there were two default users, konfig and netdiag. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00110-00026645-00026868 And so, they both had restricted shells. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00111-00026868-00027072 Konfig's was more of a text editor TD-Tw7NJAQM-00112-00027072-00027210 to change network settings, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00113-00027210-00027381 and it didn't have an immediately obvious way TD-Tw7NJAQM-00114-00027381-00027729 to run binaries, so I moved past that pretty quickly. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00115-00027729-00028070 And netdiag did have a more typical restricted shell. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00116-00028070-00028364 So I gathered all of the binaries that you could run, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00117-00028364-00028520 ran them through gtfobins, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00118-00028520-00028836 which is a website that collects shell breakouts. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00119-00028836-00028977 And the only thing that I found was TD-Tw7NJAQM-00120-00028977-00029238 this arp-f partial file read, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00121-00029238-00029400 which wasn't super useful for my case, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00122-00029400-00029778 because I wanted to read full PHP files, not partials. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00123-00029939-00030210 So that first trick didn't work. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00124-00030210-00030495 This second one is gonna sound a little tongue in cheek, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00125-00030495-00030900 but a way that I always try to get my unrestricted shell TD-Tw7NJAQM-00126-00030900-00031101 is to look for PostAuth RCE. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00127-00031101-00031488 And the nuance here is where that PostAuth RCE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00128-00031488-00031652 can usually be found. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00129-00031652-00031941 Typically appliances, not just MDMs, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00130-00031941-00032232 want to have some sort of backup and restore process. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00131-00032232-00032495 That way you can support migrating to a new appliance, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00132-00032495-00032772 if you need to, or just generally backing up TD-Tw7NJAQM-00133-00032772-00032942 what IT has already set up, right? TD-Tw7NJAQM-00134-00033054-00033243 But the issue is a lot of times, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00135-00033243-00033495 those backups and restores are implemented as TD-Tw7NJAQM-00136-00033495-00033669 holistic backup and restores. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00137-00033669-00033921 And so if they include anything important in them, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00138-00033921-00034329 like maybe a binary or a very important konfig, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00139-00034329-00034500 if there's no integrity check on those backups, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00140-00034500-00034629 you're gonna be able to overwrite it. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00141-00034629-00034896 And from there it's context dependent usually, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00142-00034896-00035181 but the trick is just looking for important things TD-Tw7NJAQM-00143-00035181-00035286 in backups. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00144-00035286-00035529 And so in the case of KACE, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00145-00035529-00035829 there was the web root actually included in the backup. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00146-00035829-00036057 And so my first unrestricted shell TD-Tw7NJAQM-00147-00036057-00036336 came from just planning a web shell and a backup TD-Tw7NJAQM-00148-00036336-00036481 and restoring it immediately. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00149-00036606-00037093 So I got excess as www, which was definitely great. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00150-00037093-00037302 It was a good start. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00151-00037302-00037536 This is, not to beat up on Quest, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00152-00037536-00037746 this is just a really hard problem to solve. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00153-00037746-00038142 You have the desire to make your backups TD-Tw7NJAQM-00154-00038142-00038340 as holistic as possible, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00155-00038340-00038580 it's generally hard to sanitize those backups, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00156-00038580-00038859 the integrity check is probably the way to go. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00157-00038859-00039099 But it just, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00158-00039099-00039288 generally is gonna be a fruitful attack surface TD-Tw7NJAQM-00159-00039288-00039501 for those reasons, combined with the fact that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00160-00039501-00039708 you almost always need admin on the appliance TD-Tw7NJAQM-00161-00039708-00039897 to trigger this functionality anyway. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00162-00039897-00040134 And the separation of privileges between TD-Tw7NJAQM-00163-00040134-00040620 being an admin on an MDM and being able to get RCE on it is TD-Tw7NJAQM-00164-00040620-00040935 almost nonexistent, the admin is the more important feature. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00165-00041106-00041454 And so RCE as www is definitely a great start, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00166-00041454-00041592 but ultimately you're gonna want root TD-Tw7NJAQM-00167-00041592-00041845 to poke around a little more invasively. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00168-00041845-00041940 And so from here, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00169-00041940-00042225 I could have either looked for a privilege escalation, or... TD-Tw7NJAQM-00170-00042225-00042615 And this is what I actually did, is try my third trick. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00171-00042615-00042846 And this third trick is essentially the same TD-Tw7NJAQM-00172-00042846-00042996 as the backup and restore process, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00173-00042996-00043236 but you don't go in through the application. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00174-00043236-00043473 It revolves around the fact that if you own the appliance, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00175-00043473-00043647 you own the virtual machine's disc, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00176-00043647-00043899 you can simply unmount that virtual machine disc, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00177-00043899-00044142 mount it in a new virtual machine TD-Tw7NJAQM-00178-00044142-00044286 of the same operating system TD-Tw7NJAQM-00179-00044286-00044655 and start overwriting whatever you want on that file system. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00180-00044655-00044943 And so I targeted ndsh, which was the name of TD-Tw7NJAQM-00181-00044943-00045276 netdiag's custom restricted shell. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00182-00045276-00045750 And I compiled a setuid wrapper around bin/sh. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00183-00045750-00046110 Set the setuid bit on it, ch owned it as root TD-Tw7NJAQM-00184-00046110-00046329 and I overwrote ndsh with it. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00185-00046413-00046563 Once I logged in as netdiag, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00186-00046563-00046869 I was given a root shell, right from the get go. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00187-00046869-00047130 And from there I could do all the really nice to haves, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00188-00047130-00047505 like adding a new user that's root equivalent, enabling ssh. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00189-00047505-00047850 And generally, I was able to be a little bit more invasive. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00190-00048045-00048387 So the first thing I did was gather all of the PHP code, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00191-00048387-00048573 and I also took this opportunity TD-Tw7NJAQM-00192-00048573-00048873 to just orient myself in the application. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00193-00048873-00049089 The logs directory was incredibly helpful, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00194-00049089-00049380 just prepping for strings that I saw in source TD-Tw7NJAQM-00195-00049380-00049611 and using that to validate assumptions, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00196-00049611-00049812 but just with root level access, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00197-00049812-00049917 there were no files that could hide, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00198-00049917-00050073 I could read everything. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00199-00050073-00050295 So I just spent some time trying to figure out TD-Tw7NJAQM-00200-00050295-00050490 how the appliance actually worked. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00201-00050649-00050970 In terms of attack surface, only 80 and 443. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00202-00050970-00051279 So the web UI were open to the world by default, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00203-00051279-00051402 there was this high end port TD-Tw7NJAQM-00204-00051402-00051594 that was exposed during the update process, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00205-00051594-00051936 but it was just a going binary that served a update log, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00206-00051936-00052224 so not particularly interesting. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00207-00052224-00052500 And so, because only the web UI was exposed, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00208-00052500-00052779 I could gather all of the unauthenticated attack surface TD-Tw7NJAQM-00209-00052779-00053172 by making a word list and just using gobuster TD-Tw7NJAQM-00210-00053172-00053346 to brute force over all of the files TD-Tw7NJAQM-00211-00053346-00053538 that were accessible in that webroot. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00212-00053538-00053745 You filter out the 403 forbiddens TD-Tw7NJAQM-00213-00053745-00054144 and you have a pretty good list of where to start. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00214-00054144-00054329 And that approach is great, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00215-00054329-00054672 it was definitely a great start, but it's a little naive TD-Tw7NJAQM-00216-00054672-00054917 and you can do better by TD-Tw7NJAQM-00217-00054917-00055158 looking for the actual requirement statements TD-Tw7NJAQM-00218-00055158-00055323 of the authentication checks. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00219-00055323-00055644 And so in this example at PHP, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00220-00055644-00055929 the way it imports code is through the keyword, require. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00221-00055929-00056267 And you can imagine includes all the off checks, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00222-00056267-00056559 but generally you're looking for the imported file and TD-Tw7NJAQM-00223-00056559-00056883 you're filtering out all the files that actually include it. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00224-00056883-00057195 And so that will give you an actual source of truth TD-Tw7NJAQM-00225-00057195-00057372 rather than this gobuster method. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00226-00057372-00057561 The lists generally didn't differ that much, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00227-00057561-00057765 but this is just a little bit more reliable. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00228-00057765-00058026 And you should note that it's not gonna include TD-Tw7NJAQM-00229-00058026-00058130 recursive inclusions. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00230-00058130-00058398 So you can imagine auth two includes auth. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00231-00058398-00058521 You're gonna have to grab for TD-Tw7NJAQM-00232-00058521-00058779 things that don't include auth two or auth one. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00233-00059016-00059286 So at this point I had a PostAuth RCE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00234-00059286-00059439 and I started thinking about whether or not TD-Tw7NJAQM-00235-00059439-00059694 an authentication bypass would be enough. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00236-00059694-00059942 And unfortunately, I didn't feel like it would be TD-Tw7NJAQM-00237-00059942-00060153 at the time, my PostAuth RCE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00238-00060153-00060357 already required admin privileges, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00239-00060357-00060546 so that was already goal, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00240-00060546-00060921 it wasn't really an extra vulnerability that I wanted. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00241-00060921-00061236 And that meant that I would need a PostAuth RCE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00242-00061236-00061473 with less privilege requirements, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00243-00061473-00061662 or I would need to find a privilege escalation TD-Tw7NJAQM-00244-00061662-00061745 within the app. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00245-00061880-00062136 So I went hunting for those types of vulnerabilities TD-Tw7NJAQM-00246-00062136-00062526 and there were calls to extract all over the application. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00247-00062526-00062835 And if you're not intimately familiar with PHP, that's okay, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00248-00062835-00063234 a screenshot of the extract docs can be seen on screen. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00249-00063234-00063375 There's this big warning that says, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00250-00063375-00063723 do not use extract on attacker controlled data, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00251-00063723-00063960 and that is because extract, by design, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00252-00063960-00064182 overrides the symbol table in PHP. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00253-00064182-00064308 And so what that means TD-Tw7NJAQM-00254-00064308-00064596 is you can specify an attacker controlled key TD-Tw7NJAQM-00255-00064596-00064785 and an attacker controlled value, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00256-00064785-00065112 and if those are passed into a call to extract, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00257-00065112-00065325 a variable with the attacker controlled key name TD-Tw7NJAQM-00258-00065325-00065535 will be instantiated and it will be set to TD-Tw7NJAQM-00259-00065535-00065718 that attacker controlled value. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00260-00065718-00065913 And so that's generally pretty useful. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00261-00065913-00066111 You can define whatever variables you want, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00262-00066111-00066363 but the cooler thing is that you can redefine variables TD-Tw7NJAQM-00263-00066363-00066480 that already exist. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00264-00066480-00066774 And so two really great targets to go after are the globals, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00265-00066774-00067062 because they'll always be there and the session variable, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00266-00067062-00067282 because that's how PHP tracks your identity. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00267-00067461-00067812 So an unauthenticated call would let me set TD-Tw7NJAQM-00268-00067812-00068112 all of my session variables to whatever I wanted, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00269-00068112-00068376 essentially creating a full session from nothing. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00270-00068376-00068487 So that would've been TD-Tw7NJAQM-00271-00068487-00068712 a great one shot vulnerability to have, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00272-00068712-00069009 but unfortunately I couldn't find any unauthenticated uses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00273-00069009-00069099 of extract. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00274-00069279-00069597 Luckily though it was still called in about a 100+ places TD-Tw7NJAQM-00275-00069597-00069831 with attacker control data throughout the app. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00276-00069831-00070017 So tons of different exploit strategies, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00277-00070017-00070272 one cool one was you could bypass 2FA TD-Tw7NJAQM-00278-00070272-00070563 because your 2FA configuration was set within your session. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00279-00070563-00070854 So you could log in, hit an endpoint and say, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00280-00070854-00071063 you didn't have 2FA and you're good to go. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00281-00071154-00071355 The thing that's gonna be really useful for this talk though TD-Tw7NJAQM-00282-00071355-00071559 is the direct privilege escalation. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00283-00071559-00071673 And so in KACE, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00284-00071673-00071847 they defined all of their permissions TD-Tw7NJAQM-00285-00071847-00072144 as just integers and they map to different roles. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00286-00072144-00072348 And so exploiting-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00287-00072348-00072567 Or privilege escalating rather, is as easy TD-Tw7NJAQM-00288-00072567-00072777 as going to a vulnerable endpoint. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00289-00072777-00073029 So I'm picking on mailthis.php TD-Tw7NJAQM-00290-00073029-00073461 and setting your KB permissions to whatever number you want. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00291-00073461-00073704 And you can just declare yourself a global sysadmin TD-Tw7NJAQM-00292-00073704-00073950 and you are good to go and you can TD-Tw7NJAQM-00293-00073950-00074150 start using all the admin functionality. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00294-00074319-00074565 Now I didn't pick mailthis.php at random, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00295-00074565-00074757 this is a pretty interesting file. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00296-00074757-00075105 I looked all over at these calls to extract for, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00297-00075105-00075342 like I said, ones without authentication checks. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00298-00075342-00075498 And I didn't find any of those, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00299-00075498-00075786 but mailthis.php had a lighter authentication check TD-Tw7NJAQM-00300-00075786-00075882 than normal. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00301-00075882-00076068 And so it's not important you understand TD-Tw7NJAQM-00302-00076068-00076299 what the full authentication check looked like, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00303-00076299-00076533 but what is important is that you understand TD-Tw7NJAQM-00304-00076533-00076716 checking for KB valid user session TD-Tw7NJAQM-00305-00076716-00077097 was one of many checks that Quest intended to do. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00306-00077097-00077403 So this is just an ad hoc partial authentication check. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00307-00077403-00077670 It essentially meant you logged in, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00308-00077670-00077898 not you had a fully realized session. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00309-00077898-00078123 And so that just lowered the bar ever so slightly TD-Tw7NJAQM-00310-00078123-00078354 in terms of the kind of authentication bypasses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00311-00078354-00078459 that would be useful. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00312-00078660-00078852 Now I have PostAuth RCE. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00313-00078852-00079044 I have a great privilege escalation, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00314-00079044-00079182 multiple endpoints in the app. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00315-00079182-00079575 So I'm gonna be able to hit admin and even trigger that RCE. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00316-00079575-00079863 So looking for bypasses or authentication bypasses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00317-00079863-00079998 is now worth the time. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00318-00080262-00080454 So here's the first one I found. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00319-00080454-00080739 Essentially, Quest appeared to use md5 TD-Tw7NJAQM-00320-00080739-00081057 and sha1 password hashes once upon a time. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00321-00081057-00081267 That was no longer the case when I looked at the app, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00322-00081267-00081672 but they did have to leave the legacy comparisons in. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00323-00081672-00081906 So that users who had created their account TD-Tw7NJAQM-00324-00081906-00082173 when the password hashes were md5 or sha1 TD-Tw7NJAQM-00325-00082173-00082290 could still log in. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00326-00082290-00082410 Essentially you'd log in. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00327-00082410-00082575 If one of these checks succeeded, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00328-00082575-00082950 they would rehash your password and it would be rotated. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00329-00082950-00083349 And so what that coder view told me was, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00330-00083349-00083664 there wasn't gonna be any md5 hashes or sha1 hashes TD-Tw7NJAQM-00331-00083664-00083991 readily available, but if there was one, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00332-00083991-00084150 say an old account that had never TD-Tw7NJAQM-00333-00084150-00084333 had their password rotated, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00334-00084333-00084705 the loose comparisons there in that code block on screen TD-Tw7NJAQM-00335-00084705-00084798 was significant. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00336-00084915-00085209 If you're not intimately familiar with PHP, that's okay. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00337-00085209-00085473 It's dynamically typed language and equals equals TD-Tw7NJAQM-00338-00085473-00085659 is the loose comparison operator, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00339-00085659-00085788 as opposed to other languages TD-Tw7NJAQM-00340-00085788-00086043 where you would normally assume it's a strict comparison. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00341-00086043-00086442 And so what that means is PHP is going to try to infer TD-Tw7NJAQM-00342-00086442-00086703 the actual type of the variable it's looking at. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00343-00086703-00086922 And that's typically referred to as type juggling. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00344-00086922-00087321 It'll try to coerce the value to a bunch of different types TD-Tw7NJAQM-00345-00087321-00087585 and if one of those checks succeeds, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00346-00087585-00087828 the entire loose comparison succeeds. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00347-00087828-00088113 And so there are three examples on screen right now, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00348-00088113-00088359 those two bullets in red return false, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00349-00088359-00088635 but the bullet in green returns true. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00350-00088635-00089025 And that is because in PHP, oh well, just generally, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00351-00089025-00089454 a number and then E is interpreted as scientific notation TD-Tw7NJAQM-00352-00089454-00089610 for exponentiation. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00353-00089610-00089925 And so when you have a hash or a string TD-Tw7NJAQM-00354-00089925-00090366 that starts with 0e and then has all numerals after it, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00355-00090366-00090542 during that type juggling process, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00356-00090542-00090861 PHP will interpret that as zero to the power of something TD-Tw7NJAQM-00357-00090861-00091122 and zero to the power of anything is zero. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00358-00091122-00091341 So if you have two strings TD-Tw7NJAQM-00359-00091341-00091614 that aren't actually equivalent strings, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00360-00091614-00091908 but are of that magic hashing format, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00361-00091908-00092124 when you do a loose comparison between those TD-Tw7NJAQM-00362-00092124-00092247 it'll evaluate to true. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00363-00092382-00092667 And so I said that there probably wouldn't be any sha1 TD-Tw7NJAQM-00364-00092752-00092913 or md5 hashes in the database, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00365-00092913-00093066 but I needed to go and check anyway. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00366-00093066-00093255 So rather than recovering the root password, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00367-00093255-00093393 I just restarted the database TD-Tw7NJAQM-00368-00093393-00093531 without authentication, locally, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00369-00093531-00093693 and added a root equivalent user TD-Tw7NJAQM-00370-00093693-00093876 so that I could poke around. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00371-00093876-00093999 And when I started looking TD-Tw7NJAQM-00372-00093999-00094284 at the actual password hash table, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00373-00094284-00094428 it confirmed my code review. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00374-00094428-00094866 There were these new actually salted hashes for passwords. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00375-00094866-00095019 And that meant, to actually test, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00376-00095019-00095403 I had to add a new user and fake them having TD-Tw7NJAQM-00377-00095403-00095649 an old md5 or sha1 password hash. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00378-00095649-00095997 And so I planted this 0e333 value, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00379-00095997-00096303 I have no idea what could possibly hash to that value, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00380-00096303-00096531 but it is of the magic hash format. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00381-00096531-00096813 And so to test, I used a pre-computed value TD-Tw7NJAQM-00382-00096813-00097022 whose md5 hash is gonna-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00383-00097158-00097443 The output is going to be another magic hash. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00384-00097443-00097563 And the hunch was that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00385-00097563-00097713 when those two things would be compared, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00386-00097713-00097938 it would evaluate to true and I could log in. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00387-00098039-00098355 And so in practice, after I planted that magic hash, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00388-00098355-00098586 I just submitted the pre-computed value TD-Tw7NJAQM-00389-00098586-00098751 as my login password. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00390-00098751-00098985 The hashing went through and you can see TD-Tw7NJAQM-00391-00098985-00099114 in the location redirect, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00392-00099114-00099318 I wasn't kicked back to the login screen, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00393-00099318-00099495 it actually took me to a dashboard. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00394-00099495-00099687 So I successfully authenticated. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00395-00099771-00099951 And just to confirm my code review, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00396-00099951-00100104 I went and looked at the table afterwards TD-Tw7NJAQM-00397-00100104-00100347 and the password migration did actually happen. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00398-00100347-00100602 So this vulnerability effectively amounts to TD-Tw7NJAQM-00399-00100602-00100710 a password change. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00400-00100866-00101040 Now this is super cool TD-Tw7NJAQM-00401-00101040-00101274 and definitely an authentication bypass, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00402-00101274-00101418 but it has a few issues. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00403-00101418-00101634 So first off you have to get lucky, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00404-00101634-00101847 there's no way to control what somebody's password hash TD-Tw7NJAQM-00405-00101847-00101970 is going to come out to. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00406-00101970-00102150 And so you are just hoping TD-Tw7NJAQM-00407-00102150-00102303 that whatever someone has submitted TD-Tw7NJAQM-00408-00102303-00102618 will somehow hash to this magic hash value. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00409-00102618-00102795 There was one interesting code path TD-Tw7NJAQM-00410-00102795-00103080 that made this attack a little bit more plausible, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00411-00103080-00103413 essentially KACE, they supported importing TD-Tw7NJAQM-00412-00103413-00103599 your entire user directory from LDAP TD-Tw7NJAQM-00413-00103599-00103905 and how this seemed to work in practice was TD-Tw7NJAQM-00414-00103905-00104055 you would point it at LDAP. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00415-00104055-00104208 All your users would get imported, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00416-00104208-00104459 but they were imported as unprivileged accounts. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00417-00104459-00104688 And it seemed like what you were supposed to do TD-Tw7NJAQM-00418-00104688-00104955 was give the accounts that actually TD-Tw7NJAQM-00419-00104955-00105359 were supposed to access this app privileges manually. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00420-00105359-00105516 But during that import, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00421-00105516-00105789 the password hashes were actually set to md5 values TD-Tw7NJAQM-00422-00105789-00106017 and you're importing your entire user directory. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00423-00106017-00106326 So not only do you have one md5 value, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00424-00106326-00106707 you have tons and tons of these unactivated accounts. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00425-00106707-00106869 They don't have any permissions, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00426-00106869-00107139 but because of that ad hoc authentication check TD-Tw7NJAQM-00427-00107139-00107369 and mailthis.php that doesn't actually matter. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00428-00107483-00107820 So when you log in as one of those deactivated accounts, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00429-00107820-00107949 this is what you'll actually see. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00430-00107949-00108132 You get kicked out to the login screen TD-Tw7NJAQM-00431-00108132-00108267 and it says access denied, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00432-00108267-00108611 you are not authorized to access any of the tabs. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00433-00108611-00108825 And even when you look at the request in response, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00434-00108825-00109044 it appears like the login fails. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00435-00109044-00109329 You can tell this because it's resetting your kbox ID, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00436-00109329-00109455 which was the session cookie. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00437-00109455-00109725 And so normally when an app does that, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00438-00109725-00109821 it's saying, hey, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00439-00109821-00110124 restart the authentication flow, this did not work. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00440-00110124-00110364 But if you look at the session on disk, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00441-00110364-00110601 it actually has KB valid user session set. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00442-00110601-00111078 And so you can resubmit that old session ID hit mailthis.php TD-Tw7NJAQM-00443-00111078-00111258 and privilege escalate to admin, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00444-00111258-00111600 just from these unactivated or unprivileged accounts TD-Tw7NJAQM-00445-00111600-00111809 that were never really supposed to be used. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00446-00111809-00112140 And so this is definitely a fully plausible attack scenario, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00447-00112140-00112356 but like I said, you have to get lucky, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00448-00112356-00112632 it requires them actually using this feature. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00449-00112632-00112803 And the odds aren't even that good if they are. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00450-00112803-00113022 So I moved on looking for something better. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00451-00113210-00113406 The second authentication bypass I found TD-Tw7NJAQM-00452-00113406-00113715 was definitely slightly better in terms of exploitability, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00453-00113715-00113982 but it was a non default feature. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00454-00113982-00114267 And so, Quest doesn't make just KACE SMA, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00455-00114267-00114461 they make a bunch of different appliances. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00456-00114461-00114686 And one thing that they wanted to support for all of these TD-Tw7NJAQM-00457-00114686-00114915 is this magic login. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00458-00114915-00115242 And so you would pair two Quest appliances together TD-Tw7NJAQM-00459-00115242-00115409 and they would generate tokens for each other TD-Tw7NJAQM-00460-00115409-00115647 that were redeemable at the other appliance. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00461-00115647-00115914 And so when you are in one appliance, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00462-00115914-00116130 you click on a link generated for you. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00463-00116130-00116358 You've redeemed your token and you are logged in TD-Tw7NJAQM-00464-00116358-00116658 as your user, but in a different appliance. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00465-00116658-00117051 And the token generation can be seen on screen in bold. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00466-00117051-00117396 It is an md5 hash, but there's no magic hashing going on. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00467-00117396-00117732 The real issue is that the input is essentially guessable. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00468-00117732-00118050 So unique ID is taking two arguments, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00469-00118050-00118395 the first is prefix, the second is more entropy. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00470-00118395-00118709 The more entropy does not actually matter for this attack, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00471-00118709-00118920 but the prefix is generated by micro time. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00472-00118920-00119154 It's just the current time at microseconds. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00473-00119154-00119631 It's definitely not a secure, random value to use. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00474-00119631-00119883 And when you look at the unique ID docs, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00475-00119883-00120114 you see that most of unique IDs entropy TD-Tw7NJAQM-00476-00120114-00120357 also comes from the current time in microseconds. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00477-00120357-00120645 And so you essentially have the randomness TD-Tw7NJAQM-00478-00120645-00121039 coming from two calls to a totally guessable value TD-Tw7NJAQM-00479-00121133-00121476 and the attack in practice would look like you brute forcing TD-Tw7NJAQM-00480-00121476-00121784 a bunch of different outputs for these two micro time calls TD-Tw7NJAQM-00481-00121784-00122210 and generating your tokens with the md5 hashing, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00482-00122210-00122408 but you would just continue to iterate TD-Tw7NJAQM-00483-00122408-00122592 until you guess the right token. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00484-00122592-00122858 And so this is definitely more exploitable and in practice, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00485-00122858-00123120 there's no luck involved, but it's non default. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00486-00123120-00123351 No one's forcing anyone to buy two Quest appliances TD-Tw7NJAQM-00487-00123351-00123576 and even if you have tons of quest appliances, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00488-00123576-00123729 no one's forcing you to link them TD-Tw7NJAQM-00489-00123729-00124004 and actually use this functionality in the first place. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00490-00124136-00124409 So those are two of the three chains that I wanted to cover. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00491-00124409-00124548 They're not so great. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00492-00124548-00124795 They're really not reliably exploitable in practice, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00493-00124795-00124998 but the third one I'm about to cover is. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00494-00125133-00125382 So those were the only authentication bypasses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00495-00125382-00125646 that auditing the user attack surface turned up. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00496-00125646-00125817 And after I was done with that, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00497-00125817-00126018 I turned to the agent communication. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00498-00126018-00126161 My hope was maybe authentication TD-Tw7NJAQM-00499-00126161-00126327 was implemented a little bit differently, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00500-00126327-00126705 and I could find some more authentication bypasses there. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00501-00126705-00126873 And I actually landed in this file, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00502-00126873-00127113 download agent installer.php, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00503-00127113-00127266 and there was clear command injection, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00504-00127266-00127665 but it was behind this ad hoc authentication check TD-Tw7NJAQM-00505-00127665-00127983 where you had to submit some secret parameter called, serv. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00506-00127983-00128220 And so the command injection should be clear. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00507-00128220-00128388 Org ID is a attacker controlled, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00508-00128388-00128684 it's obtaining temp location, which contains zip name TD-Tw7NJAQM-00509-00128684-00128799 and then both of those variables TD-Tw7NJAQM-00510-00128799-00128952 are used in the call to exec. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00511-00129180-00129426 So I started digging into how serv was created, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00512-00129426-00129558 it was the only thing stopping me TD-Tw7NJAQM-00513-00129558-00129756 from triggering the command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00514-00129756-00130044 And as it turns out serv is the hashed serial number TD-Tw7NJAQM-00515-00130044-00130197 of the appliance. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00516-00130197-00130317 It's essentially meant to be TD-Tw7NJAQM-00517-00130317-00130563 a boot strapping secret for agents that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00518-00130563-00130770 I guess, just wasn't unique to every agent, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00519-00130770-00130910 but that's a little bit easier TD-Tw7NJAQM-00520-00130910-00131115 than making a unique username and password TD-Tw7NJAQM-00521-00131115-00131322 or doing something else. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00522-00131322-00131556 So it was like that for convenience, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00523-00131556-00131769 but it was also good news for me. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00524-00131769-00132159 The serv parameter was the sha256 hash of the serial number. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00525-00132159-00132522 And so an unauthenticated LFI would work TD-Tw7NJAQM-00526-00132522-00132654 because the actual function TD-Tw7NJAQM-00527-00132654-00132996 that retrieved the serial number, just read it from disk. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00528-00132996-00133209 So if I could retrieve the serial number like that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00529-00133209-00133557 with my LFI, I would be able to calculate serv myself. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00530-00133557-00133866 And I would be able to exploit the command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00531-00133866-00134181 Unfortunately, depending on the installation type, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00532-00134181-00134394 there was one, the serial number TD-Tw7NJAQM-00533-00134394-00134571 would be stored in one of three places. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00534-00134571-00134802 And one of those file names had the MAC address TD-Tw7NJAQM-00535-00134802-00134943 of the device appended to it. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00536-00134943-00135162 So I would need a way to leak the MAC address TD-Tw7NJAQM-00537-00135162-00135384 of the device before I could actually exploit this TD-Tw7NJAQM-00538-00135384-00135477 in the worst KACE. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00539-00135582-00135777 Luckily for me, when you log in, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00540-00135777-00135978 the MAC address is presented to you TD-Tw7NJAQM-00541-00135978-00136251 and that contents of the message TD-Tw7NJAQM-00542-00136251-00136536 is actually stored in etc issue, which is world readable. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00543-00136536-00136893 And so if you had an LFI, you could read etc issue, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00544-00136893-00137004 pull the MAC address, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00545-00137004-00137268 then you could read that final name and the worst KACE, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00546-00137268-00137499 pull the serial number and calculate serv TD-Tw7NJAQM-00547-00137499-00137637 to bypass authentication. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00548-00137799-00137973 Now, knowing that I went around TD-Tw7NJAQM-00549-00137973-00138309 and audited high and low for unauthenticated LFIs TD-Tw7NJAQM-00550-00138309-00138495 and I came up empty handed. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00551-00138495-00138624 So I took a step back TD-Tw7NJAQM-00552-00138624-00138819 and started thinking about what I could use TD-Tw7NJAQM-00553-00138819-00139008 as an LFI equivalent. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00554-00139008-00139416 And as it turns out, the SQL queries made by the app TD-Tw7NJAQM-00555-00139416-00139620 were being made as the root user, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00556-00139620-00139893 which meant that if I could find SQL injection, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00557-00139893-00140142 I would be able to use directives like load file, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00558-00140142-00140472 to read contents from disk. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00559-00140472-00140733 And depending on the SQL injection quality, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00560-00140733-00141028 I would be able to use that in the same way I'd use an LFI. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00561-00141216-00141414 So a single LFI was all that was needed. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00562-00141414-00141684 And this code block on screen is actually TD-Tw7NJAQM-00563-00141684-00141909 in the same file as the command injection, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00564-00141909-00142059 but it comes before serv-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00565-00142059-00142218 Or the check for serv rather. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00566-00142218-00142419 So technically it's not authenticated. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00567-00142419-00142539 And it's not important that you remember TD-Tw7NJAQM-00568-00142539-00142656 exactly what's going on here. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00569-00142656-00142815 What is important is that you remember, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00570-00142815-00142977 validate org comes first TD-Tw7NJAQM-00571-00142977-00143193 and validate agent version comes second. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00572-00143193-00143466 If either of those queries fails, the app 404s TD-Tw7NJAQM-00573-00143466-00143637 and it'll exit immediately. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00574-00143832-00144192 So validate agent version has clear SQL injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00575-00144192-00144408 You can see org ID is just directly placed TD-Tw7NJAQM-00576-00144408-00144612 in the SQL query string, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00577-00144612-00144855 but validate org is going to come first. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00578-00144855-00145209 And unfortunately, org ID is properly parameterized there. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00579-00145209-00145455 So when I was doing code review, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00580-00145455-00145686 this looked unexploitable, org IDs, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00581-00145686-00145935 the ones stored in the database are stored as integers. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00582-00145935-00146307 And so I can't make an SQL injection payload TD-Tw7NJAQM-00583-00146307-00146397 out of integers. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00584-00146526-00146625 Luckily for me though, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00585-00146625-00146868 I was just spraying around some testing payloads TD-Tw7NJAQM-00586-00146868-00147120 to actually locate the relevant logs. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00587-00147120-00147453 And I had accidentally hit the SQL injection TD-Tw7NJAQM-00588-00147453-00147642 invalidate agent version. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00589-00147642-00147897 And I didn't really understand how that was even possible. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00590-00147897-00148215 So I had to work backwards from this, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00591-00148215-00148674 but what had happened was MariaDB actually type juggles. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00592-00148674-00149031 And so this is in their docs, it's some convenience feature TD-Tw7NJAQM-00593-00149031-00149277 for strings with differing units. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00594-00149277-00149556 An example use case of this feature is on screen. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00595-00149556-00150036 It's inferred that the developer writing this query TD-Tw7NJAQM-00596-00150036-00150270 really does wanna operate on these two values TD-Tw7NJAQM-00597-00150270-00150369 with differing units. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00598-00150369-00150756 And so if it sees a string that starts with numerals TD-Tw7NJAQM-00599-00150756-00150963 and then contains non numeric text, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00600-00150963-00151362 it interprets that as units and it will just drop them. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00601-00151362-00151862 And so the validate org query looks exactly like this. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00602-00151869-00152220 If you just append the SQL injection payload, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00603-00152220-00152577 it will get dropped and MariaDB happily TD-Tw7NJAQM-00604-00152577-00152709 treats that as just a one TD-Tw7NJAQM-00605-00152709-00153120 and the query actually returns successfully so, pretty cool. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00606-00153282-00153552 So that means that we can actually hit the SQLi TD-Tw7NJAQM-00607-00153552-00153831 in validate agent version, but there are still a few issues TD-Tw7NJAQM-00608-00153831-00153975 that we have to work around. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00609-00153975-00154344 So first off SQL responses aren't visible. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00610-00154344-00154602 Secondly, basename is called on org ID, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00611-00154602-00154920 which means that we can't directly pass it in paths TD-Tw7NJAQM-00612-00154920-00155169 of the files we wanna read like etc issue, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00613-00155169-00155382 because the payload will be truncated. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00614-00155382-00155760 And finally org ID has to actually be valid SQL TD-Tw7NJAQM-00615-00155760-00155946 and command injection because TD-Tw7NJAQM-00616-00155946-00156147 we need validate agent version to succeed TD-Tw7NJAQM-00617-00156147-00156382 when we actually trigger the command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00618-00156528-00156686 So to start working around that, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00619-00156686-00157017 the first thing I did was create a blind SQL oracle, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00620-00157017-00157287 and I essentially abused the behavior TD-Tw7NJAQM-00621-00157287-00157473 of that immediate 404. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00622-00157473-00157791 So when queries fail, the app 404s. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00623-00157791-00158136 When queries succeed, the app eventually returns a 200. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00624-00158136-00158439 And so just by looking at the HTTP response codes, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00625-00158439-00158706 you could infer the outcome of the comparison TD-Tw7NJAQM-00626-00158706-00158823 in the SQL injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00627-00158949-00159097 Now that's definitely useful, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00628-00159097-00159489 but we still have to get around that second constraint TD-Tw7NJAQM-00629-00159489-00159612 of base name being called. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00630-00159612-00159744 And so the way that I did that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00631-00159744-00160023 was just using the concat directive. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00632-00160134-00160359 And so all of this is nested within a call to load file, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00633-00160359-00160728 but xerox 2F is the ascii character TD-Tw7NJAQM-00634-00160728-00161103 or the integer value for ascii/ TD-Tw7NJAQM-00635-00161103-00161385 and so that output of the concat call TD-Tw7NJAQM-00636-00161385-00161604 will result in etc issue, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00637-00161604-00161849 which then could be passed directly to load file. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00638-00162027-00162189 Now, I still need to pull out single bytes TD-Tw7NJAQM-00639-00162189-00162333 to make my oracle useful. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00640-00162333-00162507 And so the way that I chose to do that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00641-00162507-00162807 was dynamically rather than hard coded offsets. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00642-00162807-00163059 And so I used locate with load file TD-Tw7NJAQM-00643-00163059-00163254 in order to find the starting address TD-Tw7NJAQM-00644-00163254-00163470 of the actual things I wanted to bruteforce. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00645-00163470-00163755 And then I used substring to pull out a singular bite, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00646-00163755-00164004 and then I could just bruteforce the MAC address TD-Tw7NJAQM-00647-00164004-00164211 and serial number because they were alphanumerics. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00648-00164211-00164397 So, relatively small search space. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00649-00164580-00164883 And the full strategy as I just described, it will work. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00650-00164883-00165144 You can use the SQLi to read your two local files, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00651-00165144-00165294 calculate serv and then TD-Tw7NJAQM-00652-00165294-00165477 you can trigger your command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00653-00165477-00165645 We just have that last pesky issue TD-Tw7NJAQM-00654-00165645-00165842 of needing a payload that is valid SQL TD-Tw7NJAQM-00655-00165842-00166116 and valid command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00656-00166116-00166266 And so the way that I got around that, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00657-00166266-00166515 the payload can be seen on screen. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00658-00166515-00166809 Essentially, the semicolon delimits SQL. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00659-00166809-00167160 I used a hyphen hyphen, which is a comment in MariaDB. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00660-00167160-00167271 You can't use the pound sign TD-Tw7NJAQM-00661-00167271-00167490 because it'd comment out your command injection, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00662-00167490-00167748 and then the dollar sign and parentheses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00663-00167748-00167901 should be pretty recognizable TD-Tw7NJAQM-00664-00167901-00168123 and to get around base name for payloads, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00665-00168123-00168294 I just wrapped it all in base64. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00666-00168390-00168501 And so from here, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00667-00168501-00168864 I could trigger my RCE unauthenticated as www, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00668-00168864-00169029 but I really wanted root TD-Tw7NJAQM-00669-00169029-00169248 just 'cause I thought it would be more fun. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00670-00169248-00169602 And so I ripped this methodology straight from the OSCP, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00671-00169602-00169800 I just looked for custom things running as root. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00672-00169800-00169971 And there were a few PHP files TD-Tw7NJAQM-00673-00169971-00170115 that I immediately started looking at TD-Tw7NJAQM-00674-00170115-00170355 because they were gonna be really easy to audit. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00675-00170478-00170697 And so one of the things that I looked at TD-Tw7NJAQM-00676-00170697-00170889 was called kbserver. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00677-00170889-00171012 The long and short of it was, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00678-00171012-00171222 it listened on a world rideable Unix socket, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00679-00171222-00171426 and it was listening for commands TD-Tw7NJAQM-00680-00171426-00171699 in the form of command, argument and argument. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00681-00171699-00171882 And so there were a bunch of different handlers TD-Tw7NJAQM-00682-00171882-00172092 or commands that you could run. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00683-00172092-00172338 One of the interesting ones is shown on screen now, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00684-00172338-00172470 and it does essentially TD-Tw7NJAQM-00685-00172470-00172650 what the name of the command applies. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00686-00172650-00172881 It takes an attacker controlled source, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00687-00172881-00173103 moves it to an attacker controlled destination TD-Tw7NJAQM-00688-00173103-00173456 and then for good measure CHown's it is www. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00689-00173456-00173640 And so that is relatively straightforward TD-Tw7NJAQM-00690-00173640-00173778 logical privilege escalation, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00691-00173778-00173955 you could override an important binary TD-Tw7NJAQM-00692-00173955-00174123 or some important file, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00693-00174123-00174321 but I chose to abuse the command injection TD-Tw7NJAQM-00694-00174321-00174586 that was in the actual implementation of the handler. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00695-00174753-00174981 So here's the current state, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00696-00174981-00175263 the two chains on the right and left aren't really reliable, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00697-00175263-00175443 or so great, but the middle one is, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00698-00175443-00175692 and you can execute commands as fruit TD-Tw7NJAQM-00699-00175692-00175872 from an unauthenticated perspective. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00700-00175995-00176180 And so now I have a demo to show you. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00701-00176595-00176712 Oh great, it's already up. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00702-00176712-00176962 (Jeff laughs) TD-Tw7NJAQM-00703-00177249-00177435 All right, so the first thing it does-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00704-00177435-00177709 So the first thing it does is check TD-Tw7NJAQM-00705-00177825-00178053 that it can trigger the SQL injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00706-00178053-00178302 So it knows if the appliance is vulnerable or not. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00707-00178302-00178701 And right now it's just using the techniques with the SQLi TD-Tw7NJAQM-00708-00178701-00178866 to leak the MAC address. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00709-00178866-00179103 After that, it starts leaking the serial number TD-Tw7NJAQM-00710-00179103-00179412 from the file in that worst KACE, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00711-00179412-00179754 which is what was used in virtual box installations. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00712-00179754-00180066 And so, interesting to note that the timer TD-Tw7NJAQM-00713-00180066-00180165 that you see spinning TD-Tw7NJAQM-00714-00180165-00180603 is actually getting spun every time a response comes in TD-Tw7NJAQM-00715-00180603-00180855 and you can see it hang on the successful guesses TD-Tw7NJAQM-00716-00180855-00181092 because KACE does a little bit more processing, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00717-00181092-00181287 so even if we couldn't have made this oracle, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00718-00181287-00181404 we could have done a timing attack TD-Tw7NJAQM-00719-00181404-00181809 or maybe some other technique to leak this data. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00720-00181809-00181998 And so after this finishes, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00721-00181998-00182226 you're gonna see it run commands as root. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00722-00182226-00182589 It's actually gonna set up a set UID bash shell TD-Tw7NJAQM-00723-00182589-00182745 so that I don't have to go through two TD-Tw7NJAQM-00724-00182745-00182901 command injection contexts, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00725-00182901-00183141 makes running payloads a little easier TD-Tw7NJAQM-00726-00183141-00183342 and it's gonna happen really, really quickly. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00727-00183342-00183594 It's gonna make a new admin, make a script TD-Tw7NJAQM-00728-00183594-00183858 that gets pushed out to all of the devices in the org TD-Tw7NJAQM-00729-00183858-00184005 and that script is pretty mundane, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00730-00184005-00184170 it's just going to change the background TD-Tw7NJAQM-00731-00184170-00184575 to that cowboy cat picture, but it happens just as quickly. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00732-00184575-00184920 And in a few seconds, you'll see that device TD-Tw7NJAQM-00733-00184920-00185169 that I'm running this payload on top of TD-Tw7NJAQM-00734-00185169-00185502 it's registered in my org and it'll pull down that job, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00735-00185502-00185697 run it, and the background will change. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00736-00186207-00186403 All right, and obviously-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00737-00186403-00186703 (audience clapping) TD-Tw7NJAQM-00738-00187125-00187359 So obviously a real attacker wouldn't do that, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00739-00187359-00187521 they would probably do something more malicious, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00740-00187521-00187638 like deploy ransomware, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00741-00187638-00187869 but hopefully that gets the point across. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00742-00187869-00188124 And so I should say the full exploit for that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00743-00188124-00188289 is available on my GitHub. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00744-00188289-00188658 It was also shared with the speaker materials. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00745-00188658-00188856 I defanged the exploit script a little bit, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00746-00188856-00189115 it didn't seem so appropriate to release TD-Tw7NJAQM-00747-00189115-00189417 something that just works like that outta the box, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00748-00189513-00189675 but it does run commands as root. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00749-00189675-00189873 And so it's enough to demonstrate TD-Tw7NJAQM-00750-00189873-00190194 that these vulnerabilities do work like this in practice. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00751-00190338-00190494 Now, in terms of detecting this, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00752-00190494-00190641 the general access log for KACE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00753-00190641-00190974 is actually good enough to catch all of this TD-Tw7NJAQM-00754-00190974-00191232 because org IDs are supposed to be integers. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00755-00191232-00191517 And the initial SQL request is-- TD-Tw7NJAQM-00756-00191517-00191742 SQL injection request is just a get. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00757-00191742-00191997 So you can filter for any org ID TD-Tw7NJAQM-00758-00191997-00192129 that's not strictly an integer TD-Tw7NJAQM-00759-00192129-00192321 and you'll be able to know if the attack TD-Tw7NJAQM-00760-00192321-00192444 had actually happened. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00761-00192681-00192822 Now, I have some closing reflections TD-Tw7NJAQM-00762-00192822-00192981 that I wanna share with you. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00763-00192981-00193194 So first off, as much as I wish I could say TD-Tw7NJAQM-00764-00193194-00193488 this was new and novel work, it actually wasn't. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00765-00193488-00193740 Some firm called Core Security reported TD-Tw7NJAQM-00766-00193740-00193914 very, very similar vulnerabilities, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00767-00193914-00194199 if not the same ones in 2018. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00768-00194199-00194463 And so the SQLi was reported TD-Tw7NJAQM-00769-00194463-00194796 and I never got to see this unpatched code, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00770-00194796-00194982 but my best guess is the fix for that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00771-00194982-00195306 was actually just parameterizing org ID in the first place. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00772-00195306-00195543 And that totally makes sense to me. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00773-00195543-00195699 I, through code review, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00774-00195699-00195894 missed that this would be exploitable too, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00775-00195894-00196356 so I could see how even the security researchers, Quest, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00776-00196356-00196512 they all could have missed that. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00777-00196512-00196733 I definitely would've missed it too if I didn't get lucky, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00778-00196733-00197022 but it just goes to highlight the importance of explicit TD-Tw7NJAQM-00779-00197022-00197199 versus implicit sanitization. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00780-00197199-00197418 If you had done the explicit sanitization, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00781-00197418-00197658 this weird convenience feature, MariaDB, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00782-00197658-00197778 would've never mattered. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00783-00197865-00197983 As far as the RCE, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00784-00197983-00198225 I'm a little bit more confident that this was new TD-Tw7NJAQM-00785-00198225-00198639 because the payload that they had shown and described TD-Tw7NJAQM-00786-00198639-00198798 didn't include this MSI parameter TD-Tw7NJAQM-00787-00198798-00199035 that was required to hit the vulnerable code path TD-Tw7NJAQM-00788-00199035-00199248 for my command injection. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00789-00199248-00199503 And so, regardless of whether or not TD-Tw7NJAQM-00790-00199503-00199965 it was a reintroduction or maybe regression, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00791-00199965-00200202 it was probably also assumed that org ID TD-Tw7NJAQM-00792-00200202-00200397 was never gonna be attack or controlled like that. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00793-00200397-00200664 Again, that convenience feature in MariaDB TD-Tw7NJAQM-00794-00200664-00200895 really bit the developers in the butt. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00795-00201084-00201483 So definitely explicit versus implicit sanitization TD-Tw7NJAQM-00796-00201483-00201588 is the way to go. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00797-00201588-00201909 You just remove so much unknown, unknown when you do that TD-Tw7NJAQM-00798-00201909-00202080 and effectively guarantee TD-Tw7NJAQM-00799-00202080-00202302 that you'll never have to worry about it, but TD-Tw7NJAQM-00800-00202302-00202497 both of these vulnerabilities together also, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00801-00202497-00202671 for me at least, highlighted the importance TD-Tw7NJAQM-00802-00202671-00202797 of defense in depth. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00803-00202797-00202956 I never would've been able to read files TD-Tw7NJAQM-00804-00202956-00203169 if SQL queries weren't being made as root TD-Tw7NJAQM-00805-00203169-00203367 and the exploitation would've stopped there, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00806-00203367-00203600 the command injection would've never been reachable. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00807-00203730-00204012 And so here's the total timeline for the disclosure. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00808-00204012-00204306 I contacted them on 4/20 and the very next day, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00809-00204306-00204438 I had a meeting with the Quest team TD-Tw7NJAQM-00810-00204438-00204668 to explain essentially everything that I found, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00811-00204668-00204891 they were pretty concerned and responsive, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00812-00204891-00205228 and they released a hot patch relatively quickly. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00813-00205228-00205515 And we actually mutually chose together TD-Tw7NJAQM-00814-00205515-00205692 to withhold the CVEs. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00815-00205692-00205956 So I haven't talked about any of the CVE numbers, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00816-00205956-00206229 they aren't out now, but I didn't get a chance to put them TD-Tw7NJAQM-00817-00206229-00206417 in my speaker materials because they were due TD-Tw7NJAQM-00818-00206417-00206682 a little bit earlier than the CVEs were released, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00819-00206682-00207057 but the patch was out on 5/11 and they sent very, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00820-00207057-00207317 very strongly worded communication to their customers, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00821-00207317-00207525 consistently urging them to patch. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00822-00207525-00207792 Patch acceptance was relatively high, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00823-00207792-00207981 even in those first two weeks. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00824-00207981-00208176 And the CVEs were withheld essentially TD-Tw7NJAQM-00825-00208176-00208305 because the app's PHP. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00826-00208305-00208578 So patch dipping is almost trivial TD-Tw7NJAQM-00827-00208578-00208884 and it wouldn't really have been fair to those customers TD-Tw7NJAQM-00828-00208884-00209142 to release this very critical CVE TD-Tw7NJAQM-00829-00209142-00209416 and have the motivated attackers patched TD-Tw7NJAQM-00830-00209416-00209757 quicker than they can schedule a regular patch. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00831-00209964-00210273 And then finally, I just wanna give some credits and thanks. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00832-00210273-00210521 So again, it really pains me to say this, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00833-00210521-00210827 but credits to Core Security for beating me to this. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00834-00210827-00211067 I wasn't guided by their research. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00835-00211067-00211509 I didn't know about the CVEs until after the fact. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00836-00211509-00211823 Probably my fault, I would've saved myself some time, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00837-00211823-00212028 if I hadn't found existing CVEs TD-Tw7NJAQM-00838-00212028-00212265 before I had started looking into this TD-Tw7NJAQM-00839-00212265-00212492 and credit to Michal Spacek for TD-Tw7NJAQM-00840-00212492-00212823 making that pre-computed magic hash value that I used. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00841-00212823-00213021 And then finally, I just wanna thank Nuro, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00842-00213021-00213165 which is the company that I work at now TD-Tw7NJAQM-00843-00213165-00213405 for giving me the opportunity to do such interesting TD-Tw7NJAQM-00844-00213405-00213540 and impactful work. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00845-00213540-00213777 And then I just wanna give a huge thanks to John Novak, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00846-00213777-00214005 who is a former coworker at Praetorian. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00847-00214005-00214179 He taught me a ton about appliance hacking TD-Tw7NJAQM-00848-00214179-00214296 showed me some of those neat tricks TD-Tw7NJAQM-00849-00214296-00214544 that I got to share with you today and by extension, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00850-00214544-00214734 thanks to Praetorian for just being a great environment TD-Tw7NJAQM-00851-00214734-00214839 to learn in. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00852-00214839-00214994 So I will take any questions, TD-Tw7NJAQM-00853-00214994-00215207 thank you for coming to my talk. TD-Tw7NJAQM-00854-00215207-00215507 (audience clapping) TDCeCFQJWeI-00002-00104176-00105528 NO2 MODENAS PULSAR RS200 . THAstFFPZOY-00000-00001032-00001033 Dear friends, I welcome you to my THAstFFPZOY-00001-00001033-00001343 channel today I will show you THAstFFPZOY-00002-00001343-00001344 today i will show you THAstFFPZOY-00003-00001344-00001626 steering wheel material THAstFFPZOY-00004-00002014-00002216 dragged by leather or eco-leather THAstFFPZOY-00005-00002809-00003143 eco-leather because it still has a price Well, the cost is cheaper THAstFFPZOY-00006-00003569-00004079 rather than leather, usually automobile here I decided to try a new one THAstFFPZOY-00007-00004646-00004647 the client did not ask to pull the wheel THAstFFPZOY-00008-00004647-00004847 on the VW Tiguan 1 THAstFFPZOY-00009-00005512-00006066 the client asked to pull the steering wheel with artificial leather THAstFFPZOY-00010-00006266-00006267 faux leather tailored for steering wheels THAstFFPZOY-00011-00006712-00007245 for another it is hardly suitable for handlebars gearshift knobs there handbrake in general THAstFFPZOY-00012-00008932-00009522 she has tests so as not to lie anymore 120 thousand abrasion cycles THAstFFPZOY-00013-00016779-00017391 the skin is very cool steering wheel is pulled perfectly THAstFFPZOY-00014-00172039-00172269 subscribe to the channel put like TK096LfD8KU-00000-00002352-00002452 foreign TK096LfD8KU-00001-00002452-00003899 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00002-00003899-00005412 everything TK096LfD8KU-00003-00005412-00006925 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00004-00006925-00008438 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00005-00008438-00010063 [Music] thank you friends TK096LfD8KU-00006-00010063-00010447 [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00007-00010447-00010586 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00008-00010586-00010724 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00009-00010724-00011140 and invisible [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00010-00011140-00011279 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00011-00011279-00011417 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00012-00011417-00011556 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00013-00011556-00011713 [__] up TK096LfD8KU-00014-00011713-00011940 [Music] [Applause] [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00015-00011940-00012078 thank you TK096LfD8KU-00016-00012078-00013479 contact with enemy TK096LfD8KU-00017-00013479-00015075 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00019-00021458-00023053 [Music] TK096LfD8KU-00020-00023053-00023118 foreign [Applause] TKXxBeVWJyu-00000-00000000-00000818 @ONE logo [Music] TKXxBeVWJyu-00001-00000882-00001412 How Do I Copy a Canvas Course? TKXxBeVWJyu-00002-00001482-00002150 This tutorial will show you how to copy a Canvas course. TKXxBeVWJyu-00003-00002151-00002699 Copy content from another Canvas course when you want to use or repurpose previously created TKXxBeVWJyu-00004-00002699-00003570 content including course settings, syllabus, assignments, modules, files, pages, discussions, TKXxBeVWJyu-00005-00003570-00004491 quizzes, and question banks. You can also copy or adjust events and due dates. TKXxBeVWJyu-00006-00004491-00005380 Not all content can be copied as part of a course. Learn about content imports. TKXxBeVWJyu-00007-00005380-00006085 Notes: Draft State settings are retained in course TKXxBeVWJyu-00008-00006085-00006681 copies. If an assignment is unpublished in a course, the assignment will also be unpublished TKXxBeVWJyu-00009-00006681-00007339 in the course copy. Importing a course more than once may have TKXxBeVWJyu-00010-00007339-00007997 unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the TKXxBeVWJyu-00011-00007997-00008558 new course, and later import the same content again, your new course will include both the TKXxBeVWJyu-00012-00008558-00009308 edited and original content. Open Settings TKXxBeVWJyu-00013-00009308-00010242 In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Copy Course Content TKXxBeVWJyu-00014-00010242-00011590 Click the Copy this Course button. Create Course Details TKXxBeVWJyu-00015-00011590-00012229 Enter the Name [1], Course Code [2], Start Date [3], and End Date [4] for the new course. TKXxBeVWJyu-00016-00012229-00012829 Note: If the current course includes course override dates in Course Settings, the Start TKXxBeVWJyu-00017-00012829-00013572 and End date fields will be populated with those dates. TKXxBeVWJyu-00018-00013572-00014315 Select Migration Content To import all content from the course, select TKXxBeVWJyu-00019-00014315-00015145 the All Content radio button [1]. If you want to select specific content, click TKXxBeVWJyu-00020-00015145-00015763 the Select specific content radio button [2]. Note: If you select the specific content option, TKXxBeVWJyu-00021-00015763-00016623 you are required to select the content you want to import; this action cannot be cancelled. TKXxBeVWJyu-00022-00016623-00017118 Adjust Events and Due Dates If you want to adjust the due dates associated TKXxBeVWJyu-00023-00017118-00017970 with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox. TKXxBeVWJyu-00024-00017970-00018429 Create Course Click the Create Course button. TKXxBeVWJyu-00025-00018429-00018848 View Current Jobs The Current Jobs section displays the status TKXxBeVWJyu-00026-00018848-00019418 of your import. Running reports display a menu bar with the time remaining to complete TKXxBeVWJyu-00027-00019418-00019890 the import [1]. If you chose to select specific content in TKXxBeVWJyu-00028-00019890-00020337 your course, the current job will show as Waiting for Select TKXxBeVWJyu-00029-00020337-00021093 [2], which means you must select the content you want to import. The import may also display TKXxBeVWJyu-00030-00021093-00021785 other status indicators as part of the import process. Learn more about course import statuses. TKXxBeVWJyu-00031-00021785-00022430 View the content from any completed imports by accessing any link in Course Navigation. TKXxBeVWJyu-00032-00022592-00023180 Credits: Narrator, Adam Lisicky. Material, @ONE. TNpw-vAhzFo-00000-00000951-00001111 Carpensis... I told you not to blow bubbles indoors... TOchIxzSxS8-00000-00000141-00000493 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER TONY ROSA. TOchIxzSxS8-00001-00000493-00000888 ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 4TH AND YOU'RE ENCOURAGED TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE. TOchIxzSxS8-00002-00000888-00001350 THE FEDERAL VOTING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, OR FVAP, HAS THE RESOURCES YOU NEED TO VOTE IN TOchIxzSxS8-00003-00001350-00001496 THIS YEAR'S ELECTION. TOchIxzSxS8-00004-00001496-00001969 MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION AND ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUESTS IN EARLY. TOchIxzSxS8-00005-00001969-00002408 REGISTERING AND REQUESTING A BALLOT IS AN EASY ONE-STEP PROCESS: JUST SUBMIT THE FEDERAL TOchIxzSxS8-00006-00002408-00002600 POST CARD APPLICATION. TOchIxzSxS8-00007-00002600-00002957 ELIGIBLE SPOUSES AND DEPENDENTS CAN VOTE ABSENTEE AS WELL. TOchIxzSxS8-00008-00002957-00003267 2014 IS REFERRED TO AS AN "OFF-YEAR ELECTION." TOchIxzSxS8-00009-00003267-00003729 THESE ELECTIONS TYPICALLY HAVE SMALL MARGINS, WHICH MEANS YOUR ABSENTEE VOTE COUNTS. TOchIxzSxS8-00010-00003729-00004305 GO TO FVAP.GOV AND EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND RESPONSIBILITY AS A CITIZEN. TOchIxzSxS8-00011-00004305-00005712 REGISTER TO VOTE TODAY. TQndEuESZfg-00000-00000000-00000200 Hey how are you? TQndEuESZfg-00001-00000200-00000400 Here is my track TQndEuESZfg-00002-00000400-00000600 Do I feel myself like a living being? TQndEuESZfg-00003-00000600-00000800 Stupid question, of course I do. TQndEuESZfg-00004-00016899-00017596 Goodbye, and thank you! TRfJTo0eZr4-00000-00000151-00000351 All right now we're going to turn to TRfJTo0eZr4-00001-00000415-00001097 homework help for section 6.5 number 11 and in this problem, we have a population of TRfJTo0eZr4-00002-00001162-00001406 X's which have a mean mu is TRfJTo0eZr4-00003-00001488-00002072 15 and standard deviation is 14. There's no statement on whether this is normal or not TRfJTo0eZr4-00004-00002098-00002263 We're gonna start taking some TRfJTo0eZr4-00005-00002263-00002598 Samples out of here and what we know is that if the N? TRfJTo0eZr4-00006-00002614-00003272 The size of the sample is large enough then the x bars that come from these samples will be approximately normally distributed TRfJTo0eZr4-00007-00003328-00003771 With the same mean as this population and a standard deviation that's different TRfJTo0eZr4-00008-00003798-00004382 But related it's the standard deviation divided by the square root of n where n is the sample size TRfJTo0eZr4-00009-00004455-00004796 So we're asked three questions here the first is this TRfJTo0eZr4-00010-00004894-00005282 if we take the random samples of size n equals 49 TRfJTo0eZr4-00011-00005359-00005500 Find the mean TRfJTo0eZr4-00012-00005500-00006227 The standard error or the standard deviation of the X bars and the probability that X bar will land between TRfJTo0eZr4-00013-00006241-00006441 4 & 6 TRfJTo0eZr4-00014-00006451-00006734 Then we're supposed to repeat that for size TRfJTo0eZr4-00015-00006843-00007610 64 we will get different probabilities and we'll get different standard deviations and we're supposed to explain the effect that TRfJTo0eZr4-00016-00007611-00007919 we see, so let's jump in here to Part A TRfJTo0eZr4-00017-00008224-00009015 In Part A we're told that the sample size is 49 so unless there was some strong skew or TRfJTo0eZr4-00018-00009046-00009246 outliers in this original population TRfJTo0eZr4-00019-00009282-00009851 It would be reasonable to think that the X bar is coming from these samples of size 49 are normal TRfJTo0eZr4-00020-00009889-00010190 Because the sample size is at least 30 TRfJTo0eZr4-00021-00010272-00010544 So, we are expecting a normal TRfJTo0eZr4-00022-00010657-00010857 Distribution for X bar TRfJTo0eZr4-00023-00010875-00011075 and TRfJTo0eZr4-00024-00011082-00011375 That normal distribution has a mean and a standard deviation TRfJTo0eZr4-00025-00011575-00011900 Normal the mean is mu which is 15 TRfJTo0eZr4-00026-00012139-00012401 And the standard deviation for TRfJTo0eZr4-00027-00012471-00013038 X bar now is the standard deviation from the original population 14 TRfJTo0eZr4-00028-00013259-00013582 Over the square root of the sample size which is 49 TRfJTo0eZr4-00029-00013841-00014041 So TRfJTo0eZr4-00030-00014108-00014785 Mu of X bar is 15 standard deviation of X bar is TRfJTo0eZr4-00031-00014957-00015157 14 over TRfJTo0eZr4-00032-00015163-00015385 root 49 now TRfJTo0eZr4-00033-00015509-00015709 7 times 7 is 49 TRfJTo0eZr4-00034-00015755-00015976 so the square root of 49 is 7 TRfJTo0eZr4-00035-00016253-00016777 14 divided by 7 is 2 and so X bar is normally distributed TRfJTo0eZr4-00036-00016826-00017181 with a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 2 TRfJTo0eZr4-00037-00017291-00017423 we are TRfJTo0eZr4-00038-00017423-00018096 looking for by the way that takes care of those first two pieces there now we're looking for the probability TRfJTo0eZr4-00039-00018260-00018982 That X bar will fall between the values of 4 on the bottom and 6 on the top TRfJTo0eZr4-00040-00019420-00019707 Okay so what we need to do by the way this TRfJTo0eZr4-00041-00019826-00020286 We had an error here it's a probability that X bar lies between 15 and 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00042-00020320-00020775 not 4 & 6 so we've already computed the mean of X bars TRfJTo0eZr4-00043-00020816-00021393 That's 15 and the standard error of the X bars is 2 in this the Sigma root and formula TRfJTo0eZr4-00044-00021428-00021808 So now we'd like to translate this statement TRfJTo0eZr4-00045-00022064-00022791 To a corresponding statement about z-scores so what we're going to do TRfJTo0eZr4-00046-00023442-00023842 Is run each of these through our Z formula TRfJTo0eZr4-00047-00023993-00024247 Now remember these are values of X bars TRfJTo0eZr4-00048-00024860-00025192 So we use that formula that we've been learning TRfJTo0eZr4-00049-00025370-00025570 X bar of 15 TRfJTo0eZr4-00050-00025688-00025894 Minus the mean for the X bars TRfJTo0eZr4-00051-00026160-00026957 And what goes down here doesn't really matter right we have 15 minus 15 is 0 TRfJTo0eZr4-00052-00027111-00027716 So we get a 0 there let's call that z1 z2 is TRfJTo0eZr4-00053-00027845-00028045 our next X BAR value TRfJTo0eZr4-00054-00028461-00028781 The next X BAR value we're interested in is 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00055-00028877-00029461 Subtract off the mean of the X bar is divided by now signal Sigma over root n we've already computed that's 2 TRfJTo0eZr4-00056-00029577-00030310 so 17 minus 15 is 2 2 over 2 is 1 so we're interested in Z values between 0 & 1 TRfJTo0eZr4-00057-00030395-00030857 Now if we were going to do this by means of a table the way TRfJTo0eZr4-00058-00030857-00031501 We would do it is we would look up the probability well let's just sketch a picture here TRfJTo0eZr4-00059-00031658-00032311 Before we start the calculations so the idea is we have our our normal distribution here and TRfJTo0eZr4-00060-00032508-00033034 Standard normal distribution has a mean of 0 so we want to go between 0 & 1 TRfJTo0eZr4-00061-00033194-00033394 We're looking for this area right here TRfJTo0eZr4-00062-00033425-00033534 now TRfJTo0eZr4-00063-00033534-00034036 Your table won't give you that but what you could do is to compute the area? TRfJTo0eZr4-00064-00034056-00034700 That is less than 1 which would take all of this and then subtract off the area TRfJTo0eZr4-00065-00034719-00035155 that's less than 0 which is there and you'd have in between TRfJTo0eZr4-00066-00035196-00035915 This this this value right here so the probability that Z is less than 1 TRfJTo0eZr4-00067-00035988-00036526 Minus the probability that Z is less than 0 now this one you actually don't have to look TRfJTo0eZr4-00068-00036650-00037351 the probability that Z is less than zero well half of the area is below zero zero and half the area is above zero TRfJTo0eZr4-00069-00037371-00037774 So we know that one already all you need to do is look up the area TRfJTo0eZr4-00070-00037827-00038027 for Z is less than one TRfJTo0eZr4-00071-00038153-00038461 We can do that with a table or we can do that with our calculator TRfJTo0eZr4-00072-00038522-00039145 So we go to the distributions normal CDF a standard normal we're looking at TRfJTo0eZr4-00073-00039284-00039484 from minus infinity up to one TRfJTo0eZr4-00074-00039705-00040024 We get point eight four one three four? TRfJTo0eZr4-00075-00040455-00040894 And all we're doing is subtracting five from that first digit TRfJTo0eZr4-00076-00041324-00041824 0.34 one three four or a little bit more than a third is the probability that TRfJTo0eZr4-00077-00041858-00042211 the mean would land in those limits TRfJTo0eZr4-00078-00042411-00042611 Fifteen and seventeen TRfJTo0eZr4-00079-00042771-00042997 Now there's another way you can do this with your calculator TRfJTo0eZr4-00080-00043031-00043525 And I want to I want to show that to you so let's go back here TRfJTo0eZr4-00081-00043634-00044098 Probability Z zero is less than Z is less than one TRfJTo0eZr4-00082-00044181-00044584 This you can get directly on the calculator and it's worth TRfJTo0eZr4-00083-00044624-00045220 Learning how to use that function so I'm gonna go right back here where I was before the normal CDF TRfJTo0eZr4-00084-00045243-00045443 by the way will almost never TRfJTo0eZr4-00085-00045458-00045766 Let me back up here will almost never use this first option TRfJTo0eZr4-00086-00045821-00046201 The normal PDF what that's telling you is how tall? TRfJTo0eZr4-00087-00046241-00046969 The how tall that Z curve is at any particular point that's not of much interest to us TRfJTo0eZr4-00088-00047063-00047320 If we there are some things that TRfJTo0eZr4-00089-00047447-00048007 You can do where the PDF is of interest but that really just doesn't come up in this course TRfJTo0eZr4-00090-00048038-00048313 so, we're going to be looking at the normal CDF TRfJTo0eZr4-00091-00048734-00048934 And TRfJTo0eZr4-00092-00048995-00049687 What we want to do now rather than rather than use that very negative minus one times 10 to the 99th TRfJTo0eZr4-00093-00049730-00050044 What I'm gonna do is just look right here and say I want the area between TRfJTo0eZr4-00094-00050055-00050615 Zero and one so what I can do on my calculator is put in a zero for the lower on one for the upper TRfJTo0eZr4-00095-00050663-00051211 mean and standard deviation are zero and one because we're talking about the z-scores that's the standard normal and TRfJTo0eZr4-00096-00051282-00051661 Type that in you get point three four one three four TRfJTo0eZr4-00097-00052026-00052297 Well sure enough that's what we got before TRfJTo0eZr4-00098-00052386-00053170 But as a matter of fact this actually gets even better and that is we were interested in this what is the probability that TRfJTo0eZr4-00099-00053192-00053404 the X bars lie TRfJTo0eZr4-00100-00053492-00053645 between TRfJTo0eZr4-00101-00053645-00054370 15 and 17 you can do that directly on your calculator as well the key though is that you must TRfJTo0eZr4-00102-00054435-00054582 know TRfJTo0eZr4-00103-00054582-00054790 These values before you start TRfJTo0eZr4-00104-00054837-00055319 we need the mean of the X bar and the standard deviation of the X bar TRfJTo0eZr4-00105-00055341-00055775 these you must compute every time the calculator does not allow you to TRfJTo0eZr4-00106-00055814-00056143 Avoid knowing what those are well once we have that TRfJTo0eZr4-00107-00056262-00056647 what we're interested in is this I'm gonna go to TRfJTo0eZr4-00108-00056751-00056951 Distribution normal CDF TRfJTo0eZr4-00109-00056952-00057709 Now the lower I'm gonna say is not zero and one I'm going to work with X bars directly so 15 to 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00110-00058142-00058870 But now my mean and standard deviation are 15 and two TRfJTo0eZr4-00111-00059199-00059779 And if I run that look at that I get exactly the same value again 0.34 134 TRfJTo0eZr4-00112-00060273-00060517 And so there are three ways, we could do it TRfJTo0eZr4-00113-00060539-00060916 this is the way you would do it if you're working with a paper table and TRfJTo0eZr4-00114-00060957-00061390 let me emphasize there is nothing wrong with that if you prefer to work with a TRfJTo0eZr4-00115-00061449-00062132 Tangible table I don't have any problem with that and sooner or later if you do much in statistics you're going to come across TRfJTo0eZr4-00116-00062258-00062602 Cases, where you actually need to use a table so it's a skill worth knowing TRfJTo0eZr4-00117-00062676-00063031 Secondly we could do this between the values TRfJTo0eZr4-00118-00063102-00063691 directly for the Z if you do that you set your mean to be zero and TRfJTo0eZr4-00119-00063729-00064145 your standard deviation to be one because that's what Z means it's the TRfJTo0eZr4-00120-00064224-00064471 Normal distribution that has that mean and standard deviation TRfJTo0eZr4-00121-00064524-00065099 and finally you could answer this question directly on the calculator but that requires you to TRfJTo0eZr4-00122-00065196-00065307 compute the TRfJTo0eZr4-00123-00065307-00066014 mean of X bar and the standard deviation of X bar so it's of limited utility TRfJTo0eZr4-00124-00066138-00066352 You still end up doing these calculations TRfJTo0eZr4-00125-00066447-00066579 which TRfJTo0eZr4-00126-00066579-00066687 we used TRfJTo0eZr4-00127-00066687-00066831 down here TRfJTo0eZr4-00128-00066831-00067435 You could avoid putting it in this formula but that's not all that much help by my way of thinking anyway TRfJTo0eZr4-00129-00067452-00067852 So there is the first first part we have the probability of landing TRfJTo0eZr4-00130-00067929-00068318 expires landing between 15 and 17 is about 34% TRfJTo0eZr4-00131-00068733-00069202 Now in Part B we want to repeat these calculations but this time use a TRfJTo0eZr4-00132-00069339-00069946 sample size of 64 rather than the earlier sample size TRfJTo0eZr4-00133-00070404-00070604 Up 49 TRfJTo0eZr4-00134-00070782-00071039 All right that means that we're going to need TRfJTo0eZr4-00135-00071079-00071229 to know how TRfJTo0eZr4-00136-00071229-00071361 X bar is TRfJTo0eZr4-00137-00071361-00072101 Distributed once again we're working with sample sizes more than 30 so unless there were skewer outliers we expect this to be normal TRfJTo0eZr4-00138-00072117-00072764 With a mean of mu of the original population a standard deviation of Sigma over root n? TRfJTo0eZr4-00139-00072792-00073586 Let's get those new values well the changing the sample size does not affect the mean so the mean TRfJTo0eZr4-00140-00073608-00073808 of our original population TRfJTo0eZr4-00141-00073887-00074251 was 15 and its standard deviation was 14 so TRfJTo0eZr4-00142-00074394-00074621 we have a 15 in here and TRfJTo0eZr4-00143-00074775-00075383 This new standard deviation is going to be 14 over root n square root of n TRfJTo0eZr4-00144-00075564-00075871 Square root of 64 is 8 because 8 times 8 is 64 TRfJTo0eZr4-00145-00077123-00077754 And now our standard deviation for x-bar is TRfJTo0eZr4-00146-00077881-00077998 1.75 TRfJTo0eZr4-00147-00077998-00078330 rather than the earlier two so TRfJTo0eZr4-00148-00078410-00079129 We've we've done just now the first two parts of this list the mean for x-bar that's still 15 TRfJTo0eZr4-00149-00079216-00079599 List the standard deviation for x-bar we just computed that that's? TRfJTo0eZr4-00150-00079663-00079863 1.75 and then TRfJTo0eZr4-00151-00079922-00080532 Find the probability that the X bars for samples of size 64 now land between TRfJTo0eZr4-00152-00080629-00080810 15 and TRfJTo0eZr4-00153-00080810-00081010 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00154-00081031-00081157 Okay TRfJTo0eZr4-00155-00081157-00081771 Well we have three ways of doing it if you were working from a table the first thing you'd want to do is TRfJTo0eZr4-00156-00081799-00082032 translate this to z-scores TRfJTo0eZr4-00157-00082183-00082413 So I need z-scores both in below TRfJTo0eZr4-00158-00082480-00083001 Z 1 this lower one is 15 minus the mean of X bar TRfJTo0eZr4-00159-00083072-00083658 over the standard deviation of X bar or you could say Sigma over root down here it would be the same thing TRfJTo0eZr4-00160-00083747-00084402 So the mean of X bar is still 15 so this is still 15 minus 15, which is 0 and we? TRfJTo0eZr4-00161-00084402-00084602 Don't care what's down here if you take TRfJTo0eZr4-00162-00084652-00084852 0 divided by any TRfJTo0eZr4-00163-00084904-00085470 Nonzero number you're going to get a zero so we get a zero there the upper Z is TRfJTo0eZr4-00164-00085786-00086070 Looking for 17 let's get a little more room here TRfJTo0eZr4-00165-00086200-00086386 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00166-00086386-00086676 minus the mean of this distribution is 15 TRfJTo0eZr4-00167-00086755-00087030 divided by the standard deviation for this distribution in TRfJTo0eZr4-00168-00087098-00087744 1.75 and this is something to actually compute now so 17 minus 15 is 2 TRfJTo0eZr4-00169-00087814-00087958 divided by TRfJTo0eZr4-00170-00087958-00088158 1.75 is TRfJTo0eZr4-00171-00088180-00088539 one point 1 4 2 9 if we round off TRfJTo0eZr4-00172-00088936-00089615 Okay so one point one four two nine all right now TRfJTo0eZr4-00173-00089893-00090170 Our probability can then be TRfJTo0eZr4-00174-00090294-00090713 computed if we were working from a table we would go like this the probability TRfJTo0eZr4-00175-00090912-00091121 That Z is between TRfJTo0eZr4-00176-00091200-00091383 zero and TRfJTo0eZr4-00177-00091383-00091946 I remember a table is gonna round this off to two decimal places so it would be one point one four TRfJTo0eZr4-00178-00092139-00092810 But I'm gonna be using the calculator so I'll keep a few more digits and that way all my different ways of computing this will TRfJTo0eZr4-00179-00092811-00093011 be consistent I'd have TRfJTo0eZr4-00180-00093049-00093249 this kind of a picture TRfJTo0eZr4-00181-00093450-00094250 Normal distribution mean for Z is zero standard deviation is one I TRfJTo0eZr4-00182-00094476-00094877 Want to go to one point one four two nine that'd be up in here somewhere and TRfJTo0eZr4-00183-00094948-00095633 Down to zero I'm looking for this area and the way you do that is you find all of the area? TRfJTo0eZr4-00184-00095658-00095858 to the left of TRfJTo0eZr4-00185-00095968-00096443 One point one four to nine that be from here all the way back TRfJTo0eZr4-00186-00096588-00096857 Minus the probability that Z is less than TRfJTo0eZr4-00187-00096913-00097130 Zero that be from here all the way back TRfJTo0eZr4-00188-00097152-00097739 well from here all the way back that's just one half of this symmetric distribution, so that's going to TRfJTo0eZr4-00189-00097893-00098534 Be zero point five for this one this is the only one we really need to look up you could look this up on your TRfJTo0eZr4-00190-00098535-00098658 table TRfJTo0eZr4-00191-00098658-00098858 look up one point one four TRfJTo0eZr4-00192-00098935-00099140 Or you could do it on your calculator? TRfJTo0eZr4-00193-00099357-00099662 So we need the probability that Z TRfJTo0eZr4-00194-00099813-00100538 Mean of zero standard deviation of one is less than one point one four to nine on our calculator we'll go to TRfJTo0eZr4-00195-00100569-00100731 the list of TRfJTo0eZr4-00196-00100731-00100931 Distributions normal CDF TRfJTo0eZr4-00197-00101047-00101418 now here you could use -1 you could you times 10 to the TRfJTo0eZr4-00198-00101463-00101777 99th you could use -10 it would it really wouldn't make any difference TRfJTo0eZr4-00199-00102088-00102427 The upper I mean one point one four to nine TRfJTo0eZr4-00200-00102500-00102756 we've got injured then the mean and standard TRfJTo0eZr4-00201-00102835-00103035 deviation are zero and one TRfJTo0eZr4-00202-00103117-00103653 Paste those and I get 0.87 three four six TRfJTo0eZr4-00203-00104153-00104433 Of course I need to subtract 1/2 from my hat TRfJTo0eZr4-00204-00104678-00104961 And I get point three seven three four six TRfJTo0eZr4-00205-00105590-00105906 And that is to say the probability is about TRfJTo0eZr4-00206-00106046-00106416 Thirty seven point three percent TRfJTo0eZr4-00207-00106544-00107055 Okay, now oh the last part of this question is to explain the differences between TRfJTo0eZr4-00208-00107114-00107353 this part where we have a TRfJTo0eZr4-00209-00107471-00107671 sample size of 64 and TRfJTo0eZr4-00210-00107783-00108283 this part up here, where we had a smaller sample size of TRfJTo0eZr4-00211-00108374-00108574 49. I think it was yes TRfJTo0eZr4-00212-00108604-00108804 emphasizes 49 in this first part TRfJTo0eZr4-00213-00109030-00109572 So here's the situation in the first part if we go from TRfJTo0eZr4-00214-00109652-00110077 15 units to 17 units along the X bar axis TRfJTo0eZr4-00215-00110158-00110532 That's an increase of two units above the mean TRfJTo0eZr4-00216-00110729-00111024 Those two units are just one standard deviation here TRfJTo0eZr4-00217-00111107-00111834 But down here in Part B the standard deviation is smaller so it takes more of these smaller TRfJTo0eZr4-00218-00111904-00112560 Standard deviations to get to units along the X bar axis so here we go from TRfJTo0eZr4-00219-00112583-00112854 on the z axis we go from zero to TRfJTo0eZr4-00220-00112909-00113133 What is it about one point one four? TRfJTo0eZr4-00221-00113264-00113464 Whereas up here TRfJTo0eZr4-00222-00113570-00114066 We went from zero up to one so we're going more standard TRfJTo0eZr4-00223-00114095-00114381 deviations out here to go from TRfJTo0eZr4-00224-00114470-00114754 From the mean 15 up to the 17 TRfJTo0eZr4-00225-00114754-00115386 Therefore we're including more of the distribution and therefore we get a higher ability that's the explanation TTs_qW8vDrU-00000-00000064-00000384 All right, so some of you have been asking how do you switch off this ETC TTs_qW8vDrU-00001-00000387-00000816 device in your parallel imported Honda Shuttle car that is from Japan? TTs_qW8vDrU-00002-00000816-00001036 So let me show you how to switch off that sound. First, you switch on the engine. TTs_qW8vDrU-00003-00001040-00001632 You'll hear the greeting sound by this ETC. TTs_qW8vDrU-00004-00001976-00002280 Okay, so what you got to do is.. you press this button this volume button. TTs_qW8vDrU-00005-00002368-00003247 You press until you hear the sentence. Right, so this actually turns off the sound of the TTs_qW8vDrU-00006-00003247-00003647 greeting every time you switch on the car engine. So let's give it a try to switch off the car. TTs_qW8vDrU-00007-00003872-00004528 Engine switched off. Switching on again. Just see it's just a blinking TTs_qW8vDrU-00008-00004808-00005376 There is no sound, alright. So another functionof it is that let's say if you like the sound TTs_qW8vDrU-00009-00005376-00005792 of the Japanese greeting sound every timeof this ETC device, what you do is that you TTs_qW8vDrU-00010-00005792-00006304 press there, are actually four different volumes. The first is level one each (ichi). TTs_qW8vDrU-00011-00006592-00006776 If you press again, it's a volume 2. TTs_qW8vDrU-00012-00007072-00007184 And again, volume 3 TTs_qW8vDrU-00013-00007552-00008216 And then you have volume 4. After the volume4, it goes back to switch off the volume. TTs_qW8vDrU-00014-00008512-00008920 So once we hear this, you switch off the engine. What happens is that every time TTs_qW8vDrU-00015-00008920-00009536 you switch off the engine and you switch iton, there's no sound of the ETC. TTs_qW8vDrU-00016-00009832-00010272 Alright, and there are some further questions- how to switch off this blinking light? TTs_qW8vDrU-00017-00010272-00011309 because to some people it is abit annoying, especially in Singaporeyou know that this ETC device is not being used here. TTs_qW8vDrU-00018-00011312-00012074 So what some of the other people that I know, what they do is that they cut the the powerwire behind this device TTs_qW8vDrU-00019-00012078-00012800 But for myself I do notencourage to do so because you never knowwhat are any if there's any other repercussions. TTs_qW8vDrU-00020-00012803-00013318 So for myself I just switch off the volume, and I think I'm pretty happy with it enough. TTs_qW8vDrU-00021-00013322-00013568 All right, thank you everyone. TVWhRbEvr9E-00000-00000010-00000063 YOUR SPORTS. TVWhRbEvr9E-00001-00000063-00000070 YOUR SPORTS. TVWhRbEvr9E-00002-00000070-00000150 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. TVWhRbEvr9E-00003-00000150-00000156 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. TVWhRbEvr9E-00004-00000156-00000497 YOUR SPORTS. >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. TVWhRbEvr9E-00005-00000497-00000503 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. TVWhRbEvr9E-00006-00000503-00000610 >>> HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE INVESTIGATING A TVWhRbEvr9E-00007-00000610-00000617 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE INVESTIGATING A TVWhRbEvr9E-00008-00000617-00000734 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE INVESTIGATING A PLAN CRASH IN BRAINERD TODAY, TVWhRbEvr9E-00009-00000734-00000740 AUTHORITIES ARE INVESTIGATING A PLAN CRASH IN BRAINERD TODAY, TVWhRbEvr9E-00010-00000740-00000850 AUTHORITIES ARE INVESTIGATING A PLAN CRASH IN BRAINERD TODAY, THE THIRD IN THE STATE IN AS TVWhRbEvr9E-00011-00000850-00000857 PLAN CRASH IN BRAINERD TODAY, THE THIRD IN THE STATE IN AS TVWhRbEvr9E-00012-00000857-00000964 PLAN CRASH IN BRAINERD TODAY, THE THIRD IN THE STATE IN AS MANY DAYS. TVWhRbEvr9E-00013-00000964-00000970 THE THIRD IN THE STATE IN AS MANY DAYS. TVWhRbEvr9E-00014-00000970-00001091 THE THIRD IN THE STATE IN AS MANY DAYS. OFFICIALS SAY NO ONE WAS TVWhRbEvr9E-00015-00001091-00001097 MANY DAYS. OFFICIALS SAY NO ONE WAS TVWhRbEvr9E-00016-00001097-00001224 MANY DAYS. OFFICIALS SAY NO ONE WAS SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN THE PLANE TVWhRbEvr9E-00017-00001224-00001231 OFFICIALS SAY NO ONE WAS SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN THE PLANE TVWhRbEvr9E-00018-00001231-00001351 OFFICIALS SAY NO ONE WAS SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN THE PLANE WENT DOWN WHILE ATTEMPTING TO TVWhRbEvr9E-00019-00001351-00001358 SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN THE PLANE WENT DOWN WHILE ATTEMPTING TO TVWhRbEvr9E-00020-00001358-00001491 SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN THE PLANE WENT DOWN WHILE ATTEMPTING TO LAND AT THE BRAINERD LAKES TVWhRbEvr9E-00021-00001491-00001498 WENT DOWN WHILE ATTEMPTING TO LAND AT THE BRAINERD LAKES TVWhRbEvr9E-00022-00001498-00001628 WENT DOWN WHILE ATTEMPTING TO LAND AT THE BRAINERD LAKES REGIONAL AIRPORT. TVWhRbEvr9E-00023-00001628-00001634 LAND AT THE BRAINERD LAKES REGIONAL AIRPORT. TVWhRbEvr9E-00024-00001634-00001755 LAND AT THE BRAINERD LAKES REGIONAL AIRPORT. THE FEDERAL AVIATION TVWhRbEvr9E-00025-00001755-00001761 REGIONAL AIRPORT. THE FEDERAL AVIATION TVWhRbEvr9E-00026-00001761-00001881 REGIONAL AIRPORT. THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SAYS TWO PEOPLE TVWhRbEvr9E-00027-00001881-00001888 THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SAYS TWO PEOPLE TVWhRbEvr9E-00028-00001888-00002031 THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SAYS TWO PEOPLE WERE ON BOARD THE FIXED-WING, TVWhRbEvr9E-00029-00002031-00002038 ADMINISTRATION SAYS TWO PEOPLE WERE ON BOARD THE FIXED-WING, TVWhRbEvr9E-00030-00002038-00002178 ADMINISTRATION SAYS TWO PEOPLE WERE ON BOARD THE FIXED-WING, SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE WHEN IT TVWhRbEvr9E-00031-00002178-00002185 WERE ON BOARD THE FIXED-WING, SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE WHEN IT TVWhRbEvr9E-00032-00002185-00002342 WERE ON BOARD THE FIXED-WING, SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE WHEN IT CRASHED AT ABOUT 11:00 A.M. TVWhRbEvr9E-00033-00002342-00002349 SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE WHEN IT CRASHED AT ABOUT 11:00 A.M. TVWhRbEvr9E-00034-00002349-00002515 SINGLE ENGINE AIRPLANE WHEN IT CRASHED AT ABOUT 11:00 A.M. THE SEARCH FOR THE PLANE AND THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00035-00002515-00002522 CRASHED AT ABOUT 11:00 A.M. THE SEARCH FOR THE PLANE AND THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00036-00002522-00002699 CRASHED AT ABOUT 11:00 A.M. THE SEARCH FOR THE PLANE AND THE COUPLE ON BOARD WAS DIFFICULT TVWhRbEvr9E-00037-00002699-00002706 THE SEARCH FOR THE PLANE AND THE COUPLE ON BOARD WAS DIFFICULT TVWhRbEvr9E-00038-00002706-00002809 THE SEARCH FOR THE PLANE AND THE COUPLE ON BOARD WAS DIFFICULT BECAUSE THE PLANE CRASHED IN A TVWhRbEvr9E-00039-00002809-00002816 COUPLE ON BOARD WAS DIFFICULT BECAUSE THE PLANE CRASHED IN A TVWhRbEvr9E-00040-00002816-00002942 COUPLE ON BOARD WAS DIFFICULT BECAUSE THE PLANE CRASHED IN A HEAVILY WOODED AREA NEAR TVWhRbEvr9E-00041-00002942-00002949 BECAUSE THE PLANE CRASHED IN A HEAVILY WOODED AREA NEAR TVWhRbEvr9E-00042-00002949-00003099 BECAUSE THE PLANE CRASHED IN A HEAVILY WOODED AREA NEAR SWAMPLAND. TVWhRbEvr9E-00043-00003099-00003106 HEAVILY WOODED AREA NEAR SWAMPLAND. TVWhRbEvr9E-00044-00003106-00003279 HEAVILY WOODED AREA NEAR SWAMPLAND. THE BRAINERD DISPATCH REPORTS A TVWhRbEvr9E-00045-00003279-00003286 SWAMPLAND. THE BRAINERD DISPATCH REPORTS A TVWhRbEvr9E-00046-00003286-00003490 SWAMPLAND. THE BRAINERD DISPATCH REPORTS A STATE PATROL HELICOPTER LOCATED TVWhRbEvr9E-00047-00003490-00003496 THE BRAINERD DISPATCH REPORTS A STATE PATROL HELICOPTER LOCATED TVWhRbEvr9E-00048-00003496-00003683 THE BRAINERD DISPATCH REPORTS A STATE PATROL HELICOPTER LOCATED VINCENT AND JODY FACCHIANO OF TVWhRbEvr9E-00049-00003683-00003690 STATE PATROL HELICOPTER LOCATED VINCENT AND JODY FACCHIANO OF TVWhRbEvr9E-00050-00003690-00003833 STATE PATROL HELICOPTER LOCATED VINCENT AND JODY FACCHIANO OF ILLINOIS NEAR THE RAILROAD TVWhRbEvr9E-00051-00003833-00003840 VINCENT AND JODY FACCHIANO OF ILLINOIS NEAR THE RAILROAD TVWhRbEvr9E-00052-00003840-00004044 VINCENT AND JODY FACCHIANO OF ILLINOIS NEAR THE RAILROAD TRACKS IN THE AREA. TVWhRbEvr9E-00053-00004044-00004050 ILLINOIS NEAR THE RAILROAD TRACKS IN THE AREA. TVWhRbEvr9E-00054-00004050-00004200 ILLINOIS NEAR THE RAILROAD TRACKS IN THE AREA. THE TWO WERE AIRLIFTED FROM THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00055-00004200-00004207 TRACKS IN THE AREA. THE TWO WERE AIRLIFTED FROM THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00056-00004207-00004344 TRACKS IN THE AREA. THE TWO WERE AIRLIFTED FROM THE SCENE WITH ONLY MINOR INJURIES, TVWhRbEvr9E-00057-00004344-00004351 THE TWO WERE AIRLIFTED FROM THE SCENE WITH ONLY MINOR INJURIES, TVWhRbEvr9E-00058-00004351-00004514 THE TWO WERE AIRLIFTED FROM THE SCENE WITH ONLY MINOR INJURIES, INCLUDING BUMPS AND BRUISES. TVWhRbEvr9E-00059-00004514-00004521 SCENE WITH ONLY MINOR INJURIES, INCLUDING BUMPS AND BRUISES. TVWhRbEvr9E-00060-00004521-00004728 SCENE WITH ONLY MINOR INJURIES, INCLUDING BUMPS AND BRUISES. CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF'S TVWhRbEvr9E-00061-00004728-00004734 INCLUDING BUMPS AND BRUISES. CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF'S TVWhRbEvr9E-00062-00004734-00004938 INCLUDING BUMPS AND BRUISES. CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS TOLD THE DISPATCH THAT TVWhRbEvr9E-00063-00004938-00004944 CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS TOLD THE DISPATCH THAT TVWhRbEvr9E-00064-00004944-00005145 CROW WING COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS TOLD THE DISPATCH THAT THE PILOT, 60-YEAR-OLD VINCENT TVWhRbEvr9E-00065-00005145-00005151 OFFICIALS TOLD THE DISPATCH THAT THE PILOT, 60-YEAR-OLD VINCENT TVWhRbEvr9E-00066-00005151-00005288 OFFICIALS TOLD THE DISPATCH THAT THE PILOT, 60-YEAR-OLD VINCENT FACCHIANO, SAID THE ENGINE TVWhRbEvr9E-00067-00005288-00005295 THE PILOT, 60-YEAR-OLD VINCENT FACCHIANO, SAID THE ENGINE TVWhRbEvr9E-00068-00005295-00005445 THE PILOT, 60-YEAR-OLD VINCENT FACCHIANO, SAID THE ENGINE FAILED UPON APPROACH AND THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00069-00005445-00005452 FACCHIANO, SAID THE ENGINE FAILED UPON APPROACH AND THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00070-00005452-00005592 FACCHIANO, SAID THE ENGINE FAILED UPON APPROACH AND THE PLANE WAS UNABLE TO REACH THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00071-00005592-00005598 FAILED UPON APPROACH AND THE PLANE WAS UNABLE TO REACH THE TVWhRbEvr9E-00072-00005598-00005732 FAILED UPON APPROACH AND THE PLANE WAS UNABLE TO REACH THE RUNWAY. TVWhRbEvr9E-00073-00005732-00005739 PLANE WAS UNABLE TO REACH THE RUNWAY. TVWhRbEvr9E-00074-00005739-00005869 PLANE WAS UNABLE TO REACH THE RUNWAY. OVER THE WEEKEND, TWO OTHER TVWhRbEvr9E-00075-00005869-00005875 RUNWAY. OVER THE WEEKEND, TWO OTHER TVWhRbEvr9E-00076-00005875-00006046 RUNWAY. OVER THE WEEKEND, TWO OTHER SMALL PLANES CRASHED IN WESTERN TVWhRbEvr9E-00077-00006046-00006052 OVER THE WEEKEND, TWO OTHER SMALL PLANES CRASHED IN WESTERN TVWhRbEvr9E-00078-00006052-00006159 OVER THE WEEKEND, TWO OTHER SMALL PLANES CRASHED IN WESTERN MINNESOTA'S DOUGLAS COUNTY TXmYVGBwKVA-00000-00001256-00001364 Bonjour bonjour ! TXmYVGBwKVA-00001-00001364-00001839 Welcome in France at the Paul Ricard, South of France, a beautiful track, I wouldn't say TXmYVGBwKVA-00002-00001839-00002264 anything else would I, and I'm gonna take you through a lap and give you some of my TXmYVGBwKVA-00003-00002384-00002716 key bases on the race track, so let’s go ! TXmYVGBwKVA-00004-00002840-00003152 Out of the last corner, onto the main straight, DRS open, TXmYVGBwKVA-00005-00003256-00003728 going to turns 1 and 2. Here, 8th Gear, quite a long straight line TXmYVGBwKVA-00006-00003728-00003992 Pit exit coming here, so in the race here you got to watch it TXmYVGBwKVA-00007-00004047-00004432 It's not an easy braking as you can see, it's quite blind at the apex and there's many TXmYVGBwKVA-00008-00004432-00004968 many lines so not an easy apex to get and you need to make sure that you actually stay here TXmYVGBwKVA-00009-00004968-00005320 to go over the crest here and do that right hand side corner flat out TXmYVGBwKVA-00010-00005400-00005704 You don't want to end up on the outside curb, it’s a very nasty one TXmYVGBwKVA-00011-00005704-00006360 Here, it’s quite a small brake, use a lot of inside curb here, make sure you position TXmYVGBwKVA-00012-00006360-00006880 well in the inside for that corner, stay on the left as this turn 5 is a right handside hairpin TXmYVGBwKVA-00013-00006936-00007216 It’s key to prepare the all straight line of the Mistral. TXmYVGBwKVA-00014-00007216-00007600 So here again, try to stay as flat as you can, TXmYVGBwKVA-00015-00007664-00008184 exit as wide as you can as long as this turn 7 stays flat and onto the back straight. TXmYVGBwKVA-00016-00008184-00008776 DRS open, 8th gear, big overtake opportunity at the end of the straight. TXmYVGBwKVA-00017-00008976-00009536 Here big braking to go into the chicane, couple of options here : either you stay a little bit on TXmYVGBwKVA-00018-00009536-00010032 the left to prepare well the right but actually the more that we can go, the more the grip ends TXmYVGBwKVA-00019-00010032-00010544 up being here and you do prepare that corner a little less than you do in free practice TXmYVGBwKVA-00020-00010608-00010912 just because it grips up. Big bump on exit here, TXmYVGBwKVA-00021-00011008-00011384 be careful when you go on throttle and now onto Signes corner TXmYVGBwKVA-00022-00011504-00011840 That’ll be an easy flat in the race, there you go, TXmYVGBwKVA-00023-00011992-00012448 and then the double right of the Beausset. To me, it’s one of the most beautiful TXmYVGBwKVA-00024-00012544-00012960 corners of the whole season. You want to go as wide as you can and then TXmYVGBwKVA-00025-00012960-00013391 stay on the apex and on the racing line, then hit the second apex, hit the curb on the exit TXmYVGBwKVA-00026-00013391-00013791 but that’s high speed and you don’t want to have a snap or something like that. TXmYVGBwKVA-00027-00013888-00014424 That corner here, very easy to lock on turn 12, very easy to lock the inside wheel because TXmYVGBwKVA-00028-00014424-00014712 from the moment you brake you’re actually already turning. TXmYVGBwKVA-00029-00014768-00015119 You can use the curb on the exit, it’s quite smooth. TXmYVGBwKVA-00030-00015304-00015680 And then we are going to turn 14. Here it’s a quick downshift, TXmYVGBwKVA-00031-00015832-00016296 a lot of high speed but then you need to make sure that you stay well on the left to prepare TXmYVGBwKVA-00032-00016296-00016984 turn 15 and get a decent exit as the start finish line here is a long straight line. TXmYVGBwKVA-00033-00017040-00017480 So yeah, a beautiful track, not easy, quite a lot of high speed corners TXmYVGBwKVA-00034-00017480-00018384 and some very low speed corners. TYVPOHY3C28-00000-00000000-00000368 did you know that originally with sex education pretty much they just told you TYVPOHY3C28-00001-00000368-00000818 that don't do it right but they licious realize like people are gonna do it TYVPOHY3C28-00002-00000818-00001140 anyways so let's just teach them how to be safe about it TYVPOHY3C28-00003-00001140-00001550 that's kind of what I realized about Tana mongeau if I just tell you guys not TYVPOHY3C28-00004-00001550-00001823 the water you're still gonna watch her so I might TYVPOHY3C28-00005-00001823-00002969 as well teach you out of watching the right way what is up everybody this is TYVPOHY3C28-00006-00002969-00003375 Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the TYVPOHY3C28-00007-00003375-00003684 solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health TYVPOHY3C28-00008-00003684-00004029 and what I like to do is pull them in topics from the YouTube community try to TYVPOHY3C28-00009-00004029-00004401 teach you how to improve your mental and emotional well-being so make sure you TYVPOHY3C28-00010-00004401-00004809 subscribe and bring that notification bell so before I jump into this topic of TYVPOHY3C28-00011-00004809-00005294 how to watch 10 m Oh Joe the right way listen up all right we have been killing TYVPOHY3C28-00012-00005294-00005694 it over on Instagram the one thing I want the one thing I want like vibe ever TYVPOHY3C28-00013-00005694-00006177 helps you in any way shape or form follow me on Instagram okay I just want TYVPOHY3C28-00014-00006177-00006629 to hit 10,000 followers like even if he don't subscribe to my channel just go TYVPOHY3C28-00015-00006629-00006984 follow me on Instagram I do that I just want the little swipe up feature it's TYVPOHY3C28-00016-00006984-00007377 not too much to ask follow me on instagram at the rewired soul i'm gonna TYVPOHY3C28-00017-00007377-00007764 be doing more on there and live streams and everything like that but anyways go TYVPOHY3C28-00018-00007764-00008190 follow me on instagram alright so yeah let's talk about Tana mongea so I give TYVPOHY3C28-00019-00008190-00008577 Tana a lot of crap on my channel I try to teach you all what you can learn from TYVPOHY3C28-00020-00008577-00009050 her like what not to do and all of that but here's the thing and I don't know my TYVPOHY3C28-00021-00009050-00009404 mom just being a talent I'm talking a lot about tough love like I hope you all TYVPOHY3C28-00022-00009404-00009864 realize like I I do love everybody I don't think anybody's hopeless I don't TYVPOHY3C28-00023-00009864-00010242 think anybody's a lost cause you know I'm able to see the good in all people TYVPOHY3C28-00024-00010242-00010604 and sometimes it's a that's a fault of mine but like I want to throw a TYVPOHY3C28-00025-00010604-00011046 disclaimer I still don't think people should look up to Tana mojo as a role TYVPOHY3C28-00026-00011046-00011427 model but but what I want to say what I want to make really clear and this is TYVPOHY3C28-00027-00011427-00011985 gonna be for future videos too is that nobody not even you nobody is all good TYVPOHY3C28-00028-00011985-00012275 or all bad some of you have been following my channel we talk about black TYVPOHY3C28-00029-00012275-00012611 and white thinking black and my thinking is people are all good or all bad TYVPOHY3C28-00030-00012611-00013128 no most humans most humans unless you're a psychopath like most humans TYVPOHY3C28-00031-00013128-00013616 have good qualities and bad qualities and something I want to teach all of you TYVPOHY3C28-00032-00013616-00013959 like we're not gonna rid the world of anybody who's screwing up I'm messing up TYVPOHY3C28-00033-00013959-00014376 or whatever that's not gonna happen but in every one of our interactions every TYVPOHY3C28-00034-00014376-00014841 single day I want you to kind of look at each person you know whether it's in TYVPOHY3C28-00035-00014841-00015378 person at work in your family or even on YouTube try to see which good qualities TYVPOHY3C28-00036-00015378-00015729 you can identify take the good leave the rest okay TYVPOHY3C28-00037-00015729-00016056 that's what we're also trying to do with ourselves with our mental health let's TYVPOHY3C28-00038-00016056-00016386 look at the good qualities that we want to hold on to then let's look at the bad TYVPOHY3C28-00039-00016386-00016623 qualities and let's work on those or get rid of them TYVPOHY3C28-00040-00016623-00017193 all right so with Tana mojo a very polarizing but I wanted to do this video TYVPOHY3C28-00041-00017193-00017607 real quick sorry for my long intro some of you liked up some of you don't but a TYVPOHY3C28-00042-00017607-00018285 tenable joke I've been really analyzing one people watch channel like why on TYVPOHY3C28-00043-00018285-00018714 earth do people watched Tana Mongeau and I made a video not that long ago like I figured TYVPOHY3C28-00044-00018714-00019032 out why people watched Anna and that video was mainly based around how we TYVPOHY3C28-00045-00019032-00019608 watch youtubers of people on reality TV who justify our poor behavior but TYVPOHY3C28-00046-00019608-00019995 there's another group of people who watched Anna who is really fascinating TYVPOHY3C28-00047-00019995-00020505 to me and that's the first thing I want to talk about is Tanner can teach you TYVPOHY3C28-00048-00020505-00021012 how to have fun all right Tanner 10 is a girl she's who parties TYVPOHY3C28-00049-00021012-00021459 she loves to party always has fun always has insane story times and stuff like TYVPOHY3C28-00050-00021459-00021684 that and like a lot of what I want you to TYVPOHY3C28-00051-00021684-00022095 realize is the balance so I saw a lot of people comment that they watched Anna TYVPOHY3C28-00052-00022095-00022479 because they're very introverted they don't go out much and they kind of TYVPOHY3C28-00053-00022479-00023103 watched Tana to live vicariously through her crazy lifestyle right but but what I TYVPOHY3C28-00054-00023103-00023592 want you to take from that is just to learn to have fun and do things and go TYVPOHY3C28-00055-00023592-00023934 out like if you're watching it like I hope what you realize like this is TYVPOHY3C28-00056-00023934-00024354 something I just I will I will never get it through to enough of you write some TYVPOHY3C28-00057-00024354-00024744 of you might get it but I have no different than you Tana mojo is no TYVPOHY3C28-00058-00024744-00025125 different than you Tana and I are the exact same people like we are all the TYVPOHY3C28-00059-00025125-00025497 same some of us just happen to hop on YouTube and get some followers that is TYVPOHY3C28-00060-00025497-00025914 it so what I want you to take from this is that antenna can go out and have fun TYVPOHY3C28-00061-00025914-00026227 you can have fun I try to teach people is I'm a sober man TYVPOHY3C28-00062-00026227-00026675 I don't drink I don't use drugs all right I have so much fun it would make TYVPOHY3C28-00063-00026675-00027158 your brain explode all right like I have a blast all the time my son and I just TYVPOHY3C28-00064-00027158-00027524 went out to breakfast had a great time my beautiful girlfriend who I miss so TYVPOHY3C28-00065-00027524-00027941 much right now could she's in Sacramento for the week anyway so and I have fun we TYVPOHY3C28-00066-00027941-00028297 have great conversations so those of you who are watching Tana to kind of live TYVPOHY3C28-00067-00028297-00028663 vicariously and see how she goes out and have fun like you can do that too but TYVPOHY3C28-00068-00028663-00029089 with everything I'm gonna talk about like take precautions all right like you TYVPOHY3C28-00069-00029089-00029537 can go out and have fun just don't be getting into fights and things like that TYVPOHY3C28-00070-00029537-00030091 so the next good quality about Tana is that she's a successful young woman like TYVPOHY3C28-00071-00030091-00030587 there was no denying that she is a successful young woman she's young she's TYVPOHY3C28-00072-00030587-00031022 making her own money she's independent right she has merged she goes on tour TYVPOHY3C28-00073-00031022-00031469 and all those things like that to me is something inspiring like no matter who TYVPOHY3C28-00074-00031469-00031883 the youtuber is like I look like again I'm not a fan of Tana not fan of Jay TYVPOHY3C28-00075-00031883-00032216 Paul not a fan of Logan Paul there's a lot of youtubers well I'm not a fan of TYVPOHY3C28-00076-00032216-00032764 but what I want you to take from that it's like anybody can do this anybody TYVPOHY3C28-00077-00032764-00033059 can pick up a camera like you guys I've sorted out my youtube channel on my TYVPOHY3C28-00078-00033059-00033559 phone that's it you know what I mean and like now you know with my books and like TYVPOHY3C28-00079-00033559-00034027 my patreon and the merch and all that like I'm fully supporting myself I TYVPOHY3C28-00080-00034027-00034540 support my son you know what I mean I have my own place through what I'm doing TYVPOHY3C28-00081-00034540-00035021 on my own right so I I hope that you guys can look at that and say okay if TYVPOHY3C28-00082-00035021-00035503 this young woman can do it what can I do to get to that level of success now with TYVPOHY3C28-00083-00035503-00035791 the next couple talks where I talk about like you need to find out what works for TYVPOHY3C28-00084-00035791-00036115 you you need to find out how you stay mentally healthy you need to find out TYVPOHY3C28-00085-00036115-00036581 how you're gonna be successful without causing problems and drama and getting TYVPOHY3C28-00086-00036581-00037055 into all this stuff right but I hope watching these youtubers gives you hope TYVPOHY3C28-00087-00037055-00037550 like we again we are just normal people right we are no different than you or TYVPOHY3C28-00088-00037550-00037825 anybody else same thing with celebrities like I don't TYVPOHY3C28-00089-00037825-00038290 get starstruck like people are just people like I always try to teach you TYVPOHY3C28-00090-00038290-00038705 guys that money and all these other things are not just gonna eradicate your TYVPOHY3C28-00091-00038705-00039005 depression I'm gonna do a video or send out an TYVPOHY3C28-00092-00039005-00039446 email soon about the difference between happiness and not being stressed cuz TYVPOHY3C28-00093-00039446-00039791 those are two different things I see a lot of people who say no if I had money TYVPOHY3C28-00094-00039791-00040205 I'd be happy none in N&L if you had money you'd be less stressed about TYVPOHY3C28-00095-00040205-00040571 certain things but it doesn't guarantee your happiness all right but look at TYVPOHY3C28-00096-00040571-00040934 somebody like Tana who's a young woman who is very successful and even though I TYVPOHY3C28-00097-00040934-00041408 don't agree with young women watching Tana mojo like if I had a daughter Tana TYVPOHY3C28-00098-00041408-00041861 mojo would not be someone who she watches but again young women are gonna TYVPOHY3C28-00099-00041861-00042452 watch Tana and I hope they can just see despite all the bad qualities that it is TYVPOHY3C28-00100-00042452-00042797 possible for a young woman to become successful and independent alright so TYVPOHY3C28-00101-00042797-00043439 this next one I just made a video don't be friends with Tana mojo but again I TYVPOHY3C28-00102-00043439-00043865 don't think anybody's all good or all bad so her friend Zac bad Zac I just TYVPOHY3C28-00103-00043865-00044348 realized he's a rapper too he got beat up by this dude Bryce right Tana was TYVPOHY3C28-00104-00044348-00044645 there for him Tana was there for Zac that's a great TYVPOHY3C28-00105-00044645-00045218 quality like as friends we need to be there for our friends now I think Tana TYVPOHY3C28-00106-00045218-00045608 went about it in the wrong way I think Tana was very petty I think she TYVPOHY3C28-00107-00045608-00045959 was very childish in our video I think there was a million other things she TYVPOHY3C28-00108-00045959-00046292 could have done that would have been much better to help her friend Zac in TYVPOHY3C28-00109-00046292-00046811 that situation but like I said not everything is just black and white the TYVPOHY3C28-00110-00046811-00047333 fact that she was there for Zac was something good right like we need to TYVPOHY3C28-00111-00047333-00047681 learn how to be there for our friends one of the issues that I see with a lot TYVPOHY3C28-00112-00047681-00047960 of friendships or relationships is a lot of this just take take take take take TYVPOHY3C28-00113-00047960-00048566 right but we also have to kind of dissect the friendship a little bit so TYVPOHY3C28-00114-00048566-00049064 if any of you watch tennis story time with Zac like what I would say is I TYVPOHY3C28-00115-00049064-00049418 would I would have a conversation like how do we how do we avoid these TYVPOHY3C28-00116-00049418-00049835 situations in the future right like you guys just to make it clear I don't have TYVPOHY3C28-00117-00049835-00050126 any friends who are getting into fights on a regular basis anymore right TYVPOHY3C28-00118-00050126-00050672 because either a we both matured and grew up together or be they're not in my TYVPOHY3C28-00119-00050672-00050945 life anymore one thing that I would say though that TYVPOHY3C28-00120-00050945-00051695 you can also learn from Tana in this kind of topic is that Tana tena does she TYVPOHY3C28-00121-00051695-00052034 is mindful of Zach's good qualities right like she TYVPOHY3C28-00122-00052034-00052628 pointed out the good qualities in BadZach so tena does see that right so what I TYVPOHY3C28-00123-00052628-00053114 would say to take away from that and what you're gonna learn from Tana is to TYVPOHY3C28-00124-00053114-00053720 find people who have similar qualities okay now I could dissect BadZach and these TYVPOHY3C28-00125-00053720-00054233 qualities like in a whole nother video but I think it's important to realize TYVPOHY3C28-00126-00054233-00054686 that there's a lot of people who are very helpful kind and generous but it's TYVPOHY3C28-00127-00054686-00055169 still extremely problematic or have a life that's unmanageable all right the TYVPOHY3C28-00128-00055169-00055760 last thing I want to talk about he actually came up on Twitter to go from TYVPOHY3C28-00129-00055760-00056012 you know what let me give her a shout out real quick she's one of my favorite TYVPOHY3C28-00130-00056012-00056438 people on Twitter by the way follow me on Twitter too this is from and so I TYVPOHY3C28-00131-00056438-00056929 said like my original title for this was white Anna Bojo is a good role model and TYVPOHY3C28-00132-00056929-00057422 an replied and said I think she could be an example of just doing what you want TYVPOHY3C28-00133-00057422-00057742 despite what other people think for better or for worse also she's a good TYVPOHY3C28-00134-00057742-00058172 example of having a non-monogamous relationship instead of cheating right TYVPOHY3C28-00135-00058172-00058685 so yeah let's talk about sexuality real quick like I think I think it is a good TYVPOHY3C28-00136-00058685-00059432 example like you guys I had some people come in Jason oh right like you guys TYVPOHY3C28-00137-00059432-00059980 like I cannot express to you I could not express to you like how much better your TYVPOHY3C28-00138-00059980-00060401 mental health would be if you quit caring so damn much about what people TYVPOHY3C28-00139-00060401-00060803 think about you so kind of like a mention too that like Tana is great at TYVPOHY3C28-00140-00060803-00061184 not caring so much about what people think of her right like you guys like it TYVPOHY3C28-00141-00061184-00061553 is it is screwed up and it's gonna sound like I'm some like white knight or nice TYVPOHY3C28-00142-00061553-00062005 guy or whatever would I say this like it is very screwed up how if a guy hooks up TYVPOHY3C28-00143-00062005-00062435 with a lot of women you know he's like a player or a pimp right but if a girl TYVPOHY3C28-00144-00062435-00062813 does that it's a completely different view like that's nuts TYVPOHY3C28-00145-00062813-00063215 so like I'm glad that Anna like it's very open and vocal about that and I TYVPOHY3C28-00146-00063215-00063632 hope women understand like not even women but guys understand too like you TYVPOHY3C28-00147-00063632-00063962 know like we're all just people just do you think if you're not hurting anybody TYVPOHY3C28-00148-00063962-00064405 if you're not running around spreading STDs or like whatever it is I can harm TYVPOHY3C28-00149-00064405-00064901 other people do you think boo do you think all right and I also like what ads TYVPOHY3C28-00150-00064901-00065286 say - like you guys I know monogamous TYVPOHY3C28-00151-00065286-00065685 relationships are like the normal like I'm in one that's what I like that's TYVPOHY3C28-00152-00065685-00066120 what I prefer that's what works for me myself interested we are just committed TYVPOHY3C28-00153-00066120-00066534 to each other 1,000% but there's nothing wrong with open relationships I've got TYVPOHY3C28-00154-00066534-00066951 some videos about that in the past like if you're polyamorous or if you have an TYVPOHY3C28-00155-00066951-00067275 open relationship do you think like I said as long as you're not hurting TYVPOHY3C28-00156-00067275-00067905 anybody who cares you know what I mean we we hold back ourselves so much from TYVPOHY3C28-00157-00067905-00068343 doing what makes us happier what we believe in like you guys morals morals TYVPOHY3C28-00158-00068343-00068748 are all about perception right like my morals are different than your morals TYVPOHY3C28-00159-00068748-00069195 right like a great book I read on this is called the moral landscape but anyway TYVPOHY3C28-00160-00069195-00069567 it's like as long as you're not hurting anybody like do you think now it does TYVPOHY3C28-00161-00069567-00070062 get a little like gray area when it's like oh is my is my sexuality hurting my TYVPOHY3C28-00162-00070062-00070419 parents right but then a lot of times when it comes to parents family friends TYVPOHY3C28-00163-00070419-00070779 wherever it is like I want all of you to know right now that's more of a problem TYVPOHY3C28-00164-00070779-00071289 with them than it is with you okay let me repeat that real quick a lot of TYVPOHY3C28-00165-00071289-00071661 people who judge you on your lifestyle if you're not holding anybody that is a TYVPOHY3C28-00166-00071661-00072027 problem with them that is not a problem with you all right TYVPOHY3C28-00167-00072027-00072576 so like I said like I'm glad that 10 is very open and honest about about these TYVPOHY3C28-00168-00072576-00072909 things but you know on the negative side of it I don't think it's good for you TYVPOHY3C28-00169-00072909-00073293 know her young viewers to you know witness that all the time I hope her TYVPOHY3C28-00170-00073293-00073590 younger viewers are having conversations with their parents they're being smart TYVPOHY3C28-00171-00073590-00073923 and all those other things but for all of you in your 20s and things like that TYVPOHY3C28-00172-00073923-00074217 who are watching this I hope that kind of inspires you to be a little bit more TYVPOHY3C28-00173-00074217-00074535 brave a little bit more fearless and care a little bit less about what people TYVPOHY3C28-00174-00074535-00075021 think of you alright so again again like the point and the goal of this video TYVPOHY3C28-00175-00075021-00075372 like I'm not telling you to go subscribe to Tana and you want to you can but if TYVPOHY3C28-00176-00075372-00075777 you're gonna watch Tana watch her the right way for example I have people in TYVPOHY3C28-00177-00075777-00076191 my life who I don't look up to as role models but I look at them and say what TYVPOHY3C28-00178-00076191-00076569 can I learn from them what parts of them can help me or help TYVPOHY3C28-00179-00076569-00077076 my mental health alright so I hope that helps all of you out let me know down in TYVPOHY3C28-00180-00077076-00077472 the comments below like what good quality focus on the good quality what TYVPOHY3C28-00181-00077472-00077916 good quality can you take away from Tana Bojo alright let's get a little a little TYVPOHY3C28-00182-00077916-00078307 glass-is-half-full up in this piece and again again if you're not following TYVPOHY3C28-00183-00078307-00078667 me on Instagram yeah please go follow me on Instagram I just want to hit 10k TYVPOHY3C28-00184-00078667-00079135 please I'm sorry I won't back alright but if you liked this video please give TYVPOHY3C28-00185-00079135-00079396 it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and bring that TYVPOHY3C28-00186-00079396-00079758 notification bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge huge thank you TYVPOHY3C28-00187-00079758-00080044 to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon got some new names up there TYVPOHY3C28-00188-00080044-00080341 if you would like to be one of the names on this list click the tap on that paint TYVPOHY3C28-00189-00080341-00080713 you want icon right there you also get access to some exclusive content all TYVPOHY3C28-00190-00080713-00081114 right thanks again for watching I'll see you next time Tdi9SjoL4mu-00000-00000748-00001068 In 1985, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00001-00001100-00001755 the Barrié Foundation published my doctoral thesis "Castillos y fortificaciones de Galicia". Tdi9SjoL4mu-00002-00001923-00002508 My interest in the ancient military architecture of Galicia dates to 1976, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00003-00002560-00002964 when I was commissioned to restore the castle of Finisterre, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00004-00003032-00003479 years later I projected the almost total reconstruction of the castle of Cedeira, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00005-00003528-00004004 as well as some occasional intervention for the castle of San Antón in A Coruña. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00006-00004079-00004664 Those commissions forced me to delve deeper into the subject that I now present in this documentary. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00007-00004940-00005936 In the 16th century there was an intense period of naval attacks and plundering of coastal regions and fishing villages along the Galician coast. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00008-00006068-00006720 Piracy raids such as the several attacks by the Englishman Harry Pay to Finisterre, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00009-00006776-00007023 taking the bells of the churches of Duyo, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00010-00007023-00007152 to melt cannons. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00011-00007295-00007859 Seven French sailing ships also attacked Finisterre in 1552. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00012-00007964-00008180 The landings against this city, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00013-00008220-00008636 Muxía or Nemiña continued in the 17th century. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00014-00008908-00009296 Turkish and Algerian pirates reached Noia, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00015-00009296-00009372 Rianxo, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00016-00009392-00009544 Vigo and Finisterre. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00017-00009608-00010276 These African ships took the population of Cangas captive in 1617. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00018-00010408-00010448 Also, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00019-00010448-00011032 Corcubion was attacked by French corsairs in 1656, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00020-00011096-00011596 continuing incessantly the incursions until the XVIII century, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00021-00011672-00012272 becoming unsustainable the exposed situation of the estuaries and populations of the Costa de la Muerte. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00022-00012580-00013200 In 1744 the Captain General of Galicia warned the town of Muros, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00023-00013200-00013936 on the coast of Finisterre to repair the walls and defenses to repel the constant attacks it was subjected to. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00024-00014024-00014228 It had a fort in the port, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00025-00014256-00014500 where today is the Town Hall square, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00026-00014516-00014776 with capacity for sixteen cannons, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00027-00014812-00015176 which had been built by the Marquis of Cerralbo in the sixteenth century. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00028-00015424-00015924 In the 19th century it suffered the two most violent attacks, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00029-00015980-00016484 one naval by English ships that bombarded the city in 1805, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00030-00016512-00016964 and the other with the entry of the French troops during the War of Independence, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00031-00017040-00017300 where they burned and destroyed the fort. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00032-00017376-00017780 Its remains were used for the construction of the pier. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00033-00018004-00018140 From the late Middle Ages, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00034-00018140-00018316 the castle of Vimianzo, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00035-00018316-00018536 a fortification steeped in history, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00036-00018536-00018676 is preserved on this coast. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00037-00018720-00019040 The current fortification is from the 15th century, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00038-00019040-00019320 belonging to the Moscoso family, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00039-00019364-00019664 who starred in a notorious episode, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00040-00019664-00020456 when they kidnapped Archbishop Alonso de Fonseca and caged him in this castle for more than two years. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00041-00020504-00020564 Later, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00042-00020564-00020724 during the Irmandiña war, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00043-00020744-00021064 the population revolted against the feudal lords, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00044-00021076-00021432 storming the castle in 1467. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00045-00021696-00022080 The Counts of Altamira returned to occupy the castle, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00046-00022080-00022288 which after its reconstruction, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00047-00022308-00022896 was administered by their representatives to collect taxes until the twentieth century, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00048-00022896-00023168 when it passed to public administration. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00049-00023364-00024136 It was not until the 18th century that the new corps of Military Engineers undertook the installation of authentic forts or castles Tdi9SjoL4mu-00050-00024136-00024292 on the Costa de la Muerte, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00051-00024332-00024560 with the necessary armament, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00052-00024560-00024640 personnel, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00053-00024640-00024744 and provisions. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00054-00025008-00025895 The engineer Francisco Llovet carried out the general project of the network of castles for the defenses of the estuaries of Corcubión, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00055-00025895-00026136 Finisterre and Camariñas - Muxía, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00056-00026168-00026583 between 1753 and 1755, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00057-00026624-00026795 although several were not carried out. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00058-00027008-00027408 The model of the Soberano castle in the town of Camariñas, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00059-00027408-00028020 responds to the type of fort with a curved battery for 17 cannons, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00060-00028020-00028232 an interior nave for the troops, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00061-00028256-00028880 with an incorporated powder magazine and a rear wall for 120m long guns, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00062-00028924-00029232 with a triple bastion towards the land. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00063-00029300-00029816 The castle was completed by the engineer Miguel Marín around 1754. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00064-00029964-00030295 After being occupied by the French, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00065-00030295-00030604 who abandoned it in March 1809, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00066-00030648-00030916 and already in disuse in the 20th century, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00067-00030952-00031436 its ashlars were used to build the pier, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00068-00031476-00031824 leaving the masonry skeleton bare. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00069-00032076-00032227 For the Corcubion estuary, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00070-00032227-00032532 Llovet projected the construction of four castles, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00071-00032532-00032936 on the coastal ledges of the municipalities of Cee and Corcubion. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00072-00033040-00033552 In Cee only the castle of the Prince was built in the place of Ameixenda. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00073-00033616-00033944 Crossing its artillery fire with the castle of Corcubión, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00074-00033992-00034328 they closed the access to the beaches of the interior, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00075-00034348-00034720 place of frequent plundering landings. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00076-00034800-00035572 But it could do little when the two towns were occupied by French forces in April 1809. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00077-00035620-00035892 On their departure the building was ruined. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00078-00036032-00036228 The castle of the Prince, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00079-00036228-00036632 so named in reference to the future Charles IV, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00080-00036672-00036876 is the most unique of all, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00081-00036924-00037728 as the artillery battery consists of thick ramparts to defend the artillerymen from side fire. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00082-00037808-00038132 This novelty is due to the presence in the estuary, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00083-00038132-00038272 directing the works, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00084-00038304-00038796 of the French engineer Carlos Lemaur in 1756. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00085-00038968-00039416 When the first military engineers arrived in Galicia in the XVIII century, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00086-00039468-00039848 the coastal castles of these estuaries began to be built, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00087-00039876-00040284 among them the one of Corcubión around 1740, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00088-00040364-00040792 projected by the engineers of the works of the Arsenal of Ferrol. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00089-00041292-00041592 With the plan of the engineer Llovet for the defense of the estuaries, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00090-00041656-00041984 in 1750 the works of the castle of the Cardenal, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00091-00041984-00042092 near this town, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00092-00042092-00042208 were resumed. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00093-00042280-00042568 A second fortification was planned for the area, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00094-00042568-00042756 but it was never built. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00095-00043052-00043428 It belongs to the same model as the rest of the series, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00096-00043464-00044060 with a battery of 17 loopholes on a polygonal platform, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00097-00044116-00044712 with a nave for the residence of the troops and a wall towards the land with loopholes for rifles, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00098-00044740-00044912 formed by three bastions. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00099-00045268-00045588 Its life was violent during the war of Independence, i Tdi9SjoL4mu-00100-00045608-00045844 n which the French troops took it, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00101-00045844-00046032 reducing the defenders. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00102-00046060-00046228 When Corcubion was burned, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00103-00046228-00046528 the population fled or embarked in boats. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00104-00046644-00046756 In Finisterre, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00105-00046756-00046880 in addition to its wall, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00106-00046880-00047452 the castle or fort of San Carlos was built on an elevation in the inlet of the port, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00107-00047500-00047760 a strategic place for the defense of the town. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00108-00047912-00048768 The work belongs to the middle of the 18th century when it was designed by the engineers Carlos Lemaur and Antonio Exarch. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00109-00048872-00049356 The irregular shape of its plan is adapted to the high platform of the rock, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00110-00049400-00049788 with the gun ports oriented in three directions, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00111-00049788-00049944 towards Cape Finisterre, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00112-00049960-00050268 towards the center of the estuary and towards the port. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00113-00050692-00051324 The French destroyed the castle in the invasion of April 1809. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00114-00051432-00051979 It remained in ruins until a new nave was built inside, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00115-00052008-00052224 with an overhang of windows. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00116-00052344-00052912 The final restoration was carried out in 1977, Tdi9SjoL4mu-00117-00052972-00053567 when the Social Institute of the Navy converted it into the Sailor's Home. Tdi9SjoL4mu-00118-00053664-00054152 At present it has been converted into the Sea and Fishing Museum. Te_e2YrKkYk-00001-00001440-00001592 escape Te_e2YrKkYk-00002-00002080-00002984 i cannot let you know Te_e2YrKkYk-00003-00003224-00004384 um Te_e2YrKkYk-00004-00004936-00005784 um Te_e2YrKkYk-00005-00007264-00008584 um Te_e2YrKkYk-00006-00013672-00014184 good Te_e2YrKkYk-00007-00032912-00033784 um Te_e2YrKkYk-00008-00034040-00035184 um Te_e2YrKkYk-00009-00046288-00046338 hey TfiTn6ZNifI-00000-00000060-00000260 THE MEXICAN AND AMERIAN MILITARIES TOOK TO THE TfiTn6ZNifI-00001-00000260-00000470 GRIDIRON FORSOME ATHLETIC COOPERATION AS THE U-S TfiTn6ZNifI-00002-00000470-00000734 NAVAL ACADEMY TOOK ON MEXICO'S MILITARY ACADEMY, TfiTn6ZNifI-00003-00000734-00001011 HEROICO COLEGIO MILITAR, IN AN EXHIBITION SPRINT TfiTn6ZNifI-00004-00001011-00001127 FOOTBALL GAME. TfiTn6ZNifI-00005-00001127-00001348 SPRINT FOOTBALL IS A FORM OF AMERICAN-STYLE FOOTBALL TfiTn6ZNifI-00006-00001348-00001528 WITH A 172 POUND WEIGHT LIMIT, TfiTn6ZNifI-00007-00001528-00001728 EMPHASIZING SPEED AND AGILITY. TfiTn6ZNifI-00008-00001728-00001928 THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE MIDSHIPMEN SPRINT FOOTBALL TfiTn6ZNifI-00009-00001928-00002128 TEAM HAS HOSTED INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, TfiTn6ZNifI-00010-00002128-00002339 AFTER PLAYING THE INAUGURAL GAME LAST YEAR TfiTn6ZNifI-00011-00002339-00002452 IN MEXICO CITY. TfiTn6ZNifI-00012-00002452-00002786 SO WHEN THEY GOT THERE IT WAS BIG HUGS, HANDSHAKES, TfiTn6ZNifI-00013-00002786-00003159 AND JUST A REAL SMOOTH INTERACTION WITH THEM. TfiTn6ZNifI-00014-00003159-00003370 SO IT'S A TREAT, THEY ARE EXCITED TO BE AROUND EACH TfiTn6ZNifI-00015-00003370-00003570 OTHER AND THATS WHAT IT REALLY COMES DOWN TO IS TfiTn6ZNifI-00016-00003570-00003803 THAT FOOTBALL WILL COME AND GO, TfiTn6ZNifI-00017-00003803-00004014 THE INTERACTIONS AS FAR AS RECEPTIONS WILL COME AND TfiTn6ZNifI-00018-00004014-00004260 GO, BUT THEY GET TO GET OUT THERE TONIGHT HAVE TfiTn6ZNifI-00019-00004260-00004487 SOME TEAM BUILDING AND JUST HAVE FUN. TfiTn6ZNifI-00020-00004487-00004751 THAT'S WHAT WILL BE THE MEMORY THESE KIDS WILL TfiTn6ZNifI-00021-00004751-00005051 REMEMBER, SO IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT. TfiTn6ZNifI-00022-00005052-00005312 FROM THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY, TfiTn6ZNifI-00023-00005312-00005525 I'M PETTY OFFICER JASON MEYER ThnP0QH4s1y-00000-00000002-00000648 [AUDIENCE] If that's the case, how is it possible that one single person, like you or me, is able to predict... ThnP0QH4s1y-00001-00000648-00001160 .. what is going to happen, when the whole thing is robust in consensus decision-making? Thank you. ThnP0QH4s1y-00002-00001160-00001432 [ANDREAS] Yeah, that's a good question. ThnP0QH4s1y-00003-00001432-00002280 The simple answer is that Bitcoin runs a certain set of rules, and those rules can't be changed unless... ThnP0QH4s1y-00004-00002280-00002886 .. everybody agrees. By "agrees," that means you run the software that expresses the rules that you want. ThnP0QH4s1y-00005-00002886-00003456 But if you don't do anything different, Bitcoin does not change. That's the whole point. ThnP0QH4s1y-00006-00003456-00003702 The consensus rules remain the same. ThnP0QH4s1y-00007-00003702-00004210 For example, I'm a U.S. citizen right now. ThnP0QH4s1y-00008-00004210-00005016 [The Federal Reserve announced], at the last Friday meeting, that they're going to raise interest rates. ThnP0QH4s1y-00009-00005016-00005328 They said, "Maybe once more this year." ThnP0QH4s1y-00010-00005328-00005964 I know what the interest rate will be next week; I don't know what the interest rate will be next year. ThnP0QH4s1y-00011-00005964-00006988 I know what the [issuance rate] will be for bitcoin in the year 2142, down to eight decimal points. ThnP0QH4s1y-00012-00006988-00007284 Why? Because I can read the code. It's right there. ThnP0QH4s1y-00013-00007284-00007734 That is one of the rules that's not going to change; if you change that rule, it's not Bitcoin anymore. ThnP0QH4s1y-00014-00007734-00008284 I can guarantee you that Bitcoin will never create 21 million coins. ThnP0QH4s1y-00015-00008284-00008476 That's the upper limit. We will never reach it. ThnP0QH4s1y-00016-00008476-00009364 We will get 20,997,000 [coins] with change, and then it will stop. Why? That will never change. ThnP0QH4s1y-00017-00009364-00009962 If you try to change that rule, I will say "no" and most other people interested in Bitcoin will say "no." ThnP0QH4s1y-00018-00009962-00010368 If you split off the network, you can call your thing "Buttcoin." [Laughter] ThnP0QH4s1y-00019-00010368-00010946 We will keep calling our thing "Bitcoin," and we will just keep the old rules. That certainty.... ThnP0QH4s1y-00020-00010946-00011700 It gives me a set of rules based on mathematics, [where] I can look into the future and know when, ThnP0QH4s1y-00021-00011700-00012524 down to the block number, the distribution of bitcoins will reduce by half -- in the year 2038. ThnP0QH4s1y-00022-00012524-00013208 I can tell you which block number today, because it is just mathematics. That is what gives us control. ThnP0QH4s1y-00023-00013208-00013660 This is not based on arbitrary decisions by people, it's based on mathematics. ThnP0QH4s1y-00024-00013660-00013874 Some people don't like that. ThnP0QH4s1y-00025-00013874-00014591 Some people want to have the ability to make political choices, to elect people who make choices for them, ThnP0QH4s1y-00026-00014591-00014991 to change their mind, to have flexibility in the system. ThnP0QH4s1y-00027-00014991-00015419 For that, Bitcoin isn't good, because Bitcoin is inflexible. ThnP0QH4s1y-00028-00015419-00015897 Do you want 24 million coins? Sorry, we're not going to do that. ThnP0QH4s1y-00029-00015897-00016280 It is going to be around 20,997,000. Done. ThnP0QH4s1y-00030-00016280-00016986 If you want certainty, predictability, and hard mathematical rules, Bitcoin might be... ThnP0QH4s1y-00031-00016986-00017110 an interesting choice for you. ThnP0QH4s1y-00032-00017110-00017764 If you don't, you can pick another digital currency or system of organisation. ThnP0QH4s1y-00033-00017764-00018206 [But] that's what we get [with Bitcoin], we get a level of certainty. TiyMqPzlB44-00000-00000209-00000475 okay guys TiyMqPzlB44-00001-00000475-00000901 i'm Danielle and welcome to the ESCAPED TiyMqPzlB44-00002-00000901-00001786 okay so i just come back from bank and I just withdraw my money some cash for yeah you know TiyMqPzlB44-00003-00001786-00002616 i need to buy some some stuff so as you as you can see this is my new kitchen this new TiyMqPzlB44-00004-00002616-00003606 look so i just painted um with Ammar maybe three or one months ago or months ago so i'm TiyMqPzlB44-00005-00003606-00004928 going to show you guys this is the new door color so yeah it's pretty nice you know i'm TiyMqPzlB44-00006-00004928-00006589 going to show you guys this is the cabinet TiyMqPzlB44-00007-00006589-00008407 so we have one two three four five six seven eight and we have uh i don't know where it's TiyMqPzlB44-00008-00008407-00009354 called what they call is it draw box ehh TiyMqPzlB44-00009-00009354-00010488 i have nothing just to show you guys about outside from this house TiyMqPzlB44-00010-00010488-00010886 but this door is TiyMqPzlB44-00011-00010886-00011284 We didn't paint yet TiyMqPzlB44-00012-00011284-00012295 it's quite a long time i don't make video in english so my my english is pretty bad TiyMqPzlB44-00013-00012295-00013751 i never practiced my english you know sorry um now it's nine Ramadhan so i'm fasting right TiyMqPzlB44-00014-00013751-00014532 now so it's quiet starving thirsty but you know i need to i need to fasting you know TiyMqPzlB44-00015-00014532-00015193 because yeah i need to follow my religions um rules we need to fast we need to prayer TiyMqPzlB44-00016-00015193-00015476 we need to TiyMqPzlB44-00017-00015476-00016165 yeah first thing i have nothing to say TiyMqPzlB44-00018-00016165-00016851 i just wanted to show this kitchen's new look but i will update um the next time before TiyMqPzlB44-00019-00016851-00017709 maybe before before the raya before i am before Hari Raya i will i will show you guys again TiyMqPzlB44-00020-00017709-00019544 this kitchen's look maybe we have you know you already done the tabletop TiyMqPzlB44-00021-00019544-00019644 okay TiyMqPzlB44-00022-00019644-00020648 you can do inside of this house because papa didn't allow it sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm TiyMqPzlB44-00023-00020648-00021817 really sorry i don't know what i'm going to tell to talking with you guys maybe we'll TiyMqPzlB44-00024-00021817-00022653 update our youtube channel maybe every week every week we will post publish at least one TiyMqPzlB44-00025-00022653-00023798 or two videos every week we have very we have many a lot of problems right now with my upcoming TiyMqPzlB44-00026-00023798-00025223 examinations spm with you know i have a lot of stuff i need to to solve to settle down TiyMqPzlB44-00027-00025223-00025323 yeah TiyMqPzlB44-00028-00025323-00025904 it's really it's quite tough for me for our crew ESCAPED especially Danish he's quite TiyMqPzlB44-00029-00025904-00026709 far from us because he's living in Negeri Sembilan so yeah you know i'm not talking TiyMqPzlB44-00030-00026709-00027686 about our shooting film shortfilm I was said to you guys in the previous video we're going TiyMqPzlB44-00031-00027686-00027864 to TiyMqPzlB44-00032-00027864-00028858 release new short film but the script i didn't type the script yet and then we didn't we TiyMqPzlB44-00033-00028858-00029961 didn't do any meeting meeting with our crew because our crew is quite busy it's pretty TiyMqPzlB44-00034-00029961-00030152 busy TiyMqPzlB44-00035-00030152-00031113 it's quite busy with your school this year Ramadhan fastings we don't have any school TiyMqPzlB44-00036-00031113-00032024 breaks so we school the whole of the months of ramadan we are going to school so we don't TiyMqPzlB44-00037-00032024-00033162 have much time to you know to make a video to make content to give all of to give focusing TiyMqPzlB44-00038-00033162-00034035 on our youtube channel so it's really tough make this shortfilm maybe i will keep i will TiyMqPzlB44-00039-00034035-00034845 try to make this the short film so the title was KEMELUT SEDARAH TiyMqPzlB44-00040-00034845-00035966 maybe the end of 2021 we will release the short film but i have a lot of ideas we're TiyMqPzlB44-00041-00035966-00036555 going to make KEMELUT RAMADHAN (SEDARAH) (POMEN JALANAN) POMEN JALANAN is telling about i TiyMqPzlB44-00042-00036555-00037710 don't know the mechanic the motorcycle mechanic on the road TiyMqPzlB44-00043-00037710-00038427 and the last short film is SAHABAT TITIAN TAKDIR 4 for the last maybe the last or we TiyMqPzlB44-00044-00038427-00040391 have SAHABAT TITIAN TAKDIR 5 i don't know maybe it could be so yeah i don't have nothing TiyMqPzlB44-00045-00040391-00041120 to say so yeah so guys don't forget to subscribe um like comment and share our videos if you TiyMqPzlB44-00046-00041120-00041508 like it yeah just give it us please happy fasting don't skip your fasting especially TiyMqPzlB44-00047-00041508-00041724 men boys, girls they have excuses cause they've period, bye peace out TnrHMSZpHI4-00000-00000012-00000266 - But see, we can be doing redemptive things TnrHMSZpHI4-00001-00000266-00000568 in the culture not tied to any political motivation, TnrHMSZpHI4-00002-00000568-00000858 tied to the eternal justice of Jesus, TnrHMSZpHI4-00003-00000858-00001177 and He doesn't want one person to perish. TnrHMSZpHI4-00004-00001177-00001390 Somebody can you mind standing up for a little bit longer? TnrHMSZpHI4-00005-00001390-00001632 Because again, like I'm not on the front lines every day TnrHMSZpHI4-00006-00001632-00002014 like Carolyn is, so there's many examples that she can give. TnrHMSZpHI4-00007-00002014-00002281 And if you've been in the church, maybe what was it? TnrHMSZpHI4-00008-00002281-00002498 Six or seven years ago when Lourdes came TnrHMSZpHI4-00009-00002498-00002679 - Yes. - And this was a person TnrHMSZpHI4-00010-00002679-00002785 that had been homeless. TnrHMSZpHI4-00011-00002785-00003030 You could just give a quick story. TnrHMSZpHI4-00012-00003030-00003504 - So when I met Lourdes, she was just coming TnrHMSZpHI4-00013-00003504-00003900 out of a shelter for the domestic violence. TnrHMSZpHI4-00014-00003900-00004400 And she had two teenage sons and twin daughters. TnrHMSZpHI4-00015-00004442-00004762 And what had happened was that they were, TnrHMSZpHI4-00016-00004762-00004945 and they ended up being put TnrHMSZpHI4-00017-00004945-00005300 in a high school in Patterson, her sons TnrHMSZpHI4-00018-00005300-00005600 and they were bullied really badly. TnrHMSZpHI4-00019-00005600-00005824 And as a result, we ended up connecting them TnrHMSZpHI4-00020-00005824-00006123 with some resources and got them the help they needed TnrHMSZpHI4-00021-00006123-00006385 until her sons, you know, they persevered TnrHMSZpHI4-00022-00006385-00006614 and hopefully they're somewhere doing well. TnrHMSZpHI4-00023-00006614-00006945 But at the end of the day, Lourdes was in need of work. TnrHMSZpHI4-00024-00006945-00007203 But she came in as a volunteer to help out TnrHMSZpHI4-00025-00007203-00007529 because she was so pleased with the support we've given her. TnrHMSZpHI4-00026-00007529-00007988 And eventually we hired her as a family partner, TnrHMSZpHI4-00027-00007988-00008293 i.e someone who would speak to other moms TnrHMSZpHI4-00028-00008293-00008483 who might be in the same situation TnrHMSZpHI4-00029-00008483-00008830 of domestic violence or whatever the need was. TnrHMSZpHI4-00030-00008830-00009249 And she excelled, did extremely well. TnrHMSZpHI4-00031-00009249-00009677 And in the process, she got a call from her dad TnrHMSZpHI4-00032-00009677-00009988 and in Puerto Rico, that someone TnrHMSZpHI4-00033-00009988-00010488 had come to visit who was, actually not coming to visit. TnrHMSZpHI4-00034-00010561-00010662 He had gone to visit TnrHMSZpHI4-00035-00010662-00011136 because he was a physician who was working on his, TnrHMSZpHI4-00036-00011261-00011494 he was a surgeon, heart surgeon. TnrHMSZpHI4-00037-00011494-00011803 So he's dealing with his issues of her father's heart. TnrHMSZpHI4-00038-00011803-00011944 Long story short, TnrHMSZpHI4-00039-00011944-00012148 that gentlemen ends up being a person TnrHMSZpHI4-00040-00012148-00012439 that tried to date her when they were in high school, TnrHMSZpHI4-00041-00012439-00012583 who her father kicked out the house. TnrHMSZpHI4-00042-00012583-00012852 (laughing) TnrHMSZpHI4-00043-00012852-00013143 So long story short, he connected them TnrHMSZpHI4-00044-00013143-00013355 and they started talking. TnrHMSZpHI4-00045-00013355-00013709 And before you knew it, that flame was revived. TnrHMSZpHI4-00046-00013709-00014038 She ended up going back to Puerto Rico, getting married TnrHMSZpHI4-00047-00014038-00014432 and lives on some nice home on the beach in Puerto Rico. TnrHMSZpHI4-00048-00014432-00014619 But the - Why? TnrHMSZpHI4-00049-00014619-00014936 'Cause somebody opened the door and said, TnrHMSZpHI4-00050-00014936-00015083 "I'm going to show up every day. TnrHMSZpHI4-00051-00015083-00015322 I don't know when this is going to go right or wrong TnrHMSZpHI4-00052-00015322-00015525 but I just know I'm going to do my part." TnrHMSZpHI4-00053-00015525-00015752 And we're going to open the door and allow people to come in. TnrHMSZpHI4-00054-00015752-00015857 She went from being homeless. TnrHMSZpHI4-00055-00015857-00015940 - Yes. TnrHMSZpHI4-00056-00015940-00016119 - To basically when you're second in command. TnrHMSZpHI4-00057-00016119-00016202 - Yeah, she did. TnrHMSZpHI4-00058-00016202-00016285 - There was so much TnrHMSZpHI4-00059-00016285-00016483 talent in this person that was being buried TnrHMSZpHI4-00060-00016483-00016721 under all the problems that she was facing. TnrHMSZpHI4-00061-00016721-00016957 But if somebody would just give a chance, Oh my God. TnrHMSZpHI4-00062-00016957-00017235 If that's not the biblical way that the Lord wants us TnrHMSZpHI4-00063-00017235-00017510 to interact with people, that doesn't mean you're naive. TnrHMSZpHI4-00064-00017510-00017682 You know, Karen, you've heard every way TnrHMSZpHI4-00065-00017682-00017886 that people try to game the system, TnrHMSZpHI4-00066-00017886-00018079 you know, but that's okay. TnrHMSZpHI4-00067-00018079-00018201 You know, that's the only way they know TnrHMSZpHI4-00068-00018201-00018340 how to play the game. TnrHMSZpHI4-00069-00018340-00018498 But now they're coming into a place that, TnrHMSZpHI4-00070-00018498-00018726 yes, it's a community service center TnrHMSZpHI4-00071-00018726-00018904 but it's also based on biblical values. TnrHMSZpHI4-00072-00018904-00018987 - Exactly. TnrHMSZpHI4-00073-00018987-00019081 - And that shows to the rest of the world. TnrHMSZpHI4-00074-00019081-00019338 - And it's so important what you're saying pastor TnrHMSZpHI4-00075-00019338-00019636 because we meet people all the time. TnrHMSZpHI4-00076-00019636-00019794 And this is the reality. TnrHMSZpHI4-00077-00019794-00020079 They don't want us preaching Jesus to them. TnrHMSZpHI4-00078-00020186-00020475 They have, they've come they have a need TnrHMSZpHI4-00079-00020475-00020718 but this is how they walk away. TnrHMSZpHI4-00080-00020718-00020912 I felt love. TnrHMSZpHI4-00081-00021001-00021304 And then that's the opportunity when we say, TnrHMSZpHI4-00082-00021304-00021567 "Yes, that's the way Jesus uses us." TnrHMSZpHI4-00083-00021567-00021650 - [Peter] Right. TnrHMSZpHI4-00084-00021650-00021869 - So that's a much more effective witness TnrHMSZpHI4-00085-00021869-00022192 than me coming in, you know, giving somebody a Bible TnrHMSZpHI4-00086-00022192-00022483 that they didn't ask for, but showing the love. TnrHMSZpHI4-00087-00022483-00022926 And when they walk away, they say that place, New Destiny, TnrHMSZpHI4-00088-00022926-00023426 when I walked in there, the love I felt, that's a testimony, TnrHMSZpHI4-00089-00023447-00023530 - [Congregation] Yes. TnrHMSZpHI4-00090-00023530-00023742 - To the power of God in action. TnrHMSZpHI4-00091-00023742-00023900 I want to just share a scripture here, TnrHMSZpHI4-00092-00023900-00024106 pastor that - Please. TnrHMSZpHI4-00093-00024106-00024306 - The Lord just has been burning in me. TnrHMSZpHI4-00094-00024306-00024396 It's from, TnrHMSZpHI4-00095-00024729-00024845 Ephesians 1. TnrHMSZpHI4-00096-00024950-00025065 And I'm going to read a little bit. TnrHMSZpHI4-00097-00025065-00025345 It's from the Persian Translation. TnrHMSZpHI4-00098-00025345-00025574 "Through our union with Christ, TnrHMSZpHI4-00099-00025574-00026059 we too have been claimed by God as His own inheritance. TnrHMSZpHI4-00100-00026150-00026650 Before we were even born, He gave us our destiny, TnrHMSZpHI4-00101-00026747-00027038 that we would fulfill the plan of God TnrHMSZpHI4-00102-00027038-00027377 who always accomplishes every purpose TnrHMSZpHI4-00103-00027377-00027584 and plan in His heart." TnrHMSZpHI4-00104-00027584-00027682 - [Peter] Hmm. - [Congregation] Amen. TnrHMSZpHI4-00105-00027682-00027927 - That's the word of the Lord for all of us. TnrHMSZpHI4-00106-00027927-00028107 So we all have a destiny. TnrHMSZpHI4-00107-00028107-00028408 We, God's already designed the plan. TnrHMSZpHI4-00108-00028408-00028722 We are the solution to these issues. TnrHMSZpHI4-00109-00028722-00028898 One of the things pastor mentioned TnrHMSZpHI4-00110-00028898-00029254 with summer learning loss, we way beyond that now. TnrHMSZpHI4-00111-00029254-00029582 We have had a year of learning loss TnrHMSZpHI4-00112-00029582-00029741 with these, with our children. TnrHMSZpHI4-00113-00029741-00029970 So our children are probably going to emerge TnrHMSZpHI4-00114-00029970-00030345 from this pandemic at least two to three years behind TnrHMSZpHI4-00115-00030345-00030577 'cause they were already behind a year TnrHMSZpHI4-00116-00030577-00030817 some of them before the pandemic. TnrHMSZpHI4-00117-00030817-00031255 And so I'm just saying, Lord, how can we be, TnrHMSZpHI4-00118-00031255-00031517 how can I be a solution? TnrHMSZpHI4-00119-00031517-00031893 I believe God is going to deposit in the body of Christ TnrHMSZpHI4-00120-00031893-00032258 solutions and strategies that are going to help TnrHMSZpHI4-00121-00032258-00032552 our children overcome these barriers. TnrHMSZpHI4-00122-00032552-00032803 And I just, I just applaud anybody TnrHMSZpHI4-00123-00032803-00033043 who's precedent in prayer in that way. TnrHMSZpHI4-00124-00033043-00033317 I guarantee you, God is going to answer that prayer. TnrHMSZpHI4-00125-00033317-00033400 - [Peter] Yeah. TnrHMSZpHI4-00126-00033400-00033492 It's a big need right now. TnrHMSZpHI4-00127-00033492-00033627 Could you just stay a little longer. TnrHMSZpHI4-00128-00033627-00033710 - Yeah. TnrHMSZpHI4-00129-00033710-00033793 - Good. TnrHMSZpHI4-00130-00033793-00033925 - Can you guys show that video that I gave you? TnrHMSZpHI4-00131-00033925-00034167 Because the Lord gave, He gives me pictures sometimes TnrHMSZpHI4-00132-00034167-00034445 about what he's trying to impress upon me. TnrHMSZpHI4-00133-00034445-00034670 And this one really kind of hit home. TnrHMSZpHI4-00134-00034854-00034974 It's kind of bright but, TnrHMSZpHI4-00135-00035153-00035318 you remember this ride when you were down TnrHMSZpHI4-00136-00035318-00035437 at the amusement park? TnrHMSZpHI4-00137-00035590-00035950 You're standing up against wall and it starts spinning. TnrHMSZpHI4-00138-00036139-00036267 So they're putting their arms out. TnrHMSZpHI4-00139-00036267-00036435 It's starting to spin. TnrHMSZpHI4-00140-00036435-00036657 And the bottom, the bottom is dropping. TnrHMSZpHI4-00141-00036917-00037102 Ow! See that one kid ow! TnrHMSZpHI4-00142-00037193-00037447 (congregation laughing) TnrHMSZpHI4-00143-00037447-00037789 And what's holding them in force it's centrifugal force. TnrHMSZpHI4-00144-00037789-00037931 suspending that's going on. TnrHMSZpHI4-00145-00038430-00038680 And now, we see she's falling. TnrHMSZpHI4-00146-00038896-00039248 And that means it start, it's stopping. TnrHMSZpHI4-00147-00039248-00039424 It's slowing down. TnrHMSZpHI4-00148-00039424-00039564 And now the force of that thing TnrHMSZpHI4-00149-00039564-00039818 that was holding them is diminishing. TnrHMSZpHI4-00150-00039818-00039901 So, TnrHMSZpHI4-00151-00039901-00040018 (congregation laughing) TnrHMSZpHI4-00152-00040018-00040240 at different rates, TnrHMSZpHI4-00153-00040240-00040500 they're getting their feet back on the ground again. TnrHMSZpHI4-00154-00040588-00040747 sounds long girl, still stuck up there. TnrHMSZpHI4-00155-00040747-00041080 (congregation laughing) TnrHMSZpHI4-00156-00041168-00041530 And then I like, Hey, can I venture out? TnrHMSZpHI4-00157-00041530-00041706 I don't know. TnrHMSZpHI4-00158-00041706-00041789 And then boom. TnrHMSZpHI4-00159-00041789-00041906 She gets pulled back again. TnrHMSZpHI4-00160-00042041-00042241 And this kid with the arms up in the air TnrHMSZpHI4-00161-00042435-00042572 eventually it all wears off. TnrHMSZpHI4-00162-00042572-00042655 Thank you. TnrHMSZpHI4-00163-00042655-00042738 That's it? TnrHMSZpHI4-00164-00042738-00042821 That made the point. TnrHMSZpHI4-00165-00042821-00042975 So how does this apply? TnrHMSZpHI4-00166-00043141-00043363 That's what's been going on with us, TnrHMSZpHI4-00167-00043363-00043852 a big swirl and you get pinned into position TnrHMSZpHI4-00168-00043852-00043997 and you get like obsessed TnrHMSZpHI4-00169-00043997-00044274 by having to look at the next thing and the next website. TnrHMSZpHI4-00170-00044274-00044623 And we're spending more time looking at things in the Bible. TnrHMSZpHI4-00171-00044623-00044753 Not a good plan. TnrHMSZpHI4-00172-00044753-00045122 Okay, yes, very good plan to be aware of what's going on TnrHMSZpHI4-00173-00045122-00045493 but don't allow your emotions to do what was happening TnrHMSZpHI4-00174-00045493-00045634 to them in that picture, right? TnrHMSZpHI4-00175-00045634-00045880 We can't allow ourselves to get pinned TnrHMSZpHI4-00176-00045880-00046201 into submission, to some thought process TnrHMSZpHI4-00177-00046201-00046353 whether it's fear, you know TnrHMSZpHI4-00178-00046353-00046651 all the different ways the enemies try to attack us. TnrHMSZpHI4-00179-00046651-00046955 And don't forget that for a year now, TnrHMSZpHI4-00180-00046955-00047204 we have not had a normal way of living. TnrHMSZpHI4-00181-00047204-00047494 Never mind just church services, but not being able to go TnrHMSZpHI4-00182-00047494-00047653 and get closure at a funeral. TnrHMSZpHI4-00183-00047653-00047974 There's just so many ways it's impacted our lives. TnrHMSZpHI4-00184-00047974-00048189 I was so grateful just to get to see Jim McCourt TnrHMSZpHI4-00185-00048189-00048433 before he passed, because even they're like TnrHMSZpHI4-00186-00048433-00048575 we wanted to announce the service, TnrHMSZpHI4-00187-00048575-00048729 we wanted to let everybody know, TnrHMSZpHI4-00188-00048729-00048999 but the funeral policy don't know, all you can do TnrHMSZpHI4-00189-00048999-00049153 is come in, pay your respects TnrHMSZpHI4-00190-00049153-00049312 and then you have to leave" TnrHMSZpHI4-00191-00049312-00049395 - [Congregation] Jesus. TnrHMSZpHI4-00192-00049395-00049513 - Right, I know. TnrHMSZpHI4-00193-00049513-00049820 Like it's just really this picture TnrHMSZpHI4-00194-00049820-00050191 I hope stays in your mind, fight against that force. TnrHMSZpHI4-00195-00050191-00050455 That's trying to pin you in that swirl TnrHMSZpHI4-00196-00050455-00050689 of whatever the thing is, that's trying to consume you TnrHMSZpHI4-00197-00050689-00050933 and just do what the Lord would ask us to do TnrHMSZpHI4-00198-00050933-00051266 is just go into that sanctuary, go into that presence. TnrHMSZpHI4-00199-00051266-00051349 But, okay. TnrHMSZpHI4-00200-00051349-00051609 So obviously Carolyn's black on white. TnrHMSZpHI4-00201-00051609-00051829 We grew up, we didn't really know each other that well TnrHMSZpHI4-00202-00051829-00052021 but ended up going to the same high school TnrHMSZpHI4-00203-00052021-00052226 and lived in the same town, TnrHMSZpHI4-00204-00052226-00052469 found out about each other's ministries TnrHMSZpHI4-00205-00052469-00052616 through John and Cheryl Price. TnrHMSZpHI4-00206-00052616-00052891 Right, and there's just been a connection here TnrHMSZpHI4-00207-00052891-00053274 of I'm looking at the white collar world of wall street. TnrHMSZpHI4-00208-00053274-00053563 And she's looking after being in a corporate job TnrHMSZpHI4-00209-00053563-00053862 at right on the front lines of the battle. TnrHMSZpHI4-00210-00053862-00054038 And there's something we could both bring TnrHMSZpHI4-00211-00054038-00054336 to the table that will help the bigger cause. TnrHMSZpHI4-00212-00054336-00054582 Okay, because the people that I work with TnrHMSZpHI4-00213-00054582-00054760 want to help ministries like Carolyn's TnrHMSZpHI4-00214-00054760-00054933 but might not know about it TnrHMSZpHI4-00215-00054933-00055253 or might not have a vetting process to know TnrHMSZpHI4-00216-00055253-00055359 if it's legit or not. TnrHMSZpHI4-00217-00055359-00055577 But if they trust me, TnrHMSZpHI4-00218-00055577-00055744 which I hope they do, then they would say, TnrHMSZpHI4-00219-00055744-00055994 "Oh, yeah, I would like to learn more about that." U02QLVjLUMI-00000-00000042-00000425 We are asked which of the following functions are polynomial functions. U02QLVjLUMI-00001-00000425-00000983 A polynomial function is a function that is a sum or difference of monomials, which means U02QLVjLUMI-00002-00000983-00001600 we can define a polynomial function as a function consisting of the sum or difference of terms U02QLVjLUMI-00003-00001600-00002252 in which each term is a real number, a variable, or the product of a real number and variables U02QLVjLUMI-00004-00002252-00002560 with non-negative integer exponents or powers. U02QLVjLUMI-00005-00002560-00002965 Looking at number one, let's begin by determining this product. U02QLVjLUMI-00006-00002965-00003455 Negative 2 X times 4 X squared equals negative 8 X cubed. U02QLVjLUMI-00007-00003455-00004194 Therefore f of X equals negative 8 X cubed plus 4. U02QLVjLUMI-00008-00004194-00004737 Notice how we do have sum of two monomials and therefore f of X is a polynomial function. U02QLVjLUMI-00009-00004737-00005244 The first term is a product of a real number and the variable X raised to the third power, U02QLVjLUMI-00010-00005244-00005826 where 3 is a non-negative integer and the second term, 4, is a real number. U02QLVjLUMI-00011-00005826-00006553 F of X satisfies the definition of a polynomial function and therefore f of X is a polynomial U02QLVjLUMI-00012-00006553-00006915 function. U02QLVjLUMI-00013-00006915-00007720 For number 2, let's begin by determining the product, so we distribute x squared. U02QLVjLUMI-00014-00007720-00008310 X squared time 5 X cubed equals 5 X to the fifth. U02QLVjLUMI-00015-00008310-00008856 Then we have minus X squared times 2, which equals 2 X squared. U02QLVjLUMI-00016-00008856-00009247 G of X equals 5 X to the fifth minus 2 X squared. U02QLVjLUMI-00017-00009247-00009504 Notice g of X is a difference of two monomials. U02QLVjLUMI-00018-00009504-00010242 Both terms are a product of a real number and the variable X raised to a non-negative U02QLVjLUMI-00019-00010242-00010360 integer power. U02QLVjLUMI-00020-00010360-00011260 So g of X is a polynomial function. U02QLVjLUMI-00021-00011260-00011735 For number 3, let's write the square root of x using a rational exponent. U02QLVjLUMI-00022-00011735-00012199 For a square root the index is 2 and the exponent on X is 1. U02QLVjLUMI-00023-00012199-00012878 The square root of X is equal to X raised to the power of one half, which means h of U02QLVjLUMI-00024-00012878-00013440 X equals 4 X raised to the power of one half plus 9. U02QLVjLUMI-00025-00013440-00014116 While 9 is a monomial, 4 X raised to the power of one half is not, and therefore h of X is U02QLVjLUMI-00026-00014116-00014271 not a polynomial function. U02QLVjLUMI-00027-00014271-00014891 The term 4 X raised to the power of one half is not a monomial because while 4 is a real U02QLVjLUMI-00028-00014891-00015625 number, notice how the exponent on the variable X is one half and one half is not a non-negative U02QLVjLUMI-00029-00015625-00016599 integer, which means h of X is not a polynomial function. U02QLVjLUMI-00030-00016599-00017223 For number 4, we're given j of X equals 7 divided by X plus 3. U02QLVjLUMI-00031-00017223-00017795 Let's use the negative exponent property and write 7 divided by X as 7 times X raised to U02QLVjLUMI-00032-00017795-00018009 the power of negative 1. U02QLVjLUMI-00033-00018009-00018657 So j of X equals 7 X raised to the power of negative 1 plus 3. U02QLVjLUMI-00034-00018657-00019109 Notice how this first term is not a monomial because the exponent on the variable X is U02QLVjLUMI-00035-00019109-00019784 not a non-negative integer, which means we do not have a sum of difference of monomials U02QLVjLUMI-00036-00019784-00020679 and therefore j of X is not a polynomial function. U02QLVjLUMI-00037-00020679-00020788 I hope you found this helpful. U2CZGoTi_9u-00000-00000044-00000357 How to listen to your bookkeeper. U2CZGoTi_9u-00001-00000932-00001322 That is a very important topic. U2CZGoTi_9u-00002-00001325-00001474 My name is Tineke Rensen U2CZGoTi_9u-00003-00001477-00001670 from Powerful Business Academy, U2CZGoTi_9u-00004-00001672-00001902 and I help businesswomen to scale U2CZGoTi_9u-00005-00001904-00002100 and grow their business, and double U2CZGoTi_9u-00006-00002103-00002386 their income within a year, guaranteed. U2CZGoTi_9u-00007-00002389-00002654 Now the past year, it has happened to me U2CZGoTi_9u-00008-00002657-00002870 a couple of times, three times, U2CZGoTi_9u-00009-00002873-00003222 to be exact, that I had a call U2CZGoTi_9u-00010-00003225-00003529 with a woman with a substantial business. U2CZGoTi_9u-00011-00003532-00003786 She's already doing pretty well. U2CZGoTi_9u-00012-00003789-00004078 And she reached out to me because U2CZGoTi_9u-00013-00004081-00004346 she wanted to grow her business. U2CZGoTi_9u-00014-00004349-00004698 And during the call she could really see U2CZGoTi_9u-00015-00004701-00004978 and feel where things were heading to. U2CZGoTi_9u-00016-00004981-00005074 And like I said, U2CZGoTi_9u-00017-00005077-00005246 this happened a couple of times. U2CZGoTi_9u-00018-00005249-00005474 So when I say "she," it's not a specific U2CZGoTi_9u-00019-00005477-00005826 person, it's any of those three. U2CZGoTi_9u-00020-00005829-00006116 And then they go and decide to talk U2CZGoTi_9u-00021-00006118-00006272 to a bookkeeper, which is, U2CZGoTi_9u-00022-00006272-00006426 of course, a sensible thing to do. U2CZGoTi_9u-00023-00006429-00006745 You pay your bookkeeper to protect U2CZGoTi_9u-00024-00006748-00006905 you from making decisions. U2CZGoTi_9u-00025-00006908-00007148 You pay your bookkeeper to do the math, U2CZGoTi_9u-00026-00007152-00007293 to do all the calculations, U2CZGoTi_9u-00027-00007295-00007454 to do the forecasts. U2CZGoTi_9u-00028-00007456-00007662 What happened after the call U2CZGoTi_9u-00029-00007665-00007929 with the bookkeeper is that they got U2CZGoTi_9u-00030-00007931-00008202 scared because it was quite a big U2CZGoTi_9u-00031-00008205-00008502 financial pressure on their business. U2CZGoTi_9u-00032-00008505-00008749 And the bookkeeper, U2CZGoTi_9u-00033-00008752-00009270 it's his duty to protect a business, U2CZGoTi_9u-00034-00009273-00009582 to protect people from making mistakes. U2CZGoTi_9u-00035-00009585-00009774 And I'm not saying that it U2CZGoTi_9u-00036-00009776-00009902 would have been a mistake. U2CZGoTi_9u-00037-00009905-00010070 So that's what they do. U2CZGoTi_9u-00038-00010073-00010470 But what they also do at that time is they U2CZGoTi_9u-00039-00010473-00010954 plant a seed of fear. And fear is scarcity. U2CZGoTi_9u-00040-00010957-00011202 And this happened three times that they U2CZGoTi_9u-00041-00011205-00011354 make a decision that they U2CZGoTi_9u-00042-00011357-00011534 cannot work with me. U2CZGoTi_9u-00043-00011537-00011782 Although during the call, and I'm never U2CZGoTi_9u-00044-00011785-00012042 pressuring or pushing anybody during U2CZGoTi_9u-00045-00012045-00012314 the call, they completely saw what U2CZGoTi_9u-00046-00012317-00012490 potential they had, where U2CZGoTi_9u-00047-00012493-00012693 their business could go to. U2CZGoTi_9u-00048-00012696-00012938 And they were aligned with that energy. U2CZGoTi_9u-00049-00012941-00013110 And with that feeling. U2CZGoTi_9u-00050-00013113-00013516 And with that abundance. U2CZGoTi_9u-00051-00013772-00013902 Which is how it is. U2CZGoTi_9u-00052-00013905-00014088 And when I work with women, U2CZGoTi_9u-00053-00014091-00014326 miracles happen and magic happens. U2CZGoTi_9u-00054-00014329-00014538 And yes, we work on the strategic side, U2CZGoTi_9u-00055-00014541-00014678 which is masculine. U2CZGoTi_9u-00056-00014681-00015050 But we also work on the abundance side, U2CZGoTi_9u-00057-00015053-00015194 which is feminine. U2CZGoTi_9u-00058-00015197-00015486 And as soon as you start to talk to your U2CZGoTi_9u-00059-00015488-00015744 bookkeeper, the masculine kicks in. U2CZGoTi_9u-00060-00015747-00015926 The scarcity kicks in, U2CZGoTi_9u-00061-00015929-00016368 and that creates more scarcity. U2CZGoTi_9u-00062-00016432-00016658 The universe is giving you exactly what you U2CZGoTi_9u-00063-00016661-00016954 vibrate to. When you vibrate lack, U2CZGoTi_9u-00064-00016957-00017118 when you vibrate scarcity, U2CZGoTi_9u-00065-00017121-00017426 when you think or feel you cannot pay, U2CZGoTi_9u-00066-00017429-00017766 when you are afraid of feeling the stress U2CZGoTi_9u-00067-00017769-00018070 and anxiety when my bills are coming, U2CZGoTi_9u-00068-00018073-00018302 or that you cannot afford to pay it, U2CZGoTi_9u-00069-00018305-00018590 that's exactly what will happen. U2CZGoTi_9u-00070-00018593-00018827 Now, what these women forget is U2CZGoTi_9u-00071-00018831-00018984 when we start working, U2CZGoTi_9u-00072-00018990-00019174 usually after one month, U2CZGoTi_9u-00073-00019177-00019398 they start to make more money. U2CZGoTi_9u-00074-00019401-00019572 So they are judging... U2CZGoTi_9u-00075-00019624-00019806 They are making a decision U2CZGoTi_9u-00076-00019809-00020050 on the current situation. U2CZGoTi_9u-00077-00020053-00020450 So that's again, looking for scarcity, U2CZGoTi_9u-00078-00020453-00020742 tuning in to scarcity and lack, U2CZGoTi_9u-00079-00020745-00021046 which is not bringing in abundance. U2CZGoTi_9u-00080-00021049-00021318 And it's normal that this happens. U2CZGoTi_9u-00081-00021321-00021570 I understand why this happens because U2CZGoTi_9u-00082-00021573-00021810 the whole business world is U2CZGoTi_9u-00083-00021813-00022170 tuned into masculine behavior: U2CZGoTi_9u-00084-00022173-00022586 results, focus, strategy planning. U2CZGoTi_9u-00085-00022589-00022854 And I'm not saying they're not necessary. U2CZGoTi_9u-00086-00022857-00023210 Yes, they are, because purely from energy, U2CZGoTi_9u-00087-00023213-00023398 you cannot build a business. U2CZGoTi_9u-00088-00023401-00023622 You can create lots of opportunities. U2CZGoTi_9u-00089-00023625-00023944 You can create lots of manifestations if U2CZGoTi_9u-00090-00023947-00024210 you're not smart enough to know how U2CZGoTi_9u-00091-00024213-00024406 to monetize them, U2CZGoTi_9u-00092-00024409-00024622 not much is going to change. U2CZGoTi_9u-00093-00024625-00024846 So that's the beauty, ladies, U2CZGoTi_9u-00094-00024849-00025102 having your strategic planning, U2CZGoTi_9u-00095-00025105-00025406 masculine focus numbers U2CZGoTi_9u-00096-00025409-00025718 connecting with your divine feminine U2CZGoTi_9u-00097-00025720-00026033 energy, your heart and soul desire. U2CZGoTi_9u-00098-00026036-00026300 It's your duty to scale and grow your U2CZGoTi_9u-00099-00026302-00026570 business because more people can U2CZGoTi_9u-00100-00026572-00026964 benefit from what you have to offer. U2CZGoTi_9u-00101-00027036-00027326 I wanted to teach this lesson today U2CZGoTi_9u-00102-00027327-00027694 because it was very actual this morning U2CZGoTi_9u-00103-00027697-00028042 for me, and I understand where it's coming U2CZGoTi_9u-00104-00028045-00028168 from because I have been U2CZGoTi_9u-00105-00028170-00028486 in that position for 30 years. U2CZGoTi_9u-00106-00028489-00028726 It's only dawned for me for the past U2CZGoTi_9u-00107-00028727-00029014 year, how much I have been creating, U2CZGoTi_9u-00108-00029016-00029286 but also how much I've been U2CZGoTi_9u-00109-00029289-00029533 creating scarcity and lack. U2CZGoTi_9u-00110-00029536-00029806 And it actually happened last week. U2CZGoTi_9u-00111-00029808-00030262 Last week, I did 20K in five days and U2CZGoTi_9u-00112-00030264-00030458 part of me could not believe it, U2CZGoTi_9u-00113-00030460-00030786 which is immediately creating scarcity. U2CZGoTi_9u-00114-00030789-00031030 And immediately things start to shift. U2CZGoTi_9u-00115-00031033-00031258 And this morning I was biking to my office U2CZGoTi_9u-00116-00031260-00031445 again and I really wanted to feel U2CZGoTi_9u-00117-00031448-00031694 the abundance and the trust U2CZGoTi_9u-00118-00031697-00031942 and everything that is possible. U2CZGoTi_9u-00119-00031945-00032150 And as soon as I entered the office, U2CZGoTi_9u-00120-00032152-00032358 I had a phone call of a past client U2CZGoTi_9u-00121-00032360-00032510 and she came up with something U2CZGoTi_9u-00122-00032513-00032698 which is not what I offer. U2CZGoTi_9u-00123-00032701-00033016 But I immediately realized how much I U2CZGoTi_9u-00124-00033019-00033358 could serve her with what she was asking. U2CZGoTi_9u-00125-00033360-00033850 And we created a new thing, a new product U2CZGoTi_9u-00126-00033853-00034310 on the phone, and she's now checking U2CZGoTi_9u-00127-00034313-00034538 what her availability is. U2CZGoTi_9u-00128-00034541-00034906 This came out of nothing because, I was U2CZGoTi_9u-00129-00034909-00035190 in an abundance state this morning, and not U2CZGoTi_9u-00130-00035192-00035432 focusing on my numbers and not focusing U2CZGoTi_9u-00131-00035435-00035638 on the lack and the scarcity U2CZGoTi_9u-00132-00035641-00035914 because other people are in doubt. U2CZGoTi_9u-00133-00035917-00036202 So it's really, really important to have U2CZGoTi_9u-00134-00036204-00036740 people around you who are abundant. U2CZGoTi_9u-00135-00036752-00037018 So yeah, again, I wanted to teach this U2CZGoTi_9u-00136-00037021-00037446 lesson because I think it's a huge lesson. U2CZGoTi_9u-00137-00037448-00037791 The women... I know from one of them U2CZGoTi_9u-00138-00037811-00038026 that she didn't grow and scale her business U2CZGoTi_9u-00139-00038029-00038322 the way she wanted. The other two, U2CZGoTi_9u-00140-00038325-00038738 I don't know. When you feel U2CZGoTi_9u-00141-00038741-00038922 in alignment... U2CZGoTi_9u-00142-00038925-00039298 It's trust. Trust that you can do it. U2CZGoTi_9u-00143-00039301-00039574 Opportunities don't come when you are not U2CZGoTi_9u-00144-00039576-00039650 the right person, U2CZGoTi_9u-00145-00039653-00039886 and when you're not at the right place U2CZGoTi_9u-00146-00039889-00040110 at the time to actualize them. U2CZGoTi_9u-00147-00040113-00040470 The universe will not send them to you. U2CZGoTi_9u-00148-00040473-00040712 So please, yes, your bookkeeper U2CZGoTi_9u-00149-00040715-00040930 is important, definitely. U2CZGoTi_9u-00150-00040933-00041378 But don't rely solely on someone U2CZGoTi_9u-00151-00041380-00041630 who is from outside your business, U2CZGoTi_9u-00152-00041633-00041902 who does not feel what you feel, U2CZGoTi_9u-00153-00041904-00042340 and who is making you scared. U2CZGoTi_9u-00154-00042388-00042555 So bye bye for now. U2CZGoTi_9u-00155-00042558-00042750 I invite you to schedule a quick U2CZGoTi_9u-00156-00042753-00043038 15-minute call with me to see if I can U2CZGoTi_9u-00157-00043041-00043314 help you. And that's only a qualification call. U2CZGoTi_9u-00158-00043317-00043646 It's only me finding out who you are U2CZGoTi_9u-00159-00043648-00043898 and giving you some tips and tricks. U2CZGoTi_9u-00160-00043901-00044130 I can't sell you anything in 15 minutes. U2CZGoTi_9u-00161-00044133-00044446 It's too short. So don't worry about that. U2CZGoTi_9u-00162-00044448-00044594 And then we can see if we want U2CZGoTi_9u-00163-00044597-00044838 to continue the conversation. U2CZGoTi_9u-00164-00044841-00044972 So bye bye for now. U2CZGoTi_9u-00165-00044992-00045118 Don't forget to check U2CZGoTi_9u-00166-00045121-00045342 into our YouTube channel where we will U2CZGoTi_9u-00167-00045345-00045822 have all these weekly videos in one place. U2CZGoTi_9u-00168-00045824-00045856 Bye. U3VGGySkRFc-00000-00000026-00000409 Hi, this is Bruce were here at NAB talking with Jason from Adobe U3VGGySkRFc-00001-00000409-00000828 Jason, there's been some confusion by this concept called Creative Cloud U3VGGySkRFc-00002-00000828-00001190 people think that is comes from the cloud you gotta work in the cloud U3VGGySkRFc-00003-00001190-00001894 what is Creative Cloud in reality? U3VGGySkRFc-00004-00002007-00002260 What is Creative Cloud? Well Creative Cloud, first and foremost U3VGGySkRFc-00005-00002260-00002610 is all the tools that we have. All the tools you know and love. It's everything U3VGGySkRFc-00006-00002610-00002918 Premier Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator U3VGGySkRFc-00007-00002918-00003340 Muse, Edge, Dreamweaver, Acrobat Lightroom its everything U3VGGySkRFc-00008-00003340-00003740 and more including services. Services like Adobe Story which is our online U3VGGySkRFc-00009-00003740-00003933 collaborative screenwriting application U3VGGySkRFc-00010-00003933-00004262 we've also got desktop storage, Sync and Share U3VGGySkRFc-00011-00004262-00004726 so you can share media, share files you can allow clients to comment download U3VGGySkRFc-00012-00004726-00004823 shared media U3VGGySkRFc-00013-00004823-00005221 you've got publishing capabilities. So if you ever want to publish an iPad app you U3VGGySkRFc-00014-00005221-00005385 can publish unlimited iPad apps U3VGGySkRFc-00015-00005385-00005751 with Digital Publishing Suite, single addition. You've got website hosting as a U3VGGySkRFc-00016-00005751-00005930 Creative Cloud member. So up to 5 sites U3VGGySkRFc-00017-00005930-00006230 automatically whether you use them or not, you get them with your membership. U3VGGySkRFc-00018-00006230-00006386 And then of course there's this concept of U3VGGySkRFc-00019-00006386-00006736 always staying a step ahead, always being current, always having the most current U3VGGySkRFc-00020-00006736-00006806 version U3VGGySkRFc-00021-00006806-00007195 and whether it comes out today or tomorrow it'll be there for you U3VGGySkRFc-00022-00007195-00007497 waiting for you to be current on the latest version of our products. U3VGGySkRFc-00023-00007497-00007650 And online, what is the price? U3VGGySkRFc-00024-00007650-00007980 Our regular price is $49.99 a month, but the idea is that U3VGGySkRFc-00025-00007980-00008295 it significantly less in the box. You're always current and U3VGGySkRFc-00026-00008295-00008710 your membership your license for Creative Cloud entitles you to work on U3VGGySkRFc-00027-00008710-00009150 both operating systems Mac and Windows. So where's the box, you bought a box of U3VGGySkRFc-00028-00009150-00009315 Design Premium, Production Premium U3VGGySkRFc-00029-00009315-00009600 and you're limited to this box is for Mac this box for Windows. U3VGGySkRFc-00030-00009600-00009710 with Creative Cloud U3VGGySkRFc-00031-00009710-00010007 you still get the same two installs that you had before, but we don't care what U3VGGySkRFc-00032-00010007-00010285 operating system you put them on. So it's much more flexible U3VGGySkRFc-00033-00010285-00010640 its easier to get in and it also allows you to step outside the box U3VGGySkRFc-00034-00010640-00010990 perhaps you some applications and things that you may not otherwise have used in the past U3VGGySkRFc-00035-00010992-00011300 And let me get this straight this is not just Premiere, It's not U3VGGySkRFc-00036-00011300-00011630 just After Effects and it not just Photoshop. This is everything. U3VGGySkRFc-00037-00011630-00011850 This is everything. And to your earlier point U3VGGySkRFc-00038-00011850-00012159 you're still downloading the applications to your desktop, you're U3VGGySkRFc-00039-00012159-00012488 accessing them from the cloud in a much more eloquent way we have something new U3VGGySkRFc-00040-00012488-00012670 called the Adobe Application Manager. U3VGGySkRFc-00041-00012670-00013061 You literally can see the applications available to you. You can download them U3VGGySkRFc-00042-00013061-00013530 there's no downloading EXE or DMG files and unpacking and double clicking U3VGGySkRFc-00043-00013530-00013850 in putting in serial numbers and waiting and unclicking and unchecking. U3VGGySkRFc-00044-00013850-00014119 That all goes away. It's a very seamless process U3VGGySkRFc-00045-00014119-00014466 but you're still downloading applications to your desktop. So there's U3VGGySkRFc-00046-00014466-00014644 no fear that it's running in your browser U3VGGySkRFc-00047-00014644-00014950 nothing like that and that's as whether the misconceptions or the myth that we hear U3VGGySkRFc-00048-00014950-00015132 a lot and it's understandable because U3VGGySkRFc-00049-00015132-00015440 people hear cloud, they think cloud computing and U3VGGySkRFc-00050-00015440-00015819 it's not that. Its it's different and it's much more. U3VGGySkRFc-00051-00015819-00016190 You said two installs. So just like with the box product you buy the box of U3VGGySkRFc-00052-00016190-00016413 any of our products, you can use it on two machines. U3VGGySkRFc-00053-00016413-00016757 But again you were you were confined to one operating system. You bought the U3VGGySkRFc-00054-00016757-00016890 Windows version of... U3VGGySkRFc-00055-00016890-00017270 Photoshop or the Windows version of Premiere Pro. With a U3VGGySkRFc-00056-00017270-00017388 Creative Cloud membership U3VGGySkRFc-00057-00017388-00017750 the one license entitles you to the same two installs U3VGGySkRFc-00058-00017754-00018140 but you can put it on a Mac and PC, two Macs, two PC's. It's the same one works U3VGGySkRFc-00059-00018140-00018194 for both U3VGGySkRFc-00060-00018194-00018580 So it's a lot more flexible. And it not two downloads, It's just two installs. U3VGGySkRFc-00061-00018580-00018990 If I run out of room. Let's say I've got 3 applications and all of a sudden I just downloaded U3VGGySkRFc-00062-00018990-00019310 a big file and I had to store it on my drive and I didn't have room and I had to U3VGGySkRFc-00063-00019310-00019800 delete my After Effects for a week. Can you go back and redownload it? U3VGGySkRFc-00064-00019800-00020140 So here's the other amazing thing. The answer is yes, but also one at the U3VGGySkRFc-00065-00020140-00020570 issues that this eliminates. A lot of times, and this is as recently as today U3VGGySkRFc-00066-00020570-00020650 but I can U3VGGySkRFc-00067-00020650-00021016 I can harking back to several years ago where few he had two machines and you U3VGGySkRFc-00068-00021016-00021140 had your two installs U3VGGySkRFc-00069-00021140-00021488 used and your hard drive dies and U3VGGySkRFc-00070-00021488-00021794 its the weekend and you can't get a hold of support and now U3VGGySkRFc-00071-00021794-00022130 you've used your two installs. So if you try and installed again from the disk U3VGGySkRFc-00072-00022130-00022518 it tries to validate it can't, it says are both used. You're stuck. U3VGGySkRFc-00073-00022518-00022850 Well with Creative Cloud you can virtually U3VGGySkRFc-00074-00022850-00023210 disable, enable, deauthorize and authorize U3VGGySkRFc-00075-00023210-00023690 or reauthorize your licenses if you're in that situation. So that goes away U3VGGySkRFc-00076-00023690-00023980 and it's just that much more flexible and when you go into our Creative Cloud U3VGGySkRFc-00077-00023985-00024160 for teams and enterprise offerings U3VGGySkRFc-00078-00024160-00024484 you actually have centralized administration U3VGGySkRFc-00079-00024484-00024887 deployments, license configuration control so U3VGGySkRFc-00080-00024887-00025272 literally people can come and go from your organization. You can have authorize U3VGGySkRFc-00081-00025272-00025620 deauthorize as necessary. You can bring freelancers into your organization. It's very U3VGGySkRFc-00082-00025629-00025880 easy to to authorize, deauthorize remotely. U3VGGySkRFc-00083-00025880-00026370 It's just amazingly flexible. You know it it sounds salesy to say U3VGGySkRFc-00084-00026379-00026650 all that, but it's true. U3VGGySkRFc-00085-00026650-00026880 And the great point that I picked up was U3VGGySkRFc-00086-00026880-00027347 you're always current. If I bought CS5 and of a sudden CS6 comes out, but U3VGGySkRFc-00087-00027347-00027620 I don't have the money right now. So I can wait for CS7, because I know U3VGGySkRFc-00088-00027620-00027850 that there will be a bigger upgrade. U3VGGySkRFc-00089-00027850-00028170 I'm always up to date. You're always up to date and as long as you have your membership U3VGGySkRFc-00090-00028170-00028439 you're just going to get these updates as they come to you. U3VGGySkRFc-00091-00028442-00028850 Great. So how do we find out more? U3VGGySkRFc-00092-00028850-00029100 You can also sign up for a free membership as well. U3VGGySkRFc-00093-00029100-00029430 So while we have our individual team in enterprise plans U3VGGySkRFc-00094-00029430-00029739, get a free Adobe ID. If you've ever been on our U3VGGySkRFc-00095-00029739-00029961 forums are done sort of online tech support U3VGGySkRFc-00096-00029961-00030347 you probably already have one. If not it's free. You can start downloading U3VGGySkRFc-00097-00030347-00030662 30-day trials. We give you two gigs of storage for free U3VGGySkRFc-00098-00030662-00030979 just because and you can start playing with it and really start experiencing U3VGGySkRFc-00099-00030979-00031189 what the Creative Cloud is all about. U3VGGySkRFc-00100-00031189-00031439 Excellent. Thank you very much. U5-3i2WPVjU-00000-00000007-00000516 In this video we're finally going to be able to learn, how to take our knowledge U5-3i2WPVjU-00001-00000516-00001092 of acute angles, and translate that to solving trig functions for any angle. U5-3i2WPVjU-00002-00001092-00001692 Positive angles, negative angles, and angles greater than 360 degrees. For U5-3i2WPVjU-00003-00001692-00002300 example you should be able to solve any questions like this- cosine of 225 degrees, U5-3i2WPVjU-00004-00002300-00002904 tangent of negative 225 degrees, and sine of 690 degrees, U5-3i2WPVjU-00005-00002904-00003446 and to do this, we're going to go through these steps. First of all, we will U5-3i2WPVjU-00006-00003446-00003929 find the reference angle. Remember the reference angle is the angle, between the U5-3i2WPVjU-00007-00003929-00004602 terminal side of the angle, and the x-axis. This angle is always acute. The U5-3i2WPVjU-00008-00004602-00005001 second thing we'll do is find the trig function value for that reference angle U5-3i2WPVjU-00009-00005001-00005369 we found. We're going to have to remember those special angles I asked you to U5-3i2WPVjU-00010-00005369-00005912 memorize. Those were the 30 degrees, the 45 degrees, and the 60 degree angles, U5-3i2WPVjU-00011-00005912-00006447 we'll be using those again. And finally, we have to determine whether the trig U5-3i2WPVjU-00012-00006447-00006972 function, is positive or negative based on the quadrant and which trig function U5-3i2WPVjU-00013-00006972-00007572 we're talking about. Well let's first take the example of cosine of 225 degrees. U5-3i2WPVjU-00014-00007572-00007997 Again we have to find that reference angle, that acute angle, that we U5-3i2WPVjU-00015-00007997-00008634 can use. Well we'll do this, by taking our x y axes, and remembering that the U5-3i2WPVjU-00016-00008634-00009234 positive x-axis was 0 degrees, the positive y-axis represented 90 degrees, U5-3i2WPVjU-00017-00009234-00010016 the negative x-axis represented 180 degrees, and the negative y-axis was 270 degrees. U5-3i2WPVjU-00018-00010016-00010598 So if we're trying to find an angle of 225 degrees, I'm pretty sure U5-3i2WPVjU-00019-00010599-00011163 it's going to fall between 180 and 270 degrees, or somewhere in the third U5-3i2WPVjU-00020-00011163-00011825 quadrant. Something like, this. Well, again we want to find the reference angle, the U5-3i2WPVjU-00021-00011825-00012264 angle between the x-axis and our terminal side. To figure out what that U5-3i2WPVjU-00022-00012264-00012984 number is, we're going to take our angle, 225 degrees, subtract from it, 180 degrees U5-3i2WPVjU-00023-00012984-00013350 and see what's left over. Well if we do that we find that U5-3i2WPVjU-00024-00013350-00013841 angle is 45 degrees, and that's good because that's one of our three special U5-3i2WPVjU-00025-00013841-00014618 angles we know. I know that the cosine of 45 degrees is equal to square root of 2 over 2. U5-3i2WPVjU-00026-00014618-00015000 So that is our next step, finding the trig function value for the U5-3i2WPVjU-00027-00015000-00015612 reference angle we found. Again, you need to go back and memorize the sine, cosine, U5-3i2WPVjU-00028-00015612-00016104 and tangent of 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees if you haven't U5-3i2WPVjU-00029-00016104-00016616 already done so. We'll be using them over and over and over again in this class. U5-3i2WPVjU-00030-00016616-00017187 Well, we have one more step. We have to figure out what the sign is, we need to know U5-3i2WPVjU-00031-00017187-00017700 whether or not our, trig function is positive or negative, so we look at the U5-3i2WPVjU-00032-00017700-00018273 quadrant, and we have our terminal side in quadrant 3. And if we go back and U5-3i2WPVjU-00033-00018273-00019059 remember, that All Students Take Calculus, and if we have quadrant 3, only tangent U5-3i2WPVjU-00034-00019059-00019692 is positive which means, our cosine is going to be negative in quadrant 3. So U5-3i2WPVjU-00035-00019692-00020337 that means, the cosine of 225 degrees, is equal to negative cosine of 45 degrees, U5-3i2WPVjU-00036-00020337-00021173 or negative square root of 2 over 2. We can also check this with our calculator. U5-3i2WPVjU-00037-00021173-00021642 If I'm in the correct mode, make sure you're in degree mode, and you in your U5-3i2WPVjU-00038-00021642-00022650 calculator press cosine, 225, enter, then you will get the result of negative 0.7071 U5-3i2WPVjU-00039-00022650-00023088 Again that is not the exact answer, but that is the result you get U5-3i2WPVjU-00040-00023088-00023598 when you type in negative square root of 2 divided by 2 on your calculator, so U5-3i2WPVjU-00041-00023598-00023915 it's a good way of checking to make sure you haven't made any mistakes, U5-3i2WPVjU-00042-00023915-00024557 particularly with whether the answer is positive or negative. Alright let's U5-3i2WPVjU-00043-00024557-00025148 look at the tangent of negative 225 degrees. Again we have to first find that U5-3i2WPVjU-00044-00025148-00025722 reference angle, but if we recall from a previous lecture, what we'll do with U5-3i2WPVjU-00045-00025722-00026414 negative angles, is add complete rotations, that is add 360 degrees, until we U5-3i2WPVjU-00046-00026414-00027166 have an angle that's between 0 and 360. If we do that to negative 225, we add U5-3i2WPVjU-00047-00027166-00027745 one complete rotation and we're already within 0 and 360 degrees with an answer U5-3i2WPVjU-00048-00027745-00028712 of 135 degrees. Again we'll take that 135 degrees, graph it on our x y axes, and we U5-3i2WPVjU-00049-00028712-00029209 see it's in quadrant 2, and we can find that reference angle, the angle between U5-3i2WPVjU-00050-00029209-00029918 the terminal side and the x-axis, to be 45 degrees. And we'll remember, the U5-3i2WPVjU-00051-00029918-00030553 tangent of 45 degrees, again we can sketch that 45-45-90 triangle, and we U5-3i2WPVjU-00052-00030553-00031268 remember tangent of 45 degrees was equal to 1. Again our last step is determining U5-3i2WPVjU-00053-00031268-00031862 the sign of this trig function, and if we're in quadrant 2, we see the tangent U5-3i2WPVjU-00054-00031862-00032514 is negative in quadrant 2, so, that means our, so we'll see our final answer is, U5-3i2WPVjU-00055-00032514-00033247 tangent of negative 225 degrees, is equal to negative tangent of 45 degrees, which U5-3i2WPVjU-00056-00033248-00034048 is equal to negative 1. And our final example, sine of 690 degrees. U5-3i2WPVjU-00057-00034048-00034597 Again, our number is not between 0 and 360 degrees, and to take care of U5-3i2WPVjU-00058-00034597-00035209 that this time, we're going to be subtracting 360 degrees. We added 360 U5-3i2WPVjU-00059-00035209-00035713 when we had a negative angle, and because now our angle is greater than 360 U5-3i2WPVjU-00060-00035713-00036118 degrees, we're going to subtract complete rotations until we have an angle between U5-3i2WPVjU-00061-00036118-00036871 0 and 360. And when we take away one rotation, we get an angle of 330 degrees. U5-3i2WPVjU-00062-00036871-00037453 Now we'll graph that on our x y axes, and we'll find our reference angle, is equal U5-3i2WPVjU-00063-00037453-00038118 to 30 degrees. Again, another one of those special angles that we need to memorize. U5-3i2WPVjU-00064-00038118-00038800 So we need to find the sine of 30 degrees, and we remember that is equal to U5-3i2WPVjU-00065-00038800-00039613 1 over 2 or one half. Our last step again, figure out the sign of the trig U5-3i2WPVjU-00066-00039613-00040194 function based on the quadrant. If we have a sine in the fourth quadrant, U5-3i2WPVjU-00067-00040194-00040958 we know that sine in the fourth quadrant is negative, so, our answer will be a U5-3i2WPVjU-00068-00040958-00041506 negative number. So sine of 690 degrees, is equal to, negative U5-3i2WPVjU-00069-00041506-00042161 sign of 330 degrees or, negative one half. Again you can check this using your U5-3i2WPVjU-00070-00042161-00042656 calculator. And there we have three examples, of solving trig functions for U5-3i2WPVjU-00071-00042656-00043118 any angle. You'll have a lot of practice in your homework and as always, email me U5-3i2WPVjU-00072-00043118-00043468 if you have any questions. U7HROtP6rsc-00000-00000056-00000656 hello everybody welcome to my channel today i'm gonna show you how to earn those going on U7HROtP6rsc-00001-00000656-00001368 website we are cloud mining free and with we are investment i'm sorry for at first i'm sorry for U7HROtP6rsc-00002-00001368-00002168 my poor english but it's not my native language i will try to do my best and tell you how to do this U7HROtP6rsc-00003-00002168-00002984 job so let's start with how can we get to free dodge coin via this website at first we can use U7HROtP6rsc-00004-00002984-00003896 quest quest part is uh for earning free dodge you can earn free dots here so at first first miners U7HROtP6rsc-00005-00003896-00004552 if you buy a miner you will get 10 dollars going there is a promo code with the via promo code U7HROtP6rsc-00006-00004552-00005416 you can uh daily they're sharing daily uh two times in a day and you can uh write love the U7HROtP6rsc-00007-00005488-00006184 this section your code and you will get dodge so they're sharing the code via telegram and U7HROtP6rsc-00008-00006184-00006992 tweet twitter account you can get them here so uh there's a page uh io you can U7HROtP6rsc-00009-00007048-00007704 follow them and also open uh for a notification for all notifications to get U7HROtP6rsc-00010-00007792-00008584 promo codes so let's continue with the other section twitter post section here you can share U7HROtP6rsc-00011-00008584-00009352 your experiment with the website via twitter your twitter account at least you have to uh you you U7HROtP6rsc-00012-00009352-00010216 should have 50 followers on your account you have to not delete your tweet at least for two days U7HROtP6rsc-00013-00010216-00011072 more than two days it should be on your profile so you can get five uh dodge we each your eat tweet U7HROtP6rsc-00014-00011072-00011800 uh you can get five dodge and also facebook post it's also same uh you you have to at least uh U7HROtP6rsc-00015-00011800-00012504 50 friends on your account and you should uh not like it at least for two days U7HROtP6rsc-00016-00012504-00013200 so there's a quest section uh this all always updated it's not the same uh U7HROtP6rsc-00017-00013200-00013816 you always will get the new quest and you can do them so let's continue with dice it's a game U7HROtP6rsc-00018-00013816-00014640 you can invest your money here and you can get the money and also you can lose so uh it's uh i U7HROtP6rsc-00019-00014640-00015391 don't recommend it for you because i'm not using it i lose a lot as you can see i lose that so U7HROtP6rsc-00020-00015447-00016352 there is also ruled section here you can uh use spin uh for 100 dodge and you will get some U7HROtP6rsc-00021-00016408-00017448 dodge and you can get miners here but it's hard and you have to be lucky for getting this U7HROtP6rsc-00022-00017448-00018208 i don't recommend it also so referral links referral part is for referral links here you have U7HROtP6rsc-00023-00018208-00018824 a referral link you can share it with your friends i'm also will share with you please join this U7HROtP6rsc-00024-00018824-00019640 website with my referral link i will be grateful if you join with my referral link so here you can U7HROtP6rsc-00025-00019776-00020576 get one you can get seven percentage for buying miner your referral and for playing dice you will U7HROtP6rsc-00026-00020576-00021592 get 0.5 percentage of their gaining and before playing bullet you will get one uh you will get U7HROtP6rsc-00027-00021592-00022232 one person that's all they are gaining so uh this section is like that as you can see i have uh U7HROtP6rsc-00028-00022232-00023216 three uh referral uh i am my referral by using my referral links so let's continue with the uh U7HROtP6rsc-00029-00023368-00024208 home page of that how can you get uh miners if you click the on the web on on the dashboard U7HROtP6rsc-00030-00024208-00025136 of the website if you click the k image you will get the section of shop buying U7HROtP6rsc-00031-00025288-00026648 miners so here you can see for uh 500 minimum is minimum depos deposit actually is uh 500 dodge U7HROtP6rsc-00032-00026648-00027664 for buying a miner so you can buy and you can see the plants there's uh plants of the miners U7HROtP6rsc-00033-00027664-00028504 and also you can hear deposit deposit to your account you have to send a dodge coin to this U7HROtP6rsc-00034-00028624-00029424 address this dodge address so i here you can see i deposited three times and with jobs section is U7HROtP6rsc-00035-00029424-00030392 there you can withdraw here the minimum withdrawal was 20 i guess as i remember so i withdraw them U7HROtP6rsc-00036-00030392-00031144 as you can see i play drooled and i lose my dodge i have to say that so for that i couldn't U7HROtP6rsc-00037-00031327-00032360 withdraw more than deposit so that is all for this website actually if you have money if you have U7HROtP6rsc-00038-00032360-00033176 dodge coin you can invest them here and you will get it more than your uh actual money you will get U7HROtP6rsc-00039-00033176-00033832 a lot of money here if you want you can use it that's all if you like this video and you wanna U7HROtP6rsc-00040-00033912-00034600 subscribe to my channel to support me please uh comment on the uh video U7HROtP6rsc-00041-00034600-00035184 and subscribe to my channel and also like this video thanks for watching i love you Uv9DHp4nmuo-00000-00000701-00001311 what's up everybody warlock here we're back with another video another settings Uv9DHp4nmuo-00001-00001311-00001757 video okay a lot of people have been asking me what are my settings and my Uv9DHp4nmuo-00002-00001757-00002393 kind of go-to stuff for apex legends I did one on call Uv9DHp4nmuo-00003-00002393-00002793 of duty black ops 4 blackout so I figured I would also make one per Uv9DHp4nmuo-00004-00002793-00003551 request at Apex ledges or for apex legends so let's just dive right into it Uv9DHp4nmuo-00005-00003653-00004262 alright guys so apex legends new battle royale it's only been out for short Uv9DHp4nmuo-00006-00004262-00004857 amount of time and it has been sweeping the nation in the world like crazy Uv9DHp4nmuo-00007-00004857-00005378 50 million players already on it within the first month so I got to show you my Uv9DHp4nmuo-00008-00005378-00006309 settings I have I played your vaulter main and I have over 2700 kills Uv9DHp4nmuo-00009-00006309-00006954 2300 headshots and just over half a million points of damage now I don't get Uv9DHp4nmuo-00010-00006954-00007365 to play enough as I would like but the stats are pretty good for how I play the Uv9DHp4nmuo-00011-00007365-00007986 character but let's hop right into the settings guys so I do play on ps4 we're Uv9DHp4nmuo-00012-00007986-00008370 not gonna go over PC settings but I do also play on PC with my controller but Uv9DHp4nmuo-00013-00008370-00009024 we're gonna be talking about ps4 specifically so under gameplay I keep Uv9DHp4nmuo-00014-00009024-00009828 the interact promise I'll default this is really it's kind of personal Uv9DHp4nmuo-00015-00009828-00010118 preference if you want to come back to kind of like shrink everything on the Uv9DHp4nmuo-00016-00010118-00010604 screen and not have it show up as much then that's fine Uv9DHp4nmuo-00017-00010604-00010968 I like I'm a streamer so I like to entertain my my viewers with that so Uv9DHp4nmuo-00018-00010968-00011331 they can see kind of what I'm picking up and all this stuff button hints this is Uv9DHp4nmuo-00019-00011331-00011538 this is really easy you keep that on for sure Uv9DHp4nmuo-00020-00011538-00012443 I'm crosshair feedback with ex shield con shield icon on is really good if you Uv9DHp4nmuo-00021-00012443-00012795 want to not have a display than that's fine too or you can do the crosshair Uv9DHp4nmuo-00022-00012795-00013108 works just the X I prefer everything on it just makes it Uv9DHp4nmuo-00023-00013108-00013630 easier for when I'm trying to shoot somebody but totally up to you um damage Uv9DHp4nmuo-00024-00013630-00014091 numbers recently I changed to floating I've never had it off stacking is really Uv9DHp4nmuo-00025-00014091-00014455 easy that just means it stacks on one top of the other which is really kind of Uv9DHp4nmuo-00026-00014455-00014898 nice the the floating I think it's cool because it kind of floats straight up Uv9DHp4nmuo-00027-00014898-00015219 and you kind of see how each one just kind of stacks so if you hit somebody Uv9DHp4nmuo-00028-00015219-00015583 you know five times in the world 444 it's a damaged piece you can see that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00029-00015583-00015883 you actually did those numbers instead of just stacking and replacing so you Uv9DHp4nmuo-00030-00015883-00016347 can't really tell but I prefer the floating um and then you can do both I Uv9DHp4nmuo-00031-00016347-00016770 haven't done both yet I may try it but I prefer floating I kind of go back and Uv9DHp4nmuo-00032-00016770-00017092 forth through this one this is just more of a visual for you guys if you don't Uv9DHp4nmuo-00033-00017092-00017503 like it turn it off maybe distract you turn it off I like I Uv9DHp4nmuo-00034-00017503-00017806 like I like to see how much damage I'm doing you know I'm saying I like to it Uv9DHp4nmuo-00035-00017806-00018253 also helps when those damage indicators change from their shield to white which Uv9DHp4nmuo-00036-00018253-00018706 is their normal health and then into red so it's definitely definitely pretty Uv9DHp4nmuo-00037-00018706-00019404 good the ping opacity just shows you how bright it is I mean I use default faded Uv9DHp4nmuo-00038-00019404-00019738 it's it makes a pretty transparent but for the most part if you play what Uv9DHp4nmuo-00039-00019738-00020035 randoms and not playing with your friends I'm just leaving this at default Uv9DHp4nmuo-00040-00020035-00020497 the obituaries absolutely have this on shows all the KDS shows all the deaths Uv9DHp4nmuo-00041-00020497-00020854 everything leave that on for sure guys and it's a good way to keep track of Uv9DHp4nmuo-00042-00020854-00021235 like when you're running up on a team top right-hand corner you can see kind Uv9DHp4nmuo-00043-00021235-00021616 of how hey if you're rolling a bunch of teams fighting old ones down mm okay Uv9DHp4nmuo-00044-00021616-00022395 team wipe you know you want to leave that up um this incoming damage feedback Uv9DHp4nmuo-00045-00022395-00023053 - 3d although some people find it a little easier with 2d as far as where Uv9DHp4nmuo-00046-00023053-00023593 they're getting shot from um the default is 3d now basically what's what this Uv9DHp4nmuo-00047-00023593-00023901 means is just when you're like if you're facing a certain direction you get shot Uv9DHp4nmuo-00048-00023901-00024270 from either side of your back it's gonna pop up with a kind of a half shield and Uv9DHp4nmuo-00049-00024270-00024634 kind of just give you a hint of where you're getting shot from some people get Uv9DHp4nmuo-00050-00024634-00025032 it confused and they're being shot in one direction but it seems like they're Uv9DHp4nmuo-00051-00025032-00025420 getting shot from the opposite so that's where the 2d comes in I think some Uv9DHp4nmuo-00052-00025420-00025951 players prefer to be I keep it on 3d it's just easier so you can mess around Uv9DHp4nmuo-00053-00025951-00026162 with that to your personal settings I know Uv9DHp4nmuo-00054-00026162-00026513 reduce show both I tried it once it just gets way too confusing about where Uv9DHp4nmuo-00055-00026513-00027149 you're being shot from I'm streamer mode if you are streamer turn this on it gets Uv9DHp4nmuo-00056-00027149-00027485 rid of the name to keep some Ottoman you know like basically random name so that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00057-00027485-00027947 way you don't see who they actually are saying thank for you I keep mine off I'm Uv9DHp4nmuo-00058-00027947-00028235 not I don't really care about that mine's just straight war lug so I don't Uv9DHp4nmuo-00059-00028235-00028558 really care about that but if you are a streamer and you don't want people to Uv9DHp4nmuo-00060-00028558-00029087 know that or stream snipers and turn it off I'm useless arey Uv9DHp4nmuo-00061-00029087-00029756 you should that usage sharing EA does collect all this data guys to kind of Uv9DHp4nmuo-00062-00029756-00030397 help with the game I keep it on just to you know add to the feedback of the game Uv9DHp4nmuo-00063-00030397-00030763 so hopefully they can see it and see kind of what's going on and what that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00064-00030763-00031172 what that also includes is just its updates it improves their products Uv9DHp4nmuo-00065-00031172-00031808 anything that you're dealing with as far as lag you know you know hit recognition Uv9DHp4nmuo-00066-00031808-00032497 and hit boxes you know paint any of those things you know this is gonna give Uv9DHp4nmuo-00067-00032497-00033052 them the data back so they can try to improve the server's etc so I use it on Uv9DHp4nmuo-00068-00033052-00033509 colorblind mode I keep it off it just makes it a whole lot easier I think the Uv9DHp4nmuo-00069-00033509-00034259 default is off I haven't met a really mess with these three other modes but if Uv9DHp4nmuo-00070-00034259-00034787 you do have color you know colorblind issues as far as your site then adjust Uv9DHp4nmuo-00071-00034787-00035207 those poorly I choose off it's pretty default standard enable access chat Uv9DHp4nmuo-00072-00035207-00035684 features if you want to that's only if you're like doing party chats and stuff Uv9DHp4nmuo-00073-00035684-00036218 like that or in-game chats it's fine convert incoming voice to text chat I Uv9DHp4nmuo-00074-00036218-00036608 like this on it just kind of pops up one like something's called in at the bottom Uv9DHp4nmuo-00075-00036608-00036926 of the screen so if you don't really hear it you can see something pop up and Uv9DHp4nmuo-00076-00036926-00037172 you can read it and then you can be like on track of what's actually happening Uv9DHp4nmuo-00077-00037172-00037601 cuz this game gets real crazy the game is super fast so it's it's pretty Uv9DHp4nmuo-00078-00037601-00038263 intense controller button layout and keep the same Stickley out is also Uv9DHp4nmuo-00079-00038263-00038903 default in the interaction I use tap to use and reload Uv9DHp4nmuo-00080-00038903-00039560 holder use I don't know these these are tough man because coming from blackout Uv9DHp4nmuo-00081-00039560-00040203 it used to be hold which I got used to and then it's tap so tap is tap is real Uv9DHp4nmuo-00082-00040203-00040503 nice but the issue is when you go to revive somebody you're next to stuff Uv9DHp4nmuo-00083-00040503-00040974 where you can tap to access it like deaf boxes or pick something up it's gonna Uv9DHp4nmuo-00084-00040974-00041529 take that or try to reload your gun and you have to hold it to revive somebody Uv9DHp4nmuo-00085-00041529-00042126 so play with that I still prefer the tap because it's just a all about a tiny Uv9DHp4nmuo-00086-00042126-00042681 thing fast we need things faster faster faster so I used to have to read chap to Uv9DHp4nmuo-00087-00042681-00043158 use and reload just makes it easier um and then also if you if you're if you Uv9DHp4nmuo-00088-00043158-00043680 come from Cod or any other FPS shooter most of them are just tap to do anything Uv9DHp4nmuo-00089-00043680-00044040 so if you're used to that keep it on it Crouch button Uv9DHp4nmuo-00090-00044040-00044589 absolutely toggle you don't need to hold that if you do hold it don't do that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00091-00044589-00045219 just toggle it it just makes it a whole lot easier aim definitely hold do not Uv9DHp4nmuo-00092-00045219-00045681 toggle do not toggle always hold that that just makes it easy sensitivities Uv9DHp4nmuo-00093-00045681-00046152 the default is 3 I play on a 4 sometimes I do crank it up to a 5 but I find that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00094-00046152-00046625 a 4 is that sweet spot in the middle for me now when it comes to the sensitivity Uv9DHp4nmuo-00095-00046625-00047190 that's gonna be completely dependent on you man uh you got a final what works Uv9DHp4nmuo-00096-00047190-00047874 best for you um this is kind of a little bit different from traditional FPS so in Uv9DHp4nmuo-00097-00047874-00048186 the main reason which we'll talk about later is the fov so the field of view Uv9DHp4nmuo-00098-00048186-00048636 but I keep my on high which is similar to the same sensitivity I play on Call Uv9DHp4nmuo-00099-00048636-00049134 of Duty so that's the same now the the trick here is that something that like Uv9DHp4nmuo-00100-00049134-00049524 Call of Duty some of these other games don't do is they have you have an Uv9DHp4nmuo-00101-00049524-00049938 overall sensitivity or like for a knife for example this is my sensitivity to Uv9DHp4nmuo-00102-00049938-00050220 move around and sensitivity ATS is when you're actually aiming Uv9DHp4nmuo-00103-00050220-00050718 I can't mine the same so that way there's no like you know I move faster Uv9DHp4nmuo-00104-00050718-00051057 but then when I go to aim is slower you can't just back this all the way down to Uv9DHp4nmuo-00105-00051057-00051594 seyn which is which makes this the same as your actual sensitivity but I just Uv9DHp4nmuo-00106-00051594-00052077 keep it on for response curve it determines the stick a Uv9DHp4nmuo-00107-00052077-00052614 analog input used to turn your view classic is to the traditional respawn Uv9DHp4nmuo-00108-00052614-00053362 field which is traditional fps I the raw input linear or high-velocity not really Uv9DHp4nmuo-00109-00053362-00053752 it depends on how fast you want this and this coincides with your sensitivity so Uv9DHp4nmuo-00110-00053752-00054358 mines low so classic works out good for me I can preview from drifting the look Uv9DHp4nmuo-00111-00054358-00054685 dead zone I'll keep it that small if you have it Uv9DHp4nmuo-00112-00054685-00055000 on none are large but small is pretty good for aint control and considering Uv9DHp4nmuo-00113-00055000-00055423 how big the hitboxes are movement dead zone same thing keep it on small Uv9DHp4nmuo-00114-00055423-00055816 inverted look turn it off unless you're I don't know playing weird or your cod Uv9DHp4nmuo-00115-00055816-00056251 or like playing inverted or you just plain claw I'm weird a vibration Uv9DHp4nmuo-00116-00056251-00056569 definitely turn this off in any competitive fps definitely turned it off Uv9DHp4nmuo-00117-00056569-00056979 vibration can shake that controller and kind of mess you up a little bit in high Uv9DHp4nmuo-00118-00056979-00057504 tense situations now here here's the the big thing that we want to talk about Uv9DHp4nmuo-00119-00057504-00058141 field of view the field of view in my experience this is the first game that Uv9DHp4nmuo-00120-00058141-00058591 allows you to change it just like you would on PC now the default field of Uv9DHp4nmuo-00121-00058591-00059055 view and the reason mine is at 80 is because I believe that the first or Uv9DHp4nmuo-00122-00059055-00059562 excuse me the default field of view for Call of Duty is somewhere between Uv9DHp4nmuo-00123-00059562-00060405 roughly 65 to 75 so or really is more like 70 to 80 so I keep this on a which Uv9DHp4nmuo-00124-00060405-00060957 is pretty similar to the blackout or Call of Duty itself I used to play on 96 Uv9DHp4nmuo-00125-00060957-00061276 or like a hundred you can take it all the way up it's totally up to you you Uv9DHp4nmuo-00126-00061276-00061689 can take it up to 110 I prefer 80 it just works better color Uv9DHp4nmuo-00127-00061689-00062157 blind mode turn it off you don't need it audio this is totally up to you man Uv9DHp4nmuo-00128-00062157-00062664 master volume I keep up special effects is a little bit lower same thing with Uv9DHp4nmuo-00129-00062664-00063027 dialog you want to be able to hear that they other players are stuff call out Uv9DHp4nmuo-00130-00063027-00063408 music and lobby music just turn it down it's so loud when you're loading screens Uv9DHp4nmuo-00131-00063408-00063988 just turn those down subtitles don't like you I sometimes I go back and forth Uv9DHp4nmuo-00132-00063988-00064362 I feel like the subtitles are too distracting I turn them off sometimes Uv9DHp4nmuo-00133-00064362-00064622 you if I want to read stuff like I said a Uv9DHp4nmuo-00134-00064622-00065237 tournament so if for incoming voice to chat text that's in your HUD it's Uv9DHp4nmuo-00135-00065237-00065737 totally up to you but I keep it up so yeah guys those are my best settings for Uv9DHp4nmuo-00136-00065737-00066314 apex legends on black ops 4 guys I hope you did enjoy the video if you did drop Uv9DHp4nmuo-00137-00066314-00066707 a like say something down in the comment section let me know what you think or Uv9DHp4nmuo-00138-00066707-00067382 what your preferred settings are for this game and uh yeah thank you guys so Uv9DHp4nmuo-00139-00067382-00067862 much make sure to come check out the my livestream over at backslash Uv9DHp4nmuo-00140-00067862-00068261 war log and let me know if you want me to keep pumping out these videos guys we Uv9DHp4nmuo-00141-00068261-00068854 drop full gameplays on for apex and Call of Duty black out on a weekly basis so Uv9DHp4nmuo-00142-00068854-00069227 please check those out and thank you so much guys have a great night Uv9DHp4nmuo-00143-00069227-00069478 peace UvaSZArM19Q-00000-00001516-00001930 Certainly it would obtain access UvaSZArM19Q-00001-00002023-00002329 today it has been said that UvaSZArM19Q-00002-00002501-00002914 are members of The European Platform UvaSZArM19Q-00003-00002914-00003415 and these are in fact countries UvaSZArM19Q-00004-00003418-00003710 we know this from practice; UvaSZArM19Q-00005-00003802-00004010 These are countries that have UvaSZArM19Q-00006-00004104-00004518 so learning from the best with UvaSZArM19Q-00007-00004600-00005026 to their experience, knowledge, UvaSZArM19Q-00008-00005103-00005420 is definitely the cheapest UvaSZArM19Q-00009-00005420-00005812 rather than learning on our mistakes UvaSZArM19Q-00010-00005908-00006409 In addition, there is also the matter of UvaSZArM19Q-00011-00006423-00006704 funded by the European Union; UvaSZArM19Q-00012-00006717-00007222 the possibility of involvement is UvaSZArM19Q-00013-00007318-00007606 and also, of course - if you will – image: UvaSZArM19Q-00014-00007608-00008211 none of the new EU Member States UvaSZArM19Q-00015-00008223-00008600 are yet in this club and UvaSZArM19Q-00016-00008604-00009201 would surely mean an UvaSZArM19Q-00017-00009226-00009530 We operate mainly in Pomurje UvaSZArM19Q-00018-00009611-00010106 with predominantly rural population, UvaSZArM19Q-00019-00010204-00010705 the regional centre Murska Sobota UvaSZArM19Q-00020-00010718-00010919 so there is a lot of UvaSZArM19Q-00021-00010919-00011405 the issue of sustainable transportation UvaSZArM19Q-00022-00011503-00012016 for rural population, elderly population UvaSZArM19Q-00023-00012030-00012328 who commute to school, is a serious problem, UvaSZArM19Q-00024-00012416-00012929 an important issue; therefore, UvaSZArM19Q-00025-00013106-00013704 amongst local leadership, the leaderships of UvaSZArM19Q-00026-00013900-00014129 offering systems support and UvaSZArM19Q-00027-00014313-00015005 in the preparation of mobility strategies UvaSZArM19Q-00028-00015129-00015508 Well, we are working with the UvaSZArM19Q-00029-00015529-00016211 on the implementation of the UvaSZArM19Q-00030-00016219-00016507 in the municipality and its surroundings, UvaSZArM19Q-00031-00016602-00016821 and now we are starting UvaSZArM19Q-00032-00016904-00017026 also with the surrounding UvaSZArM19Q-00033-00017105-00017410 namely the preparation of UvaSZArM19Q-00034-00017611-00017918 and also training courses UvaSZArM19Q-00035-00018010-00018313 We are pleased that we were UvaSZArM19Q-00036-00018405-00018718 and also that we have in this initiative UvaSZArM19Q-00037-00018804-00019229 to include Slovenia in the European platform UvaSZArM19Q-00038-00019326-00019805 a very positive response from UvaSZArM19Q-00039-00019901-00020112 and also from some municipalities, UvaSZArM19Q-00040-00020118-00020421 so we are optimistic that in Slovenia UvaSZArM19Q-00041-00020509-00021007 that one must learn from the best - UvaSZArM19Q-00042-00021017-00021513 the surest way to reduce the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00000-00001592-00001600 you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00001-00003240-00003279 yellow UxwdsfsnFGQ-00002-00003664-00003711 hi greg UxwdsfsnFGQ-00003-00004160-00004384 let me just finish up UxwdsfsnFGQ-00004-00004672-00004760 are you guys doing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00005-00004968-00005024 broke yet UxwdsfsnFGQ-00006-00005264-00005288 no UxwdsfsnFGQ-00007-00005568-00005784 never stop broking UxwdsfsnFGQ-00008-00007104-00007920 let's get started okay uh interesting day yesterday we ended up getting what we UxwdsfsnFGQ-00009-00007920-00008752 sort of wanted uh we were expecting good numbers of cpi and whatever numbers they UxwdsfsnFGQ-00010-00008752-00009384 were printing off that we were expecting very well relatively not bad numbers essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00011-00009384-00009992 uh because we had the numbers uh last month i doubt they would have decreased as things in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00012-00009992-00010728 the economy were looking uh great foxy who keeps using my workspace uh let's stop refresh this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00013-00010912-00012136 back let me date uh yesterday yeah there we go so call inflation 5.9 percent expected UxwdsfsnFGQ-00014-00012136-00013096 uh was uh uh oh consensus was 6.1 so pretty much we were pricing in 6.1 uh the whole of uh pre the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00015-00013096-00013656 couple of uh tuesdays and mondays were pricing in just in case 6.1 did end up hitting again UxwdsfsnFGQ-00016-00013760-00014160 uh so that's something you want to know so this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00017-00014624-00015352 no so we're pricing in 6.1 uh the all of the previous days that's what usually uh what price UxwdsfsnFGQ-00018-00015352-00016016 will do is uh if consensus is bad but we expect something good the price in the worst numbers UxwdsfsnFGQ-00019-00016016-00016576 possible uh then they just let it rip so they just said okay you know what this was the price UxwdsfsnFGQ-00020-00016632-00017584 uh if if it wasn't uh if it wasn't sort of uh bad if numbers are bad then it's like okay consensus UxwdsfsnFGQ-00021-00017584-00018280 came out we understood cpi so we need to pull it down so they were trying to pull it down put it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00022-00018280-00019016 down price it six point one then it ended up being 5.1 so okay cool we need to just pull it back but UxwdsfsnFGQ-00023-00019016-00019568 pull it back up water flow was in the right place where they got enough shorts in they got enough UxwdsfsnFGQ-00024-00019568-00020224 of these guys short and as you can see these areas here where we had these shorts uh traps UxwdsfsnFGQ-00025-00020312-00021120 uh we pulled that uh pull that up all of this was liquidated at 20 23 500 and also UxwdsfsnFGQ-00026-00021120-00021632 23 800 depending on uh the amount of leverage i guess they were using but UxwdsfsnFGQ-00027-00021704-00022232 nevertheless they were liquidated so that's what the uh push ended up being uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00028-00022352-00022960 again it didn't come right at the bottom push came in slightly higher from the short liquidation UxwdsfsnFGQ-00029-00023040-00023584 that's where you can understand it they all know all of this push is from people buying but not UxwdsfsnFGQ-00030-00023584-00024160 all this pushes from people getting liquidated it's half and half usually uh they try and uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00031-00024160-00024832 be as efficient as possible and only drive up uh price when they have enough uh in terms of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00032-00024832-00025384 short here as you can see this insane amount of short opened up here then we just pulled up UxwdsfsnFGQ-00033-00025592-00026064 uh it was touching going uh at these daily opens they were just seeing if people were UxwdsfsnFGQ-00034-00026064-00026608 willing to bake breakout trade and by the second time less people were willing to break out trade UxwdsfsnFGQ-00035-00026608-00027256 i think people were getting a bit sort of uh heavier on the short side as you can see right UxwdsfsnFGQ-00036-00027256-00028183 at the london uh high uh a lot of short here so if we actually draw your attention to that line UxwdsfsnFGQ-00037-00028536-00029120 yeah there we go right at this point here a lot of short here even though we've got some volume UxwdsfsnFGQ-00038-00029120-00029808 dots and that should come to slightly lower but and even we have that small segregation here so UxwdsfsnFGQ-00039-00029880-00030295 just a lot of people just willing to go short so you understood that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00040-00030295-00030983 okay there are less people willing to buy this is probably time we see a breakout trade UxwdsfsnFGQ-00041-00031080-00031648 uh coming off of a uh if you let's say you weren't expecting this you missed this move it's it's fine UxwdsfsnFGQ-00042-00031720-00032439 it still went our way in in terms of understanding uh the range so if we go and back into UxwdsfsnFGQ-00043-00032639-00033272 if you're allowed to crash uh i know i'm on the pen that's why oh god damn it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00044-00033504-00033784 go back to here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00045-00034088-00034760 and we waited for the range we know that a range expanded high so we know we can obviously try UxwdsfsnFGQ-00046-00034760-00035384 and do the opposite so we got a nice outside structure pulled it back in and it consolidated UxwdsfsnFGQ-00047-00035384-00035920 for i believe about an hour and a half from the looks of things i can double check that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00048-00035920-00036512 and we take it from the open about two hours actually yeah two hours two hours UxwdsfsnFGQ-00049-00036512-00037120 2 hours 15 minutes depending on who you ask but from then on it just pulls back in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00050-00037208-00037800 again if you consolidated for another two more bars so around here still consolidating out at UxwdsfsnFGQ-00051-00037800-00038328 that point you'd have taken that off and just said you know what yeah it's not really something that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00052-00038328-00039024 you'd want to be in but i mean everything was uh facilitating uh potentially uh lower off of this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00053-00039104-00039664 people willing to go short as soon as uh price hit up into this so you see these longs getting UxwdsfsnFGQ-00054-00039664-00040352 liquidated so you see the breakout traders come in around this area get liquidated around this area UxwdsfsnFGQ-00055-00040352-00041152 so they're buying this they can liquidate here they pull it back down hit into uh 3350 uh 500 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00056-00041208-00041688 nice even number and from there it just says you know what we're done we just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00057-00041688-00042272 wanted to see uh we just wanted to take some a long liquid and liquidity off the table UxwdsfsnFGQ-00058-00042328-00043120 and after achieving that they start pushing price up again so yeah it's it's a nice sort of area in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00059-00043120-00043888 terms of a nice day rather from trading uh got a few pop from the open you could have shorted uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00060-00043888-00044984 short open down and i think most things did go down yesterday um it's just crypto dead UxwdsfsnFGQ-00061-00045544-00046240 holding up strong ethereum holding up strong like yeah into the number we wanted but just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00062-00046240-00046928 insanely strong for some reason but damn it's one of the things where you gotta understand if UxwdsfsnFGQ-00063-00046928-00047424 you're theorem strong then probably some of the old coins are really strong uh i don't think it's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00064-00047424-00047976 time to rotate it now you want to pull back you wanna still wait for a thing it one more default UxwdsfsnFGQ-00065-00047976-00048768 retreat but not a deep retracement just a shallow retracement probably at 17 figure uh so 1750 or 17 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00066-00048768-00049424 uh round number around here if anything if that gives you that deeper retracement UxwdsfsnFGQ-00067-00049520-00050040 you sort of see that and pull it back in and let's see if we have any bids there actually UxwdsfsnFGQ-00068-00050040-00050848 uh before we sort of try to commit to that figure no i want spot where my own futures there we go UxwdsfsnFGQ-00069-00051112-00051816 we have 1850 looks like uh that's our pressure we came in it's been here for a while if this sort of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00070-00051816-00052496 moves sideways and that's the remains you're looking at 1850 and yeah there we go 17 just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00071-00052496-00053288 under 17 uh even and we have our beds entered as soon as price moves or moved away from it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00072-00053344-00053791 just entered in just entered in so they're looking for these two numbers like i said UxwdsfsnFGQ-00073-00053872-00054360 just to keep price up and flow but prior to that we have our 1850 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00074-00054416-00055255 uh to try and hold so maybe if you see 1850 you might uh see that as a potential purchase on the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00075-00055255-00055936 lower time frames uh if we go back into say 15 minutes so 1850 will take out the liquid see here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00076-00055936-00056464 we'll come in around here which is the 50 of uh asia's sort of uh what asia did UxwdsfsnFGQ-00077-00056560-00057312 you want to see if it does that willingly and bounces we have a daily balance set up here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00078-00057448-00057936 so let's see that there you go nice it's nice and centered we don't like to be centered in here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00079-00058008-00058560 uh we have no trade bias when it's uh in here our trade bias uh essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00080-00058560-00059296 comes in when we uh break high or break lower to pull down or pull up depending UxwdsfsnFGQ-00081-00059864-00061144 oh i want a smaller pen and it didn't get wicked i mean but again even shallower retracement what UxwdsfsnFGQ-00082-00061144-00061920 bitcoin had just very much pump mentals everything just pumping mentals so with things moving like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00083-00061920-00063184 this uh and actually we can even go back to our spot there actually and see what time it had UxwdsfsnFGQ-00084-00063744-00064144 just couple of minutes off about three minutes off but right on this line and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00085-00064144-00064679 say okay cool now's the time to buy small overhang there we go it starts moving UxwdsfsnFGQ-00086-00064840-00065984 time time will always be your friend essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00087-00066144-00066464 moving up aggressively we're outside of our range we're moving UxwdsfsnFGQ-00088-00066464-00066952 in again we still have a lot of price action to develop otherwise this will just become UxwdsfsnFGQ-00089-00067128-00067664 either we develop price action here we start trading start range trading around here or we UxwdsfsnFGQ-00090-00067664-00068496 just fly into this and we call it uh call it a day from from this price range so i mean it could it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00091-00068496-00069136 could present a nice sort of opportunity to stay within side sort of swing lungs depending on how UxwdsfsnFGQ-00092-00069136-00069960 you sort of trade from whatever number you started entering in sort of slowly but surely uh self sell UxwdsfsnFGQ-00093-00069960-00070696 some percentages but at the same time i understand that we have we may have some potency to go up UxwdsfsnFGQ-00094-00071368-00072160 looks like the liquidity looks like it want to target 25 25k even just call it a day UxwdsfsnFGQ-00095-00072264-00072992 i think did we do 420 yesterday yeah we went past our 420 number as you can see we called UxwdsfsnFGQ-00096-00072992-00073872 420 at the very least we hit our 420 here then we started trading small spread then we had that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00097-00073872-00074968 developed pre-market area for uh 4 4 20 23 pulled back up smashed it into it pulled back in now we UxwdsfsnFGQ-00098-00074968-00075640 just have two numbers here right now we've got liquid see again i don't hate also i like manual UxwdsfsnFGQ-00099-00075640-00076320 i always set itself back to auto uh yeah there we go you've got this area here just slightly above UxwdsfsnFGQ-00100-00076456-00077288 uh 423.7 uh maybe we hit up into here before doing anything but looks like liquidity is on this side UxwdsfsnFGQ-00101-00077344-00078008 we do have uh a lot of people going short which is interesting uh i mean if you look at this i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00102-00078008-00078672 mean obviously closed so uh not much just and not much to tell but at the same time just you saw UxwdsfsnFGQ-00103-00078672-00079376 just cumulative volume just a bunch of shorts just open up uh on the way up so this is again just uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00104-00079432-00080160 is what we look for divergence although the adr in general is usually well respected by btc adios UxwdsfsnFGQ-00105-00080160-00080696 at 25k which suggests we don't move today just fish breakout traders uh yeah UxwdsfsnFGQ-00106-00080856-00081224 it might it might be fishing today i mean we did have a large move so UxwdsfsnFGQ-00107-00081320-00081672 everyone who's late to the party uh everyone who's just getting UxwdsfsnFGQ-00108-00081672-00082160 the notification that a price is going up like oh my god price is going up i should buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00109-00082240-00082840 uh so they might punish the range but looking at what we did yesterday we saw some drop UxwdsfsnFGQ-00110-00082936-00083696 we see some level of tomfoolery in terms of how uh we've been moving up in price but we've been uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00111-00083696-00084336 diverging in terms of cumulative delta as you can see here a lot of people on open just shorted UxwdsfsnFGQ-00112-00084336-00084856 that just drive down market it's it's uh this is something that you guys should uh take a picture UxwdsfsnFGQ-00113-00084856-00085584 if you and just say okay this is what diver diversion looks like you see red uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00114-00085696-00086288 you see red dots on the way up you see you see a bunch of red dots and this is pushing itself down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00115-00086288-00086904 then these guys get located by green dots pulling back up so something definitely to remember UxwdsfsnFGQ-00116-00086904-00087592 especially uh depending on how we close and you see closing people just getting ready to show UxwdsfsnFGQ-00117-00087672-00088208 look what they do in pre-market they raise it up because when as soon as exchange opens and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00118-00088208-00089072 we're up here these guys will get their price hit and as soon as the price hits like okay cool UxwdsfsnFGQ-00119-00089072-00089800 they're out that will drive price higher uh we got as you can see this here is uh it's a nice example UxwdsfsnFGQ-00120-00089800-00090464 of best bed and best spread widening especially on open and again it happens the hour on open from UxwdsfsnFGQ-00121-00090536-00091216 2200 my time which is minus four about six uh 600 just before asia's range sets UxwdsfsnFGQ-00122-00091216-00091952 up but at age range that's why asia set uh range setup is really important i would say UxwdsfsnFGQ-00123-00091952-00092744 binance features having issues finance having issues with connecting interesting not ideal UxwdsfsnFGQ-00124-00093056-00093320 i need to remove those pop-ups they're so pistachio UxwdsfsnFGQ-00125-00093376-00093984 especially when i'm like doing something else and just randomly something pops up UxwdsfsnFGQ-00126-00094088-00094200 i read yourself UxwdsfsnFGQ-00127-00094480-00094544 anything else UxwdsfsnFGQ-00128-00094896-00095168 yeah just below just yeah just under 2 500 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00129-00095360-00095936 yes i think yeah it might be one of those days where we re a re-test down and lower uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00130-00096224-00096784 looking at where oh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00131-00096944-00097024 interesting UxwdsfsnFGQ-00132-00097528-00098152 yeah yeah it looks like 25 uh around this number they just trying to look to offset UxwdsfsnFGQ-00133-00098152-00098680 a lot of the pressure here uh we've got r4 here r2 should be around here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00134-00098736-00099680 uh usually we pair these guys together like r1 with our r3 r2 to r4 uh i5 is the pp uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00135-00100080-00100608 but we see asia is not really consolidating new york london sort of carrying that torch UxwdsfsnFGQ-00136-00100608-00101288 right now i mean we've got the tail end of asia but we have that consolidation slightly pin up UxwdsfsnFGQ-00137-00101288-00101992 above the consolidation pulling back down as soon as we come below uh come below here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00138-00101992-00102696 22 24 900 we want to see re slight slight overhang maybe next kendall come in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00139-00102696-00103400 aggressive and just we just want to slam it down let's let them back down i mean considering how UxwdsfsnFGQ-00140-00103400-00104008 how much we moved yesterday we got a lot i've got it's pretty small UxwdsfsnFGQ-00141-00104352-00104744 uh now let's let's look at this uh liquidation actually and then see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00142-00104832-00105392 like i said so we had some minor liquidations prior to moving up and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00143-00105392-00106088 most of the liquidations did come in the way from here again 512 sort of separate liquidations and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00144-00106088-00106768 i i don't think that's accurate holy uh but nevertheless we've got a lot of liquidations and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00145-00106768-00107311 you see a lot of other liquidations the opposite will hit around and as soon as you see that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00146-00107311-00107816 and you sort of put two in together you i get cool they just hit into even numbers they just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00147-00107816-00108328 told everyone to [__] off uh before just just working away from them saying ah man UxwdsfsnFGQ-00148-00109024-00109568 yeah um futures doesn't really have any sort of nice walls for us to uh outside of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00149-00109832-00110168 yeah outside of the ones close together they don't really have anything to say UxwdsfsnFGQ-00150-00110272-00110824 that's why i like using spot UxwdsfsnFGQ-00151-00110824-00111440 they do have the 25 wall but i think uh the spot pair shows a much better you see they just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00152-00111528-00112056 just flushed it all the way from here to 25 uh you 2500 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00153-00112168-00113152 65 yeah 25.00 25k i'm not 2500 jesus uh 25k all the way from there they just uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00154-00113152-00113616 have a bunch of liquids just in case uh so that's that might be something nice and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00155-00113616-00114008 let's sort of uh change what they open and stuff is so let's mark that out actually UxwdsfsnFGQ-00156-00114472-00114983 they open was uh 23 950 let's just say UxwdsfsnFGQ-00157-00115335-00115559 three nine fifty UxwdsfsnFGQ-00158-00115768-00116368 there you go there's your day open just around here uh pretty pretty positive day open a lot UxwdsfsnFGQ-00159-00116368-00116920 of buyers coming in around here again when we come below these buys come below here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00160-00117048-00117416 that's when we start keeping these guys underwater as soon as we get underwater UxwdsfsnFGQ-00161-00117416-00117848 it's like we had this area here as long as we have enough of this they'll just keep this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00162-00117935-00118144 they keep these traps until they're liquidated UxwdsfsnFGQ-00163-00118432-00118616 and that's the way the cookie crumbles UxwdsfsnFGQ-00164-00118783-00120016 uh previous month high is at this value here so 24 6 24 6 and let's run that 24 6 7 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00165-00120280-00120583 24 65 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00166-00120728-00120911 right here you can see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00167-00121152-00121568 the spot page looks like that week doesn't exist again it's not another thing with spread UxwdsfsnFGQ-00168-00121568-00122232 uh sometimes you don't have to spread that widens and i mean i rounded up anyway but still UxwdsfsnFGQ-00169-00122583-00123383 you know it should be fun jesus what is up is this why is up with these connectors UxwdsfsnFGQ-00170-00123952-00124552 in terms of today there's not really too much to say that hasn't been said already in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00171-00124711-00125064 uh previous mean you guys know what you're looking for you guys know UxwdsfsnFGQ-00172-00125064-00125680 how to trade this look you see you see london came down and so you do the opposite pulls back UxwdsfsnFGQ-00173-00125680-00126248 up even if you don't do the opposite way for the retest you do that one pull it back up for UxwdsfsnFGQ-00174-00126592-00127104 get your confirmation in terms of bias wise on on these walls you just understand that okay cool we UxwdsfsnFGQ-00175-00127104-00127704 saw these buys here we're now underwater we took these uh this looks like yeah you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00176-00127704-00128432 slammed into this wall so we know there's uh a a bunch of people uh either who sold here and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00177-00128544-00129104 conversely in in the future pair shorted there and again it was just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00178-00129104-00129672 driver liquidations and arbitrage causing that move uh on spot to buy buy there UxwdsfsnFGQ-00179-00129776-00130120 so not really not really sort of something you want to sort of buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00180-00130183-00130920 but at the same time we always like waiting for a new york to fully set up or on news release UxwdsfsnFGQ-00181-00130920-00131560 we might have a couple more then we do have a couple more numbers uh imported today uh let's see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00182-00131768-00132112 i switched to cheap yesterday i won recent UxwdsfsnFGQ-00183-00132320-00132656 uh yeah hippie ppi UxwdsfsnFGQ-00184-00133072-00133808 let's see consensus uh as long as we be consensus and be forecast we should be good uh if we don't UxwdsfsnFGQ-00185-00133808-00134584 beat consensus and uh so we we drop down again initial job uh jobless claims was uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00186-00134640-00135200 tending down which is good we want that to be down uh if it means it's coming down that means UxwdsfsnFGQ-00187-00135200-00135832 uh labor markets getting fixed uh and i think most of this has been an issue of uh labor market UxwdsfsnFGQ-00188-00135976-00136104 just being a trading issue UxwdsfsnFGQ-00189-00136576-00137000 yeah we have a bunch of uh yeah on a news embargo lift we have a bunch UxwdsfsnFGQ-00190-00137000-00137792 uh coming out so it might be another thing where uh on 8 30 we see a lot we see a lot happen UxwdsfsnFGQ-00191-00138688-00139104 where our area was spy that was i mean we're trying to already train slightly higher UxwdsfsnFGQ-00192-00139168-00139944 up again we could slightly overhang we're at 22.3 so if we gap up here we stand the risk of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00193-00140008-00140360 pulling and just and just look at it and just pushing off UxwdsfsnFGQ-00194-00140432-00140872 uh aggressively so that's something you want to watch for you don't want to push off aggressively UxwdsfsnFGQ-00195-00140928-00141616 rather uh because that would just mean we're coming back down at a different number uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00196-00141616-00142192 and there'll be an opportunity short uh based on the close we had a lot of people go short at UxwdsfsnFGQ-00197-00142192-00142752 this high which is uh something that not many people do well you shouldn't be doing rather UxwdsfsnFGQ-00198-00142944-00143624 so we stand the risk of squeezing those guys out uh i mean if we if we open here they're definitely UxwdsfsnFGQ-00199-00143624-00144344 getting absorbed into potential down but ideally looking for this to try and try and close this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00200-00144344-00145032 area off uh as soon as it starts closing this area off we might try to climb up uh if we start UxwdsfsnFGQ-00201-00145032-00145536 climbing up you'll be the opportunity to go along that would be essentially your retest uh to this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00202-00145536-00146080 high here off and that will sort of confirm that we've liquidated all the shorts that were entered UxwdsfsnFGQ-00203-00146080-00146608 here we're fine sort of entering this position uh and being above those shorts because then UxwdsfsnFGQ-00204-00146608-00147224 they're not too much of a concern anymore as soon as we drop down uh as soon as we uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00205-00147224-00147816 jump below those uh below this area here is your opportunity to short this to try and say you know UxwdsfsnFGQ-00206-00147816-00148592 what that's your uh slight deviation above uh the resistance for pulling this down before 11 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00207-00148688-00149016 and the price of bitcoin will try and move accordingly off of that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00208-00149176-00149464 i mean we've been pretty strong in the last couple of days UxwdsfsnFGQ-00209-00149680-00150704 coming into here we did end up getting our aerial retest next or big levels at the 43 knight 100 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00210-00150912-00150968 this number UxwdsfsnFGQ-00211-00151256-00151648 439 there we go i know i know how to read i think UxwdsfsnFGQ-00212-00152128-00152592 but the way things are moving i mean we've already seen some level of liquidations UxwdsfsnFGQ-00213-00152680-00153128 coming in from people just treating me yes but remember whatever happens in the years UxwdsfsnFGQ-00214-00153184-00153944 is it's not a wholly uh accurate on the uh spider but it's uh some level of accuracy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00215-00154024-00154696 uh if we start coming back down remember 420 is the area when we start pulling back down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00216-00154768-00155112 so we spend the whole day essentially here pull it back down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00217-00155224-00155728 try targeting below this we'll take out the liquidity here for those who essentially went UxwdsfsnFGQ-00218-00155728-00156464 along but everyone going this short is just jesus as soon as we re-test for uh 420 uh 421 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00219-00156688-00157080 or some variant of this area above the area of short UxwdsfsnFGQ-00220-00157144-00157536 sort of potentially looking for these liquidity points to get here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00221-00157864-00158368 if it does it might end up driving up bitcoin uh even higher so that's something that you might UxwdsfsnFGQ-00222-00158368-00158960 want to watch out for uh but bitcoin does look like it wants to just relax UxwdsfsnFGQ-00223-00158960-00159600 around uh i'm not saying bring it down bring these walls down creating try and create pressure down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00224-00159600-00160208 trying to keep it around this area but all in all it does want to it looks like it wants to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00225-00160208-00160832 be happy around this area it's got nothing set up above top uh it looks like i think it's just UxwdsfsnFGQ-00226-00160984-00161584 knowledge span is having issues with the data okay looks like today isn't a good time to stream UxwdsfsnFGQ-00227-00162000-00162584 even with through the sporty day uh yeah we've got our numbers to watch for we know what to do UxwdsfsnFGQ-00228-00162840-00163592 uh let's see let's not have a look at solana shalom just trading in its highest sort of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00229-00163592-00164248 bound range uh you're gonna be sort of a sparse to see if there's any breakout traders willing to buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00230-00164248-00165056 this so pull it back down again just you usually normally expect uh to do the opposite actually i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00231-00165056-00165712 do i want to see the makeup of that area here so can get rid of xrp we don't really like xrp UxwdsfsnFGQ-00232-00166024-00166520 yeah but xrp end up doing uh what we end up wanting to do slammed into those walls here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00233-00166704-00168184 just i just flew with the rest so like i said it was a bit bullish maybe more things are bullish UxwdsfsnFGQ-00234-00168248-00168936 are you guys crashing now oh god damn yeah looks like i can't pull it up so i won't know for sure UxwdsfsnFGQ-00235-00168936-00169512 uh we won't know for sure sure if these guys are short or long but if these guys are short UxwdsfsnFGQ-00236-00169512-00169992 uh and there's not much along here you probably drive price up higher but uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00237-00170096-00170712 using sort of common sense more more times people will be long here so you might want to wait for UxwdsfsnFGQ-00238-00170712-00171544 let's say one more retest before expecting price again you got the rule of three the third time uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00239-00171688-00172312 after that it shouldn't really matter you should maybe wish for higher prices i've got UxwdsfsnFGQ-00240-00172312-00173096 a nice blue doji to test here so about 41 uh 32 do i want to draw this one yeah it's a daily one UxwdsfsnFGQ-00241-00173096-00173808 so i'll draw this one there we go 41 40 basically if you round up come slightly above UxwdsfsnFGQ-00242-00173808-00174304 you see these bites here probably end up being short rather hold it up higher you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00243-00174304-00175184 want to see your retest around here pull it back up and try a break uh higher than this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00244-00175480-00176128 uh for dart we came into the uh again everything's coming into a resistance area as you can see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00245-00176128-00176624 it's it's coming to a point where it can possibly just reverse off that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00246-00176624-00177392 and just say you know what i'm happy here goodbye ethereum as well no uh looks like 1900 was a level UxwdsfsnFGQ-00247-00177392-00178032 to watch out for from a while ago we did have a bunch of areas i mean we had the one prior UxwdsfsnFGQ-00248-00178032-00178472 way bounced off here the one primary brand stuff here so it looks like it's been targeting UxwdsfsnFGQ-00249-00178472-00179112 uh slowly uh slowly these these other blue dojis and pulling it back down it does look UxwdsfsnFGQ-00250-00179112-00179824 like this area is the one we've been uh i've been sort of looking for uh just as something UxwdsfsnFGQ-00251-00179824-00180672 that i've been pointing out looks like next one should be uh about 21 uh 2k just uh yeah 2065. UxwdsfsnFGQ-00252-00180776-00181552 so we might see that uh and before we see 21681 and we might see these numbers drop back up again UxwdsfsnFGQ-00253-00181608-00182520 if we pull it back down looking for it to be around uh worst case 1725 uh actually yeah UxwdsfsnFGQ-00254-00182520-00183544 no not worst case around there mid-range 20 uh 27 50 uh 25 uh 2750 uh best case uh sort of scenario UxwdsfsnFGQ-00255-00183544-00184064 in terms of if you touch that could potentially look for that if we especially look aggressively UxwdsfsnFGQ-00256-00184120-00184728 uh uh especially if we want to aggressively move away from that the sort of telling in terms of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00257-00184728-00185296 archicad it just wants to get these guys trapped pull it in pull it back up head out into this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00258-00185368-00186072 a hit up higher so like it could be a potential uh and remember guys like if UxwdsfsnFGQ-00259-00186144-00186800 if we if we get another ride if we get this rally uh where the rally will end is where UxwdsfsnFGQ-00260-00186800-00187440 just just look at like the moon or anyone on twitter that has a large following uh if they say UxwdsfsnFGQ-00261-00187440-00188072 the world markets back just sell instinctively then you'd be good you'd be in good hands UxwdsfsnFGQ-00262-00188248-00188672 it's like when kramer mentions your stock you just sell your stock in instinctively UxwdsfsnFGQ-00263-00188672-00189184 and you're just like okay cool uh yeah it's not it's not it's not time to hold anymore UxwdsfsnFGQ-00264-00189408-00189840 no i don't think there was much i like uh again UxwdsfsnFGQ-00265-00190176-00190512 yeah again like everything is at resistance so it's just like uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00266-00190512-00191128 not much i've i've been liking uh some uh if we flip this area yeah i couldn't go higher UxwdsfsnFGQ-00267-00191200-00191768 uh but other than that it just looks like a lot of things is uh just a resistance UxwdsfsnFGQ-00268-00191768-00192528 all together at the same time again that's the beauty of uh training most things will come to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00269-00192528-00193136 uh they will they work because they trade together in tandem uh they will come to the same uh area UxwdsfsnFGQ-00270-00193136-00193712 of resistance slightly higher depending on how they deviated but usually usually they come to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00271-00193712-00194208 resistance together and drop back down even though the numbers are totally different because uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00272-00194272-00194808 people will trade the same because they they buy together they oh let me buy all these coins you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00273-00194808-00195360 sell sell it together let me sell all these coins together uh unless you get those rotate cards UxwdsfsnFGQ-00274-00195944-00196552 i mean we're slightly high on the a bag so we do stand the chance of just uh flipping instantly on UxwdsfsnFGQ-00275-00196552-00197104 28 so he does something you might want to mark if we have enough uh percy to go up to 33.8 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00276-00197168-00197528 that's something that you want to like hold out for but i mean with everything UxwdsfsnFGQ-00277-00197528-00198352 uh as it is we might just drop that back down to 25 75 75 and from there that's where you want to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00278-00198352-00198984 see if you want to buy into it if you want to buy into it you can you can in try italia up higher UxwdsfsnFGQ-00279-00199440-00200176 you already had a theorem h t is a bit uh again it's pretty bottomed out so that's something that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00280-00200176-00200656 you might want to see as a potential buy it's coming into this area here so it might fail UxwdsfsnFGQ-00281-00200744-00201312 fail on this but on the daily level it's just been trading at this level it's already swiped it uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00282-00201368-00201808 well a couple of times really depending on how you want to count this one two and three UxwdsfsnFGQ-00283-00201808-00202552 or one with four times or one two so anywhere from two to four times swipe these lows out UxwdsfsnFGQ-00284-00202552-00203040 and it's taken uh taking them relatively but every time it's just accumulated short UxwdsfsnFGQ-00285-00203160-00203680 at the low level then just pulled it up so it might be something where you want to buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00286-00203680-00204320 it around this level or buy by here to target up higher it does look like a decent sort of uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00287-00204552-00205160 range up high fifteen percent not really but ah [__] no that's the wrong line UxwdsfsnFGQ-00288-00205400-00205984 ah you guys don't remember that was it's fine rewind the tape if you don't UxwdsfsnFGQ-00289-00206576-00206944 so yeah you do get a couple of coins that are lagging behind so that might be UxwdsfsnFGQ-00290-00206944-00207192 uh telling for those with the coins that are cool UxwdsfsnFGQ-00291-00207248-00207608 don't have something in the near future because everything is at the height of UxwdsfsnFGQ-00292-00207608-00208376 its range everything is so off if we do the retail sort of thing they they do this like okay triangle UxwdsfsnFGQ-00293-00208471-00209192 triangle triangle square breakout target this like oh no look you see target but you probably just uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00294-00209192-00209704 plug this under bug this under here pull it back down those sort of things UxwdsfsnFGQ-00295-00210112-00210464 so that's why it's so important to see uh if they start buying those UxwdsfsnFGQ-00296-00210464-00210888 and if they start buying on those breakouts and they know they're just doing and they're UxwdsfsnFGQ-00297-00210888-00211448 just uh fishing for those guys to then pull it back down and take those take that liquidity UxwdsfsnFGQ-00298-00211528-00211767 uh this just being a real pain in the ass UxwdsfsnFGQ-00299-00212223-00212800 and the same thing is uh anyway it always happens but you guys extend it higher and you can see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00300-00212856-00213480 from these points here just coming up got a couple of days where you just traded traded around here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00301-00213567-00214008 oh traded around here but nevertheless same thing applied it took a while i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00302-00214008-00214600 think it just like not many people are being goated by that as i said i know please buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00303-00214656-00215032 so you're probably looking a bit lower around here especially on the daily levels UxwdsfsnFGQ-00304-00215760-00216056 and i think most of those things create this except i mean UxwdsfsnFGQ-00305-00216160-00216576 if one thing that you might know is uh i mean traders upset me if you draw from this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00306-00216576-00217112 to this they say okay look perfect i they either break out they buy it when it breaks UxwdsfsnFGQ-00307-00217176-00217919 or they short it when it attaches attaches touches uh so that's why i want like i want UxwdsfsnFGQ-00308-00217919-00218440 to know the makeup of these uh dots so you can i can definitely know these two are bias but i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00309-00218440-00219008 don't know this one because i can't see this one uh because there's uh things acting up right now UxwdsfsnFGQ-00310-00219256-00219792 uh which is a pain in the ass but if you can get the makeup of this if you if UxwdsfsnFGQ-00311-00219792-00220184 a lot of people went short we might get breakout a lot of people start buying UxwdsfsnFGQ-00312-00220184-00221384 we pull it in get a retest essentially pull it back up and that's where you want to buy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00313-00221480-00221871 because if we draw this and they say oh look this is working now look at this man UxwdsfsnFGQ-00314-00221928-00222656 one two ah man so the next time it has to work right it has to work it has to and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00315-00222656-00223192 it doesn't work that time and they get they get bamboozled like oh my god they told me it worked UxwdsfsnFGQ-00316-00223728-00224184 if i don't fall for trend lines UxwdsfsnFGQ-00317-00224240-00224984 horizontal lines only uh yeah considering bookmarks acting up or binance connectors UxwdsfsnFGQ-00318-00224984-00225471 acting up one of the two is acting up uh probably might cut this short uh hopefully UxwdsfsnFGQ-00319-00225471-00226088 you guys got what you needed out of today and you know what you guys are training for let's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00320-00226088-00226984 see i should let's see if there's anything else i can give you guys uh let's see probably have some UxwdsfsnFGQ-00321-00227119-00227200 where are the numbers UxwdsfsnFGQ-00322-00227488-00227584 ah no numbers UxwdsfsnFGQ-00323-00228048-00228632 today it was yesterday okay yeah nothing in terms of extra that you need to say UxwdsfsnFGQ-00324-00228704-00228960 you guys i know you guys have a level head on your UxwdsfsnFGQ-00325-00229736-00229784 monday shot UxwdsfsnFGQ-00326-00229888-00230504 actually this should be nice here's one day correlations between all the coins you can see how UxwdsfsnFGQ-00327-00230576-00231104 bmb's have been hovering around uh point a with a beat bitcoin and e so that might be something UxwdsfsnFGQ-00328-00231104-00231688 you want to look at uh at the same time everything looks standard it just looks correlated obviously UxwdsfsnFGQ-00329-00231688-00232519 bitcoin is one to one to itself uh but the least correlated looks like bnb that atom looks so UxwdsfsnFGQ-00330-00232519-00233984 that's something you might want to look at another previous day was comp oh jesus what did comp do UxwdsfsnFGQ-00331-00234976-00235432 i think we went ahead of the cafe each one i mean UxwdsfsnFGQ-00332-00235432-00236112 it just bleed it down and pushed up now it's nice should be even but i mean it is even UxwdsfsnFGQ-00333-00236671-00237440 down again it's always nice to see uh if there's some stuff is uh any other uh coins lagging behind UxwdsfsnFGQ-00334-00237440-00238367 that doesn't look like it i think it'll be hard to sort of actually let's see we can try scan for it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00335-00238792-00239584 let me see let's see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00336-00243640-00244376 i think i won this usbt and that's the one i want uh let's see what what's up scenarios UxwdsfsnFGQ-00337-00244896-00245608 let's see bullet bullish for rush volume hmm two percent or more my previous clothes UxwdsfsnFGQ-00338-00245784-00246584 10 full [__] off 20 alley UxwdsfsnFGQ-00339-00247704-00247984 uh let's see if we have any of this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00340-00248344-00248392 yeah yeah UxwdsfsnFGQ-00341-00248608-00249016 nothing for this i went to dow jones why did he go to 730 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00342-00249288-00249344 real click UxwdsfsnFGQ-00343-00249760-00250784 nothing for that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00344-00251223-00251567 no i don't i don't think they'll have triple inside consolidations UxwdsfsnFGQ-00345-00251567-00252184 i actually know if they if they are lagging behind they probably might UxwdsfsnFGQ-00346-00253800-00254144 yeah nothing nothing's tripping inside uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00347-00254552-00254576 see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00348-00254912-00255176 i think everything's bullish on this uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00349-00255384-00255823 so we might have to do the inverse yeah everything's pretty oh no UxwdsfsnFGQ-00350-00256080-00256823 axs what's this doing ah that's already pretty high anyway why is it candlesticks and not UxwdsfsnFGQ-00351-00256928-00257504 raindrops or cat normal candle bodies there we go i mean it's not really lagging behind UxwdsfsnFGQ-00352-00257504-00258232 per se looks like i mean it is trapping we got trap volume here uh we understood UxwdsfsnFGQ-00353-00258488-00259184 we got this area here and let's see where our raindrops come UxwdsfsnFGQ-00354-00259296-00259808 yeah i mean there's your blue doji yeah even without going you could have tell that there UxwdsfsnFGQ-00355-00259808-00260456 was an area to reject off of here looks like 19s are a big number to cross for axs UxwdsfsnFGQ-00356-00260456-00261392 to 20 21 so 19.6 21 is an area we want to see uh uh either either rejection or a tendency to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00357-00261392-00261984 uh break break re-test like and then go up higher but nevertheless UxwdsfsnFGQ-00358-00262304-00262392 bitcoin cash UxwdsfsnFGQ-00359-00262616-00263008 i mean this is [__] weird put them back up especially on the day UxwdsfsnFGQ-00360-00263008-00263384 trade here now into consolidation essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00361-00263440-00263984 so you see the consolidation here it always refers back to this wow does it go back to this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00362-00264488-00265176 yeah volumes there's trapping volume eyes side uh looks like it looks like uh there's a break UxwdsfsnFGQ-00363-00265176-00265880 where we want to break out uh one five two uh there's your breakout retest area then looks like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00364-00265880-00266560 it's negative uh yeah no i think so too good to chart there comes it's been consolidating UxwdsfsnFGQ-00365-00266560-00267048 sideways still hasn't left the break out of this range it's get coin i don't know what this is UxwdsfsnFGQ-00366-00267376-00267992 i i recognize ticker i didn't know it was git coin there's your retest essentially of this so UxwdsfsnFGQ-00367-00267992-00268464 you might have a chance of pulling higher so it might be one you want to shortlist and look at UxwdsfsnFGQ-00368-00268840-00269408 this gets really wicky stmx it gets played with a lot so uh it might be something you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00369-00269408-00269960 want to stay away from especially if you're new what i mean played with is pump and dumps uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00370-00270016-00270528 i know a lot of pumping dumps like this coin there's usually a lot of news with this uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00371-00270528-00271784 but i mean even if pump dumps play with a lot it's it's so respected it always respects the blue doji UxwdsfsnFGQ-00372-00272352-00272904 let's see if i can use these numbers that scanners i need to sell my own scanner she can't be asked UxwdsfsnFGQ-00373-00273008-00274584 because i don't even bother with bitcoin for the most part no rsi breakers UxwdsfsnFGQ-00374-00274976-00275000 oh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00375-00275432-00275832 usually it's a trap but like it's just nice to look at i mean oh wait we got UxwdsfsnFGQ-00376-00275832-00276416 we already mocked our gender market now that looks like ojin is nice nice place anyway UxwdsfsnFGQ-00377-00277256-00277432 i think some mr bone that one UxwdsfsnFGQ-00378-00277696-00278264 yeah mr bone that one you probably wanna yeah at twenty one ninety she's probably UxwdsfsnFGQ-00379-00278264-00278560 a buy it's probably you wanna do the opposite since everything wants to do the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00380-00278696-00278944 jesus opposite just having an aneurysm UxwdsfsnFGQ-00381-00279168-00279640 let's see if we can see anything good uh no UxwdsfsnFGQ-00382-00279808-00280520 ah it's consulting i mean base consolings potency to break out it gets against and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00383-00280520-00281032 blizzard is another coin that gets played with by pumper dump groups alike that might be something UxwdsfsnFGQ-00384-00281032-00281648 that you might uh depending look at or avoid uh you want to see if the influx comes in good UxwdsfsnFGQ-00385-00282472-00282888 see how easy it is to just mock up something it was trend spider UxwdsfsnFGQ-00386-00283088-00283760 done there we go you see essentially it could just block under trap trap volume UxwdsfsnFGQ-00387-00283760-00284384 uh if especially if it tries to go long today uh and you see a lot of people try longing this and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00388-00284384-00284840 the traps longs just above here could just bark under and it could be a good shot essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00389-00285008-00285464 actually want to look at the you know basically the inverse because we trade the inverse UxwdsfsnFGQ-00390-00285464-00285976 of what retail per traders do to one of the bullish coins we look for bearish coins UxwdsfsnFGQ-00391-00286208-00287232 actually let's do that yeah yeah UxwdsfsnFGQ-00392-00287232-00287384 unless they're already doing the inverse UxwdsfsnFGQ-00393-00287976-00288296 oh is my voice startery i think it's just my voice in the morning UxwdsfsnFGQ-00394-00288424-00288832 yeah it looks like hmt is probably one of the ones you want to pay attention to other than that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00395-00288832-00289352 easter egg i don't want to look at because h t is generally just lagging behind UxwdsfsnFGQ-00396-00289672-00289984 and it like it's a really good coin UxwdsfsnFGQ-00397-00290416-00290944 is my voice that starry they like i said like i just been having a rough night UxwdsfsnFGQ-00398-00291008-00291536 i think i've been smoking more than i usually do because i've been trying to cut down smoking and UxwdsfsnFGQ-00399-00291536-00292024 she's like i just smoked i think like three cigarettes yesterday like i normally try to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00400-00292024-00292464 cut limit and i think i'm smoked a bit more than that i tried to limit myself now to one UxwdsfsnFGQ-00401-00292464-00293072 cigarette a day but i just it's just been busy so like i need nicotine when i'm busy UxwdsfsnFGQ-00402-00293368-00293544 yeah everything's showing bullet cross UxwdsfsnFGQ-00403-00293752-00294184 so these might be option opportunity short i guess UxwdsfsnFGQ-00404-00294744-00295080 i mean yeah other than i should have to look at these UxwdsfsnFGQ-00405-00295176-00295728 yeah most of these look like in a position where you might want to uh short because if everything's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00406-00295728-00296320 showing bullish and and it shows a potential breakout and i use breakout in quotation marks UxwdsfsnFGQ-00407-00296752-00296984 correct UxwdsfsnFGQ-00408-00297128-00297640 so see oh jesus yeah this might look bad UxwdsfsnFGQ-00409-00297824-00298384 yeah i think more more times today might be one i just either consolidate or we just show it back UxwdsfsnFGQ-00410-00299248-00299496 yeah i know i'm just so close it's just been UxwdsfsnFGQ-00411-00299600-00299984 gonna cost smoking just don't smoke it's relatively straightforward just don't UxwdsfsnFGQ-00412-00299984-00300600 put the can sticking and you just slips it's harder than you think especially because like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00413-00300600-00301184 i don't know especially in the uk it's just smoking's just it's it's a social thing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00414-00301856-00302584 oh jesus this is all [__] uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00415-00302688-00303160 i'm gonna look at the raindrops see what they look like yeah looks like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00416-00303160-00303984 it's it's pretty low a liquidity so it gets uh it gets f it gets played with and tossed around UxwdsfsnFGQ-00417-00304040-00304464 like especially with these long wicks uh it's just not something you want to get into and to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00418-00304464-00305112 like clear some level level i mean it's it's in a place where it's just consolidating but it's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00419-00305112-00305704 down the risk of being trapped volume pulling back down dropping it a bit further coming into UxwdsfsnFGQ-00420-00305704-00306328 this area here pulling it back up trapping cells for volume here the trap cell volume there gives UxwdsfsnFGQ-00421-00306328-00307072 you a re-test and retrace back up you want to probably execute here you smell for 10 years damn UxwdsfsnFGQ-00422-00307296-00307960 is there a training view raindrop clones uh no but what you do essentially UxwdsfsnFGQ-00423-00308048-00308632 is you have to do the math in your head uh is you teach get view app uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00424-00308800-00309472 okay reset view up on this yeah you can so if you go to view up settings you wanna UxwdsfsnFGQ-00425-00309472-00310184 you can reset a certain intervals uh let's see how do i change when it repeats UxwdsfsnFGQ-00426-00310320-00311128 add oh there we go yeah so you reset it you can do it on a bug map actually so uh pick a UxwdsfsnFGQ-00427-00311128-00311784 four hour interval then so what you want to do is say for an hour hour you want to reset every 30 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00428-00311784-00312384 minutes and every 30 minutes you want to take the view apps and you want to compare the two UxwdsfsnFGQ-00429-00312464-00313168 if if they're both pretty much saying the same thing that means you've got blue doji UxwdsfsnFGQ-00430-00313304-00313984 so it's just basically view up divided by two and turn on its side essentially looks like we're UxwdsfsnFGQ-00431-00313984-00314472 getting a bit bullish uh but we're still trading into this week so you want to see this trade UxwdsfsnFGQ-00432-00314472-00315184 how jesus if we keep into this week we try to keep it in to this area here drop down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00433-00315352-00315864 but you just want it's just essentially uh and then how i know that is because they UxwdsfsnFGQ-00434-00315864-00316248 have a documentation as if you read the documentation you understand how it works UxwdsfsnFGQ-00435-00316448-00316592 uh milo UxwdsfsnFGQ-00436-00317040-00317072 people UxwdsfsnFGQ-00437-00317496-00317984 diamond it's not on anything that i like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00438-00318312-00318528 oh jesus it's just been bleeding hasn't it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00439-00318984-00319408 yeah no i i would not touch this one personally UxwdsfsnFGQ-00440-00319808-00320272 because it's number one it's a liquid you can see look that there's really low liquidity UxwdsfsnFGQ-00441-00320368-00320784 uh on these points and either sharp movements i'm pulling back down there's uh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00442-00320912-00321248 and how you know that is uh there's like right variety UxwdsfsnFGQ-00443-00321368-00321936 uh there's no variety of candles it's all pretty much the same uh the same combination of candles UxwdsfsnFGQ-00444-00322048-00322504 and you you always want to avoid uh charts with how it doesn't have UxwdsfsnFGQ-00445-00322504-00323128 other uh same i don't have variety because you know those will be a liquid actually UxwdsfsnFGQ-00446-00323128-00323760 i can't fill this up because this is acting up i think it's just my book members acting up sad UxwdsfsnFGQ-00447-00323976-00324040 so annoying UxwdsfsnFGQ-00448-00324760-00325192 so great how do you end up quitting smoking greg i want to know it's just because i've been trying to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00449-00325192-00326056 quit slowly slowly which is so [__] annoying i i i'm now on the vaping thing so like one cigarette UxwdsfsnFGQ-00450-00326056-00326544 a day and vaping is a lot i've been feeling a bit better here and there but that is still UxwdsfsnFGQ-00451-00326808-00327784 like i mean i'll just switch to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00452-00328056-00328696 i mean yeah it goes for any coin really like if you go on dot you see this uh you can understand UxwdsfsnFGQ-00453-00328696-00329184 that this is just very liquid on this time frame you don't want to ever change the chatting frame UxwdsfsnFGQ-00454-00329184-00329712 but look at this time frame don't worry 15 minutes you don't want to trade it one hour UxwdsfsnFGQ-00455-00329776-00330408 maybe you want to trade it yeah there's some priority here and there but i stopped uh by UxwdsfsnFGQ-00456-00330408-00331984 not smoking in the am pushed it to the moon okay so now shall i please give you cancer uh so much UxwdsfsnFGQ-00457-00332576-00332936 yeah especially because i want to get back into uh swimming and i know like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00458-00333000-00333424 any time i like i smoke and i swim your lungs get compressed UxwdsfsnFGQ-00459-00333480-00334784 like it feels like your lungs lungs are getting squeezed out wronged out UxwdsfsnFGQ-00460-00335584-00336040 yeah i mean there's not much it doesn't really there's much to say here yeah i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00461-00336040-00336696 mean most things are self-explanatory a couple of coins here and there looks like had a pop UxwdsfsnFGQ-00462-00337088-00337344 no greenwich meantime what's happening here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00463-00337552-00337776 it's consolidating at the very least UxwdsfsnFGQ-00464-00338232-00338584 are these extra charts yeah uh there's a free alternative that's better UxwdsfsnFGQ-00465-00338648-00339256 uh it's attached that's alpha tango alpha sierra UxwdsfsnFGQ-00466-00339664-00340240 it's all about socials and self-motivation really uh where i moved to i see a lot of people smoking UxwdsfsnFGQ-00467-00340344-00341112 oh okay people see smoking really bad uh okay so i started doing that moved away from UxwdsfsnFGQ-00468-00341112-00341632 uh smoking had last month two years ago didn't really struggle oh yeah that's the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00469-00341632-00342112 thing in the uk smoking is is seen it's not as it's seen as cool it's just like UxwdsfsnFGQ-00470-00342112-00342656 this is just a social thing everyone smokes if you're working you smoke everyone's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00471-00342800-00343200 from around if i'm around my friends everyone's just like okay look you know just go out for a cig UxwdsfsnFGQ-00472-00344024-00344120 that's why they're charging UxwdsfsnFGQ-00473-00344560-00344648 just want to be cool UxwdsfsnFGQ-00474-00345088-00345480 yeah i mean this middle range however anyone wants to buy this here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00475-00345536-00345984 maybe around here but uh target here but it is UxwdsfsnFGQ-00476-00346256-00346912 we live in uk it was terrible how many people smoke especially on nights out yeah despite the UxwdsfsnFGQ-00477-00346912-00347512 hypothesis yeah it's just insane that that's how i got into smoking really just like you know what UxwdsfsnFGQ-00478-00347584-00348112 when you're when you're at work you just take a break like or you just legit you have a lot UxwdsfsnFGQ-00479-00348112-00348560 of time for a smoke break like you should just go out there i just want to go through UxwdsfsnFGQ-00480-00348744-00350184 what's wrong with you is that cool well we're going bro what are we doing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00481-00350664-00351016 i remember during my uni days where i could uh only afford UxwdsfsnFGQ-00482-00351016-00351776 a 10 pack low i've never seen them anyway oh jesus 10 packs wow that's down bad man UxwdsfsnFGQ-00483-00352960-00353552 yeah i mean there's nothing also just in a weird place right now it's like i i'm i UxwdsfsnFGQ-00484-00353552-00354384 haven't missed some some are lagging behind which is good i guess you grab those who are lagging UxwdsfsnFGQ-00485-00354728-00354760 oh UxwdsfsnFGQ-00486-00354968-00355256 is this squeeze let's see oh it's bb squeeze let's go UxwdsfsnFGQ-00487-00355464-00355784 all of the following jesus UxwdsfsnFGQ-00488-00356120-00356352 ah we've got a lot of coins that are squeezing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00489-00356512-00357240 we've got cervix we've got snx i'll just sfp what is sfp i've heard that before UxwdsfsnFGQ-00490-00357488-00357736 and not really too much of a squeeze but i mean squeezing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00491-00357736-00358584 up high i don't really like squeezing up high UxwdsfsnFGQ-00492-00359224-00359384 yeah it's only like speeding up high UxwdsfsnFGQ-00493-00359624-00360400 it is what it is could there be something there levels are marked you see you see what is up here UxwdsfsnFGQ-00494-00360400-00360912 i mean we already got the retest back into there i mean it could be something you want to watch for UxwdsfsnFGQ-00495-00360912-00361568 yeah especially if it's squeezing and it dropped blow iota oh jesus UxwdsfsnFGQ-00496-00361768-00362784 no i don't really like that how the bars are looking anyway UxwdsfsnFGQ-00497-00364976-00365616 hmm i mean your variation here and there but i mean it's still like very weird UxwdsfsnFGQ-00498-00365616-00366168 like you could just see how just like how liquid it was through these days coming back up you run UxwdsfsnFGQ-00499-00366168-00366712 the risk of seeing this as just the point where you just want to cross down onto pulling back UxwdsfsnFGQ-00500-00366712-00367616 down but i think anything here is fine especially boiled back up oh reboot i hate repeating things UxwdsfsnFGQ-00501-00368304-00368720 yeah that's the thing i don't i don't ever uh close bookmap that's i think it's always on UxwdsfsnFGQ-00502-00368784-00369248 like my computer's on 24 7 bookmarks on 24 7. so i might that might have been the issue UxwdsfsnFGQ-00503-00369624-00370368 ah yeah it's definitely probably the issue it doesn't want to close oh i'm not order bill UxwdsfsnFGQ-00504-00370560-00370728 hello welcome to my audiobook UxwdsfsnFGQ-00505-00371136-00371408 let me see if uh let me turn my gain on UxwdsfsnFGQ-00506-00371832-00371976 your mic my mic died UxwdsfsnFGQ-00507-00372232-00372872 here i put my gain up again oh there's a binance adapter update oh jesus UxwdsfsnFGQ-00508-00373144-00373984 should open up task manager UxwdsfsnFGQ-00509-00374216-00375384 i'm sorry i have to do this to you goodbye UxwdsfsnFGQ-00510-00375864-00376032 looks like someone puking coding UxwdsfsnFGQ-00511-00376240-00377056 in my mic seriously is everyone else having mic issues i mean from with me UxwdsfsnFGQ-00512-00378160-00379584 i think things are just not going my way today UxwdsfsnFGQ-00513-00379992-00380984 um UxwdsfsnFGQ-00514-00381216-00381648 uh what's iq book map uh it's it's it's for intelligent people only UxwdsfsnFGQ-00515-00381712-00382384 choking i'm joking uh now it's uh it's the full version UxwdsfsnFGQ-00516-00383224-00383984 yeah i think uh that is a paid for but like for like it's like it's a kitted out version it's UxwdsfsnFGQ-00517-00383984-00384432 with rhythmic and stuff like that so you've got rhythmic it's just fully adapted stuff like that UxwdsfsnFGQ-00518-00384720-00385184 is what they gave me UxwdsfsnFGQ-00519-00385608-00386584 how can anyone take this guy no one takes me seriously that's the thing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00520-00386816-00387080 because like you i do believe the earth is flat UxwdsfsnFGQ-00521-00387264-00387984 that's what jesus still [__] are having a [__] issue UxwdsfsnFGQ-00522-00388072-00388408 yeah actually rhythmic works i think it's just ah [__] sake man UxwdsfsnFGQ-00523-00388912-00389408 you're special UxwdsfsnFGQ-00524-00389408-00389824 i just have to close everything i guess i i actually don't know why UxwdsfsnFGQ-00525-00390128-00390520 in lessons i don't worry uh lessons are coming UxwdsfsnFGQ-00526-00390640-00390944 we're gonna gonna do some like educational live stream UxwdsfsnFGQ-00527-00391200-00392184 instead of just lazing about and doing nothing UxwdsfsnFGQ-00528-00393912-00393944 hmm UxwdsfsnFGQ-00529-00394216-00394768 let me try out read the connectors now yeah i think it's just the binance adapters i need UxwdsfsnFGQ-00530-00394768-00395472 to update ah nah i don't i don't have time for one to one that's a thing not anymore i used to UxwdsfsnFGQ-00531-00395728-00396384 yeah it's finance looks like spanish trying to take the piss UxwdsfsnFGQ-00532-00396480-00397784 yeah book that's fine by mance's issue cool good to know good to know UxwdsfsnFGQ-00533-00397840-00397968 uh go to help update UxwdsfsnFGQ-00534-00398488-00398656 oh hell yeah check for UxwdsfsnFGQ-00535-00398656-00399232 updates the [__] UxwdsfsnFGQ-00536-00399768-00400000 yeah probably because i'm not my stable build UxwdsfsnFGQ-00537-00400344-00400720 okay i think i mean this it's coming to an hour anyway i think we should UxwdsfsnFGQ-00538-00400720-00401424 end it here with all the issues that we've been having uh let's quickly look at the last two UxwdsfsnFGQ-00539-00401424-00402656 bitcoin cash came back down consolidation could be nice cvx and nothing to stand out ish snx and no UxwdsfsnFGQ-00540-00402656-00403384 we already look at that it's not really it's team jesus these coins man it's gonna be there for me UxwdsfsnFGQ-00541-00403832-00403968 i need one to one i need help UxwdsfsnFGQ-00542-00404608-00405024 yeah nothing we need to stand out ish uh nothing too lagging behind it looks UxwdsfsnFGQ-00543-00405024-00406184 like everything's pretty decent oh let's see if there's anything lower i should jump uh be nuts UxwdsfsnFGQ-00544-00406400-00406896 ah nothing that'll be nice and if anything was lying behind it would appear so lower bb UxwdsfsnFGQ-00545-00407312-00407584 yeah no nothing really UxwdsfsnFGQ-00546-00407944-00408256 okay i think we should end it there any questions for today UxwdsfsnFGQ-00547-00408352-00409032 looks like uh you guys again got a half hour till embargo left once embargo left you'll see UxwdsfsnFGQ-00548-00409032-00409704 uh you see some new things probably more time we want to expect it to go down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00549-00409704-00410384 because i think we're pricing in a bit higher than we actually really want to price in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00550-00410560-00411400 uh again let's see previous was 1.1 as fine consensus is uh on month of months is about 0.2 UxwdsfsnFGQ-00551-00411456-00412392 forecast is full so anything that meets consensus is good uh if we hit our forecasts uh uh we we go UxwdsfsnFGQ-00552-00412392-00412952 above consensus we raise this uh we raise this up which is annoying we do we don't wanna raise this UxwdsfsnFGQ-00553-00413056-00413768 uh we're gonna keep this down so we're gonna look for this to hit consensus UxwdsfsnFGQ-00554-00413832-00414200 uh and the same thing for here we want this to either go down UxwdsfsnFGQ-00555-00414256-00414968 uh hit 8.1 we're looking for 8.1 or lower uh 8.1 lowers bullish anything higher will probably price UxwdsfsnFGQ-00556-00414968-00415592 uh bitcoin or and everything else down as a result so you probably might see a super aggressive bar UxwdsfsnFGQ-00557-00415960-00416528 and so uh keep this up when you're trading uh and wait for the numbers to come in once UxwdsfsnFGQ-00558-00416528-00416968 the numbers come in you know you know how you're gonna be trading it UxwdsfsnFGQ-00559-00417039-00417384 you're basically trading it the inverse of the first bar you see so UxwdsfsnFGQ-00560-00417496-00418208 after the consecutive sort of bar what i mean is you see how we uh we pushed up and we had UxwdsfsnFGQ-00561-00418208-00418839 the extra bar that we slowly came back down and basically wanted this but so if you start pulling UxwdsfsnFGQ-00562-00418839-00419400 down you're waiting for it to plateau then you're trying to do the opposite so at 10 o'clock you UxwdsfsnFGQ-00563-00419400-00420288 want to just execute the inverse order of the direction that i think the whipsaw was ended in UxwdsfsnFGQ-00564-00420928-00421543 sure i'll catch you guys on the flip side again i don't know why i'm still having mic issues should UxwdsfsnFGQ-00565-00421543-00422184 not be having mic issues i might need to buy another mic again uh you know i'll buy one today UxwdsfsnFGQ-00566-00422184-00423056 actually i'll buy upgrade if anything uh and i'll probably have that for next week maybe depends UxwdsfsnFGQ-00567-00423328-00423352 okay UxwdsfsnFGQ-00568-00423664-00424056 no it's so good i want to get an upgrade anyway i got a snowball UxwdsfsnFGQ-00569-00424056-00424439 no yes snowball i got the mini one i just wanted to get the ae UxwdsfsnFGQ-00570-00424439-00424992 i guess so it looks like a real mic instead of a little ball i hate talking to balls UxwdsfsnFGQ-00571-00425200-00425400 have a good day guys catch UzyuU_idEr4-00000-00000304-00000457 This is a portrait gallery. UzyuU_idEr4-00001-00000457-00000711 That's Custom Quay just there the road. UzyuU_idEr4-00002-00000711-00001248 And then there's these interesting public toilets, they called the lobster loos on Swarm. UzyuU_idEr4-00003-00001552-00001938 So I'm gonna start my walk, this is the Queen's wharf. UzyuU_idEr4-00004-00001938-00002054 So let's go! UzyuU_idEr4-00005-00002054-00002284 It's a nice free thing to do in Wellington. UzyuU_idEr4-00006-00002284-00002536 Today's a bit windy, of course. UzyuU_idEr4-00007-00002536-00002984 This is where the ferries come in from Picton. UzyuU_idEr4-00008-00003879-00004566 All right this must be the hire place for the kayaks and roller skates and stuff. UzyuU_idEr4-00009-00007600-00007754 Oh it tells you where we are. UzyuU_idEr4-00010-00008858-00009410 All right behind the tree is the art gallery I think because it's got that hand on top of it. UzyuU_idEr4-00011-00015384-00016105 Okay so that is the walk from Queen's Wharf to Clyde Quay Wharf. UzyuU_idEr4-00012-00016177-00016369 It's not that long. UzyuU_idEr4-00013-00016369-00016557 Pick a sunny day it'd be lovely. UzyuU_idEr4-00014-00016600-00016824 There's so many spots to eat on the way. UzyuU_idEr4-00015-00016824-00017098 This is also, I've seen this on Instagram. UzyuU_idEr4-00016-00017152-00017366 So that's at this end. UzyuU_idEr4-00017-00017366-00017576 It's actually a nice flat walk. UzyuU_idEr4-00018-00017711-00018110 I hope you enjoyed this video if you like it please give it a thumbs up. UzyuU_idEr4-00019-00018153-00018609 It's always nice to find free things to do when you're travelling. UzyuU_idEr4-00020-00018672-00018953 And going from wharf to wharf is one of them. U-l-sj5BinU-00000-00000059-00000592 The press has put out its quarterly report cards on Congress and the picture isn't pretty. U-l-sj5BinU-00001-00000592-00001072 The current Congress is on track to enact fewer bills than any other Congress in modern U-l-sj5BinU-00002-00001072-00001177 history. U-l-sj5BinU-00003-00001177-00001745 What's more, the number of bills introduced continues a downward trend from the last Congress. U-l-sj5BinU-00004-00001745-00001986 But this is just part of the picture. U-l-sj5BinU-00005-00001986-00002255 Some Members of Congress have proposed a lot of bills. U-l-sj5BinU-00006-00002255-00002457 And some not so much. U-l-sj5BinU-00007-00002457-00003088 In fact, there are some Members who haven't yet filed a single bill this year: two senators U-l-sj5BinU-00008-00003088-00003422 and 14 members of the House, to be exact. U-l-sj5BinU-00009-00003422-00003596 They're an assorted bunch. U-l-sj5BinU-00010-00003596-00004123 The list includes House Speaker John Boehner but he gets a pass since speakers are typically U-l-sj5BinU-00011-00004123-00004734 busy getting Members on board with their agenda, you know, trying to herd the cats. U-l-sj5BinU-00012-00004734-00005121 Six of the members who haven't yet filed a bill are in their first term. U-l-sj5BinU-00013-00005121-00005603 These freshman are probably taking the time to figure out how Congress works and decide U-l-sj5BinU-00014-00005603-00005748 what to do. U-l-sj5BinU-00015-00005748-00006246 Congressman Mark Sanford, who previously served in Congress in 2000 but returned after he U-l-sj5BinU-00016-00006246-00006731 won a special election in May, also hasn't yet filed a bill. U-l-sj5BinU-00017-00006731-00007102 The other eight members of the House with no bill in their name have been in Congress U-l-sj5BinU-00018-00007102-00008000 for a LONG time: Representatives Brown, Clyburn, Granger, Hensarling, Kingston, Marchant, David U-l-sj5BinU-00019-00008000-00008381 Scott and Westmoreland. U-l-sj5BinU-00020-00008381-00008825 All of them except for Congressman Hensarling also proposed fewer bills than the average U-l-sj5BinU-00021-00008825-00008989 in the last Congress. U-l-sj5BinU-00022-00008989-00009577 The average was 15.7 bills per Member, but Congressman Westmoreland proposed just four U-l-sj5BinU-00023-00009577-00009995 bills and Congressman David Scott --- only one! U-l-sj5BinU-00024-00009995-00010161 And here's a weird story. U-l-sj5BinU-00025-00010161-00010681 Back in January, Congresswoman Brown issued a press release saying she was going to reintroduce U-l-sj5BinU-00026-00010681-00011025 the Easy Voting Act, and even tweeted about it. U-l-sj5BinU-00027-00011025-00011220 Never happened. U-l-sj5BinU-00028-00011220-00011715 Some of you may be thinking that the fewer laws enacted by Congress, the better. U-l-sj5BinU-00029-00011715-00011907 Less is more in this case. U-l-sj5BinU-00030-00011907-00012313 And maybe that's why some representatives haven't introduced new bills. U-l-sj5BinU-00031-00012313-00012711 But if they really want smaller government, couldn't they propose bills to reduce and U-l-sj5BinU-00032-00012711-00012878 reform government? U-l-sj5BinU-00033-00012878-00013213 This seems like something their constituents, you, should ask them. U-V_6apvRiu-00000-00000016-00000504 Alright, so today we'll be looking at if I'm written by a man or a woman, and this quiz is U-V_6apvRiu-00001-00000504-00001152 by bunkbed31, and question number one is "What type of living situation do you see yourself U-V_6apvRiu-00002-00001152-00001816 in five years from now?" My personal philosophy, I don't really think that far ahead in my life, so U-V_6apvRiu-00003-00001816-00002584 I'm going to gauge this question more on looking at each answer and engaging them on like realism U-V_6apvRiu-00004-00002584-00003311 and desirability for me, and that sort of thing, and the first option is "At home living with my U-V_6apvRiu-00005-00003311-00003904 parents, like a loser", which is a very judgmental answer. First off, I don't like the tone of that. U-V_6apvRiu-00006-00003904-00004496 With the way everything is now, a lot of people my age still live with their parents. In fact, my U-V_6apvRiu-00007-00004496-00005168 parents still live with their parents, so living with my parents five years from now would not be U-V_6apvRiu-00008-00005280-00006024 against my genetic patterns, you know? Alright, and option two is "in the city with some friends", U-V_6apvRiu-00009-00006080-00006695 which isn't a super realistic answer for me. Where I'm at right now, friends are kind of illegal, U-V_6apvRiu-00010-00006695-00007272 and I don't know if I'm gonna be working in the city. Maybe, probably, but anyways, U-V_6apvRiu-00011-00007368-00007776 the only way I could get in this kind of situation is if I moved a fair distance, U-V_6apvRiu-00012-00007776-00008544 which it's not impossible but I know it's probably unlikely. So that being said, the way they phrase U-V_6apvRiu-00013-00008544-00009016 it - do they mean "with some friends" like the friends are going to be living with me? Because I U-V_6apvRiu-00014-00009016-00009712 guess that can make more realistic. I - all things considered, I'm, like, I think I'm fairly easy to U-V_6apvRiu-00015-00009712-00010456 live with, I hope, so I've had roommates before and I've befriended them well, so that could U-V_6apvRiu-00016-00010456-00011152 be a factor to make it more realistic. Third option is "cheap nasty apartment and alone" U-V_6apvRiu-00017-00011152-00011496 which, I mean, is possible, but it's not something I'd aim for, so I'm gonna U-V_6apvRiu-00018-00011560-00012184 shy away from it for now. And our fourth option is "somewhere in another country at college". I'm U-V_6apvRiu-00019-00012184-00012968 already going to university in my home country and I think I could only do this if I either U-V_6apvRiu-00020-00012968-00013704 held off on my following education, or if this is referring to me getting a PhD U-V_6apvRiu-00021-00013760-00014176 somewhere else, which would actually be pretty nice, you know? I like exploring, U-V_6apvRiu-00022-00014176-00014808 I like other countries - I mean, not in the current climate obviously, but usually on the off U-V_6apvRiu-00023-00014863-00015519 occasion that I can go, I always really like going places, which, I mean, most people don't like U-V_6apvRiu-00024-00015591-00016304 enjoy just being in the same place all their lives. Well, some do, but I'm gonna like go U-V_6apvRiu-00025-00016304-00016952 with the option I'd want to see and I'm gonna go with somewhere in another country at college. U-V_6apvRiu-00026-00016952-00017488 Okay, and we got an image. That's not what I was expecting. I don't like the looks of that one bit. U-V_6apvRiu-00027-00017544-00017992 I didn't know you could like have images in these quizzes like that. U-V_6apvRiu-00028-00017992-00018616 Second question is just "Music?" The first option is "i listen to that edgy poet [stuff]". U-V_6apvRiu-00029-00018616-00019248 I don't want to swear because it's youtube. I mean, a lot of the folky stuff I listen to does U-V_6apvRiu-00030-00019248-00019888 probably count as edgy poet music, so - and some of the other stuff too. That's probably pretty U-V_6apvRiu-00031-00019888-00020512 accurate, but I don't know if it's what I want to put in. Option two is "i'm actually really picky U-V_6apvRiu-00032-00020512-00021224 with my music" which which is true, but I don't really like it because it doesn't really say much. U-V_6apvRiu-00033-00021296-00021784 If you ask someone like what kind of food they like and they say they're picky, that doesn't U-V_6apvRiu-00034-00021784-00022448 answer your question, does it? The third option is "older music is good". I used to be kind of like, U-V_6apvRiu-00035-00022448-00023016 only listen to old music when I was young, at least to some degree, but I don't really U-V_6apvRiu-00036-00023080-00023680 nowadays. I mostly only listen to modern stuff, so I was gonna say maybe I'm just getting older U-V_6apvRiu-00037-00023680-00024288 but that's not really how it works. Usually with getting older, right, normally you like - normally U-V_6apvRiu-00038-00024288-00024960 you have the era of music you listen to and you just congeal on it, like milk that's left out too U-V_6apvRiu-00039-00024960-00025504 long and turns into a pudding or something. Like, some weird kind of pudding you wouldn't want to U-V_6apvRiu-00040-00025504-00026208 eat. I don't want to be like that. Fourth option is "i like white girl music shh". I don't really U-V_6apvRiu-00041-00026208-00027088 know what classifies as white girl music but I probably don't qualify for this category. And U-V_6apvRiu-00042-00027088-00027848 the fifth option is "i like literally everything. i love music" which I mean I do, but in kind of U-V_6apvRiu-00043-00027848-00028424 the opposite way is the second option like the I'm really picky option, it also doesn't really U-V_6apvRiu-00044-00028424-00029016 tell you anything about your personality so I'm going to go with the poet option. If they have U-V_6apvRiu-00045-00029016-00029504 a picture for this one, it's probably going to be condescending as well, but this time I'm ready for U-V_6apvRiu-00046-00029504-00030095 it at least. Okay, I don't know who these people are so I'm gonna look them up. I looked it up and U-V_6apvRiu-00047-00030095-00030727 they are the smiths which are my least favorite band so that's pretty good. I don't want to pick U-V_6apvRiu-00048-00030727-00031160 on anyone who likes the smiths or anything. I know a lot of people like them, I just personally U-V_6apvRiu-00049-00031160-00031768 can't stand their stuff. Like, especially Morrisey's voice - it's just grating, you know? U-V_6apvRiu-00050-00031832-00032383 Third question is "ur type?". The first option is "i like people who are a lot like me", U-V_6apvRiu-00051-00032439-00032976 which I mean, it depends how they're like me, you know? Like, of course I like people with similar U-V_6apvRiu-00052-00032976-00033664 interests as me, but I don't want someone too similar, you know? There's parts of me I wouldn't U-V_6apvRiu-00053-00033664-00034208 want to copy over. And the second option is "I WANT SOMEONE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT [THAN] U-V_6apvRiu-00054-00034208-00034864 ME" - then me, not than. And also, this option is being yelled. It's, I think it's a bit too late U-V_6apvRiu-00055-00034864-00035440 for me to yell, and also my vocal cords - I kind of, like, physically can't yell. I don't know, U-V_6apvRiu-00056-00035440-00035920 I'm one of those people - I'm not really built for yelling. But either way, I'm not gonna yell this, U-V_6apvRiu-00057-00035920-00036480 but just yell out in your mind or yell it at home, but either way, I want someone U-V_6apvRiu-00058-00036480-00037304 completely different than me. I mean the thing is though, I'm kind of like right about most things, U-V_6apvRiu-00059-00037304-00038048 and so I don't know if I could like handle someone with that inaccurate of a worldview that they were U-V_6apvRiu-00060-00038048-00038768 acting different than me, you know? I don't know, but actually I don't know how you would connect to U-V_6apvRiu-00061-00038768-00039360 someone like that. I mean maybe it depends on your personality, some people can actually connect with U-V_6apvRiu-00062-00039360-00039968 opposites and some can't. Doesn't always tell you much. But anyways, third option is "im down U-V_6apvRiu-00063-00039968-00040624 for everything honestly" which, I am most definitely not like. I kind of alluded to U-V_6apvRiu-00064-00040624-00041264 in question two I have my personal tastes, I kind of want to lean into them, and there's a lot of U-V_6apvRiu-00065-00041264-00041912 things out there I don't like. The last option is "anime girl", which I'm not going to comment on. U-V_6apvRiu-00066-00041968-00042408 Overall, the first option, "i like people who are a lot like me", I think is the best U-V_6apvRiu-00067-00042408-00043024 choice of the four. The second and third options both kind of make you let in things you might not U-V_6apvRiu-00068-00043024-00043688 want. My actual answer, I'm kind of just like too tired at this point for other people, but that's U-V_6apvRiu-00069-00043688-00044184 not an option unfortunately, so I'm gonna have to go with the first one. I like people who are U-V_6apvRiu-00070-00044184-00044736 a lot like me. Okay, I don't understand these pictures at all, but let's let's keep moving. U-V_6apvRiu-00071-00044800-00045320 Question four is "dating?" The first two options both start with "im with U-V_6apvRiu-00072-00045320-00045896 someone" and then they have more on whether or not you actually like them, but U-V_6apvRiu-00073-00045976-00046664 I'm not with anyone. From my previous answer you can probably tell where I'm gonna stand on this U-V_6apvRiu-00074-00046664-00047288 one. Like, the last option is "single and lowkey wanna be", which is true for me. The fourth option U-V_6apvRiu-00075-00047288-00047936 is "dating myself" which, I don't understand allo culture all that well. I don't understand what the U-V_6apvRiu-00076-00047936-00048496 difference would be between this one and single and lowkey wanna be, so I'm going with one I get, U-V_6apvRiu-00077-00048560-00049024 that I agree with, which is the bottom one. And they're showing a picture of a couple. U-V_6apvRiu-00078-00049024-00049568 Like, do the pictures - are they chosen by your answer, are they just random, or is it U-V_6apvRiu-00079-00049568-00050216 the same picture for every response? Because I don't see how this relates to my answer at all. U-V_6apvRiu-00080-00050288-00050832 Question number five is "favorite fruit". First option is "AHH i love fruits. ALL OF THEM" U-V_6apvRiu-00081-00050832-00051591 which, I am actually a picky eater from question two, I know I kind of came down on that option, U-V_6apvRiu-00082-00051591-00052184 but I'll kind of explain myself in greater detail as we go through each of the options. U-V_6apvRiu-00083-00052184-00052816 Like, option two is "strawberry". I love strawberry flavoring, like if you have U-V_6apvRiu-00084-00052816-00053232 strawberry milk or whatever, like my favorite flavor used to be chocolate, but it's kind of U-V_6apvRiu-00085-00053232-00053767 shifted over to strawberry nowadays, but I think it's because like the artificial flavor is so U-V_6apvRiu-00086-00053767-00054304 like - they've chemically extracted the pure essence of that flavor or something. U-V_6apvRiu-00087-00054304-00054872 Having an actual strawberry is usually kind of disappointing in contrast. Like, U-V_6apvRiu-00088-00054872-00055479 I wouldn't say they're bad, a while ago I had a strawberry sundae with actual strawberries in it, U-V_6apvRiu-00089-00055479-00055967 and that was pretty good. Like, I didn't mind it, but overall they're kind of disappointing. U-V_6apvRiu-00090-00055967-00056528 Option number three is "kiwi" which, I mean, kiwis don't really taste bad, but they're U-V_6apvRiu-00091-00056528-00057032 kind of weird overall. They're kind of, like, fake citrus. I don't know if they're actually citrus or U-V_6apvRiu-00092-00057032-00057536 not. Like, they can't be, right? Based on their structure. But they have kind of a similar taste U-V_6apvRiu-00093-00057536-00058216 to, like, citrus or not, like, not bad but I mean first off, the peel is so annoying, and also U-V_6apvRiu-00094-00058296-00058879 they - I don't know how to explain it, like, they taste pretty good, but the - the mental image of U-V_6apvRiu-00095-00058879-00059448 how they tasted that they leave in your head kind of makes you think in retrospect that they weren't U-V_6apvRiu-00096-00059448-00059855 that good, even though when you're eating them it's not that bad. I don't know if that's just U-V_6apvRiu-00097-00059855-00060552 a me thing or - the fourth option is "apple" with a meh face. I like apples, like, green U-V_6apvRiu-00098-00060552-00061072 apples in particular. I guess the meh face is there because it's kind of a typical answer, but U-V_6apvRiu-00099-00061072-00061608 I mean, it's really good. It's the best in this list. The fourth option is "blackberry" which, U-V_6apvRiu-00100-00061664-00062344 if I remember right, there to tart for me, but the thing is, like I was trying to get out with apple, U-V_6apvRiu-00101-00062344-00062960 like I would maybe lean towards like different fruit like oranges or grapefruit if you had them, U-V_6apvRiu-00102-00062960-00063455 but because you don't have like any actual citrus fruits, I kind of have to go with the U-V_6apvRiu-00103-00063455-00064016 default of apple. And let's see what kind of picture we get. Oh, we don't. Alright. U-V_6apvRiu-00104-00064016-00064560 Question six is "Pick a song ive been NONSTOP listening too" and I have not heard any of U-V_6apvRiu-00105-00064560-00065328 these songs. I've - actually, maybe I have heard smiths and I've just blocked it out in my mind, U-V_6apvRiu-00106-00065328-00065944 but I'm gonna go with - I kind of have to go based on just name. The first option, U-V_6apvRiu-00107-00065944-00066280 "john maus". I don't want to be mean, like that sounds like his actual name, U-V_6apvRiu-00108-00066280-00066976 but I'm not a big fan of the name. Like, it kind of sounds like a cartoon character. John Mouse. U-V_6apvRiu-00109-00067080-00067696 Sorry anyone whose last name is Mouse out there. Sorry because of how bad your last name is. No, U-V_6apvRiu-00110-00067696-00068424 no, I'm sorry. Second option is "Santo and Johnny" which doesn't flow very well to me. I don't know. U-V_6apvRiu-00111-00068424-00068880 The fourth option I don't even know how to pronounce, so I'm going with the third option. I'm U-V_6apvRiu-00112-00068880-00069552 not gonna read it out, but it's, you know, it's the kind of the boldest one so I gotta respect U-V_6apvRiu-00113-00069552-00070144 just, like, the going for it, you know? I've been emphasizing kind of going for it, so I gotta U-V_6apvRiu-00114-00070144-00070656 give credit to other people who are doing the same, you know. And that might be the single U-V_6apvRiu-00115-00070656-00071264 cover. I didn't actually look at the name of the song, which was probably a mistake, but oh well. U-V_6apvRiu-00116-00071328-00071944 Question seven is "what pet would you pick?". The first option is "cat that is slightly over U-V_6apvRiu-00117-00071944-00072520 weight". I don't mind cats, like they're not my number one animal, but they're certainly not bad, U-V_6apvRiu-00118-00072520-00073208 but I don't understand wanting your pets to be overweight. Like, I had a friend who thought it U-V_6apvRiu-00119-00073208-00073776 was, like, cute or something. I don't really get that, you know? When I have a pet, I want U-V_6apvRiu-00120-00073776-00074464 them to be happy and healthy, and so, you know, feeding them a proper amount is part of that. U-V_6apvRiu-00121-00074520-00075208 Option number two is "pug". I like dogs overall, I'm not a big fan of pugs but I feel more just, U-V_6apvRiu-00122-00075208-00075832 like, sorry for them. Like, if you like see their skull, like how deformed it is, U-V_6apvRiu-00123-00075832-00076344 and like with all their breathing problems and that sort of thing. Like, I don't want a pug U-V_6apvRiu-00124-00076344-00076920 partially because I'm not a big fan of their aesthetics, but partially because I like worry U-V_6apvRiu-00125-00076920-00077512 about their health. Third option is "birddd of some kind". It depends on the kind of bird, U-V_6apvRiu-00126-00077512-00078160 honestly. Like, I'm - I don't like birds on the face as much as like cats or dogs because I like, U-V_6apvRiu-00127-00078160-00078776 you know, petting and playing with my pets, and you can't do that as directly with birds, U-V_6apvRiu-00128-00078776-00079248 but you still can. I mean, like, from a having a pet perspective, U-V_6apvRiu-00129-00079248-00080032 I'm not as big of a fan as birds as cats or dogs because to me they seem a bit more fragile and I, U-V_6apvRiu-00130-00080112-00080648 you know, I want to like - you know, play with my pets. Not that I'm rough with them or anything, U-V_6apvRiu-00131-00080648-00081248 but you know, I'd worry too much, I think, about hurting a bird. I'd be like too worried U-V_6apvRiu-00132-00081248-00081872 about a bird to even touch it and I'm sure - I know they're not gonna collapse when you touch U-V_6apvRiu-00133-00081872-00082448 them or anything but it's still like whenever I touch a more, you know, pretty delicate, U-V_6apvRiu-00134-00082448-00083008 more like preyish animals, like grab or something, I always get a little too worried, even though I U-V_6apvRiu-00135-00083008-00083552 know there's no need for it. That being said, some kind of birds would be really interesting to get. U-V_6apvRiu-00136-00083552-00084192 Like, I know normally you can't really do this, but if I was in a situation which I could have U-V_6apvRiu-00137-00084192-00084920 a pet like a crow or raven, i think that'll be pretty sick, but even maybe a grey parrot or U-V_6apvRiu-00138-00084984-00085576 something, just like seeing the intelligence of the animal is always fun for me. I don't know how U-V_6apvRiu-00139-00085576-00086168 intelligent pigeons are, like I know they used to be fully domesticated, like pets, so that might be U-V_6apvRiu-00140-00086168-00086752 interesting too, but still, I think my overall judgment still applies. Option four is "whale". U-V_6apvRiu-00141-00086952-00087584 Option five is "i don't like animals (how)", which I agree with the how part. Like, I U-V_6apvRiu-00142-00087640-00088200 really like animals in general, like I will willingly interact with any animal that doesn't U-V_6apvRiu-00143-00088200-00088880 pose a threat to my well being, so you know out of these options, I'm gonna go I guess with cats U-V_6apvRiu-00144-00088880-00089408 because you know it might be overweight, but first off you shouldn't judge people on their weight, U-V_6apvRiu-00145-00089408-00089992 and secondly, you know, you can just put the cat on a diet. Even if it is, like, somehow U-V_6apvRiu-00146-00089992-00090456 fixed as overweight, like permanently, that's still, you know, it's not the end of the world. U-V_6apvRiu-00147-00090512-00091016 Is that cat even like super overweight? I don't know much about cats. Like, thinking about it U-V_6apvRiu-00148-00091016-00091456 back in my family's house, we do have a cat, and a lot of people in my family seem U-V_6apvRiu-00149-00091456-00091968 to comment that he's really chubby. I - he never seemed that way to me. I think I went U-V_6apvRiu-00150-00091968-00092568 with the right choice and I was - the image of this cat kind of sparked that memory for me. U-V_6apvRiu-00151-00092568-00093160 Question 8, which they have marked as the last question, I'm guessing the next one is going U-V_6apvRiu-00152-00093160-00093816 to be like the text box, is what do you value in a partner. Fortunately, I can't really like U-V_6apvRiu-00153-00093872-00094536 pick out anything too clearly. I'm just going to go with "lol idc", like I don't even know U-V_6apvRiu-00154-00094536-00095160 what I would say about most of these options, so let's just power on forward. Okay, sure. U-V_6apvRiu-00155-00095280-00095832 Here's - the question on here, the text box says "Hi i am so surprised at the amount of views this U-V_6apvRiu-00156-00095832-00096392 has like actually. I made this when I was in a bad mental state and board. i heard from someone that U-V_6apvRiu-00157-00096392-00097024 this was on EDTWT (i don't know what that is) so i just want to say if you see this on that please U-V_6apvRiu-00158-00097024-00097640 do not take these answers seriously. (which i mean it's a uquiz, O don't understand how you - why you U-V_6apvRiu-00159-00097640-00098152 would. and they say:) I don't understand how that happened. Genuinely I just made this for fun." U-V_6apvRiu-00160-00098152-00098504 Which, I mean, my first option would be to say something contrary and like U-V_6apvRiu-00161-00098568-00098904 jokingly say I'm going to take this super seriously, but I don't want to like U-V_6apvRiu-00162-00098992-00099584 come off as mean or aggressive or anything, so I'm just going to put something encouraging, like U-V_6apvRiu-00163-00099720-00100464 "hey we're all just vibing here" which, I mean, sure, let's go with that and see what we get. U-V_6apvRiu-00164-00100520-00100872 First option [EDITOR'S NOTE: i meant result] is "AHH DEF BY A WOMAN", which U-V_6apvRiu-00165-00100872-00101304 I think is meant to be good. I'll take it as a compliment. Alright, U-V_6apvRiu-00166-00101304-00102112 and the bio is "I have a crush on you. UR HOT! You like fruit and nature. Simple beautiful things. U-V_6apvRiu-00167-00102192-00102808 You are a simple beautiful thing. You do what you want for yourself. I really adore that. U-V_6apvRiu-00168-00102896-00103504 You're confused about life, but not about who you want to be in it. WHICH IM SO JEALOUS OF WHAT. U-V_6apvRiu-00169-00103585-00104113 Ur like someone I would day dream about. Men probably aren't a huge fan of you but hey i think U-V_6apvRiu-00170-00104113-00104888 ur fruity anyways. i love you" and then their insta which, all right, I don't know if I should U-V_6apvRiu-00171-00104888-00105656 blur that out. I mean, it is public. Anyways it's just their uquiz username. I think, based on how U-V_6apvRiu-00172-00105656-00106200 this is reading, I think it was meant for a woman, but I'm gonna take this as like a compliment U-V_6apvRiu-00173-00106200-00106720 anyways here, and overall it's pretty accurate I'd say. Let's see how we scored, I guess. U-V_6apvRiu-00174-00106776-00107344 We got the most popular answer by far, but I think it was like the one you're supposed to aim for, U-V_6apvRiu-00175-00107344-00108144 so I'm not too torn up about it. So always, give five stars, and that's just how we go. U_vOgAatfV0-00000-00000072-00000432 five minute craft family, you just got a new notification because while we U_vOgAatfV0-00001-00000432-00000776 were checking the liked videos playlist, despite the new adjustments it took us U_vOgAatfV0-00002-00000776-00001384 only one minute to find your video. yes, you will get your first notification if this U_vOgAatfV0-00003-00001480-00001848 first notification does not expire by the time you get a second notification, U_vOgAatfV0-00004-00001848-00002464 you will be removed from our subscriptions. also this will increasing the number of good videos. U_O3OfT08o0-00000-00000084-00000482 Speaker: Hyderabad, we have some very good news for everyone! U_O3OfT08o0-00001-00000482-00001010 The New York Times best-seller “Inner Engineering – A Yogi’s Guide to Joy” U_O3OfT08o0-00002-00001010-00001752 will now be available in Telugu (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00003-00001752-00002358 In this book, for the first time Sadhguru presented readers with a path to achieving U_O3OfT08o0-00004-00002358-00003082 absolute well-being through the classical science of yoga in a practical, accessible book. U_O3OfT08o0-00005-00003083-00003907 Sadhguru tells the story of his own awakening, from a boy with an affinity for the natural U_O3OfT08o0-00006-00003907-00004419 world to the... to a young daredevil who crossed the Indian subcontinent on his motorcycle. U_O3OfT08o0-00007-00004419-00005152 The wisdom distilled in this accessible, profound and engaging book offers the readers opportunity U_O3OfT08o0-00008-00005152-00005805 to achieve nothing less than a life of joy. U_O3OfT08o0-00009-00005805-00006529 It has sold over three lakh copies in English so far and been translated over twenty languages U_O3OfT08o0-00010-00006529-00007420 in India and abroad (Applause). we are happy to announce that the book is now available U_O3OfT08o0-00011-00007420-00007745 in Telugu published by (Sounds like – MS Co?) U_O3OfT08o0-00012-00007745-00007886 Books, Hyderabad. U_O3OfT08o0-00013-00007886-00008990 To launch this book we request Nani to please come on the dais (Cheers/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00014-00008990-00009506 (Nani launches Inner Engineering – A Yogi’s Guide to Joy) (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00015-00009506-00009786 Speaker: We also take this opportunity U_O3OfT08o0-00016-00009786-00010096 to thank Shri. Chandrashekar Reddy garu ('garu' - Referring to the Telugu word meaning – Sir), U_O3OfT08o0-00017-00010096-00010448 Chief Editor, MS Co Books U_O3OfT08o0-00018-00010448-00010780 and volunteers who helped translate the book. U_O3OfT08o0-00019-00010780-00011466 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Shri. Vijayakumar garu, Chairman, MS Co Books, U_O3OfT08o0-00020-00011466-00011640 for publishing these books. U_O3OfT08o0-00021-00011640-00012306 Thank you Nani (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00022-00012306-00012934 Now, to the much awaited part of the event that we are all looking forward, U_O3OfT08o0-00025-00021440-00021724 Sadhguru: Namaskaram to everyone! U_O3OfT08o0-00026-00021724-00023252 Nani: Okay, how many Telugu speaking people are here? (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00027-00023252-00023834 After seeing this it feels so good U_O3OfT08o0-00028-00023834-00024496 because I was told to do something new to converse with Sadhguru. U_O3OfT08o0-00029-00024496-00025170 So, in order to do something new I watched all the old videos. U_O3OfT08o0-00030-00025170-00025388 After watching the old videos immediately U_O3OfT08o0-00031-00025388-00025726 I understood that my conversation is gonna be new for sure because I'm not that good in English. U_O3OfT08o0-00032-00025726-00026300 (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00033-00026300-00026736 So, I'm telling you ahead of time... still will try to ask in English U_O3OfT08o0-00034-00026736-00027216 if it looks like butler English for you U_O3OfT08o0-00035-00027216-00028248 if you do trolls then it won't be good. Is it okay? (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00036-00028248-00028533 When Sadhguru was coming... when I was coming with him in car... U_O3OfT08o0-00037-00028533-00029158 Sadhguru: What is the equivalent for Butler English? U_O3OfT08o0-00038-00029158-00029538 Nani: Similar to that Sadhguru. U_O3OfT08o0-00039-00029538-00029994 Sadhguru knows Telugu so I can boldly speak in Telugu. U_O3OfT08o0-00040-00029994-00030444 When we were coming Sadhguru asked me in car U_O3OfT08o0-00041-00030444-00030944 so at the stadium what maybe the age group of your fans? U_O3OfT08o0-00042-00030944-00032186 "Sir, whosoever is coming now are not my fans. Your fans! And they belong to all age group." U_O3OfT08o0-00043-00032186-00032642 So.. Sir, first time... U_O3OfT08o0-00044-00032642-00033188 Sadhguru: What is this you are copying questions? U_O3OfT08o0-00045-00033188-00033574 Nani: That's what I was about to tell because first time in my life U_O3OfT08o0-00046-00033574-00033988 I feel so special because U_O3OfT08o0-00047-00033988-00034622 lifelong I've never answered for any of the questions that my teachers have asked but today U_O3OfT08o0-00048-00034622-00035208 I'm gonna ask questions to someone who has answers for all the questions. This is not a simple thing no? U_O3OfT08o0-00049-00035208-00035670 (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00050-00035670-00036212 And as you said this afternoon when I was writing the questions, I was feeling very nostalgic U_O3OfT08o0-00051-00036212-00036862 because when I was in school... I was writing questions in the answer sheet also U_O3OfT08o0-00052-00036862-00037134 not knowing answers U_O3OfT08o0-00053-00037134-00037606 So, will start now, did so much time pass. U_O3OfT08o0-00054-00037606-00038420 Actually we came here to listen to his speech. So, first... U_O3OfT08o0-00055-00038420-00038784 When I was an Assistant Director, we used to grow a beard, Sir, U_O3OfT08o0-00056-00038784-00039056 because people will take us seriously, tch. U_O3OfT08o0-00057-00039056-00039204 Sadhguru: I did not grow. It grows (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00058-00039204-00039386 Nani: I know (Laughs), I know. U_O3OfT08o0-00059-00039386-00039710 I mean to say we never used to shave U_O3OfT08o0-00060-00039710-00040180 because whenever we went to a hero or a producer and narrated stories we thought they will... U_O3OfT08o0-00061-00040180-00040418 they will take us seriously, they will believe us. U_O3OfT08o0-00062-00040418-00041020 So, I saw in one video where you are saying, “We should let it grow, it’s natural” and all that. U_O3OfT08o0-00063-00041020-00041772 Is this angle also involved in it or it's just that (Laughter)... U_O3OfT08o0-00064-00041772-00042420 Sadhguru: (Laughs) Well, U_O3OfT08o0-00065-00042420-00043336 Nature did not give anything for you which is unnecessary. It's all part of the evolution. U_O3OfT08o0-00066-00043336-00044140 So some people have removed some hair, some people have sacrificed their brains (Laughter), U_O3OfT08o0-00067-00044140-00044628 some people out of their love for somebody they've given away kidney. U_O3OfT08o0-00068-00044628-00045252 I thought I will be more useful to the world if I keep everything as it is (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00069-00045252-00045748 Nani: But you cut the nails right? Then that also should grow right? U_O3OfT08o0-00070-00045748-00046176 Sadhguru: No, that also would not have been necessary if we lived in the jungle, U_O3OfT08o0-00071-00046176-00046592 it would have been useful (Referring to the nails) and it would have gone worn out by use. U_O3OfT08o0-00072-00046592-00047152 Today because lifestyles have become such that you don't use your hands so much, U_O3OfT08o0-00073-00047152-00047358 so maybe you will have to cut it. U_O3OfT08o0-00074-00047358-00047752 I just rub it on the rock usually (Nani laughs) (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00075-00047752-00048022 Those of you who don't have nail-cutters like me, U_O3OfT08o0-00076-00048022-00049174 you don't have to bite it, if you just sit somewhere and do this (Gestures) (Laughter/Applause)... U_O3OfT08o0-00077-00049174-00049648 Nani: Sir this... this question has been bothering me from a long time. U_O3OfT08o0-00078-00049648-00050026 See, most of the questions today I’m going to ask are not the ones I've asked on U_O3OfT08o0-00079-00050026-00050458 Twitter or anywhere to ask questions “I will ask, Sadhguru” I'm not forwarding it here. U_O3OfT08o0-00080-00050458-00050662 I’m just asking whatever I have a doubt. U_O3OfT08o0-00081-00050662-00051040 So it might... you might find it very basic, dumb, or whatever. U_O3OfT08o0-00082-00051040-00051310 But those are my questions, so I'm asking them. U_O3OfT08o0-00083-00051310-00051666 So this is been bothering me for... from a long time. U_O3OfT08o0-00084-00051666-00052212 When I was an Assistant Director, I remember my first salary when they gave it to me, it was 4000 rupees U_O3OfT08o0-00085-00052212-00052434 and then I remember it was all hundred rupees notes. U_O3OfT08o0-00086-00052434-00052779 So when I put it in my pocket, there was a bump under my bum. U_O3OfT08o0-00087-00052779-00053324 So when I was going back on the bike, I could feel it U_O3OfT08o0-00088-00053324-00053714 and I was feeling, “I’m so rich, I have so much cash in my pocket.” U_O3OfT08o0-00089-00053714-00053816 And I was r... U_O3OfT08o0-00090-00053816-00054108 I can remember how excited I was, how... U_O3OfT08o0-00091-00054108-00054505 I wanted to buy a... half of the Hyderabad with 4000 bucks (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00092-00054505-00054555 So I was... U_O3OfT08o0-00093-00054555-00055394 I was really, really, happy and I don't remember that kind of happiness, you know, happening to me again. U_O3OfT08o0-00094-00055394-00055802 Now I'm earning thousands of times of that, U_O3OfT08o0-00095-00055802-00056286 but I don't remember what, you know, having that same feeling again. U_O3OfT08o0-00096-00056286-00056814 Even Saturday night we used to... with my friends I used to go to this Sony dhaba, U_O3OfT08o0-00097-00056814-00057302 for quarter (Referring to alcohol) (Laughter), okay. U_O3OfT08o0-00098-00057302-00057555 From Monday to Friday, I used to wait for Saturday. U_O3OfT08o0-00099-00057555-00057891 On the Saturday morning I used to be so excited that it's Saturday again, U_O3OfT08o0-00100-00057891-00058288 evening we're all going to catch up, meet and then going to the Sony dhaba. U_O3OfT08o0-00101-00058288-00058572 So I was really happy and then I never really... U_O3OfT08o0-00102-00058572-00058828 I made it I was successful in cinema. U_O3OfT08o0-00103-00058828-00059260 I never imagined that I will made it... make it so far. U_O3OfT08o0-00104-00059260-00059479 But I never experienced that kind of happiness. U_O3OfT08o0-00105-00059479-00059632 So is success overrated? U_O3OfT08o0-00106-00059632-00060120 Like we all... we all are waiting for success we all think that someday we want to be success, U_O3OfT08o0-00107-00060120-00060920 but the idea of success, is it... is it not overrated is what I want to ask (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00108-00060920-00061341 Sadhguru: Oh U_O3OfT08o0-00109-00061341-00062262 All those who clapped, we know they’re failures (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00110-00062262-00062628 Nani: All of them are Soni Dhabha Batch (Sadhguru laughs) U_O3OfT08o0-00111-00062628-00062779 Sadhguru: Maybe! They’re all the dhaba people. U_O3OfT08o0-00112-00062779-00063396 Nani: Yeah, yeah. U_O3OfT08o0-00113-00063396-00064460 Sadhguru: See when you understand a means as an end, then this will happen. U_O3OfT08o0-00114-00064460-00064936 Money is just a means to do whatever we wish to do. U_O3OfT08o0-00115-00064936-00065374 The reason why everybody keeps a certain amount of money U_O3OfT08o0-00116-00065374-00065914 is so that tomorrow morning, I don't have to worry “where's my breakfast” U_O3OfT08o0-00117-00065914-00066600 so that survival is taken care of, so that I can put myself into what I value most. U_O3OfT08o0-00118-00066600-00067086 Otherwise, every day morning I'll have to go in search of food. U_O3OfT08o0-00119-00067086-00067777 So, money is just about that, it is a means to organize a few things. U_O3OfT08o0-00120-00067778-00068792 A whole lot of people everywhere, particularly in Hyderabad, they're going at it as if money is their goal. U_O3OfT08o0-00121-00068792-00069222 Money is not your goal, it's just a means. U_O3OfT08o0-00122-00069222-00069870 So in your life, for the span of life that you have and the intelligence that you have U_O3OfT08o0-00123-00069870-00070604 and the capability that you have, how much means do you need is something you must gauge. U_O3OfT08o0-00124-00070604-00071190 Otherwise, you will have means and you will not have any goal. U_O3OfT08o0-00125-00071190-00071536 What is the use of a means, but there is no goal - U_O3OfT08o0-00126-00071536-00071958 you have a car, but you don't know where to go, what is the point? U_O3OfT08o0-00127-00071958-00072416 You know where to go - if you get on the bus, you will go there in six hours; U_O3OfT08o0-00128-00072416-00072578 if you get into your car, you will go there in two hours. U_O3OfT08o0-00129-00072578-00072980 That's why you have a car, because you know where you want to go. U_O3OfT08o0-00130-00072980-00073616 Now you don't know where you want to go, but you have a rocket - what is the point? U_O3OfT08o0-00131-00073616-00074178 And anyway, if you bought half of Hyderabad, I want you to understand, U_O3OfT08o0-00132-00074178-00075336 the real fun is in the other half always (Laughter/Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00133-00075336-00075754 Nani: Four thousand more, Sir, next month salary (Sadhguru laughs) (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00134-00075754-00076168 Sadhguru: You have heard of Alexander the Great. U_O3OfT08o0-00135-00076168-00076438 You've heard of Alexander the Great? U_O3OfT08o0-00136-00076438-00076752 Participants: Yes U_O3OfT08o0-00137-00076752-00077042 Sadhguru: The moment you make an idiot like that U_O3OfT08o0-00138-00077042-00077670 “great” (Laughter), then your life is ruined. U_O3OfT08o0-00139-00077670-00078158 Because... I want you to understand what this man did. U_O3OfT08o0-00140-00078158-00078814 Alexander started off on his conquest mode at the age of sixteen. U_O3OfT08o0-00141-00078814-00079530 He went from country to country, killing hundreds of thousands... thousands of people, killing... U_O3OfT08o0-00142-00079530-00079962 saying, “This is my land,” but won't sit there and enjoy that land, will go to the next one, U_O3OfT08o0-00143-00079962-00080600 because the other part of the Hyderabad he’s looking (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00144-00080600-00081358 Like this he came all the way to India, or to the entry of Indian subcontinent. U_O3OfT08o0-00145-00081358-00082022 By then he’s thirty-two, he’s tired - killing, fighting, fighting, killing endlessly. U_O3OfT08o0-00146-00082022-00082620 He killed many of his very close friends who started off with him because they all wanted to go back. U_O3OfT08o0-00147-00082620-00083134 Sixteen years - no cell phone, you can’t talk to your family; U_O3OfT08o0-00148-00083134-00083610 they’ve left the land sixteen years ago, at the age of sixteen, seventeen. U_O3OfT08o0-00149-00083610-00084120 They are fighting endlessly killing - blood, blood, blood, all... that's all they've seen. U_O3OfT08o0-00150-00084120-00084820 Everybody's tired, but this man wants the other part of Hyderabad. U_O3OfT08o0-00151-00084820-00085640 So he went through a certain experience. U_O3OfT08o0-00152-00085640-00085964 Now, time is running out. U_O3OfT08o0-00153-00085964-00086319 For a warrior thirty-two is not a good age, tch. U_O3OfT08o0-00154-00086320-00086968 Things are becoming a little weaker, you know, not as good as it was at twenty-five. U_O3OfT08o0-00155-00086968-00087224 So he is worried. U_O3OfT08o0-00156-00087224-00087730 So one thing is, he wants to conquer the world and it's taking too much time, U_O3OfT08o0-00157-00087730-00087922 so he wanted to become immortal. U_O3OfT08o0-00158-00087922-00088500 This is the next - once you have Hyderabad, next is immortality. U_O3OfT08o0-00159-00088500-00088780 So he wants to become immortal. U_O3OfT08o0-00160-00088780-00089342 So he heard lots of stories - Indian yogis, mystics who lived for thousands of years, U_O3OfT08o0-00161-00089342-00089768 you know, India is full of such stories. U_O3OfT08o0-00162-00089768-00090274 So he sent out an advance party of one eight soldiers – U_O3OfT08o0-00163-00090274-00091086 “Go find an Indian yogi who will teach me the science of immortality.” U_O3OfT08o0-00164-00091086-00091458 So they came looking around and then they found one yogi, U_O3OfT08o0-00165-00091458-00091996 somewhere - probably looking at the descriptions, U_O3OfT08o0-00166-00091996-00092528 we think somewhere in the - let's say, U_O3OfT08o0-00167-00092528-00092900 in the Pakistani-Punjab, that region somewhere - U_O3OfT08o0-00168-00092900-00093244 looking at the description of terrain, everything, it seems like that; U_O3OfT08o0-00169-00093244-00093450 we could be wrong, but somewhere in that region - U_O3OfT08o0-00170-00093450-00093922 what is presently Pakistan, which was considered India at that time. U_O3OfT08o0-00171-00093922-00094074 So he came and... U_O3OfT08o0-00172-00094074-00094426 They came and they found a yogi sitting under the tree - U_O3OfT08o0-00173-00094426-00094940 just one loin cloth, simply sitting there under the tree, blissed out. U_O3OfT08o0-00174-00094940-00095294 They looked at him and they said, “You come. U_O3OfT08o0-00175-00095294-00095673 Our Alexander wants to meet you.” U_O3OfT08o0-00176-00095674-00096444 Yogi laughed and said, “I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. If he wants, please ask him to come.” U_O3OfT08o0-00177-00096444-00096861 They said, “No, you better come. He's the emperor. You just come now.” U_O3OfT08o0-00178-00096861-00097013 He said, “No.” U_O3OfT08o0-00179-00097014-00097806 They pulled out their swords - these are violent men, they can take off your life for nothing; U_O3OfT08o0-00180-00097806-00098274 now he's given a good cause, that he's refusing their orders. U_O3OfT08o0-00181-00098274-00098438 So they said, “We'll take off your head.” U_O3OfT08o0-00182-00098438-00098628 He laughed and said, “Take it off! U_O3OfT08o0-00183-00098628-00099470 I've finished everything that I need to do with myself. I'm just sitting here enjoying the... my existence. U_O3OfT08o0-00184-00099470-00099691 You want to take my head, take it!” U_O3OfT08o0-00185-00099692-00100352 See If I take your head, I will not get your intelligence, this is one thing people must understand (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00186-00100352-00100800 If I could get your intelligence, I could take all your heads and keep it with me. U_O3OfT08o0-00187-00100800-00101480 But no, if I take your head I will not get anything from you, only thing is I'll have a... U_O3OfT08o0-00188-00101480-00101896 a piece of meat to handle (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00189-00101896-00102661 So when... Then they thought, “Oh, this guy is not scared of death. He must be immortal.” U_O3OfT08o0-00190-00102661-00103096 They said, “Please come, our emperor wants to know about immortality.” U_O3OfT08o0-00191-00103096-00103488 The yogi laughed, “Let him come here” (Laughs)! U_O3OfT08o0-00192-00103488-00103944 Then they went back and said, “I think we have met a man who is immortal U_O3OfT08o0-00193-00103944-00104213 because we pulled out our swords, that guy is not scared. U_O3OfT08o0-00194-00104213-00104578 Obviously he must be immortal!” U_O3OfT08o0-00195-00104578-00104900 Then he himself came. U_O3OfT08o0-00196-00104900-00105594 When he came, Alexander sat on his horse. U_O3OfT08o0-00197-00105594-00106326 You know, emperors wear the most stupid clothing, you know, how... everyday same clothing (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00198-00106326-00106630 and a metal... U_O3OfT08o0-00199-00106630-00107120 Sadhguru: Crown is the most uncomfortable headgear to wear, at least this is nice, you know U_O3OfT08o0-00200-00107120-00107466 (Laughter), this (Referring to his headgear) comforts you. U_O3OfT08o0-00201-00107466-00107602 Crown is a terrible thing to wear. U_O3OfT08o0-00202-00107602-00108544 Just wear one metal strap around your head for two days and see how it feels to be a king (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00203-00108544-00108776 So he tried to talk to him, he said, “You... U_O3OfT08o0-00204-00108776-00108920 I want to know immortality.” U_O3OfT08o0-00205-00108920-00109354 They yogi said, “Get off that stupid horse.” U_O3OfT08o0-00206-00109354-00109494 Because... U_O3OfT08o0-00207-00109494-00109859 Have you seen, always when somebody sits on a horse, they become like this (Gestures)? U_O3OfT08o0-00208-00109859-00110859 You sit on an animal which is less intelligent than you and suddenly you feel so big (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00209-00110859-00111158 So he said, “You get off that stupid horse first.” U_O3OfT08o0-00210-00111158-00111474 So he got off, then he asked about immortality. U_O3OfT08o0-00211-00111474-00111838 The yogi tried to tell him, “See, this is not the way to go. U_O3OfT08o0-00212-00111838-00112268 If you want I will teach you how to turn inward. We will see!” U_O3OfT08o0-00213-00112268-00112448 He said, “No, no, I want immortality.” U_O3OfT08o0-00214-00112448-00113150 After much conversation when it did not get anywhere, the yogi said, “Okay, you go in this direction.” U_O3OfT08o0-00215-00113150-00113590 He gave the landmarks, how to get there, a long journey - about five day journey. U_O3OfT08o0-00216-00113590-00114214 “There, there is one cave; in that cave, there is a... a bowl of water in a stone, U_O3OfT08o0-00217-00114214-00114538 you know, on the stone floor, there is a certain amount of water. U_O3OfT08o0-00218-00114538-00115016 You just drink a handful of that water, you will become immortal.” U_O3OfT08o0-00219-00115016-00115300 Immediately Alexander set forth. U_O3OfT08o0-00220-00115300-00115824 After three days, him and his eight soldiers going - U_O3OfT08o0-00221-00115824-00116394 then he thought, “If these eight guys also become immortal” (Laughter)… U_O3OfT08o0-00222-00116394-00116949 You can't… See, the power is in killing them - his power is “I can kill you any moment I want.” U_O3OfT08o0-00223-00116949-00117320 Suppose you become immortal, I can't kill you. U_O3OfT08o0-00224-00117320-00117594 Then how do I manage you? U_O3OfT08o0-00225-00117594-00117832 So he said, “You guys stay here. U_O3OfT08o0-00226-00117832-00118144 The last part of the journey, I want to do it myself.” U_O3OfT08o0-00227-00118144-00118546 So he left them there and alone he went, found the cave. U_O3OfT08o0-00228-00118546-00118901 Then he found that water as he was told. U_O3OfT08o0-00229-00118901-00119500 He went and put his hands and was about to drink, then a voice spoke and said, U_O3OfT08o0-00230-00119500-00120033 “Don't drink that water. I drank that and look at my state.” U_O3OfT08o0-00231-00120033-00120301 He looked around, “Who is talking?” U_O3OfT08o0-00232-00120301-00120616 There was nobody around, by then the water slipped out. U_O3OfT08o0-00233-00120616-00121014 Then he saw a crow and the crow said “Don't drink that water. U_O3OfT08o0-00234-00121014-00121778 I drank that water, I don't know when and now the problem is I cannot die!” U_O3OfT08o0-00235-00121778-00122380 See, if we really want to punish you, death sentence is not such a bad thing, U_O3OfT08o0-00236-00122380-00123202 if we curse you that you can never die (Laughter) - a million years later, you're still sitting here, U_O3OfT08o0-00237-00123202-00123674 this is the worst punishment (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00238-00123674-00124188 Sadhguru: So, Alexander did one sensible thing - he did not drink that water, U_O3OfT08o0-00239-00124188-00124411 otherwise we had to suffer him even today (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00240-00124411-00124735 Nani: Would have been sitting in the first row! U_O3OfT08o0-00241-00124735-00125256 Sadhguru: So this is the only sensible thing he did in his life - he did not drink that water, U_O3OfT08o0-00242-00125256-00125952 because he realized that he will not a... be able to bear himself, forget about the world. U_O3OfT08o0-00243-00125952-00126614 The world will suffer of course, but he himself cannot stand himself beyond a certain point. U_O3OfT08o0-00244-00126614-00127100 So we must understand this life is not a conquest. U_O3OfT08o0-00245-00127100-00127402 This is not a conquest. U_O3OfT08o0-00246-00127402-00128061 The only thing that's there for you in this life is the profoundness of your experience. U_O3OfT08o0-00247-00128061-00128350 How profound is your experience when you sit here? U_O3OfT08o0-00248-00128350-00128698 This all there is, nothing else you carry. U_O3OfT08o0-00249-00128698-00129038 Other arrangements we make for convenience. U_O3OfT08o0-00250-00129038-00129330 How much convenience do you want? U_O3OfT08o0-00251-00129330-00130066 Convenience will work only to a certain point, it will never transform itself into well-being. U_O3OfT08o0-00252-00130066-00130468 People have invested and invested like this endlessly. U_O3OfT08o0-00253-00130468-00131094 I met somebody, you know, I was in a home in United States and I walked into this room U_O3OfT08o0-00254-00131094-00131568 and I found seven hundred to eight hundred pairs of footwear. U_O3OfT08o0-00255-00131568-00132078 And this lady of the house came in and she saw I was in this room, said, “Sadhguru, Sadhguru why are you here?” U_O3OfT08o0-00256-00132078-00132328 I said, “What is this footwear?” U_O3OfT08o0-00257-00132328-00132596 She says, “No Sadhguru, let’s go. What you want, Sadhguru” (Laughs)? U_O3OfT08o0-00258-00132596-00133134 I said, “Whose footwear?” Then I see it’s all ladies, “Oh it’s all your footwear? Eight hundred pairs!” U_O3OfT08o0-00259-00133134-00133428 “I can understand,... U_O3OfT08o0-00260-00133428-00134048 you want one shoes for walking, another for jogging, another for golf, another for office and another for party U_O3OfT08o0-00261-00134048-00134494 – well, you are a woman you want all the seven colors of the rainbow (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00262-00134494-00134878 All right, you have twenty-five, you have thirty, its okay with me. U_O3OfT08o0-00263-00134878-00135112 Eight hundred (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00264-00135112-00136098 How will you wear on this two feet - you're not a centipede” (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00265-00136098-00136652 I said, “How many lifetimes are you planning to come back and walk? U_O3OfT08o0-00266-00136652-00137098 The day you met me, I thought we will make this the last one for you. U_O3OfT08o0-00267-00137098-00137862 But now you’ve got shoes for many lifetimes ready! It’ll all go waste if you don't come back.” U_O3OfT08o0-00268-00137862-00138734 Then this was bothering me and I met a CEO of a very large shoe-making company in America. U_O3OfT08o0-00269-00138734-00139262 Then I asked him, “Why would a woman buy eight hundred pairs of shoes?” U_O3OfT08o0-00270-00139262-00141036 He said, “Sadhguru that is the only thing she can buy the same size throughout her life” (Laughter/Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00271-00141036-00141866 Then I thought, “It’s okay, maybe” (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00272-00141866-00142163 But the fun is in the other half, okay (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00273-00142163-00143254 Nani: So basically what this means is that I've become more wise that I am unable to enjoy (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00274-00143254-00143746 Sadhguru: See, you cannot enjoy anything, this must be understood. U_O3OfT08o0-00275-00143746-00144190 If you try to enjoy something you will bring misery upon yourself. U_O3OfT08o0-00276-00144190-00144702 But if you’re joyful, everything is nice. U_O3OfT08o0-00277-00144702-00145240 You're supposed to be joyful, you’re not supposed to enjoy. What is that enjoy? U_O3OfT08o0-00278-00145240-00145348 Nani: We use it a lot (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00279-00145348-00145608 Sadhguru: I know! U_O3OfT08o0-00280-00145608-00146010 When there is no joy, you try to enjoy (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00281-00146010-00146289 It is just that if you add one more alphabet... U_O3OfT08o0-00282-00146289-00146423 Nani: It might be my English skill problem. U_O3OfT08o0-00283-00146423-00146520 Sadhguru: No, no. U_O3OfT08o0-00284-00146520-00146814 If you add one more alphabet it'll become “end-joy” (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00285-00146814-00147378 Nani: (Laughs) Yeah, maybe I meant joyful only, but then... U_O3OfT08o0-00286-00147378-00148092 I never again felt that kind of a high, that without thinking anything to be completely joyful. U_O3OfT08o0-00287-00148092-00148794 Sadhguru: So if joy is what you're looking for, this will not come because of a bulge in your pocket. U_O3OfT08o0-00288-00148794-00149698 Sadhguru: So joy means your life energy is in a certain state of exuberance, you’re not dead. U_O3OfT08o0-00289-00149698-00150096 Mostly people are committing suicide in installments, U_O3OfT08o0-00290-00150096-00150466 slowly they're becoming like this (Gestures of serious face) (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00291-00150466-00150992 All these people, if you saw them when they were five years of age they were like this U_O3OfT08o0-00292-00150992-00151244 (Gestures of smiling face) (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00293-00151244-00151880 Slowly (Gestures) grave faces - U_O3OfT08o0-00294-00151880-00152706 grave faces because I think many of them are practicing the last pose in their life (Laughter/Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00295-00152706-00153230 You're an actor, you can tell them (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00296-00153230-00153476 You don't have to practice, believe me. U_O3OfT08o0-00297-00153476-00154654 You... When it comes to death, you're a natural star (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00298-00154654-00154790 Have you... have you... U_O3OfT08o0-00299-00154790-00155272 Nani: That’s my tag, my nickname! Sadhguru: I know! Nani: Oh, he knows (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00300-00155272-00155826 Sadhguru: Have you ever seen any dead body which is having a wrong expression on its face (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00301-00155826-00155978 Nani: No. U_O3OfT08o0-00302-00155978-00156460 Sadhguru: No. So why are you practicing now? U_O3OfT08o0-00303-00156460-00157152 Life has many expressions that will happen if you are in a certain exuberance of life. U_O3OfT08o0-00304-00157152-00157958 If you are slowly killing yourself - yes, literally killing yourself, so slowly it is becoming like half-dead. U_O3OfT08o0-00305-00157958-00159046 I want you to understand this, fully alive is fantastic; dead is good, at least for others (Laughter), U_O3OfT08o0-00306-00159046-00159526 but half-alive means it's torture. U_O3OfT08o0-00307-00159526-00160164 See, if I want to keep you... If I want to torture you, what will I do? Will I kill you? U_O3OfT08o0-00308-00160164-00160562 I will keep you half-alive, that is torture, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00309-00160562-00161068 So if you keep yourself half-alive, this is torture. U_O3OfT08o0-00310-00161068-00161586 Everyday waking up in the morning itself is torture for a whole lot of people. U_O3OfT08o0-00311-00161586-00162220 Only little joy when that Sony Dhaba (Laughter/Applause)... U_O3OfT08o0-00312-00162220-00162410 Nani: Sony Dhaba. U_O3OfT08o0-00313-00162410-00162755 Sadhguru: Like in America, they have a culture “Thank God, it's Friday!” U_O3OfT08o0-00314-00162755-00162990 Nani: “Thank God, it’s Friday” – correct! U_O3OfT08o0-00315-00162990-00163604 Sadhguru: So if five days of the week is misery, how come Friday becomes joy? No. U_O3OfT08o0-00316-00163604-00163852 Chemical induced something. U_O3OfT08o0-00317-00163852-00164036 Nani: Mhmm (Indicating agreement) U_O3OfT08o0-00318-00164036-00164352 Sadhguru: This is the greatest danger in human life. U_O3OfT08o0-00319-00164352-00164648 Today we are going towards this very rapidly. U_O3OfT08o0-00320-00164648-00165318 To be healthful, we need chemicals; to be peaceful, we need chemicals; to be joyful, we need chemicals; U_O3OfT08o0-00321-00165318-00165996 to be blissful, we need chemicals; for ecstasy, you have ecstasy (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00322-00165996-00166274 - for everything you need to chemicals. U_O3OfT08o0-00323-00166274-00166628 Once this happens - right now, I think U_O3OfT08o0-00324-00166628-00167332 it is happening approximately twenty-five to thirty percent of the population on the planet U_O3OfT08o0-00325-00167332-00167706 - the day It happens to eighty to ninety percent of the planet, U_O3OfT08o0-00326-00167706-00168400 that everybody's on some kind of chemical to experience something, then the next generation that you produce U_O3OfT08o0-00327-00168400-00168680 will be much lesser than you. U_O3OfT08o0-00328-00168680-00169436 Once we produce a generation which is less than us, we have committed the crime against humanity. U_O3OfT08o0-00329-00169436-00169800 The next generation should at least be one step ahead of us. U_O3OfT08o0-00330-00169800-00170244 If we leave them behind us, this is a crime against humanity? U_O3OfT08o0-00331-00170244-00170970 We're trying to get there rapidly (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00332-00170970-00171392 Nani: So, now for me in particular again I feel the same way I think U_O3OfT08o0-00333-00171392-00172038 I think during my release time, after working for nine months on a film, when I get to watch the film on screen, U_O3OfT08o0-00334-00172038-00172258 That three hours is meditation for me. U_O3OfT08o0-00335-00172258-00172950 It's the most happiest moment in a year for me, I don't know if it's an good thing or a bad thing. U_O3OfT08o0-00336-00172950-00173540 So next question. Why am I sweating and not you? (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00337-00173540-00174018 Sadhguru: I am the one who was facing the questions. I should be the one sweating. (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00338-00174018-00174548 (Cheers/Laughter/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00339-00174548-00175104 Till here... Till I came here I was confident, in between they played AV U_O3OfT08o0-00340-00175104-00175576 there after seeing that AV it started sweating. U_O3OfT08o0-00341-00175576-00176440 So, in between will keep wiping please don't mind. U_O3OfT08o0-00342-00176440-00177078 (Sadhguru handsover a tissue paper to Nani) (Cheers/Laughter/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00343-00177078-00177586 I also joined margadarshi so they kept a tissue box for me too U_O3OfT08o0-00344-00177586-00177944 Thank you Sadhguru but felt happy getting it from your hand. U_O3OfT08o0-00345-00177944-00178594 Nani: Next this... I don't know how many people will connect to this. U_O3OfT08o0-00346-00178594-00179098 Generally in our homes... Generally, this dhrishti is a very big thing. U_O3OfT08o0-00347-00179098-00179368 Dhrishti you know, right? U_O3OfT08o0-00348-00179368-00179904 So, since my childhood my mom generally used to say we have to ward off dhrishti U_O3OfT08o0-00349-00179904-00180284 And whenever I go out she used to say, "You're looking so good, so have to ward off dhrishti U_O3OfT08o0-00350-00180284-00180574 or cinema is too good have to ward off dhrishti. Maybe there's dhrishti on you." U_O3OfT08o0-00351-00180574-00181132 Later whenver even if a small accident happens or if any problem occurs - "See, you got dhrishti." U_O3OfT08o0-00352-00181132-00181654 Unknowingly people around us have developed it as a very popular idea. U_O3OfT08o0-00353-00181654-00182390 So, I started initially I used to think silliness my mom just wants to do and “okay do it.” U_O3OfT08o0-00354-00182390-00183000 But later, later when... when I started having this some accident at the shoot or something, something, U_O3OfT08o0-00355-00183000-00183442 it kept on happening and particularly, I had this back to back hits and... U_O3OfT08o0-00356-00183442-00184034 and then I had this back to back accidents also and then without me realizing I started believing it. U_O3OfT08o0-00357-00184034-00184536 Suddenly I started reminding my mom “Amma, dhrishti I'm leaving” (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00358-00184536-00185108 So, this concept of dhrishti prevails in many ways, told in many ways. U_O3OfT08o0-00359-00185108-00185384 people say some energy they something else, something else... U_O3OfT08o0-00360-00185384-00185744 But it is a very household thing. But it is a very popular belief. U_O3OfT08o0-00361-00185744-00187406 What is your opinion on this? Does this exist or no? (Laughter/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00362-00187406-00187702 Sadhguru: Do you bathe everyday? (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00363-00187702-00188116 No, why I'm asking is in Chennai, they're having bath once in three days (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00364-00188116-00188372 Nani: (Laughs) We still have not gone that far in Hyderabad U_O3OfT08o0-00365-00188372-00189194 Sadhguru: Haven't gone that far, Still hussain Sagar (Laughter/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00366-00189194-00189434 So yesterday I was speaking U_O3OfT08o0-00367-00189434-00189698 with a prominent group of people in the evening, U_O3OfT08o0-00368-00189698-00190188 one of the government officials said, “All these rich people are having shower every day.” U_O3OfT08o0-00369-00190188-00190522 I said, “Where do you come from huh” (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00370-00190522-00191272 In South India, without having a shower, we won't step out of our home, no matter what. U_O3OfT08o0-00371-00191272-00191628 Even if you don't drink we’ll shower first (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00372-00191628-00192658 So don't start this new culture have shower once in – “Thank God, it's Friday” (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00373-00192658-00192956 So you have... U_O3OfT08o0-00374-00192956-00193160 You wash your body with water. U_O3OfT08o0-00375-00193160-00193464 It's not just about removing the dirt. U_O3OfT08o0-00376-00193464-00194154 Even if you don't have any dirt, have you seen after a day's work, if you pick up a lot of stuff, U_O3OfT08o0-00377-00194154-00194924 you come and have a shower - uff it's like new life has come - does it happen? Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-00378-00194924-00195632 Not just cleansing the body, it’s not the soap - just the water running over your body. U_O3OfT08o0-00379-00195632-00196612 You go take a dip in a river, stay there for ten minutes, come out, just see - it feels like you’re born again. U_O3OfT08o0-00380-00196612-00197234 Because... You need to understand this body is made of fundamentally five elements U_O3OfT08o0-00381-00197234-00197884 of earth, water, fire, air and space. U_O3OfT08o0-00382-00197884-00198718 This season in our yoga center, because we have a wind tunnel, in the sense from the silent valley, U_O3OfT08o0-00383-00198718-00199209 the winds - the monsoon winds that blow, gets kind of focused in the valley U_O3OfT08o0-00384-00199209-00199682 and when it comes towards the yoga center it’ll at becoming anywhere between seventy to... U_O3OfT08o0-00385-00199682-00200138 seventy to hundred-and-ten kilometers per hour different times of the day. U_O3OfT08o0-00386-00200138-00200672 So at this time all our people are doing sadhana just standing in the wind like this (Gestures) U_O3OfT08o0-00387-00200672-00200918 because this is a wind-wash. U_O3OfT08o0-00388-00200918-00201334 Water-wash, you're doing everyday; wind-wash you can do. U_O3OfT08o0-00389-00201334-00201948 People - yogis were always smearing themselves with earth, U_O3OfT08o0-00390-00201948-00202440 but today that's become mud bath in the spa, okay (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00391-00202440-00202662 So mud bath is there. U_O3OfT08o0-00392-00202662-00202966 Similarly there is the fire-wash. U_O3OfT08o0-00393-00202966-00203362 This fire-wash, we call it Klesha Nashana kriya, U_O3OfT08o0-00394-00203362-00203974 that means an act which will take away the impurities that gather around you. U_O3OfT08o0-00395-00203974-00204548 Because your body is not just here, your body doesn't stop here - it extends itself. U_O3OfT08o0-00396-00204548-00204726 Have you noticed - U_O3OfT08o0-00397-00204726-00205158 probably women are more sensitive to this than men, U_O3OfT08o0-00398-00205158-00205617 you don't have to be touched by somebody, if somebody comes a bit too close - U_O3OfT08o0-00399-00205617-00205856 not a psychological thing, that's a different matter, U_O3OfT08o0-00400-00205856-00206410 psychological and emotional aspects are there - leaving that, if somebody comes too close U_O3OfT08o0-00401-00206410-00206844 right there itself there is a feeling that you know, U_O3OfT08o0-00402-00206844-00207042 you want some distance? U_O3OfT08o0-00403-00207042-00207319 They haven't touched you, just like this (Gestures). U_O3OfT08o0-00404-00207319-00207626 This itself causes some disturbance, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00405-00207626-00208126 Because the body doesn't end here, the energy is little beyond that. U_O3OfT08o0-00406-00208126-00208592 How much beyond that depends on how exuberant your life energies are. U_O3OfT08o0-00407-00208592-00209128 If you're life energies are truly exuberant, you can fill this hall with it, U_O3OfT08o0-00408-00209128-00209394 otherwise, it is at least little bit - U_O3OfT08o0-00409-00209394-00209962 for most human beings, it could be anywhere between three to nine inches outside of their body. U_O3OfT08o0-00410-00209962-00210578 So as impurities gather on your body, if you drive out, U_O3OfT08o0-00411-00210578-00211104 if you drive a two-wheeler, you will see - I become younger every time I ride a motorcycle U_O3OfT08o0-00412-00211104-00211716 because if I ride for four to five hours and come back, people say, “Sadhguru, your beard has turned black” U_O3OfT08o0-00413-00211716-00212100 (Laughter) - full black carbon (Laughs)! U_O3OfT08o0-00414-00212100-00212302 Sadhguru: So... Nani: Pollution! U_O3OfT08o0-00415-00212302-00212748 Sadhguru: So you gather material on your body, you wash it. U_O3OfT08o0-00416-00212748-00213332 Similarly, you're gathering other kinds of material upon your energetic system. U_O3OfT08o0-00417-00213332-00213802 You can wash this water with water, certain impurities will go with that; U_O3OfT08o0-00418-00213802-00214394 if you wash it with air, certain other things will go, but air is not always available like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00419-00214394-00214790 You can even notice this, if you... U_O3OfT08o0-00420-00214790-00215152 But these days, these fans are going at a certain speed. U_O3OfT08o0-00421-00215152-00215652 But if you have the fans set at the right kind of speed, if you just sit under the fan for some time, U_O3OfT08o0-00422-00215652-00216058 you will see something within you lifts up. U_O3OfT08o0-00423-00216058-00216169 Have you noticed this? U_O3OfT08o0-00424-00216169-00216219 Participants: Yes U_O3OfT08o0-00425-00216219-00216442 Sadhguru: Little air wash! U_O3OfT08o0-00426-00216442-00216838 Similarly, there's a fire-wash which you're calling dhrishti. U_O3OfT08o0-00427-00216838-00217396 Is it necessarily happening because of others people's look or not - that's a questionable matter. U_O3OfT08o0-00428-00217396-00218019 But impact of life around you, upon your energy system, is definitely happening. U_O3OfT08o0-00429-00218019-00218280 If you have a spiritual process within you, U_O3OfT08o0-00430-00218280-00218900 that is you're doing some kriya, or you're doing some meditative processes, then you don't need all this U_O3OfT08o0-00431-00218900-00219200 because you know how to wash yourself from within. U_O3OfT08o0-00432-00219200-00219567 If you do not have that, these things become significant. U_O3OfT08o0-00433-00219567-00220417 I must tell you this, there is a certain way to do, which few generations ahead people knew exactly how to do, U_O3OfT08o0-00434-00220417-00220798 but today I'm seeing they’re just burning something and doing this, this, this (Gestures). U_O3OfT08o0-00435-00220798-00220973 If you come to the yoga center, U_O3OfT08o0-00436-00220973-00221490 we're doing this Klesha Nashana kriya in a scientific manner how it should happen. U_O3OfT08o0-00437-00221490-00222190 We have relieved people of various chronic ailments just by this fire-wash. U_O3OfT08o0-00438-00222190-00222688 One surprise element that we found out recently is, U_O3OfT08o0-00439-00222688-00223434 we found that many children who are suffering with ADH with learning disabilities, U_O3OfT08o0-00440-00223434-00223758 within a matter of six to eight weeks of this fire-wash, U_O3OfT08o0-00441-00223758-00224542 they have changed dramatically - this we never expected (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00442-00224542-00225102 So your mother knowingly or unknowingly giving you a fire-wash U_O3OfT08o0-00443-00225102-00225710 might have given you some learning ability (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00444-00225710-00226066 I'm bowing down to her, she did fire-wash (Laughs)! U_O3OfT08o0-00445-00226066-00227196 Nani: Same! Where is mom? There, okay. Sadhguru: Okay! (Laughs) (Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00446-00227196-00227664 Now when you told that our body will extend I got connected well because U_O3OfT08o0-00447-00227664-00228050 in cinema during fight as it comes this far we'll fall. (Laughter) Sadhguru: That's true! U_O3OfT08o0-00448-00228050-00228400 Nani: No need to touch. U_O3OfT08o0-00449-00228400-00228690 So,.. U_O3OfT08o0-00450-00228690-00229164 Nani: This is a very casual doubt. There was a very good actor Raghuvaran, sir U_O3OfT08o0-00451-00229164-00229234 Sadhguru: Ragu... U_O3OfT08o0-00452-00229234-00229619 Nani: Raguvaran, that's his name, very popular actor. He's no more. U_O3OfT08o0-00453-00229619-00230417 But still when he used to act, for prompting, when he used act in other languages U_O3OfT08o0-00454-00230417-00230710 when he used to act in other languages he... U_O3OfT08o0-00455-00230710-00231038 for prompting he used to give these spaces in between dialogue and in dialogue U_O3OfT08o0-00456-00231038-00231329 where Assistant Director used to prompt him. U_O3OfT08o0-00457-00231330-00232034 So that became a style, tch, the... the spaces became a style and you know it was very popular. U_O3OfT08o0-00458-00232034-00232548 Sometime when I was seeing the videos, sometimes when there was some... one complicated question, U_O3OfT08o0-00459-00232548-00232924 you start laughing, so I... I doubt if it’s the... it's the prompting break. U_O3OfT08o0-00460-00232924-00233058 Sadhguru: Really (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00461-00233058-00233510 Nani: Okay. No, who is that person was prompting in your head and how do you U_O3OfT08o0-00462-00233510-00234040 in that little fraction of second so well composed answer will come out how is that possible (Cheers/Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-00463-00234040-00235016 Sadhguru: No (Laughs). (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00464-00235016-00235376 No, it's not a prompting break (Few laugh). U_O3OfT08o0-00465-00235376-00236058 I don't wish to insult people, but now that you asked (Laughs) – U_O3OfT08o0-00466-00236058-00236708 you think it’s the prompting right now (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00467-00236708-00237498 What usually people think is very complex, is usually the dumbest thing possible; U_O3OfT08o0-00468-00237498-00238188 what people think is very simple, actually has a way to touch life. U_O3OfT08o0-00469-00238188-00238954 Simple things that people ask has profoundness to it - most profound things are very simple. U_O3OfT08o0-00470-00238954-00239402 This complication is coming because of their own mind, not because of life. U_O3OfT08o0-00471-00239402-00239876 So when they ask these stupid questions, which they think is intellectually complex, U_O3OfT08o0-00472-00239876-00240571 I can't help laughing (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00473-00240571-00240938 Nani: I should keep a count of how many times you laughed today. (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00474-00240938-00241364 I have to rethink "Did I ask that bad a question?" (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00475-00241364-00242017 Sadhguru: So, about answering a question - U_O3OfT08o0-00476-00242017-00242548 I'm usually not answering a question, I'm always answering the person. U_O3OfT08o0-00477-00242548-00243304 They can say whatever they want, I'm not listening to them (Few laugh), because people can say lot of things. U_O3OfT08o0-00478-00243304-00243682 Shakuni - the Mahabharat Shakuni - U_O3OfT08o0-00479-00243682-00244221 Shakuni said God gave us, humans, ability to speak U_O3OfT08o0-00480-00244221-00244504 to hide what is in their mind. U_O3OfT08o0-00481-00244504-00244921 See that crooked man (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00482-00244921-00245140 Not to express what's in their hearts, U_O3OfT08o0-00483-00245140-00245658 to hide what is in their heart - that is why God gave us ability to speak, U_O3OfT08o0-00484-00245658-00246080 which is true half the time with most human beings. U_O3OfT08o0-00485-00246080-00247244 So, they are making up complexities because they think by being difficult, they become valuable. U_O3OfT08o0-00486-00247244-00247540 By being difficult you don't become valuable, U_O3OfT08o0-00487-00247540-00248356 by becoming easy, you become valuable, isn't it (Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-00488-00248356-00249092 This has happened to everybody, but particularly to the so called spiritual people - U_O3OfT08o0-00489-00249092-00249612 you tell them anything simple, they will speak in a language that you cannot understand. U_O3OfT08o0-00490-00249612-00249967 First thing, this is the knockout (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00491-00249967-00250606 The first knockout is, if you say something, I'll tell one sloka that you cannot understand (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00492-00250606-00251004 See, it's a way of totally knocking you out. U_O3OfT08o0-00493-00251004-00251556 I say something that you have no clue, you cannot figure this. U_O3OfT08o0-00494-00251556-00252196 Now, I will go into a long philosophy about a simple question that you ask. U_O3OfT08o0-00495-00252196-00252906 So people are making a living by making simple things complex. U_O3OfT08o0-00496-00252906-00253706 My life is about making complex things simple (Applause), U_O3OfT08o0-00497-00253706-00254490 because it is only by making things as simple as possible, it becomes accessible. U_O3OfT08o0-00498-00254490-00254562 If you… U_O3OfT08o0-00499-00254562-00254923 If a child is trying to pluck a mango from the mango tree, U_O3OfT08o0-00500-00254923-00255234 you're supposed to pull the branch down, not to lift it up and say, “Okay, pluck it. U_O3OfT08o0-00501-00255234-00255458 Let me see you’ll grow taller.” U_O3OfT08o0-00502-00255458-00255875 No, you're supposed to bring it down, because a mango is not going to hang there forever, U_O3OfT08o0-00503-00255876-00256140 it's only for the season. U_O3OfT08o0-00504-00256140-00256246 Yes? U_O3OfT08o0-00505-00256246-00256969 Life is not going to hang there forever, it’s just a little bit small season you have of your own. Isn't it so? U_O3OfT08o0-00506-00256969-00257171 Don't think you're here forever. U_O3OfT08o0-00507-00257171-00257526 Before you and me came, countless number of smart people have been here, they're… U_O3OfT08o0-00508-00257526-00257880 now they're all under this (Referring to the earth), buried somewhere. U_O3OfT08o0-00509-00257880-00258000 Isn't it so? U_O3OfT08o0-00510-00258000-00258223 So, it's a brief amount of time. U_O3OfT08o0-00511-00258223-00258928 In this, should you see how to make things simple, or should you look at how to make it complex? U_O3OfT08o0-00512-00258928-00259260 This is the nature of the intellect - U_O3OfT08o0-00513-00259260-00259604 a intellect will feel - if you're living just out of your intellect, U_O3OfT08o0-00514-00259604-00260158 it will feel stupid if it's simple; it want complexity. U_O3OfT08o0-00515-00260158-00260882 So people who think they're intellectual, always are making simple things extremely complex - U_O3OfT08o0-00516-00260882-00261264 unnecessarily complex and then they're miserable. U_O3OfT08o0-00517-00261264-00261542 But they think that is also a virtue. U_O3OfT08o0-00518-00261542-00261858 If you’re joyful, they think you're not intellectual. U_O3OfT08o0-00519-00261858-00262640 It must be like this (Gestures) (Laughter), really it must look like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00520-00262640-00262782 This also is needed (Gestures). U_O3OfT08o0-00521-00262782-00262882 Nani: Yeah, that'll… definitely… U_O3OfT08o0-00522-00262882-00263244 Sadhguru: Needed! Otherwise... And you must also do... U_O3OfT08o0-00523-00263244-00263710 You must speak two words, (Gestures of coughing) U_O3OfT08o0-00524-00263710-00264404 - that is prompting time (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00525-00264404-00264844 I don't have any prompting time, because U_O3OfT08o0-00526-00264844-00265134 I have no knowledge, I have no nothing. U_O3OfT08o0-00527-00265134-00265976 I just strived to be free of all the memory that I have - U_O3OfT08o0-00528-00265976-00266420 my body, what memory it carries; my genetics, what memory it carries; U_O3OfT08o0-00529-00266420-00266718 my experience of life, what memory it carries, U_O3OfT08o0-00530-00266718-00267106 I know how to keep it aside and simply look at things as they are. U_O3OfT08o0-00531-00267106-00267530 This means in your home you have a mirror, being a star - U_O3OfT08o0-00532-00267530-00267970 even if you’re natural, you still need a mirror, right (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00533-00267970-00268451 Nani: Why are you laughing? Don't you have in your homes? (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00534-00268452-00268750 Sadhguru: Many of them spend more time in front of the mirror than you. U_O3OfT08o0-00535-00268750-00269164 Nani: More than me. Yeah, definitely, that’s what... U_O3OfT08o0-00536-00269164-00270144 Sadhguru: So suppose your mirror remembered, let us say, even ten percent of what it has seen in its lifetime. U_O3OfT08o0-00537-00270144-00270764 If you went and stood in front of it today, what would it show you - total mess! U_O3OfT08o0-00538-00270764-00271104 The value of the mirror is, it has no memory. U_O3OfT08o0-00539-00271104-00271740 If it developed memory – gone (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00540-00271740-00271846 So this is... U_O3OfT08o0-00541-00271846-00272108 This is the value of your mind, U_O3OfT08o0-00542-00272108-00272728 if you know how to keep memory - the silo of memory aside and keep it, U_O3OfT08o0-00543-00272728-00273172 it's like a mirror - whatever it sees, it sees clearly, distinctly the way it is. U_O3OfT08o0-00544-00273172-00273690 Somebody likes it, somebody doesn’t like it - it's their problem, that's their memory issue. U_O3OfT08o0-00545-00273690-00273990 Tch, see, how does somebody like or dislike something? U_O3OfT08o0-00546-00273990-00274588 They’ve developed a certain memory - I like this, I don't like this; I belong to this. I don't belong to this. U_O3OfT08o0-00547-00274588-00275094 I don't belong to anything, I'm just looking at it as it is. U_O3OfT08o0-00548-00275094-00275758 Maybe in a given moment, you are not able to expose all dimensions of what it is, U_O3OfT08o0-00549-00275758-00276100 at least what is relevant for that moment. U_O3OfT08o0-00550-00276100-00276458 So does your mirror need prompting time? U_O3OfT08o0-00551-00276458-00276744 Television needs time, tube light needs time. U_O3OfT08o0-00552-00276744-00277510 Mirror doesn't need time, so no prompting (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-00553-00277510-00278012 Nani: In a way... I asked this sort of question because you answer so beautifully. U_O3OfT08o0-00554-00278012-00278546 If someone asks the same question now if someone asks where is your car? I will say it's in the parking. U_O3OfT08o0-00555-00278546-00279170 But you would not use the word parking, you say something but I will get that it's in parking. U_O3OfT08o0-00556-00279170-00279560 That... How do you answer so beautifully is a big doubt now U_O3OfT08o0-00557-00279560-00280308 and got answer for that question also but I don't know how it comes from you. (Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00558-00280308-00280922 So, how many are married and have kids here? U_O3OfT08o0-00559-00280922-00281502 Aha ha ha ha too many people. That's why this question actually U_O3OfT08o0-00560-00281502-00282304 so this question, it's from a parent to a parent, I have seen few videos where you spoke about your daughter. U_O3OfT08o0-00561-00282304-00282912 This has been a big doubt as a father for me because growing up my father was very strict. U_O3OfT08o0-00562-00282912-00283316 Then I thought I have to be very friendly with my son like a... like a friend. U_O3OfT08o0-00563-00283316-00284004 And then I've seen a few kids who are really spoilt because their parents have been really friendly. U_O3OfT08o0-00564-00284004-00284512 And then I think little bit of, have to be strict. So there's a lot of confusion. U_O3OfT08o0-00565-00284512-00284926 What do you think according to you obviously to each, U_O3OfT08o0-00566-00284926-00285416 to their own, but in your view what is the right way of parenting to be U_O3OfT08o0-00567-00285416-00286062 Is it full freedom or should we be little tough with the kids (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00568-00286062-00286524 Sadhguru: See, why should we think on these terms? U_O3OfT08o0-00569-00286524-00286788 A child is not a… U_O3OfT08o0-00570-00286788-00287024 See you must understand this. U_O3OfT08o0-00571-00287024-00287320 If a tiger is born - let's say, U_O3OfT08o0-00572-00287320-00288444 the tiger cub is born; ninety percent of what he needs for his life is within himself, only ten percent parenting. U_O3OfT08o0-00573-00288444-00289012 The Tiger’s parents - mother and father do just a little, U_O3OfT08o0-00574-00289012-00289648 ninety percent is intrinsic. If he just eats well he becomes a good tiger, this is all. U_O3OfT08o0-00575-00289648-00290352 But now you're born as a human being, you're... only ten percent is within you of being human, U_O3OfT08o0-00576-00290352-00290672 ninety percent has to be nurtured. U_O3OfT08o0-00577-00290672-00290990 This is the significant thing about being human, U_O3OfT08o0-00578-00290990-00291830 because the range of possibilities of how many varieties of human beings you can be within yourself is too many. U_O3OfT08o0-00579-00291830-00292080 That is not so for any other creature. U_O3OfT08o0-00580-00292080-00292346 They're born like that, nature has fixed it like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00581-00292346-00292830 Little variations - ten percent variation between one tiger and another tiger, U_O3OfT08o0-00582-00292830-00293335 if both of them eat well, they're about the same tigers, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00583-00293336-00293966 So because of this, human parenting becomes an important aspect. U_O3OfT08o0-00584-00293966-00295156 So, once you bear a child it's a twenty-year-project, tch that is if they do well (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00585-00295156-00295978 If they don't do well it's a lifelong project (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00586-00295978-00296452 So you want them to do well so that you can be free. U_O3OfT08o0-00587-00296452-00296700 Yes? U_O3OfT08o0-00588-00296700-00297348 Because you understand if they’re… if they don't do well, they will sit on your lap for your rest of your life. U_O3OfT08o0-00589-00297348-00297606 No, no, they must go. U_O3OfT08o0-00590-00297606-00297934 So what do you have to give them? U_O3OfT08o0-00591-00297934-00298348 You don't have to teach them the tricks of the world - that they will learn. U_O3OfT08o0-00592-00298348-00298888 Some will learn easy, some will learn the hard way - it’s okay, they must learn it their way. U_O3OfT08o0-00593-00298888-00299622 What you give them is “what it means to be human being,” this is all you give them. U_O3OfT08o0-00594-00299622-00299930 So for this, you must look at yourself. U_O3OfT08o0-00595-00299930-00300112 You don't have to do much with them. U_O3OfT08o0-00596-00300112-00300630 If a child arrives in your house, if your child is born in your home, U_O3OfT08o0-00597-00300630-00300984 you should not think you have to do something with the child. U_O3OfT08o0-00598-00300984-00301386 You must look at yourself, because children don't listen to you. U_O3OfT08o0-00599-00301386-00302006 Whatever the nonsense you speak, they're not listening to you, just like me, they are (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00600-00302006-00302518 I'm not listening to anybody, I just look at them and answer them (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00601-00302518-00302942 They're just looking at you, observing every little thing that you do - U_O3OfT08o0-00602-00302942-00303554 how you sit, how you stand, how you speak, what is the expression on your face - all this is they’re seeing. U_O3OfT08o0-00603-00303554-00303760 You see how the child is looking (Gestures) (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00604-00303760-00303846 Nani: Yeah, yeah. U_O3OfT08o0-00605-00303846-00304192 Sadhguru: He's not listening to you, he's looking. U_O3OfT08o0-00606-00304192-00305324 So you must become in such a way that when he looks at you, he wants to be like you (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00607-00305324-00306068 So being a star in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana is fine, that's a profession. U_O3OfT08o0-00608-00306068-00306704 But you must become a star to your child. Your child should think, “My father is a star!” U_O3OfT08o0-00609-00306704-00306984 Not because you are popular in the world, U_O3OfT08o0-00610-00306984-00307538 but he sees you as the best human being that he can think of, U_O3OfT08o0-00611-00307538-00308058 because there's not much exposure for him, there is a safety (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00612-00308058-00308542 He's not seeing so many people; he's just seeing mother, father, a few people. U_O3OfT08o0-00613-00308542-00309312 Among the few people that he sees, he must look at you as you're the best man out here (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00614-00309312-00309370 If he sees that… U_O3OfT08o0-00615-00309370-00309620 Nani: That’s... That's what I'm working on Sadhguru. U_O3OfT08o0-00616-00309620-00310154 Sadhguru: If he sees that, he will anyway go that way. U_O3OfT08o0-00617-00310154-00310758 If he doesn't see you that way, then he will look all over the place for some other kind of example. U_O3OfT08o0-00618-00310758-00310840 Nani: Yeah. U_O3OfT08o0-00619-00310840-00311636 Sadhguru: Today, the examples that he sees are not necessarily at home, or school, or in the neighborhood; U_O3OfT08o0-00620-00311636-00311964 they are somewhere in another part of the world, U_O3OfT08o0-00621-00311964-00312152 they may not even exist. U_O3OfT08o0-00622-00312152-00312496 I'm saying they may not even exist, but they're influencing him. U_O3OfT08o0-00623-00312496-00313370 So, especially if his screen time has to go down, you must be really a superstar at home. Tch, U_O3OfT08o0-00624-00313370-00313482 you understand? U_O3OfT08o0-00625-00313482-00313598 Nani: Everyone! U_O3OfT08o0-00626-00313598-00313744 Sadhguru: Yes! (Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00627-00313744-00314617 This is not just for him, for every one of you this is the only way - your child wants to be who you are. U_O3OfT08o0-00628-00314617-00314994 He looks at you and thinks, “Oh, my father, hmm (Gestures) (Laughter), U_O3OfT08o0-00629-00314994-00315336 this is not what I want to be” (Laughter), U_O3OfT08o0-00630-00315336-00316054 then you try as hard as you want, he will do everything that you don't like just to freak you (Nani laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00631-00316054-00316330 Yes, you’ve done it. U_O3OfT08o0-00632-00316330-00316938 Nani: How do you know? (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00633-00316938-00317280 Sadhguru: Just to freak you, he will do something. U_O3OfT08o0-00634-00317280-00317956 Just in reaction, even if you're saying the best things, he's doing the opposite of it - just in reaction! U_O3OfT08o0-00635-00317956-00318154 So this is very, very important. U_O3OfT08o0-00636-00318154-00318531 This is not about giving freedom, this is not about being strict. U_O3OfT08o0-00637-00318532-00319122 You just create an atmosphere where he's naturally looking up to you, he wants to be like you U_O3OfT08o0-00638-00319122-00319620 - in this if you fix yourself, everything is fine, there's very little parenting to do. U_O3OfT08o0-00639-00319620-00320306 It's like see, even the chicken, ducks, tigers, lions all of them have done this - U_O3OfT08o0-00640-00320306-00320759 if they walk, see how all the little ones are walking behind... running behind them. U_O3OfT08o0-00641-00320760-00321188 Tch, they desperately want to be like their mother or father, have you seen this? U_O3OfT08o0-00642-00321188-00321480 Your children should become like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00643-00321480-00322572 For that you need to work on yourself, not on them (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00644-00322572-00323156 Nani: Listening to the answers feeling confident that I'm asking good questions U_O3OfT08o0-00645-00323156-00323958 so, when I was a kid very, very supposed to be popular astrologer came home U_O3OfT08o0-00646-00323958-00324424 and then he said “this guy has great fortune” U_O3OfT08o0-00647-00324424-00324954 Sadhguru: They say the same thing for everybody (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00648-00324954-00325062 Nani: Same thing, I know, to everyone. U_O3OfT08o0-00649-00325062-00325686 I came to know this after discussing with a few people, they've been told the same. U_O3OfT08o0-00650-00325686-00326342 So, when they said so first our people had a doubt as to what is Rajayogam? U_O3OfT08o0-00651-00326342-00326630 If he dies one lakh people will attend to his last rites. U_O3OfT08o0-00652-00326630-00326794 Then I felt bad. U_O3OfT08o0-00653-00326794-00327216 Why after death? I felt what is the use of the number of people coming behind me after death U_O3OfT08o0-00654-00327216-00327584 it should happen when I am alive. Left the topic there. U_O3OfT08o0-00655-00327584-00328162 But then as I grow when I was watching this, generally in the industry, outside, everywhere U_O3OfT08o0-00656-00328162-00328510 Really if someone dies they become very good, everyone become good. U_O3OfT08o0-00657-00328510-00328964 Every time a politician, or actor, or somebody, in general also outside U_O3OfT08o0-00658-00328964-00329324 somebody dies and then they have such good things to talk about them. U_O3OfT08o0-00659-00329324-00329550 Everybody says he's a friend, he's such a good guy. U_O3OfT08o0-00660-00329550-00329746 And sometimes I keep wondering, U_O3OfT08o0-00661-00329746-00330314 I wish these guys came back into life and they heard all this and went back to die again. U_O3OfT08o0-00662-00330314-00330986 So why is this happening because, suddenly everyone becomes so good. U_O3OfT08o0-00663-00330986-00331446 When cinema releases no one says he's good actor but after he dies they say he's a very good actor U_O3OfT08o0-00664-00331446-00331928 So, why? What's the reason? U_O3OfT08o0-00665-00331928-00332264 Sadhguru: Have dead people ever done something wrong till now (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00666-00332264-00332396 Nani: Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-00667-00332396-00332832 Sadhguru: Have dead people ever done something wrong till now (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-00668-00332832-00333168 Nani: Many are there but still people praise them also... U_O3OfT08o0-00669-00333168-00333278 Sadhguru: No, no, no. U_O3OfT08o0-00670-00333278-00333376 Nani: You mean after death? Sadhguru: Yes.. U_O3OfT08o0-00671-00333376-00334436 Nani: No. Sadhguru: That's the reason.. (Sadhguru laughs) (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00672-00334436-00334644 Or is it due to the fear that he may come back as a ghost? U_O3OfT08o0-00673-00334644-00334862 Sadhguru: Maybe my Telugu, they did not understand (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-00674-00334862-00335800 Nani: He spoke very beautifully isn't it? Give a round of applause for his Telugu. (Cheers/Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-00675-00335800-00336452 Sadhguru: People appreciate the dead, rightfully so because no dead man has ever harmed anybody. U_O3OfT08o0-00676-00336452-00337124 No dead man has done anything wrong ever, except that he smells if you don't treat him well (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00677-00337124-00337774 That’s the only thing - you have to… he demands attention, that you quickly dispose him. U_O3OfT08o0-00678-00337774-00338120 Otherwise he will make your life miserable. U_O3OfT08o0-00679-00338120-00338432 That's the only thing, otherwise he's not done anything wrong. U_O3OfT08o0-00680-00338432-00338742 So people naturally praise a dead man. U_O3OfT08o0-00681-00338742-00339004 Having said that, U_O3OfT08o0-00682-00339004-00339516 it is also a civilizational aspect - a human aspect, U_O3OfT08o0-00683-00339516-00340106 that it doesn't matter when you're alive, we may be running the same race, U_O3OfT08o0-00684-00340106-00340550 we may be fighting, we may be elbowing each other, struggling U_O3OfT08o0-00685-00340550-00341074 looking at all negativities at each other, but when mortality happens, U_O3OfT08o0-00686-00341074-00341284 when death happens, U_O3OfT08o0-00687-00341284-00341852 we keep all those differences aside and we bow down and say whatever was good about you. U_O3OfT08o0-00688-00341852-00342280 They may talk about it, nothing wrong with that, it's good. U_O3OfT08o0-00689-00342280-00342920 Everywhere in the world, no matter which culture it is, when somebody dies, U_O3OfT08o0-00690-00342920-00343604 very few people on the planet are so crude, they will also disrespect the dead body - U_O3OfT08o0-00691-00343604-00343954 they will kick it around, they will do horrible things to it, all this. U_O3OfT08o0-00692-00343954-00344584 Otherwise most human beings on this planet, even if they fight war and they themselves killed them, U_O3OfT08o0-00693-00344584-00345296 once they die, they bow down because you bow down to mortal nature of who we are. U_O3OfT08o0-00694-00345296-00345844 We know he may be dead, I may be standing, but it's just a question of time. U_O3OfT08o0-00695-00345844-00346088 It’s just a question of time! U_O3OfT08o0-00696-00346088-00346870 Apart from that, respecting the dead is not necessarily exaggeration. U_O3OfT08o0-00697-00346870-00347276 In every human being, there’re pluses and minuses. U_O3OfT08o0-00698-00347276-00347738 Because both of you are running the same race, U_O3OfT08o0-00699-00347738-00348360 I highlighted your minuses all my life to put you down, because I want to win the race. U_O3OfT08o0-00700-00348360-00348872 But, I'm sorry, I don't want to use that word with you - somebody died, U_O3OfT08o0-00701-00348872-00349300 now you talk about their pluses because pluses were also there. U_O3OfT08o0-00702-00349300-00349465 Nani: Yeah, we haven't spoken. U_O3OfT08o0-00703-00349465-00349682 Sadhguru: We haven't spoken about it. U_O3OfT08o0-00704-00349682-00350288 If now also if you do not speak - even then you want to speak minuses, I think that will be very crude. U_O3OfT08o0-00705-00350288-00350910 At least when somebody is dead, if you have nothing plus to say, you become silent, U_O3OfT08o0-00706-00350910-00351490 otherwise the pluses that you did not say, all these years, at least then you must say. U_O3OfT08o0-00707-00351490-00351740 Nani: I wish they said before, but that doesn't happen. U_O3OfT08o0-00708-00351740-00352278 Sadhguru: .That is… See that is true, I wish they had said it all their life, that's a different matter. U_O3OfT08o0-00709-00352278-00352614 But life doesn't happen like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00710-00352614-00353250 Life is such that everything that you want, somebody else also wants. There are so many things. U_O3OfT08o0-00711-00353250-00353448 There are so many dynamics of life. U_O3OfT08o0-00712-00353448-00353996 Not everybody is living in that level of maturity - even if what I want somebody takes, U_O3OfT08o0-00713-00353996-00354342 I can be joyful and be here, not everybody's made like that. U_O3OfT08o0-00714-00354342-00354708 So they highlighted the minuses because of the frictions. U_O3OfT08o0-00715-00354708-00355506 But once a person dies, this is not the time to talk minuses, you highlight the pluses. U_O3OfT08o0-00716-00355506-00355974 But there are fools who are just exaggerating everything, that's a different matter. U_O3OfT08o0-00717-00355974-00357152 But this is a basic human decency towards each other (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00718-00357152-00357932 Nani: Growing up, I never used to get to listen to this word depression much - U_O3OfT08o0-00719-00357932-00358376 very, very rarely a word like a psychiatrist or a depression or something. U_O3OfT08o0-00720-00358376-00359036 Now that we are all aware of that, then... and people know that it's a genuine issue U_O3OfT08o0-00721-00359036-00359410 and we talk a lot which is very good, I understand completely. U_O3OfT08o0-00722-00359410-00359778 But then I also realize there’s so much of talk happening. U_O3OfT08o0-00723-00359778-00360546 Almost every alternative person in some conversation we hear this depression word happening a lot nowadays. U_O3OfT08o0-00724-00360546-00360962 I am happy that the awareness has become more but again at the same time, I am also realizing U_O3OfT08o0-00725-00360962-00361544 there are few people who suddenly might be feeling a little low on particular day U_O3OfT08o0-00726-00361544-00361734 and they want to believe that it is depression. U_O3OfT08o0-00727-00361734-00362324 I know that depression is a very genuine serious problem but because of this overexposure, U_O3OfT08o0-00728-00362324-00362490 is it a good thing or is it a bad thing? U_O3OfT08o0-00729-00362490-00363134 Is it really pushing the next generation into a, you know, thinking one any small hiccup also thinking that U_O3OfT08o0-00730-00363134-00364022 this might be something serious problem and they giving into it (Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-00731-00364022-00364514 Sadhguru: Oh, I didn’t know that was a popular question (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00732-00364514-00364868 With your question, you are getting into trouble. U_O3OfT08o0-00733-00364868-00365310 If I answer this, I will get into deeper trouble (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00734-00365310-00365608 I have... Already last one year I've been in lot of trouble, U_O3OfT08o0-00735-00365608-00366083 because a whole lot of people are pursuing me and saying, “He doesn't respect depression. U_O3OfT08o0-00736-00366084-00366302 He is talking against it. U_O3OfT08o0-00737-00366302-00366468 He thinks it is not a medical issue.” U_O3OfT08o0-00738-00366468-00366826 Nani: No, I respect it, by the way. I don't want to be in trouble. U_O3OfT08o0-00739-00366826-00367539 But I genuinely believe it and but I just don’t know it’s… with… with few it… it's just becoming too much. U_O3OfT08o0-00740-00367539-00367830 They're talking so much about it that sometimes… U_O3OfT08o0-00741-00367830-00368148 sometimes people who are generally low on a particular day also might feel… U_O3OfT08o0-00742-00368148-00368222 Sadhguru: Hey, don’t be… U_O3OfT08o0-00743-00368222-00368956 Nani: Ninety percent of the cases are... maybe fair but sometimes (Sadhguru Laughs)... U_O3OfT08o0-00744-00368956-00369648 Sadhguru: He really plays it safe (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00745-00369648-00369856 It is not that... U_O3OfT08o0-00746-00369856-00370614 I am not made like this, that if somebody is suffering, I'll mock them - that's the last thing I'll do in my life. U_O3OfT08o0-00747-00370614-00371384 But these days, it's become an activism about everything, not just one aspect. U_O3OfT08o0-00748-00371384-00371748 So, people are always looking for a cause in their life - U_O3OfT08o0-00749-00371748-00372264 any one word, something, without even understanding what is the context of that one word, U_O3OfT08o0-00750-00372264-00372566 simply they’ll gone on. So, let me tell you this. U_O3OfT08o0-00751-00372566-00372778 This depression issue came up… U_O3OfT08o0-00752-00372778-00373262 I just… It was a quote - a daily quote in which I said, U_O3OfT08o0-00753-00373262-00374032 “Whatever the nature of your ailment – physical, mental, essentially the source is within you. U_O3OfT08o0-00754-00374032-00374604 Either your body has turned… turned against you or your intelligence has turned against you.” U_O3OfT08o0-00755-00374604-00375282 This’s a fact! You can give it many names - you can call it stress, anxiety, depression, this, that U_O3OfT08o0-00756-00375282-00375972 Something has turned against you - that is something within yourself has turned against you. U_O3OfT08o0-00757-00375972-00376490 Some outside situations also may prompt you, push you in that direction. U_O3OfT08o0-00758-00376490-00377483 But fundamentally if my intelligence was working for me, I would definitely keep myself in the best possible way. U_O3OfT08o0-00759-00377483-00378123 If all the cells in my body were working for me, will I make myself sick? U_O3OfT08o0-00760-00378123-00378304 So, this is all I said. U_O3OfT08o0-00761-00378304-00378556 A campaign ran for about six-eight months, U_O3OfT08o0-00762-00378556-00378972 all kinds of people commented, “He doesn't know what he's talking, this, this.” U_O3OfT08o0-00763-00378972-00380080 I have spoken to top level people in this field across the world, all of them think what I am saying is perfectly fine. U_O3OfT08o0-00764-00380080-00380130 Whether… U_O3OfT08o0-00765-00380130-00380556 Even if I don't get endorsements from them, I know it's perfectly fine because U_O3OfT08o0-00766-00380556-00380834 I know how my mind works. U_O3OfT08o0-00767-00380834-00381430 I know if I give myself the luxury, I can also become depressed. U_O3OfT08o0-00768-00381430-00382132 Something doesn't work my way - nothing actually works my way, most of the time (Laughs), yes, U_O3OfT08o0-00769-00382132-00382474 I will tell you in more detail if we have time. U_O3OfT08o0-00770-00382474-00383076 Because when you do as many things as I do, so many things don't happen the way you want it. U_O3OfT08o0-00771-00383076-00383940 The reason why people have reduced their lives to a very small scope is simply because they are afraid of failure. U_O3OfT08o0-00772-00383940-00384804 I know I will die a failure, but I'm a blissful failure. So it doesn't matter. Tch, my (Laughs)… U_O3OfT08o0-00773-00384804-00385454 You know in my life it's so happened - almost thirty-eight years ago, I was sitting in one place, U_O3OfT08o0-00774-00385454-00385860 suddenly every cell in my body burst into ecstasy. U_O3OfT08o0-00775-00385860-00386150 Then I observed what is happening within me. U_O3OfT08o0-00776-00386150-00386934 Then I realized after a few weeks, if I don't mess with my mind, I'll burst with ecstasy. U_O3OfT08o0-00777-00386934-00387296 Then I thought “This is it, I’ve discovered something fantastic!” U_O3OfT08o0-00778-00387296-00387676 On that day the world's population was 5.6 billion people. U_O3OfT08o0-00779-00387676-00387950 Then I sat down and made a plan U_O3OfT08o0-00780-00387950-00388538 that in next two-and-a-half years, I will make the entire world ecstatic, tch (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00781-00388538-00389242 Hey, wait, wait, don't clap at my failures (Laughter)! U_O3OfT08o0-00782-00389242-00389788 Now it is thirty-eight years. Ah, we've touched a few million people. U_O3OfT08o0-00783-00389788-00390190 People say we have touched some five hundred– six hundred million people (Applause), U_O3OfT08o0-00784-00390190-00390500 but that's not my idea of the world. U_O3OfT08o0-00785-00390500-00390718 Now the population also has increased. U_O3OfT08o0-00786-00390718-00391040 I know I will die a failure. U_O3OfT08o0-00787-00391040-00391670 But I am not a depressed failure, I am a blissful failure (Nani Laughs) (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00788-00391670-00392270 Now, why I'm saying this to you is, U_O3OfT08o0-00789-00392270-00392828 well, there are certain pathological issues within the system - there are genetic issues, U_O3OfT08o0-00790-00392828-00394026 there are these chemistry issues, but for all this, fundamentally the basic control for all this is within you. U_O3OfT08o0-00791-00394026-00394350 You have not taken charge of it, that is a clear factor. U_O3OfT08o0-00792-00394350-00394968 You are trying to manage an inner situation by arranging an outer situation. U_O3OfT08o0-00793-00394968-00395750 But whoever the hell you are, you can never arrange the outer situation just the way you want it. U_O3OfT08o0-00794-00395750-00395954 Does it ever happen? U_O3OfT08o0-00795-00395954-00396216 Does that ever happen to anybody? U_O3OfT08o0-00796-00396216-00396562 Nobody happens hundred percent your way, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00797-00396562-00396986 Not your husband, not your wife, not your parents, not your children, not your friends, U_O3OfT08o0-00798-00396986-00397542 not your office - nobody happens one hundred percent the way you want it. U_O3OfT08o0-00799-00397542-00398160 So, if you are going to freak every time when something doesn't happen the way you want it, U_O3OfT08o0-00800-00398160-00398554 then you will freak for the rest of your life. U_O3OfT08o0-00801-00398554-00399206 So if you see this, you would understand that the source of all human experience is within you - U_O3OfT08o0-00802-00399206-00399626 including how your chemistry will slosh is within you. U_O3OfT08o0-00803-00399626-00400094 When somebody is ill, are we going to talk all this to them? No. U_O3OfT08o0-00804-00400094-00400650 They need care, they need help, they need medicine, they need compassion, that's a different matter. U_O3OfT08o0-00805-00400650-00401240 But those of you who are healthy if you think U_O3OfT08o0-00806-00401240-00401492 - because right from childhood this comes U_O3OfT08o0-00807-00401492-00402166 - if you are sick you get attention, if you're joyful, you will get scolding - this must change in the society. U_O3OfT08o0-00808-00402166-00403026 Joy should get attention (Applause), misery should not get attention. U_O3OfT08o0-00809-00403026-00403404 This is a very misunderstood way of handling things. U_O3OfT08o0-00810-00403404-00403874 If a child is jumping with joy and screaming, “Hey why are you screaming (Gestures); U_O3OfT08o0-00811-00403874-00404476 if you ba, ba, ba like this (Gestures) means mo, momo, mo (Gestures) (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-00812-00404476-00404786 It’s just a wrong way of raising a child U_O3OfT08o0-00813-00404786-00405632 because a child must understand he must invest in being well, he must not invest in being unwell. U_O3OfT08o0-00814-00405632-00406334 Unwell will not bring any results or rewards to him, he must understand this in a very deep way. U_O3OfT08o0-00815-00406334-00406964 If he thinks being unwell physically or mentally, I will get lot of attention and rewards, U_O3OfT08o0-00816-00406964-00407214 he will work towards being unwell. U_O3OfT08o0-00817-00407214-00408039 This may look very simplistic, but I’m telling you this from a very profound dimension of who we are. U_O3OfT08o0-00818-00408039-00408456 There is something called as life energy, as intelligence. U_O3OfT08o0-00819-00408456-00408804 Intelligence is not the bone box (Referring to head) that you carry. U_O3OfT08o0-00820-00408804-00409032 If you, tch… U_O3OfT08o0-00821-00409032-00409512 See, does your avakkai (Referring to a variety of mango used in pickles) look like you? U_O3OfT08o0-00822-00409512-00409696 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-00823-00409696-00409910 Does it smell like you? U_O3OfT08o0-00824-00409910-00410032 Does it feel like you? U_O3OfT08o0-00825-00410032-00410124 No. U_O3OfT08o0-00826-00410124-00410800 If you mix only just chili and mango and rice and eat it, it goes inside and becomes you, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00827-00410800-00411554 There is an intelligence within you which can make this horribly spicy stuff into you. U_O3OfT08o0-00828-00411555-00411762 There is an intelligence or no? U_O3OfT08o0-00829-00411762-00411976 You eat a banana it becomes you. U_O3OfT08o0-00830-00411976-00412602 When there is such a dimension of intelligence - from all kinds of nonsensical material that you give, U_O3OfT08o0-00831-00412602-00413084 it makes a human being - if you have access to this intelligence, U_O3OfT08o0-00832-00413084-00413652 your well-being, your health, your mental balance is in your hands or no? U_O3OfT08o0-00833-00413652-00414202 If you don't take charge of this, then you're thinking it is all happening to you. U_O3OfT08o0-00834-00414202-00414672 So, a lot of people for ages, especially in the last hundred years, U_O3OfT08o0-00835-00414672-00414970 because of psychiatry developing in a certain way, U_O3OfT08o0-00836-00414970-00415270 people started saying, “No, there is a genetic things, you can’t touch it.” U_O3OfT08o0-00837-00415270-00415938 Well, now genetic sciences are telling you in twenty-four hours you can change your genetic codes completely U_O3OfT08o0-00838-00415938-00416396 if you do the right things with yourself (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00839-00416396-00416902 You can change the genetic patterns of who you are in a matter of twenty-hour hours, U_O3OfT08o0-00840-00416902-00417184 I can show this to you. U_O3OfT08o0-00841-00417184-00417578 People who go through certain types of initiations and processes - U_O3OfT08o0-00842-00417578-00418064 twenty-four hours later you look at them, their very face will look different. U_O3OfT08o0-00843-00418064-00418820 You cannot recognize them, they will become like that because you can transcend your genetic limitation. U_O3OfT08o0-00844-00418820-00419347 In fact, this entire culture is about that, spiritual process means that. U_O3OfT08o0-00845-00419347-00419888 See, when you are eighteen years of age, you don't want to be like your parents, U_O3OfT08o0-00846-00419888-00420135 “I want to be something different, this, that.” U_O3OfT08o0-00847-00420135-00420510 But you see the same person, by the time you're forty, forty-five U_O3OfT08o0-00848-00420510-00420902 you begin to walk like your mother, talk like her, sit like her, stand like her, U_O3OfT08o0-00849-00420902-00421252 have you noticed this happening to you? U_O3OfT08o0-00850-00421252-00421508 Because the genetics are taking over. U_O3OfT08o0-00851-00421508-00421860 We call this traditionally as karma. U_O3OfT08o0-00852-00421860-00422396 Karma means past memory is ruling the present. U_O3OfT08o0-00853-00422396-00423039 If memory rules the present, if your memory structures who you are, you have no life of your own, U_O3OfT08o0-00854-00423039-00423566 you're just an extension, you are a recycle, you are not a fresh life. U_O3OfT08o0-00855-00423566-00424192 Spiritual process means just this - that you want to break away from the limits of your memory U_O3OfT08o0-00856-00424192-00424812 because - memory means there is evolutionary memory, there is atomic memory, there's elemental memory, U_O3OfT08o0-00857-00424812-00425446 there is genetic memory, conscious-unconscious, articulate-inarticulate, there’re many kinds of memories - U_O3OfT08o0-00858-00425446-00425774 you want to transcend this so that you become a fresh life. U_O3OfT08o0-00859-00425774-00426170 Your experience of life is completely fresh. U_O3OfT08o0-00860-00426170-00426552 Otherwise, you’re just a recycle of the past. U_O3OfT08o0-00861-00426552-00427528 Why same problems exist after hundred generations is simply because nobody breaks the memory cycle. U_O3OfT08o0-00862-00427528-00428346 There is these words which are all misunderstood today, there is something called as samsara. U_O3OfT08o0-00863-00428346-00429043 Samsara means - in Tamil it's become samsara means wife (Laughs), U_O3OfT08o0-00864-00429043-00429747 because she keeps them on the rope and keeps them run around - samsara means cyclical movement. U_O3OfT08o0-00865-00429747-00430266 That is everything that is physical in the existence is in a cyclical movement. U_O3OfT08o0-00866-00430266-00430724 You take an atom, it is doing this (Gestures of cyclical movement); you take the planets, it is doing this; U_O3OfT08o0-00867-00430724-00431120 you take the galaxy, it's doing this; you take the whole cosmos, it is doing this - U_O3OfT08o0-00868-00431120-00431580 everything that's physical is in cyclical movement. U_O3OfT08o0-00869-00431580-00432392 So, if your entire experience, particularly if your identity, is completely rooted in your physicality, U_O3OfT08o0-00870-00432392-00432716 you will also be in a cyclical motion. U_O3OfT08o0-00871-00432716-00433332 If you want to break this, a dimension beyond physicality has to come into your experience. U_O3OfT08o0-00872-00433332-00433884 If you touch beyond your physical nature, then we are saying this is spiritual. U_O3OfT08o0-00873-00433884-00434312 You went to temple, church, mosque, wherever - this is not spiritual. U_O3OfT08o0-00874-00434312-00434678 There you are going, what is the prayer about? U_O3OfT08o0-00875-00434678-00435188 What is the prayer about? “Dear God, give me this, give me that, save me, protect me.” U_O3OfT08o0-00876-00435188-00435330 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-00877-00435330-00436147 This is just survival outsourced (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00878-00436147-00436428 So, if you want to break the cycle, U_O3OfT08o0-00879-00436428-00436812 then you have to touch a dimension which is not physical in nature. U_O3OfT08o0-00880-00436812-00437356 Once you touch something that is not physical in nature, there is no cyclical movement U_O3OfT08o0-00881-00437356-00437743 because you have become free from all the memory bank that you have. U_O3OfT08o0-00882-00437743-00438264 So, whether you have chemical issues within you, whether you have pathological issues, U_O3OfT08o0-00883-00438264-00438589 genetic issues, you can break away from that. U_O3OfT08o0-00884-00438589-00439164 Maybe certain people will need more striving, certain people will come out more easily, U_O3OfT08o0-00885-00439164-00439510 that is always there, but for everybody there is a way. U_O3OfT08o0-00886-00439510-00439772 So, when I say all your ailments, U_O3OfT08o0-00887-00439772-00440362 if they are infections they are different; they come from outside, it's an invasion, you have to deal with it. U_O3OfT08o0-00888-00440362-00440697 But rest of the things, are manufactured within you. U_O3OfT08o0-00889-00440697-00441026 This is your cause, fundamentally, you have to see U_O3OfT08o0-00890-00441026-00441600 my physical health, my mental health is my responsibility, one hundred percent. U_O3OfT08o0-00891-00441600-00442166 If you see this, then methods are available to come out. U_O3OfT08o0-00892-00442166-00442334 We have all the compassion. U_O3OfT08o0-00893-00442334-00442910 Because I want you to understand if you have a physical ailment, you will get compassion from everybody; U_O3OfT08o0-00894-00442910-00443376 if you have a mental ailment, you will get ridicule from everybody. U_O3OfT08o0-00895-00443376-00443806 So, particularly people who are suffering any kind of mental ailments, U_O3OfT08o0-00896-00443806-00444472 depression, anxiety, whatever, they need double the compassion that physical ailments need. U_O3OfT08o0-00897-00444472-00445056 But normally in societies they get ridicule, because it is very difficult - U_O3OfT08o0-00898-00445056-00445647 it's very difficult to decide whether this person is really sick, or making it up, U_O3OfT08o0-00899-00445647-00446074 or they're acting it up to get something out of me, or what it is you can’t make out. U_O3OfT08o0-00900-00446074-00446476 One time it looks real, another time it looks like it's made up. U_O3OfT08o0-00901-00446476-00447310 So unfortunately, both for the one who is suffering and those who live around them, it is a constant struggle. U_O3OfT08o0-00902-00447310-00447842 But the most fundamental thing is - whoever you are, whatever condition you are, U_O3OfT08o0-00903-00447842-00448608 first and foremost thing to understand is physical and mental health is my responsibility. U_O3OfT08o0-00904-00448608-00449004 It can go out of hand, it's always there. U_O3OfT08o0-00905-00449004-00449510 Whatever we do we may die, whatever we do we may become sick, that's a different matter; U_O3OfT08o0-00906-00449510-00449846 but it is our responsibility – If you see this, U_O3OfT08o0-00907-00449846-00450350 there is a way to touch the very source of creation which is throbbing within you. U_O3OfT08o0-00908-00450350-00450776 When the source of creation, which made this entire complex body U_O3OfT08o0-00909-00450776-00451404 out of avakkai and chintha thokku (Referring to a pickle made out of tamarind) (Laughter) - U_O3OfT08o0-00910-00451404-00451926 when it can do this, it can also do some repair job, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00911-00451926-00452060 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-00912-00452060-00452408 One who manufactures the whole thing, can’t he do some repair job? U_O3OfT08o0-00913-00452408-00452600 You have lost access to it. U_O3OfT08o0-00914-00452600-00452897 You think for everything there's a solution outside. U_O3OfT08o0-00915-00452897-00453197 Yes, when we need help, we will take help. U_O3OfT08o0-00916-00453197-00453602 When... If things have gone out of control, we seek help from outside. U_O3OfT08o0-00917-00453602-00453950 But fundamental thing is to take responsibility. U_O3OfT08o0-00918-00453950-00454642 Today, genetic sciences, neurosciences and also psychiatrists are beginning to speak U_O3OfT08o0-00919-00454642-00455470 that whatever the condition, it is possible to alter this from within - only thing is “how?” U_O3OfT08o0-00920-00455470-00455885 There are many ways for “how” - yoga is a technology. U_O3OfT08o0-00921-00455885-00456292 Yoga does not mean twisting and turning your body as most people are doing, U_O3OfT08o0-00922-00456292-00456684 it is a technology of taking charge of this (Referring to the body). U_O3OfT08o0-00923-00456684-00457212 One thing is very clear, even if you go to the doctor, they're only giving you a pill, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00924-00457212-00457489 What is a pill or a tablet - U_O3OfT08o0-00925-00457489-00457732 just a certain amount of chemicals. U_O3OfT08o0-00926-00457732-00458138 If you put this chemicals, it lifts you out of your depression, U_O3OfT08o0-00927-00458138-00458793 it makes your anxiety go a little bit - it may not permanently go, at least for those few hours it's down. U_O3OfT08o0-00928-00458793-00459246 So, essentially human experience has a chemical basis - U_O3OfT08o0-00929-00459246-00459697 your joy is a certain kind of chemistry, your misery is a certain kind of chemistry, U_O3OfT08o0-00930-00459697-00460292 anxiety is one kind of chemistry, tranquility is another kind of chemistry, ecstasy is one kind of chemistry, U_O3OfT08o0-00931-00460292-00460546 agony is another kind of chemistry. U_O3OfT08o0-00932-00460546-00460906 All human experience has a chemical basis to it. U_O3OfT08o0-00933-00460906-00461232 This (Referring to the human body) is the greatest chemical factory on the planet - U_O3OfT08o0-00934-00461232-00461618 most complex and sophisticated chemical factory on the planet. U_O3OfT08o0-00935-00461618-00461850 The question is only, U_O3OfT08o0-00936-00461850-00462360 are you a great CEO or a lousy CEO? U_O3OfT08o0-00937-00462360-00462643 That's all the question is. U_O3OfT08o0-00938-00462643-00462984 That may sound brutal when you're sick. U_O3OfT08o0-00939-00462984-00463755 When you're sick, there is compassion, but when you're well, you must take responsibility for this. U_O3OfT08o0-00940-00463755-00463997 Otherwise, you will make yourself sick. U_O3OfT08o0-00941-00463997-00464593 Everybody has an excuse as to “why I should not get up from my bed and cry in my bed.” U_O3OfT08o0-00942-00464593-00464874 Everybody has some reason, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00943-00464874-00465096 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-00944-00465096-00465226 Yes or no. Participants: Yes. U_O3OfT08o0-00945-00465226-00465643 Sadhguru: Everybody has some pain, somewhere, about something - U_O3OfT08o0-00946-00465643-00466276 somebody died, somebody did not… is… somebody is born, somebody is not born, all kinds of things. U_O3OfT08o0-00947-00466276-00466989 There is no human being who doesn't have a reason to push themselves into some kind of mental dip. U_O3OfT08o0-00948-00466989-00467254 Everybody has or not? There is a reason. U_O3OfT08o0-00949-00467254-00467900 Some people get there, some people don't get there. Is it always intentional? No. U_O3OfT08o0-00950-00467900-00468439 But there is an inner intent, that intent may not be a conscious intent - U_O3OfT08o0-00951-00468439-00468734 there is a chemical intent, there is genetic intent. U_O3OfT08o0-00952-00468734-00469146 Your aunt was depressed; U_O3OfT08o0-00953-00469146-00469743 now, you don't know why you are fine and suddenly you're depressed because there is a genetic intent. U_O3OfT08o0-00954-00469743-00470939 But this intent can be altered if you take charge of yourself (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00955-00470939-00471446 Nani: You would have heard about this word déjà vu. U_O3OfT08o0-00956-00471446-00471597 All of you might have felt the same right? U_O3OfT08o0-00957-00471597-00472092 Here and there when we see something it feels like it has happened the same way in the past also. U_O3OfT08o0-00958-00472092-00472397 So I always strongly… U_O3OfT08o0-00959-00472397-00472796 Sadhguru: In your movies these kind of things happens, right? Same scene you will repeat again? (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00960-00472796-00473280 Nani: No, that.. it's called some loop effect, there are some four or five films made. U_O3OfT08o0-00961-00473280-00473418 Keeps repeating itself. U_O3OfT08o0-00962-00473418-00473754 But in life I've felt strongly few times. U_O3OfT08o0-00963-00473754-00474066 I know it's not possible but I saw something and I thought, U_O3OfT08o0-00964-00474066-00474592 exactly same thing happened the same way before also. Why is it so? What do you think? U_O3OfT08o0-00965-00474592-00475084 Sadhguru: Bad direcion, same scene repeats (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-00966-00475084-00475710 Nani: Who's the director? God, ah? U_O3OfT08o0-00967-00475710-00476458 It's just some.. Is it one small glistch or problem in our mind or is there back story behind this? U_O3OfT08o0-00968-00476458-00477534 Sadhguru: There are many dimensions to it but one thing is most people are afraid of anything that's unfamiliar. U_O3OfT08o0-00969-00477534-00477935 They have a fear of unfamiliar, U_O3OfT08o0-00970-00477935-00478700 so they have set up a mechanism within themselves - they're looking for the familiar. U_O3OfT08o0-00971-00478700-00479192 Either they will do what you said just now, I have seen this somewhere. U_O3OfT08o0-00972-00479192-00479796 Otherwise they look some… look at somebody and say, “Oh, she looks just like my sister.” U_O3OfT08o0-00973-00479796-00480128 She doesn't look like your sister (Laughter), U_O3OfT08o0-00974-00480128-00480888 but you know, just the same two eyes, one nose, one mouth, just like her (Laughs) - U_O3OfT08o0-00975-00480888-00481408 like this, they will find reasons because they're looking for something familiar. U_O3OfT08o0-00976-00481408-00481943 This usually happens to people, when they're in that phase of their life, U_O3OfT08o0-00977-00481943-00482280 when they're not able to figure out what is happening with their life, U_O3OfT08o0-00978-00482280-00482693 or they're in a new space where they don't know anything about it, U_O3OfT08o0-00979-00482693-00483152 suddenly they will invent things that from somewhere else U_O3OfT08o0-00980-00483152-00483770 “This person looks like my grandfather, that person looks my like my uncle, this person like this. U_O3OfT08o0-00981-00483770-00484134 Oh this tree, I've seen it somewhere” - U_O3OfT08o0-00982-00484134-00484788 even that same damn tree, never looked the way it looked on that day, I want you to know. U_O3OfT08o0-00983-00484788-00484838 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-00984-00484838-00485402 Even that tree, if you've seen it earlier, it won't be the same. U_O3OfT08o0-00985-00485402-00485639 Day-to-day it is changing, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-00986-00485639-00485924 Day-to-day everybody's changing or not? U_O3OfT08o0-00987-00485924-00486128 Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-00988-00486128-00486292 So... U_O3OfT08o0-00989-00486292-00486700 But is it possible that somebody can revisit something? U_O3OfT08o0-00990-00486700-00487954 They can, but ninety-nine percent of the time, it is not so; they're looking for something familiar (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-00991-00487954-00488185 Nani: This... U_O3OfT08o0-00992-00488185-00488578 Okay. U_O3OfT08o0-00993-00488578-00489026 Okay, so audience if you have any questions?. U_O3OfT08o0-00994-00489026-00489670 I have many but I will give the chances to you. U_O3OfT08o0-00995-00489672-00490262 How this selection process happens, whom should I give the mike? U_O3OfT08o0-00996-00490262-00490550 Participant 1: Here.. Nani: Okay.. U_O3OfT08o0-00997-00490550-00490770 Participant 1: So namaskaram Sadhguru, U_O3OfT08o0-00998-00490770-00491518 so I'm not sure if you have heard of the TV series called “Sacred Games” it's very famous or unfamous. U_O3OfT08o0-00999-00491518-00491884 It is a lot of sexual and violence content in it. U_O3OfT08o0-01000-00491884-00492432 So what do you think - art and entertainment should be given that much of space? U_O3OfT08o0-01001-00492432-00493338 Or it is disturbing to know that TV series like these are very famous and popular in today's generation U_O3OfT08o0-01002-00493338-00493910 (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01003-00493910-00494189 Sadhguru: If I understand the question right, U_O3OfT08o0-01004-00494189-00494364 you're asking U_O3OfT08o0-01005-00494364-00494743 why something that depicts so much U_O3OfT08o0-01006-00494743-00495256 violence and sexuality - why is it popular or why should we allow it to happen - is this the question? U_O3OfT08o0-01007-00495256-00496226 Participant 1: Yeah. Or it should be allowed in art as in it's okay to be there? U_O3OfT08o0-01008-00496226-00496996 Sadhguru: See the dangers of this, even addressing this question is (Laughter) - U_O3OfT08o0-01009-00496996-00497460 no, if you address this question, U_O3OfT08o0-01010-00497460-00498126 immediately some people think their own ideas of what's right and wrong can be imposed on other people, U_O3OfT08o0-01011-00498126-00498576 which will not work - in a free society it will not work. U_O3OfT08o0-01012-00498576-00500066 At the same time is violence - extreme violence in movies and very gross ways of... U_O3OfT08o0-01013-00500066-00500704 Usually sexuality means, generally a woman is being treated in a... not-necessarily a nice way. U_O3OfT08o0-01014-00500704-00501424 I remember in the ’70s there were movies - Hindi movies, I did not see most of them, U_O3OfT08o0-01015-00501424-00502130 but people used to tell me that there were some actors who are called rape specialists. U_O3OfT08o0-01016-00502130-00502238 Nani: Hindi? U_O3OfT08o0-01017-00502238-00502404 Sadhguru: Yeah in Hindi. U_O3OfT08o0-01018-00502404-00502754 So in every movie, there has to be one rape. U_O3OfT08o0-01019-00502754-00503185 It became almost like a standard for some time. U_O3OfT08o0-01020-00503185-00504168 So all those people who saw those movies as children - because there was no adult certification for that, U_O3OfT08o0-01021-00504168-00504432 anybody could go and watch it, U_O3OfT08o0-01022-00504432-00504760 they thought this is the way to treat a woman. U_O3OfT08o0-01023-00504760-00505304 Now when rape happens on the street, why are you surprised, I'm asking? U_O3OfT08o0-01024-00505304-00505546 We have cultivated them. U_O3OfT08o0-01025-00505546-00505947 All said and done, a cinema may be a commercial enterprise, U_O3OfT08o0-01026-00505947-00506489 but it has a profound impact in a society like this. U_O3OfT08o0-01027-00506489-00507116 See in certain other countries, people watch the movie, go home, forget about it. U_O3OfT08o0-01028-00507116-00508242 Here it's not like that, we even elect them (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01029-00508242-00509000 Because a cinema is not a cinema; cinema is more than reality in this country. U_O3OfT08o0-01030-00509000-00509552 So when it is like that, I think it should be conducted more responsibly (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01031-00509552-00510060 (Applause) What is it that we're trying to create? U_O3OfT08o0-01032-00510060-00510489 If you try to control it from outside, it will become ugly. U_O3OfT08o0-01033-00510489-00511054 If people use just about anything and everything to make money at the cost of the society, U_O3OfT08o0-01034-00511054-00511342 that is definitely ugly. U_O3OfT08o0-01035-00511342-00512210 So I don't know what this television serial is, because I never get the time to look at that place. U_O3OfT08o0-01036-00512210-00512528 Whatever it is, I don't know in what context, U_O3OfT08o0-01037-00512528-00513046 see there is violence in the society - you don't have to hide it, you can show it; U_O3OfT08o0-01038-00513046-00513564 there is sexuality in the society - you don't have to hide it, you can show it. U_O3OfT08o0-01039-00513564-00514372 But are you glorifying it? Or are you showing it in a way that people say, “This is not the way.” U_O3OfT08o0-01040-00514372-00514739 You showed rape because it’s happened. U_O3OfT08o0-01041-00514739-00515210 When people see it, they must say, “This is not the way.” U_O3OfT08o0-01042-00515210-00516520 If they think, “Wow, this is the way,” then what kind of society are you creating (Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-01043-00516520-00517410 So, many times this has come to me in various different forms - this kind of question. U_O3OfT08o0-01044-00517410-00518035 I think people are hiding behind art, I'm sorry, if I say anything wrong. U_O3OfT08o0-01045-00518035-00518176 Nani: No, no. U_O3OfT08o0-01046-00518176-00518672 Sadhguru: People are hiding behind the term art. U_O3OfT08o0-01047-00518672-00519158 If it is art, it should not be so commercial. U_O3OfT08o0-01048-00519158-00519882 You're doing commerce and you're calling it art (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01049-00519882-00520412 There may be some artistry involved in it, we appreciate that. U_O3OfT08o0-01050-00520412-00521052 But there was a time when we were growing up, there were art movies, and there were commercial movies; U_O3OfT08o0-01051-00521052-00521539 now there is no such thing, commercial movies are arts. U_O3OfT08o0-01052-00521539-00521980 So, commercial movies are made essentially to make money - U_O3OfT08o0-01053-00521980-00522368 somebody’s investing to make money, nothing wrong with commerce. U_O3OfT08o0-01054-00522368-00522532 Because... U_O3OfT08o0-01055-00522532-00523014 Nothing wrong with commerce - nation’s commerce has to develop in all levels. U_O3OfT08o0-01056-00523014-00523410 So entertainment is also commerce, it's fine. U_O3OfT08o0-01057-00523410-00523793 If it is commerce, then it must be controlled. U_O3OfT08o0-01058-00523793-00523993 There must be proper... U_O3OfT08o0-01059-00523993-00524558 For every commerce, there is a certain amount of control, isn't it, in a society? U_O3OfT08o0-01060-00524558-00525304 In this society though, today everybody, at least a lot of big percentage of population is drinking, U_O3OfT08o0-01061-00525304-00525960 still we are holding on to it, that you cannot advertise alcohol. U_O3OfT08o0-01062-00525960-00526738 They will show an alcohol bottle and say CDs and music (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01063-00526738-00526834 Yes or no (Laughs)? U_O3OfT08o0-01064-00526834-00527022 Nani: Sparkle water. Sparkling water. U_O3OfT08o0-01065-00527022-00527556 Sadhguru: Sparkling water, that is okay, but CD and music - how does it come, I don't know (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01066-00527556-00528405 Anyway, I'm saying when we see it is going to influence the society in a big way there are controls. U_O3OfT08o0-01067-00528405-00528828 So, if... U_O3OfT08o0-01068-00528828-00529316 if something is going to impact the society, there must be some sort of control. U_O3OfT08o0-01069-00529316-00529956 It is best the self-control is self-imposed, rather than a government agency imposing it, U_O3OfT08o0-01070-00529956-00530546 because then it’ll become something else - very ugly it’ll become, somebody who doesn't know anything about it. U_O3OfT08o0-01071-00530546-00531140 It is not about deciding what people should see and should not see. U_O3OfT08o0-01072-00531140-00531620 It is about “Where do we want to drive the society?” U_O3OfT08o0-01073-00531620-00531792 Right now more than... U_O3OfT08o0-01074-00531792-00532028 I don't know about this television serial, U_O3OfT08o0-01075-00532028-00532782 I'm continuously speaking about all the - what are these - video games. U_O3OfT08o0-01076-00532782-00533284 A five year old child enjoys shooting people. U_O3OfT08o0-01077-00533284-00534034 That’s the only thing he plays – he enjoys shooting people, shooting people, shooting people on the screen. U_O3OfT08o0-01078-00534034-00534614 It’s quite good, because it doesn't spill blood anywhere. It's okay - there it spills, but it’s okay. U_O3OfT08o0-01079-00534614-00535166 Now when he becomes eighteen, doesn't he want to get little real? U_O3OfT08o0-01080-00535166-00535390 Hello? Participants: Yes U_O3OfT08o0-01081-00535390-00535728 Sadhguru: In United States these school shootings are happening. U_O3OfT08o0-01082-00535728-00535922 People think it's an American phenomena. U_O3OfT08o0-01083-00535922-00536042 No, no, no. U_O3OfT08o0-01084-00536042-00536538 If there were guns in Indian homes, it will happen. U_O3OfT08o0-01085-00536538-00536662 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-01086-00536662-00536906 You think it won't happen? U_O3OfT08o0-01087-00536906-00537370 In America, in every home, there's more than one weapon, all right? U_O3OfT08o0-01088-00537370-00537864 In almost every home, there is more than one weapon – minimum, U_O3OfT08o0-01089-00537864-00538160 there is at least a shotgun and a handgun, for sure. U_O3OfT08o0-01090-00538160-00538362 Nani: And we have toy guns for kids. U_O3OfT08o0-01091-00538362-00538740 Sadhguru: Not that. I’m saying real... real firearms. U_O3OfT08o0-01092-00538740-00538904 So there is access. U_O3OfT08o0-01093-00538904-00539180 So it is only happening in America. U_O3OfT08o0-01094-00539180-00539834 But if there were weapons in Indian homes, even here kids would be shooting each other for sure. U_O3OfT08o0-01095-00539834-00540514 When emotion’s fired up, you want to shoot, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01096-00540514-00541106 So from the age of four, five if you're practicing how to shoot people, U_O3OfT08o0-01097-00541106-00541666 when you become sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, don't you want to get real? U_O3OfT08o0-01098-00541666-00541980 Don’t you want to see some real blood? U_O3OfT08o0-01099-00541980-00542260 I don't see what's wrong. U_O3OfT08o0-01100-00542260-00542844 If you’re cultivating your children to do this on the screen continuously, U_O3OfT08o0-01101-00542844-00543158 what is the problem for you if he gets real? U_O3OfT08o0-01102-00543158-00544010 Or if his friend gets real and he shoots your child, what is the problem I'm asking? U_O3OfT08o0-01103-00544010-00544590 Because you must understand certain actions have certain consequences. U_O3OfT08o0-01104-00544590-00545148 This must be handled responsibly by people who’re creating those things. U_O3OfT08o0-01105-00545148-00545824 If you bring laws for everything, then society becomes ugly. U_O3OfT08o0-01106-00545824-00546370 Government cannot manage these things; people should manage these things. U_O3OfT08o0-01107-00546370-00546876 So if somebody makes such a thing, people should not go and watch it. U_O3OfT08o0-01108-00546876-00547206 But no, they all want to go and see. U_O3OfT08o0-01109-00547206-00547608 So somewhere they enjoy it, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01110-00547608-00548176 Tch, today you see any of the Hollywood movies, it’s not like before - before also they were shooting, U_O3OfT08o0-01111-00548176-00548846 but now it comes - the bullet enters and the brains splash and there is a rerun; U_O3OfT08o0-01112-00548846-00549552 again it comes in slow-motion and splashes all over the place - people are enjoying it! U_O3OfT08o0-01113-00549552-00550132 Once you enjoy these things, then violence is inevitable on the street. U_O3OfT08o0-01114-00550132-00550654 It’s just a question of graduation, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01115-00550654-00551084 So what kind of society we want to create? U_O3OfT08o0-01116-00551084-00551528 All those people who influence the society in a big way, U_O3OfT08o0-01117-00551528-00552398 whether artists, politicians, media people, spiritual leaders, religious leaders - U_O3OfT08o0-01118-00552398-00552720 whoever has influence over people, U_O3OfT08o0-01119-00552720-00553296 they must look into themselves and see “What is the consequence of our actions?” U_O3OfT08o0-01120-00553296-00554184 This much responsibility must come (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-01121-00554184-00554408 Participant 3: Sadhguru! Here.. U_O3OfT08o0-01122-00554408-00554746 Sadhguru: Whoa, whoa (Laughter)! How did you grab the microphone? U_O3OfT08o0-01123-00554746-00555000 Participant 3: I have a question. U_O3OfT08o0-01124-00555000-00555400 My previous generation - my fathers are farmers, U_O3OfT08o0-01125-00555400-00555904 but they made me an engineer because they couldn't able to survive from their land. U_O3OfT08o0-01126-00555904-00556560 So the complete generation of my five fathers has converted to engineers or some other works. U_O3OfT08o0-01127-00556560-00556866 So entire farming is vanished there. U_O3OfT08o0-01128-00556866-00557394 I'm interested to do farming, but because of the survival problem, I came to an engineering. U_O3OfT08o0-01129-00557394-00557662 So how I have to overcome this process? U_O3OfT08o0-01130-00557662-00558260 Sadhguru: Okay (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01131-00558260-00559356 Anyway we would like to have a well-studied engineer, not an engineer who's converted (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01132-00559356-00559574 I don't know what that means. U_O3OfT08o0-01133-00559574-00559880 How do you get converted to engineering? U_O3OfT08o0-01134-00559880-00560166 Anyway, I understand what you're saying. U_O3OfT08o0-01135-00560166-00560792 See, this is a major tragedy unfolding in the country. U_O3OfT08o0-01136-00560792-00561488 Out of one-hundred-and-sixty-million hectares of arable land in this country, U_O3OfT08o0-01137-00561488-00562554 one-hundred-and-four-million hectares of land - the soil is right now labeled as distressed, U_O3OfT08o0-01138-00562554-00563196 that means nearly sixty percent of our soil is moving towards becoming U_O3OfT08o0-01139-00563196-00563806 uncultivable in a matter of anywhere between fifteen to forty years’ time. U_O3OfT08o0-01140-00563806-00564480 In forty years’ time, the fertile lands that you have seen will turn into uncultivable land - U_O3OfT08o0-01141-00564480-00564986 maximum forty years’ time, anywhere between now to then. U_O3OfT08o0-01142-00564986-00565442 How does this happen? U_O3OfT08o0-01143-00565442-00565822 If you want the soil to be rich... U_O3OfT08o0-01144-00565822-00566126 Before we go into that, I want you to first understand, U_O3OfT08o0-01145-00566126-00566852 what is sitting here as you and me is just the soil that you walk upon – it’s just a piece of the planet. U_O3OfT08o0-01146-00566852-00567526 If the soil is weak, the food becomes weak; the food is weak - our very genetics become weak, U_O3OfT08o0-01147-00567526-00567884 there’s substantial studies about this. U_O3OfT08o0-01148-00567884-00567956 So if... U_O3OfT08o0-01149-00567956-00568220 Why has the soil become weak? U_O3OfT08o0-01150-00568220-00568600 Why such a phenomena is happening in this country? U_O3OfT08o0-01151-00568600-00569588 The only way you can put back organic content into the soil is by the leaves of the trees and the animal waste. U_O3OfT08o0-01152-00569588-00570178 Trees are gone long time ago - just to tell you to what extent, U_O3OfT08o0-01153-00570178-00570780 in the Ganga basin, which accounts for twenty-five percent of India's geography U_O3OfT08o0-01154-00570780-00571176 and thirty-three percent of India's agriculture, U_O3OfT08o0-01155-00571176-00571916 we have removed ninety-two percent of green cover in the last fifty years. U_O3OfT08o0-01156-00571916-00572416 Ninety-two percent! What is our plan for this land? U_O3OfT08o0-01157-00572416-00573204 In Cauvery basin, which is some 83,000 square kilometers - right now we're running a campaign U_O3OfT08o0-01158-00573204-00573800 called Cauvery Calling, all of you must be a part of it one way or the other - U_O3OfT08o0-01159-00573800-00574616 in Cauvery in the last fifty years, we have removed eighty-seven percent of the green cover. U_O3OfT08o0-01160-00574616-00575442 So no leaves, no trees, no leaves, animals are all traveling abroad. U_O3OfT08o0-01161-00575442-00575744 How will you enrich the soil? U_O3OfT08o0-01162-00575744-00576018 The food that you're eating is just the soil. U_O3OfT08o0-01163-00576018-00576392 You ate it up. What did you put back? Nothing! U_O3OfT08o0-01164-00576392-00576736 By throwing chemicals, you think it’ll happen? U_O3OfT08o0-01165-00576736-00577148 Pretentious agriculture is happening. U_O3OfT08o0-01166-00577148-00577816 If we don't change this, whatever other aspirations we have, everything will fail. U_O3OfT08o0-01167-00577816-00578446 Doesn't matter what business, industry, what you develop, we’ll have serious issues. U_O3OfT08o0-01168-00578446-00578930 People think water is the issue. Water is not the issue; soil is the issue. U_O3OfT08o0-01169-00578930-00579318 If soil is rich, there will be enough water. U_O3OfT08o0-01170-00579318-00579946 The reason why agriculture is suffering is - this is one aspect; the other reason is U_O3OfT08o0-01171-00579946-00580046 why... U_O3OfT08o0-01172-00580046-00580658 At the time of independence, over ninety-two percent of Indian population was in agriculture. U_O3OfT08o0-01173-00580658-00581186 If you look back and see two-hundred-and-fifty years ago, we were the largest economy on the planet. U_O3OfT08o0-01174-00581186-00581682 We were the biggest exporters - thirty-three percent of the world's export came from India U_O3OfT08o0-01175-00581682-00581872 two-hundred-and-fifty years ago. U_O3OfT08o0-01176-00581872-00582050 So what were we exporting? U_O3OfT08o0-01177-00582050-00582194 Were we exporting rice? U_O3OfT08o0-01178-00582194-00582280 No. U_O3OfT08o0-01179-00582280-00582450 Were we exporting agricultural produce? U_O3OfT08o0-01180-00582450-00582524 No. U_O3OfT08o0-01181-00582524-00582690 What were we exporting? U_O3OfT08o0-01182-00582690-00583208 We were exporting largely spices - more than that, textiles. U_O3OfT08o0-01183-00583208-00583612 Andhra Pradesh - every district has a weave of its own. U_O3OfT08o0-01184-00583612-00583770 Yes? U_O3OfT08o0-01185-00583770-00583998 Textiles was the main thing. U_O3OfT08o0-01186-00583998-00584266 Between 1800 and 1860, U_O3OfT08o0-01187-00584266-00584886 when the English decided to destroy the textiles of this nation, systematically they went about destroying it - U_O3OfT08o0-01188-00584886-00585630 from 1800 to 1860, our exports came down by ninety-six percent. U_O3OfT08o0-01189-00585630-00586222 So that doesn't happen just like that. That was done as a systematic process. U_O3OfT08o0-01190-00586222-00587052 So when this destruction of industry happened, millions of people died in those sixty years, U_O3OfT08o0-01191-00587052-00587558 where one of the British Governor Generals writes back, saying U_O3OfT08o0-01192-00587558-00588059 “the fields of India are bleached with the bones of the weavers.” U_O3OfT08o0-01193-00588059-00588178 Millions! U_O3OfT08o0-01194-00588178-00588962 It is estimated over three-and-a-half million to four million people died in those sixty years, out of starvation; U_O3OfT08o0-01195-00588962-00589548 the rest desperately went about doing some kind of subsistence agriculture. U_O3OfT08o0-01196-00589548-00589844 Subsistence agriculture means, I have a piece of land, U_O3OfT08o0-01197-00589844-00590384 I will grow little rice, little dal, little this, little that - everything that I need for a family, U_O3OfT08o0-01198-00590384-00590606 I will scratch the land and grow. U_O3OfT08o0-01199-00590606-00590826 This sort of agriculture happened. U_O3OfT08o0-01200-00590826-00591344 This is why ninety-two percent or ninety-six... ninety-two percent were in agriculture. U_O3OfT08o0-01201-00591344-00592174 Today this number has come down to sixty-five percent - thanks to you, you became converted engineer, U_O3OfT08o0-01202-00592174-00592632 sixty-five to seventy percent are still in agriculture. U_O3OfT08o0-01203-00592632-00593722 What this means is, for ten people to eat - we want ten people to eat, but now seven of them are cooking. U_O3OfT08o0-01204-00593722-00594110 You think this’s a good use of people? U_O3OfT08o0-01205-00594110-00594996 Ten people want to eat, very efficient one person can cook - don't want - two or three people can cook. U_O3OfT08o0-01206-00594996-00595358 Seven people cooking for ten people is not a wise way to do things. U_O3OfT08o0-01207-00595358-00595890 But that's where we are right now - still seven people are cooking for ten people. U_O3OfT08o0-01208-00595890-00596596 So, you and more people must become engineers - it is good or whatever else they have to become. U_O3OfT08o0-01209-00596596-00597080 But at the same time, can you let the agriculture die? U_O3OfT08o0-01210-00597080-00597312 Because today, if you make a survey - U_O3OfT08o0-01211-00597312-00597774 we have made some surveys, not official surveys but generally we've just asked around - U_O3OfT08o0-01212-00597774-00598676 if you ask around how many farmers want their children to go back to farming - less than two percent. U_O3OfT08o0-01213-00598676-00599082 This means in another twenty-twenty-five years when this generation passes, U_O3OfT08o0-01214-00599082-00599456 we will not know how to grow food. U_O3OfT08o0-01215-00599456-00599766 You may think the farmer looks illiterate. U_O3OfT08o0-01216-00599766-00600222 He’s not dressed like you; he doesn't look like you; he looks like no good. U_O3OfT08o0-01217-00600222-00600448 But I'll do one thing for you - U_O3OfT08o0-01218-00600448-00600972 you are from the farming family, those of you, for two generations who lived in city, U_O3OfT08o0-01219-00600972-00601792 you have MBA, even if you have agricultural MSc, you come I'll give you ten acres fertile land, U_O3OfT08o0-01220-00601792-00602376 five different crops, you grow it by yourself without taking local help. U_O3OfT08o0-01221-00602376-00603052 You will see you can't do it, because this intrinsic knowledge that our farmer has – U_O3OfT08o0-01222-00603052-00603624 this is one of the most fantastic things that India has done is, of the many things - U_O3OfT08o0-01223-00603624-00604102 well, we have gone... we're going to the moon, we've gone to Mangalyan, all kinds of things, U_O3OfT08o0-01224-00604102-00604454 businesses have done great things, science has done many things - U_O3OfT08o0-01225-00604454-00605154 but the most fantastic thing is without any science - of any... modern science, without any new technology, U_O3OfT08o0-01226-00605154-00606366 just with traditional knowledge, our farmers have fed one billion people! This is not a small thing. (Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-01227-00606366-00607076 So this transition from farming to other things, should not happen out of desperation - U_O3OfT08o0-01228-00607076-00607448 should happen as a good plan to do. U_O3OfT08o0-01229-00607448-00608222 Right now one reason why farming is not succeeding is soil is weak, so water is scarce; U_O3OfT08o0-01230-00608222-00608673 another thing is scale is too small to make it successful. U_O3OfT08o0-01231-00608673-00609344 The average land holding is one hectare, that means two-and-a-quarter acres per family is what we have. U_O3OfT08o0-01232-00609344-00610044 At this level of holding whatever you do is going to be waste. Everybody is under loan, okay. U_O3OfT08o0-01233-00610044-00610202 Some... U_O3OfT08o0-01234-00610202-00610664 Some seventy-eight percent of Tamil Nadu’s farmers are under debt. U_O3OfT08o0-01235-00610664-00610806 Because... U_O3OfT08o0-01236-00610806-00611092 I'll just tell you an example. U_O3OfT08o0-01237-00611092-00611864 A young farmer in our region - it's very fertile region, U_O3OfT08o0-01238-00611864-00612064 he has three-and-a-half acres. U_O3OfT08o0-01239-00612064-00612260 So I meet him and asked him, U_O3OfT08o0-01240-00612260-00612584 “What are you doing for your water? What's your water source?” U_O3OfT08o0-01241-00612584-00612984 He says he's put nine bore-wells. U_O3OfT08o0-01242-00612984-00613308 In three-and-a-half acres, he's put nine bore-wells, U_O3OfT08o0-01243-00613308-00613596 because there are bore-well companies which will come and promise, U_O3OfT08o0-01244-00613596-00613994 “If you put it here more water will come, if you put it there more water will come.” U_O3OfT08o0-01245-00613994-00614280 Everybody's hitting bore-wells and bore-wells. U_O3OfT08o0-01246-00614280-00615074 In three-and-a-half acres, maybe there is one or two sources, or maybe there is no source of water. U_O3OfT08o0-01247-00615074-00615276 Because the scale is so small, U_O3OfT08o0-01248-00615276-00615786 everybody's putting a fence, everybody has a bore-well, everybody has an electric connection. U_O3OfT08o0-01249-00615786-00616152 This is not going to work. U_O3OfT08o0-01250-00616152-00616592 We need the scale, otherwise it’ll not work. U_O3OfT08o0-01251-00616592-00616826 Does it mean to say we have to take their land? No. U_O3OfT08o0-01252-00616826-00617288 For this, we have worked out a system, I don't want to go into all the details in this, U_O3OfT08o0-01253-00617288-00617534 but this is what Rally for Rivers was about - U_O3OfT08o0-01254-00617534-00618102 how to integrate irrigation and marketing for the farmer so that his life can change. U_O3OfT08o0-01255-00618102-00618442 Now, one more big thing is, U_O3OfT08o0-01256-00618442-00619074 see India - the latitudinal spread that you have from Kanyakumari to Himalayas - U_O3OfT08o0-01257-00619074-00619368 twelve months of the year you can crop. U_O3OfT08o0-01258-00619368-00619817 There are very few nations where you can grow crops twelve months of the year. U_O3OfT08o0-01259-00619817-00620434 From Kanyakumari to Himalayas, you can grow literally almost anything you want in the world. U_O3OfT08o0-01260-00620434-00621442 If we handle this land right, we can provide food for the entire world, it's possible to do that (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01261-00621442-00621816 And this is the only nation - this is the only nation U_O3OfT08o0-01262-00621816-00622406 where sixty-five to seventy percent of the population knows how to do this magic U_O3OfT08o0-01263-00622406-00623004 of transforming mud into food, it is not a small thing (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-01264-00623004-00623382 We could use that knowledge, we could use that capability, U_O3OfT08o0-01265-00623382-00624122 or we could make them destitute and come to cities and live in slums without any dignity, without any life to live, U_O3OfT08o0-01266-00624122-00624378 without any productivity, getting into crime. U_O3OfT08o0-01267-00624378-00624990 You became an engineer, I'm glad; many farmers’ children join crime or other kinds of things U_O3OfT08o0-01268-00624990-00625380 because they have no other option. U_O3OfT08o0-01269-00625380-00625596 So, this needs to be addressed. U_O3OfT08o0-01270-00625596-00626510 So, one of the things is, we have converted literally over 69,670 farmers in Tamil Nadu U_O3OfT08o0-01271-00626510-00626870 from regular farming to what is called as agroforestry. U_O3OfT08o0-01272-00626870-00627656 Their incomes have gone up five to ten times in a matter of eight to ten years (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01273-00627656-00627772 This is what... U_O3OfT08o0-01274-00627772-00628514 This is what we are calling as the Cauvery Calling for the Cauvery belt… Cauvery basin area, U_O3OfT08o0-01275-00628514-00629150 because if you do this - we want to convert one-third of the Cauvery basin into agroforestry - if you do this, U_O3OfT08o0-01276-00629150-00629632 the forty-six percent depletion that's happened in the river waters will come back. U_O3OfT08o0-01277-00629632-00630108 River will flow once again; farmers will be rich and well-to-do; U_O3OfT08o0-01278-00630108-00630820 all this debt that is there in the banks will not happen, because farmer will be rich by his own resource. U_O3OfT08o0-01279-00630820-00631240 This has to be done in a planned way, we must execute this. U_O3OfT08o0-01280-00631240-00632070 Otherwise this nation is not... is sitting on too many problems and too many possibilities also, U_O3OfT08o0-01281-00632070-00632476 but to convert problems into possibilities, U_O3OfT08o0-01282-00632476-00633364 every citizen has to stand up and do what needs to be done (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01283-00633364-00633556 Participant 4: Namaskaram Sadhguru. U_O3OfT08o0-01284-00633556-00633684 Sadhguru: Where are you? U_O3OfT08o0-01285-00633684-00633810 Participant 4: Sadhguru, here. U_O3OfT08o0-01286-00633810-00633954 Sadhguru: Okay! U_O3OfT08o0-01287-00633954-00634396 Participant 4: When a movie is made the idea and the story is... U_O3OfT08o0-01288-00634396-00634538 Sadhguru: The question for him? U_O3OfT08o0-01289-00634538-00634934 Participant 4: (Laughs) No, Sadhguru, it’s for you. U_O3OfT08o0-01290-00634934-00635492 The idea and the story is developed to make it more popular on commercial factors. U_O3OfT08o0-01291-00635492-00636096 It developed on commercial factors to make it more popular, to reach more number of people. U_O3OfT08o0-01292-00636096-00636532 Can we use cinema to spread the spiritual methods U_O3OfT08o0-01293-00636532-00636932 to large number of people through commercial and popular ways? U_O3OfT08o0-01294-00636932-00637884 Can you give some direction towards it (Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-01295-00637884-00638308 Nani: Are you asking can we make movie on this? U_O3OfT08o0-01296-00638308-00638622 Participant 4: To spread the spiritual methods is... U_O3OfT08o0-01297-00638622-00639542 I mean how do we use cinema to take the spiritual methods more to the... to more make it more popular? U_O3OfT08o0-01298-00639542-00639718 Nani: Yeah, can be made, can be made awesomely. U_O3OfT08o0-01299-00639718-00639944 Set expectations should not exist to this much collection should happen this weekend U_O3OfT08o0-01300-00639944-00640528 there should be no such thing. Can be made awesomely but should not talk about collection later. U_O3OfT08o0-01301-00640528-00640588 Sadhguru: Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-01302-00640588-00640734 Nani: We can make definitely but should not ask about it's reach U_O3OfT08o0-01303-00640734-00641354 else there should be patience if really it has to reach people and if all should come, yeah. U_O3OfT08o0-01304-00641354-00641530 But do you want the cinema to be like a story? U_O3OfT08o0-01305-00641530-00641640 Participant 4: Yeah, yes. U_O3OfT08o0-01306-00641640-00641710 Nani: Hanh? U_O3OfT08o0-01307-00641710-00641846 Participant 4: Yes. U_O3OfT08o0-01308-00641846-00641930 Nani: It can be done. We can incorporate. U_O3OfT08o0-01309-00641930-00642236 Many many good things we keep embedding in movies. U_O3OfT08o0-01310-00642236-00642466 It may not be possible, sometimes. U_O3OfT08o0-01311-00642466-00642914 Participant 4: Sadhguru, can you give some direction on this?.. U_O3OfT08o0-01312-00642914-00643134 Nani: She wants answer only from you. U_O3OfT08o0-01313-00643134-00643592 Sadhguru: He’s the director, he’s the actor. U_O3OfT08o0-01314-00643592-00643990 Okay, anyway, see.. U_O3OfT08o0-01315-00643990-00644450 Cinema means you’re thinking n terms of the big screen. U_O3OfT08o0-01316-00644450-00645220 Well, it's not that it's not a possibility, U_O3OfT08o0-01317-00645220-00645786 the question is who will go and watch it (Laughs)! U_O3OfT08o0-01318-00645786-00646052 It has to be commercially successful. U_O3OfT08o0-01319-00646052-00646660 Commercial success means people watched it, all right? U_O3OfT08o0-01320-00646660-00646804 This happened. U_O3OfT08o0-01321-00646804-00647304 This is about nine, ten years ago maybe now. U_O3OfT08o0-01322-00647304-00648286 I was in United States and I was talking to somebody who’s some kind of an expert on internet affairs. U_O3OfT08o0-01323-00648286-00648964 So I never get to go on the net and browse this and that, I never have the time to do those things. U_O3OfT08o0-01324-00648964-00649278 So I asked him, “What are people looking for? Everybody's looking at their screen. U_O3OfT08o0-01325-00649278-00649476 What are they looking for?” U_O3OfT08o0-01326-00649476-00649960 Very casually - very, very casually, as a matter of fact, he said, U_O3OfT08o0-01327-00649960-00650334 “Sadhguru, about seventy percent of the data is pornography.” U_O3OfT08o0-01328-00650334-00650614 I said, “What?” U_O3OfT08o0-01329-00650614-00650750 He said, “Yes.” U_O3OfT08o0-01330-00650750-00651046 I said, “I don't want to believe this kind of nonsense. U_O3OfT08o0-01331-00651046-00651368 Seventy percent - is it pornography? It's not possible.” U_O3OfT08o0-01332-00651368-00651540 Then I checked with a few other people, U_O3OfT08o0-01333-00651540-00652046 they all say, “Yeah, it's around that much, maybe sixty-five - seventy something.” U_O3OfT08o0-01334-00652046-00652436 And what else are they using this for? U_O3OfT08o0-01335-00652436-00652834 There are many other things, drug sales, arm sales, all kinds. U_O3OfT08o0-01336-00652834-00653382 More than anything what really kind of brought disgust to me was, U_O3OfT08o0-01337-00653382-00654136 1.6 million children below fifteen years of age are sold on the internet every year. U_O3OfT08o0-01338-00654136-00654894 When we sell our children, as human beings we’ve hit the bottom - there's no further down to go. U_O3OfT08o0-01339-00654894-00655024 Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-01340-00655024-00655718 When we start selling our children to be used in all kinds of slavery, this means we’ve hit the very bottom. U_O3OfT08o0-01341-00655718-00656094 There’s no further place to go, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01342-00656094-00656684 That is when I decided, then let me get on the net. U_O3OfT08o0-01343-00656684-00657406 So in the last ten years, we’ve run a campaign that many of you in the upper regions U_O3OfT08o0-01344-00657406-00657946 might have suffered this, even if you're watching pornography in between Sadhguru appears - U_O3OfT08o0-01345-00657946-00658670 Inner Engineering (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01346-00658670-00659018 I'm saying this with some glee, U_O3OfT08o0-01347-00659018-00660018 because when such a phenomenal technology is available to us, is this what we do? U_O3OfT08o0-01348-00660018-00660926 See, many great beings have come on this planet, but when they came, if they spoke hardly ten people heard. U_O3OfT08o0-01349-00660926-00661296 In that ten people, all kinds of things. U_O3OfT08o0-01350-00661296-00661800 Today is the first time you can sit here and talk to the entire world. U_O3OfT08o0-01351-00661800-00662508 When there is such a tool in our hands, if we don't transform humanity now, U_O3OfT08o0-01352-00662508-00662810 that means we have no intention at all, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01353-00662810-00663182 So your question is very relevant. U_O3OfT08o0-01354-00663182-00664018 But, will our natural star make a movie on spirituality? U_O3OfT08o0-01355-00664020-00665272 Nani: Biopic Sadhguru (Cheers/Applause) (Sadhguru laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-01356-00665272-00665862 He will give a guest appearance in the last scene of the movie. Is this okay? U_O3OfT08o0-01357-00665862-00666472 Sadhguru: So if definitely every medium that we have, not necessarily a spiritual process, U_O3OfT08o0-01358-00666472-00667128 every medium that we have of communication must be used to transform human beings, U_O3OfT08o0-01359-00667128-00667712 because that's the only problem that you have on this planet - human beings! U_O3OfT08o0-01360-00667712-00668170 There is no other problem. Hello? Yes or no? U_O3OfT08o0-01361-00668170-00668244 Participants: Yes U_O3OfT08o0-01362-00668244-00668432 Sadhguru: That’s the only problem. U_O3OfT08o0-01363-00668432-00668898 So, when there is such a powerful means of communication today, U_O3OfT08o0-01364-00668898-00669442 technology is available to touch every human being in whichever part of the world he or she is living. U_O3OfT08o0-01365-00669442-00670466 When this possibility is there, this is the time to transform humanity (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01366-00670466-00670650 Participant 5: Namaskaram Sadhguru! U_O3OfT08o0-01367-00670650-00671074 Here Sadhguru, in the front, to your left. U_O3OfT08o0-01368-00671074-00671198 Namaskaram. U_O3OfT08o0-01369-00671198-00672156 Sadhguru, I would like to know how realized beings - only some of them become gods and others don't. U_O3OfT08o0-01370-00672156-00672710 Is there any science behind it or do they come with any predetermined… U_O3OfT08o0-01371-00672710-00673232 Sadhguru: No, they just have to die (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01372-00673232-00673692 Participant 5: For example, after Gautama so many would have come but U_O3OfT08o0-01373-00673692-00674200 I think only you are doing such phenomenal things on this planet (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01374-00674200-00674594 Sadhguru: What are you trying to tell me (Laughter)? U_O3OfT08o0-01375-00674594-00675114 Participant 5: I’m saying only you - you are likely to be the next God but then a... already you're a god now. U_O3OfT08o0-01376-00675114-00675346 But I'm saying why only you? U_O3OfT08o0-01377-00675346-00675832 For example, in these thirty years, so many disciples, so many people you have cultivated. U_O3OfT08o0-01378-00675832-00676102 Would you make one of them as capable as you? U_O3OfT08o0-01379-00676102-00677338 In the days to come, in the years to come can we see one of your disciples as Sadhguru (Applause)? U_O3OfT08o0-01380-00677338-00677908 (Sadhguru Laughs)... U_O3OfT08o0-01381-00677908-00678482 Sadhguru: Gautama became a Buddha, did not become a god. U_O3OfT08o0-01382-00678482-00679174 Buddha means one who is a dada over his buddhi. U_O3OfT08o0-01383-00679174-00679412 One is… U_O3OfT08o0-01384-00679412-00679930 One who has total mastery over his buddhi is a Buddha. U_O3OfT08o0-01385-00679930-00680946 One who has no mastery over his buddhi is a monkey - compulsive, so many things. U_O3OfT08o0-01386-00680946-00681516 Tell me what is it human beings are suffering - their own intelligence, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01387-00681516-00682200 If you take away half their brain, they will sit peacefully. U_O3OfT08o0-01388-00682200-00682856 So they don't know how to handle their own intelligence, that's all they’re. U_O3OfT08o0-01389-00682856-00683404 So, in this where does God come from? U_O3OfT08o0-01390-00683404-00683790 You must understand, this is a godless culture. U_O3OfT08o0-01391-00683790-00684600 Please listen to me carefully, this is a godless culture - there is no the God in this culture ever. U_O3OfT08o0-01392-00684600-00685434 This is the culture where we always told you, “Your life is your karma.” Did we or not? U_O3OfT08o0-01393-00685434-00685598 Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-01394-00685598-00685752 What does it mean? U_O3OfT08o0-01395-00685752-00685952 Karma means action. U_O3OfT08o0-01396-00685952-00686798 When you say my life is my karma, it means you are saying, “My life is my making, U_O3OfT08o0-01397-00686798-00687340 whether I'm making it unconsciously or consciously” (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01398-00687340-00688026 This is not a culture to look up, this is a culture to look in. U_O3OfT08o0-01399-00688026-00688562 This is not a culture where you want to go and sit in God's lap. U_O3OfT08o0-01400-00688562-00689584 Here this is a culture which does not value God more than freedom, because mukti was our highest goal, U_O3OfT08o0-01401-00689584-00690054 moksha was our highest goal, not God, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01402-00690054-00690432 Now imported ideas you've got. U_O3OfT08o0-01403-00690432-00691162 See, they all know what is God, what is heaven, the geography of heaven - they know the entire details. U_O3OfT08o0-01404-00691162-00691888 In this culture, we still don't know who we are, we’re asking, “Who am I?” This is the most profound question U_O3OfT08o0-01405-00691888-00692060 (Laughs). U_O3OfT08o0-01406-00692060-00692888 The best thing about being a Hindu is you're confused (Laughter/Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01407-00692888-00693218 Yes, it's very good (Applause) U_O3OfT08o0-01408-00693218-00693536 because this’s a geographical identity, U_O3OfT08o0-01409-00693536-00694052 this is not a religious identity which builds you confidence “I know this God is with me.” U_O3OfT08o0-01410-00694052-00694246 There's no such thing here. U_O3OfT08o0-01411-00694246-00694936 You don't even know who you are, so you are a natural seeker. U_O3OfT08o0-01412-00694936-00695701 Once you don't know, once you realize you do not know, we can try and experiment with you. U_O3OfT08o0-01413-00695701-00696363 Suppose I ask you to walk from there to there now, you will walk very self-conscious, what… U_O3OfT08o0-01414-00696363-00697078 how others are looking at you, this, that – (Gestures) walk like this. U_O3OfT08o0-01415-00697078-00697549 Suppose we turn off the lights and make it pitch dark, now I ask you to walk from there U_O3OfT08o0-01416-00697549-00698054 to there, you will become super alert, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01417-00698054-00698154 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-01418-00698154-00698697 The moment you don't know what is the next step do you become super alert or no? U_O3OfT08o0-01419-00698697-00699357 Some of you who do not know how to be alert will start imagining things and create fear. U_O3OfT08o0-01420-00699357-00699852 Otherwise, it's natural to become super alert, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01421-00699852-00700059 So, this is what it means. U_O3OfT08o0-01422-00700059-00700563 This is called as the intelligence of ignorance. U_O3OfT08o0-01423-00700563-00701269 If you identify yourself with your knowledge which is all rubbish, whatever knowledge you U_O3OfT08o0-01424-00701269-00702005 have - if you identify with your knowledge, even if you know the libraries of this world, U_O3OfT08o0-01425-00702005-00702597 still compared to this cosmic space, your knowledge is miniscule, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01426-00702597-00702697 Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-01427-00702697-00702985 Is it miniscule or no? U_O3OfT08o0-01428-00702985-00703376 You may have ten PhDs, still what you know is a miniscule. U_O3OfT08o0-01429-00703376-00703790 If you identify with a miniscule you become a miniscule. U_O3OfT08o0-01430-00703790-00704126 But our ignorance is boundless. U_O3OfT08o0-01431-00704126-00704239 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-01432-00704239-00704670 Our ignorance is limitless, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01433-00704670-00705044 If you identify with your ignorance, you are limitless. U_O3OfT08o0-01434-00705044-00705661 Once you identify with your ignorance, your intelligence will never sleep. U_O3OfT08o0-01435-00705661-00706344 Even if your body sleeps, your intelligence is always awake standing, then we say you're U_O3OfT08o0-01436-00706344-00706719 awakened (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01437-00706719-00707851 So, in this culture, because it's a godless culture, when we find a human being, who… U_O3OfT08o0-01438-00707851-00708245 who is accomplished in a way that you can... cannot believe a human being can do these U_O3OfT08o0-01439-00708245-00708743 things, then we say he's a deva or he's a deity. U_O3OfT08o0-01440-00708743-00709407 So we say somebody’s awakened because he is able to see and do things that you are U_O3OfT08o0-01441-00709407-00709651 not able to do. U_O3OfT08o0-01442-00709651-00710194 You naturally look up to him, so we make him like a deity. U_O3OfT08o0-01443-00710194-00710456 This - the word God comes from outside. U_O3OfT08o0-01444-00710456-00711003 We don't have a word for God, please see this - we call it a Murthy, we call it a yantra, U_O3OfT08o0-01445-00711003-00711509 we call it by different names. U_O3OfT08o0-01446-00711509-00712132 It's very appropriate in this culture, people are referring to Tendulkar as cricketing God. U_O3OfT08o0-01447-00712132-00712390 It’s not wrong. U_O3OfT08o0-01448-00712390-00712953 When we find somebody is accomplishing something that seems above what is human capability U_O3OfT08o0-01449-00712953-00713741 - what we think is human capability, then we look up to him as an accomplished being. U_O3OfT08o0-01450-00713741-00714000 There are words for this. U_O3OfT08o0-01451-00714000-00714565 But now because we've gotten into Western ways and we are speaking in English language, U_O3OfT08o0-01452-00714565-00714890 we are using the word God. U_O3OfT08o0-01453-00714890-00715713 Otherwise, we called him a Mahatma, we called him a Mahanubhava, you know, these kind of U_O3OfT08o0-01454-00715713-00716172 words, just to say it is an extraordinary being. U_O3OfT08o0-01455-00716172-00716858 And that extraordinary being became the aspiration of every... everybody else in that society. U_O3OfT08o0-01456-00716858-00717398 Out of our love, out of our respect, we may put some flowers, we may do something, but U_O3OfT08o0-01457-00717398-00717992 you must understand we are aspiring to be like him. U_O3OfT08o0-01458-00717992-00718505 We are not there to go and sit on his lap in heaven - this is not the aspiration in U_O3OfT08o0-01459-00718505-00718814 this culture. U_O3OfT08o0-01460-00718814-00719488 Always the aspiration is this - you must understand, this is something this's all gone crazy now, U_O3OfT08o0-01461-00719488-00720184 there is no worship here, there is no prayer here, there is only Darshan. U_O3OfT08o0-01462-00720184-00720893 Darshan means you behold a form, which you think is higher than you and you want to take U_O3OfT08o0-01463-00720893-00721435 it into your heart, make that a part of yourself – that is what Darshan means. U_O3OfT08o0-01464-00721435-00721890 You go to temple, not to pray - darshan, just to see. U_O3OfT08o0-01465-00721890-00722732 Nothing need to happen, nothing to talk, nothing to tell him, no appeal - just to see. U_O3OfT08o0-01466-00722732-00723069 But because we've gotten so westernized, we're doing all that. U_O3OfT08o0-01467-00723069-00723472 Because they're saying, they're talking to their God and their God is talking to them, U_O3OfT08o0-01468-00723472-00723851 now we (are?) also pretending he's also talking to us (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01469-00723851-00724093 We don't want to be left out. U_O3OfT08o0-01470-00724093-00724402 No, you're supposed to just behold. U_O3OfT08o0-01471-00724402-00724736 That's all, darshan is the only thing you do. U_O3OfT08o0-01472-00724736-00724969 No prayer! U_O3OfT08o0-01473-00724969-00725386 So this is a hodgepodge thing, so you're saying this. U_O3OfT08o0-01474-00725386-00725860 Gautama did not become a god, people are aspiring to become a Buddha. U_O3OfT08o0-01475-00725860-00726817 So you think, all the people around me are such dumb idiots - nobody is working to become U_O3OfT08o0-01476-00726817-00726982 whatever they see as Sadhguru? U_O3OfT08o0-01477-00726982-00727123 You think nobody's working? U_O3OfT08o0-01478-00727123-00727223 They are. U_O3OfT08o0-01479-00727223-00727490 There are… U_O3OfT08o0-01480-00727490-00728372 Because we are touching millions of people - nearing a billion now, because of this, U_O3OfT08o0-01481-00728372-00729105 some people just watching YouTube and they think they're doing well, some people are U_O3OfT08o0-01482-00729105-00729427 on daily quote (Referring to Daily Mystic Quotes) and they think they're doing well, U_O3OfT08o0-01483-00729427-00729794 some people have done Inner Engineering and they think something is happening. U_O3OfT08o0-01484-00729794-00730279 So what is the difference between an established process - actually something that you have U_O3OfT08o0-01485-00730279-00730769 to do with yourself, like Inner Engineering or further programs and just watching talks U_O3OfT08o0-01486-00730769-00731460 or even being here is - one is titillation, another is transformation. U_O3OfT08o0-01487-00731460-00731728 Titillation means you know what? U_O3OfT08o0-01488-00731728-00732174 Tch, it's entertainment - spiritual entertainment. U_O3OfT08o0-01489-00732174-00732542 Little - maybe the way you think and feel you change a little bit. U_O3OfT08o0-01490-00732542-00732903 This is not transformation, this is a little change. U_O3OfT08o0-01491-00732903-00733211 It might help you, I'm not saying it doesn't help. U_O3OfT08o0-01492-00733211-00733580 It helps, but there is no transformation. U_O3OfT08o0-01493-00733580-00734360 Transformation means, you as an individual is a form - this form should transform. U_O3OfT08o0-01494-00734360-00734898 If that has to happen, something more profound has to be done. U_O3OfT08o0-01495-00734898-00735122 We are seeing… U_O3OfT08o0-01496-00735122-00735616 We're looking for sponsors and other things - if it comes through in the next few months, U_O3OfT08o0-01497-00735616-00736913 we may roll out Inner Engineering programs free of cost (Cheers/Applause) People… U_O3OfT08o0-01498-00736913-00737223 People are telling me, “Sadhguru you will have to file for blank... bankruptcy.” U_O3OfT08o0-01499-00737223-00737748 Such a thing will not happen. U_O3OfT08o0-01500-00737748-00738213 I'm sure people have enough sense when they see some value, they will respond in their U_O3OfT08o0-01501-00738213-00738697 own way and contribute in their own way to keep it going for others. U_O3OfT08o0-01502-00738697-00739111 So we will make it like this - for you it is free, if you want another person to take U_O3OfT08o0-01503-00739111-00739410 it, pay something for the costs (Applause). U_O3OfT08o0-01504-00739410-00739944 Nani: One last question. U_O3OfT08o0-01505-00739944-00740478 Participant 6: Namaskaram Sadhguru. U_O3OfT08o0-01506-00740478-00740612 So... U_O3OfT08o0-01507-00740612-00741418 So we have an Indian tradition of like, going to priest for a baby's name. U_O3OfT08o0-01508-00741418-00741518 So... U_O3OfT08o0-01509-00741518-00742033 And also when people start believing in some other religion, they change their name. U_O3OfT08o0-01510-00742033-00743283 So I have this question that has a person's name, like… does a person's name have an U_O3OfT08o0-01511-00743283-00744038 influence on what he becomes? U_O3OfT08o0-01512-00744038-00744615 Sadhguru: It depends who that person is. U_O3OfT08o0-01513-00744615-00745562 It is just that when we name our children, we want to name something pleasant or inspiring. U_O3OfT08o0-01514-00745562-00746213 The official name - we want it to be inspiring; the pet name at home - we want it to be pleasant U_O3OfT08o0-01515-00746213-00746313 and sweet. U_O3OfT08o0-01516-00746313-00746648 Tch, this is a natural thing. U_O3OfT08o0-01517-00746648-00747400 Why we want it to be inspiring is, when we utter… anybody who utters his or her name U_O3OfT08o0-01518-00747400-00748121 should feel something, because your name has not only impact on you, it has impact on others, U_O3OfT08o0-01519-00748121-00748502 because they are the people who say the name most of the time, not you. U_O3OfT08o0-01520-00748502-00749105 You don't go on chanting your name, its other people, who say the name. U_O3OfT08o0-01521-00749105-00749542 So it must have a good impact on them, when they utter the name. U_O3OfT08o0-01522-00749542-00749876 There is something called as sound. U_O3OfT08o0-01523-00749876-00750038 There is sound? U_O3OfT08o0-01524-00750038-00750138 Hello? U_O3OfT08o0-01525-00750138-00750238 Participants: Yes. U_O3OfT08o0-01526-00750238-00750888 Sadhguru: The existence has sound, words are created by us. U_O3OfT08o0-01527-00750888-00751426 When I say a word, when you give a meaning to a sound, it becomes a word. U_O3OfT08o0-01528-00751426-00752047 If I say “boom,” if you give a meaning to that, it becomes a word, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01529-00752047-00752512 But “boom” is just a sound, so sound exists. U_O3OfT08o0-01530-00752512-00753201 Today modern science is telling you, everything in the universe, including your body, the U_O3OfT08o0-01531-00753201-00753913 planet, the solar system, the galaxies - everything, if you look profoundly enough, there is no U_O3OfT08o0-01532-00753913-00754251 physical matter, it is just a reverberation - vibration. U_O3OfT08o0-01533-00754251-00754850 Where there is a vibration, there is bound to be a sound. U_O3OfT08o0-01534-00754850-00755334 The question is only, is it within your hearing range or not? U_O3OfT08o0-01535-00755334-00755670 Some sounds are in your hearing range, rest are not in your hearing range. U_O3OfT08o0-01536-00755670-00756195 Otherwise, this whole creation right now is making a humongous amount of sound. U_O3OfT08o0-01537-00756195-00756967 You don't hear it, because your hearing range is within a certain frequency band. U_O3OfT08o0-01538-00756967-00757334 So, every sound that you utter has a reverberation. U_O3OfT08o0-01539-00757334-00757907 A reverberation can either have a positive impact or a negative impact. U_O3OfT08o0-01540-00757907-00758488 So in this culture, we looked very profoundly and looked at what kind of sounds you must U_O3OfT08o0-01541-00758488-00758675 utter for your child. U_O3OfT08o0-01542-00758675-00759051 But today, you're calling them Cuckoo, Bobo, Momo. U_O3OfT08o0-01543-00759051-00759191 Nani: Nani (Laughter) U_O3OfT08o0-01544-00759191-00759886 Sadhguru: I didn't realize that (Nani Laughs)! U_O3OfT08o0-01545-00759886-00760434 So Cuckoo, Bobo, Nani, at home - at home it's nice. U_O3OfT08o0-01546-00760434-00761104 But now that he's at home everywhere in the world, everybody calls him “Nani” (Cheers/Applause), U_O3OfT08o0-01547-00761104-00761357 that's a different matter. U_O3OfT08o0-01548-00761357-00761948 But the idea of giving profound names is, it is for the sound structure of that name U_O3OfT08o0-01549-00761948-00762621 - when you utter that sound, there must be a reverberation which enhances who I am and U_O3OfT08o0-01550-00762621-00762934 also for the people who utter that. U_O3OfT08o0-01551-00762934-00763198 All kinds of very... U_O3OfT08o0-01552-00763198-00763841 For a foreign tongue very difficult sounding names, but profound impact. U_O3OfT08o0-01553-00763841-00764321 So sound and reverberations have impact. U_O3OfT08o0-01554-00764321-00764673 If there is somebody who's conscious... U_O3OfT08o0-01555-00764673-00765348 Even today, I think I'm giving names to thousands of children every day, depending upon the U_O3OfT08o0-01556-00765348-00765859 time date and their birth and looking at their picture, we give a certain kind of name, which U_O3OfT08o0-01557-00765859-00766372 fits that child, somewhere close around that. U_O3OfT08o0-01558-00766372-00766951 So this, different people were doing at different times, but everything - everything thsi… U_O3OfT08o0-01559-00766951-00767121 there is distortion. U_O3OfT08o0-01560-00767121-00767421 About everything there is distortion! U_O3OfT08o0-01561-00767421-00768012 Now, before the child is born, they've chosen the name because - something else, they want U_O3OfT08o0-01562-00768012-00768462 to call him Johnny Walker because they like the drink (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01563-00768462-00769399 (Laughs) So, times are changing, but the existence has not changed. U_O3OfT08o0-01564-00769399-00770107 Only the social times are changing, existentially nothing has changed - reverberations are reverberations; U_O3OfT08o0-01565-00770107-00770543 what has impact on you, has impact on you - positive impact, negative impact is there U_O3OfT08o0-01566-00770543-00770743 in the world. U_O3OfT08o0-01567-00770743-00770909 Is it a deciding factor? U_O3OfT08o0-01568-00770909-00771009 No. U_O3OfT08o0-01569-00771009-00771573 You can have any kind of name and still live well, but we're trying to use every kind of U_O3OfT08o0-01570-00771573-00771710 support that we have. U_O3OfT08o0-01571-00771710-00771861 Why not? U_O3OfT08o0-01572-00771861-00771961 Hmm? U_O3OfT08o0-01573-00771961-00772463 Every little support becomes valuable, when difficult times come, isn't it? U_O3OfT08o0-01574-00772463-00773100 If your name is Shiva, tch, every day we have to utter the name Shiva, Shiva, Shiva. U_O3OfT08o0-01575-00773100-00773651 Even if we are not thinking of that one, just looking at you we are saying Shiva. U_O3OfT08o0-01576-00773651-00773910 Even our dogs were named like this. U_O3OfT08o0-01577-00773910-00774661 Only today, because of the English people, lot of people think - in every family I see, U_O3OfT08o0-01578-00774661-00775605 it's just crazy - they have all Indian names, but the dogs have always foreign names (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01579-00775605-00776161 This is because, this whole having a dog as a pet came from the English people, because U_O3OfT08o0-01580-00776161-00776692 they were feeling lonely away from their homes, they loved their dog - Cuckoo, Booboo, Moomoo, U_O3OfT08o0-01581-00776692-00776832 momo, all that. U_O3OfT08o0-01582-00776832-00777112 We had dogs, cows, animals in the house. U_O3OfT08o0-01583-00777112-00777407 Nani: I have one, Guruji. U_O3OfT08o0-01584-00777407-00777575 His name is Subramaniam (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01585-00777575-00777769 It’s a Beagle, Subbu. U_O3OfT08o0-01586-00777769-00778290 I did a film called ___ (Unclear), so we named him Subramaniam. U_O3OfT08o0-01587-00778290-00778620 Sadhguru: Subramaniam is a good name (Laughter). U_O3OfT08o0-01588-00778620-00779148 (Laughs) So we named everything like that, because we have to utter it every day. U_O3OfT08o0-01589-00779148-00779955 One way or the other, we somehow utter sounds which are beneficial to us. U_O3OfT08o0-01590-00779955-00780753 Thank you very much (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-01591-00780753-00781507 Because this question - agriculture was asked and there is a concern everywhere - Chennai U_O3OfT08o0-01592-00781507-00782172 has gone dry, next they’re saying Bangalore will go dry, Hyderabad is standing in the U_O3OfT08o0-01593-00782172-00783163 queue - I want all of you who are here today, if you are a concerned citizen of this country, U_O3OfT08o0-01594-00783163-00783430 in some way please participate in Cauvery Calling. U_O3OfT08o0-01595-00783430-00783754 We will give out a call - how to participate. U_O3OfT08o0-01596-00783754-00783854 There will be… U_O3OfT08o0-01597-00783854-00784336 This is a more action-oriented thing than Rally for Rivers, because here we want to U_O3OfT08o0-01598-00784336-00785226 plan… to make one-third of Cauvery basin green once again ,we need to plant 242 crore U_O3OfT08o0-01599-00785226-00785326 trees. U_O3OfT08o0-01600-00785326-00785426 This is not like… U_O3OfT08o0-01601-00785426-00785965 (Applause) This is not like, we are going to go and physically plant everything. U_O3OfT08o0-01602-00785965-00786567 This will be done on farmers’ land by them, but we have to support it. U_O3OfT08o0-01603-00786567-00786960 So we are looking at raising super large nurseries. U_O3OfT08o0-01604-00786960-00787295 Right now, we have over twenty-four nurseries across Tamil Nadu. U_O3OfT08o0-01605-00787295-00787756 Now we're seeing how to build these nurseries in Karnataka also. U_O3OfT08o0-01606-00787756-00788255 So there is room, we will start a campaign - ‘at least plant one tree’ for each one U_O3OfT08o0-01607-00788255-00788763 of you, if you’re for four people in the family, plant four trees. U_O3OfT08o0-01608-00788763-00789260 It will be a minimum amount of just raising the nursery kind of cost, not a very big cost. U_O3OfT08o0-01609-00789260-00790023 So you don't have to plant just one and you might have a tree, to sit under like Gautama, U_O3OfT08o0-01610-00790023-00790176 the Buddha. U_O3OfT08o0-01611-00790176-00790514 It may work (Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-01612-00790514-00790839 Nani: ___ (Unclear) U_O3OfT08o0-01613-00790839-00791283 Sadhguru: ____ (Unclear) you want to say something? U_O3OfT08o0-01614-00791283-00791383 Please. U_O3OfT08o0-01615-00791383-00791483 Nani: Yeah. U_O3OfT08o0-01616-00791483-00791941 I just wanted to say, I just told a few of my friends that, “I’m going to meet Sadhguru,” U_O3OfT08o0-01617-00791941-00792208 Sadhguru, so I thought they will a...tell me to take blessings, or you know, they'll U_O3OfT08o0-01618-00792208-00792433 tell me questions, what to ask. U_O3OfT08o0-01619-00792433-00792658 But you know what they said? U_O3OfT08o0-01620-00792658-00792847 They said, “Give him a hug man” they said. U_O3OfT08o0-01621-00792847-00792947 ___ (Unclear) U_O3OfT08o0-01622-00792947-00793128 Sadhguru: This is a trick. U_O3OfT08o0-01623-00793128-00793228 Nani: No, no, no Sadhguru: This is a trick (Laughter/Applause)! U_O3OfT08o0-01624-00793228-00793328 Nani: That's how they look at you. U_O3OfT08o0-01625-00793328-00793428 Yeah… U_O3OfT08o0-01626-00793428-00793528 Sadhguru: That's good. U_O3OfT08o0-01627-00793528-00793628 Speaker: We hope you enjoyed the session, as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you. U_O3OfT08o0-01628-00793628-00793728 We thank Nani and Sadhguru for this candid and most insightful exploration. U_O3OfT08o0-01629-00793728-00793828 We also take a moment to express our gratitude to the stadium authorities, the police department, U_O3OfT08o0-01630-00793828-00794871 the traffic department, the electricity department, all the volunteers and each one of you for U_O3OfT08o0-01631-00794871-00795110 this wonderful evening. U_O3OfT08o0-01632-00795110-00795348 Thank you (Applause)! UFgBcLlhxiQ-00000-00000075-00000423 Welcome to Europa, one of Jupiter’s icy moons. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00001-00000423-00000773 These dark lines that cross-cross Europa are cracks in the ice called linea. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00002-00000773-00001377 They are created when the ice cracks and water from below rushes over the surface carrying UFgBcLlhxiQ-00003-00001377-00001534 dissolved minerals with it. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00004-00001534-00001925 When the water refreezes it leaves these minerals behind, embedded in the ice. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00005-00001925-00002439 In Lineae, players compete to explore Europa’s ocean, collect its resources, and ship them UFgBcLlhxiQ-00006-00002439-00002666 back to Earth before the surface can refreeze. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00007-00002666-00003016 Lineae is a pick up and delivery eurogame for 1 to 5 players. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00008-00003016-00003236 It is played on this board. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00009-00003236-00003590 The bottom half of the board depicts a cross-section of the ocean. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00010-00003590-00003954 At the ocean floor there are 4 random mineral deposit tiles. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00011-00003954-00004414 Each mineral deposit tile has a row of resources which dissolve further into the ocean each UFgBcLlhxiQ-00012-00004414-00004553 round. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00013-00004553-00005184 Each tile also has a pool of a specific resource which can be extracted for further bonuses. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00014-00005184-00006078 There are five resource types in Lineae: sulfur, salt, hydrocarbons, iron, and silica. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00015-00006078-00006398 Resource cubes are collected by these six submersible vehicle tokens, which are shared UFgBcLlhxiQ-00016-00006398-00006564 by all players. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00017-00006564-00006877 Players can take control of them to pilot them around the ocean and pick up mineral UFgBcLlhxiQ-00018-00006877-00007120 cubes, and excavate mineral deposits. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00019-00007120-00007426 Picking up cubes earns money. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00020-00007426-00007931 Moving a submersible takes electricity, which is generated at the beginning of every round. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00021-00007931-00008352 These sunlight icons at the top of the board depict energy that shines onto your solar UFgBcLlhxiQ-00022-00008352-00008596 panels and earns you electricity. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00023-00008596-00009089 But watch out, because the sunlight is blocked by this Jupiter token, which advances further UFgBcLlhxiQ-00024-00009089-00009561 across the board each round. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00025-00009561-00009863 Players can also dock with a submersible by moving it all the way to the surface of the UFgBcLlhxiQ-00026-00009863-00010309 ocean where their vessel is located, and paying $1 per cube. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00027-00010309-00011293 These cubes then move into their cargo hold. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00028-00011293-00011640 The primary way to earn points is to load resources into these rocket cards that are UFgBcLlhxiQ-00029-00011640-00011970 distributed randomly across the board at the beginning of the game. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00030-00011970-00012336 To load a resource in a rocket you’re going to move your surface vessel to the location UFgBcLlhxiQ-00031-00012336-00012745 of the rocket and place one of your workers in the Launch Pad. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00032-00012745-00013254 This allows you to load one or more resources onto the card at your current location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00033-00013254-00014269 Loading 2 cubes in one turn earns you 3 victory points as indicated on the board. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00034-00014269-00014994 If you complete a rocket by filling all 5 spots you have launched that rocket. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00035-00014994-00015713 Return its resources to the pool and keep the card as a tiebreaker. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00036-00015713-00016006 You are now entitled to one card from the technology deck. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00037-00016006-00016501 Choose any card in the deck and add it to your tableau to provide an additional action UFgBcLlhxiQ-00038-00016501-00017318 or benefit. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00039-00017318-00017685 Another way to earn points is to take control of a submersible and use it to excavate the UFgBcLlhxiQ-00040-00017685-00018215 mineral deposits, which extract these cubes directly from the mineral deposit tile. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00041-00018215-00018645 Doing this advances you on the excavation track, which earns you points and additional UFgBcLlhxiQ-00042-00018645-00018926 bonuses as indicated. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00043-00018926-00019640 Each track is a race, as only one player can be in the final spot. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00044-00019640-00020100 As Jupiter advances across the board, it blocks the sunlight from the surface vessels below UFgBcLlhxiQ-00045-00020100-00020275 it. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00046-00020275-00020783 However, each vessel comes equipped with a Diesel Engine, which allows you to spend a UFgBcLlhxiQ-00047-00020783-00021262 hydrocarbon cube to generated electricity without sunlight. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00048-00021262-00021701 Place the cube in the atmosphere track at the vessel’s current location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00049-00021701-00022008 This will block out some of the sunlight in future rounds. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00050-00022008-00022372 This leads to a feedback loop where more players will now be forced to burn hydrocarbon for UFgBcLlhxiQ-00051-00022372-00022602 electricity. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00052-00022602-00023020 Surface vessels can move horizontally across the surface but only where the water is at UFgBcLlhxiQ-00053-00023020-00023237 the same level. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00054-00023237-00023518 So this vessel could move to these 3 spaces. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00055-00023518-00024101 This vessel could move from here all the way to here, but could not move to this space. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00056-00024101-00024409 In order to move where you’d like, you’ll need to manipulate the level of the water, UFgBcLlhxiQ-00057-00024409-00024769 which you do by opening and closing one of these four lock tokens that are distributed UFgBcLlhxiQ-00058-00024769-00024937 across the ocean. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00059-00024937-00025354 To open or close a lock token you place one of your workers in the action space below UFgBcLlhxiQ-00060-00025354-00025658 it to toggle the state of the lock. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00061-00025658-00026108 Remove the lock token and water tiles then flow out, potentially off the board, as long UFgBcLlhxiQ-00062-00026108-00027083 as there is nothing keeping them in place. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00063-00027083-00027608 Submersibles that flow off the board return to their original location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00064-00027608-00027939 Note that when you have ownership over a lock, if another player chooses to cross it they UFgBcLlhxiQ-00065-00027939-00028331 must pay you $1. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00066-00028331-00029033 It’s worth noting that sometimes the way to get where you want is by closing a lock. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00067-00029033-00029456 So if this blue player wants to move all the way to the left side of the board, they can’t. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00068-00029456-00029863 They can only go this far right now. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00069-00029863-00030595 But if they close this lock then water tiles will flow in from the left side of the board UFgBcLlhxiQ-00070-00030595-00031847 to fill in the empty spaces. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00071-00031847-00032127 So they can now move all the way over here. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00072-00032127-00033013 However, this player can only move in these two spaces. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00073-00033013-00033474 For a more advanced game, there are also these optional colony cards available. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00074-00033474-00033928 These will fill the empty rocket spaces with colony buildings, which provide additional UFgBcLlhxiQ-00075-00033928-00034483 actions for any player at that location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00076-00034483-00034832 There are 3 basic action spaces on the board at the beginning of the game. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00077-00034832-00035094 This one allows you to spend a worker to earn $2. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00078-00035094-00035375 This one allows you to spend a worker to purchase additional workers. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00079-00035375-00035728 And this one allows you to spend a worker to take control of the First Player marker. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00080-00035728-00036166 However, these basic action spaces get phased out during the game. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00081-00036166-00036591 This says that at the end of the 2nd round, the colony card with the lowest number will UFgBcLlhxiQ-00082-00036591-00037275 be moved up into Europa City, where it can be used by any player regardless of their UFgBcLlhxiQ-00083-00037275-00037577 location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00084-00037577-00038016 Now we’ll want to backfill the empty space with a new colony card. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00085-00038016-00038490 The microwave power dish for example lets you spend money to purchase electricity. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00086-00038490-00039131 Okay, now let’s walk through a sample turn. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00087-00039131-00039630 It’s the first round, it’s the blue player’s turn, and they have 3 workers and 6 electricity UFgBcLlhxiQ-00088-00039630-00039730 to spend. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00089-00039730-00040066 They are going to want to get some of these cubes and hopefully score some points along UFgBcLlhxiQ-00090-00040066-00040180 the way. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00091-00040180-00040534 The first thing they’re going to do is to take one of their workers and take control UFgBcLlhxiQ-00092-00040534-00040910 of the E submersible by placing their worker on the action space. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00093-00040910-00041288 They can now move this submersible any number of spaces. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00094-00041288-00041718 They are going to choose to first move one space down. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00095-00041718-00042200 Now that they’re at this space, they are going to excavate this mineral deposit. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00096-00042200-00042627 This places one of their workers from the supply on the exacation track and earns them UFgBcLlhxiQ-00097-00042627-00042922 1 victory point. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00098-00042922-00043228 They are going to continue moving the submersible… UFgBcLlhxiQ-00099-00043228-00044016 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 spaces total and they are going to collect these cubes along the way. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00100-00044016-00045069 They’ve loaded these 3 cubes onto the submersible which gets them $3 from the bank. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00101-00045069-00045416 Because the submersible ended in a place where their ship can move to, they may choose to UFgBcLlhxiQ-00102-00045416-00045883 dock with the submersible to purchase any of these 3 cubes for $1 each. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00103-00045883-00046927 They’re going to choose the sulfur and the iron cubes and pay $2 to the bank. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00104-00046927-00047488 This ends the blue player’s turn. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00105-00047488-00048284 Okay, let’s fast forward a little bit to round 3 and see another sample turn. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00106-00048284-00048743 The blue player really wants to finish launching this rocket over here and they have all of UFgBcLlhxiQ-00107-00048743-00048925 the resources they need to do it. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00108-00048925-00049399 However, they are stuck over here and they can’t get to where the rocket is. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00109-00049399-00049741 So the first thing they’re going to do is to take one of their workers and use it to UFgBcLlhxiQ-00110-00049741-00049972 open this lock. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00111-00049972-00050977 This will remove the lock token and any water tiles will flow off of the board. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00112-00050977-00051382 The submersible that flows off of the board goes back to its original starting location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00113-00051382-00051826 Basically any water token that isn’t held in by a lock will flow off of the board. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00114-00051826-00052092 So that was the player’s first turn. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00115-00052092-00053044 However, this action space has an arrow inside of it, which means the player is allowed to UFgBcLlhxiQ-00116-00053044-00053316 immediately take another turn. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00117-00053316-00053816 So now they are going to move to where the rocket is. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00118-00053816-00054057 Now they’ll place another of their workers on the Launch Pad. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00119-00054057-00054630 They’ll take 2 irons and 1 silica and place them onto the rocket. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00120-00054630-00055270 Placing 3 cubes onto a rocket earns them 6 victory points. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00121-00055270-00056045 And now this rocket is now complete, so we’ll take the cubes off and place them back in UFgBcLlhxiQ-00122-00056045-00056442 the supply. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00123-00056442-00057110 There is now an empty space on the board we will take one of the building cards and place UFgBcLlhxiQ-00124-00057110-00057297 it in that spot. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00125-00057297-00057824 At the end of the 4th round, we’ll take the colony card that has been exposed with UFgBcLlhxiQ-00126-00057824-00058333 the lowest number and we’ll place it over the Hire spot. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00127-00058333-00059435 This colony card will now be available to all players, regardless of their location. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00128-00059435-00059816 Hopefully that gave you a sense of the unique mechanics and thematic, tension-filled gameplay UFgBcLlhxiQ-00129-00059816-00060038 that Lineae has to offer. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00130-00060038-00060429 Several optional expansions are also in the works, including an algae pack that adds a UFgBcLlhxiQ-00131-00060429-00060764 new resource cube type that is generated by sunlight. UFgBcLlhxiQ-00132-00060764-00060876 Thanks for your consideration. UH3NfRtV_CU-00000-00000000-00000050 narendra modi pubg speech UH3NfRtV_CU-00001-00000050-00000100 narendra modi pariksha par charcha UH3NfRtV_CU-00002-00000100-00000200 narendra modi news ULGvtTsKczc-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscribe, listen and share UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00000-00000750-00001010 Huggins: That's a big uh... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00001-00001174-00001404 Is this the heart of a black hole? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00002-00001528-00001988 Hard to believe one of these things killed my it has heart? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00003-00002056-00002256 Can the black hole love? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00004-00002256-00002536 Purple light: No dear, that's just the Big Bang. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00005-00002544-00002792 Huggins: (gasp) Purple light: Pre-Bang, obviously- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00006-00002792-00002866 Huggins: Mom?! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00007-00002866-00003138 Huggins Mom: Mom? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00008-00003138-00003338 Huggins Dad: (laughs) Sharp! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00009-00003338-00003465 Huggins: (gasp) Dad!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00010-00003465-00003832 Huggins Dad: Please, "Dad" was my father's name. Call me Gerald! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00011-00003832-00003894 Huggins' Mom: (groans) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00012-00003894-00004198 Huggins: Oh nooo, I'm dead aren't I? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00013-00004198-00004378 Huggins Mom: What? Sweetie, no- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00014-00004378-00004804 We can't die, light is information and can't be destroyed. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00015-00004804-00004918 Huggins: Yes, knew it! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00016-00004918-00005672 Huggins Mom: Black holes are sort of drains... that feed the cosmos all the way back to here. It let's the universe... loop. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00017-00005672-00005803 Huggins: Whoooaaa.... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00018-00005803-00006046 Gerald: (laughs) Don't blow the kid's mind Cheryl! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00019-00006046-00006294 Cheryl: Oh, sweetie, I didn't blow your mind, did I? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00020-00006294-00006390 Huggins: WHOA! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00021-00006390-00006594 Gerald: Where's your brother? He should be here. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00022-00006645-00007104 Huggins: Muggins? I dunno, one of the Cosmic Powers trapped me here! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00023-00007109-00007268 Remember those guys? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00024-00007326-00007426 Gerald: ...Nope! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00025-00007426-00007602 Maybe he's just late! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00026-00007602-00007886 Cheryl: Late? The whole universe should be in here. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00027-00007926-00008248 Oh! Maybe there's a blockage in the timeline, Gerald would that do it? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00028-00008258-00008472 Gerald: (laughs) Yeah that'd do it! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00029-00008490-00008670 Cheryl: Huggins, You should really check on Muggins. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00030-00008670-00008918 Huggins: Fiiiiine! How? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00031-00008918-00009044 Cheryl: Just fly at full speed. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00032-00009044-00009234 Gerald: Close to full speed, or you'll overshoot. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00033-00009248-00009358 Huggins: Uh... what? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00034-00009358-00009546 Cheryl: At light speed, you don't experience time. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00035-00009552-00010282 So move at nearly the speed of light and time will accelerate. You can watch galaxies bloom and fade in real time, it's really nice. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00036-00010282-00010710 Gerald: Now Hugs, if there's a blockage in the timeline you'll get stuck in it like a spider's web. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00037-00010714-00011216 Do you know where that might be? Can you think of any paradoxes you might have stirred up? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00038-00011234-00011372 Huggins: No, I.. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00039-00011372-00011458 Oh. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00040-00011484-00011566 OOOOHH! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00041-00011652-00011808 Those son's of bitches! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00042-00011814-00011910 Both: Language!! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00043-00011910-00012116 Huggins: Okay! Mom, Dad I gotta go. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00044-00012116-00012488 I know when that paradox is. Something's crazy wrong. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00045-00012488-00012674 Gerald: Darn tootin'! Muggins ain't here! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00046-00012674-00012822 Cheryl: When's your brother getting here, Huggins? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00047-00012822-00012908 Huggins: Okay, bye! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00048-00012908-00013140 Cheryl: So long, have fun! Gerald: Bye honey! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00049-00013418-00013736 Sister: Okay, Tucker's passed out, you know what that means? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00050-00013736-00014050 Doc: First we monitor his condition, so that- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00051-00014050-00014301 Sister: No, doctor boring. I'll start at the top: UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00052-00014301-00014647 Someone has to tell Tucker that we caused a paradox and are reliving our old lives. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00053-00014647-00014909 Doc: I would appreciate an explanation of that actually! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00054-00014912-00015602 Sister: However, Tucker is going to wake up and will look at me, a person he does not know yet somehow recognizes, and be like "byuh". UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00055-00015602-00015884 Doc: "byuh"? Sister: "duh hey, why do I recognize you?" UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00056-00015884-00016294 And I'll say "it's cuz I mostly made of you, ya sucker! We took your fuckin' organs!" UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00057-00016294-00016438 Doc: We're not doing that! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00058-00016438-00016668 Sister: Or.. okay. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00059-00016668-00016886 He just gave birth to this alien tumor- thing right? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00060-00016886-00017040 Junior: Blarg! Doc: Sure. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00061-00017040-00017294 Sister: So we convince him that aliens are invading! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00062-00017298-00017502 Doc: uhhhh- Sister: Through his ass! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00063-00017502-00017786 Doc: Why would we do that? There's been enough going on down there already! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00064-00017846-00017964 Sister: ...For funsies. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00065-00017964-00018300 Doc: Can we not just give him the care we'd give any new mother!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00066-00018300-00018432 Sister: Oh, I hear what you're saying. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00067-00018453-00018860 I'm the child he gave birth to. A "little coma baby Kai"! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00068-00018860-00019248 Doc: No! Sister: "Hi dad! It's me, your coma baby! And I want cash!" UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00069-00019336-00019582 Doc: Ya' know, I get the feeling you and Tucker have unresolved issues. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00070-00019592-00019886 Sister: Okay Doc, like we practiced: wake him up... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00071-00019968-00020226 Sarge: Motion to feed Donut through Sheila's treads for treason! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00072-00020226-00020430 Donut: I'd like to plead NOT GUILTY, please! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00073-00020430-00021082 Sarge: Pleas from a TRAITOR like you are about as significant as whatever abstract shape I'm gonna grind you into! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00074-00021090-00021696 Washington: Sarge- Sarge: "Sarge" what? This slice of pink-frosted butt-cake has been on display for too long! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00075-00021710-00022004 The boys gone stale... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00076-00022004-00022274 Washington: Donut saved all of us, you included. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00077-00022274-00022444 Sarge: I do not subscribe to that reality! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00078-00022472-00022824 Simmons: Did Donut really do that? Donut, did you... save us all? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00079-00022824-00023014 Donut: Well, I don't know about all that- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00080-00023024-00023272 Sarge: Boy doesn't even know about it, you heard him! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00081-00023272-00023662 Grif: I'm sorry but dude, you betrayed us! You stole the Hammer. What the fuck? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00082-00023662-00024538 Washington: We were trapped. We're now free. You and I are no longer in a weird time-limbo and WE OWE DONUT. We owe him big time. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00083-00024550-00024824 Grif: Whatever. Sarge: I have five bucks but I want change. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00084-00024824-00024893 Donut: (sigh) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00085-00024893-00025154 Grif: Now can someone please tell me why I'm in Blood Gulch? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00086-00025176-00025772 Caboose: Uh, Wash, Donut, can you fill this one? I am going to start fixing the timeline. Boop. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00087-00025772-00025945 (Everwhen zapping) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00088-00026154-00026256 Washington: Is... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00089-00026256-00026406 Is Caboose a genius? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00090-00026406-00026706 Sarge: If he is, I'd just prefer not to know... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00091-00026706-00027074 Washington: Hmm. Well, you heard him. Let's get everyone up to speed. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00092-00027150-00027358 Speaking of everyone where.. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00093-00027358-00027494 Are they? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00094-00027577-00027730 Sister: How are his vitals? Doc: Fine. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00095-00027730-00027886 Sister: And his life signs? Doc: It's the same thing! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00096-00027886-00028004 Tucker: W-Who is that? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00097-00028004-00028354 Sister: Good god, amnesia!? I'll fix my medical tire iron. Nurse, help him up! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00098-00028354-00028518 Doc: Nurse? Sister: Thank you ,sweetpea! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00099-00028518-00028783 Sister: (to Tucker) Lavernius you've been out for some time, how many guns am I holding up? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00100-00028783-00028994 Tucker: One? Sister: Very good. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00101-00028994-00029220 Sister: (to Doc) We're gonna have to put him down. Tucker: I was just having a baby! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00102-00029220-00029430 Sister: In THIS economy!? He's delirious. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00103-00029430-00029522 Tucker: Don't I know you? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00104-00029522-00029680 Sister: Yeah, you do I'm afraid. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00105-00029680-00030176 You see, I was going to wait until you recovered to tell you but, Tucker... I'm you! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00106-00030176-00030460 Tucker: What?! Sister: FROM THE FUTURE! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00107-00030710-00030952 Doc: ...I'm leaving. Tucker: Is this is a prank? Sarge! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00108-00030952-00031239 Sister: The future is all ladies all the time, you included. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00109-00031239-00031710 And if you're gonna live to see that promised land, I gotta rescue you Tucker. You wanna know why? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00110-00031710-00031792 Tucker: Fuck off. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00111-00031792-00032064 Sister: You are in Purgatory, Lavernius. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00112-00032064-00032332 And you gotta break out of Purgatory! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00113-00032332-00032564 Tucker: I am not! Sister: Welcome to Limbo motherfucker. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00114-00032564-00032672 Junior: Blarg! Tucker: What was that? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00115-00032672-00032770 Junior: Honk! Tucker: AGH! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00116-00032770-00033170 Sister: That's uh.. it's-it's a demon! Cuz we're in Limbo, remember? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00117-00033170-00033284 Junior: Honk? Sister: You died in childbirth. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00118-00033284-00033364 Tucker: WHAT? OH GOD! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00119-00033364-00033558 Sister: No God here, Tucker. Tucker: Jesus! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00120-00033558-00034102 Sister: No Jesus here! Just you, this here perspective vagina and eternity with the demons baby boy! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00121-00034103-00034206 Junior: Honk! Tucker: Aaugh! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00122-00034206-00034570 Sister: You can escape, I can show you how but you have to trust me. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00123-00034570-00034872 Junior: BLLAAAARRRGGG! Tucker: Oh God! Oh God! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00124-00035138-00035292 Huggins: Blood Gulch. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00125-00035293-00035493 Historic home to the Shisno. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00126-00035548-00035810 Jeez... Grif lived here? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00127-00035878-00036264 Hmm, looks like he had neighbors. That must have been nice. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00128-00036320-00036544 Oh. Nobody's here yet. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00129-00036616-00036958 (light whizzing) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00130-00036958-00037038 Huggins: There! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00131-00037072-00037442 Hey you! Why'd you make a paradox ya butt!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00132-00037442-00037656 Caboose: Hello. Huggins: Wait. Hnn... wrong person. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00133-00037680-00038400 Huggins: Uh Huggins, you idiot! It's the past, they haven't done it yet! Oh no, what am I gonna do...? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00134-00038424-00039046 Caboose: Uh, hello, um pardon me? We did it to save our friend, Wash I kinda thought you knew that. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00135-00039046-00039172 Huggins: You.. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00136-00039172-00039372 Caboose: Uh y'know cause you went away all mad? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00137-00039384-00039538 Huggins: I.. did? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00138-00039538-00039901 Caboose: Yeah when we were at the God place together? In the future...? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00139-00039902-00040100 Huggins: How can you know that!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00140-00040152-00040382 Okay, Caboose right? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00141-00040382-00040536 Caboose: Yes. Thank you for remembering. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00142-00040536-00041012 Huggins: Today, I found out my parents aren't dead, black holes make the universe loop. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00143-00041012-00041312 Caboose: Time is made of circles, I am familiar with the concept. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00144-00041312-00041568 Huggins: And now you seem to know... the future? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00145-00041568-00041778 Caboose: Yeah, really good at card tricks now. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00146-00041778-00041964 Huggins: Okay, this is whelmed. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00147-00042018-00042224 This is overwhelmed. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00148-00042266-00042530 And this is where my ass is at! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00149-00042624-00042760 (sigh) Can we talk? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00150-00042760-00043078 Caboose: Yeah, ok, but I have to kill my best friend in an hour, so, ya'know... UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00151-00043178-00043468 Tucker: Doc! I'm a phantom and I have unfinished business on Earth. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00152-00043468-00043632 Doc: Oh dear God... Tucker: I have to come clean. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00153-00043632-00043810 Doc: Tucker, Sister's just trying to- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00154-00043810-00043922 Tucker: I seduced your mother. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00155-00043998-00044086 Doc: ...Say what now? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00156-00044086-00044570 Tucker: You said... I dunno, something I didn't like and so I looked up "Mom" in your phone and... well, ya'know. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00157-00044570-00045234 And then I told everyone she had tits like icing bags. And that she's so fat, that when she walks on the beach, she leaves glass footprints! (laughs) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00158-00045342-00045618 Doc: Hey, you should go tell everyone else your unfinished business too. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00159-00045618-00045826 Tucker: Thanks man. I'll miss you. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00160-00045894-00046284 Donut: (inaudible grumbling) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00161-00046290-00046448 Tucker: Donut, I'm dead. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00162-00046448-00046724 I'm sorry I always mocked your alternative lifestyle and I- UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00163-00046724-00047178 Donut: (monotonously) We helped prevent Wash's injury, causing a paradox and now you're trapped in your past. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00164-00047178-00047722 That's Carolina. That's Wash. You should ask yourself how you know them, even though you haven't met them yet. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00165-00047722-00047806 Sister: No! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00166-00047806-00048388 Donut: Me and Doc betrayed everyone and no amount of ATONEMENT SEEMS TO FIX IT! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00167-00048424-00048510 (Everwhen zapping) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00168-00048510-00048660 Tucker: Oh fuck you, Kaikaina! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00169-00048660-00048776 Sister: Muwahahaha! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00170-00048776-00049098 Present Doc: Holy moley! I survived falling off a skyscraper! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00171-00049098-00049298 Donut: Wait! Doc? You're not dead!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00172-00049298-00049506 Doc: Yeah! I gu-I mean, I guess not. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00173-00049506-00049706 Donut: I fought you through time and space! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00174-00049706-00050302 Doc: Yeah! Man, you did so great! That was such a fun fight! It was like "uh- punching," wow! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00175-00050382-00050544 Donut: You're damn right. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00176-00050545-00050745 Goddamn, right it was! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00177-00050812-00051070 All right, you FUCKERS! Listen up! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00178-00051070-00051164 Simmons: What...? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00179-00051164-00051370 Donut: I have *had it* with this *traitor* crap! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00180-00051386-00051678 You all think you're better than me, cuz I have *PINK* armor! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00181-00051678-00051750 Sarge: Whoa! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00182-00051750-00052032 Donut: Yeah. I said it! I'm *owning* it! *PINK*! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00183-00052032-00052591 You put me down, sideline me, leave me to rot, shoot me over and over! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00184-00052591-00052662 Washington: Sorry! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00185-00052662-00053320 Donut: And when I die *HORRIBLY* at the hands of some time god and come back with the *EXPLICIT TASK* of saving your lives! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00186-00053320-00054210 And when I'm the only person, the *ONLY* person, with *ANY* interest in preserving the universe while your *dumb-asses* wander off and break time itself! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00187-00054210-00054288 Carolina: Sorry! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00188-00054288-00054364 Donut: SHUT UP! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00189-00054364-00055346 All you can think to do after I fight O'Malley across time, space, World War 2, the moon and a labyrinth prison inside of a black hole, is *execute me*!? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00190-00055346-00055502 Sarge: VOTE to execute you! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00191-00055502-00056094 Donut: You wanna know what my crime was? Huh? You wanna know what I did? How I slipped up when I trusted Chrovos? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00192-00056094-00056329 I believed, someone could like me. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00193-00056426-00056546 Sister: ...woof. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00194-00056546-00056940 Donut: So when I teach you all how to time travel and thwart Genkins, I'm out! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00195-00056940-00057624 Next time you're stuck in your boring-ass lives with your ugly decor and drab fashion sense, cry to some *other* Shisno! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00196-00057940-00058046 (yelling and angrily) PINK! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00197-00058120-00058391 Washington: (sternly) You are all going after him and apologizing. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00198-00058391-00058714 (all grumbling and muttering) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00199-00058714-00058932 Sarge: Did I hear right that I can time travel? UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00200-00058932-00059144 Washington: First, apology! UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00201-00059214-00059320 Sarge: (grunt) UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00202-00059548-00060250 -Hey, thanks for checking out that episode of Red vs. Blue: Singularity. We're re-releasing the entire season every week on this channel, so stay tuned. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00203-00060250-00060854 -Go to if you want to see new RvB PSAs. We release a new one every week for free. UNNY0MyZ7Uy-00204-00060866-00061554 -Yeah and if you want to stay up to date on everything RoosterTeeth Animation related, subscribe to our channel.