3wJHDwBiXtQ-00000-00001744-00002757 Hello again! We're up to the last lesson in the fourth class, Lesson 4.6 on Ensemble Learning. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00001-00002757-00003425 In real life, when we have important decisions to make, we often choose to make them using 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00002-00003425-00003567 a committee. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00003-00003567-00004100 Having different experts sitting down together, with different perspectives on the problem, 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00004-00004100-00004787 and letting them vote, is often a very effective and robust way of making good decisions. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00005-00004858-00005132 The same is true in machine learning. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00006-00005132-00005662 We can often improve predictive performance by having a bunch of different machine learning 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00007-00005662-00006162 methods, all producing classifiers for the same problem, and then letting them vote when 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00008-00006162-00006684 it comes to classifying an unknown test instance. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00009-00006684-00007036 One of the disadvantages is that this produces output that is hard to analyze. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00010-00007036-00007598 There are actually approaches that try and produce a single comprehensible structure, 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00011-00007598-00007956 but we're not going to be looking at any of those. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00012-00007956-00008321 So the output will be hard to analyze, but you often get very good performance. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00013-00008450-00008828 It's a fairly recent technique in machine learning. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00014-00008920-00009495 We're going to look at four methods, called "bagging", "randomization", "boosting", and 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00015-00009495-00009650 "stacking". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00016-00009650-00010046 They're all implemented in Weka, of course. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00017-00010046-00010545 With bagging, we want to produce several different decision structures. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00018-00010545-00011211 Let's say we use J48 to produce decision trees, then we want to produce slightly different decision trees. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00019-00011211-00011710 We can do that by having several different training sets of the same size. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00020-00011710-00012242 We can get those by sampling the original training set. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00021-00012242-00012803 In fact, in bagging, you sample the set "with replacement", which means that sometimes you 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00022-00012803-00013503 might get two of the same [instances] chosen in your sample. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00023-00013540-00014004 We produce several different training sets, and then we build a model for each one -- let's 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00024-00014004-00014412 say a decision tree -- using the same machine learning scheme, or using some other machine 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00025-00014412-00014559 learning scheme. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00026-00014559-00015259 Then we combine the predictions of the different models by voting, or if it's a regression 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00027-00015265-00015843 situation you would average the numeric result rather than voting on it. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00028-00015843-00016354 This is very suitable for learning schemes that are called "unstable". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00029-00016354-00016862 Unstable learning schemes are ones where a small change in the training data can make 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00030-00016862-00017154 a big change in the model. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00031-00017154-00017367 Decision trees are a really good example of this. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00032-00017367-00017704 You can get a decision tree and just make a tiny little change in the training data 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00033-00017704-00018079 and get a completely different kind of decision tree. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00034-00018079-00018696 Whereas with NaiveBayes, if you think about how NaiveBayes works, little changes in the 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00035-00018696-00019140 training set aren't going to make much difference to the result of NaiveBayes, so that's a "stable" 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00036-00019140-00019379 machine learning method. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00037-00019379-00019845 In Weka we have a "Bagging" classifier in the meta set. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00038-00019845-00020545 I'm going to choose meta > Bagging: here it is. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00039-00020773-00021268 We can choose here the bag size -- this is saying a bag size of 100%, which is going 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00040-00021268-00021757 to sample the training set to get another set the same size, but it's going to sample 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00041-00021757-00021926 "with replacement". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00042-00021926-00022501 That means we're going to get different sets of the same size every time we sample, but 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00043-00022501-00023015 each set might contain repeats of the original training [instances]. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00044-00023015-00023489 Here we choose which classifier we want to bag, and we can choose the number of bagging 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00045-00023489-00023873 iterations here, and a random-number seed. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00046-00023873-00024214 That's the bagging method. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00047-00024214-00024514 The next one I want to talk about is "random forests". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00048-00024514-00024923 Here, instead of randomizing the training data, we randomize the algorithm. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00049-00024923-00025351 How you randomize the algorithm depends on what the algorithm is. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00050-00025351-00025704 Random forests are when you're using decision tree algorithms. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00051-00025704-00026322 Remember when we talked about how J48 works? -- it selects the best attribute for splitting 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00052-00026322-00026449 on each time. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00053-00026449-00027016 You can randomize this procedure by not necessarily selecting the very best, but choosing a few 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00054-00027016-00027318 of the best options, and randomly picking amongst them. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00055-00027318-00027548 That gives you different trees every time. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00056-00027548-00028406 Generally, if you bag decision trees, if you randomize them and bag the result, you get 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00057-00028406-00028711 better performance. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00058-00028711-00029411 In Weka, we can look under "tree" classifiers for RandomForest. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00059-00029850-00030108 Again, that's got a bunch of parameters. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00060-00030108-00030611 The maximum depth of the trees produced -- I think 0 would be unlimited depth. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00061-00030611-00030797 The number of features we're going to use. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00062-00030797-00031581 We might select, say 4 features; we would select from the top 4 features -- every time 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00063-00031581-00032356 we decide on the decision to put in the tree, we select that from among the top 4 candidates. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00064-00032356-00032917 The number of trees we're going to produce, and so on. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00065-00032917-00033319 That's random forests. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00066-00033319-00033659 Here's another kind of algorithm: it's called "boosting". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00067-00033659-00034296 It's iterative: new models are influenced by the performance of previously built models. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00068-00034296-00034822 Basically, the idea is that you create a model, and then you look at the instances that are 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00069-00034822-00034988 misclassified by that model. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00070-00034988-00035396 These are the hard instances to classify, the ones it gets wrong. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00071-00035396-00036106 You put extra weight on those instances to make a training set for producing the next 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00072-00036106-00036422 model in the iteration. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00073-00036422-00037010 This encourages the new model to become an "expert" for instances that were misclassified 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00074-00037010-00037365 by all the earlier models. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00075-00037365-00037796 The intuitive justification for this is that in a real life committee, committee members 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00076-00037796-00038496 should complement each other's expertise by focusing on different aspects of the problem. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00077-00038549-00039090 In the end, to combine them we use voting, but we actually weight models according to 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00078-00039090-00039328 their performance. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00079-00039328-00040144 There's a very good scheme called AdaBoostM1, which is in Weka and is a standard and very 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00080-00040144-00040726 good boosting implementation -- it often produces excellent results. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00081-00040798-00041426 There are few parameters to this as well; particularly the number of iterations. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00082-00041580-00042006 The final ensemble learning method is called "stacking". 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00083-00042006-00042480 Here we're going to have base learners, just like the learners we talked about previously. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00084-00042480-00043005 We're going to combine them not with voting, but by using a meta-learner, another learner 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00085-00043005-00043302 scheme that combines the output of the base learners. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00086-00043414-00043950 We're going to call the base learners level-0 models, and the meta-learner is a level-1 model. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00087-00043950-00044478 The predictions of the base learners are input to the meta-learner. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00088-00044478-00044899 Typically you use different machine learning schemes as the base learners to get different 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00089-00044899-00045230 experts that are good at different things. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00090-00045230-00045743 You need to be a little bit careful in the way you generate data to train the level-1 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00091-00045743-00046308 model: this involves quite a lot of cross-validation, I won't go into that. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00092-00046308-00047209 In Weka, there's a meta classifier called "Stacking", as well as "StackingC" -- which 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00093-00047209-00047595 is a more efficient version of Stacking. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00094-00047595-00048640 Here is Stacking; you can choose different meta-classifiers here, and the number of stacking folds. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00095-00048792-00049340 We can choose different classifiers; different level-0 classifiers, and a different meta-classifier. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00096-00050027-00050599 In order to create multiple level-0 models, you need to specify a meta-classifier as the 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00097-00050599-00050819 level-0 model. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00098-00050819-00051457 It gets a little bit complicated; you need to fiddle around with Weka to get that working. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00099-00051457-00051519 That's it then. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00100-00051519-00052042 We've been talking about combining multiple models into ensembles to produce an ensemble 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00101-00052042-00052394 for learning, and the analogy is with committees of humans. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00102-00052454-00052841 Diversity helps, especially when learners are unstable. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00103-00052998-00053210 And we can create diversity in different ways. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00104-00053210-00053663 In bagging, we create diversity by resampling the training set. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00105-00053663-00054213 In random forests, we create diversity by choosing alternative branches to put in our 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00106-00054213-00054357 decision trees. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00107-00054357-00054930 In boosting, we create diversity by focusing on where the existing model makes errors; 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00108-00054930-00055413 and in stacking, we combine results from a bunch of different kinds of learner using 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00109-00055413-00055815 another learner, instead of just voting. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00110-00055815-00056428 There's a chapter in the course text on Ensemble learning -- it's quite a large topic, really. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00111-00056428-00056955 There's an activity that you should go and do before we proceed to the next class, the 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00112-00056955-00057194 last class in this course. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00113-00057194-00057667 We'll learn about putting it all together, taking a more global view of the machine learning 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00114-00057667-00057917 process. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00115-00057917-00058037 We'll see you then. 3wJHDwBiXtQ-00116-00058037-00058182 Bye for now! 3yd2vVKxKBc-00000-00001133-00001500 You need new oil and filter as well as screws and seals. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00001-00001500-00002499 Here you can see the new cover plus new screws which should look like the old one. Especially the corrugation of cover outside. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00002-00002499-00002687 Here we go with a filling tool so that new oil gets in smooth. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00003-00002687-00003978 Quick overview: You need new oil and filter plus filling tool and some general tools 3yd2vVKxKBc-00004-00004676-00005023 This is the filling screw. Please try first if you can open it smooth - just the first rotation. If you can rotate it a little bit keep it in for the moment. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00005-00005723-00005890 It works ;) 3yd2vVKxKBc-00006-00006903-00007252 Drain plug - here we get out old oil. Try to relax it a little bit. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00007-00007432-00008146 Here you see the cover of oil filter which is fixed with two screws. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00008-00009746-00010266 We open screws of cover - don't worry as not oil will come out here. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00009-00010666-00011849 Once the screws of cover a relaxed please open the drain plug as well. Keep in mind it is a very long screw - however please have a bucket for the old oil at hand. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00010-00011849-00012049 Looong screw. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00011-00013049-00013769 Here we go! Oil after 150000 kilometers. It sees our world for the first time after seven years! 3yd2vVKxKBc-00012-00013769-00014373 Around 800 ml comes out... By the way keep in mind oil should have around 20 t0 40 degrees. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00013-00016172-00016435 Now we have time to open the screw to fill in new oil. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00014-00016835-00017635 Be patience until all the old oil drops out. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00015-00018035-00020273 Now good time for open up the screws of cover completely. (two screws) 3yd2vVKxKBc-00016-00021772-00022068 Take away silver outer cover. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00017-00022068-00022668 Now you see a withe plastic cover which is in between the outer cover and the oil filter. This is not the oil filter itself. Can be hard to relax and remove. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00018-00023068-00024008 Please try to remove the white cover with some customary tools or try to remove it with any tool you feel comfortable with. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00019-00024908-00025708 There is the new outer cover (silver) and the new white cover with two black seal rings. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00020-00026908-00027308 Old white cover is relaxed now. Please keep in mind some oil will come out but not much. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00021-00029108-00029232 Here we go! 3yd2vVKxKBc-00022-00029232-00029341 Look black oil filter comes out without any help :) 3yd2vVKxKBc-00023-00030241-00030441 Little oil splash when remove black oil filter. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00024-00031441-00031611 Cleaning. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00025-00033611-00033901 Put the new oil black oil filter in followed by the white plastic cover and the silver outer cover. We got a new black oil filter with a spring. Spring inside to the transmission. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00026-00034901-00035217 To ease it up we have put some oil on the two sealing rings of the white in between cover. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00027-00035217-00035714 Hammer it in smoothly. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00028-00037514-00037714 New screws. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00029-00038914-00039341 New drain plug which means new loong screw and new seal. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00030-00040064-00040141 Here we go! 3yd2vVKxKBc-00031-00040540-00041620 Now we do the last part - fill in new oil with our filling tool. In our case the tube is to big and we had to find a adapter which fits. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00032-00041820-00042020 The adapter. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00033-00042620-00044184 Let the filling tool inhale new oil. In this case the tool has a capacity of about 550 ml which means we have to do it two times. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00034-00045284-00045710 Push the new oil in slowly. Around 800 ml+ in total. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00035-00048010-00048220 Second time. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00036-00049820-00050687 It is full when it is full. This means when the oil comes out according to our expert. Filling tool is available in the internet for cheap. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00037-00050987-00051187 Put the new screw in soon. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00038-00053286-00053996 Keep in mind all screws must be locked - four screws in total. 3yd2vVKxKBc-00039-00053996-00054933 We hope you got some information and be aware we are layman and can not take any guarantee if our information are correct. However I did some 100 kilometers after oil change and it drives good. 3y9InoPRNCo-00000-00000000-00000250 What do you eat in the morning? Well, 3y9InoPRNCo-00001-00000250-00000729 if you want to be productive, you should eat frogs apparently. 3y9InoPRNCo-00002-00000729-00001180 Let me explain. You have time for coffee? 3y9InoPRNCo-00003-00001800-00002269 Hey bonjour, I'm Hugo and I help busy professionals be more productive 3y9InoPRNCo-00004-00002269-00002500 and get back in control of their own time. 3y9InoPRNCo-00005-00002500-00003350 Mark Twain said once, “If it's your job to eat a frog, better eat the frog first thing in the morning, 3y9InoPRNCo-00006-00003350-00003879 and if it's your job to eat two frogs, better eat the biggest one first.” 3y9InoPRNCo-00007-00003879-00004300 This concept has been used by many other people after that. 3y9InoPRNCo-00008-00004300-00004789 Brain Tracy being one of them with his book, Eat That Frog. Eating the 3y9InoPRNCo-00009-00004789-00005189 frog just means doing something difficult. 3y9InoPRNCo-00010-00005189-00005529 It's either you eating this frog 3y9InoPRNCo-00011-00005529-00006360 or the frog eating you. Meaning that you would procrastinate all day.Wwhich is a win-win if you ask me. 3y9InoPRNCo-00012-00006360-00006840 Frog legs are delicious. You know that. More seriously, 3y9InoPRNCo-00013-00006840-00007709 it comes down to the fact that eating a frog might not be the most enjoyable thing to eat 3y9InoPRNCo-00014-00007709-00007870 for lack of a better word. 3y9InoPRNCo-00015-00007870-00008570 So if you have to eat the frog, better do it now and get it over with. From a productivity standpoint, 3y9InoPRNCo-00016-00008570-00009270 it's been proven that if you start your day by the most important tasks 3y9InoPRNCo-00017-00009270-00009959 while you a lot of energy, helps you getting more things done and fight procrastination. 3y9InoPRNCo-00018-00009959-00010279 You will feel accomplished right from the get-go 3y9InoPRNCo-00019-00010279-00010979 because you will have at least one very difficult task that you successfully handled 3y9InoPRNCo-00020-00010979-00011490 and that puts you in the right momentum of getting more things done. 3y9InoPRNCo-00021-00011490-00011920 You will have made progress on one important task which is by 3y9InoPRNCo-00022-00011920-00012340 definition of an important task aligned to your goal. 3y9InoPRNCo-00023-00012340-00012690 It’s all positive, so better eat that frog. 3y9InoPRNCo-00024-00012690-00012940 Et voilà. What is your frog today? 3y9InoPRNCo-00025-00012940-00013150 Let me know in the comments below Merci. 3y9InoPRNCo-00026-00013150-00013330 Thanks guys for watching this video 3y9InoPRNCo-00027-00013330-00013919 and I really appreciate that you coming you checking in every single week and watch my videos. 3y9InoPRNCo-00028-00013919-00014490 I hope I'm bringing you value. You can subscribe to the channel and watch more videos. 3y9InoPRNCo-00029-00014490-00014819 See you next week Au revoir. 3zfug-_IUlY-00000-00000064-00000264 Expert learner 3zfug-_IUlY-00001-00000381-00000740 Achieving expertise is the end goal in any field of endeavor. 3zfug-_IUlY-00002-00000766-00001254 From playing the viola to building wooden boats to solving algebra problems, 3zfug-_IUlY-00003-00001369-00001569 learning itself is no different. 3zfug-_IUlY-00004-00001627-00002186 Just as violists, boat builders and algebra students have to work hard to achieve excellence, 3zfug-_IUlY-00005-00002233-00002616 anyone engaged in learning must strive to become expert learners. 3zfug-_IUlY-00006-00002901-00003419 Expert learners, each in their own way, are motivated and purposeful, 3zfug-_IUlY-00007-00003579-00003779 knowledgeable and resourceful, 3zfug-_IUlY-00008-00003948-00004148 strategic and goal-directed. 3zfug-_IUlY-00009-00004282-00004770 They know how to tackle learning and take responsibility for the results. 3zfug-_IUlY-00010-00004828-00005189 Let's take a look at expert learning through the UDL lens. 3zfug-_IUlY-00011-00005487-00005729 Expert learners are engaged in learning and 3zfug-_IUlY-00012-00005862-00006155 know why It's important to learn the material at hand. 3zfug-_IUlY-00013-00006298-00006518 They relish the challenge of learning and 3zfug-_IUlY-00014-00006648-00006933 persist when encountering the inevitable obstacles. 3zfug-_IUlY-00015-00007339-00007689 Expert learners know a great deal about how they learn best. 3zfug-_IUlY-00016-00007825-00008468 They know how to ask the right questions, where to look for answers, and when to ask for help 3zfug-_IUlY-00017-00008881-00009261 Expert learners are unafraid to take the wheel and drive their own learning. 3zfug-_IUlY-00018-00009375-00009608 They know how to set their own goals and 3zfug-_IUlY-00019-00009706-00009918 make plans for achieving them. 3zfug-_IUlY-00020-00010027-00010227 They can monitor their progress 3zfug-_IUlY-00021-00010252-00010452 and make the necessary adjustments to stay on track. 3zfug-_IUlY-00022-00010486-00011201 For them the process of learning is more important than mastering individual skills. 3zfug-_IUlY-00023-00011307-00011819 It's important to remember that variability extends to the notion of the expert learner. 3zfug-_IUlY-00024-00011863-00012261 We shouldn't confuse expert learner with exemplary student. 3zfug-_IUlY-00025-00012349-00012489 rather, an 3zfug-_IUlY-00026-00012489-00013289 expert learner is any learner who knows how best to manage their strengths and challenges in order to achieve their educational goals. 3zfug-_IUlY-00027-00013413-00013667 Armed with knowledge about what makes an expert learner, 3zfug-_IUlY-00028-00013747-00014063 educators can begin to redefine their instructional purpose. 3zfug-_IUlY-00029-00014148-00014771 With the shift in focus from teaching students information to teaching students how to learn 3zfug-_IUlY-00030-00014878-00015330 Educators can design engaging and goal directed learning opportunities. 3zfug-_IUlY-00031-00015529-00016197 Universal Design for Learning provides educators with a framework for creating learning environments that encourage curiosity, 3zfug-_IUlY-00032-00016288-00016417 passion, 3zfug-_IUlY-00033-00016417-00016775 self-reflection, persistence, mastery and growth. 3zfug-_IUlY-00034-00016858-00017469 In short UDL is key to helping all students become the best learner they can be. 3ziJD4umxNg-00000-00000061-00000401 What is up everyone, my name is xsebtional and today I will tell you 10 things you should 3ziJD4umxNg-00001-00000401-00000591 know in Pokemon Unite. 3ziJD4umxNg-00002-00000591-00000980 You might know some of these but I am sure there are some tips in this video, you did 3ziJD4umxNg-00003-00000980-00001099 not know yet. 3ziJD4umxNg-00004-00001099-00001279 Let's get into it! 3ziJD4umxNg-00005-00001279-00001565 If you don't know what items to hold on each pokemon. 3ziJD4umxNg-00006-00001565-00002087 Go to battle prep, held items, press A and then Y. 3ziJD4umxNg-00007-00002087-00002629 You will see the suggested items for your favorite pokemon and the playstyle you want. 3ziJD4umxNg-00008-00002629-00003006 You also see the items the best players use on that exact pokemon. 3ziJD4umxNg-00009-00003006-00003229 There are 2 types of pokemon. 3ziJD4umxNg-00010-00003229-00003460 special and physical attackers. 3ziJD4umxNg-00011-00003460-00003700 Physical attackers damage is based on their attack stat. 3ziJD4umxNg-00012-00003700-00004185 So you give an Absol an attack raise item and he will do more damage. 3ziJD4umxNg-00013-00004185-00004667 On the other side, a special attack pokemon only benefits from special attack items. 3ziJD4umxNg-00014-00004667-00005009 So a Pikachu only benefits from special attack items. 3ziJD4umxNg-00015-00005009-00005338 I will include the list of Pokemon and their type in the description! 3ziJD4umxNg-00016-00005338-00005792 Before we continue, if you enjoy or find this video helpful, drop a like, it would help 3ziJD4umxNg-00017-00005792-00005892 me out a lot. 3ziJD4umxNg-00018-00005892-00006340 And if you are new to the channel subscribe for more Pokemon Unite videos! 3ziJD4umxNg-00019-00006340-00006440 Let's continue. 3ziJD4umxNg-00020-00006440-00006804 You can buy all available holdable items in the shop. 3ziJD4umxNg-00021-00006804-00007290 In the beginning, you start with the leftover item, and slowly but surely you will unlock 3ziJD4umxNg-00022-00007290-00007390 more. 3ziJD4umxNg-00023-00007390-00007989 But if you want a specific one, go into the store and buy one for Aeos coins or Aeos tickets. 3ziJD4umxNg-00024-00007989-00008506 Defeating the bigger Pokemon like: Ludicolo, Bouffalant , Rottom and Dreadnaw, give you 3ziJD4umxNg-00025-00008506-00008669 staus buffs. 3ziJD4umxNg-00026-00008669-00009061 Ludicolo gives you a buff that increases your damage whenever you hit a wild pokemon that 3ziJD4umxNg-00027-00009061-00009195 is low HP. 3ziJD4umxNg-00028-00009195-00009622 Bouffalant gives you a buff that decreases enemy pokemon movement speed whenever you 3ziJD4umxNg-00029-00009622-00009722 hit them. 3ziJD4umxNg-00030-00009722-00010167 Rotom gives you 20 points if you defeat him, after that he goes to the enemy's goal and 3ziJD4umxNg-00031-00010167-00010674 dunks 20 points, and makes sure you can dunk instantly for 15 seconds. 3ziJD4umxNg-00032-00010674-00011129 Beware, he can be killed by the enemy team before he arrives at the goal. and Drednaw 3ziJD4umxNg-00033-00011129-00011574 gives you experience points and a shield for the whole team. 3ziJD4umxNg-00034-00011574-00012024 These buffs can win you the game, so don't forget to defeat them! 3ziJD4umxNg-00035-00012024-00012182 Go back to base. 3ziJD4umxNg-00036-00012182-00012382 Recalling is very important. 3ziJD4umxNg-00037-00012382-00012793 Whenever you are low health make sure to get back to base to recharge your health. 3ziJD4umxNg-00038-00012793-00013011 You can do this by pressing the down arrow. 3ziJD4umxNg-00039-00013011-00013259 You should probably do it somewhere in a bush. 3ziJD4umxNg-00040-00013259-00013681 If you are in the end game, the respawn time will be very long so taking 10 seconds to 3ziJD4umxNg-00041-00013681-00014051 go to base and back is worth it. 3ziJD4umxNg-00042-00014051-00014286 Use text commands to communicate with your teammates. 3ziJD4umxNg-00043-00014286-00014731 There is no voice or text chat but when you press the up arrow you can choose multiple 3ziJD4umxNg-00044-00014731-00014869 text commands. 3ziJD4umxNg-00045-00014869-00015390 For example, use this whenever Zapdos is ready or whenever you need help in certain fights. 3ziJD4umxNg-00046-00015390-00015812 Because of the MOBA genre, one of the most important things is not wasting time. 3ziJD4umxNg-00047-00015812-00015984 Every second of the game matters. 3ziJD4umxNg-00048-00015984-00016353 SO make sure you are doing something important that helps your team win at all times. 3ziJD4umxNg-00049-00016353-00016795 It will all add up in the game and the more you do, even the little things, the bigger 3ziJD4umxNg-00050-00016795-00016989 the chance is you win. 3ziJD4umxNg-00051-00016989-00017357 Use bushes to hide in, ambush pokemon, or recall. 3ziJD4umxNg-00052-00017357-00017715 Bushes are very handy because it makes sure the enemy can't see you and can't hit you 3ziJD4umxNg-00053-00017715-00017875 with basic attacks. 3ziJD4umxNg-00054-00017875-00018301 If a ranged pokemon like Pikachu is using basic attacks and you go into a bush, he can 3ziJD4umxNg-00055-00018301-00018417 not hit you anymore. 3ziJD4umxNg-00056-00018417-00018956 The only way you can hit pokemon in a bush is whenever you are in a bush as well. 3ziJD4umxNg-00057-00018956-00019234 Whenever you are full on points, don't risk your life. 3ziJD4umxNg-00058-00019234-00019750 30, 40, or 50 points can go pretty far in losing and winning a match. 3ziJD4umxNg-00059-00019750-00020051 Prioritize dunking points before you go and risk your life. 3ziJD4umxNg-00060-00020051-00020465 And for the last tip, if the enemy team is at a higher level than you, avoid big fights 3ziJD4umxNg-00061-00020465-00020678 and farm as much as you can. 3ziJD4umxNg-00062-00020678-00020945 You will be able to get quite some exp and level up. 3ziJD4umxNg-00063-00020945-00021358 If you are the same level or higher, you can go in and assert yourself. 3ziJD4umxNg-00064-00021358-00021775 These are my 10 tips and things you might not know in Pokemon Unite, I hope you guys 3ziJD4umxNg-00065-00021775-00023292 found out something new and I will see you in the next video! 3Cfooe64NKy-00000-00000068-00000471 so my life is short video I want to talk about the topic of decisions if you 3Cfooe64NKy-00001-00000471-00000930 perhaps procrastinated with hindsight over a decision that you wish you'd made 3Cfooe64NKy-00002-00000930-00001463 sooner don't avoid making decisions even if that decision is to do nothing at all 3Cfooe64NKy-00003-00001463-00001884 but make a calculated decision based on the risk and reward of that decision 3Cfooe64NKy-00004-00001884-00002294 you're likely to make now to undertake change we often need to do something 3Cfooe64NKy-00005-00002294-00002697 slightly different and often that's outside of our comfort zone but don't 3Cfooe64NKy-00006-00002697-00003119 allow this to put you off or make you afraid of making the decision because 3Cfooe64NKy-00007-00003119-00003519 every decision that we make has an outcome from which we can learn we learn 3Cfooe64NKy-00008-00003519-00004079 what to repeat what we can tweak and what to never do again 3CKhD6Mxu8U-00000-00000000-00000200 youtube income 3FdPAxIKlaY-00000-00000000-00000200 Ghamasan.com 3FRXdAt2S2E-00000-00001537-00001977 Okay so global Game Jam is about to start, we're excited to be here with you 3FRXdAt2S2E-00001-00001977-00002331 and we wanted to take a minute to give you our three steps to success this weekend 3FRXdAt2S2E-00002-00002331-00002900 Step number one you're gonna need a theme.... [theme tune plays] 3FRXdAt2S2E-00003-00002900-00003422 that's a theme tune... anyway you're gonna need a theme a theme is gonna help 3FRXdAt2S2E-00004-00003422-00003771 inspire you to make whatever it is you make and Global Game Jam are gonna give 3FRXdAt2S2E-00005-00003771-00004172 that to you real soon, so look out for that. Step number two you're gonna need a 3FRXdAt2S2E-00006-00004172-00004592 copy of Unity (naturally). Everybody who's made something in Unity in the past has 3FRXdAt2S2E-00007-00004593-00004852 helped make it better let's take a moment to look at some of the coolest 3FRXdAt2S2E-00008-00004852-00005100 made with unity stuff out there 3FRXdAt2S2E-00009-00005598-00006016 Step number three is this awesome list of resources that we've put together to 3FRXdAt2S2E-00010-00006016-00006321 help you succeed this weekend. It's full of assets store packs to help 3FRXdAt2S2E-00011-00006321-00006679 you get started, learning resources in case you get stuck and you can even use 3FRXdAt2S2E-00012-00006679-00007050 Unity Teams for free, so that you can create together more easily. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00013-00007050-00007486 That's it from us at Unity so make friends, make games and have an amazing Global Game Jam. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00014-00007486-00007680 We'll see you there 3FRXdAt2S2E-00015-00007690-00008415 Amazon AppStore powers game and app publishing for Android devices, Amazon fire TVs and Fire tablets Amazon 3FRXdAt2S2E-00016-00008415-00008853 Appstore is available in over 236 countries and territories giving 3FRXdAt2S2E-00017-00008853-00009307 developers instant access to customers worldwide we offer an array of developer 3FRXdAt2S2E-00018-00009307-00009700 services creating an end-to-end solution for developers, allowing them to build 3FRXdAt2S2E-00019-00009700-00010255 test market and monetize their game. Join us for this year's Global Game Jam 3FRXdAt2S2E-00020-00010255-00010702 as developers from all over the world come together to create new games. Post jam 3FRXdAt2S2E-00021-00010702-00011083 you'll get exclusive offers for new exciting game dev tools and get the 3FRXdAt2S2E-00022-00011083-00011299 chance to be featured on the Amazon AppStore. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00023-00011299-00011600 Sign up to learn more and keep an eye out for our post jam announcements 3FRXdAt2S2E-00024-00011600-00011800 you won't want to miss em! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00025-00017700-00018120 GGJ NEXT - A Game Jam for young creators 3FRXdAt2S2E-00026-00018120-00018600 July 2018 3FRXdAt2S2E-00027-00018802-00019302 Global Game Jam celebrates 10 years 3FRXdAt2S2E-00028-00031050-00031606 a simple trip on an airplane gives us a vision of the world that our imagination 3FRXdAt2S2E-00029-00031606-00032299 could not have otherwise. Once we return to our modest existence as pedestrians 3FRXdAt2S2E-00030-00032299-00033025 we will remember the splendor of the Sun as well as a perception of unlimited 3FRXdAt2S2E-00031-00033025-00033930 space in which for a moment we felt ourselves to be free -- Henri Matisse 3FRXdAt2S2E-00032-00034125-00035215 Looking -- Corita Kent. We don't really know what exists in the universe so we have 3FRXdAt2S2E-00033-00035215-00035655 to be alert to see what we've not seen before 3FRXdAt2S2E-00034-00035655-00036328 look at something around you and say about whatever catches your eye, I don't 3FRXdAt2S2E-00035-00036328-00037170 understand that object now. We don't understand the fullness of everything 3FRXdAt2S2E-00036-00037170-00037969 of anything. Things constantly change and we may have seen an object only five 3FRXdAt2S2E-00037-00037969-00038893 minutes ago and thought we knew it. But now it is very different. To be able to 3FRXdAt2S2E-00038-00038893-00039436 adjust to those subtle differences means looking and new with what new materials 3FRXdAt2S2E-00039-00039436-00040009 we have gathered up inside ourselves as well as noting what changes have taken 3FRXdAt2S2E-00040-00040009-00040800 place within the object. We need to be aware of what we don't yet know. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00041-00040800-00041443 Matisse said that to look at something as though you had never seen it requires great 3FRXdAt2S2E-00042-00041443-00042372 courage. Our eyes of course are one of our finest tools needing constant care. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00043-00042372-00042912 There are many ways of caring of sharpening our tool keeping it clean 3FRXdAt2S2E-00044-00042912-00043705 oiling its parts using it properly respecting its value. We might also 3FRXdAt2S2E-00045-00043705-00044362 consider than negative results that come from not caring for a tool. It would rust 3FRXdAt2S2E-00046-00044362-00045300 and fall apart become useless. We would lose it. We'd become blind. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00047-00045300-00045856 If you have a child of two or three or you can borrow one, let her give you the beginning 3FRXdAt2S2E-00048-00045856-00046506 lesson and looking. It takes just a few minutes it will be full of pauses 3FRXdAt2S2E-00049-00046506-00047323 circling touching and picking up in order to smell, shake, taste, rub, and 3FRXdAt2S2E-00050-00047323-00048052 scrape. To the child the journey of this particular day with its special light 3FRXdAt2S2E-00051-00048052-00048757 and sound has never been made before. So the child treats the situation with the 3FRXdAt2S2E-00052-00048757-00049660 open curiosity and attention that it deserves. The child is quite right. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00053-00049660-00050224 It takes practice for us to recover this ability to see or before that the gift 3FRXdAt2S2E-00054-00050224-00050944 of wanting to see. For so many years we have been learning to judge and dismiss 3FRXdAt2S2E-00055-00050944-00051703 I know what that thing is, I've seen it a hundred times. And we've lost the complex 3FRXdAt2S2E-00056-00051703-00052616 realities laws and details that surround us. Try looking the way a child looks as 3FRXdAt2S2E-00057-00052616-00053166 if always for the first time and you will I promise 3FRXdAt2S2E-00058-00053166-00054069 feel wider awake. Try it. Do it. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00059-00054217-00054725 when the first ever game jams happened here in the Bay Area almost 20 years ago 3FRXdAt2S2E-00060-00054725-00055229 they were motivated by a sincere interest and looking at games through a 3FRXdAt2S2E-00061-00055229-00056016 different lens. Not just game engines or gameplay but experimentation, expression 3FRXdAt2S2E-00062-00056016-00056700 and even the distribution of games on the Internet which was a novel concept at the time. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00063-00056700-00057338 From just over a dozen of us in a small room in Oakland hacking away 3FRXdAt2S2E-00064-00057338-00057992 to see what would happen over a weekend, to thousands collaborating all over the 3FRXdAt2S2E-00065-00057992-00059054 globe in a single coordinated event. It's almost impossible to imagine... and yet 3FRXdAt2S2E-00066-00059054-00059372 here we are 3FRXdAt2S2E-00067-00059936-00060603 Corita had something to say about this too. How can we become bright 3FRXdAt2S2E-00068-00060603-00061134 hard-working imaginative people? By learning how to use our connecting 3FRXdAt2S2E-00069-00061134-00061716 ability to make new relationships and by getting used to working very hard in 3FRXdAt2S2E-00070-00061716-00062448 ways that will develop our imaginations. The very word imagination implies that 3FRXdAt2S2E-00071-00062448-00063114 you are into territory no one else has ever been before. A rigid discipline that 3FRXdAt2S2E-00072-00063114-00063798 demands one right way is confining and limiting we need one that is liberating 3FRXdAt2S2E-00073-00063798-00064454 and boundless that allows us to make new connections in completely new situations 3FRXdAt2S2E-00074-00064454-00065490 I believe that Corita is correct. Life is short and time passes right before your eyes. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00075-00065490-00066204 Choose to be present honest and open to this experience. Engage your eyes 3FRXdAt2S2E-00076-00066204-00066900 and imagination and step into the new. Jam well everybody. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00077-00066900-00067378 Peace. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00078-00068394-00069070 WARNING This video contains explicit langua... Anyway, you're always welcome 3FRXdAt2S2E-00079-00069070-00069583 I'm Thorsten I'm your instructor for today. How are you doing today? When I started 3FRXdAt2S2E-00080-00069583-00070036 organising game events the main motivation was working with playful people, 3FRXdAt2S2E-00081-00070036-00070608 building communities, connecting disciplines and people who are sharing 3FRXdAt2S2E-00082-00070608-00071179 the same passion of gameplay, world building and interactive storytelling. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00083-00071179-00071962 If you have something to say say it out LOUD and put it into your work all you 3FRXdAt2S2E-00084-00071962-00072826 love your feelings experiences or your anger and your doubts ask questions and 3FRXdAt2S2E-00085-00072826-00073602 be honest about what surrounds you politically, socially, culturally, destroy 3FRXdAt2S2E-00086-00073602-00074311 your pink bubble and have an opinion. I like to play such games and AMAZE likes to 3FRXdAt2S2E-00087-00074311-00074613 see something like that. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00088-00075860-00076100 As making game is a creative process 3FRXdAt2S2E-00089-00076100-00076300 you need to have a clear mind 3FRXdAt2S2E-00090-00076300-00076650 and everybody knows, in a fit body 3FRXdAt2S2E-00091-00076650-00076850 rests a clear mind. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00092-00076850-00077050 Your brain and your body 3FRXdAt2S2E-00093-00077050-00077400 has to get connected. We are people and we like to move. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00094-00077400-00077900 so let's move. I like to invite you to a little aerobic exercise 3FRXdAt2S2E-00095-00077900-00078200 to get you ready for the jam. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00096-00078200-00078750 Don't forget, we are HUGE family, we're worldwide movement 3FRXdAt2S2E-00097-00078750-00079100 and you are now and here a big part. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00098-00079100-00079250 So let's celebrate it! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00099-00079250-00079650 the next 48 hours and further! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00100-00079650-00080200 Okay. Get ready. Some of you have not enough space to move around. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00101-00080200-00080400 So do it with your hands. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00102-00080400-00080600 And watch, and listen 3FRXdAt2S2E-00103-00080702-00080802 Relax. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00104-00081104-00081504 Get vertical. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00105-00081504-00081700 Breath in. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00106-00081700-00081900 and out. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00107-00081900-00082100 Breath in 3FRXdAt2S2E-00108-00082800-00083000 ARE YOU READY NOW? 3FRXdAt2S2E-00109-00083145-00083980 Okay let's go! Now I have six exercises prepared for you. Please follow me. Try to remember them and in 3FRXdAt2S2E-00110-00083980-00084720 the hard time they will bring your magic back on track. SO, find your position 3FRXdAt2S2E-00111-00084720-00085400 and listen to the beat, and... 3FRXdAt2S2E-00112-00085900-00086400 Exercise 1 : Be open to the new. To the unexpected. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00113-00086400-00086700 Discover the NEW YOU. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00114-00086700-00087100 And be ready to fail. It won't hurt, trust me. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00115-00087100-00087600 No one will blame you, here we are all friends. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00116-00087600-00087800 Look around. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00117-00087800-00088000 It will build you. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00118-00088000-00088200 YEAH. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00119-00088200-00088600 And the first exercise is called, get out of your comfort zone 3FRXdAt2S2E-00120-00088600-00088800 so, get ready 3FRXdAt2S2E-00121-00088800-00089600 and stretch the left arm out. Stretch it out, yes and... 3FRXdAt2S2E-00122-00089600-00090700 get out of your comfort zone. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00123-00090700-00091080 Exercise 2 : do whatever you want! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00124-00091080-00091520 Don't worry about anything be honest with yourself and the world 3FRXdAt2S2E-00125-00091520-00091900 don't be just nice, nobody is just nice, be ANGRY. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00126-00091900-00092200 Let it out and channel it in your game. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00127-00092200-00092480 FOREVER PUNK! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00128-00092480-00093000 Fuck the mainstream, stay underground. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00129-00094500-00095320 Exercise 3 : Have fun, don't get stuck. Have a light head and fly. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00130-00095320-00095900 Reach the sun! And satisfy yourself with what you do. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00131-00095990-00096300 Be weird, and amazing. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00132-00096300-00097700 Don't blow your mind, blow the other's mind. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00133-00098320-00098800 Reach the sun, and satisfy yourself with what you do. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00134-00098800-00099210 Exercise 4 : Respect and speak out. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00135-00099210-00099410 Stay same level 3FRXdAt2S2E-00136-00099410-00099610 don't swallow your opinions 3FRXdAt2S2E-00137-00099610-00099890 talk it out and share your ideas 3FRXdAt2S2E-00138-00099890-00100600 and listen to the others it's teamwork and every single person in the team should feel AMAZING. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00139-00100600-00100920 So, get ready 3FRXdAt2S2E-00140-00100920-00101300 No master. No slave. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00141-00101720-00102190 Exercise 5 : Think big. Think bigger than ever. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00142-00102190-00102550 It's not the end of the world having no complete game after the jam 3FRXdAt2S2E-00143-00102550-00102959 what are you taking of a 48 hours game jam when you are only focusing on the game 3FRXdAt2S2E-00144-00102959-00103240 I can tell you, you will MISS A LOT. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00145-00103240-00103620 Be social, make friends, and play and share 3FRXdAt2S2E-00146-00103620-00104190 this is only the start of your game, so: 3FRXdAt2S2E-00147-00104270-00104990 Don't finish your game. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00148-00105400-00105600 Exercise 6 : 3FRXdAt2S2E-00149-00105600-00106100 I know you are hot to run the next 48 hours 3FRXdAt2S2E-00150-00106100-00106620 don't forget the moves they will help you to get through this marathon 3FRXdAt2S2E-00151-00106700-00107280 Now let's praise together and wish everyone and amazing time! YEAH! 3FRXdAt2S2E-00152-00107280-00107900 Praise the Global Game Jam team Praise the local organisers and the hosts 3FRXdAt2S2E-00153-00107900-00108520 Praise all the participants in the room cheer them - YEAH 3FRXdAt2S2E-00154-00108520-00108720 Praise all jammers in the world 3FRXdAt2S2E-00155-00108720-00109680 we are AMAZING 3FRXdAt2S2E-00156-00109680-00110200 Say it out loud together WE ARE AMAZING 3FRXdAt2S2E-00157-00110200-00110600 Enjoy the 10th Global Game Jam 3FRXdAt2S2E-00158-00110685-00111000 AMAZE loves you and me too. 3FRXdAt2S2E-00159-00127100-00127700 TRANSMISSION 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00000-00000000-00000330 It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00001-00000330-00000576 are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00002-00000660-00000936 The secret of getting ahead is getting started 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00003-00001014-00001416 If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00004-00001500-00001950 And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00005-00002058-00002526 Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00006-00002640-00002970 Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00007-00003066-00003456 The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00008-00003546-00003972 A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00009-00004068-00004812 In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00010-00004902-00005082 Truth is stranger than fiction, 3Gy61-Mx_dE-00011-00005082-00005532 but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't 3ICTzBxyOSg-00000-00000000-00000617 Welcome to ‘A Bill a Minute’ from GovTrack, your short breakdown of interesting bills in Congress. I’m Jesse Rifkin. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00001-00000617-00001294 Kombucha is a fermented black tea or green tea drink that’s growing in sales and popularity. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00002-00001294-00002142 Under current law, a beverage is taxed and regulated as “alcoholic” if it contains at least 0.5 percent alcohol by volume. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00003-00002142-00003116 Kombucha generally falls under this threshold, but it can keep fermenting after it’s bottled as the yeasts inside continue to eat sugars. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00004-00003116-00004244 As a result, it can sometimes come just above that 0.5 percent threshold by the time it reaches store shelves, subjecting it to taxes and regulations as though it was real “alcohol.” 3ICTzBxyOSg-00005-00004244-00004941 The thing is, in real life, nobody actually drinks kombucha for its alcoholic effects, extremely low as they are. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00006-00004941-00005615 You would have to drink about 10 bottles of kombucha to equal the alcohol equivalent of one beer. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00007-00005615-00007167 So the KOMBUCHA Act would stop taxing and regulating kombucha like beer or wine, by more than doubling the alcohol by volume threshold before the tax kicks in, from 0.5% to 1.25%. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00008-00007167-00008181 The House version was introduced by Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer. The Senate version was introduced by Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00009-00008181-00009262 Supporters argue that the 1.25% alcohol by volume threshold would reflect what people actually purchase when they’re specifically looking for an alcoholic drink. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00010-00009262-00010280 Opponents counter that kombucha is taxed and regulated as though it contains alcohol because -- well, it does technically contain alcohol. 3ICTzBxyOSg-00011-00010280-00011501 Well… cheers. [Drinks from a cup.] Hey, that’s pretty good. I mean, it’s also not kombucha, it’s fruit punch. 3K0m9_nv5CA-00000-00000000-00001592 can yaman puts on a show the holiday begins in a club and many women without clothes 3K0m9_nv5CA-00001-00001844-00002536 Can yaman has decided to go wild on vacation but it rains some criticism for the charming turkish 3K0m9_nv5CA-00002-00002536-00003328 actor kanyaman takes a break from his exhausting work in the gym waiting for santa can ease filming 3K0m9_nv5CA-00003-00003328-00003976 and silences the rumors that he would be happily engaged with francesca delfa star of el padiso del 3K0m9_nv5CA-00004-00003976-00004736 signore turkish actor in fact lets himself go to the club and with him there are many girls 3K0m9_nv5CA-00005-00004736-00005456 very little dressed in the last hours after the photos that framed him kanyaman ended 3K0m9_nv5CA-00006-00005456-00006032 up again at the center of the gossip this time for the alleged liaison with francesca del pha 3K0m9_nv5CA-00007-00006032-00006672 the face of irene cipriani in il prodiso del signore two were pinched together during the 3K0m9_nv5CA-00008-00006672-00007352 event that saw them as protagonists in sardinia close-knit and accomplices to the point of 3K0m9_nv5CA-00009-00007352-00007928 suggesting that canny's heart has started beating after the stormy breakup with diletta liada about 3K0m9_nv5CA-00010-00007928-00008584 a year ago perhaps precisely to deny and silence these erroneous assumptions about his love life 3K0m9_nv5CA-00011-00008640-00009296 can has decided to go hard and show on instagram through some ig stories the scandalous debut of 3K0m9_nv5CA-00012-00009296-00009968 his single holiday in romini and riccione the turkish actor made it known that he had taken a 3K0m9_nv5CA-00013-00009968-00010520 break from the long and exhausting gym sessions waiting for the debut of santa kinney's filming 3K0m9_nv5CA-00014-00010624-00011120 moving to the well-known seaside resort and cheering up his single night in a club 3K0m9_nv5CA-00015-00011120-00011768 also immortalizing some image girls decidedly little dressed strange gesture this given that 3K0m9_nv5CA-00016-00011768-00012400 yaman is always very jealous of his private life and his free time but perhaps a tactical gesture 3K0m9_nv5CA-00017-00012400-00012784 to prevent that just before the summer someone can think that he is happily busy 3K0m9_nv5CA-00018-00012912-00013447 meanwhile can fans are wondering whether or not the turkish actor will be invited to the wedding 3K0m9_nv5CA-00019-00013447-00014184 of oz jigural and circan kaio glue or rather to the renewal of vows to be held in italy in august 3K_ugeRVn9A-00000-00000210-00000378 foreign [Music] 3K_ugeRVn9A-00001-00000378-00000457 [Music] 3LmLvfpdLhu-00000-00000438-00001002 Hirata Food Combat no es interesante Estoy cansado de estar en un saco de boxeo 3LmLvfpdLhu-00001-00001002-00001348 Mira un poco de posguerra [Música] 3LmLvfpdLhu-00002-00001348-00002068 ¿Qué debería ser Milledge? Dijo que se estaba muriendo 3LmLvfpdLhu-00003-00002722-00003997 Es una torre roja, así que como empresa, hubo un período de autocontrol, y el precio del desarrollo se detuvo allí. Es un período en el que hay que pensar en el pueblo en agonía en casa. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00004-00003997-00004723 Ya es bastante movimiento y sonido durante más de un mes, así que me abstuve de hacerlo, y cuando todos se reunieron, el pueblo al que fui no era el mismo que ahora. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00005-00004724-00004972 Hmm hoy todos 3LmLvfpdLhu-00006-00004972-00005769 Bueno, fue un buen partido, así que deberíamos pasarlo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00007-00005769-00006147 Luego hubo una cura. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00008-00006147-00006809 En los primeros pueblos, el concepto de morir 3LmLvfpdLhu-00009-00006809-00007927 ¿Cuánto aplica en términos de cuánto puede dar a una capa de impaciencia y miedo a la gente para doblar la taza de hormigón del coche? 3LmLvfpdLhu-00010-00007927-00009057 Las empresas a menudo ponen el mayor esfuerzo en producir cosas que parecían aterradoras y claras, en forma de una prueba de enfoque una vez durante el proceso de producción. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00011-00009057-00009725 Bueno, hice que algunos jugadores jugaran eso, pero lo conseguí 3LmLvfpdLhu-00012-00009725-00010574 En cuanto al cerebro, el enemigo ciertamente ataca con tremenda fuerza, pero al contrario, hubo muchas reacciones que era raro pensar. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00013-00010574-00011552 Bueno, les pedí a los invitados que vieran lo que intenté arreglar allí. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00014-00011552-00012397 En ese momento, la mujer sintió fuertemente que esto era malo, el avance del terremoto lo escuché de ese desarrollo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00015-00012397-00013237 Y el contenido es diferente al de la barra, la impresión cuando toqué por primera vez la batalla del pueblo 3LmLvfpdLhu-00016-00013237-00014316 De todos modos, hay muchos enemigos, y los enemigos atacan de manera muy agresiva, por lo que hay pocas almas aquí, y la batalla no es interesante, por lo que es realmente molesta y aburrida. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00017-00014316-00014802 No es tan dificil 3LmLvfpdLhu-00018-00014810-00015396 ¿Es un saco de boxeo? Se veía así. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00019-00015396-00016266 Por supuesto, la gran parte es un lugar del que hay que tener cuidado como director de proyecto. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00020-00016266-00017167 Siempre que el problema sea claramente visible, es una buena idea dejarlo solo y finalmente alcanzar la meta. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00021-00017167-00018064 Después de todo, era difícil elegir, así que llegué a la conclusión de que debería desafiar 3LmLvfpdLhu-00022-00018146-00018516 Cuando lo pienso ahora, es un poco 3LmLvfpdLhu-00023-00018516-00019407 Supongo que no pude terminarlo. Todo el mundo parecía vago sobre lo que debería ser el Milledge, pero creo que no pude terminarlo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00024-00019407-00020370 Bueno, yo digo que el desarrollo se hace con confianza. Bueno, lo hago con todo mi corazón y alma todos los días, así que en general, cuando me encuentro, muchas veces no me sale una buena cara, ¿no? 3LmLvfpdLhu-00025-00020370-00020926 En tales circunstancias, creo que la comprensión del desarrollo general ya está progresando. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00026-00020926-00021348 Sin embargo, en el caso de esa chica, el momento es 3LmLvfpdLhu-00027-00021348-00022125 6 Hay muchas ocasiones en las que estamos en este período, así que creo que es un arado repulsivo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00028-00022125-00022547 Estaba impaciente, pero creo que es un escenario 3LmLvfpdLhu-00029-00022547-00023275 ¿Es posible decir algo así en este momento? ¿Es un niño realmente loco? Creo que todavía soy lo suficientemente bueno. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00030-00023275-00023966 Se dice que también hubo un sentimiento de eso, pero un miembro que puede decir con firmeza que debe decirlo a pesar de la repulsión 3LmLvfpdLhu-00031-00023966-00024514 Eché un vistazo a esa reunión como alineación inicial en ese museo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00032-00024514-00024794 Curar ya 3LmLvfpdLhu-00033-00024794-00025644 De todos modos, la falla más rápida y mínima para transmitir correctamente el conjunto 3LmLvfpdLhu-00034-00025644-00026331 ¿Cuál es la verdadera razón del año en el que empiezas a pensar? 3LmLvfpdLhu-00035-00026331-00027008 Creo que la idea básica es que las personas de terror que van en busca de personas no quieren ir, pero tienen que irse. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00036-00027008-00027611 Pero si puedo descubrir cómo puedo demostrar que tengo que ir allí 3LmLvfpdLhu-00037-00027612-00028304 Si las personas que están felices de hacerlo para siempre son perros 3LmLvfpdLhu-00038-00028304-00029328 En lugar de informar reflexivamente a la médula espinal diciendo que quería hacerlo de todos modos, tenía problemas para sobrevivir y me perdí. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00039-00029328-00030370 Protegiendo ese razonamiento, miedo y peligro, amor, todos los pasos están muriendo como ese paquete 3LmLvfpdLhu-00040-00030370-00031195 Después de esa modificación, ¿cuánto andan o evocan las emociones del jugador allí? 3LmLvfpdLhu-00041-00031195-00031769 La cuestión de si puedes señalar historias o diseñar niveles fue un tema muy importante. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00042-00031769-00032461 En lugar de simplemente hablar a alta velocidad y apresurar al jugador 3LmLvfpdLhu-00043-00032461-00033537 Al crear intencionalmente un momento en el que podría estar atacando o estar en el futuro, crea una sensación de tensión y, por el contrario, cuando un enemigo realmente aparece allí, está allí de inmediato. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00044-00033537-00034184 Lo hice para que fuera consciente del hecho de que ganaba impulso y enfatizaba la lentitud y la velocidad. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00045-00034184-00035183 Siento que pude hacerlo por primera vez allí. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00046-00035183-00036080 Me pregunto si pude lograr eso. Me pregunto si fue un juego como este el que Purekko se convirtió en un riesgo biológico. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00047-00036080-00036728 Como director, pensé que estaba contento de haber hecho todo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00048-00036728-00037015 Tu crees 3LmLvfpdLhu-00049-00037086-00037475 Puedo decir con confianza que he mejorado ahora 3LmLvfpdLhu-00050-00037631-00038302 [Música] Se me permitió enumerar ese considerable número de temas de aquí. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00051-00038302-00039316 Para ser honesto, me sorprendió que se hicieran muchas mejoras en ese corto período de tiempo, y algunas de ellas fueron reemplazadas por excelentes resultados. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00052-00039316-00040100 El desarrollo de la gestión del deterioro es una posición diferente, pero es un buen producto para los clientes Celtic 3LmLvfpdLhu-00053-00040100-00041165 Debería ser el mismo para el propósito, por lo que continuaremos dando la opinión de que los clientes estarán más satisfechos con este tipo de desarrollo sin ser sontaku. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00054-00041165-00041815 Aunque estoy odiado y enojado, estoy pensando en lanzarlo sin dudarlo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00055-00041846-00042981 Después de todo, desde el punto de vista del departamento de control de calidad, esto es desde la perspectiva de que realmente más jugadores pueden disfrutarlo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00056-00042981-00043749 Dijo que sería mejor hacer esto, sabiendo que definitivamente vendría. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00057-00043749-00044387 Creo que era absolutamente necesario a la hora de hacer un buen producto. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00058-00044387-00045062 Haré todo lo posible para llegar a muchos jugadores Tony. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00059-00045062-00045438 Espero que pueda esperarlo. 3LmLvfpdLhu-00060-00045480-00045818 Mmm yo 3LmLvfpdLhu-00061-00045818-00046119 panearme 3LmLvfpdLhu-00062-00046119-00046523 sí Sí Sí Sí 3LmLvfpdLhu-00063-00046526-00046807 me 3LC08zsl31E-00000-00000006-00000700 this is an awesome song by Queen you might not know, called Drowse, by Roger Taylor 3LC08zsl31E-00001-00000700-00001000 read the lyrics, they're fantastic 3LC08zsl31E-00002-00001800-00002690 it's the sad-eyed goodbye yesterday moments I remember 3LC08zsl31E-00003-00002690-00003558 it's the bleak street week-kneed partings, i recall 3LC08zsl31E-00004-00003558-00004124 it's the mistier mist, the hazier days 3LC08zsl31E-00005-00004136-00004512 the brighter sun and the easier lays 3LC08zsl31E-00006-00004522-00005002 and there's all the more reason, for laughing or crying 3LC08zsl31E-00007-00005014-00005578 when you're younger and life isn't too hard at all 3LC08zsl31E-00008-00006380-00007302 it's the fantastic drowse of the afternoon Sundays that bored you to rages of tears 3LC08zsl31E-00009-00007302-00008190 it's the unending pleadings to waste all your good times on thoughts of your middle-aged years 3LC08zsl31E-00010-00008190-00008672 it's the vertical hold, all the things that you're told 3LC08zsl31E-00011-00008672-00009142 for the everyday hero, it all turns to zero 3LC08zsl31E-00012-00009142-00010136 and there's all the more reason for living or dying, when you're young and your troubles are all very small 3LC08zsl31E-00013-00011012-00011420 out here on the street, we'd gather and meet 3LC08zsl31E-00014-00011420-00011972 and scuff up the sidewalks with endlessly restless feet 3LC08zsl31E-00015-00011972-00012340 and half of the time, we'd broaden our minds 3LC08zsl31E-00016-00012340-00012796 more in the pool hall than we did in the school hall 3LC08zsl31E-00017-00012796-00013182 with the downtown chewing gum bums 3LC08zsl31E-00018-00013308-00013712 watching the nightlife the lights and fun! 3LC08zsl31E-00019-00014696-00015156 never wanted to be the boy next door 3LC08zsl31E-00020-00015156-00015552 always thought i'd be something more 3LC08zsl31E-00021-00015552-00016019 but it ain't easy for a small town boy 3LC08zsl31E-00022-00016019-00016436 it ain't easy at all 3LC08zsl31E-00023-00016436-00017330 thinking it right, doing it wrong, it's easier from an armchair 3LC08zsl31E-00024-00017330-00018290 waves of alternatives wash at my sleepiness, have my eggs poached for breakfast i guess 3LC08zsl31E-00025-00018380-00018792 i think i'll be Roger Taylor 3LC08zsl31E-00026-00018792-00019264 or Raylan Givens... 3LC08zsl31E-00027-00019264-00019582 or Boyd Crowder 3N7ot_gxAYU-00000-00000312-00000768 Hi, my name is Kona Keaulana and this is Makana. I'm eight years old and I'm 10. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00001-00000864-00001360 We are going to be making pizzas and we will be using pita bread, 3N7ot_gxAYU-00002-00001480-00002039 black olives. It's organic, organic black olives, and organic broccoli. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00003-00002184-00002368 Then we're going to be using some organic 3N7ot_gxAYU-00004-00002432-00002640 mushrooms and mushrooms. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00005-00002640-00002736 Panini. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00006-00002879-00003036 Keito-friendly sauce! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00007-00003097-00003165 Keto-friendly. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00008-00003320-00003584 Low sodium, sugar-free marinara sauce, 3N7ot_gxAYU-00009-00003688-00003952 home-grown...argula. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00010-00003952-00004002 *Arugula* 3N7ot_gxAYU-00011-00004002-00004088 Arugla! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00012-00004088-00004184 The cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00013-00004184-00004366 Oh yeah, and the. cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00014-00004366-00004494 Oh yeah and cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00015-00004494-00004621 What's thefirst step? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00016-00004696-00004910 The first step is to put on the sauce 3N7ot_gxAYU-00017-00004910-00005326 I'll put on the sauce! And then you get to put your 3N7ot_gxAYU-00018-00005326-00005750 sauce on yours but I'm gonna make mine. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00019-00005777-00005925 All over the place. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00020-00006016-00006400 Remember this is your choice. You can use um, youcan use 3N7ot_gxAYU-00021-00006400-00006792 any type, so you could just put cheese or you 3N7ot_gxAYU-00022-00006792-00006973 could use different type of breads. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00023-00007072-00007271 This is yours to make, if you want to make. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00024-00007305-00007571 Andwe're done with the sauce. I was gonna eat one 3N7ot_gxAYU-00025-00007571-00007876 but I thought that was disrespectfuland now 3N7ot_gxAYU-00026-00007876-00008040 I'm gonna put on my cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00027-00008312-00008518 Just one spoonful of cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00028-00008548-00008614 Spreadit around. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00029-00008695-00008817 You can use some more cheese. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00030-00008817-00008883 That's okay. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00031-00008990-00009200 Try toget it on the pita though. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00032-00009200-00009421 So Makana, remember kind of try to use your 3N7ot_gxAYU-00033-00009421-00009613 hand andjust sprinkle it around. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00034-00010368-00010623 And then I'm gonna, I'm gonna put the 3N7ot_gxAYU-00035-00010623-00010788 mushrooms on first. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00036-00010800-00010908 Here I'll put them on. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00037-00010995-00011199 No, no you put your, you make your own. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00038-00011199-00011298 You can just make yourown, okay? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00039-00011386-00011540 This is from Small Kine Farm. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00040-00011540-00011615 We get at CSA. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00041-00011655-00011944 And then these are with butter so I'm going to eat one bite. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00042-00011944-00012106 No vegetables from local farms? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00043-00012241-00012329 You can eat. a little bit. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00044-00012389-00012439 how about, 3N7ot_gxAYU-00045-00012508-00012558 Okay 3N7ot_gxAYU-00046-00012590-00012640 Cut us up! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00047-00012769-00012957 Okay, so that'sreally good. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00048-00013022-00013075 Anything else you like? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00049-00013075-00013191 Olives right? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00050-00013191-00013458 These are organic black olives fromLindsay. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00051-00013528-00013660 Come in a can. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00052-00013660-00013749 You can buy them in bulk. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00053-00013952-00014160 And put a little bit more mushroom. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00054-00014193-00014524 Okay, and thelast thing Makana will put on, 3N7ot_gxAYU-00055-00014586-00015000 if you guys want to put this on, I know you might not want to 3N7ot_gxAYU-00056-00015000-00015219 butwe are going to put some broccoli. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00057-00015280-00015438 This is going to be my mom's cause you know, 3N7ot_gxAYU-00058-00015438-00015558 she likes um... 3N7ot_gxAYU-00059-00015558-00015941 SoI'm gonna use some more "adult-friendly" flavors. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00060-00016021-00016175 So like so this arugula that we're growing in theside of 3N7ot_gxAYU-00061-00016175-00016412 our yard and some of this sweet basil. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00062-00016416-00016732 I'm gonna put that on after I bake these. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00063-00016787-00017193 We are gonna bake these at 400 degrees for... 3N7ot_gxAYU-00064-00017302-00017512 10 minutes until the cheese bubbles. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00065-00017512-00017708 And now my brother's gonnamake his. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00066-00017776-00017845 Okay! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00067-00017851-00018071 I'll be taking out our pizzas. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00068-00018563-00018666 Oooh! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00069-00019448-00019592 Which one is mine? 3N7ot_gxAYU-00070-00020164-00020336 Mommy is going to top hers... 3N7ot_gxAYU-00071-00020471-00020796 with one of these fresh herbs. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00072-00020984-00021089 It's like a salad pizza! 3N7ot_gxAYU-00073-00021089-00021256 Waitthat one's mine because I put... 3N7ot_gxAYU-00074-00021328-00021554 It's like, only you only put likethree broccolis. 3N7ot_gxAYU-00075-00021554-00021653 Great job boys! 3OzcWLNk1TI-00000-00000008-00001146 ក្រុមហ៊ុន HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) ដែលជាបុត្រសម្ព័ន្ធរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនយក្សសិង្ហបូរី 3OzcWLNk1TI-00001-00001146-00003116 HLH Group កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ៨ មិថុនា នេះ បានចុះហត្ថលេខាលើអនុស្សារណៈយោគយល់គ្នាជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុន 3OzcWLNk1TI-00002-00003116-00004326 Cambodia Hei Shi Mineral ដើម្បីសហវិនិយោគទឹកប្រាក់ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00003-00004326-00004871 ២០លានដុល្លារ បង្កើតគម្រោងរុករករ៉ែនៅក្នុងទីតាំងមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលកសិកម្មរបស់ខ្លួន នៅខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00004-00004871-00005239 បើយោងតាមសារព័ត៌មាន The Edge Singapore អនុស្សារណៈនៃការយោគយល់នេះមានរយៈពេល 3OzcWLNk1TI-00005-00005239-00005383 ១០ឆ្នាំ ដែលបើកសិទ្ធឱ្យបន្តបាន។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00006-00005383-00005711 ក្នុងនោះក្រុមហ៊ុន HLH Agriculture នឹងទទួលបាន 3OzcWLNk1TI-00007-00005711-00006291 ៦០% នៃប្រាក់ចំណេញ ចំណែកឯ Hei Shi Mineral និងទទួលបាន 3OzcWLNk1TI-00008-00006291-00006391 ៤០%។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00009-00006391-00006692 តាមកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀង ភាគីទាំង២ នឹងបង្កើតក្រុមហ៊ុនរួមគ្នាមួយ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00010-00006692-00007395 ដែលក្រុមហ៊ុន HLH Agriculture នឹងទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងការផ្តល់ដី 3OzcWLNk1TI-00011-00007395-00007831 និងចាត់ចែករឿងសិទ្ធិរុករករ៉ែ ខណៈក្រុមហ៊ុន Hei Shi 3OzcWLNk1TI-00012-00007831-00008025 Mineral នឹងជាអ្នករុករករ៉ែ។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00013-00008025-00008360 ក្រុមហ៊ុន Hei Shi Mineral នឹងទទួលខុសត្រូវលើចំណាយ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00014-00008360-00008749 រួមមាន ការជួលកម្លាំងពលកម្ម គ្រឿងម៉ាស៊ីន បច្ចេកទេស 3OzcWLNk1TI-00015-00008749-00008849 និងការអភិវឌ្ឍហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធសម្រាប់ប្រតិបត្តិការរុករករ៉ែជាដើម។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00016-00008849-00009138 លើសពីនេះ ធនធានរ៉ែដែលផលិតបាន នឹងត្រូវបានប្រើជាចម្បងសម្រាប់ការសាងសង់ហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00017-00009138-00010934 រោងចក្រ និងអគារនានានៅខាងក្នុងមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលកសិកម្ម Agri Hub របស់ HLH Agriculture។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00018-00010934-00011302 គម្រោងនេះនឹងផ្តល់ឱកាសការងារជាច្រើនកន្លែងដល់ប្រជាជនក្នុងស្រុកឱរ៉ាល់ខេត្តកំពង់ស្ពឺ។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00019-00011302-00012698 គួរបញ្ជាក់ផងដែរ ក្រុមហ៊ុន HLH Group កាលពីដើមសប្តាហ៍នេះ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00020-00012698-00013213 សម្រេចលក់ភាគហ៊ុនទាំងអស់របស់ខ្លួនក្នុងអាជីវកម្មកសិដ្ឋានបែបរីសតនៅសិង្ហបូរី ក្នុងតម្លៃប្រមាណ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00021-00013213-00013985 ៣,៦ លានដុល្លារអាមេរិក ដើម្បីយកទុនមកផ្តោតលើអាជីវកម្មនៅកម្ពុជាឱ្យបានច្រើនជាងមុន។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00022-00013985-00014545 ក្រុមហ៊ុន HLH Group កន្លងមកបានវិនិយោគបង្កើតគម្រោងធំ ៗ ជាច្រើននៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា 3OzcWLNk1TI-00023-00014545-00014645 ពិសេសវិស័យក្នុងអចលនទ្រព្យនិងកសិកម្ម។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00024-00014645-00014806 គម្រោងទាំងនេះរួមមាន មណ្ឌលកសិកម្មតម្លៃរាប់ពាន់លានដុល្លារនៅកំពង់ស្ពឺ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00025-00014806-00014981 គម្រោងទីក្រុងអូរ៉ាល់ស៊ីធី គម្រោងអភិវឌ្ឍចម្រុះ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00026-00014981-00015915 D’Seaview នៅក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ គម្រោង Royal 3OzcWLNk1TI-00027-00015915-00016673 Platinum នៅភ្នំពេញ និងគម្រោងផ្សេងៗទៀត។ 3OzcWLNk1TI-00028-00016673-00018104 ថ្មីៗនេះ ក្រុមហ៊ុនក៏បានប្រកាសសហការរួមគ្នាជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនវិនិយោគ ២០០ លានដុល្លារសាងសង់រោងចក្រថាមពលពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យនៅក្នុងគម្រោងអូរ៉ាល់ស៊ីធីផងដែរ។ 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00000-00000010-00000306 POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00001-00000306-00000313 POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00002-00000313-00000413 POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 21 8-333-9111. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00003-00000413-00000420 POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 21 8-333-9111. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00004-00000420-00000487 POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 21 8-333-9111. >>> FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ON 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00005-00000487-00000493 21 8-333-9111. >>> FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ON 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00006-00000493-00000633 21 8-333-9111. >>> FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ON HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00007-00000633-00000640 >>> FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ON HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00008-00000640-00000814 >>> FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ON HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA, THE END OF 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00009-00000814-00000820 HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA, THE END OF 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00010-00000820-00000960 HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA, THE END OF CONSTRUCTION IS GETTING CLOSER. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00011-00000960-00000967 AND NISSWA, THE END OF CONSTRUCTION IS GETTING CLOSER. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00012-00000967-00001157 AND NISSWA, THE END OF CONSTRUCTION IS GETTING CLOSER. THE LARGE SCALE PROJECT WILL BE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00013-00001157-00001164 CONSTRUCTION IS GETTING CLOSER. THE LARGE SCALE PROJECT WILL BE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00014-00001164-00001291 CONSTRUCTION IS GETTING CLOSER. THE LARGE SCALE PROJECT WILL BE COMPLETED SOMETIME IN THE NEXT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00015-00001291-00001297 THE LARGE SCALE PROJECT WILL BE COMPLETED SOMETIME IN THE NEXT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00016-00001297-00001398 THE LARGE SCALE PROJECT WILL BE COMPLETED SOMETIME IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00017-00001398-00001404 COMPLETED SOMETIME IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00018-00001404-00001544 COMPLETED SOMETIME IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. SARAH WINKELMANN SPOKE WITH THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00019-00001544-00001551 FEW MONTHS. SARAH WINKELMANN SPOKE WITH THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00020-00001551-00001741 FEW MONTHS. SARAH WINKELMANN SPOKE WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER AND HAS THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00021-00001741-00001748 SARAH WINKELMANN SPOKE WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER AND HAS THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00022-00001748-00001888 SARAH WINKELMANN SPOKE WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER AND HAS THE DETAILS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00023-00001888-00001895 PROJECT MANAGER AND HAS THE DETAILS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00024-00001895-00002102 PROJECT MANAGER AND HAS THE DETAILS. >> Reporter: ORANGE BARRELS AND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00025-00002102-00002108 DETAILS. >> Reporter: ORANGE BARRELS AND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00026-00002108-00002268 DETAILS. >> Reporter: ORANGE BARRELS AND CONSTRUCTION CREWS HAVE BEEN A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00027-00002268-00002275 >> Reporter: ORANGE BARRELS AND CONSTRUCTION CREWS HAVE BEEN A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00028-00002275-00002555 >> Reporter: ORANGE BARRELS AND CONSTRUCTION CREWS HAVE BEEN A COMMON SIGHT FOR MOST OF THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00029-00002555-00002562 CONSTRUCTION CREWS HAVE BEEN A COMMON SIGHT FOR MOST OF THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00030-00002562-00002776 CONSTRUCTION CREWS HAVE BEEN A COMMON SIGHT FOR MOST OF THE NINE-MILE STRETCH OF HIGHWAY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00031-00002776-00002782 COMMON SIGHT FOR MOST OF THE NINE-MILE STRETCH OF HIGHWAY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00032-00002782-00002916 COMMON SIGHT FOR MOST OF THE NINE-MILE STRETCH OF HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00033-00002916-00002922 NINE-MILE STRETCH OF HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00034-00002922-00002982 NINE-MILE STRETCH OF HIGHWAY 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00035-00002982-00002989 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00036-00002989-00003129 371 BETWEEN PEQUOT LAKES AND NISSWA. ONE PHASE OF THE PROJECT IN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00037-00003129-00003136 NISSWA. ONE PHASE OF THE PROJECT IN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00038-00003136-00003259 NISSWA. ONE PHASE OF THE PROJECT IN PEQUOT LAKES HAS BEEN COMPLETED 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00039-00003259-00003266 ONE PHASE OF THE PROJECT IN PEQUOT LAKES HAS BEEN COMPLETED 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00040-00003266-00003460 ONE PHASE OF THE PROJECT IN PEQUOT LAKES HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND IS CURRENTLY IN USE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00041-00003460-00003466 PEQUOT LAKES HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND IS CURRENTLY IN USE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00042-00003466-00003710 PEQUOT LAKES HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND IS CURRENTLY IN USE. >> WE WENT FROM A TWO-LANE TO 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00043-00003710-00003717 AND IS CURRENTLY IN USE. >> WE WENT FROM A TWO-LANE TO 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00044-00003717-00004357 AND IS CURRENTLY IN USE. >> WE WENT FROM A TWO-LANE TO FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY WITH A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00045-00004357-00004364 >> WE WENT FROM A TWO-LANE TO FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY WITH A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00046-00004364-00004497 >> WE WENT FROM A TWO-LANE TO FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY WITH A REALIGNMENT AROUND PEQUOT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00047-00004497-00004504 FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY WITH A REALIGNMENT AROUND PEQUOT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00048-00004504-00004791 FOUR-LANE HIGHWAY WITH A REALIGNMENT AROUND PEQUOT. SO THAT HAS A NEW INTERSECTION 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00049-00004791-00004798 REALIGNMENT AROUND PEQUOT. SO THAT HAS A NEW INTERSECTION 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00050-00004798-00005031 REALIGNMENT AROUND PEQUOT. SO THAT HAS A NEW INTERSECTION IN AND OUT ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00051-00005031-00005038 SO THAT HAS A NEW INTERSECTION IN AND OUT ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00052-00005038-00005095 SO THAT HAS A NEW INTERSECTION IN AND OUT ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN PEQUOT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00053-00005095-00005101 IN AND OUT ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN PEQUOT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00054-00005101-00005248 IN AND OUT ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN PEQUOT. SO YOU SHOULD SEE SAFER 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00055-00005248-00005255 PEQUOT. SO YOU SHOULD SEE SAFER 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00056-00005255-00005418 PEQUOT. SO YOU SHOULD SEE SAFER CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLIC. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00057-00005418-00005425 SO YOU SHOULD SEE SAFER CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLIC. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00058-00005425-00005635 SO YOU SHOULD SEE SAFER CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLIC. >> Reporter: FOR NOW, BOTH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00059-00005635-00005642 CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLIC. >> Reporter: FOR NOW, BOTH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00060-00005642-00005772 CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLIC. >> Reporter: FOR NOW, BOTH DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC ARE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00061-00005772-00005779 >> Reporter: FOR NOW, BOTH DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC ARE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00062-00005779-00005905 >> Reporter: FOR NOW, BOTH DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC ARE TRAVELING ON WHAT WILL BECOME 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00063-00005905-00005912 DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC ARE TRAVELING ON WHAT WILL BECOME 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00064-00005912-00006109 DIRECTIONS OF TRAFFIC ARE TRAVELING ON WHAT WILL BECOME THE TWO NORTHBOUND LANES. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00065-00006109-00006116 TRAVELING ON WHAT WILL BECOME THE TWO NORTHBOUND LANES. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00066-00006116-00006269 TRAVELING ON WHAT WILL BECOME THE TWO NORTHBOUND LANES. MN/DOT IS HOPING TO GIVE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00067-00006269-00006276 THE TWO NORTHBOUND LANES. MN/DOT IS HOPING TO GIVE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00068-00006276-00006419 THE TWO NORTHBOUND LANES. MN/DOT IS HOPING TO GIVE TRAVELERS A NEW EXPERIENCE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00069-00006419-00006426 MN/DOT IS HOPING TO GIVE TRAVELERS A NEW EXPERIENCE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00070-00006426-00006629 MN/DOT IS HOPING TO GIVE TRAVELERS A NEW EXPERIENCE STARTING IN LATE SEPTEMBER BY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00071-00006629-00006636 TRAVELERS A NEW EXPERIENCE STARTING IN LATE SEPTEMBER BY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00072-00006636-00006810 TRAVELERS A NEW EXPERIENCE STARTING IN LATE SEPTEMBER BY OPENING ONE LANE HEADING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00073-00006810-00006816 STARTING IN LATE SEPTEMBER BY OPENING ONE LANE HEADING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00074-00006816-00006953 STARTING IN LATE SEPTEMBER BY OPENING ONE LANE HEADING SOUTHBOUND AND BY HAVING ALL 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00075-00006953-00006960 OPENING ONE LANE HEADING SOUTHBOUND AND BY HAVING ALL 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00076-00006960-00007153 OPENING ONE LANE HEADING SOUTHBOUND AND BY HAVING ALL FOUR LANES OPEN BY EARLY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00077-00007153-00007160 SOUTHBOUND AND BY HAVING ALL FOUR LANES OPEN BY EARLY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00078-00007160-00007487 SOUTHBOUND AND BY HAVING ALL FOUR LANES OPEN BY EARLY OCTOBER. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00079-00007487-00007494 FOUR LANES OPEN BY EARLY OCTOBER. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00080-00007494-00007634 FOUR LANES OPEN BY EARLY OCTOBER. >> THERE'S TWO MAIN DRIVERS FOR 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00081-00007634-00007640 OCTOBER. >> THERE'S TWO MAIN DRIVERS FOR 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00082-00007640-00007717 OCTOBER. >> THERE'S TWO MAIN DRIVERS FOR THE PROJECT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00083-00007717-00007724 >> THERE'S TWO MAIN DRIVERS FOR THE PROJECT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00084-00007724-00007881 >> THERE'S TWO MAIN DRIVERS FOR THE PROJECT. ONE CONGESTION, BUT THAT LEADS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00085-00007881-00007887 THE PROJECT. ONE CONGESTION, BUT THAT LEADS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00086-00007887-00008174 THE PROJECT. ONE CONGESTION, BUT THAT LEADS TO SAFETY ISSUES ON A HIGHWAY. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00087-00008174-00008181 ONE CONGESTION, BUT THAT LEADS TO SAFETY ISSUES ON A HIGHWAY. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00088-00008181-00008354 ONE CONGESTION, BUT THAT LEADS TO SAFETY ISSUES ON A HIGHWAY. SAFETY WAS THE MAIN DRIVING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00089-00008354-00008361 TO SAFETY ISSUES ON A HIGHWAY. SAFETY WAS THE MAIN DRIVING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00090-00008361-00008518 TO SAFETY ISSUES ON A HIGHWAY. SAFETY WAS THE MAIN DRIVING FACTOR IN THE CONVERSION TO THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00091-00008518-00008525 SAFETY WAS THE MAIN DRIVING FACTOR IN THE CONVERSION TO THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00092-00008525-00008611 SAFETY WAS THE MAIN DRIVING FACTOR IN THE CONVERSION TO THE FOUR-LANE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00093-00008611-00008618 FACTOR IN THE CONVERSION TO THE FOUR-LANE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00094-00008618-00008695 FACTOR IN THE CONVERSION TO THE FOUR-LANE. >> Reporter: THIS PROJECT IS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00095-00008695-00008702 FOUR-LANE. >> Reporter: THIS PROJECT IS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00096-00008702-00008862 FOUR-LANE. >> Reporter: THIS PROJECT IS MUCH LARGER THAN NORMAL FOR THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00097-00008862-00008868 >> Reporter: THIS PROJECT IS MUCH LARGER THAN NORMAL FOR THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00098-00008868-00009035 >> Reporter: THIS PROJECT IS MUCH LARGER THAN NORMAL FOR THE AREA SO THE TEAM TOOK A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00099-00009035-00009042 MUCH LARGER THAN NORMAL FOR THE AREA SO THE TEAM TOOK A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00100-00009042-00009099 MUCH LARGER THAN NORMAL FOR THE AREA SO THE TEAM TOOK A DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00101-00009099-00009105 AREA SO THE TEAM TOOK A DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00102-00009105-00009225 AREA SO THE TEAM TOOK A DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE PLANNING PROCESS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00103-00009225-00009232 DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE PLANNING PROCESS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00104-00009232-00009355 DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE PLANNING PROCESS. >> WHAT WAS INTERESTING, THIS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00105-00009355-00009362 PLANNING PROCESS. >> WHAT WAS INTERESTING, THIS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00106-00009362-00009656 PLANNING PROCESS. >> WHAT WAS INTERESTING, THIS PROJECT WAS ACTUALLY A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00107-00009656-00009662 >> WHAT WAS INTERESTING, THIS PROJECT WAS ACTUALLY A 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00108-00009662-00009786 >> WHAT WAS INTERESTING, THIS PROJECT WAS ACTUALLY A DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT SO IT'S NOT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00109-00009786-00009793 PROJECT WAS ACTUALLY A DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT SO IT'S NOT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00110-00009793-00010019 PROJECT WAS ACTUALLY A DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT SO IT'S NOT THE NORMAL PROCESS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00111-00010019-00010026 DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT SO IT'S NOT THE NORMAL PROCESS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00112-00010026-00010210 DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT SO IT'S NOT THE NORMAL PROCESS. THEY HIRED A COMPANY AND THEY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00113-00010210-00010216 THE NORMAL PROCESS. THEY HIRED A COMPANY AND THEY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00114-00010216-00010410 THE NORMAL PROCESS. THEY HIRED A COMPANY AND THEY HAD A DESIGNER DESIGNING THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00115-00010410-00010417 THEY HIRED A COMPANY AND THEY HAD A DESIGNER DESIGNING THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00116-00010417-00010673 THEY HIRED A COMPANY AND THEY HAD A DESIGNER DESIGNING THE ROAD AS THEY BUILT IT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00117-00010673-00010680 HAD A DESIGNER DESIGNING THE ROAD AS THEY BUILT IT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00118-00010680-00010884 HAD A DESIGNER DESIGNING THE ROAD AS THEY BUILT IT. IT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00119-00010884-00010890 ROAD AS THEY BUILT IT. IT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00120-00010890-00010947 ROAD AS THEY BUILT IT. IT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00121-00010947-00010954 IT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00122-00010954-00011421 IT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL. WE NORMALLY KNOW WHAT IT'S GOING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00123-00011421-00011428 NORMAL. WE NORMALLY KNOW WHAT IT'S GOING 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00124-00011428-00011554 NORMAL. WE NORMALLY KNOW WHAT IT'S GOING TO LOOK LIKE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00125-00011554-00011561 WE NORMALLY KNOW WHAT IT'S GOING TO LOOK LIKE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00126-00011561-00011658 WE NORMALLY KNOW WHAT IT'S GOING TO LOOK LIKE. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT IS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00127-00011658-00011664 TO LOOK LIKE. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT IS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00128-00011664-00011818 TO LOOK LIKE. >> Reporter: THE PROJECT IS JUST OVER 95% COMPLETE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00129-00011818-00011825 >> Reporter: THE PROJECT IS JUST OVER 95% COMPLETE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00130-00011825-00011968 >> Reporter: THE PROJECT IS JUST OVER 95% COMPLETE. >> IT'S GONE EXTREMELY WELL WITH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00131-00011968-00011975 JUST OVER 95% COMPLETE. >> IT'S GONE EXTREMELY WELL WITH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00132-00011975-00012075 JUST OVER 95% COMPLETE. >> IT'S GONE EXTREMELY WELL WITH THE CONTRACTOR AND WORKING WITH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00133-00012075-00012082 >> IT'S GONE EXTREMELY WELL WITH THE CONTRACTOR AND WORKING WITH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00134-00012082-00012262 >> IT'S GONE EXTREMELY WELL WITH THE CONTRACTOR AND WORKING WITH THEM ON THE PROJECT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00135-00012262-00012268 THE CONTRACTOR AND WORKING WITH THEM ON THE PROJECT. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00136-00012268-00012449 THE CONTRACTOR AND WORKING WITH THEM ON THE PROJECT. WE'VE HAD -- I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00137-00012449-00012455 THEM ON THE PROJECT. WE'VE HAD -- I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00138-00012455-00012585 THEM ON THE PROJECT. WE'VE HAD -- I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY THERE'S TRAFFIC IMPACTS WITH THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00139-00012585-00012592 WE'VE HAD -- I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY THERE'S TRAFFIC IMPACTS WITH THE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00140-00012592-00012726 WE'VE HAD -- I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY THERE'S TRAFFIC IMPACTS WITH THE STAGING AND DOING A PROJECT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00141-00012726-00012732 THERE'S TRAFFIC IMPACTS WITH THE STAGING AND DOING A PROJECT 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00142-00012732-00012939 THERE'S TRAFFIC IMPACTS WITH THE STAGING AND DOING A PROJECT UNDER TRAFFIC AS WE HAVE BEEN, 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00143-00012939-00012946 STAGING AND DOING A PROJECT UNDER TRAFFIC AS WE HAVE BEEN, 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00144-00012946-00013136 STAGING AND DOING A PROJECT UNDER TRAFFIC AS WE HAVE BEEN, BUT IT'S BEEN RELATIVELY SAFE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00145-00013136-00013143 UNDER TRAFFIC AS WE HAVE BEEN, BUT IT'S BEEN RELATIVELY SAFE. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00146-00013143-00013289 UNDER TRAFFIC AS WE HAVE BEEN, BUT IT'S BEEN RELATIVELY SAFE. THERE'S BEEN SOME ACCIDENTS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00147-00013289-00013296 BUT IT'S BEEN RELATIVELY SAFE. THERE'S BEEN SOME ACCIDENTS 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00148-00013296-00013453 BUT IT'S BEEN RELATIVELY SAFE. THERE'S BEEN SOME ACCIDENTS WHICH HAPPEN, BUT FOR THE MOST 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00149-00013453-00013460 THERE'S BEEN SOME ACCIDENTS WHICH HAPPEN, BUT FOR THE MOST 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00150-00013460-00013623 THERE'S BEEN SOME ACCIDENTS WHICH HAPPEN, BUT FOR THE MOST PART, IT'S BEEN SAFE AND A GOOD 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00151-00013623-00013630 WHICH HAPPEN, BUT FOR THE MOST PART, IT'S BEEN SAFE AND A GOOD 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00152-00013630-00013733 WHICH HAPPEN, BUT FOR THE MOST PART, IT'S BEEN SAFE AND A GOOD PROJECT TO WORK ON. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00153-00013733-00013740 PART, IT'S BEEN SAFE AND A GOOD PROJECT TO WORK ON. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00154-00013740-00013870 PART, IT'S BEEN SAFE AND A GOOD PROJECT TO WORK ON. >> Reporter: AS MORE LANES 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00155-00013870-00013877 PROJECT TO WORK ON. >> Reporter: AS MORE LANES 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00156-00013877-00014013 PROJECT TO WORK ON. >> Reporter: AS MORE LANES OPEN, MN/DOT WANTS TO REMIND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00157-00014013-00014020 >> Reporter: AS MORE LANES OPEN, MN/DOT WANTS TO REMIND 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00158-00014020-00014167 >> Reporter: AS MORE LANES OPEN, MN/DOT WANTS TO REMIND DRIVERS THAT CREWS WILL STILL BE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00159-00014167-00014174 OPEN, MN/DOT WANTS TO REMIND DRIVERS THAT CREWS WILL STILL BE 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00160-00014174-00014297 OPEN, MN/DOT WANTS TO REMIND DRIVERS THAT CREWS WILL STILL BE OUT CLEANING UP. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00161-00014297-00014304 DRIVERS THAT CREWS WILL STILL BE OUT CLEANING UP. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00162-00014304-00014454 DRIVERS THAT CREWS WILL STILL BE OUT CLEANING UP. REPORTING IN NISSWA, SARAH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00163-00014454-00014461 OUT CLEANING UP. REPORTING IN NISSWA, SARAH 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00164-00014461-00014567 OUT CLEANING UP. REPORTING IN NISSWA, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00165-00014567-00014574 REPORTING IN NISSWA, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00166-00014574-00014681 REPORTING IN NISSWA, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: THE PROJECT IS ON 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00167-00014681-00014687 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: THE PROJECT IS ON 3Pc5OqjKmm4-00168-00014687-00014831 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >>Dennis: THE PROJECT IS ON TRACK TO FINISH IN TIME, BUT 3RXu4-26vwU-00000-00000105-00000459 - Hi, my name is Joseph Greenwell, I go by he him and his. 3RXu4-26vwU-00001-00000459-00000603 I had the opportunity of serving as the 3RXu4-26vwU-00002-00000603-00000790 Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students 3RXu4-26vwU-00003-00000790-00000981 here at UC Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00004-00000981-00001403 As part of my role I have the opportunity of working 3RXu4-26vwU-00005-00001403-00001903 with events such as those that happened last semester 3RXu4-26vwU-00006-00001988-00002158 in a variety of ways. 3RXu4-26vwU-00007-00002158-00002445 Partnering with the Lead Center, and supporting the 3RXu4-26vwU-00008-00002445-00002755 student organizations that are hosting such events, 3RXu4-26vwU-00009-00002755-00003191 as well as working as part of the PRT and working 3RXu4-26vwU-00010-00003191-00003489 as the Dean of Students Office and working with activism. 3RXu4-26vwU-00011-00003603-00003961 In this particular situation from the past year, 3RXu4-26vwU-00012-00004058-00004454 I had the opportunity of working a partnership 3RXu4-26vwU-00013-00004454-00004854 with professionals also in Equity Inclusion, 3RXu4-26vwU-00014-00004854-00005159 not only in talking about how we support our students 3RXu4-26vwU-00015-00005159-00005501 in relation to how these types of events and activities 3RXu4-26vwU-00016-00005501-00005815 impact them but also talk about how that impacts 3RXu4-26vwU-00017-00005815-00006164 our professional teams and support in that. 3RXu4-26vwU-00018-00006164-00006395 And that's where I'd like to focus my remarks. 3RXu4-26vwU-00019-00006484-00006984 So, we in partnership with Mia Fabreezio and Claudio, 3RXu4-26vwU-00020-00007193-00007404 which are all professionals within Student Affairs 3RXu4-26vwU-00021-00007404-00007806 and Equity Inclusion had called together a bunch 3RXu4-26vwU-00022-00007806-00008159 of professionals that work on the ground that support 3RXu4-26vwU-00023-00008159-00008496 students and the intent in that particular meeting 3RXu4-26vwU-00024-00008496-00008819 was to kind of get their perspective on you know, 3RXu4-26vwU-00025-00008819-00009089 how we can best as a campus be supporting 3RXu4-26vwU-00026-00009089-00009345 our student communities. 3RXu4-26vwU-00027-00009345-00009628 What came out of that meeting, it was very different 3RXu4-26vwU-00028-00009628-00010105 than what we had expected was an opportunity 3RXu4-26vwU-00029-00010105-00010350 for the professionals to really kind of debrief 3RXu4-26vwU-00030-00010350-00010747 and talk about their experiences as professionals 3RXu4-26vwU-00031-00010747-00011169 and the impact that these events have on them 3RXu4-26vwU-00032-00011169-00011340 and in their work. 3RXu4-26vwU-00033-00011340-00011795 So, in part some people were really struggling with the fact 3RXu4-26vwU-00034-00011795-00012246 based on their roles and how they felt as a professional 3RXu4-26vwU-00035-00012246-00012658 they needed to show up, and how that in some ways 3RXu4-26vwU-00036-00012658-00013158 contradicted their own beliefs on a personal level 3RXu4-26vwU-00037-00013219-00013719 and how to be able to kind of address that internally, 3RXu4-26vwU-00038-00013782-00014058 as a person, and kind of be able to manage 3RXu4-26vwU-00039-00014058-00014257 those particular pieces. 3RXu4-26vwU-00040-00014257-00014757 Always showing up professional in that space was a concern. 3RXu4-26vwU-00041-00014763-00015054 Others were talking about their lived experiences 3RXu4-26vwU-00042-00015054-00015206 from other events. 3RXu4-26vwU-00043-00015302-00015802 The impact of security officers, of police on the campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00044-00015988-00016489 had impact on professionals and that's something 3RXu4-26vwU-00045-00016505-00016789 Margo and I have been in communication with 3RXu4-26vwU-00046-00016789-00017172 and because they actually started showing their own 3RXu4-26vwU-00047-00017172-00017609 personal experiences and their own paths when they have 3RXu4-26vwU-00048-00017609-00018060 been targeted by police because of their identities 3RXu4-26vwU-00049-00018060-00018444 and the impact on that particular individual. 3RXu4-26vwU-00050-00018444-00018832 And we also were just talking about the frustration 3RXu4-26vwU-00051-00018832-00019332 of not understanding why for these particular events 3RXu4-26vwU-00052-00019348-00019723 and the communication and the need for more communication 3RXu4-26vwU-00053-00019723-00020185 in that space, so that they as professionals can, 3RXu4-26vwU-00054-00020185-00020555 if they don't understand why, then how can they best 3RXu4-26vwU-00055-00020555-00020964 support students in understanding that as well. 3RXu4-26vwU-00056-00021055-00021345 I will say we met several times and I think 3RXu4-26vwU-00057-00021345-00021820 that was new and I think that was helpful and successful 3RXu4-26vwU-00058-00021820-00022197 and we also did conference calls during the week long 3RXu4-26vwU-00059-00022197-00022407 of events to share information, 3RXu4-26vwU-00060-00022407-00022907 which I thought was helpful as well in that space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00061-00023014-00023287 I think they all understand the freedom of expression 3RXu4-26vwU-00062-00023287-00023718 and so there wasn't the need for that but I think 3RXu4-26vwU-00063-00023718-00023997 what they were needing more was that understanding 3RXu4-26vwU-00064-00023997-00024307 of kind of how are we supporting those that are impacted 3RXu4-26vwU-00065-00024307-00024558 based on that need for freedom of expression. 3RXu4-26vwU-00066-00024789-00024932 Those are my remarks. 3RXu4-26vwU-00067-00025077-00025236 - [Host] You got a minute and fifteen seconds. 3RXu4-26vwU-00068-00025236-00025462 - Well, thank you I was efficient. 3RXu4-26vwU-00069-00025462-00025652 - Very well done. 3RXu4-26vwU-00070-00025652-00025877 Anybody else like to speak? 3RXu4-26vwU-00071-00025985-00026068 - [Woman In Audience] Do we have the opportunity 3RXu4-26vwU-00072-00026068-00026395 to ask the speaker questions or are we just here to listen? 3RXu4-26vwU-00073-00026525-00026825 - [Dean Greenwell] I mean we were concerned about doing that 3RXu4-26vwU-00074-00026986-00027118 compatibility with our ability to give them opportunity 3RXu4-26vwU-00075-00027118-00027389 to everyone to speak but I don't, I think that's not 3RXu4-26vwU-00076-00027389-00027550 going to be a problem so. 3RXu4-26vwU-00077-00027550-00027725 - Quick question, Joseph. - Yes. 3RXu4-26vwU-00078-00027851-00028264 - Did you have a sense from the staff who they wanted 3RXu4-26vwU-00079-00028264-00028761 to hear from in terms of hearing their concerns 3RXu4-26vwU-00080-00028761-00028926 and responding to their concerns. 3RXu4-26vwU-00081-00029067-00029489 Is it the Chancellor or is it who, and how? 3RXu4-26vwU-00082-00029489-00029764 - Sure, I don't want to speak for them, 3RXu4-26vwU-00083-00029764-00029986 I just want to be, so this is just my perception 3RXu4-26vwU-00084-00029986-00030293 and there are people in the room that were in those spaces 3RXu4-26vwU-00085-00030293-00030448 so if they choose to come and speak, 3RXu4-26vwU-00086-00030448-00030693 I'll let them speak as well in that space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00087-00030825-00031181 I think it was at multiple levels, so I think 3RXu4-26vwU-00088-00031181-00031679 my sense is from the Chancellor to their direct supervisors 3RXu4-26vwU-00089-00031679-00032172 and being able to kind of understand based on their role, 3RXu4-26vwU-00090-00032172-00032255 what is doable. 3RXu4-26vwU-00091-00032255-00032595 So, I would say from a supervisor standpoint, 3RXu4-26vwU-00092-00032595-00032954 if they were really having conflict in this space 3RXu4-26vwU-00093-00032954-00033180 and particularly for events that are happening 3RXu4-26vwU-00094-00033180-00033484 over a duration of time then although 3RXu4-26vwU-00095-00033484-00033756 we did have broad communication about working 3RXu4-26vwU-00096-00033756-00034030 with your supervisor, but kind of what does that support 3RXu4-26vwU-00097-00034030-00034357 look like and what the expectations are in that space 3RXu4-26vwU-00098-00034357-00034697 and I think from a larger campus perspective, 3RXu4-26vwU-00099-00034697-00035041 continued acknowledgement of yes, 3RXu4-26vwU-00100-00035041-00035480 commitment to freedom of expression but an acknowledgement 3RXu4-26vwU-00101-00035480-00035779 around and empathy around what does that mean 3RXu4-26vwU-00102-00035779-00036107 as far as impact, not just on the students 3RXu4-26vwU-00103-00036107-00036277 but on the professionals that are happening. 3RXu4-26vwU-00104-00036277-00036488 Not to say that that wasn't happening, 3RXu4-26vwU-00105-00036488-00036747 you know 'cause I know it was happening at some level 3RXu4-26vwU-00106-00036747-00037018 but I think my sense was that there was 3RXu4-26vwU-00107-00037018-00037367 a greater need for that in that space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00108-00037539-00037622 - Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00109-00038245-00038407 - [Jay Wallace] Just to emphasize to others who are here, 3RXu4-26vwU-00110-00038407-00038744 we're particularly interested in perspectives 3RXu4-26vwU-00111-00038744-00039038 on the free speech activities from last fall, 3RXu4-26vwU-00112-00039038-00039357 so if you, you know, that's the focus of this first hearing, 3RXu4-26vwU-00113-00039357-00039791 so we'd be anxious to hear any thoughts you might have 3RXu4-26vwU-00114-00039791-00040176 not necessarily about issues of first principle 3RXu4-26vwU-00115-00040176-00040483 but just about how your experiences on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00116-00040578-00040874 at the time when the free speech week events 3RXu4-26vwU-00117-00040874-00041165 were underway in the fall, so. 3RXu4-26vwU-00118-00041596-00041858 - [Prudence Carter] We've also received quite a few comments 3RXu4-26vwU-00119-00041858-00041945 that could be read. 3RXu4-26vwU-00120-00041945-00042227 These are, we have permission to read some of these? 3RXu4-26vwU-00121-00042227-00042353 Is that correct? 3RXu4-26vwU-00122-00042353-00042611 - [Host] So, these people were on the record, 3RXu4-26vwU-00123-00042611-00043027 they let us know that for the most part it was very nice 3RXu4-26vwU-00124-00043027-00043367 they were thanking us for the opportunity to share 3RXu4-26vwU-00125-00043367-00043570 their thoughts with the free speech commission 3RXu4-26vwU-00126-00043570-00044070 and so (coughing) as requested I notably have no concerns 3RXu4-26vwU-00127-00044174-00044335 about this being public record. 3RXu4-26vwU-00128-00044445-00044773 - Okay, so, does anyone else like to come forward, 3RXu4-26vwU-00129-00044773-00045109 we could use to just read some of these (mumbling) 3RXu4-26vwU-00130-00045109-00045327 - [Jay Wallace] Okay, um. 3RXu4-26vwU-00131-00045436-00045766 - I'm not sure if we should be sharing, these are students, 3RXu4-26vwU-00132-00045916-00046187 oh I can tell, you can tell from the bottom here 3RXu4-26vwU-00133-00046187-00046582 what their, we can share some of these with the, 3RXu4-26vwU-00134-00046582-00046710 we haven't read through these. 3RXu4-26vwU-00135-00046860-00047083 Why don't we start with a short one? 3RXu4-26vwU-00136-00047083-00047346 - Sure. 3RXu4-26vwU-00137-00047346-00047653 Do you want to stand up, or I could do it, whatever. 3RXu4-26vwU-00138-00048260-00048470 - I'm sorry if I mispronounce the names. 3RXu4-26vwU-00139-00048470-00048635 First of all, for those of you who don't know me, 3RXu4-26vwU-00140-00048635-00048809 I'm Prudence Carter, 3RXu4-26vwU-00141-00048809-00049139 I'm the Dean of the Graduate School of Education 3RXu4-26vwU-00142-00049139-00049304 and co-chair of the Commission, 3RXu4-26vwU-00143-00049304-00049661 so good morning to you and thank you for coming out. 3RXu4-26vwU-00144-00049661-00050033 We did invite email responses as well to the commission 3RXu4-26vwU-00145-00050033-00050499 and so if you have come in, this is from Mala Hatley 3RXu4-26vwU-00146-00050499-00050804 who's a manager here at DCRP. 3RXu4-26vwU-00147-00050900-00051271 And she says, hello I will not be able to attend 3RXu4-26vwU-00148-00051271-00051404 the public hearing on the events 3RXu4-26vwU-00149-00051404-00051591 surrounding the free speech week at Cal, 3RXu4-26vwU-00150-00051591-00051958 however I do wish to share my thoughts and observations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00151-00051958-00052313 First off, timing of these events could not have been worse. 3RXu4-26vwU-00152-00052313-00052542 To set up such a controversial change of events 3RXu4-26vwU-00153-00052542-00052727 right at the beginning of the academic year 3RXu4-26vwU-00154-00052727-00052879 was simply not right. 3RXu4-26vwU-00155-00052879-00053182 We had new students on campus, many of them under-aged 3RXu4-26vwU-00156-00053182-00053405 and away from home, and their support networks 3RXu4-26vwU-00157-00053405-00053591 for the first time ever. 3RXu4-26vwU-00158-00053591-00053863 They had yet to make friends or connections here. 3RXu4-26vwU-00159-00053863-00054127 This isn't what they came here for regardless of how much 3RXu4-26vwU-00160-00054127-00054333 you believe in free speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-00161-00054333-00054604 Secondly, I believe with African-American faculty 3RXu4-26vwU-00162-00054604-00054811 who wrote to protest these events. 3RXu4-26vwU-00163-00054811-00055117 Why didn't those in charge predominately white academics 3RXu4-26vwU-00164-00055117-00055403 set up a diverse committee of academic staff and students 3RXu4-26vwU-00165-00055403-00055701 to debate and assist in making decisions on whether these 3RXu4-26vwU-00166-00055701-00055875 events should even go on. 3RXu4-26vwU-00167-00055875-00056284 We absolutely cannot be this tone deaf in 2018. 3RXu4-26vwU-00168-00056284-00056637 All in all, this played out like the tail wagging the dog. 3RXu4-26vwU-00169-00056637-00056763 We were taken for a ride 3RXu4-26vwU-00170-00056763-00057070 by the young American foundation big time. 3RXu4-26vwU-00171-00057070-00057407 Ironically, the GOP Governor of Florida, Rick Scott 3RXu4-26vwU-00172-00057407-00057729 called for a State of Emergency in advance in the county 3RXu4-26vwU-00173-00057729-00057953 where the ultra right wing speaker was to appear 3RXu4-26vwU-00174-00057953-00058112 on a University campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00175-00058112-00058460 So, even the GOP doesn't support these events it appears. 3RXu4-26vwU-00176-00058551-00058899 As a higher academic institution I expected us 3RXu4-26vwU-00177-00058899-00059219 to have the backbone to say no in firm and succinct terms 3RXu4-26vwU-00178-00059219-00059404 to these proposed speakers. 3RXu4-26vwU-00179-00059404-00059615 To think that a tiny group of under aged 3RXu4-26vwU-00180-00059615-00059864 undergraduate students in a student group would be allowed 3RXu4-26vwU-00181-00059864-00060233 to host such majestic events on campus without paying 3RXu4-26vwU-00182-00060233-00060549 for security or being held of responsible consequences 3RXu4-26vwU-00183-00060549-00060917 is justice and freedom of speech turned upside down. 3RXu4-26vwU-00184-00060917-00061189 If a group of African American students had requested 3RXu4-26vwU-00185-00061189-00061578 for the Black Bloc, or Antifa to be hosted as speakers 3RXu4-26vwU-00186-00061578-00061766 what would your response have been 3RXu4-26vwU-00187-00061766-00062002 and really what is the difference? 3RXu4-26vwU-00188-00062002-00062299 I hope we have learned on thing, freedom of speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00189-00062299-00062620 is not free, it comes at a cost at times. 3RXu4-26vwU-00190-00062620-00062941 Hate speech is not free speech regardless of how much 3RXu4-26vwU-00191-00062941-00063191 you wish it were, Mala Hatley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00192-00063920-00064088 - Yeah, I'm Jay Wallace, Professor of Philosophy, 3RXu4-26vwU-00193-00064088-00064322 I'm the other, with Prudence the other co-chair 3RXu4-26vwU-00194-00064322-00064704 of the Free Speech Commission. 3RXu4-26vwU-00195-00064704-00065107 This is a somewhat longer statement from Robert Kasmarak. 3RXu4-26vwU-00196-00065192-00065326 Who's an MBA candidate. 3RXu4-26vwU-00197-00065449-00065823 He says, esteemed Berkeley administrators and staff, 3RXu4-26vwU-00198-00065823-00065940 good start. 3RXu4-26vwU-00199-00065940-00066110 Mine is but one opinion in a sea of many, 3RXu4-26vwU-00200-00066110-00066342 I don't expect you to directly acknowledge or even accept 3RXu4-26vwU-00201-00066342-00066587 my own point of view, yet my hope is that it further 3RXu4-26vwU-00202-00066587-00066979 adds some colors in the lines to a world view 3RXu4-26vwU-00203-00066979-00067118 that is our campus community. 3RXu4-26vwU-00204-00067118-00067285 Thank you for soliciting my input 3RXu4-26vwU-00205-00067285-00067506 and likely the views of others. 3RXu4-26vwU-00206-00067506-00067828 Free speech has evolved quite a bit as society has evolved. 3RXu4-26vwU-00207-00067828-00068129 Life has become more complex, you can't yell fire 3RXu4-26vwU-00208-00068129-00068429 in a crowded building, you can't threaten harm and so on. 3RXu4-26vwU-00209-00068429-00068668 Though technically speech, they are more malicious. 3RXu4-26vwU-00210-00068668-00068872 Justice Stewart said it best on pornography, 3RXu4-26vwU-00211-00068872-00069177 I know it when I see it, so the devil is in the details. 3RXu4-26vwU-00212-00069177-00069546 How can you somehow maintain the ability to share, 3RXu4-26vwU-00213-00069546-00069707 while having an objective way of shutting down 3RXu4-26vwU-00214-00069707-00069852 an attempt to harm. 3RXu4-26vwU-00215-00069852-00070130 Polarization is happening so much nowadays that anything 3RXu4-26vwU-00216-00070130-00070414 running contrary to a thought by what we all willingly 3RXu4-26vwU-00217-00070414-00070669 or unwillingly engage in results in taunts 3RXu4-26vwU-00218-00070669-00070866 of snowflake and triggering. 3RXu4-26vwU-00219-00070866-00071100 It's hard to stay objective, I might fundamentally 3RXu4-26vwU-00220-00071100-00071323 disagree with tax breaks to the rich. 3RXu4-26vwU-00221-00071323-00071635 It's economically irresponsible but I digress. 3RXu4-26vwU-00222-00071635-00071779 But I can accept it. 3RXu4-26vwU-00223-00071779-00072123 I also fundamentally disagree with diminishing 3RXu4-26vwU-00224-00072208-00072359 another human being based on well, anything. 3RXu4-26vwU-00225-00072359-00072481 I can't accept that. 3RXu4-26vwU-00226-00072481-00072872 I grew up in suburban San Diego, yet living overseas 3RXu4-26vwU-00227-00072872-00073153 will help you realize that people are just people 3RXu4-26vwU-00228-00073153-00073236 at the end of the day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00229-00073236-00073702 They laugh, cry, get stressed about and love the same things 3RXu4-26vwU-00230-00073702-00073948 that we do here. 3RXu4-26vwU-00231-00073948-00074144 Color and creed objectively do not matter 3RXu4-26vwU-00232-00074144-00074320 in how human beings think and act. 3RXu4-26vwU-00233-00074320-00074549 We are all people and we all want the same things 3RXu4-26vwU-00234-00074549-00074730 and though I may disagree with tax breaks, 3RXu4-26vwU-00235-00074730-00074877 I oppose discrimination. 3RXu4-26vwU-00236-00074877-00075242 I think it runs counter to who we claim to be as a country, 3RXu4-26vwU-00237-00075242-00075369 which should mean something and I think 3RXu4-26vwU-00238-00075369-00075586 it's just bad business at the end of the day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00239-00075586-00075844 So, if someone wants to have an opinion I disagree with, 3RXu4-26vwU-00240-00075844-00076089 fine, I'm a big boy and can handle disagreement. 3RXu4-26vwU-00241-00076089-00076391 If someone wants to passively or actively diminish, injure, 3RXu4-26vwU-00242-00076391-00076633 or harm someone in their words or actions 3RXu4-26vwU-00243-00076633-00076846 for no biologically justifiable reason, 3RXu4-26vwU-00244-00076846-00077035 I don't think that should be allowed. 3RXu4-26vwU-00245-00077035-00077363 I don't like the thought of giving Neo-Nazi extremism 3RXu4-26vwU-00246-00077363-00077729 a voice and a stage to debate their point 3RXu4-26vwU-00247-00077729-00077937 because I feel it rationalizes something that the world 3RXu4-26vwU-00248-00077937-00078143 already decided 70 years ago, 3RXu4-26vwU-00249-00078143-00078385 effectively that Nazis are bad. 3RXu4-26vwU-00250-00078385-00078615 We had that chat as a globe and lots of people died, 3RXu4-26vwU-00251-00078615-00078856 I don't think we need to relitigate it. 3RXu4-26vwU-00252-00078856-00079254 I also recognize that if we are who we say we are 3RXu4-26vwU-00253-00079254-00079480 we need to listen to what people have to say. 3RXu4-26vwU-00254-00079480-00079769 The Neo-Nazi group can take a stage and share why 3RXu4-26vwU-00255-00079769-00080085 they believe what they believe and do so in a respectful 3RXu4-26vwU-00256-00080085-00080406 manner and engage in debate in a respectful way. 3RXu4-26vwU-00257-00080406-00080647 Maybe that's how we have to diffuse the situation 3RXu4-26vwU-00258-00080647-00080867 if they want to share that white people are awesome, 3RXu4-26vwU-00259-00080867-00080958 maybe that's fine. 3RXu4-26vwU-00260-00080958-00081275 If they start getting into how non-whites are not awesome, 3RXu4-26vwU-00261-00081275-00081441 then they are approaching the realm where they are 3RXu4-26vwU-00262-00081441-00081809 discouraging dissent inhibition which is flat out uncool. 3RXu4-26vwU-00263-00081809-00082124 At the end of the day I think I've an intom mantra 3RXu4-26vwU-00264-00082124-00082251 disagree and commit. 3RXu4-26vwU-00265-00082384-00082510 Didn't know that one. 3RXu4-26vwU-00266-00082510-00082741 All of us are at Berkeley for a reason, 3RXu4-26vwU-00267-00082741-00083035 though those reasons may differ from person to person. 3RXu4-26vwU-00268-00083035-00083235 The community at large will decide what it wants, 3RXu4-26vwU-00269-00083235-00083641 what it stands for, and what it can accept or not accept. 3RXu4-26vwU-00270-00083641-00083821 Even if something is not agreeable at the end of the day 3RXu4-26vwU-00271-00083821-00084031 for the sake of progress we will need to move forward 3RXu4-26vwU-00272-00084031-00084274 and remind people that they are welcome to continue 3RXu4-26vwU-00273-00084274-00084516 any crusade they deem fundamental to their core. 3RXu4-26vwU-00274-00084516-00084696 It will just not be discussed again at Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00275-00084696-00084926 The Berkeley community had made its informed 3RXu4-26vwU-00276-00084926-00085293 and well grationed decision is moving forward. 3RXu4-26vwU-00277-00085293-00085434 Thank you for giving me a chance to share, 3RXu4-26vwU-00278-00085434-00085638 I'm grateful to be part of this community 3RXu4-26vwU-00279-00085638-00085808 and to represent this institution. 3RXu4-26vwU-00280-00085959-00086184 (mumbling) 3RXu4-26vwU-00281-00087143-00087227 - [Host] So, let's see we have two people 3RXu4-26vwU-00282-00087227-00087585 so let's give each of them up to five minutes. 3RXu4-26vwU-00283-00087585-00087722 Oh a third, okay great. 3RXu4-26vwU-00284-00087722-00087977 So, why don't we give each of you about up to five minutes. 3RXu4-26vwU-00285-00087977-00088208 (mumbling) and when you go up to the stage 3RXu4-26vwU-00286-00088208-00088495 just let us know who you are and (mumbles) to the campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00287-00088739-00088861 Great, okay thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00288-00088974-00089270 So, don't rush the stage all at once now. 3RXu4-26vwU-00289-00090300-00090429 - Hi, my name is Jonah. 3RXu4-26vwU-00290-00090429-00090702 I'm a freshman on campus, this is my second semester. 3RXu4-26vwU-00291-00090702-00090870 I also work at the Restorative Justice Center 3RXu4-26vwU-00292-00090870-00091021 making documentaries. 3RXu4-26vwU-00293-00091137-00091370 One of the, I've been doing a lot of research 3RXu4-26vwU-00294-00091370-00091600 and just doing a lot of studying on the Free Speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00295-00091600-00091913 week that happened on campus and the circumstances 3RXu4-26vwU-00296-00091913-00092194 surrounding free speech and so these are some of the things 3RXu4-26vwU-00297-00092194-00092351 I just want to speak about and some questions 3RXu4-26vwU-00298-00092351-00092606 that have been raised in what I've been learning. 3RXu4-26vwU-00299-00092606-00092861 The first one was that generally the people I've been 3RXu4-26vwU-00300-00092861-00093122 talking to is that students and my peers have expressed 3RXu4-26vwU-00301-00093122-00093402 great frustration with the cost of both the Ben Shapiro 3RXu4-26vwU-00302-00093402-00093731 event and the Milo Yiannopoulos, especially considering 3RXu4-26vwU-00303-00093731-00094005 that the information has been expressed to us 3RXu4-26vwU-00304-00094005-00094431 says that $1.4 million was spent for these two events, 3RXu4-26vwU-00305-00094431-00094711 which essentially accounts for $1.4 million for essentially 3RXu4-26vwU-00306-00094711-00094901 five days of security on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00307-00094901-00095151 Especially considering that there have been a lot 3RXu4-26vwU-00308-00095151-00095533 of hikes in tuition, budget cuts to many programs, 3RXu4-26vwU-00309-00095533-00095724 there's a men's housing crisis happening. 3RXu4-26vwU-00310-00095724-00096198 So, the message that has been received by a lot of students 3RXu4-26vwU-00311-00096198-00096465 is that the securitization and/or the militarization 3RXu4-26vwU-00312-00096465-00096736 of campus is more important that students' well being. 3RXu4-26vwU-00313-00096860-00097087 The question I wanted to ask is what measures 3RXu4-26vwU-00314-00097087-00097452 are the University taking to address this discontent, 3RXu4-26vwU-00315-00097452-00097633 if there have been any measures taken. 3RXu4-26vwU-00316-00097633-00097784 Because that's been expressed by many 3RXu4-26vwU-00317-00097784-00097960 members of the community. 3RXu4-26vwU-00318-00097960-00098274 The other issue that was brought to me was some of my peers 3RXu4-26vwU-00319-00098274-00098541 that work in student orgs in Eshleman, and MLK, 3RXu4-26vwU-00320-00098541-00098782 and Cesar Chavez expressed to me that they feel 3RXu4-26vwU-00321-00098782-00098975 disproportionally targeted by Milo's event 3RXu4-26vwU-00322-00098975-00099395 and also that they felt disproportionately neglected 3RXu4-26vwU-00323-00099395-00099694 by the University because the University did not offer 3RXu4-26vwU-00324-00099694-00100100 any other spaces on campus that were sufficient 3RXu4-26vwU-00325-00100100-00100476 to meet the needs of those student organizations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00326-00100476-00100882 This felt especially hurtful considering that 3RXu4-26vwU-00327-00100882-00101224 especially the Milo Yiannopoulos event, felt very targeted 3RXu4-26vwU-00328-00101224-00101395 at a number of those organizations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00329-00101395-00101660 Where some of the effects that were expressed to me. 3RXu4-26vwU-00330-00101660-00102160 One person works in Bridge on campus, or Bridges on campus, 3RXu4-26vwU-00331-00102226-00102493 and he said that they were given a small space 3RXu4-26vwU-00332-00102493-00102760 in the field annex, the first field annex 3RXu4-26vwU-00333-00102760-00103079 that could barely accommodate all the student orgs 3RXu4-26vwU-00334-00103079-00103338 that were scheduled to meet there. 3RXu4-26vwU-00335-00103338-00103568 Some places were scheduled to be 3RXu4-26vwU-00336-00103568-00103824 at University of San Francisco but logistically 3RXu4-26vwU-00337-00103824-00104000 most people weren't going to meet there. 3RXu4-26vwU-00338-00104000-00104177 So, the question that was raised to me was 3RXu4-26vwU-00339-00104177-00104516 how will the University address this and express 3RXu4-26vwU-00340-00104516-00104884 those student organization or try to interact 3RXu4-26vwU-00341-00104884-00105125 with the student organizations to bridge 3RXu4-26vwU-00342-00105125-00105390 that apparent divide that exists between the administration 3RXu4-26vwU-00343-00105390-00105591 and the student organizations at Eshleman, MLK, 3RXu4-26vwU-00344-00105591-00105802 other buildings, so those are some questions. 3RXu4-26vwU-00345-00105802-00105942 - [Jay] Thank you very much. 3RXu4-26vwU-00346-00107879-00108274 - Hello, my name is Niku Shafari, I'm a staff member. 3RXu4-26vwU-00347-00108274-00108557 I work for the ASUC Student Union. 3RXu4-26vwU-00348-00108557-00108882 I apologize in advance my thoughts are not organized, 3RXu4-26vwU-00349-00108978-00109382 and my observations are personal and my own opinions. 3RXu4-26vwU-00350-00109382-00109658 I was not planning on standing up here and sharing, 3RXu4-26vwU-00351-00109658-00110121 but I feel, I think the energy is welcoming so I'm gonna 3RXu4-26vwU-00352-00110121-00110218 talk about it. 3RXu4-26vwU-00353-00110324-00110718 I am a very proud, very very proud Iranian-American, 3RXu4-26vwU-00354-00110827-00111132 immigrant of 12 years in this country. 3RXu4-26vwU-00355-00111132-00111493 I have always felt welcome in the United States, 3RXu4-26vwU-00356-00111493-00111833 especially when I got into Cal as an undergraduate. 3RXu4-26vwU-00357-00111833-00112127 I felt like this was my place, I was heard 3RXu4-26vwU-00358-00112127-00112421 that there are people that think like me, 3RXu4-26vwU-00359-00112421-00112824 and maybe look like me and feel what I say. 3RXu4-26vwU-00360-00113022-00113448 During the, I'm going to address the militarized state 3RXu4-26vwU-00361-00113448-00113700 that I felt during those days. 3RXu4-26vwU-00362-00113846-00114082 It was interesting to me because I grew up during 3RXu4-26vwU-00363-00114082-00114582 post Iran-Iraq War in a very militarized state of a country, 3RXu4-26vwU-00364-00114701-00115003 where we had curfews at nights and there were always 3RXu4-26vwU-00365-00115003-00115333 police force present every time you went out 3RXu4-26vwU-00366-00115333-00115695 to go to school, you went out to go grocery shopping. 3RXu4-26vwU-00367-00115695-00115953 So, it's something that always lives with me, 3RXu4-26vwU-00368-00115953-00116142 it's my lived experiences. 3RXu4-26vwU-00369-00116265-00116610 I realized during those days where the police force 3RXu4-26vwU-00370-00116610-00117110 was very heavy and very present upper fall 3RXu4-26vwU-00371-00117129-00117557 that I felt very confined and uncomfortable in my skin. 3RXu4-26vwU-00372-00117557-00118057 I kept going out to take a look at outside and coming back, 3RXu4-26vwU-00373-00118077-00118388 I was like okay, Niku, sit down and get your work done, 3RXu4-26vwU-00374-00118388-00118654 and then I found myself staring at the computer 3RXu4-26vwU-00375-00118795-00119007 and not being able to get work done. 3RXu4-26vwU-00376-00119111-00119456 But I also didn't want to get up and go outside again 3RXu4-26vwU-00377-00119456-00119631 because it was uncomfortable. 3RXu4-26vwU-00378-00119631-00120014 One thing I realized was the police force outside 3RXu4-26vwU-00379-00120014-00120282 of my office, I work in Sproul Hall, 3RXu4-26vwU-00380-00120282-00120536 no longer look like colleagues from downstairs 3RXu4-26vwU-00381-00120536-00120634 that we work with. 3RXu4-26vwU-00382-00120766-00121119 I have worked on campus ever since my student days, 3RXu4-26vwU-00383-00121119-00121489 it's now combined probably eight years for me, 3RXu4-26vwU-00384-00121489-00121979 but it was the first time that it felt like this home, 3RXu4-26vwU-00385-00122105-00122311 Berkeley and the United States 3RXu4-26vwU-00386-00122311-00122577 no longer felt like home to me. 3RXu4-26vwU-00387-00122577-00123011 And then it was interesting because I had to took a trip 3RXu4-26vwU-00388-00123011-00123451 back to Iran where I spent five weeks over the break there 3RXu4-26vwU-00389-00123451-00123811 and that also didn't feel like home to me either. 3RXu4-26vwU-00390-00123811-00124311 So, it's hard because I'm at a loss and it's difficult 3RXu4-26vwU-00391-00124680-00125016 to come to work to a place where has taught me so much 3RXu4-26vwU-00392-00125016-00125327 and showed me so much and opened my eyes so much. 3RXu4-26vwU-00393-00125327-00125486 But it doesn't feel comfortable. 3RXu4-26vwU-00394-00125749-00125961 I guess that's it, I hope for a better day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00395-00125961-00126096 Thank you for listening to me. 3RXu4-26vwU-00396-00126096-00126279 - Thank you very much. 3RXu4-26vwU-00397-00127369-00127598 - Hi there, my name is Ty Decker, 3RXu4-26vwU-00398-00127598-00127983 I'm a patron of UC Berkeley, Berkeley City of Berkeley, 3RXu4-26vwU-00399-00127983-00128304 the Bay area, I grew up in Sunnyvale, California, 3RXu4-26vwU-00400-00128304-00128596 ASP President in 1981-1982 3RXu4-26vwU-00401-00128596-00128776 in Fremont High School in Sunnyvale. 3RXu4-26vwU-00402-00128931-00129431 My mom came over from Japan in late, or early '60s 3RXu4-26vwU-00403-00129603-00129960 and having to bear the brunt of World War II, 3RXu4-26vwU-00404-00129960-00130248 Korean War, and Vietnam War, I've gotta say 3RXu4-26vwU-00405-00130248-00130460 that you guys are disgusting. 3RXu4-26vwU-00406-00130460-00130780 You're professors, you're educators, not educating. 3RXu4-26vwU-00407-00130780-00131002 You can't rule by feelings. 3RXu4-26vwU-00408-00131002-00131204 This is not what free speech is about, 3RXu4-26vwU-00409-00131204-00131439 you've got to get a thicker skin. 3RXu4-26vwU-00410-00131439-00131772 It's not your feelings that we're worried about 3RXu4-26vwU-00411-00131772-00131957 it's the ignorance of the words. 3RXu4-26vwU-00412-00131957-00132157 We need more speech, not less speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-00413-00132157-00132512 I cannot imagine a situation where you're too worried 3RXu4-26vwU-00414-00132512-00132771 about the police after you've got Molotov cocktails 3RXu4-26vwU-00415-00132771-00133083 swung at your building, you have a bond girl 3RXu4-26vwU-00416-00133083-00133380 banging on the door of one of your halls, 3RXu4-26vwU-00417-00133380-00133605 and the police would not let her in the front door 3RXu4-26vwU-00418-00133605-00133762 and your feelings are hurt? 3RXu4-26vwU-00419-00133762-00134007 Come on, this is America. 3RXu4-26vwU-00420-00134007-00134306 We have had to suffer from day one. 3RXu4-26vwU-00421-00134306-00134573 The signers of the Declaration of Independence, 3RXu4-26vwU-00422-00134573-00134817 all of them had to remain silent for six months 3RXu4-26vwU-00423-00134817-00134940 or they would have been hanged. 3RXu4-26vwU-00424-00134940-00135401 And most of them were chased down and met very very 3RXu4-26vwU-00425-00135401-00135564 bad fortunes in the end. 3RXu4-26vwU-00426-00135564-00135891 And to say that now that we're at a stage where 3RXu4-26vwU-00427-00135891-00136214 arbitrary, which is selective enforcement of the laws, 3RXu4-26vwU-00428-00136214-00136572 and caprice, which is whimsical or feelings. 3RXu4-26vwU-00429-00136572-00136780 The young lady who just came up here and said 3RXu4-26vwU-00430-00136780-00136940 that she doesn't feel welcome, 3RXu4-26vwU-00431-00136940-00137143 we are in the United States of America, 3RXu4-26vwU-00432-00137143-00137392 everybody's welcome here who comes here legally. 3RXu4-26vwU-00433-00137392-00137803 It's the illegality, the capriciousness, which is feelings, 3RXu4-26vwU-00434-00137803-00138117 and the arbitrariness of enforcing laws, which is, 3RXu4-26vwU-00435-00138117-00138307 it's not a sanctuary city, guys. 3RXu4-26vwU-00436-00138307-00138614 It's human trafficking, you've got to understand that. 3RXu4-26vwU-00437-00138614-00138910 You are being diluted, you're emotionally engineered 3RXu4-26vwU-00438-00138910-00139008 for eight years. 3RXu4-26vwU-00439-00139008-00139312 I believed in Barack Obama after he got elected. 3RXu4-26vwU-00440-00139312-00139487 I didn't, I tried to vet the guy. 3RXu4-26vwU-00441-00139487-00139774 I couldn't find out anything, he was never a Professor, 3RXu4-26vwU-00442-00139774-00139951 I call him Professor Fraud. 3RXu4-26vwU-00443-00139951-00140229 I've tried to highlight a speech delivered 3RXu4-26vwU-00444-00140229-00140703 on April 27, 1961 in a 50th Anniversary for 3RXu4-26vwU-00445-00140703-00141017 would have been April 27, 2011. 3RXu4-26vwU-00446-00141017-00141263 More likely than not I was one of these people 3RXu4-26vwU-00447-00141263-00141527 who are illegally, unlawfully surveilled 3RXu4-26vwU-00448-00141527-00141857 because I was helping people as pro se litigants, 3RXu4-26vwU-00449-00141857-00142186 as a paralegal in Alameda County, transferred over, 3RXu4-26vwU-00450-00142186-00142679 I lived in Emeryville and there's a very pervasive harm 3RXu4-26vwU-00451-00142836-00143319 that's going on that, we had an office of information 3RXu4-26vwU-00452-00143319-00143692 in the White House, we had a Communist from Oakland, 3RXu4-26vwU-00453-00143826-00144326 Jones, Van Jones who was part of this nudge propaganda 3RXu4-26vwU-00454-00144438-00144630 which is essentially shove. 3RXu4-26vwU-00455-00144630-00144884 Not just something if you have a driver's license 3RXu4-26vwU-00456-00144884-00145381 and you have a donor card on it, instead of opting in, 3RXu4-26vwU-00457-00145381-00145603 you have to opt out, so they increase like in Sweden 3RXu4-26vwU-00458-00145603-00146015 from 3-5% or 8% or whatever it is to 80%. 3RXu4-26vwU-00459-00146015-00146334 No, that sounds great but what happens is it becomes shove. 3RXu4-26vwU-00460-00146334-00146593 In Emeryville they shove, it looks all pretty 3RXu4-26vwU-00461-00146593-00147022 but I'm telling you this is the harm that BLM face, 3RXu4-26vwU-00462-00147022-00147397 because they do not believe in the institutions that we have 3RXu4-26vwU-00463-00147397-00147797 because they do not have, because it's arbitrary, 3RXu4-26vwU-00464-00147797-00148085 and it's capricious, because Alameda County does not 3RXu4-26vwU-00465-00148169-00148604 use judicial rules equally, that's why. 3RXu4-26vwU-00466-00148604-00148835 And we have got to understand that this is 3RXu4-26vwU-00467-00148835-00149111 the United States of America, not the United, 3RXu4-26vwU-00468-00149111-00149369 not United Colors of Benniton, where everybody 3RXu4-26vwU-00469-00149369-00149481 needs to feel good. 3RXu4-26vwU-00470-00149481-00149744 All right, so there's a couple speeches. 3RXu4-26vwU-00471-00149744-00149895 There's a couple maxims I grew up with, 3RXu4-26vwU-00472-00149895-00150046 don't judge a book by its cover. 3RXu4-26vwU-00473-00150046-00150438 So, all this micro division, everything that we're doing, 3RXu4-26vwU-00474-00150438-00150731 instead of aligning underneath the United States of America 3RXu4-26vwU-00475-00150731-00150933 and the flags, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, 3RXu4-26vwU-00476-00150933-00151337 so we all are united, instead of divided we fall. 3RXu4-26vwU-00477-00151337-00151602 You refuse fascism, that's not refuse fascism 3RXu4-26vwU-00478-00151602-00151912 what it is is, it was Communists and Nazis 3RXu4-26vwU-00479-00152003-00152206 had a non-aggression pact in 1938. 3RXu4-26vwU-00480-00152206-00152626 In 1941 the Nazis stabbed the Communists in the back. 3RXu4-26vwU-00481-00152626-00152884 They've been heartbroken since then. 3RXu4-26vwU-00482-00152884-00153090 That's what they're doing, the fascism of the Nazis, 3RXu4-26vwU-00483-00153090-00153291 now they're blaming it on all the America. 3RXu4-26vwU-00484-00153291-00153580 You've got to learn your history. 3RXu4-26vwU-00485-00153580-00153796 You've got to say no to Professors, 3RXu4-26vwU-00486-00153796-00154032 you being Professors of Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00487-00154032-00154204 I don't know who you are specifically. 3RXu4-26vwU-00488-00154204-00154704 But, to have this parade of, this charade that's going on, 3RXu4-26vwU-00489-00154977-00155225 that's basically you're calling alt-right, you're blaming, 3RXu4-26vwU-00490-00155225-00155368 you know that Charlottesville was organized 3RXu4-26vwU-00491-00155368-00155461 by some guy named Kessler? 3RXu4-26vwU-00492-00155461-00155705 He was a BLM supporter and an Obama supporter 3RXu4-26vwU-00493-00155705-00155833 up until the election. 3RXu4-26vwU-00494-00155833-00156129 There's something very nefarious going on here. 3RXu4-26vwU-00495-00156129-00156464 If you look at the vice video, why were they embedded 3RXu4-26vwU-00496-00156464-00156547 in that group? 3RXu4-26vwU-00497-00156547-00156845 Why do they have aerial view of the actual collision? 3RXu4-26vwU-00498-00156845-00157228 There's a lot of stuff that's going on with regards to 3RXu4-26vwU-00499-00157228-00157445 false accusations being weaponized. 3RXu4-26vwU-00500-00157445-00157945 I want to know what is the penalty for false accusation? 3RXu4-26vwU-00501-00157956-00158039 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00502-00158877-00159252 (faint chatter far from mic) 3RXu4-26vwU-00503-00162001-00162108 - How much time do we have? 3RXu4-26vwU-00504-00162108-00162202 - [Host] Five minutes. 3RXu4-26vwU-00505-00162202-00162387 - Oh that's hella time. 3RXu4-26vwU-00506-00162387-00162595 Definitely (mumbling) 3RXu4-26vwU-00507-00162595-00162801 Good morning, everyone, Ruben Heethey. 3RXu4-26vwU-00508-00162887-00163122 I work in the division of Equity and Inclusion. 3RXu4-26vwU-00509-00163302-00163506 So, I've been here for ten years 3RXu4-26vwU-00510-00163506-00163901 as an undergraduate staff member, and there's just been 3RXu4-26vwU-00511-00163901-00164156 a lot of things that I've noticed so I just want to 3RXu4-26vwU-00512-00164156-00164510 share just questions, so more than make statements, 3RXu4-26vwU-00513-00164510-00164694 because for the last ten years I feel like I've made 3RXu4-26vwU-00514-00164694-00164946 so many statements and they feel like they go nowhere. 3RXu4-26vwU-00515-00164946-00165264 So, I'm switching it up, being very different 3RXu4-26vwU-00516-00165264-00165460 in the approach learning. 3RXu4-26vwU-00517-00165460-00165782 So, ten years, three different Chancellors, 3RXu4-26vwU-00518-00165782-00166033 various administration, leadership changes, 3RXu4-26vwU-00519-00166033-00166212 and various responses. 3RXu4-26vwU-00520-00166212-00166596 I've noticed over the years of protests happening on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00521-00166596-00166892 So, what I'm about to say is not about any individual person 3RXu4-26vwU-00522-00166892-00167154 'cause no person was here the entire time, 3RXu4-26vwU-00523-00167154-00167371 we've had different Dean of Students, different Chancellor, 3RXu4-26vwU-00524-00167371-00167547 everything, so these are just questions 3RXu4-26vwU-00525-00167547-00167859 for the community at large, to ground ourselves well then 3RXu4-26vwU-00526-00167859-00167987 hopefully guide the conversations 3RXu4-26vwU-00527-00167987-00168109 that we're going to be having. 3RXu4-26vwU-00528-00168109-00168508 So, what I've observed in the months and weeks leading to 3RXu4-26vwU-00529-00168508-00169008 known events, debates, discussions, these things take over. 3RXu4-26vwU-00530-00169056-00169250 Debates take over, discussions take over, 3RXu4-26vwU-00531-00169250-00169502 overpowering other work and responsibilities, 3RXu4-26vwU-00532-00169502-00169818 either intentionally or unintentionally and it also serves 3RXu4-26vwU-00533-00169818-00169991 as a gauge of like how much do you care, 3RXu4-26vwU-00534-00169991-00170147 versus how much you don't care. 3RXu4-26vwU-00535-00170147-00170409 So, even when you try to shut things off you can't 3RXu4-26vwU-00536-00170409-00170652 because then you're seen as somebody who's not really down 3RXu4-26vwU-00537-00170652-00170821 or up or whatever language you want to use, 3RXu4-26vwU-00538-00170821-00171009 you know what I'm talking about. 3RXu4-26vwU-00539-00171009-00171390 So, with that it's also important to name that choices 3RXu4-26vwU-00540-00171390-00171795 of who is invited, when they're invited, who has influence, 3RXu4-26vwU-00541-00171795-00171995 and who has decision making authority, 3RXu4-26vwU-00542-00171995-00172309 depends on the personal relationships of campus leaders, 3RXu4-26vwU-00543-00172309-00172633 divisions, departments, and student organizations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00544-00172633-00172878 Student organizations and student governments. 3RXu4-26vwU-00545-00172878-00173241 This has relative impacts of course at times healthy, 3RXu4-26vwU-00546-00173241-00173438 and other times unhealthy. 3RXu4-26vwU-00547-00173438-00173882 So, grounding it on that, these are the questions 3RXu4-26vwU-00548-00173882-00174029 that I wanted to offer to this space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00549-00174029-00174388 Number one, what are the protocols of engagement, 3RXu4-26vwU-00550-00174388-00174690 decision making processes, checks and balances 3RXu4-26vwU-00551-00174690-00174912 to ensure that equity and our University values 3RXu4-26vwU-00552-00174912-00175242 rise above exhaustion, internal and external pressures, 3RXu4-26vwU-00553-00175242-00175358 and survival mode. 3RXu4-26vwU-00554-00175450-00175771 Second, what training is provided to campus leadership 3RXu4-26vwU-00555-00175771-00176013 on this topic of protest? 3RXu4-26vwU-00556-00176013-00176330 Is effective communication in times of crisis included, 3RXu4-26vwU-00557-00176330-00176599 decision making processes in times of crisis, 3RXu4-26vwU-00558-00176599-00176961 emotional agility and intelligence, de-escalation, 3RXu4-26vwU-00559-00176961-00177146 and what are the roles of leadership 3RXu4-26vwU-00560-00177146-00177555 and what should they be playing and real time at events 3RXu4-26vwU-00561-00177555-00177749 when things are happening. 3RXu4-26vwU-00562-00177749-00178038 Three, at the chancellor's event last semester 3RXu4-26vwU-00563-00178038-00178351 we were educated that cost and violence are the two 3RXu4-26vwU-00564-00178351-00178659 only legal reasons that can prevent an entity 3RXu4-26vwU-00565-00178659-00178998 from canceling an event on free speech grounds. 3RXu4-26vwU-00566-00178998-00179213 At the end of the event I had the opportunity 3RXu4-26vwU-00567-00179213-00179552 to follow up about what are the metrics used to determine 3RXu4-26vwU-00568-00179552-00179863 each cost and violence and what are the charge strings 3RXu4-26vwU-00569-00179863-00180116 that we are using to cover all costs of events 3RXu4-26vwU-00570-00180116-00180263 and moments like this. 3RXu4-26vwU-00571-00180263-00180573 Does it include a budget for the physical damage of campus, 3RXu4-26vwU-00572-00180573-00180810 the emotional violence and deterioration 3RXu4-26vwU-00573-00180810-00180968 of campus community, 3RXu4-26vwU-00574-00180968-00181215 the physical damage to community members. 3RXu4-26vwU-00575-00181215-00181468 We did not get an answer at that event, 3RXu4-26vwU-00576-00181468-00181739 do we have answers to those questions now? 3RXu4-26vwU-00577-00181739-00182080 And if not, what is the process to answer these questions 3RXu4-26vwU-00578-00182080-00182316 and how many more events and how many more years 3RXu4-26vwU-00579-00182316-00182555 and how many more administrative turn arounds 3RXu4-26vwU-00580-00182555-00182857 will it take for us to answer those questions? 3RXu4-26vwU-00581-00182857-00183127 Four, what is the restorative justice process 3RXu4-26vwU-00582-00183127-00183428 and reconciliation protocol and processes, 3RXu4-26vwU-00583-00183428-00183848 so moments like these harvest wisdom, improve relationships 3RXu4-26vwU-00584-00183848-00184161 and growth as a community and as a campus so that 3RXu4-26vwU-00585-00184161-00184407 each generation in the future can be healthier 3RXu4-26vwU-00586-00184407-00184558 and wiser and better. 3RXu4-26vwU-00587-00184660-00184861 So, with that I'm gonna close it with what seems 3RXu4-26vwU-00588-00184861-00185184 to get everybody, hoorah, which is we're Berkeley, 3RXu4-26vwU-00589-00185184-00185358 we should be getting better at this. 3RXu4-26vwU-00590-00185358-00185580 Everybody's looking at us, what we do what we do. 3RXu4-26vwU-00591-00185580-00185715 So, let's be kinder to each other, 3RXu4-26vwU-00592-00185715-00185972 more compassionate to each other, and wiser to each other, 3RXu4-26vwU-00593-00185972-00186331 'cause I physically see relationships shift 3RXu4-26vwU-00594-00186331-00186698 before events like this, during events like this, 3RXu4-26vwU-00595-00186698-00186876 and after events like this. 3RXu4-26vwU-00596-00186876-00186986 Thank you all so much. 3RXu4-26vwU-00597-00189094-00189392 - So, I had a student that I was working with, 3RXu4-26vwU-00598-00189392-00189587 and they told me that our campus had turned 3RXu4-26vwU-00599-00189587-00189744 into a cultural war zone. 3RXu4-26vwU-00600-00189744-00189925 - [Host] Can you tell us your name first? 3RXu4-26vwU-00601-00189925-00190331 - My name is Tiffany Cheng, I use the pronoun she and her. 3RXu4-26vwU-00602-00190331-00190545 My job at UC Berkeley is to work with survivors 3RXu4-26vwU-00603-00190545-00190721 of sexual violence and sexual harassment 3RXu4-26vwU-00604-00190721-00191131 as a confidential advocate, and we work in Sproul Plaza 3RXu4-26vwU-00605-00191131-00191351 and we've been very intent on creating a space 3RXu4-26vwU-00606-00191351-00191796 in Sproul Plaza that feels safe and for people to heal. 3RXu4-26vwU-00607-00191937-00192141 For the survivors I work with, one of the most painful 3RXu4-26vwU-00608-00192141-00192381 losses of trauma is when they no longer see Berkeley 3RXu4-26vwU-00609-00192381-00192610 as their dream school, but as the place 3RXu4-26vwU-00610-00192610-00193003 where they were raped or harassed, or stalked, or hurt. 3RXu4-26vwU-00611-00193003-00193227 And Berkeley is no longer a place where they get to learn 3RXu4-26vwU-00612-00193227-00193472 and thrive, but a place that becomes a nightmare. 3RXu4-26vwU-00613-00193628-00193849 A lot of my work is to help students get connected 3RXu4-26vwU-00614-00193849-00194077 to resources and accommodations to help them go to 3RXu4-26vwU-00615-00194077-00194409 reporting processes, but a big part of what I do 3RXu4-26vwU-00616-00194409-00194791 is also to help them get back to a place where their campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00617-00194791-00195224 gets to feel like their own, and that they belong here, 3RXu4-26vwU-00618-00195224-00195534 and that deserve the space that they take here, 3RXu4-26vwU-00619-00195534-00195859 and that we as a University have a responsibility 3RXu4-26vwU-00620-00195859-00196050 to protect that space for them. 3RXu4-26vwU-00621-00196263-00196651 When my student told me that UC Berkeley was once again 3RXu4-26vwU-00622-00196651-00197049 not just a trauma war zone, but also a cultural war zone, 3RXu4-26vwU-00623-00197049-00197205 that loss was compounded. 3RXu4-26vwU-00624-00197309-00197668 We were forced to move out of our space in Sprout Plaza 3RXu4-26vwU-00625-00197668-00198148 in Sprout Hall because there were police lining the hallways 3RXu4-26vwU-00626-00198148-00198298 and for the people I work with 3RXu4-26vwU-00627-00198298-00198548 that can be incredibly triggering. 3RXu4-26vwU-00628-00198548-00198699 A lot of the people I work with come 3RXu4-26vwU-00629-00198699-00199053 from marginalized identities that felt like if I'm walking 3RXu4-26vwU-00630-00199053-00199385 through a crowd in Sprout Plaza, will I be safe, 3RXu4-26vwU-00631-00199385-00199536 or will I be attacked? 3RXu4-26vwU-00632-00199633-00200133 And that feeling of not knowing is so painful. 3RXu4-26vwU-00633-00200351-00200638 Once again, our campus had been stripped away 3RXu4-26vwU-00634-00200638-00200801 and made unsafe. 3RXu4-26vwU-00635-00200903-00201170 It became a place for police and threat 3RXu4-26vwU-00636-00201170-00201429 and bigotry and violence. 3RXu4-26vwU-00637-00201429-00201789 And as an employee at UC Berkeley and as an alumnist, 3RXu4-26vwU-00638-00201789-00202043 I shared that loss with my student. 3RXu4-26vwU-00639-00202144-00202458 Berkeley didn't feel like our own, we were chased 3RXu4-26vwU-00640-00202458-00202806 out of the space we'd intentionally built to feel safe 3RXu4-26vwU-00641-00202806-00202980 and we didn't feel protected. 3RXu4-26vwU-00642-00203236-00203736 This is our campus, we work here, we learn here, 3RXu4-26vwU-00643-00203868-00204179 we live here, we thrive here. 3RXu4-26vwU-00644-00204179-00204533 This is the space that we contribute to every day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00645-00204644-00204980 We as a community, we are the ones who make this campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00646-00204980-00205346 what it is and we deserve to have that protected. 3RXu4-26vwU-00647-00205439-00205522 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00648-00205945-00206211 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-00649-00207559-00207792 - Hello, everyone, my name is Asia Perlow 3RXu4-26vwU-00650-00207792-00208046 and I am a third year student here at Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00651-00208046-00208281 And so what I wanted to discuss about as far as 3RXu4-26vwU-00652-00208281-00208530 the handling of the free speech events was specifically 3RXu4-26vwU-00653-00208530-00208687 the Ben Shapiro event. 3RXu4-26vwU-00654-00208777-00209098 So, during that event there was a large blockade 3RXu4-26vwU-00655-00209098-00209598 around Sproul Plaza which redirected transportation lines 3RXu4-26vwU-00656-00209627-00209888 which limited mobility and accessibility for students 3RXu4-26vwU-00657-00209888-00210144 and especially those who rely on public transportation 3RXu4-26vwU-00658-00210144-00210319 for access to campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00659-00210319-00210732 And also I have the Nixor Report sent out by UCPD 3RXu4-26vwU-00660-00210732-00211023 at 10:08 am on the day of the event, 3RXu4-26vwU-00661-00211023-00211321 which if my recollection is correct was after the blockade 3RXu4-26vwU-00662-00211321-00211738 had already been put up and some of the prohibited items 3RXu4-26vwU-00663-00211738-00212238 backpacks and bags, bikes, or sorry bike U-locks, 3RXu4-26vwU-00664-00212359-00212812 umbrellas, coolers, hard or frozen fruit. 3RXu4-26vwU-00665-00212812-00213017 Some of these items that are on this list, 3RXu4-26vwU-00666-00213017-00213371 or also liquid other than water, some of these items 3RXu4-26vwU-00667-00213371-00213590 that are on this list are things that students take 3RXu4-26vwU-00668-00213590-00213834 with us everyday to school, hello, backpacks, 3RXu4-26vwU-00669-00213834-00213963 those are very important. 3RXu4-26vwU-00670-00213963-00214365 And there was not enough of a notice for students 3RXu4-26vwU-00671-00214365-00214865 about the obstacles that this event would entail. 3RXu4-26vwU-00672-00215053-00215296 First of all, we didn't know that the transportation lines 3RXu4-26vwU-00673-00215296-00215403 were going to be redirected. 3RXu4-26vwU-00674-00215403-00215714 I walked out of my apartment that morning and saw a bus 3RXu4-26vwU-00675-00215714-00215944 that wasn't supposed to be there driving down the street 3RXu4-26vwU-00676-00215944-00216211 and not stopping, and then I saw that all 3RXu4-26vwU-00677-00216211-00216481 around the campus, the buses were being redirected, 3RXu4-26vwU-00678-00216481-00216653 and this is through one of the main entrances 3RXu4-26vwU-00679-00216653-00217010 to campus for, I think a lot of students, Sproul Plaza. 3RXu4-26vwU-00680-00217010-00217417 So, how can we handle these events where the way that we're 3RXu4-26vwU-00681-00217417-00217863 securing them does not interfere with the students' ability 3RXu4-26vwU-00682-00217863-00218064 to learn, 'cause after all this is a University, 3RXu4-26vwU-00683-00218064-00218340 we're here to learn, we're here to go to our classes, 3RXu4-26vwU-00684-00218340-00218609 for one, that we pay tuition to go to. 3RXu4-26vwU-00685-00218609-00218848 And if we can't bring our backpacks, 3RXu4-26vwU-00686-00218848-00219064 our transportation lines are redirected, 3RXu4-26vwU-00687-00219064-00219401 we can't bring our bikes because we can't lock them up, 3RXu4-26vwU-00688-00219401-00219666 how are we supposed to learn? 3RXu4-26vwU-00689-00219666-00220033 So, I think in handling events like these that are 3RXu4-26vwU-00690-00220033-00220278 high risk we need to consider that students 3RXu4-26vwU-00691-00220278-00220531 are still here to learn and we need to do it in a way 3RXu4-26vwU-00692-00220531-00220960 that doesn't prevent this from being something 3RXu4-26vwU-00693-00220960-00221205 that we can do in a University where we come 3RXu4-26vwU-00694-00221205-00221423 to go to class and learn, that's all. 3RXu4-26vwU-00695-00221742-00222202 - So, at this point, if you are here to speak 3RXu4-26vwU-00696-00222202-00222571 there will be another opening at 11:45. 3RXu4-26vwU-00697-00222571-00222867 Right now what we would like to do is reserve 3RXu4-26vwU-00698-00222867-00223301 the next half hour for staff people who work 3RXu4-26vwU-00699-00223301-00223568 in the environs of Sproul Plaza. 3RXu4-26vwU-00700-00223669-00224048 Jay, Prudence, would you like to introduce our guest? 3RXu4-26vwU-00701-00224148-00224412 - [Jay] Yes, we're very pleased that Carol Crist 3RXu4-26vwU-00702-00224412-00224704 has agreed to join us for this next half hour. 3RXu4-26vwU-00703-00224704-00225055 And, Carol, you said you'd be willing to make 3RXu4-26vwU-00704-00225055-00225395 a few brief comments, or, yeah. 3RXu4-26vwU-00705-00225395-00225667 - [Carol Crist] Oh, I didn't but I (laughing) 3RXu4-26vwU-00706-00226317-00226817 I want to say how important this is to me and to the campus, 3RXu4-26vwU-00707-00226890-00227390 for us to really explore deeply, not only the issue 3RXu4-26vwU-00708-00227539-00227814 of free speech, but the relationship of free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00709-00227814-00228055 to our values as a community. 3RXu4-26vwU-00710-00228146-00228465 One of the things that I've become aware of 3RXu4-26vwU-00711-00228465-00228775 as I've thought intensively about free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00712-00228775-00229275 over the last several months is that free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00713-00229357-00229671 is a process, it's not a set of principles 3RXu4-26vwU-00714-00229671-00229992 that you put on a piece of paper and so hearing 3RXu4-26vwU-00715-00229992-00230492 from the community, hearing from you about how the events 3RXu4-26vwU-00716-00230617-00230994 of the fall affected you, hearing your advice 3RXu4-26vwU-00717-00230994-00231494 is going to be really important in our development 3RXu4-26vwU-00718-00231617-00231821 of the best policies for the campus, 3RXu4-26vwU-00719-00231821-00232321 and also the best priorities in the use of one of our 3RXu4-26vwU-00720-00232325-00232586 important resources which is the forums 3RXu4-26vwU-00721-00232586-00232833 that we offer people to speak. 3RXu4-26vwU-00722-00232964-00233135 - Thank you very much. 3RXu4-26vwU-00723-00233395-00233753 (faint chatter off camera) 3RXu4-26vwU-00724-00235920-00236179 - [Host] We'll give each of our speakers about four minutes. 3RXu4-26vwU-00725-00236179-00236679 Is there anyone else who would like to speak (mumbles)? 3RXu4-26vwU-00726-00236954-00237123 - Hi, everyone, good morning. 3RXu4-26vwU-00727-00237123-00237344 I don't know, is this work, did I mess it, 3RXu4-26vwU-00728-00237344-00237519 is it working, can you actually hear? 3RXu4-26vwU-00729-00237519-00237602 Can you hear in the back? 3RXu4-26vwU-00730-00237602-00237685 - [Prudence] We can hear you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00731-00237685-00237769 - Should I talk like that? 3RXu4-26vwU-00732-00237769-00237852 (audience laughing) 3RXu4-26vwU-00733-00237852-00237935 Is that different? 3RXu4-26vwU-00734-00237935-00238136 Sorry, I'm like working an event space so 3RXu4-26vwU-00735-00238136-00238391 maybe I shouldn't touch it actually. 3RXu4-26vwU-00736-00238391-00238556 I can just talk really loud, okay cool. 3RXu4-26vwU-00737-00238556-00238692 Is that better? 3RXu4-26vwU-00738-00238692-00238775 Can you hear in the back better? 3RXu4-26vwU-00739-00238775-00238886 Okay, cool. 3RXu4-26vwU-00740-00238886-00239034 So, good morning. 3RXu4-26vwU-00741-00239034-00239250 Thank you all for extending the invitation specifically 3RXu4-26vwU-00742-00239250-00239430 to hear from staff that work directly 3RXu4-26vwU-00743-00239430-00239644 in the immediate area of Sproul. 3RXu4-26vwU-00744-00239644-00239781 My name is Alisa, I'm the director of the Multi-Cultural 3RXu4-26vwU-00745-00239781-00239919 Community Center here on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00746-00239919-00240146 It's a student one and student led space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00747-00240146-00240503 I'm one of two very lucky staff people who get to work 3RXu4-26vwU-00748-00240503-00240696 directly with undergraduate and graduate students 3RXu4-26vwU-00749-00240696-00240844 in the space. 3RXu4-26vwU-00750-00240844-00240998 I also work really closely with my colleagues 3RXu4-26vwU-00751-00240998-00241219 in Multi-Cultural Student Development Offices and Spaces, 3RXu4-26vwU-00752-00241219-00241405 in the Gender Equity Resource Center. 3RXu4-26vwU-00753-00241508-00241667 So, what I wanted to talk about today is both 3RXu4-26vwU-00754-00241667-00241933 from my personal experience, but also kind of collectively 3RXu4-26vwU-00755-00241933-00242141 we've had a few conversations about what we might 3RXu4-26vwU-00756-00242141-00242298 want to adjust to the commission. 3RXu4-26vwU-00757-00242298-00242501 And we also want to maybe submit something 3RXu4-26vwU-00758-00242501-00242636 to you all in writing. 3RXu4-26vwU-00759-00242636-00242794 But the questions that have surfaced for us 3RXu4-26vwU-00760-00242794-00243023 time and time again when we talk about free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00761-00243023-00243456 is really a question of who's free speech and who's safety. 3RXu4-26vwU-00762-00243456-00243677 And while those might seem like rhetorical questions, 3RXu4-26vwU-00763-00243677-00243976 they're actually quite serious questions to consider. 3RXu4-26vwU-00764-00243976-00244296 So, for us the proposed fact of responding to hate speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00765-00244296-00244552 with more speech actually was not extended to us, 3RXu4-26vwU-00766-00244552-00244771 as evidenced by the removal of a poster 3RXu4-26vwU-00767-00244771-00245271 from within the inside of the Multi-Cultural Community 3RXu4-26vwU-00768-00245273-00245555 Center the day after the Ben Shapiro event. 3RXu4-26vwU-00769-00245555-00245887 After a lot of inquiries and my little investigative hat, 3RXu4-26vwU-00770-00246048-00246355 we were told that it was Campus Paint Facility Services 3RXu4-26vwU-00771-00246355-00246621 that came into the MCC and removed the sign. 3RXu4-26vwU-00772-00246621-00246977 That was without prior conversation with either MCC staff 3RXu4-26vwU-00773-00246977-00247150 or with the Student Union Staff. 3RXu4-26vwU-00774-00247354-00247583 As a space that was a violation of our space 3RXu4-26vwU-00775-00247583-00247787 and our understanding actually with the Student Union 3RXu4-26vwU-00776-00247787-00247946 with the Multi-Cultural Community Center as part 3RXu4-26vwU-00777-00247946-00248051 of the Lower Sproul redevelopment 3RXu4-26vwU-00778-00248051-00248290 and our working relationships. 3RXu4-26vwU-00779-00248290-00248589 It's just one example of the ways that working relationships 3RXu4-26vwU-00780-00248589-00249046 were kind of cross-cut in the tension of the time. 3RXu4-26vwU-00781-00249046-00249250 The impact was very clear to students. 3RXu4-26vwU-00782-00249250-00249544 One was that, and the students in our offices 3RXu4-26vwU-00783-00249544-00249833 and connected offices who are primarily first generation 3RXu4-26vwU-00784-00249833-00250079 students, low income student, undocumented students, 3RXu4-26vwU-00785-00250079-00250308 query, and trans students, it is very clear 3RXu4-26vwU-00786-00250308-00250621 that free speech was not extended to them in this instance. 3RXu4-26vwU-00787-00250621-00250910 It was also an example of how professional staff members 3RXu4-26vwU-00788-00250910-00251211 are regularly excluded from communication and management 3RXu4-26vwU-00789-00251211-00251403 of security of our own spaces. 3RXu4-26vwU-00790-00251403-00251717 This includes having our key card access, similarly removed 3RXu4-26vwU-00791-00251717-00251964 and completely revoked during certain times, 3RXu4-26vwU-00792-00251964-00252286 while others including student, staff that are not 3RXu4-26vwU-00793-00252286-00252567 affiliated with our spaces are allowed to retain access 3RXu4-26vwU-00794-00252567-00252838 without prior consult or discussion. 3RXu4-26vwU-00795-00252838-00253292 I believe this in particular puts us in a precarious 3RXu4-26vwU-00796-00253292-00253515 position, especially in emergency situations 3RXu4-26vwU-00797-00253515-00254004 which happen when folks decided to study in the building 3RXu4-26vwU-00798-00254004-00254117 on the night of Ben Shapiro. 3RXu4-26vwU-00799-00254117-00254314 We were without as professional staff members, 3RXu4-26vwU-00800-00254314-00254486 there's no way that we could ensure their safety, 3RXu4-26vwU-00801-00254486-00254819 getting to our safety supplies, getting to our kitchen, 3RXu4-26vwU-00802-00254819-00255103 any of those things were taken away from us in that moment. 3RXu4-26vwU-00803-00255103-00255271 And to this extent I hope that the commission is able 3RXu4-26vwU-00804-00255271-00255456 to offer recommendations to address the gaps 3RXu4-26vwU-00805-00255456-00255692 in communication that exist between staff members 3RXu4-26vwU-00806-00255692-00255912 who may work in distinct offices and divisions 3RXu4-26vwU-00807-00255912-00256189 that are responsible for overlapping spaces of populations 3RXu4-26vwU-00808-00256189-00256396 on campus, including the MCC. 3RXu4-26vwU-00809-00256480-00256657 As an example that would make sense for me 3RXu4-26vwU-00810-00256657-00256837 that while discussing safety and security plan 3RXu4-26vwU-00811-00256837-00257110 for the Student Union buildings, directors for spaces 3RXu4-26vwU-00812-00257110-00257514 like the MCC and the Public Service Center are, hold on, 3RXu4-26vwU-00813-00257514-00257732 it makes sense, hold on, it would make sense 3RXu4-26vwU-00814-00257732-00257955 that we are directly included in conversations 3RXu4-26vwU-00815-00257955-00258146 and this would extent to Directors of Chavez 3RXu4-26vwU-00816-00258146-00258366 and the event of Upper Sproul and Lower Sproul. 3RXu4-26vwU-00817-00258366-00258542 Each day my colleagues and I work to support 3RXu4-26vwU-00818-00258542-00258773 the holistic and physical and emotional health 3RXu4-26vwU-00819-00258773-00258969 of all of our communities. 3RXu4-26vwU-00820-00258969-00259184 In order to make sure that we have the opportunities 3RXu4-26vwU-00821-00259184-00259435 for academic, personal, and professional success. 3RXu4-26vwU-00822-00259609-00259767 The public messages throughout the last semester 3RXu4-26vwU-00823-00259767-00260073 were about physical safety for the UC Berkeley community 3RXu4-26vwU-00824-00260073-00260253 and public, many of us would argue that the 3RXu4-26vwU-00825-00260253-00260532 hyper militarization practices utilized on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00826-00260532-00260802 themselves cause significant harm to our communities. 3RXu4-26vwU-00827-00260802-00260962 We had countless conversations with students 3RXu4-26vwU-00828-00260962-00261166 and staff members reporting everything from stress induced 3RXu4-26vwU-00829-00261166-00261644 illness to debilitation and fear of coming to campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00830-00261644-00261906 due to the heightened levels of law enforcement presence 3RXu4-26vwU-00831-00261906-00262182 on campus, these are things that you already know. 3RXu4-26vwU-00832-00262182-00262500 But specifically I wanted to talk about accommodations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00833-00262500-00262780 We received really mixed messages around accommodations. 3RXu4-26vwU-00834-00262780-00262952 Within the Division of Equity and Inclusion we've got 3RXu4-26vwU-00835-00262952-00263219 clear messages that we should work with our students, 3RXu4-26vwU-00836-00263219-00263607 with our staff, about talking about what the holistic 3RXu4-26vwU-00837-00263607-00263785 impacts were on our working environments 3RXu4-26vwU-00838-00263785-00263933 and our learning environments. 3RXu4-26vwU-00839-00263933-00264327 When some of the events of free speech were canceled, 3RXu4-26vwU-00840-00264327-00264510 we knew that the environment didn't just go away, 3RXu4-26vwU-00841-00264510-00264626 didn't go back to Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00842-00264626-00264847 The police presence was still present. 3RXu4-26vwU-00843-00264847-00265281 The, what is this called, the barriers were still there, 3RXu4-26vwU-00844-00265281-00265627 all those things still happened and what I communicated 3RXu4-26vwU-00845-00265627-00265857 to students was that they could ask for accommodations, 3RXu4-26vwU-00846-00265857-00266036 flexibility from their professors. 3RXu4-26vwU-00847-00266036-00266201 When things were canceled many professors 3RXu4-26vwU-00848-00266201-00266466 just took that away, and many staff people also took that 3RXu4-26vwU-00849-00266466-00266637 away from the accommodations they had offered 3RXu4-26vwU-00850-00266637-00266843 to the staff that they worked with. 3RXu4-26vwU-00851-00266843-00267089 And so all of a sudden folks were expected to come 3RXu4-26vwU-00852-00267089-00267335 to campus without those accommodations and they came 3RXu4-26vwU-00853-00267335-00267602 into a tense environment, they came into an environment 3RXu4-26vwU-00854-00267602-00267833 where they were physically assaulted, they were spat upon, 3RXu4-26vwU-00855-00267833-00267947 or they were yelled at. 3RXu4-26vwU-00856-00267947-00268105 And so this was a really mixed messages. 3RXu4-26vwU-00857-00268105-00268484 I feel like I set up students to ask and to advocate 3RXu4-26vwU-00858-00268484-00268846 for themselves and the University didn't help me support 3RXu4-26vwU-00859-00268846-00269073 those students in their success and for staff members. 3RXu4-26vwU-00860-00269073-00269423 I also got reports from a staff member that when they 3RXu4-26vwU-00861-00269423-00269847 asked to leave campus for the day because their own 3RXu4-26vwU-00862-00269847-00270053 well-being, they were actually locked into their office 3RXu4-26vwU-00863-00270053-00270313 and said we're fine, we're not even on Central Campus here 3RXu4-26vwU-00864-00270313-00270565 and they were not allowed to leave or even take a sick day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00865-00270565-00270948 So, those are the kinds of things that I was holding, 3RXu4-26vwU-00866-00270948-00271165 that are somewhat outside of my job purview. 3RXu4-26vwU-00867-00271165-00271568 But I really hope that we're able through you all 3RXu4-26vwU-00868-00271568-00271805 and through the commission to talk about some of these gaps 3RXu4-26vwU-00869-00271805-00272068 in communication and really start making those connections 3RXu4-26vwU-00870-00272068-00272460 so that we can be preventative and/or when we're 3RXu4-26vwU-00871-00272460-00272913 caught into a, we have to just act in the moment 3RXu4-26vwU-00872-00272913-00273296 that we go towards harm reduction models, 3RXu4-26vwU-00873-00273296-00273562 and/or we really think about de-escalation, thanks. 3RXu4-26vwU-00874-00274273-00274540 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-00875-00275206-00275329 - [Prudence] Depends on the number of speakers. 3RXu4-26vwU-00876-00275556-00275823 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-00877-00276572-00276710 - Peace, everyone. 3RXu4-26vwU-00878-00276710-00276839 How we doing today? 3RXu4-26vwU-00879-00276839-00276958 Good, all right, happy Friday. 3RXu4-26vwU-00880-00276958-00277152 My name is Blake Simons, I'm the Assistant Director 3RXu4-26vwU-00881-00277152-00277363 of the (mumbling) Black Resource Center. 3RXu4-26vwU-00882-00277363-00277678 I've been on this campus since 2011, I'm also an alum 3RXu4-26vwU-00883-00277678-00277887 and what I saw during free speech week is something 3RXu4-26vwU-00884-00277887-00278132 that I've never seen on this campus before 3RXu4-26vwU-00885-00278132-00278326 in my time and that is also going through 3RXu4-26vwU-00886-00278326-00278604 the Black Lives Matter movement, in which I was a student 3RXu4-26vwU-00887-00278604-00278861 and tear gassed in the streets of Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-00888-00278861-00279302 So, to see this happen again was definitely very frustrating 3RXu4-26vwU-00889-00279302-00279597 not only just as a staff member but as just a black person, 3RXu4-26vwU-00890-00279741-00280052 native to the Bay area, having to go on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00891-00280052-00280359 and to be subjected to such violence. 3RXu4-26vwU-00892-00280359-00280603 And violence isn't always just physical but like 3RXu4-26vwU-00893-00280603-00280884 what does it mean when you have police with militarized 3RXu4-26vwU-00894-00280884-00281031 weapons standing everywhere. 3RXu4-26vwU-00895-00281173-00281400 I also wanted to raise the attention to certain events 3RXu4-26vwU-00896-00281400-00281627 that happened during free speech week that a lot of folks 3RXu4-26vwU-00897-00281627-00281824 might not be aware about. 3RXu4-26vwU-00898-00281824-00282000 The black community, every Wednesday we have something 3RXu4-26vwU-00899-00282000-00282321 called Black Wednesday, it's a space where we can just chill 3RXu4-26vwU-00900-00282321-00282463 and be in a community with each other. 3RXu4-26vwU-00901-00282463-00282821 That also happened to fall on Nigerian Independence Day 3RXu4-26vwU-00902-00282821-00283066 where our students were celebrating independence. 3RXu4-26vwU-00903-00283242-00283424 That was also free speech week. 3RXu4-26vwU-00904-00283424-00283676 We were there, doing what we normally do every Wednesday, 3RXu4-26vwU-00905-00283676-00283801 which we did this past Wednesday, 3RXu4-26vwU-00906-00283801-00284046 which we'll do next Wednesday and the week after, 3RXu4-26vwU-00907-00284046-00284468 be at that space and we were physically attacked 3RXu4-26vwU-00908-00284468-00284654 by white supremacists who were on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00909-00284654-00284809 under the guise of free speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-00910-00284936-00285238 And literally as a staff member having to almost 3RXu4-26vwU-00911-00285238-00285412 be in the protector role of my students, 3RXu4-26vwU-00912-00285412-00285594 to make sure that my students are safe, 3RXu4-26vwU-00913-00285594-00285883 and having to put my body, my physical safety in the line 3RXu4-26vwU-00914-00285883-00286076 to make sure that my students were okay. 3RXu4-26vwU-00915-00286076-00286352 And I think we need to really think about what free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-00916-00286352-00286852 is, what the implications of quote unquote patriot prayer is 3RXu4-26vwU-00917-00286960-00287214 and talk about it for what it is 3RXu4-26vwU-00918-00287214-00287358 'cause we need to protect our students. 3RXu4-26vwU-00919-00287358-00287586 And a lot of my students did not feel safe. 3RXu4-26vwU-00920-00287586-00287802 Even asking me to come do security for them 3RXu4-26vwU-00921-00287802-00287978 during their meetings because they did not feel safe 3RXu4-26vwU-00922-00287978-00288109 to be on campus that day. 3RXu4-26vwU-00923-00288205-00288430 Another point I want to make too is that policing 3RXu4-26vwU-00924-00288430-00288560 doesn't inherently mean safety. 3RXu4-26vwU-00925-00288560-00288925 I saw some communication that this event was good 3RXu4-26vwU-00926-00288925-00289321 because it was safe, but the most unsafe I felt 3RXu4-26vwU-00927-00289321-00289600 was on this campus having to walk home at night, 3RXu4-26vwU-00928-00289600-00289775 walking down Bancroft, 3RXu4-26vwU-00929-00289775-00289989 militarized police officers everywhere, 3RXu4-26vwU-00930-00289989-00290150 walking down the middle of the street trying to get 3RXu4-26vwU-00931-00290150-00290357 to my car and at that moment I'm like, 3RXu4-26vwU-00932-00290357-00290665 I wish I had my staff ID in my hand, 3RXu4-26vwU-00933-00290665-00290799 but I'm not going to go into my pocket 3RXu4-26vwU-00934-00290799-00291022 because I'm fearing what they might think 3RXu4-26vwU-00935-00291022-00291182 that I'm going in my pocket for. 3RXu4-26vwU-00936-00291182-00291670 And that was like most fear I've had in a while. 3RXu4-26vwU-00937-00291670-00291835 So, I don't want people to think that police 3RXu4-26vwU-00938-00291835-00292028 means safety and that students actually feel safe 3RXu4-26vwU-00939-00292028-00292366 with militarized police officers, tanks, it felt like 3RXu4-26vwU-00940-00292366-00292536 a very war zone occupation. 3RXu4-26vwU-00941-00292764-00292924 There was also a lot of students that I worked with 3RXu4-26vwU-00942-00292924-00293173 that are a lot of emotional trauma and I know the tanks 3RXu4-26vwU-00943-00293173-00293317 and there was doing a lot of hard work, 3RXu4-26vwU-00944-00293317-00293602 but there's also not enough resources for folks 3RXu4-26vwU-00945-00293602-00293778 to be able to see therapists consistently, 3RXu4-26vwU-00946-00293778-00294031 going through the trauma that they were going through. 3RXu4-26vwU-00947-00294031-00294263 And the last point that I wanted to speak about 3RXu4-26vwU-00948-00294263-00294581 was the closing of the buildings, and what does that mean 3RXu4-26vwU-00949-00294581-00294895 when the buildings are closed or where black, brown, 3RXu4-26vwU-00950-00294895-00295031 indigenous students are in right. 3RXu4-26vwU-00951-00295031-00295209 So, we're closing Cesar Chavez Center 3RXu4-26vwU-00952-00295209-00295493 under the name of free speech, but literally displacing 3RXu4-26vwU-00953-00295493-00295892 students in the few very safe spaces that we have on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00954-00295981-00296336 And also there was communication about which way to go, 3RXu4-26vwU-00955-00296336-00296456 or which way to be on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-00956-00296456-00296742 Where it was like little small red lines about areas 3RXu4-26vwU-00957-00296742-00296992 you were supposed to avoid and who are we telling 3RXu4-26vwU-00958-00296992-00297177 to avoid these areas? 3RXu4-26vwU-00959-00297177-00297409 Black, brown, indigenous people, right. 3RXu4-26vwU-00960-00297409-00297606 So, we're supposed to avoid certain areas of campus 3RXu4-26vwU-00961-00297606-00297689 that we're supposed to go to 3RXu4-26vwU-00962-00297689-00297910 because of quote unquote free speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-00963-00297910-00298070 So, I just ask that people really think 3RXu4-26vwU-00964-00298070-00298474 about black, brown, and indigenous folks, people of color, 3RXu4-26vwU-00965-00298474-00298757 queer and trans students when these quote unquote 3RXu4-26vwU-00966-00298757-00298984 free speech events are going on. 3RXu4-26vwU-00967-00298984-00299067 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-00968-00299067-00299151 - [Ty] What about the yellow folks? 3RXu4-26vwU-00969-00299577-00299822 Oh, we're not supposed to comment? 3RXu4-26vwU-00970-00299822-00300172 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-00971-00300172-00300504 He just seems to be racist against yellow folks, that's all. 3RXu4-26vwU-00972-00300504-00300771 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-00973-00301009-00301189 - Hi, everyone, thank you for having me. 3RXu4-26vwU-00974-00301189-00301559 I'm Daryl Ansel I'm the Executive Director 3RXu4-26vwU-00975-00301559-00301863 of the Student Union and the Associate Dean of Students, 3RXu4-26vwU-00976-00301863-00302111 I'm also a Cal alum, '83. 3RXu4-26vwU-00977-00302111-00302383 And it's a rare moment when one day work becomes 3RXu4-26vwU-00978-00302383-00302632 etched in my mind forever but I've had one 3RXu4-26vwU-00979-00302632-00302964 was like that so I'm very proud of our team 3RXu4-26vwU-00980-00302964-00303165 and everything we've done but I felt it was important 3RXu4-26vwU-00981-00303165-00303516 just to share with the commission on behalf of the team, 3RXu4-26vwU-00982-00303516-00303734 the emotional tolls supporting major events 3RXu4-26vwU-00983-00303734-00304050 has taken on us the last year. 3RXu4-26vwU-00984-00304050-00304233 For the sake of time, I narrowed this down to four 3RXu4-26vwU-00985-00304233-00304709 key topics: time, conflict, disruption and readiness. 3RXu4-26vwU-00986-00304709-00305005 So, for time I want to make sure everyone knows 3RXu4-26vwU-00987-00305005-00305309 that leading up to the February 1st event, that helps, 3RXu4-26vwU-00988-00305553-00305940 how much time many people put into this on our team. 3RXu4-26vwU-00989-00305940-00306369 For many people this took over their entire job duties 3RXu4-26vwU-00990-00306369-00306817 and caused great stress as other duties had to get put aside 3RXu4-26vwU-00991-00306817-00307009 and with all the major events we've had, 3RXu4-26vwU-00992-00307009-00307180 there's many team members who've never been able 3RXu4-26vwU-00993-00307180-00307574 to really catch up and they carry great sorrow 3RXu4-26vwU-00994-00307574-00307879 over the impact all these events have had on their work. 3RXu4-26vwU-00995-00308011-00308257 The necessary focus on events has negatively affected 3RXu4-26vwU-00996-00308257-00308522 team members' mental and physical health 3RXu4-26vwU-00997-00308522-00308784 and we remain very concerned about the adequacy 3RXu4-26vwU-00998-00308784-00309117 of our resources to support these major events. 3RXu4-26vwU-00999-00309117-00309224 So that's time. 3RXu4-26vwU-01000-00309224-00309697 Conflict, beyond the time there's internal conflict 3RXu4-26vwU-01001-00309697-00309843 that arose with many of us, 3RXu4-26vwU-01002-00309927-00310132 which was difficult and painful. 3RXu4-26vwU-01003-00310132-00310429 The conflict arose as our required roles 3RXu4-26vwU-01004-00310429-00310749 became significantly misaligned with personal beliefs. 3RXu4-26vwU-01005-00311003-00311196 There were a fair amount of tears and anger 3RXu4-26vwU-01006-00311196-00311394 both before the events and after the events, 3RXu4-26vwU-01007-00311394-00311592 especially Feb 1. 3RXu4-26vwU-01008-00311592-00311800 And while we might think this is sort of like the reality 3RXu4-26vwU-01009-00311800-00312089 of a job, this conflict, I observed conflict 3RXu4-26vwU-01010-00312089-00312395 that reached heights and extremes that seemed inappropriate 3RXu4-26vwU-01011-00312395-00312555 for our culture and our climate. 3RXu4-26vwU-01012-00312762-00313003 It was to say the least disorienting for many 3RXu4-26vwU-01013-00313141-00313525 and had us questioning our purpose, our leadership, 3RXu4-26vwU-01014-00313525-00313892 and the feeling was perhaps extreme mostly in the days 3RXu4-26vwU-01015-00313892-00314055 and weeks after, but it lingers 3RXu4-26vwU-01016-00314055-00314270 and it's never fully dissipated for many. 3RXu4-26vwU-01017-00314386-00314516 Three, disruption. 3RXu4-26vwU-01018-00314629-00314927 We strive each day in all that we do to be very inclusive 3RXu4-26vwU-01019-00314927-00315188 at the Union with diverse programs and services 3RXu4-26vwU-01020-00315188-00315473 to meet the needs of many communities. 3RXu4-26vwU-01021-00315473-00315672 There may have been no sadder moment for us 3RXu4-26vwU-01022-00315672-00316050 than 4:00 pm Feb 1, when we had to sweep the building 3RXu4-26vwU-01023-00316050-00316298 and shut down all operations and kicking out 3RXu4-26vwU-01024-00316298-00316564 the very students we exist to serve. 3RXu4-26vwU-01025-00316564-00316779 It seemed wrong then, and still seems wrong now 3RXu4-26vwU-01026-00316779-00317024 even though we've gained a greater understanding 3RXu4-26vwU-01027-00317024-00317255 of the free speech issues related to this. 3RXu4-26vwU-01028-00317387-00317595 Fourth, readiness. 3RXu4-26vwU-01029-00317595-00317811 So, we're a group of professionals, we're well trained 3RXu4-26vwU-01030-00317811-00317914 to do what we do. 3RXu4-26vwU-01031-00317999-00318288 That includes years of education and hard earned 3RXu4-26vwU-01032-00318288-00318521 deep physical experience. 3RXu4-26vwU-01033-00318521-00318787 We plan many programs and events, we're consistently 3RXu4-26vwU-01034-00318787-00319113 diligent in our efforts to be properly prepared. 3RXu4-26vwU-01035-00319113-00319408 Feb 1 we did everything we knew what to do to be ready 3RXu4-26vwU-01036-00319408-00319668 but we could not have imagined what occurred. 3RXu4-26vwU-01037-00319668-00320025 We felt like nobody helped us imagine what might occur, 3RXu4-26vwU-01038-00320025-00320227 and given the nature of our character and culture, 3RXu4-26vwU-01039-00320227-00320534 this wasn't just scary, but it was very disheartening 3RXu4-26vwU-01040-00320534-00320695 and that lingers as well. 3RXu4-26vwU-01041-00320695-00321087 We found ourselves in the surreal uncontrollable environment 3RXu4-26vwU-01042-00321087-00321344 with our student workers surrounded by smoke, 3RXu4-26vwU-01043-00321344-00321669 hundreds of police, hearing of the fires, rubber bullets 3RXu4-26vwU-01044-00321669-00321953 and Molotov cocktails and I believe we put 3RXu4-26vwU-01045-00321953-00322163 too many people in harm's way, but I'm thankful 3RXu4-26vwU-01046-00322163-00322462 we avoided, for the most part, physical injury. 3RXu4-26vwU-01047-00322462-00322682 So, these are kind of like the main points 3RXu4-26vwU-01048-00322682-00323002 of impact on our team and I share it in hopes 3RXu4-26vwU-01049-00323002-00323330 that this will help inform the discussions going on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01050-00323330-00323671 We appreciate all you're doing to be thoughtful 3RXu4-26vwU-01051-00323671-00323846 regarding how we support free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-01052-00323846-00324067 on this great campus of ours. 3RXu4-26vwU-01053-00324067-00324310 We hope you'll carefully consider the impact 3RXu4-26vwU-01054-00324310-00324527 of policies, procedures, and decisions have 3RXu4-26vwU-01055-00324527-00324799 on our staff and our students. 3RXu4-26vwU-01056-00324799-00325064 And I thank you for the time and the chance to speak. 3RXu4-26vwU-01057-00325625-00325858 (footsteps) 3RXu4-26vwU-01058-00326421-00326504 - Hi, good morning. 3RXu4-26vwU-01059-00326504-00326664 My name's Elizabeth Belmerdang, I work at the 3RXu4-26vwU-01060-00326664-00326797 Path to Care Center. 3RXu4-26vwU-01061-00326797-00326987 The Path to Care Center supports folks who have been 3RXu4-26vwU-01062-00326987-00327211 impacted by sexual violence and sexual sexual harassment 3RXu4-26vwU-01063-00327211-00327335 on our campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-01064-00327335-00327598 We are centrally located on campus, I will give a disclaimer 3RXu4-26vwU-01065-00327598-00327759 that we keep our location confidential, 3RXu4-26vwU-01066-00327759-00328089 so I ask that you please not take anything that I say 3RXu4-26vwU-01067-00328089-00328457 and share it about where our location is on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-01068-00328457-00328682 I wanted to share an incident that took place 3RXu4-26vwU-01069-00328682-00328897 over free hate speech week. 3RXu4-26vwU-01070-00328897-00329078 It was an interaction that I had with a student. 3RXu4-26vwU-01071-00329078-00329233 I had a meeting scheduled with a student 3RXu4-26vwU-01072-00329233-00329576 who I supervise and work with, and I was waiting 3RXu4-26vwU-01073-00329576-00329812 for the student to arrive and my phone rang 3RXu4-26vwU-01074-00329812-00330062 and it was the student and they said, 3RXu4-26vwU-01075-00330062-00330480 "I'm outside your building but I can't get in." 3RXu4-26vwU-01076-00330480-00330563 And I said, "What?" 3RXu4-26vwU-01077-00330563-00330876 And they said, "Yeah, I can't get in there are cops 3RXu4-26vwU-01078-00330876-00330966 stationed at every door, 3RXu4-26vwU-01079-00330966-00331180 they said the building's on lockdown." 3RXu4-26vwU-01080-00331180-00331433 I was shocked because we had received no notification 3RXu4-26vwU-01081-00331433-00331649 that our building was actually on lock down, 3RXu4-26vwU-01082-00331649-00332001 that nobody was able to enter or to exit. 3RXu4-26vwU-01083-00332001-00332267 And so I went downstairs and sure enough the student 3RXu4-26vwU-01084-00332267-00332501 was right, there were cops stationed at every door 3RXu4-26vwU-01085-00332501-00332743 and we were told that nobody was able to enter, 3RXu4-26vwU-01086-00332743-00332915 and nobody was able to leave. 3RXu4-26vwU-01087-00332915-00333137 If you wanted to leave you wouldn't be able to return. 3RXu4-26vwU-01088-00333137-00333378 And I said, "Well, I have a student right here, 3RXu4-26vwU-01089-00333378-00333622 I'm trying to provide support to this student." 3RXu4-26vwU-01090-00333622-00334037 And they said, "That's the rule right now, 3RXu4-26vwU-01091-00334037-00334212 we're not letting anybody in." 3RXu4-26vwU-01092-00334212-00334573 So, what followed was a conversation, a rushed conversation, 3RXu4-26vwU-01093-00334573-00334908 between myself and the student through a door, 3RXu4-26vwU-01094-00334908-00335283 I'm here, my student is here on the other side of the door 3RXu4-26vwU-01095-00335283-00335580 and there's a cop standing in between us. 3RXu4-26vwU-01096-00335580-00335835 The Path to Care Center has worked tirelessly 3RXu4-26vwU-01097-00335835-00336090 every single day to be seen as a trusted and confidential 3RXu4-26vwU-01098-00336090-00336401 resource on our campus and it is completely unacceptable 3RXu4-26vwU-01099-00336401-00336647 that I was put in the position to talk with a student 3RXu4-26vwU-01100-00336647-00336775 in that setting. 3RXu4-26vwU-01101-00336775-00336974 I want to make sure that that never happens again 3RXu4-26vwU-01102-00336974-00337095 on our campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-01103-00337095-00337429 I know that I don't have a solution to the events 3RXu4-26vwU-01104-00337429-00337771 that have occurred and what we can do next time, 3RXu4-26vwU-01105-00337771-00338073 but I want to be very clear that having a militarized 3RXu4-26vwU-01106-00338073-00338370 police presence on our campus is certainly not the solution. 3RXu4-26vwU-01107-00338370-00338604 It's not a solution that helps our students feel safe. 3RXu4-26vwU-01108-00338604-00338816 It's not a solution that helps me feel safe. 3RXu4-26vwU-01109-00338816-00339123 I went on a different day, I went to leave the building 3RXu4-26vwU-01110-00339123-00339473 to go to a meeting and I was told that I needed to leave 3RXu4-26vwU-01111-00339473-00339726 through the basement and that when I returned 3RXu4-26vwU-01112-00339726-00339917 I needed to return through the basement. 3RXu4-26vwU-01113-00339917-00340109 I got off of the elevator in the basement 3RXu4-26vwU-01114-00340109-00340456 and I faced a surge of hundreds of uniformed cops. 3RXu4-26vwU-01115-00340456-00340649 They were from Oakland, they were from Berkeley, 3RXu4-26vwU-01116-00340649-00340977 the were from the State, and even as a white woman 3RXu4-26vwU-01117-00340977-00341406 I felt paralyzed, I was so shocked to see that in my office, 3RXu4-26vwU-01118-00341406-00341688 in my place of work and I can't imagine 3RXu4-26vwU-01119-00341688-00341803 how others have felt. 3RXu4-26vwU-01120-00341803-00342007 I know that there were many staff who didn't feel safe 3RXu4-26vwU-01121-00342007-00342227 coming to work to support our students. 3RXu4-26vwU-01122-00342227-00342373 And I think that's the most important thing, 3RXu4-26vwU-01123-00342373-00342563 that's why we're here is to support our students 3RXu4-26vwU-01124-00342563-00342822 and if we can't feel safe, we can't feel like we're able 3RXu4-26vwU-01125-00342822-00343072 to do our job, we're not going to be able to support 3RXu4-26vwU-01126-00343072-00343277 our students and meet those goals. 3RXu4-26vwU-01127-00343277-00343439 The other thing I wanted to touch on 3RXu4-26vwU-01128-00343439-00343597 was the financial impact. 3RXu4-26vwU-01129-00343597-00343917 So, we actually had to reschedule and relocate 3RXu4-26vwU-01130-00343917-00344056 many of our meetings. 3RXu4-26vwU-01131-00344056-00344272 Many of our clients did not feel safe 3RXu4-26vwU-01132-00344272-00344752 coming to our building, we also didn't know whether 3RXu4-26vwU-01133-00344752-00344984 the building would be shut down. 3RXu4-26vwU-01134-00344984-00345285 Folks didn't feel safe for a variety of reasons, 3RXu4-26vwU-01135-00345285-00345461 some of it was because of the police presence, 3RXu4-26vwU-01136-00345461-00345686 some of it was certainly because of the rhetoric 3RXu4-26vwU-01137-00345686-00345808 that was happening and they weren't sure 3RXu4-26vwU-01138-00345808-00346050 who was going to be located near our building. 3RXu4-26vwU-01139-00346050-00346224 So, we had to relocate many of our meetings 3RXu4-26vwU-01140-00346224-00346487 and appointments, which meant that we needed to pay 3RXu4-26vwU-01141-00346487-00346783 for space across campus and so it had a financial impact 3RXu4-26vwU-01142-00346783-00346926 on us as well. 3RXu4-26vwU-01143-00346926-00347138 That money I can tell you can be much better served 3RXu4-26vwU-01144-00347138-00347320 to actually do violence prevention 3RXu4-26vwU-01145-00347320-00347464 and violence support efforts, 3RXu4-26vwU-01146-00347464-00347624 rather than paying for space 3RXu4-26vwU-01147-00347624-00347841 that we should already have access to. 3RXu4-26vwU-01148-00347841-00348112 And then the one other point that I wanted to make 3RXu4-26vwU-01149-00348112-00348272 was that it actually impacted our students 3RXu4-26vwU-01150-00348272-00348412 financially as well. 3RXu4-26vwU-01151-00348412-00348703 So, we have peer educators, we have student staff, 3RXu4-26vwU-01152-00348703-00348981 even when we relocated our meetings and relocated 3RXu4-26vwU-01153-00348981-00349181 our appointments with them, many of them still 3RXu4-26vwU-01154-00349181-00349424 didn't feel safe coming to campus and so they actually 3RXu4-26vwU-01155-00349424-00349876 lost out on making money, and they lost out on being able 3RXu4-26vwU-01156-00349876-00350133 to attend those meetings and log it on their time sheet, 3RXu4-26vwU-01157-00350133-00350327 and be paid and compensated for their time, 3RXu4-26vwU-01158-00350327-00350547 and that's income that those students are counting on 3RXu4-26vwU-01159-00350547-00350738 and that's why we pay them is because we believe 3RXu4-26vwU-01160-00350738-00350976 in the work that they do and we believe in it's value 3RXu4-26vwU-01161-00350976-00351205 and they weren't able to do the work, and they weren't 3RXu4-26vwU-01162-00351205-00351396 able to be compensated for it. 3RXu4-26vwU-01163-00351396-00351587 So, I really want to make sure that we think 3RXu4-26vwU-01164-00351587-00351826 not just about those impacts, but then that we can think 3RXu4-26vwU-01165-00351826-00352021 even broader and think about how can we hold 3RXu4-26vwU-01166-00352021-00352242 each other accountable to the respect and the safety 3RXu4-26vwU-01167-00352242-00352580 that we deserve as people, but also especially 3RXu4-26vwU-01168-00352580-00352683 as members of this community, where we're supposed 3RXu4-26vwU-01169-00352683-00352929 to respect one another and care for one another. 3RXu4-26vwU-01170-00352929-00353049 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-01171-00353049-00353283 (footsteps) 3RXu4-26vwU-01172-00353405-00353540 - [Host] Are there any other staff members 3RXu4-26vwU-01173-00353540-00353982 working in the vicinity of (mumbles) who'd like to speak? 3RXu4-26vwU-01174-00354305-00354572 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-01175-00355463-00355709 - [Ty] Since I represent a minority of the opinion here, 3RXu4-26vwU-01176-00355709-00356054 I'd love to be able to take questions. 3RXu4-26vwU-01177-00356054-00356321 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-01178-00359859-00359981 - [Prudence] I actually have a question, 3RXu4-26vwU-01179-00359981-00360316 there was one fact that just with the last speaker 3RXu4-26vwU-01180-00360316-00360768 that was just raised, I'm curious about the amount 3RXu4-26vwU-01181-00360879-00361200 that had to be paid and whether or not you've sought 3RXu4-26vwU-01182-00361588-00361837 repayment or reimbursement and whether or not, 3RXu4-26vwU-01183-00361837-00362063 and this is something to consider, if you've talked 3RXu4-26vwU-01184-00362063-00362341 to someone else higher up in the University 3RXu4-26vwU-01185-00362341-00362666 to seek repayment or to replenish your budget. 3RXu4-26vwU-01186-00362666-00362998 I mean, because that could potentially be added 3RXu4-26vwU-01187-00362998-00363183 to the total cost for the event. 3RXu4-26vwU-01188-00363183-00363436 So, has that been pursued? 3RXu4-26vwU-01189-00363436-00363535 - [Elizabeth] I'll have to check with our Director 3RXu4-26vwU-01190-00363535-00363763 to see what the latest status is, but I'd be happy 3RXu4-26vwU-01191-00363763-00363875 to follow up with you and let you 3RXu4-26vwU-01192-00363875-00364055 and the rest of the commission know. 3RXu4-26vwU-01193-00364263-00364407 - [Alisa] Can I speak to that point? 3RXu4-26vwU-01194-00364407-00364554 One of the things that I decided to not mention in ours 3RXu4-26vwU-01195-00364554-00364955 is that there was a lot of efforts to find other spaces 3RXu4-26vwU-01196-00364955-00365092 for our programs. 3RXu4-26vwU-01197-00365092-00365481 For the MCC in particular, our spaces are our program. 3RXu4-26vwU-01198-00365481-00365757 There's actually not another space that we can move to, 3RXu4-26vwU-01199-00365757-00366059 it's actually not an option to find another space on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01200-00366059-00366398 to move us because of the program itself is the space. 3RXu4-26vwU-01201-00366398-00366694 And so that was a big challenge actually that, 3RXu4-26vwU-01202-00366694-00366953 even in that, there's not really an adequate place 3RXu4-26vwU-01203-00366953-00367134 to move everything that we are. 3RXu4-26vwU-01204-00367134-00367411 And so that was I wanted to say it can't be quantified 3RXu4-26vwU-01205-00367411-00367768 financially but it had that huge impact in terms of 3RXu4-26vwU-01206-00367768-00367950 because we're also such a support space 3RXu4-26vwU-01207-00367950-00368307 for so many other services, PS, counselings, 3RXu4-26vwU-01208-00368425-00368706 we've partnered with USP, we've partnered with a lot 3RXu4-26vwU-01209-00368706-00369031 of providing free space for other services 3RXu4-26vwU-01210-00369031-00369366 for our students that and for staff and for faculty 3RXu4-26vwU-01211-00369366-00369701 that we actually, it's an irreplaceable kind of thing. 3RXu4-26vwU-01212-00369701-00369976 It's not quantifiable in that way, so I would add that. 3RXu4-26vwU-01213-00370200-00370467 (faint chatter) 3RXu4-26vwU-01214-00370959-00371113 - [Prudence] Why not. 3RXu4-26vwU-01215-00371113-00371216 - [Jay] Sure. - Sure. 3RXu4-26vwU-01216-00371216-00371512 - I think like it's helpful to better understand 3RXu4-26vwU-01217-00371709-00371910 and maybe it's already been published but I just 3RXu4-26vwU-01218-00371910-00372224 haven't read it, but just trying to get better gauge 3RXu4-26vwU-01219-00372224-00372516 of like, have numbers been published of like total figures 3RXu4-26vwU-01220-00372516-00372717 up to right now, what we know? 3RXu4-26vwU-01221-00372717-00372872 What is the role of the commission? 3RXu4-26vwU-01222-00372872-00373207 When do we expect things to come out of the commission? 3RXu4-26vwU-01223-00373207-00373492 I'm expecting for events to be happening this semester 3RXu4-26vwU-01224-00373492-00373686 because it's Berkeley and that's what we do, 3RXu4-26vwU-01225-00373686-00373872 that's just kind of like how we flow. 3RXu4-26vwU-01226-00373872-00374121 So, like what are like immediate decision that have 3RXu4-26vwU-01227-00374121-00374319 already been made to make those events better 3RXu4-26vwU-01228-00374319-00374480 like so on and so forth? 3RXu4-26vwU-01229-00374480-00374805 Just like, what's the central information space, 3RXu4-26vwU-01230-00374805-00375104 because when we get questions, I don't know who to point 3RXu4-26vwU-01231-00375104-00375384 people to and I myself don't know where to go to 3RXu4-26vwU-01232-00375384-00375648 for information and what's the most reliable source 3RXu4-26vwU-01233-00375648-00375871 of information, 'cause sometimes we hear something 3RXu4-26vwU-01234-00375871-00376081 from Student Affairs, but then we'll hear something 3RXu4-26vwU-01235-00376081-00376269 different from Equity and Inclusion, 3RXu4-26vwU-01236-00376269-00376506 and then we hear something else coming from the 3RXu4-26vwU-01237-00376506-00376714 Bergman Deuce Center and it's kind of like 3RXu4-26vwU-01238-00376714-00377054 really difficult, especially for service providers 3RXu4-26vwU-01239-00377054-00377365 like the MCC, I'm over at the Basic Needs side, 3RXu4-26vwU-01240-00377365-00377576 so Food Pantry, so when an event is canceled 3RXu4-26vwU-01241-00377576-00377739 we're like hey, there's no event go ahead 3RXu4-26vwU-01242-00377739-00378105 and carry business as usual but then we have like 150 3RXu4-26vwU-01243-00378105-00378404 police officers walking in the area of where the two 3RXu4-26vwU-01244-00378404-00378665 main entrances are to go into the Food Pantry. 3RXu4-26vwU-01245-00378665-00378955 Like, there's just mixed messages that are going on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01246-00378955-00379161 So, I think just all of those questions 3RXu4-26vwU-01247-00379252-00379337 would be helpful. 3RXu4-26vwU-01248-00379423-00379923 - So, then just in terms of central source for information 3RXu4-26vwU-01249-00380018-00380211 about the free speech commission. 3RXu4-26vwU-01250-00380211-00380479 We just set up the website this week. 3RXu4-26vwU-01251-00380479-00380979 There's a chancellor.berkeley.edu/commission-free-speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-01252-00381440-00381540 - [Woman One] Can you say that again? 3RXu4-26vwU-01253-00381540-00381628 - Sure, so it's 3RXu4-26vwU-01254-00381628-00382128 chancellor.berkeley.edu/commission-free-speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-01255-00382733-00382860 - [Woman Two] Or if you just go to 3RXu4-26vwU-01256-00382860-00383106 chancellor about berkeley.edu there's a pull down 3RXu4-26vwU-01257-00383223-00383584 recent past courses or sort of initiatives 3RXu4-26vwU-01258-00383584-00383812 and it's in that pull down too. 3RXu4-26vwU-01259-00383960-00384262 And at this point if you Google, if you just search 3RXu4-26vwU-01260-00384262-00384562 on Berkeley the commission on free speech it'll pop up too. 3RXu4-26vwU-01261-00384716-00384902 - [Ty] Is the commission going to look into the violence 3RXu4-26vwU-01262-00384902-00385130 by the communist group, Antifa? 3RXu4-26vwU-01263-00385228-00385526 I'd seen perplexed that nobody even mentions 3RXu4-26vwU-01264-00385526-00385869 the perpetrators of the violence and having this 3RXu4-26vwU-01265-00385869-00386246 at home and attack against some group that he said attacked 3RXu4-26vwU-01266-00386246-00386616 his group, which was not true, that patriot prayer guys, 3RXu4-26vwU-01267-00386616-00386961 they were just, they came here on free speech and they 3RXu4-26vwU-01268-00386961-00387077 were attacked by mobs. 3RXu4-26vwU-01269-00387077-00387370 40,000 of them in San Francisco. 3RXu4-26vwU-01270-00387370-00387704 - The charter of this free speech commission is to 3RXu4-26vwU-01271-00387704-00388003 review campus policies and practices 3RXu4-26vwU-01272-00388003-00388192 around the free speech issue. 3RXu4-26vwU-01273-00388192-00388639 It is not to do any investigation into events. 3RXu4-26vwU-01274-00388735-00389039 And so that's really what the focus of this group is. 3RXu4-26vwU-01275-00389236-00389578 - [Jay] We provided some feedback into the process 3RXu4-26vwU-01276-00389578-00389932 of formulating a set of special events policies 3RXu4-26vwU-01277-00389932-00390198 that have gone into effect now. 3RXu4-26vwU-01278-00390460-00390779 We're trying to get information about the experience 3RXu4-26vwU-01279-00390779-00391200 of the campus connected with various of the recent 3RXu4-26vwU-01280-00391200-00391586 free speech type events, with an eye to brainstorming 3RXu4-26vwU-01281-00391586-00391968 about whether we can improve our policies to more 3RXu4-26vwU-01282-00391968-00392468 effectively protect free speech while also protecting 3RXu4-26vwU-01283-00392586-00392993 the other values that are important to the campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-01284-00392993-00393225 - Have you reached out to the speakers who you censored? 3RXu4-26vwU-01285-00393369-00393504 - There's nothing, said nothing about censorship, 3RXu4-26vwU-01286-00393504-00393651 we're not aiming to censor anyone. 3RXu4-26vwU-01287-00393651-00393830 - Well, get-- 3RXu4-26vwU-01288-00393830-00394304 - We're hoping to offer some recommendations 3RXu4-26vwU-01289-00394304-00394579 to the Chancellor, I'm just going back to the question 3RXu4-26vwU-01290-00394579-00394848 about what our brief is and what our timetable, 3RXu4-26vwU-01291-00394848-00395270 in April and these recommendations might inform 3RXu4-26vwU-01292-00395270-00395531 further revisions to the special events policies 3RXu4-26vwU-01293-00395531-00395614 that. 3RXu4-26vwU-01294-00395728-00395962 - So, I just talk about, are there any other speakers, 3RXu4-26vwU-01295-00395962-00396262 people who would like to address the free speech commission? 3RXu4-26vwU-01296-00396563-00396646 - [Ty] I mean I'd like to take questions 3RXu4-26vwU-01297-00396646-00396761 because it seem like this is a-- 3RXu4-26vwU-01298-00396761-00397066 - [Prudence] Sir, sir, this, you're a visitor, 3RXu4-26vwU-01299-00397066-00397199 you're a guest here in the room. 3RXu4-26vwU-01300-00397199-00397472 The commission is here to hear from the broader community 3RXu4-26vwU-01301-00397472-00397572 and they're allowed to entertain-- 3RXu4-26vwU-01302-00397572-00397757 - He asked for input, I just gave him input, that's all. 3RXu4-26vwU-01303-00397757-00398009 - Well, sir, you could possibly give that to us privately, 3RXu4-26vwU-01304-00398009-00398201 but I would ask if you would respect the process 3RXu4-26vwU-01305-00398201-00398379 and the norms of the rooms today, 3RXu4-26vwU-01306-00398379-00398561 that we would like to listen, thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-01307-00398561-00398838 There are some other speakers-- 3RXu4-26vwU-01308-00398838-00398975 - You made an accusation against me, I'd like to be able 3RXu4-26vwU-01309-00398975-00399064 to respond to that. 3RXu4-26vwU-01310-00399064-00399509 I'm trying to, I understand, she made a comment to me, 3RXu4-26vwU-01311-00399509-00399842 am I not allowed to, this is ridiculous. 3RXu4-26vwU-01312-00400050-00400293 - There is and these are in no particular order. 3RXu4-26vwU-01313-00400699-00401199 This one is from James Stone Lunday. 3RXu4-26vwU-01314-00401201-00401537 It's entitled A Defense of Free Speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-01315-00401537-00401887 Dear sir or madam, I would like to thank you for 3RXu4-26vwU-01316-00401887-00402123 extending an invitation to the campus scholars 3RXu4-26vwU-01317-00402123-00402326 to discuss free speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-01318-00402326-00402609 Below I would like to outline a defense of the importance 3RXu4-26vwU-01319-00402609-00402849 of free speech in four parts. 3RXu4-26vwU-01320-00402849-00403279 Number one, there is no reason to trust any individual 3RXu4-26vwU-01321-00403279-00403541 or organization to regulate speech. 3RXu4-26vwU-01322-00403541-00403741 Certainly not the Trump administration, 3RXu4-26vwU-01323-00403741-00404097 but not the UC Berkeley administration either, 3RXu4-26vwU-01324-00404097-00404298 no offense to anyone in particular. 3RXu4-26vwU-01325-00404393-00404699 As soon as a framework for the restriction of free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-01326-00404699-00405010 is in place, it becomes abusable by anyone seeking 3RXu4-26vwU-01327-00405010-00405192 to silence their critics. 3RXu4-26vwU-01328-00405192-00405442 In my opinion there is no institution or purpose, 3RXu4-26vwU-01329-00405442-00405817 no ideology or religious creed that can safely be given 3RXu4-26vwU-01330-00405817-00406020 such awesome power. 3RXu4-26vwU-01331-00406020-00406281 None of us are so wise or so good that we deserve 3RXu4-26vwU-01332-00406281-00406571 the right to silence our detractors. 3RXu4-26vwU-01333-00406571-00406939 Number two, historically free speech and the ability 3RXu4-26vwU-01334-00406939-00407309 to offend has been very important for social progress. 3RXu4-26vwU-01335-00407309-00407640 During the early Civil Rights era, expressing the view 3RXu4-26vwU-01336-00407640-00407748 that black people should vote 3RXu4-26vwU-01337-00407748-00408071 or that interracial relationships should be legalized 3RXu4-26vwU-01338-00408071-00408430 was regarded by the majority of mainstream American society 3RXu4-26vwU-01339-00408430-00408715 as revolting degenerusy. 3RXu4-26vwU-01340-00408715-00409130 Certainly offensive and quite possibly hate speech of sorts. 3RXu4-26vwU-01341-00409215-00409447 The fact that the ability to express those views 3RXu4-26vwU-01342-00409447-00409731 was entwined in the US Constitution permitted the 3RXu4-26vwU-01343-00409731-00410207 USA to move one step further away from its dark past. 3RXu4-26vwU-01344-00410207-00410571 Free speech made that transformation possible. 3RXu4-26vwU-01345-00410571-00410924 Doubtless, those views will have been deeply offensive 3RXu4-26vwU-01346-00410924-00411189 to a great majority of the American public, 3RXu4-26vwU-01347-00411189-00411493 just as support for gay marriage has been deeply offensive 3RXu4-26vwU-01348-00411493-00411804 to many American's religious sensibilities. 3RXu4-26vwU-01349-00411804-00412157 However, Cal toeing to those who claim offense 3RXu4-26vwU-01350-00412157-00412474 the loudest, even if they do so for religious, cultural, 3RXu4-26vwU-01351-00412474-00412845 or ethnic reasons, and forcefully silencing discussions 3RXu4-26vwU-01352-00412845-00413104 is a certain way to erase all chance 3RXu4-26vwU-01353-00413104-00413314 for future social progress. 3RXu4-26vwU-01354-00413406-00413822 Number three, there are many countries with strict 3RXu4-26vwU-01355-00413822-00414278 restrictions on speech, China, North Korean, Singapore, 3RXu4-26vwU-01356-00414278-00414627 most of the Gulf states, Pakistan, et cetera. 3RXu4-26vwU-01357-00414627-00414925 In most of these restrictions of free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-01358-00414925-00415193 take the form of pertrailing the ability of citizens 3RXu4-26vwU-01359-00415193-00415489 to criticize the government, the political system, 3RXu4-26vwU-01360-00415489-00415814 or the religious under pendings of the state. 3RXu4-26vwU-01361-00415814-00416142 This is a predictable outcome of restricting free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-01362-00416142-00416225 in my view. 3RXu4-26vwU-01363-00416310-00416559 The most powerful institutions of the land, 3RXu4-26vwU-01364-00416559-00416899 especially governmental, military, industrial, 3RXu4-26vwU-01365-00416899-00417208 and religious are best positioned to leverage 3RXu4-26vwU-01366-00417208-00417480 restrictions of this type to expand their power 3RXu4-26vwU-01367-00417480-00417724 and wipe out their opposition. 3RXu4-26vwU-01368-00417724-00418051 We should have a healthy fear of such developments. 3RXu4-26vwU-01369-00418051-00418295 It could well happen here. 3RXu4-26vwU-01370-00418295-00418795 Number four, UC Berkeley is an institution of learning. 3RXu4-26vwU-01371-00418809-00419131 The fearless pursuit of truth often requires proposing 3RXu4-26vwU-01372-00419131-00419458 difficult or offensive hypotheses. 3RXu4-26vwU-01373-00419458-00419800 History is full of examples of scholars who fearlessly 3RXu4-26vwU-01374-00419800-00420091 presented the truth in a world without free speech 3RXu4-26vwU-01375-00420091-00420355 and was suffered terribly for their claims. 3RXu4-26vwU-01376-00420355-00420652 Only to be vindicated by the inexorable march 3RXu4-26vwU-01377-00420652-00420831 of time and truth. 3RXu4-26vwU-01378-00420831-00421331 Sima Qian, Galileo Galilei, Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, 3RXu4-26vwU-01379-00421483-00421679 the list goes on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01380-00421679-00422054 Free speech truly is the most beautiful thing in the world. 3RXu4-26vwU-01381-00422054-00422381 It is uncomfortable, it is often painful, 3RXu4-26vwU-01382-00422381-00422643 but the alternative is far worse. 3RXu4-26vwU-01383-00422643-00422966 I hope you will take the above points into consideration. 3RXu4-26vwU-01384-00422966-00423410 Best regards, James Stone Lundy PHD ABD, 3RXu4-26vwU-01385-00423410-00423585 University of California Berkeley. 3RXu4-26vwU-01386-00423975-00424058 Any more? 3RXu4-26vwU-01387-00424203-00424368 Would you like to come forward? 3RXu4-26vwU-01388-00424368-00424599 Please (footsteps) 3RXu4-26vwU-01389-00425537-00425872 - Hello, thank you for providing this opportunity to speak. 3RXu4-26vwU-01390-00425872-00426024 My name is Jennifer McNulty. 3RXu4-26vwU-01391-00426024-00426524 I'm one of the student organization advising team members 3RXu4-26vwU-01392-00426525-00426712 in the Lead Center. 3RXu4-26vwU-01393-00426712-00427178 And in my purview is advising student media organizations 3RXu4-26vwU-01394-00427178-00427657 including publications, like the organization 3RXu4-26vwU-01395-00427657-00428157 that was behind the free speech events of this past fall. 3RXu4-26vwU-01396-00428366-00428655 I also support the publications and media center, 3RXu4-26vwU-01397-00428655-00428935 and the student staff that work for that center 3RXu4-26vwU-01398-00428935-00429195 that are based in MLK. 3RXu4-26vwU-01399-00429195-00429656 So, we were affected by the building closure. 3RXu4-26vwU-01400-00429656-00430137 Our staff were not able to work during the closure 3RXu4-26vwU-01401-00430137-00430435 and we were not able to provide services to the community 3RXu4-26vwU-01402-00430435-00430674 from our space during the closure. 3RXu4-26vwU-01403-00430674-00430978 But what i actually wanted to comment on now 3RXu4-26vwU-01404-00430978-00431474 was to address one of the focus questions 3RXu4-26vwU-01405-00431474-00431725 that I think was shared by Chancellor Crist 3RXu4-26vwU-01406-00431725-00432160 in the letter to the campus community regarding 3RXu4-26vwU-01407-00432243-00432583 some of the key topics of interest for the commission 3RXu4-26vwU-01408-00432583-00433050 and that is the required minimum number of students 3RXu4-26vwU-01409-00433050-00433299 for a student organization to be registered 3RXu4-26vwU-01410-00433299-00433466 with the University. 3RXu4-26vwU-01411-00433466-00433871 As many of you may know, we at the Lead Center 3RXu4-26vwU-01412-00433871-00434083 have the responsibility to manage registration 3RXu4-26vwU-01413-00434083-00434272 for all student organizations on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01414-00434272-00434426 and there are over 1,000. 3RXu4-26vwU-01415-00434522-00434867 We have seen a huge proliferation over the last few years 3RXu4-26vwU-01416-00434867-00435162 in the number of new student organizations 3RXu4-26vwU-01417-00435162-00435421 seeking to be registered and we have struggled 3RXu4-26vwU-01418-00435421-00435726 with our staffing levels to be able to provide 3RXu4-26vwU-01419-00435726-00436121 real transformative leadership support for those 3RXu4-26vwU-01420-00436121-00436318 student organizations and advising. 3RXu4-26vwU-01421-00436464-00436852 And the Cal link system enables us to support 3RXu4-26vwU-01422-00436852-00437139 student organizations who have on their roster 3RXu4-26vwU-01423-00437139-00437477 four members that are private. 3RXu4-26vwU-01424-00437477-00437667 So, for example, if you are a very small 3RXu4-26vwU-01425-00437667-00437989 student organization and you don't want your roster 3RXu4-26vwU-01426-00437989-00438489 to be known, you can join a student organization privately 3RXu4-26vwU-01427-00438489-00438828 and no one needs to know that you are in that organization 3RXu4-26vwU-01428-00438828-00439181 that is information that we protect as Lead Center staff, 3RXu4-26vwU-01429-00439181-00439370 and we certainly don't share it. 3RXu4-26vwU-01430-00439370-00439664 So, I would make the recommendation with that information 3RXu4-26vwU-01431-00439664-00439942 or at the request to the commission that at least 3RXu4-26vwU-01432-00439942-00440442 it is explored that a student organization membership 3RXu4-26vwU-01433-00440508-00440808 is required to be more than four individuals. 3RXu4-26vwU-01434-00440808-00441081 The fact that such a tiny organization 3RXu4-26vwU-01435-00441180-00441672 can leverage such incredible power on our campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01436-00441672-00442042 is I think really problematic and certainly I wouldn't want 3RXu4-26vwU-01437-00442042-00442484 to keep small organizations from being unable to 3RXu4-26vwU-01438-00442484-00442729 work and register, there are certainly small communities 3RXu4-26vwU-01439-00442729-00443229 that need to have the organization of being supported 3RXu4-26vwU-01440-00443414-00443578 by the Lead Center and by the University, 3RXu4-26vwU-01441-00443578-00443989 but four just seems way to small to me. 3RXu4-26vwU-01442-00443989-00444335 So, I ask that that is reviewed. 3RXu4-26vwU-01443-00444335-00444776 I also just as sort of an addendum to that comment 3RXu4-26vwU-01444-00444776-00445276 would point out that the Lead Center does not control 3RXu4-26vwU-01445-00445327-00445580 where student organizations are able to receive 3RXu4-26vwU-01446-00445580-00445976 support financially and so you can have an organization 3RXu4-26vwU-01447-00445976-00446425 of four members receiving tens of thousands dollars 3RXu4-26vwU-01448-00446425-00446872 of support from off campus and convenient used as proxy's, 3RXu4-26vwU-01449-00446872-00447037 which I think is something that the commission 3RXu4-26vwU-01450-00447037-00447214 is very well aware of but I would just like 3RXu4-26vwU-01451-00447214-00447607 to point that out to everybody else in the room. 3RXu4-26vwU-01452-00447607-00447954 I think that we need to have a conversation 3RXu4-26vwU-01453-00447954-00448454 about how can we work to help students to navigate 3RXu4-26vwU-01454-00448788-00449080 what it means to partner with off campus entities, 3RXu4-26vwU-01455-00449193-00449502 and how do we manage our resources on campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01456-00449502-00449821 so that we are enabling all student organizations 3RXu4-26vwU-01457-00449821-00450176 to have access to the amazing resources that Cal provides 3RXu4-26vwU-01458-00450176-00450403 without making it something that is just basically 3RXu4-26vwU-01459-00450403-00450814 open to be manipulated by off campus entities. 3RXu4-26vwU-01460-00450913-00450996 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-01461-00451799-00451972 - [Man] Can I ask a quick question about the website? 3RXu4-26vwU-01462-00452089-00452401 The website's awesome by the way (mumbling) 3RXu4-26vwU-01463-00452802-00453016 Coming from an EOP perspective and working 3RXu4-26vwU-01464-00453016-00453321 from like academic counseling and advising side 3RXu4-26vwU-01465-00453321-00453514 one of the things that we've noticed is that there's 3RXu4-26vwU-01466-00453514-00453772 some academic departments that are more willing 3RXu4-26vwU-01467-00453772-00454028 to be understanding and work with students 3RXu4-26vwU-01468-00454028-00454239 and other ones that are not so much. 3RXu4-26vwU-01469-00454239-00454433 So, I'm curious like what's the role of the commission 3RXu4-26vwU-01470-00454433-00454714 in terms of investigating those processes, 3RXu4-26vwU-01471-00454714-00454902 'cause there's some students that are allowed 3RXu4-26vwU-01472-00454902-00455208 to find a different test day or find a different 3RXu4-26vwU-01473-00455208-00455439 assignment or something of that nature 3RXu4-26vwU-01474-00455439-00455785 and will be able to perform to the best of their abilities 3RXu4-26vwU-01475-00455785-00456063 and whatever that means in the context of events like this 3RXu4-26vwU-01476-00456063-00456242 but then there's other departments that are just 3RXu4-26vwU-01477-00456242-00456503 very like just a hard no. 3RXu4-26vwU-01478-00456503-00456728 Either you submit the assignments or you come to the test 3RXu4-26vwU-01479-00456728-00456897 or you don't do it at all. 3RXu4-26vwU-01480-00456897-00457271 So, there seems to be a necessity for an equity like metrics 3RXu4-26vwU-01481-00457271-00457546 or something to be discussed in terms of what 3RXu4-26vwU-01482-00457546-00457746 is our campus overall protocol. 3RXu4-26vwU-01483-00457746-00457985 Regardless of what the politics of the students are, 3RXu4-26vwU-01484-00457985-00458230 or regardless of what the politics of the events, 3RXu4-26vwU-01485-00458230-00458550 they're just a stark inconsistency in the way that we take 3RXu4-26vwU-01486-00458550-00458816 those things into consideration and who are the students 3RXu4-26vwU-01487-00458816-00459149 that end up having to unfortunately 3RXu4-26vwU-01488-00459149-00459472 leave Berkeley completely, or take a semester off 3RXu4-26vwU-01489-00459472-00459663 to make up for what they didn't do 3RXu4-26vwU-01490-00459663-00459889 and some of them are able to continue throughout, 3RXu4-26vwU-01491-00459889-00460085 so that's not something that I'm seeing 3RXu4-26vwU-01492-00460085-00460356 in the commission's roles in terms of academic impact 3RXu4-26vwU-01493-00460356-00460709 and then what happens after the fact, (mumbles) 3RXu4-26vwU-01494-00460709-00460835 disproportionally impacted. 3RXu4-26vwU-01495-00460929-00461129 - [Prudence] So our charge was set by the chancellor 3RXu4-26vwU-01496-00461129-00461301 and the charge is what you see before you, 3RXu4-26vwU-01497-00461301-00461572 but you brought, you're raising a very interesting point 3RXu4-26vwU-01498-00461572-00461856 and a very good point for us to consider as we think 3RXu4-26vwU-01499-00461856-00462005 about recommendations. 3RXu4-26vwU-01500-00462005-00462282 So that's information for us, and thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-01501-00462687-00462846 - [Host] We have about five minutes left (mumbles). 3RXu4-26vwU-01502-00466105-00466272 - I'll just hold this. 3RXu4-26vwU-01503-00466272-00466483 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, 3RXu4-26vwU-01504-00466483-00466718 members of the faculty and students. 3RXu4-26vwU-01505-00466718-00466892 I'm an international student here. 3RXu4-26vwU-01506-00466892-00467147 My name is Rudeready, I'm also a Conservative 3RXu4-26vwU-01507-00467147-00467483 so I'll be expressing some minority opinions today. 3RXu4-26vwU-01508-00467610-00467813 A number of speakers today have mentioned 3RXu4-26vwU-01509-00467813-00468055 the presence of militarized police, quote unquote, 3RXu4-26vwU-01510-00468055-00468293 as being equivalent to violence. 3RXu4-26vwU-01511-00468293-00468507 They've also mentioned how a number of victim groups, 3RXu4-26vwU-01512-00468507-00468879 black people, immigrants, LGBT folks have been traumatized 3RXu4-26vwU-01513-00468879-00469221 by free speech as if simply expressing all opinions 3RXu4-26vwU-01514-00469326-00469521 without prejudice is inherently harmful 3RXu4-26vwU-01515-00469521-00469792 to persons of color and all these groups. 3RXu4-26vwU-01516-00469792-00470081 I might point out that if free speech itself 3RXu4-26vwU-01517-00470081-00470297 is something that you cannot handle, there are many 3RXu4-26vwU-01518-00470297-00470517 institutions that are fit for you, but a University 3RXu4-26vwU-01519-00470517-00470749 is not one of them because I don't think your education 3RXu4-26vwU-01520-00470749-00471072 up to this point has prepared you for what University 3RXu4-26vwU-01521-00471072-00471295 will throw at you, and what real life will throw at you 3RXu4-26vwU-01522-00471295-00471435 when you graduate from here. 3RXu4-26vwU-01523-00471531-00471860 Now, I want to mention that all the inconvenience caused 3RXu4-26vwU-01524-00471860-00472164 during free speech week and during the Ben Shapiro event, 3RXu4-26vwU-01525-00472164-00472509 the lack of access to student services, the resources, 3RXu4-26vwU-01526-00472509-00472792 the community, so on and so forth, was not something 3RXu4-26vwU-01527-00472792-00473046 that Conservatives themselves wanted. 3RXu4-26vwU-01528-00473046-00473193 We would rather have avoided all of this. 3RXu4-26vwU-01529-00473193-00473478 Mr. Shapiro himself has already spoken at this campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01530-00473478-00473884 in 2016, and that event went without any inconvenience, 3RXu4-26vwU-01531-00473884-00474278 without anyone, any curtailing of access to services 3RXu4-26vwU-01532-00474278-00474397 or anything like that. 3RXu4-26vwU-01533-00474397-00474595 Mr. Shapiro has not changed his viewpoint 3RXu4-26vwU-01534-00474595-00474728 in those two years. 3RXu4-26vwU-01535-00474728-00475043 What has changed is the response to him. 3RXu4-26vwU-01536-00475043-00475278 What is changed is that when we saw the Milo event 3RXu4-26vwU-01537-00475278-00475484 in January, which was scheduled, 3RXu4-26vwU-01538-00475484-00475697 we saw that many Conservatives were beaten up. 3RXu4-26vwU-01539-00475697-00475892 We saw physical violence against them, 3RXu4-26vwU-01540-00475892-00476276 which is why UCBD has changed its assessments for security 3RXu4-26vwU-01541-00476396-00476585 for Conservative events in the future. 3RXu4-26vwU-01542-00476739-00476958 The University's purpose, especially this one, 3RXu4-26vwU-01543-00476958-00477260 is not to protect any group from ideological strife 3RXu4-26vwU-01544-00477260-00477708 or from political differences, it is to secure 3RXu4-26vwU-01545-00477708-00477877 all viewpoints and it is to make sure 3RXu4-26vwU-01546-00477877-00478072 that everyone is represented. 3RXu4-26vwU-01547-00478072-00478375 I frankly find this commission itself profoundly 3RXu4-26vwU-01548-00478375-00478650 unnecessary, free speech is not something that is 3RXu4-26vwU-01549-00478650-00478892 controversial or should be up for debate, 3RXu4-26vwU-01550-00478892-00479160 it is pretty well established in legal precedent. 3RXu4-26vwU-01551-00479160-00479632 You, the faculty here are obliged to make sure that 3RXu4-26vwU-01552-00479632-00479892 every speaker, regardless of political viewpoint 3RXu4-26vwU-01553-00479892-00480282 gets a chance to be heard and such speakers are not 3RXu4-26vwU-01554-00480282-00480595 placed with unnecessary financial burdens, 3RXu4-26vwU-01555-00480595-00480824 like for the student groups hosting them, 3RXu4-26vwU-01556-00480824-00481221 and that every student is able to access 3RXu4-26vwU-01557-00481221-00481627 financial services regardless of which speaker is coming on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01558-00481627-00481984 Also, I would like to point out that the faculty especially 3RXu4-26vwU-01559-00481984-00482210 the Chancellor's office which sends out these emails 3RXu4-26vwU-01560-00482210-00482476 saying that if you feel offended by the speaker 3RXu4-26vwU-01561-00482476-00482747 coming to campus, you can access all these student services, 3RXu4-26vwU-01562-00482747-00483006 all these safe, all these safe spaces. 3RXu4-26vwU-01563-00483006-00483327 They also play a very key role in the kind of reaction 3RXu4-26vwU-01564-00483327-00483653 we see at Conservative students and speakers on campus. 3RXu4-26vwU-01565-00483653-00483862 If you keep telling students on this campus 3RXu4-26vwU-01566-00483862-00484063 that they are victims of some kind, kind of like 3RXu4-26vwU-01567-00484063-00484399 conspiracy, they will act out against their victimizers, 3RXu4-26vwU-01568-00484399-00484693 and that's what you've seen repeatedly on and on again. 3RXu4-26vwU-01569-00484693-00484941 For example, when I worked as a columnist 3RXu4-26vwU-01570-00484941-00485266 at the Daily Californian, I repeatedly received emails 3RXu4-26vwU-01571-00485266-00485695 calling me a brown Nazi, a brown member of the Alt-Right, 3RXu4-26vwU-01572-00485695-00485913 an Indian Richard Spencer. 3RXu4-26vwU-01573-00485913-00486229 These are offensive, these are remarkably offensive 3RXu4-26vwU-01574-00486229-00486642 to me but I have the ideological maturity 3RXu4-26vwU-01575-00486642-00486933 to understand that this will pass. 3RXu4-26vwU-01576-00486933-00487168 This is one person's immature judgment 3RXu4-26vwU-01577-00487168-00487363 and I'm much more than that, 3RXu4-26vwU-01578-00487363-00487568 and I tell my Liberal colleagues, 3RXu4-26vwU-01579-00487568-00487842 and I tell my Liberal fellow students 3RXu4-26vwU-01580-00487842-00488010 to think the same thing. 3RXu4-26vwU-01581-00488010-00488316 If one person's judgment to you is derogatory 3RXu4-26vwU-01582-00488316-00488630 it is just one person's voice, move on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01583-00488630-00488885 If there's a political viewpoint you disagree with, 3RXu4-26vwU-01584-00489006-00489293 wiser disagreement, articulate, come up with 3RXu4-26vwU-01585-00489293-00489614 sophisticated arguments, move on. 3RXu4-26vwU-01586-00489614-00489999 Nothing is worth sacrificing the idea of free speech, 3RXu4-26vwU-01587-00489999-00490383 nothing is worth sacrificing the ideal of this University 3RXu4-26vwU-01588-00490383-00490742 it is, I love this College, I love what it stands for. 3RXu4-26vwU-01589-00490742-00491093 It is why I came to the US, and I would hate to see it 3RXu4-26vwU-01590-00491093-00491376 being taken over by people who are tyrannical 3RXu4-26vwU-01591-00491376-00491801 in the ways they operate and I hope this commission 3RXu4-26vwU-01592-00491801-00491971 now that it has been created 3RXu4-26vwU-01593-00491971-00492169 will take steps to prevent that. 3RXu4-26vwU-01594-00492169-00492253 Thank you. 3RXu4-26vwU-01595-00492437-00492602 (one person clapping) 3RXu4-26vwU-01596-00492602-00492972 - [Host] We have reached 12:00 pm, I want to thank 3RXu4-26vwU-01597-00492972-00493252 everybody for coming today, that's the end of our 3RXu4-26vwU-01598-00493252-00493535 public (mumbles). 3VP8H_XQy3y-00000-00001132-00001200 Hi my friends, how are you? 3VP8H_XQy3y-00001-00001208-00001408 Welcome again to Real o Virtual 3VP8H_XQy3y-00002-00001408-00001778 Yes, we know that our YouTube channel was a bit abandoned lately 3VP8H_XQy3y-00003-00001778-00002066 But we are back stronger than ever! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00004-00002066-00002249 Today I'm showing you Pixel Rift 3VP8H_XQy3y-00005-00002250-00002552 A very fun game that has completely surprised us 3VP8H_XQy3y-00006-00002552-00002828 It simulates that we are on a classroom 3VP8H_XQy3y-00007-00002828-00003166 The theacher wants to teach us something about the digestive system 3VP8H_XQy3y-00008-00003166-00003550 But we prefer to employ our time on more interesting matters 3VP8H_XQy3y-00009-00003564-00003750 like playing videogames! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00010-00003884-00004148 This is Pixel Rift's main menu 3VP8H_XQy3y-00011-00004274-00004494 Here we can see a very funny video 3VP8H_XQy3y-00012-00004494-00004824 The typical advert saying "Hey kid, are you bored of playing always the same games?" 3VP8H_XQy3y-00013-00004852-00004992 And the kid gets mad 3VP8H_XQy3y-00014-00004993-00005193 He grabs the videogame and so on 3VP8H_XQy3y-00015-00005194-00005546 You can watch it on Pixel Rift's website 3VP8H_XQy3y-00016-00005563-00005763 So, this is the menu 3VP8H_XQy3y-00017-00005792-00006152 This little robot asks us to look down because our games are here 3VP8H_XQy3y-00018-00006152-00006309 And here they are indeed 3VP8H_XQy3y-00019-00006370-00006823 There are 5 levels, one, two, three, four, five 3VP8H_XQy3y-00020-00006823-00007036 But on this demo we can only play number 3 3VP8H_XQy3y-00021-00007036-00007209 Every one in a year 3VP8H_XQy3y-00022-00007209-00007452 1978, 199x... what? 3VP8H_XQy3y-00023-00007652-00007904 1992? Wow the sign just spawned before me! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00024-00007904-00008053 1982 3VP8H_XQy3y-00025-00008054-00008298 1989, 1994 and 1999 3VP8H_XQy3y-00026-00008336-00008552 As you can see, positional tracking is working 3VP8H_XQy3y-00027-00008562-00008986 It's something that is not yet available on Pixel Rift website 3VP8H_XQy3y-00028-00009020-00009424 But its creator, Ana Ribeiro, has sent us this experimental version 3VP8H_XQy3y-00029-00009424-00009754 So that we can take a look and try positional tracking 3VP8H_XQy3y-00030-00009771-00009971 And it works perfectly 3VP8H_XQy3y-00031-00010050-00010166 So let's start 3VP8H_XQy3y-00032-00010169-00010369 Let's play with the GameBoy 3VP8H_XQy3y-00033-00010674-00010874 It doesn't work... ok now it does 3VP8H_XQy3y-00034-00010901-00011101 We just keep looking 3VP8H_XQy3y-00035-00011358-00011600 The baby is quite happy now! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00036-00011986-00012092 So let's go to school! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00037-00012706-00012841 So here we are 3VP8H_XQy3y-00038-00012926-00013066 Inside the typical classroom 3VP8H_XQy3y-00039-00013100-00013263 With very few students 3VP8H_XQy3y-00040-00013329-00013529 Level 3, year... 3VP8H_XQy3y-00041-00013772-00013878 1989 3VP8H_XQy3y-00042-00013878-00014140 And here comes the teacher with a very unfriendly face 3VP8H_XQy3y-00043-00014350-00014678 So, this is our first video with a DK2 game 3VP8H_XQy3y-00044-00014740-00015074 And for example, on the roof fan you can perfectly feel 3VP8H_XQy3y-00045-00015210-00015502 You can see the distance to the roof 3VP8H_XQy3y-00046-00015502-00015869 You feel than the 3D effect reaches longer than on the DK1 3VP8H_XQy3y-00047-00015884-00016244 Probably you can't appreciate it on the video and it may not look so important, but it is 3VP8H_XQy3y-00048-00016244-00016421 You can easily see 3VP8H_XQy3y-00049-00016422-00016678 The effect on the fan, as well on the plant at the end 3VP8H_XQy3y-00050-00016754-00017008 You can see the depth in relation to the wall 3VP8H_XQy3y-00051-00017059-00017259 As well as our classmates 3VP8H_XQy3y-00052-00017389-00017589 So she wants to teach us 3VP8H_XQy3y-00053-00017590-00017922 Something about the digestive system, or that's what that picture indicates 3VP8H_XQy3y-00054-00017922-00018066 Yeah, I think so 3VP8H_XQy3y-00055-00018258-00018474 So, as we aren't very keen on listening 3VP8H_XQy3y-00056-00018474-00018641 Let's be a bit joker 3VP8H_XQy3y-00057-00018688-00019030 Well, a jocker girl, as you can see I'm wearing a bracelet and a skirt 3VP8H_XQy3y-00058-00019114-00019384 And my GameBoy is really a GameGirl 3VP8H_XQy3y-00059-00019468-00019668 Because this game is made by a woman 3VP8H_XQy3y-00060-00019682-00019948 Ana Ribeiro, she's Brazilian and a very pretty girl by the way 3VP8H_XQy3y-00061-00020042-00020268 And she has given a really special touch to this game 3VP8H_XQy3y-00062-00020368-00020616 And as you will see, the experience is quite fun 3VP8H_XQy3y-00063-00020683-00020883 While the teacher is teaching a course 3VP8H_XQy3y-00064-00020931-00021131 We can grab this pen 3VP8H_XQy3y-00065-00021162-00021464 And wake up this boy with it 3VP8H_XQy3y-00066-00021720-00021928 We can also score on the bin 3VP8H_XQy3y-00067-00022118-00022246 Let's try again 3VP8H_XQy3y-00068-00022462-00022546 There it is! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00069-00022652-00022980 And here we have the Brazilian team of soccer, very happy and dancing 3VP8H_XQy3y-00070-00023043-00023243 Probably it was before playing against Germany 3VP8H_XQy3y-00071-00023548-00023748 And the goal is 3VP8H_XQy3y-00072-00023834-00024058 To try to have a bit of fun 3VP8H_XQy3y-00073-00024076-00024294 So we will be playing with the console very soon 3VP8H_XQy3y-00074-00024294-00024437 We can keep throwing this 3VP8H_XQy3y-00075-00024672-00024816 Even to the teacher! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00076-00025070-00025202 She gets a bit angry 3VP8H_XQy3y-00077-00025268-00025550 So I am at my table, I've got my books 3VP8H_XQy3y-00078-00025568-00026048 I think the scale is not right, everything feels huge to me 3VP8H_XQy3y-00080-00026279-00026479 Ok, let's play with the GameBoy 3VP8H_XQy3y-00081-00026529-00026729 'Pixel Rift', here we can play 3VP8H_XQy3y-00082-00026810-00027083 The GameBoy size is really huge 3VP8H_XQy3y-00083-00027083-00027360 It feels even bigger than that book over my table 3VP8H_XQy3y-00084-00027420-00027548 The sides are 3VP8H_XQy3y-00085-00027650-00027736 Very thick 3VP8H_XQy3y-00086-00027938-00028089 Let's start running 3VP8H_XQy3y-00087-00028164-00028288 And shooting 3VP8H_XQy3y-00088-00029179-00029379 Careful with that platform! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00089-00029410-00029620 I think my gamepad is doing some weird things 3VP8H_XQy3y-00090-00029966-00030110 Let's go over here 3VP8H_XQy3y-00091-00030744-00031150 We can hide it under the table so the teacher won't spot us 3VP8H_XQy3y-00092-00031150-00031315 And we can resume 3VP8H_XQy3y-00093-00031559-00031759 Jump over here 3VP8H_XQy3y-00094-00031970-00032104 And here comes the dragon! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00095-00032636-00032846 And look what happens when we enter this portal 3VP8H_XQy3y-00096-00033426-00033718 Everything changes and the character is in front of us! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00097-00033950-00034178 We can't reach the dragon 3VP8H_XQy3y-00098-00034196-00034448 So we have to use some trick of the real world 3VP8H_XQy3y-00099-00034918-00035070 We reload again 3VP8H_XQy3y-00100-00035391-00035591 And now we have him here 3VP8H_XQy3y-00101-00035591-00035729 And we can hit him a little bit 3VP8H_XQy3y-00102-00035739-00035939 Let's get down his life bar 3VP8H_XQy3y-00103-00036456-00036600 We must hit him again 3VP8H_XQy3y-00104-00037714-00038010 Let's hit him again... don't move! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00105-00038528-00038582 Now! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00106-00038837-00039037 Our life is mostly depleted 3VP8H_XQy3y-00107-00039080-00039298 I'm distracted talking to you 3VP8H_XQy3y-00108-00039880-00040058 Let's try again 3VP8H_XQy3y-00109-00040272-00040454 Focus! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00110-00040706-00040968 It's strange, because it's a 2D sprite 3VP8H_XQy3y-00111-00041084-00041426 So seeing it here in front of us feels very very odd 3VP8H_XQy3y-00112-00041945-00042145 Another paper missile 3VP8H_XQy3y-00113-00042436-00042654 It's difficult when he moves so much 3VP8H_XQy3y-00114-00044635-00044835 I think this time he won't fly again 3VP8H_XQy3y-00115-00044837-00045037 So let's finish him! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00116-00045334-00045482 Very cool the effect! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00117-00045623-00045823 So we have beaten the level! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00118-00046929-00047129 As you can see, it's a very original game 3VP8H_XQy3y-00119-00047129-00047319 Like the movie Inception 3VP8H_XQy3y-00120-00047322-00047576 Like a dream inside a dream 3VP8H_XQy3y-00121-00047614-00047866 This time is a game inside a game! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00122-00048056-00048166 So this was the demo 3VP8H_XQy3y-00123-00048188-00048468 If you liked it, please follow 3VP8H_XQy3y-00124-00048468-00048649 You got the twitter just there 3VP8H_XQy3y-00125-00048666-00048944 And please vote for it on Steam Greenlight 3VP8H_XQy3y-00126-00048944-00049103 The campaign 3VP8H_XQy3y-00127-00049114-00049324 Is underway and they need you help 3VP8H_XQy3y-00128-00049408-00049566 Here you can see Ana 3VP8H_XQy3y-00129-00049674-00049836 And we really love this game! 3VP8H_XQy3y-00130-00049836-00050019 I hope you also liked it 3VP8H_XQy3y-00131-00050048-00050098 So 3VP8H_XQy3y-00132-00050142-00050276 I will see you again really soon 3VP8H_XQy3y-00133-00050300-00050394 Bye bye! 3ValydZK7To-00000-00000000-00000050 Buy Hip Hop Beats online www.confezzedmuzic.com I have been producing hip hop beats and instrumentals for over 10 years and I know exactly what you are looking for. the formats of my rap beats online are setup for any writer or singer to go to work. You can lease or buy exclusive music from me if you like what you hear. So what kind of music do I produce? Here is your answer. www.confezzedmuzic.com 3YqOq7OIrbY-00000-00000234-00000667 GUESTS FROM COMMANDER, FLEET ACTIVITIES YOKOSUKA VISITED THE U.S. NAVY'S FORWARD-DEPLOYED AIRCRAFT 3YqOq7OIrbY-00001-00000667-00001231 CARRIER USS GEORGE WASHINGTON TO DISCUSS INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND WOMEN'S SEXUAL HEALTH TOPICS. 3YqOq7OIrbY-00002-00001231-00002076 "RELATIONSHIPS ARE REALLY ESSENTIAL IN MAKING SURE YOU CAN HAVE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS, WHICH 3YqOq7OIrbY-00003-00002076-00002248 ARE KEY TO A SUCCESFUL LIFE." 3YqOq7OIrbY-00004-00002248-00002775 TOPICS DISCUSSED INCLUDED THE EFFECTS OF OPERATIONAL STRESS ON RELATIONSHIPS, LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS, 3YqOq7OIrbY-00005-00002775-00003111 THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY PLANNING AND SAFE SEX PRACTICES FOR WOMEN. 3YqOq7OIrbY-00006-00003111-00003697 "SO WHAT WE'RE TRYING TO DO IS JUST KIND OF GIVE A PREMISE ON WHAT ARE SOME OF THE FOUNDATIONS 3YqOq7OIrbY-00007-00003697-00004195 OF HOW GOOD COMMUNICATION CAN HAPPEN WHAT ARE SOME OF THOSE CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS 3YqOq7OIrbY-00008-00004195-00004491 IN ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS." 3YqOq7OIrbY-00009-00004491-00004853 FOR USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, I'M PETTY OFFICER RICARDO GUZMAN. 3ePrall261U-00000-00000352-00001328 probabilities are assigned values from zero to one events that are certain to occur 3ePrall261U-00001-00001328-00001992 are assigned probabilities of one while events that are impossible to occur 3ePrall261U-00002-00001992-00002784 are assigned probabilities of zero or zero percent for example the probability that a 3ePrall261U-00003-00002784-00003728 given individual will eventually die is one that event is certain to occur well the probability 3ePrall261U-00004-00003728-00004536 that tomorrow it will rain money is equal to zero because that event is impossible to occur 3ePrall261U-00005-00004664-00005704 events that has 50 50 chance has a probability of 50 percent or one half now the closer the 3ePrall261U-00006-00005704-00006648 probability of a given event is equal to one the more likely the event will occur while the closer 3ePrall261U-00007-00006648-00007328 the probability of the given event is equal to zero the less likely the event will occur 3ePrall261U-00008-00007456-00008144 suppose you toss a coin although it is equally likely to land either heads up or tails up 3ePrall261U-00009-00008200-00008952 the actual outcome is uncertain any occurrence for which the outcome is uncertain 3ePrall261U-00010-00008952-00009640 is called an experiment so thus tossing a coin is an example of an experiment 3ePrall261U-00011-00009744-00010512 the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment is called the sample space and we denote that by 3ePrall261U-00012-00010512-00011528 capital letter s any subset of a sample space is called an event and it is denoted by letter e 3ePrall261U-00013-00011600-00012320 for example the sample space for the coin tossing experiment is s which is equal to 3ePrall261U-00014-00012408-00013560 h t where h is the event for heads up outcome and t is for the event that leads tails up 3ePrall261U-00015-00013560-00014336 now the subset e which would probably be the subset containing h is the event 3ePrall261U-00016-00014336-00015336 of landing heads up when the coin is tossed if you sum up all the theoretical probabilities of all 3ePrall261U-00017-00015336-00016160 the possible outcomes it should be equal to 1. to calculate the theoretical probability of an event 3ePrall261U-00018-00016216-00016840 we divide the number of outcomes resulting in the event by the total number of outcomes in 3ePrall261U-00019-00016840-00017824 the sample space the theoretical probability of event e denoted by p of e is calculated as 3ePrall261U-00020-00017880-00018688 the number of outcomes in event e divided by the number of possible outcomes from the sample space 3ePrall261U-00021-00018688-00019024 to illustrate this we will consider the following example 3ePrall261U-00022-00019120-00019856 a die is rolled once find the probability of rolling a 3 and rolling an even number 3ePrall261U-00023-00019984-00020544 to answer this we will first have to compute for the sample space s of 3ePrall261U-00024-00020624-00021584 rolling a die once the sample space s gives us all the possible outcomes so when you roll a die you 3ePrall261U-00025-00021584-00022560 either get one two three four five and six all in all if you get the total possible outcomes 3ePrall261U-00026-00022560-00023424 from the sample space that is equal to six to get the probability of rolling a three find the number 3ePrall261U-00027-00023424-00024448 of outcomes that result in three there is only one way to roll a 3 so therefore n of e is equal to 1. 3ePrall261U-00028-00024448-00025408 using the formula for the theoretical probability the probability of rolling a 3 denoted by p of 3 3ePrall261U-00029-00025408-00026160 is equal to the number of outcomes that result in 3 divided by the total number of possible outcomes 3ePrall261U-00030-00026239-00027295 that is equal to 1 over 6. 6 is the total possible outcomes now for the next event rolling an even 3ePrall261U-00031-00027295-00028056 number rolling an even number describes the event e which is equal to 2 4 and 6. 3ePrall261U-00032-00028056-00028792 these are all the even numbers this event can occur in three ways therefore n of e 3ePrall261U-00033-00028792-00029608 is equal to three so therefore the probability of getting an even number is equal to the number of 3ePrall261U-00034-00029608-00030295 outcomes that result in even number and that is equal to three divided by the total number 3ePrall261U-00035-00030295-00031095 of possible outcomes which is equal to six so three divided by six is equal to one-half 3ePrall261U-00036-00031168-00031952 you dealt one card from a standard 52-card deck find the probability of being dealt 3ePrall261U-00037-00031952-00032952 a king and b a heart we follow the formula for theoretical probability and that is just equal to 3ePrall261U-00038-00033016-00033832 the number of king outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes the standard deck of cards there 3ePrall261U-00039-00033832-00034688 are a total of 52 cards so the denominator is equal to 52 that is the total possible 3ePrall261U-00040-00034688-00035424 outcomes in a standard deck of cards there are four different kings so the number of king's 3ePrall261U-00041-00035424-00036240 outcomes is equal to four so the probability of getting a king is equal to four over 52 3ePrall261U-00042-00036240-00037136 which can be reduced as one over thirteen next find the probability of being dealt a heart 3ePrall261U-00043-00037208-00037920 this is equal to the number of heart outcomes divided by the total possible outcomes 3ePrall261U-00044-00037976-00038736 now the number of heart outcomes is equal to 13. there are 13 hearts in a standard deck of cards 3ePrall261U-00045-00038792-00039464 and the total possible outcomes is equal to 52 since there are 52 cards in a standard 3ePrall261U-00046-00039464-00040344 deck of cards 13 over 52 in lowest term is equal to 1 4. for empirical probability 3ePrall261U-00047-00040400-00041048 this applies to situations in which we observe how frequently an event occurs 3ePrall261U-00048-00041184-00041944 we use the following formula to compute for the empirical probability of an event 3ePrall261U-00049-00042040-00042736 the empirical probability of an event e is computed as the quotient 3ePrall261U-00050-00042736-00043584 of the observed number of times e occurs and the total number of observed occurrences 3ePrall261U-00051-00043640-00044448 so to illustrate computing empirical probability let us consider this table here if one person is 3ePrall261U-00052-00044448-00045248 randomly selected from the population described above find the probability that the person 3ePrall261U-00053-00045248-00046176 is female to compute for the probability that a person is female we use the formula for empirical 3ePrall261U-00054-00046176-00046952 probability we get the total number of females observed divided by the total number of adults 3ePrall261U-00055-00046952-00047808 in the survey based on the table here the total number of females is equal to 124 well the total 3ePrall261U-00056-00047808-00048800 number of adults in the survey is equal to 242. so therefore the probability that the person is 3ePrall261U-00057-00048800-00050672 female is just equal to 124 divided by 242 which is approximately equal to point fifty one you 3gxGqTuO6fY-00000-00000000-00000110 My mom said I could be 3gxGqTuO6fY-00001-00000110-00000254 whatever I want when I grow up. 3gxGqTuO6fY-00002-00000254-00000405 So I decided to be a unicorn, 3jmkan6tpkg-00000-00000050-00000456 Here's just a shot, actually just a partial shot, 3jmkan6tpkg-00001-00000456-00000878 of what is the Houston Ship Channel Complex east 3jmkan6tpkg-00002-00000878-00000961 of Houston. 3jmkan6tpkg-00003-00000961-00001704 It's a huge crude refining and petrochemical refining complex. 3jmkan6tpkg-00004-00001704-00001866 Back during World War II there was 3jmkan6tpkg-00005-00001866-00002283 concern about the amount of crude and refined products 3jmkan6tpkg-00006-00002283-00002545 that we would have for the war effort. 3jmkan6tpkg-00007-00002545-00002760 And so the Department of Defense came up 3jmkan6tpkg-00008-00002760-00003012 with what they call the Petroleum Administrative 3jmkan6tpkg-00009-00003012-00003189 Defense Districts. 3jmkan6tpkg-00010-00003189-00003525 And this is the way that they could keep tabs 3jmkan6tpkg-00011-00003525-00004029 on the supply, the demand, and at times of rationing, 3jmkan6tpkg-00012-00004029-00004326 set the rationing limits for the various districts 3jmkan6tpkg-00013-00004326-00004491 across the United States. 3jmkan6tpkg-00014-00004491-00004707 Well, these have remained in place today 3jmkan6tpkg-00015-00004707-00005079 and we talk about the various PADDs, the supply, the demand, 3jmkan6tpkg-00016-00005079-00005395 the pricing and those types of things. 3jmkan6tpkg-00017-00005395-00005687 Now, PADD 1, it's the highest petroleum consumption 3jmkan6tpkg-00018-00005687-00005796 rate in the United States. 3jmkan6tpkg-00019-00005796-00005997 And you can see, I mean, it's running from Maine down 3jmkan6tpkg-00020-00005997-00006047 to Florida. 3jmkan6tpkg-00021-00006047-00006401 So several very, very large metropolitan areas. 3jmkan6tpkg-00022-00006401-00006654 They are highly dependent on imports for both crude oil 3jmkan6tpkg-00023-00006654-00006864 and refined products. 3jmkan6tpkg-00024-00006864-00007184 100% of the crude oil, traditionally, 3jmkan6tpkg-00025-00007184-00007290 has been imported. 3jmkan6tpkg-00026-00007290-00007539 But now, they do have access to some 3jmkan6tpkg-00027-00007539-00007725 of the oil coming from the shales, 3jmkan6tpkg-00028-00007725-00008022 such as the Marcellus and the Utica. 3jmkan6tpkg-00029-00008022-00008463 There's also crude oil coming from the Bakken by rail. 3jmkan6tpkg-00030-00008463-00008616 But in this case, they mean imports 3jmkan6tpkg-00031-00008616-00009032 as in importing crude oil from other PADD regions. 3jmkan6tpkg-00032-00009032-00009537 25% of the refined products in the Northeast, 3jmkan6tpkg-00033-00009537-00009789 they do in fact import. 3jmkan6tpkg-00034-00009789-00010095 They are the largest recipient of supplies 3jmkan6tpkg-00035-00010095-00010278 from the other PADD districts. 3jmkan6tpkg-00036-00010278-00010494 The south Atlantic region is experiencing 3jmkan6tpkg-00037-00010494-00010686 higher population growth rates and the slower 3jmkan6tpkg-00038-00010686-00010789 growth in New England. 3jmkan6tpkg-00039-00010789-00011136 So again, demand is expected to expand in the southeast 3jmkan6tpkg-00040-00011136-00011268 part of the United States. 3jmkan6tpkg-00041-00011268-00011454 It's also the largest concentration 3jmkan6tpkg-00042-00011454-00011592 of oil-heated homes. 3jmkan6tpkg-00043-00011592-00011793 There's still a considerable amount 3jmkan6tpkg-00044-00011793-00012037 of heating oil used in the Northeast. 3jmkan6tpkg-00045-00012037-00012348 It's used to create hot water, as well as 3jmkan6tpkg-00046-00012348-00012515 for space heating purposes. 3jmkan6tpkg-00047-00012515-00012735 And when we had our discussion about 3jmkan6tpkg-00048-00012735-00013166 the supply-demand fundamentals that impact crude oil, 3jmkan6tpkg-00049-00013166-00013334 we talked extensively about the idea 3jmkan6tpkg-00050-00013334-00013518 that the Northeastern part the United States 3jmkan6tpkg-00051-00013518-00014096 is the world's largest consumer of heating oil and fuel oil. 3jmkan6tpkg-00052-00014096-00014337 PADD 2, as you can see, it runs all way down 3jmkan6tpkg-00053-00014337-00014541 to Oklahoma, and Tennessee and all the way 3jmkan6tpkg-00054-00014541-00014847 then up to the Canadian border in what we generally 3jmkan6tpkg-00055-00014847-00014991 call the Midwest region. 3jmkan6tpkg-00056-00014991-00015336 They're dependent on crude oil imports, mostly from Canada. 3jmkan6tpkg-00057-00015336-00015722 Except now, we do have the Bakken oil, which 3jmkan6tpkg-00058-00015722-00016091 can help supply the region as well, coming from North Dakota. 3jmkan6tpkg-00059-00016091-00016341 Second highest crude oil demand region in the United States. 3jmkan6tpkg-00060-00016341-00016617 Again, several major metropolitan areas, 3jmkan6tpkg-00061-00016617-00016963 including Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, 3jmkan6tpkg-00062-00016963-00017217 Kansas City, St. Louis, those areas. 3jmkan6tpkg-00063-00017217-00017445 They are chronically short, the market, 3jmkan6tpkg-00064-00017445-00017700 due to a combination of demand growth and refinery closures. 3jmkan6tpkg-00065-00017700-00018036 So they don't have a lot of crude being produced 3jmkan6tpkg-00066-00018036-00018333 in that area, with the exception of the Bakken and, potentially, 3jmkan6tpkg-00067-00018333-00018519 Utica shale. 3jmkan6tpkg-00068-00018519-00018675 There is crude oil in Oklahoma. 3jmkan6tpkg-00069-00018675-00018915 The question is are they getting it to the refineries? 3jmkan6tpkg-00070-00018915-00019413 And as this indicates, there have been anyhow, 3jmkan6tpkg-00071-00019413-00019833 reductions in the refining capacity over the years. 3jmkan6tpkg-00072-00019833-00020230 PADD 3, this is the origin of 90% of the crude oil 3jmkan6tpkg-00073-00020230-00020469 and 80% of the refined products shipped 3jmkan6tpkg-00074-00020469-00020676 among the various other PADD regions. 3jmkan6tpkg-00075-00020676-00020931 It's the largest crude oil and refined product supply 3jmkan6tpkg-00076-00020931-00021111 region in the US. 3jmkan6tpkg-00077-00021111-00021477 And only two OPEC nations, that is Saudi Arabia and Iran, 3jmkan6tpkg-00078-00021477-00021846 have a higher crude oil production rate than PADD 3. 3jmkan6tpkg-00079-00021846-00022134 So you can look and every one of these 3jmkan6tpkg-00080-00022134-00022380 is an oil producing state. 3jmkan6tpkg-00081-00022380-00022713 And then, no foreign nation has a higher refined product output 3jmkan6tpkg-00082-00022713-00022800 than PADD 3. 3jmkan6tpkg-00083-00022800-00023208 Again, the Gulf Coast petroleum refining 3jmkan6tpkg-00084-00023208-00023409 and petrochemical manufacturing corridor 3jmkan6tpkg-00085-00023409-00023715 is the largest in the world. 3jmkan6tpkg-00086-00023715-00024435 PADD 4, which is sensibly the Rocky Mountain region. 3jmkan6tpkg-00087-00024435-00024705 PADD 2 and 3 have historically supplied the market 3jmkan6tpkg-00088-00024705-00024862 to augment local production. 3jmkan6tpkg-00089-00024862-00025026 It's a small, but growing, market. 3jmkan6tpkg-00090-00025026-00025300 There's minimum demand for specialty products. 3jmkan6tpkg-00091-00025300-00025506 The infrastructure's not developed 3jmkan6tpkg-00092-00025506-00025789 due to long distances, limited markets, and high costs. 3jmkan6tpkg-00093-00025789-00026031 The Rocky Mountains are running right through this region. 3jmkan6tpkg-00094-00026031-00026397 And so it makes it tough to, basically, transport, 3jmkan6tpkg-00095-00026397-00026544 have an interchange, so to speak, 3jmkan6tpkg-00096-00026544-00026826 of crude and refined products. 3jmkan6tpkg-00097-00026826-00027410 There is a large refinery in the Denver area. 3jmkan6tpkg-00098-00027410-00027770 And then, PADD 5 is the entire west coast plus Alaska. 3jmkan6tpkg-00099-00027770-00028039 And West Coast is traditionally isolated from other US supply 3jmkan6tpkg-00100-00028039-00028270 regions, again, due to the Rocky Mountains. 3jmkan6tpkg-00101-00028270-00028607 Growing population continues to increase demand for products. 3jmkan6tpkg-00102-00028607-00028949 Alaska North Slope crude oil is an important source of supply 3jmkan6tpkg-00103-00028949-00029111 for West coast refineries. 3jmkan6tpkg-00104-00029111-00029375 North Slope Crude oil has been around for decades. 3jmkan6tpkg-00105-00029375-00029537 And it is piped. 3jmkan6tpkg-00106-00029537-00029879 And in some cases, they do use large tanker ships 3jmkan6tpkg-00107-00029879-00030152 to bring it down to the lower 48. 3jmkan6tpkg-00108-00030152-00030455 The California Air Resources board rules, they kind of 3jmkan6tpkg-00109-00030455-00030693 isolate the market, which limits supply options. 3jmkan6tpkg-00110-00030693-00030888 In other words, I think a lot of you've 3jmkan6tpkg-00111-00030888-00031283 seen the fuel standards for California, from an emission 3jmkan6tpkg-00112-00031283-00031483 standpoint, are much more restrictive 3jmkan6tpkg-00113-00031483-00031631 than the rest of the country. 3jmkan6tpkg-00114-00031631-00031841 And so refiners in that region or refiners 3jmkan6tpkg-00115-00031841-00032292 wanting to sell to that region have to meet those standards. 3jmkan6tpkg-00116-00032638-00032836 Just an overview of supply and demand. 3jmkan6tpkg-00117-00032836-00033091 Over 50% of all the US crude oil demand 3jmkan6tpkg-00118-00033091-00033229 exists in the Gulf Coast. 3jmkan6tpkg-00119-00033229-00033580 The demand, yes, because when we talk about crude oil demand 3jmkan6tpkg-00120-00033580-00033905 itself, we're talking about refinery demand. 3jmkan6tpkg-00121-00033905-00034060 Production from the Gulf Coast region 3jmkan6tpkg-00122-00034060-00034273 supplies the majority of the Midwest and East Coast 3jmkan6tpkg-00123-00034273-00034474 refined product deficit. 3jmkan6tpkg-00124-00034474-00034675 New England regions becoming increasingly 3jmkan6tpkg-00125-00034675-00035002 dependent on foreign imports as the South Atlantic region 3jmkan6tpkg-00126-00035002-00035173 continues to grow. 3jmkan6tpkg-00127-00035173-00035563 The Midwest deficit is expected to grow as regional refineries 3jmkan6tpkg-00128-00035563-00035773 struggle to keep up with demand. 3jmkan6tpkg-00129-00035773-00035935 And the West Coast and Rocky regions 3jmkan6tpkg-00130-00035935-00036286 are fairly well-balanced between regional refined products, 3jmkan6tpkg-00131-00036286-00036537 supply, and demand. 3kYGGK8-a1k-00000-00007295-00007574 Pudding, come here. Did you see the snow in Pyeongchang? 3kYGGK8-a1k-00001-00017017-00017492 (Pudding, 6 months) a puppy that sees the snow for the first time 3kYGGK8-a1k-00002-00026503-00026833 Mommy, are you done? Let's sleep now... 3mjpOkbYlyQ-00000-00000000-00000200 This is me playing Jetpack joyride. 3masg6G2lty-00000-00000074-00000300 COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN 3masg6G2lty-00001-00000320-00000526 REACHED A NEW MILESTONE WITH THE INSTALLATION OF 3masg6G2lty-00002-00000532-00000758 HUNDREDS OF YARDS OF SUBTERRANEAN FIBER OPTIC 3masg6G2lty-00003-00000776-00000976 CABLE LINKING THE PIERS OF THE U.S. 3masg6G2lty-00004-00000996-00001239 NAVY AT COMMANDER, FLEET ACTVITIES SASEBO WITH 3masg6G2lty-00005-00001246-00001404 THOSE OF THE JAPANESE MARITIME SELF DEFENSE 3masg6G2lty-00006-00001404-00001462 FORCE. 3masg6G2lty-00007-00001474-00001574 SO U.S. 3masg6G2lty-00008-00001574-00001827 NAVY HAS A SYSTEM CALLED THE NAVY CONTINUOUS 3masg6G2lty-00009-00001828-00001944 TRAINING ENVIRONMENT. 3masg6G2lty-00010-00001944-00002177 AND WHAT THAT DOES IS ALLOW THE SHIP TO BE 3masg6G2lty-00011-00002178-00002565 PIERSIDE, BUT PRETEND THAT ITS UNDERWAY AND PRETEND 3masg6G2lty-00012-00002566-00002796 THAT THEY'RE UNDER ATTACK OR GO THROUGH VARIOUS 3masg6G2lty-00013-00002796-00003068 SCENARIOS THAT YOU WOULD SEE WHILE THEY'RE AFLOAT 3masg6G2lty-00014-00003068-00003192 OR OUT IN BLUE WATER OPS. 3masg6G2lty-00015-00003242-00003455 AS YOU CAN SEE WE WERE ABLE TO EXTEND THE NETWORK 3masg6G2lty-00016-00003456-00003761 OUT HERE TO THE JMSDF PARTNERS AND THEY'LL BE 3masg6G2lty-00017-00003761-00003998 ABLE TO TRAIN DIRECTLY FROM THEIR PIERS VICE 3masg6G2lty-00018-00003998-00004144 PULLING INTO INDIA BASIN. 3masg6G2lty-00019-00004144-00004344 THIS PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS THE FACT THAT THE U.S. 3masg6G2lty-00020-00004344-00004554 NAVY'S REBALANCE IN THE PACIFIC IS NOT JUST 3masg6G2lty-00021-00004554-00004754 CONCERNED WITH THE SHIPS AND MANPOWER OF THE 3masg6G2lty-00022-00004754-00004987 SEVENTH FLEET, BUT ALSO JOINT CAPABILITIES AND 3masg6G2lty-00023-00004988-00005174 PARTNERSHIPS WITH OUR ALLIES. 3masg6G2lty-00024-00005198-00005438 PETTY OFFICER MICHAEL SANCHEZ, 3masg6G2lty-00025-00005438-00005712 FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO, JAPAN. 3npDt_eUoAk-00000-00000021-00000206 - Is selling now a good idea? 3npDt_eUoAk-00001-00000206-00000444 Are buyers actually out looking? 3npDt_eUoAk-00002-00000444-00000656 Is what's happening globally causing buyers 3npDt_eUoAk-00003-00000656-00000847 to wanna wait to purchase? 3npDt_eUoAk-00004-00000847-00001120 Watch until the end and I will tell you. 3npDt_eUoAk-00005-00001120-00001398 And how does this impact you here in Carson, 3npDt_eUoAk-00006-00001398-00001730 90746 or 90745, 3npDt_eUoAk-00007-00001730-00002032 or even broader in LA or Orange County? 3npDt_eUoAk-00008-00002032-00002215 Hi everyone. I'm Brandie Jones 3npDt_eUoAk-00009-00002215-00002476 with the Kingdom Realty Team with Keller Williams. 3npDt_eUoAk-00010-00002476-00002771 In a recent survey of home sellers by Qualtrics, 3npDt_eUoAk-00011-00002771-00003113 87% of respondents said that they were concerned 3npDt_eUoAk-00012-00003113-00003432 that their home won't sell because of the pandemic 3npDt_eUoAk-00013-00003432-00003658 and the resulting economic recession. 3npDt_eUoAk-00014-00003658-00003757 Of the respondents, 3npDt_eUoAk-00015-00003757-00004100 51% said that they were seriously worried. 3npDt_eUoAk-00016-00004100-00004350 That concern seems reasonable considering the current 3npDt_eUoAk-00017-00004350-00004525 condition of the economy. 3npDt_eUoAk-00018-00004525-00004842 The data, however, is showing that home purchasers 3npDt_eUoAk-00019-00004842-00005003 are still very active, 3npDt_eUoAk-00020-00005003-00005201 despite the disruptions American families 3npDt_eUoAk-00021-00005201-00005372 have experienced this year. 3npDt_eUoAk-00022-00005372-00005566 The latest existing home sales report 3npDt_eUoAk-00023-00005566-00005789 published by the National Association of Realtors 3npDt_eUoAk-00024-00005789-00006166 revealed that 340,000 single family homes sold 3npDt_eUoAk-00025-00006166-00006381 in this country last month. 3npDt_eUoAk-00026-00006381-00006600 N.A.R.'s most recent pending sales report, 3npDt_eUoAk-00027-00006600-00006797 that's homes going under contract, 3npDt_eUoAk-00028-00006797-00007125 surpass last month number by over 44%, 3npDt_eUoAk-00029-00007125-00007485 which far exceeds analyst projections of 15%. 3npDt_eUoAk-00030-00007485-00007667 ShowingTime reported that appointments 3npDt_eUoAk-00031-00007667-00007894 to see both homes virtually and in person 3npDt_eUoAk-00032-00007894-00008140 have increased in every region of the country 3npDt_eUoAk-00033-00008140-00008640 and are up 24.1% nationwide over the same time last year. 3npDt_eUoAk-00034-00008715-00008949 So while buyer activity is surging, 3npDt_eUoAk-00035-00008949-00009284 the number of listings has fallen to an all time low. 3npDt_eUoAk-00036-00009284-00009550 Zelman and Associates in their latest residential 3npDt_eUoAk-00037-00009550-00009813 real estate report, reviled that housing inventory 3npDt_eUoAk-00038-00009813-00010196 as a percentage of households, has fallen 1.2%, 3npDt_eUoAk-00039-00010196-00010388 which is half of the longterm average 3npDt_eUoAk-00040-00010388-00010724 and lower than any other time in history. 3npDt_eUoAk-00041-00010724-00010962 Bidding wars are heating up again 3npDt_eUoAk-00042-00010962-00011130 and with buyer demand growing 3npDt_eUoAk-00043-00011130-00011385 and the supply of available homes shrinking, 3npDt_eUoAk-00044-00011385-00011555 purchasers are finding themselves 3npDt_eUoAk-00045-00011555-00011774 needing to outbid other buyers. 3npDt_eUoAk-00046-00011774-00011908 In a recent blog post 3npDt_eUoAk-00047-00011908-00012115 by the National Association of Realtors, 3npDt_eUoAk-00048-00012115-00012269 they revealed on average, 3npDt_eUoAk-00049-00012269-00012606 there were about three offers on a home that closed in May. 3npDt_eUoAk-00050-00012606-00012931 Up from about two in April, 2020. 3npDt_eUoAk-00051-00012931-00013319 And in may of 2019, there were about 2.3 offers. 3npDt_eUoAk-00052-00013319-00013597 Bidding wars guarantee houses sell quickly 3npDt_eUoAk-00053-00013597-00014055 and at a price near or even slightly over the listing price. 3npDt_eUoAk-00054-00014055-00014272 Bottom line, if you're thinking of selling, 3npDt_eUoAk-00055-00014272-00014444 don't be concerned about putting your house 3npDt_eUoAk-00056-00014444-00014581 on the market right now. 3npDt_eUoAk-00057-00014581-00014784 There's no better time to sell an item 3npDt_eUoAk-00058-00014784-00015107 than when demand is high and supply is low. 3npDt_eUoAk-00059-00015107-00015294 It's exactly at that time, 3npDt_eUoAk-00060-00015294-00015647 when you will be able to negotiate your best possible deal. 3npDt_eUoAk-00061-00015647-00015938 I hope this was helpful. Have a blessed day 3npDt_eUoAk-00062-00015938-00016197 (upbeat music) 41Bek4NG3Dg-00000-00000023-00000756 What do we mean by stress? There are two aspects to this: the cause, and the 41Bek4NG3Dg-00001-00000756-00001371 symptoms that this produces in us. This video will describe the causes, explain 41Bek4NG3Dg-00002-00001371-00001818 how this produces the symptoms in us, explain how acupuncture can treat all 41Bek4NG3Dg-00003-00001818-00002364 the symptoms and also help prevent them. And towards the end, I will demonstrate some 41Bek4NG3Dg-00004-00002364-00003557 acupressure points that you can use on yourself to relieve stress. So, what 41Bek4NG3Dg-00005-00003557-00004155 causes stress? Or, what is it about certain situations that causes our body 41Bek4NG3Dg-00006-00004155-00004862 to develop the symptoms of stress? This is an important question. Understanding 41Bek4NG3Dg-00007-00004862-00005339 this will help you to avoid letting certain situations affect you in such a 41Bek4NG3Dg-00008-00005339-00005802 way that the symptoms of stress result, such as a stiff neck and shoulders, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00009-00005802-00006497 constant irritability or even migraines. It is our liver that's affected by 41Bek4NG3Dg-00010-00006497-00007190 stress and our liver that produces all these symptoms. Over 2,000 years ago the 41Bek4NG3Dg-00011-00007190-00007770 ancient Chinese understood this process. The key is that the physical functions 41Bek4NG3Dg-00012-00007770-00008504 of our organs are used by our mind to process our thoughts. In our body, our 41Bek4NG3Dg-00013-00008504-00009125 liver has an organizational role. When this function is used by our mind, this 41Bek4NG3Dg-00014-00009125-00009600 causes us to be excessively tidy, and want to straighten up objects, such as 41Bek4NG3Dg-00015-00009600-00010218 pictures on the wall, or objects on a desk. And also to control the behaviour of 41Bek4NG3Dg-00016-00010218-00010661 other people, to want them to behave in certain ways, and do things in certain 41Bek4NG3Dg-00017-00010661-00011256 ways. But the problems start when the world around us declines to obey our 41Bek4NG3Dg-00018-00011256-00011861 rules. If things are not done exactly as we'd like, or people don't speak to us 41Bek4NG3Dg-00019-00011861-00012411 appropriately, or jump queues, or give us extra work to do before we've even 41Bek4NG3Dg-00020-00012411-00012761 finished the last job, when any of these things happen 41Bek4NG3Dg-00021-00012761-00013528 this aggravates our liver. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00022-00013572-00014116 But how could our liver be aggravated by our thoughts? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00023-00014435-00014916 While our mind is using this liver function, and these liver-related 41Bek4NG3Dg-00024-00014916-00015497 thoughts are blocked (by other people not behaving as we'd like) this causes our 41Bek4NG3Dg-00025-00015497-00016125 liver to feel that its organizational ability is being blocked in our body. In 41Bek4NG3Dg-00026-00016125-00016533 other words, our liver feels that the flow of energy and substances is being 41Bek4NG3Dg-00027-00016533-00017184 blocked in our body. In response, your liver creates a powerful force to 41Bek4NG3Dg-00028-00017184-00017723 attempt to remove this blockage. And this is the feeling of anger that you 41Bek4NG3Dg-00029-00017723-00018291 experience, as though your blood were starting to boil. You might even be aware 41Bek4NG3Dg-00030-00018291-00018747 of tightness in your liver region, demonstrating that the emotion 41Bek4NG3Dg-00031-00018747-00019373 originates at your liver. This feeling might cause you to start shouting at the 41Bek4NG3Dg-00032-00019373-00020013 other person, to do things properly (that is, in the way you'd like) or you might 41Bek4NG3Dg-00033-00020013-00020628 even resort to physical force to get your rules obeyed. But due to social 41Bek4NG3Dg-00034-00020628-00021441 constraints, we often simply repress our irritability or anger. And this repressed 41Bek4NG3Dg-00035-00021441-00021891 force builds up in your liver and produces strong symptoms around your 41Bek4NG3Dg-00036-00021891-00022415 body, usually starting with a stiff neck and possibly leading to a migraine. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00037-00022415-00022932 It would also tend to make you constantly irritable and angry and prone 41Bek4NG3Dg-00038-00022932-00024029 to outbursts of rage, such as road rage and similar incidents. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00039-00024029-00024531 How does our liver being distressed, cause all these powerful symptoms around 41Bek4NG3Dg-00040-00024531-00024773 our body? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00041-00025087-00025641 As I explained in another video, because of the resonance between an organ and 41Bek4NG3Dg-00042-00025641-00026313 certain paths around the body (in other words, the meridians) when an organ stops 41Bek4NG3Dg-00043-00026313-00026813 functioning correctly, this state is reflected at key locations along that 41Bek4NG3Dg-00044-00026813-00027402 organ's related Meridian, causing the tissue in those locations to also stop 41Bek4NG3Dg-00045-00027402-00028047 functioning correctly. As our liver stress increases (due to your blocked 41Bek4NG3Dg-00046-00028047-00028611 thoughts) this produces stronger and stronger stagnation along the liver and 41Bek4NG3Dg-00047-00028611-00029337 gallbladder meridians. The results might be a stiff neck and shoulders, stiff hips, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00048-00029337-00029895 or pains on the sides of your head, with shooting pains down the outside of you 41Bek4NG3Dg-00049-00029895-00030510 legs, often called sciatica. All these locations are on the gallbladder 41Bek4NG3Dg-00050-00030510-00031202 Meridian. And there may also be pains related to your eyes, or visual 41Bek4NG3Dg-00051-00031202-00031782 disturbances. The eyes are heavily associated with the liver, and this 41Bek4NG3Dg-00052-00031782-00032481 relationship is what produces the visual disturbances and eye pains. So, the build 41Bek4NG3Dg-00053-00032481-00032945 up of all these mental stresses produces this great discomfort in your liver, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00054-00032945-00033458 which is reflected at all these liver- and gallbladder-related locations, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00055-00033458-00034344 possibly resulting in a full migraine. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00056-00034344-00034916 How can acupuncture treat stress and all its related conditions, such as a 41Bek4NG3Dg-00057-00034916-00035494 stiff neck and shoulders, sciatica or even migraine symptoms? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00058-00035819-00036294 When any of these key locations along the liver and gallbladder meridians are 41Bek4NG3Dg-00059-00036294-00036894 stimulated, this returns the tissue there to its normal function, and because of the 41Bek4NG3Dg-00060-00036894-00037391 resonance between the liver and these key locations, this persuades the liver 41Bek4NG3Dg-00061-00037391-00038046 to also return to normal function. And when the liver returns to his normal 41Bek4NG3Dg-00062-00038046-00038559 function, it is no longer stressed, so its previous discomfort is no longer 41Bek4NG3Dg-00063-00038559-00039168 reflected at all these locations, and the symptoms clear. There's a card on the 41Bek4NG3Dg-00064-00039168-00039690 screen right now that provides a link to a more detailed video on how acupuncture works. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00066-00040370-00040848 So, what are the key acupuncture points for stress, and what acupressure 41Bek4NG3Dg-00067-00040848-00041219 points that I can use on myself? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00068-00041529-00043237 Key acupoints to treat stress are liver-3, on the foot, and bladder-18, on the back. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00069-00043237-00044021 Both these treat the liver directly, and help to return it to its normal function. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00070-00044047-00044597 Both these acupoints are also good at preventing the liver stress building up 41Bek4NG3Dg-00071-00044597-00045018 to the point where more powerful symptoms result, such as outbursts of 41Bek4NG3Dg-00072-00045018-00045713 rage or even a migraine. Gallbladder-20 on the back of your neck is a good point 41Bek4NG3Dg-00073-00045713-00046152 to treat a stiff neck and shoulders or pains on the sides of your head. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00074-00046152-00046946 A good acupressure point that you can use on yourself to relieve stress is 41Bek4NG3Dg-00075-00046946-00048071 liver-3, on the foot. It's located on the fleshy part of your foot, between your 41Bek4NG3Dg-00076-00048071-00048677 big toe and the second toe. If ever you press this point and it feels tender, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00077-00048677-00049218 this means that your liver is currently stressed, and massaging this point will 41Bek4NG3Dg-00078-00049218-00049746 help. This is also a good point to massage when you feel a migraine 41Bek4NG3Dg-00079-00049746-00050190 starting off. With any of the other symptoms I've mentioned, such as a stiff 41Bek4NG3Dg-00080-00050190-00050775 neck or hips or even so-called sciatic pains (that is, shooting pains anywhere 41Bek4NG3Dg-00081-00050775-00051446 along the gallbladder Meridian) and acupressure on gallbladder-20 can help 41Bek4NG3Dg-00082-00051446-00052109 to relieve a stiff neck, or pains on the sides of the head. To locate gallbladder-20, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00083-00052109-00052601 move your finger from the spine outwards till you feel the gap between two 41Bek4NG3Dg-00084-00052601-00053235 muscles, then slide your finger upwards, in this gap, till you reach the lower 41Bek4NG3Dg-00085-00053235-00053542 part of your skull. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00086-00054176-00054580 How can stress be prevented? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00087-00054912-00055388 The best way to prevent stress is to avoid the type of thoughts that stress 41Bek4NG3Dg-00088-00055388-00055986 your liver. To do this, you need to not care when your rules are broken. In other 41Bek4NG3Dg-00089-00055986-00056606 words, be less controlling. And when you're given too much work to do, you 41Bek4NG3Dg-00090-00056606-00057062 should just do what you comfortably can, and don't be too concerned about 41Bek4NG3Dg-00091-00057062-00057668 achieving a particular quality when there isn't enough time. The more you can 41Bek4NG3Dg-00092-00057668-00058149 relinquish control, the less it's possible for your thoughts to become 41Bek4NG3Dg-00093-00058149-00058791 blocked, and hence for your liver function to become stagnated. The same 41Bek4NG3Dg-00094-00058791-00059318 applies to things like software, machines or gadgets. If they don't behave as they 41Bek4NG3Dg-00095-00059318-00059912 should, you need to lower your expectations. And using acupressure on 41Bek4NG3Dg-00096-00059912-00060533 liver-3 will also help. Whenever that point is tender, your liver is stressed, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00097-00060533-00061006 and massaging the point will help. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00098-00061046-00062198 If you found the content of this current video helpful, I'd appreciate a like. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00099-00062198-00063170 As usual, that's all fascinating. How can I find out more? 41Bek4NG3Dg-00100-00063170-00063536 If you'd like to see more videos like this one, you could subscribe, so that you'll be 41Bek4NG3Dg-00101-00063536-00064148 notified when new videos are published. In other videos, I will be describing how 41Bek4NG3Dg-00102-00064148-00064625 acupuncture works in greater detail, and also covering all the common ailments, 41Bek4NG3Dg-00103-00064625-00065189 which organs they relate to, how the problems develop, and changes to 41Bek4NG3Dg-00104-00065189-00065731 lifestyle factor and thought patterns that can avoid the problems developing. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00105-00065731-00066245 But in the meantime, if you'd like to read more, I've placed links in the text 41Bek4NG3Dg-00106-00066245-00066743 below to two of my books, which provide much greater detail on the topics 41Bek4NG3Dg-00107-00066743-00067460 covered in this video. The first book is called Acupuncture Explained. This is 41Bek4NG3Dg-00108-00067460-00067858 intended for the general reader and gives an overview of the whole subject 41Bek4NG3Dg-00109-00067858-00068519 in plain language. The second book is called Acupuncture Today and in Ancient 41Bek4NG3Dg-00110-00068519-00069145 China. This is a major textbook that covers the subject in much greater detail. 41Bek4NG3Dg-00111-00069145-00069670 You can download several chapters, free of charge, by following the book's link in 41Bek4NG3Dg-00112-00069670-00070202 the text below. There are also notes below that will be of interest to 41Bek4NG3Dg-00113-00070202-00070630 acupuncture students and practitioners. 42AFFWUtS74-00000-00000390-00000900 foreign 42AFFWUtS74-00001-00000900-00001409 [Music] 42AFFWUtS74-00002-00001409-00001918 [Music] 42AFFWUtS74-00003-00001918-00003205 me 42AFFWUtS74-00004-00003205-00004480 oh 42AFFWUtS74-00005-00004480-00005661 allah on this day do not condemn me for slips make me decrees mistakes and errors do not 42AFFWUtS74-00006-00005661-00007240 make me a target for afflictions and troubles by your honor oh the honor of the muslims 42AFFWUtS74-00007-00007240-00008540 hello my dear brothers and sisters in today's dual we ask god to forgive us to forget forgets 42AFFWUtS74-00008-00008540-00009963 about our sins but there's a word in today's dua it's very nice by that word we ask god 42AFFWUtS74-00009-00009963-00010560 to forgive us in a special way 42AFFWUtS74-00010-00010560-00010729 the word in arabic is 42AFFWUtS74-00011-00010729-00012443 it means o allah forgive me and forgive my sins but forgive me somehow that that forgiveness 42AFFWUtS74-00012-00012443-00013662 don't cost me anything simply forgive me for free forgive me and forgive me for good and 42AFFWUtS74-00013-00013662-00014484 forgive me somehow no one will ever remember 42AFFWUtS74-00014-00014484-00015181 but we know that's the only way gods know he's 42AFFWUtS74-00015-00015181-00016134 a true forgiver the most forgiver 42AFFWUtS74-00016-00016134-00017026 and may we inshaallah be among those who get forgiven this month was 42AFFWUtS74-00017-00017026-00017182 [Music] you 43lqBTrq3YI-00000-00000113-00000188 Luigi: (stutter loop) 43lqBTrq3YI-00001-00000188-00000273 OWWW! 43lqBTrq3YI-00002-00000273-00000333 Woow. 43lqBTrq3YI-00003-00000333-00000407 I'd sas. 43lqBTrq3YI-00004-00000407-00000480 pfleofkwonvikwmvofigopwfifgrhfsdfwrfejiuykfbo 454jy_l0hy8-00000-00000000-00000512 hello this is part of a series of videos where i answer video editing questions 454jy_l0hy8-00001-00001000-00001592 coma toasty wants to know is there a plugin that simply adds a colored background of my 454jy_l0hy8-00002-00001592-00002112 choice around the video typically for a pip which means picture in picture 454jy_l0hy8-00003-00002184-00002584 rounded corners would be a nice optional ad so here's what we're going to be creating 454jy_l0hy8-00004-00002640-00003224 it's a picture in picture with a thin board around it in terms of minimal clicks or a plug-in 454jy_l0hy8-00005-00003224-00003711 it's not the case of just clicking on a border button and then adding it to the picture in 454jy_l0hy8-00006-00003711-00004408 picture i'm going to show you what i think's the simplest and the most versatile in terms of 454jy_l0hy8-00007-00004408-00005152 what you want to do to it after here's a clip that I've just imported that's at scale 100 and just to 454jy_l0hy8-00008-00005248-00005904 imitate the pip i'll just reduce the size of that now we want to just add two effects to the clip 454jy_l0hy8-00009-00005960-00006968 the first one is alpha adjust and just drag that to the clip and with alpha adjust we're 454jy_l0hy8-00010-00006968-00007695 just gonna click on this four point polygon mask which will create a mask with within the effect 454jy_l0hy8-00011-00007895-00008376 and we'll scale that up if you just hover around 454jy_l0hy8-00012-00008376-00009120 one of the corners and then click shift it will enable you to drag it to desired size 454jy_l0hy8-00013-00009336-00010360 and that should do and we want to invert the alpha on that so click inverted and invert alpha the 454jy_l0hy8-00014-00010360-00011176 next effect you want to add to that is the paint bucket where we can create our stroke so we'll add 454jy_l0hy8-00015-00011328-00012000 you get a bit that a crazy effect straight off but just a couple of things to do here 454jy_l0hy8-00016-00012064-00013176 in the fill selector alpha channel and then stroke for the stroke and that gives you your border 454jy_l0hy8-00017-00013256-00014184 and then you can increase the stroke then we could change the color here 454jy_l0hy8-00018-00014336-00015047 if you go closer up and that's got the rounded edges with the square 454jy_l0hy8-00019-00015047-00015768 inside so there's one way how to add a border around a picture in picture in premiere pro if 454jy_l0hy8-00020-00015768-00016280 you're a budding video editor or you're just new to it you want to expand your knowledge 454jy_l0hy8-00021-00016280-00016920 feel free to follow because I've got plenty of these to come out in the future 494T7vxyG-I-00000-00000003-00000447 alright guys dr. Isaac here from the painfree maverick again and I promised 494T7vxyG-I-00001-00000447-00001080 I would show you some boxing specific training to work on your speed your 494T7vxyG-I-00002-00001080-00001652 agility and your power and do it in an off balanced position because that's 494T7vxyG-I-00003-00001652-00002124 what happens in boxing so right now coach David Clark is gonna show us some 494T7vxyG-I-00004-00002124-00002634 interesting unilateral training I call it unilateral treating because 494T7vxyG-I-00005-00002634-00003288 unilateral basically means you're doing a one side of your body to offset the 494T7vxyG-I-00006-00003288-00003605 other side of your body so that the other side of your body gets a reaction 494T7vxyG-I-00007-00003605-00004107 moment and right now we have him on a BOSU ball and he's just gonna 494T7vxyG-I-00008-00004107-00004845 demonstrate a jab with a snap and train his thoracic spine to do the rotation 494T7vxyG-I-00009-00004845-00005205 while he's creating neural Drive through his legs so why don't you demonstrate 494T7vxyG-I-00010-00005205-00005869 that for us okay so being able to focus and keep my balance 494T7vxyG-I-00011-00005962-00006433 and all everything's working together so I'm actually focusing on 494T7vxyG-I-00012-00006433-00007165 punching but it's like the back office is like everything else it's 494T7vxyG-I-00013-00007165-00007642 trying to balance me to keep me strong 494T7vxyG-I-00014-00007678-00008018 and everything else is working to balance it's constantly moving 494T7vxyG-I-00015-00008018-00008536 constantly balancing as I generate the power to give me the power and the 494T7vxyG-I-00016-00008536-00008939 stillness that's a crazy exercise guys cuz it's working so many different 494T7vxyG-I-00017-00008939-00009410 muscles at the same time and your nervous system has to react fast with 494T7vxyG-I-00018-00009410-00009856 that another modification would be to get on your tippy toe so go ahead and 494T7vxyG-I-00019-00009856-00010225 get on your tippy toe in the back you raise up your heel and now create the 494T7vxyG-I-00020-00010225-00010592 whipping action that you would who you watch this hip right there working on 494T7vxyG-I-00021-00010592-00010871 that whipping action you could see him breaking down a little bit on this hip 494T7vxyG-I-00022-00010871-00011536 over there so we would train that we can train that gluteus maximus to fire in an 494T7vxyG-I-00023-00011536-00012070 off balance he can do they can do squats on the BOSU ball he could do different 494T7vxyG-I-00024-00012070-00012582 types of exercises to build stability in his buttock exercise 49sT1lydv1u-00000-00000016-00000114 incredible work 4qPisvGPFqo-00000-00000000-00000200 Join formula in Google sheet 4r5JLTgetAE-00000-00000216-00000367 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00001-00000563-00000825 Let's learn fruits and vegetables names 4r5JLTgetAE-00002-00000950-00001059 Peach 4r5JLTgetAE-00003-00002185-00002289 Kiwi 4r5JLTgetAE-00004-00003449-00003553 Banana 4r5JLTgetAE-00005-00004596-00004713 Broccoli 4r5JLTgetAE-00006-00006256-00006368 Grapes 4r5JLTgetAE-00007-00007344-00007440 Carrot 4r5JLTgetAE-00008-00008767-00008863 Lemon 4r5JLTgetAE-00009-00010151-00010281 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00010-00011749-00011874 Bitter Melon 4r5JLTgetAE-00011-00012850-00012941 Apple 4r5JLTgetAE-00012-00013492-00013742 Learning fruits and vegetables names 4r5JLTgetAE-00013-00014535-00014635 1 4r5JLTgetAE-00014-00015603-00015703 2 4r5JLTgetAE-00015-00016408-00016503 3 4r5JLTgetAE-00016-00017359-00017459 4 4r5JLTgetAE-00017-00018122-00018247 5 4r5JLTgetAE-00018-00019102-00019231 6 4r5JLTgetAE-00019-00019978-00020120 7 4r5JLTgetAE-00020-00020524-00020641 8 4r5JLTgetAE-00021-00021208-00021308 9 4r5JLTgetAE-00022-00021926-00022026 10 4r5JLTgetAE-00023-00022117-00022372 We learned fruits and vegetables names 4r5JLTgetAE-00024-00022664-00022793 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00025-00023010-00023239 Let's learn math and numbers 4r5JLTgetAE-00026-00023327-00023402 Green 4r5JLTgetAE-00027-00025104-00025183 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00028-00025275-00025375 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00029-00025425-00025525 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00030-00025604-00025683 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00031-00025767-00025846 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00032-00026101-00026184 Grey 4r5JLTgetAE-00033-00027527-00027614 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00034-00027694-00027794 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00035-00027877-00027977 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00036-00028219-00028294 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00037-00028520-00028599 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00038-00028799-00028899 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00039-00029041-00029141 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00040-00029300-00029387 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00041-00029583-00029667 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00042-00029854-00029958 Seven 4r5JLTgetAE-00043-00030171-00030271 Eight 4r5JLTgetAE-00044-00030743-00030830 Pink 4r5JLTgetAE-00045-00032173-00032252 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00046-00032336-00032424 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00047-00032507-00032595 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00048-00032799-00032887 Grey 4r5JLTgetAE-00049-00034029-00034109 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00050-00034209-00034300 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00051-00034409-00034509 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00052-00034559-00034659 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00053-00034964-00035039 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00054-00035093-00035180 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00055-00035239-00035331 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00056-00035464-00035548 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00057-00035623-00035706 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00058-00035773-00035852 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00059-00035894-00035994 Seven 4r5JLTgetAE-00060-00036511-00036594 Blue 4r5JLTgetAE-00061-00037091-00037295 Learning math and numbers 4r5JLTgetAE-00062-00037854-00037942 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00063-00038025-00038125 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00064-00038175-00038271 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00065-00038354-00038446 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00066-00038609-00038692 Grey 4r5JLTgetAE-00067-00039931-00040019 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00068-00040102-00040202 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00069-00040277-00040377 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00070-00040661-00040740 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00071-00040869-00040953 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00072-00041066-00041149 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00073-00041316-00041399 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00074-00041508-00041591 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00075-00041674-00041775 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00076-00041783-00041883 Seven 4r5JLTgetAE-00077-00045612-00045812 We learned math and numbers 4r5JLTgetAE-00078-00046129-00046267 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00079-00046725-00046942 Let's learn alphabet and names 4r5JLTgetAE-00080-00047047-00047126 B 4r5JLTgetAE-00081-00048481-00048565 Green 4r5JLTgetAE-00082-00049528-00049624 Burger 4r5JLTgetAE-00083-00050625-00050704 P 4r5JLTgetAE-00084-00051864-00051943 Brown 4r5JLTgetAE-00085-00053261-00053411 Grapefruit 4r5JLTgetAE-00086-00054225-00054308 S 4r5JLTgetAE-00087-00055480-00055567 Blue 4r5JLTgetAE-00088-00057190-00057319 Stick 4r5JLTgetAE-00089-00058254-00058354 S 4r5JLTgetAE-00090-00060118-00060218 White 4r5JLTgetAE-00091-00060598-00060839 Learning alphabet and names 4r5JLTgetAE-00092-00061624-00061790 strawberry 4r5JLTgetAE-00093-00062650-00062750 F 4r5JLTgetAE-00094-00064097-00064222 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00095-00065619-00065761 Fries 4r5JLTgetAE-00096-00067008-00067125 Burger 4r5JLTgetAE-00097-00067158-00067267 Grapefruit 4r5JLTgetAE-00098-00067300-00067404 Stick 4r5JLTgetAE-00099-00067459-00067554 Strawberry 4r5JLTgetAE-00100-00067605-00067709 Fries 4r5JLTgetAE-00101-00067967-00068163 We learned alphabet and names 4r5JLTgetAE-00102-00068464-00068618 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00103-00068822-00069048 Let's learn numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00104-00069085-00069160 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00105-00069310-00069411 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00106-00069540-00069640 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00107-00069736-00069836 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00108-00069932-00070032 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00109-00070090-00070190 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00110-00070628-00070728 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00111-00071429-00071529 Yellow 4r5JLTgetAE-00112-00075554-00075654 White 4r5JLTgetAE-00113-00079679-00079779 Pink 4r5JLTgetAE-00114-00082394-00082599 Learning numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00115-00083921-00084021 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00116-00088505-00088605 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00117-00096279-00096504 We learned numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00118-00096742-00096892 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00119-00097122-00097338 Let's learn numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00120-00098248-00098331 Blue 4r5JLTgetAE-00121-00100191-00100271 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00122-00100567-00100663 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00123-00102840-00102927 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00124-00103178-00103257 White 4r5JLTgetAE-00125-00105463-00105555 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00126-00105822-00105909 Red 4r5JLTgetAE-00127-00108808-00108912 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00128-00109242-00109342 Green 4r5JLTgetAE-00129-00112149-00112249 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00130-00112491-00112591 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00131-00113696-00113897 Learning numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00132-00115085-00115198 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00133-00115398-00115498 Brown 4r5JLTgetAE-00134-00118347-00118497 Seven 4r5JLTgetAE-00135-00118756-00118856 Pink 4r5JLTgetAE-00136-00122659-00122764 Eight 4r5JLTgetAE-00137-00122964-00123064 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00138-00124741-00124841 Nine 4r5JLTgetAE-00139-00124941-00125074 Yellow 4r5JLTgetAE-00140-00129241-00129316 Ten 4r5JLTgetAE-00141-00129362-00129541 We learned numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00142-00129825-00129975 Puppy Toys 4r5JLTgetAE-00143-00130180-00130396 Let's learn numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00144-00130421-00130509 One 4r5JLTgetAE-00145-00130630-00130718 Two 4r5JLTgetAE-00146-00130818-00130909 Three 4r5JLTgetAE-00147-00130989-00131072 Four 4r5JLTgetAE-00148-00131164-00131239 Five 4r5JLTgetAE-00149-00131314-00131402 Six 4r5JLTgetAE-00150-00131468-00131581 Seven 4r5JLTgetAE-00151-00131860-00131927 Blue 4r5JLTgetAE-00152-00132448-00132528 Green 4r5JLTgetAE-00153-00133003-00133078 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00154-00133449-00133550 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00155-00134146-00134246 Orange 4r5JLTgetAE-00156-00139718-00139810 White 4r5JLTgetAE-00157-00141704-00141904 Learning numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00158-00144039-00144139 Purple 4r5JLTgetAE-00159-00152752-00152940 We learned numbers and colors 4r5JLTgetAE-00160-00153052-00153153 Puppy Toys 4ri4hzCkbTc-00000-00004600-00005001 My name is Giulia Simeoni, and I'm from Treviso. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00001-00005001-00005400 I studied sculpture and painting at the Treviso Art School. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00002-00005400-00006200 After that, I pursued a one-year master’s degree in Product Design. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00003-00006200-00006400 I've always loved shoes 4ri4hzCkbTc-00004-00006409-00007340 so I enrolled in the Sneaker Pattern Making and Design course and took part in the Arsutoria course. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00005-00008400-00008900 My name is Laura La Marca, and I studied Fashion Design at NABA. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00006-00008900-00009520 After graduation, I moved to London where Iworked for 5 years. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00007-00009520-00010480 I returned to Italy because I wanted to pursue my main interest, which is accessories. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00008-00010500-00011300 I have not found a better schoolthan Arsutoria since I enjoy the technical element 4ri4hzCkbTc-00009-00011300-00012240 and believe that every designer should have knowledge of technique and therefore, of modelling. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00010-00013700-00014260 I was inspired by the new nomad generation in America 4ri4hzCkbTc-00011-00014260-00014700 which is becoming more prevalent around the world 4ri4hzCkbTc-00012-00014700-00015300 and is responsible for a large amount of pollution 4ri4hzCkbTc-00013-00015300-00016062 as individuals are continually moving and discarding tons of furniture each year. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00014-00016062-00017380 My idea is based on the design of a Chesterfield couch and uses leather and velvet recovered from discarded sofas. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00015-00018701-00019100 I competed in the Fashion Graduate event 4ri4hzCkbTc-00016-00019100-00020300 where I presented a sneaker prototype created out of plastic threads and crochet technique. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00017-00020300-00020900 I enjoy the manual aspect of things and try to include it in each of my collections. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00018-00021000-00021830 In fact, I crocheted two pieces of the shoe, using threads recycled from garbage bags. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00019-00021830-00022780 This was my inspiration, because throughout the lockdown, the excessive consumption of plastic increased dramatically. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00020-00024028-00024880 Arsutoria has professionals who can provide you with expertise, which is a rare phenomenon. 4ri4hzCkbTc-00021-00026232-00027000 I enjoyed the technical aspect ofArsutoria, how attentive the instructors were 4ri4hzCkbTc-00022-00027000-00027600 and how it covered everything a designer has to know 4ri4hzCkbTc-00023-00027600-00028630 such as modelling, designing, and knowledge of machines, factories, and materials. 4tlEZCclKI0-00000-00000039-00000593 Hello boys & girls My name is Hotzst and I am back with another 4tlEZCclKI0-00001-00000593-00000944 Minecraft tutorial - kind of. 4tlEZCclKI0-00002-00000944-00001832 I will show you how you can create a timelapse from multiple ReplayMod recordings into something 4tlEZCclKI0-00003-00001832-00002048 seamless. 4tlEZCclKI0-00004-00002048-00002815 Most of the time I just do not have the time to spend the time - that's a lot of time in 4tlEZCclKI0-00005-00002815-00003657 one sentence - in a continous block recording a build for a timelapse and I end up with 4tlEZCclKI0-00006-00003657-00004036 several clips of various length. 4tlEZCclKI0-00007-00004036-00004682 The first thing involves a bit of maths, as we need to know how long each of the segments 4tlEZCclKI0-00008-00004682-00005435 need to be in the timelapse in order for a continuous speed. 4tlEZCclKI0-00009-00005435-00006322 My rule of thumb is one minute of footage should equal about one second of timelapse. 4tlEZCclKI0-00010-00006322-00007206 When you start off, you probably have something at hand that defines the target length, be 4tlEZCclKI0-00011-00007206-00007693 it an audio clip or a recorded commentary. 4tlEZCclKI0-00012-00007693-00009082 For this example I shose an audio track of length 3:27, which are 207 seconds. 4tlEZCclKI0-00013-00009082-00009847 All clips added together are 256 minutes. 4tlEZCclKI0-00014-00009847-00011559 Now we divide the target length (207) through the actual length (256) and get the factor 4tlEZCclKI0-00015-00011559-00012204 of 0.8086. 4tlEZCclKI0-00016-00012204-00012956 Multiplying this factor with the clip length results in the length of the various segments. 4tlEZCclKI0-00017-00012956-00013778 It might be a good idea to round some of the values up, others down, so that when the result 4tlEZCclKI0-00018-00013778-00014738 is added together they sum up to the total or slightly more. 4tlEZCclKI0-00019-00014738-00015443 Let's sum up each segment with all the previous ones, so we know when that segment ends in 4tlEZCclKI0-00020-00015443-00015543 seconds. 4tlEZCclKI0-00021-00015543-00016120 The start time we get from the end of the last segment. 4tlEZCclKI0-00022-00016120-00016768 With all that maths out of the way let's open the first recording and define the complete 4tlEZCclKI0-00023-00016768-00017354 camera path for the timelapse, while ignoring the timestamps. 4tlEZCclKI0-00024-00017354-00018092 I assume that you are familiar with ReplayMod and how it works, if not there are quite a 4tlEZCclKI0-00025-00018092-00018652 few tutorials out there giving you the basics. 4tlEZCclKI0-00026-00018652-00019119 First we define the camera position at the start of the path and go into the properties 4tlEZCclKI0-00027-00019119-00019762 by double clicking on the diamond shape and adjust the timestamp to 0. 4tlEZCclKI0-00028-00019762-00020505 Next we place the camera where it should be at the end of the complete timelapse, even 4tlEZCclKI0-00029-00020505-00021951 though this position will never be reached in this first segment 4tlEZCclKI0-00030-00021951-00022983 and set the time to 208s which is 3:28. 4tlEZCclKI0-00031-00022983-00023667 Now we make sure that we get the proper camera path from start to end. 4tlEZCclKI0-00032-00023667-00024254 If you have turned the camera path off, turn it on. 4tlEZCclKI0-00033-00024254-00025102 For something simple as this I jump to the middle and place the camera checkpoint. 4tlEZCclKI0-00034-00025102-00025895 Then I repeat the same thing again for the first and second half, so that I get a nice 4tlEZCclKI0-00035-00025895-00026573 flowing path that does not intersect with any buildings. 4tlEZCclKI0-00036-00026573-00027198 Next we jump with a right click to the position where the first segment ends and the second 4tlEZCclKI0-00037-00027198-00027633 starts (46 seconds in). 4tlEZCclKI0-00038-00027633-00028383 Mark a camera checkpoint and ensure the timestamp is at the correct time without any milliseconds. 4tlEZCclKI0-00039-00028383-00028929 Then we move on through all the segments and repeat the process, so that we have a camera 4tlEZCclKI0-00040-00028929-00029748 checkpoint wherever a segment starts or ends. 4tlEZCclKI0-00041-00029748-00030332 When we have done this for all segments we can remove the helper checkpoints we inserted 4tlEZCclKI0-00042-00030332-00030686 first to get the correct camera path. 4tlEZCclKI0-00043-00030686-00031141 We end up with these checkpoints. 4tlEZCclKI0-00044-00031141-00031623 If this does not yet make much sense, wait and see. 4tlEZCclKI0-00045-00031623-00032212 Then we leave the ReplayMod Viewer and go the the directory where the replay mod recordings 4tlEZCclKI0-00046-00032212-00032406 are stored. 4tlEZCclKI0-00047-00032406-00032993 If you do not know where that is, you can open a the edit screen of a game and then 4tlEZCclKI0-00048-00032993-00033681 jump to the backup folder, move one up and there you see replay_recordings. 4tlEZCclKI0-00049-00033681-00034240 As you can see I am using a Linux operating system but it should not be much different 4tlEZCclKI0-00050-00034240-00034556 on Windows or a Mac. 4tlEZCclKI0-00051-00034556-00035580 Next we are looking for mcpr files, more specifically the one of the recording we just edited. 4tlEZCclKI0-00052-00035580-00036272 In effect these files are archives, so they can be opened with any archive application 4tlEZCclKI0-00053-00036272-00036741 like WinZip or 7-Zip on Windows. 4tlEZCclKI0-00054-00036741-00037282 Let's open the archive and the last file in there is timelines.json. 4tlEZCclKI0-00055-00037282-00038154 This files contains the data of the camera and time checkpoints. 4tlEZCclKI0-00056-00038154-00038775 So far we only defined the camera checkpoints at the correct point in time for the complete 4tlEZCclKI0-00057-00038775-00038971 timelapse. 4tlEZCclKI0-00058-00038971-00040113 Let's extract the file into the recordings folder. 4tlEZCclKI0-00059-00040113-00040818 Now we add that json file to all the other recording archives, so that they all have 4tlEZCclKI0-00060-00040818-00041102 the same camera path. 4tlEZCclKI0-00061-00041102-00041662 Back in the ReplayMod Viewer for the first segment, we can finish this one. 4tlEZCclKI0-00062-00041662-00042409 The first segment is straight forward: we add a timestamp at the beginning and another 4tlEZCclKI0-00063-00042409-00042978 one at and at the end at 3:28. 4tlEZCclKI0-00064-00042978-00043662 Then we add another one at 46s which is the end of the first segment. 4tlEZCclKI0-00065-00043662-00044306 This one also matches up with the end of the original footage, but just one millisecond 4tlEZCclKI0-00066-00044306-00044538 earlier. 4tlEZCclKI0-00067-00044538-00046034 When rendering this out we get a 3:28 clip of which we only need the first 46s, so we 4tlEZCclKI0-00068-00046034-00046385 can cut it down in editing. 4tlEZCclKI0-00069-00046385-00046791 The second segment is similar to the first one. 4tlEZCclKI0-00070-00046791-00047551 However at the beginning we have to apply the same trick we did at the end: have a timestamp 4tlEZCclKI0-00071-00047551-00048331 at the beginning and a second one millisecond later when the segment actually starts. 4tlEZCclKI0-00072-00048331-00048983 From here on out all following segments follow this pattern. 4tlEZCclKI0-00073-00048983-00049897 I will finish up the other segments and then we can look at editing this together. 4tlEZCclKI0-00074-00049897-00050616 Editing is a two part job: First you cut up the footage that you have so that you get 4tlEZCclKI0-00075-00050616-00051348 the segments that should go into the final video and then you patch those together. 4tlEZCclKI0-00076-00051348-00052301 For the cutting I use Avidemux which is OpenSource and available on all platforms. 4tlEZCclKI0-00077-00052301-00053001 What we need to do is cut off the part of each rendered segment that contains the part 4tlEZCclKI0-00078-00053001-00053713 from the end of the segment to the 3:28 mark. 4tlEZCclKI0-00079-00053713-00054644 In the case of the first one we want everything from the beginning up to second 46. 4tlEZCclKI0-00080-00054644-00055122 Select that segment and then save it. 4tlEZCclKI0-00081-00055122-00055854 We do this for all segments and each segment is longer than the previous one until the 4tlEZCclKI0-00082-00055854-00056209 last one has the full length. 4tlEZCclKI0-00083-00056209-00057151 For the editing together I use OpenShot another OpenSource application available for all platforms. 4tlEZCclKI0-00084-00057151-00057757 Other applications work in a similar fashion, so you should have no problem applying these 4tlEZCclKI0-00085-00057757-00057998 techniques to your favourite one. 4tlEZCclKI0-00086-00057998-00058776 The way we have cut up the segments they all end with the part that we actually want to 4tlEZCclKI0-00087-00058776-00059474 show and apart from the first one they have a section in the beginning we are not interested 4tlEZCclKI0-00088-00059474-00059574 in. 4tlEZCclKI0-00089-00059574-00060276 The simplest way is to stack the clips on different tracks, with the first on top, the 4tlEZCclKI0-00090-00060276-00060541 second below and so on. 4tlEZCclKI0-00091-00060541-00061309 This way the unwanted part of the second is hidden under the layer of the first clip. 4tlEZCclKI0-00092-00061309-00062087 When rendering out all of this we end up with one seamless timelapse, we can even add our 4tlEZCclKI0-00093-00062087-00062352 audio track. 4tlEZCclKI0-00094-00062352-00062866 If you want to see the final result check out my most recent Minecraft episode, where 4tlEZCclKI0-00095-00062866-00063259 the timelapse is a part of. 4tlEZCclKI0-00096-00063259-00063908 I hope you found this helpful, if so, consider leaving a like and if you subscribe I will 4tlEZCclKI0-00097-00063908-00064066 see you around. 4tlEZCclKI0-00098-00064066-00064177 Goodbye. 4x1z7w5R1zc-00000-00000000-00000618 Hi everyone, Agnes here. And this YouTube has been inspired by Rose, 4x1z7w5R1zc-00001-00000618-00001569 you asked for a list of Law of Attraction books, blogs, YouTube's, different bits and pieces that 4x1z7w5R1zc-00002-00001569-00002307 have helped me. So I'm going to put down in the description a link to a YouTube I've already 4x1z7w5R1zc-00003-00002307-00003111 done to answer that question. And I'm also going to add some more bits and pieces since then in 4x1z7w5R1zc-00004-00003111-00003831 the description as well and also I can't find who asked about this about my manifestations, 4x1z7w5R1zc-00005-00003831-00004383 my top manifestations, so I will put the links to all the YouTube's I've done where 4x1z7w5R1zc-00006-00004383-00004917 I've talked about my own manifestations for those of you that wanted to know about that 4x1z7w5R1zc-00007-00004917-00005874 as well. So enjoy, that's all down below in the description for you to revisit. Lots of love. 4AQoiTxND5k-00000-00000389-00001089 Welcome back to Cooking With Kade. Today we're making some basic dog treats for two special 4AQoiTxND5k-00001-00002100-00002800 guests stars on Cooking With Kade. My two best friends Tootie and Spike. First thing we're 4AQoiTxND5k-00002-00003175-00003743 going to add in is one and a half cups of old fashioned oat meal and remember don't 4AQoiTxND5k-00003-00003743-00004443 use the instant. One cup of flour. All purpose flour. One teaspoon of salt. Now we're going 4AQoiTxND5k-00004-00005418-00006118 to add in one teaspoon of chicken bouillon. Dissolve it in half a cup of hot water. Now we're going to add this in. Now guess what 4AQoiTxND5k-00005-00007979-00008679 it's time for one egg. Now let's get real with the meal and stir it up. Now that the mix is 4AQoiTxND5k-00006-00010450-00011150 stirred now we're going to put it on the counter and roll it out with the rolling pin. If it 4AQoiTxND5k-00007-00011696-00012396 starts sticking to your pin put a little flour on top. Once we have our dough rolled out press 4AQoiTxND5k-00008-00013237-00013937 some cookie cutters in there. We have a dog bone a dog and a paw. 4AQoiTxND5k-00009-00014787-00015487 We're going to put it on our pan that has cooking spray. Whenever you cut out what you 4AQoiTxND5k-00010-00015598-00016298 can just roll it back up again. This batch made us twenty four treats but it depends 4AQoiTxND5k-00011-00016937-00017540 on what type of cookie cutter you use and how thick your dough is. Now we're going to 4AQoiTxND5k-00012-00017540-00018131 put these in the oven for about twenty minutes at three fifty but it depends on how crunchy 4AQoiTxND5k-00013-00018131-00018831 you want them. Are you paying attention. Here's a tip. Use an oven mitt when you're using the 4AQoiTxND5k-00014-00020295-00020995 oven so you don't get burnt. While the treats are baking I'm going to tell you a story about 4AQoiTxND5k-00015-00021466-00022166 my two best friends. Tootie here was a birthday present for me when I turned two and spike 4AQoiTxND5k-00016-00022254-00022954 here was found by my sister Jenna and my brother in law Matt. He was by the road in bad shape 4AQoiTxND5k-00017-00023104-00023804 and they patched him up and gave him to me and he became a part of the family. In the 4AQoiTxND5k-00018-00023869-00024498 oven I flipped them over and let them cook for another ten minutes just for good measure. 4AQoiTxND5k-00019-00024498-00025198 I love my dogs so much that I'm going to try a piece. Ahh it's alright. Now let's see how 4AQoiTxND5k-00020-00026139-00026839 they like it. Sit sit sit up up up good girl good boy. I just love these dogs. They're not 4AQoiTxND5k-00021-00027752-00028003 going anywhere they know where the goods are. 4B8Xh1111FE-00000-00000038-00000474 activist artist and citizens from nearly all walks of life in perspectives 4B8Xh1111FE-00001-00000474-00000826 have struggled to reach beyond the limit mainstream media 4B8Xh1111FE-00002-00000826-00001321 Whether it's Fox News and The New York Times; Rush Limbaugh or Brian Williams 4B8Xh1111FE-00003-00001321-00001669 people say they are tired of being talked to were overlooked 4B8Xh1111FE-00004-00001669-00001989 the C to exercise their own rights to free speech 4B8Xh1111FE-00005-00001989-00002459 to a felony to hear from independent voices the exercise their rights and 4B8Xh1111FE-00006-00002459-00002565 fulfill their needs 4B8Xh1111FE-00007-00002565-00003044 by creating new avenues for speech by inventing new forms of communication 4B8Xh1111FE-00008-00003044-00003492 and by seizing the microphone to speak to their community this movement did not 4B8Xh1111FE-00009-00003492-00003859 begin and end does not end with the Internet for social media 4B8Xh1111FE-00010-00003859-00004212 is a movement as a bold as the dawn mass media 4B8Xh1111FE-00011-00004212-00004555 this series will highlight the contributions alternative media 4B8Xh1111FE-00012-00004555-00004957 the challenges citizen space in a political environment that seems to rule 4B8Xh1111FE-00013-00004957-00005164 or only those with the most money 4B8Xh1111FE-00014-00005164-00005567 political environment that does not necessarily reward those with the best 4B8Xh1111FE-00015-00005567-00005668 ideas 4B8Xh1111FE-00016-00005668-00006069 with those who serve the critical information needed their community drew 4B8Xh1111FE-00017-00006069-00006277 looking beyond mainstream media 4B8Xh1111FE-00018-00006277-00006695 my name is Mark Lloyd on the directive the media policy initiative here at the 4B8Xh1111FE-00019-00006695-00006815 New America Foundation 4B8Xh1111FE-00020-00006815-00007131 and very pleased to have this conversation 4B8Xh1111FE-00021-00007131-00007479 with the Kim Spencer and came in I've 4B8Xh1111FE-00022-00007479-00007811 known each other for a long time arm 4B8Xh1111FE-00023-00007811-00008147 and beginning with our conversations 4B8Xh1111FE-00024-00008147-00008536 about starting this new service that 4B8Xh1111FE-00025-00008536-00008921 that you were very excited about many many years ago 4B8Xh1111FE-00026-00008921-00009379 that ultimately ultimately was called link TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00027-00009379-00009692 I and the before we 4B8Xh1111FE-00028-00009692-00010092 we talk about it could you talk about I 4B8Xh1111FE-00029-00010092-00010515 your work on and your interest 4B8Xh1111FE-00030-00010515-00010911 in both I media 4B8Xh1111FE-00031-00010911-00011252 and Ind international shares general 4B8Xh1111FE-00032-00011252-00011646 well great the reconnection remark 4B8Xh1111FE-00033-00011646-00012250 I am I worked as a documentary maker as a journalist at work at ABC news and I 4B8Xh1111FE-00034-00012250-00012302 produced 4B8Xh1111FE-00035-00012302-00012663 independent documentaries for public television and usually on 4B8Xh1111FE-00036-00012663-00013023 issues global issues and 4B8Xh1111FE-00037-00013023-00013437 that came out of some work back early in the nineteen eighties 4B8Xh1111FE-00038-00013437-00013741 I am when I would get a documentary 4B8Xh1111FE-00039-00013741-00014088 about the nuclear arms race and it really raised the question after all 4B8Xh1111FE-00040-00014088-00014362 what about the Russian so I started going to russia and me 4B8Xh1111FE-00041-00014362-00014752 back in the eighties created these two-way satellite 4B8Xh1111FE-00042-00014752-00015165 dialogues called space bridges that started out as 4B8Xh1111FE-00043-00015165-00015697 really spontaneous almost events that linked Americans and Russians who during 4B8Xh1111FE-00044-00015697-00015744 their 4B8Xh1111FE-00045-00015744-00016054 great superpower battle 4B8Xh1111FE-00046-00016054-00016436 where unable to ever really talk to each other we connected them face to face two 4B8Xh1111FE-00047-00016436-00016829 way by satellite that got me really interested in the power up satellites 4B8Xh1111FE-00048-00016829-00017270 and also I am by partners Evelyn messenger and David Hartman and I 4B8Xh1111FE-00049-00017270-00017456 created something called intern years 4B8Xh1111FE-00050-00017456-00017825 which began working in many countries around the world 4B8Xh1111FE-00051-00017825-00018184 kinda promote democracy through independent media 4B8Xh1111FE-00052-00018184-00018523 say it really was it sounds to me like 4B8Xh1111FE-00053-00018523-00018951 a there these all do recurring dreams about 4B8Xh1111FE-00054-00018951-00019373 the power of the media to connect us globally 4B8Xh1111FE-00055-00019373-00019676 and I just because 4B8Xh1111FE-00056-00019676-00020040 the ability to CE and here 4B8Xh1111FE-00057-00020040-00020423 and actually communicate across cultures can be facilitated by 4B8Xh1111FE-00058-00020423-00020798 all this medium this is the work you do it right and you know when you travel a 4B8Xh1111FE-00059-00020798-00021059 lot you see how television and the other world 4B8Xh1111FE-00060-00021059-00021559 parts of the world present so many different perspectives like the BBC in 4B8Xh1111FE-00061-00021559-00021704 Russian TV and 4B8Xh1111FE-00062-00021704-00022154 and they're all different perspectives on basically the same news story 4B8Xh1111FE-00063-00022154-00022594 and and that was an early interest kind of the Russian mob let's take a look at 4B8Xh1111FE-00064-00022594-00022733 how the different parts other 4B8Xh1111FE-00065-00022733-00023217 the the world look at the world from the point of view their television 4B8Xh1111FE-00066-00023217-00023659 now that the this also seems to me and I think it's important to 4B8Xh1111FE-00067-00023659-00023992 to note the distinctions between that were 4B8Xh1111FE-00068-00023992-00024401 an something like Voice of America I N 4B8Xh1111FE-00069-00024401-00024890 so dead to compare what you were doing with 4B8Xh1111FE-00070-00024890-00025215 that the space pridgen and internet use with 4B8Xh1111FE-00071-00025215-00025573 the may be the voice of america sir so I think it's all about 4B8Xh1111FE-00072-00025573-00026058 independence from your source of funding and from government control is key 4B8Xh1111FE-00073-00026058-00026433 and that's what independent journalists are all about and in our democracy is 4B8Xh1111FE-00074-00026433-00026566 based on that 4B8Xh1111FE-00075-00026566-00026902 I'm and so it's been very important 4B8Xh1111FE-00076-00026902-00027344 to try to find outlet for that and that's really was the challenge because 4B8Xh1111FE-00077-00027344-00027856 I you know after you could pick up a camera and got shoot your own news 4B8Xh1111FE-00078-00027856-00028225 but you still have to get by a gatekeeper to get it on the air 4B8Xh1111FE-00079-00028225-00028677 and more and more we were finding as some others work together 4B8Xh1111FE-00080-00028677-00029061 that the programs that we make even couldn't even get on public television 4B8Xh1111FE-00081-00029061-00029374 particular anything on it on about it international issue or that had 4B8Xh1111FE-00082-00029374-00029522 subtitles 4B8Xh1111FE-00083-00029522-00029852 just really couldn't get on public TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00084-00029852-00030172 yeah and so heat here you are you were 4B8Xh1111FE-00085-00030172-00030511 really sorry at the pentacle where many people 4B8Xh1111FE-00086-00030511-00030889 game now you were actually doing documentary said 4B8Xh1111FE-00087-00030889-00031266 at ABC major US network 4B8Xh1111FE-00088-00031266-00031702 a how how could you possibly stepped down from that and not 4B8Xh1111FE-00089-00031702-00032205 and not continue to do that work i mean isn't isn't that true the in goal for 4B8Xh1111FE-00090-00032205-00032605 for many do well it seems seem like an end by the budgets were grade 4B8Xh1111FE-00091-00032605-00032943 I am and the access was great but I'm 4B8Xh1111FE-00092-00032943-00033250 you know there was already a conventional wisdom and I think the 4B8Xh1111FE-00093-00033250-00033415 turning point might have been when 4B8Xh1111FE-00094-00033415-00033778 when Disney you the bought ABC News 4B8Xh1111FE-00095-00033778-00034216 all the sudden it was no longer that these networks programs where 4B8Xh1111FE-00096-00034216-00034746 kinda the crown jewels up the network they were just a profit center like 4B8Xh1111FE-00097-00034746-00034847 everything else 4B8Xh1111FE-00098-00034847-00035156 and the conventional wisdom at the time was that 4B8Xh1111FE-00099-00035156-00035594 international stories just get ratings that americans really we're not dead 4B8Xh1111FE-00100-00035594-00036003 interested in the rest the world 4B8Xh1111FE-00101-00036003-00036341 in so 4B8Xh1111FE-00102-00036341-00036749 this service I'll direct satellite 4B8Xh1111FE-00103-00036749-00037250 news or television 4B8Xh1111FE-00104-00037250-00037553 became available of course people were using satellites to do 4B8Xh1111FE-00105-00037553-00037878 all toward to buy the things to communicate with for 4B8Xh1111FE-00106-00037878-00038316 the idea that you'd you can actually get at your home 4B8Xh1111FE-00107-00038316-00038640 and in this was commercial service a 4B8Xh1111FE-00108-00038640-00038941 multiple video provider 4B8Xh1111FE-00109-00038941-00039316 are via satellite was unique 4B8Xh1111FE-00110-00039316-00039675 arm how did the opportunity come about where 4B8Xh1111FE-00111-00039675-00039981 you could you could have something 4B8Xh1111FE-00112-00039981-00040500 I N that was not commercial that was not simply 4B8Xh1111FE-00113-00040500-00040824 something you can get online I 4B8Xh1111FE-00114-00040824-00041209 broadcast television you know there was not simply 4B8Xh1111FE-00115-00041209-00041644 another commercial operation wait where did this notion come about that 4B8Xh1111FE-00116-00041644-00041981 I DirecTV you are why whatever the other 4B8Xh1111FE-00117-00041981-00042288 satellite television provider would be 4B8Xh1111FE-00118-00042288-00042653 that they would they would they would need to set aside something for 4B8Xh1111FE-00119-00042653-00043091 non-commercial purposes well actually it's a it's a great story and are not 4B8Xh1111FE-00120-00043091-00043284 that many success stories about 4B8Xh1111FE-00121-00043284-00043658 I'm an opportunity where community group and 4B8Xh1111FE-00122-00043658-00043971 individuals who believe strongly in that now the power 4B8Xh1111FE-00123-00043971-00044381 independent media actually made a change and it was through the FCC 4B8Xh1111FE-00124-00044381-00044741 I'm because I'm all rights let's think about the FCC did something good they 4B8Xh1111FE-00125-00044741-00044822 did 4B8Xh1111FE-00126-00044822-00045344 and that that happened in I 1999 when the FCC 4B8Xh1111FE-00127-00045344-00045661 I agreed after a lot of pressure and negotiation 4B8Xh1111FE-00128-00045661-00046144 to require DirecTV and Dish Network the two satellite providers 4B8Xh1111FE-00129-00046144-00046481 to set aside a certain percentage 4B8Xh1111FE-00130-00046481-00046790 summer-like around four percent of their channel capacity 4B8Xh1111FE-00131-00046790-00047312 for independent channels that are run by 501 c3 non-profit 4B8Xh1111FE-00132-00047312-00047730 that was the rule and when that announcement came out 4B8Xh1111FE-00133-00047730-00048038 I am wanna miss had read us 4B8Xh1111FE-00134-00048038-00048461 you know it was a footnote in a article somewhere that said this was about to 4B8Xh1111FE-00135-00048461-00048549 happen 4B8Xh1111FE-00136-00048549-00048865 and I'm the idea of getting our own 4B8Xh1111FE-00137-00048865-00049372 channel that drew a lot of support and people started joining the effort and 4B8Xh1111FE-00138-00049372-00049756 and we work together and brought in the organization 4B8Xh1111FE-00139-00049756-00050063 ITBS which you are the chair about the time 4B8Xh1111FE-00140-00050063-00050434 and and a couple other independent groups joined with the internet was to 4B8Xh1111FE-00141-00050434-00050546 put in a proposal 4B8Xh1111FE-00142-00050546-00050933 with that thanks a really afar 4B8Xh1111FE-00143-00050933-00051345 I had thinking plant depressed at the MacArthur Foundation 4B8Xh1111FE-00144-00051345-00051791 who said well if you can really get a license demo back you 4B8Xh1111FE-00145-00051791-00052145 at least partially for the first three years 4B8Xh1111FE-00146-00052145-00052458 and a somehow yeah we 4B8Xh1111FE-00147-00052458-00052812 you wrote the proposal we got together we imagined all the great things that 4B8Xh1111FE-00148-00052812-00052995 you could do on television 4B8Xh1111FE-00149-00052995-00053300 and add req TV a selected us 4B8Xh1111FE-00150-00053300-00053720 we had five weeks to get on the air they still give us the data like 4B8Xh1111FE-00151-00053720-00054044 December 15th 1999 4B8Xh1111FE-00152-00054044-00054399 we're about five weeks to put together a 24-hour channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00153-00054399-00054749 or they wanna give it to the next channel which was already in existing 4B8Xh1111FE-00154-00054749-00054845 cable channel on which 4B8Xh1111FE-00155-00054845-00055194 up would have been a religious broadcaster which ended up getting a lot 4B8Xh1111FE-00156-00055194-00055337 of these channels because 4B8Xh1111FE-00157-00055337-00055783 there was just know where to start these things 4B8Xh1111FE-00158-00055783-00056158 Inc 4B8Xh1111FE-00159-00056158-00056548 the nineteen me an independent national television channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00160-00056548-00057016 with an expansive vision connecting americans with the larger world 4B8Xh1111FE-00161-00057016-00057246 gun 4B8Xh1111FE-00162-00057246-00057673 without censorship for commercials link TV presents honest opinions 4B8Xh1111FE-00163-00057673-00058146 and diverse voices go unheard in american media breaking with convention 4B8Xh1111FE-00164-00058146-00058447 we bring you challenging documentaries on global issues 4B8Xh1111FE-00165-00058447-00058777 the along with moving personal stories 4B8Xh1111FE-00166-00058777-00059408 on from human rights to the environment and sustainable development 4B8Xh1111FE-00167-00059408-00059707 from world helms to america's working poor 4B8Xh1111FE-00168-00059707-00060094 link TV showcases gripping stories 4B8Xh1111FE-00169-00060094-00060479 people caught up in the conflict sup 4B8Xh1111FE-00170-00060479-00060966 in a time of war we bring you unfiltered news from the middle east on and our 4B8Xh1111FE-00171-00060966-00061186 Peabody award-winning news digest 4B8Xh1111FE-00172-00061186-00061661 mosaic global pulse presents critical information for understanding other 4B8Xh1111FE-00173-00061661-00061761 perspectives 4B8Xh1111FE-00174-00061761-00062378 mom me TV offers in entertaining nixon international feature films 4B8Xh1111FE-00175-00062378-00062825 and a unique selection of world music videos with a social conscience 4B8Xh1111FE-00176-00062825-00063149 and global beat Manteno 4B8Xh1111FE-00177-00063149-00063454 I a 4B8Xh1111FE-00178-00063454-00063649 him you know 4B8Xh1111FE-00179-00063649-00063929 will resume the 4B8Xh1111FE-00180-00063929-00064162 Andres your whole name down 4B8Xh1111FE-00181-00064162-00064479 broadcast via satellite and on select cable channels 4B8Xh1111FE-00182-00064479-00064920 link TV now reaches one in every four american homes 4B8Xh1111FE-00183-00064920-00065328 original series are streamed on the World Wide Web to inform 4B8Xh1111FE-00184-00065328-00065660 and activate global citizens you risk Megan 4B8Xh1111FE-00185-00065660-00066060 unified to rename link TV you know I would call it 4B8Xh1111FE-00186-00066060-00066669 integrity TV I love this channel and I'm a member and you should become a member 4B8Xh1111FE-00187-00066669-00066720 to 4B8Xh1111FE-00188-00066720-00067109 so the idea link TV Lee connection begin 4B8Xh1111FE-00189-00067109-00067439 so get connected and stay only TD 4B8Xh1111FE-00190-00067439-00067872 the TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00191-00067872-00068278 illuminating the true potential live television pulled 4B8Xh1111FE-00192-00068278-00068625 honest independent international 4B8Xh1111FE-00193-00068625-00068927 moving you to make the world a better place 4B8Xh1111FE-00194-00068927-00069570 link TV television Without Borders 4B8Xh1111FE-00195-00069570-00069707 win it was 4B8Xh1111FE-00196-00069707-00070076 amazing work did you able to do and that is very sure 4B8Xh1111FE-00197-00070076-00070549 bit of time both in terms of putting together the programming in working with 4B8Xh1111FE-00198-00070549-00070875 all the characters that you needed et j'y 4B8Xh1111FE-00199-00070875-00071257 to get it up and running now I let let let 4B8Xh1111FE-00200-00071257-00071589 let's see if we can if we can understand I N 4B8Xh1111FE-00201-00071589-00072012 you got free access to satellite 4B8Xh1111FE-00202-00072012-00072489 service that's right we got a channel on DirecTV and Dish Network 4B8Xh1111FE-00203-00072489-00072895 which at the time were twelve million homes but now a third of all teenaged 4B8Xh1111FE-00204-00072895-00073329 a im in america receive that and we were given a fall 4B8Xh1111FE-00205-00073329-00073710 channel on both to those services and we call that link TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00206-00073710-00074158 and their what what does it mean to have free access that does that mean 4B8Xh1111FE-00207-00074158-00074485 well but what does that mean well yeah 4B8Xh1111FE-00208-00074485-00074839 the ass press down there was that this didn't come along with any sort a 4B8Xh1111FE-00209-00074839-00074945 business model 4B8Xh1111FE-00210-00074945-00075382 there was no government funding their ways no cooperation from public 4B8Xh1111FE-00211-00075382-00075517 broadcasting funding 4B8Xh1111FE-00212-00075517-00075901 no commercials were allowed so basically 4B8Xh1111FE-00213-00075901-00076312 well out no commercials were allowed yeah yet at this is a non-commercial 4B8Xh1111FE-00214-00076312-00076419 channel that 4B8Xh1111FE-00215-00076419-00076815 had to abide by all the FCC rules that PBS channels had a bye bye 4B8Xh1111FE-00216-00076815-00077226 but we didn't qualify for CPB funding so 4B8Xh1111FE-00217-00077226-00077585 hi it's been a struggle to this day to find 4B8Xh1111FE-00218-00077585-00077979 a way to build up the support you need to run a TV channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00219-00077979-00078319 arm and 4B8Xh1111FE-00220-00078319-00078650 just two connect to 4B8Xh1111FE-00221-00078650-00079069 I N just to transmit your programming 4B8Xh1111FE-00222-00079069-00079506 to I'll to the satellite service 4B8Xh1111FE-00223-00079506-00079838 what with was that free was that 4B8Xh1111FE-00224-00079838-00080361 now and in fact now the rules I'll wear that we would have to pay 4B8Xh1111FE-00225-00080361-00080662 to DirecTV and Dish Network the 4B8Xh1111FE-00226-00080662-00081133 fair amount their costs put us up which they are but rarely set 4B8Xh1111FE-00227-00081133-00081484 at around ten thousand dollars per month so not only did 4B8Xh1111FE-00228-00081484-00081984 we give them our programming for free we were paying them on a monthly basis 4B8Xh1111FE-00229-00081984-00082415 and their original contract was a revoke a bowl one month 4B8Xh1111FE-00230-00082415-00082772 agreement which meant that we had no guarantee 4B8Xh1111FE-00231-00082772-00083159 that they would keep us up there but amazingly enough 4B8Xh1111FE-00232-00083159-00083522 there it has worked out pretty much for the good 4B8Xh1111FE-00233-00083522-00083844 and here we are we got a 24 hour 7 channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00234-00083844-00084163 link TV dot or guess where you can find it if you 4B8Xh1111FE-00235-00084163-00084625 if you can't get it on satellite but it's a channel that has a mixer 4B8Xh1111FE-00236-00084625-00085150 documentaries on social issues I news from around the world harking back to 4B8Xh1111FE-00237-00085150-00085612 my initial you know interests in the news and then also incredible cultural 4B8Xh1111FE-00238-00085612-00085859 programming now world music 4B8Xh1111FE-00239-00085859-00086185 a and films and just 4B8Xh1111FE-00240-00086185-00086494 all sorts of programs just from the incredible diversity that we see around 4B8Xh1111FE-00241-00086494-00086556 the world 4B8Xh1111FE-00242-00086556-00086934 so one movie 10 the things that you 4B8Xh1111FE-00243-00086934-00087439 you put online which was fascinating to see 4B8Xh1111FE-00244-00087439-00087919 are was a program that's very popular on pacifica 4B8Xh1111FE-00245-00087919-00088251 radio network could you talk a little bit about that 4B8Xh1111FE-00246-00088251-00088597 well Amy goodman: and Democracy Now 4B8Xh1111FE-00247-00088597-00088917 are mainstay of progressive media 4B8Xh1111FE-00248-00088917-00089274 in this country and it started out as a radio program 4B8Xh1111FE-00249-00089274-00089658 and about eight years ago a.m. 4B8Xh1111FE-00250-00089658-00089979 any started to put a camera in the room 4B8Xh1111FE-00251-00089979-00090355 with her every morning and eventually that became 4B8Xh1111FE-00252-00090355-00090755 really excellent daily news program I and Democracy Now 4B8Xh1111FE-00253-00090755-00091185 continues to be on link TV and on directed on 4B8Xh1111FE-00254-00091185-00091608 on free speech TV which is the other independent channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00255-00091608-00091956 that is that got on this 4B8Xh1111FE-00256-00091956-00092321 to the same arrangement and wouldn't that 4B8Xh1111FE-00257-00092321-00092658 talk a little bit about some other programs that you're most proud 4B8Xh1111FE-00258-00092658-00093123 in history 20 well I I would have to say that 4B8Xh1111FE-00259-00093123-00093581 it's the documentaries that I you know hours after hours 4B8Xh1111FE-00260-00093581-00093935 documentaries that just don't get shown in this country I 4B8Xh1111FE-00261-00093935-00094309 and with us not on global issues we really also wanted to 4B8Xh1111FE-00262-00094309-00094803 portray I'm the unheard voices in america wanna bar for serious was 4B8Xh1111FE-00263-00094803-00095138 I'm documentaries on the Native American experience 4B8Xh1111FE-00264-00095138-00095564 that had never been shown to ended up having 30 documentaries that we found 4B8Xh1111FE-00265-00095564-00095791 that just had never been shown 4B8Xh1111FE-00266-00095791-00096224 so I'm that's been I think the most important impact but 4B8Xh1111FE-00267-00096224-00096598 one of our news programs I called mosaic 4B8Xh1111FE-00268-00096598-00096931 world news from the Middle East I ended up being 4B8Xh1111FE-00269-00096931-00097231 coming very important I 4B8Xh1111FE-00270-00097231-00097566 we had carried programs that tried to 4B8Xh1111FE-00271-00097566-00097994 give you an understanding what was going on in the Arab world but after 9/11 4B8Xh1111FE-00272-00097994-00098339 all the sudden Americans were saying I why do they hate us what's Connaught out 4B8Xh1111FE-00273-00098339-00098404 there 4B8Xh1111FE-00274-00098404-00098769 and so I'm we started picking up of the satellite 4B8Xh1111FE-00275-00098769-00099113 broadcasters from across the Middle East reads and 4B8Xh1111FE-00276-00099113-00099493 I am created a program daily half-hour 4B8Xh1111FE-00277-00099493-00099826 news from the Middle East just taking chunks 4B8Xh1111FE-00278-00099826-00100259 the news no editorial just translating the Arabic 4B8Xh1111FE-00279-00100259-00100559 or the Hebrew for their a Israeli TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00280-00100559-00100924 or the persian from the iranians and 4B8Xh1111FE-00281-00100924-00101232 that program ended up winning a Peabody Award 4B8Xh1111FE-00282-00101232-00101571 draw a lot of attention to link and I am 4B8Xh1111FE-00283-00101571-00101928 more than 2700 daily episodes up until 4B8Xh1111FE-00284-00101928-00102575 I earlier this year is this the Iraq war you've never seen on American TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00285-00102575-00103093 unfiltered uncensored unafraid to venture into new territory 4B8Xh1111FE-00286-00103093-00103453 for go 4B8Xh1111FE-00287-00103453-00103836 watch mosaic the award-winning news digest bring you the latest news 4B8Xh1111FE-00288-00103836-00103930 directly from 4B8Xh1111FE-00289-00103930-00104349 30 different broadcasters in the Middle East now you can watch mosaic 4B8Xh1111FE-00290-00104349-00104714 anytime any place with a mosaic video podcast 4B8Xh1111FE-00291-00104714-00105042 just go to link TV .org slash podcast 4B8Xh1111FE-00292-00105042-00105425 north portal to mosaic and other link TV original series 4B8Xh1111FE-00293-00105425-00105872 now what what happened this year well what happened this year 4B8Xh1111FE-00294-00105872-00106320 is a combination above are problems at the business model 4B8Xh1111FE-00295-00106320-00106689 I think you know I'm when TV grew 4B8Xh1111FE-00296-00106689-00107053 and grew I to the point that recently I 4B8Xh1111FE-00297-00107053-00107494 are audience which amazingly even with the budget problems just 4B8Xh1111FE-00298-00107494-00107810 jumped up another 20 percent so that something like 4B8Xh1111FE-00299-00107810-00108215 I aid million Americans watch regularly 4B8Xh1111FE-00300-00108215-00108610 they tell us I and average a two-and-a-half hours a week 4B8Xh1111FE-00301-00108610-00109121 so that's it a lot of people still focused on on an independent channel 4B8Xh1111FE-00302-00109121-00109565 but its always been difficult week depend on a lot of those viewers to 4B8Xh1111FE-00303-00109565-00109944 to pay the bills and after 2008 4B8Xh1111FE-00304-00109944-00110266 that drop off the set public television as well 4B8Xh1111FE-00305-00110266-00110653 the drop-off yen I individual contributions 4B8Xh1111FE-00306-00110653-00110989 toward public media and also the Foundation's 4B8Xh1111FE-00307-00110989-00111382 their endowments were here so some of the major 4B8Xh1111FE-00308-00111382-00111702 foundations that supported link the funding just 4B8Xh1111FE-00309-00111702-00112184 enough began to shrink and so with that limited funding we've had a really 4B8Xh1111FE-00310-00112184-00112576 you know retool um and and find new ways 4B8Xh1111FE-00311-00112576-00112938 to to be I'm in this new media environment one other things that we did 4B8Xh1111FE-00312-00112938-00113079 last year was a merger 4B8Xh1111FE-00313-00113079-00113554 with another nonprofit broadcaster KCT is a 4B8Xh1111FE-00314-00113554-00113858 venerable I public 4B8Xh1111FE-00315-00113858-00114297 media institution I celebrating its 50th year 4B8Xh1111FE-00316-00114297-00114904 in Southern California and out we merge with KCET it would now that or call KCT 4B8Xh1111FE-00317-00114904-00114963 link 4B8Xh1111FE-00318-00114963-00115264 and that we we gotta lotta synergies from that 4B8Xh1111FE-00319-00115264-00115598 and and hopefully we'll be able to 4B8Xh1111FE-00320-00115598-00116086 build upper a bigger you know bank account as a team 4B8Xh1111FE-00321-00116086-00116442 well that that's great now armed is 4B8Xh1111FE-00322-00116442-00116846 can i watch some other programming from wing TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00323-00116846-00117169 on something other than direct TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00324-00117169-00117599 yes in some communities I lane TV is carried 4B8Xh1111FE-00325-00117599-00117948 different hours a day on local cable by 4B8Xh1111FE-00326-00117948-00118392 in the Bay Area I'm care huh has kidney in 4B8Xh1111FE-00327-00118392-00118796 but not on on are now would we be carried on the public axis operations 4B8Xh1111FE-00328-00118796-00118835 I'm 4B8Xh1111FE-00329-00118835-00119245 the in in San Francisco it's a public station K RCB 4B8Xh1111FE-00330-00119245-00119715 I that carries us at different times and were also carried on the public 4B8Xh1111FE-00331-00119715-00120182 what a public access channel hand in different places around the country 4B8Xh1111FE-00332-00120182-00120483 peg stations I carry link 4B8Xh1111FE-00333-00120483-00120940 and it's interesting we get that our program and how to them through a really 4B8Xh1111FE-00334-00120940-00121174 interesting organizations call Peggy media 4B8Xh1111FE-00335-00121174-00121624 which distributes the programs by FTP file so now 4B8Xh1111FE-00336-00121624-00121997 its you know we started out on satellite we were created because we 4B8Xh1111FE-00337-00121997-00122353 got ourselves on satellite but across a lot's changed 4B8Xh1111FE-00338-00122353-00122675 in 14 years about delivery technology yeah 4B8Xh1111FE-00339-00122675-00123066 I mean for one thing there was no YouTube then right through it you know 4B8Xh1111FE-00340-00123066-00123424 it but there was no in a streaming video or 4B8Xh1111FE-00341-00123424-00123761 ability to right yeah right 4B8Xh1111FE-00342-00123761-00124072 and and now you can watch pretty much every link program 4B8Xh1111FE-00343-00124072-00124540 on the web in 20 beat out work so you don't need to have a satellite at 4B8Xh1111FE-00344-00124540-00124649 receiver your home 4B8Xh1111FE-00345-00124649-00125151 well that's great so I if I want to I can just remove the service 4B8Xh1111FE-00346-00125151-00125603 now are do you have any agreements with Netflix so with who 4B8Xh1111FE-00347-00125603-00126032 or with a lot of our programs our original programs are on Hulu 4B8Xh1111FE-00348-00126032-00126352 and some other things that we're really proud as one of our best programs is an 4B8Xh1111FE-00349-00126352-00126558 original series that we've produced 4B8Xh1111FE-00350-00126558-00126871 per but nearly eight years called earth focus 4B8Xh1111FE-00351-00126871-00127257 which is that the longest-running environmental series on american TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00352-00127257-00127640 was pretty sad what it says about the rest of American TV 4B8Xh1111FE-00353-00127640-00128044 that you know a small operation like link can have a weekly 4B8Xh1111FE-00354-00128044-00128270 environmental serious 4B8Xh1111FE-00355-00128270-00128624 fun 4B8Xh1111FE-00356-00128624-00129114 shouldn't the 4B8Xh1111FE-00357-00129114-00129747 you 4B8Xh1111FE-00358-00129747-00130136 win 4B8Xh1111FE-00359-00130136-00130658 she more fun 4B8Xh1111FE-00360-00130658-00130770 chic 4B8Xh1111FE-00361-00130770-00131418 good dubbed 4B8Xh1111FE-00362-00131418-00131689 the 4B8Xh1111FE-00363-00131689-00132004 from preserving the knowledge she min healers in the Amazon 4B8Xh1111FE-00364-00132004-00132360 to selling off all both course in Russia's Far East 4B8Xh1111FE-00365-00132360-00132678 from the destruction of Australia's coral reefs 4B8Xh1111FE-00366-00132678-00133236 to biotech crops in Africa continues to use genetically engineered ingredients 4B8Xh1111FE-00367-00133236-00133718 leave TV take you around the world to understand the battles being waged to 4B8Xh1111FE-00368-00133718-00133825 save our planet 4B8Xh1111FE-00369-00133825-00134412 has been actually predicted that by the year 2030 that paula cole reason the 4B8Xh1111FE-00370-00134412-00134536 world may actually be did 4B8Xh1111FE-00371-00134536-00134854 as other networks cancel their environmental series 4B8Xh1111FE-00372-00134854-00135357 lean TV is the only US broadcaster to air regular installments have several 4B8Xh1111FE-00373-00135357-00135482 environmental series 4B8Xh1111FE-00374-00135482-00135977 including earth report the loggers assault his remains 4B8Xh1111FE-00375-00135977-00136470 and our original magazine series on the environment first focus 4B8Xh1111FE-00376-00136470-00136777 a joint project with the International Group printed the years 4B8Xh1111FE-00377-00136777-00137140 coral reefs are the canary in a cage the biosphere 4B8Xh1111FE-00378-00137140-00137576 in me TV's original weekly series spotlight 4B8Xh1111FE-00379-00137576-00137978 we also investigate environmental issues such as global warming 4B8Xh1111FE-00380-00137978-00138464 in the revealing expose rising waters the personal stories are Pacific 4B8Xh1111FE-00381-00138464-00138554 Islanders 4B8Xh1111FE-00382-00138554-00139019 this spotlight report puts a human face on the debate over international climate 4B8Xh1111FE-00383-00139019-00139080 change 4B8Xh1111FE-00384-00139080-00139660 link TV also searches the planet for the best independent documentaries about 4B8Xh1111FE-00385-00139660-00139918 wildlife conservation and the environment 4B8Xh1111FE-00386-00139918-00140549 ball from freedom documents the tragic history of the marine park industry 4B8Xh1111FE-00387-00140549-00140987 where the killer whale beluga whale and dolphin are torn from their close-knit 4B8Xh1111FE-00388-00140987-00141052 families 4B8Xh1111FE-00389-00141052-00141658 in violent and often legal captures and the shame into practice 4B8Xh1111FE-00390-00141658-00142026 follows one man as he tries to preserve the dining traditions 4B8Xh1111FE-00391-00142026-00142333 the shaming healers have the Amazon so I Dame 4B8Xh1111FE-00392-00142333-00142769 Schulte said that these native healers for nature's greatest geniuses 4B8Xh1111FE-00393-00142769-00143308 when it came to understanding plants and their healing abilities 4B8Xh1111FE-00394-00143308-00143692 nowhere else on the airwaves someone find a network is committed to showing 4B8Xh1111FE-00395-00143692-00143830 the battles being me 4B8Xh1111FE-00396-00143830-00144262 to save our environment education 4B8Xh1111FE-00397-00144262-00144740 information applying for the rest American engineer 4B8Xh1111FE-00398-00144740-00145130 link TV your connection to the planet 4B8Xh1111FE-00399-00145130-00145511 year you had 4B8Xh1111FE-00400-00145511-00145988 I the the chairperson at the federal communications connection 4B8Xh1111FE-00401-00145988-00146354 and the chairman I love by 4B8Xh1111FE-00402-00146354-00146824 the house committee with some oversight if the FCC in maybe the chair of the 4B8Xh1111FE-00403-00146824-00146930 senate committee with 4B8Xh1111FE-00404-00146930-00147296 some oversight at the FCC and 4B8Xh1111FE-00405-00147296-00147675 in in you needed to convince them a the 4B8Xh1111FE-00406-00147675-00148039 now only the importance I love a 4B8Xh1111FE-00407-00148039-00148417 this set aside for satellite service but I love 4B8Xh1111FE-00408-00148417-00148764 policies that that might actually need to be changed so that 4B8Xh1111FE-00409-00148764-00149080 this could be sustainable by I'll 4B8Xh1111FE-00410-00149080-00149485 ordinary human beings who I I would go with you 4B8Xh1111FE-00411-00149485-00149842 where would you use well I it's a tough one because the FCC 4B8Xh1111FE-00412-00149842-00150235 as great is it it was in creating this opportunity 4B8Xh1111FE-00413-00150235-00150628 in 1999 I'm you know is a regular Terry 4B8Xh1111FE-00414-00150628-00151051 organization and doesn't have any startup funding capability 4B8Xh1111FE-00415-00151051-00151421 I'm and and the in this country we 4B8Xh1111FE-00416-00151421-00151834 you know we don't have the history essay at the BBC being 4B8Xh1111FE-00417-00151834-00152224 paid for sense laid by a tax on everybody's television set 4B8Xh1111FE-00418-00152224-00152602 and and they and that traditional doing that 4B8Xh1111FE-00419-00152602-00153122 and you know only in a couple countries around the world is there really a 4B8Xh1111FE-00420-00153122-00153315 vibrant public media 4B8Xh1111FE-00421-00153315-00153699 I in this country it you know it it's always at the risk 4B8Xh1111FE-00422-00153699-00154096 I love up federal control so I'm not sure that their 4B8Xh1111FE-00423-00154096-00154466 is a you know a silver bullet from the 4B8Xh1111FE-00424-00154466-00154772 you know front through the FCC now 4B8Xh1111FE-00425-00154772-00155177 I think it's critical though that and that's the kind of work that you've been 4B8Xh1111FE-00426-00155177-00155291 involved in 4B8Xh1111FE-00427-00155291-00155603 over the years and I i kno I is that 4B8Xh1111FE-00428-00155603-00156014 the FCC needs to stay on top up that the whole 4B8Xh1111FE-00429-00156014-00156409 sector and I'm really 4B8Xh1111FE-00430-00156409-00156732 the that the the money in politics 4B8Xh1111FE-00431-00156732-00157057 you know money and corporations I 4B8Xh1111FE-00432-00157057-00157504 they do control what americans get to see also why 4B8Xh1111FE-00433-00157504-00157933 why couldn't at the very least there be money for 4B8Xh1111FE-00434-00157933-00158245 Ling TV from not 4B8Xh1111FE-00435-00158245-00158607 the corporation for public broadcasting wealth a.m. 4B8Xh1111FE-00436-00158607-00158930 that said argument that damn we would 4B8Xh1111FE-00437-00158930-00159299 like make but I i think when you look at the big stations 4B8Xh1111FE-00438-00159299-00159885 that I am I depend on what little money there is from the CPB thats 4B8Xh1111FE-00439-00159885-00160315 that's that's all that's difficult to chop up their money at all 4B8Xh1111FE-00440-00160315-00160755 to add two more services so I mean which seven to be created 4B8Xh1111FE-00441-00160755-00161064 and I I think it's the viewers that vote 4B8Xh1111FE-00442-00161064-00161476 with their a their contributions and 4B8Xh1111FE-00443-00161476-00161886 the interesting thing is that from the research that we do we find 4B8Xh1111FE-00444-00161886-00162365 the diversity I'll up an audience that's looking for a different point of view 4B8Xh1111FE-00445-00162365-00162751 I that it's not just preaching to the converted here 4B8Xh1111FE-00446-00162751-00163088 you know it's a it's a diverse audience and 4B8Xh1111FE-00447-00163088-00163391 it's one that also watches Fox 4B8Xh1111FE-00448-00163391-00163758 news you know it day people wanna know 4B8Xh1111FE-00449-00163758-00164224 particularly young people pic you're not just buying it from one source anymore 4B8Xh1111FE-00450-00164224-00164619 you know what their device they can click around and pick out 4B8Xh1111FE-00451-00164619-00164959 a choice places to look for so the it's almost 4B8Xh1111FE-00452-00164959-00165354 opportunity to be active so what's the role 10 of them 4B8Xh1111FE-00453-00165354-00165694 a broadcaster unite who these days 4B8Xh1111FE-00454-00165694-00166127 if people have millions have choices being uploaded every week 4B8Xh1111FE-00455-00166127-00166607 on YouTube what's the role a broadcaster with the 24/7 service 4B8Xh1111FE-00456-00166607-00166919 I think part of it is to um 4B8Xh1111FE-00457-00166919-00167245 to to really provide a 4B8Xh1111FE-00458-00167245-00167570 and I a curatorial 4B8Xh1111FE-00459-00167570-00167935 I am and editorial vision 4B8Xh1111FE-00460-00167935-00168362 and and links vision was was not just you know we want to get a program that's 4B8Xh1111FE-00461-00168362-00168605 gonna raise more money so let's go follow like 4B8Xh1111FE-00462-00168605-00168913 where the Paris but there was always a social mission 4B8Xh1111FE-00463-00168913-00169262 and and the social mission was a global one 4B8Xh1111FE-00464-00169262-00169623 the importance of understanding different cultures but 4B8Xh1111FE-00465-00169623-00170014 it's also the social mission a you the viewer 4B8Xh1111FE-00466-00170014-00170458 need to get involved so from the very beginning link was about 4B8Xh1111FE-00467-00170458-00170792 I am you know that person the cat she get out 4B8Xh1111FE-00468-00170792-00171162 get up off the couch after you watch the program it out 4B8Xh1111FE-00469-00171162-00171567 changed got turn the TV off get up do something and 4B8Xh1111FE-00470-00171567-00171835 there was some other earlier things we really experimented that when the 4B8Xh1111FE-00471-00171835-00171958 internet first came out 4B8Xh1111FE-00472-00171958-00172426 was how could we actually engage our viewers and give them tools and links 4B8Xh1111FE-00473-00172426-00172736 to other organizations working on issues 4B8Xh1111FE-00474-00172736-00173158 mercy no other channels getting into that a good example that wanna really 4B8Xh1111FE-00475-00173158-00173308 watching as pivot 4B8Xh1111FE-00476-00173308-00173706 which is the new channel that participant media and 4B8Xh1111FE-00477-00173706-00174035 and Jeff Skoll have launched you know 4B8Xh1111FE-00478-00174035-00174351 and there's a lot of money there and maybe you know maybe they'll be able to 4B8Xh1111FE-00479-00174351-00174471 move the ball 4B8Xh1111FE-00480-00174471-00174886 right a little bit further and also keep challenging us you know cuz its 4B8Xh1111FE-00481-00174886-00175316 it's great to have the competition but there's got to be more than just like 4B8Xh1111FE-00482-00175316-00175501 one channel out there 4B8Xh1111FE-00483-00175501-00175839 get out but this message I'll 4B8Xh1111FE-00484-00175839-00176314 dubbed 4B8Xh1111FE-00485-00176314-00176518 the 4B8Xh1111FE-00486-00176518-00176543 the 4Crv8P3kCOc-00000-00000404-00000726 Today's mukbang is grilled scallop! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00001-00005728-00005896 Oh my goodness.. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00004-00008524-00008634 Must be hot 4Crv8P3kCOc-00006-00009089-00009192 I need to cool it down more. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00010-00010618-00010740 Umm so good 4Crv8P3kCOc-00011-00010937-00011147 At a bite 4Crv8P3kCOc-00016-00012547-00012745 Oh It's falling. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00017-00013194-00013572 With cheese.... 4Crv8P3kCOc-00022-00015475-00015816 Oh my gosh. This is awesome. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00027-00019574-00019853 It's cold a bit. Easier to pick it up with hand. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00032-00021626-00021886 Eating at a bite. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00033-00022844-00023196 This is cheese and scallop underneath. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00035-00024666-00025090 This scallop! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00042-00027838-00028092 You know what, scallop is not fattening. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00043-00028152-00028372 Seafood is not fattening. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00051-00030966-00031189 Oh no, this is the last piece. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00053-00031560-00031660 The last piece. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00057-00032472-00032775 It's done! I'm a little sad. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00061-00033406-00033974 Click here to check out for cooking video. 4Crv8P3kCOc-00062-00033974-00034232 Please check out! It's fun! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00063-00034232-00034503 I think I'm getting fat! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00064-00034504-00034856 If you liked this video, give a thumbs up and subscribe my channel! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00065-00034856-00035344 If you think of any food that you want me to shoot a mukbang video, please let me know through the comment! 4Crv8P3kCOc-00066-00035360-00035824 See you on next videos. Bye~ 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00000-00000056-00000702 we are back in Rhino and I'll show you a different way of making a shelf and also 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00001-00000702-00001367 we'll start learning model for rendering so to duplicate multiple times there is 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00002-00001367-00001964 a command called array so make sure you're in the perspective view type 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00003-00001964-00002715 array X we don't need anything so one means nothing why we need nothing and 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00004-00002715-00003473 Zed is up so we'll go eight on that then we can type the spacing or click and 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00005-00003473-00004194 drag up to interactively to the spacing it shows us a preview if we are not 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00006-00004194-00005019 happy with this we can change so I can go seven instead and I could change the 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00007-00005019-00005760 pace the spacing may be six enter and now it's done so then we can click here 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00008-00005760-00006708 go 90 and bring it down and to the left let me show you also a new car and you 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00009-00006708-00007406 come in if I want to mirror this I don't know if this cube is really mirror but I 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00010-00007406-00008214 could go mi mirror and I could select halfway mid and hold shift to be 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00011-00008214-00009161 orthogonal see like this I can just drag but I think we've shift he'll be here 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00012-00009203-00009715 just have to be slowly to go slowly well 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00013-00009917-00010746 we can also press ctrl shift e to control shift e will bring everything to 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00014-00010746-00011453 the to the front so as you know we can just make a quick cut out I can go here 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00015-00011453-00012492 and I can do boolean difference subtract from those two with all of those 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00016-00012492-00013150 I'm going fast because we've seen this in the previous video so now we have the 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00017-00013150-00014401 cutout on those two and that should be enough for the for the rendering so what 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00018-00014401-00015041 we can do now it's for rendering we need things to be polygons to be made of mesh 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00019-00015041-00015819 so we select all of the solid and we type mesh you have to do this I don't 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00020-00015819-00016885 know why it's typing or cuz I'm in the French mesh and this is OK for Cuba if 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00021-00016885-00017247 he was a little if you want in more detail we could go higher 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00022-00017247-00017818 now the solids are selected so you can go do it and we can tell we have 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00023-00017818-00018610 triangle all of the mesh out there now in model it can only open Rhino 5 owner 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00024-00018610-00019332 so don't serve us Rhino 6 mesh with Rhino 5 and we could call this shelf 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00025-00019670-00020413 like this save then we switch so once again the people who make rhino is this 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00026-00020413-00021085 it's called the foundry but you make model sorry they have a one year student 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00027-00021085-00021925 version or 30 days trial you see here so when you start model you should get 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00028-00021925-00022495 something like this to make your life easier there's three things that I 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00029-00022495-00022972 change usually with beginner if you're using the model of someone else you can 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00030-00022972-00023683 go system reset preferences that would give you a brand new factory installed 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00031-00023683-00024430 model the first thing I do I switch to model because most video and model are 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00032-00024430-00025245 made in that mode I unclick only here to see all of the tab this one makes every 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00033-00025245-00025590 object shaded so I always make sure it's on 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00034-00025590-00026207 and look if I use the orbit here the floor tilt its let me show you it's 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00035-00026207-00026850 great for modeling but it's not good for lighting or anime animation it's 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00036-00026850-00027327 something you only do it once but I would like you to turn it off so you go 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00037-00027327-00028074 here trackball tundle so once again the little gear here trackball to know and 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00038-00028074-00028707 modo would remember it so now if I go I'll bet here you see the horizon is 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00039-00028707-00029262 clean one last thing that I like to do if especially if you work with large 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00040-00029262-00029972 file I go System Preferences and I turn off the autosave I disable it 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00041-00029972-00030866 otherwise it's every 15 minutes now we are ready to start so model is here to 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00042-00030866-00031916 zoom you can use this orbit this is the pan now it's better to use hotkeys so 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00043-00031916-00032762 old you press alt on the keyboard and that's your orbit pan would be alt shift 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00044-00032791-00033801 you're just using your regular left-click and this is the zoom now for 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00045-00033801-00034163 the zoom you can use the scroll 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00046-00034423-00034993 and so to bring our first object we can we could get it here but I would rather 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00047-00034993-00035422 do it here we can go right click primitive and that's how we can bring 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00048-00035422-00036013 object cube and we're gonna mostly bring things from Rhyno but just so you know 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00049-00036013-00036691 here i can see i have a 1 meter cube that's the size and when you have this 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00050-00036691-00037324 little like it's like a lair look we can hide it or unhide so this can be called 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00051-00037324-00037807 a lair an object an item a mesh it's kind of the same thing 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00052-00037807-00038458 and we can have multiple in one so i could have multiple cube in one layer if 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00053-00038458-00039568 you click once you can rename this queue and here you can go delete I could even 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00054-00039568-00040051 delete this one so to bring a rhino or solid box file it's very easy you go 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00055-00040051-00040984 file open and you look for your file it should be a 3d m and I call it shelf now 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00056-00040984-00041404 what's gonna happen often it's going to be very tiny first of all I did not 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00057-00041404-00042166 measure it in Rhino so we can see it's really really small and we can in model 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00058-00042166-00042589 if you want to bring everything to screen you can press a or shift a so if 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00059-00042589-00043345 you select one shift it but we can tell 2 mil it's like a jewelry it's very tiny 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00060-00043345-00044041 and also one bad thing that modo does it brings every item inside a group a group 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00061-00044041-00044853 is like a folder so we can go shift and we can right click and go to 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00062-00044854-00045640 unparent it one way of doing it it's like this and you can parent to here so 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00063-00045640-00046308 I'm gonna undo ctrl Z let's first close this model because I didn't use this one 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00064-00046308-00047011 this scene well there's a faster way especially when you have a lot seen you 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00065-00047011-00047571 can right click here and go select 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00066-00047588-00048536 I forgot how you used to do it select select item in hierarchies we'd select 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00067-00048536-00049340 all of them and right-click parent & parent voila so now it's very easy to 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00068-00049340-00050030 just shift click here press Delete to delete all of them if I know that those 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00069-00050030-00050795 two are going to be together we could right click and go merge sometimes it's 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00070-00050795-00051454 easier or we could group things let's say those one I could call ctrl G and 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00071-00051454-00052157 that would put them in a group to move an object in model it's W and you can 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00072-00052157-00052894 move so you see here I'm moving the group or you can press here E is rotate 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00073-00052894-00053987 and do control that and ours this one is the scale Q is to drop our escape Q will 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00074-00053987-00054592 drop whatever is active so here we know it's way too small so I can select all 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00075-00054592-00055373 of those and I could type here if I click once I could say 10,000 percent so 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00076-00055373-00056162 that would really make them bigger and I forgot undo to select this one so click 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00077-00056162-00056963 once to have all of them and ten one two three so they are bigger another way 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00078-00056963-00057419 actually of scaling them let me undo if you really want to have measure so shift 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00079-00057419-00058076 a is to go snap in precision absolute scaling and if you kind of think this is 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00080-00058076-00058879 kind of one two meter you can say I want my longest axis to be 1.5 m is meter mm 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00081-00058879-00059573 and is millimeter and you could uniform scale so now they are to scale it's just 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00082-00059573-00059951 another way of doing it we couldn't name things I could call 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00083-00059951-00060558 that click once and call that board you know 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00084-00060558-00061566 side sideboard we could do this and then escape if this is on and now what I want 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00085-00061566-00062054 to teach you is how to bring a floor so we can we don't want to be in this mode 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00086-00062054-00063320 we can have shadows we go right-click primitive plane are to scale W to move 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00087-00063320-00064782 and move it somewhere cube and to render you press f8 to see a preview you click 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00088-00064782-00065364 here this is a camera this is a perspective so you have to go run 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00089-00065364-00066489 document and now you can start on your lighting so first of all I think the 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00090-00066489-00067442 flow will be nicer if it's more on the back and maybe way louder so I press ah 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00091-00067643-00068304 so now we're getting the shadows so if we want the site to be let's set black 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00092-00068304-00068832 you select them and you go em em like material and you have to give it a name 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00093-00068832-00069771 so black BL and you can make them black here say ok and now we can see they're 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00094-00069771-00070446 black so if we come closer what model actually has done when we did 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00095-00070446-00070998 this and if we're going to this is called the item list and if we go under 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00096-00070998-00071505 the shed tree it created a mask black this is for every object this is only 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00097-00071505-00072291 for those two so let's do another one I'm shift clicking and I can go M called 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00098-00072291-00073101 this one class GL I'll make it a different gray so we can see which one 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00099-00073101-00073671 it is voila any here we don't need to know all 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00100-00073671-00074271 of it but one thing very cool because I didn't do any feel it it's very sharp 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00101-00074271-00074757 it doesn't look realistic on each material if you go down there's a 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00102-00074757-00075512 rounded edge so if I go 5 mil mm we're gonna get a very nice you see highlight 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00103-00075512-00076704 we could have gone even more like 8 mm and here I can do the same with the 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00104-00076704-00077169 black to know which material you can click here and you would highlight which 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00105-00077169-00077937 one so we can do the same 6 mm on the black click on the gray to go back to 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00106-00077937-00078696 the glass and on the second tab you can say transparency to 95% so it's almost 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00107-00078696-00079260 fully transparent and you can say refractive set that's the light bending 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00108-00079260-00079809 through a medium like when you look at someone swimming in a swimming pool and 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00109-00079809-00080421 they look a wider that's what refraction is so let's say 1 4 that will make our 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00110-00080421-00081105 glass look much better we could even give the glass hair the color here but 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00111-00081105-00081936 I'm gonna keep it simple yeah and that's actually good I think it's enough for an 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00112-00081936-00082482 introduction to Moodle so once again you can forget the modeling path because you 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00113-00082482-00083355 could model everything in Rhino here it makes it render faster here so my laptop 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00114-00083355-00084078 is really slow but and when it's from there you can click here under gear IO 4CYqUDYwG1Q-00115-00084078-00084701 and you can save this as a JPEG or teacher or BMP 4DPG4hPOgsk-00000-00000413-00000685 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00001-00000716-00000916 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00002-00000916-00000966 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00003-00000966-00001016 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00004-00001100-00001300 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya SabhaTriple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00005-00001300-00001350 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00006-00001350-00001400 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00007-00001417-00001617 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00008-00001617-00001667 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00009-00001667-00001717 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00010-00001727-00001777 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00011-00001823-00002023 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00012-00002023-00002073 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00013-00002073-00002123 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00014-00002220-00002270 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00015-00002270-00002320 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00016-00002320-00002370 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00017-00002370-00002420 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00018-00002441-00002641 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00019-00002641-00002691 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00020-00002691-00002741 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00021-00002747-00002947 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00023-00002997-00003047 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00024-00003063-00003263 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00025-00003263-00003313 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00026-00003378-00003428 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00027-00003428-00003478 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00028-00003478-00003528 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00029-00003528-00003578 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00030-00003616-00003816 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00031-00003816-00003866 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00032-00003866-00003916 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00033-00003927-00004127 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00034-00004127-00004177 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00035-00004223-00004423 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00036-00004423-00004473 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00037-00004473-00004523 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00038-00004534-00004734 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00039-00004734-00004784 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00040-00004902-00005102 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00041-00005102-00005152 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00042-00005187-00005387 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00043-00005387-00005437 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00044-00005485-00005535 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00045-00005535-00005585 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00046-00005601-00005801 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00047-00005801-00005851 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00048-00005863-00006063 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00049-00006063-00006113 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00050-00006234-00006434 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00051-00006434-00006484 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00052-00006539-00006739 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00053-00006739-00006789 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00054-00006789-00006839 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00055-00006855-00007055 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00056-00007055-00007105 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00058-00007167-00007217 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00059-00007217-00007267 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00060-00007267-00007317 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00061-00007317-00007367 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00062-00007367-00007567 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4DPG4hPOgsk-00063-00007567-00007767 Triple Talaq Bill Pass in Rajya Sabha 4GCWKeSfyx0-00000-00000072-00000488 thank you first of all i'm very very grateful for everything that 4GCWKeSfyx0-00001-00000544-00001240 you've taught all of us and brought into my life um i've been trying to formulate my question for 4GCWKeSfyx0-00002-00001240-00001839 a good part of a year now so um i just jotted something down that's hard because it changes 4GCWKeSfyx0-00003-00001839-00002312 i know five minutes it really does so we picked you for the one that's active now 4GCWKeSfyx0-00004-00002816-00003384 um well i'm just going to peek for a minute because my my mind went just went blank but um 4GCWKeSfyx0-00005-00003656-00004015 how how does your belief system or your alignment 4GCWKeSfyx0-00006-00004112-00004792 affect the cells of your body and can that alignment truly 4GCWKeSfyx0-00007-00005048-00005296 uh reverse or eradicate a diagnosis 4GCWKeSfyx0-00008-00005464-00006552 everything is about alignment and all illness is about resistance sometimes resistance is 4GCWKeSfyx0-00009-00006608-00007184 the path of least resistance in other words we we really want to talk about 4GCWKeSfyx0-00010-00007336-00008336 in context with resistance contrast because in contrast there is clarity of what is wanted and so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00011-00008568-00009368 it is certain that how you feel is about what you're doing vibrationally and the better you feel 4GCWKeSfyx0-00012-00009368-00010080 then the more open and in alignment you are and the more you are allowing the energy to flow so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00013-00010080-00010912 and again it's about balance so if you are asking for more energy then you are allowing to flow then 4GCWKeSfyx0-00014-00010912-00011520 something has to shift you have to find some way of releasing the resistance in order to allow the 4GCWKeSfyx0-00015-00011520-00012152 energy to flow so our friend was talking about her dog and we were talking a little bit about jerry 4GCWKeSfyx0-00016-00012152-00012808 so when you make your transition in a non-physical there is a releasing of all resistance so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00017-00012984-00013463 if the if there is an assumption and there commonly is about we're talking about two 4GCWKeSfyx0-00018-00013463-00013824 different subjects here we're going to come back completely to the subject of physical well-being 4GCWKeSfyx0-00019-00013824-00014256 in just a moment but in light of what we were just talking about we want to put this in there as well 4GCWKeSfyx0-00020-00014368-00014847 when you make your transition into non-physical there is a releasing of all resistance 4GCWKeSfyx0-00021-00014847-00015463 and all of you as you come forth know that you're here in these physical bodies in a temporarily 4GCWKeSfyx0-00022-00015463-00016063 temporary focus and that you will re-emerge into non-physical so there's a misunderstanding that 4GCWKeSfyx0-00023-00016063-00016784 goes something like if someone makes their reemergence as jerry did through diagnosis 4GCWKeSfyx0-00024-00016784-00017472 or through illness then something has gone wrong because the outcome is certainly as far as esther 4GCWKeSfyx0-00025-00017472-00017976 was concerned and as far as uh physical family and friends was concerned the outcome was not what was 4GCWKeSfyx0-00026-00017976-00018624 wanted but when you step back to understand that it was always the intention to re-emerge into 4GCWKeSfyx0-00027-00018624-00019280 non-physical and that when the energy is moving faster than this physical body is sustaining 4GCWKeSfyx0-00028-00019280-00019880 because the desire is stronger than this physical life experience is satisfying that then even that 4GCWKeSfyx0-00029-00019880-00020536 path of least resistance is not a wrong path so i just want to sort of stick that in there 4GCWKeSfyx0-00030-00020536-00021096 is it it's always something that sticks in some of your vibrational cross it goes something like 4GCWKeSfyx0-00031-00021168-00021816 if the death exp is the death experience a right or a wrong experience and you have different 4GCWKeSfyx0-00032-00021816-00022520 opinions about it our friend a monaco said well i don't object to the idea of death i just object to 4GCWKeSfyx0-00033-00022520-00022928 the idea of death of someone that i care about or someone that i care about that is so young 4GCWKeSfyx0-00034-00023016-00023504 in other words so you put all of your limitations upon when it's right and when it's not right and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00035-00023504-00024232 we say it is an inevitable experience that you get to choose from your combined non-physical 4GCWKeSfyx0-00036-00024232-00024888 and physical perspective the timing of now back to the subject of physical wellness yes the cells 4GCWKeSfyx0-00037-00024888-00025800 of your body are responding first and foremost to what you're doing vibrationally and so and illness 4GCWKeSfyx0-00038-00025800-00026592 is always about energy moving faster than is being allowed that's always what it is it's always about 4GCWKeSfyx0-00039-00026592-00027288 energy being summoned at a fa and achieving a faster rate of energy than you are allowing and so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00040-00027288-00028064 anytime and you know that you know what resistance is in in other words the train that goes through 4GCWKeSfyx0-00041-00028064-00028992 the valley that that esther can see from her house in in california every couple of years they send a 4GCWKeSfyx0-00042-00029183-00030080 machine down that track that has a tight grip on the rails in order to clean the rails and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00043-00030080-00030712 the resistance is such that it makes a big rooster tail that flies high into the sky and they always 4GCWKeSfyx0-00044-00030712-00031360 do it at night and the neighbors all gather around to watch this fascinating rooster that's moving 4GCWKeSfyx0-00045-00031360-00031960 through goes very slow and the resistance is such that it makes big sparks it's really fun to see 4GCWKeSfyx0-00046-00031960-00032624 so you understand resistance resistance is the slowing of energy it's a slowing of something 4GCWKeSfyx0-00047-00032680-00033232 so yeah the answer is yes so then what are you going to do about it what what do you do about 4GCWKeSfyx0-00048-00033232-00033672 resistance well if we were standing in any of your physical shoes we'd get out ahead of it we 4GCWKeSfyx0-00049-00033672-00034304 wouldn't wait until that and it doesn't matter if something is happening but we wouldn't wait until 4GCWKeSfyx0-00050-00034304-00034800 something some evidence of resistance is there we'd get out ahead of it and just make sure that 4GCWKeSfyx0-00051-00034800-00035576 we're flowing freely and then not only do you feel better but your physical body is performing better 4GCWKeSfyx0-00052-00035576-00036000 and feeling better you have more energy you have more stamina you have more flexibility 4GCWKeSfyx0-00053-00036000-00036488 you have more physical comfort you have more of a delicious relationship with your body you are 4GCWKeSfyx0-00054-00036488-00037096 more sensual your physical senses are more keen if everything looks brighter everything you can hear 4GCWKeSfyx0-00055-00037096-00037656 better you can smell better and everything about your physical body is enhanced the less resistance 4GCWKeSfyx0-00056-00037656-00038248 that you have going on in your physical experience so that's always the answer to feeling good 4GCWKeSfyx0-00057-00038312-00039040 and manifestations are always the evidence of how you're feeling no exceptions yeah and and um 4GCWKeSfyx0-00058-00039104-00040208 i do that oftentimes i um i reel it in and i just think about how i feel now and most of the time 4GCWKeSfyx0-00059-00040208-00040760 when i think about how i feel now i feel great well here's something to think about since this is 4GCWKeSfyx0-00060-00040760-00041248 something that's on your mind and something that you care about so something that's exaggerated 4GCWKeSfyx0-00061-00041248-00041840 in the vortex so the energy is moving as our friend was talking earlier about the idea coming 4GCWKeSfyx0-00062-00041840-00042344 the idea coming well sometimes when that idea comes in fact often when that idea comes 4GCWKeSfyx0-00063-00042344-00042848 it's that source energy perspective wanting to call your attention to how good you feel 4GCWKeSfyx0-00064-00042848-00043400 in other words are you starting to understand that the difference between setting a goal and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00065-00043400-00043984 saying i'm going to think about this and i'm going to do these things and instead of that intending 4GCWKeSfyx0-00066-00043984-00044520 to feel good and doing your best to feel good as best you can and then noticing the thoughts that 4GCWKeSfyx0-00067-00044520-00045176 are coming esther said to jerry one day i think about you all the time and he said back to her 4GCWKeSfyx0-00068-00045176-00045536 how do you know it's you thinking about me and not me thinking about you 4GCWKeSfyx0-00069-00045632-00046112 now that's really worth thinking about that's really worth thinking about because 4GCWKeSfyx0-00070-00046112-00046744 so when so when these ideas occur to you when an idea that feels good occurs to you don't nitpick 4GCWKeSfyx0-00071-00046744-00047104 over whether you thought about it or whether source thought about it because the majority 4GCWKeSfyx0-00072-00047104-00047704 of cases in fact in every case is source thinking about it it's source comprehending it it's source 4GCWKeSfyx0-00073-00047704-00048264 knowing it and it's you being vibrationally up to speed with it don't you love knowing that i just 4GCWKeSfyx0-00074-00048264-00049024 felt what source feels about my body just now that's where that's what inspiration is you see 4GCWKeSfyx0-00075-00049136-00049656 so we know in the beginning we called this gathering the science of deliberate creation 4GCWKeSfyx0-00076-00049656-00050072 and you all got so carried away with it deliberate deliberate deliberate deliberate we said 4GCWKeSfyx0-00077-00050072-00050536 the basis of this philosophy is freedom and growth and joy it's the basis of your life 4GCWKeSfyx0-00078-00050536-00051232 and you said yes freedom freedom and growth growth growth growth growth freedom and joy and growth 4GCWKeSfyx0-00079-00051232-00051855 growth growth growth growth we say yes expansion is what's the inevitable outcome of all of this 4GCWKeSfyx0-00080-00051855-00052455 but if you will put your attention upon the joy then everything else will take care of itself the 4GCWKeSfyx0-00081-00052455-00052960 freedom will be felt by you the expansion will be enjoyed by you but it's all about the joy 4GCWKeSfyx0-00082-00053016-00053536 so then we stopped calling it the science of deliberate creation because you got so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00083-00053591-00054279 human about it you you made it hard you made lists you got too much on your to-do list and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00084-00054279-00054824 not enough on your to feel list you got too much on your action list not about enough on 4GCWKeSfyx0-00085-00054824-00055391 your energy list you cared too much about what you were observing and not enough about what you were 4GCWKeSfyx0-00086-00055391-00055904 feeling about what you were observing so then we began calling it the art of allowing and it is an 4GCWKeSfyx0-00087-00055904-00056328 art it is an art because it's something that you practice and you get better and better and better 4GCWKeSfyx0-00088-00056328-00056784 and better and better at it and now we're explaining to you that as you sift through this 4GCWKeSfyx0-00089-00056784-00057304 magnificent variety that it causes you to identify all kinds of things that you want but you're 4GCWKeSfyx0-00090-00057304-00057824 usually in fact rarely vibrationally up to speed with these new things that you're identifying 4GCWKeSfyx0-00091-00057824-00058272 because they're born out of your awareness of contrast and so you know what you don't want and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00092-00058272-00058608 what you do want you know what you don't want you know what you do want but you're standing 4GCWKeSfyx0-00093-00058608-00059048 in the not yet manifestation of it and so you're flowing this rocket of desire but you're not up 4GCWKeSfyx0-00094-00059048-00059512 to speed with that rocket of desire but you put it in the vortex and source is on it and law of 4GCWKeSfyx0-00095-00059512-00059952 attraction is responding to it and the cooperative components are being gathered here it all is it's 4GCWKeSfyx0-00096-00059952-00060552 being gathered and so now the only question is thus the title art of allowing what's your 4GCWKeSfyx0-00097-00060552-00061024 relationship with this vortex are you allowing it are you denying it are you allowing it or you're 4GCWKeSfyx0-00098-00061024-00061472 resisting it and you can tell by the way you feel whether you're up to speed with it or you're not 4GCWKeSfyx0-00099-00061472-00062055 so now we want you to not worry about anything and we want you to try to get up to speed with the 4GCWKeSfyx0-00100-00062055-00062528 vibration well how do i know if i'm up to speed with it well first of all it'll manifest but then 4GCWKeSfyx0-00101-00062528-00062912 then there's no point in talking about it because you really know it once it manifests it's done 4GCWKeSfyx0-00102-00063048-00063455 it's really done before it manifests but you don't want to call it done until it manifests so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00103-00063536-00063904 how do you know how do you know you're up to speed with it well you can tell by the way you feel 4GCWKeSfyx0-00104-00063984-00064520 so then you say okay we'll care about how we feel so that we can get the stuff out of our vortex and 4GCWKeSfyx0-00105-00064520-00065055 into our life and we say that's not what we meant it is what happens but it's not the way we want 4GCWKeSfyx0-00106-00065055-00065472 you to look at it because when you look at it that way now your awareness is on the fact that it's in 4GCWKeSfyx0-00107-00065472-00065840 the vortex and not out here where you can see it in here and smell it and taste it and touch it so 4GCWKeSfyx0-00108-00065840-00066336 now once again you're introducing resistance into the subject because you're keeping score of the 4GCWKeSfyx0-00109-00066336-00066976 manifestation so now we say if you will just focus on how you feel if you will care about how you 4GCWKeSfyx0-00110-00066976-00067504 feel if breathing deep feels good to you and you will do it regularly you'll practice the ownership 4GCWKeSfyx0-00111-00067504-00068008 of a high vibration if quieting your mind feels good to you you will practice the vibration 4GCWKeSfyx0-00112-00068008-00068480 of a higher vibration you want to practice absence of doing that thing you do that brings 4GCWKeSfyx0-00113-00068480-00069000 your vibration down so then we resurrect this old old old analogy that we offered in the very 4GCWKeSfyx0-00114-00069000-00069496 beginning days that esther was allowing us to flow through her in this way you're like a cork bobbing 4GCWKeSfyx0-00115-00069496-00069960 on the surface of the water that cork is up there in that high good flying good feeling good feeling 4GCWKeSfyx0-00116-00069960-00070552 good feeling high flying non-resistant vibration bobbing on the surface in this analogy that's 4GCWKeSfyx0-00117-00070552-00071176 pure positive energy you can hold the cork under the water but when you let go of it when you get 4GCWKeSfyx0-00118-00071176-00071608 distracted from whatever it is that's causing you to hold it under the water the cork bob's right 4GCWKeSfyx0-00119-00071608-00072160 back to the surface but you all have a hard time accepting that you keep thinking it's almost like 4GCWKeSfyx0-00120-00072160-00072736 the questions you ask are okay abraham my corks under the water what can i do to get it out there 4GCWKeSfyx0-00121-00072736-00073184 what can i do what can i do is there a mechanism is there some is there a contraption is there 4GCWKeSfyx0-00122-00073184-00073792 something we could put under the sea that will push that cork up what can i do to get that cork 4GCWKeSfyx0-00123-00073792-00074424 to go up because it's under the water and we say let go of it and you say oh that's far too simple 4GCWKeSfyx0-00124-00074424-00074952 there's got to be way more than that anybody can just let a cork float i've paid 195 dollars 4GCWKeSfyx0-00125-00075128-00075824 anybody can let a cork float i don't know what to do and we say we want you to just 4GCWKeSfyx0-00126-00075824-00076400 relax we want you to accept the well-being of your experience we want you to understand that you're 4GCWKeSfyx0-00127-00076400-00076856 supposed to float and when you're not it's because you're doing something that's keeping you from 4GCWKeSfyx0-00128-00076856-00077288 floating and if you will stop doing whatever it is that's keeping your cork from floating you'll feel 4GCWKeSfyx0-00129-00077288-00077864 better immediately and if you keep practicing that feeling your cork will float and then into your 4GCWKeSfyx0-00130-00077864-00078536 grid into your point of attraction will flow the ideas and the inspiration and the relationships 4GCWKeSfyx0-00131-00078536-00079728 and the delicious exposure to life experience just the way you knew it would be really good thank you 4MTutKnAw58-00000-00000366-00000911 Good evening everyone. Welcome to ASIO and the Ben Chifley Building. 4MTutKnAw58-00001-00000911-00001458 Now in my mind you’re all VIPs but there are a few people and groups I need to acknowledge. 4MTutKnAw58-00002-00001554-00002304 Excellencies first and foremost, including, if I may call out Shingo. My good mate the Ambassador 4MTutKnAw58-00003-00002304-00002814 of Japan. I was a little saddened when you said this might be your last time at the Emperor’s 4MTutKnAw58-00004-00002814-00003354 birthday celebration the other day. But I did get a chuckle when you said you’re not the typical 4MTutKnAw58-00005-00003354-00003936 diplomat. It’s probably one of the reasons why I like you so much. But before people react and 4MTutKnAw58-00006-00003936-00004374 take that the wrong way, it’s because I’m not the typical spy catcher. Thanks for coming. 4MTutKnAw58-00007-00004434-00004830 Elected representatives and members of the parliamentary joint committee on intelligence 4MTutKnAw58-00008-00004830-00005394 and security, Inspector-General, agency heads, and in particular Kerri Hartland, 4MTutKnAw58-00009-00005394-00006000 new, freshly minted, Director-General of ASIS 2 days in. Congratulations on your appointment and 4MTutKnAw58-00010-00006000-00006588 I wish you and your agency all the very best for the future. Secretaries, Military Chiefs, 4MTutKnAw58-00011-00006588-00006923 Commissioners, and in particular I’d like to acknowledge Reece Kershaw, 4MTutKnAw58-00012-00006923-00007392 Australian Federal Police Commissioner and Karen Webb, New South Wales Police Commissioner. The 4MTutKnAw58-00013-00007392-00007788 police are a close and important partner for ASIO as we do our jobs as you’ll see tonight. 4MTutKnAw58-00014-00007872-00008226 Ladies and gentlemen. And last but not least I 4MTutKnAw58-00015-00008226-00008850 must acknowledge my wife Rachael for no other reasons other than she’s my wife. But actually 4MTutKnAw58-00016-00008850-00009348 because she would be able to give this speech if I fall over tonight because she’s heard it more 4MTutKnAw58-00017-00009348-00009876 times than any of my staff ever have. So thanks for the backup in many things including tonight. 4MTutKnAw58-00018-00009990-00010542 Sadly, there are some notable absences here tonight. In the last year, ASIO lost 4MTutKnAw58-00019-00010542-00011022 a number of current and past employees, including three former Directors-General: 4MTutKnAw58-00020-00011022-00011892 Alan Wrigley, John Moten and David Irvine. Alan, John, David and those others I cannot name 4MTutKnAw58-00021-00011892-00012444 publicly, I honour your service to ASIO and your contribution to Australia’s national security. 4MTutKnAw58-00022-00012636-00013284 A journalist once approached David Irvine to ask for a comment. His answer was classic David: 4MTutKnAw58-00023-00013397-00013986 “My boy, being a top spook is not compatible with being a media tart.” 4MTutKnAw58-00024-00013986-00014700 Wise words worth reflecting on – and I'd be pretty confident some of you in the room tonight might be thinking: perhaps not often enough in my case! 4MTutKnAw58-00025-00014856-00015354 David was right of course; intelligence chiefs need to be very careful about what they reveal 4MTutKnAw58-00026-00015354-00016086 publicly – and I’ll return to that later. But it’s also true there are more agency heads making 4MTutKnAw58-00027-00016086-00016446 public appearances both here and overseas to explain the threats. 4MTutKnAw58-00028-00016572-00016896 That’s a positive development, given the prevailing security environment. 4MTutKnAw58-00029-00016950-00017442 In fact, after David retired, he told me he wished he’d started delivering 4MTutKnAw58-00030-00017442-00018174 annual threat assessments when he was Director-General. At ASIO, public engagements like this are 4MTutKnAw58-00031-00018174-00018912 driven by the triple T’s of Threat, Trust and Team. I want to improve awareness of threats, 4MTutKnAw58-00032-00018912-00019512 enhance trust through transparency, and build our team by recruiting the best and the brightest. 4MTutKnAw58-00033-00019626-00020088 I’ll touch on all of those priorities this evening, but in particular I'll emphasise the threat. 4MTutKnAw58-00034-00020232-00020658 Australia is facing an unprecedented challenge from espionage and foreign interference 4MTutKnAw58-00035-00020718-00021186 and I’m not convinced we, as a nation, fully appreciate the damage it inflicts 4MTutKnAw58-00036-00021186-00021696 on Australia’s security, democracy, sovereignty, economy and social fabric. 4MTutKnAw58-00037-00021804-00022380 Tonight I will detail the scale and scope of this threat, and the outstanding work ASIO and our 4MTutKnAw58-00038-00022380-00023154 partners do in countering it. Australia cannot be complacent. We must take security seriously. 4MTutKnAw58-00039-00023430-00023766 The security environment is complex, challenging and changing. 4MTutKnAw58-00040-00023868-00024162 ‘Complex’ because the threats are increasingly intersecting, 4MTutKnAw58-00041-00024162-00024504 emerging from new places and blurring traditional distinctions. 4MTutKnAw58-00042-00024594-00025164 A foreign power can simultaneously be interfering, spying, and setting up for sabotage. 4MTutKnAw58-00043-00025266-00025830 ‘Challenging’, because Australia is being targeted by sophisticated foreign adversaries that are 4MTutKnAw58-00044-00025830-00026382 effectively unconstrained by resources, ethics and laws, and they carefully hide their activities. 4MTutKnAw58-00045-00026556-00026910 ‘Changing’, because threats are shaped by shifting geopolitics, 4MTutKnAw58-00046-00026910-00027324 emerging technologies, and broader social trends that include online 4MTutKnAw58-00047-00027324-00027762 radicalisation and the growth in extreme views, conspiracies and grievances. 4MTutKnAw58-00048-00027936-00028404 This all means ASIO must constantly work harder, smarter and better to 4MTutKnAw58-00049-00028404-00028782 ensure we continue to protect Australia and Australians from threats to their security. 4MTutKnAw58-00050-00028938-00029406 We are embracing the complexity, confronting the challenges and changing our capabilities. 4MTutKnAw58-00051-00029604-00029898 Of course our most important capability is our people. 4MTutKnAw58-00052-00030006-00030545 Their agility and ingenuity, dedication and innovation allow us to evolve with the threat 4MTutKnAw58-00053-00030545-00030977 environment, and we are always on the lookout for creative thinkers who want to make a difference. 4MTutKnAw58-00054-00031170-00031668 There’s a diversity of roles available across the organisation, from technologists to psychologists, 4MTutKnAw58-00055-00031668-00032327 intelligence officers to corporate professionals. I’d urge anyone who’s interested to check our 4MTutKnAw58-00056-00032327-00032874 website for the careers on offer, find your fit and join the mission. You will be able to 4MTutKnAw58-00057-00032874-00033378 do things here you cannot do anywhere else. And as I said, you get to make a difference. 4MTutKnAw58-00058-00033708-00034296 Late last year, I lowered the national domestic terrorism threat level from PROBABLE to POSSIBLE. 4MTutKnAw58-00059-00034416-00034734 This decision was not taken lightly or made casually. 4MTutKnAw58-00060-00034860-00035238 ASIO assesses that Australia remains a potential terrorist target, 4MTutKnAw58-00061-00035238-00035592 but there are fewer extremists with the intention to conduct an 4MTutKnAw58-00062-00035592-00036036 attack onshore than there were when we raised the threat level in 2014. 4MTutKnAw58-00063-00036174-00036576 This does not mean the threat is extinguished. Far from it. 4MTutKnAw58-00064-00036702-00037236 When making the announcement, I said it remained entirely plausible there would be a terrorist 4MTutKnAw58-00065-00037236-00037746 attack in Australia within twelve months, and that our biggest concern was individuals 4MTutKnAw58-00066-00037746-00038262 and small groups who could move to violence without warning, using weapons such as guns. 4MTutKnAw58-00067-00038388-00038694 Tragically, all that came true just a few weeks later. 4MTutKnAw58-00068-00038808-00039300 The horrific Wieambilla case demonstrates how, even with a lower threat level, 4MTutKnAw58-00069-00039300-00039888 our counter-terrorism mission remains challenging and the operational tempo is not diminishing. 4MTutKnAw58-00070-00040038-00040548 Significant changes and challenges in the onshore security environment are adding to its complexity. 4MTutKnAw58-00071-00040662-00041160 The reach of extremist content online means individuals are radicalising very 4MTutKnAw58-00072-00041160-00041622 quickly – in days and weeks – so the time between flash to bang is shorter than ever. 4MTutKnAw58-00073-00041784-00042180 The radicalisation of minors is another concerning trend. 4MTutKnAw58-00074-00042342-00042846 Terrorism remains a significant threat in some parts of the world and an emerging menace in 4MTutKnAw58-00075-00042846-00043272 others, and developments overseas could resonate here in Australia. 4MTutKnAw58-00076-00043272-00043980 In our near region, under ISIL’s influence, religiously motivated violent extremists are 4MTutKnAw58-00077-00043980-00044442 adapting their methods, with suicide bombings becoming more common in the southern Philippines, 4MTutKnAw58-00078-00044442-00044958 as well as attacks by females and families in the region more broadly. 4MTutKnAw58-00079-00045156-00045642 Despite strong counter-terrorism pressure in the Philippines and Indonesia, ISIL-aligned 4MTutKnAw58-00080-00045642-00046134 violent extremists will continue to plan and conduct simple, often opportunistic attacks, 4MTutKnAw58-00081-00046134-00046710 primarily directed against local security forces and sectarian targets over the next six months. 4MTutKnAw58-00082-00046830-00047316 More globally, we are following terrorism hotspots in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. 4MTutKnAw58-00083-00047382-00047904 These are places where Australians live and work, where we have business interests and travel. 4MTutKnAw58-00084-00048048-00048366 All of these factors mean ASIO cannot take its eye off the ball 4MTutKnAw58-00085-00048366-00048846 and will continue to work with our national and international partners to disrupt terrorism. 4MTutKnAw58-00086-00049098-00049434 It is almost guaranteed that there will be a moment when a Director-General of Security will 4MTutKnAw58-00087-00049434-00049866 be standing here to advise that the domestic terrorism threat level is being raised again. 4MTutKnAw58-00088-00050010-00050580 For now, though, the level remains at POSSIBLE – and that’s despite the slaying of two police 4MTutKnAw58-00089-00050580-00051168 officers and a civilian in Wieambilla. On behalf of ASIO, I again express my 4MTutKnAw58-00090-00051168-00051617 sincere condolences to the families of those killed, and Queensland Police more broadly. 4MTutKnAw58-00091-00051702-00052062 We work closely with many excellent officers in the Joint Counter-Terrorism Team, 4MTutKnAw58-00092-00052062-00052710 and I know how deeply these losses are felt. ASIO worked with Queensland Police to assess 4MTutKnAw58-00093-00052710-00053154 what motivated the murderers, and we reached independent but identical conclusions. 4MTutKnAw58-00094-00053298-00053790 We believe the shooting was an act of politically motivated violence, primarily motivated 4MTutKnAw58-00095-00053790-00054414 by Christian violent extremist ideology. Given the matter is still being investigated, 4MTutKnAw58-00096-00054414-00054755 I will refrain from going into more detail about ASIO’s assessment 4MTutKnAw58-00097-00054810-00055320 other than to say we did not find evidence the killers embraced a racist and nationalist 4MTutKnAw58-00098-00055320-00055914 ideology or were Sovereign Citizens, despite their anti-authority and conspiracy beliefs. 4MTutKnAw58-00099-00056129-00056538 It’s disappointing some commentators and self-proclaimed terrorism experts 4MTutKnAw58-00100-00056538-00056976 were so quick to make definitive declarations about the motivations, 4MTutKnAw58-00101-00056976-00057540 ideologies and political alignments in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy. 4MTutKnAw58-00102-00057678-00058338 Proper, sober, accurate assessments require time and multiple inputs, including intelligence. 4MTutKnAw58-00103-00058512-00059010 That’s why ASIO is the authority on domestic threats. We have a unique role in the intelligence 4MTutKnAw58-00104-00059010-00059670 community. We are collectors and assessors, as well as disruptors. Our advice does not 4MTutKnAw58-00105-00059670-00060179 just draw on open source material, we also have access to information obtained through ASIO’s 4MTutKnAw58-00106-00060179-00060600 investigative and operational activity, and from our domestic and international partners. 4MTutKnAw58-00107-00060767-00061296 ASIO’s experts weigh all available information, and use structured analytical techniques to test, 4MTutKnAw58-00108-00061296-00061950 retest and contest their assumptions. Speaking more generally, I’m also concerned that 4MTutKnAw58-00109-00061950-00062436 all too often commentators fail to distinguish between extreme views and violent extremism. 4MTutKnAw58-00110-00062634-00063138 One can lead to the other, but that does not mean they are the same thing. 4MTutKnAw58-00111-00063138-00063666 It takes careful, nuanced work to disentangle groups and individuals that will engage in 4MTutKnAw58-00112-00063666-00064188 violence, from groups and individuals that may have views that are awful – but still lawful. 4MTutKnAw58-00113-00064355-00064866 It is equally critical to understand that every ideologically motivated extremist is not 4MTutKnAw58-00114-00064866-00065592 automatically a left-wing or right-wing extremist. There is a cohort of individuals motivated by a 4MTutKnAw58-00115-00065592-00066138 toxic cocktail of conspiracies, grievances and anti-authority beliefs. It is neither 4MTutKnAw58-00116-00066138-00066618 helpful nor accurate to reflexively assign these individuals to a place on the political spectrum. 4MTutKnAw58-00117-00066810-00067020 These are not simply semantic or academic 4MTutKnAw58-00118-00067020-00067524 distinctions. Words matter. Facts matter. Actions matter. 4MTutKnAw58-00119-00067602-00068190 If we, as a community, persist in getting the diagnosis wrong, we will struggle to find the cure. 4MTutKnAw58-00120-00068460-00068712 While threat to life will always be a priority for ASIO, 4MTutKnAw58-00121-00068712-00069132 espionage and foreign interference is now our principal security concern. 4MTutKnAw58-00122-00069300-00069732 Countering threats to our way of life is soaking up more and more of our resources. 4MTutKnAw58-00123-00069906-00070182 I’d like to spend some time explaining what’s driving this trend. 4MTutKnAw58-00124-00070344-00070728 Australia is part of the most dynamic region in the world – the Indo-Pacific. 4MTutKnAw58-00125-00070818-00071292 The region is home to some of the planet’s fastest growing populations, fastest growing 4MTutKnAw58-00126-00071292-00071820 economies and fastest military build-ups. The Indo-Pacific is home to great power 4MTutKnAw58-00127-00071820-00072420 competition, with the power of the United States, our primary ally, being contested by the rise of China, 4MTutKnAw58-00128-00072420-00072990 and multiple, significant territorial disputes including the South China Sea, Kashmir, 4MTutKnAw58-00129-00072990-00073644 the Taiwan straits and the Korean peninsula. There is much more to the Indo-Pacific than 4MTutKnAw58-00130-00073644-00074142 this sketch but suffice to say ASIO is following the dynamics because they drive security issues. 4MTutKnAw58-00131-00074244-00074532 In particular, they are driving a thirst for inside information 4MTutKnAw58-00132-00074532-00075132 and an appetite for covert influence from countries inside and outside the region. 4MTutKnAw58-00133-00075252-00075636 Multiple nations are using espionage and foreign interference to advance 4MTutKnAw58-00134-00075636-00075882 their interests and undermine Australia’s. 4MTutKnAw58-00135-00076038-00076476 They are using espionage to covertly understand Australia’s politics and decision-making, 4MTutKnAw58-00136-00076476-00076926 our alliances and partnerships, and our economic and policy priorities. 4MTutKnAw58-00137-00077040-00077406 They are using espionage to recruit to their own cause elected officials, 4MTutKnAw58-00138-00077406-00077964 public servants, well placed individuals in business, and leaders in the community. 4MTutKnAw58-00139-00078132-00078492 They are using espionage to identify vulnerabilities in essential services 4MTutKnAw58-00140-00078492-00079038 and systems that could be exploited in the future, and to slow our military modernisation. 4MTutKnAw58-00141-00079212-00079530 They are using espionage to steal Australia’s intellectual property. 4MTutKnAw58-00142-00079656-00079914 They are using foreign interference to shape political and business 4MTutKnAw58-00143-00079914-00080406 decision-making to their advantage. They are using foreign interference 4MTutKnAw58-00144-00080406-00080754 to monitor, threaten and even harm members of diaspora communities. 4MTutKnAw58-00145-00080964-00081282 They are using foreign interference to manipulate messages among communities, 4MTutKnAw58-00146-00081282-00081660 through foreign language media, and by establishing community organisations. 4MTutKnAw58-00147-00081894-00082194 Some of the governments doing these things are considered friends. 4MTutKnAw58-00148-00082266-00082662 Others are authoritarian regimes with values very different to ours. 4MTutKnAw58-00149-00082794-00083280 Either way, the covert activities they are conducting are neither abstract nor harmless. 4MTutKnAw58-00150-00083346-00083898 Stealing secrets is not like collecting stamps. Espionage is deliberate and damaging: 4MTutKnAw58-00151-00084000-00084276 Espionage takes away sovereign choices and options. 4MTutKnAw58-00152-00084354-00084774 Espionage steals the advantages of significant investment in research and development. 4MTutKnAw58-00153-00084900-00085296 Espionage damages the economy and literally sends business bankrupt. 4MTutKnAw58-00154-00085422-00085776 Espionage undermines our ability to defend ourselves militarily. 4MTutKnAw58-00155-00085872-00086418 Espionage is a reconnaissance tool to shape disinformation campaigns used in our community. 4MTutKnAw58-00156-00086538-00086952 Espionage can enable sabotage, foreign interference and more espionage. 4MTutKnAw58-00157-00087072-00087504 Espionage is a thousand different effects that chip away at the base of our sovereignty. 4MTutKnAw58-00158-00087828-00088194 I am concerned that there are senior people in this country who appear to believe that 4MTutKnAw58-00159-00088194-00088698 espionage and foreign interference is no big deal; it’s something that can be tolerated or 4MTutKnAw58-00160-00088698-00089358 or somehow ignored or safely managed. Individuals in business, academia and the bureaucracy have 4MTutKnAw58-00161-00089358-00089886 told me ASIO should ease up its operational responses to avoid upsetting foreign regimes. 4MTutKnAw58-00162-00090072-00090588 Of course they are entitled to their views but the reasons they offer are flimsy, 4MTutKnAw58-00163-00090588-00091194 such as: “all countries spy on each other”, “we were going to make the information public anyway”, 4MTutKnAw58-00164-00091320-00091560 “it’s no different to lobbying or networking”, 4MTutKnAw58-00165-00091782-00092070 “the foreign government might make things difficult for us” 4MTutKnAw58-00166-00092166-00092706 and so on. In my opinion, anyone saying these things should reflect on their commitment to 4MTutKnAw58-00167-00092706-00093174 Australia’s democracy, sovereignty and values – because espionage and foreign interference 4MTutKnAw58-00168-00093174-00093654 is deliberately calculated to undermine Australia’s democracy, sovereignty and values. 4MTutKnAw58-00169-00093996-00094440 Based on what ASIO is seeing, more Australians are being targeted for espionage and foreign 4MTutKnAw58-00170-00094440-00094920 interference than at any time in Australia’s history – more hostile foreign intelligence 4MTutKnAw58-00171-00094920-00095616 services, more spies, more targeting, more harm, more ASIO investigations, more ASIO disruptions. 4MTutKnAw58-00172-00095730-00095976 From where I sit, it feels like hand to hand combat. 4MTutKnAw58-00173-00096096-00096648 This means ASIO is busier than ever before. Busier than any time in our 74 year history. 4MTutKnAw58-00174-00096648-00097218 Busier than the Cold War; busier than 9/11; busier than the height of the caliphate. 4MTutKnAw58-00175-00097368-00097884 That’s based on multiple metrics, including our work watching suspected spies and terrorists. 4MTutKnAw58-00176-00098046-00098526 Last year alone, ASIO’s surveillance officers traversed more than three million kilometres 4MTutKnAw58-00177-00098592-00098838 – the equivalent of 75 laps of the earth! 4MTutKnAw58-00178-00099042-00099480 I’d like to highlight one particularly significant and successful ASIO operation. 4MTutKnAw58-00179-00099630-00100032 In the last twelve months, we detected and disrupted a major spy network. 4MTutKnAw58-00180-00100128-00100680 I’ve previously revealed how we removed a ‘nest’ of spies. I’ll refer to this latest 4MTutKnAw58-00181-00100680-00101130 case as the ‘hive’ of spies… because it was bigger and more dangerous than the nest. 4MTutKnAw58-00182-00101298-00101634 The spies were undeclared – in other words, they were working under cover. 4MTutKnAw58-00183-00101730-00102300 Some were put in place years earlier. Proxies and agents were recruited as part of a 4MTutKnAw58-00184-00102300-00102828 wider network. Among other malicious activities, they wanted to steal sensitive information. 4MTutKnAw58-00185-00103056-00103464 I’m not going into more detail because the foreign intelligence service is still trying to unpick 4MTutKnAw58-00186-00103464-00104046 exactly what and how we knew about its activities. It was obvious to us that the spies were 4MTutKnAw58-00187-00104046-00104448 highly trained because they used sophisticated tradecraft to disguise their activities. 4MTutKnAw58-00188-00104592-00105204 They were good – but ASIO was better. We watched them. We mapped their activities. 4MTutKnAw58-00189-00105204-00105750 We mounted an intense and sustained campaign of operational activity. We confronted them. 4MTutKnAw58-00190-00105750-00106194 And working with our partners, we removed them from this country, privately and professionally. 4MTutKnAw58-00191-00106290-00106811 The hive is history. I am telling you this for two reasons. 4MTutKnAw58-00192-00106883-00107292 First, it’s an example of ASIO’s more aggressive counter-espionage posture. 4MTutKnAw58-00193-00107394-00107904 We are stepping up our investigations, expanding our capabilities, sharpening our responses and 4MTutKnAw58-00194-00107904-00108396 hardening Australia’s security environment. As I said in this address three years ago, 4MTutKnAw58-00195-00108396-00108900 if you are conducting espionage in this country, we will find you and we will deal with you. 4MTutKnAw58-00196-00109104-00109596 It’s important to spell this out because our adversaries are not the only countries that 4MTutKnAw58-00197-00109596-00110226 care whether we take security seriously. As we progress AUKUS, it’s critical our allies know 4MTutKnAw58-00198-00110226-00110861 we can keep our secrets, and keep their secrets. There’s another reason for highlighting the hive. 4MTutKnAw58-00199-00110933-00111474 I want to dispel any sense that espionage is some romantic cold war notion. It’s not; 4MTutKnAw58-00200-00111474-00111852 it is a real and present danger that demands we take security seriously. 4MTutKnAw58-00201-00111990-00112344 Foreign intelligence services from multiple countries are aggressively 4MTutKnAw58-00202-00112344-00112866 seeking secrets about our defence capabilities, government decision-making, political parties, 4MTutKnAw58-00203-00112866-00113466 foreign policy, critical infrastructure, space technologies, academic and think tank research, 4MTutKnAw58-00204-00113466-00114059 medical advances, key export industries and personal information, especially bulk data. 4MTutKnAw58-00205-00114144-00114444 Some of the other professions being targeted might surprise you. 4MTutKnAw58-00206-00114624-00114966 In the last year, a small number of Australian judicial figures have been 4MTutKnAw58-00207-00114966-00115470 subject to suspicious approaches. While we are yet to conclusively conclude they were targeted 4MTutKnAw58-00208-00115470-00116022 by foreign intelligence services, we do know spies want insights into court cases relevant 4MTutKnAw58-00209-00116022-00116496 to their governments, and are seeking to use litigation as an intelligence collection tool. 4MTutKnAw58-00210-00116622-00117180 The foreign spies have been even more brazen in the United States recently, seeking to obstruct 4MTutKnAw58-00211-00117180-00117714 prosecutions and manipulate outcomes in what is nothing short of an assault on the rule of law. 4MTutKnAw58-00212-00117858-00118224 Australian judicial officers are not the only potential victims. 4MTutKnAw58-00213-00118332-00118704 There’s been a discernible and concerning uptick 4MTutKnAw58-00214-00118704-00119033 in the targeting of the media industry, online and in person. 4MTutKnAw58-00215-00119148-00119682 The watchers are being watched; the reporters are being reported on; the press is being pressed. 4MTutKnAw58-00216-00119790-00120258 We have seen repeated attempts to hack into scores of Australian media outlets – so many, 4MTutKnAw58-00217-00120258-00120882 it appears to be a concerted campaign. The intent is not clear, but we assess they are looking for: 4MTutKnAw58-00218-00120882-00121109 Early warning of stories relevant to the foreign government. 4MTutKnAw58-00219-00121218-00121632 The identities of journalist’s sources, particularly those who are critical of a regime. 4MTutKnAw58-00220-00121746-00122094 Ways to shape the reporting. Insights that will help them influence, 4MTutKnAw58-00221-00122094-00122514 coerce or potentially recruit people working for the media organisation. 4MTutKnAw58-00222-00122735-00123096 This influence, coercion and recruitment can take many forms. 4MTutKnAw58-00223-00123233-00123708 Foreign intelligence services have used cut-outs and front companies to offer funding for programs, 4MTutKnAw58-00224-00123708-00124128 almost certainly with the intent to shape the coverage in favour of the foreign government. 4MTutKnAw58-00225-00124290-00124794 We have seen journalists, producers and commentators targeted by spies in person, with 4MTutKnAw58-00226-00124794-00125298 the spies seeking to influence reporting, discover sources and obtain privileged information. 4MTutKnAw58-00227-00125496-00125994 The spies can use diplomatic or journalistic cover, or even pose as sources themselves. 4MTutKnAw58-00228-00126114-00126624 They use face-to-face meetings to scan for vulnerabilities, develop trusted relationships 4MTutKnAw58-00229-00126624-00127080 and generate feelings of indebtedness, all of which can be exploited at a later stage. 4MTutKnAw58-00230-00127200-00127835 These unconscionable attacks on journalism and media freedoms are prime examples of why espionage 4MTutKnAw58-00231-00127835-00128304 is a threat to our way of life. In more sophisticated cases, 4MTutKnAw58-00232-00128304-00128676 the spies use agents or proxies to hide the connection to a foreign government. 4MTutKnAw58-00233-00128861-00129335 ASIO uncovered a plot to exploit and potentially recruit senior Australian journalists. 4MTutKnAw58-00234-00129390-00130032 We stopped this plot before it was executed. A foreign intelligence service used a person 4MTutKnAw58-00235-00130032-00130559 I’ll call “the lackey” to do its dirty work. The lackey represented an ideal 4MTutKnAw58-00236-00130559-00130998 asset – well-connected and well-regarded in business and political circles, 4MTutKnAw58-00237-00130998-00131598 Australian-born and not publicly associated with the overseas government but all too 4MTutKnAw58-00238-00131598-00132276 willing to put its interests ahead of Australia’s. A classic example of what we call ‘elite capture’. 4MTutKnAw58-00239-00132450-00132912 The lackey drew up a list of influential journalists and planned to offer them all-expenses 4MTutKnAw58-00240-00132912-00133518 paid “study tours” of the foreign country, where the spymasters would enjoy home-ground advantage. 4MTutKnAw58-00241-00133650-00134256 The idea of a “study tour” is ironically apt – this is a case study in espionage tradecraft; how 4MTutKnAw58-00242-00134256-00134904 spies study and seduce those on tour. Once in country, the lackey was expected to 4MTutKnAw58-00243-00134904-00135624 introduce the journalists to “local officials” who were spies in disguise. The spies would use these 4MTutKnAw58-00244-00135624-00136152 opportunities to ingratiate themselves with the reporters, try to elicit insights on political, 4MTutKnAw58-00245-00136152-00136650 economic, defence and other issues, and identify any vulnerabilities that could be leveraged later. 4MTutKnAw58-00246-00136866-00137310 Almost certainly, the journalists’ phones, laptops and tablets would also have been targeted. 4MTutKnAw58-00247-00137382-00137904 If left unattended, even in a locked hotel room safe, the spies would have downloaded data and 4MTutKnAw58-00248-00137904-00138444 potentially installed malware giving them ongoing access to contacts, stories, emails and calls. 4MTutKnAw58-00249-00138624-00139038 ASIO intervened before the study tour was arranged and no harm was done. 4MTutKnAw58-00250-00139128-00139482 But now that international borders have reopened, it is important to know this threat is real. 4MTutKnAw58-00251-00139644-00139866 And for all the other journalists who might want 4MTutKnAw58-00252-00139866-00140280 to write about this… please don’t start speculating about the country involved. 4MTutKnAw58-00253-00140352-00140778 As I said before, the variety of governments conducting espionage will surprise you. 4MTutKnAw58-00254-00140964-00141360 Foreign intelligence services are skilled at using cut-outs to disguise their identities 4MTutKnAw58-00255-00141360-00141846 and cover their tracks, so it is possible the lackey did not know who was pulling the strings, 4MTutKnAw58-00256-00141978-00142128 but I find that hard to believe. 4MTutKnAw58-00257-00142398-00142848 It’s OK to go on a fully-funded study tour, but you should question who is paying the bills and 4MTutKnAw58-00258-00142848-00143430 what strings are attached. Transparency and accountability are powerful allies here. Know 4MTutKnAw58-00259-00143430-00143898 the risks, be careful about what information you provide, don’t leave electronic devices 4MTutKnAw58-00260-00143898-00144420 unattended, and look out for contact that is suspicious, on-going, unusual or persistent. 4MTutKnAw58-00261-00144558-00144918 You might not be the only person in the room who knows how to cultivate a source! 4MTutKnAw58-00262-00145080-00145632 This applies equally to other professions that are traditionally targeted by foreign 4MTutKnAw58-00263-00145632-00146094 intelligence services: academics invited to an off-shore symposium; 4MTutKnAw58-00264-00146160-00146640 defence contractors at an international conference; parliamentarians on 4MTutKnAw58-00265-00146640-00147168 a political exchange. All these cohorts have been aggressively targeted in the past, and 4MTutKnAw58-00266-00147168-00147696 now that international travel is back to normal, the in-person, in-country targeting is resuming. 4MTutKnAw58-00267-00147966-00148548 The threat environment I’m describing means that Australian individuals, governments, business 4MTutKnAw58-00268-00148548-00149154 and industry must take security seriously. Please don’t get me wrong; our national 4MTutKnAw58-00269-00149154-00149676 security culture is relatively mature – but as the threats evolve, so must our defences. 4MTutKnAw58-00270-00149790-00150210 In the age of terror, we worked hard to harden the physical environment: bollards, 4MTutKnAw58-00271-00150210-00150864 security cameras, fences. As a community, we do this well; we secure our places. 4MTutKnAw58-00272-00150984-00151650 More recently, there’s been considerable focus on cyber security. Obviously some are better 4MTutKnAw58-00273-00151650-00152136 than others at this but there is a growing awareness that we must secure our systems. 4MTutKnAw58-00274-00152232-00152556 What is often overlooked is the third pillar of security: people. 4MTutKnAw58-00275-00152670-00153126 The best physical security in the world is useless if an employee turns off the 4MTutKnAw58-00276-00153126-00153720 camera or fails to lock the gate. A-grade cyber security can be undone if an employee 4MTutKnAw58-00277-00153720-00154206 uses ‘password’ as their password or allows remote access to a system. 4MTutKnAw58-00278-00154374-00154818 When it comes to ensuring people take security seriously, Australia can lift its game. 4MTutKnAw58-00279-00154992-00155538 Let me give you one example. For some time I’ve been warning that foreign spies are 4MTutKnAw58-00280-00155538-00156048 targeting Australians on social media. To find out if the message is getting through, 4MTutKnAw58-00281-00156048-00156468 I asked my team to quickly scan the best known professional networking sites. 4MTutKnAw58-00282-00156636-00157272 They identified nearly 16,000 Australians publicly declaring they have a security clearance, 4MTutKnAw58-00283-00157344-00157794 and one thousand more revealing they worked in the intelligence community. 4MTutKnAw58-00284-00158040-00158430 I appreciate people want to sell themselves to prospective employers, and may need to mention 4MTutKnAw58-00285-00158430-00158892 they have a security clearance, but doing it on a professional networking site is reckless. 4MTutKnAw58-00286-00159048-00159414 These people may as well add “high-value target” to their profiles. 4MTutKnAw58-00287-00159552-00160104 Security clearances are not titles or rewards – they come with serious on-going responsibilities. 4MTutKnAw58-00288-00160242-00160740 I don’t know what’s more disappointing… that people who presumably understand the threat don’t 4MTutKnAw58-00289-00160740-00161208 seem to care about it… or that individuals trying to promote themselves as security professionals 4MTutKnAw58-00290-00161208-00161940 are so unprofessional about security. In 2021, we were able to identify more than 4MTutKnAw58-00291-00162000-00162384 22,000 Australians using their profiles to show off their access to classified information. 4MTutKnAw58-00292-00162540-00162948 So it appears my public comments and more importantly ASIO’s Think Before You Link 4MTutKnAw58-00293-00162948-00163758 campaign have had some impact – but clearly not enough. The employees are not the only people with 4MTutKnAw58-00294-00163758-00164340 responsibilities here. Security managers and clearance sponsors have obligations as well. 4MTutKnAw58-00295-00164472-00164868 The threat is not going away. In fact, for some professions, it is getting worse. 4MTutKnAw58-00296-00164994-00165336 Since the announcement of AUKUS, there’s been a distinct uptick in the online 4MTutKnAw58-00297-00165336-00165630 targeting of people working in Australia’s defence industry. 4MTutKnAw58-00298-00165750-00166158 Spies are also turning more attention to non-government employees, as well as former 4MTutKnAw58-00299-00166158-00166638 clearance holders. These individuals do not have the same security support and reporting 4MTutKnAw58-00300-00166638-00167094 obligations as someone who works for ASIO, for example – and are therefore more vulnerable. 4MTutKnAw58-00301-00167250-00167814 I’ll expand on this in a moment. Regardless of who is being targeted, 4MTutKnAw58-00302-00167814-00168276 and regardless of how – whether online or in person – the intent is the same. 4MTutKnAw58-00303-00168432-00168744 Foreign intelligence services are trying to develop relationships they 4MTutKnAw58-00304-00168744-00169080 can exploit. They are hunting for lackeys – unwitting lackeys and witting lackeys. 4MTutKnAw58-00305-00169368-00169830 Our toughest adversaries are patient and methodical, willing to grow relationships over 4MTutKnAw58-00306-00169830-00170388 years, sometimes decades, in case the target rises to a position of greater access or influence. 4MTutKnAw58-00307-00170532-00170796 This is why ASIO is stepping up our work with government, 4MTutKnAw58-00308-00170796-00171300 business, and industry on how to identify and counter what we refer to as insider threats. 4MTutKnAw58-00309-00171378-00171588 You can find some of this work on our website. 4MTutKnAw58-00310-00171726-00172218 Insiders are current and former employees or contractors who enjoy legitimate access 4MTutKnAw58-00311-00172218-00172776 to information, techniques, activities, technology, assets, or facilities. 4MTutKnAw58-00312-00172866-00173298 Insiders become ‘insider threats’ when they disclose sensitive information without 4MTutKnAw58-00313-00173298-00173718 authorisation, conduct espionage, foreign interference or sabotage, 4MTutKnAw58-00314-00173718-00174450 or help a third party conduct these activities. For someone in the human intelligence business, 4MTutKnAw58-00315-00174450-00175068 a well-placed, compliant insider is the ultimate prize – like the defence employees approached in 4MTutKnAw58-00316-00175068-00175512 a Canberra bar by two women who wanted to know everything there is to know about Pine Gap. 4MTutKnAw58-00317-00175614-00175956 Fortunately the defence employees resisted and reported the contact. 4MTutKnAw58-00318-00176178-00176586 Obviously the overwhelming majority of employees are honest and immune to approaches from foreign 4MTutKnAw58-00319-00176586-00177228 intelligence services. But sadly, not all. Insiders can intentionally disclose sensitive 4MTutKnAw58-00320-00177228-00177642 information in exchange for money or other inducements, or because they feel aggrieved. 4MTutKnAw58-00321-00177738-00178002 Insiders can also unintentionally disclose sensitive information. 4MTutKnAw58-00322-00178146-00178596 An Australian businessperson travelled overseas and connected a work laptop to a hotel wi-fi. 4MTutKnAw58-00323-00178704-00179094 Designs and other forms of intellectual property were stolen and used to make cheap 4MTutKnAw58-00324-00179094-00179592 imitations of the company’s products, which cost the business millions of dollars in lost revenue. 4MTutKnAw58-00325-00179748-00180330 And sometimes even security-aware insiders are outwitted and outplayed. 4MTutKnAw58-00326-00180462-00181020 Some time ago, an analyst working in the National Intelligence Community struck up a relationship 4MTutKnAw58-00327-00181020-00181536 with a foreign diplomat. The analyst thought it would be beneficial to gain the insights from 4MTutKnAw58-00328-00181536-00182106 this diplomat and they began meeting regularly for lunch. At the conclusion of the diplomat’s 4MTutKnAw58-00329-00182106-00182526 posting, the diplomat introduced the analyst to another diplomat from the same embassy, 4MTutKnAw58-00330-00182526-00183192 and the lunches continued. When the analyst moved to Defence to take up a new role they 4MTutKnAw58-00331-00183192-00183552 were introduced to a third member from the embassy, this time on the Defence side. 4MTutKnAw58-00332-00183720-00184140 All three so-called diplomats were undeclared intelligence officers. 4MTutKnAw58-00333-00184236-00184812 When confronted by ASIO, the analyst was shocked and claimed not to have shared anything of value. 4MTutKnAw58-00334-00184812-00185214 So ASIO showed the analyst the intelligence reports written by the foreign spies. 4MTutKnAw58-00335-00185340-00185886 The analyst could not believe how much had been gleaned out of what felt like casual conversation. 4MTutKnAw58-00336-00186150-00186588 At the risk of complicating matters, insider threats do not always stay on the inside. 4MTutKnAw58-00337-00186774-00187116 For several years now – well before the issue became public – ASIO, 4MTutKnAw58-00338-00187116-00187530 through our leadership of the Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce, has been tracking former 4MTutKnAw58-00339-00187530-00187956 Defence insiders willing to sell their military training and expertise to foreign governments. 4MTutKnAw58-00340-00188124-00188628 While the overwhelming majority of our veterans are Australian patriots in every sense, 4MTutKnAw58-00341-00188628-00189072 a small but concerning number are willing to put cash before country. 4MTutKnAw58-00342-00189234-00189672 Third party companies have offered Australians hundreds of thousands of dollars and other 4MTutKnAw58-00343-00189672-00190104 significant perks to help authoritarian regimes improve their combat skills. 4MTutKnAw58-00344-00190242-00190668 In some cases, we and our partners have been able to stop the former insiders travelling 4MTutKnAw58-00345-00190668-00191160 overseas to provide the training, but in others, legal ambiguities have impeded law 4MTutKnAw58-00346-00191160-00191664 enforcement’s ability to intervene. However the individuals rationalise 4MTutKnAw58-00347-00191664-00192072 their decisions, the bottom line is they are transferring highly sensitive, privileged and 4MTutKnAw58-00348-00192072-00192588 classified know-how to foreign governments that do not share our values or respect the rule of law. 4MTutKnAw58-00349-00192732-00193134 These individuals are lackeys, more ‘top tools’ than ‘top guns’. 4MTutKnAw58-00350-00193230-00193704 Selling our warfighting skills is no different to selling our secrets – especially when the training 4MTutKnAw58-00351-00193704-00194112 and tactics are being transferred to countries that will use them to close capability gaps, 4MTutKnAw58-00352-00194112-00194496 and could use them against us or our allies at some time in the future. 4MTutKnAw58-00353-00194694-00195228 My concerns are not limited to the defence sector, either – if we are to take security seriously, 4MTutKnAw58-00354-00195228-00195642 Australia needs to ensure our laws and obligations prevent former insiders 4MTutKnAw58-00355-00195642-00196110 transferring any form of sensitive know-how to authoritarian regimes. 4MTutKnAw58-00356-00196302-00196854 So far I’ve focussed on insiders and espionage, but insiders can also enable foreign interference. 4MTutKnAw58-00357-00196968-00197310 This manifests most malignly in the harassment of diaspora communities. 4MTutKnAw58-00358-00197436-00197916 Foreign intelligence services are actively trying to recruit Australian insiders with 4MTutKnAw58-00359-00197916-00198390 access to personal information that will help repress critics of overseas regimes. 4MTutKnAw58-00360-00198552-00198954 In the last year, we have identified multiple spies from multiple countries 4MTutKnAw58-00361-00198954-00199560 developing and trying to leverage relationships with government officials, bank workers, doctors, 4MTutKnAw58-00362-00199560-00200316 police employees and other professions to obtain the personal details of perceived dissidents. 4MTutKnAw58-00363-00200424-00200712 As far as ASIO is concerned, any insider providing 4MTutKnAw58-00364-00200712-00200994 this sort of information is making a very grave mistake. 4MTutKnAw58-00365-00201108-00201546 You are not just selling out your employer and the customer, you are enabling foreign interference. 4MTutKnAw58-00366-00201636-00202194 You are aiding repression. You are undermining freedoms. You are the lackey of a foreign regime. 4MTutKnAw58-00367-00202314-00202740 Insiders have been offered tens of thousands of dollars to, quote, “do whatever is 4MTutKnAw58-00368-00202740-00203268 necessary” to obtain personal data. The spies and their proxies can then use 4MTutKnAw58-00369-00203268-00203862 this information to identify, locate, follow, film, harass and intimidate their targets. 4MTutKnAw58-00370-00203958-00204306 In extreme cases, the consequences are even more serious. 4MTutKnAw58-00371-00204468-00204834 ASIO recently detected and defeated attempts by intelligence services 4MTutKnAw58-00372-00204834-00205188 from two different countries to physically harm Australian residents. 4MTutKnAw58-00373-00205296-00205626 In each case, the target was considered a critic of the foreign regime. 4MTutKnAw58-00374-00205758-00206262 In one case, the intelligence service started monitoring a human rights activist and plotted 4MTutKnAw58-00375-00206262-00206700 to lure the target offshore, where the individual could be – quote – “disposed of”. 4MTutKnAw58-00376-00206850-00207150 In another, a lackey was dispatched to locate specific 4MTutKnAw58-00377-00207150-00207684 dissidents and – quote – “deal with them”. This is what foreign interference can be 4MTutKnAw58-00378-00207684-00208146 if left unchecked. This is foreign interference at its most brutal. It 4MTutKnAw58-00379-00208146-00208626 is unacceptable and untenable. It is an assault on our sovereignty, an affront to our freedoms. 4MTutKnAw58-00380-00208752-00209166 Neither of these plots were carried out; both were stopped before harm could be done. 4MTutKnAw58-00381-00209346-00209610 While I do not comment on current operational matters, 4MTutKnAw58-00382-00209610-00209952 let me just say that ASIO has zero tolerance for this despicable behaviour. 4MTutKnAw58-00383-00210078-00210473 We have an arsenal of weapons to deal with foreign interference and we will use it – and 4MTutKnAw58-00384-00210473-00211032 did use it in the cases I’ve outlined. Our resolve more than matches the perpetrators’ aggression. 4MTutKnAw58-00385-00211260-00211584 While insider threats can be consequential, they are not inevitable. 4MTutKnAw58-00386-00211584-00211902 I urge you to lean into this and reflect on whether you have an 4MTutKnAw58-00387-00211902-00212171 active and effective program to counter insider threats. 4MTutKnAw58-00388-00212352-00212856 If your organisation’s security record is spotless, I fear your security culture is not. 4MTutKnAw58-00389-00213000-00213269 The same goes for the other security challenges I’ve outlined tonight. 4MTutKnAw58-00390-00213354-00213654 ASIO is not all seeing and all knowing, and the intelligence 4MTutKnAw58-00391-00213654-00214200 apparatus of our state-based adversaries is many times larger than ours will ever be. 4MTutKnAw58-00392-00214319-00214764 Security is a shared responsibility. We need all our stakeholders to help 4MTutKnAw58-00393-00214764-00215123 make Australia a more difficult and expensive place for spies to operate in. 4MTutKnAw58-00394-00215273-00215742 How we respond to these challenges matters. Not just because it determines success or failure, 4MTutKnAw58-00395-00215742-00216258 but also because it speaks to our values. Our greatest strength in the contest with 4MTutKnAw58-00396-00216258-00216648 autocratic regimes will always be our democratic values and principles. 4MTutKnAw58-00397-00216762-00217146 These things are also powerful tools for preventing radicalisation and promoting 4MTutKnAw58-00398-00217146-00217434 social cohesion and preventing communal violence. 4MTutKnAw58-00399-00217554-00218004 So as we address these threats, it is right we consider civil liberties and keep under review 4MTutKnAw58-00400-00218004-00218430 the right mix of powers to protect people’s rights and the safety of the community. 4MTutKnAw58-00401-00218592-00219006 I firmly believe that protecting citizens’ security is not inconsistent with protecting 4MTutKnAw58-00402-00219006-00219594 their rights to privacy. Far from being inconsistent, these things are complementary. 4MTutKnAw58-00403-00219708-00219996 ASIO is committed to safeguarding the security of Australians and 4MTutKnAw58-00404-00219996-00220398 safeguarding their liberties… protecting from wrongs, while securing their rights. 4MTutKnAw58-00405-00220584-00220998 In his Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security, Justice Hope recognised that getting 4MTutKnAw58-00406-00220998-00221664 this balance right is “no simple or easy thing to achieve”, but took the view that, 4MTutKnAw58-00407-00221664-00222108 “in the final analysis, public safety and individual liberty sustain each other.” 4MTutKnAw58-00408-00222258-00222696 We cannot fall into the trap of imagining there is a simple sliding scale of trade-offs 4MTutKnAw58-00409-00222696-00223134 between security and rights. This tension between the individual and 4MTutKnAw58-00410-00223134-00223566 collective makes national security hard by design in democracies and must be embraced. 4MTutKnAw58-00411-00223788-00224094 As Director-General of Security, I strongly believe that appropriate 4MTutKnAw58-00412-00224094-00224280 oversight and accountability are critical, 4MTutKnAw58-00413-00224280-00224754 and I continue to promote transparency – one reason I am giving this speech. 4MTutKnAw58-00414-00224873-00225336 There is an important caveat here, though. Transparency can only go so far. 4MTutKnAw58-00415-00225432-00225882 We must always protect ASIO’s people, capabilities and operations. 4MTutKnAw58-00416-00226002-00226584 Top secrets are top secret for a reason. While I respect and support open government, 4MTutKnAw58-00417-00226584-00227112 open justice and a free press, there is a narrow set of circumstances where particularly 4MTutKnAw58-00418-00227112-00227598 sensitive information cannot be publicly disclosed in parliament, court or the media. 4MTutKnAw58-00419-00227694-00228264 We must protect our people: our staff are undeclared for their safety. Spies want to target 4MTutKnAw58-00420-00228264-00228869 them and extremists want to kill them. The machete hanging on the wall of one of our buildings is an 4MTutKnAw58-00421-00228869-00229254 ugly reminder of this reality – an extremist plotted to use it on one of our officers. 4MTutKnAw58-00422-00229356-00229800 We must protect our capabilities. While our people are our most important capability, 4MTutKnAw58-00423-00229800-00230232 it is also vital to safeguard the tools, techniques and technologies 4MTutKnAw58-00424-00230232-00230640 that allow us to do things Australia’s adversaries think are impossible. 4MTutKnAw58-00425-00230880-00231342 We must protect our operations, or we will tip off our targets and potentially reveal our people 4MTutKnAw58-00426-00231342-00231996 and our capabilities. And as Duncan Lewis said, ASIO operates in secret to protect the innocent. 4MTutKnAw58-00427-00232146-00232373 This is why I don’t comment on operational matters. 4MTutKnAw58-00428-00232434-00232950 In speeches like this, I occasionally talk about past operations to give a clearer 4MTutKnAw58-00429-00232950-00233412 picture of the threats we face, but only after a rigorous declassification process. 4MTutKnAw58-00430-00233562-00234090 Just because a piece of information seems obvious and innocuous to an outsider does 4MTutKnAw58-00431-00234090-00234552 not mean it is over-classified… it might have come from a human source, for example, 4MTutKnAw58-00432-00234552-00234948 where exposure would identify the source, with potentially catastrophic consequences. 4MTutKnAw58-00433-00235056-00235373 We must protect these things to take security seriously. 4MTutKnAw58-00434-00235626-00236136 Let me repeat, though, Australia’s approach to national security is relatively mature. 4MTutKnAw58-00435-00236136-00236484 Our architecture is sophisticated and our partnerships are strong. 4MTutKnAw58-00436-00236592-00236934 Successive governments at all levels have passed laws and delivered budgets 4MTutKnAw58-00437-00236934-00237378 to ensure agencies like ASIO have the powers and capabilities we need. 4MTutKnAw58-00438-00237450-00237804 That’s one of the reasons why we were able to lower the domestic terrorism threat level. 4MTutKnAw58-00439-00237966-00238404 My point is that in an environment where espionage and foreign interference is our principal security 4MTutKnAw58-00440-00238404-00238908 concern, the threats facing Australia are more serious and sophisticated than ever before. 4MTutKnAw58-00441-00238998-00239346 Our national response must also be more serious and sophisticated. 4MTutKnAw58-00442-00239448-00239850 That’s certainly how we are responding at ASIO. We are leaning into the complexity, 4MTutKnAw58-00443-00239850-00240348 the challenge and the change. We are expanding our capabilities and sharpening our responses. 4MTutKnAw58-00444-00240408-00240984 We are recruiting new people and adopting new tactics. We are taking security extremely 4MTutKnAw58-00445-00240984-00241721 seriously – and Australia’s adversaries know it. In fact, some of the most rewarding feedback I 4MTutKnAw58-00446-00241721-00242219 received last year came from several of those adversaries. We are aware of spies from multiple 4MTutKnAw58-00447-00242219-00242682 countries complaining to headquarters about how difficult it’s become to operate in Australia. 4MTutKnAw58-00448-00242766-00243186 One spy whinged to a colleague, “I picked the wrong posting, the security 4MTutKnAw58-00449-00243186-00243666 service makes this one impossible.” Our adversaries might not like us, 4MTutKnAw58-00450-00243666-00244073 but they fear us – and they definitely respect us. As Director-General of Security, 4MTutKnAw58-00451-00244073-00244302 I can live with that. Thank you. 4NWX0P1MhEE-00000-00000295-00000949 this video will demonstrate how to use a little-known but very useful browser and login based 4NWX0P1MhEE-00001-00000949-00001139 application called notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00002-00001139-00001468 bell notebooks works somewhat like 4NWX0P1MhEE-00003-00001468-00001742 bookmarking associated with our login account 4NWX0P1MhEE-00004-00001742-00001964 say for instance you have a gmail account 4NWX0P1MhEE-00005-00001964-00002349 if you install the firefox extension for the google toolbar 4NWX0P1MhEE-00006-00002349-00002701 and you're at a web page that you would like to bookmark for later reference 4NWX0P1MhEE-00007-00002701-00003215 you can uh... log into your gmail account and then go to google toolbar and bookmark 4NWX0P1MhEE-00008-00003215-00003339 that page 4NWX0P1MhEE-00009-00003339-00003811 and then that bookmark will be available to you on any computer anywhere in the world 4NWX0P1MhEE-00010-00003811-00004275 as long as you're logged into your gmail account to approval toolbar 4NWX0P1MhEE-00011-00004275-00004796 the difference between bookmarking and making notes in a notebook is that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00012-00004796-00005271 denoble note will not believe clued a link back to the original webpage 4NWX0P1MhEE-00013-00005271-00005851 in-wall also include just a part of the web page that you selected and stayed as a note 4NWX0P1MhEE-00014-00005851-00006117 this can be very useful for 4NWX0P1MhEE-00015-00006117-00006454 students for teachers doing research for report 4NWX0P1MhEE-00016-00006454-00006623 or lesson plan 4NWX0P1MhEE-00017-00006623-00006969 teachers can create custom online text books 4NWX0P1MhEE-00018-00006969-00007473 they can be useful in the workplace if you're assigned research project you can 4NWX0P1MhEE-00019-00007473-00007704 go out on the internet 4NWX0P1MhEE-00020-00007704-00007802 gather notes 4NWX0P1MhEE-00021-00007802-00008120 from various parts of web pages 4NWX0P1MhEE-00022-00008120-00008535 and saved those notes in the notebook and you can also share that notebook with your 4NWX0P1MhEE-00023-00008535-00008658 colleagues 4NWX0P1MhEE-00024-00008658-00009292 now the two notebooks will be working with today arthur google notebook provided by google 4NWX0P1MhEE-00025-00009292-00009641 and the soho notebook provided by so holla dot com 4NWX0P1MhEE-00026-00009641-00009770 in order to used 4NWX0P1MhEE-00027-00009770-00010264 either of those notebooks you need to install firefox extensions and show you how to do 4NWX0P1MhEE-00028-00010264-00010388 that right now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00029-00010388-00010737 if you go to the firefox tools menu up here at the top 4NWX0P1MhEE-00030-00010737-00010935 dragged out to add-ons 4NWX0P1MhEE-00031-00010935-00011395 you can click on the get add-ons tab and you can search for the extensions 4NWX0P1MhEE-00032-00011395-00011849 uh... i'd already have the list also many click on my extensions to show you how to 4NWX0P1MhEE-00033-00011849-00011949 spell 4NWX0P1MhEE-00034-00011949-00012156 the extension you would need to you 4NWX0P1MhEE-00035-00012156-00012608 used of google notebook is the share a hollick extension innate spelled 4NWX0P1MhEE-00036-00012608-00012891 s age data part b 4NWX0P1MhEE-00037-00012891-00013146 h though allies t 4NWX0P1MhEE-00038-00013146-00013732 extension do we need for a zoho notebook is the soho notebook helper and soho dispelled 4NWX0P1MhEE-00039-00013732-00014008 c_e_o_ h of 4NWX0P1MhEE-00040-00014008-00014289 point you have that either of those extensions installed 4NWX0P1MhEE-00041-00014289-00014468 this is how it would work 4NWX0P1MhEE-00042-00014468-00014835 let's see your student doing research for a report that you have to write and here's 4NWX0P1MhEE-00043-00014835-00015412 the library reading down through this very very very very very long page 4NWX0P1MhEE-00044-00015412-00015826 then you get to apart of the webpage that you would like to revisit later when you're 4NWX0P1MhEE-00045-00015826-00016016 writing your report 4NWX0P1MhEE-00046-00016016-00016189 you can still ect 4NWX0P1MhEE-00047-00016189-00016699 that part of the page highlight the select that part of the page and then right-click 4NWX0P1MhEE-00048-00016699-00016830 and then you have the option 4NWX0P1MhEE-00049-00016830-00017263 to added to his elbow notebook if you have the soho 4NWX0P1MhEE-00050-00017263-00017772 extension installed or that'd be cool notebook with a shareholder extension 4NWX0P1MhEE-00051-00017772-00018262 now and usually in the submenu for the shareholder extension the google notebook doesn't show 4NWX0P1MhEE-00052-00018262-00018557 up you would go to more options 4NWX0P1MhEE-00053-00018557-00018863 to find it on the left 4NWX0P1MhEE-00054-00018863-00018936 highlighted 4NWX0P1MhEE-00055-00018936-00019163 and click the add button 4NWX0P1MhEE-00056-00019163-00019338 and once you do that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00057-00019338-00019734 when you right click again and go to the extra hollick menu and submenu 4NWX0P1MhEE-00058-00019734-00020316 the option to add the note to who will note book is available and i'm gonna do that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00059-00020316-00020955 if you're not already logged into gmail account they will ask you login 4NWX0P1MhEE-00060-00020955-00021278 centralized in another dialogue box will come up 4NWX0P1MhEE-00061-00021278-00021698 and i thought that they will ask if you want to add to note that you were just click yes 4NWX0P1MhEE-00062-00021698-00021799 add them up 4NWX0P1MhEE-00063-00021799-00022388 now one problem i want to point out refusing either the google notebook ward is a whole 4NWX0P1MhEE-00064-00022388-00022496 notebook is that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00065-00022496-00022671 you do not have an option two 4NWX0P1MhEE-00066-00022671-00023371 who create a new notebook or to select from several of the notebooks that you may have 4NWX0P1MhEE-00067-00023398-00023645 as to where the notebook will be added 4NWX0P1MhEE-00068-00023645-00024182 the note will be added to the most recently opens notebook in this case i opened a notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00069-00024182-00024301 couple days ago 4NWX0P1MhEE-00070-00024301-00024465 called the evolution of cancer 4NWX0P1MhEE-00071-00024465-00024660 and the nose can be added there 4NWX0P1MhEE-00072-00024660-00025180 if i wanted to add that no to different no book i would have to drag it there later and 4NWX0P1MhEE-00073-00025180-00025619 i'll show you how to do that right now let me just click yes have now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00074-00025619-00026000 bell one thing i want to point out wall street while we're still here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00075-00026000-00026619 is at the top of this little window is a link to money google 4NWX0P1MhEE-00076-00026619-00026697 notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00077-00026697-00026994 interface and i'm going to click on it right now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00078-00026994-00027259 to go to the google notebook interface 4NWX0P1MhEE-00079-00027259-00027427 on the left here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00080-00027427-00027904 are all the notebooks associated with this google account 4NWX0P1MhEE-00081-00027904-00028214 on the right here in this big space 4NWX0P1MhEE-00082-00028214-00028563 is the evolution of cancer notebook it was the notebook that was 4NWX0P1MhEE-00083-00028563-00028786 was recently 4NWX0P1MhEE-00084-00028786-00029198 and the note that i just saved his right here if 4NWX0P1MhEE-00085-00029198-00029381 notice in the wrong notebook pages 4NWX0P1MhEE-00086-00029381-00029728 i can click and drag it to the right note book like this 4NWX0P1MhEE-00087-00029728-00029999 now right now the notice collapsed 4NWX0P1MhEE-00088-00029999-00030543 it just has the title of the webpage bustling back to the original webpage 4NWX0P1MhEE-00089-00030543-00030971 if i want to expand for the note by click the plus sign and there it is the part of 4NWX0P1MhEE-00090-00030971-00031508 the web page that i selected and stayed has enough 4NWX0P1MhEE-00091-00031508-00031872 now i can also reporter notes within a notebook bike 4NWX0P1MhEE-00092-00031872-00032392 by clicking and reading and rearranging them that way 4NWX0P1MhEE-00093-00032392-00032694 when i first started using the google notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00094-00032694-00032877 about two years ago 4NWX0P1MhEE-00095-00032877-00033446 highly um... was preparing to teach biotechnology course for the first time 4NWX0P1MhEE-00096-00033446-00033852 towards the end of the summer as i was preparing for the course i was somewhat dismayed because 4NWX0P1MhEE-00097-00033852-00034254 the textbook my district provided was not a biotechnology textbook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00098-00034254-00034480 so it's kind of considering my options 4NWX0P1MhEE-00099-00034480-00034872 i knew that i could go out on the internet and fight a whole bunch of different websites 4NWX0P1MhEE-00100-00034872-00035219 and web pages that i would want my students to read 4NWX0P1MhEE-00101-00035219-00035718 but i knew that there were probably only be parts of those web pages i would want form 4NWX0P1MhEE-00102-00035718-00035970 ice want by sensory and so 4NWX0P1MhEE-00103-00035970-00036647 i started thinking about you seen google notebook notes for uh... creating a online textbook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00104-00036647-00037164 i was also running out of time so i knew that i didn't have the time to do that so a in 4NWX0P1MhEE-00105-00037164-00037400 the end when i decided to do was 4NWX0P1MhEE-00106-00037400-00037923 hi uh... had my first semester students do research project 4NWX0P1MhEE-00107-00037923-00038073 and the picked 4NWX0P1MhEE-00108-00038073-00038208 uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00109-00038208-00038612 as sub topic uh... biotechnology sub topic 4NWX0P1MhEE-00110-00038612-00038775 in order to create 4NWX0P1MhEE-00111-00038775-00039191 online notebooks for supplementary readings for this up topics 4NWX0P1MhEE-00112-00039191-00039831 so in order to facilitate that i created one single gmail accounts and i gave my students 4NWX0P1MhEE-00113-00039831-00040230 that username and password and then they created all of these 4NWX0P1MhEE-00114-00040230-00040577 uh... notebooks over here on the left 4NWX0P1MhEE-00115-00040577-00040720 for that assignment 4NWX0P1MhEE-00116-00040720-00041137 after the assignment was over i logged into the account and i changed the password so 4NWX0P1MhEE-00117-00041137-00041288 that i would be 4NWX0P1MhEE-00118-00041288-00041690 the only future owner and controller of those notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00119-00041690-00041956 but i will now be able to use those notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00120-00041956-00042380 and share the notebooks for to my future classes 4NWX0P1MhEE-00121-00042380-00042659 for individual homework readings 4NWX0P1MhEE-00122-00042659-00043008 on these different biotechnology topics let me just 4NWX0P1MhEE-00123-00043008-00043180 uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00124-00043180-00043437 find a new book student creative 4NWX0P1MhEE-00125-00043437-00043975 district created no booknotes any created put the notes in sections of the expanded 4NWX0P1MhEE-00126-00043975-00044155 section right now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00127-00044155-00044530 and here's uh... a collapsed note in that section 4NWX0P1MhEE-00128-00044530-00044643 pollack's pandit 4NWX0P1MhEE-00129-00044643-00044895 it includes the title of the webpage 4NWX0P1MhEE-00130-00044895-00045123 plus a link back to the visual web page 4NWX0P1MhEE-00131-00045123-00045772 plus the paragraph and picture that the two that students elected unsaved as of now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00132-00045772-00046294 and in the pollute there's another note below that in this section as well 4NWX0P1MhEE-00133-00046294-00046452 um... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00134-00046452-00046705 now uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00135-00046705-00047202 height should point out at this point that there are some problems with using a google 4NWX0P1MhEE-00136-00047202-00047332 notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00137-00047332-00047626 google stop developing mistral 4NWX0P1MhEE-00138-00047626-00047918 a couple years ago are about a year-and-a-half ago a 4NWX0P1MhEE-00139-00047918-00048550 and some of the functionality is somewhat problematic or not functional at all 4NWX0P1MhEE-00140-00048550-00049095 one of the problems is that the notebook capture processes not work really well compared to 4NWX0P1MhEE-00141-00049095-00049222 sell notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00142-00049222-00049504 for instance here it is a capture 4NWX0P1MhEE-00143-00049504-00050046 that included the odd title part of a webpage included an embedded video file below that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00144-00050046-00050107 title 4NWX0P1MhEE-00145-00050107-00050352 and then two techs paragraphs below that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00146-00050352-00050871 uh... the the embedded video file wasn't captured on the link to the embedded video file was 4NWX0P1MhEE-00147-00050871-00050938 captured 4NWX0P1MhEE-00148-00050938-00051134 uh... that scene 4NWX0P1MhEE-00149-00051134-00051470 capture images of a local looks like this 4NWX0P1MhEE-00150-00051470-00052005 here's this elbow notebook it's got the title it's got the embedded video file 4NWX0P1MhEE-00151-00052005-00052585 and the text below it can not only that you can play the video within the notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00152-00052585-00052721 which is way cool 4NWX0P1MhEE-00153-00052721-00053332 now how here's another capturing it with his own opal included uh... a link to an embedded 4NWX0P1MhEE-00154-00053332-00053400 audiophile 4NWX0P1MhEE-00155-00053400-00053748 and the links are are captured clearly here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00156-00053748-00054107 that same capture in of google notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00157-00054107-00054348 is very problematic 4NWX0P1MhEE-00158-00054348-00054669 in the way they captured from the link to the imbedded video there 4NWX0P1MhEE-00159-00054669-00054952 does seem to be a a link here but it also captured 4NWX0P1MhEE-00160-00054952-00055441 a whole lot of html code which is kinda confusing for anybody reading this notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00161-00055441-00055654 uh... no 4NWX0P1MhEE-00162-00055654-00056200 another problem with using of the google notebook is that you can no longer sheer 4NWX0P1MhEE-00163-00056200-00056639 newly-created notebooks there is the sharing option here at the top 4NWX0P1MhEE-00164-00056639-00057128 than it looks like it's functional you can actually type in the gmail addresses email 4NWX0P1MhEE-00165-00057128-00057342 headers shared the notebook with someone 4NWX0P1MhEE-00166-00057342-00057758 uh... and then i will also be an option of emailing them in a notice 4NWX0P1MhEE-00167-00057758-00057927 when you share the notebook but 4NWX0P1MhEE-00168-00057927-00058116 when you click save settings 4NWX0P1MhEE-00169-00058116-00058580 a little notice will peer up at the top here that would say you don't have access to the 4NWX0P1MhEE-00170-00058580-00058676 notebook to share 4NWX0P1MhEE-00171-00058676-00059264 uh... there is all work around however to share content of notebooks in google notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00172-00059264-00059574 you can go to mention of books here on the left 4NWX0P1MhEE-00173-00059574-00059840 and then find your notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00174-00059840-00060341 and then we just find it and then click the export option you can export it as a google 4NWX0P1MhEE-00175-00060341-00060398 document 4NWX0P1MhEE-00176-00060398-00060785 and right now it's building a google document of that notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00177-00060785-00060914 unfortunately the notes 4NWX0P1MhEE-00178-00060914-00061308 cannot be expanded or collapsed or rearranged easily 4NWX0P1MhEE-00179-00061308-00061714 but you do have the option of sharing it like i need to go back to me if you go up here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00180-00061714-00061877 to the operate 4NWX0P1MhEE-00181-00061877-00062272 you can publish it to the web which is something i would not recommend since it would violate 4NWX0P1MhEE-00182-00062272-00062410 copyright law 4NWX0P1MhEE-00183-00062410-00062642 however uh... it would probably 4NWX0P1MhEE-00184-00062642-00062971 probably the less problematic to share it 4NWX0P1MhEE-00185-00062971-00063239 to individual email address is here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00186-00063239-00063609 so i think that would be less risky in terms of violating copyright law 4NWX0P1MhEE-00187-00063609-00064040 now uh... another problem with using google notebooks is that 4NWX0P1MhEE-00188-00064040-00064223 even though the instant 4NWX0P1MhEE-00189-00064223-00064580 kinda sounds like it might be nice to that uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00190-00064580-00065067 you have uh... your new book says that she did with your gmail account associated with 4NWX0P1MhEE-00191-00065067-00065486 your do google calendar he's using using the google calendar 4NWX0P1MhEE-00192-00065486-00066186 and google docs uh... their is no link here at the top of the uh... gmail org uh... school 4NWX0P1MhEE-00193-00066264-00066361 account interface 4NWX0P1MhEE-00194-00066361-00066490 to get your notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00195-00066490-00066905 uh... if you click on more you can go to your documents on the calendar but there's no link 4NWX0P1MhEE-00196-00066905-00067198 to google notebooks even if you click on 4NWX0P1MhEE-00197-00067198-00067457 even more there's no option for notebooks here 4NWX0P1MhEE-00198-00067457-00067632 all work around for that is 4NWX0P1MhEE-00199-00067632-00068118 if using the google toolbar you can actually create a bookmark on the toolbar 4NWX0P1MhEE-00200-00068118-00068357 because you go home notebook interface 4NWX0P1MhEE-00201-00068357-00068433 or 4NWX0P1MhEE-00202-00068433-00069010 if your login to your gmail account and you do s uh... a search for the google notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00203-00069010-00069491 when you click on the link result for that sort shit will actually take ul back to your 4NWX0P1MhEE-00204-00069491-00069871 own personal a google notebook interface that's one way 4NWX0P1MhEE-00205-00069871-00070094 of getting to notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00206-00070094-00070238 uh... interface 4NWX0P1MhEE-00207-00070238-00070779 uh... and then there's one more problem with google notebooks and that's a problem i just 4NWX0P1MhEE-00208-00070779-00070919 recently noticed 4NWX0P1MhEE-00209-00070919-00071324 the first do no poker i ever created was and notebook ike 4NWX0P1MhEE-00210-00071324-00071860 i was using to uh... compile resources for elderly care for aging parents that i would 4NWX0P1MhEE-00211-00071860-00072108 share with my brothers 4NWX0P1MhEE-00212-00072108-00072564 i've just recently noticed in that notebook thirty denotes themselves 4NWX0P1MhEE-00213-00072564-00073052 are no longer expandable uh... i don't have the option to go back to just part of the 4NWX0P1MhEE-00214-00073052-00073369 web pages that i selected and saved his notes 4NWX0P1MhEE-00215-00073369-00073943 basically it's just link back to the original webpage or of bookmarking which is not not 4NWX0P1MhEE-00216-00073943-00074515 very functional at all for talking about notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00217-00074515-00075085 now i want to go back to his own home notebook interface to show you how that looks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00218-00075085-00075658 the soho notebook interface looks a lot like to google local interface in that you have 4NWX0P1MhEE-00219-00075658-00075748 um... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00220-00075748-00076266 you have noticed that can be expanded or collapsed you can click and drag them in rearrange them 4NWX0P1MhEE-00221-00076266-00076542 you can also dragged and two other notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00222-00076542-00077056 uh... in addition to that you have some uh... more flexibility in terms of what you can 4NWX0P1MhEE-00223-00077056-00077165 add to the notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00224-00077165-00077583 you can also added image an audiophile video file 4NWX0P1MhEE-00225-00077583-00078034 if you could find more you can see that you can add a spreadsheet word document from the 4NWX0P1MhEE-00226-00078034-00078146 soho 4NWX0P1MhEE-00227-00078146-00078584 call based application that's basically online word processing application 4NWX0P1MhEE-00228-00078584-00078876 where you can add a power point like uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00229-00078876-00078963 show 4NWX0P1MhEE-00230-00078963-00079607 now to their call based application called show uh... in notebooks you can also add different 4NWX0P1MhEE-00231-00079607-00080052 pages of your on the right you have different tabbed pages that you can put in a notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00232-00080052-00080189 so you can have 4NWX0P1MhEE-00233-00080189-00080704 notes organized in page is somewhat like the way that you've been organized hate group 4NWX0P1MhEE-00234-00080704-00080915 notebook with sections of the notebook 4NWX0P1MhEE-00235-00080915-00081448 uh... you have a lot more flexibility in terms of sharing the document you can actually share 4NWX0P1MhEE-00236-00081448-00081724 of the notebook up here with his hands symbol 4NWX0P1MhEE-00237-00081724-00082201 with this drop down menu you can share with individual people and their email addresses 4NWX0P1MhEE-00238-00082201-00082679 and you can make the people you bernie of all the people you share it with to be 4NWX0P1MhEE-00239-00082679-00083153 uh... editors of the doctrine which needs to get that notes or reinvention of store 4NWX0P1MhEE-00240-00083153-00083347 and content to the notebooks 4NWX0P1MhEE-00241-00083347-00083519 uh... 4NWX0P1MhEE-00242-00083519-00084072 one other uh... thing about using zoho notebooks and that that's the way you login um... you 4NWX0P1MhEE-00243-00084072-00084298 can't create as so whole account 4NWX0P1MhEE-00244-00084298-00084898 uh... so who is a company that offers cloud base applications very similar to google docs 4NWX0P1MhEE-00245-00084898-00085195 and you can create a zoho account for that poor 4NWX0P1MhEE-00246-00085195-00085551 you have the option to create zoho account to 4NWX0P1MhEE-00247-00085551-00086067 a logging into your gmail account or through who apts account or three yahoo account or 4NWX0P1MhEE-00248-00086067-00086236 face book of health 4NWX0P1MhEE-00249-00086236-00086540 and these accounts are all free at least for now 4NWX0P1MhEE-00250-00086540-00087034 uh... for personal use they do have uh... a number of uh... business space applications 4NWX0P1MhEE-00251-00087034-00087216 that they charge for 4NWX0P1MhEE-00252-00087216-00087774 but at least for now the uh... personal counsel are free the soho is not as strong the company 4NWX0P1MhEE-00253-00087774-00087926 is doable so 4NWX0P1MhEE-00254-00087926-00088252 uh... so who knows how long they're going to be around 4NWX0P1MhEE-00255-00088252-00088660 uh... in whether you're notebooks for always be available to you 4NWX0P1MhEE-00256-00088660-00088935 uh... so that's basically it for using notebooks 4pk0Nuz61O0-00000-00000056-00000639 Welcome back to the channel. Now after posting this video online on how to add 4pk0Nuz61O0-00001-00000639-00000911 a currency and a new symbol in WooCommerce, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00002-00000911-00001240 I got a number of questions asking me how 4pk0Nuz61O0-00003-00001240-00001639 you can actually edit those kind of symbols that are already existing, so I 4pk0Nuz61O0-00004-00001639-00002072 have that question appearing twice on the same video. So 4pk0Nuz61O0-00005-00002072-00002592 let's dive into how to do that. So on my cpanel I'm going to go to my file 4pk0Nuz61O0-00006-00002592-00003016 manager and inside here in my root folder, and inside my root 4pk0Nuz61O0-00007-00003016-00003568 folder I'm going to go to wp content, I'll go to my plugins, and then I'm going 4pk0Nuz61O0-00008-00003568-00003952 to create a new folder which I'll call techiepress woo currency. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00009-00003952-00004455 Inside it I'll create another file, techiepress woo currency.php, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00010-00004455-00005000 and when I edit this, this is what I have. So I have started my php 4pk0Nuz61O0-00011-00005000-00005416 and I've started the comments that will allow WordPress to recognize 4pk0Nuz61O0-00012-00005416-00005992 my code as a plugin. The reason I do this is because I want this to change, every 4pk0Nuz61O0-00013-00005992-00006264 time I change my theme I still want the same 4pk0Nuz61O0-00014-00006264-00006640 functionality to go on, so that's why I don't put this 4pk0Nuz61O0-00015-00006640-00007223 code inside my functions.php. So let's start writing some code. We're 4pk0Nuz61O0-00016-00007223-00007736 going to use the add filter function in WordPress, and inside here we shall 4pk0Nuz61O0-00017-00007736-00008184 use a WooCommerce filter which is called woocommerce 4pk0Nuz61O0-00018-00008184-00008743 currency symbol, and we're going to use this 4pk0Nuz61O0-00019-00008743-00009343 again so I'll copy this, and then write our own function, and our function I'll 4pk0Nuz61O0-00020-00009343-00009792 prefix it with techiepress then do the same thing, and I'll give this a 4pk0Nuz61O0-00021-00009792-00010279 priority of 10 so that it kicks off very early in all the stages, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00022-00010279-00010824 and we'll pass in the two arguments that come with this particular filter. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00023-00010824-00011368 Now as we write this function, I'll copy its name from here and add it here, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00024-00011368-00011736 and then close off the function itself, and then 4pk0Nuz61O0-00025-00011736-00012104 I'll quickly pass in the arguments that we get. So the first argument 4pk0Nuz61O0-00026-00012104-00012768 is actually currency symbol, and then the next one is currency. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00027-00012768-00013191 So let me var_dump what we have in currency symbol, so that we can see 4pk0Nuz61O0-00028-00013191-00013504 what is actually going on. So I'll start off with my 4pk0Nuz61O0-00029-00013504-00014168 pre tags, I'll duplicate that so that I can quickly code, then what I'm 4pk0Nuz61O0-00030-00014168-00014528 going to do is var_dump 4pk0Nuz61O0-00031-00014559-00014880 the currency symbol. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00032-00014904-00015256 So besides var_dumping the currency symbol I'm also going to 4pk0Nuz61O0-00033-00015256-00015568 var_dump the currency so that we can see what's going on 4pk0Nuz61O0-00034-00015568-00016168 inside both items. So currency, I'll save this and then I'll 4pk0Nuz61O0-00035-00016168-00016520 reload, so we see the currency symbol here and 4pk0Nuz61O0-00036-00016520-00016840 we also see the currency that we're talking about. So 4pk0Nuz61O0-00037-00016840-00017120 that's why when we start writing our functions, I'm going 4pk0Nuz61O0-00038-00017120-00017544 to comment this out, I am going to return a currency symbol 4pk0Nuz61O0-00039-00017544-00017831 here, I'm going to look through the array of 4pk0Nuz61O0-00040-00017831-00018192 the currency symbol and I'm going to pick out one particular 4pk0Nuz61O0-00041-00018192-00018608 symbol that I want to change. So what I'm going to do is use a 4pk0Nuz61O0-00042-00018608-00019128 switch statement here and say switch the currency, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00043-00019128-00019631 and I'm going to look for the case where I'm looking for something particular 4pk0Nuz61O0-00044-00019631-00020064 let's say USD, and with this I am going to set the 4pk0Nuz61O0-00045-00020064-00020400 currency symbol, I'm going to say its currency symbol 4pk0Nuz61O0-00046-00020400-00021008 should now be called American USD, and then after doing that 4pk0Nuz61O0-00047-00021008-00021464 I'm going to hit the break. So let's save this and then 4pk0Nuz61O0-00048-00021464-00022064 reload here, and I'm going to just go to WooCommerce and then go inside the 4pk0Nuz61O0-00049-00022064-00022559 settings, and then I'll scroll all the way down, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00050-00022559-00022895 and you will see that we have United States where we had, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00051-00022895-00023328 previously we had a dollar we now have a USD. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00052-00023328-00023704 So if we are looking for the United Arab Emirates dirham 4pk0Nuz61O0-00053-00023704-00024128 like this, we're going to have to look for the code in the array 4pk0Nuz61O0-00054-00024128-00024464 that adds this currency. I'm going to quickly go to 4pk0Nuz61O0-00055-00024464-00024904 my WooCommerce, but in this case I'm going to go to the WooCommerce 4pk0Nuz61O0-00056-00024904-00025304 github repository, and I'm going to look at how 4pk0Nuz61O0-00057-00025304-00025919 the code is passed in to give us this particular language. So I'm going to 4pk0Nuz61O0-00058-00025919-00026472 go into the includes, I'll look for the wc core functions, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00059-00026472-00027024 and when I look through it there are a number of files that we are seeing here. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00060-00027024-00027383 What we are actually looking for is the WooCommerce currencies and you'll see 4pk0Nuz61O0-00061-00027383-00027680 that the United Arab Emirates dirham is 4pk0Nuz61O0-00062-00027680-00028168 actually called AED, it's not in the Arabic language, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00063-00028168-00028504 it's in plain old English letters. You can find 4pk0Nuz61O0-00064-00028504-00028960 all these different currencies for your country, I'll put a link to this file 4pk0Nuz61O0-00065-00028960-00029319 in the video description so that you can find your own country. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00066-00029319-00029656 So what I'm going to do is just copy the AED here, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00067-00029656-00030024 and I'm going to paste it here. Now what I want to do is 4pk0Nuz61O0-00068-00030024-00030456 I want my currency it will also be called AED. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00069-00030456-00030872 I'll remove these comments and then I'll click save. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00070-00030872-00031280 And once I come back into my admin area and reload, 4pk0Nuz61O0-00071-00031280-00031632 you'll see that for our United Arab Emirates dirham we have 4pk0Nuz61O0-00072-00031632-00032160 AED instead of the Arabic. Feel free to go to this link find out your country 4pk0Nuz61O0-00073-00032160-00032463 code, and then you can change the currency 4pk0Nuz61O0-00074-00032463-00032791 that you want to change. That's it for the video. If you enjoyed 4pk0Nuz61O0-00075-00032791-00033112 it give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and don't 4pk0Nuz61O0-00076-00033112-00033488 forget to subscribe to the channel if you find the content helpful. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00077-00033488-00033832 Leave me a comment about what you think about this. 4pk0Nuz61O0-00078-00033832-00034288 Otherwise, peace. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00000-00000057-00000206 TRACY: Hello and welcome! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00001-00000206-00000616 I'm Tracy Schaelen, Distance Education Coordinator at Southwestern College, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00002-00000636-00000906 and, for today's webinar, we're talking about 4pHZuJNMqF8-00003-00000916-00001114 Culturally Responsive Teaching... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00004-00001124-00001240 online. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00005-00001256-00001702 We will be focusing quite a bit on this amazing book by Zaretta Hammond 4pHZuJNMqF8-00006-00001718-00002002 and investigating how we can apply this 4pHZuJNMqF8-00007-00002002-00002310 to an online college environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00008-00002386-00002894 So, first, I want to start with a definition of culturally responsive teaching. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00009-00002906-00003124 The quote that you see here on the slide 4pHZuJNMqF8-00010-00003124-00003360 comes from Zaretta Hammond, and her book, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00011-00003360-00003622 Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00012-00003640-00004120 has really opened my eyes to lots of ways that we can apply 4pHZuJNMqF8-00013-00004120-00004246 some very important ideas 4pHZuJNMqF8-00014-00004264-00004500 about how the brain works and how students learn 4pHZuJNMqF8-00015-00004524-00004730 to our online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00016-00004756-00004990 So, we will be focusing on her 4pHZuJNMqF8-00017-00004990-00005284 for much of what we do during our time together today, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00018-00005304-00005602 but I wanted to start with this quote and 4pHZuJNMqF8-00019-00005616-00006162 talk about some ideas around it before we jump into some of the material in her book. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00020-00006180-00006336 The first quote is: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00021-00006336-00006959 "The process of using familiar cultural information and processes 4pHZuJNMqF8-00022-00006959-00007145 to scaffold learning." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00023-00007164-00007328 So, a couple of important things in there: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00024-00007338-00007554 cultural information, certainly, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00025-00007568-00007895 so that students can connect to things they're already familiar with, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00026-00007895-00008230 but also cultural processes. In other words, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00027-00008240-00008544 thinking about how students are used to learning— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00028-00008544-00008705 how prior learning has taken place— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00029-00008731-00008850 because a lot of times, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00030-00008850-00009250 that does not match up with how traditional higher education 4pHZuJNMqF8-00031-00009260-00009460 expects students to learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00032-00009520-00009750 Scaffolding is also really important 4pHZuJNMqF8-00033-00009750-00009870 so that students can 4pHZuJNMqF8-00034-00009870-00010250 build on top of previous learning as they go through your course, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00035-00010270-00010706 and maybe your course can even build on previous learning outside of the course. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00036-00010742-00011110 The second part of this definition is that culturally responsive teaching 4pHZuJNMqF8-00037-00011120-00011360 "Focuses on relationships, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00038-00011380-00011590 cognitive scaffolding and 4pHZuJNMqF8-00039-00011600-00011790 critical social awareness." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00040-00011790-00012180 So, we already see scaffolding is coming in again; clearly, that's very important. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00041-00012202-00012398 I also want to spend some time today 4pHZuJNMqF8-00042-00012412-00012786 really focusing on that first part, relationships, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00043-00012786-00013034 because more and more research is showing 4pHZuJNMqF8-00044-00013040-00013676 that relationships are absolutely crucial to priming the brain for learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00045-00013722-00013960 And, we'll be looking at a little bit of that research today 4pHZuJNMqF8-00046-00013960-00014196 and I'll be providing you with some resources 4pHZuJNMqF8-00047-00014204-00014618 so that you can take a deeper dive after our short time together today. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00048-00014638-00014751 So... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00049-00014751-00014980 Culturally responsive teaching does not mean 4pHZuJNMqF8-00050-00014980-00015263 that you have to be an expert in all cultures! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00051-00015290-00015644 It doesn't mean that you have to have information 4pHZuJNMqF8-00052-00015662-00016031 about every possible cultural background of the students that may be in your class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00053-00016032-00016466 It means that you acknowledge a variety of cultures and ways of learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00054-00016484-00016842 So, you're tapping into the prior experiences of your students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00055-00016842-00017226 even if you don't necessarily know exactly what those experiences are. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00056-00017248-00017510 One of the things that we can think about, in terms of this, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00057-00017510-00017954 is the way that different cultures approach learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00058-00017974-00018270 So, in American higher education-- 4pHZuJNMqF8-00059-00018292-00018666 actually, just in general, in educational institutions-- 4pHZuJNMqF8-00060-00018666-00019042 we tend to approach education through individualism. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00061-00019054-00019402 So, we look at things like individual merit and accomplishments, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00062-00019416-00019688 whereas, a lot of the learning that has taken place 4pHZuJNMqF8-00063-00019688-00020116 prior to coming into our educational system is based in collectivism. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00064-00020136-00020360 It is community oriented, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00065-00020360-00020632 and so recognizing that and tapping into that 4pHZuJNMqF8-00066-00020632-00020774 is one of the ways that 4pHZuJNMqF8-00067-00020774-00021044 culturally responsive teaching can really help our students learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00068-00021048-00021308 So it's meeting our students where they are. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00069-00021332-00021746 It is looking for ways that we can connect to what they already know, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00070-00021764-00021904 how they're already learning... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00071-00021920-00022280 Essentially, it's just customizing our teaching to our students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00072-00022297-00022596 One of the key things in Zaretta Hammond's book 4pHZuJNMqF8-00073-00022596-00022908 is the Ready for Rigor Framework. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00074-00022930-00023265 If you haven't seen this before, it is in her book, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00075-00023265-00023832 but it also is available online as a standalone document on her website. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00076-00023844-00024388 Her Ready for Rigor Framework is broken up into four quadrants 4pHZuJNMqF8-00077-00024394-00024938 and each one of these is a way that educators can think 4pHZuJNMqF8-00078-00024952-00025388 about education in a way that can get students ready for the kind of rigorous 4pHZuJNMqF8-00079-00025410-00025682 critical thinking that they'll need to do to be successful in the class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00080-00025710-00026127 So we're gonna break this down and, briefly, just talk about each one of the four, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00081-00026138-00026420 and then talk about how we could think about these concepts 4pHZuJNMqF8-00082-00026430-00026566 in an online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00083-00026627-00026836 First one... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00084-00026856-00026982 is Awareness, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00085-00026992-00027548 and this is actually focusing a lot on the individual educator's experience. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00086-00027548-00027977 So, there will be some questions for you to consider if you look at this in her book, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00087-00027986-00028374 ways to identify what your cultural lens might be, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00088-00028380-00028722 ways to think about the different, general types of culture 4pHZuJNMqF8-00089-00028724-00029056 (so, this is where individualism and collectivism is discussed). 4pHZuJNMqF8-00090-00029077-00029498 There's some information in here about recognizing how the brain learns 4pHZuJNMqF8-00091-00029508-00029788 and how your particular brain learns and 4pHZuJNMqF8-00092-00029808-00030188 how your particular brain is interpreting things based on its experience. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00093-00030202-00030559 So, due to the individual nature of this, I'm not going to delve into it too much, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00094-00030559-00030798 but this is a really important starting place 4pHZuJNMqF8-00095-00030798-00031088 when you're thinking about how to implement the strategies 4pHZuJNMqF8-00096-00031088-00031274 in culturally responsive teaching. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00097-00031332-00031646 The second one I'm going to dive a little bit more deeply into, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00098-00031646-00031916 and this is Learning Partnerships. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00099-00031944-00032583 So, one part of this is to re-imagine the student-teacher relationship. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00100-00032583-00032816 We're used to that phrase, the "sage on the stage," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00101-00032816-00033458 which is the way that traditional education has been offered for decades, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00102-00033474-00033626 maybe even centuries, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00103-00033642-00034132 and that is where the instructor's role is to present the knowledge 4pHZuJNMqF8-00104-00034142-00034402 and the students' role is to take it in. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00105-00034416-00034764 And, we have been re-imagining this for quite some time now 4pHZuJNMqF8-00106-00034772-00035108 because students can go to the internet to find that content 4pHZuJNMqF8-00107-00035108-00035462 and so sage on the stage is not necessarily even needed anymore. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00108-00035472-00035814 But, all the research suggests that it is not effective 4pHZuJNMqF8-00109-00035822-00036282 because students need to learn actively, not passively, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00110-00036306-00036530 and that sage on the stage is very passive. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00111-00036530-00036874 So, in re-imagining the student-teacher relationship as a partnership, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00112-00036900-00037172 in terms of culturally responsive teaching, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00113-00037172-00037796 it's also thinking about how the teacher can work with the student 4pHZuJNMqF8-00114-00037812-00038092 to make the learning effective. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00115-00038106-00038262 So, it's getting to know who your students are 4pHZuJNMqF8-00116-00038262-00038512 so you can form an effective partnership. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00117-00038528-00039046 It also leads to the student taking increased responsibility for that learning 4pHZuJNMqF8-00118-00039046-00039288 because they are in that partnership. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00119-00039434-00039844 Another aspect of this is taking responsibility 4pHZuJNMqF8-00120-00039864-00040366 to reduce the social-emotional stress that our students can sometimes experience. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00121-00040376-00040660 Whether it's in a face-to-face class or an online class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00122-00040660-00041022 And a lot of this comes from things like stereotype threat 4pHZuJNMqF8-00123-00041034-00041454 or microaggressions, where the student feels targeted for some aspect, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00124-00041478-00041756 usually a physical aspect of their outer self, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00125-00041756-00042266 and feels that they are going to be judged or stereotyped based on that, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00126-00042286-00042684 and that's very stressful and it can trigger that, kind of, fight-or-flight mechanism— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00127-00042706-00043028 It's not an ideal situation for learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00128-00043040-00043312 And so, to really help our students focus on the learning, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00129-00043320-00043630 we need to make sure that we are reducing that stress 4pHZuJNMqF8-00130-00043640-00043900 and we're making it a safe space for learning 4pHZuJNMqF8-00131-00043900-00044250 and not a space where they're expecting to experience this stress. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00132-00044256-00044504 And then, the last thing I wanted to spotlight here 4pHZuJNMqF8-00133-00044506-00044894 is the balance between care and push. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00134-00044894-00045148 So, many of us have already discovered this— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00135-00045148-00045626 this is kind of that sweet spot for learning— when we have students who really 4pHZuJNMqF8-00136-00045634-00046192 are feeling supported and are inspired to push a little bit harder in their learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00137-00046218-00046562 We know the importance of pushing our students to achieve, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00138-00046562-00046952 but a lot of times that push is not going to be received well 4pHZuJNMqF8-00139-00046970-00047182 if there isn't some trust and care along with it. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00140-00047183-00047476 So, that balance between showing students we're committed to them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00141-00047476-00047890 and we care about their success, and then pushing them to reach higher levels 4pHZuJNMqF8-00142-00047928-00048045 really go hand in hand, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00143-00048045-00048428 and I think a lot of us are very familiar with how to balance those two. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00144-00048462-00048920 But, how do we develop that care and that trust in an online environment? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00145-00048920-00049170 Sometimes, that's a little bit more challenging. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00146-00049180-00049444 And so, when we move on to the third quadrant 4pHZuJNMqF8-00147-00049444-00049576 of the Ready for Rigor Framework, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00148-00049577-00049900 We can really think about how we might want to approach that 4pHZuJNMqF8-00149-00049900-00050108 in an online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00150-00050126-00050606 One key thing is to make sure that it is a socially safe place for learning; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00151-00050606-00050764 as we talked about before, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00152-00050853-00051338 reducing the sense of stress and perceived threat in an environment 4pHZuJNMqF8-00153-00051338-00051505 is absolutely crucial, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00154-00051524-00051746 and making it a safe space for learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00155-00051746-00052186 And this can happen in things like setting up netiquette rules, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00156-00052191-00052408 so that your students have a clear understanding 4pHZuJNMqF8-00157-00052408-00052840 of what behavior is encouraged in an online environment, like a discussion, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00158-00052867-00053100 and what behavior won't be tolerated. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00159-00053100-00053544 When there are guidelines that say things like, "Personal attacks are not allowed," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00160-00053552-00053772 that can create that sense of safety. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00161-00053772-00053970 And then, of course, modeling that 4pHZuJNMqF8-00162-00053984-00054396 and responding if the netiquette rules are broken-- 4pHZuJNMqF8-00163-00054426-00054550 those are all important. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00164-00054550-00054840 You also could consider a syllabus statement 4pHZuJNMqF8-00165-00054840-00055266 about your commitment to a safe online learning environment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00166-00055279-00055741 or how, in this course, you and the whole course will be respecting 4pHZuJNMqF8-00167-00055791-00056095 diverse experiences and diverse voices. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00168-00056109-00056328 So, something where you're explicitly stating 4pHZuJNMqF8-00169-00056328-00056816 that this is an intellectual environment that's going to be valuing 4pHZuJNMqF8-00170-00056826-00057302 these types of interactions and also valuing diverse experiences— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00171-00057302-00057440 that can go a long way. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00172-00057470-00058167 And, a related idea is—after it's a safe space for students to contribute their ideas— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00173-00058176-00058424 to make sure that you have room for them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00174-00058424-00058684 to use their voice in that online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00175-00058685-00058994 So, giving some of the control of the class to the students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00176-00058994-00059358 creating assignments that ask students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00177-00059374-00059612 to actively participate in their own learning— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00178-00059612-00059822 that can be built right into assignments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00179-00059835-00060054 We commonly do this with discussions, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00180-00060054-00060268 where everybody is expected to contribute an idea. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00181-00060276-00060574 You also can do it with assignments that are project-based, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00182-00060574-00060799 where students share their project with the class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00183-00060800-00061076 so, the more space we have for student voices, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00184-00061076-00061396 the more comfortable they get contributing, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00185-00061408-00061798 but, again, it has to feel like a safe space in order for them to really freely do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00186-00062128-00062567 And then, the last area in our overview here is 4pHZuJNMqF8-00187-00062567-00062814 Information Processing. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00188-00062838-00063174 So, a few things to spotlight in this part of the framework: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00189-00063229-00063464 Providing an appropriate challenge 4pHZuJNMqF8-00190-00063478-00063708 in order to stimulate brain growth. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00191-00063708-00064155 There is a lot of research, which Zaretta Hammond actually cites in her book, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00192-00064155-00064526 about how you can grow a brain's capacity to learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00193-00064544-00064854 And, one of the ways is through productive struggle, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00194-00064854-00065317 through challenging assignments that are within the students reach, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00195-00065328-00065578 but push them a little bit to get there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00196-00065578-00065844 And that is a really excellent brain workout! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00197-00065862-00066002 In fact, that's the kind of thing that we do 4pHZuJNMqF8-00198-00066006-00066270 when we're doing a body workout as well, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00199-00066280-00066718 We don't expect somebody to run a marathon their first time out running, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00200-00066728-00067216 but we may have them push themselves to run a little further each time. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00201-00067258-00067714 So providing challenges is really important to stimulate that brain growth. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00202-00067744-00068274 And then, also, providing authentic opportunities in those assignments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00203-00068274-00068756 So, when we talk about authentic, we're talking about real-world opportunities. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00204-00068762-00069082 Creating assignments that are mimicking 4pHZuJNMqF8-00205-00069086-00069544 what students would do in the real world for this kind of topic. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00206-00069552-00069788 In other words, not a multiple-choice exam. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00207-00069806-00070082 They will not take a multiple-choice exam in the real world! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00208-00070082-00070244 That can be part of your class, certainly, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00209-00070244-00070458 but it's not going to do much for brain growth 4pHZuJNMqF8-00210-00070458-00070862 and helping students process that information and really learn it deeply. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00211-00070868-00071452 So, providing a balance, maybe, that could just check their comprehension, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00212-00071468-00071834 but then you also provide activities that let them try out these skills. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00213-00071835-00072002 So, maybe it would be something like 4pHZuJNMqF8-00214-00072002-00072294 writing a report for a fake company. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00215-00072294-00072614 And that would let them demonstrate that they've learned it 4pHZuJNMqF8-00216-00072614-00072804 by doing something that's a realistic assignment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00217-00072804-00073162 Or maybe it is writing a letter to the editor 4pHZuJNMqF8-00218-00073174-00073770 or doing the accounting books for a fake organization using some fake numbers. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00219-00073786-00074342 So, it's giving them opportunities to do field work within the class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00220-00074362-00074926 And... right in between those two, on the framework, is "connecting new content 4pHZuJNMqF8-00221-00074938-00075328 to culturally relevant examples and metaphors 4pHZuJNMqF8-00222-00075346-00075540 from students' community and everyday lives." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00223-00075540-00075792 In other words, when you're teaching the content, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00224-00075805-00076132 find a way to make it relevant to your students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00225-00076132-00076498 And this is specifically in terms of cultural relevance. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00226-00076514-00076874 So, a lot of times, the academic world 4pHZuJNMqF8-00227-00076874-00077344 can feel like a completely foreign environment for many of our students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00228-00077360-00077552 Finding a way to connect what they're learning 4pHZuJNMqF8-00229-00077552-00077840 to something they're already familiar with is really effective. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00230-00077840-00078182 Brain research into how we learn talks about that quite a bit; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00231-00078202-00078572 we hook new information onto existing information 4pHZuJNMqF8-00232-00078576-00078844 to convert it to long term learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00233-00078858-00079014 So, if you can think about 4pHZuJNMqF8-00234-00079026-00079408 culturally relevant examples—that's showing students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00235-00079422-00079690 how to connect to things they're already familiar with— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00236-00079690-00080020 these could be examples from pop culture, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00237-00080044-00080304 from family situations, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00238-00080332-00080678 and it could also be wide open, to let the students make those connections. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00239-00080688-00080880 So, maybe we provide an example, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00240-00080880-00081328 and then we let the students connect it to experiences in their lives. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00241-00081352-00081690 And then, going back to the idea of giving students the voice 4pHZuJNMqF8-00242-00081706-00082056 to share what they've learned, this would be a great opportunity to do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00243-00082057-00082332 So, they connect it to something that's relevant to them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00244-00082332-00082480 and then they share it with others, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00245-00082498-00082732 and so,= then students have all kinds of examples. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00246-00082760-00082984 And then the last thing I wanted to spotlight here 4pHZuJNMqF8-00247-00082984-00083298 is the importance of formative assessments and feedback. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00248-00083366-00083732 Formative assessments are ones that students can learn from, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00249-00083732-00084160 as opposed to a summative assessment which is often an end of the semester, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00250-00084227-00084494 high stakes sort of assessment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00251-00084494-00084756 where we determine what grade they get 4pHZuJNMqF8-00252-00084756-00084940 or how well they've understood the information. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00253-00084986-00085462 Those can be very stressful and a lot of times students don't really accurately show 4pHZuJNMqF8-00254-00085476-00085822 how much they know in a summative assessment that's very high stakes. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00255-00085822-00086138 But formative assessments are usually pretty low stakes. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00256-00086140-00086684 They're not worth a lot of points; the goal is to see where students are in their learning, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00257-00086702-00086816 give them some feedback, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00258-00086838-00087096 help them correct their course if they need to, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00259-00087110-00087348 and push them to learn a little bit more. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00260-00087348-00087630 So, that is found to be very effective 4pHZuJNMqF8-00261-00087652-00087980 in getting students ready for more rigorous learning 4pHZuJNMqF8-00262-00087998-00088264 and reaching students from a variety of backgrounds. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00263-00088264-00088520 And then, of course, feedback is a major part of that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00264-00088530-00088792 That's how the formative assessments become useful. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00265-00088792-00089300 They're getting some guidance to help them take control of their own learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00266-00089328-00089596 And, it's also a safe place for them to take some risks, too, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00267-00089614-00089826 because they know that if they mess up here, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00268-00089826-00090242 they're just going to be guided—they're not going to fail the course. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00269-00090362-00090634 Backing out from that framework, I wanted to share with you 4pHZuJNMqF8-00270-00090644-00091088 a couple of general culturally responsive teaching strategies 4pHZuJNMqF8-00271-00091088-00091252 that Zaretta Hammond shares. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00272-00091272-00091734 And these cross over several of the different topics we've talked about so far. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00273-00091754-00092106 One of them is building authentic relationships. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00274-00092124-00092480 If you don't have solid relationships with your students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00275-00092480-00092751 if they don't feel like they know you and trust you, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00276-00092776-00093078 then a lot of what we just talked about won't happen. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00277-00093090-00093502 So, if they don't feel like this is a safe place to learn and they can trust you 4pHZuJNMqF8-00278-00093576-00093820 to give them constructive feedback, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00279-00093820-00094080 they will not put themselves out there and take that risk. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00280-00094107-00094568 So, that's why it's described here as the "on-ramp to engagement and to learning." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00281-00094568-00094914 So, it all starts with building solid relationships with our students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00282-00094924-00095218 and we will talk about how to do that in an online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00283-00095306-00095594 Acknowledging students' diverse responses, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00284-00095608-00095780 diverse stress responses... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00285-00095780-00096208 So, we talked before about how those stress situations 4pHZuJNMqF8-00286-00096226-00096446 can make it difficult for students to learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00287-00096446-00096720 It can also make them react in ways that we don't expect. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00288-00096746-00096994 I think we've probably all had the experience of a student 4pHZuJNMqF8-00289-00096994-00097401 responding really negatively to something we said and we're kind of surprised, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00290-00097401-00097652 It's really important to find out why, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00291-00097652-00097938 to talk about it with the student, try to get to the heart of what it is 4pHZuJNMqF8-00292-00097956-00098140 so that you both can learn from that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00293-00098140-00098574 Because, if you are unintentionally triggering a stress-response in them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00294-00098580-00098690 because of something you said, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00295-00098690-00098848 you really want to know that 4pHZuJNMqF8-00296-00098848-00099124 so that you can be aware of that for the next time, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00297-00099124-00099274 For this student, for another student... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00298-00099282-00099748 and the student needs to be reassured that you are in their camp 4pHZuJNMqF8-00299-00099756-00099896 and that you are supporting them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00300-00099910-00100183 So, talking through those kind of situations is really important, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00301-00100183-00100342 and it primes the brain to be ready to learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00302-00100342-00100666 The third one is creating a community of learners 4pHZuJNMqF8-00303-00100666-00101098 and that's building on values of collaboration, connection— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00304-00101110-00101340 that collectivism we were talking about before. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00305-00101340-00101720 So, creating a community of learners helps students work together, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00306-00101732-00102094 learn with each other, not feel quite so isolated. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00307-00102146-00102592 And then, the last one is using brain research 4pHZuJNMqF8-00308-00102611-00102930 to increase the learning that happens in an environment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00309-00102930-00103194 and this is especially nice to think about for online. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00310-00103226-00103740 Connecting new content to existing content, as we talked about before, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00311-00103752-00104076 but one way that's really powerful to make that connection 4pHZuJNMqF8-00312-00104094-00104444 is using audio and visual. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00313-00104444-00104846 Those are ways that the brain is really primed to take in new information. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00314-00104858-00105004 It's not by reading. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00315-00105020-00105500 We were using our eyes and ears as human beings long before we had writing. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00316-00105530-00105966 And so, using audio and video is a really powerful way to help students learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00317-00105992-00106380 So, that could be an image that's anchoring some text on a page, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00318-00106402-00106796 It could be a video where you're talking to your students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00319-00106796-00107020 and music is specifically mentioned here too! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00320-00107029-00107314 So, maybe a video you're creating for students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00321-00107314-00107483 where you're talking about a new assignment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00322-00107483-00107814 maybe you have a soothing audio track behind it 4pHZuJNMqF8-00323-00107814-00108398 that's low but is influencing how students are hearing this discussion 4pHZuJNMqF8-00324-00108444-00108646 because a major assignment can be stressful, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00325-00108666-00108866 and music could certainly 4pHZuJNMqF8-00326-00108866-00109134 increase that stress or, hopefully, decrease it. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00327-00109134-00109346 So, you wouldn't want to play, like, the Jaws theme 4pHZuJNMqF8-00328-00109346-00109554 as you are talking about the new assignment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00329-00109554-00109909 but something that's classical or inspirational certainly could help! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00330-00109935-00110280 Okay! One area that I wanted to talk about a little bit, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00331-00110280-00110718 going back to the importance of authentic relationships and community building, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00332-00110747-00110983 is.. I wanted to bring in a little bit of research, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00333-00110983-00111180 that's actually outside of this book, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00334-00111180-00111516 on the importance of interaction in learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00335-00111538-00112032 So, this was a study of community college courses, as you can see here. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00336-00112033-00112383 They were looking at four elements of these 4pHZuJNMqF8-00337-00112383-00112633 community college online courses 4pHZuJNMqF8-00338-00112650-00112906 and the impact they had on student grades. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00339-00112906-00113088 So, the four they looked at were: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00340-00113094-00113472 organization and presentation of the material in the online class, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00341-00113558-00113961 learning objectives and the connection of those objectives to assessments, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00342-00114109-00114345 interpersonal interaction within the class, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00343-00114413-00114583 and use of technology. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00344-00114583-00114885 So, they wanted to see how these four 4pHZuJNMqF8-00345-00114908-00115330 impacted student success, as measured by grades. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00346-00115408-00115559 And what they found was 4pHZuJNMqF8-00347-00115559-00116208 the interpersonal interaction was, by far, the most significant factor 4pHZuJNMqF8-00348-00116218-00116335 on student grades. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00349-00116346-00116628 So, students who were in low-interaction courses 4pHZuJNMqF8-00350-00116661-00116976 earned nearly a letter grade lower 4pHZuJNMqF8-00351-00116976-00117308 than those who were in high interaction courses. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00352-00117326-00117526 It made the difference of a full letter grade. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00353-00117533-00117742 And here's the breakdown that you can see. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00354-00117788-00118130 So, the ones that had little interpersonal interaction, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00355-00118130-00118552 this was the average GPA, and strong interpersonal interaction, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00356-00118572-00118866 you can see, it's nearly a letter grade higher. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00357-00118948-00119152 And this is just looking at grades! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00358-00119164-00119466 This is not looking at the student perspective, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00359-00119466-00119654 how they perceived their learning. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00360-00119668-00119992 There also is research suggesting that they feel like they learned more 4pHZuJNMqF8-00361-00119992-00120196 in an interactive class, too. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00362-00120256-00120702 And so, it's really important for students to feel like 4pHZuJNMqF8-00363-00120714-00120874 their instructor cared about their learning 4pHZuJNMqF8-00364-00120874-00121104 and was there with them on that learning journey. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00365-00121139-00121480 And, in a face-to-face class, it's really easy to do this, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00366-00121480-00121814 Your facial expressions, your enthusiasm, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00367-00121835-00122096 your little side conversations with students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00368-00122118-00122435 to show them that you see them, you remember them, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00369-00122435-00122550 you're connected to them— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00370-00122550-00122868 that all just happens easily in a face-to-face class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00371-00122888-00123126 So, someone walks in the door, you greet them by name, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00372-00123126-00123502 you ask them some detail that you know about their lives, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00373-00123530-00123818 and it's nothing you even think too much about, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00374-00123818-00123987 But in an online environment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00375-00123988-00124533 it really needs to be consciously developed, and consistently developed. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00376-00124556-00124678 So, when we're teaching online, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00377-00124678-00125028 we really need to build that instructor presence in a variety of ways. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00378-00125040-00125248 We're not really there at the door to greet them individually, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00379-00125258-00125572 but maybe we create an icebreaker discussion 4pHZuJNMqF8-00380-00125572-00125808 where we do have a chance to greet them individually. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00381-00125808-00126098 And then, maybe we remember some details about them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00382-00126098-00126583 and we bring those into side conversations we have via email 4pHZuJNMqF8-00383-00126588-00126800 or in feedback on assignments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00384-00126800-00127020 Those sorts of things are really powerful! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00385-00127038-00127338 All right, so, I want to go back to Zaretta Hammond's book for a minute 4pHZuJNMqF8-00386-00127338-00127594 and talk about another concept that she has. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00387-00127594-00127998 This is actually a term that was coined by an educator in the 70's 4pHZuJNMqF8-00388-00127998-00128176 by the name of Judith Kleinfeld, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00389-00128196-00128672 and she looked at different educator personalities 4pHZuJNMqF8-00390-00128694-00129164 and she divided them up into four different types, based on a spectrum, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00391-00129164-00129632 and you can see the areas of Active Demandingness, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00392-00129648-00129924 meaning you're actively pushing students to achieve higher levels, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00393-00129940-00130168 versus Passive Leniency, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00394-00130182-00130398 so their achievement is not a priority. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00395-00130420-00130861 And then, the other spectrum here is Personal Warmth 4pHZuJNMqF8-00396-00130882-00131074 versus Professional Distance. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00397-00131074-00131364 And so, using this as a framework here, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00398-00131366-00131718 we've got these four different types of educators: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00399-00131718-00131872 the Warm Demander, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00400-00131872-00132012 the Technocrat, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00401-00132022-00132104 the Sentimentalist, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00402-00132120-00132210 and the Elitist. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00403-00132210-00132348 So, these are kind of fun to read through 4pHZuJNMqF8-00404-00132372-00132650 and think about characteristics of maybe yourself, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00405-00132650-00132826 maybe other educators that you know, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00406-00132850-00133198 but the one that I really want to focus on now is the Warm Demander 4pHZuJNMqF8-00407-00133206-00133690 because that has been found to be the most effective type of instruction. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00408-00133710-00133980 So, I wanted to go over a couple of details here 4pHZuJNMqF8-00409-00133980-00134300 and then talk about how we could think being Warm Demanders 4pHZuJNMqF8-00410-00134306-00134430 in an online environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00411-00134482-00134838 So, we're gonna come back and kind of break this down in a second. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00412-00134842-00135246 But, I wanted to bring in a quote about Warm Demanders 4pHZuJNMqF8-00413-00135270-00135476 because, again, remember this is a term that's been used 4pHZuJNMqF8-00414-00135476-00135650 in a variety of publications. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00415-00135692-00136112 "Warm Demanders expect a great deal of their students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00416-00136214-00136522 convince them of their own brilliance, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00417-00136568-00137104 and help them reach their potential in a disciplined and structured environment." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00418-00137176-00137402 There's a lot to unpack there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00419-00137434-00137862 Expecting a lot from students, but also convincing them that they can get there, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00420-00137862-00138412 that we completely believe in their ability to achieve those expectations. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00421-00138432-00138546 I think that's really critical 4pHZuJNMqF8-00422-00138546-00138826 because a lot of our students come in from a deficit mindset, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00423-00138826-00139166 not expecting to be able to do well, hoping to just survive, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00424-00139166-00139490 and if we can convince them that we believe they can do it, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00425-00139512-00139848 I think we've all seen the impact that can have on students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00426-00139848-00140184 And then, also having a structured environment to help them get there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00427-00140184-00140584 So that leniency is really deadly, especially online, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00428-00140602-00140884 because it enables procrastination; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00429-00140898-00141072 it doesn't encourage students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00430-00141072-00141410 to prioritize the assignments that they need to work on 4pHZuJNMqF8-00431-00141410-00141716 in order to achieve those expectations. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00432-00141752-00142134 So, I think that's just a beautiful quote; It really encapsulates a lot! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00433-00142134-00142334 Going back to Zaretta Hammond, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00434-00142338-00142656 I wanted to break this down a little bit (with some color coding!) 4pHZuJNMqF8-00435-00142676-00143084 in terms of an online environment and how we might do some of this. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00436-00143108-00143498 First, on the bulleted list here describing a Warm Demander, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00437-00143522-00144054 is... explicit focus on building rapport and trust. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00438-00144074-00144478 In other words, making it really overt that one of your priorities 4pHZuJNMqF8-00439-00144478-00144642 is building rapport with your students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00440-00144642-00144868 and you do that in a visible way in the class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00441-00144890-00145144 And so, some ways that Zaretta Hammond describes here: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00442-00145198-00145530 "Expresses warmth through nonverbal ways." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00443-00145550-00145882 Okay, well already there's a challenge in an online environment, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00444-00145882-00146228 How do we express warmth in an online environment? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00445-00146240-00146518 So some of the examples here are: tone of voice, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00446-00146548-00146680 good-natured teasing; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00447-00146681-00147066 those things are tricky in a text-only environment, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00448-00147066-00147552 Sometimes, what we think is funny, students might not interpret as funny, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00449-00147566-00147684 if it's text only. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00450-00147694-00148136 Teasing could be interpreted as very negative and critical by a student. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00451-00148136-00148336 So, one obvious solution 4pHZuJNMqF8-00452-00148336-00148630 is to incorporate some more audio and video to make that easier. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00453-00148638-00149082 But, there are ways that you can convey a warm tone 4pHZuJNMqF8-00454-00149086-00149252 in writing, too. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00455-00149252-00149520 And there are some very important places to do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00456-00149536-00149844 So, one really important place to pay attention to tone 4pHZuJNMqF8-00457-00149844-00150192 is the syllabus, because for many students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00458-00150212-00150596 that's the first document for the course that they have— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00459-00150596-00150806 that's their introduction to the course. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00460-00150806-00151054 And I think a lot of us, traditionally, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00461-00151068-00151382 have looked at a syllabus as a place to put all the rules. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00462-00151418-00151660 But, if you think about it as the students' introduction to the course, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00463-00151682-00152002 is that really what you want them focusing on, are all the rules? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00464-00152008-00152404 And oftentimes, those rules are written in really negative ways, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00465-00152404-00152610 Not even necessarily written by us, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00466-00152610-00153044 they're just policies and policies are not warm, by nature. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00467-00153066-00153436 So, one thing that we can do when we're looking at our syllabus, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00468-00153450-00153838 before each semester starts, is think about how we can revise it 4pHZuJNMqF8-00469-00153864-00154210 to make it match more with how we actually feel about teaching the course. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00470-00154228-00154442 So, to try to warm the tone up a little bit, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00471-00154442-00154744 maybe create a welcoming statement at the very beginning of the syllabus? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00472-00154751-00154898 In the policy area, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00473-00154898-00155338 see if we can build in a little bit of that confidence we have in our students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00474-00155344-00155588 our excitement about the subject matter, that sort of thing. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00475-00155588-00155860 And then, all the Week One communications 4pHZuJNMqF8-00476-00155860-00156038 are really important as well. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00477-00156046-00156218 So, think about the welcome letter 4pHZuJNMqF8-00478-00156218-00156450 you send out your students before the class starts. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00479-00156464-00156758 What kinds of things can you put in that welcome letter 4pHZuJNMqF8-00480-00156758-00156946 to really convey to students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00481-00156946-00157158 how great this class is going to be, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00482-00157158-00157350 how excited you are to work with them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00483-00157350-00157668 Think about the words you can use that will convey that warmth 4pHZuJNMqF8-00484-00157668-00157990 and that enthusiasm, and you also could make a video too, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00485-00157990-00158252 and you could include a link to it in that welcome letter! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00486-00158264-00158576 So, a lot of us send our welcome letters out as email to students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00487-00158576-00158794 because our Canvas course isn't open yet, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00488-00158800-00159208 or we open the course a few days early and we send it out as an announcement... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00489-00159208-00159648 In both of those situations, you could send a link to a website 4pHZuJNMqF8-00490-00159658-00160018 that you have for students, or a video that you've made for students... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00491-00160040-00160276 So, there are lots of possibilities there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00492-00160292-00160926 The second bullet talks about how you can show personal regard for students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00493-00160942-00161256 inquiring about events and people in their lives. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00494-00161264-00161524 In other words, showing that you see them as individuals. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00495-00161524-00162014 You know, a lot of students assume that their online instructors 4pHZuJNMqF8-00496-00162018-00162222 are basically just computers. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00497-00162238-00162422 Their class is on autopilot, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00498-00162428-00162588 it's not really taught by anybody... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00499-00162602-00162920 Maybe it was built by somebody, but it isn't really, actively being taught; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00500-00162932-00163322 somebody isn't there to answer their questions and respond to their emails... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00501-00163338-00163570 I hear that with surprising regularity. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00502-00163570-00163909 Not necessarily on our campus, but about online learning in general. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00503-00163909-00164140 So, getting to know our students early on 4pHZuJNMqF8-00504-00164140-00164506 can really help show them that we have a real instructor here—not just a computer! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00505-00164530-00164776 Icebreaker activities are a really common way to do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00506-00164776-00165068 One thing I like to do with icebreakers is 4pHZuJNMqF8-00507-00165084-00165521 take notes on each student as the icebreaker unfolds. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00508-00165521-00165740 So if it's a discussion in Canvas, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00509-00165746-00165914 and students are sharing some information 4pHZuJNMqF8-00510-00165914-00166248 about their experiences or their interests, I'll jot that down. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00511-00166268-00166464 There's even a place in Canvas to do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00512-00166464-00166804 In the Gradebook, you can activate the Notes field. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00513-00166818-00167198 It lines up right next to their information on the left hand side the Gradebook, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00514-00167210-00167526 and you can make that column as big or small as you want, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00515-00167526-00167698 and you can type information in there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00516-00167698-00167996 The students can't see it, it's only visible in the Gradebook view, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00517-00168010-00168384 but it's a really great way to put down some notes about your students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00518-00168384-00168576 so that when you are working with them, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00519-00168580-00168868 you can remember those things about them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00520-00168878-00169060 and bring those into the conversation. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00521-00169136-00169440 And another way to show students that we really see them as individuals 4pHZuJNMqF8-00522-00169440-00169762 is to use their individual names, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00523-00169776-00170162 Use their names in discussions, use their names when in messages and emails. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00524-00170192-00170504 In discussions, their name is right there, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00525-00170504-00170734 So you might think, "Well, I don't need to refer to them by name— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00526-00170734-00170858 I'm replying to them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00527-00170858-00171047 Obviously, they knew who I'm replying to." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00528-00171047-00171496 But, sometimes, students can think that those are just cookie cutter responses. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00529-00171496-00171936 If you use this person's name, it really says that you see them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00530-00171952-00172310 And so look for opportunities to use a person's name. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00531-00172310-00172736 Something I picked up from Michelle Pacansky-Brock from @ONE 4pHZuJNMqF8-00532-00172752-00173203 is putting a student's name in the subject line of an email. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00533-00173203-00173503 So, if you're reaching out to a student who hasn't been responsive in your course, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00534-00173508-00173880 you want to contact them by their college email, put their name in there. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00535-00173880-00174144 Say: "So-and-so, please respond," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00536-00174160-00174372 or, "So-and-so, just checking in..." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00537-00174390-00174716 And seeing their name in the subject line can really grab their attention 4pHZuJNMqF8-00538-00174716-00174930 and make them think that it's not just a form letter 4pHZuJNMqF8-00539-00174930-00175296 you're sending out to 20 students—it's actually for them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00540-00175424-00175668 Holding high standards is another key 4pHZuJNMqF8-00541-00175668-00175988 because, so far, we've talked about the warm part of a Warm Demander, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00542-00175990-00176212 but there's also the demander part, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00543-00176226-00176396 So holding high standards, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00544-00176396-00176710 sharing your confidence that students can reach those standards, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00545-00176710-00177116 is really essential, and it's essential to do it early and often. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00546-00177132-00177518 And it also is really essential to help them get there, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00547-00177530-00177728 that you scaffold those assignments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00548-00177736-00178112 So you build parts of the assignments on previous parts, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00549-00178118-00178478 versus just saying, "You have a major term paper due at the end of the semester, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00550-00178490-00178864 it's worth half your grade, be sure to turn it in by the last week of the semester," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00551-00178866-00179012 and then never talk about it again. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00552-00179020-00179374 That's just setting students up for failure and really stressing them out. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00553-00179398-00179838 But, if you scaffold an assignment where they do small step after small step 4pHZuJNMqF8-00554-00179838-00180190 and they experience victories along the way with each small step, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00555-00180212-00180552 then you're really helping them be successful, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00556-00180552-00180878 and they're still getting to that impressive final product at the end, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00557-00180888-00181088 but they got there step by step. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00558-00181124-00181392 Scaffolding is more important in an online class 4pHZuJNMqF8-00559-00181398-00181654 than a lot of people might realize, because in a face-to-face class, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00560-00181683-00181856 we're doing a little bit of scaffolding 4pHZuJNMqF8-00561-00181856-00182122 just in how we talk about things with students, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00562-00182136-00182454 We introduce something by reviewing what we did at the last class meeting. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00563-00182454-00182754 In an online environment, that might not happen as often. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00564-00182768-00183190 And so scaffolding--deliberately building the assignment into parts-- 4pHZuJNMqF8-00565-00183190-00183348 is a really good way to do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00566-00183372-00183726 And then the last thing on this list for a Warm Demander, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00567-00183734-00184062 is being "viewed by students as caring 4pHZuJNMqF8-00568-00184062-00184436 because of personal regard and 'tough love' stance." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00569-00184460-00184812 Thinking about how you can show students that you think they can do it, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00570-00184813-00185080 but also give them some challenge! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00571-00185080-00185374 Make it something that they can really feel proud of when they're done. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00572-00185390-00185725 So, building that productive struggle into the assignments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00573-00185751-00186114 Pushing them to go a little bit beyond their—what they feel are their abilities, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00574-00186114-00186282 what is in their comfort zone, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00575-00186300-00186536 pushing them to go just a little bit further, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00576-00186536-00186836 but expressing confidence that you're sure that they can do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00577-00186836-00187164 That's where the learning really starts to take off. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00578-00187202-00187686 So, that Warm Demander is something to think about, something to inspire to, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00579-00187704-00188216 something to try to make more overt in our online classes, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00580-00188228-00188314 even if we might feel like 4pHZuJNMqF8-00581-00188314-00188670 we're already really doing it, pretty effectively, in our face-to-face classes. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00582-00188844-00189262 And... along with this idea of the Warm Demander 4pHZuJNMqF8-00583-00189280-00189580 who is setting up these achievable challenges 4pHZuJNMqF8-00584-00189580-00189870 and supporting students by making sure that they know 4pHZuJNMqF8-00585-00189888-00190140 that we are confident they can do it, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00586-00190140-00190502 that's really building learning capacity in the brain. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00587-00190528-00190764 And one of the ways that we get there 4pHZuJNMqF8-00588-00190764-00191080 is by establishing that warm part really early. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00589-00191092-00191318 In other words, letting them know, from the beginning, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00590-00191334-00191650 that we're there to support them and that we believe they can do it 4pHZuJNMqF8-00591-00191650-00192006 because otherwise, the Demander part just kind of falls flat, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00592-00192020-00192192 And can even cause students just to drop out! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00593-00192192-00192582 So, one of the ways that Zaretta Hammond suggests that we do this 4pHZuJNMqF8-00594-00192600-00192814 is Trust Generators. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00595-00192814-00193094 So, this is the last big topic that I want to talk about from her book. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00596-00193188-00193700 "Trust generators," she says, "are universal in their ability to help us feel 4pHZuJNMqF8-00597-00193700-00194052 an instant sense of connection." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00598-00194082-00194454 These are things that build an instant connection with somebody, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00599-00194454-00194744 and we've probably all experienced them before; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00600-00194762-00195038 we just feel like this is a person we can trust. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00601-00195050-00195202 We're not even really sure why. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00602-00195202-00195536 It might be one of these things, in fact it very likely is one of these things: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00603-00195586-00195920 Selective Vulnerability (which we're going to talk about), 4pHZuJNMqF8-00604-00195976-00196086 Familiarity, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00605-00196086-00196264 a Similarity of Interests... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00606-00196264-00196538 So, someone who asks questions of you 4pHZuJNMqF8-00607-00196538-00196964 to get a sense of what you're interested in, and then, connects to those interests. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00608-00196982-00197184 So, you feel like you have something in common with them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00609-00197262-00197446 Concern, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00610-00197476-00197670 and Competence. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00611-00197700-00198126 So, a lot of times in instruction, we're obsessed with the last one, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00612-00198144-00198412 "...I need to make sure that my students see me as competent, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00613-00198412-00198490 as learned, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00614-00198490-00198608 as an expert in the field..." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00615-00198626-00199060 But, if they don't feel like they can connect to you, then that's just intimidating. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00616-00199060-00199368 So, that's the demander part without the warmth. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00617-00199390-00199772 So, the first part of this list is really, really important, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00618-00199772-00200140 and the one that I think we underestimate a lot of the time 4pHZuJNMqF8-00619-00200152-00200338 is selective vulnerability. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00620-00200338-00200534 So, I wanted to talk about that one, especially; 4pHZuJNMqF8-00621-00200558-00200950 what it is, how it works, how you can build it into an online class. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00622-00200972-00201192 So, here's another quote from the book. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00623-00201192-00201688 "People respect and connect with others 4pHZuJNMqF8-00624-00201704-00202068 who share their own vulnerable moments. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00625-00202090-00202600 It means showing your human side that is not perfect." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00626-00202704-00203078 Think about how you do that in a face-to-face environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00627-00203078-00203556 Are there ways that you show some vulnerable side of yourself 4pHZuJNMqF8-00628-00203570-00203796 and that endears people to you? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00629-00203904-00204154 Are there times where you have acknowledged 4pHZuJNMqF8-00630-00204154-00204342 that you made a mistake with your students? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00631-00204342-00204724 Or, you're sick and you come to class anyway and you hardly have a voice 4pHZuJNMqF8-00632-00204738-00205032 so you're whispering, and your students love you for that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00633-00205073-00205182 Why? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00634-00205188-00205430 Because you're sharing a vulnerable moment with them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00635-00205430-00205710 You're not feeling well; you're not looking great either! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00636-00205710-00206048 But you're there because they are important to you, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00637-00206048-00206232 And that really shows through. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00638-00206254-00206856 Or... what if you share a story of a difficult, challenging experience with students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00639-00206876-00207262 to show them how you can get through those and get to the other side. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00640-00207296-00207566 They really value that you're sharing that with them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00641-00207566-00207812 and they feel more connected to you. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00642-00207846-00208184 To give you an example I think that we are all very familiar with, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00643-00208208-00208556 what about the emails that we get from our superintendent/president? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00644-00208556-00208844 Usually weekly, sometimes a couple of times a week. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00645-00208844-00209264 How many of Kindred's emails display that selective vulnerability? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00646-00209282-00209546 She talks about the challenges that she has faced, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00647-00209564-00209694 the struggles that she has faced 4pHZuJNMqF8-00648-00209694-00209984 in trying to do some of the things that she's asking us to do. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00649-00210012-00210296 Or she'll talk about what she did over the weekend. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00650-00210296-00210723 For example, recently, about the challenges, the personal challenges 4pHZuJNMqF8-00651-00210742-00211090 of moving her father into an assisted living environment. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00652-00211101-00211354 So, I've never had that conversation with her, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00653-00211354-00211552 but she shared it with me by email 4pHZuJNMqF8-00654-00211569-00211714 and I still remember it. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00655-00211723-00211856 It really impacted me. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00656-00211867-00212288 So, I feel now that I am more connected to her because of that, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00657-00212288-00212802 and that happened entirely through text, sent over email. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00658-00212821-00213030 So, if we think about how we can 4pHZuJNMqF8-00659-00213030-00213356 build selective vulnerability into an online environment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00660-00213380-00213569 Kindred is a great example of that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00661-00213608-00213821 To dig a little bit deeper into this, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00662-00213838-00214482 "People respect and connect with others who share their own vulnerable moments." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00663-00214498-00214678 So, if we're asking our students to be vulnerable, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00664-00214678-00215086 it's important that we are willing to be vulnerable too, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00665-00215086-00215252 to kind of model that for them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00666-00215286-00215538 So, one way you can do that is you can use video 4pHZuJNMqF8-00667-00215538-00215684 to let students get to know you! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00668-00215712-00216073 Let them see who you actually are, and in that video, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00669-00216132-00216382 be willing to show some imperfection. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00670-00216382-00216546 If you make a mistake, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00671-00216546-00216856 if you trip over a word, don't throw it out and start over, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00672-00216880-00217023 laugh at yourself and move on! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00673-00217023-00217442 That shows them that you are willing to share yourself with them, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00674-00217471-00217728 and that they are important enough to you 4pHZuJNMqF8-00675-00217728-00218142 that you're not going to let a mistake stand in the way of connecting with them! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00676-00218278-00218619 Taking risks and talking through those risks with students is really important. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00677-00218619-00218992 For example, if you are a language instructor, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00678-00219006-00219348 tell your students about experiences you've had in learning a new language. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00679-00219366-00219494 What were some of your struggles? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00680-00219494-00219686 What were some of your failures? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00681-00219688-00219840 How did you work through those? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00682-00219844-00220084 How did you learn from those failures? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00683-00220084-00220317 Those are the kind of lessons that really stick with students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00684-00220317-00220586 but it also shows them your human side, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00685-00220604-00220808 and it models for them what they can do. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00686-00220919-00221267 Along those lines, embracing mistakes is super important! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00687-00221267-00221510 Because, if we want students to make mistakes 4pHZuJNMqF8-00688-00221536-00221916 and take risks as they're learning, we need to do that for them as well! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00689-00221962-00222176 In fact, (whispering) make a mistake on purpose, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00690-00222190-00222350 just so you can admit to it! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00691-00222350-00222546 Just so you can talk about it with them! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00692-00222546-00222848 If they see that you are a human being who makes mistakes, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00693-00222848-00223264 they are much more willing to make mistakes of their own 4pHZuJNMqF8-00694-00223267-00223417 and learn from them. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00695-00223417-00223748 So I just cannot emphasize how important that is. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00696-00223916-00224234 Another really valuable one, in an online environment, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00697-00224234-00224468 is to share stories with students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00698-00224469-00224810 We do this in the face-to-face classroom all the time, right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00699-00224810-00225215 We tell a little story that is relevant to whatever the lesson is for the day, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00700-00225244-00225444 or relevant to what the students are working on, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00701-00225444-00225969 and we let students into our lives a little bit so they can learn from that story. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00702-00226017-00226371 And, sometimes we don't make space for that in an online environment 4pHZuJNMqF8-00703-00226371-00226582 because things are developed ahead of time 4pHZuJNMqF8-00704-00226582-00227086 and a lot of times, those face-to-face classroom stories are spontaneous. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00705-00227098-00227610 So, the advice here is to look for places to build those stories in. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00706-00227646-00227938 Maybe you're making a video to welcome students to the class... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00707-00227944-00228067 can you tell a little story 4pHZuJNMqF8-00708-00228067-00228376 about your experience when you took this class as a student? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00709-00228408-00228716 Or, an experience you've had as a teacher of this class, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00710-00228732-00229076 so that they get to learn a little bit about you 4pHZuJNMqF8-00711-00229086-00229388 and a little bit about the class, through that storytelling. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00712-00229406-00229654 You can do this in an icebreaker discussion as well. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00713-00229667-00230036 And if you start sharing stories, then students feel comfortable sharing stories, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00714-00230036-00230288 and that's how you really get a community going. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00715-00230476-00230784 And then, tying into that last part of this quote, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00716-00230784-00231067 showing the human side of you that's not perfect. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00717-00231114-00231414 I think it's really important to have a mantra like this: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00718-00231450-00231732 Choose the real over the perfect. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00719-00231748-00232096 You always want to be real with students rather than perfect with them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00720-00232096-00232264 because they don't get anything from perfect. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00721-00232276-00232656 Perfect makes it seem like your class is being taught by a computer, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00722-00232669-00233134 or by a newscaster who always looks perfect on video. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00723-00233154-00233504 They'd much rather have a real human being who can help them 4pHZuJNMqF8-00724-00233504-00233728 because they are real human beings as well. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00725-00233758-00234092 A real human being who makes mistakes can help them when they make mistakes. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00726-00234117-00234467 So, it'll be much more comfortable learning with us when they see us as humans, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00727-00234467-00234702 and that's what selective vulnerability does. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00728-00234710-00234958 It doesn't mean you have to share everything about your personal life— 4pHZuJNMqF8-00729-00234958-00235104 it's selective. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00730-00235121-00235594 It's things that you think would help your students learn. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00731-00235612-00235769 So, there is a bit of strategy in there, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00732-00235771-00236192 but it also really creates a lot of community with your students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00733-00236192-00236523 and once they trust you, they're really willing to work hard. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00734-00236688-00236904 Okay, so that was a lot! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00735-00236904-00237066 We threw a lot in here! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00736-00237066-00237383 I have one more thing that I want to share with you just as a... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00737-00237436-00237596 something to think about... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00738-00237606-00237840 and then we're going to open this up to discussion. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00739-00237854-00238282 And, so, this is something new that has been developed 4pHZuJNMqF8-00740-00238300-00238852 and is starting to be used in our community college system, or at least discussed. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00741-00238876-00239048 It is the Peralta Equity Rubric. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00742-00239048-00239408 Peralta Community College District has developed this rubric, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00743-00239408-00239586 called an Equity Rubric, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00744-00239604-00239910 that is designed to help online instructors 4pHZuJNMqF8-00745-00239910-00240456 build equity-minded concepts and strategies into their courses. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00746-00240473-00240810 And, so, it ties in a lot with some of the stuff that we're talking about here. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00747-00240823-00240980 We're not going to go over all of it, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00748-00240980-00241310 but I did want to point out a couple of areas to you. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00749-00241310-00241550 Section 2 of this rubric, Diversity and Inclusion: 4pHZuJNMqF8-00750-00241584-00241889 "Course content, activities, and instructor statements 4pHZuJNMqF8-00751-00241948-00242316 consistently demonstrate that diversity is valued in the course." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00752-00242316-00242645 It goes back to what we were talking about earlier with how our syllabus 4pHZuJNMqF8-00753-00242671-00243130 can be an opportunity to convey our warmth, our enthusiasm, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00754-00243130-00243423 and our value placed on the student voice. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00755-00243440-00243642 So, there it is right here in this rubric. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00756-00243642-00243928 "Images and representations..." in the next one, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00757-00243928-00244173 "...represent or reflect diversity..." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00758-00244198-00244360 So, that's going to counter 4pHZuJNMqF8-00759-00244360-00244771 that sense of stereotype threat and stress that we talked about before. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00760-00244771-00245067 and then the—this last one in this list, here, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00761-00245082-00245716 Human Interaction Bias, student dem— err, "Instructor demonstrates self-reflection of their own biases..." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00762-00245748-00246054 How powerful is that kind of vulnerability?! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00763-00246054-00246596 If you're talking about bias in your class, and you share an example of your bias, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00764-00246616-00246896 that's really going to have an impact on students. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00765-00247050-00247582 The second page of this rubric has a focus on content, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00766-00247617-00247982 on personal connections with students (as we've been talking about), 4pHZuJNMqF8-00767-00248019-00248442 on Universal Design and, lastly, on student support. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00768-00248442-00248971 So, this is a great way to concretely approach 4pHZuJNMqF8-00769-00248988-00249217 some of the strategies that we have been talking about here. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00770-00249219-00249610 So if you want to, download, kind of try it out with your course, apply it, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00771-00249630-00249954 and see if there are any places where you're finding some ways to improve. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00772-00249978-00250319 This is not an exact overlay with Culturally Responsive Teaching, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00773-00250319-00250888 but, this equity-minded approach does have several similarities 4pHZuJNMqF8-00774-00250906-00251082 with Culturally Responsive Teaching. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00775-00251142-00251467 So, with that, I wanted to make sure that we have plenty of time 4pHZuJNMqF8-00776-00251488-00251754 to discuss some of your ideas, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00777-00251754-00252014 some of your examples, some of your questions. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00778-00252014-00252252 So, let's see here...um... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00779-00252252-00252390 "Giving feedback"... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00780-00252390-00252667 "Using the audio recorder in Speedgrader," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00781-00252682-00252988 mm-hmm, "Getting much more response back from students," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00782-00252988-00253432 and, "It is a rich area for vulnerability, since I speak spontaneously," 4pHZuJNMqF8-00783-00253442-00253844 That's right! You can make a mistake. You can say your ums and those become... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00784-00253910-00254034 um...um... 4pHZuJNMqF8-00785-00254034-00254234 endearing! (chime tone) 4pHZuJNMqF8-00786-00254250-00254530 I saw that Maria, in the chat, said, "Zoom." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00787-00254532-00254640 Absolutely! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00788-00254640-00254930 Zoom is a really easy way to meet with students, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00789-00254930-00255140 groups of students or individuals, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00790-00255156-00255510 and it lets them see the smile on your face, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00791-00255526-00255926 see the concern, if they're telling you about a challenge they're facing, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00792-00255926-00256271 and then they feel like they've really been heard, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00793-00256282-00256440 (chime tone) they've really connected with somebody. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00794-00256440-00256884 We have Viara saying, "VoiceThread is really helping to connect." 4pHZuJNMqF8-00795-00256884-00256980 Mm-hmm. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00796-00256980-00257221 And, yeah, VoiceThread is a really good way 4pHZuJNMqF8-00797-00257221-00257500 to get that tone of voice effortlessly, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00798-00257519-00257742 both for the instructor and the student, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00799-00257742-00258282 because if you have the option to easily communicate in audio or video, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00800-00258321-00258508 students will choose it, if it's easy. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00801-00258526-00258780 And so in VoiceThread, with a click of a button, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00802-00258780-00258978 you choose if you want to type something, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00803-00258978-00259258 if you want to speak it, or if you want to use video. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00804-00259282-00259632 And, you know, an interesting thing that that brings up is, um, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00805-00259642-00259940 we talked about how important it is for students 4pHZuJNMqF8-00806-00259940-00260158 to get to know us as real human beings. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00807-00260180-00260504 Sometimes, we need to get to know our students as real human beings, too, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00808-00260504-00260597 right? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00809-00260597-00260842 If we only see them as a name on a page 4pHZuJNMqF8-00810-00260842-00261104 that earns a certain grade and turns into a certain kind of work, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00811-00261139-00261371 maybe we don't see them as a complete human being? 4pHZuJNMqF8-00812-00261435-00261814 And, in a face-to-face class, we— that happens naturally, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00813-00261814-00261926 but in an online class, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00814-00261926-00262224 sometimes we might not understand everything a student is going through, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00815-00262286-00262620 and...or really understand who the student is, 4pHZuJNMqF8-00816-00262620-00262904 and audio and video can really help us do that. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00817-00262904-00263267 So, I I get how VoiceThread would have that impact. Mm-hmm. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00818-00263398-00263572 Well, we are out of time. 4pHZuJNMqF8-00819-00263572-00263944 Thank you so much for joining us today for this really important discussion! 4pHZuJNMqF8-00820-00263964-00264236 I have the feeling this is just the beginning... 4OjTTbeW26c-00000-00000006-00000519 welcome to motivation Mondays in this video I'm gonna be giving you four 4OjTTbeW26c-00001-00000519-00000882 lesson that I learned from flunking out of college and you can apply to your 4OjTTbeW26c-00002-00000882-00002106 life to help you be better my name is Jalon I'm from the real Scots but we are 4OjTTbeW26c-00003-00002106-00002693 real people just like you we strive to keep you entertained and inspired if 4OjTTbeW26c-00004-00002693-00003042 this is your first time on our channel then welcome hopefully you enjoy the 4OjTTbeW26c-00005-00003042-00003407 content and if you do maybe you should consider subscribing and if you haven't 4OjTTbeW26c-00006-00003407-00003821 already make sure you go back and watch my storytime where I talk about where I 4OjTTbeW26c-00007-00003821-00004214 flunked out of college cuz that video is pretty much a pretty lewd to this videos 4OjTTbeW26c-00008-00004214-00004505 I'll have it up here in the card somewhere so you can go back and watch 4OjTTbeW26c-00009-00004505-00005085 it lesson number one lesson number one is begin with the end in mind to begin 4OjTTbeW26c-00010-00005085-00005616 with the end in mind is happy number two from a book called the seven Habits of 4OjTTbeW26c-00011-00005616-00006018 Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey when I was accepted into 4OjTTbeW26c-00012-00006018-00006693 college I was so excited so overjoyed about being accepted and I forgot to 4OjTTbeW26c-00013-00006693-00007164 think about the work that it takes in order to get to the finish line which 4OjTTbeW26c-00014-00007164-00007488 was graduation in that particular case now don't get me wrong there's nothing 4OjTTbeW26c-00015-00007488-00008018 wrong with celebrating your successes but you cannot forget to have vision and 4OjTTbeW26c-00016-00008018-00008565 to incorporate that where there is no vision the people perish but at some 4OjTTbeW26c-00017-00008565-00008993 point you have to sit down and think about what do I want to accomplish from 4OjTTbeW26c-00018-00008993-00009534 this and how can I accomplish it for example before I joined the military one 4OjTTbeW26c-00019-00009534-00009906 of the first things that I did was sat down with a piece of paper and I wrote 4OjTTbeW26c-00020-00009906-00010359 down what goes I wanted to accomplish before I got out and how I was gonna 4OjTTbeW26c-00021-00010359-00010872 accomplish them and now three and a half years later I've accomplished pretty 4OjTTbeW26c-00022-00010872-00011292 much every last one of my goals and then some the only one that I haven't 4OjTTbeW26c-00023-00011292-00011678 finished is graduating from college and as you guys can see from the last video 4OjTTbeW26c-00024-00011678-00012242 I'm really close to doing that so lesson number one is celebrate your successes 4OjTTbeW26c-00025-00012242-00012789 but don't forget to incorporate in vision this doesn't only apply to people 4OjTTbeW26c-00026-00012789-00013197 going to college if you know somebody that's just gotten married or maybe they 4OjTTbeW26c-00027-00013197-00013526 just got promoted maybe they just joined the military maybe 4OjTTbeW26c-00028-00013526-00013868 they're about to go to high school from middle school whatever the case may be 4OjTTbeW26c-00029-00013868-00014408 if you're about to go into a new experience in your life make sure you 4OjTTbeW26c-00030-00014408-00015050 have vision lesson number two is take advantage of your resources when I first 4OjTTbeW26c-00031-00015050-00015587 got to school I remember the first thing that they did was take me in my uncle on 4OjTTbeW26c-00032-00015587-00016010 a tour and one of the first places that they took us to was this building where 4OjTTbeW26c-00033-00016010-00016421 they had tutors I pretty much just shrugged it off because I was thinking 4OjTTbeW26c-00034-00016421-00016841 in my mind there's no way that I'm gonna need a tutor because I'm a genius right 4OjTTbeW26c-00035-00016841-00017231 but that was a huge mistake because I definitely needed a tutor there were 4OjTTbeW26c-00036-00017231-00017693 other resources that were out there and I just never even considered to take 4OjTTbeW26c-00037-00017693-00018110 advantage of them when I could have and it could have helped me a lot but what 4OjTTbeW26c-00038-00018110-00018611 you can do is take advantage of those resources and that's not just people who 4OjTTbeW26c-00039-00018611-00018950 are in college there's people who want to start businesses and have a 4OjTTbeW26c-00040-00018950-00019349 restaurant gonna be speakers they get that promotion well who want a specific 4OjTTbeW26c-00041-00019349-00019724 job when I go back to school people who want to be better parents whatever the 4OjTTbeW26c-00042-00019724-00020132 case may be if you want to do anything take advantage of those resources 4OjTTbeW26c-00043-00020132-00020639 because there's several of them out there I promise you no matter what you 4OjTTbeW26c-00044-00020639-00021062 want to do there's plenty of resources you just have to put in the work in the 4OjTTbeW26c-00045-00021062-00021514 research to find them but once you do find them make sure you take advantage 4OjTTbeW26c-00046-00021514-00022133 lesson number three lesson number three is don't spend excessive time around 4OjTTbeW26c-00047-00022133-00022625 like-minded people now hold on I'm not saying don't have friends 4OjTTbeW26c-00048-00022625-00023024 what I'm saying is you need to incorporate people into your lives who 4OjTTbeW26c-00049-00023024-00023495 are at a higher level than you are because those people are gonna help you 4OjTTbeW26c-00050-00023495-00023894 to gravitate to higher levels in your life but if you only hang around people 4OjTTbeW26c-00051-00023894-00024374 who are at the same level as you then you'll never grow I needed more people 4OjTTbeW26c-00052-00024374-00025016 in my life who read higher levels then I was to help gravitate me towards a 4OjTTbeW26c-00053-00025016-00025430 higher level now it's natural for us to gravitate towards people who are just 4OjTTbeW26c-00054-00025430-00025862 like us because we have similarities right but it's actually a lot more 4OjTTbeW26c-00055-00025862-00026221 difficult to get in tune with so at a higher level than you because 4OjTTbeW26c-00056-00026221-00026521 typically they don't do the same things that you do they don't go to the same 4OjTTbeW26c-00057-00026521-00026896 places that you go to so you have to kind of go out of your way to find those 4OjTTbeW26c-00058-00026896-00027322 people so I got a power tip for you if it's hard for you to find people like 4OjTTbeW26c-00059-00027322-00027755 that take advantage of the internet because there's a lot of books and 4OjTTbeW26c-00060-00027755-00028174 there's a lot of speeches online and allow you to get into the minds of some 4OjTTbeW26c-00061-00028174-00028643 of the most successful people so whatever you want to do find out who's 4OjTTbeW26c-00062-00028643-00029068 the most successful in that area and see if they got a book see if they have 4OjTTbeW26c-00063-00029068-00029500 speeches on YouTube see if they have a podcast whatever the case may be because 4OjTTbeW26c-00064-00029500-00029965 ultimately when you listen to that stuff or you read those materials all you're 4OjTTbeW26c-00065-00029965-00030437 doing is digging into the mind of that person which is ultimately why you want 4OjTTbeW26c-00066-00030437-00030887 to hang around those people who are at higher levels anyway so you can get into 4OjTTbeW26c-00067-00030887-00031372 their minds find out what they do and imitate that so you can grow and be 4OjTTbeW26c-00068-00031372-00031924 better so imagine if you can spend a day with Oprah or Eric Thomas or Michael 4OjTTbeW26c-00069-00031924-00032362 Jordan insert name here whoever you think is really successful imagine if 4OjTTbeW26c-00070-00032362-00032695 you can spend time with that person you can all you have to do is read a book 4OjTTbeW26c-00071-00032695-00033163 watch the speech go to the library and check out several books so lesson number 4OjTTbeW26c-00072-00033163-00033743 three spend less time with people who are just like you and spend more time 4OjTTbeW26c-00073-00033743-00034202 but people who are at a higher level than you so that you can grow so you can 4OjTTbeW26c-00074-00034202-00034777 become better so that you can hit all of your goals lesson number four lesson 4OjTTbeW26c-00075-00034777-00035302 number four is don't let the fear of failure keep you from moving forward in 4OjTTbeW26c-00076-00035302-00035677 the last video I told you guys that I was really depressed 4OjTTbeW26c-00077-00035677-00036074 because I was afraid of what the future was gonna hold I didn't know what I was 4OjTTbeW26c-00078-00036074-00036547 gonna be doing or where I was gonna be that thought can be scary you can't let 4OjTTbeW26c-00079-00036547-00037069 it keep you from reaching your potential and opening up your greatness the 4OjTTbeW26c-00080-00037069-00037513 biggest reason that I was depressed was because I didn't know the future but 4OjTTbeW26c-00081-00037513-00038068 news flash nobody knows the future except for God so there's no reason to 4OjTTbeW26c-00082-00038068-00038480 fear the future just because you don't know what's gonna come next fear is 4OjTTbeW26c-00083-00038480-00038952 simply an emotion that we place into our minds out of a thought that doesn't 4OjTTbeW26c-00084-00038952-00039501 and it may not ever exist Will Smith has put out quite a few videos recently 4OjTTbeW26c-00085-00039501-00040048 about fear and about failure and one of the things that he see is that the most 4OjTTbeW26c-00086-00040048-00040564 successful people in life are the ones who fail the most what Disney was fired 4OjTTbeW26c-00087-00040564-00040960 from a job for not having enough imagination Jim Carrey used to live out 4OjTTbeW26c-00088-00040960-00041269 of his car Oprah was fired from a job as a news 4OjTTbeW26c-00089-00041269-00041584 reporter because they said that she couldn't separate her emotions enough 4OjTTbeW26c-00090-00041584-00042043 before TD jakes had the big megachurch that he has today he preached at a 4OjTTbeW26c-00091-00042043-00042598 church that only had 40 people on Easter so my point is failure is gonna be a 4OjTTbeW26c-00092-00042598-00043114 part of the process of growth of success it's gonna be there you can't escape it 4OjTTbeW26c-00093-00043114-00043627 it's inevitable the most successful people don't sit on their failures they 4OjTTbeW26c-00094-00043627-00044017 get back up and they continue to move and ultimately that's gonna be what 4OjTTbeW26c-00095-00044017-00044455 separates you from the next person so don't let the fear of failure consume 4OjTTbeW26c-00096-00044455-00045016 you instead seek failure because you have to go through failure in order for 4OjTTbeW26c-00097-00045016-00045469 you to get to your success so number one have 20/20 vision 4OjTTbeW26c-00098-00045469-00046057 number two use every resource that you have available to you number three don't 4OjTTbeW26c-00099-00046057-00046591 flop with the pigeons but soar with the Eagles and number four seek out failure 4OjTTbeW26c-00100-00046591-00047020 because you have to go through it in order for you to get to your success 4OjTTbeW26c-00101-00047020-00047497 today's quote of the day the quote of the day comes from Eric Thomas pain is 4OjTTbeW26c-00102-00047497-00048183 not permanent it may last for a minute an hour a day even a year but eventually 4OjTTbeW26c-00103-00048183-00048925 it will subside and something else will take its place but if you quit it'll 4OjTTbeW26c-00104-00048925-00049261 last forever so thank you for watching the video forget all that stuff about 4OjTTbeW26c-00105-00049261-00049714 subscribing right now what I want you to focus on is using these lessons to help 4OjTTbeW26c-00106-00049714-00050362 you grow your influence and to become better people my focus my aim my intent 4OjTTbeW26c-00107-00050362-00050938 is to help you to grow to help you to be a better person and to help you to reach 4OjTTbeW26c-00108-00050938-00051405 your goals hopefully I'll see you in the next motivation Monday until next time 4OjTTbeW26c-00109-00051405-00052251 i'm jalan with the real scotch we are real people just like you peace 4OjTTbeW26c-00110-00052770-00052976 you 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00002-00000398-00001244 This time, I'll tell how to use Symmetrical ruler and technique to make natural appearance. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00003-00001342-00001512 How to Use Symmetrical Ruler 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00004-00001556-00001878 On the [Tool] palette, select the [Ruler] tool. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00005-00001928-00002250 On the [Sub tool] palette, select [Symmetrical ruler]. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00006-00002310-00002606 On the [Tool Property] palette, configure the number of the lines of the symmetrical ruler, etc. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00007-00002674-00002794 [Number of lines] 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00008-00002842-00003524 It means the number of lines which can be drawn concurrently. Configure "2" if you want to draw a bilaterally symmetric picture. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00009-00003584-00004144 Click the starting point on the canvas, and set the angle by dragging it. It is set when you take the pen off. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00010-00004172-00004750 When you want to set the angle horizontal or vertical Set [Step of angle] 45 and turn it ON. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00011-00004762-00005072 If turned OFF, the angle can be set freely 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00012-00005098-00005498 When you want to draw a geometrical pattern, increase the number of lines. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00013-00005766-00005872 [Line symmetry] 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00014-00005892-00006342 When turned on, the "Line symmetry" ruler is created. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00015-00006384-00006850 When turned off, the "Rotation symmetry" ruler is created. You can draw rotationally symmetric pictures with the cross as a symmetric axis. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00016-00006944-00007384 Turn it ON when you want to draw bilaterally symmetric pictures. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00017-00007456-00007680 [Create at editing latyer] 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00018-00007704-00008086 When turned ON, the ruler icon will be displayed on the selected layer. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00019-00008095-00009224 In the upper right in the [Layer] palette, click the [Set showing area of ruler] icon. [Show Only When Editing Target] is checked. So the ruler will be hidden if another layer is selected. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00020-00009264-00009790 If you want to move the ruler to another layer, drag the ruler icon to another layer. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00021-00009836-00010268 If you want to copy the ruler to another layer, drag the ruler icon to another layer while holding down ALT. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00022-00010346-00010496 [Create at editing latyer] 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00023-00010518-00010918 When turned OFF, A ruler layer will be created on Paper Layer. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00024-00010952-00011728 Click the [Set showing area of ruler] icon. [Show in All Layers] is checked. The ruler can be used on all the layers. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00025-00011838-00012104 Convenient Usage after Creating Symmetrical Ruler 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00026-00012138-00012882 By clicking on the ruler icon on a layer while holding down the Shift key, the ruler can easily be shown/hidden. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00027-00012928-00013622 If you want to change the angle after creating ruler, select the ruler after selecting the [Operation] tool. The angle can be changed by dragging the round icon of the ruler. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00028-00013646-00014128 The ruler is movable by dragging the cross icon. * The drawing don't follow the ruler. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00029-00014176-00014640 If you want to move the ruler and the drawing together, use the [Move layer] tool. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00030-00014696-00014832 * The angle cannot be changed. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00031-00014886-00016222 If you cannot snap pen, eraser, and Marquee Tool to Symmetrical ruler, click the [Sub tool detail] icon in the lower right in the [Tool Property] palette. Check [Possible to snap] in [correction], and you can snap them. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00032-00016260-00016534 Check that if you cannot snap them. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00033-00016596-00016974 [How to Make the Front Face Picture Drawn with Symmetrical Ruler into Natural Appearance] 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00034-00017004-00017224 Draw lines on one side of the ruler. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00035-00017280-00018002 The parts that will be asymmetrical, such as the top of hair and the forelock, aren't drawn now. Draw only an outline and the flow of hair. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00036-00018094-00018420 Add details after balancing the whole. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00037-00018490-00018842 Create a new layer and draw the top of hair and the forelock asymmetrically. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00038-00018876-00019758 Create a new layer under the layer on which lines are drawn, , color, and check the whole balance. Make a modification and a coordination, and the line drawing of front face picture is completed. 4S9Dj9Zoxb8-00039-00019826-00021068 In a front face picture, noticeable parts are only the top of hair, the forelock, and positions of eyes. So, create another layer and draw them asymmetrically as necessary That makes a front face picture look natural. By all means, please try that. 4TjlPUkez0c-00000-00001567-00001898 So it's nice seeing you all today thank you for joining us. 4TjlPUkez0c-00001-00001898-00002433 Everyone's looking great, I hope you all are doing okay during the pandemic. 4TjlPUkez0c-00002-00002433-00003329 Dr. Mullaney you're on mute! 4TjlPUkez0c-00003-00003329-00003525 Come on you're on mute! 4TjlPUkez0c-00004-00003525-00003744 Anyway, sorry about that. 4TjlPUkez0c-00005-00003744-00004247 We have endured two years of separation, two years of darkness, and two years of despair, 4TjlPUkez0c-00006-00004247-00004868 but now at this holiday season of 2021, we can finally come together and celebrate our 4TjlPUkez0c-00007-00004868-00005093 good fortune. 4TjlPUkez0c-00008-00005093-00005515 We know it's been difficult but SUNY CCC students are resilient. 4TjlPUkez0c-00009-00005515-00005744 We will persevere and we will triumph. 4TjlPUkez0c-00010-00005744-00006315 We've all made sacrifices during this crisis but now we are optimistic about the future, 4TjlPUkez0c-00011-00006315-00006748 where we can all continue to work together, to learn together, and to become a stronger 4TjlPUkez0c-00012-00006748-00007040 community because of what we have been through. 4TjlPUkez0c-00013-00007040-00007288 Teaching virtually has been difficult. 4TjlPUkez0c-00014-00007288-00007625 It's been quite a challenge but we made it through. 4TjlPUkez0c-00015-00007625-00007788 Students have risen to the challenge. 4TjlPUkez0c-00016-00007788-00008325 We've struggled together, we've held each other's hands - virtually speaking - and have 4TjlPUkez0c-00017-00008325-00008531 emerged stronger and wiser. 4TjlPUkez0c-00018-00008531-00009162 The college continues to adapt and to follow all protocols to keep our community safe. 4TjlPUkez0c-00019-00009162-00009853 This holiday season brings us renewed hope and renewed resolve to go into 2022 stronger 4TjlPUkez0c-00020-00009853-00010010 and smarter. 4TjlPUkez0c-00021-00010010-00010211 Together we will succeed. 4TjlPUkez0c-00022-00010211-00010403 Together we are a community. 4TjlPUkez0c-00023-00010403-00010999 Together we are one. 4TjlPUkez0c-00024-00010999-00013042 Oh let's do it. 4TjlPUkez0c-00025-00013042-00015086 I think you're right! 4TjlPUkez0c-00026-00015086-00015741 SUNY Corning Community College wishes you the happiest of holidays, filled with joy, 4TjlPUkez0c-00027-00015741-00016204 family, and friends as we look forward to 2022. 4TjlPUkez0c-00028-00016204-00016912 We are a community a gathering of many diverse peoples, thoughts, and ideas, but together 4TjlPUkez0c-00029-00016912-00017062 we are one. 4TjlPUkez0c-00030-00017062-00017334 We are SUNY Corning Community College. 4TjlPUkez0c-00031-00017334-00018201 Happy holidays, from all of us to all of you! 4TjlPUkez0c-00032-00018201-00018364 Hey did anyone record this? 4TjlPUkez0c-00033-00018364-00018693 I hope you guys recorded it oh my goodness. 4TjlPUkez0c-00034-00018693-00018803 I hope so. 4VFbTPPHarA-00000-00000040-00000192 What do we mean by "conscious"? 4VFbTPPHarA-00001-00000919-00001592 Is my dog conscious? probably. It's a mosquito conscious? It's not so clear 4VFbTPPHarA-00002-00001680-00002023 It's my cell phone conscious? I think not 4VFbTPPHarA-00003-00002120-00002552 these questions are pretty understandable because we simply we use the term "consciousness" 4VFbTPPHarA-00004-00002624-00003344 more or less the same way but the folk notion of consciousness is more vague than we would like to 4VFbTPPHarA-00005-00003408-00003847 and I realized I will be writing a lot about consciousness so I decided to make a post 4VFbTPPHarA-00006-00003847-00004528 a video about what it is to be conscious, what is consciousness, what exactly do we refer to when we 4VFbTPPHarA-00007-00004528-00005248 use the term. The problem of consciousness is not neutral, it's not a simple pragmatic issue, it is 4VFbTPPHarA-00008-00005248-00005776 not an impersonal or a scientific question about the world only. It is something that concerns us to 4VFbTPPHarA-00009-00005776-00006423 the extreme, it is the phenomenon to which I think we bear the strongest relationship to ourselves 4VFbTPPHarA-00010-00006528-00006888 it is our experience, it is our nature, it is our existence, 4VFbTPPHarA-00011-00007000-00007568 it is our prime reality, it is at the sense of our lives: the reasons we act and live for are 4VFbTPPHarA-00012-00007568-00008232 the things we experience are the things we are conscious of. To be conscious is not the same as "to 4VFbTPPHarA-00013-00008232-00009024 think" or "to respond to the environment". To be conscious, conscious is not the same as "mental". It is well known 4VFbTPPHarA-00014-00009024-00009600 there are many unconscious mental activity going on many perceptions visual recognition processes 4VFbTPPHarA-00015-00009664-00010200 we remain unaware of them. Decisions, complex body movements are still orchestrated even 4VFbTPPHarA-00016-00010200-00010720 if we are not conscious of them. We can respond to the environment while sleeping for example 4VFbTPPHarA-00017-00010808-00011264 By conscious we mean aware, we mean something that is a noticeable experience by the 4VFbTPPHarA-00018-00011264-00011888 subject by the person by the animal by whichever entity you want to include in 4VFbTPPHarA-00019-00011888-00012400 how things are seen, how things are lived, how thoughts are lived if we're talking about us 4VFbTPPHarA-00020-00012512-00013200 what it is like to have these experience that is to be conscious. To be conscious is to witness a 4VFbTPPHarA-00021-00013200-00013760 qualitative experience of something, of anything. This is also called phenomenal experience 4VFbTPPHarA-00022-00013824-00014391 The standard way of defining consciousness is the following: if a living creature or another entity 4VFbTPPHarA-00023-00014463-00015016 is conscious, that means there is something like to be that creature, there is a qualitative experience 4VFbTPPHarA-00024-00015016-00015680 to it, there is an experience happening, occurring there is an experience existing, being lived. 4VFbTPPHarA-00025-00015744-00016240 being a conscious creature implies having phenomenal experience and only then one can 4VFbTPPHarA-00026-00016240-00016800 try to imagine herself living the consciousness of the other thinking what it would be like to 4VFbTPPHarA-00027-00016800-00017464 have that experience, to wonder what it is like to be such creature that is also consciousness, that 4VFbTPPHarA-00028-00017464-00018096 also has consciousness, but it's not me. Say you arrive to an ice cream truck, you choose the ice 4VFbTPPHarA-00029-00018096-00018640 cream the qualitative experience of which is the most pleasant for you at that moment and you will 4VFbTPPHarA-00030-00018640-00019248 choose according to the best conscious experiences of eating it: how the texture feels, how the flavor 4VFbTPPHarA-00031-00019248-00019976 tastes etc. and such experiences are yours. Only you will experience them and they are the best for you 4VFbTPPHarA-00032-00020120-00020768 that's why you pay for them. Now imagine you notice an unexpected flavor in this ice cream you're 4VFbTPPHarA-00033-00020768-00021328 eating it and you're saying "wow, this tastes very strange" and your friend who's sitting next to you 4VFbTPPHarA-00034-00021400-00021944 she wants to understand what you mean but for that she will have to get her phenomenal 4VFbTPPHarA-00035-00021944-00022424 experience of her own, she will have to try the ice cream and there's no way around this. 4VFbTPPHarA-00036-00022480-00022888 this is the only way she will understand what you're referring to, this state you're talking 4VFbTPPHarA-00037-00022888-00023504 about, which is the phenomenal experience of the weird taste of this ice cream at this moment. 4VFbTPPHarA-00038-00023504-00024120 This is actually an important very important part of the problem of consciousness. It is by definition 4VFbTPPHarA-00039-00024120-00024832 a first-person kind of reality, it is not an externally observable phenomenon from the outside 4VFbTPPHarA-00040-00024896-00025544 it is only witnessed by the entity that possesses it by the entity that is conscious of it. 4VFbTPPHarA-00041-00025544-00026080 And this is not only what makes consciousness uh the most intricate personal phenomenon we dare to study 4VFbTPPHarA-00042-00026176-00026608 it is also the most frustrating one for our materialistic conception of the world 4VFbTPPHarA-00043-00026664-00027056 because from our scientific worldview all there is is material 4VFbTPPHarA-00044-00027112-00027592 but on the other hand, conscious mind exists, itis clear and evident for all of us and we don't 4VFbTPPHarA-00045-00027592-00028200 know how to give it up so easily. For our desired conception of the world consciousness poses an 4VFbTPPHarA-00046-00028200-00028816 obstacle. In fact the problem of consciousness is linked to many others many other important ones 4VFbTPPHarA-00047-00028912-00029512 for example, we want a deterministic world a predictable world but we experience freedom 4VFbTPPHarA-00048-00029512-00030088 of choice and a sense of agency in the world, a sense of acting freely. With all of this 4VFbTPPHarA-00049-00030152-00030680 conscious experience is quite a disturbing piece for our philosophical puzzle of reality 4VFbTPPHarA-00050-00030776-00031295 and here with the help of different approaches I will try to accumulate 4VFbTPPHarA-00051-00031295-00032383 insights that little by little reveal the keys of its fitting while still respecting the facts 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00000-00001780-00002197 JOEL TURNBULL: Thanks for coming. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00001-00002197-00002373 My name is Joel Turnbull. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00002-00002373-00002639 I'm a developer for Gaslight in Cincinnatti, Ohio. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00003-00002639-00003044 I also head up and coordinate a blog over there, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00004-00003044-00003340 in case anybody ever wants to talk about that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00005-00003340-00003676 But today, I'm here to talk about debugger driven 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00006-00003676-00004376 development with Pry. Most Rubyists I know don't use 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00007-00004432-00005128 debuggers. Rubyists I know, when faced with a problem, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00008-00005128-00005655 would prefer to ponder code than pop open a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00009-00005655-00005944 debugger and poke around. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00010-00005944-00006251 This is crazy to me. I've always thought it 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00011-00006251-00006588 was, because to me, trying to solve a problem 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00012-00006588-00006967 by pondering code is like trying to find your 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00013-00006967-00007392 keys in the dark, when you're holding a flashlight, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00014-00007392-00007977 but you're consciously deciding not to use it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00015-00007977-00008219 So why is this? I, I used to think 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00016-00008219-00008456 it might be about egos or culture or something 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00017-00008456-00008813 like that, but really it's pretty simple. I think 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00018-00008813-00009042 we've had a lack of really good tools up 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00019-00009042-00009669 to this point. But ultimately, my talk isn't about 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00020-00009669-00010073 using debuggers in a traditional sense to fix software, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00021-00010073-00010425 but using debuggers as a tool in your workflow 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00022-00010425-00010709 to build software. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00023-00010709-00011100 And, so why do I think we can do 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00024-00011100-00011544 this right now? I feel like we finally have 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00025-00011544-00011992 a tool that we can use to explore this 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00026-00011992-00012648 debugger driven, debugger driven workflow. And that tool is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00027-00012648-00012686 Pry. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00028-00012686-00012919 Can I get a show of hands of who 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00029-00012919-00013619 uses Pry? Awesome. Like, everybody. All right. Cool. So 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00030-00013697-00014148 I'm talking about debugger driven development with Pry. Conrad 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00031-00014148-00014391 Erwin gave a talk not even like six months 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00032-00014391-00014688 ago called REPL Driven Development with Pry. I swear 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00033-00014688-00014885 to god I had no idea. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00034-00014885-00015585 But, and both are accurate, I think. You know, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00035-00015684-00015956 but I think both terms kind of undersell what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00036-00015956-00016213 the power of Pry is. So here's my favorite 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00037-00016213-00016710 definition. Pry is an IRB alternative and runtime developer 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00038-00016710-00016966 console. So if we take the first part of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00039-00016966-00017361 that and we think about Pry as an IRB 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00040-00017361-00017799 alternative, you know, anything that you can do with, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00041-00017799-00018293 with, both, both are REPLs, right. And, and a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00042-00018293-00018546 debugger is a REPL, too. Anything you can do 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00043-00018546-00018835 in Ruby, you can do in IRB. Anything you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00044-00018835-00019190 can do in IRB, you can do in Pry. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00045-00019190-00019529 What makes both of them powerful, is they both 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00046-00019529-00020062 leverage this idea of runtime. And, to me, runtime 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00047-00020062-00020444 is all about immersion. It's about being immersed in 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00048-00020444-00020859 a live system, where you can play with code 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00049-00020859-00021058 and you can look at your objects and, and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00050-00021058-00021392 all that kind of thing. You can validate your 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00051-00021392-00022092 implementations. Everything you need to do. And it's like, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00052-00022229-00022502 looking for your keys with a flashlight. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00053-00022502-00022914 So, given that Pry and IRB are both REPLs 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00054-00022914-00023109 and they both have this idea of runtime, why 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00055-00023109-00023652 should you use Pry instead of IRB? It's got 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00056-00023652-00023928 a couple vital workflow features right out of the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00057-00023928-00024375 box. Syntax highlighting and tab completion. Both super handy. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00058-00024375-00024662 But, what I want to talk about today is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00059-00024662-00025148 some of the bigger, game-changing features of Pry. The 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00060-00025148-00025848 first one is enhanced introspection. Here's our friend again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00061-00025922-00026184 Introspection is the ability to, of, of a language, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00062-00026184-00026520 where you can ask a language questions about itself. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00063-00026520-00026925 And it's built into Ruby, and that's awesome. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00064-00026925-00027197 If you've ever asked a class what method you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00065-00027197-00027468 can call on it, or you've asked an instance 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00066-00027468-00028144 what class it is, you're doing introspection. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00067-00028144-00028293 What if you want to go deeper? Like, what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00068-00028293-00028486 if you want to know what the class methods 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00069-00028486-00028737 are versus the instance methods? You know, what if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00070-00028737-00029086 you want to know what methods are inherited, and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00071-00029086-00029261 from where? What if you want to know what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00072-00029261-00029809 state an instance holds onto during its life cycle? 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00073-00029809-00030084 You can answer all these questions with plain Ruby 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00074-00030084-00030528 and IRB. But the problem is, is that, it's, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00075-00030528-00030905 the, the amount of effort involved is non-trivial. I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00076-00030905-00031449 would classify it as daunting. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00077-00031449-00032149 So. Given that. You know. I would, I would 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00078-00032905-00033540 classify this as DRTFM. This is what I, this 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00079-00033540-00034071 is what I point to. I mean, this is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00080-00034071-00034428 the workflow that I like. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00081-00034428-00034693 I like to take the things out of the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00082-00034693-00034853 box. I like to get a feel for what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00083-00034853-00035181 the pieces are. I like to play around with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00084-00035181-00035430 them. I like to try to put it together 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00085-00035430-00035688 without reading the manual, and if I get stuck, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00086-00035688-00036108 then I read the manual, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00087-00036108-00036622 The second really game-changing feature of Pry, to me, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00088-00036622-00037043 is extendability through plugins. And the best way that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00089-00037043-00037350 I can show this is to just demo some 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00090-00037350-00037813 of my favorites for you. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00091-00037813-00038408 So, I'm gonna show you a Rails app. Instead 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00092-00038408-00038769 of calling it in a normal way, like rails 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00093-00038769-00039174 s, I'm gonna call it like this. Under the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00094-00039174-00039455 umbrella of Pry rescue. And I'll show you why 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00095-00039455-00040033 in a minute. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00096-00040033-00040344 But here we are. This is an app I've 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00097-00040344-00040630 been working on late, late nights, you know. Please 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00098-00040630-00041040 don't steal this. This is a bowling score count, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00099-00041040-00041340 tracker, right. You can push any number after you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00100-00041340-00041628 bowl and it will record what you, what, how 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00101-00041628-00041902 many pins you knocked down, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00102-00041902-00042143 So, the first thing I'm gonna show you about 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00103-00042143-00042843 Pry, for those who aren't necessarily familiar, is how 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00104-00042996-00043531 you invoke a runtime at any point in your 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00105-00043531-00043852 application, where you're running Ruby, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00106-00043852-00044205 Here, I've inserted a couple binding dot prys. One 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00107-00044205-00044499 into my controller action and one into my template. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00108-00044499-00044802 On the lower left we have our model. OK, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00109-00044802-00045206 so let's rerun it with that in mind. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00110-00045206-00045436 Let's go back to our running server, and we'll 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00111-00045436-00045818 see that we've halted our execution here, and we've 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00112-00045818-00046052 been dropped into a run time. And we can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00113-00046052-00046571 do things in here like look around. We can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00114-00046571-00046825 play lines of code. Let's play the line that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00115-00046825-00047221 sets the bowling game. And then we can look 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00116-00047221-00047481 again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00117-00047481-00047713 When we exit from this, we've returned from our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00118-00047713-00048014 controller. We're starting to render our template, and we've 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00119-00048014-00048249 hit our next binding dot pry. You can put 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00120-00048249-00048714 binding dot prys inside your erb tags, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00121-00048714-00049011 Same drill. We can look at bowling games. We 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00122-00049011-00049711 can, we can step into our next, our, our, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00123-00049836-00050102 our implementations of our methods. Here we've stepped into 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00124-00050102-00050486 the frames method of our bowling game model. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00125-00050486-00050949 Same drill. We can look around here. We can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00126-00050949-00051397 look at ourself. We can go to the next, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00127-00051397-00051869 or we can continue. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00128-00051869-00052377 So, you can see how handy that would be 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00129-00052377-00052864 if things aren't necessarily blowing up, but, you know, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00130-00052864-00053564 something's not quite right, either. So what if things 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00131-00053694-00054070 do blow up, though? Right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00132-00054070-00054454 So, here I am. I'm gonna, I'm gonna spark 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00133-00054454-00054794 an exception here by bullet, trying to bowl the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00134-00054794-00055126 next ball of my next frame. I'm gonna bowl 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00135-00055126-00055491 a big nine. I'm gonna come back here and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00136-00055491-00055875 we've been dropped into a runtime, because an exception 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00137-00055875-00056224 was thrown. That's what being under the watchful eye 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00138-00056224-00056512 of Pry rescue is gonna do for us within 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00139-00056512-00056773 this context here. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00140-00056773-00057323 So, some interesting, interesting things we can do here. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00141-00057323-00057608 We can call the show-stack command of the Pry 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00142-00057608-00058054 stack explorer plugin. And we're seeing the whole stack 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00143-00058054-00058488 here. this is like caller, but it's alive, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00144-00058488-00058925 We can move up the stack. We can move 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00145-00058925-00059213 up the stack nine frames. We can move down 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00146-00059213-00059438 the stack. We can take a look at the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00147-00059438-00059854 state of any object here at any level of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00148-00059854-00060047 our stack trace. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00149-00060047-00060205 We can look at our stack again just to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00150-00060205-00060536 see where we're at. We're on frame ten. But 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00151-00060536-00060761 this is a big hairy kind of Rails stack 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00152-00060761-00060901 trace, and we're not getting a whole lot of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00153-00060901-00061130 value out of that right now. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00154-00061130-00061544 So let's call the cd-cause command of Pry rescue. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00155-00061544-00061876 And see if it can track down what caused 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00156-00061876-00062326 this problem in the first place. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00157-00062326-00062539 There we go. This looks more familiar, right. Here 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00158-00062539-00062899 we are in our template. And I will guess 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00159-00062899-00063204 that on line thirteen we have a problem with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00160-00063204-00063544 frame one. And that's true. So we just need 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00161-00063544-00063670 to add a little bit of a guard in 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00162-00063670-00064039 here, and say, you know, if we have pins 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00163-00064039-00064404 on frame one, let's render that. Otherwise let's just 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00164-00064404-00064625 render a dash. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00165-00064625-00064895 And we get feedback that that's going, that's what's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00166-00064895-00065201 gonna happen, right. We know that this is a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00167-00065201-00065419 working implementation. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00168-00065419-00065737 So let's copy our history. This is another plugin 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00169-00065737-00066172 called Pry clipboard. That's gonna copy that implementation into 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00170-00066172-00066647 my clipboard. I'm gonna edit a file where the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00171-00066647-00067052 last exception was raised. It drops me right where 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00172-00067052-00067322 I need to be. I'm gonna paste in that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00173-00067322-00068022 implementation, drop back in, and I'm gonna ask Pry 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00174-00068318-00068456 rescue to try it again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00175-00068456-00069156 And we're back. And we've got our dash. So, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00176-00069162-00069589 and we can continue to bowl, right. That's legit, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00177-00069589-00070289 right. A five and a six. OK, cool. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00178-00070467-00071148 So, what do we do here? We used binding 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00179-00071148-00071448 dot pry to invoke a runtime anywhere in our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00180-00071448-00071829 app where we're doing Ruby code. We used the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00181-00071829-00072281 pry-debugger gem to give us our step, next, and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00182-00072281-00072569 continue functionality that we expect out of our debugging 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00183-00072569-00072937 tools. We used pry-rescue and ran our Rails app 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00184-00072937-00073187 under the umbrella of pry-rescue to drop us into 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00185-00073187-00073392 a runtime when things go wrong, so that we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00186-00073392-00073775 can poke around. We used the pry-stack_explorer gem to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00187-00073775-00074217 navigate the stack and explore state at any level. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00188-00074217-00074711 A few commands we saw were cd-cause in pry-rescue 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00189-00074711-00075026 that took us to the, the root of our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00190-00075026-00075687 problem. We used play and we used copy-history to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00191-00075687-00076068 not mess around with, you know, copying things with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00192-00076068-00076402 our mouse and pasting them into our REPL, which 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00193-00076402-00076706 can be a pain. We used the edit command 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00194-00076706-00076914 with the e flag to take us to the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00195-00076914-00077137 file where the exception occurred so that we could 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00196-00077137-00077693 fix it. And then we used pry-rescue, try-again, which 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00197-00077693-00078185 under this, under the context of Rails, just replayed 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00198-00078185-00078460 our request. We didn't have to reload our, our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00199-00078460-00078837 page, or do any of that nonsense. Reload the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00200-00078837-00079154 whole environment or anything like that, right. So it 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00201-00079154-00079327 was fast. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00202-00079327-00079856 So, the, that's, that's great, and having demoed Pry 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00203-00079856-00080074 in a debugger context, you know, I can show 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00204-00080074-00080406 some of those things. But, really, what I find 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00205-00080406-00080716 interesting is this idea of Pry as a runtime 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00206-00080716-00081083 developer console, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00207-00081083-00081458 So there's some really awspect- really awesome aspects of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00208-00081458-00081701 Ruby, right. It's introspective, which we've talked about a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00209-00081701-00081904 little bit and we'll talk about more. And it's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00210-00081904-00082162 a dynamic and it's reflective, which means, you know, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00211-00082162-00082300 we don't have to compile it and we can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00212-00082300-00082697 change things on the fly in its runtime. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00213-00082697-00082901 And I think we, we take advantage of these 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00214-00082901-00083172 things, you know, a lot in the code that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00215-00083172-00083593 we write, whether we're doing metaprogramming or monkeypatching or, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00216-00083593-00083898 or anything like that. But we, we haven't really 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00217-00083898-00084183 taken advantage of, of these things in the tools 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00218-00084183-00084487 and in our workflow yet. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00219-00084487-00084889 So, when I talk about workflow and our problems 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00220-00084889-00085202 with our workflow, I see big problems with the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00221-00085202-00085643 traditional workflow in, in Ruby development that I, that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00222-00085643-00085861 I see. Right, I mean. By that I mean 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00223-00085861-00086118 we write some code in an editor. We save 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00224-00086118-00086406 it. We hop over to a terminal or we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00225-00086406-00086638 pop over to a webpage and reload it and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00226-00086638-00086860 run it to see if it worked and, if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00227-00086860-00087107 it worked, we go back and continue on. If 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00228-00087107-00087331 it didn't, we fix it, we save. We go 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00229-00087331-00087886 back. We reload it, rerun it. Rinse, repeat, right? 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00230-00087886-00088298 What, what are, what problems do I see with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00231-00088298-00088693 this? First of all, it's disruptive and it's distracting 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00232-00088693-00088962 to keep switching back and forth, right. Some amount 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00233-00088962-00089381 of context-switching is always gonna be imminent, right. But 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00234-00089381-00089641 any effort you can make to reduce that is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00235-00089641-00089894 just gonna be a huge win for your flow, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00236-00089894-00090230 you know, and your focus. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00237-00090230-00090391 The second problem I see with that is it's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00238-00090391-00090606 just guess work. We just write some code. Oh, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00239-00090606-00090843 yeah, I think it's gonna work. We save it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00240-00090843-00091051 We go over. We run it to see if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00241-00091051-00091300 it works. We're just taking shots in the dark, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00242-00091300-00091605 you know. You can ask this guy. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00243-00091605-00091991 Taking shots with a flashlight is much more accurate. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00244-00091991-00092333 And recommended, apparently. So do that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00245-00092333-00092656 And, to me, it just seems backwards, right. We, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00246-00092656-00093130 we're like solidifying and codifying our code into our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00247-00093130-00093393 code base just in an attempt to see if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00248-00093393-00093757 it works. It should be the opposite. Our code 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00249-00093757-00094245 base, it should be the, the record of code 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00250-00094245-00094655 that we've, we've already validated, right. And I, I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00251-00094655-00094993 mean these things are just kind of things that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00252-00094993-00095297 we accept and, and we, we take for granted, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00253-00095297-00095341 right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00254-00095341-00095704 But I mean, I think other languages have, have 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00255-00095704-00096141 been more effective and intentional about integrating this idea 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00256-00096141-00096605 of a runtime into the, their workflow, you know. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00257-00096605-00096968 And blurring this line between static and running code. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00258-00096968-00097194 Clojure comes to mind, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00259-00097194-00097475 But, we've talked about the awesome aspects of Ruby, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00260-00097475-00097780 and there's really nothing that restricts or limits us 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00261-00097780-00097968 from doing the same, right. I mean, I think 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00262-00097968-00098351 the Ruby language is, the Ruby language enables it, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00263-00098351-00098624 you know. It's just that up to this point, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00264-00098624-00098968 we really haven't had the tools to do so. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00265-00098968-00099393 So, we talked about these workflow problems. How does 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00266-00099393-00099875 Pry solve these workflow problems, right? I see that, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00267-00099875-00100173 you know, the introspection and the documentation and the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00268-00100173-00100619 source code browsing, which we'll see in a minute, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00269-00100619-00101086 that's, that's baked into Pry, gives us ninety percent 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00270-00101086-00101361 of the information that we need to write code 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00271-00101361-00101752 right now, you know, in most cases. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00272-00101752-00101907 It has a runtime that you can throw your 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00273-00101907-00102156 code against and validate it and get feedback on 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00274-00102156-00102508 whether it, whether it works or not, immediately. And 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00275-00102508-00102728 it's smart about editing. You don't have to think 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00276-00102728-00103077 about what file you need to open. Pry usually 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00277-00103077-00103344 knows what file you want to edit and usually 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00278-00103344-00103580 knows exactly where you want to edit it. Which 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00279-00103580-00103830 is really nice. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00280-00103830-00104530 So, when I talk about this idea of runtime 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00281-00104730-00105205 development, I'm really talking about being immersed in this, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00282-00105205-00105651 in this environment that, you know, loves us and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00283-00105651-00106058 can give us feedback, and, and is alive, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00284-00106058-00106222 So we want to spend the majority of our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00285-00106222-00106556 development time there, and we want our editor to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00286-00106556-00106727 just be an after thought. And that's just a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00287-00106727-00106971 place where we just push working code when it's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00288-00106971-00107119 done, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00289-00107119-00107461 So, let me demo to you a little bit 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00290-00107461-00108161 about how I see that working, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00291-00108258-00108804 So. Our mission is to write an empty class 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00292-00108804-00109120 definition, OK. This is just a script. No Rails 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00293-00109120-00109516 involved here or anything. But given a class like 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00294-00109516-00109840 name like BowlingGame, we want to create a file, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00295-00109840-00110219 bowling_game dot rb, and write a class definition to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00296-00110219-00110658 it, like class BowlingGame empty space end. Right, and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00297-00110658-00111006 I've created a little skeleton here of, of how 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00298-00111006-00111186 I think that might work, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00299-00111186-00111393 We're gonna, we're gonna read in a string from 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00300-00111393-00111668 the command line, we're gonna pass that string into 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00301-00111668-00111964 a method called file_name_for_class and get a file name. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00302-00111964-00112220 We're gonna pass that string into a method called 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00303-00112220-00112580 class_definition for class and get a class definition, and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00304-00112580-00112807 then we're gonna create that class by writing that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00305-00112807-00113274 class definition to that file. Right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00306-00113274-00113480 So let's step out here and let's just run 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00307-00113480-00113832 that. So, we get an expected error, right. We 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00308-00113832-00114257 haven't implemented anything called file_name_for_class, yet. So we could 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00309-00114257-00114488 jump into our editor and start coding and all 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00310-00114488-00115022 that, but why don't we see what this is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00311-00115022-00115313 like. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00312-00115313-00115677 Why don't we use Pry rescue and leverage that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00313-00115677-00115960 exception to drop us into a runtime and start 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00314-00115960-00116557 this runtime development process. So we do that. We 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00315-00116557-00116803 get the same error, but the difference is, we're 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00316-00116803-00117292 inside of a runtime now, OK. So, the first 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00317-00117292-00117520 problem is pretty easy. We know that we need 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00318-00117520-00118138 to define file_name_for_class. And we do so, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00319-00118138-00118436 The difference is in here, I'm gonna raise, in 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00320-00118436-00118776 the implementation of this class, and drop back out. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00321-00118776-00119024 And I'll show you why. When we ask Pry 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00322-00119024-00119480 to try again, we get in here. We're right 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00323-00119480-00119803 where we need to be to define the implementa- 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00324-00119803-00120179 working implementation of this class. Although, I already know 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00325-00120179-00120608 that I have forgotten to pass in the BowlingGame 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00326-00120608-00120776 string, like I always do. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00327-00120776-00121233 OK. Now we have everything we need. So we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00328-00121233-00121513 have something like BowlingGame, right, and we're looking for 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00329-00121513-00122077 something like bowling_game dot rb, OK. So I'm just 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00330-00122077-00122497 gonna preview my favorite Pry command of all time 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00331-00122497-00122808 here. ls. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00332-00122808-00123132 When I call ls, and give it the class 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00333-00123132-00123452 or the object I'm working with, I immediately know 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00334-00123452-00123740 I'm working with a string and I'm seeing all 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00335-00123740-00123989 of the methods that are available to me on 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00336-00123989-00124230 that string. And when I say all of the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00337-00124230-00124524 methods, I don't mean all of them. Notice that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00338-00124524-00125004 the object methods are not in here. And, you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00339-00125004-00125368 know that if you've ever used IRB to get 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00340-00125368-00125668 the method, you always do, thing dot method minus 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00341-00125668-00125966 object dot methods blah, blah, blah. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00342-00125966-00126244 The, that's just noise, right, in most cases. So 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00343-00126244-00126653 the default is just to leave that out. The 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00344-00126653-00127017 developers of Pry have thought of that, right. So 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00345-00127017-00127557 we can try to class downcase, which gets us 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00346-00127557-00127825 so close, but yet so far away. We don't 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00347-00127825-00128082 really know where to put that underscore. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00348-00128082-00128635 But, as Ruby devs, Rails devs, we know we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00349-00128635-00128925 have things like ActiveSupport that can help us out 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00350-00128925-00129457 with that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00351-00129457-00129735 So we include that, and now when we ls 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00352-00129735-00129998 our class, we've got some extra stuff in here, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00353-00129998-00130365 right. Demodulalize, deconstantize, right. That kind of stuff. And 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00354-00130365-00130639 if it, that's hard to see, we can just 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00355-00130639-00131140 ls ActiveSupport::Inflector itself and see what's available to us 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00356-00131140-00131307 there, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00357-00131307-00131553 So we need an und, we needed an underscore. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00358-00131553-00131957 I see a method called underscore there. Tab completion 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00359-00131957-00132245 is nice. All right. So now we're getting a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00360-00132245-00132593 lot closer. All we need to do is stick 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00361-00132593-00133087 on our file exception, and I think we're done, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00362-00133087-00133178 right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00363-00133178-00133635 So that, there's our filename. So let's copy that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00364-00133635-00134275 Let's drop back into our file. Right here, exactly 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00365-00134275-00134632 where we need to put the implementation, let's put 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00366-00134632-00135010 it in there. And let's save it and continue 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00367-00135010-00135281 on. OK, I know, I'm not gonna continue through 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00368-00135281-00135714 this whole thing, in the interest of time, but 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00369-00135714-00136215 I do want to, to implement this last method 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00370-00136215-00136407 inside of the create_class, so I can talk a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00371-00136407-00136728 little bit more about what I love about introspection, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00372-00136728-00136875 right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00373-00136875-00137080 Let's just reflect on what we did there, though, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00374-00137080-00137407 with the workflow, OK. So we used, the, we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00375-00137407-00137693 used pry-rescue to leverage the power, you know, to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00376-00137693-00138005 leverage that exception, to pop us into a runtime, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00377-00138005-00138330 and we used the runtime of the debugger not 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00378-00138330-00138962 to fix code, but to drive our development process, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00379-00138962-00139202 right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00380-00139202-00139703 So. We're in here. We've raised inside of our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00381-00139703-00140085 create_class method. We try again. We've got our file 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00382-00140085-00140785 name, and we've got our class definition. And we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00383-00140886-00141238 have this file class, right. And, and I know 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00384-00141238-00141445 about this file class, and I know this is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00385-00141445-00141699 exactly what I need to get the job done. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00386-00141699-00141909 But, I mean, this is exactly what I, what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00387-00141909-00142225 happened to me. I don't really remember exactly what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00388-00142225-00142437 I need to do here, OK. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00389-00142437-00142767 So I can pop out to StackOverflow or I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00390-00142767-00143078 can pop out to, to Ruby-docs or something and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00391-00143078-00143465 take a look. Or I can just ls file, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00392-00143465-00144102 right here. And just take a minute to look 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00393-00144102-00144433 at this, and think about all of the low-level 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00394-00144433-00144764 Ruby instrospection acrobatics you would have to go through 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00395-00144764-00145193 to get this brain dump of information right here. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00396-00145193-00145394 We've got all of the methods that you can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00397-00145394-00145648 call on instances of file. We've got all the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00398-00145648-00145925 methods you can call on the file class. We've 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00399-00145925-00146269 got all of the methods that file inherits, and, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00400-00146269-00146565 from its superclass, and we know what that superclass 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00401-00146565-00146695 is. IO. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00402-00146695-00146907 We also know all the constants involved and if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00403-00146907-00147320 there was state involved in class or instance variables. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00404-00147320-00147787 We would see that here as well. So, all 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00405-00147787-00148260 of a sudden, I'm informed about, about everything I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00406-00148260-00148527 need to know about this class, and I have 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00407-00148527-00148777 a pretty good idea, just from a, from a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00408-00148777-00149075 moment's notice, of how I can use it, or 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00409-00149075-00149438 what I can do to play around with it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00410-00149438-00149973 So let's. I see the right method. And I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00411-00149973-00150239 don't really want to write anything or mess with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00412-00150239-00150499 anything right now, so I'm just gonna look at 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00413-00150499-00150915 the documentation for it. OK. It opens the file. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00414-00150915-00151149 It optimally seeks to the given offset. Writes a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00415-00151149-00151469 string, then returns the length written. Write ensures that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00416-00151469-00151709 the files close before returning. This sounds like what 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00417-00151709-00151832 I want. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00418-00151832-00152211 I page down. I see some examples there. Great. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00419-00152211-00152667 I'm ready to go. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00420-00152667-00153352 Alternatively, I can do the same and call show-source, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00421-00153352-00153619 OK. Which isn't doing a lot for me here, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00422-00153619-00154049 but when I'm in my, my own code base, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00423-00154049-00154345 this is what I lean on more often, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00424-00154345-00155041 So, let's get our bearings again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00425-00155041-00155741 And let's give it a try, right. File.write(file_name.class_definition). OK. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00426-00156219-00156457 Something happened. It seemed to work, right. How do 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00427-00156457-00156959 I know? Really easy to shell out in Pry. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00428-00156959-00157324 You get really nice output. Exactly what you would 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00429-00157324-00157529 expect, which is, I can't say the same for 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00430-00157529-00157829 IRB in that, in that case. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00431-00157829-00158056 I have this thing called bowling_game in there. Let's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00432-00158056-00158752 take a look at it. That looks correct to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00433-00158752-00159025 me. So let's just do that again. I'm gonna 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00434-00159025-00159438 copy the history again. And then I'm gonna remove 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00435-00159438-00159903 bowling_game, just to make sure that my script is 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00436-00159903-00160519 doing what it promises, right. Oops. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00437-00160519-00161102 And it's not there anymore. So let's go back. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00438-00161102-00161802 Let's put in that, let's put in that implementation. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00439-00162232-00162615 And drop back in. Let's ask Pry to try 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00440-00162615-00163213 again. No more exceptions. Do we have our bowling_game? 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00441-00163213-00163421 We do. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00442-00163421-00164121 OK. So, what happened there, right? We used the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00443-00164245-00164775 debugger and the runtime as, as, as a tool 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00444-00164775-00165238 for driving our development process and build our implementation. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00445-00165238-00165514 Not just to fix software, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00446-00165514-00165834 We validated our implementation before codifying it, and we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00447-00165834-00166235 reversed this traditional workflow that I've got so many 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00448-00166235-00166701 problems with. We explored and we informed ourselves about 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00449-00166701-00167270 how to, how to use our classes without context 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00450-00167270-00167627 switching. Right, we stayed focused in one tool. And 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00451-00167627-00167987 then we didn't have to reload our, our libraries 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00452-00167987-00168246 and our environment every time we wanted to run 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00453-00168246-00168592 code, so it was fast. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00454-00168592-00169133 So, and, you know. We're in the testing track 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00455-00169133-00169337 here, so I should probably talk about testing a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00456-00169337-00169799 little bit. And, that might have felt a little 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00457-00169799-00169985 bit like TDD to you. I mean, it does 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00458-00169985-00170634 to me, right. As, as practitioners of TDD, you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00459-00170634-00171003 know, I may not, I'm, I'm, I love TDD. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00460-00171003-00171503 I think most, many Rubyists do. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00461-00171503-00171811 But I mean, what I love about it most 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00462-00171811-00172132 is it keeps me focused and, and, and, having 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00463-00172132-00172666 a test suite allows me to aggressively refactor my 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00464-00172666-00172824 code, you know, and have the confidence to do 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00465-00172824-00173061 that. You know, and I'd rather do that upfront 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00466-00173061-00173430 than after the fact, right. But, as practitioners of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00467-00173430-00173919 TDD, you know, we've learned to love failure, you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00468-00173919-00173936 know. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00469-00173936-00174223 TDD is all about making something fail, then writing 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00470-00174223-00174413 the code to make it pass. When we have 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00471-00174413-00174803 bugs, we want to exercise that exact piece of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00472-00174803-00175119 code that's giving us the error and get that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00473-00175119-00175325 error, you know, before we then go, cause we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00474-00175325-00175501 know we're about to do something cool and fix 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00475-00175501-00175675 it, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00476-00175675-00176173 So, we love to see red. And so a, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00477-00176173-00176620 a practice that's, that's centered around failure is naturally 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00478-00176620-00176859 suited to a debugging tool, right. I mean, that's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00479-00176859-00177252 what a debugging tool does. It's meant to handle 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00480-00177252-00177577 failures, catch failures, and then give you the tools 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00481-00177577-00177875 you need and enable you to fix them as 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00482-00177875-00178176 quickly as you can. And we've seen how awesome, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00483-00178176-00178506 you know, a debugger Pry can be. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00484-00178506-00178936 And, so, the promise of this talk is that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00485-00178936-00179322 I'm going to, you know, deliver a, a, a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00486-00179322-00179722 Pry-enabled TDD workflow. But before I do that, I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00487-00179722-00179985 mean, I mentioned that, you know, I've had a, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00488-00179985-00180434 kind of specific experience that made me a believer 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00489-00180434-00180700 that this workflow even happens. I mean, I've actually 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00490-00180700-00181035 done this before. I'm not creating this, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00491-00181035-00181475 And, and that specific experience was this. Does anybody 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00492-00181475-00181991 know what this is? Smalltalk. Yeah. This is a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00493-00181991-00182499 screenshot of a Farrow Smalltalk IDE, right. And I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00494-00182499-00182925 spent about a year or so in the 2000s 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00495-00182925-00183201 writing a web application in the C-side framework in 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00496-00183201-00183520 Smalltalk for a company in New York City with, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00497-00183520-00183724 with a team of guys. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00498-00183724-00184174 And, really delving into object-oriented programming, and learning so 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00499-00184174-00184483 much about it, I really learned to love this, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00500-00184483-00184891 right. But what first, what first struck me when 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00501-00184891-00185225 I saw Pry and I saw the ls command 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00502-00185225-00185706 was it reminded me of this, right. Right here, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00503-00185706-00186058 we are looking at a ZnClient class in a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00504-00186058-00186516 Zinc HTTP package. We see the class definition right 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00505-00186516-00186773 there at the bottom, with all of the instance 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00506-00186773-00187151 variables that this class makes use of listed out. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00507-00187151-00187393 On the right hand side, we see all the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00508-00187393-00187726 methods that we can call on this, on a, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00509-00187726-00187953 on an instance of class, and we can click 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00510-00187953-00188286 on any of those to see the source code 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00511-00188286-00188709 of that method. I mean, that's all, that's all 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00512-00188709-00189134 you need, as far as I'm concerned. I mean, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00513-00189134-00189476 that gets you ninety percent of the way there 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00514-00189476-00189875 almost every, like, almost every time, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00515-00189875-00190340 So, I wanted to, I wanted to demo, like 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00516-00190340-00190604 a, a Smalltalk TDD workflow, cause that's the other 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00517-00190604-00190958 really cool thing about Smalltalk and different thing about 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00518-00190958-00191296 Smalltalk is that it really, like, enables this awesome 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00519-00191296-00191527 TDD workflow. And I don't think I'm gonna have 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00520-00191527-00191811 the time to do that unfortunately. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00521-00191811-00192487 But the TL;DR is this, basically. OK. So if 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00522-00192487-00192797 I write a test, and I try to exercise 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00523-00192797-00193402 a class that doesn't exist, like BowlingGame here, Smalltalk's, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00524-00193402-00193763 when I save this, Smalltalk's gonna say, that doesn't 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00525-00193763-00193928 exist. Do you wanna, what do you want to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00526-00193928-00194046 do? 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00527-00194046-00194399 And the first option there is define new class. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00528-00194399-00194785 You just click it and it does it, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00529-00194785-00195041 When I try to call a method on that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00530-00195041-00195624 class that doesn't exist, Smalltalk asks me if I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00531-00195624-00195999 want to implement that method, and when I say 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00532-00195999-00196425 yes, it drops me into a debugger, right. A 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00533-00196425-00196763 runtime, where I have everything available I need to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00534-00196763-00197010 create the implementation of that class, and I can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00535-00197010-00197265 expect all the things I need to do so. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00536-00197265-00197634 Right, I'm not in a static code editor here. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00537-00197634-00198097 This is like, living system, right. So I can 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00538-00198097-00198383 do so. Just want to return zero. And when 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00539-00198383-00198898 I save, my tests pass. So that's. That's, that's 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00540-00198898-00199301 the idea, right. And, and it, it's small, but, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00541-00199301-00199719 you know, small changes in your user interface, you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00542-00199719-00200063 know, can really turn, like a daunting experience into 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00543-00200063-00200329 a really motivating flow, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00544-00200329-00200587 It doesn't take much. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00545-00200587-00200965 So, when I talk about, you know, this power 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00546-00200965-00201183 of Pry and, and we've talked about some of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00547-00201183-00201598 the plugins and how powerful they are and how, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00548-00201598-00201963 you know, Pry is so easy to extend, you 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00549-00201963-00202368 know, even I can do it. And, and so, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00550-00202368-00202635 I've kind of gotten the ball rolling. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00551-00202635-00203177 I pushed a little code up to GitHub. It 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00552-00203177-00203527 defines a new command called define-it in Pry. Right 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00553-00203527-00203786 now, it's just a PryRC, and you can define 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00554-00203786-00204000 Pry commands in your PryRC or you can do 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00555-00204000-00204347 gems or whatever, and that's, that's where I want 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00556-00204347-00204536 to move it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00557-00204536-00204911 But, this is my attempt to kind of get 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00558-00204911-00205611 this workflow going in, in Ruby, right. So, all 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00559-00206228-00206759 right. So here it is. Here's my PryRC. I'm 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00560-00206759-00207342 creating a command called define-it, and then I'm implementing 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00561-00207342-00207825 - every Pry command implements this method called process, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00562-00207825-00208029 and that is what is going to happen when 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00563-00208029-00208316 you call the command from within the Pry REPL, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00564-00208316-00208394 right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00565-00208394-00208598 And so I'm kind of using this idea that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00566-00208598-00209017 we demoed in the last demo of, when I 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00567-00209017-00209294 hit a name error, I just want to automatically 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00568-00209294-00209751 generate an empty class definition and move on. What 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00569-00209751-00209900 it will also do is when I hit a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00570-00209900-00210523 NoMethodError, it's gonna generate an empty method definition and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00571-00210523-00210721 put you right in there where you need to 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00572-00210721-00211198 be to implement it, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00573-00211198-00211898 So let's take a look. So, once again. Oh, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00574-00211908-00212348 let me just show you this real quick, though. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00575-00212348-00212577 So here is a spec and a set of 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00576-00212577-00212979 tests that exercise this BowlingGame class, right. The first 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00577-00212979-00213456 test just verifies that BowlingGame is a thing. The 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00578-00213456-00213771 second test says if I ask a new BowlingGame 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00579-00213771-00214084 for its score, it should return zero. The third 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00580-00214084-00214342 test says, if I bowl a four then the 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00581-00214342-00214629 game's score should reflect that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00582-00214629-00215058 And the last test says, if I bowl twice, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00583-00215058-00215444 you know, the, the score should reflect that, that 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00584-00215444-00216144 sum. So, when I run rSpec under pry-rescue, pry-rescue, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00585-00216712-00217064 you know, it does different things in different contexts, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00586-00217064-00217494 right. So just like before, pry-rescue's gonna break on 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00587-00217494-00217969 unhandled exceptions, just like it always has done, but 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00588-00217969-00218304 in the context of rSpec, it's also gonna break 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00589-00218304-00218558 on assertion failures, all right. So you can poke 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00590-00218558-00218804 around and get those fixed. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00591-00218804-00219421 So, here we are. We. We've got our first 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00592-00219421-00220121 exception, right. It's the name error. Uninitialized constant BowlingGame. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00593-00220188-00220567 So let's define it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00594-00220567-00221252 All right. Didn't see it, but it did it. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00595-00221252-00221629 Next. Believe me. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00596-00221629-00222144 All right. So next. Next, we've got our next 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00597-00222144-00222471 exception here right. Undefined method 'score' for BowlingGame. Our 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00598-00222471-00223050 NoMethodError. So let's define-it. You guys didn't believe me, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00599-00223050-00223371 but there it is. All right. There we go. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00600-00223371-00223837 We're in our empty method. Let's TDD, right. We 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00601-00223837-00224035 just need to make the test pass so we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00602-00224035-00224365 return zero out of there. Ask pry-rescue to try 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00603-00224365-00224873 again. We got another exception here. NoMethodError: undefined method 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00604-00224873-00225021 'bowl' for BowlingGame. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00605-00225021-00225417 So, let's define-it. Now I feel like we're gonna 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00606-00225417-00225755 need to keep track of a little state, so 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00607-00225755-00226455 let's. We want to make that the fixnum. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00608-00226644-00226986 We want to return @score out of here now, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00609-00226986-00227646 instead. And let's initialize @score to be zero when 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00610-00227646-00228279 you create a new BowlingGame. Let's save that and 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00611-00228279-00228383 let's try again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00612-00228383-00228809 All right. That worked. We're in our last test 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00613-00228809-00229178 here, and we've hit our first assertion error, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00614-00229178-00229465 It expected nine and it got five, cause we're 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00615-00229465-00229857 not doing any of the, the totaling yet. So 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00616-00229857-00230354 let's, this is another way you can call edit. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00617-00230354-00230713 You can just ask it to edit the class, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00618-00230713-00231069 and it'll know what file to drop into. So 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00619-00231069-00231228 I feel like we're gonna want to keep track 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00620-00231228-00231542 of our scores now. So let's just push those 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00621-00231542-00232064 fixnums on a scores array. Let's get our score 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00622-00232064-00232448 by reducing those values. That's how you keep score 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00623-00232448-00232721 in bowling, right. You just add everything up. All 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00624-00232721-00232857 right. Cool. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00625-00232857-00233328 And let's, let's initialize it with an array with 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00626-00233328-00233889 initial value of zero as well. Let's try again. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00627-00233889-00234589 Something's wrong there. There it is. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00628-00234708-00235408 All right. Four examples, zero failures. rSpec thought we 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00629-00235484-00236184 didn't fail at all, you know. It's pretty cool. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00630-00236534-00237234 So. So what happened there? All right. I mean, 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00631-00237408-00238013 basically, you know, we. We, again, we used Pry 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00632-00238013-00238458 to drive our development process. We used our own 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00633-00238458-00238769 Pry plugin there to kind of make that a 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00634-00238769-00239239 little bit easier, and within one runtime, we fixed 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00635-00239239-00239689 all of our assertions, exercised our class and implemented 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00636-00239689-00239859 the whole solution, right. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00637-00239859-00240173 No reloading, no nothing like that. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00638-00240173-00240873 So, in conclusion, embrace your runtime and all things. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00639-00241015-00241457 Don't read the effing manual. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00640-00241457-00242092 Use a kickass flashlight. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00641-00242092-00242434 If you're fixing software, use a debugger. If you're 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00642-00242434-00242785 building software, use a debugger. And when you use 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00643-00242785-00243036 a debugger, use Pry. 4VIoMZ5kPU8-00644-00243036-00243236 Thank you very much. 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00000-00000000-00000621 LBW: Every other day it seems like I read an article about Trump signing some some 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00001-00000621-00001055 you know thing into law basically are you know some sort of deregulation a lot 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00002-00001055-00001517 of it it seems to be with the EPA under Scott Pruitt deregulating a lot of the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00003-00001517-00001994 environmental regulations that we have had up to this point it seems to be the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00004-00001994-00002411 trend and I know this may be temporary and I know that we may only have Trump 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00005-00002411-00002951 for another few years unfortunately maybe longer than that we'll see but the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00006-00002951-00003534 trend seems to be that currently are in in Washington that there's a lot of 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00007-00003534-00004068 deregulation going on regarding environmental policies I don't know if 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00008-00004068-00004464 you had a few comments on that or if you see that as a temporary thing that we 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00009-00004464-00005024 can remedy or is this a something we should really be concerned about 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00010-00005024-00005660 STEVEN COHEN: Well we should be concerned about it but at the same time we have a federal system and 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00011-00005661-00006357 even before Trump you know most environmental laws are 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00012-00006357-00006939 delegated to States and local governments that implement them EPA itself is a tiny 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00013-00006939-00007418 agency in fact people don't realize it had lost 1,500 people under Barack Obama 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00014-00007418-00008064 so it's not it hasn't grown in a very long time and most of its authorities 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00015-00008064-00008568 are delegated to State so where the state's serious about environmental 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00016-00008568-00009072 protection I'd say about 20 of the 50 states are really serious this won't 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00017-00009072-00009588 have any impact at all the other thing I would say is that it takes a long time 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00018-00009588-00010193 to change a regulation or even to issue a regulation so in 1976 we passed the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00019-00010193-00010493 vote was called the RCRA the Resource Conservation Recovery Act which 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00020-00010493-00011121 regulated hazardous waste the regulation of final regulations under that 76 act 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00021-00011121-00011729 warrant issued until 1993 the back-and-forth between industry and the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00022-00011729-00012114 government and the iterations but took a long time to put that regulation in 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00023-00012114-00012647 place taking regulations out will take a long time also and a lot of states 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00024-00012647-00013037 aren't going to do it they're going to continue to be pretty serious about this 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00025-00013037-00013576 because their public wants it I think what is not understood by 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00026-00013576-00014246 particularly Pruitt and the some of the folks in Washington is that America 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00027-00014246-00014615 supports environmental protection they don't want an intrusive overbearing 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00028-00014615-00015047 government but you know on the other hand when it comes to air and water 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00029-00015047-00015578 pollution if it's if the air pollution in my backyard is coming from the next 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00030-00015578-00015959 state you know and that next days and do anything I want EPA to do something 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00031-00015959-00016433 about it and you know even though they're they're trying to weaken the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00032-00016433-00017038 regulations the structure of the law is still in place and those laws are pretty 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00033-00017038-00017711 pretty serious and it's not clear that some of these deregulations hold up 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00034-00017711-00018215 after the courts get hold of them because the laws themselves are not 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00035-00018215-00018497 being changed because they know that they couldn't get it through the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00036-00018497-00019058 Congress if you look at polling data support for environmental protection I 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00037-00019058-00019325 mean climate change is a little bit different because people don't 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00038-00019325-00019781 understand it well you talk about water and air pollution and toxic support for 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00039-00019781-00020156 environmental protection there's well over seventy five percent no matter what 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00040-00020156-00020567 your political background is in part because everybody likes to breathe it's 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00041-00020567-00021005 just one of those things people don't learn learn to enjoy and and people 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00042-00021005-00021653 don't want their children to be playing in a toxic backyard or to be 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00043-00021653-00022040 drinking water with lead in it that affects their brain development so I 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00044-00022040-00022691 think that what's going on in Washington is unfortunate and it represents the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00045-00022691-00023249 kind of backward thinking that doesn't really make a lot of sense I mean if 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00046-00023249-00023714 this idea that somehow regulations inhibits economic growth is simply 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00047-00023714-00024215 factually incorrect reasonable regulation actually helps modernize 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00048-00024215-00024854 industry and helps bring about technological change automobiles 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00049-00024854-00025397 are probably the best example automobiles are fairly heavily regulated 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00050-00025397-00026006 in terms of safety and pollution but what it did is it made Detroit and the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00051-00026006-00026435 auto business hire a lot of engineers and those engineers when they finished 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00052-00026435-00027079 working on the pollution stuff they started working on you know deal essentially the 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00053-00027079-00027639 automation of your car so there's all sorts of electronics in a motor vehicle 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00054-00027639-00028231 today that that have replaced mechanical parts that were there 20 years ago all 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00055-00028231-00028630 that and the cars are lighter and they're more fuel efficient all that 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00056-00028630-00029113 came about because we put because the regulation force these companies to 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00057-00029113-00029608 modernize what they were building and you know safety is probably the best 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00058-00029608-00030118 example Ralph Nader writes this book in the 1950s about cars unsafe at any speed 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00059-00030118-00030517 and the auto business said you're gonna put us out of business by making us put 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00060-00030517-00031048 seat belts now a family goes to buy a car they want to know how safe it is 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00061-00031048-00031458 and they'll pay more money for it they want airbags and structural steel and 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00062-00031458-00031906 seat belts at work and you know they're they're spending a fortune on child 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00063-00031906-00032473 seats that protect their children so this idea that all regulation is bad 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00064-00032473-00032893 that it doesn't help economic growth you know somebody's got to make those 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00065-00032893-00033280 airbags somebody's got to make those seat belts those are jobs and people 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00066-00033280-00033667 are willing to pay for that people are willing to pay a little bit more for a 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00067-00033667-00034084 car if it's safer well although interestingly even the cars if you 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00068-00034084-00034477 control for inflation today's automobiles are no more expensive than 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00069-00034477-00034855 they were 20 years ago it's just that they and they have a lot there they're a 4XlbdOv8tvQ-00070-00034855-00035044 lot better technologically 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00000-00000064-00000816 uh so welcome to our last days lecture so today we will talk about the last type of date 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00001-00000816-00001768 container which is data lake um and also we will learn that how we can analyze data in data late 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00002-00001936-00002472 so before we start let's just review the different type of the date sources 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00003-00002472-00003256 so we already mentioned that the data can be structured so that means the data organized as 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00004-00003256-00003928 tables that in different rows columns and you can define the type of the each column 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00005-00003984-00004688 and you can also define any constraints like foreign primary keys so that those tables 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00006-00004688-00005224 can be related with each other so that data can be organized very efficiently 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00007-00005392-00005912 however there are a lot of constraints of using structured data so especially that the data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00008-00006000-00006952 that you received are not uh well structured so it's sometimes it's made may not be very easy to 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00009-00006952-00007648 convert those data into those structured tables so that's why we have those science structure data so 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00010-00007648-00008360 some extracted cyanide structure data normally store the data into those p-value pairs so that 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00011-00008544-00009224 within a fail and we mentioned there are several non-sql databases that are considered the semester 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00012-00009224-00010216 data like uh document based key value pairs network database and also time series database 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00013-00010272-00011200 etc so those are all the data that can be stored in those databases the unstruct data means that 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00014-00011200-00012016 there's no structured in any consistent ways so so that including that includes all the other type 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00015-00012016-00012784 of the data so but why do we care about our structured data so that is because 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00016-00012856-00013536 in the real world most of the data are unstructured so we have about 10 percent 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00017-00013536-00014408 that is structured uh 10 percent that is cyber structured like csv fail json file but 80 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00018-00014480-00015096 of our big data actually is unstructured okay so you can 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00019-00015096-00015608 see that we we do have database and we have a data warehouse but they can only handle 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00020-00015824-00016528 20 of the data but we still have 80 percent of the data that cannot 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00021-00016648-00017304 be stored in database or indeed warehouse so that is why we need database 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00022-00017488-00018064 okay uh so data lake is a centralized repository so that sounds like data warehouse 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00023-00018160-00019008 however it allows us to to store the structured simon structured and unstructured data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00024-00019072-00020024 okay so we can use date date late to start abstract data at any scale okay um so here 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00025-00020024-00020712 are some benefits of using the data lakes so first it can serve as a single source of the truth so 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00026-00020776-00021584 uh you can use data lake to host all your data set you don't need to save some uh structured 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00027-00021584-00022120 data on the relational database sigma strength in non-relational database and i was unstrapped 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00028-00022120-00022840 on your local computer so you can throw everything into the data and we can access data from anywhere 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00029-00023056-00023504 and you can store any type of data and also regardless of the structure 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00030-00023720-00024536 and the data it normally can can analyze using ai and also machine learning so we 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00031-00024536-00025200 already mentioned that the data warehouse that you can ingest data from many different resources 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00032-00025256-00026056 and so the etl process okay and also that can support efficient bi uh analytics 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00033-00026272-00027008 okay but for data lake um it can support bi and also ai at the natives so machine learning and 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00034-00027008-00027936 also artificial in uh intelligence so imagine that like uh if you have images videos uh 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00035-00027936-00028632 text message etc so that can start in the data lake and we can use machine learning tools to 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00036-00028632-00029376 you know um analyze and also explore the data that from those videos and those images 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00037-00029536-00030176 so data lake is conserved as a single source can store any type of data and 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00038-00030232-00030983 which can also support ai and also analyzed by using machine learning technologies 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00039-00031112-00031872 all right so now let's compare the data and the data warehouse so remember that they can all serve 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00040-00031872-00032568 as a single source of your data repository but data warehouse can only store the relational data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00041-00032648-00033256 those are normally from like the transactional systems etc uh data link can store relational 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00042-00033256-00034120 data and also non-relational data so a bit like iot devices website mobile apps social medias etc 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00043-00034232-00034760 okay so the data from those resources normally are unstructured or similar structured 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00044-00034976-00035592 for data warehouse because at a relational database you have to design a structure before 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00045-00035592-00036088 you write data into the data warehouse okay so you have to design the tables 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00046-00036248-00036848 and you can have the data that stored to your table okay so from different data source 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00047-00037008-00037664 for the date late because they can store any type of data so for data lake you can store the data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00048-00037744-00038432 into the data lake first and when you are going to query the data so you have to define so in what 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00049-00038432-00039232 format you want query so that is schema on read and this for data lay data warehouse if you schema 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00050-00039232-00040016 on write okay so that means for data warehouse you define the structure before you write any data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00051-00040144-00040624 for data link you define a structure when you want to read the data because when 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00052-00040624-00041080 you run read the data you need a format that how do you want to query the data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00053-00041272-00042192 data warehouse provides the the most efficient hearing result with a high cost um 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00054-00042360-00043216 a data warehouse for data lake uh the clearing is getting faster okay so it may not as fast 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00055-00043216-00043960 as a data warehouse but the pairing is getting faster for data qualities data warehouse can 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00056-00043960-00044600 maintain high quality dataset because the data have when have to go through the etl process 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00057-00044696-00045272 and that is mostly used for the bi analytics that's the bi tools and also visualizations 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00058-00045440-00045976 for data link it can have any type of data so even the raw data so you can even save the 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00059-00045976-00046784 raw data into data link and next you can read data the raw data and also transform that into 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00060-00046784-00047552 different resources the users are more like data scientists developers and also business analytics 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00061-00047616-00047968 who are for business analytics they may use created data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00062-00048104-00048712 and data is especially helpful in ai and also machine learning etc 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00063-00048968-00050016 all right so one example of the data late is s3 so it is simple storage service on amazon 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00064-00050080-00050784 we also call it s3 so s3 is a storage of internet so that's the solution for data lake 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00065-00050784-00051584 that's provided by aws it is the best place that you can store your semi-structured structure and 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00066-00051584-00052232 also unstructured data so to be honest if you have structured data why do you need data lake so you 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00067-00052232-00052991 can start a structure into this database but so it's best place for your semester and also answer 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00068-00053336-00053688 it can be used to store and also retrieve any amount of data 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00069-00053688-00054472 anytime from anywhere on the web so uh aws also automatically back up your data in your s3 marquee 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00070-00054528-00055160 and also they scale up your date daily services so if you have huge amount 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00071-00055160-00055672 of the read and also right so they will scale up the infra infrastructure for you 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00072-00055872-00056920 okay so um s3 so uh services the data is organized into different buckets 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00073-00057120-00057632 okay so the bucket can be like the folders that uh when you are using like 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00074-00057760-00058440 google drive or onedrive or dropbox so um the bucket is the logic containers 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00075-00058576-00059272 on s3 and within each market you can define multiple folders or you can just start 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00076-00059272-00060055 any object so the data that stored on the bar keys in the box is called object 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00077-00060232-00060808 okay so object is composed of the file and also any metadata that associated with those files 4a-m_IqQm4Y-00078-00060808-00061408 so uh so that s3 can query your files um through the metadata 4bWmFCR97YE-00000-00000015-00000190 i love this song 4bWmFCR97YE-00001-00000194-00000325 i love all these notes 4bWmFCR97YE-00002-00000326-00000526 MOUUUUGHHHH 4bWmFCR97YE-00003-00000570-00000770 THIS CHARGER IS POUNDIN ME 4bWmFCR97YE-00004-00001083-00001242 SHIT, IM DOWN 4dOo4UMORtE-00000-00000400-00000543 To build native Facebook content to 4dOo4UMORtE-00001-00000543-00000696 drive business results 4dOo4UMORtE-00002-00000696-00000861 that's a big question right because 4dOo4UMORtE-00003-00000861-00001029 that's what we're all trying to figure 4dOo4UMORtE-00004-00001029-00001248 out. I think there are a few pieces that 4dOo4UMORtE-00005-00001248-00001746 go into it. I think the biggest piece for 4dOo4UMORtE-00006-00001746-00001955 us at least is understanding how 4dOo4UMORtE-00007-00001955-00002259 people's attention is shifting so I think 4dOo4UMORtE-00008-00002259-00002442 oftentimes we talk about content without 4dOo4UMORtE-00009-00002442-00002664 actually talking about the context 4dOo4UMORtE-00010-00002664-00002916 around that content -- meaning how people 4dOo4UMORtE-00011-00002916-00003075 are spending their time on Facebook, the fact that 4dOo4UMORtE-00012-00003075-00003261 they're mobile, the fact that people 4dOo4UMORtE-00013-00003261-00003426 are drawn to consuming video the way 4dOo4UMORtE-00014-00003426-00003636 that they consume video, what's around 4dOo4UMORtE-00015-00003636-00003782 the content that we're trying to present 4dOo4UMORtE-00016-00003782-00003969 to people, so I think that's a big piece of 4dOo4UMORtE-00017-00003969-00004112 it is actually understand the context 4dOo4UMORtE-00018-00004112-00004262 and how people's attention 4dOo4UMORtE-00019-00004262-00004623 plays out on these platforms. To maybe bring 4dOo4UMORtE-00020-00004623-00004743 it down a level and give a little more 4dOo4UMORtE-00021-00004743-00005091 tactical advice; mobile video is 4dOo4UMORtE-00022-00005091-00005319 everything. So we as VaynerMedia are trying 4dOo4UMORtE-00023-00005319-00005657 to be the best agency for video content 4dOo4UMORtE-00024-00005657-00005928 on the mobile device going into 2017 4dOo4UMORtE-00025-00005928-00006164 and 2018. We're obsessed with that so 4dOo4UMORtE-00026-00006164-00006344 thinking about that I think will help 4dOo4UMORtE-00027-00006344-00006536 drive business results and then another 4dOo4UMORtE-00028-00006536-00006695 thing that I spoke about earlier is 4dOo4UMORtE-00029-00006695-00006978 building a system whether it's a team or 4dOo4UMORtE-00030-00006978-00007265 a process to be able to test and optimize 4dOo4UMORtE-00031-00007265-00007556 after you put content live is super super 4dOo4UMORtE-00032-00007556-00007872 important so I think if historically 4dOo4UMORtE-00033-00007872-00008103 many marketers think about creating one 4dOo4UMORtE-00034-00008103-00008261 piece of content and just pushing it out 4dOo4UMORtE-00035-00008261-00008424 there and seeing what happens 4dOo4UMORtE-00036-00008424-00008597 we think that there's opportunity now not 4dOo4UMORtE-00037-00008597-00008871 just to tweak your content based on the 4dOo4UMORtE-00038-00008871-00009068 data that you see coming back to you but 4dOo4UMORtE-00039-00009068-00009200 then also try to come up with different 4dOo4UMORtE-00040-00009200-00009411 pieces of content segmented to your 4dOo4UMORtE-00041-00009411-00009717 audiences on Facebook and make it 4dOo4UMORtE-00042-00009717-00009800 more relevant that way. 4dOo4UMORtE-00043-00009986-00010113 It's an interesting point because I think that 4dOo4UMORtE-00044-00010113-00010368 sometimes we treat Facebook differently 4dOo4UMORtE-00045-00010368-00010565 or treat social media differently even 4dOo4UMORtE-00046-00010565-00010697 digital differently. 4dOo4UMORtE-00047-00010697-00010854 I don't think that's right like you know 4dOo4UMORtE-00048-00010854-00010992 there's always these conversations about this 4dOo4UMORtE-00049-00010992-00011193 new app, that new platform whether or not 4dOo4UMORtE-00050-00011193-00011307 people should be there 4dOo4UMORtE-00051-00011307-00011468 what happens if it goes away in two 4dOo4UMORtE-00052-00011468-00011628 years or is Snapchat actually going to go 4dOo4UMORtE-00053-00011628-00011913 mainstream? And the fact of the matter is like once 4dOo4UMORtE-00054-00011913-00012036 people's attention is there you should 4dOo4UMORtE-00055-00012036-00012113 be marketing there in the same way 4dOo4UMORtE-00056-00012113-00012278 that you would with a hit TV show. 4dOo4UMORtE-00057-00012278-00012475 People aren't sitting around debating whether or 4dOo4UMORtE-00058-00012475-00012638 not a hit TV show is going to be here in 4dOo4UMORtE-00059-00012638-00012811 two seasons they buy advertising there 4dOo4UMORtE-00060-00012811-00013072 because people's attention is there. So I 4dOo4UMORtE-00061-00013072-00013291 think that you know advertising is 4dOo4UMORtE-00062-00013291-00013559 advertising and so I don't think that we 4dOo4UMORtE-00063-00013559-00013700 should necessarily treat Facebook 4dOo4UMORtE-00064-00013700-00014081 differently and I think that you know.. I 4dOo4UMORtE-00065-00014081-00014266 think some of the best content -- if you 4dOo4UMORtE-00066-00014266-00014426 want to use the terminology push vs 4dOo4UMORtE-00067-00014426-00014663 pull -- some of the best advertising is pull 4dOo4UMORtE-00068-00014663-00014881 content no matter where it lives. In the 4dOo4UMORtE-00069-00014881-00015181 UK now is the time for the big Christmas 4dOo4UMORtE-00070-00015181-00015401 TV spots from John Lewis and all 4dOo4UMORtE-00071-00015401-00015662 that. They don't even have to put 4dOo4UMORtE-00072-00015662-00015800 media dollars behind that anymore because 4dOo4UMORtE-00073-00015800-00015947 people are drawn to it. They want to 4dOo4UMORtE-00074-00015947-00016129 consume it because it's great content 4dOo4UMORtE-00075-00016129-00016294 and has a tradition to it and all that. 4dOo4UMORtE-00076-00016294-00016562 So I'm not sure the conversation should 4dOo4UMORtE-00077-00016562-00016664 really be all that different about 4dOo4UMORtE-00078-00016664-00016984 Facebook but yes I would agree to not 4dOo4UMORtE-00079-00016984-00017150 just be about trying to push content in 4dOo4UMORtE-00080-00017150-00017398 front of people. I think good advertising 4dOo4UMORtE-00081-00017398-00017543 not just native advertising, is 4dOo4UMORtE-00082-00017543-00017888 content that gives value whether that's information or 4dOo4UMORtE-00083-00017888-00018220 entertainment or just quality so 4dOo4UMORtE-00084-00018220-00018353 regardless of where it goes I think that's 4dOo4UMORtE-00085-00018353-00018403 important. 4dOo4UMORtE-00086-00018600-00018860 I think publishers have a.. I think anybody has a right to 4dOo4UMORtE-00087-00018860-00019289 be sceptical about the content around 4dOo4UMORtE-00088-00019289-00019631 their advertising and what surfaces whether 4dOo4UMORtE-00089-00019631-00019850 that's on Facebook or any other channel. If you're 4dOo4UMORtE-00090-00019850-00020000 paying for placement on some of these 4dOo4UMORtE-00091-00020000-00020159 channels there's some responsibility 4dOo4UMORtE-00092-00020159-00020482 from the channel or the publisher 4dOo4UMORtE-00093-00020482-00020597 same way there would be if you bought advertising on a 4dOo4UMORtE-00094-00020597-00020909 website for it to be in line 4dOo4UMORtE-00095-00020909-00021035 with how you want your brand to be 4dOo4UMORtE-00096-00021035-00021148 represented. 4dOo4UMORtE-00097-00021148-00021457 I think it's just a question the 4dOo4UMORtE-00098-00021457-00021656 marketplace will decide you know. So I 4dOo4UMORtE-00099-00021656-00021809 think right now the marketplace is saying 4dOo4UMORtE-00100-00021809-00021970 that most advertisers feel pretty 4dOo4UMORtE-00101-00021970-00022106 comfortable about the level of 4dOo4UMORtE-00102-00022106-00022397 safeguards that Facebook has in place 4dOo4UMORtE-00103-00022397-00022531 for that and 4dOo4UMORtE-00104-00022531-00022697 they're voting with their dollars if you 4dOo4UMORtE-00105-00022697-00022957 will. So it seems like most people are not 4dOo4UMORtE-00106-00022957-00023162 too concerned about that. That can change 4dOo4UMORtE-00107-00023162-00023363 you know there's a lot of conversation 4dOo4UMORtE-00108-00023363-00023534 right now about fake news and everything 4dOo4UMORtE-00109-00023534-00023726 that happened in the US around the 4dOo4UMORtE-00110-00023726-00023951 election so it's constantly changing and 4dOo4UMORtE-00111-00023951-00024200 it's up to each marketer to understand.. it depends 4dOo4UMORtE-00112-00024200-00024500 on their brand too. Some brands have a 4dOo4UMORtE-00113-00024500-00024702 bigger appetite for that kind of 4dOo4UMORtE-00114-00024702-00024927 risk or exposure and some don't so it 4dOo4UMORtE-00115-00024927-00025056 completely depends on the brand and the 4dOo4UMORtE-00116-00025056-00025106 marketer. 4dOo4UMORtE-00117-00025400-00025458 I don't think that publishers 4dOo4UMORtE-00118-00025458-00025692 misunderstand the use of Facebook.. 4dOo4UMORtE-00119-00025692-00025911 Actually to be honest I'm not sure it 4dOo4UMORtE-00120-00025911-00026120 depends on the publisher. I think if 4dOo4UMORtE-00121-00026120-00026274 we were having this conversation four years 4dOo4UMORtE-00122-00026274-00026331 ago 4dOo4UMORtE-00123-00026331-00026558 yes, but that's going away because 4dOo4UMORtE-00124-00026558-00026769 Facebook as a marketing channel is becoming 4dOo4UMORtE-00125-00026769-00026925 more mainstream, more people are using it, 4dOo4UMORtE-00126-00026925-00027095 best practices are being developed 4dOo4UMORtE-00127-00027095-00027345 although still super early so I think a 4dOo4UMORtE-00128-00027345-00027545 lot of people do. I think the bigger 4dOo4UMORtE-00129-00027545-00027738 thing that might be contributing to some 4dOo4UMORtE-00130-00027738-00027942 type of misunderstanding is just how 4dOo4UMORtE-00131-00027942-00028139 quickly the platform is changing and 4dOo4UMORtE-00132-00028139-00028344 what best practices are on the platform. 4dOo4UMORtE-00133-00028344-00028683 So it's not you know you take TV for 4dOo4UMORtE-00134-00028683-00029004 example and the advertising ecosystem 4dOo4UMORtE-00135-00029004-00029304 and environment both economic and 4dOo4UMORtE-00136-00029304-00029616 creative. TV you know that's 50 4dOo4UMORtE-00137-00029616-00029805 years, 60 years in the making so it's a 4dOo4UMORtE-00138-00029805-00029994 lot more established and rigid and 4dOo4UMORtE-00139-00029994-00030180 Facebook as a medium is changing so much 4dOo4UMORtE-00140-00030180-00030372 quicker. How we use Facebook today 4dOo4UMORtE-00141-00030372-00030501 is very different than how we used it 4dOo4UMORtE-00142-00030501-00030729 two years ago. Things like messenger, and 4dOo4UMORtE-00143-00030729-00030987 live, marketplace and everything that 4dOo4UMORtE-00144-00030987-00031116 they're doing to iterate the 4dOo4UMORtE-00145-00031116-00031512 product. So yeah I think that that speed 4dOo4UMORtE-00146-00031512-00031745 of change really contributes to it but 4dOo4UMORtE-00147-00031745-00031983 from where we sit and the types of marketers 4dOo4UMORtE-00148-00031983-00032097 that we speak to we don't think that 4dOo4UMORtE-00149-00032097-00032223 there's a fundamental misunderstanding 4dOo4UMORtE-00150-00032223-00032526 of it. It's just a question of how 4dOo4UMORtE-00151-00032526-00032643 you can use it and we think a lot of 4dOo4UMORtE-00152-00032643-00032823 people aren't really taking advantage of 4dOo4UMORtE-00153-00032823-00032940 the full potential. 4dOo4UMORtE-00154-00033200-00033477 Best practices for advertising on Facebook; mobile video 4dOo4UMORtE-00155-00033477-00033729 right now so creating video that is 4dOo4UMORtE-00156-00033729-00033906 going to play well in a mobile 4dOo4UMORtE-00157-00033906-00034107 environment that's the biggest advice 4dOo4UMORtE-00158-00034107-00034218 that I think I can give 4dOo4UMORtE-00159-00034218-00034539 anybody. Really understanding the 4dOo4UMORtE-00160-00034539-00034821 potential of Power Editor as an ad 4dOo4UMORtE-00161-00034821-00035043 tech platform and not just doing a 4dOo4UMORtE-00162-00035043-00035205 superficial kind of broad-based 4dOo4UMORtE-00163-00035205-00035445 media-buying on it but actually using the 4dOo4UMORtE-00164-00035445-00035751 wealth of data that Facebook has on your 4dOo4UMORtE-00165-00035751-00035943 target audience to be able to segment by 4dOo4UMORtE-00166-00035943-00036255 audience, by location, by gender and drill 4dOo4UMORtE-00167-00036255-00036432 very very deep down and then creating 4dOo4UMORtE-00168-00036432-00036588 content that's relevant to those 4dOo4UMORtE-00169-00036588-00036807 audiences. I think that's a big potential 4dOo4UMORtE-00170-00036807-00036941 and that speaks to something that's super important to us 4dOo4UMORtE-00171-00036941-00037095 which is the integration of creative 4dOo4UMORtE-00172-00037095-00037311 and media so thinking about creative 4dOo4UMORtE-00173-00037311-00037443 based on the media plan and thinking about 4dOo4UMORtE-00174-00037443-00037578 a media plan based on what you want to 4dOo4UMORtE-00175-00037578-00037803 do for creative and then making sure that, 4dOo4UMORtE-00176-00037836-00037977 what I mentioned earlier, that the testing and 4dOo4UMORtE-00177-00037977-00038205 optimization loop is really in place so 4dOo4UMORtE-00178-00038205-00038372 that what you see in your media reporting 4dOo4UMORtE-00179-00038372-00038516 informs what you're doing with your 4dOo4UMORtE-00180-00038516-00038963 content and vice versa. And then something else I spoke about today 4dOo4UMORtE-00181-00038963-00039206 that I think is super important that oftentimes we ignore 4dOo4UMORtE-00182-00039206-00039434 is being a practitioner of it you know. 4dOo4UMORtE-00183-00039434-00039662 So spending time on the platform, being 4dOo4UMORtE-00184-00039662-00039858 intellectually curious about how people 4dOo4UMORtE-00185-00039858-00040077 are using it, why they're using Facebook 4dOo4UMORtE-00186-00040077-00040212 live, why they're not 4dOo4UMORtE-00187-00040212-00040418 using Facebook live so all those things 4dOo4UMORtE-00188-00040418-00040605 I think contribute to being 4dOo4UMORtE-00189-00040605-00040750 successful as a marketer on the platform. 4dOo4UMORtE-00190-00041080-00041283 The first one was: Design for thumb stopping 4dOo4UMORtE-00191-00041283-00041559 power. We throw around the term thumb stopping 4dOo4UMORtE-00192-00041559-00041759 content a lot internally and it really just 4dOo4UMORtE-00193-00041759-00042036 means that if you think about anybody using 4dOo4UMORtE-00194-00042036-00042116 Facebook 4dOo4UMORtE-00195-00042116-00042315 they're on their phone right it's a mobile 4dOo4UMORtE-00196-00042315-00042593 platform, we can put that conversation to 4dOo4UMORtE-00197-00042593-00042768 bed, so they're on their phone and 4dOo4UMORtE-00198-00042768-00042950 literally scrolling through it like this 4dOo4UMORtE-00199-00042950-00043209 right and there's.. the stat that I put up 4dOo4UMORtE-00200-00043209-00043461 earlier.. there's 1500 pieces of content that 4dOo4UMORtE-00201-00043461-00043634 any user could potentially see when I 4dOo4UMORtE-00202-00043634-00043830 log into Facebook so there's a ton on 4dOo4UMORtE-00203-00043830-00044063 there and they're scrolling really fast. 4dOo4UMORtE-00204-00044063-00044246 How do you make your content stand out 4dOo4UMORtE-00205-00044246-00044418 enough that people are going to stop 4dOo4UMORtE-00206-00044418-00044690 their thumb and watch your video or 4dOo4UMORtE-00207-00044690-00044874 click on your link or whatever action 4dOo4UMORtE-00208-00044874-00045030 you actually want them to take? 4dOo4UMORtE-00209-00045030-00045188 So design for thumb stopping power 4dOo4UMORtE-00210-00045188-00045458 that's a big one. Mobile video was the 4dOo4UMORtE-00211-00045458-00045621 second one so kind of beating a dead 4dOo4UMORtE-00212-00045621-00045872 horse here but that's the game right now 4dOo4UMORtE-00213-00045872-00046119 on Facebook especially. We think everything 4dOo4UMORtE-00214-00046119-00046287 else is going to follow and then the 4dOo4UMORtE-00215-00046287-00046631 last one was building a system for 4dOo4UMORtE-00216-00046631-00046838 testing and optimizing so really making 4dOo4UMORtE-00217-00046838-00047066 sure that even for your creative which 4dOo4UMORtE-00218-00047066-00047202 historically has been a very subjective 4dOo4UMORtE-00219-00047202-00047583 discipline you are taking an objective 4dOo4UMORtE-00220-00047583-00047684 approach to it 4dOo4UMORtE-00221-00047684-00047903 meaning you're using math and the data 4dOo4UMORtE-00222-00047903-00048099 the platform provides you to inform 4dOo4UMORtE-00223-00048099-00048180 what you're doing creatively. 4dOo4UMORtE-00224-00048580-00048693 How we do the testing you know we're a big agency 4dOo4UMORtE-00225-00048693-00048858 now so we do it a little bit differently 4dOo4UMORtE-00226-00048858-00049074 we have data scientists, media analysts 4dOo4UMORtE-00227-00049074-00049275 people who spend their whole day looking 4dOo4UMORtE-00228-00049275-00049418 at the data and trying to draw out 4dOo4UMORtE-00229-00049418-00049600 conclusions from it. 4dOo4UMORtE-00230-00049600-00049891 But how I would advise other 4dOo4UMORtE-00231-00049891-00050146 businesses that maybe don't have a team 4dOo4UMORtE-00232-00050146-00050353 of a hundred people working on it to 4dOo4UMORtE-00233-00050353-00050524 think about testing and optimizing is 4dOo4UMORtE-00234-00050524-00050632 first of all it's just a 4dOo4UMORtE-00235-00050632-00050761 management thing. I think somebody has to be 4dOo4UMORtE-00236-00050761-00051037 accountable for it so you, whatever your 4dOo4UMORtE-00237-00051037-00051196 role is, need to decide that it's 4dOo4UMORtE-00238-00051196-00051400 something that is important to your 4dOo4UMORtE-00239-00051400-00051601 organization. I think that it should be 4dOo4UMORtE-00240-00051601-00051696 but you have to make that decision; 4dOo4UMORtE-00241-00051696-00052024 actually accept that enough to give it 4dOo4UMORtE-00242-00052024-00052183 to somebody to be responsible for 4dOo4UMORtE-00243-00052183-00052371 -- whether that's you or somebody else -- somebody needs to be 4dOo4UMORtE-00244-00052371-00052609 responsible for implementing it. You need 4dOo4UMORtE-00245-00052609-00052716 the right person to do it, 4dOo4UMORtE-00246-00052716-00052941 talent is everything, you can have a 4dOo4UMORtE-00247-00052941-00053173 strategy, you can have priorities and 4dOo4UMORtE-00248-00053173-00053332 pillars and I can tell you what I think 4dOo4UMORtE-00249-00053332-00053466 is important but if you don't have the right 4dOo4UMORtE-00250-00053466-00053616 person to be able to do it 4dOo4UMORtE-00251-00053616-00053899 it's not going to matter in the end. 4dOo4UMORtE-00252-00053899-00054115 More tactically we check in on our 4dOo4UMORtE-00253-00054115-00054364 spends three times a day so getting into 4dOo4UMORtE-00254-00054364-00054487 that level of detail I think is 4dOo4UMORtE-00255-00054487-00054649 important, how you set up your reporting 4dOo4UMORtE-00256-00054649-00054867 is important and then sometimes as simple 4dOo4UMORtE-00257-00054867-00055126 as.. we have our media analyst sit next to 4dOo4UMORtE-00258-00055126-00055279 our copywriters and our art directors so 4dOo4UMORtE-00259-00055279-00055471 they're you know not just talking 4dOo4UMORtE-00260-00055471-00055597 day-to-day but they build a working 4dOo4UMORtE-00261-00055597-00055816 relationship together. So some of it a 4dOo4UMORtE-00262-00055816-00055969 lot of it is really just how you set up 4dOo4UMORtE-00263-00055969-00056060 your people and your team. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00000-00000000-00000710 Hello~ This is Kyungran Lee. This 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00001-00000832-00001467 is a watercolor autumn landscape of a trail with yellow ginkgo trees. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00002-00001536-00002179 Leaves and trees are expressed naturally without sketches. Trees in the 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00003-00002208-00002940 distance are made by sprinkling them with shell pink. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00004-00002980-00003879 This is a landscape of yellow ginkgo trees standing in a row. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00005-00004043-00004903 The paper used is 300 grams of Arshi . The basic brushes are a white 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00006-00004973-00005678 brush, a diagonal brush, a thin brush, and a flat brush. I 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00007-00006857-00007666 spray several times to make the colors of the autumn trees naturally blend. The 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00008-00007838-00008757 color creates a beautiful and mysterious world. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00009-00008757-00009565 I spray more permanent yellow and yellow orange on top of the shell pink 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00010-00016186-00017133 . If you spray 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00011-00017134-00018066 yellow on top of it, the colors mix naturally. It 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00012-00019448-00020482 is made with colors such as leaf green and greenish yellow. The colors 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00013-00021048-00021971 used for autumn trees are yellow, permanent yellow, leaf green, orange, red brown, 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00014-00022314-00023312 and other colors on the palette. The colors are mixed little by little 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00015-00023384-00024208 to create a variety of different colors. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00016-00024794-00025729 The rhizomes are sprayed after the color of the rhizome has dried to 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00017-00026016-00026840 some 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00018-00027980-00028817 extent . I 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00019-00029159-00030151 use it to make and use the 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00020-00032617-00033182 leaf-shaped lumps of paint that do not spread and disappear. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00021-00056847-00057838 Now I will draw the branches. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00022-00058299-00059650 I adjust the size to show the perspective of the trees. The 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00023-00077289-00078246 fallen leaves on the road and the warmth of the dirt road are autumnal. Trees are painted with pendike 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00024-00078506-00079407 brown colors. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00025-00079667-00080507 Trees that are far away are blurred. Trees that are 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00026-00080764-00081625 close are getting darker and clearer. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00027-00081923-00082721 And also draw small branches 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00028-00082922-00083788 . Draw it while bending it. It takes 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00029-00084188-00085354 practice to draw a branch well. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00030-00085660-00086517 One tip. 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00031-00086708-00087400 When drawing a branch, hold your 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00032-00088161-00089141 breath for a while and when you prune it, it climbs straight up better than you think. It will 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00033-00089530-00090708 take a lot of practice 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00034-00091314-00092253 . There are some hanging in front of this, and the 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00035-00092411-00093429 leaves on the branches are also seen in 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00036-00094041-00095176 detail . Various natural objects such as 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00037-00131283-00132125 fallen 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00038-00132125-00133257 leaves, soil, tree branches, and stones are on the 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00039-00133857-00134656 road when doing 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00040-00135656-00136512 this Give 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00041-00136912-00137942 it a rough look by rubbing the brush sideways according to the shape of the flat ground. Dab 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00042-00140441-00141267 it with a paper towel to express the upper part of the bright boulder. If 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00043-00141652-00142516 you shade the lower part darkly, it will look like a stone on the 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00044-00142955-00143728 road. It expresses it in a delicate way, 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00045-00143728-00144649 so that the perspective is maximized 4kFMoGj_Gc4-00046-00145337-00146216 . Thank you for being with us. 4l5BxgMklQg-00000-00000010-00000086 AND PEQUOT LAKES AND BADGER 4l5BxgMklQg-00001-00000086-00000093 AND PEQUOT LAKES AND BADGER 4l5BxgMklQg-00002-00000093-00000270 AND PEQUOT LAKES AND BADGER GREENBUSH MIDDLE RGREEER AWESO 4l5BxgMklQg-00003-00000270-00000276 AND PEQUOT LAKES AND BADGER GREENBUSH MIDDLE RGREEER AWESO 4l5BxgMklQg-00004-00000276-00000430 AND PEQUOT LAKES AND BADGER GREENBUSH MIDDLE RGREEER AWESO GETTING WINS. 4l5BxgMklQg-00005-00000430-00000437 GREENBUSH MIDDLE RGREEER AWESO GETTING WINS. 4l5BxgMklQg-00006-00000437-00000657 GREENBUSH MIDDLE RGREEER AWESO GETTING WINS. >> AJ: THE LATEST DIVISION 2 4l5BxgMklQg-00007-00000657-00000663 GETTING WINS. >> AJ: THE LATEST DIVISION 2 4l5BxgMklQg-00008-00000663-00000744 GETTING WINS. >> AJ: THE LATEST DIVISION 2 WOMEN'S SETCCER C, 4l5BxgMklQg-00009-00000744-00000974 >> AJ: THE LATEST DIVISION 2 WOMEN'S SETCCER C, 4l5BxgMklQg-00010-00000757-00000830 HES POLL ISCCER C, 4l5BxgMklQg-00011-00000830-00001114 HES POLL ISCCER C, 4l5BxgMklQg-00012-00000837-00000974 OUT AND BEMIDJI STATE HAS MADE 4l5BxgMklQg-00013-00000974-00000980 OUT AND BEMIDJI STATE HAS MADE 4l5BxgMklQg-00014-00000980-00001114 OUT AND BEMIDJI STATE HAS MADE THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS 4l5BxgMklQg-00015-00001114-00001121 OUT AND BEMIDJI STATE HAS MADE THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS 4l5BxgMklQg-00016-00001121-00001167 OUT AND BEMIDJI STATE HAS MADE THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS SEASON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00017-00001167-00001174 THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS SEASON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00018-00001174-00001294 THE LIST FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS SEASON. THE BEAVERS COME IN AT 22 IN THE 4l5BxgMklQg-00019-00001294-00001301 SEASON. THE BEAVERS COME IN AT 22 IN THE 4l5BxgMklQg-00020-00001301-00001608 SEASON. THE BEAVERS COME IN AT 22 IN THE POLL AND ARE THIRD IN CENTRAL 4l5BxgMklQg-00021-00001608-00001614 THE BEAVERS COME IN AT 22 IN THE POLL AND ARE THIRD IN CENTRAL 4l5BxgMklQg-00022-00001614-00001661 THE BEAVERS COME IN AT 22 IN THE POLL AND ARE THIRD IN CENTRAL RECE ON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00023-00001661-00001971 POLL AND ARE THIRD IN CENTRAL RECE ON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00024-00001668-00001811 ESOHIS IS THEIR SIXE 4l5BxgMklQg-00025-00001811-00002132 ESOHIS IS THEIR SIXE 4l5BxgMklQg-00026-00001818-00001971 IN SCHOOL HISTORY AFTER MAKING 4l5BxgMklQg-00027-00001971-00001978 IN SCHOOL HISTORY AFTER MAKING 4l5BxgMklQg-00028-00001978-00002132 IN SCHOOL HISTORY AFTER MAKING THE TOP 25 FIVE TIMES LAST 4l5BxgMklQg-00029-00002132-00002138 IN SCHOOL HISTORY AFTER MAKING THE TOP 25 FIVE TIMES LAST 4l5BxgMklQg-00030-00002138-00002192 IN SCHOOL HISTORY AFTER MAKING THE TOP 25 FIVE TIMES LAST SEASON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00031-00002192-00002198 THE TOP 25 FIVE TIMES LAST SEASON. 4l5BxgMklQg-00032-00002198-00002325 THE TOP 25 FIVE TIMES LAST SEASON. THE BEAVERS B LOCAN THEIR SEASON 4l5BxgMklQg-00033-00002325-00002332 SEASON. THE BEAVERS B LOCAN THEIR SEASON 4l5BxgMklQg-00034-00002332-00002469 SEASON. THE BEAVERS B LOCAN THEIR SEASON LAST WEEK WITH A 1-0 WIN OVER 4lweFTF7FR4-00000-00001772-00003625 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00001-00003625-00005477 thank you 4lweFTF7FR4-00002-00005477-00006317 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00003-00006317-00008840 everybody ready [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00004-00008840-00010522 [Music] information 4lweFTF7FR4-00005-00010522-00011364 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00006-00011364-00012204 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00007-00012204-00013887 [Music] foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00008-00013887-00014728 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00009-00014728-00015568 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00011-00019773-00020614 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00012-00020614-00022295 foreign [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00013-00022295-00023137 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00014-00023137-00023978 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00015-00023978-00025272 yeah the only thing that is remaining is for you know us to do like a French version of 4lweFTF7FR4-00016-00025272-00025991 it yeah so that we can conquer this Emerging Market yeah business woman 4lweFTF7FR4-00017-00025991-00026883 I need you to select one of these two for my interview which one should I use oh 4lweFTF7FR4-00018-00026883-00028327 none of Japan I'm coming this way wow 4lweFTF7FR4-00019-00028327-00029042 remember you always have to wear this fluffy brand 4lweFTF7FR4-00020-00029042-00030126 should I wear this everywhere I think that's my mom [Music] are you Mom 4lweFTF7FR4-00021-00030126-00032283 hello Mom yes yes I'm already on my way okay okay I won't forget to get his drugs all right 4lweFTF7FR4-00022-00032283-00032687 see you soon okay bye like you're leaving you have another place for me to stay of course 4lweFTF7FR4-00023-00032687-00033148 we can stay in my Mansion here my walls are white I always have light you and me 4lweFTF7FR4-00024-00033148-00033248 [Applause] 4lweFTF7FR4-00025-00033248-00033932 stay here okay let's just start what you cannot finish who says 4lweFTF7FR4-00026-00033932-00034032 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00027-00034032-00034132 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00028-00034132-00034233 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00029-00034233-00035529 [Music] thank you [Music] okay is that all yes 4lweFTF7FR4-00030-00035529-00036022 [Music] you can have it 4lweFTF7FR4-00032-00040572-00041193 it's rejected it again without money in this account now please try it again there's money 4lweFTF7FR4-00033-00041193-00043100 here why are you trying to stop now I think it's from the bank just keep trying ladies 4lweFTF7FR4-00034-00043100-00043895 ladies you know what um add it to my thumb all right don't worry I'll take care of it 4lweFTF7FR4-00035-00043895-00044912 are you serious yeah it's no problem well thank you so much send everything to my office 4lweFTF7FR4-00036-00044912-00046100 okay no problem I will thank you so much 4lweFTF7FR4-00038-00049141-00049241 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00039-00049241-00049341 foreign [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00040-00049341-00050522 okay I can give you a ride if you don't mind are you serious it's okay well thank you again 4lweFTF7FR4-00042-00053614-00054429 Oh yay doctor yep okay A little professional handle all your help needs it's better option 4lweFTF7FR4-00043-00054429-00055026 for you I mean my come in handy one of these days don't hesitate to call all right wait 4lweFTF7FR4-00044-00055026-00055866 I pray I won't be needing ah hey you should need it too am I supposed to pay my bills 4lweFTF7FR4-00046-00059885-00060286 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00047-00060286-00061894 [Music] thank you [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00048-00061894-00062296 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00049-00062296-00062784 so my baby how are you preparing for your exams you have to be focused don't don't be 4lweFTF7FR4-00050-00062784-00063455 distracted be focused so that you come out with flying colors and don't get things restarting 4lweFTF7FR4-00051-00063455-00064213 you are just 24 yeah you just you just get yourself in the midst of all kinds of distraction 4lweFTF7FR4-00052-00064213-00065095 if it's not Instagram it's a a what's your that one again it's a tick tock it's not Tick-Tock 4lweFTF7FR4-00053-00065095-00065957 Facebook Facebook Snapchat and today you're doing this challenge tomorrow do that I don't 4lweFTF7FR4-00054-00065957-00066168 know who's challenging you 4lweFTF7FR4-00055-00066168-00066802 oh that's a young man that I saw you with your daddy 4lweFTF7FR4-00056-00066802-00067805 [Music] admit an old man mommy what yeah so you are not dating Azadi okay now I get it 4lweFTF7FR4-00057-00067805-00068330 it's not I didn't see any man I saw someone groom he's not a young man you see your daughter 4lweFTF7FR4-00058-00068330-00069620 is not the team's Daddy my short man 4lweFTF7FR4-00059-00069620-00069850 foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00060-00069850-00070752 thank you excuse darling just for your own good it's not that I'm I'm trying to be afraid 4lweFTF7FR4-00061-00070752-00071357 what's wrong with you now desire for her I want her to progress I don't want her to be 4lweFTF7FR4-00062-00071357-00071966 distracted I want this child to be a a successful child I want to make my brother proud I don't 4lweFTF7FR4-00063-00071966-00072576 want to save him I don't want to disappoint him Fred you are doing a good job and you 4lweFTF7FR4-00064-00072576-00073213 will not feel where she's concerned remember I married you when I was 23. talking to a 4lweFTF7FR4-00065-00073213-00073916 24 year old lady it's very disrespectful she is old enough to be somebody's wife now if 4lweFTF7FR4-00066-00073916-00074656 she chooses you know she's just respecting you that's why she's listening to you if she 4lweFTF7FR4-00067-00074656-00075268 changes it I will not be there and you know you know your health oh you know what you 4lweFTF7FR4-00068-00075268-00077266 are managing this is just it's just temporal anyway this is your medicine take two 4lweFTF7FR4-00069-00077266-00078078 [Music] again [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00070-00078078-00078349 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00071-00078349-00080797 Instagram was I feel pressured and I don't do well on that pressure I don't know what 4lweFTF7FR4-00072-00080797-00081568 to do it's okay I'll talk to him you will of course I will it's important to you I I 4lweFTF7FR4-00073-00081568-00082299 I can hear voices though okay I can't get up against me 4lweFTF7FR4-00074-00082299-00082944 and you park on spying against me it will not work I do not work don't look don't set 4lweFTF7FR4-00075-00082944-00083891 me up oh yes I will be upset are you listening to me hey you're not even your people are 4lweFTF7FR4-00076-00083891-00084582 not saying anything okay I am the head of this house nobody will take my my my ground 4lweFTF7FR4-00077-00084582-00085163 is my ground I Will Stand My Ground okay you're my wife and you're my daughter is that okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00078-00085163-00085263 good 4lweFTF7FR4-00079-00085263-00086207 can't take it anymore let me just take take my medicine 4lweFTF7FR4-00080-00086207-00087025 thank you thank you thank you thank you it's okay he said don't pay any attention I'm a 4lweFTF7FR4-00081-00087025-00087801 good woman now and was as thick I'm sure you do and you know that I trust you so I don't 4lweFTF7FR4-00082-00087801-00088436 want any more gloomy face the only person who understands me 4lweFTF7FR4-00083-00088436-00089006 I'm proud I'm happy to be the only one that understands you someone has to yes you know 4lweFTF7FR4-00084-00089006-00090049 you're my sunshine so brighten up give me smile yes that's my sunshine 4lweFTF7FR4-00085-00090049-00090675 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00086-00090675-00093230 thank you is that all um 4lweFTF7FR4-00087-00093230-00094288 I'll I'll buy you the one that is designed by our local guy is Louis Vuitton 4lweFTF7FR4-00088-00094288-00095031 Riley give your father his bag ah my daughter I'll miss you 4lweFTF7FR4-00089-00095031-00095838 mommy you don't want anything you have to talk to him she knows how to get it my love 4lweFTF7FR4-00090-00095838-00096510 come come baby I need to talk to you very quickly okay yes darling yeah baby you have 4lweFTF7FR4-00091-00096510-00096916 to promise me something because I need to ask you for a favor now okay with anything 4lweFTF7FR4-00092-00096916-00097143 for you hey my darling 4lweFTF7FR4-00093-00097143-00098418 when you guys have issues yes you don't and I know why because I don't ever want her to 4lweFTF7FR4-00094-00098418-00099111 see us as different you know that your elder brother entrusted her to us she came as a 4lweFTF7FR4-00095-00099111-00099579 consolation where we couldn't have children of Our Own she has had a hard life not knowing 4lweFTF7FR4-00096-00099579-00100426 her mother from birth and her father dying from wedding ring when she was just a kid 4lweFTF7FR4-00097-00100426-00101179 we are the only parents that she knows and the pressure you are mounting on is beginning 4lweFTF7FR4-00098-00101179-00102135 to get to her I know you don't want to disappoint your brother but she's a girl and she's fragile 4lweFTF7FR4-00099-00102135-00102877 you need to ease off hey baby please don't be calling her on this trip you're going to 4lweFTF7FR4-00100-00102877-00103629 keep calling I'll be asking where are you what is wrong where's that boy who is this 4lweFTF7FR4-00101-00103629-00103868 Daddy please darling promise me 4lweFTF7FR4-00102-00103868-00104104 my love okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00103-00104104-00105628 thank you thank you very much all right thank you my baby's all right that's all don't mind 4lweFTF7FR4-00104-00105628-00106005 your dad let's go to the car before you miss your flight 4lweFTF7FR4-00106-00111776-00112703 all right I love you guys 4lweFTF7FR4-00107-00112703-00112949 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00108-00112949-00113194 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00109-00113194-00113776 how dare you young man 4lweFTF7FR4-00110-00113776-00116524 for you how dare you you came to my house 4lweFTF7FR4-00111-00116524-00118034 young man sir you want to marry my daughter 4lweFTF7FR4-00112-00118034-00119233 are you kill yourself comfortable 4lweFTF7FR4-00113-00119233-00119333 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00114-00119333-00120482 he'll be like [Applause] I go shoot you kill you all you kill yourself before I shoot you 4lweFTF7FR4-00115-00120482-00122947 ah hey I'll kill you what's up yes young man I love your daughter she's like my mother 4lweFTF7FR4-00116-00122947-00123294 she knows 4lweFTF7FR4-00117-00123294-00123814 before your story 4lweFTF7FR4-00118-00123814-00123988 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00119-00123988-00124334 a former 4lweFTF7FR4-00120-00124334-00126407 oh yeah I'm preserving my Fufu if you come out if you okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00121-00126407-00126507 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00122-00126507-00126607 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00123-00126607-00126707 [Applause] 4lweFTF7FR4-00124-00126707-00126807 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00125-00126807-00126907 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00126-00126907-00127332 take it take it 4lweFTF7FR4-00127-00127332-00127598 go ahead 4lweFTF7FR4-00128-00127598-00127996 come down hey 4lweFTF7FR4-00129-00127996-00128128 please 4lweFTF7FR4-00130-00128128-00129922 call him all right calm down calm down you will never listen to me 4lweFTF7FR4-00131-00129922-00130067 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00132-00130067-00130213 foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00133-00130213-00130358 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00134-00130358-00130504 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00135-00130504-00130651 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00136-00130651-00130797 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00137-00130797-00130942 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00138-00130942-00131379 [Music] thank you 4lweFTF7FR4-00139-00131379-00131526 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00140-00131526-00132109 foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00141-00132109-00132254 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00142-00132254-00132401 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00143-00132401-00132547 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00144-00132547-00132839 [Music] foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00145-00132839-00133276 [Music] foreign [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00146-00133276-00133422 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00147-00133422-00133714 [Music] foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00148-00133714-00133860 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00149-00133860-00134005 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00150-00134005-00135610 he must be somebody you must be somebody somebody [Music] somebody 4lweFTF7FR4-00151-00135610-00136630 never mind them never mind never mind 4lweFTF7FR4-00152-00136630-00136923 never mind 4lweFTF7FR4-00153-00136923-00137067 them 4lweFTF7FR4-00154-00137067-00137648 they are just in mind related by your success 4lweFTF7FR4-00155-00137648-00137958 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00156-00137958-00138128 a man to you 4lweFTF7FR4-00157-00138128-00138715 I'm very easy for dinner if you continue to stop my programs 4lweFTF7FR4-00160-00175395-00177812 responding it seems like he did Magic on him I swear I think you should move in with us 4lweFTF7FR4-00161-00177812-00178413 because you're the only person that succeeded in bringing him to that place of calm really 4lweFTF7FR4-00162-00178413-00178833 yeah funny thing is I was planning to stop over after work but I mean I'm surprised that 4lweFTF7FR4-00163-00178833-00179828 you stopped over well I cannot miss a chance to say thank you I was only doing my job well 4lweFTF7FR4-00164-00179828-00180364 done then trust me you don't know how much stress you just took away from us man is a 4lweFTF7FR4-00165-00180364-00181083 big headache I know I know are you know hurry no okay so I was thinking maybe we stop over 4lweFTF7FR4-00166-00181083-00181625 for a bite or lunch okay uh I was about to propose the same anyway really yes all right 4lweFTF7FR4-00167-00181625-00182798 so give me give me a few minutes to tie this up some loose ends and um be on our way all 4lweFTF7FR4-00168-00182798-00184914 right that's my take your time all right just make yourself 4lweFTF7FR4-00169-00184914-00185445 comfortable I'll be right back yeah sure 4lweFTF7FR4-00170-00185445-00186972 but here it is don't go anywhere keep it locked up 4lweFTF7FR4-00171-00186972-00189210 okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00172-00189210-00190928 well um it's actually very interesting but at the same time it's stressful you know I 4lweFTF7FR4-00173-00190928-00191674 know right we get calls at all hours of the night you know and remember we took an oath 4lweFTF7FR4-00174-00191674-00192459 to save Humanity you know I used to work for the government before and then I opened my 4lweFTF7FR4-00175-00192459-00193566 own clinic so now it's I'm working hello I've seen them grossing that no well it seems like 4lweFTF7FR4-00176-00193566-00194239 you like a lot of music what can you like music no no not really just specifically specifically 4lweFTF7FR4-00177-00194239-00194379 like 4lweFTF7FR4-00178-00194379-00194521 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00179-00194521-00196151 um can we leave now okay my darling but we just got here I mean we just just took our 4lweFTF7FR4-00180-00196151-00196597 order yeah I know but I'm sorry I just I don't feel comfortable anymore okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00181-00196597-00198446 thank you so much 4lweFTF7FR4-00182-00198446-00198909 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00183-00198909-00199371 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00184-00199371-00199834 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00185-00199834-00201986 please please please this is not a good time for you to come at all please the last time 4lweFTF7FR4-00186-00201986-00202413 you were here you caused a lot of commotion I don't want any problems please 4lweFTF7FR4-00187-00202413-00203158 no wonder she hasn't been picking my calls I don't know about that but I don't want anything 4lweFTF7FR4-00188-00203158-00203426 that will increase her father's blood pressure please 4lweFTF7FR4-00189-00203426-00204334 have anybody listening party oh okay I'll deliver it to her but I cannot assure you 4lweFTF7FR4-00190-00204334-00205269 of her coming uh what can she at least see me briefly see you well you better vamos here 4lweFTF7FR4-00191-00205269-00207027 before I joined the band of our angry wagon I'm sorry 4lweFTF7FR4-00192-00207027-00207351 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00193-00207351-00207675 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00194-00207675-00209583 hi this is Rally hello babe oh voice note again babe I've been trying to reach you for 4lweFTF7FR4-00195-00209583-00209892 a while I've been calling you're not picking my calls you're not returning my calls I don't 4lweFTF7FR4-00196-00209892-00210635 know what's happening I'm worried I didn't see you at the listening party and I'm starting 4lweFTF7FR4-00197-00210635-00211292 to get worried I hope I see you at the video shoot tomorrow love you I miss you okay please 4lweFTF7FR4-00198-00211292-00211503 holler back it's your boy Ray okay right 4lweFTF7FR4-00199-00211503-00211603 awesome awesome thank you so much I remember her what she was wearing like [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00200-00211603-00213111 how's it going man good to see you right hey remember the lady I was telling you about 4lweFTF7FR4-00201-00213111-00213684 that is going to make things happen Okay this is Queen Queen come on oh really ah okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00202-00213684-00214834 it's a pleasure right here coin okay a lot of things going down in New York we're gonna 4lweFTF7FR4-00203-00214834-00216176 do the event in New York Queen is gonna help us with that absolutely 4lweFTF7FR4-00204-00216176-00216933 [Music] thank you [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00205-00216933-00218854 hello babe hello damn how you doing yeah I'm fine yes yes I'm home see the reason why I 4lweFTF7FR4-00206-00218854-00219332 call you you see everything I just see now now 4lweFTF7FR4-00207-00219332-00219891 back just wait first just wait first make I just do 4lweFTF7FR4-00208-00219891-00220760 no don't worry yourself yes I'm sure he's just there for business 4lweFTF7FR4-00209-00220760-00221325 you saw him with an oyimbo lady introducing him to another fine girl oh God he's Debbie 4lweFTF7FR4-00210-00221325-00221800 don't worry yourself okay I trust him yes he's just there for business ah it's okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00211-00221800-00222540 I just wanted to teach him a few lessons that's all guys disturbing 4lweFTF7FR4-00212-00222540-00224103 okay no it's fine yes yes you do like a broken leave me okay bye yeah bye thank you and trust 4lweFTF7FR4-00213-00224103-00225321 me all it's gonna be taken care of definitely New York New York New York yeah yeah New York 4lweFTF7FR4-00214-00225321-00226582 yeah wow I told you so you know more wait 4lweFTF7FR4-00215-00226582-00226861 what do you guys want 4lweFTF7FR4-00216-00226861-00226998 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00217-00226998-00227551 take everything now wow 4lweFTF7FR4-00218-00227551-00228704 all right oh it came through for me we are New Yorkers 4lweFTF7FR4-00219-00228704-00230309 New York we're going for the burger then four days oh cheeseburger 4lweFTF7FR4-00220-00230309-00230514 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00221-00230514-00231539 this your boy is making some power moves though I like this video very nice hello yeah how 4lweFTF7FR4-00222-00231539-00232189 is it your doctor how's he doing well well I think it should be fine good I mean he even 4lweFTF7FR4-00223-00232189-00233357 promised to be here today but it's been like six hours maybe because have you tried calling 4lweFTF7FR4-00224-00233357-00233766 him yes I have severely and it didn't pick up his call 4lweFTF7FR4-00225-00233766-00234854 he's a busy man he's a young that has value is a man that is productive these are the 4lweFTF7FR4-00226-00234854-00235402 kind of men that you need in your life 4lweFTF7FR4-00227-00235402-00236982 see you later bye baby what was that you are you you you did I did I lie you see you you 4lweFTF7FR4-00228-00236982-00237696 want to go back give our daughter to that that question called looking a Music musician 4lweFTF7FR4-00229-00237696-00237991 the difference between eminent personality and permanent personality doctor is eminent 4lweFTF7FR4-00230-00237991-00238623 the other one is just it's just prominent you know it's just it's just different between 4lweFTF7FR4-00231-00238623-00239078 can you hear the sound of your medicine it seems you want to die on time you are ready 4lweFTF7FR4-00232-00239078-00239769 to go even if even if I want to die let me die say the truth yes what truth the truth 4lweFTF7FR4-00233-00239769-00240178 we cannot we cannot bring our daughter to that kind of level look at the kind of car 4lweFTF7FR4-00234-00240178-00240871 he came with that time that jalopy you call the car that if you if you start the engine 4lweFTF7FR4-00235-00240871-00241619 the door the boot will open if you off the engine the whole car will just collapse if 4lweFTF7FR4-00236-00241619-00241981 you press on the engine will go up what kind of 4lweFTF7FR4-00237-00241981-00242494 it looks like painkiller you feel it you feel afraid what are you saying and what I'm saying 4lweFTF7FR4-00238-00242494-00243248 is that she cannot go she cannot even they will stay with that man what would blow he 4lweFTF7FR4-00239-00243248-00243726 has not even think of blowing so how will you not feed on my daughter how do you not 4lweFTF7FR4-00240-00243726-00244313 think are you a god are you the maker of our destiny the birth of the air that also but 4lweFTF7FR4-00241-00244313-00244930 yet they are fair though my daughter is not a bet she does not flower up and down I cannot 4lweFTF7FR4-00242-00244930-00245644 even imagine what you are saying friend rain is a very good boy ah very disciplined and 4lweFTF7FR4-00243-00245644-00246082 focused the only thing he needs now is support and that is what rally is trying to give to 4lweFTF7FR4-00244-00246082-00246403 him and you will not let her she will not give it because we don't have it it's never 4lweFTF7FR4-00245-00246403-00247260 let him go and find support somewhere else excuse me oh so if they are told me then not 4lweFTF7FR4-00246-00247260-00247896 to support you remember when I married you you had nothing but I stood by you I didn't 4lweFTF7FR4-00247-00247896-00248278 care so now you can't allow your daughter to support anybody my sister I've called you 4lweFTF7FR4-00248-00248278-00248792 my sister today because by discussing something that is touching but you're not just my sister 4lweFTF7FR4-00249-00248792-00249289 you're also my wife but let me tell you the truth can I shock you please shock me this 4lweFTF7FR4-00250-00249289-00249884 issue is not about my story it's not about the Genesis of my life not the revelation 4lweFTF7FR4-00251-00249884-00250508 is about our precious daughter we need to secure our future and that's why I'm saying 4lweFTF7FR4-00252-00250508-00251123 doctor is the best person for her I may think about it so when we're not gone we're gonna 4lweFTF7FR4-00253-00251123-00251641 leave our daughter with that kind of person oh just imagine now do not have children so 4lweFTF7FR4-00254-00251641-00252271 that's how we now we're going to go and visit our grandchildren friend are you saying people 4lweFTF7FR4-00255-00252271-00252613 that are living at regular they are not people you have to live upward that's how you grow 4lweFTF7FR4-00256-00252613-00253244 don't grow down is your blood rather than this eh so anybody that is upcoming trying 4lweFTF7FR4-00257-00253244-00253780 to get themselves together they are not good to you that's not my point I'm telling you 4lweFTF7FR4-00258-00253780-00254653 you have no point in fact if you were a basketballer you will not make one single basket Fred I 4lweFTF7FR4-00259-00254653-00256041 don't blame you you are mentally poor the only thing you have is money I'm a writer 4lweFTF7FR4-00260-00256041-00256948 this is your husband see I am more than I am I have mental capacity I am talented intelligent 4lweFTF7FR4-00262-00276492-00278076 me tell you I'm not mentally poor 4lweFTF7FR4-00263-00278076-00278460 foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00264-00278460-00278844 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00265-00278844-00279228 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00266-00279228-00279613 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00267-00279613-00279997 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00268-00279997-00280381 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00269-00280381-00280765 foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00270-00280765-00281149 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00271-00281149-00281533 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00272-00281533-00281917 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00273-00281917-00282686 [Music] foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00274-00282686-00283070 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00275-00283070-00283454 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00276-00283454-00284222 all right 4lweFTF7FR4-00277-00284222-00284606 know 4lweFTF7FR4-00278-00284606-00285759 where the party 4lweFTF7FR4-00280-00291319-00292104 see us around Jolly guitars 4lweFTF7FR4-00281-00292104-00292300 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00282-00292300-00292496 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00283-00292496-00293083 good morning [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00284-00293083-00294064 foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00285-00294064-00294260 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00286-00294260-00294456 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00287-00294456-00294849 what's up 4lweFTF7FR4-00288-00294849-00295045 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00289-00295045-00296417 and go break bottle for your hair 4lweFTF7FR4-00290-00296417-00298971 let me tell you now [Music] go break bottles darling 4lweFTF7FR4-00291-00298971-00299178 [Music] [Applause] 4lweFTF7FR4-00292-00299178-00299638 how are you my darling 4lweFTF7FR4-00293-00299638-00300335 you're not okay I know you like the back of my hand don't worry everything will sort itself 4lweFTF7FR4-00294-00300335-00300998 in time just calm down okay ah I'm so sorry I forgot to give you Ray brought this the 4lweFTF7FR4-00295-00300998-00301789 other time it's already passed oh I'm so sorry I didn't deliver it on time okay Mommy even 4lweFTF7FR4-00296-00301789-00302541 if you had sure I wouldn't have gone and why mommy Ray doesn't know what he has 4lweFTF7FR4-00297-00302541-00303148 sweetest and you do 4lweFTF7FR4-00298-00303148-00304369 sure you know many times we want men to make amends and they are totally clueless at what 4lweFTF7FR4-00299-00304369-00305507 to do don't let your ego rob you of a good man fine I accept yeah I called him when I 4lweFTF7FR4-00300-00305507-00306328 had some issues and he didn't pick up the phone oh really but did you stop to wonder 4lweFTF7FR4-00301-00306328-00306948 that what could have been wrong does he do the same every time if he didn't come to his 4lweFTF7FR4-00302-00306948-00307347 phone maybe he was unable to did you think all about all that 4lweFTF7FR4-00303-00307347-00308464 and I'm very sure he has been calling you since then has he not aha you didn't pick 4lweFTF7FR4-00304-00308464-00309205 up so how do you expect him to make amends if you refuse to talk to him huh that's not 4lweFTF7FR4-00305-00309205-00309305 fair at all 4lweFTF7FR4-00306-00309305-00310256 and let me tell you it will always be like this so 4lweFTF7FR4-00307-00310256-00310888 your dad and I were having a conversation last night and he is bent on sending you abroad 4lweFTF7FR4-00308-00310888-00311557 abroad sure mommy no please you can't let him do that to me oh Mommy no please I can't 4lweFTF7FR4-00309-00311557-00312203 hold him from doing it mom you have to be here I want to be with real you can't live 4lweFTF7FR4-00310-00312203-00312880 right so you better make hay while the sun is shining pick up your phone and call him 4lweFTF7FR4-00311-00312880-00312984 I'm making amends 4lweFTF7FR4-00312-00312984-00314366 [Music] for telling me and I love you the best my sweetest Ray girl all right I have 4lweFTF7FR4-00313-00314366-00316459 to go you know I want to go out and get some things all right darling all right later 4lweFTF7FR4-00315-00320255-00321197 late [Music] thanks 4lweFTF7FR4-00316-00321197-00321510 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00317-00321510-00323708 Uncle how about you okay okay everything is fine uncle 4lweFTF7FR4-00318-00323708-00324375 which which year yeah work what is wrong with you I don't understand now listen 4lweFTF7FR4-00319-00324375-00325274 neither will he provide you with one with your old age do you know that I don't understand 4lweFTF7FR4-00320-00325274-00326008 you at all you can't be so busy not to have noticed even one even one of those fine fine 4lweFTF7FR4-00321-00326008-00327393 nurses some professional now okay you stay professional and allow the other parts to 4lweFTF7FR4-00322-00327393-00327674 do the unprofessional work 4lweFTF7FR4-00323-00327674-00328229 walking in the same branch I don't get it is it that you tuna will connect to steal 4lweFTF7FR4-00324-00328229-00328581 blood from the blood bank I don't understand 4lweFTF7FR4-00325-00328581-00329443 uncle is a personal principal please I see the same principle that doesn't permit you 4lweFTF7FR4-00326-00329443-00329946 to choose from any one of the many beautiful patients you see every day 4lweFTF7FR4-00327-00329946-00330746 totally against professional ethics yeah yeah ethics where was the ethics when you were 4lweFTF7FR4-00328-00330746-00331660 curing the people actually I met someone now you're talking when are we going to meet her 4lweFTF7FR4-00329-00331660-00332394 just like that no no 4lweFTF7FR4-00330-00332394-00332922 besides she was here and uh because I was tied up all day she like in fact she dropped 4lweFTF7FR4-00331-00332922-00333040 me a note she what 4lweFTF7FR4-00332-00333040-00333865 oh my goodness listen 4lweFTF7FR4-00333-00333865-00335064 at least not at this stage now see one thing remained desire one thing they want more than 4lweFTF7FR4-00334-00335064-00335735 anything else is attention make our time for her 4lweFTF7FR4-00335-00335735-00336922 okay I got you Uncle Michael I got you loud and clear walk on little walk on it enjoy 4lweFTF7FR4-00337-00343542-00345590 right bye-bye 4lweFTF7FR4-00338-00345590-00347306 okay [Music] this way [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00339-00347306-00350296 [Music] why can't you tell me 4lweFTF7FR4-00340-00350296-00351147 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00341-00351147-00352850 every day 4lweFTF7FR4-00342-00352850-00353702 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00344-00361504-00364429 you you were digging on me now baby alive 4lweFTF7FR4-00345-00364429-00364529 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00346-00364529-00364683 why can't you tell me 4lweFTF7FR4-00347-00364683-00365014 why can't you tell me [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00348-00365014-00365401 every day [Music] why are you doing 4lweFTF7FR4-00349-00365401-00365676 [Music] each time I stay away 4lweFTF7FR4-00350-00365676-00365776 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00351-00365776-00365876 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00352-00365876-00366019 Streetball to you [Music] Jesus 4lweFTF7FR4-00353-00366019-00366906 [Music] let's go home 4lweFTF7FR4-00354-00366906-00369772 hello excuse me you're a reasonable right yes yes it's crazy 4lweFTF7FR4-00355-00369772-00370417 if he doesn't stay here anymore is a big one now it has moved out he parked Banana Island 4lweFTF7FR4-00357-00374908-00375938 don't know yeah oh okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00358-00375938-00376144 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00359-00376144-00376556 hello hello 4lweFTF7FR4-00360-00376556-00376761 um 4lweFTF7FR4-00361-00376761-00376968 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00362-00376968-00378616 [Music] you know how we do it [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00363-00378616-00379307 baby me and you baby 4lweFTF7FR4-00364-00379307-00379674 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00365-00379674-00381675 [Music] you should complete me too it's true 4lweFTF7FR4-00366-00381675-00381851 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00367-00381851-00382028 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00368-00382028-00382204 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00369-00382204-00383088 [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00370-00383088-00383265 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00371-00383265-00383441 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00372-00383441-00383972 [Music] yes [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00373-00383972-00384109 it is 4lweFTF7FR4-00374-00384109-00384431 [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00375-00384431-00384936 me and you 4lweFTF7FR4-00376-00384936-00385460 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00378-00388602-00389127 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00379-00389127-00391222 the love will grow 4lweFTF7FR4-00380-00391222-00391745 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00382-00398767-00401241 yeah anyway darling uh Debbie's waiting for you oh okay 4lweFTF7FR4-00383-00401241-00401515 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00384-00401515-00402064 like [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00385-00402064-00402886 I'm So Alone 4lweFTF7FR4-00386-00402886-00404257 [Music] how are you I am sorry for keeping you 4lweFTF7FR4-00387-00404257-00405365 did I not tell you he's the cheats hey did I not 4lweFTF7FR4-00388-00405365-00406166 see they are all the same look at his last video look at the way that girl was whining 4lweFTF7FR4-00389-00406166-00406532 for him I'm very sure he has something to do with her soon baby that was the same video 4lweFTF7FR4-00390-00406532-00406632 you wanted him to feature please so what if you were doing whining for him eh would you 4lweFTF7FR4-00391-00406632-00406732 have said that you cheated forbid 4lweFTF7FR4-00392-00406732-00407965 you are my friend but I mean that girl does not know you before she uses her tiny little 4lweFTF7FR4-00393-00407965-00409002 waist to to wind his waist off of him do that but she can 4lweFTF7FR4-00394-00409002-00410146 exaggerate okay I just read he's not like that and besides the issue is not whether 4lweFTF7FR4-00395-00410146-00410822 or not he cheated okay okay the issue is I don't know where to find this guy oh of course 4lweFTF7FR4-00396-00410822-00411492 he has relocated to the abroad without hmm that lady that I saw him with you need to 4lweFTF7FR4-00397-00411492-00412240 see the way they were okay baby you're not helping matters I bet forget that guy see 4lweFTF7FR4-00398-00412240-00413169 there are many fishes in the river meme got a fine babe like you you can get any choice 4lweFTF7FR4-00399-00413169-00413725 you want make your choice and you can have it so how many do you have it's not about 4lweFTF7FR4-00400-00413725-00413825 me 4lweFTF7FR4-00401-00413825-00414417 how far did that find doctor maybe God will show you yeah another wheel 4lweFTF7FR4-00402-00414417-00415284 let me ask you a question what do you think you think we ladies we want we remain what 4lweFTF7FR4-00403-00415284-00416704 do you think we want The Good Life question are you asking me I mean find houses find 4lweFTF7FR4-00404-00416704-00417585 cars trips find Bobo correct designer beers bagsly pass oh my God find fine fine things 4lweFTF7FR4-00405-00417585-00419004 baby gelatos okay yeah yeah I know yeah so after all those dream things what else 4lweFTF7FR4-00406-00419004-00419614 okay a partner that loves cares and cherishes me now you're talking that's exactly what 4lweFTF7FR4-00407-00419614-00420056 I'm talking about somebody that listens to you somebody that is always present angry 4lweFTF7FR4-00408-00420056-00420655 gives me all these things he does it and more see I don't I don't want a professional like 4lweFTF7FR4-00409-00420655-00421630 a man that puts his work first no I want somebody that puts God family and then work not the 4lweFTF7FR4-00410-00421630-00422129 other way around which way I see a very Blissful future it's the one I want to have a family 4lweFTF7FR4-00411-00422129-00422548 with because he understands me and and I am the one that can give him the support that 4lweFTF7FR4-00412-00422548-00423351 he needs I don't want any doctor or professional whatever please okay okay relax relax you 4lweFTF7FR4-00413-00423351-00424083 know what girlfriend I'll find him for you you'll find him of course [Laughter] thank 4lweFTF7FR4-00414-00424083-00425108 you this is a discount yes with the answer everybody I'll dig him out so please do I 4lweFTF7FR4-00415-00425108-00427012 need him my mommy said my dad won't stick me out of the country I don't want to leave 4lweFTF7FR4-00416-00427012-00428205 this this I have to see him don't worry babe anything for you thank you so much 4lweFTF7FR4-00417-00428205-00428696 yeah okay how far 4lweFTF7FR4-00418-00428696-00429178 community foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00419-00429178-00429660 [Music] foreign 4lweFTF7FR4-00420-00429660-00431587 I finally got the text to she sent me that text yes in fact let me read it to you Jackson 4lweFTF7FR4-00421-00431587-00432189 it was great meeting you and being great friends it's quite unfortunate things didn't exactly 4lweFTF7FR4-00422-00432189-00432871 take off as we both wanted I wish you all the best in your career my kindness I told 4lweFTF7FR4-00423-00432871-00433629 you you see I was already getting into this and to be very honest this is the only person 4lweFTF7FR4-00424-00433629-00434118 I've felt anything for don't worry yourself and she's only trying to shake you small easy 4lweFTF7FR4-00425-00434118-00434668 there's nothing a few gifts other good love song cannot solve 4lweFTF7FR4-00426-00434668-00435251 account in my life just record me and send to her maybe sweetie baby baby my forever 4lweFTF7FR4-00427-00435251-00435351 baby 4lweFTF7FR4-00431-00447642-00448072 you [Music] later [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00432-00448072-00450150 love you I know they fall plenty top way now they go anywhere everything I promise [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00433-00450150-00450923 for your finger after 10 years 4lweFTF7FR4-00435-00454246-00455129 baby baby my forever baby nobody to love you like me 4lweFTF7FR4-00436-00455129-00455951 [Music] when you're my baby you 4lweFTF7FR4-00437-00455951-00456088 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00438-00456088-00457069 [Music] love you yeah 4lweFTF7FR4-00439-00457069-00457838 she blocked you hey yeah sorry it's okay no one is above blocking nothing spoiled just 4lweFTF7FR4-00440-00457838-00458407 keep the song for the next girl preferably and not so and make sure this time you send 4lweFTF7FR4-00441-00458407-00459302 it quickly before she blocks you too ah you these boys 4lweFTF7FR4-00444-00466867-00467125 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00446-00471110-00471313 a yes [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00447-00471313-00471414 before 4lweFTF7FR4-00448-00471414-00471617 all right 4lweFTF7FR4-00449-00471617-00472647 [Music] guys let me go and call Riley for you Riley 4lweFTF7FR4-00450-00472647-00473799 No need no need ah oh okay actually um I I'm not exactly there because of I came here to 4lweFTF7FR4-00451-00473799-00474143 talk to you and Daddy I I don't understand so 4lweFTF7FR4-00452-00474143-00474962 you want to use my daughter now you want to use my wife you now have a line a number a 4lweFTF7FR4-00453-00474962-00475808 phone number you called her really okay what else what else do you want again should I 4lweFTF7FR4-00454-00475808-00476407 give my learner properties no no since you have access like this okay do you want me 4lweFTF7FR4-00455-00476407-00477337 to let me just give you my my BET right I know you want everything out who take everything 4lweFTF7FR4-00456-00477337-00477868 look I don't understand please Fred calm down so you got now you are now discussing and 4lweFTF7FR4-00457-00477868-00478156 communicating with the Enemy I am not your enemy sir I'm just a young man who loves your 4lweFTF7FR4-00458-00478156-00479201 daughter very much excuse me I know you want the best for her and I want you have what 4lweFTF7FR4-00459-00479201-00479910 ah let him talk now Fred let the young man talk 4lweFTF7FR4-00460-00479910-00480643 continue sir um for a long time I have been struggling with my career you call that for 4lweFTF7FR4-00461-00480643-00481823 the career so you call what you're doing a career young man where where has it carried 4lweFTF7FR4-00462-00481823-00482257 you to read okay let the young man talk 4lweFTF7FR4-00463-00482257-00482357 continue 4lweFTF7FR4-00464-00482357-00482965 rally here has been my backbone from day one she's been very supportive I know you want 4lweFTF7FR4-00465-00482965-00483434 the best for her I'm I'm glad that continue 4lweFTF7FR4-00466-00483434-00484843 I know you love her but I love her best she has been my muse my inspiration my bestie 4lweFTF7FR4-00467-00484843-00485701 Christ has been the best thing to ever happen to me and now that I have a breakthrough in 4lweFTF7FR4-00468-00485701-00486201 my life I don't think it would be fair for me to leave her behind I don't understand 4lweFTF7FR4-00469-00486201-00486860 so now you want to be using my daughter my beautiful friend you want to be using that 4lweFTF7FR4-00470-00486860-00486967 as your Ginger God please 4lweFTF7FR4-00471-00486967-00487809 that is what he wants to do you want to you want to take your shine this guy want to see 4lweFTF7FR4-00472-00487809-00488334 your destiny he wants to take your glory he's a vampire he wants to suck your blood Fred 4lweFTF7FR4-00473-00488334-00489091 go put yourself okay continue I just got an International Record Deal worth millions in 4lweFTF7FR4-00474-00489091-00490039 dollars and then it is required that I come along with my manager so I came to seek your 4lweFTF7FR4-00475-00490039-00491158 permission to allow rally come along as my manager and some of the benefits include that 4lweFTF7FR4-00476-00491158-00491988 um she can do whatever she wants and she'll get full scholarship if she wants to study 4lweFTF7FR4-00477-00491988-00492766 if she want whatever and it's also permits that I should bring along family and since 4lweFTF7FR4-00478-00492766-00494414 rally is family it means her family can also come along it means you guys can come along 4lweFTF7FR4-00479-00494414-00494667 with us 4lweFTF7FR4-00480-00494667-00496478 excuse me you're easy by my dear son uh if I get you correctly uh you are saying that 4lweFTF7FR4-00481-00496478-00497312 you want to tip my daughter abroad if you permit me yeah if I hear you again currently 4lweFTF7FR4-00482-00497312-00497723 my eight years old 4lweFTF7FR4-00483-00497723-00498209 you mean you know later calm they'll Now take us to join I live in the abroad 4lweFTF7FR4-00484-00498209-00498522 you see in 1462 4lweFTF7FR4-00485-00498522-00499914 62 during the Cold War I had a dream 4lweFTF7FR4-00486-00499914-00500748 and the dream kept repeating himself even yesterday night I had that same dream in my 4lweFTF7FR4-00487-00500748-00501849 dream I saw it ready dreamer oh yeah well you've never mentioned no I can't mention 4lweFTF7FR4-00488-00501849-00502385 your father I have to keep things come out observe this man has foresight 4lweFTF7FR4-00489-00502385-00503290 he has eviction it's a man of both eminent and permanent status is a combination of value 4lweFTF7FR4-00490-00503290-00504771 and Essence when I saw that song my name I saw it Shining myself oh Jesse will look for 4lweFTF7FR4-00491-00504771-00505422 you Beyonce We collabor with you you know you know Shakira he will be a video vaccine 4lweFTF7FR4-00492-00505422-00505921 for you he will not be checking for you is it because they call it Vaseline 4lweFTF7FR4-00493-00505921-00507223 that's what you would do well dress up because I see I see you then in my dream if a boy 4lweFTF7FR4-00494-00507223-00507854 calling you they thought you were Michael Jackson excuse me friend please please enough 4lweFTF7FR4-00495-00507854-00510500 of your dreams my dear Ray please I hope this place you are going it has things like designers 4lweFTF7FR4-00496-00510500-00511603 like Valencia Versace Gucci 4lweFTF7FR4-00497-00511603-00511879 [Applause] 4lweFTF7FR4-00498-00511879-00512154 is 4lweFTF7FR4-00499-00512154-00512254 thank you 4lweFTF7FR4-00500-00512254-00512514 young man 4lweFTF7FR4-00501-00512514-00512899 this is the contract yes 4lweFTF7FR4-00502-00512899-00513130 yes can you see congratulations 4lweFTF7FR4-00503-00513130-00514646 please Daddy stop this is where we are going to be staying yeah 4lweFTF7FR4-00504-00514646-00515688 ah wonderful okay well um 4lweFTF7FR4-00505-00515688-00516105 what's up 4lweFTF7FR4-00506-00516105-00516313 take 4lweFTF7FR4-00507-00516313-00517859 um I have a better contract for you 4lweFTF7FR4-00508-00517859-00518550 comfort Riley baby 4lweFTF7FR4-00509-00518550-00518780 blockchain 4lweFTF7FR4-00510-00518780-00519836 you see you are a good woman and you see you've always made the right choice see this young 4lweFTF7FR4-00511-00519836-00520235 man he's a good man yeah 4lweFTF7FR4-00512-00520235-00521030 of importance that is going somewhere to happen a man of insight 4lweFTF7FR4-00513-00521030-00522406 a mother can do an undo hmm the contact I'm about to give you I'm giving you right now 4lweFTF7FR4-00514-00522406-00524082 is the only contract certified by God are you with me 4lweFTF7FR4-00515-00524082-00525450 both of you right now my dear son you are now legitimately 4lweFTF7FR4-00516-00525450-00526201 are you still here you are legends 4lweFTF7FR4-00517-00526201-00526309 [Laughter] 4lweFTF7FR4-00518-00526309-00526434 that is jobs 4lweFTF7FR4-00519-00526434-00526948 you know what I prepared your favorite soup thank you you know what I know what you like 4lweFTF7FR4-00520-00526948-00527398 please head to the dining wait wait wait wait so you prepared something for how many tattoos 4lweFTF7FR4-00521-00527398-00528137 have you been chopping in this house Riley let's go daddy you are old you are very late 4lweFTF7FR4-00522-00528137-00528272 to the party 4lweFTF7FR4-00524-00534960-00535506 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00525-00535506-00536052 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00526-00536052-00537144 so down 4lweFTF7FR4-00527-00537144-00537690 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00528-00537690-00538236 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00529-00538236-00538783 thank you 4lweFTF7FR4-00530-00538783-00538915 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00531-00538915-00539836 [Music] it will go again [Music] eventually 4lweFTF7FR4-00532-00539836-00539967 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00535-00549155-00549448 tonight [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00536-00549448-00549594 [Music] 4lweFTF7FR4-00537-00549594-00550180 [Music] thank you [Music] 509VBBY2_O8-00000-00000010-00000350 MORE IN THE UPCOMING WEEKS. 509VBBY2_O8-00001-00000350-00000357 MORE IN THE UPCOMING WEEKS. 509VBBY2_O8-00002-00000357-00000426 MORE IN THE UPCOMING WEEKS. THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS TAKEN A 509VBBY2_O8-00003-00000426-00000433 MORE IN THE UPCOMING WEEKS. THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS TAKEN A 509VBBY2_O8-00004-00000433-00000493 MORE IN THE UPCOMING WEEKS. THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS TAKEN A STEP TOWARD GIVING THE STATE 509VBBY2_O8-00005-00000493-00000500 THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS TAKEN A STEP TOWARD GIVING THE STATE 509VBBY2_O8-00006-00000500-00000567 THE MINNESOTA HOUSE HAS TAKEN A STEP TOWARD GIVING THE STATE SOLE AUTHORITY OVER WHETHER TO 509VBBY2_O8-00007-00000567-00000573 STEP TOWARD GIVING THE STATE SOLE AUTHORITY OVER WHETHER TO 509VBBY2_O8-00008-00000573-00000940 STEP TOWARD GIVING THE STATE SOLE AUTHORITY OVER WHETHER TO HIKE THE MINIMUM WAGE OR REQUIRE 509VBBY2_O8-00009-00000940-00000947 SOLE AUTHORITY OVER WHETHER TO HIKE THE MINIMUM WAGE OR REQUIRE 509VBBY2_O8-00010-00000947-00001024 SOLE AUTHORITY OVER WHETHER TO HIKE THE MINIMUM WAGE OR REQUIRE SICK LEAVE, A MOVE OPPONENTS SAY 509VBBY2_O8-00011-00001024-00001031 HIKE THE MINIMUM WAGE OR REQUIRE SICK LEAVE, A MOVE OPPONENTS SAY 509VBBY2_O8-00012-00001031-00001141 HIKE THE MINIMUM WAGE OR REQUIRE SICK LEAVE, A MOVE OPPONENTS SAY STRIPS LOCAL CONTROL FROM CITIES 509VBBY2_O8-00013-00001141-00001147 SICK LEAVE, A MOVE OPPONENTS SAY STRIPS LOCAL CONTROL FROM CITIES 509VBBY2_O8-00014-00001147-00001221 SICK LEAVE, A MOVE OPPONENTS SAY STRIPS LOCAL CONTROL FROM CITIES IN FAVOR OF THE STATE 509VBBY2_O8-00015-00001221-00001227 STRIPS LOCAL CONTROL FROM CITIES IN FAVOR OF THE STATE 509VBBY2_O8-00016-00001227-00001488 STRIPS LOCAL CONTROL FROM CITIES IN FAVOR OF THE STATE BUSINESSES. 509VBBY2_O8-00017-00001488-00001494 IN FAVOR OF THE STATE BUSINESSES. 509VBBY2_O8-00018-00001494-00001621 IN FAVOR OF THE STATE BUSINESSES. THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE 509VBBY2_O8-00019-00001621-00001628 BUSINESSES. THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE 509VBBY2_O8-00020-00001628-00001684 BUSINESSES. THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE PASSED THE BILL FOLLOWING 509VBBY2_O8-00021-00001684-00001691 THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE PASSED THE BILL FOLLOWING 509VBBY2_O8-00022-00001691-00001945 THE REPUBLICAN-CONTROLLED HOUSE PASSED THE BILL FOLLOWING HOURS OF DEBATE THURSDAY, MAINLY 509VBBY2_O8-00023-00001945-00001951 PASSED THE BILL FOLLOWING HOURS OF DEBATE THURSDAY, MAINLY 509VBBY2_O8-00024-00001951-00002048 PASSED THE BILL FOLLOWING HOURS OF DEBATE THURSDAY, MAINLY ALONG PARTY LINES. 509VBBY2_O8-00025-00002048-00002055 HOURS OF DEBATE THURSDAY, MAINLY ALONG PARTY LINES. 509VBBY2_O8-00026-00002055-00002162 HOURS OF DEBATE THURSDAY, MAINLY ALONG PARTY LINES. THE LEGISLATION BLOCKS LOCAL 509VBBY2_O8-00027-00002162-00002168 ALONG PARTY LINES. THE LEGISLATION BLOCKS LOCAL 509VBBY2_O8-00028-00002168-00002338 ALONG PARTY LINES. THE LEGISLATION BLOCKS LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE MEASURES AND PAID 509VBBY2_O8-00029-00002338-00002345 THE LEGISLATION BLOCKS LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE MEASURES AND PAID 509VBBY2_O8-00030-00002345-00002442 THE LEGISLATION BLOCKS LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE MEASURES AND PAID SICK LEAVE ORDINANCES SET TO GO 509VBBY2_O8-00031-00002442-00002449 MINIMUM WAGE MEASURES AND PAID SICK LEAVE ORDINANCES SET TO GO 509VBBY2_O8-00032-00002449-00002672 MINIMUM WAGE MEASURES AND PAID SICK LEAVE ORDINANCES SET TO GO INTO EFFECT THIS SUMMER IN 509VBBY2_O8-00033-00002672-00002679 SICK LEAVE ORDINANCES SET TO GO INTO EFFECT THIS SUMMER IN 509VBBY2_O8-00034-00002679-00003429 SICK LEAVE ORDINANCES SET TO GO INTO EFFECT THIS SUMMER IN MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL. 509VBBY2_O8-00035-00003429-00003436 INTO EFFECT THIS SUMMER IN MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL. 509VBBY2_O8-00036-00003436-00003500 INTO EFFECT THIS SUMMER IN MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL. THE BILL HAS GENERATED FIERCE 509VBBY2_O8-00037-00003500-00003506 MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL. THE BILL HAS GENERATED FIERCE 509VBBY2_O8-00038-00003506-00003576 MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL. THE BILL HAS GENERATED FIERCE DEBATE OVER WORKERS' RIGHTS 509VBBY2_O8-00039-00003576-00003583 THE BILL HAS GENERATED FIERCE DEBATE OVER WORKERS' RIGHTS 509VBBY2_O8-00040-00003583-00003640 THE BILL HAS GENERATED FIERCE DEBATE OVER WORKERS' RIGHTS VERSUS BUSINESS NEEDS IN 509VBBY2_O8-00041-00003640-00003646 DEBATE OVER WORKERS' RIGHTS VERSUS BUSINESS NEEDS IN 509VBBY2_O8-00042-00003646-00003703 DEBATE OVER WORKERS' RIGHTS VERSUS BUSINESS NEEDS IN MINNESOTA. 509VBBY2_O8-00043-00003703-00003710 VERSUS BUSINESS NEEDS IN MINNESOTA. 509VBBY2_O8-00044-00003710-00003777 VERSUS BUSINESS NEEDS IN MINNESOTA. SUPPORTERS SAY THE LEGISLATION 509VBBY2_O8-00045-00003777-00003783 MINNESOTA. SUPPORTERS SAY THE LEGISLATION 509VBBY2_O8-00046-00003783-00003843 MINNESOTA. SUPPORTERS SAY THE LEGISLATION WOULD END A CONFUSING AND 509VBBY2_O8-00047-00003843-00003850 SUPPORTERS SAY THE LEGISLATION WOULD END A CONFUSING AND 509VBBY2_O8-00048-00003850-00003913 SUPPORTERS SAY THE LEGISLATION WOULD END A CONFUSING AND COSTLY PATCHWORK OF ORDINANCES 509VBBY2_O8-00049-00003913-00003920 WOULD END A CONFUSING AND COSTLY PATCHWORK OF ORDINANCES 509VBBY2_O8-00050-00003920-00004154 WOULD END A CONFUSING AND COSTLY PATCHWORK OF ORDINANCES IN MINNESOTA CITIES. 509VBBY2_O8-00051-00004154-00004160 COSTLY PATCHWORK OF ORDINANCES IN MINNESOTA CITIES. 509VBBY2_O8-00052-00004160-00004230 COSTLY PATCHWORK OF ORDINANCES IN MINNESOTA CITIES. A SIMILAR MEASURE IS HEADED FOR 51lNcHQCg0c-00000-00000028-00001001 okay quick question what would happen if I so I've been doing this in air what if I 51lNcHQCg0c-00001-00001001-00001746 did this in another medium say under water would anything change so 51lNcHQCg0c-00002-00001746-00002264 think about the two conditions for constructive and destructive 51lNcHQCg0c-00003-00002264-00003450 interference where d sine theta is equal to m lamda for constructive and d sine 51lNcHQCg0c-00004-00003450-00004316 theta is equal to m plus one-half lamda for destructive 51lNcHQCg0c-00005-00005573-00006135 so some people say increases more people say decreases and a few of you say 51lNcHQCg0c-00006-00006135-00006547 remain the same okay so how do we figure this one out clearly there's some 51lNcHQCg0c-00007-00006547-00007023 confusion about how to think about this so once again if we look at these two 51lNcHQCg0c-00008-00007023-00007543 relationships that are written up here what tells you what the separation between 51lNcHQCg0c-00009-00007543-00008167 the minima and maxima is so what tells us the answer what in that equation refers 51lNcHQCg0c-00010-00008167-00008739 to that quantity I'm asking for the separation anyone what should I be 51lNcHQCg0c-00011-00008739-00009714 looking at or is there anything in that equation that helps me yes so what will 51lNcHQCg0c-00012-00009714-00010903 happen with the wavelength why does it get smaller so we are now in water so 51lNcHQCg0c-00013-00010903-00011347 the we are in a medium of higher refractive index so what will change 51lNcHQCg0c-00014-00011347-00011947 about the light its speed will change and so will its wavelength so the 51lNcHQCg0c-00015-00011947-00012528 wavelength will be smaller so if the wavelength is smaller as compared to a 51lNcHQCg0c-00016-00012528-00013531 what happens to the sine of the angle it also gets smaller so at least for the 51lNcHQCg0c-00017-00013531-00014101 sake of locating each fringe the angle to locate each fringe is going to be 51lNcHQCg0c-00018-00014101-00014601 smaller and therefore the separation between the fringes is also going to be 51lNcHQCg0c-00019-00014601-00015570 smaller okay so yes it decreases okay so the way you proceed is you look at this 51lNcHQCg0c-00020-00015570-00016245 equation and say what's going to change in this well d is physically fixed m is 51lNcHQCg0c-00021-00016245-00016645 just the order of the fringe so lamda is the one that's changing if lamda 51lNcHQCg0c-00022-00016645-00017290 gets smaller sine theta gets smaller because d is not changing and if sine 51lNcHQCg0c-00023-00017290-00017833 theta gets smaller then each theta is smaller and therefore 51lNcHQCg0c-00024-00017833-00018342 the fringes are closely spaced more closely spaced 52TEyTr9P5o-00000-00000334-00000747 And so, for the listeners: 52TEyTr9P5o-00001-00000747-00001001 what can you do for better sensemaking ? 52TEyTr9P5o-00002-00001001-00001229 Well, one thing is: 52TEyTr9P5o-00003-00001469-00002180 If there are whole chunks of populations that you only have pejorative, strawman versions of, 52TEyTr9P5o-00004-00002180-00002905 where you can't explain why they think what they think without making them dumb or bad, 52TEyTr9P5o-00005-00002905-00003194 you should be dubious of your own modelling. 52TEyTr9P5o-00006-00003378-00003675 "Seek first to understand" 52TEyTr9P5o-00007-00003687-00004135 you should seek harder to take in the news that they're taking in for a week 52TEyTr9P5o-00008-00004200-00004319 right? for a day 52TEyTr9P5o-00009-00004458-00004764 Go to Mother Jones for a day if you're on the right, Go to Breitbart for a day. 52TEyTr9P5o-00010-00004764-00004950 Take it in and try to seek: 52TEyTr9P5o-00011-00004990-00005165 "If I'm continuously getting this, 52TEyTr9P5o-00012-00005200-00005367 what are the issues that I face as a being 52TEyTr9P5o-00013-00005367-00005589 if I really put myself in that person's shoes" 52TEyTr9P5o-00014-00005602-00005840 And it's not just so you can empathise with the "dumb people" 52TEyTr9P5o-00015-00005840-00006183 It's that there's some ACTUAL SIGNAL that you might've been missing 52TEyTr9P5o-00016-00006183-00006400 It doesn't mean it's ALL signal - there's also noise. 52TEyTr9P5o-00017-00006462-00006824 [Almost] of all the positions right now have some signal and a bunch of noise. 52TEyTr9P5o-00018-00006824-00007108 So we wanna be able to "seek to understand" 52TEyTr9P5o-00019-00007108-00007479 so we can actually GET the other humans that we need to be able to coordinate with 52TEyTr9P5o-00020-00007479-00007744 AND that we can get the parts of signal 52TEyTr9P5o-00021-00007744-00007958 we can be able to see where there's signal and noise 52TEyTr9P5o-00022-00007958-00008248 and we can start to synthesize the signal across the space, right 52TEyTr9P5o-00023-00008248-00008674 that is a movement towards adequate sensemaking or synthesis. 52TEyTr9P5o-00024-00008725-00008836 so.. 52TEyTr9P5o-00025-00008836-00008922 yeah 52TEyTr9P5o-00026-00008922-00009045 If you feel 52TEyTr9P5o-00027-00009045-00009365 a combination of: "Outraged", and ... 52TEyTr9P5o-00028-00009365-00009531 "Outraged" , "Scared" , you know, "Emotional", 52TEyTr9P5o-00029-00009531-00009684 and "Very Certain" 52TEyTr9P5o-00030-00009710-00010132 with a strong kind of "Enemy Hypothesis" orientation 52TEyTr9P5o-00031-00010132-00010461 you have been captured by somebody's narrative warfare 52TEyTr9P5o-00032-00010461-00010647 and you think it's your own thinking. 52TEyTr9P5o-00033-00010675-00010765 and... 52TEyTr9P5o-00034-00010821-00011089 even If you win at a local battle 52TEyTr9P5o-00035-00011116-00011371 whatever technologies you use to win 52TEyTr9P5o-00036-00011371-00011524 whatever social-tech or info-tech 52TEyTr9P5o-00037-00011524-00011645 whatever you use to win 52TEyTr9P5o-00038-00011653-00011856 the other side will reverse engineer and come back 52TEyTr9P5o-00039-00011856-00012045 and you're just escalating an arms race, 52TEyTr9P5o-00040-00012045-00012352 you're not moving towards real shared sensemaking and coordination 52TEyTr9P5o-00041-00012419-00012513 that's one thing I would say. 52TEyTr9P5o-00042-00012531-00012680 This doesn't mean you don't take a position 52TEyTr9P5o-00043-00012680-00012965 It means that you take a position that is trying 52TEyTr9P5o-00044-00012965-00013126 not to just continue warfare 52TEyTr9P5o-00045-00013126-00013287 but trying to elevate the whole space 52TEyTr9P5o-00046-00013287-00013505 which requires me understanding the whole space better. 537myDUHYAQ-00000-00000830-00001332 Hey everybody it's Connie with Simply Simple Stamping .com dot. I am back 537myDUHYAQ-00001-00001332-00001805 with another tip for you using Stampin Up's shimmer paint. Guys today I'm going 537myDUHYAQ-00002-00001805-00002247 to teach you how to create this wonderful but very realistic tin tile 537myDUHYAQ-00003-00002247-00002718 technique. So easy to do and it can be done with any color. Let me show you how 537myDUHYAQ-00004-00002718-00003272 it's done. So for a more antique copper look I chose early espresso as my 537myDUHYAQ-00005-00003272-00003735 cardstock you're going to place that inside your tin tile embossing folder 537myDUHYAQ-00006-00003735-00004185 and run it through your big shot. You can use either side of the cardstock but 537myDUHYAQ-00007-00004185-00004743 I liked the area where each tin tile was raised. I'm gonna be using the bright 537myDUHYAQ-00008-00004743-00005196 copper. We're gonna give that a shake and we're only going to use what's inside 537myDUHYAQ-00009-00005196-00005610 the lid. I've got a sponge dauber you can see it's now dedicated to my copper. I 537myDUHYAQ-00010-00005610-00006071 just grabbed a little bit and we're gonna dab that on a clear block and I 537myDUHYAQ-00011-00006071-00006453 want to get quite a bit of that off of there don't worry we'll be using it all. 537myDUHYAQ-00012-00006453-00007158 I'm gonna start with the circles and guys the lightest touch I mean just give 537myDUHYAQ-00013-00007158-00007614 it a swirl and remember when it comes to antiquing there's nothing perfect about 537myDUHYAQ-00014-00007614-00008022 it. We want it to kind of have a very random look so I'm gonna hit all of 537myDUHYAQ-00015-00008022-00008520 these circles. Now my sponge is starting to get a little dry so I can pick up 537myDUHYAQ-00016-00008520-00009093 some more. And now again, just a light touch, I'm going to start to fill in. On 537myDUHYAQ-00017-00009093-00009636 my card I did an ink and shimmer mist technique. Let me show you how to do that 537myDUHYAQ-00018-00009636-00010082 I've got an early espresso ink pad so I will ink up my stamp. 537myDUHYAQ-00019-00010082-00010659 I will now come in with my leftover shimmer paint. We'll pick that up and I'm 537myDUHYAQ-00020-00010659-00011015 just gonna dab it on here you see I still have plenty of that early espresso 537myDUHYAQ-00021-00011015-00011540 how about we stamp the inside of our card. And there we go. Can you see we kind 537myDUHYAQ-00022-00011540-00012060 of get that early espresso. We get that nice shimmer. Clean up is super easy! We 537myDUHYAQ-00023-00012060-00012632 can just wipe that right off. If you have any spots that may be dried little water 537myDUHYAQ-00024-00012632-00013022 and it's gonna come right off of there. I thought I'd bring in just another one I 537myDUHYAQ-00025-00013022-00013640 did; this was on pool party cardstock. And on this one I used the frost white as the 537myDUHYAQ-00026-00013640-00014138 base and then I came in with just a little tiny bit of that leftover bright 537myDUHYAQ-00027-00014138-00014547 copper. Now if you're ready to order your own shimmer paint head over to Simply 537myDUHYAQ-00028-00014547-00014984 Simple Stamping .com and just click the online order button; you'll be able to 537myDUHYAQ-00029-00014984-00015398 order one or all of the paints and you'll be able to start creating these 537myDUHYAQ-00030-00015398-00015809 as well. Guys thank you so much for being here for my 2 minute Tuesday tip. Have 537myDUHYAQ-00031-00015809-00016643 a great day and we'll see you soon! Bye 54BkRsDAk00-00000-00000000-00000420 If you like cooking and eating, follow me and put on a Llike 54BkRsDAk00-00001-00000440-00000938 because I publish every week recipes and ideas in the kitchen 54BkRsDAk00-00002-00000938-00001198 Ciao from the Chef.one.1 54BkRsDAk00-00003-00001208-00001670 Italian olive oil and diced white onion 54BkRsDAk00-00004-00001670-00002320 dry tomatoes 54BkRsDAk00-00005-00002378-00003070 tomato sauce 54BkRsDAk00-00006-00004308-00005000 cook over low heat 54BkRsDAk00-00007-00005400-00006000 black olives, without stone 54BkRsDAk00-00008-00006720-00007420 add the pasta already cooked 54BkRsDAk00-00009-00008028-00008904 See you next week for a new recipe, sign up, Ciao 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00000-00001048-00001316 AIRA: Oh, hey, Whiskey Sam. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00001-00001324-00001705 I'm sorry, dude, I know you haven't gotten to be in a video for a while, but we're not 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00002-00001705-00002186 doing all the, uh, all the costumes and characters and stuff this time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00003-00002186-00002544 We just don't have the time and energy to put one of those together. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00004-00002544-00002726 Sorry. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00005-00002810-00002966 WHISKEY SAM:No sports? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00006-00002966-00003252 AIRA: No sports this time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00007-00003252-00003384 Sorry, buddy. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00008-00003384-00003542 Is... is that okay? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00009-00003542-00003670 WHISKEY SAM:Yup. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00010-00003670-00004140 [Whiskey Sam gets out of the chair and disappears] AIRA: Thanks for understanding, dude, I... 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00011-00004140-00004574 Oh, he's gone. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00012-00004574-00004730 Yeah. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00013-00004730-00004885 Yeah, he's fully gone. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00014-00004886-00005136 I guess I'll just, uh... 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00015-00005136-00005564 [Aira sits down] Are we still rolling? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00016-00005564-00005866 Alright, I'll just start. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00017-00006022-00006196 Hey everyone, this is Aira. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00018-00006196-00006625 Welcome to State of the Channel, a supposedly monthly show which I haven't had the energy 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00019-00006625-00007142 to make an episode of for, uh... for let's call it "several" months. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00020-00007142-00007581 Unfortunately my day job really kicked me directly in the gut these past few months, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00021-00007581-00008006 and on top of that I've been having some chronic health problems which suck away what little 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00022-00008006-00008511 energy I have left, so I've frankly just been too exhausted and burnt out to function properly, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00023-00008511-00008970 and a lot of projects I was excited about got kind of put on the back burner. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00024-00008970-00009403 I wish I could create more delicious content for you all, but as long as I have to work 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00025-00009403-00009934 this day job, I'm afraid periods of less activity like this are probably going to keep happening. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00026-00009934-00010378 I'm only about 10% of the way to the Patreon goal I'd need to hit to quit my job and do 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00027-00010378-00010956 this full-time, so for the foreseeable future, I'll just keep doing my best, and please know that 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00028-00010956-00011528 I'd be creating more if I could, and I hope that someday I can use all my energy for this. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00029-00011528-00011674 Anyway, updates! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00030-00011674-00011998 I've got a whole lot of updates since the last of these videos. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00031-00011998-00012308 First of all, new webcam, right? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00032-00012308-00013132 I've got all this resolution here, so now you can see in full HD just how sad my apartment looks. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00033-00013132-00013358 That's not a low-quality camera, friends. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00034-00013358-00013934 My home is just very beige, and since the furniture came with the apartment, I can't 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00035-00013934-00014462 really get rid of it and replace it with nicer stuff. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00036-00014462-00014932 [SIGH] Anyway. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00037-00014932-00015113 News! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00038-00015206-00015313 I stream now! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00039-00015313-00015985 Yeah that's right, I've started streaming regularly on Twitch, at twitch.tv/airaplaysgames. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00040-00015985-00016362 Turns out there's a good reason why a lot of YouTubers have started shifting more of 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00041-00016362-00016490 their attention over there. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00042-00016490-00016695 It's just a better platform. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00043-00016695-00017231 Barring special circumstances like holidays and illness, I stream each Wednesday and Saturday 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00044-00017231-00017576 at 6 pm Central European time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00045-00017576-00018084 That's 5 pm in the UK and 12 noon in the US Eastern time zone. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00046-00018084-00018448 Wednesdays I've been playing some multiplayer Stardew Valley with the community, and Saturdays 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00047-00018448-00018651 I usually do Dwarf Fortress. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00048-00018651-00018773 Come join in if you can. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00049-00018773-00019079 It's a really nice group of folks hanging out and we'd love to see you there. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00050-00019079-00019443 I'll even be doing the occasional charity stream, playing something special like Twitch 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00051-00019443-00019773 Sings to raise money for a good cause. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00052-00019773-00020120 To keep up with announcements for special streams like that, join my public Discord 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00053-00020120-00020440 or follow me on Twitter. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00054-00020440-00020913 While we're on games, everyone's talking about their games of the year for 2019. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00055-00020913-00021340 I'm fortunate enough that I get to try a lot of games each year while I do reviews and 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00056-00021340-00021734 first looks for them, so I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to a 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00057-00021734-00022024 few that I thought were really special. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00058-00022224-00022504 First off, I'd like to mention A Short Hike. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00059-00022504-00023055 I've seen this game on a lot of game of the year lists for 2019, and I have to say, I'm 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00060-00023055-00023184 kind of surprised. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00061-00023184-00023510 I did get the game and play much of it, and yes, it's lovely. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00062-00023510-00023754 It's visually impressive, relaxing, sweet, and wholesome. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00063-00023754-00024076 It's a great game and you should play it if you can. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00064-00024076-00024425 But what surprises me is how many people are talking about it, not because it isn't good, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00065-00024425-00024923 but because it doesn't stand out to me that much when compared to other wholesome indie 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00066-00024923-00025023 games. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00067-00025023-00025437 I think a lot of the people talking about how amazing A Short Hike is usually only play 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00068-00025437-00025897 AAA games, and in comparison to those, of course it's really special. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00069-00025897-00026381 But I'd suggest that those people should seek out and play more little indie games, because 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00070-00026381-00026898 there are loads of wholesome, sweet, fun, and well-made indie games out there which 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00071-00026898-00027198 are just as impressive, and they deserve attention, too. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00072-00027198-00027607 Just look at the rest of my channel – I'm sure you'll find some more gems in there which 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00073-00027607-00027836 didn't get lucky enough to get the attention they deserve. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00074-00027836-00028064 But yeah, A Short Hike is definitely real good. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00075-00028064-00028438 Now, on to my actual favorites for the year. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00076-00028864-00029264 Electric Sleep is a game I did a review for back in February. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00077-00029264-00029613 It's sort of an interactive fiction game, and the visuals are mostly just illustrations, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00078-00029613-00029954 but to me, that doesn't detract from its brilliance. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00079-00029954-00030395 It's all about how our emotional state shapes our perception of the world and the decisions 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00080-00030395-00030847 we make, and that's a lesson I think we could all use to be reminded of now and then. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00081-00030847-00031058 Check out my review of the game for more details. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00082-00031058-00031218 There will be a link in the description. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00083-00031302-00031608 Welcome to Art Sqool. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00084-00031608-00032035 With the caveat that the tank controls are pretty clunky, and the noisy visuals can make 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00085-00032035-00032559 it pretty hard on the eyes (not to mention on video compression), the core concept of 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00086-00032559-00032683 this game is great. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00087-00032683-00033200 You wander around this abstract landscape with prompts given to you by your AI art professor, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00088-00033200-00033557 you collect tools and a few colors to work with, and you draw. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00089-00033557-00033969 The prompts combined with the limited drawing tools really got my brain working in new ways 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00090-00033969-00034274 and got those creative juices flowing. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00091-00034274-00034374 Very good fun. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00092-00034374-00034762 I streamed this game a while back, and you can check out the stream archive in the description. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00093-00035184-00035672 Kind Words isn't really a game, to be fair, but it still goes on my list because it's 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00094-00035672-00036041 one of the most wholesome and touching experiences I had this year. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00095-00036041-00036643 While you listen to some extremely chill lo-fi beats, you exchange letters with other real 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00096-00036643-00036743 players. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00097-00036743-00036990 People can write an anonymous request for responses. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00098-00036990-00037356 Usually it's people looking for advice or reassurance, but sometimes it's just folks 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00099-00037356-00037716 wanting to say hi, get ideas, or share something interesting. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00100-00037716-00038206 You browse these requests, write anonymous responses, and share cute stickers. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00101-00038206-00038666 You can also make your own request for responses, or write simple positive thoughts that float 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00102-00038666-00039014 through the game as paper airplanes for people to catch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00103-00039014-00039460 I was wary of trying Kind Words at first because it seemed like it would be a breeding ground 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00104-00039460-00040080 for trolls, but I haven't seen a single example of a person behaving badly in this game at all 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00105-00040080-00040426 Everyone is really positive, supportive, and kind. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00106-00040426-00040848 When I'm having a good day, it's nice to go on there and send people reassuring responses. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00107-00040848-00041299 When I'm feeling down, I can ask for some good vibes and always get them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00108-00041299-00041718 And the music is great to just leave on in the background while I write. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00109-00041718-00042217 Finally, the game has links to a lot of mental health resources for those who need more help 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00110-00042217-00042449 than a reassuring note from a stranger can offer. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00111-00042449-00042888 It's just a great project overall and I highly recommend checking it out. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00112-00043310-00043554 Welcome to Eastshade. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00113-00043555-00044202 I've always loved the concept of a beautiful open-world fantasy game, but one hundred percent of 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00114-00044202-00044767 these games always seem to center around combat, which is not really my thing. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00115-00044767-00045131 Eastshade seems to be a game made specifically for people like me. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00116-00045131-00045508 It's a 3D open world game with a beautiful fantasy setting. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00117-00045508-00046049 But instead of fighting and killing enemies, you paint landscapes, solve puzzles, and run 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00118-00046049-00046224 errands to help people. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00119-00046224-00046753 In most games, I'm rather infamous for getting distracted by the beauty of my surroundings, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00120-00046753-00047457 but this is a game that's entirely about that: finding the right views so you can paint them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00121-00047457-00047934 I should mention that there are also quite a few notable issues with this game. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00122-00047934-00048229 Some of the quests have bugs that make it impossible to complete them unless you do 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00123-00048229-00048708 things in a very specific order, it's possible to place a vehicle in such a way that you 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00124-00048708-00049292 can't get on it or pick it back up again, and some of the quests are very obtuse in 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00125-00049292-00049551 terms of figuring out how to solve them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00126-00049551-00049986 But for sheer beauty and positivity, Eastshade definitely goes on my list. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00127-00049986-00050363 I did a stream of this one on Christmas day, so check the video description for a link 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00128-00050364-00050716 to the archive of that if you want to have a look. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00129-00051008-00051432 I'll be talking about this next game in its native language, so if you don't understand, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00130-00051432-00051851 feel free to turn on the English subtitles by clicking the CC button at the bottom-right 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00131-00051851-00051978 of your YouTube player. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00132-00052038-00052346 [START HONKING] Untitled Goose Game is one I'd had my eye on ever since it was first teased 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00133-00052346-00052586 over a year ago. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00134-00052586-00052782 And I was right to be excited. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00135-00052782-00053234 I had more wholesome fun with this game than I've had in a very long time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00136-00053234-00053396 You're a goose! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00137-00053396-00053544 You mess with people! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00138-00053544-00053864 You don't do any real harm, but committing a goose's level of mischief is incredibly 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00139-00053864-00054028 fun and satisfying. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00140-00054028-00054286 I only wish there was more of it to play. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00141-00054286-00054776 If you somehow missed it this year, check out my stream archive via the link in the description. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00142-00054776-00054905 [END HONKING] 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00143-00057691-00058077 And finally, I'd like to talk about Heaven's Vault. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00144-00058077-00058622 If I had to pick one game that stood out above all others in 2019, Heaven's Vault would be 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00145-00058622-00058722 it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00146-00058722-00059252 It's an astounding achievement and I can't believe more people aren't talking about it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00147-00059252-00059677 Somehow this game creates an entirely new setting and introduces it in such a way that 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00148-00059677-00060067 it doesn't feel confusing or disorienting at all. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00149-00060067-00060350 The game is broken into three main parts. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00150-00060350-00060721 There's the exploration of the moons of the nebula, which you do on foot, accompanied 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00151-00060721-00061179 by your robot, the sailing between moons, where you control the ship and float along 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00152-00061179-00061715 space rivers, and the deciphering of the ancient language, which you work out bit by bit as 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00153-00061715-00062095 you try to translate the inscriptions on ancient relics you find. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00154-00062095-00062477 Overlaying all this is the mystery of the nebula, as well as smaller stories about the 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00155-00062477-00062587 people who live in it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00156-00062587-00063127 If this all sounds like a lot to take in, it should be, and yet at no point did I feel 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00157-00063127-00063340 confused, disoriented or overwhelmed. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00158-00063340-00063805 The dialogue, text, and story all flow so naturally that I hardly had to think about 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00159-00063805-00064260 it, other than to wonder and be amazed by what I was seeing and hearing. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00160-00064260-00064640 And the game is all the more amazing because you can do many things in almost any order 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00161-00064640-00065158 you choose, yet however you do it, it all feels like it's the "right" way. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00162-00065158-00065645 In most games where you can choose which order to do things or go places, it can feel a bit 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00163-00065645-00066010 disjointed, but in Heaven's Vault, it all flows perfectly and every choice you make 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00164-00066010-00066244 is reflected in how the story progresses. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00165-00066244-00066631 It honestly feels like the game developers and writers literally accounted for every 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00166-00066631-00067061 single possible choice you could make in every single possible order, and I genuinely have 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00167-00067061-00067213 no idea how they did it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00168-00067213-00067756 Throw in brilliant writing overall, beautiful visuals, and beautiful voice acting for the main character, and this 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00169-00067756-00067933 is a game you can't miss. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00170-00067933-00068336 Oh, and did I mention that after you've played through the game once and reached one of several 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00171-00068336-00068758 possible endings, you can start again with a New Game+ mode, where you retain all the 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00172-00068758-00069017 words of the ancient language that you've learned? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00173-00069017-00069251 Every playthrough unravels more of the story. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00174-00069251-00069539 I can't imagine that I'll ever get tired of this game. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00175-00069539-00070044 Even just jumping in the ship and sailing on the rivers is so relaxing and fun. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00176-00070044-00070536 If you possibly can, grab Heaven's Vault and give it a try. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00177-00070536-00070797 Well, that's enough about games for now. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00178-00070797-00070946 Let's talk about other stories. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00179-00070946-00071073 Written stories. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00180-00071073-00071327 You know, like... reading? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00181-00071327-00071446 I read a lot. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00182-00071446-00071586 I also write. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00183-00071586-00071761 In fact, I write for a living. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00184-00071761-00072168 At my day job, I write what I'm told to write. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00185-00072168-00072586 Honestly, it's pretty draining. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00186-00072586-00072858 But I've also gotten back into writing for myself. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00187-00072858-00073248 As I mentioned in the last State of the Channel video, I have a blog on Wordpress where I 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00188-00073248-00073389 post stories. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00189-00073389-00073755 Although previously I offered early access to the stories to patrons, the problems I 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00190-00073755-00074129 mentioned earlier with being burnt out and unwell have made it impossible to keep up 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00191-00074129-00074537 with that, so I've switched up the patron rewards, and I'll get to that in a bit. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00192-00074537-00074848 But if you haven't checked out my blog, consider doing so. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00193-00074848-00075339 It's at airaleeprose.wordpress.com and I usually update it three times per week. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00194-00075339-00075589 There are three stories going on at any point. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00195-00075589-00076158 Currently, on Back to Reality Mondays there is a story about a world where people feel 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00196-00076158-00076624 a need for someone else to scratch their nose when it itches, told from the perspective 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00197-00076624-00077060 of Pete, a guy who doesn't feel that need. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00198-00077290-00077624 It's a metaphor. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00199-00077624-00078162 On Sci-Fi Wednesdays, you can still read the ongoing Into the Forest, a story about a post-apocalyptic 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00200-00078162-00078473 group of scouts going on a mission into the forest of steel. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00201-00078473-00078879 This one will be wrapping up in the next few weeks, so don't miss the conclusion! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00202-00078879-00079404 Finally, on Fantasy Fridays, a student at a magic school is sharing an essay about why 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00203-00079404-00079663 she believes her world isn't real. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00204-00079663-00079948 If any of those sounds interesting to you, go check them out. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00205-00079948-00080327 And if you prefer to wait until stories are finished before you read them, I have good 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00206-00080327-00080775 news: I'm starting to release e-reader-friendly downloadable versions of all the completed 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00207-00080775-00081174 stories for patrons at the lowest tier, and I'll be releasing audiobook versions as well 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00208-00081174-00081367 for those who prefer to listen rather than read. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00209-00081367-00082089 Those will be available on YouTube very soon, as well as in downloadable form for patrons. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00210-00082089-00082407 And that brings me nicely to patron stuff. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00211-00082407-00082819 First off, I have a new $1 tier available! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00212-00082819-00083368 You can now sign up for one single US dollar per month to be a junior minion and help support 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00213-00083368-00083819 me and take one more step towards my goal of freedom from my day job and the ability 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00214-00083819-00084169 to create far more and more diverse content! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00215-00084169-00084659 Just one dollar really can make a difference, and I even have rewards for that tier: access 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00216-00084659-00085115 to the aforementioned e-reader-friendly downloadable versions of my finished stories, access to 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00217-00085115-00085522 the occasional patron-only behind-the-scenes video, and a title on my Discord server that 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00218-00085522-00085823 gives you access to a patron-only chat channel. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00219-00085823-00086292 If you can spare a single dollar per month, friends, it can really make a difference, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00220-00086292-00086495 so consider it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00221-00086495-00086742 The other tiers have been updated a bit as well. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00222-00086742-00087179 Minions at $5 per month get all the Junior Minion rewards as well as downloadable audiobook 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00223-00087179-00087520 versions of my finished stories as they become available. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00224-00087520-00087804 Minions also still get access to my game servers. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00225-00087804-00088235 Currently the servers include a winter-themed modded Minecraft creative building world which 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00226-00088235-00088711 will be open at least until the end of January, a Starbound server which a few of us are having 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00227-00088711-00089177 a great time on, and also a few servers hosted by my creator group, the Simpletons. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00228-00089177-00089697 At the moment the available servers are a Minecraft Vanilla 1.14.4 server, Minecraft 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00229-00089697-00090008 Builder's Paradise, and Minecraft Enigmatica 2. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00230-00090008-00090500 Not too shabby for just five bucks a month, if I do say so myself. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00231-00090500-00090970 If you're feeling even more generous, at $15 and up you can become a Senior Minion. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00232-00090970-00091383 In addition to all the rewards already mentioned, you will also get permanently free access 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00233-00091383-00091899 to articles I write on Medium (and I'm working on a new one right now) as well as access 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00234-00091899-00092206 to servers shared with fellow creator Saphrym. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00235-00092206-00092812 Right now those servers are Minecraft Glacial Awakening, Seablock Rustic Waters, and a Minecraft 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00236-00092812-00093044 Vanilla 1.15 server. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00237-00093044-00093526 Finally, the most generous among you can become Minion Overseers at $30 and up. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00238-00093526-00093844 These top-level supporters get their name in big letters in the credits at the end of 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00239-00093844-00094319 streams and videos, as well as extra perks like access to unfinished drafts of articles 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00240-00094319-00094620 and exclusive input on my videos and writing. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00241-00094620-00094752 Good news, friends. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00242-00094752-00094888 That's all for my advertising. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00243-00094888-00095337 But before I move on, I'd like to send out a truly heartfelt thank-you to all of you 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00244-00095337-00095654 who have so generously supported me so far. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00245-00095654-00096117 When I first started a Patreon account I really didn't expect to get any patrons, but you 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00246-00096117-00096477 folks have consistently been supportive and allowed me to do things like host game servers 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00247-00096477-00096867 for us all to play on, purchase new games for the channel, and just generally give me 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00248-00096867-00097422 hope that maybe one day I won't have to just kill myself each day struggling to keep up 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00249-00097422-00097783 with my day job, and instead I'll be able to focus one hundred percent of my energy 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00250-00097783-00098290 on making videos, streaming, writing, and eventually writing music and puzzles again, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00251-00098290-00098784 as well as other creative things I just don't have the time and energy to work on now. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00252-00098784-00099273 Right now I'm a little over 10% of the way to freedom, and that's really amazing. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00253-00099273-00099636 And to those of you who just don't have the spare money to share with me, please know 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00254-00099636-00099847 that I appreciate you as well. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00255-00099847-00100368 I don't try to play YouTube's algorithm and I never will (please stop telling me to, people 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00256-00100368-00100774 in the comments), so I really rely on all of you to spread the word of mouth. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00257-00100774-00101267 Tell your friends and family, share videos on social media, all that makes so much more 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00258-00101267-00101433 of a difference than you would think. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00259-00101433-00101593 And of course, keep watching. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00260-00101593-00101868 I do it all for you folks. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00261-00102076-00102284 I love you. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00262-00102354-00102720 That's enough about me, so for the rest of this video I'd like to spread some of that 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00263-00102720-00103098 love on to some other creators whose work has affected me this past year. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00264-00103098-00103485 Their work means something to me, and I think it might mean something to you as well. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00265-00103485-00103724 If any of these channels sounds interesting to you, I'll put links in the description 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00266-00103724-00103866 to all of them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00267-00103866-00104006 Send them some love too. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00268-00104006-00104174 They deserve it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00269-00104200-00104494 Yes! Okay, we can write a story now. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00270-00104504-00104750 This is so exciting. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00271-00104759-00105026 I feel like there's so much potential. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00272-00105180-00105472 First up is warm_ham. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00273-00105472-00105907 I only discovered warm_ham recently thanks to a raid on one of my Twitch Streams. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00274-00105907-00106400 Warm_ham, who formerly focused on speedrunning games, now plays beautiful but obscure indie 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00275-00106400-00106535 games on Twitch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00276-00106535-00106938 I was fortunate enough to catch one of these streams recently and it persuaded me to grab 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00277-00106938-00107280 Library of Babble on itch, which has proven to be a valuable purchase. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00278-00107280-00107738 Also, warm_ham is just fun to say. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00279-00107876-00108094 Warm_ham. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00280-00108248-00108664 If you enjoy my videos on random indie games, go check out warm_ham on Twitch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00281-00108664-00108859 You won't regret it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00282-00108950-00109064 Warm_ham. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00283-00109854-00110064 Next up is Atomic Shrimp. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00284-00110065-00110434 This guy has a variety of different videos and they're all fascinating. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00285-00110434-00110827 I discovered him thanks to some hilarious and well-edited videos about baiting email 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00286-00110827-00111315 scammers, but I also enjoy watching him wander through the woods foraging mushrooms and trying 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00287-00111315-00111850 odd foods in a can... to say nothing of the Wobble Dog. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00288-00111850-00112018 What on earth am I talking about? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00289-00112018-00112266 Go check out Atomic Shrimp's channel to find out. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00290-00112266-00112409 Cheers. Good morning. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00291-00112554-00113028 I owe a lot to BlindIRL for sending a part of his audience to one of my very first Twitch 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00292-00113028-00113353 streams, even though he was still mid-stream at the time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00293-00113353-00113698 Thanks to that little boost, I've regularly found myself with a far larger audience for 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00294-00113698-00114108 my Dwarf Fortress streams than I would probably otherwise have as such a new streamer. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00295-00114108-00114520 He also streams Dwarf Fortress as well as some other games, and is frankly just a nice 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00296-00114520-00114642 person to chat with. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00297-00114642-00114778 Go check him out on Twitch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00298-00114778-00115224 Yes, thanks to your protection we now have a bountiful home out here in the forest. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00299-00115238-00115730 A safe place where we can exist for generations, happily raising our badgers. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00300-00115742-00115992 The future is bright, dwarves. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00301-00116144-00116656 Alright, well, several years have passed and the angry forest has become an absolute hellscape. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00302-00116656-00117059 Things are advancing... forward. And backwards, in many ways. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00303-00117059-00117378 I like to think we're running kind of a cult of the badger at this point 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00304-00117378-00117768 with the dwarves reverting to kind of a strange, animalistic society 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00305-00117772-00117928 tribe, if you will. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00306-00117928-00118250 I mean they're constantly fighting, most of this is blood in here. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00307-00118252-00118470 Ghosts. There are several. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00308-00118470-00118852 Um... our leader died at some point, killed by some other dwarf. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00309-00118852-00119108 The population is down to about 67 dwarves 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00310-00119108-00119522 Down from 99, remember. And things are definitely spiraling out of control. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00311-00119530-00120104 Of course, I can't talk about Dwarf Fortress without mentioning the famous Kruggsmash. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00312-00120105-00120505 Aside from his direct support of me and my work, for which I am grateful, Krugg brightens 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00313-00120505-00120779 my day every single time he releases a video. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00314-00120779-00121101 If you've never heard of Dwarf Fortress, or if you've heard of it but were put off by 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00315-00121101-00121669 its steep learning curve and confusing interface, you NEED to go watch Kruggsmash's videos. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00316-00121669-00122160 Through meticulous editing and loads of hand-drawn illustrations, Krugg manages to take the incredible 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00317-00122160-00122720 stories buried in this procedural game and make them understandable and palatable to everyone, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00318-00122720-00122936 and amazing to watch and listen to. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00319-00122936-00123333 He might even persuade you to try playing the game, but even if he doesn't, his videos 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00320-00123333-00123444 are guaranteed to entertain you. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00321-00123444-00123604 Go check him out. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00322-00123730-00124100 Hey everybody, 47MarkIV here, back with another episode of Absolute Mek. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00323-00124108-00124456 Alright, so today we're gonna get ourselves 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00324-00124458-00124711 a little bit of automation. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00325-00124716-00125258 Now I'd like to take a moment to shout out to one of my fellow Simpletons: 47MarkIV. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00326-00125258-00125705 My friends, this guy has been through a lot, especially in terms of his health. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00327-00125705-00126152 He also makes amazingly polished Minecraft modpacks and high-quality, engaging videos 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00328-00126152-00126308 about them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00329-00126308-00126639 Especially since I'm currently dealing with my own chronic health problems, I'm blown 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00330-00126639-00127009 away by how much he manages to create and produce, and how positive and inspiring he 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00331-00127009-00127109 manages to be. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00332-00127109-00127559 On the other hand, I also appreciate that now and then he makes a video where he talks 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00333-00127559-00127915 to us directly and tells us how hard things have been. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00334-00127915-00128302 Sometimes on the internet it can seem like everyone's life is going great, and it means 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00335-00128302-00128892 a lot when someone pulls back the curtain a bit and says yeah, things are really hard, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00336-00128892-00129096 but I'm gonna keep doing my best. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00337-00129096-00129530 Mark, you rock super hard, and you help keep me going. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00338-00129530-00129638 Thank you. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00339-00130276-00130400 Whoops. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00340-00130416-00130676 Did not mean to shoot that rocket right there. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00341-00130676-00130970 I was too powerful for any enemy to kill me. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00342-00130970-00131156 So I had to kill myself. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00343-00131156-00131650 In terms of pure positivity, I also want to send some love to Zac Oyama. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00344-00131651-00132069 You might know this dude from College Humor or the Dimension 20 series on Dropout, but 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00345-00132069-00132509 he also streams, usually a few times per week, and they are some of the most positive and 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00346-00132509-00132757 uplifting experiences I have. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00347-00132757-00133385 However dark, gritty, violent, or scary the game he's playing is, he has a way of making 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00348-00133385-00133798 it wholesome and fun, and his community is just as lovely as he is. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00349-00133798-00134257 No matter how bad I feel or how rough things have been, as soon as Zac starts streaming, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00350-00134257-00134432 I'm guaranteed to feel better. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00351-00134432-00134874 A huge thank-you to Zac and his community for brightening my day on a regular basis. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00352-00135128-00135542 Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00353-00135574-00135840 There is no reason 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00354-00135840-00136128 for it to start back that fast, okay. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00355-00136128-00136462 There is absolutely no reason at all whatsoever. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00356-00136514-00136946 And speaking of Zac's community, I also want to shine a little spotlight on one particular 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00357-00136946-00137335 member of that community: RickysArcade. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00358-00137335-00137771 Ricky hangs around the streams and performs acts of random generosity, gifting subscriptions 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00359-00137771-00138018 to just about everyone in the chat. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00360-00138018-00138533 And then this guy had the nerve to come to MY streams and subscribe to me as well! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00361-00138533-00139029 Well, aside from dropping gifts on everyone, Ricky also has his own Twitch channel where 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00362-00139029-00139254 he's been streaming God of War. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00363-00139254-00139704 Unfortunately I never manage to catch him live because of time zones, but I've gone 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00364-00139704-00140061 back and watched some of the archives, and he's very pleasant to watch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00365-00140061-00140332 Unfortunately it doesn't seem like too many people have found him yet. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00366-00140332-00140792 So right now, if you would, my friends, head to Ricky's channel (link in the description) 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00367-00140792-00140908 and give him a follow. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00368-00140908-00141092 Check out his streams if you can. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00369-00141092-00141452 If you manage to watch him live, drop a hello and an extra thank-you from me. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00370-00141500-00142060 Here's a bold statement. I think Wonder Woman as a film is better than you think it is. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00371-00142060-00142418 That applies even if it's your favorite movie ever made 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00372-00142418-00142738 I think I still might make you like it even more. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00373-00142738-00143036 However, if it's your least favorite movie of all time 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00374-00143036-00143434 hopefully you will gain a newfound respect for something I like to call 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00375-00143434-00143596 "The Fetchness." 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00376-00143596-00143878 Son of a dammit crap spelunky, WHAT? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00377-00143878-00144340 Didn't we have a meeting where I said, I'm just gonna quote this off my phone here 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00378-00144340-00144658 Even as a temporary name I am not okay with calling 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00379-00144658-00145130 the secret sauce about Wonder Woman, "The Fetchness". End quote. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00380-00145220-00145456 What is happening to my show? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00381-00145528-00145730 It used to be so fetch. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00382-00145780-00146205 And last but, frankly, most, FilmJoy, a channel 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00383-00146205-00146435 run by Mikey Neumann and his friends. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00384-00146435-00146955 Mikey probably has more of a positive impact on me than anyone else online which, given 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00385-00146955-00147332 the content of the rest of this list, really ought to tell you something. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00386-00147332-00147813 Just about everyone knows that the easiest way to get attention online is outrage. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00387-00147813-00148324 Find problems with things, be angry about them, and insult and argue with people. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00388-00148324-00148678 But Mikey goes one hundred and eighty degrees in the opposite direction. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00389-00148678-00149070 He takes films that might not have gotten a lot of praise and tells you why they're 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00390-00149070-00149271 actually amazing and you should see them. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00391-00149271-00149707 No matter what kind of film he's talking about, no matter whether it's something I would normally 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00392-00149707-00150128 have enjoyed or not, he always makes me love it by the end. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00393-00150128-00150684 His videos about Star Wars literally make me cry tears of joy and inspiration. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00394-00150684-00151029 And then there's Deep Dive. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00395-00151029-00151633 Folks, when I'm feeling down, which unfortunately is pretty often these days, I put on Deep 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00396-00151633-00151751 Dive. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00397-00151751-00152202 It's Mikey and some of his friends sitting on a couch eating snacks watching a film that's 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00398-00152202-00152632 supposed to be "bad", and their entire goal is to find the good in it. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00399-00152632-00153016 They talk about what happens, acknowledge the problems, but spend most of their energy 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00400-00153016-00153433 explaining why actually, there is joy to be found in these films. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00401-00153433-00153917 They absolutely cannot fail to make me happy, and more importantly than that, they serve 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00402-00153917-00154288 as a reminder that there is good in almost everything. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00403-00154288-00154677 The world these days trains us to see the bad, but we can train ourselves to see the 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00404-00154677-00155101 good, and that leads to happier lives and a better world for everyone. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00405-00155101-00155591 As a matter of fact, on New Year's Eve, probably my most hated night of the year because of 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00406-00155591-00156238 the many, many hours of incessant explosions around my home, I got a few people together 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00407-00156238-00156685 to watch a bunch of Deep Dive videos on a watch2gether page and stave off the sensory 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00408-00156685-00157288 hell, and who should show up to hang out but Mikey himself, as well as Teara (god I hope 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00409-00157288-00157714 I'm saying that right), who does some of the behind-the-camera work on the videos. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00410-00157714-00158128 They were super fun to chat with and the whole experience gave me the first positive New 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00411-00158128-00158342 Year's Eve I've had in many years. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00412-00158342-00158700 What a bunch of absolute heroes these people are. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00413-00158701-00159023 Oh, did I mention that Mikey has multiple sclerosis? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00414-00159023-00159659 Yeah, this dude has every reason to be frustrated, depressed, angry, and negative, but instead, 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00415-00159659-00160119 he uses all his energy to broadcast positivity into the world. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00416-00160119-00160326 Holy crap, dude. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00417-00160326-00160762 Also, he's asexual and pretty public about that, and that's not really relevant to YouTube 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00418-00160762-00161168 or whatever, but it's relevant to me personally, and it's wonderful to just have someone out 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00419-00161168-00161377 there saying "yeah, this is normal". 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00420-00161377-00161674 So a bonus thank-you to Mikey for that. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00421-00161812-00161972 So is everyone feeling awesome yet? 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00422-00161973-00162339 Well, we've pretty much reached the end of the video, so if I haven't managed to brighten 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00423-00162339-00162817 your day myself, be sure to check out one or all of the people I just mentioned. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00424-00162817-00163405 They are far from the Only positive influences I've seen online this year, but I had to limit 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00425-00163405-00163963 myself at least a little, or this video would have been really, really long, if it's not 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00426-00163963-00164094 already. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00427-00164094-00164378 Anyway, thank you all so much for watching till the end. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00428-00164379-00164843 And speaking of sticking around till the end, if you haven't been watching my videos to 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00429-00164843-00165075 the end lately, you've been missing a lot! 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00430-00165075-00165461 Just about every video I make these days has a little end credits sequence like this one 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00431-00165461-00166076 where I send out some love and usually do something super dorky or sing a little song. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00432-00166076-00166341 I'm... not gonna sing this time. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00433-00166341-00166513 I am very tired. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00434-00166513-00166809 Go look for songs in the other videos. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00435-00166809-00167078 Careful with the Naboki one, though. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00436-00167078-00167842 I accidentally made an earworm in that one and it still gets stuck in my head every single 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00437-00167842-00167942 day. 5qsQtcUP-Qy-00438-00168282-00168486 OK I LOVE YOU BYE 5r3tAr590ac-00000-00000000-00000752 business earnings would be adopted on june 1 2023 the uae ministry of finance said on monday that 5r3tAr590ac-00001-00000752-00001464 a federal corporation tax on business earnings would be adopted on june 1 2023 with effect from 5r3tAr590ac-00002-00001464-00002192 the first day of the month start by brainstorming identify common threads and make list of action 5r3tAr590ac-00003-00002192-00002856 items everything the legal entity does will be considered business activity and any money that 5r3tAr590ac-00004-00002856-00003544 is earned will be subject to court for the time being however dividends and capital gains made 5r3tAr590ac-00005-00003544-00004104 by a uae firm from qualified shareholdings are tax-free in the united arab emirates 5r3tAr590ac-00006-00004216-00004760 the federal trade commission does not seem to have any information on earnings-based slab rates 5r3tAr590ac-00007-00004880-00005344 is it feasible that future earnings may be subject to slab rates of taxation 5r3tAr590ac-00008-00005456-00006064 certain enterprises such as the exploitation of natural resources such as oil and gas 5r3tAr590ac-00009-00006064-00006552 will continue to be subject to taxation at the local level in the united arab emirates 5r3tAr590ac-00010-00006688-00007408 given that the connecticut financial year will begin on june 1 2023 and that our company's fiscal 5r3tAr590ac-00011-00007408-00008000 year is based on the calendar year should we adjust our fiscal year to match the new tax regime 5r3tAr590ac-00012-00008240-00008784 although there is no legal need to convert the fiscal year to the fiscal tax year of june to may 5r3tAr590ac-00013-00008872-00009360 many organizations are likely to do so in order to better match their fiscal year with the 5r3tAr590ac-00014-00009360-00010064 fiscal tax year despite the fact that free zone enterprises would be subject to uae connecticut 5r3tAr590ac-00015-00010152-00010704 the uae connecticut regime will continue to honor the connecticut incentives that are now available 5r3tAr590ac-00016-00010704-00011248 to free zone businesses who meet all regulatory requirements and do not do business with the 5r3tAr590ac-00017-00011248-00011976 rest of the country in order to determine if even minor transactions with a uae mainland firm would 5r3tAr590ac-00018-00011976-00012528 disqualify the corporation from the exemption or whether a pro rata technique will be used 5r3tAr590ac-00019-00012592-00013568 we require clarity from the phone plus nine seven one four five five seven zero 5r3tAr590ac-00020-00013568-00014480 two zero four presented by thanks for watching and damp support 5sISqGxIdOc-00000-00000014-00000779 Hello! Of course as Lillian has just said, I am Emily Carlyle Johnston, digital 5sISqGxIdOc-00001-00000779-00001320 program lead at eCampusOntario, but digital projects lead works too. And in 5sISqGxIdOc-00002-00001320-00001788 keeping with our theme of experimentation today and at TESS 2019 5sISqGxIdOc-00003-00001788-00002271 more generally, I am here to launch an experimental initiative that eCampus 5sISqGxIdOc-00004-00002271-00002777 Ontario has set up with the goal of learning about and then supporting your 5sISqGxIdOc-00005-00002777-00003282 own experimentation with educational technology. Now what do I mean by that 5sISqGxIdOc-00006-00003282-00003729 cryptic message? Well that's what I plan to tell you over the course of this 5sISqGxIdOc-00007-00003729-00004476 presentation: Crowdsourcing EdTech test beds with IdeaScale. 5sISqGxIdOc-00008-00004476-00005205 Now to start, I want to ask you a question. How many of you are aware of 5sISqGxIdOc-00009-00005205-00005646 eCampusOntario's Shared Services strategy or at least know that we offer 5sISqGxIdOc-00010-00005646-00006082 different types of educational technology services? Just a show of hands. Oh 5sISqGxIdOc-00011-00006082-00006620 good! A good number of you. Well then this makes my job easy. I want to just give 5sISqGxIdOc-00012-00006620-00007077 you a little bit of context. So eCampus Ontario believes in purposeful 5sISqGxIdOc-00013-00007077-00007527 collaboration that draws on the strength of our province-based system, 5sISqGxIdOc-00014-00007527-00007979 most of which is reflected here today. And we believe that we can leverage 5sISqGxIdOc-00015-00007979-00008447 these strengths across the system by providing and connecting our members 5sISqGxIdOc-00016-00008447-00009059 over shared educational technologies. Now at present, as you can see on this slide, 5sISqGxIdOc-00017-00009059-00009852 there are four shared service types that we offer: Commodity, at Scale, Emergent and 5sISqGxIdOc-00018-00009852-00010482 Open Alternative shared services. And we've recently formed a shared services 5sISqGxIdOc-00019-00010482-00010907 steering committee to direct and oversee decision making processes for a shared 5sISqGxIdOc-00020-00010907-00011349 educational technology services, which includes a university 5sISqGxIdOc-00021-00011349-00012022 representative, a college representative and a student representative Terry, Peter 5sISqGxIdOc-00022-00012022-00012324 - not Peter - Pascale and Chris, feel free to just wave 5sISqGxIdOc-00023-00012324-00012729 your hands if you're in the room. I know Terry is at the back there and I saw 5sISqGxIdOc-00024-00012729-00013116 Chris here somewhere. The committee also includes me and e 5sISqGxIdOc-00025-00013116-00013456 CampusOntario's Chief technology officer Michel Singh, who's sitting at 5sISqGxIdOc-00026-00013456-00013975 the front, as well as an external representative, Peter Wolf. And if you'd 5sISqGxIdOc-00027-00013975-00014359 like to learn more about our shared services strategy or about the committee 5sISqGxIdOc-00028-00014359-00014772 that governs it, then feel free to find Michel or Peter later today and chat 5sISqGxIdOc-00029-00014772-00015271 with them or ask them a question at the end of this presentation. For now though 5sISqGxIdOc-00030-00015271-00015760 I just want to focus on the Emergent pillar because this is our experimental 5sISqGxIdOc-00031-00015760-00016188 space. This is where we provide opportunities for a small number of our 5sISqGxIdOc-00032-00016188-00016579 member institutions to collaboratively experiment with new and innovative 5sISqGxIdOc-00033-00016579-00017077 technology by testing or co-designing or reporting on new tools and 5sISqGxIdOc-00034-00017077-00017590 platforms. And sometimes we're looking to determine the value of a particular tool 5sISqGxIdOc-00035-00017590-00018094 that's being tested in this space, but really the key to this pillar of our 5sISqGxIdOc-00036-00018094-00018673 shared services is experimenting, learning and thinking critically about 5sISqGxIdOc-00037-00018673-00019216 new technologies as part of a community in a low-risk, low-stakes environment. And 5sISqGxIdOc-00038-00019216-00019684 by that I mean we try to keep it generally the time and financial 5sISqGxIdOc-00039-00019684-00020155 investment relatively small to allow for experimentation while we think about how 5sISqGxIdOc-00040-00020155-00020806 to maybe scale later on. Now right now we've got a few emergent initiatives on 5sISqGxIdOc-00041-00020806-00021214 the go, some or all of which you may be aware of. We've got an augmented and 5sISqGxIdOc-00042-00021214-00021640 virtual reality pilot, we've got adaptive learning and micro-certification 5sISqGxIdOc-00043-00021640-00022251 initiatives, and we're soon to have a learning analytics co-design project. And 5sISqGxIdOc-00044-00022251-00022708 inspiration and ideas for the emergent Initiatives came from a wide variety of 5sISqGxIdOc-00045-00022708-00023131 places: Formally, from our board of directors, from our colleagues in 5sISqGxIdOc-00046-00023131-00023656 government and from a 2018 shared educational technology survey which was 5sISqGxIdOc-00047-00023656-00024196 answered by a number of institutions or groups at institutions to help us 5sISqGxIdOc-00048-00024196-00024694 understand the educational technologies that our members are interested in or 5sISqGxIdOc-00049-00024694-00025227 deemed a priority at that time. We also find inspiration from more 5sISqGxIdOc-00050-00025227-00025745 informal places like scholarly research, conference presentations, activities that 5sISqGxIdOc-00051-00025745-00026262 we've seen happening in other provinces or in other countries. Basically we're 5sISqGxIdOc-00052-00026262-00026700 always looking for inspiration and ideas, which means that even though we've got a 5sISqGxIdOc-00053-00026700-00027150 number of emergent initiatives on the go right now, we're thinking forwards.We 5sISqGxIdOc-00054-00027150-00027692 being eCampusOntario and the Shared Services Committee. 5sISqGxIdOc-00055-00027692-00028107 Now we're going to be, of course, gathering inspiration and ideas 5sISqGxIdOc-00056-00028107-00028527 from the number of places that I just mentioned, but there's one really 5sISqGxIdOc-00057-00028527-00028895 important place that I haven't yet mentioned that we go to for inspiration 5sISqGxIdOc-00058-00028895-00029388 and ideas. And that is all of you who are in the room right now, and your 5sISqGxIdOc-00059-00029388-00030095 colleagues back home. So let this be your official notice that we need your help 5sISqGxIdOc-00060-00030095-00030630 with our emergent shared services pillar. I understand that most of you are working 5sISqGxIdOc-00061-00030630-00031107 at Ontario institutions, teaching or working closely with individuals who are 5sISqGxIdOc-00062-00031107-00031572 teaching ,which means that we want to draw on your experience, your expertise 5sISqGxIdOc-00063-00031572-00032124 and your enthusiasm to determine what innovative and emergent technologies you 5sISqGxIdOc-00064-00032124-00032514 are interested in or excited about potentially experimenting with in 5sISqGxIdOc-00065-00032514-00033069 teaching and learning settings. In fact, how about we think about that right now. 5sISqGxIdOc-00066-00033069-00033672 I want you to take a second to think about what new innovative, educational 5sISqGxIdOc-00067-00033672-00034185 technologies you would want to engage or experiment with in a short pilot type 5sISqGxIdOc-00068-00034185-00034755 setting. And as you do, consider a few points. Consider when we say technologies 5sISqGxIdOc-00069-00034755-00035198 we mean high level like augmented and virtual reality or learning analytics. 5sISqGxIdOc-00070-00035198-00035856 Specific products and Specific tools are great, they do help us by giving us 5sISqGxIdOc-00071-00035856-00036171 examples but think about the technology more generally. How would you categorize 5sISqGxIdOc-00072-00036171-00036690 it? Think also about what that educational technology actually does and 5sISqGxIdOc-00073-00036690-00037134 what makes it innovative, emergent or valuable in teaching and learning 5sISqGxIdOc-00074-00037134-00037484 settings because that is what we're trying to get at through this 5sISqGxIdOc-00075-00037484-00038049 campaign. So because we're keeping today collaborative and hands-on I'm actually 5sISqGxIdOc-00076-00038049-00038430 gonna give you two to three minutes right now to talk about this question 5sISqGxIdOc-00077-00038430-00038888 with your neighbor or with your table and I've got the question on the slide 5sISqGxIdOc-00078-00038888-00039299 for your reference, and as you do, Michel and Peter are gonna wander 5sISqGxIdOc-00079-00039299-00039581 around and listen in on your conversation, and if there's something 5sISqGxIdOc-00080-00039581-00040013 you feel like sharing at the end, then you are more than welcome to do that. So I'll 5sISqGxIdOc-00081-00040013-00040594 give you two to three minutes right now as you continue eating your lunches. 5sISqGxIdOc-00082-00061979-00063348 All right. Hello. hello, I think it's time we regroup. Hello, I'm sorry, I hate to 5sISqGxIdOc-00083-00063348-00063861 open up such a lively discussion with a prompt like that and then have it rest or 5sISqGxIdOc-00084-00063861-00064394 cut it short so quickly, but rest assured that we will not lose sight of 5sISqGxIdOc-00085-00064394-00064811 this question or this prompt over the course of this presentation or even the 5sISqGxIdOc-00086-00064811-00065192 next month. Now is there any table that would like 5sISqGxIdOc-00087-00065192-00065912 to share their ideas? I see a hand right at the front here. Could we get a mic? 5sISqGxIdOc-00088-00065912-00067167 We talked about using a Domain's of One's Own to be an alternative to this e-portfolio like digital 5sISqGxIdOc-00089-00067167-00067716 resume structure that everybody has a different version of and maybe as an 5sISqGxIdOc-00090-00067716-00068093 alternative to things like a co-curricular record where a student can 5sISqGxIdOc-00091-00068093-00068472 kind of live out loud with their learning online, kind of like post 5sISqGxIdOc-00092-00068472-00068879 whatever content they might feel comfortable with, develop some key skills 5sISqGxIdOc-00093-00068879-00069763 and coding and CSS, and then emerge from their studies with a digital footprint that reflects their learning. 5sISqGxIdOc-00094-00069802-00070358 Awesome. And I think the benefit of maybe doing that in a collaborative type pilot could 5sISqGxIdOc-00095-00070358-00070692 just be really that collaboration and learning from what other schools are 5sISqGxIdOc-00096-00070692-00071744 doing in that space over that period of time. I'd love to hear everybody else's idea but don't lose sight of them because in a few seconds or a minute 5sISqGxIdOc-00097-00071744-00072311 because in a few seconds you'll see how you can share those. Oh sure I have time for one more. 5sISqGxIdOc-00098-00072311-00072943 I'm Rob Theriault, I teach at Georgian College in the paramedic program and we're piloting virtual reality in our paramedic lab 5sISqGxIdOc-00099-00073186-00073822 for patient simulation, teaching empathy and we're gonna be using social VR for 5sISqGxIdOc-00100-00073822-00074926 for synchronized online learning in January. So really interested in hooking up with other people who have an interest 5sISqGxIdOc-00101-00074926-00075457 in experiential learning and VR. I think that was a that was a topic that came up a lot yesterday as well, this 5sISqGxIdOc-00102-00075457-00076003 idea of experimenting with augmented and virtual reality in a collaborative space, 5sISqGxIdOc-00103-00076003-00076468 so thank you. Now what I wanted to illustrate through that activity was 5sISqGxIdOc-00104-00076468-00076891 that it's really through conversations and listening in on discussions like 5sISqGxIdOc-00105-00076891-00077482 these that which happened in person, but can also happen through email and often 5sISqGxIdOc-00106-00077482-00078085 through social media, that we at eCampus really gather inspiration and learn 5sISqGxIdOc-00107-00078085-00078733 about what excites or intrigues our members, but it's certainly rare that we 5sISqGxIdOc-00108-00078733-00079180 get to do so in a setting like this where we get to learn the ideas of so 5sISqGxIdOc-00109-00079180-00079696 many of you at once and where you get to hear and engage with the ideas that are 5sISqGxIdOc-00110-00079696-00080376 being proposed or brought forth by others, until IdeaScale. 5sISqGxIdOc-00111-00080376-00080938 So I now want to introduce a new experimental, crowdsourcing campaign that 5sISqGxIdOc-00112-00080938-00081562 we have set up on IdeaScale. Now normally IdeaScale is an idea 5sISqGxIdOc-00113-00081562-00082053 management platform but in layman's terms it's a platform that facilitates 5sISqGxIdOc-00114-00082053-00082639 crowdsourcing which allows us to collect the ideas from many of you in one place, 5sISqGxIdOc-00115-00082639-00083254 and in turn, allows you to view comments and vote on the ideas put forth by 5sISqGxIdOc-00116-00083254-00084103 others. Are any of you familiar with Reddit? I don't know if I'm off on this but 5sISqGxIdOc-00117-00084103-00084664 I consider this platform to be like a Reddit. So we have set up a campaign on 5sISqGxIdOc-00118-00084664-00085096 IdeaScale where you can share the ideas that you have just discussed in this 5sISqGxIdOc-00119-00085096-00085648 room because the campaign prompts you to think about exactly the question that we 5sISqGxIdOc-00120-00085648-00086194 just worked through: What new innovative, educational technologies would you want 5sISqGxIdOc-00121-00086194-00086756 to experiment with in a collaborative pilot-type setting? By sharing our ideas 5sISqGxIdOc-00122-00086756-00087244 on this platform you're giving us ideas for future initiatives as well as 5sISqGxIdOc-00123-00087244-00087737 contributing to the many voices that we wish to engage. But because the ideas are 5sISqGxIdOc-00124-00087737-00088201 shared with all of our members who log into this platform, you're also able to 5sISqGxIdOc-00125-00088201-00088598 then learn from and draw inspiration from the ideas of others across the 5sISqGxIdOc-00126-00088598-00089149 province. And as a bonus, you're able to see and interact with the IdeaScale 5sISqGxIdOc-00127-00089149-00089585 platform which, if you like it, might be something that you tell us later on 'hey 5sISqGxIdOc-00128-00089585-00090167 I want to pilot that too.' But I'm getting ahead of myself. So let me show you how 5sISqGxIdOc-00129-00090167-00090583 the platform works through a series of screen shot because I don't want to 5sISqGxIdOc-00130-00090583-00091258 wrangle with tech up here. So our IdeaScale platform is located at eCampusOntario 5sISqGxIdOc-00131-00091258-00091831 dot IdeaScale dot com. I've got the URL on this slide for your reference but it's 5sISqGxIdOc-00132-00091831-00092263 also on some of the postcards that are on the table in front of you for your 5sISqGxIdOc-00133-00092263-00092707 own reference later on if you wish to log in, but also to take back to your 5sISqGxIdOc-00134-00092707-00093307 colleagues and let them know how they can contribute their ideas. So when you log 5sISqGxIdOc-00135-00093307-00093680 into the platform you're gonna be asked to create an account with your 5sISqGxIdOc-00136-00093680-00094093 institutional email. We are working on getting single sign-on 5sISqGxIdOc-00137-00094093-00094552 setup and I'm told it could happen this week or next week but for the time being 5sISqGxIdOc-00138-00094552-00095527 your institutional email works just perfectly. There's also a Terms of Service and IdeaScale privacy policy on that page if you're 5sISqGxIdOc-00139-00095527-00096025 interested and of course creating an account is entirely optional. But we hope 5sISqGxIdOc-00140-00096025-00096502 that you do and when and if you get set up you will be taken to our main 5sISqGxIdOc-00141-00096502-00096958 page, which looks like this, from which you can view some of our most popular 5sISqGxIdOc-00142-00096958-00097432 ideas as well as our current campaign in either English or French depending on 5sISqGxIdOc-00143-00097432-00097939 the language that you've set as your preference. From here I suggest that you 5sISqGxIdOc-00144-00097939-00098332 click on the home button in the top left corner that I've highlighted with the 5sISqGxIdOc-00145-00098332-00098957 blue arrow there, and that will take you to our main page with all of our content 5sISqGxIdOc-00146-00098957-00099380 and on the right-hand side of this page you can see that we have one active 5sISqGxIdOc-00147-00099380-00099863 campaign set up. That's the emergent educational technology campaign and that's 5sISqGxIdOc-00148-00099863-00100370 on the right side in the blue box. And if you select that you'll be taken to yet 5sISqGxIdOc-00149-00100370-00100661 another page that shows you the campaign briefs. 5sISqGxIdOc-00150-00100661-00101054 So that just lays the context for why we're asking this question and what 5sISqGxIdOc-00151-00101054-00101594 we're gonna do with your ideas, as well as gives you the question prompt that 5sISqGxIdOc-00152-00101594-00102143 you're all now familiar quite familiar with. And if you continue to scroll on 5sISqGxIdOc-00153-00102143-00102647 this page you will see all of the ideas that have been submitted so far. When we 5sISqGxIdOc-00154-00102647-00103049 launched it on a very small scale, and I don't know if you can 5sISqGxIdOc-00155-00103049-00103748 read that, but the number one idea or the most popular idea so far is for a shared 5sISqGxIdOc-00156-00103748-00104243 service to create and publish H5P content outside of Pressbooks and that 5sISqGxIdOc-00157-00104243-00104654 idea was conveniently submitted by Lindsey Woodside who was up here earlier 5sISqGxIdOc-00158-00104654-00105467 today. now I'm a fan of this idea . I don't know about you. You might be by the end of today. So how can 5sISqGxIdOc-00159-00105467-00106049 I let people know that I like this idea? Well I can select the up arrow right 5sISqGxIdOc-00160-00106049-00106505 beside it which had the blue arrow pointing at it and that'll let people 5sISqGxIdOc-00161-00106505-00106976 know that I support this idea. I could also download it if I wanted to, or if I 5sISqGxIdOc-00162-00106976-00107414 really support the idea and I want to share exactly why this would be a good 5sISqGxIdOc-00163-00107414-00107855 idea for me to implement in my own teaching and learning settings then I 5sISqGxIdOc-00164-00107855-00108227 can click on the comment box that I've circled there and enter a comment or 5sISqGxIdOc-00165-00108227-00109052 enter a question. Now I see a little bit of context on this page but if I'm 5sISqGxIdOc-00166-00109052-00109448 unsure, if I'm saying 'I don't know what this idea really means' and I want to 5sISqGxIdOc-00167-00109448-00109880 know more before I engage with it, then you just click on the title on the 5sISqGxIdOc-00168-00109880-00110402 previous page called Hyped up on H5P and get a little bit more context which tells 5sISqGxIdOc-00169-00110402-00110915 you what the technology does, why it's innovative or emergent, how it could be 5sISqGxIdOc-00170-00110915-00111466 used in educational settings. So even if you don't have an idea that 5sISqGxIdOc-00171-00111466-00111933 you want to submit at this time through the campaign, you can still amplify the 5sISqGxIdOc-00172-00111933-00112423 ideas of others in the platform which tells us that the more excitement there 5sISqGxIdOc-00173-00112423-00113061 is around an idea, the more beneficial it could be to our entire network. But 5sISqGxIdOc-00174-00113061-00113527 if you do have an idea that you'd like to share then at the top of every page 5sISqGxIdOc-00175-00113527-00113992 in the right-hand corner is the purple box that says 'submit new idea.' You select 5sISqGxIdOc-00176-00113992-00114424 that, you receive a few prompts and you enter your response in the text boxes 5sISqGxIdOc-00177-00114424-00114808 that are right there. Hit submit and then others will be able to engage with 5sISqGxIdOc-00178-00114808-00115528 your idea as well. So that's really the platform in a nutshell for users like 5sISqGxIdOc-00179-00115528-00116029 you who can engage with our campaign, but I took this idea from Donna yesterday, 5sISqGxIdOc-00180-00116029-00116566 the blank slide. And as I wrap up then, I want to emphasize that this is really 5sISqGxIdOc-00181-00116566-00117097 your space, so feel free to put forth any and all ideas that you might have. Those 5sISqGxIdOc-00182-00117097-00117550 can be wild ideas, they can be half-baked ideas, really anything that you're 5sISqGxIdOc-00183-00117550-00118008 thinking about and excited about. And because it's your space, we want you to 5sISqGxIdOc-00184-00118008-00118498 feel free to interact with each other over these ideas. Now Michel, Peter and 5sISqGxIdOc-00185-00118498-00118860 myself will pop in occasionally to maybe moderate an idea, so ask a little 5sISqGxIdOc-00186-00118860-00119272 bit more information about it if that would be helpful, but other than that 5sISqGxIdOc-00187-00119272-00119829 this is your space to interact and let us know which ideas you're excited about. 5sISqGxIdOc-00188-00119829-00120265 So we want to see your thoughts and we want to see the conversations that 5sISqGxIdOc-00189-00120265-00120810 happen. and finally but maybe most importantly, is that we want as many 5sISqGxIdOc-00190-00120810-00121260 people as possible from a whole wide range of positions to have a chance to 5sISqGxIdOc-00191-00121260-00121744 share their voice. So for this first experimental campaign we're looking for 5sISqGxIdOc-00192-00121744-00122266 faculty, for students, for instructors, for teaching and support staff, librarians 5sISqGxIdOc-00193-00122266-00122743 really anyone at our member institutions which means that after today, our 5sISqGxIdOc-00194-00122743-00123157 official launch, we will be sharing the news on social media, through our newsletter, 5sISqGxIdOc-00195-00123157-00123682 through email and we're hoping that you'll spread the word too. So you've got 5sISqGxIdOc-00196-00123682-00124222 the URL and you'll be seeing more information about this so once you've 5sISqGxIdOc-00197-00124222-00124585 shared your thoughts please let others know to do the same. We 5sISqGxIdOc-00198-00124585-00124936 can't wait to learn what innovative and emergent EdTech you're all excited about. 5sISqGxIdOc-00199-00124936-00125233 Thank you 5sISqGxIdOc-00200-00125768-00126235 That's the end of my spiel but now I open the floor to all of you for your 5sISqGxIdOc-00201-00126235-00126701 for your questions. You can ask them now, you can also find me later or find 5sISqGxIdOc-00202-00126701-00127304 Michel or Peter later if you have any questions, or of course reach out when 5sISqGxIdOc-00203-00127304-00127816 you start seeing more news about the campaign. I see a question in the back. 5sISqGxIdOc-00204-00127816-00128854 I think it's a great idea but I imagine that people will put in ideas 5sISqGxIdOc-00205-00128854-00129286 individually that are very similar so are you going to kind of collate that or 5sISqGxIdOc-00206-00129286-00129626 bring them together because then you're going to get some people thinking that 5sISqGxIdOc-00207-00129626-00129950 idea is good in others the other, but it's essentially the same idea or 5sISqGxIdOc-00208-00129950-00130285 something. So I'm just wondering if you're going to do some sort of 5sISqGxIdOc-00209-00130285-00130834 moderation in that regard. Thank you that's a really great question. So when 5sISqGxIdOc-00210-00130834-00131243 you go to submit an idea we've actually entered it so that if you're using words 5sISqGxIdOc-00211-00131243-00131687 that have popped up in other in other ideas that have already been submitted 5sISqGxIdOc-00212-00131687-00132128 it'll actually give you that notification or let you know. So from 5sISqGxIdOc-00213-00132128-00132365 your end that's what's possible and then from our 5sISqGxIdOc-00214-00132365-00132746 end that's exactly why we've got Michel and Peter and myself set up as moderators. I 5sISqGxIdOc-00215-00132746-00133133 think there's a feature where we can merge an idea so it will merge any of 5sISqGxIdOc-00216-00133133-00133583 the comments, it'll merge any of the votes, and then it only lives in one 5sISqGxIdOc-00217-00133583-00134152 place so we'll be checking in periodically to manage that. Thank you. Are 5sISqGxIdOc-00218-00134215-00134650 there any other questions at this time? 5sISqGxIdOc-00219-00135839-00136739 jJust to say if you register using a university or college email we shouldn't 5sISqGxIdOc-00220-00136739-00137252 have a problem but if you're registering from Gmail or some private account then 5sISqGxIdOc-00221-00137252-00137606 you'll have to you'll be blocked and you'll have to be approved. That should 5sISqGxIdOc-00222-00137606-00138023 come from Emily or myself or Michel pretty quickly. But just know that 5sISqGxIdOc-00223-00138023-00139244 you'll have that challenge. Thanks Peter. Any other questions? All right I'm seeing 5sISqGxIdOc-00224-00139244-00139652 none so I will let you loose to finish your lunch before we've regrouped for 5sISqGxIdOc-00225-00139652-00140066 the afternoon sessions and of course feel free to find one of us at any time 5sISqGxIdOc-00226-00140066-00140419 today if you have questions 5tz5e_y1bgu-00000-00000000-00000200 GTX 1080 Ti | Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain | i9 10850K 5yLpUAeHQZg-00000-00000571-00000752 Hi! 5yLpUAeHQZg-00001-00000752-00001169 In this tutorial, I'll show you how to find the chat reference link on the Seattle Central 5yLpUAeHQZg-00002-00001169-00001695 Library homepage, how to log in to the chat reference service, and how to get the information 5yLpUAeHQZg-00003-00001695-00002193 you need during a chat session with a librarian. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00004-00002193-00002493 But first, why would you need to use chat reference? 5yLpUAeHQZg-00005-00002493-00002964 Maybe you're home sick, and your cat is sick, but you still need to finish your assignment 5yLpUAeHQZg-00006-00002964-00003250 that's due later this week. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00007-00003250-00003564 Or maybe it's late at night. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00008-00003564-00003668 The library's closed. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00009-00003668-00003917 And you're working on a research paper that's due tomorrow. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00010-00003917-00004555 Or perhaps you're headed home on the bus, and want to know if you can pick up that textbook 5yLpUAeHQZg-00011-00004555-00004739 on your way. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00012-00004739-00004992 We've all been there at some point. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00013-00004992-00005307 But did you know there's still a way to get your questions answered? 5yLpUAeHQZg-00014-00005307-00005419 There is! 5yLpUAeHQZg-00015-00005419-00005945 Seattle Central Library offers chat reference, a free service you can use to get research 5yLpUAeHQZg-00016-00005945-00006431 help from a librarian, even when you're not in the library. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00017-00006431-00006802 Chat reference is an online conversation between you and a librarian. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00018-00006802-00007089 A one on one interaction with just the two of you. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00019-00007089-00007581 Think of it like instant messaging, but with a knowledgeable and friendly librarian instead 5yLpUAeHQZg-00020-00007581-00007697 of your best friend. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00021-00007697-00007997 It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00022-00007997-00008642 To start a chat reference session, just go to the Seattle Central Library home page and 5yLpUAeHQZg-00023-00008642-00008911 click 'Ask a Librarian.' 5yLpUAeHQZg-00024-00008911-00009423 Here, you'll notice that besides chat, there are two other ways to get help from librarians, 5yLpUAeHQZg-00025-00009423-00010207 by sending an email with this form, and by phoning the reference desk during open hours. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00026-00010207-00010443 You can start by typing in your email. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00027-00010443-00010611 Then just add your question. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00028-00010611-00011188 It can be as broad as "What kind of reference books do you have?" or as detailed as where 5yLpUAeHQZg-00029-00011188-00011368 to find a specific article. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00030-00011368-00011877 Today, I'll ask for information about APA citations. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00031-00011877-00011979 And voila! 5yLpUAeHQZg-00032-00011979-00012318 You've started a chat reference session. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00033-00012318-00012418 What now? 5yLpUAeHQZg-00034-00012418-00012903 You will see this screen, and within a minute or so, a librarian will be online to help 5yLpUAeHQZg-00035-00012903-00013041 you. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00036-00013041-00013491 They may ask you some questions to find out more about what you're looking for, depending 5yLpUAeHQZg-00037-00013491-00013875 on what kind of information you need. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00038-00013875-00014297 Once the chat librarian knows what you need, they will start sending you some links that 5yLpUAeHQZg-00039-00014297-00014838 you can click on to view books in the catalog or articles and databases, for example. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00040-00014838-00015272 They may provide you with the steps to find the item, so you can look it up on your own 5yLpUAeHQZg-00041-00015272-00015372 computer. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00042-00015372-00015875 There's no limit to how many questions you ask or how long you chat with a librarian. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00043-00015875-00016322 They're there to help you get the information that you need when you're studying hard, whether 5yLpUAeHQZg-00044-00016322-00016695 it's in the library or away from it. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00045-00016695-00017295 So you might still be feeling crummy, up too late, or miles from the library on a bus, 5yLpUAeHQZg-00046-00017295-00017732 but you can get the help you're looking for through the Seattle Central Library chat reference 5yLpUAeHQZg-00047-00017732-00017840 service. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00048-00017840-00018280 All you need is a computer or mobile device with an internet connection. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00049-00018280-00018757 And remember, chat reference isn't the only way to get help when you're outside the library. 5yLpUAeHQZg-00050-00018757-00019215 You can also give us a call or send us an email, and we'll help you find whatever it 5yLpUAeHQZg-00051-00019215-00019603 is that you need. 5yX6uAErQd8-00000-00000794-00001404 ~Something Here Seems Hairy~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00001-00001500-00002282 ~Something Here Just Reeks Of Dogs And Basketballs~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00002-00002388-00002938 ~Could It Be These Cats Are Echoing~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00003-00003110-00003284 ~OF DEATH~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00004-00003544-00003726 ~We'll See~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00005-00003952-00004526 ~In All My Dreams, I See...~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00006-00004754-00005202 ~A Maze Of Bugs With Bloody Sharks And.. 5yX6uAErQd8-00007-00005202-00005750 Chubby Rocks Reminding Me It's Jensen Ackles~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00008-00006002-00006452 ~Don't Play These Games, You've Lost Your Fox~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00009-00006628-00006840 ~I'm Armed With More Than A Mouse~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00010-00007026-00007250 ~And I'm Murdering Five Oranges~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00011-00007523-00008156 ~No Speedy Grasshoppers~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00012-00008340-00008796 ~Just Matt And Me A Sock Or Three And.. 5yX6uAErQd8-00013-00008796-00009284 Nothing Else Between Me And This Rock~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00014-00009560-00010120 ~You Kick The Fur I'll Run The Thingy~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00015-00010228-00010428 ~Hey "THE BEARD" Come Get A Bite~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00016-00010636-00010836 ~Cause I'm Slaughtering Five Attorneys~ 5yX6uAErQd8-00017-00011258-00011366 You're not an attorney!?!? 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00000-00000360-00000660 Say in high voice e.g. "cube with faces". 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00001-00000740-00001160 also say "Dodecahedron" 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00002-00001160-00001360 There are hundreds of figures in NeoTrie. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00003-00001702-00002214 Use the palette and pencil to paint the figures. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00004-00002504-00002814 The "seal" tool allows to make copies of a figure. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00005-00002852-00003310 Touch a vertice of the figure to be copied. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00006-00004040-00004672 Glue two figures approaching by their vertices. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00007-00004904-00005400 Figures can be deleted with the "rubber" tool. 5-Rz0ZnQST8-00008-00005536-00005872 ...by pressing any vertice of the figure. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00000-00000034-00000216 Hi, I'm Quiara. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00001-00000274-00000898 Last week was the 15th annual VINS Dog Show. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00002-00000924-00001480 VINS stands for Volunteers in Northampton Schools. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00003-00001516-00002358 It's a non-profit organization established in 1981 to provide volunteers for Northampton Public Schools. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00004-00002414-00002944 VINS also hosts events like the Dog Show. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00005-00002982-00003997 We talked with Candy Tauscher, VINS coordinator, and founder fo the Dog Show. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00006-00003997-00004244 My name is Candy Tauscher and I'm the coordinator of VINS. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00007-00004244-00004528 We have basically two fund raisers for VINS. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00008-00004538-00004986 The first one is a letter drive in September, asking for donations. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00009-00004986-00005262 And then we do the Dog Show, which is very profitable. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00010-00005262-00005764 And basically, we're a non-profit, so we don't seek to have, you know, additional funds, 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00011-00005764-00005972 but we need enough funds to run. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00012-00005972-00006428 And we put volunteers in the classrooms. We think our biggest impact int he Northampton schools 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00013-00006622-00006998 is the volunteers. We have many thousands of hours a year 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00014-00007136-00007544 of volunteer time, and we have 30 + volunteers in the schools. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00015-00007564-00007916 We have six schools impacted by volunteers helping. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00016-00007916-00008434 The community reaches out to us every year after the Dog Show. They love having the Mayor 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00017-00008434-00009078 Um, start the parade. That makes them feel that the Mayor is really invested in the school community. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00018-00009078-00009564 There's not a lot to do sometimes in the middle of winter, and it's one thing you can do that there's really no charge. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00019-00009568-00009952 And it's, you see people that you know. You see fun things, 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00020-00009952-00010476 and if you choose to get a hot dog, or you choose to put money in a raffle, that's fine, but it's certainly not necessary. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00021-00010476-00010972 So it's just a nice event for the community to get together and have some fun. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00022-00011076-00011740 The Dog Show this year raised over $6,000 so we're very thankful and very grateful to the community 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00023-00011740-00012100 for all their help to make the Dog Show as successful as it is. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00024-00012100-00012348 We also interviewed some of the dogs. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00025-00012348-00012680 Your hair is very fluffy. Do you ever step on it sometimes? 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00026-00012891-00013266 Do you like to take long walks, Stella? [dog sniffing] 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00027-00013322-00013596 Do you like to sit on people's laps? [dog panting] 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00028-00013647-00013997 How are you enjoying the show so far? [dog licking lips] 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00029-00014050-00014290 How do you guys get along? Are there nay fights at home? 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00030-00014458-00014826 Do you like walking around, or would you rather be picked up? [dog sniffing mic] 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00031-00014868-00015268 How does it feel being one of the fluffiest dogs here? [dog touching mic] 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00032-00015496-00015558 Yeah. 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00033-00015596-00015997 How do you feel being so tiny? Is it scary with such big people around you sometimes? 5_Ukhgwkpn0-00034-00016290-00016404 Not scared at all. 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00000-00000608-00001352 I'm going to demonstrate now how to import and export whiteboard files that you may have on a 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00001-00001352-00001872 thumb drive or that you exported off the device I'll show you how to do that. I'll also show you 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00002-00001872-00002560 how to import files that you have saved on a flash drive into the whiteboard. So what I could do say 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00003-00002696-00003264 if I had a new blank I came into this classroom and I need to bring in the whiteboard that I 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00004-00003264-00003728 have saved on my thumb drive. I want to make sure that my thumb drive is plugged into the device. 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00005-00003815-00004480 I'm going to go to the top menu and I'm going to be on the import tab, I'm going to select USB, 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00006-00004656-00005064 it's going to show me the files that are on that USB I'm going to go into the folder where I have 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00007-00005064-00005816 this whiteboard file. And that whiteboard file that I'm going to bring back is this demofinal1a. 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00008-00005904-00006456 I'm going to select it and it's going to open that whiteboard file back up 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00009-00006456-00007231 and now I can pick up right where I left off, navigate inside of the whiteboard and 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00010-00007520-00007912 go to any of the pages that I've preserved I exported it out to 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00011-00007912-00008584 a thumb drive and then I showed how to re-import it back from that thumb drive. 5DBfRuvFqJ8-00012-00010440-00010490 you 5I_49-mBeXu-00000-00000276-00000644 Historical Evidence of the Crucifixion 5I_49-mBeXu-00001-00000655-00000918 When scholars say that Hazrat Isa died on the cross, 5I_49-mBeXu-00002-00000916-00001171 its not just because the Injil says so. 5I_49-mBeXu-00003-00001184-00001448 Yes, the Injil does say it by five different authors--- 5I_49-mBeXu-00004-00001455-00001702 Matthew, Mark Luke, John and Paul 5I_49-mBeXu-00005-00001711-00001956 all say that Jesus died on the cross. 5I_49-mBeXu-00006-00001970-00002188 But you also have non Christian authors 5I_49-mBeXu-00007-00002198-00002338 who’re writing in early times, 5I_49-mBeXu-00008-00002349-00002485 first century Jerusalem, 5I_49-mBeXu-00009-00002492-00002728 who say that jesus died on the cross. 5I_49-mBeXu-00010-00002738-00002890 The Talmud, 5I_49-mBeXu-00011-00002899-00002979 the Jewish writings, 5I_49-mBeXu-00012-00002986-00003176 that says Jesus died on the cross. 5I_49-mBeXu-00013-00003182-00003259 Tacitus, 5I_49-mBeXu-00014-00003267-00003365 the Roman historian, 5I_49-mBeXu-00015-00003372-00003531 josephus the Roman historian, 5I_49-mBeXu-00016-00003541-00003714 they both say Jesus died on the cross, 5I_49-mBeXu-00017-00003720-00003833 Lucian of Samosata, 5I_49-mBeXu-00018-00003842-00003971 Mara Bar-Serapion, 5I_49-mBeXu-00019-00003980-00004252 these are people who have nothing to do with Christianity directly, 5I_49-mBeXu-00020-00004263-00004402 yet they all affirm 5I_49-mBeXu-00021-00004407-00004587 that jesus died on the cross. 5I_49-mBeXu-00022-00004594-00004781 So not only do we have Christian sources 5I_49-mBeXu-00023-00004788-00004951 that say Hazrat Isa died on the cross, 5I_49-mBeXu-00024-00004964-00005176 and not only do we have non-Christian sources 5I_49-mBeXu-00025-00005183-00005347 that say he died on the cross, 5I_49-mBeXu-00026-00005357-00005476 we have no indication 5I_49-mBeXu-00027-00005486-00005664 that he didn’t die on the cross! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00000-00000065-00000338 Trauma Healing & Prevention presents: 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00001-00000338-00000884 Vasilisa: A Slavic Tale of Wisdom 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00002-00000884-00001855 "As all good stories begin, so does this one, with... 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00003-00001855-00002590 ONCE upon a time there was a merchant who was not horribly rich, and was not horribly 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00004-00002590-00002998 poor, according to those who count coins. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00005-00002998-00003909 However, according to the merchant and his lovely wife, they were rich beyond measure 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00006-00003909-00004427 with the love of their daughter, Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00007-00004427-00005153 Vasilisa was an inquisitive child, prone to asking lots of questions. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00008-00005153-00005584 She was also a loving child, gentle with the chickens when she collected their eggs and 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00009-00005584-00006444 sweet of voice when she would sing to her mother. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00010-00006444-00007187 Vasilisa's mother was well-known for her own generosity of spirit as well as her magical 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00011-00007187-00007484 fingers upon the loom. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00012-00007484-00008108 But living was a harsh thing, and winters were cold. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00013-00008108-00009047 One winter, when Vasilisa was still a young child, her mother took to her bed with a cough. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00014-00009047-00009722 She asked Vasilisa to bring her wood and cloth, and the ailing mother fashioned a doll for 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00015-00009722-00009844 her daughter. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00016-00009844-00010088 "What are you making?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00017-00010088-00010210 Vasilisa queried. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00018-00010210-00010851 "I am making a doll for you to keep in your pocket," 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00019-00010851-00011331 <cough> answered Vasilisa's mother, followed by a 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00020-00011331-00011647 cough that shook her frail body. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00021-00011647-00012149 "Now off to bed with you, after you finish your supper." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00022-00012149-00012700 All night the mother worked on the doll, for she knew her time was near. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00023-00012700-00013528 As the dim, winter sun rose over the horizon, the mother finished the last stitches in the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00024-00013528-00013818 doll's dress. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00025-00013818-00014438 She bade her husband bring their daughter to her before he went to gather more wood 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00026-00014438-00014571 for the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00027-00014571-00015197 Once the mother and Vasilisa were alone in the mother's bedchamber, she invited Vasilisa 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00028-00015197-00015459 up onto her bed. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00029-00015459-00015938 She carefully placed the doll into Vasilisa's much smaller hands. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00030-00015938-00016947 "Vasilisa, my dearest, I have made this little doll especially for you. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00031-00016947-00018105 It is very important that you give her a bit of your food when you eat, keep her clean 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00032-00018105-00018552 when you bathe, and never allow her to go thirsty. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00033-00018552-00019277 If you take good care of her, she will always be there when you need her. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00034-00019277-00020017 Promise me you will keep her in your pocket, and take good care of her always. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00035-00020017-00020610 Ask for her help, any time you are in need." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00036-00020610-00020884 "I promise, Mama" with a quiver in her voice. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00037-00020884-00021495 "If you feed her little bits, and give her clean water to drink, she will answer your 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00038-00021495-00022306 most important questions, Vasilisa" instructed the mother. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00039-00022306-00022406 "Yes, Mama. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00040-00022406-00023066 I hear how tired you are, I'll gather breakfast for all of us, Mama." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00041-00023066-00023742 And off the bed she slid, going to make breakfast. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00042-00023742-00024604 Not many days later, Vasilisa's mother did not rise from her bed. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00043-00024604-00025335 Vasilisa's father was beside himself with grief, so Vasilisa turned to the doll her 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00044-00025335-00025694 mother made her for comfort. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00045-00025694-00026449 She did as her mother had asked, and shared her bread and water with the doll and the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00046-00026449-00027016 doll comforted the young girl in return. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00047-00027016-00028000 As is the way, the sun continued to rise and set, and the seasons came and went. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00048-00028000-00028552 One late autumn day the merchant returned home from his travels with a new wife and 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00049-00028552-00028808 her two daughters. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00050-00028808-00029386 He believed his daughter needed a mother, and he knew that he needed adult company. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00051-00029386-00029970 So as the days grew shorter the new family learned how to cohabitate. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00052-00029970-00030825 Over the winter the little house was full of people, but not quite as full of love as 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00053-00030825-00031141 when the mother had been alive. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00054-00031141-00031929 The stepmother resented Vasilisa and how the townspeople and her father all doted on her. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00055-00031929-00032698 The stepmother soured her daughters on Vasilisa, until the stepsisters resented Vasilisa because 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00056-00032698-00033438 the chickens never pecked her, the goats never knocked her down, and the cattle never trampled 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00057-00033438-00033600 her. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00058-00033600-00034366 The girls became sour and bitter, so when the stepsisters went to collect the eggs, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00059-00034366-00034819 the chickens would fly in their faces and peck at their eyes. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00060-00034819-00035446 When the stepsisters would go to milk the goat, the goat would kick over the pail and 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00061-00035446-00035887 then headbutt the girls when they went to right the bucket. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00062-00035887-00036657 And while the cattle were small, neither stepsister was willing to get close enough to "pick up 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00063-00036657-00037160 the stench like a cowherd". 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00064-00037160-00037843 Whenever Vasilisa's father wasn't home, the stepmother and the stepsisters would expect 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00065-00037843-00038458 Vasilisa to do all their chores for them, as they couldn't be bothered. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00066-00038458-00039327 When the stepmother didn't properly tend the fire, and used up the entire woodpile, they 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00067-00039327-00039834 expected Vasilisa to go into the forest to collect more wood for the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00068-00039834-00040994 They were sadly disappointed each time Vasilisa returned with a fire bundle as they (not so 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00069-00040994-00041774 secretly) hoped she would be eaten by a wolf or be gored by a wild pig. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00070-00041774-00042530 Perhaps, they pondered, she would eventually be spirited away by a bear. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00071-00042530-00043189 Always, when the merchant came back from his travels, the stepmother and stepsisters would 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00072-00043189-00043590 dote on the merchant and share treats with Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00073-00043590-00044363 Vasilisa, for her part, didn't want to ruin her father's happiness, so she never told 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00074-00044363-00044812 of how she was treated when he was gone. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00075-00044812-00045415 She would simply ask if she was big enough yet to travel with him. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00076-00045415-00046349 One winter, the snows came early and the merchant did not make it home before the route became 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00077-00046349-00046449 impassable. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00078-00046449-00047250 The stepmother and the stepsisters conspired gleefully to finally be rid of Vasilisa for 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00079-00047250-00047350 good. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00080-00047350-00048068 The stepmother told the girls to all go to bed, and she would tend the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00081-00048068-00048793 Poor Vasilisa was so tired from chopping wood and doing laundry all day, she couldn't keep 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00082-00048793-00049567 her eyes open and soon fell fast asleep on the floor near the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00083-00049567-00050147 The stepmother and her daughters bundled up in their warmest clothes, and covered up with 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00084-00050147-00050769 their goose down blankets, and curled up together in the stepmother's feather bed for the night. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00085-00050769-00050968 So warm and cozy they were! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00086-00050968-00051572 They quickly nodded off, and the little fire burnt itself out. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00087-00051572-00052637 Vasilisa dreamed of a world gone cold, until she was violently shaken awake by her stepmother. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00088-00052637-00052779 "You lazy girl! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00089-00052779-00053061 You let the fire go out! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00090-00053061-00053295 Now we shall all freeze!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00091-00053295-00053725 Vasilisa's teeth were chattering, the little cottage was so cold! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00092-00053725-00053825 "Oh no! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00093-00053825-00054024 What shall we do?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00094-00054024-00054124 cried Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00095-00054124-00054412 "We won't do anything" answered the stepmother. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00096-00054412-00055169 "You let the fire go out, so you will have to go to Baba Yaga and ask her for a coal 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00097-00055169-00055675 to start the fire with and pray don't offend her or she will eat you up! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00098-00055675-00056239 Then who will bring back the coal so that we don't freeze?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00099-00056239-00057049 As Vasilisa got ready to ask how she was to find the Baba Yaga, she felt the doll in her 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00100-00057049-00057614 pocket give a little twitch, so she kept quiet. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00101-00057614-00058291 She dressed in her warmest clothes, wrapped her feet in her warmest wool wraps, and covered 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00102-00058291-00058537 them with her tanned porshni. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00103-00058537-00059086 She wrapped the crust of yesterday's bread in a corner of her shawl, covered her head, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00104-00059086-00059720 and went into the cold snow, her way lit by a sliver of moon making its way through the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00105-00059720-00060072 canopy of trees. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00106-00060072-00060738 Each time she approached a break in the forest, indicating the path was to diverge, Vasilisa 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00107-00060738-00061256 would feed another crumb to her doll in her pocket. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00108-00061256-00062067 Once the doll finished eating, she would indicate whether Vasilisa was to take the left path, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00109-00062067-00062329 or the right. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00110-00062329-00062673 On through the snow, Vasilisa traveled. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00111-00062673-00063532 As she crossed a wide meadow with a small brook whose frozen waters reflected the sparkling 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00112-00063532-00064437 moonlight like a multifaceted mirror, Vasilisa was silently passed by a white horse, with 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00113-00064437-00065007 a rider dressed all in white upon his back. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00114-00065007-00065710 As Vasilisa crossed the brook on a felled log as the little doll indicated, the sun 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00115-00065710-00066401 began to make a weak appearance along the horizon. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00116-00066401-00066873 Vasilisa continued her journey, her tired little legs carrying her further and further 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00117-00066873-00067322 away from the only place she had ever called home. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00118-00067322-00068007 She and the doll fell into a pattern: Vasilisa would walk and feed the little doll in her 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00119-00068007-00068742 pocket small crumbs of bread, and each time the path diverged the little doll would jump 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00120-00068742-00069408 in one direction or the other, indicating which path Vasilisa was to take. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00121-00069408-00070827 Soon, a red horse silently passed her, ridden by a man dressed all in red with red saddle, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00122-00070827-00072011 red harness and bridle, a red pack, and a red horsebow complete with a red quiver of 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00123-00072011-00072198 red arrows. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00124-00072198-00072963 When Vasilisa next offered the doll bread, the little doll shook, indicating that Vasilisa 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00125-00072963-00073129 must eat. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00126-00073129-00073937 As Vasilisa finished the last bit of crust, an odd building came into view. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00127-00073937-00074839 It appeared to be built on stilts, but upon further inspection Vasilisa realized the stilts 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00128-00074839-00075089 were actually chicken legs! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00129-00075089-00075949 The legs twirled and tilted, and jumped and twisted, and Vasilisa was so fascinated by 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00130-00075949-00076802 the odd little cottage atop the chicken legs moving about the yard, she was nearly on top 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00131-00076802-00077916 of the fence before she realized the fence was made of bones, and skulls hung upon the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00132-00077916-00078318 tallest of the bones. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00133-00078318-00078949 Just as Vasilisa sharply sucked in her breath between her teeth, a black horse went racing 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00134-00078949-00079597 past ridden by a rider dressed all in black and everywhere the hooves touched down, sparks 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00135-00079597-00079914 flew. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00136-00079914-00080804 Flying behind the horse, barely visible in the sky rapidly going dark, was a giant mortar 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00137-00080804-00081526 filled by an old woman steering with a pestle. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00138-00081526-00082442 Her hair flew every which way, her eyes glowed eerily like the moon, and while her body seemed 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00139-00082442-00083270 tiny and wiry her presence felt immensely overwhelming and as big as the earth. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00140-00083270-00084051 Vasilisa lifted her skirts to run, but flames erupted out of the eyes of the skulls all 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00141-00084051-00084589 along the fence, and Vasilisa was frozen with fear. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00142-00084589-00085206 So the Baba Yaga had no problem hoisting the young Vasilisa into her mortar and flying 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00143-00085206-00085473 both of them down the chimney. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00144-00085473-00086089 "What were you doing on my Lands?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00145-00086089-00086282 cackled the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00146-00086282-00087074 "I came to ask you for a coal, to restart my family's fire, if you would be so kind?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00147-00087074-00087179 stuttered Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00148-00087179-00087701 "Why should I care what happens to your family?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00149-00087701-00087863 crooned the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00150-00087863-00088605 "If I don't take back a coal to restart the fire, my family would surely freeze to death" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00151-00088605-00088806 Vasilisa almost sobbed. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00152-00088806-00089423 "Then I guess you shouldn't have let the fire go out" quipped the Baba Yaga with a sly glint 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00153-00089423-00089538 to her eyes. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00154-00089538-00089842 "I didn't let the fire go out!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00155-00089842-00089994 shouted back Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00156-00089994-00090756 "I collected the wood and I did the laundry, and I went to bed as I was told, and when 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00157-00090756-00091045 I woke up the fire was cold!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00158-00091045-00091382 Suddenly Vasilisa was reminded by the doll's eerie 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00159-00091382-00092023 stillness, who she was speaking to... 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00160-00092023-00094023 and what she was capable of... like eating children who yelled at her. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00161-00094023-00095238 "So while I realize that you do not owe me anything, I am humbly asking if I may please 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00162-00095238-00095829 borrow a coal to restart our fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00163-00095829-00097162 I will promptly bring it back to you, if you wish." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00164-00097162-00097602 she finished in a more repentant tone. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00165-00097602-00097987 "You would willingly offer to come back here?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00166-00097987-00098542 a shocked Baba Yaga asked. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00167-00098542-00099419 Baba Yaga threw back her head and chortled a surprisingly deep laugh. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00168-00099419-00100275 "Be careful what you offer, child" she wheezed out between cackles. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00169-00100275-00100576 "You never know what may be required. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00170-00100576-00101345 As I can't give you something for nothing, and there is no way to ensure your return, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00171-00101345-00102074 you must do 3 tasks before I can entrust you with a coal." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00172-00102074-00103063 The Baba Yaga commanded Vasilisa to clean the house, clean the yard, and wash and mend 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00173-00103063-00103219 all of her laundry. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00174-00103219-00104027 Then the Baba Yaga clapped her hands and multiple pairs of hands appeared out of thin air to 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00175-00104027-00104395 set tureens of food upon a long trestle table. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00176-00104395-00105239 The food smelled delicious to Vasilisa, but before she could open her mouth to ask if 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00177-00105239-00106063 she may have some, the little doll almost tore her pocket off with the force to get 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00178-00106063-00106214 Vasilisa cleaning. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00179-00106214-00106541 The Baba Yaga ate her fill, and then went off to bed. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00180-00106541-00107255 As she ducked through the opening to her private quarters, she casually spoke over her shoulder, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00181-00107255-00108056 "Oh, and if you don't have the chores completed before I wake, I'll be eating you for breakfast! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00182-00108056-00108538 And don't wake me pestering me, or I might eat you anyway!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00183-00108538-00109708 With that dire threat, Vasilisa cleaned all the chicken manure out of the yard. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00184-00109708-00110407 Then she swept the yard clean of snow before proceeding to clean the house. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00185-00110407-00110894 As she grew more tired, her little doll jumped out of her pocket to polish the brass throughout 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00186-00110894-00111240 the house to a brilliant sheen. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00187-00111240-00111834 Just as light began to peak over the horizon of the southern sky, Vasilisa finished washing 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00188-00111834-00112515 the last piece of freshly darned laundry and hung it up to dry. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00189-00112515-00113359 Poor Vasilisa was so hungry and worn out, but she dare not wake the Baba Yaga! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00190-00113359-00114119 The tired, exhausted Vasilisa curled up by the warm fire and promptly fell asleep. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00191-00114119-00114959 It seemed no sooner had her eyes closed, than Baba Yaga was shaking her awake. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00192-00114959-00115163 "Is this some trick? 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00193-00115163-00115624 Did you think to steal some fire from me while I slept?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00194-00115624-00115958 demanded the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00195-00115958-00116058 "No!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00196-00116058-00116270 a terrified Vasilisa cried out. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00197-00116270-00116750 "I completed the tasks for you, and dared not wake you. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00198-00116750-00117086 I must have dozed off while I was waiting" she stuttered. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00199-00117086-00118410 "If you finished in time to sleep, you either didn't do all I asked, or I didn't ask you 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00200-00118410-00118997 for adequate tasks" snarled the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00201-00118997-00119497 The Baba Yaga went all through the house, getting more and more agitated as she couldn't 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00202-00119497-00119898 find anything wrong. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00203-00119898-00120558 Even the brass knobs on her uppermost cabinets gleamed as they reflected the meager winter 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00204-00120558-00120658 light. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00205-00120658-00121085 The Baba Yaga proceeded to go through the yard, stomping and stamping, and again couldn't 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00206-00121085-00121823 find anything that hadn't been well cleaned or well swept, or properly washed down. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00207-00121823-00122547 Even the laundry bucket was spotless, as was the water bowl and food trough for the chickens. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00208-00122547-00123264 Fresh, clean straw had been spread throughout the chicken yard, and the eggs were each warm 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00209-00123264-00123531 and spotless. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00210-00123531-00124254 Not a single speck of dirt was to be found where it didn't belong. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00211-00124254-00124954 Baba Yaga abruptly turned around, pointing at a pile of barley and beside it a pile of 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00212-00124954-00125529 what Vasilisa mistook for a small hill of dirt. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00213-00125529-00126004 "Obviously I underestimated your abilities, girl. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00214-00126004-00126606 This was too easy, so you haven't given me enough to warrant me trusting you with my 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00215-00126606-00126918 coal" said the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00216-00126918-00127635 "If you have the good fortune to finish separating the good barley from the molded barley and 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00217-00127635-00128154 then threshing it, and separate the poppy seeds from the dirt and have them clean before 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00218-00128154-00129050 I return, I will give you a coal to save your lazy family." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00219-00129050-00129825 With that, the Baba Yaga stepped into her mortar and flew away. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00220-00129825-00130675 Just before she disappeared out of sight, she reminded Vasilisa that if she failed the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00221-00130675-00131284 Baba Yaga, Vasilisa would be dinner tonight. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00222-00131284-00131526 "Oh no" cried Vasilisa.... 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00223-00131526-00131930 "However shall I finish these tasks before she returns? 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00224-00131930-00133204 I'm tired, and hungry, and each of these piles are more than twice as I am tall...." and 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00225-00133204-00134056 so a nearly defeated Vasilisa resolutely walked to her next set of tasks. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00226-00134056-00134950 The little doll in her pocket gave her a reassuring hug before clambering over to the hill of 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00227-00134950-00135050 dirt. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00228-00135050-00135431 The invisible hands appeared with baskets woven of hemp for the cleaned barley to be 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00229-00135431-00135982 stored in, and clay jars for the poppy seeds. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00230-00135982-00136713 Vasilisa set upon the barley with a renewed vigor, as the tiny doll was able to quickly 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00231-00136713-00137336 and nimbly wipe each poopy seed clean as she removed it from the dirt. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00232-00137336-00137988 So too, Vasilisa discovered her fingers were just the right size to quickly and efficiently 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00233-00137988-00138678 pull the grains of good barley out of their hulls, and before long the discarded pile 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00234-00138678-00139193 of chaff was twice as high as the original hill of barley. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00235-00139193-00140041 The tiny doll worked equally quickly and soon all the clay jars were full of poppy seeds. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00236-00140041-00140808 In the weak winter's light, Vasilisa was able to more thoroughly examine her surroundings. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00237-00140808-00141587 The drapes over the windows and doors were in disrepair, a small family of shrews had 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00238-00141587-00142305 set up home under the porch up on one of the chicken legs, and the rug in front of the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00239-00142305-00142962 fire had singe marks on it from tiny cinders that had escaped the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00240-00142962-00143556 Not wanting the Baba Yaga to return and find her asleep again, Vasilisa asked the doll 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00241-00143556-00144220 if they should repair the drapes and rug, and clean out the shrews. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00242-00144220-00144815 The tiny doll agreed with the drapes and the rug, but shook violently over the family of 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00243-00144815-00144915 shrews. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00244-00144915-00145435 So Vasilisa sat down to the spinning wheel and spun the finest threads as her mother 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00245-00145435-00146077 had taught her, and she and the doll together repaired the drapes and the rug. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00246-00146077-00146763 As the last stitch was pulled tight, the little doll dropped her section of thread and jumped 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00247-00146763-00147374 into Vasilisa's pocket, just as the Baba Yaga and her mortar flew down the chimney. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00248-00147374-00147513 "I knew it!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00249-00147513-00147741 accused the Baba Yaga as she leapt out of her mortar. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00250-00147741-00149083 "You are nothing but a slackard and you and your family deserve to freeze to death! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00251-00149083-00149183 Here you are, lazing at the fire instead of sorting my barley and poppy seeds as I directed!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00252-00149183-00149283 "Oh no, Baba Yaga! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00253-00149283-00149444 I am not a slackard! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00254-00149444-00150082 I completed the tasks you set before me, and I saw that the drapes and the rug were in 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00255-00150082-00150185 need of repair. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00256-00150185-00150818 I did not want you to catch cold from drafts through the holes in the drapes, and I did 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00257-00150818-00151459 not want your feet to get chilblains from the cinder spots in the rug, so I repaired 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00258-00151459-00151634 them for you." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00259-00151634-00152509 And with that, Vasilisa knotted her thread, and handed the spindle to the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00260-00152509-00153258 The Baba Yaga knew the thread was not hers, for it was far finer and ran smooth between 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00261-00153258-00153452 her rough fingers. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00262-00153452-00153882 "Where did you get this, child?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00263-00153882-00154000 she asked harshly. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00264-00154000-00155136 "My mother taught me how to spin the finest threads for her to weave her beautiful cloth." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00265-00155136-00155957 Vasilisa answered, and a small tear escaped from her right eye at the memory of her mother. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00266-00155957-00156820 "If your mother can spin and weave so well, why did she act so foolish and let the fire 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00267-00156820-00156939 go out?" asked the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00268-00156939-00157513 "Oh, my mother never let the fire go out," whispered Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00269-00157513-00158738 "It was my stepmother who let the fire go out and sent me to you to ask for coal." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00270-00158738-00158945 "Hmmph" said Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00271-00158945-00159830 "Well, you have completed my tasks and I can find no fault with your work that would allow 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00272-00159830-00160096 me to eat you for dinner. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00273-00160096-00160375 Before I send you home with your coal, is there anything you would like to know, that 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00274-00160375-00160989 you are brave enough to ask me?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00275-00160989-00161858 "As I travelled through the woods and across the steppes to your house, I saw three riders, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00276-00161858-00161962 Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00277-00161962-00162592 They were most peculiar, and did not make a sound as they raced over the ground. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00278-00162592-00163446 The first was on a white horse, and the rider was dressed all in white, with even his saddle 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00279-00163446-00163832 pack and weapons all of white. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00280-00163832-00164912 Next, I was silently passed by a red horse, and his rider was garbed all in red. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00281-00164912-00165746 Even the horsebow across his back gleamed of a red wood, and his quiver was made of 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00282-00165746-00166006 red leather, and his arrows were fletched with red feathers. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00283-00166006-00166679 Finally, just before you flew in over the forest, a black rider on a black horse that 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00284-00166679-00167438 threw sparks from everywhere his hoofs landed ran past me faster than an eagle flies. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00285-00167438-00167980 Who were those three riders on their three horses, Baba Yaga?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00286-00167980-00168105 The Baba Yaga cackled. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00287-00168105-00168950 "I see you met Day, Sun and Night" the old woman chortled, "and you managed to meet Night 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00288-00168950-00169232 and live to tell the tale! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00289-00169232-00169614 Are you sure that is all you wish to know?" asked the Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00290-00169614-00170159 Vasilisa's mouth opened to ask about the hands that mysteriously appeared to put away the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00291-00170159-00171070 poppy seeds and barley, but wisely listened to the doll and thanked Baba Yaga instead. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00292-00171070-00172242 "So how did you complete all my tasks, and know not to offend me with foolish inquiries?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00293-00172242-00172467 inquired Baba Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00294-00172467-00173191 "With my mother's Blessing" answered the girl softly. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00295-00173191-00173747 Upon hearing Vasilisa's answer, Baba Yaga flew into a rage. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00296-00173747-00173847 "Blessings!?! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00297-00173847-00173947 BLESSINGS!!! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00298-00173947-00174342 There will be no Blessings HERE!!!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00299-00174342-00174985 shouted Baba Yaga, and knowing better than to ever break her word to one protected by 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00300-00174985-00175739 a mother's Blessing, Baba Yaga grabbed a skull from atop her fence with iron tongs and nearly 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00301-00175739-00175944 hurled them at Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00302-00175944-00176566 "Go on with you, and no need to bring them back!" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00303-00176566-00177037 With that, the Baba Yaga whirled away and retreated into her home. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00304-00177037-00177148 "Oh dear," muttered Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00305-00177148-00177988 "It was hard enough to get here under the light of the waning moon, but now it is full 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00306-00177988-00178088 dark. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00307-00178088-00178482 However will we find our way home?" 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00308-00178482-00178605 Vasilisa wondered. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00309-00178605-00179159 So with one hand holding the tongs tight, carrying the skull out in front, and her other 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00310-00179159-00179784 hand resting on the doll for reassurance, Vasilisa and her tiny doll retraced their 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00311-00179784-00180207 steps home in the full dark. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00312-00180207-00180622 Only the light emanating from the eyes of the skull prevented them from falling off 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00313-00180622-00181375 the fallen tree over the stream, or poking out an eye on a low-hanging tree limb. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00314-00181375-00181974 The skull shared much wisdom with Vasilisa and her pocket doll as the trio travelled, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00315-00181974-00182579 and instructed Vasilisa that the tricks of Baba Yaga were not yet complete. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00316-00182579-00183628 "Do not let any touch me, for to touch me is a tortuous death" warned the skull. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00317-00183628-00184424 "You must not toss me aside, either, but give me a proper burial so I can be at peace. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00318-00184424-00184844 Not even the fires of the dead are able to destroy the bones of those who wrong Baba 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00319-00184844-00184944 Yaga. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00320-00184944-00185277 Only one who is a true innocent can end our suffering by returning us to the ground." 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00321-00185277-00186446 "However long have you been atop the Baba Yaga's fence?" asked Vasilisa? 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00322-00186446-00188245 "I have no sense of time, I have been there ever since I desecrated a piece of land the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00323-00188245-00189203 Baba Yaga was responsible for, and she turned me into fire to cleanse others who were like 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00324-00189203-00190261 me" answered the skull, and then he spoke no more. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00325-00190261-00190777 The forest was so dark in the pale winter light, that Vasilisa only knew that the night 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00326-00190777-00191598 had turned to day because she could make out the faint outlines of the trees as she walked 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00327-00191598-00191955 between them. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00328-00191955-00192538 As they exited the forest and began to cross the steppes, the winter sun dropped below 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00329-00192538-00193461 the horizon in a fiery red display that left the snow appearing to burn as red as the skull's 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00330-00193461-00193561 eyes. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00331-00193561-00194488 All night the trio walked under thick clouds, and Vasilisa began to despair of ever getting 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00332-00194488-00194588 home. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00333-00194588-00195152 Instead of giving up, she kept putting one foot in front of the other, and planned out 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00334-00195152-00195574 the barley stew she would make as soon as she arrived home with the coal to light the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00335-00195574-00195730 fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00336-00195730-00196168 Surprisingly, these thoughts helped the journey pass faster! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00337-00196168-00196860 Soon, Vasilisa saw her own familiar woods ahead, and as a faint light began to make 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00338-00196860-00197530 itself known on the southern horizon, Vasilisa stepped into her beloved woods and was almost 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00339-00197530-00197770 home. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00340-00197770-00198360 Meanwhile, the stepmother and stepsisters were recognizing the folly of letting the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00341-00198360-00198525 fire go out. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00342-00198525-00199291 With no fire, there was no way to melt the snow and they were painfully thirsty. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00343-00199291-00199881 The stepmother had selfishly thought a neighbor would surely share their fire, but when the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00344-00199881-00200610 neighbors heard the stepmother had sent Vasilisa to the Baba Yaga to get a coal they promptly 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00345-00200610-00201105 turned their back on the woman and shut their doors. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00346-00201105-00201712 So the stepmother and her daughters were bundled up in her bed, much as they had been when 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00347-00201712-00201902 they sent Vasilisa away. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00348-00201902-00202438 Since the stepmother insisted on having the best of everything, including the best view 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00349-00202438-00203054 out a window, she and her daughters saw the skull with fire coming out of its eyes the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00350-00203054-00203438 moment Vasilisa stepped out of the woods. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00351-00203438-00204210 They ran to barricade the door to keep the skull outside, but their cold, frozen feet 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00352-00204210-00204857 were nowhere near as nimble as Vasilisa's upon finally seeing her home. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00353-00204857-00205539 As Vasilisa approached the door to her home, the stepmother and stepsisters were running 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00354-00205539-00205891 to slam down the crossbar! 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00355-00205891-00206633 Vasilisa pushed open the door, ready to announce she was back with coal to start the fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00356-00206633-00207611 As soon as the stepmother and her daughters looked into the fiery eyes of the skull, they 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00357-00207611-00208146 burst into flames and burnt down to dust. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00358-00208146-00208698 The skull had tried to warn Vasilisa. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00359-00208698-00209200 After her initial shock, Vasilisa remembered what the skull had shared on their journey, 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00360-00209200-00209609 and swept up the ashes to scatter outside. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00361-00209609-00210350 Then she respectfully asked the skull to please start her kitchen fire. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00362-00210350-00210908 After enjoying a hot barley stew, Vasilisa walked the skull around the clearing in the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00363-00210908-00211388 woods and asked where it would like to be buried. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00364-00211388-00212140 The skull, grateful to finally be put to rest, warmed the ground so Vasilisa could dig the 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00365-00212140-00212908 hole, and after the trio (Vasilisa, the doll and the skull) poured the coal from the skull 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00366-00212908-00213526 into the kitchen fire for safe keeping, they laid the skull to rest in a mound in the center 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00367-00213526-00213866 of the clearing. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00368-00213866-00214357 The skull still gives thanks for the kindness of Vasilisa, the wisdom of the doll in her 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00369-00214357-00214891 pocket, and the luck of escaping the Baba Yaga due to a mother's Blessing. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00370-00214891-00215648 The kitchen fire never went out again, not even when it was banked to almost coolness 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00371-00215648-00216205 in the summer, or when Vasilisa and her father traveled. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00372-00216205-00216732 And the fire never sent cinders into the house to leave holes in the rug or set the house 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00373-00216732-00216992 ablaze. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00374-00216992-00217894 That spring, when Vasilisa's merchant father returned, his travels had been so lucrative 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00375-00217894-00218529 he told her it would be several years before he would need to travel again. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00376-00218529-00219241 The village all benefited from his prosperity, and when he resumed his travels he took his 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00377-00219241-00220196 daughter with him for her wit and her wisdom, as well as her honeyed tongue that somehow 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00378-00220196-00220853 always knew the right thing to say to make a situation better. 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00379-00220853-00222481 And that, dear souls, is 5Jd2TzdZMR4-00380-00222481-00223397 the story of Vasilisa."