5KKVX2yRaeY-00000-00000008-00000288 Did you know that the Black Death was a major factor for 5KKVX2yRaeY-00001-00000288-00000512 the end of feudalism in medieval Europe? 5KKVX2yRaeY-00002-00001272-00001848 Hello and welcome to World History Encyclopedia! My name is Kelly and today's video is all about 5KKVX2yRaeY-00003-00001848-00002416 the concept of feudalism in medieval Europe. Don't forget, the easiest way to support us is by giving 5KKVX2yRaeY-00004-00002416-00002936 this video a thumbs up, subscribing to our channel and hitting that bell icon for notifications, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00005-00002936-00003560 so you don't miss out on any new uploads. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organisation 5KKVX2yRaeY-00006-00003560-00004047 and you can find us on Patreon - a brilliant site where you can support our work and receive 5KKVX2yRaeY-00007-00004047-00004664 exclusive benefits in return. Your support helps us create videos twice a week, so make sure to 5KKVX2yRaeY-00008-00004664-00005168 check it out via the pop-up in the top corner of the screen or via the Patreon link down below. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00009-00005744-00006176 During the High Middle Ages in Europe, between the 10th and 13th centuries, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00010-00006176-00006792 there was a system of social society now known as feudalism. Feudalism can be understood as a 5KKVX2yRaeY-00011-00006792-00007384 hierarchical society where the king owned most of the land, he would distribute it out to lords 5KKVX2yRaeY-00012-00007384-00007888 who would then lease the units of land to the peasants and serfs. The units of distributed 5KKVX2yRaeY-00013-00007888-00008440 land are known as 'fiefs.' The king would give fiefs to the nobles and those who received it 5KKVX2yRaeY-00014-00008440-00009040 were known as the vassals. The serfs and peasants were tied to the land they leased and in return 5KKVX2yRaeY-00015-00009040-00009680 for the land and protection given to them by the lord, they would give regular payment of produce. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00016-00009736-00010184 This social hierarchy is often displayed as a pyramid with the king at the top 5KKVX2yRaeY-00017-00010184-00010504 then the lords, knights, and peasants and serfs at the bottom. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00018-00011088-00011608 Well, at the top of the social hierarchy of course was the king who owned most of the land; 5KKVX2yRaeY-00019-00011608-00011880 other than some land that would have been owned by the church. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00020-00011944-00012640 For example, William the Conqueror who reigned in England between 1066 and 1087 considered all 5KKVX2yRaeY-00021-00012640-00013232 of the lands of England his personal property and so he could give out parcels of land to a noble 5KKVX2yRaeY-00022-00013232-00013736 who would in return promise their loyalty and service and become the king's vassal. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00023-00013791-00014296 The king would most often require military service and the noble land owner and his men 5KKVX2yRaeY-00024-00014296-00014944 at arms would be obliged to fight in the monarch's army or protect the crown's assets like a castle. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00025-00014944-00015416 Below the king you have the nobles that become vassals of the king when they are given the land. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00026-00015480-00015960 The process of becoming a vassal was known as 'homage' since they would kneel before their 5KKVX2yRaeY-00027-00015960-00016536 lord and swear fealty - meaning their loyalty, which in return they received the land as well 5KKVX2yRaeY-00028-00016536-00017168 as their lord's protection through military or legal services. They are often called suzerain 5KKVX2yRaeY-00029-00017168-00017784 vassals and the land they were given was much more than was needed for one person or one family, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00030-00017784-00018272 and were more like small villagers and independent communities. The lord would live 5KKVX2yRaeY-00031-00018272-00018856 in the manor house or castle and usually between 35 and 40 percent of the land would be theirs 5KKVX2yRaeY-00032-00018856-00019424 and the rest would be divided into fiefs. The lord received any income from the land, they 5KKVX2yRaeY-00033-00019424-00019920 had authority over the inhabitants of the rest of his land, and he would pass on his position 5KKVX2yRaeY-00034-00019920-00020456 to his heirs. The owners of the fiefs were known as tenant vassals and their service could take 5KKVX2yRaeY-00035-00020456-00020992 the form of military service, often given by knights, or if the tenants were of a lower 5KKVX2yRaeY-00036-00020992-00021576 social class but was still freemen who didn't have the necessary military skills or equipment, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00037-00021576-00022288 they usually offered a percentage of revenue from their land through either money or produce. A serf 5KKVX2yRaeY-00038-00022288-00022848 was the lowest level of the social hierarchy; they were the unfree labourers who would work land. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00039-00022848-00023376 They did not earn wages and did not have to pay their lord, and they made up the majority of the 5KKVX2yRaeY-00040-00023376-00024024 population. Serfs shouldn't be mistaken for slaves though since it was only their labor that could be 5KKVX2yRaeY-00041-00024024-00024504 bought, not their person. Serfs had a right to live on the land they were given to them 5KKVX2yRaeY-00042-00024504-00025024 by their lord but in saying that, they were also tied to that land and were expected to stay on 5KKVX2yRaeY-00043-00025024-00025592 it. The land would remain in the family with the eldest son inheriting the land from his father, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00044-00025592-00026152 although a daughter could inherit it if they had no brothers. However, the relationship between 5KKVX2yRaeY-00045-00026152-00026816 the landowner or tenant and the serfs is referred to as the manorial system rather than feudalism; 5KKVX2yRaeY-00046-00026816-00027344 feudalism is generally applied to the relationship between kings, lords and vassals. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00047-00027904-00028439 The feudal system resulted in a small community who owed their loyalty to a specific lord who 5KKVX2yRaeY-00048-00028439-00029039 had absolute authority over his land. Since the fiefs given to lords were hereditary, it caused a 5KKVX2yRaeY-00049-00029039-00029560 permanent class divide between the owners of the land, the lords and the tenants - knights and 5KKVX2yRaeY-00050-00029560-00030248 freemen, with no opportunity for social movement. In the event of a noble dying without an heir, the 5KKVX2yRaeY-00051-00030248-00030800 land would go back to the monarch who would either keep the land or redistribute it to another noble. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00052-00030864-00031400 It became difficult to keep track of the fiefs, and so in england the "Domesday Book" was created. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00053-00031480-00032072 The "Domesday Book" is a comprehensive list of all the landowners, property, tenants and serfs 5KKVX2yRaeY-00054-00032072-00032583 in medieval Norman England, and was compiled under the orders of William the Conqueror. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00055-00032664-00033128 Vassals were also present in the local courts which deliberated on courts pertaining to 5KKVX2yRaeY-00056-00033128-00033624 their lords, which caused a pretty clear conflict of interest. Even though in this 5KKVX2yRaeY-00057-00033624-00034184 video we focus on feudalism in England, the system was common all across medieval Europe. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00058-00034688-00035192 Since medieval feudalism was built on the reciprocal relationship between lord and vassal, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00059-00035192-00035720 it only makes sense that as the system became more complex their relationship weakened; 5KKVX2yRaeY-00060-00035784-00036408 loyalties became a confusing mess as lords came to own multiple fiefs and vassals were tenants 5KKVX2yRaeY-00061-00036408-00037024 of multiple lords. This meant that vassals started making decisions on who to honour based on which 5KKVX2yRaeY-00062-00037024-00037552 relationship suited them best. Another big thing that rocked the feudalism boat was the 5KKVX2yRaeY-00063-00037552-00038408 Black Death which really peaked between 1347 and 1352, and caused dramatic population decline plus 5KKVX2yRaeY-00064-00038408-00039072 peasant revolts, notably in England in 1381. Both the Black Death and revolts meant that there were 5KKVX2yRaeY-00065-00039072-00039736 less labourers and estates were abandoned because of the shortage of workers. Labourers also had 5KKVX2yRaeY-00066-00039736-00040312 the new freedom of leaving the countryside to find new jobs and a better life, especially since they 5KKVX2yRaeY-00067-00040312-00040944 were in demand and held more power. Eventually by the 13th century with the rising popularity 5KKVX2yRaeY-00068-00040944-00041504 in coinage, money was paid by the lords to their sovereign instead of offering military service, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00069-00041504-00042080 which worked out fine since the monarch could use the money to pay for mercenaries instead. Money 5KKVX2yRaeY-00070-00042080-00042720 was distributed by the monarch instead of land and both a rich merchant class grew and serfs were 5KKVX2yRaeY-00071-00042720-00043336 able to buy their freedom. All of these factors working together gradually weakened the medieval 5KKVX2yRaeY-00072-00043336-00043952 system of feudalism built on land ownership and reciprocated loyalty. How different is the feudal 5KKVX2yRaeY-00073-00043952-00044488 system from our modern society, really? Would you have liked to live in the feudal system? Let us 5KKVX2yRaeY-00074-00044488-00044968 know what you think in the comments below! If you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs 5KKVX2yRaeY-00075-00044968-00045496 up and subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on our new videos every Tuesday and Friday. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00076-00045984-00046464 This video was brought to you by World History Encyclopedia. For more great articles and 5KKVX2yRaeY-00077-00046464-00046928 interactive content, head to our website via the link below. If you like my shirt, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00078-00046928-00047392 you can find this design and a bunch more in our shop at worldhistorydotstore, 5KKVX2yRaeY-00079-00047392-00047728 or you can find the link for it under the 'merch' tab down below. 5KKVX2yRaeY-00080-00047728-00049184 Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with another video! 5phIS46M-7y-00000-00000955-00001461 welcome to the game maker studio to start page right here we have create new 5phIS46M-7y-00001-00001461-00002001 project we can start either a drag and drop one or a game maker language one 5phIS46M-7y-00002-00002001-00002477 I'm going to be focusing primarily on game maker language this is a built-in 5phIS46M-7y-00003-00002477-00002925 language for game maker studio and it's similar to languages like JavaScript on 5phIS46M-7y-00004-00002925-00003380 the left side we have recent projects this is where any projects you've had 5phIS46M-7y-00005-00003380-00003867 opened recently you'll be able to click on and open up again at the top we've 5phIS46M-7y-00006-00003867-00004275 got some social buttons this one will bring you to the yo-yo games website 5phIS46M-7y-00007-00004275-00004692 this one will bring you to their Facebook page their YouTube page and 5phIS46M-7y-00008-00004692-00005360 their Twitter page over here is a button that will lead you to the home page 5phIS46M-7y-00009-00005360-00005919 which brings you to getting started where you can start a new project open a 5phIS46M-7y-00010-00005919-00006473 project you've made before or import one from game maker studio 1.4 I'll have 5phIS46M-7y-00011-00006473-00007056 more on that later you can also explore the marketplace tutorials and demos if 5phIS46M-7y-00012-00007056-00007493 you click on one of these buttons it'll bring you to this page of officially 5phIS46M-7y-00013-00007493-00008084 created tutorials and if we hit the back button we can go to demos once again 5phIS46M-7y-00014-00008084-00008535 bringing you to the official demos you'll have to download them to use them 5phIS46M-7y-00015-00008535-00008925 and then you can open up the projects right here on the one where it says 5phIS46M-7y-00016-00008925-00009627 owned so the purposes of this video I'm going to start a new project and we're 5phIS46M-7y-00017-00009627-00009975 going to start a game maker language project once you've named your new 5phIS46M-7y-00018-00009975-00010374 project game maker studio will open up the workspace in the interactive 5phIS46M-7y-00019-00010374-00010911 development environment or IDE at the top we have some menus and below that we 5phIS46M-7y-00020-00010911-00011478 have some quick buttons down here will be your workspace up here you'll see the 5phIS46M-7y-00021-00011478-00011970 version of the IDE and runtime this is also where you have notifications and 5phIS46M-7y-00022-00011970-00012500 below is your target module this is where you can select where your outputs 5phIS46M-7y-00023-00012500-00013067 would be either to windows mac lube unto and later ones as they come out you can 5phIS46M-7y-00024-00013067-00013383 select whether you're going to use VM or YC for your output 5phIS46M-7y-00025-00013383-00013847 and your device and configuration are your own setup these are default and you 5phIS46M-7y-00026-00013847-00014346 can make your own later below that we have the resource tree this has your 5phIS46M-7y-00027-00014346-00015054 sprites tilesets sounds paths scripts shaders fonts timelines objects rooms 5phIS46M-7y-00028-00015054-00015729 notes included files extensions options and configurations the first menu is 5phIS46M-7y-00029-00015729-00016353 file inside you can create a new project you can open an existing project you can 5phIS46M-7y-00030-00016353-00016914 import a project from game maker 1.4 you can find your recently opened projects 5phIS46M-7y-00031-00016914-00017409 you can save the current project you can save the current project as a new 5phIS46M-7y-00032-00017409-00017931 project you can export the project as a standalone file you can open up your 5phIS46M-7y-00033-00017931-00018441 preferences more on that later you can check out your account page on the yo-yo 5phIS46M-7y-00034-00018441-00019011 game's website you can log out of game maker studio 2 and you can completely 5phIS46M-7y-00035-00019011-00019638 close the software the second menu is the edit menu here you can undo and redo 5phIS46M-7y-00036-00019638-00020238 and you can also search and replace this will open up a dialog box for search and 5phIS46M-7y-00037-00020238-00020583 replace where you can search through your code for a specific word and 5phIS46M-7y-00038-00020583-00021020 replace it with something else you can use case sensitivity you can search 5phIS46M-7y-00039-00021020-00021564 whole word only you can find all find previous/next replace all and just 5phIS46M-7y-00040-00021564-00022236 replace this single one the next menu is the windows menu here you can open up 5phIS46M-7y-00041-00022236-00022704 your resource tree your output window your search results window your source 5phIS46M-7y-00042-00022704-00023316 control output your breakpoints compile errors syntax errors and IDE environment 5phIS46M-7y-00043-00023316-00023736 variables as well as your tutorial windows your resource window is 5phIS46M-7y-00044-00023736-00024243 typically open by default but you can open up another one like that all of 5phIS46M-7y-00045-00024243-00024620 these other ones are at the bottom here your output your search results your 5phIS46M-7y-00046-00024620-00025107 source control breakpoints compile errors and syntax errors it sounds 5phIS46M-7y-00047-00025107-00025533 complicated now but we'll get into it later down here is a button for show and 5phIS46M-7y-00048-00025533-00026033 hide the bottom windows I'm going to do that to collapse those there's also one 5phIS46M-7y-00049-00026033-00026436 on the right side for anything docked on the right and there will be one of the 5phIS46M-7y-00050-00026436-00026720 left for when I have something docked on the left 5phIS46M-7y-00051-00026720-00027168 the next menu is the tools menu here you can open up your texture groups your 5phIS46M-7y-00052-00027168-00027807 audio groups your sound mixer and near generate project images each one I'll go 5phIS46M-7y-00053-00027807-00028358 into more detail later but this is where you can find them in the menus the next 5phIS46M-7y-00054-00028358-00028814 menu option is marketplace here you can open up the marketplace you can go to 5phIS46M-7y-00055-00028814-00029268 your library of previously downloaded items from the marketplace you can check 5phIS46M-7y-00056-00029268-00029588 out your purchase history of items you've purchased from the marketplace 5phIS46M-7y-00057-00029588-00030125 here you can create and update your own marketplace item or package in this case 5phIS46M-7y-00058-00030125-00030653 if I click on open marketplace I'll get a new window inside the workspace area 5phIS46M-7y-00059-00030653-00031091 and I'll be taken to the marketplace website this is where you can browse 5phIS46M-7y-00060-00031091-00031722 assets generated by other users and yo-yo games themselves you can also go 5phIS46M-7y-00061-00031722-00032397 to your own library and see the ones you've previously downloaded and install 5phIS46M-7y-00062-00032397-00032886 them from here or download again or view in the marketplace whatever you need to 5phIS46M-7y-00063-00032886-00033608 do with the ones you've already downloaded the next menu item is help 5phIS46M-7y-00064-00033608-00034049 inside you can go to the start page for game maker studio to the Welcome page 5phIS46M-7y-00065-00034049-00034458 you can also open up to the manual to learn more about how to use game maker 5phIS46M-7y-00066-00034458-00034980 studio you can open up the knowledgebase report a bug go to the yo-yo games 5phIS46M-7y-00067-00034980-00035472 website go to the game maker community website look at the release notes of the 5phIS46M-7y-00068-00035472-00035919 current build you're using you can look at the current runtime release notes and 5phIS46M-7y-00069-00035919-00036474 you can look at the required SDKs for gaming studio - you can also open the 5phIS46M-7y-00070-00036474-00036981 project you currently have open in Explorer check out the licenses for game 5phIS46M-7y-00071-00036981-00037368 maker studio - and click on about to read more information about the current 5phIS46M-7y-00072-00037368-00038055 build of game maker studio you have open the last menu item is layouts here you 5phIS46M-7y-00073-00038055-00038450 can save your current layout to somewhere in your computer load a layout 5phIS46M-7y-00074-00038450-00038834 from somewhere on your computer or reset the current layout back to its original 5phIS46M-7y-00075-00038834-00039347 setting to change your layout all you need to do is grab these tabs and drag 5phIS46M-7y-00076-00039347-00039821 them somewhere else you can resize these windows place them anywhere on your 5phIS46M-7y-00077-00039821-00040530 desktop you like it to be or you can dock it on the left the right or 5phIS46M-7y-00078-00040530-00041225 bottom edges of the screen by default the resources are on the right these are 5phIS46M-7y-00079-00041225-00041808 all at the bottom and typically your room options will open up on the left 5phIS46M-7y-00080-00041808-00042488 side whenever you open a room to edit if you'd like to rename the workspace tab 5phIS46M-7y-00081-00042488-00043340 all you have to do is double click on it and call it whatever you like you can 5phIS46M-7y-00082-00043340-00044225 also add more tabs by hitting the plus icon next to any existing tab the last 5phIS46M-7y-00083-00044225-00044609 thing I'd like to talk about are the quick buttons the first one sends you 5phIS46M-7y-00084-00044609-00045084 back to the home page the next one creates a new project next to that you 5phIS46M-7y-00085-00045084-00045474 can open a project and next to that you can save a project you can also see the 5phIS46M-7y-00086-00045474-00045896 shortcut keys next to the names of each button the next button will create an 5phIS46M-7y-00087-00045896-00046397 executable for the project you currently have open this is the way of finalizing 5phIS46M-7y-00088-00046397-00046824 your game for someone else to open and play the next button will allow you to 5phIS46M-7y-00089-00046824-00047277 run and test your game in debug mode the button next to that will run and test 5phIS46M-7y-00090-00047277-00047694 the game not in debug mode the next button will stop compiling a game or 5phIS46M-7y-00091-00047694-00048150 stop a game that is currently running that you're testing the next button will 5phIS46M-7y-00092-00048150-00048618 clean your cache this is a good thing to do before compiling your final game as 5phIS46M-7y-00093-00048618-00049025 some things that are holdovers or just clutter up the cache you want the 5phIS46M-7y-00094-00049025-00049512 cleanest version of your build before you release it the button after that 5phIS46M-7y-00095-00049512-00049971 will open up game options more on that later the one next to it will open up 5phIS46M-7y-00096-00049971-00050431 the help file this is a great way to learn a lot about gaming for studio - 5phIS46M-7y-00097-00050431-00050909 and the last buttons have to do with the workspace itself when you have something 5phIS46M-7y-00098-00050909-00051728 open like this window here I can scroll through my workspace and with this 5phIS46M-7y-00099-00051728-00052316 button I can zoom out on my workspace this one zooms into the workspace the 5phIS46M-7y-00100-00052316-00052907 one in between with the equal sign will reset the view back to 100% and the 5phIS46M-7y-00101-00052907-00053361 final button will collapse any of the panels I have opened 5phIS46M-7y-00102-00053361-00054039 and then put them back to their original state by clicking on it again and with 5phIS46M-7y-00103-00054039-00055527 that you have a basic understanding of the game maker studio to interface 5O7WEjZfCW8-00000-00000000-00000498 Hello we're here in Coventry at Warwick Manufacturing Group. I'm here with Ed Miliband 5O7WEjZfCW8-00001-00000498-00000800 you're here today hearing about what's going on in Coventry what's your first impression? 5O7WEjZfCW8-00002-00000802-00001332 Welllook Jim I'm incredibly impressed, I'm incredibly impressed by what you're doing and the vision 5O7WEjZfCW8-00003-00001332-00001866 that you've shown for the city council. Amazing things you're doing and of course I'm incredibly 5O7WEjZfCW8-00004-00001866-00002490 impressed by what I'm seeing here at WMG. You know this is the future you're seeing students who are 5O7WEjZfCW8-00005-00002490-00003096 you know thinking of you know real future ideas about transport and about how we get around and 5O7WEjZfCW8-00006-00003096-00003588 of course it's so important isn't it because this isn't just some theory, this is about jobs. This is 5O7WEjZfCW8-00007-00003588-00004069 about the jobs that we can have in the future as a country and indeed as an area. 5O7WEjZfCW8-00008-00004069-00004144 And of course our 5O7WEjZfCW8-00009-00004146-00004704 plans for a Gigafactory to take advantage of the green industrial revolution I mean what's your 5O7WEjZfCW8-00010-00004704-00005025 message to me and maybe to the country about where we are with that? 5O7WEjZfCW8-00011-00005035-00005604 These gigafactories areso important because of the jobs they provide but also because it's the route to having EV 5O7WEjZfCW8-00012-00005604-00006138 manufacturing, electric vehicle Manufacturing in the UK. That's so important isn't it Jim? 5O7WEjZfCW8-00013-00006138-00006399 For Coventry, for the West Midlands and indeed the country. 5O7WEjZfCW8-00014-00006399-00006663 It is and there's the message we need this 5O7WEjZfCW8-00015-00006666-00007223 investment now. We need to make these decisions now. So we have a future, a green future for our country. 5PfhJ00Vm3E-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello guys. Welcome to kenflix tv 5PfhJ00Vm3E-00001-00002947-00003147 KINDLY SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE AMAZING VIDEOS. 5PfhJ00Vm3E-00002-00003147-00003347 PLEASE LIKE, COMENT AND SHARE 5S_KQUhWvnk-00000-00000566-00001392 Cleaning the kitchen, which starts the day pleasantly 5S_KQUhWvnk-00001-00001508-00001916 My wrists are hurting sometimes these days 5S_KQUhWvnk-00002-00001916-00002496 Today, I'm going to do an efficient cleaning that will wipe the stains well without rubbing a lot with my wrist 5S_KQUhWvnk-00003-00002526-00002958 First, open all windows in the house 5S_KQUhWvnk-00004-00002996-00003608 Always keep the windows open when cleaning so that you do not enter the respiratory tract when spraying the cleaning solution 5S_KQUhWvnk-00005-00003626-00003947 Because you're more important than cleaning 5S_KQUhWvnk-00006-00003947-00004570 The biggest reason you don't want to clean up is because you're cleaning things up on the floor 5S_KQUhWvnk-00007-00004592-00005022 So I put a minimum of stuff on the sink 5S_KQUhWvnk-00008-00005052-00005316 daily water bottle 5S_KQUhWvnk-00009-00005348-00005990 Put 5g citric acid in 100ml of hot water and after about 2 hours 5S_KQUhWvnk-00010-00006216-00006864 It looks clean to be a white kitchen, but it's full of oil stains when I look close 5S_KQUhWvnk-00011-00007788-00008181 First, wipe the dust lightly with a wet dishtowel 5S_KQUhWvnk-00012-00008646-00009214 It was originally set to hang kitchen utensils on this wall 5S_KQUhWvnk-00013-00009214-00009954 But when you wash dishes or wash vegetables, there are a lot of things that splash on the wall 5S_KQUhWvnk-00014-00010074-00010810 I left the wall empty so I could wipe it right away when I wanted to 5S_KQUhWvnk-00015-00010934-00011444 Now sprinkle with ethanol and wipe with dry cloth 5S_KQUhWvnk-00016-00011614-00012180 When cleaning with ethanol, you must stop using gas 5S_KQUhWvnk-00017-00012180-00012686 It's flammable. There's a fire hazard 5S_KQUhWvnk-00018-00012790-00013532 Ethanol is needed to remove oil and disinfect at the same time 5S_KQUhWvnk-00019-00013538-00013997 Once a week, it is used mainly on Mondays 5S_KQUhWvnk-00020-00013997-00014416 Use it in a spray can only to use 5S_KQUhWvnk-00021-00014532-00015232 The sink faucet shines as new when lightly rubbed with ethanol 5S_KQUhWvnk-00022-00015918-00016972 When cooking, wipe only the stains with color and wipe the rest with ethanol once a week 5S_KQUhWvnk-00023-00017188-00017732 This advantage is that oil stains are easily erased and disinfected 5S_KQUhWvnk-00024-00017834-00018542 The stains on the white table are also erased 5S_KQUhWvnk-00025-00018572-00019374 It is also necessary to disinfect for cleanliness because it eats food at the table 5S_KQUhWvnk-00026-00020936-00022084 In my black refrigerator, the stainless steel handle is stained with opening and closing while making food 5S_KQUhWvnk-00027-00022142-00022662 It's also good to wipe the shelves in the fridge 5S_KQUhWvnk-00028-00022720-00023326 Ethanol is dry soon, so it's good for cleaning the fridge shelf 5S_KQUhWvnk-00029-00023394-00024140 There's a lot of stains on the gas range buttons 5S_KQUhWvnk-00030-00024170-00024740 Especially because this part is well wiped 5S_KQUhWvnk-00031-00024920-00025430 Ethanol was bought for disinfection at the pharmacy 5S_KQUhWvnk-00032-00025612-00026400 It contains 80 ml of ethanol based on 100 ml 5S_KQUhWvnk-00033-00026427-00027182 If used as a hand disinfectant, dilute with distilled water 5S_KQUhWvnk-00034-00028008-00028764 The black part of my rice cooker is dirty to wipe because there are many scratches 5S_KQUhWvnk-00035-00029122-00029924 So I should be satisfied with wiping the stains on the middle stainless steel 5S_KQUhWvnk-00036-00030202-00031032 If you sprinkle ethanol in a food waste container, you can eliminate the bad smell 5S_KQUhWvnk-00037-00031058-00032166 Citric acid water from the water bottle that has been disinfected is used to wash dish towels 5S_KQUhWvnk-00038-00032383-00032842 Add additional hot water here 5S_KQUhWvnk-00039-00032842-00033402 and Clean the dish towel with a little neutral detergent and a little Percarbonate 5S_KQUhWvnk-00040-00033634-00034322 The water that washes the dish towel washes the kitchen dispenser holder. 5S_KQUhWvnk-00041-00034524-00035222 Don't skip because it's a place which has fur 5S_KQUhWvnk-00042-00038984-00039618 Wipe the tap of washstand in the bathroom 5S_KQUhWvnk-00043-00039618-00040226 Cleaning is as important as wiping a stain 5S_KQUhWvnk-00044-00041122-00041550 Ethanol must be labeled to avoid confusion with water 5S_KQUhWvnk-00045-00041624-00042206 I think that there is no right answer to living 5S_KQUhWvnk-00046-00042278-00042944 The answer depends on the number of families, taste, and environment etc. 5S_KQUhWvnk-00047-00042978-00043710 I don't think you have to follow the fashionable lifestyle 5S_KQUhWvnk-00048-00043778-00045000 Let's make a lifrstyle that is really necessary for me and my family rather than following the fashionable lifestyle 5S_KQUhWvnk-00049-00045072-00046218 I drink a can of beer and take a shower, so I can see the blinds I've been putting off 5S_KQUhWvnk-00050-00046218-00046944 The best way to clean the Woodblind is to clean it up and down with an old cotton T-shirt piece. 5S_KQUhWvnk-00051-00046944-00048018 Clean the dust and then wipe the last with bit of ethanol on the tissue to get rid of the dust smell 5S_KQUhWvnk-00052-00048438-00049444 When using ethanol, make sure to ventilate and put on gloves 5S_KQUhWvnk-00053-00049696-00050486 I didn't wear gloves to shoot, but when ethanol dries your hands 5XOtjYZNV5U-00000-00002002-00002198 Are u interested into extractions 5XOtjYZNV5U-00001-00002198-00002696 and you don't know what most attracts costumers ? 5XOtjYZNV5U-00002-00002696-00003193 Take a look at this study by PayPal and Ipsos. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00003-00003193-00003887 Do you want to talk about what international consumers are looking for in extractions ? 5XOtjYZNV5U-00004-00003887-00004292 Let's see the results of the study together. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00005-00004691-00005292 What seems to attract costumers the most is the lowest price of course. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00006-00005292-00005689 Also, products that are not available in their own countries. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00007-00005689-00006086 Products that are hard to find as well. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00008-00006086-00006383 We should also highlight, free shipment ! 5XOtjYZNV5U-00009-00006383-00006680 Finally, a safe payment method. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00010-00006776-00007577 At the end of the video we should also take a look at what obstacles could prevent someone from buying a product. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00011-00007577-00008375 Obstacles that occur, according to e-shoppers themselves, in extractions. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00012-00008375-00008566 What could trouble e-shoppers? 5XOtjYZNV5U-00013-00008665-00008842 Firstly, shipping fee. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00014-00008842-00009239 They worry about how much shipping will cost them. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00015-00009339-00009536 Secondly, delivery time. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00016-00009636-00010333 If the product will arrive in time. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00017-00010333-00010533 Furthermore, if it arrives at all. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00018-00010533-00011031 There's a possibility it will never arrive if we're talking about extractions, 5XOtjYZNV5U-00019-00011131-00011731 since the e-shopper lives in a different country from the seller. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00020-00011831-00012829 Finally, what if the product that arrives doesn't live up to the expectations that gave through the online description? 5XOtjYZNV5U-00021-00013426-00013523 That was all my friends. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00022-00013523-00013670 We're done for today. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00023-00013670-00013870 Another lesson came to its end. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00024-00013870-00014517 You can enjoy your coffee, company and food until the next lesson. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00025-00014517-00015115 Subscribe, and don't forget to turn your notifications on for future videos. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00026-00015115-00015315 Next upload is expected to be the following week. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00027-00015315-00015515 At least i hope so. 5XOtjYZNV5U-00028-00015612-00015773 Until then, goodbye. 5f4oIwkkBc4-00000-00000009-00000471 terus tujuannya untuk apa penembus itu ya supaya kita beli fungisida Assalamualaikum 5f4oIwkkBc4-00001-00000471-00001469 warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Oke saudara-saudara saya bapak-bapak balik-balik abang-abang dan 5f4oIwkkBc4-00002-00001469-00002105 kawan-kawan serta adik-adik sayang saya cintai satu profesi yaitu seorang petani kita jumpa 5f4oIwkkBc4-00003-00002105-00002983 dan bertemu kembali dengan channel Agro group edukasi official nah ini saya bilang penembus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00004-00002983-00003832 Itu menipu petani hehehe ini harap maklum saya bukan Profesor bukan Insinyur tapi menggunakan 5f4oIwkkBc4-00005-00003832-00004195 nurani yang dianugerahkan oleh Ilahi di dalam hati ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00006-00004195-00005189 ini kan banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa di sini ada lapisan lilin yang begitu ya memang betul 5f4oIwkkBc4-00007-00005189-00005916 gitu kan gunanya untuk apa untuk menjaga agar kandungan hara yang ada di dalam daun ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00008-00005916-00006575 tidak habis diserap oleh matahari nah tapi yang terbanyak lapisan lilin itu di atas atau 5f4oIwkkBc4-00009-00006575-00007376 di bawah Apakah petani petani pernah meneliti seperti itu [Musik] Terus yang kedua katanya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00010-00007376-00008115 itu untuk hama Mas untuk menembus jaringan lapisan lilin yang ada pada hama yaitu ulat 5f4oIwkkBc4-00011-00008115-00008880 kutu kebul kan sudah saya bilang punya pori-pori dan Ulat itu satu-satunya anggota tubuhnya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00012-00008880-00009607 ya perutnya kaki-kakinya itu yang tidak dilapisi oleh lapisan lilin makanya ada insek bersifat 5f4oIwkkBc4-00013-00009607-00009882 kontak dan lambung itu tujuannya yaitu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00014-00009882-00011085 Jadi gini ya ini kita kita bongkar ini ya penembus Itu menipu petani bentar ya ini daunnya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00015-00011085-00011789 tipis saya cari nggak ada di mana ya Allah sebentar ya teman-teman ya saya pun nah ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00016-00011789-00012426 sikit aja ya teman-teman ya Nah ini lapisan nah ini lapisan Lilinnya itu kan di bawah 5f4oIwkkBc4-00017-00012426-00013358 itu Eh nggak fokus kan bukan yang banyak bukan di atas Ntar ya Fokus kamu kamera ya Nah itu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00018-00013358-00014348 kan di bawah terus kok penembus itu ditaruh di sini kena sini berarti ini rusak ya jaringan 5f4oIwkkBc4-00019-00014348-00014965 ini yang atas daun ini rusak kalau udah rusak kenapa kalau kena penyakit Patik akibat pakai 5f4oIwkkBc4-00020-00014965-00015522 penembus itu payah kita ngobatinya kalau percaya kalau nggak ya udah saya nggak maksa saya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00021-00015522-00016465 hanya berbagi aja karena saya sudah sering bilang apa yang ada di channel ini sudah saya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00022-00016465-00016715 terapkan semua sudah saya alami itu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00023-00016715-00017593 Bentar ya bentar bentar bentar cari fokus dulu karena bergerak-gerak dia nah 5f4oIwkkBc4-00024-00017593-00018517 Pernahkah nggak temen-temen kawan-kawan meneliti seperti ini makanya penembus Itu menipu petani 5f4oIwkkBc4-00025-00018517-00019273 merusak jaringan ini saya ulangi merusak jaringan yang ada di atas daun alasannya untuk menembus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00026-00019273-00020100 kulit ulat yang dilapisi oleh lapisan lilin memang Yahudi ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00027-00020100-00021258 [Tertawa] Nah kenapa lapisan lilin yang paling banyak di bawah daun ini karena Stomata yang 5f4oIwkkBc4-00028-00021258-00022200 paling terbanyak terdapat di daun ini Nggih ngertos Mas ya paham ya paham ya Saya hanya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00029-00022200-00022300 berbagi 5f4oIwkkBc4-00030-00022300-00023200 pantes kalau di daerah luar itu kok kena patek payah menyembuhkannya rupanya pakai penembus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00031-00023200-00024170 semua ini lagi saya kupas ini ya Nah itu yang paling banyak lapisan lilin kan di bawahnya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00032-00024170-00024962 ini yang di atas ini baru nampak ini dia itu yang paling tebel ya yang dibawa karena Stomata 5f4oIwkkBc4-00033-00024962-00025743 yang paling banyak di bawah nah kalau ini sudah rusak lapisan lilin yang ada di daun 5f4oIwkkBc4-00034-00025743-00026568 ini sudah ditembus oleh penembus Mak Bro tanaman kita gampang kena sakit karena jaringan pelindung 5f4oIwkkBc4-00035-00026568-00027144 daun yang untuk melindungi dari segala penyakit dan menjaga kandungan hara yang ada di daun 5f4oIwkkBc4-00036-00027144-00027822 tanaman ini rusak ya ini kan daun tanaman ini kalau saya dulu SD dikatakan daun ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00037-00027822-00028710 ialah dapurnya tanaman kalau dapurnya enggak ngebul periuknya guling mati mah anak putus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00038-00028710-00029443 juga tanaman kalau ininya rusak dapurnya rusak ya rusak rumah tangga tanaman cabe 5f4oIwkkBc4-00039-00029443-00030514 gitu ya gitu Terus yang kedua nah ini katanya untuk menembus Mas pelindung yang seperti 5f4oIwkkBc4-00040-00030514-00031067 busa yang melindungi telur jadi untuk menembus itu telur nggak jadi kan sudah saya bilang 5f4oIwkkBc4-00041-00031067-00031932 pakai perekat biasa jangan yang mengandung penembus perekat biasa ya Gitu ya Kalau nggak 5f4oIwkkBc4-00042-00031932-00032761 salah ya video itu saya Udah dihapus Jadi pakai perekat yang mempunyai bahan aktif itu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00043-00032761-00033813 mereknya terserah nanti nama bahan aktifnya saya buat tulisan di sini ya saya lupa terus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00044-00033813-00034925 yang selanjutnya penembus itu katanya untuk meratakan pestisida omong kosong pakai perekat 5f4oIwkkBc4-00045-00034925-00035588 mantap saja merk Mantap sudah rata pakai PPC biasa perekat biasa nggak usah pakai penembus 5f4oIwkkBc4-00046-00035588-00036194 jadi ada yang bertanya lagi Mas gimana caranya menandai menembus dengan perekat biasa tapi 5f4oIwkkBc4-00047-00036194-00036876 dia menggunakan bahan aktif ya cemplungkan daun keladi ya di air yang sudah kita kasih 5f4oIwkkBc4-00048-00036876-00037583 penembus 10 cc 10 mili airnya itu 10 liter kita aduk lalu cemplungkan daun keladi kalau 5f4oIwkkBc4-00049-00037583-00038369 daun keladi itu tertutup seperti lapisan minyak itu penembus walaupun di botolnya tidak ditulis 5f4oIwkkBc4-00050-00038369-00038920 penembus Lalu ada apa dengan menembuskan saya sudah bilang di HP Sorong C4 itu kan ada 4 5f4oIwkkBc4-00051-00038920-00039730 video membahas sekarang videonya dihapus sama YouTube yang dibahas apa ya penembus termasuk 5f4oIwkkBc4-00052-00039730-00040700 deterjen Mama lemon Sunlight semuanya guyon ya biar ya nggak tegang kalau nggak cocok 5f4oIwkkBc4-00053-00040700-00041638 jangan ngamuk komentarnya nggih jadi begitu aja buat kawan-kawan ini nah ini daun ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00054-00041638-00041759 ya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00055-00041759-00042500 Kenapa saya nggak percaya dengan referensi Google gitu ya ya Ada sih yang bisa dipakai 5f4oIwkkBc4-00056-00042500-00043278 ada yang tidak dari Google kebanyakan Google itu kan nyari duit blok-blok orang-orang nyari 5f4oIwkkBc4-00057-00043278-00043506 duit Bukan betul-betul dia jadi 5f4oIwkkBc4-00058-00043506-00044091 eh yang di Google itu ada yang nyari kalau teman-teman pingin nyari ada di diskripsi 5f4oIwkkBc4-00059-00044091-00045177 anak sekolahan ya Nah Lihat inilah Saya ulangi lagi ini yang lebih jelas ini hah [Musik] 5f4oIwkkBc4-00060-00045177-00046053 Kalau yang di atas ini tadi rusak ya mudah-mudahan ini saya copy keluar yang di atas 5f4oIwkkBc4-00061-00046053-00046415 Aduh saya ulangi lagi ya bentar 5f4oIwkkBc4-00062-00046415-00047675 Oh saya ganti yang ini aja deh yang tadi [Musik] susah dia Ya gitulah pokoknya teman-teman 5f4oIwkkBc4-00063-00047675-00048450 Saran saya jangan pakai ini dia keluar yang di atas ya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00064-00048450-00049050 Saran saya Saya hanya Kasihan kenapa sudah saya alami kalau menggunakan penembus itu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00065-00049050-00050009 kalau terserang antrak susah diobati gitu ya dan penyebaran antrak itu sangat kuat Gitu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00066-00050009-00050847 sangat cepat itu intinya ya jadi terus tujuannya untuk apa penembus itu ya supaya kita beli 5f4oIwkkBc4-00067-00050847-00050947 fungisida 5f4oIwkkBc4-00068-00050947-00051757 Jadi mereka itu tepuk sekali Tepuk Dua lalat Ya kan beli penembus dengan penembus rusak 5f4oIwkkBc4-00069-00051757-00052327 jaringan daun ini lapisan lilin ini terus kena patek gampang menyebar susah diobati 5f4oIwkkBc4-00070-00052327-00052663 beli fungisida ngebut kita 5f4oIwkkBc4-00071-00052663-00053474 Dibeli apa yang dikasih tahu temen beli ini Lur saya kemarin sembuh beli padahal dikasih 5f4oIwkkBc4-00072-00053474-00054174 enggak sembuh juga ya Iya orang ininya udah rusak kena tembus ya udah ya gitu aja ya mungkin 5f4oIwkkBc4-00073-00054174-00054900 ini ada manfaatnya buat kawan-kawan ya buat adik-adik saya ya kalau nonton video saya 5f4oIwkkBc4-00074-00054900-00055479 itu hatinya harus bersih jernih karena saya bukan mengklaim tapi yang saya sampaikan ini 5f4oIwkkBc4-00075-00055479-00056074 memang ilmu bukan saya mencari viewer kalau saya mencari viewer gampang aja saya buat 5f4oIwkkBc4-00076-00056074-00056739 video sebentar aja ratusan ribu kali tonton tapi saya nggak mau karena saya punya ilmu 5f4oIwkkBc4-00077-00056739-00057030 zaman ilmu ngawur pertanian 5f4oIwkkBc4-00078-00057030-00057726 pasti kalau saya unggah di YouTube diikutin semua sama orang udah ya gitu aja mohon maaf 5f4oIwkkBc4-00079-00057726-00058249 atas segala kekurangan Terima kasih atas segala perhatiannya saya ucapkan wabillahi taufik 5f4oIwkkBc4-00080-00058249-00058715 wal hidayah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ceker Ireng Mas Bro 5gmAM9yV4mo-00000-00000038-00000138 Kim: It’s Week 11! 5gmAM9yV4mo-00001-00000138-00000488 Your motivation might be high and for you it’s all about staying that way. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00002-00000488-00000896 Shannon: Your motivation might be low and for you it’s all about building it back 5gmAM9yV4mo-00003-00000896-00000996 up. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00004-00000996-00001171 So, here’s some easy things you can do. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00005-00001171-00001415 Kim: Number 1: Short term goals. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00006-00001415-00001794 They’re a great way to get things done and still see an end point. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00007-00001794-00002236 Like, selecting a topic and completing all textbook exercises within a set time. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00008-00002236-00002417 So think small and achievable. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00009-00002417-00002653 Shannon: Next: Reward yourself. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00010-00002653-00002892 Give yourself a reward when you complete a task. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00011-00002892-00003148 This way you get an ongoing sense of accomplishment. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00012-00003148-00003401 Kim: Lastly: healthy balance. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00013-00003401-00003861 From my experience when I make specific time to relax and socialise, the better I am at 5gmAM9yV4mo-00014-00003861-00004138 focussing when it comes time to study and do my work. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00015-00004138-00004349 Basically it helps me study smart. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00016-00004349-00004827 Shannon: So… set short term goals, reward yourself, and keep a healthy balance. 5gmAM9yV4mo-00017-00004827-00005102 Kim: Remember, the key to motivation is self-motivation. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00000-00000022-00000420 Sejuani's big counters in the jungle are Champions that can invade and bully her in the early 5gAqAmsjPgk-00001-00000420-00000899 game like Lee Sin with his insane level 1 and 2 damage and ability to chase her down 5gAqAmsjPgk-00002-00000899-00001373 if she Q's a wall, Xin Zhao for the same reason as Lee and Vi because her Q can prevent her 5gAqAmsjPgk-00003-00001373-00001642 from running away and she can also ignore her Armor. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00004-00001642-00002141 Twitch and Shaco have really interesting Level 1 or 2 invades and Elise level 3 has few champions 5gAqAmsjPgk-00005-00002141-00002413 that can outdamage her in 1v1 in the jungle. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00006-00002413-00002808 Sejuani's Passive grants her a Slow immunity as well as Armor and MR Boost when she hasn't 5gAqAmsjPgk-00007-00002808-00003279 taken damage for a while and also makes her deal extra damage to enemies she stuns herself. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00008-00003279-00003619 Her Q is a dash that knocks champions up when she hits them, whereas her W will make her 5gAqAmsjPgk-00009-00003619-00004055 swing her flail which will hit enemies twice with a short delay in between which will grant 5gAqAmsjPgk-00010-00004055-00004568 two stacks to her E. Her E is called permafrost and will allow sejuani to stack passive stacks 5gAqAmsjPgk-00011-00004568-00004810 on enemies she or melee allies hit. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00012-00004810-00005164 After 4 stacks enemies can get stunned by her if she activates it. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00013-00005164-00005553 Her Ultimate will stun the first enemy it hits and will create a storm around the impact 5gAqAmsjPgk-00014-00005553-00005725 zone that slows enemies standing on it. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00015-00005725-00005825 After 2 seconds it explodes again increasing the slow. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00016-00005825-00005960 This might be the ultimate CC champion. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00017-00005960-00006198 Almost all of her abilities can stun or knock you up. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00018-00006198-00006298 Even her W will slow you down. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00019-00006298-00006653 The fact that her passive deals extra damage to enemies she stuns makes for some very high 5gAqAmsjPgk-00020-00006653-00006870 damage you might not be counting for. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00021-00006870-00007166 Sejuani thrives in the jungle meaning she'll take the Smite Flash combo. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00022-00007166-00007293 So will you if you're a jungler. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00023-00007293-00007656 Take the blue smite versus her if you want to invade and get a chance of chasing her 5gAqAmsjPgk-00024-00007656-00007756 down. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00025-00007756-00008117 As for her power spikes, as I said earlier, she has a pretty weak early game in the jungle 5gAqAmsjPgk-00026-00008117-00008331 but gets a great burst in the mid game. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00027-00008331-00008761 Late game she might be hard deleted by some AD Carries but her utility from her stuns 5gAqAmsjPgk-00028-00008761-00008896 is still immeasurable. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00029-00008896-00009370 Her Level 6 is arguably her best power spike allowing her to keep enemies from moving for 5gAqAmsjPgk-00030-00009370-00009772 the longest time and items like the cinderhulk enchantment that grants her tons of damage 5gAqAmsjPgk-00031-00009772-00009939 due to her glue-like capabilities. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00032-00009939-00010354 Gargoyle Stoneplate will make her unkillable and allow her to easily escape so have an 5gAqAmsjPgk-00033-00010354-00010454 open eye for that. 5gAqAmsjPgk-00034-00010454-00010859 Thank you for tuning in and remember: Pick a strong early game and invade her for some 5gAqAmsjPgk-00035-00010859-00011339 easy level 1 or 2 kills, abuse her weak early game and try to counter her ganks and get 5gAqAmsjPgk-00036-00011339-00011753 some CC reduction items like Mercury Threads and Mercurial Scimitar! 5gAqAmsjPgk-00037-00011753-00011884 Ultimately have fun doing it. 5gGarlouwCY-00000-00000040-00001424 In a very safe way I could start to learn or actually start to express myself and feelings 5gGarlouwCY-00001-00001544-00002320 to others I found that really difficult and I also noticed especially in the second Tribe (program) 5gGarlouwCY-00002-00002424-00003024 Of course that all of a sudden it was like a clique and I can see things in other people 5gGarlouwCY-00003-00003192-00003856 but it's actually mirroring my own feelings. That's something that was really resonating with me 5gKw5jNSqkU-00000-00000006-00000878 hey hey good evening good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome we decided 5gKw5jNSqkU-00001-00000878-00001392 to do us a little bit of a live show here I guess we'll have to wait a couple 5gKw5jNSqkU-00002-00001392-00001959 of minutes for everybody to come in I think the wife is gonna get her thing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00003-00001959-00002684 and yeah she's gonna get everything ready and make sure she can read the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00004-00002684-00003299 comments to people coming in right now 5gKw5jNSqkU-00005-00004171-00004812 so there we go Carla add is made it in good evening master truck or jukebox 5gKw5jNSqkU-00006-00004812-00005273 look at you you're finally getting the notification or what what's going on 5gKw5jNSqkU-00007-00005273-00005996 jukebox are you having a good New Year's so far hey happy new years everybody 5gKw5jNSqkU-00008-00005996-00006984 who's that bra yeah no I can't rich French hey Tommy I might not be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00009-00006984-00007270 able to read the comments 5gKw5jNSqkU-00010-00007404-00008272 one thumbs up already yeah look at that 11 people watching oh yeah that's right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00011-00008336-00008774 yeah how's it going everybody 5gKw5jNSqkU-00012-00009211-00010335 we are pass person how's that you know Pasadena Pasadena it is the wife is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00013-00010335-00011063 going to try and read the comments and I'm going to I'm coming 5gKw5jNSqkU-00014-00011568-00012060 yeah I appreciate it appreciate it thanks for checking out my channel and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00015-00012060-00012516 subscribing and all of that and thanks for tuning into the life show here guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00016-00012516-00013074 and we're gonna try and just you know chat with you guys a little bit I know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00017-00013074-00013472 we didn't have a regular scheduled video today which we don't have one tomorrow 5gKw5jNSqkU-00018-00013472-00013944 either but you know what that's just how it goes we decided to take a few days 5gKw5jNSqkU-00019-00013944-00014754 off last week right and now we're here in Texas where we were supposed to get 5gKw5jNSqkU-00020-00014754-00015609 loading loaded here yesterday in a La Porte Texas which is just a few miles 5gKw5jNSqkU-00021-00015609-00016275 east of us and we got there last night they were there and everything we backed 5gKw5jNSqkU-00022-00016275-00016755 her into the dock but they told us they told us to back in dock 3 we did that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00023-00016755-00017666 and then but I don't know 45 minutes later he comes out and he says 5gKw5jNSqkU-00024-00017666-00018408 unfortunately we are three boxes short and for some odd reason that the the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00025-00018408-00019134 night staff wasn't able to change all the stuff around and their system in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00026-00019134-00019908 their system and so they said they could not get all the product to load us which 5gKw5jNSqkU-00027-00019908-00020328 I call baloney on it because it's only like they had the product it was just 5gKw5jNSqkU-00028-00020328-00021015 not in their system properly so because of that they told us we're gonna have to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00029-00021015-00021606 come back on Wednesday so guess what we've been doing nothing let's drink a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00030-00021606-00021995 little bit you ever maybe the wife can read some comments and maybe you guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00031-00021995-00023054 can talk to her for a few minutes all nice nice thank you appreciate it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00032-00023384-00023820 we are bored today so we decided you know what we just finished having a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00033-00023820-00024538 shower sitting there drinking a little bit of yeah ba ya ya ma petite 5gKw5jNSqkU-00034-00024538-00025063 and figured why not tune in and chat with you guys a little bit that's always 5gKw5jNSqkU-00035-00025063-00025794 fun to write get a little bit of interaction going on with you guys and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00036-00025920-00026605 hey from California that's right hey jukebox who are you at today are you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00037-00026605-00027039 uh on the road yet or you know I think you have to wait till Wednesday to I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00038-00027039-00027783 think you said yesterday isn't that right channel channels fun to watch 5gKw5jNSqkU-00039-00027783-00028447 I enjoy bored oh that's good I'm happy we can entertain you guys that's exactly 5gKw5jNSqkU-00040-00028447-00029068 our job right as YouTube creators right we try to entertain you guys as much as 5gKw5jNSqkU-00041-00029068-00029611 we possibly can and just have a good time right what why not eh I see our 5gKw5jNSqkU-00042-00029611-00030169 brand-new subscriber has tuned in that that was a checking us out there for the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00043-00030169-00030580 first time the other day that's for me Oh Castle I remember yeah my yeah I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00044-00030580-00030973 checked out his channel and he has pretty good content there so we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00045-00030973-00031464 definitely hit the subscribe button and we hit that Bell as well so we will be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00046-00031464-00031677 notified every time you upload a new video 5gKw5jNSqkU-00047-00031677-00032535 that is awesome awesome I see seven thumbs up 31 people watching hey yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00048-00032886-00033763 yeah San Antonio was the other day when we when we did the live show yep but I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00049-00033763-00034129 also saw the one question coming in there where am i heading after we get 5gKw5jNSqkU-00050-00034129-00034588 loaded and we're going back to Canada because we're from Canada so we have to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00051-00034588-00035131 go back to Canada that's the way the law works that if we pick up a load here in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00052-00035131-00035422 the United States of America we got to go back to Canada 5gKw5jNSqkU-00053-00035422-00035916 otherwise it's called inter stating we cannot deliver to a different state so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00054-00035916-00036391 yeah we definitely must be doing that hey do me a favor share the video as 5gKw5jNSqkU-00055-00036391-00036874 well guys so we get maybe some of your friends starting to tune in on liking 5gKw5jNSqkU-00056-00036874-00037334 our channel right Conahan says my mom says hello her iPad 5gKw5jNSqkU-00057-00037334-00039062 is charging right now yes kind of force we are just southeast of Venna peg 5gKw5jNSqkU-00058-00039062-00039599 that's where we we live but I do go to Toronto all the time myself 5gKw5jNSqkU-00059-00039599-00041240 my wife has been there with me once as well salty dog yeah lol oh yeah yeah is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00060-00041240-00041834 be good to see you both okay yeah Larry Summers asked me earlier he 5gKw5jNSqkU-00061-00041834-00042385 said if we do another live show can you pronounce your name or say your name 5gKw5jNSqkU-00062-00042385-00043238 itself reading yeah a lot of people have a hard time pronouncing it and most 5gKw5jNSqkU-00063-00043238-00043757 people write my name with the Y as well so you know cuz we're German right so a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00064-00043757-00044183 lot of people if you if you hear the name Rudy they think well it's written 5gKw5jNSqkU-00065-00044183-00044953 with the Y what it's not 72 74 degrees oh yeah yeah that is awesome 5gKw5jNSqkU-00066-00044953-00045602 Dennis Hunter says I used to hold out of Laredo 5gKw5jNSqkU-00067-00045634-00046112 yeah Laredo is a tough phone right because everything is coming from Mexico 5gKw5jNSqkU-00068-00046112-00046766 and they have this saying you know if it doesn't come today well mañana ah la 5gKw5jNSqkU-00069-00046766-00047143 mañana point I said why are we near a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00070-00047166-00048028 yes tomorrow morning is basically what it comes down to in English and tomorrow 5gKw5jNSqkU-00071-00048028-00048472 morning never comes yeah that's right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00072-00048472-00049178 yeah happy hey Howard look at that he's finally made it in a hour we're drinking 5gKw5jNSqkU-00073-00049178-00049533 us a little bit - yeah I'm apheresis you guys are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00074-00049533-00049854 beautiful couples I thank you thank you appreciate it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00075-00049854-00050781 Marvin Poulsen happy New Year to you and your family from Atlanta oh nice but hey 5gKw5jNSqkU-00076-00050781-00051272 look at that the numbers are climbing we got 4445 man we're breaking some records 5gKw5jNSqkU-00077-00051272-00052065 here lately hey guys yeah we definitely have been the the cop was Oh church this 5gKw5jNSqkU-00078-00052065-00052473 morning I don't know what he was doing out here hey there's Larry Summers you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00079-00052473-00052926 asked my wife to spell her name or say her name we just did it here a minute 5gKw5jNSqkU-00080-00052926-00053279 ago it's Alfre day that's how you say her 5gKw5jNSqkU-00081-00053279-00053862 name and but yeah we had a cop out here this morning he was hanging around here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00082-00053862-00054517 a few times and then he left and he come back and whatever right boy yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00083-00054740-00055404 oh nice nice I would love to meet up with him but you know it's kind of hard 5gKw5jNSqkU-00084-00055404-00055829 to get a hold of him because I don't have him on his personal pages anywhere 5gKw5jNSqkU-00085-00055829-00056337 so it would be kind of difficult for me to get a hold of him but hey it would be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00086-00056337-00057462 fun meeting up word it with him that's for sure yes I was there not too long 5gKw5jNSqkU-00087-00057462-00058029 ago if you check out my videos here probably what two weeks ago well maybe 5gKw5jNSqkU-00088-00058029-00058470 two three weeks ago I was there yeah remember I went to Toronto and then I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00089-00058470-00058941 went back salt and I did a reset I hung out with jukebox remember that was yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00090-00058941-00059421 that was just before Christmas I was in Mississauga wow thanks I like that her 5gKw5jNSqkU-00091-00059421-00059973 name yeah that's what Larry summer I said yeah I might not be able to read 5gKw5jNSqkU-00092-00059973-00060519 all the comments but the wife is going to try and keep up with him Richard he's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00093-00060519-00061522 happy new year mr. n to your boss missus we've been 5gKw5jNSqkU-00094-00061522-00062149 doing alright we we been kind of sitting around here doing nothing all day pretty 5gKw5jNSqkU-00095-00062149-00062665 much well we walked around a little bit I actually got my big camera out earlier 5gKw5jNSqkU-00096-00062665-00063115 maybe some of you new guys don't know that I have an Instagram page where I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00097-00063115-00063630 where I love sharing a lot of pictures and I'm gonna show you my camera here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00098-00063630-00064092 but there's a car going by here right now I don't want him to see this I'll 5gKw5jNSqkU-00099-00064092-00064645 take a look at this bad boy right here this is what we went out today with and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00100-00064645-00065254 I love taking pictures of birds right so this thing is always with me 5gKw5jNSqkU-00101-00065254-00065821 and we went out for a little bit of a stroll today and found us a couple of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00102-00065821-00066268 knives birdies and I already posted him on Instagram so you guys should check 5gKw5jNSqkU-00103-00066268-00066787 out the link down below you'll be able to find my Instagram page and you should 5gKw5jNSqkU-00104-00066787-00067465 be able to see it there and yeah so if you like pictures of birds like I do you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00105-00067465-00067822 know check it out on Instagram salty dog says 5gKw5jNSqkU-00106-00067822-00069739 sounds like you're getting yeah well that's how it goes are right oh man yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00107-00069739-00070288 I know well we're not really stuck it's just kind of like we basically are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00108-00070288-00071611 forced to wait till tomorrow till we get our reload right yeah it's gone pretty 5gKw5jNSqkU-00109-00071611-00072322 much it's gone hello from Stein bus somebody from Stein boy has tuned in and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00110-00072322-00072844 that's my old tone for those of you guys that are new to my channel that is my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00111-00072844-00073633 hometown that's for sure yeah we we went for a good long walk here today 5gKw5jNSqkU-00112-00073849-00074549 since 2008 yeah I always got a look at my cart my company issued cartons 5gKw5jNSqkU-00113-00074549-00074996 actually got my date on there when I when I started at this company but I I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00114-00074996-00075329 started trucking a year before I came to Penn ours 5gKw5jNSqkU-00115-00075329-00075974 I was with big Freight before and so yeah so we been at this company now 5gKw5jNSqkU-00116-00075974-00076508 since 2009 which is a long long time I saw a little bit of a video there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00117-00076508-00077195 earlier from trucking review channel and Jake canal and all of them are trying to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00118-00077195-00077672 do something key media or something like that so I have to look into that a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00119-00077672-00078164 little bit more I might have to call trucking review later and our tomorrow 5gKw5jNSqkU-00120-00078164-00078791 or whatever or one of these days here and find out what it's all about I think 5gKw5jNSqkU-00121-00078791-00079574 he refers to jpg travels he has a CB in his truck I'll be dawn sorry yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00122-00079574-00080057 unfortunately we don't have a CB radio in here just yet eventually we'll 5gKw5jNSqkU-00123-00080057-00081617 probably get one 30s okay oh nice nice yeah there's a lot of people that have 5gKw5jNSqkU-00124-00081617-00082139 always messaged me you know when are you coming to my area Texas or this or that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00125-00082139-00082514 you know well you got a look at my website you all know where we're heading 5gKw5jNSqkU-00126-00082514-00082937 because we update it there regularly where we're going we haven't updated it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00127-00082937-00083339 just yet because I like to make sure that I am actually going to that area 5gKw5jNSqkU-00128-00083339-00083801 before I update the website usually I like to pick up my load and then get on 5gKw5jNSqkU-00129-00083801-00084548 the road Ephrata did you cook a good supper tonight yes that's right you got 5gKw5jNSqkU-00130-00084548-00085136 to watch next week's video because it's gonna be in seven days right yeah we're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00131-00085136-00085560 not gonna spoil it no no we're not gonna do that okay 5gKw5jNSqkU-00132-00085560-00086081 nemi's Rudy you are missing our balmy weather up here in Omaha Nebraska it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00133-00086081-00086913 12 degrees above well you can keep it over there right and though we're just 5gKw5jNSqkU-00134-00086913-00087245 having a little bit of fun over here that's for sure we're definitely 5gKw5jNSqkU-00135-00087245-00087689 enjoying it and the way you see us right now is the way we were walking around 5gKw5jNSqkU-00136-00087689-00088275 all day long all day long that's how it goes yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00137-00088275-00088605 little exercise but we didn't need no jacket right that was the point I was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00138-00088605-00089150 trying to make we didn't need no jackets at all to Walker on outside here today 5gKw5jNSqkU-00139-00089150-00089714 that was amazing some nice green trees flowers that we took pictures off and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00140-00089714-00090344 stuff like that it was it was awesome you know what it also gives us a nice a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00141-00090344-00091050 nice time together right so we can get that a little extra time and and just 5gKw5jNSqkU-00142-00091050-00091449 have a little bit of private time I guess you could say without the kids and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00143-00091449-00091986 just bond together a little bit right it's a lot of fun for us we also clean 5gKw5jNSqkU-00144-00091986-00092466 the truck today and you know we did just regular our things here in the truck and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00145-00092466-00092955 whatever but Chuck we have not been that water burger yet we haven't seen it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00146-00092955-00093644 anywhere yet Whataburger yeah Wow well we've seen them when we're driving down 5gKw5jNSqkU-00147-00093644-00094416 the road but not anywhere close by that we can walk to right yeah but yeah both 5gKw5jNSqkU-00148-00094416-00094938 of us were not really two big fans of burgers so they have burgers in there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00149-00094938-00095385 too but that's Arby's right but I mean water burger is supposed to be really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00150-00095385-00096135 really good but how much can you make weekly basis well that's depending on 5gKw5jNSqkU-00151-00096135-00096756 how many miles you drive right right we get paid about 46 cents a mile so you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00152-00096756-00097041 can easily do the math so if you do 3,000 miles away 5gKw5jNSqkU-00153-00097041-00097629 Aker whatever you can do the math right so I'm using my phone so I can't really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00154-00097629-00098181 calculate that out really too much but you know that's roughly what you can 5gKw5jNSqkU-00155-00098181-00098502 make right plus we get to pick up some drops yet 5gKw5jNSqkU-00156-00098502-00099281 and so you got to add all of that on top of that so that's uh I mean we you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00157-00099281-00099714 it's not bad you know and and in my opinion that you can make a living off 5gKw5jNSqkU-00158-00099714-00100623 it uh that's for sure hey some US has seen some great awesome I appreciate 5gKw5jNSqkU-00159-00100623-00101226 that yeah they have some nice birds here that we have never seen prakruti all of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00160-00101226-00102033 all your videos head thanks John Davis Thank You Carla it was 70° at my house 5gKw5jNSqkU-00161-00102033-00102444 today heatwave yeah yeah it was it was really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00162-00102444-00103440 really the sign over there said 63 yeah but yeah I mean it's still nice for us 5gKw5jNSqkU-00163-00103440-00104406 right how many trucks have you gone through the company let me see here how 5gKw5jNSqkU-00164-00104406-00105228 many trucks have you gone in this company what's your favorite well I had 5gKw5jNSqkU-00165-00105228-00106002 my own truck until well last year in June is when I basically got rid of my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00166-00106002-00106572 own truck and before I when I started with this company I was driving for an 5gKw5jNSqkU-00167-00106572-00107214 owner/operator for two and a half years and then he offered me to buy the wool 5gKw5jNSqkU-00168-00107214-00107861 without I was driving at and I think I went through three I want to say about 5gKw5jNSqkU-00169-00107861-00108345 three wool was with him before I actually bought the one that I drove and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00170-00108345-00108780 I was able to buy it right through him so I didn't have to go to the bank and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00171-00108780-00109336 whatever and get a loan you know and then I drove that for six years and then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00172-00109336-00109974 I became a company driver and then in July and then first they gave me an 5gKw5jNSqkU-00173-00109974-00110858 older thing was in 11 2011 I want to say Freightliner Cascadia and then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00174-00110858-00111527 and then my boss told me right from the gag oh they're a Penner he told me right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00175-00111527-00111995 from the get-go he says I'm thinking about putting you in a brand new freight 5gKw5jNSqkU-00176-00111995-00112313 liner or a brand new truck he just said Brown the truck you didn't say Brown and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00177-00112313-00112715 freight liner I thought that's interesting that's awesome that would be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00178-00112715-00113396 great right so then in September August and September we went to Paraguay to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00179-00113396-00113840 visit our family down there and when I came back he said yeah you can do one 5gKw5jNSqkU-00180-00113840-00114211 more trip with that different truck that was even a different truck then I was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00181-00114211-00114578 driving before you do one trip with that and by the time you come back we'll have 5gKw5jNSqkU-00182-00114578-00115316 your new one ready I'm like wow okay that fast day so sure enough next next 5gKw5jNSqkU-00183-00115316-00115921 trip I came back this truck just got home and and wow look at that we got 54 5gKw5jNSqkU-00184-00115921-00116441 viewers right now thats beating the record that we did what on Sunday night 5gKw5jNSqkU-00185-00116441-00117608 that's awesome is that Fahrenheit or Celsius because I know he sent me a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00186-00117608-00118308 picture of it but I was yeah and I saw TRUCKING review has made it in there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00187-00118750-00119477 yeah but you know we enjoy it we enjoyed the nice warm weather especially 5gKw5jNSqkU-00188-00119477-00120050 considering up in Manitoba it's extremely cold there the last few 5gKw5jNSqkU-00189-00120050-00120671 days yeah that's kind of what I figured so that is cold too that is that's about 5gKw5jNSqkU-00190-00120671-00121159 what it was up in Manitoba I'm pretty sure it's not even colder right so we're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00191-00121159-00121865 kind of enjoying the nice warm weather down there Cass tomorrow's did I say 50 5gKw5jNSqkU-00192-00121865-00122285 to 75 millimetre yeah they're expecting quite a bit of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00193-00122285-00122667 rain coming through here and then the wife was saying they're coming up to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00194-00122667-00123230 Oklahoma we might be running into some freezing stuff so yeah that's why I was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00195-00123230-00123588 open for we could get loaded here yesterday and then we could have been 5gKw5jNSqkU-00196-00123588-00124152 out out that way already past it right so that would have been would it be nice 5gKw5jNSqkU-00197-00124152-00124482 I saw the question there which one would you prefer writer being an owner 5gKw5jNSqkU-00198-00124482-00125247 operator or company driver and is it is a very tough question it is I enjoyed 5gKw5jNSqkU-00199-00125247-00125792 being at being a owner operator I really did it gives you some freedom that you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00200-00125792-00126266 might not have as a company driver but working for this company it's great too 5gKw5jNSqkU-00201-00126266-00126840 so I have no complaints about working for this company so it's it's it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00202-00126840-00127515 depending on what you want so so if you you know if you have a few thousand 5gKw5jNSqkU-00203-00127515-00127977 dollars to spare and you can get your own truck let's say you have ten grand 5gKw5jNSqkU-00204-00127977-00128346 in the bank and you can get your own truck and then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00205-00128346-00128895 you can continuously make in repairs to your truck then it's alright but and a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00206-00128895-00129380 lot of these trucks they are giving you a lot of grief these days and so it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00207-00129380-00129941 really really difficult to make it right because I mean let's face it the hardly 5gKw5jNSqkU-00208-00129941-00130389 entity any of the companies are giving you any raises anymore as an 5gKw5jNSqkU-00209-00130389-00130913 owner-operator which they do give us raise this as a company driver right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00210-00130913-00131763 yeah can you answer my question what was your question I might have missed your 5gKw5jNSqkU-00211-00131763-00132039 question I'm apheresis can you go to vacation 5gKw5jNSqkU-00212-00132039-00132287 picture 5gKw5jNSqkU-00213-00132287-00132962 can you go to vacation with your truck well I'm not sure I've never really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00214-00132962-00133574 asked that part alright I guess somehow we activated our cameras again hey 5gKw5jNSqkU-00215-00133574-00134237 Richard has made it in finally awesome yeah the wife is gonna try and read the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00216-00134237-00136162 comments they're a little bit more I'm just gonna turn off the GoPro here yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00217-00136162-00136490 it's extremely cold I think it's supposed to warm up though for the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00218-00136490-00137720 weekend all right a little bit the truck usually can only be used for work if you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00219-00137720-00138359 take it on vacation you have no more job yeah that's kind of how it usually goes 5gKw5jNSqkU-00220-00138359-00138920 unless youíre arrange it with your boss right jukebox says here when are you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00221-00138920-00139471 going to stop this part this part time 5gKw5jNSqkU-00222-00139735-00140348 well you know it's uh as you know it's not my fault that we couldn't get loaded 5gKw5jNSqkU-00223-00140348-00141494 right what's my favorite place to drive a travel the United States is basically 5gKw5jNSqkU-00224-00141494-00141947 my favorite place to go that's pretty much always been my saying and that's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00225-00141947-00142394 where I go most of them most of my time too right that's pretty much how it goes 5gKw5jNSqkU-00226-00142394-00142868 with me I love driving in the u.s. you know especially especially now in winter 5gKw5jNSqkU-00227-00142868-00143336 when we can go way down south here into Texas where it's not even snowing right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00228-00143336-00144185 it's beautiful it was 74 degrees with the head families oh geez our 5gKw5jNSqkU-00229-00144185-00144641 reactivating this thing again John asked do you still talk to dry chef 5gKw5jNSqkU-00230-00144641-00145289 I - matter of fact he was just on my video earlier as you guys might have 5gKw5jNSqkU-00231-00145289-00146027 seen this morning I released that video from from the Christmas lights and in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00232-00146027-00146684 Winnipeg right and I released it as a premiere thing and for those of you guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00233-00146684-00147086 that are not familiar with that system the way it works is when you release a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00234-00147086-00147791 video and you do a premiere then you can go as long as that video is so the way 5gKw5jNSqkU-00235-00147791-00148322 it works is you schedule it for premiere and then as soon as it goes live it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00236-00148322-00148676 basically has like a countdown I forgot how many minutes like two or three 5gKw5jNSqkU-00237-00148676-00149066 minutes countdown on the screen like when you actually click on it it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00238-00149066-00149477 will have like a countdown and then in the video it starts it's kind of like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00239-00149477-00150098 the life show I can go on there as soon as it goes life then we can interact via 5gKw5jNSqkU-00240-00150098-00150734 life messaging just like we do here with the life chat right so we can interact 5gKw5jNSqkU-00241-00150734-00151247 with each other and he was actually on the live chat this morning when when I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00242-00151247-00151945 did the the Christmas light video I recorded that on a 26th of December and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00243-00151945-00152654 we just finally got enough internet here just last night to be able to upload it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00244-00152654-00153104 here at this blind G cuz I actually got pretty good internet up here so I was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00245-00153104-00153458 able to upload it overnight and then this morning I went ahead and did that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00246-00153458-00153965 and so he was in there several other people were in there it's I find that to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00247-00153965-00154418 be a really nice way of doing it because then I can interact with you guys while 5gKw5jNSqkU-00248-00154418-00154769 you're watching the video you know a lot of people are watching it on their cell 5gKw5jNSqkU-00249-00154769-00155219 phones these days right so it's nice to do it like a premiere kind of thing and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00250-00155219-00155630 and you can do like life chat just like we do here right now all right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00251-00155630-00156023 except there no you're not really physically talking to the person but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00252-00156023-00156718 you're you can reply on the on the child just like we can't hear right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00253-00156738-00157188 wouldn't be much of a mixture of rain and snow in Oklahoma okay shouldn't be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00254-00157188-00157698 much that's awesome that's awesome news I usually don't even worry about it and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00255-00157698-00158220 I you know I thrive and when it gets too bad I find me to close the place to pull 5gKw5jNSqkU-00256-00158220-00158937 over and call it a day as usually how I go about it but you know if you if you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00257-00158937-00159447 are a truck driver for a long time you know you learned that you got to relax 5gKw5jNSqkU-00258-00159447-00159999 you can't worry about everything in life right you got a you got to have patience 5gKw5jNSqkU-00259-00159999-00160539 I always said to my friend trucker jukebox I say either you have patience 5gKw5jNSqkU-00260-00160539-00160971 or you become a patience and what that means is if you're gonna be Russian all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00261-00160971-00161391 the time you're gonna run into an accident and you're gonna be a patient 5gKw5jNSqkU-00262-00161391-00162462 that's kind of my saying the way I always like to say it but well yeah you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00263-00162462-00162957 type in what there you want to be home yeah yeah my company the company I Drive 5gKw5jNSqkU-00264-00162957-00163626 for Pender International they are very very family-oriented so basically what 5gKw5jNSqkU-00265-00163626-00164160 it means is if I tell them that okay next Friday I'll want to be home they 5gKw5jNSqkU-00266-00164160-00164589 are going to do their best to have you home that day and usually we're home the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00267-00164589-00165156 day before or maybe even two days early but and then also the same thing when we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00268-00165156-00165630 make ourself available we can make herself available for whenever we want 5gKw5jNSqkU-00269-00165630-00166005 like for instance here over Christmas time the time that I took off 5gKw5jNSqkU-00270-00166005-00166620 I never asked anybody if I could have that time off I came home on the 23rd 5gKw5jNSqkU-00271-00166620-00167244 and we didn't go until the 28th I didn't ask nobody if I could have that time off 5gKw5jNSqkU-00272-00167244-00167727 you know just call in at 4 o clock yeah yeah you just type it in the Qualcomm 5gKw5jNSqkU-00273-00167727-00168231 you say ok I'm gonna be available on the 28th at 8 a.m. in the morning on the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00274-00168231-00168816 27th at 4 p.m. I gotta call them in I gotta ask okay do you have a load for me 5gKw5jNSqkU-00275-00168816-00169248 yep no problem they will never call you that's just the way it works over here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00276-00169248-00169947 and it's exactly they'll never harass you it's just amazing it really is I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00277-00169947-00170352 love working for this company and it goes to show you that's why I'm here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00278-00170352-00171213 since 2019 yeah Matthew Ross good evening and happy new years to you and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00279-00171213-00171734 your wife oh thank you thank you we really do appreciate all of you guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00280-00171734-00172242 tuning in and watching us that's that's amazing I'm quite surprised that we have 5gKw5jNSqkU-00281-00172242-00172674 this many viewers I guess you know since we've been doing more live shows here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00282-00172674-00173139 lately it's getting out there a little bit and just fun you know it's fun doing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00283-00173139-00173541 it as well and then YouTube likes it and I know a lot of you guys like it too and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00284-00173541-00173997 you can come in here and ask questions and have something to do interact 5gKw5jNSqkU-00285-00173997-00174783 especially now it's New Year's Day it's no longer 2018 can you believe that man 5gKw5jNSqkU-00286-00174783-00176106 oh man thanks Carla you know John I have never worked for a union so I couldn't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00287-00176106-00176568 answer that question I really don't know what it's like working for a union we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00288-00176568-00177087 are a non-union I did and what was it when I worked at Granny's that was in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00289-00177087-00178005 2003 um and then when I switched over in 2005 to a non-union I didn't notice the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00290-00178005-00178815 difference I would say in Canada my experience was non-union were more safer 5gKw5jNSqkU-00291-00178815-00179373 work than union ones that's my experience yes so there you have the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00292-00179373-00179922 answer I never worked for a union company so I couldn't tell you hey-ya 5gKw5jNSqkU-00293-00179922-00180417 didn't think so jukebox okay Jeff oxen and Howard I guess are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00294-00180417-00181163 having some sort of communication Happy New Year Happy New Year Lilian 5gKw5jNSqkU-00295-00181163-00182189 I just read the last comment there one person says how many times are you gonna 5gKw5jNSqkU-00296-00182189-00182951 go through writing the date on your logbook 2018 on this system we never 5gKw5jNSqkU-00297-00182951-00183545 have to do that buddy we never have to do that all of us are on e log these 5gKw5jNSqkU-00298-00183545-00184094 days and you never have to write 2018 on that thing anymore 5gKw5jNSqkU-00299-00184094-00184496 nope only place where mic running to that is when we're actually signing a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00300-00184496-00184979 bill of lading right so that might be the only place but yeah you get used to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00301-00184979-00185360 it pretty quick because you know once you're a truck driver you kind of you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00302-00185360-00185981 you know that's weird how it works you remember what date it is here in the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00303-00185981-00186389 trucking industry but you don't remember what day it is you know what I mean like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00304-00186389-00186803 what day of the week it is you don't remember what they had a week it is you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00305-00186803-00187406 just remember or today is the first well what day of the week is it I don't know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00306-00187406-00187892 we as truck drivers we don't have holidays like normal working people do 5gKw5jNSqkU-00307-00187892-00188396 you know they we just we just drive like we keep this country moving right that's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00308-00188396-00189008 how I look at it how about wanting to team up so he can get some winter 5gKw5jNSqkU-00309-00189008-00189641 driving ain't never gonna happen we never gonna do team nope that's not my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00310-00189641-00190016 cup of tea I tried it once or twice as a matter of fact I did that with trucker 5gKw5jNSqkU-00311-00190016-00190631 Josh one trip that's a fact yeah many many years ago I saw there was some 5gKw5jNSqkU-00312-00190631-00191210 other questions here let me see I got a scroll up here a little bit Rudy it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00313-00191210-00191912 time for a masters day oh yeah you know it you know it I've been there many 5gKw5jNSqkU-00314-00191912-00192539 times okay it's a lot of fun yeah enjoyed watching the video earlier the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00315-00192539-00193646 Christmas lights awesome it was yes it was excuse me and these GoPros they suck 5gKw5jNSqkU-00316-00193646-00194168 at night so I use that other camera that I showed you earlier I have a shorter 5gKw5jNSqkU-00317-00194168-00194877 lens as well for that oh I see Alec Express is now doing a live show yeah I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00318-00194877-00195445 guess he he's decided to do one just while I'm doing one Victor on says Happy 5gKw5jNSqkU-00319-00195445-00195930 New Year he is tuned in to know awesome I saw we got a couple E new subscribers 5gKw5jNSqkU-00320-00195930-00196329 they're just now as we were doing a live show so if you are actually watch and I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00321-00196329-00196776 appreciate it I appreciate you guys subscribing and and I hope you are going 5gKw5jNSqkU-00322-00196776-00197091 to continuously watch not just be Deadwood on there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00323-00197091-00198012 subscribing and then never watching right now I do too at first you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00324-00198012-00198498 everybody was hating it saying oh I don't I'm never gonna like it I'm never 5gKw5jNSqkU-00325-00198498-00199089 gonna like it and he can ask just about anybody that you want they're gonna tell 5gKw5jNSqkU-00326-00199089-00199554 you that they actually we like to e log and I do I love it I love it you never 5gKw5jNSqkU-00327-00199554-00200133 have to worry about it am i legal or not you know and I always said this right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00328-00200133-00200482 from the get-go the only ones that are going to hate the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00329-00200482-00200964 electronic logs is the ones that want to drive illegal those are the people that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00330-00200964-00201333 are going to hate the electronic log and they're still gonna hate it these days 5gKw5jNSqkU-00331-00201333-00201972 right it's just they know how life is right if you want to cheat and drive the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00332-00201972-00202582 extra how many miles right then you know you're gonna hate the electronic log but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00333-00202582-00202979 not me I'll love driving legal I've been like that since day one 5gKw5jNSqkU-00334-00202979-00203616 Dennis um says hi happy new year safe travels back up to Canada yeah thank you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00335-00203616-00204019 yeah we're gonna need it because specially if we got some nasty weather 5gKw5jNSqkU-00336-00204019-00204645 going back north right Lillian had enjoyed the video about you backing into 5gKw5jNSqkU-00337-00204645-00205340 place yeah a lot of people actually have I've watched a video here I think I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00338-00205340-00205908 think it had over 1100 views earlier already that's awesome Richard Simmons 5gKw5jNSqkU-00339-00205908-00206646 Sammy's I don't even remember last night I'm sure there's a lot of people that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00340-00206646-00207169 don't remember last night they probably got drunk 5gKw5jNSqkU-00341-00207169-00207636 what you know I mean nothing wrong with having a beer here and there but I mean 5gKw5jNSqkU-00342-00207636-00208051 I don't know I don't like getting drunk but you know some people I guess do but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00343-00208051-00208596 hey you know we had a good time together me and the wife and had good company 5gKw5jNSqkU-00344-00208596-00209998 hello from T what is that t1 off oh do you want our Mexico's that is so salty 5gKw5jNSqkU-00345-00209998-00210550 dog says I'm on e logs as well but paperwork for my Freight is extensive 5gKw5jNSqkU-00346-00210550-00211296 pain in the butt - yeah see there you go a lot of people of Elah looks right and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00347-00211296-00211771 then I'm no different and yes sometimes it can get a bit of a hassle with all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00348-00211771-00212179 the people were especially for me since we have to cross the border right so it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00349-00212179-00212859 can get it can be a little bit of a hassle but the border system has also 5gKw5jNSqkU-00350-00212859-00213364 been improved quite a bit from what it used to be you know like back when I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00351-00213364-00213984 first started you have to send it off to the broker you have to call the broker 5gKw5jNSqkU-00352-00213984-00214536 find out are you cleared to go yet or whatever right not anymore they've 5gKw5jNSqkU-00353-00214536-00215157 changed that now at least with our company we send it to our company I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00354-00215157-00215554 actually have an app an IRA and my phone that I just take pictures of all the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00355-00215554-00216055 builds of ladings and paperwork and customs and voices and all that and it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00356-00216055-00216505 gets sent straight to our company and they take care of all that all of that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00357-00216505-00216952 clearing it at the border and stuff like that I no longer have to call the broker 5gKw5jNSqkU-00358-00216952-00217500 find out am I gonna be good to go I mean there is still occasional issues where 5gKw5jNSqkU-00359-00217500-00217981 you know I get close to the border and I'm still not clear to go but all I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00360-00217981-00218448 gotta do is send the message and they take care of it I mean I've had to wait 5gKw5jNSqkU-00361-00218448-00218796 at the border a couple of times that you know they hadn't gotten the paperwork 5gKw5jNSqkU-00362-00218796-00219369 cleared but other than that you know it's it's it's alright John had says my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00363-00219369-00219958 former company had a logs back 1995 Wow yeah I know there used to be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00364-00219958-00220408 companies way back in the day and then I believe they had like round discs like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00365-00220408-00220869 almost like CDs and then then it would try you know go in a circle I've seen 5gKw5jNSqkU-00366-00220869-00221356 those before too like that I've never used one but you know those that's what 5gKw5jNSqkU-00367-00221356-00222082 I've seen before yeah yeah I've seen that before yeah no I think you can 5gKw5jNSqkU-00368-00222082-00222698 probably go on YouTube might be able to go on YouTube still find them but yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00369-00222698-00223210 sauna head says hose Jessica and Diego doing oh I think they're worth sewing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00370-00223210-00223753 great burner was using the paperless logs yeah I believe it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00371-00223753-00224769 hey Rudy okay 90 Bob hop says well someday go back to being an older driver 5gKw5jNSqkU-00372-00224769-00225835 don't the road sometimes yeah I think he meant if if I will ever go back to being 5gKw5jNSqkU-00373-00225835-00226105 an owner/operator probably though you see fireworks 5gKw5jNSqkU-00374-00226105-00226726 I saw fireworks over there you see that yeah I see fireworks guys yeah yeah I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00375-00226726-00227496 guess they're a day late yes today see Annie that looks almost like that's like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00376-00227496-00227941 a private yeah private party over there but that's still fun to watch you know I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00377-00227941-00228577 love I love fireworks man I really do yeah Richard zimmy's asked me every day 5gKw5jNSqkU-00378-00228577-00229194 are you from the French part of Canada no I can't speak a word in English 5gKw5jNSqkU-00379-00229194-00229892 French I mean you're French I'm sorry we are both from Paraguay or salsa Maria 5gKw5jNSqkU-00380-00229892-00230623 yeah we're German that's where the accent is coming from must have gotten 5gKw5jNSqkU-00381-00230623-00231867 the wall finished in did all too bad Howard they didn't they didn't keep you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00382-00231867-00232494 on the other side of the border just joking just sounding Maya into the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00383-00232494-00232944 cactus fields you have you so long yeah there is a lot of cactus out here in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00384-00232944-00233756 Laredo man there was a lot Jane says hi Rudy do you have park smart in that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00385-00233756-00234513 Cascadia Park smart yeah I think he's referring to the smart idling program 5gKw5jNSqkU-00386-00234513-00234966 and yes I do actually we do and that's an awesome awesome system I don't think 5gKw5jNSqkU-00387-00234966-00235494 I've talked too much about it now maybe I should talk about it and and what we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00388-00235494-00236034 have here at the company as well is with these new trucks they install a 3000 5gKw5jNSqkU-00389-00236034-00236703 watt inverter into the truck so you have plenty of power and they install an 5gKw5jNSqkU-00390-00236703-00237201 extra four set of an extra four batteries into the truck so that way 5gKw5jNSqkU-00391-00237201-00237750 they can operate that no problem and they install a pretty good bunk heater 5gKw5jNSqkU-00392-00237750-00238188 and that bunk heater is hooked up with the engine here at the engine block so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00393-00238188-00238773 it pumps the antifreeze 3d heater blessed it heats my bunk right so that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00394-00238773-00239348 way I can always start my truck and I can go in and I got a turn on Mikey I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00395-00239348-00239796 got to press a button couple of buttons in here and then it's set that it will 5gKw5jNSqkU-00396-00239796-00240371 automatically start when the battery gets below twelve point two volt or if 5gKw5jNSqkU-00397-00240371-00240794 it gets too cold or or it's not hot enough or any more to any freezer 5gKw5jNSqkU-00398-00240794-00241314 whatever that's say in winter and we also have the battery operated AC system 5gKw5jNSqkU-00399-00241314-00241881 in here as well so if that is not able to keep it up then a truck will 5gKw5jNSqkU-00400-00241881-00242421 automatically start up and it will it will cool it down in here I think it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00401-00242421-00243108 got to be above 68 Fahrenheit in order for the AC system to kick in on the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00402-00243108-00243542 truck part the AC on the battery part no problem I can have that on anytime I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00403-00243542-00243831 want right but yes it does have the smart 5gKw5jNSqkU-00404-00243831-00244316 idling in it so that is all amazing we used it earlier when we cooked our meal 5gKw5jNSqkU-00405-00244316-00244773 you know after a little while because that uses quite a bit of power like that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00406-00244773-00245377 cooking stove that we have it uses quite a bit of power so when we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00407-00245377-00245911 were cooking earlier as soon as you know the battery gets a little bit lower then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00408-00245911-00246376 the truck started up and I got it on right now so that way you know because 5gKw5jNSqkU-00409-00246376-00246706 we are doing a reset over here basically we're sitting here since last night 5gKw5jNSqkU-00410-00246706-00247087 already if we weren't doing that and we would have had to start the truck in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00411-00247087-00247438 between already right and now I don't have to worry about it all I got to do 5gKw5jNSqkU-00412-00247438-00247900 is to turn the key on set it all up and it does its own thing right and it runs 5gKw5jNSqkU-00413-00247900-00248341 until it thinks that the batteries are charged enough and we're good to go we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00414-00248341-00248773 don't have to worry about it right Carla had says I took two years of French in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00415-00248773-00249640 high school hey there you go jukeboxes I can't speak french french fries yeah I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00416-00249640-00250248 know do box-to-box coupons he likes to have a little fun maybe we should go to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00417-00250248-00250882 Walmart together again what do you think their jukebox Elias is does your truck 5gKw5jNSqkU-00418-00250882-00251356 have an APU nope we don't need an APU unit because we got all the extra 5gKw5jNSqkU-00419-00251356-00251848 batteries we got the battery-operated AC like I just explained so yeah we don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00420-00251848-00252271 need any of it it's got the great bunk heater and if it's not enough then the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00421-00252271-00252644 truck will start up and heat me up right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00422-00253292-00253819 more attention at it no yeah I think that's the same at our 5gKw5jNSqkU-00423-00253819-00254275 Sun with Diego yeah but then the question is where are you really going 5gKw5jNSqkU-00424-00254275-00254644 to use the French well if you want a more pretty government you have to speak 5gKw5jNSqkU-00425-00254644-00255076 both well maybe that but then you have to live in Canada right I mean here in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00426-00255076-00255442 the US would probably be Spanish well I don't even think they require you to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00427-00255442-00255969 speak Spanish but I I mean depending on which country you're from but you know I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00428-00255969-00256504 I don't know I to me I see that as kind of useless but you know it's nice to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00429-00256504-00256861 speak more than one language I mean don't get me wrong I do too but in all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00430-00256861-00257452 of it you know whatever right I don't care for the French 90 Bob Hope says 5gKw5jNSqkU-00431-00257452-00257865 yeah yeah I didn't answer if you were going to ever go back to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00432-00257865-00258602 being an owner/operator okay they are marvin paulsen oh no don't go 5gKw5jNSqkU-00433-00258602-00259733 to Walmart together again yeah that was that was fun night oh yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00434-00259733-00260258 going in there with you folks just like going into candy store with a little kid 5gKw5jNSqkU-00435-00260258-00260482 right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00436-00260834-00261452 Robert medals yeah there you go I see on jukeboxes radio show all the time and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00437-00261452-00261869 maybe we should give a few shoutouts maybe earlier says get a lot of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00438-00261869-00262547 Instagram notification stare Rudy I sometimes do not too often but you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00439-00262547-00263220 I mean you guys see my I post all the time on there oh yeah still have to find 5gKw5jNSqkU-00440-00263220-00264110 that Bigfoot suit yeah well for those of you guys that are new to our channel we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00441-00264110-00264608 we do love supporting the community out here and we love giving shoutouts and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00442-00264608-00265007 stuff like that so if you have a youtube channel we love supporting you guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00443-00265007-00265494 especially if you have positive videos on your youtube channel which that's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00444-00265494-00265989 what our channel is all based on we love to be positive and inspiring to other 5gKw5jNSqkU-00445-00265989-00266490 people and you know I always say that I you know I've quit listening to news and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00446-00266490-00267098 stuff like that because I like to be positive and that's what my what I like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00447-00267098-00267674 my videos to be about - alright so and if you have a positive youtube channel 5gKw5jNSqkU-00448-00267674-00268181 we would love to you know collaborate with you and and we love to give those 5gKw5jNSqkU-00449-00268181-00268646 channels shoutouts so let's gave TRUCKING review channel he has a youtube 5gKw5jNSqkU-00450-00268646-00269306 channel so check him out and subscribe if you like his content Angie yeah Angie 5gKw5jNSqkU-00451-00269306-00269844 and Chuck they should be back here next week I think they said on the 6 they 5gKw5jNSqkU-00452-00269844-00270206 should be back on a regular schedule base they took a little bit over break 5gKw5jNSqkU-00453-00270206-00270680 and then there's truck or jukebox you probably seen them on here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00454-00270680-00271250 check his channel out and see if you like it yeah yeah is there yeah check 5gKw5jNSqkU-00455-00271250-00271775 out his channel Alec express that I mentioned earlier he just went life 5gKw5jNSqkU-00456-00271775-00272567 there trucking a no trucker 3:16 is there I don't know if he's there right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00457-00272567-00273047 now watching us but he's got a YouTube channel dry chef drew he's not a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00458-00273047-00273599 trucking channel but he does some home videos fun videos to watch definitely 5gKw5jNSqkU-00459-00273599-00274151 check him out okay Howard says Rudy jukebox and me take a trip to Walmart 5gKw5jNSqkU-00460-00274151-00275147 there he'll be could raise oh yeah no definitely souls are we missing tuning 5gKw5jNSqkU-00461-00275147-00276113 he says cubic cross Germans we're German yeah Angie and trucks say 5gKw5jNSqkU-00462-00276113-00276415 they will be back on January 6 that's right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00463-00276415-00277133 but yeah so who olds are we missing lots of French and North Eastern Ontario I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00464-00277133-00277811 live about half hour from the Quebec border oh I believe that yeah can 5gKw5jNSqkU-00465-00277811-00278531 someone tell me what accent that is from from South America German yeah German 5gKw5jNSqkU-00466-00278531-00279494 that's what it is yeah not thank you guys you are sorry 5gKw5jNSqkU-00467-00279494-00280148 Marvin Holton body you are down there in Texas teach those Texans how to barbecue 5gKw5jNSqkU-00468-00280148-00281021 beef ribs well they gotta come and eat first right we got a grill we got a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00469-00281021-00281504 grill a nice barbecue once once we get back home again that's for sure yeah I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00470-00281504-00281987 do see quite a few notifications on Instagram right now somebody must be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00471-00281987-00282689 checking it out that's all right dad says I cheer you it people I know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00472-00282689-00283166 but that would be very bad Lowell my friends are terrible people 5gKw5jNSqkU-00473-00283166-00283867 oh boy maybe you gotta choose better friends 5gKw5jNSqkU-00474-00283867-00284555 that's all it goes like yeah Angie Chuck shall say yep back on January 6th what 5gKw5jNSqkU-00475-00284555-00285071 is the difference between speaking high and Lord German John had is asking 5gKw5jNSqkU-00476-00285071-00285677 what's the difference between high German and Lord German I would say the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00477-00285677-00286568 Mennonites are the Lord German accent it's like Swedish or Danish it's kind of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00478-00286568-00287084 similarity to German they're connected somehow I think they're different kind 5gKw5jNSqkU-00479-00287084-00288215 of but to put it in simple terms I think the high German is the Germany language 5gKw5jNSqkU-00480-00288215-00288863 so that would explain it a little bit to you guys and then the Lord German is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00481-00288863-00289657 like the Mennonite language kind of like that Ukraine from Poland in Ukraine 5gKw5jNSqkU-00482-00289657-00290546 already of our men of the Mennonites yeah but it's it's a man I would say 5gKw5jNSqkU-00483-00290546-00291148 similar to Swedish or Danish or that kind of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00484-00291155-00291848 but also we have crowd dog says thanks you guys are so charming sorry you're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00485-00291848-00292457 behind by so much on that chat it's going to be confusing ah sorry about 5gKw5jNSqkU-00486-00292457-00293048 that yeah sometimes yeah we get yapping away and then we lose track of the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00487-00293048-00293435 comments right that's just how it goes and can you just imagine what it would 5gKw5jNSqkU-00488-00293435-00293996 be like having 10,000 people tuning in and then you see 10,000 comments rolling 5gKw5jNSqkU-00489-00293996-00294455 through man oh man I watched somebody the other day and they are like that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00490-00294455-00295238 that would be insanely hard trying to keep up at all them comments I am more 5gKw5jNSqkU-00491-00295238-00296030 first okay crowd dog says nah I love them they are fun as long as at arm's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00492-00296030-00296549 length oh so that's why some German sounds so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00493-00296549-00297152 completely different always wonder that yeah yeah yeah oh yeah it's it's kind of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00494-00297152-00297584 like even like with the Spanish language you you take a look at for instance 5gKw5jNSqkU-00495-00297584-00298121 Mexico and Cuba they both speak Spanish right but they have such a different 5gKw5jNSqkU-00496-00298121-00298838 dial like even them - they have a hard time understanding each other there are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00497-00298838-00299387 a lot of different words and parents yeah I have noticed that I were used to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00498-00299387-00299981 work with our Mexican lady from Mexico she knew I could speak some Spanish so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00499-00299981-00300611 she tried to talk Spanish to me I got so ridiculous confused because there are so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00500-00300611-00301229 many words that were different than what we used so yeah and that's what German 5gKw5jNSqkU-00501-00301229-00301667 the same way he's somebody said there is Laura German 5gKw5jNSqkU-00502-00301667-00302225 is in Australia - hey how it is I feel so blessed to talk to Rudy and jukebox 5gKw5jNSqkU-00503-00302225-00302750 on a regular basis on phone conversations both great guys proud to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00504-00302750-00303260 call the brothers from other mothers okay that's Howard yeah Richards amis I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00505-00303260-00303939 am more first-generation polish-american okay oh cool awesome awesome 5gKw5jNSqkU-00506-00303939-00304425 hey anyways I'm starting to run out of things to talk about 5gKw5jNSqkU-00507-00304425-00305056 Jeff moths I believe he is new right here must be doesn't sound like he's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00508-00305056-00305683 I've ever seen a comment from him before Oh Jeff Maehl says oh no does this mean 5gKw5jNSqkU-00509-00305683-00306403 there could be little rudy running around next fall no I hope not there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00510-00306403-00307897 will be no more little Rudy it could be a girl too right I'm a big boy that's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00511-00307897-00308440 for sure that's enough of me already 5gKw5jNSqkU-00512-00308440-00308862 you know you guys get to see enough of me already here on YouTube so there's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00513-00308862-00309472 probably I think we got 1400 videos here on YouTube already so you can watch 5gKw5jNSqkU-00514-00309472-00311005 plenty of them but you know all right now we got 52 viewers yeah that's we're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00515-00311005-00311836 doing pretty good tonight that's for sure that was good you guys are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00516-00311836-00312538 wonderful I know you'll grow fast if you just dream well really well have a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00517-00312538-00313081 wonderful night hope you had a great New Year's yes we did so far it's been great 5gKw5jNSqkU-00518-00313081-00313654 got the got to spend the time together which that very rarely happens in the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00519-00313654-00314143 trucking industry you know like usually we always spend Christmas together but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00520-00314143-00314833 then usually for New Year's I leave right away yeah be using New Year's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00521-00314833-00315652 I am stuck in Texas because they told us yesterday that apparently so called 5gKw5jNSqkU-00522-00315652-00316093 they're three boxes short of our product that they need to get loaded and so 5gKw5jNSqkU-00523-00316093-00316567 therefore we cannot get loaded until tomorrow yeah that's what it is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00524-00316567-00317115 the Shawn Murphy journal ok yes just turn then he says East and West Germans 5gKw5jNSqkU-00525-00317115-00317601 speak different yeah yeah that I've heard that too yeah that's like going to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00526-00317601-00318177 different country is what somebody told me wants yeah yeah but I like the way to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00527-00318177-00318598 have it set up in Germany where or in Europe there where you can like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00528-00318598-00319080 basically go through several countries without borders kind of deal that's nice 5gKw5jNSqkU-00529-00319080-00319621 yeah you know like not like this here we have to actually physically cross the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00530-00319621-00320535 borders right that would be kind of fun to see that one day has got to go and it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00531-00320535-00321139 was it has been a pleasure talking to y'all take care later ok yeah so you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00532-00321139-00321493 guys fired a questions our way and we will try and answer them and that's how 5gKw5jNSqkU-00533-00321493-00321882 it usually works once we start running out of things to talk about and we hang 5gKw5jNSqkU-00534-00321882-00322924 it up and I think it is getting close to that time yeah hey I like I see you made 5gKw5jNSqkU-00535-00322924-00323544 it in I was telling my wife earlier yeah but you know 10 minutes into our show 5gKw5jNSqkU-00536-00323544-00324016 you went and a life choice and well unfortunately I won't be able to tune in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00537-00324016-00325010 because I'm doing a live show did you eat any burritos yes we did yes we did 5gKw5jNSqkU-00538-00325038-00325594 yeah happy New Year to you as well Alec we gotta get together one day there I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00539-00325594-00326103 like you got a PME or maybe find me on my facebook there or something like that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00540-00326103-00326521 and maybe we got to exchange phone numbers or something like that and maybe 5gKw5jNSqkU-00541-00326521-00327091 one day we can run into each other and that would be kind of kind of nice my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00542-00327091-00327448 facebook link should be in the description below there Alec if you ever 5gKw5jNSqkU-00543-00327448-00328083 want to check it out or whatever or I got Instagram on there as well so maybe 5gKw5jNSqkU-00544-00328083-00328575 you can get ahold of each other one day and somehow maybe meet up that would be 5gKw5jNSqkU-00545-00328575-00329167 awesome he says Happy New Year take a see we're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00546-00329167-00329800 still there oh yeah you'll delete it the message already oh my Happy New Year and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00547-00329800-00330652 make 2019 a great year okay yeah yeah we definitely will do that yeah Alec we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00548-00330652-00331105 give you a shout out here a little bit ago if you watched her if you will go 5gKw5jNSqkU-00549-00331105-00331849 watch the replay you will definitely hear me giving you a shout out that you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00550-00331849-00332227 get the number no unfortunately I didn't I was gonna take a screenshot of it and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00551-00332227-00332725 my phone didn't react properly there's like I locked it instead of taking a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00552-00332725-00333391 screenshot of it so unfortunately I did not but you know you can you can go all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00553-00333391-00333808 kinds of ways about contacting me you can find me on Facebook if you don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00554-00333808-00334419 like Facebook I have Instagram I have Twitter let me retry this year again 5gKw5jNSqkU-00555-00334419-00335229 let's see if that actually worked that might we'll see yeah we'll save that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00556-00335229-00336037 hopefully that will work but yeah just got a message my Volvo should be ready 5gKw5jNSqkU-00557-00336037-00336667 for the road Friday whose owner says what do you usually do listen to while 5gKw5jNSqkU-00558-00336667-00337201 driving well most of the time I talk to my friends on the phone but you know I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00559-00337201-00337753 do listen to music a little bit once in a while and a great show to listen to is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00560-00337753-00338218 truck or jukebox classic radio show on speaker radio you guys are awesome 5gKw5jNSqkU-00561-00338218-00338820 thanks Alex yeah I think it's Mitch Michael be just God 5gKw5jNSqkU-00562-00338887-00339513 Oh Mitch Burrard yeah I know who he is yeah your body he has 5gKw5jNSqkU-00563-00339513-00340173 turned in yeah you said he's gonna get a new well not new but a different truck 5gKw5jNSqkU-00564-00340173-00340752 right so so that's awesome so you shouldn't have it by Friday so you want 5gKw5jNSqkU-00565-00340752-00341217 to have to spend another couple of days at home I listen to the business Channel 5gKw5jNSqkU-00566-00341217-00341967 and try to learn yeah so you must have XM radio than Sirius XM radio which I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00567-00341967-00342288 don't have anymore I kind of got tired of it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00568-00342288-00342717 listening to it for so many years already and this truck doesn't have it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00569-00342717-00343334 built-in so I would actually have to get a physical XM radio which you know as a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00570-00343334-00343824 company driver and having to feed a family its kind of tough right so I used 5gKw5jNSqkU-00571-00343824-00344190 to have it in the Volvo it was built into the radio that that came with when 5gKw5jNSqkU-00572-00344190-00344604 I got the wall was so it was just a matter of paying at once a year and you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00573-00344604-00345207 know you made more money - right I love your energy thank you I appreciate it I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00574-00345207-00345726 just finished telling my viewers earlier I said I I love making positive videos 5gKw5jNSqkU-00575-00345726-00346302 and if if I can't say nothing positive I kind of like just don't make a video 5gKw5jNSqkU-00576-00346302-00346694 then right that's kind of my attitude like that's how I deal with it you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00577-00346694-00347142 and if I have an issue with somebody I deal with them privately not get on 5gKw5jNSqkU-00578-00347142-00347676 YouTube here and and make videos about it right that's how I deal and I I saw 5gKw5jNSqkU-00579-00347676-00348138 your your show the other day yeah like I thought I saw that you or you talked 5gKw5jNSqkU-00580-00348138-00348540 about it that at one point you had thousands and thousands of subscribers 5gKw5jNSqkU-00581-00348540-00348993 on one of your YouTube channel I was gonna ask you why did you decide to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00582-00348993-00349602 delete that channel if you had so many so many subscribers Jeff has made it in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00583-00349602-00350052 here yeah he was one question before that what did you do before trucking and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00584-00350052-00350670 when did you start shopping okay well I started trucking in o8 in August and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00585-00350670-00351144 oval-8 I started trucking and I started as a flatbed driver 5gKw5jNSqkU-00586-00351144-00351915 okay have a good night there Lilian and believe I say her name right I started 5gKw5jNSqkU-00587-00351915-00352301 as a flat flat bad driver for big Freight 5gKw5jNSqkU-00588-00352301-00352673 and then I did that for a year in a month and a half or so and then I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00589-00352673-00353234 started with Penner's but before that we we obviously grew up in South America 5gKw5jNSqkU-00590-00353234-00354482 and then in 2001 we moved to Canada and right away from the get-go I I I was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00591-00354482-00355010 just reading the comment from Alex here I never thought that I was going to go 5gKw5jNSqkU-00592-00355010-00355657 back to YouTube oh okay too bad and by yeah so I and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00593-00355657-00356309 2001 we moved to Canada and then I did I started working at Lowell Mendes right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00594-00356309-00356717 away because that's what I did in South America is would work and I do enjoy 5gKw5jNSqkU-00595-00356717-00357215 that so I had quite a bit experience with that and so I got hired on there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00596-00357215-00357743 right away they paid me really good back in 2001 I was getting over $10 an hour 5gKw5jNSqkU-00597-00357743-00358400 already over there so that was pretty good and so I worked there for just shy 5gKw5jNSqkU-00598-00358400-00358967 of seven years I believe it was so I you know my history goes to show you I don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00599-00358967-00359606 quit working anywhere once I admit to work and somewhere I kind of stay there 5gKw5jNSqkU-00600-00359606-00360653 you know still exist yeah Logan windows windows windows and doors but the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00601-00360653-00361559 business went way down and 2008 and economy went downhill yes Don yes 5gKw5jNSqkU-00602-00361559-00362087 because most of the windows and doors go to get to the US yeah exactly most of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00603-00362087-00362573 them most of that and I worked in the specialty department where we made 5gKw5jNSqkU-00604-00362573-00363128 custom windows and doors so any kind of model frame different shapes whatever 5gKw5jNSqkU-00605-00363128-00363761 you know it was what I built right and and so because the economy went so bad I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00606-00363761-00364211 had no choice than to start looking for another job cuz she was working there as 5gKw5jNSqkU-00607-00364211-00364676 well and she got laid off a couple of months before I actually decided to go 5gKw5jNSqkU-00608-00364676-00365210 into trucking and and I never looked back how long have 5gKw5jNSqkU-00609-00365210-00365834 you been on YouTube well wait too long I should I weigh more subscribers but now 5gKw5jNSqkU-00610-00365834-00366431 not too long I enjoy making YouTube videos I really do I think it was 2014 I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00611-00366431-00367499 want to say well I've been on YouTube my account has been mid July 2014 is when I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00612-00367499-00368128 actually started this channel and I started producing videos I had to had 5gKw5jNSqkU-00613-00368128-00368785 the account I think from 2010 if I'm not mistaken but I only started producing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00614-00368785-00369518 videos in July of 2014 and you know like but anything right it takes a while 5gKw5jNSqkU-00615-00369518-00370043 especially with this niche and all like it seems like it takes takes a while to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00616-00370043-00371264 grow any anyways you know I I'm a you never know right you like I like your 5gKw5jNSqkU-00617-00371264-00371897 channel what are your top favorite YouTube channels well I'll like you may 5gKw5jNSqkU-00618-00371897-00372374 not know this but I really love tech channels I really I'm into tech I love 5gKw5jNSqkU-00619-00372374-00373031 technology I love computers phones and stuff like that so I watch a lot of tech 5gKw5jNSqkU-00620-00373031-00373507 channels I also love 5gKw5jNSqkU-00621-00373582-00374416 what's a call again trying to think of it do you all have to think about it huh 5gKw5jNSqkU-00622-00374416-00375053 yeah I love Photoshop videos or not really so much Photoshop but a lot of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00623-00375053-00375398 all kinds of shows about cameras and stuff like that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00624-00375398-00375811 all kinds of rumors about what kind of cameras are coming out and stuff right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00625-00375811-00376423 so I'm not sure that I particularly have like a top 5 that I really like I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00626-00376423-00377072 basically watch a lot of YouTube that's why we don't even have to like regular 5gKw5jNSqkU-00627-00377072-00377783 TV in the truck or at home even right we we basically watch Netflix on YouTube 5gKw5jNSqkU-00628-00377783-00378065 and a little bit of hula here in the US but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00629-00378065-00378653 that's about it like we we love watching a lot of oh I watch a lot of tech 5gKw5jNSqkU-00630-00378653-00379106 Channel so that's basically what it goes iDevice help 5gKw5jNSqkU-00631-00379106-00379553 I think we're idea I device is one of the YouTube channels that are watched a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00632-00379553-00380234 lot every everything iPhone I want to say it his channel is he has a lot about 5gKw5jNSqkU-00633-00380234-00380846 Apple products and stuff like I'm a big fan of Apple right so that's why I'll 5gKw5jNSqkU-00634-00380846-00381599 kind of watch a lot of those videos and then you know like I watch Derral Eve's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00635-00381599-00382139 he is a big youtuber as well always talking about how you can improve 5gKw5jNSqkU-00636-00382139-00382724 YouTube channels and stuff like that then there's Tim Schmoyer he's got a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00637-00382724-00383351 family as well and oh happy new years to you as well so I watch a lot of his 5gKw5jNSqkU-00638-00383351-00383777 videos I don't watch him as much as I used to anymore but he's got great 5gKw5jNSqkU-00639-00383777-00384338 content there's another one he's got a bit of a weird name there so I can't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00640-00384338-00384893 remember his name but yeah so those are just some of the channels you and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00641-00384893-00385808 trucker jukebox are a really good night yeah Robert 5gKw5jNSqkU-00642-00385808-00386272 have a good night they're like 10 people 5gKw5jNSqkU-00643-00386287-00386935 that's what we tried to do right and that's I think we're doing alright I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00644-00386935-00387734 mean we're not trying to be entertaining in a negative way but is it a big hassle 5gKw5jNSqkU-00645-00387734-00388406 going in and all of us in Canada not anymore not anymore it lasts up 5gKw5jNSqkU-00646-00388406-00388997 before Christmas it was a long line ups yeah line ups is one thing but it's not 5gKw5jNSqkU-00647-00388997-00389465 actually a hassle right legate's it's a long line up guy you might have to wait 5gKw5jNSqkU-00648-00389465-00389846 a little bit to get across the border but actually getting across the border 5gKw5jNSqkU-00649-00389846-00390365 is not a hassle at all all you got to do is make sure that you communicate with 5gKw5jNSqkU-00650-00390365-00390878 your dispatcher and then make sure that they let you know if you are actually 5gKw5jNSqkU-00651-00390878-00391310 good to cross right so that's all you got to really make sure of that that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00652-00391310-00391784 you're good to cross and as long as you don't try to bring contraband or illegal 5gKw5jNSqkU-00653-00391784-00392233 stuff across the border then you're good to go all right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00654-00392620-00393350 only if you go into the u.s. they're they're really picky if if you if you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00655-00393350-00393767 want to go into the u.s. they're don't really like you bringing like say green 5gKw5jNSqkU-00656-00393767-00394472 peppers tomatoes tomatoes specially I'll always take those away from you onions 5gKw5jNSqkU-00657-00394472-00394973 and stuff like that or or let's say an orange or an apple or banana they don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00658-00394973-00395489 want you taking that across the borders like really come on guys you know how 5gKw5jNSqkU-00659-00395489-00395936 are we supposed to eat healthy we can't even have a salad or tomatoes with us 5gKw5jNSqkU-00660-00395936-00396560 right I love a tomato sandwich or or having tomatoes on a sandwich you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00661-00396560-00397208 and so you can't even do that so I always have to stop somewhere at wall 5gKw5jNSqkU-00662-00397208-00397832 marker or quick trips they actually are really good for supplying a lot of food 5gKw5jNSqkU-00663-00397832-00398375 so I like stopping at the Kwik Trip especially in Minnesota and Wisconsin 5gKw5jNSqkU-00664-00398375-00399095 they've gotten quite a few of them now and you can go in there and and do all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00665-00399095-00399383 kinds of grocery shopping they have a little bit of meat there you can buy 5gKw5jNSqkU-00666-00399383-00400106 onions potatoes bananas oranges tomatoes just about anything you want for in a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00667-00400106-00400615 truck at a quick trip you know they're fairly decent prices too 5gKw5jNSqkU-00668-00400677-00401175 yeah y'all they are a truckstop but they are better than these big chain truck 5gKw5jNSqkU-00669-00401175-00401574 stops right so that's what I'm saying and then these big chain truck stops 5gKw5jNSqkU-00670-00401574-00402053 they don't have it right like they don't have no tomatoes here even the bananas 5gKw5jNSqkU-00671-00402053-00403338 that we yeah yeah anyways hey thank you I like for the supercharger yeah he 5gKw5jNSqkU-00672-00403338-00404030 asked do you have good medical benefits well in Canada yes we do about when we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00673-00404030-00404555 travel outside of Canada you have to buy what's called travel insurance which is 5gKw5jNSqkU-00674-00404555-00405093 not too crazy expensive but now since I'm a company driver after 30 after 5gKw5jNSqkU-00675-00405093-00405672 three months I get benefit from the company and that includes traveling to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00676-00405672-00406368 the United States benefits so I mean I don't know really how good it is but you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00677-00406368-00406967 know I don't really want to find out either right Minnesota the Kwik Trip 5gKw5jNSqkU-00678-00406967-00407523 stores are the main convenience store chains yeah yeah they are really really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00679-00407523-00407973 good I mean they're one-stop shop for ass truck drivers pretty much I mean you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00680-00407973-00408428 can buy bread anything you really want like I like I said that either even that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00681-00408428-00408881 potatoes they have steaks they have they have like hamburger meat everything like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00682-00408881-00409398 you can buy sandwich meat cheese and an eggs yeah they have really good butter 5gKw5jNSqkU-00683-00409398-00409868 over there like sometimes to have the butter for what was it a dollar 5gKw5jNSqkU-00684-00409868-00410331 ninety-nine a pound for a stick of butter for real butter not this fake 5gKw5jNSqkU-00685-00410331-00410862 stuff you know and I really enjoy that forty nine cents a dozen eggs you know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00686-00410862-00411285 you can't really beat that you can like not even in Canada you can get them that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00687-00411285-00411675 cheap you know Don Kellogg's is I remember QuikTrip was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00688-00411675-00412055 a decent fuel stuff and I ran out of the scones 5gKw5jNSqkU-00689-00412055-00412625 yeah and a good thing about the Kwik Trip truck stops - is especially up here 5gKw5jNSqkU-00690-00412625-00413114 North they actually have number-one diesel so if you were if it's really 5gKw5jNSqkU-00691-00413114-00413504 cold you can actually get the number one diesel which is winterized so you don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00692-00413504-00413877 have to worry about freezing up right and a lot of these are places line J's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00693-00413877-00414260 or whatever they don't sell number one fuel you got always make sure you put 5gKw5jNSqkU-00694-00414260-00414959 edit this into it and pretty quick yeah well drop says the jukebox tell you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00695-00414959-00416196 about my brother passing away I heard something about somebody's lost on the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00696-00416196-00416684 heads family there but I have not been on the phone with you box here this week 5gKw5jNSqkU-00697-00416684-00417194 too much because I mean he was off to and you know I have my wife with me 5gKw5jNSqkU-00698-00417194-00417638 right so then we don't try to be on the phone too much right because we want to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00699-00417638-00418046 enjoy our each other's company - and it gets kind of boring for her - like if 5gKw5jNSqkU-00700-00418046-00418467 you just got to sit there and listen to me talk to my friends all day long right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00701-00418467-00419243 so yeah that's sorry to hear that fortunately we all got to go one day 5gKw5jNSqkU-00702-00419243-00420417 including me are in taxes - okay I don't know if they are the same as they are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00703-00420417-00420803 out there but I haven't really seen seeing them out there we have been 5gKw5jNSqkU-00704-00420803-00421669 married now since 2001 yes we got married on my birthday which is May 25th 5gKw5jNSqkU-00705-00421669-00422573 yeah yeah we're still a happy couple we're happily married that's it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00706-00422573-00423177 oh boy I guess everyone wants to go - I guess so I see the numbers are starting 5gKw5jNSqkU-00707-00423177-00423627 to drop - so I guess we're we're you want to call it a night eerie I think 5gKw5jNSqkU-00708-00423627-00424088 we've done pretty good already hey Olli give us another dollar hey thank you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00709-00424088-00424530 that's gonna get us a cup of coffee here in the morning and we can get a good 5gKw5jNSqkU-00710-00424530-00425107 start what is your favorite truck stop favorite truck stop 5gKw5jNSqkU-00711-00425107-00425713 well no no I go to the loves a lot to fuel up because I like their point 5gKw5jNSqkU-00712-00425713-00426178 system that they have there if you feel up more than 500 gallons you get two 5gKw5jNSqkU-00713-00426178-00426723 points per gallon if you fill out more than a thousand gallons you get to three 5gKw5jNSqkU-00714-00426723-00427110 points there's a three point I think it's three points per gallon that kind 5gKw5jNSqkU-00715-00427110-00427471 of system right so that's one of the reasons I really enjoy going there and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00716-00427471-00427965 they are making their truck stops bigger now but my favorite truck stop of all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00717-00427965-00428746 time I'm I would saw I would say our love Iowa 80 that is that is a pretty 5gKw5jNSqkU-00718-00428746-00429903 neat truck stop for me what is your favorite food I just wear a traditional 5gKw5jNSqkU-00719-00429903-00430552 just all-around old shoe I need to get me a new one this one is worth these 5gKw5jNSqkU-00720-00430552-00430986 ones are getting worn out I don't know I'm not outside that much right so I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00721-00430986-00431523 don't really I don't really have a favorite boot or anything like that I I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00722-00431523-00431896 don't know I don't spend outside that much when it's winter right we're 5gKw5jNSqkU-00723-00431896-00432264 driving all day long right so there's a short amount of time that you walk 5gKw5jNSqkU-00724-00432264-00432784 outside and just open the trailer doors you don't really need any kind of super 5gKw5jNSqkU-00725-00432784-00433167 big boot or anything like that some people might think they need that but no 5gKw5jNSqkU-00726-00433167-00433726 not for me I mean I do have like work boots in there but steel toes and stuff 5gKw5jNSqkU-00727-00433726-00434318 but that's about it yeah Larry somehow says why talk to - 5gKw5jNSqkU-00728-00434336-00434653 that's right that's right that's a good point 5gKw5jNSqkU-00729-00434653-00435334 what's your favorite dinner for from your wife well from the wife probably 5gKw5jNSqkU-00730-00435334-00436113 past us I love past us that's for sure I love I love food you guys see that I'm 5gKw5jNSqkU-00731-00436113-00436753 big right she makes good food and she also makes bread if you guys didn't know 5gKw5jNSqkU-00732-00436753-00437176 that for those of you guys in her knew she actually bakes bread herself she's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00733-00437176-00437822 very very good at it my birthday is coming up on Friday well happy birthday 5gKw5jNSqkU-00734-00437822-00438399 yeah okay Danny says goodnight you two it was awesome to finally catch one of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00735-00438399-00438933 your live shows awesome awesome yeah we've been doing more and more of them 5gKw5jNSqkU-00736-00438933-00439278 here over the last little while which is fun especially now since I got the wife 5gKw5jNSqkU-00737-00439278-00439752 she can read the comments I mean we name may not be able to keep up with all of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00738-00439752-00440226 them all the time but and we missed any of your question so I'm sorry we'll try 5gKw5jNSqkU-00739-00440226-00440631 to get to them next time or you know I'll just repost them again once the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00740-00440631-00441117 comments slowed down a little bit or when our conversation slows down a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00741-00441117-00441539 little bit the things that we want to talk about right repost them and we'll 5gKw5jNSqkU-00742-00441539-00442791 definitely try to get to do you ever go ice fishing I have never gone ice 5gKw5jNSqkU-00743-00442791-00443247 fishing we we're actually thinking about doing that I was I was the last year the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00744-00443247-00443718 year before me and Ronnie and we went to one of the shacks where they have the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00745-00443718-00444162 ice fishing shack I've actually been at one of those but that's about as far as 5gKw5jNSqkU-00746-00444162-00445200 that went what the chocolate jukebox say hey Rudy your long-winded tonight well 5gKw5jNSqkU-00747-00445200-00445656 we're gonna keep you up two bugs Alec says what's your secret for a long 5gKw5jNSqkU-00748-00445656-00445883 marriage 5gKw5jNSqkU-00749-00445939-00446543 well my secret to it is is when you make a commitment you got to keep it right as 5gKw5jNSqkU-00750-00446543-00447432 it says in your wall of elves or whatever you call it yeah that's what it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00751-00447432-00448133 says in and that's you know what you got to do I've always said that you got to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00752-00448133-00448593 work things out and if you're not willing to work things out you shouldn't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00753-00448593-00449085 get married that's as simple as that that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00754-00449085-00449646 because it ain't gonna be easy trust me I'm not easy to get along with and she 5gKw5jNSqkU-00755-00449646-00450068 may not be easy to get along with at times right and that's just life I mean 5gKw5jNSqkU-00756-00450068-00450801 we all have we all have a bad sight right as the saying goes yeah we all 5gKw5jNSqkU-00757-00450801-00451151 have baggage we all have things that we experience in our life 5gKw5jNSqkU-00758-00451151-00451667 and we all have things that our partner may not like right and you just got to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00759-00451667-00452294 work through them and you know a lot of I see a lot of times nowadays and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00760-00452294-00452699 marriages it's like oh I don't like this or I don't like that I'm just gonna 5gKw5jNSqkU-00761-00452699-00453126 leave you screw you right well that's the wrong kind of attitude to have in my 5gKw5jNSqkU-00762-00453126-00453566 opinion that's just I don't know that's just how it goes for me I think you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00763-00453566-00454031 gotta you gotta sit back I've always said this to jukebox - he can tell you 5gKw5jNSqkU-00764-00454031-00454676 this I I say if you're angry at somebody take a day off relax forget about it 5gKw5jNSqkU-00765-00454676-00455156 come back the next day when you can be positive again right that's what I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00766-00455156-00456055 always say happy new years yeah that's right 5gKw5jNSqkU-00767-00456055-00456794 smokier take this cold weather back to Canada it's cool enough over there we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00768-00456794-00458105 don't really woodwork we would take this water yeah it's not how it works 5gKw5jNSqkU-00769-00458105-00459026 oh yeah automatic trucks 90 Bob hop says the quick trips in this Johnson and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00770-00459026-00459605 Minnesota are different from the ones down south okay yeah that's kind of what 5gKw5jNSqkU-00771-00459605-00459926 I was thinking too that they might be a little bit different I've got a question 5gKw5jNSqkU-00772-00459926-00460405 there about the automatic do you like the automatic better or your 13 speed 5gKw5jNSqkU-00773-00460405-00461105 well at times I like the standard better and at times I like the automatic better 5gKw5jNSqkU-00774-00461105-00461519 especially if you are that say in Chicago rush-hour traffic or Toronto 5gKw5jNSqkU-00775-00461519-00462239 rush-hour traffic the automatic is fantastic I love it I love it but then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00776-00462239-00462620 there are times where I would miss the standard especially if you're climbing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00777-00462620-00463277 hills or if you are in really bad weather then I would prefer the standard 5gKw5jNSqkU-00778-00463277-00463727 but I mean so far this truck has been behaving very very good 5gKw5jNSqkU-00779-00463727-00464267 it I don't know have you ever been in the military nope but I got very strict 5gKw5jNSqkU-00780-00464267-00464795 parents and ha ha I don't know I just I always grew up that way you know like 5gKw5jNSqkU-00781-00464795-00465395 you if you make a commitment you got to keep it right and then it goes up what's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00782-00465395-00465968 uh what's the saying it goes with your reputation right you got a you got a 5gKw5jNSqkU-00783-00465968-00466334 stand for something you ought to believe in something right how's the weather in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00784-00466334-00467303 Texas fantastic 63 Fahrenheit I think 16 degrees Celsius was that the other day 5gKw5jNSqkU-00785-00467303-00467795 video with you jukebox and Angela together would be a great comedy okay 5gKw5jNSqkU-00786-00467795-00468281 yeah that would be yeah that would be it's been a while since we met up with 5gKw5jNSqkU-00787-00468281-00468747 Angelo anyway so it would be kind of fun 5gKw5jNSqkU-00788-00469009-00469607 probably not no probably not I mean yeah we're happy Canadians we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00789-00469607-00470210 like it over there when we got all our friends down there right yeah I mean not 5gKw5jNSqkU-00790-00470210-00470729 that you guys aren't friendly or that you guys wouldn't be good friends I'm 5gKw5jNSqkU-00791-00470729-00471284 just saying I got my friends over there right and you know we got we got used to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00792-00471284-00471793 it right like I I grew up in a house where my parents always always moved 5gKw5jNSqkU-00793-00471793-00472403 around and I didn't like it right like my parents have moved to so many 5gKw5jNSqkU-00794-00472403-00472810 different houses and and then you got to change this school you got to change 5gKw5jNSqkU-00795-00472810-00473300 your friends and and all of that right so that was really difficult for me 5gKw5jNSqkU-00796-00473300-00473779 right because I think for kids specially right you get used to the kids and then 5gKw5jNSqkU-00797-00473779-00474224 yeah to the neighborhood and everything and then you got to move to different 5gKw5jNSqkU-00798-00474224-00474875 plates right yeah yeah well my experience was this last week difference 5gKw5jNSqkU-00799-00474875-00475658 is Canadian and in Americans I saw lots of drivers on the road Sean me DeLong 5gKw5jNSqkU-00800-00475658-00476231 finger way more often than in Canada I hardly ever see dozen Canada's hotel was 5gKw5jNSqkU-00801-00476231-00476741 my experience with the Americans oh yeah yeah this week we've gotten a few that 5gKw5jNSqkU-00802-00476741-00477147 actually showed us the number I tell the wife I show them back number 5gKw5jNSqkU-00803-00477147-00478089 two the meaning you're number two I'm number one right no I mean I got nothing 5gKw5jNSqkU-00804-00478089-00478513 against the us it's a great country I love driving in here and everything it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00805-00478513-00479092 it's fun to be out here but we got we we made it home over there right we we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00806-00479092-00479818 bought our house and we've been in it now what since 2003 2004 yeah and we 5gKw5jNSqkU-00807-00479818-00480262 haven't moved right and we loved it I mean we we loved all the lakes that are 5gKw5jNSqkU-00808-00480262-00480691 around our area there's a lot of lakes oh we love fishing and camping right and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00809-00480691-00481132 so why would we want to move from a beautiful country like that right it's 5gKw5jNSqkU-00810-00481132-00481491 peace and quiet nice nice neighborhood that we live in 5gKw5jNSqkU-00811-00481491-00482085 yeah no crime scene our neighborhoods yeah however anything gets stolen from 5gKw5jNSqkU-00812-00482085-00482697 our property it's nice and clean so yeah we enjoy it we enjoy it yeah Chuck 5gKw5jNSqkU-00813-00482697-00483130 Waggin says the secret of a good marriage is having a hard-working man 5gKw5jNSqkU-00814-00483130-00484155 and a beautiful woman you like your wife happy New Year to you that is because 5gKw5jNSqkU-00815-00484155-00485101 the jukebox said that is because we got too many oh okay I see jukeboxes yeah no 5gKw5jNSqkU-00816-00485101-00486076 that's okay I'm and I'm a cook steak - water cooking so how do you like how did 5gKw5jNSqkU-00817-00486076-00486768 you know how did you learn English so well well by having a lot of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00818-00486768-00487531 english-speaking friends and also when I worked at low on Windows we actually had 5gKw5jNSqkU-00819-00487531-00488353 a free class a couple of times a week for for a while that we could learn 5gKw5jNSqkU-00820-00488353-00488997 English and we and we had a great teacher that would teach us the 5gKw5jNSqkU-00821-00488997-00489433 grandmother the English they have like they what they call grandma right yeah 5gKw5jNSqkU-00822-00489433-00489729 grammar yeah I may never say it correctly 5gKw5jNSqkU-00823-00489729-00490408 but he taught us a lot not to speak properly plus I work with a lot of 5gKw5jNSqkU-00824-00490408-00490764 english-speaking people there and I always had a love for English I don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00825-00490764-00491314 know why but I just really enjoyed English and so I took English literature 5gKw5jNSqkU-00826-00491314-00492093 classes until I got the certificate tonight past yeah yeah I took an 80-hour 5gKw5jNSqkU-00827-00492093-00492499 course I still have a certificate hanging out that hosts at those two but 5gKw5jNSqkU-00828-00492499-00492964 other than that I think we're gonna wrap it up I appreciate all of you guys 5gKw5jNSqkU-00829-00492964-00493558 watching and thanks for this super chat donations that we have gotten I don't 5gKw5jNSqkU-00830-00493558-00494104 understand the truckin life yeah it's it's difficult it's uh if you have never 5gKw5jNSqkU-00831-00494104-00494683 been in a trucking life it it's not for everybody right it really isn't you got 5gKw5jNSqkU-00832-00494683-00495238 a you got a learn that you're not going to be with your family all the time and 5gKw5jNSqkU-00833-00495238-00495838 you're gonna miss some important events like when your kids grow up or birthdays 5gKw5jNSqkU-00834-00495838-00496438 or you might miss a Christmas or you might make miss a Thanksgiving or or 5gKw5jNSqkU-00835-00496438-00496852 whatever right it's trucking is definitely not for everybody you gotta 5gKw5jNSqkU-00836-00496852-00497320 get used to it it takes a little while to get used to it what made you move to 5gKw5jNSqkU-00837-00497320-00498070 Canada well I had family over there and that was basically one reason but I 5gKw5jNSqkU-00838-00498070-00498543 don't know ever since I was a little kid I had a dream that I would want to move 5gKw5jNSqkU-00839-00498543-00498981 to Canada one day he and I was able to talk her into moving and so we moved 5gKw5jNSqkU-00840-00498981-00499357 that's it anyways we're gonna go ahead and get out 5gKw5jNSqkU-00841-00499357-00499792 of here guys appreciate all you guys watching we'll see you on the next one 5gKw5jNSqkU-00842-00499792-00500553 have a great 2019 we'll see you next time later 5jJpMcu23Bg-00000-00000000-00001296 art bit little creative ice shoe 6oytvqghbzM-00000-00001164-00001464 Hello guys! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00001-00001464-00002164 Today we're eating a GIANT self-made strudel with chopped tomatoes, cheese & ham! 6oytvqghbzM-00002-00002564-00003176 Let's cut it! 6oytvqghbzM-00003-00004576-00005036 It looks so dashing 6oytvqghbzM-00004-00005736-00006316 Tadaaa 6oytvqghbzM-00005-00006516-00007256 Let's eat!! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00006-00009556-00010256 It tastes sooo gooood! 6oytvqghbzM-00007-00010456-00010856 Stay hydrated my friends 6oytvqghbzM-00008-00013556-00014356 It kinda tastes like a pizza, I love it! 6oytvqghbzM-00009-00015956-00016656 Adoring the crunchiness 6oytvqghbzM-00010-00016856-00017072 Whoops 6oytvqghbzM-00011-00018672-00019484 are you hungry too? :D 6oytvqghbzM-00012-00019984-00020684 Comment what I should eat next! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00013-00022584-00023584 Subscribe to my channel & leave a like! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00014-00026083-00026883 Will I manage to eat all of it? 6oytvqghbzM-00015-00029983-00030983 What's your favourite food? Comment it! 6oytvqghbzM-00016-00033584-00034584 Enjoy your meal too! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00017-00035084-00035384 For youuu 6oytvqghbzM-00018-00039084-00040352 Check out my new channel "Hlous Sleeping ASMR" if you like to fall asleep to MUKBANG sounds! 6oytvqghbzM-00019-00041752-00042152 Love the crusty top 6oytvqghbzM-00020-00044552-00045352 The half is gone! 6oytvqghbzM-00021-00047652-00048152 I think I can eat one more .. 6oytvqghbzM-00022-00052252-00052836 Thank you for watching my video I hope you enjoyed it! :D 6oytvqghbzM-00023-00052836-00053236 See you tomorrow! 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00000-00000456-00000960 all right finally got some new newts so here we are in the office section and the tank we're 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00001-00000960-00001768 going to today is this one over here this one's been sitting back here for well over a year and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00002-00001768-00002640 it had my one male nude in it i had a female and they were the new nudes but she died before 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00003-00002640-00003336 i got him in here and got the tank done but he used to get up on the hill here all the time and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00004-00003336-00003776 i think they were just really old when i got them because they are definitely full size when i got 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00005-00003776-00004432 them after seeing all these nudes that i saw this weekend at aqua shella which is where i got them 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00006-00004432-00004792 but before we get to the newts i figure we're going to clean this up 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00007-00004848-00005312 because you can see it's not in the best condition right now but all we really need to 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00008-00005312-00005744 do is a few things to clean it up and i figure i might as well take you guys along with me 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00009-00005744-00006320 as i do that and the first thing first let's go ahead and get the top off and clean it 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00010-00006464-00006944 which was easy i already wiped it down i was like oh maybe i should share the cleanup with 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00011-00006944-00007456 you guys as well and not just the newts because i know some of you guys be interested in the tank 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00012-00007536-00008112 and they're set up and what i've got in here man that is right has some hydrocodonal 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00013-00008248-00008880 trapartia however you say that and then there's also pilo moss well you see where someone's been 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00014-00008880-00009440 dying off really sure why i probably lacking nutrients i don't really fur or do much in here 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00015-00009528-00010184 it just has been doing its thing for the longest time and uh it's got some ozark mountain rock 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00016-00010280-00010696 it's actually what this ledge is and it's got some really neat substrate 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00017-00010760-00011520 which was a bioactive blend that i got from serpa design with coconut fibers um wood bark chips 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00018-00011656-00012360 sand i think and some rock and i've also got a nice piece of malaysian driftwood here pilo moss 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00019-00012360-00013088 and hydrocarbon stringing over it but first things first let's get this glass cleaned up 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00020-00013288-00013552 let's get a paper towel see what i can do with that 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00021-00013768-00014336 seems to be working pretty nicely so just regular old paper towel didn't even need a scraper 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00022-00014424-00014656 don't have to worry about scraping up my glass 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00023-00014904-00014991 works really well 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00024-00015440-00016128 all right work my way down all right so that's a bit better now i do have some like hazy film 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00025-00016128-00016560 here i don't know you guys know what that is in the comments below or how to get rid of that 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00026-00016656-00017032 i don't know if that's from dose of my iron ferts in there or what that's from 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00027-00017168-00017528 and it's kind of really hard to get off not sure why that happened 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00028-00017680-00018384 but i do like to keep this uh or well good idea to keep this moist 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00029-00018768-00019144 all right you don't want to put your nuts on dry land 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00030-00019248-00019784 or salamanders so now the next step will be to remove all this hair algae here 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00031-00019880-00020440 obviously we don't want them getting tangled up in that which is usually pretty easy to do 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00032-00020600-00021472 just peel away look at that nice rock right there looks like we need to scrape the bottom glass too 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00033-00021648-00022032 so we'll do that and we're pretty much set oh cherry shrimp still in there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00034-00022464-00023000 i haven't thrown foot in here forever since there was a nude in there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00035-00023240-00023984 i'll get that hydrocodone to spread out a little bit with what's left 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00036-00024504-00025416 see you're pretty crazy simple cleanup tiny bit over here wow you see all that hydrocarbon 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00037-00025416-00026080 where it's just ready to grow all around that but i'm not too worried about pulling 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00038-00026080-00026783 that out because uh more will grow better get the algae on right now 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00039-00027768-00028439 i look much much much better i think they'll like that this way they got a little rock that 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00040-00028439-00029583 goes up there kind of like a stairs up and out see the substrate more still kind of settling 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00041-00030304-00030864 next you see where i've got a lot of dying kind of moss i did check for funguses like 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00042-00030864-00031383 fuzzy funguses i wanted to make sure there was none of that going on in here or any mold 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00043-00031520-00032272 and luckily there wasn't any of that but i will go ahead and remove this which i should just be able 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00044-00032272-00033176 to pick right out and just like that pretty easy removal then that'll allow new stuff to grow in 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00045-00033296-00033848 like i could probably spread it out enough with this to patch it to make it look like 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00046-00033992-00034616 yeah make it look like i didn't even touch it so that's kind of nice can't be afraid to take 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00047-00034616-00035288 that kind of stuff out because it's just growing on a rock there's no dirt there that's just rock 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00048-00035880-00036584 so it's probably like a nutrients 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00049-00036656-00036856 i'm not really that worried about it covering 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00050-00036968-00037512 because it looks cool either way i mean you can't really go wrong look at that just the moss hanging 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00051-00037512-00038208 on the edge there and then like the open space actually i kind of like to open space better 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00052-00038432-00039200 nice for that part i think that looks pretty natural i'm loving it and they 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00053-00039200-00039760 got a bank on this side to go up now on to the nudes now that their new home is ready 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00054-00040184-00040800 but first huge shout out to houston frogs now they don't have a whole lot of subscribers i 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00055-00040800-00041368 met them at aqua shella in dallas and if we could show them some love get them up 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00056-00041368-00041864 maybe that would motivate them to do some more stuff on youtube it looks like they did something 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00057-00041864-00042352 a month ago they they throw some things out every once in a while but let's try to get them up to a 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00058-00042352-00042968 thousand or even over show them some love say tell them i sent you but they had one of the coolest 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00059-00042968-00043672 tables that i have ever seen in alcachella now they didn't really have fish or anything but 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00060-00043672-00044640 they had like blonde or dark fungus they had praying mantis they had a newts tadpoles all 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00061-00044640-00045320 kinds of stuff special substrate but these are the lake bermia i think that's how you say it 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00062-00045440-00046040 here they are lake irmia newts as you can see here they come from the mountains west of lake ermia 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00063-00046104-00046784 northwestern iran northeastern iraq and southeastern turkey and they can be kept 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00064-00046784-00047432 aquatic all through their entire life but love to climb and explore they do like floating plants 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00065-00047432-00048208 and land area as you can see from this lid as i said on that label they are definitely claimers 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00066-00048336-00048696 they're all over the place but these guys are really really cool 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00067-00048800-00049664 and thank you guys all for the support the other night and uh helping me out with the new fun now i 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00068-00049664-00050200 did make a trade on these with some guppies which was perfect because he actually bought some stuff 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00069-00050328-00051080 from me and i didn't even realize he did so we made a nice trade and um i'm super excited about 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00070-00051080-00051664 these i know you guys were excited when you saw me light up when i seen them you guys could tell and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00071-00051736-00052320 i much appreciated all the love you guys shared and showed so how could i not come home with 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00072-00052320-00052976 some but here will be their new home and i had to share the video with you guys because how could i 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00073-00052976-00053584 not too with all the love and support you guys have shown but i'm probably gonna have to put 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00074-00053584-00054048 the camera down to get these guys in there because i don't want them running away on me 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00075-00054216-00054776 you know yeah let's just get these in there i don't have a camera man i wish i did which 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00076-00054776-00055312 maybe one day wesley will be but well actually we need to update his tank as well maybe i'll 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00077-00055312-00055976 bring back the uh this old tank and i'll probably make this old this old tank as well since i mean 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00078-00055976-00056455 it's this little thing but we'll do wesley's as well here sometime sooner and later too 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00079-00056512-00056791 so that wasn't too bad i just ripped the lid off and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00080-00057016-00057408 kind of put the water gently to the side to get the ones on the wall into the water 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00081-00057496-00057912 now i think i'm just going to leave them in there and let them explore the tank by themselves 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00082-00057976-00058424 instead of like trying to dump them in or whatever then i can just remove that later on 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00083-00058576-00059216 make sure the label is not in the water though glues or anything getting in there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00084-00059424-00060048 all right get the lid on and as far as the lid i've got a twin wall polycarbonate top 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00085-00060160-00060824 custom cut so i mean there's no way for these guys to get in this is super or get 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00086-00060824-00061416 out this is super super tight i made it to kind of be airtight just enough to give it 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00087-00061416-00062112 a slight flow between like this hole and just a slight crack then i got like one of those uh 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00088-00062112-00062736 ones you would use for the glass i had an extra plopped it on there there we go 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00089-00062896-00063576 lake irmia newt new setup now as far as food maybe i'll you know up on some shrimp here and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00090-00063576-00064184 get some springtails and i don't know if they eat isopods or not i need to do some more research 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00091-00064320-00064960 on these guys oh look he's coming up and out nope oh man check it out how cool is that 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00092-00065191-00065984 you get to see one find his new home what is this space he's making his way 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00093-00066280-00066696 so he's the bravest one of them all i think the other ones are getting 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00094-00066696-00066952 curious because that other one is not in there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00095-00067200-00067536 he's making this climb you can do a little buddy 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00096-00067672-00068184 going super slow because they are unfamiliar with the territory 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00097-00068464-00069024 imagine it's in their nature to go slow in new territory 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00098-00069520-00070184 absolutely beautiful i just got to figure out how to get that haze off that glass now 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00099-00070440-00070560 they're all bunched up 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00100-00070792-00070912 let them take their time 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00101-00071288-00071584 oh that was so cool 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00102-00071832-00072016 come on fellas it's all right 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00103-00072312-00072584 you can do it oh he's about to 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00104-00072792-00072888 he's about to do 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00105-00073608-00074128 no one just took the point off the deepest edge i didn't even care it's like let me out 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00106-00074344-00074752 really hungry and here we have the um 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00107-00074928-00075784 they are black with yellow polka dots quite a beautiful specimen of newt 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00108-00075952-00076864 coming from the middle east the world from iran and iraq all the way to turkey 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00109-00077120-00077504 well i always go into the highest end here to get out 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00110-00077720-00078064 what do you think of them wesley good you like them 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00111-00078608-00079056 i think they're about to come out now well that's how the other one came out too 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00112-00079240-00079984 oh boy he's thinking about it is he gonna make the jump 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00113-00080440-00080608 is he gonna make the jump see him 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00114-00080776-00081384 he was thinking about it oh he got scared when he pointed at him oh he's going he's going for it 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00115-00081656-00082112 now let him take their time don't want to agitate her skin 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00116-00082448-00082784 oh there he went he made it i got two in 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00117-00083104-00083208 little dude 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00118-00083440-00083472 cool 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00119-00083816-00084184 two more still left 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00120-00088360-00088928 the big reason why i picked these guys over the other ones too is i wanted the alpine ones but 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00121-00088928-00089472 they didn't have any more of those then i saw these guys were climbing all over and i 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00122-00089472-00089936 figured it wouldn't be like the others where i'd stick them in here and want to 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00123-00089936-00090336 be able to see them but with the yellow polka dots and the climbing abilities 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00124-00090464-00091184 i think these will be much more active in this tank to be able to see oh no he fell the wrong way 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00125-00091416-00091656 that one's already climbing the mountain back there though 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00126-00091912-00092584 he's hit now 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00127-00092672-00092752 third one's out 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00128-00093768-00094512 oh i left fourth one coming out pretty much same way this guy's made it all 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00129-00094512-00094816 the way about around the corner oh there he went 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00130-00095024-00095656 now it says they can be fully aquatic but they really do like to be out of the water you see the 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00131-00095656-00096128 other one back over there climbing on the wall when they get into the water they kind of seem 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00132-00096128-00096648 scared probably because they don't know if there's any fish in there i can imagine in the wild if 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00133-00096648-00097344 they fall into the water like that they usually become snakes but i wonder if they have like a 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00134-00097344-00098184 scent gland because they all went the same route so far besides that guy kind of ended up there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00135-00098496-00099072 this guy went straight for that one corner so you definitely definitely need a tight lid 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00136-00099072-00099784 so so cool they can climb on the walls can you see him you really do blend in well though 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00137-00100256-00101040 yeah definitely happy about this this choice these guys are definitely active and about 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00138-00101216-00101768 don't seem to be all heidi so far this is cool 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00139-00102072-00102384 cool and you can see him in the water too 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00140-00102704-00102816 how neat is it 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00141-00103344-00103783 it's pretty cool dude 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00142-00104016-00105183 all the shrimp came out too and tons of shrimp came out so maybe they'll get some shrimp snacks 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00143-00106208-00106583 this is cool 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00144-00106808-00107464 now since i didn't have any springtails for them i do have some daphnia which i think will be good 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00145-00107464-00108200 for them i see them in the water i also have some black blackworms in here which go ahead 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00146-00108200-00108792 and try to get some of those too that foam and that food on there they should travel up there 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00147-00108792-00109440 no no as long as this guy doesn't eat that food first or girl it's a girl 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00148-00109752-00110320 and these guys will actually shed their skin too and actually molt like a snake kinda 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00149-00110488-00110880 it's really interesting i might as well add some green water and 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00150-00110880-00111504 get that daphnia going in real good too anyway there'll be a plethora of foods 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00151-00111744-00112183 springtails coming soon 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00152-00113200-00113640 all right so there you have the lake ermia newts if you guys like this please hit that like button 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00153-00113640-00114048 that would be awesome show the algorithm some love and yeah hit that subscribe if you haven't 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00154-00114048-00114544 we'll be coming up with updates on all kinds of things here going on and until next time 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00155-00114544-00116383 everybody please have a great one and thank you all for the support you guys are awesome 6oA5ZQ3nczy-00156-00119416-00119424 you 6415xxdbNnu-00000-00000041-00000123 Hi there. 6415xxdbNnu-00001-00000123-00000476 How would you calculate the volume of this building? 6415xxdbNnu-00002-00000476-00001016 You can describe the roof of this building with the graph of a function of two variables. 6415xxdbNnu-00003-00001016-00001420 This graph and the x-y-plane define a so called solid. 6415xxdbNnu-00004-00001420-00001807 The volume of this solid is the volume of the building. 6415xxdbNnu-00005-00001807-00002292 In this video, you are going to learn an easy method, which will enable you to approximate 6415xxdbNnu-00006-00002292-00002532 the volume of such a solid. 6415xxdbNnu-00007-00002584-00002810 Take a look at this example. 6415xxdbNnu-00008-00002889-00003534 You only see the part of the graph which lies above the yellow rectangle R shown here. 6415xxdbNnu-00009-00003534-00004173 If we connect the rectangle and the graph of the function, we end up with the solid shown here. 6415xxdbNnu-00010-00004173-00004465 Suppose you need to calculate the volume of this solid, 6415xxdbNnu-00011-00004465-00004665 how would you do that? 6415xxdbNnu-00012-00004773-00005367 Before trying to answer this question, let’s first recall the similar problem one dimension lower. 6415xxdbNnu-00013-00005410-00005856 Given a function f of one variable on the interval a to b, 6415xxdbNnu-00014-00005856-00006409 you know how to calculate the area of the region that lies under the graph of f. 6415xxdbNnu-00015-00006411-00007013 This area is equal to the integral of f of x where x runs from a to b. 6415xxdbNnu-00016-00007013-00007650 This integral is defined as the limit of a Riemann sum shown here. 6415xxdbNnu-00017-00007650-00008347 The area can, of course, always be approximated by a Riemann sum, as shown here. 6415xxdbNnu-00018-00008347-00008895 We have divided the interval from a to b in n smaller intervals, 6415xxdbNnu-00019-00008895-00009130 each with width delta x, 6415xxdbNnu-00020-00009130-00009598 and selected the right point x-i from the i-th interval. 6415xxdbNnu-00021-00009598-00010264 Then a rectangle is drawn with height f at x-i and above the i-th interval. 6415xxdbNnu-00022-00010264-00010944 By adding the areas of all the rectangles, we obtain an approximation of the area of the region. 6415xxdbNnu-00023-00011002-00011286 Could we perhaps do something similar 6415xxdbNnu-00024-00011286-00011596 in respect to the volume of a region in 3-space, 6415xxdbNnu-00025-00011596-00012078 which lies under the graph of a function and above a rectangle? 6415xxdbNnu-00026-00012078-00012732 Let’s start with dividing the rectangle R in n smaller strips with width delta x. 6415xxdbNnu-00027-00012732-00013250 If we now divide each of these strips into m rectangles with width delta y 6415xxdbNnu-00028-00013250-00013610 we obtain n times m smaller rectangles 6415xxdbNnu-00029-00013610-00014069 with area delta x times delta y, which we call delta A. 6415xxdbNnu-00030-00014069-00014450 The next step is to select a point in each of these rectangles, 6415xxdbNnu-00031-00014450-00014797 for example the point in the top right corner. 6415xxdbNnu-00032-00014797-00015508 Now consider R-i-j, which is the i-th rectangle in the x-direction and the j-th in the y-direction. 6415xxdbNnu-00033-00015508-00016650 The point in R-i-j is ( x-i , y-j), and we can draw a box above R-i-j with height f at (x-i , y-j ). 6415xxdbNnu-00034-00016650-00017368 The volume of this small box is given by f at (x-i , y-j ) times delta A. 6415xxdbNnu-00035-00017368-00018058 If we add the volumes of all these boxes, we obtain an approximation of the volume of the given solid. 6415xxdbNnu-00036-00018058-00018408 This expression is called a Riemann sum. 6415xxdbNnu-00037-00018546-00019005 Let us go back to the initial function and try to approximate the volume below its graph 6415xxdbNnu-00038-00019005-00019231 using a Riemann sum. 6415xxdbNnu-00039-00019279-00019710 We first need to decide how many smaller rectangles we are going to use. 6415xxdbNnu-00040-00019760-00020202 Let’s choose n equal to 3 and m equal to 2. 6415xxdbNnu-00041-00020202-00020552 So in total we have 6 smaller rectangles, 6415xxdbNnu-00042-00020552-00020772 Delta A equals 1 6415xxdbNnu-00043-00020772-00021072 and we can write out the Riemann sum. 6415xxdbNnu-00044-00021073-00021708 Let us start with calculating the volume of the box above the first rectangle R-one-one. 6415xxdbNnu-00045-00021708-00022318 As I can choose any point in this small rectangle, I prefer to take the top right corner of the rectangle, 6415xxdbNnu-00046-00022318-00022642 which gives the point (1, 1), 6415xxdbNnu-00047-00022646-00023010 which gives a volume of 15 of the box. 6415xxdbNnu-00048-00023011-00023482 Putting this in the formula gives us the first of the six terms we need. 6415xxdbNnu-00049-00023482-00023958 The second box above R-one-two, has a volume of 9 6415xxdbNnu-00050-00023958-00024488 and the third box above R-two-one, has a volume of 12. 6415xxdbNnu-00051-00024489-00025051 The fourth, fifth and sixth boxes have volumes of 6, 7 and 1. 6415xxdbNnu-00052-00025051-00025462 Summing all volumes gives the total volume of 50. 6415xxdbNnu-00053-00025594-00026283 This means that the volume of the solid, which lies under the graph of f and above the rectangle R, 6415xxdbNnu-00054-00026283-00026583 is approximately equal to 50. 6415xxdbNnu-00055-00026669-00027107 As you can see from the picture, we still have some room left between all six boxes 6415xxdbNnu-00056-00027107-00027341 and the graph of the function. 6415xxdbNnu-00057-00027341-00027854 This implies that our approximation of the volume is smaller than the exact value. 6415xxdbNnu-00058-00027854-00028210 We should expect that the estimate of the volume improves 6415xxdbNnu-00059-00028210-00028582 if the number of rectangles in the Riemann sum becomes larger. 6415xxdbNnu-00060-00028582-00028748 Let’s illustrate this. 6415xxdbNnu-00061-00028800-00029456 If we take n and m twice as large, the number of rectangles increases to 24, 6415xxdbNnu-00062-00029456-00029952 and the corresponding Riemann sum becomes 62.75. 6415xxdbNnu-00063-00029952-00030400 We can continue to double n and m again... 6415xxdbNnu-00064-00030400-00030689 and again... 6415xxdbNnu-00065-00030689-00031218 and if we keep doing this, we get the values as shown in the table. 6415xxdbNnu-00066-00031314-00031443 Now the question remains, 6415xxdbNnu-00067-00031443-00031847 how can you compute the exact value of the volume? 6415xxdbNnu-00068-00031847-00032462 You could of course do this by computing the limit of a Riemann sum where both m and n go to infinity. 6415xxdbNnu-00069-00032462-00032796 Just as in the case of a function of a single variable, 6415xxdbNnu-00070-00032796-00033402 the limit of a Riemann sum is, in fact, the definition of an integral. 6415xxdbNnu-00071-00033402-00033915 In class you are going to learn how this works for functions of two variables. 6415xxdbNnu-00072-00033915-00034466 In lots of cases where you can find anti-derivatives, you will be able to compute the exact value 6415xxdbNnu-00073-00034466-00034837 of a volume under the graph of a function. 6415xxdbNnu-00074-00034837-00035306 In lots of other cases, however, the best you can do is to compute an approximation 6415xxdbNnu-00075-00035306-00035774 of the volume by means of a Riemann sum as explained in this video. 6415xxdbNnu-00076-00035774-00035853 See you in class! 645lpLC4K70-00000-00000156-00000642 Canvas offers a variety of notifications that you can receive about your course. 645lpLC4K70-00001-00000642-00001016 Notification preferences are located in your Canvas user profile. 645lpLC4K70-00002-00001016-00001538 To view and change your 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If you have any questions about how to set your Notifications, contact the HDS Instructional 645lpLC4K70-00024-00011409-00012699 Technology team at coursesites@hds.harvard.edu, Or check the Canvas Guides. 664IptSPthc-00000-00000000-00000200 កុំធ្វើជាយំជំនួសបង-ច្រៀងដោយ សូ វិចិត្រ - Sur vijit សូមបងប្អូនជួយចុចsubscribeនិងដាក់រូបកណ្តឹងដើម្បី ទទួលបាននូវវីដេអូថ្មីៗ សូមអរគុណ 66rTjtdqdRE-00000-00000131-00000694 Dear honourable Chair, dear Ministers, dear Excellences, dear friends and colleagues! 66rTjtdqdRE-00001-00000803-00001643 Thank you for giving me, as a representative of the Czech Republic, the opportunity to address this important meeting of the global community. 66rTjtdqdRE-00002-00001714-00002562 This year, on top of the usual CND agenda, we are expected to achieve a meaningful, strong consensus 66rTjtdqdRE-00003-00002646-00003722 that will herald the expected outcome of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (also known as UNGASS 2016) 66rTjtdqdRE-00004-00003722-00003977 that is to be held this April in New York. 66rTjtdqdRE-00005-00004025-00005050 The Czech Republic fully aligns itself with the statement delivered by the delegation of the Netherlands on behalf of the European Union. 66rTjtdqdRE-00006-00005103-00005730 We all know that the Special Session is being held at the request of several countries, 66rTjtdqdRE-00007-00005730-00006527 which feel deep concern regarding the ability of the international community to achieve the goals and aims 66rTjtdqdRE-00008-00006527-00007000 set by the 2009 Political Declaration and the Plan of Action. 66rTjtdqdRE-00009-00007075-00007789 We also know that we face a situation of escalated violence and an extreme death toll, 66rTjtdqdRE-00010-00007789-00008489 which is directly related to the so-called War on Drugs – a war that failed a long time ago. 66rTjtdqdRE-00011-00008574-00009633 I feel we are obliged to do our best to address the concerns of the countries that called for the special session of the UN General Assembly. 66rTjtdqdRE-00012-00009761-00010853 We should not fail to help the numerous countries suffering because the War on Drugs was exported to them in its most violent form. 66rTjtdqdRE-00013-00010948-00011588 The Czech Republic is a devoted supporter of the principles of a rational and effective drug policy 66rTjtdqdRE-00014-00011588-00012327 oriented towards human rights and public health and based on scientific evidence and best practice. 66rTjtdqdRE-00015-00012461-00013182 The Czech Republic has experimented with different flavours of its national drug policy since 1990. 66rTjtdqdRE-00016-00013281-00013730 Inter alia, we depenalised the use of drugs in 1990. 66rTjtdqdRE-00017-00013904-00014462 We also decriminalised the possession of drugs for personal use in 1990; 66rTjtdqdRE-00018-00014517-00015243 it is a misdemeanour that is punished by penalties ranging from a warning through to a fine. 66rTjtdqdRE-00019-00015302-00016250 And after a quarter a century, we can provide conclusive evidence that depenalisation and decriminalisation do work. 66rTjtdqdRE-00020-00016388-00016905 If you are interested in more details and more countries that took the same path, 66rTjtdqdRE-00021-00016905-00017575 let me invite you to the side event that the Czech Republic is co-sponsoring today. 66rTjtdqdRE-00022-00017675-00018437 Our drug policy rests on four pillars: prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and law enforcement. 66rTjtdqdRE-00023-00018543-00018963 Each of them is seen as one of four tools of equal importance. 66rTjtdqdRE-00024-00019010-00019813 All four pillars are there to achieve our primary aim: the welfare of our citizens, and all people. 66rTjtdqdRE-00025-00019943-00020349 We have some results to show, based on verifiable data: 66rTjtdqdRE-00026-00020349-00020951 we have the lowest number of fatal drug overdoses per capita globally; 66rTjtdqdRE-00027-00020951-00022012 we are in the small group of countries with the globally lowest prevalence of HIV and AIDS among injecting drug users; 66rTjtdqdRE-00028-00022080-00022807 we have a uniquely low prevalence of viral hepatitis C and B among drug injectors; 66rTjtdqdRE-00029-00022865-00023353 organised violent drug crime is virtually non-existent in the Czech Republic; 66rTjtdqdRE-00030-00023465-00024679 last but not least, thanks to harm reduction services, some 85% of our problem drug users are in regular contact with helping institutions. 66rTjtdqdRE-00031-00024747-00025200 In this area – and in many other areas of drug policy – 66rTjtdqdRE-00032-00025284-00025866 the role of non-governmental organisations has been immensely positive and completely irreplaceable. 66rTjtdqdRE-00033-00026028-00026433 There are things civil society does much better and more cheaply 66rTjtdqdRE-00034-00026488-00026955 than any government in the world, and it is the approach of my government 66rTjtdqdRE-00035-00026955-00027386 to use this fact for the good of the community, and the nation. 66rTjtdqdRE-00036-00027501-00027999 The data I just showed mean that the Czech Republic is a country 66rTjtdqdRE-00037-00027999-00028508 with comparatively very low social and economic costs of illicit drugs. 66rTjtdqdRE-00038-00028582-00028846 It is not because the Czech Republic is a drug-free country. 66rTjtdqdRE-00039-00028955-00029757 It is because we have done our best to make the Czech Republic a country where the harms related to drugs are as low as possible. 66rTjtdqdRE-00040-00029880-00030512 To minimise the use of drugs is one way to do it, and we have used it, together with other ones. 66rTjtdqdRE-00041-00030679-00030904 This is the experience we offer. 66rTjtdqdRE-00042-00030933-00031873 As you would expect, we also have some expectations regarding the output documents; let me list the three most essential for us. 66rTjtdqdRE-00043-00031932-00032281 The first is the problem of the death penalty. 66rTjtdqdRE-00044-00032392-00033377 It is our long-standing conviction that neither humans nor human institutions have the right to kill people intentionally – 66rTjtdqdRE-00045-00033443-00034390 The evidence shows that miscarriages of justice are even more common for drug offences than in most other areas of the law. 66rTjtdqdRE-00046-00034516-00034819 Thus, we decidedly require that in the output document 66rTjtdqdRE-00047-00034819-00035361 the unacceptability of the death penalty for drug offences is clearly stated. 66rTjtdqdRE-00048-00035819-00036387 Second, and closely related, is the proportionality of sentences. 66rTjtdqdRE-00049-00036473-00037206 Proportionality is an important principle in effectively implementing the provisions of the UN drug control conventions 66rTjtdqdRE-00050-00037206-00037735 and its main objective, “to promote the health and welfare of humankind”. 66rTjtdqdRE-00051-00037836-00038458 Not only do disproportionate penalties destroy the sense of justice in each particular country. 66rTjtdqdRE-00052-00038540-00039250 They often bring adverse side effects such as criminalisation, stigma, and social exclusion, 66rTjtdqdRE-00053-00039250-00039523 so that well-being is heavily affected. 66rTjtdqdRE-00054-00039619-00040357 In today’s interconnected world, the death penalty and proportionality in sentencing are international problems – 66rTjtdqdRE-00055-00040357-00040875 and must be reflected like this in the UNGASS outcome document. 66rTjtdqdRE-00056-00040993-00041311 The third is the importance of harm reduction. 66rTjtdqdRE-00057-00041376-00041835 There is conclusive scientific evidence that harm reduction saves lives, 66rTjtdqdRE-00058-00041869-00042165 improves public health and public safety. 66rTjtdqdRE-00059-00042222-00042739 It is extremely important that we state this in the UNGASS outcome document 66rTjtdqdRE-00060-00042739-00043088 so that it provides clear guidance for effective drug policies. 66rTjtdqdRE-00061-00043173-00044191 We are fully aware that drug policy is a complex area and also incorporates intangibles that science is not able to quantify or assess: 66rTjtdqdRE-00062-00044191-00044461 for example, religious and other values. 66rTjtdqdRE-00063-00044563-00045293 However, there are also universal values that constitute the very fundamentals of the United Nations 66rTjtdqdRE-00064-00045293-00045637 and we cannot ignore them at UNGASS 2016. 66rTjtdqdRE-00065-00045732-00046518 We agree that it is undesirable to abolish the UN treaties on drugs – they have to stay as the foundation of the whole system. 66rTjtdqdRE-00066-00046624-00047336 However, if we demand “more of the same” from the countries no matter if it has demonstrably failed, 66rTjtdqdRE-00067-00047336-00048047 we will not only deeply disappoint those who asked for a special summit at the highest UN level – 66rTjtdqdRE-00068-00048047-00048517 we will risk the very existence of the international drug control system. 66rTjtdqdRE-00069-00048654-00049223 There is still a lot of work ahead of us before we have a meaningful UNGASS output document. 66rTjtdqdRE-00070-00049317-00049842 We suggest that whenever we feel as if we are at a dead end, 66rTjtdqdRE-00071-00049842-00050292 we should go back to the origins of the current drug control regime: 66rTjtdqdRE-00072-00050292-00050627 the protection of human wellbeing. 66rTjtdqdRE-00073-00050673-00051430 In the view of the Czech Republic, no outcome document at all would be better than a weak outcome document for UNGASS 2016. 66rTjtdqdRE-00074-00051529-00052063 We would consider promoting a weak document that repeats the old stereotypes far too risky. 66rTjtdqdRE-00075-00052161-00052646 It would be better to stay silent in recognition of our failure, 66rTjtdqdRE-00076-00052646-00053240 to learn from it, and to try better looking forward to 2019. 66rTjtdqdRE-00077-00053388-00053847 But that is not inevitable. 66rTjtdqdRE-00078-00053912-00054668 If we work intensely with clear minds and hearts this week, we won’t need to remain silent – 66rTjtdqdRE-00079-00054668-00055375 we would have a strong document to steer us into a better future. That is my most sincere hope and wish. 66rTjtdqdRE-00080-00055421-00055577 Thank you for your attention. 66rTjtdqdRE-00081-00055679-00056590 Translation and subtitles: ResAd, April 2016 69mu2V_Ed5c-00000-00000000-00000704 Hi this is Vida from When I Work. I'm 69mu2V_Ed5c-00001-00000704-00000924 going to review all the features of our 69mu2V_Ed5c-00002-00000924-00001142 employee roster so that managers can 69mu2V_Ed5c-00003-00001142-00001308 view a list of their staff that they can 69mu2V_Ed5c-00004-00001308-00001505 organize and utilize for scheduling. 69mu2V_Ed5c-00005-00001505-00001778 Let's get started. To get to the employee 69mu2V_Ed5c-00006-00001778-00002025 roster, select the gear icon and click 69mu2V_Ed5c-00007-00002025-00002276 employees. In the main area of this 69mu2V_Ed5c-00008-00002276-00002421 roster you'll see a list of your 69mu2V_Ed5c-00009-00002421-00002613 employees and some of the details you've 69mu2V_Ed5c-00010-00002613-00002801 added to their profiles, such as their 69mu2V_Ed5c-00011-00002801-00003066 names, phone numbers, assigned position, 69mu2V_Ed5c-00012-00003066-00003396 assigned locations, and their last login to 69mu2V_Ed5c-00013-00003396-00003629 the When I Work app. You'll also see an 69mu2V_Ed5c-00014-00003629-00003786 actions column towards the right of the 69mu2V_Ed5c-00015-00003786-00003980 page with a few different icons for each 69mu2V_Ed5c-00016-00003980-00004271 employee. If employees have emails or 69mu2V_Ed5c-00017-00004271-00004434 phone numbers listed that they have not 69mu2V_Ed5c-00018-00004434-00004632 registered for When I Work, you'll first 69mu2V_Ed5c-00019-00004632-00004823 see an envelope icon in this actions 69mu2V_Ed5c-00020-00004823-00005073 column. Select this envelope to invite 69mu2V_Ed5c-00021-00005073-00005271 that employee to register via email or 69mu2V_Ed5c-00022-00005271-00005505 text message. If the employee has 69mu2V_Ed5c-00023-00005505-00005678 registered already you'll see a green 69mu2V_Ed5c-00024-00005678-00005868 dot, instead, right next to the employees 69mu2V_Ed5c-00025-00005868-00006180 name. Next in the actions column is the 69mu2V_Ed5c-00026-00006180-00006357 clock icon which will lead you to that 69mu2V_Ed5c-00027-00006357-00006588 employees schedule. The calendar will 69mu2V_Ed5c-00028-00006588-00006768 lead you to that employees availability. 69mu2V_Ed5c-00029-00006768-00007020 The trashcan will allow you to remove 69mu2V_Ed5c-00030-00007020-00007179 that employees profile from your 69mu2V_Ed5c-00031-00007179-00007395 workplace account. And the pencil will 69mu2V_Ed5c-00032-00007395-00007586 allow you to edit that employees details. 69mu2V_Ed5c-00033-00007586-00007823 These employee details are the same ones 69mu2V_Ed5c-00034-00007823-00008025 entered when adding an employee, which 69mu2V_Ed5c-00035-00008025-00008165 you can view by clicking on the "add 69mu2V_Ed5c-00036-00008165-00008388 employee" button. To learn more about 69mu2V_Ed5c-00037-00008388-00008615 these employee details, see our videos on 69mu2V_Ed5c-00038-00008615-00008918 adding employees. If you have more than 69mu2V_Ed5c-00039-00008918-00009117 one location you can use the location 69mu2V_Ed5c-00040-00009117-00009363 filter. Each location you select will add 69mu2V_Ed5c-00041-00009363-00009525 the list of employees assigned to that 69mu2V_Ed5c-00042-00009525-00009738 location to your current view of the 69mu2V_Ed5c-00043-00009738-00009978 roster. Otherwise the default view will 69mu2V_Ed5c-00044-00009978-00010250 show employees at all locations. Below 69mu2V_Ed5c-00045-00010250-00010443 the location filter is a quick menu 69mu2V_Ed5c-00046-00010443-00010614 that matches the options from the gear 69mu2V_Ed5c-00047-00010614-00010818 icon, which allows you to navigate to 69mu2V_Ed5c-00048-00010818-00011067 those other settings quickly. There are a 69mu2V_Ed5c-00049-00011067-00011240 few ways to sort your employee roster. 69mu2V_Ed5c-00050-00011240-00011504 When one location is selected, a handle 69mu2V_Ed5c-00051-00011504-00011649 bar will appear to the left of each 69mu2V_Ed5c-00052-00011649-00011843 employee, allowing you to drag and 69mu2V_Ed5c-00053-00011843-00012122 reorder employees in that location. This 69mu2V_Ed5c-00054-00012122-00012296 will also affect how employees are 69mu2V_Ed5c-00055-00012296-00012360 listed in 69mu2V_Ed5c-00056-00012360-00012593 the scheduler. You can click "reset 69mu2V_Ed5c-00057-00012593-00012735 sorting" to return to the default 69mu2V_Ed5c-00058-00012735-00013013 alphabetical roster. You can also choose 69mu2V_Ed5c-00059-00013013-00013206 to sort the employees alphabetically by 69mu2V_Ed5c-00060-00013206-00013434 first or last name using the arrow at 69mu2V_Ed5c-00061-00013434-00013881 the top of the employees column. To 69mu2V_Ed5c-00062-00013881-00014061 select multiple employees to apply 69mu2V_Ed5c-00063-00014061-00014238 changes to at a time, click the 69mu2V_Ed5c-00064-00014238-00014423 checkboxes to the left of the employees 69mu2V_Ed5c-00065-00014423-00014663 column, or click the top left checkbox to 69mu2V_Ed5c-00066-00014663-00014894 select all employees on this page of the 69mu2V_Ed5c-00067-00014894-00015162 roster. You can assign multiple positions 69mu2V_Ed5c-00068-00015162-00015360 and locations to these employees by 69mu2V_Ed5c-00069-00015360-00015591 using the "set" buttons and clicking apply. 69mu2V_Ed5c-00070-00015591-00015851 You can also delete multiple selected 69mu2V_Ed5c-00071-00015851-00016230 employees at a time. You can start typing 69mu2V_Ed5c-00072-00016230-00016398 in the search bar to find employees in 69mu2V_Ed5c-00073-00016398-00016620 your roster. The options button to the right 69mu2V_Ed5c-00074-00016620-00016815 gives you even more options, including 69mu2V_Ed5c-00075-00016815-00016998 exporting and importing employees, 69mu2V_Ed5c-00076-00016998-00017244 accessing employee registration and 69mu2V_Ed5c-00077-00017244-00017490 training resources, and inviting all 69mu2V_Ed5c-00078-00017490-00017654 unregistered employees to join your 69mu2V_Ed5c-00079-00017654-00017985 workplace. The employee roster is a 69mu2V_Ed5c-00080-00017985-00018168 powerful tool for adjusting employee's 69mu2V_Ed5c-00081-00018168-00018375 settings and managing how employees will 69mu2V_Ed5c-00082-00018375-00018585 be scheduled. For additional resources 69mu2V_Ed5c-00083-00018585-00018759 check out our online help center at 69mu2V_Ed5c-00084-00018759-00019120 help.wheniwork.com 6s7MqkNfJkg-00000-00000010-00000196 DENNIS WEIMANN. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00001-00000196-00000203 DENNIS WEIMANN. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00002-00000203-00000350 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: THE CROW WING COUNTY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00003-00000350-00000357 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: THE CROW WING COUNTY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00004-00000357-00000517 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 6s7MqkNfJkg-00005-00000517-00000523 >> DENNIS: THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 6s7MqkNfJkg-00006-00000523-00000704 >> DENNIS: THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RECENTLY HANDED OUT 6s7MqkNfJkg-00007-00000704-00000710 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RECENTLY HANDED OUT 6s7MqkNfJkg-00008-00000710-00000907 SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RECENTLY HANDED OUT $35,000 TO FUND TWO COMMUNITY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00009-00000907-00000914 DISTRICT RECENTLY HANDED OUT $35,000 TO FUND TWO COMMUNITY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00010-00000914-00001037 DISTRICT RECENTLY HANDED OUT $35,000 TO FUND TWO COMMUNITY GROUP PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00011-00001037-00001044 $35,000 TO FUND TWO COMMUNITY GROUP PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00012-00001044-00001271 $35,000 TO FUND TWO COMMUNITY GROUP PROJECTS. $20,000 WENT TO THE CLEAR WATER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00013-00001271-00001277 GROUP PROJECTS. $20,000 WENT TO THE CLEAR WATER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00014-00001277-00001398 GROUP PROJECTS. $20,000 WENT TO THE CLEAR WATER LAKE ASSOCIATION AND THEIR 6s7MqkNfJkg-00015-00001398-00001404 $20,000 WENT TO THE CLEAR WATER LAKE ASSOCIATION AND THEIR 6s7MqkNfJkg-00016-00001404-00001548 $20,000 WENT TO THE CLEAR WATER LAKE ASSOCIATION AND THEIR SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00017-00001548-00001554 LAKE ASSOCIATION AND THEIR SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00018-00001554-00001761 LAKE ASSOCIATION AND THEIR SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT. THE OTHER $15,000 WENT TO THE 6s7MqkNfJkg-00019-00001761-00001768 SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT. THE OTHER $15,000 WENT TO THE 6s7MqkNfJkg-00020-00001768-00001901 SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT. THE OTHER $15,000 WENT TO THE CROW WING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR 6s7MqkNfJkg-00021-00001901-00001908 THE OTHER $15,000 WENT TO THE CROW WING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR 6s7MqkNfJkg-00022-00001908-00002045 THE OTHER $15,000 WENT TO THE CROW WING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR THEIR STORMWATER CONTROL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00023-00002045-00002052 CROW WING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR THEIR STORMWATER CONTROL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00024-00002052-00002105 CROW WING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS FOR THEIR STORMWATER CONTROL PROJECT. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00025-00002105-00002112 THEIR STORMWATER CONTROL PROJECT. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00026-00002112-00002245 THEIR STORMWATER CONTROL PROJECT. THE CROW WING SOIL AND WATER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00027-00002245-00002252 PROJECT. THE CROW WING SOIL AND WATER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00028-00002252-00002429 PROJECT. THE CROW WING SOIL AND WATER DISTRICT MANAGER IS EXCITED TO 6s7MqkNfJkg-00029-00002429-00002435 THE CROW WING SOIL AND WATER DISTRICT MANAGER IS EXCITED TO 6s7MqkNfJkg-00030-00002435-00002619 THE CROW WING SOIL AND WATER DISTRICT MANAGER IS EXCITED TO BRING LOCALLY PAID SALES TAX 6s7MqkNfJkg-00031-00002619-00002625 DISTRICT MANAGER IS EXCITED TO BRING LOCALLY PAID SALES TAX 6s7MqkNfJkg-00032-00002625-00002766 DISTRICT MANAGER IS EXCITED TO BRING LOCALLY PAID SALES TAX DOLLARS BACK INTO THE COUNTY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00033-00002766-00002772 BRING LOCALLY PAID SALES TAX DOLLARS BACK INTO THE COUNTY 6s7MqkNfJkg-00034-00002772-00003159 BRING LOCALLY PAID SALES TAX DOLLARS BACK INTO THE COUNTY THROUGH LOCAL PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00035-00003159-00003166 DOLLARS BACK INTO THE COUNTY THROUGH LOCAL PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00036-00003166-00003286 DOLLARS BACK INTO THE COUNTY THROUGH LOCAL PROJECTS. >> SO THESE GROUPS A LOT OF 6s7MqkNfJkg-00037-00003286-00003293 THROUGH LOCAL PROJECTS. >> SO THESE GROUPS A LOT OF 6s7MqkNfJkg-00038-00003293-00003460 THROUGH LOCAL PROJECTS. >> SO THESE GROUPS A LOT OF TIMES USE THEIR OWN LABOR. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00039-00003460-00003466 >> SO THESE GROUPS A LOT OF TIMES USE THEIR OWN LABOR. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00040-00003466-00003646 >> SO THESE GROUPS A LOT OF TIMES USE THEIR OWN LABOR. THEY USE THEIR OWN NEWSLETTERS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00041-00003646-00003653 TIMES USE THEIR OWN LABOR. THEY USE THEIR OWN NEWSLETTERS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00042-00003653-00003803 TIMES USE THEIR OWN LABOR. THEY USE THEIR OWN NEWSLETTERS. THEY GET VOLUNTEERS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00043-00003803-00003810 THEY USE THEIR OWN NEWSLETTERS. THEY GET VOLUNTEERS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00044-00003810-00004044 THEY USE THEIR OWN NEWSLETTERS. THEY GET VOLUNTEERS. SOME GROUPS GET BOY SCOUTS, GIRL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00045-00004044-00004050 THEY GET VOLUNTEERS. SOME GROUPS GET BOY SCOUTS, GIRL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00046-00004050-00004154 THEY GET VOLUNTEERS. SOME GROUPS GET BOY SCOUTS, GIRL SCOUTS TO HELP WITH THESE 6s7MqkNfJkg-00047-00004154-00004160 SOME GROUPS GET BOY SCOUTS, GIRL SCOUTS TO HELP WITH THESE 6s7MqkNfJkg-00048-00004160-00004200 SOME GROUPS GET BOY SCOUTS, GIRL SCOUTS TO HELP WITH THESE PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00049-00004200-00004207 SCOUTS TO HELP WITH THESE PROJECTS. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00050-00004207-00004394 SCOUTS TO HELP WITH THESE PROJECTS. IT'S BEEN A GREAT WAY TO PARTNER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00051-00004394-00004401 PROJECTS. IT'S BEEN A GREAT WAY TO PARTNER 6s7MqkNfJkg-00052-00004401-00004604 PROJECTS. IT'S BEEN A GREAT WAY TO PARTNER WITH CITIZENS AND HAVE THEM 6s7MqkNfJkg-00053-00004604-00004611 IT'S BEEN A GREAT WAY TO PARTNER WITH CITIZENS AND HAVE THEM 6s7MqkNfJkg-00054-00004611-00004771 IT'S BEEN A GREAT WAY TO PARTNER WITH CITIZENS AND HAVE THEM LEVERAGE THEIR OWN DOLLARS, 6s7MqkNfJkg-00055-00004771-00004778 WITH CITIZENS AND HAVE THEM LEVERAGE THEIR OWN DOLLARS, 6s7MqkNfJkg-00056-00004778-00004908 WITH CITIZENS AND HAVE THEM LEVERAGE THEIR OWN DOLLARS, THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TO GET A 6s7MqkNfJkg-00057-00004908-00004914 LEVERAGE THEIR OWN DOLLARS, THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TO GET A 6s7MqkNfJkg-00058-00004914-00005068 LEVERAGE THEIR OWN DOLLARS, THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TO GET A LOT OF WORK DONE. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00059-00005068-00005075 THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TO GET A LOT OF WORK DONE. 6s7MqkNfJkg-00060-00005075-00005198 THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES TO GET A LOT OF WORK DONE. >> DENNIS: THIS IS THE LAST TIME 6s7MqkNfJkg-00061-00005198-00005205 LOT OF WORK DONE. >> DENNIS: THIS IS THE LAST TIME 6s7MqkNfJkg-00062-00005205-00005422 LOT OF WORK DONE. >> DENNIS: THIS IS THE LAST TIME THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND 6s7MqkNfJkg-00063-00005422-00005428 >> DENNIS: THIS IS THE LAST TIME THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND 6s7MqkNfJkg-00064-00005428-00005538 >> DENNIS: THIS IS THE LAST TIME THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT WILL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00065-00005538-00005545 THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT WILL 6s7MqkNfJkg-00066-00005545-00005605 THE CROW WING COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT WILL BE AWARDING THE COMMUNITY 6y8rvtV6sv8-00000-00000101-00000443 Are you looking for the best transportation provider in Hawaii? 6y8rvtV6sv8-00001-00000443-00000628 Choose Pono Express… 6y8rvtV6sv8-00002-00000628-00000841 Your transportation made easier! 6y8rvtV6sv8-00003-00000841-00001386 With a range of shuttles and private cars available we can meet your every need! 6y8rvtV6sv8-00004-00001386-00001945 We offer tours and airport transfers for visitors to our beautiful islands, as well as transport 6y8rvtV6sv8-00005-00001945-00002117 for flight crews. 6y8rvtV6sv8-00006-00002117-00002527 And we work directly with insurers to offer reliable medical transfers. 6y8rvtV6sv8-00007-00002527-00003027 We’re recognized for the premium-quality service we offer... that’s why many of the 6y8rvtV6sv8-00008-00003027-00003454 top hotels link directly to our website for streamlined booking! 6y8rvtV6sv8-00009-00003454-00003686 Call us now on 800-258-6880. 6y8rvtV6sv8-00010-00003686-00004063 In a hurry? 6y8rvtV6sv8-00011-00004063-00004405 Visit PonoExpress.com to save time and book online! 6zJaRCRYP9E-00000-00000108-00000594 Big Trucks Mitsubishi VS Nissan Lorry Climb HIll in Aceh | Monster Trucks Mania 6zJaRCRYP9E-00001-00000816-00001376 Why lorry truck driving in Wrong Way ??? 6zJaRCRYP9E-00002-00001796-00002592 Orange truck is Mitusbishi Fuso With 220 PS, 6 Cylindre, N Red Truck Is Nissan Diesel also From Japan. 6zJaRCRYP9E-00003-00004018-00004800 In Indonesia, Japan Car Trucks Dominate, i dont know why, Cheap ? I dont think So.. 6zJaRCRYP9E-00006-00006002-00006894 This Way is National Way From North Sumatera To North Aceh, 6zJaRCRYP9E-00007-00007059-00007604 Many Hill this Area, many lorries use this road, like CPO lorry, Heavy load lorry, etc 6zJaRCRYP9E-00011-00010082-00010294 other truck came 6zJaRCRYP9E-00019-00012440-00012818 make sure, road empty, trucks like this can stop in the middle 6zJaRCRYP9E-00020-00013113-00013544 For CPO lorry is easy, because no load 6zJaRCRYP9E-00021-00013962-00014504 Easy N Fast Climb Hill While No Load On trucks 6zJaRCRYP9E-00024-00015988-00016188 See That Truck ?? 6zJaRCRYP9E-00025-00016326-00016842 Nissan Truck Must Wait Until Clear Road.... 6zJaRCRYP9E-00026-00017704-00018098 Make Sure With 2 Times Horn.. 6zJaRCRYP9E-00027-00018390-00018942 If No Horn From Above, Meaning Road Is Clear N Truck Can Go 6zJaRCRYP9E-00028-00020398-00020928 Why Trucks Always Use That Way ??? 6zJaRCRYP9E-00029-00024242-00024592 Best Microbus Driver 6zJaRCRYP9E-00031-00025895-00026460 This Area Close To Lae Kombih Forest - Indonesia. 6zJaRCRYP9E-00032-00026876-00027492 Thanks For Waching, Like N Subcribe 6APxB7p1n9U-00000-00002208-00002342 I know, this dress sucks. 6APxB7p1n9U-00001-00002362-00002428 Come on! 6APxB7p1n9U-00002-00002440-00002606 We only have an hour left! 6APxB7p1n9U-00003-00004206-00004294 Come closer. 6APxB7p1n9U-00004-00004294-00004380 Can you hear me? 6APxB7p1n9U-00005-00004386-00004770 OK. We're all competing for first place by playing piano. 6APxB7p1n9U-00006-00004770-00005042 May the music master emerge triumphant! 6APxB7p1n9U-00007-00005128-00005368 Haha. I didn't prepare. 6APxB7p1n9U-00008-00005368-00005616 You should have heard me play last night. 6APxB7p1n9U-00009-00005630-00005892 Two words: medi-ocre. 6APxB7p1n9U-00010-00005910-00006052 That's one word. 6E1m6XA-XiI-00000-00000000-00000103 Hello Friends, today I will show you the music Create mobile application 6Fm95U-2leo-00000-00000000-00000307 Alright, so this is just a little inkjet print project 6Fm95U-2leo-00001-00000307-00000476 I sprayed it with spray adhesive 6Fm95U-2leo-00002-00000476-00000628 and I pushed out all the bubbles with a brayer 6Fm95U-2leo-00003-00000628-00000871 ...did a quick trim along the edges... 6Fm95U-2leo-00004-00000926-00001102 Now I measure the Art Resin 6Fm95U-2leo-00005-00001102-00001392 it's half from the resin bottle, half from the hardener bottle. 6Fm95U-2leo-00006-00001392-00001569 you just stir for about 3 minutes 6Fm95U-2leo-00007-00001580-00001772 pour it right onto your print 6Fm95U-2leo-00008-00001772-00001950 so it goes on like clear honey 6Fm95U-2leo-00009-00001950-00002122 I just rub the extra stuff into the side 6Fm95U-2leo-00010-00002185-00002489 if any little drips form, i just file them off. 6Fm95U-2leo-00011-00002541-00002885 So I torch out the bubbles, making sure it's perfect 6Fm95U-2leo-00012-00002885-00003000 cover it, and I'll be back in the morning! 6Fm95U-2leo-00013-00003000-00003243 Sorry, that's all I got! Can't share any more! 6Fm95U-2leo-00014-00003253-00003429 You'll have to stay tuned! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00000-00005200-00005600 the way looks like a horror movie's spot 6G6rtwMFLvk-00001-00006600-00007000 and the wind blow harder and harder... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00002-00009000-00009200 can't go inside... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00003-00009300-00009500 the door was locked. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00004-00010700-00011000 it could shut down, i mean livestream. if i go to basement. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00005-00011100-00011700 we couldn't figure what that sound out. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00006-00015300-00015600 first, i came inside. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00007-00016200-00016400 i turn on the amplifer! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00008-00018200-00018400 who's there? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00009-00018400-00018600 who is there? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00010-00022200-00022400 what the hell is that from the start? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00011-00023500-00023700 don't mess with me. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00012-00024200-00024400 are you a person? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00013-00024900-00025100 person in there? right? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00014-00025100-00025300 i can hear. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00015-00026600-00026800 i said i can hear everything. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00016-00026800-00027000 are you a person? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00017-00027200-00027600 feels like person and spirit at the same time 6G6rtwMFLvk-00018-00030500-00030700 who are you? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00019-00031100-00031400 it's like person...what the? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00020-00031800-00032000 what's this sound? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00021-00032700-00033000 from the downstair... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00022-00033300-00033600 wait, i think i made a mistake... that i came inside. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00023-00035000-00035400 the plant on the hallway looks like hanging person.. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00024-00036500-00036800 wow, i can feel everything. from everyside. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00025-00037400-00037700 did i bother you? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00026-00038100-00038300 i am so sorry. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00027-00038900-00039300 i don't know where i have to focus on, cause i felt spirit from everyside. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00028-00041500-00041700 person inside? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00029-00045100-00045300 i will gonna go. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00030-00045400-00045800 i will gonna leave....haha no i am not!!!! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00031-00047400-00047900 here is the place one family died before. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00032-00047900-00048300 house owner and family.. whole person in this house. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00033-00052400-00052700 so much creepy. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00034-00060500-00060800 someone in the downfloor. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00035-00061300-00061600 one, two, three! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00036-00063100-00063300 who's there! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00037-00064200-00064300 come on out 6G6rtwMFLvk-00038-00064300-00064700 i said come on out! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00039-00064700-00065000 come on out if you are person! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00040-00069600-00069800 god, i'm gonna crazy. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00041-00070300-00070500 anyone heard something? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00042-00070500-00070800 i heard sound like 'bump'? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00043-00074500-00074800 hello? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00044-00075900-00076400 scream from far away! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00045-00076600-00077000 wake up... don't possess by it.. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00046-00077500-00077800 what's this sound from? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00047-00078300-00078500 i said stop doing this.. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00048-00078600-00078800 honestly, what's that sound? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00049-00079000-00079300 stop teasing like this! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00050-00080200-00080400 stop it! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00051-00082600-00082800 sound, sound! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00052-00084100-00084400 conversation with woman and man? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00053-00086000-00086300 sound of woman! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00054-00089000-00089500 hang on.... did anyone heard something? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00055-00092100-00092400 person's feet? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00056-00092600-00093000 micol didn't see the feet. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00057-00093000-00093400 but he escape from there, after that he saw the feet in the screenshot. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00058-00095200-00095600 micol was attacked by something! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00059-00096900-00097300 fortunately, micol didn't get hurt. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00060-00098800-00099000 sound.. sound! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00061-00099000-00099500 that's not my foot. what the.. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00062-00101700-00102200 at this time, the livestream was cut down because of unstable situation. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00063-00102400-00102700 after shuting down the livestream, i couldn't turn on live again. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00064-00102700-00103200 after that, i can't turn on live for a while, since i came out from the basement. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00065-00103900-00104300 came to statue of venus.. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00066-00104600-00105000 i could turn on here. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00067-00105900-00106400 cigarette? or smell like burning something? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00068-00106500-00106900 exactly, smell like burning scales... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00069-00107700-00108000 yeah, that was right. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00070-00108300-00108900 yeah... yeah. that door just swaying like nodding. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00071-00112000-00112200 finally i found it. haha. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00072-00112200-00112500 imma like a dog. smell well... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00073-00113300-00113600 i won't run away. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00074-00115700-00116000 come on out if you can! 6G6rtwMFLvk-00075-00117600-00118000 micol's confidence 20seconds ago. 6G6rtwMFLvk-00076-00118600-00119000 micol already got out to outside... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00077-00119900-00120300 (person who possessed by it) who's there? 6G6rtwMFLvk-00078-00121100-00121500 micol tried to get inside... 6G6rtwMFLvk-00079-00121500-00121900 it was person, but it moved like spirit without any sound, 6G6rtwMFLvk-00080-00121900-00122500 and micol said it was not a person for sure when micol felt in that place. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00000-00000000-00000078 Good morning, John! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00001-00000078-00000344 I spent a bunch of time at the DFTVA.com Warehouse this week, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00002-00000344-00000556 because it's gettin' into the busy season! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00003-00000556-00000670 Not that they don't have it handled. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00004-00000670-00000803 I mostly just sign.. stuff. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00005-00000803-00000902 It is a really big place, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00006-00000902-00001066 filled with a bunch of really cool stuff! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00007-00001066-00001230 We work with a ton of amazing creators now: 6GD8zTt5j3M-00008-00001230-00001288 Hannah Hart, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00009-00001288-00001362 and Rhett and Link, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00010-00001362-00001478 and Glozell Green, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00011-00001514-00001564 and MinuteEarth, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00012-00001564-00001698 and This Star Won't Go Out. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00013-00001712-00001764 We sell shirts, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00014-00001764-00001816 and hats, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00015-00001816-00001872 and posters, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00016-00001872-00001930 and mugs, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00017-00001930-00002016 and tea... 6GD8zTt5j3M-00018-00002016-00002272 And, I'm just happy that we get to send people stuff that they like; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00019-00002272-00002604 and help creative people do what they want to do for a living. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00020-00002604-00002664 And today, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00021-00002664-00002772 the day after Thanksgiving, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00022-00002772-00002962 I'm actually recording this on Thanksgiving. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00023-00002962-00003068 And also, the day after, John, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00024-00003068-00003444 you made a video about how we are apparently incapable of understanding how 6GD8zTt5j3M-00025-00003490-00003714 good the world is, comparatively. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00026-00003714-00003808 I gotta say! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00027-00003808-00003944 Sometimes, it is hard 6GD8zTt5j3M-00028-00003944-00004070 to keep in mind, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00029-00004096-00004146 how.. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00030-00004146-00004292 nice your life is. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00031-00004292-00004386 Like, thought experiment here: 6GD8zTt5j3M-00032-00004386-00004492 say we cure cancer.. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00033-00004518-00004576 tomorrow. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00034-00004576-00004672 Mass celebrations! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00035-00004672-00004722 Right? 6GD8zTt5j3M-00036-00004722-00004944 Like, people would not be able to stop smiling 6GD8zTt5j3M-00037-00004944-00005026 for days. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00038-00005026-00005096 And, for years, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00039-00005096-00005386 we would continue feeling the amazingness of that achievement. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00040-00005386-00005516 But, twenty or thirty years later, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00041-00005552-00005798 we would still know that it was great; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00042-00005800-00005968 there would be less suffering in the world, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00043-00005968-00006066 less death. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00044-00006066-00006186 But, we would normalize; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00045-00006186-00006366 we'd just live in a world without cancer. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00046-00006366-00006464 How do I know this, for sure? 6GD8zTt5j3M-00047-00006464-00006609 Well, it's happened before; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00048-00006609-00006942 I mean, we used to not have antibiotics and vaccines. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00049-00006942-00007095 Those things have saved billions- 6GD8zTt5j3M-00050-00007095-00007259 BILLIONS of lives; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00051-00007259-00007478 and yet, we go on everyday just sort of thinking: 6GD8zTt5j3M-00052-00007478-00007540 "Yeah, you know, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00053-00007540-00007726 antibiotics and vaccines. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00054-00007726-00007786 They're nice." 6GD8zTt5j3M-00055-00007786-00008006 But, we aren't deeply and emotionally touched 6GD8zTt5j3M-00056-00008040-00008176 by the magnificent, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00057-00008176-00008248 magic 6GD8zTt5j3M-00058-00008248-00008388 that is this ability 6GD8zTt5j3M-00059-00008388-00008504 to not die; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00060-00008504-00008744 the way that humans always used to die! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00061-00008744-00008822 Another example: 6GD8zTt5j3M-00062-00008822-00009022 uh- I was born into an America 6GD8zTt5j3M-00063-00009022-00009072 where 6GD8zTt5j3M-00064-00009072-00009310 two people could be denied the right to marry, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00065-00009310-00009412 because of their gender. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00066-00009412-00009624 And, so was everyone else watching this video, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00067-00009624-00009810 unless you are less than 6 months old; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00068-00009810-00009864 in which case, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00069-00009864-00009990 glpblpblpdpbpgp 6GD8zTt5j3M-00070-00009990-00010060 bgaaaw!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00071-00010060-00010246 But, we've already stopped being excited about that! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00072-00010246-00010366 And, maybe that's GOOD!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00073-00010366-00010566 That we're not designed to say, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00074-00010566-00010766 "Well, I guess we've done pretty well. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00075-00010766-00010976 Might as well stop progressing..." 6GD8zTt5j3M-00076-00010976-00011046 Objectively, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00077-00011046-00011342 on average, this is the best time to be alive in human history. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00078-00011342-00011526 I mean, I know I say that as someone who, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00079-00011526-00011682 like, literally wearing- 6GD8zTt5j3M-00080-00011718-00011822 like, the most- 6GD8zTt5j3M-00081-00011886-00012062 preppy thing I've ever worn on VlogBrothers! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00082-00012062-00012146 It's Thanksgiving! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00083-00012160-00012216 I'm dressed up. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00084-00012216-00012316 We have achieved 6GD8zTt5j3M-00085-00012316-00012556 so much to decrease the suffering of people!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00086-00012556-00012656 During my Grandmother's life, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00087-00012656-00012932 there was a war in which 60 million people died. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00088-00012932-00013010 60 6GD8zTt5j3M-00089-00013010-00013069 million! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00090-00013069-00013250 My Mother was born into an America 6GD8zTt5j3M-00091-00013250-00013450 where black people had different schools, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00092-00013450-00013580 and different bathrooms! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00093-00013580-00013950 But, it's impossible to go through life feeling all of these accomplishments every second; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00094-00013950-00014058 and, maybe we shouldn't! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00095-00014058-00014156 Maybe it's beautiful 6GD8zTt5j3M-00096-00014156-00014322 that we move on from our successes 6GD8zTt5j3M-00097-00014322-00014554 and immediately fret over the next giant, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00098-00014554-00014776 magnificent problem that we have to overcome. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00099-00014776-00014906 But, if we never look back, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00100-00014906-00015084 and never think about what we've done; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00101-00015084-00015202 then it all looks hopeless. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00102-00015202-00015312 It looks impossible! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00103-00015312-00015430 Which is why it has to be a mix 6GD8zTt5j3M-00104-00015430-00015686 of- of dissatisfaction with the way that it is, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00105-00015686-00015816 and what could be better, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00106-00015816-00015952 and we have to work for that; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00107-00015980-00016358 and also recognizing that we've done a great deal of remarkable things, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00108-00016358-00016554 as a species, and as individuals. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00109-00016554-00016774 Like, I get to live in a world without smallpox; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00110-00016774-00017138 and in a world with twenty one pilots songs and pumpkin pie. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00111-00017138-00017306 One day a year of Thanksgiving, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00112-00017306-00017460 is not enough days of the year. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00113-00017460-00017610 This is something that I think 6GD8zTt5j3M-00114-00017644-00017752 really is powerful, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00115-00017752-00017870 and motivates me, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00116-00017870-00018112 and makes me happier and more effective! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00117-00018112-00018214 Just to be thankful 6GD8zTt5j3M-00118-00018214-00018420 for the literal billions of people, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00119-00018420-00018748 who have worked hard to make life better for their children; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00120-00018748-00018804 ah, euh- 6GD8zTt5j3M-00121-00018804-00018964 because I'm one of those children! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00122-00018964-00019014 And I hope 6GD8zTt5j3M-00123-00019014-00019168 that I can honour the memory of those people; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00124-00019168-00019368 by both appreciating what they've done, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00125-00019368-00019498 and also building on it. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00126-00019526-00019578 John, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00127-00019578-00019682 I'll see you on Tuesday. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00128-00019682-00020036 And, in addition to everything at DFTBA.com being 20% off this week, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00129-00020036-00020146 we also have: 6GD8zTt5j3M-00130-00020146-00020294 [in a comedic voice] Bobble John; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00131-00020294-00020440 and also, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00132-00020440-00020596 Bobble Hank! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00133-00020596-00020646 [Sound of bobble heads bobbling] 6GD8zTt5j3M-00134-00020646-00020704 [Hank]: AAAAAH!!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00135-00020704-00020832 [Hank voicing Bobble John in an accented voice]: "Why do you look so grumpy?" 6GD8zTt5j3M-00136-00020832-00020988 [Hank voicing Bobble Hank]: My hair is very, very nice." 6GD8zTt5j3M-00137-00020988-00021076 [Hank in an accented voice]: You can make us kiss. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00138-00021076-00021126 [Hank, in his normal voice]: Oh! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00139-00021126-00021176 That was actually- 6GD8zTt5j3M-00140-00021176-00021232 [Disgusted] Bleueuagh!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00141-00021232-00021292 Don't do that!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00142-00021292-00021688 [Music] 6GD8zTt5j3M-00143-00021688-00021860 [Bobble Hank]: Hello, and welcome to "Dear Hank and John"! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00144-00021860-00022076 [Bobble John]: Or, as I prefer to think of it, "Dear John and Hank"! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00145-00022076-00022208 [Bobble Hank]: It's a comedy podcast, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00146-00022208-00022366 where me and my brother John 6GD8zTt5j3M-00147-00022366-00022456 answer your questions, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00148-00022456-00022550 give you dubious advice, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00149-00022550-00022666 and bring you all the week's news; 6GD8zTt5j3M-00150-00022666-00022894 from both Mars and AFC Wimbledon. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00151-00022894-00022954 And today, 6GD8zTt5j3M-00152-00022974-00023060 we're doing it.. 6GD8zTt5j3M-00153-00023060-00023176 [Bobble John]: [In a deep voice] LIVE!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00154-00023176-00023260 [Bobble Hank]: Together!! 6GD8zTt5j3M-00155-00023260-00023504 [Music] 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00000-00000064-00000253 We've already talked about the process 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00001-00000253-00000697 from going from DNA to messenger RNA. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00002-00000697-00000916 And we call that process transcription. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00003-00000916-00001318 And this occurs in the nucleus. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00004-00001318-00001639 And then that messenger RNA makes its way outside 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00005-00001639-00002025 of the nucleus, and it attaches to a ribosome. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00006-00002025-00002374 And then it is translated into a protein. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00007-00002657-00003110 And so you could say that this part right over here, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00008-00003110-00003325 this is being facilitated by a ribosome. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00009-00003325-00003610 Or it's happening at a ribosome. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00010-00003610-00003811 With that high-level overview, I now 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00011-00003811-00004122 want to think a little bit in more detail about how this 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00012-00004122-00004421 actually happens, or the structure of things where 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00013-00004421-00004716 this happens inside of a cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00014-00004716-00005024 And so I'm going to now draw the nucleus in a little bit more 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00015-00005024-00005247 detail so that we can really see what's 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00016-00005247-00005453 happening on its membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00017-00005453-00005864 So this right over here is the nucleus. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00018-00005864-00006171 Actually, let me draw it like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00019-00006171-00006573 And instead of just drawing the nucleus with one single line, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00020-00006573-00006784 I'm going to draw it with two lines. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00021-00006784-00007255 Because it's actually a double bilipid membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00022-00007255-00007570 So this is one bilipid layer right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00023-00007570-00007895 And then this is another one right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00024-00007895-00008109 And I'm obviously not drawing it to scale. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00025-00008109-00008350 I'm drawing it so you can get a sense of things. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00026-00008350-00008641 So each of these lines that I'm drawing, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00027-00008641-00008993 if I were to zoom in on this-- so if I were to zoom in on each 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00028-00008993-00009236 of these lines, so let's zoom in. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00029-00009236-00009838 And if I got a box like that, you would see a bilipid layer. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00030-00009838-00010386 So a bilipid layer looks like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00031-00010386-00010628 You have the circle is a hydrophilic end 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00032-00010628-00011080 and those lines are the fatty hydrophobic ends. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00033-00011080-00011233 So that's our bilipid layer. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00034-00011233-00011672 So that's each of these lines that I have drawn, each of them 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00035-00011672-00011932 are a bilipid layer. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00036-00011932-00012246 So the question is, well, how does the mRNA-- obviously 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00037-00012246-00012490 you have all this transcription going on. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00038-00012490-00012684 You have the DNA, you have the mRNA. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00039-00012684-00012947 It's all in here, this big jumble 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00040-00012947-00013225 of chromatin inside the nucleus. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00041-00013225-00013963 How does it make its way outside of this double bilipid layer? 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00042-00013963-00014400 And the way it makes its way out is through nuclear pores. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00043-00014400-00014896 So a nuclear pore is essentially a tunnel. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00044-00014896-00015055 And there are thousands of these. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00045-00015055-00015404 It's a tunnel through this bilipid layer. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00046-00015404-00015722 So the tunnel is made up of a bunch of proteins. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00047-00015722-00015863 So this right over here-- and this 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00048-00015863-00016019 is kind of a cross section of it. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00049-00016019-00016207 But you could almost imagine it if you're 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00050-00016207-00016360 thinking of it in three dimensions, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00051-00016360-00016531 you would imagine a tunnel. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00052-00016531-00016761 A protein-constructed-- a tunnel made out 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00053-00016761-00017588 of proteins that goes through this double bilipid membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00054-00017588-00018697 And so the mRNA can make its way out and get to a free ribosome, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00055-00018697-00019042 and then be translated into a protein. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00056-00019384-00019750 But this right over here is not the complete picture. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00057-00019750-00020234 Because when you translate a protein using a free ribosome, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00058-00020234-00020556 this is for proteins that are used inside the cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00059-00020556-00021033 So let me draw the entire cell right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00060-00021033-00021211 This is the cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00061-00021211-00021695 This right over here is the cytosol of the cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00062-00021695-00021849 And you might be sometimes confused 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00063-00021849-00022154 with the term cytosol and cytoplasm. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00064-00022154-00022486 Cytosol is all the fluid between the organelles. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00065-00022486-00022786 Cytoplasm is everything that's inside the cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00066-00022786-00023052 So it's the cytosol and the organelles 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00067-00023052-00023376 and the stuff inside the organelles is the cytoplasm. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00068-00023376-00023665 So cytoplasm is everything inside of the cell. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00069-00023665-00024189 Cytosol is just the fluid that's between the organelles. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00070-00024189-00024591 So anyway, the free ribosome over here, this translation 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00071-00024591-00024938 is good for proteins used within the cell itself. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00072-00024938-00025206 The proteins can then float around the cytosol 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00073-00025206-00025416 and used in whichever way is appropriate. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00074-00025416-00025760 But how do you get protein outside of the cell, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00075-00025760-00026008 or even inside the cellular membrane? 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00076-00026008-00026260 Not within it, within the cell, but embedded 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00077-00026260-00026544 in the cell membrane or outside of the cell itself. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00078-00026544-00026688 And we know that cells communicate 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00079-00026688-00026925 in all sorts of different ways and they produce proteins 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00080-00026925-00027119 for other cells or for use in the bloodstream, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00081-00027119-00027307 or whatever it might be. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00082-00027307-00027570 And that's what we're going to focus on in this video. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00083-00027570-00027995 So contiguous with this what's called a perinuclear 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00084-00027995-00028238 space right over here, so the space between these two 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00085-00028238-00028591 membranes-- So you have this perinuclear space 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00086-00028591-00028864 between the inner and outer nuclear membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00087-00028864-00028960 Let me just label that. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00088-00028960-00029222 That's the inner nuclear membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00089-00029222-00029545 That's the outer nuclear membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00090-00029545-00029957 You could continue this outer nuclear membrane, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00091-00029957-00030587 and you get into these kind of flaps and folds and bulges. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00092-00030587-00030814 And this right over here is considered 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00093-00030814-00031025 a separate organelle. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00094-00031025-00031275 So you get this thing that looks like this, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00095-00031275-00031602 and I'll just do it the best that I can draw it. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00096-00031602-00031745 And this right over here is called 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00097-00031745-00032011 the endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00098-00032011-00032613 So this right here is endoplasmic reticulum, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00099-00032613-00033021 which I've always thought would be a good name for a band. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00100-00033021-00033505 And the endoplasmic reticulum is key for starting 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00101-00033505-00033814 to produce and then later on package proteins that 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00102-00033814-00034185 are either embedded in the cellular membrane 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00103-00034185-00034561 or used outside of the cell itself. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00104-00034561-00034720 So how does that happen? 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00105-00034720-00035084 Well, the endoplasmic reticulum really has two regions. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00106-00035084-00035391 It has the rough endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00107-00035391-00035750 And the rough endoplasmic reticulum 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00108-00035750-00035944 has a bunch of ribosomes. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00109-00035944-00036119 So that's a free ribosome right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00110-00036119-00036384 This is an attached ribosome. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00111-00036384-00036613 These are ribosomes that are attached 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00112-00036613-00037037 to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00113-00037037-00037207 So this region where you have attached 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00114-00037207-00037691 ribosomes right over here, that is 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00115-00037691-00038003 the rough endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00116-00038003-00038227 I'll call it the rough ER for short. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00117-00038227-00038507 Perhaps an even better name for a band. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00118-00038507-00038666 And then there's another region, which 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00119-00038666-00038936 is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00120-00038936-00039310 And the role that this plays in protein synthesis, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00121-00039310-00039531 or at least getting proteins ready for the outside 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00122-00039531-00040114 of the cell, is you can have messenger RNA-- let 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00123-00040114-00040342 me do that in that lighter green color-- 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00124-00040342-00040677 you can have messenger RNA find one 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00125-00040677-00041002 of these ribosomes associated with the rough endoplasmic 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00126-00041002-00041103 reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00127-00041103-00041355 And as the protein is translated, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00128-00041355-00041655 it won't be translated inside the cytosol. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00129-00041655-00041893 It'll be translated on the other side 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00130-00041893-00042261 of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00131-00042261-00042578 Or you could say on the inside of it, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00132-00042578-00043025 in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00133-00043025-00043171 Let me make that a little bit-- let 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00134-00043171-00043344 me draw that a little bit better. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00135-00043344-00043648 So let's say that this right over here, that right over here 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00136-00043648-00043987 is the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00137-00043987-00044349 And then as a protein, or as a mRNA 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00138-00044349-00044643 is being translated into protein, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00139-00044643-00044926 the ribosome can attach. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00140-00044926-00045437 And let's say that this right over here 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00141-00045437-00045753 is the mRNA that is being translated. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00142-00045753-00046080 Let's say it's going in that direction right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00143-00046080-00046349 Here is the membrane of the ER. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00144-00046349-00046561 So ER membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00145-00046924-00047196 This right over here-- and actually, the way I've drawn it 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00146-00047196-00047443 right over here, this is just one bilipid layer. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00147-00047443-00047717 So let me just draw it like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00148-00047717-00047923 I could do it like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00149-00047923-00048222 And this is actually, this bilipid layer is continuous. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00150-00048222-00048648 It's continuous with the outer nuclear membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00151-00048648-00049103 So let me just make it like that so you get the picture. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00152-00049103-00049603 And then at some point in the translation process, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00153-00049603-00050108 the protein can be spit out on the inside. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00154-00050108-00050411 As it's being translated, it can be spit out 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00155-00050411-00050735 on the inside of the endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00156-00050735-00050961 So this is the lumen. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00157-00050961-00051180 This is the ER lumen right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00158-00051180-00051515 So we're inside the endoplasmic reticulum here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00159-00051515-00052039 Here we're outside in the cytosol. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00160-00052601-00052978 So that way you get the protein now, inside the ER. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00161-00052978-00053135 Inside the endoplasmic reticulum, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00162-00053135-00053309 and it can travel through it. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00163-00053309-00053527 And at some point, it can bud off. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00164-00053527-00053819 So let's say, imagine the protein is right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00165-00053819-00054160 And the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has many functions, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00166-00054160-00054627 and I won't get into all the depth of how it's involved. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00167-00054627-00054959 But at some point that protein can bud off. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00168-00054959-00055226 So let me draw a budding off protein. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00169-00055226-00055627 So let's say this is the membrane 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00170-00055627-00055870 of the endoplasmic reticulum. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00171-00055870-00056520 And a protein, let's say, ends up right over here. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00172-00056520-00056658 And then it can bud out. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00173-00056658-00057066 So it could go from that to-- let me do that same color. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00174-00057066-00057697 It could go from that to that-- I 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00175-00057697-00058227 think you see where this is going-- to that, and then 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00176-00058227-00058372 to that. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00177-00058372-00058791 And then it could go to something like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00178-00058791-00059024 Now it has budded out. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00179-00059024-00059316 And when you have a protein, or really you 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00180-00059316-00059496 have anything that's being transported 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00181-00059496-00059932 around a cell with its own little mini membrane, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00182-00059932-00060113 we call this a vesicle. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00183-00060113-00060562 So now it'll bundle up, and now it is a vesicle. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00184-00060562-00060750 Now, this vesicle can then-- let me 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00185-00060750-00061195 draw some of these vesicles holding some proteins, so 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00186-00061195-00062024 let me draw that-- can then go to the Golgi apparatus, which 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00187-00062024-00062366 I'll drawn in blue right over here as best as I can. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00188-00062366-00062641 So the Golgi apparatus. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00189-00062641-00062846 This is not-- obviously there could 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00190-00062846-00063161 be better drawings of something like this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00191-00063161-00063434 And then they can essentially do the reverse process, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00192-00063434-00063760 and they can attach themselves to the Golgi, oftentimes 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00193-00063760-00064133 the Golgi body, named after Mr. Golgi who discovered this. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00194-00064133-00064379 And then the proteins, once they get 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00195-00064379-00064715 into the inside of the Golgi body, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00196-00064715-00065079 then they essentially go into a maturation process 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00197-00065079-00065371 so that they're ready for transport outside of the cell, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00198-00065371-00065700 or maybe to be embedded into the cellular membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00199-00065700-00065914 So this right over here is the Golgi body, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00200-00065914-00066111 or a Golgi body or Golgi apparatus. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00201-00066848-00067201 And then once they're done with that process, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00202-00067201-00067622 then this is kind of the fully-manufactured protein 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00203-00067622-00067940 ready to be used. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00204-00067940-00068230 And actually, maybe I'll make it a slightly different-- well, 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00205-00068230-00068374 I'll just use that same color. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00206-00068374-00068596 This is the fully-manufactured protein. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00207-00068596-00069025 And now it can transport to the cell membrane. 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00208-00069025-00069339 And that protein can either be transported 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00209-00069339-00069606 outside of the cell, or it can be 6ITTYRtbu1Q-00210-00069606-00069939 embedded within the membrane itself. 6IWvMZwv_MI-00000-00000206-00000787 getting all kinds of ah crap 6IWvMZwv_MI-00001-00000787-00000887 hi guys 6IWvMZwv_MI-00002-00000887-00002263 hi we got a new light right here 6IWvMZwv_MI-00003-00002263-00002617 nightly walk your host Ben 6IWvMZwv_MI-00004-00002617-00003488 how they met I'm completely blinded by this light 6IWvMZwv_MI-00005-00003488-00003799 hi Tiffany 6IWvMZwv_MI-00006-00003799-00004727 how are you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00007-00004727-00005473 I just realized this late oh great idea but I can't see anything so that kind of sucks 6IWvMZwv_MI-00008-00005473-00005993 how's everybody doing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00009-00005993-00006747 I'm doing good I take my walk you know stay sane 6IWvMZwv_MI-00010-00006747-00007753 got this little selfie light hooked to my phone and it's just so bright isn't this bright 6IWvMZwv_MI-00011-00007753-00008022 so 6IWvMZwv_MI-00012-00008022-00009035 we're gonna do this whole trip with you guys telling me which way to go I've been up and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00013-00009035-00009796 down every street here I've gazillion times so [Applause] when I find a Direction I will 6IWvMZwv_MI-00014-00009796-00010382 leave it to Beaver how's everybody doing advice staying sober 6IWvMZwv_MI-00015-00010382-00011682 I think it's about nine o'clock P.M here for me 6IWvMZwv_MI-00016-00011682-00012853 I look like I'm on a new show or something I'm all illuminated in the dark 6IWvMZwv_MI-00017-00012853-00013028 on the Reel this light should be facing the other way 6IWvMZwv_MI-00018-00013028-00014456 see where we're going 6IWvMZwv_MI-00019-00014456-00014556 ski 6IWvMZwv_MI-00020-00014556-00016138 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00021-00016138-00016885 by the way anybody's coming down it's a good one they got goats live goats if you want 6IWvMZwv_MI-00022-00016885-00017154 to hang out with the goats 6IWvMZwv_MI-00023-00017154-00018200 I've done a night walk before it was after watching The Shining I ran home yeah that's 6IWvMZwv_MI-00024-00018200-00018848 funny yeah you gotta be careful out there all right Tiffany I think you're the only 6IWvMZwv_MI-00025-00018848-00019572 one in my chat right now would you like me to go straight left which is different all 6IWvMZwv_MI-00026-00019572-00019848 right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00027-00019848-00020245 straight left all right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00028-00020245-00021745 straight a little left all right left oh man she wants me to go through the dark okay 6IWvMZwv_MI-00029-00021745-00023066 all right we're heading toward uh Creek bed and no signs of Life perfect let's do it I'm 6IWvMZwv_MI-00030-00023066-00023354 down 6IWvMZwv_MI-00031-00023354-00024506 got my only friend Abba Zaba You My Only Friend 6IWvMZwv_MI-00032-00024506-00025125 welcome all you lurkers as well lurkers are all welcome you know and if you're a lurker 6IWvMZwv_MI-00033-00025125-00025567 and you wanna help a brother out but you don't want your channel shouted out just tell me 6IWvMZwv_MI-00034-00025567-00026482 and I won't shout you out 6IWvMZwv_MI-00035-00026482-00026932 Channel shout outs let me know if they help you guys at all as well you know because I 6IWvMZwv_MI-00036-00026932-00027722 know back when I started YouTube man what I wouldn't do to have somebody shout my channel 6IWvMZwv_MI-00037-00027722-00027823 heck yeah Willie thanks man 6IWvMZwv_MI-00038-00027823-00029269 yeah I appreciate you sharing me out Willie good to see you tonight man hopefully you're 6IWvMZwv_MI-00039-00029269-00030162 still keeping up the same Journey it's a tough one my man but if you're able you know you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00040-00030162-00031013 get your booty out there and walk holy [__] y'all I gotta turn around 6IWvMZwv_MI-00041-00031013-00031579 I'm sorry Tiffany I will go back but I forgot something very important to uh walking at 6IWvMZwv_MI-00042-00031579-00032480 night and that's a protection but we're not too far from the house let's take a walk back 6IWvMZwv_MI-00043-00032480-00033128 I got all night Rainey told me tonight she said um you know maybe don't hurry home and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00044-00033128-00033895 I was like man when I got home I was sweating so in other words try to take my time and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00045-00033895-00034683 just you know hang out at the park you know whatever 6IWvMZwv_MI-00046-00034683-00035211 we'll figure something out it'll be fun we're gonna do this for hours boy 6IWvMZwv_MI-00047-00035211-00037337 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00048-00037337-00038030 so we're headed back to my house sorry about that we got like six and a half minutes down 6IWvMZwv_MI-00049-00038030-00038536 the road 6IWvMZwv_MI-00050-00038536-00040239 that's okay I don't think I brought enough green we gotta get [__] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00051-00040239-00040695 yeah so anybody uh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00052-00040695-00040913 you know I got nothing man 6IWvMZwv_MI-00053-00040913-00042456 just try to be quiet huh that way you guys can enjoy the night the ASMR aspect of 6IWvMZwv_MI-00054-00042456-00042556 it all 6IWvMZwv_MI-00055-00042556-00043371 thank you oh my flock just put out legends never die I'm assuming that's an MGK song 6IWvMZwv_MI-00056-00043371-00043582 I love that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00057-00043582-00044752 oh I smell uh I smell fireplaces it smells so good just like fresh mesquite wood fresh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00058-00044752-00045581 meaning still pretty wet smells really strong oh it smells good reminds me of camping you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00059-00045581-00045681 know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00060-00045681-00046247 I pity the fool 6IWvMZwv_MI-00061-00046247-00047162 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00062-00047162-00048076 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00063-00048076-00048519 live live live live live live live live live live live live live live live live live live 6IWvMZwv_MI-00064-00048519-00048769 live live live 6IWvMZwv_MI-00065-00048769-00048869 real life 6IWvMZwv_MI-00066-00048869-00050028 live pretty sure in the future I'll be eat sleep repeat live oh yeah I already do that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00067-00050028-00051955 all right back down the alleyway back down the alley back down the alleyway 6IWvMZwv_MI-00068-00051955-00052351 try to stay uplifted you know uplifted gifted keep my mood shifted 6IWvMZwv_MI-00069-00052351-00053973 I'm gonna have to grab my Chillum 6IWvMZwv_MI-00070-00053973-00055104 yeah gotta grab a few things y'all gotta grab a few things all right you're gonna come with 6IWvMZwv_MI-00071-00055104-00055204 me this will be fun 6IWvMZwv_MI-00072-00055204-00056274 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00073-00056274-00058582 bear with me okay we'll get back to chat in just a second it's got a foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00074-00058582-00059058 's birthday today heck yeah let's go happy birthday Scarface 6IWvMZwv_MI-00075-00059058-00060188 all right [Applause] leave my joint burning 6IWvMZwv_MI-00076-00060188-00060288 icky 6IWvMZwv_MI-00077-00060288-00061972 thank you I love you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00078-00061972-00062504 it's my cat 6IWvMZwv_MI-00079-00062504-00064626 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00080-00064626-00066748 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00082-00070482-00070582 okay 6IWvMZwv_MI-00083-00070582-00070833 roll out 6IWvMZwv_MI-00084-00070833-00073369 all right guys sorry about all that be yes we're back from my outer space 6IWvMZwv_MI-00085-00073369-00073707 you know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00086-00073707-00073876 hi 6IWvMZwv_MI-00087-00073876-00074789 okay back at it again what do you say we go uh right for a change huh let's go right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00088-00074789-00077236 enjoy the ASMR that asthma 6IWvMZwv_MI-00089-00077236-00079245 83 today holy crap he's still kicking huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00090-00079245-00079896 anybody ever hear uh any more about Bruce Willis one of my action heroes you know but 6IWvMZwv_MI-00091-00079896-00080730 I heard he wasn't doing well a little while back Alzheimer's and stuff I really hope he 6IWvMZwv_MI-00092-00080730-00081983 got better man but I know how that goes 6IWvMZwv_MI-00093-00081983-00084656 Jack Nicholson holy crap he's still kicking too Legends really right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00094-00084656-00086392 good 6IWvMZwv_MI-00095-00086392-00087389 Mr Rogers what it do do poo poo 6IWvMZwv_MI-00096-00087389-00087920 I was walking through this alley this exact spot actually I was on my bike mountain bike 6IWvMZwv_MI-00097-00087920-00088375 I was trying to ride to my friends to have a drink for the night you know and there's 6IWvMZwv_MI-00098-00088375-00088881 a bear up this damn tree you can't really see it but it's a big tree right here he was 6IWvMZwv_MI-00099-00088881-00089431 just up in it as soon as I got close to him he jumped down to the ground and I went and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00100-00089431-00090119 I turned around and went back and I went and got my kids and we drove and you know found 6IWvMZwv_MI-00101-00090119-00090779 it saw it drove behind it it jumped the wall 6IWvMZwv_MI-00102-00090779-00091612 so I knocked on the lady's door let her know there's a bear in her yard facts 6IWvMZwv_MI-00103-00091612-00092163 but it's good to see you here man I'm glad you can make it 6IWvMZwv_MI-00104-00092163-00093773 remember some pasty legs huh hasty 6IWvMZwv_MI-00106-00100413-00100931 I heard that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00107-00100931-00102504 I heard that too foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00108-00102504-00103416 any questions ask away just uh enjoying my walk really quite peaceful tonight seems like 6IWvMZwv_MI-00109-00103416-00104424 it is every night I gotta do this more often 6IWvMZwv_MI-00110-00104424-00105003 the Arizona sky well I mean I wish I had a farm bro because I mean like an iPhone I don't 6IWvMZwv_MI-00111-00105003-00105486 know if you guys can tell you see the Moon up there yeah the Arizona sky that's no lie 6IWvMZwv_MI-00112-00105486-00106398 dude it's like on blast and then some nights you know some nights it's it's absolutely 6IWvMZwv_MI-00113-00106398-00106928 amazing beautiful yeah rainy it has a telescope and like good camera so she gets some good 6IWvMZwv_MI-00114-00106928-00107028 photos 6IWvMZwv_MI-00115-00107028-00108195 all right guys left right or straight left straight right and that is also a dead end 6IWvMZwv_MI-00116-00108195-00109223 just so you know if we go that way we have to turn around straight left all right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00117-00109223-00110430 we got all night so 6IWvMZwv_MI-00118-00110430-00110535 straight hell yeah 6IWvMZwv_MI-00119-00110535-00111727 oh my God I just realized that I had that light on my camera 6IWvMZwv_MI-00120-00111727-00112314 so that probably didn't work very well 6IWvMZwv_MI-00121-00112314-00113453 I'm new to this whole uh using a cell device you know especially by myself 6IWvMZwv_MI-00122-00113453-00113900 here's that bar I just came about it a different way 6IWvMZwv_MI-00123-00113900-00114828 a wagon wheel this Alleyway I seen a bear down this Alleyway too he was just standing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00124-00114828-00115235 in the middle of the alley dude I was a kid scared the [__] out of me just like that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00125-00115235-00115686 dog right now God damn it 6IWvMZwv_MI-00126-00115686-00116364 30 miles per hour man 30 miles per hour 6IWvMZwv_MI-00127-00116364-00117116 damn right oh there's a car in the front 6IWvMZwv_MI-00128-00117116-00117483 all right guys right left or straight 6IWvMZwv_MI-00129-00117483-00119384 s the highway left's also the highway straight Construction but more town [Music] up to you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00130-00119384-00119591 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00131-00119591-00119800 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00132-00119800-00121664 [Music] he Burks hello I didn't see you there 6IWvMZwv_MI-00133-00121664-00123167 I'm gonna go off with her last message and I'm going with straight again 6IWvMZwv_MI-00134-00123167-00123558 all right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00135-00123558-00124083 a lot of construction going down here in my town right now 6IWvMZwv_MI-00136-00124083-00124616 it's weird because we got the mine here and they [__] up the roads as fast as they 6IWvMZwv_MI-00137-00124616-00124771 fix them 6IWvMZwv_MI-00138-00124771-00125705 oh that smells like a cow truck went by right there that there was a cattle truck right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00139-00125705-00125815 here 6IWvMZwv_MI-00140-00125815-00126252 what's in a name 6IWvMZwv_MI-00141-00126252-00127133 I don't know [Music] what the hell happened here party yeah we'll see if I can turn on 6IWvMZwv_MI-00142-00127133-00127296 my light 6IWvMZwv_MI-00143-00127296-00128109 we got a little Ramada type deal going on here I know it's really dark looks like the 6IWvMZwv_MI-00144-00128109-00129066 kids probably did these from the school 6IWvMZwv_MI-00145-00129066-00129703 so big ass binge dude 6IWvMZwv_MI-00146-00129703-00130233 huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00147-00130233-00130765 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00148-00130765-00132335 you can't really see let me get my light out 6IWvMZwv_MI-00149-00132335-00133273 the cool thing is if you look underneath this string it has custom water and uh AC it's 6IWvMZwv_MI-00150-00133273-00134200 a whole ass Visitor Center but check this out they can't find volunteers like what kind 6IWvMZwv_MI-00151-00134200-00134703 of volunteers are going to work at a visitor center anyway there's some of the animals 6IWvMZwv_MI-00152-00134703-00135567 out here in case y'all didn't know the black red the Bobcat the mountain lion the cootie 6IWvMZwv_MI-00153-00135567-00136194 the Cuda Monday jaguar and the javelina Jaguar is one that I've never seen here although 6IWvMZwv_MI-00154-00136194-00136575 I do hear about them about all these other guys you see on a regular basis 6IWvMZwv_MI-00155-00136575-00137452 anyway I'm getting my light going 6IWvMZwv_MI-00156-00137452-00137578 huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00157-00137578-00138671 420 and stuff I'm pretty sure this little selfie light's dying already 6IWvMZwv_MI-00158-00138671-00139527 yep I can't walk like that because then I'm blind [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00159-00139527-00141428 I kind of see the train behind me 6IWvMZwv_MI-00160-00141428-00141615 area 6IWvMZwv_MI-00161-00141615-00141803 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00162-00141803-00142932 card my name in it somewhere 6IWvMZwv_MI-00163-00142932-00143477 anyway we'll see if there's any kids here smoking pot 6IWvMZwv_MI-00164-00143477-00144270 I know this is where I came when I was a young thought I was slick too I'd be hiding and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00165-00144270-00145161 [__] at that Park 6IWvMZwv_MI-00166-00145161-00146044 okay take you inside entryway here got some really ghetto steps that are not maintained 6IWvMZwv_MI-00167-00146044-00146270 and full of weeds but uh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00168-00146270-00146853 used to be a train right here big old train the kids could play on used to be a giant 6IWvMZwv_MI-00169-00146853-00147622 tree they cut all that out uh growing up this right here this particular tree branch this 6IWvMZwv_MI-00170-00147622-00148727 held every pinata man every niece and nephew a lot of my kids yeah pinata this is the spot 6IWvMZwv_MI-00171-00148727-00149831 and then you got a playground which is pretty dope and all right pretty dope and all got 6IWvMZwv_MI-00172-00149831-00150280 your slide and we're about to go do some Parkour but this department pisses me off they won't 6IWvMZwv_MI-00173-00150280-00151135 fix it's been like this for you know ever if that plastic is sharp yo it's real sharp 6IWvMZwv_MI-00174-00151135-00152408 and that's a middle slide you know like what the [__] [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00175-00152408-00153277 I gotta get a new joint 6IWvMZwv_MI-00176-00153277-00153571 ah parkour 6IWvMZwv_MI-00177-00153571-00154529 yeah I'm only 25 minutes in and I'm on my second jig [__] man 6IWvMZwv_MI-00178-00154529-00155239 uh it's ain't sober you know we're gonna go up the playground we 6IWvMZwv_MI-00179-00155239-00156447 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00180-00156447-00156915 you know Ellie it was gonna be uh I put the community post out but I know I'm not everybody 6IWvMZwv_MI-00181-00156915-00157571 checks Community I put it out there my um my new Channel The Truman Show has to have 6IWvMZwv_MI-00182-00157571-00158327 50 Subs before I can go live on a mobile device so I'm at 19 Subs now on it I'm making shorts 6IWvMZwv_MI-00183-00158327-00159014 and silly stuff I'm trying to get people over there but yeah it's I gotta get 50 Subs I 6IWvMZwv_MI-00184-00159014-00159502 know it sucks I have my hopes all high but it's all right we'll get there it won't take 6IWvMZwv_MI-00185-00159502-00159916 long 50 Subs we could do this right now we're gonna parkour 6IWvMZwv_MI-00186-00159916-00160401 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00187-00160401-00160886 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00188-00160886-00161514 I'll go down the twirly slides 6IWvMZwv_MI-00189-00161514-00161834 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00190-00161834-00162153 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00191-00162153-00164222 oh yeah this is where the cool kids hang out we hanging out in the slide 6IWvMZwv_MI-00192-00164222-00166525 it's actually kind of nice cozy you know Thomas was so small town 6IWvMZwv_MI-00193-00166525-00168363 at least it's a big one 6IWvMZwv_MI-00194-00168363-00170001 foreign [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00195-00170001-00170819 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00196-00170819-00171638 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00197-00171638-00172457 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00198-00172457-00173275 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00199-00173275-00173864 I rolled it too tight the uh the weed's a little moist so I rolled it really tight oops 6IWvMZwv_MI-00200-00173864-00174162 you ready we're gonna go down this slide guys you ready 6IWvMZwv_MI-00201-00174162-00174821 a little faster than I expected 6IWvMZwv_MI-00202-00174821-00174967 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00203-00174967-00177002 [Music] okay let's see what it looks like to swing live I want to swing that's right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00204-00177002-00178435 it's a grown man out of park that's what's going on right now 6IWvMZwv_MI-00205-00178435-00178545 oh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00206-00178545-00178716 [Music] is this fun for you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00207-00178716-00179803 we love to swing live right this is sick [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00208-00179803-00181835 [Music] there's even a person in the backyard [Music] all right we're gonna jump 6IWvMZwv_MI-00209-00181835-00182789 all right that was a little risky maybe we should leave 6IWvMZwv_MI-00210-00182789-00182981 this is fun if anything will come back you know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00211-00182981-00184695 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00212-00184695-00186408 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00213-00186408-00187226 yeah this is a place to be on a what is it Tuesday Tuesday night 6IWvMZwv_MI-00214-00187226-00188333 across through the construction we're gonna go through the construction zone I want to 6IWvMZwv_MI-00215-00188333-00188842 get in trouble now 6IWvMZwv_MI-00216-00188842-00190317 this is the local Christian Church by the way 6IWvMZwv_MI-00217-00190317-00191321 they also host a thrift store here right here this little area the thrift store and it's 6IWvMZwv_MI-00218-00191321-00191931 open like every morning but they got some really good stuff for a good price like uh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00219-00191931-00192466 they have a thing called Brown Bag day and uh you can go in there with the big giant 6IWvMZwv_MI-00220-00192466-00192944 brown grocery bags they give you one for five bucks you can fill it up with any clothing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00221-00192944-00193462 you want like yeah you could fit a lot of clothes especially you know some of them ladies 6IWvMZwv_MI-00222-00193462-00194278 clothes you can really load up but they get donations from everyone 6IWvMZwv_MI-00223-00194278-00194649 you know everybody helps each other around here it's a really good community 6IWvMZwv_MI-00224-00194649-00197353 and this street is spooky you know I was gonna say I actually got to turn around because 6IWvMZwv_MI-00225-00197353-00198058 I'm Gonna Leave You guys like sitting outside so I can go pee I try to go play 33 minutes 6IWvMZwv_MI-00226-00198058-00198554 in too I took I took a break right before I left I went to the bathroom but you know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00227-00198554-00198664 what I'm slurping down water 6IWvMZwv_MI-00228-00198664-00200865 I seen something but it was nothing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00229-00200865-00202551 okay so if you guys uh get stolen while I'm in the restroom which is highly unlikely you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00230-00202551-00203000 know just email me let me know who took my phone 6IWvMZwv_MI-00231-00203000-00204075 all right I'm gonna set you right outside it's gonna trip everyone out to like dude 6IWvMZwv_MI-00232-00204075-00205816 is that a camera setup right there show is [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00233-00205816-00207223 okay 6IWvMZwv_MI-00234-00207223-00210037 foreign [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00235-00210037-00212851 [Music] foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00236-00212851-00215067 I brought my my camel bag or whatever they call it um 6IWvMZwv_MI-00237-00215067-00215711 that I normally take on our you know our two hour hikes so I mean I hope it's enough if 6IWvMZwv_MI-00238-00215711-00216419 not you know plenty of places I could stop and fill it up 6IWvMZwv_MI-00239-00216419-00218654 back to the spooky Street huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00240-00218654-00219804 oh the view all right on right I should just set up a live and just let it just sit there 6IWvMZwv_MI-00241-00219804-00220340 and play I'll show you a really nice spot up ahead where it's just you look at the view 6IWvMZwv_MI-00242-00220340-00221231 and you're like wow that looks peaceful and truly it is that's the beauty of it welcome 6IWvMZwv_MI-00243-00221231-00221519 back everybody 6IWvMZwv_MI-00244-00221519-00222461 what the heck is that a ghost was that a stuttering ghost sound was that what that was ghost s 6IWvMZwv_MI-00245-00222461-00222980 if it was it was a perfect little disciple of it 6IWvMZwv_MI-00246-00222980-00223173 oh fast guy 6IWvMZwv_MI-00247-00223173-00223892 that was a weird sound 6IWvMZwv_MI-00248-00223892-00224481 thank you 6IWvMZwv_MI-00249-00224481-00225881 there's a few cars running around still it must be a 6IWvMZwv_MI-00250-00225881-00226456 still before 10 huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00251-00226456-00228983 that's pizza restaurant ever I don't know about all that but you know it's good 6IWvMZwv_MI-00252-00228983-00230227 anyway here's your view 6IWvMZwv_MI-00253-00230227-00230962 this is that's the main strip this is busy the busiest part of town 6IWvMZwv_MI-00254-00230962-00231842 be even better from the road [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00255-00231842-00232875 and I'll stand by and smoke 6IWvMZwv_MI-00256-00232875-00232975 yeah for sure 6IWvMZwv_MI-00257-00232975-00233851 it does it just looks like a ghost town don't it 6IWvMZwv_MI-00258-00233851-00235067 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00259-00235067-00237496 [Music] foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00260-00237496-00238713 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00261-00238713-00239928 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00262-00239928-00241173 that was fun 6IWvMZwv_MI-00263-00241173-00241912 there's a whole group of people walking over there that's random did I miss anything 6IWvMZwv_MI-00264-00241912-00243116 okay we good we good I was up here doing the whole uh what do they call it to hold 6IWvMZwv_MI-00265-00243116-00243216 Titanic scenario 6IWvMZwv_MI-00266-00243216-00244630 lots of people oh it's a bar I didn't realize the bar was open today 6IWvMZwv_MI-00267-00244630-00246006 what do you guys think you want to go past a few drunk people I feel like that'll be 6IWvMZwv_MI-00268-00246006-00246785 a little bit of a trigger for me for me I'm gonna cross because yeah that's definitely 6IWvMZwv_MI-00269-00246785-00247248 not a good one and then they start talking to me I smell the breath no Kinks 6IWvMZwv_MI-00270-00247248-00248767 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00271-00248767-00249594 good stuff this is so I can see and you can see looks a little crazy that's okay 6IWvMZwv_MI-00272-00249594-00250956 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00273-00250956-00251432 that's a semi truck you know I better be nice to watch Cars pass by from right beside the 6IWvMZwv_MI-00274-00251432-00251878 highway what do you guys think I mean I'm not going to sit there I'm just going to put 6IWvMZwv_MI-00275-00251878-00252729 my tripod up yeah this little thing's got a tripod on it if you didn't notice 6IWvMZwv_MI-00276-00252729-00253756 a little Nursery Mexican restaurant Senior Center 6IWvMZwv_MI-00277-00253756-00255256 hope everybody's having a really good night man 6IWvMZwv_MI-00278-00255256-00255356 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00279-00255356-00256246 to be honest I don't know which way to go you guys are more than welcome to pick to 6IWvMZwv_MI-00280-00256246-00257200 the right is uh post office Bakery Market to the left is where we came from really yeah 6IWvMZwv_MI-00281-00257200-00258101 so we're going right dude 6IWvMZwv_MI-00282-00258101-00258976 in my pocket 6IWvMZwv_MI-00283-00258976-00259926 did you guys know that anything visible from the outside is fair game well I want you to 6IWvMZwv_MI-00284-00259926-00260682 know that this is a courthouse and that is a computer monitor that appears to be open 6IWvMZwv_MI-00285-00260682-00261219 I won't do it though we don't want to start no [__] I'm just saying that's what I 6IWvMZwv_MI-00286-00261219-00261644 thought about doing before I started these lives 6IWvMZwv_MI-00287-00261644-00262554 just in general YouTube I was gonna audit the law the dumbest most stressful most dangerous 6IWvMZwv_MI-00288-00262554-00263169 thing you can do I love that people are bringing awareness to it you know but my brain I'm 6IWvMZwv_MI-00289-00263169-00263269 not built for that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00290-00263269-00265577 it's weird you never see that some random woman just texting someone on the street corner 6IWvMZwv_MI-00291-00265577-00266255 does our helipad I know you can't tell that's what it is the helicopters say the same thing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00292-00266255-00267665 every time like the [__] bro 6IWvMZwv_MI-00293-00267665-00268732 oh [__] I just saw a shooting star over there guys 6IWvMZwv_MI-00294-00268732-00268854 one lonely sign way out here 6IWvMZwv_MI-00295-00268854-00269865 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00296-00269865-00270943 the old jailhouse 6IWvMZwv_MI-00297-00270943-00272018 Electric Company 6IWvMZwv_MI-00298-00272018-00274705 this is our Medical Center 6IWvMZwv_MI-00299-00274705-00275243 still they still enforce this [__] here too but I know it's controversial it's a medical 6IWvMZwv_MI-00300-00275243-00275982 center but uh in our small town you know it's just kind of weird 6IWvMZwv_MI-00301-00275982-00277201 most the places didn't do it but there were the few that kind of had to I mean medical 6IWvMZwv_MI-00302-00277201-00277415 facility 6IWvMZwv_MI-00303-00277415-00279610 click click click click what do you hear clicking hey babe how is Conor is Connor asleep 6IWvMZwv_MI-00304-00279610-00279974 yeah we already went to the park and hung out did some sweetening with some sliding 6IWvMZwv_MI-00305-00279974-00280288 uh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00306-00280288-00280841 go look at the snags again but oh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00307-00280841-00281974 I think I have any [__] hold on damn see my problem is guys is I always have ones like 6IWvMZwv_MI-00308-00281974-00282397 one dollar bills but silly me I always give them to my kids every time I get a chance 6IWvMZwv_MI-00309-00282397-00282545 I'm like you want to do some chores I got some allowance 6IWvMZwv_MI-00310-00282545-00285063 facts yeah there we go here's a sheriff see if we can get a rise out of them 6IWvMZwv_MI-00311-00285063-00285486 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00312-00285486-00285909 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00313-00285909-00287236 oh he was asleep right last night [__] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00314-00287236-00288249 [Music] man there's a light on in the bedroom and I was like oh yeah he ain't sweet 6IWvMZwv_MI-00315-00288249-00288366 my bed 6IWvMZwv_MI-00316-00288366-00289358 that guy's going fast dang he didn't stop at all he's in the middle of the highway 6IWvMZwv_MI-00317-00289358-00290107 I wonder what his deal is 6IWvMZwv_MI-00318-00290107-00290255 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00319-00290255-00290404 oh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00320-00290404-00292238 well that's okay I needed my walk it's going pretty well so far so good I mean I was hoping 6IWvMZwv_MI-00321-00292238-00292830 it's like a line of cars with the camera right here by the road while I walk away but no 6IWvMZwv_MI-00322-00292830-00293461 cars are coming out except for when I'm not by the highway 6IWvMZwv_MI-00323-00293461-00294098 where'd everybody go there was five people and then [Music] rainy came in 6IWvMZwv_MI-00324-00294098-00294942 he scared everyone they're like oh [__] Ben's in trouble guys 6IWvMZwv_MI-00325-00294942-00295588 this is definitely a talked about thing 6IWvMZwv_MI-00326-00295588-00295991 a little discussion sting 6IWvMZwv_MI-00327-00295991-00297346 let's go back to this side of town huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00328-00297346-00297674 oh yeah 6IWvMZwv_MI-00329-00297674-00298446 yeah nobody likes drama she didn't mean it guys she didn't mean it let's stare and just 6IWvMZwv_MI-00330-00298446-00299280 uh oh God triggered let's stare into here and just uh imagine all the yummy stuff we 6IWvMZwv_MI-00331-00299280-00300004 could eat yummy stuff 6IWvMZwv_MI-00332-00300004-00300341 show Connor the candy 6IWvMZwv_MI-00333-00300341-00301452 I'm trying to zoom out guys it's not working 6IWvMZwv_MI-00334-00301452-00302069 I think that's zoomed out 6IWvMZwv_MI-00335-00302069-00302192 anyway 6IWvMZwv_MI-00336-00302192-00303704 do I hear a car I do it's totally on the other side of the highway though [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00337-00303704-00304274 no if I stand here they'll think I'm trying to cross can't do that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00338-00304274-00306685 like it's it's the only crosswalk in town that crosses 6IWvMZwv_MI-00339-00306685-00307940 the highway I shoot you now 6IWvMZwv_MI-00340-00307940-00310350 all right uh now we chill at the gas station 6IWvMZwv_MI-00341-00310350-00310591 [Applause] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00342-00310591-00310831 laughs 6IWvMZwv_MI-00343-00310831-00311073 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00344-00311073-00311394 thank you for the reminder 6IWvMZwv_MI-00345-00311394-00313301 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00346-00313301-00313401 that was your big drink 6IWvMZwv_MI-00348-00318559-00318820 all right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00349-00318820-00319081 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00350-00319081-00319341 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00351-00319341-00320163 do you think the Cannabis works for headaches now I'm a firm believer that cannabis works 6IWvMZwv_MI-00352-00320163-00320632 for most Medical but when it comes to my head and oxygen to it 6IWvMZwv_MI-00353-00320632-00321517 I try not to smoke anything but I get chronic headaches like it's real bad so maybe that 6IWvMZwv_MI-00354-00321517-00322224 plays A Part 6IWvMZwv_MI-00355-00322224-00322811 but yeah she doesn't actually she hasn't smoked in weeks 6IWvMZwv_MI-00356-00322811-00324913 oh I mean other than that couple puffs off the the new little e thing which she hated 6IWvMZwv_MI-00357-00324913-00325651 you know what I think I think I went out too early 6IWvMZwv_MI-00358-00325651-00326195 I think that I'm gonna do this again 6IWvMZwv_MI-00359-00326195-00327336 in a little bit but only if Randy wants to play fortnite 6IWvMZwv_MI-00360-00327336-00327649 otherwise I'll just 6IWvMZwv_MI-00361-00327649-00327905 it's a little bit loud 6IWvMZwv_MI-00362-00327905-00328582 or if Randy would like my company but yeah if I had announced she was awake to be honest 6IWvMZwv_MI-00363-00328582-00329008 guys I would have waited I mean I knew she was awake but I thought for sure she was putting 6IWvMZwv_MI-00364-00329008-00329663 them down still it takes a while usually to go to sleep so this is particularly fast but 6IWvMZwv_MI-00365-00329663-00329919 no my head hurts okay that's fair 6IWvMZwv_MI-00366-00329919-00331743 let's go through a dark alley right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00367-00331743-00332698 so that's a definite no to fortnite right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00368-00332698-00332835 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00369-00332835-00335190 [Music] this light is so incredibly bright but it's in my face it's not when it's in 6IWvMZwv_MI-00370-00335190-00335744 front of me [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00371-00335744-00337572 yeah because I mean I don't know how long I can walk I mean unless I'm going to Forest 6IWvMZwv_MI-00372-00337572-00338390 count this [__] and become real strong you know but 6IWvMZwv_MI-00373-00338390-00338620 this is one of those things where it's like replace a habit with the habit but this is 6IWvMZwv_MI-00374-00338620-00339315 uh a lot harder to do you know what I mean I don't know if anybody gets it I'm not making 6IWvMZwv_MI-00375-00339315-00339758 excuses I'm just being realistic trying to think of a good 6IWvMZwv_MI-00377-00343518-00343935 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00378-00343935-00344353 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00379-00344353-00344783 it's dark 6IWvMZwv_MI-00380-00344783-00347634 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00381-00347634-00350484 foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00382-00350484-00351412 we appreciate you we think you guys are really awesome too we say that I mean uh the whole 6IWvMZwv_MI-00383-00351412-00352202 family you guys all seem like a really really good people you know likable 6IWvMZwv_MI-00384-00352202-00352935 and awesome likable is way too downgrading of a word 6IWvMZwv_MI-00385-00352935-00354208 but yeah I appreciate that you guys didn't see it yet you go over to uh The Truman Show 6IWvMZwv_MI-00386-00354208-00355140 And subscribe first of all because I gotta get it to 50 and then um check out that Avatar 6IWvMZwv_MI-00387-00355140-00355752 pretty badass I mean I thought I did a good job and then she comes in with the heat like 6IWvMZwv_MI-00388-00355752-00356431 oh look let's put your face in it what I'm like what next level 6IWvMZwv_MI-00389-00356431-00358421 well yeah 6IWvMZwv_MI-00390-00358421-00359228 you know real talk I think I'm going to uh head home 6IWvMZwv_MI-00391-00359228-00359445 get on YouTube 6IWvMZwv_MI-00392-00359445-00360133 serve some channels see who's live anybody's live right now let me know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00393-00360133-00360233 you know 6IWvMZwv_MI-00394-00360233-00362727 I just got scared by my selfie stick shadow foreign 6IWvMZwv_MI-00395-00362727-00363966 it's more like all right I said it's scary but uh it's more like uh jumpy you know like 6IWvMZwv_MI-00396-00363966-00364066 ready 6IWvMZwv_MI-00397-00364066-00364969 to outrun a [__] mountain lion you know maybe not I'm a better shot than I am a runner 6IWvMZwv_MI-00398-00364969-00365142 but hopefully everything's good 6IWvMZwv_MI-00399-00365142-00366815 hmm spooked 6IWvMZwv_MI-00400-00366815-00366915 what do you mean 6IWvMZwv_MI-00401-00366915-00367069 [__] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00402-00367069-00369980 the ring light is like dying it didn't last very long but yeah it works 6IWvMZwv_MI-00403-00369980-00371050 wow what see now I'm in the dark can you see my face 6IWvMZwv_MI-00404-00371050-00371207 just walking into the pitch black 6IWvMZwv_MI-00405-00371207-00372035 that's my knight 6IWvMZwv_MI-00406-00372035-00373241 I'd rather it be spooky and mysterious will Illuminate Me and nothing else 6IWvMZwv_MI-00407-00373241-00374614 I lost my path and I started walking sideways without spinning the camera in the dark not 6IWvMZwv_MI-00408-00374614-00374714 very smart 6IWvMZwv_MI-00409-00374714-00375224 yeah 6IWvMZwv_MI-00410-00375224-00376064 but for real though I might go live again later 6IWvMZwv_MI-00411-00376064-00376747 that's what I'm thinking 6IWvMZwv_MI-00412-00376747-00378032 hope everybody's having a good night four people in a house only been on an hour and 6IWvMZwv_MI-00413-00378032-00380089 three minutes it's nothing huh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00414-00380089-00380189 it's sit 6IWvMZwv_MI-00415-00380189-00380618 and talk but 6IWvMZwv_MI-00416-00380618-00381455 I could also listen to you guys sit and talk probably got more to say 6IWvMZwv_MI-00417-00381455-00381752 well big truck coming my way 6IWvMZwv_MI-00419-00386332-00386432 spooky 6IWvMZwv_MI-00420-00386432-00387121 [Music] 6IWvMZwv_MI-00421-00387121-00388746 I am indeed home 6IWvMZwv_MI-00422-00388746-00390849 yeah you like that hippie flag 6IWvMZwv_MI-00423-00390849-00391377 all right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00424-00391377-00392781 no I did not scare the cat sleeping in the road I should have here's this cat Iggy's 6IWvMZwv_MI-00425-00392781-00393207 outside 6IWvMZwv_MI-00426-00393207-00393633 Iggy Iggy 6IWvMZwv_MI-00427-00393633-00394843 yeah well I guess it's time 6IWvMZwv_MI-00428-00394843-00395541 it's time which cat was it it was uh 6IWvMZwv_MI-00429-00395541-00395892 Tang twist hang 6IWvMZwv_MI-00430-00395892-00396894 time for me to go right 6IWvMZwv_MI-00431-00396894-00398465 I'll see you guys in the morning right okay peace and love or maybe maybe in maybe in 6IWvMZwv_MI-00432-00398465-00398823 a little bit we'll see peace and love 6IWvMZwv_MI-00433-00398823-00398898 um 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00000-00000004-00000130 ♪ I'm kinda old true ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00001-00000130-00000298 ♪ My life's kind of boring also true ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00002-00000298-00000440 ♪ But I'll film it anyway ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00003-00000440-00000549 ♪ No one asked for this ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00004-00000549-00000762 ♪ Hope you're ready for it ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00005-00000762-00001049 ♪ 'Cause I'm vlogging till Christmas Day ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00006-00001049-00001288 ♪ Oh my God please never let me do that again ♪ 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00007-00001288-00001557 - Hello, welcome to Vlogmas number three, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00008-00001557-00001734 welcome back, happy to have you, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00009-00001734-00001973 I have basically come to the point where, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00010-00001973-00002317 I'm just ready to (beep) my hair again. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00011-00002317-00002567 So, I thought I would take you along, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00012-00002567-00002868 on a journey with me of, dying my hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00013-00002868-00003129 but not dying my hair, it's basically... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00014-00003129-00003275 Okay, here's the thing, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00015-00003275-00003775 I've been so inspired by warmer tones lately, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00016-00003829-00004109 like reds, and coppers, and strawberry blondes, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00017-00004109-00004511 and all different kinds of like warm reddish tones for hair. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00018-00004511-00004836 And that's the one color I've never dyed my hair before. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00019-00004836-00005026 so no, I'm not dying my hair red, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00020-00005026-00005147 I just wanna make that clear, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00021-00005147-00005379 but I thought a more fun option would be, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00022-00005379-00005559 sort of like a semi-permanent type of thing, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00023-00005559-00005732 and so I've arrived at the decision, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00024-00005732-00006073 that I wanna do Kind of like a strawberry blond ish tone. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00025-00006073-00006390 Just like something a little more, butterscotchy, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00026-00006390-00006533 like I had a really pretty toner, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00027-00006533-00006744 when I got my hair done, what like two, three months ago, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00028-00006744-00006870 but it's obviously washed out, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00029-00006870-00007050 'cause again semi-permanent, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00030-00007050-00007213 so, I did some research online, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00031-00007213-00007451 and I saw the overtone was a really popular one, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00032-00007451-00007754 and then I also found this one, which is called dpHUE. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00033-00007754-00007920 And it just looked very interesting, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00034-00007920-00008204 so this is called the dpHUE Gloss+, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00035-00008204-00008478 Semi-Permanent Hair Color and Deep Conditioner, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00036-00008478-00008793 so I got this one, there was a copper one to choose from, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00037-00008793-00008953 and a strawberry blonde. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00038-00008953-00009153 And I thought the strawberry blonde might be fun, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00039-00009153-00009243 I don't know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00040-00009243-00009467 Is this gonna turn my hair orange, possibly. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00041-00009467-00009733 Basically it says, to evenly distribute it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00042-00009733-00010144 through clean, damp hair, I have neither of those, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00043-00010144-00010237 but we're just going to try it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00044-00010237-00010493 also, I'm not like super blonde, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00045-00010493-00010678 I have like blonde highlights throughout my hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00046-00010678-00010861 but obviously like my natural color, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00047-00010861-00011055 is like a very dark blonde, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00048-00011055-00011186 so I don't feel like it's gonna grab on, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00049-00011186-00011383 like super tight, and be crazy or anything like that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00050-00011383-00011655 so I think I'm just gonna go for it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00051-00011655-00011759 Should I just go for it? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00052-00011759-00011924 I think I should go for it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00053-00011924-00012075 - [Announce] The next day. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00054-00012075-00012327 - All right, so, change of plans, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00055-00012327-00012569 it's actually, the next day. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00056-00012569-00012804 I clearly have not done anything with myself, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00057-00012804-00013156 except, take a body shower, change my clothes, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00058-00013156-00013369 I decided I didn't wanna do that yesterday, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00059-00013369-00013551 I was just doing a bunch of different stuff, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00060-00013551-00013702 and had like a bunch of editing to do, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00061-00013702-00013826 and I was like, you know what, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00062-00013826-00013947 this can wait until another day. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00063-00013947-00014281 So here we are, I'm also in our guest bathroom, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00064-00014281-00014662 because Drew is watching "The Mandalorian" in our room, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00065-00014662-00014749 we just woke up. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00066-00014749-00014841 It's like eight in the morning, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00067-00014841-00015011 I have a really busy day ahead of me, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00068-00015011-00015215 I have like a bunch of filming to do, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00069-00015215-00015550 just, you know, like I said, in the previous vlog like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00070-00015550-00015829 pretty much the same thing every day. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00071-00015829-00016099 It's "Groundhog Day" here, in 2020. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00072-00016099-00016537 But I did place an Amazon Fresh, delivery this morning, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00073-00016537-00016729 so our groceries are going to be coming, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00074-00016729-00016875 so that's good, we'll have new food, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00075-00016875-00017060 maybe I'll show you some of that later, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00076-00017060-00017177 I decided to like try, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00077-00017177-00017435 some things that I've been seeing people talk about 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00078-00017435-00017529 on Instagram, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00079-00017529-00017694 so, we'll see if it's like actually good, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00080-00017694-00017906 got my coffee made, delicious, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00081-00017906-00018066 I've been trying a new oat milk, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00082-00018066-00018325 because, I don't know if any of you heard, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00083-00018325-00018601 but Oatly has recently been canceled, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00084-00018601-00018717 unfortunately they are, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00085-00018717-00018927 literally the best oat milk in the entire world, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00086-00018927-00019111 I'll link some stuff down below, but anyways, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00087-00019111-00019457 I saw a bunch of people talk about the Chobani, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00088-00019457-00019746 extra creamy, oat milk, and it's pretty good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00089-00019746-00019964 I have to say like, it's pretty close, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00090-00019964-00020360 we tried the Planet Oat, oat milk, trash. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00091-00020360-00020553 Just not good, really watery, gross, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00092-00020553-00020822 but this one is like really creamy, and really good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00093-00020822-00021153 All right, so first thing, like I said yesterday, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00094-00021153-00021542 I do not have damp hair, it's not like, the most dirty, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00095-00021542-00021760 but like, I think it'll be fine. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00096-00021760-00021987 I'm just gonna spray it, a little bit, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00097-00021987-00022139 and get it a little damp, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00098-00022139-00022268 why is it like always when you're about to watch your hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00099-00022268-00022511 that you're like, but wait, it looks so good, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00100-00022511-00022620 I don't wanna wash it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00101-00022620-00022910 Should probably take off this sweatshirt in case it stains. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00102-00022910-00023040 But my other... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00103-00023040-00023413 My shirt underneath is black so I don't think it'll matter. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00104-00023413-00023876 But, turn it inside out, to avoid any potential staining, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00105-00023876-00024047 'cause I literally love the shirt. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00106-00024047-00024302 It's a vintage Mickey shirt, like actually vintage. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00107-00024302-00024454 So I don't it up, okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00108-00024565-00024870 So, it literally says, "Is evenly distributed." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00109-00024870-00025168 So, let's see what this looks like. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00110-00025168-00025314 I guess we're for going for it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00111-00025314-00025601 it says to leave it for three to 20 minutes. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00112-00025601-00025841 So I'm thinking something like 10, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00113-00025841-00026050 I wonder if it's even gonna make a difference. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00114-00026050-00026133 Because like I said, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00115-00026133-00026519 I don't really have like super blonde hair anymore, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00116-00026519-00026761 I wonder if like, you're even gonna be able to tell. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00117-00026761-00026977 I feel scared though because it's like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00118-00026977-00027181 I'm gonna get both sides at once. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00119-00027181-00027408 There's just no way this is gonna be even. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00120-00027408-00027554 There's absolutely no way. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00121-00027554-00027795 Anyway, I just wanted to also while I'm here, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00122-00027795-00028099 say thank you so much to everyone who has shown love, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00123-00028099-00028210 on Vlogmas so far, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00124-00028210-00028512 it makes me so excited that you all are excited, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00125-00028512-00028973 and I was getting tweets, and DMs, and videos, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00126-00028973-00029285 from people, saying that they were so... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00127-00029285-00029517 they felt like a hit of nostalgia 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00128-00029517-00029823 or dopamine when they heard the theme song, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00129-00029823-00029970 which by the way, if you're new, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00130-00029970-00030170 that theme song, of my Vlogmas jingle, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00131-00030170-00030539 actually is me, I recorded that in my car 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00132-00030539-00030848 in like 2016, or 2017, or something like that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00133-00030848-00031037 it was really fun but also, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00134-00031037-00031327 definitely not meant to be, taken seriously. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00135-00031327-00031510 This is fun I don't wanna stop. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00136-00031510-00031654 I just wanna keep adding more. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00137-00031654-00031826 All right, so let's set a timer, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00138-00031826-00032139 for, let's go like seven minutes. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00139-00032139-00032293 Sure, let's try that. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00140-00032293-00032420 This is kind of fun. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00141-00032420-00032583 Oh my God, what a fun way to spice up this morning. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00142-00032583-00032868 Also, my outfit, is just honestly, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00143-00032868-00033238 sorry, like level 10, fashion queen over here. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00144-00033238-00033470 People are like, "Oh my gosh, I love your style, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00145-00033470-00033553 you're so fashionable." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00146-00033553-00033812 And I'm like, "This is what I wear most of the time." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00147-00033812-00033961 Very kind compliment though. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00148-00033961-00034281 Okay, gonna take one last look, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00149-00034281-00034662 gonna jump in the shower, wash my hair, do my thing, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00150-00034662-00034881 and then hopefully this will look really cute, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00151-00034881-00035044 by the time we're done. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00152-00035044-00035144 We'll find out together. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00153-00035144-00035227 (spinback effect plays) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00154-00035227-00035426 Okay, so, here's the tea, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00155-00035426-00035744 in the camera, it looks super different, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00156-00035744-00035958 in person, it looks really no different at all. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00157-00035958-00036187 And I think, I messed up (laughs). 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00158-00036187-00036289 I think what you're supposed to do, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00159-00036289-00036438 is put it on your hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00160-00036438-00036629 and then like simply rinse it out of your hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00161-00036629-00036958 whereas I put it on my hair, and then I washed my hair, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00162-00036958-00037253 so I think a lot of the color ended up coming out, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00163-00037253-00037336 it's crazy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00164-00037336-00037496 I wish it looked like it did in the camera. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00165-00037496-00037775 But in person, it doesn't look any different, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00166-00037775-00038069 I partially dried it, I ran a blow dry through it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00167-00038069-00038224 just to see if it would be like any different, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00168-00038224-00038307 and it's really not. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00169-00038307-00038426 So I think I'm gonna do it again, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00170-00038426-00038561 leave it for the full 20 minutes. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00171-00038561-00038916 And then attempt to just rinse it out in my kitchen sink, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00172-00038916-00039102 So, here we go again. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00173-00039102-00039427 (soft melodious music) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00174-00039790-00039972 Okay, 20 minute timer, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00175-00039972-00040222 I'll probably do like 15, and then we will rinse this off, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00176-00040222-00040351 in the kitchen sink. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00177-00040351-00040684 (soft melodious music) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00178-00040684-00040844 Gonna take a quick intermission, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00179-00040844-00041077 I'm wearing my slides and my socks, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00180-00041077-00041354 because it's time to take this one. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00181-00041354-00041494 (gasps) Wanna go for a walk? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00182-00041673-00041809 Do you wanna go for a walk? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00183-00041809-00042086 Okay, relax. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00184-00042086-00042392 For those of you that are like, how's her leg doing? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00185-00042392-00042587 Yeah, she's literally fine, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00186-00042587-00042837 she did fall going up the stairs the other day, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00187-00042837-00043195 but she was clumsy, scared the shit out of both of us, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00188-00043195-00043424 by both of us I mean me and Drew but... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00189-00043424-00043528 - [Drew] Jeez! 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00190-00043528-00043611 - [Woman] Yeah we're going, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00191-00043611-00043972 we gotta get your thingy, your necklace! 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00192-00043972-00044082 So you don't run away. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00193-00044228-00044568 Okay, she said, I'll show you where to go bitch let's go. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00194-00044754-00044898 She needs a bath so bad. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00195-00044898-00045048 - [Drew] I went down and I went like this to her, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00196-00045048-00045186 this morning, and it was just like. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00197-00045323-00045520 - you've been laying out in the dirt outside. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00198-00045520-00045731 What do you smell, a bunch of dead grass? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00199-00045947-00046090 (woman laughs) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00200-00046090-00046316 It's called fashion sweetie, look it up. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00201-00046587-00046690 Oh my gosh, okay, wait. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00202-00046690-00047010 I wish it was the color, that it is in the camera, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00203-00047010-00047252 it's so much more subtle in person, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00204-00047252-00047524 I really wish it was like this, in real life. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00205-00047524-00047644 Let me get to some better lighting. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00206-00047644-00047897 But yes, here it is, very subtle, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00207-00047897-00048219 all I wanted to do was a little tint, so it's totally fine, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00208-00048219-00048533 but, actually it's like a couple of hours later, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00209-00048533-00048761 after we walked Layla, Drew out in the shower, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00210-00048761-00048895 so, I didn't want to film, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00211-00048895-00049103 while he was, literally right there in the shower, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00212-00049103-00049293 so I did my nails, did my toes, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00213-00049293-00049429 talked on the phone with my dad, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00214-00049429-00049724 and now I'll show you a little bit better lighting, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00215-00049724-00049857 here, is what it looks like. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00216-00049857-00050161 Honestly in love with the way it looks in the camera, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00217-00050161-00050395 in person, it's much more pink, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00218-00050395-00050811 it's kind of this, dusty pink color, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00219-00050811-00051038 but in the camera, it looks so much more, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00220-00051038-00051455 kind of coppery, but either way it's super subtle in person, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00221-00051455-00051726 I'm glad it looks like more accentuated on camera, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00222-00051726-00051838 'cause it looks really pretty, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00223-00051838-00052024 but in person it doesn't really look any different, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00224-00052024-00052129 and Drew's colorblind, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00225-00052129-00052252 so he couldn't even tell the difference, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00226-00052252-00052513 he was like, "I don't notice a difference." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00227-00052513-00052625 But it's really cute! 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00228-00052625-00052739 I'm really happy with it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00229-00052739-00052987 It feels nice and fresh, just something different. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00230-00052987-00053190 like something different for the next little while, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00231-00053190-00053340 it's only gonna last, a few washes, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00232-00053340-00053639 'cause it's semi-permanent, so, I had fun with it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00233-00053639-00053761 How much fun. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00234-00053761-00054197 So now I'm gonna go film, I have two videos to film today, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00235-00054197-00054370 I'm trying to get ahead of schedule, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00236-00054370-00054644 'cause I'm like as per usual, taking a little break, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00237-00054644-00054789 after the holidays, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00238-00054789-00055149 'cause I go really hard usually for Christmas time, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00239-00055149-00055404 and just December is really hard because it's only me, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00240-00055404-00055657 I actually do have someone who helps rough cut, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00241-00055657-00055832 my videos now, which is really helpful, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00242-00055832-00056212 she basically goes through and kind of like puts the shell, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00243-00056212-00056330 of the video together, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00244-00056330-00056554 and then I end up doing, like the fancy-schmancies, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00245-00056554-00056779 and I still end up doing quite a bit of editing 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00246-00056779-00057016 but, it's been very helpful for main channel stuff, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00247-00057016-00057222 and then if you haven't been able to tell yet, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00248-00057222-00057496 by, like this upload schedule on this channel, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00249-00057496-00057889 I did decide to have Vlogmas this year, just to... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00250-00057889-00058062 I mean 2020 is enough. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00251-00058062-00058145 Can we all agree? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00252-00058145-00058247 As much as I would love 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00253-00058247-00058462 to be daily vlogging every single day, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00254-00058462-00058697 with, you know, this being a heavy time of year, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00255-00058697-00058972 for brand deals, and having main channel stuff, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00256-00058972-00059266 Instagram stuff, personal life stuff, et cetera, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00257-00059266-00059635 I really just didn't wanna push myself too far this year, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00258-00059635-00059925 so, I did decide to do "12 Days Of Vlogmas", 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00259-00059925-00060216 So this should be the third, right, yeah. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00260-00060216-00060465 The third installation of "12 Days Of Vlogmas", 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00261-00060465-00060566 and it's still gonna be really fun. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00262-00060566-00060817 Actually it's not, I've never promised this exciting. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00263-00060817-00061136 Like I said in my intro, my life's kind of boring. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00264-00061136-00061428 But, you know, here I am vlogging it anyway. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00265-00061428-00061519 so anyways, yeah, okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00266-00061519-00061732 I need to film two videos, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00267-00061732-00061934 one of them has a brand deal in it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00268-00061934-00062102 so I need to like review all that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00269-00062102-00062365 the other one is gonna be a fun little thrift haul, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00270-00062365-00062580 I've been doing so much thrifting content lately, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00271-00062580-00062682 and I'm loving it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00272-00062682-00062954 I just really miss thrifting in stores so much, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00273-00062954-00063111 so online thrifting is gonna have to do it 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00274-00063111-00063229 for the time being, but yeah. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00275-00063229-00063379 Gonna get everything together, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00276-00063379-00063512 and then I'll show you guys... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00277-00063512-00063810 I've shown you how I film many times you don't need 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00278-00063810-00063893 to see that. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00279-00063893-00064063 So I'll show you my, cool groceries, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00280-00064063-00064267 whenever they get here, yeih. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00281-00064267-00064410 - [Announcer] 12 seconds later. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00282-00064410-00064745 - And just like that, two moments later, we have food. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00283-00064745-00065070 (soft melodious music) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00284-00065247-00065379 Okay, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00285-00065379-00065463 coming to you-- - It's ya boy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00286-00065463-00065550 (both laughing) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00287-00065550-00065791 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00288-00066083-00066359 - So, I just decided to like, try some new things, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00289-00066359-00066582 I was getting really bored, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00290-00066582-00066855 with everything we'd been eating in quarantine, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00291-00066855-00067064 we make the same grocery order every week, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00292-00067064-00067212 so I was like, let's try some new things. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00293-00067212-00067411 So I sort of like, wanted to get some things, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00294-00067411-00067607 that I've seen people talk about on Instagram, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00295-00067607-00067737 like some trendy things, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00296-00067737-00067966 and also just like regulars. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00297-00067966-00068232 So, got some of these TERRA Chips, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00298-00068232-00068339 which are like-- - we've had them. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00299-00068339-00068541 - But these are garlic and herb. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00300-00068541-00068691 - Oh. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00301-00068691-00068944 - So these are TERRA Chips, I really love these, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00302-00068944-00069027 and so does Drew, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00303-00069027-00069245 but I've never had a garlic and herb flavor before, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00304-00069245-00069328 so I thought-- 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00305-00069328-00069411 - I'm sure they're good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00306-00069411-00069717 - Yeah, bought some maple almond butter granola. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00307-00069717-00069812 - Sure. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00308-00069812-00070190 - I've been doing like yogurt and granola so that's-- 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00309-00070190-00070273 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00310-00070273-00070356 - Nuts hurt my butt. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00311-00070356-00070546 - Yeah can't have these. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00312-00070546-00070689 Got some cashews, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00313-00070689-00070859 because I just genuinely like love cashews, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00314-00070859-00071067 I love raw cashews, salted, roasted. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00315-00071067-00071268 Okay, here's our first trendy item. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00316-00071268-00071482 The first one is Nut-Thins. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00317-00071482-00071680 I see everybody talking about Nut-Thins. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00318-00071680-00071892 I think they're similar to Wheat-Thins, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00319-00071892-00072184 but I'm like can they be that good? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00320-00072184-00072267 I don't know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00321-00072267-00072350 I think some of it is like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00322-00072350-00072465 "Cause you're down here" 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00323-00072465-00072697 or whatever, and we're not dieting, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00324-00072697-00072889 I just genuinely wanna try this stuff, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00325-00072889-00073093 this is like the one that I'm the most curious about. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00326-00073093-00073303 It's called SmartSweets, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00327-00073303-00073615 and it's like, I think it's diets candy, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00328-00073615-00073895 yeah but it's with like fake sugar. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00329-00073895-00074050 - It frigging tastes like shit. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00330-00074050-00074218 - Probably, I really wanna try it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00331-00074218-00074364 because everybody talks about it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00332-00074364-00074566 and there wasn't a one pack available, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00333-00074566-00074754 so I think I got like six pack. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00334-00074754-00074838 - It's women owned. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00335-00074838-00074980 - women owned we love that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00336-00074980-00075147 Yeah, it doesn't have sugar, alcohols, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00337-00075147-00075492 they're plant-based, gluten-free, all that kind of stuff, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00338-00075492-00075575 I don't know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00339-00075575-00075658 - What is this sweetened with? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00340-00075658-00075759 - Free from artificial sweeteners. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00341-00075759-00075903 Oh, so it's not artificial. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00342-00075903-00076195 - No, so there's not like aspartame or anything or you know, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00343-00076195-00076278 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00344-00076278-00076531 - Allulose, is a non artificial sweetener that is found 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00345-00076531-00076679 in foods like raisins and figs. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00346-00076679-00076765 It tastes like sugar, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00347-00076765-00076912 but doesn't act like sugar in your body. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00348-00076912-00077146 - I've had other food that's sweetened with, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00349-00077146-00077320 fig and like date. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00350-00077320-00077428 - And you hated it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00351-00077428-00077581 - It tastes like... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00352-00077581-00077761 Remember I had that coffee that was sweetened with dates? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00353-00077761-00077964 - Yeah, and you were like so excited. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00354-00077964-00078055 - I was so excited, I like dates, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00355-00078055-00078205 but it was like I was drinking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00356-00078205-00078288 dates. - date-coffee. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00357-00078288-00078371 - Yes. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00358-00078371-00078554 - Bought me some body wash, don't mind that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00359-00078554-00078770 Dove is cruelty-free now by the Way. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00360-00078770-00078975 - Oh my God, we struck gold. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00361-00078975-00079107 - This is a flex. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00362-00079107-00079453 (laughs) Back in line, this is an absolute flex. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00363-00079453-00079625 I could not believe they have these available. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00364-00079625-00079963 - We have Chlorox wipe, and we got paper towel? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00365-00079963-00080205 - Yeah, got some, just regular sugar, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00366-00080205-00080389 'cause we're going to be doing some baking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00367-00080389-00080586 in a future video, possibly tonight, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00368-00080586-00080707 but you won't see that till later, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00369-00080707-00080866 what else we got here? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00370-00080866-00081177 Oh, Rice Krispies, again another sneak peek, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00371-00081177-00081293 at some baking we're gonna do, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00372-00081293-00081376 and it's not what you think. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00373-00081376-00081535 It's not Rice Krispies treats. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00374-00081535-00081658 I got some... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00375-00081658-00081964 Since I knew you might not like, the garlic and herb, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00376-00081964-00082107 I got some pita chips. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00377-00082107-00082216 - I mean I love garlic. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00378-00082216-00082433 - Stacy's are the best pita chips ever, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00379-00082433-00082687 got some white chocolate chips for baking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00380-00082687-00082792 do you know what? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00381-00082902-00083148 - Guess, you guys could guess. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00382-00083148-00083299 - Guess in the comments below. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00383-00083299-00083403 Got some baking soda, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00384-00083403-00083585 while I get that they're wrapping all this up, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00385-00083585-00083751 and we'll use this for dog poop, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00386-00083751-00083879 but like, it's annoying. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00387-00083879-00084126 Bought some powdered sugar, again for baking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00388-00084126-00084305 I don't know if we're gonna need this, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00389-00084305-00084436 but I just thought it'd be good to have. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00390-00084436-00084630 (paper ruffling) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00391-00084630-00084745 Got some peanut butter, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00392-00084846-00085068 bought these dark chocolate covered pretzels. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00393-00085068-00085151 - Mm-hmm. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00394-00085151-00085380 - Sometimes I'm just craving like dark chocolate. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00395-00085380-00085557 And nothing we have dark. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00396-00085557-00085684 Bought this for you. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00397-00085684-00085907 - I'm gonna eat it right now. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00398-00085907-00086095 - Drew loves his block of cheese, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00399-00086095-00086195 he will literally eat this. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00400-00086195-00086450 This will probably be out in like, two weeks? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00401-00086450-00086534 - Less. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00402-00086534-00086710 - Less, but I got the medium cheddar, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00403-00086710-00086988 I actually went to this... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00404-00086988-00087212 I don't even know what it's called, factory? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00405-00087212-00087434 When I was in Oregon a couple of years ago, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00406-00087434-00087701 I went with my cousin, and we went through you can 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00407-00087701-00087934 get like do a taste test, of all the cheese? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00408-00087934-00088160 And we went through, and then we pulled up our hoods, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00409-00088160-00088259 and we went through again. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00410-00088259-00088388 They literally knew it was us. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00411-00088388-00088471 - Oh yeah! 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00412-00088471-00088643 - Tempeh bacon, our favorite. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00413-00088643-00089071 We love making like, tempeh, lettuce ,tomato, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00414-00089071-00089373 avocado sandwiches, with this tempeh bacon, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00415-00089373-00089606 its by the brand Lightlife, got a couple of these, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00416-00089606-00089689 I wanted you to try it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00417-00089689-00089874 I know you're not crazy about dark chocolate, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00418-00089874-00090287 but these are, so good, they're so expensive, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00419-00090287-00090642 it's a little extra, but I thought we could treat ourselves, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00420-00090642-00090902 last one in here, Artichoke Parmesan dip, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00421-00090902-00091132 couldn't find (paper ruffling) spinach, so I got that, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00422-00091132-00091522 got some (indistinct) lettuce, just 'cause for my sandwich, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00423-00091522-00091715 yeah, we've been eating lots of salads, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00424-00091715-00092043 some Roma tomatoes, 'cause we're gonna do that... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00425-00092043-00092126 - Oh, bruschetta? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00426-00092126-00092289 - Bruschetta chicken, this week, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00427-00092289-00092493 some basil, hopefully that doesn't go bad. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00428-00092493-00092742 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00429-00092742-00092924 what's this Rosie? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00430-00092924-00093024 - Oh, it might be. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00431-00093024-00093146 Remember last time we did this, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00432-00093146-00093342 we thought that it was just a regular ice pack, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00433-00093342-00093451 but there was something inside? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00434-00093451-00093583 - You threw it away? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00435-00093583-00093685 - Yeah, I threw it away, and then we were like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00436-00093685-00093847 "Wait, we ordered something else." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00437-00093847-00094011 - And then you were like, I threw it away. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00438-00094011-00094198 - We got it out, it was, you know... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00439-00094198-00094282 - what did I get? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00440-00094282-00094516 Oh yeah, I got some other fudge bars. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00441-00094516-00094707 Either, either made with Greek yogurt. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00442-00094707-00094790 - Okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00443-00094790-00094908 - I don't know, I was just going through. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00444-00094908-00095069 I was literally just scrolling through, and I was like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00445-00095069-00095152 that looks good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00446-00095152-00095403 And I like Greek yogurt, got some spicy chicken patties. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00447-00095403-00095550 These give Drew heartburn, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00448-00095550-00095692 but I honestly thought you would think it was worth it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00449-00095692-00096010 I don't know if we've had these Boca ones before, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00450-00096010-00096270 but these have 11 grams of protein. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00451-00096270-00096390 Which is really good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00452-00096390-00096602 in the Morningstar Farm ones are good, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00453-00096602-00096974 but one time we both ate them, and got like really sick, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00454-00096974-00097152 so I don't know, I'm just kind of scared. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00455-00097152-00097398 Another thing I got, that is so trendy, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00456-00097398-00097594 and I feel like this is gonna be so gross. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00457-00097594-00097707 But like we have to test it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00458-00097707-00098012 but this is a Cauliflower Crust Pizza. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00459-00098012-00098223 And it's just like, how could this ever be good? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00460-00098223-00098567 Made with cauliflower mozzarella and cage-free egg whites. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00461-00098567-00098681 - That looks too healthy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00462-00098681-00098816 - I don't understand it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00463-00098816-00099107 but we're gonna try it nonetheless because honestly, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00464-00099107-00099337 I'm just dying to know what all this hype is about. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00465-00099337-00099474 People are like, "Cauliflower rice, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00466-00099474-00099666 cauliflower mashed potatoes." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00467-00099666-00099963 And I'm like, that's cauliflower Beebee. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00468-00099963-00100066 It's not rice. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00469-00100066-00100293 - If you add enough butter, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00470-00100293-00100586 to cauliflower mashed potatoes, it tastes like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00471-00100586-00100740 butter so it's like mushed potatoes. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00472-00100740-00100842 - So, just butter. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00473-00100842-00101064 I have to test this out, and see what it's like. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00474-00101064-00101237 Because it's gotta be disgusting. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00475-00101237-00101320 Like there's no way. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00476-00101320-00101581 Next, because we're 12 at heart, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00477-00101581-00101891 We've got this multi pack, this family fun mix. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00478-00101891-00102118 18 different bags of potato chips. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00479-00102118-00102236 - They're like the non-typical 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00480-00102236-00102351 (paper ruffling drowns out Drew) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00481-00102351-00102540 - Yeah, that's why I got, cheddar sour cream, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00482-00102540-00102750 crunchy Cheetos, puffy Cheetos, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00483-00102750-00102999 Fritos, flavored twist, the honey barbecue. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00484-00102999-00103221 I saw Morgan Gates talk about these the other day, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00485-00103221-00103361 in her vlog, and I was like, oh my God, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00486-00103361-00103615 I haven't had those in forever they look so good, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00487-00103615-00103702 so I'm really excited, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00488-00103702-00103994 got some Funyuns, and some sour cream and onion Ruffles. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00489-00103994-00104283 Next, we have some molasses. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00490-00104283-00104455 I've actually never bought molasses before, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00491-00104455-00104658 but we're gonna need it for baking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00492-00104658-00104915 and maybe you all can let me know in the comments, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00493-00104915-00105235 but there was a full flavor, and a mild flavor. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00494-00105235-00105440 And I got scared, of the full flavor, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00495-00105440-00105585 because I was like, I don't know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00496-00105585-00105874 Is that like too flavorful, is it gonna ruin it? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00497-00105874-00106139 So we got the mild flavor, so hopefully it's still good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00498-00106139-00106560 Got some ground cloves, for our baking, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00499-00106560-00106757 and I also thought we could (paper ruffling) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00500-00106757-00107018 in like mulled wine, another trendy item. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00501-00107018-00107352 I told my mom was like, "You have to tell me if it's good." 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00502-00107352-00107474 It has like flour on it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00503-00107474-00107607 - Oops. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00504-00107607-00107721 - There is flour in there. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00505-00107721-00107912 This is called Boom Chicka Pop. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00506-00107912-00108121 I don't know, it's popcorn. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00507-00108121-00108277 Like could it possibly be good? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00508-00108277-00108496 But this is the caramel and cheddar mix, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00509-00108496-00108697 I don't really know what the hype is about it, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00510-00108697-00108872 but again, I have to know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00511-00108872-00109047 I have to know if any of it is good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00512-00109047-00109269 By the way again, I just wanna reiterate, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00513-00109269-00109500 I am not promoting any type of diet, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00514-00109500-00109749 I'm simply just trying like trending products, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00515-00109749-00109989 that I wanna see, if they're good or not, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00516-00109989-00110110 but yeah, I just wanna make that clear, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00517-00110110-00110319 like I'm not trying to promote like a diet, what? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00518-00110319-00110573 (both laughing) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00519-00110573-00110673 Why is that so funny? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00520-00110673-00110911 - I don't know, well it says Brer Rabbit. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00521-00110911-00111012 (woman laughing) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00522-00111012-00111208 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00523-00111208-00111481 Got some hamburger buns for chicken patties, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00524-00111481-00111797 and a big ass bag of flour that we're gonna have to, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00525-00111797-00112120 put into some container or something, but there it is flour, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00526-00112120-00112477 so yeah, that's the haul, that's what we got, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00527-00112477-00112618 we're gonna make some lunch, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00528-00112618-00112820 the oven is heating up, and our pizza, oh. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00529-00112820-00113067 (oven beeping) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00530-00113067-00113248 I mean it looks like a cheese pizza, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00531-00113248-00113554 it looks pretty normal, it's extremely thin. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00532-00113554-00113800 Like it's like, literally like tortilla thin, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00533-00113800-00113951 so, I very curious. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00534-00113951-00114257 - [Drew] Very fragile as well. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00535-00114257-00114524 - [Woman] 14 to 19 minutes, have fun. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00536-00114524-00114630 - [Drew] Enjoy 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00537-00114630-00114753 - I'm opening Nut-Thins. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00538-00114753-00115119 It smells, healthy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00539-00115119-00115239 - It smells like a dog treat. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00540-00115239-00115322 (woman laughs) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00541-00115322-00115413 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00542-00115413-00115522 Yeah. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00543-00115522-00115805 (both munching Nut-Thins) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00544-00115805-00115888 - You know what it tastes like? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00545-00115888-00116280 - How's the texture of the pot mix, the rice. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00546-00116280-00116498 - It's fine, it's not as bad as I thought. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00547-00116498-00116724 - No, it's very plain. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00548-00116724-00116810 It's like a neutral... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00549-00116810-00116927 - mm-hmm. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00550-00116927-00117022 (woman munching Krispies) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00551-00117022-00117105 It looks good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00552-00117105-00117227 - Is that cream cheese? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00553-00117227-00117352 - I don't know. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00554-00117473-00117691 - It has like a very cream-cheesy taste. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00555-00117779-00117929 - I think was a great alternative, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00556-00117929-00118129 especially if you're gluten-free, they're fine. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00557-00118129-00118541 They do taste like Chex Mix, or Pub Mix, good call. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00558-00118541-00118735 - It taste like a rice... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00559-00118735-00118964 It's like a sembei cracker, like a rice cracker. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00560-00118964-00119047 - Yeah, it's good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00561-00119047-00119373 All right, now we're doing, we're calling in the big guns. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00562-00119373-00119500 We're calling in the Stacy's. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00563-00119500-00119664 Best pita chips ever. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00564-00119664-00119860 (both munching chips) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00565-00119860-00120156 - Yep. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00566-00120156-00120307 Very Parmesany. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00567-00120417-00120500 - I like it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00568-00120500-00120654 I know you're not as big on the Parmesan. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00569-00120654-00120737 - I am. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00570-00120737-00120820 - But if you like Drew, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00571-00120820-00121183 and are kind of grossed out by Parmesan, or are you like me, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00572-00121183-00121325 and you could literally eat Parmesan, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00573-00121325-00121530 and do eat Parmesan cheese by itself. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00574-00121530-00121640 - Are you gonna need it by itself. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00575-00121640-00121769 It has to be with something. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00576-00121769-00121871 - Nom nom now. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00577-00121871-00121955 - Okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00578-00121955-00122083 - Its looks like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00579-00122083-00122315 the holiday popcorn that we all know and love, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00580-00122315-00122408 (paper crunching) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00581-00122408-00122513 you see that? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00582-00122513-00122761 The cheddar and the Caramel mixed together? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00583-00122761-00122951 I just don't see what the difference is. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00584-00122951-00123132 (both munching popcorn) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00585-00123132-00123231 Yeah, delicious. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00586-00123231-00123347 - What's the difference? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00587-00123347-00123559 Is this better than another brand? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00588-00123559-00123810 - Tastes Exactly the same, as like normal. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00589-00123810-00123967 - Oh, really good. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00590-00123967-00124238 So from Mankato, Minnesota, says that they are, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00591-00124238-00124548 kosher dairy certified gluten free full grain, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00592-00124548-00124958 no high fructose corn syrup, so maybe that's the difference, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00593-00124958-00125140 it's like better ingredients, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00594-00125140-00125310 I'd give this like 10 out of 10. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00595-00125310-00125420 There's nothing wrong with it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00596-00125420-00125576 - I really like this dip, I really like it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00597-00125699-00125816 - You're still on the dip. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00598-00125816-00126058 - I don't want anything sweet, I want savory. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00599-00126058-00126179 - You dot wanna try the candy? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00600-00126179-00126306 (indistinct) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00601-00126306-00126471 We can save that for another time if you want. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00602-00126471-00126634 - Yeah okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00603-00126634-00126771 - You wanna try it? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00604-00126771-00126992 So, I think these are supposed to be similar 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00605-00126992-00127208 to the Sour Patch Watermelons. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00606-00127208-00127291 - We'll see about that. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00607-00127291-00127600 - I know that's why I picked these, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00608-00127600-00127936 they're plant based, free from sugar alcohols. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00609-00127936-00128081 I just don't like the branding how it says, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00610-00128081-00128272 "Kick Sugar, Keep Candy". 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00611-00128272-00128398 So it's like, it's definitely branded, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00612-00128398-00128489 and it's like a diet thing but, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00613-00128489-00128675 I just need to know what it tastes like. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00614-00128675-00128963 Oh, very... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00615-00128963-00129142 Oh my God, smells incredible. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00616-00129142-00129583 - Oh yeah, here's for you. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00617-00129583-00129763 - I feel like it's gonna taste like artificial sweetener, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00618-00129763-00129892 and you're gonna hate it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00619-00129892-00130125 - I'll be the judge of that. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00620-00130578-00130662 - Very chewy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00621-00130662-00130794 Oh, it's sour, I don't hate that. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00622-00130794-00130939 - I'm trying to get past the sourness, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00623-00130939-00131119 to see what the sweetener... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00624-00131119-00131202 - Mm-hmm. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00625-00131202-00131293 - I think it tastes fine. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00626-00131293-00131377 - It tastes fine. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00627-00131377-00131558 - It's very chewy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00628-00131558-00131766 - Yeah, I'll say it's nothing like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00629-00131766-00131935 a Sour Patch Watermelon like, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00630-00131935-00132155 but it's a good watermelon candy. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00631-00132155-00132472 - It's different chew, different mouthfeel. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00632-00132472-00132719 - Love those words, love those descriptive words. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00633-00132719-00132845 If I was in the mood for Sour Patch Watermelons, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00634-00132845-00133047 I would just eat Sour Patch Watermelons, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00635-00133047-00133285 but like, if I was in the mood for like... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00636-00133285-00133464 These are way more sour. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00637-00133464-00133732 - The flavor does linger in your mouth for awhile, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00638-00133732-00133898 (clears throat) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00639-00133898-00133984 - I like it though. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00640-00133984-00134079 - Artificial sweetener, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00641-00134079-00134177 it has like a distinct taste, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00642-00134177-00134419 and I don't know if I can taste it because of the sourness. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00643-00134419-00134514 (clears throat) 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00644-00134514-00134637 - It was probably smarter than to do the... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00645-00134637-00134813 They have Swedish fish version I almost got, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00646-00134813-00134961 but they only had a huge pack. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00647-00134961-00135173 So maybe like the next time, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00648-00135173-00135397 if they have like a smaller pack or something. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00649-00135397-00135568 I know you love your Swedish fetish. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00650-00135568-00135680 - I have a box in the pantry. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00651-00135680-00135763 - You have real Swedish fish. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00652-00135763-00135978 So yeah, I mean, they're fine, we'll eat them, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00653-00135978-00136386 like again, I would never if I was in the mood for candy, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00654-00136386-00136577 be like, I need to find a healthy option. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00655-00136577-00136850 And if you do that, there's no shame whatsoever, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00656-00136850-00137196 but, if I'm in the mood for candy, I'm gonna eat candy, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00657-00137196-00137401 but like these tastes good, and it's good, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00658-00137401-00137491 especially if you're vegan, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00659-00137491-00137794 'cause I know a lot of like candy, Starbursts, et cetera, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00660-00137794-00138028 like they're not vegan, so good vegan option. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00661-00138028-00138366 - Well I mean the bone, gelatin. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00662-00138468-00138609 - Successful haul. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00663-00138609-00138736 Okay, last thing is the pizza, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00664-00138736-00138955 and then this vlog is long enough. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00665-00138955-00139038 We gotta go. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00666-00139038-00139272 All right here it is, it is very well done, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00667-00139272-00139433 we put it for the minimum time, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00668-00139433-00139733 it actually called for 14 to 19 minutes, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00669-00139733-00139953 and we did it for 14, and it's this done. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00670-00139953-00140280 But I actually liked my pizza this done so, all right. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00671-00140280-00140363 You wanna test it? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00672-00140363-00140446 - Cheers. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00673-00140629-00140771 Hot. - Oh God. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00674-00140876-00141069 - So hot, there's not much crust. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00675-00141069-00141174 - Did you say it's like pizza, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00676-00141174-00141475 I think that the cheese is like-- 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00677-00141475-00141558 - Masking the flavor? 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00678-00141558-00141923 I will say, it's literally about the width. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00679-00141923-00142071 Or the stickiness of a tortilla. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00680-00142071-00142230 It's a little chewier than I thought, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00681-00142230-00142313 but I kind of like it. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00682-00142313-00142637 - Its not bad, again I feel like, you can't have gluten. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00683-00142637-00142749 I mean, this is... 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00684-00142749-00143051 - This tastes like a really thin crust pizza. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00685-00143051-00143327 I would just rather buy like a DiGiorno. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00686-00143327-00143599 - Honestly, I would eat a Tortino's pizza right now. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00687-00143599-00143699 Like the party pizzas. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00688-00143699-00143931 - It kind of does remind me of that though. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00689-00143931-00144431 It's very reminiscent of like a 3:00 AM post, clubs, pizza. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00690-00144506-00144769 - I mean, yeah, sure I'm gonna eat it, of course I will. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00691-00144769-00144891 - That's gonna do it for us today, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00692-00144891-00145053 I probably have pizza in my teeth, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00693-00145053-00145387 hopefully, you can notice, my new hair, Drew can't, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00694-00145387-00145486 but that's okay. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00695-00145486-00145570 But I like it, it's fun. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00696-00145570-00145684 It's gonna wash out soon anyways, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00697-00145684-00145837 so, thank you so much for watching, 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00698-00145837-00146028 and we will see you next time, bye. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00699-00146123-00146234 - Right. 6Lj1dzzvZrQ-00700-00146234-00146476 (soft music) 6LWSLq2MjNk-00000-00000000-00000200 SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD,TYGA TYPE BEAT 2022,comethazine type beat,comethazine type beat free 2022,free comethazine type beat,free type beat,lil pump type beat,rea1trell beat,rea1trell type beat 2022,ronny j type beat,ski mask,ski mask the slump god,ski mask the slump god merlins staff,ski mask the slump god type beat,ski mask the slump god type beat 2021,ski mask type beat,smokepurpp type beat,tokyos revenge type beat,type beat ski mask 6pxuh_6Uxby-00000-00001109-00001599 What makes a good backscattered electron image? Well, it depends on what story 6pxuh_6Uxby-00001-00001599-00002496 you're trying to tell. For example, here I have a zircon I'm trying to give a sense 6pxuh_6Uxby-00002-00002496-00003165 of how the zircon is inside of a biotite here and that there are other zircons 6pxuh_6Uxby-00003-00003165-00003660 like one down here and I might stay zoomed out like this. however, if I'm 6pxuh_6Uxby-00004-00003660-00004398 trying to study the zircon itself I might zoom in farther I want the 6pxuh_6Uxby-00005-00004398-00005378 zircon centered in the photo and then I can focus it, there, okey, but there may be reasons 6pxuh_6Uxby-00006-00005378-00005748 that you want to see the features within the zircon and so you want to 6pxuh_6Uxby-00007-00005748-00006255 zoom in and have a different sort of picture when you take any sort of image 6pxuh_6Uxby-00008-00006255-00006759 on the SEM you want the feature that you're looking at to be centered on the 6pxuh_6Uxby-00009-00006759-00007423 screen so for example if I found a cool zircon and it was over here like this 6pxuh_6Uxby-00010-00007423-00008165 this picture probably wouldn't be as good at telling the story of how what 6pxuh_6Uxby-00011-00008165-00008715 shaped the zircon is what it's inside of as if I clicked on the thinner zircon and 6pxuh_6Uxby-00012-00008715-00009435 had the zircon centered in the photo here's another example of thinking about 6pxuh_6Uxby-00013-00009435-00010035 centering and zooming in and out for an image right now I'm looking at a very 6pxuh_6Uxby-00014-00010035-00010736 close-up picture of olivine with some surrounding pyroxene this is, shows 6pxuh_6Uxby-00015-00010736-00011339 the fractures and cleavage in these minerals but that may not be the story I 6pxuh_6Uxby-00016-00011339-00011975 want to tell so if I zoom out a little bit more I can more clearly see the 6pxuh_6Uxby-00017-00011975-00012789 olivine here being replaced or inter grown with pyroxene and then there's 6pxuh_6Uxby-00018-00012789-00013424 actually some biotite crystals surrounding it so in 6pxuh_6Uxby-00019-00013424-00013841 this case it might be a better idea to zoom out a little bit so you can see the 6pxuh_6Uxby-00020-00013841-00014419 context of the minerals that you're trying to image so that you can better 6pxuh_6Uxby-00021-00014419-00014875 describe it once you have the image 6OBDXXOMXjU-00000-00000136-00000960 In this video we're going to look at a solid of revolution called Gabriel’s horn 6OBDXXOMXjU-00001-00001080-00001880 Although in a sense this is a bit of a detour the moral of this video 6OBDXXOMXjU-00002-00001880-00002608 will be well worth remembering for the rest of your mathematical career, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00003-00002680-00003672 and that is that sometimes infinite objects behave in very unintuitive ways. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00004-00003984-00004520 Gabriel’s horn is the solid of revolution you get, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00005-00004592-00004912 or the surface of revolution you get, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00006-00005024-00005632 by from taking the curve y equals (one divided by x) 6OBDXXOMXjU-00007-00005704-00006408 and rotating it around the x-axis; its name comes 6OBDXXOMXjU-00008-00006408-00006864 from the fact that it looked sort of like a horn, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00009-00006864-00007256 I mean the musical instrument that you blow, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00010-00007344-00008056 but because it's infinitely long only a supernatural being 6OBDXXOMXjU-00011-00008056-00008584 like an angel would be able to blow it. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00012-00008728-00009544 And we are going to find the volume of this solid of revolution. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00013-00009768-00010488 The fact that we're now on an infinite interval 6OBDXXOMXjU-00014-00010696-00011208 is not going to change the volume formula, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00015-00011352-00011640 it's still going to be the integral, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00016-00011824-00012200 this time the improper integral, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00017-00012352-00013288 of pi times the radius squared 6OBDXXOMXjU-00018-00013608-00014184 We can pull pi out 6OBDXXOMXjU-00019-00014608-00014991 and now we will use our definition 6OBDXXOMXjU-00020-00014991-00016216 of the improper integral, we should rewrite this as a limit 6OBDXXOMXjU-00021-00016888-00017568 let's see, pi is in front of the integral so, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00022-00017568-00017976 not that it really matters, but that pi should be 6OBDXXOMXjU-00023-00017976-00018976 in front of the limit, and hopefully we can take 6OBDXXOMXjU-00024-00019200-00020064 the antiderivative of this as a pretty basic exercise by now, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00025-00020264-00021096 it is negative (1 over x), so we have the limit 6OBDXXOMXjU-00026-00021096-00021768 as c goes to infinity, let me not forget that pi, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00027-00022056-00022984 of (negative 1 over c) minus (negative one over one) 6OBDXXOMXjU-00028-00023280-00024624 This goes to zero as c goes to infinity, so we get a finite volume, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00029-00024696-00025424 it's pi, and sure, why not remember, that integrals 6OBDXXOMXjU-00030-00025424-00026400 represent areas so if we can have infinite regions with finite areas 6OBDXXOMXjU-00031-00026400-00026800 there's no reason we shouldn't have infinite 6OBDXXOMXjU-00032-00026800-00027456 three-dimensional objects with finite volumes. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00033-00027568-00027944 Now let's look at the surface area, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00034-00028056-00028976 and we won't be able to actually find the surface area, instead we'll use a theorem 6OBDXXOMXjU-00035-00029336-00030120 I appreciate the irony considering that I started this video 6OBDXXOMXjU-00036-00030176-00030808 by saying that infinite quantities are often unintuitive 6OBDXXOMXjU-00037-00030880-00031632 but I am just going to appeal to your intuition with this theorem, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00038-00031752-00032280 suppose you're working on some interval and you have 6OBDXXOMXjU-00039-00032280-00032880 a smaller function and a larger function, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00040-00033080-00033936 if the area under the smaller function is infinite then 6OBDXXOMXjU-00041-00033936-00034632 the area under the larger function is also infinite; 6OBDXXOMXjU-00042-00034728-00035552 you cannot have a finite number that's larger than infinity. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00043-00035912-00036408 And if we're willing to believe this we have no choice 6OBDXXOMXjU-00044-00036408-00036952 but to believe the following about the surface area 6OBDXXOMXjU-00045-00037208-00037704 Here is the formula for the surface area; 6OBDXXOMXjU-00046-00037792-00038472 I’ve gone ahead and taken the derivative and squared it and everything, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00047-00038616-00039448 and I make the observation that this square root is bigger than one 6OBDXXOMXjU-00048-00039624-00040056 because one over x to the fourth is positive, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00049-00040152-00040616 so one plus this is greater than one, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00050-00040752-00041720 and the square root of something that's greater than one is greater than one 6OBDXXOMXjU-00051-00041960-00043104 Now when you take something, (one over x) in this case 6OBDXXOMXjU-00052-00043312-00044688 and you multiply it by something that's greater than one that makes it bigger 6OBDXXOMXjU-00053-00044912-00045864 so (1 over x) times the square root is bigger than (1 over x) 6OBDXXOMXjU-00054-00046088-00046576 you can perhaps see where we're going with this 6OBDXXOMXjU-00055-00046800-00047784 (One over x) is greater than zero so we are in the situation 6OBDXXOMXjU-00056-00048080-00048640 of this theorem, let's see whether the integral 6OBDXXOMXjU-00057-00048936-00050152 from one to infinity of (one over x) happens to diverge 6OBDXXOMXjU-00058-00050400-00050672 Well we'll rewrite this 6OBDXXOMXjU-00059-00051136-00052144 according to our definition of an improper integral. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00060-00052504-00054040 Then we will compute this integral using the fundamental theorem, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00061-00054504-00056184 and we are just cramming this in here 6OBDXXOMXjU-00062-00056616-00057472 The natural log of one is zero; as c goes to infinity 6OBDXXOMXjU-00063-00057472-00057879 the natural logarithm grows to infinity, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00064-00057960-00058984 it's slow but this does go to infinity 6OBDXXOMXjU-00065-00059208-00060167 So this integral is infinite and if this integral is infinite 6OBDXXOMXjU-00066-00060264-00060991 this bigger integral is also infinite. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00067-00061567-00061944 And remember what this represents, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00068-00062376-00062720 this is the surface area. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00069-00063048-00063864 I said at the beginning of this video that when we have infinite objects, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00070-00063864-00064312 we can't always trust our intuition; 6OBDXXOMXjU-00071-00064448-00064864 but it might not be immediately obvious 6OBDXXOMXjU-00072-00065016-00066000 what's so in unintuitive about this. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00073-00066000-00066792 But we have a finite volume and an infinite surface area 6OBDXXOMXjU-00074-00066904-00067544 so what this seems to be saying for example is that 6OBDXXOMXjU-00075-00067544-00068472 if Gabriel’s horn existed as a physical object we could fill it 6OBDXXOMXjU-00076-00068472-00069224 with a finite amount of paint; we could not however 6OBDXXOMXjU-00077-00069296-00070480 paint its inside surface because its inside surface has an infinite surface area. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00078-00070768-00071784 You can go online and find people trying to “explain” Gabriel’s horn 6OBDXXOMXjU-00079-00071840-00072792 as if it were a riddle; it doesn't really need an explanation though 6OBDXXOMXjU-00080-00072856-00073368 beyond the fact that it is an infinite object, 6OBDXXOMXjU-00081-00073368-00074104 it cannot exist in the real world, and that it is therefore 6OBDXXOMXjU-00082-00074104-00075216 not all that surprising if our real world intuition struggles to grasp it. 6OBDXXOMXjU-00083-00075376-00076008 This is something we'll see when we get to infinite sums 6OBDXXOMXjU-00084-00076008-00076744 where the intuition we have working with finite sums breaks down 6OBDXXOMXjU-00085-00076840-00077888 and it is something you will continue to see throughout the rest of your mathematical career 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00000-00000000-00000178 foreign [Music] 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00001-00000366-00001104 thank you so much for doing this I always ask the guests to do a small sort of introduction 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00002-00001104-00001722 of who they are and how they got to where they're at so if you can just tell people about yourself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00003-00001722-00002490 I know we had a conversation it's probably two years ago um so people haven't listened to that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00004-00002490-00003066 I encourage them to do so but otherwise yeah what what's happening and tell us about yourself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00005-00003150-00003810 yes of course uh it's great to be back um my name is Addison Brazil I guess right now more than 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00006-00003810-00004392 anything I'm the author of my book first year of grief Club a gift from a friend who gets it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00007-00004494-00005082 um and I guess in order to understand how 33 year old guy writes a book about grief and offers 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00008-00005082-00005604 it to other people you have to understand that I navigated through some very complex 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00009-00005706-00006354 um grief processes through throughout my 20s I I lost my brother to an inoperable brain tumor 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00010-00006354-00007008 just sort of on the cusp of my 20s and then a few years later I found my father after his suicide 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00011-00007109-00007638 um and then I sort of went out in the world and tried to fix my mental health which we talked 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00012-00007638-00008034 a little bit about last time where I just sort of went out and tried to figure out how to fix 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00013-00008034-00008736 everything that these deaths um you know losing both my brother my father before 25 created for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00014-00008736-00009198 me and and I think I thought I had done it to be honest I think I thought I figured it out that I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00015-00009198-00009828 could sort of have this master of vices mixture of modalities thing and it was like I'm good I beat 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00016-00009828-00010380 grief and I actually kind of started celebrating that a little bit and um and one night I was out 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00017-00010380-00010896 celebrating and on the way home we got into a very very bad accident and I lost a dear friend 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00018-00010896-00011562 of mine and I was left relearning to walk and with a brain injury and hospitalized and basically got 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00019-00011628-00012294 um another really big reset and it came with a total new you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00020-00012384-00012947 um scheme of of issues and challenges to navigate because there was this also this physical aspect 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00021-00013062-00013686 um and um just a totally different grief process so from those three grief processes I became sort 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00022-00013686-00014274 of this grief guy that people would always come to or call whenever something happened and the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00023-00014274-00014616 funny part is even having been through all that whenever somebody would do that I would 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00024-00014616-00015078 just sort of freeze because I it was kind of like a stand is not real thing I didn't want 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00025-00015078-00015540 to tell them what they were really in for you know and what loss had been like for me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00026-00015641-00016392 um so after 13 years of freezing that turned into more of a soul pull and we get this book where I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00027-00016392-00016926 wanted to just offer something that you could give to somebody instead of flowers or casseroles right 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00028-00016926-00017442 on day one if you were to hand me over to a friend or a loved one and I was going to stay with them 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00029-00017442-00018054 every week for a year what would I really say and that's sort of where this book came from and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00030-00018126-00019146 what I what I put out in the world in the last six months I guess yeah thank you it's you have 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00031-00019146-00019950 so many uh points in the book where you encourage people to do the check-in or the pause and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00032-00020112-00021042 I guess I'm practicing that right now just to hear you describe that it's um yeah it's moving it's so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00033-00021042-00021660 I'm doing a little check-in noticing the tingles in my body and and that stuff and tuning into my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00034-00021660-00022332 breath which I'm happy to practice what I preach too and and check in because I this episode's kind 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00035-00022332-00022800 of special because I really wasn't sure when when you extended the date to me because we 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00036-00022800-00023268 already rescheduled once and then the date came in it's actually the eve of the 10 year anniversary 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00037-00023268-00023814 of my father's suicide um and that is coming with a lot in the book I say you know grief is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00038-00023814-00024312 not something you want or it's not something you fix it's something you honor and it's funny when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00039-00024312-00024798 you go into these conversations you're like okay dude you're really going to be honoring today like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00040-00024798-00025344 you're really like going to be chewing on that that offering and so I just I do want to you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00041-00025344-00026177 check in and say that I'm really viscerally so much in my grief today and feeling so much and and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00042-00026177-00026736 I'm happy to be in this safe space but I would you know I wouldn't be being authentic to myself if I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00043-00026736-00027300 didn't admit the exact timing of this conversation and and how much of what I'll probably say today 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00044-00027300-00027894 to your questions will be tested by the fact that I'm actually really in you know my grief right now 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00045-00027972-00028614 um and not maybe as spokesperson or Advocate Addison is sometimes I can you know kind of jump 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00046-00028614-00029580 into so and thank you for checking in and thank you for reminding me to check in yeah huh it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00047-00029580-00030245 just nice to sit with those things um maybe we could just do deep breaths for the next hour yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00048-00030474-00030912 uh 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00049-00030912-00031482 [Music] um uh so I actually from what you were just mentioning as you sort of gave that picture 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00050-00031482-00032106 of kind of how you got here there was a part in the book it's jumping ahead in my notes a bit but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00051-00032238-00032832 where you mentioned when you know I might get the um word around but I think I got it was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00052-00032832-00033558 like when your brother died you went into overachieving when your dad died you kind 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00053-00033558-00034194 of withdrew and then when your friend passed and you had the car accident I can't remember what the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00054-00034326-00034800 how you summarize that but maybe because you kind of just mentioned it a minute ago so yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00055-00034800-00035550 for that yeah for you know when my brother passed it was also something we're aware was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00056-00035550-00035988 happening was going to happen you know because he had an inoperable brain tumor and you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00057-00035988-00036426 there's doctors and you know palliative care and you know that moment is sort of coming 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00058-00036528-00037146 um and I was at the time dancing on scholarship at a school I had already kind of set my own purpose 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00059-00037146-00037614 which is actually in retrospect very lucky for me in my grief process that I I was already aligned 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00060-00037614-00038076 so heavily with something I wanted to get back to that I wanted to fight for regardless of you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00061-00038076-00038646 how heartbreaking it was and sort of in honor of him and and my brother's death being you know I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00062-00038646-00039318 was 19 and he was 17 and I like was all my dreams were coming true and coming back from my first 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00063-00039318-00039696 year of truly the best year of my life because again that was the last time my whole family was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00064-00039696-00040284 alive it was my first year of school like you know it was just like it was incredible and there was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00065-00040284-00040830 some when my brother being the older brother there was this inheritance and pre-inheritance because I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00066-00040830-00041328 started the non-profit that helped other people with brain tumors before he even passed so that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00067-00041328-00041940 he could be a part of the process but I inherited this sort of sort this feeling of like I want to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00068-00041940-00042666 do everything that he can't do or I want to do everything I want to do because I get to and not 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00069-00042666-00043134 everyone in my family had that at all I wanted to you know eating things that he liked made 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00070-00043134-00043620 parts of my family upset and they withdrew from that I wanted to eat twice as much like that was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00071-00043620-00044268 just my very natural response to to his passing and the type of person he was and then obviously 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00072-00044268-00044982 with my father's death very unexpected um and very traumatizing and it came with with PTSD you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00073-00044982-00045684 it came with this diagnosis and and in this this calibrating of trying to understand emotionally 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00074-00045684-00046272 and physically this trauma but also that it wasn't just this trauma that we needed to resolve like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00075-00046272-00046848 as if I had seen a stranger you know after they died by Suicide but this is my father this was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00076-00046848-00047478 the attachment I had to the man I thought that would always be there to protect Maine and I and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00077-00047478-00048252 I lovingly felt obviously very unprotected in that moment because you know of what I experienced and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00078-00048252-00048696 so you know like I said I went out in the world and then with the what happened with the accident 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00079-00048696-00049254 what I often say it was almost like at that point I was trying to run Windows on Mac it was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00080-00049254-00050136 just like a full restart like the system it the operating system had to be updated recoded like I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00081-00050136-00050754 just I could not function or live in a world where these things were possible and yet I needed to and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00082-00050754-00051341 had to if I wasn't going to fall into the male suicide statistic as a result of what I had been 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00083-00051341-00051917 through and as you know from our last conversation I was very aware from my father's death on about 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00084-00051917-00052391 the entire immense mental health movement and what the statistics were against me and what the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00085-00052391-00052974 statistics are even are of somebody who witnesses what I had witnessed so so I inherited from my dad 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00086-00052974-00053579 more of this need of a mental health education and so it started with a withdrawn it started 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00087-00053579-00054222 with dealing with the trauma and then it deal it turned into this real responsibility to you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00088-00054222-00054828 kind of sort myself self out and figure out how I was gonna how I was gonna move forward and what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00089-00054828-00055458 what true resilience looked like because a lot of what was being offered to me was like getting by 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00090-00055458-00056141 and I was 24 and I was like What if I live till I'm a hundred like I don't want to get by you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00091-00056141-00056688 know like this is obviously so unexpected that I'd be in this position but you know I I still 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00092-00056688-00057228 want to thrive and as much as that was Tangled in a grief process with grief and guilt as well 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00093-00057228-00057744 that I got to have those feelings and got to do all that it was still absolutely necessary to me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00094-00057840-00058494 um to sort of figure that out what that looked like you know yeah and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00095-00058674-00059472 yeah I guess how did you do that what were sort of you know it was it was a lot of fixing and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00096-00059472-00059946 it's it's really it's much easier to speak about it now because I also understand through all my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00097-00059946-00060450 own research what was actually happening but in that moment especially you know when it was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00098-00060450-00061002 14 years ago or 10 years ago with my father or even now four years ago or five years ago 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00099-00061002-00061572 since the accident you know it was a lot more of wandering around in the dark I didn't really 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00100-00061572-00062112 understand what was happening and and I just sort of it was kind of like I use this analogy 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00101-00062112-00062604 a lot but you know someone can put a nail on the table and say the nail needs to go in the wall 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00102-00062658-00063186 and there's just sort of this room around you of things and you don't know what a hammer is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00103-00063186-00063810 you don't know that that's what its job is there's so many ways to get a nail in a wall and you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00104-00063810-00064428 I started by using my own palm and and like it made you know marks on me and hurt me to do it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00105-00064428-00064896 but I got it done you know and then maybe I went to like a shoe it works but you know it's like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00106-00064896-00065291 leaving a print on the wall and it's cracking and like so it's like you got how the metaphor goes 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00107-00065291-00065790 to eventually where you pick up this thing which we know as a hammer that has like a grip for my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00108-00065790-00066390 hand specifically and is meant to perfectly put a nail in a wall without creating any damage and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00109-00066390-00066792 so that's sort of what that process was like for me and and what that process was like with me is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00110-00066792-00067404 every time I tried to fix it every time I try to get rid of it every time I try to exit grief claw 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00111-00067518-00068040 um I had a really hard mental health lesson that would follow very quickly because that just wasn't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00112-00068040-00068754 possible and so it became this idea and sort of the basis of This Book of you know not learning 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00113-00068754-00069480 to live without someone or something but learning who you are now within that loss and so it's a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00114-00069480-00069990 series of experiments of getting to know yourself and not trying to fix anything but honoring what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00115-00069990-00070440 comes up and it's like okay what do you mean like honor what comes up but just like we did at the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00116-00070440-00070974 start of this call today was very different and has been very different because what today is for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00117-00070974-00071496 me today 10 years ago there were things I still could have done and I'm going to try not to get 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00118-00071496-00072066 emotional but that is the reality of my today when I think about July 20th every year all the days 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00119-00072066-00072510 leading up to July 21st I know where I was and I know that there was things that could have been 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00120-00072510-00072990 done to maybe change this horrible thing and then on July 21st even though it seems like it's the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00121-00072990-00073464 big bad day there's usually a release there's and we're past the point where something could have 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00122-00073464-00073998 been done and that's sort of the way my mind goes so you know honoring the journey in each of those 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00123-00073998-00074556 days and every day before or after I'm waking up every morning and checking in with myself and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00124-00074556-00075180 actually based based on how I'm feeling and how I'm doing making decisions and adjusting my day 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00125-00075180-00075876 and using my own tools from from those experiments I've done over time based on what's coming up you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00126-00075876-00076326 know so it's not going to be a one thing like you might have headache and this certain medicine that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00127-00076326-00076764 you go to you know this is like the most complex headache of all time and different things are 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00128-00076764-00077382 going to help it so it's this thing where I go okay so you know there's a lot of anxiousness here 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00129-00077382-00077940 there's you know this this tendency that I want to ruminate I know I want to ruminate today and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00130-00077940-00078540 so all day today I've been pulling out my we're only in this moment presence tool and that might 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00131-00078540-00078918 look totally different to somebody else but for me I know exactly what this is and I and I just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00132-00078918-00079512 gently keep saying to myself that's not the moment we're in buddy right now you can smell the grass 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00133-00079512-00080052 right now it's raining in London right now you know it's like what and it just it's just going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00134-00080052-00080574 where are we in this moment where are we in this moment and but that didn't work yesterday that's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00135-00080574-00081150 not what yesterday was four right so it's this idea of honoring where you're actually at and it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00136-00081150-00081702 very difficult to get a point where you're willing to do that because it can feel very conflicting 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00137-00081702-00082326 to deal with where you're actually at and it can feel like failure it felt like failure for me when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00138-00082326-00082848 I would feel this way again six years later seven years later Ten Years Later normally before I came 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00139-00082848-00083484 to these conclusions it really would have felt like failure that I'm still feeling this way but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00140-00083484-00084066 it's not it's you know it's it's honoring exactly what would come up and logically I mean yeah that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00141-00084066-00084576 was my dad and the terrible thing happened and you know so what's going on right now and how can I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00142-00084576-00085404 kind of tend to that so um you know I I say like I can't give you a tool kit and I can't give you 10 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00143-00085404-00085830 things and tell you where the hammer is and what the screwdriver is when it comes to grave what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00144-00085830-00086364 I can offer you is spending a year with me and you experiment where you start to identify what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00145-00086364-00086802 your Hammer looks like and what your screwdriver looks like like and you know where to get them 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00146-00086802-00087264 and also always having the willingness that the second that doesn't work anymore that there's an 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00147-00087264-00087780 upgrade there's a change you don't use that tool anymore whatever there's there's no finality and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00148-00087780-00088248 it's like I know I sound like a broken record but I have to tell myself this 10 times a day 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00149-00088248-00088806 every day there's no fix buddy so what's coming up there's no yep I get it you want it to be over 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00150-00088806-00089292 you know and it's just it's naturally like our brains are wired for stories to end for patterns 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00151-00089292-00089790 to complete for things to be resolved and this isn't a resolve you know grief Club starts today 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00152-00089790-00090258 it starts and ends never and I didn't want to be the guy that said that originally and that's why 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00153-00090258-00091020 I stayed quiet for 14 years but now I realize that that can be very very uplifting in a not in a I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00154-00091020-00091506 going to put rainbows on your sadness way but just an if you get into the realness of what's really 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00155-00091506-00092076 going on there's a lot more opportunity within that to live your life your real life where that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00156-00092076-00092592 person really passed or you really lost that job or whatever it is I'm not offering you and all 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00157-00092592-00093306 alternate I'm saying to live your real life which fully acknowledges and I never assume that I know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00158-00093306-00093804 even with all my grief that I know anything about anybody else's it's just scientifically based on 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00159-00093804-00094782 their bond and what they've lost you know yeah wow that was lovely to listen to one thing that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00160-00095076-00096006 I find I guess so meaningful about what you just said and also in your book and then talking to you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00161-00096006-00096744 last time too is do you have even if it's you've obviously worked very hard to get to this point 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00162-00096744-00097410 or you've practiced a lot and there's just so much wisdom and understanding in what you just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00163-00097410-00098064 said this idea that the mind is always searching for an answer right over this Finish Line and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00164-00098064-00098754 end to the story and in the book and even what you just said you share so much sort of wisdom 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00165-00098862-00099630 on the Paradox I guess of how the mind is searching for an answer yet the answer 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00166-00099630-00100248 can't be found or the answer is noticing what's happening in the present moment and it's such a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00167-00100398-00100938 shift for people to start training that part of their awareness I guess or their mind to be 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00168-00100938-00101598 able to do that and yeah in the book there's so many good practices for that or ways like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00169-00101598-00102228 you said to here's a bunch of skills and tools or whatever it is figure out which ones will 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00170-00102228-00103128 work for you and I I also like your focus it's clear in the beginning of the book too 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00171-00103224-00103824 nobody can do this for you right this is about you making a decision to do this for yourself and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00172-00103824-00104633 you can't change other people and maybe just as a next jumping off point I just wanted to read this 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00173-00104742-00105288 um because it was so awesome and I had a conversation with two parents who lost a child to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00174-00105288-00105924 suicide and when I was reading this part of your book it brought up some of the things that they 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00175-00105924-00106680 shared which was amazing and I just want to read this and then um so you say what does support look 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00176-00106680-00107418 like for you right now and allow you to respond to them honestly so this is when I guess it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00177-00107418-00108383 maybe this is from day four day three uh the first week and and then and you say and I don't know is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00178-00108383-00109128 a perfectly great answer by the way which is so beautiful we can't change what other people say 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00179-00109128-00109854 or do we can teach people how to treat us around our loss I wish I'd known this a lot earlier 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00180-00109956-00110592 so yeah I don't know why that made me very emotional to hear I this is a very odd experience 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00181-00110592-00111156 like it's like well it's so you know there is a book but like it's so true and like it's like I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00182-00111156-00111624 feeling right now for a younger version of myself almost like an inner child and I'm like I know I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00183-00111624-00112146 know you wish you knew that you know then so but I I think that is such an important thing because 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00184-00112146-00112782 there's such an awkwardness around grief around both how to support people and how to ask for the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00185-00112782-00113298 support you need especially when you're swirling in grief and you don't even know what support 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00186-00113298-00113928 looks like you know and that's why again it's like this this going back to the present moment of what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00187-00113928-00114450 does support look like for you in this moment in this second because sometimes we also don't want 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00188-00114450-00114894 to answer that question because they think maybe if I say something then if they complete that I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00189-00114894-00115356 supposed to be better and I don't ever want to set up that expectation right so it's like if 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00190-00115356-00115782 you're supporting someone you know people ask me over and over again like what should I do or what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00191-00115782-00116382 should I say and I just I think casseroles and condolences are like you know what we've been 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00192-00116382-00116940 taught in so great but it became like always being touched and always sort of it felt like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00193-00116940-00117359 a stamp was being stamped on me going sorry for your loss sorry for your loss like I can't imagine 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00194-00117359-00117911 what you're going through like and and there was nothing in that that or even how are you can be so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00195-00117911-00118464 overwhelming so over what like I don't know how I am you know it's not even how are you feeling 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00196-00118464-00119082 in North America we say how are you which is also just doesn't you know um so you know how are you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00197-00119082-00119532 doing and it's like I don't know what I'm doing I'm flailing you know and I know there's only 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00198-00119532-00120035 a certain amount of time before I need to start treading strategically because I'm not getting out 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00199-00120035-00120509 of this water like that's what's becoming clearer and clearer with every second is like I can't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00200-00120509-00121056 reverse this and I'm in this water this grief now so you know I really love to empower that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00201-00121056-00121848 you know my book is written for the griever but we do teach people how to treat us and people will 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00202-00121848-00122370 ask like you know what would be best and those are your your kind of moments those teachable moments 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00203-00122370-00122964 to say you know resilience response is like what I call them in the book is is sort of reframing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00204-00122964-00123552 things and helping people to help you so you know you know what would really help right now is this 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00205-00123552-00124211 or I don't really know and I don't want to know but I think I would like you to be in the room and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00206-00124211-00124746 not talk and that's one that I use a lot because I never said that but that's what I always wanted to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00207-00124746-00125304 say I have a tendency to ruminate and I'm trying to oh and overdrive understand what's happened 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00208-00125304-00125946 in my life but I also am very aware that that's not healthy to do all day every day so I don't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00209-00125946-00126420 want to be alone but I don't want to be touched so I want someone to sit in the room and it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00210-00126420-00126864 like so specific but when I really tapped into it the third time around you know just because 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00211-00126864-00127344 of what happened to me I kind of had to ask for what I really needed and you know we have like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00212-00127344-00127824 adopted this term in our family like a pocket pal like in it you know they kind of come over and do 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00213-00127824-00128238 what you're doing during the day and it's it's not a thing but you have someone else there you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00214-00128238-00128670 and all of my very good friends and close family members know exactly what that means and it's like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00215-00128670-00129138 can we have a pocket pile day where you're just there we don't have to talk about it but we're 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00216-00129138-00129635 also not going to ignore it we're honoring it by you being in the space because I want someone 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00217-00129635-00130361 in the space you know so yeah I think it's really diving into that question for yourself and there's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00218-00130361-00130866 a tendency and even in like a lot of the grief world right now to sort of attack the supporters 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00219-00130866-00131346 because they don't know how to support and you know the things they say and like I get that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00220-00131346-00131892 and it's very frustrating and there's another week where you can honor all the anger you want um and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00221-00131892-00132378 find a healthy outlet for that but also there's a little bit of responsibility that unfortunately 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00222-00132378-00133020 comes with grief you know you are entering a club and there your life is different now and you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00223-00133020-00133560 it's like I hate like I hate that it's like wait I have to do this I have to do more I'm the one who 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00224-00133560-00134172 lost someone and it's like yeah if you if you want to enjoy your life at all yeah there's going to be 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00225-00134172-00134652 some things to do here and some tools to develop and you're going to kind of you know constantly 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00226-00134652-00135684 have to just be honoring what's what's going on yeah wow um that idea of I love how you put it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00227-00135762-00136494 I don't your presence in the room is enough like I don't want to be touched or even spoken to perhaps 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00228-00136560-00137568 resonates so much with me so and I think as you also say in in alignment with building 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00229-00137568-00138114 the skill set different people well different days different moments different situations 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00230-00138114-00138774 might call for us to want to be spoken to our timesters or whatnot others may not and being 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00231-00138774-00139458 able to this is why your the check-in practices are so useful is and and later in the book 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00232-00139596-00140100 sure I'm just laughing because I want to remind everyone because this thing happened where people 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00233-00140100-00140754 will say to this day oh Addison doesn't like to be touched even before people and and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00234-00140754-00141210 now because I wasn't checking in with myself as you're saying and I wasn't keeping it Loose to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00235-00141210-00141576 what I really wanted I made hard rules when I was younger because I didn't know I didn't know any 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00236-00141576-00142050 of this right so it was like it became no one's allowed to touch me which was very detrimental 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00237-00142050-00142506 to going through the next 10 years of because I did want to be hugged but then I didn't want to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00238-00142506-00143058 awkwardly like have to bring it back in so that no one was touching me and I I did want you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00239-00143058-00143508 and so it is always of the moment and that that is a bravery and that is something that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00240-00143508-00143952 so I'm saying you always have the opportunity to teach people how to treat you it's not one 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00241-00143952-00144456 lecture it's not one set of rules you know it's always in the moment and be careful because you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00242-00144456-00144870 you know people think they're helping by then telling everyone else in the world don't touch 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00243-00144870-00145398 him and it's like well no I literally as a human being need like oxytocin and like you know it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00244-00145398-00145788 should be touched you know especially through all this presence and became a whole thing 10 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00245-00145788-00146202 years later I worked through with a life coach of like breaking down this Addison doesn't like to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00246-00146202-00146736 be touched limited belief that I created you know so you know I always like to find the funny in it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00247-00146736-00147162 and someone something like that pops up it's like you know yeah just be honest in each moment what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00248-00147162-00147738 it is because hard and fast rules again don't don't serve you you know maybe for a period of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00249-00147738-00148386 time but not not always for the whole run you know hmm yeah that's such a nice reflection 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00250-00148548-00149550 to one to notice that that's what you're doing and then to also take for lack of a better word maybe 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00251-00149550-00150198 the responsibility to then start asking again for what you need or or to acknowledge in yourself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00252-00150198-00150936 that maybe this isn't serving me anymore or maybe it didn't or who knows or and if you hate I hated 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00253-00150936-00151410 the word responsibility if anyone listener hates it there is there you know this grief 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00254-00151410-00151746 is real and there's going to be a long where you don't want to listen to this and you don't want 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00255-00151746-00152130 to read this book it's not the first year as and if you didn't pick it up on the first day you've 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00256-00152130-00152532 missed the book it's the first year you're ready to honor an experiment through what you've been 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00257-00152532-00153024 through that year can come 10 years from now so I just like always like to say that and also I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00258-00153024-00153534 used to have sort of my own personal negative connotation to that idea of responsibility like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00259-00153534-00154074 I you know it's like Spider-Man rules with great power comes great responsibility kind of thing and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00260-00154074-00154764 you know when someone said it to me as um ensuring you can be response able like able to respond you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00261-00154764-00155184 know and I know that's sort of like a mindset like we all kind of know that one but that reminder is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00262-00155184-00155808 something that I needed often is to think about it as like it's actually like I'm making it so that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00263-00155808-00156516 I'm able to respond to life to the things I still want to what's going on and by asking people and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00264-00156516-00157002 teaching people around me how to keep me that way that as a part of this process because sometimes 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00265-00157002-00157452 like yeah we both kind of obviously have this idea that responsibility is something that you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00266-00157452-00158166 know comes with some sort of Burden or rules or more on me kind of things yes and but making sure 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00267-00158166-00158838 I'm always responsible is something I want to sign up for like I'll subscribe to that you know so I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00268-00158838-00159312 just I always kind of did that switch for me but it's certainly like yeah there's there's always 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00269-00159312-00159984 with your own mental health the responsibility is to yourself and you know and to others in that way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00270-00160038-00161148 yeah yeah yeah and that it's a nice way to reframe it so that it's more a note more sort of an open 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00271-00161148-00162144 relationship I guess to the word or to what it actually means in practice um I I wanted I would 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00272-00162144-00162798 just want to read one part another part from this which is so awesome in the resilience responses 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00273-00162912-00163488 um when somebody says are you sure you're okay and then you say if they say this just hit them 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00274-00163488-00164136 maybe something like I'm feeling so many things right now but if I can 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00275-00164136-00164538 figure out what I need in terms of support I will reach out that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00276-00164688-00165306 that takes some practice right to be able to say that and to be able to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00277-00165498-00166062 not want to hit the person no I don't know that's there's like your humor in there and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00278-00166062-00166734 also the seriousness of how you right and I I think it's it's you know always going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00279-00166734-00167352 back to what makes you you know and bringing that into this process is really important so for me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00280-00167352-00168000 personally humor is a non-negotiable basically for me if I'm not finding the funny in things 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00281-00168084-00168486 I would be the same as them saying he no longer has a pulse like it's just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00282-00168486-00168852 it's that's how inbred it is and to me and the culture of my family 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00283-00168948-00169362 um you know other people would never understand but like the hardest I've ever laughed has been 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00284-00169362-00169944 in in the limousine hearses on the way to burials like I mean that's just like when we really 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00285-00169944-00170550 realized this was really happening you know it was like almost funny because it was that unbelievable 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00286-00170550-00170982 at that time and obviously you know they're shocked with that or whatever but you know so for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00287-00170982-00171708 me allowing that humor in and then you know going into like whatever the response is like and and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00288-00171708-00172272 think what I was really trying to set up there is you know if you don't know but but creating that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00289-00172272-00172836 opportunity to later say to someone but if I do know I will reach out and so that there's not that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00290-00172836-00173484 awkwardness when that does come up you know and and being able to sort of put that put that moment 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00291-00173484-00173970 there because there's a lot of calibrating that's going to go on and and you know in the moment I of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00292-00173970-00174552 course like you know my grief processes started I was an A type 2 but I could not fix me but it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00293-00174552-00174966 seemed like there was a way to make the person who was trying to console me feel better and so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00294-00174966-00175446 at least someone got something out of it and it's a little bit backwards but I could be like you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00295-00175446-00176070 know you being here has you know made this better for me or like you know like hugging them like it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00296-00176070-00176574 there's almost like an inference sometimes really quickly of the griever actually then consoling 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00297-00176574-00177090 the person who's there to give condolences and it's it's sort of this you know they just can't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00298-00177090-00177648 believe what's happened to you and then you know you're helping them to believe something that you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00299-00177648-00178134 don't believe yet but you're aware that's going to be a bigger process and it's certainly not going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00300-00178134-00178836 to happen in a welcoming line at a Portuguese Catholic funeral with 200 people in tow you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00301-00178836-00179460 like that's just not where that's going to happen so that's and that that idea of of you know adding 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00302-00179460-00179958 up for the silence that's going to come later is very important because it is going to come 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00303-00179958-00180390 all the formalities fade away and that's in the privilege of formalities obviously we're coming 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00304-00180390-00180864 out of a pandemic where people didn't even get to have Community Driven memorials or anything like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00305-00180864-00181422 that that's a whole other conversation you know but but no matter what's done sort of that it does 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00306-00181422-00181920 fade away that initial support and that initial surrounding and that's sort of when you need it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00307-00181920-00182424 the most is just that little bit later when you're coming to terms with it so always being willing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00308-00182424-00183048 to say you know there's nothing right now I can think of but is it okay if I call on you when I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00309-00183048-00183576 do think of something you know and setting that up so that later that other part of your brain 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00310-00183576-00184116 that tries to convince you you're being a bother is like no we actually have an open contract that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00311-00184116-00184782 like I can do this and I can you know and I I myself before I wrote this book I rarely send 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00312-00184782-00185472 flowers food anything when something happens I go into my calendar and I I write something 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00313-00185472-00186108 down for a month later or 60 days later and I'll send something then because I know that's when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00314-00186108-00186600 nothing like that's happening you know and that's when it's hitting hard and you're feeling sort of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00315-00186600-00187206 the loneliness of the truth of what's going on at least for me you know I know that that was sort of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00316-00187302-00187788 um you know and everyone needs a break eventually from lasagnas if that's what's being delivered 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00317-00187956-00189048 wow and the I do want to sort of moving through the book The and I really I kind of admire 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00318-00189126-00189738 how you you address the stages of grief which are kind of relatively well 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00319-00189828-00190446 accepted in the general knowledge around these things I like that you point them out and sort of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00320-00190656-00191466 move on in some ways yeah I just wanted to bring up that like they've basically been disproven you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00321-00191466-00191886 know from a scientist's point of view even you know and that's something I've learned 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00322-00191886-00192474 even more so since I've written the book but it's because they're ingrained in US I mean that book 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00323-00192474-00192966 Elizabeth Cooper with she was interviewing people who were dying she wasn't interviewing people who 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00324-00192966-00193464 had lost someone so that book at the time was revolutionary and amazing but it also actually 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00325-00193464-00194052 wasn't originally about grief she was identifying in categories of people in a non-scientific way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00326-00194052-00194700 through interviews you know these these similar themes and then they got I don't know if it was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00327-00194700-00195240 ever intentional but they got put into the this order and so the reason that I wanted 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00328-00195240-00195768 to address it is because that has downloaded into our programming we all know about these stages of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00329-00195768-00196152 grief even though we don't really know how because I don't think I got taught that in school but like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00330-00196152-00196596 you know it comes up whether you know maybe it wasn't like psych 101 or something I don't know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00331-00196596-00197094 at some point but we all hear about these stages of grief and then this idea of stages in the way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00332-00197094-00197622 our brain works it's like let's let's get rid of that right away because there's no stages they 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00333-00197622-00198066 all swirl together they are circular in nature they will come back it's more like scribbling 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00334-00198066-00198600 you know and you'll Circle back and you'll feel all of them at once and you know as where you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00335-00198600-00199074 know you kind of naturally feel that but no one really said that to me you know and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00336-00199074-00199734 was expecting to go through these stages and I was expecting acceptance to be the final stage 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00337-00199734-00200370 where I got my certificate and I don't have to grieve anymore or deal with grief period 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00338-00200472-00200946 um and all you can really ever do is accept the moment you're in so obviously that's going to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00339-00200946-00201510 be secular obviously that's going to recur and obviously as a human being as new triggers and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00340-00201510-00201906 new relationships and new experiences happen you know you're going to go through all of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00341-00201906-00202482 these things which she so beautifully thematically found people at the end of their life were feeling 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00342-00202614-00203142 um so that like I I always kind of like like to bring that up and then it's kind of funny but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00343-00203214-00203688 I just want to say to people after this book came out I was like you know I'm I'm just a friend who 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00344-00203688-00204126 gets it I'm not a doctor I'm not a coach I'm not a scientist I'm not definitely not a neuroscientist 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00345-00204126-00204570 you know and all of a sudden I was like oh I really like science though like maybe I should 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00346-00204570-00205104 have done this you know and I and I wanted to take it back and it was so weird the timing of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00347-00205104-00205530 this but this book came out and I have it with me here it's called The Grieving brain by Mary 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00348-00205530-00206076 Frances O'Connor and she is she has studied the neurobiology of grief for the last 20 years and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00349-00206076-00206496 what is insane is you'll see if this video ever exists but there's so many Post-its and more of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00350-00206496-00206819 the book is highlighted than unhighlighted I should have just circled the parts that I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00351-00206819-00207432 didn't want to highlight but from a scientific perspective almost everything I naturally came 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00352-00207432-00208134 to is proven in all of her studies you know I she kind of is this like godmother on my shoulder of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00353-00208134-00208614 being like yeah there's actually signs to back up everything you naturally wanted to offer a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00354-00208614-00209123 friend and here's why you know in this whole process of what our brain's actually doing and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00355-00209123-00209676 I I really think they're just such a beautiful matching because understanding from the beginning 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00356-00209676-00210150 what's happening in the brain and how we attach to people and what's what's really happening 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00357-00210234-00210948 um was just I don't know so enlightening to me but so 13 years after I was going you know through 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00358-00210948-00211571 many of those processes and it makes so much sense to me now but one really cool thing that I I like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00359-00211571-00212250 to bring up is this idea of like and it comes from this book is if I were to ask you right now like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00360-00212250-00213017 name your closest living loved one hmm like it's not a measuring contest just someone that you see 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00361-00213017-00213480 all the time and you're closely attached to whoever it is right my wife or kids yeah so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00362-00213480-00214116 your wife and whoever's listening will name theirs and then tell me right now if in this moment you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00363-00214116-00214817 needed to see them how long it would take to get to see them and where they probably are right now 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00364-00215052-00215730 she's in the basement and if she wasn't home right now do you have an idea where she would 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00365-00215730-00216294 probably be yes the places and how long it would take to get there and to give the people listening 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00366-00216294-00216792 an idea for me like my older sisters we kind of all spread across the world when grief had shows 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00367-00216792-00217344 in Australia and it's so weird to think but like I go okay so I'm in London right now I'd have to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00368-00217344-00217926 fly nine hours to Dubai then another 13 hours to land in you know Brisbane and then either 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00369-00217926-00218388 I'd get a taxi or she'd pick me up an hour and a half okay so in 26 hours I could find my sister 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00370-00218388-00218898 and she's probably at her place of work in her home or you know at the beach because those are 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00371-00218898-00219378 the three places she almost always is at the dog beach and what we don't realize is that our brain 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00372-00219378-00219882 once we attach to someone this is the cool like Neuroscience that backs up everything that that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00373-00219882-00220319 we say why we have to experiment and stay open all the time is our brain is constantly doing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00374-00220319-00220956 that we have a virtual map of everyone we feel attached to and it's uh subconsciously knows all 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00375-00220956-00221532 of this all the time and then suddenly you have a person in your life where the map is broken 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00376-00221592-00222312 and that's what grief becomes is the virtual map really aligning with with what's really happening 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00377-00222312-00222732 and that like I keep using this analogy of this operating system again it's so funny that's how 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00378-00222732-00223188 I described it and then she's like literally your operating system you know these two maps 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00379-00223188-00223728 were not in alignment and you couldn't you know fix it and it's a it's just it's so interesting 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00380-00223728-00224226 if someone's trying to understand like why do I feel crazy or why do I keep thinking about or why 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00381-00224226-00224748 do I keep expecting them to walk through the door or when a certain thing happens because for years 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00382-00224748-00225306 your brain has come to expect that that's when you'll see them or if you need to see them that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00383-00225306-00225714 you can get there in a certain amount of time and so your brain in a way is literally broken 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00384-00225780-00226386 you know but we're not acknowledging that and that's not being said really and so it's just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00385-00226386-00226854 this like sort of feeling like you're drowning in a deep end kind of why do I feel insane all 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00386-00226854-00227412 the time for I truly believe in this moment that I could drive to my dad's house like he'll be there 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00387-00227412-00227910 right you know and you have this thing so it's a very it's a very interesting thing to like just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00388-00227910-00228348 to kind of keep with you of like all the things that I would share from that book is that just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00389-00228348-00228798 being really kind and compassionate to yourself through all of these experiments that at the same 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00390-00228798-00229386 time that you're doing the experiments that I lay out there is a neurobiological process of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00391-00229386-00229866 you updating these maps of the of attachment to love grief doesn't start at death it starts 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00392-00229866-00230442 when you attach through love and so that is when it really started so it all the years you knew 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00393-00230442-00230838 someone or you knew life to be a certain way is actually what you're working through not 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00394-00230838-00231204 since the day they died some people say it's been a month what's wrong with me it's been a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00395-00231204-00231773 year what's wrong with me I'm updating a map that started 33 years ago when I was born and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00396-00231773-00232284 my father held me against his chest and I knew every moment of every year of where 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00397-00232284-00232692 he was and depended on him and I'm grinning through my teeth and smiling because this 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00398-00232692-00233304 is making me really emotional to think because I truly truly want to know and she talks about 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00399-00233394-00233964 the the way we attach you know is here and now and and close and close means like how close are 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00400-00233964-00234582 you to that person how close are you right and so that's why I've realized from from her book why I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00401-00234582-00235182 have such a weird thing with this anniversary is I did 10 years is a big number so I'm not going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00402-00235182-00235776 to be as close to my father as I was when I had that Bond and I knew where he was and I really 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00403-00235776-00236286 don't want us to get further apart I don't want to be any different than I was and so you see 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00404-00236286-00236676 all these patterns start to show up especially in that first year of grief you don't want to do new 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00405-00236676-00237102 things you don't you don't want to go places you don't want to go somewhere where you used to go 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00406-00237102-00237696 with them because then it's real and the closeness changes and so it's like being really gentle but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00407-00237696-00238067 also getting to understand that that's what's happening is like such a beautiful permission 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00408-00238067-00238638 slip from Mary Frances because it's like really I just went through those things thinking like I I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00409-00238638-00239100 was unwell you know and I just didn't understand why I didn't want to move forward and there was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00410-00239100-00239723 no way for us to remain close at that time from the way I understood the bonds that that's why I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00411-00239723-00240216 didn't want to do any of those things you know and and that's that's very difficult you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00412-00240216-00240719 when I think about how much I've changed since you know since my brother died or since my father died 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00413-00240719-00241380 and how much I really did want to stay the same so that I could keep that part of our relationship I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00414-00241380-00242016 stay true to the closeness I had with them because it's not getting updated in the map you know and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00415-00242016-00242406 then there's this whole other side of like with purpose and you know with your your own belief 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00416-00242406-00242982 system closeness can come from other ways you know you can you can maintain a relationship if you so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00417-00242982-00243744 choose to but um in in that first year that we're talking about really being gentle because to back 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00418-00243744-00244062 myself up with science which I only get to do in interviews because this book wasn't published when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00419-00244062-00244806 my book was published you know you you are going through a very natural process of updating your 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00420-00244806-00245448 system you know um and yeah yeah Windows doesn't run on Mac I can tell you firsthand I said that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00421-00245448-00245778 not even know what I was talking about you know and I used to say that all the time but now I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00422-00245778-00246282 like well that's really weird because that's literally what was happening you know yeah wow 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00423-00246390-00246990 that's so insightful and yeah it's so nice to to hear you describe all that stuff and I actually 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00424-00246990-00247602 didn't know the sort of backstory to those stages of grief so thank you for sharing that with me and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00425-00247602-00248219 you know anyone so you know I didn't either I didn't either until like two years ago which is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00426-00248219-00248850 wild again because every but that's also where where the resources that exist sometimes you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00427-00248850-00249276 know it's that's why this whole idea of what In This Moment is serving everybody we're also in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00428-00249276-00249708 a place where we have technology and like think about everything I just said about the GPS system 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00429-00249708-00250134 we actually have something called social media that also allows us to track someone when they're 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00430-00250134-00250667 living if they're on social media all the time just grief is very different than it ever was and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00431-00250667-00251346 so I read those books originally but they didn't one at the time fulfill my expectation to be fixed 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00432-00251346-00251844 and two in some way they they didn't align they provided me with information that allowed me to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00433-00251844-00252354 feel connected but it still just wasn't making sense like as she describes in this book and again 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00434-00252354-00252942 in makes sense now why it didn't you know these stages because it's like that wasn't what was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00435-00252942-00253452 happening and I got to really see that firsthand because it was compounding so technically I should 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00436-00253452-00253932 have been done you know one and then I you know I'd be like one of those weird diagrams because 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00437-00253932-00254514 I'd be in three grief processes at once and like ideally like in acceptance around my brother but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00438-00254514-00255000 anger about my like about bargaining about my you know and all those things are true but like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00439-00255000-00255504 that's just not it couldn't be plotted like a series arc on a TV show to get us all through 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00440-00255504-00256182 and out of the race you know so yeah yeah that's awesome is that what you sort of I assume well 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00441-00256248-00256740 that's what you mean by the swirl kind of thing right yeah yeah yeah you're going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00442-00256890-00257352 yeah the chapters of the book um which are the first ones like the silence which 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00443-00257352-00257760 I already kind of talked about and then like the swirl these are sort of my asses of grief 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00444-00257760-00258480 again not stages and not in a linear order but these really big like themes of my grief 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00445-00258480-00258882 that came up that I think might align with people you know like the shame that comes up 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00446-00258882-00259271 the surrender that comes up you know the show up and how you show up in the world 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00447-00259373-00259871 um you know because there's other ways that it can be said where it didn't really align and again you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00448-00259871-00260328 know today is a perfect example when I checked in I was describing a swirl you know I was I'm in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00449-00260328-00260958 a swirl you know so um yeah they just that these s's that align with me and if they can if someone 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00450-00260958-00261504 can you know you know write swirl on a candle and light it every time you're in the swirl you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00451-00261504-00261917 just to acknowledge that that's what it is even if it's just for you you know what I mean like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00452-00261917-00262770 to be like I know what this is and I know where I'm at um and you know my maps updating um yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00453-00262770-00263634 so nice too I guess my mind's going in two directions because you get into 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00454-00263880-00264294 these self-compassion practices which are so beautiful like one 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00455-00264294-00265020 the one of writing a letter to yourself or to your a part of yourself um is so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00456-00265236-00266058 beautiful um and I think you said somewhere in there we actually need to hear from or to speak 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00457-00266058-00266886 to that part of ourself and you yeah like how you worded at something like um it may seem weird or 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00458-00266886-00267546 not necessary but it actually is so necessary it's it's like the part of us that I think that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00459-00267546-00268392 the part of me that believed my father would always be there or my brother and I would grow 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00460-00268392-00269124 old together who we are raw today my friends sorry I am trying to I don't want to lose enunciation 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00461-00269226-00269724 um but um you know the part of me that believed that is a part of me have actually been that I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00462-00269724-00270156 became very aware of after this book was released it was like you're done with the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00463-00270156-00270720 giving hey me very specific nine-year-old version of myself I can see exactly what I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00464-00270720-00271164 look like and that's the guy that believed all the things that you know eventually we had to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00465-00271254-00271728 um come to believe and we have all these Rites of passages about sitting sitting kids down and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00466-00271728-00272172 saying hey so you know the guy we told you that can go to everyone's house on the 24th Eve of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00467-00272172-00272712 every year and deliver presents yeah we gotta talk about that I'm always like wording it in a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00468-00272712-00273108 weird way in case someone's listening in the car because I do not want to end any magic early but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00469-00273108-00273510 you know with the teeth and the bunny there's like these conversations that we have and then 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00470-00273510-00273936 we kind of jump right into the birds and the bees and there isn't this sort of conversation of like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00471-00273936-00274434 this belief that you have that it will always be this way and that you know no no one's going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00472-00274434-00275034 anywhere is is not dealt with in the same way and and often the way you learn that is is when you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00473-00275034-00275562 experience your first death and I have friends my age that have really not lost anyone yet you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00474-00275562-00275940 know so they haven't had you know and they've learned through me a lot of my friends about 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00475-00275940-00276390 great I know that they do not want to subscribe and they don't they're not looking you know they 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00476-00276390-00277038 don't want that but you know so I think this idea of being gentle and thinking about it and also too 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00477-00277158-00277518 before a lot of self work I was not very nice the way I spoke to myself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00478-00277584-00278130 so when I picture how I would explain it to a child because that's who needs to hear from me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00479-00278130-00278658 right now is that younger version of myself that this doesn't make sense to and just in every way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00480-00278658-00279060 and you've maybe picked up on a little bit about whenever I go into self-talk when we're talking 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00481-00279060-00279528 about any of the experiments the way I speak is like I'm speaking to my godson and I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00482-00279528-00279942 of my godson specifically because I love him more than anything and there's no way I would 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00483-00279942-00280464 explain something to him without that love there especially something difficult which is starting 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00484-00280464-00281010 to happen because he's getting very smart and you know starting to have these conversations where 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00485-00281010-00281550 well that's my dad where's your dad you know what is his middle name mean it's like oh God like do I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00486-00281550-00282060 do this or do I pass this off but that's who that idea of always going back to that once you write 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00487-00282060-00282666 that initial child that letter to a child you know that you love or to yourself if if you know when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00488-00282666-00283296 you were younger but the idea is to set that tone of that like really gentle compassionate self-talk 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00489-00283296-00283932 and inviting curiosity back into your life life like a child would and being okay with every 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00490-00283932-00284526 question because you're learning again and it's just very different than saying yes Addison dad 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00491-00284526-00285054 died by Suicide you sought yourself stop you know that's literally if I'm being honest right now how 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00492-00285054-00285690 I was speaking to myself at that time going hey bud I know this is going to sound really difficult 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00493-00285690-00286362 and it's really really really sad you know I can't even do it but you know and it's totally different 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00494-00286362-00286860 and it's setting that tone from week one that's why I put that on the seventh day hey there's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00495-00286860-00287322 someone else we need to explain this to whether it's the children in your life or the child inside 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00496-00287322-00288012 of you but in a very sensitive delicate way at Baseline roots of what love is and how we you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00497-00288012-00288846 talk to a loving being what went down what's going on um and I think it sets that tone for days where 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00498-00288846-00289254 you know I'll do these experiments and I'll create a tool and then I'm not using the tool and then 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00499-00289254-00289722 instead of getting angry and having this negative self-talk around feeling like a failure because 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00500-00289722-00290100 I know what helps me and I'm not even doing it I'm not serving myself I'm going to be so dumb 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00501-00290100-00290496 after all this money and this life coaching and therapy you know but then it's like no no no no 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00502-00290496-00291234 go back to the way you spoke in that letter hey buddy it's okay we can meditate now we can throw 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00503-00291234-00291714 this one away it's tomorrow you're going to have a different relationship to all of these things it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00504-00291714-00292248 not that big hey buddy you know and going back to that and going back to that it's setting that tone 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00505-00292248-00292710 up that being a very natural thing because whether we admit it or not we're going to be talking to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00506-00292710-00293466 ourselves a lot about this loss and the way we do it I think can fast track a sense of healing and a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00507-00293466-00294120 sense of you know Beauty in the way that you know are compassionate with yourself that's why I keep 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00508-00294120-00294756 bringing up in the book ask yourself am I being kind am I being compassionate am I staying curious 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00509-00294756-00295398 and those are all to yourself in relationship to yourself of course and to others but to you are 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00510-00295398-00295986 you truly being kind about what is going on right now and you know that you're in the deep end and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00511-00295986-00296502 you're treading and there's no you know you can't get out of the water you know um yeah I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00512-00296502-00297042 that's um that's that's one thing that I often don't say when people say what's one thing you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00513-00297042-00297498 wish you could tell someone you know and I guess I worked out because I put it in a book so obviously 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00514-00297498-00298014 it's something that I would say to people but like you know I never think of it but it really does 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00515-00298014-00298554 set that tone and it really does start to train your brain teach yourself how to treat yourself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00516-00298554-00299190 from day one that's you're you this is you know that's her biggest thing is that grief in her 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00517-00299190-00299742 book that she says you know grief is is a learning process above all else it's a learning process and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00518-00299742-00300168 it's it's something we don't want to learn it's going to be your least favorite subject in school 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00519-00300168-00300714 but it's a learning process right so you know signing up for that and deciding how you're going 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00520-00300714-00301398 to teach you know really like a child's mind to navigate this loss I think is very very important 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00521-00301398-00302058 and I'm sort of dwelling on this because I'm also reminding myself that I know this as I'm saying it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00522-00302058-00302574 right now because of how I'm feeling today and maybe that that maybe not have been every bit 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00523-00302574-00302982 of this morning and the way that I didn't want to deal with how I feel about this anniversary 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00524-00303096-00303846 um because as you guys see the second you tap into that real thing talking to that kid inside of me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00525-00303846-00304398 or to my God sign about this thing that happened that was really terrible uh instantly connects 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00526-00304398-00305034 me to my true emotions around it you know um and it invokes whether I like it or not empathy for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00527-00305034-00305856 myself who I would love to just hate you know that would just be easier you know but yeah so it's the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00528-00305856-00306408 practice never ends it's again no destination on that every single day are you being kind yeah yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00529-00306408-00307182 that's just yeah beautiful example of the process working in real time and I think the more we 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00530-00307182-00308310 practice doing that the easier and the process of it coming up in the moment is much more freeing or 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00531-00308310-00308862 open or something like that and almost soothing at least for me I know it's quite soothing when 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00532-00308862-00309396 I can allow those emotions to come up because they're very much on the surface for me too even 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00533-00309396-00310008 listening to you talk it's like I'm welling up and and that's empowering and I think we learn 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00534-00310140-00310800 that that's not scary right that's okay that's actually helpful in some sense or something like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00535-00310800-00311496 that and that becomes you know your subconscious is not that way naturally so that the go-to can 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00536-00311496-00311964 become that if you do it enough time yes you know where like you naturally did at the beginning of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00537-00311964-00312528 this conversation taking those deep breaths you know like that that becomes the go-to you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00538-00312528-00313032 and becomes an invitation for everyone around you you know it's like oh I want it on that I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00539-00313032-00313476 talk about that on every page of this book take a breath and then I'm rambling about death and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00540-00313476-00314106 not breathing you know so it's you know it's that oh okay good I get to learn moment rather than oh 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00541-00314106-00314880 God I'm about to learn something more about grief you know yeah yeah and that process of I can't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00542-00314880-00315522 remember where it's in the book but along this thing of self-compassion of what do I I love you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00543-00315522-00316500 wrote it in the what do I need to hear right now and that for me my experience of working on myself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00544-00316500-00317040 and helping others that that self-compassionate phrase is literally what do I need to hear right 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00545-00317040-00317688 now and that does take practice to cultivate that internal voice because as you said I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00546-00317760-00318228 maybe it's more of a western thing although I even think those boundaries 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00547-00318360-00319242 are a bit fake or not real but we tend to be very self-critical and so that inner wiring of yeah I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00548-00319242-00320010 stupid or I'm not doing enough or all that sludge um it does take practice to work through that and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00549-00320010-00320550 then when you can get to the point of what do I need to hear right now even from myself yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00550-00320550-00321102 that's the hardest one as you're saying that I'm cringing because I'm like I hate that I even like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00551-00321102-00321636 admit that I you know have to ask myself that because it's also like for me my natural like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00552-00321636-00322050 you're saying is what do I need to do right now and what are all the things I could do 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00553-00322050-00322476 that would make this hurt less or that I wouldn't have to deal with this like would writing another 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00554-00322476-00323046 book really quickly get me out of this or would you know going on a good date or having someone 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00555-00323046-00323514 else love me would it be it's like wait wait wait what do you need to hear right now and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00556-00323514-00323850 it's very interesting because whenever I've done that and I've been willing to check in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00557-00323934-00324648 you also align with like your basic basic needs and it's like most the time it's I love you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00558-00324648-00325590 you're safe you're gonna be okay yeah I and I get it I get it like you know it like I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00559-00325590-00326070 thinking it's like I need to you know buy a house and do all these things and you know what I mean 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00560-00326070-00326628 like it's like this achievement oriented get out of your feelings thing and it's so so basic and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00561-00326628-00327144 you know it's like one there's a responsibility of of getting to say that to yourself then you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00562-00327144-00327606 know taking the invitation once you hear what you need to hear from yourself but then also if if the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00563-00327606-00328326 response is you're safe where where can you go and who can you be around if you want it to be 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00564-00328326-00328932 something you share with someone else that would that makes you feel safe and feel loved and who's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00565-00328932-00329400 likely to let you know that you love them now I avoid my mother at all costs because I'm scared 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00566-00329400-00330024 her level just like unravel me you know you know I'm obviously I think I have this limited belief 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00567-00330024-00330546 if I mean to my mom she'll never die because I just can't I can't you know and it's like we 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00568-00330546-00330996 talk about it and and then you know I go back to it of sort of pushing her away especially 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00569-00330996-00331536 when I'm coming and going and traveling for work you know when I do get to see her but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00570-00331536-00331896 um you know it's it's just it's taught me a lot though because that is the person I love 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00571-00331896-00332274 more than anything on earth and the person who knows how to love me the most perfectly 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00572-00332274-00332952 in every single way and my natural inclination is to get rid of her because she's too aware of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00573-00332952-00333468 what really happened and what's really going on within me and you know what's going on and it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00574-00333468-00333822 funny because I'll have these conversations with my mom now that you know I've evolved and done 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00575-00333822-00334320 some so where can I I'm apologizing for you know I I if I ever really am hurting your feelings 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00576-00334320-00334794 or if I ever really seen mean and it's just so interesting when she kind of says back to me like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00577-00334860-00335454 uh yeah I'm really disappointed and my son who went through all of this stuff like you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00578-00335454-00335988 know has tried to go back and help other people have survived his own suicidality you know all 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00579-00335988-00336408 this stuff and he's a little mean to me in the morning like you know of all the things that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00580-00336408-00336822 could have amounted from the trauma and the loss and the statistically just like with addiction 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00581-00336822-00337410 or anything you know she's like the way she looks at it is so different and I'm like see that's the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00582-00337410-00337836 thing that's what you do you could just love me no matter what I you know it's like ah I gotta 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00583-00337836-00338352 go I gotta go like you know but it's like even when you're apologizing you're just like oh man 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00584-00338352-00338892 you just really love me and because I've come to know what what that love becomes when you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00585-00338892-00339612 lose it I don't know how to like operate within it you know properly as a human being and so I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00586-00339612-00340236 just acknowledge it and apologize for it and then you know each day you know this might sound really 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00587-00340236-00340788 silly but I would literally be like when I'm going to my mom's house like set goals for a full hour 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00588-00340788-00341358 do not be short do not push her away hug her when you get there you know and it wasn't until 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00589-00341358-00341772 I started reading a lot of other people's work and like seeing a lot of different things where 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00590-00341772-00342324 I'm going oh this is very normal these half hugs and this like the separation that happens between 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00591-00342324-00342948 the people who experience loss like this the most and who the love you need the most you're pushing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00592-00342948-00343356 away because of this you know belief that somehow that's going to keep you more secure 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00593-00343452-00344190 um it's just something that is a gentle long process one that to this day 14 years later I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00594-00344190-00344706 still like you know talking to my mom on the phone and then texting after saying and sorry 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00595-00344706-00345258 if I was short you know like or whatever it is like sorry I got annoyed or sorry like you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00596-00345258-00345762 and everybody now knows that I'm Canadian born because I just said sorry three times 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00597-00345984-00347262 oh yeah yeah so much it's lovely to hear you articulate all these things so wealth um and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00598-00347262-00347934 in the in the I think that relates a little bit to the next piece that I have in my notes like around 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00599-00348066-00348462 we skipped over it a bit but that I love that idea and I can't remember where I heard it first 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00600-00348462-00349158 but you know the gap between who we are and who we want to be or that that's how I know it is where 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00601-00349158-00350076 the suffering lies um which is just so profound and true and you you sort of describe how the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00602-00350076-00350922 process about connecting to who we are is bringing those circles together and and maybe can you maybe 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00603-00350922-00351888 talk about I love how you you um I guess reference Dr Anna Lemke that dopamine Nation book is so good 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00604-00351888-00352398 and that's another one like this book that kind of changes your life because it also again brings you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00605-00352398-00353064 into how our brains work in 2022 with everything that's around us in a technological sense that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00606-00353064-00353484 is very much a part of a grief process or a mental health healing process you know that's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00607-00353484-00354150 that's just a part of everything we do you know yeah and and I love that so you say let's talk 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00608-00354150-00354846 about pro-social shame never heard of it before neither had I that's when I one of my teachers 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00609-00354984-00355368 when we work on shame she brings up this idea of pro-social Shame 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00610-00355470-00356262 um so maybe yeah can you talk about a bit about yes I'd love to interview that teacher yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00611-00356262-00356664 she's wonderful she's like another one where I really nerd out but you know this idea of like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00612-00356664-00357120 you know I think the easiest thing for other people to understand this is something like AAA 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00613-00357120-00357708 where they've where they've proven and realized that by coming together and openly sharing what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00614-00357708-00358248 may otherwise feel shameful to us or become shameful because it's so silent within us you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00615-00358248-00358794 know actually proves to be quite healing you know so looking for connective opportunities 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00616-00358896-00359490 um and you know I really is this like hand in hand because rumination is like the dirty you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00617-00359490-00360000 know best friend of grief you know you also it's at a certain point it you know your brain's trying 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00618-00360000-00360456 to understand your brain trying to process over time of course but saying things over 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00619-00360456-00360978 and over again the same way and ruminating on them the same way without Shifting the action 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00620-00360978-00361704 that follows or how you're being supported around it I don't think is healthy and again this is it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00621-00361704-00362364 is backed in Mary francis's book that you know that it's it's over time not shown to you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00622-00362364-00362802 create resilience another great book is the end of trauma by George bonano which is it actually 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00623-00362802-00363348 these books what they're really saying and what I'm really saying is that what's already proven 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00624-00363348-00363882 is that we're actually a lot more resilient than we think but we don't want to be and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00625-00363882-00364374 that's sort of I think in grief like you said the separation between those two things is what is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00626-00364374-00364908 and what I would like to be in the suffering in the middle you know and aligning to that slowly 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00627-00364908-00365550 and being around other people who just get it or you know getting to see that representation 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00628-00365550-00366156 somewhere else you know is again scientifically proven to really help you through your process 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00629-00366276-00366768 um so yeah it's it's something that you know I was very interested in it it really applies to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00630-00366768-00367350 the men's mental health movement men moo learn experientially they prefer to learn in that way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00631-00367350-00367800 and we talked about this the last time I was on and you know that it's proven that that you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00632-00367800-00368394 that's how they bond in that experiential way let's all learn together you know and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00633-00368394-00368928 normalize it by experience not by you know someone sort of lecturing me or telling me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00634-00369030-00369588 um or a one-on-one can feel really odd your job is to listen to me so in some weird way I don't feel 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00635-00369588-00370116 that you know we're really connecting because I'm paying you to listen to me for for an hour some 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00636-00370116-00370656 people you know can feel that way about therapy so all these things come and go and you know what I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00637-00370656-00371166 always getting at in the book is if something stops working for you like I will be the first 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00638-00371166-00371736 to open the window and let's toss it like always being willing and not having the Judgment around 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00639-00371736-00372396 when you use something and why you know even Mary Francis says that like avoidance is a tool and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00640-00372396-00372930 it does work through difficult times I mean I've spent a lot of time scrolling I also spent a lot 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00641-00372930-00373380 of time after my dad died literally sitting on my hands and Counting because I was too afraid 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00642-00373380-00373800 of everything I was feeling and I didn't feel well enough you know and I would just count and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00643-00373800-00374352 count and count and had I been a little bit more Instagram you know taught at the time because this 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00644-00374352-00374820 was 10 years ago I had just gotten it you know I probably would have been scrolling you know and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00645-00374820-00375288 just like looking through things and looking for every distraction which is all fine and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00646-00375288-00375774 again in that childlike voice that forgiveness can come but I spent a lot of time once those 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00647-00375774-00376248 things didn't serve me and I realized it then punishing myself for not realizing it sooner 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00648-00376248-00376968 when there's just this opportunity to go that's it it didn't work good move on stop hammering 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00649-00376968-00377412 the nail with your palm like stop talking about that you hammered the nail with your palm for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00650-00377412-00377868 four years and you just can't believe that I did you know it's like this shame that shows up around 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00651-00377868-00378414 how you coach and sometimes I think that's where you really do need to start to build a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00652-00378414-00378912 community community or you really get to build a community around that those real real things 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00653-00378912-00379422 the your real grief Club the people you don't have to explain grief to you know like you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00654-00379422-00379854 this one you know it's like oh yeah I'm having a little bit of that having a little bit of that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00655-00379938-00380514 um you know and and also being careful that it's not a circle of people just sort of complaining 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00656-00380514-00381024 about how bad life is yes like Joe I've been in those circles and they did not serve me you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00657-00381024-00381462 so it knows everybody going and that's one thing she said the deal she has with her best friend 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00658-00381462-00382110 is if I if we have the same conversation three times and nothing changes then please stop me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00659-00382110-00382464 from having it the fourth time that's the deal she has with her own best friend and I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00660-00382464-00383034 that's beautiful if I'm ruminating and going back over the details of my dad's death but I haven't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00661-00383034-00383490 taken any action differently you know since the first time we talked about this and it's three 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00662-00383490-00384150 times later please lovingly ask me to stop and reconsider you know what I'm doing and what I've 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00663-00384150-00384816 tried since then you know and I think gosh if that rule existed as a law that was enforced you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00664-00384816-00385350 where would we be in the world of you know it's like you know Einstein's definition of insanity 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00665-00385350-00385812 trying the same thing over and over again and getting you know it's just that's that's one 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00666-00385812-00386346 of the things we naturally do and so it's it's all in again this learning and and being gentle 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00667-00386346-00386832 about when new information comes in that to not start grieving about the time that you didn't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00668-00386832-00387378 know this information like you're grieving about your grief rather than just being like okay and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00669-00387378-00387798 we're here now and this is helpful to me in this moment which is great because the only moment I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00670-00387798-00388698 can live in is this one so great you know yeah I I'm not talking to anybody listening or to you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00671-00388698-00389262 by the way I'm literally saying all things that I have curated over 10 years out loud right now 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00672-00389262-00389748 to myself to get me through the next 24 hours so I don't want anyone to think that I'm like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00673-00389748-00390210 kind of like new all this and I'm an expert in that way I've just become an expert on my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00674-00390210-00390636 own experience but just the point of the book for people to get to have that opportunity to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00675-00390636-00391218 just become an expert of your own experience and then be able to draw these conclusions for you for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00676-00391218-00391788 your grief for your own purposes you know not it doesn't become something that you can then teach 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00677-00391788-00392388 to everybody else but you'll try you'll try yeah yeah that's a really nice reminder though that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00678-00392658-00393390 when we share these things or you make it quite clear is is this is what I this is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00679-00393390-00393960 how I process these things I've learned from these places and these skills and these tools 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00680-00394062-00394572 and although I am you and I are having a conversation where we are also in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00681-00394572-00395274 conversation with ourself and that's such a nice reminder for me too and I often say that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00682-00395382-00396078 I was speaking to to 100 high school or no kids in a summer program transitioning into 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00683-00396078-00396618 high school and that same thing of just so you know I'm not here lecturing you or whenever I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00684-00396618-00397380 basically talking to myself but also to you at the same time because I need the reminder and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00685-00397380-00398118 to your point around the the pro-social shame it's in some ways for me it's that as well it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00686-00398220-00398856 can I share openly and honestly in this way out loud as though I am sort of also talking 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00687-00398856-00399780 to myself or I'm including myself in in and that I guess is also that idea of the pro-social shame is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00688-00399888-00400308 because when we hide perhaps or when we act in ways that are not 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00689-00400458-00401058 pro-social I guess for life and better work we experience shaking so then how can we how can 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00690-00401058-00402024 we act in a way that soothes soothes the shame um and you just so nicely just switch it again 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00691-00402024-00402522 yeah it's not easy and you're gonna have to go back to those reminders every time you try to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00692-00402522-00403140 deal it's the shame um you know and be kind and compassionate to yourself you know whatever it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00693-00403140-00403692 comes up and every time you know that that's that's always going to be difficult and just 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00694-00403692-00404238 you know for example when I did my daily okay you know it's kind of like the meeting of the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00695-00404238-00404850 Addison's and how I felt this morning and what would like I I'm being interviewed and then I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00696-00404850-00405348 actually interviewing somebody a little later and I was like whoa scheduling Addison like on 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00697-00405348-00405786 the eve of the anniversary like you know but you know they're you know I'm always like I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00698-00405786-00406290 I'm where I'm meant to be so this is what's this what's meant to happen but one of the deals that I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00699-00406290-00406848 made with myself around that and my own Tendencies is you know okay we're gonna do it but there will 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00700-00406848-00407484 be no play-by-play like I am not doing like after the after Sports show where then I ruminate about 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00701-00407484-00407946 everything we talked about and how I could have or should have said anything is like if we're doing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00702-00407946-00408498 is that's the deal and there's that one part of me that's really going to make sure that that deal is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00703-00408498-00409134 kept you know because of where I'm at but to give myself my friend Shelly Paxton talks about this um 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00704-00409134-00409632 the author of sabbatical like to literally write permission slips and sometimes in grief like same 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00705-00409632-00410093 as talking to that child sometimes you literally have to give yourself a permission ship permission 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00706-00410093-00410585 slip um one of my most powerful permission slips ever was I'm going to give you the time 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00707-00410585-00411180 today to cry use it if you want because I had just literally been fighting the feeling of crying for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00708-00411180-00411810 like a week you know but it's like giving yourself permission to do something and to just not engage 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00709-00411810-00412518 in the Judgment after and knowing that that that's not like it just doesn't happen it's going uh-uh 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00710-00412518-00413106 that's not the deal that's not the deal again just like you would with a kid when you traded off ice 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00711-00413106-00414108 cream for them going to bed on time you know it's the same thing you know I know we we are getting 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00712-00414108-00414780 to the end of our time uh we got about and I'm not sure how tight you are but around 10 minutes or so 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00713-00414780-00415578 we scheduled um I wanted one thing I am looking at my notes that I jumped over which also was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00714-00415680-00416285 kindly brought into my mind from the same teacher I was talking about the pro social shame is the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00715-00416285-00416958 Egypt and I love that you brought this up in the book um the distinguishing thoughts from feelings 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00716-00416958-00417600 so I just wanted to point that out and then I just go through the rest of my notes and see how we can 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00717-00417600-00418247 put it into the last like 10 minutes and and I think okay so the thoughts and feelings thing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00718-00418368-00419208 um the non-striving which was so nice that you I'm focused on that surrender um and like the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00719-00419208-00419747 venting and the honesty stuff and the rage anger I know you kind of talked a little bit about that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00720-00419832-00420456 um purpose and meaning and then also I wrote I love this thing you I can't remember so towards 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00721-00420456-00421374 the end of the book I think um so choices in love so when I do blank I feel like I am loving myself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00722-00421374-00422112 or am I not or whatever so we got thoughts and feelings non-striving surrender venting purpose 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00723-00422112-00422556 and meaning choices yeah it's funny because like I started to sweat and then I'm like wait this isn't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00724-00422556-00423174 a book report like you wrote this yes what if I don't know what he's talking about I'm like okay 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00725-00423443-00424026 um but um yeah you know what um I would say just on the thoughts versus feelings thing yeah again 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00726-00424026-00424584 like everything I kind of everything in this book too like I don't fully explain and it's on purpose 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00727-00424584-00425172 because again it's the whole on the whole spectrum of the Year we're building the Curiosity tool 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00728-00425172-00425574 we're building the kindness tool we're building The Compassion tour so that's built in so anytime 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00729-00425574-00426006 you feel like oh I don't really know what he's talking about there's an intentionality there 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00730-00426006-00426642 of activating giving you something to activate of Googling it of finding a YouTube video on it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00731-00426642-00427158 of you know because that's the muscle above all the muscles that we're really working here is the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00732-00427158-00427806 finding what works for you muscle because I can never give it to you and no one can give it to me 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00733-00427806-00428310 and so on and so forth so um but when it comes to thoughts and feelings versus feelings that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00734-00428310-00428802 was something that was very Central to all the work I've ever done and when that was explained 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00735-00428802-00429239 to me originally by my coach and Mentor Jennifer Merrifield who I always talk about I mention her 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00736-00429239-00429996 in the book a bunch I met her by chance on a plane she was sitting beside me on my way to settle my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00737-00429996-00430800 father's complicated estate after five years and she met a very victim mind-sided young man and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00738-00430800-00431364 deborted as someone with this full understanding of life could be a totally different way and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00739-00431364-00431760 that was the biggest one is that I had never even thought about this idea of like a feeling 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00740-00431760-00432522 obviously you can feel you know and a thought is something you think and it sounds too simple but 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00741-00432522-00433152 how many times do we say I feel like a failure I feel like a loser I feel like I'm not good enough 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00742-00433152-00433674 and that other side of you has to gently start going or gets to gently whenever you're ready 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00743-00433776-00434376 um say that's not a feeling I feel like a failure that's not a feeling what does that feel like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00744-00434538-00435347 um I feel disconnected I feel tight in my chest I feel you know and things you can actually feel 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00745-00435347-00435989 with you know your senses and and from an emotions perspective you know and starting to do that and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00746-00435989-00436446 just started starting to slightly unravel those like wired it's like a bomb like you know it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00747-00436446-00436872 like you're kind of always being careful but just starting that that process of catching yourself 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00748-00436872-00437274 okay that's a thought and just breaking it up you don't even have to understand the feelings 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00749-00437274-00437843 that are underneath it but just clarifying for yourself that's a thought you know I feel like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00750-00437843-00438534 no one will ever love me because of what I've been through I used to think was a feeling that's not a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00751-00438534-00439139 feeling that's a lot of limited beliefs turning into a serious thought process that has nothing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00752-00439139-00439547 to do with how I'm feeling in any given moment and the thing is it can seem overwhelming at 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00753-00439547-00439962 first but what you start to realize is when you build which I talked about earlier in the book is 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00754-00439962-00440478 that emotional sort of literacy and the ability to talk which now again I've got one Godmother 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00755-00440478-00440885 coming in with the science and then the other godmother showed up a week after my book came 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00756-00440885-00441335 out brene brown with atlas of the heart which allows you to go through and really start to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00757-00441335-00441816 understand how different every emotion is and how you can use it you know to really understand what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00758-00441816-00442206 you're going through so put those three things together and you've got sort of this Encyclopedia 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00759-00442206-00442697 of emotions while you're experimenting and also like having the science to understand what you're 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00760-00442697-00443214 going through but you know I I think for me that was such a cool thing and what I did with Renee's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00761-00443214-00443664 book is I made a commitment when I first got it was each day I didn't you know it's not the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00762-00443664-00444197 type of book I would say that you read all the way through each day I would read one emotion 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00763-00444197-00444635 and see if that was my understanding of that emotion if there was anything I would change 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00764-00444635-00445146 about my personal definition and what do I know about that you know and then the next day another 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00765-00445146-00445602 one and it's like you do start to realize the difference in how you're feeling and all the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00766-00445602-00446178 ways you can you know you can feel and you know she said sad happy and mad is the three the three 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00767-00446178-00446832 emotions that like the majority of people know you know and will use and there's like this you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00768-00446832-00447300 in the book I put the wheel in you know all these emotions you know of how to describe what you're 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00769-00447300-00447774 really going through so it's very interesting how how those thoughts differ and what becomes 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00770-00447774-00448343 you know I'm I'm feeling tight and lonely versus like you know like and it's like oh that thought 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00771-00448343-00448985 is two totally different things on two different days and acknowledging how I'm feeling um one of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00772-00448985-00449322 the one of my I just have to say this because it was like the Highlight one of the highlights of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00773-00449322-00449939 my men's mental health movement life was uh one of my best friend's sisters said that her therapy 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00774-00449939-00450318 her therapist was explaining to her this idea of thoughts versus feelings and she had never heard 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00775-00450318-00450708 it before it was at the end of the session so she went home and she Googled it and apparently if you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00776-00450708-00451152 Google thoughts versus feeling an article that I wrote is the one that comes up and so for her 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00777-00451152-00451566 it was really weird because I had you know she knew me and I had great and she called me and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00778-00451566-00451997 was just like these are the things that like you really geek out on though that like that that was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00779-00451997-00452460 there and like you know again that that Googling like you know maybe there is something to this 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00780-00452460-00452922 where people are getting back to this information and like you know that it's just that like kind of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00781-00452922-00453306 a special moment that I came to understand that and then it's something that other people are 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00782-00453306-00453839 seeking to understand and obviously it's not being talked about if you understand how Google works 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00783-00453839-00454374 in my blog you know is the thing that's coming up it's not it's not obviously not being acknowledged 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00784-00454374-00455064 but it's something we're all doing you know so it's definitely there um as far as um all 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00785-00455064-00455562 I want to say about anger and rages is that they became a very big opportunity for me a lot later 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00786-00455658-00456185 um understanding what I was angry about usually had nothing to do with what I thought I was angry 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00787-00456185-00457050 about um and when I accepted rage as a healthy thing I realized that rage often was a gateway 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00788-00457050-00457656 drug for me to purpose and meaning what kept me up at night what I couldn't just not deal with 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00789-00457656-00458184 whether it be the men's mental health movement and suicidality or lgbq rights or what you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00790-00458184-00458868 whatever reason I'm not sleeping actually was if I really felt into it could be a gateway to maybe 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00791-00458868-00459264 how I wanted to create impact in the world and it doesn't have to be professionally but it can be in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00792-00459264-00459888 any way and so I was down at modern Elder Academy in Baja and k-scora brought this idea up and we 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00793-00459888-00460254 talked about focus and rage and it was like how why are we talking about these two things together 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00794-00460254-00460746 and she was actually experimenting which is even cooler and again proves this idea of like she was 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00795-00460746-00461130 experimenting what will happen if this group of people will talk about these two things and for 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00796-00461130-00461784 me I realized that often they inform my entire life and for grief for people who are grieving 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00797-00461784-00462330 when you're trying to establish purpose again and meaning again sometimes your rage and your 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00798-00462330-00462846 anger can be very telling of of where to shine the light and where to put some of your effort 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00799-00462846-00463260 and your energy whether it's what you're doing charitably what you're doing in a community what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00800-00463260-00463758 you're doing professionally what you're writing a book about because anyone anyone can can do that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00801-00463758-00464346 I've proven that now you know you can do that if you want to and it serves you you know like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00802-00464538-00464939 um wow that was kind of cool how I took four of the points and just put them together 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00803-00465546-00466404 uh and and maybe as a last piece how how does the non-striving idea fit into your 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00804-00466404-00466884 process and current life with all the work you're doing and and what do you have I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00805-00466997-00467658 was it in the book that you are you writing uh Memoirs of so to speak right so we may be kind 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00806-00467658-00468239 of put that together and just tell us a bit about what you're sort of working on now and have yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00807-00468239-00468906 absolutely um so it's funny this book actually was born out of um like an unexpected second child 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00808-00468906-00469500 or twin out of the process that was writing my Memoir at the time it's very interesting I didn't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00809-00469500-00470093 actually set out to write this book but it needed to sort of fall out of me what I would offer 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00810-00470093-00470634 someone versus trying to infuse that into my true story I think those are two very different things 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00811-00470634-00471197 and and when it comes to like a memoir if I were to write like a TV show about my life it needs to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00812-00471197-00471816 be very human and honest to who I am as a person not necessarily as an advocate or you know how I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00813-00471816-00472242 would want to help others and there's a theme in my life obviously with the non-profit and the way 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00814-00472242-00472722 I the way I always find a way to get involved with things you know that I I really do get a lot of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00815-00472722-00473172 purpose and it's my way of being here to connect with people and you know in all of my Quiet 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00816-00473172-00473693 Moments in life I was sitting there going if I'm feeling this with the privilege and the community 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00817-00473693-00474384 and the love that I have around me oh my God how must blank feel with this and that often you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00818-00474384-00475338 leads to what I do next um but um yeah the with the non-striving piece um I think it's diff it's 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00819-00475338-00475872 also difficult it kind of like goes in line with the Excellence versus Perfection week um I think 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00820-00475872-00476358 you know grief is something that we'd rather do than be you know and that's something that gets 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00821-00476358-00476838 brought up a lot and and it unfortunately is more of a being thing and that's why right at 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00822-00476838-00477324 the beginning of the book I say ultimately you will decide you know and I hope you choose to be 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00823-00477426-00477893 um and and that's just the opportunity to be exactly where you are and I think that trying 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00824-00477893-00478428 to apply you know I kind of I do bring this up a lot because I do it you know in these different 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00825-00478428-00479004 Trojan horses of Excellence versus Perfection Flow versus Force these are all sort of the same idea 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00826-00479004-00479735 of you know not striving for a result but striving to show up each and every day fully 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00827-00479735-00480354 to what's happening in the moment um and I I think that that is the piece of this and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00828-00480354-00481050 I feel like I want to apologize that there's no special trick or you know life hack in the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00829-00481050-00481716 book but the ultimate life hack for me is to do life fully you know and and deal with what 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00830-00481716-00482285 comes from that and also to you know I love this part in any interview where I get to say 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00831-00482285-00482838 reap the benefits what what's wild about my story is not those three deaths and the other ones that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00832-00482838-00483462 happened and you know everything that I've been through what's wild about my story is that I laugh 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00833-00483462-00484043 hysterically so often and I still want to love and I still want to be a dad and I have hope and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00834-00484043-00484554 awe and I'm moved by sunsets I mean that's what's Wild is I didn't think that I would I would have 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00835-00484554-00485370 access to that I didn't think I'd be willing to even you know bond with anything or anyone like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00836-00485370-00485934 it just seems so illogical oh God you're proud of yourself Addison are you gonna cry right now 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00837-00486006-00486642 um but you know that that's the wild part for me as I sit around more often than not in absolute 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00838-00486642-00487170 gratitude and the magic you know all the moments where it just wasn't gonna work the the mental 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00839-00487170-00487656 health resources and what was going on in my life and the grief being so heavy it just didn't seem 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00840-00487656-00488142 like it was going to work out it always felt like I was in game seven and we were down and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00841-00488142-00488574 I just wanted to apologize to everybody that I just I didn't think it was gonna work you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00842-00488574-00489138 and I and I would try I would try till the buzzer goes off but I don't see it working you know and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00843-00489138-00489552 I've had that feeling many times and then when I get to look back when I get through those moments 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00844-00489552-00489996 and you you know you win that series because it's another Series starts you know immediately but you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00845-00489996-00490530 think that's the be all and end all you know you win or lose that series and you go there's part 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00846-00490530-00491220 of this that Mary Francis was signing I can't explain from the pure perspective a brown can't 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00847-00491220-00491892 even explain that there is just magic that happens when it happens that connects you and creates the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00848-00491892-00492546 life that you have and how you get to be here and you know how you get to show up in the world and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00849-00492546-00493278 um that for me is what I sit around going like that's wild you know that's just wild that that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00850-00493278-00493704 has always shown up that that we're talking about a book also no one has ever read my own 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00851-00493704-00494406 book to me on record on air so obviously that is something I'm taking away too that like it must 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00852-00494406-00494850 be real I guess now I guess I have to go and like actually sit in that this really happened 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00853-00494850-00495414 and this can exist for people and and you know I always say to people even if you just listened in 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00854-00495414-00496008 this conversation get the physical book it can sit around in your house it can be on the Shelf it can 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00855-00496008-00496608 rot in your gym bag but even if just seeing the outside of this book reminds you for one second to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00856-00496608-00497189 stop fixing and to honor or to be a little kind or to be a little more compassionate you know or to 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00857-00497189-00497718 stay curious then I'm good you don't have to read a word I I don't I don't care I will not take it 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00858-00497718-00498276 personally you know and if you're really feeling stuck you know with trying to support somebody 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00859-00498276-00498822 who's lost somebody I really hope after you know hearing me speak today and maybe reading the 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00860-00498822-00499338 book yourself that it is something you might feel compelled in place of flowers that might Wilt in a 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00861-00499338-00499884 week or you know well-intentioned casseroles that you might allow me to be your friend's friend or 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00862-00499884-00500460 your loved one's friend for a year in this amazing way that I've created where I can also go on and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00863-00500460-00501060 focus on Love and Hope without actually being with someone who's grieving all the time because my my 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00864-00501060-00501606 end goal was never to become a grief counselor or a grief coach or any of these things you know I I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00865-00501606-00502092 want to be a dad and you know write stories that make people feel connected and I always thought I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00866-00502092-00502566 would do that in fiction I never thought that I would have a story in myself that you know made 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00867-00502566-00503046 people feel connected but as I sort of return back to that and I I'm sitting with that inner child 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00868-00503046-00503622 like I said since this book come out I'm going okay you've achieved a lot there was a long list 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00869-00503622-00504516 and now for me in terms of what's coming next a large focus of prioritization on love and laughter 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00870-00504516-00505158 and connecting like and it sounds wild because I'm you know why aren't you taking off with your 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00871-00505158-00505643 career and building a whole brand around this or when's the second book due and it's just something 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00872-00505643-00506339 that's taken 14 years of honoring to go this is the priority and I promise that nine-year-old 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00873-00506424-00507324 20 22 years ago that I would always prioritize this and I haven't you know I've put achievement 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00874-00507324-00507893 and these other things ahead of it so that's the best way I can describe where I'm non-striving 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00875-00507893-00508643 right now is settling down those thoughts that in order to have value that I need to be helping 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00876-00508643-00509202 others at all times and so this book in that sense is therapeutic for me because it gets to exist 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00877-00509202-00509897 without me I get to be in rooms and in people's hearts without being there and that is so freeing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00878-00509897-00510300 to me because anybody who's listening to this especially from a grief perspective is that you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00879-00510300-00510726 probably don't want to sit and grief for the rest of your life especially people at all alternative 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00880-00510726-00511230 stages of their own creep when you know you can't help anyone else you can just learn how to help 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00881-00511230-00511842 yourself so you know it's it's kind of funny but I'm like the grief guy who does not want to you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00882-00511842-00512424 know be in a one-on-one grief situation it's just you know that's my most beautiful natural honesty 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00883-00512424-00513197 is like that the book got me out of the phrase you know and what do I know about this and so um yeah 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00884-00513197-00513780 it's available everywhere on Amazon I am I have a bunch of free reasons there's two my book is being 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00885-00513858-00514374 um sorry my book my website's being updated um which is either Addison brazil.com Brazil like 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00886-00514374-00515112 the country but with an S as my father always said um and mygriefclub.com I'm on Instagram 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00887-00515226-00515880 um and I'm I I'm out there honoring being equal parts honor the journey and find the funny and I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00888-00515880-00516330 think that's important for people as they find me to know that that I have no intention of giving up 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00889-00516330-00516876 the funny so it might be you know something really wild and funny one day and then something that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00890-00516876-00517356 really is deep and connects with you about grief the next day that's who I am and that's who I get 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00891-00517356-00518106 to be so if you're into that um you now know where to find me and um I will in the coming months I've 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00892-00518106-00518628 been in pre-production on a podcast that um will basically be take my book as a launching 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00893-00518628-00519078 point because people have sort of been thirsty for more and like I said I'm not the expert so I have 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00894-00519078-00519593 deeper conversation missions based on each week that may serve people more and may direct them 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00895-00519593-00520122 to an expert that they can then speak to because as you're getting the central theme here I'm not 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00896-00520122-00520662 that guy I'm I'm in the grief Arena too I'm just you know working out beside you and you know I'm 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00897-00520662-00521106 happy that I you know got to welcome you in and someone was at the gym that day kind of thing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00898-00521208-00521652 um but um thank you so much thank you for the safe space and it's a testament to you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00899-00521652-00522318 too that I agreed to do this on a day that I knew would be challenging for me and um and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00900-00522318-00523002 I I really appreciate it I I really do I think there's no better tribute to my father than two 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00901-00523002-00523643 grown men who are taking time out of their day to discuss mental health a decade later because that 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00902-00523643-00524046 um that's not something I was seeing a decade ago and it certainly wasn't something that he 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00903-00524046-00524484 was seeing so um you know sometimes awkward to bring up my dad because of what happened 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00904-00524484-00525090 but I'm just gonna end this by saying cheers to Henry Brazil um because I'm always you know 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00905-00525090-00525594 I just that's my dad and I I loved him so much and you know we don't get to do that that often 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00906-00525594-00526158 it's hard in our family sometimes to bring him up and celebrate him and um that's what I'll be 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00907-00526158-00526752 doing this evening so so thank you for all the reminders today uh I feel like I interviewed you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00908-00526842-00527400 um and thank you to everybody who listened to this episode of course yeah wow thank you Addison I 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00909-00527556-00528300 um that I don't have any words to say but again thank you that's I feel so sort of 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00910-00528396-00529170 enriched by everything you share with us and your Insight and experience and wisdom and 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00911-00529278-00529746 yeah it's beautiful to see and thank you for sharing that with the world and doing 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00912-00529746-00530592 it so honorably um and yeah sort of in the show notes as they always say will be links 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00913-00530592-00531228 to all your work so people can find you there and um yeah thank you again keep up the great 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00914-00531228-00531756 work and thanks for sharing your time with me thank you thank you yeah I was gonna 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00915-00531756-00532302 say I don't need any words just how about one more of those deep breaths thank you 6Pk9hy3LE2Y-00916-00532566-00532590 foreign 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00000-00000223-00000739 everyone everyone this is Ben and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00001-00000739-00001129 its just wanted some other its 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00002-00001129-00001480 riggings any and lazy on sign it's 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00003-00001480-00001780 both in July on 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00004-00001780-00002128 so i randomly decided to do some 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00005-00002128-00002508 the lugs for the month of July and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00006-00002508-00002825 firm hopefully I can do all these everyday 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00007-00002825-00003256 and I'm yeltsin ok first ball at 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00008-00003256-00003656 good believable Cammarano 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00009-00003656-00004084 a but the wind is killing a burgeoning 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00010-00004084-00004396 voiced know is that I'm making 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00011-00004396-00004895 no havoc improper microphone on your head 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00012-00004895-00005251 but yeah home 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00013-00005251-00005857 you 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00014-00005857-00006352 Yeller I'm by the way down there doughnuts and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00015-00006352-00006738 I gotta stop peninsular 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00016-00006738-00007197 obviously at work can stop by 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00017-00007197-00007525 I got to about my name's 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00018-00007525-00007875 him on them about you up 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00019-00007875-00008178 you got next something to 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00020-00008178-00008492 had I'm tonight 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00021-00008492-00008858 an apt to grab something to eat obviously that's 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00022-00008858-00009272 fungal spore you a.m. 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00023-00009272-00009750 well probably planning on the hallway 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00024-00009750-00010111 this was my number I get their hands on 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00025-00010111-00010427 should have taken more of a road that goes south 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00026-00010427-00010760 no 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00027-00010760-00011426 the boys are stunning fireworks issue that 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00028-00011426-00012015 you know the boys are so many fireworks has more than twice coming 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00029-00012015-00012296 as currency boys doing 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00030-00012296-00012631 just you 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00031-00012631-00013019 Justin and he Lee worst 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00032-00013019-00013384 way it is the your balls 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00033-00013384-00013701 Seattle moms suburbs of Seattle 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00034-00013701-00014193 a lot and I'm 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00035-00014193-00014452 driving 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00036-00014452-00015087 but alright I am just told by a doctor they gave me some 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00037-00015087-00015440 spared con thanks they hang so I don't run out into other 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00038-00015440-00015763 ones I ordered comes in cuz dangers 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00039-00015763-00016169 right well we can order whatever so or are just let them or their complex for 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00040-00016169-00016271 me and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00041-00016271-00016611 on %um on my way back to work 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00042-00016611-00016677 and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00043-00016677-00017075 and it is just 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00044-00017075-00017468 of sturgeon World Cup game between 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00045-00017468-00017781 US and Belgium has started 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00046-00017781-00018134 so hopefully the boys are doing good there we are one 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00047-00018134-00018546 the US hmm use the national team to do well 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00048-00018546-00018952 became well-known you know 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00049-00018952-00019605 kinda matters for most people that live in the States 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00050-00019605-00020018 you know a cap a populist maybe doesn't care about it but no 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00051-00020018-00020483 the restive the populace does so that's not 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00052-00020483-00021183 we're gonna head on a driving again 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00053-00021407-00022049 one in a driver am so good wanted a driver because it's it's just so much 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00054-00022049-00022331 easier to have the camera in your hand for a little bit 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00055-00022331-00022881 and said 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00056-00022881-00023141 kinda know you're aiming and there may be does better 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00057-00023141-00023712 righted you she pursed 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00058-00023712-00024033 meanie turn needs Justin 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00059-00024033-00024541 crazy parking lot came back on the roads is going in noisy 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00060-00024541-00024874 I'm gonna let you go home now later on tonight MA 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00061-00024874-00025273 be I'll I don't know sitting in the Sun 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00062-00025273-00025756 on some upward a washing my car sometime and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00063-00025756-00026110 Daytona team should be good 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00064-00026110-00026777 alright so this is 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00065-00026777-00027281 so love the and the day took a break from recording 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00066-00027281-00027756 because not much happened once I got off work 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00067-00027756-00028095 from hung on the sunday 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00068-00028095-00028674 and dinner and about to call it a night but the biggest 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00069-00028674-00029074 hmm topic 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00070-00029074-00029597 today is world games they're both really good game 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00071-00029597-00030045 and specifically on talk about United States 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00072-00030045-00030387 verses down Jim hmm 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00073-00030387-00030698 I can much I love it because 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00074-00030698-00031210 and some being at work 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00075-00031210-00031566 but you know I'm sneaked in a min once 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00076-00031566-00032032 and really I think that it was a good game 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00077-00032032-00032401 on the US but after that fine village in just an 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00078-00032401-00032788 too much in them um I mean if you allow 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00079-00032788-00033255 any team to create how many was it and wanna put up 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00080-00033255-00033579 page here you know 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00081-00033579-00033968 any team out there any to create com 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00082-00033968-00034299 30 any shots 27 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00083-00034299-00034695 on the Mongol and even though 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00084-00034695-00035088 teaching and mercy units 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00085-00035088-00035527 3 miraculous performance by the keeper and defenders and blocked shots in 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00086-00035527-00035886 so on the from 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00087-00035886-00036210 someone's are gonna going 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00088-00036210-00036691 you know Nick it's like me playing 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00089-00036691-00037022 my friends playing he found the PlayStation you know 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00090-00037022-00037475 here we are we playing against to to compete against the AI 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00091-00037475-00037866 and you know you're not having 40 shots and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00092-00037866-00038243 me know I'm going because you and me. shot they're gonna go in 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00093-00038243-00038626 so it's just it was a good performance by just 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00094-00038626-00038930 not good enough at 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00095-00038930-00039434 this stage although hmm territory futures is obviously a lot of 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00096-00039434-00039791 from upbringing and in the sports 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00097-00039791-00040197 in the United States there's a lotta from youth 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00098-00040197-00040636 camps now only come with the party go to you 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00099-00040636-00041169 there's she was set up in kids practicing in with coaches and so on 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00100-00041169-00041583 so I would say you know 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00101-00041583-00042040 next World Cup for the better and 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00102-00042040-00042422 even though it in Russia and then 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00103-00042422-00042974 the following should even better in 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00104-00042974-00043463 when you're with Addie Shelby 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00105-00043463-00043764 2018 and Masha and 2022 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00106-00043764-00044266 im Qatar some but I i expect by then 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00107-00044266-00044664 on that the US will have team that can compete with 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00108-00044664-00045089 and top countries out there 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00109-00045089-00045463 a little bit better so that's it 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00110-00045463-00045909 home really pretty good effort for them 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00111-00045909-00046209 god bless america but better luck next time 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00112-00046209-00046578 this has been my first the long ever 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00113-00046578-00047101 and it was for July 1st like I said and expect one tomorrow and the day after 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00114-00047101-00047160 that 6QS4lrzG1Uk-00115-00047160-00047344 and so on and I'll see you guys 6TjoEMoI4V0-00000-00000017-00000513 welcome to this another episode of Smile2jannah where we discuss a Muslim 6TjoEMoI4V0-00001-00000513-00000732 name ban, in China 6TjoEMoI4V0-00002-00001182-00001578 now I came across this article in The Guardian: China bans 6TjoEMoI4V0-00003-00001578-00002133 religious names for Muslim babies in Xinjiang. At first I thought I travelled 6TjoEMoI4V0-00004-00002133-00002660 back into time where this sort of nonsense was actually considered okay 6TjoEMoI4V0-00005-00002660-00003119 but then I realized ah it's just a global dehumanization of 6TjoEMoI4V0-00006-00003119-00003750 the Muslims. So I guess it's okay. So here are a few laws that are imposed 6TjoEMoI4V0-00007-00003750-00004791 upon the Xinjiang. No that's the province. The Uyghur, yeah that's the name of the 6TjoEMoI4V0-00008-00004791-00005286 people. I saw this article and then I was like you know what this is crazy because 6TjoEMoI4V0-00009-00005286-00005805 I've been seeing articles being shared all over social media but sadly because it's 6TjoEMoI4V0-00010-00005805-00006476 not BBC, Fox or Channel four or Telegraph, obviously our brain is conditioned into 6TjoEMoI4V0-00011-00006476-00006972 thinking it's not news. So this time I saw it and I was like this is getting 6TjoEMoI4V0-00012-00006972-00007622 ridiculous now, some of the stuff they're imposing on the Muslims. Obviously the 6TjoEMoI4V0-00013-00007622-00008054 first one like we discussed: if your child has a Muslim name that is on the 6TjoEMoI4V0-00014-00008054-00008486 list that the government is going to release, your child will be denied 6TjoEMoI4V0-00015-00008486-00008931 education and government benefits. Are you serious? 6TjoEMoI4V0-00016-00008931-00009378 How is that going to stop terrorism? If you're a man and you're under sixty 6TjoEMoI4V0-00017-00009378-00009911 you're banned from growing a beard. Women are forbidden to wear the niqab 6TjoEMoI4V0-00018-00009911-00010434 Hajj can only be done if the government organizes it. Men under 18 can't go to 6TjoEMoI4V0-00019-00010434-00010886 the mosque to pray. Islam can't be taught in schools, because it's not like true 6TjoEMoI4V0-00020-00010886-00011475 education solves anything does it? Now before you start getting upset and 6TjoEMoI4V0-00021-00011475-00012039 frustrated it's okay mate because China says it's trying to tackle a terrorist 6TjoEMoI4V0-00022-00012039-00012561 threat, and the solution China poses is to call your kids Jackie and Bruce 6TjoEMoI4V0-00023-00012561-00013100 scrape the hair off their face and make their wives get their milk cartons out 6TjoEMoI4V0-00024-00013100-00013593 Come on China you gave us Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. But their backup plan is if 6TjoEMoI4V0-00025-00013593-00014144 things don't work out and people start getting a bit more extreme don't worry 6TjoEMoI4V0-00026-00014144-00014418 man, do what the rest of these guys do on 6TjoEMoI4V0-00027-00014418-00014813 YouTube just blame Islam, and blame the Muslims 6TjoEMoI4V0-00028-00014813-00015379 we're in the 21st century where we're supposed to be much more smarter and 6TjoEMoI4V0-00029-00015379-00015770 evolved. Off course there's a problem, no one's going to deny there's not a 6TjoEMoI4V0-00030-00015770-00016232 problem. But let's start tackling the root cause, it's causes like this when 6TjoEMoI4V0-00031-00016232-00016578 Muslims are being told on the one hand they have freedom of religion but on the 6TjoEMoI4V0-00032-00016578-00017190 other hand it's being taken from them. And then when we speak out shhhh.. jihad 6TjoEMoI4V0-00033-00017190-00017673 extremist, terrorist, Isis... copy paste, copy paste... let's be a bit more realistic and 6TjoEMoI4V0-00034-00017673-00018414 let's try to educate ourselves by reading, by encouraging our population to 6TjoEMoI4V0-00035-00018414-00018995 study and learn about this beautiful religion of Islam. Until next time 6TjoEMoI4V0-00036-00018995-00019266 Asalaamu alaikum 6W-3IkSuyfE-00000-00000030-00000400 Daramad (prologue) to Mahour, page 36 6W-3IkSuyfE-00001-00000430-00000732 Tar lessons by Nima Fereydooni, September 2015 6W-3IkSuyfE-00002-00000750-00000977 Daramad, page 36 6W-3IkSuyfE-00003-00001034-00001234 Daramad is a melody (gousheh), that 6W-3IkSuyfE-00004-00001300-00001800 introduces the main features of its Dastgah 6W-3IkSuyfE-00005-00001850-00002252 and thus is the first melody of each Dastgah 6W-3IkSuyfE-00006-00002340-00002940 The audience will feel the characteristics of Dastgah by listening to Daramad 6W-3IkSuyfE-00007-00002996-00003196 and gets ready for the next melodies. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00008-00003304-00003950 in melodies such as Daramad, Kereshmeh, Chaharpareh and Khosravani, which will follow in the next lessons, 6W-3IkSuyfE-00009-00004000-00004278 there is no measure for the notes. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00010-00004320-00004624 We can play the notes more freedom 6W-3IkSuyfE-00011-00004650-00005000 This means, white notes are not necessarily two half-notes 6W-3IkSuyfE-00012-00005020-00005380 or eight notes are not one forth of half-notes. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00013-00005400-00005900 some people have a wrong impression that these melodies have no rhythm. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00014-00005930-00006262 In fact the rhythm of these melodies are rather complex 6W-3IkSuyfE-00015-00006300-00007302 and therefore if these complex rhythms with different tempos were written, the sheet would be rather messy 6W-3IkSuyfE-00016-00007430-00008038 Hence it is preferred not to include measures and the notes are written simply without rhythm. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00017-00008059-00008766 And players should listen to these melodies and play them intuitively. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00018-00008840-00009840 The freedom in these melodies is limited and the structure of the melody has to be preserved, 6W-3IkSuyfE-00019-00009850-00010152 so that the rhythm should follow the original as if an expert plays it. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00020-00010310-00010816 in this melody the white notes shall be played by speed-picking 6W-3IkSuyfE-00021-00010820-00011122 and the speed-picking symbol is not written anymore. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00022-00011200-00011704 these melodies which are listed in Radif are also called Avaazi (vocal) 6W-3IkSuyfE-00023-00011810-00012010 although one can still play them with music instruments but 6W-3IkSuyfE-00024-00012120-00012819 since the rhythm is complex and variable they can be called vocal pieces. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00025-00013200-00013490 Here we have Do-Mahour (C-Mahour) 6W-3IkSuyfE-00026-00013519-00014322 Do plays an important role and is somehow the axis of the melody 6W-3IkSuyfE-00027-00014530-00014730 We start from Do with the third finger 6W-3IkSuyfE-00028-00015047-00015247 from Si to Do 6W-3IkSuyfE-00029-00015560-00015760 Si - Do is the main theme of this melody... 6W-3IkSuyfE-00030-00015950-00016158 repeat this... 6W-3IkSuyfE-00031-00016272-00016472 and with the same theme Si - La 6W-3IkSuyfE-00032-00016618-00016818 and now Do-Si 6W-3IkSuyfE-00033-00017226-00017426 and the same for La-Sol 6W-3IkSuyfE-00034-00017500-00017954 now we move from Sol towards Re 6W-3IkSuyfE-00035-00018528-00018728 now the main theme...Do-Si 6W-3IkSuyfE-00036-00018796-00018996 now fro Re to Do 6W-3IkSuyfE-00037-00019142-00019342 the rest is just similar to the first line 6W-3IkSuyfE-00038-00019970-00020574 Now we have another sentence again from Sol moving towards Mi 6W-3IkSuyfE-00039-00021478-00021678 and at the end... 6W-3IkSuyfE-00040-00021990-00022190 right-left right-left right-left right-left right-left 6W-3IkSuyfE-00041-00022290-00022694 the number of these right-left can be a few more or less 6W-3IkSuyfE-00042-00023012-00023212 the last sentence 6W-3IkSuyfE-00043-00023972-00024172 and stop the melody on Do. 6W-3IkSuyfE-00044-00029356-00030250 Music School, Nima Fereydooni, Since 2007, Subtitles: Majid Naeimi 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00000-00001147-00001347 Hi there, this is Wang Gang 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00002-00001584-00001634 We are about to visit a Mystery Man 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00003-00001634-00001857 We have been friends and mentors for more than two years 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00005-00001907-00002256 Let me keep him for a secret for now 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00006-00002274-00002567 I'd like to introduce you a pretty girl 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00007-00002568-00002782 but i can tell you that her nickname is "6 KG 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00008-00002938-00003064 Ok let's go 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00010-00004036-00004180 Now We are in Chengdu 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00011-00004410-00004534 Near the studio of "Brother Fire" 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00012-00004576-00004714 The girl in front of us is the one i told you before 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00013-00004756-00005024 XingXing, let's say hi 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00014-00005111-00005384 Hi there, i'm XingXing from Chongqing 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00015-00005384-00005626 i'm the one who got 6kg 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00016-00005626-00005931 never imagined that i will gain 6kg weight in a month 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00017-00005932-00006436 i ate everything Chief Gang cook for me cause it's so delicious! 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00019-00006486-00006945 But it doesn't matter cause "Food is the only the you cannot waste" 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00021-00007048-00007333 Chief Gang: Ok let go to the Grocery 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00028-00011612-00011801 Woo that smells so good! 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00029-00011860-00012008 Make yourself at home. No Mandarin. Let's use Sichuan Dialect 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00030-00012064-00012174 Woo what a good sight 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00031-00012174-00012374 ye great night sight except the noises 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00032-00012689-00012789 And we got underfloor heating so it would be warm when we shoot in winter 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00033-00013088-00013387 Now we are the Studio of Brother Fire 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00035-00013515-00013781 He cooked a lot to entertain our visit 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00036-00013841-00014001 How many weights you wanna gain this time? 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00037-00014063-00014252 1 Kg is enough :) 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00038-00014360-00014410 Don't got too much or you won't back to your original weight 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00039-00014441-00014500 Like it's hard to lose weight when you up to 75Kg 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00040-00014724-00015022 I will lose my way to be a skinny girl (lol) 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00041-00015086-00015212 yeah it's imposible 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00045-00016428-00016648 This is Brother Fire's Home-Made Bacon 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00046-00016648-00016742 This is Spicy Sausage 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00047-00016742-00017026 This is Sichuan-flavour Sausage 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00048-00017026-00017302 Any difference? 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00049-00017302-00017714 yeah one is Sichuan Spicy Sausage and another one is Smoked Bacon 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00052-00017960-00018111 Chief Gang: woo let me have a taste of it 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00055-00018821-00018963 Sichuan-flavour is like Mix-spiced 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00056-00019358-00019510 Zigong Sausage is quite different with Chengdu Sausage 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00057-00019664-00019864 Brother Fire: yeah definitely 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00058-00019864-00019935 Chengdu Sausage would have more lean meat 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00060-00020272-00020372 ok let's make a start 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00061-00020540-00020754 this one is mix-spiced 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00062-00020754-00020862 Chief Gang: Brother Fire prepared 1kg of it 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00063-00020862-00021038 BoF: What's your basic weight before you gain 6kg weight? 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00064-00021093-00021293 Chief: 40 kg 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00065-00021293-00021344 But now she is more than 60kg 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00066-00021393-00021493 BoF: it not a problem 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00067-00023339-00023587 have a taste of this “Sweet and Sour Pork Chops" 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00068-00023657-00023879 Chief: Lady first 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00069-00024129-00024212 This is Crispy Meat 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00070-00024212-00024312 Put it there thank u 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00072-00024651-00024751 "Bashideban" "Bashideban" "Bashideban" (awesome! awesome! awesome!) 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00074-00025078-00025408 This is Bambooshoot with Chops and Chicken 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00075-00025408-00025732 So mouthwatering i even smelled it in the hall 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00076-00025769-00026060 Bean Jelly Noodles 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00077-00026238-00026338 have a taste 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00082-00027229-00027501 Actually the night in Chengdu is so beautiful 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00083-00027506-00027806 Chief: That is the Chengdu Global Center, the biggest Single Building in the World 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00085-00028074-00028488 This way is the Belt Highway, you are up to get there to Highway 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00087-00028538-00028858 It's quite convenient for you 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00088-00029320-00029626 Ok, eyes on the road when you back to Zigong 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00089-00029626-00029972 We need more tech-communication for our Upstream Cuisine and Tinystream Cuisine 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00090-00029972-00030172 yeah, definitely 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00091-00030172-00030226 to be honest, only communication makes Sichuan Cuisine move forward 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00093-00030527-00030766 ok take care of yourself 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00094-00030766-00031111 see u 6Yk2nlfrbkA-00095-00031111-00031435 see u 6abIgU2koJu-00000-00003592-00004384 well here goes 6abIgU2koJu-00001-00004728-00005216 watch out 6bVY4PPB5Io-00000-00000000-00000072 *warning* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00001-00000088-00000362 It all started back in the 70s 6bVY4PPB5Io-00002-00000362-00000724 when Disney starred a new type of character 6bVY4PPB5Io-00003-00000724-00001178 this one was not a human, but a fox 6bVY4PPB5Io-00004-00001178-00001750 a very hot Fox according to 90% of the furry populace 6bVY4PPB5Io-00005-00001750-00002334 Everything started balling onto itself and with more and more releases from Disney and other companies 6bVY4PPB5Io-00006-00002334-00003072 We have today a bunch of horny bastards, roaming the internet, looking for new movies they can yiff. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00007-00003072-00003320 This top-10 list is however 6bVY4PPB5Io-00008-00003320-00003510 Not Yiffable. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00009-00003510-00003902 By law, it's forbidden to yiff this list 6bVY4PPB5Io-00010-00003902-00004204 and if you even think about yiffing this list 6bVY4PPB5Io-00011-00004204-00004600 it will land you one ticket to furry Jail. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00012-00004600-00004784 Now that you know the rules 6bVY4PPB5Io-00013-00004784-00005164 Welcome to the top ten furriest Furry movies 6bVY4PPB5Io-00014-00005164-00005346 number 10 6bVY4PPB5Io-00015-00005346-00005498 Zootopia 6bVY4PPB5Io-00016-00005498-00005694 There's not much to say about this movie. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00017-00005694-00005886 I know all of you bastards have seen it. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00018-00005886-00006302 and if you call yourself a furry and you haven't seen it, then... what's wrong with you? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00019-00006302-00006740 I'm not saying it's good, but you're kind'a contractually obligated to see it if you call yourself a furry. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00020-00006740-00007004 Remember that paper we gave you to sign before you joined the fandom? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00021-00007004-00007442 Yeah? if you zoom in on the little text right here, you'll see that you're legally bound to watch Zootopia 6bVY4PPB5Io-00022-00007442-00007630 number 9 6bVY4PPB5Io-00023-00007630-00007872 Fantastic, mr. Fox 6bVY4PPB5Io-00024-00007888-00008118 Fantastic. Mr. Fox is an artistical masterpiece 6bVY4PPB5Io-00025-00008118-00008436 There's good humor, amazing characters and excellent voice acting. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00026-00008436-00008718 Who am I Kylie? Why a Fox? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00027-00008718-00009002 Why not a horse, or a beetle, or a bald eagle? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00028-00009002-00009326 I'm saying this more as like existentialism, you know 6bVY4PPB5Io-00029-00009326-00009552 Kylie: I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds illegal 6bVY4PPB5Io-00030-00009552-00009932 Seeing all the work that's obviously put into the animation makes me really appreciate the movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00031-00009932-00010182 and it also has quite a different style from what I usually see 6bVY4PPB5Io-00032-00010182-00010420 Whether you're having a movie night with your family or friends 6bVY4PPB5Io-00033-00010420-00010736 or you're sitting alone depressed at night eating mint flavored ice cream 6bVY4PPB5Io-00034-00010736-00010964 You'll probably end up having a good time watching this movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00035-00010964-00011078 number 8 6bVY4PPB5Io-00036-00011078-00011162 Surf's Up 6bVY4PPB5Io-00037-00011162-00011242 Hey! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00038-00011242-00011474 it may not be the furriest movie in its visuals 6bVY4PPB5Io-00039-00011474-00011708 but it's the furriest movie in its spirit 6bVY4PPB5Io-00040-00011995-00012195 Number seven 6bVY4PPB5Io-00041-00012214-00012298 Bolt 6bVY4PPB5Io-00042-00012298-00012482 as a kid, I never liked this movie. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00043-00012482-00012836 However as a furry? Hell yes! Gimme this shit! I need it. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00044-00012836-00012966 In Bolt, We follow Bolt. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00045-00012966-00013096 He is the best doggo 6bVY4PPB5Io-00046-00013144-00013297 the best 6bVY4PPB5Io-00047-00013347-00013446 Yeeeeh 6bVY4PPB5Io-00048-00013446-00013608 number six 6bVY4PPB5Io-00049-00013610-00013726 Robin Hood 6bVY4PPB5Io-00050-00014746-00014946 *Incredibly derpy and trippy music starts playing* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00051-00018586-00018724 Number five 6bVY4PPB5Io-00052-00018724-00018858 Brother bear 6bVY4PPB5Io-00053-00018858-00019388 this movie has so many beautiful small moments to offer and its story is incredibly unique and interesting 6bVY4PPB5Io-00054-00019388-00019644 The movie is about our bear hating main character Kenai 6bVY4PPB5Io-00055-00019644-00020006 who ends up turning into a bear himself and have to see life through different eyes 6bVY4PPB5Io-00056-00020006-00020439 My in real life name starts with bear, so that obviously gives this movie extra bonus points as well 6bVY4PPB5Io-00057-00020439-00020750 The soundtrack is some of the coziest stuff that we have ever listened to 6bVY4PPB5Io-00058-00020750-00020958 and even now 15 years after the movie's release 6bVY4PPB5Io-00059-00020958-00021130 It's still really beautiful. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00060-00021130-00021434 Ludo: Wait- w- w- wait back up a moment there? Foofi: Wha? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00061-00021434-00021722 did you just say it's 15 years since the movie released? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00062-00021722-00021866 uhhh, yeah? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00063-00021866-00021978 It's been 15 years? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00064-00022018-00022126 Yep 6bVY4PPB5Io-00065-00022126-00022300 Really? *sigh* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00066-00022300-00022622 Be right back, I'll just go have an existential crisis in the shower. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00067-00022622-00022770 Okay. I'll see you later 6bVY4PPB5Io-00068-00022770-00023010 Brother Bear also has surprisingly dark moments at times 6bVY4PPB5Io-00069-00023010-00023196 you know almost like in the Lion King when M- 6bVY4PPB5Io-00070-00023196-00023326 number 4 6bVY4PPB5Io-00071-00023342-00023451 avatar 6bVY4PPB5Io-00072-00023452-00023640 This might be a stretch.. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00073-00023640-00023916 but look; the Navi people are humanized animals, right? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00074-00023916-00024368 They're not really human, but not fully animals, but they are kinda animal like 6bVY4PPB5Io-00075-00024368-00024450 they have the ears 6bVY4PPB5Io-00076-00024450-00024574 They are bluuueeeee 6bVY4PPB5Io-00077-00024574-00024752 sooo they can be categorized as furries. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00078-00024752-00024914 Right? right??? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00079-00024914-00024982 They are furries 6bVY4PPB5Io-00080-00024982-00025230 I need to express what I feel for this movie and it's universe 6bVY4PPB5Io-00081-00025230-00025372 before I knew about the furry fandom 6bVY4PPB5Io-00082-00025372-00025772 I had a phase in my life in which I wish to be born a Navi on the planet Pandora in my next life 6bVY4PPB5Io-00083-00025772-00026036 I was hecking ready to join the hecking avatar fandom 6bVY4PPB5Io-00084-00026037-00026194 and make myself an avatar fursona. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00085-00026194-00026304 a Navsona, if you'd like 6bVY4PPB5Io-00086-00026304-00026818 And also it's only two years until the next movie in the franchise releases, so it's almost relevant to talk about right now 6bVY4PPB5Io-00087-00026818-00027064 I can't lie, I am dangerously hyped for avatar 2 6bVY4PPB5Io-00088-00027064-00027368 I know a lot of fans worry about how it's gonna hold up to its predecessor 6bVY4PPB5Io-00089-00027368-00027462 and you know what? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00090-00027462-00027548 I worry a lot too 6bVY4PPB5Io-00091-00027548-00027688 I worry a lot 6bVY4PPB5Io-00092-00027688-00028120 and now it's time for some honorable mentions 6bVY4PPB5Io-00093-00028120-00028239 Cow Gang 6bVY4PPB5Io-00094-00028239-00028368 Hell yes, fighting cows 6bVY4PPB5Io-00095-00028368-00028558 the Fox and the Hound 6bVY4PPB5Io-00096-00028558-00028804 The cutest movie about a friendship ever made 6bVY4PPB5Io-00097-00028804-00028924 Shrek 2 6bVY4PPB5Io-00098-00028924-00029026 Shrek 1 was great 6bVY4PPB5Io-00099-00029026-00029306 However in Shrek 2 you have double the fur! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00100-00029306-00029386 Balto 6bVY4PPB5Io-00101-00029386-00029508 This is another furry movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00102-00029508-00029580 You should watch it! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00103-00029580-00029669 Ice Age 6bVY4PPB5Io-00104-00029670-00029744 Sid 6bVY4PPB5Io-00105-00029744-00030218 and now, for the final top three furry movies 6bVY4PPB5Io-00106-00030218-00030506 these are movies of perfection 6bVY4PPB5Io-00107-00030506-00030988 and are objectively the best furry movies ever created 6bVY4PPB5Io-00108-00030988-00031262 It doesn't matter that you don't agree 6bVY4PPB5Io-00109-00031262-00031724 This is official and written down in furry law 6bVY4PPB5Io-00110-00031724-00032042 So there's nothing you can do about it. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00111-00032042-00032172 Let's go! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00112-00032194-00032389 number three 6bVY4PPB5Io-00113-00032389-00032595 Madagascar 2 6bVY4PPB5Io-00114-00032595-00032720 know what's good? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00115-00032720-00032832 Madagascar 1 6bVY4PPB5Io-00116-00032832-00032958 know what's even better? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00117-00032958-00033080 Madagascar 2 6bVY4PPB5Io-00118-00033080-00033192 This movie, just 6bVY4PPB5Io-00119-00033192-00033276 THIS 6bVY4PPB5Io-00120-00033276-00033414 THIS MOVIE 6bVY4PPB5Io-00121-00033414-00033594 I ju- I just- I can't. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00122-00033594-00033702 I literally can't. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00123-00033702-00033816 on a scale of one to ten- 6bVY4PPB5Io-00124-00033816-00033926 I can't 6bVY4PPB5Io-00125-00033926-00033998 but I'll try 6bVY4PPB5Io-00126-00034224-00034466 The feels this movie gives me is out of this world 6bVY4PPB5Io-00127-00034466-00034814 It was like having all of the eight Harry Potter movie feels in one movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00128-00034814-00034942 but it's not Harry Potter 6bVY4PPB5Io-00129-00034942-00035416 It's a movie about a lion, and Africa, and dancing and stuff, bu- 6bVY4PPB5Io-00130-00035416-00035546 Madagascar 1 was cool 6bVY4PPB5Io-00131-00035546-00035866 but this one has a story, and a soul, and everything nice 6bVY4PPB5Io-00132-00035866-00035946 and it's just 6bVY4PPB5Io-00133-00035958-00036024 *breathe in* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00134-00036060-00036290 It's my entire childhood in one movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00135-00036290-00036360 and the music 6bVY4PPB5Io-00136-00036360-00036450 OH MY LAWRD THE MUSIC 6bVY4PPB5Io-00137-00036450-00036680 the music in this movie will always water our spirits 6bVY4PPB5Io-00138-00036680-00036874 and make us ascend into a different dimension 6bVY4PPB5Io-00139-00036874-00037100 Hans Zimmer has really worked his magic into this movie 6bVY4PPB5Io-00140-00037104-00037290 and I'll go back to Africa any time 6bVY4PPB5Io-00141-00037314-00037364 *Meep* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00142-00037372-00037555 number two 6bVY4PPB5Io-00143-00037555-00037755 The Lion King 6bVY4PPB5Io-00144-00038266-00038892 So, you know when Simba returns to the Pride Rock and then Scar blames him for killing Mufasa in front of the entire lion herd? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00145-00038892-00039168 Did anyone ever like, you know.. seriously?? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00146-00039168-00039364 Why would they believe Scar over Simba? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00147-00039364-00039600 Simba was a little fucking kid when Mufasa died. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00148-00039600-00039731 How could Simba ever like??? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00149-00039732-00039852 *Incoherent rambling* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00150-00039852-00039948 Sarabi! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00151-00039948-00040194 How can you believe Scar over your own child?! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00152-00040194-00040412 Can't you see Simba's just being manipulated? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00153-00040412-00040834 You KNOW Simba wouldn't be able to kill his own father in an age of, idk, TWO? 6bVY4PPB5Io-00154-00040834-00040898 I don't get it, 6bVY4PPB5Io-00155-00040898-00041030 I seriously don't get it! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00156-00041062-00041244 *tries to calm down* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00157-00041288-00041346 *breathe out* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00158-00041358-00041536 Maybe that's just how lions work 6bVY4PPB5Io-00159-00041536-00041606 I don't know. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00160-00041606-00041687 Well anyways, though 6bVY4PPB5Io-00161-00041688-00042168 It was a great movie and I'm willing to see past this one plot blender because it has so much else to offer 6bVY4PPB5Io-00162-00042168-00042574 It has a heartbreaking story, magical soundtrack by the legend Hans Zimmer 6bVY4PPB5Io-00163-00042574-00043028 Classical song numbers, thrilling fighting scenes and a good chunk of humor and good vibes. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00164-00043028-00043218 We have both watched this movie over and over 6bVY4PPB5Io-00165-00043218-00043442 and it's probably what made the both of us furries! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00166-00043450-00043642 number one 6bVY4PPB5Io-00167-00043642-00043844 Rock Dog 6bVY4PPB5Io-00168-00043844-00043982 Didn't expect that, eh?! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00169-00043982-00044090 or- or you know 6bVY4PPB5Io-00170-00044090-00044140 *cough* 6bVY4PPB5Io-00171-00044140-00044236 May- maybe you did, uhh 6bVY4PPB5Io-00172-00044236-00044306 it wasn't.. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00173-00044306-00044412 It wasn't that hard to... 6bVY4PPB5Io-00174-00044412-00044546 bu- but anyways Rock Dog! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00175-00044546-00044724 We freakin enjoyed the beans out of it 6bVY4PPB5Io-00176-00044727-00045006 there's fun and popping animations, amazing characters and just 6bVY4PPB5Io-00177-00045111-00045368 So amazing and it's, wahhh 6bVY4PPB5Io-00178-00045368-00045544 Like, It felt like- 6bVY4PPB5Io-00179-00045544-00045705 it felt like listening to a Jonsi Song 6bVY4PPB5Io-00180-00045705-00045758 or you know 6bVY4PPB5Io-00181-00045758-00046024 It felt almost like watching a Jonsi Song 6bVY4PPB5Io-00182-00046024-00046232 because it's.. just.. like-.. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00183-00046232-00046282 mmhmm. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00184-00046282-00046366 Yep 6bVY4PPB5Io-00185-00046366-00046416 Yep Yep 6bVY4PPB5Io-00186-00046416-00046590 This movie is just glorious, honestly. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00187-00046590-00046720 it's so perfect! <3 6bVY4PPB5Io-00188-00046720-00046960 and the song Glorious is incredibly glorious as well! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00189-00046961-00047202 I have listened to Glorious on all languages is available 6bVY4PPB5Io-00190-00047202-00047628 and have lost count long ago on how many times it has lifted my mood while roaming the roads. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00191-00047628-00047854 I may have been a little possessed if I'm gonna be honest, 6bVY4PPB5Io-00192-00047854-00047978 but that's just healthy 6bVY4PPB5Io-00193-00047978-00048188 Some reviewers may not like his movie but- 6bVY4PPB5Io-00194-00048188-00048312 ssshhhhhhhh 6bVY4PPB5Io-00195-00048312-00048492 This is a movie no one asked for 6bVY4PPB5Io-00196-00048492-00048662 but we so absolutely needed 6bVY4PPB5Io-00197-00048662-00049004 It captured our hearts and expanded our lifespan with at least 10 years! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00198-00049004-00049066 So hey! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00199-00049066-00049310 That was the only top 10 furry movie list that means something 6bVY4PPB5Io-00200-00049310-00049444 all other lists are wrong. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00201-00049444-00049710 Thanks to Ace of Hearts Fox for helping inspire us to create this video 6bVY4PPB5Io-00202-00049710-00049940 You should really check out his top 10 list as well 6bVY4PPB5Io-00203-00049940-00050033 If you liked this video 6bVY4PPB5Io-00204-00050033-00050210 It would be awesome if you liked and shared it, 6bVY4PPB5Io-00205-00050210-00050356 and maybe even give a subscribble! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00206-00050360-00050612 As always, thanks to Luxis Stargryph for drawing our characters 6bVY4PPB5Io-00207-00050612-00050860 And thanks to Laffe The Fox for making (some of the) background music! 6bVY4PPB5Io-00208-00050860-00051205 We'd also like to thank Alexander James Kinroy Sunland for voicing the narrator. 6bVY4PPB5Io-00209-00051205-00051290 Eyyyyy 6bVY4PPB5Io-00210-00051290-00051408 We appreciate it 6bVY4PPB5Io-00211-00051408-00051488 Woop woop! 6baJdFACxb4-00000-00000416-00000863 alrighty everybody welcome back to another great session we 6baJdFACxb4-00001-00000863-00001416 have this session is titled what what's next in open source firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00002-00001416-00002360 we have ron daniel mario jean and hong take it away 6baJdFACxb4-00003-00002360-00003008 okay thank you sean uh yes so uh again welcome to uh what's next with 6baJdFACxb4-00004-00003008-00003304 the open source firmware i just want to give a little 6baJdFACxb4-00005-00003304-00003632 bit of the background why are we having this 6baJdFACxb4-00006-00003632-00004223 session here today um let me first begin with a personal 6baJdFACxb4-00007-00004223-00004784 introduction of all the people we have here mario behling 6baJdFACxb4-00008-00004784-00005455 um i met mario back in 2007 i think uh that was the first time i 6baJdFACxb4-00009-00005455-00005696 learned about open source so mario was like 6baJdFACxb4-00010-00005696-00006303 my very first mentor in 2009 we started the first asia organization 6baJdFACxb4-00011-00006303-00006631 together and he has been uh working together 6baJdFACxb4-00012-00006631-00007084 still then yeah one thing that i could say about 6baJdFACxb4-00013-00007084-00007536 mario i think he is a doer so he make a lot of 6baJdFACxb4-00014-00007536-00007911 things happen and he has a lot of experience in 6baJdFACxb4-00015-00007911-00008304 uh scaling open source project yeah and 6baJdFACxb4-00016-00008304-00008968 for mario i also get to know the amazing daniel moloski 6baJdFACxb4-00017-00008968-00009575 so daniel is a very active uh open source developer he 6baJdFACxb4-00018-00009575-00009960 has been contributing to a lot a lot of open source uh projects i 6baJdFACxb4-00019-00009960-00010584 can't even name them all but um yeah he's very knowledgeable at the same 6baJdFACxb4-00020-00010584-00011000 time very modest he often refers himself as a firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00021-00011000-00011432 hobbyist but to me he is an expert in in many 6baJdFACxb4-00022-00011436-00011904 aspects we regularly meet at conferences like 6baJdFACxb4-00023-00011904-00012384 several times that it was hr summit we were enforced them together we went to 6baJdFACxb4-00024-00012384-00012887 the ccc together and then you're currently leading the 6baJdFACxb4-00025-00012887-00013319 firmware development um in the pocket design lab projects and we 6baJdFACxb4-00026-00013322-00013736 got to meet again on a weekly basis yeah what i really 6baJdFACxb4-00027-00013736-00014096 love about the open source community you get to meet a lot of interesting 6baJdFACxb4-00028-00014096-00014631 people and from these interesting people you get to meet more interesting people 6baJdFACxb4-00029-00014631-00015328 so daniel brought us together with ron so um um 6baJdFACxb4-00030-00015328-00015816 minik as you know so he is the original author of call booth 6baJdFACxb4-00031-00015816-00016376 yeah the linux uh bios and he'd been driving firmware for over 6baJdFACxb4-00032-00016376-00016751 40 years i believe that it's really difficult to 6baJdFACxb4-00033-00016751-00017120 find a better person who can speak about firmware we are very 6baJdFACxb4-00034-00017120-00017720 lucky to have ron here with us today and from daniel i also uh got to know 6baJdFACxb4-00035-00017720-00018287 um jean-marie vodun yeah so what i heard i'm not sure if you 6baJdFACxb4-00036-00018287-00018736 maybe you can correct so jean has a special relationship with 6baJdFACxb4-00037-00018736-00019120 computers yeah he in love with them he's been spending 6baJdFACxb4-00038-00019120-00019672 a lot of time designing them on the hardware level yeah and uh 6baJdFACxb4-00039-00019672-00020023 welcome jean very happy to have you here so 6baJdFACxb4-00040-00020024-00020520 what brought us all here today i just want to share quickly the story 6baJdFACxb4-00041-00020522-00020888 uh i was listening to that conversation about [indiscernible] 6baJdFACxb4-00042-00020888-00021240 and a few other firmware topics at the weekly 6baJdFACxb4-00043-00021240-00021615 open source hardware meeting organized by FOSSAsia so it is like 6baJdFACxb4-00044-00021615-00022231 a public meeting happening every saturday at 5 00 pm in the central 6baJdFACxb4-00045-00022231-00022608 europe time we invited people who currently working on 6baJdFACxb4-00046-00022608-00023168 open source hardware come together yeah and i find the conversation super 6baJdFACxb4-00047-00023168-00023600 interesting and i think that um open source firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00048-00023600-00023943 and hardware should get more weight in the ecosystem 6baJdFACxb4-00049-00023943-00024264 so we should talk more about it if we really want 6baJdFACxb4-00050-00024264-00024568 to to achieve open thought in all the layers 6baJdFACxb4-00051-00024568-00024895 and what we some of us discussed yesterday 6baJdFACxb4-00052-00024895-00025328 that is the reason why i invited them to have their conversation 6baJdFACxb4-00053-00025328-00025735 that they normally have among themselves here at State of the Source to have a 6baJdFACxb4-00054-00025735-00026079 conversation in front of us i believe that we can learn a lot from 6baJdFACxb4-00055-00026079-00026495 this conversation at the same time i want to see if we can 6baJdFACxb4-00056-00026495-00026783 have work together and bring open source 6baJdFACxb4-00057-00026783-00027272 firmware and hardware into the mainstream so 6baJdFACxb4-00058-00027272-00027712 that is my job i introduce everyone and now i would like to 6baJdFACxb4-00059-00027712-00027836 have um mario daniel jean and ron the stage here 6baJdFACxb4-00061-00028552-00029200 well thank you very much that is a very nice wrap-up and 6baJdFACxb4-00062-00029200-00029552 you can also read more about the backgrounds of everyone in 6baJdFACxb4-00063-00029552-00030119 on the schedule and so we really have a nice panel here with a 6baJdFACxb4-00064-00030119-00030583 lot of background and when we put together 6baJdFACxb4-00065-00030583-00030968 like the topic of firmware we actually came 6baJdFACxb4-00066-00030968-00031312 up with more and more questions so i don't know if we can 6baJdFACxb4-00067-00031314-00031672 answer all of these questions that we have 6baJdFACxb4-00068-00031672-00032144 like listed in the preparation of this talk but um i think we can give a few 6baJdFACxb4-00069-00032144-00032591 insights so my idea was this um i would really 6baJdFACxb4-00070-00032591-00032984 like uh if we could start to share um a bit more 6baJdFACxb4-00071-00032984-00033344 where are we coming from because if we want to talk about where 6baJdFACxb4-00072-00033344-00033632 we are heading what's the future of open firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00073-00033632-00033952 we should also understand a bit what's the um 6baJdFACxb4-00074-00033952-00034584 past what um is our personal motivation and um yeah what's the presence and then 6baJdFACxb4-00075-00034584-00034903 not just where we're heading but where we want to head 6baJdFACxb4-00076-00034903-00035616 where's what's the future we want so um i would like to ask ron to start because 6baJdFACxb4-00077-00035616-00036184 ron you you i i don't know because um you look very young to me but hong 6baJdFACxb4-00078-00036184-00036552 phuc just said that you have many years of of 6baJdFACxb4-00079-00036552-00036840 background and if you could tell us a bit how did 6baJdFACxb4-00080-00036840-00037360 you get um to into a firmware where how did you start 6baJdFACxb4-00081-00037360-00037760 core boot a few backgrounds and uh yeah i and 6baJdFACxb4-00082-00037760-00038208 maybe also point us to where we can find more information and 6baJdFACxb4-00083-00038208-00038760 because we just have around like 45 minutes here so please ron 6baJdFACxb4-00084-00038760-00039400 how did it all start yeah um so i won't do 45 years starting when i 6baJdFACxb4-00085-00039400-00040031 was a teenager i guess but the um linux files in 1999 6baJdFACxb4-00086-00040031-00040384 uh we had built a supercomputer in los alamos and 6baJdFACxb4-00087-00040384-00040975 the boot time experience was so terrible because it was an american made transfiles 6baJdFACxb4-00088-00040975-00041263 and i had just gotten off a project 6baJdFACxb4-00089-00041263-00041728 where i designed the pci card and realized that now that all the 6baJdFACxb4-00090-00041728-00042088 hardware was self you could discover the hardware just by 6baJdFACxb4-00091-00042088-00042503 enumerating it with the config space that meant that we no longer had dip 6baJdFACxb4-00092-00042503-00042984 switches and little special things and so it seemed that me being i 6baJdFACxb4-00093-00042984-00043280 actually am a kernel guy who occasionally has to get into firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00094-00043280-00043719 because the firmware is so awful that we ought to be able to embed a 6baJdFACxb4-00095-00043719-00044216 linux kernel in flash and have linux be the bios not the crappy firmware that 6baJdFACxb4-00096-00044216-00044719 was in there so um starting in 1999 we built systems 6baJdFACxb4-00097-00044719-00045040 where 100 percent of the bytes and firmware were derived 6baJdFACxb4-00098-00045040-00045616 from gpl code as of today on x86 it's more like about 6baJdFACxb4-00099-00045616-00045991 six percent if you get a chromebook most of the bytes and firmware are locked 6baJdFACxb4-00100-00045991-00046456 down on by um actually intel at this point uh or or 6baJdFACxb4-00101-00046456-00046831 the vendor but in any event there's a really old book 6baJdFACxb4-00102-00046831-00047136 by uh the guy who invented hypertext called computer lib 6baJdFACxb4-00103-00047136-00047552 that was very popular in the 70s and the thrust the central 6baJdFACxb4-00104-00047552-00047919 thrust of that book was we need to own our machines 6baJdFACxb4-00105-00047919-00048272 so when we get a machine we need to own it and that means we need to own it from 6baJdFACxb4-00106-00048272-00048591 the first instruction after power on reset up 6baJdFACxb4-00107-00048591-00048991 through whatever kernel we run up through whatever programs we run so 6baJdFACxb4-00108-00048991-00049424 that's kind of been the the um focus of my life almost which is 6baJdFACxb4-00109-00049424-00049856 open source the firmware open source the kernel and now with the euro project 6baJdFACxb4-00110-00049856-00050112 which is all the user land written and go 6baJdFACxb4-00111-00050112-00050496 try to build a user land that's understandable because i 6baJdFACxb4-00112-00050496-00050928 i you know lipsy is a wonderful thing i guess but i can't understand it and 6baJdFACxb4-00113-00050928-00051391 the [indiscernible] is a big wonderful thing but i can't understand it so 6baJdFACxb4-00114-00051391-00051847 i think the big focus of my life anyway has been open source such that 6baJdFACxb4-00115-00051847-00052208 you can understand everything that's going on when you use a computer 6baJdFACxb4-00116-00052208-00052503 so that's why 6baJdFACxb4-00117-00052632-00053016 wow and so super computers i think that's also 6baJdFACxb4-00118-00053016-00053536 a connection to jean-marie you have been working with 6baJdFACxb4-00119-00053536-00053976 supercomputers you even created a startup in french which is 6baJdFACxb4-00120-00053976-00054424 successfully sold and now you work in with hpe 6baJdFACxb4-00121-00054424-00054983 and so what what is what was the start for you to really uh um 6baJdFACxb4-00122-00054983-00055344 yeah stop working here with uh open source firmware or 6baJdFACxb4-00123-00055344-00055648 like with this deep level of technology okay 6baJdFACxb4-00124-00055648-00056095 as crazy as it could look like so i i have been hit by the same issue than ron 6baJdFACxb4-00125-00056095-00056479 back in the 90s when i was working for cea so that was 6baJdFACxb4-00126-00056479-00056927 not los alamos but cea the same kind of activities in europe in france 6baJdFACxb4-00127-00056927-00057248 and um i was designing super computers for them so 6baJdFACxb4-00128-00057248-00057624 this is this was at the kind of time where they were switching from 6baJdFACxb4-00129-00057624-00058012 vector technology to superscalar technology so to the alpha 6baJdFACxb4-00130-00058012-00058400 microprocessors and the boot time of the system was just 6baJdFACxb4-00131-00058400-00058783 a nightmare and this is when i've been starting to 6baJdFACxb4-00132-00058783-00059095 be involved into firmware development trying to understand 6baJdFACxb4-00133-00059095-00059439 why we had the fastest fastest cpu in the world 6baJdFACxb4-00134-00059439-00059904 with the slowest good time in the world so it was a little bit crazy to me and i 6baJdFACxb4-00135-00059904-00060160 tried to understand what what was going on 6baJdFACxb4-00136-00060160-00060607 so we we deployed that super computers but um the boot time was 6baJdFACxb4-00137-00060607-00060912 just to give a rough idea the boot time was about a day 6baJdFACxb4-00138-00060912-00061255 so just imagine you turn on your computer in the morning and you have to 6baJdFACxb4-00139-00061255-00061727 wait up to the evening just to to log in so this was this kind of 6baJdFACxb4-00140-00061727-00061944 nightmare we were facing with this machine 6baJdFACxb4-00141-00061944-00062344 and when you crashed the system so you had to wait another day just to 6baJdFACxb4-00142-00062344-00062655 apply the patch and ensure that the system boots 6baJdFACxb4-00143-00062655-00063136 so and it was really really a big mess and we tried to improve the firmware at 6baJdFACxb4-00144-00063136-00063472 that time so then i created my own company which 6baJdFACxb4-00145-00063472-00064000 was designing computers in europe and i did i didn't wanted to pay a crazy 6baJdFACxb4-00146-00064000-00064304 amount of money for firmware development so that's why we 6baJdFACxb4-00147-00064304-00064824 relied on open source technology and back in 2010 i started to be 6baJdFACxb4-00148-00064824-00065360 involved with an open hardware community trying to understand how we can share um 6baJdFACxb4-00149-00065360-00065744 better uh our design files and how how could we 6baJdFACxb4-00150-00065744-00066095 extend the lifecycle of systems so that's the beauty of open 6baJdFACxb4-00151-00066095-00066407 hardware because we are sharing schematics so anybody around the world 6baJdFACxb4-00152-00066407-00066839 can fix issues with the hardware and um 6baJdFACxb4-00153-00066839-00067360 within the ocp communities nobody was really keen to look at what's going on 6baJdFACxb4-00154-00067360-00067792 regarding firmware so most of the time other designers are 6baJdFACxb4-00155-00067792-00068095 focused on hardware they do not care about software 6baJdFACxb4-00156-00068095-00068632 and the operating system designers do not care about the firmware so there's a 6baJdFACxb4-00157-00068632-00069048 something in the middle that doesn't passionate people 6baJdFACxb4-00158-00069048-00069544 and um and i i've been hit by a stupid things which was to 6baJdFACxb4-00159-00069544-00069848 refurbish some servers for some customers 6baJdFACxb4-00160-00069848-00070207 and these people wanted to use nvme drive 6baJdFACxb4-00161-00070207-00070648 and the system buyers coming up with the ocp hardware was not able to properly 6baJdFACxb4-00162-00070648-00071024 boot on nvme because it was to hold and it was not 6baJdFACxb4-00163-00071024-00071368 integrated and the ufi driver was buggy and didn't work 6baJdFACxb4-00164-00071368-00071768 properly on the systems and i started to say this is messy and 6baJdFACxb4-00165-00071768-00072056 this this reminds me of the issues i faced in the 6baJdFACxb4-00166-00072056-00072424 past with firmware so we need to fix that and i met back 6baJdFACxb4-00167-00072424-00072839 with the combat communities and ron telling him hey can we find a way to 6baJdFACxb4-00168-00072839-00073224 to fix all of this crap and um and we ended up to 6baJdFACxb4-00169-00073224-00073536 start working on linux boot altogether and um 6baJdFACxb4-00170-00073536-00073904 by the way i've been successful to put that machine on the with the nvme drive 6baJdFACxb4-00171-00073904-00074283 and the customer is super happy about it now 6baJdFACxb4-00172-00074283-00074776 so yes thank you very much and i see uh ron 6baJdFACxb4-00173-00074776-00075192 is nodding so uh absolutely understanding these 6baJdFACxb4-00174-00075192-00075416 issues before we go a little bit more into the 6baJdFACxb4-00175-00075416-00075768 topic of firmware and open hardware and how these are connected 6baJdFACxb4-00176-00075768-00076127 and i want to learn like daniel how did you actually 6baJdFACxb4-00177-00076127-00076512 meet jean-marie and ron how did this connection start 6baJdFACxb4-00178-00076512-00076863 and what's your background of course personally also how did you get into 6baJdFACxb4-00179-00076863-00077336 open source firmware and so that's also quite a long journey 6baJdFACxb4-00180-00077336-00077583 actually although i guess i'm the youngest here 6baJdFACxb4-00181-00077583-00078176 so a friend of mine uh which is in the same hackerspace as i am that would be 6baJdFACxb4-00182-00078176-00078488 philip phillip founded the open source firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00183-00078488-00078927 conference at some point and he was working on firmware and 6baJdFACxb4-00184-00078927-00079216 i had actually no clue about it i was always 6baJdFACxb4-00185-00079216-00079592 fascinated a bit about microcontrollers when we had them 6baJdFACxb4-00186-00079592-00079944 in university but i mean we were just playing around 6baJdFACxb4-00187-00079944-00080376 sort of uh but at some point i was getting more 6baJdFACxb4-00188-00080376-00080848 and more curious and philip uh showed me the x86 side of 6baJdFACxb4-00189-00080848-00081272 things so from microcontrollers to actual microprocessors 6baJdFACxb4-00190-00081272-00081663 and then over time i discovered more and more and well 6baJdFACxb4-00191-00081663-00082000 i can tell you it's a very very deep rabbit hole there 6baJdFACxb4-00192-00082000-00082368 and that's where eventually then i met ron at one of the 6baJdFACxb4-00193-00082368-00082751 conferences actually and also jean-marie later on 6baJdFACxb4-00194-00082751-00083312 and yeah now we're working together on all sorts of things 6baJdFACxb4-00195-00083504-00084072 okay cool and daniel what is the relationship here um between 6baJdFACxb4-00196-00084072-00084527 firmware and and uh open hardware um we we heard like 6baJdFACxb4-00197-00084527-00084904 a firmware okay like long booting times 6baJdFACxb4-00198-00084904-00085336 of like a day this is like unimaginable today and 6baJdFACxb4-00199-00085336-00085895 so uh is the story very simple that uh you know like people thought like we 6baJdFACxb4-00200-00085895-00086104 can't only do firmware we also have to do 6baJdFACxb4-00201-00086104-00086416 hardware in order to really solve it or um 6baJdFACxb4-00202-00086416-00086888 can you like introduce us a bit into this area 6baJdFACxb4-00203-00086888-00087480 yeah so one person once said but i haven't heard it myself i only 6baJdFACxb4-00204-00087480-00087776 know the citation that if you really care about software 6baJdFACxb4-00205-00087776-00088032 you would need to create your own hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00206-00088032-00088456 and i think steve jobs himself even cited that at one of the 6baJdFACxb4-00207-00088456-00088824 events where he was introducing the iphone um 6baJdFACxb4-00208-00088824-00089192 but yeah that's that's one thing the other thing is 6baJdFACxb4-00209-00089192-00089560 there is only very very few people who actually create hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00210-00089560-00089912 and it only makes sense if many people buy it right because 6baJdFACxb4-00211-00089912-00090344 it's quite a lot you would need to do to create hardware actually 6baJdFACxb4-00212-00090344-00090776 but then on the other end hardware doesn't work without firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00213-00090776-00091127 and then if you ask people who buy the hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00214-00091127-00091551 they have very very different ideas and needs what they want to do with it 6baJdFACxb4-00215-00091551-00092000 or you know how they i don't know want to secure it for example so i also have 6baJdFACxb4-00216-00092000-00092527 a security background and there we have uh well 6baJdFACxb4-00217-00092527-00092856 sometimes surprises just because we don't know 6baJdFACxb4-00218-00092856-00093224 some certain things and we discover them at some point 6baJdFACxb4-00219-00093224-00093632 and that's where i personally also started digging deeper and 6baJdFACxb4-00220-00093632-00094056 looking into potential issues that we have with the hardware and firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00221-00094056-00094628 playing together 6baJdFACxb4-00222-00094832-00095127 mario you're muted 6baJdFACxb4-00223-00095272-00095848 sorry you brought up this topic but like let's say from a standard 6baJdFACxb4-00224-00095848-00096216 consumer point of view yeah i look at hardware and i think that's 6baJdFACxb4-00225-00096216-00096712 hardware and i buy it and yeah okay so many people are often not aware that 6baJdFACxb4-00226-00096712-00097232 their software running on it and even a layer of firmware so um this is 6baJdFACxb4-00227-00097232-00097695 actually a pretty exciting and um so how is this 6baJdFACxb4-00228-00097695-00098080 how could we like describe this to people like uh what what is the firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00229-00098080-00098407 doing and then why is it even possible i mean like if i 6baJdFACxb4-00230-00098407-00098800 talk to really deep hardware developers they say actually 6baJdFACxb4-00231-00098800-00099216 the lines between software and hardware they are starting 6baJdFACxb4-00232-00099216-00099688 to be blurry more and more and then we now have tools 6baJdFACxb4-00233-00099688-00100024 like keycard and other cad programs and i know that 6baJdFACxb4-00234-00100024-00100432 you're working with them and maybe like you could also yeah 6baJdFACxb4-00235-00100432-00100880 describe us a bit uh what what is what's going on here 6baJdFACxb4-00236-00100880-00101216 okay um so i've been involved in open hardware community for 6baJdFACxb4-00237-00101216-00101656 probably not the past 10 years but seven to eight years 6baJdFACxb4-00238-00101656-00102095 and one of the challenge when you think about open hardware is how do you design 6baJdFACxb4-00239-00102095-00102327 these these things and how do you make it 6baJdFACxb4-00240-00102327-00102840 really open and this is the exact same issue then 6baJdFACxb4-00241-00102840-00103424 when open source software started so we are using uh on the daily um task 6baJdFACxb4-00242-00103424-00103911 tools which are pretty common like compilers burgers all of these kind of 6baJdFACxb4-00243-00103911-00104159 things but when you think about order there is 6baJdFACxb4-00244-00104159-00104552 no three accessible tools just to build up that things 6baJdFACxb4-00245-00104552-00104864 so that's why i got involved into freecad and kcad 6baJdFACxb4-00246-00104864-00105320 just to try to provide the tools to build up open hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00247-00105320-00105696 and there is a lot of involvement and a lot of 6baJdFACxb4-00248-00105696-00106167 of work to be done in this area so now when speaking about hardware and what is 6baJdFACxb4-00249-00106167-00106567 the firmware so i think we can we can think about it 6baJdFACxb4-00250-00106567-00107191 like like a lego so the hardware is not a single piece so when you look at a 6baJdFACxb4-00251-00107191-00107559 motherboard there is a lot of various chips a lot of various functions a lot 6baJdFACxb4-00252-00107559-00107855 of various components to interconnect together 6baJdFACxb4-00253-00107855-00108279 and we have to keep in that in mind that all of these components doesn't know 6baJdFACxb4-00254-00108279-00108640 each other's and they have to find a way to talk to each other 6baJdFACxb4-00255-00108640-00108976 and to set them up properly at the right time 6baJdFACxb4-00256-00108976-00109383 so the soft the firmware is roughly the software which is the blue between the 6baJdFACxb4-00257-00109383-00109679 lego brick which is the uh hardware component from 6baJdFACxb4-00258-00109679-00110079 the motherboard and which is just trying to build up something which is coherent 6baJdFACxb4-00259-00110079-00110416 and and ready to be used by an end users so 6baJdFACxb4-00260-00110416-00110800 that that is really a mandatory step within the boot process 6baJdFACxb4-00261-00110800-00111383 of the systems which is creating um something powerful or a piece of crap in 6baJdFACxb4-00262-00111383-00111632 some way 6baJdFACxb4-00263-00111696-00112144 okay so um ron we we already had the chance to 6baJdFACxb4-00264-00112144-00112552 learn from you um about like how trends and and 6baJdFACxb4-00265-00112552-00113040 your work in different projects um at a number of open hardware meetings um 6baJdFACxb4-00266-00113040-00113367 that we are running on every saturday and 6baJdFACxb4-00267-00113367-00113976 so it seems like um this interest in hardware is it's in firmware it's 6baJdFACxb4-00268-00113976-00114303 it's really growing so um we have more and more 6baJdFACxb4-00269-00114303-00114688 people often dropping by and so there's um also like more 6baJdFACxb4-00270-00114688-00115111 activity going on and the question here is as 6baJdFACxb4-00271-00115111-00115559 more and more people getting into hardware and chip development what 6baJdFACxb4-00272-00115559-00115944 approach should modern firmware developers follow 6baJdFACxb4-00273-00115944-00116135 today and i know it's also a bit of a 6baJdFACxb4-00274-00116135-00116624 philosophical question because when unix was created it had 6baJdFACxb4-00275-00116624-00117032 simplicity in mind so what would you recommend 6baJdFACxb4-00276-00117032-00117440 um like developers what approach should they do 6baJdFACxb4-00277-00117440-00117848 and what would you like to share about your own projects um 6baJdFACxb4-00278-00117848-00118320 what different approaches exist here yeah i love that question so 6baJdFACxb4-00279-00118320-00118864 um i started a new project called orboot which is the downstream fork of coreboot 6baJdFACxb4-00280-00118864-00119383 but all our code is written in rust and at some point i realized as i was doing 6baJdFACxb4-00281-00119383-00119728 the work that i had it's very easy to fall into the kernel 6baJdFACxb4-00282-00119728-00120103 trap and and the kernel trap is to decide that your firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00283-00120103-00120488 is actually kind of a kernel that's what happened to uefi 6baJdFACxb4-00284-00120488-00120832 that's why uefi has a web server built in that's why it has 6baJdFACxb4-00285-00120832-00121144 you know all this stuff built in that's why it's actually 6baJdFACxb4-00286-00121144-00121600 a full up operating system in its own right it even has applications so 6baJdFACxb4-00287-00121600-00122040 the most important thing that firmware can do is get out of the way um 6baJdFACxb4-00288-00122040-00122400 do as little as it possibly needs to do to make the 6baJdFACxb4-00289-00122400-00122703 the platform ready for something like linux or 6baJdFACxb4-00290-00122703-00123088 plan nine uh but it should be a very very thin 6baJdFACxb4-00291-00123088-00123576 shim that does as little as possible and the thing that it should never become 6baJdFACxb4-00292-00123576-00123967 which again is what's happened with uefi it should never become an end in itself 6baJdFACxb4-00293-00123967-00124232 so this is why i actually don't even like 6baJdFACxb4-00294-00124232-00124576 to think about myself as a firmware guy i'm actually a kernel guy 6baJdFACxb4-00295-00124576-00124952 who you know has to write firmware occasionally because what's there is so 6baJdFACxb4-00296-00124952-00125240 terrible uh case in point again in my view being 6baJdFACxb4-00297-00125240-00125655 uefi so that avoid the kernel trap right 6baJdFACxb4-00298-00125655-00125920 don't start thinking in terms of oh i'm gonna do all these wonderful 6baJdFACxb4-00299-00125920-00126255 abstractions and here's where rust is good about this 6baJdFACxb4-00300-00126255-00126576 because the whole focus of rust is do everything 6baJdFACxb4-00301-00126576-00127048 you possibly can at compile time and we're finding an orboot we can 6baJdFACxb4-00302-00127048-00127352 actually know the size our stack is going to be the 6baJdFACxb4-00303-00127352-00127888 maximum size of our call stack because of how rust works this is like a 6baJdFACxb4-00304-00127888-00128303 you know moving toward literally you know 50 years actually beyond c 6baJdFACxb4-00305-00128303-00128952 um but that also helps you avoid the kernel trap right 6baJdFACxb4-00306-00128952-00129248 don't don't think of firmware as a kernel think of 6baJdFACxb4-00307-00129248-00129583 firmware as an unpleasant thing that is there just 6baJdFACxb4-00308-00129583-00130072 long enough to get things just far enough for linux to run 6baJdFACxb4-00309-00130072-00130583 that's really a key key idea in my point of view 6baJdFACxb4-00310-00130720-00131264 okay and um so i would like to the three of you to post a question now here so 6baJdFACxb4-00311-00131264-00131767 how does um the hardware development then if we 6baJdFACxb4-00312-00131767-00132103 talk about hardware and firmware how does this development 6baJdFACxb4-00313-00132103-00132720 direct firmware developers in a specific direction for example uh um we have a 6baJdFACxb4-00314-00132720-00133303 small uh project the pocket science lab um in the FOSS asia community and um 6baJdFACxb4-00315-00133303-00133608 there's always this question like where do you want to 6baJdFACxb4-00316-00133608-00133920 implement for example a feature should it be on the firmware level 6baJdFACxb4-00317-00133920-00134264 should it be on the level of a python library that's run 6baJdFACxb4-00318-00134264-00134679 separately and i think there are many more questions and so 6baJdFACxb4-00319-00134679-00135015 what would you um three of you i mean would you 6baJdFACxb4-00320-00135015-00135679 um agree on one direction or what what's your opinion who would like to go first 6baJdFACxb4-00321-00135832-00136391 i can start with that so i guess i'm very much in line with what 6baJdFACxb4-00322-00136391-00136952 ron was saying so i personally would like to have 6baJdFACxb4-00323-00136952-00137455 most control of the platform from the side of my operating system or even 6baJdFACxb4-00324-00137455-00138128 my user space actually right so so my day job is actually web development 6baJdFACxb4-00325-00138128-00138520 and what i'm doing today is we are building 6baJdFACxb4-00326-00138520-00138832 applications that can run in your web browser 6baJdFACxb4-00327-00138832-00139303 and they can run almost autonomously nowadays right so even if you lose your 6baJdFACxb4-00328-00139303-00139824 connection so like if you're in a tunnel while uh you know traveling in a train 6baJdFACxb4-00329-00139824-00140200 or something most of the apps that we have today or 6baJdFACxb4-00330-00140200-00140520 many of them can still operate to some degree because 6baJdFACxb4-00331-00140520-00140840 of data that is in a cache or something like that 6baJdFACxb4-00332-00140840-00141320 and when i'm looking at applications that are running on my desktop 6baJdFACxb4-00333-00141320-00141672 i would like to have a very similar experience so 6baJdFACxb4-00334-00141672-00142296 i would be i would be really happy if i could do almost everything or even 6baJdFACxb4-00335-00142296-00142744 more than everything on my platform without any restrictions that i could 6baJdFACxb4-00336-00142744-00143176 have because you know something is not i know not set up 6baJdFACxb4-00337-00143176-00143615 properly or something like that so in that sense i actually rely on 6baJdFACxb4-00338-00143615-00144000 firmware on uh that layer but that should really 6baJdFACxb4-00339-00144000-00144367 be it then i want to be able to do everything i want 6baJdFACxb4-00340-00144367-00144736 right then if if we speak about linux for example 6baJdFACxb4-00341-00144736-00145184 that's actually what it's about for many many people who are running it so they 6baJdFACxb4-00342-00145184-00145584 don't want to have like a pre-made environment where they can 6baJdFACxb4-00343-00145584-00145815 only do what the vendor wants them to do but 6baJdFACxb4-00344-00145815-00146448 they can do everything and you know extend or modify it as they like 6baJdFACxb4-00345-00146912-00147544 hey can i jump in real quick um i want to offer up a warning before i 6baJdFACxb4-00346-00147544-00148015 forget um so jean-maries company did this really 6baJdFACxb4-00347-00148015-00148391 neat thing which was to take these 2012 year of 6baJdFACxb4-00348-00148391-00148815 facebook nodes you know refurb them set them up resell 6baJdFACxb4-00349-00148815-00149367 them they're wonderful right they're a fantastic deal um 6baJdFACxb4-00350-00149384-00149808 that worked because on those machines you could take the flash part out put in 6baJdFACxb4-00351-00149808-00150103 a new one that you programmed right work fine 6baJdFACxb4-00352-00150103-00150584 um we are living in a fool's paradise right now because 6baJdFACxb4-00353-00150584-00151248 many servers post about 2018 if you change one bit one bit 6baJdFACxb4-00354-00151248-00151696 of the firmware right and my old my just because it's easy one of my standard 6baJdFACxb4-00355-00151696-00152064 things is change the string dell with some other word if you can guess what it 6baJdFACxb4-00356-00152064-00152432 is um you change one bit and a machine won't 6baJdFACxb4-00357-00152432-00152784 boot so we've all lived in a world for the 6baJdFACxb4-00358-00152784-00153191 past i don't know how many years where if you could figure out what to do 6baJdFACxb4-00359-00153191-00153432 you could take that firmware and replace it 6baJdFACxb4-00360-00153432-00153744 with different firmware and that would work 6baJdFACxb4-00361-00153744-00154096 starting in another year or two you're going to find yourself buying 6baJdFACxb4-00362-00154096-00154448 old servers or old computers and you're going to want to change the firmware on 6baJdFACxb4-00363-00154448-00154808 and this is on x86 mind you and you're not going to be able to do it 6baJdFACxb4-00364-00154808-00155215 you won't be able to change one bit literally one bit without breaking the 6baJdFACxb4-00365-00155215-00155648 machine so why is that it's because that 6baJdFACxb4-00366-00155648-00156000 firmware has a sign in key that's enforced in hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00367-00156000-00156360 the owner of that sign in key is the company that created that 6baJdFACxb4-00368-00156360-00156720 system they have the key you don't they won't give you the key 6baJdFACxb4-00369-00156720-00157055 because that key is the same key for millions and millions of systems 6baJdFACxb4-00370-00157055-00157400 if they give you that key that means they've compromised all the other 6baJdFACxb4-00371-00157400-00157832 systems they've sold so we live in a world in the x86 space 6baJdFACxb4-00372-00157832-00158224 where the owner of the system is actually not you it's 6baJdFACxb4-00373-00158224-00158655 the company that made the machine you so you can't take your machine and 6baJdFACxb4-00374-00158655-00158984 sell it to someone you can't take your machine and change one bit of firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00375-00158984-00159400 it's like owning a car with the with the hood welded shut 6baJdFACxb4-00376-00159400-00159832 so you can't ever see the engine this is kind of why i'm thinking the open source 6baJdFACxb4-00377-00159832-00160144 community i'm not speaking for anyone but the open source community 6baJdFACxb4-00378-00160144-00160624 um i think we really need to start thinking about the escape plan 6baJdFACxb4-00379-00160624-00161176 from the x86 world now because it's just gonna be another few 6baJdFACxb4-00380-00161176-00161544 years you'll buy a used machine and discover 6baJdFACxb4-00381-00161544-00161864 there's very very little you can do with it unlike what you can 6baJdFACxb4-00382-00161864-00162191 do with the kind of servers that jean marie's former company 6baJdFACxb4-00383-00162191-00162455 sells so just something to keep in mind i just 6baJdFACxb4-00384-00162455-00162888 wanted to get that warning out there it really is a problem 6baJdFACxb4-00385-00162936-00163272 i mean that's a really horrible thing ron that's uh 6baJdFACxb4-00386-00163272-00163712 i don't know if people are aware um what a shocking 6baJdFACxb4-00387-00163712-00164367 information that is um so um basically like you know our whole idea 6baJdFACxb4-00388-00164367-00164712 like people looking on the web level on many different levels and they 6baJdFACxb4-00389-00164712-00165112 have this idea that we now have like open source free open source everywhere 6baJdFACxb4-00390-00165112-00165552 and it's kind of mainstream but actually we entirely blocked by this 6baJdFACxb4-00391-00165552-00166079 level and we won't be able to to use this so how are aware 6baJdFACxb4-00392-00166079-00166503 is the community and actually the public in my view it would concern 6baJdFACxb4-00393-00166503-00166855 everyone because there's so many devices out there everywhere 6baJdFACxb4-00394-00166855-00167248 so how aware are people what is your experience 6baJdFACxb4-00395-00167248-00167848 nobody has a clue yeah i think very few people are aware about these challenges 6baJdFACxb4-00396-00167848-00168288 um but as you mentioned i'm working at hpe right now so 6baJdFACxb4-00397-00168288-00168760 the hp engineering is well aware about that situation and the complexity 6baJdFACxb4-00398-00168760-00169120 to find the right balance between security because um 6baJdFACxb4-00399-00169120-00169760 the key that ron spoke about um is driven um around how do we improve 6baJdFACxb4-00400-00169760-00170296 the security of the systems because um most of software can be hacked whatever 6baJdFACxb4-00401-00170296-00170503 happens so there is always bugs and there 6baJdFACxb4-00402-00170503-00171008 might be a human um human failures when when the code has been 6baJdFACxb4-00403-00171008-00171432 written and so finding the right balance between 6baJdFACxb4-00404-00171432-00172032 what the end user is expecting from his systems to be on highly secure and 6baJdFACxb4-00405-00172032-00172608 the flexibility to reprogram the systems is something which is super complex so 6baJdFACxb4-00406-00172608-00172984 what happened into this industry especially at the x86 6baJdFACxb4-00407-00172984-00173584 level is that the whole industry try to secure as fast as possible on the x86 6baJdFACxb4-00408-00173584-00174120 platforms without thinking about the flexibility side and this has 6baJdFACxb4-00409-00174120-00174503 created a couple of generations of platforms 6baJdFACxb4-00410-00174503-00174927 which are secure but are really unflexible 6baJdFACxb4-00411-00174927-00175312 and that that is that is part of the current challenge of the industry 6baJdFACxb4-00412-00175312-00175648 we are trying to address it currently and this is 6baJdFACxb4-00413-00175648-00176279 this is a very complex engineering issue um i think within the next couple of 6baJdFACxb4-00414-00176279-00176600 i should say years unfortunately this issue 6baJdFACxb4-00415-00176600-00177000 is going to be addressed on x86 um but um 6baJdFACxb4-00416-00177000-00177624 this is still super challenging so that's uh that's a key point so we we 6baJdFACxb4-00417-00177624-00177920 have some work around which might be coming up for 6baJdFACxb4-00418-00177920-00178336 for hpe servers within the next couple of quarters 6baJdFACxb4-00419-00178336-00178688 uh just to keep the the open source community 6baJdFACxb4-00420-00178688-00179479 um being able to code on on our platform and that's also why i joined hpe just to 6baJdFACxb4-00421-00179479-00180055 warn them about the challenge that the x86 industry is facing regarding 6baJdFACxb4-00422-00180055-00180320 open source technology and how how can we 6baJdFACxb4-00423-00180320-00180815 embrace that so luckily some some of the project that the community has 6baJdFACxb4-00424-00180815-00181296 has created are adapted at scale so we should mention that and this is also 6baJdFACxb4-00425-00181296-00181679 helping so open source end users must be 6baJdFACxb4-00426-00181679-00182072 proud about what they what they are doing and should be showed 6baJdFACxb4-00427-00182072-00182600 them to their suppliers about a by the way i want to use an open 6baJdFACxb4-00428-00182600-00183120 source firmware on my platform like open bmc even if we do not like it 6baJdFACxb4-00429-00183120-00183608 or not or linux boots and or any other 6baJdFACxb4-00430-00183608-00184096 options like coboot or ubmc that there's plenty of different open source firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00431-00184096-00184448 project around the world and and we should be reporting to 6baJdFACxb4-00432-00184448-00184927 all suppliers we need these tools to be able to run on our platforms 6baJdFACxb4-00433-00184927-00185344 this is going to put some pressure on the suppliers and when there is demand 6baJdFACxb4-00434-00185344-00185648 and there is an issue most of the time the industry reacts and 6baJdFACxb4-00435-00185648-00186096 we are able to fix them but i agree with ron so 6baJdFACxb4-00436-00186096-00186576 the security trend within the industry has created some 6baJdFACxb4-00437-00186576-00186967 technologies which are really not flexible and we should be caring about 6baJdFACxb4-00438-00186967-00187191 this 6baJdFACxb4-00439-00187272-00187591 so i think you raise a number of important 6baJdFACxb4-00440-00187591-00188039 questions and issues here and one issue that i would also 6baJdFACxb4-00441-00188039-00188512 like to ask you a bit more about is the um topic of um 6baJdFACxb4-00442-00188512-00189048 security so um like sometimes like we hear like stories and even it's 6baJdFACxb4-00443-00189048-00189391 sometimes the topic in the u.s china trade war 6baJdFACxb4-00444-00189391-00189727 where they say oh yeah um on the chinese hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00445-00189727-00190112 on huawei or somewhere there there's some firmware or running or there's some 6baJdFACxb4-00446-00190112-00190591 like code running on the chip and it's it's spying on u.s citizens but 6baJdFACxb4-00447-00190591-00190872 like in in general like maybe you could shed 6baJdFACxb4-00448-00190872-00191296 some light on this and what's really like possible here and 6baJdFACxb4-00449-00191296-00191688 i know this is also a discussion in europe where we uh talk about digital 6baJdFACxb4-00450-00191688-00192160 sovereignty and in a broader um 6baJdFACxb4-00451-00192160-00192479 way and so the question is really like uh 6baJdFACxb4-00452-00192479-00192936 um it's a topic on a national level or on a pan national level but it's also 6baJdFACxb4-00453-00192936-00193320 topic for the um security of people and companies so 6baJdFACxb4-00454-00193320-00193767 um what is really going on here what is what is 6baJdFACxb4-00455-00193767-00194215 true what is fiction and generally here there's a question how 6baJdFACxb4-00456-00194215-00194615 can we ensure devices are run securely 6baJdFACxb4-00457-00194615-00195264 and adhere to the user's privacy on each layer okay um let me jump in 6baJdFACxb4-00458-00195264-00195560 first and give the opportunity to my colleague to 6baJdFACxb4-00459-00195560-00196103 speak about it so um i am a european citizen 6baJdFACxb4-00460-00196103-00196415 i'm currently living in the u.s and i can see 6baJdFACxb4-00461-00196415-00196800 two different approaches regarding security and that that is really 6baJdFACxb4-00462-00196800-00197272 true and this is also creating the the messy situation into which we are 6baJdFACxb4-00463-00197272-00197672 currently so in the u.s the security is offloaded 6baJdFACxb4-00464-00197672-00198000 to the supplier so it means that most of the customers 6baJdFACxb4-00465-00198000-00198424 doesn't want to hear about security so he wants to have a system which is 6baJdFACxb4-00466-00198424-00198800 secure and the person who is responsible to deliver 6baJdFACxb4-00467-00198800-00199248 that security is the supplier so in europe we have a slightly 6baJdFACxb4-00468-00199248-00199727 different approach so we do not trust people we say um 6baJdFACxb4-00469-00199727-00200120 my security threat normal is based on the fact that i want to know what's 6baJdFACxb4-00470-00200120-00200512 going on inside the systems so if you want to provide me a secure 6baJdFACxb4-00471-00200512-00200903 system for me it is secure or give me access to the source code of 6baJdFACxb4-00472-00200903-00201239 the of the software which is running on top of your hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00473-00201239-00201936 so in that approach either you provide your proprietary firmware source 6baJdFACxb4-00474-00201936-00202376 code to the regulation agencies or you are using 6baJdFACxb4-00475-00202376-00202727 open source firmware so this is creating an opportunity for open source vmware 6baJdFACxb4-00476-00202727-00203255 because the source code is um is available the challenge is to try to 6baJdFACxb4-00477-00203255-00203527 bridge the gap uh between both worlds because 6baJdFACxb4-00478-00203527-00203848 suppliers are mostly worldwide company currently 6baJdFACxb4-00479-00203848-00204191 unfortunately there's no not that many local 6baJdFACxb4-00480-00204191-00204512 suppliers anymore so either the suppliers is 6baJdFACxb4-00481-00204512-00205048 coming from asia and uh that there are audience or there are us based companies 6baJdFACxb4-00482-00205048-00205335 there are a few european companies but they are even 6baJdFACxb4-00483-00205335-00205807 trying to become worldwide suppliers so and and when you are a company like 6baJdFACxb4-00484-00205807-00206280 hpe and you try to supply the same systems around the world this 6baJdFACxb4-00485-00206280-00206632 is just creating um another messy situation regarding 6baJdFACxb4-00486-00206632-00206991 what kind of security model do we have to address and 6baJdFACxb4-00487-00206991-00207400 how do we do do we provide them the right solution 6baJdFACxb4-00488-00207400-00207856 so this is the world we are into currently 6baJdFACxb4-00489-00207856-00208287 and and this is also explaining um all of this complexity i'm more 6baJdFACxb4-00490-00208287-00208719 big fan about having security through transparency 6baJdFACxb4-00491-00208719-00209176 instead of secrecy so that is also why i'm pushing for 6baJdFACxb4-00492-00209176-00209623 open source firmware approach and i think the flexibility will be higher and when 6baJdFACxb4-00493-00209623-00210040 you look at the operating systems and what happened in the past regarding unix 6baJdFACxb4-00494-00210040-00210400 and linux so the open source model has been pretty 6baJdFACxb4-00495-00210400-00210783 efficient at delivering secure systems so 6baJdFACxb4-00496-00210783-00211096 and if we apply the same models to the firmware world so 6baJdFACxb4-00497-00211096-00211480 i'm pretty sure we can deliver a highly secure 6baJdFACxb4-00498-00211480-00211880 firmware stack using open source model so that's that's also 6baJdFACxb4-00499-00211880-00212456 uh the key things so now i don't know if ron or daniel wants to add some um 6baJdFACxb4-00500-00212456-00212840 more relevant comments to that specific topics 6baJdFACxb4-00502-00213271-00213888 i oh i'm sorry uh i thought there's always a small delay 6baJdFACxb4-00503-00213888-00214216 but like just go ahead all right and i'm worried about cutting 6baJdFACxb4-00504-00214216-00214432 off daniel again but i just want to mention 6baJdFACxb4-00505-00214432-00214792 three things um i threw in the links opentitan.org 6baJdFACxb4-00506-00214792-00215144 oh so first off jean-marie is fighting a good fight 6baJdFACxb4-00507-00215144-00215528 and really moving the world forward in a good way on 6baJdFACxb4-00508-00215528-00215976 this issue that i mentioned ownership the end user owns the machine not the 6baJdFACxb4-00509-00215976-00216400 the company that made it um so open titan is 6baJdFACxb4-00510-00216400-00216807 what we call silicon root of trust i know i work for google and it's 6baJdFACxb4-00511-00216807-00217167 and it's been started by google but i think it's really good 6baJdFACxb4-00512-00217167-00217535 it's really fine work and is worth learning from 6baJdFACxb4-00513-00217535-00218040 um chromebooks actually implement the world we want to live in when you get a 6baJdFACxb4-00514-00218040-00218328 chromebook it has keys that were installed by 6baJdFACxb4-00515-00218328-00218671 google and it's funny i keep telling people this and and 6baJdFACxb4-00516-00218671-00219071 it's just not widely known for some reason you can change those keys and the 6baJdFACxb4-00517-00219071-00219632 talk that i link to at linux containers europe 2016 uh in that talk i 6baJdFACxb4-00518-00219632-00219976 describe how you can build your own version of chrome os 6baJdFACxb4-00519-00219976-00220392 you can build your own sign in key for it you can put your own keys into the 6baJdFACxb4-00520-00220392-00220880 chromebook such that they will no longer trust google's built chrome os they only 6baJdFACxb4-00521-00220880-00221288 trust the chrome os you sign with your key 6baJdFACxb4-00522-00221288-00221856 and how you can actually build your own over their update server using all the 6baJdFACxb4-00523-00221856-00222271 standard existing tools so that you can actually create new 6baJdFACxb4-00524-00222271-00222680 versions of your distro and your chromebook with your keys will 6baJdFACxb4-00525-00222680-00223056 load that new distro over the air all that stuff is in there 6baJdFACxb4-00526-00223056-00223416 it's all fairly straightforward to do chromebooks were designed to do it 6baJdFACxb4-00527-00223416-00223871 you can change the keys infinity times so give you some numbers 6baJdFACxb4-00528-00223871-00224271 you can change the keys about three times on an intel processor and you're 6baJdFACxb4-00529-00224271-00224504 done and generally you can't change them 6baJdFACxb4-00530-00224504-00224919 anyway because there are one-time fuses and you blow those fuses in the intel 6baJdFACxb4-00531-00224919-00225311 cpu you can no longer change the keys i mean actually in the intel the scio 6baJdFACxb4-00532-00225311-00225856 hub we talk to companies all the time they have a great security model or so 6baJdFACxb4-00533-00225856-00226111 they tell us and then we discover oh guess what 6baJdFACxb4-00534-00226111-00226488 uh those keys they're burned by the company fuses again 6baJdFACxb4-00535-00226488-00226816 those fuses are burned by the company that built the system and cannot be 6baJdFACxb4-00536-00226816-00227135 changed or it can only be changed once or twice 6baJdFACxb4-00537-00227135-00227448 so when i say chromebooks you can change them infinity times 6baJdFACxb4-00538-00227448-00227904 that's actually really what i mean so there are systems out there that 6baJdFACxb4-00539-00227904-00228416 implement the world we want to live in you know user control and yet at the 6baJdFACxb4-00540-00228416-00228719 same time extremely secure you know as far as i 6baJdFACxb4-00541-00228719-00229056 know nobody's ever broken the chromebook security and you 6baJdFACxb4-00542-00229056-00229480 know i realized i worked for google but um i was only in chromebook land two 6baJdFACxb4-00543-00229480-00229759 years i'm just super impressed with the work that 6baJdFACxb4-00544-00229759-00230135 the chromebook people did to really nail security down and get it right 6baJdFACxb4-00545-00230135-00230576 so a lot of material to learn from in chromebooks about how you do this right 6baJdFACxb4-00546-00230576-00230904 anybody doing a new system really should study 6baJdFACxb4-00547-00230904-00231256 what was done there because the people who did that security were about as good 6baJdFACxb4-00548-00231256-00231511 as it gets 6baJdFACxb4-00549-00231623-00232167 okay well i i i can't believe this is uh like i'm aware of a lot of tech topics 6baJdFACxb4-00550-00232167-00232792 here but it's really shocking to hear um that um you seem to say that the 6baJdFACxb4-00551-00232792-00233200 level of openness it's it's really limited and like there are chromebooks 6baJdFACxb4-00552-00233200-00233656 out there they are systems but uh you know it's it seems to be limited 6baJdFACxb4-00553-00233656-00234071 and uh like how open is 6baJdFACxb4-00554-00234071-00234432 is how open are things really so um and uh 6baJdFACxb4-00555-00234432-00234832 we need to look more on the level of hardware and firmware and 6baJdFACxb4-00556-00234832-00235216 i would like to know from from daniel i know that you are 6baJdFACxb4-00557-00235216-00235840 um like opening a lot of devices you you're ordering a lot of boards you you 6baJdFACxb4-00558-00235840-00236192 you're getting them from everywhere and you try to install different systems 6baJdFACxb4-00559-00236192-00236471 on then and run experiments and all these things 6baJdFACxb4-00560-00236471-00236840 could you share a bit about your experience here 6baJdFACxb4-00561-00236840-00237528 and tell us how open um are these uh systems uh currently um 6baJdFACxb4-00562-00237528-00237888 is the situation really like uh as bleak as 6baJdFACxb4-00563-00237888-00238232 as ron and jean-marie said from your perspective 6baJdFACxb4-00564-00238232-00238711 and and yeah of course afterwards right away the question what can we do to 6baJdFACxb4-00565-00238711-00239183 improve it but maybe you share first a bit about your experience 6baJdFACxb4-00566-00239183-00239792 yeah so i'm on both ends at the same time right so i 6baJdFACxb4-00567-00239792-00240167 have a security background i know lots of security issues and 6baJdFACxb4-00568-00240167-00240488 security requirements that different people have 6baJdFACxb4-00569-00240488-00241048 or that even i have personally so a friend of mine for example she wanted to 6baJdFACxb4-00570-00241048-00241680 set up a motherboard in secure boot mode deployed to her own keys and then the 6baJdFACxb4-00571-00241680-00242040 machine well it started no longer to boot so it 6baJdFACxb4-00572-00242040-00242431 was dead right and now she has to contact 6baJdFACxb4-00573-00242431-00242911 their support channels and so on so that's not what we want to have 6baJdFACxb4-00574-00242911-00243311 as a user but of course a brick is the most secure device that you can have 6baJdFACxb4-00575-00243311-00243623 right so nobody can run any code on that anymore 6baJdFACxb4-00576-00243623-00244023 so that's for certain but then again that's not useful 6baJdFACxb4-00577-00244023-00244480 so the question really is and that's a very very tough question 6baJdFACxb4-00578-00244480-00244952 actually for security people uh what is legitimate access 6baJdFACxb4-00579-00244952-00245271 right so the least thing that people let's say 6baJdFACxb4-00580-00245271-00245680 running a cloud plot platform i would want to have 6baJdFACxb4-00581-00245680-00246176 is servers that can be just compromised from virtual machines 6baJdFACxb4-00582-00246176-00246719 and that is or has become an attack scenario that they really had 6baJdFACxb4-00583-00246719-00247248 to consider and so well vendors developed certain 6baJdFACxb4-00584-00247248-00247576 different approaches to tackle this issue 6baJdFACxb4-00585-00247576-00248231 so the thing is we're talking about lots of layers 6baJdFACxb4-00586-00248231-00248583 actually right so on the one hand side you have the 6baJdFACxb4-00587-00248583-00249031 hardware itself then you have multiple uh chips that are running 6baJdFACxb4-00588-00249031-00249383 firmware on top of that you have operating systems well actually 6baJdFACxb4-00589-00249383-00249888 you have a hypervisor or multiple hypervisors even you might 6baJdFACxb4-00590-00249888-00250183 have multiple operating systems running on top of 6baJdFACxb4-00591-00250183-00250623 those and then even more layers of virtualization until 6baJdFACxb4-00592-00250623-00251080 eventually somebody is running whatever their kubernetes cluster or 6baJdFACxb4-00593-00251080-00251480 no storage or whatever applications on top 6baJdFACxb4-00594-00251480-00251935 but that's you know where a serious attacker would then need to start 6baJdFACxb4-00595-00251935-00252376 and go down the path but it turns out that 6baJdFACxb4-00596-00252376-00252935 with just a few security holds you can already get there but that's 6baJdFACxb4-00597-00252935-00253407 really very hard to prevent then if you don't have any 6baJdFACxb4-00598-00253407-00253944 security really from the ground up and that's where people started to 6baJdFACxb4-00599-00253944-00254456 realize well maybe we should lock down the firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00600-00254456-00254976 itself then actually but then again of course the issue is 6baJdFACxb4-00601-00254976-00255607 if i as a regular consumer or uh if if i buy some used hardware if i want to 6baJdFACxb4-00602-00255607-00256016 operate those machines then i have a very very 6baJdFACxb4-00603-00256016-00256488 different scenario right and the more we lock down things 6baJdFACxb4-00604-00256488-00256919 uh the less accessible they get so if there is not even a chance to reset 6baJdFACxb4-00605-00256919-00257296 something then this is where it ends so what run 6baJdFACxb4-00606-00257296-00257711 just described if you can only reprovision a cpu or something 6baJdFACxb4-00607-00257711-00258135 three times then well that's where it ends right so 6baJdFACxb4-00608-00258135-00258544 one time you get it i don't know you don't get it right you deploy the wrong 6baJdFACxb4-00609-00258544-00259096 keys or something you lose your keys and you already lost like another chance of 6baJdFACxb4-00610-00259096-00259552 the few that you just had so i really think that 6baJdFACxb4-00611-00259552-00259928 this approach that the chromebooks are having is 6baJdFACxb4-00612-00259928-00260319 the right approach for that scenario and i also think 6baJdFACxb4-00613-00260319-00261040 that well hardware vendors which provide cloud infrastructure hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00614-00261040-00261688 they are also sort of on the right track and now the hard part is 6baJdFACxb4-00615-00261688-00262216 sometimes features and we're really talking about features that 6baJdFACxb4-00616-00262216-00262696 were at some point desired they are falling down from 6baJdFACxb4-00617-00262696-00263272 the like large server side of things to the small consumer devices 6baJdFACxb4-00618-00263272-00263672 and that's how we end up with devices where you know you want to set up your 6baJdFACxb4-00619-00263672-00264135 own security system and suddenly you have a break or you can't 6baJdFACxb4-00620-00264135-00264680 deploy your own firmware because it has the same protection 6baJdFACxb4-00621-00264683-00265031 mechanism yeah then again uh the best thing i 6baJdFACxb4-00622-00265031-00265568 think that we can do is well talk about those things uh tell 6baJdFACxb4-00623-00265568-00266152 people to take things apart and approach vendors right so 6baJdFACxb4-00624-00266152-00266511 if you have a break don't buy a new device approach your vendor 6baJdFACxb4-00625-00266511-00266872 ask them about the issue if they can do something about it 6baJdFACxb4-00626-00266872-00267256 and tell them that this really is a burden to you 6baJdFACxb4-00627-00267256-00267728 right so that's what those support channels are for and i know that uh 6baJdFACxb4-00628-00267728-00268048 also vendors are a bit hard to approach but 6baJdFACxb4-00629-00268048-00268368 you know do whatever you can 6baJdFACxb4-00630-00268368-00268728 i i want to throw in i think daniel's totally right i i do want to mention 6baJdFACxb4-00631-00268728-00268944 i've been i've been working with one server 6baJdFACxb4-00632-00268944-00269256 company for a year not jean-maries company 6baJdFACxb4-00633-00269256-00269735 they've always been terrific um this company literally it has taken 6baJdFACxb4-00634-00269735-00270159 about a year to be able to deliver a system to us which is an evaluation 6baJdFACxb4-00635-00270159-00270464 system where we can change the firmware one 6baJdFACxb4-00636-00270464-00270896 year of engineering so you know there's 20 years of effort 6baJdFACxb4-00637-00270896-00271256 that's gone in the x86 world 20 years of work 6baJdFACxb4-00638-00271256-00271672 has gone into ensuring that only the manufacturer 6baJdFACxb4-00639-00271672-00271992 can change the firmware and that work has been at every level 6baJdFACxb4-00640-00271992-00272480 of the chips and and the end result is that even the companies that make these 6baJdFACxb4-00641-00272480-00272759 systems when you ask them for a system that'll 6baJdFACxb4-00642-00272759-00273248 let you change the firmware it's really tough and they have to 6baJdFACxb4-00643-00273248-00273840 for example ensure that an io controller hub from intel nobody accidentally burns 6baJdFACxb4-00644-00273840-00274216 the fuses on the chip that locks in the key they 6baJdFACxb4-00645-00274216-00274480 have to leave it in what's called manufacturing mode 6baJdFACxb4-00646-00274480-00274807 this changes the process by which they build 6baJdFACxb4-00647-00274807-00275120 things right they have to essentially divert in 6baJdFACxb4-00648-00275120-00275496 a thing especially out of their process to make sure that 6baJdFACxb4-00649-00275496-00275816 it doesn't go through a process and end up as blown fuses 6baJdFACxb4-00650-00275816-00276568 because you can't walk back from that so it is you consider literally billions of 6baJdFACxb4-00651-00276568-00277016 dollars work has gone into the model of 6baJdFACxb4-00652-00277016-00277607 the manufacturer owns all the security and all the fusing and all this stuff 6baJdFACxb4-00653-00277607-00277920 walking back out of that cave is going to be 6baJdFACxb4-00654-00277920-00278592 is going to be tough and that applies by the way that's a problem in intel x86 6baJdFACxb4-00655-00278592-00278935 amd x86 it's a problem in parts of the arm world 6baJdFACxb4-00656-00278935-00279248 i'm very worried that somehow we're going to end up with this being a 6baJdFACxb4-00657-00279248-00279648 problem in the risk 5 world it's a real attractive model right you 6baJdFACxb4-00658-00279648-00279935 you're a manufacturer you sell someone a piece of hardware 6baJdFACxb4-00659-00279935-00280304 you can guarantee to that person that nobody's going to be able to rewrite 6baJdFACxb4-00660-00280304-00280640 the firmware out from under them that's actually a good property for a lot of 6baJdFACxb4-00661-00280640-00281056 people but it's a bad property for us in the 6baJdFACxb4-00662-00281056-00281392 open source community and that right there is the conflict too 6baJdFACxb4-00663-00281392-00281728 because arguably all this fusing and all this other stuff 6baJdFACxb4-00664-00281728-00282040 is good but it's not good for us in the open 6baJdFACxb4-00665-00282040-00282296 source world 6baJdFACxb4-00666-00282352-00282752 so um i think we also have some questions here already 6baJdFACxb4-00667-00282752-00283424 about this topic in in the notes and yeah a kind of provocative provocative 6baJdFACxb4-00668-00283424-00283759 question do hardware vendors understand that 6baJdFACxb4-00669-00283759-00284272 their software is crude and not care or do they generally think 6baJdFACxb4-00670-00284272-00284624 they're doing a good job 6baJdFACxb4-00671-00284910-00285224 i think we have to keep in mind that the people who are building this stuff 6baJdFACxb4-00672-00285224-00285736 are still human so failure is part of the equation so 6baJdFACxb4-00673-00285736-00286176 because we are humans that's the first things the second things when i look at 6baJdFACxb4-00674-00286176-00286744 what's going on at the company like hpe um so we we are still designing our 6baJdFACxb4-00675-00286744-00287152 firmware from scratch so which is getting pretty uncommon 6baJdFACxb4-00676-00287152-00287616 currently so most of the arms are relying on external 6baJdFACxb4-00677-00287616-00287920 companies to provide them a firmware stack 6baJdFACxb4-00678-00287920-00288240 but in our cases we are still designing system firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00679-00288240-00288776 and we didn't mention one things yet but there are firmware everywhere within the 6baJdFACxb4-00680-00288776-00289088 computers so and when we speak about firmware most 6baJdFACxb4-00681-00289088-00289455 of the time we think about system firmware or remote management firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00682-00289455-00289959 but there is also firmware embedded um into microcontrollers 6baJdFACxb4-00683-00289959-00290559 in some cases on fpgas or or pci express boards so all of these 6baJdFACxb4-00684-00290559-00291104 firmwares have to talk to each other and um if i took the case from hpe for 6baJdFACxb4-00685-00291104-00291407 example we designed the firmware for the system 6baJdFACxb4-00686-00291407-00291735 tiles for example and the remote management but we 6baJdFACxb4-00687-00291735-00292064 we stopped designing it for the pci express card 6baJdFACxb4-00688-00292064-00292576 so which means that we have to create interfaces between our own software 6baJdFACxb4-00689-00292576-00293040 and pci express card vendor software to be sure that it works 6baJdFACxb4-00690-00293040-00293383 and even if we are deeply testing these things 6baJdFACxb4-00691-00293383-00293864 um bugs appears and they are part of the equations they are 6baJdFACxb4-00692-00293864-00294272 they are part of the lifecycle software systems what is really key is not to 6baJdFACxb4-00693-00294272-00294631 try to reach a bug-free solution because i think it's 6baJdFACxb4-00694-00294631-00295016 getting impossible with the complexity of the current firmware stacks 6baJdFACxb4-00695-00295016-00295407 even with the open source firmware solutions 6baJdFACxb4-00696-00295407-00295711 but what is key is how do you fix the bug 6baJdFACxb4-00697-00295711-00296448 what kind of options do you offer to the end user to fix these issues and um 6baJdFACxb4-00698-00296448-00296880 what we are just trying to do is to provide good support quality 6baJdFACxb4-00699-00296880-00297240 so i know that some people will probably complain about the support quality from 6baJdFACxb4-00700-00297240-00297480 our oems but this is what the oems are trying to 6baJdFACxb4-00701-00297480-00297735 bring in and we are trying to support some 6baJdFACxb4-00702-00297735-00298224 open source firmware which are good options for people who are willing to 6baJdFACxb4-00703-00298224-00298607 fix bugs by themselves or rely on external people 6baJdFACxb4-00704-00298607-00299168 uh from their outdoor vendor to support their software stack so i think 6baJdFACxb4-00705-00299168-00299424 that's that's the beauty of the open source world 6baJdFACxb4-00706-00299424-00299680 but um 6baJdFACxb4-00707-00299752-00300200 what is really key to understand is that firmware when you think about linux boot 6baJdFACxb4-00708-00300200-00300600 so linux boot is building a linux kernel so and if you look at the size of the 6baJdFACxb4-00709-00300600-00301080 linux kernel this is just a big piece of software and there is 6baJdFACxb4-00710-00301080-00301440 bugs so this happens whenever whenever we can 6baJdFACxb4-00711-00301440-00301968 think yeah and we're actually discussing here 6baJdFACxb4-00712-00301968-00302320 on several channels at the same time so uh 6baJdFACxb4-00713-00302320-00302728 ron just mentioned i've been told on a modern server in future there 6baJdFACxb4-00714-00302728-00303335 may be several hundred firmware images and like for different uh devices for 6baJdFACxb4-00715-00303335-00303696 example voltage regulators and daniel says yeah 6baJdFACxb4-00716-00303696-00304072 uh usbc power delivery requires firmware to 6baJdFACxb4-00717-00304072-00304368 negotiate the voltage to supply for example 6baJdFACxb4-00718-00304368-00304776 and and you don't want your charger running as keystroke logger 6baJdFACxb4-00719-00304776-00305335 which you could do now shockingly and um like we are approaching the end of this 6baJdFACxb4-00720-00305335-00305711 session and it seems like we are actually only 6baJdFACxb4-00721-00305711-00306304 getting started with a topic but um i think um this also raises the 6baJdFACxb4-00722-00306304-00306800 question um about what influence can a community or 6baJdFACxb4-00723-00306800-00307200 can consumers can freedom loving people have compared 6baJdFACxb4-00724-00307200-00307640 to like let's say companies corporations and we of course 6baJdFACxb4-00725-00307640-00307911 know that the world is not black and white 6baJdFACxb4-00726-00307911-00308176 yeah but like what influence could different 6baJdFACxb4-00727-00308176-00308744 stakeholders um have here and when more firmware 6baJdFACxb4-00728-00308744-00309048 components or firmware is running on different components and 6baJdFACxb4-00729-00309048-00309424 of your devices and devices are everywhere iot and so on 6baJdFACxb4-00730-00309424-00309783 we just see more and more so um how big will be 6baJdFACxb4-00731-00309783-00310224 our influence or what can we do what will companies do 6baJdFACxb4-00732-00310224-00310559 i think there is there is two things that people can think about 6baJdFACxb4-00733-00310559-00310928 the first things you know what kind of security model do they want to apply to 6baJdFACxb4-00734-00310928-00311304 their it equipment so do they want to rely on external 6baJdFACxb4-00735-00311304-00311664 companies or do they want to be lit up and have the freedom 6baJdFACxb4-00736-00311664-00312111 um to upgrade and manage their own security it is really really key 6baJdFACxb4-00737-00312111-00312800 to decide that strategy and and um and and the second things you know um 6baJdFACxb4-00738-00312800-00313240 if you want to use open source firmware um do not forget to mention it to 6baJdFACxb4-00739-00313240-00313664 your suppliers because i know a lot of people who are 6baJdFACxb4-00740-00313664-00314104 willing to use open source firmware but are still shy to request it because they 6baJdFACxb4-00741-00314104-00314511 do not think that it could be doable why 6baJdFACxb4-00742-00314511-00314880 it could be for some suppliers and i think it's really key 6baJdFACxb4-00743-00314880-00315576 just to be proud about your expectation and just request it so that's there's no 6baJdFACxb4-00744-00315576-00316000 reason why being shy about about that demand and um if you think 6baJdFACxb4-00745-00316000-00316448 that your security model is based on transparency just claim it 6baJdFACxb4-00746-00316448-00316816 and and ask for it so and it's um that is 6baJdFACxb4-00747-00316816-00317183 super important whether when i came into hpe for example 6baJdFACxb4-00748-00317183-00317583 the first remark i received was there's no demand for that 6baJdFACxb4-00749-00317583-00318000 that technology and part of my job was not to engineer 6baJdFACxb4-00750-00318000-00318304 the product it was just to prove that there was demand 6baJdFACxb4-00751-00318304-00318728 and and when i started that that journey i discovered that a lot of 6baJdFACxb4-00752-00318728-00319111 our customers were extremely shy about their requirement 6baJdFACxb4-00753-00319111-00319511 and when they are inside the open source firmware community or an open source 6baJdFACxb4-00754-00319511-00319959 community they are really keen to share what they are expecting but when when 6baJdFACxb4-00755-00319959-00320607 there is a business related relationship so it's um it's more difficult just to 6baJdFACxb4-00756-00320607-00321000 to get the insight of the requirements on a general purpose basis and i think 6baJdFACxb4-00757-00321000-00321304 it's super important just to share it with your suppliers 6baJdFACxb4-00758-00321304-00321711 whoever the supplier is so i'm not speaking for hpe only but 6baJdFACxb4-00759-00321711-00322144 i'd be super happy that more different companies adopt this kind of technology 6baJdFACxb4-00760-00322144-00322704 because this is the best way to make it grow yeah 6baJdFACxb4-00761-00322704-00323240 okay so um i think we covered a lot in this session we are approaching 6baJdFACxb4-00762-00323240-00323928 the end so i would like to um yeah ask you um after we learned about 6baJdFACxb4-00763-00323928-00324272 the past we learned about the presence even though i feel we 6baJdFACxb4-00764-00324272-00324824 barely touched the surface of this topic so the question is where can 6baJdFACxb4-00765-00324824-00325152 people follow up where can they learn more about this i 6baJdFACxb4-00766-00325152-00325472 see in the notes that people even have very 6baJdFACxb4-00767-00325472-00326080 specific technical questions um for example uh in a chromebook 6baJdFACxb4-00768-00326080-00326520 for end users to change the firmware and so on so how to do it with motherboard 6baJdFACxb4-00769-00326520-00326904 jumpers and so on i think we we aren't able to cover this 6baJdFACxb4-00770-00326904-00327288 completely i also see alvin mentioning risk five 6baJdFACxb4-00771-00327288-00327744 which we often discuss in in our weekly meetings as well and 6baJdFACxb4-00772-00327744-00328088 so um it seems like more and more is going on 6baJdFACxb4-00773-00328088-00328535 in regards to open firmware and open hardware and what will you be doing over 6baJdFACxb4-00774-00328535-00328944 the next few days and weeks and months what are your plans 6baJdFACxb4-00775-00328944-00329440 personally and to work now and where what do you recommend to people where 6baJdFACxb4-00776-00329440-00329920 they can find um more information where can they engage 6baJdFACxb4-00777-00329920-00330528 um what should be the next steps from your perspective and uh yeah maybe 6baJdFACxb4-00778-00330528-00331024 daniel would you like to start yeah one thing uh that we can 6baJdFACxb4-00779-00331024-00331440 already announce so the open source firmware conference 6baJdFACxb4-00780-00331440-00331752 this year will be happening a bit later than usual 6baJdFACxb4-00781-00331752-00332072 that's uh you know because corona and so on this 6baJdFACxb4-00782-00332072-00332600 year it will be in december if you go to osfc.io that's where you 6baJdFACxb4-00783-00332600-00333007 will find everything and if you are even interested in 6baJdFACxb4-00784-00333007-00333407 participating and providing some of your ideas the 6baJdFACxb4-00785-00333407-00333952 call for participation is still open so you can just send in your ideas 6baJdFACxb4-00786-00333952-00334568 we will be very very happy to take them and then again we have the very very 6baJdFACxb4-00787-00334568-00334968 many projects that we already mentioned so if you want 6baJdFACxb4-00788-00334968-00335259 to learn about core boot for example you can go to 6baJdFACxb4-00789-00335259-00336083 coreboot.org that's c-o-r-e-b-o-o-t dot org likewise for linux boot there is 6baJdFACxb4-00790-00336083-00336692 linuxboot.org and then there is the euro project that's 6baJdFACxb4-00791-00336692-00337096 u-root.org that's already very nice places to get 6baJdFACxb4-00792-00337096-00337528 started and eventually we also have a slack team 6baJdFACxb4-00793-00337528-00337840 for the open source firmware community and 6baJdFACxb4-00794-00337840-00338159 you will find the links to join that one also on for 6baJdFACxb4-00795-00338159-00338664 example the europe website yeah thank you very much and the 6baJdFACxb4-00796-00338664-00339152 moderator just told me we have to end so um very brief final state 6baJdFACxb4-00797-00339152-00339640 statements please from ron and jean-marie i'm pretty sure 6baJdFACxb4-00798-00339640-00339911 that the open source firmware has a bright future 6baJdFACxb4-00799-00339911-00340431 and uh i'm working extremely hard to make it happen on hpe platform currently 6baJdFACxb4-00800-00340431-00340800 the ocp communities is trying to get it adopted also 6baJdFACxb4-00801-00340800-00341400 on um odm's platform so um i think we we just need to make match 6baJdFACxb4-00802-00341400-00341752 the demand with the supply and um and this is how we are going to 6baJdFACxb4-00803-00341752-00342104 fix issues and um and we just need to move forward 6baJdFACxb4-00804-00342104-00342528 around this i'm i'm super optimistic and enjoying working 6baJdFACxb4-00805-00342528-00342896 within this space currently 6baJdFACxb4-00806-00342983-00343568 yeah yeah so i would say if you like writing programs then go to 6baJdFACxb4-00807-00343568-00343920 run under linux if you like hacking on a kernel or if you would like to join a 6baJdFACxb4-00808-00343920-00344440 brand new rust firmware project we have 6baJdFACxb4-00809-00344440-00344968 help we need at all those levels and you can really make a big impact on on 6baJdFACxb4-00810-00344968-00345376 the future of this so you know i i hope we if we can even get 6baJdFACxb4-00811-00345376-00345872 one person watching this to get involved this has been time well spent for us i 6baJdFACxb4-00812-00345872-00346311 think please if you're interested let us know 6baJdFACxb4-00813-00346311-00346640 excellent thank you very much so call to action for everyone 6baJdFACxb4-00814-00346640-00347055 the stakes are pretty big thank you very much for joining this session 6baJdFACxb4-00815-00347055-00347455 and we hope to share more about this in future and thank you to the 6baJdFACxb4-00816-00347455-00347840 um speakers and to hong phuc making this very beautiful introduction and to 6baJdFACxb4-00817-00347840-00348272 everyone at the osi and to making this event so see you at 6baJdFACxb4-00818-00348272-00348640 the event furthermore and yeah keep in touch everyone let's 6baJdFACxb4-00819-00348640-00348952 build a better future thank you very much have a good day 6baJdFACxb4-00820-00348952-00349472 everybody bye thanks a lot good job 6baJdFACxb4-00821-00352679-00354248 yeah thanks a lot sean bye thank you how do we do 6cTXYTIz1j0-00000-00000100-00000270 Ken Rosenberg: Go get some sleep, he says, ha-ha! 6cTXYTIz1j0-00001-00000300-00000800 Ken Rosenberg: I have been sitting in this chair all night with the lights off drinking coffee! 6cTXYTIz1j0-00002-00000800-00001180 Ken Rosenberg: This is a disaster. We are so screwed, man! 6cTXYTIz1j0-00003-00001200-00001789 Ken Rosenberg: These gorillas, listen to me, are gonna come down here and rip my head off. It's ridiculous! 6cTXYTIz1j0-00004-00001800-00002190 Ken Rosenberg: i did NOT go to law school for this! Ok, now what the hell are we gonna do? 6cTXYTIz1j0-00005-00002200-00002700 CJ: Shut up, sit down, relax. I'll tell you what we're gonna do. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00006-00002900-00003300 CJ: You're gonna find out who took our cocaine - and then I'm gonna kill them. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00007-00003500-00003790 Ken Rosenberg: That's a good idea. That's a GREAT idea! Let me think, let me think, let me think. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00008-00003800-00004290 Ken Rosenberg: Oh! There's this retired Colonel. Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00009-00004300-00004790 Ken Rosenberg: He's the one that helped me set up this deal well away from Vice City's established thugs. OK? 6cTXYTIz1j0-00010-00004800-00005380 Ken Rosenberg: Now listen. He's holding his party out in the bay on his expensive yacht and all of Vice City's big players are gonna be there. OK ? 6cTXYTIz1j0-00011-00005400-00006000 Ken Rosenberg: I have an invite, of course i have an invite, but there's no way that i'm going out there sticking my head out the door - no way! Not gonna happen. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00012-00006000-00006270 CJ: I told you shut up! I'll go myself... 6cTXYTIz1j0-00013-00006300-00006830 Ken Rosenberg: Ho - whoa, whoa! Hey, i like 1978 too, but, you know this isn't gonna be a beer and strippers do. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00014-00006859-00007280 Ken Rosenberg: I mean no offense, but i think that you might turn heads on the runway for the wrong reasons. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00015-00007300-00007380 CJ: What's wrong withe the way i'm dressed? 6cTXYTIz1j0-00016-00007400-00007900 Ken Rosenberg: Ok, look here. Stop by Rafael's, tell him i sent you. He'll make you look respectable. 6cTXYTIz1j0-00017-00007930-00008100 Ken Rosenberg: Okay, go, come on! 6dy0wK9FYVU-00000-00000008-00001592 cool 6dy0wK9FYVU-00001-00005952-00007184 first one 6dy0wK9FYVU-00002-00011560-00012784 double kill 6dy0wK9FYVU-00003-00013872-00014184 first blood 6dy0wK9FYVU-00004-00016080-00016984 oh 6dy0wK9FYVU-00005-00017864-00018384 don't kill 6dy0wK9FYVU-00006-00022416-00023984 double kill triple kill 6dy0wK9FYVU-00007-00024352-00025384 hmm 6dy0wK9FYVU-00008-00026232-00026783 so 6dy0wK9FYVU-00009-00028016-00028183 foreign 6dy0wK9FYVU-00010-00029983-00029992 you 72sar9pUmoI-00000-00000111-00000211 Hey, everyone! 72sar9pUmoI-00001-00000211-00000413 Randy Rodgers here with Trinity Oaks Mortgage. 72sar9pUmoI-00002-00000413-00000941 I hope you are all doing fantastic and had an amazing Thanksgiving. 72sar9pUmoI-00003-00000941-00001240 Today's topic is debt consolidation. 72sar9pUmoI-00004-00001240-00001750 Almost all measures suggest that home values have appreciated by a crazy amount over the 72sar9pUmoI-00005-00001750-00001891 last year plus. 72sar9pUmoI-00006-00001891-00002313 Estimates are for gains of 20 to 30 percent in home equity. 72sar9pUmoI-00007-00002313-00002742 That's a lot of wealth that could be used to consolidate debt. 72sar9pUmoI-00008-00002742-00003288 Proper use of debt consolidation could cut many years off the term of your mortgage, 72sar9pUmoI-00009-00003288-00003797 increase cash flow, and build a huge amount of equity to be used in the future. 72sar9pUmoI-00010-00003797-00004435 Consider that the interest on an average credit card for a good borrower is over 19%, average 72sar9pUmoI-00011-00004435-00005207 new car loans are over 4%, used cars over 8%, and student loans around 5.8%, and there 72sar9pUmoI-00012-00005207-00005637 is definitely a great opportunity to save money in interest payments. 72sar9pUmoI-00013-00005637-00006076 Believe it or not, this is possible even if the interest rate on a new mortgage loan is 72sar9pUmoI-00014-00006076-00006411 higher than the current rate on a existing mortgage. 72sar9pUmoI-00015-00006411-00006908 If you are a homeowner in the great state of Texas, now is the time for us to talk so 72sar9pUmoI-00016-00006908-00007350 we can evaluate what the possibilities are for you to tap into that equity and utilize 72sar9pUmoI-00017-00007350-00007868 it to reduce your debts and consolidate them and perhaps even save many years of mortgage 72sar9pUmoI-00018-00007868-00007994 payments. 72sar9pUmoI-00019-00007994-00009028 Contact me or start an application today through my website, trinityoaksmortgage.com/rrodgers. 72sar9pUmoI-00020-00009028-00009189 Thanks for watching, and have a blessed day! 734YbhxhvS0-00000-00000512-00002830 Thick Aval / Poha 2 Cup, Fried Gram, Peanuts, Curry Leaves, Green Chilli 1, Cashews, Badam 734YbhxhvS0-00001-00002830-00004862 Hing, Oil, Mustard, Urad Dal, Channa Dal, Turmeric Powder, Chilli Powder, Garam Masala, Sugar 1 Tsp, required Salt 734YbhxhvS0-00004-00015994-00017598 Add Fried Gram, Peanuts, Cashews and Badam, Saute for some time 734YbhxhvS0-00006-00020824-00022126 Add Sugar and mix 734YbhxhvS0-00007-00022126-00024128 Now add Roasted Aval / Poha and mix with the masala well 734YbhxhvS0-00008-00024128-00024924 Aval / Poha Chivda is ready. Try, Enjoy, Like, Comment and Subscribe 734YbhxhvS0-00009-00024924-00026016 Thank You 78jJ771359U-00000-00000927-00001222 Hello, MDeaf here! 78jJ771359U-00001-00001244-00001580 Today, I will do RC (Recruitment Challenge) 78jJ771359U-00002-00001673-00002228 For #KARNAGERC 78jJ771359U-00003-00002334-00003092 I love this team, I love to watch them doing challenges 78jJ771359U-00004-00003120-00003529 So, today I will do a challenge 78jJ771359U-00005-00003584-00004404 So, I will do my favorite challenge from KARNAGE challenges 78jJ771359U-00006-00004476-00004812 No Reload Challenge! 78jJ771359U-00007-00004986-00005274 I love to watch that 78jJ771359U-00008-00005312-00005586 It's my favorite of all time 78jJ771359U-00009-00005726-00006248 So, I will do that challenge in 404(?) 78jJ771359U-00010-00006382-00006508 BO4* 78jJ771359U-00011-00006706-00006912 So, enjoy! 78jJ771359U-00012-00071872-00072046 Top Player. 78jJ771359U-00013-00072250-00072466 I take that. (GG!) 79czUuz_jGg-00000-00000208-00000952 uh my name is dr sherman silber i'm an infertility doctor from st louis and i have been a 79czUuz_jGg-00001-00001016-00001336 shareholder in coming to this meeting for 23 years 79czUuz_jGg-00002-00001336-00001664 and i want to thank you very much for making my grandchildren very rich 79czUuz_jGg-00003-00002416-00003064 and they sometimes compare me in the medical world infertility world as the berkshire 79czUuz_jGg-00004-00003064-00003488 hathaway of infertility because i'm so old and i come from a relatively small community 79czUuz_jGg-00005-00003552-00004368 but uh i'm wondering about your interest in not just apple but all the tech stocks like amazon 79czUuz_jGg-00006-00004368-00005016 and google because you've avoided them you stated in the past because they're complicated you should 79czUuz_jGg-00007-00005016-00005720 stick with something you understand on the other hand amazon and google have what you call a very 79czUuz_jGg-00008-00005720-00006416 durable competitive advantage they really hardly have any competitor and that's true in china too 79czUuz_jGg-00009-00006416-00006992 of alibaba and tencent so it seems like it's a conflict and i'm wondering if you're going 79czUuz_jGg-00010-00006992-00007592 to be turning the corner and going into these tech companies that seem to have no serious competition 79czUuz_jGg-00011-00007759-00007912 well we certainly look at them and we 79czUuz_jGg-00012-00008095-00008520 we don't think of whether we should be in tech companies or not or that sort of thing we are 79czUuz_jGg-00013-00008520-00008960 looking for things where we we do get into the durability of the competitive advantage 79czUuz_jGg-00014-00009024-00009640 and whether we think that our opinion might be better than other people's opinion in 79czUuz_jGg-00015-00009640-00010264 assessing the probability of the durability and the so to speak but the truth is that 79czUuz_jGg-00016-00010520-00011088 i've watched amazon from the start and i think what jeff bezos has 79czUuz_jGg-00017-00011280-00011848 done is something close to a miracle and and the problem is if i think something will be a 79czUuz_jGg-00018-00011848-00012512 miracle i tend not to bet on it the uh it would have been better or far better obviously if we 79czUuz_jGg-00019-00012584-00013504 if i'd had some insights into certain businesses but you know in fact bill 79czUuz_jGg-00020-00013504-00014047 told me early on bill gates told me early on you know that that i think i was on alden fest and he 79czUuz_jGg-00021-00014112-00014816 suggested i turned to google but the trouble was i i saw that google was was was skipping past 79czUuz_jGg-00022-00014904-00015288 all of this and then i wondered if anybody could skip past google's um and i saw at 79czUuz_jGg-00023-00015288-00015776 geico that we were paying a lot of money for something that costs them nothing incrementally 79czUuz_jGg-00024-00015840-00016688 we've looked at it and you know i made a mistake in in in in not being able to come to a conclusion 79czUuz_jGg-00025-00016688-00017304 where i really felt that that at the present prices that that the prospects were far better 79czUuz_jGg-00026-00017304-00018008 than the prices indicated and uh uh i didn't go into apple because it was a tech stock in 79czUuz_jGg-00027-00018008-00018840 the least i mean that i went to apple because i made certain came to certain conclusions about 79czUuz_jGg-00028-00018928-00019280 about both the intelligence was with the capital would be employed but more important 79czUuz_jGg-00029-00019336-00019760 about the value of an ecosystem and how permanent that ecosystem could be and what the threats 79czUuz_jGg-00030-00019760-00020448 were to it and a whole bunch of things and that didn't i don't think that required me to you know 79czUuz_jGg-00031-00020448-00020800 take apart an iphone or something and figure out what all the components were anything it 79czUuz_jGg-00032-00020872-00021608 it was more it's much more the nature of consumer behavior and some things strike me as having a lot 79czUuz_jGg-00033-00021608-00022144 more permits than others but the answer is we'll miss a lot of things that are almost a lot of 79czUuz_jGg-00034-00022144-00023248 things that that i don't feel i understand well enough and there's there's there is no penalty 79czUuz_jGg-00035-00023344-00024024 in investing if you don't swing at a ball that's in the strike zone 79czUuz_jGg-00036-00024024-00024480 as long as you swing at something at some point and you know eventually that you find the pitch 79czUuz_jGg-00037-00024480-00024896 pitch as you like and that's the way we'll continue to do it we'll try to 79czUuz_jGg-00038-00024896-00025720 stay within our circle of competence and and uh charlie and i generally agree on 79czUuz_jGg-00039-00025856-00026727 on uh sort of where that circle ends and uh what what kind of situations where we might have some 79czUuz_jGg-00040-00026727-00027424 kind of an edge in our reasoning or our experience or something that uh where we might evaluate 79czUuz_jGg-00041-00027424-00027912 something differently than other people but the answer is uh we're going to miss a lot of things 79czUuz_jGg-00042-00027976-00028560 charlie yeah we have a wonderful system if one of us is stupid in some areas so is the other 79czUuz_jGg-00043-00028848-00029583 and of course we were not ideally located to be high-tech wizards 79czUuz_jGg-00044-00029672-00030312 you know how many people of our age quickly mastered google 79czUuz_jGg-00045-00030552-00031104 i've been to google headquarters they looked at me like they're it looks like a kindergarten 79czUuz_jGg-00046-00031688-00031880 a very rich kindergarten yes 79czUuz_jGg-00047-00032288-00032848 it's extraordinarily impressive what they've done and like i say at the 79czUuz_jGg-00048-00032848-00033328 geico we were paying them a lot of money uh at the time they went public and and 79czUuz_jGg-00049-00033432-00034056 and all three of them the main characters eric laria and sergey uh they actually came and 79czUuz_jGg-00050-00034136-00034624 saw me but there were more than talking about going public in the mechanics of and various 79czUuz_jGg-00051-00034624-00035208 things along that line but it wasn't like what they were doing was a mystery to me 79czUuz_jGg-00052-00035320-00035928 the mystery was how much competition would come along and how effective they would be uh 79czUuz_jGg-00053-00036024-00036752 and whether it would be a game where four or five people were slugging it out without making as much 79czUuz_jGg-00054-00036752-00037288 money as they could if one company dominated those those are tough decisions to make you can have 79czUuz_jGg-00055-00037288-00037664 industries where there's only two people in it and they still aren't very very good because they 79czUuz_jGg-00056-00037664-00038176 beat each other's brains out and that's one of the questions in the airline business it's is a better 79czUuz_jGg-00057-00038176-00038800 business now than it used to be but it used to be suicide so uh and you know that the competitive 79czUuz_jGg-00058-00038880-00039648 competitive factors are are extraordinary in in airlines and how much better business is it with 79czUuz_jGg-00059-00039736-00040336 with four people operating at 85 capacity than it was it was seven or eight operating 79czUuz_jGg-00060-00040336-00040784 in the mid 70s and with more planes around those are tough decisions but 79czUuz_jGg-00061-00040856-00041264 uh i made the wrong decision on on google and amazon i just 79czUuz_jGg-00062-00041352-00042272 i really consider that a miracle that you could be doing amazon web services and and changing retail 79czUuz_jGg-00063-00042272-00042944 at the same time uh with relative you know without enormous amounts of capital and with the speed and 79czUuz_jGg-00064-00042944-00043584 effectiveness of what amazon has done i just i would i underestimated 79czUuz_jGg-00065-00043824-00044544 i had a very very very high opinion of jeff's ability when i first met him and i underestimated 79czUuz_jGg-00066-00044544-00045320 him charlie well my comment would be that the shareholders have one thing to be thankful for 79czUuz_jGg-00067-00045392-00046024 some of the age-related stupidity at headquarters has been ameliorated by ted and todd joining us 79czUuz_jGg-00068-00046080-00046752 we are looking at the world with the aid of some younger eyes now and they've had a contribution 79czUuz_jGg-00069-00046752-00047336 significantly beyond their own investments and so you're you're very lucky to have them your 79czUuz_jGg-00070-00047336-00047888 shareholders because there's a lot of ignorance in the older generation that needs removal 79czUuz_jGg-00071-00048728-00049456 this question comes from keeley and actually is directly about the issue of moats he notes that 79czUuz_jGg-00072-00049456-00050088 elon musk this week on his tesla earnings call said the following quote i think moats are lame 79czUuz_jGg-00073-00050152-00050696 they are like nice in a sort of quaint vestigial way and if your only defense against invading 79czUuz_jGg-00074-00050696-00051264 armies is emote you will not last long what matters is the pace of innovation that is the 79czUuz_jGg-00075-00051264-00052032 fundamental determinant of competitiveness unquote so warren it seems the world has changed business 79czUuz_jGg-00076-00052032-00052655 is getting more competitive pace of innovation technology is impacting everything is elon right 79czUuz_jGg-00077-00053040-00053512 elon says a conventional mode is quaint and that's true of a bottle of water 79czUuz_jGg-00078-00053591-00053952 and he says that the best moat would be to have a big competitive position 79czUuz_jGg-00079-00053952-00054784 and that is also right all right it's ridiculous 79czUuz_jGg-00080-00054920-00055136 warren does not intend to build an actual moat 79czUuz_jGg-00081-00055960-00056184 even though they're quaint yeah 79czUuz_jGg-00082-00056472-00056664 there's certainly 79czUuz_jGg-00083-00056896-00057584 a great mem a great number of businesses this has always been true but it does seem like it 79czUuz_jGg-00084-00058416-00058424 you 7sGqGNteEe4-00000-00000727-00001203 You often hear the terms El Niño and La Niña when climate discussions come up. 7sGqGNteEe4-00001-00001203-00001601 As a skier, you especially appreciate the extra snow that La Niña brings to the Northern 7sGqGNteEe4-00002-00001601-00001705 US. 7sGqGNteEe4-00003-00001705-00001943 La Niña means “The Little Girl” in Spanish. 7sGqGNteEe4-00004-00001943-00002478 La Niña episodes represent periods of below-average sea surface temperatures across the east-central 7sGqGNteEe4-00005-00002478-00002677 Equatorial Pacific. 7sGqGNteEe4-00006-00002677-00003172 The impacts on worldwide climate of La Niña tend to be opposite of El Niño impacts. 7sGqGNteEe4-00007-00003172-00003597 During a La Niña year, winter temperatures are usually warmer than normal in the southeast 7sGqGNteEe4-00008-00003597-00003886 and cooler than normal in the northwest. 7sGqGNteEe4-00009-00003886-00004298 El Niño and La Niña are opposite phases of what is known as the El Niño Southern 7sGqGNteEe4-00010-00004298-00004553 Oscillation or the ENSO cycle. 7sGqGNteEe4-00011-00004553-00004829 La Niña is the cold phase of this cycle. 7sGqGNteEe4-00012-00004829-00005135 These usually last about nine to twelve months but could last years. 7sGqGNteEe4-00013-00005135-00005542 La Niña occurs less frequently than El Niño. 7sGqGNteEe4-00014-00005542-00005862 So instead of putting all your faith in a snow dance, you just need to know a little 7sGqGNteEe4-00015-00005862-00006318 about El Niño and La Niña and their effects on temperature and precipitation. 7sGqGNteEe4-00016-00006318-00006703 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I'm Tina Russell, Exploring the Nature of 7sGqGNteEe4-00017-00006703-00006720 Wyoming. 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00000-00000018-00001074 With over 31 million subscribers on his main YouTube channel, Dream is one of 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00001-00001074-00001548 the most popular Minecraft YouTubers. As he has risen to fame at such a young age, 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00002-00001548-00001944 it is no surprise that many people are eager to know how much he is worth. 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00003-00001944-00002076 So let’s break it down: 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00004-00002076-00002538 Dream has an estimated net worth of around $10 million. He has earned most 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00005-00002538-00002874 of this through his YouTube channel, with ads appearing on his videos, 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00006-00002874-00003204 Patreon subscribers, and his various brand deals and sponsors. 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00007-00003204-00003708 In this video, we’ll dive further into his net worth to give fans an inside peek at Dream’s 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00008-00003708-00004248 YouTube rise and how he’s managed to build up this impressive fortune while still being so 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00009-00004248-00004722 young. who is dream dream is a professional YouTuber and gamer known for his Minecraft 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00010-00004722-00005340 videos and speed runs dream often collaborates with other creators sapnap and George not found 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00011-00005340-00005874 and collectively they're known as the Dream Team his real name is Clay but he's managed to keep 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00012-00005874-00006426 most of his private life this discrete we know that dream is 23 years old and was born on 12th 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00013-00006426-00007026 August of 1999. the American YouTuber has been teasing a favorite Bill since 2020 I'm finally 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00014-00007026-00007656 on the 3rd of October 2012 he revealed his face when the dream started on YouTube Dream created 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00015-00007656-00008328 his main YouTube channel on the 8th of February in 2013. it was only until the 6th of July in 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00016-00008328-00008952 2019 however that he uploaded his first video titled this cursed Minecraft video will trigger 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00017-00008952-00009504 you his most popular video Minecraft speedrunner versus three Hunters Grand Finale was uploaded 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00018-00009504-00010290 on August 7 2020 and has already garnered over 118 million bills other popular videos include 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00019-00010290-00010860 his Minecraft speedrun versus War Hunters video with over 92 million views and his Minecraft 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00020-00010860-00011538 speedrunner vs 500 rematch video which has gained over 87 million bills since it was uploaded on 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00021-00011538-00012216 July 9 on 2021. how much money does dream make on YouTube Dream has a 31 million subscribers on his 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00022-00012216-00012912 main YouTube channel and over 2.8 billion bills this equates to approximately 11.4 million from 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00023-00012912-00013488 ads appearing on his video and does not include merchandise patreon sponsors or other business 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00024-00013488-00014106 ventures dream has several other YouTube channels here's a breakdown of how much he is estimated to 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00025-00014106-00014646 have made with all of his channels all of these are estimated amounts generated over the life 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00026-00014646-00015186 of each Channel and only the income generated from YouTubers appearing on videos again this 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00027-00015186-00015804 does not account for other revenue streams such as merchandise or sponsorships final thoughts on 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00028-00015804-00016374 dreams Network dream is a successful YouTuber and professional gamer who has amazed and impressive 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00029-00016374-00016914 version primarily from his YouTube activities dream has a network of around 10 million dollars 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00030-00016914-00017442 and it's safe to say that this is only the beginning we can expect much more from this 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00031-00017442-00018012 modern online gamer and internet entrepreneur as he continues to produce popular content and make 7sI2z9Zn4zM-00032-00018012-00018504 videos with his friends his popularity and fame will likely continue to grow 7z3a1THkEb4-00000-00000115-00000283 Mark: Welcome to The Endless Knot Podcast, 7z3a1THkEb4-00001-00000311-00000425 Aven: where the more we know, 7z3a1THkEb4-00002-00000455-00000584 Mark: the more we want to find out. 7z3a1THkEb4-00003-00000607-00000854 Aven: Tracing serendipitous connections through our lives 7z3a1THkEb4-00004-00000876-00000996 Mark: and across disciplines. 7z3a1THkEb4-00005-00001652-00001732 Aven: Hi, I'm Aven. 7z3a1THkEb4-00006-00001767-00001832 Mark: And I'm Mark. 7z3a1THkEb4-00007-00001860-00002093 Aven: And today we're gonna be talking about the Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00008-00002117-00002159 Woo-hoo. 7z3a1THkEb4-00009-00002192-00002570 So I think the first thing to say is the cocktail is obvious. 7z3a1THkEb4-00010-00002606-00002787 We are drinking Bellinis today. 7z3a1THkEb4-00011-00002863-00003107 We'll hear more about the Bellini, but would you like to quickly 7z3a1THkEb4-00012-00003107-00003248 tell us what the Bellini is, Mark 7z3a1THkEb4-00013-00003290-00003967 Mark: The Bellini consists of two parts Prosecco to one part pureed, 7z3a1THkEb4-00014-00004006-00004398 ideally Italian white peaches or 7z3a1THkEb4-00015-00004434-00004524 Aven: whatever peaches you want. 7z3a1THkEb4-00016-00004524-00004692 Frozen yellow peaches from the grocery store. 7z3a1THkEb4-00017-00004761-00005081 If So that's what we're drinking. 7z3a1THkEb4-00018-00005102-00005171 Cheers. 7z3a1THkEb4-00019-00005225-00005501 I'm not completely convinced by the purees any of the times we've done it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00020-00005531-00005648 I don't think they puree enough. 7z3a1THkEb4-00021-00005730-00005739 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00022-00005739-00005799 A bit chunky 7z3a1THkEb4-00023-00005847-00006175 Mark: they may have a different idea of what they mean by puree than 7z3a1THkEb4-00024-00006217-00006489 Aven: I just use a stick blender on frozen and 7z3a1THkEb4-00025-00006489-00006762 Mark: it's very chunky.I wonder if they like force it through 7z3a1THkEb4-00026-00006762-00006909 a sieve or something like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00027-00006972-00007002 Aven: Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00028-00007059-00007455 So that's more like a thick, like one of the peach nectars or something. 7z3a1THkEb4-00029-00007505-00007716 I mean, it tastes nice. 7z3a1THkEb4-00030-00007745-00007973 Just more chewy than I expected it to be for a drink. 7z3a1THkEb4-00031-00008013-00008045 Mark: Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00032-00008070-00008436 I mean, all the recipes I've seen, just say peach puree 7z3a1THkEb4-00033-00008469-00008670 and don't go into any detail. 7z3a1THkEb4-00034-00008693-00008791 About what 7z3a1THkEb4-00035-00008793-00008880 Aven: that means. 7z3a1THkEb4-00036-00008918-00009294 Mark: just have to go to Harry's Bar in Venice and do some research 7z3a1THkEb4-00037-00009295-00009362 Aven: spoilers. 7z3a1THkEb4-00038-00009363-00009394 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00039-00009394-00009430 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00040-00009467-00009854 so before we turn to what the Bellini is and why you want to talk about it, I 7z3a1THkEb4-00041-00009854-00010337 have one thing I need to do, which is to say thank you to a new Patreon supporter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00042-00010352-00010412 Yay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00043-00010469-00010996 Which is, as you will soon hear, exceedingly appropriate for this episode. 7z3a1THkEb4-00044-00011026-00011258 So, thank you very much to Allison S. 7z3a1THkEb4-00045-00011290-00011443 Mark: Thank you, Allison, for your. 7z3a1THkEb4-00046-00011500-00011632 Patronage 7z3a1THkEb4-00047-00011770-00011980 , Aven: that's gonna mean something, I swear, very 7z3a1THkEb4-00048-00011992-00012316 Mark: soon, we'll soon give the etymology of the word patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00049-00012380-00012660 Aven: And on that note, tell us what we're about to talk about. 7z3a1THkEb4-00050-00012696-00012723 So we're 7z3a1THkEb4-00051-00012724-00013176 Mark: about to talk about this Bellini cocktail, which came about through an 7z3a1THkEb4-00052-00013176-00013560 act of patronage in a number of senses. 7z3a1THkEb4-00053-00013562-00014293 And that will tie us to the origin of the name of that cocktail, which is a story 7z3a1THkEb4-00054-00014296-00014607 all about another format of patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00055-00014661-00014685 Aven: Yes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00056-00014685-00014958 And the key here is we're going to listen to a video. 7z3a1THkEb4-00057-00014988-00015015 Yes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00058-00015156-00015192 ? Mark: Yes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00059-00015192-00015638 So this is one of those episodes where we take the audio from an older 7z3a1THkEb4-00060-00015638-00015862 video and we turn it into a podcast. 7z3a1THkEb4-00061-00015970-00016384 Aven: And the video is, it's about the Bellini, the story of the Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00062-00016474-00016510 All right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00063-00016513-00017071 So with a little more ado than I think it needed, let's turn to listening to 7z3a1THkEb4-00064-00017071-00017392 that, and then we're gonna come back and talk a little bit more about some 7z3a1THkEb4-00065-00017393-00017710 details that you'd researched, but that didn't make it into the video. 7z3a1THkEb4-00066-00017710-00018040 And then I'm gonna talk about Rome and read Latin poetry to people, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-00067-00018074-00018227 Because that's what I do here. 7z3a1THkEb4-00068-00018467-00018671 ,all right, let's listen to the video. 7z3a1THkEb4-00069-00018946-00019295 Mark: The Bellini is a cocktail made from Prosecco sparkling wine and peach 7z3a1THkEb4-00070-00019298-00019740 purée, invented in Venice by Giuseppe Cipriani, and the story of its name 7z3a1THkEb4-00071-00019741-00019951 is one of patronage of all kinds. 7z3a1THkEb4-00072-00020003-00020362 In the 1920s Cipriani had worked his way up through the restaurant business, 7z3a1THkEb4-00073-00020366-00020831 eventually finding himself as bartender at the high-class Hotel Europa bar in Venice. 7z3a1THkEb4-00074-00020847-00021304 In 1929 he got to know one of the bar’s regular patrons, Harry Pickering, a 7z3a1THkEb4-00075-00021304-00021636 young rake with a drinking problem from a wealthy Bostonian family. 7z3a1THkEb4-00076-00021664-00021982 Pickering had been sent to Venice with his aunt--along with her lover and a 7z3a1THkEb4-00077-00021982-00022179 Pekinese--in an attempt to dry him out. 7z3a1THkEb4-00078-00022206-00022349 Obviously the plan failed. 7z3a1THkEb4-00079-00022382-00022634 Then one day Harry stopped showing up at the bar. 7z3a1THkEb4-00080-00022652-00022934 He had had a falling out with his aunt, who then left with her lover, 7z3a1THkEb4-00081-00022948-00023313 leaving Harry with no money, a large hotel and bar bill, and the Pekinese. 7z3a1THkEb4-00082-00023354-00023677 Wanting to help his friend, Cipriani asked how much he needed, and Harry 7z3a1THkEb4-00083-00023678-00024059 replied that he needed enough for one last drink at the bar, to pay his bills, 7z3a1THkEb4-00084-00024075-00024525 and to buy his boat ticket home, about 10,000 lire, which was about $500 USD 7z3a1THkEb4-00085-00024525-00024785 at the time or around $8000 today. 7z3a1THkEb4-00086-00024785-00025093 Cipriani scrounged up the money, and Harry set off home. 7z3a1THkEb4-00087-00025136-00025556 A few years later, in 1931, Harry Pickering returned to Venice, with 7z3a1THkEb4-00088-00025556-00025915 not only the 10,000 lire to repay the loan, but with an additional 40,000 7z3a1THkEb4-00089-00025925-00026266 lire for Cipriani to open his own bar, saying “Let’s call it Harry’s 7z3a1THkEb4-00090-00026267-00026673 Bar!” So Harry Pickering went from a bar patron to the wealthy patron of a 7z3a1THkEb4-00091-00026673-00027053 bar—I’ll come back to the web of related meanings of the word ‘patron’ in a bit! 7z3a1THkEb4-00092-00027100-00027455 Since then, Harry’s Bar has become an iconic Venetian landmark, with many 7z3a1THkEb4-00093-00027455-00027805 famous patrons of its own, including Ernest Hemingway, Charlie Chaplin, 7z3a1THkEb4-00094-00027818-00028176 Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, and even many crowned heads of Europe. 7z3a1THkEb4-00095-00028200-00028626 Giuseppe even named his own son after the bar [and its patron], Arrigo [the 7z3a1THkEb4-00096-00028626-00029017 Italian form of Harry], and he’s now the current proprietor of the much expanded 7z3a1THkEb4-00097-00029017-00029187 family restaurant and hotel business. 7z3a1THkEb4-00098-00029236-00029625 At the end of WWII, after the liberation of Venice, Harry’s Bar briefly 7z3a1THkEb4-00099-00029625-00029939 became an unofficial officers’ mess for American and British soldiers, 7z3a1THkEb4-00100-00029942-00030296 but soon after it returned to its usual clientele of celebrities which 7z3a1THkEb4-00101-00030296-00030623 more recently included the likes of Kim Kardashian and George Clooney. 7z3a1THkEb4-00102-00030657-00031179 Well some time between 1934 and 1948, Giuseppe invented the cocktail Bellini 7z3a1THkEb4-00103-00031181-00031593 by mixing puréed white peaches with the Italian sparkling wine Prosecco, with 7z3a1THkEb4-00104-00031594-00031897 the original recipe also containing a little raspberry juice for colour. 7z3a1THkEb4-00105-00031950-00032246 Prosecco and peach, by the way, are both toponyms, that 7z3a1THkEb4-00106-00032246-00032387 is they come from place names. 7z3a1THkEb4-00107-00032421-00032831 Prosecco is named after the Italian town near Triest and close to the border with 7z3a1THkEb4-00108-00032831-00033213 Slovenia, where the grape varietal and wine come from, and in turn the town’s 7z3a1THkEb4-00109-00033213-00033586 name actually comes from a Slovene word meaning “path cut through the woods”. 7z3a1THkEb4-00110-00033628-00033892 Peach comes from the name Persia, as the fruit was called Persikon 7z3a1THkEb4-00111-00033958-00034151 malon “Persian apple” in Greek. 7z3a1THkEb4-00112-00034208-00034574 Giuseppe named the resulting drink Bellini after the Venetian Renaissance 7z3a1THkEb4-00113-00034577-00034934 artist Giovanni Bellini, because the colour of the cocktail reminded him, 7z3a1THkEb4-00114-00034943-00035323 so the story goes, of the colour of a saint’s robes in a Bellini painting. 7z3a1THkEb4-00115-00035339-00035762 Bellini’s name, by the way, comes from Italian bello “beautiful” from 7z3a1THkEb4-00116-00035762-00036149 Latin bellus “beautiful” ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European root 7z3a1THkEb4-00117-00036149-00036440 *deu- “to do, show favour, revere”. 7z3a1THkEb4-00118-00036478-00036887 Cipriani was again inspired by Renaissance art in the naming of another signature 7z3a1THkEb4-00119-00036887-00037294 recipe from Harry’s Bar, carpaccio, a dish of thinly sliced raw beef 7z3a1THkEb4-00120-00037303-00037678 served with lemon juice, olive oil, and white truffle or Parmesan cheese. 7z3a1THkEb4-00121-00037712-00038153 He named this dish after Venetian painter Vittore Carpaccio, again because 7z3a1THkEb4-00122-00038153-00038539 the colour of the meat reminded him of the rich use of colour by the artist. 7z3a1THkEb4-00123-00038567-00038706 Well, he wasn’t wrong. 7z3a1THkEb4-00124-00038733-00039002 The Venetian school of painting is particularly known for 7z3a1THkEb4-00125-00039002-00039359 emphasizing colour over line, as opposed to the Florentine school. 7z3a1THkEb4-00126-00039408-00039660 The story goes that the beef dish was invented for the countess Amalia 7z3a1THkEb4-00127-00039660-00040137 Nani Mocenigo, as her doctors had recommended she only eat raw meat. 7z3a1THkEb4-00128-00040169-00040467 Another well-known recipe to come out of Harry’s Bar is the Montgomery 7z3a1THkEb4-00129-00040467-00040827 Martini, named after British Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, so called 7z3a1THkEb4-00130-00040827-00041253 because of its 15 to 1 ratio of gin to vermouth, as Montgomery was purported 7z3a1THkEb4-00131-00041253-00041631 to have liked a 15 to 1 ratio of his troops to the enemy on the battlefield. 7z3a1THkEb4-00132-00041664-00042101 During WWII, Montgomery was involved in the Invasion of Sicily, then continued 7z3a1THkEb4-00133-00042101-00042471 to command the Eighth Army into mainland Italy, before being reassigned to 7z3a1THkEb4-00134-00042471-00042610 northern Europe for the rest of the war. 7z3a1THkEb4-00135-00042634-00043067 So he wasn’t in Venice in Harry’s Bar at the end of the war, but in north Germany. 7z3a1THkEb4-00136-00043083-00043416 But let us return to Venice, in the Renaissance, to look more 7z3a1THkEb4-00137-00043416-00043594 closely at those Venetian painters. 7z3a1THkEb4-00138-00043635-00043974 As I said, Venetian painting was known for its vibrant use of colour, 7z3a1THkEb4-00139-00043979-00044136 as well as its subtlety of light. 7z3a1THkEb4-00140-00044146-00044319 And one reason was its geography. 7z3a1THkEb4-00141-00044344-00044715 You see tempera paint, which was water soluble, didn’t stand up well in the 7z3a1THkEb4-00142-00044715-00044910 damp conditions of canal-filled Venice. 7z3a1THkEb4-00143-00044937-00045264 So the Venetians were quick to adopt the new oil paints developed 7z3a1THkEb4-00144-00045264-00045385 in the north in Flanders. 7z3a1THkEb4-00145-00045429-00045790 The knock-on advantage of oil paint is it allows for those deep colours that 7z3a1THkEb4-00146-00045790-00046168 Venetian artists became known for through the application of many layers of paint. 7z3a1THkEb4-00147-00046196-00046520 Oil painting may have been brought to Venice by Antonello da Messina, 7z3a1THkEb4-00148-00046525-00046858 who was himself influenced by early Netherlandish painting, and along with 7z3a1THkEb4-00149-00046858-00047190 Leonardo da Vinci was an important influence on the Venetian style. 7z3a1THkEb4-00150-00047213-00047417 But we’ll get back to Leonardo in a minute. 7z3a1THkEb4-00151-00047449-00047760 At the heart of the Venetian style of painting was the Bellini family. 7z3a1THkEb4-00152-00047771-00048186 Giovanni’s father Jacopo and brother Gentile were also noted painters, as 7z3a1THkEb4-00153-00048186-00048380 was his brother-in-law Andrea Mantegna. 7z3a1THkEb4-00154-00048387-00048681 And from Giovanni Bellini’s workshop came the well-known Venetian 7z3a1THkEb4-00155-00048683-00048789 artists Titian and Giorgione. 7z3a1THkEb4-00156-00048806-00049251 Vittore Carpaccio, who as we saw was also a source of naming inspiration 7z3a1THkEb4-00157-00049251-00049572 at Harry’s Bar, studied under Giovanni Bellini’s brother Gentile. 7z3a1THkEb4-00158-00049572-00049913 Now one really important thing to understand about Renaissance 7z3a1THkEb4-00159-00049913-00050195 art is the role of patronage, to return to that topic. 7z3a1THkEb4-00160-00050232-00050592 It’s hard to overstate the importance of the role of major patrons like the Medici 7z3a1THkEb4-00161-00050592-00050952 family in Florence in driving Renaissance humanism by supporting the work of 7z3a1THkEb4-00162-00050954-00051130 artists, writers, and philosophers. 7z3a1THkEb4-00163-00051161-00051465 But Renaissance art patronage is a little different from today’s patron of 7z3a1THkEb4-00164-00051466-00051866 the arts, who typically invests large sums of money in large institutions. 7z3a1THkEb4-00165-00051894-00052218 In many ways, the creation of art during the Renaissance was a collaborative 7z3a1THkEb4-00166-00052222-00052585 effort between patron and artist, with the patron requesting a certain 7z3a1THkEb4-00167-00052585-00052939 content in, say, a painting, and the artist executing that request. 7z3a1THkEb4-00168-00052959-00053215 This is rather different from the way art collecting tends to work 7z3a1THkEb4-00169-00053215-00053533 today, in which the collector buys ready-made art, the content of 7z3a1THkEb4-00170-00053533-00053685 which was solely up to the artist. 7z3a1THkEb4-00171-00053717-00054065 Even back in the Renaissance, some bolder artists, as we’ll see, might 7z3a1THkEb4-00172-00054065-00054421 quibble with the patron’s requests or even outright refuse the commission if 7z3a1THkEb4-00173-00054421-00054755 it didn’t suit their personal style, but mostly that’s how it worked. 7z3a1THkEb4-00174-00054781-00055112 And patrons would often commission works for public consumption such as 7z3a1THkEb4-00175-00055112-00055450 a sculpture for the city or frescoes for the churches, with their private 7z3a1THkEb4-00176-00055450-00055820 collections often serving as backdrop to their diplomatic and political work. 7z3a1THkEb4-00177-00055852-00056198 The mutual relationship between patron and artist would benefit the status 7z3a1THkEb4-00178-00056198-00056557 of both: as an artist, to have your work in the collection of a notable 7z3a1THkEb4-00179-00056557-00056878 figure would raise your profile, and patrons would wish to collect 7z3a1THkEb4-00180-00056878-00057060 works from all the big name artists. 7z3a1THkEb4-00181-00057093-00057431 And presumably some element of this Renaissance practise is what the modern 7z3a1THkEb4-00182-00057431-00057859 company Patreon wants to evoke with its name—though in a more grass-roots way—by 7z3a1THkEb4-00183-00057859-00058247 allowing anyone to financially support artists and creative people, and to become 7z3a1THkEb4-00184-00058247-00058423 participants in the creative process. 7z3a1THkEb4-00185-00058469-00058785 Now while the usual model of patronage in Renaissance Italy was the single 7z3a1THkEb4-00186-00058785-00059223 commission, sometimes a wealthy family would hire a salaried court artist, as 7z3a1THkEb4-00187-00059223-00059429 the Gonzaga family who ruled Mantua did. 7z3a1THkEb4-00188-00059430-00059763 Ludovico Gonzaga had appointed Andrea Mantegna, who you 7z3a1THkEb4-00189-00059763-00060037 remember was the brother-in-law of Bellini, as court painter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00190-00060060-00060377 Mantegna became quite close to the family and a good friend of Ludovico’s 7z3a1THkEb4-00191-00060400-00060810 son Federico, and his connection continued as the dynasty was passed 7z3a1THkEb4-00192-00060810-00061214 down to Federico’s son Francesco, being taken in particular under the wing 7z3a1THkEb4-00193-00061214-00061440 of Francesco’s wife, Isabella d’Este. 7z3a1THkEb4-00194-00061470-00061913 Appropriately, perhaps, the word dynasty may be related to Bellini’s name, through 7z3a1THkEb4-00195-00061913-00062413 Greek dynasthai “to be able”, which possibly goes back to the same PIE root. 7z3a1THkEb4-00196-00062456-00062831 Isabella, whose name, by the way, is NOT, despite appearances, related to 7z3a1THkEb4-00197-00062831-00063233 ‘Bellini’, being instead a version of the Hebrew name Elishebha [which comes into 7z3a1THkEb4-00198-00063234-00063600 English as “Elizabeth”], was a remarkable woman, both as one of the premiere 7z3a1THkEb4-00199-00063600-00063814 patrons and as a political figure. 7z3a1THkEb4-00200-00063850-00064133 She seems to have gained much of her political acumen from her mother 7z3a1THkEb4-00201-00064136-00064515 Eleonora of Aragon, who had governed Ferrara during the frequent absences of 7z3a1THkEb4-00202-00064515-00064943 Isabella’s father Ercole d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, and was by some accounts a 7z3a1THkEb4-00203-00064943-00065137 superior administrator to her husband. 7z3a1THkEb4-00204-00065178-00065594 In turn Isabella was able to govern Mantua in Francesco’s absence, and 7z3a1THkEb4-00205-00065594-00065991 when he was taken captive in Venice, Isabella took charge of Mantua’s military 7z3a1THkEb4-00206-00065993-00066145 and successfully defended the city. 7z3a1THkEb4-00207-00066172-00066573 As she thus earned the reputation of being superior to her husband in administrative 7z3a1THkEb4-00208-00066573-00066999 and political matters, he was humiliated and furious upon his release, and the two 7z3a1THkEb4-00209-00066999-00067210 led mostly separate lives from that point. 7z3a1THkEb4-00210-00067239-00067599 After his death, Isabella again took up the reins of power serving as 7z3a1THkEb4-00211-00067599-00067962 regent until her son came of age, and achieved many notable political 7z3a1THkEb4-00212-00067962-00068124 successes on behalf of Mantua. 7z3a1THkEb4-00213-00068150-00068502 Isabella had received a good classical education as a child, which sparked 7z3a1THkEb4-00214-00068502-00068806 her interest in antiquities, and she became an avid collector. 7z3a1THkEb4-00215-00068832-00069234 In addition, her education and innate intelligence allowed her to take part 7z3a1THkEb4-00216-00069235-00069518 in the humanist philosophy at the heart of the Italian Renaissance. 7z3a1THkEb4-00217-00069550-00069914 She had court painter Mantegna produce large allegorical works based on 7z3a1THkEb4-00218-00069914-00070262 classical mythological themes for her studiolo, basically her study 7z3a1THkEb4-00219-00070264-00070529 where she got on with the business of all that Renaissance humanism. 7z3a1THkEb4-00220-00070561-00070889 She also sought other major artists to paint for her studiolo, including 7z3a1THkEb4-00221-00070889-00071049 Mantegna’s brother-in-law Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00222-00071067-00071448 The lengthy negotiations between Isabella and Bellini, sometimes direct 7z3a1THkEb4-00223-00071454-00071788 and sometimes through intermediaries, have been preserved — Isabella 7z3a1THkEb4-00224-00071789-00072067 was a prolific correspondent with many people and her remarkable 7z3a1THkEb4-00225-00072067-00072225 letters have fortunately survived. 7z3a1THkEb4-00226-00072267-00072627 In her negotiations with Bellini, she wanted another large mythological 7z3a1THkEb4-00227-00072627-00072942 painting, but Bellini was initially reluctant and didn’t want to have to 7z3a1THkEb4-00228-00072942-00073107 work with such a detailed outline. 7z3a1THkEb4-00229-00073140-00073532 The negotiations continued for nearly a decade, with Isabella forwarding a 7z3a1THkEb4-00230-00073532-00073976 downpayment, Bellini continually delaying working on the painting, renegotiations 7z3a1THkEb4-00231-00073976-00074298 of the subject, and even Isabella attempting to retrieve her money from 7z3a1THkEb4-00232-00074298-00074462 the artist and cancelling the commission. 7z3a1THkEb4-00233-00074497-00074858 In the end, Bellini talked her into settling for a smaller nativity scene, 7z3a1THkEb4-00234-00074875-00075225 though she continued to suggest adding other figures to the painting such as John 7z3a1THkEb4-00235-00075226-00075615 the Baptist [which Bellini balked at], but finally Isabella was satisfied with the 7z3a1THkEb4-00236-00075617-00075783 outcome, which she hung in her bedroom. 7z3a1THkEb4-00237-00075816-00076170 The painting is sadly now lost, though some have argued that the composition 7z3a1THkEb4-00238-00076170-00076485 of the painting may have influenced this Adoration of the Shepherds, 7z3a1THkEb4-00239-00076501-00076682 usually attributed to Giorgione. 7z3a1THkEb4-00240-00076742-00077076 Another artist Isabella actively pursued was Leonardo da Vinci. 7z3a1THkEb4-00241-00077099-00077423 He did indeed draw a portrait of her, which seems to have been preliminary 7z3a1THkEb4-00242-00077425-00077811 work for a painted portrait [mentioned in their correspondence], but if the painting 7z3a1THkEb4-00243-00077811-00078034 was completed, it no longer survives. 7z3a1THkEb4-00244-00078054-00078426 However, it has been suggested that the figure portrayed in Leonardo’s most famous 7z3a1THkEb4-00245-00078428-00078669 painting may have in fact been Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00246-00078715-00079119 The most widely accepted opinion among art historians is that the Mona Lisa depicts 7z3a1THkEb4-00247-00079120-00079559 Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a wealthy Florentine silk merchant, but argument 7z3a1THkEb4-00248-00079559-00079735 over the possible subjects continues. 7z3a1THkEb4-00249-00079783-00080117 Speaking of Leonardo da Vinci, in addition to being one of the most important 7z3a1THkEb4-00250-00080122-00080524 artists of the Italian Renaissance, he was also an ahead-of-his-time inventor 7z3a1THkEb4-00251-00080526-00080898 and engineer, coming up with plans for things like the helicopter, various 7z3a1THkEb4-00252-00080898-00081106 war machines, and hydraulic systems. 7z3a1THkEb4-00253-00081145-00081598 Indeed at times he was taken on by patrons not only for his painting but also for 7z3a1THkEb4-00254-00081598-00081775 his architectural and engineering work. 7z3a1THkEb4-00255-00081812-00082115 This was the case in 1502, when he was under the patronage of 7z3a1THkEb4-00256-00082115-00082265 the notorious Cesare Borgia. 7z3a1THkEb4-00257-00082292-00082604 At the direction of his equally notorious father Pope Alexander VI, 7z3a1THkEb4-00258-00082604-00083095 Cesare went about Romagna in northern Italy conquering territory for himself, 7z3a1THkEb4-00259-00083103-00083421 and he brought Leonardo along to design fortifications and weapons. 7z3a1THkEb4-00260-00083452-00083869 Also with Cesare was Niccolo Machiavelli, a civic official in Florence, who had been 7z3a1THkEb4-00261-00083869-00084317 sent to Cesare for diplomatic purposes and to spy on him to learn of any territorial 7z3a1THkEb4-00262-00084317-00084474 ambitions he might have in Florence. 7z3a1THkEb4-00263-00084519-00084846 One outcome of the contact between Leonardo and Machiavelli, both 7z3a1THkEb4-00264-00084846-00085184 Florentines, was the daring scheme to steal the River Arno. 7z3a1THkEb4-00265-00085210-00085352 Yes, steal a river. 7z3a1THkEb4-00266-00085395-00085773 You see the River Arno runs through Florence and then on to their rival city 7z3a1THkEb4-00267-00085777-00086216 Pisa, so the plan was to weaken Pisa by diverting the river away from the city. 7z3a1THkEb4-00268-00086253-00086545 The plan was unsuccessful, but the conjunction of these two important 7z3a1THkEb4-00269-00086546-00086746 Renaissance minds may not end there. 7z3a1THkEb4-00270-00086774-00087078 Leonardo and Machiavelli seem to have been influential on each other, 7z3a1THkEb4-00271-00087084-00087445 with one scholar suggesting that Leonardo’s scientific thinking inspired 7z3a1THkEb4-00272-00087445-00087804 Machiavelli to essentially create modern political science in his most 7z3a1THkEb4-00273-00087804-00088216 famous work The Prince [which by the way was read by Isabella d’Este]. 7z3a1THkEb4-00274-00088251-00088583 It’s because of this work that we use the term Machiavellian to describe 7z3a1THkEb4-00275-00088588-00088774 underhanded political machinations. 7z3a1THkEb4-00276-00088796-00089198 You see Machiavelli, who was also inspired by Cesare Borgia’s brutal tactics, took 7z3a1THkEb4-00277-00089198-00089579 a very pragmatic approach to wielding power, suggesting that a ruler shouldn’t 7z3a1THkEb4-00278-00089579-00089964 keep his word if doing so would undermine his best interest, and that it’s better 7z3a1THkEb4-00279-00089964-00090165 for a ruler to be feared than loved. 7z3a1THkEb4-00280-00090216-00090558 Another claim that is sometimes made of Machiavelli is that he saw patronage 7z3a1THkEb4-00281-00090562-00090944 as an effective tool of political control as a kind of propaganda, and 7z3a1THkEb4-00282-00090944-00091294 though I don’t think he’s quite that explicit, he does often write about how 7z3a1THkEb4-00283-00091294-00091722 a ruler should seem to be good, seem to be generous, and so forth, making a 7z3a1THkEb4-00284-00091722-00091940 distinction between seeming and reality. 7z3a1THkEb4-00285-00091986-00092291 Furthermore, he wrote that “a prince should also show his esteem 7z3a1THkEb4-00286-00092291-00092625 to talent, actively encouraging able men, and honouring those who 7z3a1THkEb4-00287-00092625-00092957 excel in their profession.” It does indeed sound like an endorsement 7z3a1THkEb4-00288-00092958-00093136 of carefully calculated patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00289-00093191-00093566 And when one thinks of Italian rulers who were good at using artistic patronage for 7z3a1THkEb4-00290-00093566-00094011 political ends, one figure who certainly comes to mind is Rome’s first Emperor, 7z3a1THkEb4-00291-00094020-00094472 Augustus, who is, by the way, probably the source of the term “Prince” to mean 7z3a1THkEb4-00292-00094472-00094818 ruler, as in Machiavelli’s book title, because he styled himself “princeps 7z3a1THkEb4-00293-00094820-00095301 civitatis”, “first man of the state”, and the term ‘princeps’, ‘first-taker’, 7z3a1THkEb4-00294-00095309-00095708 from primus+capere, became the title of the Emperor for the first three 7z3a1THkEb4-00295-00095708-00095904 hundred years or so of the Roman empire. 7z3a1THkEb4-00296-00095942-00096329 Augustus came to power through a civil war, and presided over a major change 7z3a1THkEb4-00297-00096329-00096705 in government, from republic to empire, so he had a lot of PR work to do. 7z3a1THkEb4-00298-00096733-00097070 He famously enlisted the support of a number of poets, in particular 7z3a1THkEb4-00299-00097073-00097371 Virgil and Horace, whose works praising him and supporting his 7z3a1THkEb4-00300-00097371-00097763 policies, subtly or explicitly, were crucial in shaping his public image. 7z3a1THkEb4-00301-00097796-00098212 And he did this via his friend Maecenas, whose patronage of these famous poets, 7z3a1THkEb4-00302-00098216-00098584 memorialised in their works, led to his name becoming an actual term 7z3a1THkEb4-00303-00098587-00098760 for “patron” in several languages. 7z3a1THkEb4-00304-00098807-00099178 Some classical scholars, writing just before and after the second world war, 7z3a1THkEb4-00305-00099182-00099593 went so far as to call Maecenas Augustus’s “Minister of Propaganda”, comparing 7z3a1THkEb4-00306-00099593-00099951 him to Goebbels, who held that role in Hitler’s government [taking us back 7z3a1THkEb4-00307-00099953-00100188 to WWII and Montgomery & Harry’s Bar]. 7z3a1THkEb4-00308-00100231-00100652 But Maecenas didn’t hold anything like an official role as ‘minister of propaganda’. 7z3a1THkEb4-00309-00100677-00100978 Instead, he worked within the long-established Roman 7z3a1THkEb4-00310-00100978-00101318 tradition of patronage, just focussing on poets and writers. 7z3a1THkEb4-00311-00101362-00101766 Roman patronage was a system in which wealthier and more influential families 7z3a1THkEb4-00312-00101767-00102203 helped out people from the lower rungs of Roman society with loans, dowries, 7z3a1THkEb4-00313-00102214-00102634 gifts, and legal representation, in return for political and military support. 7z3a1THkEb4-00314-00102684-00103065 The more powerful person was the patronus meaning “defender, protector, 7z3a1THkEb4-00315-00103074-00103428 advocate” [presumably this led J K Rowling to use the Latin word in her 7z3a1THkEb4-00316-00103428-00103799 famous spell, “expecto patronum”, literally “I await my protector”], 7z3a1THkEb4-00317-00103840-00104208 which is derived from pater “father”, going back to the Proto-Indo-European 7z3a1THkEb4-00318-00104208-00104542 root *pəter-, which through the Germanic branch also gives us father. 7z3a1THkEb4-00319-00104604-00104901 There’s a complex web of meanings here that all have to do with 7z3a1THkEb4-00320-00104901-00105036 the underlying relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00321-00105064-00105483 As we saw before, a patron can not only refer to a wealthy benefactor, but 7z3a1THkEb4-00322-00105485-00105695 also a customer of a bar or restaurant. 7z3a1THkEb4-00323-00105695-00106124 And the verb form patronize can mean to be a customer, but also to act 7z3a1THkEb4-00324-00106208-00106471 condescendingly towards someone, implying a power imbalance and 7z3a1THkEb4-00325-00106471-00106632 pseudo parent-child relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00326-00106682-00106992 The importance of this ‘father’ role to the way the Roman upper classes saw 7z3a1THkEb4-00327-00106992-00107435 themselves is evident in a number of other terms derived from pater, like ‘patrician’ 7z3a1THkEb4-00328-00107446-00107854 [noble], patres conscripti, another name for the Senators who made up the governing 7z3a1THkEb4-00329-00107854-00108310 body of the Republic, and pater patriae, Father of the Fatherland, an honorific 7z3a1THkEb4-00330-00108314-00108713 awarded for notable service to the state, to people such as Cicero & Augustus. 7z3a1THkEb4-00331-00108743-00109144 The governing class of Rome saw themselves as ‘fathers’ to the rest of the citizens. 7z3a1THkEb4-00332-00109145-00109422 And the patron, in return for his father-like protection 7z3a1THkEb4-00333-00109437-00109614 expected loyalty from his client. 7z3a1THkEb4-00334-00109649-00110088 The word client comes from Latin cliens either from the verb cluere “to 7z3a1THkEb4-00335-00110088-00110412 listen, follow, obey”, from the same Proto-Indo-European root as English 7z3a1THkEb4-00336-00110414-00110996 listen, or from clinare “to incline, bend” from the same root as English lean; and 7z3a1THkEb4-00337-00110996-00111465 ironically the word clientele, “group of regular clients of a business”, now 7z3a1THkEb4-00338-00111465-00111859 means much the same thing as patrons, in the sense of people who regularly 7z3a1THkEb4-00339-00111895-00112104 patronise--visit--an establishment. 7z3a1THkEb4-00340-00112147-00112499 But it wasn’t just poor Romans who had patrons—even members of the 7z3a1THkEb4-00341-00112502-00112868 upper classes would exchange favours for support; however, they didn’t 7z3a1THkEb4-00342-00112868-00113206 like being called ‘clients’, or to call someone their ‘patron’, because 7z3a1THkEb4-00343-00113208-00113583 that made them seem too low status, so a whole euphemistic language of 7z3a1THkEb4-00344-00113583-00113782 ‘friendship’, amicitia, was developed. 7z3a1THkEb4-00345-00113824-00114213 Amicitia is derived from the Latin verb amare “to love”, from which we get the 7z3a1THkEb4-00346-00114213-00114650 word amorous, and ultimately goes back to Proto-Indo-European *am- the base 7z3a1THkEb4-00347-00114650-00115055 of various relationship words including English aunt—like that Pekinese-wielding 7z3a1THkEb4-00348-00115055-00115159 relative of Harry Pickering. 7z3a1THkEb4-00349-00115219-00115575 It was that language of ‘friendship’ that Virgil and Horace used to refer 7z3a1THkEb4-00350-00115575-00116019 to their “greater friend” Maecenas, and his ‘greater friend’ Augustus, 7z3a1THkEb4-00351-00116030-00116365 who was by this time the principal benefactor, another word related to 7z3a1THkEb4-00352-00116365-00116777 Bellini’s name, meaning literally “a doer of good” from the Latin adverb bene 7z3a1THkEb4-00353-00116788-00117241 “well”, ultimately from that same PIE root, of the entire Roman citizenry. 7z3a1THkEb4-00354-00117288-00117606 And this connection between friendship and patronage brings us back to 7z3a1THkEb4-00355-00117606-00117977 Harry’s Bar, a product of a friendship that turned one kind of patron 7z3a1THkEb4-00356-00117989-00118141 into a different kind of patron! 7z3a1THkEb4-00357-00118453-00119121 Mark: So I just want to first of all add a couple of tiny, little details about the 7z3a1THkEb4-00358-00119121-00119617 Bellini cocktail one of which we actually just looked up now cuz we were curious 7z3a1THkEb4-00359-00119618-00120170 to know if Arrigo Cipriani is still alive, alive and running the business. 7z3a1THkEb4-00360-00120191-00120521 As far as I can tell, he's still alive, but he, he's quite old 7z3a1THkEb4-00361-00120521-00120865 and is not primarily in charge of the family business anymore. 7z3a1THkEb4-00362-00120865-00121563 That is now his son Giuseppe Cipriani the younger, I guess, running the business. 7z3a1THkEb4-00363-00121569-00121765 And he is also a race car driver. 7z3a1THkEb4-00364-00121923-00122151 I mean, that's very quintessentially Italian Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00365-00122152-00122604 Running a a, a bar and and, and also a race car driver. 7z3a1THkEb4-00366-00122619-00122652 Yep. 7z3a1THkEb4-00367-00122673-00123207 So The other point is for those of you who know a little bit about kind of cocktail 7z3a1THkEb4-00368-00123228-00123822 bar lore, you will know that there are a number of bars known as Harry's Bar. 7z3a1THkEb4-00369-00123829-00124145 They are otherwise not directly related. 7z3a1THkEb4-00370-00124145-00124362 They're not run by the Cipriani family. 7z3a1THkEb4-00371-00124366-00124695 But there's a Harry's Bar in London, which was specifically 7z3a1THkEb4-00372-00124695-00124836 named after the Venice Bar. 7z3a1THkEb4-00373-00124842-00124881 Okay? 7z3a1THkEb4-00374-00124920-00124940 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00375-00124942-00125653 There's a Harry's Bar in Rome and there is a Harry's New York Bar in Paris, 7z3a1THkEb4-00376-00125765-00125959 , which is probably the most famous. 7z3a1THkEb4-00377-00125959-00126322 Well that, and the, the one in Venice are the, probably the two most famous. 7z3a1THkEb4-00378-00126324-00126894 The one in Paris, it is Probably falsely claimed that a number of 7z3a1THkEb4-00379-00126928-00127332 cocktails were invented there including the Bloody Mary, the Sidecar, the 7z3a1THkEb4-00380-00127332-00127506 White Lady, and the French 75. 7z3a1THkEb4-00381-00127506-00127587 So right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00382-00127587-00127779 Four very famous cocktails. 7z3a1THkEb4-00383-00127797-00127876 But who knows? 7z3a1THkEb4-00384-00127926-00128242 , it's always hard to establish with these cocktail origins. 7z3a1THkEb4-00385-00128299-00128827 Now moving on from the cocktail to the painter, and well actually more 7z3a1THkEb4-00386-00128828-00129380 specifically the patroness, the patron, the, , I don't know if we still use the 7z3a1THkEb4-00387-00129380-00129740 word patroness, usually they just seem to refer to her as a, I would just say 7z3a1THkEb4-00388-00129740-00129788 Aven: patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-00389-00129788-00130092 I think -esses are to be avoided if at all possible. 7z3a1THkEb4-00390-00130115-00130793 Mark: Well, so one of the main articles that I drew on for the story of 7z3a1THkEb4-00391-00130793-00131334 Isabella D'Este was by Jaynie Anderson, it's an article more generally on 7z3a1THkEb4-00392-00131337-00131564 women patrons in Renaissance Italy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00393-00131564-00131855 It's called "Rewriting the History of Art Patronage". 7z3a1THkEb4-00394-00131947-00132404 so I just wanted to read out a few choice quotations from this article just to 7z3a1THkEb4-00395-00132404-00132880 give a bit more information about you know, female patrons in in that period. 7z3a1THkEb4-00396-00132899-00133408 And so well, so one bit that she writes right in the introduction: "Indeed, 7z3a1THkEb4-00397-00133418-00133844 with the exception of some superwomen, like Isabella D'Este and the abbess 7z3a1THkEb4-00398-00133844-00134443 Gioanna da Piacenza, women patrons have suffered a particular form of death. 7z3a1THkEb4-00399-00134473-00134947 They have been ignored, not only by historians of patronage, but more 7z3a1THkEb4-00400-00134947-00135206 curiously ,until recently, by feminists". 7z3a1THkEb4-00401-00135252-00135668 And so, you know, part of the point of this article is to kind of rectify that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00402-00135698-00135704 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00403-00135714-00135747 And. 7z3a1THkEb4-00404-00135763-00136418 She quotes another scholar Steven Kolsky, who wrote a work about a 7z3a1THkEb4-00405-00136418-00137066 treatise called De Mulieribus, "About Women", written by Equicola, and 7z3a1THkEb4-00406-00137069-00137255 I'll talk more about him in a minute. 7z3a1THkEb4-00407-00137256-00137685 It was written in 1501, so , you know, right around the time that this, this 7z3a1THkEb4-00408-00137685-00138278 all was happening, So Kolsky writes and quoting as part of this the, the, 7z3a1THkEb4-00409-00138284-00138833 that treatise, "Isabella is recognized as having a superhuman stature and 7z3a1THkEb4-00410-00138833-00139544 is 'seen as the presiding deity, the patron who watches over the artist to 7z3a1THkEb4-00411-00139544-00140004 ensure they produce an acceptable work'. 7z3a1THkEb4-00412-00140004-00140438 The literature on famous women, which escalates slowly through the Renaissance 7z3a1THkEb4-00413-00140438-00140924 as a consequence of female patronage, is one important factor in changing 7z3a1THkEb4-00414-00140924-00141117 how women were seen as patrons". 7z3a1THkEb4-00415-00141153-00141591 So Anderson goes on to, to write "quantitatively what 7z3a1THkEb4-00416-00141592-00141777 percentage of patrons were women? 7z3a1THkEb4-00417-00141843-00142206 No such survey has ever been made in patronage studies. 7z3a1THkEb4-00418-00142256-00142734 Two accounts of Renaissance workshops with receipts and orders for works of 7z3a1THkEb4-00419-00142737-00143253 art commissioned in different regions in Italy are sources which are suitable for a 7z3a1THkEb4-00420-00143253-00143529 statistical analysis of Italian patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00421-00143598-00144160 In each case, irrespective of region, at least 10% of their patrons were 7z3a1THkEb4-00422-00144160-00144445 women, almost all widows and nuns". 7z3a1THkEb4-00423-00144466-00145062 And she goes on you know, in a lot of detail about, you know, the evidence 7z3a1THkEb4-00424-00145062-00145456 and the the nature of these women who were patrons in their own rights. 7z3a1THkEb4-00425-00145456-00145532 In their own right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00426-00145533-00145919 And you know, this 10% may be a low figure. 7z3a1THkEb4-00427-00145927-00146160 So it may be, you know, rather higher than that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00428-00146187-00146586 Aven: Well, if there were mostly widows and nuns, then I would imagine there's 7z3a1THkEb4-00429-00146586-00146949 a very good chance that a fair amount of the other patronage that is done in the 7z3a1THkEb4-00430-00146949-00147228 name of the men is actually done by women. 7z3a1THkEb4-00431-00147261-00147340 Could be, yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00432-00147341-00147840 So only when they don't have men in whose name to do it are you seeing 7z3a1THkEb4-00433-00147840-00148038 them listed as the main patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-00434-00148041-00148053 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00435-00148086-00148391 It seems, I mean, also there's a certain status accorded to widows and 7z3a1THkEb4-00436-00148391-00148548 nuns, that allows them independence. 7z3a1THkEb4-00437-00148548-00148983 But I suspect, you know, if it was a married woman, she'd probably 7z3a1THkEb4-00438-00148983-00149307 do it in the name of her husband, even if it was actually her. 7z3a1THkEb4-00439-00149358-00149433 So, yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00440-00149469-00149642 Mark: Anyways, it's a fascinating article. 7z3a1THkEb4-00441-00149642-00149760 And a fascinating topic. 7z3a1THkEb4-00442-00149763-00150027 So, you know, if you want to know more about that, we'll link 7z3a1THkEb4-00443-00150027-00150117 Aven: to it in the show notes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00444-00150117-00150126 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00445-00150169-00150689 Mark: Now this guy, Equicola, is specifically connected to Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00446-00150701-00151010 And so I just grabbed a little bit of biographical detail 7z3a1THkEb4-00447-00151013-00151241 about him from Wikipedia. 7z3a1THkEb4-00448-00151265-00151462 So his name is Mario Equicola. 7z3a1THkEb4-00449-00151489-00151932 He was born around 1470 and lived till 1525. 7z3a1THkEb4-00450-00151932-00152441 He was an Italian renaissance humanist, a neo Latin author, a 7z3a1THkEb4-00451-00152441-00152988 Bibliophile and courtier of Isabella D'Este and Federico II Gonzaga. 7z3a1THkEb4-00452-00152988-00153535 The National Gallery of Art describes him as "one of the renaissance 7z3a1THkEb4-00453-00153535-00153843 most admired classical scholars." 7z3a1THkEb4-00454-00153890-00154326 Born at Alvito in or around 1470. 7z3a1THkEb4-00455-00154345-00154737 Equicola was moved to Naples while still a boy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00456-00154767-00155122 There he entered the Accademia Pontaniana as a young man. 7z3a1THkEb4-00457-00155217-00155666 He later moved on to Florence, where he studied under Marsilio Ficino. 7z3a1THkEb4-00458-00155688-00155995 And he's come up before in previous podcasts. 7z3a1THkEb4-00459-00155995-00156234 The the one we did about "Coach". 7z3a1THkEb4-00460-00156294-00156333 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00461-00156402-00156529 As a Neo-platonist. 7z3a1THkEb4-00462-00156529-00156538 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00463-00156642-00156907 And adopted his teacher's Neoplatonism. 7z3a1THkEb4-00464-00156907-00157322 And then to Mantua to the court of Isabella and Federico. 7z3a1THkEb4-00465-00157334-00158025 In 1511 Equicola wrote Isabella, that he was continuing to stay in Ferrara 7z3a1THkEb4-00466-00158121-00158636 at the court of Duke, Alfonso, her brother in order to prepare in writing 7z3a1THkEb4-00467-00158697-00159075 six Fabulae, fables, stories, stories. 7z3a1THkEb4-00468-00159126-00159805 Or 'istorie', histories to be painted for the decoration of one 7z3a1THkEb4-00469-00159805-00160339 of the Duke's rooms, the camerino d'alabastro , the alabaster chamber. 7z3a1THkEb4-00470-00160357-00160381 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00471-00160438-00160826 And as we'll hear in more detail in a minute this is the kind of 7z3a1THkEb4-00472-00160831-00161075 plan, artistic plan that Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00473-00161151-00161646 Presented to Bellini for the initial concept of the painting. 7z3a1THkEb4-00474-00161649-00161658 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00475-00161658-00161974 It transformed greatly by the time the work was done. 7z3a1THkEb4-00476-00161979-00162452 But she had in mind a certain historia that she wanted represented in. 7z3a1THkEb4-00477-00162452-00162482 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00478-00162521-00162626 In art. 7z3a1THkEb4-00479-00162695-00163009 It wasn't as far as I know, by Equicola. 7z3a1THkEb4-00480-00163038-00163285 But it's the same sort of thing that he was preparing. 7z3a1THkEb4-00481-00163300-00163308 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00482-00163310-00164027 So these paintings among them, the Feast of the Gods and Bacchus and Ariadne were 7z3a1THkEb4-00483-00164027-00164303 executed by Giovanni Bellini and Titian. 7z3a1THkEb4-00484-00164367-00164416 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00485-00164494-00164861 Equicola's sources were exhaustive, both classical and contemporary. 7z3a1THkEb4-00486-00164861-00165236 He may have been commissioned to Allegorize the marriage of Alfonso 7z3a1THkEb4-00487-00165257-00165482 and Lucretia Borgia in 1501. 7z3a1THkEb4-00488-00165533-00165548 Hmm. 7z3a1THkEb4-00489-00165632-00166129 So Equicola expressed an interest in contemporary vernacular poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-00490-00166130-00166510 He was one of the first scholars to bring attention to the inventions 7z3a1THkEb4-00491-00166510-00166996 of the troubadours and traced the origins of vernacular poetry to them. 7z3a1THkEb4-00492-00167023-00167494 He also was one of the first scholars to praise women as exceeding men in 7z3a1THkEb4-00493-00167494-00167959 their excellence in his little treatise De Mulieribus, right, about women. 7z3a1THkEb4-00494-00168013-00168501 In 1517, he accompanied his patroness, well, there's patroness for you, he 7z3a1THkEb4-00495-00168502-00169060 accompanied his patroness on a pilgrimage to Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, which 7z3a1THkEb4-00496-00169060-00169235 I, I assume how that's pronounced. 7z3a1THkEb4-00497-00169235-00169352 I've never heard of this place, 7z3a1THkEb4-00498-00169352-00169437 Aven: so I dunno. 7z3a1THkEb4-00499-00169438-00169586 Yeah, I can't correct you specifically. 7z3a1THkEb4-00500-00169592-00169847 Mark: Which took them through Provence, where he availed 7z3a1THkEb4-00501-00169848-00170133 himself of the archives of Aix. 7z3a1THkEb4-00502-00170267-00170368 Aven: Ikes Ikes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00503-00170399-00170402 Aye? 7z3a1THkEb4-00504-00170429-00170663 I've never, I don't know, I've never known how to pronounce that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00505-00170675-00171056 Mark: So he's, he's quite an interesting figure in his own right, and has, very, 7z3a1THkEb4-00506-00171056-00171254 significant relationship with Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00507-00171260-00171281 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00508-00171288-00171805 And so, you know, the last little bit that I want to talk about Isabella and Bellini 7z3a1THkEb4-00509-00171848-00172162 is her negotiations with the artist. 7z3a1THkEb4-00510-00172167-00172748 So the initial negotiations and at various points during the whole thing were done 7z3a1THkEb4-00511-00172748-00173063 indirectly through various go-betweens. 7z3a1THkEb4-00512-00173063-00173438 There are some letters written directly by her to Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00513-00173450-00173483 Aven: Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00514-00173520-00173694 And her archive of letters survives. 7z3a1THkEb4-00515-00173694-00173784 This is her archives of 7z3a1THkEb4-00516-00173784-00173859 Mark: letters survives. 7z3a1THkEb4-00517-00173860-00174322 So we, we know all of this So it, the initial stages were conducted 7z3a1THkEb4-00518-00174322-00174490 by a man named Michele Vianello. 7z3a1THkEb4-00519-00174607-00174654 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00520-00174660-00175299 And one interesting very small detail that I didn't pick up on at the time, 7z3a1THkEb4-00521-00175300-00175665 but it had, I done so I probably might have mentioned, but it's, it's kind of 7z3a1THkEb4-00522-00175665-00176196 coincidental, but Isabella's Messenger, who is mentioned in the letters is 7z3a1THkEb4-00523-00176197-00176888 coincidentally named Cipriano, presumably no relationship to the Cipriani family. 7z3a1THkEb4-00524-00176891-00176906 No. 7z3a1THkEb4-00525-00176932-00177355 But I just thought it was quite, quite an interesting little coincidence. 7z3a1THkEb4-00526-00177388-00178050 So what I wanna do is you know, just read some little bits about this negotiation. 7z3a1THkEb4-00527-00178052-00178329 I'm not gonna read out the, original text of it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00528-00178329-00178494 I don't actually have translations. 7z3a1THkEb4-00529-00178495-00178650 I have summaries of each letter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00530-00178653-00178683 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00531-00178690-00179214 And I have some facsimiles of the manuscript, but that's in Italian in yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00532-00179244-00179509 Renaissance book hand Italian. 7z3a1THkEb4-00533-00179509-00180019 Yeah.That's not gonna work a little bit beyond my paleo graphical experience 7z3a1THkEb4-00534-00180034-00180103 Aven: and linguistics. 7z3a1THkEb4-00535-00180130-00180145 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00536-00180145-00180424 I mean, even if you could transcribe it, you couldn't translate it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00537-00180449-00180469 Mark: Translate it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00538-00180469-00180497 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00539-00180504-00180784 But, you know, some of these descriptions are actually 7z3a1THkEb4-00540-00180785-00180964 quite interesting on their own. 7z3a1THkEb4-00541-00181009-00181664 So in a letter dated 1501 5th of March from that guy Vianello to 7z3a1THkEb4-00542-00181669-00182146 Isabella, he says Bellini has been told that Isabella wants a storia. 7z3a1THkEb4-00543-00182268-00182868 Bellini told Villa that he had to continue working in the Ducal Palace and that he 7z3a1THkEb4-00544-00182868-00183354 was forced to work there all morning, but that he would manage to find some time 7z3a1THkEb4-00545-00183357-00183576 every day in order to please Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00546-00183612-00184017 Bellini has many other works to do, and he thinks that he will need 7z3a1THkEb4-00547-00184032-00184344 one and a half years to do hers. 7z3a1THkEb4-00548-00184365-00184771 He asks for 150 ducats but Vianello thinks that he will 7z3a1THkEb4-00549-00184771-00184990 be willing to reduce it to 100. 7z3a1THkEb4-00550-00185070-00185394 So there is a, you know, some haggling about the price in these letter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00551-00185394-00185487 Of course that goes on. 7z3a1THkEb4-00552-00185494-00186047 So in another letter 1501 10th of March, Isabella to Vianello she wants Bellini's 7z3a1THkEb4-00553-00186047-00186494 price reduced to 100 ducks 18 months seems too long to her as she wants 7z3a1THkEb4-00554-00186494-00186716 Bellini's picture completed in a year. 7z3a1THkEb4-00555-00186752-00187187 Bellini still has to work in the Doge's Palace, but he is a good master 7z3a1THkEb4-00556-00187193-00187397 and will be able to find the time. 7z3a1THkEb4-00557-00187421-00187769 She will close the deal at 100 ducats and she will be satisfied 7z3a1THkEb4-00558-00187769-00187919 if he finishes, it in a year. 7z3a1THkEb4-00559-00187989-00188271 Then 1501, 1st of April, Vianello to Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00560-00188286-00188679 He has been to see Bellini several times and has told him what Isabella wants. 7z3a1THkEb4-00561-00188703-00189001 They have agreed to a price of 100 ducats and that the work 7z3a1THkEb4-00562-00189001-00189151 will be finished in one year. 7z3a1THkEb4-00563-00189189-00189454 Bellini has promised to be as quick as possible. 7z3a1THkEb4-00564-00189455-00189715 He insists on an advance of 25 ducats. 7z3a1THkEb4-00565-00189748-00190030 He will begin work after the Easter holiday. 7z3a1THkEb4-00566-00190051-00190301 So remember that 25 Ducats. 7z3a1THkEb4-00567-00190323-00190892 Then a letter 1501 25th June Vianello to Isabella Bellini does not like the 7z3a1THkEb4-00568-00190895-00191357 historia that he has been given, and he is not very willing to do it because he knows 7z3a1THkEb4-00569-00191358-00191828 that Isabella is a good judge of painting, and that the work will be compared 7z3a1THkEb4-00570-00191828-00192190 with that work by Andrea Montegna. 7z3a1THkEb4-00571-00192223-00192321 Remember him? 7z3a1THkEb4-00572-00192321-00192384 The brother-in-law. 7z3a1THkEb4-00573-00192384-00192483 The brother-in-law, yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00574-00192487-00192511 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00575-00192528-00192792 So he's worried about his work, not 7z3a1THkEb4-00576-00192826-00193030 Aven: That's the sort of thing says when he doesn't, I guess. 7z3a1THkEb4-00577-00193060-00193342 Well, that's what you say when you don't wanna do something is, oh, I 7z3a1THkEb4-00578-00193342-00193468 don't think I could do it well enough. 7z3a1THkEb4-00579-00193471-00193489 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00580-00193538-00193762 Rather than, that's a stupid story and I don't wanna do it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00581-00193767-00193810 Do it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00582-00193810-00193830 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00583-00193975-00194499 Mark: Bellini wants to excel and he says that given the istoria, he cannot do a 7z3a1THkEb4-00584-00194499-00194985 good painting because it has nothing good in it and he is most unwilling to do it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00585-00194991-00195480 Vianello is sure that given the istoria, Bellini will not 7z3a1THkEb4-00586-00195480-00195678 give Isabella what she wants. 7z3a1THkEb4-00587-00195726-00196185 He advises her to leave Bellini free to do what he wants for, for, 7z3a1THkEb4-00588-00196185-00196380 then she will be better served. 7z3a1THkEb4-00589-00196404-00196632 He will do nothing further without her advice. 7z3a1THkEb4-00590-00196651-00196712 All right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00591-00196742-00196805 Next. 7z3a1THkEb4-00592-00196822-00196903 1501. 7z3a1THkEb4-00593-00196927-00197029 28th June. 7z3a1THkEb4-00594-00197033-00197640 Isabella gives way over the subject, Bellini can invent his own. 7z3a1THkEb4-00595-00197691-00197982 There's a little comment here by the writer of this article 7z3a1THkEb4-00596-00197982-00198071 that I'm getting this from. 7z3a1THkEb4-00597-00198071-00198273 , and I'll put, I'll give all those details. 7z3a1THkEb4-00598-00198275-00198466 We'll, we'll put them in the the show notes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00599-00198466-00198959 But he says, "the ease with which Isabella gives way is rather surprising as is 7z3a1THkEb4-00600-00198959-00199459 her willingness to accept a painting only loosely related to Montegna's. 7z3a1THkEb4-00601-00199492-00199867 Modern writers have tended to overemphasize the iconographic 7z3a1THkEb4-00602-00199867-00200302 unity and paid less attention to the purely acquisitive collector 7z3a1THkEb4-00603-00200302-00200548 instincts underlying the initial plan. 7z3a1THkEb4-00604-00200581-00200962 Isabella was certainly not insisting on an allegorical painting. 7z3a1THkEb4-00605-00200983-00201406 She's willing to accept a painting illustrating a scene from classical 7z3a1THkEb4-00606-00201406-00201617 history or from mythology". 7z3a1THkEb4-00607-00201691-00202224 Skipping forward a a little while 1502 10th August Isabella to Vianello, 7z3a1THkEb4-00608-00202243-00202616 if Bellini hasn't begun her painting, let him give her money back. 7z3a1THkEb4-00609-00202658-00202967 So this is the first sign of kind of trouble. 7z3a1THkEb4-00610-00202970-00202994 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00611-00203043-00203286 1502 31st of August. 7z3a1THkEb4-00612-00203298-00203637 this is Lorenzo Di Pavia, another kind of go-between figure. 7z3a1THkEb4-00613-00203662-00204019 so Bini hasn't started her picture, but not because he and Vianello 7z3a1THkEb4-00614-00204055-00204205 haven't pressed him to do so. 7z3a1THkEb4-00615-00204229-00204574 Lorenzo had always thought that Bellini wouldn't do it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00616-00204619-00204907 He had recently told Isabella that Bellini wasn't the man. 7z3a1THkEb4-00617-00204919-00205120 He says he will do them, but he never does. 7z3a1THkEb4-00618-00205150-00205396 Lorenzo has a friend who is a poet. 7z3a1THkEb4-00619-00205429-00205840 He has asked him to find some istoria that would be easy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00620-00205870-00206477 He encloses it, but it is clear to him that Bellini doesn't want to do anything. 7z3a1THkEb4-00621-00206477-00206828 Vianello is trying to get the 25 ducats back and will keep 7z3a1THkEb4-00622-00206828-00207191 her informed of everything. 7z3a1THkEb4-00623-00207378-00207756 1502 15th of October Vianello to Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00624-00207807-00208155 Bellini agrees to paint an excellent precepio. 7z3a1THkEb4-00625-00208260-00208754 if she wishes he will do it on the canvas that was made for her Camerino picture. 7z3a1THkEb4-00626-00208787-00209195 He will begin at once and asks for 100 ducats, the price that 7z3a1THkEb4-00627-00209195-00209385 was fixed for the other painting. 7z3a1THkEb4-00628-00209406-00209727 Will Isabella let him know if she agrees? 7z3a1THkEb4-00629-00209736-00209769 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00630-00209769-00210400 So this is when we move to some kind of nativity like subject and away from 7z3a1THkEb4-00631-00210404-00210650 some mythology piece or allegorical 7z3a1THkEb4-00632-00210650-00210719 Aven: historical piece 7z3a1THkEb4-00633-00210719-00210755 Mark: or something. 7z3a1THkEb4-00634-00210755-00210773 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00635-00210773-00210790 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00636-00210792-00211099 1502 20th of October, Isabella to Vianello. 7z3a1THkEb4-00637-00211135-00211598 She is pleased that Bellini will paint a percepio in place of the Historia. 7z3a1THkEb4-00638-00211653-00212041 She doesn't want the work to be the same size as the latter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00639-00212041-00212403 She will give the measurements to her husband's secretary, who 7z3a1THkEb4-00640-00212403-00212622 is also the bearer of the letter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00641-00212670-00212979 She wants to put the Percepio in a bedroom. 7z3a1THkEb4-00642-00213018-00213298 So originally she was looking for something for her study. 7z3a1THkEb4-00643-00213355-00213825 Now because of the change in subject, it's more fitting for a bedroom piece. 7z3a1THkEb4-00644-00213825-00213990 And she wants it for cheaper therefore. 7z3a1THkEb4-00645-00213997-00214311 It doesn't seem right to her that Bellini should have the same fee for 7z3a1THkEb4-00646-00214311-00214696 the istoria which would've required more figures than a nativity. 7z3a1THkEb4-00647-00214784-00215317 Vianello can offer him 40 or 50 ducats as this seems a fair price, reserving 7z3a1THkEb4-00648-00215317-00215705 the right to give him more or less, according to his opinion of its merit. 7z3a1THkEb4-00649-00215750-00216120 If Bellini seems inclined to leave the percepio to paint some other 7z3a1THkEb4-00650-00216120-00216564 invention she would be happier with a nativity because she hasn't yet 7z3a1THkEb4-00651-00216564-00216744 got a painting of that subject. 7z3a1THkEb4-00652-00216827-00217347 so you can see the degree to which the patron, at least in this particular 7z3a1THkEb4-00653-00217347-00217798 negotiation has in terms of the, like, not just the content, but the 7z3a1THkEb4-00654-00217798-00217992 size and the purpose of the painting. 7z3a1THkEb4-00655-00217992-00218173 Like it's very specific. 7z3a1THkEb4-00656-00218203-00218602 1502 12th of November, Isabella, to Vianello. 7z3a1THkEb4-00657-00218607-00219095 Bellini is resolved to paint a picture of the Madonna and Child and St. 7z3a1THkEb4-00658-00219095-00219338 John the Baptist in place of the nativity. 7z3a1THkEb4-00659-00219349-00219744 She would like him to include a Saint Jerome and other inventione 7z3a1THkEb4-00660-00219744-00219922 that seems suitable to him. 7z3a1THkEb4-00661-00219928-00220398 She agrees to the 50 Ducat fee impress on Bellini that she wants it quickly. 7z3a1THkEb4-00662-00220479-00220908 1504, 10th April Isabella to Alvis Marcello. 7z3a1THkEb4-00663-00220950-00221487 Three years have passed since she gave 25 ducats to Bellini for Una Historia 7z3a1THkEb4-00664-00221517-00221736 that was to be placed in her studio. 7z3a1THkEb4-00665-00221763-00222123 Later he changed it to a Percepio del Salvatore. 7z3a1THkEb4-00666-00222123-00222522 Bellini hasn't the slightest excuse for not returning her money. 7z3a1THkEb4-00667-00222543-00222969 Marcello must summon Bellini and demand her 25 Ducats. 7z3a1THkEb4-00668-00223011-00223413 He is not to accept any excuse or an offer to do the painting 7z3a1THkEb4-00669-00223431-00223614 because she doesn't want it anymore. 7z3a1THkEb4-00670-00223665-00224034 , he could men he could mention the affair to the Doge. 7z3a1THkEb4-00671-00224201-00224380 So things are really breaking down. 7z3a1THkEb4-00672-00224392-00224718 1504 10th April Isabella to Lorenzo Di Pavia. 7z3a1THkEb4-00673-00224725-00225027 She cannot stand any more Bellini's villainy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00674-00225064-00225463 She wants her money back and unless the picture is finished, she will 7z3a1THkEb4-00675-00225472-00225927 ask Alvis Marcello to get it returned so that she can escape from the 7z3a1THkEb4-00676-00225927-00226191 clutches of such an ungrateful man 7z3a1THkEb4-00677-00226259-00226684 If Alvis is unable to obtain the money, he must appeal to the Doge. 7z3a1THkEb4-00678-00226714-00226969 She sends her greetings to Vianello. 7z3a1THkEb4-00679-00226969-00227008 So it 7z3a1THkEb4-00680-00227008-00227111 Aven: gets rancorous. 7z3a1THkEb4-00681-00227134-00227164 Mark: Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00682-00227164-00227171 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00683-00227175-00227535 1504 2nd of July, Giovanni Bellini to Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00684-00227583-00227997 On bended knee, he asks her forgiveness for the delay , which 7z3a1THkEb4-00685-00228001-00228412 was due to the pressure of work and not to any neglect of her orders, 7z3a1THkEb4-00686-00228413-00228655 which are engraved in his heart. 7z3a1THkEb4-00687-00228694-00229030 If his work doesn't satisfy her great wisdom and experience, 7z3a1THkEb4-00688-00229042-00229369 it must be attributed to the limitation of his ability. 7z3a1THkEb4-00689-00229399-00229420 Aven: Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00690-00229420-00229712 So he's finally writing directly because he, he's writing directly. 7z3a1THkEb4-00691-00229713-00229790 Now he has to grovel. 7z3a1THkEb4-00692-00229801-00229834 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00693-00229975-00230050 Mark: 1504. 7z3a1THkEb4-00694-00230050-00230419 Sixth July Lorenzo De Pavia to Isabella. 7z3a1THkEb4-00695-00230458-00230911 He has discussed Bellini's picture with Alvis Marcello on several occasions. 7z3a1THkEb4-00696-00230911-00231274 Marcello cannot do anything about the 25 ducats. 7z3a1THkEb4-00697-00231313-00231556 That morning Lorenzo had been to see Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00698-00231556-00231978 The painting is finished and it is beautiful and has turned out 7z3a1THkEb4-00699-00231978-00232185 much better than he anticipated. 7z3a1THkEb4-00700-00232197-00232371 He is sure that she will like it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00701-00232399-00232737 In this painting, Bellini has exerted himself out of respect for Montegna. 7z3a1THkEb4-00702-00232770-00233223 It is true that he doesn't get anywhere near Montegna in inventione. 7z3a1THkEb4-00703-00233226-00233704 He advises her to accept the work, but if she doesn't want it he has found a 7z3a1THkEb4-00704-00233704-00233963 buyer so that she need not lose any money. 7z3a1THkEb4-00705-00234027-00234210 He will do nothing without her orders. 7z3a1THkEb4-00706-00234234-00234703 Bellini has behaved very badly and he has plenty of excuses. 7z3a1THkEb4-00707-00234704-00235155 Lorenzo wants her to have a work by Bellini, which is amongst the finest 7z3a1THkEb4-00708-00235155-00235619 in Italy and there won't be much chance of obtaining another from him since he 7z3a1THkEb4-00709-00235619-00235868 is old, and he will go into decline. 7z3a1THkEb4-00710-00235929-00236271 If she wishes Bellini will make a most beautiful frame. 7z3a1THkEb4-00711-00236279-00236567 He will take the measurements and send the picture. 7z3a1THkEb4-00712-00236661-00236820 1504 ninth July. 7z3a1THkEb4-00713-00236820-00237013 Isabella to Giovanni Bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-00714-00237051-00237465 She hopes that the picture will live up to his reputation, and if it does, 7z3a1THkEb4-00715-00237465-00237906 she will be satisfied and will forgive the wrong he has done her by his delay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00716-00237942-00238305 She has asked Lorenzo Di Pavia to pay him 25 ducats. 7z3a1THkEb4-00717-00238341-00238786 If she can be of any assistance to him, she will be glad to help. 7z3a1THkEb4-00718-00238787-00239200 And one last little coda to this one last letter. 7z3a1THkEb4-00719-00239204-00239315 1505. 7z3a1THkEb4-00720-00239360-00239578 So we're already now at 1505. 7z3a1THkEb4-00721-00239583-00239951 Isabella to Gianna Bini 1505 19th of October, I should say. 7z3a1THkEb4-00722-00240046-00240387 She has accepted the Percepio in exchange for the Historia 7z3a1THkEb4-00723-00240387-00240585 which he had first promised her. 7z3a1THkEb4-00724-00240591-00241128 She likes the former very much, and it is dear to her as any of her pictures. 7z3a1THkEb4-00725-00241242-00241269 So, 7z3a1THkEb4-00726-00241278-00241503 Aven: finally satisfied, satisfied, or at least polite. 7z3a1THkEb4-00727-00241503-00241545 Mark: Yes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00728-00241632-00242106 And apparently she was not known for being needlessly praising things she didn't 7z3a1THkEb4-00729-00242106-00242430 like, so just an interesting little window 7z3a1THkEb4-00730-00242435-00242624 Aven: Into the back and forth and Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00731-00242633-00242726 Yeah, for sure. 7z3a1THkEb4-00732-00242780-00242798 And 7z3a1THkEb4-00733-00242798-00243412 Mark: then the final thing I wanted to touch on is kind of what happens next. 7z3a1THkEb4-00734-00243418-00244003 So it's a little chain that takes us from the style of art after the Quattrocento, 7z3a1THkEb4-00735-00244078-00244510 after this period of, you know, late 15th century, early 16th century Italy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00736-00244516-00244900 And takes us to the word propaganda since we talked about propaganda. 7z3a1THkEb4-00737-00244912-00244948 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-00738-00244991-00245360 So first of all, there's a style of art called mannerism that 7z3a1THkEb4-00739-00245360-00245692 kind of followed this in the renaissance, this latter style. 7z3a1THkEb4-00740-00245693-00245818 In, in the latter Renaissance. 7z3a1THkEb4-00741-00245825-00246055 In the latter part of the Italian Renaissance, a new style of 7z3a1THkEb4-00742-00246055-00246260 painting emerged called mannerism. 7z3a1THkEb4-00743-00246260-00246833 It's in some ways an extension of, and a reaction to the art of the high 7z3a1THkEb4-00744-00246833-00247268 Renaissance instead of the harmony and balance of the high Renaissance. 7z3a1THkEb4-00745-00247286-00247670 Mannerism is characterized by exaggeration and asymmetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-00746-00247742-00248102 Elements of mannerism can already be seen in the later works of painters 7z3a1THkEb4-00747-00248102-00248614 such as the Florentine, Michelangelo but it is most evident in somewhat later 7z3a1THkEb4-00748-00248614-00249135 artists in Rome and Florence between 1520 and the end of the 16th century. 7z3a1THkEb4-00749-00249176-00249396 Though not so much amongst the Venetian painters. 7z3a1THkEb4-00750-00249429-00249947 Now what comes at this point in time is the Reformation and counter Reformation. 7z3a1THkEb4-00751-00249977-00250361 So the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic church's response to 7z3a1THkEb4-00752-00250361-00250721 this known as the Counter Reformation had an important influence on 7z3a1THkEb4-00753-00250769-00250916 artistic styles going forward. 7z3a1THkEb4-00754-00250952-00251448 Many reformers were concerned about the idolatry of religious art, so 7z3a1THkEb4-00755-00251448-00251678 there was an element of iconoclasm 7z3a1THkEb4-00756-00251685-00251709 Aven: here. 7z3a1THkEb4-00757-00251729-00252205 , only a a millennium later than in the East, but yes, 7z3a1THkEb4-00758-00252232-00252379 Mark: Well, and so this is the point. 7z3a1THkEb4-00759-00252379-00252628 This is a different iconiclasm, but it's kind of 7z3a1THkEb4-00760-00252637-00252733 Aven: similar in a lot of ways. 7z3a1THkEb4-00761-00252733-00252871 Based in some ways on the same idea. 7z3a1THkEb4-00762-00252871-00252889 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00763-00252944-00253606 Mark: So the word iconoclasts comes from Greek eikonos, image and klastes, breaker. 7z3a1THkEb4-00764-00253649-00254069 It originally referred to the destroyers of religious icons in the Eastern 7z3a1THkEb4-00765-00254069-00254276 church in the eighth and ninth century. 7z3a1THkEb4-00766-00254281-00254779 But subsequently, it was applied to Protestants in the 16th and 17th century 7z3a1THkEb4-00767-00254794-00254985 who vandalized Catholic churches. 7z3a1THkEb4-00768-00254988-00255568 By the 19th century, the word iconoclasts could be used metaphorically to 7z3a1THkEb4-00769-00255568-00256002 refer to someone who attacked any traditional or orthodox beliefs. 7z3a1THkEb4-00770-00256047-00256683 Well, the response to the reformation was the Counter Reformation, which was 7z3a1THkEb4-00771-00256683-00257235 the Catholic church basically doubling down on the core values of Catholic. 7z3a1THkEb4-00772-00257275-00257476 Aven: And what set it apart from the Protestants 7z3a1THkEb4-00773-00257476-00257498 Mark: yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00774-00257498-00257518 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00775-00257524-00258158 So the core Catholic beliefs, so in particular it related to religious art. 7z3a1THkEb4-00776-00258160-00258718 In the final session of the Council of Trent in 1563, it was decreed 7z3a1THkEb4-00777-00258718-00259275 that veneration should be directed at the person depicted in the art, not, 7z3a1THkEb4-00778-00259275-00259414 not in the art, the image itself. 7z3a1THkEb4-00779-00259414-00259850 And to that end, they wanted to clamp down on the excessiveness in 7z3a1THkEb4-00780-00259850-00260259 the artworks focusing instead on clearly understandable subjects. 7z3a1THkEb4-00781-00260265-00260289 Aven: Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00782-00260334-00260684 So that you were paying attention to the story that was biblical. 7z3a1THkEb4-00783-00260690-00260705 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00784-00260705-00260948 Not the beauty of the dress or whatever. 7z3a1THkEb4-00785-00260948-00260992 Exactly. 7z3a1THkEb4-00786-00261030-00261461 Mark: So they rejected the use of nudity and pagan elements 7z3a1THkEb4-00787-00261461-00261682 drawn from classical mythology. 7z3a1THkEb4-00788-00261697-00262126 So in other words, art was supposed to promote those core Catholic values. 7z3a1THkEb4-00789-00262150-00262385 It was kind of propaganda for the church. 7z3a1THkEb4-00790-00262450-00262989 And indeed both sides of the reformation engaged in aggressive propaganda wars. 7z3a1THkEb4-00791-00262990-00263358 As it was right around this time that the printing press was developed, 7z3a1THkEb4-00792-00263361-00263667 making mass media propaganda possible for the very first time. 7z3a1THkEb4-00793-00263711-00263990 Pamphlets were being the thing distributed. 7z3a1THkEb4-00794-00264020-00264090 All over the place. 7z3a1THkEb4-00795-00264123-00264327 And so for the word propaganda itself. 7z3a1THkEb4-00796-00264327-00265012 Well, in 1622, Pope Gregory the 15th established the Sacra Congregatio de 7z3a1THkEb4-00797-00265012-00265518 Propaganda Fide, the holy Congregation for the propagation of the faith. 7z3a1THkEb4-00798-00265530-00265863 Whose job it was to oversee missionary work of the church. 7z3a1THkEb4-00799-00265864-00266328 . And in particular, the church was worried that the new colonial expansion around 7z3a1THkEb4-00800-00266328-00266865 the world was mainly in the Protestant hands of the Dutch and the English. 7z3a1THkEb4-00801-00266865-00267265 And they hoped to contain the spread of Protestantism through 7z3a1THkEb4-00802-00267266-00267400 their missionary efforts. 7z3a1THkEb4-00803-00267400-00267715 , you know so here are all these Protestants going around the 7z3a1THkEb4-00804-00267715-00267874 world, making more Protestants. 7z3a1THkEb4-00805-00267901-00268060 We gotta do something. 7z3a1THkEb4-00806-00268065-00268470 And it is from this congregation that we get the word propaganda. 7z3a1THkEb4-00807-00268470-00268963 So propaganda fide, the propagation of the faith is the gerundive of the Latin 7z3a1THkEb4-00808-00268963-00269269 verb propagare to spread or increase. 7z3a1THkEb4-00809-00269269-00269301 Mm. 7z3a1THkEb4-00810-00269346-00269856 The word propaganda gained its modern political sense in World War I, which 7z3a1THkEb4-00811-00269856-00270374 featured the first large scale use of propaganda by governments to unify their 7z3a1THkEb4-00812-00270374-00270594 own populace and demonize the enemy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00813-00270597-00271045 And bring it right up to the mostly present. 7z3a1THkEb4-00814-00271047-00271449 Today the word propaganda has gained a pejorative sense of 7z3a1THkEb4-00815-00271449-00271782 governments indoctrinating the people with false information. 7z3a1THkEb4-00816-00271830-00272325 Though the sense is perhaps continuing to widen beyond just government and is being 7z3a1THkEb4-00817-00272325-00272699 joined by newer terms such as fake news. 7z3a1THkEb4-00818-00272715-00272892 And alternative facts, 7z3a1THkEb4-00819-00272964-00273101 And there we go. 7z3a1THkEb4-00820-00273101-00273467 From the Italian Renaissance styles of arts to propaganda. 7z3a1THkEb4-00821-00273485-00273569 Aven: Okay, good. 7z3a1THkEb4-00822-00273571-00274202 Well I don't have any good segue from that, so I will just go on to 7z3a1THkEb4-00823-00274205-00274668 what I wanted to add to it, which in the video you cover, as I recall, 7z3a1THkEb4-00824-00274668-00274857 I was involved in writing of it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00825-00274862-00275244 You cover Roman patronage , the basics of it fairly well. 7z3a1THkEb4-00826-00275279-00275661 But I wanted to return to that because that is an important part of this whole 7z3a1THkEb4-00827-00275661-00275907 story and of the idea of patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00828-00275907-00276349 And it does tie into the propaganda a little bit with the way Maecenas 7z3a1THkEb4-00829-00276354-00276597 was characterized by some scholars. 7z3a1THkEb4-00830-00276648-00276852 Mark: And indeed you dissertated on this. 7z3a1THkEb4-00831-00276921-00276975 Aven: Well, yes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00832-00276975-00277462 So my dissertation was on liberalitas in poets of the 7z3a1THkEb4-00833-00277468-00277660 Late Republic and early empire. 7z3a1THkEb4-00834-00277660-00277958 And Liberalitas is the word liberality. 7z3a1THkEb4-00835-00277959-00278474 It means generosity, but it's one of the terms that is used to sort 7z3a1THkEb4-00836-00278474-00278965 of by the Romans themselves to sum up this, what we call patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-00837-00279019-00279325 So yes, obviously if I wrote my dissertation on it, I could talk 7z3a1THkEb4-00838-00279325-00279580 about it at great length, but I won't. 7z3a1THkEb4-00839-00279676-00280116 but I thought I'd just talk a little more about literary and artistic patronage 7z3a1THkEb4-00840-00280116-00280545 in particular, and a bit of the history of that, because I think it is, you, 7z3a1THkEb4-00841-00280545-00280935 you know, you raised the point in the video about the difference between 7z3a1THkEb4-00842-00280935-00281420 the, what we think of as a literary, artistic patrons now as you know spending 7z3a1THkEb4-00843-00281420-00281837 money on institutions or buying works of art once they have been produced. 7z3a1THkEb4-00844-00281897-00282512 Or giving money to foundations that then distribute money through grants. 7z3a1THkEb4-00845-00282512-00282533 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-00846-00282533-00283026 The sort of generalized support for artists doing their thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-00847-00283069-00283483 And then what they get in return for that is, the good reputation and the 7z3a1THkEb4-00848-00283483-00284008 prestige and presumably satisfaction, personal satisfaction connected with 7z3a1THkEb4-00849-00284008-00284314 doing good in the world and producing more art and having their name be 7z3a1THkEb4-00850-00284314-00284461 known and the sort of fame of it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00851-00284542-00285007 And all of those things are certainly relevant to the, to the ancient form. 7z3a1THkEb4-00852-00285043-00285496 But just like in the Renaissance, it's a bit of a different dynamic 7z3a1THkEb4-00853-00285499-00285716 and a different situation. 7z3a1THkEb4-00854-00285716-00286012 And a lot of that has to do with who were the artists and what 7z3a1THkEb4-00855-00286012-00286190 their relationships were to people. 7z3a1THkEb4-00856-00286229-00286451 So let me just start first with just a little quick 7z3a1THkEb4-00857-00286451-00286675 recapitulation of Patronage at Rome. 7z3a1THkEb4-00858-00286722-00287212 So Patronage is this vertical relationship that kind of crosses and 7z3a1THkEb4-00859-00287212-00287419 connects the horizontal classes, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-00860-00287419-00287785 So you've got a very stratified society at Rome with people at 7z3a1THkEb4-00861-00287785-00288246 different statuses and financial levels and these sort of horizontal 7z3a1THkEb4-00862-00288246-00288384 classes that are very well defined. 7z3a1THkEb4-00863-00288414-00288825 And then the relationships of patronage cross that in a vertical way so 7z3a1THkEb4-00864-00288825-00289398 that they, people at one level are connected to people at other levels. 7z3a1THkEb4-00865-00289437-00290007 It also functions in many ways, as a sort of basic social safety net. 7z3a1THkEb4-00866-00290061-00290637 So it allows for, in a world that has no, you know, help for the poor 7z3a1THkEb4-00867-00290637-00291048 and doesn't have institutionalized charity in the way that the Christian 7z3a1THkEb4-00868-00291048-00291618 Church then later on developed and that doesn't have retirement savings 7z3a1THkEb4-00869-00291618-00291630 Mark: and 7z3a1THkEb4-00870-00291683-00292186 So for, for an older client, they could be they, they would've some measure 7z3a1THkEb4-00871-00292186-00292477 of security that their patron would. 7z3a1THkEb4-00872-00292550-00292868 Maybe be able to help them in, you know, once they were beyond 7z3a1THkEb4-00873-00292880-00292994 working years or whatever. 7z3a1THkEb4-00874-00293042-00293614 Aven: Maybe it's not impossible, it was no guarantee, but it was a level of 7z3a1THkEb4-00875-00293614-00294304 potential financial help or connections or support beyond the basic commercial 7z3a1THkEb4-00876-00294304-00294622 transactions of, you know, how do you get your money, you work for it. 7z3a1THkEb4-00877-00294706-00295098 So I'm not, I don't want to say that it was sort of a, a definite 7z3a1THkEb4-00878-00295099-00295230 pension plan or anything like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00879-00295230-00295755 There was nothing that formalized, but it at least allowed for a 7z3a1THkEb4-00880-00295755-00296197 potential network of support that went beyond, you just have to work and 7z3a1THkEb4-00881-00296197-00296311 if you don't work, you have nothing. 7z3a1THkEb4-00882-00296337-00296706 I don't want to oversell it in terms of how well it functioned on that. 7z3a1THkEb4-00883-00296744-00297278 The primary function of patronage in the republic in particular and 7z3a1THkEb4-00884-00297278-00297567 later, but was for political purposes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00885-00297611-00297994 And so the basic system was that clients who were the lower classes 7z3a1THkEb4-00886-00298013-00298265 clients provided most crucially votes. 7z3a1THkEb4-00887-00298271-00298598 So they'd vote for their patron or for whomever their patron told them to vote 7z3a1THkEb4-00888-00298598-00299051 for, wouldn't necessarily be their patron, but they were a reliable voting block. 7z3a1THkEb4-00889-00299077-00299203 And audiences. 7z3a1THkEb4-00890-00299203-00299509 So they would go, when their patron or somebody they were supporting 7z3a1THkEb4-00891-00299509-00299725 made a speech, they would go and they would clap and they would 7z3a1THkEb4-00892-00299725-00299872 yell and they would be supportive. 7z3a1THkEb4-00893-00299938-00299950 And 7z3a1THkEb4-00894-00299950-00300394 Mark: so this is the situation where the, the patron would go around with a 7z3a1THkEb4-00895-00300394-00300673 nomenclator to remind him of who his Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00896-00300680-00300758 Who his clients were. 7z3a1THkEb4-00897-00300758-00300845 Who his clients were. 7z3a1THkEb4-00898-00300847-00300853 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00899-00300892-00301313 And also potentially some muscle to make sure the clients did what they were 7z3a1THkEb4-00900-00301313-00301375 Aven: supposed to do. 7z3a1THkEb4-00901-00301375-00301822 Well, , you really ought not need muscle to make your clients do what you wanted. 7z3a1THkEb4-00902-00301822-00301825 Okay? 7z3a1THkEb4-00903-00301849-00302224 What you did was you used your clients as muscle for people 7z3a1THkEb4-00904-00302224-00302371 who weren't your clients, okay? 7z3a1THkEb4-00905-00302380-00302649 If you had to use muscle to make your clients do what you wanted, 7z3a1THkEb4-00906-00302649-00302934 they weren't your clients and it was a very non-functional relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00907-00302934-00303297 But they might indeed, they might provide you with a bodyguard, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-00908-00303297-00303648 They, in situations, certainly, I mean, normally you'd have a bodyguard who was 7z3a1THkEb4-00909-00303648-00304077 a enslaved person or something, but, but in situations of volatility, shall 7z3a1THkEb4-00910-00304077-00304368 we say, which certainly happened in the Republic and the late republic in 7z3a1THkEb4-00911-00304368-00304767 particular, when the streets weren't safe, your clients would come and form a 7z3a1THkEb4-00912-00304806-00305037 sort of group to, to protect you, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-00913-00305043-00305536 But in, in more functional times, they simply were the crowd, your, your 7z3a1THkEb4-00914-00305537-00305774 the claque is what it was known as. 7z3a1THkEb4-00915-00305774-00306233 In other periods of more recent history, they clapped for you. 7z3a1THkEb4-00916-00306233-00306611 They shouted down your opponents, they heckled your opponents. 7z3a1THkEb4-00917-00306611-00306726 They they went campaigning. 7z3a1THkEb4-00918-00306726-00306953 So they went to other people and, to persuade. 7z3a1THkEb4-00919-00306956-00307328 So they'd persuade other members of their guild or of their, streets or 7z3a1THkEb4-00920-00307328-00307448 neighborhoods, like the entourage of 7z3a1THkEb4-00921-00307448-00307490 Mark: modern day 7z3a1THkEb4-00922-00307490-00307579 Aven: celebrities.Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00923-00307580-00307718 Well, yes, absolutely. 7z3a1THkEb4-00924-00307718-00307849 And, but, but even more so. 7z3a1THkEb4-00925-00307854-00308149 , like they were really functional, but they also gave you prestige. 7z3a1THkEb4-00926-00308149-00308495 So one of the main jobs of a client, especially if their patron 7z3a1THkEb4-00927-00308496-00308922 was running for something, was to simply turn up in the morning every 7z3a1THkEb4-00928-00308922-00309066 day and accompany them everywhere. 7z3a1THkEb4-00929-00309066-00309432 A man in Rome who was of high status, who did not have a group around him 7z3a1THkEb4-00930-00309432-00309622 at all times it just wasn't done. 7z3a1THkEb4-00931-00309646-00309952 And the bigger the group, the more prestige you had. 7z3a1THkEb4-00932-00309976-00309985 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00933-00309985-00310048 Pretty straightforward. 7z3a1THkEb4-00934-00310075-00310220 So that was what they could do. 7z3a1THkEb4-00935-00310221-00310359 And that was the job of a client. 7z3a1THkEb4-00936-00310368-00310731 And then the patrons would provide one of the things they often 7z3a1THkEb4-00937-00310731-00311114 provided was something called a sportula, which was a little amount, 7z3a1THkEb4-00938-00311114-00311264 originally, a little amount of food. 7z3a1THkEb4-00939-00311279-00311534 So the clients would come in the morning and they'd be given a sort of little, 7z3a1THkEb4-00940-00311569-00311928 napkin filled with some bread and cheese, and then they'd be told what their 7z3a1THkEb4-00941-00311928-00312168 tasks were for the day, and then they'd go off and do that, because of course, 7z3a1THkEb4-00942-00312168-00312324 clients would often have to work as well. 7z3a1THkEb4-00943-00312324-00312563 So it was a sort of complicated process. 7z3a1THkEb4-00944-00312590-00312898 Later on that amount of food got replaced with money, so they'd 7z3a1THkEb4-00945-00312899-00312997 be given a little bit of money. 7z3a1THkEb4-00946-00313036-00313309 But it's important to understand that this is not just payment 7z3a1THkEb4-00947-00313309-00313467 for services rendered, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-00948-00313467-00313918 Like, even though that's what it looks like, it's really important 7z3a1THkEb4-00949-00313918-00314256 to, and this is true in societies all over the world, that just because 7z3a1THkEb4-00950-00314257-00314675 money changes hands does not mean it's a simple financial transaction. 7z3a1THkEb4-00951-00314678-00314702 Okay? 7z3a1THkEb4-00952-00314738-00314771 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00953-00314784-00314850 It's a gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-00954-00314853-00314946 It's a more like a gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-00955-00314946-00314974 All gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-00956-00314974-00315402 It's a gift and it's a gift that, and so yes, it's money, but you 7z3a1THkEb4-00957-00315402-00315684 could get money from somebody else and they wouldn't be your patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-00958-00315690-00316186 And I mean, it's sort of hard to put in to, to pin down what the difference 7z3a1THkEb4-00959-00316186-00316501 is, but it really mattered that it was your patron and the amount of money 7z3a1THkEb4-00960-00316501-00316642 wasn't necessarily very much at all. 7z3a1THkEb4-00961-00316642-00316720 Anthropologically 7z3a1THkEb4-00962-00316720-00316750 Mark: speaking. 7z3a1THkEb4-00963-00316750-00316756 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-00964-00316756-00316837 It's like a gift 7z3a1THkEb4-00965-00316837-00316870 Aven: economy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00966-00316870-00317002 It's, it is a gift economy. 7z3a1THkEb4-00967-00317002-00317146 It's, it's an a gift and obligation. 7z3a1THkEb4-00968-00317146-00317524 So, I mean, my, my dissertation was all about the asymmetrical 7z3a1THkEb4-00969-00317524-00317710 relationship of gift giving. 7z3a1THkEb4-00970-00317745-00318066 When you are in a position to give a gift to somebody, you impose 7z3a1THkEb4-00971-00318066-00318219 an obligation upon that person. 7z3a1THkEb4-00972-00318219-00318561 And so the reason it's not a financial transaction is if that client 7z3a1THkEb4-00973-00318561-00318909 turns up the next day and gave that money back, it would be irrelevant. 7z3a1THkEb4-00974-00318910-00318956 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00975-00318957-00318972 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00976-00318993-00319131 Doesn't change their obligation. 7z3a1THkEb4-00977-00319131-00319310 They can't, in fact, it would be an insult. 7z3a1THkEb4-00978-00319339-00319829 , they can't dispense with the obligation by simply repaying the money. 7z3a1THkEb4-00979-00319834-00320008 The gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-00980-00320075-00320170 was the important thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-00981-00320224-00320665 And so the only way to repay the obligation is to do 7z3a1THkEb4-00982-00320718-00320815 whatever you're asked to do. 7z3a1THkEb4-00983-00320842-00321115 But even in so doing, you don't end the relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00984-00321115-00321136 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-00985-00321178-00321505 You know, if you, you can't give them services equal to the amount of money 7z3a1THkEb4-00986-00321505-00321670 they gave you, and now it's over with. 7z3a1THkEb4-00987-00321699-00321860 That's buying a service. 7z3a1THkEb4-00988-00321866-00322232 , every task you do imposes a new obligation on your patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-00989-00322232-00322526 Every gift your patron gives you, imposes a new obligation on you. 7z3a1THkEb4-00990-00322526-00322616 It doesn't end. 7z3a1THkEb4-00991-00322622-00322940 They, they build up over time rather than canceling out. 7z3a1THkEb4-00992-00322979-00323296 When I pay something to somebody at the drive-through, that 7z3a1THkEb4-00993-00323296-00323416 cancels our relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00994-00323416-00323575 We now no longer have a relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00995-00323605-00324183 Whereas if I give money to a friend, if I pay for a drink at the bar with 7z3a1THkEb4-00996-00324183-00324584 my friend, when they pay for a drink the next time when we're out, that 7z3a1THkEb4-00997-00324584-00324728 doesn't cancel the relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-00998-00324749-00324908 If it does, we are not friends. 7z3a1THkEb4-00999-00324947-00325046 Mark: And, and, and this is 7z3a1THkEb4-01000-00325046-00325355 Aven: a thing, it's a major anthropological Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01001-00325356-00325418 Talk about at length. 7z3a1THkEb4-01002-00325424-00325688 In, in, in many ways, it's one of the things that was the 7z3a1THkEb4-01003-00325688-00325841 foundation of anthropology right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01004-00325841-00326210 Was the discussion of the gift Marcel Mauss with The Gift and like, yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01005-00326210-00326681 This whole idea of, of gifting is, is a huge part of anthropological research. 7z3a1THkEb4-01006-00326681-00327241 And a lot of the work was done in these sort of primitive, big air quotes 7z3a1THkEb4-01007-00327241-00327764 on that societies, but it's, it's a hundred percent true of every society. 7z3a1THkEb4-01008-00327839-00328036 People put different kinds of, you know, gifts are different 7z3a1THkEb4-01009-00328036-00328183 things, but our gift relation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01010-00328183-00328195 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01011-00328268-00328526 There's a real difference between a financial transaction and a gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-01012-00328574-00328823 Often an intangible one, but an important one. 7z3a1THkEb4-01013-00328873-00329330 Mark: And that word sportula is where the, the name for that micro grant. 7z3a1THkEb4-01014-00329379-00329578 So just speaking of, pat Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01015-00329585-00329769 Patronus becoming Patreon. 7z3a1THkEb4-01016-00329776-00329809 Yeah, 7z3a1THkEb4-01017-00329830-00329851 Aven: yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01018-00329851-00330204 There's a, there's a group that formed four or five years ago at least 7z3a1THkEb4-01019-00330204-00330690 now maybe more of classics graduate students and undergraduate students 7z3a1THkEb4-01020-00330690-00331252 actually who set up a micro grant establishment to help other students. 7z3a1THkEb4-01021-00331297-00331654 And the, I, yeah, they named it sportula for that exact reason, was the idea that 7z3a1THkEb4-01022-00331654-00331849 it was little bits of money that helped. 7z3a1THkEb4-01023-00331867-00332167 Then the idea was to ask more established members of the 7z3a1THkEb4-01024-00332167-00332545 classics profession to contribute money that could then be donated. 7z3a1THkEb4-01025-00332551-00332915 Not with the, I don't think, with the intention of making everybody clientships. 7z3a1THkEb4-01026-00332917-00333244 No of making people obliged, especially because it was, you know, 7z3a1THkEb4-01027-00333244-00333433 anonymized and, and re distributed. 7z3a1THkEb4-01028-00333472-00333811 But with that idea that it's a little bit of money that gives you what you need. 7z3a1THkEb4-01029-00333835-00333859 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01030-00333880-00334237 And the, the relationship is the relationship of the discipline in a sense. 7z3a1THkEb4-01031-00334285-00334624 The people who have more power in the discipline are spreading. 7z3a1THkEb4-01032-00334669-00334684 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01033-00334684-00334780 That good fortune. 7z3a1THkEb4-01034-00334837-00335024 and, and helping connect people to the discipline. 7z3a1THkEb4-01035-00335087-00335375 So the other things that they would do, so that was sort of a very basic 7z3a1THkEb4-01036-00335390-00335532 ongoing thing, was the sportula. 7z3a1THkEb4-01037-00335532-00335882 But the other things they could do were they could give loans 7z3a1THkEb4-01038-00335888-00336235 to their clients, patrons could; dowry was a very traditional thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01039-00336235-00336553 So when a client was marrying off a daughter the patron might 7z3a1THkEb4-01040-00336553-00336754 provide a, contribute to a dowry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01041-00336772-00336949 They might also help arrange a marriage. 7z3a1THkEb4-01042-00336949-00337284 They would act as a, you know, a connection to other people. 7z3a1THkEb4-01043-00337285-00337519 They might require a certain marriage arrangements too, 7z3a1THkEb4-01044-00337519-00337636 if it was useful to them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01045-00337687-00337945 They could help them get jobs, you know, give them a loan to start 7z3a1THkEb4-01046-00337945-00338068 a business, this sort of thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01047-00338119-00338415 And, and you can imagine the many different ways in which they 7z3a1THkEb4-01048-00338415-00338535 could be mutually beneficial. 7z3a1THkEb4-01049-00338550-00338736 But the main job of a client was political. 7z3a1THkEb4-01050-00338736-00338930 In this original situation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01051-00338980-00339226 It was informal, there were no laws covering it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01052-00339238-00339373 If it was regulated by tradition. 7z3a1THkEb4-01053-00339396-00339933 Though very firm tradition by the Middle Republic, like there was, if you were 7z3a1THkEb4-01054-00339933-00340250 known to be a client of someone and you did something bad against that patron, 7z3a1THkEb4-01055-00340257-00340587 that was a line you didn't cross, which is what I mean by would, should not have 7z3a1THkEb4-01056-00340587-00340818 to enforce anything on your, your clients. 7z3a1THkEb4-01057-00340905-00341415 There were some legal guidelines developed over time, but mostly only in one very 7z3a1THkEb4-01058-00341415-00341922 particular relationship of patron client, which was formalized by law, which was 7z3a1THkEb4-01059-00341922-00342423 the relationship between a freed woman or freed man and their former master. 7z3a1THkEb4-01060-00342504-00342889 So when an enslaved person was freed, they became the freed men or 7z3a1THkEb4-01061-00342889-00343072 freed woman of their previous owner. 7z3a1THkEb4-01062-00343088-00343388 And that was regulated by law because they were a client. 7z3a1THkEb4-01063-00343388-00343622 So this is the place where patron and client is used. 7z3a1THkEb4-01064-00343622-00343917 The terminology is used the most directly. 7z3a1THkEb4-01065-00344000-00344288 A freedman is the cliens of his patronus. 7z3a1THkEb4-01066-00344319-00344787 They owed their former master a certain amount of days of work, a year, 7z3a1THkEb4-01067-00344796-00344955 five or 10 or something like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01068-00344955-00345255 There's some amount of days of work that they had to work for free. 7z3a1THkEb4-01069-00345300-00345755 if they were found guilty of sort of disrespect, it was impiety, basically. 7z3a1THkEb4-01070-00345755-00345949 Because they had a duty to their master. 7z3a1THkEb4-01071-00345949-00346231 So there were, they really couldn't do anything against them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01072-00346282-00346732 If a woman had been freed for the purposes of marrying her owner, which was quite 7z3a1THkEb4-01073-00346732-00347000 a common reason to free a female slave. 7z3a1THkEb4-01074-00347030-00347423 She had to marry her owner and she could not divorce him. 7z3a1THkEb4-01075-00347429-00347747 Normally divorce was actually quite easy for women and men, 7z3a1THkEb4-01076-00347774-00347900 but she could not divorce him. 7z3a1THkEb4-01077-00347936-00348259 So she was tied to that marriage because that was the purpose 7z3a1THkEb4-01078-00348259-00348376 for which she was freed. 7z3a1THkEb4-01079-00348403-00348415 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01080-00348416-00348716 And there was a whole other set of, set of legal commercial re 7z3a1THkEb4-01081-00348725-00349175 relationships so that fairly often people would free enslaved men. 7z3a1THkEb4-01082-00349258-00349495 in order to set them up in business because then they would have this 7z3a1THkEb4-01083-00349495-00350013 sort of quasi-legal sort of, it's almost like a franchise relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01084-00350040-00350052 , right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01085-00350061-00350538 There was Roman law's very, very complicated and very, very specific 7z3a1THkEb4-01086-00350538-00350628 about these sorts of things. 7z3a1THkEb4-01087-00350628-00350763 And my brain can't handle it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01088-00350764-00350934 So I can't tell you any more than that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01089-00350973-00351174 Let me just tell you, there was a lot of laws about it 7z3a1THkEb4-01090-00351175-00351337 where they could use Freedman. 7z3a1THkEb4-01091-00351339-00351749 So Freedman were very useful and we see later on in the Imperial household with 7z3a1THkEb4-01092-00351761-00352208 once we have emperors, the bureaucracy such as it is in the Roman world, is 7z3a1THkEb4-01093-00352208-00352742 staffed to a very large extent, especially through the Principate by Freedman because 7z3a1THkEb4-01094-00352742-00353358 they have explicit loyalty to their former master, a legally constrained loyalty, 7z3a1THkEb4-01095-00353358-00353589 but also a socially constrained loyalty. 7z3a1THkEb4-01096-00353623-00353758 because they have an obligation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01097-00353758-00354031 What, what more obligation could you have than having been freed? 7z3a1THkEb4-01098-00354062-00354316 I mean, some might suggest that you have no obligation cuz the man 7z3a1THkEb4-01099-00354316-00354676 enslaved you, but , you know, in a world which accepted and normalized 7z3a1THkEb4-01100-00354676-00354835 slavery, they did not see it that way. 7z3a1THkEb4-01101-00354869-00355224 And then you had this like, real plus of Freedman because of their 7z3a1THkEb4-01102-00355224-00355676 stigma of former slavery, could never aspire to be an emperor. 7z3a1THkEb4-01103-00355727-00356082 Or to have a really high position because they would never be accepted in it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01104-00356130-00356480 So all their success rested on their patron being successful. 7z3a1THkEb4-01105-00356490-00356546 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01106-00356547-00356570 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01107-00356576-00356882 The more their patron had, the more they would have. 7z3a1THkEb4-01108-00356885-00357260 So they have every incentive to be loyal and helpful and no 7z3a1THkEb4-01109-00357260-00357416 incentive to do it for themselves. 7z3a1THkEb4-01110-00357455-00357494 How much 7z3a1THkEb4-01111-00357494-00357802 Mark: does this relationship get passed down generations? 7z3a1THkEb4-01112-00357809-00358052 Aven: It does, it absolutely, it's hereditary. 7z3a1THkEb4-01113-00358052-00358574 Mark: So, so like the son of a freedman would still have 7z3a1THkEb4-01114-00358574-00358709 some sort of relationship? 7z3a1THkEb4-01115-00358724-00358730 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01116-00358730-00358745 With 7z3a1THkEb4-01117-00358745-00358895 Aven: his former, with, with the, his father's. 7z3a1THkEb4-01118-00358895-00358961 His father's client. 7z3a1THkEb4-01119-00358979-00359153 And in fact, not just the freedman relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01120-00359156-00359300 All clientage work that way. 7z3a1THkEb4-01121-00359306-00359342 Okay. 7z3a1THkEb4-01122-00359370-00359745 So this is where you see things like most of southern Italy were 7z3a1THkEb4-01123-00359745-00359925 clients of Pompey, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-01124-00359996-00360378 Pompey's father had, had large estates and had been in like 7z3a1THkEb4-01125-00360378-00360549 the big guy in southern Italy. 7z3a1THkEb4-01126-00360549-00360735 And so he ended up with this huge. 7z3a1THkEb4-01127-00360738-00360840 Set of clients. 7z3a1THkEb4-01128-00360846-00361029 That's one of the reasons Pompe was able to turn up. 7z3a1THkEb4-01129-00361029-00361344 during the war between Sulla and Marius with his own army, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01130-00361344-00361683 He raised a legion of his father's clients at 25. 7z3a1THkEb4-01131-00361697-00362112 Later Pompey, then went to Spain, and created a lot of citizens 7z3a1THkEb4-01132-00362118-00362460 and new cities in Spain and settled a bunch of his soldiers. 7z3a1THkEb4-01133-00362466-00362874 And of course your soldiers who had fought for you, if you gave them land 7z3a1THkEb4-01134-00362901-00363069 and set them up when they retired. 7z3a1THkEb4-01135-00363096-00363406 Now your veterans, obviously they're your clients, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01136-00363406-00363567 So now you've got your veterans as clients. 7z3a1THkEb4-01137-00363567-00363939 So like all of Spain was Pompey's land too because of this. 7z3a1THkEb4-01138-00363945-00364204 And the same relationship works as far as the Romans were concerned. 7z3a1THkEb4-01139-00364204-00364462 all of these relationships always work at every level, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01140-00364462-00364699 At the small, like micro level and at the macro level. 7z3a1THkEb4-01141-00364747-00364963 So this is how they thought of the relationship between the 7z3a1THkEb4-01142-00364964-00365131 Romans state and other states. 7z3a1THkEb4-01143-00365182-00365215 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01144-00365215-00365488 So the term client king, you've probably heard of, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01145-00365488-00365494 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01146-00365530-00365638 What is a client king? 7z3a1THkEb4-01147-00365666-00365714 A king. 7z3a1THkEb4-01148-00365732-00366208 Or another, the leader of another state who owes obligations to Rome 7z3a1THkEb4-01149-00366208-00366427 just like a client would to a patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01150-00366447-00366582 there may or may not be treaties. 7z3a1THkEb4-01151-00366582-00366915 There may or may not be laws, they may be independent, just like 7z3a1THkEb4-01152-00366915-00367083 a Roman citizen is independent. 7z3a1THkEb4-01153-00367101-00367218 Of course he's independent. 7z3a1THkEb4-01154-00367218-00367326 He just has a patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01155-00367413-00367824 The problem here is that those kings didn't always understand 7z3a1THkEb4-01156-00367824-00367953 this particular relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01157-00367953-00367962 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01158-00367962-00368270 Because it was a very specific Roman I mean, of course there's obligation 7z3a1THkEb4-01159-00368270-00368548 in every culture, but this particular relationship was very Roman. 7z3a1THkEb4-01160-00368608-00368923 And so this is one of the problems they had in, in Greece when they kind of came 7z3a1THkEb4-01161-00368923-00369082 in and liberated Greece multiple times. 7z3a1THkEb4-01162-00369082-00369295 They were like, well, now obviously you're our clients and therefore 7z3a1THkEb4-01163-00369295-00369589 you'll do what we tell you to even though we have no treaty with you. 7z3a1THkEb4-01164-00369631-00369814 And then the Greeks were like, okay, we're independent. 7z3a1THkEb4-01165-00369851-00370165 And the Romans were like, no, you are our friends. 7z3a1THkEb4-01166-00370177-00370267 And they're like, yeah, we're friends. 7z3a1THkEb4-01167-00370267-00370306 It's great. 7z3a1THkEb4-01168-00370339-00370582 No, no you are our friends. 7z3a1THkEb4-01169-00370588-00370808 Why are you doing something I didn't tell you to do? 7z3a1THkEb4-01170-00370856-00371116 And, and there was just, and so they had to like conquer them multiple times 7z3a1THkEb4-01171-00371116-00371513 because they, and it was this sort of, assumption that the, that the, the 7z3a1THkEb4-01172-00371513-00371847 relationships that they were used to in this kind of vertical situation and 7z3a1THkEb4-01173-00371847-00372263 the hereditary longstanding nature of them, where every obligation, everything 7z3a1THkEb4-01174-00372263-00372646 you did as a favor, it strengthened that bond instead of releasing them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01175-00372682-00372952 Was not necessarily reciprocated by people in other groups 7z3a1THkEb4-01176-00372952-00373090 who had different, customs. 7z3a1THkEb4-01177-00373135-00373510 Mark: So, was there there ever a point at which a family that had been 7z3a1THkEb4-01178-00373510-00373978 from a former slave would have that sort of taint, kind of diluted enough 7z3a1THkEb4-01179-00373978-00374190 that they could be their own success? 7z3a1THkEb4-01180-00374196-00374271 Aven: Oh, absolutely. 7z3a1THkEb4-01181-00374290-00374618 Technically the son of a Freedman, had no political stigma. 7z3a1THkEb4-01182-00374656-00374974 They had absolutely the same position as a son of a free man. 7z3a1THkEb4-01183-00375009-00375384 Now, socially, they still had some stigma, I mean, the Romans remembered who your 7z3a1THkEb4-01184-00375384-00375518 ancestors were back 45 generations. 7z3a1THkEb4-01185-00375573-00375840 So obviously, like there's always gonna be a difference between somebody 7z3a1THkEb4-01186-00375840-00376238 who's descended from Romulus and somebody who's descended from, you 7z3a1THkEb4-01187-00376238-00376426 know, a slave four generations ago. 7z3a1THkEb4-01188-00376468-00376885 But it didn't mean you couldn't become, you know, of office or Oh yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01189-00376915-00377107 You had no political restrictions. 7z3a1THkEb4-01190-00377107-00377371 , if you could, if you could get yourself elected, you could hold office and 7z3a1THkEb4-01191-00377371-00377689 you could certainly get rich and you could certainly get to the point 7z3a1THkEb4-01192-00377690-00377780 where you're a patron of other people. 7z3a1THkEb4-01193-00377848-00377860 Hmm. 7z3a1THkEb4-01194-00377861-00378010 And this is another important point. 7z3a1THkEb4-01195-00378022-00378364 You could be a patron of some people and a client of others, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01196-00378393-00378844 there's such wide gaps between the groups in Rome that the upper classes, 7z3a1THkEb4-01197-00378853-00379135 sure, they were only patrons, the very upper classes, the Senate. 7z3a1THkEb4-01198-00379162-00379503 But you know, if you were an equestrian, you would certainly be a patron of people, 7z3a1THkEb4-01199-00379509-00379770 but you would have patrons among senators. 7z3a1THkEb4-01200-00379779-00380091 You might not call them patrons because as you alluded to, 7z3a1THkEb4-01201-00380091-00380180 you'd call them your friend. 7z3a1THkEb4-01202-00380180-00380418 That was too, too blatant. 7z3a1THkEb4-01203-00380418-00380709 You know, this whole gift obligation thing relies on a certain amount 7z3a1THkEb4-01204-00380709-00381040 of euphemism, a certain amount of indirection, a certain amount of not 7z3a1THkEb4-01205-00381040-00381436 really saying what you know, not pinning down the terms of the relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01206-00381460-00381814 So you might probably not call them a patron that you only use that language 7z3a1THkEb4-01207-00381814-00382171 when there was a really big separation between the classes when obviously if 7z3a1THkEb4-01208-00382171-00382545 you're some poor, Roman, it doesn't degrade you, just call somebody 7z3a1THkEb4-01209-00382545-00382909 else patron because everybody knows that you're just far enough apart. 7z3a1THkEb4-01210-00382963-00383253 But you would still have a patron, and then I'll come back to that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01211-00383296-00383614 So there's this whole system, patronage just, and it works from, as 7z3a1THkEb4-01212-00383614-00383779 I said, from the state level down to. 7z3a1THkEb4-01213-00383790-00383880 soldiers, everyone. 7z3a1THkEb4-01214-00383898-00384261 So artistic patronage is simply a subset of that, and it really isn't. 7z3a1THkEb4-01215-00384285-00384525 I don't think the Romans would've ever thought of it as being a 7z3a1THkEb4-01216-00384525-00384708 separate or distinct category. 7z3a1THkEb4-01217-00384720-00384741 Hmm. 7z3a1THkEb4-01218-00384774-00384982 They wouldn't have thought of artistic patronage as being 7z3a1THkEb4-01219-00385017-00385181 different than patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-01220-00385268-00385589 It just happened to be an artist who was being patronized. 7z3a1THkEb4-01221-00385646-00386083 He had a particular set of skills that he could contribute to his patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01222-00386083-00386128 That's all. 7z3a1THkEb4-01223-00386148-00386508 And if you think about the primary function of, political of clients 7z3a1THkEb4-01224-00386508-00386970 was to aggrandize their patrons, to get them elected, to give them 7z3a1THkEb4-01225-00386970-00387207 prestige, to enhance their status. 7z3a1THkEb4-01226-00387232-00387507 That's what an artistic patronage was about, too. 7z3a1THkEb4-01227-00387547-00388087 So a client who was an artist would be expected to use his abilities 7z3a1THkEb4-01228-00388087-00388456 to enhance the prestige, increase the reputation, enhance the 7z3a1THkEb4-01229-00388462-00388597 standing and status of his patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01230-00388642-00388753 That's the whole purpose of it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01231-00388753-00388953 And they could do that directly. 7z3a1THkEb4-01232-00388953-00389457 So poetry, like early on, especially poetry, would be praise poetry, 7z3a1THkEb4-01233-00389478-00389844 straightforward praise poetry that enhanced the reputation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01234-00389898-00390267 Or it could be indirect by associating them with high status stuff. 7z3a1THkEb4-01235-00390267-00390708 So if you make good statues and you make good art, then it's enhances the 7z3a1THkEb4-01236-00390708-00391039 reputation of somebody who's associated with that, who has a nice house, who 7z3a1THkEb4-01237-00391039-00391263 has good, you know, pretty stuff. 7z3a1THkEb4-01238-00391267-00391630 Or through euergetism, which is the Greek word for liberalitas, which 7z3a1THkEb4-01239-00391630-00391790 is literally means good works. 7z3a1THkEb4-01240-00391851-00392331 contributing pretty statues to the public or literary works or something like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01241-00392331-00392604 So that is another way of enhancing your prestige. 7z3a1THkEb4-01242-00392673-00392832 Mark: So who was Ovid's 7z3a1THkEb4-01243-00392834-00392885 Aven: patron? 7z3a1THkEb4-01244-00392899-00393004 Okay, we'll come back to that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01245-00393112-00393745 Early on, and this is really important, artists and poets were craftsmen and 7z3a1THkEb4-01246-00393745-00393933 artisans, and they were low status. 7z3a1THkEb4-01247-00393972-00394009 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01248-00394036-00394402 So early on, when I'm talking about sort of mid Republic Rome, the earliest that 7z3a1THkEb4-01249-00394403-00394873 we kind of hear about this kind of stuff in detail they were often enslaved or they 7z3a1THkEb4-01250-00394873-00395114 were foreign, and so had non-citizens. 7z3a1THkEb4-01251-00395116-00395247 They were people to be hired. 7z3a1THkEb4-01252-00395289-00395640 So they weren't initially actually part of this client. 7z3a1THkEb4-01253-00395670-00395916 You know, it was just somebody you paid to do the work for you. 7z3a1THkEb4-01254-00395934-00395946 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01255-00395957-00396422 But if they were exceptional, they could be freed or granted citizenship and then 7z3a1THkEb4-01256-00396422-00396861 sort of become part of this patronage relationship rather than being hired. 7z3a1THkEb4-01257-00396863-00397214 So they would be taken on as clients, but they'd still be very low rank and 7z3a1THkEb4-01258-00397217-00397373 they'd be very dependent on their patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01259-00397374-00397823 And so some of the first names we have in literature, specifically Plautus 7z3a1THkEb4-01260-00397823-00398021 and Terence and Ennius, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-01261-00398024-00398027 Mm. 7z3a1THkEb4-01262-00398030-00398135 All three of those. 7z3a1THkEb4-01263-00398188-00398589 So Plautus was as far as we can tell, very low status. 7z3a1THkEb4-01264-00398589-00398697 We don't know a lot about him. 7z3a1THkEb4-01265-00398718-00399230 Terence we're told he was enslaved from Africa and then he was freed. 7z3a1THkEb4-01266-00399248-00399350 So he was a freed slave. 7z3a1THkEb4-01267-00399350-00399652 And those are playwrights, they wrote the early comedies. 7z3a1THkEb4-01268-00399682-00400045 And Ennius, who's the first epic writer, the sort of father of 7z3a1THkEb4-01269-00400045-00400236 Roman poetry was a foreigner. 7z3a1THkEb4-01270-00400236-00400488 Now he was from southern Italy, but at the time, Rome didn't 7z3a1THkEb4-01271-00400488-00400584 rule over a southern Italy. 7z3a1THkEb4-01272-00400584-00400806 He was Latin was his third language. 7z3a1THkEb4-01273-00400806-00401041 He was Oscan, Greek, and then Latin. 7z3a1THkEb4-01274-00401068-00401451 And so, he wasn't an enslaved person, but he as a non-citizen, 7z3a1THkEb4-01275-00401451-00401595 he had no real status at Rome. 7z3a1THkEb4-01276-00401598-00401990 So all three of them were dependent on patrons, when we have stories 7z3a1THkEb4-01277-00401990-00402409 about their patrons, for very basic things like money and for work. 7z3a1THkEb4-01278-00402411-00402844 Plautus and Terence were technically hired usually by the state because 7z3a1THkEb4-01279-00402844-00403129 for festivals, for dramatic festivals, but it was through their 7z3a1THkEb4-01280-00403129-00403300 patronage that they would get hired. 7z3a1THkEb4-01281-00403330-00403797 And then Ennius became a member of a household of prominent Romans and so 7z3a1THkEb4-01282-00403800-00404265 Plautus and Terence gave general prestige by doing good plays for the people. 7z3a1THkEb4-01283-00404317-00404664 Ennius he was patronized by the Scipio Africanus family, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-01284-00404664-00404988 And he wrote stuff about how wonderful they were and how 7z3a1THkEb4-01285-00404989-00405181 good they were at being Romans. 7z3a1THkEb4-01286-00405217-00405475 He didn't write direct praise poems, he may have, but they don't survive. 7z3a1THkEb4-01287-00405476-00405820 But he, he wrote them into his histories of Rome and stuff like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01288-00405821-00406099 And he praised their family and he burnished their reputation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01289-00406134-00406476 Now over time, and in the next few generations, higher 7z3a1THkEb4-01290-00406476-00406611 status people, mostly men. 7z3a1THkEb4-01291-00406611-00406761 And that's what we'll talk about for the moment. 7z3a1THkEb4-01292-00406761-00406932 Started to get involved in poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01293-00406932-00407130 And I'm gonna focus on poetry cuz that's what I know better. 7z3a1THkEb4-01294-00407131-00407597 And so the mechanism of patronage changed because now they're not that kind of 7z3a1THkEb4-01295-00407597-00407840 lower class that are obviously clients. 7z3a1THkEb4-01296-00407882-00408100 They still were in this vertical relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01297-00408100-00408469 They still had patrons, but no longer did they rely on them for, you know, money. 7z3a1THkEb4-01298-00408479-00408519 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01299-00408520-00409090 And food and jobs because they were essentially independently wealthy. 7z3a1THkEb4-01300-00409126-00409555 They wanted patrons instead for prestige, for publicity, for sort 7z3a1THkEb4-01301-00409555-00410004 of aesthetic cachet, so we have two prominent names that are Lucretius 7z3a1THkEb4-01302-00410004-00410184 and Catullus in this generation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01303-00410232-00410641 And they were at least of equestrian class, maybe senatorial class. 7z3a1THkEb4-01304-00410641-00410824 So they didn't need anybody's money. 7z3a1THkEb4-01305-00410843-00411196 They were independently wealthy, but they want, both of them seemed 7z3a1THkEb4-01306-00411196-00411469 to have sort of wanted patrons or, established patrons through the 7z3a1THkEb4-01307-00411469-00411766 poetry for prestige, for publicity. 7z3a1THkEb4-01308-00411766-00412288 to get their poetry in front of more people to, to do this, ongoing status 7z3a1THkEb4-01309-00412288-00412516 building that was key to Romans. 7z3a1THkEb4-01310-00412516-00412873 So, Lucretius, for instance, in his famous epic or didactic poem, depending 7z3a1THkEb4-01311-00412873-00413177 on what you wanna call it "On the Nature of Things", he has an opening about. 7z3a1THkEb4-01312-00413181-00413271 Venus and Mars. 7z3a1THkEb4-01313-00413316-00413902 But then he turns to Memmius "and to my dear friend, Memmius address, a friend 7z3a1THkEb4-01314-00413902-00414205 whom you have always wished, Goddess, to be supreme, you'll be accessory. 7z3a1THkEb4-01315-00414229-00414438 So give my words, lifelong urbanity." 7z3a1THkEb4-01316-00414450-00414798 and then it turns again to Memmius afterwards, "Famed Memmius, neglect 7z3a1THkEb4-01317-00414798-00415191 the Roman cause and listen to my poetry instead, withdrawn from every 7z3a1THkEb4-01318-00415191-00415348 care, prepare to find true judgment." 7z3a1THkEb4-01319-00415367-00415646 So this translation is rhyming couplets, and I'm finding that 7z3a1THkEb4-01320-00415652-00415866 upsetting and I don't wanna read it out. 7z3a1THkEb4-01321-00416033-00416418 But basically he in his introduction, he seems to essentially say, 7z3a1THkEb4-01322-00416418-00416593 "Hey, Memmius, wanna be my patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01323-00416611-00416788 I'm like, dedicating this poem to you. 7z3a1THkEb4-01324-00416824-00416890 Isn't it great?" 7z3a1THkEb4-01325-00416947-00417247 We don't know for sure exactly what came of it, but it's not clear that 7z3a1THkEb4-01326-00417259-00417665 Memmius ever was, but Lucretius didn't need him for material support. 7z3a1THkEb4-01327-00417721-00417922 So in those previous generations, the same thing that we're 7z3a1THkEb4-01328-00417922-00418162 talking about in the Renaissance period was definitely happening. 7z3a1THkEb4-01329-00418186-00418468 The patron would tell the artist what they wanted. 7z3a1THkEb4-01330-00418513-00418700 And the artist would execute their commission. 7z3a1THkEb4-01331-00418700-00419093 Occasionally, maybe the poet might come with something and say, do you like this? 7z3a1THkEb4-01332-00419094-00419395 But they were expected to do what their patron wanted. 7z3a1THkEb4-01333-00419395-00419557 They were being paid for a job. 7z3a1THkEb4-01334-00419563-00419944 And even when it moved into patronage, it was still pretty much, but 7z3a1THkEb4-01335-00419945-00420271 Lucretius is writing what Lucretius wants to write, and then he's seeking 7z3a1THkEb4-01336-00420271-00420439 out a patron for what he's written. 7z3a1THkEb4-01337-00420439-00420799 And you can see how that's a, a real change in what that, and that's 7z3a1THkEb4-01338-00420799-00420940 more like what we think of now. 7z3a1THkEb4-01339-00420946-00420960 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01340-00420960-00421071 In artistic patronage. 7z3a1THkEb4-01341-00421113-00421208 Catullus, same thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01342-00421208-00421508 He was writing what he wrote, but he has the, the Dedicatory poem 7z3a1THkEb4-01343-00421508-00421796 that makes it look like he's kind of looking for a patron, but the 7z3a1THkEb4-01344-00421796-00421967 patron is another literary figure. 7z3a1THkEb4-01345-00421996-00422432 So he's looking for his literary acceptance and patronage rather than 7z3a1THkEb4-01346-00422432-00422591 being for some material purpose. 7z3a1THkEb4-01347-00422659-00423005 Then the next generation of poets continued to be that 7z3a1THkEb4-01348-00423005-00423239 sort of fairly elevated. 7z3a1THkEb4-01349-00423248-00423567 however this doesn't mean that there weren't still sort of lower 7z3a1THkEb4-01350-00423567-00423930 class and artisan class people who were artists and poets, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01351-00423931-00424042 Like that continued too. 7z3a1THkEb4-01352-00424042-00424411 We know of one, for instance his name is Archias, we know of him 7z3a1THkEb4-01353-00424411-00424744 because Cicero preserved a speech that he presented on his behalf. 7z3a1THkEb4-01354-00424749-00425237 Archias was a Greek, so he is non-citizen and he wanted to get Roman citizenship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01355-00425323-00425496 or he had been granted Roman citizenship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01356-00425510-00425805 That's what C was arguing anyway, he'd already been granted Roman citizenship 7z3a1THkEb4-01357-00425812-00426073 by a patron who loved his poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01358-00426133-00426580 And so there we see this idea that he needed material support in order 7z3a1THkEb4-01359-00426580-00426850 to become a Roman citizen and that he was gaining through his poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01360-00426898-00427387 And we see that Cicero We have letters about how he wanted him 7z3a1THkEb4-01361-00427387-00427600 to write a poem about himself. 7z3a1THkEb4-01362-00427651-00427973 Cicero was always looking for poets to write about his year 7z3a1THkEb4-01363-00427973-00428198 of triumph, his consulship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01364-00428223-00428359 In the end, he wrote it himself. 7z3a1THkEb4-01365-00428365-00428835 But there seems to have been, he was like, I, you know, I defended you in court. 7z3a1THkEb4-01366-00428904-00429129 I expect something back for that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01367-00429129-00429391 Since of course, lawyers weren't allowed to be paid. 7z3a1THkEb4-01368-00429442-00429511 That was important. 7z3a1THkEb4-01369-00429541-00429817 That's the other word that Patronus can mean, by the way, was lawyer. 7z3a1THkEb4-01370-00429871-00430199 Ah, that's the other place in which it's a technical term, is the patronus 7z3a1THkEb4-01371-00430201-00430420 is the lawyer who defends you in court. 7z3a1THkEb4-01372-00430447-00430617 So Cicero was the Patronus. 7z3a1THkEb4-01373-00430639-00430660 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01374-00430663-00431025 And that the very literal Catullus calls him that in a, in a poem at one point. 7z3a1THkEb4-01375-00431025-00431129 And that's a technical term. 7z3a1THkEb4-01376-00431129-00431435 That's not a, it, I mean it's obviously related, but it's not 7z3a1THkEb4-01377-00431435-00431642 quite the same relationship when you defend someone in court. 7z3a1THkEb4-01378-00431642-00431960 But because you're not allowed to charge money for it, because 7z3a1THkEb4-01379-00431960-00432469 it's just a favor you do, it does establish this relationship, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01380-00432475-00432688 And so he wanted Archias to write him a poem. 7z3a1THkEb4-01381-00432688-00432985 And so that now Archias never did, but you can see there, 7z3a1THkEb4-01382-00432985-00433102 that's kind of that commission. 7z3a1THkEb4-01383-00433105-00433453 So that, that continued to happen just because we had a elite Romans 7z3a1THkEb4-01384-00433453-00433675 now writing poetry too doesn't mean that there weren't other people 7z3a1THkEb4-01385-00433732-00433846 doing that at a different level. 7z3a1THkEb4-01386-00433915-00434191 But in the next generation we have a little bit more ambiguous situations. 7z3a1THkEb4-01387-00434191-00434499 We have people like Tibullus and Propertius and Ovid, the elegists, 7z3a1THkEb4-01388-00434527-00434945 who all of them seem to be at least equestrian level, perfectly well off. 7z3a1THkEb4-01389-00435002-00435431 They have patrons, but they don't need them for material success. 7z3a1THkEb4-01390-00435431-00436021 Both Tibullus and Ovid start off with the patron Messalla and Propertius and Ovid 7z3a1THkEb4-01391-00436023-00436277 end up with the patron n of Maecenas. 7z3a1THkEb4-01392-00436307-00436607 It's a little bit unclear because Ovid doesn't need anybody. 7z3a1THkEb4-01393-00436613-00436742 He's well off. 7z3a1THkEb4-01394-00436742-00436865 He's prominent. 7z3a1THkEb4-01395-00436905-00437732 What he needs is political support and aesthetic and sort of literary cachet. 7z3a1THkEb4-01396-00437766-00438161 So what's important to him is that he's admitted into Messalla and then maybe 7z3a1THkEb4-01397-00438161-00438533 Maecenas's group, so that he gets to know all the other poets and that he's part 7z3a1THkEb4-01398-00438534-00438843 of what we think of as a literary circle, like a salon or something like that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01399-00438843-00438917 , that's important. 7z3a1THkEb4-01400-00438935-00439304 And so that becomes the thing that patrons can now provide is access to 7z3a1THkEb4-01401-00439304-00439477 other poets, and to good audiences. 7z3a1THkEb4-01402-00439479-00439800 They, they host poetry readings and they force all their friends 7z3a1THkEb4-01403-00439801-00439959 to come to their poetry readings. 7z3a1THkEb4-01404-00439983-00440202 You know, they give, they give their poets an audience. 7z3a1THkEb4-01405-00440203-00440478 They give their poets the ear of Augustus, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-01406-00440523-00440742 Mark: So, and yet Ovid somehow blew 7z3a1THkEb4-01407-00440742-00440754 Aven: it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01408-00440817-00441234 Well, because, so this is the thing, and this is where it gets complicated. 7z3a1THkEb4-01409-00441297-00441663 So we've seen two different kinds of models for patrons and poet. 7z3a1THkEb4-01410-00441766-00442029 one where the patron commissions something and the poets do it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01411-00442068-00442314 And the other, where the poets are pretty independent and they come to 7z3a1THkEb4-01412-00442314-00442770 the the patron with something and say like, do you wanna be my patron? 7z3a1THkEb4-01413-00442823-00443297 But once they're accepted that that latter group, what then becomes the relationship 7z3a1THkEb4-01414-00443298-00443423 between their work and their patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01415-00443450-00443468 Hmm. 7z3a1THkEb4-01416-00443477-00443504 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01417-00443504-00443918 And this is, you know, this is one of the great questions of Roman poetry 7z3a1THkEb4-01418-00443918-00444431 in this period: are Tibullus and Propertius and Ovid writing to order. 7z3a1THkEb4-01419-00444468-00444624 Well, with Ovid it seems unlikely. 7z3a1THkEb4-01420-00444642-00444657 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01421-00444666-00444786 Given what he writes. 7z3a1THkEb4-01422-00444858-00445015 And same with the other elegists, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01423-00445017-00445114 Like Tibullus and Propertius. 7z3a1THkEb4-01424-00445149-00445386 Why do they have the freedom to write love poetry? 7z3a1THkEb4-01425-00445386-00445554 That seems kind of countercultural. 7z3a1THkEb4-01426-00445554-00445947 Well, because they aren't dependent on a patron in the same way. 7z3a1THkEb4-01427-00445950-00446200 Even if they have patrons, it's not a dependency. 7z3a1THkEb4-01428-00446263-00446722 That said, Propertius ends up writing his fourth book of poetry, 7z3a1THkEb4-01429-00446722-00447238 kind of not about love stuff, but about origins of Roman customs and. 7z3a1THkEb4-01430-00447304-00448014 You know, Ovid ends up with the Fasti, for instance, which is a very pro Roman 7z3a1THkEb4-01431-00448014-00448230 kind of about the origins of calendar. 7z3a1THkEb4-01432-00448305-00448716 You know, to what extent is there pressure on them to do what their patrons want? 7z3a1THkEb4-01433-00448752-00448854 And that's the big question. 7z3a1THkEb4-01434-00448854-00449289 And then the two names that I have not yet mentioned, where this really gets 7z3a1THkEb4-01435-00449289-00449810 complicated are Horace and Virgil both of whom seem to have been less highly 7z3a1THkEb4-01436-00449810-00450080 placed than Tibullus, Propertius and Ovid. 7z3a1THkEb4-01437-00450147-00450476 Horace says he's the son of a freedman. 7z3a1THkEb4-01438-00450485-00450633 A little bit of a doubt as to whether that's true or 7z3a1THkEb4-01439-00450633-00450768 not, but let's assume it is. 7z3a1THkEb4-01440-00450810-00451095 That means he's in a, you know, he may be well enough off, but he 7z3a1THkEb4-01441-00451095-00451372 was kind of not, not upper class. 7z3a1THkEb4-01442-00451389-00451521 , he does need a patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01443-00451564-00451952 He also fought with Brutus against Octavian . So that's a bit of an issue. 7z3a1THkEb4-01444-00451952-00452333 Now, Octavian was very generous in pardoning everyone, but of 7z3a1THkEb4-01445-00452333-00452525 course that kind of generosity. 7z3a1THkEb4-01446-00452546-00452690 Is what patrons do, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01447-00452705-00452954 Generosity puts you in the position of obligation. 7z3a1THkEb4-01448-00452954-00453404 So ever since Augustus, pardoned Horace, now he's his patron 7z3a1THkEb4-01449-00453404-00453689 essentially, even though Maecenas is his direct patron, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01450-00453690-00454055 And, you know, Maecenas gives him a farm and asks him to 7z3a1THkEb4-01451-00454055-00454217 dinner and take some on trips. 7z3a1THkEb4-01452-00454217-00454433 Like these are all things that Horace says in his own poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01453-00454487-00454736 So he does seem to get material advantage from him. 7z3a1THkEb4-01454-00454792-00455080 Virgil seemed to be a little bit more highly placed, but he, his 7z3a1THkEb4-01455-00455080-00455479 family suffered during the civil wars, perhaps lost some lands. 7z3a1THkEb4-01456-00455479-00455569 It's not quite clear. 7z3a1THkEb4-01457-00455629-00456004 So again, what did he need, how much dependence did he have? 7z3a1THkEb4-01458-00456055-00456448 Because that becomes really the crucial question. 7z3a1THkEb4-01459-00456508-00456952 Are Horace and Virgil writing to order or are they writing what they want? 7z3a1THkEb4-01460-00457024-00457170 And then also getting patrons. 7z3a1THkEb4-01461-00457259-00457370 Are they writing what they want? 7z3a1THkEb4-01462-00457370-00458033 And because that pleases Maecenas and Augustus, they are given patronage or 7z3a1THkEb4-01463-00458042-00458537 are Maecenas and Augustus directing what they want either really directly 7z3a1THkEb4-01464-00458538-00458948 like write this poem about this stuff or in a more, I think most people would 7z3a1THkEb4-01465-00458948-00459406 suggest in a more subtle, like I'm not sure I come off so great in that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01466-00459406-00459562 Could you rewrite that kind of way? 7z3a1THkEb4-01467-00459646-00459979 Or just even without ever saying what they want, but just the poets 7z3a1THkEb4-01468-00459979-00460219 knowing that they can't write something that's gonna upset them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01469-00460250-00460639 And that's where you get to these, scholars in the 20th century calling 7z3a1THkEb4-01470-00460639-00460838 Maecenas the minister of propaganda. 7z3a1THkEb4-01471-00460889-00460907 Right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01472-00460913-00461309 Because in the world where propaganda had, like you said, it was so important 7z3a1THkEb4-01473-00461309-00461582 in the first World war, and then hugely important in the second World War. 7z3a1THkEb4-01474-00461586-00461987 And state run and you know, there was a lot of views of Augustus as being fascist. 7z3a1THkEb4-01475-00461987-00462312 And there's a lot of sort of looking back on Roman history through the 7z3a1THkEb4-01476-00462312-00462611 lens of the terrifying things that had happened in the, 20th century. 7z3a1THkEb4-01477-00462745-00463043 They went to the extreme of saying like, they were just writing to 7z3a1THkEb4-01478-00463043-00463199 order, they were told what to write. 7z3a1THkEb4-01479-00463220-00463694 The Aeneid was "write a poem that makes me out, like to be a God" said Augustus. 7z3a1THkEb4-01480-00463747-00464224 And then Virgil wrote it to order, "write poems that say that Rome under Augustus 7z3a1THkEb4-01481-00464224-00464353 is the bestest thing ever, Horace". 7z3a1THkEb4-01482-00464353-00464447 And then he wrote them to order. 7z3a1THkEb4-01483-00464454-00464610 I, that's not my view of it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01484-00464639-00464907 I think it's much more complicated than that, I think. 7z3a1THkEb4-01485-00464910-00465444 But at the same time, it did matter that they were, what I've trying 7z3a1THkEb4-01486-00465444-00465828 to outline is how like integral this patronage relationship was 7z3a1THkEb4-01487-00465858-00466006 to how Romans just functioned. 7z3a1THkEb4-01488-00466038-00466425 Like, I don't think it was easy for a Roman to imagine. 7z3a1THkEb4-01489-00466495-00466802 Pissing off their patron, even if their patron never told 7z3a1THkEb4-01490-00466802-00466910 them not to piss them off. 7z3a1THkEb4-01491-00466910-00466935 Right. 7z3a1THkEb4-01492-00466935-00467089 Like it's just a, politeness. 7z3a1THkEb4-01493-00467089-00467356 It doesn't quite really cover it strongly enough, but it's 7z3a1THkEb4-01494-00467356-00467482 part of that's just politeness. 7z3a1THkEb4-01495-00467482-00467647 It's, it's, it's how you function. 7z3a1THkEb4-01496-00467653-00467770 These relationships matter. 7z3a1THkEb4-01497-00467830-00468283 And I don't think you have to be cynical and think of it as minister of Propaganda 7z3a1THkEb4-01498-00468303-00468805 to acknowledge that, these, these vertical relationships directed what happened. 7z3a1THkEb4-01499-00468826-00469039 Why does Ovid write stuff that gets him exiled? 7z3a1THkEb4-01500-00469039-00469414 Well, because he isn't as bound in that verticality because 7z3a1THkEb4-01501-00469414-00469587 he's so high up himself. 7z3a1THkEb4-01502-00469587-00470022 And because his most, clearly his biggest concerns were for other 7z3a1THkEb4-01503-00470043-00470299 poets' acceptance and literary, fame. 7z3a1THkEb4-01504-00470356-00470659 And when he had achieved enough of that, he felt himself to be 7z3a1THkEb4-01505-00470659-00470779 able to do what he wanted to. 7z3a1THkEb4-01506-00470835-00470916 I'm psychologizing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01507-00470916-00471141 I don't know for sure, but that's sort of that, that fits 7z3a1THkEb4-01508-00471141-00471300 the trajectory of what he wrote. 7z3a1THkEb4-01509-00471309-00471708 So you can see how trying to figure out what that relationship is 7z3a1THkEb4-01510-00471708-00471955 is important to a lot of people to try to interpret the poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01511-00471958-00472189 You know, the question that I've talked about before about is the 7z3a1THkEb4-01512-00472189-00472348 need Pro Augustus or anti Augustus. 7z3a1THkEb4-01513-00472348-00472624 Well, a lot of that obviously has to do with what you think the relationship 7z3a1THkEb4-01514-00472624-00472893 between Maecenas, Augustus and Virgil was. 7z3a1THkEb4-01515-00472896-00473393 Are the Odes of Horace flattering and terrible? 7z3a1THkEb4-01516-00473397-00473844 Because, and there's this modern perception that if something is 7z3a1THkEb4-01517-00473845-00474150 written to order, it is less good art. 7z3a1THkEb4-01518-00474196-00474442 And I think that the whole Renaissance discussion of patronage 7z3a1THkEb4-01519-00474442-00474640 is important for thinking about that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01520-00474678-00475008 do we not think Michelangelo's work is good because it was commissioned. 7z3a1THkEb4-01521-00475133-00475236 and he made money from it. 7z3a1THkEb4-01522-00475269-00475650 Do we not think that Bellini's work, whether for Isabella D'Este or anybody 7z3a1THkEb4-01523-00475650-00476223 else is it not proper art because he was told what to do by his patrons? 7z3a1THkEb4-01524-00476283-00476508 Nobody says that about Renaissance art. 7z3a1THkEb4-01525-00476571-00477192 And yet now, if you had somebody who told an artist what to, to paint or told a poet 7z3a1THkEb4-01526-00477192-00477733 what to write in return for money or gifts or something I think a lot of people, 7z3a1THkEb4-01527-00477734-00477892 you know, that's, selling out, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01528-00477892-00478351 Like there's this whole premise that if you do that, it's not pure art anymore. 7z3a1THkEb4-01529-00478351-00478678 And that whole idea of this pure art, it's, it's Romanticism, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01530-00478678-00478876 It's all, it all goes back to the Romantics. 7z3a1THkEb4-01531-00478876-00479005 It's all their fault. 7z3a1THkEb4-01532-00479023-00479104 Everything's their fault. 7z3a1THkEb4-01533-00479200-00479329 Romantics ruined it for everyone. 7z3a1THkEb4-01534-00479329-00479422 Damn you, Byron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01535-00479422-00479569 and all these rich men. 7z3a1THkEb4-01536-00479572-00479587 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01537-00479590-00479671 Ruined it for everyone. 7z3a1THkEb4-01538-00479671-00479887 They could afford to write whatever the hell they want. 7z3a1THkEb4-01539-00479887-00480000 So they said, anybody who. 7z3a1THkEb4-01540-00480032-00480477 For anyone else, anyone who's constrained by practical needs is not pure art. 7z3a1THkEb4-01541-00480516-00480859 , it really is like I have a real bone to pick with that whole thing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01542-00480868-00481324 So now we have this premise that art is only art if it's freely, you 7z3a1THkEb4-01543-00481324-00481699 know, if it's unconstrained by any practical considerations or anybody 7z3a1THkEb4-01544-00481699-00482043 else's, but It hasn't been, was not like that for a very long time. 7z3a1THkEb4-01545-00482050-00482139 I'll just say that much. 7z3a1THkEb4-01546-00482160-00482476 That was, you know, that was not how art worked. 7z3a1THkEb4-01547-00482542-00482946 Art for art's sake didn't exist as a concept until 7z3a1THkEb4-01548-00482946-00483126 essentially the 20th century. 7z3a1THkEb4-01549-00483189-00483596 So what my, I'll just, I'll, I'll close by just saying that what my dissertation 7z3a1THkEb4-01550-00483596-00484160 was about was essentially talking about how this, what I said earlier, which 7z3a1THkEb4-01551-00484160-00484629 is when a, somebody gives you a gift, it places you under obligation to them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01552-00484652-00484946 But you can't get rid of it by just giving them an equal gift back. 7z3a1THkEb4-01553-00485018-00485385 But if you give them a bigger gift, you can kind of put them under 7z3a1THkEb4-01554-00485385-00485859 obligation or at least sort of negotiate that position of power. 7z3a1THkEb4-01555-00485904-00486345 And we see this when people are on a fairly similar level of status, right? 7z3a1THkEb4-01556-00486345-00486663 You don't, you can't really negotiate that, like the patron clients of 7z3a1THkEb4-01557-00486720-00486909 with a wide range between them. 7z3a1THkEb4-01558-00486909-00487137 There's no, there's no changing that power dynamic. 7z3a1THkEb4-01559-00487176-00487494 But if you're sort of on equal footing, then you get the kind of competitive 7z3a1THkEb4-01560-00487494-00487842 giving, competitive gift giving the 7z3a1THkEb4-01561-00487842-00487980 Mark: arguments over who gets to 7z3a1THkEb4-01562-00487980-00488130 Aven: pay the bill giving, who gets to pay the bill at the 7z3a1THkEb4-01563-00488130-00488247 end of dinner, for instance. 7z3a1THkEb4-01564-00488247-00488271 Yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01565-00488271-00488773 Who, who's on the hook Who's more lavish in their generosity, these 7z3a1THkEb4-01566-00488773-00488959 kinds of things become an issue. 7z3a1THkEb4-01567-00489001-00489355 And so my dissertation was really about how the poets seem to 7z3a1THkEb4-01568-00489355-00489508 negotiate that in their poetry. 7z3a1THkEb4-01569-00489508-00489835 These particular poets in this particular period when they're 7z3a1THkEb4-01570-00489835-00490357 kind of becoming patrons in a less obviously hierarchical set up than 7z3a1THkEb4-01571-00490357-00490507 had been happening in the past. 7z3a1THkEb4-01572-00490553-00490865 And so I suggest that one of the ways they did that, for instance, is when they 7z3a1THkEb4-01573-00490865-00491312 would dedicate their, among other things, when they dedicated their poems and their 7z3a1THkEb4-01574-00491312-00491789 poetry collections to their patrons, they were saying, well, you're my patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01575-00491789-00491876 You're wonderful. 7z3a1THkEb4-01576-00491879-00492155 Which obviously suggests that their patron is above them and 7z3a1THkEb4-01577-00492159-00492285 they're showing their gratitude. 7z3a1THkEb4-01578-00492285-00492693 So showing gratitude puts you below right, puts you below your, 7z3a1THkEb4-01579-00492693-00492792 the person who gave you something. 7z3a1THkEb4-01580-00492855-00493363 But if their poetry is really, really good, and they can claim that 7z3a1THkEb4-01581-00493363-00493507 their poetry is really, really good. 7z3a1THkEb4-01582-00493537-00493909 And if, say, mentioning somebody in your poem, immortalizes them 7z3a1THkEb4-01583-00493909-00494287 forever, if your poetry in fact, is going to enhance the reputation of 7z3a1THkEb4-01584-00494287-00495020 your patron really a lot, then maybe they're not so much the one giving. 7z3a1THkEb4-01585-00495020-00495605 Maybe your poem that you're giving is actually the one that is a, a better gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-01586-00495608-00496031 May not be money, may not be politics, but maybe there's a different set 7z3a1THkEb4-01587-00496031-00496451 of criteria by which your poem, your poetry, your mentioning of them in 7z3a1THkEb4-01588-00496451-00496700 your poetry is a more important gift. 7z3a1THkEb4-01589-00496714-00497108 Or if it's not more important, maybe it at least offsets the power 7z3a1THkEb4-01590-00497108-00497422 imbalance that they have established or that you are establishing. 7z3a1THkEb4-01591-00497471-00497942 So in a, in a dedication poem, you can both elevate your patron. 7z3a1THkEb4-01592-00498018-00498393 While also elevating yourself and kind of, so you sort of set up the power 7z3a1THkEb4-01593-00498393-00498814 imbalance, but then restore the power imbalance to some degree but to do so, you 7z3a1THkEb4-01594-00498814-00499468 have to establish a new set of criteria by which poetic excellence matters as 7z3a1THkEb4-01595-00499468-00500116 much as you know, political excellence by which immortality in poetry matters 7z3a1THkEb4-01596-00500116-00500606 as much as having a triumph, you know, all the things that the Romans had 7z3a1THkEb4-01597-00500606-00500963 always considered, the things that made a reputation, that made somebody important. 7z3a1THkEb4-01598-00501025-00501445 Now there's this movement in the late Republic to say that poetry is a whole 7z3a1THkEb4-01599-00501445-00502133 new way of judging importance and status and reputation and position, and 7z3a1THkEb4-01600-00502133-00502568 that these poets who otherwise don't have this kind of power, and this is 7z3a1THkEb4-01601-00502568-00502944 particularly true when it's someone like Horace or Virgil, but even with Catullus, 7z3a1THkEb4-01602-00502946-00503539 when he's interacting with people who are of higher political station, even 7z3a1THkEb4-01603-00503539-00503897 if not socially saying, well, maybe I don't care about your politics. 7z3a1THkEb4-01604-00503897-00504312 Maybe I've got this whole different set of values and by 7z3a1THkEb4-01605-00504312-00504504 them I'm actually more important. 7z3a1THkEb4-01606-00504561-00504897 That's a bit of a crude sort of simplification of what my arguments were. 7z3a1THkEb4-01607-00504927-00505257 But I looked at some of the, the dedication poems 7z3a1THkEb4-01608-00505266-00505389 and, and talked about that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01609-00505497-00505965 Mark: So I think that the question that our listeners really want to have 7z3a1THkEb4-01610-00505965-00506475 answered now is, , what do you do if someone at a bar buys you a bellini 7z3a1THkEb4-01611-00506649-00506703 ? Aven: You write them a 7z3a1THkEb4-01612-00506703-00506754 Mark: poem. 7z3a1THkEb4-01613-00506754-00506985 What if it's a really good bellini? 7z3a1THkEb4-01614-00507003-00507039 You write 7z3a1THkEb4-01615-00507039-00507282 Aven: them a really good poem, 7z3a1THkEb4-01616-00507535-00507866 and I'm not going to read any poems to anybody. 7z3a1THkEb4-01617-00508010-00508400 Now I was going to, but I've talked for a long time, so I'll just tell you to go 7z3a1THkEb4-01618-00508400-00508704 read Horace Ode 1.1, which is to Maecenas. 7z3a1THkEb4-01619-00508706-00508988 If you wanna sort of get a sense of what these dedication poems looked 7z3a1THkEb4-01620-00508988-00509462 like and Catullus 1 as just sort of an example and I'll leave it at that. 7z3a1THkEb4-01621-00509497-00509614 So support us on Patreon, 7z3a1THkEb4-01622-00510004-00510526 Mark: and we'll make a really good podcast , which will somehow immortalize you. 7z3a1THkEb4-01623-00510583-00510637 Aven: Immortalize. 7z3a1THkEb4-01624-00510637-00511189 Well, why do we, why, why is it a common thing for Patreon supporters to, to read 7z3a1THkEb4-01625-00511189-00511459 out names and to, to make that a reward. 7z3a1THkEb4-01626-00511483-00511651 IT's part of the relationship. 7z3a1THkEb4-01627-00511723-00511786 So, yeah. 7z3a1THkEb4-01628-00511823-00512177 Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to talk about my little pet subject, 7z3a1THkEb4-01629-00512243-00512579 , and I'm finished chewing my bellini. 7z3a1THkEb4-01630-00512579-00512763 So I think we can call it a night. 7z3a1THkEb4-01631-00512788-00512851 Mark: Alright then. 7z3a1THkEb4-01632-00512894-00512937 Ciao! 7z3a1THkEb4-01633-00513000-00513210 Bye-Bye. 7z3a1THkEb4-01634-00513346-00513640 Aven: For more information on this podcast, check out our website 7z3a1THkEb4-01635-00513640-00514181 www.alliterative.net, where you can find links to the videos, blog post sources 7z3a1THkEb4-01636-00514186-00514373 and credits, and all our contact info. 7z3a1THkEb4-01637-00514414-00514650 Mark: And please check out our Patreon where you can pledge to support 7z3a1THkEb4-01638-00514655-00514817 this show and our video project. 7z3a1THkEb4-01639-00514825-00515260 You can go directly to the videos at youtube.com/alliterative. 7z3a1THkEb4-01640-00515312-00515548 Aven: Our email is on the website, but the easiest way to 7z3a1THkEb4-01641-00515548-00515684 get in touch with us is Twitter. 7z3a1THkEb4-01642-00515705-00516126 I'm @AvenSarah, A V E N S A R A H 7z3a1THkEb4-01643-00516153-00516259 Mark: And I'm @alliterative. 7z3a1THkEb4-01644-00516302-00516584 To keep up with the podcast, subscribe on your favorite podcast 7z3a1THkEb4-01645-00516592-00516775 app or to the feed on the website. 7z3a1THkEb4-01646-00516783-00517063 Aven: And if you've enjoyed it, consider leaving us a review on Apple 7z3a1THkEb4-01647-00517063-00517217 Podcasts or wherever you listen. 7z3a1THkEb4-01648-00517230-00517322 It helps us a lot. 7z3a1THkEb4-01649-00517343-00517624 We'll be back soon with more musings about the connections around us. 7z3a1THkEb4-01650-00517646-00517729 Thanks for listening. 7z3a1THkEb4-01651-00517754-00517791 Mark: Bye. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00000-00000917-00001487 Blended learning has become a very important part ofeducation in recent years. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00001-00001544-00001861 So even education ministers have adopted 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00002-00001871-00002305 a Council Recommendation on blended learning in 2021. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00003-00002398-00002688 Blended learning can be a blend of learning sites 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00004-00002698-00003030 or a blend of different digital and non-digital tools. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00005-00003072-00003486 Because of all that, and the big importance of blended learning, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00006-00003502-00004126 our Working Group on schools has explored how we all can support blended learning, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00007-00004133-00004356 especially being the policymakers. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00008-00004837-00005367 There are basically three primary different ways 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00009-00005381-00005641 of mediating experience. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00010-00005691-00006402 Now, what's necessary in all three, because, alone, the learner is left 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00011-00006415-00006726 to kind of process these experiences herself, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00012-00006782-00007239 what is needed is a dialogue towards meaning-making. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00013-00007329-00007672 What makes learning inclusive is 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00014-00007682-00008203 when the learning situation is so organised and arranged 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00015-00008239-00008690 that all learners can actively participate 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00016-00008713-00008987 at their own level out of their own interest 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00017-00008994-00009264 and are given the support that they need to be able to do so. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00018-00009314-00009780 Obviously, blended learning offers many opportunities for literally blending 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00019-00009787-00009998 these different modes of experience, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00020-00010071-00010708 so that learning has this rich tapestry of experience to draw on. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00021-00011215-00011499 Policymakers as such, and especially ministries 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00022-00011513-00011849 need to make possible for schools and teachers 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00023-00011856-00012306 to have enough time in the curriculum to carry out blended learning. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00024-00012339-00012666 So flexibility of curricula is of great importance 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00025-00012676-00013050 and it must not be prescribed too much. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00026-00013137-00013527 The teachers also need our support regarding the devices, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00027-00013544-00013787 but also the training for the use 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00028-00013794-00014147 of all these digital devices and digital tools. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00029-00014224-00014635 And what is very important is that they have a place 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00030-00014644-00014856 where they can share their experiences. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00031-00014888-00015132 Schools and teachers do wonderful things 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00032-00015141-00015552 and we, the policymakers, need to make it possible for them 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00033-00015569-00015979 to have access to different national or European platforms 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00034-00015996-00016212 to share all these experiences. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00035-00016319-00016916 We see in Croatia that schools build a magnificent cooperation with local communities. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00036-00016970-00017433 For example, our schools do a great job with the police. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00037-00017490-00017824 So we have the police officer coming into the school 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00038-00017847-00018150 teaching the first graders the traffic culture, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00039-00018184-00018444 and they take them actually into the streets, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00040-00018451-00018975 so that the first graders can experience what the traffic is like. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00041-00018991-00019178 This is how we believe 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00042-00019193-00019655 that schools should be open to local communities, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00043-00019682-00020015 and that we all together should make it possible 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00044-00020022-00020342 for our students to have the best possible education. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00045-00020846-00021133 School leaders can support blended learning for inclusion 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00046-00021140-00021500 by allowing sufficient autonomy for all teachers 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00047-00021537-00021737 so that creativity could flourish. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00048-00021834-00022120 The teachers should be seen as professionals 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00049-00022157-00022374 who know what is best for their pupils 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00050-00022407-00022806 and how the learning process could be made more meaningful for them. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00051-00022891-00023261 Of course, a legal framework needs to support it. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00052-00023335-00023682 For example, in Estonia the national curriculum 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00053-00023715-00024145 is based on competencies, skills and learning outcomes. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00054-00024275-00024918 And this allows the teacher to actually blend learning, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00055-00024953-00025392 because this means that the teachers have almost full autonomy 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00056-00025426-00025794 for deciding how the learning process is actually designed 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00057-00025860-00026324 as long as the learning outcomes are fully achieved. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00058-00026431-00026838 This autonomy allows them to create networks and partnerships, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00059-00026874-00027495 for example, with employers or non-governmental organisations, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00060-00027531-00027705 and bring them into the classroom. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00061-00027845-00028262 Or take the lessons outside the classroom 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00062-00028272-00028680 for example, to laboratories, museums, parks, forests, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00063-00028706-00029220 wherever they want to as long as the learning outcomes are achieved. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00064-00029383-00029910 Another thing that a school leader can do is to facilitate cooperation 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00065-00029957-00030372 between the school and the private sector. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00066-00030417-00030784 In Estonia, there is a culture of public-private partnerships 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00067-00030791-00030989 between schools and private enterprises, 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00068-00031027-00031284 and it is deeply rooted in our society. 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00069-00031334-00031551 But all in all, I think that it is important 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00070-00031560-00032072 to create an environment of trust and a culture of cooperation 7zPJLXPEJ9Y-00071-00032118-00032358 for blended learning to actually happen. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00000-00000866-00001363 And so, one of the small things I don't like on GNOME Shell is the shutdown menu design! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00001-00001565-00001753 I'm talking about this menu! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00002-00001790-00002209 That aside it is super ugly, it also feels super confusing too, 7-qUM2eM3U4-00003-00002209-00002403 and I can't never get used to it! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00004-00002559-00002737 And if you use Shell panel? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00005-00002777-00003080 It feels so much worse in the action coming from the bottom! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00006-00003204-00003715 It may be a small detail, and perhaps people in GNOME use alternative methods to shutdown 7-qUM2eM3U4-00007-00003715-00003815 or restart. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00008-00003878-00004290 But then again, there is no reason why we shouldn't have a beautiful and functional 7-qUM2eM3U4-00009-00004290-00004401 design to everything. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00010-00004446-00004507 YOO! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00011-00004507-00004779 Let me show you how Windows are doing that! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00012-00004779-00004829 YOO! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00013-00005376-00005448 And so! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00014-00005477-00005964 On the bottom right we have our indicators, and by the way, I like a lot both the design 7-qUM2eM3U4-00015-00005964-00006155 and the graphics of this menu! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00016-00006155-00006437 And we can also shrink it for additional minimalazation! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00017-00006545-00006975 But most importantly, we also have a single power off item for everything! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00018-00007011-00007336 And if we click it, we get all the actions in full screen! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00019-00007391-00007698 And everything is super clean, simple and sweet! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00020-00007772-00008025 And this flying animation of the background? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00021-00008025-00008200 So cool and discrete! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00022-00008272-00008619 hmm, lets try it with an application behind? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00023-00008619-00008809 For example with the Settings app! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00024-00009134-00009652 So, power off again, and again we get this screen with our background, and without any 7-qUM2eM3U4-00025-00009652-00009826 app visible behind! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00026-00009951-00010052 Well? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00027-00010052-00010412 Lets try again by sending a notification when we're on this screen! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00028-00010507-00010986 So I will use an alarm notification from Clocks, that I've set to 5 seconds! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00029-00011421-00011759 Clocks basically got bugged, so you can't hear it beeping, 7-qUM2eM3U4-00030-00011759-00011881 but if we go back, 7-qUM2eM3U4-00031-00011881-00012381 we see the notification on top of the menu, that for some reason it always stays opened. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00032-00012561-00012756 And anyway, that was everything! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00033-00012800-00012850 oh! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00034-00012894-00013426 Another matter I want to mention is the super nice animations, even if I run it on an emulator, 7-qUM2eM3U4-00035-00013426-00013604 so everything suffers! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00036-00013604-00013861 For instance, this minimization effect? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00037-00013861-00013922 Woah! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00038-00013961-00014233 But not everything is bells and whistles! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00039-00014233-00014691 So let me show you the universal files picker, that is supposed to work even on Microsoft 7-qUM2eM3U4-00040-00014691-00014864 Surface laptops! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00041-00014864-00014965 Besides? 7-qUM2eM3U4-00042-00014965-00015174 There is no Windows phones anymore! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00043-00015504-00015668 So we hit the browse button.. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00044-00015808-00015967 and everything is super slow.. 7-qUM2eM3U4-00045-00016150-00016314 and sometimes clumsy too! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00046-00016363-00016861 And that also affects normal universal apps, so It's not just an emulator issue! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00047-00016919-00017346 And anyway, that's pretty much the fluent design file picker so far, 7-qUM2eM3U4-00048-00017346-00017511 and I got to tell you! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00049-00017511-00017964 Before you complain next time for GNOME's file picker, there are worse! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00050-00017964-00018130 So much more worse! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00051-00018188-00018304 And of course! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00052-00018329-00018743 When it comes to design and features, every user has a different set of requirements from 7-qUM2eM3U4-00053-00018743-00018879 the apps! 7-qUM2eM3U4-00054-00018906-00019030 For instance? 7_s3CyFkdR4-00000-00000720-00001119 What Melania Did to Honor Barbara Bush at Her Funeral Will Make You Love Her Even More 7_s3CyFkdR4-00001-00001119-00001739 Melania Trump invoked such amazing class and grace to honor fellow first lady Barbara Bush. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00002-00001739-00002176 The gesture was subtle, but no less thoughtful when Melania brought former White House head 7_s3CyFkdR4-00003-00002176-00002579 maitre d’ George Hannie and White House usher Buddy Carter, both of whom had a close 7_s3CyFkdR4-00004-00002579-00002805 connection with the Bush family. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00005-00002805-00002984 From IJR 7_s3CyFkdR4-00006-00002984-00003436 The invite-only event touted guests such as former President Barack Obama, former first 7_s3CyFkdR4-00007-00003436-00003953 lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00008-00003953-00004415 USA Today reported Trump invited Hannie and Carter to be her guests because of Bush’s 7_s3CyFkdR4-00009-00004415-00004767 devotion to the White House staff during her years as the first lady. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00010-00004767-00005185 “She knew they were very close to the Bush family and wanted them to be able to pay their 7_s3CyFkdR4-00011-00005185-00005718 respects,” NBC News’ Monica Alba tweeted Trump’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, 7_s3CyFkdR4-00012-00005718-00005818 said. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00013-00005818-00006201 Carter began his work at the White House during the Bush administration after working for 7_s3CyFkdR4-00014-00006201-00006405 15 years at Blair House. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00015-00006405-00006945 Hannie, who grew up under Jim Crow laws in Alabama, served in the White House for 46 7_s3CyFkdR4-00016-00006945-00007249 years, starting with former President Lyndon B. Johnson. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00017-00007249-00007675 “The most memorable moment I had at the White House is seeing my mother walk up North 7_s3CyFkdR4-00018-00007675-00008220 Portico, all alone, to visit me and [former President] George and Barbara Bush in their 7_s3CyFkdR4-00019-00008220-00008556 personal quarters,” Hannie told MSNBC. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00020-00008556-00008802 Eric Draper/The White House 7_s3CyFkdR4-00021-00008802-00009249 Dorothy Bush Koch, George and Barbara’s daughter, lovingly mentioned Hannie in her 7_s3CyFkdR4-00022-00009249-00009349 book. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00023-00009349-00009697 During her private wedding at Camp David, he was among the White House staff members 7_s3CyFkdR4-00024-00009697-00009935 who volunteered to help with the event. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00025-00009935-00010035 She wrote: 7_s3CyFkdR4-00026-00010035-00010435 I’ll always remember what George Hannie, one of the extraordinary butlers who works 7_s3CyFkdR4-00027-00010435-00010667 at the White House, said to me. 7_s3CyFkdR4-00028-00010667-00011131 As I was thanking him, George spoke up and said, “It’s okay honey, but just don’t 7_s3CyFkdR4-00029-00011131-00011277 do it a third time.” 7_s3CyFkdR4-00030-00011277-00011542 Words to live by! 7_s3CyFkdR4-00031-00011542-00011767  During the ceremony, former Gov. Jeb Bush 7_s3CyFkdR4-00032-00011767-00012347 (R-Fla.) delivered a eulogyand called his mom their “first and most important teacher.” 7_s3CyFkdR4-00033-00012347-00012682 He noted that among the lessons she taught them was to treat others how you want to be 7_s3CyFkdR4-00034-00012682-00012972 treated and “love your God with your heart and soul.” 7_s3CyFkdR4-00035-00012972-00014319 Barbara Bush passed away on Tuesday at the age of 92. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00000-00000924-00001412 What I really appreciate about traveling with Loki is that he's always, he's the just best 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00001-00001412-00002057 companion in the definition of that word and knowing that we kind of work together well, 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00002-00002057-00003447 and can travel well, and appreciate each other in those travels is a really special thing. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00003-00003447-00004017 You're never really alone when you have a dog and she's not just a companion she's a 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00004-00004017-00004732 conversation starter, she helps me meet new people, she makes a lot of interactions easier. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00005-00004732-00005287 She's given me the confidence and courage to go to new places and experience new things 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00006-00005288-00005480 that I otherwise wouldn't have. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00007-00006600-00007238 The feeling of traveling with Loki is kind of a paradox between being comfortable with 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00008-00007238-00007927 somebody and feeling known by somebody and also like a new adventure in not knowing what's 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00009-00007927-00008534 going to happen and the anticipation of the journey is always kind of like a fun balance 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00010-00008534-00008906 between those two things when you're traveling with your dog. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00011-00008906-00009411 I think the message that we want to send is, we want to inspire other people to go out, 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00012-00009411-00009840 explore the world and make memories with their dogs. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00013-00011345-00011807 I like to travel with Marley because she's always adding to my experience, sometimes 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00014-00011807-00012492 as humans we hold back, we don't always allow ourselves to be totally in the moment and 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00015-00012492-00012699 fully experience things. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00016-00012699-00013212 The way Marley enjoy even the simplest things is a nice reminder for me to do the same. 7_tvDOLwwrQ-00017-00013212-00013593 She wholeheartedly embraces life without even realizing it. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00000-00000010-00000312 The students bring the enthusiasm and the motivation. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00001-00000370-00000922 The university brings the training, and then the partners bring the data sets. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00002-00000984-00001550 Bringing this all together in a common setting makes it possible through the students 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00003-00001604-00001907 to bring about the facts in the world that are so motivating. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00004-00002432-00002984 Students who go out into the world with data science skills, with data literacy at their disposal 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00005-00003026-00003654 are able to bring those skills to bear on the societal challenges ahead of us. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00006-00003718-00004542 And when they are learning to think both technically and ethically to understand how to work the data 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00007-00004588-00005292 and what it should be used for, they give us the possiblity of shaping a more just society around data 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00008-00005292-00005678 Our students today are living in a world that's just saturated with data. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00009-00005678-00006314 And that can lead them sometimes to just see themselves as consumers of their products. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00010-00006409-00007042 But when their eyes are open to the fact that they can become producers of knowledge 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00011-00007042-00007631 in the areas that they find interesting, their attitude towards data science can shift. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00012-00007631-00008029 Students have gone on and done things that we had never anticipated with the knowledge 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00013-00008030-00008328 that they have taken from our data science courses. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00014-00008382-00009070 Some of them have gone on into what we call discovery projects which are team projects 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00015-00009070-00009724 put together either by faculty members or by outside partners, non-governmental organisations, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00016-00009724-00010389 grand data challenges that students come together, join their skills and work on around things 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00017-00010390-00010830 like the availability of safe drinking water or pollution control. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00018-00010884-00011260 And there's no way that the faculty could have told the students, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00019-00011260-00011507 this was what they should do with their skills. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00020-00011508-00011830 It engaged the students and they jumped at it. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00021-00011890-00012371 Or else they have gone and worked in faculty and many different parts of the university 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00022-00012372-00012646 to do research projects inside laboratories. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00023-00012678-00013078 And the faculty and the postdoctoral fellows tell us: 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00024-00013124-00013478 The students bring skills that we don't ourselves have. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00025-00013478-00013890 We can do new science when we bring in your students 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00026-00013930-00014278 and they become part of our lab team as equal contributors. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00027-00014278-00014610 So data literacy is an emerging demand on our society. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00028-00014610-00015082 We haven't had the same need for it before like we're seeing now. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00029-00015082-00015522 Because the wealth of data that is surrounding us and the way we use it to make 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00030-00015522-00015978 personal decisions is placing new demands on our educational system. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00031-00016016-00016608 So the possibility of spuring innovation in this area, finding ways to make it available 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00032-00016608-00017120 to students across the spectrum of disciplines is an incredibly important move. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00033-00017388-00017842 The feedback on the programme has been really encouraging for students. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00034-00017842-00018480 Many of them come in to Data 8 and the Connector just to meet a requirement, a statistics requirement. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00035-00018481-00018984 And then they take the class and they say: I never realized data science could be for me. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00036-00019050-00019290 I can be data science. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00037-00019290-00019676 So as the students take it up they internalize it and make it their own. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00038-00019676-00020138 And as a professor that's one of the most exciting things you can see is the thing that 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00039-00020138-00020536 you know was going to be so valuable they feel is theirs. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00040-00020606-00021046 And on the side of my colleagues at the faculty who are themselves learning how to deal with 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00041-00021046-00021690 data science, what we have been able to do is bring that student energy to work with them. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00042-00021716-00022158 And the students bring the knowledge from Data 8 to faculty 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00043-00022182-00022492 who haven't had that experience themselves. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00044-00022493-00023169 So in the module, say, a student from computer science will be working with the faculty member 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00045-00023169-00023962 from sociology, psychology and bringing these new ways of working with data directly to 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00046-00023962-00024322 the faculty member and into that faculty member's courses. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00047-00024388-00025018 And it's a cross-generational partnership where the knowledge is being shared in both directions. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00048-00025414-00025772 So at Berkeley we started down this road back in 2014. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00049-00025772-00026002 So it's been four years coming. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00050-00026083-00026920 A group of us faculty came together in order to design a very, very ambitious undergraduate curriculum, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00051-00026960-00027412 designing it surely for the pleasure of working in this area 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00052-00027412-00027638 and knowing that our students would want it. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00053-00027700-00028258 So as this group has come together and continued working and expanding, bringing in other faculty 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00054-00028258-00028774 from across the university, we have not only built the foundations of data science class 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00055-00028774-00029318 what we call Data 8 which is now running at 1,300 students every semester, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00056-00029368-00029650 but a whole set of other courses around it. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00057-00029650-00030266 At the entry level we have got Connector courses which bring the concepts and skills of Data 8 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00058-00030266-00031089 into connection with all sorts of domains of application, from text analysis to civil engineering. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00059-00031168-00031712 And then as we have moved upward in the curriculum we found that we can build new courses or 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00060-00031712-00032532 transform existing ones by bringing data science modules in, so sociology classes use data science, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00061-00032532-00032738 or environmental science classes. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00062-00032810-00033574 It's really exciting to be part of something that is working from the bottom up and building 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00063-00033574-00034026 collaborative relationships across the university rather than silos. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00064-00034426-00034956 There was a kind of insurgent ideal that motivated those of us 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00065-00034956-00035240 who were involved with the programme from the start. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00066-00035318-00036027 We knew that data science needed to get into domains all across the university, and we knew 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00067-00036027-00036358 it needed to be on those domains' terms. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00068-00036358-00036778 You can't dictate from above how this will unfold. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00069-00036846-00037562 So we started at the bottom with the foundational level and with the students and then made it 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00070-00037563-00038138 possible for all the application domains to see themselves in the programme they were 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00071-00038138-00038710 building and define their role that made the most sense for them, whether that's computer science 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00072-00038710-00039436 and statistics being all in and being there at the foundations or whether its faculty 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00073-00039436-00040102 in the natural sciences or the humanities creating new Connector courses or new modules. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00074-00040150-00040672 We make space for every discipline to find its own way, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00075-00040712-00040956 and that was part of the goal from the start. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00076-00041384-00041608 This needn't be a daunting task. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00077-00041608-00042246 There are small ways to start, experimental ways to start, whether it is teaching 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00078-00042246-00042660 a new class or teaching a class in a new way. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00079-00042694-00043032 It doesn't need to be grandiose at the beginning. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00080-00043136-00043890 The opportunities here also come from working with colleagues in new more exploratory ways, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00081-00043890-00044620 not creating a grant proposal that will have to go through many layers of review but just 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00082-00044620-00045078 sitting down with a good colleague who you trust and developing 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00083-00045078-00045408 a relationship and a strategy for working together. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00084-00045460-00045956 One of the things that have been so surprising for me, that's most valuable about the pay-off 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00085-00045956-00046426 is the personal relationships that come out of working with colleagues. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00086-00046506-00047096 The friends who I've made through this effort are going to stay with me for years. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00087-00047096-00047666 And that's because you get past your barriers, and you get past your disciplinary pride, 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00088-00047732-00048084 and you find ways to engage with someone else's expertise. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00089-00048128-00048466 So it can start small and it can be experimental. 7CC1Q4Xpmgo-00090-00048516-00048940 But with a strong personal relationship it can grow into something really powerful. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00000-00000024-00000552 - Hey everyone, my name is Geetha and I'm studying a Bachelor of Psychology with Honours. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00001-00000552-00001000 - G'day everyone, I'm Bill. I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Psychology. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00002-00001000-00001447 - We're coming towards the end of 2020, so a lot of people are finishing their exams. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00003-00001104-00001696 - I know coming out of my HSC exams, 7Duj9NpUHgE-00004-00001696-00002320 I was pretty stressed about the whole thing. But, looking back at it, your ATAR doesn't necessarily 7Duj9NpUHgE-00005-00002320-00002562 define who you are for the rest of your life. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00006-00002562-00002859 - When I was doing my HSC exams, it was pretty stressful. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00007-00002864-00003560 at the time, but once I finished, I was so relieved. But I can understand that others might be stressed, 7Duj9NpUHgE-00008-00003560-00004208 or worrying about their grades and marks and ranks. But it's important to take that time after exams 7Duj9NpUHgE-00009-00004208-00004473 to appreciate what you have managed to accomplish. whether you come out of the exams feeling happy or 7Duj9NpUHgE-00010-00004473-00004770 - Whether you come out of the exams feeling happy or 7Duj9NpUHgE-00011-00004776-00005296 sad, use this time to just de-stress. At the end of the day, you'll be able to get to where you 7Duj9NpUHgE-00012-00005296-00005784 want. There's a huge amount of pathways you can take, whether you get in with your ATAR, 7Duj9NpUHgE-00013-00005856-00006336 whether you go to TAFE first, whether you do a different degree first, or even do Newstep, 7Duj9NpUHgE-00014-00006336-00006738 it doesn't matter - you'll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to. 7Duj9NpUHgE-00015-00006742-00007282 - There are so many pathways ahead of you, so take this time to pickwhich way you 7Duj9NpUHgE-00016-00007282-00007482 want to go and follow your dreams. 7NKT394ZT6g-00000-00000616-00001215 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels 7NKT394ZT6g-00001-00001258-00002360 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war 7NKT394ZT6g-00002-00002360-00002585 -What's your full name? -Yevgeniy 7NKT394ZT6g-00003-00002671-00002901 -Your full name -Oh, surname, name and patronymic? 7NKT394ZT6g-00004-00002951-00003377 -Yes -Vostrotin Yevgeniy Valeryevich 7NKT394ZT6g-00005-00003377-00003707 -Where are you from? -Chelyabinsk region, Nezhinsk 7NKT394ZT6g-00006-00003875-00004167 -Date of birth? -1976 7NKT394ZT6g-00007-00004167-00004396 -Do you have a family? Children? -I have children 7NKT394ZT6g-00008-00004444-00004560 -How many? -Two 7NKT394ZT6g-00009-00004596-00004965 -How old are they? -They'll be turning 22 and 24 7NKT394ZT6g-00010-00005045-00005512 -How did you end up in Ukraine? -I went... 7NKT394ZT6g-00011-00005981-00006120 How do I say this... 7NKT394ZT6g-00012-00006165-00006447 Voluntarily 7NKT394ZT6g-00013-00006516-00006695 -By contract? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00014-00006713-00006856 -So you're a contractor? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00015-00006888-00007167 -Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation -"Akhmat", yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00016-00007200-00007539 -Akhmat is different. So you signed a contract with Akhmat? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00017-00007539-00008233 -How did you join it? -We flew to Chechnya 7NKT394ZT6g-00018-00008290-00008700 -Ok, so you saw... -Yes, on a website 7NKT394ZT6g-00019-00008739-00009000 -What website? -I don't know, it was my friend who found it 7NKT394ZT6g-00020-00009066-00009630 -Ok. What did it say there? -He read everything, then invited me. I thought for a week 7NKT394ZT6g-00021-00009684-00010105 -So where did you fly in Chechnya? Grozny? -At first to Grozny 7NKT394ZT6g-00022-00010118-00010654 -Ok, what was there? -That was it, then we went to the mayor's office 7NKT394ZT6g-00023-00010654-00011214 -Stop. Who did you talk to? -I don't know. Wait, what do you mean? 7NKT394ZT6g-00024-00011214-00012622 -Who did you talk to in Grozny? -No one. We were told to come to city's hall and there will be everything 7NKT394ZT6g-00025-00012693-00013399 -Did someone discuss with you anything? Payment? -Nothing. Everything was written on the internet 7NKT394ZT6g-00026-00013502-00013930 -Who gave you the contract? -We were given the contract in mayor's office 7NKT394ZT6g-00027-00013956-00014400 -Grozny's city hall, right? -Yes, yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00028-00014400-00015069 -Was it Chechens? -No, not Chechens. It were Russians 7NKT394ZT6g-00029-00015229-00016108 We were led to a hall, called one by one, gave us the contracts and we signed it. We didn't read the content, but we should have 7NKT394ZT6g-00030-00016124-00016518 -You just understood that? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00031-00016623-00016948 -Who signed the contract on the other side? Whose stamp was it? -No idea 7NKT394ZT6g-00032-00016964-00017103 -How much money were you promised? 7NKT394ZT6g-00033-00017303-00017423 -Around 200k rubles 7NKT394ZT6g-00034-00017485-00017819 -For how long? -3 months 7NKT394ZT6g-00035-00017819-00018555 -Was it written in the contract or you don't know? -It was written when we were looking on the internet 7NKT394ZT6g-00036-00018687-00019459 Wait, no, it was written in Vkontakte. Because it was written on the first page and we managed to read it 7NKT394ZT6g-00037-00019680-00020181 -3 months, but it could've been 10 months, had you not looked, you see? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00038-00020197-00021053 -Did you talk to your wife about it? -Me and my wife are divorced, so we don't talk much 7NKT394ZT6g-00039-00021116-00021881 -I see. Did you tell your children about it? -What can children tell me? Dad got ready, Dad went 7NKT394ZT6g-00040-00021881-00022546 -Ok. When did you sign it? Which month? -10th of December, 2022 7NKT394ZT6g-00041-00022712-00023317 -When were you captured? -On the 30th of December, 2022 7NKT394ZT6g-00042-00023317-00023782 -Where? -Bilohorivka 7NKT394ZT6g-00043-00023916-00024635 -It's near Bakhmut, right? -I honestly don't know, maybe near Lysychansk? 7NKT394ZT6g-00044-00024745-00025041 -Yes, there's Lysychansk and then Bakhmut 7NKT394ZT6g-00045-00025066-00025266 What kind of troop were you? -Gunner 7NKT394ZT6g-00046-00025350-00025669 -What did you do before contract? -I worked 7NKT394ZT6g-00047-00025669-00025818 -As whom? -Bulldozer driver 7NKT394ZT6g-00048-00025900-00026514 -What was your average salary? -40k - 45k rubles 7NKT394ZT6g-00049-00026704-00027015 -Why did you go? -It was enough money for me 7NKT394ZT6g-00050-00027015-00027867 -It was enough? Then why did you go? -Who knows. Honestly, I heard that if one family member leaves for the army, 7NKT394ZT6g-00051-00027984-00028295 it spreads to other family members 7NKT394ZT6g-00052-00028343-00028543 -So it spreads on your son? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00053-00028743-00028893 That's what I heard 7NKT394ZT6g-00054-00028966-00029823 -I haven't heard of that before -I did and I went so that my kids wouldn't be drafted 7NKT394ZT6g-00055-00030454-00030666 -So, purely self interest -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00056-00030666-00031312 -Is there ideology to this? -The ideology is so that children wouldn't get drafted 7NKT394ZT6g-00057-00031312-00032214 -By ideology I mean, for example, Russians said Donetsk and Luhansk had been bombed by fascists and Nazis. Americans are at war, NATO is at the gates and so on 7NKT394ZT6g-00058-00032442-00032642 -I haven't seen that 7NKT394ZT6g-00059-00032792-00033366 -But in Russia that was heard, what I just listed -I haven't heard of that in Russia 7NKT394ZT6g-00060-00033366-00033664 -How come? -Because I didn't look into it 7NKT394ZT6g-00061-00033716-00034046 -Do you not watch the internet? -I don't 7NKT394ZT6g-00062-00034046-00034353 -What about news? -No 7NKT394ZT6g-00063-00034542-00035153 -A moral and ethical question 7NKT394ZT6g-00064-00035235-00036639 Your personal problems, that were created by your own government, you decided to solve them by going on a war with another nation 7NKT394ZT6g-00065-00036702-00036820 -It turns out so 7NKT394ZT6g-00066-00036882-00037082 -You agree? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00067-00037221-00037959 Nobody wanted it. We didn't think we'd be on the front 7NKT394ZT6g-00068-00038424-00038693 -I love this Russian's word: "It turns out so" 7NKT394ZT6g-00069-00038745-00039376 Sometimes I think that I force Russians to think. Do you think so? -Let me think 7NKT394ZT6g-00070-00039636-00039836 Yes -Yes? 7NKT394ZT6g-00071-00040057-00040164 Then next question 7NKT394ZT6g-00072-00040189-00041134 Very often when Russians come here they say "I didn't think it'd be like this" 7NKT394ZT6g-00073-00041187-00041979 If we take Russia, is it one big and strict f*cking spoil for Russians? 7NKT394ZT6g-00074-00042039-00042239 There's authority and peasants 7NKT394ZT6g-00075-00042268-00042468 The authority always f*cking spoils those peasants? 7NKT394ZT6g-00076-00042800-00043240 -I wouldn't say so 7NKT394ZT6g-00077-00043313-00043839 -No, but you see, you said you wouldn't think you'd be on the front, yet you were sent there 7NKT394ZT6g-00078-00043896-00044096 Were there Chechens? -No 7NKT394ZT6g-00079-00044123-00044266 -All were Russians? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00080-00044293-00044749 -Then where are the f*cking Chechens? It's a Chechen battalion -It is 7NKT394ZT6g-00081-00044794-00045238 -Where are Chechens? -They must be somewhere, if the battalion is Chechen. I only saw Russians 7NKT394ZT6g-00082-00045263-00045723 -Listen, all Russians here say that Chechens don't fight, those Kadyrovites 7NKT394ZT6g-00083-00045769-00046468 As I was told, when the fight finished, they came with Cola's and snickers, they ate, shot on camera and left 7NKT394ZT6g-00084-00046557-00047065 -I haven't seen that -I'm just telling you 7NKT394ZT6g-00085-00047122-00047443 Were there Chechens near Bakhmut? -No 7NKT394ZT6g-00086-00047527-00047912 You mean in Bilohrivka? Where I was taken? There were none 7NKT394ZT6g-00087-00047962-00048256 -So what does this don-don-don say? That "big warrior" 7NKT394ZT6g-00088-00048303-00048538 Ding ding don only in Grozny? 7NKT394ZT6g-00089-00048818-00049647 How does AFU fight? -I haven't gotten the chance to fight, so I don't know 7NKT394ZT6g-00090-00049647-00050023 -Have you fired? -No 7NKT394ZT6g-00091-00050089-00050355 -And if honestly? -No, honestly 7NKT394ZT6g-00092-00050555-00050869 -What do you know about Ukraine? -About Ukraine? 7NKT394ZT6g-00093-00051615-00052161 That it is fertile land 7NKT394ZT6g-00094-00052610-00052810 I don't know what else 7NKT394ZT6g-00095-00053383-00054289 -Are you proud that USSR won against Germans in World War 2? 7NKT394ZT6g-00096-00054451-00054754 -Honestly, yes. Why not? 7NKT394ZT6g-00097-00054754-00054954 -Do you attend parades? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00098-00055043-00055263 -Every year? -9th of May, yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00099-00055614-00056177 -USSR did what? Defended from Germans -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00100-00056177-00056425 -Germans were who? Occupants -Mhm 7NKT394ZT6g-00101-00056689-00057195 -Did you have someone who fought in the war? -Great-grandfathers 7NKT394ZT6g-00102-00057304-00057504 -You're like their great-grandchildren, right? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00103-00057600-00057857 -Great-grandchild came to Bakhmut as whom? 7NKT394ZT6g-00104-00058413-00058674 -Turns out as an occupant -As an occupant indeed 7NKT394ZT6g-00105-00058874-00059419 Ukrainians are doing what? -They're defending 7NKT394ZT6g-00106-00059599-00059799 Could a great-grandfather be proud of his great-grandchild? 7NKT394ZT6g-00107-00060485-00060662 -I can't say 7NKT394ZT6g-00108-00060847-00061184 -If there are any doubts, then let's extend our discussion 7NKT394ZT6g-00109-00061384-00062054 USSR fought for it's lands, right? Germans wanted to occupy them 7NKT394ZT6g-00110-00062106-00062723 Ukraine is defending it's territories. It's an idea, to protect it's own people, lands and sovereignty 7NKT394ZT6g-00111-00062833-00063195 What does Russia fight for? Explain to me. There are always 2 sides 7NKT394ZT6g-00112-00063733-00063953 -No answer -None? 7NKT394ZT6g-00113-00064234-00064894 What do Russians die here for? -No answer 7NKT394ZT6g-00114-00065078-00066076 -There's your self-interest, so that your son wouldn't get drafted, but it's a country's internal problem, right? 7NKT394ZT6g-00115-00066117-00066317 That the leader is crazy 7NKT394ZT6g-00116-00066399-00067128 Could Russians deal with him? Since there are elections and so on. After all, it's Russians who voted for him 7NKT394ZT6g-00117-00067284-00067855 If they don't agree with that, you don't agree with your son being drafted, right? You don't believe in any idea 7NKT394ZT6g-00118-00067883-00068233 Then maybe it's Russians who should deal with all this? 7NKT394ZT6g-00119-00068317-00068613 Deal with Putin, Shoigu and all this f*ckfest 7NKT394ZT6g-00120-00069106-00069174 What do you think? 7NKT394ZT6g-00121-00069630-00069789 Are you afraid? -No idea 7NKT394ZT6g-00122-00069804-00069869 -You're afraid 7NKT394ZT6g-00123-00070083-00070283 You can just say that you're afraid 7NKT394ZT6g-00124-00070673-00070800 -I don't know how to answer 7NKT394ZT6g-00125-00071189-00071617 -How old is your son? -One is 22, the second is 24 7NKT394ZT6g-00126-00071617-00071738 -So he's conscious already 7NKT394ZT6g-00127-00071738-00072576 Theoretically you get exchanged. You'll be sitting with your son on May 9th, your relationship with him is good, right? 7NKT394ZT6g-00128-00072647-00073405 And your son asks you "Dad, why did you go there?" You'll answer him plainly: "So that you wouldn't get drafted" 7NKT394ZT6g-00129-00073549-00074638 But he'll be a clever guy and ask you, nobody will know of it: "Dad, what was I supposed to go for? What were we supposed to do there?" 7NKT394ZT6g-00130-00075000-00075200 It would be a normal question from a son, right? 7NKT394ZT6g-00131-00075494-00075557 -Maybe 7NKT394ZT6g-00132-00075641-00075748 -What will you tell him? 7NKT394ZT6g-00133-00076872-00076992 -Interesting question 7NKT394ZT6g-00134-00077740-00077940 I find it hard to answer 7NKT394ZT6g-00135-00078519-00079029 -Not even as a journalist, but as a Ukrainian I try to understand that from Russians 7NKT394ZT6g-00136-00079132-00079277 If they understood what they did 7NKT394ZT6g-00137-00079375-00080024 I have a feeling that, honestly, after more than 100 interviews no one could answer me this 7NKT394ZT6g-00138-00080329-00080940 They talk about some defense of motherland, Donetsk and Luhansk and so on 7NKT394ZT6g-00139-00080940-00081377 But what motherland on foreign territory? 7NKT394ZT6g-00140-00081534-00082097 Russians sat here and said Ukrainians looked at them with despise 7NKT394ZT6g-00141-00082297-00082497 Was it like that with you? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00142-00082716-00083100 -So Ukrainians don't want Russians, if they look at them with despise 7NKT394ZT6g-00143-00083292-00083492 -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00144-00083569-00083808 -I'm not making this up, it's true, isn't it? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00145-00083968-00084108 -Wanna say anything to Ukrainians? 7NKT394ZT6g-00146-00084683-00084883 -I want to personally apologize for coming here 7NKT394ZT6g-00147-00085016-00085672 -Yes, that's a good step, when people at least have an understanding of what they did 7NKT394ZT6g-00148-00085931-00086359 Wanna say anything to Russians? -What about them? 7NKT394ZT6g-00149-00086772-00086972 They should think with their heads 7NKT394ZT6g-00150-00087300-00087831 -How to end this war? -How to end it? 7NKT394ZT6g-00151-00089032-00089312 I don't know. We need to negotiate somehow to end it 7NKT394ZT6g-00152-00089631-00089776 -How do you negotiate with a Russian? 7NKT394ZT6g-00153-00090043-00090243 -I'm not knowledgeable in that, I don't know 7NKT394ZT6g-00154-00090514-00090801 -Not knowledgeable in politics, right? I already know that -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00155-00090826-00090921 -You're part of the politics 7NKT394ZT6g-00156-00091049-00091310 You voluntarily became part of the policy 7NKT394ZT6g-00157-00091351-00092238 I'll tell you more. As a Russian citizen you're part of the politics, because you attend elections 7NKT394ZT6g-00158-00092509-00092787 Who did you vote for? -For Putin 7NKT394ZT6g-00159-00092866-00092961 -Are you satisfied with him? 7NKT394ZT6g-00160-00093851-00094078 -He seems to be fine 7NKT394ZT6g-00161-00094153-00094663 -You think so? What about what's happening now between Ukraine and Russia? -That I'm not really fine with 7NKT394ZT6g-00162-00094692-00095053 -Putin is the commander-in-chief? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00163-00095124-00095491 -I'm sorry, but you, Russians, wasted everything 7NKT394ZT6g-00164-00095675-00096520 You're here in captivity and you are even afraid to say what's in reality. Do you understand that? 7NKT394ZT6g-00165-00096764-00096888 You're like slaves of a Tsar 7NKT394ZT6g-00166-00097340-00097508 Who stupidly sends you to slaughter 7NKT394ZT6g-00167-00097572-00098362 You went here so your would survive. I'm sorry, but that's f*cked up. There's nothing ideal that would be in the war, right? 7NKT394ZT6g-00168-00098562-00098787 Do you see what I mean? -Yes 7NKT394ZT6g-00169-00098810-00099010 -You can agree or disagree 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00000-00000059-00000674 vintage advanced media 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00001-00000674-00001088 advantage advanced media we are expects that social media marketing 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00002-00001088-00001530 we have an invaluable service which uses social media marketing to enhance its 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00003-00001530-00001688 search engine optimization 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00004-00001688-00002186 and catapult your site up the Google ranking google loves web sites with the 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00005-00002186-00002377 development social media 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00006-00002377-00002736 and we know exactly what makes Google heart to race 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00007-00002736-00003102 of course with your social media campaign you still get all the other 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00008-00003102-00003189 great benefits 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00009-00003189-00003601 by us driving more traffic to your website gaining loyalty form your customers 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00010-00003601-00003923 boosting your brand and increasing your sales 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00011-00003923-00004230 our social media experts will profile your company 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00012-00004230-00004682 looking in detail at your products and services then design a program that 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00013-00004682-00004838 social media promotion 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00014-00004838-00005354 thats tailored to your business .we can set up your social network accounts if required 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00015-00005354-00005672 and our design team will take your profile pages look great 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00016-00005672-00005999 they can even imbedd your social media icon, 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00017-00005999-00006374 links and feeds directly into your website 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00018-00006374-00006784 within days we can be tweeting and posting engaging content they can help 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00019-00006784-00007280 boost your Google's ranking increase your sales differentiate you from your competitors 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00020-00007280-00007631 and gain a loyal following our low monthly fees 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00021-00007631-00008075 and friendly expert service make getting all the benefits of a search engine optimized 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00022-00008075-00008200 social media campaign 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00023-00008200-00008698 a piece of cake , contact us today and let's talk about how we can make you make social media 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00024-00008698-00008788 marketing 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00025-00008788-00009156 work for you vintage advanced media 7Ov-rP0w_9o-00026-00009156-00009343 experts at social media marketing 7OBRGBek71c-00000-00001000-00001700 CPM takes comfortable lead in Chengannur Assembly bypoll in Kerala 7OBRGBek71c-00001-00001800-00003500 Counting of votes for the bypoll to the Chengannur Assembly seat in Kerala is underway on Thursday with CPI-M candidate, Saji Cherian, taking a comfortable lead of over 4,000 votes after counting started for the third round. 7OBRGBek71c-00002-00003600-00005600 Chengannur: Counting of votes for the bypoll to the Chengannur Assembly seat in Kerala is underway on Thursday with CPI-M candidate, Saji Cherian, taking a comfortable lead of over 4,000 votes after counting started for the third round. 7OBRGBek71c-00003-00005700-00006900 In the 2016 assembly polls the Communist Party of India-Marxist candidate, KK Ramachandran Nair, had a lead of only 2,000 votes. 7OBRGBek71c-00004-00007000-00008900 The bypoll was necessitated following Nair`s death in January The signs are good and victory is becoming clear because I have led in all the 14 booths in the first round which include strongholds of the Congress-led UDF, said Cherian. 7OBRGBek71c-00005-00009000-00010800 With the trend becoming more and more clear, Cherian appears to be firmly establishing the lead. The CPI-M candidate clearly has an upper hand in the Congress` strongholds, said senior Congress leader Rajmohan Unnithan. 7OBRGBek71c-00006-00010900-00012500 Vijayakumar is in the second position followed by the Bharatiya Janata Partys PS Sreedharan Pillai. I had told soon after the elections that the Left has purchased votes, and all that can be seen now, said Pillai. 7OBRGBek71c-00007-00012600-00013300 Voting for the seat took place on Monday. 7OQdXPVMT7u-00000-00000000-00000200 Shorts Video Compilation 7TtXsPDcksY-00000-00000013-00000184 One of the best business credit cards to 7TtXsPDcksY-00001-00000185-00000359 have in your wallet as a business owner 7TtXsPDcksY-00002-00000369-00000662 is the Chase Business Ink Cash Card. 7TtXsPDcksY-00003-00000713-00000942 Business credit cards allow you to carry a 7TtXsPDcksY-00004-00000942-00001145 balance with your business credit because it does 7TtXsPDcksY-00005-00001149-00001325 not report to your personal credit. 7TtXsPDcksY-00006-00001341-00001513 This Chase credit card is one of my favorite 7TtXsPDcksY-00007-00001516-00001807 because it gives you $750 bonus cash back if you 7TtXsPDcksY-00008-00001810-00002104 spend $7,500 in the first three months, and you get 7TtXsPDcksY-00009-00002105-00002440 a 5% cash back on the first $25 spent in 7TtXsPDcksY-00010-00002441-00002905 combined purchases on special categories like Internet, cable, phone services. 7TtXsPDcksY-00011-00002920-00003041 Last part's the most important! 7TtXsPDcksY-00012-00003051-00003422 Then it's 2% cash back on gas stations and restaurants, 7TtXsPDcksY-00013-00003430-00003694 and it's 1% cash back on all other purchases. 7TtXsPDcksY-00014-00003707-00003985 And my favorite part: 0% APR for the 7TtXsPDcksY-00015-00003988-00004153 first 12 months after you open up this 7TtXsPDcksY-00016-00004156-00004411 new account, which is huge for a business! 7TtXsPDcksY-00017-00004426-00004714 The best part about a Chase Business Credit Card: if 7TtXsPDcksY-00018-00004715-00005021 you have a Chase Sapphire Preferred or Reserved, you can 7TtXsPDcksY-00019-00005025-00005341 transfer your Business Ink Cash points to those cards to 7TtXsPDcksY-00020-00005344-00005536 get more value out of your points. 7TtXsPDcksY-00021-00005549-00005665 Follow to increase your credit score! 7UiJjLDyvrA-00000-00000000-00000121 - Hi, I'm Jane Finley, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00001-00000121-00000353 I'm the senior Vice President Area manager, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00002-00000353-00000553 for Kaiser Foundation Hospital and Health Plan, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00003-00000553-00000663 here in San Diego. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00004-00000785-00000975 I'm really excited about the day today, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00005-00000975-00001258 because this is the marriage of, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00006-00001375-00001588 socio-economic growth, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00007-00001588-00001838 and wellness in the San Diego community. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00008-00001838-00002130 Without a strong, small business community, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00009-00002130-00002442 that is generating jobs, that are good-paying jobs, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00010-00002442-00002909 that are helping San Diegans have strong incomes, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00011-00002938-00003263 we as a community won't grow and we won't thrive. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00012-00003263-00003507 Health care is a portion 7UiJjLDyvrA-00013-00003507-00003725 of the overall health of a community, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00014-00003725-00003979 and for us to fulfill our our mission of improving, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00015-00003979-00004101 not only the health of our members, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00016-00004101-00004247 but the communities we serve, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00017-00004247-00004501 we must help our small businesses grow. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00018-00004501-00004751 Without small business growth, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00019-00004751-00004928 we won't thrive as a community. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00020-00005053-00005284 - And I'm Steve Grossman, I'm CEO of ICIC, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00021-00005284-00005452 the Initiative for Competitive Inner City, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00022-00005452-00005671 and we were so excited to have been invited by 7UiJjLDyvrA-00023-00005671-00005906 Jane and the Kaiser Permanente team, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00024-00005906-00006206 to bring this program to San Diego 7UiJjLDyvrA-00025-00006206-00006367 when we got together last winter, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00026-00006367-00006559 and it's been a wonderful journey together. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00027-00006559-00006853 We have more than 60 businesses in the room, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00028-00006853-00007067 learning, growing, flourishing. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00029-00007067-00007337 What they will do is to learn about strategy and marketing. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00030-00007337-00007564 They will have education, coaching, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00031-00007564-00007868 and almost three quarters of them need capital. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00032-00007868-00008065 We will help them get the capital they need. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00033-00008065-00008155 What will they do with that? 7UiJjLDyvrA-00034-00008155-00008341 They will create top line revenue growth, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00035-00008341-00008528 they'll create good paying jobs, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00036-00008528-00008687 and those good paying jobs will turn into 7UiJjLDyvrA-00037-00008687-00008936 better wellness outcomes and total health 7UiJjLDyvrA-00038-00008936-00009136 for the entire San Diego area. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00039-00009136-00009408 So, we're so grateful for this partnership. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00040-00009408-00009574 What Kaiser understood from the beginning, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00041-00009574-00009918 was that total health and wellness outcomes 7UiJjLDyvrA-00042-00009918-00010281 are critically linked to economic growth 7UiJjLDyvrA-00043-00010281-00010429 and economic opportunity. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00044-00010429-00010717 Inclusive prosperity, leveling the playing field, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00045-00010717-00010889 leaving no small business behind. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00046-00010889-00011118 Small businesses are the backbone of this community. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00047-00011118-00011297 They create the good paying jobs, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00048-00011297-00011544 which comes with health insurance and better wellness. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00049-00011544-00011761 So, it's a wonderful marriage 7UiJjLDyvrA-00050-00011761-00012000 and this partnership means so much to me, 7UiJjLDyvrA-00051-00012000-00012245 to all of us, to Michael Porter, our founder. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00052-00012245-00012377 And, we look forward to being back 7UiJjLDyvrA-00053-00012377-00012494 again and again over the years. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00054-00012494-00012667 - [Jane] Well thank you for your strong partnership. 7UiJjLDyvrA-00055-00012667-00012835 - [Steve] Thank you Jane, thank you. 7amK6JdYhIU-00000-00000000-00000200 НАФАС ИНТИЗОР 2023 БАЗМИ БАДАХШОН / ТЮМЕНЬ 7d_9fIAER2g-00000-00000000-00000217 HADI RANGIN: Good afternoon, everyone. 7d_9fIAER2g-00001-00000217-00000513 My name is Hadi Rangin, a member of IT accessibility team. 7d_9fIAER2g-00002-00000513-00001194 And I would like to welcome you to our monthly webinar series. 7d_9fIAER2g-00003-00001194-00001582 Today we will be discussing how we can utilize or use 7d_9fIAER2g-00004-00001582-00001902 a screen reader as a potential checking, testing tool. 7d_9fIAER2g-00005-00003220-00003270 OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00006-00003270-00003517 Let me tell you what we will be discussing today. 7d_9fIAER2g-00007-00003517-00003720 First, we will be talking a little bit 7d_9fIAER2g-00008-00003720-00004044 about the difference between technical and functional 7d_9fIAER2g-00009-00004044-00004287 accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00010-00004287-00004710 Then we'll talk a little bit about what and how we test it 7d_9fIAER2g-00011-00004710-00004908 and what is screen readers are available, 7d_9fIAER2g-00012-00004908-00005151 how screen reader works, and then 7d_9fIAER2g-00013-00005151-00005535 some common features that we look for usually for when 7d_9fIAER2g-00014-00005535-00005715 we are testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00015-00005715-00006307 And then later, we'll dive into a live demo. 7d_9fIAER2g-00016-00006307-00006659 And finally, we'll have time for questions and answers. 7d_9fIAER2g-00017-00006659-00006778 But Good luck. 7d_9fIAER2g-00018-00006778-00006928 I usually go over time. 7d_9fIAER2g-00019-00007183-00007378 Technical accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00020-00007378-00007714 I would like that we, just at the beginning, 7d_9fIAER2g-00021-00007714-00008034 understand the difference between functional and 7d_9fIAER2g-00022-00008034-00008272 technical accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00023-00008272-00008428 They have a big difference. 7d_9fIAER2g-00024-00008428-00008656 When we talk about technical accessibility, 7d_9fIAER2g-00025-00008656-00008884 we usually focus on accessibility 7d_9fIAER2g-00026-00008884-00009350 of a specific item by itself. 7d_9fIAER2g-00027-00009350-00009715 For example, we check if a button or form 7d_9fIAER2g-00028-00009715-00009988 control in general has been coded 7d_9fIAER2g-00029-00009988-00010514 according to the recommended standard or best practices. 7d_9fIAER2g-00030-00010514-00011089 So this ensures that the assistive technology 7d_9fIAER2g-00031-00011089-00011791 has proper access to the button as needed. 7d_9fIAER2g-00032-00011791-00012256 Note that in this method, we are checking the element by itself. 7d_9fIAER2g-00033-00012256-00012615 And it does not give us any holistic view 7d_9fIAER2g-00034-00012615-00013378 about the overall accessibility of the page or the process 7d_9fIAER2g-00035-00013378-00013572 that we are testing for. 7d_9fIAER2g-00036-00013897-00014509 In the functional accessibility testing, 7d_9fIAER2g-00037-00014509-00015244 we focus more on overall accessibility of the process. 7d_9fIAER2g-00038-00015244-00015363 Examples that I have. 7d_9fIAER2g-00039-00015363-00015779 Consider you go to Google or Gmail 7d_9fIAER2g-00040-00015779-00016063 and you want to send an email. 7d_9fIAER2g-00041-00016063-00016601 So we check, we consider the entire process 7d_9fIAER2g-00042-00016601-00017342 of finding the compose button, being able to navigate to it, 7d_9fIAER2g-00043-00017342-00017882 trigger it, and then go through all the components 7d_9fIAER2g-00044-00017882-00018386 or the fields, compose your email, run spell check, 7d_9fIAER2g-00045-00018386-00018959 and then send the message, and then get the confirmation 7d_9fIAER2g-00046-00018959-00019296 notice that you have successfully sent the message. 7d_9fIAER2g-00047-00019296-00019674 So when we do the testing like this, 7d_9fIAER2g-00048-00019674-00019862 we call that functional accessibility 7d_9fIAER2g-00049-00019862-00020246 because we want to check the entire business 7d_9fIAER2g-00050-00020246-00020475 process as a whole. 7d_9fIAER2g-00051-00020475-00020813 And as you see, for each step we need 7d_9fIAER2g-00052-00020813-00021143 to make sure that all the elements that we 7d_9fIAER2g-00053-00021143-00021701 are interacting with are accessible, 7d_9fIAER2g-00054-00021701-00022055 and then we can get to the next step. 7d_9fIAER2g-00055-00022055-00022325 And of course, this is the right way 7d_9fIAER2g-00056-00022325-00022565 to do it because you that way you 7d_9fIAER2g-00057-00022565-00023006 get a holistic view of overall accessibility of the page 7d_9fIAER2g-00058-00023006-00023148 or of the process. 7d_9fIAER2g-00059-00023148-00023723 So to summarize it, so for the functional accessibility, 7d_9fIAER2g-00060-00023723-00024200 we need the technical accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00061-00024200-00024573 I think that is a short message. 7d_9fIAER2g-00062-00024573-00025229 So accessible technique is required, 7d_9fIAER2g-00063-00025229-00026127 but you need both aspects of the accessibility 7d_9fIAER2g-00064-00026127-00026696 to sure the application that you are dealing with is accessible. 7d_9fIAER2g-00065-00027024-00027277 So we already are talking about accessibility, I mean, 7d_9fIAER2g-00066-00027277-00027502 how we can use a screen reader for that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00067-00027502-00028091 But I am very, very skeptic to recommend developers go ahead 7d_9fIAER2g-00068-00028091-00028270 and start with the screen reader testing 7d_9fIAER2g-00069-00028270-00028578 because the screen reader programs super complex. 7d_9fIAER2g-00070-00029045-00029510 I do not recommend that people go 7d_9fIAER2g-00071-00029510-00029762 and just start testing with the screen reader 7d_9fIAER2g-00072-00029762-00030230 because you might get a lot of incorrect results 7d_9fIAER2g-00073-00030230-00030689 because you do not know how to utilize this community there, 7d_9fIAER2g-00074-00030689-00031025 or you are not familiar with hundreds of functions 7d_9fIAER2g-00075-00031025-00031100 that they offer. 7d_9fIAER2g-00076-00031363-00031717 But before you test, you need to understand 7d_9fIAER2g-00077-00031717-00032068 the basics of coding practices. 7d_9fIAER2g-00078-00032068-00032473 So you need to know that, for example for a button, what 7d_9fIAER2g-00079-00032473-00032956 features you are looking for, what behavior you 7d_9fIAER2g-00080-00032956-00033067 are looking for. 7d_9fIAER2g-00081-00033067-00033854 And all of them are available through audio best practices 7d_9fIAER2g-00082-00033854-00034423 or HTML best practices that you can go and read and then see 7d_9fIAER2g-00083-00034423-00034729 how, for example, a button should behave 7d_9fIAER2g-00084-00034729-00035014 and what features it should have. 7d_9fIAER2g-00085-00035014-00035215 And then again, when we are testing, 7d_9fIAER2g-00086-00035215-00035461 we do not want to just focus on technical accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00087-00035461-00035959 We want to focus more on functional accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00088-00035959-00036595 And then frequently we see that sometimes they 7d_9fIAER2g-00089-00036595-00036912 confuse accessibility with their personal preferences. 7d_9fIAER2g-00090-00036912-00037192 Yet there are situations that we have to choose 7d_9fIAER2g-00091-00037192-00037423 or we don't have any strong opinion, 7d_9fIAER2g-00092-00037423-00037717 but please be careful that you do not 7d_9fIAER2g-00093-00037717-00038041 impose your personal preferences and sell it 7d_9fIAER2g-00094-00038041-00038363 as accessibility behavior or feature. 7d_9fIAER2g-00095-00038835-00039006 I don't think that you need to test that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00096-00039006-00039605 So again, there are numerous accessibility testing tools 7d_9fIAER2g-00097-00039605-00039890 that you can use to get some idea 7d_9fIAER2g-00098-00039890-00040235 about the technical accessibility problems. 7d_9fIAER2g-00099-00040235-00040847 And then you can utilize them and get 7d_9fIAER2g-00100-00040847-00041087 a good overview, a good understanding 7d_9fIAER2g-00101-00041087-00041395 of the technical issues. 7d_9fIAER2g-00102-00041395-00041719 And I need to emphasize that screen reader can possibly 7d_9fIAER2g-00103-00041719-00042296 help you to check for some accessibility problems. 7d_9fIAER2g-00104-00042296-00042948 And then one thing that I want to mention that you probably 7d_9fIAER2g-00105-00042948-00043380 see that in some applications, they tell you that if you are 7d_9fIAER2g-00106-00043380-00043782 a keyboard user, then you have to go through a significantly 7d_9fIAER2g-00107-00043782-00044211 more complex process or through a different process to do it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00108-00044211-00044574 Or if you are a screen reader user, 7d_9fIAER2g-00109-00044574-00044838 call us or do this or that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00110-00044838-00045382 We call all these things a bandage or workaround solution. 7d_9fIAER2g-00111-00045382-00045576 So I just wanted to emphasize that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00112-00045576-00046054 Workaround solutions are not accessibility solutions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00113-00046054-00046251 And when you are testing for accessibility, 7d_9fIAER2g-00114-00046251-00046620 you run into a lot of issues, and make sure 7d_9fIAER2g-00115-00046620-00046825 that you do not get lost into it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00116-00046825-00047052 So I see that sometimes the people 7d_9fIAER2g-00117-00047052-00047364 are focusing on just the fun sites, are not consistent, 7d_9fIAER2g-00118-00047364-00047829 or font is too small, too big, which are all 7d_9fIAER2g-00119-00047829-00048021 completely valid issues. 7d_9fIAER2g-00120-00048021-00048258 But when you are doing that, make 7d_9fIAER2g-00121-00048258-00048813 sure that you get on the bigger items or more impactful items. 7d_9fIAER2g-00122-00049171-00049301 TERRILL THOMPSON: Hey, Hadi? 7d_9fIAER2g-00123-00049301-00049393 HADI RANGIN: Yes, sir. 7d_9fIAER2g-00124-00049393-00049720 TERRILL THOMPSON: You Zoom window has made its way 7d_9fIAER2g-00125-00049720-00050073 to the top of your slides. 7d_9fIAER2g-00126-00050073-00050195 HADI RANGIN: It's gone? 7d_9fIAER2g-00127-00050195-00050304 TERRILL THOMPSON: Not yet. 7d_9fIAER2g-00128-00050681-00050967 There we go 7d_9fIAER2g-00129-00050967-00051067 HADI RANGIN: Is it gone? 7d_9fIAER2g-00130-00051067-00051121 Is is OK now? 7d_9fIAER2g-00131-00051121-00051328 TERRILL THOMPSON: The Zoom toolbar still visible, 7d_9fIAER2g-00132-00051328-00051558 but the Zoom window is gone now. 7d_9fIAER2g-00133-00051558-00051658 Yeah. 7d_9fIAER2g-00134-00051658-00051985 Now the Zoom window is there. 7d_9fIAER2g-00135-00051985-00052303 If you like, I can request control and make that 7d_9fIAER2g-00136-00052303-00052498 go away every once in a while. 7d_9fIAER2g-00137-00052498-00052585 HADI RANGIN: Yeah. 7d_9fIAER2g-00138-00052585-00052672 TERRILL THOMPSON: OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00139-00053760-00053994 I'm actually not sure how to make the toolbar go away. 7d_9fIAER2g-00140-00054533-00054788 ANDREA MANO: Hadi has a keyboard shortcut 7d_9fIAER2g-00141-00054788-00054920 that was working earlier. 7d_9fIAER2g-00142-00054920-00055204 HADI RANGIN: I need that, but it seems It didn't work. 7d_9fIAER2g-00143-00055204-00055492 ANDREA MANO: It did open and close it, 7d_9fIAER2g-00144-00055492-00055715 but then the other window keeps popping up. 7d_9fIAER2g-00145-00056615-00056936 TERRILL THOMPSON: The toolbar is not too great of obstruction. 7d_9fIAER2g-00146-00056936-00057133 We can still see your slides. 7d_9fIAER2g-00147-00057133-00057329 HADI RANGIN: Sorry, guys for the inconvenience. 7d_9fIAER2g-00148-00057329-00057605 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00149-00057605-00057960 So when you're at your computer, you have still control. 7d_9fIAER2g-00150-00057960-00058149 Make sure that you don't screw up my window. 7d_9fIAER2g-00151-00058149-00058525 [CHUCKLES] OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00152-00058525-00058722 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00153-00058722-00058827 So what are we testing? 7d_9fIAER2g-00154-00058827-00059124 When we consider you bringing a project for us 7d_9fIAER2g-00155-00059124-00059466 for accessibility testing, the first thing that we do, 7d_9fIAER2g-00156-00059466-00059910 that we perform is the consistency 7d_9fIAER2g-00157-00059910-00060058 throughout the application. 7d_9fIAER2g-00158-00060058-00060362 So we check for the visual consistency, 7d_9fIAER2g-00159-00060362-00060552 visual functional consistency, meaning 7d_9fIAER2g-00160-00060552-00060900 that we make sure that the same feature or similar features 7d_9fIAER2g-00161-00060900-00061126 are implemented in the same way. 7d_9fIAER2g-00162-00061126-00061644 For example, if you are asking one page for-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00163-00061644-00061902 just let's make up a-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00164-00061902-00062052 gender information. 7d_9fIAER2g-00165-00062052-00062686 If you use in one place a combo box 7d_9fIAER2g-00166-00062686-00063042 and then on a different page, you use a radio group, 7d_9fIAER2g-00167-00063042-00063366 so we consider that an inconsistency. 7d_9fIAER2g-00168-00063366-00063682 And we would love within the application framework, 7d_9fIAER2g-00169-00063682-00064150 you use the same consistency. 7d_9fIAER2g-00170-00064150-00064285 Proper use of elements. 7d_9fIAER2g-00171-00064285-00064504 So you will be surprised how many times 7d_9fIAER2g-00172-00064504-00064891 we run into the applications that people are not 7d_9fIAER2g-00173-00064891-00065464 using the right element for the thing that they want to do. 7d_9fIAER2g-00174-00065464-00066292 They come to do. 7d_9fIAER2g-00175-00066292-00066514 The common issue that we run into that 7d_9fIAER2g-00176-00066514-00067192 is the use of links versus button or radio 7d_9fIAER2g-00177-00067192-00067495 group versus check boxes. 7d_9fIAER2g-00178-00067495-00067990 So because each of them has a different meaning, 7d_9fIAER2g-00179-00067990-00068281 if it is not implemented properly, 7d_9fIAER2g-00180-00068281-00068619 you just cause confusion. 7d_9fIAER2g-00181-00068619-00068820 Keyboard operability. 7d_9fIAER2g-00182-00068820-00069060 We want to make sure that you can 7d_9fIAER2g-00183-00069060-00069276 tab to all the focusable elements 7d_9fIAER2g-00184-00069276-00069699 and you can perform all the applicable functions 7d_9fIAER2g-00185-00069699-00070031 with keyboard, just keyboard. 7d_9fIAER2g-00186-00070031-00070355 And then remember, when you are going through the keyboard 7d_9fIAER2g-00187-00070355-00070728 testing, you want to make sure that you never get lost. 7d_9fIAER2g-00188-00070728-00071051 So the focus indicator should be always visible. 7d_9fIAER2g-00189-00071051-00071783 So do not blame your eyes or age if you cannot follow that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00190-00072037-00072365 Logical tab means that when you are pressing the tab key, 7d_9fIAER2g-00191-00072365-00072905 you should go in a logical presentation that 7d_9fIAER2g-00192-00072905-00072995 is in front of you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00193-00072995-00073277 You should not back and forth go, up or down 7d_9fIAER2g-00194-00073277-00073793 or in a direction that you are not expecting. 7d_9fIAER2g-00195-00073793-00074084 And one thing I would like to mention about the shortcut keys 7d_9fIAER2g-00196-00074084-00074378 and that is one of the really biggest problems 7d_9fIAER2g-00197-00074378-00074576 that I am dealing with these days with, 7d_9fIAER2g-00198-00074576-00074787 is some people, some applications, 7d_9fIAER2g-00199-00074787-00075014 including Microsoft application, they 7d_9fIAER2g-00200-00075014-00075461 are offering sometimes hundreds of shortcut keys. 7d_9fIAER2g-00201-00075461-00075872 And then these shortcut keys are not 7d_9fIAER2g-00202-00075872-00076184 considered as accessibility solution. 7d_9fIAER2g-00203-00076184-00076538 Shortcut keys are good as long as they are a handful, 7d_9fIAER2g-00204-00076538-00076989 they are meaningful, and they are consistent. 7d_9fIAER2g-00205-00076989-00077234 So if you look, for example-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00206-00077234-00077552 an application that I am mastering these days 7d_9fIAER2g-00207-00077552-00077735 is Microsoft Teams. 7d_9fIAER2g-00208-00077735-00078314 And you will be surprised how many shortcut keys they have, 7d_9fIAER2g-00209-00078314-00079211 because they fail to provide a consistent navigation 7d_9fIAER2g-00210-00079211-00079326 within the application. 7d_9fIAER2g-00211-00079326-00079556 So they came up with the shortcut keys. 7d_9fIAER2g-00212-00079556-00079883 Sometimes you have to control shift something, 7d_9fIAER2g-00213-00079883-00080381 control alt something, and sometimes alt shift. 7d_9fIAER2g-00214-00080381-00080538 It is a mess. 7d_9fIAER2g-00215-00080538-00080753 So we do not consider shortcut keys 7d_9fIAER2g-00216-00080753-00080942 as accessibility solutions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00217-00081270-00081755 So when we get there, the next thing that we look for 7d_9fIAER2g-00218-00081755-00081944 is the ARIA landmark. 7d_9fIAER2g-00219-00081944-00082271 For those of you who are not familiar with that, 7d_9fIAER2g-00220-00082271-00083342 we use ARIA landmark mechanism to provide a semantic meaning 7d_9fIAER2g-00221-00083342-00083568 to different regions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00222-00083568-00083945 So in other words, when you look at a page, 7d_9fIAER2g-00223-00083945-00084415 you can easily see how the page is constructed 7d_9fIAER2g-00224-00084415-00084659 or the application is constructed. 7d_9fIAER2g-00225-00084659-00084902 For example, you see some banner or a banner, 7d_9fIAER2g-00226-00084902-00085547 you see some navigation bars or sidebars, footer, and so on. 7d_9fIAER2g-00227-00085547-00086101 And landmarks provides mechanism for us 7d_9fIAER2g-00228-00086101-00086518 so we can see that this page consists of five things, five 7d_9fIAER2g-00229-00086518-00086662 major components. 7d_9fIAER2g-00230-00086662-00086935 And then we can easily navigate to it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00231-00086935-00087355 We might not be able to tell you what to say, where they are, 7d_9fIAER2g-00232-00087355-00087670 but we can see that these are major components. 7d_9fIAER2g-00233-00088762-00089155 We want to make sure that every element is residing 7d_9fIAER2g-00234-00089155-00089677 in one of these regions, and then the regions 7d_9fIAER2g-00235-00089677-00090016 have meaningful names and labels. 7d_9fIAER2g-00236-00090016-00090526 And then the next thing that we check is the content. 7d_9fIAER2g-00237-00090526-00090721 We check for the content structure. 7d_9fIAER2g-00238-00090721-00091375 So we separate application or website infrastructure 7d_9fIAER2g-00239-00091375-00091808 or framework from the content. 7d_9fIAER2g-00240-00091808-00092482 So one of the first things that we look at in the content 7d_9fIAER2g-00241-00092482-00092743 structure is the heading. 7d_9fIAER2g-00242-00092743-00093217 So we'll make sure that the content section of the page 7d_9fIAER2g-00243-00093217-00093610 has a proper heading, and they are meaningful. 7d_9fIAER2g-00244-00093610-00093898 They are logical and hierarchical. 7d_9fIAER2g-00245-00093898-00094018 And they are complete. 7d_9fIAER2g-00246-00094018-00094696 It means that they offer headings to all major sections. 7d_9fIAER2g-00247-00094696-00095077 So practically, the list of the headings 7d_9fIAER2g-00248-00095077-00095485 should give you an outline of the content on the page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00249-00095954-00096421 So there were some other stuff that can go with the structure. 7d_9fIAER2g-00250-00096421-00096739 For the order for the content, it's a grouping of elements. 7d_9fIAER2g-00251-00096739-00097384 If you see related items, you want to see them in a group 7d_9fIAER2g-00252-00097384-00097555 or as a list. 7d_9fIAER2g-00253-00097555-00098029 They can be all grouped as an ordered or unordered 7d_9fIAER2g-00254-00098029-00098266 or definition list. 7d_9fIAER2g-00255-00098266-00098661 Graphics are so meaningful. 7d_9fIAER2g-00256-00099036-00099318 We call that informational graphics, and graphics that 7d_9fIAER2g-00257-00099318-00099915 provide some information that you think 7d_9fIAER2g-00258-00099915-00100128 it is useful to the audience. 7d_9fIAER2g-00259-00100128-00100756 They need proper text or description 7d_9fIAER2g-00260-00100756-00100923 so it's going to be they know what 7d_9fIAER2g-00261-00100923-00101151 the purpose of that graphic is. 7d_9fIAER2g-00262-00101151-00101878 Forms are getting a little more complex because of the form. 7d_9fIAER2g-00263-00101878-00102340 We are interacting with the page or with the elements there. 7d_9fIAER2g-00264-00102340-00102693 So for the simple thing, or simple form element, 7d_9fIAER2g-00265-00102693-00103217 we said that all form elements regarding the button, input 7d_9fIAER2g-00266-00103217-00103622 text, combo box, checkbox, radio group, 7d_9fIAER2g-00267-00103622-00104131 and so on, they should have meaningful labels. 7d_9fIAER2g-00268-00104131-00104744 And this is a very, very well-defined best practices 7d_9fIAER2g-00269-00104744-00104982 how to do it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00270-00104982-00105607 When we get to the more complex widgets, 7d_9fIAER2g-00271-00105607-00105871 for example for the complex widgets, 7d_9fIAER2g-00272-00105871-00106493 like expand, collapse carousel or menu, 7d_9fIAER2g-00273-00106493-00106862 it requires a little more in-depth knowledge of that, 7d_9fIAER2g-00274-00106862-00107176 and you need to know how to interact, 7d_9fIAER2g-00275-00107176-00107419 for example, with the menu and what 7d_9fIAER2g-00276-00107419-00107767 should be expected when you get into a disclosure 7d_9fIAER2g-00277-00107767-00108376 or expand collapsible element or how a carousel should behave. 7d_9fIAER2g-00278-00108376-00109144 And then the purpose of the form is that you collect some data 7d_9fIAER2g-00279-00109144-00109274 and then you submit that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00280-00109274-00109648 But during that process, it is very possible 7d_9fIAER2g-00281-00109648-00110056 that you run into some warning, some error, some requirement 7d_9fIAER2g-00282-00110056-00110386 that you have to know. 7d_9fIAER2g-00283-00110386-00110579 So for some, time format. 7d_9fIAER2g-00284-00110579-00110744 For example, you are entering the date. 7d_9fIAER2g-00285-00110744-00111323 All this stuff must be communicated in an accessible 7d_9fIAER2g-00286-00111323-00111677 way to all users. 7d_9fIAER2g-00287-00111677-00111885 And then during that process, when 7d_9fIAER2g-00288-00111885-00112207 you submit that, the system should 7d_9fIAER2g-00289-00112207-00112813 be able to deliver any error message or any warning, 7d_9fIAER2g-00290-00112813-00113398 or if it has been successful in what they call a verification 7d_9fIAER2g-00291-00113398-00113851 notification or verification announcement, something 7d_9fIAER2g-00292-00113851-00114292 that people can see and hear and read or whatever. 7d_9fIAER2g-00293-00114883-00115394 So I am not going to discuss the accessibility of screen readers 7d_9fIAER2g-00294-00115394-00115585 in Unix or Linux system. 7d_9fIAER2g-00295-00115585-00115880 But for Windows, for what screen reader we have. 7d_9fIAER2g-00296-00115880-00116131 On Windows, we have-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00297-00116131-00116488 the traditional screen reader in North America 7d_9fIAER2g-00298-00116488-00117097 is JAWS, followed by NVDA, and then Narrator. 7d_9fIAER2g-00299-00117097-00117234 JAWS is a commercial one. 7d_9fIAER2g-00300-00117234-00117439 NVDA is pretty free. 7d_9fIAER2g-00301-00117439-00117892 And the Narrator is a built-in screen reader from Microsoft. 7d_9fIAER2g-00302-00117892-00118223 Until a couple of years ago, it was practically 7d_9fIAER2g-00303-00118223-00118519 a toy, a useless thing, but in the past 7d_9fIAER2g-00304-00118519-00118931 the years, they invested a lot of resources into it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00305-00118931-00119554 So I think it is coming along, and is getting slowly 7d_9fIAER2g-00306-00119554-00119998 to become a sophisticated screen reader program. 7d_9fIAER2g-00307-00119998-00120333 In Mac, the major screen reader is VoiceOver. 7d_9fIAER2g-00308-00120333-00120641 It comes with Mac, and it's beautiful. 7d_9fIAER2g-00309-00120641-00121043 The user doesn't have to pay extra for their. 7d_9fIAER2g-00310-00121043-00121442 Android, we have Talk Back, and there's another system 7d_9fIAER2g-00311-00121442-00121684 that I don't remember. 7d_9fIAER2g-00312-00121684-00122346 And then here is the statistic of the screen reader usage. 7d_9fIAER2g-00313-00122346-00122558 I checked that this morning. 7d_9fIAER2g-00314-00122558-00123257 This result is from June of last year. 7d_9fIAER2g-00315-00123257-00124154 As we move forward, we see that NVDA, 7d_9fIAER2g-00316-00124154-00124419 which is a free screen reader, is getting 7d_9fIAER2g-00317-00124419-00124808 a bigger portion of the market. 7d_9fIAER2g-00318-00124808-00125183 And JAWS, which is a traditional screen reader 7d_9fIAER2g-00319-00125183-00125785 is losing market a little bit to a VoiceOver and NVDA. 7d_9fIAER2g-00320-00125785-00126215 So we will be sharing these slides with you, 7d_9fIAER2g-00321-00126215-00126479 and you will have access to all the data here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00322-00127010-00127326 Oh, man, how much I emphasize that you should not 7d_9fIAER2g-00323-00127326-00127479 start with the screen reader testing 7d_9fIAER2g-00324-00127479-00127821 unless you know what you are doing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00325-00127821-00128244 So remember, screen readers are made for end users. 7d_9fIAER2g-00326-00128244-00128781 And they offer hundreds, if not really maybe a several hundred 7d_9fIAER2g-00327-00128781-00129600 functions to help the screen reader user to operate, 7d_9fIAER2g-00328-00129600-00130531 to be able to interact or read the information. 7d_9fIAER2g-00329-00130531-00130709 So some screen readers like JAWS, 7d_9fIAER2g-00330-00130709-00130971 they have some algorithm to guess 7d_9fIAER2g-00331-00130971-00131574 for their lack of their accessibility features. 7d_9fIAER2g-00332-00131574-00131703 And JAWS is one of them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00333-00132147-00132408 And this is another red flag, why 7d_9fIAER2g-00334-00132408-00132735 I say that you should not use screen reader for testing, 7d_9fIAER2g-00335-00132735-00133095 because you get a lot of wrong results. 7d_9fIAER2g-00336-00133095-00133503 NVDA tries to stay within this spec, 7d_9fIAER2g-00337-00133503-00134001 and then they do not usually provide information 7d_9fIAER2g-00338-00134001-00134322 or they don't do guessing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00339-00134322-00134574 So their result is more reliable. 7d_9fIAER2g-00340-00134828-00135121 Now, here we would like to make an announcement. 7d_9fIAER2g-00341-00135121-00135409 Next month on May-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00342-00135409-00135619 if I'm not mistaken May 19-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00343-00135619-00136000 we will have our Global Accessibility Awareness Day. 7d_9fIAER2g-00344-00136000-00136315 And like previous years, we will be offering a series 7d_9fIAER2g-00345-00136315-00136789 of events and workshops. 7d_9fIAER2g-00346-00136789-00137098 And then I invite you to join us. 7d_9fIAER2g-00347-00137098-00137734 Part of the Global Accessibility events that we are organizing 7d_9fIAER2g-00348-00137734-00138310 is an introduction to the basic accessibility testing tools 7d_9fIAER2g-00349-00138310-00138697 that you or everyone, regardless if you're a developer or end 7d_9fIAER2g-00350-00138697-00138991 user can do and get some information 7d_9fIAER2g-00351-00138991-00139396 about the technical accessibility problems. 7d_9fIAER2g-00352-00139396-00139642 And then we would like to offer also 7d_9fIAER2g-00353-00139642-00140083 a workshop into how to use screen 7d_9fIAER2g-00354-00140083-00140416 reader for accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00355-00140416-00140788 I call that checking, not really testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00356-00140788-00141076 How can we check for accessibility features 7d_9fIAER2g-00357-00141076-00141317 using a screen reader? 7d_9fIAER2g-00358-00141317-00142046 So the announcement will be sent to the usual list, 7d_9fIAER2g-00359-00142046-00142465 including Accessible Web liaison, and UW, and FrontDev. 7d_9fIAER2g-00360-00142911-00143074 Watch for the announcement. 7d_9fIAER2g-00361-00143373-00143668 OK, now we get to the screen reader, how it works. 7d_9fIAER2g-00362-00143668-00143916 So let me explain to you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00363-00143916-00144502 When you are using a screen reader, so you do not-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00364-00144502-00144817 yes, you can. 7d_9fIAER2g-00365-00144817-00144949 It is free. 7d_9fIAER2g-00366-00144949-00145414 I got the text message or the chat. 7d_9fIAER2g-00367-00145414-00145552 It was [INAUDIBLE]. 7d_9fIAER2g-00368-00145552-00145717 I heard that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00369-00145717-00145981 But when you a screen reader user, 7d_9fIAER2g-00370-00145981-00146296 you do not see the entire page at once. 7d_9fIAER2g-00371-00146296-00146672 You see only one piece of information at the time. 7d_9fIAER2g-00372-00146672-00147073 So for example, you see the logo, of course 7d_9fIAER2g-00373-00147073-00147334 not the whole logo itself, the alt text 7d_9fIAER2g-00374-00147334-00147670 that goes with the logo. 7d_9fIAER2g-00375-00147670-00148025 You can see one heading, you can see one graphic, 7d_9fIAER2g-00376-00148025-00148633 you can see one list item, you can see a data cell, 7d_9fIAER2g-00377-00148633-00148999 you can see a form control, a button or everything, but one 7d_9fIAER2g-00378-00148999-00149077 at the time. 7d_9fIAER2g-00379-00149077-00149425 You do not see the relationship between these items. 7d_9fIAER2g-00380-00149816-00150131 But beyond this jungle, there will be difficulty 7d_9fIAER2g-00381-00150131-00150398 that you see. 7d_9fIAER2g-00382-00150398-00151508 If you provide a structure, HTML [INAUDIBLE] properly, 7d_9fIAER2g-00383-00151508-00151736 you can provide the structure so I 7d_9fIAER2g-00384-00151736-00152295 can see, for example, a specific data cell 7d_9fIAER2g-00385-00152295-00153240 with their corresponding column header and row header. 7d_9fIAER2g-00386-00153240-00153660 So again, you can see one data set. 7d_9fIAER2g-00387-00153660-00154077 And then if the table is made properly, 7d_9fIAER2g-00388-00154077-00154483 you can see the column header and row header. 7d_9fIAER2g-00389-00154483-00154939 Or when you are in a form control, 7d_9fIAER2g-00390-00154939-00155299 you see just the place, for example, edit box. 7d_9fIAER2g-00391-00155299-00155587 But you can see what this little edit 7d_9fIAER2g-00392-00155587-00156028 box is programmatically related or connected 7d_9fIAER2g-00393-00156028-00156328 to the label or the adjacent label. 7d_9fIAER2g-00394-00156328-00157361 So how do we do it if we see only one element? 7d_9fIAER2g-00395-00157361-00157663 So we have to just tab, press the tab key 7d_9fIAER2g-00396-00157663-00158092 to go from one focusable element to another focusable element. 7d_9fIAER2g-00397-00158092-00158752 If we did that, we wouldn't be able to see the regular text. 7d_9fIAER2g-00398-00158752-00159236 We wouldn't be able to see any other non-focusable element. 7d_9fIAER2g-00399-00159236-00159443 So that's why-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00400-00159443-00159598 ANNA MARIE: Hadi, this is Anna Marie. 7d_9fIAER2g-00401-00159598-00159869 You're at half past the hour. 7d_9fIAER2g-00402-00159869-00159967 HADI RANGIN: Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00403-00159967-00160489 So that's why the screen reader needs a mechanism 7d_9fIAER2g-00404-00160489-00160660 to discover the page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00405-00160660-00161116 So different screen readers use different terminology. 7d_9fIAER2g-00406-00161116-00161326 The terminology that we will be using here, 7d_9fIAER2g-00407-00161326-00161737 we call that browse mode or reading mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00408-00161737-00162086 So what browse more or reading mode is that in this mode, 7d_9fIAER2g-00409-00162086-00162601 the screen reader gives you a virtual view of your page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00410-00162601-00162910 In that view, you see everything. 7d_9fIAER2g-00411-00162910-00163300 You see the focusable and non-focusable elements 7d_9fIAER2g-00412-00163300-00163636 with all the associated labels. 7d_9fIAER2g-00413-00163636-00164017 This is the format or this is the mode 7d_9fIAER2g-00414-00164017-00164482 that we usually use to discover a new page to see that, hey, 7d_9fIAER2g-00415-00164482-00164578 what is the page? 7d_9fIAER2g-00416-00164578-00164782 If you take me to a random page, I 7d_9fIAER2g-00417-00164782-00165016 have no idea how big the page is. 7d_9fIAER2g-00418-00165016-00165361 Is it just two paragraphs or 200 paragraphs? 7d_9fIAER2g-00419-00165361-00165556 What does it contain? 7d_9fIAER2g-00420-00165556-00165950 Does it have any form elements or how many forms does it have? 7d_9fIAER2g-00421-00165950-00166432 And you can imagine how complicated it is. 7d_9fIAER2g-00422-00166432-00167113 But using these features, the screen reader features 7d_9fIAER2g-00423-00167113-00167714 or virtual view, I am able to discover this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00424-00167714-00168094 So when we get to the live demo, I 7d_9fIAER2g-00425-00168094-00168247 will show you, for example, where 7d_9fIAER2g-00426-00168247-00168844 I can tell you what are the major components of this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00427-00168844-00169006 Because the screen readers, they see 7d_9fIAER2g-00428-00169006-00169285 from the DOM, the Document Object Model, 7d_9fIAER2g-00429-00169285-00169405 behind the scenes. 7d_9fIAER2g-00430-00169405-00169714 And then it tells me, hey, these are the major components, 7d_9fIAER2g-00431-00169714-00169912 or these are the headings of this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00432-00169912-00170350 So using all these features, they 7d_9fIAER2g-00433-00170350-00171016 help me to understand almost how the page is constructed 7d_9fIAER2g-00434-00171016-00171151 and what is the content. 7d_9fIAER2g-00435-00171151-00171526 And then the beauty of that is that I can also 7d_9fIAER2g-00436-00171526-00171635 navigate to that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00437-00171635-00172111 So in summary, I mean, if you don't understand, don't worry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00438-00172111-00172459 We will be covering that comprehensively 7d_9fIAER2g-00439-00172459-00172964 in that workshop. 7d_9fIAER2g-00440-00172964-00173290 But that is one of the most complicated concepts 7d_9fIAER2g-00441-00173290-00173393 of the screen reader. 7d_9fIAER2g-00442-00173393-00173995 So reading mode or browse mode versus interactive mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00443-00173995-00174163 I just mentioned interactive mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00444-00174163-00174505 In the browse mode, I am just in reading mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00445-00174505-00174688 I read and discover the page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00446-00174688-00175051 But if I want to interact with it, 7d_9fIAER2g-00447-00175051-00175333 then I have to switch the mode and go 7d_9fIAER2g-00448-00175333-00175543 into an interactive mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00449-00175543-00175798 One thing that I forgot to mention 7d_9fIAER2g-00450-00175798-00175975 is that when I am in a browse mode, 7d_9fIAER2g-00451-00175975-00176311 in reading mode, anything that I type, 7d_9fIAER2g-00452-00176311-00176581 screen reader will capture it as a command. 7d_9fIAER2g-00453-00176581-00176935 For example, when I am here on this page 7d_9fIAER2g-00454-00176935-00177325 if I type the letter H, letter H is never 7d_9fIAER2g-00455-00177325-00177692 passed to my PowerPoint application. 7d_9fIAER2g-00456-00177692-00177856 So it is paired with screen reader 7d_9fIAER2g-00457-00177856-00178228 that captures that and interprets that as a command. 7d_9fIAER2g-00458-00178228-00178645 As if, I mean, the command is, go and find the next 7d_9fIAER2g-00459-00178645-00178858 heading for me. 7d_9fIAER2g-00460-00178858-00179458 But consider if I have in this page or any web page, 7d_9fIAER2g-00461-00179458-00179926 if I had a text box where I needed to enter my name, which 7d_9fIAER2g-00462-00179926-00180421 also starts with H, in order to be able to type it, 7d_9fIAER2g-00463-00180421-00180709 I need to tell the screen reader, hey, switch 7d_9fIAER2g-00464-00180709-00181231 or turn off browse mode or reading mode. 7d_9fIAER2g-00465-00181231-00181612 And now after that, screen reader just passes everything 7d_9fIAER2g-00466-00181612-00182005 back to the application, so when I type H, 7d_9fIAER2g-00467-00182005-00182236 the H goes into the edit box. 7d_9fIAER2g-00468-00182236-00182543 So again, if you don't understand that, don't worry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00469-00182543-00182642 It is really complex. 7d_9fIAER2g-00470-00183067-00183484 I don't think that you need to know all this stuff. 7d_9fIAER2g-00471-00183484-00184486 So I think I briefly talked about all this stuff 7d_9fIAER2g-00472-00184486-00184591 on this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00473-00184591-00184870 We can tab to go to the next link. 7d_9fIAER2g-00474-00184870-00185392 We can identify, for example, I can tell it, hey, go and find 7d_9fIAER2g-00475-00185392-00185578 the next radio button for me. 7d_9fIAER2g-00476-00185578-00185737 It finds that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00477-00185737-00186355 There are all separate commands for these navigation commands. 7d_9fIAER2g-00478-00186355-00186691 I can tell it, hey, go to the next edit box 7d_9fIAER2g-00479-00186691-00187039 or go to the next heading-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00480-00187039-00187531 I mentioned that-- or go find the next graphic and so on. 7d_9fIAER2g-00481-00187531-00187618 We will show them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00482-00187931-00188237 So can we use it? 7d_9fIAER2g-00483-00188237-00188462 Yes. 7d_9fIAER2g-00484-00188462-00188907 Can we use a screen reader for testing or checking? 7d_9fIAER2g-00485-00188907-00189115 But remember always that it is not designed 7d_9fIAER2g-00486-00189115-00189430 for accessibility testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00487-00189430-00189616 And then the best way that I can say 7d_9fIAER2g-00488-00189616-00190020 that we can verify any issue, but not determine an issue. 7d_9fIAER2g-00489-00190020-00190377 And then you cannot do that for a keyboard operator at all 7d_9fIAER2g-00490-00190377-00191106 because screen reader offers a separate functionality that 7d_9fIAER2g-00491-00191106-00191325 if you are not using a screen reader, 7d_9fIAER2g-00492-00191325-00191699 you might not be able to do it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00493-00192126-00192294 One thing that I need to mention. 7d_9fIAER2g-00494-00192294-00192570 When you read it in the documentation, 7d_9fIAER2g-00495-00192570-00193251 if somebody said, oh we are JAWS compatible or something, 7d_9fIAER2g-00496-00193251-00193545 JAWS accessibility stuff, we do not have such stuff. 7d_9fIAER2g-00497-00193545-00193629 That's just garbage. 7d_9fIAER2g-00498-00193943-00194282 So bottom line, do not use it unless you know what you are 7d_9fIAER2g-00499-00194282-00194351 doing . 7d_9fIAER2g-00500-00194835-00195055 So this is, I think, redundant. 7d_9fIAER2g-00501-00195055-00195497 I'm telling you that use those accessibility tools. 7d_9fIAER2g-00502-00195497-00195902 And then a note that the accessibility tools can catch-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00503-00195902-00196540 I guess-- this is my guess-- up to maybe 30% of the issues. 7d_9fIAER2g-00504-00196540-00196682 And then there are a lot of issues 7d_9fIAER2g-00505-00196682-00197108 that you have to do manual checking or testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00506-00197362-00197626 And then these are some recommendations we have 7d_9fIAER2g-00507-00197626-00197902 if you run into some accessibility issues. 7d_9fIAER2g-00508-00197902-00198223 Sometimes the developer might not know that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00509-00198223-00198742 Be polite and friendly and then contact them, and then 7d_9fIAER2g-00510-00198742-00199000 refer them to the right resources 7d_9fIAER2g-00511-00199000-00199430 or engage them, at least, in that conversation. 7d_9fIAER2g-00512-00199430-00199634 So here in the next three slides, 7d_9fIAER2g-00513-00199634-00200261 I am giving a very basic commands of screen reader NVDA. 7d_9fIAER2g-00514-00200261-00200484 I don't have VoiceOver here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00515-00200746-00200995 We don't need to go through that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00516-00200995-00201619 You will receive the slides, and you will see them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00517-00201619-00201937 There are basic commands, how to get to the next heading, how 7d_9fIAER2g-00518-00201937-00202222 to get to the next graphic, how to show the landmark, 7d_9fIAER2g-00519-00202222-00202657 how to shut up the screen reader so that it doesn't talk. 7d_9fIAER2g-00520-00202657-00203102 And so it is something that you can study offline. 7d_9fIAER2g-00521-00203561-00203778 Now let's go into testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-00522-00204396-00204630 Some of you might have seen this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00523-00204630-00205169 So Terrill has created two identical, 7d_9fIAER2g-00524-00205169-00205319 almost identical pages. 7d_9fIAER2g-00525-00205319-00205680 One of them is I call that fully inaccessible. 7d_9fIAER2g-00526-00205680-00205902 Another one is fully accessible. 7d_9fIAER2g-00527-00205902-00206513 They look very identical or almost identical. 7d_9fIAER2g-00528-00206513-00206703 Visually, you can say that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00529-00206703-00207204 But one of them, this version, what you have 7d_9fIAER2g-00530-00207204-00207555 is the accessible version. 7d_9fIAER2g-00531-00207555-00207909 I don't want to waste your time by showing the inaccessible 7d_9fIAER2g-00532-00207909-00208225 version that looks exactly like this because I can do anything. 7d_9fIAER2g-00533-00208225-00208500 I can just read from top to bottom, 7d_9fIAER2g-00534-00208500-00208790 but I cannot interact with any of those elements. 7d_9fIAER2g-00535-00208790-00209175 I cannot even understand how the page is constructed. 7d_9fIAER2g-00536-00209175-00209562 But what I hear, and I would like to show some of those 7d_9fIAER2g-00537-00209562-00209941 features that I talked about in action. 7d_9fIAER2g-00538-00209941-00210516 So note that when we come to a page we 7d_9fIAER2g-00539-00210516-00210930 as a screen reader user, like you, the first thing that we 7d_9fIAER2g-00540-00210930-00211323 get is just an overall view of the page of, 7d_9fIAER2g-00541-00211323-00211898 I call that application framework or page framework. 7d_9fIAER2g-00542-00211898-00212439 And then that is what your landmarks are for. 7d_9fIAER2g-00543-00212439-00212931 So I am asking my screen reader to tell me 7d_9fIAER2g-00544-00212931-00213138 what are the major components or what 7d_9fIAER2g-00545-00213138-00213450 are the major landmarks of this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00546-00213450-00213627 This is a screen reader command. 7d_9fIAER2g-00547-00213627-00213966 So it is in the list of the stuff that 7d_9fIAER2g-00548-00213966-00214144 is in the presentation. 7d_9fIAER2g-00549-00214144-00214464 So it tells me we have a banner region, 7d_9fIAER2g-00550-00214464-00215085 we have a main menu a type of navigation region, main 7d_9fIAER2g-00551-00215085-00215369 is really main region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00552-00215369-00215648 And this is a form region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00553-00215648-00215879 And it is a content info, which is 7d_9fIAER2g-00554-00215879-00216273 I think ugly name for footer. 7d_9fIAER2g-00555-00216273-00217163 So I need to emphasize or need to maybe add that there 7d_9fIAER2g-00556-00217163-00217584 are seven predefined regions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00557-00217584-00217792 One of them is banner. 7d_9fIAER2g-00558-00217792-00218204 Navigation is the next one, and then we have form, 7d_9fIAER2g-00559-00218204-00218840 we have main, which is designed for the main content 7d_9fIAER2g-00560-00218840-00218984 information. 7d_9fIAER2g-00561-00218984-00219428 There is a footer or content info or complementary. 7d_9fIAER2g-00562-00219428-00220019 We have, I guess, search, and a few more, a couple of them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00563-00220019-00220213 But these are what you see that are 7d_9fIAER2g-00564-00220213-00220482 the major things that are used. 7d_9fIAER2g-00565-00220482-00220810 So again, I cannot tell you where the banner is. 7d_9fIAER2g-00566-00220810-00221156 I can guess where it is, usually in the top. 7d_9fIAER2g-00567-00221156-00221346 But I cannot tell you, for example, 7d_9fIAER2g-00568-00221346-00221788 of how this main menu region is arranged unless maybe I go 7d_9fIAER2g-00569-00221788-00221989 and then explore it. 7d_9fIAER2g-00570-00221989-00222292 I cannot say that main is on the left side or right side. 7d_9fIAER2g-00571-00222292-00222535 It's very likely on the right side. 7d_9fIAER2g-00572-00222535-00222809 And form, I cannot tell you where it is, 7d_9fIAER2g-00573-00222809-00223111 but I know that it's somewhere past the main region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00574-00223111-00223379 And content information, I assume it is at the bottom. 7d_9fIAER2g-00575-00223379-00223617 So some people, like myself who has 7d_9fIAER2g-00576-00223617-00223987 been visual for a big part of my life, it is important for me 7d_9fIAER2g-00577-00223987-00224090 to know that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00578-00224090-00224434 I have a visual relationship with this stuff. 7d_9fIAER2g-00579-00224434-00225067 OK, so I decide to go to main. 7d_9fIAER2g-00580-00225067-00225466 So the beauty of providing these features 7d_9fIAER2g-00581-00225466-00225709 is that when you have-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00582-00225709-00226390 they not only provide information about the region 7d_9fIAER2g-00583-00226390-00226644 or how the page is constructed, it 7d_9fIAER2g-00584-00226644-00227105 helps me also to navigate to the desired region as I want. 7d_9fIAER2g-00585-00227105-00227732 So now my focus is right at the beginning of that region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00586-00227732-00228360 And then, oh I need to unshare my screen and share it 7d_9fIAER2g-00587-00228360-00228513 so you can hear the screen reader. 7d_9fIAER2g-00588-00228513-00228537 OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00589-00228537-00228587 I'm sorry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00590-00229901-00230038 Hold on. 7d_9fIAER2g-00591-00230038-00230137 What do I-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00592-00232312-00232453 SCREEN READER: meeting controls. 7d_9fIAER2g-00593-00232453-00232657 HADI RANGIN: Am I sharing? 7d_9fIAER2g-00594-00232657-00232853 SCREEN READER: Accessible, University demo site 7d_9fIAER2g-00595-00232853-00233019 accessible, vertical control. 7d_9fIAER2g-00596-00233019-00233226 HADI RANGIN: You guys hear my screen reader? 7d_9fIAER2g-00597-00233226-00233367 ANDREA MANO: Yes. 7d_9fIAER2g-00598-00233367-00233492 HADI RANGIN: OK, that's good. 7d_9fIAER2g-00599-00233492-00233757 We tested earlier, so we change the volume 7d_9fIAER2g-00600-00233757-00233933 so it is not an annoying level. 7d_9fIAER2g-00601-00233933-00234144 So let me go back here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00602-00234144-00234348 SCREEN READER: Select the voice profile type. 7d_9fIAER2g-00603-00234348-00234398 Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00604-00234398-00234473 Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00605-00234473-00234546 Resume meeting. 7d_9fIAER2g-00606-00234546-00234684 Accessible universally demo site, 7d_9fIAER2g-00607-00234684-00234765 accessible version control. 7d_9fIAER2g-00608-00234765-00234825 Accessible University demo site. 7d_9fIAER2g-00609-00234825-00234932 HADI RANGIN: A hundred of shortcut keys 7d_9fIAER2g-00610-00234932-00235051 I have to remember. 7d_9fIAER2g-00611-00235051-00235136 SCREEN READER: Document regions dialogue. 7d_9fIAER2g-00612-00235136-00235227 Regions, review, main. 7d_9fIAER2g-00613-00235227-00235406 HADI RANGIN: So that is a page where I was. 7d_9fIAER2g-00614-00235406-00235632 So if you see that, this is what we call a banner. 7d_9fIAER2g-00615-00235632-00235744 SCREEN READER: Main menu navigation. 7d_9fIAER2g-00616-00235744-00235848 HADI RANGIN: Main menu navigation. 7d_9fIAER2g-00617-00235848-00235911 SCREEN READER: Main. 7d_9fIAER2g-00618-00235911-00235962 HADI RANGIN: Main. 7d_9fIAER2g-00619-00235962-00236040 SCREEN READER: Apply now form. 7d_9fIAER2g-00620-00236040-00236155 HADI RANGIN: Apply now form. 7d_9fIAER2g-00621-00236155-00236187 SCREEN READER: Content information. 7d_9fIAER2g-00622-00236187-00236341 HADI RANGIN: And content information. 7d_9fIAER2g-00623-00236341-00236559 So again, I click on here, on main. 7d_9fIAER2g-00624-00236559-00236784 SCREEN READER: Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00625-00236784-00237100 HADI RANGIN: If Dan was here, he would remind me, slow down. 7d_9fIAER2g-00626-00237100-00237292 SCREEN READER: Slower, slower, slower, slower. 7d_9fIAER2g-00627-00237292-00237369 Virtual to PC. 7d_9fIAER2g-00628-00237369-00237646 Accessible University, virtual PC and Accessible University. 7d_9fIAER2g-00629-00237646-00237784 HADI RANGIN: Now, the next step-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00630-00237784-00237963 so now I know the major components, 7d_9fIAER2g-00631-00237963-00238152 but now I want to say, what is the content? 7d_9fIAER2g-00632-00238152-00238233 I want the content. 7d_9fIAER2g-00633-00238233-00238444 I press another shortcut key. 7d_9fIAER2g-00634-00238444-00238598 SCREEN READER: Heading list dialogue. 7d_9fIAER2g-00635-00238598-00238678 Headings list view. 7d_9fIAER2g-00636-00238678-00238819 Accessible University One. 7d_9fIAER2g-00637-00238819-00238873 One link. 7d_9fIAER2g-00638-00238873-00239371 HADI RANGIN: It lists for me the headings used on this page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00639-00239371-00239676 So what you see is a heading, and what you see on the right, 7d_9fIAER2g-00640-00239676-00239853 it is the heading level. 7d_9fIAER2g-00641-00239853-00240081 For example, the first heading that I am on 7d_9fIAER2g-00642-00240081-00240337 is the heading level one, which is good. 7d_9fIAER2g-00643-00240337-00240934 So heading one should be used as a main heading for the page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00644-00240934-00241121 SCREEN READER: Featured story, slideshow two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00645-00241121-00241332 HADI RANGIN: Featured stories two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00646-00241332-00241544 That show them in this numbering, 7d_9fIAER2g-00647-00241544-00241887 this hierarchy they provide. 7d_9fIAER2g-00648-00241887-00242284 They give me the relationship between these headings. 7d_9fIAER2g-00649-00242284-00242396 SCREEN READER: Welcome two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00650-00242396-00242513 HADI RANGIN: Welcome is two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00651-00242513-00242721 SCREEN READER: Bienvenido two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00652-00242721-00242838 HADI RANGIN: Bienvenido two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00653-00242838-00243048 SCREEN READER: Can you spot the barriers two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00654-00243048-00243248 HADI RANGIN: Another adding two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00655-00243248-00243471 SCREEN READER: AU enrollment trends two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00656-00243471-00243627 Apply now two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00657-00243627-00243810 Security question three. 7d_9fIAER2g-00658-00243810-00244098 HADI RANGIN: Now, when we see the security question, number 7d_9fIAER2g-00659-00244098-00244662 three, it tells me logically that-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00660-00244662-00244808 ANDREA MANO: Hadi, it's Anna Marie. 7d_9fIAER2g-00661-00244808-00244976 We're at 3:45. 7d_9fIAER2g-00662-00244976-00245071 HADI RANGIN: Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00663-00245071-00245325 This shows me that is part of-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00664-00245325-00245446 SCREEN READER: Apply now two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00665-00245446-00245833 HADI RANGIN: --apply now section. 7d_9fIAER2g-00666-00245833-00246189 So that is where we emphasize the hierarchy. 7d_9fIAER2g-00667-00246189-00246818 So hierarchy is a key in providing heading. 7d_9fIAER2g-00668-00246818-00246939 SCREEN READER: Apply now two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00669-00246939-00247271 HADI RANGIN: So if I want to go, for example, to-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00670-00247271-00247394 SCREEN READER: Can you spot-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00671-00247394-00247600 Bienvenido two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00672-00247600-00247817 HADI RANGIN: --this section, which sounds Spanish-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00673-00247817-00248083 SCREEN READER: Answer, heading level two, Bienvenido. 7d_9fIAER2g-00674-00248083-00248325 HADI RANGIN: As you noticed that, I go back again. 7d_9fIAER2g-00675-00248325-00248488 SCREEN READER: This section of the page 7d_9fIAER2g-00676-00248488-00248675 suggests that AU may be a welcoming institution. 7d_9fIAER2g-00677-00248675-00248806 The inaccessible design of the state 7d_9fIAER2g-00678-00248806-00248932 sends the opposite message. 7d_9fIAER2g-00679-00248932-00249383 HADI RANGIN: So I am going now to that heading. 7d_9fIAER2g-00680-00249383-00249521 SCREEN READER: Heading level two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00681-00249521-00249677 Bienvenido. 7d_9fIAER2g-00682-00249677-00249976 HADI RANGIN: As you see, it switched to Spanish, 7d_9fIAER2g-00683-00249976-00250085 this voice, automatically. 7d_9fIAER2g-00684-00250085-00250346 I didn't do anything but the key is 7d_9fIAER2g-00685-00250346-00250802 that behind the scene somebody, in this case in Ontario, 7d_9fIAER2g-00686-00250802-00251085 made the proper language transition. 7d_9fIAER2g-00687-00251085-00251369 So here this text that we are entering is in Spanish. 7d_9fIAER2g-00688-00251369-00251746 So a screen reader automatically switches to that language 7d_9fIAER2g-00689-00251746-00251885 if it is available. 7d_9fIAER2g-00690-00251885-00252035 SCREEN READER: [SPEAKING SPANISH] 7d_9fIAER2g-00691-00252609-00252764 HADI RANGIN: And so on. 7d_9fIAER2g-00692-00252764-00252839 OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00693-00252839-00253613 Now, I told you that we check for keyboard accessibility. 7d_9fIAER2g-00694-00253613-00254119 And then I would like to check the main keyboard, 7d_9fIAER2g-00695-00254119-00254284 the main navigation section. 7d_9fIAER2g-00696-00254284-00254364 SCREEN READER: Copyright regions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00697-00254364-00254414 Dialogue. 7d_9fIAER2g-00698-00254414-00254526 Main menu navigation. 7d_9fIAER2g-00699-00254526-00254900 HADI RANGIN: So I am navigating to the main menu region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00700-00254900-00255044 SCREEN READER: Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00701-00255044-00255094 Show menu. 7d_9fIAER2g-00702-00255094-00255167 Keyboard shortcuts. 7d_9fIAER2g-00703-00255167-00255179 Button. 7d_9fIAER2g-00704-00255179-00255246 Collapsed Menu. 7d_9fIAER2g-00705-00255246-00255296 Submenu. 7d_9fIAER2g-00706-00255296-00255377 Collapsed menu. 7d_9fIAER2g-00707-00255377-00255427 Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00708-00255427-00255453 Menu. 7d_9fIAER2g-00709-00255453-00255540 News, one to four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00710-00255540-00255590 Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00711-00255590-00255661 About. 7d_9fIAER2g-00712-00255661-00255898 HADI RANGIN: So I am just, as you see, I'm using my hand. 7d_9fIAER2g-00713-00255898-00256052 I'm doing it with the keyboard. 7d_9fIAER2g-00714-00256052-00256210 SCREEN READER: Academics, two of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00715-00256210-00256664 HADI RANGIN: So I press right key to go to the next menu, 7d_9fIAER2g-00716-00256664-00256790 and I press arrow down. 7d_9fIAER2g-00717-00256790-00256882 SCREEN READER: Degree programs, one of-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00718-00256882-00256994 Distance learning, three of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00719-00256994-00257075 Libraries, four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00720-00257075-00257167 HADI RANGIN: And I press the escape key. 7d_9fIAER2g-00721-00257167-00257198 SCREEN READER: Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00722-00257198-00257303 Academics, two of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00723-00257303-00257390 HADI RANGIN: It closes that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00724-00257390-00257560 SCREEN READER: Admissions, three of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00725-00257560-00257837 HADI RANGIN: And admission, and then I press arrow down. 7d_9fIAER2g-00726-00257837-00257975 This is the only option, I guess. 7d_9fIAER2g-00727-00257975-00258026 SCREEN READER: Four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00728-00258026-00258142 HADI RANGIN: And escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00729-00258142-00258221 SCREEN READER: Three of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00730-00258221-00258335 Visitors, four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00731-00258335-00258535 HADI RANGIN: And it tells me, as you've probably 7d_9fIAER2g-00732-00258535-00258646 heard that here-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00733-00258646-00258755 SCREEN READER: Visitors, four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00734-00258755-00258909 HADI RANGIN: It even tells me that it 7d_9fIAER2g-00735-00258909-00259346 is menu item four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00736-00259346-00259550 We know that they have some options here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00737-00259550-00259640 But if I arrow down-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00738-00259640-00259790 SCREEN READER: Events, one of three. 7d_9fIAER2g-00739-00259790-00259996 HADI RANGIN: --it said events, one of three. 7d_9fIAER2g-00740-00259996-00260419 It even tells me there are three sub options. 7d_9fIAER2g-00741-00260419-00260511 SCREEN READER: Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00742-00260511-00260607 Visitors, four of four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00743-00260607-00260838 HADI RANGIN: These are some of them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00744-00260838-00261021 So let me see that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00745-00261021-00261236 I showed you about the picture or graphics. 7d_9fIAER2g-00746-00261236-00261263 SCREEN READER: Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00747-00261263-00261321 Leaving menus. 7d_9fIAER2g-00748-00261321-00261626 Accessible U. Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00749-00261626-00261735 Select a graphic dialogue. 7d_9fIAER2g-00750-00261735-00262011 HADI RANGIN: I am bringing up the list of the graphics. 7d_9fIAER2g-00751-00262011-00262121 SCREEN READER: Robot with a friendly face 7d_9fIAER2g-00752-00262121-00262292 assembled with various scraps of hardware 7d_9fIAER2g-00753-00262292-00262589 and mounted on an old DecTalk speech synthesizer. 7d_9fIAER2g-00754-00262589-00262735 HADI RANGIN: And I want to tell you 7d_9fIAER2g-00755-00262735-00263263 that writing a good alt text is an art. 7d_9fIAER2g-00756-00263263-00263752 So there is some practice that we need 7d_9fIAER2g-00757-00263752-00263929 to do there to master that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00758-00263929-00264184 SCREEN READER: Creative Commons license. 7d_9fIAER2g-00759-00264184-00264349 Rob-- Accessible University. 7d_9fIAER2g-00760-00264349-00264420 HADI RANGIN: OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00761-00264420-00264641 SCREEN READER: Robot with a friendly face assembled-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00762-00264641-00265070 HADI RANGIN: If I want to go, for example, to-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00763-00265070-00265162 SCREEN READER: Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00764-00265162-00265225 Escape. 7d_9fIAER2g-00765-00265225-00265375 HADI RANGIN: --for example, a table. 7d_9fIAER2g-00766-00265375-00265558 There is a table that you probably see that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00767-00265558-00265725 SCREEN READER: 13 columns and five rows. 7d_9fIAER2g-00768-00265725-00265921 HADI RANGIN: I hope it is in your viewing port. 7d_9fIAER2g-00769-00265921-00266179 SCREEN READER: 2007's AU enrollment trends, 2000-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00770-00266179-00266353 CS, row two, total 84. 7d_9fIAER2g-00771-00266353-00266764 2007 08 7d_9fIAER2g-00772-00266764-00267076 HADI RANGIN: Can you see the table 7d_9fIAER2g-00773-00267076-00267221 in its entirety or just a portion? 7d_9fIAER2g-00774-00267221-00267334 TERRILL THOMPSON: Yeah, no. 7d_9fIAER2g-00775-00267334-00267446 We see it all. 7d_9fIAER2g-00776-00267446-00267559 HADI RANGIN: That is great. 7d_9fIAER2g-00777-00267559-00267748 So you can see the table. 7d_9fIAER2g-00778-00267748-00268085 I'll wait for a second so you can familiarize your table. 7d_9fIAER2g-00779-00268085-00268411 So I think it shows that the student enrollment 7d_9fIAER2g-00780-00268411-00268729 for 2000, 200, for two years. 7d_9fIAER2g-00781-00268729-00269467 And then there's some factors that have been recorded here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00782-00269467-00269708 But let's browse together. 7d_9fIAER2g-00783-00270021-00270175 SCREEN READER: [INAUDIBLE]. 7d_9fIAER2g-00784-00270175-00270260 Length, row two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00785-00270260-00270425 Total, row three. 7d_9fIAER2g-00786-00270425-00270617 HADI RANGIN: Is it the total? 7d_9fIAER2g-00787-00270617-00270830 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero CS, 82, column two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00788-00270830-00271070 HADI RANGIN: Did you hear that it said CS? 7d_9fIAER2g-00789-00271070-00271367 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero 08 126, column three. 7d_9fIAER2g-00790-00271367-00271817 HADI RANGIN: This is, I think, the major. 7d_9fIAER2g-00791-00271817-00271986 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero in Eco, 43. 7d_9fIAER2g-00792-00271986-00272152 HADI RANGIN: Eco is economic. 7d_9fIAER2g-00793-00272152-00272546 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero 85, 32, column five. 7d_9fIAER2g-00794-00272546-00272852 2007 zero 85, 32, column five. 7d_9fIAER2g-00795-00272852-00273140 HADI RANGIN: It is this one I'm doing it at. 7d_9fIAER2g-00796-00273140-00273509 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero 85, 112, column six. 7d_9fIAER2g-00797-00273509-00273908 2007 zero 59, column seven. 7d_9fIAER2g-00798-00273908-00274069 2007 date zero, nine CS, 82. 7d_9fIAER2g-00799-00274069-00274124 Column eight. 7d_9fIAER2g-00800-00274124-00274448 HADI RANGIN: Oh, this one was CS, but the other one was here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00801-00274448-00274742 But when I go to for example, how many males. 7d_9fIAER2g-00802-00274742-00274859 SCREEN READER: Percent male. 7d_9fIAER2g-00803-00274859-00274932 Row four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00804-00274932-00275067 HADI RANGIN: Percent male. 7d_9fIAER2g-00805-00275067-00275197 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero in CS. 7d_9fIAER2g-00806-00275197-00275394 89, Column 2. 7d_9fIAER2g-00807-00275394-00275703 HADI RANGIN: So this is the 89, but it read 7d_9fIAER2g-00808-00275703-00275940 the related information about. 7d_9fIAER2g-00809-00275940-00276264 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero 8 84, column 3. 7d_9fIAER2g-00810-00276264-00276438 HADI RANGIN: And 84%. 7d_9fIAER2g-00811-00276438-00276569 And then if I go down, 7d_9fIAER2g-00812-00276569-00276683 SCREEN READER: Percent female, row five. 7d_9fIAER2g-00813-00276683-00276804 HADI RANGIN: Percent female. 7d_9fIAER2g-00814-00276804-00277044 SCREEN READER: 2007 zero in CS, 11, column two. 7d_9fIAER2g-00815-00277044-00277287 HADI RANGIN: I hope this statistic has changed. 7d_9fIAER2g-00816-00277287-00277362 It's not that bad. 7d_9fIAER2g-00817-00277362-00278013 To me, it sounds like when I was a student, many years back-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00818-00278013-00278380 this was from last century, but hopefully the statistic 7d_9fIAER2g-00819-00278380-00278430 has changed. 7d_9fIAER2g-00820-00278679-00278775 SCREEN READER: 3:50 PM. 7d_9fIAER2g-00821-00278775-00278922 HADI RANGIN: 3:50. 7d_9fIAER2g-00822-00278922-00279213 I can show you a lot of stuff with the screen reader, 7d_9fIAER2g-00823-00279213-00279417 how it works. 7d_9fIAER2g-00824-00279417-00279637 I can show maybe the phone control. 7d_9fIAER2g-00825-00279637-00279721 SCREEN READER: Name. 7d_9fIAER2g-00826-00279721-00279771 Required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00827-00279771-00279943 Invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00828-00279943-00280035 HADI RANGIN: Did you-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00829-00280035-00280123 I'll repeat that. 7d_9fIAER2g-00830-00280123-00280155 SCREEN READER: Name. 7d_9fIAER2g-00831-00280155-00280205 Required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00832-00280205-00280359 Required invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00833-00280359-00280665 HADI RANGIN: It said that name, required field, 7d_9fIAER2g-00834-00280665-00280880 invalid because there is no data here. 7d_9fIAER2g-00835-00280880-00280968 SCREEN READER: Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00836-00280968-00281043 Apply now. 7d_9fIAER2g-00837-00281043-00281106 Form region. 7d_9fIAER2g-00838-00281106-00281136 Name. 7d_9fIAER2g-00839-00281136-00281189 Required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00840-00281189-00281289 Required invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00841-00281289-00281400 HADI RANGIN: I type Hadi. 7d_9fIAER2g-00842-00281400-00281484 SCREEN READER: Hadi. 7d_9fIAER2g-00843-00281484-00281517 Email. 7d_9fIAER2g-00844-00281517-00281569 Required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00845-00281569-00281712 Required invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00846-00281712-00281791 A-H- Blank. 7d_9fIAER2g-00847-00281791-00281841 Blank. 7d_9fIAER2g-00848-00281841-00282067 HADI RANGIN: But you hear that it tells that-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00849-00282067-00282210 SCREEN READER: At or at. 7d_9fIAER2g-00850-00282210-00282291 Required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00851-00282291-00282432 HADI RANGIN: It's required. 7d_9fIAER2g-00852-00282432-00282456 SCREEN READER: Edit. 7d_9fIAER2g-00853-00282456-00282506 City. 7d_9fIAER2g-00854-00282506-00282789 Edit at pop up. 7d_9fIAER2g-00855-00282789-00282877 HADI RANGIN: Seattle. 7d_9fIAER2g-00856-00282877-00282916 SCREEN READER: Seattle. 7d_9fIAER2g-00857-00282916-00283021 State slash province. 7d_9fIAER2g-00858-00283021-00283257 Edit has pop up. 7d_9fIAER2g-00859-00283257-00283307 Law. 7d_9fIAER2g-00860-00283307-00283415 Zip slash postal code. 7d_9fIAER2g-00861-00283415-00283529 Edit has pop up. 7d_9fIAER2g-00862-00283529-00283961 HADI RANGIN: 98155 [INAUDIBLE] I would never forget-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00863-00283961-00284031 95? 7d_9fIAER2g-00864-00284031-00284081 55? 7d_9fIAER2g-00865-00284081-00284165 I guess. 7d_9fIAER2g-00866-00284165-00284315 SCREEN READER: 98955. 7d_9fIAER2g-00867-00284315-00284369 Country. 7d_9fIAER2g-00868-00284369-00284540 Edit has pop up. 7d_9fIAER2g-00869-00284540-00284657 Auto fill this box expanded. 7d_9fIAER2g-00870-00284657-00284720 The United States. 7d_9fIAER2g-00871-00284720-00284780 Hadi Rangin. 7d_9fIAER2g-00872-00284780-00284948 One to four. 7d_9fIAER2g-00873-00284948-00285087 Accessible University demo site. 7d_9fIAER2g-00874-00285087-00285158 Accessible version of. 7d_9fIAER2g-00875-00285158-00285195 To virtual. 7d_9fIAER2g-00876-00285195-00285333 If a cow was purple what color is it? 7d_9fIAER2g-00877-00285333-00285383 Edit. 7d_9fIAER2g-00878-00285383-00285507 Required invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00879-00285507-00285603 [LAUGHTER] 7d_9fIAER2g-00880-00285603-00285699 Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00881-00285699-00285870 If a cow was purple, what color is it? 7d_9fIAER2g-00882-00285870-00285920 Edit. 7d_9fIAER2g-00883-00285920-00286083 Required invalid entry. 7d_9fIAER2g-00884-00286083-00286210 HADI RANGIN: I went to the-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00885-00286210-00286281 I made a mistake. 7d_9fIAER2g-00886-00286281-00286364 SCREEN READER: Gray. 7d_9fIAER2g-00887-00286364-00286527 Submit button. 7d_9fIAER2g-00888-00286527-00286698 HADI RANGIN: Now, see that we did submit. 7d_9fIAER2g-00889-00286698-00286746 SCREEN READER: Enter. 7d_9fIAER2g-00890-00286746-00286794 Alert. 7d_9fIAER2g-00891-00286794-00286818 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00892-00286818-00286842 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00893-00286842-00286974 Your application has been received. 7d_9fIAER2g-00894-00286974-00287007 Submit. 7d_9fIAER2g-00895-00287007-00287124 Submit checkbox not checked. 7d_9fIAER2g-00896-00287124-00287343 Five regions, nine headings, and seven links. 7d_9fIAER2g-00897-00287343-00287565 HADI RANGIN: So you hear the confirmation, 7d_9fIAER2g-00898-00287565-00288000 and the confirmation is really essential for when 7d_9fIAER2g-00899-00288000-00288157 we are interacting with forms. 7d_9fIAER2g-00900-00288157-00288510 So we want that for successful submission. 7d_9fIAER2g-00901-00288510-00288798 You get a confirmation so the user knows what's happening. 7d_9fIAER2g-00902-00288798-00289035 So you probably have seen in some of the transactions 7d_9fIAER2g-00903-00289035-00289170 that we do online. 7d_9fIAER2g-00904-00289170-00289308 You submit the form, and you have 7d_9fIAER2g-00905-00289308-00289560 no idea did you go through or did it crashed 7d_9fIAER2g-00906-00289560-00289647 or what happened? 7d_9fIAER2g-00907-00289647-00289717 Or do you [INAUDIBLE]? 7d_9fIAER2g-00908-00289717-00289849 SCREEN READER: Robyn Foshee to everyone . 7d_9fIAER2g-00909-00289849-00289924 Thank you so much. 7d_9fIAER2g-00910-00289924-00290073 I have to 7d_9fIAER2g-00911-00290073-00290433 HADI RANGIN: OK, that is the so far what I wanted to share. 7d_9fIAER2g-00912-00290433-00290985 Again, more about it when we get to the promised 7d_9fIAER2g-00913-00290985-00291264 workshop with Global Accessibility Awareness Day. 7d_9fIAER2g-00914-00291264-00291531 So now we can open the floor for questions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00915-00291783-00291963 Who is the voice of chat today? 7d_9fIAER2g-00916-00292424-00292508 ANNA MARIE: Hi Hadi. 7d_9fIAER2g-00917-00292508-00292679 It's Anna Marie. 7d_9fIAER2g-00918-00292679-00292842 HADI RANGIN: OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00919-00292842-00293191 So if you want, you prefer to open your microphone, 7d_9fIAER2g-00920-00293191-00293754 ask questions, feel free do it, but you can also ask via chat. 7d_9fIAER2g-00921-00293754-00293934 ANNA MARIE: We do have a couple of comments 7d_9fIAER2g-00922-00293934-00294127 I'd like to share with you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00923-00294127-00294412 "Really great to see/ hear this in action. 7d_9fIAER2g-00924-00294412-00294577 Thank you." 7d_9fIAER2g-00925-00294577-00294672 "Thank you so much. 7d_9fIAER2g-00926-00294672-00294925 I have to dash, but this has been great. 7d_9fIAER2g-00927-00294925-00295266 I look forward to the workshops next month." 7d_9fIAER2g-00928-00295266-00295480 HADI RANGIN: Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00929-00295480-00295594 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00930-00295594-00295787 Questions? 7d_9fIAER2g-00931-00295787-00296000 ANNA MARIE: So if anyone has a question for Hadi, 7d_9fIAER2g-00932-00296000-00296274 feel free to unmute yourself to ask your question. 7d_9fIAER2g-00933-00296868-00297315 WOMAN: Did you say you'd advertise those workshops? 7d_9fIAER2g-00934-00297315-00297456 HADI RANGIN: It will be coming-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00935-00297456-00297661 we'll be posting that soon. 7d_9fIAER2g-00936-00297661-00298317 So we are, I guess, working on the registration page. 7d_9fIAER2g-00937-00298317-00298371 WOMAN: OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-00938-00298371-00298521 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00939-00298521-00298764 HADI RANGIN: I assume early next week, you 7d_9fIAER2g-00940-00298764-00298929 will be seeing in your mailbox. 7d_9fIAER2g-00941-00298929-00298993 WOMAN: Great. 7d_9fIAER2g-00942-00298993-00299043 Awesome. 7d_9fIAER2g-00943-00299043-00299100 Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00944-00299447-00299589 HADI RANGIN: And at that workshop, 7d_9fIAER2g-00945-00299589-00300012 we will be also covering Mac VoiceOver. 7d_9fIAER2g-00946-00300854-00300911 Nope. 7d_9fIAER2g-00947-00300911-00300965 No questions. 7d_9fIAER2g-00948-00300965-00301144 TERRILL THOMPSON: Hadi, this is Terrill. 7d_9fIAER2g-00949-00301144-00301383 I'm not seeing any other questions at the moment. 7d_9fIAER2g-00950-00301383-00302039 But I just wanted to comment or discuss the table 7d_9fIAER2g-00951-00302039-00302369 that has the column headers, and that all has good table 7d_9fIAER2g-00952-00302369-00302450 markup, right? 7d_9fIAER2g-00953-00302450-00302687 You're able to navigate through the columns and rows 7d_9fIAER2g-00954-00302687-00302888 and it was reading those column headers, 7d_9fIAER2g-00955-00302888-00303137 but it was reading them cryptically. 7d_9fIAER2g-00956-00303137-00303494 So they're all acronyms and you got 7d_9fIAER2g-00957-00303494-00304089 stumped on phi and PSI and spa. 7d_9fIAER2g-00958-00304089-00304197 HADI RANGIN: Yeah. 7d_9fIAER2g-00959-00304197-00304347 TERRILL THOMPSON: And those actually 7d_9fIAER2g-00960-00304347-00304832 have HTML abbreviation tags that do spell out what they-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00961-00304832-00305041 SCREEN READER: From accessible technology services 7d_9fIAER2g-00962-00305041-00305125 to everyone-- 7d_9fIAER2g-00963-00305125-00305496 TERRILL THOMPSON: --what the full version beyond the acronym 7d_9fIAER2g-00964-00305496-00305827 of what it actually stands for. 7d_9fIAER2g-00965-00305827-00306014 And I think that's a setting within JAWS 7d_9fIAER2g-00966-00306014-00306263 that you have to enable to get that to read aloud. 7d_9fIAER2g-00967-00306263-00306560 But even when you have that enabled, 7d_9fIAER2g-00968-00306560-00306812 what I've discovered in JAWS is that when 7d_9fIAER2g-00969-00306812-00307184 you're reading the column directly, 7d_9fIAER2g-00970-00307184-00307425 it will spell those out and read them. 7d_9fIAER2g-00971-00307425-00307811 But when you're in table mode and it's announcing the column 7d_9fIAER2g-00972-00307811-00308001 headers, it does not. 7d_9fIAER2g-00973-00308001-00308448 So even if they're coded and you have an acronym or abbreviation 7d_9fIAER2g-00974-00308448-00308735 or expansion enabled, it still is not 7d_9fIAER2g-00975-00308735-00309089 going to read those when you're navigating them 7d_9fIAER2g-00976-00309089-00309269 as column headers. 7d_9fIAER2g-00977-00309269-00309677 I don't know if that's a feature or a bug, but just an FYI. 7d_9fIAER2g-00978-00309677-00309773 HADI RANGIN: Thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-00979-00309773-00309987 I think that is the reason many years ago, 7d_9fIAER2g-00980-00309987-00310598 I decided to turn off the abbreviation because when it 7d_9fIAER2g-00981-00310598-00311051 does that, then I cannot do that the proper testing, 7d_9fIAER2g-00982-00311051-00311379 because I do not know if they have spelled it out or it is 7d_9fIAER2g-00983-00311379-00311912 the result of the-- or not. 7d_9fIAER2g-00984-00311912-00312122 And then as you mentioned, the screen reader 7d_9fIAER2g-00985-00312122-00312515 is not always handling them in the same way. 7d_9fIAER2g-00986-00312515-00312971 JAWS has decided not to spell it out, 7d_9fIAER2g-00987-00312971-00313253 but I consider that as a bug. 7d_9fIAER2g-00988-00313253-00313667 Some people say that it's a feature. 7d_9fIAER2g-00989-00313667-00313930 So if somebody does that, put there, 7d_9fIAER2g-00990-00313930-00314461 so this is for the purpose to spell it out. 7d_9fIAER2g-00991-00314461-00314710 If somebody like me decides to turn it off, 7d_9fIAER2g-00992-00314710-00314818 then I can turn it off. 7d_9fIAER2g-00993-00314818-00315329 But they should not decide for me that I need it or not. 7d_9fIAER2g-00994-00315329-00315484 TERRILL THOMPSON: These are the sorts 7d_9fIAER2g-00995-00315484-00315850 of issues that we encounter and why 7d_9fIAER2g-00996-00315850-00316207 Hadi had all those cautionary notes about testing 7d_9fIAER2g-00997-00316207-00316720 with a screen reader because often you'll hear something 7d_9fIAER2g-00998-00316720-00317218 and you're not sure if it's because you coded something 7d_9fIAER2g-00999-00317218-00317690 improperly or what's going on there. 7d_9fIAER2g-01000-00317690-00318070 And so having an insider's knowledge 7d_9fIAER2g-01001-00318070-00318343 as to how your different screen readers work, 7d_9fIAER2g-01002-00318343-00318505 what different settings there are-- 7d_9fIAER2g-01003-00318505-00318904 there are hundreds of settings within JAWS and almost as many 7d_9fIAER2g-01004-00318904-00319141 within NVDA. 7d_9fIAER2g-01005-00319141-00319600 And there's really no substitute for having 7d_9fIAER2g-01006-00319600-00320026 an actual user, somebody like Hadi who 7d_9fIAER2g-01007-00320026-00320321 uses this tool every day. 7d_9fIAER2g-01008-00320321-00320620 Those of us who don't use it every day on an ongoing basis 7d_9fIAER2g-01009-00320620-00320932 can learn a few keystrokes that can help, give us 7d_9fIAER2g-01010-00320932-00321307 a sense for what a screen reader might read this page like, 7d_9fIAER2g-01011-00321307-00321928 but it's not the same experience. 7d_9fIAER2g-01012-00321928-00321995 HADI RANGIN: OK. 7d_9fIAER2g-01013-00321995-00322121 We are at-- 7d_9fIAER2g-01014-00322121-00322250 SCREEN READER: 3:58 PM. 7d_9fIAER2g-01015-00322250-00322483 HADI RANGIN: --down to two minutes with the top of that. 7d_9fIAER2g-01016-00322483-00322817 Any last-minute questions? 7d_9fIAER2g-01017-00323187-00323442 It usually doesn't happen that I finish-- 7d_9fIAER2g-01018-00323442-00323694 [LAUGHTER] 7d_9fIAER2g-01019-00323694-00323979 --without going over time. 7d_9fIAER2g-01020-00323979-00324280 TERRILL THOMPSON: That was Anna Marie keeping you on track. 7d_9fIAER2g-01021-00324280-00324435 HADI RANGIN: Yeah, exactly. 7d_9fIAER2g-01022-00324435-00324534 But thank you. 7d_9fIAER2g-01023-00324534-00324861 Thank you everyone for coming. 7d_9fIAER2g-01024-00324861-00325341 Hopefully you found this presentation will give you 7d_9fIAER2g-01025-00325341-00325584 some ideas about accessibility testing 7d_9fIAER2g-01026-00325584-00326488 and NVDA screen reader lets me use accessibility for checking. 7d_9fIAER2g-01027-00326488-00326808 I am afraid to say testing, because we are really 7d_9fIAER2g-01028-00326808-00326862 not testing. 7d_9fIAER2g-01029-00326862-00327195 We are just checking how screen reader handles that. 7d_9fIAER2g-01030-00327195-00327393 But talk to you next time. 7d_9fIAER2g-01031-00327393-00327813 We'll see you next time for the seminar webinar. 7d_9fIAER2g-01032-00327813-00327985 And enjoy the rest of the day. 7d_9fIAER2g-01033-00327985-00328154 Thank you.