Y0VdB3syz5k-00000-00000000-00000050 marfa Y1C8qi-28ay-00000-00000712-00000850 Amanda, check out this Overheard post Y1C8qi-28ay-00001-00000852-00000998 It got over 500 likes Y1C8qi-28ay-00002-00001094-00001360 Wow, Jerry, that's more likes than I've ever gotten combined Y1C8qi-28ay-00003-00001416-00001536 I have an idea... Y1C8qi-28ay-00004-00001536-00001736 Let's become Overheard stars Y1C8qi-28ay-00005-00001736-00001922 Like Bosh Feinstein? - Mhmm! Y1C8qi-28ay-00006-00001926-00002116 His posts get over a thousand likes! Y1C8qi-28ay-00007-00002116-00002388 Damn, that's a lot. My profile picture only has like two likes Y1C8qi-28ay-00008-00002388-00002620 One from my mom and some guy in Egypt Y1C8qi-28ay-00009-00003322-00003450 I'm so stressed out Y1C8qi-28ay-00010-00003450-00003740 When I get stressed out, I just study. *laughing* Y1C8qi-28ay-00011-00003740-00004008 Boring... I liked the conversations at Sproul better Y1C8qi-28ay-00012-00004096-00004224 I know what we can do Y1C8qi-28ay-00013-00004264-00004574 "Girl, when I get HORNY, I just study" Y1C8qi-28ay-00014-00004654-00004870 But that's not even what she said Y1C8qi-28ay-00015-00004870-00005100 Look, I just posted it it's getting so many likes Y1C8qi-28ay-00016-00005162-00005374 Oh my god! Bosh Feinstein just liked it! Y1C8qi-28ay-00017-00005374-00005540 That's how you know it's going to be a hit Y1C8qi-28ay-00018-00005594-00005674 We need more Y1C8qi-28ay-00019-00006800-00007104 Wow, we got over ten thousand likes in one day! Y1C8qi-28ay-00020-00007144-00007518 We're gonna be CAMPUS CELEBRITIES! Y1C8qi-28ay-00021-00008618-00008840 Oh it's fine, I know who you guys are, you can go ahead Y1C8qi-28ay-00022-00009124-00009356 Oh my god, you're Jerry and Amanda! Y1C8qi-28ay-00023-00010400-00010742 Wait, you guys are Overheard Famous, right? Y1C8qi-28ay-00024-00011654-00011842 No one's recgonizing us anymore Y1C8qi-28ay-00025-00011842-00012048 We need to fix that, let's post more Y1C8qi-28ay-00026-00012076-00012212 But I don't think... Y1C8qi-28ay-00027-00012238-00012304 C'mon! Y1C8qi-28ay-00028-00012576-00012956 Um, what'd you get for number 26? Y1C8qi-28ay-00029-00013324-00013436 I got cosine of x Y1C8qi-28ay-00030-00013490-00013702 Frat bro with ABG at Cafe Strada Y1C8qi-28ay-00031-00013702-00013990 If a girl's last name is Ho, she's actually a ho, right? Y1C8qi-28ay-00032-00014022-00014200 Dude, you're literally lying! Y1C8qi-28ay-00033-00014212-00014316 That's not okay Y1C8qi-28ay-00034-00014344-00014646 Um, you didn't seem to have a problem with lying this whole week, loser Y1C8qi-28ay-00035-00014646-00014758 Ugh, anyways... Y1C8qi-28ay-00036-00014828-00014972 You know what, Jerry? Y1C8qi-28ay-00037-00014994-00015084 You're a fraud Y1C8qi-28ay-00038-00015128-00015350 You're a bigger fake than Dirks Y1C8qi-28ay-00039-00015410-00015538 You're a fake-ass, Y1C8qi-28ay-00040-00015541-00015646 man-spreading Y1C8qi-28ay-00041-00015662-00015750 bitch! Y1C8qi-28ay-00042-00016110-00016160 *tri-tone* Y1C8qi-28ay-00043-00016194-00016244 *tri-tone* Y1C8qi-28ay-00044-00016294-00016344 *tri-tone* Y1C8qi-28ay-00045-00016906-00017196 Uhh, why is everyone staring at us? Y1C8qi-28ay-00046-00017346-00017426 Wait... Y1C8qi-28ay-00047-00017494-00017620 They know we've been gooping them Y1C8qi-28ay-00048-00017710-00017838 You guys are fakes! Y1C8qi-28ay-00049-00017838-00017996 Hey your post last week was fake! Y1C8qi-28ay-00050-00018204-00018330 Yo, you gooping the house brah? Y1C8qi-28ay-00051-00018330-00018408 Woah... Y1C8qi-28ay-00052-00018494-00018624 Are YOU gooping the house, bro? Y1C8qi-28ay-00053-00018624-00018754 Nah, brah, YOU'RE gooping the house Y1C8qi-28ay-00054-00018754-00018972 You're such a fake your beard isn't even real Y1C8qi-28ay-00055-00018972-00019134 and you're calling ME fake? Y1C8qi-28ay-00056-00019180-00019244 Get up! Y1C8qi-28ay-00057-00019314-00019364 What!! Y1C8qi-28ay-00058-00019490-00019574 I didn't say anything! Y1C8qi-28ay-00059-00019574-00019844 Dude, you're just jealous that we're top house Y1C8qi-28ay-00060-00019894-00020078 Woah, I'll show you gooped Y1C8qi-28ay-00061-00020452-00020550 What have we done? Y1C8qi-28ay-00062-00020672-00020798 *Screaming* Y1C8qi-28ay-00063-00020906-00020968 Wait, Y1C8qi-28ay-00064-00021104-00021306 Is that Bosh Feinstein? Y1C8qi-28ay-00065-00021372-00021486 No Y1C8qi-28ay-00066-00021554-00021778 He's the biggest fraud of them all Y1C8qi-28ay-00067-00021802-00021890 GET HIM! Y1C8qi-28ay-00068-00022238-00022472 Looks like we're gonna have to transfer to UC Merced Y4kGte9c3Qk-00000-00000119-00000319 Hello y'all Y4p7Uhm2VrQ-00000-00000000-00001248 Repression - A Short Film Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00000-00000656-00001064 let us continue discussing the questions that guide us in designing our research Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00001-00001144-00001736 so far we have determined our area of interest and its relevance to others we have defined our Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00002-00001736-00002496 research question and figured out that ethnography is the method for us next we need to learn about Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00003-00002496-00003056 the subject that we are going to research from the knowledge that already exists about it Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00004-00003184-00003879 what do we already know and what knowledge already exists why do you think it's important to do this Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00005-00003976-00004768 to access existing knowledge about our subject you think of one reason why is it important to look Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00006-00004768-00005504 into existing knowledge and is it possible that we may get biased by looking at existing material Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00007-00005600-00006232 or maybe less likely to come up with something original take a minute and note down your answer Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00008-00006392-00006920 let us consider some of the answers you may have come up with some of you might have guessed that Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00009-00006920-00007559 looking at existing studies first can tell us if the research we want to do has already been done Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00010-00007616-00008224 or you may say that it can help you see what about your research topic has been explored Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00011-00008224-00008848 and what is not and there might be some of you who feel that we should limit the time and energy Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00012-00008848-00009440 spent on this task because it might lead us to repeating existing information in our studies Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00013-00009624-00010352 so what is the correct answer here well there's a great emphasis placed on existing knowledge and Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00014-00010352-00010992 ethnographic research this is because as some of you guessed it helps us learn from the experiences Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00015-00010992-00011656 of other researchers we can identify what aspects of the subject have already been studied Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00016-00011760-00012392 knowing what has already been done in the area we can avoid reinventing the wheel and focus on Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00017-00012392-00013056 new and unexplored aspects and contrary to what some of you may have thought existing Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00018-00013056-00013712 work can play an important role in our study in helping us identify new directions to research Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00019-00013808-00014304 existing studies offer insights and raise new questions which inform our way of looking at Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00020-00014304-00014912 the subject some of these questions may drive us to further develop our existing research question Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00021-00014968-00015704 making it more nuanced and refined studies done by others can also help us come up with ideas Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00022-00015704-00016576 on designing our research what tools to use what questions to focus etc for all these reasons many Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00023-00016576-00017312 researchers begin their research design with a study of existing knowledge we began most often by Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00024-00017312-00017920 tapping into our own knowledge we often have some latent and informal knowledge about the subject Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00025-00017920-00018584 of our interests it may have come from previous readings encounters and experiences and it may be Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00026-00018584-00019272 partial and subjective even incorrect in places in tapping into this we are able to gather together Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00027-00019272-00020032 what we know and do not know about the subject and importantly by noting down our existing knowledge Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00028-00020120-00020696 biases gaps and all we are able to articulate and acknowledge some of our assumptions Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00029-00020752-00021416 before we begin and we look at knowledge shared by others about our subject or related subjects Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00030-00021504-00022168 this process is called secondary research because it relies on secondary sources Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00031-00022168-00022952 that is on others experiences and research the most common way of doing secondary research is by Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00032-00022952-00023560 doing a literature review or a review of existing literature on the subject we are interested in Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00033-00023728-00024312 a literature review is often defined as reading everything one can everything that has been Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00034-00024312-00024944 written and published related to the subject of one's research that might sound daunting Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00035-00025032-00025608 but with the application of a little thought and a little process it is not too gigantic a Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00036-00025608-00026304 task a simple way to go about a literature review is to think about the themes or sub Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00037-00026304-00026944 themes that make up the research subject and start by looking for material related to those Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00038-00027048-00027576 or we can list the smaller questions that constitute our research question and look Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00039-00027576-00028168 for studies that have tried to answer questions similar to them for instance we may undertake a Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00040-00028168-00028712 research that centers around the use of mobile phones for professional and livelihood purposes Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00041-00028776-00029327 among women in small towns the themes for this research may include employment opportunities Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00042-00029327-00029920 for women mobile phone usage in small towns availability of mobile phones for women Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00043-00029992-00030695 usage of mobile phones for networking and livelihood and so on we just said a minute Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00044-00030695-00031256 ago that a literature review is often defined as reading everything about the given subject Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00045-00031327-00031856 but this is not entirely possible it doesn't mean that we leave out subjects or studies Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00046-00031927-00032552 but that we define our selection we can for example prioritize those studies which are Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00047-00032552-00033168 situated in regions or cultures that are similar to our research context so if our research is Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00048-00033168-00033736 situated in small towns of india we can look at studies located in south asia and in developing Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00049-00033736-00034304 countries and in other cultures where the social cultural structure may be similar Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00050-00034304-00034944 to our study in doing this we gather context specific knowledge about our chosen subject Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00051-00035000-00035512 and also learn the intricacies of the cultures we are going to be immersing ourselves in Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00052-00035616-00036088 there are challenges that we can avoid if you are well informed about our participants Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00053-00036088-00036728 culture before entering field work by being better informed about our participants Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00054-00036728-00037240 their cultural beliefs and social norms we are less likely to make incorrect inferences Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00055-00037296-00038104 from our observation and less likely to upset them by unacceptable behavior reading ethnographic Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00056-00038104-00038624 studies related to our subjects is a bit like reading a travel guide before we go on a trip Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00057-00038768-00039208 it helps us plan our time there know the basic rules of the culture Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00058-00039208-00039920 learn the phrases we might need and gain some idea of what to expect can you think of any Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00059-00039920-00040488 online research databases where you could access existing research papers and articles Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00060-00040648-00041144 write down the ones you can't think of and share them on the discussion forum with your peers Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00061-00041320-00041904 there are various authentic research databases you can search for papers on related work Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00062-00041984-00042712 many of you may have mentioned google scholar then there is jstor project muse and scopus Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00063-00042712-00043264 where some papers are open access and others which you can access through your institution Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00064-00043352-00044096 and academia.edu and researchgate are two portals where you can access a wide range of papers after Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00065-00044096-00044664 signing in so having learned about our subject and the context through various sources and Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00066-00044664-00045408 having refined our research questions some more we return to our list and the next question on it Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00067-00045616-00046232 what do we hope to find through this research based on our secondary research and our own prior Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00068-00046232-00046920 knowledge we may propose to arrive at some new knowledge through our research for example we find Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00069-00046920-00047448 that there is a lot of work done in designing visual symbols for health care in rural india Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00070-00047544-00048056 however there is little research about how people respond to these symbols or how they Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00071-00048056-00048568 interpret them through our research we could hope to find how these symbols are read by Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00072-00048568-00049232 their intended audience and whether they have the desired impact there is actually such an example Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00073-00049312-00049880 a team from the national institute of design collaborated with the government of rajasthan Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00074-00049880-00050624 to develop communication material to popularize contraception among the rural population the team Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00075-00050624-00051255 wanted to understand the prospective audience's understanding towards the existing communication Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00076-00051255-00051888 material and their perceptions around contraception they realized that the material Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00077-00051888-00052479 that was being used was more often than not designed in urban centers like ahmedabad or jaipur Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00078-00052560-00053112 it was based on urban sensibilities and as urban understanding of signs and symbols Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00079-00053176-00053640 it was simply not understood in the very different contexts of the rural population Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00080-00053736-00054288 for instance many of the signs showing what not to do use the cross mark over the image of Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00081-00054288-00054920 a figure doing that activity these signs were not interpreted in the same way by most users Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00082-00054920-00055496 because the cross marks did not have any meaning for them the designers realized that they needed Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00083-00055496-00056136 to learn the visual language of their participants the signs symbols and markers that they used and Y8Bgw9P4kzE-00084-00056136-00057272 understood and so their research was designed towards accessing this particular knowledge Y8WxVcu658Y-00000-00000022-00000405 When ordering your ski poles, you will usually receive them with loose baskets. Y8WxVcu658Y-00001-00000405-00000504 Baskets are those things. Y8WxVcu658Y-00002-00000504-00000728 They have to be attached to the bottom of your poles. Y8WxVcu658Y-00003-00000728-00001172 However, you will always receive them loose, so they won`t break during transportation. Y8WxVcu658Y-00004-00001172-00001320 It is quite hard to attach them, Y8WxVcu658Y-00005-00001320-00001532 but there`s a really easy trick. Y8WxVcu658Y-00006-00001532-00001814 It`s important that you start off by boiling some water. Y8WxVcu658Y-00007-00001814-00002023 You`ll transfer the hot water into a bowl, Y8WxVcu658Y-00008-00002132-00002484 Make sure the water just boiled and then place the baskets in the bowl. Y8WxVcu658Y-00009-00002484-00002812 The hard plastic can now turn a bit softer. Y8WxVcu658Y-00010-00002812-00003148 In the mean time you can grab some dish soap Y8WxVcu658Y-00011-00003308-00003765 and slather a small amount at the bottom of your ski pole. Y8WxVcu658Y-00012-00004204-00004660 Remove the baskets from the bowl, but be careful as it might be hot! Y8WxVcu658Y-00013-00004780-00004980 Then you put the baskets onto the ski pole Y8WxVcu658Y-00014-00004980-00005276 And with a bit of strength you will push it down Y8WxVcu658Y-00015-00005276-00005550 and then it sits tightly where it`s supposed to sit. Y8WxVcu658Y-00016-00005550-00006080 Now you will repeat the same on the other ski pole, and then your ski poles are ready to use! Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00000-00002944-00003624 >> GEOFFSHEPARD: Good Day. I'm Geoff Shepard your host fortoday's Nixon legacy forum Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00001-00003624-00004673 cosponsored by National Archives and the Richard Nixon. We have done three dozen of these legacy forums since 2010. They feature Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00002-00004673-00005717 former members of the Nixon administration discussing various public policy initiativesundertaken by our 37th President. The formerNational Archivist Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00003-00005717-00006792 David Ferriero was very supportiveof these forums. Introducing many of them and enthusing how they made the documents come alive. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00004-00006858-00007380 Today's focus is on the establishment of the domestic council and the Office of Management Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00005-00007380-00008250 and Budget by reorganization plan number two of 1970. This triggered a change from what has been Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00006-00008250-00008922 characterized as cabinet government for cabinet members largely determined the direction of their Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00007-00008922-00009516 respective departments and the President focused on a handful of important issues. To one Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00008-00009516-00010266 where the President and his immediate staff are in a position to make most policy determinations which Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00009-00010266-00011202 cabinet departments are then expected to effectuate. In essence this better enables the President with about a thousand Senate Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00010-00011202-00011766 confirmed appointments to set priorities and give direction to the vast executive Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00011-00011766-00012318 branch of our government. It's not a perfect system, but the systems put in Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00012-00012318-00013554 place back in 1970 largely remain there today. To help tell our story we have five former members of President Nixon's staff. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00013-00013554-00014244 I'm going to introduce each of them and have them tell us how they ended up in the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00014-00014244-00014868 Nixon White House. If the AV team will show the first PowerPoint slide, we will go from there. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00015-00015104-00015641 First to arrive is Ed Harper. Ed, tell us how you got there? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00016-00015641-00016494 >> ED HARPER: It's a complicated story, but briefly I was a graduate student at the University of Virginia and I taught at Rutgers Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00017-00016494-00017280 for two years and decided to take advantage of the National Academy of Public Administrations Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00018-00017280-00018096 graduate program where work in government for a year. I was recruited by Andrew Rouse whose Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00019-00018096-00018594 name you'll hear again later in this program to work for him in the Bureau of the Budget. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00020-00018666-00019656 And, Andy went on as he will be introduced subsequently. And my work brought me to the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00021-00019656-00020250 attention of John Ehrlichman. We had lunch. John said what do you know about the AppalachianRegional Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00022-00020250-00020754 Commission. I told him what I knew about it. He said you're hired - when can you start? I said Monday. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00023-00020754-00021642 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: So you were in on basically John Ehrlichman's staff as council to the President Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00024-00021642-00022380 before the domestic council came into effect. Then you were on the domestic council itself and then Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00025-00022380-00023298 you returned to government under President Reagan and you headed the domestic council and at the same time if I Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00026-00023298-00024228 understand it you Senate confirmed as deputy director of OMB. You were present at the creation and circled back? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00027-00024228-00025306 >> ED HARPER: I was glad to be back. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Next to arrive is Bobbie Kilberg, Bobbie how did you there. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00028-00025306-00026345 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: My husband and I together became White House fellows right out of law school in August 1969. I was assigned to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00029-00026345-00027192 Ken Cole who was the White House Staff Secretary. Ken reported to John Ehrlichman as counsel to the president. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00030-00027300-00028404 They shared a suite of offices on the second floor of the West Wing. And over time I just kind of migrated to John and John kind of adopted me. I still Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00031-00028404-00029130 worked for Ken, but reported directly to John. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: That Kind of evolved. You are technically assigned to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00032-00029130-00029910 the staff secretary, but John is doing many of those functions like supervising. We should point out you were Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00033-00029910-00031308 Bobbie Green. You dragged Bill along with you. Bill came at the same time, but didn't make Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00034-00031308-00032082 the White House staff. Bill, where were you? >> BILL KILBERG: I didn't apply to the White House staff. I was like Bobbie, I was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00035-00032082-00032976 appointeda White House fellow in 1969. I went to work for George Shultz who was Secretary of Labor Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00036-00032976-00033756 at the time. I stayed in and around the Department of Labor. I was the general counsel of the federal mediation and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00037-00033756-00034494 conciliation service for a year 1970-71. I was recruited to come back to the labor department Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00038-00034494-00035490 as associate solicitor of labor relations and civil rights. I did that from 1971 to 1973 when the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00039-00035490-00036720 president appointed me solicitor, or general counsel of the U.S. Department of Labor and Iserved in April of 1973 until January of 1977. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00040-00036720-00037314 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Bill is our current living expert on George Shultz. We will get back to him Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00041-00037314-00037974 directly. I was next to arrive. I was a White House fellow in the same class as Bobbie and Bill, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00042-00037974-00038814 but I was assigned to treasury for my fellowship year. At the end of the fellowship year it was a chance conversation Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00043-00038904-00039660 with John Ehrlichman. We had earlier discussed Seattle law firms. Where John came from. He asked me if at Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00044-00039660-00040464 the end of my year I was going to go back to Seattle. I still can't believe I said this -I said, I would really like to get a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00045-00040464-00041148 job on the White House staff, but I don't even know how to apply. I didn't know John hadjust Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00046-00041148-00041904 been named head of the domestic council and had 30 slots paid for and everything. He said, that is simple, you come see me. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00047-00042000-00042996 And eventually I did. I think of myself as the first outside hire onto the newly established domestic council. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00048-00043110-00043446 Shortly after my arrival came Jim Cavanaugh. Jim how did you get there? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00049-00043601-00044701 >> JIM CAVANAUGH:I was Assistant Secretary for Health Education and Welfare sitting in the secretary's officewho was Elliot Richardson Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00050-00044730-00045240 on a Friday evening talking about some legislation we were having trouble getting through the Senate Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00051-00045306-00046230 committee. I remember ranking member Peter Dominic from Colorado. The phone rang and Elliot took Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00052-00046230-00047094 the phone and nodded his head, yes, yes, yes. I think I have an answer for you, Jim Cavanaugh. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00053-00047262-00048132 Another pause, he said 8:00tomorrow morning- he said Saturday. Elliot said alright - I'll talk to him, it's up to him, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00054-00048132-00048942 but I'll talk to him. And with that, Elliot hung up and said, well, I have an assignment Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00055-00048942-00049404 for you if you want to take it. I said, what is that? He said, you have to be at the West Wing Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00056-00049404-00050178 of the White House at 8:00a.m. tomorrow morning - Saturday and ask for Ken Cole, he will be expecting you. I said, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00057-00050178-00051114 Ken Cole works for and he said John Ehrlichman. I knew the name and I said, all right, I'll be Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00058-00051114-00052055 there. Any idea what he wants to talk about? He said, yes. John Ehrlichman came to talk to Ken I'm Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00059-00052055-00052890 Christian Scientist and so is Bob Haldeman. We decided we are going to get ourselves out of the health Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00060-00052890-00053550 policy business and you report directly to the president on health policy and that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00061-00053550-00054120 that is what Ken wants to talk to you about.So I went over. 8:00a.m. the next morning. Saw Ken. We had Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00062-00054120-00054570 a great talk and asked me about the my background and health policy. He told me that the president Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00063-00054570-00055278 was interested in development in the national health insurance policy program and would I be willing Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00064-00055278-00055982 to do? And I said sure. He said I have to unplug myself from what I'm doing at HEW. Ken said that won't be a problem Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00065-00055982-00056778 I'll call Elliot and take care of that. I asked how long an assignment do you think it will be, he said - well it's a complicated thing so it could take Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00066-00056778-00057282 week or two or three, it's a complicated thing. I said, when would you like know start? He said, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00067-00057282-00058055 how about Monday morning? I said fine. He said great. He put his hand across the desk and said you are on. He Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00068-00058055-00059076 said, come with me. We got up from his office in the West Wing. We walked into the executive office Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00069-00059076-00059555 building and said, I have to find an office for you. We took an elevator up to the first floor Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00070-00059555-00060108 and walked a couple of feet down the corridor. He said this office right here. It's kind of small, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00071-00060108-00060498 but you won't need a lot of room and you are not going to be here very long, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00072-00060498-00061398 so how is this? I said, looks fine. He said, just for your information it's cross hall right across Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00073-00061398-00062574 the catty-corner is the President hideaway office. I said alright I will be here at 8 am Monday morning. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Your two or three weeks Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00074-00062574-00063300 turned into staying through the entire Nixon administration and then becoming deputy chief Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00075-00063300-00064188 of staff for the Ford administration. Either you didn't get your work done or you hung Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00076-00064188-00064366 on quite a while. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00077-00064366-00065405 >> JIM CAVANAUGH:It was a complicated issue, Geoff. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Sure was. If the AV Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00078-00065405-00066576 people would take us back to full screen. The four of us, Bobbie and Bill and Jim and I were well, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00079-00066576-00067224 Bobbie, Bill and I are currently board members of the Nixon Foundation and Jim just retired Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00080-00067224-00067998 as chairman. The only person not currently on the Nixon foundation or immediately past is Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00081-00067998-00068874 Ed Harper, but he lives in Florida and can be forgiven for that. Ed played such a significant role in putting it all together. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00082-00068982-00069942 If you can recall when Ed was explaining how he got there, he mentioned Andy Rouse. Andy was at Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00083-00069942-00070710 the Bureau of the Budget and then worked for the consulting firm Arthur D Little? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00084-00070710-00070938 >>Correct. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00085-00070938-00071676 Then brought back in to help with the executive organization and he became the deputy Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00086-00071754-00072546 of the Ash council and ultimately became the full time executive director of the Ash council. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00087-00072546-00073386 The Ash council was established early in the administration to help reorganize Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00088-00073386-00074394 and rationalize this burgeoning executive branch. If the AV people will take us back, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00089-00074474-00075090 we will see the members, this is the President's advisory council or executive organization. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00090-00075222-00076140 It was headed by Roy Ash of Litton Industries, which is why it's called the Ash council. Members were John Connally who Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00091-00076140-00076866 was four times governor of Texas as a Democrat. This is how Nixon met Connally. Federick Kappel Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00092-00076866-00077964 who is Chairman of AT&T. Richard Paget which is a prominent consulting firm. George Baker who was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00093-00077964-00078630 dean of Harvard business school. And a gentleman named Walter Thayer who was past President of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00094-00078630-00079374 New York Herald Tribune. This was a heavy group of people and their job was to help Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00095-00079374-00080154 rationalize the organization and management of the executive branch. If we go to the next slide Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00096-00080424-00080628 AV go to the next slide. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00097-00080928-00082160 The executive directors were Murray Camarow, Andy Rouse but Andy was deputy and then executive director. So he was there throughout. There is no Ash council report Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00098-00082160-00083172 as a single entity. There is a series of 14 different recommendations and I gave you the site here. You Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00099-00083172-00083700 can get it right off the National Archives. But they are responsible for the creation Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00100-00083700-00084228 of the Office of Telecommunications Policy, the creation of the domestic council in OMB Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00101-00084228-00084960 and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00102-00084960-00085698 You can read the various memos on rationalizing the organization. The one we are most concerned Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00103-00085698-00086874 with today is dated October17th of 1969. It discusses how the President deserved the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00104-00086874-00087666 ability to influence the policies throughout the executive branch. They suggested the creation Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00105-00087666-00088524 of what they call the office of executive management and the creation of the domestic Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00106-00088524-00089106 policy council. In all of their memos, those are the two names they use and justified it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00107-00089106-00090180 They met with the President in August of 1969. We thought we would have Andy with us today, but he is 94. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00108-00090246-00090967 He remains a dear friend, but he said he couldn't do the program so I am parroting Andy's words. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00109-00090967-00091323 They Met with Nixon at San Clemente on August20th and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00110-00091323-00092148 pitched him on their ideas and he gave tentative approval. They submitted a more formal memo on. October 17th. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00111-00092248-00093306 And that mutated into a Presidential message to the Congress. Dated May, I have it here in my pages. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00112-00093480-00094338 I have all the paper work. March12, 1970 was a formal submission to the Congress of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00113-00094338-00095148 reorganization plan number two of 1970. At this point, the domestic policy council was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00114-00095148-00095778 formerly named the Domestic Council. I'm told it was because the National Security Council, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00115-00095778-00096378 it's counterpart didn't have the word policy in the name and they wanted to parallel that. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00116-00096450-00097236 So the National Security Council was created in 1947 and consisted of Secretaries of State, Defense, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00117-00097236-00097878 CIA and Treasury. The Domestic Council consisted of the entire cabinet except Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00118-00097950-00098784 State and Defense and the Post Office. Now, they never meet as a whole. They would work Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00119-00098784-00099408 on particular issues in cabinet committees. And while we talk about the Domestic Council, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00120-00099408-00100260 most of the work was done by the staff, the Domestic Council staff that supervised the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00121-00100260-00101100 assimilation of policy recommendations andthe submission of policy papers to the President. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00122-00101184-00101886 The organization plan went through. The Bureau of the Budget became the Office Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00123-00101886-00102498 of Management and Budget. The Domestic Council was created out of whole cloth. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00124-00102708-00103644 What we are going to do is in turn talk about each of those. We are now going to go to the next slide Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00125-00103830-00104333 which is on the Domestic Council. I'm going leave that up for a minute and Ed Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00126-00104333-00105228 Harper was actually there and got a running start on this because he was doing Domestic Council work Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00127-00105282-00105948 in June, confident it would come into effect on July1. Ed, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00128-00105948-00106314 you want to talk a little bit that? >> ED HARPER: I would be happy to. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00129-00106494-00107202 The nascent Domestic Council was pretty much in place before the legislation was finished. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00130-00107502-00108324 Under John's leadership, we developed a series of position papers. In fact, a whole presentation Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00131-00108396-00109350 which John and I gave to the President in San Clemente. It was paired with a presentation Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00132-00109428-00110820 by Henry Kissinger and the NSC staff. They went firs Took up about a day with their presentation. We went secondand spent a day talking about the domestic issues Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00133-00110885-00111432 and what our recommendations were. John Erlichman and the Domestic Council'srecommendation were. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00134-00111432-00112878 And the President's priorities for the coming year. These priorities held up as the agenda,the domestic agenda for the Nixon administration Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00135-00112938-00113466 in its first term. I think that in many ways, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00136-00113466-00114150 this was the realization of the model that John Ehrlichman and the President had hoped to create. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00137-00114150-00114822 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Let me interrupt for a minute because I want to dispose of this slide. We show Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00138-00114822-00115572 you on the slide the technical leadership under Nixon and Ford. But we are really only going Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00139-00115572-00116040 to talk about two people who so were key at the beginning. John Ehrlichman, who is the original Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00140-00116040-00117000 director and Ken Cole. Ken is shown at the bottom as being deputy director and he succeeds Mel Laird. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00141-00117000-00117581 as actual director. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00142-00117635-00118638 Laird was pretty much a figurehead. The real work, the seminal work was done by John and Ken. I think all of us Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00143-00118638-00119544 remember how the leadership keyed off of John. I would like to switch. I mean, the Domestic Council Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00144-00119544-00120552 was hugely influential and we will see in a minute that the folks at OMB were more Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00145-00120648-00121518 public and in more visible positions. The Domestic Council staff was staffing Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00146-00121518-00122598 the Presidency itself. They were in the backgroound. Their job was to offer up to the President the policy choices Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00147-00122598-00123390 and rationales. So switch to Bobbie and ask Bobbie to discuss John Ehrlichman's management and style, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00148-00123390-00124066 the way it ran in the beginning if you would. Because you were working for John even before the Domestic Council. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00149-00124066-00125364 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: Yes, I was. Of interest to me is that the consolidation and formalization of a domestic policy staff was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00150-00125364-00126018 very important but I always wondered what it would have been like if John had not been the executive Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00151-00126018-00126659 director because people in personnel and personal relationships are everything. John had the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00152-00126659-00127540 confidence of the President. So even before therewas a domestic policy council John was the one in charge.There was no question about that. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00153-00127540-00128598 John was the one who determined, with the President obviously, what the priorities were and how we were about to put them Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00154-00128598-00129252 in play in the sense of defining them as more than an idea or initiative. How would it actually work? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00155-00129324-00129816 I will always remember we had something called memorandum for the President. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00156-00129894-00130505 Back in those days we hadwhat do you call the paper when it comes out Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00157-00130505-00130920 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: A white paper? >> BOBBIE KILBERG: Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00158-00131442-00132624 Papers that were literally had carbon copies. Every memorandum on domestic policy issue would Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00159-00132624-00133182 be entitled memorandum to the President for the President. But before we go to the President, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00160-00133182-00133842 it would go through a very elaborate system. Again, starting before I even got there which was August, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00161-00133842-00134604 1969. A number of those memorandums to the President were sent back by John before they ever Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00162-00134604-00135210 reached the President because he felt they hadn't opinion properly vetted by the cabinet departments Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00163-00135210-00135924 or the cabinet members didn't have their adequate say. I would send them back and tell the cabinet member you have to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00164-00135924-00136680 xyz time to put in your input what you think about this initiative and whether you agree or disagree. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00165-00136680-00137274 John was exceptionally good in the memorandum to the president that eventually went in under his signature Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00166-00137340-00138090 to have the views of everybody with an interest in that subject matter represented. Also, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00167-00138090-00138780 with agree or disagree. So the head of HEW could disagree with the head of HUD. That Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00168-00138780-00139422 would be reflected in the memo so when the President saw it he knew where every relevant member Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00169-00139422-00140334 of his cabinet was on any particular topic. So there weren't any surprises. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: If I could add, this paralleled Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00170-00140334-00140976 the way the National Security Council operated. They had two sorts of memos. National security Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00171-00140976-00141936 study memorandum and national security decision memorandum. It was when Nixon first got together Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00172-00141936-00142644 with Kissinger. He said I want a National Security Council that runs like Eisenhower’s. Let me Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00173-00142644-00143496 introduce you to General Goodpester Scribe the way it was done when I was vice President. What they would do, the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00174-00143496-00144366 foreign affairs decisions were made on paper. There was none of this personal pitch.The memosconsisted of four parts. What is the issue? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00175-00144426-00145260 Why do we have to decide? What are the president's options? And what do people think that the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00176-00145260-00146208 President respects and thinks about these options? And what Bobbie said. HEW could disagree with HUD, but the issue that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00177-00146208-00146874 John was pioneering on the domestic side was being sure everybody has heard fairly, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00178-00147000-00147696 but in writing. >> Correct. Nixon had sat through all of these meetings of the urban affairs council. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00179-00147696-00148392 BOBBIE KILERG>> ...and he wasn't going to do it again. GEOFF SHEPARD>>...and Arthur Burns were debating all kinds of stuff Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00180-00148392-00149100 No decisions were made because they couldn't agree on nomenclature or options. John came Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00181-00149100-00149748 up with this wonderful idea, why don't we do it in writing? Nixon preferred it that way any way. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00182-00149748-00150486 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: He was doing it before the council existed. He was doing it from the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00183-00150486-00151332 beginning. And initially the memorandum would be memorandum for John Ehrlichman. A lot of that would be on paper Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00184-00151332-00152064 as well although there were committees that met throughout the cabinet and departments on topics. It would Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00185-00152064-00152676 be back from John so the cabinet members say one last shot, what do you think? I need this more vetted Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00186-00152676-00153444 out. I need this more of a thoughtful response. The other part of it was under each of those Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00187-00153444-00153972 four sections you described, the president was asked to approve, disapprove, see me. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00188-00153972-00155310 And you would get emails back or the copy, the carbon paper back which would say, signed by RN. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00189-00155310-00156468 Approved RN. Disapproved RN. RN see me. That was different specific subsets of topics making a decision on. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00190-00156468-00157104 You then had follow up emails to the President saying this topic you did not Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00191-00157104-00157830 like an answer for and you wanted to have a better discussion. Here are some more options. John was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00192-00157830-00158508 very inclusive of his cabinet. I jokingly say his cabinet because in many ways it was John Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00193-00158508-00159270 Ehrlichman's cabinet. In that every domestic policystaff member when you got to the formalized domestic Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00194-00159270-00159972 poll, each person on the domestic policy staff of a certain level had a cabinet member that they liaison with. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00195-00159972-00161071 So if it was a secretary of HEW he had to got through, and I can't remember who that would have been in the early '70s before JIm Cavanaugh Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00196-00161071-00161670 They had to go through that person in order to get to see John Ehrlichman. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00197-00161670-00162419 So it was a very stratified system, but it worked and worked well. Except in the cases pardon? Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00198-00162419-00162790 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: I was asking Ed Harper to crime in. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00199-00162790-00163386 >> ED HARPER: I would just chime in to this extent that I think the written memoranda Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00200-00163482-00164310 laid out as Bobbie said is a powerful tool to discipline thought of everybody who was involved. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00201-00164310-00165072 So there is not a lack of clarity as to anybody's position. Because in the end, you have to say yes or no Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00202-00165162-00165864 or write in exactly what you would do instead. I think that was certainly in line with the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00203-00165864-00166536 President's thinking and mode of thought. Because of the famous yellow tablets he would sit down and go through and seriously look Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00204-00166536-00167394 at these memoranda and the attachments to them. He was in some ways an intellectual or a very good Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00205-00167394-00167958 lawyer at heart. He knew the case very well as a result of these memoranda. I think they were Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00206-00167958-00168762 a great aspect of the Nixon administration. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: And the other reason, if I may, Nixon didn't like personal Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00207-00168762-00169410 salesmanship. He wasn't a backslapper. He didn't think policy had to be made because Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00208-00169410-00169974 someone had a more pleasant personality. He was like a judge. He wanted to see the brief Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00209-00169974-00170814 so he could think about it. Ed is absolutely right. It is a big effort to put something into writing to make it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00210-00170814-00171804 clear and succinct. The cover memo was very short with attachments if the President wanted to learn Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00211-00171804-00172710 more, but we used to say it took six months for a new member of the Domestic Council to learn how Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00212-00172710-00173484 to prepare a written submission because it had to be absolutely objective anybody can load a memo. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00213-00173550-00174324 But the striving on the Domestic Council was Nixon didn't care what I thought. What he wanted to do Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00214-00174588-00175662 he wanted to understand the issue. Go ahead, Ed. >> ED HARPER: I was going to say the ultimate of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00215-00175662-00176706 an example of some of the decision papers we got was Martin Anderson who worked for Arthur Burns Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00216-00176706-00177417 had an office next to mine. We talked a lot about policy analysis, and things like that and presentation to the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00217-00177417-00178164 President. He said we challenged HUD on one of its programs. The junk automobile program. We are spending millions of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00218-00178164-00178806 dollars to get junk cars off the streets. Let me show you what they sent us for justification for Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00219-00178806-00179586 the program. Martin had two huge cardboard boxes in his office. They were filled with three-ring Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00220-00179586-00180282 notebooks with photographs in it. You open the notebook and there is a picture junked car parked by the curb Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00221-00180282-00180996 in some metropolitan area. You turn the page and it's gone. That was the proof that HUD was offering as Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00222-00180996-00181380 the effectiveness of the junk automobile program. Turn the page and they are gone. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00223-00181380-00182202 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: You need to remember, if I could. When Nixon took office in January of 1969, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00224-00182280-00183024 he was opposed by every single institution in Washington. Congress had been in Democrat hands Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00225-00183024-00183672 since the depression. All of the congressional staff, almost all of the federal bureaucracy, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00226-00183756-00184398 all of the media, all of the law firms, you couldn't find a Republican because they had Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00227-00184398-00185124 been out of power so long. Nixon has all these ideas. The question was how on earth does he Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00228-00185190-00186108 cause his government, his executive branch to respond? And the first issue, and it's put forth Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00229-00186108-00186738 by the Domestic Council, by the Ash council. You have to have clear policy directives. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00230-00186954-00187416 You have to have inclusion on how you set them. >> BOBBIE KILBERG: I was going to say I don't Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00231-00187416-00188088 want to leave the impression that John didn't fully analyze all different policy initiatives. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00232-00188088-00188700 He had lots of committees and working groups where he sat around the table with cabinet members and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00233-00188700-00189324 discussed issues. It was the final step when it went to the President where it showed exceptional Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00234-00189324-00190002 discipline and had to show very clearly this is our decision points. We are at the decision time, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00235-00190002-00190464 guys and you have to decide where you are going to go. There is in each of those four sections which Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00236-00190464-00191208 you discussed, Geoff. You would have to have a pro-section and a con-section. Not overall did a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00237-00191208-00191862 cabinet member have a chance in writing within this could give Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00238-00191862-00192462 their own pros and cons. So the President had a broad view of what everybody thought. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00239-00192462-00193506 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: The statement of the issue is very key. The issue they took over the BIA Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00240-00193506-00194172 building going and do we have to rush them and get them out. Or is the issue how we treated Indians for Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00241-00194172-00195096 the past 100 years. Then you get, why do I have to decide? Because Nixon was big on not Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00242-00195096-00195750 deciding too early. He only had a certain number of major decisions he was going to be making. He Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00243-00195750-00196380 didn't want to waste any. And then, of course, you get the full presentation of the options. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00244-00196524-00197214 Now, I want to get to Cavanaugh for a second. This, I think illustrates how influential domestic Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00245-00197214-00198252 council became. Jim, you told a story once I want you to repeat - that shortly after yougot there up came the issue of the war on cancer. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00246-00198378-00198960 The rest of us were staffing the state of the union. Somehow Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00247-00198960-00199518 this idea reached the top very quickly. >> JIM CAVANAUGH: It did. The President Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00248-00199518-00200328 had a birthday party by an old friend of his named Albert. Albert took him Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00249-00200328-00201054 aside at the birthday party at the White House. He said, I want you to know the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00250-00201054-00201624 scientific community came to talk to me this evening and said there is a great opportunity Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00251-00201624-00202104 to expand the knowledge that we have about the fundamental living standard of cancer, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00252-00202104-00202482 but it's going to require some federal money and I hope you take a look at it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00253-00202578-00203250 With that, a note came out to Ken Cole, the senator and me and said, we will talk about Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00254-00203250-00204318 this. We did. I'll call Elliot Richardson and getsomeone from the cancer institute and get right on it. That was about ten days before the state Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00255-00204318-00204612 of the union message. We put together a program. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00256-00204708-00205367 Had outside and inside people talking about it. Inside consultation and set it up with a decision Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00257-00205367-00206082 memo that you referred to. The President had to take a look at and checked off what he was going Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00258-00206082-00206712 to do and he did. He made a decision he was going to put an extra one hundred million dollars into Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00259-00206712-00207312 basic research and cancer research program. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Help for a second with Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00260-00207312-00208542 Elmer Bob's position? What organization? >> JIM CAVANAUGH: Elmer was one time US Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00261-00208542-00209250 operation for a pharmaceutical operation. He founded the Warner Lambert company. He was a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00262-00209250-00209910 founding member of the American Cancer Society and took a long interest in cancer research and became Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00263-00209910-00210396 a friend of the vice President when he was vice President and that continued onto the presidency. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00264-00210516-00210582 I >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00265-00210582-00210876 I want to you talk about your chat with Bill Sapphire. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00266-00210944-00211857 >> JIM CAVANAUGH: The President made his decision on Tuesday or Wednesday when I heard about it.Saw the paper had been checked off Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00267-00211878-00212873 About two hours later a fellow appeared at my door at the corner of the EOB wing and knocked Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00268-00212873-00213696 and said I'm Bill Sapphire. I said great to meet you. He said I'm helping the President with the state of the union message Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00269-00213696-00214380 and he had an actual draft of it. He said the President would like to include something about his cancer Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00270-00214380-00214769 program. I understand you are working on it? I said, I am, what would you like? He Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00271-00214769-00215532 said a paragraph or two to fit in there. I said, well, let me go to work on it. I said, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00272-00215532-00216432 when do you need it? It's 2:00I'm going to see the President at 4:00. I said, all right. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00273-00216432-00217278 So I worked with a couple people and put together a paragraph or two and Bill came Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00274-00217278-00217836 back and took the paragraph and said, fine. I said, you understand that hasn't gone through Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00275-00217836-00218328 the clearance process. He said it's going to go through the only clearance process that counts Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00276-00218328-00219167 when I walk across the hall. With that he left. That was a Thursday evening. State of the union Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00277-00219167-00219930 message was going to be 9:00Friday evening. He was going to go to the capitol and do it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00278-00219930-00221154 live. I did not see another draft of the speech. Friday went by. I left to go back home 6:30-7. I Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00279-00221154-00221826 thought I better watch his address and see if by chance there is going to be a mention of it. The Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00280-00221826-00222738 President started at 9:00o'clock. About 9:30,came to this section there it was the cancer program he announced. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00281-00223104-00223830 that address was to be on goals and revenue sharing and moving power from the federal Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00282-00223830-00224448 establishment back into the states and communities. That was supposed to be the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00283-00224448-00225084 major impact of it. The next morning I showed up in the west executive wing and parked my Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00284-00225084-00225869 car. Someone showed me the headline of the New York Times. It has the story about the cancer Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00285-00225869-00226823 program. I turned around to someone walking over the avenue. I said quite a story. And he said Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00286-00226908-00228204 quite a clearance process. With that we talked about it and everything was fine. It was a good Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00287-00228204-00228834 example how when the President had an issue he wanted to move along he could do that quickly. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00288-00228834-00229662 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: John used to lecture us Domestic Council members that our job was to get the government out of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00289-00229662-00230238 way of the good ideas. You get it tossed over to bureaucracy and you would never Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00290-00230238-00231096 hear from it again. They wanted to pick- we did roughly the same thing on drug abuse treatment. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00291-00231156-00231732 I mean, we had a good idea and we ran with it and had full White House support Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00292-00231732-00232230 on doing it. It worked out rather well. >> JIM CAVANAUGH: This was a good example Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00293-00232284-00233028 because the President very strongly felt he wanted the cancer program responsible in by one person and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00294-00233028-00233580 that would be appointed by the President. He didn't want to see lost in the bureaucracy. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00295-00233682-00234071 He felt it was one of the things that had to be done is that the goals had to be clearly Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00296-00234071-00234617 set out and a program had to be identified and the funds had to be allocated to that program. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00297-00234617-00235590 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: I remember one other thing about Ehrlichman and his staff. It was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00298-00235919-00237132 the admonition toward creativity and new ideas. And, people John was open to new ideas. They Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00299-00237132-00237840 didn't have to come from just his own staff. And I remember one instance of someone that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00300-00237840-00238584 happens to be in congressional relations. They hung around outside in the hallway of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00301-00238584-00239646 the second floor of the west wing so he could run into John Ehrlichman by chance , he couldn't get an appointment, and share this idea. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00302-00239730-00240648 John was like that. John was approachable. He wasn't high falutin or unduly formal. He had a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00303-00240648-00241500 fine sense of humor. But really supported his staff, believed in his staff and was looking Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00304-00241500-00242442 for innovation and different answers. Lyndon Johnson was a legislative tactician andhe'd Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00305-00242605-00243894 gotten 65 bills through that constituted the Great Society. Lots of them were just throwing money at a problem. In that era, nobody Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00306-00243894-00244356 cared who was going to get credit because the Democrats had two thirds majority of both houses. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00307-00244536-00245171 The committee chairman wasn't elected by the committee. The Chairman it incredible power. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00308-00245292-00245808 You could go see a Chairman and say this isn't a budget issue. You already Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00309-00245808-00246396 have $20million you are spending on this, but we think it could be more efficient. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00310-00246594-00247080 The Chairman had no interest in stopping that at all because it wasn't a fight over Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00311-00247080-00247710 credit. If it was really a good idea you could sell it. It was a much happier time. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00312-00247710-00248850 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: I was just going to say John was a huge, big Teddy bear. He liked people and loved creativity and inclusivity. What Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00313-00248850-00249594 Jim was talking about in the cancer war reminded me precisely what happened in Native American policy. The Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00314-00249594-00250182 President decided personally he wanted to redefine the relationship between the United States Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00315-00250182-00250871 government and Native American tribes. He was going to do it and he did do it. Everybody on the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00316-00250871-00251802 domestic policy staff laughed at it a little bit. At 7:30meetings they say what are you going to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00317-00251802-00252702 do now? But, the day after the President had theTaos Pueblo people in the cabinet room to present his new Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00318-00252702-00253302 Native American policy, it was the next morning above the fold on the first page of the New York Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00319-00253302-00254021 Times said Richard Nixon redefines Native American policy. The two people who believed in it in Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00320-00254021-00255000 addition to the President were John and Len Garmin and me obviously. The President said run with it, he took a lot of risks. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00321-00255000-00255282 He hadthe senator from New Mexico, senior Senator Clinton Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00322-00255282-00256289 Anderson who was a piece of work said he was going to vote against theantiballistic missile treaty if we dare return Blue Lake to the Taos Pueblo people. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00323-00256289-00256752 It's not sayable on a public Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00324-00256752-00257754 forum. The President said you tell Clinton Anderson to go -- himself because we are going to do this because it's right. Thinking Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00325-00257754-00258500 outside of the box and being creative is one of John's big suits. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: I am going to focus on this because I heard this story, but I Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00326-00258500-00259992 want it told again. Indians were considered separate nations. We had treaties with the Indians. We had given them oil and land Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00327-00259992-00260694 and lots of land and other things. So what had been the policy before Nixon Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00328-00260771-00261540 was called assimilation. We were going to get rid of the Indian problem by paying them Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00329-00261540-00262464 to leave their rights, sell their birthright, move out of the treaty and get some money to go Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00330-00262464-00263154 into the center city and live in the slums of a big city and become assimilated in the rest Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00331-00263154-00264498 of society. This was federal policy. I accused you of majoring in Indian affairs. Nixon said we Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00332-00264498-00264960 can't do this to these people. They have treaty rights and they should be treated with respect. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00333-00265068-00265878 He reversed that policy which was not only correct, but astounding Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00334-00265878-00266352 in retrospect it had been pursued. >> BOBBIE KILBERG: It was a policy Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00335-00266352-00267186 of self-determination rather than termination or assimilation. To this day, if you go up to Taos, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00336-00267186-00268314 and you go into the homes of on the pueblo, you'll see photos of Richard Nixon on their mantle pieces Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00337-00268314-00269178 because they have such a respect for what he did. He changed the direction of a major, major Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00338-00269442-00270012 hundreds of years of destruction to do something right because he knew Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00339-00270012-00270534 it was right. He didn't care what anybody else thought. He was going to do it and he did it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00340-00270534-00271042 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: He always spoke about his football coach at college. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00341-00271042-00272093 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: Yes. It was coach Newman. (crosstalk) >> GEOFF SHEPARD: He would have coached at a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00342-00272093-00273056 major university if it weren't for the thought about discrimination against Indians. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00343-00273056-00274188 He was a huge influence on ten years of football players. Nixon was too slight of build to make the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00344-00274188-00274680 team. He never stopped trying. He fought like mad when he wasn't physically strong enough. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00345-00274764-00275520 We always talk about Neuman and the inspiration. What came through to me when I was doing this work Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00346-00275580-00275838 and this was years later after I left the White House. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00347-00275910-00276558 Chief Neuman didn't remember him. He had coached a lot of kids and been a big influence on their Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00348-00276558-00277308 lives. After the first 300 students they meshed together. He never once took credit Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00349-00277392-00277992 for being that kind of influence on Nixon. He would speak in general terms and he wasn't eager Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00350-00278052-00278700 to tell people he couldn't remember him, but it wasn't going to claim credit for recognizing him Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00351-00278700-00279318 early on. That takes a lot of stature when the President is going on and on about how Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00352-00279318-00280164 influential you were and you are not going, it was really nothing. It was a tribute to his stature. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00353-00280164-00280422 I want to switch >> BOBBIE KILBERG: Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00354-00280560-00281154 One quick point and I'll let you switch. The President really did believe in self-determination. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00355-00281214-00281814 If you draw a parallel to historically black universities, the President put a lot of money Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00356-00281814-00282372 into historically black colleges because he believed that not everybody had to fit into the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00357-00282372-00283086 same mold and you needed to respect differences. Again, it was the concept of self-determination Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00358-00283086-00283608 and integration, but not forced assimilation. He carried over that higher Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00359-00283608-00284268 education. He put his money where his mouth was. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: That was George Shultz's proudest Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00360-00284268-00285306 accomplishments. I want to focus on the environment. John was a land use lawyer at a firm in Seattle Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00361-00285408-00286044 when he wasn't helping the President to campaign. John was in the campaign, none of us were. But Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00362-00286176-00286896 the oh, Bill, I didn't know. Well, we will get to you in a second. Let me finish my thought on Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00363-00286896-00287802 the environment before I forget it. John was huge on the environment. It was a budding issue. It Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00364-00287802-00289086 was not huge it was not in the campaign as Rachel whatever Silent Spring and the first Earth Day. But we take today, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00365-00289164-00290064 huge credit for the administration being so enlightened on the environment. From my Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00366-00290064-00290682 viewpoint, it was all John. It was John who pushed the President. John who made the points. I don't Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00367-00290682-00291318 think any of us worked on that, though. Jim? Ed? >> JIM Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00368-00291318-00291726 CAVANAUGH: I watched it. I saw what John Whittaker was doing on the staff side. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00369-00291726-00292728 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Whittaker was responsible for the staff side of it. Helen worked on that end and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00370-00293058-00293964 the other White House fellow we were trying to get his name earlier. He came from 3M. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00371-00293964-00294516 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: Joe Dixon? >> GEOFF SHEPARD: That was from IBM. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00372-00294642-00295026 All these fellows pass. >> JIM CAVANAUGH: Not Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00373-00295026-00295446 sure his name was Ed, but I met him. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Maybe not. His wife's Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00374-00295446-00296790 name was Gay. I would see him at all the reunions. He became ultimately vice chairman. And he did the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00375-00296790-00297576 environment. But that was a huge amount of environmental legislation not just creation of EPA. The Clean air Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00376-00297576-00298458 water, marine mammal, ocean dumping. The creation of NOAA was influential in the environment as EPA. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00377-00298716-00299802 We have been holding off on the compliment of OMB. I would like to have AV put up the slide on the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00378-00299802-00300774 OMB management. The first director of OMB is George Shultz who came over from Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00379-00300774-00301464 the Department of Labor. If you drop down to deputy director was Cap Weinberger Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00380-00301548-00302640 followed by Fred Mallek and Paul O'Neill. I want to focus on those four because I think they set the tone. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00381-00302842-00303606 You remember what happened. The Domestic Council was supposed to helpthe President set the policy. The President's decisions. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00382-00303696-00304656 But then OMB was supposed to effectuate it. It was called in the Ash council memos the office of executive management. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00383-00304745-00305424 But the decision was made If you were going to transform the Bureau of the Budget, you needed to keep the name budget. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00384-00305538-00305874 They said afterwards, we can take the slide down and go back to the full screen now. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00385-00305928-00306852 They said afterwards it was the money that OMB controlled that gave that agency Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00386-00306852-00307392 their slack. You talk management until you were blue in the face, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00387-00307482-00308190 but when you are withholding funds until certain things happen, it gets people's attention. Let's Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00388-00308190-00309066 go, if we could first to Ed Harper on the idea of Office of Management and Budget and then to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00389-00309066-00310128 Bill Kilberg George Shultz as a manager. >> ED HARPER: OMB I think it was seen by the people Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00390-00310158-00310716 from the Bureau of the Budget as well, this is one more incarnation of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00391-00310716-00311508 Bureau of the Budget. It's expanded and recognized something we did at Bureau of the Budget which is Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00392-00311508-00312300 have big influence on management. They weren't too unhappy with the role because they knew whatever else Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00393-00312300-00313194 happened it was still going to be the President's mark generated through a fairly traditional process. But it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00394-00313194-00313842 was the Domestic Council working with the Office of Management and Budget coming up with that mark. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00395-00313842-00315385 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: There was a guy whose only job was the budget,. the federal budget. They banned smoking Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00396-00315385-00316194 in the office building so he would eat cigars and chew on them. They would rank the intensity of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00397-00316194-00316968 debate over the money by whether it was a three cigar meeting or four cigar meeting. Because Sam Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00398-00316968-00317670 would sit there and chew. He couldn't smoke it. He would chew and spit out parts of the cigar. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00399-00317736-00318196 But he was the I think the acknowledged expert. >> ED HARPER: Absolutely. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00400-00318196-00319000 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Then there was an office of executive management in the old BOB.Remember that was run by Dwight Ink. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00401-00319128-00319686 I don't think it had nearly the influence that the agency had. The agency was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00402-00319812-00320166 pretty much the cream of the civil service crop Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00403-00320220-00320886 when we got there. Those were top people. >> ED HARPER: They were. They were absolutely Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00404-00320886-00321702 top people. Tremendous experience and even though some people on the Domestic Council and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00405-00321702-00322494 the White House staff questioned their loyalty, I worked with him all the time and I didn't. I saw Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00406-00322644-00323000 they were really implementing the President's program. I mean DwightInk Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00407-00323169-00323886 says the greatest accomplishment he ever had was getting rid of the new communities program. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00408-00324132-00324846 Of course, he had played a rolebirthing it in the first place. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: There was this great quote. I Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00409-00324846-00325626 think it came from Paul O'Neill. If the President wants a pig on every porch at 3:00in the afternoon every Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00410-00325626-00326394 day, our job is to figure out how to do it. That is kind of how the OMB people saw their role. Bill, let's go to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00411-00326394-00327444 you and talk about the George Shultz' management style. >> BILL KILBERG: I would note and first off, I'm Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00412-00327444-00328296 one of many mentees of George Shultz. He mentored many folks during his lengthy and distinguished Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00413-00328296-00328968 career. I think it's important to note that George and John Ehrlichman got along very well. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00414-00329045-00329880 Had a mutual respect. Liked each other.I'm the beneficiary of a gift from John Ehrlichman some Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00415-00329880-00330852 years ago where he gave me a copy of a sketch he had done. John sketched a lot while at meetings. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00416-00330966-00332532 He had one meeting with George Schultz who had a clock on his wall and John sketched the clock, knowing my relationship to George he gave it to me Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00417-00332532-00333378 as a gift many years ago which I framed and still cherish. They had a very, very good relationship. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00418-00333432-00334224 I think Shultz would say in terms of his professional life he was most influenced by Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00419-00334302-00335256 two sets of experiences. One in the United States Marine Corps and the other as an economist, dean Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00420-00335256-00335886 of the Chicago business school, labor, arbitrator and mediator. Those kind of all go together. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00421-00336036-00336938 On the Marine Corps side you saw Shultz he was soft spoken. He had a very strong sense of right and wrong. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00422-00336938-00337356 and he would express his views very Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00423-00337356-00338244 calmly. You had to listen to him very carefully. He said there were no empty threats. Empty bluffs were Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00424-00338244-00338982 not a good idea. He carried it over to a new Secretary of State. In all of his roles Shultz Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00425-00339060-00339708 was very down to earth and soft spoken but very clear and brief. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00426-00339840-00340338 He had a view of the federal bureaucracy. He said they are not to be feared, but they are to be led. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00427-00340458-00341118 He didn't believe in big staffs. He said the people who are on the line organization Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00428-00341118-00341670 are my staff. At the labor department it was the assistant secretaries. At Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00429-00341670-00342366 OMB it would be the associate directors. He let them structure their organizations in a way, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00430-00342366-00343002 again, quoting from him he said was suitable to them so long as it's also suitable to me. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00431-00343182-00343776 He didn't believe in too many direct reports. This was something he did early in in labor where Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00432-00343776-00344922 when he took over from Bill Wertz.Willard Wertz who had been Secretary of Labor in the Johnson administration they were good friends. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00433-00345000-00345978 They had known each other for many years. Taught and worked together across business school, law school lines. But, he had Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00434-00345978-00346746 a very different view than Wertz did. He streamlined, reorganized the department so that there Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00435-00346746-00347658 were much fewer direct reports to the secretary. Shultz was not political. He got criticized in Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00436-00347658-00348414 the early days at labor because so many of his appointees were Democrats. His deputy secretary Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00437-00348414-00349302 had been a Democrat. Libby Kuntz, Jeff Moore who was independent, not a Republican. Arty Weber Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00438-00349302-00350226 who was the assistant secretary for manpower and came with Shultz to OMB to head the management Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00439-00350226-00350796 side. They were all Democrats. One of the reasons Larry Silverman got to the position Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00440-00350796-00351726 he did as solicitor at a young age is because Larry was a Republican. One of very few. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00441-00351726-00352266 Shultz didn't look at the political party but looked at ideology. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00442-00352362-00353340 He was very close to Arthur Burns. He worked for Burns in the Eisenhower administration on the Council of Economic Advisors. He had Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00443-00353340-00354246 been very close to Milton Friedman. Shultz used to say proudly I'm a Friedman-ite not a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00444-00354246-00355464 freed maniac. That was also his sense of humor. He had a great faith in markets and that leads Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00445-00355464-00356172 me to the discussion of his training at MIT as an economist and his work as an economist. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00446-00356268-00357228 Shultz, like the President, thought in terms of strategy. He always gave that credit to his Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00447-00357228-00357984 being an economist. He said, as an economist, I understand there is lag time. You do something, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00448-00357984-00358662 but it doesn't happen right away. There is a lag time. You have to be thinking in advance. You have Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00449-00358662-00359562 to be thinking in strategic terms, in large terms. When he became secretary in January of 1969, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00450-00359688-00360450 we had a long shore strike going on in the United States on the east coast and on the gulf coast. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00451-00360516-00361032 Shultz would tell this story many, many times as an example of strategic thinking. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00452-00361320-00361740 The Johnson administration issued a Taft Hartly injunction. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00453-00361806-00362396 It had been challenged by the unions. Gone all the way to the fast track to the Supreme Court. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00454-00362396-00362742 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Let me just explain what the cooling off period is. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00455-00362819-00363576 It's an 80 day cooling off period. The president has the authority do that. >> BILL KILBERG: He has the authority do it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00456-00363576-00364058 if he can show it's a national emergency. He has to go to court to show it's a national emergency. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00457-00364058-00364302 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: It's renewable one time? >> BILL KILBERG: It's renewable one time. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00458-00364380-00365466 It's renewable one time. It expired a few days before Shultz became secretary on January21, 1969. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00459-00365688-00366474 So the administration was faced with this strike now taking place. It had been held Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00460-00366474-00367152 up because of the injunctions and it was now the injunctions were off and the strike was going to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00461-00367152-00367692 occur. Was a lot of media pressure on the President. A lot of political pressure on the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00462-00367692-00368310 President. Take action. Bring them into the White House. Get legislation if you need to. We can't have this Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00463-00368310-00368982 strike. It's a national emergency. Shultz went to see Nixon. He said Supreme Court is wrong. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00464-00369084-00369789 The Johnson administration was wrong. It's not a national emergency.It's a serious inconvenience Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00465-00369822-00370272 There is going to be some economic effects, but it's not a national emergency. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00466-00370272-00370986 If we bring these folks into the White House, if we force a settlement, you will be hanging Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00467-00370986-00371994 out your shingle and say come here. Nobody will in any major industry will bargain in good Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00468-00371994-00372552 faith. They will all hold back their final offer, their best over until they get to the White House. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00469-00372696-00373194 He said we need to encourage the market to work and the parties to solve their own problem. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00470-00373398-00373842 The president supported him, took a lot of heat for it. Supported Shultz. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00471-00373920-00374382 They did not bring the unions into the White House. They didn't do anything. Go ahead and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00472-00374382-00375234 bargain. A few weeks later the strike was settled. It was never a national emergency. And Shultz Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00473-00375234-00375930 would always point to that. He would point to other examples in his background. He would talk Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00474-00375930-00376644 about the Hawthorne experiment. Hawthorne was a General Electric plant in Hawthorne Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00475-00376644-00377394 New York. They found if they increased the lighting in the plant productivity improved. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00476-00377394-00377856 They found if they took out the lights they had put in productivity improved more. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00477-00378054-00379284 Shultz cited this example that somebody was paying attention to the workers. Shultz took that as Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00478-00379284-00379950 a lesson that you should listen. He said, listen to what the other side has to say. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00479-00380022-00380730 Listen carefully. He said, also, he believed that people liked to learn. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00480-00380856-00381606 He said, so let's engage in a learning exercise. He used that very effectively when the President Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00481-00381606-00382590 asked him to add an effort on desegregation of southern schools. This is why he was at OMB. And Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00482-00382590-00383502 he had to deal with governors from the southern states and you remember, this is 1969, 1970. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00483-00383598-00384402 And we still had segregated schools since the 1954 Brown decision hasn't changed a heck of a lot. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00484-00384786-00385584 Shultz got the confidence of all of the players because they recognized Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00485-00385584-00386256 he was listening, hearing what they had to say, responding and educating on what Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00486-00386256-00386796 the administration was prepared to do and what had to be done. He delivered a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00487-00386796-00387528 strong message as only a former marine can do it. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: It was one of Shultz's proudest Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00488-00387528-00388158 accomplishments. The peaceful desegregation of the southern schools. We have a program, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00489-00388158-00389190 a Nixon legacy program featuring George and they said we brought into the leadership in the individual southern states. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00490-00389226-00389954 Look, it's going to happen. You can do it easy or do it rough. But it's going to happen. And, you Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00491-00389954-00390510 are going to rue the day when you could have done it peacefully and you didn't take advantage of it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00492-00390570-00391278 By the way, we have some money here for you if we do it our way. He handled OMB. I think what Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00493-00391278-00392064 they did was buy buses, but I'm not positive. >> BILL KILBERG: Let me mention one other Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00494-00392064-00392550 thing that Shultz used to talk about. George would talk about it a great deal. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00495-00392688-00393510 While he was in the labor relations world as dean of the school of business at the University Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00496-00393510-00394578 of Chicago, he co-chaired with Mark Kerr an automation committee for the Armor meat company dealing with Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00497-00394578-00395316 displacement of workers as a result of automation. They had to go to a plant in Fort Worth Texas. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00498-00395424-00396822 An executive from Armor was African American. They all went to a hotel to check in. This fellow wentto check in and they said we have no more rooms. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00499-00397032-00397716 Shultz said, that is all right, he can stay in my room. And, the desk clerk Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00500-00397932-00398526 objected to that. And Shultz put his foot down and said you have more rooms. You are going to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00501-00398526-00399450 find this gentleman a room. He said we are all leaving. Always pointed to that not in terms of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00502-00399522-00400272 the pride he could legitimately take in his own actions, but as a rude awakening Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00503-00400488-00401652 on race relations in the United States. It was instrumental in the views he Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00504-00401652-00402156 developed with regard to affirmative action, the Philadelphia plan, when I was Secretary of Labor Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00505-00402318-00402880 and his actions and activities with regard to desegregation of schools. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00506-00402880-00403620 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Let's clarify that for a second. He wasn't just desegregation of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00507-00403620-00404164 southern schools. The Philadelphia plan was desegregation of the Northern trade unions. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00508-00404164-00404334 >> BILL KILBERG: Right. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00509-00404334-00404850 And the continuation of that because the discrimination wasn't just in the south. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00510-00404850-00405744 >> BILL KILBERG: That's right. It was in the construction trades, skilled trades throughout Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00511-00405744-00406428 the United States and when Shultz testified in Congress and he was asked about imposing a quota Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00512-00406602-00407280 for the employment of black workers in the construction trades, he said, no, I'm removing a Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00513-00407280-00407598 quota. He says, right now, there is a quota of 0. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00514-00407796-00408618 >> GEOFFSHEPARD: Your comment about Hawthorne. The Hawthorne experiment reminded me of Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00515-00408618-00409416 something that Don Rumsfeld said years ago. Whatever you measure will improve, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00516-00409656-00410106 unless you measure everything. You just have to be sure you are measuring the right thing. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00517-00410220-00410885 Because if you are measuring the tons of waste coming out of a plant, that will improve. Product Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00518-00410885-00411354 may not be safe or something may not work right, but you have to be very careful when Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00519-00411354-00412032 you start measuring stuff. I want to make a point on Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00520-00412110-00412614 numbers of people. Then I want to go back to Jim on his appearance before the Congress. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00521-00412950-00413747 I don't have the early head count, but I have come across a 1971 press release Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00522-00413747-00414438 from the Nixon White House, April of 1971 that lists all the members of the White House staff, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00523-00414539-00415032 all the members of the National Security Council and all the members of the Domestic Council. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00524-00415139-00415746 I think it's very instructive because there are 128 members of the White House staff, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00525-00415746-00416034 congressional relations, speech writers, advance teams, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00526-00416166-00416712 the first lady staff just all kinds of people. Names we all remember from the glory days. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00527-00416862-00417347 There is the list of people from the National Security Council that I don't remember Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00528-00417432-00417918 because I worked on domestic affairs. There is 128 on the White House staff. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00529-00417972-00419208 There is 55 of national security staff and there is 19 on Domestic Council. 19. It's because Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00530-00419346-00420089 we were supposed to help John and Ken, but the President to decide upon the policy Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00531-00420150-00420804 and then it was we were supposed to follow through, but OMB was supposed to execute. Now, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00532-00420804-00421350 I didn't come up with a phone directory or a list of people from OMB. But, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00533-00421350-00422208 it was huge. It was a big, big agency. Now, Jim, having said that we never testified we were the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00534-00422208-00422988 President's private army, you had an exception. >> JIM CAVANAUGH: I mentioned it earlier, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00535-00422988-00423522 the cancer program the President had as one of his priorities. We were working on differences Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00536-00423522-00424116 between the program of the House and Senate version. The Senate was in the committee that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00537-00424116-00425016 Ted Kennedy chaired. The House version was in a committee that Congressman Paul Rogers chaired was interested in health and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00538-00425016-00425747 programs and legislation. I had worked with Congressman Rogers and a Republican member from Minnesota Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00539-00425747-00426480 to collaborate on what the President would want in his final legislative package. He wanted Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00540-00426480-00427247 to get it done that year in the legislation. We were there early December. And, I thought Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00541-00427247-00427860 I had it pretty well agreed with the House. I was having lunch in the White House mess one day Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00542-00427860-00428571 and the phone rang and my secretary said, Congressman Rogers is on the phone. I said I'm going to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00543-00428571-00429030 grab some people and tell him I'll call him back. He said he wants to talk to you right now. If you Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00544-00429030-00430302 want your legislation done today, talk to him. I said what dcan I do for you. We are getting ready at 4:00to meet our Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00545-00430302-00430854 counterparts from the Senate. Ted Kennedy has some things he wants that nobody agrees with. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00546-00430854-00431447 We need some help as to what the President would agree to. You have to come up and meet with the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00547-00431447-00432054 Republican members. I promise you there will be no transcript. It will be an executive session Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00548-00432168-00432870 what flashed through my mind executive privilege, Watergate was going on and people weren't Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00549-00432870-00433500 going up to testify. I decided we were going to do this legislation. I knew Rogers enough that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00550-00433500-00434322 if he said he was going to keep it confidential he would. I hung up the phone and I said I want Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00551-00434322-00435024 to go to the House. He gave me the number of the house conference room on the house side. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00552-00435024-00435654 They had the whole committee there. He said, I promised you, we are going to keep this an Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00553-00435654-00436139 executive session and keep it between us. We have seven points we need to go down Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00554-00436139-00436920 through. He said, my members will hold firm if we are sure the President is behind you. I went through Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00555-00436920-00437424 point by point and gave what the President's position was. He said we have what we need. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00556-00437532-00438438 Wish us well and we will show you what which do. He called and said all seven succeeded all what Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00557-00438438-00438906 we wanted to do. With that they passed the bill the following week. That was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00558-00438906-00439692 December23, 1971 the President signed it. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: We call that back channel Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00559-00439889-00440118 communication. >> JIM CAVANAUGH:Back channel for sure. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00560-00440118-00440693 If you can imagine what was going on with Watergate and executive privilege and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00561-00440693-00441635 Congress wanted to get certain members of the White House up to testify. What went throughmy mind is do I call Bill Timons and talk to him Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00562-00441635-00442439 or call the council's office? I knew in a minute if I had done that the answer probably would have Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00563-00442439-00442997 been let's talk about it and think about it. As I said, I had the confidence that Paul Rogers Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00564-00442997-00443885 was dealing with a straight deck and they wanted this legislation passed and that is what happened. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00565-00443885-00444618 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: So it came to be. You said the magic word. You said Watergate. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00566-00444618-00445596 I was intimately involved in the President's defense and I have done a lot of research on the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00567-00445596-00446472 special prosecutor's materials since. And I wrote three books and it's my obsession. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00568-00446784-00447522 I really liked, liked because he's passed away, John Ehrlichman.I just thought the world of him. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00569-00447780-00448170 And I don't think anybody got shafted worse than John Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00570-00448493-00449622 in the issue. He wasn't in the chain of command. He did not do anything demonstrably evil. It Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00571-00449622-00450352 just ruined everything. It ruined his life, marriage, ruined his relationship with his kids. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00572-00450684-00451739 I really worry about that. Because I don't think anything close to justice was done. I'm very biased in Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00573-00451739-00452520 this and this isn't the place to debate this. But, I think the one who was most at fault there was Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00574-00452520-00453084 a break-in the break-in people were going to get punished. No worry about that. But the one Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00575-00453084-00453906 who ran the cover up I think to protect himself when it collapsed and it should have collapsed Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00576-00453978-00455093 then pointed the finger at others at who the Congress and the press were bigger fish. And John's Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00577-00455406-00455628 difficulty was he was a bigger fish. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00578-00455628-00456204 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: I was going to say you are absolutely right. And going back again to Native Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00579-00456204-00456810 Americans, the Native American community was so grateful to John for what he had done in Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00580-00456810-00457680 redefining Indian relations they went to the judge that is the 15 tribes of the New Mexico Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00581-00457680-00458586 Pueblos went to the judge and asked the judgeif John could instead of serving time in prison could please do community service Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00582-00458586-00459456 for the Pueblos. The judge said no. But John was so overwhelmed by that after Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00583-00459456-00460152 some long discussions that Bill and I and he had, he decided to move with his wife Kristy Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00584-00460230-00461274 to New Mexico and they moved to Santa Fe and we got to know him even better at a friend over the 15 to 20 years. He immersed himself in the community. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00585-00461274-00461934 He continuedto work with the Pueblos on environmental and legal rights issues and water rights issues. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00586-00462138-00462834 He did have a second marriage to Kristy. He did is have a wonderful young son Michael who is the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00587-00462834-00463722 same age as my children were who are in their early 40s. He reconciled with his own kids. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00588-00463835-00464946 He died way too young at age 73 in Atlanta. But, I know deep in his heart that his respect for Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00589-00465042-00466104 Richard Nixon for the initiatives that RichardNixon believed and that he believed in and that which Richard Nixon enabled John to push forward Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00590-00466104-00466920 is something that obviously was the central part of his life. So I guess we are near to closing. I just want to say to me, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00591-00466920-00467550 John Ehrlichman had a profound effect on my life and I hope on the life of everyone else Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00592-00467550-00468060 because he was just an extraordinary individual. I'll tell you one last I know you are sick and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00593-00468060-00468546 tired about hearing Indian stories. I'll tell you one last Indian story because it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00594-00468546-00469408 emphasizes the role of OMB and Shultz in relationship to Domestic Council and the kind of deference the needed to show us. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00595-00469408-00469968 Two quick stories. One, therewere two assistant directors of OMB who hated Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00596-00469968-00470652 the Native American policy. They were determined to undercut it. They did everything they could Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00597-00470652-00471384 budgetwise and structurally to deep six it. And finally, their boss, Don Rice came and Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00598-00471384-00471947 saw me and said, Bobbie, this was the President's initiative. We are not going to stand in its way. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00599-00471947-00472920 I told these two guys to stand down and shut up. Number two, in the spring of 1971 there was the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00600-00472920-00473808 Alaskan native land claim settlement act which would provide 44.5 million acres of land back to the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00601-00473808-00474762 Alaskan natives as well as 962 million dollars in cash through a royalty system. $962million in cash was real money Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00602-00474762-00475446 back then. The President had called John Ehrlichman and John Ehrlichman went into the oval office. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00603-00475550-00476393 And he said - well I don't know John says he called him into the oval office. He said, I want this to be settled and settled now Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00604-00476393-00477185 and fairly. I need to get the Alaskan pipeline built and I can't do this until we can solve Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00605-00477185-00477918 it justly. Ehrlichman called into his office Roger Morton who is rSecretary of the Interior, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00606-00477989-00478974 Shultz, myself, Don Rice, Brad Patterson and said- this is what the President wants to do. Do any of you Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00607-00478974-00479484 have any objections? And nobody, not a single person in that room had a single objection, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00608-00479484-00480108 though no less than two hours before that Roger Morton had me on the phone screaming at me about Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00609-00480108-00480593 what a terrible possible settlement this was and how the President should never be part of it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00610-00480678-00481235 As soon as John said this is what the President wants, that was it. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00611-00481235-00481716 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: What is unique is John didn't have to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00612-00481716-00482352 say it very often. But when John said it it was true. >> BOBBIE KILBERG: I asked John after that, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00613-00482352-00482789 I said, John, did you really go and ask the President? He had this twinkle in the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00614-00482789-00483900 eye and said, for me to know and you to think. It didn't matter When John said something everybody knew that is Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00615-00483960-00484338 what the decision had been made and that is what we are going to do and it Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00616-00484338-00484812 was the Domestic Council that was ruling. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: We have about ten minutes left. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00617-00484812-00486024 Our NARA people, Tom, can you feed me questions? I don't see them on my screen. There is one. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00618-00486443-00486732 There have been no questions so far from the audience so Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00619-00486732-00487554 I'm going to add something at this point. I have done reunions of the policy planning Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00620-00487554-00488328 staff. None of us except Bill somehow snuck into the campaign. None of us were campaigners, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00621-00488328-00489089 we were people who helped to govern. People who do well in the campaign aren't necessarily Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00622-00489089-00489942 qualified to help run the executive branch. So the reunions I have and I was in law school Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00623-00490038-00490854 like Bobbie and Bill so I was not involved in the campaign. I remember as my closest colleagues Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00624-00490854-00491772 and friends people from the Domestic Council and people from the office presidential appointees to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00625-00491772-00492347 OMB, and by default some people from the National Security Council who are keeping us all safe. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00626-00492347-00493176 So I have been hosting annual reunions of what we call the White House policy planning staff Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00627-00493332-00494016 for almost 40 years. We are the only White House staff that has regularly scheduled Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00628-00494016-00495296 annual reunions of the governance people. We make possible exceptions for the NSC people. I thinkto a single person Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00629-00495396-00496020 everyone in that reunion group would say John Ehrlichman was the person they liked the most Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00630-00496146-00497088 and they felt treated people fairly and was most approachable than anybody else. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00631-00497088-00497897 We, the proud, the few, we band of brothers including Bobbie. We had the best jobs in the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00632-00497897-00498888 world. It was fun to come to work. There were tough issues. But John understood the lawyers Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00633-00498888-00499806 admonition that lawyers work with each other and not for each other. That was very clear in the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00634-00499806-00500489 Domestic Council work. John wasn't afraid of letting you sign your own memo and get credit for your own Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00635-00500489-00501582 research. He may have the cover memo, but if you wrote the definitive memoit went in with your name on it. That was unique of the White House staff too. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00636-00501582-00502200 In the last six minutes we are going ring around the rosy and get final thoughts from each of you Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00637-00502200-00502728 if you want to contribute. We are going to start with Bobbie because she is the most articulate. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00638-00502728-00503121 >> BOBBIE KILBERG: It was an honor Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00639-00503121-00503747 and privilege to serve in the Nixon administration to serve for President Nixon and especially to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00640-00503747-00504312 work for and with John Ehrlichman. I love you, John, we always will. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00641-00504312-00505296 >> GEOFF SHEPARD: Bill, you follow your wife? >> BILL KILBERG: I would second everything she Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00642-00505296-00506400 said. I'm a great admirer of John Ehrlichman as well and a great admirer of George Shultz who played Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00643-00506400-00507222 such a large role in my career. Just as a footnote because I did work on the campaign, I worked Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00644-00507222-00507804 with people who came into the administration. I worked on the research staff. I was the gopher Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00645-00507804-00509082 for Pat Buchanan, Sapphire, Allan Greenspan, Martin Anderson the whole crew of really exceptional people who did come Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00646-00509082-00509814 into the administration in a variety of positions. I was the guy who went to the library and did Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00647-00509814-00510438 the research for them and allowed them to write the position papers and speeches and so on they Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00648-00510438-00511020 did for the President during the campaign. I wasn't the only one. But I was one of the Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00649-00511020-00511680 gophers. >> JIM CAVANAUGH: I didn't work Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00650-00511680-00512310 directly with John. I had great respect for the organization they put together and the people that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00651-00512310-00513342 he had mainly with his deputy Ken Cole who I worked with daily and sometimes hourly on key issues. John kept to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00652-00513342-00514110 his word he delegated to Ken what Ken was going to do in the health area. Ken was a great person Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00653-00514110-00514896 to work with and a great member of the President's staff. It doesn't get mentioned a lot. I thought Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00654-00514896-00515382 the world of him and thought he was a great member of the staff. It was a privilege to work with him Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00655-00515382-00515735 and all the people on this call. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00656-00516185-00517188 >> ED HARPER:I echo Bobbie's thoughts about John Ehrlichman as a man who was a great man. And had great love for Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00657-00517188-00517764 other people and I think many people loved him for all the things he stood for. It reminded me Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00658-00517818-00518778 Bobbie was talking about his time in New Mexico. Lucy and I visited him and his wife there in his Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00659-00518778-00519534 home. He said you see this big picture window? It kind of looked around a tree and you could Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00660-00519534-00520578 see this beautiful valley of the town and great expanse of New Mexico. I said, I guess that Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00661-00520578-00521093 was a tough decision John not to take that tree out to take advantage of the full view. He said, no, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00662-00521238-00521910 it was an easy decision. We are looking at the house and thinking about buying it I talked to Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00663-00521910-00522588 a guy. He said, how much will you charge me to take that tree out? And he said, I don't think Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00664-00522588-00523182 you are going to want to do that that tree is 350 years old and it was only about 6feet high. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00665-00523608-00523914 We have to leave it there. >> GEOFF SHEPARD: That is super. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00666-00523914-00524520 I think in retrospect, I was looking through all these names when I was preparing for this. Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00667-00524520-00525102 It was a time for giants. The Nixon people brought in really Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00668-00525179-00526086 toweringly professionally effective people. They had great leadership. Not just John and George, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00669-00526086-00527288 but even the President himself. He wanted to do the right thing. He felt very strongly about stuff. He was leading us, Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00670-00527288-00527904 not sitting there waiting for a proposal. I think he would get up every day and say we are Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00671-00527904-00528528 wasting time if we are not moving forward. I want to thank the panel participants for Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00672-00528528-00529608 joining us for this. I want to thank the NARA people Tom for helping to staff us. We bid our audience Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00673-00529608-00531282 now and in the future a good day. The documents we have eluded at some point will be available to will somehow be up. We will Y9I3Dqd_lXu-00674-00531282-00531786 do that when we move into the future. Thank you all, and to all a good night. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00000-00000017-00000487 This is the second video in our new series on creativity for those with anxiety and ADHD. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00001-00000487-00000783 In particular, we continue discussing what you can do Yq04oyU0VrQ-00002-00000783-00001133 to literally flip the switch on your tendencies Yq04oyU0VrQ-00003-00001133-00001600 and use them to your advantage as a sufferer of anxiety or ADHD. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00004-00002050-00002359 Hi, I’m Lynette from PanicAttackRecovery.com. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00005-00002359-00002937 We’re a collaboration of former sufferers helping people with panic attacks, stress, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00006-00002937-00003172 anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00007-00003172-00003593 As mentioned, we believe there are tendencies and characteristics Yq04oyU0VrQ-00008-00003593-00004172 shared between anxiety and ADHD sufferers that if harnessed properly could work to their Yq04oyU0VrQ-00009-00004172-00004297 advantage. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00010-00004297-00004813 Such creativity can arise through our sensitivity, emotions, thoughts, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00011-00004813-00005154 and inclinations when we pay attention to them. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00012-00005154-00005626 Reframing anxiety in a creative way can help us experience relief. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00013-00005626-00006150 And by using our ideas for something productive we can get a sense of satisfaction. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00014-00006150-00006672 Today we will discuss going outdoors into nature to enhance your creativity. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00015-00006672-00007058 Spending time outdoors can be very relaxing. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00016-00007058-00007518 One of the very enjoyable aspects of recovery from anxiety and panic attacks Yq04oyU0VrQ-00017-00007518-00007964 is learning to truly experience relaxation. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00018-00007964-00008417 You can think more clearly and work more productively when you are calmer. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00019-00008417-00008974 Over time you can learn to be motivated, excited and passionate, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00020-00008974-00009284 while remaining appropriately calm. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00021-00009284-00009692 Often when we go into nature we may feel relaxed Yq04oyU0VrQ-00022-00009692-00010245 but at the same time a natural uplifting feeling can come upon us. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00023-00010245-00010857 Another benefit is that we can leave much of our technology behind. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00024-00010857-00011346 This can free us from the constraints that technology can sometimes thrust upon us, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00025-00011346-00011675 even though it makes our lives easier. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00026-00011675-00012039 All you need is a notepad or sketchpad. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00027-00012039-00012711 There is a lot of natural randomness in nature, so you can generate ideas from such a setting. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00028-00012711-00013204 You can use the environment to stimulate writing stories, poetry, songs, sketching, whatever Yq04oyU0VrQ-00029-00013204-00013306 you want. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00030-00013306-00013710 It really doesn’t have to be a sophisticated activity. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00031-00013710-00014043 This can involve anything you want to work on. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00032-00014043-00014443 Also sometimes the Breakout Principle happens. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00033-00014443-00014915 This is where we may have been thinking about a problem or attempting to do something. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00034-00014915-00015536 And then the solution comes to us when we stop trying to force the answer and do something Yq04oyU0VrQ-00035-00015536-00015636 else, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00036-00015636-00015985 like spending some time relaxing in nature. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00037-00015985-00016543 Going outdoors or spending time in a green space is a great way to enjoy natural vitamin Yq04oyU0VrQ-00038-00016543-00016643 D. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00039-00016643-00016857 You can have fun with it. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00040-00016857-00017204 Even if you’re very busy, you don’t have to do it for a long time. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00041-00017204-00017501 Being in nature is a contrasting experience. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00042-00017501-00017921 Rather than being stuck indoors all day, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00043-00017921-00018426 spending a little time outdoors is a great way to experience a healthy venue. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00044-00018426-00018871 There is evidence that spending time in nature is good for you. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00045-00018871-00019208 Some of the benefits are reducing the risk of type II diabetes, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00046-00019208-00019990 cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00047-00019990-00020540 You can also start to associate creativity with your time spent outdoors and form a healthy Yq04oyU0VrQ-00048-00020540-00020937 habit to generate creative ideas outdoors. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00049-00020937-00021485 Even just being outside in nature can recharge you and give your creativity a natural boost. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00050-00021485-00021893 We hope that you’ll give this experience a try and share your experience in the comments Yq04oyU0VrQ-00051-00021893-00022034 section of this video. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00052-00022034-00022490 We look forward to presenting a new video in our creativity series next week. Yq04oyU0VrQ-00053-00022490-00022746 To make sure that you don’t miss out on any of our content, Yq04oyU0VrQ-00054-00022746-00023245 please click on the card on the upper right corner of this video and subscribe to our Yq04oyU0VrQ-00055-00023245-00023283 free newsletter. YqL7YEN7cPy-00000-00000003-00000324 Last week the government were talking about a herd immunity strategy whereby YqL7YEN7cPy-00001-00000324-00000758 60% of the population would get coronavirus in a reasonably short space YqL7YEN7cPy-00002-00000758-00001158 of time so over us all four or five months and then ultimately we'd get YqL7YEN7cPy-00003-00001158-00001590 through it and then by next winter enough people would be immune or have YqL7YEN7cPy-00004-00001590-00002034 some immunity to coronavirus for us not to have another peak next winter next YqL7YEN7cPy-00005-00002034-00002490 Christmas we still don't know whether or not whether that immunity will happen. I YqL7YEN7cPy-00006-00002490-00002942 mean what most people are suggesting is that with a normal coronavirus you do YqL7YEN7cPy-00007-00002942-00003192 get immunity and it tends to last a year or two. YqL7YEN7cPy-00008-00003192-00003377 A cold is three months right? YqL7YEN7cPy-00009-00003377-00003744 Well different types of colds can be different lengths so a cold can be YqL7YEN7cPy-00010-00003744-00004161 anywhere between three months and two years but I think YqL7YEN7cPy-00011-00004161-00004520 it's more likely to be at least a season right YqL7YEN7cPy-00012-00004520-00004684 until the next strain comes along. YqL7YEN7cPy-00013-00004684-00005207 The science behind it wasn't a bit ridiculous. What was completely ridiculous is the idea YqL7YEN7cPy-00014-00005207-00005718 that the Health Service could handle 60% of the population getting coronavirus in YqL7YEN7cPy-00015-00005718-00006321 a four week period sorry four month period and this became you know it YqL7YEN7cPy-00016-00006321-00006564 seemed over the weekend that maybe the government shifted their YqL7YEN7cPy-00017-00006564-00006897 strategy but weren't being particularly honest about it after we finished our YqL7YEN7cPy-00018-00006897-00007290 show on Monday it got made public that actually the modelling that the YqL7YEN7cPy-00019-00007290-00007665 government have been basing their strategy on it was completely wrong it YqL7YEN7cPy-00020-00007665-00007961 was wrong because they thought that only a very small proportion of people who YqL7YEN7cPy-00021-00007961-00008393 entered hospital would have to go over into ICU to have YqL7YEN7cPy-00022-00008396-00008739 ventilators and to have a much more intensive regime of care from the NHS YqL7YEN7cPy-00023-00008739-00009398 and the modeling when you actually put in YqL7YEN7cPy-00024-00009399-00009750 the the right data instead of the wrong data shows that the government's YqL7YEN7cPy-00025-00009750-00010371 strategy as it currently existed would kill 250,000 people. The modeling YqL7YEN7cPy-00026-00010371-00010695 also showed that if the government took a different strategy so, the YqL7YEN7cPy-00027-00010695-00010938 government what they said is we're going to delay which means we're going to YqL7YEN7cPy-00028-00010938-00011220 accept that basically most people are going to get it but we're gonna try and YqL7YEN7cPy-00029-00011220-00011786 what they always say flatten the curve this paper says that actually if YqL7YEN7cPy-00030-00011786-00012243 they suppress it which is to say we try and stop as what we try and make as few YqL7YEN7cPy-00031-00012243-00012717 people pass on this disease as possible we can get deaths down to about 20,000 now YqL7YEN7cPy-00032-00012717-00013254 obviously it's good that the people who are making this model realized their mistake YqL7YEN7cPy-00033-00013266-00013719 that's great but the fact that the government were pursuing the wrong strategy and it YqL7YEN7cPy-00034-00013719-00013978 was always a high-risk strategy even if it was the right strategy it was always a strategy whereby YqL7YEN7cPy-00035-00013978-00014586 the downside of it is fucking awful and the upside of it is just that we have slightly less disruption. YqL7YEN7cPy-00036-00014588-00015006 Well we were talking about this one a week two weeks ago and we said how do you communicate YqL7YEN7cPy-00037-00015006-00015340 something which says we'll look a lot more people gonna die now than other countries but YqL7YEN7cPy-00038-00015340-00015645 it's gonna pay off in a year's time and even just a week later you look at that YqL7YEN7cPy-00039-00015646-00015876 you think wow that was insane. YqL7YEN7cPy-00040-00015876-00016169 In any case it was what was important in revealing YqL7YEN7cPy-00041-00016169-00016454 this is it became clear that the modeling was wrong, right? YqL7YEN7cPy-00042-00016454-00016798 and what we heard all last week from the government was anyone who said YqL7YEN7cPy-00043-00016798-00017197 we think your strategy sounds overly risky the idea that you are just gonna YqL7YEN7cPy-00044-00017197-00017598 let this virus run wild in the hope that enough people get herd immunity we're YqL7YEN7cPy-00045-00017598-00017901 not sure we're comfortable with that and what were we told not just by the YqL7YEN7cPy-00046-00017901-00018312 government but also by Laura Keunssberg, Robert Peston, all of the media was like YqL7YEN7cPy-00047-00018312-00018556 the government are being led by the science we're even told that were YqL7YEN7cPy-00048-00018556-00018925 headline saying Boris Johnson was thought of as a populist he's proven YqL7YEN7cPy-00049-00018925-00019297 he's not because he is being led by the science that whole period of time there YqL7YEN7cPy-00050-00019297-00019659 were people from the World Health Organization, a bunch of incredibly YqL7YEN7cPy-00051-00019660-00020120 reputable scientists the editor-in-chief of The Lancet saying that this strategy is crazy YqL7YEN7cPy-00052-00020120-00020670 every other state around the world saying that this is not how coronavirus works we were told not YqL7YEN7cPy-00053-00020670-00020970 listen to the science, listen the science. So I thought the fact that this had been YqL7YEN7cPy-00054-00020970-00021241 revealed would mean that actually maybe the media would become a bit more YqL7YEN7cPy-00055-00021241-00021691 critical about what the government means when they say we're being led by the YqL7YEN7cPy-00056-00021691-00021997 science for example the Labour Party were calling all over the weekend for YqL7YEN7cPy-00057-00021997-00022281 this modelling to be made public they were saying at least if if the outcomes YqL7YEN7cPy-00058-00022281-00022560 of this modelling seem a bit counterintuitive we should at least be YqL7YEN7cPy-00059-00022560-00022876 able to see the modelling. If this modelling from Imperial College had been YqL7YEN7cPy-00060-00022876-00023488 made public a week ago someone would have noticed that mistake, right? YqL7YEN7cPy-00061-00023488-00023803 and so I was hoping that the BBC would change their tune but let's look at YqL7YEN7cPy-00062-00023803-00024301 actually how this was covered so we can go to now a tweet from the BBC News. YqL7YEN7cPy-00063-00024301-00024640 Suppression is the only viable strategy at the current time and it says the YqL7YEN7cPy-00064-00024640-00025123 science has shifted dramatically which is why people in the UK are now facing YqL7YEN7cPy-00065-00025123-00025468 huge changes to their daily lives so it's the science that has shifted YqL7YEN7cPy-00066-00025468-00025857 this wasn't nothing about politics here this was the science that shifted and YqL7YEN7cPy-00067-00025857-00026224 that the official lies new information has emerged it was we only realised this YqL7YEN7cPy-00068-00026224-00026457 many people were going to ICU when we looked at Italy. YqL7YEN7cPy-00069-00026457-00026768 I'll show you in a moment why that's bullshit let's now look at the Beth YqL7YEN7cPy-00070-00026768-00027311 Rigby tweet so she's political editor at Sky analysis we've talked about another YqL7YEN7cPy-00071-00027311-00027610 of her big tweets where she always puts in analysis and then just writes YqL7YEN7cPy-00072-00027610-00028066 what could be a government press release why the step change? The facts have YqL7YEN7cPy-00073-00028066-00028438 changed. As senior government source told me last night: we've had to YqL7YEN7cPy-00074-00028438-00028718 accelerate. We thought we could put these measures off for another week and push YqL7YEN7cPy-00075-00028718-00029152 social shielding back a week after then but we've had to bring it forward. so she YqL7YEN7cPy-00076-00029152-00029510 said the science has changed there was no mistake that was made new information YqL7YEN7cPy-00077-00029510-00029883 emerged and our government who are being led by the science responded to that new YqL7YEN7cPy-00078-00029888-00030469 information and changed policy. That's complete bullshit and don't just take YqL7YEN7cPy-00079-00030469-00030733 that from me because I know you know I've always been very open with the fact YqL7YEN7cPy-00080-00030733-00031307 I'm not an epidemiologist I'm not even a scientist right so take it from the YqL7YEN7cPy-00081-00031307-00031789 editor-in-chief of The Lancet Britain's most prestigious medical journal will YqL7YEN7cPy-00082-00031789-00032243 take his tweet Laura KeunssBerg says that the science has changed this is not YqL7YEN7cPy-00083-00032243-00032558 true the science has been the same since January what has changed is that YqL7YEN7cPy-00084-00032558-00032872 government advisers have at last understood what really took place in YqL7YEN7cPy-00085-00032872-00033302 China what is now taking place in Italy it was there to see when I saw that YqL7YEN7cPy-00086-00033302-00033599 yesterday morning I quote tweeted that saying look this guy should be on BBC YqL7YEN7cPy-00087-00033599-00034031 News because there's been a fuckup here. I watched BBC news last night. The package, YqL7YEN7cPy-00088-00034031-00034770 it didn't mention the WHO, didn't mention that the government adopting this strategy was controversial YqL7YEN7cPy-00089-00034770-00035134 All they said was the science has changed. They said new information has emerged from Italy which YqL7YEN7cPy-00090-00035134-00035468 means the science has changed. They interviewed two experts who were the two YqL7YEN7cPy-00091-00035468-00035768 experts they were both people from Imperial College who had worked on the YqL7YEN7cPy-00092-00035768-00036103 original modelling you know it's like you couldn't make it up YqL7YEN7cPy-00093-00036103-00036475 like the BBC at this point in time but for the government to be creating YqL7YEN7cPy-00094-00036475-00036905 good policy which keeps us alive has to be holding their feet to the fire not YqL7YEN7cPy-00095-00036905-00037208 just attacking them for the sake of it because obviously we you know it's one YqL7YEN7cPy-00096-00037208-00037475 of the few occasions where we at Novara Media want the Tory government to YqL7YEN7cPy-00097-00037475-00038156 succeed you know but to make sure that the advice they're giving is the YqL7YEN7cPy-00098-00038156-00038456 correct ones and the actions they're taking is the correct ones and nothing YqL7YEN7cPy-00099-00038456-00038878 has you know you say, Theresa May's line nothing has changed you know we've seen YqL7YEN7cPy-00100-00038878-00039328 that the science that the government is accepting is not sent from God. YqL7YEN7cPy-00101-00039328-00039736 It can be mistaken in this case it was seriously dramatically mistaken in lives will be lost YqL7YEN7cPy-00102-00039736-00039993 because of it which means that this needs to be public which means that YqL7YEN7cPy-00103-00039993-00040303 scrutiny needs to be allowed not dismissed and that means that our YqL7YEN7cPy-00104-00040303-00040580 media establishments need to take their job seriously YvkexRNqwhg-00000-00000000-00000522 [ Music ] YvkexRNqwhg-00001-00000614-00000986 AERO is a club on campus at UVM filled with YvkexRNqwhg-00002-00000986-00001278 a bunch of motivated students that design and build things. YvkexRNqwhg-00003-00001278-00001632 What they build is hybrid and electric race cars, and they compete against other schools YvkexRNqwhg-00004-00001632-00001732 internationally. YvkexRNqwhg-00005-00001732-00002061 When I first started, there was three electric vehicles registered. YvkexRNqwhg-00006-00002061-00002363 Now there's 25 vehicles registered. YvkexRNqwhg-00007-00002363-00002558 There were teams from Turkey and India. YvkexRNqwhg-00008-00002558-00002784 It was just, like, a sight to see. YvkexRNqwhg-00009-00002784-00002935 AERO has been a great experience. YvkexRNqwhg-00010-00002935-00003215 It's something I'd wanted to do ever since I decided I'd be coming to UVM. YvkexRNqwhg-00011-00003215-00003611 You get assigned one or two things to do, but you really help out with everything. YvkexRNqwhg-00012-00003611-00004110 I've helped set up the braking system, run control wires, set up all the electrical systems YvkexRNqwhg-00013-00004110-00004317 for the safety systems in the car. YvkexRNqwhg-00014-00004317-00004682 Everyone's got multiple projects, and we're all doing a ton of work to get this thing YvkexRNqwhg-00015-00004682-00004782 running before competition. YvkexRNqwhg-00016-00004782-00005307 You have, kind of, this opportunity to demonstrate your technical knowledge and confidence in YvkexRNqwhg-00017-00005307-00005853 your design, and your vehicle to these professionals, you know, who have been doing it for 30 years. YvkexRNqwhg-00018-00005853-00006318 Whenever I've been out for an interview or talking to potential employers, I have AERO YvkexRNqwhg-00019-00006318-00006594 as a pretty thick line on my resume. YvkexRNqwhg-00020-00006594-00007039 Team work, money management, time management skills, engineering, technical design, all YvkexRNqwhg-00021-00007039-00007139 of it. YvkexRNqwhg-00022-00007139-00007620 I feel like students don't really use those skills until they have to later on in their YvkexRNqwhg-00023-00007620-00007862 classes, but I get to use them, you know, every day. YvkexRNqwhg-00024-00007862-00008286 We are the students that apply to those "entry level" positions with three years prior experience YvkexRNqwhg-00025-00008286-00008566 because we've got three years prior experience building things. YvkexRNqwhg-00026-00008566-00009090 We accept all majors; anyone who wants to get involved can get involved. YvkexRNqwhg-00027-00009090-00009497 AERO has opened so many doors for me -- both professionally and socially. YvkexRNqwhg-00028-00009497-00009878 Both with hands-on learning experiences and the opportunities to get internships at other YvkexRNqwhg-00029-00009878-00010436 companies, meet other employers, and really learn the most I possibly could about engineering. YvkexRNqwhg-00030-00010436-00010612 AERO's been the best thing that could have happened to me in college. Ywe8J5K34pc-00000-00000149-00000639 Department and tight for the Agriculture Department you can't have it both ways Ywe8J5K34pc-00001-00000639-00001374 and the president says that public enemy number one is inflation and it is it has Ywe8J5K34pc-00002-00001374-00002013 gripped onto our economy and infested our economic system with a ferocity and Ywe8J5K34pc-00003-00002013-00002777 a tenacity that no economist would have predicted 10 years ago and if we don't Ywe8J5K34pc-00004-00002777-00003300 begin to extricate ourselves from the grip of what is now double-digit Ywe8J5K34pc-00005-00003300-00003830 inflation then you can have all the agricultural policies and all of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00006-00003830-00004221 research programs and all of the buildings and all of the International Ywe8J5K34pc-00007-00004221-00004868 Harvester equipment and we'll all be in a depression because runaway inflation Ywe8J5K34pc-00008-00004868-00005489 unchecked inflation is an insidious disease that if not controlled ends an Ywe8J5K34pc-00009-00005489-00006069 economic disaster and every segment of the economy is going to have to Ywe8J5K34pc-00010-00006069-00006528 participate in this fight if we're going to succeed on it labor is going to have Ywe8J5K34pc-00011-00006528-00006968 to participate business is going to have to participate and the American farmer Ywe8J5K34pc-00012-00006968-00007456 is going to have to participate so when we start these hearings next year and Ywe8J5K34pc-00013-00007456-00007908 various groups will come in and say improve this section of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00014-00007908-00008461 appropriation put more money in here we're gonna have to hear very patiently Ywe8J5K34pc-00015-00008461-00009090 but we're gonna have to say no to some very good and worthy ideas we're Ywe8J5K34pc-00016-00009090-00009729 probably going to have to say no to any capital spending program we will not Ywe8J5K34pc-00017-00009729-00010322 build one building one lean-to one research center one lab one or anything Ywe8J5K34pc-00018-00010322-00011057 in my opinion zero dollars for capital investment because we want to save and Ywe8J5K34pc-00019-00011057-00011582 we're gonna have to say some no to some very fine research grants that will have Ywe8J5K34pc-00020-00011582-00012150 been presented by land-grant colleges or in the competitive grant program but Ywe8J5K34pc-00021-00012150-00012668 we're just going to have to say not this year we're trying to fight inflation and Ywe8J5K34pc-00022-00012668-00013137 thus we all have a common destiny in that ladies and gentlemen and we all Ywe8J5K34pc-00023-00013137-00013619 have to pay our fair share of the freight and just as Ywe8J5K34pc-00024-00013619-00014184 there is no free lunch in the world there is going to be no segment of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00025-00014184-00014781 American government that is going to be immune from the tight pressures of next Ywe8J5K34pc-00026-00014781-00015422 year's budget as we approach the season of Christmas and think in terms of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00027-00015422-00016079 new year we always think in terms of hope and anticipation and expectation I Ywe8J5K34pc-00028-00016079-00016688 think we can make some inroads in inflation if we pull together I think we Ywe8J5K34pc-00029-00016688-00017057 can make some inroads if we all say okay we've all got to tighten the belt a Ywe8J5K34pc-00030-00017057-00017543 little bit and that we're all part of this because we'll either all going to Ywe8J5K34pc-00031-00017543-00018281 prosper together or we're all going to go into what mr. Khan calls a big banana Ywe8J5K34pc-00032-00018281-00018768 together you can't call it a recession or a depression anymore those are nasty Ywe8J5K34pc-00033-00018768-00019326 words so I think there's more that unites us and there's more in terms of Ywe8J5K34pc-00034-00019326-00019950 our future economically that causes to say that this year and perhaps the year Ywe8J5K34pc-00035-00019950-00020741 after that inflation is public enemy number one and government policy at all Ywe8J5K34pc-00036-00020741-00021393 levels in all departments has to focus on that as the factor that can bring us Ywe8J5K34pc-00037-00021393-00023248 all to our economic needs good luck and Godspeed thank you very much Ywe8J5K34pc-00038-00023248-00023933 friend of the American farmer and a man that has contributed and will continue Ywe8J5K34pc-00039-00023933-00024467 to crib to contribute much to this great country of ours Secretary of Agriculture Ywe8J5K34pc-00040-00024467-00025411 Bob Bergland thank you very much Ywe8J5K34pc-00041-00025932-00026788 thank you very much horn Li members of the National Board delegates fellow Ywe8J5K34pc-00042-00026788-00027826 members visitors and friends all I have an absolutely superb speech which has Ywe8J5K34pc-00043-00027826-00028477 been written at my direction by professionals copies of which I've given Ywe8J5K34pc-00044-00028477-00029112 to the ladies and gentlemen here in the front row and which I shall not read Ywe8J5K34pc-00045-00029714-00030450 but I want to talk with you about Farm power that means get organized Ywe8J5K34pc-00046-00030872-00031842 as orally his quite properly said we are in a minority in this country and some Ywe8J5K34pc-00047-00031842-00032529 say that means that all is lost our problem is not that we're relatively few Ywe8J5K34pc-00048-00032529-00033156 in number our problem is that we don't speak with one voice we don't have one Ywe8J5K34pc-00049-00033156-00033984 course of action you have tremendous power in your hands and I submit to you Ywe8J5K34pc-00050-00033984-00034581 that when you get organized when we get organized when we develop programs and Ywe8J5K34pc-00051-00034581-00035271 practices which are in the interest of civilized mankind the world over you and Ywe8J5K34pc-00052-00035271-00036132 I in this whole country will be the better off and I'm proud to say that I Ywe8J5K34pc-00053-00036132-00036552 am and have been a member of the nfo about since it was organized in my Ywe8J5K34pc-00054-00036552-00037938 County and I want to pay tribute Warren Lee the chuck Fraser charming and Ywe8J5K34pc-00055-00037938-00038996 Bornstein to your department heads and others who in whom you have entrusted Ywe8J5K34pc-00056-00038996-00039876 leadership and positions of authority it is much easier to criticize and condemn Ywe8J5K34pc-00057-00039876-00040737 and complain and we see lots of that coming to Washington but over the nearly Ywe8J5K34pc-00058-00040737-00041919 two years I've been in this job I have never seen a time when our Lee came to Ywe8J5K34pc-00059-00041919-00042519 Washington but what he came with suggestions and ideas and advice stated Ywe8J5K34pc-00060-00042519-00043473 in clear and unmistakably plain terms that no one can misunderstand you had Ywe8J5K34pc-00061-00043473-00043985 been well led and well represented and I'm proud to be a member Ywe8J5K34pc-00062-00044621-00045312 in the last year we tackled the job of overhauling the Farmers Home Ywe8J5K34pc-00063-00045312-00046046 administration and many of you that had saddened stories to tell about your Ywe8J5K34pc-00064-00046046-00046859 experiences with the FHA because of the resourcefulness with which our Lee and Ywe8J5K34pc-00065-00046859-00047430 Chuck Frazier presented your views we now have the best credit program that's Ywe8J5K34pc-00066-00047430-00048047 ever been written into law clearly understanding of course but credit is a Ywe8J5K34pc-00067-00048047-00049499 very poor and distant second choice to income and I could go down the list of Ywe8J5K34pc-00068-00049499-00050066 things in which your national officers and I have cooperated in the last year Ywe8J5K34pc-00069-00050066-00050459 and a half presented to the Congress and to others Ywe8J5K34pc-00070-00050459-00051434 in authority I would however like to spend most of this evening responding to Ywe8J5K34pc-00071-00051434-00052488 your questions I'm sure you have many before we get into that part of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00072-00052488-00053638 program I'd like to tell you about a trip I just took I've been in a place Ywe8J5K34pc-00073-00053638-00054958 where they have no flies they have no birds no cats no dogs Ywe8J5K34pc-00074-00055039-00055790 the place that's uh about the same latitude as the United States a place Ywe8J5K34pc-00075-00055790-00056498 that has one third as much cropland as we have in the United States a place Ywe8J5K34pc-00076-00056498-00057308 that feeds one fifth of the world's population 900 million people that Ywe8J5K34pc-00077-00057308-00058132 places China I was invited by the Chinese government to bring a team of Ywe8J5K34pc-00078-00058132-00059053 professionals experts that's how they were known when they're away from home Ywe8J5K34pc-00079-00059260-00060422 to go to China at their invitation to talk about trade we met with the top Ywe8J5K34pc-00080-00060422-00061220 leadership in the People's Republic of China talking about their plans to Ywe8J5K34pc-00081-00061220-00062321 modernize their country and they are a poor developing country and they had Ywe8J5K34pc-00082-00062321-00063371 been around the world on a shopping trip they've been exploring in the United Ywe8J5K34pc-00083-00063371-00064361 States and France and Germany and in Japan and in many other places and they Ywe8J5K34pc-00084-00064361-00065104 told me in clear and unmistakable terms of all the places they've been nowhere Ywe8J5K34pc-00085-00065104-00065894 have they found any agriculture that compares with ours an agricultural Ywe8J5K34pc-00086-00065894-00067060 system that they told me is the pattern that they would like to copy an Ywe8J5K34pc-00087-00067060-00067615 agricultural system that we have that sometimes has taken for granted Ywe8J5K34pc-00088-00067705-00068222 sometimes even we who farm take this country in our system Ywe8J5K34pc-00089-00068222-00069224 of family farming for granted and so they've decided to modernize their Ywe8J5K34pc-00090-00069224-00070610 country they have 700 million people working in their fields they want pure Ywe8J5K34pc-00091-00070610-00071501 bred livestock from us they want canning factories they want flour mills they Ywe8J5K34pc-00092-00071501-00072017 want bakeries they want pesticide factories they want farm equipment Ywe8J5K34pc-00093-00072017-00073138 factories they want to change their entire system to diversify their diet Ywe8J5K34pc-00094-00073243-00074150 they want to buy one pound of chicken and one pound of pork per person per Ywe8J5K34pc-00095-00074150-00075118 year in China is a hundred million bushels of feed one pound Ywe8J5K34pc-00096-00075256-00075796 and they talked with me about the programs which have been developed in Ywe8J5K34pc-00097-00075796-00076642 the United States in the last two years and they were excited by what's going on Ywe8J5K34pc-00098-00076642-00077479 here they bought some wheat from us in the early part of the 1970s and it was Ywe8J5K34pc-00099-00077479-00078427 contaminated with smut they stopped buying because they're not about to buy Ywe8J5K34pc-00100-00078427-00079207 grain contaminated with a disease which they do not have and so they were Ywe8J5K34pc-00101-00079207-00080167 discussing with me the impact of the new strong federal grain Inspection Act and Ywe8J5K34pc-00102-00080167-00081168 I'm aware of the programs which have been developed within and by the nfo in Ywe8J5K34pc-00103-00081168-00081928 providing customers with the quality of grain they bargained for and there were Ywe8J5K34pc-00104-00081928-00082423 two questions which they raised with me one was quality controls to be sure that Ywe8J5K34pc-00105-00082423-00083055 the grain is not contaminated with sawdust and seashells or short weighed Ywe8J5K34pc-00106-00083055-00083677 to be sure that if they put their hard-earned money into the grain markets Ywe8J5K34pc-00107-00083677-00084187 of the United States that they're not going to get anything less nor anything Ywe8J5K34pc-00108-00084187-00085180 more than they bargained to buy they remember the anxieties and the Ywe8J5K34pc-00109-00085180-00085840 devastation that occurred in Japan a few years ago when the United States Ywe8J5K34pc-00110-00085840-00086764 unwisely embargo the exports of grain for only a few days they're not about to Ywe8J5K34pc-00111-00086764-00087226 put their trust or their dependency on a country if its supplies are going to be Ywe8J5K34pc-00112-00087226-00088051 on a hit-and-miss basis they can't afford to start if it isn't going to be Ywe8J5K34pc-00113-00088051-00088663 followed through and continued and so they were asking me about the Ywe8J5K34pc-00114-00088663-00089374 farmer owned grain reserve a program which is really not new in a manner of Ywe8J5K34pc-00115-00089374-00089607 speaking Ywe8J5K34pc-00116-00089643-00090142 lauren lee talked about the trials and tribulations of a secretary of Ywe8J5K34pc-00117-00090142-00091267 agriculture I've been reading about my predecessors as far as I can tell the Ywe8J5K34pc-00118-00091267-00091987 first one was a guy named Joseph he was the secretary of agriculture during the Ywe8J5K34pc-00119-00091987-00092725 third Pharaoh administration in Egypt 3,300 years ago and his adventures are Ywe8J5K34pc-00120-00092725-00093175 recorded in many places and among those places as the 41st chapter of Genesis Ywe8J5K34pc-00121-00093175-00093552 and the Old Testament of the Holy Bible Ywe8J5K34pc-00122-00093675-00094243 in which even men they recognized that there are good times and there are bad Ywe8J5K34pc-00123-00094243-00094738 times there is good weather and there's bad weather and they had the good sense Ywe8J5K34pc-00124-00094738-00095644 to set aside the grain when they had good weather and draw on it when the Ywe8J5K34pc-00125-00095644-00096547 weather was bad and I'll never forget a little lecture I got by Oren Lee about a Ywe8J5K34pc-00126-00096547-00097471 year and a half ago and I know he has no means no disrespect for economists but Ywe8J5K34pc-00127-00097471-00098011 he was in my office and we were talking about economic forecasting and normally Ywe8J5K34pc-00128-00098011-00098848 said you know if you can't forecast well you should forecast often and I never Ywe8J5K34pc-00129-00098848-00099093 forgot that Ywe8J5K34pc-00130-00099313-00099770 and it was about a year and a half ago The Economist's and my department came Ywe8J5K34pc-00131-00099770-00100400 to me and they wanted me to sign a document now it's about a year ago it Ywe8J5K34pc-00132-00100400-00100889 was in November I guess the document was supposed to forecast the corn crop for Ywe8J5K34pc-00133-00100889-00101783 1978 in November of 1977 they wanted me to do that and I said you've got to be Ywe8J5K34pc-00134-00101783-00102419 kidding I mean you can't even forecast weather next Sunday and put in Ywe8J5K34pc-00135-00102419-00102928 Washington let alone what it will be like in Missouri in July Ywe8J5K34pc-00136-00103355-00104059 and out of that and other discussions we set up the authority for this new Ywe8J5K34pc-00137-00104059-00105107 program that you have taken seriously that you have used extensively as I told Ywe8J5K34pc-00138-00105107-00105521 the Russians when I was there in June as I told the Chinese while I was there in Ywe8J5K34pc-00139-00105521-00106190 November that we have the grain but we have no intention of cutting prices to Ywe8J5K34pc-00140-00106190-00107134 sell it just to get rid of our carryover we've been through that we have no Ywe8J5K34pc-00141-00107134-00107584 intention of repeating the policies in 1972 that allowed the Russians to come Ywe8J5K34pc-00142-00107584-00108253 here and buy 400 million bushels $4 62 not on your life Ywe8J5K34pc-00143-00108400-00109261 the people who buy grain from the United States will have to pay a fair price now Ywe8J5K34pc-00144-00109261-00110327 then the bargaining starts but as a matter of fact you know and I know that Ywe8J5K34pc-00145-00110327-00110876 the weather has more to do with our crop in our country and in every place in the Ywe8J5K34pc-00146-00110876-00111910 world almost than all these government programs laid into end and you know and Ywe8J5K34pc-00147-00111910-00112343 I know that the corn crop next year will be somewhere between 5 billion and 7 Ywe8J5K34pc-00148-00112343-00113189 billion bushels depending on whether we have weather like in 1974 or weather Ywe8J5K34pc-00149-00113189-00114445 like 1978 and so there's no one can tell but the crop will be we therefore don't Ywe8J5K34pc-00150-00114445-00115049 expect a set-aside program to do anything more than be the blunt Ywe8J5K34pc-00151-00115049-00115670 instrument to take land out of production and put it to a conserving Ywe8J5K34pc-00152-00115670-00116168 use when we know beyond all shadow of a doubt that there is no need for that Ywe8J5K34pc-00153-00116168-00116723 land to be cropped this fence defense farming nonsense must come to Ywe8J5K34pc-00154-00116723-00117985 stand still we have to apply we have to apply not only sound economic logic to Ywe8J5K34pc-00155-00117985-00118783 our policymaking we have to apply sound conservation principles and so we have Ywe8J5K34pc-00156-00118783-00119624 announced a set-aside program for next year a modest one admittedly we want Ywe8J5K34pc-00157-00119624-00120116 about 15 million acres of ground taken out of production and put to conserving Ywe8J5K34pc-00158-00120116-00120803 use we want that ground which is more likely to erode wash down or blow away Ywe8J5K34pc-00159-00120803-00121486 to be taken out of production because there's no need for that land to be Ywe8J5K34pc-00160-00121486-00122240 cropped certainly not in the next 12 months but instead we will use the Ywe8J5K34pc-00161-00122240-00122654 farmer own grain reserve and continue with that program so that if we have a Ywe8J5K34pc-00162-00122654-00123248 good year like we head to 1978 with an all-time record high 100 bushels of corn Ywe8J5K34pc-00163-00123248-00124016 per acre all-time record high soybean crop one of the biggest wheat crops in Ywe8J5K34pc-00164-00124016-00124841 history that if we have another year like that that the excess will not be Ywe8J5K34pc-00165-00124841-00125380 forced on the market but the excess grain can be stored on your farm under Ywe8J5K34pc-00166-00125380-00126233 your control to be managed under your farm power campaign so the extra value Ywe8J5K34pc-00167-00126233-00127199 of that crop will flow to you who worked so hard to produce it not to a foreign Ywe8J5K34pc-00168-00127199-00128029 government or to an international grain gambler but to you and if we should be Ywe8J5K34pc-00169-00128029-00128830 so unlucky is to have a poor crop in the United States like 1974 instead of Ywe8J5K34pc-00170-00128830-00129152 running the risk of embargoes and tearing the life out of the livestock Ywe8J5K34pc-00171-00129152-00129925 industry grains will be available for a fair price of course Ywe8J5K34pc-00172-00129944-00130910 and all these were explained to the Chinese we have now sold this year in Ywe8J5K34pc-00173-00130910-00131748 the last few weeks sold a Chinese six point three million tons of grain and as Ywe8J5K34pc-00174-00131748-00132177 long as our quality is good and as long as our supplies are dependable they'll Ywe8J5K34pc-00175-00132177-00132830 buy and interestingly in all the places I've been on trade and market Ywe8J5K34pc-00176-00132830-00133821 development no one has complained to me about price now I know and we all Ywe8J5K34pc-00177-00133821-00134571 realized that dealing in a world market as we are we have to be aware of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00178-00134571-00135936 realities while we are responsible for 40% of the world's wheat exports we're Ywe8J5K34pc-00179-00135936-00136316 not the world's biggest wheat producer Ywe8J5K34pc-00180-00136546-00137170 and so we think the way to introduce some business like dependability in Ywe8J5K34pc-00181-00137170-00138042 these markets is to press for international commodity agreements which Ywe8J5K34pc-00182-00138042-00138641 set the some limits I have no intention of getting into a knock-down-drag-out Ywe8J5K34pc-00183-00138641-00139285 Treasury war with Canada hitting their Treasury and their grain growers against Ywe8J5K34pc-00184-00139285-00140209 our own in a price war for the benefit of the Russians that makes no sense it Ywe8J5K34pc-00185-00140209-00140749 makes no sense that grain growers in the United States should be the only ones to Ywe8J5K34pc-00186-00140749-00141354 have a set-aside program it makes no sense for us to finance the storage of Ywe8J5K34pc-00187-00141354-00141755 the world's grain surpluses or reserves Ywe8J5K34pc-00188-00141771-00142329 not when grain is a commodity which is exchanged freely in this world it's a Ywe8J5K34pc-00189-00142329-00143047 common commodity a common currency more common than the dollar as a matter of Ywe8J5K34pc-00190-00143047-00143841 fact and more easily traded and sold as a matter of fact and so we're pressing Ywe8J5K34pc-00191-00143841-00144433 for international and we'll get I am now convinced an international agreement on Ywe8J5K34pc-00192-00144433-00145087 wheat which will establish some rules of the game so that rather than dumping Ywe8J5K34pc-00193-00145087-00145965 wheat at disastrous prices we as a world store that surplus crop and draw on it Ywe8J5K34pc-00194-00145965-00146763 when needed and you know the records on exports for this year broke all previous Ywe8J5K34pc-00195-00146763-00147627 highs one hundred and twenty two million tons you and I used to think of exports Ywe8J5K34pc-00196-00147627-00148203 in terms of someone else's misfortune we'd say well if the Russians have a bad Ywe8J5K34pc-00197-00148203-00148708 year or if the monsoons don't come in India or if something happens to Canada Ywe8J5K34pc-00198-00148708-00149577 or if somebody else as a disaster then we shall cash in that kind of a policy Ywe8J5K34pc-00199-00149577-00149920 meant that our prosperity would be a sometime Ywe8J5K34pc-00200-00149920-00150472 thing we would alternate between boom and bust as indeed has taken place Ywe8J5K34pc-00201-00150472-00151495 mostly since 1970 boom and bust the all-time record high exports this year Ywe8J5K34pc-00202-00151495-00152224 came at a time when the world produced the best crop in history it has come Ywe8J5K34pc-00203-00152224-00153216 because the world is at peace no wars to tear things up and because of this peace Ywe8J5K34pc-00204-00153216-00153811 there has been a rising prosperity the world over people have more money to Ywe8J5K34pc-00205-00153811-00154333 spend now the Frenchman and the Canadians and Ywe8J5K34pc-00206-00154333-00154873 the British and the Japanese are eating about as well as they will they make as Ywe8J5K34pc-00207-00154873-00155859 much money on the average as we do in the United States but China Indonesia Ywe8J5K34pc-00208-00155859-00156900 Malaysia India Pakistan and places that I sometimes or barely have heard of Ywe8J5K34pc-00209-00156905-00157561 those places in which three quarters of the world's population lives are on the Ywe8J5K34pc-00210-00157561-00157885 march they're on the move they're increasing their incomes rising Ywe8J5K34pc-00211-00157885-00158674 affluence the first thing they want to do is eat better and so we have Ywe8J5K34pc-00212-00158674-00159546 tremendous market opportunities that won't come by accident in which you Ywe8J5K34pc-00213-00159546-00160288 acting as responsible members farmers members of the nfo can find an Ywe8J5K34pc-00214-00160288-00160912 opportunity not only an economic opportunity for ourselves but a chance Ywe8J5K34pc-00215-00160912-00161758 to satisfy a demand in this world more to eat and in the process make a major Ywe8J5K34pc-00216-00161758-00162353 and substantial contribution to increasing the prospects of peace Ywe8J5K34pc-00217-00162353-00162762 hopefully for all time Ywe8J5K34pc-00218-00162990-00163810 now we're not going to be able to sign a contract with China because we labor Ywe8J5K34pc-00219-00163810-00164689 under the delusion that somehow they don't exist diplomacy is a strange some Ywe8J5K34pc-00220-00164689-00165441 say science or art we have no formal political ties with the People's Ywe8J5K34pc-00221-00165441-00166408 Republic of China it is my hope that we can soon establish such ties so that we Ywe8J5K34pc-00222-00166408-00166759 can enter into more formal understandings with that the largest Ywe8J5K34pc-00223-00166759-00167329 country in this world but in the mean time it has been made clear by the Ywe8J5K34pc-00224-00167329-00168328 Chinese to me and I can made to them our fervent hope and desire that we can Ywe8J5K34pc-00225-00168328-00168975 exchange goods that they will be buying from us Ywe8J5K34pc-00226-00168975-00169833 and this will open up opportunities like perhaps we've never really dreamed of Ywe8J5K34pc-00227-00170072-00171204 it's a slow painstaking process progress comes hard and it's a bumpy road but Ywe8J5K34pc-00228-00171204-00171918 it's worth the time and effort and with that I'm going to start answering the Ywe8J5K34pc-00229-00171918-00172449 questions that you've sent up if you have any more of them just bring them up Ywe8J5K34pc-00230-00172449-00172836 to the front there's some folks around here in the side that'll bring them up Ywe8J5K34pc-00231-00172836-00174021 here first as what is the future of the country's beef industry some peculiar Ywe8J5K34pc-00232-00174021-00174732 things are happening you know on Tuesday of this week tanner and cutter grade Ywe8J5K34pc-00233-00174732-00175650 beef wholesale for a dollar a hundred higher than choice you know that this Ywe8J5K34pc-00234-00175650-00176046 year three-quarters of the caucuses we slaughter will be good prime and choice Ywe8J5K34pc-00235-00176046-00176886 grade and half the beef we eat will be utility we have become a nation of Ywe8J5K34pc-00236-00176886-00177771 hamburger eaters everywhere the Golden Arches we're eating hamburger in our Ywe8J5K34pc-00237-00177771-00178401 homes and for lots of reasons this is taking place and we're not supplying Ywe8J5K34pc-00238-00178401-00179166 that demand by a long shot in fact this year beef production will be off 1 Ywe8J5K34pc-00239-00179166-00179730 billion pounds below last year beef production next year will be a billion Ywe8J5K34pc-00240-00179730-00180432 pounds below this year according to the latest forecast all of that shortfall Ywe8J5K34pc-00241-00180432-00181310 will be picked up by an expansion in chickens turkey and pork according to Ywe8J5K34pc-00242-00181310-00182000 the reports which we get there's an explosion in the poultry industry Ywe8J5K34pc-00243-00182105-00182751 satisfying that strong consumer demand that is not being provided by the beef Ywe8J5K34pc-00244-00182751-00183270 industry in the United States now I know what the cow-calf operators and the Ywe8J5K34pc-00245-00183270-00183570 livestock feeder folks gone through in the last four years that Ywe8J5K34pc-00246-00183570-00184539 has been an unmitigated financial disaster heavy and sustained losses the Ywe8J5K34pc-00247-00184539-00185040 culling has been tremendous we have seen sixteen million head of cattle culled Ywe8J5K34pc-00248-00185040-00185472 out of the beef herd in the United States in the last three years there has Ywe8J5K34pc-00249-00185472-00186129 never been a time in which we've seen such heavy culling and of course with Ywe8J5K34pc-00250-00186129-00186690 that heavy culling we found tremendous tonnage put in the marketplace and the Ywe8J5K34pc-00251-00186690-00187374 prices went from bad to worse and I submit now is the time to examine Ywe8J5K34pc-00252-00187374-00188042 very carefully the prospects for the future which I Ywe8J5K34pc-00253-00188042-00188666 happen to believe are very very bright but we're also going to have to look at Ywe8J5K34pc-00254-00188666-00189111 this exploding hamburger demand which we don't think is a temporary phenomena we Ywe8J5K34pc-00255-00189111-00190071 think it's probably for real and probably permanent chances are during Ywe8J5K34pc-00256-00190071-00190764 the next six months that beef prices will continue to climb probably into the Ywe8J5K34pc-00257-00190764-00191883 low 60 dollar range talking about live cattle good prime choice grades chances Ywe8J5K34pc-00258-00191883-00192579 are at the same time there will be about a billion pounds more non beef meat Ywe8J5K34pc-00259-00192579-00193205 produced and sold to pick up the slack we already know from the increase in Ywe8J5K34pc-00260-00193205-00193764 brief prices that has taken place since last November that there has been a Ywe8J5K34pc-00261-00193764-00194267 reduction in beef consumption and an increase in the consumption of cheese Ywe8J5K34pc-00262-00194267-00195333 and butter dairy prices are 50 cents over the support rate I think the future Ywe8J5K34pc-00263-00195333-00195933 is bright for the beef industry but I think we who are involved in that Ywe8J5K34pc-00264-00195933-00196667 business have to start thinking seriously about rebuilding our numbers Ywe8J5K34pc-00265-00196667-00197327 and my play and my hope is that it's not overdone we can't stand boom and bust in Ywe8J5K34pc-00266-00197327-00197596 that business either Ywe8J5K34pc-00267-00197662-00198467 not if the boom brings the bust there needs to be some stabilizing at levels Ywe8J5K34pc-00268-00198467-00198991 which enable producers to turn a profit Ywe8J5K34pc-00269-00199228-00199766 next question how will the USDA come out in the effort at government Ywe8J5K34pc-00270-00199766-00200209 reorganization will the department be weakened Ywe8J5K34pc-00271-00200674-00201456 about a year and a half ago President Carter directed the creation of twenty Ywe8J5K34pc-00272-00201456-00202317 study teams to look at this whole federal government they found there are Ywe8J5K34pc-00273-00202317-00203167 1,200 functions and government which are duplicated and that of course means Ywe8J5K34pc-00274-00203167-00203851 waste of taxpayers money yours and mine that means many times we have a bloated Ywe8J5K34pc-00275-00203851-00204736 bureaucracy that is too overweight to be in good trim I mean I could name some we Ywe8J5K34pc-00276-00204736-00205156 in the Department of Agriculture through the Forest Service run a grassland Ywe8J5K34pc-00277-00205156-00205960 leasing program we lease lands - Stockman Department of Interior Bureau Ywe8J5K34pc-00278-00205960-00206517 of Land Management has a grassland leasing program now there is no reason Ywe8J5K34pc-00279-00206517-00207436 in the world the two departments should run the same program there are five Ywe8J5K34pc-00280-00207436-00207757 different departments have in this government that have to do with feeding Ywe8J5K34pc-00281-00207757-00208515 programs there are five or six departments and about 20 agencies that Ywe8J5K34pc-00282-00208515-00208894 have to do with water policy there is no water policy in the United States it's a Ywe8J5K34pc-00283-00208894-00209592 mess because the Department of the army doesn't talk to the Bureau of land to Ywe8J5K34pc-00284-00209592-00210502 the beer reclamation except in official meetings and so we've not been able to Ywe8J5K34pc-00285-00210502-00210910 forge a cohesive water policy for this country so there is a need for Ywe8J5K34pc-00286-00210910-00211579 streamlining to cut the waste to cut the inefficiency to cut some of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00287-00211579-00212260 bureaucratic nitpicking which goes on now the question that is before us at Ywe8J5K34pc-00288-00212260-00212942 the moment is how far should this streamlining go should we for example Ywe8J5K34pc-00289-00212942-00213342 abolish the Department of Commerce Ywe8J5K34pc-00290-00213428-00214334 should the Forest Service be sent to the Department of Interior those and many Ywe8J5K34pc-00291-00214334-00215373 basic and fundamental questions have not yet been really asked let alone answered Ywe8J5K34pc-00292-00215373-00216269 the president has not had a chance to focus on the issue yet starting sometime Ywe8J5K34pc-00293-00216269-00217163 in early January various reorganizing plans will be prepared and more formally Ywe8J5K34pc-00294-00217163-00217805 and on every case any plan that will affect the Department of Agriculture in Ywe8J5K34pc-00295-00217805-00218450 any way will be sent to me first upon which I'll have a chance to make my Ywe8J5K34pc-00296-00218450-00219326 recommendations to the President and in almost every case the reorganization Ywe8J5K34pc-00297-00219326-00220034 plan will have to go to the Congress where hearings are held opinions taken Ywe8J5K34pc-00298-00220034-00220790 and votes recorded I'm convinced the Department of Agriculture will come out Ywe8J5K34pc-00299-00220790-00221669 stronger leaner tougher smarter and more efficient for you me the taxpayers and Ywe8J5K34pc-00300-00221669-00222371 everybody else indeed I'm convinced now that the entire federal government will Ywe8J5K34pc-00301-00222371-00222935 come out stronger next question there was a recent report Ywe8J5K34pc-00302-00222935-00223446 that you were dissatisfied with the USDA study conclusion on the yellow sheet Ywe8J5K34pc-00303-00223446-00224050 what are your suggestions for proper changes to the yellow sheet Ywe8J5K34pc-00304-00224361-00225223 about a year ago I directed the director of the Packard stockyards division of Ywe8J5K34pc-00305-00225223-00225998 the AMS to look into this entire matter of wholesale dress beef pricing and Ywe8J5K34pc-00306-00225998-00226576 marketing policies I had heard reports of collusion and Ywe8J5K34pc-00307-00226576-00227011 price fixing in fact there were convictions and federal courts in Ywe8J5K34pc-00308-00227011-00227446 California and other places where persons were found guilty of conspiring Ywe8J5K34pc-00309-00227446-00228153 to fix the price of beef to take advantage of producers and consumers and Ywe8J5K34pc-00310-00228153-00228907 I heard many allegations regarding the manner in which beef is priced and so we Ywe8J5K34pc-00311-00228907-00229990 set out to find out precisely what is taking place this group provided me with Ywe8J5K34pc-00312-00229990-00230800 a preliminary report in early November which with which I was not satisfied Ywe8J5K34pc-00313-00230800-00231625 because it was incomplete in some respects and I asked the Packer and Ywe8J5K34pc-00314-00231625-00232411 stockyards division to cooperate with our economic study group to provide Ywe8J5K34pc-00315-00232411-00233244 answers to some additional questions the report was filed on Wednesday afternoon Ywe8J5K34pc-00316-00233244-00234048 this week we have given been strong and Chuck Frazer and our only copies of this Ywe8J5K34pc-00317-00234048-00234802 report which will be discussed in detail I presume in a one of the issues of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00318-00234802-00235077 reporter Ywe8J5K34pc-00319-00235203-00235989 but I would say this without taking up too much time but I am very uneasy about Ywe8J5K34pc-00320-00235989-00236361 the present price policies and the price reporting systems we have in this Ywe8J5K34pc-00321-00236361-00237333 country I'm not prepared and I do not charge anybody with any wrongdoing but I Ywe8J5K34pc-00322-00237333-00237909 submit when one or two percent of the transactions which take place in this Ywe8J5K34pc-00323-00237909-00238629 country set the pace for the 98 percent of the business done in this country we Ywe8J5K34pc-00324-00238629-00240156 are vulnerable to manipulation we're going to hold hearings and several Ywe8J5K34pc-00325-00240156-00240761 locations across the country after you've had a chance to digest our report Ywe8J5K34pc-00326-00240857-00241692 hold the hearings and get your ideas as to how this price reporting arrangement Ywe8J5K34pc-00327-00241692-00242202 can be improved upon so we'll be out getting your suggestions Ywe8J5K34pc-00328-00242202-00242691 we won't have time tonight we want you to give this matter careful and Ywe8J5K34pc-00329-00242691-00243371 thoughtful study we intend to present testimony to the Congress of the United Ywe8J5K34pc-00330-00243371-00244187 States perhaps in March of next year with any recommended changes if any Ywe8J5K34pc-00331-00244187-00245151 which may come out of the hearings which we will hold next question we've had a Ywe8J5K34pc-00332-00245151-00245640 number of instances of government intervention in grain markets embargoes Ywe8J5K34pc-00333-00245640-00246473 and so forth some inflation fighters are using us unfairly what can you do to Ywe8J5K34pc-00334-00246473-00246719 stop this Ywe8J5K34pc-00335-00246914-00247360 I think I've spoken to the question of intervention the embargo matter which Ywe8J5K34pc-00336-00247360-00248119 was a disaster and because our customers overseas weren't sure they could depend Ywe8J5K34pc-00337-00248119-00248680 on us and we've all had experience with embargoes we have not forgotten what Ywe8J5K34pc-00338-00248680-00249191 happened when some of the Middle Eastern countries cut off the supply of oil to Ywe8J5K34pc-00339-00249191-00249706 the United States for a while turned us inside out but oil is Ywe8J5K34pc-00340-00249706-00250083 important but food is even more so Ywe8J5K34pc-00341-00250592-00251033 and I think that matter has been tended to the president has said repeatedly Ywe8J5K34pc-00342-00251033-00251963 there will be no embargoes and there will be none on the second part Ywe8J5K34pc-00343-00251963-00252788 inflation fighters using us unfairly not exactly sure what that might mean but Ywe8J5K34pc-00344-00252788-00253642 there's some things that really trouble me about all this business in June of Ywe8J5K34pc-00345-00253642-00254234 this year for the first time in the history of the United States consumers Ywe8J5K34pc-00346-00254234-00255014 spent more money on the car than they did on eating tells you something about Ywe8J5K34pc-00347-00255014-00255421 our values doesn't it 20% of the disposable income in the United States Ywe8J5K34pc-00348-00255421-00256226 was spent on the automobile and only 19 percent spent on eating both in the Ywe8J5K34pc-00349-00256226-00256612 grocery store and in the restaurant I Ywe8J5K34pc-00350-00256702-00257426 just toss that in as an interesting comparison in August of this year for Ywe8J5K34pc-00351-00257426-00257954 the first time in history the wages and salaries paid to men and women who Ywe8J5K34pc-00352-00257954-00258389 process and distribute food was greater than the farmers share of the consumer Ywe8J5K34pc-00353-00258389-00259400 food dollar and that's a fact and I'm not necessarily criticizing that fact Ywe8J5K34pc-00354-00259400-00260071 I'm simply pointing out that since 1973 three-quarters of the retail food price Ywe8J5K34pc-00355-00260071-00260794 increase is due to the added cost of convenience and one-fourth of the Ywe8J5K34pc-00356-00260794-00261451 increase it's a long overdue increase to the farm producers of this country and Ywe8J5K34pc-00357-00261451-00261998 what bothers me about all this is that whenever the Consumer Price Index is Ywe8J5K34pc-00358-00261998-00262322 published headlines and the Washington newspapers Ywe8J5K34pc-00359-00262322-00263072 and other papers food prices increase 1.8 percent they don't bother to point Ywe8J5K34pc-00360-00263072-00263566 out that three-quarters of that increase is due to the cost of packaging and Ywe8J5K34pc-00361-00263566-00263894 everything else that goes into this complicated Ywe8J5K34pc-00362-00263894-00264494 industry I've met with the grocery manufacturers of this country about that Ywe8J5K34pc-00363-00264494-00265271 very question why I said is there such a tremendous increase in packaging and it Ywe8J5K34pc-00364-00265271-00265652 shows up in the grocery store as inflation and the farmer gets it in the Ywe8J5K34pc-00365-00265652-00266078 neck how come and they said well because Ywe8J5K34pc-00366-00266078-00266804 consumers like to buy frozen pizza they don't want to go home and mix it from Ywe8J5K34pc-00367-00266804-00267677 scratch consumers like to buy groceries or vegetables and small cans well Ywe8J5K34pc-00368-00267677-00268560 advertised it seems consumers like to have bread fresh squeezed in the morning Ywe8J5K34pc-00369-00268560-00269405 baked at night by people paid wages for nighttime work and the list of Ywe8J5K34pc-00370-00269405-00269969 convenience which has gone on in this country is as long as your arm now I Ywe8J5K34pc-00371-00269969-00270430 can't stop a consumer who's prepared to pay the price of buying a frozen pizza Ywe8J5K34pc-00372-00270430-00271036 or buying fresh bread or buying all of the processing that goes into the Ywe8J5K34pc-00373-00271036-00271763 business these days it's a free market and I wouldn't try to stop them but Ywe8J5K34pc-00374-00271763-00272423 there are some things we intend to do I have now changed the economic analyses Ywe8J5K34pc-00375-00272423-00273043 group and our Department of Agriculture so that when that food price increases YxXbm0x1a04-00000-00000652-00000761 Hi. YxXbm0x1a04-00001-00000761-00001270 Welcome to CPD 150, Academic Excellence Seminar. YxXbm0x1a04-00002-00001270-00001611 I’m George Self, your instructor, and I'm really looking YxXbm0x1a04-00003-00001611-00001994 forward to working with you throughout this class. YxXbm0x1a04-00004-00001994-00002196 In our class, we’re going to learn things that YxXbm0x1a04-00005-00002196-00002591 will help you be successful as a college student. YxXbm0x1a04-00006-00002591-00003069 We’ll study things like how to study and how to take tests, YxXbm0x1a04-00007-00003069-00003422 but also things like stress management and time management YxXbm0x1a04-00008-00003422-00003809 because those are very important to college students. YxXbm0x1a04-00009-00003809-00004144 My goal is that by the time we finish you will have YxXbm0x1a04-00010-00004144-00004547 skills and tools available to help you be successful YxXbm0x1a04-00011-00004547-00004946 in any college class that you may take. YxXbm0x1a04-00012-00004946-00005232 Let me show you how my class is laid out so you know YxXbm0x1a04-00013-00005232-00005797 what to expect. YxXbm0x1a04-00014-00005797-00006070 My class is divided into a number of units. YxXbm0x1a04-00015-00006070-00006572 You'll see here, I have unit two, Motivating Success. YxXbm0x1a04-00016-00006572-00006939 Each of my units is divided into several sections. YxXbm0x1a04-00017-00006939-00007176 I've posted a resource. YxXbm0x1a04-00018-00007176-00007711 It's always a study plan and I'll show you more about that in a few moments. YxXbm0x1a04-00019-00007711-00008281 I have a discussion question where I've posted a question that you have to respond to. YxXbm0x1a04-00020-00008281-00008572 You’re also required to respond to two of your YxXbm0x1a04-00021-00008572-00008768 classmates’ posts. YxXbm0x1a04-00022-00008768-00009156 I have an assignment and I have a quiz. YxXbm0x1a04-00023-00009156-00009606 Each one of our units is set up in exactly the same way. YxXbm0x1a04-00024-00009606-00010170 Let's take a look at this study plan because that's where most of the action is going to YxXbm0x1a04-00025-00010170-00010406 occur. YxXbm0x1a04-00026-00010406-00011179 Now this is a study plan for Motivating Success and the study plan always includes several YxXbm0x1a04-00027-00011179-00011279 sections. YxXbm0x1a04-00028-00011279-00011506 We begin with Why It Matters. YxXbm0x1a04-00029-00011506-00011853 That's a short introduction to the entire topic. YxXbm0x1a04-00030-00011853-00012313 Show What You Know is a pretest and given the results YxXbm0x1a04-00031-00012313-00012770 of that pretest certain other sections may be YxXbm0x1a04-00032-00012770-00013170 open or marked as complete. YxXbm0x1a04-00033-00013170-00013636 For example, for this particular unit you may be very well YxXbm0x1a04-00034-00013636-00014169 versed in Personal Identity, you may know all about that topic. YxXbm0x1a04-00035-00014169-00014703 left your pretest this topic would already be marked as completed. YxXbm0x1a04-00036-00014703-00015103 But maybe you don't know so much about Types of Students so YxXbm0x1a04-00037-00015103-00015553 that section would be marked as still needing work. YxXbm0x1a04-00038-00015553-00015986 You will work on those sections where you still need some work. YxXbm0x1a04-00039-00015986-00016455 Eventually, we have a place called Putting It Together. YxXbm0x1a04-00040-00016455-00016742 That's where we have a little bit of a summary of all YxXbm0x1a04-00041-00016742-00016926 of the materials in here. YxXbm0x1a04-00042-00016926-00017195 And, finally, a quiz. YxXbm0x1a04-00043-00017195-00017773 You'll take the posttest and the results of that posttest will be posted to YxXbm0x1a04-00044-00017773-00018089 our gradebook. YxXbm0x1a04-00045-00018089-00018671 The goal for the study plan is to give you a personalized YxXbm0x1a04-00046-00018671-00019131 path through our course, in some cases, you may get to a YxXbm0x1a04-00047-00019131-00019551 unit where you already know almost everything in that unit. YxXbm0x1a04-00048-00019551-00019862 You'll take the pretest and be able to skip most of YxXbm0x1a04-00049-00019862-00020038 the other materials. YxXbm0x1a04-00050-00020038-00020457 In other units, you may need a little more help and in that case, you can YxXbm0x1a04-00051-00020457-00021147 study the materials that are important to you. YxXbm0x1a04-00052-00021147-00021695 Unit one is just a little bit different because it's the first unit this semester. YxXbm0x1a04-00053-00021695-00022003 I've posted first the Course Procedure Sheet. YxXbm0x1a04-00054-00022003-00022244 You should read that because that lays out the YxXbm0x1a04-00055-00022244-00022534 rules of the road for our class. YxXbm0x1a04-00056-00022534-00023253 Next, I have a number of resources here that will help you with that study plan. YxXbm0x1a04-00057-00023253-00023433 This will give you some information on how to YxXbm0x1a04-00058-00023433-00023824 get through the study plan successful. YxXbm0x1a04-00059-00023824-00024517 I do want to point out that I have a discussion question during this first unit that's extremely YxXbm0x1a04-00060-00024517-00024625 important. YxXbm0x1a04-00061-00024625-00024928 It's what's called the census activity and we're YxXbm0x1a04-00062-00024928-00025439 required by the federal government to make sure all of our students are participating YxXbm0x1a04-00063-00025439-00025607 in class. YxXbm0x1a04-00064-00025607-00025960 You must post your response to my discussion question YxXbm0x1a04-00065-00025960-00026425 before June 5, or by regulation I'm required to YxXbm0x1a04-00066-00026425-00026547 drop you from class. YxXbm0x1a04-00067-00026547-00026771 I don't mean that as a threat. YxXbm0x1a04-00068-00026771-00027193 I just want you to know the rules that I have to follow. YxXbm0x1a04-00069-00027193-00027859 Finally, I also have an assignment for this first week. YxXbm0x1a04-00070-00027859-00028015 That's about it. YxXbm0x1a04-00071-00028015-00028383 I'm looking forward to working with you this semester. YxXbm0x1a04-00072-00028383-00028613 I trust that we'll have a good time. YxXbm0x1a04-00073-00028613-00029002 If you run into any questions, you have any concerns, YxXbm0x1a04-00074-00029002-00029418 any problems in class, please don't hesitate to email me. YxXbm0x1a04-00075-00029418-00029777 I'm more than happy to chat with you about that. YxXbm0x1a04-00076-00029777-00029916 I'll be seeing you online. YyuAiEhdMKY-00000-00001500-00002080 Today we came to Piedmont, in Turin, to test a new red wine, YyuAiEhdMKY-00001-00002100-00002580 this is a Barbera d'Asti. Let's see all the details in our test! YyuAiEhdMKY-00002-00003400-00003879 Let's start by analyzing the label: it seems to be very classic. YyuAiEhdMKY-00003-00003900-00004380 Although in general the characters are a bit confused, YyuAiEhdMKY-00004-00004400-00004880 the words "Barbera d'Asti" and the winery name are very legible YyuAiEhdMKY-00005-00004900-00005380 and therefore appropriately distinguish the bottle. YyuAiEhdMKY-00006-00005400-00005880 At the time of opening, we find a normal cap of fine-grained agglomerate material. YyuAiEhdMKY-00007-00005900-00006480 This does not show any signs or molds anyway, YyuAiEhdMKY-00008-00006500-00006780 nor leakage of the liquid and guaranteed YyuAiEhdMKY-00009-00006800-00007080 a good conservation of the product. YyuAiEhdMKY-00010-00007500-00008180 At first glance, this Piedmontese wine has a proper garnet red color. YyuAiEhdMKY-00011-00008200-00008880 Rotating the wine in the glass, we note that the density is not particularly high. YyuAiEhdMKY-00012-00008900-00009280 At the same time, looking through the glass, YyuAiEhdMKY-00013-00009300-00009680 we find a rather high transparency. YyuAiEhdMKY-00014-00010400-00010980 Bringing the glass to the nose, we immediately noticed the pungent sensation YyuAiEhdMKY-00015-00011000-00011780 given by the high alcohol percentage: the gradation shown on the label is 14.5. YyuAiEhdMKY-00016-00011800-00012380 Immediately afterwards, notes of black cherry and wild berries are released YyuAiEhdMKY-00017-00012400-00013080 accompanied by a pleasant aromatic sensation of cocoa, coffee, and toasted YyuAiEhdMKY-00018-00013100-00013680 which is the result of aging in barriques for six months. YyuAiEhdMKY-00019-00013700-00014480 Overall, however, the bouquet and aromatic intensity are not particularly complex. YyuAiEhdMKY-00020-00014900-00015480 On the palate the tannins of this wine are soft, not astringent, YyuAiEhdMKY-00021-00015500-00016080 and also in this case the sensation of alcoholicity reoccurs. YyuAiEhdMKY-00022-00016100-00016880 Overall, it is a fairly balanced wine, despite having a low body. YyuAiEhdMKY-00023-00016900-00017580 After swallowing, the hints of smoked / toasted re-emerge clearly YyuAiEhdMKY-00024-00017600-00017980 as identified at previous olfactory level. YyuAiEhdMKY-00025-00018700-00019180 Now that we have seen the excellent characteristics of this Piedmontese red wine, YyuAiEhdMKY-00026-00019200-00019580 we can easily combine it with the Piedmontese cuisine, YyuAiEhdMKY-00027-00019600-00020180 It is ideal on game dishes and bodied meat dishes. YyuAiEhdMKY-00028-00020200-00020580 Follow us on youtube and on facebook, YyuAiEhdMKY-00029-00020600-00020780 see you at the next video, goodbye! Y-87w2I5pvc-00000-00000064-00000880 this is the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it Y-87w2I5pvc-00001-00000880-00001496 hallelujah just god see the glory of all the blessings Y-87w2I5pvc-00002-00002712-00002904 this is what different scriptures trying to teach over they said the Y-87w2I5pvc-00003-00002904-00003144 natural making i received the things of the spirit neither can't he know them Y-87w2I5pvc-00004-00003560-00003815 what peter you know peter reminded me of what uh Y-87w2I5pvc-00005-00003888-00004664 what jews said about about uh those ungodly men okay okay they they are speaking things Y-87w2I5pvc-00006-00004664-00005952 but they only know naturally okay you beast yeah yeah so before we get saved before we're Y-87w2I5pvc-00007-00006168-00006544 enlightened by the spirit of god before we're pulled into this woman Y-87w2I5pvc-00008-00006544-00007184 okay what we can understand and know about jesus and his purpose and his mission Y-87w2I5pvc-00009-00007359-00008288 is in the doctor so we're left to reason on the natural plane okay okay enough to reason Y-87w2I5pvc-00010-00008472-00009024 in the realm of the natural and that is exactly why when we get saved Y-87w2I5pvc-00011-00009112-00009432 i've been looking at this morning i've been going back to the book of Jude i kind of Y-87w2I5pvc-00012-00009432-00009984 faced up my outlines this morning i've been going back to the book of duty in real life Y-87w2I5pvc-00013-00010136-00010752 you know in jude the whole focus is the whole focus of Jude he's in verse 4. Y-87w2I5pvc-00014-00010808-00011576 well he tells us that there are some ungodly men that have crept into your midst unaware wow Y-87w2I5pvc-00015-00011824-00012368 and then he spends the rest of the entire chapter basically 16 verses and spent telling them Y-87w2I5pvc-00016-00012456-00013047 identifying the conductive behavior of these godly man ungodly man to warn you Y-87w2I5pvc-00017-00013504-00013984 i don't need to warn you because he gets down and i think you press 20 and say Y-87w2I5pvc-00018-00013984-00014240 but but you but with you and shall not be so Y-87w2I5pvc-00019-00014447-00015128 but ye beloved not you now i start talking to you from verse 4 all the way down to verse number 20 Y-87w2I5pvc-00020-00015128-00015376 and what i've been telling you is about these men Y-87w2I5pvc-00021-00015480-00016384 uh about their behavior how they talk what they are so that you can understand that you Y-87w2I5pvc-00022-00016832-00017152 ought not be like them because basically what he's saying to me a man he used these Y-87w2I5pvc-00023-00017152-00017856 young godly men to show you that they've departed that they've apostasized that they've left their Y-87w2I5pvc-00024-00017856-00018088 like the angel they left their ordained Y-87w2I5pvc-00025-00018088-00018904 estate they departed from that's what god had ordained for them they've gone after strange flesh Y-87w2I5pvc-00026-00018904-00019256 when god had not ordained people men to be with men and women to be with women Y-87w2I5pvc-00027-00019256-00019824 they departed and they using the grace of god he said as a license wow Y-87w2I5pvc-00028-00019928-00020224 for no restraint just to be able to do whatever their lust led them Y-87w2I5pvc-00029-00020280-00020936 to do whether it was in speaking or in any kind of conduct or behavior they didn't get described Y-87w2I5pvc-00030-00020936-00021656 up there like they're like uh he got a whole list of things that he called them they're like trees Y-87w2I5pvc-00031-00021656-00022280 who fruit him with them they're like wandering stars they're like spots they're like trees twice Y-87w2I5pvc-00032-00022280-00023008 dead plucked up by the roof yeah waves waves of the sea that form up their shame he's trying to Y-87w2I5pvc-00033-00023008-00023488 paint this picture of them so they describe them in such a way that they can clearly identify Y-87w2I5pvc-00034-00023488-00023984 them through their behavior and their conduct so they can know this ain't how you ought to behave Y-87w2I5pvc-00035-00025040-00025704 number what you call them verse number 10 Y-87w2I5pvc-00036-00025912-00026160 talk about the reasoning things the verse number 10 he said Y-87w2I5pvc-00037-00026288-00027039 but these speak even of those things which they know not okay what they know naturally naturally Y-87w2I5pvc-00038-00027039-00027672 yes that's peter right there yeah yeah yeah yeah that's peter right there he Y-87w2I5pvc-00039-00027672-00028216 he only could speak about what he knew naturally but then duke called them as brute beast Y-87w2I5pvc-00040-00028792-00029039 so so you know on that plane Y-87w2I5pvc-00041-00029272-00029760 uh i think isaiah said that god declared that my thoughts are not your fault yes Y-87w2I5pvc-00042-00029760-00030439 sir yeah my way is not your ways yeah uh-huh now for the mission of his concern Y-87w2I5pvc-00043-00030552-00031295 jesus has been sent into the world for this very purpose he been his sins in the world Y-87w2I5pvc-00044-00031295-00031783 he tailed them up he said no except the grain of wheat falls to the ground and died abides alone Y-87w2I5pvc-00045-00031895-00032512 yes sir but if it died bring forth more truth in other words it ain't really in your benefit for Y-87w2I5pvc-00046-00032512-00032968 me to stay here with you i know you like having me with you i know you've been going there but Y-87w2I5pvc-00047-00032968-00033680 that's a flesh response but god has purpose never god never perfectly just be with you except for Y-87w2I5pvc-00048-00033680-00034512 short period right why being with you was to be able to later on to be in you come on whoo Y-87w2I5pvc-00049-00034680-00035224 you know then what i was getting out of that bishop too was the fact is that Y-87w2I5pvc-00050-00035224-00036128 we have the natural default for man is go cardinality it is it's our default mechanism Y-87w2I5pvc-00051-00036248-00036864 and and you know coming into the body of christ we we're automatically still in the default mode Y-87w2I5pvc-00052-00037208-00037984 until we're ready to move on into the you know i hear from god if not i'm hearing from my intellect Y-87w2I5pvc-00053-00038088-00038752 and i'm gonna use my intellect as my guiding principle until i become more spiritual Y-87w2I5pvc-00054-00038752-00039432 level thinking opposed to my natural way of thinking it's strange kind of thing because Y-87w2I5pvc-00055-00039600-00041104 this i think is what happens when you are not disciple rightly you see the same brain Y-87w2I5pvc-00056-00041272-00041872 the same capacity for thought and reason yeah what now going to be captured by the spirit of god Y-87w2I5pvc-00057-00041960-00042656 and lifted up out of the natural onto a plane of the divine the spirit yes sir yes sir yes sir Y-87w2I5pvc-00058-00042656-00043640 you follow me yeah yeah you see you see the spirit of god has to take hold he has to be able to have Y-87w2I5pvc-00059-00043640-00044232 a way into your thought into your thinking enter your reflection into your meditation into what Y-87w2I5pvc-00060-00044232-00044824 goes on your head to be able now to begin to have a a place of directing and inspiring and leading Y-87w2I5pvc-00061-00044824-00045512 you so that now he takes you up out of the natural into the into the realm of what god is hmm so that Y-87w2I5pvc-00062-00045512-00046072 now that same thing you were looking at earlier saying don't go now you cried out hurry up jesus Y-87w2I5pvc-00063-00046816-00047280 having you here with me but i see something not far greater i see that god have perfect Y-87w2I5pvc-00064-00047280-00047896 for you to have a deeper intimacy a deeper connection so that now i could be one with you Y-87w2I5pvc-00065-00047896-00048512 yes sir yes sir well see you can't say i don't think listen now there is a degree of wonder that Y-87w2I5pvc-00066-00048512-00049080 could happen in the flesh but it can't but that can't happen in the spirit though come on now Y-87w2I5pvc-00067-00049080-00049712 come on you know it's funny because when you think about it remember he was just doesn't Y-87w2I5pvc-00068-00049712-00050608 back a little bit is let me even tell peter satan is trying to sift you like wheat and and bishop Y-87w2I5pvc-00069-00050608-00051184 one of the things interesting i thought he said is when you get right strengthen the brothers Y-87w2I5pvc-00070-00051272-00052088 right in other words if there was if why would he tell him to strengthen the brothers and unless Y-87w2I5pvc-00071-00052088-00053024 they also were also almost in the same uh six predicament of satan trying to sift you like we Y-87w2I5pvc-00072-00053232-00053704 because i'm trying to say uh we're all natural you say i'm saying if peter's not the only Y-87w2I5pvc-00073-00053704-00054272 we may single out peter but that probably applied to every last one of them what didn't it Y-87w2I5pvc-00074-00054344-00055096 well thank you very much in the state that peter's in he ain't got dude he gotta sit very far Y-87w2I5pvc-00075-00055376-00056184 right i mean listen uh this is before this is after before jesus had been resurrected Y-87w2I5pvc-00076-00056255-00056864 has ascended been exalted have been seen and then picked and they Y-87w2I5pvc-00077-00056864-00057176 restrain it it is peter who preached this message on the day of pinnacle Y-87w2I5pvc-00078-00057264-00057855 yeah yeah that's the same peter that talks about listen he needed to here go back to the father Y-87w2I5pvc-00079-00057855-00058312 been exalted to the right hand received the gift of the holy spirit and poured out Y-87w2I5pvc-00080-00058376-00058960 whoa that's what we really needed we didn't really listen we didn't need him to stay here with us we Y-87w2I5pvc-00081-00058960-00059728 need him to go back uh-huh no god but at the very part of the kingdom the foundation of the Y-87w2I5pvc-00082-00059728-00060384 kingdom could be established which is christ in you yes sir the hope o'clock that's right Y-87w2I5pvc-00083-00063879-00063888 you Y-jkDyp_jjk-00000-00000000-00000120 What's your name? Y-jkDyp_jjk-00001-00000120-00000302 Hello, my name is Julia Y-jkDyp_jjk-00002-00000302-00000436 How old are you? Y-jkDyp_jjk-00003-00000436-00000598 I'm 29 years old Y-jkDyp_jjk-00004-00000656-00000827 Today is your first training? Y-jkDyp_jjk-00005-00000840-00001072 Yes, today I was on my first training. Y-jkDyp_jjk-00006-00001158-00001420 And I can share my experiences Y-jkDyp_jjk-00007-00001432-00001680 I liked it a lot Y-jkDyp_jjk-00008-00001700-00002002 I didn't do anything Y-jkDyp_jjk-00009-00002002-00002302 the last week. I had a lot of work Y-jkDyp_jjk-00010-00002302-00002552 and I had a very stressful situation in my life Y-jkDyp_jjk-00011-00002558-00002904 I felt spasms in my spine and legs Y-jkDyp_jjk-00012-00002906-00003272 and today I wanted especially eastern practices. Y-jkDyp_jjk-00013-00003279-00003478 a couple of years ago Y-jkDyp_jjk-00014-00003478-00003796 I tried something similar and I understood what result to expect Y-jkDyp_jjk-00015-00003810-00004132 But I didn't expect that after the first training Y-jkDyp_jjk-00016-00004142-00004364 I will feel ease in my body and Y-jkDyp_jjk-00017-00004364-00004634 a smile I can't hold and Y-jkDyp_jjk-00018-00004658-00004798 hide away Y-jkDyp_jjk-00019-00004857-00005168 And I liked it very much and Y-jkDyp_jjk-00020-00005174-00005504 clearly I will come here more than once or twice Y-jkDyp_jjk-00021-00005532-00005734 Of course, we will have to look at my progress Y-jkDyp_jjk-00022-00005734-00006026 but I hope that excercising will be more pleasant the next time Y-jkDyp_jjk-00023-00006026-00006208 so it will last for long Y-jkDyp_jjk-00024-00006208-00006342 And I also want to say Y-jkDyp_jjk-00025-00006342-00006722 that if this video will be used in advertisements Y-jkDyp_jjk-00026-00006822-00007090 You surely have parents Y-jkDyp_jjk-00027-00007102-00007452 You surely have grandmas and granddads Y-jkDyp_jjk-00028-00007452-00007844 which need at least joint hymnastics Y-jkDyp_jjk-00029-00007856-00008128 I know that here in this centre Y-jkDyp_jjk-00030-00008128-00008320 there are such classes Y-jkDyp_jjk-00031-00008320-00008436 and I Y-jkDyp_jjk-00032-00008436-00008646 seriously think about Y-jkDyp_jjk-00033-00008680-00008984 bringing my parents Y-jkDyp_jjk-00034-00008994-00009286 bringing and driving them here because Y-jkDyp_jjk-00035-00009286-00009658 this gets a lot more important Y-jkDyp_jjk-00036-00009666-00009908 Firstly in verbal form Y-jkDyp_jjk-00037-00009918-00010136 secondly, our body Y-jkDyp_jjk-00038-00010178-00010588 affects our mind and our mood very much Y-jkDyp_jjk-00039-00010624-00010848 so it's important to work with your body Y-jkDyp_jjk-00040-00011050-00011160 Please tell me Y-jkDyp_jjk-00041-00011160-00011482 I know you attended a fitness class Y-jkDyp_jjk-00042-00011498-00011718 Is there a contrast between Y-jkDyp_jjk-00043-00011718-00011844 fitness and eastern gymnastics Y-jkDyp_jjk-00044-00011844-00011976 Of course Y-jkDyp_jjk-00045-00011986-00012112 There is a colossal difference Y-jkDyp_jjk-00046-00012112-00012428 I did pilates for a long time Y-jkDyp_jjk-00047-00012428-00012596 I did yoga too Y-jkDyp_jjk-00048-00012722-00012822 and Y-jkDyp_jjk-00049-00012822-00012976 the difference Y-jkDyp_jjk-00050-00013041-00013169 they are completely different Y-jkDyp_jjk-00051-00013176-00013304 and for me Y-jkDyp_jjk-00052-00013316-00013500 the results are different too Y-jkDyp_jjk-00053-00013522-00013796 because they are used for different goals Y-jkDyp_jjk-00054-00014082-00014182 The eastern practices Y-jkDyp_jjk-00055-00014188-00014418 give me this mood Y-jkDyp_jjk-00056-00014428-00014640 this smile, the feeling of my centre Y-jkDyp_jjk-00057-00014704-00015044 the feeling that I Y-jkDyp_jjk-00058-00015056-00015428 find myself in balance in which I should be Y-jkDyp_jjk-00059-00015452-00015716 because things in life can be Y-jkDyp_jjk-00060-00015732-00015832 that they Y-jkDyp_jjk-00061-00015846-00016018 clamp you Y-jkDyp_jjk-00062-00016032-00016293 I think many people Y-jkDyp_jjk-00063-00016293-00016614 like me, have these spasms Y-jkDyp_jjk-00064-00016614-00016744 which cause discomfort Y-jkDyp_jjk-00065-00016756-00017064 because you even loose the ability to make right decisions Y-jkDyp_jjk-00066-00017099-00017353 you loose your link, like you said Y-jkDyp_jjk-00067-00017428-00017628 when you're relaxed this link is restored Y-jkDyp_jjk-00068-00017838-00017998 this is great Y-jkDyp_jjk-00069-00017998-00018240 I am impressed by students Y-jkDyp_jjk-00070-00018240-00018642 who can go into such detail when describing their first class Y-jkDyp_jjk-00071-00018644-00018856 super, thank you. Y-jkDyp_jjk-00072-00018880-00019024 Do you gave anything else to say? Y-jkDyp_jjk-00073-00019024-00019224 Simply, I Y-jkDyp_jjk-00074-00019232-00019436 went here looking for something Y-jkDyp_jjk-00075-00019438-00019682 and I got much more than I expected Y-jkDyp_jjk-00076-00019682-00019882 I liked it a lot. Thank you Y-jkDyp_jjk-00077-00019910-00020166 Thank you too. Goodbye Y-CaTsq8jSc-00000-00000000-00000302 you have to eliminate the attributes of a want-tre-preneur, otherwise your business Y-CaTsq8jSc-00001-00000302-00000750 is going to fail today we're going to talk about the six deadly signs of a wantrepreneur Y-CaTsq8jSc-00002-00000750-00001779 so whats going on you guys this is uzziah your success strategist and today I'm going to show you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00003-00001779-00002397 the difference between all of the entrepreneurs that have gone to the entrepreneurial cemetery Y-CaTsq8jSc-00004-00002397-00003162 versus those that succeeded in business what separates people that talk about business Y-CaTsq8jSc-00005-00003162-00003756 versus the people that are actually effective in building one make sure that you subscribe to this Y-CaTsq8jSc-00006-00003756-00004344 channel and also check out the escape plan that I give to you on how to transition out of your Y-CaTsq8jSc-00007-00004344-00005043 nine-to-five into your very own business the first sign of a wantrepreneur want to preneur Y-CaTsq8jSc-00008-00005043-00005775 meaning you want to be a business owner and you talk a good deal about it you know everybody's Y-CaTsq8jSc-00009-00005775-00006516 want to be the next bill gates but very few people ever move the needle to actually being Y-CaTsq8jSc-00010-00006516-00007223 able to have their own business that supports them from day to day and the first sign of a Y-CaTsq8jSc-00011-00007223-00009022 want to preneur that doesn't get successful in business is because they're filled with ideas Y-CaTsq8jSc-00012-00009022-00009037 this person is all over the place every single day with a different idea i've worked with so Y-CaTsq8jSc-00013-00009037-00009237 many people over the years that have come up to me and said hey uzziah you know i wanna you know Y-CaTsq8jSc-00014-00009237-00009915 have my own restaurant and then two weeks later they'll be like hey Uzziah i want to have my own Y-CaTsq8jSc-00015-00009915-00010560 daycare facility hey Uzziah i want to be able to have a comic book i want to be able to do a movie Y-CaTsq8jSc-00016-00010560-00011652 i want to be able to just walk on water every other day there's a different idea ideas don't Y-CaTsq8jSc-00017-00011652-00012747 equal business ideas don't equal success in fact one of the things that I've always said is ideas Y-CaTsq8jSc-00018-00012747-00013734 are the lazy man's way of staying relevant because a true entrepreneur doesn't pride himself on their Y-CaTsq8jSc-00019-00013734-00014553 ideas they pride themselves on the results that came from their execution take one idea and go Y-CaTsq8jSc-00020-00014553-00015038 to the moon with it it's as simple as that if you want to know how to be successful in business take Y-CaTsq8jSc-00021-00015038-00015765 one idea and be willing to stick with it over the next 20 years let's go to the second thing Y-CaTsq8jSc-00022-00015765-00016740 a lot of want Rapanos never take forward steps because they're spending so much time in their Y-CaTsq8jSc-00023-00016740-00017343 head that there's no time to actually take action you know there's always these different questions Y-CaTsq8jSc-00024-00017343-00018135 that a lot of want Renault's have okay well should I do this should I start up a business or you know Y-CaTsq8jSc-00025-00018135-00018804 should I do a side hustle should I you know have a website or should I get going on social media Y-CaTsq8jSc-00026-00018804-00019557 should I be on Instagram or should I be getting going on Facebook just start doing something when Y-CaTsq8jSc-00027-00019557-00020577 you find yourself in analysis paralysis everyone obstacle becomes a showstopper for your progress Y-CaTsq8jSc-00028-00020577-00021543 and I would rather that you move forward even in slow steps than a standstill doing nothing every Y-CaTsq8jSc-00029-00021543-00022407 major business around the world is constantly moving in some direction they don't have all Y-CaTsq8jSc-00030-00022407-00023142 the answers in front of them but they understand that if they just stand still and they don't put Y-CaTsq8jSc-00031-00023142-00023916 their all towards growing and being in four motion every single day they're stalling is Y-CaTsq8jSc-00032-00023916-00024756 a guaranteed way to make sure that they fail that they're dead in the water because guess what your Y-CaTsq8jSc-00033-00024756-00025266 competitor is always working your competitor is always learning they're always growing they're Y-CaTsq8jSc-00034-00025266-00025794 always trying new things and they're testing new things and the only way that you can get Y-CaTsq8jSc-00035-00025794-00026466 ahead is if you do the exact same thing always be willing to press forward never allow yourself to Y-CaTsq8jSc-00036-00026466-00027387 be stopped by any one question anyone doubt any one concern all business is solving problems and Y-CaTsq8jSc-00037-00027387-00028311 nobody has all the answers we figure it out as we go the number three reason that so many want Y-CaTsq8jSc-00038-00028311-00029061 Rapanos do not become successful in business is because they focus on vanity metrics rather Y-CaTsq8jSc-00039-00029061-00029789 than real results a lot of people have stopped me over the years and have been like hey use AIA you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00040-00029789-00030408 know what man your website needs to be this much better it needs this new shiny feature man you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00041-00030408-00030954 know what when you speak on these videos these videos aren't really gonna go that far because Y-CaTsq8jSc-00042-00030954-00031710 you don't have the shiny lapel on that's made out of gold trims the difference between Elantra Y-CaTsq8jSc-00043-00031710-00032781 preneur and an entrepreneur is a want repression so they don't start a business until they have Y-CaTsq8jSc-00044-00032781-00033711 the perfect logo the perfect website the perfect video the perfect sales funnel which in actuality Y-CaTsq8jSc-00045-00033711-00034413 means they don't start a business because you never get perfection on day one or you spend so Y-CaTsq8jSc-00046-00034413-00035271 much time trying to build this fancy website that you have not focused on actually monetizing from Y-CaTsq8jSc-00047-00035271-00035940 that platform what do entrepreneurs do instead see entrepreneurs entrepreneurial entrepreneurs Y-CaTsq8jSc-00048-00035940-00036549 the ones that are making money and going out and you see their business and year after year you're Y-CaTsq8jSc-00049-00036549-00037410 seeing constant growth they are not ashamed to start at small beginnings because they know that Y-CaTsq8jSc-00050-00037410-00038094 the minute that they make any sign of progress they're going to take that tiny success and Y-CaTsq8jSc-00051-00038094-00038709 they're gonna multiply it day by day and step by step they're gonna take $1 that they might have Y-CaTsq8jSc-00052-00038709-00039231 gotten from the very first customer and they will multiply it because they're gonna reinvest it into Y-CaTsq8jSc-00053-00039231-00039769 their business but the launch of preneur is so busy trying to have all shiny bells and whistles Y-CaTsq8jSc-00054-00039769-00040543 that they never get started and he never makes sales this is the key if you look at every major Y-CaTsq8jSc-00055-00040543-00041353 business in America go to amazon.com have you ever seen amazon.com say our website is down right now Y-CaTsq8jSc-00056-00041353-00041944 we want to have a much prettier website and a much shinier website and we're not content until we Y-CaTsq8jSc-00057-00041944-00042640 have a million followers on every platform so our website is down until that happens no every year Y-CaTsq8jSc-00058-00042640-00043327 amazon never announces the maintenance on their website because it's about continuous improvement Y-CaTsq8jSc-00059-00043327-00044305 see you don't start off being your best but you get to your best buy training to be the best every Y-CaTsq8jSc-00060-00044305-00045265 single day okay and so don't focus on things like you know do you have the catchiest business name Y-CaTsq8jSc-00061-00045265-00046078 do you have a business card that's made out of Steel do you have an Instagram following that's Y-CaTsq8jSc-00062-00046078-00046747 about to put kim kardashian's to shame do you have professional photographers following you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00063-00046747-00047518 around every day to do social media for you like paparazzi don't focus on the vanity metrics focus Y-CaTsq8jSc-00064-00047518-00048448 on do you have a product that sells is there a marketplace that's big enough for the product that Y-CaTsq8jSc-00065-00048448-00049210 you're trying to deliver do you have an email list that's bringing you subscribers day by day these Y-CaTsq8jSc-00066-00049210-00049984 are top focused metrics that you really need to understand do you have sales do you have prospects Y-CaTsq8jSc-00067-00049984-00050620 what is the satisfaction quality rating of the product that you're delivering to the marketplace Y-CaTsq8jSc-00068-00050620-00051304 and do you have an effective job of being able to collect sales from customers after they're Y-CaTsq8jSc-00069-00051304-00051871 paying you these are some of the more important metrics that you need to focus on not you know how Y-CaTsq8jSc-00070-00051871-00052741 many followers do I have also a lot of people are extremely casual in business I call this Y-CaTsq8jSc-00071-00052741-00053389 coffee talk successful you haven't met a purse that likes to go to like these happy our events Y-CaTsq8jSc-00072-00053389-00053908 and mixers and they like to act like they're the big dog in the room and talk about this and talk Y-CaTsq8jSc-00073-00053908-00054591 about that but you find out is just nothing but a pile of smoke one big puff of smoke they talk Y-CaTsq8jSc-00074-00054591-00055402 about it but they're not really living it a lot of people just want to be casually successful what I Y-CaTsq8jSc-00075-00055402-00056170 mean is this everybody wants to be successful and everybody can talk about their great plan Y-CaTsq8jSc-00076-00056170-00056629 on how they're gonna be successful everybody has the next big thing everybody has the next big idea Y-CaTsq8jSc-00077-00056629-00057451 but does your work ethic match the ambitions that you have see your ambitions might be way Y-CaTsq8jSc-00078-00057451-00058300 up here but your work ethic your organization your attention to detail your focus what you're willing Y-CaTsq8jSc-00079-00058300-00058861 to sacrifice your fortitude all of those things could be down here and if you're not matched up Y-CaTsq8jSc-00080-00058861-00059367 where you need to be you're never going to see that dream realize you've got to go all-in if Y-CaTsq8jSc-00081-00059367-00059827 you want to be successful in business you got to be willing to duel and there's no such thing as a Y-CaTsq8jSc-00082-00059827-00060502 casual successful entrepreneur even if people are trying to sell you to that dream online Y-CaTsq8jSc-00083-00060502-00061404 they're putting in a lot of work behind the scenes okay this is almost the last part salesman rather Y-CaTsq8jSc-00084-00061404-00062044 than businessman a lot of people that start our businesses they're not really trying to build a Y-CaTsq8jSc-00085-00062044-00062698 real business behind what they're offering they're simply just trying to take a product put it in Y-CaTsq8jSc-00086-00062698-00063180 front of you and hope that you buy it if you're gonna be an entrepreneur that means you have to Y-CaTsq8jSc-00087-00063180-00064033 focus on multiple areas you've got to focus on marketing you've got to focus on operations you've Y-CaTsq8jSc-00088-00064033-00064720 got to focus on building a staff right you got to focus on all of these different areas what about Y-CaTsq8jSc-00089-00064720-00065656 your accounting all of these different functional areas play a large part in how successfully your Y-CaTsq8jSc-00090-00065656-00066349 business grows by the day but I see so many entrepreneurs that just say hey you know while Y-CaTsq8jSc-00091-00066349-00066856 know how to make pins so all I'm gonna do is make my pin put it in front of you and hope that you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00092-00066856-00067555 get it that's a Salesman you've got something that you want to sell that's not a business a business Y-CaTsq8jSc-00093-00067555-00068239 is able to successfully function whether or not that you're on a scene because you've built an Y-CaTsq8jSc-00094-00068239-00069127 empire behind your efforts last but not least most launch preneur are not willing to learn Y-CaTsq8jSc-00095-00069127-00069793 anything not on the level that they need in order to take their business to the next level here's Y-CaTsq8jSc-00096-00069793-00070360 a troof about all successful entrepreneurs they are learning machines they're always reading the Y-CaTsq8jSc-00097-00070360-00071080 newspapers they're always reading books they're always trying to take new courses and get enrolled Y-CaTsq8jSc-00098-00071080-00071686 with new trainings to figure out the answers to the things that they don't know in their Y-CaTsq8jSc-00099-00071686-00072712 business I guarantee you no matter how good you are at any select craf there is a business side Y-CaTsq8jSc-00100-00072712-00073501 of things that you do not understand you could be the best wood maker in the world but if you Y-CaTsq8jSc-00101-00073501-00074002 don't know how to be able to take that wood and start distributing it to customers you're gonna Y-CaTsq8jSc-00102-00074002-00074569 have real problems and ever having a successful business so you always need to dedicate yourself Y-CaTsq8jSc-00103-00074569-00075031 to learning the things that you don't know you got to be interested in figuring it out Y-CaTsq8jSc-00104-00075031-00075496 all right but a want Renaud just wants to talk a good one but it's really not about that life Y-CaTsq8jSc-00105-00075496-00076411 of learning their game you have to learn your game you have to learn your craft you have to Y-CaTsq8jSc-00106-00076411-00076930 learn how to take your craft and turn it into a business that's gonna make you successful and Y-CaTsq8jSc-00107-00076930-00077815 last but not least if you're going through these six different challenges I want you to click the Y-CaTsq8jSc-00108-00077815-00078646 link below because I'm going to show you how to successfully grow a sustainable business that will Y-CaTsq8jSc-00109-00078646-00079315 allow you to in time transition out of your 9 to 5 so that way you can do your business from home Y-CaTsq8jSc-00110-00079315-00079731 you and travel the world and make money I want to show you really how to be able to start up a Y-CaTsq8jSc-00111-00079731-00080262 business step by step okay I can lead you to the water but I can't make you drink I can't promise Y-CaTsq8jSc-00112-00080262-00080847 you anything but I'm gonna give you all the steps on how to transition out of your nine-to-five job Y-CaTsq8jSc-00113-00080847-00081573 so that way you can be a successful business owner full-time and be your own boss and have Y-CaTsq8jSc-00114-00081573-00082128 your own independence if that's you I want you to go to the link in the bio now I'm gonna put Y-CaTsq8jSc-00115-00082128-00082542 a card up on the screen so that way you can get it make sure that you get into this thing Y-CaTsq8jSc-00116-00082542-00083163 because I'm illustrating all of the steps step by step alright these are the six deadly signs Y-CaTsq8jSc-00117-00083163-00083820 don't let this be you leave me a comment and let me know the top thing that you're guilty Y-CaTsq8jSc-00118-00083820-00084486 of in being a Juancho preneur that wants to be an entrepreneur I'll see you on the next episode Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00000-00000540-00000759 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00001-00001746-00001966 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00002-00002940-00003144 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00003-00004118-00004338 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00004-00005318-00005532 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00005-00006504-00006720 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00006-00007700-00007919 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00007-00008899-00009118 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00008-00010090-00010302 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00009-00011274-00011490 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00010-00012470-00012689 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00011-00013669-00013880 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00012-00014852-00015069 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00013-00016041-00016260 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00014-00017240-00017459 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00015-00018439-00018650 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00016-00019622-00019834 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00017-00020805-00021020 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00018-00021999-00022219 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00019-00023198-00023413 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00020-00024384-00024596 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00021-00025568-00025785 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00022-00026751-00026955 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00023-00027921-00028138 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00024-00029110-00029324 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00025-00030303-00030523 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00026-00031498-00031704 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00027-00032678-00032897 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00028-00033877-00034089 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00029-00035068-00035288 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00030-00036275-00036495 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00031-00037482-00037702 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00032-00038681-00038895 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00033-00039875-00040094 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00034-00041069-00041286 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00035-00042260-00042479 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00036-00043467-00043686 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00037-00044666-00044880 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00038-00045860-00046079 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00039-00047058-00047270 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00040-00048242-00048459 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00041-00049430-00049647 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00042-00050627-00050846 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00043-00051834-00052053 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00044-00053033-00053247 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00045-00054226-00054446 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00046-00055433-00055653 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00047-00056627-00056834 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00048-00057800-00058012 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00049-00058991-00059211 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00050-00060190-00060410 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00051-00061382-00061593 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00052-00062565-00062782 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00053-00063748-00063952 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00054-00064919-00065138 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00055-00066105-00066311 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00056-00067285-00067504 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00057-00068484-00068701 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00058-00069680-00069900 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00059-00070887-00071107 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00060-00072094-00072314 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00061-00073301-00073521 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00062-00074495-00074699 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00063-00075673-00075893 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00064-00076880-00077100 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00065-00078079-00078296 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00066-00079267-00079482 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00067-00080453-00080673 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00068-00081645-00081856 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00069-00082836-00083055 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00070-00084030-00084233 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00071-00085208-00085427 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00072-00086407-00086624 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00073-00087595-00087810 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00074-00088789-00089008 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00075-00089988-00090205 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00076-00091177-00091389 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00077-00092355-00092559 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00078-00093533-00093752 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00079-00094732-00094949 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00080-00095921-00096132 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00081-00097104-00097315 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00082-00098295-00098515 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00083-00099494-00099708 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00084-00100680-00100897 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00085-00101869-00102080 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00086-00103052-00103266 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00087-00104246-00104465 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00088-00105445-00105659 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00089-00106638-00106858 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00090-00107833-00108039 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00091-00109005-00109222 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00092-00110194-00110406 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00093-00111385-00111604 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00094-00112584-00112798 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00095-00113778-00113997 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00096-00114977-00115197 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00097-00116163-00116369 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00098-00117336-00117550 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00099-00118522-00118736 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00100-00119708-00119927 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00101-00120899-00121111 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00102-00122090-00122309 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00103-00123289-00123501 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00104-00124480-00124700 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00105-00125679-00125893 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00106-00126865-00127082 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00107-00128054-00128265 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00108-00129245-00129465 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00109-00130439-00130645 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00110-00131612-00131826 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00111-00132806-00133025 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00112-00133999-00134206 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00113-00135172-00135384 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00114-00136364-00136583 bad, can 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bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00181-00215836-00216047 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00182-00217019-00217231 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00183-00218202-00218419 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00184-00219399-00219618 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00185-00220598-00220812 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00186-00221784-00221996 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00187-00222975-00223194 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00188-00224174-00224388 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00189-00225360-00225574 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00190-00226554-00226773 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00191-00227747-00227954 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00192-00228921-00229137 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00193-00230109-00230326 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00194-00231298-00231509 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00195-00232476-00232692 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00196-00233659-00233876 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00197-00234856-00235075 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00198-00236054-00236269 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00199-00237248-00237467 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00200-00238447-00238662 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00201-00239641-00239860 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00202-00240840-00241054 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00203-00242034-00242253 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00204-00243233-00243450 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00205-00244422-00244633 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00206-00245613-00245832 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00207-00246812-00247023 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00208-00248003-00248222 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00209-00249197-00249403 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00210-00250378-00250597 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00211-00251584-00251804 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00212-00252783-00252995 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00213-00253962-00254178 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00214-00255145-00255364 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00215-00256331-00256537 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00216-00257498-00257702 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00217-00258676-00258896 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00218-00259883-00260103 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00219-00261083-00261294 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00220-00262274-00262493 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00221-00263481-00263700 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00222-00264679-00264891 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00223-00265858-00266061 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00224-00267036-00267255 bad, 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here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00291-00346751-00346971 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00292-00347950-00348162 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00293-00349141-00349360 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00294-00350340-00350552 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00295-00351518-00351722 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00296-00352684-00352887 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00297-00353861-00354081 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00298-00355061-00355280 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00299-00356252-00356471 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00300-00357443-00357660 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00301-00358631-00358848 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00302-00359820-00360034 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00303-00361014-00361233 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00304-00362208-00362414 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00305-00363380-00363595 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00306-00364574-00364794 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00307-00365773-00365985 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00308-00366964-00367184 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00309-00368164-00368375 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00310-00369347-00369564 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00311-00370536-00370750 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00312-00371722-00371941 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00313-00372913-00373127 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00314-00374099-00374318 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00315-00375297-00375517 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00316-00376497-00376708 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00317-00377688-00377907 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00318-00378887-00379101 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00319-00380081-00380300 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00320-00381279-00381494 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00321-00382465-00382682 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00322-00383654-00383868 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00323-00384848-00385068 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00324-00386047-00386259 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00325-00387225-00387431 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00326-00388398-00388610 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00327-00389581-00389801 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00328-00390772-00390987 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00329-00391966-00392186 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00330-00393160-00393366 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00331-00394341-00394560 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00332-00395548-00395767 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00333-00396754-00396974 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00334-00397954-00398171 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00335-00399137-00399341 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00336-00400315-00400534 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00337-00401514-00401726 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00338-00402698-00402917 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00339-00403889-00404103 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00340-00405075-00405292 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00341-00406258-00406475 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00342-00407441-00407653 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00343-00408633-00408852 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00344-00409831-00410048 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00345-00411028-00411247 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00346-00412227-00412444 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00347-00413415-00413632 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00348-00414612-00414831 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00349-00415818-00416038 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00350-00417025-00417245 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00351-00418225-00418439 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00352-00419418-00419638 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00353-00420618-00420834 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00354-00421814-00422033 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00355-00423007-00423224 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00356-00424191-00424403 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00357-00425374-00425586 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00358-00426565-00426785 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00359-00427772-00427992 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00360-00428972-00429191 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00361-00430157-00430364 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00362-00431338-00431557 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00363-00432537-00432754 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00364-00433726-00433940 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00365-00434912-00435131 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00366-00436103-00436322 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00367-00437294-00437513 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00368-00438485-00438699 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00369-00439666-00439870 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00370-00440836-00441050 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00371-00442022-00442236 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00372-00443208-00443422 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00373-00444394-00444611 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00374-00445582-00445799 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00375-00446771-00446988 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00376-00447954-00448161 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00377-00449128-00449347 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00378-00450319-00450530 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00379-00451502-00451713 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00380-00452685-00452897 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00381-00453863-00454067 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00382-00455034-00455250 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00383-00456230-00456450 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00384-00457429-00457641 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00385-00458620-00458840 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00386-00459819-00460039 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00387-00461010-00461230 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00388-00462210-00462429 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00389-00463408-00463625 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00390-00464597-00464809 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00391-00465780-00465997 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00392-00466977-00467197 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00393-00468176-00468393 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00394-00469372-00469592 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00395-00470579-00470799 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00396-00471786-00472005 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00397-00472985-00473202 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00398-00474174-00474385 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00399-00475365-00475584 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00400-00476572-00476791 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00401-00477771-00477990 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00402-00478962-00479176 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00403-00480142-00480349 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00404-00481316-00481533 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00405-00482504-00482716 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00406-00483688-00483904 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00407-00484871-00485075 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00408-00486041-00486255 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00409-00487227-00487439 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00410-00488418-00488638 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00411-00489625-00489845 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00412-00490824-00491038 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00413-00492005-00492211 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00414-00493178-00493394 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00415-00494366-00494585 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00416-00495558-00495769 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00417-00496749-00496968 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00418-00497942-00498149 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00419-00499116-00499327 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00420-00500293-00500500 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00421-00501474-00501694 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00422-00502668-00502875 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00423-00503849-00504068 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00424-00505056-00505275 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00425-00506263-00506482 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00426-00507461-00507676 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00427-00508647-00508864 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00428-00509836-00510048 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00429-00511019-00511239 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00430-00512205-00512422 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00431-00513396-00513616 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00432-00514603-00514823 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00433-00515803-00516022 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00434-00516994-00517205 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00435-00518185-00518404 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00436-00519384-00519598 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00437-00520570-00520781 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00438-00521761-00521981 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00439-00522955-00523161 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00440-00524135-00524355 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00441-00525334-00525549 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00442-00526528-00526748 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00443-00527727-00527947 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00444-00528918-00529130 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00445-00530097-00530314 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00446-00531280-00531497 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00447-00532469-00532685 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00448-00533657-00533874 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00449-00534846-00535063 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00450-00536042-00536261 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00451-00537249-00537468 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00452-00538448-00538665 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00453-00539631-00539838 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00454-00540812-00541031 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00455-00542011-00542231 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00456-00543202-00543419 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00457-00544391-00544608 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00458-00545587-00545806 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00459-00546794-00547013 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00460-00548001-00548220 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00461-00549200-00549414 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00462-00550386-00550597 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00463-00551564-00551771 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00464-00552745-00552964 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00465-00553944-00554158 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00466-00555138-00555357 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00467-00556336-00556548 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00468-00557528-00557747 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00469-00558735-00558954 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00470-00559929-00560135 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00471-00561101-00561318 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00472-00562290-00562504 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00473-00563484-00563703 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00474-00564690-00564910 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00475-00565897-00566117 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00476-00567097-00567308 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00477-00568288-00568507 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00478-00569487-00569698 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00479-00570670-00570887 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00480-00571858-00572078 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00481-00573050-00573266 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00482-00574238-00574455 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00483-00575427-00575638 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00484-00576618-00576838 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00485-00577817-00578036 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00486-00579003-00579207 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00487-00580173-00580385 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00488-00581357-00581571 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00489-00582551-00582770 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00490-00583749-00583964 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00491-00584943-00585163 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00492-00586150-00586369 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00493-00587357-00587576 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00494-00588556-00588767 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00495-00589747-00589967 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00496-00590946-00591163 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00497-00592135-00592352 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00498-00593331-00593551 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00499-00594538-00594758 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00500-00595745-00595965 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00501-00596944-00597163 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00502-00598143-00598363 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00503-00599350-00599569 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00504-00600549-00600766 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00505-00601737-00601949 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00506-00602928-00603148 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00507-00604128-00604347 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00508-00605319-00605536 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00509-00606515-00606735 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00510-00607722-00607941 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00511-00608921-00609133 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00512-00610105-00610316 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00513-00611282-00611486 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00514-00612453-00612664 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00515-00613636-00613855 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00516-00614828-00615039 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00517-00616005-00616209 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00518-00617184-00617403 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00519-00618391-00618610 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00520-00619597-00619817 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00521-00620796-00621016 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00522-00621995-00622215 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00523-00623189-00623395 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00524-00624362-00624576 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00525-00625556-00625775 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00526-00626755-00626967 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00527-00627938-00628153 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00528-00629119-00629325 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00529-00630292-00630509 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00530-00631475-00631679 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00531-00632653-00632873 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00532-00633852-00634064 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00533-00635036-00635253 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00534-00636224-00636444 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00535-00637415-00637630 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00536-00638609-00638829 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00537-00639808-00640020 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00538-00640992-00641209 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00539-00642188-00642407 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00540-00643387-00643601 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00541-00644568-00644774 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00542-00645736-00645939 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00543-00646913-00647133 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00544-00648120-00648340 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00545-00649320-00649536 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00546-00650508-00650719 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00547-00651686-00651893 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00548-00652859-00653073 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00549-00654045-00654262 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00550-00655228-00655445 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00551-00656420-00656639 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00552-00657618-00657833 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00553-00658804-00659019 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00554-00659998-00660218 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00555-00661197-00661409 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00556-00662381-00662600 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00557-00663572-00663786 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00558-00664758-00664975 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00559-00665946-00666161 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00560-00667140-00667359 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00561-00668347-00668566 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00562-00669541-00669747 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00563-00670721-00670941 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00564-00671921-00672132 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00565-00673112-00673331 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00566-00674311-00674522 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00567-00675494-00675706 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00568-00676685-00676905 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00569-00677892-00678111 bad, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00570-00679091-00679303 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00571-00680275-00680486 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00572-00681458-00681675 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00573-00682647-00682863 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00574-00683843-00684062 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00575-00685042-00685256 can, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00576-00686228-00686439 bad, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00577-00687419-00687639 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00578-00688626-00688846 can, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00579-00689833-00690052 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00580-00691032-00691244 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00581-00692215-00692435 can, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00582-00693401-00693605 here, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00583-00694566-00694772 not, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00584-00695747-00695966 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00585-00696946-00697163 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00586-00698142-00698362 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00587-00699349-00699568 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00588-00700548-00700763 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00589-00701734-00701946 not, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00590-00702912-00703119 not, not Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00591-00704093-00704312 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00592-00705292-00705509 bad, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00593-00706481-00706700 here, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00594-00707667-00707884 here, here Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00595-00708850-00709067 not, can Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00596-00710046-00710266 bad, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00597-00711253-00711473 can, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00598-00712452-00712666 here, bad Y-Yj6cxaBMc-00599-00713646-00713866 bad, can YCFM8p3I3c8-00000-00001104-00001944 good morning everybody jr fisher here welcome to saturday morning june 5th 2021 i want to welcome YCFM8p3I3c8-00001-00001944-00002448 everybody if you're new here hey i do these live training sessions to help you guys out to help you YCFM8p3I3c8-00002-00002448-00002904 start run and grow online businesses that's what it's all about that's the only thing i talk about YCFM8p3I3c8-00003-00002960-00003336 we don't sell anything here you don't sell anything i don't sell anything only thing YCFM8p3I3c8-00004-00003336-00003768 we sell is ideas that work so that's what i'm going to be talking about today and i'm going YCFM8p3I3c8-00005-00003768-00004544 to be focusing today on my man my man gary v which should be really entertaining today i think he's a YCFM8p3I3c8-00006-00004544-00005160 really interesting guy i've heard him speak live before uh but if you are new do me a favor and um YCFM8p3I3c8-00007-00005160-00005568 subscribe hit that subscribe button down there and don't forget ring the bell turn on all bell YCFM8p3I3c8-00008-00005568-00006216 notifications so that what you're notified so that you know when i go live or when i upload a video YCFM8p3I3c8-00009-00006216-00006904 say hello to a couple people are to pick hello again from ensenada ensenada i'm going to say YCFM8p3I3c8-00010-00006904-00007448 that right ensenada uh and uh that is a very cool place that is a place where there's a race YCFM8p3I3c8-00011-00007504-00008088 uh in sonata uh and it's a like a like a a four-wheel drive race and years ago i used to YCFM8p3I3c8-00012-00008088-00008576 have an air charger service we did air ambulance and yeah we would just fly an airplane down there YCFM8p3I3c8-00013-00008576-00009056 and wait for somebody to get hurt and fly back to the us uh it was many years ago i'm sure this YCFM8p3I3c8-00014-00009056-00009552 will be both entertaining and enlightening i hope it will be uh i've got some research for you i've YCFM8p3I3c8-00015-00009552-00010200 got some background on gary vee uh if you don't know who garyvee is um he is a serial entrepreneur YCFM8p3I3c8-00016-00010200-00010608 a really interesting guy and i don't want to get into it yet because then i'll start uh but uh he's YCFM8p3I3c8-00017-00010608-00010984 an interesting guy if you do know who he is put something in the chat section there put in there YCFM8p3I3c8-00018-00010984-00011576 that you know who he is um if you are on this live today i really appreciate comments i really YCFM8p3I3c8-00019-00011576-00012104 appreciate anything you've got to say that's what that chat section is for i want you to burn it up YCFM8p3I3c8-00020-00012104-00012720 just burn it up today we've got a bunch of folks here so um don't be shy the more you get involved YCFM8p3I3c8-00021-00012720-00013191 in this stuff the better your chances of success online this is an opportunity for you to actually YCFM8p3I3c8-00022-00013288-00013880 put forth your thoughts and ideas and get involved that's the number one step that i don't see people YCFM8p3I3c8-00023-00013880-00014247 do and why they don't make money online is they don't get involved so get involved put something YCFM8p3I3c8-00024-00014247-00014728 there there's my man james he just popped up loud and clear from savannah and james is going to be YCFM8p3I3c8-00025-00014728-00015184 78 here today we got some nice temperatures i don't know what yours is but i'm sure you will YCFM8p3I3c8-00026-00015184-00015584 pop it in there and also guys don't forget to give me a thumbs up that's real important too YCFM8p3I3c8-00027-00015640-00016119 um but it put put in that chat do you know who garyvee is do you know what he's known for i don't YCFM8p3I3c8-00028-00016119-00016600 want to talk about a guy nobody's ever heard about but uh i think most of you have heard of garyvee YCFM8p3I3c8-00029-00016600-00017224 um he's a pretty entertaining guy uh when when he came out and spoke at a convention i went to YCFM8p3I3c8-00030-00017280-00017648 um they introduced him as the f guy i was an f guy what does that mean YCFM8p3I3c8-00031-00017648-00018096 and after a couple minutes you figure out what the f guy means because he drops the f word about YCFM8p3I3c8-00032-00018096-00018696 every other sentence and that's just his style that's what he does uh but he's a really funny guy YCFM8p3I3c8-00033-00018696-00019240 he's entertaining and i want to i want to get into his background so uh let me get another sip here YCFM8p3I3c8-00034-00019488-00019968 and i gotta tell you over the years listening to a lot of his stuff i've all often been you YCFM8p3I3c8-00035-00019968-00020608 know motivated by him uh him and david goggins david goggins is a exercise guy uh i call him an YCFM8p3I3c8-00036-00020608-00021080 exercise guy he's one of the toughest guys in the world uh but you know it's people like that that YCFM8p3I3c8-00037-00021080-00021472 we got to listen to and you know i've heard people say well i went to one of those motivational YCFM8p3I3c8-00038-00021472-00022008 things one time and it didn't work motivation is not a one-time thing that's like saying i ate once YCFM8p3I3c8-00039-00022008-00022488 and i'm still hungry um you know you've got to keep feeding your mind you got to keep feeding YCFM8p3I3c8-00040-00022488-00023088 your mind positive things and listening to people like gary vee or david goggins or whoever you like YCFM8p3I3c8-00041-00023192-00023776 you know really interesting uh this is a live blog just great cool thank you i appreciate that YCFM8p3I3c8-00042-00023776-00024360 uh yeah we are kind of a live blog aren't we uh so garyvee is actually an entrepreneur he really YCFM8p3I3c8-00043-00024360-00024864 kind of mastered the art of getting attention from people i mean that's really what he did YCFM8p3I3c8-00044-00024864-00025488 um he is currently the ceo of vayner media uh and i understand why he would call it vayner YCFM8p3I3c8-00045-00025488-00025983 because his name is vaynerchuk and it's not the easiest name in the world to say but anyhow YCFM8p3I3c8-00046-00025983-00026680 vaynermedia is a full-service advertising agency that helps fortune 1000 companies leverage their YCFM8p3I3c8-00047-00026680-00027288 consumer attention so that's what he's good at he's good at getting attention okay so on top YCFM8p3I3c8-00048-00027288-00027872 of this he's also chairman of vaynerx which is a modern day like communications holding company YCFM8p3I3c8-00049-00027872-00028456 uh it's a five times new york times uh he's also a five times new york times bestselling author YCFM8p3I3c8-00050-00028456-00029136 um and he's a highly sought after speaker i mean he makes tons of money doing just speeches now uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00051-00029136-00030048 i have hey i have zero tolerance for profanity well you know it it happens uh some people speak YCFM8p3I3c8-00052-00030048-00030448 it uh it doesn't really offend me i guess because of the neighborhood i grew up in YCFM8p3I3c8-00053-00030448-00030800 so it doesn't really offend me uh but i get it and if you don't like it you don't like it YCFM8p3I3c8-00054-00030800-00031512 you know that's this is his style uh have his can't hurt me and healing back pain by dr sarno YCFM8p3I3c8-00055-00031512-00031968 on your recommendations many things yeah both of those books man awesome awesome YCFM8p3I3c8-00056-00031968-00032512 books awesome books um gary knows a lot about success though you know put aside the profanity YCFM8p3I3c8-00057-00032512-00033104 thing he knows a lot about success he's done a lot he's achieved his a lot uh paul says i YCFM8p3I3c8-00058-00033176-00033656 paul you've got to say more than i you got to i think maybe you hit your keyboard too quick YCFM8p3I3c8-00059-00033712-00034432 but garyvee really has been come become like known as this successful businessman and his inspiring YCFM8p3I3c8-00060-00034432-00034928 success story can really teach you and guide you in a whole bunch of different ways so with that YCFM8p3I3c8-00061-00034928-00035536 having been said i want to kind of dive in and get into his life story uh and who he actually is um YCFM8p3I3c8-00062-00035592-00036296 gary v in 1978 when gary v was just three years old okay so he was born in 75 him and his family YCFM8p3I3c8-00063-00036296-00036808 actually immigrated to the u.s from belarus belarus which is all in the news now for taking YCFM8p3I3c8-00064-00036808-00037360 down that airplane but it's a country which at the time was part of the former soviet union YCFM8p3I3c8-00065-00037440-00037864 his family first lived in queens new york with relatives they didn't even have a place to stay YCFM8p3I3c8-00066-00037936-00038248 but they would eventually move to edison new jersey YCFM8p3I3c8-00067-00038248-00038768 now his father he didn't have any experience he came to this country he's from a foreign country YCFM8p3I3c8-00068-00038768-00039400 uh uh let's see richard brown he missed the h oh he was trying to say hi well well YCFM8p3I3c8-00069-00039400-00039984 i like his books i liked his first one best it seems he just cranked out the next two well he YCFM8p3I3c8-00070-00039984-00040448 had a a million dollar five book deal so that may have something to do with it or ten book deal YCFM8p3I3c8-00071-00040448-00040960 i can't remember which it was um but anyhow his father took a job as a stock boy in a liquor store YCFM8p3I3c8-00072-00040960-00041352 that was the only job he could get and let me get a little sip here and keep me going YCFM8p3I3c8-00073-00041624-00042296 and like what most immigrants do he worked his butt off um he was smart and every penny he YCFM8p3I3c8-00074-00042296-00043024 earned for a whole lot of years he would save eventually gary's father uh worked his way up YCFM8p3I3c8-00075-00043024-00043448 to full ownership of that liquor store and he ended up owning that particular liquor store YCFM8p3I3c8-00076-00043552-00044112 gary learned a whole lot from his father about hard work and work ethic and hustle he would get YCFM8p3I3c8-00077-00044112-00044656 introduced to entrepreneurship at the age of six six years old he started getting into this stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00078-00044656-00045144 his first taste of entrepreneurship actually came from his experience with selling flowers so that's YCFM8p3I3c8-00079-00045144-00045776 what he started doing um legend has it that gary would actually take flowers from his neighbor's YCFM8p3I3c8-00080-00045776-00046384 yard and then ring the doorbell of that neighbor with charisma and wit he would successfully sell YCFM8p3I3c8-00081-00046384-00046920 the neighbors his own flowers back to them which is kind of funny uh gary's taste uh for business YCFM8p3I3c8-00082-00046920-00047536 would grow and by the age of seven he was already running a successful lemonade franchise throughout YCFM8p3I3c8-00083-00047536-00048160 new jersey where he managed to set up eight different lemonade stands using his friends to run YCFM8p3I3c8-00084-00048160-00048624 each location that's pretty impressive now i had a lemonade stand when i was a kid but i never had YCFM8p3I3c8-00085-00048624-00049064 my friends running them for me i don't know what he said to those guys to get him to do that uh do YCFM8p3I3c8-00086-00049064-00049664 you believe i got some questions here let me just jump in here uh do you believe that products have YCFM8p3I3c8-00087-00049664-00050328 a distinct life cycle on the internet and then die in other words fads um that is true with some YCFM8p3I3c8-00088-00050328-00050904 products and it's not true with other products uh an example would be maybe a fidget spinner YCFM8p3I3c8-00089-00050904-00051567 i think that had its you know time a pet rock it certainly had its time a hula hoop had its time YCFM8p3I3c8-00090-00051567-00052048 uh but if you have uh products like survival food no i don't think that's a fad that's what we sell YCFM8p3I3c8-00091-00052048-00052655 uh if you have something like a course on how to get in shape no i don't think that's a fad that YCFM8p3I3c8-00092-00052655-00053455 will always be around so it just really depends uh james says 87 and cloudy in savannah uh road to YCFM8p3I3c8-00093-00053455-00054184 pick i suppose it depends but things need updates thank you tyen yeah tynan's jumping in there too YCFM8p3I3c8-00094-00054184-00054800 uh you have to admire his success but not crazy about the non-stop lifestyle i agree with that YCFM8p3I3c8-00095-00054800-00055791 paul uh i loved his interview on letterman years ago uh like you he would be hard to outwork him uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00096-00055791-00056240 yeah and but you know i don't work like gary vee i can tell you that and i don't work out like david YCFM8p3I3c8-00097-00056240-00056800 goncalves either uh david goggins is insane about working out he wants to make everything difficult YCFM8p3I3c8-00098-00056800-00057416 um so anyhow let's back to garyvee now he's got these lemonade stands by the time he was 13 YCFM8p3I3c8-00099-00057416-00057816 he really got his first taste of real business his breakthrough would come YCFM8p3I3c8-00100-00057816-00058440 from his ability to generate thousands of dollars every weekend through selling baseball cards now YCFM8p3I3c8-00101-00058440-00058912 i never even collected one but this man started a business at 13 making a lot of money i mean YCFM8p3I3c8-00102-00058912-00059328 thousands of dollars a weekend that's a lot for teenagers uh you know some people work all month YCFM8p3I3c8-00103-00059328-00060008 long and they don't make that right now garyvee actually learned a lot about the supply of concept YCFM8p3I3c8-00104-00060112-00060800 of supply and demand these were the formative years for him he would eventually uh get pulled YCFM8p3I3c8-00105-00060800-00061448 into his father's business now he was initially put into working uh bagging ice for two dollars an YCFM8p3I3c8-00106-00061448-00062000 hour that was his job uh he would go to work for his father for a handful of years in various roles YCFM8p3I3c8-00107-00062000-00062504 from the family business however gary learned about the power of the internet now when he YCFM8p3I3c8-00108-00062504-00062952 learned about the power of the internet he went all in to improve his father's business shortly YCFM8p3I3c8-00109-00062952-00063624 after graduating from college gary actually went back to the liquor store and started leveraging YCFM8p3I3c8-00110-00063624-00064344 social media he started creating content in his own way that way would take his father's business YCFM8p3I3c8-00111-00064344-00064991 from three million dollars get this up to 60 million dollars in just a few short years now YCFM8p3I3c8-00112-00064991-00065768 that's pretty impressive uh let's see here how did he do it well gary's uh father's business YCFM8p3I3c8-00113-00065768-00066400 he put on the internet he renamed it uh the liquor store to the wine library so it's got YCFM8p3I3c8-00114-00066400-00066976 all fancy now then in 2006 he went on to create an extremely entertaining educational show called YCFM8p3I3c8-00115-00066976-00067720 wine library tv this showcased his analysis of various wines and liquors and he leveraged his YCFM8p3I3c8-00116-00067720-00068400 knowledge of these wines his energetic personality and his consistent daily hustle to create over 1 YCFM8p3I3c8-00117-00068400-00068864 000 episodes now i know that's hard because i think i have about a thousand videos on this YCFM8p3I3c8-00118-00068864-00069360 youtube channel right now so i know it's hard and sometimes you don't get results and sometimes you YCFM8p3I3c8-00119-00069360-00069728 do get results and you got to keep going and that's the one thing i want you to take from YCFM8p3I3c8-00120-00069728-00070128 today guys even if you don't see results you got to keep going because you don't know when YCFM8p3I3c8-00121-00070128-00070528 they're going to come or how they're going to come on top of this gary paid attention to what YCFM8p3I3c8-00122-00070528-00071040 his audience was interested in that's another key thing what is your audience interested in YCFM8p3I3c8-00123-00071040-00071488 um and he wanted to figure out what they wanted more of he he effectively executed YCFM8p3I3c8-00124-00071608-00072192 them in engagement he got them to engage with him uh and he got questions from them so he YCFM8p3I3c8-00125-00072192-00072512 could answer those questions same thing i do on this channel not a whole lot of difference there YCFM8p3I3c8-00126-00072512-00073104 except he was vastly more successful the result was an explosion of revenue growth in his father's YCFM8p3I3c8-00127-00073104-00073688 liquor store now in his own words this is what gary had to say and i wrote it down here about YCFM8p3I3c8-00128-00073688-00074416 his initial success with wine library here's what he said he said i've always created the success YCFM8p3I3c8-00129-00074416-00075088 of that venture to my hustle excuse me i've always credited the success of that venture to my hustle YCFM8p3I3c8-00130-00075088-00075744 and single-minded dedication to engaging with my fans and customers by answering every email YCFM8p3I3c8-00131-00075744-00076440 or blog comment i received and going overboard to show my appreciation for their business that is a YCFM8p3I3c8-00132-00076440-00076872 key thing guys and that's something you got to do if you have a youtube channel or whatever i YCFM8p3I3c8-00133-00076872-00077296 know i have to go in there every few days and i don't have to actually want to and answer YCFM8p3I3c8-00134-00077296-00077792 y'all's questions and give you help and give you input i think that's super important now YCFM8p3I3c8-00135-00077792-00078368 after growing his father's business gary actually in order to start the next chapter of his life YCFM8p3I3c8-00136-00078424-00078992 he actually what he learned from his success at the wine library tv uh he would leverage YCFM8p3I3c8-00137-00078992-00079592 into a social media expertise to create his own full-service advertising agency he would name YCFM8p3I3c8-00138-00079592-00080128 his new endeavor vayner media which i talked about in the beginning he started small with vaynermedia YCFM8p3I3c8-00139-00080128-00080648 in fact in his early days he had to use other companies conference room because he didn't have YCFM8p3I3c8-00140-00080648-00081296 the capital to rent office space that would allow him to have his own but he persisted and did what YCFM8p3I3c8-00141-00081296-00081912 he did best he hustled to get attention that's what he did and the attention actually translated YCFM8p3I3c8-00142-00081912-00082528 into business and after giving a successful public speech in new york gary's media agency would take YCFM8p3I3c8-00143-00082528-00083072 off now he initially did all of his speeches for free guys he wasn't getting paid now he YCFM8p3I3c8-00144-00083072-00083456 gets these big fees now but in the beginning he wasn't getting paid let me get another sip here YCFM8p3I3c8-00145-00083800-00084776 diane says consistency is key very very true um ro tubac i don't know if i'm saying that right i'm in YCFM8p3I3c8-00146-00084776-00085344 the health niche i need new products to add to my offerings should i branch out or stay in my YCFM8p3I3c8-00147-00085344-00085776 original niche of health related products well you know that's up to you that's entirely up to YCFM8p3I3c8-00148-00085776-00086336 you if you really like your niche uh and you've built a following or you've got an email list YCFM8p3I3c8-00149-00086336-00086784 or you just enjoy it i would stay where you're at if you don't enjoy it you don't have a list if YCFM8p3I3c8-00150-00086784-00087176 you're looking for something new you can certainly do that that's really up to you and it's there's YCFM8p3I3c8-00151-00087176-00087744 so many good niches out there i mean there really are um i i did one um a video i think it was just YCFM8p3I3c8-00152-00087744-00088216 our day before health wealth and finance those are the three big ones health wealth and finance okay YCFM8p3I3c8-00153-00088280-00088712 and communications and relationships and all there's so many things out there you could do YCFM8p3I3c8-00154-00088824-00089336 so anyhow after that and this is what you may have been talking about paul uh after that gary YCFM8p3I3c8-00155-00089336-00089912 had his first million dollar ten book it was a ten book deal with uh harper collins since then YCFM8p3I3c8-00156-00089912-00090480 he has pulled published multiple books with five of them landing on the new york times bestseller YCFM8p3I3c8-00157-00090480-00091104 list like i said in the beginning so he went out and tried to help others build their businesses YCFM8p3I3c8-00158-00091104-00091656 and in doing so and being successful at that more and more people wanted to listen to it wanted YCFM8p3I3c8-00159-00091656-00092184 to hear what he had to say because he was having these successes uh let's see agree uh re-answering YCFM8p3I3c8-00160-00092184-00093128 questions very good re email deliverability yeah that's true i thought he read this is paul right YCFM8p3I3c8-00161-00093128-00093728 here that was richard brown paul says i thought i read he employs over 200 people he definitely YCFM8p3I3c8-00162-00093728-00094280 paid his dues and delayed gratifications i don't know what he does as far as number of employees YCFM8p3I3c8-00163-00094280-00094872 and that doesn't have to be you i want you to take from all these stories that i share with you the YCFM8p3I3c8-00164-00094872-00095472 things that fit for you and then discard the rest like when i hear he's got 200 employees i would YCFM8p3I3c8-00165-00095472-00095976 discard that because i don't want 200 employees i want as few employees as possible i have employees YCFM8p3I3c8-00166-00096040-00096360 but i have a smaller crew of employees and i farm out some stuff too YCFM8p3I3c8-00167-00096456-00096864 but i don't want a lot of employees i've had a lot of employees eastern car dealerships YCFM8p3I3c8-00168-00096864-00097328 where i would have hundreds or even thousands depending on how many dealerships i was managing YCFM8p3I3c8-00169-00097328-00098000 i don't want that i don't want that anymore uh let's see here richard brown gary vee knew YCFM8p3I3c8-00170-00098072-00098888 that to receive he must first give an excellent uh his initial uh input etc being free yes you YCFM8p3I3c8-00171-00098888-00099400 do have to give guys and you have to give freely and what i mean by that is you have to do stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00172-00099400-00099928 for free in the beginning if you want to make it online you just have to um so garyvee continues YCFM8p3I3c8-00173-00099928-00100512 to grow he's still doing well uh actually i just pulled up my notes here uh so you'll be interested YCFM8p3I3c8-00174-00100512-00100992 in this on the number of employees i forgot i had this in here he now employs over 800 people in his YCFM8p3I3c8-00175-00100992-00101632 media company so he has 800 people i currently has over 12 million social media followers uh and he's YCFM8p3I3c8-00176-00101632-00102304 growing and continually increasing his influence and fortifying his brand with popular youtube show YCFM8p3I3c8-00177-00102304-00102783 the gary v video experience i would recommend you jump over there and take a look at it YCFM8p3I3c8-00178-00102783-00103192 uh and you know somebody said to me the other day why would you recommend somebody else's channel jr YCFM8p3I3c8-00179-00103192-00103544 they're going to leave your channel and go to another one i'm like i don't care you know i YCFM8p3I3c8-00180-00103544-00104064 want them to get good information my job is not to keep everybody on my channel my job is to provide YCFM8p3I3c8-00181-00104064-00104520 good information so that everybody watching my channel feels like they get value and if that YCFM8p3I3c8-00182-00104520-00104872 means sending somebody over to garyvee's channel to listen to what he's got to say YCFM8p3I3c8-00183-00104872-00105296 so be it okay there is enough business to go around so i don't even worry about that YCFM8p3I3c8-00184-00105352-00105976 uh let's see here where should i look for finding new products to offer on my facebook page YCFM8p3I3c8-00185-00105976-00106528 i would say go to clickbank i really would i would go to clickbank i would search products and then YCFM8p3I3c8-00186-00106528-00107040 uh in the health and wellness or whatever you're into to there and then what i would do is i would YCFM8p3I3c8-00187-00107120-00107696 sort them by gravity if you sort by gravity on clickbank you'll find some of the top selling YCFM8p3I3c8-00188-00107696-00108120 products which is essentially what you want the top selling products if you have the top selling YCFM8p3I3c8-00189-00108120-00108480 products you know that's going to help you you can also look at those products you can buy those YCFM8p3I3c8-00190-00108480-00108856 products you can market those products to your audience to see how they sell you can develop YCFM8p3I3c8-00191-00108856-00109272 your own products that are similar to those it's a lot you can do i would go into clickbank and YCFM8p3I3c8-00192-00109272-00109840 i would definitely do that uh let's see here the uh there are tons of people to learn from YCFM8p3I3c8-00193-00109840-00110216 yes there are tien doesn't have to be one does it i mean i've read books from all kinds of YCFM8p3I3c8-00194-00110216-00110656 different people and watched videos from all kinds of different people my subscription list YCFM8p3I3c8-00195-00110711-00111216 on youtube is i think 113 channels now uh and they're varied they're you know they're YCFM8p3I3c8-00196-00111216-00111704 motivational their workout their cooking their travel their all kinds of different things okay so YCFM8p3I3c8-00197-00111704-00112120 yeah you don't you don't have to learn from just one person fact i would suggest you don't learn YCFM8p3I3c8-00198-00112120-00112688 from one person right get some other perspectives out there but do something with what you do learn YCFM8p3I3c8-00199-00112768-00113480 so what's the secret to garyvee's enduring success uh i would think that he doesn't he doesn't have YCFM8p3I3c8-00200-00113480-00114040 anything outside of he does have kind of like a magical charisma uh and he's got an incredible YCFM8p3I3c8-00201-00114040-00114576 work ethic just incredible and that's played a significant role in his ability YCFM8p3I3c8-00202-00114576-00115320 to captivate his audience however what has led to much of his success right uh and will YCFM8p3I3c8-00203-00115320-00115959 probably continue to lead to his success is his ability to spot trends he is very good at that YCFM8p3I3c8-00204-00115959-00116583 um he can zero in on things that are going to be popular he knows what people want and that is a YCFM8p3I3c8-00205-00116583-00117080 talent now i don't know if that talent is just something he's got or he's developed it because YCFM8p3I3c8-00206-00117080-00117592 he stays in the mix every day i think it's a combination of the two i will notice things YCFM8p3I3c8-00207-00117592-00118064 going on and i'll find ideas to do stuff but it's because i'm always watching videos i'm always YCFM8p3I3c8-00208-00118064-00118480 looking at other people's stuff i'm always seeing what they're doing how are they getting attention YCFM8p3I3c8-00209-00118616-00119176 let's see paul says he currently has multiple offices around the world i think his information YCFM8p3I3c8-00210-00119176-00119832 is more motivation where this channel has more tactics and strategies that we can use definitely YCFM8p3I3c8-00211-00119832-00120368 uh yeah i'm not i'm not mr motivation uh matter of fact i probably demotivate some people by saying YCFM8p3I3c8-00212-00120368-00120735 you got to work hard okay you got to put a lot of hours and get nothing back in the beginning YCFM8p3I3c8-00213-00120735-00121232 you know that's not the message a lot of people want to hear but i'm telling you it's the key YCFM8p3I3c8-00214-00121232-00121824 that is the key if you take anything from me the key is you've got to do stuff and expect nothing YCFM8p3I3c8-00215-00121824-00122352 back nothing and keep giving and keep giving and then you're going to get something back YCFM8p3I3c8-00216-00122352-00122848 i woke up today and um i saw a lot of money in my account from clickbank YCFM8p3I3c8-00217-00122904-00123568 from people buying my inner circle from people buying the e-business toolbox and i was like yeah YCFM8p3I3c8-00218-00123656-00123976 but you know i did that a long time ago i put together this stuff a long time ago and now YCFM8p3I3c8-00219-00123976-00124488 it's paying me off so at the time i was doing it making no money now i'm making money on it YCFM8p3I3c8-00220-00124488-00125032 uh which is pretty cool stuff i think sometimes spotting trends does matter as a matter of fact YCFM8p3I3c8-00221-00125096-00125800 i want to show you guys if i can um i'm going to be starting another channel and it's going to be YCFM8p3I3c8-00222-00125896-00126359 a cooking channel and i want to show you the kitchen that it's going to be coming from if YCFM8p3I3c8-00223-00126359-00126976 you don't mind uh let's see here i want to airdrop this and i'm going to send it to my macbook pro YCFM8p3I3c8-00224-00127048-00127624 my house is about done in texas now we're going to be moving probably a little over 30 days YCFM8p3I3c8-00225-00127711-00128088 paul says this community is a nice blend of information delivered by you YCFM8p3I3c8-00226-00128088-00128624 and great interaction yes guys keep interacting i love that i love that you guys are chatting and YCFM8p3I3c8-00227-00128624-00129144 they're talking to each other definitely like gary for seeing trends okay well let me see YCFM8p3I3c8-00228-00129144-00129856 i think i sent this picture to my computer and this will be the kitchen that you guys will see YCFM8p3I3c8-00229-00129959-00130848 very shortly in my new cooking videos and let me get this thing opened up all righty come on YCFM8p3I3c8-00230-00130848-00131792 come on computer it is trying it's just moving slow there it is there it is okay so uh let me YCFM8p3I3c8-00231-00131792-00132984 get to my uh screen share here and uh i'm gonna put this up one you see a funny kind of screen YCFM8p3I3c8-00232-00132984-00133528 at first here and then i'm going to go right here and i want to kind of show you what we've built YCFM8p3I3c8-00233-00133720-00134024 got to get off track but anytime somebody says that that means they're going to get YCFM8p3I3c8-00234-00134024-00134584 off track okay there it is okay so this is the kitchen we put in this is where i'll be filming YCFM8p3I3c8-00235-00134656-00135080 a lot of the new stuff um and uh guys give me your opinions YCFM8p3I3c8-00236-00135080-00135456 this is what i put together for our new kitchen let me get a sip here real quick YCFM8p3I3c8-00237-00135760-00136208 in the house uh and if you guys are into cooking you're in recipes you like like that kind of stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00238-00136312-00136808 this is where i'll be working out of we're probably gonna be putting um some lighting on that YCFM8p3I3c8-00239-00136808-00137392 uh big island there in the middle i love this this kitchen because it's got so much cabinetry space YCFM8p3I3c8-00240-00137392-00137952 uh over here to the left is the uh but butler's pantry right here so there's a butler's area right YCFM8p3I3c8-00241-00137952-00138592 here um so yeah that's what i'll be working out of um and uh give me your input there uh only thing YCFM8p3I3c8-00242-00138592-00138984 we gotta do is add our fridge right here we've already had our oven put in and the microwave YCFM8p3I3c8-00243-00138984-00139480 right here we've got a five burner cooktop right there uh up here at the top we're gonna have YCFM8p3I3c8-00244-00139480-00140056 pendant lights there's one here here and here so these will hang down right here uh in the center YCFM8p3I3c8-00245-00140136-00140632 uh let's see here definitely cool kitchen thank you paul i appreciate that uh yeah we had to pick YCFM8p3I3c8-00246-00140632-00141216 up the flooring and the lighting and this is this is all really a custom home it's built from a plan YCFM8p3I3c8-00247-00141216-00141832 they had but everything has been customized for us pretty kitchen can lighting yes i so YCFM8p3I3c8-00248-00141832-00142376 want that and big workspace tyend you can have it i wanted it too i didn't have it now i got it YCFM8p3I3c8-00249-00142456-00143048 and i have a bunch of pictures actually let's see here i don't know if i have anything else i could YCFM8p3I3c8-00250-00143048-00143688 show you guys that you would even be interested in uh probably the fireplace would be a nice YCFM8p3I3c8-00251-00143688-00144544 uh share for you guys uh so let me see if i can do that real quick and i'll put macbook pro and YCFM8p3I3c8-00252-00144632-00145208 we've got sent and i'll show you what the fireplace looks like right here YCFM8p3I3c8-00253-00145600-00146152 come on come on computer i guess i'm going to have to grab it from over here YCFM8p3I3c8-00254-00146256-00146976 and there it is okay this is the fireplace now this actually is on the other side of that kitchen YCFM8p3I3c8-00255-00146976-00147384 this is the family room here and they're still kind of cleaning up around there and doing some YCFM8p3I3c8-00256-00147384-00147992 stuff uh but we put in this nice stone one here this is a little deceptive these ceilings in here YCFM8p3I3c8-00257-00147992-00148512 are 12 feet tall so you know when you look at it you think of a normal eight foot tall ceiling YCFM8p3I3c8-00258-00148512-00149200 these are 12 feet tall the entrance to this place um is actually uh 15 feet tall there's YCFM8p3I3c8-00259-00149200-00149640 a there's a rotunda when you walk in there's a 15-foot rotunda and this is the house i've been YCFM8p3I3c8-00260-00149640-00150152 telling you guys about this is the one i've been building here uh actually we started on this uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00261-00150152-00150744 in november i actually bought the lot in november uh since that time it has gone up in value gone YCFM8p3I3c8-00262-00150744-00151320 up in value 260 000 that's just the increase in value that's not the total value obviously YCFM8p3I3c8-00263-00151320-00151712 uh it's just the increase in value ah let's see here what do you guys got to say i want to see YCFM8p3I3c8-00264-00151712-00152328 what you got to say here you guys are interesting uh looks richard brown says look super and great YCFM8p3I3c8-00265-00152328-00152888 for cheffing yeah i thought so i thought so i thought it'd be pretty cool uh love the storage YCFM8p3I3c8-00266-00152888-00153472 yes i've got lots of storage i need i don't have that now uh does everybody here use supplements or YCFM8p3I3c8-00267-00153472-00153960 vitamins hey put that in there let them know about supplements and vitamins this gentleman sells them YCFM8p3I3c8-00268-00153960-00154488 if so which ones do you use put that in the chat section you know this is a idea sharing YCFM8p3I3c8-00269-00154488-00154928 session so if you're using supplements put it in there what kind of supplements are you using YCFM8p3I3c8-00270-00154928-00155416 uh looking forward to your cooking channel james breen says we're gonna have fun on that buddy YCFM8p3I3c8-00271-00155416-00155784 and i'm gonna take suggestions and people can submit recipes they can do all that stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00272-00155784-00156568 i'll cook them i'll cook your recipes let's see uh our topic richard brown says he uses YCFM8p3I3c8-00273-00156632-00157320 forever living various products so there you go there's an answer to you uh let's see i'm using YCFM8p3I3c8-00274-00157320-00158040 tie-in says i am using uh soleil naturals and women's multivitamin so that's very interesting YCFM8p3I3c8-00275-00158040-00158536 guys uh richard brownson's looks fabulous and i'm enjoying the journey yeah i'm actually going to YCFM8p3I3c8-00276-00158536-00158992 film as we're traveling there guys and i don't know is there any other pictures i could share YCFM8p3I3c8-00277-00158992-00159320 with you guys that you may be interested i don't want to bore you with this if this is YCFM8p3I3c8-00278-00159320-00160208 boring you just let me know and i will stop but i don't think i have any other pictures that oh YCFM8p3I3c8-00279-00160448-00160952 i guess i could show you this yard here if you're even interested i don't know i don't know if YCFM8p3I3c8-00280-00160952-00161336 you're interested in this this is our backyard we have a uh i don't have the side zone i used YCFM8p3I3c8-00281-00161336-00162104 to have in virginia i had a three acre yard which is insane when you try to uh cut three acres guys YCFM8p3I3c8-00282-00162104-00162704 uh it it takes up way too much of your time so i didn't want that but this is the back view of YCFM8p3I3c8-00283-00162704-00163264 the house here this is the game room right here uh and then the kitchen is back up in this area right YCFM8p3I3c8-00284-00163264-00163704 here uh but fortunately there were some nice trees on the lot we had this big one right here we could YCFM8p3I3c8-00285-00163704-00164200 use uh so i was able to use that tree there which i thought was pretty nice um so that's it yeah YCFM8p3I3c8-00286-00164200-00164848 that's that's uh our um house that we're building uh so for those of you who have interest in this YCFM8p3I3c8-00287-00164848-00165368 and if you don't i'm very sorry that i bored you with this but i just wanted to show those of you YCFM8p3I3c8-00288-00165368-00165824 who are interested uh and i do want to get you interested in my new channel uh because my new YCFM8p3I3c8-00289-00165824-00166144 channel is gonna be fun it's gonna be a lot of fun there's gonna be a lot of cool cooking stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00290-00166144-00166512 on there if you enjoy cooking you're gonna like it if you don't enjoy cooking you aren't gonna like YCFM8p3I3c8-00291-00166512-00167288 this channel okay you're gonna like it at all uh very nice i was to build my own house i'd make the YCFM8p3I3c8-00292-00167288-00167928 counters and cabinets lower i'm four foot nine tayan you're four foot nine oh my goodness uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00293-00167928-00168352 send me send me a link or something friend me on facebook tiana i'd like to get to know you i don't YCFM8p3I3c8-00294-00168352-00168912 know if you are on facebook uh but i have a lot of friends on there and uh let's see here let me see YCFM8p3I3c8-00295-00168912-00169656 if i can find tie in on there and is that the name you have on facebook uh tyen is that it ty and YCFM8p3I3c8-00296-00169784-00170456 nelson see if i can find you i like getting to know people uh works at home that's in spencer YCFM8p3I3c8-00297-00170616-00171392 iowa no maybe you could send me a um needs an outdoor chef area i had that i didn't i couldn't YCFM8p3I3c8-00298-00171392-00171904 show that to you i don't have a picture of that but there's a huge uh covered patio right off YCFM8p3I3c8-00299-00171904-00172376 side the family room you just can't see it there um so i do have that i have that area YCFM8p3I3c8-00300-00172376-00173200 all set up um riding lawnmower push mower and tractor back home on my parents four acres yeah YCFM8p3I3c8-00301-00173200-00173728 yeah i used to do that i had i had all that this house i'm gonna have a guy do it i'm just going to YCFM8p3I3c8-00302-00173728-00174240 have a guy come by and do all this i'm not going to do it okay cool will do yes this is my name on YCFM8p3I3c8-00303-00174240-00175032 facebook i don't i can't find you on here uh are you tie-in tv uh is that you possibly i don't know YCFM8p3I3c8-00304-00175168-00176632 um spencer iowa let me see let me see if i can find you s p e n c spencer iowa hmm YCFM8p3I3c8-00305-00176952-00177840 is it nelson hearing aid service i see that um then we got looks like uh i want to raise the YCFM8p3I3c8-00306-00177840-00178584 county of dade um i don't know i don't know you got to send me a friend request i guess YCFM8p3I3c8-00307-00178696-00179456 let me see here marcus one man cam okay i'm starting to get all kinds of stuff coming through YCFM8p3I3c8-00308-00179456-00180160 on facebook as i mentioned facebook now uh but guys i really appreciate your uh interest in this YCFM8p3I3c8-00309-00180160-00180600 channel uh you guys have been very supportive i mean very supportive i really appreciate it YCFM8p3I3c8-00310-00180600-00181072 um and i appreciate the fact that um you want to learn this stuff and i want to give you a couple YCFM8p3I3c8-00311-00181072-00181600 quotes from garyvee i want to leave you with some cool stuff here's what garyvee says pay attention YCFM8p3I3c8-00312-00181600-00182184 to what people care about and reverse engineer it think about that one there okay here's another one YCFM8p3I3c8-00313-00182184-00182752 from garyvee while everybody is hoping and dreaming i'm going to be executing so you YCFM8p3I3c8-00314-00182752-00183456 got to be doing something uh yes i am jr fisher tyan so you should be able to find me there um YCFM8p3I3c8-00315-00183512-00184248 let's see here rented a home a year ago and the owner made it for his six foot five frame wow YCFM8p3I3c8-00316-00184312-00184752 had cool height to work in kitchen well my my kitchen's pretty tall so i have to worry YCFM8p3I3c8-00317-00184752-00185288 about that part there um let's see what else we got about gary vee before i finish up here YCFM8p3I3c8-00318-00185344-00186040 he really had a knack of uh leveraging to us had has a lack of never leveraging technology YCFM8p3I3c8-00319-00186040-00186616 uh the people around him uh the media to scale his reach uh this snack has given him the ability to YCFM8p3I3c8-00320-00186616-00187224 grab more and more attention for himself and his clients in short he is really great at getting the YCFM8p3I3c8-00321-00187224-00187864 most out of his resources by by doing all these things he's built this unbelievable audience YCFM8p3I3c8-00322-00187864-00188392 guys and following the technology he's using or his media channel in his own words has really YCFM8p3I3c8-00323-00188392-00188992 built his business uh and i've got another tweet here and it's got it's actually got a bad word YCFM8p3I3c8-00324-00188992-00189576 in it so i'm not going to say it but he says you always squeeze the f out of an orange that's full YCFM8p3I3c8-00325-00189632-00190176 and when it's empty you find a pair which is harder to squeeze but you hope a grapefruit YCFM8p3I3c8-00326-00190176-00191016 comes out email used to be 90 open rates from me not anymore google adwords used to be five YCFM8p3I3c8-00327-00191016-00191528 cents a click not anymore and what he's saying is things change things change and you've got to YCFM8p3I3c8-00328-00191528-00192224 change along with it because you learn that uh let's see my hubby is six foot eight so we have YCFM8p3I3c8-00329-00192224-00192824 different needs that's very interesting uh and don't forget to friend me tie in on facebook uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00330-00192896-00193384 so we can talk more on down the road i'd like to do that uh so key takeaways okay he has a really YCFM8p3I3c8-00331-00193440-00194024 really good success story uh it shows how an immigrant from belarus worked his butt off YCFM8p3I3c8-00332-00194024-00194560 and made the most of a situation and leveraged technology of the day to scale his brand and YCFM8p3I3c8-00333-00194560-00195048 businesses to really incredible heights guys his story shows us that the american dream YCFM8p3I3c8-00334-00195048-00195448 is alive and well okay i don't care what anybody says you can get out there work you can do stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00335-00195504-00196144 but you have to execute that's super important i hope his story motivates you a little bit i don't YCFM8p3I3c8-00336-00196144-00196440 want to just talk about me i want to i want to start talking about some of these other people YCFM8p3I3c8-00337-00196440-00196920 that are out there uh there's a lot of people that can motivate you but ultimately it has to do with YCFM8p3I3c8-00338-00196920-00197424 execution you know people often come to me and say i've got this idea what do you think of this idea YCFM8p3I3c8-00339-00197424-00197816 and i'm like it doesn't matter what i think execute go out and try it and see what the YCFM8p3I3c8-00340-00197816-00198336 market thinks of your idea uh i can't tell you if your idea is gonna work but the market can YCFM8p3I3c8-00341-00198336-00198760 if you go out and try something it's gonna slap you in the face or it's gonna hand you money YCFM8p3I3c8-00342-00198760-00199176 so go out and try your idea that's what you got to do let's see here what else we got YCFM8p3I3c8-00343-00199264-00199784 find a problem paul says sell solutions agitate and sell products very very true YCFM8p3I3c8-00344-00199872-00200384 ty and nelson will do after the live cool that sounds good richard brown agree paul YCFM8p3I3c8-00345-00200512-00200928 you guys are awesome you guys are just awesome talking to each other helping each other YCFM8p3I3c8-00346-00200984-00201432 this is what i like to see this is what i want to see right here uh guys i really appreciate YCFM8p3I3c8-00347-00201432-00201752 if you like this video do me a favor and subscribe hit that subscribe button down YCFM8p3I3c8-00348-00201752-00202144 there don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're notified each and YCFM8p3I3c8-00349-00202144-00202656 every time i go live now i will tell you i'm only going to be live monday and tuesday of next week YCFM8p3I3c8-00350-00202720-00203216 i am going to be traveling starting wednesday and i won't be back until sunday so unfortunately i YCFM8p3I3c8-00351-00203216-00203784 can't go live i i will try to maybe do a live from the hotel i'm going to be at or maybe i'll do some YCFM8p3I3c8-00352-00203784-00204352 travel live stuff uh maybe i can pull that off but for the most part i'm going to be on the road so YCFM8p3I3c8-00353-00204352-00204752 i won't be able to do stuff like i normally do it i will miss you guys tremendously but i will see YCFM8p3I3c8-00354-00204752-00205152 you monday and tuesday so don't miss monday and tuesday because otherwise you won't see me to the YCFM8p3I3c8-00355-00205152-00205608 following week outside of the videos i do upload i do upload monday i think it's monday wednesday YCFM8p3I3c8-00356-00205608-00206112 friday i don't know sunday tuesday thursday i upload on my channel three times a week YCFM8p3I3c8-00357-00206112-00206648 check it out there's going to be videos there i think your take away is your past doesn't YCFM8p3I3c8-00358-00206648-00207200 control your future every day is a new beginning 100 guys and it doesn't matter where you're at YCFM8p3I3c8-00359-00207200-00207623 right now it's irrelevant where you're at it does matter what direction you're heading though what YCFM8p3I3c8-00360-00207623-00208040 direction you're heading are you getting better at stuff or are you getting more lazy are you working YCFM8p3I3c8-00361-00208040-00208471 harder are you working less are you being more creative or just watching other people's stuff YCFM8p3I3c8-00362-00208471-00208992 what are you doing invest in time now i do suggest you constantly invest some of your time YCFM8p3I3c8-00363-00208992-00209400 and learning i appreciate it you come into this channel it is helping you learn and that's a good YCFM8p3I3c8-00364-00209400-00210016 thing but then go out and execute execute okay try to create more than you consume i always tell YCFM8p3I3c8-00365-00210016-00210536 people that create more you than you consume never look at the rearview mirror when going forward 100 YCFM8p3I3c8-00366-00210664-00211088 at least keep us posted i'll do that james as a matter of fact maybe i'll just do a little short YCFM8p3I3c8-00367-00211088-00211496 live each day to let you know what i'm doing that day and what's going on maybe i could do YCFM8p3I3c8-00368-00211496-00212032 that uh road trip videos would be good okay i'll do that all right i've got to work all right you YCFM8p3I3c8-00369-00212032-00212360 guys have talked me into it so now i've got to work i've got to work on this stuff guys thank YCFM8p3I3c8-00370-00212360-00212704 you so much for being here i really appreciate giving a thumbs up if you like this video YCFM8p3I3c8-00371-00212704-00213088 if you're not watching this live you can certainly put comments in the comments section i'll come YCFM8p3I3c8-00372-00213088-00213512 back and answer those uh we miss you with the lives but we understand that not everybody can YCFM8p3I3c8-00373-00213512-00214032 come to the live ones i hope you do another review of another success story like jessica's YCFM8p3I3c8-00374-00214032-00214496 upstart yeah you know what that would be a good one maybe i'll talk to her maybe i'll interview YCFM8p3I3c8-00375-00214496-00214960 her that would be a really cool one for me to do right uh maybe i'll i'll talk i'll ask her she'll YCFM8p3I3c8-00376-00214960-00215304 do that for us that would be very very cool all right guys thank you so much for being here i'm YCFM8p3I3c8-00377-00215304-00215760 going to go ahead and check out i've got a bunch of stuff to do today i've got a friend of mine YCFM8p3I3c8-00378-00215760-00216440 who owns vera heal which is a a cbd uh and uh medical marijuana card company that i did their YCFM8p3I3c8-00379-00216440-00216976 marketing for a number of years ago and they're quite profitable now in the millions of dollars YCFM8p3I3c8-00380-00217064-00217648 so maybe i could get him on for an interview too i have a safe i have a blessed weekend uh YCFM8p3I3c8-00381-00217648-00218104 getting ahead thank you paul safe travels brother richard brown thumbs up everybody YCFM8p3I3c8-00382-00218104-00218504 i appreciate that richard brown tyan nelson have a good one ty and i'll see YCFM8p3I3c8-00383-00218504-00218984 you also on facebook all these other people are already my friends on facebook so you're next YDLab1apAVu-00000-00000202-00000869 Hello everyone, thank you for coming back or if you visited my channel for the first time, welcome! YDLab1apAVu-00001-00000886-00001460 Today’s video is about a very interesting type of sunscreen. YDLab1apAVu-00002-00002036-00002336 I have seen many types of sunscreens before, YDLab1apAVu-00003-00002340-00003170 light texture type, gel type, sunscreen in the stick or spray, but I was very surprised when I saw cushion sunscreen. YDLab1apAVu-00004-00003402-00003978 The advantage of this product is that you don't have to touch your face or ruin your makeup YDLab1apAVu-00005-00008400-00008874 The product is not sticky at all you can use it before or after makeup YDLab1apAVu-00006-00008958-00009632 Case of the cushion is slim easy to carry in your bag, but it's white. What they take as a disadvantage YDLab1apAVu-00007-00009804-00010430 However, product works just wonderful and you can buy a refill after finishing the product. YDLab1apAVu-00008-00010554-00011129 This sunscreen has also natural brightening effect and you might notice baby smell. YDLab1apAVu-00009-00011208-00011852 I have very sensitive skin and I didn’t have any problem with my skin. Definitely recommending to buy! :) YDLab1apAVu-00010-00012078-00012377 Thank you for watching and have a nice day. Bye~ YDcad2H4m8E-00000-00000000-00000200 I was going to be very busy to make that video. YHzCB-uGl1Y-00000-00001043-00001243 hi my name is Prosper Alex ihuriro Burundi tv productions YHzCB-uGl1Y-00001-00001505-00001951 thank you for taking your time to watch ihuriro Burundi tv productions YHzCB-uGl1Y-00002-00002042-00002483 so today is something simple is some so simple YHzCB-uGl1Y-00003-00002583-00002783 so today we uuhh going to read YHzCB-uGl1Y-00004-00002886-00003086 some of the comments that you wrote YHzCB-uGl1Y-00005-00003124-00003396 then we are gonna answer some of them YHzCB-uGl1Y-00006-00003566-00003766 so here and without going far YHzCB-uGl1Y-00007-00003831-00004268 you can think why is he jumping so far YHzCB-uGl1Y-00008-00004394-00004677 jumping so many things YHzCB-uGl1Y-00009-00004864-00005428 so today I want to tell you to subscribe YHzCB-uGl1Y-00010-00005659-00005859 and tell you that bisanga manis caming out on manday YHzCB-uGl1Y-00011-00006037-00006848 if you did subscribe and you haven't you will still watch it so that is the news YHzCB-uGl1Y-00012-00006915-00007115 you will watch the videos on ihuriro Burundi tv YHzCB-uGl1Y-00013-00007247-00007717 bisanga man season 3 is caming on manday YHzCB-uGl1Y-00014-00007886-00008023 so be happy and watch it also Calabria YHeBAdof-V0-00000-00000000-00000249 Hello everybody, how are you? YHeBAdof-V0-00001-00000249-00000406 Nice to meet you, my name is Fe (Felipe) YHeBAdof-V0-00002-00000406-00000740 Welcome to the intro video of this channel YHeBAdof-V0-00003-00000740-00001232 Soon, I will be bringing gameplay videos and vlogs to this channel YHeBAdof-V0-00004-00001232-00001561 I hope you can like the content that will be presented to this channel YHeBAdof-V0-00005-00001561-00002262 If you're interested, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications YHeBAdof-V0-00006-00002262-00002458 Thank you, see you soon. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00000-00002669-00003254 For folks getting started in Canvas, the canvas community will be a valuable resource to you. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00001-00003254-00003771 In this video I'll show you how to setup your Canvas community profile. Before you do this, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00002-00003771-00004169 though, be sure that you've already created your free for teachers Canvas account, and YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00003-00004169-00004705 we've got a video that covers that process, so check that out too. So we're starting again YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00004-00004705-00005551 at the Canvas login screen - canvas.instructure.com and enter your username and password to login. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00005-00005551-00006429 Then click the login button. Okay, now we're logged into Canvas. Stay logged into Canvas. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00006-00006429-00006964 What we're going to do here is open up a new window in this same browser. So to do this YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00007-00006964-00007490 in Firefox, which is what I'm currently using, you can click on the plus sign next to the YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00008-00007490-00008020 tab that's already opened. Don't click on the "X" - click on the plus sign here, and YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00009-00008020-00008784 this will open a new tab. If you're using Chrome browser, then it's not a plus sign, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00010-00008784-00009450 but it's instead this small slanted rectangular tab. Clicking on it will open a new tab for YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00011-00009450-00010120 you in Chrome, while keeping your current Chrome session active in the original tab. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00012-00010120-00011292 Okay, either way, we open a new tab in our browser, and we navigate to https://community.canvaslms.com/ YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00013-00011292-00012392 and hit enter. On the top right of this screen, there's a Login link, so let's click that, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00014-00012392-00013036 and since we're already logged in as ourselves to Canvas in this same browser in our other YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00015-00013036-00013681 tab, then it already recognizes us and we don't need to sign in again here. Okay? So, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00016-00013681-00014287 wait, how do I know that I'm logged in? Because I am seeing this profile icon in the top-right, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00017-00014287-00014836 and when I click on that dropdown menu it expands to show me my Name - and so I know YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00018-00014836-00015484 that I'm logged into this Canvas Community as me. So, let's take this one step further YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00019-00015484-00016098 to personalize this account by uploading a profile picture. I'll click the "Add Your YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00020-00016098-00016754 Photo" button. And I have never added a profile picture to my Canvas Community account. So YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00021-00016754-00017409 I'll use this link under this first avatar here to "Add Photo." And it's going to let YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00022-00017409-00018001 me go out and browse my computer for a picture that I want to use for my profile photo. So YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00023-00018001-00018723 let me hit the Browse button and go find a picture on my computer. Okay, so I've got YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00024-00018723-00019087 the picture that's selected that I want to upload. I'm going to go ahead and click the YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00025-00019087-00019856 "Upload and Continue" button. And now it lets me crop that photo, and then I click the "Crop Photo" YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00026-00019856-00020379 button. It gives me the final version that's been cropped, and it also gives me YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00027-00020379-00020771 the option here to update my avatar. I'm going to go ahead and click "Yes" so that my avatar YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00028-00020771-00021470 also gets uploaded while I'm at it. I'll click the finish button again. And sure enough, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00029-00021470-00022109 I've got my profile picture, and now in the top-right instead of my default avatar I've YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00030-00022109-00022751 got the picture used for my profile. Excellent! Now you have a Canvas Community profile. You'll YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00031-00022751-00023326 find this to be a valuable community for asking questions and finding answers about Canvas. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00032-00023326-00023829 An especially useful group to join on the Canvas Community site is the California Community YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00033-00023829-00024504 College Canvas Community Group. To find the CCC group and request to join, click the "Groups" YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00034-00024504-00025324 link at the top of the Canvas Community page. Then click the button labeled View All Groups, YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00035-00025324-00026057 and in order to find the CCC Canvas Community Group, just type "ccc" in that filter field YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00036-00026057-00026616 at the top, and you'll see the link to the California Community College Canvas Group. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00037-00026616-00027236 Go ahead and click on that link, and then click on the button labeled "Ask to join this YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00038-00027236-00027829 group." Since it's a private group, the group administrators must approve membership. So YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00039-00027829-00028308 you'll need to click that button in order to join. And it tells you "This group's owner YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00040-00028308-00028864 will need to approve your membership request." So you'll have to wait for that to happen. YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00041-00028864-00029429 Once your membership does get approved, you'll get access to the CCC group, if you go back YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00042-00029429-00030147 to the Groups page, and then you'll have access to the CCC group from the "View My Groups" YHM5Z5Ca0G4-00043-00030147-00031526 button. We look forward to connecting with you in the CCC Canvas Community Group. Thanks! YI66yQmrgAg-00000-00000265-00000758 Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. The jet stream is with YI66yQmrgAg-00001-00000758-00001259 us today and we'll soon be traveling at more than 600 miles per hour. If all goes well YI66yQmrgAg-00002-00001259-00001863 in an hour we should be able to look down and see land below. When we do, we'll look for YI66yQmrgAg-00003-00001863-00002525 a city with an airport. When we find one we think looks safe we'll try to land. YI66yQmrgAg-00004-00002525-00003044 We hope you have an enjoyable flying experience with us. Thank you for flying YI66yQmrgAg-00005-00003044-00003671 Random Air. Would you choose to ride on an airplane with an uncertain YI66yQmrgAg-00006-00003671-00004185 destination? Would you wonder why you are travelling at 600 miles per hour with no YI66yQmrgAg-00007-00004185-00004557 one on board sure where you are going? How does this relate to the average YI66yQmrgAg-00008-00004557-00005073 cattleman too many cattlemen? Too many cattlemen, just along for the ride, are only hoping YI66yQmrgAg-00009-00005073-00005546 for a better future in the cattle industry. The more successful establish YI66yQmrgAg-00010-00005546-00005982 ranch management goals describing the future they want, determine how they can YI66yQmrgAg-00011-00005982-00006476 achieve the goals, and then manage for goal achievement. It can be done, but it YI66yQmrgAg-00012-00006476-00006743 takes a plan. YI66yQmrgAg-00013-00007025-00007593 the first step is to commit your goals to writing. Begin by making a list of the YI66yQmrgAg-00014-00007593-00008127 things you want to accomplish with your farm or ranch operation. For example, to YI66yQmrgAg-00015-00008127-00008699 make a living from the farm or ranch operation, to provide supplemental income, YI66yQmrgAg-00016-00008699-00009420 to expand maintain or reduce the frame or ranch operation, or to improve the YI66yQmrgAg-00017-00009420-00009975 natural resources of the land. The second step is to categorize the management YI66yQmrgAg-00018-00009975-00010425 goals that you have listed. An easy way to get started is to categorize your YI66yQmrgAg-00019-00010425-00010911 goals into personal and business categories. Personal goals are statements YI66yQmrgAg-00020-00010911-00011213 about what you as an individual want to do in the future. YI66yQmrgAg-00021-00011213-00011637 They may deal with the landscape or appearance of your farm or ranch, a YI66yQmrgAg-00022-00011637-00012207 certain level of production, or the quality of life on a farm or ranch for YI66yQmrgAg-00023-00012207-00012714 current and future generations. Business goals are statements about what you want YI66yQmrgAg-00024-00012714-00013154 the business to do in the future. These are commonly expressed as a YI66yQmrgAg-00025-00013154-00013934 certain level of return on assets equity or management, farm or ranch growth, YI66yQmrgAg-00026-00013934-00014651 business organization, or retirement. It is necessary that you develop YI66yQmrgAg-00027-00014651-00015036 accurate financial statements and monitor them closely to achieve most YI66yQmrgAg-00028-00015036-00015504 business goals. Some personal and business goals complement each other YI66yQmrgAg-00029-00015504-00016062 while others may be conflicting. In the event that your goals conflict you must YI66yQmrgAg-00030-00016062-00016575 decide which one you want most, revise your goals, or settle on some compromise YI66yQmrgAg-00031-00016575-00017025 which would allow you to have a measure of both. The third step is identifying YI66yQmrgAg-00032-00017025-00017568 short term goals that will allow you to reach your long-term goal. An example of YI66yQmrgAg-00033-00017568-00017931 a business goal for returns to management and labor could be to make a YI66yQmrgAg-00034-00017931-00018470 profit ten years out of ten. This is a long-term business goal with the time YI66yQmrgAg-00035-00018470-00018993 period definitely noted. The short-term goals that will contribute to the long YI66yQmrgAg-00036-00018993-00019545 term business goals could include to achieve an average of 500 pounds of wean YI66yQmrgAg-00037-00019545-00020120 caspere exposed female, to attain calf market prices that are 5 percent above YI66yQmrgAg-00038-00020120-00020754 average, and to minimize unit cost of production. These short-term goals YI66yQmrgAg-00039-00020754-00021168 provide the cow-calf producer with a roadmap of how to attain his or her YI66yQmrgAg-00040-00021168-00021713 long-term goal. The fourth step involves the written details and plans of action YI66yQmrgAg-00041-00021713-00022191 for achieving these goals. This is a sample format for committing your long YI66yQmrgAg-00042-00022191-00023210 and short-term goals to writing. Draft a plan of action for each long-term goal. List the short-term goals that you believe will contribute to reaching your YI66yQmrgAg-00043-00023210-00023816 long-term goal. In addition, note possible conflicts, ways to resolve possible YI66yQmrgAg-00044-00023816-00024468 conflicts, resources needed, assigned person or persons, and time allowed to YI66yQmrgAg-00045-00024468-00024963 achieve each short-term goal. By giving some serious thought to what you want to YI66yQmrgAg-00046-00024963-00025310 achieve with your farm or ranch operation and committing these thoughts YI66yQmrgAg-00047-00025310-00025723 to writing you will be able to manage for goal achievement more effectively. YI66yQmrgAg-00048-00025723-00026060 The final step is putting your plan into action. YI66yQmrgAg-00049-00026060-00026483 Without taking action, it is only by chance that you will achieve your goals. YI66yQmrgAg-00050-00026483-00026997 Ranch management goals change over time due to numerous considerations such as YI66yQmrgAg-00051-00026997-00027772 births, deaths, marriages, divorce, age, health, YI66yQmrgAg-00052-00027772-00028355 economics, and government policies and regulations. Therefore developing and YI66yQmrgAg-00053-00028355-00028741 achieving management goals is not an event but a process that must be YI66yQmrgAg-00054-00028741-00029338 reviewed and adjusted as it is applied over time. Identifying and achieving your YI66yQmrgAg-00055-00029338-00029777 ranch management goals requires being honest and realistic about what is YI66yQmrgAg-00056-00029777-00030305 important to you in the future. You may begin by answering the question: Are you YI66yQmrgAg-00057-00030305-00030827 just along for the ride? Or, do you have goals you want to achieve? Like the pilot YI66yQmrgAg-00058-00030827-00031231 who needs to know where the flight is going, what route to travel, and when it YI66yQmrgAg-00059-00031231-00031690 is to arrive at its desired destination, beef cattle producers should know where YI66yQmrgAg-00060-00031690-00032116 they are going, what plan will get them there, and when they can expect to be YI66yQmrgAg-00061-00032116-00032334 there. YIo9n-XiReU-00000-00000244-00001270 [MUSIC PLAYING] YIo9n-XiReU-00001-00001270-00001772 Honorable Service, Our Noble Calling to Serve the Nation. YIo9n-XiReU-00002-00001772-00002157 As soldiers and civilians in the active Army, Army National YIo9n-XiReU-00003-00002157-00002428 Guard, and United States Army Reserve, YIo9n-XiReU-00004-00002428-00002741 we celebrate our shared professional ethic, YIo9n-XiReU-00005-00002741-00002996 our commitment to the defense of this nation, YIo9n-XiReU-00006-00002996-00003449 and our legacy of honorable service since 1775. YIo9n-XiReU-00007-00003449-00003842 Together, as a total Army, we must renew the foundation YIo9n-XiReU-00008-00003842-00004212 of our Army's strength by demonstrating the character, YIo9n-XiReU-00009-00004212-00004560 competence, and commitment that are the hallmarks of an Army YIo9n-XiReU-00010-00004560-00004615 professional. YIo9n-XiReU-00011-00004761-00005179 The Army profession exists to provide for the common defense YIo9n-XiReU-00012-00005179-00005347 of the United States of America. YIo9n-XiReU-00013-00005458-00005694 Honorable service is the devotion YIo9n-XiReU-00014-00005694-00006212 to duty in defense of the nation consistent with the Army ethic. YIo9n-XiReU-00015-00006212-00006512 Honor is a vital part of the Army ethic, YIo9n-XiReU-00016-00006512-00006709 and it requires us to demonstrate YIo9n-XiReU-00017-00006709-00007066 our understanding of what is right. YIo9n-XiReU-00018-00007066-00007356 Honor integrates all of the Army values YIo9n-XiReU-00019-00007356-00007705 in the development of character for each Army professional. YIo9n-XiReU-00020-00007806-00008131 For our nation to have trust in us as a profession, YIo9n-XiReU-00021-00008131-00008370 all the professionals in it must serve honorably. YIo9n-XiReU-00022-00008370-00008724 Honorable service is a requirement, not an option. YIo9n-XiReU-00023-00008724-00009001 It's an imperative for leadership, YIo9n-XiReU-00024-00009001-00009222 and the military is based on leadership. YIo9n-XiReU-00025-00009222-00009443 For civilians, it means being part of the team YIo9n-XiReU-00026-00009443-00009814 to serve honorably with the Army values, commitments, YIo9n-XiReU-00027-00009814-00009948 selfless service. YIo9n-XiReU-00028-00009948-00010175 Your service matters to the nation, YIo9n-XiReU-00029-00010175-00010443 and it means being on point, in a leader of character YIo9n-XiReU-00030-00010443-00010769 being able to proceed in an honorable fashion. YIo9n-XiReU-00031-00010929-00011309 Army professionals live by Army values with discipline YIo9n-XiReU-00032-00011309-00011601 and to standard in the conduct of the mission YIo9n-XiReU-00033-00011601-00011838 and in performance of duty. YIo9n-XiReU-00034-00011838-00012124 The Army values form the professional identity YIo9n-XiReU-00035-00012124-00012287 that motivates us. YIo9n-XiReU-00036-00012287-00012521 [CHANTING] YIo9n-XiReU-00037-00012521-00012900 Honorable service to the nation demands true faith YIo9n-XiReU-00038-00012900-00013075 and allegiance to the Constitution. YIo9n-XiReU-00039-00013259-00013591 It requires that we defend the rights and interests YIo9n-XiReU-00040-00013591-00013719 of the American people. YIo9n-XiReU-00041-00013719-00013955 So help me God. YIo9n-XiReU-00042-00013955-00014255 This is integral to the Army ethic. YIo9n-XiReU-00043-00014478-00014919 The Army ethic includes the values, beliefs, ideals, YIo9n-XiReU-00044-00014919-00015240 and principles held by our Army profession YIo9n-XiReU-00045-00015240-00015464 and embedded in our culture. YIo9n-XiReU-00046-00015464-00015736 The Army ethic is what drives us to do the right things YIo9n-XiReU-00047-00015736-00016077 every day, both here Stateside and also in combat. YIo9n-XiReU-00048-00016077-00016305 As drill sergeant, we're the standard bearers YIo9n-XiReU-00049-00016305-00016572 for honorable service and ethic and Army values. YIo9n-XiReU-00050-00016572-00016856 So when these young individuals come in to basic training, YIo9n-XiReU-00051-00016856-00017096 we show them exactly what right looks like. YIo9n-XiReU-00052-00017096-00017425 And it's imperative that we inculcate those young soldiers YIo9n-XiReU-00053-00017425-00017691 into the Army culture, because once they YIo9n-XiReU-00054-00017691-00017883 understand what the Army values are YIo9n-XiReU-00055-00017883-00018194 and Army ethics, then they can start to serve honorably. YIo9n-XiReU-00056-00018194-00018340 The soldier's creed. YIo9n-XiReU-00057-00018340-00018536 I am an American soldier. YIo9n-XiReU-00058-00018536-00018634 It's a moral code. YIo9n-XiReU-00059-00018634-00018975 It's a compass that fuels every soldier from general YIo9n-XiReU-00060-00018975-00019470 to private to make well-rounded decisions for themselves YIo9n-XiReU-00061-00019470-00019705 but also for the organization the Army. YIo9n-XiReU-00062-00019705-00019882 It's critically important that they YIo9n-XiReU-00063-00019882-00020320 trust the ethics of civilian members of the military just as YIo9n-XiReU-00064-00020320-00020488 much as they do the uniformed members. YIo9n-XiReU-00065-00020488-00020746 The US Army is the strongest army in the world, YIo9n-XiReU-00066-00020746-00020911 but what makes us different than most YIo9n-XiReU-00067-00020911-00021147 is that strong ethic, and doing what's right, YIo9n-XiReU-00068-00021147-00021361 and being values-based in everything that we do. YIo9n-XiReU-00069-00021519-00021919 Army professionals learn, internalize, and practice YIo9n-XiReU-00070-00021919-00022351 the Army ethic as the foundation of their devotion to duty YIo9n-XiReU-00071-00022351-00022615 and ethical conduct in the defense of YIo9n-XiReU-00072-00022615-00022848 and service to the nation. YIo9n-XiReU-00073-00022848-00023120 Devotion to duty is consistent with the Army ethic YIo9n-XiReU-00074-00023120-00023509 because at every touch point and every interaction, YIo9n-XiReU-00075-00023509-00023754 it has to be an ethical decision. YIo9n-XiReU-00076-00023754-00023964 When we joined our Army, whether we YIo9n-XiReU-00077-00023964-00024225 took an oath as a military member or as a civilian member, YIo9n-XiReU-00078-00024225-00024434 we made a pledge that we were going YIo9n-XiReU-00079-00024434-00024677 to provide honorable service, that we were going YIo9n-XiReU-00080-00024677-00025057 to do our best every single day for our nation. YIo9n-XiReU-00081-00025057-00025294 We do our duty under obligation. YIo9n-XiReU-00082-00025294-00025526 We go beyond our duty under aspiration. YIo9n-XiReU-00083-00025637-00025868 And so the moral component is what YIo9n-XiReU-00084-00025868-00026250 really gives lift and power to the concept YIo9n-XiReU-00085-00026250-00026423 of honorable service. YIo9n-XiReU-00086-00026423-00026743 I don't look at my work as just a job. YIo9n-XiReU-00087-00026743-00027014 I see it as a calling to serve. YIo9n-XiReU-00088-00027135-00027377 Every day I can get up, I can look in the mirror, YIo9n-XiReU-00089-00027377-00027540 and I can be proud of who I am and what YIo9n-XiReU-00090-00027540-00027676 I accomplished that day. YIo9n-XiReU-00091-00027676-00027864 If I could teach one soldier one thing that YIo9n-XiReU-00092-00027864-00028023 was going to save their life in combat YIo9n-XiReU-00093-00028023-00028220 or make them a better person, then I've YIo9n-XiReU-00094-00028220-00028451 been very successful in my career. YIo9n-XiReU-00095-00028451-00028718 It's an honorable way to give back YIo9n-XiReU-00096-00028718-00029006 to a country that gives so much to so many. YIo9n-XiReU-00097-00029006-00029206 True faith is that you believe in, YIo9n-XiReU-00098-00029206-00029430 without a doubt, what you're doing. YIo9n-XiReU-00099-00029430-00029614 When everything else goes away and you've YIo9n-XiReU-00100-00029614-00029852 got nothing else left at the end of the day, YIo9n-XiReU-00101-00029852-00030133 faith is what sustains you. YIo9n-XiReU-00102-00030133-00030400 Allegiance is that you're going to be YIo9n-XiReU-00103-00030400-00030626 loyal to what you believe in. YIo9n-XiReU-00104-00030812-00031211 By joining the Army profession, we dedicate ourselves YIo9n-XiReU-00105-00031211-00031636 to honorable service, to being the leaders of character. YIo9n-XiReU-00106-00031636-00032014 Violations of the Army ethic erode the trust YIo9n-XiReU-00107-00032014-00032354 that we have earned in both our internal and external YIo9n-XiReU-00108-00032354-00032413 relationships. YIo9n-XiReU-00109-00032519-00032807 When I see a violation of the Army ethic, what I do and I YIo9n-XiReU-00110-00032807-00033060 instill in my young leaders all the way down to the youngest YIo9n-XiReU-00111-00033060-00033328 private, it doesn't matter what rank you are. YIo9n-XiReU-00112-00033328-00033482 Address that person. YIo9n-XiReU-00113-00033482-00033641 Because a lot of the younger soldiers, YIo9n-XiReU-00114-00033641-00033866 they'll just go with what they see. YIo9n-XiReU-00115-00033866-00034076 But if an NCO is there to correct them, YIo9n-XiReU-00116-00034076-00034404 they'll understand why they can't wear what they're wearing YIo9n-XiReU-00117-00034404-00034603 or why they can't say what they're saying. YIo9n-XiReU-00118-00034603-00034765 So to make those on-spot corrections YIo9n-XiReU-00119-00034765-00035135 with our fellow soldiers, either above or even lower, YIo9n-XiReU-00120-00035135-00035294 is important because it helps maintain YIo9n-XiReU-00121-00035294-00035461 that standard in the United States Army. YIo9n-XiReU-00122-00035461-00035655 And so I think in that regard, it's YIo9n-XiReU-00123-00035655-00035893 critical to the success of the Army YIo9n-XiReU-00124-00035893-00036081 that we developed this understanding, YIo9n-XiReU-00125-00036081-00036334 this deep understanding that our actions don't reflect YIo9n-XiReU-00126-00036334-00036686 on ourselves but on our organization and who we are YIo9n-XiReU-00127-00036686-00036774 and what we're doing. YIo9n-XiReU-00128-00036897-00037191 Doing what is right often demands courage. YIo9n-XiReU-00129-00037307-00037656 Despite the risk, the uncertainty, and the fear, YIo9n-XiReU-00130-00037656-00037893 it's the duty of Army professionals YIo9n-XiReU-00131-00037893-00038151 to demonstrate the competence, character, YIo9n-XiReU-00132-00038151-00038416 and commitment to do what is right. YIo9n-XiReU-00133-00038560-00038820 If you don't have the character to stand up and make YIo9n-XiReU-00134-00038820-00039113 the right corrections or you don't have the commitment YIo9n-XiReU-00135-00039113-00039360 to make those corrections, then it YIo9n-XiReU-00136-00039360-00039540 doesn't matter how competent you are. YIo9n-XiReU-00137-00039540-00039931 The Army values segue into our character, YIo9n-XiReU-00138-00039931-00040159 the kind of people that the Army expects us to be YIo9n-XiReU-00139-00040159-00040373 and the decisions they expect us to make. YIo9n-XiReU-00140-00040373-00040618 If we too develop this same character that's YIo9n-XiReU-00141-00040618-00040864 espoused by the military, it makes it easier for us YIo9n-XiReU-00142-00040864-00041268 to all act as one team moving towards one YIo9n-XiReU-00143-00041268-00041462 goal with a common outcome. YIo9n-XiReU-00144-00041462-00041679 Accomplishing the mission in the right way YIo9n-XiReU-00145-00041679-00042209 shows that we have individual professionals of high character YIo9n-XiReU-00146-00042209-00042469 that can do the toughest of things YIo9n-XiReU-00147-00042469-00042661 even in the toughest of times. YIo9n-XiReU-00148-00042661-00042927 What's going to come out at that particular moment of crisis YIo9n-XiReU-00149-00042927-00043217 is the right thing, the harder right all the time. YIo9n-XiReU-00150-00043217-00043421 So character is the embodiment of those values YIo9n-XiReU-00151-00043421-00043667 so that they have then been internalized by each one of us. YIo9n-XiReU-00152-00043797-00044061 Making a difficult choice often requires YIo9n-XiReU-00153-00044061-00044511 us to stand strong, to uphold the Army ethic, YIo9n-XiReU-00154-00044511-00044803 to prevent misconduct, to support each other YIo9n-XiReU-00155-00044803-00045021 in the conduct of duty, and to do YIo9n-XiReU-00156-00045021-00045359 what is right to stop unethical practices. YIo9n-XiReU-00157-00045359-00045691 It requires courage for you to stand up and say, hey, YIo9n-XiReU-00158-00045691-00045866 I'm not going to tolerate this. YIo9n-XiReU-00159-00045866-00046215 That's what it means to have some moral courage to say, YIo9n-XiReU-00160-00046215-00046367 something's going wrong. YIo9n-XiReU-00161-00046367-00046517 I'm going to say something. YIo9n-XiReU-00162-00046517-00046800 [CHANTING] YIo9n-XiReU-00163-00046800-00046941 Not being a bystander. YIo9n-XiReU-00164-00046941-00047143 You stand up for what you believe YIo9n-XiReU-00165-00047143-00047350 and stopping some of those things that YIo9n-XiReU-00166-00047350-00047588 may be happening around you like sexual assault. YIo9n-XiReU-00167-00047588-00047915 Because when the American people see honorable service, YIo9n-XiReU-00168-00047915-00048033 there's trust. YIo9n-XiReU-00169-00048033-00048371 When they see dishonorable service for whatever reason, YIo9n-XiReU-00170-00048371-00048536 there's a chink in that trust. YIo9n-XiReU-00171-00048536-00048860 It's critically important that we not only hold ourselves YIo9n-XiReU-00172-00048860-00049189 accountable but we hold others accountable, because there's YIo9n-XiReU-00173-00049189-00049482 nothing that we do in the Army that's not a team approach. YIo9n-XiReU-00174-00049482-00049700 And as a leader, it also means that I'm YIo9n-XiReU-00175-00049700-00049866 setting that example for others. YIo9n-XiReU-00176-00049866-00050106 It's essential that we include character training YIo9n-XiReU-00177-00050106-00050326 in each one of our levels of non-commissioned officer YIo9n-XiReU-00178-00050326-00050471 education, our functional courses, YIo9n-XiReU-00179-00050471-00050658 and our day-to-day engagements with every one YIo9n-XiReU-00180-00050658-00050808 of our soldiers and our peers. YIo9n-XiReU-00181-00050808-00051005 In order to be a good leader at the top, YIo9n-XiReU-00182-00051005-00051182 you have to practice good leadership YIo9n-XiReU-00183-00051182-00051344 all the way through your career. YIo9n-XiReU-00184-00051344-00051648 So that as we proceed in our professional military YIo9n-XiReU-00185-00051648-00051888 education, we understand what right looks like, YIo9n-XiReU-00186-00051888-00052189 that we honorably serve for our nation. YIo9n-XiReU-00187-00052189-00052641 Our profession is built on the bedrock of trust, the trust YIo9n-XiReU-00188-00052641-00052895 that we will care for one another. YIo9n-XiReU-00189-00052895-00053307 Our soldiers, their families, and the American people YIo9n-XiReU-00190-00053307-00053747 are counting on us to do what is right, to serve honorably, YIo9n-XiReU-00191-00053747-00054079 and to exemplify Army values in our daily walk. YIo9n-XiReU-00192-00054260-00054535 [MUSIC PLAYING] YJsgD-cjl2Q-00000-00000000-00000586 Congratulations to the Family Court in Oviedo and Plena Inclusión from Spain. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00001-00000586-00001186 The Family Court in Oviedo, in the Spanish province of Asturias, has begun drafting copies ... YJsgD-cjl2Q-00002-00001186-00001742 ... of court verdicts and summonses in easy language for persons with intellectual disabilities. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00003-00001742-00002174 The courts send their official documentation to Plena Inclusión Asturias, ... YJsgD-cjl2Q-00004-00002174-00002514 ... an NGO, that supports persons with intellectual disabilities. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00005-00002514-00003158 Plena Inclusión then converts the documentation into easy language to share with the intended recipient. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00006-00003158-00003502 (applause) YJsgD-cjl2Q-00007-00003502-00003890 [in Spanish:] I'm Casilda Sabín from Plena Inclusión, ... YJsgD-cjl2Q-00008-00003890-00004518 ... a Spanish organization that works with and for people with intellectual disabilities. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00009-00004518-00004994 Our project of court verdicts in easy language which has been recognized ... YJsgD-cjl2Q-00010-00004994-00005442 ... by the organization Zero Project, is a source of pride and happiness for us. YJsgD-cjl2Q-00011-00005442-00005646 It's an honour for us to be here. YJvP4TvqiG8-00000-00000014-00000262 Figuring out whether you're ready for sex, YJvP4TvqiG8-00001-00000262-00000554 can be one of the hardest decisions in life. YJvP4TvqiG8-00002-00000554-00000776 It doesn't matter whether you're someone wanting to YJvP4TvqiG8-00003-00000776-00001014 have sex for the very first time, YJvP4TvqiG8-00004-00001014-00001204 or someone who's in a new relationship.. YJvP4TvqiG8-00005-00001234-00001458 .. where sex hasn't happened yet. YJvP4TvqiG8-00006-00001458-00001742 The thought process is pretty much the same. YJvP4TvqiG8-00007-00001742-00001888 It's a big step, YJvP4TvqiG8-00008-00001888-00002218 and something we should all think pretty carefully about. YJvP4TvqiG8-00009-00002218-00002572 So, how do you know if you're really ready for sex? YJvP4TvqiG8-00010-00003636-00004056 First, you need to think about the risks, associated with sex. YJvP4TvqiG8-00011-00004056-00004332 And to be honest, there is a lot of them. YJvP4TvqiG8-00012-00004332-00004694 We all know about the health and pregnancy risks of sex. YJvP4TvqiG8-00013-00004694-00004920 And these, are very important. YJvP4TvqiG8-00014-00004920-00005172 But, what about the emotional risks? YJvP4TvqiG8-00015-00005172-00005354 What do you start to lose? YJvP4TvqiG8-00016-00005354-00005616 Will your relationship with that person be changed, YJvP4TvqiG8-00017-00005616-00005842 in a way you're not comfortable with? YJvP4TvqiG8-00018-00005842-00006314 Sex can make us form a strong, compassionate connection with someone. YJvP4TvqiG8-00019-00006314-00006642 Are you ready for those kinds of emotions? YJvP4TvqiG8-00020-00006880-00007164 You might think that having sex is the right thing to do. YJvP4TvqiG8-00021-00007164-00007442 But is it really 𝙮𝙤𝙪, who wants sex? YJvP4TvqiG8-00022-00007442-00007642 Or is it the world around you, YJvP4TvqiG8-00023-00007642-00007964 pressuring you into doing something you're not ready for? YJvP4TvqiG8-00024-00007964-00008222 Peer pressure is a very real thing, YJvP4TvqiG8-00025-00008222-00008498 especially when it comes to sex. YJvP4TvqiG8-00026-00008498-00008716 Young people are under enormous pressure YJvP4TvqiG8-00027-00008716-00008886 to lose their virginities, YJvP4TvqiG8-00028-00008886-00009146 and it kind of becomes a competitive thing. YJvP4TvqiG8-00029-00009146-00009446 Alternatively, even if you're not a virgin, YJvP4TvqiG8-00030-00009446-00009626 people might still be pressuring you YJvP4TvqiG8-00031-00009626-00009844 into having sex with someone new. YJvP4TvqiG8-00032-00009844-00010020 In both situations, YJvP4TvqiG8-00033-00010020-00010266 we really need to take a step back. YJvP4TvqiG8-00034-00010266-00010466 And figure out what 𝙬𝙚 want. YJvP4TvqiG8-00035-00010466-00010734 And whether we're actually ready for sex. YJvP4TvqiG8-00036-00011262-00011462 This one is huge. YJvP4TvqiG8-00037-00011462-00011822 Sex can change your relationship in pretty drastic ways. YJvP4TvqiG8-00038-00011822-00012112 So it's important to know where you stand. YJvP4TvqiG8-00039-00012112-00012340 Is it a serious relationship? YJvP4TvqiG8-00040-00012340-00012622 Or are you two more friends than lovers? YJvP4TvqiG8-00041-00012622-00012818 You need to make sure that both you, YJvP4TvqiG8-00042-00012818-00013056 and your partner, are on the same page. YJvP4TvqiG8-00043-00013056-00013278 If one person ends up falling in love, YJvP4TvqiG8-00044-00013278-00013478 and the other isn't feeling it, YJvP4TvqiG8-00045-00013478-00013934 it can lead to serious emotional and psychological distress. YJvP4TvqiG8-00046-00013934-00014186 And if you two are friends with benefits, YJvP4TvqiG8-00047-00014186-00014538 ask yourself if you're willing to lose that person as a friend. YJvP4TvqiG8-00048-00014538-00014716 Because, believe us- YJvP4TvqiG8-00049-00014716-00014860 it can happen. YJvP4TvqiG8-00050-00015346-00015678 Let's take a break from all the deep, heavy emotional stuff YJvP4TvqiG8-00051-00015678-00015869 for some science coolness! YJvP4TvqiG8-00052-00015869-00016013 Yes, we're talking about YJvP4TvqiG8-00053-00016013-00016244 figuring out when you're ready for sex. YJvP4TvqiG8-00054-00016244-00016546 But, what if it's determined by your genes? YJvP4TvqiG8-00055-00016546-00016662 That's right. YJvP4TvqiG8-00056-00016662-00016862 Researchers at Cambridge University YJvP4TvqiG8-00057-00016862-00017070 found that genetics might determine about, YJvP4TvqiG8-00058-00017070-00017286 25% of the differences, YJvP4TvqiG8-00059-00017286-00017536 between when people lose their virginity. YJvP4TvqiG8-00060-00017536-00017838 So what this means, is that losing our virginity YJvP4TvqiG8-00061-00017838-00018026 is something we can't rush, YJvP4TvqiG8-00062-00018026-00018158 even if we want to. YJvP4TvqiG8-00063-00018158-00018524 We have to wait for our bodies to be biologically prepared, YJvP4TvqiG8-00064-00018524-00018654 and for some, YJvP4TvqiG8-00065-00018654-00018946 hormones don't start firing until later in life, YJvP4TvqiG8-00066-00018946-00019250 simply because of the genetics we were born with. YJvP4TvqiG8-00067-00019600-00019864 Sometimes, the best way to come to a decision, YJvP4TvqiG8-00068-00019864-00020076 is to look into the past. YJvP4TvqiG8-00069-00020076-00020354 What do your past experiences tell you? YJvP4TvqiG8-00070-00020354-00020522 Learning from past relationships, YJvP4TvqiG8-00071-00020522-00020698 is a natural part of developing, YJvP4TvqiG8-00072-00020698-00020928 and maturing as an individual. YJvP4TvqiG8-00073-00020928-00021110 And the mistakes we make in the past YJvP4TvqiG8-00074-00021110-00021412 can help us improve our future romances. YJvP4TvqiG8-00075-00021412-00021744 Did you have sex too early in past relationships? YJvP4TvqiG8-00076-00021744-00022176 Maybe you felt like you could've had sex sooner in your last relationship. YJvP4TvqiG8-00077-00022230-00022450 Perhaps you felt like you should've had a discussion YJvP4TvqiG8-00078-00022450-00022720 with your partner before taking that next step. YJvP4TvqiG8-00079-00022720-00023066 Obviously, this doesn't really apply to virgins. YJvP4TvqiG8-00080-00023066-00023266 But if it's still your first time, YJvP4TvqiG8-00081-00023266-00023488 you can still learn from the past. YJvP4TvqiG8-00082-00023488-00023688 We can all look back on times, YJvP4TvqiG8-00083-00023688-00023976 where we rushed things too quickly. YJvP4TvqiG8-00084-00024040-00024146 In conclusion, YJvP4TvqiG8-00085-00024146-00024346 the most important thing to remember, YJvP4TvqiG8-00086-00024346-00024678 is that you should definitely think long and hard about YJvP4TvqiG8-00087-00024678-00024958 having sex before going through with it. YJvP4TvqiG8-00088-00024958-00025270 If you really ponder everything we just talked about, YJvP4TvqiG8-00089-00025270-00025482 we know you'll do the right thing. YJvP4TvqiG8-00090-00025482-00025656 No pressure. YJvP4TvqiG8-00091-00025656-00025838 If you enjoyed this video, YJvP4TvqiG8-00092-00025838-00026189 please like and subscribe to see more content from Psych2Go. YJvP4TvqiG8-00093-00026189-00026344 Thanks for watching! YJvP4TvqiG8-00094-00026344-00026544 Now go do something fun. YKTY81xmnbg-00001-00001492-00002632 me YKTY81xmnbg-00002-00002884-00003184 um YKTY81xmnbg-00003-00007084-00007384 foreign YKTY81xmnbg-00004-00012684-00012984 huh YKTY81xmnbg-00005-00016884-00017452 is YLiKfJUcWrc-00000-00000139-00000553 Good morning. It's 6 in the morning, 6:30 in the morning in Madrid. YLiKfJUcWrc-00001-00000569-00001015 We are carrying out a non-violent direct action at the Repsol headquarters. YLiKfJUcWrc-00002-00001293-00001828 We are protesting against Repsol's ecocide and genocide in Peru YLiKfJUcWrc-00003-00001828-00002123 and the genocide it is committing around the world. YLiKfJUcWrc-00004-00002247-00002800 They are fellow scientists. Elena, astrophysicist, doctor in astrophysics. YLiKfJUcWrc-00005-00002848-00003525 Making a protest because it is an emergency and in an emergency you have to break the glass. YLiKfJUcWrc-00006-00003525-00003712 "I have to do it, Sorry" YLiKfJUcWrc-00007-00003732-00003875 "I have to do it!" YLiKfJUcWrc-00008-00004091-00004660 It's a protest action. We are at the Repsol headquarters. YLiKfJUcWrc-00009-00004781-00004914 "I am going to call the Police" YLiKfJUcWrc-00010-00004914-00005273 Repsol is the most polluting company in the Spanish State YLiKfJUcWrc-00011-00005294-00005651 and responsible for many atrocities around the world. YLoLXcEmJUU-00000-00000102-00000342 Where did life on Earth come from? YLoLXcEmJUU-00001-00000444-00000784 The answer lies in the stars, which have lives of their own. YLoLXcEmJUU-00002-00000838-00001334 Stars are responsible for the materials that form us and everything around us... YLoLXcEmJUU-00003-00001426-00001680 ...including these two people. YLoLXcEmJUU-00004-00001786-00001944 Welcome back to Think Tank! YLoLXcEmJUU-00005-00001944-00002165 Today's topic is "Star Birth." YLoLXcEmJUU-00006-00002165-00002474 Alternate title: "A Star is Born!" YLoLXcEmJUU-00007-00002474-00002574 Very catchy. YLoLXcEmJUU-00008-00002574-00002720 Is the Thought Visualizer ready? YLoLXcEmJUU-00009-00002720-00002839 All set, boss! YLoLXcEmJUU-00010-00002839-00002944 Let's do our tech check. YLoLXcEmJUU-00011-00002944-00003088 Think of a light wave. YLoLXcEmJUU-00012-00003256-00003444 We'll have to work on that. YLoLXcEmJUU-00013-00003444-00004010 Every star begins its brilliant life as an enormous dark cloud of gas and dust. YLoLXcEmJUU-00014-00004010-00004458 This cloud is very cold, drifting and rotating through interstellar space. YLoLXcEmJUU-00015-00004459-00004648 Exactly! ...wait. YLoLXcEmJUU-00016-00004648-00004804 Why is it rotating? YLoLXcEmJUU-00017-00004804-00005164 Well, you're hard pressed to find something in the Universe that isn't rotating to some degree. YLoLXcEmJUU-00018-00005352-00005574 All right, checks out! YLoLXcEmJUU-00019-00005575-00006076 Anyway: sometimes, gravity can pull the dusty cloud closer and closer together, which YLoLXcEmJUU-00020-00006076-00006289 can collapse under its own weight. YLoLXcEmJUU-00021-00006289-00006389 "Aaah! YLoLXcEmJUU-00022-00006389-00006536 It's crushing me!" YLoLXcEmJUU-00023-00006536-00006668 Space clouds don't feel pain. YLoLXcEmJUU-00024-00006806-00007244 This cloud breaks up into smaller clumps, some of which will become new stars in YLoLXcEmJUU-00025-00007245-00007436 this soon-to-be stellar nursery. YLoLXcEmJUU-00026-00007436-00008052 A clump can continue to collapse under its own gravity, rotating faster as it shrinks. YLoLXcEmJUU-00027-00008052-00008242 And that's how you make a star! YLoLXcEmJUU-00028-00008242-00008342 Thanks for watching! YLoLXcEmJUU-00029-00008342-00008539 No, not quite a star yet. YLoLXcEmJUU-00030-00008539-00008639 Oh. YLoLXcEmJUU-00031-00008639-00009046 At this stage, the center of the clump is called a "protostar." YLoLXcEmJUU-00032-00009046-00009407 This protostar builds up more and more material, with pressures greater YLoLXcEmJUU-00033-00009407-00009832 than those found at the bottom of the ocean, and temperatures that reach thousands--eventually YLoLXcEmJUU-00034-00009832-00010077 millions--of degrees. YLoLXcEmJUU-00035-00010077-00010502 That's when a remarkable thing called "nuclear fusion" happens. And this marks the beginning YLoLXcEmJUU-00036-00010502-00010649 of a star's life. YLoLXcEmJUU-00037-00010649-00011166 Which means that at last, "A Star is Born!" YLoLXcEmJUU-00038-00011166-00011421 Wait, what's "nuclear fusion"? YLoLXcEmJUU-00039-00011421-00011756 That's essentially where lighter elements like hydrogen combine to make heavier YLoLXcEmJUU-00040-00011756-00011981 elements, and release energy in the process. YLoLXcEmJUU-00041-00011981-00012435 The energy released by fusion powers the star through its whole life, enabling YLoLXcEmJUU-00042-00012435-00012607 it to shine brightly. YLoLXcEmJUU-00043-00012607-00013053 For stars like our sun, this lasts for billions of years. YLoLXcEmJUU-00044-00013053-00013429 This new star goes through many changes before it settles down. YLoLXcEmJUU-00045-00013429-00013836 It doesn't even use up all the surrounding material. What doesn't get blown away YLoLXcEmJUU-00046-00013836-00014118 sticks around in an orbiting disk. YLoLXcEmJUU-00047-00014118-00014311 We call that "useless scraps!" YLoLXcEmJUU-00048-00014311-00014597 Actually, we call that "you and me." YLoLXcEmJUU-00049-00014597-00015050 It's the material that forms the planets and everything on them, including life on Earth. YLoLXcEmJUU-00050-00015050-00015297 But that's another story. YLoLXcEmJUU-00051-00015297-00015403 And that's our show! YLoLXcEmJUU-00052-00015403-00015900 Special thanks to NASA's observatories in space as they continue to peer deep into dusty YLoLXcEmJUU-00053-00015900-00016309 star-forming regions, helping us learn where we came from. YLoLXcEmJUU-00054-00016309-00016813 And thanks as always to my assistant for subjecting himself to the Thought Visualizer. YLoLXcEmJUU-00055-00016813-00016913 Thank you all for watching! YLoLXcEmJUU-00056-00016913-00017046 We'll see you next time. YPe7kYEWDt0-00000-00000400-00000513 You have to drink a lot x3 YPe7kYEWDt0-00001-00001117-00001314 (Spraying water and hitting the cheek) YPe7kYEWDt0-00002-00001314-00001434 (High-level skills) YPe7kYEWDt0-00003-00001451-00001614 You mother father YPe7kYEWDt0-00004-00001731-00001878 You dead YPe7kYEWDt0-00005-00001878-00002028 Help me.. YPe7kYEWDt0-00006-00002028-00002135 (Tortilla on both hands..you crazy?) YPe7kYEWDt0-00007-00002135-00002222 You're going to hit me with both hands? YPe7kYEWDt0-00008-00002222-00002275 That’s nah YPe7kYEWDt0-00009-00002275-00002359 Hit me with one hand(by sign language) YPe7kYEWDt0-00010-00002359-00002465 (Thinking about hitting...) YPe7kYEWDt0-00011-00002465-00002575 (Yuka is dying of joy) YPe7kYEWDt0-00012-00003173-00003293 (Where are you going?) YPe7kYEWDt0-00013-00003299-00003423 (Yo..this is..) YPe7kYEWDt0-00014-00003426-00003566 (This is not a tortilla challenge) YPe7kYEWDt0-00015-00003570-00003700 (just slapping husband LOL) YQqV6oHZvnQ-00000-00000000-00000258 (gentle music) YQqV6oHZvnQ-00001-00000776-00000986 - [Dr. Miller] Thanks for coming along to what's, I'm sure, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00002-00000986-00001375 gonna be a really interesting and important conversation, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00003-00001375-00001639 where I'm gonna ask these panelists YQqV6oHZvnQ-00004-00001639-00001873 who are two Canadians and one Australian, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00005-00001873-00002270 to cut through the spin on psychological health and safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00006-00002270-00002623 and help guide us to some insights around YQqV6oHZvnQ-00007-00002623-00002939 delivering practical and implementable health and safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00008-00002939-00003081 in Australian work places. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00009-00003081-00003309 No Australian, we would all agree, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00010-00003309-00003515 deserves to be harmed at work. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00011-00003515-00003708 In fact, it's their right to be safe. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00012-00003708-00004064 And as professionals we have all worked very hard YQqV6oHZvnQ-00013-00004064-00004280 over the past few decades to ensure that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00014-00004280-00004563 physical health and safety is a part of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00015-00004563-00004862 the automatic considerations of business. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00016-00004862-00005124 Our challenges in the future are now to ensure that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00017-00005124-00005395 the same appropriate focus is also on YQqV6oHZvnQ-00018-00005395-00005580 psychological health and safety. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00019-00005580-00005983 But Jamie, before we start, maybe we better clarify YQqV6oHZvnQ-00020-00005983-00006125 some terminology here. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00021-00006125-00006271 - Sure. - What are we talking about? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00022-00006271-00006475 When people are talking about stress what do they mean? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00023-00006475-00006820 - Well stress is, and it's different for everyone. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00024-00006820-00007100 It's very subjective in many respects YQqV6oHZvnQ-00025-00007100-00007398 but stress means that a person has the experience that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00026-00007398-00007787 whatever event they're currently experiencing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00027-00007787-00007984 they perceive it's beyond their capacity YQqV6oHZvnQ-00028-00007984-00008108 to manage or control. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00029-00008108-00008346 So there's, either they don't have the resources YQqV6oHZvnQ-00030-00008346-00008533 to do what's required, they don't have the knowledge YQqV6oHZvnQ-00031-00008533-00008695 to do what's required YQqV6oHZvnQ-00032-00008695-00008882 or it's just simply an overwhelming experience. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00033-00008882-00009085 And what is stressful for one person YQqV6oHZvnQ-00034-00009085-00009406 may be simply mildly challenging for another. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00035-00009406-00009687 - And Eldeen, what's the evidence saying YQqV6oHZvnQ-00036-00009687-00009969 about psychological health and safety. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00037-00010127-00010293 - I think no matter what country YQqV6oHZvnQ-00038-00010293-00010555 or what geographical region you're from, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00039-00010555-00010819 you'll see that a lot of the studies are saying that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00040-00010819-00011256 the more that we are affected in a negative way, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00041-00011256-00011493 the more that that increases the risk for YQqV6oHZvnQ-00042-00011493-00011795 any type of injury or illness within a work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00043-00011795-00012063 So, traditionally, as health and safety professionals, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00044-00012063-00012249 we've often looked at that hard hazard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00045-00012249-00012358 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00046-00012358-00012568 The physical hazard that's in the workplace. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00047-00012568-00012947 Well the hazard, the mental health hazard, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00048-00012947-00013225 can increase the risk of being hurt YQqV6oHZvnQ-00049-00013225-00013402 as we interact with that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00050-00013402-00013608 As well as it can present its own hazard YQqV6oHZvnQ-00051-00013608-00013985 in the work environment, that can cause people to become YQqV6oHZvnQ-00052-00013985-00014429 physically ill, can no longer be able to work. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00053-00014584-00014737 So definitely the results YQqV6oHZvnQ-00054-00014737-00015001 all across the geographical regions are saying YQqV6oHZvnQ-00055-00015001-00015132 the more people are stressed out, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00056-00015132-00015313 the more psychological health issues YQqV6oHZvnQ-00057-00015313-00015498 are not being dealt with, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00058-00015498-00015712 the higher risk for injury and illness. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00059-00015712-00015795 - [Dr. Miller] Hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00060-00015795-00015878 - Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00061-00015878-00016043 And then that affects what we do at home, at play YQqV6oHZvnQ-00062-00016043-00016126 and at work. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00063-00016126-00016209 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00064-00016209-00016405 So that can have some detrimental effects. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00065-00016405-00016712 - So, to all of you, are there some factors we know YQqV6oHZvnQ-00066-00016712-00016943 that are more important than others. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00067-00017048-00017208 Is it context specific? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00068-00017208-00017569 What's the evidence telling us about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00069-00017569-00017751 what are the psychosocial hazards YQqV6oHZvnQ-00070-00017751-00017947 that are the most important? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00071-00017947-00018354 - I think a couple that, in my work experience, has been YQqV6oHZvnQ-00072-00018506-00018722 role demands and whether they're realistic or not. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00073-00018722-00018974 Both in terms of work required and the time limits YQqV6oHZvnQ-00074-00018974-00019123 in which to complete that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00075-00019123-00019399 would be a significant contributing stressor YQqV6oHZvnQ-00076-00019399-00019606 for a lot of people in the work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00077-00019789-00020094 - Those role demands and those time pressures YQqV6oHZvnQ-00078-00020187-00020418 seem to be almost universal. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00079-00020418-00020732 - Yeah and I think that's definitely on one side of it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00080-00020732-00021001 You can look at the environment context of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00081-00021001-00021473 how management manages and I think then another component is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00082-00021473-00021745 the co-worker environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00083-00021745-00021954 Because we can get poisoned work environments YQqV6oHZvnQ-00084-00021954-00022265 where people are experiencing violence or bullying YQqV6oHZvnQ-00085-00022381-00022756 and it may come from purposeful willful or, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00086-00022756-00023052 in the case of like health care, when you're dealing with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00087-00023052-00023423 medically-induced situations, you can be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00088-00023423-00023729 harassed or stressed out by dealing with a patient YQqV6oHZvnQ-00089-00023729-00024054 that has no other alternative but to act that way. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00090-00024054-00024453 So I think that's also another contributing factor is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00091-00024453-00024906 how people interrelate within the work environment as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00092-00024906-00025209 - So hearing about role overloads YQqV6oHZvnQ-00093-00025378-00025461 and peoples YQqV6oHZvnQ-00094-00025604-00025938 relationships with each other and occupational violence. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00095-00025938-00026242 Teegen any for you, as a regulator, that you were seeing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00096-00026242-00026412 as a really common problem? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00097-00026412-00026704 Not only in Queensland but across Australia? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00098-00026704-00026791 - Yeah, absolutely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00099-00026791-00027038 I think work place bullying and harassments, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00100-00027038-00027266 that comes under the relationships that you spoke about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00101-00027266-00027430 as well as occupational violence. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00102-00027430-00027693 So, being exposed to physical assault or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00103-00027693-00028055 that ongoing verbal assault that customer service YQqV6oHZvnQ-00104-00028055-00028351 operators, for example, would experience quite regularly. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00105-00028351-00028598 We're also experiencing an increase in claims YQqV6oHZvnQ-00106-00028598-00028726 around exposure to trauma. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00107-00028726-00028970 Whether that be fatalities in the workplace or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00108-00028970-00029237 distressing events in the workplace. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00109-00029237-00029629 And I think that's the primary sort of drivers. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00110-00029629-00029904 - Well and I think that it's unique to the industry YQqV6oHZvnQ-00111-00029904-00030033 sector that you're in. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00112-00030033-00030116 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00113-00030116-00030524 So health care may have some production demands and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00114-00030524-00030829 then the demands from how they're interacting with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00115-00030829-00030933 their clients. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00116-00030933-00031158 Service or retail may be different. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00117-00031158-00031483 Manufacturing may be more production focused. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00118-00031483-00031639 And I think that's why it's so important YQqV6oHZvnQ-00119-00031639-00031797 to have the right program components YQqV6oHZvnQ-00120-00031797-00031997 in place before you do anything. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00121-00031997-00032252 You have to assess where you're at and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00122-00032252-00032642 what's causing the stress or the negative YQqV6oHZvnQ-00123-00032642-00032867 psychological effects. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00124-00032867-00033245 Is it something that someone's also bringing from home? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00125-00033245-00033528 Because that can affect how we react or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00126-00033528-00033787 what we choose to do or not to do within YQqV6oHZvnQ-00127-00033787-00033909 the work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00128-00033909-00034240 So assessment of individual workplaces is key YQqV6oHZvnQ-00129-00034240-00034581 to find out what can actually contribute to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00130-00034581-00034786 that situation so that you can put the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00131-00034786-00034923 right components in place. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00132-00035054-00035204 - And the new national guide that we've got YQqV6oHZvnQ-00133-00035204-00035416 really clearly articulates those nicely in YQqV6oHZvnQ-00134-00035416-00035691 terms of role clarity, job demands, time pressures, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00135-00035691-00036105 issues around relationships, but also, you would YQqV6oHZvnQ-00136-00036105-00036298 know more than me Peta, some of those reward YQqV6oHZvnQ-00137-00036298-00036401 recognitions. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00138-00036401-00036484 - [Dr. Miller] Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00139-00036484-00036595 - Yeah YQqV6oHZvnQ-00140-00036595-00037095 - I guess that's a long list of potential hazards YQqV6oHZvnQ-00141-00037101-00037443 that businesses need to look at. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00142-00037443-00037733 So how do they work out which ones are relevant YQqV6oHZvnQ-00143-00037733-00037897 the context specific for them? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00144-00038094-00038274 Perhaps I might go to you Jamie. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00145-00038274-00038504 - Well I think it starts with, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00146-00038504-00038683 and I'll be very careful not to get YQqV6oHZvnQ-00147-00038683-00038927 too evangelical about this, I think it starts with... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00148-00038927-00039067 - [Dr. Miller] Go right ahead. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00149-00039067-00039164 - With leadership. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00150-00039164-00039355 And, you know, it's not surprising that we've been YQqV6oHZvnQ-00151-00039355-00039522 hearing over the two days the importance of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00152-00039522-00039778 leadership in terms of occupational health and safety. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00153-00039778-00040027 I believe it's the same for mental health as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00154-00040027-00040469 That leaders have a huge impact in terms of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00155-00040469-00040842 managing wellness within a work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00156-00040842-00041055 They have a huge influence and I think if YQqV6oHZvnQ-00157-00041055-00041257 there was one message I could say is, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00158-00041257-00041409 I think, I like to say there's a difference YQqV6oHZvnQ-00159-00041409-00041670 between knowing something and getting it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00160-00041670-00041874 And I think every leader probably knows that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00161-00041874-00042111 they obviously have an impact and influence their people, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00162-00042111-00042292 but I don't think that people really get YQqV6oHZvnQ-00163-00042292-00042557 just to what degree they can influence. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00164-00042557-00042795 And one of the things leaders need to do when YQqV6oHZvnQ-00165-00042795-00042995 trying to assess what's posing the greatest risk, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00166-00042995-00043258 mental health risk, for their people or psychological YQqV6oHZvnQ-00167-00043258-00043608 safety is just talking and really listening. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00168-00043608-00043764 And really trying to appreciate that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00169-00043764-00044020 it, from your observation as a leader it really YQqV6oHZvnQ-00170-00044020-00044242 may be quite different from how people in the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00171-00044242-00044409 front line experience that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00172-00044409-00044584 And I think, one of the things we're talking about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00173-00044584-00044750 previously, and I'll be very brief about this, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00174-00044750-00045153 is often times, not always, particularly more YQqV6oHZvnQ-00175-00045153-00045372 senior leaders, one of the reasons why they've been YQqV6oHZvnQ-00176-00045372-00045588 able to progress to that role is that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00177-00045588-00045747 that they have either, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00178-00045852-00046192 through just good genes or through YQqV6oHZvnQ-00179-00046192-00046345 good skill development along the way YQqV6oHZvnQ-00180-00046345-00046614 have learned to cope with high levels of stress. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00181-00046614-00046837 Maybe high levels of uncertainty. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00182-00046837-00047098 And therefore, there is a tendency to assume that, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00183-00047098-00047272 "Well the way I'm experiencing this particular YQqV6oHZvnQ-00184-00047272-00047582 "challenge must be the way my people are experiencing it." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00185-00047582-00047808 And that is not necessarily the case at all. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00186-00047808-00048093 And so, being willing to actually have conversations YQqV6oHZvnQ-00187-00048093-00048251 with people about how they are feeling, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00188-00048251-00048451 what's working well, what's working less well, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00189-00048451-00048757 and really being able to hear and listen YQqV6oHZvnQ-00190-00048757-00048976 to what they have to say. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00191-00048976-00049068 - [Dr. Miller] Hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00192-00049068-00049188 - Would be a starting point. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00193-00049188-00049435 - So is this something that you've.... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00194-00049435-00049766 So I'm hearing leadership is an issue, but what other YQqV6oHZvnQ-00195-00049766-00050204 ways are their for businesses to hone in on whether YQqV6oHZvnQ-00196-00050204-00050550 the key isues in their workplaces. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00197-00050550-00050822 - I think it's just like any other safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00198-00050822-00051018 initiative or program that you're taking YQqV6oHZvnQ-00199-00051018-00051180 within your work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00200-00051180-00051505 Finding the right assessment tool is necessary to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00201-00051505-00051703 able to ask the questions and at times, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00202-00051703-00051840 in a confidential way. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00203-00051840-00052114 Because, otherwise people, especially if there's YQqV6oHZvnQ-00204-00052114-00052410 some already anxiety and stress and some pressures YQqV6oHZvnQ-00205-00052410-00052716 they may not feel confident to say in front of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00206-00052716-00053074 a group or focus group, "Yeah, I'm having some trouble" or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00207-00053074-00053338 "I don't like how I'm communicated with and it's YQqV6oHZvnQ-00208-00053433-00053557 "increasing my stress levels." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00209-00053557-00053789 It's finding that right assessment tool and method YQqV6oHZvnQ-00210-00053789-00053883 that's there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00211-00053883-00054299 And so, I've seen everything from Survey Monkey type YQqV6oHZvnQ-00212-00054299-00054541 online paper surveys. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00213-00054541-00054871 I've seen where, some organisations, have brought YQqV6oHZvnQ-00214-00054871-00055131 in outside to do one on one interviews on a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00215-00055131-00055336 variety of levels. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00216-00055336-00055673 So it's finding the right tool and determining YQqV6oHZvnQ-00217-00055673-00055947 the right questions because that's important too. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00218-00055947-00056214 How you ask them can either increase or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00219-00056214-00056304 decrease stress. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00220-00056304-00056496 Have you ever taken one of those tests where YQqV6oHZvnQ-00221-00056496-00056739 you're like, "Oh, if I don't answer this right" YQqV6oHZvnQ-00222-00056739-00056848 - [Dr. Miller] What's the right question? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00223-00056848-00056931 - "I'm going to have to live with something I YQqV6oHZvnQ-00224-00056931-00057020 "really didn't want. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00225-00057020-00057112 "Oh no." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00226-00057112-00057258 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00227-00057258-00057503 So I think, you know, that's the right way is finding YQqV6oHZvnQ-00228-00057503-00057771 the right assessment tool, the right approach, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00229-00057771-00058062 the right questions based upon the objectives that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00230-00058062-00058160 you want to achieve. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00231-00058160-00058547 And that's to identify what are the hazards that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00232-00058547-00058736 are within the work environment and what are the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00233-00058736-00059008 other factors that influence that individual that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00234-00059008-00059175 effects the work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00235-00059175-00059453 So there may be questions about home or, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00236-00059453-00059764 and again you have to ensure that there's a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00237-00059764-00059868 - Be careful. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00238-00059868-00059951 - Certain amount of privacy YQqV6oHZvnQ-00239-00059951-00060067 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00240-00060067-00060150 - Within that. Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00241-00060150-00060316 - So Teegan I know that Queensland led the way YQqV6oHZvnQ-00242-00060316-00060700 with some practical tools around helping employers in YQqV6oHZvnQ-00243-00060700-00061021 what might seem a kinda confusing space so I wondered YQqV6oHZvnQ-00244-00061021-00061291 if you can share with us what are some of the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00245-00061291-00061475 practical tools that are out there? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00246-00061475-00061761 - Yeah, over a ten year period we've been developing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00247-00061761-00061950 what's called the People At Work tool. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00248-00061950-00062124 So that's a freely available tool that's YQqV6oHZvnQ-00249-00062124-00062250 available on our website. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00250-00062250-00062392 You can download that and you can use YQqV6oHZvnQ-00251-00062392-00062562 it within your organisation. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00252-00062562-00062751 Now it is manual, but at the same time YQqV6oHZvnQ-00253-00062751-00062894 you can implement it and put it into YQqV6oHZvnQ-00254-00062894-00063105 things like Survey Monkey. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00255-00063105-00063242 But it is a validated tool. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00256-00063242-00063436 It's reliable and it does ask some really YQqV6oHZvnQ-00257-00063436-00063659 good questions around each of these risk factors YQqV6oHZvnQ-00258-00063659-00063938 or hazards that are outlined in the national guide YQqV6oHZvnQ-00259-00063938-00064161 as well our mentally healthy workplaces toolkit. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00260-00064161-00064425 - Yeah, so I understand sort of demand and control YQqV6oHZvnQ-00261-00064425-00064549 and support and organisational change. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00262-00064549-00064667 - Yes absolutely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00263-00064667-00065014 - And I also noticed, which goes back to I guess YQqV6oHZvnQ-00264-00065014-00065357 our opening statement that I made, which was around YQqV6oHZvnQ-00265-00065357-00065724 physical hazards as well is that it picks up YQqV6oHZvnQ-00266-00065724-00066181 some issues around fatigue and MSD and burnout as well? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00267-00066181-00066264 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00268-00066264-00066352 - Yeah so now. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00269-00066352-00066531 - Sleeping fatigue those sorts of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00270-00066531-00066648 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00271-00066648-00066731 - Issues definitely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00272-00066731-00066903 - But it's something you would incorporate in your YQqV6oHZvnQ-00273-00066903-00067026 whole risk management approach so when you are YQqV6oHZvnQ-00274-00067026-00067226 trying to understand what those hazards are and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00275-00067226-00067528 the level of risk, you can use a tool like that, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00276-00067528-00067739 but then again afterwards having those YQqV6oHZvnQ-00277-00067739-00067974 focus groups or having one on one interviews with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00278-00067974-00068215 staff to really understand the context. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00279-00068215-00068426 So the survey results might show you that workload YQqV6oHZvnQ-00280-00068426-00068682 is high, but being able to have those focus groups YQqV6oHZvnQ-00281-00068682-00068862 or interviews will tell you what is high, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00282-00068862-00069082 what is it about the context that people are YQqV6oHZvnQ-00283-00069082-00069262 feeling that their workload is high. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00284-00069423-00069541 - So I guess YQqV6oHZvnQ-00285-00069637-00069828 since the, we're looking at you YQqV6oHZvnQ-00286-00069828-00070216 at the moment, what is it that you, as a regulator, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00287-00070216-00070619 you expect of your inspectors are going in to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00288-00070619-00070791 workplaces, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00289-00070791-00070893 what is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00290-00070893-00071233 what does reasonably practicable mean and how are you YQqV6oHZvnQ-00291-00071233-00071550 going to see what is actually being achieved? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00292-00071550-00071767 - Yeah, as a regulator, we expect that an organisation YQqV6oHZvnQ-00293-00071767-00071976 has a system of work in place that is very much YQqV6oHZvnQ-00294-00071976-00072235 like their physical system that psychosocial hazards YQqV6oHZvnQ-00295-00072235-00072502 are incorporated into that and that psychosocial YQqV6oHZvnQ-00296-00072502-00072808 hazards are identified, assessed, and controlled. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00297-00072808-00073036 To a way that is reasonably practicable. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00298-00073036-00073239 So what our inspectors would be doing is looking YQqV6oHZvnQ-00299-00073239-00073487 for documentation or evidence of a system and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00300-00073487-00073695 that it's actually effective and working. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00301-00073695-00073987 And they may be asking for documentation then around YQqV6oHZvnQ-00302-00073987-00074329 data like absenteeism and injury rates and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00303-00074329-00074606 injury reports, hazard reports and those YQqV6oHZvnQ-00304-00074606-00074727 sorts of things. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00305-00074727-00075103 - So why don't, we were having some conversations YQqV6oHZvnQ-00306-00075103-00075351 before today about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00307-00075590-00075833 what's reasonably practical may mean that's what YQqV6oHZvnQ-00308-00075833-00076194 the regulator says, but we've heard that leadership YQqV6oHZvnQ-00309-00076194-00076334 has a really important role. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00310-00076334-00076490 What is it that? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00311-00076490-00076684 What is the system? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00312-00076684-00076889 What's the work system we, as health and safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00313-00076889-00077124 professionals, rolls off our tongue, doesn't it? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00314-00077124-00077357 Design a, good design a work and work systems. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00315-00077357-00077521 What's that actually mean in practice YQqV6oHZvnQ-00316-00077521-00077721 for ordinary businesses? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00317-00077721-00077988 - We've created a Canadian standard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00318-00077988-00078289 One of the first countries to put together voluntary YQqV6oHZvnQ-00319-00078289-00078540 standard that helps support a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00320-00078540-00078855 safety management system component. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00321-00078855-00079301 So it's based upon all the elements what you'd have YQqV6oHZvnQ-00322-00079301-00079511 in a normal safety management system YQqV6oHZvnQ-00323-00079511-00079824 for every physical hazard that's there, but it YQqV6oHZvnQ-00324-00079824-00080045 just looks at it within the psychological YQqV6oHZvnQ-00325-00080045-00080162 hazard aspect of it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00326-00080257-00080468 And it actually is a standard that is now YQqV6oHZvnQ-00327-00080468-00080737 going to be the base for a brand new YQqV6oHZvnQ-00328-00080737-00080923 initiative with ISO. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00329-00080923-00081274 ISO is going to take the Canadian CSA standard, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00330-00081274-00081536 create a committee system like they did for YQqV6oHZvnQ-00331-00081536-00081812 45,000 and one and start to put together more YQqV6oHZvnQ-00332-00081812-00082077 of a global voluntary standard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00333-00082077-00082205 So that's kind of exciting. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00334-00082205-00082391 - [Dr. Miller] So that'll supplement the 45,0001 YQqV6oHZvnQ-00335-00082391-00082532 - Yeah, so on that topic YQqV6oHZvnQ-00336-00082532-00082619 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00337-00082619-00083047 - Specific, just like you'd use 31,000 for risk management. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00338-00083047-00083450 And you'd use and it'd help support going forward. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00339-00083450-00083777 But it basically outlines the same components YQqV6oHZvnQ-00340-00083777-00083860 that are there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00341-00083860-00084001 But again, leadership, assessment, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00342-00084001-00084268 hazard and risk assessment based upon the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00343-00084268-00084351 hazard risk assessment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00344-00084351-00084520 What are the components, the training, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00345-00084520-00084789 the education that's necessary. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00346-00084789-00085049 What roles and responsibilities is it of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00347-00085049-00085396 the worker, of the supervisor, of middle management, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00348-00085396-00085661 of the senior executive team and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00349-00085661-00086123 how do they play within that has been outlined within YQqV6oHZvnQ-00350-00086222-00086307 that standard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00351-00086307-00086518 And to me would reflect what you would put in to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00352-00086518-00086724 any safety management system no matter what YQqV6oHZvnQ-00353-00086724-00086935 geographical location you were from. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00354-00086935-00087120 - So I think that's going to really be a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00355-00087120-00087283 bit of a game changer. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00356-00087283-00087441 That's for big business though. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00357-00087602-00087705 And people with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00358-00087705-00087926 health and safety professionals to help them YQqV6oHZvnQ-00359-00087926-00088009 is it? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00360-00088108-00088191 - Well that's what people often think is, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00361-00088191-00088431 "Oh yeah, if I want to use the 45,000 and one, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00362-00088431-00088547 "it has to be a big business. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00363-00088547-00088806 "There's no small business and medium aspect to it." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00364-00088806-00089206 One of the things I liked about the Canadian standards is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00365-00089206-00089521 that we only have a few big businesses YQqV6oHZvnQ-00366-00089521-00089686 and they're really big. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00367-00089686-00089961 And everyone else is small mom and pop. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00368-00089961-00090271 Entrepreneurial enterprises and some medium ones YQqV6oHZvnQ-00369-00090271-00090354 that are there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00370-00090354-00090533 So often when we look at our standards YQqV6oHZvnQ-00371-00090533-00090910 we don't target just the big dogs that get to play, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00372-00090910-00091070 but how it can apply. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00373-00091070-00091399 It's just that the sliding scale to what you implement, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00374-00091399-00091779 how technical you get, what documents and what YQqV6oHZvnQ-00375-00091779-00091947 kind of resources YQqV6oHZvnQ-00376-00091947-00092160 you may put to it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00377-00092160-00092333 Every organisation needs to outline YQqV6oHZvnQ-00378-00092333-00092436 rules and responsibilities. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00379-00092436-00092736 It may be different when you have five or six YQqV6oHZvnQ-00380-00092736-00092958 or seven or eight different layers versus when YQqV6oHZvnQ-00381-00092958-00093282 you are a smaller organisation and there's two. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00382-00093282-00093427 Or maybe three. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00383-00093427-00093696 But you still need to outline who does what YQqV6oHZvnQ-00384-00093696-00093945 within that program aspect that's there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00385-00093945-00094151 So you can still use the document YQqV6oHZvnQ-00386-00094151-00094374 it's just a big of a sliding rule that's there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00387-00094374-00094681 Training, what I want to do for training for a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00388-00094681-00095040 supervisor or owner of a company would probably be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00389-00095040-00095155 fairly similar. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00390-00095155-00095290 It's just gonna YQqV6oHZvnQ-00391-00095290-00095605 It's just gonna be different in range and how YQqV6oHZvnQ-00392-00095605-00095848 much resources they get YQqV6oHZvnQ-00393-00095848-00095994 versus YQqV6oHZvnQ-00394-00095994-00096179 versus a larger organisation. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00395-00096179-00096343 - Before I come back to you and ask you to kinda YQqV6oHZvnQ-00396-00096343-00096616 share that story about leadership which I wouldn't YQqV6oHZvnQ-00397-00096616-00096951 want to lose, I'm just interested, in terms of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00398-00096951-00097145 the regulators, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00399-00097238-00097342 in terms that, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00400-00097342-00097425 term that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00401-00097510-00097732 we so often hear of reasonably practicable, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00402-00097732-00097974 but in terms of how you go in and have YQqV6oHZvnQ-00403-00097974-00098281 a proportional response as a responsive regulator YQqV6oHZvnQ-00404-00098281-00098464 to a mum and dad fish shop. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00405-00098464-00098650 You know, fish and chips shop. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00406-00098650-00098733 initiative. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00407-00098834-00099049 What would it, what does it look like YQqV6oHZvnQ-00408-00099049-00099368 in terms of what your expectations are for YQqV6oHZvnQ-00409-00099368-00099730 a company with 50 versus five? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00410-00099730-00099964 - Yeah as we are responsive regulators YQqV6oHZvnQ-00411-00099964-00100217 so we often do look to what is the level of exposure. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00412-00100217-00100449 So what are the consequences of the risk and the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00413-00100449-00100600 likelihood of that occurring YQqV6oHZvnQ-00414-00100600-00100914 and then we work with that term reasonably practicable YQqV6oHZvnQ-00415-00100914-00101092 to understand what should they be doing and, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00416-00101092-00101327 in the circumstances or the type of businesses YQqV6oHZvnQ-00417-00101327-00101553 that they have, what is reasonable for them YQqV6oHZvnQ-00418-00101553-00101681 in those circumstances. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00419-00101681-00101982 So it's hard to say exactly what that would look like YQqV6oHZvnQ-00420-00101982-00102066 - [Dr. Miller] Right YQqV6oHZvnQ-00421-00102066-00102149 - because every business is different. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00422-00102149-00102274 Every industry is different. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00423-00102274-00102573 But our inspectors are up-skilled to understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-00424-00102573-00102759 how to assess that and how to look at it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00425-00102759-00102979 - [Dr. Miller] And I understand it's quite a lot of work YQqV6oHZvnQ-00426-00102979-00103206 going on behind the scenes with the regulators to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00427-00103206-00103595 be nationally consistent about how they actually apply YQqV6oHZvnQ-00428-00103595-00103678 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00429-00103678-00103915 - [Dr. Miller] Their expectations around this. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00430-00103915-00104110 - The, a few of the gentlemen this morning YQqV6oHZvnQ-00431-00104110-00104201 spoke about HWSA. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00432-00104201-00104463 So that's Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00433-00104463-00104647 And that's a group that we meet nationally. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00434-00104647-00104910 We've got two groups in the psychological health space. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00435-00104910-00105083 One is from the engagement perspective. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00436-00105083-00105385 So how do we engage organisations around this topic YQqV6oHZvnQ-00437-00105385-00105561 of mentally healthy workplaces? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00438-00105561-00105761 But, from the inspector perspective, it's about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00439-00105761-00106008 building their capability and their capacity. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00440-00106008-00106289 So been doing a lot of work on developing audit tools YQqV6oHZvnQ-00441-00106289-00106474 and training and just up-skilling our YQqV6oHZvnQ-00442-00106474-00106644 inspectorate in this space. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00443-00106644-00106849 So, traditionally, if an inspectors come to your YQqV6oHZvnQ-00444-00106849-00107007 workplace, you may have seen that might of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00445-00107007-00107226 primarily walked through the procedures with you YQqV6oHZvnQ-00446-00107226-00107482 and perhaps they focused more on bullying, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00447-00107482-00107709 but now we're giving them more skills and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00448-00107709-00107899 education and training around how to look YQqV6oHZvnQ-00449-00107899-00108182 at a holistic psychological health and safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00450-00108182-00108483 management system and to give guidance and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00451-00108483-00108572 advice around that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00452-00108572-00108840 - So even your physical inspectors? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00453-00108840-00109134 - Yes, for us in Queensland it's all of our inspectors. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00454-00109134-00109218 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00455-00109218-00109430 - We do not have dedicated psychosocial inspectors, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00456-00109519-00109657 we have generalists. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00457-00109657-00109822 - So I know you're very passionate about the role YQqV6oHZvnQ-00458-00109822-00109981 of leaders YQqV6oHZvnQ-00459-00109981-00110093 in driving change. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00460-00110093-00110391 But you've also told me salutory tale about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00461-00110391-00110824 leaders and personalities and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00462-00110824-00110978 how that can YQqV6oHZvnQ-00463-00110978-00111136 be an issue or not. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00464-00111278-00111361 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00465-00111361-00111501 - Can you kind of just explain for us about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00466-00111501-00111628 the role of leaders? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00467-00111628-00112009 - Well I've experienced this doing coaching on YQqV6oHZvnQ-00468-00112009-00112370 more than a few occasions where a leader is, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00469-00112370-00112530 it's not that they're lacking empathy, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00470-00112530-00112802 but they genuinely struggle to try and understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-00471-00112802-00113103 why people are not coping as well as they YQqV6oHZvnQ-00472-00113103-00113214 perceive that they should. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00473-00113214-00113509 And I think part of it comes down to just that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00474-00113509-00113693 their own capacity, as I said earlier, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00475-00113693-00113965 to deal with stress to work long hours, to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00476-00113965-00114223 very, very task focused, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00477-00114223-00114545 to be very self driven is something that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00478-00114545-00114715 they don't necessarily or they YQqV6oHZvnQ-00479-00114715-00115024 all their people share that same level. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00480-00115024-00115320 And so there's a, sort of a disconnect YQqV6oHZvnQ-00481-00115320-00115556 because there's a fundamental perception on the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00482-00115556-00115772 part of leader going, "Well, they just." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00483-00115772-00115951 And it's not, again, it's not a lack of empathy, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00484-00115951-00116099 but it's more of curiosity and it's more YQqV6oHZvnQ-00485-00116099-00116274 like, "They just need to harden up. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00486-00116390-00116622 You know, "I've been through this myself." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00487-00116622-00116853 And one of the talks I sat in this morning YQqV6oHZvnQ-00488-00116853-00117047 we were talking about the importance of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00489-00117047-00117183 emotional intelligence. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00490-00117275-00117573 I think, I go back to my point about leaders YQqV6oHZvnQ-00491-00117573-00117753 have a big influence over their team. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00492-00117753-00117935 You have a big influence over how people YQqV6oHZvnQ-00493-00117935-00118117 experience their work. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00494-00118117-00118242 And I'm not talking about that you need YQqV6oHZvnQ-00495-00118242-00118429 to go around and give people hugs and tell them YQqV6oHZvnQ-00496-00118429-00118591 that they're beautiful people, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00497-00118591-00118850 but understanding that everything from how YQqV6oHZvnQ-00498-00118850-00119207 you manage your stress, how you deal with disappointments, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00499-00119207-00119460 how you respond to setbacks is role modelling YQqV6oHZvnQ-00500-00119460-00119733 to your team how they should respond. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00501-00119733-00119882 And under the banner of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00502-00120058-00120214 emotional contagion, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00503-00120214-00120498 the mood that you're in as a leader YQqV6oHZvnQ-00504-00120498-00120701 will set the tone for the mood that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00505-00120701-00120844 your people are in. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00506-00120844-00121108 So, oftentimes, it's about helping leaders understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-00507-00121294-00121523 people may actually experience it different YQqV6oHZvnQ-00508-00121523-00121606 than you are. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00509-00121606-00121915 And we go back to my point about it's important to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00510-00121915-00122188 try and be curious to really get a sense of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00511-00122188-00122405 how are people experiencing this, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00512-00122405-00122599 why do you find this particular situation YQqV6oHZvnQ-00513-00122599-00122816 challenging and stressful? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00514-00122816-00123123 - So that brings us to one of the issues YQqV6oHZvnQ-00515-00123229-00123703 is that I think Eldeen was challenging me with last night. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00516-00123703-00123913 That people can be part of the hazard too. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00517-00124051-00124453 - Yeah, and I think to speak to to your point YQqV6oHZvnQ-00518-00124453-00124899 a bit is that leaders sometimes, again, don't have the tools YQqV6oHZvnQ-00519-00124899-00125082 or skills to deal with it because they've YQqV6oHZvnQ-00520-00125082-00125194 hardened up. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00521-00125194-00125277 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00522-00125277-00125436 They've just said, "I'm going to do this. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00523-00125436-00125551 "I'm going forward." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00524-00125551-00125877 And that's a tool that they've used to survive YQqV6oHZvnQ-00525-00125877-00126377 and to thrive which doesn't work for everyone else. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00526-00126377-00126764 So I think the other aspect of them having difficulty YQqV6oHZvnQ-00527-00126764-00126966 in approaching things is that they don't YQqV6oHZvnQ-00528-00126966-00127246 have the skills then to interact with the individuals YQqV6oHZvnQ-00529-00127246-00127410 that are having the problems. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00530-00127410-00127607 To be able to talk to them about it or to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00531-00127607-00127755 give them any tips. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00532-00127755-00127975 And then there's that fear in them that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00533-00127975-00128234 if they say something wrong because, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00534-00128234-00128529 "yeah, okay, I'm now not reacting properly, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00535-00128529-00128857 that's not giving them a good, fun and fuzzy." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00536-00128857-00129299 "Now if I say something wrong", which sometimes they do, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00537-00129299-00129658 "now is making it worse and so I'd rather say YQqV6oHZvnQ-00538-00129658-00129935 "nothing at all or not participate in it because YQqV6oHZvnQ-00539-00129935-00130181 "of that fear base that's there." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00540-00130181-00130437 So that's where we have to support YQqV6oHZvnQ-00541-00130437-00130727 anyone who we see in a leadership position YQqV6oHZvnQ-00542-00130727-00130951 in a role in the organisation. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00543-00130951-00131196 Whether it's the one owner and three workers YQqV6oHZvnQ-00544-00131196-00131551 at the fish shop or the 100 employee with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00545-00131551-00131802 the supervisor, manager, and senior leader. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00546-00131802-00132019 To give them those skills YQqV6oHZvnQ-00547-00132019-00132285 to be able to be empathetic. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00548-00132285-00132476 To be able to be self regulatory YQqV6oHZvnQ-00549-00132476-00132763 so their not saying things that are inappropriate. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00550-00132763-00133071 And that they can give good advice or ask YQqV6oHZvnQ-00551-00133071-00133446 the right questions within the environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00552-00133446-00133626 - [Dr. Miller] So that's the supervisors. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00553-00133626-00133795 - [Jamie] I was going to say the other element YQqV6oHZvnQ-00554-00133795-00133944 that goes to that is often times the leaders YQqV6oHZvnQ-00555-00133944-00134057 themselves are just as stressed as everyone else. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00556-00134057-00134264 They just have their own sources of stress. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00557-00134264-00134439 And so you've got people that are not coping YQqV6oHZvnQ-00558-00134439-00134651 trying to support people that are not coping. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00559-00134651-00134864 - [Dr. Miller] In fact I've seen some some work by YQqV6oHZvnQ-00560-00134864-00135071 Michele Tuckey where up to 90% she supposedly YQqV6oHZvnQ-00561-00135071-00135311 had done a causal analysis. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00562-00135311-00135527 90% of the bullying behavior can be tracked YQqV6oHZvnQ-00563-00135527-00135818 back to the work pressures that people are under. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00564-00135818-00136105 So, one of the, skirting around one of the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00565-00136105-00136407 sensitive issues here is that when YQqV6oHZvnQ-00566-00136407-00136839 employees have psychological issues, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00567-00136839-00137174 they can behave badly too, can't they? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00568-00137174-00137625 So, what about our own individual vulnerabilities YQqV6oHZvnQ-00569-00137625-00137954 and how big, how should it, how much does YQqV6oHZvnQ-00570-00137954-00138158 an employer have to actually feel like YQqV6oHZvnQ-00571-00138158-00138335 they need to take responsibility for the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00572-00138335-00138633 fact that I might be a sleep deprived grandmother? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00573-00138780-00138863 So YQqV6oHZvnQ-00574-00138863-00138979 - For us it's all about the systems of work YQqV6oHZvnQ-00575-00138979-00139073 that they have in place. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00576-00139073-00139349 So thinking about that idea of a continuum, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00577-00139349-00139567 what we say is that on any one day you will YQqV6oHZvnQ-00578-00139567-00139787 have people that will come in with signs of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00579-00139787-00140019 stress or signs of distress or fatigue YQqV6oHZvnQ-00580-00140019-00140201 or those sorts of issues. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00581-00140201-00140373 But it's how does your system capture YQqV6oHZvnQ-00582-00140373-00140575 those people and support them. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00583-00140575-00140790 And we talk about an idea of, and it's YQqV6oHZvnQ-00584-00140790-00141036 based on Tony LaMontagne's model, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00585-00141036-00141245 having a system in place that not only promotes YQqV6oHZvnQ-00586-00141245-00141576 good practices in regards to mental health, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00587-00141576-00141873 and that's things like R U OK Day? and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00588-00141873-00142044 mental health week for example, but prevention YQqV6oHZvnQ-00589-00142044-00142184 from a risk management perspective. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00590-00142184-00142410 Understanding how to identify, assess and control YQqV6oHZvnQ-00591-00142410-00142546 those hazards and having effective YQqV6oHZvnQ-00592-00142546-00142772 risk management approach around that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00593-00142772-00142971 And then being able to intervene early. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00594-00142971-00143282 So once someone does show those signs of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00595-00143282-00143562 stress, fatigue, having ways to capture that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00596-00143562-00143792 and to be able to support that individual. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00597-00143792-00143993 And then, lastly, if they do happen to have YQqV6oHZvnQ-00598-00143993-00144216 an injury or illness, being able to support YQqV6oHZvnQ-00599-00144216-00144344 them to recovery. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00600-00144344-00144570 So it's more so about the system and being YQqV6oHZvnQ-00601-00144570-00144903 able to support them as far as reasonably practicable YQqV6oHZvnQ-00602-00144903-00145000 and that's the only.... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00603-00145000-00145206 - From you as a regulator, you see there's a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00604-00145206-00145431 limit to what the employee might do. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00605-00145431-00145667 Now Eldeen, you're an advocate for better practice, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00606-00145667-00145775 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00607-00145775-00145934 - [Dr. Miller] So where does that leave off? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00608-00145934-00146171 - Well, it's difficult for some workers to trust. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00609-00146171-00146255 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00610-00146255-00146501 To be able to say, "I've just had a child. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00611-00146501-00146706 "They're collicy, they've been crying every night. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00612-00146706-00146898 "I haven't slept very well." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00613-00146898-00147147 Because they're worried that the supervisor YQqV6oHZvnQ-00614-00147147-00147370 or the manager or the company is gonna say, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00615-00147370-00147637 "We can only tolerate that so long." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00616-00147637-00147721 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm hmmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00617-00147721-00147932 - "That, you know, we can't have, we can have YQqV6oHZvnQ-00618-00147932-00148161 "excuses for a period of time, but there's an YQqV6oHZvnQ-00619-00148161-00148391 "undue hardship that comes into play." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00620-00148391-00148610 Now larger organisations can often take YQqV6oHZvnQ-00621-00148610-00148911 more of that, but if you're one person YQqV6oHZvnQ-00622-00148911-00149216 in a five man team and then you don't want YQqV6oHZvnQ-00623-00149216-00149429 to let anybody down and you don't give other YQqV6oHZvnQ-00624-00149429-00149650 pressure and then that increases your stress YQqV6oHZvnQ-00625-00149650-00149793 and pressure cause you feel like you're letting YQqV6oHZvnQ-00626-00149793-00149933 your teammates down. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00627-00149933-00150153 Your teammates feel like they've been holding up YQqV6oHZvnQ-00628-00150153-00150352 the ball for you for now too long. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00629-00150352-00150565 They exert pressure and it gets to be a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00630-00150565-00150748 big ball that's in there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00631-00150748-00150927 So, again, you need to have a system in place YQqV6oHZvnQ-00632-00150927-00151154 to support that otherwise that kinda YQqV6oHZvnQ-00633-00151154-00151366 just keeps going forward. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00634-00151366-00151468 - [Dr. Miller] But what does that system look like? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00635-00151586-00151801 - It could be different for every organisation. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00636-00151801-00152027 I hate cookie cutter programs. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00637-00152027-00152146 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00638-00152146-00152399 For three payments of 9.99, you too can YQqV6oHZvnQ-00639-00152399-00152482 (Dr. Miller laughs) YQqV6oHZvnQ-00640-00152482-00152629 - take this name out, put your name in YQqV6oHZvnQ-00641-00152629-00152787 and this will work for you. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00642-00152787-00152948 There is no one size that fits all. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00643-00152948-00153140 Especially the psychological health YQqV6oHZvnQ-00644-00153140-00153388 and that's why assessment is so important. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00645-00153388-00153701 An example of one organisation that I thought YQqV6oHZvnQ-00646-00153701-00153966 did an amazing job where they sort of integrated YQqV6oHZvnQ-00647-00153966-00154241 or assimilated their physical hazard and the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00648-00154241-00154393 psychological hazard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00649-00154393-00154621 Because sometimes me coming to work in the state YQqV6oHZvnQ-00650-00154621-00154869 that I am in I'm the hazard. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00651-00154869-00155125 I could be harmful to myself and to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00652-00155125-00155219 other people by what I choose to do YQqV6oHZvnQ-00653-00155219-00155460 or not to do, especially when I interact with YQqV6oHZvnQ-00654-00155460-00155668 the physical hazard within my environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00655-00155668-00155830 - [Dr. Miller] Like a crane or a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00656-00155830-00156082 - Yeah, and so this happened to be a power YQqV6oHZvnQ-00657-00156082-00156302 generation company in Canada. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00658-00156302-00156529 And they're doing some amazing things under YQqV6oHZvnQ-00659-00156529-00156848 their psychological health and mindfulness YQqV6oHZvnQ-00660-00156848-00156981 programs and such. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00661-00156981-00157206 But one of the things that they do is they YQqV6oHZvnQ-00662-00157206-00157592 do a risk assessment before they do any project. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00663-00157592-00157805 And especially with the high hazard activities. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00664-00157805-00157987 And they ask about the physical. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00665-00157987-00158237 You know, it's a normal risk assessment that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00666-00158237-00158375 we all have the conversation with. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00667-00158375-00158655 And they do it with themselves at times, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00668-00158655-00158902 small groups with a supervisor and it asks YQqV6oHZvnQ-00669-00158902-00159073 what are the physical hazards? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00670-00159073-00159240 Are they controlled? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00671-00159240-00159422 Do I have the right tools to do the job? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00672-00159422-00159692 And then it asks, is there any type of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00673-00159692-00159884 psychosocial hazards that are there? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00674-00159884-00160157 Yeah we're doing this work in the hood, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00675-00160157-00160437 I don't know, that's what we call bad areas back home. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00676-00160437-00160520 (Dr. Miller laughs) YQqV6oHZvnQ-00677-00160520-00160736 - It's gonna be in a bad area and I'm gonna set up YQqV6oHZvnQ-00678-00160736-00160935 so I'm really worried because last time we worked YQqV6oHZvnQ-00679-00160935-00161087 there somebody was attacked. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00680-00161087-00161220 Or I've YQqV6oHZvnQ-00681-00161367-00161555 the dog took my bank account and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00682-00161555-00161834 my truck and they're gone and I'm really stressed out. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00683-00161834-00162080 And, or they can have that conversation YQqV6oHZvnQ-00684-00162080-00162249 in a very safe environment, in a very YQqV6oHZvnQ-00685-00162249-00162559 courageous environment so that they can say, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00686-00162559-00162643 "You know what? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00687-00162643-00162880 "Maybe today you shouldn't be doing this job. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00688-00162880-00163380 "Maybe, but here's our EFAP program and here have you". YQqV6oHZvnQ-00689-00163432-00163602 But again, that can't be just, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00690-00163602-00163943 "Here's your new check sheet, now go do this." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00691-00163943-00164247 It has to have that system that's set up around it YQqV6oHZvnQ-00692-00164247-00164528 so that everyone's supported to have the right conversations YQqV6oHZvnQ-00693-00164528-00164671 and use the right tools. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00694-00164671-00164927 - I noticed you threw, you put in some YQqV6oHZvnQ-00695-00164927-00165192 comments there about wellness and wellbeing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00696-00165192-00165405 and I think we should actually talk about that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00697-00165405-00165640 because this is one of the issues about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00698-00165640-00165872 well what does the evidence say YQqV6oHZvnQ-00699-00165872-00166149 about what's effective and what's not? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00700-00166149-00166485 And I know you were sharing with me some of the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00701-00166608-00166749 literature that said YQqV6oHZvnQ-00702-00166834-00167065 around cognitive behavioral therapy. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00703-00167065-00167193 Do you want to do something? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00704-00167289-00167372 - Absolutely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00705-00167372-00167527 It seems like, if you're doing stress YQqV6oHZvnQ-00706-00167527-00167758 management training for your people you YQqV6oHZvnQ-00707-00167758-00168020 want to me sure that it's evidence based. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00708-00168020-00168446 And, generally speaking, cognitive behavioral therapy YQqV6oHZvnQ-00709-00168446-00168689 techniques are included in the stress management YQqV6oHZvnQ-00710-00168689-00168922 it's probably going to be reasonably effective. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00711-00169056-00169323 I know there's been some research on YQqV6oHZvnQ-00712-00169323-00169754 things like anti-bullying campaigns can be very helpful. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00713-00169754-00170142 I think one of the things, getting back to sort of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00714-00170142-00170422 conflicts or threats in the workplace that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00715-00170422-00170700 unresolved conflicts amongst peers are between... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00716-00170700-00170783 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00717-00170783-00171047 - A leader and a follower can be one highest YQqV6oHZvnQ-00718-00171047-00171194 sorts of stress for people. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00719-00171194-00171530 That they can become overwhelming quite quickly. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00720-00171530-00171922 Mindfulness training, those sorts of things, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00721-00171922-00172108 can be very useful in helping people learn YQqV6oHZvnQ-00722-00172108-00172250 to cope a little bit better. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00723-00172250-00172441 I think one of the key things with training YQqV6oHZvnQ-00724-00172441-00172649 whether we're talking about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00725-00172649-00172990 wellbeing or we're talking about safety YQqV6oHZvnQ-00726-00172990-00173199 as well though is really trying to understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-00727-00173199-00173498 that just because you share some information YQqV6oHZvnQ-00728-00173498-00173653 with people does not guarantee they're going to enact it, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00729-00173653-00173877 and this is where everything from messages, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00730-00173877-00174139 systems that are in place to support people. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00731-00174139-00174454 For example, lunch breaks, where people can YQqV6oHZvnQ-00732-00174454-00174741 do a little bit of practice their mindfulness YQqV6oHZvnQ-00733-00174741-00174902 or whatever it might be or they're encouraged YQqV6oHZvnQ-00734-00174902-00175192 to go for a walk, that there are systems in place YQqV6oHZvnQ-00735-00175192-00175321 to encourage this. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00736-00175321-00175641 And I go back to my point about leaders YQqV6oHZvnQ-00737-00175641-00175900 walking the talk with this as well that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00738-00175900-00176181 again, I think that under the banner of role modelling, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00739-00176181-00176497 leaders who are pro-actively looking after themselves YQqV6oHZvnQ-00740-00176497-00176634 sends strong message. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00741-00176634-00176807 One of my leaders heads to the gym at YQqV6oHZvnQ-00742-00176807-00176987 lunch time every day under the banner of YQqV6oHZvnQ-00743-00176987-00177192 after himself, and that sends a message. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00744-00177192-00177276 - [Dr. Miller] How do we balance though? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00745-00177276-00177659 And not going back to the whole blame the worker initiative. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00746-00177659-00177896 - That's what I was going to talk about is because YQqV6oHZvnQ-00747-00177896-00178275 that's what I am so worried is that resiliency training YQqV6oHZvnQ-00748-00178275-00178467 or training that's targeted at the worker YQqV6oHZvnQ-00749-00178467-00178661 is going to be our new PPE. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00750-00178661-00178750 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm Hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00751-00178750-00178869 - Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00752-00178869-00179006 If we slap that on them then they're going to be safe YQqV6oHZvnQ-00753-00179006-00179232 and it's kind of up to them and really, the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00754-00179232-00179450 hierarchy of control is that training YQqV6oHZvnQ-00755-00179450-00179577 is kind of down here. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00756-00179577-00179802 We have to be looking at some of the systemic YQqV6oHZvnQ-00757-00179911-00180213 issues that are around and deal with and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00758-00180213-00180400 control those as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00759-00180400-00180695 So that's one of the things that I've been seeing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00760-00180695-00180856 that really worry me. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00761-00180856-00180946 - [Dr. Miller And Jamie] Mmm hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00762-00180946-00181094 - Is that we're just going to focus on that and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00763-00181094-00181422 that's what we do with our people and then it's done. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00764-00181422-00181610 "We're doing something." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00765-00181610-00181882 Or we phone the company next door and say, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00766-00181882-00182109 "What training package are you using?" YQqV6oHZvnQ-00767-00182109-00182487 And we just use the same one and it may not be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00768-00182487-00182708 for our individuals. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00769-00182708-00182791 And... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00770-00182929-00183178 - It really perpetuates that idea of it's an YQqV6oHZvnQ-00771-00183178-00183412 individual issue and that's what concerns me. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00772-00183412-00183691 Is that the organisation does not have a responsibility. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00773-00183691-00183870 The individual has a responsibility. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00774-00183870-00183986 - [Dr. Miller] And somehow it's because YQqV6oHZvnQ-00775-00183986-00184111 they're inherently weak. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00776-00184111-00184222 - Yes. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00777-00184222-00184352 - Yeah, yeah and it sort of blurs the lines YQqV6oHZvnQ-00778-00184352-00184542 for employers and what their actual role is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00779-00184542-00184682 and what their obligations are. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00780-00184682-00184985 So by kind of selling these individual programs, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00781-00184985-00185186 which is great because there are good things, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00782-00185186-00185353 but they need to be part of a bigger system YQqV6oHZvnQ-00783-00185353-00185597 of work that focuses on the individual, team, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00784-00185597-00185796 and organisational level of controls. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00785-00185796-00185895 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00786-00185895-00186086 - And as safety professionals I think it's going YQqV6oHZvnQ-00787-00186086-00186193 to be important in how we communicate that as well YQqV6oHZvnQ-00788-00186193-00186411 too because you're always gonna going to have a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00789-00186411-00186674 certain amount of the workplace audience that says, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00790-00186674-00186758 "You know what? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00791-00186758-00186932 "This is none of your business. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00792-00186932-00187058 "You know, go away. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00793-00187058-00187157 "I don't want to talk to you about it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00794-00187157-00187473 "I'm handling it just fine." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00795-00187473-00187556 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm YQqV6oHZvnQ-00796-00187556-00187764 "I don't want to participate in the programs." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00797-00187764-00188022 Or see it as an invasion of their privacy. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00798-00188022-00188421 And so, how we look at the bigger wellness programs YQqV6oHZvnQ-00799-00188421-00188649 of what's your blood pressure and all that, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00800-00188649-00188868 I think we have to be just as sensitive with this, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00801-00188868-00189072 if not more so at times YQqV6oHZvnQ-00802-00189072-00189235 to how people are going to react. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00803-00189235-00189479 And be able to have the skill set as YQqV6oHZvnQ-00804-00189479-00189696 safety professionals and practitioners to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00805-00189696-00190007 communicate effectively what the program is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00806-00190007-00190255 all about and what those levels are. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00807-00190255-00190468 And to be able to address people's concerns. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00808-00190468-00190638 On all levels whether it's the worker, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00809-00190638-00190826 "I don't want to say too much next thing YQqV6oHZvnQ-00810-00190826-00190909 "you know I'm going to be fired." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00811-00190909-00191072 Or, "If I say too much it's going to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00812-00191072-00191217 "the next new rumor." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00813-00191217-00191355 Whether it's a supervisor saying, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00814-00191355-00191505 "I don't want to say the wrong thing." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00815-00191505-00191711 And then he does go out and kill himself. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00816-00191834-00192163 Or whoever it may be, I think we have to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00817-00192163-00192397 have tools in our toolkit to be able to put YQqV6oHZvnQ-00818-00192397-00192617 the program together and to be able YQqV6oHZvnQ-00819-00192617-00192777 to talk about it effectively. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00820-00192777-00193059 - [Dr. Miller] So, do you need to be an organisational YQqV6oHZvnQ-00821-00193059-00193242 psych to be able to do this stuff? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00822-00193242-00193351 - It'll help. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00823-00193351-00193435 (laughs) - Everyone get a psychology YQqV6oHZvnQ-00824-00193435-00193518 degree. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00825-00193518-00193601 - [Dr. Miller] Yeah, alright speaking of organisational YQqV6oHZvnQ-00826-00193601-00193709 - psychs here. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00827-00193709-00193792 - No, but YQqV6oHZvnQ-00828-00193792-00193911 - [Teegan] We're not biased or anything. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00829-00193911-00193994 (laughing) YQqV6oHZvnQ-00830-00193994-00194106 - Yeah. Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00831-00194106-00194226 - So do you? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00832-00194226-00194550 I mean, if we're meant to be incorporating, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00833-00194550-00194814 looking at pychosocial hazards as part of a YQqV6oHZvnQ-00834-00194814-00195018 holistic system of dealing with it, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00835-00195188-00195566 are we actually making this too complicated for people? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00836-00195566-00195871 - [Eldeen] I think we need some education in it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00837-00195871-00196029 I don't think we should say, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00838-00196029-00196182 "Hey, this is what I want to do." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00839-00196182-00196552 If I was going to go out and do a confined space YQqV6oHZvnQ-00840-00196552-00196751 entry program I wouldn't want to do that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00841-00196751-00197048 without having some knowledge and base within it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00842-00197048-00197192 - [Dr. Miller] Right. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00843-00197192-00197331 Or a scaffolding program or so forth. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00844-00197331-00197545 I need to have some background. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00845-00197545-00197726 I'm not saying you have to become a psychologist YQqV6oHZvnQ-00846-00197726-00198038 within it, but definitely understanding the process YQqV6oHZvnQ-00847-00198038-00198180 and the components. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00848-00198180-00198444 And I guess that kind of brings me to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00849-00198444-00198749 and there is some courses that are out there YQqV6oHZvnQ-00850-00198749-00199045 in different geographical locations YQqV6oHZvnQ-00851-00199045-00199316 in different universities that are putting on to say, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00852-00199316-00199600 "If you are going to put this program in place, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00853-00199600-00199813 "this is what you would need to do." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00854-00199813-00200182 Again in Canada they just started a certificate YQqV6oHZvnQ-00855-00200182-00200368 program for managers. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00856-00200368-00200581 People who are the champions of this programs YQqV6oHZvnQ-00857-00200581-00200846 in their workplace that they can take online YQqV6oHZvnQ-00858-00200846-00201058 through the University of Frederickton that says, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00859-00201058-00201196 "This is how you would assess. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00860-00201196-00201338 "These are the components that are there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00861-00201338-00201601 "These are the things that you need to take a look at." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00862-00201601-00201952 And they have a center of excellency that will support YQqV6oHZvnQ-00863-00201952-00202283 with background information and extra information YQqV6oHZvnQ-00864-00202283-00202447 that you may need to have within it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00865-00202447-00202633 And that's their advanced program. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00866-00202633-00202841 Then they have ones for managers and supervisors YQqV6oHZvnQ-00867-00202841-00202924 and so forth. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00868-00202924-00203191 And just like we'd would say the manager needs to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00869-00203191-00203431 have some training and the worker does, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00870-00203431-00203690 I think as safety professionals we should be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00871-00203690-00203928 attending professional development conferences like this, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00872-00203928-00204153 taking some courses if this is going to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00873-00204153-00204324 an area of our responsibility. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00874-00204324-00204530 - [Dr. Miller] And I think you as the regulator would YQqV6oHZvnQ-00875-00204530-00204622 tell us that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00876-00204744-00204902 we all need to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00877-00204902-00205252 be completely across the psychosocial hazards that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00878-00205252-00205421 may actually be impacting... YQqV6oHZvnQ-00879-00205421-00205505 - Yeah definitely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00880-00205505-00205851 - Other areas that we might consider our specialty. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00881-00205851-00205954 - Yeah definitely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00882-00205954-00206088 We've got the core skills around YQqV6oHZvnQ-00883-00206088-00206312 identifying, assessing, and managing risks, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00884-00206312-00206548 it's just about understanding that in the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00885-00206548-00206644 context of psychosocial safety. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00886-00206644-00206828 And there is enough guidance out there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00887-00206828-00206967 There's definitely training programs YQqV6oHZvnQ-00888-00206967-00207102 like you've spoken about. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00889-00207102-00207273 But I'd hate to say that you have to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00890-00207273-00207546 an organisational psychologist to do this type of work YQqV6oHZvnQ-00891-00207546-00207851 because we talk to our inspectors quite often YQqV6oHZvnQ-00892-00207851-00207998 that have got that skill base. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00893-00207998-00208314 It's just up skilling themselves in this YQqV6oHZvnQ-00894-00208314-00208515 particular area in terms of what the YQqV6oHZvnQ-00895-00208515-00208821 controls are, and what the most suitable controls are, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00896-00208821-00208936 and then what the hazards are as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00897-00208936-00209188 - And, of course, under the due diligence requirements YQqV6oHZvnQ-00898-00209188-00209475 a person can conduct a business around taking or YQqV6oHZvnQ-00899-00209475-00209698 employeer, you might use that term. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00900-00209698-00209891 Actually he has an obligation to know YQqV6oHZvnQ-00901-00209891-00210061 what's going on in their business. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00902-00210061-00210145 - [Eldeen And Teegan] Mmm hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00903-00210145-00210228 - And what are the hazards and risks? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00904-00210228-00210501 So they can't just say, "Oh leave it to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00905-00210501-00210698 "a specialist that I'll call in." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00906-00210698-00210788 - [Teegan] No. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00907-00210788-00211005 - And I think there's a worry out there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00908-00211005-00211230 I know that it's in Canada and it may be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00909-00211230-00211380 here in Australia as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00910-00211380-00211620 Is that this is a new program and initiative. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00911-00211620-00211704 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00912-00211704-00211873 This is going to be something that's new, but yet, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00913-00211873-00212135 it's been in our legislation forever and a day YQqV6oHZvnQ-00914-00212135-00212411 that your to take care of the physical, social, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00915-00212411-00212623 and mental well being of your employees. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00916-00212623-00212826 And so a lot of people are seeing this as a new YQqV6oHZvnQ-00917-00212826-00213008 thing on the landscape as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00918-00213125-00213208 And it's not. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00919-00213208-00213402 It's already a part of what's regulated. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00920-00213402-00213671 It's already a part of what we need to do. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00921-00213671-00213890 It's just, I think, now we're starting to build up YQqV6oHZvnQ-00922-00213890-00214069 our tools and our resources to be able YQqV6oHZvnQ-00923-00214069-00214292 to support that kind of program and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00924-00214292-00214498 initiative in our workplace. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00925-00214498-00214683 The one thing that does worry me is that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00926-00214683-00214919 we still, in certain workplaces, are not good YQqV6oHZvnQ-00927-00214919-00215034 at the physical hazards. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00928-00215034-00215117 - [Dr. Miller] Mmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00929-00215117-00215480 - And that doesn't have sometimes a lot of people in it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00930-00215480-00215685 It doesn't have the emotionality around it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00931-00215685-00215969 It's gonna be so much harder for us when it is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00932-00215969-00216123 with that people people factor. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00933-00216123-00216243 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00934-00216243-00216381 When I can't put a guard on a piece of equipment, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00935-00216381-00216612 how can I help someone who's suicidal. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00936-00216612-00216739 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00937-00216739-00216936 And that's a bit of a worry. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00938-00216936-00217219 - Last night when we were chatting, you were saying YQqV6oHZvnQ-00939-00217219-00217515 it's actually about reasonable conversations in YQqV6oHZvnQ-00940-00217515-00217604 a reasonable way. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00941-00217824-00217907 - Absolutely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00942-00217907-00218061 I think that, first of all I would say, and I YQqV6oHZvnQ-00943-00218061-00218333 understand when you've got leaders, particularly YQqV6oHZvnQ-00944-00218333-00218485 frontline leaders who are already feeling completely YQqV6oHZvnQ-00945-00218485-00218681 overwhelmed and overworked. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00946-00218681-00218963 That, when it comes to things like asking to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-00947-00218963-00219105 a little more vigilant, not just about YQqV6oHZvnQ-00948-00219105-00219344 physical safety, but about mental health safety. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00949-00219484-00219717 Leaders, again, who are not trying to be uncaring YQqV6oHZvnQ-00950-00219717-00219826 but just kinda say, "Well, where am I going to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00951-00219826-00220000 "find the time to do this." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00952-00220000-00220083 "A, I don't have the skills. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00953-00220083-00220265 "B, it's an area I feel completely uncomfortable with. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00954-00220265-00220623 "And, C just why don't they just harden up." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00955-00220623-00221065 And I think one of the things it gets back to is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00956-00221065-00221407 I believe, in terms of what I've seen on a day to day basis, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00957-00221407-00221646 the really good leaders who are keeping their people safe, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00958-00221646-00221938 whether it's from physical hazards or psycho-emotional. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00959-00221938-00222194 They seem to have the capacity to demonstrate care. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00960-00222307-00222529 They have the capacity to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00961-00222660-00222942 be willing to genuinely listen. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00962-00223143-00223294 I heard a, I guess it's a little bit of of clever YQqV6oHZvnQ-00963-00223294-00223667 statement, on the radio a couple months back someone YQqV6oHZvnQ-00964-00223667-00223994 asked the question, "What's the opposite of talking?" YQqV6oHZvnQ-00965-00224201-00224398 Any idea what it is? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00966-00224398-00224584 - [Eldeen] Listening? YQqV6oHZvnQ-00967-00224584-00224721 - It's waiting to talk. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00968-00224821-00225163 That for most of us our definition of listening is YQqV6oHZvnQ-00969-00225163-00225550 developing a counter response and I think that YQqV6oHZvnQ-00970-00225550-00225729 when we get really good at listening, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00971-00225729-00225864 which is really trying to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00972-00225864-00226064 both hear what people are trying to say to us YQqV6oHZvnQ-00973-00226064-00226356 and really pay attention to how they're acting. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00974-00226356-00226623 Oftentimes people are communicating to us in ways YQqV6oHZvnQ-00975-00226623-00226865 already that we just need to tune into it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00976-00226865-00227073 And, again, it's not about being a psychologist YQqV6oHZvnQ-00977-00227073-00227357 but I think it is about being willing to YQqV6oHZvnQ-00978-00227357-00227555 be brave and have conversations go on, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00979-00227555-00227870 "I'm not very good at this stuff, but help me understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-00980-00227870-00228097 "how are travelling, how are you feeling and YQqV6oHZvnQ-00981-00228097-00228377 "what it is that seems to be contributing to that, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00982-00228377-00228638 "and is there is anything that I can do?" YQqV6oHZvnQ-00983-00228638-00228911 Or saying, "Look, I'm really lousy at this sort of stuff, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00984-00228911-00229298 "but it looks like you need to, you know, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00985-00229298-00229523 "maybe you want to chat with somebody. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00986-00229523-00229694 Here's our EAP number." YQqV6oHZvnQ-00987-00229694-00229923 But I think it's about being brave and being YQqV6oHZvnQ-00988-00229923-00230196 willing to be a little bit uncomfortable. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00989-00230196-00230394 To at least ask the questions. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00990-00230394-00230705 The other thing that I would say, and I always say this, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00991-00230705-00230903 whether we're talking about OHS, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00992-00231137-00231363 or whether we're talking about mental health, YQqV6oHZvnQ-00993-00231363-00231622 taking care of people is your number one job. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00994-00231724-00232028 Again, under the banner of leadership. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00995-00232028-00232330 And again, these terms are used this morning YQqV6oHZvnQ-00996-00232330-00232581 about transactional and transformational. YQqV6oHZvnQ-00997-00232581-00232848 I think if fundamental leadership development YQqV6oHZvnQ-00998-00232848-00233127 was helping people understand more about this YQqV6oHZvnQ-00999-00233127-00233405 our job, yes we have to make sure that we're YQqV6oHZvnQ-01000-00233405-00233692 checking the boxes and producing what we need to produce, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01001-00233692-00233892 and we need to be looking after our people and YQqV6oHZvnQ-01002-00233892-00234181 developing our people, and yes there are certain YQqV6oHZvnQ-01003-00234181-00234352 skillsets that go with that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01004-00234352-00234537 You have a certain situation where people are YQqV6oHZvnQ-01005-00234537-00234644 more likely to speak up. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01006-00234644-00234837 You have situation where leaders are more likely YQqV6oHZvnQ-01007-00234837-00235086 to be a little bit more tuned in. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01008-00235086-00235328 And it starts from senior leaders though because YQqV6oHZvnQ-01009-00235328-00235613 if you want your front line leaders to be engaging YQqV6oHZvnQ-01010-00235613-00235842 with their team, they need to be engaged by there YQqV6oHZvnQ-01011-00235842-00235925 - Mmm hmm. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01012-00235925-00236021 - managers and so on and so forth. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01013-00236159-00236454 - I'm aware coming to an end so one of the things YQqV6oHZvnQ-01014-00236616-00237015 that I'd like to do is to ask you about some YQqV6oHZvnQ-01015-00237015-00237203 take home messages for us all YQqV6oHZvnQ-01016-00237305-00237573 from, about this topic and YQqV6oHZvnQ-01017-00237573-00237788 so perhaps starting with you, Teegan, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01018-00237788-00238005 what are some take home that you'd like? YQqV6oHZvnQ-01019-00238121-00238205 - Ummm YQqV6oHZvnQ-01020-00238205-00238361 - [Dr. Miller] About pushing through the spin to YQqV6oHZvnQ-01021-00238361-00238480 actually get to the core issues. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01022-00238480-00238727 - Yeah, I think it's about remembering this idea YQqV6oHZvnQ-01023-00238727-00239042 of the continuum, the mental health continuum and YQqV6oHZvnQ-01024-00239042-00239158 developing your systems around that. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01025-00239158-00239333 Looking for guidance on our website. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01026-00239333-00239521 So we have recently developed a mentally healthy YQqV6oHZvnQ-01027-00239521-00239661 workplaces toolkit. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01028-00239661-00239884 It is the first of it's kind from a regulator. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01029-00239884-00240078 So that's just a little bit of a plug there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01030-00240078-00240168 - [Dr. Miller] That's okay. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01031-00240168-00240492 - It is true that it's a really practical tool that YQqV6oHZvnQ-01032-00240492-00240604 has everything that you need. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01033-00240604-00240833 So we've got a lot of feedback from industry YQqV6oHZvnQ-01034-00240833-00240980 that they were struggling to understand YQqV6oHZvnQ-01035-00240980-00241173 what is evidence based and where do they go YQqV6oHZvnQ-01036-00241173-00241331 for these type of resources. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01037-00241331-00241584 Being able to bring it all together in one place. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01038-00241584-00241755 So I would suggest if you haven't had the chance YQqV6oHZvnQ-01039-00241755-00241919 to look at that, look at that as well as the YQqV6oHZvnQ-01040-00241919-00242116 national guide because that really provides YQqV6oHZvnQ-01041-00242116-00242431 a foundation for everything that you need in this space. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01042-00242431-00242670 - So cutting through the spin, what do people? YQqV6oHZvnQ-01043-00242670-00242913 - Cutting through the spin, I think as safety professionals, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01044-00242913-00243256 we need to look at what are the tools in toolbox as well YQqV6oHZvnQ-01045-00243256-00243463 and what the tools that we give individuals in the YQqV6oHZvnQ-01046-00243463-00243827 organisation from frontline all the way up to YQqV6oHZvnQ-01047-00243827-00244008 senior leadership. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01048-00244008-00244275 To be able to implement a fully YQqV6oHZvnQ-01049-00244376-00244621 developed system YQqV6oHZvnQ-01050-00244621-00244792 to deal with the issues that are there. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01051-00244792-00245267 So I think that part of it is on us to ensure that we YQqV6oHZvnQ-01052-00245267-00245542 have the information that's necessary. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01053-00245542-00245864 May not become the psychologist, but the information YQqV6oHZvnQ-01054-00245864-00246048 that's necessary to build the system YQqV6oHZvnQ-01055-00246048-00246327 and give the support to the people who are responsible YQqV6oHZvnQ-01056-00246327-00246431 within the work environment. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01057-00246431-00246728 Whether it's small mom and pop or large organisation. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01058-00246728-00246811 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01059-00246811-00247117 - Last thing I say is this year alone 3 million YQqV6oHZvnQ-01060-00247117-00247407 people will experience mental, well mental health YQqV6oHZvnQ-01061-00247407-00247584 issues related to anxiety and depression; YQqV6oHZvnQ-01062-00247584-00247915 2 million with anxiety, 1 million with depression. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01063-00247915-00248233 Another 25% on top of that will go undiagnosed. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01064-00248233-00248559 As leaders, it's not a question of if you encounter YQqV6oHZvnQ-01065-00248559-00248826 one of your team members that may be experiencing YQqV6oHZvnQ-01066-00248826-00249081 mental illness it's likely a question of when. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01067-00249081-00249462 This is important and, again, under the banner YQqV6oHZvnQ-01068-00249462-00249691 of using the systems that are in place, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01069-00249691-00249946 or in some cases maybe demanding a system YQqV6oHZvnQ-01070-00249946-00250176 be put in place to support you to support your people. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01071-00250176-00250502 Because again, I believe that's your number one priority YQqV6oHZvnQ-01072-00250502-00250698 as a leader is looking after your team. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01073-00251144-00251521 one that came to me while you YQqV6oHZvnQ-01074-00251521-00251915 were talking and that I'd noted earlier, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01075-00251915-00252127 was we were talking about resilience YQqV6oHZvnQ-01076-00252127-00252309 but what's the difference between YQqV6oHZvnQ-01077-00252309-00252567 personal and organisational resilience? YQqV6oHZvnQ-01078-00252567-00252823 Because I'm hearing those terms used YQqV6oHZvnQ-01079-00252823-00253125 interchangeably a lot, but I believe that they're different. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01080-00253125-00253450 Perhaps I might start with you Eldeen. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01081-00253450-00253615 - Thanks. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01082-00253615-00253721 (laughs) YQqV6oHZvnQ-01083-00253721-00254068 - I think organisations often are set up to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-01084-00254068-00254371 more resilient because it's a part of their planning. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01085-00254371-00254508 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-01086-00254508-00254615 It is as, you know, if something's going to happen YQqV6oHZvnQ-01087-00254615-00254817 in their organisation that causes stress on it YQqV6oHZvnQ-01088-00254817-00255117 whether it's a natural disaster, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01089-00255117-00255533 or whether it is a sales issue, a marketing issue. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01090-00255533-00255910 They often have already identified some of the hazards, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01091-00255910-00256165 the risks, and put some controls in place to be able to YQqV6oHZvnQ-01092-00256165-00256434 withstand those types of things. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01093-00256434-00256528 Where.... YQqV6oHZvnQ-01094-00256528-00256611 - [Dr. Miller] So business... YQqV6oHZvnQ-01095-00256611-00256695 - Yeah. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01096-00256695-00256806 - [Dr. Miller] Business resilience. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01097-00256806-00257092 - Business resilience aspect to it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01098-00257092-00257388 Where, on an individual basis, we often don't have YQqV6oHZvnQ-01099-00257388-00257491 that built in. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01100-00257491-00257574 Right? YQqV6oHZvnQ-01101-00257574-00257837 One of our close family members is killed YQqV6oHZvnQ-01102-00257837-00258154 in an accident, or we suffer a loss, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01103-00258154-00258588 or something else traumatic happens in our life and YQqV6oHZvnQ-01104-00258678-00258776 it just stops us. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01105-00258776-00258973 We haven't a plan in place. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01106-00258973-00259115 Most often we haven't thought about that YQqV6oHZvnQ-01107-00259115-00259375 because we don't want to think about it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01108-00259375-00259689 And, again, some people are hardened enough YQqV6oHZvnQ-01109-00259689-00260128 that they can just kind of go on and others YQqV6oHZvnQ-01110-00260128-00260277 don't have that YQqV6oHZvnQ-01111-00260277-00260405 or the tools to cope with it. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01112-00260405-00260794 So I think it's a real different scale that's there YQqV6oHZvnQ-01113-00260794-00261066 and to me that's the biggest difference is YQqV6oHZvnQ-01114-00261066-00261264 the planning and system that's in place. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01115-00261470-00261554 - So, for you YQqV6oHZvnQ-01116-00261554-00261637 - The one thing that I would add to that is YQqV6oHZvnQ-01117-00261744-00262010 on an individual definition of resilience is, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01118-00262010-00262239 it's not about being bullet proof YQqV6oHZvnQ-01119-00262239-00262435 or not getting knocked down, but it is this YQqV6oHZvnQ-01120-00262435-00262777 capacity to be able to pick yourself back up. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01121-00262940-00263177 They often times now using a language, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01122-00263177-00263378 not just back bounce back, but bounce forward. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01123-00263378-00263558 Some people have this ability that when they YQqV6oHZvnQ-01124-00263558-00263776 take a hit, there's very much, it's very much YQqV6oHZvnQ-01125-00263776-00264067 experienced almost as a learning experience. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01126-00264067-00264230 And I appreciate that when their in the midst of it YQqV6oHZvnQ-01127-00264230-00264398 it's not necessarily a learning experience, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01128-00264398-00264734 but they move forward and learn whatever lessons they YQqV6oHZvnQ-01129-00264734-00265100 need to so their stronger the next time out. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01130-00265100-00265395 One of the things from an organisational resilience YQqV6oHZvnQ-01131-00265539-00265905 is about this ability for an organisation to, again, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01132-00265905-00266241 take a hit and be able to bounce back. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01133-00266330-00266413 And there is an interesting connection from YQqV6oHZvnQ-01134-00266413-00266706 an organisational to individual resilience. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01135-00266706-00266953 Those organisations that seem to be most resilient YQqV6oHZvnQ-01136-00266953-00267285 to changing economic conditions and such YQqV6oHZvnQ-01137-00267285-00267492 require a great deal of adaptability YQqV6oHZvnQ-01138-00267492-00267721 and the ability to make changes fairly quickly. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01139-00267721-00267971 To to that they need people who are good at change YQqV6oHZvnQ-01140-00267971-00268139 and who are good at adapting. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01141-00268139-00268365 And to be good at adapting on an individual level YQqV6oHZvnQ-01142-00268365-00268612 you need to be able to, again, have some resilience. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01143-00268612-00268901 Be able to manage stress and be able to manage uncertainty. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01144-00268901-00268985 - You also need to not be overworked. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01145-00268985-00269185 - And have the, yeah absolutely. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01146-00269185-00269356 And know that there is times when we're in the change, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01147-00269356-00269466 we're going to be working. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01148-00269466-00269670 Well that begs another question about pressure YQqV6oHZvnQ-01149-00269670-00269837 and stress, but yeah, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01150-00269837-00270107 being able to respond when you really need YQqV6oHZvnQ-01151-00270107-00270330 to put in the hours for example, YQqV6oHZvnQ-01152-00270330-00270544 but also knowing that there's going to be YQqV6oHZvnQ-01153-00270544-00270698 an endpoint to that and you're going to have YQqV6oHZvnQ-01154-00270698-00270848 some recovery time as well. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01155-00270848-00271051 - Alright, I think we've probably come to the end YQqV6oHZvnQ-01156-00271051-00271143 of our time. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01157-00271143-00271378 If there's no questions from the audience YQqV6oHZvnQ-01158-00271378-00271539 I'd like to thank our panellists YQqV6oHZvnQ-01159-00271696-00271966 for coming along and talking today YQqV6oHZvnQ-01160-00271966-00272407 and being part of Safe Work Australia's virtual seminars. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01161-00272492-00272592 - Thank you. YQqV6oHZvnQ-01162-00272678-00272936 (gentle music) YYoVpnJFPUQ-00000-00000088-00000808 there was a new update to some of our new replies. so as you might have noticed, for several days, YYoVpnJFPUQ-00001-00000808-00001240 you might see that there was no heart on some of our replies, YYoVpnJFPUQ-00002-00001240-00001616 because we didn't have time for that, and until now, YYoVpnJFPUQ-00003-00001616-00002264 you guys weren't approved, but now we have a preview, and also removed dislike that we forgot. YYSw_ytxKu0-00000-00000003-00000458 So this is Philippians for Beginners, this is lesson number 4, The Mature YYSw_ytxKu0-00001-00000458-00001133 Christian Stands Firm and Imitates Christ, Philippians 1:27-2:13. YYSw_ytxKu0-00002-00001133-00001635 In a letter to a church that Paul established during his second missionary YYSw_ytxKu0-00003-00001635-00002364 journey some 12 years before his Roman imprisonment, the Apostle greets YYSw_ytxKu0-00004-00002364-00002880 and blesses and prays for a group of Christians that he loves dearly because YYSw_ytxKu0-00005-00002880-00003446 of their faithfulness and their generosity. After having given them YYSw_ytxKu0-00006-00003446-00003954 information about his personal condition and his prospects for eventual release YYSw_ytxKu0-00007-00003954-00004589 from prison and assurances that he would be with them soon, this is all material YYSw_ytxKu0-00008-00004589-00005105 that we've looked at previously, Paul sets the course for their continued YYSw_ytxKu0-00009-00005105-00005778 spiritual development. So beginning in verse 27 of chapter 1 Paul will YYSw_ytxKu0-00010-00005778-00006257 encourage them to make a continued effort to mature in Christ and he YYSw_ytxKu0-00011-00006257-00006888 provides them with six examples of Christian maturity that they can follow YYSw_ytxKu0-00012-00006888-00007593 in their quest to grow and be more mature spiritually. And so that first YYSw_ytxKu0-00013-00007593-00008307 example that he gives is that the mature Christian stands firm. YYSw_ytxKu0-00014-00008307-00008745 What does the mature Christian do and what does the mature Christian look YYSw_ytxKu0-00015-00008745-00009215 like? And so the first thing he says is well the mature Christian stands firm YYSw_ytxKu0-00016-00009215-00009714 verse 27-28 he says, "Only conduct yourselves in a manner YYSw_ytxKu0-00017-00009714-00010188 worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or YYSw_ytxKu0-00018-00010188-00010734 remain absent, I will hear of you that you're standing firm in one spirit, with YYSw_ytxKu0-00019-00010734-00011336 one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; in no way alarmed by your YYSw_ytxKu0-00020-00011336-00011931 opponents- which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and YYSw_ytxKu0-00021-00011931-00012596 that too, from God." So Paul is coming off of his comments about those who are YYSw_ytxKu0-00022-00012596-00012959 preaching the gospel in order to make him jealous, remember we talked about YYSw_ytxKu0-00023-00012959-00013335 that last time, some were preaching out of love some YYSw_ytxKu0-00024-00013335-00013913 were preaching out of envy they thought they would make him jealous if they were YYSw_ytxKu0-00025-00013913-00014444 preaching successfully somehow Paul would be jealous of that because he was YYSw_ytxKu0-00026-00014444-00015003 confined to prison and couldn't be out doing what he normally did. We looked at YYSw_ytxKu0-00027-00015003-00015644 Paul's response to these in a previous verse where he states that no YYSw_ytxKu0-00028-00015644-00016152 matter the motivation if the gospel is preached he says it'll have its effect YYSw_ytxKu0-00029-00016152-00016551 and in this he rejoined. Whether you preach the gospel with good motives YYSw_ytxKu0-00030-00016551-00016983 or bad motives as long as the gospel is being preached he's happy and the gospel YYSw_ytxKu0-00031-00016983-00017769 it'll bring back fruit. So he uses this sinful attitude by some as a bridge to YYSw_ytxKu0-00032-00017769-00018318 make a first exhortation to the church concerning their conduct. Now some are YYSw_ytxKu0-00033-00018318-00018798 acting this way in regard to the gospel he says, some are having a bad YYSw_ytxKu0-00034-00018798-00019656 attitude if you want, but you he says you conduct yourselves in a different manner. YYSw_ytxKu0-00035-00019656-00020218 He says your conduct which should be worthy of the gospel and inline or YYSw_ytxKu0-00036-00020222-00020754 reflective of the gospel and its message and its subject Jesus Himself, your YYSw_ytxKu0-00037-00020754-00021387 conduct, as opposed to their conduct, which is proclaiming the message but not YYSw_ytxKu0-00038-00021387-00021923 doing it in the correct spirit, your conduct should be such that whether Paul YYSw_ytxKu0-00039-00021923-00022458 is released or not their conduct will be the same. He thinks he'll be released and YYSw_ytxKu0-00040-00022458-00022995 eventually be with them in person but he's saying to them even if he is not he YYSw_ytxKu0-00041-00022995-00023576 wants them to act in a mature way okay and not like these other guys. So this YYSw_ytxKu0-00042-00023576-00024150 first example of spiritual maturity he describes is the ability to stand firm YYSw_ytxKu0-00043-00024150-00024687 in the face of opposition and he says YYSw_ytxKu0-00044-00024687-00025269 it's possible you can stand firm in opposition because they all share the YYSw_ytxKu0-00045-00025269-00025932 same spirit. They all share the same spirit which is their spirit animated by YYSw_ytxKu0-00046-00025932-00026370 the Holy Spirit which each one of them have received when they were baptized, YYSw_ytxKu0-00047-00026370-00026967 Acts 2:38. They can all stand firm because YYSw_ytxKu0-00048-00026967-00027606 they're united in one mind, we all believe the same thing as being the YYSw_ytxKu0-00049-00027606-00028110 truth from God which is the gospel and so your ability to stand firm against YYSw_ytxKu0-00050-00028110-00028635 opposition he says is based on the fact that you all share the same spirit, you YYSw_ytxKu0-00051-00028635-00029112 all share the same truth, you all share the same mind about what God has taught. YYSw_ytxKu0-00052-00029112-00029697 And thirdly, you're all working toward the same goal and that is to maintain YYSw_ytxKu0-00053-00029697-00030005 the teaching or the content of the gospel. YYSw_ytxKu0-00054-00030005-00030486 Sometimes they have an interchange they call it the faith or YYSw_ytxKu0-00055-00030486-00030882 the gospel, when there's an article in front of the word faith the faith YYSw_ytxKu0-00056-00030882-00031595 it doesn't mean trust it means doctrine the faith, the body of teaching of Jesus YYSw_ytxKu0-00057-00031595-00032175 that's the faith okay. And so to maintain the teaching and content of the gospel YYSw_ytxKu0-00058-00032175-00032859 against change or compromise. So they're standing firm, together in one spirit, one YYSw_ytxKu0-00059-00032859-00033426 mind and one purpose. They don't want the gospel to change. So to do these things YYSw_ytxKu0-00060-00033426-00033975 without fear he says is a sign of their growing maturity in Christ; they don't YYSw_ytxKu0-00061-00033975-00034347 get excited, they don't lose their confidence just because there's some YYSw_ytxKu0-00062-00034347-00034965 opposition just because there are trials and tribulations. Shows they're YYSw_ytxKu0-00063-00034965-00035439 growing maturity in Christ and a reason that Paul rejoices when he thinks and YYSw_ytxKu0-00064-00035439-00036003 prays for them, when he sees them going through problems like this and finds YYSw_ytxKu0-00065-00036003-00036372 out that they're standing firm, they're not giving in, they're not quitting for YYSw_ytxKu0-00066-00036372-00037029 example this gives him great to joy. In addition to this he says standing YYSw_ytxKu0-00067-00037029-00037641 firm without fear of their opponents indicates two things: first of YYSw_ytxKu0-00068-00037641-00038205 all the destruction of their opponents. If their attackers cannot frighten them YYSw_ytxKu0-00069-00038205-00038733 to change course or abandon their faith it's an indication that they have lost YYSw_ytxKu0-00070-00038733-00039225 the battle, their attackers have lost the battle even though on the surface they YYSw_ytxKu0-00071-00039225-00039753 may seem like a formidable enemy. And secondly, YYSw_ytxKu0-00072-00039753-00040284 it's the confirmation of their salvation, if what they believe is true provides YYSw_ytxKu0-00073-00040284-00040737 them with the strength to stand firm against their enemies in other words YYSw_ytxKu0-00074-00040737-00041175 people and actions that they can see then what they believe about their YYSw_ytxKu0-00075-00041175-00041850 salvation something they cannot see but must accept by faith must also be true YYSw_ytxKu0-00076-00041850-00042423 as well since God will administer both the judgment on their enemies and their YYSw_ytxKu0-00077-00042423-00042858 entry into heaven. So they're standing firm, they're not letting the enemies YYSw_ytxKu0-00078-00042858-00043512 destroy them or discourage them or get them to quit, and Paul is saying YYSw_ytxKu0-00079-00043512-00043890 when you're not quitting when you're standing firm it means what's inside of YYSw_ytxKu0-00080-00043890-00044283 you is stronger that what's inside of them, they may seem bigger and more YYSw_ytxKu0-00081-00044283-00044673 powerful they may seem to have the upper hand but the fact that they're not able YYSw_ytxKu0-00082-00044673-00045096 to destroy you demonstrates that eventually they're going to lose and it YYSw_ytxKu0-00083-00045096-00045600 also shows that eventually you're going to win, that your faith is true and it'll be YYSw_ytxKu0-00084-00045600-00046074 realized and the promises that God has made to you and the ultimate promise of YYSw_ytxKu0-00085-00046074-00046614 course is to be in heaven with Him that's true and that will come to pass. A YYSw_ytxKu0-00086-00046614-00047072 couple of verses verse 29 and 30 he says, "For to you it has been granted for YYSw_ytxKu0-00087-00047072-00047714 Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, YYSw_ytxKu0-00088-00047714-00048381 experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me." so YYSw_ytxKu0-00089-00048381-00048906 Paul adds this observation as a way to both encourage them to remain standing YYSw_ytxKu0-00090-00048906-00049434 firm against those who are attacking them and also put into a larger YYSw_ytxKu0-00091-00049434-00049965 spiritual context the suffering that they are experiencing as disciples of YYSw_ytxKu0-00092-00049965-00050657 Jesus. The Apostle explains that suffering is not in opposition to belief, YYSw_ytxKu0-00093-00050657-00051261 very very important to understand. As if to suffer for Christ were a YYSw_ytxKu0-00094-00051261-00051765 failing on God's providential care for His children or some kind of YYSw_ytxKu0-00095-00051765-00052328 aberration in the Christian experience, some people think I become a YYSw_ytxKu0-00096-00052328-00052785 Christian I've obeyed the gospel I'm doing what God wants and then all of a YYSw_ytxKu0-00097-00052785-00053215 sudden the roof in on me, I get sick I lose my YYSw_ytxKu0-00098-00053215-00053592 job I'm attacked I'm accused of something I didn't do and so on and so YYSw_ytxKu0-00099-00053592-00054129 for what happened? They think becoming a Christian means well no more suffering YYSw_ytxKu0-00100-00054129-00054648 you're good to go. And so Paul is addressing this idea that YYSw_ytxKu0-00101-00054648-00055351 suffering as a Christian somehow is wrong or unusual or shouldn't happen. And YYSw_ytxKu0-00102-00055351-00055747 so he says suffering excuse me the Apostle explains that suffering is not YYSw_ytxKu0-00103-00055747-00056425 in opposition to belief, suffering in various ways for example attacks on our YYSw_ytxKu0-00104-00056425-00056869 faith like these Philippians were experiencing or perhaps the loss of YYSw_ytxKu0-00105-00056869-00057424 friendship or family conflicts because of our faith or the emotional and YYSw_ytxKu0-00106-00057424-00058102 physical discomfort felt as a result of resisting temptation. It's hard YYSw_ytxKu0-00107-00058102-00058677 to resist temptation, it's painful to fight the flesh YYSw_ytxKu0-00108-00058677-00059355 psychologically sometimes physically, sometimes Christians suffer actual YYSw_ytxKu0-00109-00059355-00060100 violence against themselves because of their faith. So these were natural parts YYSw_ytxKu0-00110-00060100-00060504 of the Christian experience and life, they're not exceptions to the rule YYSw_ytxKu0-00111-00060504-00061270 they're the rule. So Paul summarizes this section about standing firm by stating YYSw_ytxKu0-00112-00061270-00061957 that God is the source of all that the Philippians are experiencing, some of YYSw_ytxKu0-00113-00061957-00062679 which is understood. For example God is in charge of everything, God sends YYSw_ytxKu0-00114-00062679-00063319 everything, God permits everything. And so he says to them God has sent Christ to YYSw_ytxKu0-00115-00063319-00063904 atone for their sins and thus made salvation possible God did that, God has YYSw_ytxKu0-00116-00063904-00064462 provided the faith or the teaching of salvation in the gospel God is the one YYSw_ytxKu0-00117-00064462-00065023 that provided that not man, God has chosen and sent the Apostles like Paul YYSw_ytxKu0-00118-00065023-00065668 to bring the gospel God is the one that sent the Apostles, God has sent the Holy YYSw_ytxKu0-00119-00065668-00066146 Spirit to dwell within them and lead them to spiritual maturity evidence YYSw_ytxKu0-00120-00066146-00066800 by their firm stand against opposition and the attacks on their faith God has YYSw_ytxKu0-00121-00066800-00067513 done that, and finally and this is the point he's making here God has permitted YYSw_ytxKu0-00122-00067513-00068225 them the privilege of experiencing suffering on account of their faith. It's YYSw_ytxKu0-00123-00068225-00068768 not that God sends the evil but God permits it in our lives, God doesn't send YYSw_ytxKu0-00124-00068768-00069524 evil God doesn't tempt us to sin ever but He permits us to suffer. He YYSw_ytxKu0-00125-00069524-00070163 could make it so that there's never any suffering in our life, He's God, but He YYSw_ytxKu0-00126-00070163-00070885 chooses not to do that. So this wasn't discomfort or inconvenience or pain YYSw_ytxKu0-00127-00070885-00071294 because of their mistake or sins in other words what the Philippians were YYSw_ytxKu0-00128-00071294-00071902 suffering wasn't because of something they did wrong and it wasn't the YYSw_ytxKu0-00129-00071902-00072254 suffering that all human beings experienced because we live in a fallen YYSw_ytxKu0-00130-00072254-00073019 world like you know tornadoes and floods and accidents and disease, this wasn't YYSw_ytxKu0-00131-00073019-00073424 suffering because mankind is sinful we're victims of crime and YYSw_ytxKu0-00132-00073424-00074000 corruption and human error. No, the suffering of the Philippians was YYSw_ytxKu0-00133-00074000-00074591 experienced only by those who follow Christ, people who don't believe are not YYSw_ytxKu0-00134-00074591-00074969 attacked for their disbelief, have you ever noticed there are YYSw_ytxKu0-00135-00074969-00075670 no atheist martyrs they don't attack people who don't believe in Jesus YYSw_ytxKu0-00136-00075670-00076202 they don't lock them up, no it's the believers that are attacked YYSw_ytxKu0-00137-00076202-00077008 it's the believers that have opposition not the disbelievers. So Paul says that YYSw_ytxKu0-00138-00077008-00077502 God allows in other words he could have spared them but He chose to allow YYSw_ytxKu0-00139-00077502-00078068 believers to suffer and here's the point because of their faith in Christ in the YYSw_ytxKu0-00140-00078068-00078542 same way that Christ suffered to save those who would eventually believe in YYSw_ytxKu0-00141-00078542-00079258 Him. In doing this God grants believers the experience of both the spiritual YYSw_ytxKu0-00142-00079258-00079692 which is the knowledge of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit in YYSw_ytxKu0-00143-00079692-00080171 their lives He sends the spirit to give them the experience of the spiritual as YYSw_ytxKu0-00144-00080171-00080850 well as the human side of Christ, suffering because of his faith and his YYSw_ytxKu0-00145-00080850-00081423 obedience to the Father. So as believers you get to experience what Jesus YYSw_ytxKu0-00146-00081423-00081954 experienced, the spirit, the understanding of who God is, the joy of knowing that YYSw_ytxKu0-00147-00081954-00082386 our sins are forgiven and that God will welcome us into the heavenly abode, YYSw_ytxKu0-00148-00082386-00082767 Jesus knew and experienced these things and we get to experience YYSw_ytxKu0-00149-00082767-00083489 those things but Jesus also experienced suffering rejection and so Paul says YYSw_ytxKu0-00150-00083489-00084263 He's allowed you to suffer some of the things that Jesus suffered: rejection, YYSw_ytxKu0-00151-00084263-00085226 difficulty, opposition; and he says if you both stand firm as a consequence and YYSw_ytxKu0-00152-00085226-00085884 suffer for your faith you are experiencing the complete life of a YYSw_ytxKu0-00153-00085884-00086478 disciple of Jesus Christ. To show that this experience is universal Paul refers YYSw_ytxKu0-00154-00086478-00086940 to his own suffering over a long period of time, he says the things YYSw_ytxKu0-00155-00086940-00087477 which you saw in me and heard in me for the gospel well he's referring to the YYSw_ytxKu0-00156-00087477-00087882 things they saw and heard, they've heard about him being in prison some of them YYSw_ytxKu0-00157-00087882-00088410 have visited him in prison many of them know of the lashes he's received and the YYSw_ytxKu0-00158-00088410-00088770 suffering and opposition and beatings they thought they'd killed him one time YYSw_ytxKu0-00159-00088770-00089280 they stoned him and they thought he was dead. So he says you're suffering and YYSw_ytxKu0-00160-00089280-00089619 Christ suffered but you know what all the believers suffer and he points to YYSw_ytxKu0-00161-00089619-00090300 his own experience to confirm that idea. So the point here is that even Apostles YYSw_ytxKu0-00162-00090300-00091005 are subject to this phenomenon of belief and suffering as part of every YYSw_ytxKu0-00163-00091005-00091431 Christians experience. A lot of Christians they fall away YYSw_ytxKu0-00164-00091431-00092016 because they're surprised that they have to suffer, YYSw_ytxKu0-00165-00092016-00092472 they're surprised that they have doubts, they're surprised that the world YYSw_ytxKu0-00166-00092472-00092788 sometimes puts them in a position to compromise their faith. YYSw_ytxKu0-00167-00092788-00093186 They're surprised at that, they think that shouldn't be but no YYSw_ytxKu0-00168-00093186-00093849 that's exactly the life of a Christian. Another indicator of maturity that Paul YYSw_ytxKu0-00169-00093849-00094376 as we move into chapter 2, he says the mature Christian YYSw_ytxKu0-00170-00094376-00094952 imitates Christ. So Paul leaves off his encouragement to stand firm in YYSw_ytxKu0-00171-00094952-00095507 the face of attack and adversity and suggests the kind of things necessary to YYSw_ytxKu0-00172-00095507-00095999 help remain strong in the faith while enduring opposition. So we read chapter 2 YYSw_ytxKu0-00173-00095999-00096486 verses 1-4 he says, "Therefore if there any encouragement in Christ, if there is YYSw_ytxKu0-00174-00096486-00096980 any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any YYSw_ytxKu0-00175-00096980-00097541 affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, YYSw_ytxKu0-00176-00097541-00098168 maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing YYSw_ytxKu0-00177-00098168-00098655 from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another is YYSw_ytxKu0-00178-00098655-00099107 more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal YYSw_ytxKu0-00179-00099107-00099743 interests, but also for the interests of others." So those on the outside of the YYSw_ytxKu0-00180-00099743-00100167 church are attacking and putting obstacles in the way of believers but YYSw_ytxKu0-00181-00100167-00100613 those on the inside of the church must also be involved in countering these YYSw_ytxKu0-00182-00100613-00101270 attacks by providing things to help fellow believers be still and unmoved. So YYSw_ytxKu0-00183-00101270-00101700 Paul goes from what he believes that are he starts from what he believes they're YYSw_ytxKu0-00184-00101700-00102129 already doing okay, so what they're already doing they're giving each other YYSw_ytxKu0-00185-00102129-00102584 encouragement in Christ, mutual edification as Christians when they sing YYSw_ytxKu0-00186-00102584-00103125 together and pray together, the comfort of love their love for one another they YYSw_ytxKu0-00187-00103125-00103730 provide comfort and consolation to each one in the assembly the word here YYSw_ytxKu0-00188-00103730-00104315 is the Greek word is that for encouragement they encourage each other, YYSw_ytxKu0-00189-00104315-00104834 fellowship of the spirit, the strength that comes from consciously YYSw_ytxKu0-00190-00104834-00105348 sharing the Holy Spirit the type of relationship that only to spirit-filled YYSw_ytxKu0-00191-00105348-00105843 people can have. As I've said before you can YYSw_ytxKu0-00192-00105843-00106235 have a friendship with someone you can YYSw_ytxKu0-00193-00106235-00106578 be best friends with somebody you can have you know your best buddy and you go YYSw_ytxKu0-00194-00106578-00107036 play golf or something but if he's not a Christian then you can't have fellowship YYSw_ytxKu0-00195-00107036-00107510 you can have friendship and all the good things that friendship brings but you YYSw_ytxKu0-00196-00107510-00107940 can't have fellowship you can only have fellowship with someone who's a believer YYSw_ytxKu0-00197-00107940-00108458 okay. And so Paul says share that fellowship of the Spirit is a very YYSw_ytxKu0-00198-00108458-00108951 strong thing it helps you to be strong it makes you realize you're not in this YYSw_ytxKu0-00199-00108951-00109551 by yourself. And then of course affection and compassion, this is the actual YYSw_ytxKu0-00200-00109551-00110091 expressed love and human interaction seen as physical affection and service YYSw_ytxKu0-00201-00110091-00110606 and the knowledge that other Christians know and understand share our burden. YYSw_ytxKu0-00202-00110606-00111209 We have every service when we gather here we have the prayer cards the blue YYSw_ytxKu0-00203-00111209-00111579 cards where one of the elders will read about the needs of a particular family YYSw_ytxKu0-00204-00111579-00112266 or individual and offer a prayer on their behalf, I'm convinced that that YYSw_ytxKu0-00205-00112266-00112755 action doesn't stop there with just the prayer I'm sure that after that prayer YYSw_ytxKu0-00206-00112755-00113183 is made and people find out about the needs of that individual phone calls are YYSw_ytxKu0-00207-00113183-00113727 made, visits are made, food is prepared to go and take care of an individual who's YYSw_ytxKu0-00208-00113727-00114260 ill or someone who's taking care of of another individual. This is the kind of YYSw_ytxKu0-00209-00114260-00114774 affection and compassion that lifts our spirits and enables us to be strong in YYSw_ytxKu0-00210-00114774-00115380 Christ and resist the opposition, resist many times the discouragement that tells YYSw_ytxKu0-00211-00115380-00115883 us you got to quit you gotta stop believing, stop going to church. I always YYSw_ytxKu0-00212-00115883-00116244 think yeah I get more love when I come to church then when I go to YYSw_ytxKu0-00213-00116244-00116682 work on the shop floor or go to work at the office, here people love me YYSw_ytxKu0-00214-00116682-00117258 because of who I am because of what I believe. So Paul is saying that if YYSw_ytxKu0-00215-00117258-00117993 as he assumes these things are there then keep doing these things and then he YYSw_ytxKu0-00216-00117993-00118482 says add the following and in so doing you'll complete his joy because they are YYSw_ytxKu0-00217-00118482-00119277 growing in Christ. Well add what he says? Well he says be of the same mind YYSw_ytxKu0-00218-00119277-00119795 so that all of you believed the same thing and preached the same gospel, YYSw_ytxKu0-00219-00119795-00120423 maintain he says the same mindset concerning one another YYSw_ytxKu0-00220-00120423-00120855 which includes some things already mentioned like love and unity and having YYSw_ytxKu0-00221-00120855-00121572 the same goals to be faithful, to be saved, and get rid of selfishness YYSw_ytxKu0-00222-00121572-00122223 and pride he says. A practical way to bring this about, how do we get how do we YYSw_ytxKu0-00223-00122223-00122766 get rid of selfishness and pride? He says humble your mind and your YYSw_ytxKu0-00224-00122766-00123242 estimation of yourself and raise others above yourself so you can clearly see YYSw_ytxKu0-00225-00123242-00123830 them and their worth, and consider and see other people's needs not just your own YYSw_ytxKu0-00226-00123830-00124274 needs. We hear that all the time don't we? It's not just about you YYSw_ytxKu0-00227-00124274-00124755 it's not just about you and in the church it certainly is not just about YYSw_ytxKu0-00228-00124755-00125622 ourselves. So Paul says these things he says you know about these things and you YYSw_ytxKu0-00229-00125622-00126138 can implement these things and continue to do these things until Jesus appears. YYSw_ytxKu0-00230-00126138-00126627 He continues now in verse 5 he says, "Have this attitude in yourselves which was YYSw_ytxKu0-00231-00126627-00127125 also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not YYSw_ytxKu0-00232-00127125-00127755 regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the YYSw_ytxKu0-00233-00127755-00128205 form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in YYSw_ytxKu0-00234-00128205-00128670 appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of YYSw_ytxKu0-00235-00128670-00129288 death, even death on the cross." So here Paul leaves off the things he knows that YYSw_ytxKu0-00236-00129288-00129734 they have: they have faith, they have love, they have unity, humility, they have YYSw_ytxKu0-00237-00129734-00130310 compassion, and he calls them to go beyond these things to imitate Christ YYSw_ytxKu0-00238-00130310-00130920 Himself. Wow, to go beyond these things, you mean there's more? And he says yes YYSw_ytxKu0-00239-00130920-00131727 there's more, go beyond these things to the end state of Christian maturity. Well YYSw_ytxKu0-00240-00131727-00132447 what does that require, what does this imitation of Christ demand of us? Well in YYSw_ytxKu0-00241-00132447-00133092 a word: the emptying of self. Now for Jesus the emptying of YYSw_ytxKu0-00242-00133092-00133695 self required that He submit to God's plan to save man from condemnation due YYSw_ytxKu0-00243-00133695-00134435 to sin resulting in spiritual death, this idea Paul explains in several stages: YYSw_ytxKu0-00244-00134435-00135015 first of all he says Jesus is God has always been God and because of this did YYSw_ytxKu0-00245-00135015-00135702 not either aspire to be divine you know grasp, He already was God He YYSw_ytxKu0-00246-00135702-00136170 didn't grasp after being divine He already was God, nor did He refuse to YYSw_ytxKu0-00247-00136170-00136872 alter His divine nature in some way in order to save mankind. Secondly he says YYSw_ytxKu0-00248-00136872-00137538 Jesus altered His divine nature by taking on a human nature incorporated YYSw_ytxKu0-00249-00137538-00138180 into His divine nature, in other words He gave up nothing of His godly nature in YYSw_ytxKu0-00250-00138180-00138774 doing this He merely altered His nature to include and thus permit His YYSw_ytxKu0-00251-00138774-00139413 interactions with human beings as a human being Himself thus becoming fully YYSw_ytxKu0-00252-00139413-00140271 human while remaining fully divine. He then He, Paul says, He then emptied His YYSw_ytxKu0-00253-00140271-00141012 human nature of any glorious appearances and effects that His divine nature would YYSw_ytxKu0-00254-00141012-00141750 impart on Him as a man. Now think of what Jesus appeared like on YYSw_ytxKu0-00255-00141750-00142476 the Mount of Transfiguration right, His glorified body was shining brightly but YYSw_ytxKu0-00256-00142476-00143157 this state was revealed only to His closest three Apostles, YYSw_ytxKu0-00257-00143157-00143739 Matthew 17:2-4. Only a few Apostles saw that glorified state YYSw_ytxKu0-00258-00143739-00144360 of His body, Jesus instead was born to poor people YYSw_ytxKu0-00259-00144360-00145086 and He experienced normal human life and suffering and temptations, Hebrews 4:15. YYSw_ytxKu0-00260-00145086-00145662 And in addition to taking on a human nature in order to complete His YYSw_ytxKu0-00261-00145662-00146044 divinely appointed mission He allowed Himself YYSw_ytxKu0-00262-00146044-00146701 to be unjustly executed as a common slave because only slaves were subject YYSw_ytxKu0-00263-00146701-00147337 to execution by crucifixion according to Roman Law. Now you know some people think YYSw_ytxKu0-00264-00147337-00147571 when they read that He emptied Himself, YYSw_ytxKu0-00265-00147571-00148108 they think that He emptied Himself means that He emptied Himself of part or all YYSw_ytxKu0-00266-00148108-00148618 of His divine nature and He replaced that with a human nature, but this is YYSw_ytxKu0-00267-00148618-00149188 incorrect and it's incorrect for several reasons, first of all God cannot become YYSw_ytxKu0-00268-00149188-00149926 less than God or else He would not be God. And secondly, if Jesus exchanged His YYSw_ytxKu0-00269-00149926-00150445 divine nature for a human one then He would only be human while on earth and YYSw_ytxKu0-00270-00150445-00151018 this is not what the Bible teaches, in John chapter 1, the Gospel of YYSw_ytxKu0-00271-00151020-00151452 John 1:1, In the beginning was the word and the Word was God YYSw_ytxKu0-00272-00151452-00152143 and then a little further down and the word became flesh and in Colossians 1:15-20 YYSw_ytxKu0-00273-00152143-00152641 where Paul talks about Jesus the exact image of YYSw_ytxKu0-00274-00152641-00153508 God. So here both John and Paul explain in detail the dual natures of Jesus, He YYSw_ytxKu0-00275-00153508-00154303 was God and He was man simultaneously. In context here in Philippians Paul is not YYSw_ytxKu0-00276-00154303-00154858 asking the Philippians to somehow submit to a cruel and unjust death in order to YYSw_ytxKu0-00277-00154858-00155152 imitate Christ, in other words you all got to be martyrs if you're going to YYSw_ytxKu0-00278-00155152-00155737 imitate Christ, although many have had to do that throughout the years, the broader YYSw_ytxKu0-00279-00155737-00156349 lesson for all Christians who see Christian maturity is that our imitation YYSw_ytxKu0-00280-00156349-00156928 of Christ really begins when we start the process of emptying ourselves of YYSw_ytxKu0-00281-00156928-00157761 self. As God Jesus had no need and no possibility of becoming less divine, YYSw_ytxKu0-00282-00157761-00158416 however He did have options as far as the human nature He incorporated into YYSw_ytxKu0-00283-00158416-00159208 His divine nature. For example was He to come as a king or as a common man when YYSw_ytxKu0-00284-00159208-00159800 He became a human? Was He to be rich or poor, respected or YYSw_ytxKu0-00285-00159800-00160523 rejected, was He to gain victory through power or victory through weakness, was He YYSw_ytxKu0-00286-00160523-00161036 to refuse the cup of suffering or drink the cup of suffering, was it to be His YYSw_ytxKu0-00287-00161036-00161767 will or the Father's will? So as Paul writes, Jesus emptied Himself to the YYSw_ytxKu0-00288-00161767-00162165 point of dying a cruel death like a common criminal. YYSw_ytxKu0-00289-00162165-00162749 His emptying of self was dictated by the will of the Father in completing the YYSw_ytxKu0-00290-00162749-00163196 plan for man's salvation. Let's just jump out of Philippians and go to John for a YYSw_ytxKu0-00291-00163196-00163769 moment John 6:38 he says for Jesus says, "For I have come down from heaven, not to YYSw_ytxKu0-00292-00163769-00164512 do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." In the same way the emptying of YYSw_ytxKu0-00293-00164512-00164989 self in our lives resulting in Christian maturity as we imitate Christ requires YYSw_ytxKu0-00294-00164989-00165584 us to constantly seek and obey God's will instead of our own will for our YYSw_ytxKu0-00295-00165584-00166051 life. So if someone's saying, well how do I empty myself of self? You obey God's YYSw_ytxKu0-00296-00166051-00167125 will. Jesus emptied His human self of self, how? By obeying God's will. To be YYSw_ytxKu0-00297-00167125-00167812 born poor, to suffer, to die on the cross. Now this does not YYSw_ytxKu0-00298-00167812-00168398 necessarily mean we will be poor or unjustly accused or executed for our YYSw_ytxKu0-00299-00168398-00169010 faith it might but not necessarily so, it does mean however that we will suffer YYSw_ytxKu0-00300-00169010-00169564 the emotional as well as physical pain that comes as a result of denying our YYSw_ytxKu0-00301-00169564-00170116 own will and desires and flesh in order to do the will and purpose of Christ in YYSw_ytxKu0-00302-00170116-00170570 our lives. Paul does not give specific examples of YYSw_ytxKu0-00303-00170570-00171086 this emptying of ourselves but he provides the glorious result of this as YYSw_ytxKu0-00304-00171086-00171742 it took place in the life of Jesus. verse 9-11 he says, "For this reason also, God YYSw_ytxKu0-00305-00171742-00172382 highly exalted Him," for what reason? Well that He emptied Himself, that's the YYSw_ytxKu0-00306-00172382-00172730 reason. "For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, YYSw_ytxKu0-00307-00172730-00173198 and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of YYSw_ytxKu0-00308-00173198-00173624 Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the YYSw_ytxKu0-00309-00173624-00174029 earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory YYSw_ytxKu0-00310-00174029-00174611 of the Father." So Jesus emptied His human nature, He YYSw_ytxKu0-00311-00174611-00175220 emptied His human nature of any glory that it might have exhibited because it YYSw_ytxKu0-00312-00175220-00175925 was embedded in His divine nature, but now that His mission was completed God YYSw_ytxKu0-00313-00175925-00176675 raised Him from the dead not as His emptied self but as His glorious self. We YYSw_ytxKu0-00314-00176675-00177098 see this as the gospel writers described His appearances after His resurrection YYSw_ytxKu0-00315-00177098-00177806 in the glorious and exalted form that Paul speaks of here. In addition to His YYSw_ytxKu0-00316-00177806-00178409 glorious appearance Jesus's resurrection also confirms that He now is exalted YYSw_ytxKu0-00317-00178409-00178847 above every other human, prophet, leader and Savior who ever lived or who will YYSw_ytxKu0-00318-00178847-00179582 ever live. Peter states this in Acts 4:12 he says, "..and there is salvation in no one YYSw_ytxKu0-00319-00179582-00180200 else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by YYSw_ytxKu0-00320-00180200-00180923 which we must be saved." So Jesus was rejected, put on a cross, but now the way YYSw_ytxKu0-00321-00180923-00181673 of salvation can only be accessed through Him, His name. So Paul declares YYSw_ytxKu0-00322-00181673-00182357 that this is so now and will be so until the judgment and beyond, Jesus the god YYSw_ytxKu0-00323-00182357-00183008 man is Lord above all. Now it's not said, it's merely implied here that the YYSw_ytxKu0-00324-00183008-00183524 emptying of ourselves in order to be filled with Christ will also after our YYSw_ytxKu0-00325-00183524-00184151 own resurrection yield similar glorious and eternal results, and if you want to YYSw_ytxKu0-00326-00184151-00184745 read about that read I Corinthians 15:50-58. So let's summarize he says in YYSw_ytxKu0-00327-00184745-00185204 verses 12 and 13, "So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my YYSw_ytxKu0-00328-00185204-00185705 presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with YYSw_ytxKu0-00329-00185705-00186041 fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, YYSw_ytxKu0-00330-00186041-00186573 both to will and to work for His good pleasure." So Paul adds a word of YYSw_ytxKu0-00331-00186573-00186989 encouragement to all those who would seek maturity by initiating this YYSw_ytxKu0-00332-00186989-00187671 emptying of self primarily achieved by the effort to obey God's will. He's happy YYSw_ytxKu0-00333-00187671-00188099 to note that they have done this in the past when he was with them and have YYSw_ytxKu0-00334-00188099-00188588 continued to do so despite his absence, don't forget four years he hasn't seen YYSw_ytxKu0-00335-00188588-00188965 these people well for longer than that but he's been confined for four years. YYSw_ytxKu0-00336-00188965-00189473 Working out their salvation and fear and trembling, who are we supposed to be YYSw_ytxKu0-00337-00189473-00189948 afraid of? This is not, he's not preaching YYSw_ytxKu0-00338-00189948-00190557 hellfire and damnation to them, no this is an encouragement to keep the faith YYSw_ytxKu0-00339-00190557-00190971 and maintained their walk with God recognizing that Satan through his lies YYSw_ytxKu0-00340-00190971-00191571 and the draw of the world these are constant threats to their soul, fear and YYSw_ytxKu0-00341-00191571-00192149 tremble because the danger is real and they need to be careful. The good news YYSw_ytxKu0-00342-00192149-00192732 however is that God Himself through the Holy Spirit and His word and His church YYSw_ytxKu0-00343-00192732-00193485 are partners with Christians who seek to know and imitate Christ and when all of YYSw_ytxKu0-00344-00193485-00194048 these agree on what they desire there's great joy and confidence for success. I YYSw_ytxKu0-00345-00194048-00194646 can therefore be confident that what I desire to empty myself of self and fill YYSw_ytxKu0-00346-00194646-00195149 myself with Christ I'm confident that this is according to God's will and He YYSw_ytxKu0-00347-00195149-00195566 through the spirit and word in church will joyfully accomplish this. This YYSw_ytxKu0-00348-00195566-00196146 is a prayer that God answers, dear Lord please help me to do what you want me to YYSw_ytxKu0-00349-00196146-00196947 do, very simple but very profound. So Paul describes an important indicator of the YYSw_ytxKu0-00350-00196947-00197636 maturing Christian: the desire to imitate Jesus. This he says is accomplished as YYSw_ytxKu0-00351-00197636-00198270 the believer empties himself of self much as Jesus emptied His human nature YYSw_ytxKu0-00352-00198270-00198854 of all reflective divine glory and filled the void with God's will in the YYSw_ytxKu0-00353-00198854-00199440 mission of saving mankind. This not only led to the salvation of mankind YYSw_ytxKu0-00354-00199440-00200013 but the glorifying of Jesus Christ as the Lord of lords forever. In the same YYSw_ytxKu0-00355-00200013-00200616 way God works at filling us up with the things of Christ so that we too will be YYSw_ytxKu0-00356-00200616-00201303 raised up with glorified bodies to live with Christ forever and ever one day. All YYSw_ytxKu0-00357-00201303-00201612 right, nobody can say that there's not much to YYSw_ytxKu0-00358-00201612-00201981 say and talk about in the book of Philippians but we'll just stop right YYSw_ytxKu0-00359-00201981-00202535 there and we'll continue on next time, thank you for your attention. YZX3Gax7d5u-00000-00002248-00002448 Hi all YZX3Gax7d5u-00001-00002448-00002566 In next movie YZX3Gax7d5u-00002-00002638-00002838 Today we do YZX3Gax7d5u-00003-00002910-00003515 Something similar to sticks in chocolate YZX3Gax7d5u-00004-00003600-00003820 Something like a company Mikado does. YZX3Gax7d5u-00005-00003894-00004094 Stick drenched in chocolate. YZX3Gax7d5u-00006-00004100-00004300 The composition can be any. I add chlorella YZX3Gax7d5u-00007-00004344-00004814 I will add it to this DIY YZX3Gax7d5u-00008-00004838-00005380 It ends with the expiration date. So we will add it. YZX3Gax7d5u-00009-00005440-00005742 Another product is YZX3Gax7d5u-00010-00005896-00006240 Algae wafers YZX3Gax7d5u-00011-00006280-00006673 Once I got it and it did not use. YZX3Gax7d5u-00012-00006723-00007230 So with these two ingredients will do our stick YZX3Gax7d5u-00013-00007258-00007584 And two sticks skewers. YZX3Gax7d5u-00014-00008232-00008432 Sticks skewers. YZX3Gax7d5u-00015-00008580-00009028 I'm doing this for the first time. YZX3Gax7d5u-00016-00009098-00009896 So let's get to work. YZX3Gax7d5u-00017-00009992-00010720 We mince the beginning of our wafers. YZX3Gax7d5u-00018-00010924-00011498 As we have all chopped. Add to bowl. YZX3Gax7d5u-00019-00012430-00013391 Now just add the appropriate amount of water. YZX3Gax7d5u-00020-00015204-00016152 As we have our algae ready YZX3Gax7d5u-00021-00016636-00016836 Now exactly veneering of our stick. YZX3Gax7d5u-00022-00017782-00017982 We already have one. YZX3Gax7d5u-00023-00019590-00020140 Now we'll have another two smaller ones. YZX3Gax7d5u-00024-00021202-00021486 We have everything ready. YZX3Gax7d5u-00025-00021574-00021858 Two short and two long. YZX3Gax7d5u-00026-00022238-00022562 Now we put it in the oven. at 60C YZX3Gax7d5u-00027-00022620-00022994 We have them ready. Now we put them to the aquarium. YZX3Gax7d5u-00028-00029064-00029376 That's it. Thanks Our weekend food ready. Yae-_YzfOxM-00000-00000100-00000175 CLINT BARTON Ready? Yae-_YzfOxM-00001-00000175-00000483 (Critics agree, Hawkeye is one of the best shows on television.) Yae-_YzfOxM-00002-00000818-00000918 [Screaming] Yae-_YzfOxM-00003-00000941-00001219 (And the biggest surprises are yet to come.) Yae-_YzfOxM-00004-00001233-00001305 KATE BISHOP Who was that? Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00000-00000564-00000664 Hello everybody! Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00001-00000664-00001120 This video will show you how to clean the registry, what programs can be used and how Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00002-00001120-00001847 to do it manually. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00004-00005264-00005786 worse and errors appearing when Windows boots or when you start other programs. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00005-00005786-00006073 In the end, you realize it’s time to clean the registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00006-00006073-00006525 There are numerous programs to optimize the work of your computer and clean the registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00007-00006525-00006877 In this video, we will have a look at the most popular apps. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00008-00006877-00007075 So, let’s begin. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00009-00007075-00007333 CCleaner CCleaner is one of the most popular and well-known Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00010-00007333-00007576 tools to clean the computer registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00011-00007576-00008009 In addition, it has lots of functions to optimize your PC in every way. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00012-00008009-00008890 They include a system cleaner, a software uninstaller and startup management. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00013-00008890-00009328 Its latest versions support uninstalling Windows 10 standard applications. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00014-00009328-00009650 You can download the program from the official website. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00015-00009650-00009953 Find the download link in the description. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00016-00009953-00010464 First of all, download and install the program, and you’re not likely to have any difficulties Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00017-00010464-00010588 at this stage. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00018-00010588-00010989 The only important aspect is to check the language settings in the upper left corner Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00019-00010989-00011301 - the default language is English. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00020-00011301-00011997 After the installation, run the program, go to the tab “Registry,” click on “Scan Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00021-00011997-00012243 for issues” and wait a little. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00022-00012243-00012704 When the scan is over, click on “Fix selected issues...” Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00023-00012704-00013134 The program will suggest you to save a registry backup copy, and you should do it to be on Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00024-00013134-00013570 the safe side; in case you have any problems, you can always restore the registry to the Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00025-00013570-00013683 previous condition. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00026-00013683-00014245 You can save the backup to your desktop, for example. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00027-00014245-00015354 Now click on “Fix all selected issues” and the registry will be cleaned. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00028-00015354-00015859 Run the scan again - no issues are found. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00029-00015859-00016310 If you use the previously saved backup copy, it is supposed to restore to the registry Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00030-00016310-00016802 the data deleted by the application. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00031-00016802-00016902 Wise Care 365 Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00032-00016902-00017235 Wise Care 365 is another program to help you clean the registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00033-00017235-00017749 This software package includes a Windows registry cleaner, a hard disk optimizer, as well as Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00034-00017749-00018109 other system utilities to make your PC work faster and better. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00035-00018109-00019212 You can find the download link in the description Run the program and click on System Cleaner Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00036-00019212-00019429 to clean the registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00037-00019429-00020259 The first line on the list is Registry Cleaner, so click on Scan. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00038-00020259-00020802 After the scan, the program will show you information on any registry problems. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00039-00020802-00021181 Select cleaning and the registry is now clean and sound. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00040-00021181-00021387 Manual cleaning Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00041-00021387-00021740 The larger your registry grows, the worse your computer performs. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00042-00021740-00022221 Registry cleaner utilities are not an ideal tool for removing unnecessary lines from the Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00043-00022221-00022321 registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00044-00022321-00022743 It is because they do their cleaning job based on a certain set of rules which may not work Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00045-00022743-00022956 with your registry. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00046-00022956-00023382 If you are an expert user, you can clean the registry manually by removing the entries Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00047-00023382-00023937 left by the programs that have been uninstalled long ago, or remove programs from the startup Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00048-00023937-00024101 section. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00049-00024101-00024530 You should always remember that wrong cleaning can damage your operating system. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00050-00024530-00025156 That is why we recommend manual registry cleaning to experienced users only. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00051-00025156-00025839 Now before you start it, press the key shortcut Win+R, enter “regedit” in the window that Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00052-00025839-00026057 opens and click OK. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00053-00026057-00026431 You should always back up your registry so that you can restore everything if things Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00054-00026431-00026580 go wrong. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00055-00026580-00027733 Click File/Export, specify the name and click Save. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00056-00027733-00028208 You can watch one of our videos to see how to restore the registry from a backup. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00057-00028208-00028650 Find the link in the description. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00058-00028650-00029035 If you know the name of the program that has been uninstalled, you can delete the files Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00059-00029035-00029622 left behind in the registry or a virus that is hiding there. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00060-00029622-00030302 To do it, click Edit/Find, enter the program name and click Find Next. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00061-00030302-00030781 In the course of the search, we can see a registry file of an uninstalled program which Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00062-00030781-00030977 we don’t need anymore. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00063-00030977-00031341 Right-click on it and select Delete. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00064-00031341-00032733 In addition, you can follow the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software и HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE to view and Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00065-00032733-00033088 clean folders of the previously removed programs. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00066-00033088-00033969 If you have a 64-bit operating system, you will also see a folder named WOW6432Node containing Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00067-00033969-00034422 a list of installed programs as well. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00068-00034422-00034959 With the Registry Editor, you can also remove entries from the startup menu. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00069-00034959-00035456 Startup settings deal with two registry keys with the folder Run: Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00070-00035456-00036008 In Windows 7 and 10, they can be found by following the path: Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00071-00036008-00037103 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run – the Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00072-00037103-00037791 startup folder of the current user; In the same path, but in the registry key Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00073-00037791-00038611 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run – there is also a folder named Run, but Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00074-00038611-00039113 this is a startup location for all users. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00075-00039113-00039671 Select the unnecessary program, right-click on it and select Delete. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00076-00039671-00040115 If you suspect there is a virus in your computer, there is a good video in our channel about Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00077-00040115-00040503 finding the malware in your registry and removing it. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00078-00040503-00040853 Find the link in the description. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00079-00040853-00041346 Modifying the registry with Windows registry editor is a risky process as it doesn’t Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00080-00041346-00041846 have the Cancel function (which you’ll need when you accidentally remove a good registry Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00081-00041846-00042009 key). Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00082-00042009-00042431 If you are new to this process, just don’t edit the registry manually. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00083-00042431-00042865 And before you start doing it, make sure you have made a backup copy. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00084-00042865-00043325 If you have even the slightest doubts whether you should delete a registry key or not, never Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00085-00043325-00043721 delete it if you’re not absolutely sure that you don’t need it. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00086-00043721-00044203 You can always look it up on the Internet. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00087-00044203-00044304 That is all for now. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00088-00044304-00044641 Hit the Like button and subscribe to Hetman Software channel. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00089-00044641-00044834 Leave comments to ask questions. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00090-00044834-00044972 Thank you for watching. Yd6bUtVL5iQ-00091-00044972-00045047 Good luck. YeSSusz3b20-00001-00016506-00016889 Look at this kid we're making photos. That's what we're doing right now. He's about to leave us YeSSusz3b20-00002-00017208-00017507 I know he's moving to the sunniest state of the country YeSSusz3b20-00003-00018999-00019547 Eatin melts, I remember when I first met Mimi skateboarded up to giant eye eyes full of hope YeSSusz3b20-00004-00019782-00020240 And I remember feeling he's the first person to see that maybe feeling an old fans he's like YeSSusz3b20-00005-00020240-00020627 What do I need to do for comedy? I will first cut your fucking hair YeSSusz3b20-00006-00020742-00021155 and wear pants that fit he did half of those things I YeSSusz3b20-00007-00021432-00021632 Remember YeSSusz3b20-00008-00021681-00021881 One time YeSSusz3b20-00009-00021882-00022076 He used to have a different batch of friends YeSSusz3b20-00010-00022076-00022427 That would come to his shows, but he stopped doing drugs so they stopped hanging out with them YeSSusz3b20-00011-00022674-00023048 And I don't think it's because he was doing a lot of drugs and they were like YeSSusz3b20-00012-00023101-00023497 Gives us drugs. I just think that's the only way he's tolerable to be around YeSSusz3b20-00013-00023816-00024298 Back we used to do what to ecstasy that's what it takes him to be like the rest of us you know like YeSSusz3b20-00014-00025562-00025858 You know because if you had seen it there are some women that YeSSusz3b20-00015-00025940-00026557 Aggressively hit on Eden in this scene right and what makes me hate eNOS. He will not fuck any of them YeSSusz3b20-00016-00027053-00027253 He's dead right Jesus YeSSusz3b20-00017-00027473-00027865 I'm going to get out of there's tight-ass pants. That's roughly half the battle right YeSSusz3b20-00018-00028262-00028966 Mostly I just wanted to say man bless you started doing comedy. I think your very favorite funny, and we're gonna miss you YfpYm53ydcY-00000-00000097-00000647 [Pirate Party Vote 2012 Audio - Loz Kaye] "So its time for a different voice, we can offer that, and we've shown already that we can offer something new." YfpYm53ydcY-00001-00000647-00001025 [Andy Halsall - Pirate Party UK Campaigns Officer] "In the UK" YfpYm53ydcY-00002-00001025-00001117 We have had YfpYm53ydcY-00003-00001117-00001571 a month of major internet-related outrages in the media. YfpYm53ydcY-00004-00001571-00002108 And this month, the Government got together with ISP's to find a solution, that the media liked. YfpYm53ydcY-00005-00002108-00002457 As pirates we pointed out that whilst the government wants to teach children YfpYm53ydcY-00006-00002457-00002874 how to use the internet and how to use technology, at the same time it's showing YfpYm53ydcY-00007-00002874-00003347 the internet as a place where danger lurks around every digital corner. YfpYm53ydcY-00008-00003347-00003827 And it's cutting funding for agencies that help with actual harm online YfpYm53ydcY-00009-00003827-00004265 Now the solution from them? Filters. Filter everything by default, YfpYm53ydcY-00010-00004265-00004490 anything considered adult or radical YfpYm53ydcY-00011-00004490-00004836 we've make a case that regulating the internet YfpYm53ydcY-00012-00004836-00004973 In the home is a job for parents YfpYm53ydcY-00013-00004973-00005377 and that empowering people, not limiting their choices is important. YfpYm53ydcY-00014-00005377-00005702 That government funding rather than being plowed into technical measures and filters YfpYm53ydcY-00015-00005702-00006151 should be made available to agencies that can deal with harm. YfpYm53ydcY-00016-00006151-00006303 a lot of people listened. YfpYm53ydcY-00017-00006303-00006648 we don't.. we're not going to see mandatory filters. YfpYm53ydcY-00018-00006648-00006908 We will continue to push YfpYm53ydcY-00019-00006908-00007266 funding to CEOPS and for local government to deal with these issues, and a YfpYm53ydcY-00020-00007266-00007695 lot of people agreed with us. Now we are a small party in the UK, but we work hard. YfpYm53ydcY-00021-00007695-00008055 Whether it's opposing the Digital Economy Act YfpYm53ydcY-00022-00008055-00008353 or fightinging for openness about surveillance. YfpYm53ydcY-00023-00008353-00008714 Or working within our communities. And we are having an impact YfpYm53ydcY-00024-00008714-00008932 The digital economy actors on hold. YfpYm53ydcY-00025-00008932-00009267 The issue of surveillance is being talked about all our terms. YfpYm53ydcY-00026-00009267-00009612 Where we work people know who we are. YfpYm53ydcY-00027-00009612-00009752 The next challenge YfpYm53ydcY-00028-00009752-00010095 is to make sure the education, health, transport and communications infrastructure YfpYm53ydcY-00029-00010095-00010275 is fit for purpose. YfpYm53ydcY-00030-00010275-00010701 and that we have to protect museums and libraries and that whistleblowers are YfpYm53ydcY-00031-00010701-00010921 free from persecution. YfpYm53ydcY-00033-00011376-00011485 Germany deserves something fresh YhP0mQFXIBQ-00000-00000010-00000063 FALLS ON THE FIRST WEEKEND AFTER YhP0mQFXIBQ-00001-00000063-00000070 FALLS ON THE FIRST WEEKEND AFTER YhP0mQFXIBQ-00002-00000070-00000116 FALLS ON THE FIRST WEEKEND AFTER NEW YEAR'S AND BREEZY POINT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00003-00000116-00000123 FALLS ON THE FIRST WEEKEND AFTER NEW YEAR'S AND BREEZY POINT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00004-00000123-00000233 FALLS ON THE FIRST WEEKEND AFTER NEW YEAR'S AND BREEZY POINT RESORT SAYS THEY WILL BE BACK YhP0mQFXIBQ-00005-00000233-00000240 NEW YEAR'S AND BREEZY POINT RESORT SAYS THEY WILL BE BACK YhP0mQFXIBQ-00006-00000240-00000306 NEW YEAR'S AND BREEZY POINT RESORT SAYS THEY WILL BE BACK FOR THEIR 25th FESTIVAL NEXT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00007-00000306-00000313 RESORT SAYS THEY WILL BE BACK FOR THEIR 25th FESTIVAL NEXT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00008-00000313-00000387 RESORT SAYS THEY WILL BE BACK FOR THEIR 25th FESTIVAL NEXT YEAR. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00009-00000387-00000393 FOR THEIR 25th FESTIVAL NEXT YEAR. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00010-00000393-00000493 FOR THEIR 25th FESTIVAL NEXT YEAR. >>> A FACEBOOK LIVE FISHOFF YhP0mQFXIBQ-00011-00000493-00000500 YEAR. >>> A FACEBOOK LIVE FISHOFF YhP0mQFXIBQ-00012-00000500-00000630 YEAR. >>> A FACEBOOK LIVE FISHOFF INVOLVING TOURISM SPOKESMEN FOR YhP0mQFXIBQ-00013-00000630-00000637 >>> A FACEBOOK LIVE FISHOFF INVOLVING TOURISM SPOKESMEN FOR YhP0mQFXIBQ-00014-00000637-00000844 >>> A FACEBOOK LIVE FISHOFF INVOLVING TOURISM SPOKESMEN FOR TWO TOP ICE FISHING DESTINATIONS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00015-00000844-00000850 INVOLVING TOURISM SPOKESMEN FOR TWO TOP ICE FISHING DESTINATIONS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00016-00000850-00001017 INVOLVING TOURISM SPOKESMEN FOR TWO TOP ICE FISHING DESTINATIONS IN THE UPPER MIDWEST TURNED INTO YhP0mQFXIBQ-00017-00001017-00001024 TWO TOP ICE FISHING DESTINATIONS IN THE UPPER MIDWEST TURNED INTO YhP0mQFXIBQ-00018-00001024-00001217 TWO TOP ICE FISHING DESTINATIONS IN THE UPPER MIDWEST TURNED INTO A WHOPPER OF A COMPETITION. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00019-00001217-00001224 IN THE UPPER MIDWEST TURNED INTO A WHOPPER OF A COMPETITION. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00020-00001224-00001494 IN THE UPPER MIDWEST TURNED INTO A WHOPPER OF A COMPETITION. THE FRIENDLY DAY-LONG CONTEST YhP0mQFXIBQ-00021-00001494-00001501 A WHOPPER OF A COMPETITION. THE FRIENDLY DAY-LONG CONTEST YhP0mQFXIBQ-00022-00001501-00001658 A WHOPPER OF A COMPETITION. THE FRIENDLY DAY-LONG CONTEST LAST THURSDAY INVOLVING TANNER YhP0mQFXIBQ-00023-00001658-00001664 THE FRIENDLY DAY-LONG CONTEST LAST THURSDAY INVOLVING TANNER YhP0mQFXIBQ-00024-00001664-00001825 THE FRIENDLY DAY-LONG CONTEST LAST THURSDAY INVOLVING TANNER CHERNEY AT NORTH DAKOTA'S DEVILS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00025-00001825-00001831 LAST THURSDAY INVOLVING TANNER CHERNEY AT NORTH DAKOTA'S DEVILS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00026-00001831-00001975 LAST THURSDAY INVOLVING TANNER CHERNEY AT NORTH DAKOTA'S DEVILS LAKE AND JOE HENRY AT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00027-00001975-00001981 CHERNEY AT NORTH DAKOTA'S DEVILS LAKE AND JOE HENRY AT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00028-00001981-00002242 CHERNEY AT NORTH DAKOTA'S DEVILS LAKE AND JOE HENRY AT MINNESOTA'S LAKE OF THE WOODS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00029-00002242-00002248 LAKE AND JOE HENRY AT MINNESOTA'S LAKE OF THE WOODS YhP0mQFXIBQ-00030-00002248-00002382 LAKE AND JOE HENRY AT MINNESOTA'S LAKE OF THE WOODS ENDED WITH 85 FISH BEING CAUGHT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00031-00002382-00002389 MINNESOTA'S LAKE OF THE WOODS ENDED WITH 85 FISH BEING CAUGHT YhP0mQFXIBQ-00032-00002389-00002532 MINNESOTA'S LAKE OF THE WOODS ENDED WITH 85 FISH BEING CAUGHT BY THOSE TWO AND OTHERS. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00033-00002532-00002539 ENDED WITH 85 FISH BEING CAUGHT BY THOSE TWO AND OTHERS. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00034-00002539-00002679 ENDED WITH 85 FISH BEING CAUGHT BY THOSE TWO AND OTHERS. LAKE OF THE WOODS CAME OUT THE YhP0mQFXIBQ-00035-00002679-00002686 BY THOSE TWO AND OTHERS. LAKE OF THE WOODS CAME OUT THE YhP0mQFXIBQ-00036-00002686-00002829 BY THOSE TWO AND OTHERS. LAKE OF THE WOODS CAME OUT THE WINNER WITH A WINDFALL YhP0mQFXIBQ-00037-00002829-00002836 LAKE OF THE WOODS CAME OUT THE WINNER WITH A WINDFALL YhP0mQFXIBQ-00038-00002836-00002959 LAKE OF THE WOODS CAME OUT THE WINNER WITH A WINDFALL OF 71 FISH. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00039-00002959-00002966 WINNER WITH A WINDFALL OF 71 FISH. YhP0mQFXIBQ-00040-00002966-00003093 WINNER WITH A WINDFALL OF 71 FISH. THE MAIN GOAL OF THE WALLEYE WAR YhP0mQFXIBQ-00041-00003093-00003099 OF 71 FISH. THE MAIN GOAL OF THE WALLEYE WAR YhP0mQFXIBQ-00042-00003099-00003256 OF 71 FISH. THE MAIN GOAL OF THE WALLEYE WAR WAS TO SHOWCASE THE TWO LAKES YhP0mQFXIBQ-00043-00003256-00003263 THE MAIN GOAL OF THE WALLEYE WAR WAS TO SHOWCASE THE TWO LAKES YhP0mQFXIBQ-00044-00003263-00003363 THE MAIN GOAL OF THE WALLEYE WAR WAS TO SHOWCASE THE TWO LAKES THAT ARE POPULAR DESTINATIONS Yj0rHolrVGg-00000-00000012-00000695 It's about execution, not about your great ideas. This is so important for Yj0rHolrVGg-00001-00000695-00001317 everyone I see out there creating social profiles, creating startups for launching Yj0rHolrVGg-00002-00001317-00001932 businesses, for struggling to understand why can't they just break through. It Yj0rHolrVGg-00003-00001932-00002382 doesn't matter about your great ideas, it doesn't matter about your intellectual Yj0rHolrVGg-00004-00002382-00003021 property. Ideas aren't the things that make it work. I don't know how many ideas Yj0rHolrVGg-00005-00003021-00003536 in business, I've had thousands of them, thousands of them that I've put into Yj0rHolrVGg-00006-00003536-00004119 practice. Tens of thousands of them that I haven't and the only thing that Yj0rHolrVGg-00007-00004119-00004646 actually makes a difference for you and anyone else that I serve, is the Yj0rHolrVGg-00008-00004646-00005369 execution. Making it happen, Turning thought into attention, combining Yj0rHolrVGg-00009-00005369-00005880 it with my intent. That's what actually makes the difference in the world. People Yj0rHolrVGg-00010-00005880-00006434 get so hung up on this great idea, ideas aren't what actually makes a startup Yj0rHolrVGg-00011-00006434-00007065 great. I think as Entrepreneurs, we need to give up this idea about ideas. It's Yj0rHolrVGg-00012-00007065-00007476 not ideas that change the world, it's your purpose that will change the world. Yj0rHolrVGg-00013-00007476-00008222 Ideas do not coalesce your intent and your attention, that is what moves people Yj0rHolrVGg-00014-00008222-00008814 make it about you and your purpose and then everything will change. Then you'll Yj0rHolrVGg-00015-00008814-00009306 have a million ideas and you'll evolve them all because it doesn't matter what Yj0rHolrVGg-00016-00009306-00009828 the idea is, You can replace it so long as it serves your purpose better. The Yj0rHolrVGg-00017-00009828-00010325 only time to act, the only time to be on purpose is now. As always let me know Yj0rHolrVGg-00018-00010325-00010635 what you think. Have I hit the mark? Am I wrong? Yj0rHolrVGg-00019-00010635-00011036 Have you got challenges with this? If you have questions, let's share together, Yj0rHolrVGg-00020-00011036-00011684 let's learn and grow and as always, please like, subscribe and share. Thanks. 00tKUy6RBGc-00000-00000458-00000909 In my last video, I talked about Scott McCloud's "Big Triangle," and I made a lot 00tKUy6RBGc-00001-00000909-00001365 of promises about what I'd talk about in the future. And, well I'm gonna make good 00tKUy6RBGc-00002-00001365-00001809 on at least one of those right away. McCloud's triangle exists in 00tKUy6RBGc-00003-00001809-00002144 UNDERSTANDING COMICS in large part to discuss the prevalence of a particular 00tKUy6RBGc-00004-00002144-00002542 style of visual art that makes up the overwhelming majority of comics: 00tKUy6RBGc-00005-00002542-00002972 cartooning. So what's up with the cartoon? 00tKUy6RBGc-00006-00003002-00003211 I'm Andrea Gilroy and this is Comics Crash Course. 00tKUy6RBGc-00007-00003586-00003986 So the word cartoon is tricky because it has a lot of meanings 00tKUy6RBGc-00008-00003986-00004394 and connotations depending on the context. As we discussed way back when, 00tKUy6RBGc-00009-00004394-00004905 cartoons started life as a loanword from Italian for a preliminary sketch for a 00tKUy6RBGc-00010-00004905-00005385 final project, only to shift into a term for a satirical illustration thanks to 00tKUy6RBGc-00011-00005385-00005780 PUNCH magazine. McCloud uses it to differentiate between single panel 00tKUy6RBGc-00012-00005780-00006447 cartoons and "real" multi-panel comics. It can refer to that low production quality 00tKUy6RBGc-00013-00006447-00006995 but imagination-shaping Saturday morning animated fair, and, well, any animated fair. 00tKUy6RBGc-00014-00006995-00007476 And regardless of the visual style, and despite McCloud's differentiation 00tKUy6RBGc-00015-00007476-00007992 between cartoons and comics, for a very long time comic artists refer to 00tKUy6RBGc-00016-00007992-00008514 themselves as cartoonists. It also refers to a style of illustration, and 00tKUy6RBGc-00017-00008514-00009090 especially when you add a few letters to the end and talk about cartooning. So 00tKUy6RBGc-00018-00009090-00009554 that's what we're gonna focus on today: cartooning is a style of illustration 00tKUy6RBGc-00019-00009554-00010095 that is still representative but is simplified and usually exaggerated. And 00tKUy6RBGc-00020-00010095-00010635 that exaggeration is often --though not always--used for humorous effect. Meaning 00tKUy6RBGc-00021-00010635-00011189 that the overlap between cartooning and caricature is often quite large. This 00tKUy6RBGc-00022-00011189-00011543 style of drawing is at the center of Scott McCloud's incredibly influential 00tKUy6RBGc-00023-00011543-00011915 definition of cartooning in UNDERSTANDING COMICS, one that boils down 00tKUy6RBGc-00024-00011915-00012531 to three words: amplification through simplification. So this whole thing 00tKUy6RBGc-00025-00012531-00013028 actually goes back to the Big Triangle. You see for McCloud, cartoons are more 00tKUy6RBGc-00026-00013028-00013551 toward the conceptual point of the triangle, while what he calls realistic drawing 00tKUy6RBGc-00027-00013551-00014056 moves more toward the mimetic point. And he argues that because a cartoon is more 00tKUy6RBGc-00028-00014056-00014556 conceptual and less representational of some real object, they are essentially 00tKUy6RBGc-00029-00014556-00015219 more well universal. And that explains their power. Their simplification 00tKUy6RBGc-00030-00015219-00015770 amplifies their meaning. He argues that the human tendency of anthropomorphism-- 00tKUy6RBGc-00031-00015770-00016366 especially pareidolia, which is when you see faces everywhere--that points towards 00tKUy6RBGc-00032-00016366-00016932 an inherent tendency to seek out identification. The more conceptual an image, 00tKUy6RBGc-00033-00016932-00017500 the more blank the slate; and the easier it is to pour ourselves into that image. 00tKUy6RBGc-00034-00017500-00017989 I think this is a pretty compelling argument and I certainly noticed myself 00tKUy6RBGc-00035-00017989-00018415 doing these sorts of things. An interesting example of McLeod's point 00tKUy6RBGc-00036-00018415-00018859 comes out of the franco-belgian comics history, where during the 1950's there 00tKUy6RBGc-00037-00018859-00019398 were two major schools of comic styles. One was the Brussels School, which came 00tKUy6RBGc-00038-00019398-00019837 out of the journal TINTIN; and the second was the Charleroi School, which centered 00tKUy6RBGc-00039-00019837-00020437 around the journal SPIROU. I'm gonna focus on the Brussels school, which was 00tKUy6RBGc-00040-00020437-00020953 influenced largely by Tintin. The creator of which was a man known as 00tKUy6RBGc-00041-00020953-00021634 Hergé, who pioneered a style known as ligne claire, or clear line. The whole point of 00tKUy6RBGc-00042-00021634-00022329 ligne claire is that, well...it's line is very clear. The weight of the line is 00tKUy6RBGc-00043-00022329-00022860 even across the foreground, middle-ground, and background; and is also the same 00tKUy6RBGc-00044-00022860-00023476 weight regardless of whether the artist is drawing a detail or a main figure. The 00tKUy6RBGc-00045-00023476-00023832 overall effect is really interesting; this the sort of coloring book kind of look. 00tKUy6RBGc-00046-00023832-00024429 And it's also really, really clear and super easy to read. And that's part of 00tKUy6RBGc-00047-00024429-00024731 the point: TINTIN was meant to be an educational 00tKUy6RBGc-00048-00024731-00025237 comic, in which the young reporter would go to different countries and report 00tKUy6RBGc-00049-00025237-00025747 back to Belgium on his adventure. Of course, if you've read a lot of Tintin 00tKUy6RBGc-00050-00025747-00026170 you know it changed quite a bit over the course of the series, but the style was 00tKUy6RBGc-00051-00026170-00026473 developed to serve this educational purpose. 00tKUy6RBGc-00052-00026473-00026929 And one of the things you see is that the world of Tintin is quite detailed 00tKUy6RBGc-00053-00026929-00027382 and carefully rendered, even if the color is flat. But the main characters--and 00tKUy6RBGc-00054-00027382-00028027 especially Tintin himself--are very simple; super cartoony. The trick of the 00tKUy6RBGc-00055-00028027-00028432 even weighted line is that it makes the cartoony figures look like they fit in 00tKUy6RBGc-00056-00028432-00028843 this super detailed world. There's not this tension between the detailed world 00tKUy6RBGc-00057-00028843-00029242 and the super cartoony characters, and it seems to also have this effect that 00tKUy6RBGc-00058-00029242-00029875 McCloud claims. Tintin is this sort of "universal" figure. It doesn't hurt that he 00tKUy6RBGc-00059-00029875-00030400 has very little personality. It's really easy to identify with him, to have him as 00tKUy6RBGc-00060-00030400-00030787 a familiar touchstone you can hold on to while experiencing the exciting new 00tKUy6RBGc-00061-00030787-00031314 world visits. Now, while I agree that there is something very powerful about 00tKUy6RBGc-00062-00031314-00031813 the conceptual nature of cartoon images-- especially the more simplified ones--one 00tKUy6RBGc-00063-00031813-00032292 of the thing McCloud fails to account for is that his "universality" is-- 00tKUy6RBGc-00064-00032292-00032896 ironically --incredibly culturally specific. And that's one of the reasons I 00tKUy6RBGc-00065-00032896-00033373 chose to look at Tintin. Because not only is the clear line style a really useful 00tKUy6RBGc-00066-00033373-00033925 example of the kind of "amplification through simplification" claim, but the 00tKUy6RBGc-00067-00033925-00034296 Tintin series is also known for its cultural imperialist attitudes, 00tKUy6RBGc-00068-00034296-00034861 especially in the early years of the series. Tintin is a white European boy 00tKUy6RBGc-00069-00034861-00035502 with Christian values...and guess what? THAT is what gets to be universal. 00tKUy6RBGc-00070-00035502-00036121 Everything that doesn't fit with that is Othered to different degrees, and while a 00tKUy6RBGc-00071-00036121-00036646 person that doesn't look like Tintin might identify with him, that's largely 00tKUy6RBGc-00072-00036646-00037345 because cultural pressure has forced us-- myself included, I'm a woman--to identify 00tKUy6RBGc-00073-00037345-00037894 with certain so-called "Universal standards." Take, for example this cartoon: 00tKUy6RBGc-00074-00037894-00038725 Ostensibly the most universal thing, right? A human. But this is male, right? 00tKUy6RBGc-00075-00038725-00039295 Keynote says that's male. Female? Add dress. Now it's slightly less universal... 00tKUy6RBGc-00076-00039295-00039828 even though I almost never wear dresses. Another example: in this early sketch of 00tKUy6RBGc-00077-00039828-00040113 Franklin from peanuts you can see Charles Schulz working out the 00tKUy6RBGc-00078-00040113-00040494 character's look. particularly playing with his hair. Schulz worked really hard 00tKUy6RBGc-00079-00040494-00040908 on this character, speaking with African-American friends and fans to 00tKUy6RBGc-00080-00040908-00041358 make sure that he avoided stereotype. Now you can tell it's Franklin in this 00tKUy6RBGc-00081-00041358-00041715 picture, but when he would appear in the strip his racial otherness will be 00tKUy6RBGc-00082-00041715-00042130 marked with lines on his skin. Part of this is representational; 00tKUy6RBGc-00083-00042130-00042564 Franklin's skin is darker than Charlie Brown's, and those lines show that in 00tKUy6RBGc-00084-00042564-00042961 black and white. But I showed the sketch to prove that it's not entirely 00tKUy6RBGc-00085-00042961-00043500 necessary. You still know it's Franklin without the lines. The point is that 00tKUy6RBGc-00086-00043500-00044205 conceptually "universal" isn't actually universal, it's culturally dependent. And 00tKUy6RBGc-00087-00044205-00044820 to underline the point. that so-called universality usually reinforces 00tKUy6RBGc-00088-00044820-00045600 particular cultural values having to do with race, gender, class, religion, etc. You 00tKUy6RBGc-00089-00045600-00046038 see, in order to simplify a representation--to create a cartoon--an 00tKUy6RBGc-00090-00046038-00046626 artist needs to rely on visual shorthand. And that visual shorthand is built 00tKUy6RBGc-00091-00046626-00047175 through centuries of tradition based on the values that I just mentioned. What 00tKUy6RBGc-00092-00047175-00047613 parts of the face are worth emphasizing? What parts can be ignored? What's 00tKUy6RBGc-00093-00047613-00047915 considered beautiful? What's considered ugly? 00tKUy6RBGc-00094-00047915-00048424 For example, McCloud's smiley face ignored the nose, but if a culture considered the 00tKUy6RBGc-00095-00048424-00048876 nose a really important part of beauty or a key aspect of expression, maybe that 00tKUy6RBGc-00096-00048876-00049527 simple face would include a nose and not a mouth. One more example is manga. I'm 00tKUy6RBGc-00097-00049527-00050080 often asked why people in manga and I may "look white." That's because in the Western 00tKUy6RBGc-00098-00050080-00050538 tradition of caricature and cartooning, brightly colored hair and wide, round 00tKUy6RBGc-00099-00050538-00051051 eyes indicate whiteness. While Asianness is traditionally denoted with almond- 00tKUy6RBGc-00100-00051051-00051459 shaped eyes and dark hair. Now manga has an entirely different 00tKUy6RBGc-00101-00051459-00051961 visual tradition. To a Japanese reader, a character in manga looks as Japanese as 00tKUy6RBGc-00102-00051961-00052338 Belle from BEAUTY & THE BEAST looks white to us. Now, neither of them have 00tKUy6RBGc-00103-00052338-00052876 particularly realistic proportions, but in Japanese texts, white characters 00tKUy6RBGc-00104-00052876-00053286 actually have different markers. So that's one of the fascinating and 00tKUy6RBGc-00105-00053286-00053637 sometimes troubling things about cartooning. While the seeming simplicity 00tKUy6RBGc-00106-00053637-00054228 of the cartoon as a concept leads us to believe in its universality, the practice 00tKUy6RBGc-00107-00054228-00054752 of cartooning actually reveals a ton about the inherent values of a culture. 00tKUy6RBGc-00108-00054752-00055400 As with everything the simple stuff is often so much more complicated than it seems 00tKUy6RBGc-00109-00055414-00055617 More next week! 00tKUy6RBGc-00110-00055620-00055820 See you then. 00aqa8-cWHg-00000-00000000-00000050 kapil sharma wife 00aqa8-cWHg-00001-00000050-00000100 kapil Sharma wife in on vacation 00aqa8-cWHg-00002-00000100-00000150 shared photos on social media 02UX9Q1m8AA-00000-00000000-00001100 The Beginning 02UX9Q1m8AA-00001-00001100-00003000 The Intro 02UX9Q1m8AA-00004-00083952-00086128 Outro 02UX9Q1m8AA-00005-00086128-00086828 The End 05dDoUXnYmc-00000-00000000-00000516 You're Pablo Escobar world-renowned drug kingpin seventh richest man in the world 05dDoUXnYmc-00001-00000516-00001167 DEA is most-wanted trying to relax on a Saturday afternoon what do you do well 05dDoUXnYmc-00002-00001167-00001580 Netflix wouldn't be around for a few more years and the Xbox hadn't yet been 05dDoUXnYmc-00003-00001580-00001923 developed so what are you supposed to do with all your free time 05dDoUXnYmc-00004-00001923-00002391 well why not play with some hippos yep that's exactly what he did 05dDoUXnYmc-00005-00002391-00003696 if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe and let's jump in in the early 05dDoUXnYmc-00006-00003696-00003971 1980s Pablo Escobar was the leader of the 05dDoUXnYmc-00007-00003971-00004494 Medellin Cartel dubbed the king of cocaine the cartel pulled in more than 05dDoUXnYmc-00008-00004494-00004907 70 million dollars a day totaling more than 22 billion a year 05dDoUXnYmc-00009-00004907-00005361 if the Medellin Cartel was a company today that would put them just outside 05dDoUXnYmc-00010-00005361-00005864 of the top 500 largest companies in the world by revenue and then ninth largest 05dDoUXnYmc-00011-00005864-00006228 in South America but what do you do with all your wealth when you're one of the 05dDoUXnYmc-00012-00006228-00006627 world's most wanted men well you can't access most banks or 05dDoUXnYmc-00013-00006627-00007014 financial markets without getting your assets seized by the Americans and there 05dDoUXnYmc-00014-00007014-00007448 are only so many Colombian companies you can buy at their height the midian 05dDoUXnYmc-00015-00007448-00007875 cartel was spending twenty five hundred a month on rubber bands just to keep 05dDoUXnYmc-00016-00007875-00008277 their cash bundled together and each year they lost more than two billion 05dDoUXnYmc-00017-00008277-00008658 dollars to hungry rats nibbling on the bills they have to hide throughout 05dDoUXnYmc-00018-00008658-00009129 Colombia again since they couldn't keep most of it in banks at a certain point 05dDoUXnYmc-00019-00009129-00009534 you just have to start spending money on random things otherwise the rats will 05dDoUXnYmc-00020-00009534-00009879 just have more to eat so Escobar's decided to take one of his 05dDoUXnYmc-00021-00009879-00010353 mansions east of Medellin and make the largest private zoo on the planet he 05dDoUXnYmc-00022-00010353-00010857 imported many animals from giraffes two rhinos two zebras and yes even some 05dDoUXnYmc-00023-00010857-00011268 hippos although there were some logistical challenges to importing 05dDoUXnYmc-00024-00011268-00011729 hippos for starters their native homeland was some 5000 miles and an 05dDoUXnYmc-00025-00011729-00012207 ocean away not to mention they can weigh up to five tons and every year kill more 05dDoUXnYmc-00026-00012207-00012567 humans than any other mammal except for people I guess 05dDoUXnYmc-00027-00012567-00013006 but Escobar was determined to make it happen luckily for him his 05dDoUXnYmc-00028-00013006-00013398 side business taught him a lot about smuggling things across borders and he 05dDoUXnYmc-00029-00013398-00013855 was able to see four hippos from California into the country over the 05dDoUXnYmc-00030-00013855-00014266 years Escobar enjoyed a zoo and the hippos reportedly became his favorite 05dDoUXnYmc-00031-00014266-00014647 animal after Escobar's death in 1993 the 05dDoUXnYmc-00032-00014647-00015025 Colombian government quickly seized his assets when they came across the zoo 05dDoUXnYmc-00033-00015025-00015447 they began distributing the animals they found to other zoos across the country 05dDoUXnYmc-00034-00015447-00015850 except for the Rhinos and hippos which they decided were too big and expensive 05dDoUXnYmc-00035-00015850-00016248 to transport and so they released them into the surrounding swampland the 05dDoUXnYmc-00036-00016248-00016656 Rhinos which weren't as good at living in the Colombian wilderness quickly died 05dDoUXnYmc-00037-00016656-00017122 out but the hippos started thriving without the big cats and hyenas that 05dDoUXnYmc-00038-00017122-00017575 preyed upon them in Africa their population grew and seemingly opposed to 05dDoUXnYmc-00039-00017575-00017934 the fight fire with fire mentality government officials didn't bring these 05dDoUXnYmc-00040-00017934-00018463 apex predators to Colombia to keep the hippo populations in check it might seem 05dDoUXnYmc-00041-00018463-00018804 strange that the government decided to release these apex predators into the 05dDoUXnYmc-00042-00018804-00019204 wilderness but back in the 1990's invasive species and the effects that 05dDoUXnYmc-00043-00019204-00019560 can have on an ecosystem weren't as well understood as they are today and 05dDoUXnYmc-00044-00019560-00019990 honestly they probably didn't think the hippos would survive very long so far 05dDoUXnYmc-00045-00019990-00020470 from their natural habitat today we know that invasive species can have an 05dDoUXnYmc-00046-00020470-00020944 enormous effect on the ecosystems they encounter overall invasive species like 05dDoUXnYmc-00047-00020944-00021310 the cane toad in Australia and Asian carp in the u.s. caused more than a 05dDoUXnYmc-00048-00021310-00021751 hundred billion dollars in damages every year by killing native species eating 05dDoUXnYmc-00049-00021751-00022165 crops damaging infrastructure and growing uncontrollably without their 05dDoUXnYmc-00050-00022165-00022573 natural predators and Pablos hippos haven't turned out any different 05dDoUXnYmc-00051-00022573-00023026 a hippo eats more than 80 pounds of food a day depleting resources from many 05dDoUXnYmc-00052-00023026-00023443 native species like Colombia's native catfish and the endangered Amazonian 05dDoUXnYmc-00053-00023443-00023910 manatee since they were first released the hippo population in Colombia has 05dDoUXnYmc-00054-00023910-00024357 grown rapidly and now since out more than 50 from the original four just a 05dDoUXnYmc-00055-00024357-00024787 few decades ago with them tearing up the ecosystem and threatening the lives of 05dDoUXnYmc-00056-00024787-00025150 the now many tourists who have started to come see them how does one solve the 05dDoUXnYmc-00057-00025150-00025600 hippo problem well the easiest answer would be for the government to deal with 05dDoUXnYmc-00058-00025600-00026004 the hippos the same way they dealt with Escobar 05dDoUXnYmc-00059-00026004-00026494 but in 2009 after hunters acting on government orders shot Pepe 05dDoUXnYmc-00060-00026494-00026887 one of Escobar's original hippos holy was rampaging through nearby farmland 05dDoUXnYmc-00061-00026887-00027325 animal rights activists sued the government this led to a court ruling 05dDoUXnYmc-00062-00027325-00027793 prohibiting hunting the hippos with their enormous upkeep costs remember 05dDoUXnYmc-00063-00027793-00028341 each one needs 80 pounds of food a day no local zoos want them the next obvious 05dDoUXnYmc-00064-00028341-00028752 solution is to neuter them the hippos will still be alive but they won't be 05dDoUXnYmc-00065-00028752-00029208 able to father any offspring so it just turns into a long waiting game a pretty 05dDoUXnYmc-00066-00029208-00029802 long one but as you can imagine doing work down there isn't easy when the down 05dDoUXnYmc-00067-00029802-00030322 there is attached to a 6,000 pound human eating machine so neutering a hippo 05dDoUXnYmc-00068-00030322-00030727 requires getting it away from the other hippos tranquilizing it and then 05dDoUXnYmc-00069-00030727-00031111 operating and all of these logistics aren't cheap with local authorities 05dDoUXnYmc-00070-00031111-00031555 strapped for cash by the time they neuter one five more are born and 05dDoUXnYmc-00071-00031555-00032056 sending them back to Africa isn't an option either as you can imagine going 05dDoUXnYmc-00072-00032056-00032565 from four to fifty required a lot of inbreeding and officials aren't sure how 05dDoUXnYmc-00073-00032565-00032968 their genes would affect the already delicate African hearts their last 05dDoUXnYmc-00074-00032968-00033396 option authorities are currently trying to develop a birth control compatible 05dDoUXnYmc-00075-00033396-00033846 for hippos but so far this hasn't amounted to anything in those same 05dDoUXnYmc-00076-00033846-00034209 animal rights groups that block their hunting probably won't like putting them 05dDoUXnYmc-00077-00034209-00034702 on the pill stories like these are why in recent years governments have been 05dDoUXnYmc-00078-00034702-00035074 putting increasing restrictions on transporting foods and animals across 05dDoUXnYmc-00079-00035074-00035403 borders but as global markets become ever more connected 05dDoUXnYmc-00080-00035403-00035919 it seems invasive species are inevitable after all it only takes a few slipping 05dDoUXnYmc-00081-00035919-00036375 through the cracks to cause big problems a perfect example happened in Australia 05dDoUXnYmc-00082-00036375-00036846 in 1857 when a handful of European rabbits were released into the wild for 05dDoUXnYmc-00083-00036846-00037336 hunting before ballooning into more than 600 million a century later even with 05dDoUXnYmc-00084-00037336-00037750 costly measures taken in the last few decades their population still sits at 05dDoUXnYmc-00085-00037750-00038206 around 100 million today only time will tell what will happen to escobar's 05dDoUXnYmc-00086-00038206-00038640 hippos but for now this is where our story ends I hope you liked the video 05dDoUXnYmc-00087-00038640-00038963 and if you did consider watching the one tagged in the outro 05dDoUXnYmc-00088-00038963-00039527 have a great day and remember there's always more to learn 063-1NYEvdk-00000-00000304-00000888 good morning traders and welcome to the bookmap live trading webinar with scott polcini today 063-1NYEvdk-00001-00000888-00001560 so uh scott trades features you guys know who he is but we do this every thursday with scott uh 063-1NYEvdk-00002-00001560-00002456 and uh we um uh how to uh uh how he trades uh how he uses bookmap how he reads order flow and 063-1NYEvdk-00003-00002456-00003096 and integrates that within his trading uh the uh you guys know who scott is he has just a pretty 063-1NYEvdk-00004-00003096-00004000 amazing story here about his history trading uh 10 of the s p e mini was featured in a book 063-1NYEvdk-00005-00004000-00004872 with dr brett steen barter and it goes on and on anyway here's scott's uh information 063-1NYEvdk-00006-00004872-00005160 here for if you want to reach out to him you've got his email you've got 063-1NYEvdk-00007-00005256-00005944 his website trading room here he's got educational courses on our book map marketplace i'll put all 063-1NYEvdk-00008-00005944-00006376 this into the chat if you want to reach out to him i need to go through the disclosures here and 063-1NYEvdk-00009-00006376-00006959 then we'll turn it right over to scott all right general disclosure all bookmap limited materials 063-1NYEvdk-00010-00006959-00007495 information and presentations are for educational purposes only and should not be considered 063-1NYEvdk-00011-00007495-00008264 specific investment advice nor recommendation dations live trading is in simulation demo paper 063-1NYEvdk-00012-00008264-00008872 trading mode and strictly for educational purposes live trading executed in simulation cannot 063-1NYEvdk-00013-00008872-00009416 accurately represent realistic trading performance risk disclosure trading futures equities and 063-1NYEvdk-00014-00009416-00009880 digital currencies involve substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors 063-1NYEvdk-00015-00009880-00010336 an investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment risk capital is 063-1NYEvdk-00016-00010336-00010856 money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's financial security nor lifestyle only risk capital 063-1NYEvdk-00017-00010856-00011328 should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading 063-1NYEvdk-00018-00011328-00011872 past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results all right are you there scott 063-1NYEvdk-00019-00012504-00012991 and cannot hear you i don't know if you there you are let me know yes there you are all 063-1NYEvdk-00020-00012991-00013616 right so let's uh if you can present your screen and then i'll rebroadcast it in here 063-1NYEvdk-00021-00014047-00014272 i got it got it 063-1NYEvdk-00022-00014528-00015256 all right how are you i'm great how are you i'm okay i'm okay 063-1NYEvdk-00023-00015312-00016032 uh all right take it take it away scott okay thank you uh good morning everybody 063-1NYEvdk-00024-00016263-00017032 151 contracts there's some stuff firing off in gold here uh important level 063-1NYEvdk-00025-00017032-00017752 which we'll go over um so see here there was a this is like 400 stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00026-00017824-00018432 300 stop from here this yellow zone and then more step run or more stops came in here you can see 063-1NYEvdk-00027-00018432-00019240 back to back 146 155 so another 3 300 total you can see they swipe the sweeps of the book as well 063-1NYEvdk-00028-00019416-00019880 and now you have some buys coming in this is not threshold so i'm not going to draw anything but 063-1NYEvdk-00029-00020048-00020360 um you know gold is bullish for right now 063-1NYEvdk-00030-00020472-00020768 it's gonna be interesting to see what we do here you can see in the bigger picture 063-1NYEvdk-00031-00020928-00021672 got this pretty large month and a half balance area that we broke out from and it's just been 063-1NYEvdk-00032-00021672-00021992 basically building balance and all we really do is coming down to the bottom of the balance 063-1NYEvdk-00033-00021992-00022536 which is the top of this guy so this is still bullish intermediate long term right 063-1NYEvdk-00034-00022536-00023088 doesn't mean you can't pull back like we're doing now but your your counter moves are usually going 063-1NYEvdk-00035-00023088-00023456 to be short-lived and then the bigger moves are going to be like that if if this remains 063-1NYEvdk-00036-00023456-00024104 bullish and up here you know the only time this question that's being bullish is if we violate 063-1NYEvdk-00037-00024168-00024664 the high volume node of this balance area so that would be way down here so this can come 063-1NYEvdk-00038-00024664-00025424 out this could come all the way here and still be a bullish market as far as this structure stuff so 063-1NYEvdk-00039-00025424-00026095 that's why thank you stop stop selling 153 that's why using real-time volume really 063-1NYEvdk-00040-00026095-00026424 helps you because you know if you're bullish here you're bullish over here 063-1NYEvdk-00041-00026504-00026832 you're like yeah this thing's ripping this everything tells me it's going up and then 063-1NYEvdk-00042-00026832-00027239 you endure this and you have no idea that there's stop runs coming up firing off and 063-1NYEvdk-00043-00027239-00027768 you sell stop runs and you should probably not be in your long right now or you should wait for the 063-1NYEvdk-00044-00027768-00028400 stop runs to fail etc so um let's see what's going on nasdaq i'm very interested in these markets 063-1NYEvdk-00045-00028504-00029304 selling off here snp is 716 contracts all right so i'm short yes we'll go over all 063-1NYEvdk-00046-00029304-00029656 this here in a second there's a new setup in here i'm going to draw this first considering 063-1NYEvdk-00047-00029656-00030024 i have a position on i just shorted while i was showing you guys gold i should have 063-1NYEvdk-00048-00030024-00030608 went to this first but you can see this by ice coming in so what we will do is mark the zone up 063-1NYEvdk-00049-00030712-00031295 and then we can i can trail my stop based on this new setup this new volume event 063-1NYEvdk-00050-00031688-00032432 in case this thing doesn't break snp is 949 contracts all right so there was a ton of but 063-1NYEvdk-00051-00032432-00033256 tell a ton of sell ice before the open and into the open diamond room by mq 176 contract 063-1NYEvdk-00052-00033256-00033744 added it all up it was like 7 400 sell ice and now we're failing out of that zone so here's 063-1NYEvdk-00053-00033744-00034448 the npi size for excel in queue 150 contracts all righty let's see what's going on in here 063-1NYEvdk-00054-00034680-00035208 good sellers coming in i'll come back to that in a second so right now atr is six point three 063-1NYEvdk-00055-00035208-00035712 eight five minute atr's that means six six point three eight points the way i trade 063-1NYEvdk-00056-00035712-00036168 these five point seven four is ninety percent of an apr i've moved to ninety it's been working 063-1NYEvdk-00057-00036168-00036760 a little better you guys see me gets ticked out ten times a day so i've got i was at 75 063-1NYEvdk-00058-00036760-00037280 and i was at 80 then i was 85 now i'm at 90 just trying to find that sweet spot where the 063-1NYEvdk-00059-00037280-00037984 algos don't tick me out every time so 5.75 points above here i will stop out of this trade so 31.25 063-1NYEvdk-00060-00038288-00038536 you can see that's right at the bottom of the zone so i'm going to do is i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00061-00038536-00038800 going to go a little bit higher than that i'm going to get right inside this zone 063-1NYEvdk-00062-00038888-00039392 um in case we get a bounce and i don't get stopped out so and we'll go over why i only 063-1NYEvdk-00063-00039392-00039848 have two on here too as far as uh the risk so i'm gonna step out right inside there 063-1NYEvdk-00064-00039968-00040784 hopefully it won't get up there and i'll actually add to this trade as well 063-1NYEvdk-00065-00041840-00042552 so that's that and then here you see the cell ice coming in in nasdaq 175 here 063-1NYEvdk-00066-00043256-00043728 so you draw these zones you look for the spike you incorporate all the prices that 063-1NYEvdk-00067-00043728-00044456 happen in the spike and you draw your zone that is i try to use snp iceberg ies 063-1NYEvdk-00068-00044456-00045696 711 contracts and q stop stop sell nq 367 contracts snp is 701 contracts 063-1NYEvdk-00069-00045856-00046384 all right so there's another's stopper i mean i'm not even getting a chance to do it 063-1NYEvdk-00070-00047408-00048192 so this is a new setup i will travel i stop based on this i mean i'm not even getting 063-1NYEvdk-00071-00048192-00048568 it's like nothing's going on and then everything's going on so this is the new one so 063-1NYEvdk-00072-00048656-00049296 uh 6.84 is the atr now we'll go over why i use the apr and everything else 063-1NYEvdk-00073-00049296-00049688 once it settles down a little bit uh so six point one five is ninety percent so i round 063-1NYEvdk-00074-00049688-00050248 up six and a quarter points above here i will stop out so that puts me at twenty five fifty 063-1NYEvdk-00075-00050248-00050992 so i'm able to bring this stop down six points now because of the new volume event 26.50 063-1NYEvdk-00076-00051576-00051624 there we go 063-1NYEvdk-00077-00051928-00052560 all right so quickly let's take a look at our lugs ludwig levels um these are 063-1NYEvdk-00078-00052864-00053384 pertinent to my trading and understanding where we are 063-1NYEvdk-00079-00053504-00054088 as far as short-term um sport and resistance so you can see here we bounce this this was the 063-1NYEvdk-00080-00054088-00054352 trade i should have been more aggressive here before because there's a bunch of 063-1NYEvdk-00081-00054352-00054664 sell ice at the open and we can't move a little higher but i mean you can see how 063-1NYEvdk-00082-00054664-00055128 well these things work i mean bounced bounced and now now we're down at the yellow lug so 063-1NYEvdk-00083-00055128-00055552 this is a really important level there's a yellow lug and that's confluent with this 063-1NYEvdk-00084-00055752-00056312 marker profile composite so if you know if this market is going to remain short-term bullish this 063-1NYEvdk-00085-00056312-00056672 needs to hold right here if this gets outside here it's going to get ugly so and then if we 063-1NYEvdk-00086-00056672-00057072 get in here it's going to get really ugly that's what i've been calling for for the last few days 063-1NYEvdk-00087-00057072-00057840 you know yesterday was a terrible volume relative volume low volume nonsense rally and then today 063-1NYEvdk-00088-00057840-00058528 now the big money's coming back in and pushing it back down so um really important level here nasdaq 063-1NYEvdk-00089-00058640-00059167 as well same exact name these are really really important levels right now we've already violated 063-1NYEvdk-00090-00059167-00059544 so we couldn't even tag the red here got below the yellow and now you expect blue 063-1NYEvdk-00091-00059752-00060304 we're right there and this is like a 348 composite we'll go over all this but you know if this 063-1NYEvdk-00092-00060304-00060760 is remain bullish this needs a hole this gets out of here then again it's going to get ugly 063-1NYEvdk-00093-00060952-00061408 so let me get my stuff there so i can have multiple positions on and get smoked on a bungee 063-1NYEvdk-00094-00061408-00062088 jump that should be fun let's see that move there looked like there was some kind of news out i 063-1NYEvdk-00095-00062088-00062679 don't know i don't i got my squat gun and i didn't hear anything but we'll we'll probably find out 063-1NYEvdk-00096-00062679-00063376 you know 20 minutes later after the market moves 50 points yes all right so this was that stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00097-00063984-00064584 try to color the stop runs yellow or white so i can distinguish 063-1NYEvdk-00098-00065160-00065688 all right so now we're just basically bouncing between that was that cell ice here's a stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00099-00065768-00066200 we know we're below the yellow lug so i will short this well depending on how close we are 063-1NYEvdk-00100-00066200-00066552 to the blue log because i don't like taking positions right before the lug as you saw like 063-1NYEvdk-00101-00066552-00067160 the red one they are very very powerful so you know i won't depending on the risk reward you 063-1NYEvdk-00102-00067160-00067624 know there's a setup which there is here what's the distance to get to this versus what i have 063-1NYEvdk-00103-00067624-00067976 to risk that's what i have to judge right and if we're like down here and i gotta set up a 063-1NYEvdk-00104-00067976-00068480 short setup i don't take it until we bust through the lugs and build new lugs right um especially 063-1NYEvdk-00105-00068480-00069208 here you know like i said this is really important area so um i want to make sure we can 063-1NYEvdk-00106-00069432-00070232 get out of that and i want to see what my risk is here so this this blue lug is 13972 063-1NYEvdk-00107-00070232-00071200 so that's a good what 90 points away atr current atr is 31 which isn't isn't crazy for nasdaq 063-1NYEvdk-00108-00071368-00072064 i remember a few weeks ago or a month ago was at 100 so that's not too bad so you know you could 063-1NYEvdk-00109-00072064-00073144 trade this off of the return of this if this fails right the safer play is to always refer 063-1NYEvdk-00110-00073144-00073896 to the most recent setup and that was the stop run right so i will trade this because the atr 063-1NYEvdk-00111-00073896-00074368 is not too bad i will go short aggressively if we break this zone again you could trade this 063-1NYEvdk-00112-00074368-00074696 and what i was explaining to my room and i've said it many times in here too yesterday is 063-1NYEvdk-00113-00074856-00075480 you know different different people have different some guy was talking about what he thought was a 063-1NYEvdk-00114-00075480-00076088 bull flag and i disagreed and then we started to talk a little bit about you know what people 063-1NYEvdk-00115-00076088-00076592 use or what they look at and you know you can come up with your own ways of using this this 063-1NYEvdk-00116-00076592-00077192 information the point is this information is the science there's no questioning this was a stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00117-00077192-00077776 right how you trade these zones is up to you like i tell you every week i've been watching this for 063-1NYEvdk-00118-00077776-00078216 three plus years now and thousands and thousands of setups and the way that i've determined the 063-1NYEvdk-00119-00078216-00079024 best way to trade these is to you know wait for an atr etc etc so the way i'm trading them it doesn't 063-1NYEvdk-00120-00079024-00079488 mean you have once you get i recommend you follow what i do right when if you're first starting and 063-1NYEvdk-00121-00079488-00079896 you're trying to learn how these work but once you get better at them you can trade them over once 063-1NYEvdk-00122-00079896-00080496 so my point is like on this return to this you may say well what was that on my screen go there 063-1NYEvdk-00123-00080576-00081408 hold on okay um my point is you know you may say you're a seasoned you're like this thing's going 063-1NYEvdk-00124-00081408-00081872 down this was a huge move blah blah blah whatever reasons you use where you know the 200-day across 063-1NYEvdk-00125-00081872-00082304 the 50-day whatever whatever you're using you may say i'm going to short off of this zone i'm not 063-1NYEvdk-00126-00082304-00082864 going to wait for atr 90 of an atr below this step you see what i'm saying so the better you 063-1NYEvdk-00127-00082864-00083248 get it recognizing these and understanding and watching them then you can come up with 063-1NYEvdk-00128-00083248-00084184 your own ways to train them so enough chirping let's put the order in here uh 29.74 is your atr 063-1NYEvdk-00129-00084288-00084832 26.76 so 27 points below here i want to this trade then i just determined 063-1NYEvdk-00130-00084832-00085256 i have to determine what my size is going to be based on my risk right so 27 points 063-1NYEvdk-00131-00085344-00085976 below here so 30 points puts me 11 so it's 14.25 is where i can short this 063-1NYEvdk-00132-00086392-00086600 spot gamma volatility trigger which i like 063-1NYEvdk-00133-00086912-00087552 and then we'll also be outside of this profile as well so that's not a bad i mean you got this 063-1NYEvdk-00134-00087552-00087992 other one here right of course right at the exact price that i'm going to short it but 063-1NYEvdk-00135-00087992-00088336 this is most important because it's the most recent and again this is this 063-1NYEvdk-00136-00088336-00088888 this composite is like what's today how many days is this let's see real quick 063-1NYEvdk-00137-00089168-00089736 yeah this is a three-day composite so remember if this is you know most of you guys know what market 063-1NYEvdk-00138-00089736-00090208 profile is but this all this is showing you that 70 of the day's trade occurred 063-1NYEvdk-00139-00090208-00090824 in this and this and if they overlap prior days you merge them all together and then make one 063-1NYEvdk-00140-00090824-00091456 big composite value area and they're really really really powerful four areas and you 063-1NYEvdk-00141-00091456-00091904 know you could just seriously wait you know when you're in the middle of a composite that's when 063-1NYEvdk-00142-00091904-00092416 you're going to get chopped up you can wait for edges to make trading decisions right especially 063-1NYEvdk-00143-00092416-00093000 if they're confluent with other things right um but that's you know and then you look at your 063-1NYEvdk-00144-00093000-00093576 bigger picture stuff as well but you you can do very well just waiting for bookmap setups the si 063-1NYEvdk-00145-00093576-00094152 indicator setups that edges you know whether you played you know that it holds or whether it breaks 063-1NYEvdk-00146-00094496-00094640 let's see what's going on in the cs 063-1NYEvdk-00147-00095328-00095856 all right so i'm hoping this can hold if not then i'm basically going to scratch that trade which is 063-1NYEvdk-00148-00095856-00096352 fine right i mean i don't of course i want this thing to go to zero right but i don't ignore 063-1NYEvdk-00149-00096432-00096840 bullish setups this could potentially be a bullish setup this is the most recent setup he 063-1NYEvdk-00150-00096840-00097480 had a thousand buy ice he had 700 actually this is a double whammy this is one of my six setups 063-1NYEvdk-00151-00097616-00098304 so this is the dub money the retail trader again don't be offended i'm retail traders well 063-1NYEvdk-00152-00098304-00098808 the dumb money puke into the waiting hands of hidden buy orders in the order book right this 063-1NYEvdk-00153-00098808-00099520 is the big money so this is one of the strongest signals as far as which way we're going to go 063-1NYEvdk-00154-00099520-00099840 if you see the big money coming in and buying while the dummy pukes you 063-1NYEvdk-00155-00099840-00100160 you know a high percentage of the time this will be the end of the 063-1NYEvdk-00156-00100160-00100984 download for now so let's mark this i usually make the double whammy's dark blue help me distinguish 063-1NYEvdk-00157-00101744-00102080 so if this does hold i'm just going to stop out 90 of an atr 063-1NYEvdk-00158-00102200-00102992 basically exactly where i shorted it right right in there and then we recess that's a 063-1NYEvdk-00159-00102992-00103783 high likelihood of happening hold on one second i'm going to trail my stop on my other accounts 063-1NYEvdk-00160-00104408-00104576 any questions bruce while i'm doing this 063-1NYEvdk-00161-00104888-00105183 uh not yet 063-1NYEvdk-00162-00105368-00105672 oh i'm sorry hold on a minute here in uh in youtube um 063-1NYEvdk-00163-00106280-00106816 yeah um is just wondering about where this crazy selling might 063-1NYEvdk-00164-00106816-00107128 be coming from what your thoughts on that um uh 063-1NYEvdk-00165-00107440-00107928 yeah and well you're never gonna know where it's coming from i have a pretty good idea of from what 063-1NYEvdk-00166-00107928-00108504 happened earlier today right so if you see this before the open this all started and that's why 063-1NYEvdk-00167-00108504-00108944 this black zone is humongous and that's why i only have a two lot on so i was going to get to this so 063-1NYEvdk-00168-00108944-00109496 it's a good segue right you see again some of my room added all this up there's like 7 400 063-1NYEvdk-00169-00109583-00110040 sell ice contracts from here basically all the way up to here i didn't draw the top of this because 063-1NYEvdk-00170-00110040-00110624 the last one was only 400 but somebody was selling this and all these aggressive buyers are were like 063-1NYEvdk-00171-00110624-00111383 um yeah yeah this thing's going to 4500 oh no well let's puke about right that's what i would say a 063-1NYEvdk-00172-00111383-00112008 lot of the selling is guys all these guys that were so gung-ho and then they're like holding 063-1NYEvdk-00173-00112008-00112535 their breath holding their breath puke right and that's that that's the start of that right 063-1NYEvdk-00174-00112535-00112968 and now you have some now you have paper coming in the way and some of this could be some of that 063-1NYEvdk-00175-00112968-00113440 you're never gonna know right ever unless you are god almighty you don't know what the bigger 063-1NYEvdk-00176-00113440-00113983 players are doing as far as why right and that's like the big argument like when the si indicator 063-1NYEvdk-00177-00113983-00114511 came out like you had all these competitors like you don't know it and then they misunderstood 063-1NYEvdk-00178-00114511-00114928 too they're like well but just because it's by ice doesn't mean the market's going up and just 063-1NYEvdk-00179-00114928-00115359 because it's sell ice doesn't mean it's going down well of course that right but you still want to 063-1NYEvdk-00180-00115359-00115720 have a good idea what the big money is doing first and foremost big money is not always right when 063-1NYEvdk-00181-00115720-00116240 they're wrong it's tremendous right so you know if there was what we've seen many times where this 063-1NYEvdk-00182-00116240-00116920 thing is you know buy ice buy ice bias and then it just dies right so the point is you want to 063-1NYEvdk-00183-00116920-00117335 know what they're doing and i lost my train of thought when i was trying to get out there but 063-1NYEvdk-00184-00117472-00118216 um you know this was aggressive buying and then breath holding right whoever's buying this is like 063-1NYEvdk-00185-00118216-00118600 you know you have your everybody knows like you have your threshold where you have to puke right 063-1NYEvdk-00186-00118600-00118952 where it's like too much pain you're out and that's what that was right there 063-1NYEvdk-00187-00119016-00119464 and it could be just the beginning so the other thing i keep an eye on this is not publicly 063-1NYEvdk-00188-00119464-00119952 available right now and i don't really know why you know i used to do the tas trade room um and 063-1NYEvdk-00189-00119952-00120424 he has this product which is very very powerful they're redoing it they're revamping it but it's 063-1NYEvdk-00190-00120424-00120888 not available to purchase right now this is called the edge so what this is showing me is 063-1NYEvdk-00191-00121032-00121648 um so i have it set for the s p right now right so this is showing me all 500 stocks in the s p 063-1NYEvdk-00192-00121711-00122264 how many are above or below their five minute test boxes so five minute test boxes 063-1NYEvdk-00193-00122264-00122568 we'll look at that in a second they're just little little mini market profiles 063-1NYEvdk-00194-00122568-00123000 so when this thing gets extended meaning you see the red get above the 67 line you see the 063-1NYEvdk-00195-00123000-00123520 percentage is over here many times that is the end of the move and you'll get you're going to 063-1NYEvdk-00196-00123520-00123888 get a bounce if you see the green above here many times that's the end of the buying and then you're 063-1NYEvdk-00197-00123888-00124311 going to get a little bit of a sell-off right so the point how i use this is just because 063-1NYEvdk-00198-00124311-00124704 red gets up here doesn't mean you just want to start buying blindly what you want to not 063-1NYEvdk-00199-00125064-00125448 what you don't want to be doing is if you see it's good this is getting close right 063-1NYEvdk-00200-00125448-00126080 say 57 this gets over 70 80 90 which you can get up to you don't want to be selling at that 063-1NYEvdk-00201-00126080-00126664 point because this will get it will revert and the i'll go pop it come in and pop it the other way so 063-1NYEvdk-00202-00126776-00127224 um so i keep an eye on that as well so it's a very good likelihood 063-1NYEvdk-00203-00127224-00127759 likelihood i get stopped out of this trade but we'll see um 063-1NYEvdk-00204-00128016-00128376 let's see what's going on in gold gold and crude have been extremely 063-1NYEvdk-00205-00128376-00128832 difficult to trade lately with the all the headlines and the war and everything else so 063-1NYEvdk-00206-00128896-00129192 i would be very careful trading these especially if you're new to the market 063-1NYEvdk-00207-00129264-00129688 uh but now we have buy stops going the other way so we had sell stop stops sell stops and now here 063-1NYEvdk-00208-00129688-00130128 comes 300 buy stops and this is the most recent so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to 063-1NYEvdk-00209-00130280-00130616 remove this i'll stop run from before because this is basically right on top 063-1NYEvdk-00210-00130616-00131112 of that and let's make a new zone and we can trade off that so we've already seen 063-1NYEvdk-00211-00131184-00131632 has already shown its cards basically that that cell stop last i'll stop below 063-1NYEvdk-00212-00131632-00132304 is rejected that's a dumb and dumber that's one of my six setups right and now you're getting a 063-1NYEvdk-00213-00132304-00132952 buy stop the other way so i would probably expect this because of the bullish nature of this market 063-1NYEvdk-00214-00132952-00133368 right now that this will turn into a stop and hold so you have a dumb and dumber 063-1NYEvdk-00215-00133544-00134040 again those are these are my names that we named name these setups mix up a little comical as well 063-1NYEvdk-00216-00134192-00134640 that's your stop run it's all stop run it's the rejection that means that's not real selling yeah 063-1NYEvdk-00217-00134640-00135128 it's selling but it's not is it selling with a purpose or is it guys puking this guy's puking 063-1NYEvdk-00218-00135128-00135600 instant rejection now you got more pukes now is this going to turn into 063-1NYEvdk-00219-00135600-00136008 the pukes initiated and then the big money comes in and holds it and runs it back up 063-1NYEvdk-00220-00136008-00136624 and that's what i'm thinking is going to happen again that's my thought but i will change if the 063-1NYEvdk-00221-00136624-00137384 volume tells me something different right so let's take a look where we're at here as far as lugs in 063-1NYEvdk-00222-00137560-00137648 market profile 063-1NYEvdk-00223-00138288-00138784 we'll get in the scheme of the volume and stuff as well a little bit 063-1NYEvdk-00224-00138928-00139280 this i was checking this earlier was not drawing new lugs i hope there's nothing 063-1NYEvdk-00225-00139280-00139616 this is correct because this should have drawn your legs by now 063-1NYEvdk-00226-00139840-00140248 so she's trying to switch over she's like redoing this and she's got new versions and she's going 063-1NYEvdk-00227-00140248-00140776 to have problems with that natural gas member comes on five minutes later that's my alarm 063-1NYEvdk-00228-00140840-00141248 so you can see here what what stories i try to get through my room all the time what story do 063-1NYEvdk-00229-00141248-00141752 you see occurring here right so this was i mean lugs doesn't really tell us much right now i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00230-00141752-00142224 assuming there's new lugs here and there's a yellow lug right where we're at but we don't 063-1NYEvdk-00231-00142224-00142624 have that to lean on right now so let's just look at this right so what happened the other day 063-1NYEvdk-00232-00142952-00143648 right we launched out of the most recent market profile composite we retested this guy here 063-1NYEvdk-00233-00143728-00144528 couldn't hold inside that's bullish boom closed here next day just traded in a range right now 063-1NYEvdk-00234-00144528-00145056 the same exact thing is happening right the other day couldn't hold today couldn't hold there's your 063-1NYEvdk-00235-00145056-00145544 stop run dumb and dumber you're back out of here here's another stop run so if this holds i will 063-1NYEvdk-00236-00145544-00146416 be gladly going long and watching this this all is in is in line with our or my thesis of 063-1NYEvdk-00237-00146672-00147208 both bullish thesis right again here's your balance here's balance all we really did is 063-1NYEvdk-00238-00147208-00147608 come down to the bottom of this is just one balance so i can see this holding because this 063-1NYEvdk-00239-00147608-00148032 is the mammoth that it's holding the top of this guy and then coming right back and now we know 063-1NYEvdk-00240-00148032-00148488 market profile it's rejecting out of that most recent composite we potentially have a bullish 063-1NYEvdk-00241-00148488-00148968 real-time setup real-time volume setup which is the most important we take the trade right so 063-1NYEvdk-00242-00149208-00149616 again i don't know you know i use i use the logs to determine if i'm going to be aggressive 063-1NYEvdk-00243-00149616-00150168 out of the zone or if i'm going to wait for a full atr retest and i don't know why this is not 063-1NYEvdk-00244-00150168-00150792 drawing new zones hopefully she's on this webinar and she can make some adjustments but prior blue 063-1NYEvdk-00245-00150792-00151336 is important as well so usually when you get new lugs i'll show you examples of this but you they 063-1NYEvdk-00246-00151336-00151872 will draw new lugs and it'll be the yellow will be right on top of the blue then you have a red and 063-1NYEvdk-00247-00151872-00152488 then you have blue down here so if the market's truly bearish it should hold directional yellow 063-1NYEvdk-00248-00152488-00153120 and prior blue it should not get above here so now we got that factor in as well so if this this stop 063-1NYEvdk-00249-00153120-00153560 latest stop run we get a different color here now this latest stopper which is right here if that 063-1NYEvdk-00250-00153560-00154112 turns into stop and hold we're gonna get back back above player prior blue we'd held outside of this 063-1NYEvdk-00251-00154168-00154552 that's all bullish right and then you have your real-time volume telling you we're going back up 063-1NYEvdk-00252-00154720-00155168 so my point is what i usually do when we're right at the yellow lug as i wait for re-test 063-1NYEvdk-00253-00155168-00155712 failure which is probably the smart moving goal because it's the chop algo ridden chop vest 063-1NYEvdk-00254-00155712-00156320 so there's your atr just move the decimal point 31.4 right so that will say 32 ticks 063-1NYEvdk-00255-00156480-00157128 so i'll wait for a re-test failure on this again it doesn't always fail or retest i should say so 063-1NYEvdk-00256-00157208-00157800 the meaning i need to see 32 ticks out of here so i need to see see this trade 40. then i would 063-1NYEvdk-00257-00157800-00158192 need to see a retest of this area could even come all the way back in here and then once 063-1NYEvdk-00258-00158192-00158712 it fails back out of here and then i'm in a 90 percent of an atr and then my stop goes 90 and 063-1NYEvdk-00259-00158712-00159496 atr below this most recent structure or volume event right you could again that's how i trade 063-1NYEvdk-00260-00159496-00160080 it this is the best way i've determined to trade these after all these years right so you could say 063-1NYEvdk-00261-00160080-00160496 wow scott's a lot of that's a lot of bullish stuff scotch just showed me i'm going to buy i'm going 063-1NYEvdk-00262-00160496-00160952 to buy it right out of the zone or i'm going to buy it at a 90 i'm i'm going to be aggressive i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00263-00160952-00161320 not going to wait for retails you can do whatever you want it's your money right but i'm telling you 063-1NYEvdk-00264-00161400-00161960 you know the the safest way to play these especially in these algo clown markets is you want 063-1NYEvdk-00265-00161960-00162584 to wait for re-test failure right and especially when we're at the yellow lock so my point is as 063-1NYEvdk-00266-00162584-00163096 you get better with these and understand them you can train them however you want right um 063-1NYEvdk-00267-00163168-00163632 but that that this is the science the sciences this was a stop run this is the area there's no 063-1NYEvdk-00268-00163632-00164184 disputing that how you trade it is up to you i highly recommend again that you trade it the way 063-1NYEvdk-00269-00164184-00164760 i trade it until you figure out what you're doing all right let's take a look see if i got stopped 063-1NYEvdk-00270-00164760-00165472 out of my eos yet no oh look at that look at the new 90 holding holding tough no stop out yes 063-1NYEvdk-00271-00165640-00166328 so technically now if this you know we didn't get an atr above this most recent double whammy right 063-1NYEvdk-00272-00166328-00166960 so technically i can still short this i can add to the short if this fails and comes comes back right 063-1NYEvdk-00273-00167144-00167672 let's make sure atr so the reason i'm using atr well this market i love how it's just 063-1NYEvdk-00274-00167672-00167976 like everything's firing off and then everything just stops there's nothing now 063-1NYEvdk-00275-00168048-00168408 which is fine because it helps me explain things um 063-1NYEvdk-00276-00168408-00168936 six point nine two you can see right there just six six point nine two points all right 063-1NYEvdk-00277-00169344-00169696 and natural gas comes out here in a minute 6.25 063-1NYEvdk-00278-00169696-00170064 6.22 so you round up 6.25 so let's make sure this is 063-1NYEvdk-00279-00170408-00170880 whatever that means i don't know what that means as far as that's a lot or a little um 063-1NYEvdk-00280-00170960-00171632 so 25.50 is my stop price so i can actually move this down now up full point so what i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00281-00171632-00172160 doing is i'm moving my stop not because of p l right i'm moving my stop because of the dynamic 063-1NYEvdk-00282-00172272-00172912 volatility change in atr that's what this helps you with so i'm getting i get a lot of questions 063-1NYEvdk-00283-00172912-00173312 about this lately like why do you use atr i don't understand what you're doing there 063-1NYEvdk-00284-00173312-00173904 well because when i first learned how to use these and understand what this was when i made my course 063-1NYEvdk-00285-00173904-00174424 i had a standard amount of points that i would use to determine what kind of setup it was right 063-1NYEvdk-00286-00174424-00175104 gas iceberg sell ng 153 contract we will keep an eye on natural gas because that market so 063-1NYEvdk-00287-00175104-00175576 i tell my room is you guys want to have other markets that you are watching instead of just 063-1NYEvdk-00288-00175576-00176264 this yes i almost used a bad word there yes or nq so when these markets are not trading you can go 063-1NYEvdk-00289-00176264-00176728 to another market the ones i recommend right now i would recommend staying away from crude and gold 063-1NYEvdk-00290-00176784-00177248 natural gas and soybeans are incredible like we'll mark this up and i'll come back to what 063-1NYEvdk-00291-00177248-00177896 i was talking about the atr here but you can see here the numbers out got some this isn't big but 063-1NYEvdk-00292-00177952-00178512 i use reset mode right so you can use different modes on here and once again this is up to you how 063-1NYEvdk-00293-00178512-00178952 you want to use i use reset you've got and when i made my course i use exponential right we'll show 063-1NYEvdk-00294-00178952-00179464 you it doesn't look that much different right but i i want to see spikes right so when i use 063-1NYEvdk-00295-00179464-00179824 the reset you can see the spikes and then atom together if they're right on top of each other 063-1NYEvdk-00296-00179824-00180400 so i just like to see that it's just a better look you can use whatever whatever setting you want um 063-1NYEvdk-00297-00180400-00181040 just literally google bookmap wiki and it explains the different settings and you tailored how you 063-1NYEvdk-00298-00181040-00182200 want to look at it so this is actually a pretty big zone here you got that all the way up to here 063-1NYEvdk-00299-00182200-00182632 but this thing is it's pretty incredible well first and foremost what you guys should all 063-1NYEvdk-00300-00182632-00183144 notice this right that's liquidity those are big orders where do you think we're going 063-1NYEvdk-00301-00183144-00183648 we're going down there eventually because the big money always gets their way eventually 063-1NYEvdk-00302-00183648-00184064 why because they're the big money and they can push the market down into these orders and they 063-1NYEvdk-00303-00184064-00184456 want to get their fills down here they don't want to buy up here obviously so they'll come 063-1NYEvdk-00304-00184456-00184952 down here and then the market can go up and it's over and over in every single market so 063-1NYEvdk-00305-00184952-00185464 that's that zone this is a this sounds insane this is like a hundred and i know this isn't bad i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00306-00185464-00185976 sorry this is a 50 50 tick zone so let's just take a quick look at the logs let me i may trade this 063-1NYEvdk-00307-00186192-00186432 there you go right at the uh red lug 063-1NYEvdk-00308-00186712-00187112 so the way i trade these and this is this is actually confluent with where i think we're 063-1NYEvdk-00309-00187112-00187560 going with that liquidity so when we're at the red lug and it fails and we get a signal i'll 063-1NYEvdk-00310-00187560-00188048 trade the setup aggressively my normal way of trading is if we're above directional yellow 063-1NYEvdk-00311-00188144-00188488 i the only time i short aggressive i don't short aggressively so say the 063-1NYEvdk-00312-00188488-00188928 short setup came down here i wait for the atr re-test fail but if we're if 063-1NYEvdk-00313-00188928-00189456 the setup's at the red lug then i'll get in aggressively meaning 90 of an atr so let's 063-1NYEvdk-00314-00189768-00190208 see what we got going on here atr is obviously elevated because of 063-1NYEvdk-00315-00190208-00191272 the number it's 43.86 so 44 ticks all right so to be aggressive on that so we put 43.86 063-1NYEvdk-00316-00191408-00191824 39. 39 and a half so we've got to round up because there's no half ticks in here so 40 063-1NYEvdk-00317-00191824-00192344 ticks below here i can short this market below the bottom of the zone but i'm you know i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00318-00192432-00192792 so what i'm going to be risking though because this is a large zone i have to risk my entry 063-1NYEvdk-00319-00192792-00193168 which is 40 ticks below here and that's actually right through all that liquidity so i don't 063-1NYEvdk-00320-00193168-00193672 really like that but or it's pretty close to it so this the the bottom of the zone was 09 063-1NYEvdk-00321-00193784-00194152 so that's 71 right so that's where i'll enter that 063-1NYEvdk-00322-00194328-00194912 right but now look at the risk i have to take here if i want to take this trade right trust me this 063-1NYEvdk-00323-00194912-00195400 is it's worth the risk in this market because i this market's moving 300 ticks at a time but 063-1NYEvdk-00324-00195456-00196024 i have to risk the 40 ticks that's the 90 of an atr if i get filled i have to risk 40 ticks above 063-1NYEvdk-00325-00196024-00196656 the zone and then the mono the zone so you're talking about 140 tick risk here for this trade 063-1NYEvdk-00326-00196656-00197016 right so you got to determine hey do i want to trade this setup am i willing to risk that much 063-1NYEvdk-00327-00197016-00197496 i mean you just cut down your size right but if this thing gets this thing can hold this red lug 063-1NYEvdk-00328-00197552-00197952 and this gets motoring down we're coming probably to at least here and maybe all the way here 063-1NYEvdk-00329-00197952-00198488 and this is huge this is over 300 300 ticks away right so that's how you determine or how 063-1NYEvdk-00330-00198488-00198976 i determine whether i want to take that trade or not with that big of a zone all right so let's see 063-1NYEvdk-00331-00198976-00199632 what's going on here filled of course you little pigs all right so basically scratch that trade 063-1NYEvdk-00332-00199936-00200160 i thought my 90 was going to keep me out of that 063-1NYEvdk-00333-00200368-00201088 no dice all right so we move on to our next trade so i want to make sure we did not get an atr above 063-1NYEvdk-00334-00201088-00201768 this most recent setup if we did then this short is disqualified right and then it actually we may 063-1NYEvdk-00335-00201768-00202856 put out along here so the top of this zone was 50 52. we got all the way up to basically 82 82 and a 063-1NYEvdk-00336-00202856-00203568 half so that's 30 points is that atr right there that's not surprising either right this is the 063-1NYEvdk-00337-00203568-00203984 elbows they they know what the atr is they're set to atr's there's alcohols that are sent to atr's 063-1NYEvdk-00338-00203984-00204584 that just rip it right back once it gets an atr away from areas so that was pretty much an atr 063-1NYEvdk-00339-00204760-00205256 so what i'm going to do here let's just make sure because i cost myself money doing this 063-1NYEvdk-00340-00205256-00205536 yesterday because it was our natural gas i was complaining about this the other day 063-1NYEvdk-00341-00205592-00206000 it was like i didn't it was like a tick away from the atr and i didn't take the trade and 063-1NYEvdk-00342-00206000-00206440 it turned out to be and it turned out to be a 300 tick street move that i was not 063-1NYEvdk-00343-00206440-00206896 in and i was very disappointed so 52 let's just make sure this exact price up here 063-1NYEvdk-00344-00207312-00207384 come on 063-1NYEvdk-00345-00208304-00208919 i mean that's like right there look at that yeah 8250 so that's above the atr even right now 063-1NYEvdk-00346-00208984-00209728 so i think it's expanding a little bit so because i got an atr above this most recent stop run the 063-1NYEvdk-00347-00209728-00210544 yellow zone this short setup is now disqualified right now what i can do is if this comes back 063-1NYEvdk-00348-00210656-00211744 re-test this zone i will go along and 90 of an atr right so i i'm dynamically one using the atr to 063-1NYEvdk-00349-00211744-00212304 understand volatility and just determine i'll get back into why i use atr but that's how i determine 063-1NYEvdk-00350-00212304-00212912 volatility and that's how i just determine if this what setup is right so if this is truly 063-1NYEvdk-00351-00212912-00213512 bearish this setup it should not get a fully a five minute atr above there right and it did and 063-1NYEvdk-00352-00213512-00214064 it went a full at once the full atr so now if a re-test fails i can go long because it never got 063-1NYEvdk-00353-00214064-00214752 an atr below this zone see what i mean and i also know we're still hanging at that market profile 063-1NYEvdk-00354-00214752-00215471 bottom or yeah the bottom of this right and that means this could you've got a setup if the 063-1NYEvdk-00355-00215471-00215800 if the sellers really wanted to step on the gas there they would have followed that stop run and 063-1NYEvdk-00356-00215800-00216440 pushed it right out of here instead it held now we're back here so because we're below the yellow 063-1NYEvdk-00357-00216440-00217016 lug i need to see here's your stop run i need to see full atr which we got re-test failure and 063-1NYEvdk-00358-00217016-00217608 i will go along if we were above the yellow lug if that stopper happened i go along aggressively 063-1NYEvdk-00359-00217608-00218584 kind of like i'm going short aggressively natural gas so we'll see what happens here 063-1NYEvdk-00360-00218760-00219064 so back to what i was saying about the atr why i use atr so when i 063-1NYEvdk-00361-00219064-00219392 made the course when i first started watching this volatility was much lower 063-1NYEvdk-00362-00219560-00220000 and you have to have a way to determine what the zone is right and i've i came up with the 063-1NYEvdk-00363-00220000-00220296 six different center there was five in the course we've added one other one called step 063-1NYEvdk-00364-00220296-00220792 brothers we'll go over that too but you gotta you don't know what this is until it moves away right 063-1NYEvdk-00365-00220792-00221312 well how far should i move away well at the time i just had a standard amount of points or ticks so 063-1NYEvdk-00366-00221312-00222016 yes it was three points to determine hey is this a titanic setup or i'm sorry if it goes down below 063-1NYEvdk-00367-00222016-00222456 then if it goes more than three points then that's broken ice if it holds if it gets above three 063-1NYEvdk-00368-00222456-00222960 points then it's a titanic so on and so forth so that was the way i distinguished what what it was 063-1NYEvdk-00369-00223096-00223567 as i got you know started watching it more and more you know so it was three points in the s 063-1NYEvdk-00370-00223567-00224319 it was um stock cell and cube 155 contracts all right so this is a brand new setup so now that 063-1NYEvdk-00371-00224319-00224776 whole idea with the retest failure that's why i wait so did you did you see there right i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00372-00224776-00225176 like okay this could be bullish did i buy right when it came back in that zone no i 063-1NYEvdk-00373-00225176-00225632 need to see this get back out of here then i'll buy it and i just save myself a potential loser 063-1NYEvdk-00374-00225632-00226064 right and now you have a new setup on top of it so now we'll hopefully be able to draw this 063-1NYEvdk-00375-00226304-00227167 my threshold is usually 150. at least i like to see over 200 like this one was like 180. um i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00376-00227167-00227496 trying to determine i'm going to draw this just because it's such an important area on the market 063-1NYEvdk-00377-00227496-00227944 profile i normally if it's right in the middle of nowhere i probably wouldn't draw this because 063-1NYEvdk-00378-00227944-00228592 the size is just not enough i want to see closer to 200 but this this zone is pretty much going 063-1NYEvdk-00379-00228592-00229223 to determine what we're going to do here if we're going to break or hold in my opinion so let's see 063-1NYEvdk-00380-00229528-00230280 hold on all right so once again because we're below the yellow lug i need to see 063-1NYEvdk-00381-00230632-00230832 full atr retest failure 063-1NYEvdk-00382-00231088-00231471 below here i could and here's the ball trigger that's really important 063-1NYEvdk-00383-00231471-00231800 i could short this i got to go 90 so that's already putting me 063-1NYEvdk-00384-00231856-00232584 that's basically like 25 points below here so i'll be shorting like at 86 or something 063-1NYEvdk-00385-00232671-00233048 right there's your wall so this is what i've determined now because we're getting closer 063-1NYEvdk-00386-00233048-00233504 and closer to this blue log do i really this is this is a great example right so here's 063-1NYEvdk-00387-00233504-00234176 that's there's the cell stopper do i want to get aggressively the 90 percent of an atr right here 063-1NYEvdk-00388-00234336-00234856 i don't because there's a pull up and we i know how powerful these lugs are as far as support and 063-1NYEvdk-00389-00234856-00235376 resistance resistance right so i can't take that short setup doesn't mean that i don't think we're 063-1NYEvdk-00390-00235376-00235967 going to think we're going lower but what i need what i need to see personally is new logs built 063-1NYEvdk-00391-00235967-00236600 and you can see here i'm sure i can find 15 examples right so this is a perfect example 063-1NYEvdk-00392-00236600-00237216 going up so we're coming up here we built new lugs there's yellow and the new yellow here's prior red 063-1NYEvdk-00393-00237216-00237952 what this is a truly bullish market at the time what should this do it should hold prior by mg 153 063-1NYEvdk-00394-00238016-00238576 it should hold prior red new directional yellow that's exactly what it did tried it again went 063-1NYEvdk-00395-00238576-00239071 all the way up try to get up here no dice that's a signal right there that something is a miss now 063-1NYEvdk-00396-00239071-00239704 to turn around the other way but i digress right so the point is what i need to see now 063-1NYEvdk-00397-00239760-00240104 i can't short this this close to look because i know how powerful there doesn't mean we can't 063-1NYEvdk-00398-00240104-00240488 build new lugs just like you saw here but i need to see new logs and then i'll wait for a 063-1NYEvdk-00399-00240488-00241160 new signal and then i'll go short that's just how i trade it once again this is the art you can say 063-1NYEvdk-00400-00241232-00241560 screw that man this is this breaking out that market profile i'm in i think we're going to 063-1NYEvdk-00401-00241560-00241967 build new logs and i think we're going to zero great we'll need your money you do however you 063-1NYEvdk-00402-00241967-00242664 want it want to trade it um so this is again now this i will definitely short aggressively 063-1NYEvdk-00403-00242664-00243152 if we can get back below here and then outside this and i was already short but i got stopped 063-1NYEvdk-00404-00243208-00243648 now i'm just waiting for a new setup it's not surprising it's bouncing around this yellow look 063-1NYEvdk-00405-00243744-00244192 it's kind of like the yellow lug is kind of like a point of control of a market profile 063-1NYEvdk-00406-00244248-00244656 area point of control is where the most trade happen right that's what that's showing you 063-1NYEvdk-00407-00244656-00244919 many times just like yesterday that's where you get the chopping 063-1NYEvdk-00408-00245000-00245567 right so the other thing we want to take a look at too what does the relative ion look like right 063-1NYEvdk-00409-00245567-00246384 now is it supporting a big move lower meaning you want to see so that explain this every week this 063-1NYEvdk-00410-00246384-00246767 this is a sierra chart there's other there's other programs that have this thicker swim doesn't have 063-1NYEvdk-00411-00246767-00247296 it this way and i don't they don't have in this view this is showing you the exact time period 063-1NYEvdk-00412-00247367-00248032 for the last 30 days if we are above or below normal so when you see yellow 063-1NYEvdk-00413-00248152-00248608 that means it's over 200 percent meaning two times normal volume that's really important 063-1NYEvdk-00414-00248608-00249256 right and you can see this down move was over two times normal by this up move same so like we were 063-1NYEvdk-00415-00249256-00249784 talking about this up move this this right here was probably these guys that bought puking them up 063-1NYEvdk-00416-00249784-00250184 right so the point is you want to be very careful if you're at a really important area 063-1NYEvdk-00417-00250184-00250608 like we are at the market profiles you want you don't want to see this volume die down 063-1NYEvdk-00418-00250608-00251056 it's just going to sit here and chop your head off right you want to see this picking up 063-1NYEvdk-00419-00251056-00251392 that means the big money's coming in and then you're going to get the extended move 063-1NYEvdk-00420-00251392-00251856 right nasdaq's not too bad but it's just normal it's nothing it's nothing big i mean 063-1NYEvdk-00421-00251856-00252328 do you think we're going to get a you know a major sell-off through that market profile low 063-1NYEvdk-00422-00252328-00252832 composite low if nobody's participating no and this is the algos know this right the 063-1NYEvdk-00423-00252832-00253328 elbows since they have algos that play this is the algo's dream when this thing turns 063-1NYEvdk-00424-00253408-00254016 red like that i think that's red it's it means it's like half the normal volume that's when algos 063-1NYEvdk-00425-00254016-00254392 go to town on you and then it's just back and forth back and forth back and forth right and then 063-1NYEvdk-00426-00254392-00254776 this comes in that's the algo's worst nightmare and this is some of the best warning signs if 063-1NYEvdk-00427-00254776-00255192 it's if you see this a spike like this right in the middle of a range then you're ready you're 063-1NYEvdk-00428-00255192-00255632 like okay it's go time this is going to move big one way or another right and that's what we did 063-1NYEvdk-00429-00255760-00256192 didn't this was a fail breakdown but whatever it still ended up being a big move and then there 063-1NYEvdk-00430-00256192-00256919 was more more right so my point is keep an eye on this at all times to determine you know you may 063-1NYEvdk-00431-00256919-00257376 be a range trader i hate trading ranges because it's like every time i decide to play the bottom 063-1NYEvdk-00432-00257376-00257984 of a range that's when it breaks out and runs me over but there's something to be said for 063-1NYEvdk-00433-00257984-00258760 you come down to an important area like we're at in both markets and there's no volume there's 063-1NYEvdk-00434-00258760-00259567 something to be said for dating right you need big money to push this out of here same with nasdaq 063-1NYEvdk-00435-00259752-00260584 so if this volume continues to dissipate then you're gonna get a bounce back would be my guess 063-1NYEvdk-00436-00260680-00261040 right right there both markets very very very important areas 063-1NYEvdk-00437-00261344-00261552 all right i need a break from talking any questions first 063-1NYEvdk-00438-00261792-00261984 let's take a look here 063-1NYEvdk-00439-00262544-00263208 uh andrew is bringing up a point here he's just curious how big money can be wrong 063-1NYEvdk-00440-00263336-00264112 are they being run over by other big money or is it accumulation of all retailers and then also 063-1NYEvdk-00441-00264112-00265016 when and why did you change the entry trigger at 90 percent recall previously it was uh 75 percent 063-1NYEvdk-00442-00265120-00265672 i went over that already but it's because i kept getting i had it at 75 and i kept getting tipped 063-1NYEvdk-00443-00265672-00266208 meaning i would enter a trade and you guys have seen it 300 times just on these webinars right so 063-1NYEvdk-00444-00266208-00266768 say we got the atr retest and i would buy it at 80 or 75 percent that would be the exact tick 063-1NYEvdk-00445-00266768-00267112 and then do that and i wouldn't even if i had a little higher i wouldn't have been i wouldn't 063-1NYEvdk-00446-00267112-00267888 even have been felt so then i'm like okay let's do 80. made it 80. made it 85 10. so now i have it at 063-1NYEvdk-00447-00267888-00268296 90. i'm just i'm just trying to find that sweet spot like i said the beginning of the webinar 063-1NYEvdk-00448-00268376-00268840 that's far enough from the zone where i don't especially get ticked that's what drives me 063-1NYEvdk-00449-00268840-00269472 crazy i'm fine with being wrong you as a trader are going to be wrong probably half the time 063-1NYEvdk-00450-00269472-00269864 right i'm fine with being wrong i want to know why i was wrong but i'm fine with it 063-1NYEvdk-00451-00269864-00270384 what i'm not fine with is five times a day on average i get filled to the exact tech whether 063-1NYEvdk-00452-00270448-00271000 entry and then it comes and that was the high of the move or if i'm you know say i get longness 063-1NYEvdk-00453-00271000-00271472 and i might stop right here it comes down ticks me exactly but that that's what drives me crazy and 063-1NYEvdk-00454-00271472-00271984 for 24 years of trading i still can't understand how that happens that often to me personally again 063-1NYEvdk-00455-00271984-00272560 that's the oh is me the market's against me i understand that but well like i tell my room every 063-1NYEvdk-00456-00272560-00272912 day when it happens five times a day i'm like i'm so glad this is public you guys can see this 063-1NYEvdk-00457-00272912-00273464 publicly so i'm not so i know i'm not imagining this because most traders don't get ticked like 063-1NYEvdk-00458-00273464-00274032 five times in a month it happens to me every day so five times in a day so but the whole point is 063-1NYEvdk-00459-00274032-00274672 i'm trying to find that exact you know here again that is subjective you can trade it however you 063-1NYEvdk-00460-00274672-00275176 want you can say i'm in twenty percent atr after a bunch of lives i'm in right when it moves out 063-1NYEvdk-00461-00275256-00275648 it doesn't you know you can't you can come up with your own way of trading this is the way that i've 063-1NYEvdk-00462-00275648-00276240 determined all i've done is stared at this thing for three years of these setups after set up after 063-1NYEvdk-00463-00276240-00276696 set up in all of these markets right so that's how i trade it so that's just the sweet spot 063-1NYEvdk-00464-00276808-00277424 your other question about how is paper wrong is it other paper coming in big money coming in yeah 063-1NYEvdk-00465-00277424-00277920 most times it's very rarely a collaboration of retail traders i mean sometimes if they're all 063-1NYEvdk-00466-00277920-00278504 buying you know puking or whatever yeah they could be run over that way but most of the time it's you 063-1NYEvdk-00467-00278504-00279072 know bigger money there's someone bigger fighting them and winning is you know what's going on and 063-1NYEvdk-00468-00279072-00279744 again you're never going to know why certain money is doing what and you're just wasting your time 063-1NYEvdk-00469-00279744-00280272 thinking about it i always use the analogy you know when you walk in a room and it's dark when 063-1NYEvdk-00470-00280272-00280672 you turn on a light do you need to take the light bulb out and look inside to figure out that it's 063-1NYEvdk-00471-00280672-00281104 giving you light or are you just happy with the light it's the same thing with this stuff right 063-1NYEvdk-00472-00281104-00281584 know the areas know your volume areas know the volume of that and know they work right you don't 063-1NYEvdk-00473-00281584-00282264 need to know why someone's selling 7 400 cell ice like this morning are they hedging are they 063-1NYEvdk-00474-00282264-00282776 are they getting out of positions it doesn't matter and you're never going to know the area 063-1NYEvdk-00475-00282776-00283352 is what matters so when this market it's got a very good chance to do it comes back into the zone 063-1NYEvdk-00476-00283488-00284160 there you're going to see some kind of reaction because of all the volume that occurred in there 063-1NYEvdk-00477-00284248-00284632 and it just gives you information so say this comes back here and there is no reaction and it 063-1NYEvdk-00478-00284632-00285024 goes right through this that's telling you something as well right so you may 063-1NYEvdk-00479-00285112-00285696 talk about this every day in my room right it's what you expect to happen is you take 063-1NYEvdk-00480-00285696-00286112 that trade so say you're like okay this was so big i don't care what happened after that 063-1NYEvdk-00481-00286112-00286576 i'm playing a re-testing of the zone failure i'm going short right and then you get short you're 063-1NYEvdk-00482-00286576-00287032 like and it does that and you lose you lose on your trade so you put your stuff all the 063-1NYEvdk-00483-00287032-00287432 way up here and it rips right through there and you're like damn it i thought that was i don't 063-1NYEvdk-00484-00287432-00287976 understand you know this should have helped right it should have is the key key phrase should have 063-1NYEvdk-00485-00287976-00288616 if that comes up here that's telling you something is off this thing is gone right same thing 063-1NYEvdk-00486-00288712-00289088 just use this example and i was going to actually go over this there's been no signals on crew today 063-1NYEvdk-00487-00289248-00289832 so this is the same type of thinking right so if you guys know anything about market 063-1NYEvdk-00488-00289832-00290256 structure which you should or you shouldn't learn because it helps you understand the bigger picture 063-1NYEvdk-00489-00290256-00290656 you know what should happen in certain instances so this is a good example i was using yesterday 063-1NYEvdk-00490-00290656-00291424 here's balance right broke down out of this balance came through this should hold if this 063-1NYEvdk-00491-00291424-00291768 is going to continue to be bearish it should hold at least the high volume of that as the 063-1NYEvdk-00492-00291768-00292280 last stand what did it do it ripped right through there so if you were if you know anything about 063-1NYEvdk-00493-00292280-00292616 market structure you're like well that's a fail that's a fail breakdown this thing 063-1NYEvdk-00494-00292616-00293248 should rip did it rip no so that so if i would okay remember back what i did this day but 063-1NYEvdk-00495-00293248-00293640 if i'm looking at this in bigger picture-wise i'm like i want to be long this is this thing 063-1NYEvdk-00496-00293640-00294352 is this is a failed breakdown i want to be long well what happened did it rip no it what should 063-1NYEvdk-00497-00294352-00294832 have happened didn't happen that should alert you right there so if i was long and i lost i'm like 063-1NYEvdk-00498-00294832-00295296 okay well guess what this thing's going to crash that's exactly what happened so it's not always 063-1NYEvdk-00499-00295296-00295880 what you think is going to happen you can get the best trades sometimes on what didn't happen that 063-1NYEvdk-00500-00295880-00296496 should have right so this is another perfect example in crude here you go breakdown came 063-1NYEvdk-00501-00296496-00297064 up here you shave and had more balance but when we came up to this if this was truly a bearish market 063-1NYEvdk-00502-00297064-00297456 meaning it was going to head back down it should have held this high volume node right well we 063-1NYEvdk-00503-00297456-00297904 got right through there yesterday so what should happen we should be doing that what's happening 063-1NYEvdk-00504-00297904-00298424 that's not happening it's kind of starting to look like this scenario so you don't you can't 063-1NYEvdk-00505-00298424-00298848 really tell now until you get a move out of this so the move is either going to be a big move here 063-1NYEvdk-00506-00298848-00299344 but i'm telling you if this thing cannot exactly it was actually this guy right got through that 063-1NYEvdk-00507-00299344-00300208 big one if this doesn't start motoring up we will make new lows for current stuff so that's what i'm 063-1NYEvdk-00508-00300208-00300576 saying what you expect something to happen which is fine you take trades that way that's your 063-1NYEvdk-00509-00300576-00301008 thesis for the day you take a loss you're like okay well why did i just lose along there this 063-1NYEvdk-00510-00301008-00301440 market's supposed to rip up that just gives you information to move down is going to be monster 063-1NYEvdk-00511-00301440-00302120 right so the same with the same with the volume stops so hopefully that's your question um 063-1NYEvdk-00512-00302336-00302672 i have a question for you scott i mean regarding the the bigger money and 063-1NYEvdk-00513-00302816-00303336 them being wrong or battling out with other uh uh bigger players um 063-1NYEvdk-00514-00303576-00304168 also i mean we've seen like many times or it seems like you know as price goes against uh 063-1NYEvdk-00515-00304168-00304640 these larger players they just average in uh over time i mean you can see it in the look in 063-1NYEvdk-00516-00304640-00305112 the liquidity heat map uh as well as a lot of the iceberg transactions so just wondering any 063-1NYEvdk-00517-00305112-00305512 any kind of thoughts on on that right well that's what's been happening that's what happened this 063-1NYEvdk-00518-00305512-00305952 morning and we saw it on what today's thursday i think it was tuesday we were talking about it we 063-1NYEvdk-00519-00305952-00306408 watched it in the room we opened up and someone in the room actually pointed out today they said 063-1NYEvdk-00520-00306408-00306960 cpi this is exactly what happened on cpi we opened up we ripped and it was like literally 063-1NYEvdk-00521-00306960-00307480 like this but it was way more it was like i can't remember what it was it was insanity it was like 063-1NYEvdk-00522-00307480-00307968 cell ice cell ice and we kept going higher cell lice cell life cell eyes then it kind of 063-1NYEvdk-00523-00307968-00308384 sat there for a little bit and then just don't i mean this was basically this day right here 063-1NYEvdk-00524-00308544-00308952 so yeah that's them averaging in and they just keep keep letting letting them have it 063-1NYEvdk-00525-00309008-00309640 that was right here i think let's see yeah that was a stay 063-1NYEvdk-00526-00309752-00310448 opened up even put in a buying tail that's bullish and this whole way up it was like 44 15. 063-1NYEvdk-00527-00310656-00311256 actually down here all this is the gap up so it started before the open two i think 063-1NYEvdk-00528-00311256-00311808 and then all the way to the high here was like tens of thousands of sell ice 063-1NYEvdk-00529-00311960-00312448 all right it wasn't easy to trade because the zone was so big but the point is they were averaging 063-1NYEvdk-00530-00312448-00312952 and everyone possibly i don't know nobody knows again unless you're god that's the only person who 063-1NYEvdk-00531-00312952-00313512 knows what they were doing besides them right and then they gave it up you know all these 063-1NYEvdk-00532-00313512-00314168 buyers and then i was showing this this is another example right of the cumulative cumulative volume 063-1NYEvdk-00533-00314312-00314736 so here's the day back here because there's a misconception on what this is as well 063-1NYEvdk-00534-00315016-00315184 let's see if we can find what day was 063-1NYEvdk-00535-00315624-00315936 i can't remember what what's the date today what was what was monday's date 063-1NYEvdk-00536-00316056-00316728 i'm 4 11 right 4 12 4 11. so now here it is this is so this is the monday here you go right 063-1NYEvdk-00537-00316880-00317200 this was fun to watch because i love when the buyers get in hand into them 063-1NYEvdk-00538-00317272-00317824 i'm just so sick of this thing being this bid for this long when the world's basically ending so 063-1NYEvdk-00539-00317944-00318224 we're up here this was the move right 063-1NYEvdk-00540-00318472-00319128 it started here and this was this is pre-market obviously so this is this is my time so 6 30 my 063-1NYEvdk-00541-00319128-00319912 time is um there's the open 830 central right so they bought it free market and then this was they 063-1NYEvdk-00542-00319912-00320416 were just buying it there you go this is basically i thought it was 4415 but it was a little lower 063-1NYEvdk-00543-00320416-00321016 this whole way up they were buying it it was just sell celeste celexallis and this is the problem 063-1NYEvdk-00544-00321016-00321408 or not a problem with what you want to be aware of that most people don't see that are using 063-1NYEvdk-00545-00321408-00321872 cumulative volume they're looking at this and this is cumulative volume what is cumulative volume 063-1NYEvdk-00546-00321872-00322528 cbd on bookmap right what it's telling you is who the aggressor is who is taking 063-1NYEvdk-00547-00322528-00323096 offers or hitting biz that's what this is telling you so what all that is is the cell bubbles on 063-1NYEvdk-00548-00323096-00323688 bookmat the cell bubbles are showing you market orders that's what that is right so these were all 063-1NYEvdk-00549-00323688-00324336 heavy market buyers this morning who were wrong as of right now right so back to this they were 063-1NYEvdk-00550-00324336-00324728 buying buying buying so if you're just looking at cumulative volume you're like yeah man i want 063-1NYEvdk-00551-00324728-00325208 to get long look at this these buyers are winning it's just gone straight up they're at plus 20 000 063-1NYEvdk-00552-00325208-00325752 for the day meaning 20 000 and this is where i just got an argue there's a big thing on twitter 063-1NYEvdk-00553-00325808-00326496 about more buyers and sellers there's never more buyers than sellers there's aggressive buyers 063-1NYEvdk-00554-00326496-00326984 aggressive sellers right so the aggressive buyers there can't be more buyers and sellers because 063-1NYEvdk-00555-00326984-00327344 there's got to be someone on the other side for the contract there can be different prices 063-1NYEvdk-00556-00327344-00327776 but there's never more sellers and buyers more buyers and sellers it's who the aggressor so this 063-1NYEvdk-00557-00327776-00328256 is showing you this isn't showing you more buyers it's showing you more aggressive buyers they were 063-1NYEvdk-00558-00328256-00328840 taking offers so hopefully that clarifies that so if you were just trading cbd you're like yeah man 063-1NYEvdk-00559-00328840-00329248 they're 20 000 this thing now we're up here you know so you don't have the lugs you don't have 063-1NYEvdk-00560-00329248-00329624 these these uh incredible lugs right and you're like yeah this thing is going to 063-1NYEvdk-00561-00329624-00330312 this we're going back to 4 500. well you didn't know you don't know looking at this basic cbd 063-1NYEvdk-00562-00330312-00330936 that this entire move up was it like 30 000 sell ice or whatever i can't remember the exact amount 063-1NYEvdk-00563-00330936-00331392 but it was ridiculous we were just in the room like oh my god it was just yes sell ice sell i 063-1NYEvdk-00564-00331392-00331984 sell it for like an hour or or more right so all these buyers that were all aggressive ran into 063-1NYEvdk-00565-00332040-00332400 and they could have been cost it you know averaging in like you said bruce the sell ice 063-1NYEvdk-00566-00332400-00333384 and then they gave it up and it just it broke actually let's see 063-1NYEvdk-00567-00333608-00334248 let's see it held it held for a while and then it gave it up right so it was inside the zone 063-1NYEvdk-00568-00334248-00334672 for a while and then oh i even said in the room i'm like you can feel the breath holding right 063-1NYEvdk-00569-00334672-00335168 because all these buyers were like oh no right and then you can see it's starting to come down 063-1NYEvdk-00570-00335168-00336128 and then they put it and we dropped like 60 points or something so the point is the cbd does not give 063-1NYEvdk-00571-00336128-00336656 you the whole story i mean look at that move down that was another close and we caught that right um 063-1NYEvdk-00572-00336824-00337472 but just knowing what's going on bigger picture really helps all these buyers the the si indicator 063-1NYEvdk-00573-00337472-00337848 the most powerful thing i've ever seen in futures right futures trading lets you know 063-1NYEvdk-00574-00337848-00338760 hey yeah they're buying but the big money is is they're absorbing all of these aggressive buyers 063-1NYEvdk-00575-00338760-00339064 and then when the aggressive buyers are wrong then they puke them out 063-1NYEvdk-00576-00339160-00339512 and that's trading that's what's happening in these markets in every market 063-1NYEvdk-00577-00339512-00340032 all day long and if you can distinguish when that's occurring and what's you know big size 063-1NYEvdk-00578-00340032-00340376 what's not and what the big money is doing what the dumb money is doing then you have 063-1NYEvdk-00579-00340376-00340968 the ultimate edge there's no bigger edge than knowing what the real time volume is is up to 063-1NYEvdk-00580-00341032-00341416 i'm going to clear out some of this stuff because give me attic um we're still trading 063-1NYEvdk-00581-00341416-00341968 i don't think did we get an atr above here while i was chirping let's see this was at 30 063-1NYEvdk-00582-00342104-00342752 36 quarter we got all the way up to 67. yeah that was an atr so i should be getting along this a lot 063-1NYEvdk-00583-00343088-00343688 right atr is 31.66 it's amazing how let me look at that that's the exact atr again right 063-1NYEvdk-00584-00343840-00344224 so let me just get let me buy this right now and then we'll determine if i have 063-1NYEvdk-00585-00344224-00344760 the right size on again when i'm doing these webinars it's hard to keep track of all this 063-1NYEvdk-00586-00345104-00345136 all right 063-1NYEvdk-00587-00345352-00345952 um all right so and again this wasn't this wasn't a ton of volume either right this was that 143 063-1NYEvdk-00588-00345952-00346496 stop loss or stop a stop run right right there and i said normally i won't even draw that but we're 063-1NYEvdk-00589-00346496-00347016 at that bottom of the market profile so i'll play it to the long side if it if it got the atr so 063-1NYEvdk-00590-00347016-00347552 that was that we got an atr above here here's your retest ninety percent i just gotta make sure i did 063-1NYEvdk-00591-00347552-00348872 this right so 31.68 is your atr i know in half 28.5 is the apr 90 so i needed to get in at 54 063-1NYEvdk-00592-00349224-00349904 55 right or 54 half almost exactly look at that look how good i am hopefully that works but 063-1NYEvdk-00593-00349968-00350416 but you can see it's having trouble getting through this prior zone this is i'm telling 063-1NYEvdk-00594-00350416-00351040 you guys like this you really want to know where these because again it's failed it may fail again 063-1NYEvdk-00595-00351096-00351456 i'll stop out but that's just information if this rips through here that's information as 063-1NYEvdk-00596-00351456-00352000 well like okay this this isn't holding any more either we're going to rip right so i'm long that 063-1NYEvdk-00597-00352000-00352384 we'll see what happens again i'm not thrilled about the size that was down here but like i said 063-1NYEvdk-00598-00352456-00352936 this is an important area as far as market profiles can turn so if i lose on this that's 063-1NYEvdk-00599-00352936-00353488 then fine that's information we're going to be out of that profile and i'm just going to be just 063-1NYEvdk-00600-00353632-00354128 foaming at the mouth to sell this thing if this breaks you can see it held this prior one 063-1NYEvdk-00601-00354128-00354680 too so we try to get out of this current held right here let me make this so you can see it 063-1NYEvdk-00602-00355040-00355064 all right 063-1NYEvdk-00603-00355392-00355776 just most recently tried to get out of this prior one year that i left because it was 063-1NYEvdk-00604-00355776-00356136 important and it still remains to be important we couldn't get through there now we're back in here 063-1NYEvdk-00605-00356216-00356688 that this holds your expectations can you go to the other side if it breaks i'll lose on 063-1NYEvdk-00606-00356688-00357184 this trade but guess what you're gonna see a huge sell-off would be my guess 063-1NYEvdk-00607-00357616-00358144 so cumulative volume is going down here meaning the sellers are aggressive obviously this is part 063-1NYEvdk-00608-00358144-00358504 stop runs are part of this right but this is going down 063-1NYEvdk-00609-00358504-00358880 so many times you want to look for divergences at an important area so say this pops up 063-1NYEvdk-00610-00358944-00359352 say we do get a rally and it pops up here and you see cumulative volume is continuing to go down 063-1NYEvdk-00611-00359352-00359712 well that's like a warning it's not red light green light that doesn't mean you just sell it 063-1NYEvdk-00612-00359712-00360168 because you will get killed by doing that take it from me but you want to note that you're like hey 063-1NYEvdk-00613-00360168-00360720 well there's a big rally but the sellers are still drilling this thing right and then if 063-1NYEvdk-00614-00360720-00361128 you get your get a bulk bearer set up up here then turn around and flip and go the other way 063-1NYEvdk-00615-00361304-00361816 but right now this looks like it's gonna at least get back to the yellow look and then i 063-1NYEvdk-00616-00361816-00362168 will get out of one of these the other thing i didn't check is how much i should have on right 063-1NYEvdk-00617-00362168-00362648 here we'll check that here in a second but i the logs confluent with something else are really good 063-1NYEvdk-00618-00362648-00363296 places to get out of some most of your contracts you got v downward sloping view app at yellow lug 063-1NYEvdk-00619-00363296-00363872 so if this doesn't make it up here it's about 90 points away i will cover at least one of the two 063-1NYEvdk-00620-00363872-00364256 now i got to determine how many i should have on which i should have done again it's harder 063-1NYEvdk-00621-00364256-00364736 to do on these webinars but because i gotta be flipping back and forth between screens so 063-1NYEvdk-00622-00364848-00365648 atr is 32 now so that's 64 points of risk and then how far how big was the zone it's 063-1NYEvdk-00623-00365648-00366240 almost 36 down to 22 so that's what 78 points of risk right and then that's when you go to your 063-1NYEvdk-00624-00366240-00366992 little handy dandy risk calculator for risk see you see nq here now i forgot what i said 063-1NYEvdk-00625-00367152-00367896 when i say 78 so you go down to 78. so i got the right amount on two luck this is based 063-1NYEvdk-00626-00367896-00368280 on so this is based on my auto trader i didn't put this straight out of my auto trader that i 063-1NYEvdk-00627-00368280-00368624 you can see on my website you guys want information on that but this is the 063-1NYEvdk-00628-00368712-00369144 basically the value of the auto trader um twelve thousand seven hundred dollars so 063-1NYEvdk-00629-00369144-00369728 i tried microsoft we went over this last week uh and you wanna be risking at at most two percent of 063-1NYEvdk-00630-00369728-00370336 your account value right um usually one and a half to two percent so if you're trading micros and you 063-1NYEvdk-00631-00370336-00370664 only have twelve thousand seven hundred dollar account and you don't even have to change this 063-1NYEvdk-00632-00370664-00371168 this is showing you the normal contracts based on 127 000 account right so that means i could put on 063-1NYEvdk-00633-00371168-00371904 2500 dollars of risk per trade risking two percent of that account value if i'm trading microseven 063-1NYEvdk-00634-00371904-00372664 still two percent that's 254 dollars instead of 2500. so i have the right size on now we'll 063-1NYEvdk-00635-00372664-00373080 see which goes on here we need we needed to get through this zone that it keeps struggling with 063-1NYEvdk-00636-00373296-00373600 did it here too so if it's popping here you should be getting some stop 063-1NYEvdk-00637-00373600-00374000 runs then we can add to the straight see if we can get it up to minimum yellow lug 063-1NYEvdk-00638-00374320-00374728 uh let's see natural gas i never got filled on this so i think something else came in 063-1NYEvdk-00639-00375024-00375632 now until 800 so let's see if this even qualifies for a short setup anymore if we got it more than 063-1NYEvdk-00640-00375632-00376336 an atr above here and i don't think i finished with my atr explanation so 62 is the top we get 063-1NYEvdk-00641-00376336-00376936 all the way up to so this is over 70 points away right that's well over an atr atr's 48 and a half 063-1NYEvdk-00642-00377008-00377416 so this is disqualified as a short set up now we have to wait for something now 063-1NYEvdk-00643-00377472-00377944 so back to my atr stuff so again i used to use just a standard amount to determine 063-1NYEvdk-00644-00377944-00378568 what to do you know once we got away from the zone so yes was three points nasdaq was 10 063-1NYEvdk-00645-00378568-00379192 points gold crude or 10 ticks well that is not incorporating the current volatility right like 063-1NYEvdk-00646-00379192-00379800 it worked when the volatility was low that was that was a great that was a great way to decide 063-1NYEvdk-00647-00379888-00380496 you know what what these setups were now i use a full five-minute atr to determine otherwise 063-1NYEvdk-00648-00380496-00381104 you don't know what the what the setup is right so the point is if this is truly bearish the stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00649-00381104-00381504 turns into a stop and hold well it shouldn't be getting a full 85 minute atr above here 063-1NYEvdk-00650-00381504-00382120 that means it's not bearish in my in my view right so that's why i use atr versus a standard amount 063-1NYEvdk-00651-00382120-00382640 of ticks which you should too because you're you're you're adjusting to the current volatility 063-1NYEvdk-00652-00382760-00383208 right you could use 10 points but i'm telling you you use 10 points when the 063-1NYEvdk-00653-00383208-00383768 nasdaq atr is 50 that thing literally moves 10 points and uh you blink your eye and it's 063-1NYEvdk-00654-00383768-00384256 10 points so that's not telling you anything right so you you need to be adjusting to the 063-1NYEvdk-00655-00384256-00384720 current atr i'm going to say that's a science too that's not really an art that you need to be 063-1NYEvdk-00656-00384720-00385008 paying attention to that where you're just going to be throwing away money 063-1NYEvdk-00657-00385144-00385712 as far as putting your stops in areas that don't matter right any other questions first 063-1NYEvdk-00658-00385960-00386056 let's take a quick look 063-1NYEvdk-00659-00386368-00386896 all good in youtube and no we're all good here also in discord 063-1NYEvdk-00660-00387120-00387736 ready some gold here don't fly that message right here now what happened here 063-1NYEvdk-00661-00387896-00388272 this is exactly what this is in line with my thesis of bullish right and what just 063-1NYEvdk-00662-00388272-00388616 happened we have the dumb and dumber down there remember we failed to get in the market profile 063-1NYEvdk-00663-00388616-00389384 composite i'll show that again in a second then you got this that's an atr dtr here is 063-1NYEvdk-00664-00389536-00390184 27. it was a little higher when that fired off but it definitely got over the high of the atr today 063-1NYEvdk-00665-00390184-00390720 it was like 35 that's more than 35 ticks here's your retest so the two markets that retest the 063-1NYEvdk-00666-00390720-00391168 most are there's three markets that retest the most i'd say number one is crude number 063-1NYEvdk-00667-00391224-00391912 tied for two actually tied for one is natural gas and crude but a close second is gold so you don't 063-1NYEvdk-00668-00391912-00392616 have to be chasing stuff you can wait for your retest failure exactly what's happening here um 063-1NYEvdk-00669-00392840-00393304 so i forgot where we were in the lugs here for the reason i was waiting for a retest i think 063-1NYEvdk-00670-00393384-00393768 oh yeah i remember i said we're i'm pretty sure we have no i don't know why this is not drawing 063-1NYEvdk-00671-00393768-00394192 it looks i wish she was on this webinar so she can so she's in her trade room so it's great 063-1NYEvdk-00672-00394192-00394776 where you can you got a problem you just literally just type her name in there and she responds but 063-1NYEvdk-00673-00394936-00395480 these should be new logs but regardless i know you know the new lugs were drawn yellow would be 063-1NYEvdk-00674-00395480-00395952 right around here red's down our blue is down here red's up here so i was that's why i was waiting 063-1NYEvdk-00675-00395952-00396752 for a retest failure so now i will go along this market here's your retest shocker it's like i've 063-1NYEvdk-00676-00396752-00397784 seen these these movies before or something again 28.5 so let's figure out 90 of that 063-1NYEvdk-00677-00397976-00398360 that is twenty five point six five so if you wanna round up because it's 063-1NYEvdk-00678-00398360-00398808 it's full text twenty six sticks above here the top of this sound is all eight thirty four 063-1NYEvdk-00679-00399120-00399496 so then i want to determine how much i can trade just like we did or the size i can 063-1NYEvdk-00680-00399496-00400288 change just like i did with nasdaq so i'm not over trading my account all right so 26 ticks 063-1NYEvdk-00681-00400456-00401264 enter 26 ticks below the zone that's 52 texts and then the zone is another it looks like 17 to 18 063-1NYEvdk-00682-00401264-00402192 ticks so that what did i say 52 and 18 so that 70 takes a risk so then you take your calculator 063-1NYEvdk-00683-00402448-00403384 go down to 72 i can put four on so that's pretty close 063-1NYEvdk-00684-00403464-00403832 now do you see this is just like the other one that came out one market i just showed but am 063-1NYEvdk-00685-00403832-00404216 i buying just because it's in here you could you could say first free test i'm getting it i don't 063-1NYEvdk-00686-00404216-00404736 need to wait for ninety percent of an hr go for it i've just from the again thousands of setups i've 063-1NYEvdk-00687-00404736-00405112 watched the best entry is waiting for it to get out of here because you don't want to risk this 063-1NYEvdk-00688-00405112-00405744 than that so if this rejects again then you know you got a pretty damn good chance for this to rip 063-1NYEvdk-00689-00405832-00407584 right that's why that's why i trade it that way so that's what i will do there 063-1NYEvdk-00690-00407752-00408088 uh adrian has a question here for you i asked 063-1NYEvdk-00691-00408088-00408808 a few times um how do you interpret in your drawings of the icebergs um on screen 063-1NYEvdk-00692-00408880-00409544 that the small that they that are small in number but long in time horizontal line 063-1NYEvdk-00693-00409760-00410160 i didn't quite understand it but i think like you're drawing up your lines and then you you 063-1NYEvdk-00694-00410160-00410712 know maybe it was a smaller iceberg but you're still do do you go back and i guess refer to it 063-1NYEvdk-00695-00410976-00411335 i don't really understand the question i mean if you're saying small size well that's why i look 063-1NYEvdk-00696-00411335-00411784 at that's why i have this on reset mode so this is an example right so if this was just one stop run 063-1NYEvdk-00697-00411896-00412632 i probably well i mean my threshold for gold is 150 but on its own this was basically a threshold 063-1NYEvdk-00698-00412632-00413016 and if you get another one right after that well then you can draw that zone so 063-1NYEvdk-00699-00413016-00413472 if you're getting you know you come into an area and you see like it happens in the s all the time 063-1NYEvdk-00700-00413472-00414016 see if we can find it in here i'm gonna get rid of this middle zone here it's giving me headache 063-1NYEvdk-00701-00414504-00414816 okay sorry this is well a good example was 063-1NYEvdk-00702-00415080-00415416 a good example he's asking is like the long iceberg on gold right now 063-1NYEvdk-00703-00415656-00415984 long iceberg on gold 063-1NYEvdk-00704-00416512-00417168 uh it's been running for a while you said but um i guess you're hitting that hitting that zone um 063-1NYEvdk-00705-00417264-00417832 you drew your lines there well the zone is from the stopper and it's not from any icebergs 063-1NYEvdk-00706-00418088-00418480 this was 120 solids that's not threshold on the bottom i guess um 063-1NYEvdk-00707-00418720-00419239 i don't know what he's referring to but what i was getting at is if you know you see an area 063-1NYEvdk-00708-00419239-00419543 where it goes like it's not threshold let's say it pops up and it's like 063-1NYEvdk-00709-00419600-00420720 1 110 then right after that 140 and 180. 80 200 or whatever you can make that whole area where 063-1NYEvdk-00710-00420720-00421400 whatever price is incorporated that you make that one zone okay i think he's talking about um and uh 063-1NYEvdk-00711-00421400-00422128 adrian um this is drawn by bookmap uh there's a live iceberg that has not filled completely 063-1NYEvdk-00712-00422184-00422743 uh 67 have traded uh scott just um go back to the screen you were just looking at school um 063-1NYEvdk-00713-00422800-00423456 see the bottom yeah see how it's like still in the mark go go back to the live market scott 063-1NYEvdk-00714-00423680-00423943 yeah see see the white line the 67 down there 063-1NYEvdk-00715-00424088-00424928 yeah yeah so that that's that's the uh the there's a um uh uh a toggle um uh button uh 063-1NYEvdk-00716-00424928-00425664 in bookmap if you wanna show the uh icebergs that are still active like you know uh in in 063-1NYEvdk-00717-00426288-00426912 it has not completed yet it has not been pulled uh it has transacted 67 there's only been one 063-1NYEvdk-00718-00426912-00427768 transaction uh so far uh there might be multiple uh uh you know the last transaction was for one 063-1NYEvdk-00719-00427768-00428288 uh so anyway that's what it's showing it's pretty pretty amazing to be able to see that that it 063-1NYEvdk-00720-00428288-00428792 hasn't been fully executed has not been cancelled it is still sitting there in the market you'll see 063-1NYEvdk-00721-00428856-00429335 when i unclick this you can see how it disappears right and you also see like how they may move it 063-1NYEvdk-00722-00429335-00429856 too and you'll see all of that activity which is pretty pretty incredible right but this doesn't 063-1NYEvdk-00723-00429856-00430343 you know again this is nothing 67 watts is not a big deal but yeah we don't know it might be 063-1NYEvdk-00724-00430343-00430864 though i mean it could be but but this this is the thing right you've got to be careful this is where 063-1NYEvdk-00725-00430864-00431624 guys make mistakes using this on chart right i need to see concentrated volume in one area 063-1NYEvdk-00726-00431768-00432328 that's what moves markets right so say this is a thousand iceberg right yeah that's good to know 063-1NYEvdk-00727-00432328-00433047 and that's what's showing you but say it comes down here and this thing tags 15 times every time 063-1NYEvdk-00728-00433047-00433696 i like draws out another 100 another 100 another 80. yeah i mean it's good to know that there's 063-1NYEvdk-00729-00433696-00434328 one guy behind here but is that so say it comes down to the 15th time and there's like 90 left 063-1NYEvdk-00730-00434328-00434904 out of the thousand that traded so you know 910 traded and then there's 90 left well is that 90 063-1NYEvdk-00731-00434904-00435447 on this next move down is that last 90 lot gonna hold the market from pummeling through here no 063-1NYEvdk-00732-00435535-00436039 so that that's what yeah yeah there was a thousand here but it was drilled so many different times 063-1NYEvdk-00733-00436039-00436696 i want to see when the market comes down and runs into a thousand a thousand uh buy ice in one area 063-1NYEvdk-00734-00436696-00437224 i mean it at one time see what i'm saying so if it's if it's convoluted you want to be careful of 063-1NYEvdk-00735-00437224-00437672 saying like this drags over and you see thousands you're like oh there's a thousand buyers i'm going 063-1NYEvdk-00736-00437672-00438335 long well yeah but it got tagged 45 times this last move down was only 90 90 of them it's going 063-1NYEvdk-00737-00438335-00439152 to go right through there you see what i'm saying so i want to see concentrated biocell ice um areas 063-1NYEvdk-00738-00439247-00439664 not you know but it's good to know yeah absolutely but i'm just saying be careful 063-1NYEvdk-00739-00439728-00440176 with this number if it's tagged a bunch of times and now that's last one and there's a little 063-1NYEvdk-00740-00440176-00440616 there's a little bit left it's going to go most likely go right through that because that's not 063-1NYEvdk-00741-00440616-00441296 the current trade what's happening right now does that make sense bruce yeah yeah absolutely 063-1NYEvdk-00742-00441376-00441952 and that's why you have the alerts set up the way that you do so you're looking for a threshold 063-1NYEvdk-00743-00441952-00442608 alert uh and then the the audio alert right and then that's where you set this stuff up then 063-1NYEvdk-00744-00442608-00443312 that's the sub chart right and you want to make sure so i use my stat this is gold right i'm on 063-1NYEvdk-00745-00443312-00443920 reset my icebergs are at a minute because vice versa i'm obviously human i don't want my stop 063-1NYEvdk-00746-00443920-00444376 stop orders being more than 10 seconds because stops are usually quick that's what i want 063-1NYEvdk-00747-00444376-00444904 to see the quick move the quick puke right you shouldn't have stops over three minutes it's not 063-1NYEvdk-00748-00444904-00445335 really a stop then in my opinion i mean there's still stops in there but i want to see that one 063-1NYEvdk-00749-00445335-00445976 concentrated puke that's why i have it for 10 seconds then so this is which this is showing you 063-1NYEvdk-00750-00445976-00446496 right and then this is your audio alert so you want to make sure these match 063-1NYEvdk-00751-00446496-00447008 this or those people will be getting you will be getting signals down here that don't match what 063-1NYEvdk-00752-00447008-00447688 your little computer guy is reading to you right so once again i got 150 so i do not hear anything 063-1NYEvdk-00753-00447688-00448168 unless it's at least 150 and there's your stops 10 seconds i don't know why they have these opposite 063-1NYEvdk-00754-00448168-00448600 you should tell them to put new version might i mean why do you have stops on top of it up here 063-1NYEvdk-00755-00448712-00449432 it's just confusing right or at the bottom so you have on on the on the subchart stuff 063-1NYEvdk-00756-00449432-00449712 you have icebergs on the top and then you come down here this should be icebergs on 063-1NYEvdk-00757-00449712-00450096 top this just makes it easier to to understand especially if you're new to it you shouldn't have 063-1NYEvdk-00758-00450200-00450768 down here but that's my opinion so anyway 150 for 10 and then icebergs 150 for 60. and then 063-1NYEvdk-00759-00450768-00451184 i have what i wanted to say you can literally put anything you want in here you can say hey gold is 063-1NYEvdk-00760-00451184-00451776 you [ __ ] or hey heads up huge money huge money ahead whatever you want make it funny you got to 063-1NYEvdk-00761-00451776-00452184 laugh and trading guys we were doing the other day we were playing we wanted the market to go 063-1NYEvdk-00762-00452239-00452664 one day we i had a guy i think i told this story last time but we had one guy in my 063-1NYEvdk-00763-00452664-00453056 firm that every time i wanted the market to go up he played the jefferson's moving on up so 063-1NYEvdk-00764-00453056-00453488 we've done that a couple times if i have multiple positions on like nasdaq and es i'll play that 063-1NYEvdk-00765-00453488-00454056 and then last week friday was friday afternoon we played uh we were all short and we played 063-1NYEvdk-00766-00454128-00454952 uh highway to hell and then what was the other one um oh uh burning down the house the burning gun 063-1NYEvdk-00767-00454952-00455312 highway l didn't work and as soon as we turned on burning down the house the market slowed off like 063-1NYEvdk-00768-00455312-00455808 20 points so that was fun the point is you have to laugh when you're trading or you literally will be 063-1NYEvdk-00769-00455808-00456384 put away in a loony bin i do anyway and that's why i talk to myself too because if not my head will 063-1NYEvdk-00770-00456384-00457064 explode any other questions bruce there's not a lot going on here besides getting tortured by this 063-1NYEvdk-00771-00457424-00457968 caught up here there's a reason we're being tortured what's the reason because there's no 063-1NYEvdk-00772-00457968-00458647 big money plane and you're just getting algoed right now so if you are participating in this 063-1NYEvdk-00773-00458647-00459008 you're getting elbowed right now and that's what that is there's no big money coming in 063-1NYEvdk-00774-00459104-00459512 look at the i mean look at this this is terrible remember i know it's a bad time today 063-1NYEvdk-00775-00459576-00460008 you know again you guys have seen my p l i'll show you again just to hammer home into your 063-1NYEvdk-00776-00460008-00460608 head but from 10 to 12 central i get killed and i've always gotten killed i got killed when i was 063-1NYEvdk-00777-00460608-00461072 scalping i've lost millions and millions and millions of dollars between 10 and 12. right 063-1NYEvdk-00778-00461072-00461504 that's because that's when the big money goes to lunch new york they're you know they're they step 063-1NYEvdk-00779-00461504-00462080 away from the screens and then the algos take over the owl goes no there's no big money coming in 063-1NYEvdk-00780-00462080-00462816 which is their their worst enemy and then they start to do this to you okay so once again just 063-1NYEvdk-00781-00462816-00463704 a hammer at home i'm showing every week here's my p l so total 43 000 that's before commission so 39 063-1NYEvdk-00782-00463704-00464360 000 assistance like uh mid-december again trading tiny guys i'm not this is not trading like 20 063-1NYEvdk-00783-00464360-00464752 lots this is trading two lots right so this is i know there's a lot of guys looking like okay 063-1NYEvdk-00784-00464752-00465152 i actually had one guy email me he's like how do you think you're going to make a living with that 063-1NYEvdk-00785-00465216-00465832 it's like okay well this is what my account size right now permits me to trade and you know so the 063-1NYEvdk-00786-00465896-00466488 average lot of probably a 2 lot right i would say so if i'm trading at 20 lot this is 400 000 063-1NYEvdk-00787-00466488-00467016 that's a good return for three months right so the point is don't focus so much on that this 063-1NYEvdk-00788-00467016-00467512 is what you need to focus on right you guys should all be using this there's deals on my website for 063-1NYEvdk-00789-00467512-00468088 everything including this speaking of that and we add that up either nothing was going on that 063-1NYEvdk-00790-00468088-00468600 stick straight oh and by the way while i remember he actually uh messaged me yesterday in skype 063-1NYEvdk-00791-00468696-00469208 and they have again there's discounts to this on my website too this is stick strike it's 063-1NYEvdk-00792-00469208-00469800 telling you the uh it's an awesome indicator and no audio indicator to let you know what's going on 063-1NYEvdk-00793-00469800-00470152 um you know in other markets if you're not watching them and you can set this 063-1NYEvdk-00794-00470152-00470816 this this meter from 1 to 15. 15 means it's max buying or selling so on and so forth so you're 063-1NYEvdk-00795-00470816-00471208 going to know like when we're moving down you want to you want to see these stocks getting hammered 063-1NYEvdk-00796-00471208-00471496 right if they're not that's telling you something you better be careful type of 063-1NYEvdk-00797-00471496-00471928 thing or you can use it i use it to know like i'll know like if soybean starts getting to 063-1NYEvdk-00798-00471928-00472304 start getting killed or they're buying it like crazy because i can't look at everything at one 063-1NYEvdk-00799-00472304-00472904 time so what he told me is sunday is the last day they have a uh a lifetime uh deal 063-1NYEvdk-00800-00473016-00473416 they're taking that away on sunday so just so you guys know he told me to pass that along 063-1NYEvdk-00801-00473416-00473839 um so now this trader stick begins on my site you could deal with this as well you should all be 063-1NYEvdk-00802-00473839-00474320 using something like this i used to use trader view this is trader view on steroids times a 063-1NYEvdk-00803-00474320-00474808 thousand this thing's awesome again i really need to dive in out everything it does but in the basic 063-1NYEvdk-00804-00474808-00475472 scent you go over here look at my hourly piano i do i show this ever i mean it's getting even worse 063-1NYEvdk-00805-00475472-00476024 look look at this look at the like i'm talking to myself and i keep trading at this time of day 063-1NYEvdk-00806-00476024-00476488 it's harder to do because of my trade room and stuff but i mean are you kidding me so my p l 063-1NYEvdk-00807-00476488-00476920 is plus forty three thousand dollars look how much i've lost it from the nine from the 10 to 11 this 063-1NYEvdk-00808-00476920-00477312 is showing nine o'clock but it's really the 10 o'clock um because it didn't adjust to the time 063-1NYEvdk-00809-00477312-00478376 saving uh daylight savings from 10 to 11 central i have lost 62 000 like that is just not acceptable 063-1NYEvdk-00810-00478520-00479000 how do you avoid that oh how about leaving about going to work out how about meditating 063-1NYEvdk-00811-00479000-00479584 anything get away from the screen i'm talking to myself again for the fourth thousandth time 063-1NYEvdk-00812-00479584-00480384 in 24 years the next from 11 to 12 is not much better i gave away 20. so you're talking almost 063-1NYEvdk-00813-00480600-00481352 what is that 90 000 if i so my p l right now would be 100 over 100 grand trading basically average of 063-1NYEvdk-00814-00481352-00481896 two lots if i didn't trade this time of day now if that's not eye opening for you guys i don't know 063-1NYEvdk-00815-00481896-00482343 what is so you should know this stuff you should know when your best training times are you should 063-1NYEvdk-00816-00482343-00483016 know your day of the week once again mondays i got smoked on monday per usual this monday 063-1NYEvdk-00817-00483088-00483560 right look at that if i don't trade on mondays or trade half size or trade simulator on mondays 063-1NYEvdk-00818-00483560-00483984 right you can make exceptions right just like you can make exceptions to the hourly rate so 063-1NYEvdk-00819-00484047-00484888 you shouldn't for me i should not be trading at this time of day unless what unless i see 063-1NYEvdk-00820-00485047-00485520 this so i you can make a rule for yourself right because i guarantee i'm not the only one that 063-1NYEvdk-00821-00485520-00485904 gets smoked at that time of day because this is what starts to happen so you can make a rule for 063-1NYEvdk-00822-00485904-00486296 yourself i do not trade between nine and eleven you shouldn't even be at your screen but if you 063-1NYEvdk-00823-00486296-00486847 are you shouldn't be trading unless you start to see two times more volume that you could maybe 063-1NYEvdk-00824-00486847-00487439 say i need to see two times 200 more volume and at least two bars the prior two bars then then i 063-1NYEvdk-00825-00487439-00488080 could trade right what is that um that can be an exception kind of like same thing with the with 063-1NYEvdk-00826-00488080-00488592 the days of the week right so monday i should say i should back off trade half size unless 063-1NYEvdk-00827-00488672-00489247 mondays i see huge relative volume coming in at the open so then i can trade right this is 063-1NYEvdk-00828-00489247-00489712 just ways you can avoid this guys there's just no reason to be giving away this kind of money 063-1NYEvdk-00829-00489712-00490232 and i'll go fest time there's just no reason it's just dumb and i keep saying you know maybe 063-1NYEvdk-00830-00490232-00491168 in another 25 years i'll uh i'll heat it uh but so i got off course there so again most people 063-1NYEvdk-00831-00491168-00491752 say oh yeah well of course this is that time but this is this is not showing you so this chart is 063-1NYEvdk-00832-00491752-00492135 well i'm not going to show that one right now but this is showing you this exact time period 063-1NYEvdk-00833-00492192-00492720 for so if you see this thing not even making 100 at this time period then you really know 063-1NYEvdk-00834-00492720-00493376 it's bad right you should be at least be seeing 100 which means at you know 10 23 063-1NYEvdk-00835-00493376-00494320 the 10 20 to 10 20 to 10 25 time period for the last 30 days this is basically normal okay that 063-1NYEvdk-00836-00494320-00494728 doesn't mean it's good trade right but what i'm saying is if you start seeing it's at 50 063-1NYEvdk-00837-00494920-00495384 on top of being a bad time period you are i'm telling you this is most likely 063-1NYEvdk-00838-00495384-00495880 going to happen to you so if you like being whipsawed then try it again you could trade 063-1NYEvdk-00839-00495880-00496232 ranges you can be like i'm going to get long there and i'm going to get short there fine 063-1NYEvdk-00840-00496232-00496560 but it's going to break out here eventually and i'm telling you every time i decide to do that 063-1NYEvdk-00841-00496624-00497088 or did when i used to do that that's the time that it broke out so i stopped doing that but it's nice 063-1NYEvdk-00842-00497743-00498528 228 contracts there you go this is why i wait for retest failure if i just bought it in the zone 063-1NYEvdk-00843-00498528-00499200 i know that just got smoked right didn't didn't fail this is now cancelled this idea is done 063-1NYEvdk-00844-00499200-00499632 we have a new setup we trade off of that we have a new volume event we try it out for that 063-1NYEvdk-00845-00499752-00500176 we got a little tick strike going this is good for my long obviously you see that these are the 063-1NYEvdk-00846-00500176-00500728 highest weighted stocks these are the fang stocks that are the highest weight in sap and nasdaq 063-1NYEvdk-00847-00500847-00501047 let's enjoy our little run here there you go 063-1NYEvdk-00848-00501224-00501832 run like the wind um so let's draw this in i'm gonna get rid of this one because 063-1NYEvdk-00849-00501920-00502328 so here here's here's a good example here's that here's that iceberg it's still in there 063-1NYEvdk-00850-00502496-00503216 it's good to know the 71 a lot no not not on this test right this is 234 cell ice on top of it 063-1NYEvdk-00851-00503320-00503816 and you can see that line here too a lot of that is one house as well you can see 112 there 063-1NYEvdk-00852-00503816-00504184 right and let's get rid of this 063-1NYEvdk-00853-00504792-00505168 all right so again pick where it started 063-1NYEvdk-00854-00505296-00505720 follow along follow all the prices to where it ended you're on your zone i use black for cell 063-1NYEvdk-00855-00505720-00507024 ice you go 063-1NYEvdk-00856-00507288-00507735 now let's see if the new logs have finally been drawn i'm not holding my breath because i think 063-1NYEvdk-00857-00507735-00508384 i need to restart my serial chart for some reason 063-1NYEvdk-00858-00508528-00508856 yeah they're just not they're not working in gold for some reason but 063-1NYEvdk-00859-00509008-00509784 oh well i have that but what's most important where are we at again do you guys remember 063-1NYEvdk-00860-00509872-00509960 another attempt 063-1NYEvdk-00861-00510232-00510488 right this is look at this 063-1NYEvdk-00862-00510704-00511432 that's this puppy right here that's from end of march all right you can see it's still relevant 063-1NYEvdk-00863-00511432-00511824 even though we've traded through it so you know when you trade through a pro 063-1NYEvdk-00864-00511824-00512184 uh composite like to see how i cut this one off because we tried it through and made this huge one 063-1NYEvdk-00865-00512264-00512616 you know you can you can cut it off but if the market keeps respecting it you don't want to 063-1NYEvdk-00866-00512616-00513120 you want to leave it and this market keeps respecting this again yesterday launched out 063-1NYEvdk-00867-00513120-00513712 of it try to get back inside nope today try to get inside nope here's another attempt 063-1NYEvdk-00868-00513712-00514216 so and here's your volume event i can i'll tell you right now this there's no better edge than 063-1NYEvdk-00869-00514272-00514600 these and load levels as well but i don't have those up right now obviously but 063-1NYEvdk-00870-00514664-00515143 these market profile composites with a real-time volume event whatever way this breaks is going 063-1NYEvdk-00871-00515143-00515743 to be very very likely the next move you have to probably favor this right because it's tried 063-1NYEvdk-00872-00515743-00516216 a couple times i know this market is bullish but it doesn't mean we can't pull down to this 063-1NYEvdk-00873-00516216-00516664 and we're day traders right so you could take advantage of this 70 tick move here potentially 063-1NYEvdk-00874-00516664-00517216 at least to the bottom to the top of this guy right so once again though here's your cell ice 063-1NYEvdk-00875-00517216-00517576 this should hold if it's going to get inside here if this rejects again then you're finally 063-1NYEvdk-00876-00517576-00518192 probably going to get the rip that's why you want to know the real-time volume what's happening 063-1NYEvdk-00877-00518192-00518872 guys looking at bar charts have no idea that someone just came in and sold 234 hidden sell 063-1NYEvdk-00878-00518872-00519960 orders that's pretty important information it is the information so again atr's 28.2 063-1NYEvdk-00879-00520416-00521176 it's 28.65 it's our 25.65 so it's 26 sticks so you so here's an example too right like i've been 063-1NYEvdk-00880-00521176-00521512 saying i don't know where we are in the loves i'm assuming we're below the yellow look now 063-1NYEvdk-00881-00521512-00522032 but we're at a market probe that that top of that market profile you could say i'm taking this 063-1NYEvdk-00882-00522032-00522528 as soon as we move 90 out of here or 80 or 70 or whatever you want you could be aggressive 063-1NYEvdk-00883-00522528-00523072 in this situation meaning if this fails again to get inside that market profile composite and we 063-1NYEvdk-00884-00523072-00523552 come up here you can you can get in aggressively i would not give you a verbal lashing in my room if 063-1NYEvdk-00885-00523552-00524080 you didn't wait for retest failure but you saw waiting for retest failure that just saved me 063-1NYEvdk-00886-00524160-00524752 a big loss one i didn't get in in this trade aggressively i would have taken the loss two i 063-1NYEvdk-00887-00524752-00525120 didn't get in this trade aggressively when it came back to the zone i would have taken a loss i was 063-1NYEvdk-00888-00525120-00525608 waiting for that so you would probably behoove you to do the same thing because again this is a close 063-1NYEvdk-00889-00525608-00526232 second for markets that retest the zones so you don't need to chase it you can wait and then if 063-1NYEvdk-00890-00526232-00526720 it fails again then you get in and especially if it gets above this stop sup area bye bye 063-1NYEvdk-00891-00526904-00527568 so i'll wait for a retest failure all right bruce we're out of gas here any other questions no 063-1NYEvdk-00892-00527568-00528136 no i think that was an excellent rant was pretty mild that wasn't even a random 063-1NYEvdk-00893-00528328-00528744 yeah the rant was me on it myself about the 10 to 12 time period that was when i ran 063-1NYEvdk-00894-00528992-00529648 yeah um uh no no i think i think we're all caught up here on on questions and uh 063-1NYEvdk-00895-00529704-00530568 uh markets are closed tomorrow um and uh scott i put your information both in uh in youtube and uh 063-1NYEvdk-00896-00530568-00531408 the discord chat there so if you guys have any questions uh and about you know scott's trading 063-1NYEvdk-00897-00531408-00532000 as well as some of the things that uh that he offers a trading room and other other stuff 063-1NYEvdk-00898-00532000-00532680 uh his course etc uh you can you can find it there um and uh uh just one more note um 063-1NYEvdk-00899-00532760-00533536 the um no webinar tomorrow uh we are you know and the markets are closed uh however uh i may 063-1NYEvdk-00900-00533536-00534280 um i i need to kind of look into it i'm we may hold an event uh uh anyway uh at this time uh in 063-1NYEvdk-00901-00534280-00534992 the morning i'm not sure yet i'll let you guys know in in discord uh and uh it'll be a special 063-1NYEvdk-00902-00534992-00535688 event though on building a trading plan all right we're going to get more involved into that uh so 063-1NYEvdk-00903-00535688-00536080 i just want to kind of float that idea out there but i'll let you know more details 063-1NYEvdk-00904-00536080-00536800 uh later okay yeah that's very important obviously it's the most important so that's what basically 063-1NYEvdk-00905-00536800-00537208 the setups are right that's my trading plan and i have rules and if you don't have rules and you're 063-1NYEvdk-00906-00537208-00537704 in you're flipping flipping orders in and out you're not going to make it 100 no chance so 063-1NYEvdk-00907-00537704-00538304 you need you need to trade if your elbows are 80 to 90 percent of the market if you are trading 063-1NYEvdk-00908-00538360-00538968 against algos you probably want to trade like an algo so trading plan with rules with your risk 063-1NYEvdk-00909-00538968-00539400 monitor you know you trade according to your your risk which you should be risking on your account 063-1NYEvdk-00910-00539472-00539768 and then you just put on the trades and then that's a percentage game right and you know if you 063-1NYEvdk-00911-00539768-00540272 know you have an edge and i'm telling you if you use this you have the the most powerful edge you 063-1NYEvdk-00912-00540272-00540872 can possibly have in futures trading if you do all that and you follow your rules you will make money 063-1NYEvdk-00913-00541168-00541480 that's it that's that's what we're looking for 063-1NYEvdk-00914-00541672-00542336 absolutely all right well happy easter everybody and uh i will see you next thursday 063-1NYEvdk-00915-00542392-00542760 yeah thank you thank you very much every day in my trade room as well 063-1NYEvdk-00916-00542920-00543360 surely yeah uh happy easter uh and uh yeah we'll um 063-1NYEvdk-00917-00543360-00544392 we'll catch up with you next week okay great talk to you guys later thanks okay thanks scott bye 08izTYspWHM-00000-00000056-00000664 now, by the way, i actually came here from my dad. i just stand up for the bus, because the bus, 08izTYspWHM-00001-00000664-00001480 while i was coming, was not good, so i didn't hear any of that. it's good. no hits, and now, 08izTYspWHM-00002-00002480-00002672 at the same time, what happens. 09wVM9to30I-00000-00000002-00000166 Good morning, Hank. It's Tuesday. 09wVM9to30I-00001-00000166-00000354 So, you know the Obamacare insurance exchanges 09wVM9to30I-00002-00000354-00000546 that, depending on your political perspective, 09wVM9to30I-00003-00000546-00000784 are either the cause of or the solution to 09wVM9to30I-00004-00000784-00000977 so many of America's health care problems? 09wVM9to30I-00005-00000977-00001182 Only about six percent of Americans 09wVM9to30I-00006-00001182-00001436 actually get their insurance through those exchanges. 09wVM9to30I-00007-00001436-00001689 Now, that's obviously very important to those six percent of people, 09wVM9to30I-00008-00001689-00001912 but it's by far the smallest slice 09wVM9to30I-00009-00001912-00002098 of the American health insurance pie. 09wVM9to30I-00010-00002098-00002372 And I think the relentless focus on them in our political discourse 09wVM9to30I-00011-00002372-00002598 speaks to a larger inability to have, 09wVM9to30I-00012-00002598-00002740 for lack of a better phrase, 09wVM9to30I-00013-00002740-00002976 a grown-up conversation about health care. 09wVM9to30I-00014-00002976-00003172 OK, so health care is very complicated 09wVM9to30I-00015-00003172-00003397 and I'm going to paint this in the broadest possible strokes. 09wVM9to30I-00016-00003397-00003684 If you want far more information about health and health care, 09wVM9to30I-00017-00003684-00003815 please check out Healthcare Triage. 09wVM9to30I-00018-00003815-00004000 But let's start with what health insurance does. 09wVM9to30I-00019-00004000-00004172 Health insurance takes money from healthy people 09wVM9to30I-00020-00004172-00004386 and uses it to buy care for sick people. 09wVM9to30I-00021-00004386-00004562 you can do this through private insurance, 09wVM9to30I-00022-00004562-00004916 which pools people together and takes money from them in the form of monthly premiums, 09wVM9to30I-00023-00004916-00005102 oror you can do it through a public insurer 09wVM9to30I-00024-00005102-00005398 which pools people together and takes money from them in the form of taxes. 09wVM9to30I-00025-00005398-00005578 In the United States, we have both: 09wVM9to30I-00026-00005578-00005756 Almost everyone over the age of 65 09wVM9to30I-00027-00005756-00006034 is in this publicly funded insurance pool called Medicare. 09wVM9to30I-00028-00006034-00006322 Many military veterans are in a similar pool run by the Veterans Administration 09wVM9to30I-00029-00006322-00006812 and there's a third public pool that covers many low-income and disabled Americans called Medicaid 09wVM9to30I-00030-00006812-00007045 but just over half of Americans get their insurance 09wVM9to30I-00031-00007045-00007194 through private insurers 09wVM9to30I-00032-00007194-00007514 This includes the six percent of people covered through the Obamacare exchanges, 09wVM9to30I-00033-00007514-00007870 but mostly people who get their insurance from their employers. 09wVM9to30I-00034-00007870-00008068 Because large companies are required to offer 09wVM9to30I-00035-00008068-00008220 health insurance plans to their employees. 09wVM9to30I-00036-00008220-00008396 Then, you have the nine percent of Americans 09wVM9to30I-00037-00008396-00008560 who don't have any health insurance at all. 09wVM9to30I-00038-00008560-00008778 That number has dropped a lot in the last five years, 09wVM9to30I-00039-00008778-00009022 but it's still higher than any other wealthy nation's. 09wVM9to30I-00040-00009022-00009250 So, the current U.S health care system is widely considered to be, 09wVM9to30I-00041-00009250-00009480 if I can use a technical term, bananas. 09wVM9to30I-00042-00009498-00009730 We spend so, so much on health care. 09wVM9to30I-00043-00009730-00009984 About eighteen percent of our total economic output 09wVM9to30I-00044-00009984-00010102 goes to health care. 09wVM9to30I-00045-00010102-00010254 The average among other wealthy nations 09wVM9to30I-00046-00010254-00010406 is closer to twelve percent. 09wVM9to30I-00047-00010406-00010690 And we also don't get particularly good health care outcomes. 09wVM9to30I-00048-00010690-00010908 Like, we come up short in many, many metrics, 09wVM9to30I-00049-00010908-00011318 including life expectancy, where we trail countries like Chile and Slovenia, 09wVM9to30I-00050-00011318-00011638 both of which spend less than ten percent of their GDP on health care 09wVM9to30I-00051-00011638-00011964 and, for the record, both of which also have higher rates of tobacco usage. 09wVM9to30I-00052-00011966-00012170 Now, you would think with lots of private participation 09wVM9to30I-00053-00012170-00012252 in health care markets, 09wVM9to30I-00054-00012252-00012424 costs would be driven down, right? 09wVM9to30I-00055-00012424-00012686 Like, private companies can make refrigerators or cars 09wVM9to30I-00056-00012686-00012932 much better than governments can make refrigerators or cars. 09wVM9to30I-00057-00012932-00013144 But health care's a weird market on a few levels. 09wVM9to30I-00058-00013144-00013340 First, there's the problem of inelastic demand. 09wVM9to30I-00059-00013340-00013528 Like, if I need a medicine to keep me alive, 09wVM9to30I-00060-00013528-00013840 I can't effectively negotiate the price of that medication 09wVM9to30I-00061-00013840-00014106 because, in the end, I'm going to pay whatever it costs. 09wVM9to30I-00062-00014106-00014438 And then there's the problem of competition being something of an illusion. 09wVM9to30I-00063-00014438-00014634 Like, for instance, if you're having a heart attack, 09wVM9to30I-00064-00014634-00014841 it's generally not considered a good idea 09wVM9to30I-00065-00014841-00015041 to call around to a bunch of area hospitals 09wVM9to30I-00066-00015041-00015350 to find out who has the best deal on heart surgery this week. 09wVM9to30I-00067-00015350-00015568 There should be competition among private insurers 09wVM9to30I-00068-00015568-00015794 but plans are often extremely confusing. 09wVM9to30I-00069-00015794-00016052 Like, you might pay less up front and think you're getting a good deal, 09wVM9to30I-00070-00016052-00016394 only to find out later that what you need to be covered isn't covered. 09wVM9to30I-00071-00016394-00016602 Like, it's hard to compare cell phone plans effectively, 09wVM9to30I-00072-00016602-00016854 let alone health insurance plans that might or might not cover 09wVM9to30I-00073-00016854-00017104 literally thousands of different procedures. 09wVM9to30I-00074-00017104-00017472 Plus, having your insurance status depend partly on whether you work for a big company 09wVM9to30I-00075-00017472-00017804 is a huge disincentive to innovation and entrepreneurship. 09wVM9to30I-00076-00017804-00017972 It tells people, "Don't start a new business," 09wVM9to30I-00077-00017972-00018316 "Don't strike out on your own because you won't be able to get affordable health insurance." 09wVM9to30I-00078-00018316-00018520 So, all in all, we've ended up with a health care system 09wVM9to30I-00079-00018520-00018882 where more tax dollars per person go to publicly funded health care 09wVM9to30I-00080-00018890-00019106 than in most other countries 09wVM9to30I-00081-00019106-00019426 and yet we don't have publicly funded health care for most people. 09wVM9to30I-00082-00019426-00019602 And most Americans agree on this: 09wVM9to30I-00083-00019602-00019954 only about thirty-two percent of us think that our health care system is good or excellent. 09wVM9to30I-00084-00019954-00020214 And yet, around seventy percent of Americans 09wVM9to30I-00085-00020214-00020414 think that their personal health care 09wVM9to30I-00086-00020426-00020570 is good or excellent 09wVM9to30I-00087-00020570-00020724 and therein lies the problem. 09wVM9to30I-00088-00020724-00020894 Most serious reform proposals 09wVM9to30I-00089-00020906-00021082 would involve big changes 09wVM9to30I-00090-00021098-00021310 for many people in that seventy percent. 09wVM9to30I-00091-00021310-00021496 And, as the Republican party has lately learned, 09wVM9to30I-00092-00021496-00021732 it's easy to talk about health care reform in the abstract 09wVM9to30I-00093-00021732-00021868 but when you put pen to paper, 09wVM9to30I-00094-00021880-00022024 it gets complicated. 09wVM9to30I-00095-00022024-00022282 So all health care reform boils down to three factors: 09wVM9to30I-00096-00022290-00022488 Quality, cost, and access. 09wVM9to30I-00097-00022488-00022708 Obamacare sought to improve access: 09wVM9to30I-00098-00022708-00022926 It didn't do much to change quality or cost. 09wVM9to30I-00099-00022926-00023126 And to do that, it spent a huge amount of money. 09wVM9to30I-00100-00023126-00023334 Like, a trillion dollars in the first decade. 09wVM9to30I-00101-00023334-00023534 Now, it increased some taxes and cut some spending, 09wVM9to30I-00102-00023534-00023674 so as to be deficit-neutral, 09wVM9to30I-00103-00023674-00024030 but it spent a lot of money to get a lot of people health insurance. 09wVM9to30I-00104-00024030-00024214 So today, fewer people are uninsured, 09wVM9to30I-00105-00024214-00024382 but it cost a lot to get there: 09wVM9to30I-00106-00024382-00024468 That was the trade-off. 09wVM9to30I-00107-00024468-00024668 The Republican bill sought to reduce government spending 09wVM9to30I-00108-00024668-00024870 on health care, but that also comes with trade-offs. 09wVM9to30I-00109-00024870-00025160 In this case, it would have resulted in millions of people losing their insurance, 09wVM9to30I-00110-00025160-00025360 which was a hard sell to moderate Republicans, 09wVM9to30I-00111-00025360-00025700 so the GOP bill offered tax credits to help people buy private insurance, 09wVM9to30I-00112-00025700-00025824 but that meant more spending, 09wVM9to30I-00113-00025824-00026072 which made it a hard sell to conservative Republicans. 09wVM9to30I-00114-00026072-00026300 Like the ACA itself, the GOP bill would not have done 09wVM9to30I-00115-00026300-00026636 a lot to address the overall cost of health care in the United States 09wVM9to30I-00116-00026636-00026858 or the fact that our quality of care isn't great. 09wVM9to30I-00117-00026858-00027102 Because to have those conversations, we need to accept, 09wVM9to30I-00118-00027102-00027294 that, as Healthcare Triage always says, 09wVM9to30I-00119-00027294-00027470 "Tradeoffs are inevitable." 09wVM9to30I-00120-00027470-00027702 Side note: I just realized my collar is turned, 09wVM9to30I-00121-00027702-00028033 so I fixed that, but I bet it was annoying to a lot of you; sorry. 09wVM9to30I-00122-00028033-00028288 Right: So the most commonly cited solution to the US health care problem 09wVM9to30I-00123-00028288-00028589 is a single-payer health care system, or Medicare-for-all, 09wVM9to30I-00124-00028589-00028710 as Bernie Sanders calls it. 09wVM9to30I-00125-00028710-00028933 In this proposal, all Americans would be able to 09wVM9to30I-00126-00028933-00029266 get the publicly-funded insurance that seniors now get 09wVM9to30I-00127-00029266-00029602 and studies have shown that this would lower overall U.S. health care costs, 09wVM9to30I-00128-00029602-00029892 although probably not to the rate seen in most European countries. 09wVM9to30I-00129-00029892-00030208 Still, there would be less money spent on administration and advertising 09wVM9to30I-00130-00030208-00030342 and also on care itself, 09wVM9to30I-00131-00030342-00030686 because a bigger insurance pool can negotiate prices more aggressively 09wVM9to30I-00132-00030686-00030936 and this would be, like, a huge insurance pool. 09wVM9to30I-00133-00030936-00031070 But there are trade-offs: 09wVM9to30I-00134-00031070-00031454 Like it's accurate to say that Medicare-for-all would lower overall U.S. health care costs, 09wVM9to30I-00135-00031454-00031789 it's also accurate to say it would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. 09wVM9to30I-00136-00031789-00031982 And many of them would be good-paying jobs: 09wVM9to30I-00137-00031982-00032126 From medical device sales people to 09wVM9to30I-00138-00032126-00032372 insurance adjusted to marketing managers. 09wVM9to30I-00139-00032372-00032598 And with less money being spent per procedure, 09wVM9to30I-00140-00032598-00032794 lots of other people would see their incomes go down, 09wVM9to30I-00141-00032794-00032958 including many doctors and nurses. 09wVM9to30I-00142-00032958-00033310 Also, it would be good to spend twelve percent of our GDP on health care 09wVM9to30I-00143-00033310-00033458 instead of eighteen percent 09wVM9to30I-00144-00033458-00033590 if we could get similar outcomes, 09wVM9to30I-00145-00033590-00033808 but there is a word for what happens 09wVM9to30I-00146-00033808-00034110 when six percent of your total economy goes away overnight: 09wVM9to30I-00147-00034124-00034204 Recession. 09wVM9to30I-00148-00034204-00034520 Now, the economy would recover and reallocate capital fairly quickly, 09wVM9to30I-00149-00034520-00034676 but it wouldn't be painless. 09wVM9to30I-00150-00034676-00035004 It's also important to note that we currently have a single-payer health care system 09wVM9to30I-00151-00035004-00035316 in the United States: in Medicare, and it's not a bargain. 09wVM9to30I-00152-00035316-00035518 Compared to other single-payer systems around the world, 09wVM9to30I-00153-00035518-00035650 it's very expensive 09wVM9to30I-00154-00035650-00036008 because we resist the kind of government regulations and price controls 09wVM9to30I-00155-00036008-00036282 that are ultimately necessary to rein in spending. 09wVM9to30I-00156-00036282-00036462 So a single-payer system on its own 09wVM9to30I-00157-00036462-00036634 would not solve all of our problems 09wVM9to30I-00158-00036634-00036748 and there would be trade-offs. 09wVM9to30I-00159-00036748-00036916 Alternative, some on the right have argued 09wVM9to30I-00160-00036916-00037162 that to increase competition and let market forces work, 09wVM9to30I-00161-00037162-00037366 it's necessary to dramatically scale back 09wVM9to30I-00162-00037366-00037636 or even eliminate government funding for health care. 09wVM9to30I-00163-00037636-00037792 And that, too, might lower prices, 09wVM9to30I-00164-00037792-00038090 but at the cost of many millions of people losing insurance. 09wVM9to30I-00165-00038090-00038342 Similarly, decreasing regulation might lower prices, 09wVM9to30I-00166-00038342-00038552 but it increases the risks of being treated 09wVM9to30I-00167-00038552-00038744 by an inadequately trained professional 09wVM9to30I-00168-00038744-00038928 or taking an unsafe medication: 09wVM9to30I-00169-00038938-00039026 Trade-offs. 09wVM9to30I-00170-00039026-00039170 We can talk about over-regulation 09wVM9to30I-00171-00039172-00039268 or tort reform 09wVM9to30I-00172-00039268-00039408 or market places or competition, 09wVM9to30I-00173-00039418-00039674 but none of them will be a magic bullet. 09wVM9to30I-00174-00039674-00039932 Because there is no magical solution with our health care system 09wVM9to30I-00175-00039932-00040158 where everyone wins and no one loses. 09wVM9to30I-00176-00040158-00040350 Now, we can continue to make incremental changes, 09wVM9to30I-00177-00040350-00040572 like the ACA or alternatives to it, 09wVM9to30I-00178-00040572-00040716 but as Dr. Carol put it on Twitter, 09wVM9to30I-00179-00040716-00041010 however you want to reform healthcare, there will be tradeoffs. 09wVM9to30I-00180-00041010-00041256 Those who promise you everything are lying. 09wVM9to30I-00181-00041256-00041502 If we want a better health care system in the United States, 09wVM9to30I-00182-00041502-00041744 we need to talk openly about those trade-offs. 09wVM9to30I-00183-00041744-00041958 Because when we allow ourselves to be pandered to, 09wVM9to30I-00184-00041958-00042276 our elected leaders seem more than happy to oblige us. 09wVM9to30I-00185-00042318-00042488 Hank, I'll see you on Friday. 0qhU5OFnpLg-00000-00000000-00000200 Flickering candles 0qhU5OFnpLg-00001-00000200-00000400 Relaxing candles 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00000-00001092-00001624 Sherwin is very missed. And I think about him often. And I think that's true of a lot of people. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00001-00001624-00002244 He was so full of life, and filled our lives with so much joy that not having him around... 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00002-00002244-00002753 And I justsaid to somebody the other day - just kind of out of the blue - I said, God, I really miss Sherwin. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00003-00002793-00003306 He just added something to life that... that was interesting. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00004-00003306-00003588 What I enjoyed about him was his, like, boundless curiosity. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00005-00003714-00004224 I find it just, like, sort of fun to be - to hang out with someone who is always, you know, 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00006-00004224-00004596 has interesting things to say; he's always, like trying to do new things in his life. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00007-00004596-00004914 I think it would have been very easy for him to become a partner at a big 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00008-00004914-00005340 law firm and make millions of dollars a year, and he never did that. I mean he 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00009-00005340-00005772 really dedicated his life to doing things that would help others, rather than just himself. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00010-00005772-00006252 A lot of this - you know, a lot of the work that Public Knowledge did and does is about internetfreedom; 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00011-00006252-00006695 it's about, you know, the user being in control of their experience and not having 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00012-00006695-00007464 gatekeepers control that experience for them. So, um, you know, that's what he was working towards. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00013-00007464-00008028 And I think the fact that the Memorial Fund is really dedicated to bringing more minorities 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00014-00008028-00008598 and underrepresented individuals into the fold - he would have wanted others to have 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00015-00008598-00009060 a fair shot at trying to make their mark in this world. And so, I really can't think of 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00016-00009060-00009534 a better way to honor him; I think he would - you know, I think it would really warm 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00017-00009534-00009960 his heart - I think it is warming his heart that we're putting all this effort into it. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00018-00009960-00010446 As, you know, time goes on, I think it's important to have, like, a reminder to remind us to remember 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00019-00010446-00010992 Sherwin, too. And this having, having his name associated with something; having it be just 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00020-00010992-00011550 like a recurring thing for PK will help keep, you know, these vivid memories from fading. 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00021-00011550-00011790 The Sherwin Siy Memorial Fund, I think, is really, 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00022-00011790-00012186 really important because it does, it keeps Sherwin's memory alive, 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00023-00012186-00012563 it keeps the work that he did and the passion for the work that he did alive, 0qq3o4GOQ1y-00024-00012628-00013091 So that's why I'm a contributor and will continue to contribute and I hope others do as well. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00000-00000900-00001650 Never disrespect another person or let them disrespect you. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00001-00001650-00001910 We're going to be talking about compromising soon. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00002-00001910-00002540 And compromising on anything is helpful except your self respect. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00003-00002540-00002760 Remember the secret here. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00004-00002760-00003400 When you disrespect another person, you are disrespecting yourself in some mysterious way. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00005-00003400-00003610 James Baldwin discovered that. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00006-00003610-00003779 Gandhi discovered that. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00007-00003779-00004000 Many people have discovered that. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00008-00004000-00004340 This is one of the reasons that nonviolence always succeeds. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00009-00004340-00004470 It always works. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00010-00004470-00004830 It always does good things to the social environment. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00011-00004830-00005350 Because if in nonviolence you are showing respect to your opponent, 0uyb-YlsKRM-00012-00005350-00006070 you’ve already improved things in yourself, in the opponent, in the world at large. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00013-00006070-00006550 So, those are two aspects to this profound strategy. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00014-00006550-00006716 Not disrespecting others. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00015-00006550-00007240 Not accepting disrespect when they try to offer it to you. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00016-00007240-00007750 Remember Harriet Tubman just getting up one morning and saying, “I am not a slave.” 0uyb-YlsKRM-00017-00007750-00007980 And that changed history. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00018-00007980-00008310 People tried to tell her that she was a slave. 0uyb-YlsKRM-00019-00008310-00008580 She wasn’t having any. 0wml6TkUbr0-00000-00000011-00000346 The Virus that Stopped the Nation 0wml6TkUbr0-00001-00000426-00000593 The virus that stopped the nation. 0wml6TkUbr0-00002-00000612-00000718 From China to Germany, 0wml6TkUbr0-00003-00000718-00000856 Europe to Complexo do Alemão. 0wml6TkUbr0-00004-00000859-00000999 I took on this challenge, 0wml6TkUbr0-00005-00000999-00001150 popped in to tell you what’s up. 0wml6TkUbr0-00006-00001155-00001286 They told me to stay home, 0wml6TkUbr0-00007-00001286-00001364 but how if we’re 0wml6TkUbr0-00008-00001364-00001455 always short on electricity and water? 0wml6TkUbr0-00009-00001455-00001589 That I’m supposed to wash my hands constantly, 0wml6TkUbr0-00010-00001589-00001700 but have you seen 0wml6TkUbr0-00011-00001700-00001857 the quality of the water? 0wml6TkUbr0-00012-00001857-00002022 We are the product of inequality, 0wml6TkUbr0-00013-00002022-00002227 every day misery steals our humanity, 0wml6TkUbr0-00014-00002227-00002407 hand sanitizer is indispensable 0wml6TkUbr0-00015-00002407-00002607 but having food at home is what’s important! 0wml6TkUbr0-00016-00002623-00002824 Pay attention to this information: 0wml6TkUbr0-00017-00002831-00003013 (favela media outlets) Straight Talk Collective, Voz, 0wml6TkUbr0-00018-00003013-00003194 CDD Front and A Maré Vê 0wml6TkUbr0-00019-00003194-00003399 have reigned in managing this crisis, 0wml6TkUbr0-00020-00003399-00003537 but what breaks my heart 0wml6TkUbr0-00021-00003537-00003676 is seeing domestic violence 0wml6TkUbr0-00022-00003676-00003877 breaking records in the midst of all this. 0wml6TkUbr0-00023-00003877-00003991 I hear screams, 0wml6TkUbr0-00024-00003991-00004242 I see femicides growing at alarming rates, 0wml6TkUbr0-00025-00004242-00004485 more people looking for food in the trash, 0wml6TkUbr0-00026-00004485-00004629 and even so, 0wml6TkUbr0-00027-00004629-00004733 so many people 0wml6TkUbr0-00028-00004733-00004851 act like nothing is happening. 0wml6TkUbr0-00029-00004857-00005085 I guess people will only understand 0wml6TkUbr0-00030-00005085-00005383 when numbers turn into friends or loved ones. 0wml6TkUbr0-00031-00005383-00005579 Watch out for the dangers! 0wml6TkUbr0-00032-00005579-00005718 We’re all in the same ocean, 0wml6TkUbr0-00033-00005718-00005843 except they’re in a yacht 0wml6TkUbr0-00034-00005843-00006020 and our boat’s full of gunshot holes. 0wml6TkUbr0-00035-00006021-00006231 Stay home, kid, light a candle, 0wml6TkUbr0-00036-00006231-00006457 tomorrow have a beer, turn up the music 0wml6TkUbr0-00037-00006457-00006710 and maybe that’ll drown out the shooting outside. 0wml6TkUbr0-00038-00006722-00006850 Take a deep breath. 0wml6TkUbr0-00039-00006865-00007162 Think that there’s a higher purpose behind all this. 0wml6TkUbr0-00040-00007162-00007323 And one thing is fact: 0wml6TkUbr0-00041-00007323-00007504 no show on Netflix 0wml6TkUbr0-00042-00007504-00007684 or soap opera could describe 0wml6TkUbr0-00043-00007684-00007791 what it’s like 0wml6TkUbr0-00044-00007791-00008029 to be a black body in this decade. 0wml6TkUbr0-00045-00008061-00008273 Understand 0wml6TkUbr0-00046-00008283-00008453 Imagine if racism was fought 0wml6TkUbr0-00047-00008453-00008625 the same way we fight coronavirus? 0wml6TkUbr0-00048-00008625-00008710 Understand: 0wml6TkUbr0-00049-00008710-00008897 what I write is consequence of the cause 0wml6TkUbr0-00050-00008897-00009026 that would only pique your 0wml6TkUbr0-00051-00009026-00009171 interest if it was on the sidewalk. 0wml6TkUbr0-00052-00009171-00009287 In other words: 0wml6TkUbr0-00053-00009287-00009410 entertainment with a cause; 0wml6TkUbr0-00054-00009410-00009490 and (left-wing) activists tell me: 0wml6TkUbr0-00055-00009490-00009714 “Martina, don’t believe the uniforms.” 0wml6TkUbr0-00056-00009714-00009849 Take the streets, or better, 0wml6TkUbr0-00057-00009849-00009984 stay home and turn your 0wml6TkUbr0-00058-00009984-00010215 grief, hate and heartbreak into something positive, 0wml6TkUbr0-00059-00010215-00010457 and then come give us a free lecture. 0wml6TkUbr0-00060-00010470-00010699 “Ah, hold on, here’s some food assistance.” 0wml6TkUbr0-00061-00010713-00010882 The left profits from our hate, 0wml6TkUbr0-00062-00010882-00011051 grief and good discourse. 0wml6TkUbr0-00063-00011051-00011213 The right tramples all over us, 0wml6TkUbr0-00064-00011213-00011336 no space for mourning, 0wml6TkUbr0-00065-00011336-00011459 deaths become merchandise. 0wml6TkUbr0-00066-00011459-00011671 In times when hospitals are just façades, 0wml6TkUbr0-00067-00011671-00011807 don’t be surprised 0wml6TkUbr0-00068-00011807-00011944 if tomorrow most death 0wml6TkUbr0-00069-00011944-00012164 are from the black or favela population. 0wml6TkUbr0-00070-00012169-00012360 And I, between the virus and the bullet, 0wml6TkUbr0-00071-00012360-00012532 can't let anything go missing at home. 0wml6TkUbr0-00072-00012532-00012689 Tell me, if I put this mask on, 0wml6TkUbr0-00073-00012689-00012835 will hunger not find me? 0wml6TkUbr0-00074-00012838-00012978 In months of isolation, 0wml6TkUbr0-00075-00012978-00013197 we had no water, no energy, 0wml6TkUbr0-00076-00013197-00013358 days went by without Internet. 0wml6TkUbr0-00077-00013358-00013514 Then, my cell stopped working. 0wml6TkUbr0-00078-00013520-00013649 If I went around this favela, 0wml6TkUbr0-00079-00013649-00013779 I’d never stop rhyming. 0wml6TkUbr0-00080-00013789-00013881 If, since (abolition in) 1888, 0wml6TkUbr0-00081-00013881-00013973 only white people suffered 0wml6TkUbr0-00082-00013973-00014158 the side effects of racism, 0wml6TkUbr0-00083-00014158-00014432 there wouldn’t be so many mothers crying. 0wml6TkUbr0-00084-00014478-00014572 And me, 0wml6TkUbr0-00085-00014572-00014666 between the virus and the bullet, 0wml6TkUbr0-00086-00014666-00014812 I’m gonna say this one more time: 0wml6TkUbr0-00087-00014812-00015101 I can't let anything go missing at home. 0wml6TkUbr0-00088-00015187-00015369 Here's What's Up, Neighbors 0wml6TkUbr0-00089-00015374-00015581 My name is Sabrina, I’m 23, 0wml6TkUbr0-00090-00015581-00015711 born and raised in this favela 0wml6TkUbr0-00091-00015711-00015822 you see right here, 0wml6TkUbr0-00092-00015822-00015929 Complexo do Alemão. 0wml6TkUbr0-00093-00015951-00016230 I’m an MC, I’m a poet, a cultural producer. 0wml6TkUbr0-00094-00016230-00016543 I’m an artist, I create art, I create poetry. 0wml6TkUbr0-00095-00016551-00016668 Over the past 3 years 0wml6TkUbr0-00096-00016668-00016818 I've organized a poetry battle 0wml6TkUbr0-00097-00016818-00016967 here in Alemão called Slam Laje 0wml6TkUbr0-00098-00016992-00017305 which is a way of providing access to literature, 0wml6TkUbr0-00099-00017305-00017649 influencing culture, reading and such. 0wml6TkUbr0-00100-00017772-00017971 And I as a black woman, 0wml6TkUbr0-00101-00017971-00018171 as a resident of a favela 0wml6TkUbr0-00102-00018177-00018270 along with many 0wml6TkUbr0-00103-00018270-00018373 of my neighbors here, 0wml6TkUbr0-00104-00018373-00018673 had my reality extremely affected by the pandemic. 0wml6TkUbr0-00105-00018675-00018936 Last year, because of the pandemic, 0wml6TkUbr0-00106-00018936-00019154 I had to move to Maré, to Parque União, 0wml6TkUbr0-00107-00019154-00019412 living at my place of work. 0wml6TkUbr0-00108-00019423-00019682 Then, thank God, I managed to get back here 0wml6TkUbr0-00109-00019682-00019861 and, how can I say this, bro, 0wml6TkUbr0-00110-00019867-00019963 everything’s changed, 0wml6TkUbr0-00111-00019963-00020059 our routines, 0wml6TkUbr0-00112-00020059-00020195 our lifestyle, 0wml6TkUbr0-00113-00020195-00020332 our way of working. 0wml6TkUbr0-00114-00020332-00020445 I’m looking 0wml6TkUbr0-00115-00020445-00020671 for the best way to reinvent myself, 0wml6TkUbr0-00116-00020671-00020842 to rediscover what I do 0wml6TkUbr0-00117-00020842-00021042 while also making it worthwhile. 0wml6TkUbr0-00118-00021061-00021209 So, I think the pandemic 0wml6TkUbr0-00119-00021209-00021385 affected the lives of many people, 0wml6TkUbr0-00120-00021385-00021551 the realities of many people. 0wml6TkUbr0-00121-00021551-00021679 Racism started to show itself 0wml6TkUbr0-00122-00021679-00021808 in a much more severe, 0wml6TkUbr0-00123-00021808-00021940 much more cruel way 0wml6TkUbr0-00124-00021940-00022214 and what I try to do through my art is 0wml6TkUbr0-00125-00022214-00022454 communicate this in a different way. 0wml6TkUbr0-00126-00022454-00022642 And to tell you my reality, 0wml6TkUbr0-00127-00022642-00022830 to bring you into my reality, 0wml6TkUbr0-00128-00022830-00023074 to let you know what we do, you see? 0wml6TkUbr0-00129-00023034-00023188 And that’s about it, bro. 0wml6TkUbr0-00130-00023193-00023700 Direction Luiz Neto 0wml6TkUbr0-00131-00023700-00024788 This video is part of the project, "Rooting Anti-Racism in the Favelas" by RioOnWatch. Over the course of 2021 we are publishing weekly content that brings to light the debate about racism and its relation to the favelas, in order to transform it. 0wBai_rmxN8-00000-00000368-00000705 So I worked in Minneapolis public schools for 27 years. 0wBai_rmxN8-00001-00000705-00000919 I loved to teach. 0wBai_rmxN8-00002-00000919-00001209 And the students said, teacher, please tell me your story. 0wBai_rmxN8-00003-00001209-00002017 I said, why don’t we do [a] poem about it instead of just telling in prose? 0wBai_rmxN8-00004-00002017-00002460 My name is Banlang Phommasouvanh. 0wBai_rmxN8-00005-00002460-00003013 By students from Hiawatha-Howe Community School. 0wBai_rmxN8-00006-00003013-00004035 I was born in Laos in ‘46/With a family of 8 kids/After school, when I came home/I 0wBai_rmxN8-00007-00004035-00004773 would tutor my younger siblings I would babysit, my mom didn’t/Have to pay 0wBai_rmxN8-00008-00004773-00005656 anybody/With chickens and pigs, so we could live/Didn’t have a lot of money/In a big 0wBai_rmxN8-00009-00005656-00006313 family/My name is Banlang Phommasouvanh From the mango, lychee, banana trees/From 0wBai_rmxN8-00010-00006313-00007101 watching my mother/I learned to share and how to care/For my sisters and brothers/For 0wBai_rmxN8-00011-00007101-00007987 one another/ My name is Banlang Phommasouvanh I would walk a mile from my home/In dry and 0wBai_rmxN8-00012-00007987-00008689 wet weather/To bring food to the monks/And to feed the poor stranger 0wBai_rmxN8-00013-00008689-00009817 With a scholarship, I went to France/To get my degree/When I returned the war broke out/To 0wBai_rmxN8-00014-00009817-00010345 become a refugee Lots of friends die/In the Mekong River crossing 0wBai_rmxN8-00015-00010345-00011404 over/Into Thailand with my youngest/Daughter on my shoulder/In my arms I did hold her/ 0wBai_rmxN8-00016-00011404-00012339 My name is Banlang Phommasouvanh Together we made it safely here/Not that long 0wBai_rmxN8-00017-00012339-00012963 ago/From Thailand to Amermica/Ten thousand miles from home 0wBai_rmxN8-00018-00012963-00014055 Life is full of ups and downs/But with an education/I know you will survive/In any situation/With 0wBai_rmxN8-00019-00014055-00014760 an education This is my song, this is my story/Never to 0wBai_rmxN8-00020-00014760-00015741 lie, speak the truth only/Do not steal from anybody/Do not kill or hurt somebody/ My name 0wBai_rmxN8-00021-00015741-00016412 is Banlang Phommasouvanh I taught ESL to refugees. 0wBai_rmxN8-00022-00016412-00017136 At the meantime, I helped recruiting students- Indochinese students- to become teachers. 0wBai_rmxN8-00023-00017136-00017897 During Clinton’s era, the second term, before the second term, Miss Hillary came to Minnesota. 0wBai_rmxN8-00024-00017897-00018301 I told her about the concerns of our refugees in our state. 0wBai_rmxN8-00025-00018301-00019125 I helped Lao community set up Lao PTA to help Lao youth and parents to understand Americans’ 0wBai_rmxN8-00026-00019125-00019230 education system. 0wBai_rmxN8-00027-00019230-00019494 Students are just like my family. 0wBai_rmxN8-00028-00019494-00019683 I love them. 0wBai_rmxN8-00029-00019683-00020225 I feel better when I see them succeed, when they find something they know, their eyes 0wBai_rmxN8-00030-00020225-00020491 sparkle and “Ah!” 0wBai_rmxN8-00031-00020491-00020634 What a gift I have, you know. 0wBai_rmxN8-00032-00020634-00020720 I love that. 0xOHMRUX-8y-00000-00000088-00000552 how this current crisis could impact your financial aid not only for the 2021 school 0xOHMRUX-8y-00001-00000552-00001200 year but also the 21 22 school year hi i'm tina steele the fafsa guru and 2020 has been an 0xOHMRUX-8y-00002-00001200-00001607 awful year for all of us especially for a lot of families financially 0xOHMRUX-8y-00003-00001672-00002144 if your income for 2020 has been negatively impacted due to what's going on 0xOHMRUX-8y-00004-00002144-00002616 it's important that you notify the financial aid offices at every college that you're applying to 0xOHMRUX-8y-00005-00002672-00003256 or the college that you are currently attending to let them know of these circumstances the new 0xOHMRUX-8y-00006-00003256-00003984 fafsa that was just released october 1st for 21 22 is based on 2019 income information 0xOHMRUX-8y-00007-00003984-00004688 last year's fafsa for the current school year that we're in 2021 was based on 2018 income information 0xOHMRUX-8y-00008-00004760-00005424 many families 2020 income is going to look significantly different than the last two years 0xOHMRUX-8y-00009-00005424-00005992 financial aid offices can use this new information and projected 2020 income to 0xOHMRUX-8y-00010-00005992-00006631 re-evaluate your financial aid offers make sure that you notify them to let them know 0xOHMRUX-8y-00011-00006631-00007152 if anything has changed not just income but if you're supporting an elderly parent 0xOHMRUX-8y-00012-00007152-00007656 if you've had a recent divorce or separation if you have significant medical or dental expenses 0xOHMRUX-8y-00013-00007656-00008296 or anything financially that was not reflected on your fafsa it can make a really big difference 0xOHMRUX-8y-00014-00008296-00008824 and get you more money in terms of financial aid for more tips and resources on how to navigate the 0xOHMRUX-8y-00015-00008824-00009320 overwhelming financial aid process and learn more about programs i offer that will help families 0xOHMRUX-8y-00016-00009320-00009984 maximize their financial aid awards visit my website the fafsaguru.com thanks for watching 0zXterZiIa8-00000-00000054-00000500 Dear learners, a warm welcome to the online courses in this objective political 0zXterZiIa8-00001-00000500-00001080 science. The online course1 Indian Constitution at work introduces the 0zXterZiIa8-00002-00001080-00001698 making and working of our Constitution since 1950 in a detailed manner. As you 0zXterZiIa8-00003-00001698-00002091 are aware the Constitution of India is the longest Constitution in the world 0zXterZiIa8-00004-00002091-00002595 The making of our Constitution itself was an exercise in consensus building 0zXterZiIa8-00005-00002595-00003072 You know very well that Constitution plays a very crucial role in our 0zXterZiIa8-00006-00003072-00003534 everyday life.So it is very important that we understand the Constitution 0zXterZiIa8-00007-00003534-00004407 better both not just only for the sake of our academic life but also personal 0zXterZiIa8-00008-00004407-00004974 life. The course seeks to lay a solid foundation for understanding the system 0zXterZiIa8-00009-00004974-00005415 of constitutional government in india with the help of examples from the real 0zXterZiIa8-00010-00005415-00005892 life .The course explains various provisions of the Constitution about the 0zXterZiIa8-00011-00005892-00006360 fundamental rights and other rights electoral system that we adopted 0zXterZiIa8-00012-00006360-00006894 functioning and functionaries of the three organs of the government,namely 0zXterZiIa8-00013-00006894-00007523 executive,legislature and judiciary. It then explains the mechanics of our 0zXterZiIa8-00014-00007523-00008159 federal system and how our local government bodies work in rural as 0zXterZiIa8-00015-00008159-00008727 well as urban areas, especially in the light of the 73rd and 74th amendments to 0zXterZiIa8-00016-00008727-00009249 the Constitution. The course elaborates on the dynamic nature of our Constitution 0zXterZiIa8-00017-00009249-00009795 as a living document and concludes with the underlying philosophy of the 0zXterZiIa8-00018-00009795-00010329 Constitution of India.Hope you find the course and gazing as you explore the 0zXterZiIa8-00019-00010329-00010476 working of the Constitution of India 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00000-00000188-00000288 Okay, so welcome. Everyone. Just a few housekeeping issues as we get started here today. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00001-00000288-00000888 Please take a moment to introduce yourself in the chat. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00002-00000888-00001288 Let us know where you're joining us from. We love to hear that. Please. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00003-00001288-00001388 If you're not speaking mute your microphone, you will have an opportunity to ask questions. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00004-00001388-00002888 Either through your microphone or via the chat. Later on in the presentation throughout the presentation, please feel free to put any questions into the chat, and we'll get back to them at the Q. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00005-00002888-00003688 And a portion of today's webinar. We are recording the session today and the recording will be posted on e-campus. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00006-00003688-00004788 Ontario's adaptive Learning Web page and our Youtube channel. And I'll link for the slides, for today's presentation is being posted in the chat right now as well. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00007-00004788-00005688 So Hello, everyone, and welcome to Ecampus Ontario's webinar and adaptive learning, using AR and VR simulations for active learning. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00008-00005688-00007088 My name is Don Eldridge, and I am a digital learning associate on the programs and services team here at Ecampus, where I work primarily on the adaptive learning portfolio gives me great pleasure to be moderating today's webinar and to introduce you to our main 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00009-00007088-00007188 presenters joining us today is Theresa Stagger, Dean of program planning, development and renewal. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00010-00007188-00008688 At St. Lawrence. College Teresa is particularly interested in developing innovative and flexible educational opportunities that respect the diversity of learners and their personal goals. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00011-00008688-00010788 She embraces the challenge of meaningfully integrating technology to create authentic workplace simulations, to prepare learners for ongoing success in their careers and representing today's featured technology is Harrison Ola Joe CEO and co-founder of up 300 and 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00012-00010788-00011388 60 a Toronto-based agency that focuses on building high-end interactive virtual reality simulations in partnership with colleges, universities, and corporations across. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00013-00011388-00012988 North America. They are an end-to-end service provider helping organizations with everything from content, design, and development, through to distribution and support. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00014-00012988-00013588 So welcome. Teresa and Harrison. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00015-00013588-00014988 I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and honor that the offices of Ecampus Ontario are located on the traditional territory of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the credit the initiative, the Chippewa, the Hoda. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00016-00014988-00015388 Shone, A and the Wend at peoples, and is now home to many diverse nations. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00017-00015388-00016388 Inuit and mete. I recognize and am grateful for the legacy of all past, present, and future generations of the first peoples of this land. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00018-00016388-00017488 I'm joining you today from Fort Francis Ontario, which is situated in the traditional territories of the Initina Bay and Metis people, where it is my great privilege to live, work and learn in this virtual space. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00019-00017488-00018788 We are all convening from different places. And this is one of the things that makes the online environment special. I invite you to share your own land acknowledgement in our chat. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00020-00018788-00020788 So to provide a little bit of context around today, adaptive learning platforms, our educational technologies that assess a learners, knowledge identify skills, gaps and provide personalized andructional paths towards learning outcomes, overlapping with adaptive learning are other technologies such as 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00021-00020788-00021388 Artificial Intelligence, Machine, Learning and intelligent tutoring systems, often experiential in nature. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00022-00021388-00022188 These technologies are grounded in competency-based instruction and move the learner to mastery through ongoing practice and immediate feedback. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00023-00022188-00023588 Among the many benefits of adaptive learning, these technologies have been shown to improve learning, efficiency, knowledge, transfer, and learner engagement, Ecampus Ontario has been working in the adaptive learning space for the past several years. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00024-00023588-00025288 Where we see these technologies as an important and emerging part of the digital transformation of higher education, you can see details about our work by visiting our adaptive learning web page at the link being posted in the chat for the remainder of today's webinar we will hear from St. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00025-00025288-00026088 Lawrence College, and up 360. Their collaboration, which benefited in part from the province of Ontario's historic 70 million dollar investment in the Virtual Learning strategy uses up 360 VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00026-00026088-00027088 And AR technologies to enhance program delivery and learner engagement. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00027-00027088-00027288 This platform offers a scalable cost-effective, and measurable way to train and assess individuals. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00028-00027288-00028288 Further, it can easily validate core components and provide micro credentialing in programs. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00029-00028288-00029188 During the presentation we will hear about how St. Lawrence College has worked with up 360 to integrate, can cred badging issue issuance into virtual simulations. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00030-00029188-00030788 I saw. I'm gonna stop sharing now and hand things over to Teresa and Harrison. Take it away. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00031-00030788-00031188 Okay. Harrison's just getting the screen share up. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00032-00031188-00031688 So I hope everyone can see it. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00033-00031688-00031788 Yeah, you're good to go. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00034-00031788-00032688 And okay, great and thanks everyone for joining. Today. We will have plenty of time, I think, for questions at the end, as well. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00035-00032688-00033888 We do have an agenda for today's session, and Harrison, if you can go to the next slide, we'll share that with everyone. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00036-00033888-00034188 Okay. So we're gonna talk a little bit about the micro credentials at St. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00037-00034188-00035288 Lawrence College, and the Andro God, you that we use to support both the development and the delivery of the microcreds. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00038-00035288-00035788 Also the connection of micro credentials to digital badging. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00039-00035788-00036888 Aslc has a long history with up 3 60, you know there are our go to, partner for all things. Digital. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00040-00036888-00037588 And so we'll chat a little bit about the history of that share. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00041-00037588-00038288 Some of our project examples and move on to talking about how we're measuring success and competencies within virtual reality. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00042-00038288-00039788 Environments, and particularly how we're doing that at intersecting that with automated issuing of microcreds and our digital badge. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00043-00039788-00041388 As a result of this Ecampus project and just our ongoing next steps and goals, which who knows what kind of collaboration that will lead to in this large group? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00044-00041388-00041488 So just so everyone understands because I know that there's different approaches to micro credentials at different institutions. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00045-00041488-00042888 And we do try to follow the the ecampus framework for micro credentials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00046-00042888-00044188 One of the things that we're really clear about is that post-secondary institutions have a qualifications framework that allows us to deliver lots of other kinds of credentials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00047-00044188-00044388 Microcredentials, then, do not need to be courses or or full programs. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00048-00044388-00045388 So our micro credentials when there stand alone, are short, less than a course. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00049-00045388-00046188 They are stackable. So multiple micro credentials could stack towards a course at more traditional. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00050-00046188-00047588 I guess. Postsecondary course, and many of them could stack towards other kinds of credentials, including local board, certificate on certificates of you know, Ontario. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00051-00047588-00047988 Ultimately, I guess Ontario College certificates. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00052-00047988-00048888 We hope to get to a place where we can stack towards many Ontario College credentials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00053-00048888-00051288 The micro credentials are competency based. So just to clarify that everything that we're asking learners to do to demonstrate the learning that happens within a micro credential is attached to something they would do in a workplace so an actual competency performance in a workplace 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00054-00051288-00051788 setting, we develop micro credentials that are focused on in demand workplace skills. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00055-00051788-00052188 So they're all developed in partnership with industry. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00056-00052188-00053788 We do a fair bit of consultation for all of our micro credentials with employers in the fields, and you know, and often innovators in the fields who are looking at workplace skills both in demand immediately. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00057-00053788-00054288 But in demand in the future, in terms of our virtual reality and and augmented reality. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00058-00054288-00056188 Experiences. We're always trying to simulate real world learning opportunity so tasks that you have to do in the workplace and the diversity of those tasks that are to do in the workplace. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00059-00056188-00056688 And we'll talk a little bit about that more when we get into the Androgaji itself. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00060-00056688-00056788 At our micro credentials include both learning and assessment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00061-00056788-00056988 Experiences. So there's an opportunity for learning a practice. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00062-00056988-00059588 And then there's an opportunity for assessment. So in terms of our android, so learning for adult learners, we're aiming to create micro credentials that are available in the moment that a learner recognizes the need for them to either get them entry into a workplace 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00063-00059588-00060488 position, get advanced their skills within a current job, or maybe to upscale to take on a new job. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00064-00060488-00061288 So in time we have continuous enrollment for the vast majority of our microcreds. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00065-00061288-00061988 They're self paced, and we embed variability into the actual design. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00066-00061988-00062888 And so in this case, in the back-end design of our virtual reality, experiences, and I think Slc probably, or I'm up 360 probably gets tired of us asking about this. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00067-00062888-00063388 But we're constantly saying, Okay, so how can it vary so that every time a learner goes into the experience, it's different. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00068-00063388-00064688 They're faced with a new challenge on the practice experiences that they get are different. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00069-00064688-00065488 There's always like an element of surprise or unexpected challenge that they need to respond to with that environment. And that supports us. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00070-00065488-00067288 So that learners can practice in there, and not only do they not get bored, but they also can't just memorize one particular script and then be successful on that same script and an assessment each time they go in again. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00071-00067288-00068188 They're gonna be doing something slightly different. They are automated for timely feedback, and many of them allow for the learner. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00072-00068188-00069088 Then to use that and adapt their performance right within the moment of the simulation, an adaptive, obviously adaptive performance. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00073-00069088-00070288 By the learner, but we have some things where based on where the learner selections they make, or performances that they do. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00074-00070288-00070888 Then the system adapts and presents them with a different kind of challenge. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00075-00070888-00071488 I guess so, for all of our micro credentials, we it issue. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00076-00071488-00071888 They are aligned with the digital badge, with, can cred, we issue those digital badges at the completion of the micro credential. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00077-00071888-00072988 It's very clear within that system what the competencies are that are required to earn the badge. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00078-00072988-00073488 And then the digital badges we've worked with Ken Craig to actually align those to different standards. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00079-00073488-00074788 So we can include essential employability skills align our competencies to those as well as well as the UN goals for sustainability. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00080-00074788-00076788 So those are 2 of the additional frameworks. We've aligned all of our learning to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00081-00076788-00077188 As I mentioned, up 3, 60, and Soc. Have been working together since 2,016. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00082-00077188-00078688 We built a range. And you're gonna see? Quite quite a diversity of digital assets that we use across all different subject areas. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00083-00078688-00079288 And we're constantly working together to kind of push the boundaries and say, can we do this? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00084-00079288-00079888 Can we try this? I think it's a learning process for all of us. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00085-00079888-00080688 I've learned about. Maybe some of the limitations of VR what's appropriate to do within a VR context? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00086-00080688-00082388 What maybe doesn't give any value added. Where there is value added, we've again designed things that truly have alternatives to placement experiences, and I guess expansion of things that we would think about as placement experience. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00087-00082388-00085388 So that when learners do go out to a placement or do go out to the workplace, they've actually had a fair bit of simulated workplace experience. And and this gives them more than what they might have in our shops in our labs and again in our placements. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00088-00085688-00086188 Do we have video for these ones? Harrison? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00089-00086188-00086488 I've got one for metallurgy, and I can play it here. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00090-00086488-00086688 Okay. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00091-00086688-00087188 Music city. We don't have one. But maybe if you want to explain what Music City was first, and then I'll flip to the video of metallurgy. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00092-00087188-00087688 Okay, that's great. I'm I love music. City. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00093-00087688-00087888 So we had this vision of a immersive 3 dimensional city that people would travel around. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00094-00087888-00089088 And it's related to a course, a general education course in the impact of music on society. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00095-00089088-00089688 So we had a very big vision of how people could travel around the city and understand how music was. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00096-00089688-00090588 The intersection between music and social change and social events. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00097-00090588-00090688 We didn't given the time limitations that we had to create. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00098-00090688-00091688 This have the freedom to do a VR environment, although we're still working with up 3 60 around that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00099-00091688-00092888 But in this case what we did was a desktop version which you can click on different buildings in a city and then be actually immersed within that that building itself. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00100-00092888-00093088 And so we've got like a Vinyl store where you can sort through albums and literally play things. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00101-00093088-00093488 It pulls from spotify, so you can sort through almost every kind of music you can. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00102-00093488-00094388 I'm sort by artist. You can sort by album. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00103-00094388-00096088 There's a recording studio. There's like a community open concert venue, where we have things like from, you know, famous. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00104-00096088-00097688 Worlds, impacting concerts across the world. We've got opportunities to do radio interviews trying to think we've got a link to a fashion store where music artists influence fashion. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00105-00097688-00098188 So quite a number of different things. And students actually travel through that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00106-00098188-00099188 And it's really a self directed course in that they can explore whatever they music they want and still meet the outcomes of the course. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00107-00099188-00101288 They can travel to different parts of the city and still meet the outcomes to the course. And we views like a music news stand as a way to share tax documents or content that the instructor's in the course really felt might be important for learners to read. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00108-00101288-00101588 Soc medalurgy. I have a video for that one. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00109-00101588-00102888 Harrison. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00110-00102888-00102988 Yeah, there's no sound on the video. Teresa. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00111-00102988-00103088 So I'll just let it play in the background if you want to talk about it a little bit. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00112-00103088-00104388 Okay, this is to give some of our learners who are working on some workplace skills experience within our metal labs. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00113-00104388-00105288 And so there's heat of evidence. I don't know what we're gonna see here, but. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00114-00105288-00105888 This one. Obviously, that's a level. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00115-00105888-00106588 So you could actually observe changes in metals as they're being heated here. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00116-00106588-00106988 It's a little bit like an AR environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00117-00106988-00108388 And this gives them a chance to work on some of the equipment that is both expensive and and time consuming for them. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00118-00108388-00109488 To do this, all in the shop. We did this part as part of Covid as well, so we had our shop instructors come in, and and they were able to do some of the video taping. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00119-00109488-00110288 That's in here that you can see a threed model of a milling machine handle for exploration. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00120-00110288-00110588 So they they get exposure to the parts they get exposure to the equipment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00121-00110588-00112388 That's in there. And there are actually is some sequencing testing that happens as part of procedures within within this environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00122-00112388-00113488 Yeah, and one important thing to mention about this one as well as Music city is, they're both web based simulations where it's interactive web so there's no downloads required on this. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00123-00113488-00115088 They could just open it via like a web, any web browser, and then again get that, you know certain level of immersiveness, and, you know, presented with, you know, non-traditional resources like the ability to actually walk through a digital twin of the lab that slc has 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00124-00115088-00117188 for the metallurgy course, while also being presented with and exploring, like more traditional twod resources that are linked to all the different threed assets and objects in this one. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00125-00117188-00117588 And then we'll talk about some of our VR. Our PC. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00126-00117588-00117888 VR, Sims, I'll play another video of this one. There. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00127-00117888-00118488 So this is our event planning again, the videos don't have audio, but just something to see and look through. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00128-00118488-00118688 Well, people are really well, you're talking on it a little bit. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00129-00118688-00119288 Okay, so this one's named event planning. But we actually have this setup in a much larger. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00130-00119288-00120088 I don't know. Immersive environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00131-00120088-00120988 Well, hmm, I don't know. For the sake of this presentation we'll talk about it as event planning, but it moves to Wellness center space setup as well. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00132-00120988-00123188 There's other environments. But in here we had an outdoor and indoor venue that we could have people set up for like restaurants, celebrations for any kind of event, planning, conference planning, and they learners can sort through a series of assets, and then literally click 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00133-00123188-00125088 on them, set them up, for within the space, and try to create particular themes with them, based on on the available quote pieces of furniture, and they can explore issues of accessibility within the space. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00134-00125088-00127588 They can explore things like lighting electrical outlets, so you may want to set something up where, you know there's a band, or where there's a screen share within a a like a business conference, and you know you might be restricted because of the accessibility, of outlets 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00135-00127588-00127988 within the space. So we've got all of these kind of constraints, and it's meant for people to problems. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00136-00127988-00129288 Solve and then articulate and explain why they've made the decisions that they've made. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00137-00129288-00129988 Yeah. And one really neat thing about this one beyond, like. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00138-00129988-00130588 Stability with, like the environments that we could feed into it, and the assets that we could feed into it is the is kind of the learning outcomes. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00139-00130588-00131388 It's set up in a way where students actually like take screenshots and videos of of the worlds that they create. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00140-00131388-00131988 And then those screenshots and videos would then be submitted to you know, the instructor of the relevant courses to actually be able to look at and assess. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00141-00131988-00133388 And, you know, consider all those different elements that go into things like event, planning and space planning. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00142-00133388-00133488 So you can imagine the impact of this for our hospitality programs, our tourism programs. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00143-00133488-00135388 And again it grew out of a wellness idea that we we have a much bigger wellness environment where people might want to set things up for group counseling is one of the things that could happen. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00144-00135388-00136288 And they're just parent and family and interoperability interactions. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00145-00136288-00137188 I mean family and child interactions. So, okay, so this is a food prep simulation. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00146-00137188-00137788 It's part of again. This is one experience within a larger VoIP environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00147-00137788-00138488 The goals here are to adapt. We have some that are just about basic food. Prep. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00148-00138488-00140388 But because and I mentioned the thing about restrictions within a VR environment, things like really fine chopping of a particular food is not something that you would ask people to do in a VR environment that is simulated in here, but the skill of that is simulated in here, but the skill of 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00149-00140388-00141488 that would still be done in the culinary lab. So in this space, what we were really looking for is for people to follow the proper steps and safety measures. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00150-00141488-00143388 So there actually is like a oven mitt on there safety measures for preparing food, and they have to do menu adaptations for people with dietary or restrictions or food preferences. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00151-00143388-00143988 And so they have a recipe. But someone comes in and says, You know, I need a low sodium. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00152-00143988-00144188 I'm on a low sodium diet, or I've got it allergy to nuts. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00153-00144188-00145588 What are you gonna do instead? And so they look through, and they plan the substitutes for that recipe based on their clients. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00154-00145588-00147088 You know again preferences or restrictions, and part of what they have to do there, in that menu is justify their substitutions, and then there, it's also obviously integrated with particular steps. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00155-00147088-00147388 For preparing the mail. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00156-00147388-00148088 Yeah. And to Theresa's point, like, we've also used this environment for things like food quality insurance inspections. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00157-00148088-00148588 So we found a lot of really creative ways to, you know, build one environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00158-00148588-00148688 And implement it and use it across a whole variety of courses. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00159-00148688-00149588 So this one, you know, it doubles up from like just again learning some of these basic food prep things to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00160-00149588-00150888 You can also play the role of like an inspector, and, you know, go around and look, for you know, health and safety infractions. And and you know different things that you would need to look out for if you were, you know, a quality assurance inspector. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00161-00150888-00151388 So if you see a mouse running around in there, you see mold within the kitchen that's planned. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00162-00151388-00151888 But just to give an example that wouldn't be in every scene. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00163-00151888-00152288 So a student could go in to do the food and or the inspection. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00164-00152288-00152388 The quality, assurance inspection, and one time they would go in. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00165-00152388-00153288 There would be a mouse that they would see another time there would be molds, but it wouldn't be the same every time. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00166-00153288-00153988 And this is a carpentry environment. We have multiple micro credentials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00167-00153988-00154288 Again, within this carpentry space, and it supports. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00168-00154288-00154588 We also have some desktop applications as well. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00169-00154588-00155488 So this is a framing experience. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00170-00155488-00155888 And you could see there's some follow up checking repair. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00171-00155888-00156488 The learner has an opportunity to fix that if they make a mistake and improve. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00172-00156488-00157288 And they're given blueprints. And again the blueprints could be different every time they get to pick the materials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00173-00157288-00159288 There is a safety experience as well, so that they must both prepare to start the simulation by putting on the right equipment, and then they have to follow all the safety tasks related to to the equipment. Use. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00174-00159288-00159888 And in this one there is some interaction with a site supervisor. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00175-00159888-00160588 I'm not exactly sure if they call that a 4 person, but it is on the site Supervisor at the site. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00176-00160588-00160688 So sometimes they would have to report, or they have to put back a piece of equipment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00177-00160688-00161788 That's now functioning, that would be one of the randomizations that we build in is something just isn't quite working right. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00178-00161788-00162188 And they've got to figure out what that is is that a material flaw? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00179-00162188-00162488 Is that a machinery flaw? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00180-00162488-00162688 Yeah, and that one has been a multi year project like, we started with, you know, introduction to hand tools and hand tool safety. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00181-00162688-00164588 And then you get introduced to power tools, and then from the power tools like, you're learning and cutting all the pieces of wood that you'll need for the third part, which is that framing stuff that you saw there, and that one was one of like multiple trades 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00182-00164588-00165488 experiences that we worked on. We would need more than an hour to show you everything, but you know that spread of projects. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00183-00165488-00166388 I think bridges in too nicely, you know, with what I wanted to talk about a little bit, which is metrics in VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00184-00166388-00167588 And how all this kind of feeds into this c campus project that we got funded to do, because, like across just that little snippet of projects that we've got funded to do, because like across just that little snippet of projects that we've worked on you know, we really started to see 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00185-00167588-00167988 some trends in terms of that we've worked on, you know. We really started to see some trends in terms of like the types of metrics that we have to deal with. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00186-00167988-00168688 You know, things like numbers being like, you know, time, time, variable score variables, you know, angles, distance. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00187-00168688-00169188 You know we did some welding simulations that actually, you know, tell you how long your world was. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00188-00169188-00170788 You know the distance, the angle, you know you have letter-based metrics that can just be like somebody's username or credential, or like a little simple blurb of like, did somebody remember to, you know, put on their safety equipment and then you also got into like media 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00189-00170788-00170988 you know, dealing with screenshots and videos. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00190-00170988-00172688 And you know, heat maps, and you know threed objects and the diversity of types of metrics we had to deal with over the last several years became very, very fast, and you know the tree Teresa kind of laughed a little bit there at the 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00191-00172688-00172988 beginning around like, you know that that constant back and forth between us and the college to try to refine. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00192-00172988-00174088 You know what metrics are we sending? Why are we sending them and what's the best way to send them over to the credential platform? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00193-00174088-00175688 The screenshot. You see, here is actually a piece of at a carpentry assessment, so in a lot of cases to just keep it simple, because we didn't have any of the infrastructure, we would just you know, do things like display it in the simulation. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00194-00175688-00176388 in real time. So users had the ability to, you know, correct those mistakes, or, you know, potentially display at the end of the simulation. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00195-00176388-00176888 This was good in the beginning, but it wasn't great. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00196-00176888-00178388 If an instructor needed to actually review it, or if you actually wanted to treat this like a little bit more of a formal assessment, so we played around with the idea of you know, let's send these metrics to an email, that could be a professor's email that could be you know 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00197-00178388-00179688 students email. But you know, this required Internet at all times, and it also requires us to, you know, hard program, those variables like into the actual experience itself. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00198-00179688-00179788 So we were like, well, let's try saving it to devices, and this solve some of the other problems. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00199-00179788-00180788 But it left a lot of user error to the thing, because, you know, a student would have to then go into the proper file. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00200-00180788-00181888 You know, find their screen capture, and then, you know, submit that screen, capture potentially in like an Lms somewhere, as if they were to submit like an assignment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00201-00181888-00181988 So we thought, Okay, well, what if we just like send this to? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00202-00181988-00184188 To you know the learning management system, but we very, very quickly learn that Lms tend to change fast, and a lot of times, you know, Lms is will slightly vary from like one instructor to the next, and there's still a lot of heavy lifting to try to you know, make 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00203-00184188-00184488 that direct connection depending on the platform, and, like all the nuances around it. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00204-00184488-00185088 So you know, we kinda just we're faced with this problem of like, okay, how do we deal with metrics? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00205-00185088-00186788 Because every time we need to change these parameters, you know, regardless of the way we tried to save the parameters and send the parameters, we had to actually like go into a project, you know, make the updates in the project re package the project and then push a new version of the 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00206-00186788-00187088 project to the project, and then push a new version of the project to the computers, and for anybody who has dealt with the project to the computers, and for anybody who has dealed with you know PC. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00207-00187088-00188488 Based, VR. It's a bit of a nightmare to do version control, especially if you are dealing with a lot of computers and a lot of different devices across potentially, a lot of departments. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00208-00188488-00189188 So we had to the call for proposals. Come up with the campus for this fund. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00209-00189188-00189988 And we basically, you know, pose a solution to this problem of like, how do we simplify the process of handling messaging metrics for both us as a content creation studio? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00210-00189988-00190188 While making sure that our partners, and in this case Soc. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00211-00190188-00191788 Had unlimited flexibility in terms of you know, everything surrounded those metrics where they win, how they triggered badges and all that fun stuff. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00212-00191788-00193488 So we were. We had metrics, and then we had a badging system, and in this case it was can cred that we kind of posted as the the example for the project I'll try not to get to technical in terms of what it is we actually built and how 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00213-00193488-00194388 we approach the problem and the solution of the problem. But if for anybody who wants to to narrate with me a little bit later, I go, you know, into the technicals. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00214-00194388-00195088 I'm happy to elaborate, but the most simplified way to explain what we did was kind of in this little diagram that I'll show you. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00215-00195088-00195988 So we have the metrics and all of these metrics essentially lived in one of these simulations. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00216-00195988-00196088 Most of the simulations that we dealt with were desktop simulations. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00217-00196088-00196888 So those traditionally are like a little exe file that gets downloaded on the computer. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00218-00196888-00197188 That gets exported from the game engine that we build it in. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00219-00197188-00198888 So the metrics ultimately live in the simulation, you know, and again, metrics could be accommodation of any different thing rather than locking ourselves to sending it directly to the system. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00220-00198888-00199188 First, like, you know, can crack or blackboard, or d 2 l. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00221-00199188-00199688 Or like one of those platforms, we said, let's put a platform in between where they need to go, and the experience. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00222-00199688-00200488 So that every time, you know, Teresa and her team come to us and says, Hey, can we, like, you know, adjust these variables, adjust those variables. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00223-00200488-00202088 We would be able to adjust the metric parameters, and then in the web version it would change the way we send. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00224-00202088-00202588 You know, triggers to an external system like can cred to issue badges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00225-00202588-00203088 So the way we handle this was again, we have metrics that live in the simulation. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00226-00203088-00203188 We would essentially create metric ids in the web platform. You know. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00227-00203188-00204488 That would be metric. One metric, 2, metric, 3, and then we could create a set of custom parameters for each metric and parameters could look like anything. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00228-00204488-00204588 So can be, you know, if metric one is equal to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00229-00204588-00205388 Yes, if metric 2, you know, is equal to, or less than 50 or metric, 2 is equal to, or less than 50 or metric. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00230-00205388-00207188 2 is equal to, or less than a 100. We could customize those in a essentially an infinite way, and create as many of these parameters as we want, and then we could take groupings of these parameters and create custom triggers and the groupings of 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00231-00207188-00208488 parameters to trigger different things. So you know, we use carpentry as an example where you know one use case of carpentry maybe needs to be metrics to issue a beginner carpentry badge. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00232-00208488-00208888 But then another version of that, for maybe, say, high school students needed a different set of parameters to issue like an introductory badge. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00233-00208888-00211188 So ultimately we built this framework through a lot of trial and error, and a lot of trying to like grossly oversimplify things and get to like the very very foundational side of things, to be able to move the need to go into the projects every single time and put that 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00234-00211188-00211688 intermediary between. Again the simulations that get built or the content creators that are building the simulations and the platform where they'll eventually end up so that we could make fast rapid. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00235-00211688-00212388 You know, quick iterations, you know, within a matter of minutes. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00236-00212388-00213288 Every time, you know, we wanted to explore or change the parameters of like how these badges were triggered. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00237-00213288-00213388 So essentially this platform that we built automated the whole process. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00238-00213388-00214188 The version of the platform that we created as part of the project looked like this, and this was probably a year ago, maybe even 2. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00239-00214188-00214988 Now time is flying very fast, so sometimes I lose track of how long it's been. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00240-00214988-00215388 But it was this system that again allowed us to go in, create metric keys and hard code. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00241-00215388-00217088 Our experiences to point those metrics into this web-based system and we called it the Immersive Learning Platform, or the Ilp for short and setup in a way there that it would work for our studio. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00242-00217088-00217588 But also every other Development company, or every other institution that was building these VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00243-00217588-00218088 Desktop-based simulations, and we're running into the same challenges that we ran into. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00244-00218088-00218188 We played with it for the last year or so, and ultimately the direction that we're taking. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00245-00218188-00219488 It is a little bit more holistic and a little bit more wider reaching, because, you know, handling metrics became one part of the problem. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00246-00219488-00220788 But we really quickly, you know, realize that there were a lot of other moving pieces that we felt were you know, were challenges that we were facing with St. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00247-00220788-00221288 Lawrence College, but the more we to you know other developers, the more we talk to other college partners it became abundantly clear that you know these problems were across the board. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00248-00221288-00222588 So we we took the framework for handling metrics, and we've kind of baked that into the second version of this immersive learning platform that we put together. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00249-00222588-00223188 And we now are, you know, approaching it a way where it makes content management easy. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00250-00223188-00223688 From the time we actually build it, and our testing with our partners all the way through to the time we're ready to potentially distribute it to partners outside of the original institution. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00251-00223688-00224688 Making metric integration easy and you know how we deal with those metrics. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00252-00224688-00226388 Easy, and then for all of our educational partners, it makes it really really easy to kind of follow that flow of content, management, device, management, user management, and I can give them complete control over that credentialing process. So on the fly. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00253-00226388-00226688 If they wanted to again, you know, add extra content into new courses, or, you know, adjust the parameters around badges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00254-00226688-00228088 They would essentially be able to do all this through the web, and allow content to be more widely used, because again, these simulations, they type. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00255-00228088-00228188 They take a lot of time and energy and resources to build. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00256-00228188-00228288 So the more creative way we can find to use them across. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00257-00228288-00228988 You know, different different subject matters. You know different levels of education from from, you know I don't learners to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00258-00228988-00230088 You know, students in college through to high school students. The more value, you know, Aslc and our college partners, you know, get out of the content. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00259-00230088-00230888 So we're trying to take from our learnings. From this first version of the platform. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00260-00230888-00231388 And again, really, just build it out in a way where it solves a lot of that barrier to entry for colleges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00261-00231388-00232688 And and for you know, educators and trainers that want to somehow figure out how to use immersive learning within the context of education and training. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00262-00232688-00233788 And then, you know, kind of looking forward. You know we have a lot of really fun, interesting projects that we're still, you know, working on with Slc. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00263-00233788-00235388 You know some are interactive web. Some are, you know, desktop based, some our VR based, and we're trying to find ways to leverage a lot of this existing content that we've already built into other Slc programs now that we've built some of this infrastructure behind the 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00264-00235388-00235988 scenes, and we're exploring things like adaptive micro credentials for high school students. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00265-00235988-00237688 So get, how do we simplify the parameters around something like this framing experience, or this electrical experience to a point where a high school student would be able to potentially use it for some level of learning or somebody going through like a workforce development or an employment center would be able to use it for some 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00266-00237688-00237888 level of learning. And it's again a big learning process. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00267-00237888-00239388 You know there's no hard and fast way to do this, so we very much are kind of still learning as we're going, and I think Teresa will be the first to say that, like you know, we've seen a lot of success out of this. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00268-00239388-00239788 But we still definitely have a lot to learn so we're just trying to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00269-00239788-00240288 Really, you know, go slow and kind of walk before we run here. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00270-00240288-00240388 And then also, you know, take all of these learnings and try to solve problems. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00271-00240388-00240988 You know, as we progress, projects forward and share what we're. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00272-00240988-00241188 You know what we're learning with with other partners along the way, because, you know, we both kind of have a goal to get immersive learning technologies. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00273-00241188-00241888 And these interactive web technologies, you know, into as many places as possible. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00274-00241888-00242588 And the only way to do that is through, you know, collaborations and partnerships. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00275-00242588-00243388 And you know, I saw a lot of participants in here today from so the other, you know, collaborative partnerships that we have on the go with Slc. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00276-00243388-00243488 You know, Georgian College, Mohawk, some power engineering stuff. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00277-00243488-00244588 So it's really all about, you know, building some of these tools to solve some of these bigger problems so that we can move e-learning forward as a whole. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00278-00244588-00245188 And and, you know, make education more accessible to people who are, you know, non-traditional learners. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00279-00245188-00245288 And I'm just gonna jump in there, too, to say like one of the challenges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00280-00245288-00246588 And I I responded to a question Annie asked in the chat, as you know, at at this point we are kind of tied to offering our VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00281-00246588-00246988 Equipment on campus. We've got a mobile lab. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00282-00246988-00247388 We've got a couple of mobile labs where we take that equipment out. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00283-00247388-00248188 And so we're able to make the VR experiences more accessible to others. Where we take that equipment out. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00284-00248188-00248288 And so we're able to make the VR experiences more accessible to others. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00285-00248288-00248988 We other instructions where they've got their own VR equipment, so we can link out our resources. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00286-00248988-00249488 And and they can use them, but not every student's got that equipment right. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00287-00249488-00249988 So there's always that piece around. How do you make this accessible? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00288-00249988-00250488 You also don't necessarily wanna just distribute it free widely. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00289-00250488-00250888 And for everyone who does have a you know their own headsets. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00290-00250888-00250988 So there's there's those kinds of challenges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00291-00250988-00251388 There was another question in the chat, too, that I just want to address. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00292-00251388-00254388 So it was about creating VR content. And I maybe this goes back to the piece about what we find is worth investing in in VR, and what we find is not like we don't use VR environments to quote present content in a in a traditional way, like we use the VR environment as 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00293-00254388-00256988 an application of practice, of skills and competence. So if there's quote content knowledge to be acquired in advance of that, you know, we try to present that in in another environment first and and in in most cases, because we're limited in terms of you know investment, in VR is one 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00294-00256988-00257388 of the the limits there is. We don't want people coming into an immersive environment just being presented with text. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00295-00257388-00260088 Or you know, watching a lecture video in there, or you know, even a even a demo video like, what's the value of that within the VR, so we're really strategic about what we do in the VR, and it's an opportunity for a practice and we are just working on some 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00296-00260088-00260588 multi-player things right now. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00297-00260588-00261488 Yeah. James had a question about single users versus multiplayer so yeah, like, Trisha said, we're in the middle of working on some new multiplayer experiences. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00298-00261488-00262488 And the nice thing with with some of the infrastructure that we're building behind the scenes is once we have a multiplier network, you know, fully up and running, it becomes relatively plug and play. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00299-00262488-00263388 So you know, all projects moving forward theoretically, could, you know, be the multi-user if we wanted it to? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00300-00263388-00263488 That's fantastic. We have another question in here, just in terms around. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00301-00263488-00264388 When is it kind of the budget to create something like the metallurgy lab? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00302-00264388-00264988 As an example? Is there kind of a timeline resources for funding like to create these? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00303-00264988-00265688 And I guess my extension. I have a question. Around this, too, is, is there a place where educators can find some of these ready-made assets that could be without having to create them integrated into an existing curriculum? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00304-00265688-00266688 Is good. Can you shed any light on that? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00305-00266688-00267288 Well, there are places where there's digital assets like meaning imagery. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00306-00267288-00267688 That's easy to integrate into a Br. Experience for us. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00307-00267688-00268388 I think a lot of the work isn't unless we have a clear vision for the environment that we work with. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00308-00268388-00269288 Up 360, and we talk through that. And it's more about the functionality of what we want to do. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00309-00269288-00269888 That's the challenge, right? So if you're just going into an environment to walk around and you're just going into an environment to walk around. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00310-00269888-00271188 And I think those are, you know, pretty easy to do quite quickly, but it's the functionality and the tracking of the users experience and their decision making, and the choices and what they do within there. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00311-00271188-00272888 That is really the work. So like our carpentry one, we built 3 different experiences in there. But that probably took what? Like 3 years really, from start to finish, a Harrison like about a year, maybe year each yeah. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00312-00272888-00274088 Yeah, yeah, that sounds a bit right? Yeah. You know, from a visual perspective like, art represents, you know, 25%, if I'm not a little bit less of a build out, it's the game play programming. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00313-00274088-00274488 And I say, game play because it. You know the practices that we follow, and the same as what you would follow to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00314-00274488-00275288 You know, develop a game. So it's all those mechanical interactions, you know, the picking up of of a mail gun, and then the nailing. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00315-00275288-00276688 And then you know the programming around measuring. If they put the nails in the right place versus the wrong place that becomes very complicated, and that that is the majority of the work for anyone who's interested in just like threed assets, you know, threed environments. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00316-00276688-00277988 Even our studio to save time and money on the art side, will leverage asset packs sometimes, and there's a lot of really good libraries for that, like turbo swed, you know, unreal engine has its own assets. Store this extension. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00317-00277988-00278688 We develop in so if you're looking for just, you know, assets that can be brought into like a simple web threed viewer, or like a simple, you know, VR environment, or like even an AR environment, you could do that for relatively low cost. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00318-00278688-00279788 But yeah, that the time commitments and the resource commitments to build these bigger experiences are definitely up there. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00319-00279788-00281288 But the more we build the quicker it gets. And you know, now we're at a point where, like we could build a project with same or college within a few months, when you know back when we first started, it would take almost a year to do some of these things. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00320-00281288-00282488 Thank you. We have another question. It says, we're students uploaded into the student information system and received a student number, or do they remain separate as a micro credential consumer? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00321-00282488-00282888 I guess so. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00322-00282888-00284288 So to all of our students like, even if they're enrolling through our continuing education, would get a student number, and they can work through that way. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00323-00284288-00285388 But if they're coming in through, let's say workforce development, they may sometimes not have, I guess, the same kind of credential. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00324-00285388-00286788 We still track them. But and all you would need to log in. To some of these experiences is an email address and an access code. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00325-00286788-00287888 Thank you. Another question to come in. Do you also do augmented reality along with the VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00326-00287888-00287988 Yeah. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00327-00287988-00288288 What is the example of an AR situation that you have? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00328-00288288-00288388 So I think we've got some augmented reality. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00329-00288388-00288888 That is focused within that metallurgy I'd have to go back to that with that metallurgy environment. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00330-00288888-00290488 And there's another one related to like some chemistry, biotech piece where we have augmented reality and we're now just working on some augmented reality. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00331-00290488-00291588 That is about the human interaction. So we've had some initial conversations with up 3 60 about that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00332-00291588-00291888 But we're not not quite there yet. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00333-00291888-00292588 Yeah, we dabble. But we find that building for something like AR can be like easier time wise but more challenging from the user experience. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00334-00292588-00294488 Perspective because a lot of these ars, you know, if you use the really high end headsets like, you know, the mixed reality holds device, or like the magic leap device, they're very early stage and like limited and like their fidelity and like their visual quality, there's a 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00335-00294488-00294788 lot of like nuances like just getting those things up and running. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00336-00294788-00295388 And then, if you try to deliver it, you know, to say everybody smartphone, you have to. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00337-00295388-00296388 Factor in, you know, who has a high end device versus a low-end device, and then against you know those 2 experiences could be night and day different. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00338-00296388-00296588 If somebody's on a low end. Smartphone versus a high end phone. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00339-00296588-00297388 So you know, AR for us, although we feel like it has a lot of potential applications in in education until they really get the the wearables to a point where, you know, they're super scalable. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00340-00297388-00298488 We're not as actively pursuing that we feel like AR is best fit into like, you know, consumer marketing. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00341-00298488-00298588 You know, experiences, little activations and more immersive web or VR. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00342-00298588-00299788 It really seems to be the best path forward for education, with just a current state of hardware. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00343-00299788-00300588 Thank you. We have another question. Have you created for the use of the hollow lens? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00344-00300588-00300988 Not yet no, not not with Slc. We again. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00345-00300988-00301388 We've dabbled, but it's not for any of our projects. No. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00346-00301388-00301788 Thank you. So we have a hand up, Melanie. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00347-00301788-00302188 Feel free to open your microphone. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00348-00302188-00302588 Alright! Hi, Harrison! How are you? Nice to see you? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00349-00302588-00302688 Nice to see some things that you're working on. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00350-00302688-00303888 So this, all this is all very exciting. I am curious, and I'm I don't know if maybe I didn't have like multiple meetings back to back today. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00351-00303888-00304088 So I don't know. So the purpose of today is to, is it just like information sharing? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00352-00304088-00305488 Are you looking for partners to work with? Are you? Are these simulations that that we can try? I'll start with that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00353-00305488-00306188 Mainly information share. But I know Teresa is always always open to partnerships and collaboration, so I'll let her feel that one. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00354-00306188-00306288 Okay. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00355-00306288-00306888 Yeah, like, if people think there's something that you know, it's budget season, too. Right? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00356-00306888-00307488 So, if people think there's something that they really wanna collaborate on, I think there's definitely like openness to having those conversations for sure. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00357-00307488-00308388 And trying out things you know. I don't see why we wouldn't. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00358-00308388-00309288 We wouldn't make that possible. We just have to figure out the logistics of that, because again, we don't necessarily just distribute the files out there. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00359-00309288-00309588 Yeah. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00360-00309588-00310388 Yeah, and I'll add to that anything that you guys can take from us to avoid some mistakes that we've made over the last, you know, 3 or 4 years, you know. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00361-00310388-00310488 That's why we're in it, right, you know. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00362-00310488-00310988 We wanna help other other organizations, you know. Learn from from our mistakes, you know. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00363-00310988-00311588 Learn from our successes, because mistakes are expensive, and you know we have a lot of college partners that, like, you know, pre-emptively bought a lot of hardware and then, you know, the hardware. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00364-00311588-00312488 Ends up on a shelf somewhere. And then, you know, they kind of come to us and be like, Hey, what's going on here like? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00365-00312488-00312888 Why don't? What like? Why are we able to use this hardware? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00366-00312888-00313288 And so like purchasing decisions around hardware, around like what software is at there. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00367-00313288-00314188 There's so many nuances, because the industry is moving so fast for anyone that's just interested in like building a little bit of a strategy and just picking our brains like that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00368-00314188-00314688 We're here as a resource, and we're happy to like, you know, support any capacity. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00369-00314688-00316788 Yeah, that's a great point, Harrison, because there are some other things like, again, if we're buying equipment, or there's things that we're wondering about in terms of, you know, setting up a space or functionality, we will reach out to our friends at up 3 60 and ask them questions about that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00370-00316788-00317088 Yup, Paul, Melanie, is there another part of your question? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00371-00317088-00317988 I'm just curious. Yeah, just one more question. If you, Teresa, if you guys have done anything in the kind of the health care field. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00372-00317988-00318188 With Harrison. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00373-00318188-00319188 We're doing a lab right now, and I'm trying to think what else we've done. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00374-00319188-00320088 So our wellness center depending on like, if you're talking, you know. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00375-00320088-00320688 Allied health, I guess, are well known. Center has that capability. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00376-00320688-00321188 We've built the environment. This goes back to like managing resources. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00377-00321188-00321588 So in our wellness center, we built the physical environments. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00378-00321588-00322888 And then we're moving forward, then will work with up 360 around different functionalities for different programs. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00379-00322888-00322988 Yep. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00380-00322988-00323188 And different professional learnings within there. So that's probably a next step for us. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00381-00323188-00323288 Yeah, we do have a health care related project in the queue right now with us. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00382-00323288-00323888 So that's more focused on like traditional health care. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00383-00323888-00324188 You know, emergency services, type environments. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00384-00324188-00324488 Okay, excellent thanks for sharing guys. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00385-00324488-00324588 Hey! Noise! 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00386-00324588-00324988 Thank you. Harrison. Did you want to address Paul's question? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00387-00324988-00325188 There. Just want really quick, and then we'll wrap things up. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00388-00325188-00326088 Yeah. Yeah. So Paul's question was creative Commons for a lot of the simulations we showed, and I know cause those were kind of pre-campus the platform that we're building, though there is going to be a free version of it available for any colleges. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00389-00326088-00326588 That need, you know, to use that infrastructure for things like content, management and content, distribution. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00390-00326588-00328688 So there'll be some abilities for colleges to access that, and then there are a few ecampus funded projects that I believe fall under, create creative commons that we're collaborating with Slc and a few other colleges on one for I believe power engineering and then another 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00391-00328688-00329088 one for Hvac that I think will fall into that. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00392-00329088-00329288 So any any colleges that are looking for that type of content, you know, can feel free to reach out and then, even if you saw something today that you're interested in that, you know, we built with Slc, I would say, definitely connect with Teresa. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00393-00329288-00330888 Because yeah, we want to just see as many partners use as I would say, definitely connect with Teresa. Because, yeah, we want to just see as many partners use this as possible. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00394-00330888-00332088 She can feel the, you know, the budgetary questions and the you know, who gets access to those ones that are more pricetary to Slc. But we're big proponents of, you know, collaboration and content sharing because like the end result here is that we have everything in VR and there's no way. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00395-00332088-00332688 That like, you know, we can do this by ourselves, and why build something twice right? 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00396-00332688-00333088 Well, thank you very much for sharing your experiences here today. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00397-00333088-00333688 It was very informative. I do want to thank everyone here in our audience. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00398-00333688-00334388 I hope that, and to Melanie's point earlier kind of the purpose behind these these webinars is really to encourage people to think about these types of assets. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00399-00334388-00335088 That's certainly objective of the campus, and to hopefully inspire collaborations and activity in creating, I think, what is really innovative educational experiences for learners. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00400-00335088-00336888 I also, wanna really thank our Ecamus Ontario communications team who make these webinars possible and handle all the social media posts and emails we couldn't create these types of experiences without them. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00401-00336888-00337288 Our adaptive learning file is found on our adaptive learning. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00402-00337288-00339188 Web, page, which link will be shared in our chat today was actually the fourth webinar in our series in the adaptive learning area, our next webinars actually coming up on February the 20s, and you can register for that now and more information will be sent out to individuals on our 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00403-00339188-00340888 adaptive learning lists to register for that look, feel will post a link in the chat there, so that you can register for that next February the 20s event and we're going to be hearing from Georgian college and their implementation of the serago adaptive learning platform 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00404-00340888-00341288 in their communications courses. So it's a little bit of a different take on adaptive learning. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00405-00341288-00341388 We're trying to keep things as enthusiastic here as possible. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00406-00341388-00342788 Another few quick announcements before we we go. Our open library is also hosting a series of events someone was good enough to post a link in the chat to you. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00407-00342788-00343288 Campaign Ontario's open library, where you can explore our oer collection. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00408-00343288-00343388 So they are hosting events that will cover things like roleplay gamification, bilingual contexts, and more. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00409-00343388-00343988 They are also offering virtual drop-in sessions where you can get help with oer. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00410-00343988-00344788 Find out more about the O. We are our library, and engage with it with our open library team. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00411-00344788-00346088 So there's some links look, feel, will post in the chat for their events, and how to access that information just in terms of other opportunities Ontario extend is currently offering live sessions to engage in that micro credential program. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00412-00346088-00347388 To become an empowered educator. So check out our Ontario, extend web page to enroll in those micro credentials. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00413-00347388-00348688 They are free, they certainly benefit your educational practice and help build connections with other educators across the province, and best yet, we're gonna have those live sessions to help you get to that micro credential. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00414-00348688-00349288 And finally Ecampus Ontario will be hosting our microcontroller Forum march first to third. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00415-00349288-00350888 This event will include an in-person session at Toronto's Globe and Mail Center on March the first, and a virtual event on March the second and third come out and explore the evolving relationship between micro credentials and the labor market lots of great information for that you can 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00416-00350888-00351188 purchase tickets and register for this free version event by visiting the registration page. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00417-00351188-00351988 Now being posted in the chat, I will follow up with everyone. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00418-00351988-00352988 Register for today's session. With all of these links as well, in case you can't grab them, because there's lots of great opportunities to put on your calendar as we come here and roll into March. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00419-00352988-00353688 So thank you. Everyone for attending today. Thank you again to our presenters, and I wish you a good rest of the week. 0Al3zeIrWZ0-00420-00353688-00353788 Bye! 0BDIiu6u6vY-00000-00000000-00000200 https://youtu.be/VJb3hNB1rTM 0BDIiu6u6vY-00001-00018470-00018670 https://youtu.be/VJb3hNB1rTM 0En-0TWaPyu-00000-00000000-00000245 We gonna win in the end! 0En-0TWaPyu-00001-00000245-00000552 We must be strong! And we must be brave 0En-0TWaPyu-00002-00000552-00001000 (We must be brave!) We must be strong! She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Warrior 0GvFABaxvLA-00000-00000525-00000658 Hi, Maya, good afternoon. It's so 0GvFABaxvLA-00001-00000658-00000784 nice to connect with you, 0GvFABaxvLA-00002-00000784-00000871 and I'm so excited 0GvFABaxvLA-00003-00000871-00001046 to be hearing from you, another artist. 0GvFABaxvLA-00004-00001046-00001209 I'm excited about this conversation. 0GvFABaxvLA-00005-00001209-00001359 I'm really looking forward 0GvFABaxvLA-00006-00001359-00001659 to discussing art as a fuel 0GvFABaxvLA-00007-00001659-00001860 for change and action. 0GvFABaxvLA-00008-00002064-00002173 Environmental issues, 0GvFABaxvLA-00009-00002173-00002344 especially like climate change, 0GvFABaxvLA-00010-00002344-00002531 that's something that's going to impact 0GvFABaxvLA-00011-00002531-00002727 every area of human life. 0GvFABaxvLA-00012-00002727-00002865 When I think about the role of art, 0GvFABaxvLA-00013-00002865-00003023 it is about telling these stories 0GvFABaxvLA-00014-00003023-00003182 about humanizing these stories, 0GvFABaxvLA-00015-00003182-00003361 humanizing the stakes of what 0GvFABaxvLA-00016-00003361-00003445 what's happening 0GvFABaxvLA-00017-00003445-00003540 and how we all have to be 0GvFABaxvLA-00018-00003540-00003678 a part of the solution. 0GvFABaxvLA-00019-00003678-00003807 I will tell you that as a 40 year 0GvFABaxvLA-00020-00003807-00003924 old in New York City, 0GvFABaxvLA-00021-00003924-00004066 so many of my peers right now, 0GvFABaxvLA-00022-00004066-00004237 when they think about climate change, 0GvFABaxvLA-00023-00004237-00004350 they can very tangibly 0GvFABaxvLA-00024-00004350-00004475 relate it to their children. 0GvFABaxvLA-00025-00004475-00004600 What are we leaving behind for 0GvFABaxvLA-00026-00004600-00004821 the generations that are coming after us? 0GvFABaxvLA-00027-00004821-00004913 And how do we, as humans 0GvFABaxvLA-00028-00004913-00005121 begin to change and transform 0GvFABaxvLA-00029-00005121-00005313 our behaviors, our practices 0GvFABaxvLA-00030-00005313-00005463 to be healthier 0GvFABaxvLA-00031-00005463-00005580 in relationship to the Earth 0GvFABaxvLA-00032-00005580-00005655 that we inhabit? 0GvFABaxvLA-00033-00005655-00005776 You know, Generation Z, 0GvFABaxvLA-00034-00005776-00005880 we have a lot of pressure 0GvFABaxvLA-00035-00005880-00006118 to be the ones to fix everything, 0GvFABaxvLA-00036-00006118-00006243 and we want 0GvFABaxvLA-00037-00006243-00006410 intergenerational collaboration 0GvFABaxvLA-00038-00006410-00006523 like this is an all hands 0GvFABaxvLA-00039-00006523-00006694 on deck situation. 0GvFABaxvLA-00040-00006694-00006886 As a member of Gen Z, 0GvFABaxvLA-00041-00006886-00007132 I feel like so many young people 0GvFABaxvLA-00042-00007132-00007474 really feel like it could be too late. 0GvFABaxvLA-00043-00007474-00007753 The role of optimism in our lifetime 0GvFABaxvLA-00044-00007753-00007916 and on the Earth. 0GvFABaxvLA-00045-00007916-00008045 I think it's a critical one. 0GvFABaxvLA-00046-00008045-00008266 I think optimism is a practice 0GvFABaxvLA-00047-00008266-00008366 and we have to show up 0GvFABaxvLA-00048-00008366-00008600 and actually believe that we matter. 0GvFABaxvLA-00049-00008600-00008733 And so in my practice, I'm 0GvFABaxvLA-00050-00008733-00008875 always asking the question, gosh, 0GvFABaxvLA-00051-00008875-00009079 what impossible things can we do together 0GvFABaxvLA-00052-00009079-00009230 that we can only do together? 0GvFABaxvLA-00053-00009230-00009355 You know, one of my dreams 0GvFABaxvLA-00054-00009355-00009572 is to turn Time Square into a park 0GvFABaxvLA-00055-00009572-00009772 that has trees and a river 0GvFABaxvLA-00056-00009772-00009893 that's going through it. 0GvFABaxvLA-00057-00009893-00010060 When I think about urbanism 0GvFABaxvLA-00058-00010060-00010210 and the evolution of cities, 0GvFABaxvLA-00059-00010210-00010368 I wish there were ways 0GvFABaxvLA-00060-00010368-00010568 for our streets and our traffic 0GvFABaxvLA-00061-00010568-00010769 to not get in the way of public space. 0GvFABaxvLA-00062-00010769-00010902 How can we collaborate 0GvFABaxvLA-00063-00010902-00011115 with other people to activate that? 0GvFABaxvLA-00064-00011115-00011353 How can we be a catalyst for change 0GvFABaxvLA-00065-00011353-00011490 and also understanding 0GvFABaxvLA-00066-00011490-00011632 how we can encourage other people 0GvFABaxvLA-00067-00011632-00011849 who are in higher positions of power 0GvFABaxvLA-00068-00011849-00012074 to really do that same thing? 0GvFABaxvLA-00069-00012074-00012258 So Maya, when we think about 0GvFABaxvLA-00070-00012258-00012487 multinational corporations like Volvo 0GvFABaxvLA-00071-00012487-00012570 who have often been 0GvFABaxvLA-00072-00012570-00012683 a part of the challenge, 0GvFABaxvLA-00073-00012683-00012821 a part of the problem, 0GvFABaxvLA-00074-00012821-00012933 how do we think about those 0GvFABaxvLA-00075-00012933-00013079 organizations, those companies 0GvFABaxvLA-00076-00013079-00013250 being a part of the solution? 0GvFABaxvLA-00077-00013250-00013488 I think there is a major responsibility 0GvFABaxvLA-00078-00013488-00013692 on large corporations 0GvFABaxvLA-00079-00013692-00013951 to make a really tangible shift 0GvFABaxvLA-00080-00013951-00014084 because they have 0GvFABaxvLA-00081-00014084-00014239 been contributing to this problem 0GvFABaxvLA-00082-00014239-00014356 in so many ways, 0GvFABaxvLA-00083-00014356-00014456 and they have to 0GvFABaxvLA-00084-00014456-00014572 implement these solutions 0GvFABaxvLA-00085-00014572-00014731 as soon as possible 0GvFABaxvLA-00086-00014731-00014923 to understand that sustainability. 0GvFABaxvLA-00087-00014923-00015123 It's not a trend, it's not a fad. 0GvFABaxvLA-00088-00015123-00015357 It's not a niche market to appeal to. 0GvFABaxvLA-00089-00015357-00015565 It is becoming the new 0GvFABaxvLA-00090-00015565-00015874 standard of business and be transparent 0GvFABaxvLA-00091-00015874-00016182 and be authentic and accountable 0GvFABaxvLA-00092-00016182-00016349 with your consumer base. 0GvFABaxvLA-00093-00016349-00016491 What are their practices 0GvFABaxvLA-00094-00016491-00016670 of finding the resources to make, 0GvFABaxvLA-00095-00016670-00016879 for example, with Volvo, the cars? 0GvFABaxvLA-00096-00016879-00016975 Where are all the parts 0GvFABaxvLA-00097-00016975-00017096 for the car coming from? 0GvFABaxvLA-00098-00017096-00017221 The journey of those parts 0GvFABaxvLA-00099-00017221-00017296 to the factories 0GvFABaxvLA-00100-00017296-00017400 where they're being made, 0GvFABaxvLA-00101-00017400-00017555 the relationship of those factories 0GvFABaxvLA-00102-00017555-00017713 to the neighborhoods that they're in? 0GvFABaxvLA-00103-00017713-00017776 For one of the things 0GvFABaxvLA-00104-00017776-00017926 that I really appreciate 0GvFABaxvLA-00105-00017926-00018143 and that I love about Volvo's history, 0GvFABaxvLA-00106-00018143-00018297 they created the technology 0GvFABaxvLA-00107-00018297-00018489 for the three point seatbelt. 0GvFABaxvLA-00108-00018489-00018639 They actually shared that technology 0GvFABaxvLA-00109-00018639-00018752 with other companies 0GvFABaxvLA-00110-00018752-00018956 so that all drivers could be safe. 0GvFABaxvLA-00111-00018956-00019085 I think this kind of thinking 0GvFABaxvLA-00112-00019085-00019260 is essential towards the future. 0GvFABaxvLA-00113-00019260-00019361 We're at a time where 0GvFABaxvLA-00114-00019361-00019536 we've never faced a challenge 0GvFABaxvLA-00115-00019536-00019715 this big before. 0GvFABaxvLA-00116-00019715-00019919 But we also have so many 0GvFABaxvLA-00117-00019919-00020103 incredible solutions. 0GvFABaxvLA-00118-00020103-00020199 So important that we 0GvFABaxvLA-00119-00020199-00020316 consider these things 0GvFABaxvLA-00120-00020316-00020453 not just for the sake of the 0GvFABaxvLA-00121-00020453-00020641 bottom line of the company, 0GvFABaxvLA-00122-00020641-00020741 but for the sake of the 0GvFABaxvLA-00123-00020741-00020941 bottom line of the Earth. 0P683Zinn6k-00000-00000658-00001244 JUSTICE SERVED: Sarah Finally Got Last Laugh On Michelle Wolf 4 Months After Nasty Attack 0P683Zinn6k-00001-00001244-00001693 Remember how comedian Michelle Wolf disgracefully treated White House Press Secretary Sarah 0P683Zinn6k-00002-00001693-00002043 Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner? 0P683Zinn6k-00003-00002043-00002413 Wolf was simply vicious towards Sanders who was the epitome of class during the whole 0P683Zinn6k-00004-00002413-00002626 sordid, nasty attack. 0P683Zinn6k-00005-00002626-00003026 Wolf then landed a show on Netflix where she went on to try and shred Sanders even more 0P683Zinn6k-00006-00003026-00003252 along with other conservative leaders. 0P683Zinn6k-00007-00003252-00003585 She infamously held a salute to abortion on her show as well. 0P683Zinn6k-00008-00003585-00003823 Her show debuted four months ago. 0P683Zinn6k-00009-00003823-00003990 Fast forward to today. 0P683Zinn6k-00010-00003990-00004430 Wolf’s ratings were so abysmal Netflix officially pulled the plug on her short-lived talk show 0P683Zinn6k-00011-00004430-00004576 “The Break with Michelle Wolf.” 0P683Zinn6k-00012-00004576-00004824 I don’t know what Netflix was thinking… 0P683Zinn6k-00013-00004824-00005267 the woman’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard and she wasn’t in the least funny. 0P683Zinn6k-00014-00005267-00005408 Just downright mean. 0P683Zinn6k-00015-00005408-00005695 Justice is served and it did not take long either. 0P683Zinn6k-00016-00005695-00005911 Sarah got the last laugh after all. 0P683Zinn6k-00017-00005911-00006022 Good for her. 0P683Zinn6k-00018-00006022-00006394 In fact, you could say America got the last laugh. 0P683Zinn6k-00019-00006394-00006756 Wolf was previously a correspondent on The Daily Show and a writer for Late Night with 0P683Zinn6k-00020-00006756-00006856 Seth Meyers. 0P683Zinn6k-00021-00006856-00007331 It’s just my opinion, but she’s a terrible comic and I don’t sense any talent forthcoming 0P683Zinn6k-00022-00007331-00007462 from this woman. 0P683Zinn6k-00023-00007462-00007705 Perhaps I just haven’t seen enough of her. 0P683Zinn6k-00024-00007705-00008008 I certainly plan on keeping it that way. 0P683Zinn6k-00025-00008008-00008490 Wolf notoriously compared First Daughter and White House Advisor Ivanka Trump to herpes, 0P683Zinn6k-00026-00008490-00008908 made a satirical video linking ICE to ISIS while impersonating Department of Homeland 0P683Zinn6k-00027-00008908-00009405 Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and celebrated abortions in honor of Independence Day with 0P683Zinn6k-00028-00009405-00009587 a parade and marching band. 0P683Zinn6k-00029-00009587-00009857 Tacky and insensitive does not quite cut it here. 0P683Zinn6k-00030-00009857-00009957 I know! 0P683Zinn6k-00031-00009957-00010239 She should team up with Kathy Griffin and hit the road… 0P683Zinn6k-00032-00010239-00010410 preferably out of the country. 0P683Zinn6k-00033-00010410-00010990 Wolf’s show aired weekly and lasted ten episodes, the last one airing July 29th. 0P683Zinn6k-00034-00010990-00011308 Wolf has yet to make a public statement on her show’s cancellation. 0P683Zinn6k-00035-00011308-00011535 I’m not surprised over that. 0P683Zinn6k-00036-00011535-00011643 What do you say? 0P683Zinn6k-00037-00011643-00011862 My show sucked so I got canceled? 0P683Zinn6k-00038-00011862-00012319 That hardly seems to be a statement that will be forthcoming from a surely embarrassed Wolf. 0P683Zinn6k-00039-00012319-00012534 However, it is accurate. 0P683Zinn6k-00040-00012534-00012863 Netflix has had mixed results in their late-night programming. 0P683Zinn6k-00041-00012863-00013234 David Letterman‘s program “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” appears to be doing 0P683Zinn6k-00042-00013234-00013476 well in comparison to Wolf’s program. 0P683Zinn6k-00043-00013476-00013659 I have no idea why. 0P683Zinn6k-00044-00013659-00014115 Meanwhile, the streaming service also canceled Chelsea Handler‘s talk show “Chelsea” 0P683Zinn6k-00045-00014115-00014215 last year. 0P683Zinn6k-00046-00014215-00014475 That was a well-deserved cancellation as well. 0P683Zinn6k-00047-00014475-00014670 It was another liberal hate-fest. 0P683Zinn6k-00048-00014670-00015052 Perhaps Netflix should reconsider the type of shows they are airing before they go out 0P683Zinn6k-00049-00015052-00015152 of business. 0P683Zinn6k-00050-00015152-00015297 Just a thought. 0P683Zinn6k-00051-00015297-00015691 Makes you wonder about the type of people on the board of directors at Netflix. 0P683Zinn6k-00052-00015691-00016143 Daily Show alum Hasan Minhaj is set to debut his show Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj on 0P683Zinn6k-00053-00016143-00016590 Netflix this fall along with Norm Macdonald, who has a show and “The Fix,” a comedy 0P683Zinn6k-00054-00016590-00016987 panel show starring Jimmy Carr, Katherine Ryan, and D.L. 0P683Zinn6k-00055-00016987-00017087 Hughley. 0P683Zinn6k-00056-00017087-00017583 Hasan Minhaj was a senior correspondent on The Daily Show, which he joined in 2014. 0P683Zinn6k-00057-00017583-00017982 Minhaj was the featured speaker at the 2017 White House Correspondents’ Dinner. 0P683Zinn6k-00058-00017982-00018238 I detect a trend by Netflix. 0P683Zinn6k-00059-00018238-00018599 They evidently are slow to learn what Americans watch and it won’t be this guy’s show 0P683Zinn6k-00060-00018599-00018916 even if it does have the word ‘patriot’ in the title. 0P683Zinn6k-00061-00018916-00019341 And in another shocker, The Daily Beast reported late Friday night that the writing staff and 0P683Zinn6k-00062-00019341-00019708 showrunners of “The Break with Michelle Wolf” found out about their show’s cancellation 0P683Zinn6k-00063-00019708-00019837 on Twitter. 0P683Zinn6k-00064-00019837-00019947 Classy. 0P683Zinn6k-00065-00019947-00020257 Netflix should have more integrity than to pull something like that. 0P683Zinn6k-00066-00020257-00020700 “None of us can believe how classlessly Netflix has handled this,” a source connected 0P683Zinn6k-00067-00020700-00021097 to the show told The Daily Beast after the news broke, noting that the entire writing 0P683Zinn6k-00068-00021097-00021500 staff and even the showrunners found out they had been fired on Twitter. 0P683Zinn6k-00069-00021500-00021958 Mike Huckabee astutely stated, “You know, comedians are supposed to be funny, they’re 0P683Zinn6k-00070-00021958-00022092 supposed to make us laugh. 0P683Zinn6k-00071-00022092-00022684 I love satire, it’s one of my favorite forms of comedy, but her form of comedy is not satire, 0P683Zinn6k-00072-00022684-00022851 it’s angry, bitter hate.” 0P683Zinn6k-00073-00022851-00023237 Yes, it is but it’s no longer on Netflix at least. 0P683Zinn6k-00074-00023237-00023659 Michelle Wolf will be pounding the Internet pavement looking for work it seems. 0P683Zinn6k-00075-00023659-00024075 Even with President Trump’s booming economy, I hear the market for washed-up comedians 0P683Zinn6k-00076-00024075-00024268 is non-existent. 0P683Zinn6k-00077-00024268-00024754 Wolf was so confident she could say anything she wanted, no matter how vile or untrue, 0P683Zinn6k-00078-00024754-00025113 and get away with it that she literally opened her piehole one too many times and apparently 0P683Zinn6k-00079-00025113-00025512 not even Netflix could stomach the blowback over her vitriolic jokes. 0P683Zinn6k-00080-00025512-00025923 I imagine there are a whole bunch of deplorables out that just got an actual laugh over this 0P683Zinn6k-00081-00025923-00026023 development. 0P683Zinn6k-00082-00026023-00026350 It’s probably the most laughter Wolf has seen in forever. 0P683Zinn6k-00083-00026350-00026519 Just sayin’. 0P683Zinn6k-00084-00026519-00026895 Conservative voices do matter and just as with Kathy Griffin, Michelle Wolf is finding 0P683Zinn6k-00085-00026895-00027050 that out the hard way. 0P683Zinn6k-00086-00027050-00027381 You shouldn’t tick off and insult at least half of your audience. 0P683Zinn6k-00087-00027381-00027612 Actually being funny might help as well. 0P683Zinn6k-00088-00027612-00028106 Ironically, Wolf recently garnered an Emmy nomination for her HBO comedy special titled 0P683Zinn6k-00089-00028106-00028206 “Nice Lady.” 0P683Zinn6k-00090-00028206-00028458 She’s definitely not even close to that. 0P683Zinn6k-00091-00028458-00028831 Netflix seems to be no longer so thrilled with Michelle Wolf and her fifteen minutes 0P683Zinn6k-00092-00028831-00029031 of infamy just expired. 0P683Zinn6k-00093-00029031-00029480 Who saw that coming? 0P683Zinn6k-00094-00029480-00030234 Conservatives did. 0R9ACe01DT8-00000-00000054-00000738 it's a bit sad that I didn't make a lot of new replies today, and I just left a bunch 0R9ACe01DT8-00001-00000738-00001488 of new links, as, as many as I could leave, and I didn't get a lot of extra replies. 0R9ACe01DT8-00002-00001488-00002244 for some reason, even though I was getting more reviews, like, I haven't gotten any replies so far. 0SzIVRkBTSA-00000-00000520-00000660 Hi WOLF! 0SzIVRkBTSA-00001-00001168-00001328 ASSALAMU ALEIKUM WOLF! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00000-00000300-00000558 Last day(07.14) I went to Malmö, Sweden 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00001-00000558-00000900 It takes 40 minutes by train between copenhagen and malmö 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00002-00000900-00001104 It was enough distance to go a day trip 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00003-00001404-00001650 Buy a ticket in Copenhagen central station 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00004-00001650-00002000 The price of ticket by round trip is 182 DKK 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00005-00002000-00002341 Arrived Sweden 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00006-00002341-00002495 After pass Øresund Bridge which is connecting Copenhagen and malmö 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00007-00002495-00002608 Here for you The important thing! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00008-00002608-00002883 You must bring your passport because you are over the border 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00009-00003483-00003862 So after checking passport and ticket i arrived in sweden 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00010-00004166-00004391 I arrived in triangeln station the destination 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00011-00004495-00004866 Thanks to my swedish friend Van :) 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00012-00004866-00005045 The first visiting place is IKEA 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00013-00006037-00006350 Actually i went to there for having a lunch 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00014-00006837-00007000 Awww... it was cheap 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00015-00007000-00007362 Meatballs and unlimited beverage refill for 59 SEK 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00016-00007754-00007925 It was nice 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00017-00007925-00008179 Actually i have not been to IKEA in korea 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00018-00008179-00008412 But i went to original IKEA first 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00019-00008766-00008883 furnitures in there were beautiful :) 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00020-00009683-00009808 I went to downtown 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00021-00009808-00009966 The buildings in there were so beautiful 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00022-00010466-00010733 The most impressive thing was turning torso 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00023-00010733-00011130 Turning torso The highest building in Scandinavian Peninsula 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00024-00011133-00011395 It looks like screw bar (korean ice bar which looks like Twisted Lollipop) 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00025-00011395-00011654 Because this building is for house and office i could not go inside 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00026-00011654-00011879 (But)It is enough to look it 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00027-00011879-00012137 After visit Turning torso i went to near beach 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00028-00012254-00012583 The endless sea is behind of me! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00029-00012783-00013012 I could see Øresund Bridge at that time 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00030-00013012-00013237 The view was so nice 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00031-00013237-00013516 The next place is Kungsparken the park 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00032-00013516-00013910 Kungsparken I found this place is the No.1 Rating of malmö in trip review site 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00033-00013916-00014300 i did healing myself by getting clean sunshine in cool weather 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00034-00014300-00014600 I took the best shot in my life in there 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00035-00014600-00014816 The next place is malmö castle 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00036-00014816-00015210 Malmö castle You can feel Dignity Even though you are watching it from far away 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00037-00015216-00015425 Me in the past! explain here! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00038-00015425-00015716 Christian III in denmark made this 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00039-00015716-00015883 But now it's for sweden 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00040-00015883-00016087 Actually i wanna go inside 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00041-00016087-00016245 It's almost closing time (At that time 16:30 Closing time 17:00) 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00042-00016245-00016466 I saw many castles in other countries 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00043-00016466-00016633 So i'm gonna skip it 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00044-00016712-00016829 Yep. it is 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00045-00016829-00017037 After time goes by fast it was almost dinner time 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00046-00017037-00017308 I went Folkets park before a dinner 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00047-00017308-00017700 Folkets park Feels like Seoul Children's Grand Park 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00048-00017708-00017916 Me in the past! explain here! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00049-00017916-00018075 As you can see it's a park 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00050-00018075-00018241 totally it's kinda leisure space 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00051-00018241-00018387 It feels like that 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00052-00018387-00018587 Ohh... they have this one 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00053-00018588-00019278 So i jumped on it 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00054-00019278-00019578 The kid who asked me "Take me!" after see the camera 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00055-00019578-00020080 The quality of amusement facilities was good! 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00056-00020080-00020195 Yep it is 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00057-00020195-00020512 So i went back to copenhagen after eat kebab with my friend Van 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00058-00021279-00021525 Thanks to van again 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00059-00021683-00021912 If you wanna go to another place 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00060-00021912-00022066 because you are staying in Copenhagen FOR LONG TIME 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00061-00022066-00022216 I recommend to go to Malmö 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00062-00022216-00022491 It was so nice 0Xu6Ch8WoCM-00063-00022491-00022675 Near place and the price is cheaper than denmark 0XDiZJHyQb8-00000-00000000-00000204 free 2022 new video 0cMusQlq4w8-00000-00000135-00000614 This is how to remove the stem on a Seiko 4006 movement. 0cMusQlq4w8-00001-00000614-00000739 It's a Bell-Matic movement. 0cMusQlq4w8-00002-00000739-00001599 That means it's got a mechanical alarm, and this particular watch is the 4006-6070. 0cMusQlq4w8-00003-00001599-00002850 If we turn it over, I've already loosened the back, so we can take a look inside. 0cMusQlq4w8-00004-00002850-00003108 And whilst we're here, actually, let's have a look. 0cMusQlq4w8-00005-00003108-00004017 We can see the curved sounding spring there, which vibrates to make the alarm noise. 0cMusQlq4w8-00006-00004017-00004548 And to remove the stem, this doesn't have any arrows or words saying "push". 0cMusQlq4w8-00007-00004548-00004944 Instead, you look for a dimple right near the stem here. 0cMusQlq4w8-00008-00004944-00005153 And it's that one there. 0cMusQlq4w8-00009-00005153-00005467 You don't need to pull the crown out to the first or second click. 0cMusQlq4w8-00010-00005467-00005692 It's already visible. 0cMusQlq4w8-00011-00005692-00006110 So that's the stem release lever, but, as you can see here, we've also got this alarm 0cMusQlq4w8-00012-00006110-00006235 pusher here. 0cMusQlq4w8-00013-00006235-00006740 To remove that, there's another little dimple to press on just there. 0cMusQlq4w8-00014-00006740-00006979 So let's have a go at doing that. 0cMusQlq4w8-00015-00006979-00007520 First of all, I'll do the stem, the main stem. 0cMusQlq4w8-00016-00007520-00007979 So with something sharp, press gently there. 0cMusQlq4w8-00017-00007979-00008517 I'm pressing it in gently and the stem is now released 0cMusQlq4w8-00018-00008517-00008812 and I can just pull it out. 0cMusQlq4w8-00019-00008812-00008918 Okay. 0cMusQlq4w8-00020-00008918-00009319 And to push it back in again, you don't need to press anything. 0cMusQlq4w8-00021-00009319-00009522 Just push it in, but maybe wiggle it a little bit. 0cMusQlq4w8-00022-00009522-00009749 And there we go. 0cMusQlq4w8-00023-00009749-00010014 And the alarm pusher just next to it. 0cMusQlq4w8-00024-00010014-00010359 That dimple is just here. 0cMusQlq4w8-00025-00010533-00011000 Press down on that, then we can pull this out. 0cMusQlq4w8-00026-00011000-00011172 Come on. 0cMusQlq4w8-00027-00011172-00011347 There we go. 0cMusQlq4w8-00028-00011429-00011764 Okay.And pushing it in again to replace it. 0cMusQlq4w8-00029-00011764-00012042 Again, you don't need to press anything else. 0cMusQlq4w8-00030-00012042-00012427 Whilst I'm here, it's worth pointing out if you are going to take the movement out of 0cMusQlq4w8-00031-00012427-00013282 this watch, there is a round flat spring that you can see here, but it won't lift out straight 0cMusQlq4w8-00032-00013282-00013886 away because there is a tab just over on the other side of the movement, right near the 0cMusQlq4w8-00033-00013886-00014222 balance wheel. 0cMusQlq4w8-00034-00014222-00014776 Just there, there's a sort of fat bit of that round, flat spring. 0cMusQlq4w8-00035-00014776-00015113 So if we try and remove it, I'll show you. 0cMusQlq4w8-00036-00015113-00015713 Lift it up from the stem side, from the crown side, and then sort of pull it towards you. 0cMusQlq4w8-00037-00015713-00016241 And you can see there, that sort of fat part there has just been resting in the indent 0cMusQlq4w8-00038-00016241-00016363 in the case there. 0cMusQlq4w8-00039-00016363-00016534 So don't lift it straight out. 0cMusQlq4w8-00040-00016534-00017052 Lift it up at an angle and pull it out away from the balance wheel area. 0cMusQlq4w8-00041-00017052-00017152 And that's it. 0cMusQlq4w8-00042-00017152-00017972 That's how to remove the stem and the alarm pusher on a Seiko 4006 movement. 0dG5LSdFDC0-00000-00000216-00000792 israel will not break the bank 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00000-00000003-00000624 So it's it's interesting actually that our suffering our trauma our traumatic 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00001-00000624-00001194 experiences can actually be used as a way to develop empathetic connections 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00002-00001194-00001684 between people in 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00003-00001684-00001736 DOUGHERTY: Well said... 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00004-00001736-00001835 LBW: and it's also 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00005-00001835-00002415 interesting because that's the step that needs to be taken in order to get over 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00006-00002415-00003096 that trauma so it's like realizing that your trauma is not just a it's not it's 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00007-00003096-00003596 not just a experience that you're having alone you're also connected to many 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00008-00003596-00004262 other people that are in the same state of feeling you know and that's how you 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00009-00004262-00004557 can really work through it that just I don't I just clicked for me that's 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00010-00004557-00004700 amazing 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00011-00004700-00005700 DOUGHERTY: Yes and my whole premise is that around collective trauma the the 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00012-00005700-00006309 massacre in Orlando a couple summers ago they're killing of 54 or whatever it was 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00013-00006309-00007092 gay men in that bar that that's the one that cracked me open that's the one that 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00014-00007092-00007625 I just said something's going on that I cannot imagine that the world is 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00015-00007625-00008243 happening and not coming into my office that often clients walk in and I have a 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00016-00008243-00008682 story that said well this is their time in their space it's for their personal 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00017-00008682-00009372 problems and and I'm going to I'm going to respect that and I will attend to my 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00018-00009372-00009957 social issues outside in my office but that one took me over the edge because I 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00019-00009957-00010382 knew more and more my clients are like me they're reading paper is following 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00020-00010382-00010911 social media they're being affected by the collective traumas in the world that 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00021-00010911-00011661 are more and more obvious to us so that next week I asked like 30 people 30 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00022-00011661-00012161 clients walking in I actually wrote a letter and put it in my waiting room and 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00023-00012161-00012464 told people what I was thinking so I could prepare them 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00024-00012464-00013119 20 of the 30 people said they were significantly distressed grieving upset 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00025-00013119-00013648 I'll raise whatever it was by what happened in Orlando and most of the time 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00026-00013648-00014319 I wouldn't have a prior to that I wouldn't ask that question in my office 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00027-00014319-00014856 but since then I'm bringing it up all the time and I'm finding it's so 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00028-00014856-00015565 interesting that what gets triggered for people their personal nerve is their own 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00029-00015565-00016178 trauma but it connects them to the collective and what I love about that is 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00030-00016178-00016657 once people are able to process their own personal connection to the 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00031-00016657-00017156 collective trauma because I want people to not only not lose their mental health 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00032-00017156-00017672 and their connection to their intimate others I want them to stay and become 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00033-00017672-00018238 socially engaged and as a therapist that's not that's not supposed to be 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00034-00018238-00018620 something that I'm concerned about you know about wanting my clients to 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00035-00018620-00019087 become socially engaged and I just think that's totally wrong headed I understand 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00036-00019087-00019609 the thinking behind that but I want every one of my clients and I don't care 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00037-00019609-00020104 what their affiliation or their political group the world is sort of 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00038-00020104-00020690 chaotic and if it's your church group youth baseball soccer whatever it is or 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00039-00020690-00021363 your social activism that the more you can touch your personal trauma and 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00040-00021363-00022135 understand how it connects to the collective it it makes us more human it 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00041-00022135-00022709 makes us more fully human and generally it makes us want to become or stay 0gt8z-SfbqQ-00042-00022709-00022896 socially engaged 0gt9dJVKhbo-00000-00000518-00000824 Hello and welcome to the third week of Turn Around - 0gt9dJVKhbo-00001-00000824-00001287 Take Off, our journey through Lent. And if you're joining us for the first time 0gt9dJVKhbo-00002-00001287-00001738 just jump in! This week's Bible passage begins with 0gt9dJVKhbo-00003-00001738-00002186 an encounter in the heat of the day. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman 0gt9dJVKhbo-00004-00002186-00002691 at the village well and asks for a drink. In so doing he breaks down 0gt9dJVKhbo-00005-00002691-00003111 all kinds of social norms; Jews don't talk to Samaritans, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00006-00003111-00003467 men don't talk to women, rabbis don't talk 0gt9dJVKhbo-00007-00003467-00003819 alone in a public space with a woman who's had 0gt9dJVKhbo-00008-00003819-00004255 five husbands and is now living with number six without the blessing 0gt9dJVKhbo-00009-00004255-00004769 marriage. I wonder was she just unlucky or is something more being suggested? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00010-00004769-00005185 It's just not done, except the Jesus 0gt9dJVKhbo-00011-00005185-00005558 does it and thus challenges us 0gt9dJVKhbo-00012-00005558-00005923 to go and do likewise. It's a lived out parable 0gt9dJVKhbo-00013-00005923-00006230 of inclusiveness and radical hospitality 0gt9dJVKhbo-00014-00006230-00006792 And it comes as a gift speaking to those times when we ourselves have felt 0gt9dJVKhbo-00015-00006792-00006855 shunned 0gt9dJVKhbo-00016-00006855-00007206 and on the outside. unworthy. When we have yearned 0gt9dJVKhbo-00017-00007206-00007518 for a word of acceptance, respect, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00018-00007518-00007975 welcome. This story goes to the heart of what it means to be in 0gt9dJVKhbo-00019-00007975-00008477 Christian community, the inclusive intercultural radically hospitable 0gt9dJVKhbo-00020-00008477-00008606 congregation 0gt9dJVKhbo-00021-00008606-00008946 where we give and receive an absolute welcome. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00022-00008946-00009346 As the Apostle Paul says, there is no longer Jew or 0gt9dJVKhbo-00023-00009346-00009734 Greek or Samaritan. There is no longer a slave 0gt9dJVKhbo-00024-00009734-00010107 or free. There is no longer male and female 0gt9dJVKhbo-00025-00010107-00010468 for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00026-00010468-00010911 The floating question though is that your experience 0gt9dJVKhbo-00027-00010911-00011261 in the church? We have here 0gt9dJVKhbo-00028-00011261-00011585 another story about a seeker not quite 0gt9dJVKhbo-00029-00011585-00012010 like Nicodemus from last week since the woman doesn't start with any 0gt9dJVKhbo-00030-00012010-00012264 expectation that her encounter with Jesus 0gt9dJVKhbo-00031-00012264-00012728 might be life changing. But Jesus turns an ordinary encounter 0gt9dJVKhbo-00032-00012728-00013072 into a moment of searching. He recognizes 0gt9dJVKhbo-00033-00013072-00013409 I think the unexpressed hurt, the thirst 0gt9dJVKhbo-00034-00013409-00013731 so to speak and tries to engage her and us 0gt9dJVKhbo-00035-00013731-00014106 in conversation. He asks her for a drink 0gt9dJVKhbo-00036-00014106-00014500 and gets a question in response. "How is it that you 0gt9dJVKhbo-00037-00014500-00014880 a Jew ask a drink of me a woman of Samaria?" 0gt9dJVKhbo-00038-00014880-00015236 Watch how this intelligent on the edge woman 0gt9dJVKhbo-00039-00015236-00015779 keeps asking questions. Questions can take us into the presence of the Holy, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00040-00015779-00016091 we just have to figure out the right ones to ask. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00041-00016091-00016427 Though I suspect that God, that Jesus will use 0gt9dJVKhbo-00042-00016427-00016777 any opening to get to the heart of the matter to 0gt9dJVKhbo-00043-00016777-00017155 our hearts. Once again what Jesus seems to be 0gt9dJVKhbo-00044-00017155-00017566 offering is the gift of transformation not through 0gt9dJVKhbo-00045-00017566-00017945 the Spirit wind this time but through living water. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00046-00017945-00018300 Living water, it's a powerful metaphor no? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00047-00018300-00018676 I hear echoes from the book of Psalms, Psalm 22: 0gt9dJVKhbo-00048-00018676-00018996 "My God, my God why have you forsaken me? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00049-00018996-00019324 My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00050-00019324-00019780 and my tongue sticks to my jaws." Or Psalm 42: 0gt9dJVKhbo-00051-00019780-00020087 "As a deer longs for flowing streams 0gt9dJVKhbo-00052-00020087-00020428 so my soul longs for you oh God, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00053-00020428-00021019 my soul thirsts for the living God." We all have these desert moments 0gt9dJVKhbo-00054-00021019-00021393 when we are desperate for a spring in the middle with the wilderness 0gt9dJVKhbo-00055-00021393-00021890 water to green are withering spirits. You know what I'm talking about. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00056-00021890-00022201 But, can you imagine what it would feel like 0gt9dJVKhbo-00057-00022201-00022559 just simply say, " yes give me a drink", 0gt9dJVKhbo-00058-00022559-00022876 to accept the gift of living water of 0gt9dJVKhbo-00059-00022876-00023302 grace of Spirit power? The offer is there 0gt9dJVKhbo-00060-00023302-00023632 if you only knew the generosity of God says Jesus 0gt9dJVKhbo-00061-00023632-00024066 you would ask and you would receive. Is it really 0gt9dJVKhbo-00062-00024066-00024369 that simple? Ours for the asking? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00063-00024369-00024727 Well, it looks that way. Jesus offers 0gt9dJVKhbo-00064-00024727-00025039 speaking for God and we are invited to open ourselves 0gt9dJVKhbo-00065-00025039-00025448 saying yes give me this water. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00066-00025448-00025950 And I wonder has that ever happened for you? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00067-00025950-00026287 The ability to ask and to say yes 0gt9dJVKhbo-00068-00026287-00026633 comes not only because at the woman's thirst her desperation her 0gt9dJVKhbo-00069-00026633-00026787 marginalization 0gt9dJVKhbo-00070-00026787-00027187 but also because if the acceptance she's already received 0gt9dJVKhbo-00071-00027187-00027600 from Jesus. The affirmation of her basic humanity. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00072-00027600-00027905 When Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water 0gt9dJVKhbo-00073-00027905-00028328 he was sweeping away all the barriers and put-downs that we humans continue to 0gt9dJVKhbo-00074-00028328-00028427 establish. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00075-00028427-00028749 Who's up, down, in, out, worthy, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00076-00028749-00029100 not; it's almost as if he were saying, " I 0gt9dJVKhbo-00077-00029100-00029633 see you I know you." This becomes even more apparent when the question of how 0gt9dJVKhbo-00078-00029633-00029828 many husbands the woman has had 0gt9dJVKhbo-00079-00029828-00030140 comes into the discussion. He knows who she is 0gt9dJVKhbo-00080-00030140-00030489 what she has done and not done and that's okay. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00081-00030489-00030833 The offer still stands as it does for you 0gt9dJVKhbo-00082-00030833-00031196 and me no matter what. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00083-00031196-00031515 It's a long passage, this and you could stop right here. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00084-00031515-00031825 But there's another round of conversation worth touching on 0gt9dJVKhbo-00085-00031825-00032241 where Jesus in the Samaritan woman talk about worship in particular 0gt9dJVKhbo-00086-00032241-00032718 whether at the temple on Mount Gerizim for Samaritans , or the one at Jerusalem 0gt9dJVKhbo-00087-00032718-00033190 for Jews? Sounds a little bit like modern-day denominational squabbles and 0gt9dJVKhbo-00088-00033190-00033325 point-scoring 0gt9dJVKhbo-00089-00033325-00033652 which Jesus cuts right through. Now 0gt9dJVKhbo-00090-00033652-00034012 sometimes I find the John can almost overwhelm me with his theological 0gt9dJVKhbo-00091-00034012-00034149 circles. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00092-00034149-00034471 So I occasionally find the biblical translation 0gt9dJVKhbo-00093-00034471-00034800 come paraphrase offered by Eugene Peterson in 0gt9dJVKhbo-00094-00034800-00035224 The Message. I find it to be really helpful. Just listen to 0gt9dJVKhbo-00095-00035224-00035631 his take on versus 23 and 24. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00096-00035631-00035981 This is how he translates it, " it's who you are 0gt9dJVKhbo-00097-00035981-00036346 and the way you live that count before God 0gt9dJVKhbo-00098-00036346-00036715 your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit 0gt9dJVKhbo-00099-00036715-00037065 of truth that's the kind that people the Father is 0gt9dJVKhbo-00100-00037065-00037368 out looking for. Those who are simply 0gt9dJVKhbo-00101-00037368-00037730 and honestly themselves before Him 0gt9dJVKhbo-00102-00037730-00038040 in their worship. God is sheer 0gt9dJVKhbo-00103-00038040-00038477 being itself ,Spirit and those who worship in 0gt9dJVKhbo-00104-00038477-00038809 must do it out of their being, their spirits, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00105-00038809-00039159 their true selves in adoration." 0gt9dJVKhbo-00106-00039159-00039640 I like that paraphrase and I find myself wondering what it would be like to 0gt9dJVKhbo-00107-00039640-00039800 worship like that? 0gt9dJVKhbo-00108-00039800-00040171 To find a faith community that worships like that now 0gt9dJVKhbo-00109-00040171-00040499 that would be something! That would pour water 0gt9dJVKhbo-00110-00040499-00040880 all over my parched spirit. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00111-00040880-00041256 One last comment, I'm caught by the way the story ends 0gt9dJVKhbo-00112-00041256-00041612 this woman at the well becomes an evangelist. 0gt9dJVKhbo-00113-00041612-00042062 Did you catch that? She races back to town and before anyone can turn his or 0gt9dJVKhbo-00114-00042062-00042174 her back on her, 0gt9dJVKhbo-00115-00042174-00042602 she blurts out some good news about Jesus. David Ewart, a semi-retired 0gt9dJVKhbo-00116-00042602-00042746 minister in Vancouver 0gt9dJVKhbo-00117-00042746-00043146 has suggested that a good title for the sermon this coming Sunday would be 0gt9dJVKhbo-00118-00043146-00043446 "The other Good Samaritan" I like that. 0iCSXvgqW50-00000-00000078-00000630 well hello there my friends of the enemies I tell us again with another movie riff if you're new to 0iCSXvgqW50-00001-00000630-00001044 the channel what we do is we watch old movies that are copyright free and we make fun of them you'll 0iCSXvgqW50-00002-00001044-00001410 notice some overlap between me and mst3k that's because they're under the same qualification 0iCSXvgqW50-00003-00001410-00001830 I'm going to use copyright free movies but they've already done the research and I'm lazy so it works 0iCSXvgqW50-00004-00001830-00002382 for me to do stuff they've already done tonight we are going to watch gamara the Invincible if you 0iCSXvgqW50-00005-00002382-00002916 don't know camera you're in for a treat imagine a Godzilla but instead of being a radioactive 0iCSXvgqW50-00006-00002916-00003522 bipedal lizard it's a prehistoric bipedal Turtle radiation still involved however it didn't create 0iCSXvgqW50-00007-00003522-00003984 Gamera it's weird also he flies which is which is different right still breathes fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00008-00004074-00004458 I'm not sure why a dinosaur would breathe fire like that doesn't make look whatever 0iCSXvgqW50-00009-00004458-00004800 the point is we're gonna watch some Gamera it's gonna be fun without any further Ado 0iCSXvgqW50-00010-00004800-00005118 let's get straight to the movie thank you so much for being here feel free to feed 0iCSXvgqW50-00011-00005118-00005508 the Demon Lord algorithm that runs this pathetic site by clicking the likes and 0iCSXvgqW50-00012-00005508-00005850 the subscribes and all the fun things also if you have a great joke that I did not think of 0iCSXvgqW50-00013-00005850-00006162 shout it out in the comments below and we will build something beautiful together 0iCSXvgqW50-00014-00006914-00007014 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00015-00007014-00007266 and ta per release 0iCSXvgqW50-00016-00007818-00008406 this is oh I was enjoying that theme music we could get that going for a little bit longer 0iCSXvgqW50-00017-00008874-00009306 so the ice fields of the Arctic damn it it looks like a toy ship 0iCSXvgqW50-00018-00009306-00009696 in a bathtub across the top of the continent table Northwest 0iCSXvgqW50-00019-00010092-00010410 oh the styrofoam plant blew up with two companions 0iCSXvgqW50-00020-00010410-00010962 to survey the life of the region innocently unaware experience 0iCSXvgqW50-00021-00011148-00011604 I'd hate to live in cold like this all the time tourists special adaptations 0iCSXvgqW50-00022-00011760-00012408 don't freeze evolved differently than us nice mustache welcome welcome 0iCSXvgqW50-00023-00012732-00013691 we have heard of your Expedition doctor welcome to Oklahoma welcome [Music] demon Birds kill them 0iCSXvgqW50-00024-00014010-00014340 I think that those brains up there would make an interesting picture Mr 0iCSXvgqW50-00025-00014340-00014556 ayaki oh everyone's seen planes 0iCSXvgqW50-00026-00014760-00015168 Jets doing here remember when you just make the calls with your own business 0iCSXvgqW50-00027-00015276-00015408 you're taking orders from this lady 0iCSXvgqW50-00028-00015906-00016140 he's got a feeling 0iCSXvgqW50-00029-00016416-00016752 it's at the ice conditions have changed 0iCSXvgqW50-00030-00017220-00017436 and old school video games were the worst 0iCSXvgqW50-00031-00017826-00017892 for the screen 0iCSXvgqW50-00032-00018174-00018456 add quarters air defense sect North Alaska 0iCSXvgqW50-00033-00019740-00020028 you could get up and walk oh he's just going there 0iCSXvgqW50-00034-00020292-00020706 no you've marked yourself no trespassing but you shouldn't stop a guy for trying we also 0iCSXvgqW50-00035-00020706-00020934 know that you've been stealing office supplies you're fired 0iCSXvgqW50-00036-00021030-00021504 now there's a South Sea Island picture direct Hall tonight tropical shatters 0iCSXvgqW50-00037-00021504-00022194 dusted sea ripples muted mandolins and meat with popcorn yet that sounds fantastic except for the 0iCSXvgqW50-00038-00022194-00022662 you if you keep your buttery close to yourself remember that Airmen don't drool buttery claws 0iCSXvgqW50-00039-00022662-00023202 someone needs to learn how to wash his damn hands what the [__] or ruin all the office equipment 0iCSXvgqW50-00040-00023454-00023970 this just came in thank you what is the government I don't know I thought you better see these 0iCSXvgqW50-00041-00023970-00024498 reports they just came in sir so the winning lotto numbers yes sir we just intercepted a 0iCSXvgqW50-00042-00024498-00024954 message from the Japanese Explorer ship chitter romaro thank you Kevin what is it what's wrong 0iCSXvgqW50-00043-00025032-00025584 four UFOs headed toward our missile sites level I want direct contact with their 0iCSXvgqW50-00044-00025584-00026039 defense immediately yes sir do we have missile sites in Alaska and I guess it makes sense 0iCSXvgqW50-00045-00026136-00026388 you never heard about it I guess it's their secret we haven't heard about them 0iCSXvgqW50-00046-00026832-00026898 Hey Arnold 0iCSXvgqW50-00047-00027144-00027624 this is General O'Neill you read me yes sir this is Hawk leader Foster affirmative 0iCSXvgqW50-00048-00027624-00028170 Foster four unknowns have been traced to your area altitude four thousand feet flying North Northeast 0iCSXvgqW50-00049-00028170-00029027 a latitude of 84.27 east longitude 176.58 also clean up on aisle three just you will use plans 0iCSXvgqW50-00050-00029027-00029688 Skylark and Destroy Roger right playing Skylark they're gonna shoot a bunch of tiny birds at him 0iCSXvgqW50-00051-00030054-00030462 I can see the strings captain America real trouble yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00052-00031200-00031758 this has to be the cheapest extra ever hired well Simpson still no reports of unknown from 0iCSXvgqW50-00053-00031758-00032112 our other command poster it could be their planes to float off course General it's 0iCSXvgqW50-00054-00032112-00032712 happened before perhaps Washington sir the White House God what does this [__] want 0iCSXvgqW50-00055-00033246-00033924 yes sir but no I know sir but uh-huh no I only have the unknowns resist no 0iCSXvgqW50-00056-00033924-00034548 yes sir but I no I agree with you I no I but yeah yes sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00057-00034620-00035250 well I'm fired all right alert that's the highest the color of the Rails whoa 0iCSXvgqW50-00058-00035502-00035688 Hey look it's Frau what's her name from uh awesome 0iCSXvgqW50-00059-00036060-00036072 thank you 0iCSXvgqW50-00060-00036336-00036570 nothing up here A bunch but a bunch of model planes sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00061-00037530-00037950 identify identify what is your nationality and Flight Plan 0iCSXvgqW50-00062-00038268-00038754 if you do not acknowledge we will open fire oh hey 0iCSXvgqW50-00063-00038754-00039072 we don't mean no trouble this is just Bob and his family we're out on vacation 0iCSXvgqW50-00064-00039414-00039750 well I won't be on our way now we didn't know this was restricted we're sorry 0iCSXvgqW50-00065-00040236-00040590 I told you we're just on vacation we're trying to find Disney World 0iCSXvgqW50-00066-00041070-00041364 I but you already started firing how do you 0iCSXvgqW50-00067-00041460-00041838 those are the skylarks shooting little birds out of the tube 0iCSXvgqW50-00068-00043044-00043068 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00069-00043764-00044358 could cause a blast like that you're right it was one of those Jets we saw and here I stand staring 0iCSXvgqW50-00070-00044358-00044820 at that cloud when I ought to be taking a shot at the ear a great news for time I mean honestly you 0iCSXvgqW50-00071-00044820-00045408 should be swallowing some iodine pills now you're really close yeah you're going to be radiated and 0iCSXvgqW50-00072-00045408-00045984 die horribly your insights will cook you'll it'll be like living inside of a microwave it's it's not 0iCSXvgqW50-00073-00045984-00046710 going to be latitude 78.97 longitude 86.32 the other boat is now headed toward the Siberian 0iCSXvgqW50-00074-00046710-00047298 border awaiting further orders wait does Alaska have some border Siberia where are we closer to 0iCSXvgqW50-00075-00047298-00047700 Recon and photograph of Destruction the other interception of the pursuit of the enemy yes sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00076-00047844-00048276 still no reports from strategic command it appears to be a single incident oh could ask 0iCSXvgqW50-00077-00048276-00048978 me questions I can only fake this so long yes sir yeah it was only one excuse me sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00078-00049686-00049992 thank God for that all right the only person who works here I want to speak to the captain 0iCSXvgqW50-00079-00050190-00050814 General may I ask how serious you think this is serious enough he's sucking on a piece of chalk 0iCSXvgqW50-00080-00051341-00051846 oh my rice krispie treats no damn it I'll start all over 0iCSXvgqW50-00081-00052758-00053136 the Earth that's really awful acne oh God it popped 0iCSXvgqW50-00082-00053586-00053700 hello 0iCSXvgqW50-00083-00054302-00054402 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00084-00054402-00054588 sir we're getting reports of some kind of turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00085-00054588-00055316 covered in whipped cream I don't it's weird to me too sir [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00086-00055316-00055728 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00087-00055728-00057141 featuring Mark Marshall Allen up Oppenheimer well now we know where the new came from [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00088-00057534-00057870 that's indecent that oh it's a tail it was a tail it was 0iCSXvgqW50-00089-00057870-00058234 a tail everybody it's fine just a tail [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00090-00058614-00058770 the camera theme song 0iCSXvgqW50-00091-00059454-00059802 man you gotta admire a props Department that is this dedicated to their work 0iCSXvgqW50-00092-00059802-00060078 like they are seriously but that's a pineapple come on that's not gonna turn 0iCSXvgqW50-00093-00060078-00060528 they are really proud of their work and willing to put it all out there on screen 0iCSXvgqW50-00094-00060684-00061158 maybe they shouldn't but you know hey who are we to judge we didn't work on a giant monster turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00095-00061788-00062117 stay on Red Alert until we receive further orders meet for restraints 0iCSXvgqW50-00096-00062117-00062267 we just packaged enough 50 Shades of Gray 0iCSXvgqW50-00097-00063000-00063462 electronic interference excuse me sir I mean no it was definitely planes 0iCSXvgqW50-00098-00064200-00064566 they wanted multiple angles then realized what happened and fired on our planes in 0iCSXvgqW50-00099-00064566-00064979 order not to be forced down oh our boys have done it on occasion Lieutenant we all know that 0iCSXvgqW50-00100-00065064-00065291 Clark yes well it's okay when we do it sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00101-00065640-00065994 Newton is blacked out the explosion sir it's unlikely there must be 0iCSXvgqW50-00102-00065994-00066330 something else causing the interference we could just be bad at our job yes sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00103-00066744-00067284 actually nuclear blast releasing the MP and Scatter debris into the air that interferes 0iCSXvgqW50-00104-00067284-00067536 the radio signals makes perfect sense would you give me a cup of coffee please 0iCSXvgqW50-00105-00067536-00068604 yes sir what's the matter I don't know doctor I can't reach the ship or anyone else I can't get 0iCSXvgqW50-00106-00068604-00069258 anything but static if I am doctor no one ever thinks about am because it sucks but 0iCSXvgqW50-00107-00069624-00069924 seriously no do you like my mustache I mean I grew it just for you guys 0iCSXvgqW50-00108-00070188-00070668 do you oh you know what I'm just gonna shave it off from you see 0iCSXvgqW50-00109-00070668-00071136 nope there's no razor this is a brick you guys want a brick 0iCSXvgqW50-00110-00071610-00072000 oh that's that's chocolate brittle come on it's a brownie and sister 0iCSXvgqW50-00111-00072198-00072552 and sister tell me Chief is there a legend connected with this yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00112-00072636-00073068 old story of death and he built things that happened of camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00113-00073362-00073620 Grandpa's got off all those boring stories again let's get out of here 0iCSXvgqW50-00114-00073956-00074406 camera looks almost like waves doesn't it 0iCSXvgqW50-00115-00074406-00074844 let's ask the chief I mean he's standing right there he can hear you I do not know 0iCSXvgqW50-00116-00075378-00075822 I have a feeling that this is something very significant or it's a comic book like 0iCSXvgqW50-00117-00075894-00076494 ancient times one day in the distant future someone's gonna bomb New York 0iCSXvgqW50-00118-00076494-00077040 City like where it was and the people that are descended from us and be 0iCSXvgqW50-00119-00077040-00077532 like these these ancient Scrolls they might have awoken Spider-Man 0iCSXvgqW50-00120-00077820-00078216 the cloud is spreading but why should any of those prints be carrying an 0iCSXvgqW50-00121-00078216-00078594 atomic bomb I don't trust each other that's why they stay on your Earth 0iCSXvgqW50-00122-00078860-00078960 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00123-00078960-00079990 you guys want to play [Music] seriously I'm bored over here let's let's have some fun [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00124-00080448-00080532 I want them 0iCSXvgqW50-00125-00080838-00081396 oh it's a hand mic I thought he had a cell phone it's been weird for a movie 0iCSXvgqW50-00126-00081396-00082416 in the whatever year this was [Music] the four frequencies don't forget it to the Escape pods 0iCSXvgqW50-00127-00082794-00083919 hello [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00128-00083919-00084042 [__] keep going hurry 0iCSXvgqW50-00129-00084294-00084708 oh look he's he's trying to play guitar that's cute 0iCSXvgqW50-00130-00085328-00085428 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00131-00085428-00086034 again why why breathe I don't understand why every monster has to breathe fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00132-00086112-00086616 they're plenty scary without it it's a giant effing Turtle okay it's a giant fig Turtle still 0iCSXvgqW50-00133-00086736-00087108 it reports that chitter romaro destroyed All That Remains is a huge crack in the 0iCSXvgqW50-00134-00087108-00087534 ice and debris no sign of survivors now Foster said that ship would be on the 0iCSXvgqW50-00135-00087534-00087978 on the explosion now what happened close all right I I don't exactly know how to explain his 0iCSXvgqW50-00136-00087978-00088482 report it's just that well sir he says all right level this is no time to get tongue-tied now let's 0iCSXvgqW50-00137-00088482-00089124 hear it Captain Foster insists that after he was separated from his group he saw a Turtle walking 0iCSXvgqW50-00138-00089124-00089706 away from the area where the titular Amaro was last cited a huge creature 150 maybe 200 feet tall 0iCSXvgqW50-00139-00089706-00090210 he circled the area to take another look this is why we don't do drug experiments on our soldiers 0iCSXvgqW50-00140-00090324-00090840 Captain's kidding a giant turtle he must have been working too hard that's one we 0iCSXvgqW50-00141-00090840-00091200 haven't heard before all right Sergeant get back to your duties yes well okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00142-00091512-00092010 I want a full report on this hallucination and I also want a helicopter over that disaster I 0iCSXvgqW50-00143-00092010-00092394 received there are any survivors great quick question sir how do I report on hallucination 0iCSXvgqW50-00144-00092394-00092922 I I didn't I didn't see it I want you generally out of Saka in Tokyo now inform him of what has 0iCSXvgqW50-00145-00092922-00093396 happened that'll be doing all possible to rescue survivors also General Arnold in Washington tell 0iCSXvgqW50-00146-00093396-00093906 him it is absolutely imperative that he meet me coded instructions will follow yes sir I feel 0iCSXvgqW50-00147-00093906-00094680 like this poor guy deserved a better movie giant turtle never mind he's fine horror hoax baloney 0iCSXvgqW50-00148-00094680-00095214 says scientist no it was Turtle uh destroy Japanese Explorer ship inside reports of giant 0iCSXvgqW50-00149-00095214-00096072 turtle controversy cue an enclave I'm sorry [Music] that's a no not a very creative name 0iCSXvgqW50-00150-00096546-00096864 hi good to see you 0iCSXvgqW50-00151-00097128-00097698 Emery contraire author of The factual basis of Legends oh I see they called 0iCSXvgqW50-00152-00097698-00098172 him because he's a turtle expert it appears to be part Turtle nonsense 0iCSXvgqW50-00153-00098472-00099096 the giant turtle Gamera oh yes the old days when everyone smoked everywhere 0iCSXvgqW50-00154-00099738-00100506 and I still do this theory of doctor it's terrible times shouldn't smoke 0iCSXvgqW50-00155-00100506-00101436 inside Mr Manning any Theory until proven appears unbelievable to the ignorant what you just call me 0iCSXvgqW50-00156-00101748-00102360 now let me restate that uh turtles turtles or scientifically colonians 0iCSXvgqW50-00157-00102360-00102864 appear constantly in the most ancient texts you know for example the Greek or 0iCSXvgqW50-00158-00102864-00103548 terribility of Mythology that lived in Fire and uh yeah the ancient the ancient Greek 0iCSXvgqW50-00159-00103548-00104304 story of uh the turtle Waltzing with the Statue of Talus conclusions roads 0iCSXvgqW50-00160-00105324-00105708 in the past how big and was it by people 0iCSXvgqW50-00161-00106008-00106182 you're way too close to me back off 0iCSXvgqW50-00162-00106506-00107196 newspaper report so you and the eminent doctor had darker creature has been 0iCSXvgqW50-00163-00107196-00107933 hibernating underground for 200 million years until now when he decides to take a stroll oh 0iCSXvgqW50-00164-00107933-00108378 Dr contrera you do have a sense of humor well I was thinking more like 20 to 30 million years 0iCSXvgqW50-00165-00108714-00109350 could have reappeared released from its tomb of ice by the Explorer release 0iCSXvgqW50-00166-00109500-00110076 ignore the statements of Dr hedaka if you wish however I note that you haven't offered 0iCSXvgqW50-00167-00110076-00110628 a more reasonable explanation for the total Destruction of the chitta romaru uh nuclear 0iCSXvgqW50-00168-00110628-00111216 explosion on top of ice shelves causing them to shift and crush the ship you know more about it 0iCSXvgqW50-00169-00111216-00111588 than the government throwing out options I don't know kept the truth from the public 0iCSXvgqW50-00170-00112530-00112932 of course we all know there really is a Santa Claus well 0iCSXvgqW50-00171-00112932-00113183 yeah well there was that's actually where the bomb hit 0iCSXvgqW50-00172-00113568-00114744 Mr Standish I command an apology he's being very mean fight 0iCSXvgqW50-00173-00115356-00115835 the ravings of a lunatic three to the Pirates the fire without and the frost 0iCSXvgqW50-00174-00115835-00116844 within freed you ignorant ape free oh what'd you say hi Ayanna not merely a quiet please 0iCSXvgqW50-00175-00116844-00118524 I would make a joke but I can't hear what the hell they're saying no okay plane 0iCSXvgqW50-00176-00118680-00119388 planes are often a threat of turtles maybe gamro's taking a ride to the mainland find out 0iCSXvgqW50-00177-00119592-00120120 social shaped flying objects photographed do you suppose there's any connection between this 0iCSXvgqW50-00178-00120120-00120480 and what happened to the shidori Maru doctor I'm personally inclined to believe there is 0iCSXvgqW50-00179-00120858-00121326 him anyway yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00180-00121326-00121902 I think there is a connection between them somehow I'm sure 0iCSXvgqW50-00181-00121902-00122183 also there was a hand in the back of my head when I was showering the other day 0iCSXvgqW50-00182-00122304-00122640 all this has something to do with the camera it happened a few days after I 0iCSXvgqW50-00183-00122640-00123066 watched a mysterious tape okay we're not gonna talk about it that's fine oh I'm sure it's okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00184-00123438-00124044 Eskimo Stone there's really nothing to go on still you can't just discount all that 0iCSXvgqW50-00185-00124044-00124596 evidence no you can on evidence to do so it's just dangerous and for afraid camera is real 0iCSXvgqW50-00186-00124776-00125208 preacher like that do you realize the amount of damage it could cause of course I do 0iCSXvgqW50-00187-00125268-00125706 I also realized if we can make it a pet we can make a fortune in a bizarre zoo 0iCSXvgqW50-00188-00125880-00126335 Turtle World maybe it's me doctor anyway let's hope General Arnold can convince the people in 0iCSXvgqW50-00189-00127094-00127194 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00190-00127194-00127698 people [Music] this is nice for me I've never been able to go on a field trip to Washington 0iCSXvgqW50-00191-00127896-00128118 very much 0iCSXvgqW50-00192-00128490-00128735 why is it that all old movies the walls look dirty as hell 0iCSXvgqW50-00193-00128982-00129233 gradient there just looks like something's built oh it's all 0iCSXvgqW50-00194-00129233-00129432 the nicotine because everybody smokes everywhere got it nevermind 0iCSXvgqW50-00195-00129720-00130320 in addition to our initial findings huge Footprints not unlike those of a turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00196-00130374-00131130 leading from the area of the explosion to the exact spot of the destruction of the ship I don't 0iCSXvgqW50-00197-00131130-00131748 want to be that guy but he's bipedal he would have to have a more distinct heal than a regular turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00198-00131748-00132240 because it wouldn't balance maybe that's why he's got the big tail so he can just sit on it 0iCSXvgqW50-00199-00132336-00132696 whatever it's fine all fitting The Identical description 0iCSXvgqW50-00200-00132768-00133422 starting over Nome Alaska proceeding to Saskatchewan onto to Toronto London 0iCSXvgqW50-00201-00133482-00134058 Munich Warsaw I mean no Moscow you can't trust the people that live in Nome Alaska they name 0iCSXvgqW50-00202-00134058-00134550 their city after imaginary the ancient creature fairy thing shut up the report 0iCSXvgqW50-00203-00134946-00135012 s monster 0iCSXvgqW50-00204-00135342-00135606 referring nothing Senator how many myths have you heard about it 0iCSXvgqW50-00205-00135696-00136062 know them and I might add oh I'm gassy UFO 0iCSXvgqW50-00206-00136878-00137334 yeah I mean naturally that's where all Kaiju are instinctually drawn in Japan everybody knows that 0iCSXvgqW50-00207-00137490-00137652 that's my Pacific Rim so unbelievable 0iCSXvgqW50-00208-00138354-00138942 and I'm considered expert enough to head committees on nuclear fission yeah yeah 0iCSXvgqW50-00209-00138942-00139536 we get it you braggart to terrify the world with such distortions unless he is qualified 0iCSXvgqW50-00210-00139536-00140196 to throw sunlights on ray of light on these incredible reports the point is that Dr Revenge 0iCSXvgqW50-00211-00140196-00140742 of the Nerds are growing up I've examined all the reports including the transcript 0iCSXvgqW50-00212-00140742-00141210 of the conversation between General Arnold and ladies and gentlemen a young Mitch McConnell 0iCSXvgqW50-00213-00141516-00142140 evidence and he's a logical man and one who relies on facts and from what he learned about gamara 0iCSXvgqW50-00214-00142140-00142956 and the evidence scene of Destruction I respect his conclusions whether his knowledge is derived 0iCSXvgqW50-00215-00142956-00143628 from science or mythology both extensive Mr secretary you must agree that until more logical 0iCSXvgqW50-00216-00143628-00144360 explanations are available starting to think this guy's drunk he's slurring's a little bit logical 0iCSXvgqW50-00217-00145086-00145632 I do know that if gamma exists and did survive an atomic explosion our 0iCSXvgqW50-00218-00145632-00146028 world is about to face a Calamity of enormous proportions well I for one 0iCSXvgqW50-00219-00146028-00146514 will not be caught first by this Schoolboy miss the flaming dragons 0iCSXvgqW50-00220-00146592-00147012 and but don't say anything about a flaming Dragon it's a giant turtle come on that's black and white 0iCSXvgqW50-00221-00147788-00147888 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00222-00147888-00148140 smell the whiskey on your breath from here you're not an airline pilot 0iCSXvgqW50-00223-00148668-00148770 so there 0iCSXvgqW50-00224-00148998-00149490 won't put any advice no sir there was none he could offer until he knows more about 0iCSXvgqW50-00225-00149490-00150156 the creature gentlemen I think we're interested General Arnold let's see what what's a turtle's 0iCSXvgqW50-00226-00150156-00151002 natural enemy what are a turtle's weaknesses if we can just get Gamera on its back gentlemen now hear 0iCSXvgqW50-00227-00151002-00151758 me out banana peels fields and Fields of banana peels he'll slip he'll follow us back we're done 0iCSXvgqW50-00228-00152286-00153120 and these two companions will arrive in Tokyo tomorrow I feel like the uh the dub 0iCSXvgqW50-00229-00153120-00153582 is throwing on a really terrible accent there it's completely unnecessary and a little racist 0iCSXvgqW50-00230-00153582-00153972 not not like super racist but like mildly neither is trying to do a good job but still 0iCSXvgqW50-00231-00154200-00154722 okay it's the quality of the recording but it looks like he's wearing a horrific mask 0iCSXvgqW50-00232-00155400-00156366 not a flying saucer it's a flying clamshell I hope it's leaving it's leaving oh thank God 0iCSXvgqW50-00233-00156654-00156816 oh that rock is very excited 0iCSXvgqW50-00234-00157020-00157128 misakurai 0iCSXvgqW50-00235-00157374-00158064 good afternoon good afternoon bike on the sand really misbehave 0iCSXvgqW50-00236-00158574-00159228 Behavior yes the Kid Likes Turtles Obsession about turtles I like turtles 0iCSXvgqW50-00237-00159324-00159768 I know how children are they all love to collect pension things but 0iCSXvgqW50-00238-00159768-00160314 this goes beyond that I thought that doesn't mean he's drawing pictures of turtles so much sold 0iCSXvgqW50-00239-00160476-00161046 spelled of course for Turtles lonely it is for him in that Lighthouse Japan what the hell 0iCSXvgqW50-00240-00161220-00161874 oh yes it is very hard on a little boy yes I know it is still you will speak to him about 0iCSXvgqW50-00241-00161874-00162342 doing better at school won't you and I'm so sorry he's caused you this trouble good day 0iCSXvgqW50-00242-00162558-00163140 touch you any silly Turtles stop trying cats or something cute hi 0iCSXvgqW50-00243-00163566-00163896 do you like working at night well there's not much 0iCSXvgqW50-00244-00163896-00164586 need for lighthouses during the day yes there may not be excused no one said yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00245-00165336-00165834 come here what are you up to Tasha are you going to feed your turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00246-00166068-00166230 I'm just going to feed him other Turtles 0iCSXvgqW50-00247-00166770-00167070 your love for your pet turtle but we want to talk to you about it 0iCSXvgqW50-00248-00167214-00167544 come out here one day we will be married you'll see 0iCSXvgqW50-00249-00168000-00168534 your turtle is very nice but you have to have other friends too I said I'm afraid toshio 0iCSXvgqW50-00250-00168618-00169098 would be better for him to return to the lake a better for you to forget about turtles turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00251-00169098-00169410 turtle if you promise to get rid of that Turtle I think father'll buy you something 0iCSXvgqW50-00252-00169410-00170112 anything you like can I get a bigger turtle would you like most toshio tell me you want 0iCSXvgqW50-00253-00170112-00170508 me to tell you what I would really like what is it tell us Turtle I could ride 0iCSXvgqW50-00254-00171006-00171396 I want you to set him free if you don't nobody or I'll do it for you 0iCSXvgqW50-00255-00171528-00171888 if you're returned to you then it was meant to me and if you went out yourself and let him go 0iCSXvgqW50-00256-00172236-00172962 listen to me Tokyo I realize that this may seem cruel you just call him Tokyo you do 0iCSXvgqW50-00257-00172962-00173772 understand don't you no the turtles and I will have our revenge the origin story Master Splinter 0iCSXvgqW50-00258-00174444-00174732 no well he says set him free what do you mean throw him out the window what the 0iCSXvgqW50-00259-00175832-00175932 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00260-00175932-00176230 what kind of turtle is he might belong in the ocean [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00261-00176874-00177676 you enslave my brethren your soul will be mine [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00262-00178290-00179058 okay there is no way Gamera moved that fast that there's no evidence of him being there 0iCSXvgqW50-00263-00179058-00179928 oh there he is [Music] I want him wait I also want a friend 0iCSXvgqW50-00264-00180578-00180678 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00265-00180678-00181368 yes it's the ocean I don't guess what the ocean hey hey I called it out look at that I'm gonna go 0iCSXvgqW50-00266-00182016-00182284 wait where'd all these extra people come from [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00267-00182532-00183054 hi no hold on hold still like I'm having trouble focusing 0iCSXvgqW50-00268-00183576-00183834 yeah no yeah that uh the lighthouse will protect you 0iCSXvgqW50-00269-00184074-00184302 oh I get it he's going to shine the lighthouse light 0iCSXvgqW50-00270-00184302-00184572 and camera's eye and then when he's blinded he'll 0iCSXvgqW50-00271-00184806-00184998 know I'm sorry I don't see what the end game is here 0iCSXvgqW50-00272-00185304-00185700 oh it's Gonna Shine the Light and gamma's eye and then Gamer's gonna kill him that's 0iCSXvgqW50-00273-00185814-00185958 canvas was not a great plan 0iCSXvgqW50-00274-00186654-00186750 that's a kiss 0iCSXvgqW50-00275-00187320-00187554 my turtle could have saved me 0iCSXvgqW50-00276-00187842-00188578 it's Turtle did Sam [Music] here I think you dropped this [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00277-00189036-00189564 he fainted and he shot himself I mean I'm not surprised but it is kind of gross right 0iCSXvgqW50-00278-00189702-00190020 all right well my work here is done endanger a child save 0iCSXvgqW50-00279-00190020-00190260 a child all right you guys have a great night I'm gonna go out of here 0iCSXvgqW50-00280-00190596-00191508 wake up wake up wake up son I need fresh pants seriously I'm still getting my own juices can 0iCSXvgqW50-00281-00191508-00192198 someone no you're all just gonna watch okay but he's gone apparently he's gone back in the ocean 0iCSXvgqW50-00282-00192276-00192804 but how do I get down here on the ground it was a miracle torso camera caught you and put you down 0iCSXvgqW50-00283-00192912-00193344 y'all might want to move well I get you're very happy the kids safe and I don't blame 0iCSXvgqW50-00284-00193344-00193866 you but there's there's part of the lighthouse hanging over here okay I'm sure they're fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00285-00194184-00194514 good evening can you answer a few questions 0iCSXvgqW50-00286-00194514-00195051 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00287-00195051-00195852 you know I'm sitting here making videos on YouTube hoping for some limited amount of 0iCSXvgqW50-00288-00195852-00196194 internet Fame but like watching him it seems like fame's overrated it seems like a lot of 0iCSXvgqW50-00289-00196194-00196764 work everyone's trying to get a piece of them can't imagine what a song goes through poor 0iCSXvgqW50-00290-00196764-00197340 bastard I feel bad for him not for the money part but you know yes we leave immediately 0iCSXvgqW50-00291-00197730-00198156 it's now definitely known to be on or near Hokkaido please stay tuned for 0iCSXvgqW50-00292-00198156-00199014 continuing announcements and bulletins necessary 0iCSXvgqW50-00293-00199914-00200190 one day I'll find my camera and we'll run 0iCSXvgqW50-00294-00200190-00200544 off together we'll be happy forever as husband and wife 0iCSXvgqW50-00295-00200922-00201583 oh he buried his turtle in a bunch of rocks this kid's a psycho [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00296-00201583-00201996 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00297-00201996-00202294 that's not a turtle kid that's no male raisin cookie [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00298-00202578-00203280 ah you can't see me candy you see I'm being sneaky yeah I'm never gonna see 0iCSXvgqW50-00299-00203280-00203526 this coming that's why it's me an epic prank 0iCSXvgqW50-00300-00204906-00205440 ah 0iCSXvgqW50-00301-00205908-00206190 man look at that s plane go that joke works better 0iCSXvgqW50-00302-00206190-00206519 with cars look at that s cargo it's not gorilla work planes 0iCSXvgqW50-00303-00207528-00208050 what is it an earthquake or a steam explosion or something we don't know 0iCSXvgqW50-00304-00208548-00208673 Bill what are we looking at 0iCSXvgqW50-00305-00209412-00210396 good evening gaming I'm Dr hitaka of Tokyo University how do you do and who is this oh I'm 0iCSXvgqW50-00306-00210396-00210821 ayogi Nito I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave the Press is barred nobody likes 0iCSXvgqW50-00307-00210821-00211266 to ingestible press the media could make an acceptance photographers yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00308-00211386-00211782 I feel you can make a worthwhile contribution to our efforts here he's been with us from the 0iCSXvgqW50-00309-00211782-00212178 start and I value his opinion very highly Gary Wilson wait a minute he had a bunch of camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00310-00212178-00212484 equipment didn't he get a picture on camera that would have simplified so much of this 0iCSXvgqW50-00311-00212484-00213252 here then he disappeared but then within the last 10 minutes he didn't really destroy the 0iCSXvgqW50-00312-00213252-00213966 lighthouse he made it lean it's not not quite the same power plant allow me to explain doctor in a 0iCSXvgqW50-00313-00213966-00214458 volcanic area such as this there are many natural steam vents or funerals pouring out steam at about 0iCSXvgqW50-00314-00214458-00214980 a thousand degrees can we trust the doctor doesn't understand how geothermal energy works to generate 0iCSXvgqW50-00315-00214980-00215502 electricity I see then there is superheated vapor at a thousand degrees issuing from the ground down 0iCSXvgqW50-00316-00215502-00216210 exactly excuse me not hot could kill a person instantly yes then why can't we use that steam 0iCSXvgqW50-00317-00216210-00216696 to destroy gamara I thought it's a good work captain Oh that's not a bad idea no no no it's 0iCSXvgqW50-00318-00216696-00217092 not just camera side here we steam camera not only do we kill him but we also have some nice turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00319-00217092-00217554 soup this didn't win win man you have a feast afterwards to celebrate hey that's a good plan 0iCSXvgqW50-00320-00217680-00217884 I'm on board steam the turtle three 0iCSXvgqW50-00321-00218616-00218850 Turtles are resistance up to four hundred thousand 0iCSXvgqW50-00322-00219654-00219900 okay so if the plans to shoot Gamera with military 0iCSXvgqW50-00323-00219900-00220140 equipment why did it matter how much electricity we could put out 0iCSXvgqW50-00324-00220380-00220494 stand by over 0iCSXvgqW50-00325-00220758-00220992 I don't know what kind of vehicle that is but apparently it's number three 0iCSXvgqW50-00326-00221742-00222192 three let's join my top left there yes vehicle number three 0iCSXvgqW50-00327-00222432-00222623 oh it's jeep jeep number three 0iCSXvgqW50-00328-00223002-00223271 kind of weird that the Japanese military has so few Jeeps they number them 0iCSXvgqW50-00329-00223908-00224682 hi radio.com getting close to the wires I I think gamer just 0iCSXvgqW50-00330-00224682-00224969 wants to entertain he's just trying to sing everyone's misunderstanding him 0iCSXvgqW50-00331-00225317-00225990 stand by for signal for full discharge that's disgusting what kind of movie are we watching 0iCSXvgqW50-00332-00226044-00226188 electrical discharge my bad 0iCSXvgqW50-00333-00226536-00226602 my bad 0iCSXvgqW50-00334-00227436-00227898 well I mean you have to hit camera okay now you're hitting him okay that first shot clearly missed 0iCSXvgqW50-00335-00228090-00228402 that one might have hit just in front of them oh 0iCSXvgqW50-00336-00228402-00228762 you made him trip into the smokestack that's not good shut down the reactor 0iCSXvgqW50-00337-00229314-00229488 give it a hug oh 0iCSXvgqW50-00338-00230069-00230244 guys the chicken wire showing 0iCSXvgqW50-00339-00230814-00231276 hey yeah no that's a good point he's a turtle just turn around but hit your shell you'll be fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00340-00231648-00232373 foreign but no do you ever wonder what these Kaiju movies if like a large percentage of the 0iCSXvgqW50-00341-00232373-00232716 damage the monster does is simply but I was right it bounced off the shell look at that 0iCSXvgqW50-00342-00232842-00233388 I was making a joke but I was right why would you turn back around bro but do you ever wonder 0iCSXvgqW50-00343-00233388-00233742 if a launched part of the damage these Kaiju do is simply because like they're getting shot 0iCSXvgqW50-00344-00233742-00234150 with [__] and they're stumbling from the impact blast and accidentally stepping on crap like maybe 0iCSXvgqW50-00345-00234150-00234690 they wouldn't do anywhere near as much damage just left in the hell alone [Music] I could be 0iCSXvgqW50-00346-00234690-00235158 wrong I'm just you know I don't think anyone's ever tried just leaving them the hell alone 0iCSXvgqW50-00347-00235584-00235758 oh he made a booty 0iCSXvgqW50-00348-00236106-00236232 oh 0iCSXvgqW50-00349-00236658-00236796 well he does have a beautiful voice 0iCSXvgqW50-00350-00237048-00237732 it looks like he's eating it yes he's Captain everyone knows Turtle seat fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00351-00237846-00238421 he's invulnerable don't you see yes sir what what the Mercury the area at least all of the civilians 0iCSXvgqW50-00352-00238421-00238782 and the race for a car at once I must consult with Professor morose urgently 0iCSXvgqW50-00353-00238986-00239316 oh that's how you get heartburn right there not to mention the trip to the 0iCSXvgqW50-00354-00239316-00239730 bathroom's gonna be really painful oh gamer should cut back on the spicy foods you know 0iCSXvgqW50-00355-00240192-00240906 he actually ingested the fire yes well the legends of fire-breathing monsters like the 0iCSXvgqW50-00356-00240906-00241434 Chimera you know the cabbage on his head persisted Through the Ages still it's astounding to discover 0iCSXvgqW50-00357-00241434-00242130 such a creature really exists yes it is is Gamera really invulnerable Professor that I don't know I 0iCSXvgqW50-00358-00242130-00242682 Through the Ages still it's astounding to discover such a creature if I don't fix this 0iCSXvgqW50-00359-00242682-00243246 in editing the the webpage closed and I had to reopen it and so we're getting some it's fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00360-00243354-00243810 what obviously his metabolism is not like ours well duh 0iCSXvgqW50-00361-00243960-00244404 wait no we have fire eaters humans sometimes eat fire it could be 0iCSXvgqW50-00362-00244536-00245214 normal elements replacing carbon in his tissues precisely and that would explain his fire eating 0iCSXvgqW50-00363-00245214-00245790 and his invulnerability to electric shock heat and concussion yes I agree with you completely 0iCSXvgqW50-00364-00245790-00246426 Professor hitting him hard enough this pattern is very custom horror they look like waves and 0iCSXvgqW50-00365-00246426-00247104 yet I don't so yeah then the obviously symbols of Samsung I don't think they're rhythmic enough for 0iCSXvgqW50-00366-00247104-00247752 waves doctor it would be very useful if we could decipher this what kind of symbol is that because 0iCSXvgqW50-00367-00247752-00248196 when they said a symbol of waves I said it was just like a couple of wavy lines maybe three yeah 0iCSXvgqW50-00368-00249317-00250260 nothing short of an atom bomb will do any good all right now we tried that already yes sir 0iCSXvgqW50-00369-00250260-00251123 we understand your problem and we will do everything we can we can be a short of it thank 0iCSXvgqW50-00370-00251123-00251628 you all right we're on new camera sorry we already knew Japan yeah they're used to it it's fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00371-00252600-00253254 allies Mr secretary I'm certain you're aware of our peace treaties 0iCSXvgqW50-00372-00253254-00253596 and our International obligations are you still not sober 0iCSXvgqW50-00373-00254508-00255030 that I can hate I disagree with you Senator looks and acts like a muppet gone wrong 0iCSXvgqW50-00374-00255510-00255876 that's the party doc you know what I'm saying hey 0iCSXvgqW50-00375-00256014-00256794 an emergency World meeting because if our missiles fail to destroy gamra we will need World 0iCSXvgqW50-00376-00256794-00257538 cooperation to determine our next line of defense Mr secretary have you consulted the president 0iCSXvgqW50-00377-00258216-00258678 I got a plan I know how to stop camera what we need let's do it thank you sir it's a giant 0iCSXvgqW50-00378-00258678-00259194 terrarium the heating Rock a little water pool he'll be happy as hell he won't want to leave 0iCSXvgqW50-00379-00259194-00260100 don't mind sell tickets complete cooperation sir I expect nothing less this mouth didn't move 0iCSXvgqW50-00380-00260178-00260814 I think when we get married we have no way to fully understand what forever means foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00381-00261210-00261438 missiles 0iCSXvgqW50-00382-00261888-00262236 good evening Professor good evening Professor 0iCSXvgqW50-00383-00262236-00262548 Morrissey it's about to be changed at a moment though 0iCSXvgqW50-00384-00262980-00263760 oh that was like six missiles six nukes in the middle of Japan seems like a really bad idea 0iCSXvgqW50-00385-00264366-00264474 awfully agreeable 0iCSXvgqW50-00386-00264798-00265206 we've completed the evacuation sir except for patrol units very good carry on 0iCSXvgqW50-00387-00265332-00265824 Professor morose what can we do I don't know since our most powerful weapons are 0iCSXvgqW50-00388-00265824-00266496 useless do you have any ideas what gonna play some really bad 80s Brit rock on them 0iCSXvgqW50-00389-00266718-00267282 we assume gamra is invulnerable obviously with a great deal of justification but the camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00390-00267282-00267888 is vulnerable cold remember he was frozen in the ice until the bomb released him also has 0iCSXvgqW50-00391-00267888-00268434 anyone tried tickling him if it means a freezing camera Dr Dhaka Professor the Army may have the 0iCSXvgqW50-00392-00268434-00269088 answer our scientists have developed what no you haven't shut up quit making stuff up 0iCSXvgqW50-00393-00269244-00269802 yes so it's still in the experimental stage also if we freeze gamero we can enjoy him later 0iCSXvgqW50-00394-00269952-00270468 the gases that they use in this as a refrigerant dissipated 10 minutes I see 0iCSXvgqW50-00395-00270720-00271860 I believe [Music] he pity him with more bombs or phrase them and put them on dry ice oh sorry yes 0iCSXvgqW50-00396-00272184-00272508 are you wearing a helmet indoors and not in active combat 0iCSXvgqW50-00397-00272928-00273180 sir I believe he's putting on a dance number 0iCSXvgqW50-00398-00273258-00274176 heading for mountains why are you why are you doing Morse code in addition to a radio broadcast 0iCSXvgqW50-00399-00274176-00274896 that seems confusing out there yes it should the planes will be able to attack from all sides 0iCSXvgqW50-00400-00275118-00275454 Oh see now he's walking like a turtle okay now I see it all right 0iCSXvgqW50-00401-00275772-00276174 that's a big resort area actually my name's Justin okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00402-00276348-00276718 oh it's seven number three now I'm more confused [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00403-00277122-00277308 I don't know when he's on all fours he's kind of cute 0iCSXvgqW50-00404-00277662-00278148 that's Dynamite he's not a freezing bomb it's dynamite 10 minutes with 0iCSXvgqW50-00405-00278922-00279390 it oh those aren't the freezing cups that's silly me okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00406-00280116-00280476 okay now that I've ignited the celebratory fireworks let's give the signal 0iCSXvgqW50-00407-00280752-00281352 I will you be my friend everyone around you are so rude 0iCSXvgqW50-00408-00281508-00281986 why would he fly so close to him he's a turtle just stay higher up he can't get you [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00409-00282276-00282576 look it's working it's not he's waving he's fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00410-00282980-00283080 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00411-00283080-00283344 Obama is doing the trick all right 0iCSXvgqW50-00412-00283512-00283848 I'm not convinced he's not just sounding himself on top of that mountain I think he's comfortable 0iCSXvgqW50-00413-00284310-00284388 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00414-00284940-00285354 what's the plan I I was kind of under the assumption that they were gonna 0iCSXvgqW50-00415-00285354-00285822 go put Dynamite on the turtle but like I think if they're installing 0iCSXvgqW50-00416-00285822-00286134 climbing gear they're not gonna have enough time they said 10 minutes 0iCSXvgqW50-00417-00286884-00287076 I think I don't know I didn't set a timer 0iCSXvgqW50-00418-00287352-00287826 oh that's rude what'd the mountain do to you 0iCSXvgqW50-00419-00288594-00288900 Like Toy Soldiers 0iCSXvgqW50-00420-00289146-00289302 hey what are you guys doing can I play 0iCSXvgqW50-00421-00289680-00289836 I shoot more those freeze bombs 0iCSXvgqW50-00422-00290298-00290550 this must be icicles because it just looks like he has a drooling issue 0iCSXvgqW50-00423-00290682-00291004 like a big old Turtle bulldog [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00424-00291696-00291858 Dr Morrissey says it's okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00425-00292236-00292656 you blew up the mountain though Turtles on top of the mountain 0iCSXvgqW50-00426-00293102-00293202 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00427-00293202-00293400 I was right they're putting him on his back 0iCSXvgqW50-00428-00293604-00293748 every turtle's weakness 0iCSXvgqW50-00429-00293976-00294468 hey guys he's down and he's on his back luckily we've got him now huh 0iCSXvgqW50-00430-00294468-00294870 yes because with gamara as with any other Turtle once he's on his back 0iCSXvgqW50-00431-00294870-00295368 he can't get up again I made a dumb joke and they're taking it seriously 0iCSXvgqW50-00432-00295584-00295806 quick rub his belly I'll put him to sleep 0iCSXvgqW50-00433-00296442-00297294 oh poor camera a little help guys can someone just you know what I'm going home screw you guys 0iCSXvgqW50-00434-00297780-00297982 he's turtleing [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00435-00298242-00298716 laugh at the poor guy while he's down now I hope he kills you you guys were bullies 0iCSXvgqW50-00436-00299148-00299352 oh gamer is spontaneously combusting 0iCSXvgqW50-00437-00300402-00300720 oh this is where they got the idea for those little fireworks 0iCSXvgqW50-00438-00300720-00301014 the little discs that you light and then put them down they spin 0iCSXvgqW50-00439-00301728-00301992 an amazing adaptation 0iCSXvgqW50-00440-00302388-00302580 but when he lands won't he still be on his back 0iCSXvgqW50-00441-00302952-00303114 you guys are mean I'm going home 0iCSXvgqW50-00442-00303534-00303696 nobody see him back he's pissed 0iCSXvgqW50-00443-00304278-00304452 oh my gosh we don't know what he's doing either 0iCSXvgqW50-00444-00304986-00305910 well we're screwed up [Music] carry that thing around with you everywhere that's it no 0iCSXvgqW50-00445-00306132-00306612 those lines are meant to represent clouds you see A Primitive but graphic attempt to 0iCSXvgqW50-00446-00306612-00307224 show that camera can fly y'all are read an awful lot and some lines carved into a stone 0iCSXvgqW50-00447-00307440-00307722 here's what you think it means could be wrong 0iCSXvgqW50-00448-00308010-00308658 gentlemen God knows where he'll strike next so far the American weapons have been completely 0iCSXvgqW50-00449-00308658-00309216 ineffective it's the Japanese radar systems offer barely enough warning to evacuate 0iCSXvgqW50-00450-00309216-00309678 he's gonna strike Japan that's all Kaiju strike Japan that's just the way it works 0iCSXvgqW50-00451-00310482-00311004 look I gotta be honest with you I like gamer more and I like Civilization I hope you all lose both 0iCSXvgqW50-00452-00311004-00311748 Dr hadaka and Dr morass are convinced that gamra is continually on the hunts for food there is some 0iCSXvgqW50-00453-00311748-00312342 chemical substance in our fuel that it needs yeah I see gather all the lettuce you can find 0iCSXvgqW50-00454-00313440-00314040 something that was less than a small part of oxygen that we I'm 80 sitcoms 0iCSXvgqW50-00455-00314040-00314664 I can't think of which one the other creatures existed on the sustenance of 0iCSXvgqW50-00456-00314664-00315504 sulfur compounds in there dispatches have a cowboy hat no is n't the world's atmosphere 0iCSXvgqW50-00457-00315600-00316200 living things started to develop lungs now Gamera is of the problems you say 0iCSXvgqW50-00458-00316272-00316824 possibly the last surprise a Survivor you're saying within the radii of our microscopes 0iCSXvgqW50-00459-00316962-00317754 the existence of gamra is living proof that they were not all single cell creatures do you mean 0iCSXvgqW50-00460-00317754-00318702 it literally eats fire yes the Beast actually eats fire this makes sounds like [__] it was 0iCSXvgqW50-00461-00318702-00319248 destructive when he's unable to satisfy his ravenous appetite and least destructive when 0iCSXvgqW50-00462-00319248-00319920 he's gorging in hot with some oil refinery or fuel reserves hey no I figured it out listen no problem 0iCSXvgqW50-00463-00319920-00320346 at all due to global warming cameras will be stuffed here soon we'll be fine we can keep camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00464-00320412-00321264 in one location long enough we may gain the time we need thank you generals this conference is now 0iCSXvgqW50-00465-00321264-00321900 open to discussions I recognize the representative from the Soviet Union yeah how boned are we 0iCSXvgqW50-00466-00322800-00323232 over preview and to the United States government takes the identical position 0iCSXvgqW50-00467-00323328-00323610 to save time gentlemen I move for unanimous agreement 0iCSXvgqW50-00468-00323682-00324258 with all those in favor say aye aye then we're agreed will light Russia on fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00469-00324258-00324612 I understand wait what it's not what I agree to what what are you talking about 0iCSXvgqW50-00470-00324870-00325236 and discussed an approach to a problem yes sir we did 0iCSXvgqW50-00471-00325332-00326010 we proposed the meeting of supply and fuel experts and at the same time point of order 0iCSXvgqW50-00472-00326118-00326574 care recognizes the Ambassador I was talking country has made its position 0iCSXvgqW50-00473-00328188-00328722 it is logical he direct the operation may I remind the Ambassador that it was General 0iCSXvgqW50-00474-00328722-00329142 Arnold who gave the orders to shoot down one of my nation's aircraft which was flying over 0iCSXvgqW50-00475-00329142-00329598 American territory at the time and carried the bomb that own exploding released camera our 0iCSXvgqW50-00476-00329598-00330288 planes were forced into the area and beside our gentleman yes please as the American ambassador 0iCSXvgqW50-00477-00330288-00330840 has stated we do not have time for debate I recommend that there be a joint command 0iCSXvgqW50-00478-00330840-00331524 what if we could find another food source that Gamera might like more than fire Soviet Army 0iCSXvgqW50-00479-00331524-00332256 poblanos for instance they're delicious it's got to be more appetizing than fire any ghost chilies 0iCSXvgqW50-00480-00332472-00332850 hurry really spicy curry that could Jamaican jerk chicken 0iCSXvgqW50-00481-00333984-00334860 I think we can still function as a team I don't like you all right I'll agree to the proposal 0iCSXvgqW50-00482-00334860-00335508 when all those in favor say aye aye the eyes have it it is a joint command 0iCSXvgqW50-00483-00335580-00336138 you may continue General thank you sir after the fuel and yeah for someone to be 0iCSXvgqW50-00484-00336138-00336420 so vocal about wanting to be in charge you gave up pretty easily Logistics 0iCSXvgqW50-00485-00336654-00337206 play with this this button here with the Japanese authorities and 0iCSXvgqW50-00486-00337206-00338148 they agree oh nipples [Music] oh my God frenzy is Hope of the word 0iCSXvgqW50-00487-00338394-00338706 gentlemen Z open to discussion 0iCSXvgqW50-00488-00339270-00340116 all over the world but only in the air I think they're putting together a camera calendar 0iCSXvgqW50-00489-00340254-00340554 yes but what happens when he gets hungry again 0iCSXvgqW50-00490-00340614-00341058 see who it is yes sir fine I'll do everything Jesus come in please 0iCSXvgqW50-00491-00341058-00342282 these are the SE are from the arima lighthouse doctors I asked them to come when I heard that 0iCSXvgqW50-00492-00342282-00343260 they were in Tokyo yes sexy not exactly you see our home was destroyed my they're rebuilding by 0iCSXvgqW50-00493-00343260-00343740 where we can stay we've decided to crash in your office I have come to visit our uncle here in 0iCSXvgqW50-00494-00343740-00344400 Tokyo oh yes I understand yes but as long as you are here I don't understand why I care but see 0iCSXvgqW50-00495-00344400-00344874 that right there that is the Tokyo Tower maybe you should go live there get the hell out of my office 0iCSXvgqW50-00496-00345564-00345936 it's very dangerous but he's my friend I hope he's all right 0iCSXvgqW50-00497-00345936-00346410 I love him he doesn't mean to be dangerous we will be married you'll all see 0iCSXvgqW50-00498-00346722-00347058 I bet gamer has loans them to wherever he is 0iCSXvgqW50-00499-00347232-00347724 doesn't like to be alone I'm pretty sure they're okay with it actually 0iCSXvgqW50-00500-00348260-00348360 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00501-00348360-00348648 besides the whole eating fire thing that part might be tricky I don't 0iCSXvgqW50-00502-00349110-00349686 I wonder where he is now if we judge by the radius of the sightings we have he should be located 0iCSXvgqW50-00503-00350010-00350862 wow when do we when we leave the office think don't you and at least you realize now how 0iCSXvgqW50-00504-00350862-00351318 dangerous gamma really is you want to kill my friend go to hell I think tomorrow and I should 0iCSXvgqW50-00505-00351558-00351702 no I said I want to see his camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00506-00352298-00352398 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00507-00352398-00353028 oh he's dead I don't think we're ready good night I guess we're gonna need another one little turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00508-00353490-00353928 a mysterious reversal of this morning's tide caused heavy flooding in the sumida river 0iCSXvgqW50-00509-00353928-00354360 threatening to wash out large stretches of the shoreline at the Kawasaki Wharf in 0iCSXvgqW50-00510-00354360-00355446 Tokyo bay meanwhile the mysterious type of fires appearance hey I bet I know our camera's gonna be 0iCSXvgqW50-00511-00355866-00356304 from the old pictures just released by Purity forces of the geothermal power plant destroyed 0iCSXvgqW50-00512-00356304-00356844 by Gamora last week it's still destroyed they haven't even started trying to clean it up lazy 0iCSXvgqW50-00513-00357198-00357468 caused by camera I don't know what about geothermal 0iCSXvgqW50-00514-00357468-00357636 energy but those are nuclear Smoke Stacks 0iCSXvgqW50-00515-00358092-00358266 they've got the Gap underneath like those are 0iCSXvgqW50-00516-00358266-00358866 nuclears right I don't think geothermal looks like that I could be wrong arrived 0iCSXvgqW50-00517-00359118-00359688 representatives of 20 Nations including Professor Bauer of the United States of 0iCSXvgqW50-00518-00359688-00360084 the Soviet Union we interrupt to bring you live on the conference itself a statement 0iCSXvgqW50-00519-00360084-00360366 by Dr hidaka like the science-based Power Rangers 0iCSXvgqW50-00520-00361026-00361812 maybe probably that he is in Tokyo gives us a chance to carry out the United Nations uh planzy 0iCSXvgqW50-00521-00361812-00362478 for his uh disposal yes will the projectionist show the film please this is Oshima Island in 0iCSXvgqW50-00522-00362478-00363072 Tokyo bay a dormant volcano used to present for a space installation and weather Observatory wait 0iCSXvgqW50-00523-00363072-00363522 why does here that plan Z will be carried out as soon as arrangements are completed oh that's Tony 0iCSXvgqW50-00524-00363522-00364092 Stark's house they're getting Iron Man's house I got it okay and there's no further damage foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00525-00367334-00367434 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00526-00367434-00367908 kill him kill him kill him yeah gamma Rock gamma Rock gamma Rock 0iCSXvgqW50-00527-00368382-00369384 is he Landing oh camera crashed Boom movie oh nope he's fine we're good we're good I'm okay movie's 0iCSXvgqW50-00528-00369384-00370008 good again although the abrupt changed or Rock band's a little weird oh Gamer's got theme songs 0iCSXvgqW50-00529-00370914-00371142 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00530-00371864-00371964 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00531-00371964-00372114 I gotta go pick up my daughter from a school 0iCSXvgqW50-00532-00372114-00372312 function in a little bit I think I'm gonna check it out 0iCSXvgqW50-00533-00372876-00373302 it could be two things hey don't push me 0iCSXvgqW50-00534-00373794-00374208 dance till we die camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00535-00375336-00375438 I mean I'm having fun with it 0iCSXvgqW50-00536-00375858-00376362 well the band said F this we out trust you on your own 0iCSXvgqW50-00537-00376536-00376830 but Cameron just wanted to join the party I don't 0iCSXvgqW50-00538-00377070-00377634 sure he accidentally killed a [__] ton of teenagers but he just wanted to dance Too 0iCSXvgqW50-00539-00377802-00378078 not his fault he's a party animal 0iCSXvgqW50-00540-00378866-00378966 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00541-00378966-00379560 I mean we just seen him knock down three buildings in a row is there really a shell 0iCSXvgqW50-00542-00379560-00380064 four buildings in row is there really a shelter you can go to New Tokyo 0iCSXvgqW50-00543-00380352-00380946 I'm sorry but you're gonna need a a new New Tokyo because it's gone now 0iCSXvgqW50-00544-00381318-00381540 so he's eating fire he's not breathing fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00545-00381540-00381922 because it looked like he was flame throwing some [__] on this [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00546-00382212-00382932 ah you know toshiro might have a point Maybe we can train Gamera to be our fire department 0iCSXvgqW50-00547-00383058-00383352 building catches fire gamma just comes by sucks it up we're all good 0iCSXvgqW50-00548-00383658-00383730 I mean 0iCSXvgqW50-00549-00383970-00384408 we also gotta train him not to destroy radio towers but long term 0iCSXvgqW50-00550-00385086-00385416 just leaving all that fire behind camera come on buddy don't let your food go to waste 0iCSXvgqW50-00551-00386238-00386496 oh they were like a block over what are they panicking for 0iCSXvgqW50-00552-00387156-00387582 run away run away 0iCSXvgqW50-00553-00387966-00388242 we're being bludgeoned to death by foam robber 0iCSXvgqW50-00554-00388692-00389364 so they're on fire and he's sucking that eyes this imagery is very confusing it looks like 0iCSXvgqW50-00555-00389364-00389946 he was breathing fire on them right that's not what they said he does movie pick a plot point 0iCSXvgqW50-00556-00390678-00390840 my husband comes for me 0iCSXvgqW50-00557-00391434-00391620 must find toshiro 0iCSXvgqW50-00558-00392130-00392364 I do think camera can benefit from some moisturizer 0iCSXvgqW50-00559-00392940-00393474 putting all that fire go to waste there are starving turtles in Africa off camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00560-00394350-00394608 I think he went to the river the river 0iCSXvgqW50-00561-00394776-00395634 why why are you going to the river toshiro's back there you were just talking to him or was 0iCSXvgqW50-00562-00395634-00396498 that a different kid I'm like I thought she called the other kid toshiro [Music] foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00563-00398406-00398526 that kid packed way too much 0iCSXvgqW50-00564-00399132-00399396 oh he wasn't trying to eat the fire at all he was trying to light everything 0iCSXvgqW50-00565-00399396-00399636 around the bay on fire so you have like a hot tub situation 0iCSXvgqW50-00566-00399726-00400104 just wanted to get soak I don't blame who doesn't love a good bath 0iCSXvgqW50-00567-00400572-00401284 uh the nukes didn't help but you think your rifles will good logic [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00568-00401574-00401742 now you're just letting gamma know where you are 0iCSXvgqW50-00569-00402306-00402552 I still think they should try my plan I'm giving a bunch of lettuce 0iCSXvgqW50-00570-00403362-00403806 we just saw a bunch of train cars linking up and but there's only one and that's fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00571-00404226-00404244 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00572-00407088-00407604 and that would be the day toshiro lost his legs don't ever duck underneath train car skins 0iCSXvgqW50-00573-00408264-00408582 oh his eyes are clotting over he's blind that's not his fault at all 0iCSXvgqW50-00574-00408822-00408954 poor guy's got glaucoma 0iCSXvgqW50-00575-00409530-00409746 I know it's not gonna happen I really want to see him eat 0iCSXvgqW50-00576-00409746-00409914 those train cars like they were Links of sausage 0iCSXvgqW50-00577-00410160-00410604 I've got a death wish 0iCSXvgqW50-00578-00411030-00411054 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00579-00411828-00412116 throw the train car 0iCSXvgqW50-00580-00413142-00413328 leave me alone I'm going to my boyfriend 0iCSXvgqW50-00581-00413874-00414222 I love him I love him you fool 0iCSXvgqW50-00582-00414666-00415389 thank you toshiro dammer is not a friend to all children after all [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00583-00415739-00415793 oh 0iCSXvgqW50-00584-00416016-00416358 are you all right kid well the man's okay oh no never mind 0iCSXvgqW50-00585-00416693-00417288 yes make sure to grab the backpack that's the important kid loses his [__] that's on him 0iCSXvgqW50-00586-00417468-00417743 but my life in danger I ain't grabbing your backpack I'm the same 0iCSXvgqW50-00587-00418535-00418626 you're under arrest 0iCSXvgqW50-00588-00418980-00419064 no he's all right 0iCSXvgqW50-00589-00419352-00419772 all right yeah go home walking in the direction of the train cars that you just jumped on to get 0iCSXvgqW50-00590-00419772-00420196 closer to the giant turtle and we're not gonna watch you because that would take effort [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00591-00420438-00420846 same building from last time as long as we are able to feed him 0iCSXvgqW50-00592-00420924-00421638 however our fuel supply is now dangerously without an air really racist job on the dubbing 0iCSXvgqW50-00593-00421800-00422238 if they're certain by Nightfall you will start receiving a steady flow 0iCSXvgqW50-00594-00422238-00422784 of high grade fuel oil excerent we can't transfer [__] that quick now 0iCSXvgqW50-00595-00423054-00423672 our men are working around the clock I'm just saying when you've worked your way through a 0iCSXvgqW50-00596-00423672-00424062 through Y and you haven't had a single successful plan you're not doing great 0iCSXvgqW50-00597-00424062-00424643 the plan will work it must work gentlemen gentlemen camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00598-00425285-00425946 I pleated in 24 hours if it is human repossible it will be so we know your people are doing surveys 0iCSXvgqW50-00599-00425946-00426270 are currently building an underground city they don't actually care you read the Metro 0iCSXvgqW50-00600-00426270-00426834 books that's what they're working on right now of gas and oil the gamma has to stay put where 0iCSXvgqW50-00601-00426834-00427547 he is at the refinery and that plan Z will be ready for execution tonight you're going 0iCSXvgqW50-00602-00427547-00427943 to execute plan Z I thought it was your last hope why would you rate ourselves prematurely gentlemen 0iCSXvgqW50-00603-00428339-00428670 must be put into effect at once as soon as the evacuation the 0iCSXvgqW50-00604-00428670-00429006 civilians from Oshima is complete yes everyone listen to Colonel Sanders 0iCSXvgqW50-00605-00429270-00429456 rubber rubber 0iCSXvgqW50-00606-00429708-00430097 where's somebody kill me this is goodbye for now no it doesn't seem right somehow 0iCSXvgqW50-00607-00430097-00430674 doctor not after I've been with you all along but the price is only being allowed to send a 0iCSXvgqW50-00608-00430674-00431238 pool correspondence I know a pool correspondent doesn't make it any less disappointing it's like 0iCSXvgqW50-00609-00431238-00431652 a regular correspondent but they float around one of those little inflatable Donuts go to Kawasaki 0iCSXvgqW50-00610-00431868-00432516 oh no I'll go talk to Dr Morrissey then here's if he had a doctor [__] before he started doing 0iCSXvgqW50-00611-00432516-00433224 Rock and Britain it's right like the weird career change I mean do what makes you happy I guess 0iCSXvgqW50-00612-00434897-00435108 foreign 0iCSXvgqW50-00613-00436302-00436668 what the hell am I looking for 0iCSXvgqW50-00614-00437435-00438047 ability no these crates are being shipped to the US he's getting farther from gamra like 0iCSXvgqW50-00615-00438504-00438660 no I forgot to get seasick 0iCSXvgqW50-00616-00439122-00439572 what are you doing here at 10 we were supposed to evacuate 0iCSXvgqW50-00617-00439572-00440196 but Toshio's gone he's been missing all day I'll be with you soon my love 0iCSXvgqW50-00618-00440574-00440946 the zebler they already had a plaque made up look that's pretty quick work seems like 0iCSXvgqW50-00619-00440946-00441318 you're working more on the plan but you know it's fine it is only to it 0iCSXvgqW50-00620-00441947-00442338 so what is z plan because right now it looks like the dragon supplies from 0iCSXvgqW50-00621-00442338-00442830 near camera and moving them far away from gamma on that it seems less than effective 0iCSXvgqW50-00622-00443520-00444222 I'm sorry did you say camera bait I'm sorry no you're not you're sorry quit doing it 0iCSXvgqW50-00623-00444485-00444935 you can stay to him but you have to behave understand I'll take 0iCSXvgqW50-00624-00444935-00445422 care of your doctor you hungry good you'll make excellent turtle food 0iCSXvgqW50-00625-00445535-00446093 yes doctor but Dr Dhaka are you sure the scheme of yours Allure gamra to Ashima Island 0iCSXvgqW50-00626-00446093-00446508 practically said baby I don't know something of course his behavioral pattern remains unchanged 0iCSXvgqW50-00627-00446693-00447639 you may begin you'll take operation everything's ready on Oshima Island [Music] foreign [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00628-00448254-00448997 again what is plan Z what are we doing wait looks like they were dragging a little toy manta ray 0iCSXvgqW50-00629-00449147-00449574 and I get him it's a gun those don't work the guns won't what 0iCSXvgqW50-00630-00449796-00450492 good news well say fish that's that's where we're learning the turtles so 0iCSXvgqW50-00631-00450839-00451254 oh poor guys all tuckered out my love 0iCSXvgqW50-00632-00451885-00451985 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00633-00451985-00452285 yes Professor phase two can begin the ships are here 0iCSXvgqW50-00634-00452670-00453276 begin immediately [Music] Colonel Sanders away thank you 0iCSXvgqW50-00635-00453900-00454296 thank you wait okay I was gonna say if the Sergeant's one is doing the action 0iCSXvgqW50-00636-00454296-00454482 why was he in the back to run all the way around 0iCSXvgqW50-00637-00454920-00455418 so shooting the ocean at oh barrels Barrel exploded okay okay okay it makes sense it 0iCSXvgqW50-00638-00455418-00455616 makes it makes sense as long as you don't think about it too hard 0iCSXvgqW50-00639-00457272-00457584 I like that they're all looking in unison it's great 0iCSXvgqW50-00640-00457746-00458093 ah it's like these tiny at people want me to follow this Trail 0iCSXvgqW50-00641-00458852-00458952 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00642-00458952-00459120 oh he is eating the fire on the way okay 0iCSXvgqW50-00643-00459432-00459678 camera your haircut yeah it's fine 0iCSXvgqW50-00644-00459974-00460266 [Music] I love you come to me 0iCSXvgqW50-00645-00460697-00461070 oh it's they're trying to learn that tiny fire on the beach I don't think that's gonna work 0iCSXvgqW50-00646-00461070-00461610 just wait God patience 0iCSXvgqW50-00647-00461856-00462060 ah shitty titties 0iCSXvgqW50-00648-00462270-00462792 island has changed courts and is approaching the Tokyo area 0iCSXvgqW50-00649-00462876-00463230 with his warned to take shelter immediately high winds rain Squad 0iCSXvgqW50-00650-00463524-00464160 guys I hate to say it but it looks like God's on camera side not just God I'm I'm with camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00651-00464652-00465089 it is that for everyone assure themselves of inadequate water has more Supply 0iCSXvgqW50-00652-00465852-00466002 screw off kid 0iCSXvgqW50-00653-00466692-00467034 oh sure now all of a sudden everybody's on team Gamera 0iCSXvgqW50-00654-00467034-00467334 just a minute ago you're trying to kill him now he's your buddy 0iCSXvgqW50-00655-00467850-00467964 point out the fire 0iCSXvgqW50-00656-00468366-00468522 tsunami's picking up awful quick 0iCSXvgqW50-00657-00468804-00469168 hey I was eating that [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00658-00469943-00470616 I'm out of here this place sucks [Music] I'm giving you zero stars on Yelp because anything 0iCSXvgqW50-00659-00470742-00470939 about the weather yeah no yeah 0iCSXvgqW50-00660-00471708-00471930 see 0iCSXvgqW50-00661-00472014-00472422 oh I guess we're screwed no sense trying anything else 0iCSXvgqW50-00662-00472800-00473076 because you're I'm assuming nope 0iCSXvgqW50-00663-00473262-00474078 what are you doing are you mad I mean a little yeah doggy 0iCSXvgqW50-00664-00474293-00474438 did we know who Yogi was 0iCSXvgqW50-00665-00475056-00475902 he you're right the fire but someone else just suggests this you told him no 0iCSXvgqW50-00666-00476642-00476742 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00667-00476742-00477147 well I am still hungry I guess I can eat a little more [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00668-00477347-00477947 Turtle feet motion picture my love run 0iCSXvgqW50-00669-00478338-00478493 free hugs 0iCSXvgqW50-00670-00478812-00479010 Beat It The Boy feeded The Boy 0iCSXvgqW50-00671-00479826-00480288 at least Eternal he can't be afraid of a little rain right 0iCSXvgqW50-00672-00481016-00481116 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00673-00481116-00481235 the finals going out 0iCSXvgqW50-00674-00481747-00481847 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00675-00481847-00482292 this didn't want to get wet didn't want me to call you and sweet poor 0iCSXvgqW50-00676-00482292-00482566 misguided concerns of giant killer turtle [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00677-00482880-00483012 hi 0iCSXvgqW50-00678-00483420-00483774 there he goes and there's nothing we didn't do about it and so close to success 0iCSXvgqW50-00679-00484442-00484542 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00680-00484542-00484889 the the volcano is just magically going to erupt okay cool 0iCSXvgqW50-00681-00485106-00485266 after all I don't know [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00682-00486072-00486654 oh yeah cameras rocking baby 0iCSXvgqW50-00683-00487572-00487806 so did they set off the volcano do the volcanoes 0iCSXvgqW50-00684-00487806-00488064 magically erupt I'm really confused what's happening 0iCSXvgqW50-00685-00489354-00489588 actually better when Gamers on all fours it was super cute 0iCSXvgqW50-00686-00490370-00490470 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00687-00490470-00490818 here comes the plane probably Professor is 0iCSXvgqW50-00688-00490818-00491093 the plane part of plan C can we get any details on plan Z 0iCSXvgqW50-00689-00491754-00492360 corruption is Sir not even a live volcano could keep me away today yes I'll tighten your belt 0iCSXvgqW50-00690-00492708-00492906 Elena said that Dr Morrissey lost some weight 0iCSXvgqW50-00691-00493500-00493847 got us we missed everything five minutes and Counting they're gonna kill my love 0iCSXvgqW50-00692-00494004-00494147 Colonel Sanders on the scene 0iCSXvgqW50-00693-00494772-00494832 is it 0iCSXvgqW50-00694-00495078-00495593 oh they're gonna treat Gamers heartburn those are giant antacids should work 0iCSXvgqW50-00695-00496193-00496439 convenient there's a light in the elevator lets you know where it is 0iCSXvgqW50-00696-00497292-00497843 like to hit that guy everything's going well let's see very well indeed excellent stand by please 0iCSXvgqW50-00697-00497843-00498389 the count is now 10 seconds and holding this camera's still here we haven't seen him in a while 0iCSXvgqW50-00698-00498606-00499193 ready ignition and start off step two begin step two they're gonna launch gamma into 0iCSXvgqW50-00699-00499193-00499476 space I'm gonna call it now that's my guess they're gonna launch camera in the space 0iCSXvgqW50-00700-00500039-00500856 you know what uh we know that oil extraction and you know mass production have led largely 0iCSXvgqW50-00701-00500856-00501180 to climate change I'm starting to think the film industry had no small hand in it 0iCSXvgqW50-00702-00501852-00502278 cameras back baby short little nap but I'm ready to rock 0iCSXvgqW50-00703-00502842-00503088 only you can prevent forest fires 0iCSXvgqW50-00704-00503400-00503706 very inconsistent because he's going to eat the fire or just walk past him 0iCSXvgqW50-00705-00504054-00504618 out 0iCSXvgqW50-00706-00504792-00505362 really with the capsule who's capsule Oh I thought they were oh okay I thought 0iCSXvgqW50-00707-00505362-00505710 they were just like preparing a stage for Gamera you know what I'm saying 0iCSXvgqW50-00708-00505835-00506124 he's been wanting to sing and dance this whole time I thought they were giving him a show 0iCSXvgqW50-00709-00506442-00506508 batteries 0iCSXvgqW50-00710-00506964-00507114 in 30 minutes he should be done 0iCSXvgqW50-00711-00507564-00507774 eight seven 0iCSXvgqW50-00712-00508002-00508889 five four three two one all right who wants some camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00713-00509706-00510000 does this look cheesier is that possible 0iCSXvgqW50-00714-00510276-00510420 space Q-tip away 0iCSXvgqW50-00715-00511188-00511566 celebrating a little early at least wait for her to leave the atmosphere you know 0iCSXvgqW50-00716-00512534-00512634 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00717-00512634-00512802 they were launching gamma Into the Heart of the 0iCSXvgqW50-00718-00512802-00513024 Soviet Union that Russian guy really pissed everybody off 0iCSXvgqW50-00719-00513834-00514152 oh man the Martians are going to be pissed 0iCSXvgqW50-00720-00514650-00515118 actually Elon musk's only pissed finally there's some people to Mars they're gonna eat my camera 0iCSXvgqW50-00721-00515280-00515712 that's one hell of a lawsuit well after the Twitter lawsuits but still 0iCSXvgqW50-00722-00516266-00516366 [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00723-00516366-00516646 ah you're very bad it's your job [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00724-00516774-00517630 and he'll be dead he'll be he he eats fire and Mars is super cold [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00725-00517884-00518188 also does this sound like the Batman theme to anybody else [Music] 0iCSXvgqW50-00726-00518658-00519389 that was gamma I hope you all enjoyed giant space Turtle it's fun right it's fun everybody loves a 0iCSXvgqW50-00727-00519389-00520043 good Kaiju or a bad guy shoot you know whatever whatever end of that you seem to be on let's say 0iCSXvgqW50-00728-00520043-00520512 it's up to you it's a little weird that the kid was so obsessed with it though I'm not gonna lie 0iCSXvgqW50-00729-00520512-00521243 it was it was you know I'm saying like killing people kid no but I love him he's a giant turtle 0iCSXvgqW50-00730-00521243-00521843 I love Turtles yep but there's a body count yeah but screw those people they're not Turtles anyway 0iCSXvgqW50-00731-00521910-00522174 thank you so much for watching if you made it all the way to the end of the video I do appreciate 0iCSXvgqW50-00732-00522174-00522468 it you beautiful beautiful beautiful mammals I know you have a lot of ways to waste your free 0iCSXvgqW50-00733-00522468-00523085 time and I appreciate you spending it with me uh click the algorithm satisfying buttons the 0iCSXvgqW50-00734-00523085-00523434 likes and follows and subscribes leave a comment down below if you would please I would greatly 0iCSXvgqW50-00735-00523434-00523997 appreciate that I will see you all next time which I mean for you will be several days in the past 0iCSXvgqW50-00736-00523997-00524436 but for me we'll be in about an hour and a half or so when we start our live stream on Twitch 0iCSXvgqW50-00737-00524526-00525030 didn't get to do one last night so we're doing one tonight um but thank you all so much I appreciate 0iCSXvgqW50-00738-00525030-00525432 the hell out of all you I love your faces I hope you have an absolutely amazing day and 0iCSXvgqW50-00739-00525432-00526482 until next time take care of yourselves look out for what another and have a great day here