XLBQc_4nXjI-00000-00002244-00002700 The model of the Christian temple changed in the Renaissance. XLBQc_4nXjI-00001-00002748-00003084 Leonardo da Vinci and the architect Bramante, XLBQc_4nXjI-00002-00003084-00003744 created a new prototype of church with a square plan with a dome, XLBQc_4nXjI-00003-00003744-00004088 with a unique and centralized space, XLBQc_4nXjI-00004-00004088-00004348 inspired by pagan classicism. XLBQc_4nXjI-00005-00004424-00004832 The historian Nicolas Pewsner in his work: XLBQc_4nXjI-00006-00004832-00005120 Outline of European Architecture, XLBQc_4nXjI-00007-00005120-00005220 writes: XLBQc_4nXjI-00008-00005392-00005932 The St. Peter's of Julius II was to be a construction, XLBQc_4nXjI-00009-00005932-00006284 governed by a totally centralized system, XLBQc_4nXjI-00010-00006284-00006872 an astonishing decision given the religious significance of the church of Rome. XLBQc_4nXjI-00011-00006904-00007416 When the Pope adopted this worldly symbol for his own church, XLBQc_4nXjI-00012-00007416-00008052 it can be affirmed that the spirit of humanism had conquered XLBQc_4nXjI-00013-00008052-00008412 the most intimate bastion of Christian resistance. XLBQc_4nXjI-00014-00008524-00008992 The Christian tradition was the basilica with long naves, XLBQc_4nXjI-00015-00008992-00009308 which was abandoned when the Vatican was built, XLBQc_4nXjI-00016-00009308-00009560 and there would be no turning back. XLBQc_4nXjI-00017-00009592-00009964 St. Peter's dragged everyone into the abyss, XLBQc_4nXjI-00018-00009992-00010300 even the Catholic faith. XLBQc_4nXjI-00019-00010536-00011044 The apostle Peter was buried in the outskirts of Rome, XLBQc_4nXjI-00020-00011132-00011352 next to the Via Cornelia, XLBQc_4nXjI-00021-00011448-00011860 next to the circus of Caligula finished by Nero. XLBQc_4nXjI-00022-00012004-00012260 In the current area of the Vatican, XLBQc_4nXjI-00023-00012332-00012776 which meant prediction or omens. XLBQc_4nXjI-00024-00013172-00013652 On the tomb of the apostle in 324, XLBQc_4nXjI-00025-00013684-00014119 the construction of the christian basilica of St. Peter XLBQc_4nXjI-00026-00014184-00014716 was begun by pope Sylvester under the patronage of emperor Constantine. XLBQc_4nXjI-00027-00014852-00014952 The work XLBQc_4nXjI-00028-00015004-00015388 required the partial demolition of the circus bleachers, XLBQc_4nXjI-00029-00015480-00015980 on whose spine was an obelisk brought from Egypt. XLBQc_4nXjI-00030-00016108-00016832 This element was the only remnant of the chariot racing stadium that did not disappear, XLBQc_4nXjI-00031-00016892-00017832 being installed in the sixteenth century in the center of St. Peter's square by pope Sixtus V. XLBQc_4nXjI-00032-00018188-00018592 To build the huge five-nave basilica, XLBQc_4nXjI-00033-00018624-00019228 86 marble columns with their capitals were used, XLBQc_4nXjI-00034-00019248-00019776 reused from other abandoned or ruined buildings. XLBQc_4nXjI-00035-00020048-00020176 With this temple, XLBQc_4nXjI-00036-00020176-00021068 the architecture of the Roman courtrooms was adapted to the new use of christianity, XLBQc_4nXjI-00037-00021140-00021412 official religion of the empire. XLBQc_4nXjI-00038-00021540-00021964 The Church renounced the pagan temple model, XLBQc_4nXjI-00039-00022048-00022456 needing large spaces for mass worship. XLBQc_4nXjI-00040-00022796-00023084 Following the basilica model, XLBQc_4nXjI-00041-00023128-00023616 other great early Christian temples were built in Rome, XLBQc_4nXjI-00042-00023672-00023848 such as St. John Lateran, XLBQc_4nXjI-00043-00023924-00024332 St. Paul's Outside the Walls and St. Mary Major. XLBQc_4nXjI-00044-00024596-00025168 The violent medieval history of the city affected St. Peter's, XLBQc_4nXjI-00045-00025212-00025764 which was sacked several times and threatened ruin. XLBQc_4nXjI-00046-00026036-00026536 When pope Julius II was elected in the 16th century. XLBQc_4nXjI-00047-00026595-00027372 His policy included an ambitious construction plan to transfer the papal seat to the Vatican, XLBQc_4nXjI-00048-00027439-00027764 leaving the basilica of St. John Lateran, XLBQc_4nXjI-00049-00027788-00028056 the historic residence of the popes. XLBQc_4nXjI-00050-00028312-00028620 Between the Belvedere and the Vatican, XLBQc_4nXjI-00051-00028664-00029132 the architect Bramante built an elongated building, XLBQc_4nXjI-00052-00029172-00029360 the Cortile del Belvedere, XLBQc_4nXjI-00053-00029432-00029736 for the papal apartments, XLBQc_4nXjI-00054-00029788-00030080 painted by Raphael. XLBQc_4nXjI-00055-00030356-00031360 In the inner courtyard were built a theater and gardens for parties and shows, XLBQc_4nXjI-00056-00031404-00031988 including naval battles in a large swimming pool. XLBQc_4nXjI-00057-00032264-00032776 But Julius' great project was to build a new cathedral, XLBQc_4nXjI-00058-00032832-00033064 demolishing the old basilica. XLBQc_4nXjI-00059-00033204-00033852 His architect Donato Bramante decided on the model of the temple, XLBQc_4nXjI-00060-00033916-00034368 with a centered plan and covered with a large dome. XLBQc_4nXjI-00061-00034596-00034896 The church would have four apses, XLBQc_4nXjI-00062-00034948-00035056 four towers, XLBQc_4nXjI-00063-00035088-00035564 four entrances and the altar in the center of the space. XLBQc_4nXjI-00064-00035784-00036280 Inside the cathedral would also be the tomb of the pope, XLBQc_4nXjI-00065-00036280-00036476 made by Michelangelo, XLBQc_4nXjI-00066-00036564-00037148 with sculptures of biblical characters and figures of slaves, XLBQc_4nXjI-00067-00037192-00037368 which remained incomplete. XLBQc_4nXjI-00068-00037712-00037872 As a first step, XLBQc_4nXjI-00069-00037892-00038164 the basilica of Constantine was demolished, XLBQc_4nXjI-00070-00038196-00038468 losing many works of art, XLBQc_4nXjI-00071-00038468-00038728 in wall paintings and sculptural elements. XLBQc_4nXjI-00072-00038936-00039504 The core of Bramante's church were four huge pillars in the center, XLBQc_4nXjI-00073-00039528-00039728 to support the great dome, XLBQc_4nXjI-00074-00039784-00040132 similar in size to that of Agrippa's Pantheon. XLBQc_4nXjI-00075-00040264-00040780 But the structure was only just begun when the architect died. XLBQc_4nXjI-00076-00041004-00041296 In 1546 Michelangelo, XLBQc_4nXjI-00077-00041296-00041468 who was 70 years old, XLBQc_4nXjI-00078-00041496-00041812 reluctantly agreed to take over the work. XLBQc_4nXjI-00079-00041924-00042056 With the help of the architects, XLBQc_4nXjI-00080-00042056-00042476 the Spanish Juan Bautista de Toledo and Giacomo Vignola, XLBQc_4nXjI-00081-00042496-00042728 was able to complete the monumental temple, XLBQc_4nXjI-00082-00042728-00043196 although he never saw the dome and the main facade built. XLBQc_4nXjI-00083-00043436-00043980 His disciple Giacomo Della Porta continued the works of St. Peter, XLBQc_4nXjI-00084-00044016-00044608 closing of the dome to which he gave a slight pointed cant, XLBQc_4nXjI-00085-00044628-00044920 to make it more visible from the square. XLBQc_4nXjI-00086-00045184-00045356 In the 17th century, XLBQc_4nXjI-00087-00045400-00045772 a competition was held for the design of the façade, XLBQc_4nXjI-00088-00045772-00045940 which was won by Carlo Maderno, XLBQc_4nXjI-00089-00045940-00046224 author of the current portico of St. Peter. XLBQc_4nXjI-00090-00046400-00046760 Although two bell towers were initially planned, XLBQc_4nXjI-00091-00046796-00046964 they were finally eliminated. XLBQc_4nXjI-00092-00047224-00047992 This program of monumental constructions required a complex system of financing, XLBQc_4nXjI-00093-00048028-00048240 which ended up ruining the Church. XLBQc_4nXjI-00094-00048884-00049068 To finance the works, XLBQc_4nXjI-00095-00049136-00049352 during the papacy of Leo X, XLBQc_4nXjI-00096-00049392-00049780 a system of selling indulgences was set up, XLBQc_4nXjI-00097-00049820-00050552 which offered forgiveness of sins for the living and also for the deceased, XLBQc_4nXjI-00098-00050572-00050900 who were still in purgatory. XLBQc_4nXjI-00099-00051308-00051679 The abuses of its massive sale throughout Europe, XLBQc_4nXjI-00100-00051704-00052360 ended up generating the discredit of Rome and the birth of protestantism in Germany. XLBQc_4nXjI-00101-00052900-00053555 The augustinian monk Martin Luther attacked the system of indulgences, XLBQc_4nXjI-00102-00053579-00054152 in the ninety-five theses that he nailed to the door of the church of Witemberg, XLBQc_4nXjI-00103-00054260-00054876 exposing that the dead were no longer bound to the canonical decrees, XLBQc_4nXjI-00104-00054932-00055552 nor were they affected by the certificates of forgiveness that the church sold to their relatives. XLBQc_4nXjI-00105-00056032-00056876 Lutheran protestantism accused Rome that St. Peter's was built with the skin, XLBQc_4nXjI-00106-00056876-00057232 flesh and bones of the sheep of the Church. XLBQc_4nXjI-00107-00057516-00058191 The Council of Trent cancelled that system of abusive sale of indulgences, XLBQc_4nXjI-00108-00058232-00058420 but it was too late, XLBQc_4nXjI-00109-00058488-00058791 the Church had been split in half. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00000-00000310-00000799 Let’s take a look at the Preferred Email and Phone fields which are a part of the Nonprofit XLCVTlNwYFQ-00001-00000799-00000899 Success Pack. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00002-00000899-00001435 When we look at a contact record, there are three types of email fields and XLCVTlNwYFQ-00003-00001435-00001535 four types of phone fields. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00004-00001535-00001850 Wow, that’s a lot of fields! XLCVTlNwYFQ-00005-00001850-00002338 Nowadays, most people have more than one email address and phone number. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00006-00002338-00002878 Capturing all their contact details helps us stay in touch, and helps prevent us from XLCVTlNwYFQ-00007-00002878-00003160 creating duplicate contact records. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00008-00003160-00003655 When we define which email and phone fields are “Preferred”, the NPSP will set the XLCVTlNwYFQ-00009-00003655-00004040 standard Salesforce Phone or Email fields automatically. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00010-00004040-00004689 This is important so we know which number or email is the best one to use to get XLCVTlNwYFQ-00011-00004689-00005076 in touch with the person directly or when we are sending mass emails. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00012-00005076-00005826 Defining the standard email and phone fields also ensures we have just one phone or email XLCVTlNwYFQ-00013-00005826-00006146 in list views, related lists, and reports. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00014-00006146-00006754 Let’s try this out - click Edit, and add email and phone details for our contact Roberto XLCVTlNwYFQ-00015-00006754-00006854 Chase. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00016-00006854-00007328 Roberto’s preferred phone number is his Work number, and his preferred email is XLCVTlNwYFQ-00017-00007328-00007434 his Work Email. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00018-00007434-00008011 When we choose those preferred values and save the record, Salesforce automatically XLCVTlNwYFQ-00019-00008011-00008502 copies the values into the standard Phone and Email fields. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00020-00008502-00009152 If Roberto recently told us he’s prefer we call his home phone number, update this in the XLCVTlNwYFQ-00021-00009152-00009659 Preferred Phone field and Salesforce will automatically update the value in the standard XLCVTlNwYFQ-00022-00009659-00010002 Phone field with the information in Home Phone. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00023-00010002-00010163 An important note. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00024-00010163-00010759 This automation happens by default when we edit the NPSP fields and then use the “Preferred” XLCVTlNwYFQ-00025-00010759-00011172 field to roll these values up to the standard Email and Phone fields. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00026-00011172-00011924 If we edit the standard Email or Phone fields directly, those changes will update the field XLCVTlNwYFQ-00027-00011924-00012153 indicated by the preferred field. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00028-00012153-00012861 You want to make users are trained on this to prevent potential data loss. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00029-00012861-00013153 Curious about how this automation works? XLCVTlNwYFQ-00030-00013153-00013763 These field updates are powered by managed Workflow Rules that are part of the NPSP. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00031-00013763-00014190 There are 11 Workflow Rules that power these processes. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00032-00014190-00014747 Your system administrator can review the workflow rules, and it's recommended to activate all XLCVTlNwYFQ-00033-00014747-00014847 of them. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00034-00014847-00015391 The combination of the dedicated fields for different phone and email types, plus these XLCVTlNwYFQ-00035-00015391-00015905 workflow rules, mean you can keep track of detailed information about your contacts and XLCVTlNwYFQ-00036-00015905-00016205 their communication preferences in a streamlined manner. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00037-00016205-00017038 To learn more about preferred phone and email fields, check out the NPSP documentation. XLCVTlNwYFQ-00038-00017038-00017633 Thanks for watching! XLGv95aajqy-00000-00000003-00000341 the people in these episodes were nice enough to speak with me and I wanted to XLGv95aajqy-00001-00000341-00000600 return that favor so I'm going to announce some of the events they have XLGv95aajqy-00002-00000600-00001029 coming up here in Madison first one is the Valentine's market and pub crawl XLGv95aajqy-00003-00001029-00001548 it's on Saturday February 10th from noon to 5:00 p.m. the event says that you can XLGv95aajqy-00004-00001548-00001932 shop over 40 vendors with a drink in your hand that's happening at the Beau's XLGv95aajqy-00005-00001932-00002561 meatery at 849 East Washington Avenue and on March 2nd and March 3rd booth 121 XLGv95aajqy-00006-00002561-00002960 will be participating in the vintage shop hop they're expecting to showcase XLGv95aajqy-00007-00002960-00003402 over 400 plus vintage shops and boutiques in Northern Illinois and XLGv95aajqy-00008-00003402-00003984 southern Wisconsin you can go to vintage shop hop blogspot.com to learn more if XLGv95aajqy-00009-00003984-00004254 there's an event that you would like mentioned on the next show you can XLGv95aajqy-00010-00004254-00004646 message me on facebook and american bandido or send an email to tom at XLGv95aajqy-00011-00004646-00005361 american Bandito dot com. now here's the show I'm Tom Ray and this is American XLGv95aajqy-00012-00005361-00006654 Bandito. Each week this season I'm talking to ten medicine businesses now XLGv95aajqy-00013-00006654-00007118 these businesses include the Yellow Rose gallery, the stone fence, anthology, one XLGv95aajqy-00014-00007118-00007634 OneThousand, Booth 121, hatch art house, confectionique, mother fool's coffeehouse, XLGv95aajqy-00015-00007634-00008421 bohemian bauble and pieces unimagined, and how they took their own creative XLGv95aajqy-00016-00008421-00008946 ventures and turned that into what they do today we learned last time about the XLGv95aajqy-00017-00008946-00009354 terrifying chance they all took when they decided to say you know what I'm XLGv95aajqy-00018-00009354-00009771 just gonna open my own place but why a place I make websites every day and I XLGv95aajqy-00019-00009771-00010197 know for me it's easy to just create a store online in no time I can even XLGv95aajqy-00020-00010197-00010539 promote it and sell things without ever leaving my house in most cases there's XLGv95aajqy-00021-00010539-00010929 even little to no overhead if you're an artist so the question I wanted to ask XLGv95aajqy-00022-00010929-00011385 everybody this week is what made you decide to open a physical place rather XLGv95aajqy-00023-00011385-00012520 than an online business XLGv95aajqy-00024-00012947-00013391 so as an artist or creator if I ask you this question what would your answer be XLGv95aajqy-00025-00013391-00013818 maybe you think that you're not computer savvy well you're not alone in that MIA XLGv95aajqy-00026-00013818-00014244 from stone fence feels the same way I am not computer savvy that's one thing and XLGv95aajqy-00027-00014244-00014672 this is I feel like I have more control over this versus an online somebody XLGv95aajqy-00028-00014672-00015063 comes in off the street they make a purchase you have this great warm fuzzy XLGv95aajqy-00029-00015063-00015453 experience online it's like oh my god I'm gonna get that to the post office I XLGv95aajqy-00030-00015453-00015819 gotta do this I got it I mean that's kind of a type of pain do you think XLGv95aajqy-00031-00015819-00016181 there's a difference between being able to walk up and see it as opposed to XLGv95aajqy-00032-00016181-00016590 absolutely okay yeah I mean I think we've all bought things online you get XLGv95aajqy-00033-00016590-00016989 it at home and you're like oh that's not that's not what I thought it was gonna XLGv95aajqy-00034-00016989-00017454 be like the order by mail type of stuff yeah yeah sea-monkeys for instance yes XLGv95aajqy-00035-00017454-00017823 in particularly if it's anything locally made you want to pick it up and see it XLGv95aajqy-00036-00017823-00018320 and feel it how did you find the money to do it I took out a loan was it that's XLGv95aajqy-00037-00018320-00018975 it I had I had decent credit and I took out alone Wow okay it seems so simple XLGv95aajqy-00038-00018975-00019410 yes how long did it take you to get it into shape for yourself I mean I know XLGv95aajqy-00039-00019410-00019820 you have your husband helps you a lot of it he did do a ton of it I would freak XLGv95aajqy-00040-00019820-00020445 out while he was here getting things done so I didn't take it took us about XLGv95aajqy-00041-00020445-00021063 maybe two weeks man did you just ask for a loan it took you weeks how do you make XLGv95aajqy-00042-00021063-00021360 the most of using this neighborhood I mean it's a great neighborhood to be in XLGv95aajqy-00043-00021360-00021714 this is this is my neighborhood I mean I grew up on the east side so it just felt XLGv95aajqy-00044-00021714-00022101 like home here and the people that come in you know they're the parents of your XLGv95aajqy-00045-00022101-00022515 kid goes to school within their teachers and I mean they're people that you see XLGv95aajqy-00046-00022515-00022904 every day it's very community oriented XLGv95aajqy-00047-00023187-00023617 when my wife and I were talking to Laura from Anthology she talks about a XLGv95aajqy-00048-00023617-00024091 disconnect from looking at a picture to seeing things up close coincidentally XLGv95aajqy-00049-00024091-00024409 you'll hear somebody going through the buttons on the table we were sitting at XLGv95aajqy-00050-00024409-00024988 during this question so that kind of proves her point I would say also XLGv95aajqy-00051-00024988-00025591 getting people to really look at things and say oh somebody made that yeah or to XLGv95aajqy-00052-00025591-00025954 think about oh maybe I can make something you know and so to me it's XLGv95aajqy-00053-00025954-00027085 like the essence of it requires a brick and mortar I get that it's hard but XLGv95aajqy-00054-00027085-00027483 there's no place I would rather be I think of it as like an intertidal zone XLGv95aajqy-00055-00027483-00027988 so you have fresh water and salt water and you have beach and land meeting each XLGv95aajqy-00056-00027988-00028420 other and you have people from everywhere in the world and they're all XLGv95aajqy-00057-00028420-00028801 coming and they're mixing here and you know there's a lot of times people come XLGv95aajqy-00058-00028801-00029260 to Madison and this is the only piece of Madison that they see you know there's XLGv95aajqy-00059-00029260-00029818 like there's a lot of hustle involved in being in this location but my old boss XLGv95aajqy-00060-00029818-00030438 used to always say it pays for itself yeah you know it's not cheap but if I XLGv95aajqy-00061-00030438-00030877 was somewhere else you'd have to pay more in advertising I think especially XLGv95aajqy-00062-00030877-00031458 for our store I really wanted to encourage people to think about what XLGv95aajqy-00063-00031458-00032050 they can do creatively and just kind of invite people to think about making XLGv95aajqy-00064-00032050-00032488 something you know doing something with their hands and I think there's so many XLGv95aajqy-00065-00032488-00033070 people for who that is so far away their life is so cut off from that that they XLGv95aajqy-00066-00033070-00033421 may walk in here and they're like oh I'm not a creative person and they're like XLGv95aajqy-00067-00033421-00034053 immediately shutting themselves down and I mean I work to try to like just tempt XLGv95aajqy-00068-00034053-00034552 them a little bit like it's really gentle but you know like just try it but XLGv95aajqy-00069-00034552-00034927 all of those people would never make the effort to get in their car and drive to XLGv95aajqy-00070-00034927-00035227 this store because they would have already dismissed us mm-hmm XLGv95aajqy-00071-00035227-00035590 you know they would say that's not for me and so instead we just basically like XLGv95aajqy-00072-00035590-00036072 lie on the sidewalk here on State Street and they triple for us and XLGv95aajqy-00073-00036072-00036891 in the store what made you decide to open up not even just more than a few XLGv95aajqy-00074-00036891-00037383 stories down from your previous vassal to me my vision was so much about the XLGv95aajqy-00075-00037383-00037911 creative element which had been so missing from there that it didn't seem XLGv95aajqy-00076-00037911-00038406 to me that it was going to be a problem and I think ultimately my boss my old XLGv95aajqy-00077-00038406-00038910 boss agreed and so we basically like called all of our friends you know there XLGv95aajqy-00078-00038910-00039360 are some dressers that came from their attics and the garages and just scrounge XLGv95aajqy-00079-00039360-00039771 together at the furniture and we started out initially a lot of consignment XLGv95aajqy-00080-00039771-00040332 artists and then our own things there was quite a lot of just getting products XLGv95aajqy-00081-00040332-00040695 from artists and making it ourselves what do you mean your own things what XLGv95aajqy-00082-00040695-00041190 what type of things that we have prints and onesies we make the buttons here XLGv95aajqy-00083-00041190-00041721 there is probably like 30% of what's in the store is designed or made by my XLGv95aajqy-00084-00041721-00042381 sister area for myself really so it was always about inspiring customers to be XLGv95aajqy-00085-00042381-00042969 creative but also providing a venue for our own creative work and then although XLGv95aajqy-00086-00042969-00043416 you can't really tell it this table here is where we have craft parties and XLGv95aajqy-00087-00043416-00043785 different craft projects and so it was also about creating a space for people XLGv95aajqy-00088-00043785-00044280 to come and either be creative here or to take things home and be creative how XLGv95aajqy-00089-00044280-00044781 often do you do that not as often as we fought and then we ended up the buttons XLGv95aajqy-00090-00044781-00045714 that political buttons kind of just exploded on us so they become Sarah from XLGv95aajqy-00091-00045714-00046152 1/1000 does do online sales as well as opening a studio that people could use XLGv95aajqy-00092-00046152-00046545 she told me about how she struggled with the idea to open a space and how she XLGv95aajqy-00093-00046545-00046914 learned something from her involvement with pop-ups that motivated her way of XLGv95aajqy-00094-00046914-00047295 thinking she also tells me about how she used an interesting social funding XLGv95aajqy-00095-00047295-00047655 company called Kiva well we do sell online as well but that's been like a XLGv95aajqy-00096-00047655-00048012 big thing that I've wrestled with because there's so much you can there's XLGv95aajqy-00097-00048012-00048384 so many different ways I could take this business and a lot of it could just be XLGv95aajqy-00098-00048384-00048975 pop-ups in an online but what I've found is like the heart of this whole business XLGv95aajqy-00099-00048975-00049237 model is really the membership base and the XLGv95aajqy-00100-00049237-00049729 and people there's something to having a brick-and-mortar that people can drop XLGv95aajqy-00101-00049729-00050113 into that really solidifies that community a lot of our members might be XLGv95aajqy-00102-00050113-00050524 all over the Midwest having like this home base where we can it just makes it XLGv95aajqy-00103-00050524-00050956 more real I think for some people and more official and then like the energy XLGv95aajqy-00104-00050956-00051307 that happens when people are working in here in a regular basis but I still XLGv95aajqy-00105-00051307-00051574 think that it's not one without the other anymore XLGv95aajqy-00106-00051574-00052002 this business is actually going to thrive financially speaking more so from XLGv95aajqy-00107-00052002-00052704 our online activities than it will from anything that's happening in the space XLGv95aajqy-00108-00052704-00053347 we sell creative supplies online and right now I'm in the midst of really XLGv95aajqy-00109-00053347-00053841 ramping those up so this is kind of a fun thing that actually happened is when XLGv95aajqy-00110-00053841-00054283 we were starting with our pop-up events one of the programs that we started with XLGv95aajqy-00111-00054283-00054777 was our creative workshops and so creative workshops to me are a fantastic XLGv95aajqy-00112-00054777-00055186 way for our professional makers to share their skills build a community around XLGv95aajqy-00113-00055186-00055552 what they're doing build an awareness about the beauty of handcrafted the XLGv95aajqy-00114-00055552-00055929 empowerment of handcrafted and also helping people understand why things XLGv95aajqy-00115-00055929-00056335 cost how they're made and why things cost what they cost so we did those XLGv95aajqy-00116-00056335-00056658 creative workshops and as we were developing them we needed to source XLGv95aajqy-00117-00056658-00057301 creative tools and supplies and one of the classes is beginner tapestry weaving XLGv95aajqy-00118-00057301-00057790 so we needed to find looms and tools and the source that I had is from a maker in XLGv95aajqy-00119-00057790-00058302 New Mexico I was commenting one day on how it would be nice if these tools are XLGv95aajqy-00120-00058302-00058573 a little bit different and one of our members is a product XLGv95aajqy-00121-00058573-00058987 engineer and he's like well how do you think they could be different like well XLGv95aajqy-00122-00058987-00059391 they just don't hold the yarn very well and then our instructor Melissa was XLGv95aajqy-00123-00059391-00059782 giving her feedback and how she'd want them different and so we developed our XLGv95aajqy-00124-00059782-00060325 own tools and now John from human crafts it makes all these proprietary tools for XLGv95aajqy-00125-00060325-00060766 us that now we sell online right now I'm working on scaling those we're working XLGv95aajqy-00126-00060766-00061135 on really making that a strong revenue stream and bringing those on Amazon XLGv95aajqy-00127-00061135-00061542 that's what I mean like I think that that helps us reach a broader community XLGv95aajqy-00128-00061542-00061972 less service based revenue stream whereas everything else takes so much XLGv95aajqy-00129-00061972-00062324 manpower and he and this allows us to like bring revenue XLGv95aajqy-00130-00062324-00062699 online to and he he devotes those himself for I'm sorry produces I mean XLGv95aajqy-00131-00062699-00063152 Salim it's a really by hand we might get them what does they call that like I XLGv95aajqy-00132-00063152-00063443 don't know all the engineering I don't just beautiful because I don't need to XLGv95aajqy-00133-00063443-00063857 he does right but there's like injection molding might be something that will do XLGv95aajqy-00134-00063857-00064238 in the future if we get in higher quantities but how do you know the XLGv95aajqy-00135-00064238-00064889 supply and demand and although most so our membership base eighty percent our XLGv95aajqy-00136-00064889-00065454 product makers so that's a common issue for a lot of them it's be like getting XLGv95aajqy-00137-00065454-00065864 to the point where how do you actually like run a business and make the product XLGv95aajqy-00138-00065864-00066395 is part of it and then when you get to a point where you actually want to make a XLGv95aajqy-00139-00066395-00066897 really sustainable income how you scale and what does that mean like how much XLGv95aajqy-00140-00066897-00067202 can you actually produce or do other people need to start producing it for XLGv95aajqy-00141-00067202-00067676 you and then how does that supply chain where it's the whole whole different XLGv95aajqy-00142-00067676-00068294 growth pattern yes XLGv95aajqy-00143-00068302-00068870 so Kevin zip if you've not heard of it as fantastic and highly recommend it it XLGv95aajqy-00144-00068870-00069380 was a very good experience so I secured $10,000 through Kiva zip and Kiva zip is XLGv95aajqy-00145-00069380-00069875 a crowd lending platform your credibility comes through your social XLGv95aajqy-00146-00069875-00070329 capital so if you have a strong Instagram account strong Facebook XLGv95aajqy-00147-00070329-00070904 account that gives you some leverage with them and you actually have to have XLGv95aajqy-00148-00070904-00071339 a business plan but the business plan can be all different types like you XLGv95aajqy-00149-00071339-00071667 needing a piece of equipment or you didn't want to start a whole business XLGv95aajqy-00150-00071667-00072060 from scratch but basically you showed them that and with a simple application XLGv95aajqy-00151-00072060-00072542 you get approved and then they tell you that you need to get 20 or 30 people XLGv95aajqy-00152-00072542-00073110 from your own network to be your first lenders and they have to lend $25 once XLGv95aajqy-00153-00073110-00073461 you get that they're like okay people believe in you we're gonna believe in XLGv95aajqy-00154-00073461-00073842 you and open it up to our community and they open it up to their community XLGv95aajqy-00155-00073842-00074357 worldwide to crowd lend the rest of it and it's zero percent interest which is XLGv95aajqy-00156-00074357-00074835 amazing that is amazing so Kiva zip I think for like any entrepreneur or a XLGv95aajqy-00157-00074835-00075293 creative person or small business person it's really good to look into okay XLGv95aajqy-00158-00075293-00075733 than the rest of it I got through Wisconsin women's business investment XLGv95aajqy-00159-00075733-00076271 corporation they support women and minority-owned businesses they helped me XLGv95aajqy-00160-00076271-00076751 secure part of that money came through a city grant or a City loan I should say XLGv95aajqy-00161-00076751-00077324 at 5% and then they give you the rest and you also get a consultant with that XLGv95aajqy-00162-00077324-00077702 well so I think there are another really great resource because they really want XLGv95aajqy-00163-00077702-00078139 you to succeed whereas a lot of lenders where she's like here's the money you XLGv95aajqy-00164-00078139-00078749 better figure it out it's funny you hear so many companies explain that's how XLGv95aajqy-00165-00078749-00079025 they got started there was something they were doing and the tools they XLGv95aajqy-00166-00079025-00079370 needed just weren't right so they made their own and her networking from XLGv95aajqy-00167-00079370-00079742 pop-ups helped find those people and of course we can't mention pop-ups without XLGv95aajqy-00168-00079742-00080108 talking to Tammy from Bohemian bauble this question was a strange one to ask XLGv95aajqy-00169-00080108-00080537 her because she started with a brick and mortar store and then closed it but she XLGv95aajqy-00170-00080537-00080954 still doesn't really sell online which of course fascinates me I don't do XLGv95aajqy-00171-00080954-00081455 online right now and the biggest reason I don't is because most of my items are XLGv95aajqy-00172-00081455-00081945 one-of-a-kind and that's the way I like to work the idea of having to crank out XLGv95aajqy-00173-00081945-00082495 20 pair of the same earring kind of makes my skin crawl okay well but I'm XLGv95aajqy-00174-00082495-00082847 gonna have to start doing that because I do need to get online and and doing the XLGv95aajqy-00175-00082847-00083240 one a kind thing online is gonna be way too time-consuming and there's gonna be XLGv95aajqy-00176-00083240-00083552 too many issues with that so I'm gonna have to change the way I work what would XLGv95aajqy-00177-00083552-00083972 you decide to do pop-ups I think the very first one I did was on the tip top XLGv95aajqy-00178-00083972-00084425 patio in case you came to one of those shows I was there for lunch one day and XLGv95aajqy-00179-00084425-00084902 I went oh my god this would be a great space to have a little show that was it XLGv95aajqy-00180-00084902-00085274 that was it have you've heard of pop-ups before no they were just kind of XLGv95aajqy-00181-00085274-00085676 starting to happen I would say they were just starting to come pop-up was just XLGv95aajqy-00182-00085676-00086042 starting to become a thing when I started with the with the tip top shell XLGv95aajqy-00183-00086042-00086363 did you do any research or did you go I'm just gonna show up here one day you XLGv95aajqy-00184-00086363-00086750 guys cool with that yeah I just went in it was like hey what do you think about XLGv95aajqy-00185-00086750-00087143 having some artists set up on your patio like on a Sunday for six hours or XLGv95aajqy-00186-00087143-00087539 whatever we'll bring a bunch of people your bar bill will go up that day your XLGv95aajqy-00187-00087539-00087911 food bill will go up and we'll sell our stuff yeah and they were like absolutely XLGv95aajqy-00188-00087911-00088388 let's do it no cut no nothing no but not everybody does that they're generous XLGv95aajqy-00189-00088388-00088682 that way some places some establishments do take XLGv95aajqy-00190-00088682-00089032 a cut okay which is understandable I mean you've never seen their space and XLGv95aajqy-00191-00089032-00089308 all that good stuff grace how did you find the other people XLGv95aajqy-00192-00089308-00089707 to actually know so many people like most of my friends are artists so good XLGv95aajqy-00193-00089707-00090251 when I had my shop my world of friends opened up so huge because I met so many XLGv95aajqy-00194-00090251-00090785 amazing people that started out as maybe just a customer became a friend or XLGv95aajqy-00195-00090785-00091211 started out as an artist in my shop became a friend and from doing so many XLGv95aajqy-00196-00091211-00091601 shows I do all the street festivals in town Willie Street Fair Atwood fest la XLGv95aajqy-00197-00091601-00092099 fête I just meet I'm super friendly and I'm chatty and I like to meet the other XLGv95aajqy-00198-00092099-00092513 artists so I I know a ton of people to do shows it's easy to gather them up XLGv95aajqy-00199-00092513-00092888 what type of stuff do you need to create a pop up you're not getting a building XLGv95aajqy-00200-00092888-00093254 you're setting up in different places you have a standard set up like how do XLGv95aajqy-00201-00093254-00093614 you plan for this so the biggest thing is you need a space you got to go up XLGv95aajqy-00202-00093614-00093887 somewhere and say hey can we come in here yeah and then you gather your XLGv95aajqy-00203-00093887-00094327 people and most everybody has a certain set up that they do when they do a show XLGv95aajqy-00204-00094327-00094782 maybe it's just one six-foot table or two six-foot tables or whatever it is XLGv95aajqy-00205-00094782-00095204 everybody's usually already got their thing so you just let somebody know this XLGv95aajqy-00206-00095204-00095569 is how much space you can have at this show and then they work within that XLGv95aajqy-00207-00095569-00096029 space so you don't do like a cart thing or anything no okay which makes sense XLGv95aajqy-00208-00096029-00096600 because you're saying you don't know where you're gonna be put right XLGv95aajqy-00209-00096718-00097235 when you look for the nation's what do you look for so you you were at the tip XLGv95aajqy-00210-00097235-00097657 top and you did as you've described me that was kind of like hey what do we did XLGv95aajqy-00211-00097657-00098008 this here so how do you do that to other places you just show up at places and go XLGv95aajqy-00212-00098008-00098504 yes these people yeah really that's what I do please walk up so rockhound brewery XLGv95aajqy-00213-00098504-00098863 just opened on Park Street like two years ago so that's in my neighborhood I XLGv95aajqy-00214-00098863-00099212 I have these two other artist friends that we do lunch once a month and I was XLGv95aajqy-00215-00099212-00099611 like let's go do it at rockhound so we can scout it out and we get there and XLGv95aajqy-00216-00099611-00099950 then I'm like who's the owner Nate ain't come here I got I got a XLGv95aajqy-00217-00099950-00100397 Picchi an idea and I pitch him the idea now he hasn't done one yet he's thinking XLGv95aajqy-00218-00100397-00100835 about it okay but every time I go in I'm like hey Nate he's like I know I it's XLGv95aajqy-00219-00100835-00101291 still in my mind most places are pretty open to the idea how do you build up the XLGv95aajqy-00220-00101291-00101695 supply and demand for what you're making once you do that your supplies have been XLGv95aajqy-00221-00101695-00102098 diminished so I mean how often do you have to take breaks to make more stuff XLGv95aajqy-00222-00102098-00102508 and then do another one most of the artists that I know have a day job still XLGv95aajqy-00223-00102508-00103100 so they started just like I did so they work their day job during the week they XLGv95aajqy-00224-00103100-00103669 craft at night and then they do shows on the weekend for me I work during the XLGv95aajqy-00225-00103669-00104059 week making my things and then do the shows on the weekends do you need XLGv95aajqy-00226-00104059-00104560 anything from the places aside from not really a space like I'm in a lot of XLGv95aajqy-00227-00104560-00104959 places like I'll say I'll move all the tables so you don't have to do any of XLGv95aajqy-00228-00104959-00105409 that you know I'll make the space you just have good service for people that XLGv95aajqy-00229-00105409-00105790 want to come and drink and eat I like to do them at bars because who doesn't like XLGv95aajqy-00230-00105790-00106157 to go to a bar and have a cocktail or a bite to eat when they shop or meet a XLGv95aajqy-00231-00106157-00106930 friend or whatever so I tend to look at bars and restaurants for Pappas XLGv95aajqy-00232-00106930-00107365 I've gone to a couple of the pop ups that Tammy has been involved in and it's XLGv95aajqy-00233-00107365-00107760 quite a community of people working together for the same goal I'd never XLGv95aajqy-00234-00107760-00108073 really experienced this kind of for lack of a better way of putting it XLGv95aajqy-00235-00108073-00108609 storefront concept before you heard me mention how Anastasia lets people do XLGv95aajqy-00236-00108609-00109018 pop-ups in her parking lot when she has an event but what made her decide to XLGv95aajqy-00237-00109018-00109333 have a physical building especially since she was only going to be open a XLGv95aajqy-00238-00109333-00109843 few times a year you put so much work into being in a craft show hauling goods XLGv95aajqy-00239-00109843-00110259 setting up and waiting and waiting and waiting for people to come to your table XLGv95aajqy-00240-00110259-00110788 look at your goods perhaps buy something to at least meet the obligation that you XLGv95aajqy-00241-00110788-00111145 initially had to pay to be there it's a lot of hard work and it's going from XLGv95aajqy-00242-00111145-00111805 show to show to show often times I want to nest more and you know people come XLGv95aajqy-00243-00111805-00112276 into my shop and they'll say no wait you closed for all that time your stuff XLGv95aajqy-00244-00112276-00112635 stays here yep I nest I can't help it I guess XLGv95aajqy-00245-00112635-00113109 and then I I've had on I have at three Etsy shops that I've actually put on XLGv95aajqy-00246-00113109-00113629 hold I don't care for working with Etsy it's a lot of work I've heard that a lot XLGv95aajqy-00247-00113629-00114076 yeah they just don't make it easy I get it because I'm a web developer so for me XLGv95aajqy-00248-00114076-00114406 that all makes sense and I'm like that's not that hard but I get it for people XLGv95aajqy-00249-00114406-00114781 that don't spend every single day in front of a computer building websites XLGv95aajqy-00250-00114781-00115189 and messing with computer interfaces that walking in and seeing this is XLGv95aajqy-00251-00115189-00115611 different than seeing a picture of it or once somebody comes in and says I sort XLGv95aajqy-00252-00115611-00116056 of have this really good idea but I'm just not sure how to make it come alive XLGv95aajqy-00253-00116056-00116436 and so we consider and talk about it and we could try these things and what do XLGv95aajqy-00254-00116436-00116614 you have at home that we could put with it XLGv95aajqy-00255-00116614-00117413 you just can't have those conversations about creativity XLGv95aajqy-00256-00117413-00117997 my partner at the time and I were able to get this space at a very good price XLGv95aajqy-00257-00117997-00118491 to start and it was sitting vacant for a while and I wondered sometimes if that's XLGv95aajqy-00258-00118491-00118983 not a good way for other shopkeepers to kind of look for opportunities go look XLGv95aajqy-00259-00118983-00119355 perhaps for a space that's been sitting vacant for a while a person who owns it XLGv95aajqy-00260-00119355-00119754 would love to have somebody in there doing something with it is everything so XLGv95aajqy-00261-00119754-00120303 it started out with that and truly cobbled I mean I was bringing stuff from XLGv95aajqy-00262-00120303-00120900 home to use this displays and I was going to garage sales and secondhand XLGv95aajqy-00263-00120900-00121300 stores to see what I could fix up and bring in his displays one of the nicest XLGv95aajqy-00264-00121300-00121692 compliments I got is a woman who came back she came like the first year we XLGv95aajqy-00265-00121692-00122194 were open and she never came back until the October market she said this is a XLGv95aajqy-00266-00122194-00122751 complete transformation from where you began and I'm like thank you as that's XLGv95aajqy-00267-00122751-00123240 taken forever yeah yeah but honestly I encourage people go check out Habitat XLGv95aajqy-00268-00123240-00123970 ReStore go go check out garage sales or Craigslist and see what you can do to to XLGv95aajqy-00269-00123970-00124413 work with products that are already out there and you can dress them up and put XLGv95aajqy-00270-00124413-00124807 them in your shop and use them for a while until you can bank a little bit of XLGv95aajqy-00271-00124807-00125323 money to do something else more expansive in your shop I've just never XLGv95aajqy-00272-00125323-00125853 been about giving loans or we just sort of make it work the other thing is if XLGv95aajqy-00273-00125853-00126336 something's not going try something different if that thing that you've got XLGv95aajqy-00274-00126336-00126816 out right now no one seems to be interested in pack it away for a while XLGv95aajqy-00275-00126816-00127233 and then maybe a year to bring it back out again and see if people like it XLGv95aajqy-00276-00127233-00127704 better at that time or abandon the idea altogether I mean listen to your XLGv95aajqy-00277-00127704-00128154 customers and what they like and what they expect if I don't have a successful XLGv95aajqy-00278-00128154-00128655 market it's always a an opportunity to look at what did I change what did I do XLGv95aajqy-00279-00128655-00129210 that people didn't want me doing always have a mission statement and goals to go XLGv95aajqy-00280-00129210-00129662 back to and build some that's always XLGv95aajqy-00281-00129735-00130349 Kyle of pieces unimaginative the kind things but there's an obvious reason he XLGv95aajqy-00282-00130349-00130708 tells me that he doesn't sell online XLGv95aajqy-00283-00130708-00131030 yeah shipping has got to be a pain I mean you have a website but you don't XLGv95aajqy-00284-00131030-00131285 have an online storefront no we really don't XLGv95aajqy-00285-00131285-00131687 I mean you can buy stuff off of it but that's not our Rus it's really you got XLGv95aajqy-00286-00131687-00132164 to see it you can't tell that it weighs 450 pounds there's a lot of people XLGv95aajqy-00287-00132164-00132722 recreating industrial modern furniture and it doesn't wait anything and it's XLGv95aajqy-00288-00132722-00133250 made of a brittle cast iron on and on and on and all of our stuff is like XLGv95aajqy-00289-00133250-00133745 top-notch I just challenged people to push our tables like just try to make XLGv95aajqy-00290-00133745-00134644 the table wiggle yeah and you can't pencil you're not gonna get that online XLGv95aajqy-00291-00134644-00135119 we participate a person gallery night and then we make it a big to-do and then XLGv95aajqy-00292-00135119-00135527 we've got like three other events so when I came on the street I saw that XLGv95aajqy-00293-00135527-00136202 there was a growing number of retailers so I started a Merchants Association and XLGv95aajqy-00294-00136202-00136799 so even that's called we are Willie we coordinate our efforts right now to do XLGv95aajqy-00295-00136799-00137357 events and they are evening events and like they do free wine and beer pourings XLGv95aajqy-00296-00137357-00137864 free analogue music or live music hors d'oeuvres and it's basically just say XLGv95aajqy-00297-00137864-00138296 have fun a lot of people say they just love to just sit here that's the night XLGv95aajqy-00298-00138296-00138668 you can do that Oh what made you decide to start that organization I was XLGv95aajqy-00299-00138668-00139061 thinking I would have more time and I wanted to develop it and be like stain XLGv95aajqy-00300-00139061-00139391 streets so that's what the goal is okay and we just need other people to step up XLGv95aajqy-00301-00139391-00139724 to the plate and be able to do the things it takes to get there but we do XLGv95aajqy-00302-00139724-00140210 get this events are incredibly successful yeah well they're like 750 to XLGv95aajqy-00303-00140210-00140627 1200 people to come in between 5:00 and 9:00 but we want a map but we want a XLGv95aajqy-00304-00140627-00141089 better web presence we have a web page but it's you know that it's not great so XLGv95aajqy-00305-00141089-00141527 we have goals but it is just to tell people this is a good shopping corridor XLGv95aajqy-00306-00141527-00141862 and it's a hip shopping XLGv95aajqy-00307-00142133-00142557 previously Lia from booth 121 talked about how she used to show her stuff XLGv95aajqy-00308-00142557-00142932 right out of her storage space her business partner Rebecca tells me about XLGv95aajqy-00309-00142932-00143406 how she found the space that they would eventually open the story I was driving XLGv95aajqy-00310-00143406-00143763 down Monona Drive and I noticed too big for lease sign right there and I just XLGv95aajqy-00311-00143763-00144234 flipped aue and I was looking in the windows and I called the number we had XLGv95aajqy-00312-00144234-00144534 checked out a couple of different spots we knew we wanted to be on the east side XLGv95aajqy-00313-00144534-00145179 we looked at a place on Atwood it was too much too much we couldn't spend that XLGv95aajqy-00314-00145179-00145449 much we didn't want to take that big relief then we looked at another place XLGv95aajqy-00315-00145449-00145833 on Atwood which we were thinking of but we really wanted to have my workshop on XLGv95aajqy-00316-00145833-00146523 site so when we found this place I love monona I love this area great outlet XLGv95aajqy-00317-00146523-00146967 from the west side monona means another place at a place like this XLGv95aajqy-00318-00146967-00147576 and I have my workshop right on site so it's perfect I can be here be here XLGv95aajqy-00319-00147576-00148449 working when it was slow and then I saw Sarah come in as and Tammy from the XLGv95aajqy-00320-00148449-00148764 hatch art house never thought twice about having a store instead of selling XLGv95aajqy-00321-00148764-00149460 online never question there is just you really need to see the work and XLGv95aajqy-00322-00149460-00150060 experience it in person I mean nothing against online stores that's not what I XLGv95aajqy-00323-00150060-00150582 I don't think I would be very good at it honestly I do enjoy being in the shop XLGv95aajqy-00324-00150582-00151062 and working with customers and especially people trying to decide what XLGv95aajqy-00325-00151062-00151392 kind of art they want to have on their walls for the very first time do they XLGv95aajqy-00326-00151392-00152076 come up to you and say I'm looking for something like this yes I'm looking for XLGv95aajqy-00327-00152076-00152676 a soap dish so we're gonna wait till after this but we have also have a XLGv95aajqy-00328-00152676-00153134 purpose to be yeah we have some debris Patterson herself XLGv95aajqy-00329-00153216-00153885 I want it to be on Willy Street it reminded me a lot of of Portland and XLGv95aajqy-00330-00153885-00154389 some of my favorite neighborhoods they are very eclectic just emerging itself XLGv95aajqy-00331-00154389-00154887 of course this was seven years ago there was a lot that was changing at that time XLGv95aajqy-00332-00154887-00155424 this building that were in right now was built seven years or was finished seven XLGv95aajqy-00333-00155424-00155809 years ago so I was the very first it was a perking love wasn't it it was a XLGv95aajqy-00334-00155809-00156165 parking lot I forgot before that it was a gas station there's apartments XLGv95aajqy-00335-00156165-00156448 upstairs and then we have three shops here XLGv95aajqy-00336-00156448-00156883 yeah and that was the first one so I looked at it when I was empty and I had XLGv95aajqy-00337-00156883-00157248 to do the build-out and everything these were all new experiences for me I waited XLGv95aajqy-00338-00157248-00157698 tables and I wasn't artists I was selling my work on my own and doing that XLGv95aajqy-00339-00157698-00158107 kind of thing and I had experience in working in art galleries and things as XLGv95aajqy-00340-00158107-00158676 well so when this came on the market I came here the landlord was awesome he XLGv95aajqy-00341-00158676-00159240 was he really wanted to help out somebody like me that was just starting XLGv95aajqy-00342-00159240-00159777 out a small shop you did not want to have anybody that was like a franchisee XLGv95aajqy-00343-00159777-00160276 of some sort XLGv95aajqy-00344-00160336-00160817 so I always wanted to be called art house instead of art gallery because I XLGv95aajqy-00345-00160817-00161132 thought was more inviting this is this is a house that's filled XLGv95aajqy-00346-00161132-00161798 with art and hatch because of the hatching artists and emerging and hatch XLGv95aajqy-00347-00161798-00162404 is also a form of drawing hash marks so it was it's just it means it has a lot XLGv95aajqy-00348-00162404-00162863 of different meanings they all in one way or another pertain to art I feel XLGv95aajqy-00349-00162863-00163420 like I mean my last name is not hatch I XLGv95aajqy-00350-00163516-00163931 just wanted you to know that we did end up buying a ceramic soap dish while we XLGv95aajqy-00351-00163931-00164341 were there it was a lot easier to make a decision while we were looking at it XLGv95aajqy-00352-00164341-00164846 mother fools as a coffee house so you go there to get coffee not really a way XLGv95aajqy-00353-00164846-00165272 around that so I asked John how he dealt with that location and how the coffee XLGv95aajqy-00354-00165272-00165614 house culture has changed over the years I think the thing that for me has been XLGv95aajqy-00355-00165614-00166100 hardest to deal with though as far as change in culture his laptops when they XLGv95aajqy-00356-00166100-00166493 first came in I sincerely thought it was gonna put us out of business because one XLGv95aajqy-00357-00166493-00167030 of the things that we loved about our space is we were really different than XLGv95aajqy-00358-00167030-00167447 those downtown coffee houses we had big tables you could sprawl out you could XLGv95aajqy-00359-00167447-00167819 really bring in a group of friends and play a board game or have fun together XLGv95aajqy-00360-00167819-00168431 and the first wave of laptops we're really big they're like these coal-fired XLGv95aajqy-00361-00168431-00168848 steam engine things you know they're massive it's like being on your grater XLGv95aajqy-00362-00168848-00169229 around yeah I set up and they right this is my table so all the sudden you'd have XLGv95aajqy-00363-00169229-00169682 a three or four people in here and there's no other effective seating so XLGv95aajqy-00364-00169682-00170066 it's just really weird and people we tried things with little table tennis XLGv95aajqy-00365-00170066-00170489 and please share your table and people got really angry about that huh it was XLGv95aajqy-00366-00170489-00171002 really hard to transition and it's also it was really emotionally difficult for XLGv95aajqy-00367-00171002-00171491 for myself but also our long-term baristas when phones came in and all of XLGv95aajqy-00368-00171491-00171938 a sudden people weren't talking to you anymore I feel like that's swung back XLGv95aajqy-00369-00171938-00172216 again it's more human but for a while it's XLGv95aajqy-00370-00172216-00172513 like if you had a phone or a computer it seems like now we've got better XLGv95aajqy-00371-00172513-00172894 etiquette again but we I totally thought we're gonna go to a business when XLGv95aajqy-00372-00172894-00173251 laptops came and it was really hard so we had to one by one get rid of our big XLGv95aajqy-00373-00173251-00173626 tables you know put in smaller tables and we put inside counters where people XLGv95aajqy-00374-00173626-00174054 can sit that makes perfect sense when you say it but now coffee shops are so XLGv95aajqy-00375-00174054-00174514 connected to those particular devices like it's important to have Wi-Fi at a XLGv95aajqy-00376-00174514-00174907 coffee you know I you know do you guys get a deal for a Wi-Fi it's the same as XLGv95aajqy-00377-00174907-00175186 everybody else you have a business account okay yeah so it's different than XLGv95aajqy-00378-00175186-00175573 a residential account but well yes and that just popped into my head because XLGv95aajqy-00379-00175573-00176044 it's like free Wi-Fi at a coffee shop is pretty much a given good like you expect XLGv95aajqy-00380-00176044-00176485 it mm-hmm and so but it costs the coffee shop money it doesn't really cost us XLGv95aajqy-00381-00176485-00177013 more than what we would pay to have our own service yeah we use the Internet in XLGv95aajqy-00382-00177013-00177364 our office and Twitter we put up our soup every day on Twitter and things XLGv95aajqy-00383-00177364-00178117 kind of yes we use internet so we would still have that basic service and of XLGv95aajqy-00384-00178117-00178498 course it's also pretty self-explanatory why the Yellow Rose gallery is a XLGv95aajqy-00385-00178498-00178891 physical space it's a gallery then you go to a gallery to see people's works XLGv95aajqy-00386-00178891-00179266 but I did ask Micah how they got their location the original owner of the XLGv95aajqy-00387-00179266-00179623 gallery had a working relationship with the owner of the building that goes back XLGv95aajqy-00388-00179623-00180025 a while I guess again knowing people it's since raised about knowing people XLGv95aajqy-00389-00180025-00180409 so we have a really good deal here in that allows us to have to make use of XLGv95aajqy-00390-00180409-00180844 this the sixth floor and part of the second floor which is the main area of XLGv95aajqy-00391-00180844-00181222 the gallery he owns a lot of stuff in Madison yeah his name is Harold XLGv95aajqy-00392-00181222-00181747 forgot his last name that's a weird lesson club really it's just known that XLGv95aajqy-00393-00181747-00182720 feral imp XLGv95aajqy-00394-00183149-00183648 during these conversations I was kind of being swayed to the benefit of opening a XLGv95aajqy-00395-00183648-00184041 physical store I get that when you see pictures of things online it doesn't XLGv95aajqy-00396-00184041-00184470 overwhelm you in the same way it does when actually seeing it but I still have XLGv95aajqy-00397-00184470-00184878 to argue with the reach that one can have if you sell things online you can't XLGv95aajqy-00398-00184878-00185880 beat that either I want to thank you for listening to the show today and if you XLGv95aajqy-00399-00185880-00186342 haven't already you can subscribe to this show at American Bandido comm slash XLGv95aajqy-00400-00186342-00186957 subscribe it's also available on Apple podcasts and Google Play the music for XLGv95aajqy-00401-00186957-00187383 this episode is by rom-com let's come with two M's you can hear more at XLGv95aajqy-00402-00187383-00188028 American vendido calm slash music I'll be asking another question next week so XLGv95aajqy-00403-00188028-00188932 until then so long XMohPAEJBs4-00000-00000742-00000996 What do I wear to uni? XMohPAEJBs4-00001-00001008-00001592 I remember when I started university I was like oh I can't have anyone see me wearing the same outfit. XMohPAEJBs4-00002-00001676-00001776 Yeah, just. XMohPAEJBs4-00003-00001862-00002036 Clothes, preferably. XMohPAEJBs4-00004-00002100-00002376 I wore my slippers for a whole semester, it was fine. XMohPAEJBs4-00005-00002376-00002670 Sometimes I wear dresses that's if I'm feeling extra fancy. XMohPAEJBs4-00006-00002676-00003058 I just went for comfort and layers because I found some of the lecture theaters XMohPAEJBs4-00007-00003058-00003254 are also ridiculously cold. XMohPAEJBs4-00008-00003296-00003686 Yeah, we have quite a few law students that love to wear their suits. XMohPAEJBs4-00009-00003696-00004029 There were like 50 people wearing pajamas around campus. XMohPAEJBs4-00010-00004050-00004170 Yeah, that was fun. XMohPAEJBs4-00011-00004188-00004726 I didn't do it. No, me neither. You said it was fun. Yeah I know, it was fun to watch. XMzdA2HwdYy-00000-00000106-00000238 Hi, it's Alex! XMzdA2HwdYy-00001-00000238-00000608 Today I want to talk about an idea or a pattern of thinking XMzdA2HwdYy-00002-00000608-00000910 that came up pretty early in my life. XMzdA2HwdYy-00003-00000910-00001311 It's a pattern of thinking that I think some teachers and authority figures XMzdA2HwdYy-00004-00001311-00001454 and sometimes parents XMzdA2HwdYy-00005-00001454-00001816 promote when dealing with children or young people, XMzdA2HwdYy-00006-00001816-00002032 and it's a pattern of thinking that I think is unhealthy XMzdA2HwdYy-00007-00002032-00002410 and that can contribute to depression, anxiety, XMzdA2HwdYy-00008-00002410-00002652 and a number of other mental disorders. XMzdA2HwdYy-00009-00002652-00002881 The setting in which this idea often comes up XMzdA2HwdYy-00010-00002881-00003097 is school and grades. XMzdA2HwdYy-00011-00003097-00003309 I heard a lot of teachers say things like: XMzdA2HwdYy-00012-00003309-00003522 "You need to get good grades now, XMzdA2HwdYy-00013-00003522-00003764 because your grades now are going to determine XMzdA2HwdYy-00014-00003764-00003934 what college you get into, XMzdA2HwdYy-00015-00003934-00004115 and you need to get into a good college XMzdA2HwdYy-00016-00004115-00004383 because that's going to determine what kind of job you get, XMzdA2HwdYy-00017-00004383-00004615 and that's going to determine how much money you'll make XMzdA2HwdYy-00018-00004615-00004874 and what kind of life opportunities you'll have, XMzdA2HwdYy-00019-00004874-00005141 and that's going to determine how happy you are." XMzdA2HwdYy-00020-00005141-00005578 And people would talk about ideas of like "success" and things like that. XMzdA2HwdYy-00021-00005578-00005887 And they would use all these leaps of reasoning, XMzdA2HwdYy-00022-00005887-00006053 they would have like, XMzdA2HwdYy-00023-00006053-00006195 they would be talking about something small, XMzdA2HwdYy-00024-00006195-00006260 like an assignment, XMzdA2HwdYy-00025-00006260-00006656 and they'd go from how hard you were working on the assignment, XMzdA2HwdYy-00026-00006656-00006843 to your grade in the class, XMzdA2HwdYy-00027-00006843-00007159 to your grades overall, XMzdA2HwdYy-00028-00007159-00007302 to where you were going to college, XMzdA2HwdYy-00029-00007302-00007660 and so on, like later events. XMzdA2HwdYy-00030-00007660-00007806 The way they would talk about this XMzdA2HwdYy-00031-00007806-00008310 I think often over-emphasized the importance of each step. XMzdA2HwdYy-00032-00008310-00008685 Now that I'm 34, and Iook back over my life, XMzdA2HwdYy-00033-00008685-00009006 I can't even remember most of my grades from middle school, XMzdA2HwdYy-00034-00009006-00009324 my grades from high school didn't have much impact. XMzdA2HwdYy-00035-00009324-00009459 I didn't get very good grades. XMzdA2HwdYy-00036-00009459-00009714 I ended up going to Oberlin college. XMzdA2HwdYy-00037-00009714-00009999 I ended up going to grad school at University of Delaware XMzdA2HwdYy-00038-00009999-00010147 and then at Yale. XMzdA2HwdYy-00039-00010147-00010310 So I think I did pretty well. XMzdA2HwdYy-00040-00010310-00010756 My GPA in high school wouldn't have necessarily suggested that. XMzdA2HwdYy-00041-00010756-00010964 So a lot of these things that the teachers were telling me XMzdA2HwdYy-00042-00010964-00011127 were outright wrong. XMzdA2HwdYy-00043-00011127-00011525 Now how does this relate to depression and anxiety? XMzdA2HwdYy-00044-00011525-00011871 Depression is something that I have struggled with a great deal over my life, XMzdA2HwdYy-00045-00011871-00012113 and it's gotten bad at times. XMzdA2HwdYy-00046-00012113-00012347 I've been to a number of counselors for it, XMzdA2HwdYy-00047-00012347-00012575 and at times I've felt suicidal. XMzdA2HwdYy-00048-00012575-00013013 One thing I've learned about depression is that XMzdA2HwdYy-00049-00013013-00013459 depression is characterized by certain patterns of thinking. XMzdA2HwdYy-00050-00013459-00013701 When I'm depressed I tend to think negatively, XMzdA2HwdYy-00051-00013701-00014081 like I'll go from one little thing to something bigger. XMzdA2HwdYy-00052-00014081-00014390 So I might think: "Oh, I messed this one thing up." XMzdA2HwdYy-00053-00014390-00014603 "Oh, everything is going to go wrong." XMzdA2HwdYy-00054-00014603-00014722 And then I start thinking: XMzdA2HwdYy-00055-00014722-00015026 "Oh, I'm a complete failure," like "I'm an idiot", XMzdA2HwdYy-00056-00015026-00015331 I'm just like: "I'm not good at getting things done." XMzdA2HwdYy-00057-00015331-00015491 "I'm not good at getting results." XMzdA2HwdYy-00058-00015491-00015686 Like: "I'm not going to go anywhere in life." XMzdA2HwdYy-00059-00015686-00016106 And I start having this spiral of negative thoughts. XMzdA2HwdYy-00060-00016106-00016381 It's interesting, because when I examine my own thinking XMzdA2HwdYy-00061-00016381-00016656 when I'm in a depressed state, XMzdA2HwdYy-00062-00016656-00017043 it contains some of the very fallacies of reasoning XMzdA2HwdYy-00063-00017043-00017454 that I think teachers were using when talking to me XMzdA2HwdYy-00064-00017454-00017668 as early as elementary school, XMzdA2HwdYy-00065-00017668-00017862 but particularly when I got to high school XMzdA2HwdYy-00066-00017862-00018195 and people started talking about "success" and college XMzdA2HwdYy-00067-00018195-00018461 and competition and achievement. XMzdA2HwdYy-00068-00018461-00018850 I think it's very important for us as a whole society XMzdA2HwdYy-00069-00018850-00019254 to recognize these destructive patterns of thinking XMzdA2HwdYy-00070-00019254-00019568 and to see the relationship between something that may seem XMzdA2HwdYy-00071-00019568-00019964 like a relatively "harmless" form of social control XMzdA2HwdYy-00072-00019964-00020370 that teachers are using to try to encourage kids to do their homework XMzdA2HwdYy-00073-00020370-00020626 or to pay attention in class, XMzdA2HwdYy-00074-00020626-00021015 the relationship between that and mental disorder XMzdA2HwdYy-00075-00021015-00021268 and the thoughts that go on in people's heads XMzdA2HwdYy-00076-00021268-00021717 that can in some cases drive them to suicide. XMzdA2HwdYy-00077-00021717-00022153 I think that there is a large degree to which our culture is kind of "sick": XMzdA2HwdYy-00078-00022153-00022404 there are a lot of ideas floating around out there XMzdA2HwdYy-00079-00022404-00022639 that actually contribute to mental disorder XMzdA2HwdYy-00080-00022639-00022945 and that, as a society, we don't have the ability XMzdA2HwdYy-00081-00022945-00023206 to recognize them very easily yet. XMzdA2HwdYy-00082-00023206-00023481 And one of the things I want to do is to talk about them XMzdA2HwdYy-00083-00023481-00023828 and help people to more easily recognize these ideas XMzdA2HwdYy-00084-00023828-00024015 so that they can challenge them, XMzdA2HwdYy-00085-00024015-00024256 and so that they can keep them out of their own life XMzdA2HwdYy-00086-00024256-00024484 and keep them out of their own head, XMzdA2HwdYy-00087-00024484-00024781 and keep them out of the culture around them. XMzdA2HwdYy-00088-00024781-00024998 So I hope this has given you some insight, XMzdA2HwdYy-00089-00024998-00025239 and I hope that you will be able to prevent XMzdA2HwdYy-00090-00025239-00025604 some of these ideas from propagating through society, XMzdA2HwdYy-00091-00025604-00025906 and I hope that by doing this, we will be helping to overcome XMzdA2HwdYy-00092-00025906-00026337 and prevent things like depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. XMzdA2HwdYy-00093-00026337-00026425 Thank you! XNgZrzo8Biu-00000-00000000-00000293 Um, let's see, we're going to be working on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00001-00000000-00000566 Let's see. All right, so let me go ahead. I am going to go ahead and start recording. XNgZrzo8Biu-00002-00000000-00000200 And then I'll introduce what we're doing today. XNgZrzo8Biu-00003-00000200-00001000 Okay Oh Hi Amy from New Jersey. Hey, good to see you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00004-00001000-00001200 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00005-00001200-00002100 All right, welcome everybody. Today, we're going to cover glazing think I mentioned it last week. XNgZrzo8Biu-00006-00002100-00003800 And we're also, as part of that and separate from it. We're going to be working on softening edges and drying out the edges, and if that doesn't make any sense you don't worry about it, you will see it in action. XNgZrzo8Biu-00007-00003800-00004600 And, and then work on on doing it during the class. Okay, so. XNgZrzo8Biu-00008-00004600-00005300 So again, just for everybody. please write your questions in the chat XNgZrzo8Biu-00009-00005300-00006900 and write your questions in the chat if you have them and I will either see them or, Mary Ellen well and then you know she'll let me know at a good time, what the questions are all right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00010-00006900-00007800 Oh, um, and I am going to turn off the doorbell. XNgZrzo8Biu-00011-00007800-00008300 Yeah. Okay. Cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00012-00008300-00009100 All right, I'm going to share screen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00013-00009100-00011400 Okay, good. So, today we'll be doing will be doing glazing. Last week, we, We talked about and painted washes so flat washes and washes that were graded that went from dark to light. XNgZrzo8Biu-00014-00011400-00013100 And I think we even did some wet on wet with mingling colors. Yeah. So those are all all ways that you're going to be painting pretty much anything that you're going to paint right you're going to bring your, you're going to pick up your payment and you're XNgZrzo8Biu-00015-00013100-00013700 going to put it on your paper, and whether your paper is wet or dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00016-00013700-00015100 You know you'll be painting when I'm letter with wet and dry. You'll be either wanting have slapped wash on your pairs, let's say, let me go ahead and and get oops sorry that's a small picture I apologize. XNgZrzo8Biu-00017-00015100-00015600 Let me make this larger. XNgZrzo8Biu-00018-00015600-00016900 Yeah, or you're going to be doing a graded wash on your pears and I'll move those in just now. Okay, great. So I just wanted to show a few examples of glazing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00019-00016900-00018200 So we'll have. So say on these on this building, we've got a light wash of maybe this light gray. XNgZrzo8Biu-00020-00018200-00019800 And then, this, this shadow of the tree that paint painted with a darker value, maybe it's a blue I think it's a blue, blue, gray maybe was painted over that light gray. XNgZrzo8Biu-00021-00019800-00020300 So that's glazing appear on the roof. XNgZrzo8Biu-00022-00020300-00020800 Actually on both of these rooms, you can see there was probably an under painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00023-00020800-00022200 This Burnt Sienna kind of orange brown and over that, when the ground was dry and maybe at some point the artist said, Hmm, that's a little boring. XNgZrzo8Biu-00024-00022200-00023500 I'm going to just shoot some, some blue highlights on there and that could read as shadow, or just something in the lighting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00025-00023500-00025400 And so they put this amazing blue over the, over the brown, and even like in here, actually, over most of the area you can still see the burnt sienna under it is kind of blowing under it and then the blue is over it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00026-00025400-00027200 So that's another nice example of Blazing and the same here that this part of the building. You've got this pale color and then some orange here just a light tend to have orange and then this darker. XNgZrzo8Biu-00027-00027200-00027700 Violet blue to signify the shadows. XNgZrzo8Biu-00028-00027700-00030000 So, yeah so glazing can do a lot it can change your colors for you, or like in the case of this shadow, it changed that. That pale color. And here, it actually intensified the color by, by putting the orange on it will see a few more examples of this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00029-00030000-00030600 So yeah so you can change color or intensify it when you're pleasing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00030-00030600-00031400 Here, the shadows are put in with a darker value to signify the shadows. XNgZrzo8Biu-00031-00031400-00032500 And I'm not sure if you see this warmer color that the email is that's what this that what that's called on the house and Eve. XNgZrzo8Biu-00032-00032500-00033300 Just to warm that up a bit, so I'm not sure if those. If that warm color was there before or after. XNgZrzo8Biu-00033-00033300-00033800 But that's another really nice example of pleasing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00034-00033800-00034400 And again, trees, the trees shadows. XNgZrzo8Biu-00035-00034400-00034900 Yeah, I'm going to just skip over that so now. XNgZrzo8Biu-00036-00034900-00035600 Here is another example so there was a. So this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00037-00035600-00036600 This is in one of my favorite books my favorite how to watercolor painting books called I'll pull that out in a minute. XNgZrzo8Biu-00038-00036600-00038300 But with that, this kind of modeled Brown, probably a bird Sienna over this rock the rock surface, just kind of random, and then drawn. XNgZrzo8Biu-00039-00038300-00039400 The, the shadows the deeper shadows. And the way that the artist signified that these are in fact rocks. XNgZrzo8Biu-00040-00039400-00042400 It is by glazing a darker brown or darker color darker value in these areas here. So those are glazed and then when a step further by glazing other rocks in much darker colors or just giving them, or just accentuating the modeled NIS of the rocks. XNgZrzo8Biu-00041-00042400-00043500 So glazing can do a lot for us. So what is. So, how do you do it and how are we going to do it today, we're actually going to be putting down color, and then we're going to be putting color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00042-00043500-00044300 Different either the same color or different colors over what we've painted. XNgZrzo8Biu-00043-00044300-00044600 All right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00044-00044600-00046000 And here is another example, here's a good example, I'm going to put down a color, and then the color, are the paint, I should say the paint that we put down XNgZrzo8Biu-00045-00046000-00047600 works best if it's transparent transparent paint, so I don't know fine. Some of you may have worked enough with your work watercolors by now to know which are more transparent and which are more opaque covering. XNgZrzo8Biu-00046-00047600-00048000 So, XNgZrzo8Biu-00047-00048000-00048700 some of your paints will be pretty transparent and some won't. So here's an example of this yellow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00048-00048700-00050100 I'm not sure what what type of what the name of this particular paint is, but painting it over this blue actually has changed the color of the blue, because now we can see both the blue and the yellow because it is transparent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00049-00050100-00051800 There are some yellows that are not transparent they're quite opaque, and they will pretty much dominate and you know there might be a little bit of a green hue there but it will pretty much just cover the blue and what we're looking for is not to cover XNgZrzo8Biu-00050-00051800-00053300 the, the colors the paint underneath but to accentuate or change those colors, and still be able to see the color underneath. XNgZrzo8Biu-00051-00053300-00055600 So, Let's get that. Now, there's just another example, these, these water lines or iron, you know, ripping lines placed in yet transparent closer important. XNgZrzo8Biu-00052-00055600-00057700 Yeah. So here, just a very simple simple example of, you know, this pale green wash being put in all the foliage areas and then building up with darker and darker values until until you can really see which part of the tree is in shadow, and which is XNgZrzo8Biu-00053-00057700-00059100 in the light, because then because the person did not go back in and add any more pate to these areas that were in the light. XNgZrzo8Biu-00054-00059100-00060100 Okay, so you could do spotty glazing, or you could do a lot of glazing which involves a wash. XNgZrzo8Biu-00055-00060100-00060600 And here I love this one, especially for the geese. XNgZrzo8Biu-00056-00060600-00061400 You know, these you think of these cases white and they do read as white although what we're doing, but we are able to see is the shadow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00057-00061400-00062500 The shadows that are created because of the reflection of this, the sun on this soil. XNgZrzo8Biu-00058-00062500-00063700 So just selecting back on them and you've got this amazing orange right that this person used as a, as a glaze. XNgZrzo8Biu-00059-00063700-00065200 You know, as well as the blue which is the obvious color for a shadow but but introducing that orange just really warm, warm them up and just made it kind of vibrant. XNgZrzo8Biu-00060-00065200-00066800 So don't be afraid to really, you know, step out of the box, in terms of colors that you using with your glazes. Here's a pretty normal glazing of these darker areas over the sand, you know, to show form you know the sand. XNgZrzo8Biu-00061-00066800-00067200 As waving up and down. XNgZrzo8Biu-00062-00067200-00067300 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00063-00067300-00068300 So, some things to really to really remember when you're glazing what works best are transparent pigments. XNgZrzo8Biu-00064-00068300-00069400 If and when you know what those are, you know, start start thinking in terms of transparent and opaque, as you're looking at your colors and how they behave. XNgZrzo8Biu-00065-00069400-00071200 Make sure that the paint that you're glazing over, that's already there is completely completely dry before you try to glaze over it with your water and paint and brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00066-00071200-00073600 Soft brushes are the best to use because they will will be less likely to disturb your underlying layer of paint so you want your soft expressions for glazing, and you're going to use smooth confident strokes, not jiggly agitating strokes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00067-00073600-00074100 Because, again, you don't want to disturb that underneath layer of paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00068-00074100-00074300 Ready. XNgZrzo8Biu-00069-00074300-00074600 So, let's. XNgZrzo8Biu-00070-00074600-00075600 Yeah, let's just go ahead and get started. You have a brush your paint your papers, water, XNgZrzo8Biu-00071-00075600-00076500 and I'm going to see a may or may not be able to get this to go double speed. XNgZrzo8Biu-00072-00076500-00076700 I will try. XNgZrzo8Biu-00073-00076700-00077300 So you're just going to do XNgZrzo8Biu-00074-00077300-00077800 not gonna let me do it. Let me try this one more time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00075-00077800-00077900 No. All right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00076-00077900-00078900 Sorry we're gonna have to just go at at plane speed I'll try to speed it up so. So you're going to pay some stripes across. XNgZrzo8Biu-00077-00078900-00079100 you know across your page. XNgZrzo8Biu-00078-00079100-00080900 Maybe you know five six inches across because then that will allow you to go across with some, you know, several colors, a flat brush is helpful with this particular exercise although you will always use a flat brush for your glazing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00079-00080900-00081200 So whatever works for you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00080-00081200-00082100 So these are two different blues, I've got a cobalt blue and an ultra marine blue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00081-00082100-00082800 So we're going to lay down some bro, definitely different colors, probably. XNgZrzo8Biu-00082-00082800-00083600 Yeah, probably a couple of blues records, yellows. XNgZrzo8Biu-00083-00083600-00085600 Just shoot for six, six colors, you know, and let's use the colors that you're that you gravitated towards that you've been using mostly. And if you, if this is new for you then, it's all new, go for it XNgZrzo8Biu-00084-00085600-00087000 in here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00085-00087000-00087700 And it doesn't necessarily have to be a very dark application, you don't have to apply your paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00086-00087700-00087900 At its heaviest. XNgZrzo8Biu-00087-00087900-00089800 You even if it's a lighter tint of it, which means there's more water in your brush than paint, that's okay, because it would actually for this exercise, it's really good to be able to keep your paint light enough so that you can still have the white XNgZrzo8Biu-00088-00089800-00090200 paper kind of shining soon. XNgZrzo8Biu-00089-00090200-00091600 And that's the beauty. That's water, you know, the beauty of watercolor, is that you can get very translucent, and XNgZrzo8Biu-00090-00091600-00092200 in a way that the acrylics oils just don't. XNgZrzo8Biu-00091-00092200-00093900 And so using the right of the paper to be able to bounce that come back to us, and bounce through the layers of color is really helpful. XNgZrzo8Biu-00092-00093900-00094300 See this might be good, XNgZrzo8Biu-00093-00094300-00096900 put tons of questions, doing. Okay, I see that someone wanted to get rid of the, of the live transcript captions in you should have a cc at the bottom somewhere and for closed captioning that you can toggle on or off. XNgZrzo8Biu-00094-00096900-00097700 Yes, if you want to turn off your captions it's under live transcript, and then it will give you the option. XNgZrzo8Biu-00095-00097700-00099200 Thanks May. XNgZrzo8Biu-00096-00099200-00100500 Yeah, and this exercise is really good to do more than once and often, maybe even, you know, whenever you're thinking, and get and preparing for a painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00097-00100500-00101100 If you know that you're going to be using blues and greens. XNgZrzo8Biu-00098-00101100-00102700 You might want to just explore how they how they layer over each other because you may find that there's a particular blue that just is just too heavy, no matter what you do, and it's not a glue good glazing paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00099-00102700-00103300 So it's a good exercise to do do often. XNgZrzo8Biu-00100-00103300-00103700 So, XNgZrzo8Biu-00101-00103700-00104200 yeah, so this shouldn't be the only time you do words. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00102-00104200-00106000 So, let's see. So now, because we have to wait for our pants to be completely dry, you know if they feel if you put your hand on it, and they're dried but your paper still feels cold to the touch. XNgZrzo8Biu-00103-00106000-00106500 You're not completely dry, it should be. XNgZrzo8Biu-00104-00106500-00108100 It should be really bone dry. So, you might want to then create some other shapes on the side or another piece of another part of your paper, you know, whether it's. XNgZrzo8Biu-00105-00108100-00111100 Where's diamonds circles, but these will be fun to work on as well as you will see in just a few minutes and it will help pass the time while you wait for your teeth it's too dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00106-00113000-00114600 Smell good once each of the primary colors are red, yellow and blue and if you notice again they're just very late 10 of those colors of those pings. XNgZrzo8Biu-00107-00114600-00116100 And so I'm assuming everybody knows what I mean by 10s and that means just having a little bit of the pigment and little bit of the paint with quite a bit of the water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00108-00116100-00118300 And you get a nice range of color within even one paint, just by burying the degree of water for the amount of water that you have in the branch or on the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00109-00118300-00119400 Yeah, the thing that I would like for you to do while you're waiting for your pains to cry, is to write down what cut what the name of your pink was. XNgZrzo8Biu-00110-00119400-00120600 And if you know the brand and save have painted, some different brands, different manufacturers, you might want to put those down to. XNgZrzo8Biu-00111-00120600-00121500 So, my cobalt blue Windsor Newton, my antiquated read of Daniel Smith, even though I didn't put it down here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00112-00121500-00122500 There are a few South greens out there I have, I'm using the Windsor Newton brand here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00113-00122500-00123200 A lot of these movements and there, and the hands the yellow is XNgZrzo8Biu-00114-00123200-00123600 Daniel Smith. XNgZrzo8Biu-00115-00123600-00125000 When you, if you have dropped dry paints. Now the cakes the pans, you may or may not know the names of your XNgZrzo8Biu-00116-00125000-00125200 paints. XNgZrzo8Biu-00117-00125200-00126100 And that's okay too. XNgZrzo8Biu-00118-00126100-00126700 So, this video Mina started again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00119-00126700-00128400 This video naturally starting to glaze. So if you, if you want to watch and you know be pleasing it's several, several points along the way so I'm just making sure that I didn't have too much water in the brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00120-00128400-00129400 That wasn't too dark, so I'm using a light tint, and because that brush doesn't hold a lot of water XNgZrzo8Biu-00121-00129400-00130800 It was running out, as it was going down the way, and if you're finding that that's the case, want to stop after three, and then reload and then the next three. XNgZrzo8Biu-00122-00130800-00132500 And then here and blazing the blue, blue, and just intensifying that calm. XNgZrzo8Biu-00123-00132500-00133800 Thank you Susan. Good to see you again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00124-00133800-00134800 Yeah, so here I'm putting light tint of blue over the yellow, and you cannot and you can see the green just popping forward. XNgZrzo8Biu-00125-00134800-00134900 Because the blue I've used such a light tend to the blue that it is, it can't help but be transparent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00126-00134900-00136700 Blew I've used such a late tend to the blue that it is can't help but be transparent. Just nice, smooth confidence strokes, don't want it and agitate the pain. XNgZrzo8Biu-00127-00136700-00138100 You're going over the previous paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00128-00138100-00138500 Was anybody glazing net. XNgZrzo8Biu-00129-00138500-00139400 Okay, good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00130-00139400-00139500 Whoops. XNgZrzo8Biu-00131-00139500-00141500 Yeah, there's a question there in the chat about someone's watercolors when they get dry they get a little gritty, do you feel that's the case or different quality paints matter. XNgZrzo8Biu-00132-00141500-00143200 them keep stirring them with the water and the greediness should dissolve, you know. Unless Unless there's something wrong with the pain or mean I think even even XNgZrzo8Biu-00133-00143200-00144100 very student grade page should dissolve. But see if that works just to keep XNgZrzo8Biu-00134-00144100-00144500 their Deanna there sorry this is Maria. XNgZrzo8Biu-00135-00144500-00146600 Hi, there. These cake, I guess, or pan, and they're, they're from Germany and they're quite old so I don't know if that might be it I guess I should treat myself to some new baby but you know what, before you before you give up on them take. XNgZrzo8Biu-00136-00146600-00147800 Did you pour some water on them. Yeah, yeah, that's what I tried that that was the great trick you taught me last week was to put the water to kind of activate them I never knew that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00137-00147800-00149900 So, yeah, yeah. Well hopefully that will help you know there, and is that all of them behaving that way or is it just a one or two. Learn. Yeah, it's not super gritty it's kind of a very fine, very very fine feeling I just noticed because sometimes I XNgZrzo8Biu-00138-00149900-00151300 do mixed media like I'll use pens and watercolors and, and sometimes the grit doesn't allow like a pen to go over the watercolor nicely. So I was just curious if that was a quality issue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00139-00151300-00152500 Okay, I started thinking maybe it was, it might be. But, so it's it's an actual grid, as opposed to a visual. Right, right. It's an actual sorry yeah it's a feeling. XNgZrzo8Biu-00140-00152500-00153700 Okay, all right, because you have some paints will be granulated, they will look. They will granulated, and but they'll be slapped, but they will be. XNgZrzo8Biu-00141-00153700-00155500 You'll see a granularization, even though you won't feel it, you know. Yeah, these are these are more I mean they, I think they dry okay. But, but, but it's just a feeling and it's more I think I'm just trying to learn what to buy like what kind of pins XNgZrzo8Biu-00142-00155500-00156000 Should I buy if I want to do pen over my watercolor that sort of thing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00143-00156000-00157600 Yes. Okay, got it yeah yeah just price during them up a little bit more or maybe gathering up some cake putting it on a pallet and then stirring stirring stirring there and see if that's where they can really dissolve. XNgZrzo8Biu-00144-00157600-00158200 Okay, that's great advice. Thank you. You're welcome, you're welcome. Thanks, Maria. XNgZrzo8Biu-00145-00158200-00158800 That's a good question. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00146-00158800-00159200 So let's go to the next. XNgZrzo8Biu-00147-00159200-00159800 Okay, so now we're going to or. XNgZrzo8Biu-00148-00159800-00160200 We're going to do another layer that I hit this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00149-00160200-00161300 This XNgZrzo8Biu-00150-00161300-00161900 is Nancy what happens with the yellow, with the funds is my 10th the VM. XNgZrzo8Biu-00151-00161900-00163100 So, the idea is to still see the paint underneath color XNgZrzo8Biu-00152-00163100-00163500 here in this diamond shape. XNgZrzo8Biu-00153-00163500-00164100 Right, actually looking to see three colors, deep. XNgZrzo8Biu-00154-00164100-00164400 So the yellow on top. XNgZrzo8Biu-00155-00164400-00164900 The blue in the middle and then the yellow on the bottom. XNgZrzo8Biu-00156-00164900-00166000 And this is lovely I love this one part right here. Where is the yellow has gone over the blue and the lows. XNgZrzo8Biu-00157-00166000-00168600 And it just made that beautiful little square in the center there that just kind of, to me it's kind of vibrating, you know, that's the colors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00158-00168600-00169600 Here is late. XNgZrzo8Biu-00159-00169600-00170000 And, XNgZrzo8Biu-00160-00170000-00170800 yeah, they need. Are you guys having good success, the layers. XNgZrzo8Biu-00161-00170800-00171700 And, and, and not disturb I should ask, Are you having success, not disturbing the layers underneath. XNgZrzo8Biu-00162-00171700-00172000 If anybody's having trouble, let me know. XNgZrzo8Biu-00163-00172000-00172700 We can we can troubleshoot XNgZrzo8Biu-00164-00172700-00173200 welcome Maria I'm sorry, I didn't see that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00165-00173200-00173500 Okay. Oh good. That looks good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00166-00173500-00174300 Okay. Excellent. Yeah, I can see those colors vibrating underneath. XNgZrzo8Biu-00167-00174300-00176000 Yeah, I'm not able to see everybody in one fell swoop. So, if you hold things up I may not be on your screen to see Oh, just cut gel. great. Oh good nicely done. XNgZrzo8Biu-00168-00176000-00176400 Excellent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00169-00176400-00177000 Yeah, I like those greens over the red and, yeah, Good work. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00170-00177000-00177700 Nice. XNgZrzo8Biu-00171-00177700-00178100 See. XNgZrzo8Biu-00172-00178100-00179100 Oh, Robin. See, I'm gonna win the spotlight you are actually going to go to the spotlight. XNgZrzo8Biu-00173-00179100-00179800 So I can see XNgZrzo8Biu-00174-00179800-00180200 right there that's looking good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00175-00180200-00180600 Yeah. Nice. XNgZrzo8Biu-00176-00180600-00180900 Yeah. Oh good good good Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00177-00180900-00181200 You got it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00178-00181200-00181900 Good work. Okay. And, buddy. XNgZrzo8Biu-00179-00181900-00182126 Sandler try to resize this window. XNgZrzo8Biu-00180-00181900-00183000 I'm going to try to resize this window. I can see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00181-00183000-00183400 Okay, Susan. XNgZrzo8Biu-00182-00183400-00183800 My That's awesome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00183-00183800-00184500 Nice spotlight into our second spotlight. XNgZrzo8Biu-00184-00184500-00185400 Whoops NAB last year. I'm sorry, back to find you again sorry about that season. XNgZrzo8Biu-00185-00185400-00186400 So, I'm going to try to make it bigger so I can see. Yeah, that's awesome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00186-00186400-00187100 So color. Yeah. Good, good, good. Excellent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00187-00187100-00187300 Beautiful. XNgZrzo8Biu-00188-00187300-00190000 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00189-00190000-00190600 Nice guys have the hang of this it looks like. Excellent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00190-00190600-00190900 The next thing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00191-00190900-00191100 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00192-00191100-00192000 The next. Remember, this one is this is I think just more layers and now, different layers. XNgZrzo8Biu-00193-00192000-00193100 I'm adding some, some color, some different colors here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00194-00193100-00193900 So it's nice to have a good amount of different things to do while you're waiting for the other parts to dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00195-00193900-00194500 We're having some thunder and lightning and XNgZrzo8Biu-00196-00194500-00194900 that it keeps XNgZrzo8Biu-00197-00194900-00196100 you know that nothing happens to my electricity. XNgZrzo8Biu-00198-00196100-00196900 Lady. XNgZrzo8Biu-00199-00196900-00197000 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00200-00197000-00198500 So, yeah, here it did actually lives a little bit dark. One of my favorite combinations, is an ultimately blue with the Sienna Burnt Sienna, and so I don't know if you can see down here in the bottom. XNgZrzo8Biu-00201-00198500-00199200 I did a squash of the burnt sienna over in the blue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00202-00199200-00200700 It's a really great combinations and making blacks and graze on it can be a very cool grave who have more blue in it, or warm grave and have more Burnt Sienna in it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00203-00200700-00201700 Now I'm introducing that color, two different things to different paints like the rose in the center there. XNgZrzo8Biu-00204-00201700-00202600 So you can, so really you can endlessly endlessly play with this and see all the different combinations. XNgZrzo8Biu-00205-00202600-00204200 You can get of color it's just another way to learn about color mixing, where you're mixing a wet color over a dry color right or several colors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00206-00204200-00204300 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00207-00204300-00205900 So I think what you'd like to do now is to, and it doesn't always have to be a different color. So if you see right here at the top. This is burnt sienna, I started with a very pale shade and then over here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00208-00205900-00206800 I did a one SWAT. And then here's a second spot so you can actually intensify a color by using the same color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00209-00206800-00208100 And actually, I'm doing that here with the rose intensifying the rose color by going over with another faction, little bit of a darker tent of the realms, but you can still see the previous one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00210-00208100-00208600 Nice. Just kind of cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00211-00208600-00208700 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00212-00208700-00210400 So I'd like to also work on softening and pulling out drying out our edges so that you don't see a line. XNgZrzo8Biu-00213-00210400-00210900 Your pain. So here I'm working with. XNgZrzo8Biu-00214-00210900-00212400 I asked you to bring some things cylindrical or round with you. So here I'm just drawing a cylinder and recently I asked you to bring on if you, if you have one, if you have something that's fine if you don't, don't worry about it, just to be able to XNgZrzo8Biu-00215-00212400-00213800 see the shadows and see. Okay, so this is the darker, darker part of this circle or the cylinder, and how do I show form by. XNgZrzo8Biu-00216-00213800-00214400 How do I show that this thing is round. XNgZrzo8Biu-00217-00214400-00216700 And you do that by being able to pull your color in a very soft way with water, so you put down color, and then you use water to throw that color out, get it to grade to be gradient, or to radiate. XNgZrzo8Biu-00218-00216700-00217300 And, you know, by mixing it with more and more water, or just pulling it out. XNgZrzo8Biu-00219-00217300-00218200 And that will show that show is that there's a curve there. Okay, so you'll be able to use that for cylinders. XNgZrzo8Biu-00220-00218200-00220500 Yeah, bottles mugs, you know, glasses, but also for things like stems of plants or trees, you're gonna have a darker side and a lighter side and how do you do that without having a line for where you painted that blue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00221-00220500-00220900 You know what I mean, yeah, so I'll just show that once again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00222-00220900-00221600 You need to paint your color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00223-00221600-00223800 You know, whether it's just a tent because you're going to glaze over later, or if it's like the full strength of what you want to have that color be the draw that along the edge, or, or somewhere on your paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00224-00223800-00224200 Begin here under. XNgZrzo8Biu-00225-00224200-00224900 It just got pitch black in my town, so I have a feeling that thunders head itself. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00226-00224900-00225200 Oh, yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00227-00225200-00226900 So what I did here is now I'm, I rinsed my brush in the water so now it's just got water, and I'm just reading the rest of this area, so that the paint will just get drawn right into that water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00228-00226900-00228100 And so you see how it's starting to look like wouldn't be around the around cylinder XNgZrzo8Biu-00229-00228100-00229200 also tried going sideways instead of top to bottom and s, it seemed like it worked. Relatively Okay, excellent, excellent. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00230-00229200-00229700 Yeah, perfect, perfect. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00231-00229700-00229800 No. XNgZrzo8Biu-00232-00229800-00230200 Lovely. XNgZrzo8Biu-00233-00230200-00230900 So then we'll go. XNgZrzo8Biu-00234-00230900-00231700 Yeah, and there's a whole, oh my gosh there's so much to talk about and explore. XNgZrzo8Biu-00235-00231700-00232000 But we're getting into shadows and light now. XNgZrzo8Biu-00236-00232000-00234100 That's a whole other huge topic, but this is just to touch on it, just barely touch on it so I'm, I'm painting, part of that circle to look like it is the part in shadow if the light was coming from right from the above and right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00237-00234100-00234500 Yeah, top right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00238-00234500-00234900 And then again just taking your clean wet brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00239-00234900-00236200 Wearing your paper and then getting over to the edge of your paint and kind of letting it get pulled in helping me to get pulled into the water and here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00240-00236200-00237900 If you just noticed but I just did I Can I ride my brush with the paper towel and I absorbed that little puddle. Let me, let me do that again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00241-00237900-00238000 They just. XNgZrzo8Biu-00242-00237900-00239200 Just. Okay, so it's coming up soon. Okay, so as I moved to this paint, and we wet it and move it to see that pile right there that just doesn't make sense. XNgZrzo8Biu-00243-00239200-00239500 So I dragged my brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00244-00239500-00240700 It was just down, and it actually just absorb that paint puddle. And you can use use that whenever you need to to absorb any extra paint dry airbrush makeup thirsty. XNgZrzo8Biu-00245-00240700-00241100 It's called a thirsty brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00246-00241100-00241300 Never lift up paint and water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00247-00241100-00242900 will lift up paint and water. Okay, so I see questions I'll start with the last one. Oh no less power 15 minutes ago Laura I'm so sorry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00248-00242900-00243500 I haven't been keeping my fingers crossed here. Welcome back. XNgZrzo8Biu-00249-00243500-00244000 My favorite life do have a few Bert Tiana's. XNgZrzo8Biu-00250-00244000-00244900 My favorite right now is Windsor Newton, and the, XNgZrzo8Biu-00251-00244900-00246000 the pigment number is PR 101, and that stands for pigment read one, one on one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00252-00246000-00247100 Another really, really nice Burnt Sienna is actually not called Burnt Sienna is called transparent red iron oxide. XNgZrzo8Biu-00253-00247100-00248000 And we'll make that I believe it's Mr Graham. That makes that and that's PR one on one as well. XNgZrzo8Biu-00254-00248000-00248700 But make sure you get, get a bird Shana or transparent read iron oxide that is only one payment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00255-00248700-00249600 Okay. Not, not made up of several different pigments or payments. XNgZrzo8Biu-00256-00249600-00250100 Okay Susan's having audio problems. XNgZrzo8Biu-00257-00250100-00250500 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00258-00250500-00251000 I love plants are doing this is like making plaid XNgZrzo8Biu-00259-00251000-00252000 Maria That's awesome. We can't see what we're looking at. So, are you guys able to see this. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00260-00252000-00252100 All right, great. XNgZrzo8Biu-00261-00252100-00253700 Doesn't matter what water you use tap or dispel distilled. Actually yes it does you know i'm not sure for this kind of exercise it really matters. And really what To what extent, but our tap water has a lot of minerals in it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00262-00253700-00255600 Right. Our pigments and our pains are often made of minerals and different chemicals and so there could, especially with chlorine in our water that could absolutely be reaction or just something different that happens XNgZrzo8Biu-00263-00255600-00257600 as a, as opposed to when you use Distilled or spring water or, you know, so it'll be interesting just to experiment with that I haven't had an, I haven't really taken enough of a notice to it to actually want it, or have time to experiment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00264-00257600-00258200 But if anybody does experiment, let us know what happens. XNgZrzo8Biu-00265-00258200-00258800 I haven't experimented but I was, I saw that question and I answered her. XNgZrzo8Biu-00266-00258800-00261100 It's the internet, I think it was Blick actually didn't recommend distilled water for those exact reasons because of the lack of minerals, and it your paint won't granulated, and that's something that a lot of painters like to have happen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00267-00261100-00261900 And they also mentioned hard water versus soft water, and just, again experimenting to see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00268-00261900-00262800 You know what works but they said spring water like even like a Poland spring would be fine, something like that, because it does have minerals in it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00269-00262800-00263300 But it's not distilled all the way, you know, it was interesting little read. XNgZrzo8Biu-00270-00263300-00263500 Good question. XNgZrzo8Biu-00271-00263500-00263700 I wonder about. XNgZrzo8Biu-00272-00263700-00264100 I wonder about the chlorine in the water. Sure. XNgZrzo8Biu-00273-00264100-00265500 Whether it reaches the paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00274-00265500-00267500 Thank you, me, on it. Great. And Amy's asking can use multiple colors on one spot, after paint dries. Yes, you can. So by glazing multiple times. There are some water colorist out there who who glaze. XNgZrzo8Biu-00275-00267500-00268500 20 layers. Okay to achieve the brilliance or the vibrancy that they want. XNgZrzo8Biu-00276-00268500-00269000 I can't think, I don't know who they are off the top of my head. XNgZrzo8Biu-00277-00269000-00270100 Rebecca if you do some googling, you'll find, you'll find someone, or some, some of those folks that do that, yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00278-00270100-00270900 The, the key though is to glaze with a very pale, very light, 10, each time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00279-00270900-00272600 So you can build up slowly and carefully and they're still the light that can get down through those pains, through those pigments down to the wider the paper and then bounce back. XNgZrzo8Biu-00280-00272600-00273300 Okay, CS curry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00281-00273300-00273800 Okay, great. I think I'm caught up and I apologize. XNgZrzo8Biu-00282-00273800-00275000 Well, what color book Thank you Thank you, Maria for reminding me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00283-00275000-00276300 This an old write it in the chat. This is the book that I mean I worked at the library I've got to take it to take out a lot of books from library or on watercolor. XNgZrzo8Biu-00284-00276300-00277100 And I really find that this is them for beginners, and even still for me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00285-00277100-00278500 Really most comprehensive and very, very easy to understand, you know they've written it very well and their examples are very well done. XNgZrzo8Biu-00286-00278500-00279800 It's not shiny like a lot you know I'll get attracted to one of the watercolor instruction books that are very shiny and green paintings and, but doesn't have the depth of this one book. XNgZrzo8Biu-00287-00279800-00281400 So it's called the complete water colorists essential notebook, and it's actually combination of two separate books that were out before and now it's the complete Tim. XNgZrzo8Biu-00288-00281400-00282800 What color is essential book and Gordon, Mackenzie. So, I'll read it in the chat. XNgZrzo8Biu-00289-00282800-00283600 Oops, we got 10 minutes left, to the rest of these Mac XNgZrzo8Biu-00290-00283600-00284300 can see, XNgZrzo8Biu-00291-00284300-00284800 we XNgZrzo8Biu-00292-00284800-00285500 take those in there but can deal with this XNgZrzo8Biu-00293-00285500-00286200 century. XNgZrzo8Biu-00294-00286200-00286300 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00295-00286300-00286500 Thank you, Maria. XNgZrzo8Biu-00296-00286500-00287000 Great. Let's, let's go to the next video. XNgZrzo8Biu-00297-00287000-00287300 Now, let's see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00298-00287300-00288500 Okay, here we're going to do a tubular cylinder. So I'm, I'm imagining that I'm painting, maybe XNgZrzo8Biu-00299-00288500-00289300 a trunk a tree trunk or something similar to that so I've got my shaded side. XNgZrzo8Biu-00300-00289300-00289900 Nice and juicy and wet. XNgZrzo8Biu-00301-00289900-00290000 So this isn't. XNgZrzo8Biu-00302-00290000-00292200 We haven't done any glazing yet but we'll get to glazing again soon. But here, this is just about black blending. Now, pulling colors out, so there's this gradual dissipation in the college so that you can actually start showing form, XNgZrzo8Biu-00303-00292200-00292700 showing that something is round even though it's flat on the Big Bird. XNgZrzo8Biu-00304-00292700-00293400 Okay, so I'm using a lighter value to start going towards the Sunny. XNgZrzo8Biu-00305-00293400-00294000 Sunny Side. XNgZrzo8Biu-00306-00294000-00294900 No, go to yellow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00307-00294900-00295800 Right, so I wanted to water it down a bit. XNgZrzo8Biu-00308-00295800-00297200 So you see I mean there's a little bit of a line there with the green but now I'm going to go in and get rid of that line so you see there are no lines, it's all just a gradual gradual turn. XNgZrzo8Biu-00309-00297200-00298000 And that's by making sure you have plenty of water in the pigment that you're putting down paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00310-00298000-00298900 And now I'm going in with the bird Sienna, just because that's what I love to use Burnt Sienna and blue to make a nice dark. XNgZrzo8Biu-00311-00298900-00300800 Instead of using black or gray right out of the tube or out of the pan. It's really lovely to you to make your own blacks and grains and browns, they're just so much more interesting, because they're not like a flat color, you know. XNgZrzo8Biu-00312-00300800-00302000 So here I'm dabbing that burn scan it in and it's it's moving gently into the blue, as well as that green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00313-00302000-00302800 And if this was a tree trunk I would want it to look like there are variations in that Trump. XNgZrzo8Biu-00314-00302800-00303000 You know in the bark. XNgZrzo8Biu-00315-00303000-00304300 So, it's really fun to do this kind of thing by just kind of dabbing XNgZrzo8Biu-00316-00304300-00305500 So that could be a stem, you know rough stem of something, or what else I don't know piece of rubber tubing, XNgZrzo8Biu-00317-00305500-00306000 like to, you know, XNgZrzo8Biu-00318-00306000-00306900 bring the shadow on the inside of that open to. XNgZrzo8Biu-00319-00306900-00307900 So, yeah, so if you, if you feel like it you know get a cylinder get. XNgZrzo8Biu-00320-00307900-00308700 You can even load or something and and paint it and look at it you know really look at it, see what the shadows are. XNgZrzo8Biu-00321-00308700-00309200 And even if you just do it in a monotone XNgZrzo8Biu-00322-00309200-00309900 monotone monochromatic just one color, you know with the blue. See if you can get it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00323-00309900-00310600 Get the shape of it to come to life. XNgZrzo8Biu-00324-00310600-00311100 painting it and then XNgZrzo8Biu-00325-00311100-00311900 pulling, pulling your paint out using water just water Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00326-00311900-00312800 Okay, so now let's see we've got one. Okay, so now we're going to glaze this ball. XNgZrzo8Biu-00327-00312800-00313700 So I'm going to go over that blue with rose. Second accurate on rose which is awesome I use it for like almost everything. XNgZrzo8Biu-00328-00313700-00314300 And I think it's the. Yeah, the Daniel Smith. XNgZrzo8Biu-00329-00314300-00314500 On rose. XNgZrzo8Biu-00330-00314500-00315200 It plays well with almost everybody, everybody else in the paint set. XNgZrzo8Biu-00331-00315200-00316600 So here's another time where I'm going to stop up, I'm going to stop up that extra pedal so it doesn't cause problems with a thirsty brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00332-00316600-00317000 So I'll show this again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00333-00317000-00318200 Seeing it myself. XNgZrzo8Biu-00334-00318200-00318700 again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00335-00318700-00319200 So just a light 10th of the. XNgZrzo8Biu-00336-00319200-00319600 And my soft, my brushes soft. XNgZrzo8Biu-00337-00319600-00320200 I'm feeling paper it's good in dry it's not feeling cold to the touch. XNgZrzo8Biu-00338-00320200-00321900 So I'm putting that put it down, and there's a now kind of just rinse my brush I'm not putting down more color but I'm just spreading out very gently cuz I don't want to disturb the blue underneath picked up a lot of water in the paper towels the brush XNgZrzo8Biu-00339-00321900-00322500 so that I could be a thirsty brush and pick up that big puddle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00340-00322500-00324100 And I just came in with a damp brush on the shadow with water and just met the paint so that the paint would run out into the water, and be can be seamless. XNgZrzo8Biu-00341-00324100-00324400 That makes sense. XNgZrzo8Biu-00342-00324400-00324700 Yeah. Okay, cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00343-00324700-00327500 think I will show it one more time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00344-00327500-00327600 Next week. XNgZrzo8Biu-00345-00327500-00329400 squeak. XNgZrzo8Biu-00346-00329400-00330100 Whoops, XNgZrzo8Biu-00347-00330100-00330600 missing this damn brush, working on the shadow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00348-00330600-00332000 Just putting just the teeniest bit of water on that shadow up to the rose, so that the rules within blend into that little bit of water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00349-00332000-00333100 Not having a hard edge. So what we're working on here is not having a hard edge, whether it's your first layer, or whether it's a Gliese. XNgZrzo8Biu-00350-00333100-00333600 Sometimes, most of the times it's very important. XNgZrzo8Biu-00351-00333600-00334900 When you put when you're glazing over something that you're able then to like smooth out that hard age, you know, of the paint you just put over there and to do it very gently and smoothly. XNgZrzo8Biu-00352-00334900-00335300 So you don't again disturb the paint underneath. XNgZrzo8Biu-00353-00335300-00335800 Okay, so I think how we doing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00354-00335800-00336300 One minute. XNgZrzo8Biu-00355-00336300-00338500 Okay, so you know what, let's, let's, so for homework, if you so choose, have homework, I'd like you to choose something around or cylindrical could be a lemon, it could be an apple it could be a cup big could be toilet for toilet paper roll. XNgZrzo8Biu-00356-00338500-00338900 And, yeah, painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00357-00338900-00339300 Paint it, and then glaze over it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00358-00339300-00340300 I'll send, I'll send you this cheat sheet that I got from online somewhere. XNgZrzo8Biu-00359-00340300-00341900 The Internet wonderful place, and it talks about, you know, painting your first layer, then, Then painting with the deeper tone color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00360-00341900-00342700 You know glazing over it just to create some, some depth. And then even more. XNgZrzo8Biu-00361-00342700-00343800 And then glazing even more so it's glazing to create form and shadow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00362-00343800-00343900 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00363-00343900-00344400 Yay. Good work everyone well done. XNgZrzo8Biu-00364-00344400-00345200 Yeah, let me know email me if you have any questions, let me see if there are any more questions. Is there a list of best paint colors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00365-00345200-00347300 That's really tough. I would go. XNgZrzo8Biu-00366-00347300-00349300 Yes This class is recorded the whole three hours both classes are recorded on the same video and those I'll send those out tomorrow and they will be on our soon they will be on the libraries that libraries YouTube channel. XNgZrzo8Biu-00367-00349300-00351200 I sent the link to that in the email that I sent today to everyone. So you can just keep checking that, you know, for, for the latest classes, but there are classes from months ago, and months ago, that might be helpful to to, you know, if you want to XNgZrzo8Biu-00368-00351200-00351400 check those out as well. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00369-00351400-00351700 So thank you everybody. XNgZrzo8Biu-00370-00351700-00352000 Thank you so much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00371-00352000-00352200 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00372-00352200-00352500 Thank you so much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00373-00352500-00352900 Oh yay from Cleveland. XNgZrzo8Biu-00374-00352900-00354600 We had three inches of snow, and a power outage, I just got my power back on 10 minutes ago. Oh my goodness. Wow, I'm so glad you made it I'm so glad that you get your power back for all kinds of reasons. XNgZrzo8Biu-00375-00354600-00355600 Great. Well, I'll send the recording so you won't have missed any of this. Okay, thank you so much. Thanks john, welcome. Thanks. Thank you. You're welcome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00376-00355600-00356100 Thank you for being here. Bye. XNgZrzo8Biu-00377-00356100-00356500 Bye. Bye. XNgZrzo8Biu-00378-00356500-00356700 Those of you who are staying. XNgZrzo8Biu-00379-00356700-00357200 Yay. Those of you who've just arrived. Yay. Welcome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00380-00357200-00357500 good to see everybody. XNgZrzo8Biu-00381-00357500-00357900 Whatever it in India I see you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00382-00357900-00358400 Yay, and seeing you in a long time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00383-00358400-00359100 I have a quick question Can I ask a brush question. Yes. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00384-00359100-00359800 Also this is Lula and and writing with you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00385-00359800-00360200 Um, so there's three brushes, which one do you use for watercolor. XNgZrzo8Biu-00386-00360200-00361300 Okay, hold on one second. Okay, I have to let me write my note, I apologize I just realized I didn't make my note to send the lemons. XNgZrzo8Biu-00387-00361300-00361700 Because if I don't write it, it won't happen some lemons. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00388-00361700-00362800 Now let me stop sharing, and then I'm going to come over and XNgZrzo8Biu-00389-00362800-00363900 let you see. Okay, cool. So the softest ones will be your watercolor ones. XNgZrzo8Biu-00390-00363900-00364200 Okay, so I think these white ones. XNgZrzo8Biu-00391-00364200-00365000 The brown ones so the brown ones look a little look soft to that oh yeah maybe the brown ones. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00392-00365000-00365100 All right. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00393-00365100-00365400 You're welcome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00394-00365400-00366300 Okay. Yeah. So, okay, so there's a good number of us here today. So I am going to ask that everyone stay muted. XNgZrzo8Biu-00395-00366300-00366900 Unless you're asking a question then please Yes, feel free to unmute yourself. XNgZrzo8Biu-00396-00366900-00367400 Absolutely. XNgZrzo8Biu-00397-00367400-00368200 Because I'm not able to all be when I'm sharing my screen I'm not able to see it to see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00398-00368200-00368700 See if you're raising your hand or if you're even raising your virtual hand. XNgZrzo8Biu-00399-00368700-00370600 I see Nancy you have a question you have your hand up, so go ahead and unmute yourself and and, yes, what I was doing the cylinder. And we were transitioning from the blue and yellow that was fine but then when we add it like the darker burnt number I XNgZrzo8Biu-00400-00370600-00372300 think it was. Yeah, I was finding it all the colors started coalescing because there's so much water. Yeah. Wait, do you wait a little bit longer like what do you do because then it just became kind of like mud and they all became like one color, or almost XNgZrzo8Biu-00401-00372300-00372700 yeah yes oh I'm so glad you asked that question. XNgZrzo8Biu-00402-00372700-00374600 You're because that's the first thing we're actually going to be doing today is talking about and looking at water, you know, the control of water you can absolutely control how much water is in your brush that you bring to your page didn't. XNgZrzo8Biu-00403-00374600-00374900 Yeah, and. XNgZrzo8Biu-00404-00374900-00375000 Yes, go ahead. XNgZrzo8Biu-00405-00375000-00375800 Oh, and the second thing was when you were talking about. Same thing with the harsh lines on the circle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00406-00375800-00376200 When I started glazing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00407-00376200-00377800 I like it was, it was fine but then as I kept touching it with the brush over touching it. And I know that that not to. It just, it was scrubbing it and, and then it became a harder line and again so I guess that's a combination of the have nots growing XNgZrzo8Biu-00408-00377800-00379200 too much, and also water control, a little bit of both. Okay, yes, that I'll show you what I did and, and I know part of the problem was I was using my water brush, and my inexpensive notebook to make notes and not because I don't have enough space and XNgZrzo8Biu-00409-00379200-00381000 I've told you that before in the email. But, I mean, that's kind of what what I ended up with which is a pic or what it is. Yes. Absolutely yes your paper, you know, depending on the paper you're using it may just keep on everything right on the surface XNgZrzo8Biu-00410-00381000-00381500 so that even if you're paying your previous pages dry might not. XNgZrzo8Biu-00411-00381500-00382000 It might not actually stay dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00412-00382000-00383000 So yeah, yeah so just keep practicing, just keep practicing it and drying your brush a little bit in between. Yeah. Perfect. XNgZrzo8Biu-00413-00383000-00383400 Thank you. You're welcome, you're welcome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00414-00383400-00384200 Okay. Does anybody else have any burning questions before we begin, XNgZrzo8Biu-00415-00384200-00384900 don't, I don't see anybody me I'm not able to see him. Let me actually go to gallery view for a moment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00416-00384900-00385400 I can see everyone. XNgZrzo8Biu-00417-00385400-00386900 I evocation that's when we do kind of shadow more before shadow Gritten greed, greed and holograms less or evaded yeah graded Yeah. The first stroke. XNgZrzo8Biu-00418-00386900-00387500 It's a very, very clear boundary. XNgZrzo8Biu-00419-00387500-00388500 How to say that very clearly America, let me show you. Sorry my cards generously but on top of my cuts. XNgZrzo8Biu-00420-00388500-00389000 Yeah, so I'm not seeing you XNgZrzo8Biu-00421-00389000-00389300 turn your video on. Okay, great. XNgZrzo8Biu-00422-00389300-00389700 Yeah, and then I'll be able to spotlight you. Excellent. Thanks, we. XNgZrzo8Biu-00423-00389700-00390200 Is that how you say it. So how do you say your name, is it, way, way. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00424-00390200-00390400 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00425-00390400-00390800 Night. XNgZrzo8Biu-00426-00390800-00391100 See, can you see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00427-00391100-00391500 I mean, this is. XNgZrzo8Biu-00428-00391500-00391900 There's a market is very clear. XNgZrzo8Biu-00429-00391900-00392200 Follow us. XNgZrzo8Biu-00430-00392200-00393700 I follow your procedures a way to my not drying my pet, and my brush a little bit. So, but then this market you see just unable to get every day. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00431-00393700-00395000 quiet your paper. It could be the call, what kind of paper is that Do you know oh sorry just a baby doubtful student, it cost you the credit, so. XNgZrzo8Biu-00432-00395000-00396000 Yeah. Okay, so, you know, it's so maybe what needs to happen, try using more water with the first the first of three. XNgZrzo8Biu-00433-00396000-00398100 So, if you use a good amount of water with that first stroke of with your paint, then your paint will stay floating for a while, and give you time to go and get clean water in your brush, and then to be able to flow out, you know, if you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00434-00398100-00399300 Yeah. And this is, I it took me the longest time to learn this, everybody and I don't know if you've had the same problem as well. But if. XNgZrzo8Biu-00435-00399300-00400600 A lot of times I would only have enough pigment and enough water in my brush to make a line without any extra. And then I would go back to do something with it and it will have totally seeped into the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00436-00400600-00402800 And I'm like, why does it keep doing that and what I realized is you need to have a lot of water and a lot of pigment so that, like I was saying to the paint can stay floating on the wall on the paper for a while, until you get your brush cleaned out XNgZrzo8Biu-00437-00402800-00403400 or you get another colored and mix it with. And then it's much more manageable. XNgZrzo8Biu-00438-00403400-00403900 So, yeah, so does that that makes sense at all. XNgZrzo8Biu-00439-00403900-00404500 Yes, thank you. Okay. You're welcome, my right, excellent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00440-00404500-00406200 Okay so, yeah. So what we'll do now is um yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and just kindly mute, everybody and then again if you have questions, go ahead and and put your questions in the chat or unmute yourself. XNgZrzo8Biu-00441-00406200-00406800 Um, let's see, do we have questions. XNgZrzo8Biu-00442-00406800-00407200 Hey Charlotte I'm glad you've been looking forward to this evening. Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00443-00407200-00407600 Okay. Great. XNgZrzo8Biu-00444-00407600-00408300 Okay. And so maybe will be helping me also to keep the keep track of the chat and if there are any questions. XNgZrzo8Biu-00445-00408300-00409500 So yes so what I'd like to do today, we're going we're going to be doing florals, you know, painting some but I want to do the water piece first so I'm going to start sharing screen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00446-00409500-00411300 I also want to go through some softening and drawing out edges which I just did with the previous group, but I feel like that was kind of an important thing to really work on, especially with some of you who are a little newer, and it's always a good XNgZrzo8Biu-00447-00411300-00412100 thing, a good exercise to go back to and do over and over again because you always learning something new. XNgZrzo8Biu-00448-00412100-00412500 Always, always. XNgZrzo8Biu-00449-00412500-00412900 Let's see. florals. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00450-00412900-00413500 So I'm going to start at the very bottom Sorry, I'm making anybody dizzy. XNgZrzo8Biu-00451-00413500-00413800 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00452-00413800-00414400 Alright so let's look at water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00453-00414400-00415500 And what happens when there's a lot of water on the paper or not a lot of water on the paper and you introduce a lot of water so XNgZrzo8Biu-00454-00415500-00416100 the general principle is that water that you're. XNgZrzo8Biu-00455-00416100-00417600 You've got paper, and you've got your brush right. You've got maybe some water, or some wetness on your paper and you've got wetness in your brush, you know, whether its water and paint or just water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00456-00417600-00418600 Your whichever one has more water is going to slow into the one that has less water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00457-00418600-00419700 Okay, more water wants to slow to less water. So, in that first one, my brush had less water than was on the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00458-00419700-00420200 And it just kind of, you know, equalized didn't do anything. XNgZrzo8Biu-00459-00420200-00420400 This second time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00460-00420400-00421300 Did you guys notice that the second time that my brush touch that first blue.it had more water so it went sledding in. XNgZrzo8Biu-00461-00421300-00421400 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00462-00421400-00422900 Now, look at that a lot of water in this puddle, this little puddle. And let's see how was my brush, and drying my brush. You know, and making it a thirsty brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00463-00422900-00423400 So what do you think's going to happen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00464-00423400-00424200 It's going to suck up the water from the paper, even though it's going uphill. XNgZrzo8Biu-00465-00424200-00424500 It's going into the brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00466-00424500-00425200 Okay, because the water on the paper, there's more water on the paper than in the brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00467-00425200-00426400 So, just a very less water in my brush, so the water and the paint is coming up into the brush, because there was more in on the tape. XNgZrzo8Biu-00468-00426400-00427900 So learning this in your head is different from doing it I want you guys to practice, you know, and do it so it feels like it's just part of your body you just know that this is going to happen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00469-00427900-00428300 So here there's, I think. XNgZrzo8Biu-00470-00428300-00429800 I'm not sure if there was a lot of no there was not a lot of water in that pink that rose. So this is a very wet brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00471-00429800-00430600 So it's just been a drop in flood into the pink. The Rose. XNgZrzo8Biu-00472-00430600-00431900 I'm drying my brush now, I think, yeah, grinding my brush and picking up some more rose, and it's a very dry XNgZrzo8Biu-00473-00431900-00432600 can really have to force it to spread around Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00474-00432600-00433400 Now, again I'm going in with the dryer brush and thirsty brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00475-00433400-00434500 So which is it dry or the brush for the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00476-00434500-00434800 Then I went into the blue paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00477-00434800-00436200 And, you know, it's just putting down little bits of the blue because the, the drop the brush very dry and the paper was very dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00478-00436200-00437000 And I can't remember what I did and this last one, XNgZrzo8Biu-00479-00437000-00437600 very wet blue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00480-00437600-00438300 And now I think them just come with water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00481-00438300-00438700 See, XNgZrzo8Biu-00482-00438700-00439200 mono coming with XNgZrzo8Biu-00483-00439200-00439400 to their boss. So books were pretty wet. XNgZrzo8Biu-00484-00439400-00440800 So books were pretty wet. So it's dropping off the wet pain XNgZrzo8Biu-00485-00440800-00441213 now Oh, I see. Now, I've made my brush thirsty. XNgZrzo8Biu-00486-00440700-00442700 And now Oh, I see. Now, I made my brush thirsty. And I'm tilting it so that I get a nice little pool right there at the bottom and it's going to suck up that little puddle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00487-00442700-00442900 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00488-00442900-00443200 Good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00489-00443200-00444300 Then you see this blue right here. This is in the middle dot. Whoops. Get back over here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00490-00444300-00444600 Stop this for a minute. You see the bloom. XNgZrzo8Biu-00491-00444600-00445300 right here in that thought XNgZrzo8Biu-00492-00445300-00446300 that happened because this middle area was wet longer than this age. XNgZrzo8Biu-00493-00446300-00447600 See the paint had dried along the edge. I didn't produce that wet blue in the middle, and hadn't sucked up the extra water. So it took a lot longer to dry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00494-00447600-00448400 and the water in that, in that pain, pushed the pigment that pink pigment right out. XNgZrzo8Biu-00495-00448400-00450100 created that bloom, and sometimes you want to have a bloom and sometimes you don't. So just be aware of when you have those pedals. That's why we use helpful when you see a pedal and you don't want to happen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00496-00450100-00450300 Make your brush thirsty and pick it up. XNgZrzo8Biu-00497-00450300-00450500 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00498-00450500-00451700 Ready, let's go to the next. XNgZrzo8Biu-00499-00451700-00452200 Okay, this is not cooperating. XNgZrzo8Biu-00500-00452200-00452600 Go to the next video. No. XNgZrzo8Biu-00501-00452600-00453100 Let's try this next video. XNgZrzo8Biu-00502-00453100-00453400 Okay, good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00503-00453400-00453700 So here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00504-00453700-00454900 No, that's the same one right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00505-00454900-00455900 technical difficulties. XNgZrzo8Biu-00506-00455900-00456300 Apologize. XNgZrzo8Biu-00507-00456300-00456500 Now can XNgZrzo8Biu-00508-00456500-00457100 I see acceptable this way. XNgZrzo8Biu-00509-00457100-00459000 So here, you know we've talked about wet on wet and wet and dry but we haven't really talked about dry on wet. And I just saw something just recently that made a huge revelation to me and I thought it might be good for you guys to know. XNgZrzo8Biu-00510-00459000-00460400 So this is the tip of the typical wet on wet, you know, your papers wet, you go to put down color and it just depending on how wet your paper is and how wet your brushes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00511-00460400-00461200 You're going to get more movement or less movement, so more water more movement, less water less movement. XNgZrzo8Biu-00512-00461200-00462200 And this is the same, same mixture, but on dry paper, and the same wetness of brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00513-00462200-00462900 But then what I'm going to do here is I'm only going to pick up dry pigment mature I'm saying that correctly. XNgZrzo8Biu-00514-00462900-00463500 Sure I'm seeing that correctly. So you see this, the drop that dried pigment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00515-00463500-00464100 If you use dried pigment and a fairly dry brush. XNgZrzo8Biu-00516-00464100-00466000 And I think my brush was still go to work on wet paper, you're going to get a soft, Mark, but it's going to be much more controlled than if you're using wet pavement. XNgZrzo8Biu-00517-00466000-00467400 Okay, so that was just a really good hint that I found and it's helpful in a lot of different, like, especially when we're doing these florals today. XNgZrzo8Biu-00518-00467400-00469500 I think you'll find it helpful. If you want to get like a little shadow area right in between those two battles. How do you keep it from just like from, you know, from running us dry or pigment in that little area. XNgZrzo8Biu-00519-00469500-00469600 Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00520-00469600-00470200 So we'll see that, hopefully an action soon. XNgZrzo8Biu-00521-00470200-00470400 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00522-00470400-00471000 And then this may be a repeat for some of you, I apologize but. XNgZrzo8Biu-00523-00471000-00472700 But I thought it was definitely worth doing because especially well with florals, you really don't have hard edges, you know, I mean you have some hard edges but you definitely need to show form curves areas, XNgZrzo8Biu-00524-00472700-00473500 rounded areas and it's it's really helpful to review this, I think, to. XNgZrzo8Biu-00525-00473500-00474200 So make sure you've got a good amount of water in the pigment that you put down in the darkest areas. XNgZrzo8Biu-00526-00474200-00474900 Because a lot of lot of times you'll have your pedals. XNgZrzo8Biu-00527-00474900-00477100 They won't be a flat color, your pedals will have a darker area and the light and some lighter areas because of the the light and shadow, and it's helpful to be able to have practiced really making those areas flow that that color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00528-00477100-00478000 And the paint flow. So there are no lines between those dark and light areas. XNgZrzo8Biu-00529-00478000-00478500 Okay. So just a quick, XNgZrzo8Biu-00530-00478500-00479700 you know put down your, your darkest value and then watch it, watch it out to your legacy areas. XNgZrzo8Biu-00531-00479700-00480000 that XNgZrzo8Biu-00532-00480000-00481200 will be going too fast if I move on, guys need in a minute more, maybe. No, it's good. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00533-00481200-00481700 Yeah. Does this along with me if you have any, if you can. XNgZrzo8Biu-00534-00481700-00482300 So here's a circle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00535-00482300-00484000 We have some circles in our florals but this is more more for round objects but probably some circular areas where we are going to need to show a shadow side. XNgZrzo8Biu-00536-00484000-00485900 And so you don't want a hard edge there because if it's if it's around the object you want just to show a nice flow from the shadow to the light. XNgZrzo8Biu-00537-00485900-00487200 It's always, always helpful to practice this no matter how many times you've done it in here I'm going back in and I'm lifting that blue so that it still is, can move easily. XNgZrzo8Biu-00538-00487200-00487500 And then I'm thirsty brushing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00539-00487500-00488000 That puddle didn't make sense there. XNgZrzo8Biu-00540-00488000-00488900 And then shadow, just a quick shadow with your darkest hue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00541-00488900-00489300 And then XNgZrzo8Biu-00542-00489300-00489700 drying out. XNgZrzo8Biu-00543-00489700-00490100 The color with some water around the edge. XNgZrzo8Biu-00544-00490100-00490800 There's not a hard edge, you know some shadows might have a hard edge to them. XNgZrzo8Biu-00545-00490800-00491900 Or at least maybe words closest to the object. So start observing where those shadows, how those shadows are working. XNgZrzo8Biu-00546-00491900-00493600 Where is the hard edge if there is a hard edge, and how soft, are the edges and, and how delineated, are they are they just really go into nothing like the day. XNgZrzo8Biu-00547-00493600-00494000 Are they sorry drawer out to XNgZrzo8Biu-00548-00494000-00494900 not being a shadow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00549-00494900-00495700 Stop me if you have questions okay stop me if you if I'm going to SAS. XNgZrzo8Biu-00550-00495700-00496200 This questions. XNgZrzo8Biu-00551-00496200-00496800 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00552-00496800-00497500 demerits like you're here for Demi right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00553-00497500-00498000 Next one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00554-00498000-00499400 Okay so here doing a tubular sort of structure and this could be a plant stem flower stem, it could be XNgZrzo8Biu-00555-00499400-00501300 the tree trunk, you know, we touched on this last time so this will be familiar to you guys, or to some of you anyway, but here I'm starting with the shadow side with the darkest darkest value that I'll be using or at least I think I'll be using. XNgZrzo8Biu-00556-00501300-00502600 At this point, and then coming in this my next value. XNgZrzo8Biu-00557-00502600-00503100 And softening that line. XNgZrzo8Biu-00558-00503100-00504600 So we don't see any kind of a line there just just radiates it just melts together, and then going, Oh, we didn't do homework. XNgZrzo8Biu-00559-00504600-00505200 Okay, well look at homework after that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00560-00505200-00506100 Oh my goodness. XNgZrzo8Biu-00561-00506100-00506900 Drink some water. So, hello, hello brain. XNgZrzo8Biu-00562-00506900-00507500 Yeah, so here I'm getting rid of that green line. XNgZrzo8Biu-00563-00507500-00507700 Water. XNgZrzo8Biu-00564-00507700-00508700 So we have a lighter side and a darker side and then I better just keep playing with it I'm going to my, my Burnt Sienna, my trusty Bert Tiana. XNgZrzo8Biu-00565-00508700-00509100 And if they were if this were a tree trunk. XNgZrzo8Biu-00566-00509100-00509600 I would want to darken that blue of it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00567-00509600-00510900 It's always probably already said this, but it's always, I think it's always best to make your own darks your own blacks and browns and greens and XNgZrzo8Biu-00568-00510900-00511600 burnt sienna is an amazing paid for doing that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00569-00511600-00514100 So here I'm letting it blend in with the blue and the green, and just kind of be this intermediary and adding some texture so that it could look like bark on three or four maybe a little fuzzy area on a, on a spam XNgZrzo8Biu-00570-00514100-00516200 and engaging whether it's still wet enough to deal with, with more color or not. Am I using too much water, they may have used a little bit too much water here because I think the green was, see how it didn't blend in the green had dried. XNgZrzo8Biu-00571-00516200-00516700 So just things like that to be aware of. XNgZrzo8Biu-00572-00516700-00517200 And then going in creating that inner shadow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00573-00517200-00517900 This is this was an open tube. XNgZrzo8Biu-00574-00517900-00519800 So I said this to the, to the beginner group but, you know, it's a really good practice to you know get spheres get cylinders and just paint them you know get this you know get some light shining on them to make interesting shadows and then then paint XNgZrzo8Biu-00575-00519800-00520900 what you see your observation, you know, building your observation skills is so important to painting I think XNgZrzo8Biu-00576-00520900-00521700 especially if you're if you're leaning towards a more realistic XNgZrzo8Biu-00577-00521700-00522000 type of painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00578-00522000-00522400 So wanting to paint realistically, I should say. XNgZrzo8Biu-00579-00522400-00522800 Okay. Let's move on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00580-00522800-00524100 And now here. I'm doing a little glazing, which you just a good practice because we will need to do glazing over our flowers. XNgZrzo8Biu-00581-00524100-00524500 Inevitably, XNgZrzo8Biu-00582-00524500-00524900 them going a little the rose. XNgZrzo8Biu-00583-00524900-00526900 Just starting the shadow and the bar. So, rinse my brush a little bit to get us the xxs color and that that little blob there that I'm just picking up with a thirsty brush again, my brushes prior, so I can wet. XNgZrzo8Biu-00584-00526900-00527900 That just barely and then get it, and just touch the pink with it, to have it flow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00585-00527900-00529800 Yeah, so again with glazing it is super super important that you only go over the existing page to try to team that's already on your ones, just go over and smoothly confidently XNgZrzo8Biu-00586-00529800-00530000 lightly. XNgZrzo8Biu-00587-00530000-00530400 You don't want to disturb the underlying paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00588-00530400-00531100 Using your soft disk brushes for glazing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00589-00531100-00531420 Say that one more time since that's a short one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00590-00531100-00533300 One more time since that's a short one. It took me years to be successful at glazing, and I would love for you guys to not to go through that again, very dry, then just go over once in those areas. XNgZrzo8Biu-00591-00533300-00534700 Clean the excess paint off because now I want that paint just to travel lightly with no lines, picking up the access puddles. XNgZrzo8Biu-00592-00534700-00535600 With a thirsty, brush, brush is still thirsty here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00593-00535600-00536400 And it doesn't have to be exact. XNgZrzo8Biu-00594-00536400-00537400 And this one here is using dry pigment so dry on wet, I think, is what I did here. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00595-00537400-00538100 So wedding the area XNgZrzo8Biu-00596-00538100-00539500 And the pen I used to make this rectangle was not a waterproof pens and you can see how this is kind of seeping in and adding its own colors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00597-00539500-00540100 Kind of purple color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00598-00540100-00540500 So, well, wait a minute, XNgZrzo8Biu-00599-00540500-00542100 that I do. Oh yeah, so I'm putting down a wet, putting down into wet on wet with the, with the rose XNgZrzo8Biu-00600-00542100-00542200 saying this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00601-00542200-00542800 Just imagine this is the edge of something, and then to see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00602-00542800-00543800 Think I go in. XNgZrzo8Biu-00603-00543800-00546000 Yeah, the important part of this is that now I've got a thirsty event a fairly broad brush and I'm going into dry or fairly dry pigment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00604-00546000-00546200 It's just thirsty. XNgZrzo8Biu-00605-00546200-00547100 Because the page now is wanting to come up into the brush. So it has to have enough stuff in it so that it will go down. XNgZrzo8Biu-00606-00547100-00548200 And so I went into the DR pigment again with a little bit of a wider brush, and you see how it's not bleeding out, XNgZrzo8Biu-00607-00548200-00548700 it's staying fairly close to home. XNgZrzo8Biu-00608-00548700-00549800 Because of using the dry pigment and now I'm kind of forcing it. But, but it's still very much under control. XNgZrzo8Biu-00609-00549800-00552500 So I hope I don't know if that's new information for you guys, but I was so excited to, to actually see this and and have somebody explain it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00610-00552500-00552800 Question. XNgZrzo8Biu-00611-00552800-00554400 This time if anybody wants to unmute themselves. XNgZrzo8Biu-00612-00554400-00554600 Okay. Right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00613-00554600-00555800 So does anybody, anybody need another minute. Are we good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00614-00555800-00556500 Right, going to go ahead and start just setting up for homework. XNgZrzo8Biu-00615-00556500-00557300 So let me actually do that this is a good stopping point because from here we're going to go right into florals. XNgZrzo8Biu-00616-00557300-00557500 So that's going to work. XNgZrzo8Biu-00617-00557500-00558000 That's really cool stuff today. XNgZrzo8Biu-00618-00558000-00558100 Let's start here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00619-00558100-00559100 Here. That's mine. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00620-00559100-00560500 That was actually just the study but I thought it looked really cool. I'm going from the lemon yellow to the surreally and I think in the swamp. XNgZrzo8Biu-00621-00560500-00563000 And, yeah, I just kept getting so many shades, it's not necessarily an order but it was like I kept finding more, so I just kept going with that. Yeah, cool, and then that's the ultra marine with lemon yellow, and I was just playing around with that one XNgZrzo8Biu-00622-00563000-00564300 and again like just so many different shades that I never knew existed massively and it's interesting how this ultra marine blue will make more. XNgZrzo8Biu-00623-00564300-00565500 We're D saturated greens and not so great. Yeah, yeah, the Serbian was like really neon looking when like that, that one is with the certainly in and it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00624-00565500-00567000 It's a little. I don't think I would use this combination again, just those two colors, because it's like a little too neon for me, but I had fun exploring colors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00625-00567000-00568600 Great paintings and it's definitely very Alyssa list for illustrative illustrating the the the greens and the ranges and then yeah, which which blues are you been actually lined and they do. XNgZrzo8Biu-00626-00568600-00569900 Excellent. Thank you. Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00627-00569900-00571100 So, um, let's get to the end of these guys and then I'll stop sharing and then we can hold, hold it up all right and you go. Okay. All right. Great, thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00628-00571100-00571200 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00629-00571200-00573100 All right. So, yeah so sweet that I made this one and I had the exact same experience like Julie, so I don't have much to say. So just use the was that ultimately yeah and feminine blue and lemon yellow hue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00630-00573100-00574000 For this one, and that's mainly because I like the D saturated greens that the, the, the blue office. XNgZrzo8Biu-00631-00574000-00575200 And that's, that's when I had this again. This revelation that cool it's a group called Blue with the cool yellow. However, the cool blue still has some red in it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00632-00575200-00576500 So, no matter how much I think about it and I keep remembering it I just can't get the thing in my head. So I just have a small tip for everybody. XNgZrzo8Biu-00633-00576500-00577300 If you can see this one I have just stuck a little one of those XNgZrzo8Biu-00634-00577300-00577500 posters Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00635-00577500-00578000 It's been long I haven't been to office and I forgot posted. XNgZrzo8Biu-00636-00578000-00578800 So I have these little blue postage for the, for the cool colors. And I've also written the name of the color on the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-00637-00578800-00579300 And that is for the one once I have the yellow post it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00638-00579300-00579800 So, there's to show that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00639-00579800-00580500 I'm sorry. So the thing is this is just to show that I get an understanding with a, it's warm or cold. XNgZrzo8Biu-00640-00580500-00581300 Interesting. Very cool. Yeah and starters like me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00641-00581300-00582700 Yeah, yeah, then it's like, so that's kind of in general, you've got the the colors on the color wheel right that are cooler and warmer, but then you have to wrap your head around that, then everything is relative. XNgZrzo8Biu-00642-00582700-00585300 Beyond that, yeah. Oh my goodness. Yeah, so I'm wondering, I know. XNgZrzo8Biu-00643-00585300-00586400 I mean that that could also help us just another way to start looking at colors and, and, and seeing their warmth and coolness. XNgZrzo8Biu-00644-00586400-00586600 Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00645-00586600-00587600 Very cool thank you yeah I love that, I love all the varieties you've gotten in there. That's beautiful. XNgZrzo8Biu-00646-00587600-00589200 Thank you. And I always struggle with grains, so I know this is a pretty shabby. This is definitely not my best work but I've learned a lot from this one and thank you very much Jana because otherwise I would have really not gone this far to learn all XNgZrzo8Biu-00647-00589200-00589300 this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00648-00589300-00589700 So, on the right side where the cursor is I've used. XNgZrzo8Biu-00649-00589700-00590000 I've used more of yellow hue. XNgZrzo8Biu-00650-00590000-00591500 Various to the, to the left, I've used several in a blue. Mm hmm. And I've actually used every color in my arsenal so XNgZrzo8Biu-00651-00591500-00591900 that's awesome yeah there's a variety in here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00652-00591900-00592700 One yeah and it really works to have all everything going on because there's more of a story. Right. XNgZrzo8Biu-00653-00592700-00594100 You know, cool, and a little bit someplace that we can add red, red or pink I mean any, any form of read, just to D saturated and as you said the other day. XNgZrzo8Biu-00654-00594100-00594400 So I've used it on the clean the middle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00655-00594400-00595100 This one excellent yeah and then I just couldn't stop myself and I just spoiled the whole thing. I just messed it up. XNgZrzo8Biu-00656-00595100-00595900 Oh my goodness. So what do you mean you couldn't stop yourself me I thought it was, it was too late to D saturated. XNgZrzo8Biu-00657-00595900-00596200 So, I just wanted to add more color to it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00658-00596200-00597800 Mm, yeah so I made the mistake, because the next time I tried mixing it, it was more green than red. Mm hmm. you can see it in the middle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah that back and forth and then, you know, playing with. XNgZrzo8Biu-00659-00597800-00598000 Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00660-00598000-00598800 Like, as you always say, it's better to mix the colors, more than what we expect that we need. XNgZrzo8Biu-00661-00598800-00599300 So that way you'll never run out of it and start mixing again. Mm hmm. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00662-00599300-00599800 Yeah, a lot of times that's helpful. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00663-00599800-00601400 Alright, cool. And then, that these are actually let me just keep going because we're going to look at something else that social media has been working on, and you would like people's feedback. XNgZrzo8Biu-00664-00601400-00602400 And in terms of feedback if we can just talk. If I can just talk for just a moment about giving people feedback when they are asking for it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00665-00602400-00604200 I think that's absolutely awesome. If somebody is working on a painting and they're like, I just don't know quite you know whatever whatever. It's absolutely okay for us to offer constructive feedback positive feedback and in a way that you know asks XNgZrzo8Biu-00666-00604200-00604800 questions, or make suggestions. XNgZrzo8Biu-00667-00604800-00605800 So, we'll play with some of that as it's kind of hard to explain right right here and now, but we'll play with some of that with with your social media. XNgZrzo8Biu-00668-00605800-00606000 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00669-00606000-00606700 All right, So, so why don't you tell us about this original. XNgZrzo8Biu-00670-00606700-00607100 The the photo and XNgZrzo8Biu-00671-00607100-00607700 a friend of mine, one. I mean, she just asked me to paint and I'm not. XNgZrzo8Biu-00672-00607700-00608600 I don't have the confidence to go ahead with this but then she forced me too. So I would really like all of you to support me and give me your feedback. XNgZrzo8Biu-00673-00608600-00608800 In regards to this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00674-00608800-00609800 Ok, me and this photo was quite yet so this is how far a requirement I have a lot more to do. XNgZrzo8Biu-00675-00609800-00610200 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00676-00610200-00612000 And so, this is just how much I could, I mean, I just grabbed the face a little and I just thought these colors would suit them the best right no I'm, I'm a little nieces indecisive about what the background should be, but it should be a complimentary XNgZrzo8Biu-00677-00612000-00612400 color, or I should have more. XNgZrzo8Biu-00678-00612400-00613100 Some something happening in the background. XNgZrzo8Biu-00679-00613100-00613500 I would I would really appreciate all your feedback. XNgZrzo8Biu-00680-00613500-00613900 China Can I say something. Yes, absolutely yes yes unmute yourself. XNgZrzo8Biu-00681-00613900-00614500 During this time, so this is Kathy. I think it is fantastic. XNgZrzo8Biu-00682-00614500-00615200 The things that I love the best on it. I love how his face is. XNgZrzo8Biu-00683-00615200-00617000 It's a little. It's soft looking. If you wanted that stand out, you could do some more hard edges on that but I happen to like it how it is. I love love love his shirt, the sort of very subtle plaid and then you've got sort of some pleading going on, XNgZrzo8Biu-00684-00617000-00618900 just, it's, it is a wonderful. I did, I tried to do a painting of my children from a photograph when from when they were maybe four and six, and Wow, did I fail it someday I'll go back to it because I, it was a while back, but so I know how hard it is XNgZrzo8Biu-00685-00618900-00620500 at least for me to do people so I'm thoroughly impressed with this painting I think it's just lovely. And personally, I probably keep the background something very soft so that you're not competing because the figures are the most important thing in it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00686-00620500-00621100 That's my two cents but kudos to you it's really wonderful. Thank you so much, Kathy Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00687-00621100-00621200 You're welcome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00688-00621200-00621800 But I'm planning to do next is I know that a couple of features on the face which I really have to work on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00689-00621800-00623000 And they're not exactly in proportion or they're not proper. So, I'll probably reveal all the mistakes that I did sometime later, when they when they have a better picture. XNgZrzo8Biu-00690-00623000-00623400 So, I'll see the photograph again. XNgZrzo8Biu-00691-00623400-00623700 Yes, you go, let's see. XNgZrzo8Biu-00692-00623700-00623900 Here we go. XNgZrzo8Biu-00693-00623900-00624100 Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00694-00624100-00624700 The photo is quite bloody it's not in high resolution, because this is just a screenshot. XNgZrzo8Biu-00695-00624700-00625700 And so I, I've never met these people before so I had no idea about how they look. Wow that's tricky. XNgZrzo8Biu-00696-00625700-00626400 Can I see your painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00697-00626400-00626700 It's amazing. You can incredible job. XNgZrzo8Biu-00698-00626700-00626800 Thank you so much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00699-00626800-00627500 I will keep the background very soft. XNgZrzo8Biu-00700-00627500-00628200 My first thought was to use some of the green in the photograph, but I think that would fight with it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00701-00628200-00629000 But just you know very soft background. XNgZrzo8Biu-00702-00629000-00629600 I would soften on the, on the woman. XNgZrzo8Biu-00703-00629600-00630700 For us, it's the left side of her face. It's looking a little harsh, I would try to soften the hair just on her cheek a little bit. XNgZrzo8Biu-00704-00630700-00631500 This here. So it looks like it's a little bit further away than her eye on the right side. XNgZrzo8Biu-00705-00631500-00631700 So a little perspective. XNgZrzo8Biu-00706-00631700-00632100 And XNgZrzo8Biu-00707-00632100-00632600 since we've learned how to soften edges. Mm hmm. XNgZrzo8Biu-00708-00632600-00633100 It's amazing, you thank you so much XNgZrzo8Biu-00709-00633100-00633600 more work on the last from the last two photos that I sent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00710-00633600-00633900 Sorry my laptop has no charge. XNgZrzo8Biu-00711-00633900-00635100 So, I still have to work on the teeth, which again is a distinction for me because I don't really know how to go about that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00712-00635100-00635800 Hi associate firstly it's very beautiful work well. XNgZrzo8Biu-00713-00635800-00636200 Because although. XNgZrzo8Biu-00714-00636200-00638000 Like, I'm so even that they are happy couples, because they're been together I noticed, like this gentleman, he hold the lady. XNgZrzo8Biu-00715-00638000-00639800 So, we see of course you are not finished, we can see that there is that smart air dropping his hand and fingers. If you could have finished that part I think is very important and to show their relationship, and compensation, even though it's only a XNgZrzo8Biu-00716-00639800-00640500 hand. But I think it gives a lot of information, but against very beautiful down. XNgZrzo8Biu-00717-00640500-00640600 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00718-00640600-00641100 Thank you so much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00719-00641100-00641300 This the Lakers. XNgZrzo8Biu-00720-00641300-00641600 And my goodness. XNgZrzo8Biu-00721-00641600-00642200 So I don't know if you can see clearly, so XNgZrzo8Biu-00722-00642200-00643100 I just do it and if you said, I just added shadows. We hear me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00723-00643100-00643300 Well, yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00724-00643300-00644100 And then there was something about the man's face that I was not happy about. So I just tried to make it more softer. XNgZrzo8Biu-00725-00644100-00644600 And I just made it much better. XNgZrzo8Biu-00726-00644600-00645600 That is looking a lot, not quite so, yeah. Quite so. Square john. Yeah, XNgZrzo8Biu-00727-00645600-00646300 yeah, yeah their eyes have really receded back a little bit, which is nice. Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00728-00646300-00647200 And mistake that I really, I'm going to leave you the mistake. The thing is more about proportion within the years. XNgZrzo8Biu-00729-00647200-00649200 I think it was not properly placed in the previous photo, and I just had to lift the bend up, and then, since it's a very light pink, I didn't have a lot of problem of covering it with the head, and then pushing the year down a bit. XNgZrzo8Biu-00730-00649200-00649600 Can I say some pin, please. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00731-00649600-00649800 Hi so cheetah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00732-00649800-00650400 And I see, first of all, just to reiterate what others have said is absolutely amazing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00733-00650400-00651100 Like, I'm all foot portraits and I've been an artist for like 20 years, I really struggle. XNgZrzo8Biu-00734-00651100-00651800 And I think you did an amazing job, especially on the young lady, it just looks really real, which is what you want. XNgZrzo8Biu-00735-00651800-00653800 And, but a couple of things. Firstly, don't, don't be too harsh on yourself, because if it for me. If it was meant to be exactly like the photo, then they could just have the photo to know I mean, you've got an opportunity for bit of artistic license. XNgZrzo8Biu-00736-00653800-00654100 So, don't be too tough on yourself. XNgZrzo8Biu-00737-00654100-00654700 And, and secondly if you're worried about proportion. XNgZrzo8Biu-00738-00654700-00655200 I can share with you I'll put it in the comment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00739-00655200-00656600 There's a company that does a workshop. I think they do a free one once a month, who are literally there, they specialize in structure of Port traits. XNgZrzo8Biu-00740-00656600-00657200 And that you might find interesting I think there might be one on Sunday. XNgZrzo8Biu-00741-00657200-00658400 But yeah, not to take away from this obviously but just in case you found it useful I'll pop it into the comment, can be good. Thank you very much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00742-00658400-00658600 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00743-00658600-00659000 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00744-00659000-00659100 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00745-00659100-00660300 Thank you all for your feedback. It's wonderful. And please do tell me if there are any more corrections where I need to work on, because these are, these constructive criticisms are really good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00746-00660300-00660800 So yeah, I'd be very happy to hear more from you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00747-00660800-00661200 It just built for we're looking forward to see more works from you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00748-00661200-00661400 Thank you so much. XNgZrzo8Biu-00749-00661400-00661800 Totally. XNgZrzo8Biu-00750-00661800-00663300 It's Muriel I am looking at this picture and then I saw the picture that you just held up. I think what I was going to say she needs more shade on her neck area and I think you did put that in on the new one you shaded that in a bit. XNgZrzo8Biu-00751-00663300-00665200 I mean the shadow, the shadow underneath. She had he has a lot of. He has a lot of contours in his face and her from her nose down you don't have this much detail as far as the ins and outs, you know the contour of her chin and the shading of her neck XNgZrzo8Biu-00752-00665200-00666400 I think you shaded it more in the second one did you say she did a little bit yeah you change it a little bit more in the second year, you can see your neck I like this her neck better than that one, there's a little over here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00753-00666400-00667500 Yeah, maybe only hold it up a little bit. XNgZrzo8Biu-00754-00667500-00668600 Yeah, yeah, and even here you put a little I think you put a little more on a chip I don't know but her, her needs the shadow of the indent of her chin underneath his lip. XNgZrzo8Biu-00755-00668600-00669500 Haha, just, it was a Christian stare down a little bit better, because there's no there's no, there's no, you can't see contour there. XNgZrzo8Biu-00756-00669500-00669900 Otherwise it's beautiful. I couldn't do it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00757-00669900-00670200 Thank you. Great job. Great job. XNgZrzo8Biu-00758-00670200-00670600 Yeah, like you said, adding more details here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00759-00670600-00672200 Go light on putting too much detail on her face because sometimes, especially with young women they start looking old tired and haggard. If you put too much detail and if you have a very light touch. XNgZrzo8Biu-00760-00672200-00673100 Even if you put a shadow under her lip has to be very very subtle, go as subtle as you can, Chris, you can always add more. XNgZrzo8Biu-00761-00673100-00673600 Yeah, yeah, definitely good good control of that subtlety symbol. XNgZrzo8Biu-00762-00673600-00674500 That's awesome, but that's a really good, really good thought there about that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00763-00674500-00674700 Yeah, cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00764-00674700-00675100 Yeah, let's just go back one more time to the photo. XNgZrzo8Biu-00765-00675100-00675200 See, we could. XNgZrzo8Biu-00766-00675200-00675400 Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00767-00675400-00675700 I don't see a lot going on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00768-00675700-00676300 As you muted sit under her Leah you don't see in the photo you don't see it. Yeah, that's true. XNgZrzo8Biu-00769-00676300-00676900 And I don't know them and even if I zoom the photo I just can hardly see the details. XNgZrzo8Biu-00770-00676900-00677400 So, yes, true, that's true. XNgZrzo8Biu-00771-00677400-00678100 I see something, don't feel here. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00772-00678100-00678500 Well done. To me, this is this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00773-00678500-00679900 Yeah, 42 so tough, but also well done. It's time to think about in that when conditions are scary, like, well done to have the bravery, even take this on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00774-00679900-00680200 Because submission. XNgZrzo8Biu-00775-00680200-00681500 As we all have a picture in our head, a sickness to be lined up and probably some into 15 different things, especially when you're taking people people have an idea of how they look, even if that's true. XNgZrzo8Biu-00776-00681500-00682600 So when a picture is painted of them. and it doesn't look like how they believe they look, there can be a react to that has nothing to do with your talent, or anything else. XNgZrzo8Biu-00777-00682600-00683800 Look, the most famous one I can think of is government commissioning a portrait of Winston Churchill. That was a stunning meeting by a famous artists and wisdom took it up to the garden. XNgZrzo8Biu-00778-00683800-00684600 And first, because it didn't represent how he looked, he thought he looked. XNgZrzo8Biu-00779-00684600-00685500 It was one of the most. One of the disaster was the art is beautiful painting was destroyed. XNgZrzo8Biu-00780-00685500-00687300 So, I'm not a pessimist at me. And I think that it goes around with permissions I think anybody who takes up any sort of commission is incredibly brave, because you may run into someone's perception of what your talent should look like them. XNgZrzo8Biu-00781-00687300-00688800 And, you know, world row things really well done and it is, you know, good for you, and but, and thank you for making me remember that it's got a couple of commissions coming up, and I'm doing everything to avoid them like a washing machine in the sink, XNgZrzo8Biu-00782-00688800-00689200 to avoid. XNgZrzo8Biu-00783-00689200-00689700 So, that on your radar XNgZrzo8Biu-00784-00689700-00690300 and funny thing is, this is supposed to be their wedding gift. I mean a part of the wedding gift. XNgZrzo8Biu-00785-00690300-00690700 And that, that just makes things tough for me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00786-00690700-00691200 That's a lot of pressure. Oh my goodness. XNgZrzo8Biu-00787-00691200-00691800 Because you need to give a lot of gifts. So this is probably a part of it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00788-00691800-00692800 It's probably going to be overshadowed by gold and other things, expensive things, but still. XNgZrzo8Biu-00789-00692800-00694800 Please don't say that because arts are expensive to, especially I think in the traditional India miniature paintings. Some pigments, like blue and green color especially blue they came from the jewelry from the, the main over rocks and that they are even XNgZrzo8Biu-00790-00694800-00695900 valuable than gold. So, as much as you finish it with your best wishes. ISIS very valuable gift for the young couple. XNgZrzo8Biu-00791-00695900-00696400 Thank you, XNgZrzo8Biu-00792-00696400-00697300 photos and a sudden when I go I mean, in the process. So we can just have a look at how good or bad things were and how we corrected it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00793-00697300-00698300 Yes, we'll look at the progress. Thank you. Thank you so much. This means that we're doing this. I think it's been really helpful to take that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00794-00698300-00698700 Yay. Thank you. Cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00795-00698700-00699500 All right, so I think you need to go back for a moment. XNgZrzo8Biu-00796-00699500-00700400 Okay, so, um, I don't remember who is this Chrissy. XNgZrzo8Biu-00797-00700400-00700800 Yeah, it's me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00798-00700800-00701800 As usual I always spend a lot of time brainstorming ideas like cannot come up with something that I wanted to paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00799-00701800-00703200 I tried to look at my garden several times. But then I couldn't do it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00800-00703200-00703800 So I use a lot all that I did the quick sketch. XNgZrzo8Biu-00801-00703800-00704400 I think you have taught us to do the quick sketch in 15 minutes. Mm hmm. XNgZrzo8Biu-00802-00704400-00705300 So I brought up this one, you know, look pretty. XNgZrzo8Biu-00803-00705300-00705900 I've been so busy at work so I didn't have a lot of time. XNgZrzo8Biu-00804-00705900-00707900 And I, I just want to tell people if in case you don't know this is based on a photo of classical gardens of pseudo in China. XNgZrzo8Biu-00805-00707900-00709500 A lot of rich merchant view their houses and integrated with garden tree, especially rocks. If you see a lot of rocks. These rocks are actually very expensive. XNgZrzo8Biu-00806-00709500-00709900 So, I attempted to do it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00807-00709900-00710300 Within two nights, because that's all the time I have. XNgZrzo8Biu-00808-00710300-00712000 And I know there's a deadline so if, in a good way, so I have to finish. Otherwise, I would be spending weeks. XNgZrzo8Biu-00809-00712000-00712200 This is all. XNgZrzo8Biu-00810-00712200-00712600 So I did a sloppy joe was the palm, originally. XNgZrzo8Biu-00811-00712600-00714200 If I had more time I would do the reflection but I knew I, I did not have time. So I just did a very quick way to cover the pound was the dark green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00812-00714200-00714400 Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00813-00714400-00715700 Yeah, so it just looks like a shadow an open shadow area. Yeah. Yeah. Um, but, I should have been able to do it better, but I just did not have the pie. XNgZrzo8Biu-00814-00715700-00716000 So that was the problem. XNgZrzo8Biu-00815-00716000-00717500 So I have a question because usually when I noticed that I need to paint green over like a tree trunk or anywhere that I need to put like a lighter color of green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00816-00717500-00718800 I need to reserve the space, but if I forgot, like, you know, for example, like, If you look at the left side of the window. XNgZrzo8Biu-00817-00718800-00719700 There are some green forgot what tree. This is called, but it had like a light green overs. XNgZrzo8Biu-00818-00719700-00720200 And I had trouble making it more apparent. XNgZrzo8Biu-00819-00720200-00721100 So, um, let's see. So which. So right here is this Haha, yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00820-00721100-00721300 Oh, so you wanted to be later. XNgZrzo8Biu-00821-00721300-00722000 No, I wonder window, there are some tree, hanging. XNgZrzo8Biu-00822-00722000-00722600 Oh, yeah. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00823-00722600-00724300 Oh, interesting. So how to make that apparent how to make it stand. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00824-00724300-00725800 I think the only thing that you can do in the top left corner if you want to have that I see I think I see what you're talking about this, the way up top corner that that way up top left corner that tree has some pieces hanging down Is that what you're XNgZrzo8Biu-00825-00725800-00727300 talking about Chrissy. Yeah, yeah, I think you would have to be able to lift the other a little bit, the, the, the darker gray, I don't know if that would lift that I mean once you put it on. XNgZrzo8Biu-00826-00727300-00728200 You'd have to lift it to get that green show up more unless you just changed it to a very dark green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00827-00728200-00729000 Because you can't see it I didn't even see it until you mentioned it, because it's just so like I know that's. XNgZrzo8Biu-00828-00729000-00729800 It's a very light green, that the way the tree looks. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00829-00729800-00730200 But unless you can lift that gray you're not going to get the light green over it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00830-00730200-00730500 Uh huh. XNgZrzo8Biu-00831-00730500-00731200 And the thing is if you knew it was going to be there in the first place to to block it out with that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00832-00731200-00731800 With that, with that stuff, whatever it's cool, huh. XNgZrzo8Biu-00833-00731800-00733200 Yeah, or negative paint around the areas or. Yeah, yeah. The other day keeps it white, I can't I can never did the first skit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah that's true. XNgZrzo8Biu-00834-00733200-00733600 Well, the other thing is that when you do play there. XNgZrzo8Biu-00835-00733600-00734500 You, you really don't have pie to do, like, you know, you don't have time to do anything. XNgZrzo8Biu-00836-00734500-00735800 The other thing you could do is, some of these leaves may have a highlight on them, you know, just a little bit of, you know, spotlight, you could scream. XNgZrzo8Biu-00837-00735800-00737500 Just to suggest the, you know, okay, okay. And you could do that even against here. And even in this area here. Uh huh. You know, just, you know, scrape out those suggestions. XNgZrzo8Biu-00838-00737500-00737600 Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00839-00737600-00737800 Okay. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00840-00737800-00739200 Cool. This is lovely, you know, for a quick work, oh my goodness I couldn't do this and you're so there's so much detail and I actually have to say I love the contrast between the detail. XNgZrzo8Biu-00841-00739200-00740000 And then these beautiful rocks, you know just the, the lightning. XNgZrzo8Biu-00842-00740000-00740200 They're just gorgeous. XNgZrzo8Biu-00843-00740200-00740800 Thank you. So I have a question what do you guys think the focal point is. XNgZrzo8Biu-00844-00740800-00741800 Oh, good question. Good question. XNgZrzo8Biu-00845-00741800-00742200 Did you, did you create a focal point. XNgZrzo8Biu-00846-00742200-00743000 Well, I, I think I like this wolf Hall because of the contract of the white building. XNgZrzo8Biu-00847-00743000-00743800 And then that would structure and the tree contracts. XNgZrzo8Biu-00848-00743800-00744700 So I don't know if you guys know because these houses have very unique windows and doors. XNgZrzo8Biu-00849-00744700-00745500 The door you can already see because it's very famous to have a vase shape. XNgZrzo8Biu-00850-00745500-00746000 They are doors are like invasion ship. XNgZrzo8Biu-00851-00746000-00747000 And if you look at that window very different you, you wouldn't see them here in the United States. XNgZrzo8Biu-00852-00747000-00747900 So I don't know if you agree but my focal points and those are for window. XNgZrzo8Biu-00853-00747900-00748200 So, the title is The. XNgZrzo8Biu-00854-00748200-00748900 What do you call like the spider web. Windows XNgZrzo8Biu-00855-00748900-00749200 appear. Yeah. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00856-00749200-00749700 Wow. Oh yeah. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00857-00749700-00750900 See that looks beautiful. Because even though that I felt the to focus that there were two focal points. One is the little, little shake the gazebo kind of thing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00858-00750900-00751900 That for me was a focal point, and the second focal point was the two plants on the on the left. So the dark green and the light green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00859-00751900-00753000 but for some reason I just noted the spider with windows that you talking about, though he didn't. They don't look like Windows to me that's more like a clock. XNgZrzo8Biu-00860-00753000-00753600 But it looked really good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00861-00753600-00754000 Chrissy Chrissy DS cafe, this is Kathy. XNgZrzo8Biu-00862-00754000-00755300 First of all, really an amazing painting I just did. I just think it's lovely. My I first went to the small building or the say yeah that's right. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-00863-00755300-00757200 But, but what I noticed is when my eye goes there first, then it starts, my eyes shifts over to the left upper part and then around to the rest of the main building, there's just there's such nice movement in this, and when I studied art history for years. XNgZrzo8Biu-00864-00757200-00759000 One thing I was really intrigued with this the whole idea of not only Where does your I go first. But where does it then continue, you know, how does your eye continue around a painting, and this is lovely in that, in that with that concept. XNgZrzo8Biu-00865-00759000-00759600 I think it's really beautiful You're very talented, you I just always so kind. XNgZrzo8Biu-00866-00759600-00761200 Well, you're really good but I love all sitting here the whole culture of the space you know for those of us in the US who've never been to Asia, this is just super interesting so thank you for sharing that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00867-00761200-00762100 Yes, thank you. Yeah, no, this. Yeah, really gorgeous yeah and and i think like you guys. XNgZrzo8Biu-00868-00762100-00763900 I'm really drawn to this and, you know, maybe because of the shape maybe because of the contrast between this lighter. You know, it's like you know where's the lightest light in the darkest dark, so I think by having made this dark, you know, to kind XNgZrzo8Biu-00869-00763900-00765400 of just to cover up the pond. I think that also created enough contrast that it's just like it, it just brings the eye here, and it is so interesting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00870-00765400-00767000 And so detailed I mean, although the, and then it does like like Kathy was saying, then runs along this whole area here follows the detail and the lines just gorgeous and include yeah and the variety of greens. XNgZrzo8Biu-00871-00767000-00768000 Yeah, and the variety of greens. Yeah, just really help and yeah be just get some little highlights here, boom you're. XNgZrzo8Biu-00872-00768000-00768100 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00873-00768100-00769700 Can I ask a question, Chris Yeah, about the UN, I have to step out for a second so maybe talked about this on the left hand side down on that is that water in here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00874-00769700-00770300 Yeah, so there's the rock there and then there's the different greens, next to the rock. XNgZrzo8Biu-00875-00770300-00772100 And I'm wondering how you how you did the two greens next to the rock Have you did a wash underneath first, or whether you did them separately the dark green that is more matches to rest I yeah I did all the rocks verse. XNgZrzo8Biu-00876-00772100-00772500 And then I did the light those kinda like the. XNgZrzo8Biu-00877-00772500-00774200 kinda like the. I don't know, it was Lotus leave or some kind of. Yeah. Right, right, right. So I I painted those and then I'd be space, and then I came back to data loving negative painting of the case. XNgZrzo8Biu-00878-00774200-00774500 Yeah, great. Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00879-00774500-00776000 Yeah, I liked how that how that worked and I was, I was curious whether you use any anything to cover the cover the spaces in between. XNgZrzo8Biu-00880-00776000-00776200 Before you painted. XNgZrzo8Biu-00881-00776200-00776700 No no I. XNgZrzo8Biu-00882-00776700-00777300 Wonderful. XNgZrzo8Biu-00883-00777300-00777900 Well thank you so much Christine Thank you everybody for your comments and thoughts. XNgZrzo8Biu-00884-00777900-00779000 Sick there was one more back here or Nope. Okay, sorry, let me go back and then reveal. Has it been. XNgZrzo8Biu-00885-00779000-00779500 Yes. Let me just get over to the Carol's Yes, thank you. yes. Try to remember. XNgZrzo8Biu-00886-00779500-00779900 Yes, yes, keep reminding me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00887-00779900-00780600 All right, Carol. XNgZrzo8Biu-00888-00780600-00781600 Carol is here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00889-00781600-00782400 Hey know what we see if I can XNgZrzo8Biu-00890-00782400-00783100 see Carol, Carol earlier. XNgZrzo8Biu-00891-00783100-00784200 So I think we'll go ahead and move on. Oh, this is a lovely lovely painting and really. Yeah. Really, yes very sweet. XNgZrzo8Biu-00892-00784200-00784400 Whoops. XNgZrzo8Biu-00893-00784400-00784500 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00894-00784500-00784900 And then, yeah, so then this one did. XNgZrzo8Biu-00895-00784900-00785400 Was this from last week, I don't remember. XNgZrzo8Biu-00896-00785400-00786000 I don't remember who sent this and if XNgZrzo8Biu-00897-00786000-00786400 anybody here XNgZrzo8Biu-00898-00786400-00787300 on this is Meredith, who she was with us last week so this was your homework, the different trees and the different green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00899-00787300-00787700 So let me just keep going. XNgZrzo8Biu-00900-00787700-00787900 And that's Lorelei. XNgZrzo8Biu-00901-00787900-00788500 I don't know if I saw the Florida has joined us. XNgZrzo8Biu-00902-00788500-00788600 Wow. XNgZrzo8Biu-00903-00788600-00789200 Yeah, so she had been working on this didn't XNgZrzo8Biu-00904-00789200-00789800 think she was working, she had started working on this during our Monday open studio. XNgZrzo8Biu-00905-00789800-00790500 Okay, so I will try to keep this available for next time. Okay, cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-00906-00790500-00791000 Alrighty, so I'm going to stop sharing. XNgZrzo8Biu-00907-00791000-00792800 So that Marissa, we can see what that my screen is doing a really jumping, jumping slippery thing so I'm hoping that's not translating to everybody else. XNgZrzo8Biu-00908-00792800-00793100 spotlight, Marissa. Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00909-00793100-00793900 Okay, here I am. So, I did this painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-00910-00793900-00794100 Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-00911-00794100-00795800 There you go. Very good there did, I did this one, and then because we had green homework at the same thing, pretty much. I did this, or green one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00912-00795800-00796200 Everything is green accepted the brand. XNgZrzo8Biu-00913-00796200-00798000 Lovely, lovely green sky greenish mountains going, I think the middle one needs to be a little darker and the full would one's a little darker yet I tried to make distance being them being very very light, the one in the back is very light but I think XNgZrzo8Biu-00914-00798000-00799500 ones I, I'm pretty sure they should be a little bit darker. Maybe not. I mean they're distance but at least this, where is it this one and this one needs to be doctor. XNgZrzo8Biu-00915-00799500-00801400 Yeah, it was just a green thing yeah opposed to the other thing that I made me kind of almost monotone except for the brow. Mm hmm. except that you've got all those different lovely greens that are just amazing and you know your bat you're furthest mountains XNgZrzo8Biu-00916-00801400-00801900 are are amazing. I love the looks of those that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00917-00801900-00803900 And, yeah, and I think that the, it might be and I'm not actually sure if the the mountain that's right in front of those far ones. If those because that green is so great if that's why it's, it's wanting to come forward. XNgZrzo8Biu-00918-00803900-00805400 He's here. No no no, the one beyond that, that is all I should tell it. Yeah, or brightness. Yeah, yeah, cuz it's coming forward so fast from the very hazy or it looks hazy from here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00919-00805400-00806300 That way, that way back one, so I could, I could like I was lighter and I just put another coat on top. XNgZrzo8Biu-00920-00806300-00807200 Anyway, that's my green on green on green gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous spring a green. XNgZrzo8Biu-00921-00807200-00807500 Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00922-00807500-00808300 Thank you. Okay, fish, meat is coming back in. She fell out. XNgZrzo8Biu-00923-00808300-00808400 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00924-00808400-00808700 So, that was awesome. XNgZrzo8Biu-00925-00808700-00810200 Oh, we have a couple of chats here we have a classical Chinese Garden here in Vancouver, Canada, but there's no way. It'd be able to do this play their little own through a photo, well done Chrissy. XNgZrzo8Biu-00926-00810200-00810500 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00927-00810500-00810700 Good. Good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00928-00810700-00812000 All right, so let's get into our florals, so I want us to so that everybody breaking that everybody bring a flower or an image or flowers. XNgZrzo8Biu-00929-00812000-00812700 Okay. And if you didn't I sent some in the, XNgZrzo8Biu-00930-00812700-00813800 in my email today that you could maybe just open up on the side or actually maybe I'll try to open mine up, or one of mine up XNgZrzo8Biu-00931-00813800-00814800 in case anybody needs one. So let me go ahead and share screen XNgZrzo8Biu-00932-00814800-00815200 and XNgZrzo8Biu-00933-00815200-00815300 see me. XNgZrzo8Biu-00934-00815300-00815600 What time do we have. XNgZrzo8Biu-00935-00815600-00817500 Okay, we've got 40 minutes we're looking good. XNgZrzo8Biu-00936-00817500-00819500 So florals, some of you will recognize a lot smarter steel, Sarah steel and her florals and just wanted to point out how long I'm not sure how she did that here but how she, XNgZrzo8Biu-00937-00819500-00819800 she tends to paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00938-00819800-00820300 Each panel or each leaf individually. XNgZrzo8Biu-00939-00820300-00820900 you know, using the same pain so it all works really well together. XNgZrzo8Biu-00940-00820900-00821400 But I just absolutely love her style but that doesn't mean anything. XNgZrzo8Biu-00941-00821400-00822600 She's, you know, Scott that vibrancy going. This is another one of hers that I absolutely love. So just as we just start getting some ideas XNgZrzo8Biu-00942-00822600-00823000 about. XNgZrzo8Biu-00943-00823000-00823900 Yeah. And this is none other painter from actually from the area for now. XNgZrzo8Biu-00944-00823900-00824500 The last name is Evelyn Evelyn we're now. XNgZrzo8Biu-00945-00824500-00824700 And, XNgZrzo8Biu-00946-00824700-00825700 yeah, you know, and again I think she also does each segment, each section. Very separately. XNgZrzo8Biu-00947-00825700-00826000 So, because there's a lot there to take care of. XNgZrzo8Biu-00948-00826000-00827600 With pedals. This is a little different in that a lot of this is negative, painting. So painting the outline first or not first but painting the outline and even here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00949-00827600-00828900 Creating there's like to hear that were negatively painted this back one and then this further one forward was painted and negative style. XNgZrzo8Biu-00950-00828900-00829500 Oh this is negative painted. So especially with white if you have any white. XNgZrzo8Biu-00951-00829500-00831800 No tulips white roses whatever you may need to approach it in this way, painting around and then depending on what your palate is using those pains to use very pale tint to create your shadows and pull out your into focus. XNgZrzo8Biu-00952-00831800-00832500 How do you say to surround your highlights. XNgZrzo8Biu-00953-00832500-00833700 Again, same thing here, the negative painting shows you one question, you use for escape for those flowers XNgZrzo8Biu-00954-00833700-00834000 I'm not. XNgZrzo8Biu-00955-00834000-00835400 I don't know some people might, but I think with negative painting you would just go in and just paint around there enough, they're big enough areas, I think, to paint around. XNgZrzo8Biu-00956-00835400-00837000 You know, you know like even this well well that that had a light glaze and then painted negatively around those as well. So, XNgZrzo8Biu-00957-00837000-00837200 I don't know. XNgZrzo8Biu-00958-00837200-00837300 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00959-00837300-00838400 Yeah, I don't think so. Not, maybe not on this one. Okay, thank you. Sorry. Oh, you're welcome. Good question. I know it's like, oh, let me think about that how would an event. XNgZrzo8Biu-00960-00838400-00839000 Yeah. anybody has other thoughts, please do jump in. XNgZrzo8Biu-00961-00839000-00839200 I have a question. XNgZrzo8Biu-00962-00839200-00839900 Could you please go back to the yeah there's XNgZrzo8Biu-00963-00839900-00840000 not just one. XNgZrzo8Biu-00964-00840000-00840500 But I think it's it comes to spaces yeah this one. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00965-00840500-00841300 Sorry. This is the one before the same time, I take this. XNgZrzo8Biu-00966-00841300-00841800 my system was a little slow today I'm sorry. XNgZrzo8Biu-00967-00841800-00842300 The blooms that you can see on the purple color. XNgZrzo8Biu-00968-00842300-00842900 Are these rooms, thought about. And do they do that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00969-00842900-00843500 Oh, so are those by these blooms on purpose. Yeah, probably. XNgZrzo8Biu-00970-00843500-00844700 Yeah, because I you see a couple of blooms Oliver. And yeah, in case we have something like this, do we need to rub all over it and try to smudge. XNgZrzo8Biu-00971-00844700-00845600 Well, if you if it doesn't work yes you can reword it, and lift that paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-00972-00845600-00847500 But sometimes, especially in water in florals, it's really lovely to have those because it shows this different you know this texture that's happening on the pedal, you know, or, you know, in, it may be more of an expression of this pedal as opposed to XNgZrzo8Biu-00973-00847500-00848500 a like a total likeness of it. So, so people take it. So, you know, taking artistic license. XNgZrzo8Biu-00974-00848500-00850400 You know, being more playful and so yes so you know seeing this it's just like, yes you have permission to play, you know, you know, you might want to be true to the color maybe, but just, yeah, play around. XNgZrzo8Biu-00975-00850400-00852300 And that's by painting. Each segment separately. It really helps you to to be in control of that right like yeah this, I want this to be a little more realistic but here because this is my because this is my focal point, you know I want to be more playful XNgZrzo8Biu-00976-00852300-00852900 I want to be exaggerating something you know whatever. XNgZrzo8Biu-00977-00852900-00853000 Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-00978-00853000-00854700 Sure, yeah. Yeah, so feel free to to veer off the path of realism, being realistic Gianna. Yes, I'm having a little trouble with my screen jumping around as well and the chat. XNgZrzo8Biu-00979-00854700-00855600 There's a question in there, directed to me about who the artist, doing the negative painting is and I just saw it. XNgZrzo8Biu-00980-00855600-00856700 The question. Okay. Did you know the answer to that. No, let me see, um, it's from Nancy low Nancy if you want to unmute. XNgZrzo8Biu-00981-00856700-00857000 I'm having some technical difficulties. XNgZrzo8Biu-00982-00857000-00858200 Yes, I think it was this one, the one before where they different artists. XNgZrzo8Biu-00983-00858200-00858500 Oh, I think I'm frozen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00984-00858500-00858800 Johnny Did you hear that. XNgZrzo8Biu-00985-00858800-00859200 Did you get that, XNgZrzo8Biu-00986-00859200-00859900 I think, is Jana frozen. Oh, I like it. She froze around my frozen. XNgZrzo8Biu-00987-00859900-00860200 I think she might be okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-00988-00860200-00861100 We'll give her a minute. XNgZrzo8Biu-00989-00861100-00861500 I'm wondering if it's our weather here. XNgZrzo8Biu-00990-00861500-00861800 Oh, I think we lost john all together. XNgZrzo8Biu-00991-00861800-00862100 No. Yeah, she'll, she'll jump in. XNgZrzo8Biu-00992-00862100-00862500 Having thunderstorms I don't know if you're in the area. XNgZrzo8Biu-00993-00862500-00863400 No, we're on the West Coast so we have lovely weather but we will be getting some rain and probably what you Kevin. XNgZrzo8Biu-00994-00863400-00863700 At the end of the week. Horrible. XNgZrzo8Biu-00995-00863700-00864800 It's probably moving along with the coast. It's funny, we've been we've been going from 70 degree days to snow. That's what yeah that's what someone posted. XNgZrzo8Biu-00996-00864800-00865900 Today they were saying, you know, it was, how many degrees and sunny and lovely today so XNgZrzo8Biu-00997-00865900-00866600 i will i was thinking, I mean everywhere for plants. XNgZrzo8Biu-00998-00866600-00867900 Gosh. Well, we'll wait for Jana. I'm gonna mute myself because my dog is just had surgery and she has moaning. So you guys just continue on painting until we get john aback. XNgZrzo8Biu-00999-00867900-00868900 Let's get this in XNgZrzo8Biu-01000-00868900-00869300 pretty good, good question. XNgZrzo8Biu-01001-00869300-00869500 Oh me there XNgZrzo8Biu-01002-00869500-00870400 This is Tokyo. I'm, I'm afraid to ask you How long did you do that. XNgZrzo8Biu-01003-00870400-00872000 Oh, usually I would spend probably days or weeks but because this week. This is why I'm taking Janice costs because it forced me to finish my homework within the shortest time that I could have. XNgZrzo8Biu-01004-00872000-00872800 So, I, I probably spend two nights together last two nights. XNgZrzo8Biu-01005-00872800-00872900 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01006-00872900-00873800 Our was, like, how we began. How many hours did you get into that probably six hours. XNgZrzo8Biu-01007-00873800-00875000 I'm gonna say this to you actually just made me feel better, because I thought you said, taking that planner or whatever it rip that off in about an hour, or something XNgZrzo8Biu-01008-00875000-00875300 like that. I give up. XNgZrzo8Biu-01009-00875300-00875900 I will not be able to stand out for six hours. XNgZrzo8Biu-01010-00875900-00876700 Thank you for answering the question and restoring my confidence. Thank you, XNgZrzo8Biu-01011-00876700-00877200 Dr. Matt. There we go. XNgZrzo8Biu-01012-00877200-00877800 Boom, all of a sudden I was like, nowhere. XNgZrzo8Biu-01013-00877800-00878800 Oh my goodness. Yeah, so I cannot see from here who the author is this painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-01014-00878800-00879400 Or this one but i can XNgZrzo8Biu-01015-00879400-00880500 i can send it out. It's Susan somebody. Susan she'll know, Susan. XNgZrzo8Biu-01016-00880500-00880800 Don't know me make a note now. XNgZrzo8Biu-01017-00880800-00881000 I'll have it for next week. XNgZrzo8Biu-01018-00881000-00883300 If it goes john I have, I have that Google lens Let me take a picture of it and I might be able to get it. Oh, see, I always forget about this I like research things and then I'm like, oh, why didn't I just use Google lens. XNgZrzo8Biu-01019-00883300-00883600 Okay, took the picture. XNgZrzo8Biu-01020-00883600-00884300 And I will look, there's a lot of people who posted it on Pinterest but I'm not. XNgZrzo8Biu-01021-00884300-00884700 Well, maybe I can click on that. XNgZrzo8Biu-01022-00884700-00885400 Okay, oh yeah yeah and then get one of us at the page and see. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-01023-00885400-00885600 Okay. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-01024-00885600-00886800 All right, and then talking about negative painting, I don't know I'll let, I'll let you know if I find it. Okay, thank you, Cassie. You're welcome. Yeah, so this is just a few more examples. XNgZrzo8Biu-01025-00886800-00888800 Well these are ones that I did, I, I love lotuses and so I went on this whole kick of doing lotuses and it did this one in more realistic colors, and I did this one in just monochrome and but I decided as I was looking at both of them today I really love XNgZrzo8Biu-01026-00888800-00890100 the composition of this one better, I really liked this shape here, as opposed to this here this this straight line. This is bad. XNgZrzo8Biu-01027-00890100-00890800 You should never have anything going completely horizontal or completely vertical. XNgZrzo8Biu-01028-00890800-00891200 You know, switch it up somehow. XNgZrzo8Biu-01029-00891200-00892300 So before I did I did find that artist from the last one. Oh good. Crouch crouch. XNgZrzo8Biu-01030-00892300-00892600 Thank you. Yep. XNgZrzo8Biu-01031-00892600-00894500 Losing crouch. Okay. So before we go into painting. Okay, I have a bunch of lotuses Of course, because I just have to have lotuses. But what I want you to do at this point is to find a way to wait a minute where they put those. XNgZrzo8Biu-01032-00894500-00894800 Well done. XNgZrzo8Biu-01033-00894800-00896000 I want you to get your image. Does everybody have an image or do. Does anybody want me to put up an image for that. We're going to do a couple of exercises before we start painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-01034-00896000-00896700 Anybody need an image. OK, So what I would like you to do. XNgZrzo8Biu-01035-00896700-00897300 Hey, y'all have a pencil or a pen, and just a regular piece of paper somewhere. XNgZrzo8Biu-01036-00897300-00897700 Somewhere near you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01037-00897700-00899000 Because that would be good, because the first thing we're going to do is do a blind contour of your, of your image of your flower. XNgZrzo8Biu-01038-00899000-00899900 And I just need to hold on a second, I thought I downloaded. XNgZrzo8Biu-01039-00899900-00900000 Didn't okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01040-00900000-00900400 Okay. Over here real quick. XNgZrzo8Biu-01041-00900400-00900600 Okay, they are. Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01042-00900600-00902700 So, a blind contour drawing so those of you who don't know, is you're looking at an object, you are not looking at your paper, you're only looking at your object and you are doing a continuous line drawing, without looking at your paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-01043-00902700-00904400 Only at the object, and just letting your pen, follow the lines of the contour of the object that you're looking at. Okay, so have a question. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01044-00904400-00906000 So if we are going to pay like a roles that have paid pedals. How do we do the control of the insect pedals, okay don't worry about the inside. This is just the outside. XNgZrzo8Biu-01045-00906000-00907700 Okay, so you see that this was a lotus flower. And so what I'm doing is I'm just going all around the edge, without looking at my paper just so it just starts getting you used to like where are the jagged edges. XNgZrzo8Biu-01046-00907700-00908200 What are the, the angles of these pedals. XNgZrzo8Biu-01047-00908200-00908600 Does that make sense. XNgZrzo8Biu-01048-00908600-00910100 Okay, so without looking at your paper. You're just going to follow along with your eyes, follow the contour follow the edge of your flower and let your pen. XNgZrzo8Biu-01049-00910100-00911100 Just follow the image that's happening in your eyes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01050-00911100-00912300 Okay, so you're not looking at your paper just the object and your pen is just going wherever it thinks it needs to go. XNgZrzo8Biu-01051-00912300-00913200 You, it won't turn out to be exactly the contour, but at least it'll start putting into your, XNgZrzo8Biu-01052-00913200-00916000 Your knowing into your understanding what is happening. XNgZrzo8Biu-01053-00916000-00916479 He just looks, sorry, give me a thumbs up, when you're when you're done. XNgZrzo8Biu-01054-00916000-00917400 It just looks, sorry, give me a thumbs up, when you're when you're done. Yes. Okay, just get a thumbs up. XNgZrzo8Biu-01055-00917400-00917800 Okay, get one done. XNgZrzo8Biu-01056-00917800-00918100 Okay, to down. XNgZrzo8Biu-01057-00918100-00918500 Okay. So, it may look kind of funny. XNgZrzo8Biu-01058-00918500-00919800 Well, I want you to do those to notice where you actually got, you know Where did you get the right angles, were you know what looks. XNgZrzo8Biu-01059-00919800-00920700 Where did you make the connection between your hand and your eyes, and an eyes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01060-00920700-00921000 Okay, good. XNgZrzo8Biu-01061-00921000-00922100 So I'm going to go ahead and that's okay to the next exercise, if you're not ready yet just go ahead and keep going. XNgZrzo8Biu-01062-00922100-00922600 So this one here is a continuous line drawing. XNgZrzo8Biu-01063-00922600-00923400 You will will be able to look at your object sorry this is so XNgZrzo8Biu-01064-00923400-00924000 I don't know what happened fuzzy continuous line drawing, you're going to look at your paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-01065-00924000-00924700 You're going to look at your object. You're not going to take your pen or pencil off the paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-01066-00924700-00925600 So, decide where you're going to start your object you might want to start at your what you think is the focal point. XNgZrzo8Biu-01067-00925600-00926800 And I'm really sorry this is fuzzy, let me see if I can change the quality here. XNgZrzo8Biu-01068-00926800-00927800 Yeah, and just with one line one continuous line you're going to just XNgZrzo8Biu-01069-00927800-00928600 follow all the shapes, by the major shapes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01070-00928600-00928800 Sorry. XNgZrzo8Biu-01071-00928500-00929700 Sorry. XNgZrzo8Biu-01072-00929700-00930300 Is this really expensive for you guys or is it just me, I apologize. XNgZrzo8Biu-01073-00930300-00930700 Okay. All right, well at least your paper will be fuzzy. XNgZrzo8Biu-01074-00930700-00932400 So, so look at your object. Okay, so now you're really going to get to know to look more intimately okay you're going to look at, you're going to be following every nook and cranny on the inside as well, maybe not every nook. XNgZrzo8Biu-01075-00932400-00932800 But every note that you want to pay attention to. XNgZrzo8Biu-01076-00932800-00935800 But just this pen with your single line, you may have to go over a line twice, maybe even three times, but then you have an opportunity to adjust. XNgZrzo8Biu-01077-00936200-00939200 Pay attention to angles, where the meeting points. XNgZrzo8Biu-01078-00948700-00951300 This is a wonderful exercise to do really anytime, anywhere. You know, sitting at breakfast you know you can do continuous line drawing of you know the salt and pepper shakers on your table and napkin holder and just kind of take your pen for a walk. XNgZrzo8Biu-01079-00951300-00952400 Start. No really, exercising, those observation muscles. XNgZrzo8Biu-01080-00952400-00952900 Yana, you are going to great what the theories of them. XNgZrzo8Biu-01081-00952900-00953400 it causes then being XNgZrzo8Biu-01082-00953400-00954200 and very much don't get what you're talking about, but kind of the wise and what XNgZrzo8Biu-01083-00954200-00954800 is the guy's name is Frederick from XNgZrzo8Biu-01084-00954800-00955000 Frederick. XNgZrzo8Biu-01085-00955000-00955800 Yeah, Frederick from the lesson, FRANDK, XNgZrzo8Biu-01086-00955800-00956600 the Zen have seen a flash drive is meditation. XNgZrzo8Biu-01087-00956600-00956900 Cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-01088-00956900-00958200 Wonderful. I'm going to request that from the library soon as we're done. Thank you. Let me know what you think, but it looks like you look at his own drawing journal and he had writes it up and stuff like that. XNgZrzo8Biu-01089-00958200-00958300 Very interesting. XNgZrzo8Biu-01090-00958300-00958800 But he's also got a good sense of humor. XNgZrzo8Biu-01091-00958800-00959000 Cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-01092-00959000-00959100 Thanks. XNgZrzo8Biu-01093-00959100-00959500 Cool. Thank you, Tokyo. XNgZrzo8Biu-01094-00959500-00960500 Okay, how are we doing. XNgZrzo8Biu-01095-00960500-00960700 thing. XNgZrzo8Biu-01096-00960700-00961900 Let's see. Okay, I actually have to see if I'm going to go after that, let me just make sure. XNgZrzo8Biu-01097-00961900-00963000 No, sorry. I have to go and make sure this is downloaded because I think the next one. XNgZrzo8Biu-01098-00963000-00963266 Okay, so the next thing I want us to do. XNgZrzo8Biu-01099-00963000-00965300 Okay, so the next thing I want us to do is, I know that you've chosen and you really work with your your your floral or your object. I want you to choose your palette of colors, three or four colors, you know, don't go well actually just choose your palate XNgZrzo8Biu-01100-00965300-00966600 whatever whatever that means you may have a bouquet which has a lot of different florals in it but try to keep your, your paints limited so if you have something orange, instead of using another orange paint. XNgZrzo8Biu-01101-00966600-00967900 Use the red and the yellow using for something else or you know what I mean. So try to be that way we can be more harmonious or you can be more harmonious in your overall painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-01102-00967900-00969100 So, choose your, your swatches your colors and make swatches. So, let me see if I've got this downloaded yet. XNgZrzo8Biu-01103-00969100-00969900 Let's see. Do this and I'm getting that shaky thing again so if I, If I XNgZrzo8Biu-01104-00969900-00971000 lose you, I apologize again. Let's see oh this is still downloading okay for you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01105-00971000-00972100 I never sketched out before I PONU, can you give me questions I know that would feel cozy. XNgZrzo8Biu-01106-00972100-00973500 Can you erase pencil mark. After you painted does that do anything to painted the paper or range. No, no, uh, once you paint over it, it's sealed. XNgZrzo8Biu-01107-00973500-00974200 Okay. And, yeah, yeah and there's no reason why. So, so you don't need so. XNgZrzo8Biu-01108-00974200-00974700 So what I actually want you to do now. Okay, I mean, okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01109-00974700-00976300 This is too exciting. Alright so the one thing you can do is you can use colored pencil to do your drawing or water color pencil, because then after you paint over it, it will just become part of what you're doing or. XNgZrzo8Biu-01110-00976300-00977900 Yeah, or just have your pencil just become part of it or you can just draw without not dry you can just paint without grind. First, which is actually want to choose your palate is what I would actually want you guys to do I want you to take XNgZrzo8Biu-01111-00977900-00978300 10 minutes. I don't know if that's too short. XNgZrzo8Biu-01112-00978300-00980000 Let's say 15 because that's all we have left, let's say, 15 minutes and paint. So, and this may or may not be your finished painting, but I want you to paint your object your flower your bouquet whatever was out drawing it now because you've already drawn XNgZrzo8Biu-01113-00980000-00980200 it a couple of times. Right. XNgZrzo8Biu-01114-00980200-00981800 So I want you to go now to your watercolor paper. Having chosen your palette. Your, your colors, and then start painting, your 15 minutes only paint this painting. XNgZrzo8Biu-01115-00981800-00983000 So you may not want to paint the whole thing you have to kind of discern. do you want to just crop it to 15 minutes to pay know drawing XNgZrzo8Biu-01116-00983000-00983500 and go for XNgZrzo8Biu-01117-00983500-00984200 it and go ahead and unmute yourself. If you have questions or anything okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01118-00984200-00984600 Or put them in the chat if you, if that's easier for you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01119-00984600-00985000 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01120-00985000-00988000 cool. XNgZrzo8Biu-01121-01032200-01032500 Five minutes left. XNgZrzo8Biu-01122-01032500-01033100 Anybody would like to at any point, XNgZrzo8Biu-01123-01033100-01033400 you'd like to show your work. XNgZrzo8Biu-01124-01033400-01036400 Feel free. Turn on your video showing us sir. XNgZrzo8Biu-01125-01042300-01043200 Ghana. Yes, I have been here joy, do you say to show it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01126-01043200-01043500 Yes, absolutely. XNgZrzo8Biu-01127-01043500-01044400 I'm going to turn the camera because I've been having trouble as well as physically run the camera doesn't want to. XNgZrzo8Biu-01128-01044400-01045900 All right, now let's get you spot lit spotlight spotlight. Yes. Ok, ok, ok, ok let's do this, so that you will, I don't know, paint me around. That's okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01129-01045900-01046400 So this is what I love about this exercise so much like this is. XNgZrzo8Biu-01130-01046400-01046500 Can you see it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01131-01046500-01046800 Oh, yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01132-01046800-01047300 Oh my goodness. Whoa. XNgZrzo8Biu-01133-01047300-01048600 So here's the thing, like, This is why, like that. XNgZrzo8Biu-01134-01048600-01048900 And then just shake. XNgZrzo8Biu-01135-01048900-01049200 And then letting the colors do whatever they want. XNgZrzo8Biu-01136-01049200-01049900 Oh my goodness, that's good so much life and energy to it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01137-01049900-01050300 You know what, I'm grateful to you because I don't like I said I don't ever draw. XNgZrzo8Biu-01138-01050300-01050700 This is what you've got your endpoint is where I start. XNgZrzo8Biu-01139-01050700-01051800 Yes, but making me do the drawing. I'm laughing even though dude I'm like I'm not doing that. Right, so lovely. XNgZrzo8Biu-01140-01051800-01052000 But it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01141-01052000-01052700 But he made it better pieces so awesome. Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01142-01052700-01052900 I'm grateful. Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01143-01052900-01053300 I needed a Wednesday. Thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01144-01053300-01053700 Glad you didn't fly. XNgZrzo8Biu-01145-01053700-01054400 Very happy Thank you Tokyo for sharing that. That's, that's amazing. Yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-01146-01054400-01056000 Okay, cool. Yeah, it's interesting, I'm thinking about Yeah, because I've never done this before in this particular way, and XNgZrzo8Biu-01147-01056000-01056700 it does imprint imprint the XNgZrzo8Biu-01148-01056700-01057100 image, somehow, yeah. XNgZrzo8Biu-01149-01057100-01058700 And I love the way that you just threw that cup, you know, put your color in and then let it, let it just flow. XNgZrzo8Biu-01150-01058700-01059500 I've never, I've never taken a hair dryer before but I've seen videos where people dry their painting. Yes. XNgZrzo8Biu-01151-01059500-01061000 I get relaxed and I pulled that out but I was like okay, I didn't do that. Did I really think Be careful because I was, I mean that painting was done so fast, right so there was a lot of water, and I didn't wet paper. XNgZrzo8Biu-01152-01061000-01061500 So I was pushing the tape around with the hairdryer. Thanks. Yes, exactly. XNgZrzo8Biu-01153-01061500-01062400 And then I caught myself doing Emily will you return it. So, that was quite devastating lovely experiment. XNgZrzo8Biu-01154-01062400-01062600 Right. XNgZrzo8Biu-01155-01062600-01063100 Yeah, I can't wait to see the blues that come out of that now. XNgZrzo8Biu-01156-01063100-01063500 Oh, sure. XNgZrzo8Biu-01157-01063500-01064000 Send a photo, when it's when it's dried up. I'm dying to see it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01158-01064000-01064300 Okay, thank you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01159-01064300-01064600 Thank you to you. XNgZrzo8Biu-01160-01064600-01064900 Anybody else. XNgZrzo8Biu-01161-01064900-01065200 Anybody else having way too much fun. XNgZrzo8Biu-01162-01065200-01065300 Yes, Mary. XNgZrzo8Biu-01163-01065300-01065500 Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01164-01065500-01066300 Let's see, what have you got. XNgZrzo8Biu-01165-01066300-01067200 I did too little, like negative, I don't know, can you see, yet painting. There you go. XNgZrzo8Biu-01166-01067200-01068500 Luckily, I just did a little bit of purple around it just see can say the lily is sitting on my table here it's it's really. XNgZrzo8Biu-01167-01068500-01069900 I don't know if you can see the leaves on it as well. Naturally, I like this one right here the one that's bent over up and it's just bent over I didn't quite get it but it's coming. XNgZrzo8Biu-01168-01069900-01070500 I need more shading, I think, can you see that little guy that's bent over there. Absolutely. XNgZrzo8Biu-01169-01070500-01072200 Absolutely. That makes, I mean it. I mean it's I'm only working on it for 10 minutes so I mean, 15 or whatever it is but I'm gonna I like the white, I like the trying of the white but I mean this is just a little, little tiny thing but I don't have to XNgZrzo8Biu-01170-01072200-01072800 be got a big in the background is hard to get it smooth and nice. XNgZrzo8Biu-01171-01072800-01073000 Very nice, good question. XNgZrzo8Biu-01172-01073000-01074600 Yeah, so this this is Kathy, um, so earlier Gianna mentioned about how when you're trying to do a white flour, which I sometimes do try to do, to do the background painting, you know the negative painting like you did. XNgZrzo8Biu-01173-01074600-01076200 And then to put the shadows in and you did a lovely lovely job. I have a question What color did you use for, for the details inside and the shadows inside, you know what I did, I had my palette is like a, like a disaster. XNgZrzo8Biu-01174-01076200-01076600 It's just every, every color every all over the place. XNgZrzo8Biu-01175-01076600-01076800 Just keep mixing. XNgZrzo8Biu-01176-01076800-01078700 It's some kind of a perfectly thing I no clue. No clue with whatever whatever was there and there's, there's a red next to it so that probably mixed up a little bit into it too but I'll see your painting again. XNgZrzo8Biu-01177-01078700-01078900 Wow, that's great. Wow. XNgZrzo8Biu-01178-01078900-01080000 Very nice. Like I said, I just, I just did around, then I did that pat that just the pale blue and I did more than one layered as I wanted to get darker and darker. XNgZrzo8Biu-01179-01080000-01080500 Right, well there came up great and Jesse depends on how the light hits it. XNgZrzo8Biu-01180-01080500-01080900 That's fantastic Muriel. XNgZrzo8Biu-01181-01080900-01081800 The way you framed especially that curving panel. I love that, I love those. And then that you know what's funny this one up here. XNgZrzo8Biu-01182-01081800-01082400 Let me see if I can find it. This, it's not. XNgZrzo8Biu-01183-01082400-01083600 This guy, I know this one over here, it's the hell is it just like flipped around, yes you can see it. Mm hmm. XNgZrzo8Biu-01184-01083600-01084300 Yeah, I can see it, it's, it's, it depends on how the light hits these things how they. XNgZrzo8Biu-01185-01084300-01085000 Anyway, thank you. Thank you. Yay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01186-01085000-01085200 My little flower. XNgZrzo8Biu-01187-01085200-01086200 Yeah, cool Mundo okay anybody else. XNgZrzo8Biu-01188-01086200-01087300 Let's see how we doing for time over 804 I'm sorry that we're running over but with anybody. Last one last last show and tell anybody. XNgZrzo8Biu-01189-01087300-01087700 You don't have to. XNgZrzo8Biu-01190-01087700-01088000 Okay. XNgZrzo8Biu-01191-01088000-01089100 All right. On that note, well thank you so much everyone, um, let me, so next week I have no idea what we're going to cover. XNgZrzo8Biu-01192-01089100-01090100 Well, that's okay surprise. Yeah, it'll be from the list that that we talked about last week. XNgZrzo8Biu-01193-01090100-01090900 Let's see. So beach scenes architecture landscapes wildlife. XNgZrzo8Biu-01194-01090900-01091200 So, from one of those. XNgZrzo8Biu-01195-01091200-01092000 We will continue and thank you so much everybody for all your contributions and your, XNgZrzo8Biu-01196-01092000-01092600 Your Spirit, your energy made this absolutely lovely, lovely. XNgZrzo8Biu-01197-01092600-01093900 Thank you. XQfcwZEP22u-00000-00000031-00000131 WHO IS ONE? XRhaNvpZDsu-00000-00000102-00000444 foreign XRhaNvpZDsu-00001-00000444-00001038 Hello everyone! ♡ welcome or welcome back to my YouTube channel so today's video is a sponsored XRhaNvpZDsu-00002-00001038-00001686 video I just finished showers I'm about to go to sleep and I just remember that yesterday sent me XRhaNvpZDsu-00003-00001686-00002220 some skincare and this is the right time that I should do the video because anyway before I go XRhaNvpZDsu-00004-00002220-00003030 to bed I do my skincare yes I'm going to show you what I use before I go to bed so yeah first I'm XRhaNvpZDsu-00005-00003030-00003756 going to try this I got the package few days ago just remember this I have to unbox this already XRhaNvpZDsu-00006-00003840-00004446 so tonight I'm going to use this product yesstyle sent me thank you yes style for sponsoring this XRhaNvpZDsu-00007-00004446-00005220 video I will put the link in the description and also my 10% discount code is TWINESWORLD4 XRhaNvpZDsu-00008-00005220-00006108 I will put in the description all the details and also this product information that they sent me. XRhaNvpZDsu-00009-00006330-00007458 and I believe this and me is serum oh okay so I got this serum wrinkle Supreme Seruml oh my God XRhaNvpZDsu-00010-00007523-00007914 I'm just turning 33 but yeah I think I need to use some XRhaNvpZDsu-00011-00008016-00008592 wrinkle anti-aging you know so yeah this is wrinkles Supreme serum it reduces the XRhaNvpZDsu-00012-00008592-00009156 appearance of wrinkles and fine lines so lifting and nourishing this is from the skin house XRhaNvpZDsu-00013-00009330-00010050 made in Korea yeah this is the packaging look at the bottle please XRhaNvpZDsu-00014-00010110-00010764 and this is the bottom so yeah this is the serum I'm not going to use it right away XRhaNvpZDsu-00015-00010764-00011382 because I have to put first you know the step by step so yeah this is the serum that I got XRhaNvpZDsu-00016-00011598-00012210 nice okay this is wow I have additional or most of my skincare are from yes Style XRhaNvpZDsu-00017-00012282-00013019 and this is an additional thank you and another one is I got this multi-function XRhaNvpZDsu-00018-00013019-00013536 formula snail repair eye cream it's from my zone I have some XRhaNvpZDsu-00019-00013632-00014490 this is also from your style I have this um eye cream it's almost you know I use this every day XRhaNvpZDsu-00020-00014490-00015312 so good thing I have a new one so yeah this is from mizon I guess I saw that there's a XRhaNvpZDsu-00021-00015312-00015978 lot of review a good review of this stream I think this is good let me try the consistency XRhaNvpZDsu-00022-00016319-00016656 it has no smell which is good no fragrance XRhaNvpZDsu-00023-00016818-00017532 I don't smell anything and then the last one that I got is this Laneige I don't know how XRhaNvpZDsu-00024-00017532-00018390 I don't know if I pronounce it right this is Laneige lip sleeping mask I got two XRhaNvpZDsu-00025-00018654-00019410 I had tried this already before so I love this one so I'm going to use this or not today XRhaNvpZDsu-00026-00019410-00020082 tonight I mean tonight for my skincare so yeah let's start my skincare first I'm going to do XRhaNvpZDsu-00027-00020208-00020874 um normally I would you know spray first with this Mario badesco skincare spray I XRhaNvpZDsu-00028-00020874-00021612 would spray some sometimes you know not all the time I just would spray a little bit and then XRhaNvpZDsu-00029-00021612-00022260 foreign just let it dry just to I know just absorb on my skin XRhaNvpZDsu-00030-00022374-00023256 and then now I'm I normally just use a toner I have a lot of toner here I have this manual but I XRhaNvpZDsu-00031-00023256-00023856 will use can I ever use this Village or green tea water bomb toner because it's I got a little bit XRhaNvpZDsu-00032-00023928-00024444 left there so I'm trying to finish it so I can continue with the other so XRhaNvpZDsu-00033-00024444-00025080 tonight yes I'm going to use this I think maybe this is for tomorrow and it's done XRhaNvpZDsu-00034-00025566-00026460 so I will just apply it on my face and my neck and sometimes I use this um the roller Jade XRhaNvpZDsu-00035-00026538-00027456 next I would use some Essence normally I use essence or this toner also this is the hyaluronic XRhaNvpZDsu-00036-00027558-00028320 acid toner as well it's like I like to put like this this is also from your style XRhaNvpZDsu-00037-00028656-00029820 I would just like apply it like that just just let it dry and then next one I would use serum so yeah XRhaNvpZDsu-00038-00029820-00030414 this is the serum I'm going to use the serum that I got now let's use this wrinkles Supreme XRhaNvpZDsu-00039-00030414-00031139 serum it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines so it has lifting and nourishing okay XRhaNvpZDsu-00040-00031139-00032094 there's a cover it's nice the packet of the bottle is really nice it's really luxurious I forgot how XRhaNvpZDsu-00041-00032094-00032676 much is this I will check I never put it in the description it's nice like that so I will add more XRhaNvpZDsu-00042-00033090-00033708 I like the smell huh it smells luxurious XRhaNvpZDsu-00043-00034038-00034176 I like it XRhaNvpZDsu-00044-00035016-00035526 um I like the effect I like the feeling on my skin XRhaNvpZDsu-00045-00035718-00036096 feels so soft and juicy XRhaNvpZDsu-00046-00036546-00037368 wow I think you just have to put one pump and it's it's um enough ready next one after I put XRhaNvpZDsu-00047-00037368-00038208 moisturizer I normally I put some cream as well moisturizing cream but not much I have XRhaNvpZDsu-00048-00038208-00039258 this dynasty cream and also I have this blue pearl station Marine Aqua from Cabo so I think XRhaNvpZDsu-00049-00039258-00039936 I will use the clavo because this one is really concentrated but I use the serum this one really XRhaNvpZDsu-00050-00039936-00040788 makes my skin really soft already moisturized but I will just use a little bit of this cream XRhaNvpZDsu-00051-00041694-00041778 your neck XRhaNvpZDsu-00052-00042054-00042744 Okay so let's use the night snail repair eye cream I'm gonna use the new one XRhaNvpZDsu-00053-00042810-00043278 so let's see if it's good XRhaNvpZDsu-00054-00044292-00044436 and I XRhaNvpZDsu-00055-00044712-00044970 it's a snail yeah XRhaNvpZDsu-00056-00045054-00046206 snail pepper eye cream and then lastly I'm going to use this Laneige lip sleeping Max Musk XRhaNvpZDsu-00057-00046482-00046644 I think this is berry XRhaNvpZDsu-00058-00046908-00047034 Berry flavor XRhaNvpZDsu-00059-00047754-00048468 so yeah it for this skincare routine night skincare character okay so you XRhaNvpZDsu-00060-00048468-00048966 guys thank you for watching and thank you yes style for sponsoring this video XRhaNvpZDsu-00061-00049056-00049746 and I will put the description the description all the The Links of this product that I got XRhaNvpZDsu-00062-00049746-00050436 and also my discount code and please guys if you like this video please hit the like XRhaNvpZDsu-00063-00050436-00051216 And subscribe button so you can notify it for my next video so yeah so yeah bye good night XSXYaK7iH_U-00000-00000003-00000462 So if a faculty member wanted to start a conversation with a student, XSXYaK7iH_U-00001-00000462-00000836 maybe they get the accommodations letter and doesn't feel like it fits but XSXYaK7iH_U-00002-00000836-00001266 they want to engage with the student and try to support their learning how would XSXYaK7iH_U-00003-00001266-00001642 you recommend they approach that conversation? XSXYaK7iH_U-00004-00001655-00001882 Well I think that's one of the challenges XSXYaK7iH_U-00005-00001882-00002196 that we have in the Disability Resource Center is that we're XSXYaK7iH_U-00006-00002196-00002468 really making those decisions in a vacuum. XSXYaK7iH_U-00007-00002468-00002832 We don't necessarily know what's happening in the classroom, what pedagogy XSXYaK7iH_U-00008-00002832-00003357 the instructors are utilizing, any group dynamics things like that that are XSXYaK7iH_U-00009-00003357-00003854 happening and so I do think it's important to know that even though you XSXYaK7iH_U-00010-00003854-00004260 have that accommodation letter that there is still room to have a discussion XSXYaK7iH_U-00011-00004260-00004814 about you know, okay this is what happens in my classroom, how would we approach XSXYaK7iH_U-00012-00004814-00005255 this accommodation and then sometimes when you look at the accommodations you XSXYaK7iH_U-00013-00005255-00005787 can tell that there might be a way to modify that in your classroom so if a XSXYaK7iH_U-00014-00005787-00006234 student has a extra time on tests it's pretty safe to assume they're gonna need XSXYaK7iH_U-00015-00006234-00006663 extra time on any in-class writing assignments and so there might be some XSXYaK7iH_U-00016-00006663-00007272 ways to make those modifications without necessarily needing a big formal process XSXYaK7iH_U-00017-00007272-00007827 but I do think if there's other things that you feel are like fundamentally XSXYaK7iH_U-00018-00007827-00008328 altering the classroom, where it's like this is really essential to the XSXYaK7iH_U-00019-00008328-00008790 class say like a student if there was an accommodation that said that they didn't XSXYaK7iH_U-00020-00008790-00009261 need to engage in any group work and your class is really heavily focused on XSXYaK7iH_U-00021-00009261-00009665 group work well in the Disability Resource Center we might not realize XSXYaK7iH_U-00022-00009665-00010089 that and so once we really look at your syllabus and realize what's happening in XSXYaK7iH_U-00023-00010089-00010472 the classroom we might need to decide that okay that's not an appropriate XSXYaK7iH_U-00024-00010472-00011165 accommodation for this particular class. I do think a lot of times it's XSXYaK7iH_U-00025-00011165-00011781 important for faculty to remember that a student is also the best expert on their XSXYaK7iH_U-00026-00011781-00012210 own disability, so a lot of times especially like if we have somebody XSXYaK7iH_U-00027-00012210-00012725 who's deaf or who's blind faculty will contact the Disability Resource Center XSXYaK7iH_U-00028-00012725-00013128 and say you know like what should, what do they need, how should I give this to XSXYaK7iH_U-00029-00013128-00013406 them and then we end up contacting the student and say what XSXYaK7iH_U-00030-00013406-00013760 you need, how do you want it when really the faculty could have had that XSXYaK7iH_U-00031-00013760-00014213 conversation with the student. So don't be afraid to engage in those XSXYaK7iH_U-00032-00014213-00014699 conversation. But you also have to be careful because obviously you don't want XSXYaK7iH_U-00033-00014699-00015150 to ask them what their disability is and some students are really open about XSXYaK7iH_U-00034-00015150-00015662 their disabilities so they might say oh I have PTSD you know but don't make XSXYaK7iH_U-00035-00015662-00016016 assumptions about what that means because for each student it's something XSXYaK7iH_U-00036-00016034-00016565 different right. And then also remember that that's confidential and it's fine XSXYaK7iH_U-00037-00016565-00017006 for them to bring it up but it shouldn't necessarily be something that you bring XSXYaK7iH_U-00038-00017006-00017444 up especially obviously in front of the class or something like that you know. XSXYaK7iH_U-00039-00017444-00017984 It's sensitive information and so you want to treat it with that regard basically. XSXYaK7iH_U-00040-00018054-00018464 So making sure that you kind of let the XSXYaK7iH_U-00041-00018465-00018879 student bring whatever information they feel comfortable with rather than kind XSXYaK7iH_U-00042-00018879-00019254 of pushing them to reveal their disability. XSXYaK7iH_U-00043-00019254-00019588 Yes, but it is totally acceptable to talk XSXYaK7iH_U-00044-00019602-00020009 with them about accommodations and so I really XSXYaK7iH_U-00045-00020009-00020393 recommend you know go down the list of the approved accommodations and just XSXYaK7iH_U-00046-00020393-00020945 talk with them about that. And I do think it's important too to set aside private XSXYaK7iH_U-00047-00020945-00021440 time for those conversations. Try to keep that as confidential as possible so if XSXYaK7iH_U-00048-00021440-00021843 you have an office you know go to your office have that conversation during XSXYaK7iH_U-00049-00021843-00022272 office hours. A lot of times I know students will come up after class and XSXYaK7iH_U-00050-00022272-00022700 they've got an accommodation letter and there's a whole line of students and so XSXYaK7iH_U-00051-00022700-00023279 as much as possible try to keep those students so that you can have those XSXYaK7iH_U-00052-00023280-00023638 conversations in private and not in front of other students basically. XSXYaK7iH_U-00053-00023658-00023952 And I think that idea of knowing that you can XSXYaK7iH_U-00054-00023952-00024374 have a conversation about accommodations XSXYaK7iH_U-00055-00024375-00024837 is so important because I think a lot of faculty view the accommodation letter XSXYaK7iH_U-00056-00024837-00025469 I mean it is an official document, but because of that they view it as sort of XSXYaK7iH_U-00057-00025469-00025940 this piece of information that they act on or if it doesn't seem to apply and XSXYaK7iH_U-00058-00025940-00026188 they just sort of. . . XSXYaK7iH_U-00059-00026210-00026449 It's like okay we're just not going to deal with it. XSXYaK7iH_U-00060-00026450-00026645 Yeah I'm really thinking about using it XSXYaK7iH_U-00061-00026645-00027147 as an opportunity to engage with the student and find out how to better support their learning. XSXYaK7iH_U-00062-00027147-00027550 Well and one of the big goals that we have in the Disability Resource Center XSXYaK7iH_U-00063-00027550-00028013 and in this disability services field in general is we're really trying XSXYaK7iH_U-00064-00028013-00028616 to help students become self-advocates. In the K through 12 system students XSXYaK7iH_U-00065-00028616-00028983 with disabilities a lot of times they don't even know they have a disability. XSXYaK7iH_U-00066-00028983-00029343 Their parents are the ones that are navigating that and so as they XSXYaK7iH_U-00067-00029343-00029966 transition into college, we really want to help them gain a way to talk about XSXYaK7iH_U-00068-00029966-00030387 their disability and the accommodations that they need so that as they XSXYaK7iH_U-00069-00030387-00030845 transition into employment they can go in and talk with a supervisor and ask XSXYaK7iH_U-00070-00030845-00031388 for accommodations. And so a lot of times there are interactions with with you XSXYaK7iH_U-00071-00031388-00031838 guys as faculty that really shapes the future of the way that they think about XSXYaK7iH_U-00072-00031838-00032430 accommodations and so to me as faculty you guys have this critical role because XSXYaK7iH_U-00073-00032430-00032799 you're trying to empower students to be able to talk about these things. XSXYaK7iH_U-00074-00032799-00033180 And for some students this might be the first time they've ever done it you know. XSXYaK7iH_U-00075-00033180-00033681 And so it's intimidating for them and they might mess it up. XSXYaK7iH_U-00076-00033681-00034025 They might say things that you know you're like whoa they shouldn't be XSXYaK7iH_U-00077-00034025-00034263 saying that or woah I don't need to know about that. XSXYaK7iH_U-00078-00034263-00034959 And that's okay because they're learning through that process and so I think it's XSXYaK7iH_U-00079-00034959-00035363 really important as faculty that you're not just squashing those conversations. XSXYaK7iH_U-00080-00035363-00035771 Because sometimes they are a little bit uncomfortable but that's a whole XSXYaK7iH_U-00081-00035771-00036113 learning process for students with disabilities and you guys play a XSXYaK7iH_U-00082-00036114-00036464 critical role with that. XSXYaK7iH_U-00083-00036464-00036719 Yeah and I think that perspective of that accommodations XSXYaK7iH_U-00084-00036719-00037222 conversation being a way for students to develop self-advocacy that's really XSXYaK7iH_U-00085-00037222-00037869 interesting and I think something that most faculty I think would be excited XSXYaK7iH_U-00086-00037869-00038005 about being part of so. XSXYaK7iH_U-00087-00038005-00038315 Right well and I think that's part of what makes a XSXYaK7iH_U-00088-00038315-00038784 well-rounded student which is that shared goal that we all have you know. XSXYaK7iH_U-00089-00038784-00039122 It's like we really want to see our students engaged. We want to see them XSXYaK7iH_U-00090-00039122-00039563 grow and learn and develop and for students with disabilities in particular XSXYaK7iH_U-00091-00039563-00040033 that's one of the critical ways that they're doing that. XaxFPOp0lnY-00000-00000456-00001184 welcome back my friends to classic replay this time according to me we celebrate the 25 best XaxFPOp0lnY-00001-00001184-00001880 arcade games ever since the arrival of space invaders video games have become a huge business XaxFPOp0lnY-00002-00001880-00002496 and an international obsession most arcade games are violent involving the destruction of aliens XaxFPOp0lnY-00003-00002496-00003152 which all adds up to a modern game of cowboys and indians the 1980s were packed with programming XaxFPOp0lnY-00004-00003152-00003784 genius what the beatles were to the 1960s programmers the likes of shigeru miyamoto and XaxFPOp0lnY-00005-00003784-00004672 eugene jarvis were to video games and the 1980s so without further ado let's get this top 25 started XaxFPOp0lnY-00006-00004832-00005560 long before i experienced amada i played omami on the amateur cpc which is very similar to this XaxFPOp0lnY-00007-00005616-00006208 i mean obviously it's a port in this classic though you have to escape from pursuing XaxFPOp0lnY-00008-00006208-00006816 creatures that also turn squares and rectangles to different colours uh by drawing lines around them XaxFPOp0lnY-00009-00006888-00007536 it is possible uh to temporarily stop your pursuers by dropping blocks or bombs behind you i XaxFPOp0lnY-00010-00007536-00008184 like it because you've got to think strategically and spot patterns of movement it's so addictive XaxFPOp0lnY-00011-00008184-00008696 and it's sometimes known as painter back in the day asteroids was one of the most popular XaxFPOp0lnY-00012-00008696-00009256 types of games it freed the player from firing at aliens with a laser base confined to left XaxFPOp0lnY-00013-00009256-00009776 and right movements you now had what felt like a freely moving ship it's up to you XaxFPOp0lnY-00014-00009776-00010248 to pilot a spacecraft through what felt like a never-ending asteroid storm XaxFPOp0lnY-00015-00010248-00010752 the spacecraft could fire or maneuver in all manner of direction and hyperspace to another XaxFPOp0lnY-00016-00010752-00011344 area of the screen success depended upon staying as close as possible to the centre of the screen XaxFPOp0lnY-00017-00011344-00011720 and destroying each asteroid in turn a timeless classic XaxFPOp0lnY-00018-00011992-00012648 the ultimate 80s battle game with tanks this was programmed at a time where vector graphics XaxFPOp0lnY-00019-00012648-00013160 are beyond the capabilities of microcomputers the game shows the view through a tank's window XaxFPOp0lnY-00020-00013160-00013760 plus a radar display revealing the position of enemy tanks the objective couldn't be simpler XaxFPOp0lnY-00021-00013760-00014280 seek out and destroy the enemy the original arcade had a realism that was never matched XaxFPOp0lnY-00022-00014280-00014728 on the home computer large three-dimensional moving shapes remain fun to this day XaxFPOp0lnY-00023-00015463-00015968 again so many great uh memories playing bump and jump uh where the purpose of XaxFPOp0lnY-00024-00015968-00016648 this racing game is not so much to win as to destroy as many opposing vehicles as possible XaxFPOp0lnY-00025-00016720-00017304 either by jumping on them off the track or by jumping onto the jumping into the air and XaxFPOp0lnY-00026-00017304-00017912 crashing on top of them the game includes four seasons each indicated by different colouring XaxFPOp0lnY-00027-00017992-00018736 you can also complete a race by not destroying anybody but where's the fun in that for me a XaxFPOp0lnY-00028-00018736-00019344 stone wall classic this was my first colourful space battle of a game the three-dimensional XaxFPOp0lnY-00029-00019344-00019992 impression of flight was absolutely amazing as you fly towards the distant horizon you must fire at XaxFPOp0lnY-00030-00019992-00020536 various alien craft that grow in size as they get nearer to the screen i remember this game really XaxFPOp0lnY-00031-00020536-00021112 well there were also four different settings one resembling luke skywalker's flight down the trench XaxFPOp0lnY-00032-00021112-00021688 of the death star in the film star wars and the alien fighters include large hopping creatures XaxFPOp0lnY-00033-00021688-00022048 this game famously went on to be the inspiration for space harrier XaxFPOp0lnY-00034-00022296-00022808 another one of my favorites burger time the player has to maneuver a chef across XaxFPOp0lnY-00035-00022808-00023304 a series of four raised platforms dropping the ingredients of a hamburger to the level XaxFPOp0lnY-00036-00023304-00023864 beneath until the chef has put a bun together and a burger whilst trying to do this there's XaxFPOp0lnY-00037-00023864-00024528 an ongoing pursuit where you're chased down by the ingredients themselves the fast food includes XaxFPOp0lnY-00038-00024528-00025200 runny fried eggs and hot dogs luckily you can momentarily stun the fast food by throwing peppers XaxFPOp0lnY-00039-00025200-00025600 at the pursuing enemy you'll never look at a hamburger in the same way again XaxFPOp0lnY-00040-00025912-00026336 centipede for me was a fantastic innovation on the original space invaders XaxFPOp0lnY-00041-00026392-00026904 only this time set in a monster eating garden instead of the aliens advancing down the XaxFPOp0lnY-00042-00026904-00027472 screen there is a centipede in pursuit made up of separate segments the object XaxFPOp0lnY-00043-00027472-00027912 is to destroy the segments before they can reach the bottom of the screen the mushrooms grow at XaxFPOp0lnY-00044-00027912-00028495 an alarming rate and can block the player's fire centipede is fast and colourful and lively to play XaxFPOp0lnY-00045-00028968-00029592 donkey kong and its designer owes its inspiration to the climax of the film king kong the original XaxFPOp0lnY-00046-00029592-00030024 really is a fantastic movie especially where the giant eight carries a girl to the top of XaxFPOp0lnY-00047-00030024-00030527 the empire state building can you believe it the player controls mario a daredevil figure XaxFPOp0lnY-00048-00030527-00031120 who has to scale ramps and scaffolding to rescue his girl from the deadly donkey kong there are XaxFPOp0lnY-00049-00031120-00031680 four different screens on the first mario climbs ladders and jumps over barrels to reach the girl XaxFPOp0lnY-00050-00031680-00032168 on the second he has to contend with conveyor belts the third you have to contend with lifts XaxFPOp0lnY-00051-00032168-00032704 and the fourth bring down the scaffold dig dug is a fantastic little arcade game with all the XaxFPOp0lnY-00052-00032704-00033368 appeal of pacman our protagonist is a little robot from the future his job is to protect a vegetable XaxFPOp0lnY-00053-00033368-00034024 garden from two deadly enemies a tomato in sunglasses and green fire breathing dragon XaxFPOp0lnY-00054-00034024-00034616 if dig dug succeeds veg appears everywhere and extra points are scored by passing over them XaxFPOp0lnY-00055-00034728-00035264 dig dug is an absolute cracker i love it so much that i purchased the arcade original XaxFPOp0lnY-00056-00035984-00036544 another great game from the arcade that walked a fine line of cuteness the player's task is to XaxFPOp0lnY-00057-00036544-00037056 guide a frog across a busy road staying clear of cars and snakes in the grass XaxFPOp0lnY-00058-00037120-00037528 and a busy river where progress is made by jumping on logs and turtles XaxFPOp0lnY-00059-00037592-00038128 you'll also need to avoid crocodiles until the safety of a lily pad is reached i still XaxFPOp0lnY-00060-00038128-00038600 haven't worked out why the frog drowns if he falls into the river frogger has XaxFPOp0lnY-00061-00038600-00039384 no right to be this addictive but somehow but strangely the game designers have pulled it off XaxFPOp0lnY-00062-00040104-00040880 ah luna lander another old favorite of mine i remember when i started to learn program basic XaxFPOp0lnY-00063-00040880-00041664 i tried to make this game but crashed and burned you've basically got to land your lander on the XaxFPOp0lnY-00064-00041664-00042272 moon on the surface of the moon as you can imagine the amount of fuel that you've got is limited XaxFPOp0lnY-00065-00042272-00042856 to make it that little bit more difficult and if you come in too fast to land it's all over XaxFPOp0lnY-00066-00043136-00043304 simplicity is bliss XaxFPOp0lnY-00067-00043544-00044136 definitely one of my favorite games of all time a game of nuclear warfare in which the player XaxFPOp0lnY-00068-00044136-00044832 has to defend six cities from unrelenting attack by planes you are armed with 30 anti-ballistic XaxFPOp0lnY-00069-00044832-00045416 missiles and you have to place your missile site like you don't know just ahead of the descending XaxFPOp0lnY-00070-00045416-00045968 warheads in order to destroy them the game becomes progressively more difficult as it continues XaxFPOp0lnY-00071-00046024-00046664 with enemy missiles that can dodge attacks and ends when all the cities have been obliterated XaxFPOp0lnY-00072-00047152-00047728 i know this came first but every time i play moon patrol i always think of army moves on the XaxFPOp0lnY-00073-00047728-00048320 zx spectrum and amstrad cpc anyway this is another space game in which the player moves XaxFPOp0lnY-00074-00048320-00048856 a buggy across a craggy surface of the moon shooting all the aggressive aliens XaxFPOp0lnY-00075-00048920-00049640 the buggy can jump over craters on the surface and those made by bombs the aliens drop XaxFPOp0lnY-00076-00049640-00050232 in the latter stages ufos and tanks join into the fray as the game progresses all designed to XaxFPOp0lnY-00077-00050232-00050696 stop you from reaching the moon base there's a lot more to this game than meets the eye XaxFPOp0lnY-00078-00050912-00051616 in japan it was known as pokemon net was changed in order to frustrate western graffiti writers XaxFPOp0lnY-00079-00051760-00052560 everybody knows the premise of this game by now it's a game of eat or be eaten i'm not sure how XaxFPOp0lnY-00080-00052560-00053288 true this is but back in the day the game is said to have earned more than 500 million i love this XaxFPOp0lnY-00081-00053288-00053904 game so much and i love the games it inspired as well uh miss pac-man pac-man jr and super pac-man XaxFPOp0lnY-00082-00053976-00055167 in fact i've just ordered an arcade one-up pac-man machine mad for it who doesn't love penga pengo is XaxFPOp0lnY-00083-00055167-00055712 a maze game with a difference the maze consists of blocks and everything can be destroyed XaxFPOp0lnY-00084-00055767-00056288 i'm not quite sure how they got away with it but the ghosts in this game are almost identical to XaxFPOp0lnY-00085-00056288-00056952 those of pac-man the maze also contains three indestructible cubes marked by a diamond a great XaxFPOp0lnY-00086-00056952-00057536 winning strategy is to line up the diamond blocks just away from the outer wall and to hide behind XaxFPOp0lnY-00087-00057536-00058200 them so that pengo touches the wall and paralyzes the ghost as they approach pengo can also kill a XaxFPOp0lnY-00088-00058200-00058976 ghost by pushing an ice block against it back in the day this game was crucial if my memory serves XaxFPOp0lnY-00089-00058976-00059672 me well phoenix was one of the first shoot-em-ups to feature an end-of-level baddie a giant boss XaxFPOp0lnY-00090-00059800-00060400 this is a well-balanced shooter it might not look like much today but once you start playing it it XaxFPOp0lnY-00091-00060400-00060960 never fails to invoke that one more go desire i love it simplicity and addictive quality XaxFPOp0lnY-00092-00061032-00061824 if i had to pick one shooter it's phoenix all the way check out the atari 2600 version as well epic XaxFPOp0lnY-00093-00063128-00063760 there's no doubt this motor racing game has been bettered in the arcades but still stays XaxFPOp0lnY-00094-00063760-00064455 close to my heart there are two stages first you have to qualify for the race by completing a lap XaxFPOp0lnY-00095-00064455-00065120 of the twisting course with mount fuji in the background but you have to do so in just 70 XaxFPOp0lnY-00096-00065120-00065632 seconds then it's on to the race itself your starting position on the grid depending on the XaxFPOp0lnY-00097-00065632-00066144 time taken in the qualifying round after that it's a matter of zooming around the course as XaxFPOp0lnY-00098-00066144-00066688 fast as possible like an absolute nutter without crashing or bursting into things XaxFPOp0lnY-00099-00066840-00067416 he's the greatest he's fantastic wherever there is danger cubots there XaxFPOp0lnY-00100-00067416-00067992 or something like that i thought i had a big nose but this guy's got me beat cuba back in the day XaxFPOp0lnY-00101-00067992-00068696 was a massive success and like pac-man the game is all about pattern recognition you need to change XaxFPOp0lnY-00102-00068696-00069200 the colours of the cubes on the lower part of the pyramid first despite the many arcade conversions XaxFPOp0lnY-00103-00069200-00069928 i've played over the years nothing can touch the arcade original here we go i love this one good XaxFPOp0lnY-00104-00069928-00070536 old rally x this one was unique in that it was a car racing game in which you have to travel XaxFPOp0lnY-00105-00070536-00071120 a maze-like track avoiding rocks and passing over 10 flags while being chased by other cars XaxFPOp0lnY-00106-00071208-00071808 it is possible to hamper their pursuit by squirting oil on the road as the game occupies XaxFPOp0lnY-00107-00071808-00072352 a larger area than can be shown on the screen at any one time the display includes a scanner XaxFPOp0lnY-00108-00072352-00072984 showing the position of the flags and other rival cars i feel the need the need for rally x XaxFPOp0lnY-00109-00073856-00074528 how do you even explain this one what i can tell you is it was designed by eugene XaxFPOp0lnY-00110-00074528-00075208 jarvis the the guy who created defender and larry demar like terminator the machines XaxFPOp0lnY-00111-00075208-00075640 have taken over or are trying to take over and it's your job to protect earth XaxFPOp0lnY-00112-00075640-00076144 each wave is nastier and smarter than the previous if you're lucky enough to make it XaxFPOp0lnY-00113-00076144-00076736 through to the later stages you'll have to face upwards of 100 enemies this is highly playable XaxFPOp0lnY-00114-00076736-00077184 stuff XaxFPOp0lnY-00115-00077904-00078224 i like my eggs scrambled and especially my games XaxFPOp0lnY-00116-00078224-00078616 scramble betters defender in every conceivable notion XaxFPOp0lnY-00117-00078616-00079224 you must fly over several different landscapes and avoid the barrage of heavily defended missile and XaxFPOp0lnY-00118-00079224-00079912 gun emplacements to add insult to injury your ship quickly runs out of fuel strangely though XaxFPOp0lnY-00119-00079912-00080504 you get more fuel by blowing up fuel don't you just love the idiosyncrasies of computer games XaxFPOp0lnY-00120-00080504-00081024 you can shoot and bomb all manner of targets but best of all by the fifth level you take on XaxFPOp0lnY-00121-00081024-00081648 the enemy stronghold the amstrad cpc computer has an excellent arcade conversion of this play XaxFPOp0lnY-00122-00082648-00082992 sadly youtube won't let me play the sound or music on this video XaxFPOp0lnY-00123-00082992-00083408 so i've had to improvise if you don't know about this game you need to stop XaxFPOp0lnY-00124-00083408-00083880 watching this video now either that or do you damn dish to hunt it down and play it XaxFPOp0lnY-00125-00083880-00084416 if you are still here well you must love your punishment but i'm deadly serious these XaxFPOp0lnY-00126-00084416-00084856 aren't the video games you are looking for for me this is a rembrandt of video XaxFPOp0lnY-00127-00084856-00085968 games may the force be with you always XaxFPOp0lnY-00128-00086328-00086928 space invaders apologies in advance i was just checking you're still with us and after that XaxFPOp0lnY-00129-00086928-00087592 little display you've probably gone now then now then the most famous of all arcade games XaxFPOp0lnY-00130-00087592-00088184 straight out of japan from the tato company this is the game that introduced the new concept XaxFPOp0lnY-00131-00088184-00088712 into gameplay for those that didn't know it's impossible to complete the game XaxFPOp0lnY-00132-00088712-00089344 as the game continues the aliens get faster all you can hope to do is survive as long as possible XaxFPOp0lnY-00133-00089400-00089968 it's still a massive and worthy challenge and i still play it today fantastic stuff XaxFPOp0lnY-00134-00090552-00090872 without question this one's in the list it's that good XaxFPOp0lnY-00135-00090944-00091544 in fact it appears in the book 1001 video games to play before you die the attention to XaxFPOp0lnY-00136-00091544-00092264 detail and sound has to be appreciated and the arcade halls of yesteryear were a better place XaxFPOp0lnY-00137-00092264-00092848 for holding and giving such memories like all shame ups there's an air of frustration but the XaxFPOp0lnY-00138-00092848-00093520 gameplay is truly challenging in my eyes this is a thing of beauty a real sight for sore eyes XaxFPOp0lnY-00139-00093520-00094208 it was released way back in 1983 and i still play it just don't play the amstrad cpc version XaxFPOp0lnY-00140-00094520-00095160 in my previous videos you'll realize that i'm a massive fan of zackson it's an air attack game XaxFPOp0lnY-00141-00095160-00095624 providing four different screens of activity which owed its acclaim mainly to the quality XaxFPOp0lnY-00142-00095624-00096248 of its graphics drawn in a perspective to suggest three dimensions the player has to pilot a fighter XaxFPOp0lnY-00143-00096248-00096712 plane over a high wall and through the elaborate defense systems of the bizarre blue fortress XaxFPOp0lnY-00144-00096776-00097360 your task is to attack a huge missile firing robot after which the player moves into space XaxFPOp0lnY-00145-00097360-00097952 flight mode to face off against enemy planes and satellites i hope you enjoyed this video if you XaxFPOp0lnY-00146-00097952-00098736 did please do me the honor and subscribe oh don't forget to like or comment and until next time bye XbL_0SxkyR8-00000-00000000-00000726 Hey guys whats up Aru! Khaenriah, Khaenriah is a place that is near unknowable to many lore players XbL_0SxkyR8-00001-00000726-00001170 and theorists within the genshin Community. It's so enigmatic that we only get precious XbL_0SxkyR8-00002-00001170-00001812 small lines of dialogue. & sometimes a single word about it every few patches. It's like Hoyo’s rare XbL_0SxkyR8-00003-00001812-00002280 candy trump card that they drop on the floor for us poor souls to pick up & remind us that it's XbL_0SxkyR8-00004-00002280-00002826 all worth it. As worth it as the money you just used whaling on that new Banner. So welcome back XbL_0SxkyR8-00005-00002826-00004014 to another video of a guy who disappears into the Abyss. In this video we’ll be discussing XbL_0SxkyR8-00006-00004014-00004554 King Irmin of Khaenriah. His relations to Norse Mythology. What may have happened to him. And XbL_0SxkyR8-00007-00004554-00005238 how it all happened regarding him and his lovely non-existent Kingdom. Of Course timestamps will XbL_0SxkyR8-00008-00005238-00005796 be in the description and comments so just pick your poison. With that said let's get started! XbL_0SxkyR8-00009-00005862-00006528 First of all, who is Irmin? Well, Irmin is a king, or assumed last king of Khaenriah, under XbL_0SxkyR8-00010-00006528-00007092 the Eclipse Dynasty. Which was the ruling Dynasty of Khaenriah until 500 years ago, right before XbL_0SxkyR8-00011-00007092-00007673 Khaenriah fell in the Cataclysm. And the only lore that solely mentions his name is from the Hidden XbL_0SxkyR8-00012-00007673-00008256 Strife event. On a letter found on top of the Favonius HQ. Within this letter describes that at XbL_0SxkyR8-00013-00008256-00008868 some point in his rule he lost his strength. This strength seems to point to his overall ability to XbL_0SxkyR8-00014-00008868-00009492 rule or govern his kingdom, meaning he was either incapacitated or was physically/mentally unable XbL_0SxkyR8-00015-00009492-00010302 to rule Khaenriah. The reason why he couldn't govern his kingdom is still unknown however. XbL_0SxkyR8-00016-00010302-00010884 Now that we've introduced Irmin from Genshin, let's move on to Irmin from Norse Mythology. The XbL_0SxkyR8-00017-00010884-00011442 name Irmin when used in Germanic translation could possibly mean “Great”. I say possible because XbL_0SxkyR8-00018-00011442-00012018 using Germanic translations tend to have several meanings. Other translations include; immense, XbL_0SxkyR8-00019-00012018-00012744 whole, universal or strong. With that said, Irmin is actually a lexical cognate to other older names XbL_0SxkyR8-00020-00012744-00013290 within Germanic mythology. Meaning that the many names or titles used in mythology can XbL_0SxkyR8-00021-00013290-00013936 all point to the same being. Irmin specifically has an old norse form or cognate name called XbL_0SxkyR8-00022-00013936-00014730 “Jormurer '' meaning ‘the cosmic one or cosmic’ which is one of the many names of the Norse God XbL_0SxkyR8-00023-00014730-00015234 more commonly known as Odin. The similarities don't end there though, because there are quite XbL_0SxkyR8-00024-00015234-00015791 a lot of events and references within Genshin that seem to be inspired from Norse Mythology. XbL_0SxkyR8-00025-00016488-00016956 The Silver twig has references to Norse Mythology, as well as references to the XbL_0SxkyR8-00026-00016956-00017466 game’s history and possible future. I already made 2 theory videos discussing what the silver XbL_0SxkyR8-00027-00017466-00017844 twig’s passages mean. If you're curious to know about those separate theories, XbL_0SxkyR8-00028-00017844-00018522 then feel free to click on the link here or in the description. From the second passage is the XbL_0SxkyR8-00029-00018522-00019086 story of a sage that was hanging upside down from a tree, who gained knowledge about rune scribing, XbL_0SxkyR8-00030-00019086-00019602 and controlling sacred words. And a kingdom, established on the roots of said tree, XbL_0SxkyR8-00031-00019602-00020202 gains a glimpse of the secrets of the cosmos later on. And the 3rd passage focuses on the XbL_0SxkyR8-00032-00020202-00020682 cycle and flow of knowledge within Teyvat. Which references creation stories of different XbL_0SxkyR8-00033-00020682-00021220 religions and cultures that inspired Genshin’s own creation story. Let's start with the hanging sage. XbL_0SxkyR8-00034-00021220-00021696 Now this is going to be a bit of a headache, remember what I said about lexical cognates XbL_0SxkyR8-00035-00021696-00022320 or derivative names? Yeah well, there's more. Yggdrasil is called the cosmic tree. And Odin XbL_0SxkyR8-00036-00022320-00023112 hanging from Yggdrasil is one of the stories about him gaining wisdom. It's a story of Yggr meaning XbL_0SxkyR8-00037-00023112-00023682 “The Terrible One '' which is a cognate of Odin’s name. Hanging himself from Yggdrasil tree, that XbL_0SxkyR8-00038-00023682-00024732 created the saying “Odin’s Horse” or Ygg Drasill (with 2 Ls, which was the old norse spelling of XbL_0SxkyR8-00039-00024732-00025314 the Yggdrasil Tree). Basically, “Odin’s Horse” is a metaphorical term for gallows in this XbL_0SxkyR8-00040-00025314-00025866 story. Calling the Yggdrasil tree “the horse of the hanged” shows how derivative names work in XbL_0SxkyR8-00041-00025866-00026448 Norse Mythology. With that out of the way, Odin hangs himself from the Yggdrasil Tree and gains XbL_0SxkyR8-00042-00026448-00027072 the following; the secret to sacred runes, occult wisdom, and becoming known as a powerful magician. XbL_0SxkyR8-00043-00027072-00027744 If Irmin and “Irminsul '' could be mirroring what Odin did with the Metaphor “Ygg Drasill '' we XbL_0SxkyR8-00044-00027744-00028506 can't say. But this reference to Norse Mythology could mean that Khaenriah has close ties with the XbL_0SxkyR8-00045-00028506-00029244 Irminsul Tree. certain people with relations to trees tend to either have great wisdom or XbL_0SxkyR8-00046-00029244-00029754 are gifted in some way. Like how the princess of Vindagnyr could see the future, because of XbL_0SxkyR8-00047-00029754-00030418 her gift from the Tree. And Nahida who is the manifestation of Irminsul. Is either hiding or is XbL_0SxkyR8-00048-00030418-00030977 unaware of a very crucial information to uncover the truth about not just the cataclysm, but XbL_0SxkyR8-00049-00030977-00031650 possibly the origin of Teyvat. So Irmin and his relation to the name Irminsul could have a deeper XbL_0SxkyR8-00050-00031650-00032388 meaning later on. But we have another feature of Irmin that is also related to Norse mythology. XbL_0SxkyR8-00051-00032645-00033210 Odin has another story where he sacrifices something else to obtain wisdom. This wisdom XbL_0SxkyR8-00052-00033210-00033876 Odin gains by drinking from the well of Mimir or Mímisbrunnr, in exchange for one of his eyes. XbL_0SxkyR8-00053-00033876-00034422 It's worth mentioning that in Prose Edda poems of this event. The well of Mimir was located XbL_0SxkyR8-00054-00034422-00034986 under one of the three roots of Yggdrasil. This specific root passes into the Land of the Giants XbL_0SxkyR8-00055-00034986-00035778 where the primordial plane once existed. TLDR the primordial void called Ginnungagap is a XbL_0SxkyR8-00056-00035778-00036024 dark void that could be described as the cosmic void. This is where the Giant race is said to XbL_0SxkyR8-00057-00036024-00036654 have emerged from before becoming Jotunheim. And the creation of the 9 realms was done using the XbL_0SxkyR8-00058-00036654-00037446 entirety of the first Giant named Ymir. Underneath the root connecting the land of giants, is the XbL_0SxkyR8-00059-00037446-00038094 Well of Mimir. And after drinking from the well, Odin “saw more clearly and farther than anyone XbL_0SxkyR8-00060-00038094-00038706 else, had intuitive knowledge of the past, and could foresee the future”. Odin sacrificing his XbL_0SxkyR8-00061-00038706-00039318 eye was not only literal but was also symbolic. exchanging something earthly for something divine. XbL_0SxkyR8-00062-00039318-00039810 And to obtain something valuable, one must first give something valuable . In this case, XbL_0SxkyR8-00063-00039810-00040350 Odin gave half of his vision, for divine vision and foresight. Seeing what others could not, XbL_0SxkyR8-00064-00040350-00040884 and knowing what others could not. The same could be said for Irmin giving away half of his vision, XbL_0SxkyR8-00065-00040884-00041316 in exchange for cosmic knowledge and to see things that no one else can. But XbL_0SxkyR8-00066-00041316-00041814 Irmin giving his half his vision for divine insight might have something else included. XbL_0SxkyR8-00067-00042066-00042672 From my understanding, In Norse Mythology Odin lost his eye first before hanging himself on XbL_0SxkyR8-00068-00042672-00043158 Yggdrasil. Meaning he could see the past and future before discovering the secret of runes, XbL_0SxkyR8-00069-00043158-00043374 magic and occult wisdom. But both stories happened shortly after each other. But in XbL_0SxkyR8-00070-00043374-00043878 Genshin’s interpretation, it's possible that he also came across knowledge that he wasn't XbL_0SxkyR8-00071-00043878-00044382 supposed to know about. Then searched for a way to use that knowledge he first found. And XbL_0SxkyR8-00072-00044382-00044928 the statuettes could be telling the story of his slow descent into madness. A fellow XbL_0SxkyR8-00073-00044928-00045378 lore youtuber friend of mine The Laughing man mentioned the statuettes in an order relating XbL_0SxkyR8-00074-00045378-00045858 to what might have happened during king Irmin’s rule. And I suggest you watch his video as well, XbL_0SxkyR8-00075-00045858-00046248 because his take about the statuettes is where this segment comes from. XbL_0SxkyR8-00076-00046422-00046896 The Deathly Statuette mentions a whispering voice that foreshadows the destruction of XbL_0SxkyR8-00077-00046896-00047334 everything under the throne. Saying that the eternal peace of the pitch dark void shall XbL_0SxkyR8-00078-00047334-00047808 embrace all. Irmin has, not just knowledge of the sky, the origins of sacred words, XbL_0SxkyR8-00079-00047808-00048354 or occult magic and wisdom. But possibly knowledge of an eminent fate that will XbL_0SxkyR8-00080-00048354-00049158 destroy humanity. The destruction of everything, an all encompassing darkness that will inevitably XbL_0SxkyR8-00081-00049158-00049746 swallow the world. The statuette even calls it “the eternal peace”. This to XbL_0SxkyR8-00082-00049746-00050256 me sounds like a vision of something that will happen down the line. An all ending prophecy XbL_0SxkyR8-00083-00050256-00051120 that wipes everything clean including the gods. Leaving nothing but a dark void. Sound familiar? XbL_0SxkyR8-00084-00051120-00051641 There's an end of the world event in Norse mythology called Ragnarok, which is basically the XbL_0SxkyR8-00085-00051641-00052241 destruction of EVERYTHING. This is the fate of the 9 realms that Odin realized in his search XbL_0SxkyR8-00086-00052241-00052854 for wisdom. In this series of events; Odin is swallowed whole by Fenrir who is a giant wolf. XbL_0SxkyR8-00087-00052854-00053382 Jörmungandr the world serpent, which is symbolic of the ouroboros, decides to not do his job and XbL_0SxkyR8-00088-00053382-00054114 floods the human world (Midgard), Surtr the fire giant beats Freyr the god of rain & sunshine as XbL_0SxkyR8-00089-00054114-00054648 well as peace & fertility. Which causes the sun to turn black, the earth sinks, XbL_0SxkyR8-00090-00054720-00055229 the stars vanish, and the only thing left is, you guessed it; the Void. Everything XbL_0SxkyR8-00091-00055229-00056076 after Ragnarok either just ends there, or 2 humans survive named Lif and Lifbrasira and a new lush, XbL_0SxkyR8-00092-00056076-00056640 peaceful world starts again. All the events that happened could be representative of a lot of XbL_0SxkyR8-00093-00056640-00057155 characters from Genshin that may be related. But we’ll stick with Irmin for this video. XbL_0SxkyR8-00094-00057252-00057767 This is where most of Norse references end, and where we move into the theoretical side. XbL_0SxkyR8-00095-00057929-00058338 We know that forbidden knowledge can and will corrupt anyone who comes into XbL_0SxkyR8-00096-00058338-00058908 contact with it. One such example is Rukkh-sanali, repelling & resisting XbL_0SxkyR8-00097-00058908-00059340 the pollution of forbidden knowledge for thousands of years. Yet forbidden knowledge XbL_0SxkyR8-00098-00059340-00059862 still dwells within her and continues to torment her mind until well, y’know. XbL_0SxkyR8-00099-00059952-00060582 So maybe the same happened with king Irmin after he gained his so-called “divine knowledge”. But XbL_0SxkyR8-00100-00060582-00061032 instead of resisting, what if he embraced this knowledge, seeing it as a blessing instead of XbL_0SxkyR8-00101-00061032-00061650 a curse. And what if, for this curse to become a blessing one must offer something else in return. XbL_0SxkyR8-00102-00061650-00062250 And to avoid the repercussions maybe something equally as valuable was required as a sacrifice. XbL_0SxkyR8-00103-00062250-00062814 This could explain why we have one eyed statuettes & why certain characters didn't turn into what XbL_0SxkyR8-00104-00062814-00063341 Khaenriah’s people are today. But are covering or have something on a certain part of their XbL_0SxkyR8-00105-00063341-00063846 faces. The sides of which the eye is covered are different however. Maybe they covered that side XbL_0SxkyR8-00106-00063846-00064488 because they didn't want to see with divine eyes to avoid going mad. Or for a more cruel theory; XbL_0SxkyR8-00107-00064488-00064998 Maybe Irmin’s remaining eye is what sees the divine. And he merely gave away his other eye XbL_0SxkyR8-00108-00064998-00065466 in exchange for seeing divine things but not what's in front of him. Rendering him unable XbL_0SxkyR8-00109-00065580-00066174 blind to anything apart from the divine or forbidden sight that he is left with. This XbL_0SxkyR8-00110-00066174-00066972 could explain why he rambles about the eternal peace of darkness, because it's all he could see. XbL_0SxkyR8-00111-00066972-00067428 There's a possible other explanation for why Khaenriahs people have different sides being XbL_0SxkyR8-00112-00067428-00068082 covered. From a segment within the Book Veras melancholy, speaks of losing eyes having two XbL_0SxkyR8-00113-00068082-00068802 meanings; submission and love. Although Ike the magician or sage couldn't remember which eye XbL_0SxkyR8-00114-00068802-00069420 represented which meaning. In my opinion Irmin losing his right eye is related to submission. XbL_0SxkyR8-00115-00069420-00070032 This ties in with why Khaenriahns and the Statuettes have their eyes in reverse. It could XbL_0SxkyR8-00116-00070032-00070806 also make sense of the dual glow from the eyes of the serpent in Gnostic chorus. And link the XbL_0SxkyR8-00117-00070806-00071364 princess from Vera’s melancholy with the first heir. Ike could be one of the more rational sages XbL_0SxkyR8-00118-00071364-00073152 of Khaenriah considering he's a magician, and so is Pierro. But you can think of this segment in XbL_0SxkyR8-00119-00073152-00073800 any way you like. This is just some random lore that I wanted to piece into my video. XbL_0SxkyR8-00120-00073800-00074448 Something I find interesting is that Khaenriah mobs are different from Abyss Order mobs. Of the XbL_0SxkyR8-00121-00074448-00075084 3 statuettes only one speaks of the dark void, and only one has horns, the deathly statue. Compared XbL_0SxkyR8-00122-00075084-00075726 to black serpent knights, the Abyss mobs that have horns only come from the ones from after Khaenriah XbL_0SxkyR8-00123-00075726-00076380 fell. For example; the first 2 statuettes all wear a pointed helm. The same can be said for the XbL_0SxkyR8-00124-00076380-00077016 black serpent knights. All having single pointed helms. The deathly statuette however suddenly has XbL_0SxkyR8-00125-00077016-00077694 horns. Or to fit with Gnostic chorus, thorns. Similar to the Abyss Lectors, Heralds, mages, XbL_0SxkyR8-00126-00077694-00078498 and Hillichurl masks. The harbinger Pierro also wears a half-mask with a horn protruding from the XbL_0SxkyR8-00127-00078498-00079278 sides. The Abyss heralds and lectors chant “Abyss, peace, truth” whenever they attack. Compared to XbL_0SxkyR8-00128-00079278-00079794 Shadowy husks mentioning “the majestic one and his curse” which could be referring to king Irmin XbL_0SxkyR8-00129-00079794-00080448 after his contact with forbidden knowledge. And only mentioning the void in relation to some XbL_0SxkyR8-00130-00080448-00080928 sort of awakening whenever they die. Maybe death is what helps the void envelop them, XbL_0SxkyR8-00131-00080928-00081720 and they are reborn as the Abyss mobs and creatures we see today. All praising the abyss, XbL_0SxkyR8-00132-00081720-00082350 drawing their power from the abyss. All through calling ancient words or chants. XbL_0SxkyR8-00133-00082566-00083022 The serpent in both the gnostic hymn, and Khaenriah’s Serpent knights I think XbL_0SxkyR8-00134-00083022-00083634 is representative of Demiurge or Yaldabaoth from Gnosticism. That's how we can tie in the XbL_0SxkyR8-00135-00083634-00084228 mad ramblings of Irmin with his divine wisdom and prophesied end of the world. Granted Jormungandr XbL_0SxkyR8-00136-00084336-00085038 is known for his vast knowledge, Demiurge is known as the personification of Wisdom. We’ve XbL_0SxkyR8-00137-00085038-00085572 seen many cases of mixed cultures and histories as inspiration for Genshin’s lore. And if XbL_0SxkyR8-00138-00085572-00086238 Gnosticism’s Demiurge is the serpent guarding the pearl. We could assume that Demiurge was guarding XbL_0SxkyR8-00139-00086238-00086916 the well of wisdom. Similar to Mimir the wisest of the Aesir, but with a mix of also being the world XbL_0SxkyR8-00140-00086916-00087486 serpent. And that the well is representative of the sacred blood that Serpent knights speak of, XbL_0SxkyR8-00141-00087486-00087948 as well the blood red drink that the first heir has from Gnostic chorus. This blood could XbL_0SxkyR8-00142-00087948-00088758 be blood of the primeval ones from Venti’s tale or waters that Demiurge wants Irmin to drink to XbL_0SxkyR8-00143-00088758-00090756 trick him. Similar to the serpent in the garden of Eden. Both giving knowledge that Celestia is XbL_0SxkyR8-00144-00090756-00091344 hiding, & providing knowledge of human potential. This highlights Gnosticism’s dualism cosmology, XbL_0SxkyR8-00145-00091344-00091782 which implies the eternal conflict of good and evil. Making both Khaenriah XbL_0SxkyR8-00146-00091782-00092376 and Celestia be the good and bad guy in Genshin. Which is what is happening now, XbL_0SxkyR8-00147-00092592-00093042 we know Celestia is sus but we also know Khaenriah did something equally XbL_0SxkyR8-00148-00093042-00093624 sus. Giving players the duality of which is really good or evil. XbL_0SxkyR8-00149-00095160-00095844 My headcanon for what might have happened with Irmin is that. He gained his first wisdom of XbL_0SxkyR8-00150-00095844-00096456 foresight from trading his eye with the guardian of the well near the Abyss. But instead of Mimir, XbL_0SxkyR8-00151-00096456-00097386 it's a serpent from Gnostic Hymn. Similar to Jormungandr guarding the world, Demiurge from XbL_0SxkyR8-00152-00097386-00098040 Gnosticism is a false god that tempts Adam and Eve. In Genshin’s story Demiurge might be the XbL_0SxkyR8-00153-00098040-00098520 person guarding the well of wisdom tempting Irmin. Who also tempted the first heir from XbL_0SxkyR8-00154-00098520-00099282 Gnostic chorus. After trading his eye for divine wisdom, he realizes that the abyss or void will XbL_0SxkyR8-00155-00099282-00099978 eventually consume everything, Ragnarok. Irmin now wants to create something to keep him and XbL_0SxkyR8-00156-00099978-00100494 his kingdom from being swallowed by the abyss. He hangs himself from Irminsul and gains knowledge XbL_0SxkyR8-00157-00100494-00101226 of controlling sacred words. Which could be the answer to keeping themselves from being XbL_0SxkyR8-00158-00101226-00101964 consumed. He slowly loses his sanity due to forbidden knowledge and is eventually unable XbL_0SxkyR8-00159-00101964-00102474 to lead Khaenriah. The Kingdom of Khaenriah knows of this cosmic knowledge and that King XbL_0SxkyR8-00160-00102474-00103350 Irmin succumbed to it. And the remaining people from Khaenriah try their best to keep Khaenriah XbL_0SxkyR8-00161-00103350-00103602 organized as regents. Celestia finds out about what Khaenriah is doing, and nukes them. The XbL_0SxkyR8-00162-00103602-00104238 rest is history. This of course is from my theoretical perspective. Everything is still XbL_0SxkyR8-00163-00104238-00105294 up to Hoyo, while we are left to wonder and scrounge up what else we could find. XbL_0SxkyR8-00164-00105372-00106116 And there you go! A take on King Irmin and his relation to Everything I can find about Norse XbL_0SxkyR8-00165-00106116-00106902 mythology. With a mix of theory and speculation as to how & what might have happened to him. Let XbL_0SxkyR8-00166-00106902-00107370 me know in the comments! Do you have similar thoughts, or is all my rambling for naught? XbL_0SxkyR8-00167-00107370-00107844 If you enjoyed this video leave a like and if you want to see more of my theories make sure XbL_0SxkyR8-00168-00107844-00108402 you subscribe. As well as hit that bell icon to stay updated on my videos and streams. Now, XbL_0SxkyR8-00169-00108402-00108918 I'd love to hear everyone's take on this because honestly. Although this video was a real XbL_0SxkyR8-00170-00108918-00109626 headache to make. It's about Khaenriah & Norse inspirations so I loved every bit of it. I also XbL_0SxkyR8-00171-00109626-00110250 would love to say thanks to everyone who voted for a Kahenriah themed video. And hearing everyone’s XbL_0SxkyR8-00172-00110250-00110730 thoughts really does help me decide on what video I should make. Because I am an indecisive boi who XbL_0SxkyR8-00173-00110730-00111366 doesn't know what to do. With that said, thanks for watching, I’ll see you guys in the next video XbL_0SxkyR8-00174-00111366-00111894 yea? Like comment if you enjoyed subscribe for more ramblings and stay mad theorist bye! XcBiymFK-u0-00000-00001030-00001130 Hi everyone! XcBiymFK-u0-00001-00001130-00001747 I'm Sarah and this is BudgetSew where we create stylish, fashionable looks as inexpensively XcBiymFK-u0-00002-00001747-00001953 as possible. XcBiymFK-u0-00003-00001953-00002573 One of the things I love to do is go thrift shopping and then show you my thrift haul. XcBiymFK-u0-00004-00002573-00003097 Sometimes it's fabric, sometimes it's sewing patterns and other times it sewing accessories. XcBiymFK-u0-00005-00003097-00003860 Today I'm going to show you a vintage McCall's Needlework pattern book from November 1952 XcBiymFK-u0-00006-00003860-00004378 but first I'm going to show you one of my makes. XcBiymFK-u0-00007-00004378-00004969 Since we're looking at a McCall's pattern book, I thought it would be fitting to wear XcBiymFK-u0-00008-00004969-00005164 a McCall's garment. XcBiymFK-u0-00009-00005164-00007479 Today I'm wearing McCall's 7869 in a size large. XcBiymFK-u0-00011-00012197-00012953 View A and B have flounces, view C has a contrast yoke and view D has purchased piping. XcBiymFK-u0-00012-00012953-00013370 Now I didn't pick a specific view for this pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00013-00013370-00013578 I did a mix up two views. XcBiymFK-u0-00014-00013578-00014184 I chose view A with the flounce at the yoke on the front of the top only but with view XcBiymFK-u0-00015-00014184-00014588 C's sleeve and lower band. XcBiymFK-u0-00016-00014588-00015181 You may remember this top from my McCall's 7869 sewalong video. XcBiymFK-u0-00017-00015181-00015636 The link that video is right here at the top of the screen. XcBiymFK-u0-00018-00015636-00016212 This pattern was originally published in 2018 but I bought it on sale this year off the XcBiymFK-u0-00019-00016212-00016354 McCall's pattern website. XcBiymFK-u0-00020-00016354-00017420 The original price of this pattern was $19.99 US but it's sale price was $3.99 and I had XcBiymFK-u0-00021-00017420-00018463 a 10% off coupon code from ordering from their website previously so I paid $3.59 plus shipping XcBiymFK-u0-00022-00018463-00018686 to Canada. XcBiymFK-u0-00023-00018686-00019269 The link to the video where I purchased this pattern is right here at the top of the screen. XcBiymFK-u0-00024-00019269-00019840 I chose to make up this pattern in a size large based on the measurements on the pattern XcBiymFK-u0-00025-00019840-00020478 envelope but I ended up making it too big because I didn't look at the individual pattern XcBiymFK-u0-00026-00020478-00021069 pieces to see how much ease there was before cutting it out and sewing. XcBiymFK-u0-00027-00021069-00021565 Based on those measurements I should have made a size medium. XcBiymFK-u0-00028-00021565-00022168 The fabric that I chose is a textured knit that I purchased at the Lens Mills store in XcBiymFK-u0-00029-00022168-00022729 London, Ontario as part of a 40% off remnant sale. XcBiymFK-u0-00030-00022729-00023645 I purchased two pieces of fabric approximately 60 inches wide by 0.944 yards long. XcBiymFK-u0-00031-00023645-00023936 Each remnant was the exact same size. XcBiymFK-u0-00032-00023936-00024999 It was $6.99 a yard originally but I got them for the great price of $3.96 each. XcBiymFK-u0-00033-00024999-00025654 The link to the video where I purchased the fabric is right here at the top of the screen. XcBiymFK-u0-00034-00025654-00026364 In addition that fabric, I used contrasting knit fabric that I purchased from Value Village XcBiymFK-u0-00035-00026364-00026464 for $4.99. XcBiymFK-u0-00036-00026464-00027463 I used the majority of that fabric for a vintage pattern make: Simplicity 6260. XcBiymFK-u0-00037-00027463-00027989 The link to the video of that dress is right here at the top of the screen. XcBiymFK-u0-00038-00027989-00028493 After making that dress, all that was left was a remnant of less than 1 yard. XcBiymFK-u0-00039-00028493-00029086 Even though I had very little fabric to work with, it was the perfect amount for the neck XcBiymFK-u0-00040-00029086-00029439 band, front flounce and sleeve bands. XcBiymFK-u0-00041-00029439-00030474 To complete the look I'm wearing Tommy Hilfiger jeans that I bought from the Hudson Bay Company. XcBiymFK-u0-00042-00030474-00031070 The suede Blondo boots are from the Salvation Army Charity Store and the earrings and purse XcBiymFK-u0-00043-00031070-00031304 are from Value Village thrift store. XcBiymFK-u0-00044-00031304-00031620 Now onto the pattern book. XcBiymFK-u0-00045-00031620-00032272 I bought this McCall's Needlework Patterns book from November 1952 from Value Village XcBiymFK-u0-00046-00032272-00032372 thrift store. XcBiymFK-u0-00047-00032372-00032806 It was 25 cents in the magazine section! XcBiymFK-u0-00048-00032806-00033153 I was jumping up and down in the aisle when I saw it. XcBiymFK-u0-00049-00033153-00033256 I was thrilled! XcBiymFK-u0-00050-00033256-00033638 It's in good condition but there are two pages that are a bit damaged. XcBiymFK-u0-00051-00033638-00034156 It looked like someone cut out two of the drawings but this didn't bother me at all! XcBiymFK-u0-00052-00034156-00034453 I'm happy to have it! XcBiymFK-u0-00053-00034453-00034981 The first section is Women's, Misses' and Men's patterns. XcBiymFK-u0-00054-00034981-00035416 Fashion right designs with fine hand details. XcBiymFK-u0-00055-00035416-00035666 Fashion bright accessories with distinctive accents. XcBiymFK-u0-00056-00035666-00036045 I like the ad on the back of the page. XcBiymFK-u0-00057-00036045-00036452 Buy McCall's Needlework Magazine. XcBiymFK-u0-00058-00036452-00036644 For fun with the needle. XcBiymFK-u0-00059-00036644-00037158 Knitting, crochet, embroidery, rug hooking and tatting. XcBiymFK-u0-00060-00037158-00037347 For fun with the crafts. XcBiymFK-u0-00061-00037347-00037897 Painting, weaving, stenciling, pottery making and rug hooking. XcBiymFK-u0-00062-00037897-00038185 Buy it today at your pattern counter! XcBiymFK-u0-00063-00038185-00038578 The first pattern is McCall's 1738. XcBiymFK-u0-00064-00038578-00039086 Here are four popular wool jersey caps to make in a variety of colours and drapes as XcBiymFK-u0-00065-00039086-00039387 you like to suit the occasion. XcBiymFK-u0-00066-00039387-00040190 Wear drawstring cap (A) as an open crown turban, or tie drawstrings to close crown as stocking XcBiymFK-u0-00067-00040190-00040290 cap. XcBiymFK-u0-00068-00040290-00040872 The roll edge halo (B) is a smart little soft hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00069-00040872-00041628 For a double-decker effect (C) make two halos in contrast colours – wear one above the XcBiymFK-u0-00070-00041628-00041795 other. XcBiymFK-u0-00071-00041795-00042537 The hair line skull cap (D) is both a town and a ski slopes favourite. XcBiymFK-u0-00072-00042537-00043287 Cap E in the photo may have pompoms knotted on top for a pixie look or tied to dangle. XcBiymFK-u0-00073-00043287-00043703 Only two pattern pieces for each cap. XcBiymFK-u0-00074-00043703-00044044 Next we have McCall's 1745. XcBiymFK-u0-00075-00044044-00044437 It's a printed pattern for Women's and misses' hats and bag. XcBiymFK-u0-00076-00044437-00045235 Views A and B, a spectacular sports hat designed with up and down interest. XcBiymFK-u0-00077-00045235-00045733 You'll like its smooth five section melon crown, the pert little tab at the back of XcBiymFK-u0-00078-00045733-00045846 the neck. XcBiymFK-u0-00079-00045846-00046811 Good for felt, velveteen, corduroy – linen, pique or denim with saddle-stitching trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00080-00046811-00047011 The modified bumper beret. XcBiymFK-u0-00081-00047011-00047838 View C for fabric only, is made in eight pie sections attached to a headband. XcBiymFK-u0-00082-00047838-00048484 Companion bag is styled with new, tapered sides, oval bottom, made in fabric to match XcBiymFK-u0-00083-00048484-00048706 hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00084-00048706-00049137 Slide fastener closing; felt lining. XcBiymFK-u0-00085-00049137-00049599 On the next page there are 6 pretty fancy aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-00086-00049599-00050233 Make yourself an apron to add a party touch when the cook and the hostess, too. XcBiymFK-u0-00087-00050233-00050740 A wonderful gift idea – one size that fits everyone. XcBiymFK-u0-00088-00050740-00051208 In the top right corner, there's McCall's 1710. XcBiymFK-u0-00089-00051208-00051822 It's a printed pattern for a misses' tea apron and includes a blue transfer for appliqued XcBiymFK-u0-00090-00051822-00052015 cabbage rose. XcBiymFK-u0-00091-00052015-00052782 The transfer patterns printed in blue will show on white and medium coloured materials. XcBiymFK-u0-00092-00052782-00053457 The designs printed in yellow can be successfully used on dark materials as well as on white, XcBiymFK-u0-00093-00053457-00053875 yellow and other light colours. XcBiymFK-u0-00094-00053875-00054319 Below that, there's McCall's 1691. XcBiymFK-u0-00095-00054319-00054880 It's a misses' and women's flower petal apron that folds like a fan. XcBiymFK-u0-00096-00054880-00055319 There's also McCall's 1594. XcBiymFK-u0-00097-00055319-00055648 It's a printed pattern for misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00098-00055648-00056170 Electric blue transfer for applique for applique and embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00099-00056170-00056452 I love the flower appliques on this one. XcBiymFK-u0-00100-00056452-00056874 The there's McCall's 1641. XcBiymFK-u0-00101-00056874-00057280 It's a printed pattern for mother and daughter aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-00102-00057280-00057605 Organdy with plastic flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-00103-00057605-00058279 Then there's McCall's 1665 a printed pattern women's' and misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00104-00058279-00058741 It includes an electric blue transfer for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00105-00058741-00058932 Finally there's McCall's 1714. XcBiymFK-u0-00106-00058932-00059515 It's a misses' drawstring apron with embroidered snowflakes. XcBiymFK-u0-00107-00059515-00060116 Smocked skirt – New, popular, easy to smock! XcBiymFK-u0-00108-00060116-00060875 McCall's 1746 is a juniors' bouffant skirt in two lengths with electric blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00109-00060875-00061099 for smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00110-00061099-00061199 College girls! XcBiymFK-u0-00111-00061199-00061299 Career girls! XcBiymFK-u0-00112-00061299-00062016 Make this stunning costume skirt with tiny, cummerbund-tied waist and deep honeycomb smocking XcBiymFK-u0-00113-00062016-00062301 at the hipline. XcBiymFK-u0-00114-00062301-00062625 Photograph shows a shorter daytime length. XcBiymFK-u0-00115-00062625-00063400 View B, made in gray taffeta smocked in matching six-strand cotton, finished with six-strand XcBiymFK-u0-00116-00063400-00063651 cotton tassels. XcBiymFK-u0-00117-00063651-00064332 Evening version, view A, is a stunning scarlet taffeta, its smocking stitches accented with XcBiymFK-u0-00118-00064332-00064585 shiny jet beads. XcBiymFK-u0-00119-00064585-00064911 Pattern includes smocking instructions. XcBiymFK-u0-00120-00064911-00065709 One size, waist adjustable 23 1/2 to 27 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00121-00065709-00066414 On the next page there continuous banding to be embroidered by hand or sewing machine. XcBiymFK-u0-00122-00066414-00067236 This is McCall's 1748 a transfer pattern for bandings or allover effects for sewing machine XcBiymFK-u0-00123-00067236-00067692 or hand embroidery in electric blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00124-00067692-00068292 Smartly styled bandings – use to trim dresses, suits, or felt skirts. XcBiymFK-u0-00125-00068292-00069108 For sewing machine trimming, you may use soutache braid as in view A, pearl cotton in view B, XcBiymFK-u0-00126-00069108-00069973 twisted cotton cable cord in view C or taffeta crochet ribbon as in view F. XcBiymFK-u0-00127-00069973-00070682 If desired, add large crocheted flowers made of peal cotton, straw-like yarn or crochet XcBiymFK-u0-00128-00070682-00070886 ribbon. XcBiymFK-u0-00129-00070886-00071343 Trim felt skirt with cotton cord and felt flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-00130-00071343-00072151 The felt skirt shown is McCall's 8997 in sizes 24-32 waist. XcBiymFK-u0-00131-00072151-00072867 For handwork, use seed beads in view E, or sequins with small clusters of pearl beads XcBiymFK-u0-00132-00072867-00073947 in view D. Bandings are given in two widths, 2 yards of 3 inch (number 2), or 3 1/4 yards XcBiymFK-u0-00133-00073947-00074358 of 5/12 inch (number 1). XcBiymFK-u0-00134-00074358-00075308 the 3 inch width of banding can be cut apart in 1/2 , 1 1/4, or 2 inch widths. XcBiymFK-u0-00135-00075308-00075451 Leaflet instructions included. XcBiymFK-u0-00136-00075451-00076216 Before I continue on with the patterns please share this video with your friends and family. XcBiymFK-u0-00137-00076216-00076731 I would love to help others sew and upcycle on a budget and troubleshoot their favourite XcBiymFK-u0-00138-00076731-00076831 patterns. XcBiymFK-u0-00139-00076831-00077155 I also love sharing the treasure that I find at thrift shops. XcBiymFK-u0-00140-00077155-00077668 If you would like to see more from BudgetSew, please subscribe and make sure that bell is XcBiymFK-u0-00141-00077668-00078026 on so you receive a notification when I release a new video! XcBiymFK-u0-00142-00078026-00078447 Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @BudgetSew. XcBiymFK-u0-00144-00084464-00084795 Then there's They're done in a Huckaback Weaving. XcBiymFK-u0-00145-00084795-00085188 The first pattern is McCall's 1724. XcBiymFK-u0-00146-00085188-00085737 It's a printed pattern for three drawstring bags for huck weaving. XcBiymFK-u0-00147-00085737-00086114 Smart to carry, fun to huck-weave. XcBiymFK-u0-00148-00086114-00086500 View A is a conventional eastern-type design. XcBiymFK-u0-00149-00086500-00086974 View B is earl American in design. XcBiymFK-u0-00150-00086974-00087269 View C is the spiral effect. XcBiymFK-u0-00151-00087269-00088123 Use 4 ply worsted on white or tinted huckaback toweling, 5 or 7 bumps to inch or ready made XcBiymFK-u0-00152-00088123-00088368 huck towels. XcBiymFK-u0-00153-00088368-00088754 Cardboard or buckram-stiffened bottoms. XcBiymFK-u0-00154-00088754-00089344 Well-tailored rectangular, oval and round styles, about 10 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00155-00089344-00089864 Use grosgrain ribbon or hand twisted wool cord for drawstring. XcBiymFK-u0-00156-00089864-00090137 The next pattern is McCall's 1723. XcBiymFK-u0-00157-00090137-00090635 It's a transfer design for floral huck towels. XcBiymFK-u0-00158-00090635-00090800 Blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00159-00090800-00091569 Natural colour flower motifs, worked in huckaback weaving, make stunning trims for guest towels. XcBiymFK-u0-00160-00091569-00091770 Easy to do! XcBiymFK-u0-00161-00091770-00092402 Embroider design outlines in outline stitch, fill in flowers, leaves, in huckaback weaving XcBiymFK-u0-00162-00092402-00092674 (darning stitch). XcBiymFK-u0-00163-00092674-00093562 Use white or pastel linen or cotton huckaback toweling (7 or 8 huck bumps to the inch) or XcBiymFK-u0-00164-00093562-00093886 ready made guest-sized huck towels. XcBiymFK-u0-00165-00093886-00094126 6 different flower designs. XcBiymFK-u0-00166-00094126-00094313 2 of each. XcBiymFK-u0-00167-00094313-00094738 Calla lily and morning glories shown. XcBiymFK-u0-00168-00094738-00094854 On the next page are sweater blouses. XcBiymFK-u0-00169-00094854-00094954 The pattern is McCall's 1726. XcBiymFK-u0-00170-00094954-00095054 View A combines shantung with hand-crocheted front yoke, split collar in contrast colour. XcBiymFK-u0-00171-00095054-00095154 Crocheted detail of yoke, above right. XcBiymFK-u0-00172-00095154-00095254 View B is wool jersey with hand-knitted turtleneck yoke, wide waistband – one colour. XcBiymFK-u0-00173-00095254-00095354 Knitted detail of yoke, above left. XcBiymFK-u0-00174-00095354-00095454 View C, two-tone jersey print, white jersey yoke. XcBiymFK-u0-00175-00095454-00095554 Brief or push-up sleeves, tuck-in or middy length fitted waist, cuffed hip or knitted XcBiymFK-u0-00176-00095554-00095654 waistband. XcBiymFK-u0-00177-00095654-00095754 3 ply wool or nylon for knitting; pearl cotton No.5 for crochet. XcBiymFK-u0-00178-00095754-00095854 On the next page are women's and misses accessories. XcBiymFK-u0-00179-00095854-00095954 The first pattern is McCall's 1188. XcBiymFK-u0-00180-00095954-00096147 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' fabric gloves. XcBiymFK-u0-00181-00096147-00096483 Easy, casual fit; bias cut. XcBiymFK-u0-00182-00096483-00096638 4 styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00183-00096638-00097102 Use firm weave rayon, wool or cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00184-00097102-00097454 Then there's McCall's 1391. XcBiymFK-u0-00185-00097454-00098208 Its a printed pattern for women's and misses' fabric gloves, yellow or blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00186-00098208-00098420 smocking and tucks. XcBiymFK-u0-00187-00098420-00099000 Smart, hand-detailing in a variety of styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00188-00099000-00099413 On the bottom left there are misses' and women's bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00189-00099413-00099622 Three wonderful bags! XcBiymFK-u0-00190-00099622-00100072 View A is melon shaped, 8 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00191-00100072-00100658 View B is a 16 or 12 inch square. XcBiymFK-u0-00192-00100658-00101021 View C is tailored and 7 1/2 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00193-00101021-00101333 I love view C! XcBiymFK-u0-00194-00101333-00101863 The last pattern on the page is McCall's 1626. XcBiymFK-u0-00195-00101863-00102281 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00196-00102281-00102479 Three smart bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00197-00102479-00103333 Casual carry all, view A has a rounded, zippered top, 7 x 10 inches and 10 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00198-00103333-00103729 Handbag B, hinged framed top. XcBiymFK-u0-00199-00103729-00104358 4 x 11 3/4 inches and 5 1/2 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00200-00104358-00104803 Drawstring bag C is circular cut, 6 1/2 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00201-00104803-00105017 Each bag has a change purse. XcBiymFK-u0-00202-00105017-00105325 My favourite is view A! XcBiymFK-u0-00203-00105325-00105594 Love it! XcBiymFK-u0-00204-00105594-00105794 Draping the Bridal Veil is next. XcBiymFK-u0-00205-00105794-00106294 At the top of the page is McCall's 1475. XcBiymFK-u0-00206-00106294-00107043 It's a printed pattern for flower girl's bridal costume with blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00207-00107043-00107441 Here are two version of a charming dress for a flower girl. XcBiymFK-u0-00208-00107441-00107919 View A, Southern belle style. XcBiymFK-u0-00209-00107919-00108567 Skirt is draped and festooned with ribbon bows above voluminous lace trimmed slip designed XcBiymFK-u0-00210-00108567-00108900 for dress. XcBiymFK-u0-00211-00108900-00109416 Embroider flower bouquets on skirt and bodice in colour of ribbon bows. XcBiymFK-u0-00212-00109416-00110164 Edge skirt, sweetheart neck, puffed sleeves, in lace. XcBiymFK-u0-00213-00110164-00110536 Wear with head garland of fresh flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-00214-00110536-00111291 View B has embroidered peplum, small flower motifs, seed pearls, for a quaint, simple XcBiymFK-u0-00215-00111291-00111401 effect. XcBiymFK-u0-00216-00111401-00111838 Ruching edges neck, bonnet. XcBiymFK-u0-00217-00111838-00112223 Half mitts in pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00218-00112223-00112931 Then there's McCall's 1490. it's a printed pattern for bridal caps and veils. XcBiymFK-u0-00219-00112931-00113657 Make view A, a picturesque white satin bonnet with a flattering brim edged in wheat or pearl XcBiymFK-u0-00220-00113657-00114102 beads, satin ribbon tie, and flower trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00221-00114102-00114556 Quilt a satin melon cap in seed pearls. XcBiymFK-u0-00222-00114556-00115296 Add lilies of the valley as in view B. Give a regal satin tiara smart pearl bead trim XcBiymFK-u0-00223-00115296-00116177 as in view C. Wear a traditional Juliet cap of pearl bead strands for view D. XcBiymFK-u0-00224-00116177-00116900 For view E, use starched eyelet or lace for tiara with dainty flower trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00225-00116900-00117675 There are three different view lengths given: short, above waistline, and full train length. XcBiymFK-u0-00226-00117675-00118213 For veils, use illusion, fine net or tulle. XcBiymFK-u0-00227-00118213-00118656 Directions for draping and attaching the veil are included in the pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00228-00118656-00119075 The headdresses are in one size. XcBiymFK-u0-00229-00119075-00119459 On the next page are bridal party headdress. XcBiymFK-u0-00230-00119459-00119941 The first pattern is McCall's 1701. XcBiymFK-u0-00231-00119941-00120358 It's a printed pattern for Bridal Party hats. XcBiymFK-u0-00232-00120358-00120767 Lovely compliments to the bridal party gowns. XcBiymFK-u0-00233-00120767-00121708 Two bridesmaids hats – View A is a crownless, filmy cartwheel with ribbon and flower trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00234-00121708-00122609 View C is a half-hat of stiffened tulle massed with tiny flowers, trimmed with a demure veil. XcBiymFK-u0-00235-00122609-00123418 View B is a picture hat for the mother of the bride, made in satin, taffeta or pique, XcBiymFK-u0-00236-00123418-00124113 with an overlay of Alencon lace that falls softly over the edge of the brim. XcBiymFK-u0-00237-00124113-00124848 View D, the flower girl's crescent shaped hat has an engaging chin bow. XcBiymFK-u0-00238-00124848-00125068 Then there's McCall's 1693. XcBiymFK-u0-00239-00125068-00125536 It's a printed pattern for Bridal Caps and Veils. XcBiymFK-u0-00240-00125536-00126360 View A, a tiara of pearl beads and crystal bugles crocheted over tarlette foundation. XcBiymFK-u0-00241-00126360-00126740 Fingertip veil of tulle illusion. XcBiymFK-u0-00242-00126740-00127513 View B, Juliet cap of small flowers sewn to latticed ribbon, malines shoulder veil sprinkled XcBiymFK-u0-00243-00127513-00127801 with tiny blossoms. XcBiymFK-u0-00244-00127801-00128574 View C, heart shaped satin bandeau cap, edged with pearl beads. XcBiymFK-u0-00245-00128574-00129014 Waist length veil banded with sheer lace. XcBiymFK-u0-00246-00129014-00129692 View D, satin pillbox covered with Alencon lace, outlined with pearls. XcBiymFK-u0-00247-00129692-00130094 Fingertip veil of Alencon lace. XcBiymFK-u0-00248-00130094-00130608 On the next page there are stunning hats with matching bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00249-00130608-00131100 The first pattern is McCall's 1690. XcBiymFK-u0-00250-00131100-00131715 It's a printed pattern for misses' and women's hats and theatre bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00251-00131715-00132310 Cloche with deep pointed or small cap-like brim; heart shaped bandeau. XcBiymFK-u0-00252-00132310-00132767 Bag is 8 x 5 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00253-00132767-00133072 Beside that is McCall's 1680. XcBiymFK-u0-00254-00133072-00133767 It is a printed pattern for women's or misses' hats and bags. XcBiymFK-u0-00255-00133767-00134102 Clam shell hat, single or stacked brim. XcBiymFK-u0-00256-00134102-00134853 Bag has deep flap or spring fastener hinged top, 10 1/2 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00257-00134853-00135426 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1571. XcBiymFK-u0-00258-00135426-00135924 It's a printed pattern for misses' cap, bag and scarves. XcBiymFK-u0-00259-00135924-00136626 Year round caps to match your costumes in leopard printed velveteen or brushed jersey XcBiymFK-u0-00260-00136626-00137047 or in pique linen, or wool suiting. XcBiymFK-u0-00261-00137047-00137711 The first pattern on the next page is McCall's 1604. XcBiymFK-u0-00262-00137711-00138164 Three easy to make style of hat – each one a charmer. XcBiymFK-u0-00263-00138164-00139001 Make the pillbox with Mandarin crown to accompany suits; chose the jockey cap for separates. XcBiymFK-u0-00264-00139001-00139702 You'll like the side-swept hat in a frosty white with dark cocktail dress. XcBiymFK-u0-00265-00139702-00140262 Suitable for linen, pique, wool suiting, faille, and wool jersey. XcBiymFK-u0-00266-00140262-00140621 Then there's McCall's 1652. XcBiymFK-u0-00267-00140621-00141258 View A is a head hugging cap, dipping into a widow's peak at front. XcBiymFK-u0-00268-00141258-00142016 View B, close-fitting cloche type hat, side swept, deep in back. XcBiymFK-u0-00269-00142016-00142529 View C is a “best suit” hat with tip tilting forward. XcBiymFK-u0-00270-00142529-00142770 Use corduroy, matching ribs at seams. XcBiymFK-u0-00271-00142770-00143555 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1498. XcBiymFK-u0-00272-00143555-00144431 Take your choice: bonnet with roll back brim, side ripped beret or petal cap with or without XcBiymFK-u0-00273-00144431-00144699 birdcage veil. XcBiymFK-u0-00274-00144699-00145246 Bonnet (A) is shown in velvet; bow and left brim in satin. XcBiymFK-u0-00275-00145246-00145717 Petal cap is cut into six sections. XcBiymFK-u0-00276-00145717-00146456 Make beret (C) in velvet or tweed to match coat or suit. XcBiymFK-u0-00277-00146456-00146863 On the next page are misses' and women's hats. XcBiymFK-u0-00278-00146863-00147336 The first pattern is McCall's 1538. XcBiymFK-u0-00279-00147336-00147764 Three variations of the ever smart cloche. XcBiymFK-u0-00280-00147764-00148679 View A with bonnet-like brim in red and white checked taffeta is a pert costume pick up. XcBiymFK-u0-00281-00148679-00149117 Make a scarf to match of same material. XcBiymFK-u0-00282-00149117-00149853 View B with snug melon-shaped crown is teamed with drawstring wrist bag. XcBiymFK-u0-00283-00149853-00150439 Make in mustard yellow or paprika red to spice cottons or woolens. XcBiymFK-u0-00284-00150439-00151148 Pie-shaped pieces form the crown of View C, a perfect casual hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00285-00151148-00151405 Make it of suiting, linen or pique. XcBiymFK-u0-00286-00151405-00151756 Bag about 8 inches deep. XcBiymFK-u0-00287-00151756-00152246 Then there's McCall's 1664. XcBiymFK-u0-00288-00152246-00152764 Make your hat small, in a gay colour, then accent it with black. XcBiymFK-u0-00289-00152764-00153291 For instance, view A is lovely in gold, with black cord trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00290-00153291-00154165 The beret (view B) with forward brim and head-hugger back, is gaily wearable in red, with white XcBiymFK-u0-00291-00154165-00154454 bead trim on black. XcBiymFK-u0-00292-00154454-00155014 White satin bugle beads tipped with black seed beads trim the white scalloped calot XcBiymFK-u0-00293-00155014-00155241 (view C). XcBiymFK-u0-00294-00155241-00155778 Or make calot in wood-violet, wear with black eye-veil. XcBiymFK-u0-00295-00155778-00156216 Suitable for velvet, satin, pique, or coarse linen. XcBiymFK-u0-00296-00156216-00156704 (33)On the next page is McCall's 1651. XcBiymFK-u0-00297-00156704-00157300 It's a printed pattern for misses' blouses with blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00298-00157300-00157842 Handsome shadow stitch embroidery on sheer, high style blouse (view B). XcBiymFK-u0-00299-00157842-00158546 For satin or crepe, work in satin and outline stitch (view A). XcBiymFK-u0-00300-00158546-00158766 Twin scallops on the collar. XcBiymFK-u0-00301-00158766-00159114 View A has short sleeves. XcBiymFK-u0-00302-00159114-00159486 Then there's McCall's 1595. XcBiymFK-u0-00303-00159486-00160093 It's a printed pattern for a misses' blouse with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00304-00160093-00160740 The flower petal collar and cuffs lend an opaque-on-sheer look to this feminine sheer XcBiymFK-u0-00305-00160740-00160899 blouse. XcBiymFK-u0-00306-00160899-00161367 Self-colour embroidery in satin stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00307-00161367-00161798 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1458. XcBiymFK-u0-00308-00161798-00162475 It's a printed pattern a misses' sheer blouse, with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00309-00162475-00163307 Make this sheer cotton confection with collar (view A) or lacy jabot (view B). XcBiymFK-u0-00310-00163307-00163822 Self-colour embroidery in satin and stem stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00311-00163822-00164167 Then there's McCall's 1521. XcBiymFK-u0-00312-00164167-00164709 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' collars, cuffs, and vestees. XcBiymFK-u0-00313-00164709-00164943 Blue transfer for embroidery is included. XcBiymFK-u0-00314-00164943-00165652 Crisp, white neckwear, and a suit vestee with an upstanding collar. XcBiymFK-u0-00315-00165652-00165874 Ruffled and tailored. XcBiymFK-u0-00316-00165874-00166023 9 styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00317-00166023-00166216 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00318-00166216-00166554 Then there's McCall's 1611. XcBiymFK-u0-00319-00166554-00167296 It's a printed pattern for misses' and women's collars with a yellow transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00320-00167296-00168129 Large cape collars to toss over a bare-top dress; bib collars, jabot and tailored styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00321-00168129-00168359 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00322-00168359-00168845 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1552. XcBiymFK-u0-00323-00168845-00169209 It's a printed pattern for misses' collars and cuffs. XcBiymFK-u0-00324-00169209-00169813 To snap up a basic dress, big, dramatic pique collars. XcBiymFK-u0-00325-00169813-00170473 Choose the Cavalier style (view A), or the Puritan (view B), or the notched cape-collar XcBiymFK-u0-00326-00170473-00170718 (view C). XcBiymFK-u0-00327-00170718-00170839 Smart in white. XcBiymFK-u0-00328-00170839-00171114 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00329-00171114-00171528 On the next page is McCall's 1613. XcBiymFK-u0-00330-00171528-00171928 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' stoles. XcBiymFK-u0-00331-00171928-00172354 Make your stole of lace, velvet or taffeta for evening wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00332-00172354-00172798 Wool suiting or jersey for daytime wear, and terry cloth for the beach. XcBiymFK-u0-00333-00172798-00173123 Shawl or cape style. XcBiymFK-u0-00334-00173123-00173579 Instructions included for hand-made tassels and fringe. XcBiymFK-u0-00335-00173579-00173902 Then there's McCall's 1697. XcBiymFK-u0-00336-00173902-00174374 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses neckwear accessories. XcBiymFK-u0-00337-00174374-00174533 Magic touches! XcBiymFK-u0-00338-00174533-00175832 The brief jacket and hourglass bag are in view B. Halter vest is (C) for suits and slacks. XcBiymFK-u0-00339-00175832-00176632 Scarf (view A), collar (view E), and the poppy scarf (view F). XcBiymFK-u0-00340-00176632-00177233 Pique collar (D) is edged with Irish lace, and sew-on rhinestones. XcBiymFK-u0-00341-00177233-00177447 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00342-00177447-00177895 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1619. XcBiymFK-u0-00343-00177895-00178480 It's a printed pattern for misses' boleros, with an electric blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00344-00178480-00178741 Two styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00345-00178741-00179640 View A is reversible, with embroidered or beaded trim and view C has ombre effect embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00346-00179640-00180083 On the next page is McCall's 1638. XcBiymFK-u0-00347-00180083-00180588 It's a printed pattern for a misses' bolero and hat, with an electric blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00348-00180588-00180819 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00349-00180819-00181325 Dashing toreador-style bolero and a little hat with scoop brim. XcBiymFK-u0-00350-00181325-00182120 Of velveteen or sheer wool, embroidered in fine wool or non-tarnish gold thread. XcBiymFK-u0-00351-00182120-00182732 Of linen or pique, embroidered in six-strand or pearl cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00352-00182732-00183135 Crocheted edging on yoke and hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00353-00183135-00183535 The next pattern is McCall's 1621. XcBiymFK-u0-00354-00183535-00184192 It's a printed pattern for misses' smocked blouses with yellow or blue transfer for smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00355-00184192-00184704 A classic smocked blouse for town or country wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00356-00184704-00185528 The drawstring neckline converts the high-necked version to deep U-neckline, low neckline version XcBiymFK-u0-00357-00185528-00185905 (A) to off-shoulder style. XcBiymFK-u0-00358-00185905-00186280 Long or short sleeves with smocked cuffs. XcBiymFK-u0-00359-00186280-00186647 Waistline fullness is pleated into the hip yoke. XcBiymFK-u0-00360-00186647-00187068 This pattern includes smocking leaflet. XcBiymFK-u0-00361-00187068-00187535 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1221. XcBiymFK-u0-00362-00187535-00188128 It's a printed pattern for misses' and girls' smocked blouses, with yellow or blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00363-00188128-00188313 for smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00364-00188313-00188889 A basic blouse for smocking, which may be used with any straight smocking banding other XcBiymFK-u0-00365-00188889-00189234 than the one given in the pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00366-00189234-00189777 Long sleeves with smocked cuffs or short sleeves with band cuffs. XcBiymFK-u0-00367-00189777-00190245 Darted at the waistline for a smooth fit under the skirt. XcBiymFK-u0-00368-00190245-00190523 Smocking directions included. XcBiymFK-u0-00369-00190523-00190945 On the next page is McCall's 1612. XcBiymFK-u0-00370-00190945-00191517 This is a printed pattern for a beach coat or evening jacket with a yellow transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00371-00191517-00191727 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00372-00191727-00192296 For the beach, use terry cloth and bias bands of plaid cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00373-00192296-00192849 For the evening, choose velvet, and satin bands embroidered in metallic thread, and XcBiymFK-u0-00374-00192849-00192949 beads. XcBiymFK-u0-00375-00192949-00193792 To top TV slacks, use gay cotton, contrast bands, and wool embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00376-00193792-00194229 Beside that is McCall's 1530. XcBiymFK-u0-00377-00194229-00195069 You may remember this pattern from a previous video - my McCall Needlework Annual from 1950. XcBiymFK-u0-00378-00195069-00195578 The link to that video is right here at the top of the screen. XcBiymFK-u0-00379-00195578-00196197 This is a printed pattern for a smock with a yellow or blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00380-00196197-00196732 It says, Chinese-style smock for work or leisure wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00381-00196732-00197099 Huge pockets embroidered with dragons. XcBiymFK-u0-00382-00197099-00197610 Mandarin collar, easy fullness across the back. XcBiymFK-u0-00383-00197610-00198014 Directions included for ornamental frog buttons. XcBiymFK-u0-00384-00198014-00198697 View A is handsome as an evening coat in satin, faille, or velveteen. XcBiymFK-u0-00385-00198697-00199157 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1593. XcBiymFK-u0-00386-00199157-00199641 It's a printed pattern for a smock with a yellow or blue transfer for smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00387-00199641-00200395 The deep yoke is smocked in bold stitches (6 strands of thread in one needle) in one XcBiymFK-u0-00388-00200395-00200871 colour, or two colours used in alternating rows. XcBiymFK-u0-00389-00200871-00201371 Use a print or a solid colour with collar and band of print. XcBiymFK-u0-00390-00201371-00201672 Smocking lesson included. XcBiymFK-u0-00391-00201672-00202069 On the next page is McCall's 1399. XcBiymFK-u0-00392-00202069-00202700 It's a printed pattern for a themed jacket with a yellow or blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00393-00202700-00203274 Slip into a gay Mexican mood with a splendid fiesta jacket. XcBiymFK-u0-00394-00203274-00203881 Peasant, pottery, fruit, and flower motifs in large easy stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-00395-00203881-00204128 For embroidery wools. XcBiymFK-u0-00396-00204128-00204400 Make the jacket in felt or flannel. XcBiymFK-u0-00397-00204400-00205135 The sombrero motif for pockets in herringbone stitch, works up quickly. XcBiymFK-u0-00398-00205135-00205531 The next pattern is McCall's 1480. XcBiymFK-u0-00399-00205531-00206223 This is a printed pattern for men's western shirt with an electric blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00400-00206223-00206712 It's smart to make the yoke or sleeves in one colour, and the body of shirt, collars, XcBiymFK-u0-00401-00206712-00207069 and cuffs in a contrasting colour. XcBiymFK-u0-00402-00207069-00207444 The cactus flower trim accents the yoke and sleeves. XcBiymFK-u0-00403-00207444-00207655 Use six strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00404-00207655-00208171 Work herringbone and satin stitches, using bright colours. XcBiymFK-u0-00405-00208171-00208621 The last pattern is McCall's 1332. XcBiymFK-u0-00406-00208621-00209332 It's a printed pattern for a men's western shirt with a blue or yellow transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00407-00209332-00209798 For country weekends, for that trip to the dude ranch! XcBiymFK-u0-00408-00209798-00210406 Work stylized cactus motifs or go fancy with desert flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-00409-00210406-00210715 Embroidery in satin or chain stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00410-00210715-00211005 Cuffs can be straight or deep curved. XcBiymFK-u0-00411-00211005-00211321 Arrows outline the pockets. XcBiymFK-u0-00412-00211321-00211815 Make the shirt in contrast colours or solid colours. XcBiymFK-u0-00413-00211815-00212169 Then there's Western shirts for the family! XcBiymFK-u0-00414-00212169-00212579 The first pattern is McCall's 1310. XcBiymFK-u0-00415-00212579-00213165 It's a printed pattern for a boys' or girls' western shirt with a blue or yellow transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00416-00213165-00213519 for embroidery and applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00417-00213519-00214150 Children will love this “yippee” shirt, with its colourful yoke and cuffs, and arrow XcBiymFK-u0-00418-00214150-00214278 pockets. XcBiymFK-u0-00419-00214278-00214919 This shirt, in true rodeo tradition, is wonderful for playtime wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00420-00214919-00215262 Sister wears her shirt to school too! XcBiymFK-u0-00421-00215262-00215808 Embroider view A with floral motif; trim view C with applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00422-00215808-00216059 Use six strand cotton for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00423-00216059-00216552 Short sleeves are smart for small boy or girl. XcBiymFK-u0-00424-00216552-00216944 The next pattern is McCall's 1297. XcBiymFK-u0-00425-00216944-00217658 This is a printed pattern for a misses' western shirt with a blue or yellow transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00426-00217658-00218375 The contrast yoke, deep cuffs, embroidery on the sleeves distinguish this as “Western.” XcBiymFK-u0-00427-00218375-00218740 Arrow pockets are there, too. XcBiymFK-u0-00428-00218740-00219344 The mannish tailoring gives a close fit – rodeo style. XcBiymFK-u0-00429-00219344-00219935 Embroidery in satin or outline stitches – to be worked in six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00430-00219935-00220527 Smart colours and contrast suggestions are shown in the illustrations. XcBiymFK-u0-00431-00220527-00220939 On the next page is McCall's 1710. XcBiymFK-u0-00432-00220939-00221508 It's a printed pattern for tea aprons with a blue transfer for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00433-00221508-00221802 Quickie organdy tea aprons! XcBiymFK-u0-00434-00221802-00222500 For view A, stamp the outline on a piece of organdy, baste to position, machine-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-00435-00222500-00223040 the outlines with a zigzagger, and cut away edges. XcBiymFK-u0-00436-00223040-00223663 The halter-bibbed apron, view B, has three poppy pockets. XcBiymFK-u0-00437-00223663-00224252 The embroidery is worked in outline stitch or with machine zigzagger. XcBiymFK-u0-00438-00224252-00224891 For view C, omit the bib, and use dotted Swiss with pique poppies. XcBiymFK-u0-00439-00224891-00225146 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00440-00225146-00225558 The next pattern is McCall's 1711. XcBiymFK-u0-00441-00225558-00226115 It's a printed pattern for a smocked apron for checked material only. XcBiymFK-u0-00442-00226115-00226666 Glamour girl cooks take to the kitchen in this handsome one piece apron shaped with XcBiymFK-u0-00443-00226666-00227023 easily made smocking on checked material. XcBiymFK-u0-00444-00227023-00227834 Just cut out apron, edge, then smock by bringing corners of dark to light checks together following XcBiymFK-u0-00445-00227834-00227978 chart. XcBiymFK-u0-00446-00227978-00228225 No transfer required. XcBiymFK-u0-00447-00228225-00229012 For a 1/4 to 1/2 inch checked material only – gingham, taffeta, and percale. XcBiymFK-u0-00448-00229012-00229305 Use contrasting six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00449-00229305-00229482 Two halter neck styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00450-00229482-00229801 Hammer on snap fasteners optional. XcBiymFK-u0-00451-00229801-00230008 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00452-00230008-00230403 On the next page is McCall's 1713. XcBiymFK-u0-00453-00230403-00230990 It's a printed pattern for a misses' cobbler apron with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00454-00230990-00231501 Efficient cover-ups to whisk you through house and garden tasks. XcBiymFK-u0-00455-00231501-00232269 Cooking apron (view B) has kangaroo pockets and a pair of pot holders, embroidered in XcBiymFK-u0-00456-00232269-00232580 tic-tac-toe motif. XcBiymFK-u0-00457-00232580-00233236 Matching cobbler apron for children is McCall's 1712. XcBiymFK-u0-00458-00233236-00234129 Floral chintz or cretonne forms pockets of garden apron, view A. Effective over slacks. XcBiymFK-u0-00459-00234129-00234579 For percale, denim and linen-like cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00460-00234579-00234932 Then there's McCall's 1714. XcBiymFK-u0-00461-00234932-00235485 This is a printed pattern for seasonal half aprons with a yellow and blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00462-00235485-00235825 embroidery and applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00463-00235825-00236369 Drawstring ribbon ties mold the fullness of these festive aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-00464-00236369-00237044 Material is cut straight in one or two tiers – no shaping, no side hems! XcBiymFK-u0-00465-00237044-00237375 Winter apron is dotted with snowflakes. XcBiymFK-u0-00466-00237375-00237605 Embroider by hand or by machine. XcBiymFK-u0-00467-00237605-00238304 Airy butterfly wings “fly away” from organdy Summer apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00468-00238304-00238871 Bodies are machine-stitched in place with tarnish-resistant metallic sewing thread. XcBiymFK-u0-00469-00238871-00239321 'Tween season style has “lone pine” pocket. XcBiymFK-u0-00470-00239321-00239560 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00471-00239560-00239985 On the next page is McCall's 1633. XcBiymFK-u0-00472-00239985-00240344 It's a printed pattern for a misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00473-00240344-00240667 Here's an apron that's pretty enough to wear to a square dance. XcBiymFK-u0-00474-00240667-00241298 In fact, a square dance dress inspired the festive looking ruffled skirt. XcBiymFK-u0-00475-00241298-00241684 Make the apron with or without the bib. XcBiymFK-u0-00476-00241684-00242330 Ideal in printed percale or plastic with harmonizing solid colour for ruffles and waistband. XcBiymFK-u0-00477-00242330-00242671 Full skirt nipped in at the waist. XcBiymFK-u0-00478-00242671-00242977 Then there's McCall' 1634. XcBiymFK-u0-00479-00242977-00243356 This is a printed pattern for a misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00480-00243356-00244012 Party pretty apron with ruffled-edged swing pockets, suspended from the waistband. XcBiymFK-u0-00481-00244012-00244509 Without the bib, and ruffled up the back, it's a dainty hostess apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00482-00244509-00245162 With a ruffled bib, you're completely covered, yet pretty, for your household chores. XcBiymFK-u0-00483-00245162-00245511 Perfect for flower sprigged cotton or sheer fabric. XcBiymFK-u0-00484-00245511-00245742 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00485-00245742-00246183 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1635. XcBiymFK-u0-00486-00246183-00246476 It's a printed pattern for a misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00487-00246476-00246826 A sweetheart of an apron! XcBiymFK-u0-00488-00246826-00247485 Make the heart-shaped bib and pocket of ready-quilted chintz, with gay plaid for the skirt for view XcBiymFK-u0-00489-00247485-00248136 B. Or use floral print for view A in cotton or plastic. XcBiymFK-u0-00490-00248136-00248417 Also suitable for gingham. XcBiymFK-u0-00491-00248417-00248881 View C is dainty in floral print cotton, edged in lace. XcBiymFK-u0-00492-00248881-00249107 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00493-00249107-00249526 On the next page is McCall's 1532. XcBiymFK-u0-00494-00249526-00250119 It's a printed pattern for an apron with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00495-00250119-00250585 Give your new apron the pretty, ruffled shoulders of a little girl's pinafore! XcBiymFK-u0-00496-00250585-00251314 Make it in a print-and-plain combination as in view A, or in solid colour with white organdy XcBiymFK-u0-00497-00251314-00252346 frills and embroidered motifs in view B. Motifs in outline, chain, and lazy-daisy stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-00498-00252346-00252680 Then there's McCall's 1469. XcBiymFK-u0-00499-00252680-00253260 It's a printed pattern for a misses' apron with yellow or blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00500-00253260-00254131 Handsome, large cross-stitch trims, and a slender midriff make this a stand-out apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00501-00254131-00254683 Bib-top snaps or buttons at the back of the neck in a deep yoke. XcBiymFK-u0-00502-00254683-00255182 Ivy-leaf garland is effective in two shades of green. XcBiymFK-u0-00503-00255182-00255529 Cross-stitch rose is attractive in white with green leaves. XcBiymFK-u0-00504-00255529-00255790 Cross are 5 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-00505-00255790-00256027 For six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-00506-00256027-00256491 One size suitable for size 12 to 18. XcBiymFK-u0-00507-00256491-00256873 On the next page is McCall's 1578. XcBiymFK-u0-00508-00256873-00257453 This is a printed pattern for a misses' apron with an electric blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00509-00257453-00257823 A big flower pot is your apron pocket. XcBiymFK-u0-00510-00257823-00258292 From it grows applique flowers on bias tape stems. XcBiymFK-u0-00511-00258292-00258906 Broad shoulder straps, ending in a halter-type neck, and a deep hem ruffle complete this XcBiymFK-u0-00512-00258906-00259100 feminine apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00513-00259100-00259604 One size, suitable for 12-16. XcBiymFK-u0-00514-00259604-00259806 Then there's McCall's 1577. XcBiymFK-u0-00515-00259806-00260552 This is a printed pattern for women's and misses' aprons with a blue transfer for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00516-00260552-00261146 It says, slenderizing where you want it – at the waistline! XcBiymFK-u0-00517-00261146-00261535 Fits large sizes – and small too! XcBiymFK-u0-00518-00261535-00262390 Floral appliques are smart in pique on checked gingham as in view A. Trim with rickrack and XcBiymFK-u0-00519-00262390-00262490 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00520-00262490-00263044 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1579. XcBiymFK-u0-00521-00263044-00263779 This is a printed pattern for a misses' apron or sundress with a two-way halter-neck. XcBiymFK-u0-00522-00263779-00264569 The bodice may be dart-fitted as in view A or gathered line in view B. Trimming bands XcBiymFK-u0-00523-00264569-00265032 and shamrock applique are smart in pique or plaid. XcBiymFK-u0-00524-00265032-00265441 The blouse not included in the pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00525-00265441-00265721 On the next page are couples' aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-00526-00265721-00266113 The first pattern is McCall's 1515. XcBiymFK-u0-00527-00266113-00266669 This is a printed pattern for Barbecue aprons, chef's hat and mitts, with a blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00528-00266669-00266804 for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00529-00266804-00267173 Hers has an appliqued dachshund – hot dog! XcBiymFK-u0-00530-00267173-00267507 His has a pig chef. XcBiymFK-u0-00531-00267507-00267961 For denim, unbleached muslin, and ticking. XcBiymFK-u0-00532-00267961-00268324 Then there's McCall's 1597. XcBiymFK-u0-00533-00268324-00268967 It's a printed pattern for Mr. and Mrs. Barbecue aprons, chef's hat and mitts, with a blue XcBiymFK-u0-00534-00268967-00269222 transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00535-00269222-00269408 Pop wears a chef's hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00536-00269408-00269732 Mom's padded mitts prevent scorched fingers. XcBiymFK-u0-00537-00269732-00269978 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00538-00269978-00270404 At the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1481. XcBiymFK-u0-00539-00270404-00270928 This is a printed pattern for Mr. And Mrs. Aprons with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00540-00270928-00271401 Amusing figures show wife cooking, and husband doing chores. XcBiymFK-u0-00541-00271401-00271656 Work in outline stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00542-00271656-00272058 Trim his apron with bias tape, and hers with rick rack. XcBiymFK-u0-00543-00272058-00272297 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00544-00272297-00272637 Then there's McCall's 1632. XcBiymFK-u0-00545-00272637-00273325 This is a printed pattern for Mr. and Mrs. Barbecue aprons, headbands, and mitts. XcBiymFK-u0-00546-00273325-00273657 Head cook and aide wear chef-style aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-00547-00273657-00273972 One size and no transfer. XcBiymFK-u0-00548-00273972-00274967 View A and B use 1 yard of 35 inch design-printed fabric or 1 yard of 35 inch check. XcBiymFK-u0-00549-00274967-00275343 On the next page is McCall's 1647. XcBiymFK-u0-00550-00275343-00275837 It's a printed pattern for a women's and misses' make-up smock and wave wrap. XcBiymFK-u0-00551-00275837-00276489 View A is a makeup smock, view B is coveralls, and view C is a wave wrap. XcBiymFK-u0-00552-00276489-00276661 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00553-00276661-00277003 Then there's McCall's 1550. XcBiymFK-u0-00554-00277003-00277524 This is a printed pattern for misses' aprons to made from scraps. XcBiymFK-u0-00555-00277524-00277780 Practical and attractive. XcBiymFK-u0-00556-00277780-00278338 Pattern shows five ways of combining scraps for aprons to match your dresses! XcBiymFK-u0-00557-00278338-00278620 Neck-bands and ties of bias tape. XcBiymFK-u0-00558-00278620-00278778 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00559-00278778-00279110 Then there's McCall's 1104. XcBiymFK-u0-00560-00279110-00279577 This is a printed pattern for women's and misses' apron for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00561-00279577-00280037 It's a figure-flattering apron with applique peppers. XcBiymFK-u0-00562-00280037-00280888 Sizes small (14-16), medium (18-20) and large (40-42). XcBiymFK-u0-00563-00280888-00281282 And then there's McCall's 1105. XcBiymFK-u0-00564-00281282-00281775 It's a printed pattern for a slimming apron with a blue transfer for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00565-00281775-00282353 The waist-line darts give a trimmer, fitted line to the large figure. XcBiymFK-u0-00566-00282353-00283310 Sizes small (38-40-42) and large (44-46-48). XcBiymFK-u0-00567-00283310-00283693 On the next page there's McCall's 1124. XcBiymFK-u0-00568-00283693-00284369 This is a printed pattern for misses' apron with a blue or yellow transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00569-00284369-00284712 Pretty in percale or dotted Swiss. XcBiymFK-u0-00570-00284712-00285076 Dainty embroidered trim, with or without the bib top. XcBiymFK-u0-00571-00285076-00285854 Sizes: small (10-12), medium (14-16), large (18-20). XcBiymFK-u0-00572-00285854-00286195 Then there's McCall's 1594. XcBiymFK-u0-00573-00286195-00286759 It's a printed pattern for a women's and misses' organdy apron with an electric blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00574-00286759-00287016 for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00575-00287016-00287769 Hostess aprons, swirling hemline, and appliques of flowered chintz in view A and B, or bright XcBiymFK-u0-00576-00287769-00288422 poppies like in view C, embroidered petal outlines and leaves. XcBiymFK-u0-00577-00288422-00288882 At the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1665. XcBiymFK-u0-00578-00288882-00289472 It's a printed pattern for a women's and misses' apron with an electric blue transfer for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00579-00289472-00289869 Bouffant apron with tulip appliques. XcBiymFK-u0-00580-00289869-00290211 Striped in four horizontal skirt sections. XcBiymFK-u0-00581-00290211-00290347 Side seam pockets. XcBiymFK-u0-00582-00290347-00290567 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00583-00290567-00290950 On the next page is McCall's 1641. XcBiymFK-u0-00584-00290950-00291417 This is a printed pattern for mother and daughter aprons with an electric blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00585-00291417-00291517 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00586-00291517-00292072 They are aprons trimmed with huck weaving! XcBiymFK-u0-00587-00292072-00292722 Work weaving in one colour or in black on a centre panel of white or tinted huck toweling XcBiymFK-u0-00588-00292722-00293056 (9 bumps to the inch). XcBiymFK-u0-00589-00293056-00293735 If you wish, cross-stitch motifs on percale panel or make apron all in organdy, and applique XcBiymFK-u0-00590-00293735-00294640 it with flowers cut from printed chintz as in view C. Use pearl cotton No. 5 or 6 strand XcBiymFK-u0-00591-00294640-00294740 cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00592-00294740-00295073 2 each of 2 embroidery designs included. XcBiymFK-u0-00593-00295073-00295173 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00594-00295173-00295629 Then there's McCall's 1279. XcBiymFK-u0-00595-00295629-00296183 This is a printed pattern for a misses' apron with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00596-00296183-00296869 Crisp bows on your apron add a pleasant touch to luncheons, teas, and around the house wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00597-00296869-00297611 Make the bows in self-material or use a harmonizing colour ribbon – as on the breezy plaid taffeta XcBiymFK-u0-00598-00297611-00298293 tie on view B. Top off bows with beguiling embroidered roses. XcBiymFK-u0-00599-00298293-00298844 Work the flowers in buttonhole stitch in colour of edging trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00600-00298844-00299519 For tea time, embroider white roses, and use white lace edging on a pastel sheer as in XcBiymFK-u0-00601-00299519-00299902 view C. One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00602-00299902-00300286 On the next page is McCall's 1312. XcBiymFK-u0-00603-00300286-00300678 This is a printed pattern for a misses' apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00604-00300678-00301009 Contrast gores gives this apron its pretty flare. XcBiymFK-u0-00605-00301009-00301545 In view C, the stripes achieve contrast by running in opposite directions. XcBiymFK-u0-00606-00301545-00301750 Edge with rick-rack. XcBiymFK-u0-00607-00301750-00302090 Trim view B with novelty braid. XcBiymFK-u0-00608-00302090-00302696 Another version which is not shown has a rounded waistband and edges instead of points. XcBiymFK-u0-00609-00302696-00302864 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00610-00302864-00303206 Then there's McCall's 1650. XcBiymFK-u0-00611-00303206-00303804 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' aprons with a blue transfer for applique and XcBiymFK-u0-00612-00303804-00303909 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00613-00303909-00304641 An apron with amusing pockets that you button on for Sunday, Monday, or any day in the week! XcBiymFK-u0-00614-00304641-00305270 The Sunday pocket, view A is a big heart trimmed with a carnation. XcBiymFK-u0-00615-00305270-00305924 Monday's pocket, view B with clothespin applique will hold clothespins. XcBiymFK-u0-00616-00305924-00306273 On Monday, button on the practical bib. XcBiymFK-u0-00617-00306273-00306703 Petunia applique in view C for any day. XcBiymFK-u0-00618-00306703-00306968 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00619-00306968-00307289 Then there's McCall's 1691. XcBiymFK-u0-00620-00307289-00307848 This is a printed pattern for a women's and misses' flower petal apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00621-00307848-00308306 Six cosmos-like petals form this easy to make apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00622-00308306-00308588 Edge-stitch to accent the pleated effect. XcBiymFK-u0-00623-00308588-00309121 Face lower edges of petals with contrast, or trim with ruffles. XcBiymFK-u0-00624-00309121-00309505 A rainbow petal apron is pretty. XcBiymFK-u0-00625-00309505-00309981 Apron may be fan-folded, and pressed into pleats for next wearing. XcBiymFK-u0-00626-00309981-00310159 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00627-00310159-00310538 On the next page there's McCall's 1580. XcBiymFK-u0-00628-00310538-00311020 This is a transfer design for cross-stitch borders in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-00629-00311020-00311580 Beautiful cross-stitch roses trim the mother and daughter wrap-around playskirts. XcBiymFK-u0-00630-00311580-00312055 Work in red, green or black on white, or in white on colour. XcBiymFK-u0-00631-00312055-00312260 5 crosses to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-00632-00312260-00312699 Roses are 4 1/2 inches in diametre. XcBiymFK-u0-00633-00312699-00313215 Directions for making skirts from the easy diagram in sizes 8-18. XcBiymFK-u0-00634-00313215-00313534 Requires 3 lengths of 35 inch fabric. XcBiymFK-u0-00635-00313534-00313950 The transfer will trim 2 skirts. XcBiymFK-u0-00636-00313950-00314253 Then there's McCall's 1336. XcBiymFK-u0-00637-00314253-00314793 It's a printed pattern for women's and misses' aprons with a yellow or blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00638-00314793-00314928 applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00639-00314928-00315495 There's a man taking a siesta in view A or singing a merry tune to accordion accompaniment XcBiymFK-u0-00640-00315495-00316103 in view B – all in applique finished with simple embroidery stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-00641-00316103-00316556 Put bright-coloured bias tape bands at hem and at the waistline. XcBiymFK-u0-00642-00316556-00316751 Three applique designs. XcBiymFK-u0-00643-00316751-00317080 The waistband in a curved or straight version. XcBiymFK-u0-00644-00317080-00317290 One size. XcBiymFK-u0-00645-00317290-00317756 And at the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1367. XcBiymFK-u0-00646-00317756-00318348 It's a printed pattern for a women's and misses' apron with a blue transfer for applique and XcBiymFK-u0-00647-00318348-00318477 embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00648-00318477-00319027 You can make this snack server with large surplice collar or little heart-bib framed XcBiymFK-u0-00649-00319027-00319239 in rickrack. XcBiymFK-u0-00650-00319239-00319890 Make in white percale with a contrasting border as in view A, or use checked gingham with XcBiymFK-u0-00651-00319890-00320478 a white border and straps like in view B. The flowers are appliqued, and the leaves XcBiymFK-u0-00652-00320478-00320722 are embroidered. XcBiymFK-u0-00653-00320722-00320922 Then there's Pretty Homemakers! XcBiymFK-u0-00654-00320922-00321319 The first pattern is McCall's 1596. XcBiymFK-u0-00655-00321319-00321868 This is a printed pattern for a misses' wrap-around house dress with a yellow or blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00656-00321868-00322044 for trimming. XcBiymFK-u0-00657-00322044-00322431 You can slip into this becoming wrap-around frock in a jiffy. XcBiymFK-u0-00658-00322431-00322799 Only one button – at the back of neck. XcBiymFK-u0-00659-00322799-00323267 The diagonal back closing ties quickly around the waist. XcBiymFK-u0-00660-00323267-00323897 Crisscross trim at the yoke and pockets is bias tape, stitched by hand or by machine. XcBiymFK-u0-00661-00323897-00324182 Or work in chain stitch embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00662-00324182-00324973 Sizes small (10-12), medium (14-16) and large (18—20). XcBiymFK-u0-00663-00324973-00325501 Then at the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1608. XcBiymFK-u0-00664-00325501-00326118 This is a printed pattern for a misses' button-on apron dress, with a blue transfer for embroidery XcBiymFK-u0-00665-00326118-00326229 and applique. XcBiymFK-u0-00666-00326229-00326754 A becoming dress with its own button-on apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00667-00326754-00327268 There's one just like it for daughter – McCall's 1609. XcBiymFK-u0-00668-00327268-00327736 Make of percale, chambray, gingham or linen. XcBiymFK-u0-00669-00327736-00328110 Trim with eyelet ruffling and morning-glory appliques. XcBiymFK-u0-00670-00328110-00328449 Or work flowers in cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00671-00328449-00328926 Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. XcBiymFK-u0-00672-00328926-00329380 On the next page there's McCall's 1700. XcBiymFK-u0-00673-00329380-00329929 This is a printed pattern for a misses' bed jacket or peignoir, with a blue transfer for XcBiymFK-u0-00674-00329929-00330356 English smocking or decorative gathering. XcBiymFK-u0-00675-00330356-00330946 Here's an alluring peignoir that's an ideal bed jacket in the hip length version. XcBiymFK-u0-00676-00330946-00331350 Make the peignoir in sheers, and bed jacket in crepe. XcBiymFK-u0-00677-00331350-00331704 Gather with regular thread for English smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00678-00331704-00332177 Diagrams and full instructions included. XcBiymFK-u0-00679-00332177-00332779 Smock with six-strand cotton, picking up each deep pleat, or use tarnish-resistant metallic XcBiymFK-u0-00680-00332779-00333122 thread for decorative gathering. XcBiymFK-u0-00681-00333122-00333690 Sizes small (12-14), and large (16-18). XcBiymFK-u0-00682-00333690-00334027 Then there's McCall's 1123. XcBiymFK-u0-00683-00334027-00334585 This is a printed pattern for a women's and misses' bed jacket with yellow or blue transfer XcBiymFK-u0-00684-00334585-00334799 for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00685-00334799-00335263 Read a book, or breakfast in bed, wearing this glamorous bed jacket. XcBiymFK-u0-00686-00335263-00335865 The dainty yoke is deeply scalloped, and may be edged with fine lace. XcBiymFK-u0-00687-00335865-00336186 Make in high or low neck versions. XcBiymFK-u0-00688-00336186-00336661 Choose from three sleeve styles: bishop, bracelet length, or short. XcBiymFK-u0-00689-00336661-00336799 Fabric ties. XcBiymFK-u0-00690-00336799-00337377 Embroider garden flowers in satin stitch, using six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00691-00337377-00338206 Sizes small (12-14), medium (16-18), and large (38-40). XcBiymFK-u0-00692-00338206-00338741 Then at the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1060. XcBiymFK-u0-00693-00338741-00339388 This is a printed pattern for a women's and misses' hospital gown or short nightgown. XcBiymFK-u0-00694-00339388-00340190 In lace-edged flowered-sprigged percale, it's a charming cool “shortie” for warm weather. XcBiymFK-u0-00695-00340190-00340516 Make with back opening for hospital wear. XcBiymFK-u0-00696-00340516-00341027 Front opening is especially convenient for young mothers. XcBiymFK-u0-00697-00341027-00341626 The hospital gown has delicate feather-stitch embroidery, and elbow-length sleeves. XcBiymFK-u0-00698-00341626-00342333 Both styles are cut straight and full enough for comfort, and have flattering Johnny collars. XcBiymFK-u0-00699-00342333-00342849 Sizes 14, 16, 18, 38, and 40. XcBiymFK-u0-00700-00342849-00343230 Then there's Mother and Daughter Keep-Dry Rainwear. XcBiymFK-u0-00701-00343230-00343549 This is McCall's 1627. XcBiymFK-u0-00702-00343549-00344065 This is a printed pattern for a misses' rain cape-coat and hoods. XcBiymFK-u0-00703-00344065-00344523 You can laugh at the rain when you're wearing your smart cape-coat and hood. XcBiymFK-u0-00704-00344523-00345244 You can make it yourself of double-faced plaid plastic as in view B or of a closely woven XcBiymFK-u0-00705-00345244-00346068 fabric, such as gabardine, processed for water repellency like in view A. The all-season XcBiymFK-u0-00706-00346068-00346902 coat is sleeveless, with loose, deep armholes, that are comfortable worn over a top coat. XcBiymFK-u0-00707-00346902-00347496 Shoulder capes form sleeves, long enough to protect your purse, and packages too. XcBiymFK-u0-00708-00347496-00347912 Roomy pockets underneath the cape. XcBiymFK-u0-00709-00347912-00348173 Pattern for two hoods is given. XcBiymFK-u0-00710-00348173-00348684 The directions for sewing plastic or fabric are included. XcBiymFK-u0-00711-00348684-00348947 Wear coat belted or loose. XcBiymFK-u0-00712-00348947-00349573 Sizes: small (12-14), and large (16-18). XcBiymFK-u0-00713-00349573-00349880 View A or B with hood. XcBiymFK-u0-00714-00349880-00350529 The matching girl's rain cape-coat is McCall's 1628. XcBiymFK-u0-00715-00350529-00351122 The first pattern on the next page is McCall's 1675. XcBiymFK-u0-00716-00351122-00351506 This is a transfer design for English smocking. XcBiymFK-u0-00717-00351506-00352223 Basic banding, planned for 2.5 times fullness gives a deep pleated effect. XcBiymFK-u0-00718-00352223-00352914 The dots are 3/16 inch apart and rows are 5/16 inches apart. XcBiymFK-u0-00719-00352914-00353622 The dots are stamped on the wrong side of material, and smocking done on right side. XcBiymFK-u0-00720-00353622-00353893 Smock in two or more colours. XcBiymFK-u0-00721-00353893-00354372 The leaflet gives instructions, diagrams, and details. XcBiymFK-u0-00722-00354372-00354640 The banding is 9 1/2 inches wide. XcBiymFK-u0-00723-00354640-00355413 The pattern includes 3 yards of yellow and 3 yards of blue transfer. XcBiymFK-u0-00724-00355413-00355716 Then there's McCall's 1315. XcBiymFK-u0-00725-00355716-00356188 This is a transfer design for a smocking border in yellow or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00726-00356188-00356934 Add or cut away strips from banding and you have a variety of borders for yokes, and sleeves. XcBiymFK-u0-00727-00356934-00357125 The smocking lesson included. XcBiymFK-u0-00728-00357125-00357707 6 1/2 yards banding 2 3/8 inches wide. XcBiymFK-u0-00729-00357707-00358018 This transfer will not stamp on wool. XcBiymFK-u0-00730-00358018-00358454 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1140. XcBiymFK-u0-00731-00358454-00358979 These are transfer designs for trimming motifs and banding in yellow or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00732-00358979-00359502 Bold, free, flower trim for blouses, jackets, and dresses. XcBiymFK-u0-00733-00359502-00359945 Work in wool or wool and cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00734-00359945-00360881 Sprays are 1 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches to 7 x 17 1/2 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00735-00360881-00361287 On the next page there's McCall's 1537. XcBiymFK-u0-00736-00361287-00362017 This is a transfer design for allover smocking dots, 1/4 inch apart in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-00737-00362017-00362696 With this pattern you can do honeycomb as in view A, cable and wave rose (views B and XcBiymFK-u0-00738-00362696-00363539 C) with embroidery touches, Van Dyke in views D and E in two different designs. XcBiymFK-u0-00739-00363539-00363683 Smocking lesson included. XcBiymFK-u0-00740-00363683-00364134 2 sheets of dots, each 11 x 36 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00741-00364134-00364559 This transfer will not stamp on woolens. XcBiymFK-u0-00742-00364559-00364890 Then there's McCall's 1009. XcBiymFK-u0-00743-00364890-00365366 This is a transfer design for daisy and cherry sprays in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-00744-00365366-00366195 Touch up blouses, dresses, lingerie, and luncheon sets, with graceful daisy sprays or ripe-cherry XcBiymFK-u0-00745-00366195-00366396 clusters. XcBiymFK-u0-00746-00366396-00367204 Motifs in variety of sizes, from tiny ones, 3/4 x 3/4 inch, to the largest daisy spray XcBiymFK-u0-00747-00367204-00367725 2 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00748-00367725-00368095 102 sprays given, including duplicates. XcBiymFK-u0-00749-00368095-00368463 For six-stranded cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00750-00368463-00368960 Then at the bottom of the page there's McCall's 1246. XcBiymFK-u0-00751-00368960-00369335 This is a printed pattern for fabric flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-00752-00369335-00369932 Make your own gay fabric flowers of dress material to complete your costume. XcBiymFK-u0-00753-00369932-00370663 View A for instance, is of seersucker, C of velvet, D of taffeta, and F of gingham. XcBiymFK-u0-00754-00370663-00371373 A few stitches, a bit of pasting, and a flower is made. XcBiymFK-u0-00755-00371373-00371744 The yellow flower shown is made of pique. XcBiymFK-u0-00756-00371744-00372285 Cutting patterns and full instructions for all flowers shown. XcBiymFK-u0-00757-00372285-00372519 Glitter and Gleam! XcBiymFK-u0-00758-00372519-00373032 The photo at the top is McCall's 1586. XcBiymFK-u0-00759-00373032-00373476 Crystal and gold beads sparkle on a black velvet stole. XcBiymFK-u0-00760-00373476-00374085 One end of stole snaps around wrist, and the other end drapes over shoulder. XcBiymFK-u0-00761-00374085-00374818 McCall's 1586 is a transfer design for wheat and feather motifs for seed beads in yellow XcBiymFK-u0-00762-00374818-00374939 or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00763-00374939-00375407 Highlight your wardrobe with rich beading. XcBiymFK-u0-00764-00375407-00376239 The wheat spray, motif A, is worked in seed pearls, may adorn a fabulous wedding dresses. XcBiymFK-u0-00765-00376239-00376891 Graceful curled feathers, in view B, will add sparkle to dresses, blouses, or a velvet XcBiymFK-u0-00766-00376891-00377000 stole. XcBiymFK-u0-00767-00377000-00378163 3 pairs of view A - 3 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches, 1 of view B - 9 1/2 x 12 inches, 1 large single XcBiymFK-u0-00768-00378163-00379030 feather 4 x 7 inches, and a pair of smaller feathers 3 3/4 x 5 3/4 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00769-00379030-00379477 Then there's McCall's 1339. XcBiymFK-u0-00770-00379477-00380058 This is a transfer design for a decorative alphabet with letters 5 inches high in yellow XcBiymFK-u0-00771-00380058-00380279 or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00772-00380279-00380533 Initial it with sequins and seed beads! XcBiymFK-u0-00773-00380533-00381209 An easy “sparkle up” trick to add a bright new looks to our favourite dresses, blouses XcBiymFK-u0-00774-00381209-00381409 and sweaters. XcBiymFK-u0-00775-00381409-00382061 On wash fabrics, embroider letters in chain stitch or Indian herringbone stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00776-00382061-00382508 Chain-stitch letters are effective on bath towels, too. XcBiymFK-u0-00777-00382508-00383010 Alphabet 26 letters, 1 of each, 5 inches high. XcBiymFK-u0-00778-00383010-00383285 The blouse not given. XcBiymFK-u0-00779-00383285-00383725 On the next page is McCall's 1637. XcBiymFK-u0-00780-00383725-00384274 It's a transfer design for eight old-timer automobile trimming motifs in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00781-00384274-00384914 Quaint hot rods – autos of the years 1904 to 1909. XcBiymFK-u0-00782-00384914-00385568 Delightful for aprons, playsuits, towels, and luncheon cloths. XcBiymFK-u0-00783-00385568-00385897 Simple embroidery with full instructions. XcBiymFK-u0-00784-00385897-00386432 One each of eight designs, about 5 inches long. XcBiymFK-u0-00785-00386432-00386740 Then there's McCall's 1314. XcBiymFK-u0-00786-00386740-00387364 This is a transfer design for bead trimming (bugle and seed) in yellow or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00787-00387364-00387747 Use all black on black or pastels or gold on white. XcBiymFK-u0-00788-00387747-00388513 Two necklines: view A has a bead encrusted effect, view B is more open. XcBiymFK-u0-00789-00388513-00388831 Then there's McCall's 662. XcBiymFK-u0-00790-00388831-00389392 This is a transfer design for large cross-stitch borders in yellow or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00791-00389392-00389826 For 2 shades of 1 colour or contrasting colours. XcBiymFK-u0-00792-00389826-00390261 It's trim for dresses, jacket, and tablecloths. XcBiymFK-u0-00793-00390261-00390561 The crosses are 5 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-00794-00390561-00390948 Included in the pattern are a leaflet, and suggestions for use. XcBiymFK-u0-00795-00390948-00391323 9 yards banding A, 2 1/2 inches wide. XcBiymFK-u0-00796-00391323-00391793 2 yards of banding B, 4 inches wide. XcBiymFK-u0-00797-00391793-00392019 Then we move onto costumes! XcBiymFK-u0-00798-00392019-00392386 The first pattern is McCall's 793. XcBiymFK-u0-00799-00392386-00392831 This is a printed pattern for misses' and girls' dance costumes. XcBiymFK-u0-00800-00392831-00393582 Free-action costumes – view A is bias cut, with straight ruffles at shoulder and hip. XcBiymFK-u0-00801-00393582-00394007 View B is gored, with a graceful flared skirt. XcBiymFK-u0-00802-00394007-00394271 Bloomer pattern included. XcBiymFK-u0-00803-00394271-00394861 Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. XcBiymFK-u0-00804-00394861-00395145 Then there's McCall's 792. XcBiymFK-u0-00805-00395145-00395568 This is a printed pattern for misses' and girls' dance costumes. XcBiymFK-u0-00806-00395568-00395785 Gay costumes for all ages. XcBiymFK-u0-00807-00395785-00396555 View A, snug shorts for a tap dancer, topped by a blouse with full, loose sleeves. XcBiymFK-u0-00808-00396555-00397227 View C is a quaint Italian peasant costume with full skirt and gay apron. XcBiymFK-u0-00809-00397227-00397536 View B is a gypsy bolero dress. XcBiymFK-u0-00810-00397536-00398208 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. XcBiymFK-u0-00811-00398208-00398508 Next there's McCall's 422. XcBiymFK-u0-00812-00398508-00398884 This is a printed pattern for a Santa Claus costume. XcBiymFK-u0-00813-00398884-00399253 Make a dandy, bright red Santa suit for Daddy. XcBiymFK-u0-00814-00399253-00399943 Make trousers, coat and cap of percale, sateen, wool suiting, velveteen or flannel. XcBiymFK-u0-00815-00399943-00400174 Trim with white “fur”. XcBiymFK-u0-00816-00400174-00400384 Pattern for leggings included. XcBiymFK-u0-00817-00400384-00400802 Sizes 36, 40 and 42. XcBiymFK-u0-00818-00400802-00401161 Then there's McCall's 1553. XcBiymFK-u0-00819-00401161-00401747 This is a printed pattern for a misses' drum majorette costume, hat and trunks. XcBiymFK-u0-00820-00401747-00402261 All eyes are on the pretty Drum Majorette as she struts along, twirling her baton, at XcBiymFK-u0-00821-00402261-00402484 the head of the parade. XcBiymFK-u0-00822-00402484-00402959 Use gleaming satin, and trim with gold braid. XcBiymFK-u0-00823-00402959-00403444 On the next page there's McCall's 1540. XcBiymFK-u0-00824-00403444-00403931 This is a printed pattern for a junior roller skating costume and trunks with a blue or XcBiymFK-u0-00825-00403931-00404228 yellow transfer for sequins. XcBiymFK-u0-00826-00404228-00404813 Make a glamorous sequin-trimmed skating costume of satin or taffeta, with floating chiffon XcBiymFK-u0-00827-00404813-00405601 sleeves as in view B. Or make the entire dress of velvet, line the graceful flared skirt XcBiymFK-u0-00828-00405601-00406530 with a contrast like in View A. Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. XcBiymFK-u0-00829-00406530-00406844 Next there's McCall's 1541. XcBiymFK-u0-00830-00406844-00407259 This is a printed pattern for a misses' felt skirt and hat. XcBiymFK-u0-00831-00407259-00407890 A circle of felt with a hole in the middle, and a slash at centre back for a zipper, make XcBiymFK-u0-00832-00407890-00408109 this gala skirt. XcBiymFK-u0-00833-00408109-00408369 Pinking shears finish hem. XcBiymFK-u0-00834-00408369-00408723 Use contrast felt for the applique flower trim. XcBiymFK-u0-00835-00408723-00408992 Make a pert hat to match. XcBiymFK-u0-00836-00408992-00409945 One size for 24-28 waist, 21 1/2 – 22 1/2 headsize. XcBiymFK-u0-00837-00409945-00410367 And at the bottom of the page is McCall's 689. XcBiymFK-u0-00838-00410367-00410802 This is a printed pattern for Choir Surplices or Cottas. XcBiymFK-u0-00839-00410802-00411514 The surplice or cotta for vested choirs, in two of the most popular styles. XcBiymFK-u0-00840-00411514-00411896 Plain style view A is generally preferred for men. XcBiymFK-u0-00841-00411896-00412567 Shirred yoke style, view B, is graceful and full, for women, girls or boys. XcBiymFK-u0-00842-00412567-00413539 Sizes small (8-12 years); medium (30-40 chest); large (40 – 48 chest). XcBiymFK-u0-00843-00413539-00414037 On the last page of this section is McCall's 1679. XcBiymFK-u0-00844-00414037-00414588 This is a printed pattern for women's and misses' open-toe lounging slippers with a XcBiymFK-u0-00845-00414588-00414785 built in heel. XcBiymFK-u0-00846-00414785-00415727 For a TV evening, three smart styles: View A sandal, View B harlequin, and view C with XcBiymFK-u0-00847-00415727-00416160 a butterfly on toe, and narrow ankle straps. XcBiymFK-u0-00848-00416160-00416475 Then there's McCall's 1566. XcBiymFK-u0-00849-00416475-00416968 This is a printed pattern for women's and girls' softie lounge slippers, with an electric XcBiymFK-u0-00850-00416968-00417275 blue transfer for applique and embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00851-00417275-00417681 Warm in felt or suede, and felt lined. XcBiymFK-u0-00852-00417681-00418054 View C in brocaded satin. XcBiymFK-u0-00853-00418054-00418389 Then there's McCall's 1220. XcBiymFK-u0-00854-00418389-00418927 This is a printed pattern for a Men's bow tie and wide bias tie. XcBiymFK-u0-00855-00418927-00419284 The bow tie is designed to tie perfectly. XcBiymFK-u0-00856-00419284-00419612 Note the wide ends on the long tie. XcBiymFK-u0-00857-00419612-00420284 Use tie silk or dress fabrics, interlined with wool, canvas or flannel. XcBiymFK-u0-00858-00420284-00420767 The bow tie is for a 15 or 16 inch neck. XcBiymFK-u0-00859-00420767-00421163 Bias tie is 48 inches long. XcBiymFK-u0-00860-00421163-00421567 And then there's McCall's 1517. XcBiymFK-u0-00861-00421567-00422096 This is a printed pattern for Men's neckties in two lengths. XcBiymFK-u0-00862-00422096-00422377 It's the perfect gift! XcBiymFK-u0-00863-00422377-00423056 This pattern is designed to fit a quarter block panel of necktie silk as in view A. XcBiymFK-u0-00864-00423056-00423417 Or dress material may be used. XcBiymFK-u0-00865-00423417-00424222 View A's bias tie is 51 inches long, and fits a quarter block panel. XcBiymFK-u0-00866-00424222-00424563 The next section is home decoration. XcBiymFK-u0-00867-00424563-00424817 Bring beauty into your home. XcBiymFK-u0-00868-00424817-00425629 Luxury look linens, pictures, hooked rugs, slip covers, and embroidery designs. XcBiymFK-u0-00869-00425629-00425902 King-sized “fruits” for modern rooms! XcBiymFK-u0-00870-00425902-00426309 The first pattern is McCall's 1751. XcBiymFK-u0-00871-00426309-00427010 This is a printed pattern for king-sized fruit pillows with a blue transfer for embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-00872-00427010-00427193 Amusing king-sized fruit pillows! XcBiymFK-u0-00873-00427193-00427977 Grand idea for young homemakers, college students, or for TV rooms, Make the pineapple, in orange XcBiymFK-u0-00874-00427977-00428550 glazed chintz, decorate with brown bias tape, and yellow felt. XcBiymFK-u0-00875-00428550-00428892 The pear in yellow chintz. XcBiymFK-u0-00876-00428892-00429485 The watermelon slice in dark green, and white, and the watermelon pink chintz with the seeds XcBiymFK-u0-00877-00429485-00429721 embroidered in black. XcBiymFK-u0-00878-00429721-00430264 The eggplant in purple chintz topped with light yellow-green felt. XcBiymFK-u0-00879-00430264-00430913 The strawberry is shown in red sateen, embroidered in white flystitch and topped with green felt XcBiymFK-u0-00880-00430913-00431087 hulls. XcBiymFK-u0-00881-00431087-00431364 The leaves, and stems, are dark green felt. XcBiymFK-u0-00882-00431364-00431881 For the porch or terrace, make it in rain proof plastic. XcBiymFK-u0-00883-00431881-00432308 Inner pillows are muslin stuffed with feathers or kapok. XcBiymFK-u0-00884-00432308-00432598 14 to 18 inches high. XcBiymFK-u0-00885-00432598-00433075 Two religious figures for cross stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00886-00433075-00433289 First there's McCall's 1742. XcBiymFK-u0-00887-00433289-00434049 Its a transfer design for “The Good Shepherd”, a cross-stitch picture in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00888-00434049-00434535 Inspired by “The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want,” this beautiful picture, XcBiymFK-u0-00889-00434535-00435079 designed by a well known designer of religious murals, is appealing handsome, aside from XcBiymFK-u0-00890-00435079-00435346 its religious significance. XcBiymFK-u0-00891-00435346-00435926 You will experience satisfaction embroidering it and find it a treasured addition to your XcBiymFK-u0-00892-00435926-00436164 home. XcBiymFK-u0-00893-00436164-00436800 Embroider in 17 rich colours, using six-strand cottons, and following the colour chart in XcBiymFK-u0-00894-00436800-00437013 the pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-00895-00437013-00437788 Stamp design on smooth-weave natural colour linen, linen-like cotton or unbleached muslin. XcBiymFK-u0-00896-00437788-00438502 Framed in natural wood molding, about 2 1/2 inches or 3 1/2 inches wide, the picture is XcBiymFK-u0-00897-00438502-00439150 especially suitable for hanging in livingroom, bedroom, or a child's room. XcBiymFK-u0-00898-00439150-00439407 The crosses are 7 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-00899-00439407-00439846 The design size is 16 x 18 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00900-00439846-00440314 Framed size 18 x 20 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00901-00440314-00440567 Designed by Ade de Bethune. XcBiymFK-u0-00902-00440567-00441424 If desiring a pair of religious pictures see McCall's 1743, Mother and Child (below) for XcBiymFK-u0-00903-00441424-00441834 a planned a companion picture. XcBiymFK-u0-00904-00441834-00442546 McCall's 1743 is a transfer design for Mother and Child, a cross-stitch picture in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00905-00442546-00443246 Here is a tender and moving picture of the Virgin and Babe to work in cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00906-00443246-00444007 This picture and the one above were designed by the same artist, to be worked in lovely XcBiymFK-u0-00907-00444007-00444703 shades of blue, green, gold, and red – colours traditionally associated with stained glass XcBiymFK-u0-00908-00444703-00445164 window portraits of the Madonna. XcBiymFK-u0-00909-00445164-00445722 The picture's appealing charm and deep religious significance will be an adornment for your XcBiymFK-u0-00910-00445722-00445863 home. XcBiymFK-u0-00911-00445863-00446531 Stamp design on natural colour linen, linen-like, cotton or unbleached muslin. XcBiymFK-u0-00912-00446531-00446965 Embroider in six-strand cotton, following the colour chart. XcBiymFK-u0-00913-00446965-00447242 Crosses 7 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-00914-00447242-00447689 The design size 16 x 18 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00915-00447689-00448067 Framed size 18 x 20 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00916-00448067-00448698 Natural wood molding, about 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 inches wide, is suitable. XcBiymFK-u0-00917-00448698-00449072 Designed bu Ade de Bethune. XcBiymFK-u0-00918-00449072-00449576 On the next page are Old Locomotives from 1831 to 1890. XcBiymFK-u0-00919-00449576-00450542 This is McCall's 1744, a transfer pattern for six old-timer locomotive designs in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00920-00450542-00451067 These are copies of authentic prints of locomotives, from 1831 to 1890! XcBiymFK-u0-00921-00451067-00451843 Effective as a group or in pairs framed in black and gold with black or green mats. XcBiymFK-u0-00922-00451843-00452035 Easy stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-00923-00452035-00452647 Work in seven colours and black six-strand cotton on linen, or muslin. XcBiymFK-u0-00924-00452647-00452988 The framed size is 9 x 12 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-00925-00452988-00453210 Framing instructions included. XcBiymFK-u0-00926-00453210-00453595 One each of 6 designs. XcBiymFK-u0-00927-00453595-00454003 On the next page there's McCall's 1736. XcBiymFK-u0-00928-00454003-00454438 This is a four colour transfer design for rose motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-00929-00454438-00454943 American beauties – stamp in colour exactly as shown. XcBiymFK-u0-00930-00454943-00455413 No embroidery needed – press transfers with low-heat iron. XcBiymFK-u0-00931-00455413-00455863 In seconds, you achieve the hand-painted look. XcBiymFK-u0-00932-00455863-00456467 Motifs may be rearranged and stamped on various ready made or home-sewn articles. XcBiymFK-u0-00933-00456467-00457178 Roses are in two shades of rose-pink with dark green leaves, accented with black. XcBiymFK-u0-00934-00457178-00457641 Colours on wash materials stay bright and clear after many washings. XcBiymFK-u0-00935-00457641-00458491 For best results, choose a smooth-finish cotton fabric without sizing or dressing – white, XcBiymFK-u0-00936-00458491-00458710 yellow or pastels are preferable. XcBiymFK-u0-00937-00458710-00459448 Stamp a full-blown rose on pillow cases or shams, a garland of buds on sheets or a bedspread, XcBiymFK-u0-00938-00459448-00460056 a flower or two on a vanity skirt for a decorator bedroom ensemble. XcBiymFK-u0-00939-00460056-00460747 Spray roses across scarves, cotton gloves, tablecloths, place mats, and hand towels. XcBiymFK-u0-00940-00460747-00461239 Dress up aprons, smocks, pinafores, dresses, and blouses. XcBiymFK-u0-00941-00461239-00461523 Two each of 8 motifs shown. XcBiymFK-u0-00942-00461523-00461927 The roses are shown in actual size. XcBiymFK-u0-00943-00461927-00462263 Then there's McCall's 1734. XcBiymFK-u0-00944-00462263-00462646 This is a four-colour transfer design for Violet Motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-00945-00462646-00463332 Something new – a transfer that stamps in four colours, 2 shades of purple and green, XcBiymFK-u0-00946-00463332-00463546 as you see it! XcBiymFK-u0-00947-00463546-00463866 It's so simple – no embroidery is necessary. XcBiymFK-u0-00948-00463866-00464505 Just cut apart motifs, arrange as desired on smooth-finish cotton or satin ready-made XcBiymFK-u0-00949-00464505-00464605 items. XcBiymFK-u0-00950-00464605-00465117 Press a medium-hot iron over the fabric and presto! XcBiymFK-u0-00951-00465117-00465299 There are lovely printed violets. XcBiymFK-u0-00952-00465299-00465681 There's nothing more to do! XcBiymFK-u0-00953-00465681-00466302 If you wish, enhance effort by embroidering centres with yellow satin-stitch embroidery, XcBiymFK-u0-00954-00466302-00466733 or add sequins for glitter, depending on the purpose. XcBiymFK-u0-00955-00466733-00467084 For a delicate touch, use on place mats. XcBiymFK-u0-00956-00467084-00467479 Violets launder many times and retain their brilliant colour. XcBiymFK-u0-00957-00467479-00467918 A spray may accent lingerie sets or scarves. XcBiymFK-u0-00958-00467918-00468382 Larger groups are delightful on linens, and children's dresses. XcBiymFK-u0-00959-00468382-00468713 Pattern includes 2 each of motifs above. XcBiymFK-u0-00960-00468713-00468981 Shown in actual size. XcBiymFK-u0-00961-00468981-00469639 Then on the next page there's McCall's 1732, a transfer design for initial for monogramming XcBiymFK-u0-00962-00469639-00469852 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00963-00469852-00470402 Graceful initials for household linens or to personalize blouses and shirts. XcBiymFK-u0-00964-00470402-00471088 One pattern is used for stamping a single initial; 2 patterns for 2 letter monogram; XcBiymFK-u0-00965-00471088-00471460 3 for a 3 letter monogram. XcBiymFK-u0-00966-00471460-00471938 Large letters may be used alone for a single initial. XcBiymFK-u0-00967-00471938-00472647 Short letters combine well, one under the other as shown in LST or two together, using XcBiymFK-u0-00968-00472647-00473134 corner décor, as shown in CG. XcBiymFK-u0-00969-00473134-00473380 Work in satin stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00970-00473380-00474022 Six-strand cotton or No 25 or 30 embroidery cotton is suitable. XcBiymFK-u0-00971-00474022-00474358 Then there's McCall's 1731. XcBiymFK-u0-00972-00474358-00474842 This is a transfer design for initials for monogramming in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-00973-00474842-00475446 Initials – tall and elegant on bed and table linens, or for blouses and shirts. XcBiymFK-u0-00974-00475446-00476075 Use one pattern to stamp a single initial; 2 patterns for a 2 letter monogram; 3 for XcBiymFK-u0-00975-00476075-00476346 a 3 letter monogram. XcBiymFK-u0-00976-00476346-00477051 Use the large letter alone or combine short letters in twos, as in SA, or in a diagonal XcBiymFK-u0-00977-00477051-00477212 row. XcBiymFK-u0-00978-00477212-00477355 Work in satin-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-00979-00477355-00477955 For six-strand cotton or No 25 or 30 embroidery cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-00980-00477955-00478325 On the next page there's McCall's 1721. XcBiymFK-u0-00981-00478325-00478907 It's a transfer design for wheat motifs and banding for household or church linen. XcBiymFK-u0-00982-00478907-00479210 These are graceful wheat sprays and wheat banding. XcBiymFK-u0-00983-00479210-00479932 A dinner cloth in two tones, such as green and natural linen, is very effective with XcBiymFK-u0-00984-00479932-00480429 the green centre panel embroidered in golden wheat banding. XcBiymFK-u0-00985-00480429-00481127 Single and double wheat sprays may be combined with ecclesiastical symbols IHS and crosses, XcBiymFK-u0-00986-00481127-00481507 in beautiful trims for church linens. XcBiymFK-u0-00987-00481507-00482292 Embroider by hand, using six-strand cotton, or on sewing machine, using metallic thread. XcBiymFK-u0-00988-00482292-00482635 Cutting directions for making two tone dinner cloth included. XcBiymFK-u0-00989-00482635-00483284 52 x 72 inches, 8 napkins. XcBiymFK-u0-00990-00483284-00483612 Next there's McCall's 1715. XcBiymFK-u0-00991-00483612-00484010 This is a transfer design for tiny motifs and bandings. XcBiymFK-u0-00992-00484010-00484635 Here's a wide choice of embroidery and applique designs, all charming and unusual, in a large XcBiymFK-u0-00993-00484635-00485014 number of easy embroidery stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-00994-00485014-00485480 Choose lazy daisy flowers to trim baby's first shoes. XcBiymFK-u0-00995-00485480-00486047 Use a pretty butterfly in double organdy, a cunning elephant or chicks appliqued in XcBiymFK-u0-00996-00486047-00486317 felt or fabric. XcBiymFK-u0-00997-00486317-00486843 There's a garden of delicate flowers to be worked in pastels on children's or dolls' XcBiymFK-u0-00998-00486843-00486977 clothes. XcBiymFK-u0-00999-00486977-00487506 Trim edges with narrow bandings and work motifs on collars and cuffs or handkerchiefs! XcBiymFK-u0-01000-00487506-00488193 Work in six-strand cotton, embroidery silk, tarnish-resistant metallic sewing thread or XcBiymFK-u0-01001-00488193-00488295 fine wool. XcBiymFK-u0-01002-00488295-00488651 Over 40 motifs, at least 2 of each. XcBiymFK-u0-01003-00488651-00489219 2 bandings, 2 edgings, 1 1/2 yards of each. XcBiymFK-u0-01004-00489219-00489738 One the next page there's McCall's 1719. XcBiymFK-u0-01005-00489738-00490095 This is a transfer design for cross-stitch dog pictures in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01006-00490095-00490693 Six “show dogs” to embroider in natural colours on white linen. XcBiymFK-u0-01007-00490693-00490955 Pictures 8 x 10 inches framed. XcBiymFK-u0-01008-00490955-00491208 7 crosses to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01009-00491208-00491588 For six-strand cotton or work in needlepoint. XcBiymFK-u0-01010-00491588-00491697 Colour chart included. XcBiymFK-u0-01011-00491697-00492507 Then there's McCall's 1723, a transfer design for floral huck towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01012-00492507-00493217 Trim guest towels with stunning flowers worked in huck weaving, and outline stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01013-00493217-00493367 Flower colours! XcBiymFK-u0-01014-00493367-00493650 Use huck towelling or ready-made towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01015-00493650-00494213 6 designs, 2 each, about 5 inches high. XcBiymFK-u0-01016-00494213-00494468 It's fun to make McCall's pictures! XcBiymFK-u0-01017-00494468-00494802 First there's McCall's 1683. XcBiymFK-u0-01018-00494802-00495338 This is a transfer design for “locomotive”, a cross-stitch picture in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01019-00495338-00495850 McCall's cross-stitch picture, locomotive, brings the romance of early railroading into XcBiymFK-u0-01020-00495850-00495950 your home! XcBiymFK-u0-01021-00495950-00496671 Worked in colourful cross-stitch, the picture has the feeling of a 19th century print - quaint, XcBiymFK-u0-01022-00496671-00496992 nostalgic and gay! XcBiymFK-u0-01023-00496992-00497610 You will experience a satisfying thrill watching it come alive as you put in the different XcBiymFK-u0-01024-00497610-00497768 colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01025-00497768-00498368 Here's the friendly, old-fashioned squat engine with its low, wide cow-catcher, the antiquated XcBiymFK-u0-01026-00498368-00499118 head light and warning bell, wood burning smokestack, red caboose and yellow box-shaped XcBiymFK-u0-01027-00499118-00499830 cars – all long since outdated – as they roll through the gentle countryside. XcBiymFK-u0-01028-00499830-00500264 Planned for six-strand cotton in 22 colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01029-00500264-00500643 Chart for placing colours and framing directions included. XcBiymFK-u0-01030-00500643-00500896 7 crosses to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01031-00500896-00501406 The design size is 12 1/2 x 16 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01032-00501406-00501992 Then there's McCall's 1688, a transfer design for a sampler map in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01033-00501992-00502464 A fascinating history map to embroider, frame, and hang on your walls! XcBiymFK-u0-01034-00502464-00503127 It is designed like an old time US map with boundary lines and waterways, cartographer's XcBiymFK-u0-01035-00503127-00503430 compass, and picture symbols. XcBiymFK-u0-01036-00503430-00503706 In one corner is the Old South Church. XcBiymFK-u0-01037-00503706-00503909 In another corner the Alamo. XcBiymFK-u0-01038-00503909-00504568 Ponce de Leon raises his sword over Florida, the covered wagon rolls along the Oregon Trail XcBiymFK-u0-01039-00504568-00504814 and so on. XcBiymFK-u0-01040-00504814-00505468 For background, use smooth natural linen, cotton with linen finish or unbleached muslin. XcBiymFK-u0-01041-00505468-00506024 Stitches are outline, satin, lazy-daisy, running and back stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01042-00506024-00506412 Use six-strand cotton with colour instructions. XcBiymFK-u0-01043-00506412-00506930 Design size, 13 3/4 x 17 1/2 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01044-00506930-00507332 Includes a complete alphabet (with 50 extra letters) for signing your name. XcBiymFK-u0-01045-00507332-00507814 The next one is McCall's 1645. XcBiymFK-u0-01046-00507814-00508492 This is a transfer design called Arrangement – a shadow box picture in electric blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01047-00508492-00509088 This unusually interesting picture is an effective showcase to display your needle and craft XcBiymFK-u0-01048-00509088-00509188 skills. XcBiymFK-u0-01049-00509188-00510043 Roses, leaves, and drapery edging are crocheted; lady's stole is knitted, her skirt is embroidered; XcBiymFK-u0-01050-00510043-00510367 and butterflies are painted. XcBiymFK-u0-01051-00510367-00510971 Draperies are of red satin, carpet of velvet, and background of taffeta – all scrap-bag XcBiymFK-u0-01052-00510971-00511114 pieces. XcBiymFK-u0-01053-00511114-00511780 Cat, table legs and cover, and lady's pompadour are of felt. XcBiymFK-u0-01054-00511780-00512047 Picture is assembled with paste. XcBiymFK-u0-01055-00512047-00512502 Full directions, including crochet, knitting, and making of shadow box frame included. XcBiymFK-u0-01056-00512502-00512697 Fits frame 14 x 18 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01057-00512697-00513076 On the next page is McCall's 1291. XcBiymFK-u0-01058-00513076-00513275 This is a transfer design for the pheasants. XcBiymFK-u0-01059-00513275-00514035 I showed this transfer design previously in my McCall Needlework Annual video from 1950. XcBiymFK-u0-01060-00514035-00514496 The link to that video is in the description box below. XcBiymFK-u0-01061-00514496-00515163 This stunning design suggests the large bird prints so much in demand today. XcBiymFK-u0-01062-00515163-00515818 The artist has captured the beautiful colourings and graceful lines of these birds in a woodsy XcBiymFK-u0-01063-00515818-00516355 scene that the man of the house will be sure to appreciate. XcBiymFK-u0-01064-00516355-00516593 Embroider in six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01065-00516593-00516710 Colour chart included. XcBiymFK-u0-01066-00516710-00517160 Size 16 x 19 3/4 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01067-00517160-00517371 Crosses 7 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01068-00517371-00517693 Use linen or linen-like cotton for background. XcBiymFK-u0-01069-00517693-00518403 The companion picture, “The Mallards” No 1359 on this page. XcBiymFK-u0-01070-00518403-00518975 McCall's 1359 is a transfer design for “the Mallards” - a picture or wall hanging in XcBiymFK-u0-01071-00518975-00519230 cross-stitch in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01072-00519230-00519853 The popular mallards, well known in marshes and ponds from Nova Scotia to California, XcBiymFK-u0-01073-00519853-00520139 are a colourful addition to your home! XcBiymFK-u0-01074-00520139-00520808 The brilliance and depth of colour and the realistic motion of the birds are delightful. XcBiymFK-u0-01075-00520808-00520977 Use six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01076-00520977-00521192 Colour chart included. XcBiymFK-u0-01077-00521192-00521880 To make perfect crosses, work all under crosses in one direction, over crosses in the other. XcBiymFK-u0-01078-00521880-00522385 Size 16 x 19 3/4 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01079-00522385-00522588 Crosses 7 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01080-00522588-00523084 Use linen or linen-like cotton for background. XcBiymFK-u0-01081-00523084-00523500 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1429. XcBiymFK-u0-01082-00523500-00524055 It's a transfer design for mother deer and fawn – a picture in cross stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01083-00524055-00524423 An appealing animal picture for cross-stitch! XcBiymFK-u0-01084-00524423-00524994 The spirited baby fawn, its placid mother, and the colourful woodland setting will give XcBiymFK-u0-01085-00524994-00525356 a lift to any room in the house! XcBiymFK-u0-01086-00525356-00525940 Needleworkers will enjoy putting in the bright flowers, the contrasting tones of the evergreens, XcBiymFK-u0-01087-00525940-00526410 the skill-fully shaded browns and tans of the deer. XcBiymFK-u0-01088-00526410-00526763 Planned for six-strand cottons in 31 colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01089-00526763-00527302 Includes a chart for placing colour and suggestions for framing. XcBiymFK-u0-01090-00527302-00527694 On the next page is McCall's 1397. XcBiymFK-u0-01091-00527694-00528352 This is a transfer design for cross-stitch picture called “lilacs and tulips”. XcBiymFK-u0-01092-00528352-00528715 Add this spray to your flower print collection! XcBiymFK-u0-01093-00528715-00529084 The soft hues blend with modern or traditional furnishings. XcBiymFK-u0-01094-00529084-00529760 Choose floral colours, in six-strand cottons, according to pattern directions. XcBiymFK-u0-01095-00529760-00530152 Use linen or linen-like cotton for the background. XcBiymFK-u0-01096-00530152-00530783 Work under crosses in one direction, upper crosses in the other. XcBiymFK-u0-01097-00530783-00531104 Then there's McCall's 1112. XcBiymFK-u0-01098-00531104-00531727 This is a transfer design for a Roses and Delphinium cross-stitch picture in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01099-00531727-00532382 This cross-stitch flower print carries out a lovely idea in décor. XcBiymFK-u0-01100-00532382-00532963 Red roses and blue delphinium blend with almost any interior. XcBiymFK-u0-01101-00532963-00533621 Choose the colours as directed in the pattern for the beauty and richness of a painting. XcBiymFK-u0-01102-00533621-00534321 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1601, a transfer design for a Rose Spray cross-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-01103-00534321-00534542 picture in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01104-00534542-00534998 The rich colour effect is obtained with only thirteen shades. XcBiymFK-u0-01105-00534998-00535571 A chart in pattern is given for the deep pink or dark red rose. XcBiymFK-u0-01106-00535571-00536273 The design is also easy to adapt to other colours, such as white with tones of grey XcBiymFK-u0-01107-00536273-00536842 for a white rose, or pale yellow shaded into orange of a yellow rose. XcBiymFK-u0-01108-00536842-00537539 This beautiful cross-stitch flower print will look charming for years to come. XcBiymFK-u0-01109-00537539-00537971 On the next page are Old Timer Autos For Embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-01110-00537971-00538751 At the top of the page is McCall's 1636, a transfer design for six old-timer automobiles XcBiymFK-u0-01111-00538751-00538989 for embroidered pictures in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01112-00538989-00539865 Genuine “horseless carriages”, vintage from 1904 to 1909, the kind that used to chug XcBiymFK-u0-01113-00539865-00540399 along at a brisk 7 miles per hour. XcBiymFK-u0-01114-00540399-00540962 This collection of old autos was inspired by authentic old prints. XcBiymFK-u0-01115-00540962-00541569 The designs have been developed in simple embroidery stitches – outline, chain, satin XcBiymFK-u0-01116-00541569-00541938 and cross-stitch, suitable for six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01117-00541938-00542634 Mounted and framed, they make an exciting and conversation provoking group of prints. XcBiymFK-u0-01118-00542634-00543092 One each of 6 designs about 6 1/2 inches long. XcBiymFK-u0-01119-00543092-00543855 Then there's McCall's 1637, a transfer design for eight old-timer automobile trimming motifs XcBiymFK-u0-01120-00543855-00543955 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01121-00543955-00544373 “Come away with me, Lucille, in my merry Oldsmobile.” XcBiymFK-u0-01122-00544373-00544944 Or maybe a Maxwell, Reo Run-about or Stanley Steamer. XcBiymFK-u0-01123-00544944-00545501 These quaint old autos are exact replicas, inspired by old prints, of the hot rods over XcBiymFK-u0-01124-00545501-00546319 the years from 1904 to 1909 – the kind that used to frighten the horses. XcBiymFK-u0-01125-00546319-00546831 Worked out for simple embroidery stitches, they make delightful trims for aprons, play XcBiymFK-u0-01126-00546831-00547157 suits, towels, and luncheon cloths. XcBiymFK-u0-01127-00547157-00547634 Then on the next page there are pictures of rural life. XcBiymFK-u0-01128-00547634-00548489 The first is McCall's 1520, a transfer design for Rural America, a sampler picture in cross-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-01129-00548489-00548678 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01130-00548678-00549284 Here's Rural America – a delightful “water colour” in cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01131-00549284-00549787 Six little scenes – quaint, and authentic – make up this unique, new cross-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-01132-00549787-00550020 picture. XcBiymFK-u0-01133-00550020-00550598 Here is the old covered bridge; the white lighthouse; the white-painted inland church XcBiymFK-u0-01134-00550598-00551214 with a tall steeple; the little red mill with its great water wheel; the wooden trough for XcBiymFK-u0-01135-00551214-00551803 the horses; and of course, the trusty Rural Free Delivery letter box. XcBiymFK-u0-01136-00551803-00552378 Work the quaint scenes in lively shades of six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01137-00552378-00552821 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1562. XcBiymFK-u0-01138-00552821-00553362 This is a transfer design for Apple Picking Time, a picture for needlework. XcBiymFK-u0-01139-00553362-00553801 You may remember this design from my video of the first edition of McCall's Needlework XcBiymFK-u0-01140-00553801-00553951 Annual. XcBiymFK-u0-01141-00553951-00554332 The link to that video is in the description box below. XcBiymFK-u0-01142-00554332-00554807 In this amusing “modern primitive”, everybody is getting farm ready for winter. XcBiymFK-u0-01143-00554807-00555342 Father and the hired man are harvesting the apple crop. XcBiymFK-u0-01144-00555342-00555623 Mother is hanging out the wash. XcBiymFK-u0-01145-00555623-00556064 Sister is feeding the ducks and Brother is catching trout for supper. XcBiymFK-u0-01146-00556064-00556903 The work is a combination of simple stitches: satin, single, lazy-daisy, French knots, that XcBiymFK-u0-01147-00556903-00557319 are to be worked in six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01148-00557319-00557560 Then there's McCall's Party Treats! XcBiymFK-u0-01149-00557560-00557722 I love these! XcBiymFK-u0-01150-00557722-00558440 The first is McCall's 1590, a transfer design for a complete cutting pattern and recipes XcBiymFK-u0-01151-00558440-00558902 for McCall's Gingerbread House and Children's Party House in Blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01152-00558902-00559371 An edible centre piece for children's party tables! XcBiymFK-u0-01153-00559371-00559975 “Build” Hansel and Gretel's gingerbread house or cookie dough party house from recipes XcBiymFK-u0-01154-00559975-00560734 in pattern, “Construction” details are completed with gumdrops, Jordan almonds, and XcBiymFK-u0-01155-00560734-00560926 cinnamon drops. XcBiymFK-u0-01156-00560926-00561291 Easy to make with step-by-step photographic instructions. XcBiymFK-u0-01157-00561291-00561503 Height 8 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01158-00561503-00562329 Then there's McCall's 1670, a transfer design for complete cutting pattern and recipes for XcBiymFK-u0-01159-00562329-00562601 McCall's Merry-Go-Round in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01160-00562601-00563200 A new table decoration for holiday, birthday, and other parties. XcBiymFK-u0-01161-00563200-00563483 A wonderful treat for the children! XcBiymFK-u0-01162-00563483-00563816 Looks good enough to eat, and it is! XcBiymFK-u0-01163-00563816-00564496 The carousel animals are made of cookie dough, their bright saddles thick with icing. XcBiymFK-u0-01164-00564496-00565150 This sparkling centrepiece also uses candy canes, marshmallows, peppermint, hard candies XcBiymFK-u0-01165-00565150-00565424 and cinnamon drops. XcBiymFK-u0-01166-00565424-00565552 Cardboard base. XcBiymFK-u0-01167-00565552-00566272 Step by step directions, recipes for cookie doughs and icings included. XcBiymFK-u0-01168-00566272-00566494 Height 13 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01169-00566494-00567406 Then on the next page is McCall's 1602, a transfer design for a rose hooked rug in black. XcBiymFK-u0-01170-00567406-00568036 A traditional combination of richly shaded roses and foliage, centred on a rose-beige XcBiymFK-u0-01171-00568036-00568414 oval with a blue-green rope chain border. XcBiymFK-u0-01172-00568414-00569138 An outer border of wine red and deep wine in a variegated effect, with leaf scrolls XcBiymFK-u0-01173-00569138-00569559 at the corners, completes the colour scheme. XcBiymFK-u0-01174-00569559-00569943 Suitable for hooking with rags or wool yarns. XcBiymFK-u0-01175-00569943-00570318 An ideal rug pattern for beginners. XcBiymFK-u0-01176-00570318-00570752 A charming scatter-size rug for your home. XcBiymFK-u0-01177-00570752-00571348 Chart for placing colours and general directions included in pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01178-00571348-00572134 Then there's McCall's 1642, a transfer design for “The Carriage” hooked rug in black. XcBiymFK-u0-01179-00572134-00572859 Rich colours, skillfully combined, make this hooked rug a work of art reminiscent of an XcBiymFK-u0-01180-00572859-00572959 heirloom. XcBiymFK-u0-01181-00572959-00573779 Note the quaint centre motif – red Victoria, black horse and uniformed coachman, red parasol, XcBiymFK-u0-01182-00573779-00574353 yellow dress – the beautiful shading of grass, mountains and sky. XcBiymFK-u0-01183-00574353-00574922 The colour chart shows how to hook in colours as planned by the designer. XcBiymFK-u0-01184-00574922-00575507 Suitable for rug yarn or rag strips of cotton, rayon, or wool. XcBiymFK-u0-01185-00575507-00575952 Work with a hand hook or mechanical hook. XcBiymFK-u0-01186-00575952-00576552 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1648, a transfer design for “Eitherside” XcBiymFK-u0-01187-00576552-00576860 Pine Tree Hooked Rug in black. XcBiymFK-u0-01188-00576860-00577365 This page has a bit of damage - the bottom corner of the page is cut but it doesn't bother XcBiymFK-u0-01189-00577365-00577506 me at all. XcBiymFK-u0-01190-00577506-00577685 This book is lovely! XcBiymFK-u0-01191-00577685-00578346 By a new “Eitherside” rug-hooking process, part of the loops appear on one side of the XcBiymFK-u0-01192-00578346-00578818 rug, part on the other, making the rug reversible. XcBiymFK-u0-01193-00578818-00579439 The embossed effect and stylized pine tress are achieved on both sides without changing XcBiymFK-u0-01194-00579439-00579736 the length of the loop. XcBiymFK-u0-01195-00579736-00580282 Part of the design is worked on one side of the foundation burlap, and part on the reverse XcBiymFK-u0-01196-00580282-00580517 side. XcBiymFK-u0-01197-00580517-00580719 Complete instructions. XcBiymFK-u0-01198-00580719-00580959 Use rug yarn and a mechanical hook. XcBiymFK-u0-01199-00580959-00581359 Then there's “Mallards in Flight” - for cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01200-00581359-00582015 This is McCall's 608, a transfer design for mallards in flight, a cross-stitch wall panel XcBiymFK-u0-01201-00582015-00582159 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01202-00582159-00583006 A fascinating scene in American bird life, done in cross-stitch and English crewel wools. XcBiymFK-u0-01203-00583006-00583573 The man of the house, among other members of the family, will appreciate the scene. XcBiymFK-u0-01204-00583573-00584267 Make the panel of good quality linen, with a smooth surface, in natural or cream colour. XcBiymFK-u0-01205-00584267-00584563 The crosses are 7 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01206-00584563-00585142 Work all under crosses in one direction, all upper crosses in the other direction, and XcBiymFK-u0-01207-00585142-00585457 make all crosses touch. XcBiymFK-u0-01208-00585457-00586303 On the next page is McCall's 1512, a transfer design for cross-stitch pillow cases or sheets. XcBiymFK-u0-01209-00586303-00586784 These flower designs are silhouetted against a background of cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01210-00586784-00587150 So different, and so pretty! XcBiymFK-u0-01211-00587150-00587726 Design B may be used in reverse, as shown, with a plain border or scalloped edge. XcBiymFK-u0-01212-00587726-00588241 The scalloped edges may be finished with ready-made lace. XcBiymFK-u0-01213-00588241-00588512 Crosses are 9 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01214-00588512-00588896 Two designs are given – a pair of each. XcBiymFK-u0-01215-00588896-00589603 Each design will trim one pair pillow cases or 1 case and 1 sheet for a single bed, as XcBiymFK-u0-01216-00589603-00589829 illustrated. XcBiymFK-u0-01217-00589829-00590503 Then there's McCall's 1607, a transfer design for cross-stitch pillowcases or sheets in XcBiymFK-u0-01218-00590503-00590662 blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01219-00590662-00591203 Merely fill in the background of these designs with crosses and you get the new silhouetted XcBiymFK-u0-01220-00591203-00591451 cross-stitch effect. XcBiymFK-u0-01221-00591451-00592186 The graceful lily, view B, is used above a straight hem, or in reverse, with a scalloped XcBiymFK-u0-01222-00592186-00592476 edge finished off with lace. XcBiymFK-u0-01223-00592476-00592821 Two designs are given – a pair of each. XcBiymFK-u0-01224-00592821-00593059 Crosses are 8 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01225-00593059-00593690 Each design trims a pair of cases or 1 case and 1 sheet. XcBiymFK-u0-01226-00593690-00594112 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1130. XcBiymFK-u0-01227-00594112-00594589 This is a transfer design for wild roses in cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01228-00594589-00595161 Trim sheets, towels or pillow cases with these flower-fresh sprays or bouquets. XcBiymFK-u0-01229-00595161-00595659 Have the roses in shaded pink or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01230-00595659-00596071 You work by colour chart, using six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01231-00596071-00596539 The crosses are 8 to the inch and work up quickly. XcBiymFK-u0-01232-00596539-00597070 Small blue flowers are in straight stitches, stems in outline stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01233-00597070-00597752 Pattern includes 2 pillow case motifs, 2 sheet motifs, and 2 towel motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-01234-00597752-00598203 Also suitable for dresser scarfs. XcBiymFK-u0-01235-00598203-00598541 Linen Beauty For Bedroom and Bathroom. XcBiymFK-u0-01236-00598541-00599196 First there's McCall's 985, a transfer design for embroidered pillow cases, towels, or runners XcBiymFK-u0-01237-00599196-00599369 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01238-00599369-00599714 Three stunning designs that are fun to do. XcBiymFK-u0-01239-00599714-00600281 View A is for cross-stitch with a colour chart included, the others combine applique with XcBiymFK-u0-01240-00600281-00600529 outline, satin, and lazy daisy stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01241-00600529-00601371 They all offer a chance to develop lovely colour combinations for unusual effects. XcBiymFK-u0-01242-00601371-00601969 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1025, a transfer design for cross-stitch borders XcBiymFK-u0-01243-00601969-00602426 for pillow cases or towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01244-00602426-00602967 Delightful floral designs for your very best pillow cases and guest towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01245-00602967-00603341 For very fine cross-stitch (10 to the inch crosses). XcBiymFK-u0-01246-00603341-00603914 Work in six-strand cottons, in soft, pastel flower colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01247-00603914-00604439 Finish with a scalloped contrast band or crocheted edging. XcBiymFK-u0-01248-00604439-00604730 Two each of three designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01249-00604730-00605401 Crochet directions for edging and scallops for backs of each design included. XcBiymFK-u0-01250-00605401-00605514 Flowered linens. XcBiymFK-u0-01251-00605514-00606304 The first is McCall's 1085, a transfer design for appliqued pillow cases in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01252-00606304-00606925 Give your pillow cases an extra touch of beauty with these spring like bouquets; dainty apple XcBiymFK-u0-01253-00606925-00607651 blossoms in view A; delicate lilies in view B and nosegay of mixed flowers in view C. XcBiymFK-u0-01254-00607651-00608401 Applique in colour, with embroidered details, is effectively used to bring out the beauty XcBiymFK-u0-01255-00608401-00608605 of the flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-01256-00608605-00608853 A pair of each designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01257-00608853-00609369 Scalloped borders are given with each design for backs of pillow cases. XcBiymFK-u0-01258-00609369-00610274 Below that is McCall's 1479, a transfer design for embroidered pillow cases in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01259-00610274-00610689 Pastels for the bedroom are always a perfect choice. XcBiymFK-u0-01260-00610689-00611266 You'll enjoy embroidering these fresh-flower lazy-daisies in appealing flower colours to XcBiymFK-u0-01261-00611266-00611523 match the room décor. XcBiymFK-u0-01262-00611523-00611965 View A is done in two shades – light and medium blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01263-00611965-00612555 The butterfly wings in view C are in crisscross and running stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01264-00612555-00612953 The daisies in view B are delightful. XcBiymFK-u0-01265-00612953-00613110 Use six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01266-00613110-00613439 2 each of three designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01267-00613439-00614112 Then there's McCall's 1057, a transfer design for embroidered pillow cases and towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01268-00614112-00614737 “His” pillow case is bright with blue flowers, “hers” with pink ones – both XcBiymFK-u0-01269-00614737-00615080 in lazy-daisy stitch and outline. XcBiymFK-u0-01270-00615080-00615894 The pattern also includes His and Hers guest towels (views E and F) shown on page 218. XcBiymFK-u0-01271-00615894-00616323 Pillow cases may be finished with hems or scallops. XcBiymFK-u0-01272-00616323-00616976 Pattern includes 1 each of six designs, including the towels on page 218. XcBiymFK-u0-01273-00616976-00617653 On the next page there's McCall's 1661, a transfer design for cutwork and applique pillow XcBiymFK-u0-01274-00617653-00617923 cases or towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01275-00617923-00618051 Hostesses! XcBiymFK-u0-01276-00618051-00618605 Let colourful appliqued flowers, combined with handsome cutwork frames and bowknots, XcBiymFK-u0-01277-00618605-00618932 trim your best pillow cases and towels! XcBiymFK-u0-01278-00618932-00619300 The colour trims are for white linens. XcBiymFK-u0-01279-00619300-00619659 Choose pansies, roses, or exotic orchids. XcBiymFK-u0-01280-00619659-00619973 Select colours to go with your décor. XcBiymFK-u0-01281-00619973-00620644 Touches of satin-stitch, outline and straight-stitch embroidery, and coloured buttonhole stitching XcBiymFK-u0-01282-00620644-00620880 at the edges. XcBiymFK-u0-01283-00620880-00621148 Coloured applique is easy to do. XcBiymFK-u0-01284-00621148-00621896 2 each of 3 designs about 6 inches deep (including the scallops). XcBiymFK-u0-01285-00621896-00622589 Then there's McCall's 1663, a transfer design for embroidered pillow cases, sheets or towels XcBiymFK-u0-01286-00622589-00622689 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01287-00622689-00623359 Any woman who can work simple outline, straight stitch, zigzag, lazy-daisy and buttonhole XcBiymFK-u0-01288-00623359-00623741 stitch can make these pretty embroidered linens. XcBiymFK-u0-01289-00623741-00624291 The trims are lovely worked in combination of pastel colours on white and finished with XcBiymFK-u0-01290-00624291-00624834 coloured applique borders or crocheted scalloped edge (directions included). XcBiymFK-u0-01291-00624834-00625180 1 pair each of three designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01292-00625180-00625591 Also includes a pattern for the contrast border. XcBiymFK-u0-01293-00625591-00625901 Cutwork linens are on the next page. XcBiymFK-u0-01294-00625901-00626226 First there's McCall's 1024. XcBiymFK-u0-01295-00626226-00626704 This is a transfer design for cutwork pillow cases or towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01296-00626704-00627185 Simple buttonholing is the main stitch in cutwork embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-01297-00627185-00627571 Beginners will find these charming flower designs very easy to do. XcBiymFK-u0-01298-00627571-00627961 Good pick-up work ... needs no concentration. XcBiymFK-u0-01299-00627961-00628659 A handsome finish for your own linens or for the perfect wedding gift. XcBiymFK-u0-01300-00628659-00629396 Designs A and B have a buttonhole edge, C is finished with crochet (directions given). XcBiymFK-u0-01301-00629396-00629680 A pair of each design. XcBiymFK-u0-01302-00629680-00630351 Matching scallops for the back of pillow case or towel design included in pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01303-00630351-00631131 Then there's McCall's 1222, a transfer design for cutwork pillow cases or towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01304-00631131-00631746 Classic cutwork designs – not elaborate, but rich in effect. XcBiymFK-u0-01305-00631746-00632355 Embroidered in white, they make an ideal wedding or hope-chest gift. XcBiymFK-u0-01306-00632355-00632758 Simple buttonholing is the main stitch, combined with satin stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01307-00632758-00633609 Use six-strand cotton, No 8 pearl cotton, or number 12 or 14 long skein cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01308-00633609-00634070 Three designs are given (lily design not shown). XcBiymFK-u0-01309-00634070-00634564 A pair of each and scalloped backs for B and C. XcBiymFK-u0-01310-00634564-00635119 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 963, a transfer designs for cutwork pillow XcBiymFK-u0-01311-00635119-00635430 cases or towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01312-00635430-00635810 Make a gift that the bride will treasure for years. XcBiymFK-u0-01313-00635810-00636239 Let your own linens be one of the prides of your possessions. XcBiymFK-u0-01314-00636239-00636865 Views B and C are about 5 1/2 inches high and may be used on pillow cases. XcBiymFK-u0-01315-00636865-00637463 View A is 3 3/4 inches high and is lovely on towels or cases. XcBiymFK-u0-01316-00637463-00638164 A pair of each design and scallops for backs of B and C. Full directions for cutwork stitches XcBiymFK-u0-01317-00638164-00638370 included. XcBiymFK-u0-01318-00638370-00639014 On the next page is McCall's 1511, a transfer design for cutwork pillow cases or towels XcBiymFK-u0-01319-00639014-00639178 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01320-00639178-00639710 What could be lovelier than snowy white cases trimmed with appliqued pastel flowers and XcBiymFK-u0-01321-00639710-00639810 cutwork! XcBiymFK-u0-01322-00639810-00640501 It's a brand new idea, and adds a lively charm to the distinctive look of fine cutwork. XcBiymFK-u0-01323-00640501-00640950 Designs in jonquil, rose, and wildflower pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01324-00640950-00641328 Make flowers and leaves of gingham or percale. XcBiymFK-u0-01325-00641328-00641733 Embroidery is worked in satin, outline, and buttonhole stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01326-00641733-00641886 For six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01327-00641886-00642719 Then there's McCall's 1689, transfer designs for cutwork gardenias for table linens, towels XcBiymFK-u0-01328-00642719-00642909 or pillow cases in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01329-00642909-00643605 Set a smart table with a handsome coloured linen cloth embroidered in white cutwork gardenias, XcBiymFK-u0-01330-00643605-00643938 with a buttonhole-stitch edge. XcBiymFK-u0-01331-00643938-00644929 Designs will trim a 36, 45 or 50 inch square tea cloth or oblong dinner cloth 50 x 72 inch, XcBiymFK-u0-01332-00644929-00645149 and 8 napkins. XcBiymFK-u0-01333-00645149-00645553 Or use the design on towels, pillow cases, or scarves. XcBiymFK-u0-01334-00645553-00646541 4 corner motifs, 4 side motifs, 2 motifs for the centre square, 4 medallions, and 8 napkins XcBiymFK-u0-01335-00646541-00646643 corners. XcBiymFK-u0-01336-00646643-00647464 On the next page is McCall's 1543, a transfer design for two lazy-daisy scarfs in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01337-00647464-00647886 For lazy-daisy, outline, and French knots. XcBiymFK-u0-01338-00647886-00648180 Transfer for two scarfs. XcBiymFK-u0-01339-00648180-00648492 Directions for crocheted edging in pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01340-00648492-00648820 The matching tablecloth shown is on page 216. XcBiymFK-u0-01341-00648820-00649819 4 end motifs, 8 corners, 72 scatter flowers and banding. XcBiymFK-u0-01342-00649819-00650492 Then there's McCall's 798, a transfer design for embroidered pillowcases in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01343-00650492-00650891 Put pretty embroidered applique borders on pillow cases. XcBiymFK-u0-01344-00650891-00651537 To trim the matching sheet, join 2 case motifs (extra pattern required). XcBiymFK-u0-01345-00651537-00651805 Lazy-daisy, and satin stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01346-00651805-00652480 2 each of A and B. The pattern for applique border is included. XcBiymFK-u0-01347-00652480-00653094 Then there's McCall's 1567, transfer designs for embroidered pillow cases in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01348-00653094-00653550 Work in fresh, natural spring-flower colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01349-00653550-00654181 Scallops can be finished with ready-made lace or a crocheted picot edge, as in view A. Work XcBiymFK-u0-01350-00654181-00654785 the design in outline, satin, single, and lazy-daisy stitches, in six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01351-00654785-00655166 2 each of 2 designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01352-00655166-00655872 On the next page is McCall's 1662, transfer designs for 'forty-niner” pot holders in XcBiymFK-u0-01353-00655872-00656057 blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01354-00656057-00656559 Spice your kitchen with quaint, colourful pot holders inspired by the forty-niners of XcBiymFK-u0-01355-00656559-00656968 the gold rush and covered wagon days! XcBiymFK-u0-01356-00656968-00657568 Here are the dude hats and high stock bows of the gold rush sports, and the deep sunbonnets XcBiymFK-u0-01357-00657568-00657987 the gals wore to protect pretty faces crossing the prairies. XcBiymFK-u0-01358-00657987-00658571 The fat sugar bowl – that sometimes concealed their wealth – and the cream pitcher remind XcBiymFK-u0-01359-00658571-00658853 us of the homes they founded. XcBiymFK-u0-01360-00658853-00659405 The pot holders are easy to make from bright coloured scraps with applique and simple embroidery XcBiymFK-u0-01361-00659405-00659623 stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01362-00659623-00659948 Wonderful for bazaars celebrating Western centennials. XcBiymFK-u0-01363-00659948-00660198 8 designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01364-00660198-00660803 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1660, a printed pattern for favourite foods pot XcBiymFK-u0-01365-00660803-00661325 holders with an electric blue transfer for applique and embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-01366-00661325-00661762 Amuse yourself and your guests – with a set of of pot holders made in true-to life XcBiymFK-u0-01367-00661762-00661970 semblance of the USA's favourite foods! XcBiymFK-u0-01368-00661970-00662696 Here's a waffle, a sunny-side up fried eggs, a fish, baked beans, coconut cake, baked ham, XcBiymFK-u0-01369-00662696-00663055 gingerbread man, gelatin mold, and cherry pie! XcBiymFK-u0-01370-00663055-00663866 Cook them up from the scrap bag with bright colour cotton pieces, appliqued, quilted, XcBiymFK-u0-01371-00663866-00664026 and embroidered. XcBiymFK-u0-01372-00664026-00664526 Hang pot holders in a row on the cupboard door for show and good use. XcBiymFK-u0-01373-00664526-00664971 Make them for church bazaars, 9 designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01374-00664971-00665669 On the next page is McCall's 1696, transfer designs for applique chickens for dish towels XcBiymFK-u0-01375-00665669-00665936 and potholders in electric blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01376-00665936-00666480 Red-combed hens and roosters have come into the kitchen. XcBiymFK-u0-01377-00666480-00667142 Applique them on gay contrast colour linen-like cotton or crossbar toweling. XcBiymFK-u0-01378-00667142-00667709 Appliques are bold in size, very expressive, and belong in the modern kitchen or ranch XcBiymFK-u0-01379-00667709-00667865 house. XcBiymFK-u0-01380-00667865-00668038 Easy embroidery stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01381-00668038-00668992 1 motif each of A, B, C and F – which is the opposite of C, 1 each of D and E for pot XcBiymFK-u0-01382-00668992-00669169 holders. XcBiymFK-u0-01383-00669169-00669857 If desired make 2 towels, use pair of roosters on kitchen curtains. XcBiymFK-u0-01384-00669857-00670590 Then there's McCall's 1698, transfer designs for fruit ranch dish towels for applique and XcBiymFK-u0-01385-00670590-00670755 cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01386-00670755-00671269 Decorate your kitchen with dish towels, trimmed with luscious cross-stitch grapes, cherries, XcBiymFK-u0-01387-00671269-00671804 pear, peach, apple, strawberries and plums! XcBiymFK-u0-01388-00671804-00672342 Crosses are bold, five to the inch, and worked in two shades for a checkered effect. XcBiymFK-u0-01389-00672342-00672690 The leaves are appliques. XcBiymFK-u0-01390-00672690-00673159 Other simple embroidery stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01391-00673159-00673427 Cross-stitch the days if you wish. XcBiymFK-u0-01392-00673427-00673924 Effective on plain towels or towels with side stripes or end borders. XcBiymFK-u0-01393-00673924-00674789 1 each of 7 designs, words for days and transfer for appliques. XcBiymFK-u0-01394-00674789-00675509 On the next page is McCall's 1620, transfer designs for dish towels and pot holders in XcBiymFK-u0-01395-00675509-00675683 blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01396-00675683-00676308 These baby bunnies and teddy bears tackle kitchen chores with bright infectious smiles. XcBiymFK-u0-01397-00676308-00676923 Work figure in outline stitch, details in satin, straight, and running stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01398-00676923-00677578 Embroider in red, black, and blue six-strand cotton, or green, black and red. XcBiymFK-u0-01399-00677578-00678142 Edge in fancy buttonhole stitch using predominant kitchen colour. XcBiymFK-u0-01400-00678142-00678397 Make matching pot holders. XcBiymFK-u0-01401-00678397-00678803 One each of 6 towel motifs, 2 for pot holders. XcBiymFK-u0-01402-00678803-00679640 Then below that is McCall's 1558, transfer designs for appliqued sunbonnet girl tea towels XcBiymFK-u0-01403-00679640-00679832 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01404-00679832-00680493 Gay little sunbonnet charmers – each one different – appliqued on tea towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01405-00680493-00680748 Scraps make their quaint dresses and bonnets. XcBiymFK-u0-01406-00680748-00681101 The gardener wears a calico skirt. XcBiymFK-u0-01407-00681101-00681446 The ice skater carries a fur muff. XcBiymFK-u0-01408-00681446-00681746 One primps with a hand mirror. XcBiymFK-u0-01409-00681746-00682169 Another serves tea from a hand-painted teapot. XcBiymFK-u0-01410-00682169-00682711 Embroider details in six-strand cottons, with easy stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01411-00682711-00682982 Finish the towel edges in buttonhole stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01412-00682982-00683359 One each of six designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01413-00683359-00684067 Then on the next page is McCall's 1478, transfer designs for Kitchen Revue dish towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01414-00684067-00684623 Here's the Pot and Pan Follies (dished get in the act, too). XcBiymFK-u0-01415-00684623-00685217 Chorus girls are plates, cups and saucers, the skillets do a comic soft shoe number and XcBiymFK-u0-01416-00685217-00685561 the stew pot is the suave master of ceremonies. XcBiymFK-u0-01417-00685561-00686068 Work this gay revue in outline stitch, in bright six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01418-00686068-00686465 1 each of six designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01419-00686465-00687260 Below that is McCall's 1545, transfer designs for Garden Fresh tea towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01420-00687260-00687842 Amusing scenes show Mrs. Beet washing, Mrs. Tomato shopping, Mrs. Eggplant ironing her XcBiymFK-u0-01421-00687842-00688303 embroidered linens, and Mrs. Pear hanging out the wash. XcBiymFK-u0-01422-00688303-00688733 Mrs. Apple (not shown) is also included in the busy set of homemakers. XcBiymFK-u0-01423-00688733-00689227 The details of the dresses worked in simple stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01424-00689227-00689455 6 designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01425-00689455-00690039 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1419, transfer designs for fruit motifs for tea XcBiymFK-u0-01426-00690039-00690139 towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01427-00690139-00690704 Towels embroidered in these fun designs make dish-drying a humorous affair. XcBiymFK-u0-01428-00690704-00691367 Imagine a coy orange waiting to be squeezed, a pair of dancing plums, and a paring knife XcBiymFK-u0-01429-00691367-00691823 chasing an apple (not shown). XcBiymFK-u0-01430-00691823-00692167 Wonderful for shower gift, bazaar, or your own use. XcBiymFK-u0-01431-00692167-00692517 6 towel motifs and 2 for pot holders. XcBiymFK-u0-01432-00692517-00692869 Then there's Amusing Dish Towels! XcBiymFK-u0-01433-00692869-00693524 The first is McCall's 1591, transfer designs for American Folk Songs in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01434-00693524-00694185 Four favourite American folk songs are in this collection – designed in a large size XcBiymFK-u0-01435-00694185-00694610 to bring more colour to kitchen towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01436-00694610-00694975 Use a combination of bright six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01437-00694975-00695263 Most of it is in outline stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01438-00695263-00695669 The designs fit on plain or bordered towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01439-00695669-00696142 Treat your friends to a surprise gift of these light-hearted towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01440-00696142-00696605 One each of 4 designs with full directions. XcBiymFK-u0-01441-00696605-00697355 Below that is McCall's 1592, transfer designs for The Pioneers in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01442-00697355-00697871 From covered wagon days come four large prairie-crossing designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01443-00697871-00698297 Mrs. Housewife will welcome the gay '49er motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-01444-00698297-00698917 The pert carriage of Mrs. Pioneer on her way to the old well is a joy. XcBiymFK-u0-01445-00698917-00699360 Equally quaint and amusing are the other three subjects. XcBiymFK-u0-01446-00699360-00699802 Outlines are bold, bright and easily worked in simple stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01447-00699802-00700005 Use six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01448-00700005-00700296 One each of four designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01449-00700296-00701026 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1488, transfer designs for Little LuLu Dish XcBiymFK-u0-01450-00701026-00701166 Towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01451-00701166-00701632 Little Lulu is an amusing little girl and a neat housekeeper, too! XcBiymFK-u0-01452-00701632-00702367 Put her on a set of towels, and enjoy this famous character as she sews, bakes, shops, XcBiymFK-u0-01453-00702367-00702940 washes, irons, dusts, and goes to church on Sundays. XcBiymFK-u0-01454-00702940-00703650 Make her dress in bright red applique, work her curls in black six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01455-00703650-00703811 Edge in buttonhole stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01456-00703811-00704208 7 day of the week designs. XcBiymFK-u0-01457-00704208-00704535 Then there's Tropical Favourites for the Guest Room! XcBiymFK-u0-01458-00704535-00705209 McCall's 1624, transfer designs for Tropical Favourites in cross-stitch for towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01459-00705209-00705925 Work these graceful birds on snowy white or pale-tinted linen or very fine huck. XcBiymFK-u0-01460-00705925-00706555 There's a heron, a broad-billed wader, a serene swan, and a hungry pelican. XcBiymFK-u0-01461-00706555-00706794 8 crosses to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01462-00706794-00707046 Six motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-01463-00707046-00707307 Then there's cross-stitch roses for the dinette. XcBiymFK-u0-01464-00707307-00708157 This is McCall's 1580, a transfer design for cross-stitch borders in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01465-00708157-00708642 Beautifully detailed, big 4 1/2 inch roses for cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01466-00708642-00709465 Handsome in solid colour on 54 x 54 inch luncheon cloth and matching dinette curtains. XcBiymFK-u0-01467-00709465-00709706 5 to the inch crosses. XcBiymFK-u0-01468-00709706-00710385 Work in six-strand cotton, in darker shade of cloth colour for two-toned effect. XcBiymFK-u0-01469-00710385-00711051 On the next page is McCall's 1544, a transfer design for lazy-daisy refreshment cloth in XcBiymFK-u0-01470-00711051-00711215 blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01471-00711215-00711765 This charming lazy-daisy designs fits with a 35 or 42 inch cloth. XcBiymFK-u0-01472-00711765-00712563 Finish with a rolled hem or hand crocheted edging (directions in pattern.) XcBiymFK-u0-01473-00712563-00712992 Trim the matching napkins with sections of banding or scatter flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-01474-00712992-00713394 Lazy-daisy, outline, and French knots. XcBiymFK-u0-01475-00713394-00713638 Use six-strand cottons in pastels. XcBiymFK-u0-01476-00713638-00714336 4 corner motifs, 4 scalloped corners, and 48 scatter flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-01477-00714336-00714955 Then there's McCall's 1692, transfer designs for appliqued and embroidered pillow cases XcBiymFK-u0-01478-00714955-00715223 or towels in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01479-00715223-00715848 Hostesses with the green-thumb or city apartment dwellers will enjoy transplanting these garden XcBiymFK-u0-01480-00715848-00715951 designs! XcBiymFK-u0-01481-00715951-00716746 The central motifs – watering can, flower-filled barrow, and graceful basket – are for applique. XcBiymFK-u0-01482-00716746-00717098 Handles and flowers are embroidered in simple stitches. XcBiymFK-u0-01483-00717098-00717298 Use six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01484-00717298-00717783 Designs for 3 pairs pillow case or 6 towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01485-00717783-00718403 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1497, transfer designs for Mexican Motifs XcBiymFK-u0-01486-00718403-00718652 in cross-stitch in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01487-00718652-00719383 It says, gay, colourful Mexican figures to give a Latin flavour to your aprons, linens, XcBiymFK-u0-01488-00719383-00719605 towels, children's clothes. XcBiymFK-u0-01489-00719605-00719795 Work in bight colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01490-00719795-00720407 10 to the inch crosses cleverly combined with simple embroidery. XcBiymFK-u0-01491-00720407-00721070 One each of 8 motifs plus palm trees, cacti, and 8 yards of banding. XcBiymFK-u0-01492-00721070-00721715 On the next page there's McCall's 1513, a transfer design for rose cross-stitch table XcBiymFK-u0-01493-00721715-00721933 cloth and napkins. XcBiymFK-u0-01494-00721933-00722566 A handsome linen dining cloth with a rose design silhouetted against a cross-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-01495-00722566-00722738 background. XcBiymFK-u0-01496-00722738-00723160 Embroider in one colour, with a deeper shade for accent. XcBiymFK-u0-01497-00723160-00724066 For 54 x 72 inch cloth with an oblong centre motif as in view C, or smaller 54 x 54 inch XcBiymFK-u0-01498-00724066-00724403 cloth with a square centre motif. XcBiymFK-u0-01499-00724403-00724570 Crosses 5 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01500-00724570-00725694 4 corner motifs view A, 2 motifs of B, 6 flower motifs, 6 napkin motifs of D, and banding. XcBiymFK-u0-01501-00725694-00726392 Then there's McCall's 1547, transfer designs for an Ivy cross-stitch tablecloth in blue XcBiymFK-u0-01502-00726392-00726520 or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01503-00726520-00727011 A perfect background for china with an ivy pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01504-00727011-00727584 Also lovely with plain white or coloured pottery, or china with a floral design. XcBiymFK-u0-01505-00727584-00728217 Fits a 54 x 72 inch cloth or 54 x 54 inch cloth. XcBiymFK-u0-01506-00728217-00728792 Or you can make 1 pair of dinette curtains and a small cloth. XcBiymFK-u0-01507-00728792-00729043 Skirt trimming is also suggested. XcBiymFK-u0-01508-00729043-00729250 Crosses are 6 to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01509-00729250-00729453 Use six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01510-00729453-00730148 4 motifs of A, 2 motifs of C and 8 yards of banding for B. XcBiymFK-u0-01511-00730148-00730801 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1453, transfer design for Mexican cross-stitch motifs XcBiymFK-u0-01512-00730801-00730955 in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01513-00730955-00731525 It's fiesta time when you cross-stitch these gay Mexican motifs on lunch sets, towels, XcBiymFK-u0-01514-00731525-00731625 and aprons. XcBiymFK-u0-01515-00731625-00732142 Work dancers, musicians, cacti, in six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01516-00732142-00732339 7 to the inch crosses. XcBiymFK-u0-01517-00732339-00732452 28 motifs. XcBiymFK-u0-01518-00732452-00732808 2 of each dancers. XcBiymFK-u0-01519-00732808-00733389 Then on the next page is McCall's 662, transfer designs for cross-stitch borders in yellow XcBiymFK-u0-01520-00733389-00733489 or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01521-00733489-00734136 Charming cross-stitch border designs to be worked in two shades of the same colour or XcBiymFK-u0-01522-00734136-00734409 in two contrasting colours. XcBiymFK-u0-01523-00734409-00734941 Handsome trims for tablecloths, luncheon sets, towels, and dresses. XcBiymFK-u0-01524-00734941-00735419 The leaflet suggests many ways in which bandings may be used. XcBiymFK-u0-01525-00735419-00735927 Detail A shows how narrow banding may be used to form a corner. XcBiymFK-u0-01526-00735927-00736113 5 to the inch crosses. XcBiymFK-u0-01527-00736113-00736502 For pearl cotton number 3 or six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01528-00736502-00737159 Then there's McCall's 1009, transfer designs for daisy and cherry sprays in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01529-00737159-00737593 Your choice of luscious cherries, and lazy-daisy flowers. XcBiymFK-u0-01530-00737593-00737938 Work them in six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01531-00737938-00738860 102 sprays including duplicates, from tiny buds, 3/4 x 3/4 inch, to a large daisy spray XcBiymFK-u0-01532-00738860-00738960 shown. XcBiymFK-u0-01533-00738960-00739676 Then there's McCall's 1057, transfer designs for embroidered pillowcases and towels in XcBiymFK-u0-01534-00739676-00739776 blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01535-00739776-00740409 “His” towel is bright with morning glories, “Hers” with a rosebud trellis. XcBiymFK-u0-01536-00740409-00740825 Both guest towels may have a dainty scalloped border. XcBiymFK-u0-01537-00740825-00741140 Work in six-strand cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01538-00741140-00741971 Pattern also includes 6 designs for pillow cases or towels (see also page 205.) XcBiymFK-u0-01539-00741971-00742618 At the bottom of the page is McCall's 1555, transfer designs for the alphabet for forming XcBiymFK-u0-01540-00742618-00743105 names and words with floral trim in electric blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01541-00743105-00743746 Form names and words spaced between flowers to trim guest towels and children's linens. XcBiymFK-u0-01542-00743746-00744504 Letters are 1/2 inch, stem letters are 3/4 inch high, 16 each of most letters, stamps XcBiymFK-u0-01543-00744504-00744758 names like Kate eight times. XcBiymFK-u0-01544-00744758-00744934 Full directions included. XcBiymFK-u0-01545-00744934-00745679 Then on the next page is McCall's 74, a printed pattern for two patchwork quilts with blue XcBiymFK-u0-01546-00745679-00745861 transfer. XcBiymFK-u0-01547-00745861-00746598 The Fan and the Dresden Plate are to be done in hit or miss effect, or if you prefer, repeat XcBiymFK-u0-01548-00746598-00746944 your favourite colour scheme. XcBiymFK-u0-01549-00746944-00747290 Old-fashioned calicoes or modern cotton prints are suitable. XcBiymFK-u0-01550-00747290-00747796 Dresden black-plates, 17 inch square. XcBiymFK-u0-01551-00747796-00748002 Fan blocks 8 1/2 inch square. XcBiymFK-u0-01552-00748002-00748467 Made in single or double bed size. XcBiymFK-u0-01553-00748467-00749110 Then there's McCall's 885, transfer design for quilted comforter in yellow or blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01554-00749110-00749641 Large, open flowers and feathery leaves form this charming design. XcBiymFK-u0-01555-00749641-00750090 Made with a straight border ... a minimum amount of work. XcBiymFK-u0-01556-00750090-00750611 For single or double bed, adaptable to chaise longue size. XcBiymFK-u0-01557-00750611-00751499 Cut size for a bed 72 x 84 inches, for chaise longue 60 x 72 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01558-00751499-00751980 Complete directions for cutting and making the quilt. XcBiymFK-u0-01559-00751980-00752335 Then at the bottom of the page is a bit more damage to the book. XcBiymFK-u0-01560-00752335-00753129 It looks like some of the views of McCall's 911 have been cut out and ripped. XcBiymFK-u0-01561-00753129-00753764 McCall's 911 is a printed pattern for five types of ruffled bedspreads and pillows. XcBiymFK-u0-01562-00753764-00754381 You can use print-and-plain combinations, bordered fabrics, quilting, striped fabrics XcBiymFK-u0-01563-00754381-00754788 and all-over designs for these spreads. XcBiymFK-u0-01564-00754788-00755138 Plain or quilted top, with gathered ruffles. XcBiymFK-u0-01565-00755138-00755538 View B is lovely in organdy with chintz applique. XcBiymFK-u0-01566-00755538-00755954 All types are suitable for single or double bed. XcBiymFK-u0-01567-00755954-00756535 On the next page there's McCall's 1705, a transfer design for cross-stitch alphabet XcBiymFK-u0-01568-00756535-00756741 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01569-00756741-00757010 Flowers twine through these framed initials. XcBiymFK-u0-01570-00757010-00757617 For towels, pillow cases, table cloths, or place mats, or to work on apron or dirndl XcBiymFK-u0-01571-00757617-00757717 pockets. XcBiymFK-u0-01572-00757717-00758226 Four complete alphabets; 8 corner motifs; and 12 frames. XcBiymFK-u0-01573-00758226-00758511 12 crosses to the inch. XcBiymFK-u0-01574-00758511-00759266 Then there's McCall's 644, transfer designs for the alphabet for handkerchief monograms. XcBiymFK-u0-01575-00759266-00759837 Arrange these in decorative effects - in frames or by the addition of scrolls or dash lines XcBiymFK-u0-01576-00759837-00760026 to make them different. XcBiymFK-u0-01577-00760026-00760438 Six styles, one for cross-stitch. XcBiymFK-u0-01578-00760438-00760706 Initials are shown in actual size. XcBiymFK-u0-01579-00760706-00761503 6 alphabets given (12 transfers of each); 24 each of frames, scrolls, and dash lines XcBiymFK-u0-01580-00761503-00761796 to complete monograms. XcBiymFK-u0-01581-00761796-00762090 Then there's Brighten Linens with Your Name. XcBiymFK-u0-01582-00762090-00762719 First there's McCall's 1681, transfer designs for personalized kitchen towels in cross-stitch XcBiymFK-u0-01583-00762719-00762901 in blue. XcBiymFK-u0-01584-00762901-00763460 Form your name with cross-stitch letters and place up-and-down or across towel above the XcBiymFK-u0-01585-00763460-00763698 strawberry kitchen motif. XcBiymFK-u0-01586-00763698-00764205 There are enough alphabets and strawberry motifs to stamp six towels. XcBiymFK-u0-01587-00764205-00764678 Capital letters 1 inch high and 10 to the inch crosses. XcBiymFK-u0-01588-00764678-00764937 For six-strand cottons. XcBiymFK-u0-01589-00764937-00765442 Edge with buttonhole stitch or contrast hems. XcBiymFK-u0-01590-00765442-00766135 Then there's McCall's 1682, a printed pattern for the alphabet for bold applique monograms XcBiymFK-u0-01591-00766135-00766369 in poster style. XcBiymFK-u0-01592-00766369-00766782 Make a bathroom ensemble with poster style block letters. XcBiymFK-u0-01593-00766782-00767403 Cut initials of plain or printed percale, slip-stitch or embroider to position. XcBiymFK-u0-01594-00767403-00767958 Use this pattern also for cutting names or monograms of felt to applique on sweaters, XcBiymFK-u0-01595-00767958-00768220 sport shirts, and blankets. XcBiymFK-u0-01596-00768220-00768623 Complete alphabet in five sizes. XcBiymFK-u0-01597-00768623-00769329 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1339, transfer designs for decorative alphabet XcBiymFK-u0-01598-00769329-00769773 with letters 5 inch high in blue or yellow. XcBiymFK-u0-01599-00769773-00770278 These big letters give an important look to household linens. XcBiymFK-u0-01600-00770278-00770900 Embroider in chain stitch on bath towels, laundry bags, and luncheon cloths, using six-strand XcBiymFK-u0-01601-00770900-00771014 cotton. XcBiymFK-u0-01602-00771014-00771476 Or use sequins to initial a dress, blouse or sweater. XcBiymFK-u0-01603-00771476-00771988 Complete alphabet of 26 letters, one of each. XcBiymFK-u0-01604-00771988-00772367 Directions for embroidery included. XcBiymFK-u0-01605-00772367-00772603 Your boudoir ensemble is next. XcBiymFK-u0-01606-00772603-00773334 At the top of the page is McCall's 1629, a printed pattern for a double bed coverlet, XcBiymFK-u0-01607-00773334-00773630 petticoat, and pillow shams. XcBiymFK-u0-01608-00773630-00774242 Well-dressed beds are wearing smart topper coverlets, separate petticoats of 4 ply plastic, XcBiymFK-u0-01609-00774242-00774459 chintz or taffeta. XcBiymFK-u0-01610-00774459-00775040 Topper may be tailored in view A, or softly ruffled in view B. XcBiymFK-u0-01611-00775040-00775696 Then there's McCall's 1630, a printed pattern for a single or twin bed coverlet, petticoat, XcBiymFK-u0-01612-00775696-00775856 and pillow sham. XcBiymFK-u0-01613-00775856-00776246 Same style as McCall's 1629. XcBiymFK-u0-01614-00776246-00776721 Use quilted or plain plastic or fabric for topper. XcBiymFK-u0-01615-00776721-00777330 Petticoat fits between the mattress and springs, and stays on bed when the topper is removed. XcBiymFK-u0-01616-00777330-00777638 Combine plaid or print with plain colour. XcBiymFK-u0-01617-00777638-00778326 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 1631, a printed pattern for a dressing table XcBiymFK-u0-01618-00778326-00778594 skirt and window swag. XcBiymFK-u0-01619-00778594-00778995 Dress up your vanity table and window to match your bed. XcBiymFK-u0-01620-00778995-00779473 One-piece ruffled swag fits any average size single window. XcBiymFK-u0-01621-00779473-00780011 Drape over ornamental fixtures, and let ends fall to either side. XcBiymFK-u0-01622-00780011-00780553 The two-piece skirt fits a vanity table 30 inches high. XcBiymFK-u0-01623-00780553-00781238 Then on the next page is McCall's 1477, a printed pattern for a slip cover for a duplex XcBiymFK-u0-01624-00781238-00781344 sofa bed. XcBiymFK-u0-01625-00781344-00781726 A slip cover that you don't have to remove for sleeping! XcBiymFK-u0-01626-00781726-00782333 Unzip the front skirt at the corners, pull the underbed forward, and make up the bed. XcBiymFK-u0-01627-00782333-00782865 For a low-backed modern piece, with or without sidearm. XcBiymFK-u0-01628-00782865-00783562 Then there's McCall's 1179, a printed pattern for a slip cover for a studio couch. XcBiymFK-u0-01629-00783562-00784013 Take your pick – tailored neatness or glamour frills! XcBiymFK-u0-01630-00784013-00784262 Both slip covers are easy to make. XcBiymFK-u0-01631-00784262-00784588 Style A has pleats for ease. XcBiymFK-u0-01632-00784588-00785328 Style B features quilting and ruffles – both simple to do with machine attachments. XcBiymFK-u0-01633-00785328-00785965 Then there's McCall's 445, a printed pattern for a slip cover for an overstuffed club sofa. XcBiymFK-u0-01634-00785965-00786634 It can look just like a custom made slip cover if you make it by the complete picture instructions XcBiymFK-u0-01635-00786634-00786763 in the pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01636-00786763-00787163 Full directions included in pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01637-00787163-00787704 Then at the bottom of the page is McCall's 620, a printed pattern for swag valances for XcBiymFK-u0-01638-00787704-00787888 window draperies. XcBiymFK-u0-01639-00787888-00788431 You can make your own window draperies without the aid of a professional decorator. XcBiymFK-u0-01640-00788431-00788962 Step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and details are worked out for you in this pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01641-00788962-00789863 Valances for single, double or triple windows – to fit a valence board 45, 81, and 101 XcBiymFK-u0-01642-00789863-00789984 inches. XcBiymFK-u0-01643-00789984-00790326 For all drapery materials. XcBiymFK-u0-01644-00790326-00790817 Pattern states the material needed for the valence only, gives directions for measuring XcBiymFK-u0-01645-00790817-00791485 windows for side draperies, and for adjusting the pattern to other sizes. XcBiymFK-u0-01646-00791485-00791765 Complete lesson. XcBiymFK-u0-01647-00791765-00792114 On the last page, we have the final four patterns. XcBiymFK-u0-01648-00792114-00792930 First there's McCall's 207 (A to G), printed patterns for 7 different slip covers for chairs. XcBiymFK-u0-01649-00792930-00793537 Order each pattern by name, number, and letter of the chair as shown above. XcBiymFK-u0-01650-00793537-00793954 Choose pattern most nearly like your chair. XcBiymFK-u0-01651-00793954-00794383 Complete lesson in slip-cover making each pattern. XcBiymFK-u0-01652-00794383-00795124 View A is an English club chair, view B is a Lawson chair, C is a pillow back chair, XcBiymFK-u0-01653-00795124-00795967 D is a Cogswell chair, E is a Wing chair, F is an English Lounge chair and G is a Boudoir XcBiymFK-u0-01654-00795967-00796082 chair. XcBiymFK-u0-01655-00796082-00796706 Then there's McCall's 224, a printed pattern for a slip cover for a Barrel Back Chair. XcBiymFK-u0-01656-00796706-00797141 You can make this slip cover with a box-pleated ruffle or without. XcBiymFK-u0-01657-00797141-00797457 Full instructions included. XcBiymFK-u0-01658-00797457-00798154 Then there's McCall's 446, a printed pattern for a slip cover for an overstuffed club chair. XcBiymFK-u0-01659-00798154-00798746 This cover may be made with a box-pleated ruffled across the front only, or at the front XcBiymFK-u0-01660-00798746-00798919 and sides. XcBiymFK-u0-01661-00798919-00799584 And finally there's McCall's 697, a printed pattern for a modern club chair. XcBiymFK-u0-01662-00799584-00800101 The amply proportioned chair is as easy to cover as any other. XcBiymFK-u0-01663-00800101-00800713 The box-pleated ruffled may be placed across front only if desired. XcBiymFK-u0-01664-00800713-00800982 Instructions for adjusting slight differences in size included. XcBiymFK-u0-01665-00800982-00801719 I hope you enjoyed my McCall's Needlework pattern book from November 1952. XcBiymFK-u0-01666-00801719-00802109 Please like and share this video with your friends and family. XcBiymFK-u0-01667-00802109-00802821 I love sharing my new, vintage, and out-of-print sewing patterns and my tips, tricks, quick XcBiymFK-u0-01668-00802821-00803251 fixes, and mistakes when sewing along with you. XcBiymFK-u0-01669-00803251-00803790 I also love sharing my wonderful fabric finds that I thrifted from charity shops as well XcBiymFK-u0-01670-00803790-00804260 as brand new fabric online and in store. XcBiymFK-u0-01671-00804260-00804744 If you would like to see more from BudgetSew, please subscribe and press the bell so you XcBiymFK-u0-01672-00804744-00805037 receive a notification when I release a new video! XcBiymFK-u0-01673-00805037-00805548 If you would like to stay up to date with BudgetSew, follow me on Twitter, Instagram XcBiymFK-u0-01674-00805548-00805873 and Facebook @BudgetSew. XcBiymFK-u0-01675-00805873-00806306 Thanks for watching! XcBiymFK-u0-01676-00806306-00806883 See you next time! XcW3U3y7iCI-00000-00000368-00000869 "One important characteristic of the evolution of technology on the basis of new combinations XcW3U3y7iCI-00001-00000869-00001419 is that, as evolution is characterized by discrete jumps. XcW3U3y7iCI-00002-00001419-00001964 Sometimes things get continuously better, and then suddenly there are these big jumps XcW3U3y7iCI-00003-00001964-00002185 in it, like really disruptive innovations. XcW3U3y7iCI-00004-00002185-00002350 So that’s how you can think about it. XcW3U3y7iCI-00005-00002350-00002964 For example, think about the first mobile phone, these kind of bricks as they call them XcW3U3y7iCI-00006-00002964-00003504 over time they also became better, they became smaller and smaller and smaller, but they XcW3U3y7iCI-00007-00003504-00003753 didn’t change a lot qualitatively. XcW3U3y7iCI-00008-00003753-00004374 So basically engineers explored the same technological space and scaled on it. XcW3U3y7iCI-00009-00004374-00004778 In this case they made it smaller and smaller and smaller. XcW3U3y7iCI-00010-00004778-00005480 Then the smartphone, the iPhone especially came along and that symbiotic innovation you XcW3U3y7iCI-00011-00005480-00006443 combined an iPod, a mobile phone, and an internet connection and also a touch screen and other XcW3U3y7iCI-00012-00006443-00006543 things. XcW3U3y7iCI-00013-00006543-00007014 And it was a different technological space to be explored afterwards. XcW3U3y7iCI-00014-00007014-00007603 Now there was this disruption in the evolution of the trajectory and once we were on this XcW3U3y7iCI-00015-00007603-00008260 new technological space again also the iPhone evolved but then again in a logic of continuous XcW3U3y7iCI-00016-00008260-00008360 innovation. XcW3U3y7iCI-00017-00008360-00008935 So the first generation iPhone then came iPhone three four five six. XcW3U3y7iCI-00018-00008935-00009610 And in this case again the engineers explored the same technological space, they just improved XcW3U3y7iCI-00019-00009610-00009725 on it. XcW3U3y7iCI-00020-00009725-00010026 And now everybody is waiting for the next big thing. XcW3U3y7iCI-00021-00010026-00010695 And again a disruptive innovation will happen once this technological space of the iPhone XcW3U3y7iCI-00022-00010695-00011446 is completely explored and comes to an end then usually these disruptive technology, XcW3U3y7iCI-00023-00011446-00012038 technologically innovations do happen. XcW3U3y7iCI-00024-00012038-00012567 So let’s look at an example different from the mobile phone, for example aircraft technology XcW3U3y7iCI-00025-00012567-00012739 performance. XcW3U3y7iCI-00026-00012739-00013211 First of all if we analyze technology and the evolution of technology we always have XcW3U3y7iCI-00027-00013211-00013559 to ask about what performance are we talking about. XcW3U3y7iCI-00028-00013559-00014011 So that’s basically the question of what is the typical need that we try to address. XcW3U3y7iCI-00029-00014011-00014811 For example, an aircraft can carry a lot of people or an aircraft can be very fast, now XcW3U3y7iCI-00030-00014811-00015378 there might be trade off within these two but engineers have to then consider well what XcW3U3y7iCI-00031-00015378-00015553 is the typical need that we have. XcW3U3y7iCI-00032-00015553-00016094 Do we need to transport a lot of people or do we have to get from A to B very fast? XcW3U3y7iCI-00033-00016094-00016437 So that’s a very important first thing we have to consider and let’s look at these XcW3U3y7iCI-00034-00016437-00016537 two trajectories. XcW3U3y7iCI-00035-00016537-00016902 The seating capacity and the air speed. XcW3U3y7iCI-00036-00016902-00017529 And we can see if we analyze it for example the airspeed, that we have this change between XcW3U3y7iCI-00037-00017529-00017730 very quick periods of growth. XcW3U3y7iCI-00038-00017730-00018386 For example, here we grew 9% between 1930 and 1935 and then we have this long period XcW3U3y7iCI-00039-00018386-00018981 from 1935 to 1955 where we grew actually very little, there was continuous innovation and XcW3U3y7iCI-00040-00018981-00019687 then again around 1955 and 1960 a period of disruptive very quick growth. XcW3U3y7iCI-00041-00019687-00020118 The first period of growth was the propeller, the innovation of the propeller in the air XcW3U3y7iCI-00042-00020118-00020502 craft and the second one was the innovation of the jet engine. XcW3U3y7iCI-00043-00020502-00021079 So there’s been disruptive changes of course also on the basis of the propeller there was XcW3U3y7iCI-00044-00021079-00021771 some innovation going on, gradual innovation for example, engineers exchanged the material XcW3U3y7iCI-00045-00021771-00022194 that made the airplane lighter and with that also they could be faster. XcW3U3y7iCI-00046-00022194-00022691 But the big changes happened at these disruptive events. XcW3U3y7iCI-00047-00022691-00023352 Now the seating capacity had a different innovation rhythm, not going one to one with the innovation XcW3U3y7iCI-00048-00023352-00024010 of propeller and jet engine, but you can also see periods of more explosive growth and periods XcW3U3y7iCI-00049-00024010-00024475 of slower growth that has again if you will would dig down has to do with what kind of XcW3U3y7iCI-00050-00024475-00024587 innovations happening. XcW3U3y7iCI-00051-00024587-00025337 What kind of recombinations are being done to advance the solution to this typical need XcW3U3y7iCI-00052-00025337-00026243 of transporting many people from A to B through the air. XcW3U3y7iCI-00053-00026243-00026695 Now the existence of disruptive innovations or continuous innovations has often to do XcW3U3y7iCI-00054-00026695-00027412 with the availability of these building blocks that we use to look for new combinations and XcW3U3y7iCI-00055-00027412-00027933 a very interesting question in this regard is where these building blocks actually come XcW3U3y7iCI-00056-00027933-00028149 from. XcW3U3y7iCI-00057-00028149-00028694 Sometimes we just find them per accident and sometimes we can really look for them for XcW3U3y7iCI-00058-00028694-00029005 example through research and development. XcW3U3y7iCI-00059-00029005-00029555 So actively investing also in research and development giving people the resources to XcW3U3y7iCI-00060-00029555-00030201 look for building blocks by recombining the lower level can have a big effect. XcW3U3y7iCI-00061-00030201-00030633 And there’s actually a lot of confusion out there especially, in the general public XcW3U3y7iCI-00062-00030633-00031014 of where these fundamental building blocks come from. XcW3U3y7iCI-00063-00031014-00031313 For example, you heard Steve Jobs and the iPhone. XcW3U3y7iCI-00064-00031313-00031977 Where do you think the fundamental building blocks come from that Steve Jobs recombined XcW3U3y7iCI-00065-00031977-00032567 in order to create the innovation that he called iPhone? XcW3U3y7iCI-00066-00032567-00032721 Who created these building blocks? " Xd3gZVzhaL4-00000-00000184-00000336 you guys glad we are at the beach Xd3gZVzhaL4-00001-00001184-00001832 all right we made it to the other side of costa rica here we are at the pacific ocean Xd3gZVzhaL4-00002-00001832-00002576 scuba diving tomorrow way out yonder it should be a pretty epic experience here starting out Xd3gZVzhaL4-00003-00002576-00003208 our tour of the nicoya peninsula in the northwest of costa rica we're going to try Xd3gZVzhaL4-00004-00003208-00003824 driving down around the coast some ocean things the west coast is the best coast right emily Xd3gZVzhaL4-00005-00003944-00005784 philly versus spokane what do you think we're going out to the islas catalina Xd3gZVzhaL4-00006-00006959-00007240 you don't want to touch the ground with the wet paw Xd3gZVzhaL4-00007-00007752-00008112 it's pretty funny these atv tutors just come to the same spot that we Xd3gZVzhaL4-00008-00008112-00008416 brought our van sombrita's in a bit of a standoff Xd3gZVzhaL4-00009-00009104-00009752 well maybe they're street dogs but i guess they play the same she's got her Xd3gZVzhaL4-00010-00009920-00010600 oh meds probably good dogs they got collars they don't seem very playful though Xd3gZVzhaL4-00011-00011248-00011744 i guess sombrita can play with street dog she'll play with anybody she's just a playful pup Xd3gZVzhaL4-00012-00011928-00012096 uh graham's on the hunt Xd3gZVzhaL4-00013-00012432-00012880 don't kill those little kill birds my buddy don't worry he's a really bad Xd3gZVzhaL4-00014-00012880-00013519 hunter he perfectly camouflages into that ground though one already flew away graham is unscathed Xd3gZVzhaL4-00015-00013704-00014391 oh sorry grammy thanks for not killing him though and he lays down like i wasn't trying to stalk him Xd3gZVzhaL4-00016-00015447-00016088 well we're heading right to this island you can see out the window of the van this morning past Xd3gZVzhaL4-00017-00016088-00016728 this pup we were a little worried where we slept we wouldn't even be able to get out in the morning Xd3gZVzhaL4-00018-00016728-00017176 if it rained but it didn't rain at all last night everything's even drier than when we came Xd3gZVzhaL4-00019-00017664-00018272 we're gonna leave the van here got all checked in wet suited up and we're headed off here's Xd3gZVzhaL4-00020-00018272-00018808 our boat that takes us to our boat the water diving crew setting up all the kids for us Xd3gZVzhaL4-00021-00019024-00019784 yeah this is super nice Xd3gZVzhaL4-00022-00054208-00054424 we did so good staying out of the sun today Xd3gZVzhaL4-00023-00054512-00055096 now we get to enjoy it that was a really good scuba dive huh yeah it feels good to be on a boat Xd3gZVzhaL4-00024-00055096-00055616 too what did you see that was like your favorite thing out there oh definitely the sea turtle and Xd3gZVzhaL4-00025-00055616-00056255 then was that a sting ray at the bottom we gotta ask him what kind of array yeah you guys were Xd3gZVzhaL4-00026-00056255-00057584 all looking at that octopus there was a trumpet fish that was me yeah it was enormous with a baby Xd3gZVzhaL4-00027-00057879-00058752 back in the van and everything's well especially the animals it was super nice in the shade here Xd3gZVzhaL4-00028-00058752-00059736 it wasn't even hot in the van we got back and the owners here are letting us fill up our water Xd3gZVzhaL4-00029-00059736-00060367 they let us shower and then we're gonna go off for a lunch at the beach not a moment Xd3gZVzhaL4-00030-00060367-00060816 too soon because we really needed a shower yeah we probably need water Xd3gZVzhaL4-00031-00061024-00062096 all right time for lunch yes living the life Xd3gZVzhaL4-00032-00062376-00063184 i am pretty lucky sombrita just sit under the table quietly when we go to restaurants Xd3gZVzhaL4-00033-00063560-00063952 super van life moment we just got the laundry and emily is changing Xd3gZVzhaL4-00034-00064440-00065000 so we just picked up the laundry it usually takes about 24 hours unfortunately every single place Xd3gZVzhaL4-00035-00065000-00065704 south of baja you can't go and do your laundry at a laundry place you have to drop it off Xd3gZVzhaL4-00036-00065704-00066264 most of the time they're good depends on the country because the laundry could be 50 cents uh Xd3gZVzhaL4-00037-00066360-00066992 was it pound in mexico yeah it was cheap and here they wanted four dollars four dollars Xd3gZVzhaL4-00038-00067200-00067808 a kilo which is a lot but at least they dried it and they folded it for us so that's nice Xd3gZVzhaL4-00039-00067976-00068784 tamarindo breaking bread Xd3gZVzhaL4-00040-00070944-00071384 hey thanks babe for always letting me hit these skate parks of course i love that you love to do Xd3gZVzhaL4-00041-00071384-00072064 stuff you want to drive at night really far so we can check out the other part of the peninsula yeah Xd3gZVzhaL4-00042-00072064-00072600 so we can get there in the morning and everything will be fun tomorrow let's do it well you can't Xd3gZVzhaL4-00043-00072600-00073136 win them all this road becomes crazy steep trying to back down we got a bit on the side here Xd3gZVzhaL4-00044-00073320-00073752 but uh it's looking okay how's it looking in the back emily Xd3gZVzhaL4-00045-00073952-00074384 but we're gonna be okay i i don't know how i should turn around here Xd3gZVzhaL4-00046-00074664-00074912 some wheels are still in the hard pack why don't you jump in we'll get out of here Xd3gZVzhaL4-00047-00074912-00075640 all right let's go so we got out of that tight situation the road is pretty deteriorated like Xd3gZVzhaL4-00048-00075696-00076416 it's a dirt rock road with a lot of rain and water well we do in fact still have a mirror Xd3gZVzhaL4-00049-00076512-00076912 by the way this thing fell off the middle that was a crazy drive Xd3gZVzhaL4-00050-00076968-00077528 so right over here there's a beach spot i guess sick well we made it to the beach spot Xd3gZVzhaL4-00051-00077528-00077912 the crazy moth on the front of the car this graham's a little curious about it Xd3gZVzhaL4-00052-00078192-00078920 anyway you can see across the water there's lights here garbages but that would be the port so Xd3gZVzhaL4-00053-00078920-00079432 brightly lit it's pretty obvious that's calderas where we spent the very first night in costa rica Xd3gZVzhaL4-00054-00079432-00080040 now we're way over here yeah a bit of a debacle back there with the road we are worrying a bit Xd3gZVzhaL4-00055-00080040-00080576 more about the van lately and hearing some weird noises with the brakes the leaf spring we know Xd3gZVzhaL4-00056-00080576-00081120 the bushings are going bad or they're bad already they say curt's going to bring some spare parts Xd3gZVzhaL4-00057-00081120-00081840 for us but we got up early today to do that scuba dive booked it way over here just gonna Xd3gZVzhaL4-00058-00081840-00082440 wake up and already be in this area and explore it until he gets back with those spare parts and Xd3gZVzhaL4-00059-00082440-00083016 that's also me and emily's wedding anniversary the day he lands so we're definitely gonna spend Xd3gZVzhaL4-00060-00083016-00083648 the day together me and emily i mean and then the next day go go meet up with curt & snow Xd3gZVzhaL4-00061-00083648-00084248 luckily they're right on the other side of of the ferry from over here on the mainland so and we'll Xd3gZVzhaL4-00062-00084248-00084696 get the van fixed it's just rough coming to an area like this where you know there's got to be Xd3gZVzhaL4-00063-00084696-00085416 so many cool secluded beaches but then to not really want to do those roads right now is the van Xd3gZVzhaL4-00064-00085416-00085880 and i just missed when the van was new and you know i mean we bought it used but Xd3gZVzhaL4-00065-00085880-00086376 when it was new to us and we would just mob down some crazy roads i got another van i think i'll Xd3gZVzhaL4-00066-00086376-00086984 be a little gentler to it but you know what it's all fun another night at the beach with the van Xd3gZVzhaL4-00067-00087136-00087912 we decided to get up and get on the road and head to montezuma which is kind of a trendy beach town Xd3gZVzhaL4-00068-00087912-00088512 along this tip of the nicoya peninsula here later we'll probably keep going to santa teresa which Xd3gZVzhaL4-00069-00088512-00089048 is around the point we're really kind of just figuring out what these roads are like this road Xd3gZVzhaL4-00070-00089048-00089784 to montezuma seems fully paved but in montezuma we need to get some water gonna be a good one Xd3gZVzhaL4-00071-00090192-00090824 for some reason the drone stuff is in japanese oh boy i think i could pull it off Xd3gZVzhaL4-00072-00091056-00091184 take off Xd3gZVzhaL4-00073-00092104-00092584 i'm not sure what that means Xd3gZVzhaL4-00074-00095088-00095432 montezuma has a lot i guess in free water Xd3gZVzhaL4-00075-00095432-00095784 which is really great because it would take probably twenty dollars to fill up our tank Xd3gZVzhaL4-00076-00095840-00096216 if you're going to the store and buying those tank so anyway we fill this up Xd3gZVzhaL4-00077-00096432-00097024 and then here we have this little cover for our water system we take off the lid Xd3gZVzhaL4-00078-00097320-00097392 lift this up Xd3gZVzhaL4-00079-00098104-00098920 and this is basically how we've been filling water the whole time in the u.s it's really easy Xd3gZVzhaL4-00080-00098920-00099424 in the backs of most walmarts there's purified water that you can buy it's usually about two Xd3gZVzhaL4-00081-00099424-00099992 dollars and fifty cents for five gallons in mexico there's also purification centers that we could Xd3gZVzhaL4-00082-00100064-00100808 that we fill up our our little jerry can here this is a five gallon jerry can but whenever you Xd3gZVzhaL4-00083-00100808-00101632 drive up mountains and you leave your the valves closed the container actually expands so i think Xd3gZVzhaL4-00084-00101632-00102264 we think it's about seven gallons now in guatemala el salvador honduras and nicaragua you had to buy Xd3gZVzhaL4-00085-00102264-00102856 tanks in costa rica they don't really sell tanks because the water here is potable so Xd3gZVzhaL4-00086-00102856-00103383 not many people buy them and it makes them more expensive when not many people buy them the tank Xd3gZVzhaL4-00087-00103383-00104056 is basically the cooligan man thing yeah lots of purification sites the people have been super Xd3gZVzhaL4-00088-00104056-00104583 nice sometimes we've even gotten water for free especially in places where it's usual to get a Xd3gZVzhaL4-00089-00104583-00105232 get a tank and not a fill refill our reusable jerry can and now we're gonna get one more to Xd3gZVzhaL4-00090-00105232-00105768 save in the back that means that we can carry about 22 gallons of water it's perfect for us Xd3gZVzhaL4-00091-00106200-00106864 we're heading to a spot close to elimar it's a surfing beach and it looks like a really nice Xd3gZVzhaL4-00092-00106864-00107408 road so far except at the turn at the turn it was dirt there might be some sections that are Xd3gZVzhaL4-00093-00107408-00108032 a little sketch right like yeah like here yeah this should be a really good surf spot Xd3gZVzhaL4-00094-00108096-00108544 there's also endless beaches that are beautiful that we kind of want to go for Xd3gZVzhaL4-00095-00108544-00109264 a nice long walk with sombrita on and we're going to go to a bay spot it looks sweet like Xd3gZVzhaL4-00096-00109264-00109800 there's tide pools and places to sit in the water we've suggested this by another van Xd3gZVzhaL4-00097-00109800-00110544 nirvan they have a youtube too but it's in italian but they're putting subtitles let's check it out Xd3gZVzhaL4-00098-00110600-00111335 they're super nice we're headed to a place where they they suggested eli mar and we're stoked to Xd3gZVzhaL4-00099-00111335-00112000 have a shower a bathroom and a beach front view google wanted us to go from montezuma straight Xd3gZVzhaL4-00100-00112000-00112600 to santa teresa on some side roads ioverlander said it's a very scenic four-wheel drive track Xd3gZVzhaL4-00101-00112768-00113383 but we definitely found the good way down here super happy that uh we can take it a little Xd3gZVzhaL4-00102-00113383-00114168 easy on the van while we're waiting to get those bushings from curt wow so we found the spot and Xd3gZVzhaL4-00103-00114168-00114872 i guess today is their last day right now they're taking everything apart they recommended another Xd3gZVzhaL4-00104-00114872-00115464 one that way they just are closing and doesn't know what they're going to do next so i i told Xd3gZVzhaL4-00105-00115464-00115952 them you know best of luck with whatever you do next and hopefully things work out but this is a Xd3gZVzhaL4-00106-00115952-00116480 beautiful area we'll find something let's just park over there let me just go by over there Xd3gZVzhaL4-00107-00117544-00117968 not a bad spot here for free the neighbors said we can use the Xd3gZVzhaL4-00108-00118024-00118576 shower in the toilet for unspecified fee beautiful beach Xd3gZVzhaL4-00109-00118864-00119283 this is santa teresa Xd3gZVzhaL4-00110-00119656-00120583 pretty cool plastic collection thing here take one of these things fill it up bring it back Xd3gZVzhaL4-00111-00121072-00121983 be part of the change Xd3gZVzhaL4-00112-00122359-00123383 a lot of fancy little beach spots here Xd3gZVzhaL4-00113-00123720-00124783 great Xd3gZVzhaL4-00114-00125776-00126183 good work today Xd3gZVzhaL4-00115-00128359-00128624 thanks so much for watching we'll see you guys next time Xd3gZVzhaL4-00116-00128624-00130383 when we explore the rest of the nicoya peninsula see ya Xe9JLt2dtlc-00000-00003367-00004237 Good morning, yes it's 10:00 here, and as I say in these cases certainly not a morning Xe9JLt2dtlc-00001-00004237-00004844 very early, a late morning but still morning, mr, master, maestro or Xe9JLt2dtlc-00002-00004844-00005026 simply or simply David Lynch? Xe9JLt2dtlc-00003-00005026-00005354 It's May, 6th, so the first Friday of May, Xe9JLt2dtlc-00004-00005354-00005454 2022 and .. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00005-00005454-00006959 if he can believe it, it's a Friday once again, it's a Friday once Again! Xe9JLt2dtlc-00006-00006959-00007648 Here in Naples it is now afternoon having also shaved me as you know and therefore Xe9JLt2dtlc-00007-00007648-00008446 right now we have the same degrees as this morning when I still had a beard. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00008-00008446-00008981 And so I'm 71.6 fahrenheit around 22 celsius and this means that it's that day really, Xe9JLt2dtlc-00009-00008981-00009081 really, Xe9JLt2dtlc-00010-00009081-00009769 really, really soft like in these days and in this period and it seems more a Summer Xe9JLt2dtlc-00011-00009769-00009869 climate Xe9JLt2dtlc-00012-00009869-00009969 than Spring climate. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00013-00009969-00010093 The fever is gone entirely, so that's okay. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00014-00010093-00010331 Yes, about the video- Xe9JLt2dtlc-00015-00010331-00011739 thought i don't know if i do but if i do it is always separate from this, so keep your Xe9JLt2dtlc-00016-00011739-00012096 eyes open Xe9JLt2dtlc-00017-00012096-00013697 in case you are interested. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00018-00013697-00014181 Anyway as he and you all just see from the window: Xe9JLt2dtlc-00019-00014181-00014429 as you can see and as he and all of you have just seen it's totally gray, dark Xe9JLt2dtlc-00020-00014429-00015416 sky and we don't have those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine, even yesterday Xe9JLt2dtlc-00021-00015416-00015822 it was a Xe9JLt2dtlc-00022-00015822-00017333 bit like this, we hope that tomorrow things will change for the better, but we can't anyway Xe9JLt2dtlc-00023-00017333-00017433 complain because until two days ago we had those beautiful blue skies and golden Xe9JLt2dtlc-00024-00017433-00017547 sunshine for 3-4 consecutive days. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00025-00017547-00017869 But anyway we hope at this point that tomorrow Xe9JLt2dtlc-00026-00017869-00017976 be completely better. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00027-00017976-00018084 So, said this: Xe9JLt2dtlc-00028-00018084-00018583 so from the mythical window with the orange, red, blue, green water courtain and its Xe9JLt2dtlc-00029-00018583-00019069 green roller shooter behind me, on the top, not visilbe and in fact here in the shot Xe9JLt2dtlc-00030-00019069-00019939 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 Xe9JLt2dtlc-00031-00019939-00020870 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the reports, yes a greeting Xe9JLt2dtlc-00032-00020870-00021304 really everyone and also I hope you all have a great breakfast, unfortunately I have already Xe9JLt2dtlc-00033-00021304-00021404 done it but Xe9JLt2dtlc-00034-00021404-00021981 I hope that you will be able to console yourself with breakfast, especially if the weather Xe9JLt2dtlc-00035-00021981-00022081 were to Xe9JLt2dtlc-00036-00022081-00022359 be ugly in your part like here. Xe9JLt2dtlc-00037-00022359-00022607 So I'll see you in the video-thought if I'll do Xe9JLt2dtlc-00038-00022607-00022642 it or tomorrow! Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00000-00000024-00000276 Another Aussie retailer has collapsed. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00001-00000276-00000795 Popular women’s fashion brand, Bardot, has become one of the latest victims of the cluttered Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00002-00000795-00001172 retail sector in Australia and called in the administrators. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00003-00001172-00001476 CEO Basil Artemides commented, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00004-00001476-00001986 “Despite double-digit growth in online sales, and our highly successful expansion into the Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00005-00001986-00002500 US and Europe, Bardot’s retail stores in Australia are competing in a highly cluttered, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00006-00002500-00002792 and increasingly discount-driven market. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00007-00002792-00003247 Operating a national retail network in its current state is no longer sustainable. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00008-00003247-00003720 However, I can confirm that Bardot store trading will continue on a business-as-usual basis Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00009-00003721-00004092 while we undertake an immediate assessment of the business. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00010-00004092-00004426 Both gift cards and credit notes will also be honoured.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00011-00004426-00005098 Bardot was launched in 1996, and has opened 72 stores across Australia employing 800 staff. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00012-00005098-00005436 I guess it would be wise for the staff to start looking for a new job. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00013-00005436-00005826 CEOs language often include a lot of feigned optimism. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00014-00005826-00006382 Earlier in the year, menswear retailer Ed Harry also went into voluntary administration. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00015-00006382-00006973 That came soon after the closure of veteran menswear brand Roger David in late 2018. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00016-00006973-00007480 Actually, it’s one year to the day since Roger David went bust on the 2nd December Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00017-00007480-00007608 2018. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00018-00007608-00008150 In March this year, cult fashion startup Shoes of Prey went into liquidation. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00019-00008150-00008644 It offered shoppers ways to customise and design their own footwear, and attracted a Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00020-00008644-00008868 number of high-profile investors. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00021-00008868-00009434 It sounded like an interesting idea, but was mired with controversy and months of uncertainty. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00022-00009434-00009880 Co-founder Jodie Fox suggested that their downfall was due to them listening to their Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00023-00009880-00010008 customer base. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00024-00010008-00010476 It sounds counter-intuitive, but apparently, customers don’t know what they want. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00025-00010476-00010808 You have to be very careful when listening to their suggestions. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00026-00010808-00011444 One high-profile example that comes to mind is New Coke which was launched back in 1985. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00027-00011444-00011982 Coca-Cola famously tried to reformulate its iconic drink based on market research where Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00028-00011982-00012294 customers indicated they preferred something sweeter. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00029-00012294-00012866 However, the backlash was swift, and the new drink was pulled from shelves just 79 days Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00030-00012866-00012990 after launching. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00031-00012990-00013512 Time Magazine’s resident food critic at the time, Mimi Sheraton, described New Coke Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00032-00013512-00013582 as, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00033-00013582-00014016 “… sweeter than the original formula and also has a body that could best be described Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00034-00014016-00014113 as lighter. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00035-00014113-00014618 It tastes a little like classic Coca-Cola that has been diluted by melting ice.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00036-00014618-00014768 Ooh, harsh. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00037-00014768-00015216 Big companies have to remember that customers aren’t business people and so their opinions Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00038-00015216-00015432 should be taken with a grain of salt. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00039-00015432-00016082 In 1982, someone on the Apple Mac team suggested to “do some market research to see what Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00040-00016082-00016219 customers want”. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00041-00016219-00016714 Steve Jobs famously replied, “No, because customers don’t know what they want until Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00042-00016714-00016854 we’ve shown them.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00043-00016854-00017076 Jobs has also been quoted as saying, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00044-00017076-00017350 “Some people say, ‘Give customers what they want.’ Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00045-00017350-00017502 But that’s not my approach. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00046-00017502-00017830 Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00047-00017830-00018246 I think Henry Ford once said, ‘If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00048-00018246-00018458 have told me, “A faster horse!”‘ Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00049-00018458-00018726 People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00050-00018726-00019002 That’s why I never rely on market research.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00051-00019002-00019434 And consequently, we have a bankrupt shoe retailer in Australia that listened to their Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00052-00019434-00019824 customers who said they wanted to customise and design their own shoes. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00053-00019824-00020120 In practice, that’s not want they wanted at all. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00054-00020120-00020706 Also in January 2019, Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics also went into administration. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00055-00020706-00021132 Half of its 56 stores were closed and the chain put up for sale. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00056-00021132-00021642 Mr Perdis blamed falling foot traffic and rising costs as the reasons for calling in Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00057-00021642-00021790 the administrators. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00058-00021790-00022032 It’s not just fashion retailers that have been suffering. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00059-00022032-00022276 Food outlets have also been failing. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00060-00022276-00022782 In October this year, celebrity chef Shannon Bennett’s Melbourne burger chain Benny Burger Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00061-00022782-00023406 went into liquidation owing almost $170,000 to suppliers and the Australian Taxation Office. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00062-00023406-00023922 Also in October, Red Rooster closed seven of its stores in Queensland after a franchisee Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00063-00023922-00024132 went into voluntary administration. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00064-00024132-00024572 Hundreds of thousands of dollars of wages were owed to staff with more than a hundred Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00065-00024572-00024940 thousand dollars outstanding in superannuation and annual leave. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00066-00024940-00025418 It’s understood that the parent company, Craveable Brands, has covered these costs. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00067-00025418-00025756 Pizza chain, Criniti’s, also went under just last month. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00068-00025756-00026177 Employees were told that several of the 13 sites across the country will be closed for Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00069-00026177-00026616 good but administrators are yet to announce which will survive the reshuffle. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00070-00026616-00027194 Co-founder, Rima Criniti, who left the business in 2009, commented on the collapse, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00071-00027194-00027658 “It takes more than fantastic food and hospitality to make a restaurant group a success. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00072-00027658-00027892 It also requires smart management. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00073-00027892-00028324 There are very high costs involved in the hospitality industry, and if this is met with Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00074-00028324-00028872 poor business decisions, then the business, its staff, and customers, will all suffer Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00075-00028872-00029094 – as we now see with Criniti’s.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00076-00029094-00029618 Also in November, online furniture shop Zanui collapsed after suddenly entering voluntary Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00077-00029618-00029718 administration. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00078-00029718-00030254 In recent years, many commentators have blamed the shift to online sales for the retail slump, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00079-00030254-00030624 but Zanui was an online retailer, and it still went under. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00080-00030624-00031045 So perhaps online retail is being used as a bit of a scapegoat. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00081-00031045-00031466 Popular fitness store Muscle Coach also collapsed last month. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00082-00031466-00031756 It’s said to be almost $1,000,000 in debt. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00083-00031756-00032195 Iconic Australian discount retailer Dimmey’s is also closing its doors. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00084-00032195-00032790 Despite having traded for more than 166 years, it too has succumbed in this struggling retail Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00085-00032791-00032891 environment. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00086-00032891-00033314 Dimmey’s is believed to be the oldest ongoing retail company in Australia. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00087-00033314-00033522 Clearly, no one is immune. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00088-00033522-00033776 Obviously, it’s not just Aussie companies going under. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00089-00033776-00034342 In September this year, US fashion retailer Forever 21 filed for bankruptcy. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00090-00034342-00034818 This is just the latest in a long chain of collapses and store closures of US retailers Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00091-00034818-00035298 including Toys ‘R’ Us, Sears, and Barneys, just to name a few. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00092-00035298-00035812 The situation has been described as a “Retail Apocalypse” with US retail giants such as Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00093-00035812-00036120 JCPenney and Macy’s all suffering. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00094-00036120-00036362 Aussie department store giants aren’t immune. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00095-00036362-00036940 Both Myer and David Jones are in decline having been described as being in a “death spiral”. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00096-00036940-00037422 Credit Suisse analyst Grant Saligari says that department stores around the world have Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00097-00037422-00037654 been on a downturn for quite a long time. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00098-00037654-00037716 He said, Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00099-00037716-00037878 “Shopping habits have changed. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00100-00037878-00038270 We’ve seen growth in different category pillars, and there’s been an evolution in Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00101-00038270-00038376 online shopping. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00102-00038376-00038544 There’s no light at the end of the tunnel. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00103-00038544-00038746 It’s a structural decline.” Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00104-00038746-00039192 Personally, I think there’s one major reason for this retail slump — debt! Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00105-00039192-00039344 Australians are swimming in it! Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00106-00039344-00039527 Here’s a chart from the RBA. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00107-00039527-00039830 Debt has been dramatically rising over the last three decades. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00108-00039830-00040066 It’s just been going up and up and up. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00109-00040066-00040256 What effect does this have on retail spending? Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00110-00040256-00040576 In this chart, we can see that consumption is going down. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00111-00040576-00041014 Disposable income is going down, and household savings are going down. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00112-00041014-00041476 Although Coles Supermarkets have dropped their “Down, Down” advertising campaign, they Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00113-00041476-00041916 were right on the money in that along with their prices going down down, so too were Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00114-00041916-00042150 Australians’ ability to purchase anything. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00115-00042150-00042260 Income down. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00116-00042260-00042388 Savings down. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00117-00042388-00042526 Consumption down. Xg5S3Lb1nyc-00118-00042526-00042782 No wonder Australian retail is in trouble. XimyaFaM7Fc-00000-00000496-00000560 Hello Guys, XimyaFaM7Fc-00001-00000560-00000762 My name is Joel Mukanya XimyaFaM7Fc-00002-00000762-00001058 I'm a CEO and founder and JT Devs XimyaFaM7Fc-00003-00001058-00001710 for today's video, we going to create some examples on loops using C# in 2022 XimyaFaM7Fc-00004-00001860-00002105 Let first define a loop XimyaFaM7Fc-00005-00002105-00002751 Is a process of executing statements multiple times while a condition is true XlDVTw0hljo-00000-00000003-00000450 Agent Oriented Assurance Cases It just takes a Meme shift XlDVTw0hljo-00001-00000663-00001326 Preamble. The approach discussed in this presentation is not part of Raytheon Australia XlDVTw0hljo-00002-00001326-00002255 Propriety Limited Policy Process Procedure or Practice. I am an engineer I dig Cognitive Science. XlDVTw0hljo-00003-00002413-00002986 Safety Cases versus Intent Specifications! Amongst an intercontinental agonistic if XlDVTw0hljo-00004-00002986-00003610 not antagonistic debate. Should our safety claims be of a fashion tectonically and philosophically XlDVTw0hljo-00005-00003610-00004349 somewhere between MIT and York University. For economy assurance argumentation should XlDVTw0hljo-00006-00004349-00004979 be integral to requirements and design notation semantics. A range of fallacies are detectable XlDVTw0hljo-00007-00004979-00005627 in the case notation literature that deflect from that goal. Is harmonization between rational and XlDVTw0hljo-00008-00005627-00006251 argument possible? Is there a means to provide a Unified Design Rationale Assurance Notation? XlDVTw0hljo-00009-00006419-00007172 Meme mashup. The results of a forensic literature survey, spanning 20 years of GSN literature. XlDVTw0hljo-00010-00007320-00007923 Kelly interprets the notion of structured argument from MOD with a graphical tree based XlDVTw0hljo-00011-00007923-00008692 case notation GSN. The tree based notation GSN aims to act as a means to provide qualification XlDVTw0hljo-00012-00008692-00009274 towards safety assurance. The tree structure is often guided by a collection of safety XlDVTw0hljo-00013-00009274-00009913 assurance case patterns, based upon normative practices. The safety assurance case patterns XlDVTw0hljo-00014-00009913-00010555 are otherwise agnostic of presentation mode. Kelly has recommended phased Safety Cases in XlDVTw0hljo-00015-00010555-00011224 an attempt to integrate safety practices within mainstream engineering practices. Safety Cases XlDVTw0hljo-00016-00011224-00011848 are otherwise an instrument of regulation and not of engineering per se. Levison counters XlDVTw0hljo-00017-00011848-00012589 safety cases with Intent Specifications. By design, Intent Specifications are an instrument of XlDVTw0hljo-00018-00012589-00013116 engineering and are an attempt to integrate safety practices into the entire engineering lifecycle. XlDVTw0hljo-00019-00013322-00013859 Leveson claims to have leveraged work from the cognitive sciences especially Rasmussen, XlDVTw0hljo-00020-00013859-00014450 RISO group. Leveson proposes that Intent Specifications leverages the ideas of XlDVTw0hljo-00021-00014450-00015088 ends-means and of goal-oriented rationale, which comes from psychology and the cognitive sciences. XlDVTw0hljo-00022-00015088-00015791 Leveson frames the goal-oriented rationale using control and system theoretics which is the basis XlDVTw0hljo-00023-00015791-00016523 for STAMP and STPA. STPA essentially acts as a heuristic model to guide the rationale development. XlDVTw0hljo-00024-00016723-00017284 Yu capitalizes on a number of decades of research and applications in the area of XlDVTw0hljo-00025-00017284-00017812 Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering. Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering XlDVTw0hljo-00026-00017812-00018412 was influenced by cognitive engineering and science practitioners including Rasmussen. Yu XlDVTw0hljo-00027-00018412-00018910 injects agent/actor formalisms into a Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering XlDVTw0hljo-00028-00018910-00019444 notations, to allow for expression the socio-technical domain. The notation XlDVTw0hljo-00029-00019444-00019891 Yu introduces includes goal refinement and part-whole decomposition semantics, XlDVTw0hljo-00030-00019891-00020320 inline with discussion on those topics in Intent Specification literature. XlDVTw0hljo-00031-00020625-00021216 Kelly rejects Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering and it's notations as being rationale XlDVTw0hljo-00032-00021216-00021948 and not argument. Kelly describes Goal Oriented Requirements notations as goals decomposed by XlDVTw0hljo-00033-00021948-00022677 AND/OR. Kelly thus entirely missing the evidence that the work by Yu has richer semantics than XlDVTw0hljo-00034-00022677-00023286 just AND/OR decomposition. The ends-means semantics of goal-oriented requirements XlDVTw0hljo-00035-00023286-00023922 comes from the cognitive sciences and is the ends-means Leveson leverages. Kelly's solved-by XlDVTw0hljo-00036-00023922-00024528 semantic is actually simply a euphemism for ends-means. The weighted contribution semantics XlDVTw0hljo-00037-00024528-00025068 of goal-oriented requires engineering allows for goal models to act as inference graphs, XlDVTw0hljo-00038-00025068-00025602 which is a mechanism for modelling of beliefs. Contribution is otherwise an analogue of the XlDVTw0hljo-00039-00025602-00026427 causal syntax of BBN. The inference modelling is not however Bayesian. The actor/agent XlDVTw0hljo-00040-00026427-00026892 and dependency formalisms introduced by Yu provide the means to model the socio- XlDVTw0hljo-00041-00026892-00027474 -technical system. The absence of the means to model the socio-technical system was another XlDVTw0hljo-00042-00027474-00028202 reason Kelly rejected Toulmin's "notation". One cannot otherwise model the socio-technical system in GSN. XlDVTw0hljo-00043-00028435-00029161 Kelly rejects Toulmin's "notation" as to general for assurance cases. Toulmin does not propose XlDVTw0hljo-00044-00029161-00029779 a "notation", however, Toulmin talks about the layout of arguments. Kelly otherwise XlDVTw0hljo-00045-00029779-00030333 advocates GSN on the basis that Toulmin uses a typed-argument framework and the XlDVTw0hljo-00046-00030333-00030919 nodes of GSN are also typed. GSN is thus deliberately stunted semantically to be XlDVTw0hljo-00047-00030919-00031342 a declaration, and therefore sets the nature of the assurance case in stone. XlDVTw0hljo-00048-00031524-00032085 Adversarial counter-argument has been suggested as a review mechanism for regulators who are XlDVTw0hljo-00049-00032085-00032769 presented an assurance case. This late application of scepticism appears too late in the process to XlDVTw0hljo-00050-00032769-00033459 affect assurance outcomes. Interestingly the idea of adversarial counter-argument is as likely XlDVTw0hljo-00051-00033459-00034095 influenced by the idea of defeasibility which has been discussed by Pollock. The adversarial XlDVTw0hljo-00052-00034095-00034746 counter-argument is applied however via a separate anti-goal tree, essentially doubling the size of XlDVTw0hljo-00053-00034746-00035388 the argument over all. Other authors are looking at injecting defeasible reasoning into cases earlier, XlDVTw0hljo-00054-00035388-00035913 but fall short of revising the semantics of the case notations and continue with the injection XlDVTw0hljo-00055-00035913-00036543 of an additional argument burden. The burden is caused by the absence of semantics in GSN XlDVTw0hljo-00056-00036543-00037179 for capturing scepticism. Consider work outside of case notations such as backing undercutting XlDVTw0hljo-00057-00037179-00038079 argument frameworks BUAF in AI, amongst others. BUAF mash Pollock and Toulmin together to model XlDVTw0hljo-00058-00038079-00038649 belief attainment, by simply having two agents argue the pros and cons, until one or the other XlDVTw0hljo-00059-00038649-00039273 agent wins out. More formally this is the idea of defeasible claims and of non-monotonic reasoning, XlDVTw0hljo-00060-00039273-00039921 which captures the progression of the argument. Usefully the contribution semantics of Yu's XlDVTw0hljo-00061-00039921-00040449 Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering notation can be shown to support non-monotonic reasoning XlDVTw0hljo-00062-00040635-00041256 Rushby interestingly closes the loop on the rationale versus argument story by noting a XlDVTw0hljo-00063-00041256-00041955 distinction between case and rationale. Rationale is, according to Rushby, based upon the idea of XlDVTw0hljo-00064-00041955-00042585 defeasibility and also then of non-monotonic reasoning. Rushby is otherwise advocating that XlDVTw0hljo-00065-00042585-00043056 a case is constructed from first order logic style assertions embedded into the detailed XlDVTw0hljo-00066-00043056-00043755 design. The case is auto-generated out of the assertions and presented to SMT solvers, which XlDVTw0hljo-00067-00043755-00044397 are used to qualify the case. The assertion of truthity of sufficiency of the weight of contribution XlDVTw0hljo-00068-00044397-00044994 is thus a convenient lie, to uphold an appeal to calculus. It otherwise hides from the problem XlDVTw0hljo-00069-00044994-00045561 of arguing over non-demonstrable concepts using open sentences. That is all interesting XlDVTw0hljo-00070-00045561-00046182 because the attainment maintenance cessation and avoidance of goal-oriented engineering modeling XlDVTw0hljo-00071-00046182-00046821 have atomicity and durance. Atomicity and durance allows support for modelling of a system by use of XlDVTw0hljo-00072-00046821-00047601 causal logic. To that end authors have run nuSMV and it's SMT solvers and also PRISM XlDVTw0hljo-00073-00047601-00048279 tools over goal-oriented models. That is, early validation of goal modelling has been proposed. XlDVTw0hljo-00074-00048279-00048804 Ahead of steaming into requirements. Heady stuff because even where model checking has XlDVTw0hljo-00075-00048804-00049341 been applied to GSN, it only checks the argument, and not the rationale over the system modelling. XlDVTw0hljo-00076-00049575-00050175 Rushby says specifically, however, that non-monotonic reasoning (aka rationale) should XlDVTw0hljo-00077-00050175-00050829 be behind the case but not in the case. In the context of the System V, however, this also has XlDVTw0hljo-00078-00050829-00051498 ramifications for the decomposition and refinement of assurance goals. Ramifications because since XlDVTw0hljo-00079-00051498-00052067 behind the case likely means the upstream goals that need to be decomposed or refined down to XlDVTw0hljo-00080-00052067-00052752 assertions at lower levels of the System V that is connoting Levison's discussion on intention XlDVTw0hljo-00081-00052752-00053400 and refinement over the enterprise architecture model for intent specifications. Rushby's view XlDVTw0hljo-00082-00053400-00054147 otherwise contradicts the idea that case notations can be used for capturing rationale. Case notations XlDVTw0hljo-00083-00054147-00054720 certainly do not have semantics to support non-monotonic reasoning. Regardless, over the XlDVTw0hljo-00084-00054720-00055365 last two decades, GSN proponents have attempted to use Case Notations in the design rationale capture XlDVTw0hljo-00085-00055365-00056016 space. But this has not resulted in a change in semantics of those Case notations. Of note, if XlDVTw0hljo-00086-00056016-00056555 Rushby's perception of what constitutes a case is framed by what has been promulgated as case XlDVTw0hljo-00087-00056555-00057273 notations, then Rushby's stand might simply be a circular argument certainly the claim that GSN XlDVTw0hljo-00088-00057273-00057876 is better than X because X does not equal GSN has been used against Goal Oriented Requirements XlDVTw0hljo-00089-00057876-00058454 notations in the case literature. An interesting philosophical question might be, what would Rushby's XlDVTw0hljo-00090-00058454-00058979 stance have been if Kelly simply adopted Yu's notation, and then focused on the generation XlDVTw0hljo-00091-00058979-00059516 of assurance arguments by providing heuristics to support Agent Oriented Assurance modelling? XlDVTw0hljo-00092-00059792-00060399 Despite the intuit of Rushby, GSN proponents eventually argued that GSN is a Goal Oriented XlDVTw0hljo-00093-00060399-00060999 Requirement notation. That is rationale is not argument, but argument is rationale! XlDVTw0hljo-00094-00060999-00061655 There is otherwise little depth of engineering science behind the use of GSN, as a Goal Oriented XlDVTw0hljo-00095-00061655-00062169 Requirement notation without leveraging of the science of Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering. XlDVTw0hljo-00096-00062169-00062916 The science of Goal Oriented Engineering would, however, place the semantics of GSN at around circa XlDVTw0hljo-00097-00062916-00063828 1990, behind the innovations introduced by Yu circa 1995. In fact, the problems discovered with XlDVTw0hljo-00098-00063828-00064560 attempts to integrate GSN into design rational space, post 1998, are akin to the problems in early XlDVTw0hljo-00099-00064560-00065454 Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering notations that culminated in Yu's work in 1995. That is, case XlDVTw0hljo-00100-00065454-00066027 notations, if they are to be used in design rationale space, are as of today two decades XlDVTw0hljo-00101-00066027-00066735 behind in the evolution of their semantics. Of course, GSN proponents otherwise revisit Toulmin's XlDVTw0hljo-00102-00066735-00067428 notion of rebuttal through their use of anti-goals. That is, the GSN based approach suggested XlDVTw0hljo-00103-00067428-00068055 gives rise to another flaw in the original argument against use of Toulmin's notation. Anti- XlDVTw0hljo-00104-00068055-00068748 goals are just euphemisms for rebuttal. On the lighter side, GSN proponents have validated the notions XlDVTw0hljo-00105-00068748-00069300 of Problem Frames and of Knowledge Frames as a means to support the specification correctness. XlDVTw0hljo-00106-00069446-00069998 To provide a graphical calculus, that also sees an economy of argument over the GSN XlDVTw0hljo-00107-00069998-00070484 interpretation of the same approach. Take the quality attribute scenario model as a XlDVTw0hljo-00108-00070484-00071048 knowledge frame, as suggested by GSN proponents, but model it in a goal-oriented requirement XlDVTw0hljo-00109-00071048-00071723 notation - that includes agent formalisms. Of note, the Toulmin Breakpoint dictates that one XlDVTw0hljo-00110-00071723-00072359 need not use procedural arguments, if one has established a calculus. That is, no need XlDVTw0hljo-00111-00072359-00073088 to re-argue in GSN. So, if argument is rationale then rationale is argument. QED. XlDVTw0hljo-00112-00073346-00073916 Now what if memes from MIT and Open University are mashed together? What XlDVTw0hljo-00113-00073916-00074303 if safety and hazard analysis is simply an expression of non monotonic reasoning? XlDVTw0hljo-00114-00074545-00075145 Using a lightweight promiscuous derivative of Yu's work allows for various modelling heuristics to be XlDVTw0hljo-00115-00075145-00075790 applied. Yu has acknowledged this lightweight version, known as GRL, when he acknowledges XlDVTw0hljo-00116-00075790-00076528 the ITU-T standard Z-151 User Requirements Notation. The use of stereotypes XlDVTw0hljo-00117-00076528-00077158 and looser semantics than the original work by Yu allows for an interpretation of Problem Frames in XlDVTw0hljo-00118-00077158-00077800 the first instance, with an interpretation of STPA over the top. This is achievable because the XlDVTw0hljo-00119-00077800-00078259 commanded behavior pattern connotes the themes in the basic control theoretic model Leverson XlDVTw0hljo-00120-00078259-00078967 discusses. The socio-technical modelling style of GRL thus allows safety analysis, integral XlDVTw0hljo-00121-00078967-00079522 to an abstraction of the system. That addresses the final criticism of Toulmin's "notation" made XlDVTw0hljo-00122-00079522-00080215 by Kelley. That is, modelling in GRL allows for the explicit capture of concepts that relate to XlDVTw0hljo-00123-00080215-00080731 the safety domain - including system models - that sit at a useful level of abstraction XlDVTw0hljo-00124-00080731-00081367 for both preliminary and architectural justifications. GSN cannot support this XlDVTw0hljo-00125-00081367-00081910 integration, without taking the final steps to include the full semantics offered by GRL. XlDVTw0hljo-00126-00082154-00082706 The contribution link of GRL supports weighted inferences, to allow for inductive reasoning XlDVTw0hljo-00127-00082706-00083387 over edges. All just visuals syntactic sugar for positive and negative degrees of support or attack, XlDVTw0hljo-00128-00083387-00084038 as a means to engage in a graphical form of non-monotonic reasoning. This semantic element might XlDVTw0hljo-00129-00084038-00084812 also have the pedagogical influence on argument as that is missing from GSN, CAE, UML and from SysML. XlDVTw0hljo-00130-00085156-00085510 Unification. It just takes a mean shift. XlDVTw0hljo-00131-00085749-00086106 Using a promiscuous goal-oriented language, that XlDVTw0hljo-00132-00086106-00086583 includes stereotyping, allows one to argue "case-based" using heuristics XlDVTw0hljo-00133-00086583-00087267 from GSN. The subset of GRL that can be used to argue GSN-esque is circled in red. XlDVTw0hljo-00134-00087764-00088532 Mapping GRL to GSN subsequently allows one to map into SACM(ARM). The overloading of GRL XlDVTw0hljo-00135-00088532-00089141 belief nodes is permissible because belief is the basis for justification, context and assumption. XlDVTw0hljo-00136-00089141-00089636 At least in the context of definition of those concepts in GSN, but certainly when XlDVTw0hljo-00137-00089636-00090251 epistemological theory is considered. Either the dependency or the AND decomposition relation of GRL XlDVTw0hljo-00138-00090251-00090932 can be used to emulate solved by links of GSN. The dependency link of GRL is a XlDVTw0hljo-00139-00090932-00090982 euphemism for ends-means in any event. As is the solved by link of GSN. The part-whole XlDVTw0hljo-00140-00090982-00092396 decomposition of goals in GRL is sponsored by AND/OR/XOR combinational logic. Kelley rejects combinational XlDVTw0hljo-00141-00092396-00093068 logic for goal premises, despite combinational logic being a tool of argument. Goals in GSN are XlDVTw0hljo-00142-00093068-00093647 silent AND based combinations of goal logic as GSN omits OR and XOR combinations. XlDVTw0hljo-00143-00093856-00094351 Using a promiscuous goal-oriented notation, that includes stereotyping, XlDVTw0hljo-00144-00094351-00094918 allows one to argue case-based using heuristics from CAE. The XlDVTw0hljo-00145-00094918-00095377 subset of GRL that can be used to argue CAE-esque is circled in red. XlDVTw0hljo-00146-00095859-00096624 The GSN is better than X because X does not equal GSN pattern of argument applies both for GRL and XlDVTw0hljo-00147-00096624-00097485 for CAE. Since the GSN club specification for GSN accounts for this by use of equivocation: GSN girls XlDVTw0hljo-00148-00097485-00098412 are CAE claims; GSN strategy is CAE argument; GSN solution is CAE evidence. Claim, argument, evidence XlDVTw0hljo-00149-00098412-00099123 is however as much an abstraction hierarchy to define the strata of an argument. Abstraction XlDVTw0hljo-00150-00099123-00099627 hierarchies are a tool of cognitive science and are procedurally used to layer reasoning XlDVTw0hljo-00151-00099627-00100302 in goal-oriented requirement annotations. The equivocation of CAE sponsored by the GSN club XlDVTw0hljo-00152-00100302-00101031 and the joint efforts of GSN and CAE communities in the definition of IEEE 15026 and XlDVTw0hljo-00153-00101031-00101685 of SACM(ARM) hint at the one-sided debate that fails to integrate assurance argument into XlDVTw0hljo-00154-00101685-00102434 design notation semantics. Of particular note, neither GSN nor CAE notations can agree on XlDVTw0hljo-00155-00102434-00102993 the direction of the arrows denoting the flow of reasoning. Interesting because if one notes XlDVTw0hljo-00156-00102993-00103581 justification and explanation are two uses of argument, the direction of the arrows will denote XlDVTw0hljo-00157-00103581-00104256 one or the other - but not both! Satisfaction of a Justification flows upwards therefore XlDVTw0hljo-00158-00104256-00104865 Explanation must flow downwards. If the difference between argument and rationale is the direction XlDVTw0hljo-00159-00104865-00105528 reasoning flows over the tree, then GSN was never a justification notation. Since, that claim is made XlDVTw0hljo-00160-00105528-00106259 by CAE notation. That puts into jeopardy the act of simply interpreting the GSN nodes in the CAE XlDVTw0hljo-00161-00106259-00106866 sense, since the semantics of flow of reasoning is in the wrong direction. Happily the flow of XlDVTw0hljo-00162-00106866-00107439 reasoning over the GRL contribution link is an analogue of the supports is sub claim of and is XlDVTw0hljo-00163-00107439-00108260 evidence for links of CAE - more so than the solve by link of GSN. If a 10,000 foot view is taken, XlDVTw0hljo-00164-00108260-00108828 above the apparently disparate academic memes, at ground level one notices a thread that can XlDVTw0hljo-00165-00108828-00109446 be accounted for by cognitive science. accounted for because the notion of intention and its refinement XlDVTw0hljo-00166-00109446-00110064 does in fact act as a cross-cutting concern or aspect taking first the requirements and XlDVTw0hljo-00167-00110064-00110667 specifications denoted by causal and temporal logic respectively. We note the problem frames XlDVTw0hljo-00168-00110667-00111222 accounts for the transformation of requirements into specification via application of a Gentzen XlDVTw0hljo-00169-00111222-00111903 style sequent calculus. Gentzen style because one is reasoning over open and not closed sentences. XlDVTw0hljo-00170-00111903-00112554 Paired with semantics to support non monotonic reasoning, one can inject both safety or hazard XlDVTw0hljo-00171-00112554-00113238 analysis into the requirements modeling. So if a notation can reflect both case raised and non- XlDVTw0hljo-00172-00113238-00113783 monotonic reasoning. it must be suitable when capturing preliminary justifications. If it is XlDVTw0hljo-00173-00113783-00114383 understood that sequent calculi act as a proof or argument; then application of Gentzen style XlDVTw0hljo-00174-00114383-00114927 reasoning over a graph containing requirement and hazard interactions; that results in a form XlDVTw0hljo-00175-00114927-00115578 familiar to case based argumentors; becomes a compelling argument for changing notations. The XlDVTw0hljo-00176-00115578-00116022 non-monotonic reasoning also applicable since the reasoning is over non- demonstrable outcomes. XlDVTw0hljo-00177-00116022-00116568 Quality attributes of a system or system of systems are non-demonstrable given they XlDVTw0hljo-00178-00116568-00117185 are generally non-functional in nature. As GSN proponents have qualified the use of quality XlDVTw0hljo-00179-00117185-00117846 attribute scenarios (QAS) for capturing reasoning about design decisions, it is useful to note XlDVTw0hljo-00180-00117846-00118425 that QAS proponents also lean on architectural tactics which are feature models that focus on XlDVTw0hljo-00181-00118425-00119094 solution patterns for quality attributes. The architectural tactics models of CMU SEI being XlDVTw0hljo-00182-00119094-00119841 analogues of the work from NASA on dependability and security (D&S). The means of the DNS model XlDVTw0hljo-00183-00119841-00120402 connotes the ends-means of cognitive science and the D&S model is a mainstream response to XlDVTw0hljo-00184-00120402-00121061 the domain of non-functional requirements (NFR). The use of the term quality attributes merely XlDVTw0hljo-00185-00121061-00121764 an equivocation for NFR. The Coupe de Grace for case notations, is that the qualification of QAS - XlDVTw0hljo-00186-00121764-00122346 comparing QAS with knowledge aka problem frames - is that the Gentzen style reasoning XlDVTw0hljo-00187-00122346-00123011 can span requirements, through specification andinto design decisions.. A Coup de Grace because XlDVTw0hljo-00188-00123011-00123858 the QAS can be captured directly in GRL, whereas it cannot be captured in GSM. To that end the GSN based XlDVTw0hljo-00189-00123858-00124398 approaches are information lossy; which might actually account for debate in the case notation literature XlDVTw0hljo-00190-00124398-00125076 around problems for both confidence and belief, for readers of case notations. S0, if notations XlDVTw0hljo-00191-00125076-00125682 such as GRL can reflect both case based and non-monotonic reasoning over architectural XlDVTw0hljo-00192-00125682-00126156 features and tactics, it must be suitable when capturing architectural justifications. XlDVTw0hljo-00193-00126529-00127276 Given that both GSN and CAE notations can be shown to be a subset of the semantics of GRL, one XlDVTw0hljo-00194-00127276-00127908 can make the case that the IEEEE standard for assurance argument notations, IEEE 15023, XlDVTw0hljo-00195-00127908-00128760 is a subset of the semantics captured in ITU-T Z.151. Given that the argument notation XlDVTw0hljo-00196-00128760-00129411 space is actually vaster than GSN and CAE, one could make the point that if the lexicon syntax XlDVTw0hljo-00197-00129411-00130003 and semantics of annotation was, for argument's sake, one standard deviation from the semantics XlDVTw0hljo-00198-00130003-00130666 described in IEEE 15026, then that notation is an assurance argument notation. XlDVTw0hljo-00199-00130946-00131639 A final observation is that the semantics of ITU-Z.151 provides a reference interpretation XlDVTw0hljo-00200-00131639-00132215 of the goals set for design rationale capture, for architectural design decisions, as set by XlDVTw0hljo-00201-00132215-00133001 IEEE 42010 for systems and software engineering architecture descriptions. Coupled XlDVTw0hljo-00202-00133001-00133634 with the observation that the semantics of IEEE 15026 is a subset of ITU-T Z.151, XlDVTw0hljo-00203-00133634-00134540 an important discovery unfolds. A bridge exists between IEEE 42010 and IEEE 15026. XlDVTw0hljo-00204-00134540-00135563 That bridge is ITU-T Z.151. Given the preceding discussion, what falls XlDVTw0hljo-00205-00135563-00136043 out is that the assurance reasoning over the architectural justification can be weaved into XlDVTw0hljo-00206-00136043-00136577 the views and viewpoints of the architectural description; and not stand outside as a separate XlDVTw0hljo-00207-00136577-00137255 artefact. Concerns held by Kelly, about keeping the safety case impact managed by a parallel level XlDVTw0hljo-00208-00137255-00137903 of effort, post design change, in the information lossy safety case are allayed, because the design XlDVTw0hljo-00209-00137903-00138329 reasoning is embedded in the requirement and design decisions for the architecture. XlDVTw0hljo-00210-00138781-00139270 Recapping the forensic research around literature for case notations. Especially XlDVTw0hljo-00211-00139270-00139867 where they invite consideration of goal oriented requirements notations. 1) Kelly and Leverson XlDVTw0hljo-00212-00139867-00140539 are at odds with respect to the approach for capturing safety arguments - or so it seems 2) XlDVTw0hljo-00213-00140539-00141094 Kelly tries to delineate between rationale and argument, setting case notations against XlDVTw0hljo-00214-00141094-00141775 goal oriented requirements engineering notations in the process. 3) Goal-oriented requirement XlDVTw0hljo-00215-00141775-00142351 engineering notations have as their basis the same cognitive science routes that Leverson XlDVTw0hljo-00216-00142351-00142996 leverages for Intent Specifications. 4) Intent Specification literature does XlDVTw0hljo-00217-00142996-00143569 not specify a goal-oriented notation, to capture the goal-oriented rationale, but that literature XlDVTw0hljo-00218-00143569-00144124 certainly does not denounce goal oriented requirements engineering notations. There XlDVTw0hljo-00219-00144124-00144880 may in fact be (academic) mean blindness at play. 5) GSN proponents recognize the notion of Knowledge XlDVTw0hljo-00220-00144880-00145501 Frames (and thereby Problem Frames) as a means to capture rationale, suitable for user requirements XlDVTw0hljo-00221-00145501-00146203 and supporting system specifications. 6) Problem Frames, as a heuristic, can coach XlDVTw0hljo-00222-00146203-00146695 modelling in goal-oriented requirement engineering notations; to capture the progression of the XlDVTw0hljo-00223-00146695-00147349 reasoning leaning on notion of a Gentzen style sequent calculus. 7) The Toulmin Breakpoint XlDVTw0hljo-00224-00147349-00148015 essentially eliminates the need for procedural arguments, in say GSN, if the argument is wrought XlDVTw0hljo-00225-00148015-00148849 in a graphical calculus, say QAS or Problem Frames in GRL. 8) Kelly rejected the idea of rebuttal and XlDVTw0hljo-00226-00148849-00149506 did not include semantics for scepticism in GSN. Rebuttal is otherwise encouraged by use XlDVTw0hljo-00227-00149506-00150091 of adversarial counter-arguments; by use of anti-goals; and later by discussion about defeasible XlDVTw0hljo-00228-00150091-00150805 reasoning in the GSN literature. The semantics of GSN notation however has not evolved to support XlDVTw0hljo-00229-00150805-00151456 any of those concepts. GSN proponents opted to double the size of arguments by arguing XlDVTw0hljo-00230-00151456-00152159 the assurance and then the counter-argument in a second argument tree. 9) The ideas of defeasible XlDVTw0hljo-00231-00152159-00152717 arguments and of non-monotonic reasoning are likened to hazard analysis by Rushby and XlDVTw0hljo-00232-00152717-00153275 taken by Rushby to be the nature of the rationale that should sit behind, but really upstream of the XlDVTw0hljo-00233-00153275-00154073 assertions made during the detailed design. 10) The observation that hazard analysis including STPA XlDVTw0hljo-00234-00154073-00154643 involves non-monotonic reasoning allows hazard analysis and requirements modelling integral to XlDVTw0hljo-00235-00154643-00155435 the lexicon syntax and semantics of GRL. 11) This last observation takes us full circle back to the XlDVTw0hljo-00236-00155435-00156089 idea of the Intent Specification as a means to refine and decomposed goals through requirements XlDVTw0hljo-00237-00156089-00156752 and into specifications and design decisions; but in a graphical goal-oriented notation. XlDVTw0hljo-00238-00156752-00157217 In the process, the modelling captures typical safety case patterns in the goal-oriented XlDVTw0hljo-00239-00157217-00157739 requirement engineering notation, as a side effect of the requirements elicitation modelling. XlDVTw0hljo-00240-00157972-00158416 There is no work needed to convince system engineers of the need to model assurance XlDVTw0hljo-00241-00158416-00159052 rationale in a goal-oriented notation, thanks to the case notation camp. The problem for goal XlDVTw0hljo-00242-00159052-00159580 oriented requirement engineering notations might be the stigma rationale incurs, since XlDVTw0hljo-00243-00159580-00160102 while it is a good idea to capture rationale, time pressures during projects see rationale XlDVTw0hljo-00244-00160102-00160735 capture a missed opportunity. That and Kelly's equivocations around the semantics of rationale XlDVTw0hljo-00245-00160735-00161296 versus argument, which have been shown to be at best intuits, but not grounded arguments. At least XlDVTw0hljo-00246-00161296-00161923 according to another Toulmin principle. But if there is a certification requirement, to capture XlDVTw0hljo-00247-00161923-00162478 assurance rationale, why bear the cost of reverse engineering of the rationale, into a case notation? XlDVTw0hljo-00248-00162478-00163126 Why carry the risk of an incomprehensible argument disconnected from the design? What XlDVTw0hljo-00249-00163126-00163651 if the cost of the move is to learn a slightly expanded lexical syntactic and semantic palette? XlDVTw0hljo-00250-00163651-00164386 Ultimately, all is in place to make the (academic) meme shift to Agent Oriented Assurance cases. Some XlDVTw0hljo-00251-00164386-00164983 work remains to close the loop particularly in the area of integration of ITU-T Z.151 XlDVTw0hljo-00252-00164983-00165661 into IEEE or indeed OMG standards. All hands on deck for the next unification! XlDVTw0hljo-00253-00166230-00166449 Thank you for your consideration of this XlDVTw0hljo-00254-00166449-00166863 presentation. Inquiries are welcome via researchgate. XmAO3ALWZok-00000-00000072-00000756 this is what you do you have to cut most people will eat the tomato but they don't XmAO3ALWZok-00001-00000756-00001458 check they're the seeds already in it all you do is just lay it down flat on top of the soil Xn0_IoDPJfk-00000-00000153-00001898 hey guys welcome to the channel again it's time for another video and today I'm heading out to Xn0_IoDPJfk-00001-00001898-00002814 do a video about the gnome and tank bag that I've been using for the last couple months I Xn0_IoDPJfk-00002-00002814-00003365 bought it last year so that was pretty much at the end of the season and I've been using it for Xn0_IoDPJfk-00003-00003365-00004164 a bit and I want to share with you what are my observations and what's the right thing about Xn0_IoDPJfk-00004-00004164-00005130 this tank bag this bag is very very well laid out I am really happy with this purchase even though Xn0_IoDPJfk-00005-00005130-00005895 it was not the cheapest one but I'm really really satisfied with this purchase prior to Xn0_IoDPJfk-00006-00005895-00007002 that I had a TV access series a 300 series tank lock tank bag and that was a great bag as well Xn0_IoDPJfk-00007-00007087-00008128 the only downside of that it was that that bag was slightly oversized for what I needed I'm trying to Xn0_IoDPJfk-00008-00008128-00009043 head out right now tor it's a quiet space outside here outside of Calgary I have something in mind Xn0_IoDPJfk-00009-00009043-00009976 and I will stop there and I'll go over all the details about this excellent bag I think I should Xn0_IoDPJfk-00010-00009976-00011014 make a video about the sumo GTS - I have the 595 series and I should probably make a video on that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00011-00011014-00011888 some of you were asking questions on that when I was doing my accessory review that unit has pretty Xn0_IoDPJfk-00012-00011888-00012668 much everything built into it and it connects with my Cena there's a new series that just Xn0_IoDPJfk-00013-00012668-00013472 came out recently but the screen is way better on that new on those new units but they trimmed some Xn0_IoDPJfk-00014-00013472-00014204 feature off of it like some features that the 595 pad and the new generation that just came Xn0_IoDPJfk-00015-00014204-00015033 out recently doesn't have those features anymore and that's kind of good bomber the main feature Xn0_IoDPJfk-00016-00015033-00015708 here is on this unit here you have a removable battery the other one has an onboard battery Xn0_IoDPJfk-00017-00015708-00016584 so that to me that big downside because if your battery is gonna die on you and use you cuffed up Xn0_IoDPJfk-00018-00016584-00017340 like over 700 bucks on the GPS or navigation unit that thing is pretty much useless and Xn0_IoDPJfk-00019-00017430-00018096 you'll done with it and where this one here you can actually just swap the new battery and you're Xn0_IoDPJfk-00020-00018096-00018784 good to go again in the screen the screen is so much nicer on that of those new series Xn0_IoDPJfk-00021-00018988-00019114 gonna turn that on here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00022-00019302-00020154 have to find a nice spot to get that video going for you guys looks like it's gonna rain today is Xn0_IoDPJfk-00023-00020154-00021152 rain in the forecast for later on [Music] hey guys and welcome to the channel again and in Xn0_IoDPJfk-00024-00021152-00022052 this video I would like to talk about the most comodo tank bag and it's an omen series and a Xn0_IoDPJfk-00025-00022052-00022760 lot of discussions what tank bag to get what works what doesn't I tried two different tank bags one Xn0_IoDPJfk-00026-00022760-00023717 of them was a GV access 300 something series that tank lock series I was pretty happy with it but it Xn0_IoDPJfk-00027-00023717-00024383 was slightly bulky if you're watching this channel for the first time make sure to hit that subscribe Xn0_IoDPJfk-00028-00024383-00025007 button down below this way you stay updated when I release new content let's not waste any time Xn0_IoDPJfk-00029-00025007-00026183 and let's jump into this review Mosca motto is did a great job designing this bag starting with Xn0_IoDPJfk-00030-00026183-00027052 your MOLLE webbing so you can attach additional accessories right here I'm just gonna unclip that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00031-00027052-00028085 so this way it's gonna be easier to maneuver this bag so anyway so there we go so starting with your Xn0_IoDPJfk-00032-00028085-00028895 MOLLE webbing so you can buy different attachments like you can attach a knife or or like cell phone Xn0_IoDPJfk-00033-00028895-00029689 holder even if you want to and then what's behind this is you've got a couple Clips here to undo Xn0_IoDPJfk-00034-00029689-00030689 it and they call that a beaver tail and in here there is enough room to store like even a small Xn0_IoDPJfk-00035-00030689-00031520 SLR camera and if you're a photographer or if you like making videos or even your GoPro stuff but Xn0_IoDPJfk-00036-00031520-00032132 what I would do I would secure it there's a little velcro elastic that you can secure it or there's Xn0_IoDPJfk-00037-00032132-00032738 also this little carabiner that you cannot touch things I had a loose stuff in here that flew out Xn0_IoDPJfk-00038-00032738-00033407 when I was writing so make sure if you're putting stuff in here and it's valuable to secure it with Xn0_IoDPJfk-00039-00033407-00034268 those attachments that you have availa on this Moscow motor tank bag so inside let's hope we're Xn0_IoDPJfk-00040-00034268-00035153 gonna be able to focus this so inside here you have a mesh pocket and also another mesh pocket Xn0_IoDPJfk-00041-00035153-00036002 that's suitable so there's those mesh pockets here and there's the large one and this one here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00042-00036002-00037163 which is suitable for your spot local location GPS locator or enriched GPS locator so that's Xn0_IoDPJfk-00043-00037163-00037709 what it's designed for but you can put pretty much anything you want in there so let's jump Xn0_IoDPJfk-00044-00037709-00038921 into the next compartment in here so you open that up and what I love about this it's super Xn0_IoDPJfk-00045-00038921-00039953 nicely organized so starting with your sunglasses holder so here it's all nicely lined so you won't Xn0_IoDPJfk-00046-00039953-00040781 scratch your sunglasses so you got a pocket for your sunglasses and a couple other pockets with Xn0_IoDPJfk-00047-00040781-00041660 little elastic webbing that you that hold stuff so you tic tacs anything you want to put here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00048-00041660-00042473 that's sort of flat it's got the bit of space on the other side here so what I'm carrying here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00049-00042473-00043175 I'm carrying my sunglasses or glasses cleaning solution tic tacs cigarette lighter which comes Xn0_IoDPJfk-00050-00043175-00043946 handy if you are smokers when I start a campfire it's there for you and then I have my even though Xn0_IoDPJfk-00051-00043946-00044504 I do have a camel toe sometimes you park on there on a soft ground and it's still thinking so this Xn0_IoDPJfk-00052-00044504-00045050 is the solution I got it thrown down its cost like a couple bucks and no there we go and there's no Xn0_IoDPJfk-00053-00045050-00046190 batteries for your whatever you're going to need whatever you're using battery power and on here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00054-00046190-00047889 on the top pocket I have my flashlight and I have my Leatherman multi-tool so that covers the inside Xn0_IoDPJfk-00055-00047889-00048588 of the first section of that Moscow moto tank and I will jump into the second compartment here Xn0_IoDPJfk-00056-00048588-00049269 so the second compartment is one of the largest compartments so in here like I usually have more Xn0_IoDPJfk-00057-00049269-00050082 stuff I'm just doing this for a review purposes or whatever I had here so I have I have my my alarm Xn0_IoDPJfk-00058-00050082-00050925 for my bike if I'm leading the bike I have a rec tronic alarm you can put it on your on your disc Xn0_IoDPJfk-00059-00050925-00051708 brake and that will secure it or you can lock it with the cable and then I have my attachments for Xn0_IoDPJfk-00060-00051708-00052482 my GoPro that I'll be using here on the road so anyway so if you look inside if you look inside Xn0_IoDPJfk-00061-00052482-00053460 that's a quite large compartment it also has on the side here contact lens storage I do wear Xn0_IoDPJfk-00062-00053460-00053970 glasses or contact lenses so it comes handy you can stick your contact lenses in there a little Xn0_IoDPJfk-00063-00053970-00054633 like mop pocket so you can shovel a bunch of navigation maps or other registration papers Xn0_IoDPJfk-00064-00054633-00055788 or for your for your bike or insurance and then in this big pocket here on that side that's a pretty Xn0_IoDPJfk-00065-00055788-00057009 large mesh pocket again I carry a spare cables that I could use for my cameras or anything that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00066-00057009-00057945 I need to charge or my Cena transfer cables couple spare parts stuff like that and then once you go Xn0_IoDPJfk-00067-00057945-00059394 to the to the last section here so you have in the front rain cover with clear clear window so you Xn0_IoDPJfk-00068-00059394-00060100 have your tank bag rain cover so you can cover everything up and it comes of course with that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00069-00060100-00061207 nice little storage compartment in there and then if you look on the back of this tank bag it's got Xn0_IoDPJfk-00070-00061207-00062053 really nice and soft padding it's sort of like a neoprene which prevents from scratching your Xn0_IoDPJfk-00071-00062053-00063160 bike one of the greatest features what caught my eye with this tank bag is the versatility Xn0_IoDPJfk-00072-00063160-00063838 of of this so you can pretty much wear it as a backpacker if you a type of dude that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00073-00063838-00064591 will go for a hike while you're riding or on your right I should say you can very easily convert it Xn0_IoDPJfk-00074-00064591-00065497 into a backpack which is an excellent feature so everything is stored inside everything is stored Xn0_IoDPJfk-00075-00065497-00066685 inside here in this pocket so you got your and you clip it together with the other part right Xn0_IoDPJfk-00076-00066685-00067486 here you got the metal Clips you just clip it in and it turns into an excellent shape back back Xn0_IoDPJfk-00077-00067486-00068701 so it's actually high work it's really comfortable it doesn't feel at all like like a tank bag it it Xn0_IoDPJfk-00078-00068701-00069607 lays on your back very well so yeah who else can I say yeah it's an excellent design for people on Xn0_IoDPJfk-00079-00069607-00070450 a go and people that will love to use the tank bag more than what it's designed for so on the Xn0_IoDPJfk-00080-00070450-00071389 bottom in here there's another small pocket so there's not much room in there there's just a Xn0_IoDPJfk-00081-00071389-00072307 tiny pocket not sure right there and then on the furthest level you can so another excellent Xn0_IoDPJfk-00082-00072307-00073159 excellent feature is your hydration pack so that comes with the 2 liter hydration pack which Xn0_IoDPJfk-00083-00073254-00074070 which is my one of the main reasons why I went for this tank bag I used to carry my hydration Xn0_IoDPJfk-00084-00074070-00074805 pack on my back separately but this is all in one and another beautiful feature about it if Xn0_IoDPJfk-00085-00074805-00075855 you remove that that becomes another big storage or on the bottom or or that will expand the second Xn0_IoDPJfk-00086-00075855-00076905 last layer of your tank bag so that will make much more volume within the whole tank bag if you Xn0_IoDPJfk-00087-00076905-00077943 own a market for one I really really recommend it it's an excellent product even the the the Xn0_IoDPJfk-00088-00077943-00078696 hydration hose the way it's laid out on the side here there's a little zipped insert and that the Xn0_IoDPJfk-00089-00078696-00079632 host comes out it's got a nice elastic that holds it in place and on the other side here there's Xn0_IoDPJfk-00090-00079632-00080646 also a clip that holds the hose and so so it is in the front as well so yeah look look at this Xn0_IoDPJfk-00091-00080646-00081465 design it blew my mind when I when I received that bag it didn't look as good on picture when I was Xn0_IoDPJfk-00092-00081465-00082422 browsing at the website so the features of that bag I'm missing here one accessory that it came Xn0_IoDPJfk-00093-00082422-00083466 with let let me grab that out so what you get her is also attachable on top you can attach a little Xn0_IoDPJfk-00094-00083466-00084276 map pocket its attaches to your MOLLE webbing super easy and if you don't need it you can just Xn0_IoDPJfk-00095-00084276-00085290 toss it in the back or whatever like I do and use it as it as it is so it comes with a quick release Xn0_IoDPJfk-00096-00085290-00086351 mounting system it's gonna be hard to show that but I'll try my best all right so this is this is Xn0_IoDPJfk-00097-00086351-00086996 the way it's mounted it comes with heavy-duty tie wraps and you attach that little piece to whatever Xn0_IoDPJfk-00098-00086996-00087677 it fits pretty much any style bike so you attach that little piece in there and that's pretty much Xn0_IoDPJfk-00099-00087677-00088343 all that it's holding it and it clips in this way on the bottom the other side is identical Xn0_IoDPJfk-00100-00088343-00089276 to that design so the top part of this of this thing bag the way you are attached the harness Xn0_IoDPJfk-00101-00089276-00090056 for this tank bag it's pretty straightforward you get like a little eight shape harness that Xn0_IoDPJfk-00102-00090056-00091082 you will tie around your steering or handlebar column and I have the air dam so I fed it under Xn0_IoDPJfk-00103-00091082-00091712 my area down so it attaches right there there's two points and then another two points you will Xn0_IoDPJfk-00104-00091712-00092492 see as I show on the other side right here and all it is attached with is just a little zip tie Xn0_IoDPJfk-00105-00092492-00093248 that holds that whole thing in place and it's a heavy-duty zip tie with metal with a metal clip so Xn0_IoDPJfk-00106-00093248-00094064 this is how it looks attached to your bike and of course you can adjust the length of those harness Xn0_IoDPJfk-00107-00094064-00095489 straps so it suits you to to your best needs and same thing with those ones here on either the top Xn0_IoDPJfk-00108-00095489-00096221 or the bottom harness on both sides flip the bag over out of the way and it's refueled simple as Xn0_IoDPJfk-00109-00096221-00097301 that so the main body of this bag is constructed of 800 deep allistic nylon and the mock pocket Xn0_IoDPJfk-00110-00097301-00098207 muffin pocket is waterproof 800 D polyurethane coated with well that seems then the beaver tail Xn0_IoDPJfk-00111-00098207-00099188 is 1680 d ballistic nylon and the rain cover with a clear PVC well that seam the capacity of this Xn0_IoDPJfk-00112-00099188-00100193 egg is seven liters not including the beaver tail so the dimensions of this bag are 15 inch length Xn0_IoDPJfk-00113-00100193-00101504 8.6 inches wide and 8.5 inches height it weighs about three and three point three pounds thank you Xn0_IoDPJfk-00114-00101504-00102080 for watching this video if you enjoyed the content please make sure to hit the like button comment Xn0_IoDPJfk-00115-00102080-00102709 below and subscribe if you want to stay updated for when I release future videos until next time XnopsYzuaWy-00000-00000052-00000591 Hi, Im Liz Waid for Spotlight English. XnopsYzuaWy-00001-00000591-00001503 This week's program is about the COVID pandemic and our stories during that pandemic XnopsYzuaWy-00002-00001503-00001992 - how the pandemic affected each of us XnopsYzuaWy-00003-00001992-00002662 and how people experienced that worldwide problem. XnopsYzuaWy-00004-00002662-00003353 This program was written before we knew very much about the Delta variant XnopsYzuaWy-00005-00003353-00004182 and other variants that are affecting populations all around the world. XnopsYzuaWy-00006-00004182-00004739 And while this program does have a hopeful ending – XnopsYzuaWy-00007-00004739-00005185 and I do think that we will get through this – XnopsYzuaWy-00008-00005185-00005796 we also want to acknowledge and let you know that we know XnopsYzuaWy-00009-00005796-00006415 there is still a lot of pain around COVID around the world. XnopsYzuaWy-00010-00006415-00006903 This is not a problem that is going away soon XnopsYzuaWy-00011-00006903-00007727 and it needs all of us working together to make it go away and to make it better. XnopsYzuaWy-00012-00007727-00008117 So we hope that when you listen to this program XnopsYzuaWy-00013-00008117-00008821 you hear about the experiences that people around the world have had. XnopsYzuaWy-00014-00008821-00009282 We want to hear about your experiences too. XnopsYzuaWy-00015-00009282-00010291 But we also want you to hear the hope that people do have for finally getting through XnopsYzuaWy-00016-00010291-00010513 this pandemic. XnopsYzuaWy-00017-00010513-00011596 We hope that you enjoy this program. XnopsYzuaWy-00018-00011596-00011779 Welcome to Spotlight. XnopsYzuaWy-00019-00011779-00012053 I’m Liz Waid. XnopsYzuaWy-00020-00012053-00012642 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. XnopsYzuaWy-00021-00012642-00013984 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. XnopsYzuaWy-00022-00013984-00014697 We begin today’s program with a story from March 2020. XnopsYzuaWy-00023-00014697-00015141 “It was almost midnight. XnopsYzuaWy-00024-00015141-00015518 My roommate and I had been hanging out. XnopsYzuaWy-00025-00015518-00016166 It had been more than a week since we had left the house, because of the lockdown. XnopsYzuaWy-00026-00016166-00016604 So, we decided to go for a walk. XnopsYzuaWy-00027-00016604-00016930 No one was wearing masks, then. XnopsYzuaWy-00028-00016930-00017342 But there was also no one around. XnopsYzuaWy-00029-00017342-00017713 We walked to an intersection of streets. XnopsYzuaWy-00030-00017713-00018226 Normally, it would be crowded with people. XnopsYzuaWy-00031-00018226-00018842 Even on the weekdays, many people went to the bars. XnopsYzuaWy-00032-00018842-00019224 And a lot of cars travelled through. XnopsYzuaWy-00033-00019224-00019590 But there was no one. XnopsYzuaWy-00034-00019590-00020040 I remember I walked to the middle of the street. XnopsYzuaWy-00035-00020040-00020315 And then I lay down. XnopsYzuaWy-00036-00020315-00020710 I lay there for several minutes. XnopsYzuaWy-00037-00020710-00020943 No cars came. XnopsYzuaWy-00038-00020943-00021284 Nothing that night seemed real. XnopsYzuaWy-00039-00021284-00022239 Nothing seemed real for many nights after.” XnopsYzuaWy-00040-00022239-00023006 This is a program about the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. XnopsYzuaWy-00041-00023006-00023633 2020 was unlike any other year. XnopsYzuaWy-00042-00023633-00024582 A new coronavirus named SARS-COV-2 spread through the whole world. XnopsYzuaWy-00043-00024582-00025104 It led to the disease COVID-19. XnopsYzuaWy-00044-00025104-00025613 And it changed everyone’s lives. XnopsYzuaWy-00045-00025613-00025878 Countries shut down. XnopsYzuaWy-00046-00025878-00026934 People had to make big changes to the way they worked, shopped, and had relationships. XnopsYzuaWy-00047-00026934-00027635 When the pandemic began, these changes seemed strange. XnopsYzuaWy-00048-00027635-00028108 But soon, the restrictions seemed normal. XnopsYzuaWy-00049-00028108-00028799 Today’s Spotlight is on the coronavirus pandemic. XnopsYzuaWy-00050-00028799-00029369 It is about how that first year felt. XnopsYzuaWy-00051-00029369-00029973 We tell stories from different people around the world. XnopsYzuaWy-00052-00029973-00031181 We look at their experiences during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. XnopsYzuaWy-00053-00031181-00031824 Many people’s first experience was not with the virus itself. XnopsYzuaWy-00054-00031824-00032711 They first experienced measures designed to prevent the virus’ spread. XnopsYzuaWy-00055-00032711-00033122 Xiang Zhao is a researcher from Austria. XnopsYzuaWy-00056-00033122-00033640 But he is originally from China. XnopsYzuaWy-00057-00033640-00034340 He was visiting his family when COVID-19 began to spread. XnopsYzuaWy-00058-00034340-00035078 Zhao wrote about his experiences in the journal Health Communication. XnopsYzuaWy-00059-00035078-00035352 He wrote, XnopsYzuaWy-00060-00035352-00036381 “Several apartments with infections were blocked by a thick metal bar on the door. XnopsYzuaWy-00061-00036381-00037044 This was an attempt to stop the virus from spreading. XnopsYzuaWy-00062-00037044-00037578 One night, I walked on a big bridge. XnopsYzuaWy-00063-00037578-00038171 I saw the new shopping mall I had not visited yet. XnopsYzuaWy-00064-00038171-00038865 I saw the restaurant where I had rice noodles last year. XnopsYzuaWy-00065-00038865-00039575 I saw the shop where I got a globe model when I was a child. XnopsYzuaWy-00066-00039575-00040556 All of these memories rushed into my head with the beautiful, but empty night view. XnopsYzuaWy-00067-00040556-00041318 A strong sense of isolation came over me. XnopsYzuaWy-00068-00041318-00041799 I felt extremely alone. XnopsYzuaWy-00069-00041799-00042447 I have no previous experience with such an outbreak. XnopsYzuaWy-00070-00042447-00043069 I was only a high school student when SARS happened. XnopsYzuaWy-00071-00043069-00044391 It did not affect my life very much.” XnopsYzuaWy-00072-00044391-00044968 Loneliness was a common experience with the pandemic. XnopsYzuaWy-00073-00044968-00045703 Many people also experienced how terrible the loneliness could be. XnopsYzuaWy-00074-00045703-00046180 June Perry lives in the United States. XnopsYzuaWy-00075-00046180-00047100 Her father lived in a nursing home, where medical professionals would take care of him. XnopsYzuaWy-00076-00047100-00047790 COVID-19 was especially dangerous for older people. XnopsYzuaWy-00077-00047790-00048378 Someone in this nursing home caught COVID-19. XnopsYzuaWy-00078-00048378-00048983 The disease spread like a fire in a dry forest. XnopsYzuaWy-00079-00048983-00049487 And June was not able to see her father. XnopsYzuaWy-00080-00049487-00049722 She told NPR: XnopsYzuaWy-00081-00049722-00050291 “We saw my father through the window. XnopsYzuaWy-00082-00050291-00050655 It was very, very sad. XnopsYzuaWy-00083-00050655-00051439 He had signs of dementia before he went to the nursing home. XnopsYzuaWy-00084-00051439-00051994 He did not know that people were dying around him. XnopsYzuaWy-00085-00051994-00052907 He did not know that three people near him had died of COVID. XnopsYzuaWy-00086-00052907-00054234 Six months after lockdown, he died alone, with nobody beside him.” XnopsYzuaWy-00087-00054234-00054763 The isolation affected all people greatly. XnopsYzuaWy-00088-00054763-00055040 Most did not go out to work. XnopsYzuaWy-00089-00055040-00055621 They did not see their friends or family. XnopsYzuaWy-00090-00055621-00056267 It was like everything in the world had stopped. XnopsYzuaWy-00091-00056267-00057164 Several Italian scientists studied this feeling for the journal Frontiers in Psychology. XnopsYzuaWy-00092-00057164-00057807 They asked almost 3,000 students about their experiences. XnopsYzuaWy-00093-00057807-00058391 One, a 16-year-old, told the scientists: XnopsYzuaWy-00094-00058391-00059294 “It is bad to wake up in the morning knowing that you cannot accomplish anything with your XnopsYzuaWy-00095-00059294-00059413 life. XnopsYzuaWy-00096-00059413-00059774 You cannot do anything. XnopsYzuaWy-00097-00059774-00060425 I look out the window, and it is all deserted. XnopsYzuaWy-00098-00060425-00061084 There are no more sounds of cars, buses, or people talking. XnopsYzuaWy-00099-00061084-00061770 It is like a changed world, like being in prison for something that you did not do. XnopsYzuaWy-00100-00061770-00063071 All I can do is wait and stay at home.” XnopsYzuaWy-00101-00063071-00063939 When people caught COVID-19, they were not just afraid for themselves. XnopsYzuaWy-00102-00063939-00064708 Being infected meant people close to them could also be infected. XnopsYzuaWy-00103-00064708-00065300 This Coronavirus was a very new virus. XnopsYzuaWy-00104-00065300-00065786 Scientists did not know very much about it. XnopsYzuaWy-00105-00065786-00066436 People did not know how it would affect their loved ones. XnopsYzuaWy-00106-00066436-00066945 Angela Brangaccio had just given birth. XnopsYzuaWy-00107-00066945-00067632 Then doctors told her she was positive for COVID-19. XnopsYzuaWy-00108-00067632-00068487 She was afraid for herself, but she was also afraid for her child. XnopsYzuaWy-00109-00068487-00068735 She told to NPR, XnopsYzuaWy-00110-00068735-00069629 “All I knew was that I had this three-month-old baby. XnopsYzuaWy-00111-00069629-00070411 I was so scared of anything happening to her. XnopsYzuaWy-00112-00070411-00070785 I felt so sick. XnopsYzuaWy-00113-00070785-00071733 I could not think how this virus would feel in a three-month-old body. XnopsYzuaWy-00114-00071733-00072824 The pain that you feel when you are sick: If my baby feels like this, I cannot go on. XnopsYzuaWy-00115-00072824-00073624 In the end, I decided I would move into a different room. XnopsYzuaWy-00116-00073624-00074187 I did not spend much time with my baby. XnopsYzuaWy-00117-00074187-00074488 I could not kiss her. XnopsYzuaWy-00118-00074488-00075040 I kept my mask on all the time. XnopsYzuaWy-00119-00075040-00075388 It was so hard. XnopsYzuaWy-00120-00075388-00077649 I am not joking when I say it was the worst 14 days of my life.” XnopsYzuaWy-00121-00077649-00078313 By the end of 2020, there seemed to be some hope. XnopsYzuaWy-00122-00078313-00078953 SARS-COV 2 had destroyed many lives. XnopsYzuaWy-00123-00078953-00079632 But countries were also developing vaccines for the virus. XnopsYzuaWy-00124-00079632-00080673 The vaccines would protect most people from getting seriously sick if they were infected. XnopsYzuaWy-00125-00080673-00081313 Scientists even believed that they might also prevent infection. XnopsYzuaWy-00126-00081313-00082316 By early 2021, some countries had vaccinated some of their population. XnopsYzuaWy-00127-00082316-00083025 In many places COVID-19 cases began to fall. XnopsYzuaWy-00128-00083025-00083697 But there was still a lot to do to beat COVID. XnopsYzuaWy-00129-00083697-00084217 Many people still could not get the vaccines. XnopsYzuaWy-00130-00084217-00084930 But people began to think that there might be a life beyond the lockdown. XnopsYzuaWy-00131-00084930-00086382 They began to imagine a future where everyone could be safe again. XnopsYzuaWy-00132-00086382-00086865 How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect you? XnopsYzuaWy-00133-00086865-00087605 Do you remember when you first heard of COVID-19? XnopsYzuaWy-00134-00087605-00087997 What was your experience like? XnopsYzuaWy-00135-00087997-00088275 Tell us your story. XnopsYzuaWy-00136-00088275-00088930 You can email us at contact@spotlightenglish.com. XnopsYzuaWy-00137-00088930-00089695 You can also find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. XnopsYzuaWy-00138-00089695-00090161 The writer of this program was Dan Christmann. XnopsYzuaWy-00139-00090161-00090477 The producer was Liz Waid. XnopsYzuaWy-00140-00090477-00091031 The voices you heard were from the United States. XnopsYzuaWy-00141-00091031-00091746 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. XnopsYzuaWy-00142-00091746-00092161 You can listen to this program again, and read it, XnopsYzuaWy-00143-00092161-00092886 on the internet at www.spotlightenglish.com. XnopsYzuaWy-00144-00092886-00093656 This program is called, ‘Life and Loneliness During COVID-19’. XnopsYzuaWy-00145-00093656-00094421 Visit our website to download our free official app for Android and Apple devices. XnopsYzuaWy-00146-00094421-00094932 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. XnopsYzuaWy-00147-00094932-00095021 Goodbye.